[01:33] woah, 500 dollar rebate going on right now for 21uxs [22:20] kwwii, hey man. I made a small change to make metacity work with the color picker. Will I send you the modified gtkrc, or is it too late to push more changes? [22:30] hi [22:30] you can send the changes to me [22:31] I can still change some things for another couple of days [22:33] Are the current wallpaper and GDM theme likely to be tweaked any further before release? [22:33] I prefer the red-crested heron, for one thing. [22:35] kwwii, sent [22:35] psyke83: great, thanks [22:42] kwwii, I have to add another fix, will email you the update when it's done [22:44] cool [22:47] kwwii, sent