[00:04] Just in case any of you are watching, there are quite a few bots connecting that seem to be trying to join #ubuntu, so I have made it +r [00:17] and undone [00:18] LjL: you should teach floodbot that +r doesn't stop you speaking, just joining, so messaging the channel on -r is pointless [00:40] tomaw: yes, i know that, i had in mind to fix that but i'm lazy :) [00:41] hehe [00:42] alright, fixed (i think) [00:44] tomaw: what were those, the usual turks? [00:44] Not sure, but there were *lots* of them [00:45] pff, they're out of my backscroll. /me should annoy the konvi developers until they find a way to make scrolling of large text actually work [00:46] ah yes i see... no that's not the turks' style [00:46] and the floodbots didn't move a finger about all those bots? [00:46] frustrating. [00:54] gee i' [00:54] m drunk. i bit my lip. [03:05] LjL: bite mine next? *eyebat* [03:06] * LjL now bites his tongue [05:41] Flannel called the ops in #ubuntu (dalan) [05:57] BHSPitMonkey called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic () [05:57] Flannel called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (tuntun) [09:21] is it possible to get assistance with Cyborg in #ubuntu? he's refusing assistance [09:33] hischild called the ops in #ubuntu () [13:24] -13:14:56- :emma : I came in here because there was a rumor that I was banned from here, and I was testing that hypothesis :) [13:24] In -uk [13:26] heh [13:26] much better ways fo doing taht. [13:26] We banned her... in order to get her into the channel? [13:27] PriceChild: It would appear so [14:26] hi [14:29] unban in #kubuntu channel [14:31] Hey there Cyborg, let me take a look [14:31] * PriceChild sighs [14:31] yes he's very patient :) [14:31] what, you haven't done it yet PriceChild [14:31] posthaste! [14:32] where's teh bantracker again? :) [14:32] Jucato: /msg ubotu btlogin [14:32] PriceChild: he's *!*@ [14:32] oh ok [14:33] hm.. I'm going to act like a noob here... in Konvi's ban list, there are one Set By: douglas.freenode.net... what does that mean? [14:33] it means douglas was restarted after that ban was set and now has no information about who set it [14:34] ah [14:34] it also means that the time at which konvo says the ban was set is wrong [14:35] speaking of bantracker, ljl set me up in irc-team, but I'm not able to log in. I've been lurking for you Seveas [14:35] Sorry, only people with a 'c' in their name are allowed on the bantracker. [14:35] doh === nikrud is now known as nickrud [14:36] PriceChild: sorry, Cyborg was mine :/ [14:36] Sorry, only people without a 'c' in their name are allowed on the bantracker. [14:36] lj.l, elk.y and nal,ioth get in because they are on the council, which has a 'c' in it [14:36] * Jucato lost track of it [14:36] doh, doh, doh. [14:38] PriceChild: Cyborg = Kheops... didn' the council deal with him (according to Hobbsee) [14:39] kheops? aren't you referring to kmos? [14:39] Jucato: wrong nick. [14:39] Jucato: no [14:39] hm.. [14:39] ah right.. but Kheops was still a problem :) [14:40] sorry for disturbing Hobbsee :) [14:40] Jucato: np [14:41] Kheops was that guy in #kubuntu and ##linux who kept on asking about mounting NTFS, and when he doesn't get an answer or gets an unsatisfactory answer, insults the channel or the person who tried to help him [14:44] PriceChild, http://seveas.net:8001/ (beware, most links are dead but Encyclopedia works) [14:45] Seveas: I love it! [14:46] it creates endless possiblities [14:46] ... [14:46] /msg ubotu2 make me a sandwich [14:46] (forgot sudo? :) [14:46] oh wait, you are its master already :P [14:48] not quite yet [14:54] PriceChild you wanna come to ubuntu and deal with your cyborg you let loose on #ubuntu, or should I just ban him agian ;) [14:55] oh you're handling it already ... thanks nickrud [15:28] not attempting to go to the limits here, but what can we (as normal users/helpers) on #ubuntu do, when someone goes out of line? *remembers cyborg* [15:29] hi guys, i was shown a really informative site just now, about linux not being windows, e and hischild haulled soe guy out of #ubuntu to #bod_ to try and et him to understand us,.,. he then started braggin about windows, i was wondering if we could have this link --http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm -- into a factoid !lnw [15:29] hischild you did the right thing, coming here. [15:29] but we can only tell, warn, threaten then call ops, i think is what hischild eans [15:30] * bod_ apologizes about the dodgy buttons on his keyboard [15:30] yeah .. that's what i'm wondering about, because earlier today i called !ops on #ubuntu with a noshow from ops [15:30] which was about cyborg [15:30] sometimes I'm a little slow with the gun, I see a lot of idiots that do get a clue. I'm too softhearted sometimes. [15:30] but tbh ops cant be around all the time,.,. [15:31] with 50 ops? sure there could be one around at a time? but i guess you're right .. [15:32] a lot of those ops are not ops in #ubuntu but other channels like -uk or such [15:32] i see, that explains a lot. [15:32] dont get me wrong u do a brilliant job, but how about something like a forcefull move, where people with the know-how (people you tell) can make someone join #ubuntu-ops ? [15:33] heh. Others here will see that, bod_ . Maybe the council will consider it. [15:33] cool [15:33] ;~) [15:33] theres a council? [15:33] would love to see such a thing implemented :-) [15:33] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/IrcCouncil [15:35] nice doc [15:36] indeed,.,. but back to the original question, is there anythin in place that we can do, besides calling the ops? [15:36] not really. If an op isn't around, you'll just have to /ignore until one does show up. [15:40] !lnw [15:40] Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm [15:40] !search lnw [15:40] Found: windows, lnw [15:40] !windows [15:40] For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents [15:40] Seveas: <3 nice one [15:41] cheers ;~) [15:49] nickrud: erm..... since when did i let cyborg loose on #ubuntu? [15:50] PriceChild looking back, I see it's #kubuntu . Thought you'd unbanned him after his part. [15:50] Ok, we have an idea, how about a room where we can have quiet words with people and try and get them to abide by the coc and rules without having to call you guys, soewhere where we can talk to offenders without clogging the main channel -- #ubuntu-volunteers #ubuntu-problem -- what do you think? [15:50] just wanted to blame someone, I'm from the us [15:50] bod_: what, ##moderation? [15:51] nickrud: hehe ok :P I didn't do a thing. [15:51] theres no one there Hobbsee [15:51] Hobbsee: no, just about ubuntu specific things [15:51] PM? [15:51] bod_: there isn't usually [15:51] identify not everyone is [15:52] PriceChild, ^^ [15:52] we can't have a pm conv with everyone, as they usually refuse to register and identify. [15:52] yoda if you want to help out in ways like this, then why not set unfiltered on via nickserv? [15:52] sorry, bod_ ^ ;) [15:52] ?? ;~) [15:52] whats that? [15:52] /msg nickserv help set unfiltered [15:53] heh we learn something new everyday [15:54] but that can only be done by those in the know [15:54] but those not in the know don't want to help catalyse? [15:55] you do, so it might be handy? [15:55] ok, so how can i tell if unfiltered is on? [15:55] -NickServ- Toggled UnFiltered [ON] [15:55] bod_: ^ [15:55] -NickServ- Toggled UnFiltered [ON] [15:56] irc confuses me ;~) [15:56] hehe [15:57] but a pm is a 1on1 convo,.,. i dont know everythin about the rules as im sure neither does hischild, surely a few people confrontin someone is better then 1 [16:02] we also cannot use factoids in pm's [16:05] thinks move slow in irc-council land, give them some time to ruminate ;) [16:07] nickrud, what, uve asked them? [16:07] bod_ they will read what you've written (they often aren't all active at the same time) [16:08] nickrud, cool, cheers, are any of them active now? [16:09] bod_ PriceChild is [16:09] or was [16:10] wow, theres so much i dont know about this world ;~) [16:11] bod_: some people get intimidated by multiple poeple tellign them off [16:11] bod_, hischild, either you do something without fuss and use PM, or do it publicly and use this channel, IMHO... what other sort of middle ground are you looking for? [16:13] we're looking for a middle ground, where we can help people without having to bother the ops [16:13] but public. [16:13] yes. [16:13] hischild: this doesn't bother the ops [16:14] hischild: only thing that bothers the ops, per se, is ! ops [16:14] Hobbsee: i see. alright thanks [16:14] hischild: this doesn't generate highlights :) [16:15] true [16:15] with a channel we could confront most problems without having to use ! ops [16:15] so, invite them here? [16:15] You can always just invite them into random channels created spontaneously. [16:16] I don't think there's a need for you to set up some new channel, with its own idlers, when this can be used, or pm === LjL-Temp is now known as LjL [16:16] PriceChild, we did that today,.,. but no ubotu to remid us of the coc -- but i think you make a good point, so i ask only that the forcefull forward to here be thought about, [16:17] but no ubotu to remid us of the coc? /msg ubotu coc [16:17] PriceChild: in a pm conv we can't call in ubotu to tell us about the coc [16:17] hischild: you can, /msg ubotu factoid > target_user [16:17] then you tell the user to read the message from ubotu [16:18] cant do ! coc | problematicPerson though -- i admit a channel is a bit much,.,. but i believe the push to here could be very usefull for non-cooperative people [16:18] sorry just saw last post [16:18] PriceChild: exactly, we have to tell them to read the message, we can't call him in on a conv itself to join in [16:24] look imho if you deem it's something that can be best resolved in PM, then PM, otherwise join here, invite them here, and discuss it. that won't bother the ops, since it's pretty ontopic for this channel. [16:25] although i wouldn't be quite thrilled by this place becoming a flamewar haven (well, more than it is already), so still join-on-an-as-needed basis [16:26] having here will make sure ops have some oversite as well, even if it's delayed [16:26] * nickrud needs a remedial grammer lesson [16:27] LjL: we're trying to find a way, that we are able to help people who are not willing to listen at first. When possible we'll do that by PM, however Cyborg is an example of a user who refuses to accept help when given. When we can force a user in here you can have an oversight, and the main chan stays more or less clear [16:28] hischild, perhaps i've missed something here, but how can anyone force someone into a channel? [16:28] that was a proposal i made to a feature that could somehow be implemented [16:29] except there is no way to implement it [16:29] LjL: i think there is. You can redirect people based on hostmask from channels and send them here iirc. [16:29] oh, damn [16:29] oh cool [16:29] hischild, they can still pretty much refuse to join (there is even a umode just for that) [16:30] and anyway you need to be an operator to do that, to begin with... [16:30] that's a ban. [16:30] not an operator perse, but someone with a specific op status, could you not have an op who has only 1 power? [16:30] if you get a bot to do it for you, we don't need ops. Then set a limited number of folks to be able to do it and we're done [16:30] bod_, nope [16:31] really,.,.,.,.,.,.oh,.ok,. [16:32] hischild, but basically banning is the highest (and most abusable) "power" than an op has. [16:33] were not talking about banning anyone? [16:33] LjL: i understand. That's why i'm not asking for any user to be given it, but rather a bot. And most of all, not make it permanent. [16:33] if people won't listen when explained things plainly, politely etc, they need to be told the hard way, in any case [16:33] bod_: you're talking about banforwarding them to another channel. that's still a ban. [16:33] bazhang called the ops in #ubuntu (M_a_Ch_a_K_zR) [16:34] LjL, but that ban could be set to be removed the instant the user is moved. [16:38] I think if we are going to trust someone with this forwarding thing, we would trust them with ops. [16:39] We are constantly on the lookout in #ubuntu for prospective new ops and recruit from there. [16:39] PriceChild: i understand. [16:41] ok, well thanks guys,.,. cya later [16:45] thanks for the thoughts and explanation. Good luck and till soon :-) [17:01] if you need ubotwo in channels, please tell me fast, before it stops responding to my commands as usual [17:05] ubotu is already coming back :) [17:05] something's still eating all the memory [17:06] * Hobbsee stops munching [17:15] In ubotu, PriceChild said: no ops-#ubuntuforums is Help zenrox, byen, frodon, KiwiNZ, zenwhen, jdong, KingBahamut, PriceChild, ubuntugeek, ubuntu_demon, darkmatter, Brunellus, panickedthumb, jenda, Vorian, MikeB-, k_mandla, bapoumba, HymnToLife, jacob, macogw, bodhi_zazen, LaRoza, Lord_Illidian pmdgandalf or pquarles! [17:16] damn you price [17:16] Yeah well. [17:38] ccvp in #ubuntu [17:42] Seveas: uhm, heppie has joined #gentoo (without spamming, he left) and now -offtopic... besides, the "huygens" ident, isn't that known? [17:43] !staff [17:43] Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary, I could use a bit of your time :) [17:43] heppie is spamming in multiple channels [19:33] In ubotu, lut4rp said: ubotu, lut4rp is cool [20:27] I am evil [20:28] with µbot, I can make apache (well, python code run with mod_python) fetch status and info from µbot via dbus. Which is sent out via ajax to a web interface where I can control ubotu2 :) [20:30] could create a mini mibbit this way :) [20:31] i think i've been confused... µbot isn't ubotu2? [20:31] ubotu2 is just µbot's presence on irc? [20:38] does irssi have a command for compacting window numbers? [20:39] through opening and closing of various channels and queries I've gotten quite some holes in my window 9-20 range that I'd like to fill [20:40] jdong: 'compacting'? And how are you? [20:40] PriceChild: I'm alive, got IV'ed some antibiotics and have to continue a 14-day course of oral antibiotics [20:41] channel defragmentation [20:41] PriceChild: the doctor did yell at me because of how close I apparently got to septicemia [20:41] what Seeker` said [20:41] basically I have like window 9, 11, 16, 21, 22, 23 [20:41] I want to flatten that to 9, 10, 11, 12, and so on [20:41] /win move ? [20:41] no other way? [20:41] oh or automatic? [20:41] I was hoping for some built-in command [20:41] so you want the active channels to stay with lower numbers? [20:42] right [20:42] and just do a /rearrange or something and it'll shuffle to do that/ [20:42] I've actually closed the other channels [20:42] right [20:42] I thought there's got to be a command for doing that [20:42] sounds funky... i wouldn't like that though as its then harder to keep track of numbers... [20:42] without using /win list [20:42] never heard of it though and i assume you've googled [20:42] well one wouldn't use it all that often [20:43] jdong: would one not? [20:43] PriceChild: I'd assume one wouldn't join and unjoin channels that often [20:43] jdong: is my queen's english rubbing off on you/ [20:43] infact, is one's queen's english..... [20:43] PriceChild: ha. you used rubbing. *giggle* [20:43] I almost said 'am i rubbing off on you' then checked myself [20:44] :D [20:44] Well my work around here is done :) [20:44] now I need to inject my seeds into Fedora :D [21:10] PriceChild, µbot is the name of the software, ubotu2 is a nickname [21:11] ah okies [21:12] does it do ballet? [21:13] jdong: completely missed what you said 30 minutes ago somehow... well good you didn't :) [21:14] wazoo [21:14] joined from the webinterface :) [21:14] with ajaxness to update the page with the channel info [21:14] I'm good [21:15] woop woop [21:21] mochikit is a pretty nice piece of javascript [21:23] doesn't get in the way or impose rules, but still gives you a lot of help writing scripts [21:31] Seveas, that a description of me ? :P [21:31] Mez, no, you often do get in the way and are no help at all [21:32] I'd say pretty much the opposite :P [21:32] * Mez gives plenty of help writing scripts [21:32] but yeah, I do get in the way [21:34] well, maybe not you, but I [21:34] ve helped out LjL quite a bit [21:35] 16:34 -!- emma [n=emma@unaffiliated/emma] has left #ubuntuforums ["Someone please send me a PM."] [21:35] I'm gonna BF her into here to get that quit message changed. Anyone object? [21:36] muha! [21:36] * jdong imagines Seveas clicking the online/offline button madly [21:37] the control page can now make it part and join [21:37] what else does one nee? [21:37] need [21:43] jdong: no problem with that given the reasons for the ban in #ubuntu-ops [21:43] jdong: however I would appreciate you speaking to her if around. [21:44] Seveas, you live in Amsterdam right ? [21:44] PriceChild: well since you seem to have had recent contact with her, can you just ask her to stop soliciting PMs in her /quit message? [21:44] Mez, no, I just work there [21:45] jdong: will try [21:45] Seveas, ah, well, it's not hard for you to get there. I should be there for a conference in June if you fancy going for a drink ? [21:45] what kind of conference? :) [21:45] Seveas, http://www.phpconference.nl [21:46] ah, php, yuck :) [21:46] but drinks sounds good :) [21:47] hehe, work are paying for it, and I did help run the UK counterpart [21:49] Seveas, cool, well I'll speak to you closer to the date ;) [21:58] jdong: she agreed to change it as a goodwill gesture to show she would like to cooperate. [21:58] sorry, be cooperative wherever that is possible [22:00] jdong, i don't object but err [22:07] hey, whenever i try to post anything in #ubuntu-offtopic i et this message #ubuntu-offtopic :Cannot send to channel am i banned or something? [22:08] bod_: lemme take a look [22:08] thankyou [22:08] you are muted [22:09] any idea why? [22:09] ah, how do i become un-muted? [22:09] no [22:09] I muted you march 12th apparently [22:10] damn you,.lol,. why? [22:10] Seveas, as well as drinks - GPG signing ? :P [22:10] Mez, sure [22:10] need to print out some more fingerprintslips [22:11] Seveas, can i be un-muted plz ? ;~) [22:11] bod_, you were repeating the word egg and nothing else [22:11] oh, sorry [22:11] in a discussion about which came first :) [22:11] lol,. must of been a fun night ;~) [22:12] Seveas, I'll probably just bring the laptop will be easier ;) [22:12] hehe [22:12] egg [22:12] cheers Seveas [22:13] cya ,. (egg) [22:49] PriceChild: ok, sounds good (wrt. emma)