
sistpotyRiddell: sorry for getting your name wrong in my mail just sent... :(00:00
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I was referred here from kubuntu-kde4. I would like to see the removal of systemsettings from the "Settings" submenu of the KDE4 menu widgets reverted.00:01
JontheEchidnaThe rational being that users of the Traditional menu don't have the "Computer" tab that Kickoff has.00:02
JontheEchidna[18:55:31] <JontheEchidna> Was this on purpose or should I file a bug?00:02
JontheEchidna[18:57:44] <Nightrose> I think this was done on purpose since it is still present under computer00:02
JontheEchidna[18:57:56] <Nightrose> however I don't really like it either00:02
JontheEchidna[18:57:59] <JontheEchidna> There is no computer tab in the traditional menu00:02
Riddellthat menu should be fixed then00:02
Nightrosefor the logs: I don't like it because systemsettings don't turn up when I search for them in the searchbar in kickoff00:03
JontheEchidnaOh hey, you're right. It doesn't.00:03
Nightrose(that is quite annoying for me)00:04
Nightrosecause I use that search a lot00:04
JontheEchidnaEven though I prefer the Traditional Menu to Kickoff, I must say that the search feature is one of the most compelling features of Kickoff00:05
jjesse_evening :)02:26
DaSkreechHello mate02:28
jjesse_hello DaSkreech02:32
DaSkreechHow are you?02:32
jjesse_doing well, getting ready for vacation next week02:33
DaSkreechsounds good02:33
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
jjessedon't you hate projects youve been working so long on you don't want to get started back on?02:48
* Hobbsee uses the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!™ on jjesse to motivate him02:49
jjessegrin thanks Hobbsee02:49
nixternaloh my body hurts03:30
DaSkreechnixternal: Told you not to eat all the food03:34
nixternalI didn't dude. Bruce Perens ate all of the food03:35
nixternalthat guy never stops eating03:35
crimsunhe got there before you did?03:35
nixternalI had breakfast with him...he eats faster than he talks03:36
nixternaland when he talks, there is no telling where it is going03:36
crimsunhe sounds like one of my cats03:36
nixternalwe went from Ubuntu and how great it is to Regan and Star Wars, China, something about Rye03:36
nixternaland I can't remember what else03:36
nixternalhe has a few screws loose03:37
crimsunmm, konsole-kde4 is nicer than gnome-terminal  [no surprise there]03:37
nixternalomg...the Open Source panel, had a Microsoft representative on it03:37
nixternalMaddog and Bruce ate that poor guy up03:37
nixternaland Bottomely even got in a few jabs03:37
DaSkreech`What did they do?03:38
jjessewow that canonical training program branch is super huge, still trying to branch03:49
DaSkreechHow many people does canonical employ ?03:50
jjesseDaSkreech: no clue03:50
jjesseits the official ubuntu training branch is what i'm working on03:50
* jjesse isn't an employee03:50
DaSkreech`A fie on my Grandma!! She told me to be an actor!04:25
DaSkreech`Oooh You look ljust like clark gable04:27
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
apacheloggernixternal: you cannot zoom in09:59
apacheloggeronly out09:59
apacheloggerand that will resize the toolbox09:59
apacheloggerso if you zoom out you get lost if you don't have a very precise mouse09:59
apacheloggeryou can _remove_ vital plasmoids10:00
apacheloggerlike the whole bottom bar10:00
apacheloggerin fact, in a stock setup that is all you can do10:00
apacheloggerbreak you desktop in the easiest ways possible10:00
apacheloggerRiddell: slow, I think the only things that are missing right now are the kross dependencies on python and ruby10:01
* apachelogger is quite busy with school10:01
Nightrosemorning :)11:00
SeregaNightrose: hi!11:06
Nightrosehey :)11:06
Hobbseeso, should i stay part of kubuntu members?11:43
* Nightrose votes yes11:46
Hobbseeneat, i can choose my own subscription date11:49
claydoh'morning folks!11:56
SeregaNightrose: ok, thanks. should I be present at the meeting?14:07
Nightroseyou will be asked some questions14:07
* Serega said 'f..ck' about netsplit :)14:07
Nightroseif you can't make it it might be possible to do it via email14:07
Nightroseor just wait for the next meeting14:07
Nightroseif you want to see how it usually works have a look at the log of the last meeting14:08
SeregaNightrose: when will be the next?14:08
Nightrosethere were two going for membership14:08
Nightrosenot sure14:08
NightroseJucato: do you know?14:08
Jucatonope.. I kinda lost track of meetings  since January...14:08
Jucatothere was a nasty trend of being on the times when I had real life :(14:09
* Nightrose hugs Jucato14:09
Jucatothanks :)14:09
NightroseSerega: just wait - it will be announced in the topic14:10
* ryanakca can't win with meetings... either a) they're at 5AM, or b) they're on a Wednesday while I'm at band practice...14:10
Jucatoooh band :)14:10
Nightrosewohooo netsplits should be over now accoding to cristel \o/14:10
ryanakcawell, pipe band :)14:10
Jucatoriiiight.... over now...14:11
Jucatowe'll see :)14:11
* Serega has bought electric guitar two weeks ago14:11
ryanakcahurra :)14:11
NightroseSerega: can you play it? or are you taking lessons?14:11
* Nightrose played accordeon and keyboard way back then ;-)14:12
Jucatouh oh...14:12
SeregaSerega: I have much exp on accoustic one, so I hope to master this new guitar by myself :)14:12
Jucatonow you reminded me that it will almost be 1 year since I got a violin... and I can't even play "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" on it...14:12
SeregaI play keyboards too!14:13
JucatoSerega: talking to ourself now, are we? :)14:13
* Jucato can play basic keyboards/piano14:13
SeregaPC 104 key is preferred14:13
SeregaJucato: :)14:14
SeregaJucato: ah... I just realize what you was talking about :)))14:17
Jucatolol! 5 minutes! :)14:18
Seregalong ping14:18
SeregaThat msg was for Nightrose? of course14:18
Serega*delete '?'14:18
Nightrosegot it14:18
Jucatoobviously :)14:19
Jucatowe're not talking to ryanakca anyway :)14:19
* Jucato runs and hides14:19
Seregawhy? O.o :)14:19
ryanakcaSerega: beyond me ;)14:19
Jucatowhy? because there's no one else :)14:20
* Jucato keeps quiet now...14:20
jtateHey everyone, I'm Joseph Tate, one of the primary developers of Foresight's KDE edition.  I'm here to pick your brains mostly.  :)14:36
jtateI mainly want a forum where I can confirm bugs to be upstream or not before I go bug kde devs.14:37
jtatebut info on how you solve issues like Network Manager, and Pulse Audio/ConsoleKit integration would be nice too.14:38
nosrednaekimisn't there a cross-distro KDE mailing list for that sort of stuff?14:38
nosrednaekimnot thatyou aren't welcome or anything ;)14:38
jtateWell, Nightrose said that this was kind of a congregating place14:38
jtatebut yes, I'll be trying to liven up kde-packagers too.14:39
Nightrosehey jtate :)14:39
jtateNightrose: thanks14:40
jtateI see nixternal is here too.14:40
jtateand crimsun?  I haven't chatted with you in ages.14:40
Nightrosejtate: FYI there is also #kubuntu-testers14:41
Nightrosewhere you can ask for stuff to be tested/confirmed14:41
* jtate may need to start work on adv_adv_windowlist.pl for irssi14:42
jtateOne of our biggest problems right now is getting Flash to work in konqueror.  Have you solved this problem already?14:51
CheGuevarain kde 3?14:52
jtateno, kde414:52
jtatekde3 just worked14:52
jtateadmittedly I'm trying to get 64 bit konq to interface with 32 bit flash...14:52
CheGuevarathought u were still talking about the xembed issue14:53
jtateSeems to work Ok in Firefox...14:53
CheGuevara64 bit firefox?14:54
jtatebut that took significant engineering by another Foresight dev.14:54
jtatenspluginwrapper is supposed to support that.14:55
CheGuevaradon't have a x64 machine to test this on15:01
jtate32 bit konq with flash work ok?15:01
CheGuevaralet me check, i still prefer ff to konq15:02
nosrednaekimjtate: it magically worked here with amd64 kde3 konqueror15:02
CheGuevarakde 4 konq is the questions :P15:02
nosrednaekimoh :P15:02
CheGuevarayeah jtate 32 bit konq 4 works fine with flash15:03
jtateOk, we'll probably just have to extend the engineering from firefox over.  I'll let you know what I figure out.15:04
CheGuevaraif kde4's konq support xembed now (am not sure), it should work fine with latest nspluginwrapper15:05
ryanakcajtate: if ever you get an adv_adv_windowlist.pl done, let me know :)15:06
jtateryanakca: will do15:08
nixternal_jtate: what are you doing in here spying? :p15:35
jtatenixternal_: just brain picking.  CheGuevara and nosrednaekim have been very helpful.15:36
Jucato(you could try picking nixternal_'s nose...)15:38
Jucato(btw he seems to have grown a tail)15:38
Nightrosenixternal_: how was your talk?15:39
Nightrosewent up there in a gnome shirt? *g*15:39
mhbapachelogger: heh, I have just read the Amarok 2.0 feature list, and you don't want to know what I'm thinking about it :o)15:57
mhbapachelogger: (remember our kickoff conversation to get the idea)15:58
mhbthe selling point of Amarok 1 for me was no-nonsense approach to music, it was just a big list of tracks... now with all the SVG and plasma and integration with internet shops it is going to eat all the RAM just so I can play music...16:01
mhbplaying music != looking at some covers flyby 3D style16:02
Nightrosemhb: you can disable about everything of that16:02
Nightroseand no 3d yet16:02
Nightroseand if it is going to come you can disable it as well16:02
mhbNightrose: I'm sure you feature creep fans are going for it16:02
mhbjust an observation16:03
Nightroseyes it is a SoC proposal16:03
Nightrosebut that doesn't mean that:16:03
Nightrosea) it is going to happen16:03
Nightroseand b) that you will need to use it16:03
Nightroseand c) no bling without features16:03
mhbI'm going to wait for the numbers16:03
Nightroseyou can be sure about these 3 things16:03
mhbif Amarok 2 eats more ram than Amarok 1, it's going out the door :o)16:04
Nightrosenoone can stop you...16:04
Nightroseand noone forces you to use 216:04
mhbso we're keeping amarok 1 in kubuntu indefinitely? Yay!16:04
mhbno, you will force me by trying to force it into kubuntu by default16:05
Nightroseno idea - but worse come to worse you can compile it16:05
Nightroseand please let's talk about this once Amarok 2 is released16:05
Nightroseand you gave it a try16:05
Nightroseand another thing you have to keep in mind:16:07
Nightroseyou need to be inovative16:07
Nightroseotherwise you will be left behind16:07
mhbthat's BS, frankly16:07
Nightroseand this is exactly ehat we are tring to do with amarok 216:07
Nightroseif we will succeed is another thing16:07
mhbyou do not have to be "innovative", after all, you just have to label a product like this. Vista was not innovative in many ways, yet every other word in the brochures was "innovative".16:08
mhbNightrose: "rm" is still with us and I haven't heard about "innovating it"16:09
* Nightrose thinks that is a completely different thing16:10
mhbNightrose: irssi also does not innovate much, no radical new UI with SVGs and plasmoids, and I'm still using it16:11
mhbNightrose: because it works well and fast16:11
Nightroseand once quassel is ready irssi will have a though competitor16:11
Nightrosejust not there yet...16:12
snowolfwell, it's been around for a long time irssi16:12
Nightrosethat is true16:12
Nightroseand I am not saying it will vanish16:12
Nightrosebut competition will be tough16:12
mhbNightrose: I'm saying that it seems to me that Amarok 2 is heading to become Mozilla (the product)16:13
mhbeverything included16:13
NightroseI don't think we are16:13
mhbbut (almost) nobody usue it16:13
Nightroseright now we are trying a lot of things16:13
Nightrosenot everything will make it into the final version16:14
Nightroseor will be enabled by default16:14
mhblike I said, you trying many things implies feature creep. No offense.16:14
Nightroseand we have always had very sane defaults I think16:14
Nightroseyou should trust us a little ;-)16:14
mhbget Donald Knuth as a lead feature planner and I'll trust you :o)16:15
* mhb trusts bright scientists, open source software developers less so16:16
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
mhbor ast, he is trying to fight feature creep a lot these days16:17
NightroseI can asure you we have a few people in the team who really know what they are doing concerning this16:17
mhbunfortunately, your planned features suggest otherwise16:17
mhbthey want all that shiny nonsense in16:18
mhbplasma, SVG UI and so on16:18
mhbbut I doubt that's what makes the majority of users, techical or not, happy16:18
Nightrosewell plasma will be awesome exactly because you might be able to design your own context view16:19
Nightroseso have only the stuff there you really care about16:19
Nightroseso less clutter in the end16:19
mhbno, plasma will be horrid because it'll just consume resources and most of the users won't design any such thing anyway16:19
Nightroseand svgs are awesome because it perfectly blends in with your desktop16:19
mhbbut go for it, integrate as much as you need16:19
mhband more16:19
ryanakcamhb: you could always fork Amarok, take an axe to it and get rid of the feature creep if you really wanted to :)16:19
Nightrosemhb: did you try it yet wrt plasma's memory usage?16:20
* Hobbsee thought that was minirok.16:20
Nightroseand sure a lot of people will not write their own plasmoids16:20
mhbryanakca: or, someone else would (will, I'm sure) do it and I'll just use my superpowers to get rid of that bloated amarok in kubuntu16:20
Nightrosebut that is not the point16:20
Nightrosethey can use others16:20
Nightrose(others plasmoids that is)16:21
mhbof course, I'm assuming it will get bloated, which might not be the point, as Nightrose says16:21
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
mhbit may seem likely to me, but that's just speculation16:21
NightroseHobbsee: minirok will have to wait until after akademy it seems16:23
mhbNightrose: I'm also guessing you will fail to get much OS X and Windows market share... because how big would a standalone Amarok build be, when you only have a clean XP system ready?16:23
NightroseStecchino is _very_ busy with work and preperation for akademy16:23
mhb60MBs? more?16:23
mhbyou have to get all of qt, kdelibs, then plasmoids, and more16:24
mhbthat's not 30KBs16:24
Nightrosemhb: that is a problem we are working on with the kde on windows guys16:24
Nightroseand we will solve it eventually16:24
Nightrosewe already have some ideas16:24
mhbwell, unless you remove the bloat... :o)16:24
* Nightrose cuddles mhb16:25
mhbpeople seem to like software that has <10MBs in size16:25
Nightroseeverything will be fine in the end ;-)16:25
crimsunI would just like to mention that the split modes in konsole-kde4 rock arse.  That is all.16:25
mhbhmm, I still like my console app which does not need several MBs of libs just to load16:26
mhbthen again, I'm disappointed with a lot of FLOSS software these days16:26
mhbFirefox, Pidgin, Amarok1, k3b, kaffeine I like.16:27
mhbplasma, KDE4, GNOME I don't.16:28
Nightrose(/me is in love with kde 4's present windows effect)16:28
mhbwake me up when it won't take several seconds on a C2D CPU just to display the background :o)16:29
mhbmeaning the splash screen. Whatever needs a splash screen is bloated, usually.16:30
mhbhmm, minirok looks interesting16:31
mhbNightrose: who did you say develop it? Stecchino?16:36
mhbhow do you spell it, is he on IRC perchance?16:38
Nightrose[17:38] [Whois] Stecchino is n=bart@amarok/developer/Stecchino (Bart Cerneels)16:39
mhbah, right... I was whoising the wrong server, sorry16:39
ryanakcawoah... http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/gnomeandkde4.png ... I was running gnome on vt7 a few days ago, logged out... then I decided to start KDE4 on vt7... and it looks like I have a wierd mixture of KDE4 and GNOME18:54
ryanakcahttp://ryanak.ca/~ryan/gnomeandkde5.png ... just happens on one virtual desktop/workspace though...18:58
DrakeJusticewut's up with b43? made me go to ndis... that def. shouldn't happen in final...19:04
DrakeJusticegood work on the compiz integration tho...19:04
DrakeJusticei appreciate you guys and i'd be here dev'in too if i had nuf $$, back to work, sry 4 trollin'19:05
mhbryanakca: I can't figure out how can you survive with just one konsole19:18
mhbryanakca: of course, if I were picky I'd say that a console over the whole screen creates a bad practice when hacking19:19
mhbryanakca: a nice coder respects the 80 characters19:19
mhbryanakca: also shorter lines make the code a lot more readable19:19
mhbryanakca: I'm a wise-guy a lot these days, ain't I? :o) sorry19:20
_Sime_grrrr crashy plasma20:18
_Sime_wow that killed all my kde4 apps....20:19
fdovingman, the taglist plugin to vim is so nice. :)20:20
ryanakcamhb: one console, 10 tabs.20:24
yuriyand a screen20:26
ryanakcaoh, yes, and then you have screen... figure that each tab has a screen with up to three subscreens/windowns :)20:26
ryanakcaWho said you need more than one konsole window? :P20:27
fdovingi need more than one :)20:27
fdovingto utilize the kwin features. those nice present windows and present desktops features :)20:28
ryanakcalol, don't let mhb hear you say that :)20:28
* yuriy isn't a fan of present windows20:31
fdovingi am.20:31
fdovingnow that it have nice search features.20:32
ryanakcahmm... how do you use that?20:32
* ryanakca thinks he has pretty much every KWin feature enabled... mouse to top left/right?20:32
fdovingand start typing for example 'konq'20:33
fdovingif you have a konq open.20:33
ryanakcaheh. Interesting20:33
fdovingyep, pretty nice.20:33
ryanakcaMind you, I rarely have enough windows open on the desktop that I can't quickly cycle through them with alt-tab20:33
fdovingi use f10, without ctrl to make it quicker20:34
fdovingthat is just because you find it messy and you can't manage them all at once. with this nice feature and 2Gigs of ram i'm super-happy :)20:34
* ryanakca only has 512mb :)20:35
fdovingI do agree though, that 10+ windows gets messy without this feature because you have a hard time finding the correct window.20:35
fdovinga special nice feature is that it searches window titles, so webpage-titles does work.20:35
yuriy512? ouch.20:36
* yuriy throws mhb a bone20:36
fdovingso finding the konq with for example kubuntu.org is quick.20:36
fdovingryanakca: what type of ram do you use? - i have some left over laptop ram. ddr2-dimm pc5300.20:37
yuriyheh i have a gig of that lying around as well20:38
ryanakcafdoving: Umm... just a sec, I'll check. I think its only PC3200 or something of the sort20:38
yuriygah more kernel updates20:38
* yuriy isn't rebooting his desktop again until hardy is released unless n-m forces him too again20:39
ryanakcaPC3200 DDR 400MHz :)20:39
fdovingok, can't use the ddr2-dimm then. :|20:39
* ryanakca wishes there was a shortcut to change the opacity of your window20:39
ryanakcanope :)20:39
yuriyset one20:39
fdovingryanakca: i use the mousewheel/touchpad scroll on the window decoration for that.20:40
yuriyoh yeah that isn't set to anything by default on kde420:40
nareshovmove your cursor to the top-left corner20:40
fdovingor configure it in system settings -> window behavior -> window behavior -> titlebar actions -> titlebar wheel event20:41
jjessetaxes suck20:42
* ryanakca would like to thank icecc for making his server compile instead of his desktop :)20:44
fdovingyeah, icecc is so nice.20:44
* ryanakca is rebuilding KDE4 ... takes half the time :)20:44
* ryanakca wonders if you could use it for package building...20:44
fdovingdo you use pbuilder?20:47
fdovingshould be possible to install it in the build-chroot and save it.20:47
ryanakcafdoving: sbuild/schroot... but yeah20:50
Riddellhi Serega, sorry the meeting didn't happen20:52
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2
SeregaRiddell: hi Jonathan, it's ok20:53
Seregadoes anybody use any IDE for python?20:53
ScottK2awen_: How do the Guidance changes in your PPA look for being uploaded?20:54
mhbryanakca: if one large konsole suits you, so be it ... just remember to hack in 80 char lines20:54
ryanakcaSerega: vim :)20:54
ScottK2Serega: I don't, but I do like the highlighting for Python in kate.20:54
ryanakcamhb: but 80 char lines are so dull... especially when you're in python and 16-20 of those chars are spaces to indent. :D20:55
awen_ScottK2: i haven't received any confirmation that they work... but i'm pretty confident, that they actually do solve the problem,  so please include them20:55
ScottK2Serega: Both eric and spe are up to date in Hardy.  The spe developer is an Ubuntu user and somewhat active on #ubuntu-motu.20:55
mhbryanakca: don't tell me...20:55
ScottK2awen_: OK.  Thanks.20:55
mhbryanakca: code practice is nothing to you, is it? :o)20:55
awen_ScottK2: did you see, that we received a patch for making it survive hal/dbus restarts ... do you include that one also?20:56
ScottK2awen_: I'm having trouble right now where my brightness doesn't change when I plug/unplug power.  Is that something you fixed?20:56
ScottK2awen_: I did and I plan to.20:56
ryanakcamhb: lol, well, my vt isn't even 80 chars wide :(20:56
Seregaryanakca: yep, I already use vim, but it is so boring to search method names and etc manually20:57
ryanakcaSerega: iirc, there's a KDevelop for Scripting languages20:57
SeregaScottK2: thanks.20:57
fdovingSerega: get taglist plugin20:57
Seregafdoving: ouw... did heard about that, thank you20:58
mhbryanakca: that's because of the silly font in Konsole20:58
awen_ScottK2: no, i didn't look at brightness change on plug/unplug events ... they work fine for me20:58
fdovingSerega: it's nice, just recently started to use it. shot: http://frode.kde.no/misc/vim-taglist.png20:59
ScottK2So now it's working ...20:59
ScottK2awen_: It's more complicated it seems.  Give me a moment to look at it.20:59
ryanakcamhb: no, ctrl-alt-f[1-6]20:59
mhbryanakca: that should be exactly 80x2521:00
Seregafdoving: awesome!!! exactly what miss with vim!21:00
fdovingSerega: and you know how to use tabs and split windows, right? :)21:00
SeregaI hope it works with python21:00
awen_ScottK2: yeah... i see, there is something strange here too21:00
ScottK2awen_: It's odd.  Sometimes after I plug back in brightness restores for about a second and then goes dim again.21:01
Seregafdoving: of course :)21:01
fdovingSerega: then you're set :)21:01
Seregafdoving: I like vim very much21:01
fdovingme too.21:01
mhbwe all love vim21:01
Seregamaybe I miss something else very cosy? :)21:02
mhbit rocks, unlike most k*s and g*s :o)21:02
awen_ScottK2: i can't reproduce exectly that here ... but i remember seeing something in the code, that might be part of the cause, i'll try to make a patch and see, if it changes anything21:02
fdovingSerega: the kde-devel.vim script, but that's only usefull if you do kde and c++.21:02
ScottK2awen_: Sounds good.21:03
Seregabtw, guys, KDevelop assistant looks broken, it's index is full but no pages found. Does anybody use it?21:04
Seregaqt-doc & friends are installed21:04
jjessenixternal_: have you looked at the kubuntu-docs-intrepid to clean up like mdke did w/ ubuntu-docs for intrepid?22:12
awen_ScottK2: I've made a patch that will solve the brightness problem in some cases ... but after some testing i can see, that at least in my case, it seems like hal is getting confused about the brightness settings when i plug/unplug to many times22:56
ScottK2That sounds like progress.22:57
ScottK2Progress is good.22:57
ScottK2awen_: I'd say let's go for it.22:57
awen_ScottK2: yeah ... we can't really do much more in guidance, and I really don't want to touch hal :)22:58
* ScottK2 neither.22:58
awen_ScottK2: the ~ppa2 contains both the gamma and the brightness fix22:58
ScottK2awen_: OK.  Would you please link me.22:59
awen_https://launchpad.net/~andreas-wenning/+archive ... I'll just make you a real debdiff, two mins23:00
ScottK2OK.  Thanks.23:01
ScottK2awen_: Would you apply smarter's patch too.23:01
ScottK2awen_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/12381223:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 123812 in kde-guidance "RFE: powermanager should handle dbus, hald restarts" [Wishlist,Confirmed]23:01
awen_ScottK2: I'll do23:02
daSkreechis there a jasper command line executable?23:05
awen_ScottK2: i keep getting "patch: **** unexpected end of file in patch" when trying to apply the debdiff ... any better way than "patch -p1 < [patchname]" to apply a debdiff23:10
ScottK2That's how I usually do it.23:10
ScottK2Debdiffs I usually use -p023:11
awen_ScottK2: got it ... it was reversed :)23:12
ScottK2patch/unpatch, it's all the same in the end ...23:13
awen_ScottK2: no... hmm23:13
awen_no, just me misreading the error messages.. it jus keeps complaining23:15
xRaich[o]2xSomeone here to help me out with a PyQt4 problem?23:15
awen_manually extracted the patch... that worked better23:26
awen_ScottK2: it handles hal restarts very well ... but dbus restarts does have some ill-effects23:30
awen_ScottK2: it handles hal restarts very well ... but dbus restarts does have some ill-effects23:32
awen_(those dbus restarts also kills your wireless connection)23:33
awen_ScottK2: should we remove the dbus recovery code to "mark" that: something is wrong, please restart us, instead of showing the correct icon but having a lot of things not working ... but of course still keep the hal recovery code23:44
ScottK2Does the dbus restart code make things better or worse?23:45
awen_it makes the icon + battery + cpu status show correctly ... but a lot of other stuff fails, but nothing visual indicates that something is wrong to the user23:46
awen_ScottK2: so it's a choice between failing completely (hopefully indicating, please restart me to the user) ... or failing partly (but the user doesn't know that anything is wrong)23:49
ScottK2Are the stats accurate?23:58

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