
teamcobrasommer, do you have any more information on using gidNumber to make the quota through ldap work?01:21
teamcobraI haven't had much success finding _good_ info on it01:22
sommerteamcobra: are you using OpenLDAP?01:26
teamcobrayes sir :)01:26
teamcobraI was told that a slapd overlay might be the way to go, but info on that is kind of scarce too01:26
sommerand you have user entries in your directory?01:26
sommerI use objectClass=posixAccount for my user entries and I think gidNumber is part of that01:27
teamcobrayes, but only a couple... and I don;t care if the quota doesn't apply to them01:27
sommerso are you migrating existing user's into LDAP?01:28
sommerI guess I don't remember where or when I started using gidNumber, but it must have been part of some default config :)01:29
sommerseems like user posixAccounts need both a uidNumber and gidNumber01:29
teamcobraactually, no... liferay (www.liferay.com) creates the users in ldap01:29
sommerfor permissions and such01:29
teamcobraand I have autodir working01:29
Silvanovanyone know anything about IP PBX systems? I am trying to do some research on upgrading our office (one phone line) into multiple phones, extensions, and voicemail. Ive heard theres a linux distro or app that i should look into.01:30
teamcobraso each user gets a home01:30
teamcobraand can be added to the nxserver/other services01:30
teamcobraSilv: I've set up one before01:30
teamcobraasterisk is the app, and I'll find the distro01:30
teamcobraasterisk is actually a lot of fun ;)01:31
Silvanovawesome! thanks teamcobra.01:31
teamcobrahttp://slast.org/ looks nice ;)01:31
sommerteamcobra: ah, never seen liferay before... can you get a list of attributes that they use in their LDAP entries?01:32
sommerdo you configure your server to use their LDAP for auth, permissions and suck?01:32
sommersuch rather01:32
Silvanovteamcobra: mind if I PM?01:33
teamcobrasure, give me a couple minutes and I'll make a pastebin01:33
teamcobrasilv: no problem01:34
keithclark If I log in to a remote machine in a terminal using ssh -X username@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx and then start a program such as firefox, is the program actually running on the remote machine?01:43
sommeror yes01:44
keithclarkWow, so simple and powerful01:45
sommerbe careful with the powe... it's intoxicating :)01:46
sommeror power... heh01:46
keithclarkhahahaha, yes....01:46
kgoetzkeithclark: dont know what sort of link your using but ssh -CX would be good on slow links01:47
kgoetzkeithclark: dont know what sort of link your using but ssh -CX would be good on slow01:47
keithclarkkgoetz, what is the difference?01:47
kgoetzkeithclark: -C is compression01:47
keithclarkah, let me try that!01:47
kgoetzif you have a slow cpu at either end you may find (or a fast link, ofr that matter) that compression causes more overhead then it saves (just a warning)01:49
keithclarkIt is working about as fast a local!01:49
andguentif just running on a LAN, -C is useless, if running over slow-medium grade internet, it's great :)01:50
teamcobrathe next step is to make hpn-ssh the default in ubuntu01:50
teamcobranow _that_'d be killer01:50
keithclarkAh, I am running local.01:50
teamcobramultithreaded ssh, ftw01:50
keithclarklocal network that is.01:51
keithclarkI am running firefox on a remote machine and it is just as fast as it is running on the local machine.  (too many local uses to confuse things)01:51
andguentnow play with ssh keys, and setup 2 dozen linux workstations, keep everyones home directories and setting on the central server :) a few ssh tweaks, and some adjustments of desktop shortcuts, and everyone runs off the server without knowing it :)01:54
keithclarkandguent.....That was kind of the idea, on a much smaller scale.01:55
keithclarkandguent, I'm just learning here.01:55
andguentI know I know, I like thinking big, kinda shows the power of it :) use it in whatever way works best for you, therein lies the greatest power -- flexibility01:56
keithclarkI have a lot to read and learn, but I got this far and am proud and pretty happy.  I just wanted to confirm that it is actually working as I think it is.01:56
andguentIt can take years to feel fully comfortable in it, just learn to back things up, then break them, then teach yourself why it is broken. The information is out there on how to teach yourself anything Linux, just not always in one concise place...02:03
keithclarkOh yeah, I understand that all too well.  I have my main server machine that I don't fool with.  I have this machine I'm on now that I use as the beta test machine.  It is running 8.04 now.  I have two other laptops and a kids machine that runs pclos with xfce.  Lots of machines to learn with!02:05
keithclarkJust how does this ssh work though?  Does everything run on the remote machine, and then send it to the local machine over the network?  Even the graphics?02:13
keithclarkMaybe I should be using client/server terminology instead of local/remote?02:15
teamcobrakeith: what is it?02:15
teamcobrayeah, ssh works like that, I use nx on servers to serve up remote desktops02:15
keithclarkteamcobra, it is just so fast.02:16
teamcobraapps run on the server, graphics/mouse are tunneled through ssh to keep it encrypted, very nice02:16
keithclarkteamcobra, yeah, I can invest in the one server machine and use cheapies for the rest of the machines.02:17
teamcobrasommer: had to fix another problem, my layout went crazy... fixed it now, getting those ldap settings02:17
teamcobrakeith: I'm launching a platform for business to do that w/o buying the server... hopefully tonight/tomorrow ;)02:18
teamcobra1 more thing to iron out02:18
keithclarkteamcobra, exciting stuff!02:19
mralphabetI am apparently missing something with ntp, I install ntp with 'apt-get install ntp', I point a windows machine to the ubuntu machine to sync time and the windows machine says "the peer's stratum is less then the host's stratum", any suggestions?02:20
keithclarkteamcobra, so all I really need is just a basic ubuntu installation on the client machines then?  No apps really?02:21
teamcobraright... some apps are better suited to being on the machine, but only really heavy stuff02:22
keithclarkI don't really use heavy stuff....No big gaming.  Just one flight sim that I can run on the server when nobody is looking02:22
keithclarkteamcobra, I'm actually thinking about re-doing my network here....moving the machines around but I'm unsure what machine would be best and where!02:24
teamcobrawell, not even gaming... more like blender, etc02:25
teamcobraheavy gimp usage02:25
teamcobravid editing02:26
keithclarkteamcobra, not too much.  DVD copying from time to time and DVD creation.02:26
teamcobrasommer, sorry for the long wait, here's the screenshot of the ldap confg page in liferay: http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/4503/liferayldaptp5.png02:29
teamcobrathe admin dn is just cn=admin,dc=mydomain,dc=com02:30
sommerteamcobra: I could be wrong, but it looks like you need to add objectClass=posixAccount02:34
rhineheart_mquick question: how to prove why an email won't arrive to local mailbox well in fact I could send and receive mails if doing it locally? I am using postfix and courier imap with squirrelmail. thanks!02:34
sommerthat should give you the gidNumber attribute, but there maybe another attribute you can use for what you're trying to accomplish02:34
teamcobraand I add that to the Import Search Filter?02:35
teamcobraunder groups02:35
sommerya, I'm not too sure02:36
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
sommeryou could definitely try that02:37
sommermy experience with LDAP is administering my own server, which gives you the control to add those type of things :)02:37
teamcobrasommer: aha, that does show groups now02:37
sommerbut I'm sure if you ask the admins they'll be able to help you out02:37
teamcobraheh, unfortunately, I'm the one adminning this ;p02:38
jjesseevening :)02:38
teamcobraand well, I've been having a weeklong crash-course in ldap ;p02:38
teamcobraevening jjesse02:38
sommeruhhh, maybe then I don't understand, are you liferay?02:39
sommerhey jjesse02:39
teamcobraohh, no02:39
sommerteamcobra: as in are you hosting liferay02:39
sommeror a customer of liferay?02:39
teamcobrahaha, no... and I've been searching the forums for that02:39
teamcobrajust a liferay user... admin of the server that is being configged02:40
teamcobrasorry for the confusion there ;)02:40
sommerokay, I'm with ya, you should then just need to configure your server look into libnss-ldap02:41
sommerif you haven't already :-)02:41
teamcobraI believe it's set up properly, ldap works fine02:43
keithclarkSorry to bother again....I just deleted a user and wanted to recreate him again but it does not seem to allow me to do so.02:43
teamcobrahttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=689229, should help02:45
teamcobraI'm lagged02:45
rhineheart_mquick question: how to prove why an email won't arrive to local mailbox well in fact I could send and receive mails if doing it locally? I am using postfix and courier imap with squirrelmail. thanks!02:46
keithclarkteamcobra, no, not working...hmmmm02:49
keithclarkIt allows me to recreate, but the new user just does not appear....no errors.02:52
keithclarkmaybe a reboot (to quote Windows)02:53
keithclarkIn Windows it seems to solve every problem!02:55
keithclarkI have not rebooted my main server for like 3 months!02:55
keithclarkNo, sorry....I lied....two months02:56
keithclarkActually, I should not make fun, I once went about 2 months with XP02:57
keithclarkOk, reboot does not work.\02:58
teamcobranot sure, will keep looking in a sec, fighting w/ my own user battle (should be done soon)02:59
keithclark(my earlier ramblings were meant as comedy relief btw)02:59
andguentEvery time I see "A reboot fixed it" I can't help but think of WinNT, a reboot fixed everything, and everything required a reboot, it felt like 2-3 dozen reboots just to patch it all the way from SP0 fresh install03:02
keithclarkandguent, oh yeah....everything windows is "reboot"03:03
jjessemy windows servers I only reboot for patches03:03
andguentkeithclark: remember the days where changing your IP address required a reboot? yea....03:03
jjesseeverything else runs stable and rock solid03:03
andguentI don't miss that03:04
teamcobraheh, I stopped using windows w/o a vm when I did an xp sp1 install that was rooted 5 mins after being connected via dialup (I didn't even get to go to any websites03:04
teamcobraso not even an IE pwning... it was scanned and rooted before any patches could be applied ;p03:04
keithclarkandguent....a software install required a reboot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!103:05
keithclarkandguent....an actual software install.....I cannot believe that.  Buy me, install me and stop whatever you are doing and restart your machine so you can use me03:05
jordslol I love it how all the installers still tell yoy to shut down all other programs on your computer before installing03:06
andguentyes, but that still happens today, even Windows 2000 can handle an IP address change without rebooting03:06
keithclarkWindows 2000 was ok03:06
jjessewin 2k3 doens't have that problem03:07
keithclarkI did not say great, I said ok03:07
andguentI hope all of the silent 20yr+ computer vets are easily amused by the rantings of young computer users, we never had to walk in the snow up hill both ways :)03:08
keithclarkwith no shoes03:09
rhineheart_mquick question: how to prove why an email won't arrive to local mailbox well in fact I could send and receive mails if doing it locally? I am using postfix and courier imap with squirrelmail. thanks!03:12
keithclarkrhineheart_m, in all my years I've learned that there are no quick questions!03:14
rhineheart_m okay.. so it is not.. :)03:14
keithclarkno, just an observation, sorry03:15
rhineheart_mmmm.. so have an idea? keithclark?03:15
rhineheart_mhehehehe.. that's great! :)03:16
jordsWhen I have users fail sudo authentication (eg not in sudoers), a email gets sent to the root account... how can I change the email address the message is sent to?03:17
keithclarkSorry, had to protect my son's computer with dansguardian.....no more "Monster" sites....03:22
kgoetzrhineheart_m: look in your bloody logs for once03:28
kgoetzjords: edit /etc/aliases and edit the root: line03:28
kgoetzkeithclark: no more wedding sites either ;)03:29
kgoetzor any site that talks about "cocktails"03:29
rhineheart_mkgoetz, I cannot see any logs there telling me errors why it can't accept mails from yahoo.com03:29
teamcobrabahaha ;)03:29
kgoetzteamcobra: you can laugh :p03:30
kgoetzkeithclark: :)03:30
keithclarkWhy would flash not work on a user when it works on an administrator?03:31
teamcobrathe cocktails one was punny ;)03:31
kgoetzbecause it wasnt intalled globally?03:31
teamcobraI needed a lauch, watching Hitman and working w/ ldap, 2 very grim things03:31
keithclarkkgoetz, and to do so?03:32
kgoetzkeithclark: no idea. i dont use flash03:32
kgoetzalthought it sounds like an #ubuntu question to me03:32
keithclarkteamcobra, kgoetz, yes, cocktail was funny03:32
keithclarkdo I sound like a straight nerd here?03:33
teamcobraeveryone has a nerd moment sometime ;p ;p03:34
keithclarkOk, my son just wants to play a game that requires flash........and it does not.03:35
keithclarkOk, nevermind, it's his bedtime.....maybe nextime!  Thanks.03:37
teamcobrakeith: using gnash?03:40
teamcobragnash doesn't play _everything_ yet.... it's getting there, but not quite03:40
teamcobrayeah, the gpl flash plugin03:41
keithclarkHey, we got so far today.....let's see what tomorrow brings.03:41
keithclarkThank you all for the help03:41
teamcobrafor max compatibility, I'd say just use the lame adobe one03:41
teamcobrak, gnit03:41
keithclarkNo, I'm not tired03:41
keithclarkJust so much fun here03:41
keithclarkI still cannot believe that this is a connection between this feeble machine and the server upstairs.03:45
teamcobra:) webdav is the next step03:46
teamcobrait'll rock your world03:46
dthackerghostnob: hostname -f returns the fully qualified domain.  What were you expecting?04:25
rhineheart_mcan plesk be installed in ubuntu? is it supported by cannonical04:25
ghostnobi was expecting hostname to return ghost1.mydomain.com04:25
Silvanovisnt plesk commercial/not open source?04:25
rhineheart_mSilvanov, it is commercial04:26
ghostnobthe tutorial said: "Both should show server1.example.com. If they do not, reboot the system:" when you run hostname and hostname -f04:27
dthackerhostname (no params) only returns the short hostname, so in the example you just gave it would return "ghost1"04:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about commercial - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:29
ghostnobo ok... thanks dthacker04:29
dthackerghostnob:  you may want to look at "man hostname" to check out the options.04:30
ghostnoband I can't run GUI in the server edition. when I type startx it gives me error even though I installed init04:32
rhineheart_mghostnob, do you really want the GUI?04:33
dthackerrhineheart_m: I did a quick search on packages.ubuntu.com, and I don't see plesk.04:34
rhineheart_mdthacker, thanks for your fingers for doing the search..04:34
dthackerghostnob: use the command line force. let go of your gui-ness ;)04:34
ghostnobjust want to see how it looks before I setup everything finally on my second computer04:34
ghostnobI just force04:35
ghostnobI should just type force04:35
dthackerrhineheart_m: you might want to bookmark that page, very handy04:35
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:35
* dthacker shakes his head and mutters.04:36
patoe1is anyone here?05:13
foopatoe1: Ask your question, always.05:14
patoe1ok im thinging about downloading and installing unbuntu server for this computer, but i was wondering how diffrent it is from kubuntu and xubuntu05:15
fooubuntu server doesn't have X, it's all command line05:15
patoe1lol that sounds really difficult05:15
patoe1well whats the best linux os for a less experienced person05:16
fooUbuntu server is meant to be run on a server05:16
foo"best" is subjective. kubuntu or ubuntu should be fine05:16
patoe1is xubuntu good to?05:17
patoe1i find the Xfce better :p05:17
fooOr, that too. Again, "best" is subjective. Try them, see what you like, and stick with it :)05:18
patoe1ok :D05:18
patoe1and can i run like mac programs on linux? or windows programs on linux or does it have to be linux based (made for)05:19
fooDepends. You can run some windows programs with WINE05:20
fooI haven't ever tried / needed to run mac programs on linux, so I'm not sure... but there might be a project out there05:20
patoe1ok thanks05:23
murray98hi guys, I'm doing an upgrade of torrentflux-b4rt and running into a wall repeatedly.05:28
murray98whenever I enter " tar -xjvf torrentflux-b4rt_1.0-beta2.tar.bz2"05:29
murray98I get "bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file.05:30
murray98tar: Child returned status 205:30
murray98tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors"05:30
murray98would be eternally grateful if anyone can offer a smidgen of advice!:)05:31
sommerare you sure the file isn't corrupted?05:31
sommerthe bzip file that is05:32
sommertry file torrentflux-b4rt_1.0-beta2.tar.bz205:32
sommerand see what it says05:32
* rhineheart_m wants to ask sommer if he knows a better combination of webhosting panel for gutsy server 05:33
sommerwhat's a webhosting panel?05:33
murray98hey sommer, it says it's an HTML document text. I used Wget to dl it - what am I doing wrong?05:34
murray98here is the website I'm dling from: https://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7000&release_id=1439205:35
sommerya, seems like it didn't actually download a bzip file05:35
sommerhave you tried a regular browser?05:36
sommeryou could then copy the file to your server or whatever05:36
murray98well, I'm trying to dl it to my Ubuntu Server via SSH via my terminal05:36
sommersure, but sometimes downloads are "wrapped" by server side scripts... which probably confuses wget05:37
murray98i see05:38
sommeryou can use scp to copy the file from a client to your server05:38
murray98ok - i will look up the  man page on scp. But there's no way to dl it via my terminal onto my server?05:39
sommernot sure try wget --help05:39
sommerI don't mean to rtfm you, but I"m not that familiar with wget's options05:40
murray98totally cool. I major appreciate you taking the time!05:40
murray98i will check out the help section, see if there's some insight there.05:40
murray98thanks a lot05:40
sommermurray98: welcome05:44
sommerrhineheart_m: what web hosting panel are you looking for?05:44
rhineheart_msommer, the one that could manage basic services for webhosting. like that of plesk05:45
sommerI guess the only one I know of would be eBox05:45
sommerdo you host websites?05:45
rhineheart_msommer, yeah I do05:47
sommerah, cool05:47
sommerI hate to say it, but I think at this point there may not be too many options for that kind of thing05:48
sommerbut there's always the configuration files :-)05:49
teamcobrasommer: ever use lamdaemon?05:49
sommernope, can't say I have05:50
sommeris that a management app?05:55
teamcobrayes, and it can handle quotas through a script supplied05:58
sommerI've been contemplating cfengine and puppet myself05:59
sommerlately anyway :)05:59
teamcobrabut it keeps telling me that my admin user (ldap admin dn) must be a valid unix account to work... and admin is a user06:00
sommeroh woops, didn't realize you were talking about LDAP06:00
sommeris that the groups thing?06:00
sommerya, that's kind of a hard situation for me... I've only dealt with situations where I control the LDAP server and the client server06:01
sommerare the attributes in the screenshot the only ones you get?06:02
teamcobrayeah, I'm having a near aneurysm ;p06:02
sommerheh, I can relate to that06:03
sommerI think the issue is that you don't have the attributes for what you are trying to accomplish06:03
teamcobrayes, but if I can make a group (ldap or posix), I can force each new user to be a member of a group in liferay06:03
sommerso depending on how you create the user would determine how they are added to the group06:04
teamcobrayes, but there's a configuration box to add users to a group automatically06:05
sommerbut is that group LDAP or posix?06:05
teamcobrapretty sure it's ldap, 1 sec06:05
sommerare you familiar with Active directory?06:06
teamcobraldap defined posixGroup06:06
teamcobranot very :/ a little bit, I've gotten auth working, and creating users on 2 different machines06:07
sommercool, I was just going for an anology to help explain06:07
sommereither way, what you  have is an LDAP group and an local system, or posix group, and the Group ID number needs to match between the two06:08
sommerif that makes sense06:08
teamcobraahh, I wasn't sure if they could share numbers06:08
teamcobrathat clears up a _LOT_06:09
sommersure they can they're two different systems :-)06:09
sommerat least that's the way I think of it06:09
sommerbut they can serve the same function, so it can be confusing06:10
teamcobraand the ldap group will inherit the posix group's quota?06:11
sommerif you configure the system to look at ldap for group information06:12
sommerwhich is where nss-ldap/libpam-ldap comes in06:12
sommererr, libnss-ldap06:13
teamcobraok, I do have that installed, will look at its conf06:19
sommerthere's also a guide in the ubuntu wiki, not sure how up to date it is though06:20
sommershould point you in the right direction06:21
creAtioninteresting to see that Sun are looking to Ubuntu Servers for the development in the future06:22
teamcobraalso interesting that they've grabbed virtualbox06:26
creAtionyeah I hope MySQL and virtualbox don't change their licensing06:27
sommeris virtualbox sun?06:27
teamcobrait is now06:28
sommereh, didn't know that, kinda cool06:28
creAtionif Sun want to work more closely with Ubuntu Server hopefully we can get things like ZFS ported over06:29
sommerseems to me that sun sees the value of the community around MySQL so I don't think they'd change the license06:29
sommerzfs would be cool too :)06:29
teamcobraraidz would be very cool ;)06:31
teamcobraCannot write to `radiofreefinland_20051030_Matti_Hautsalo_KEPA_global_trade_WTO_32kbps.mp3' (Disk quota exceeded).06:37
teamcobra:D :D now to try it with liferay, brb, victory cigarette is in order ;)06:38
sommerI'm with that06:38
murray98hey summer - so I found my dl link thanks to you and got that sorted. Now I'm having a bit of trouble with my db-config file06:39
murray98oops, sommer!06:39
murray98bleary eyed misspelling06:39
sommerfor you site?06:39
murray98yes, this file: inc/config/config.db.php06:40
murray98for my TF-b4rt06:40
sommerah, what db are you using?06:40
murray98mysql (did I answer that right? Sorry, kind of a noob with this)06:40
sommeryep, sounds about right06:41
sommermurray98: have you setup a database and database user for you site?06:41
murray98yes. I had tf-b4rt running great on my server. I have since tried to upgrade to a newer version and am having probs. In the upgrade instructions, they say "Restore your db-config-file (inc/config/config.db.php)"06:42
sommerah, did it get overwritten in the upgrade? if so do you have a backup?06:43
sommerof the config file that is06:44
murray98well, it seems like my "upgrade" only consisted of dl'ing one file, replacing my html dir with the new one, then restoring this config file.06:44
murray98i don't have a backup. nothing super valuable on there, fwiw.06:44
murray98not to throw a manual your way (!) but here are the 4-step instructions, if you have a sec: http://tf-b4rt.berlios.de/forum/index.php/topic,1200.0.html06:45
murray98i'm merely upgrading06:45
murray98what I did was change the config.db.php.dist file to "config.db.php."06:46
murray98i saw that mentioned in a previous forum so I tried it out. Would that be the source of my problem?06:47
sommerah, did you try renaming config.db.php. back to the original name?06:47
murray98ok, lemme try now.06:47
sommerI'd to a copy instead of a mv... so that you have a backup :)06:48
murray98now reboot?06:48
sommernot sure, probably shouldn't need to06:48
sommermaybe try refreshing our browser06:49
ghostnobcan someone help. I need to run my ubuntu server edition in GUI mode. How can I do that?06:49
ubotuUbuntu server does not install a desktop environment or X11 by default in order to enhance security, efficiency and performance.  !eBox provides a GUI system management option via a web interface.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI for more background and options.06:49
sommerghostnob: the above site should document the process06:50
ghostnobok.. thanks... I'm just testing thing and I will surely go through the documentation... thanks06:50
sommerno problem06:50
murray98darn it. still says my Tf-b4rt is not found.06:52
murray98how can I verify that I have the correct settings for my config.db.php file?06:52
zylstra555Hello, my Ubuntu server is having problems staying connected. I honestly dont have the slightest idea of where to start. Can someone help me with this?06:53
sommeris "Tf-b4rt" the name of your site?06:53
murray98the URL I'm acccessing when I use tf-b4rt, from my other computer, is
sommermurray98: does it work from a browser? or just from a torrent client?06:54
sommeras in should it work from a regular browser?06:54
murray98sommer: yes, it works from a browser.06:54
sommerdid your apache configuration change?06:55
murray98not intentionally :( . How can I verify I have the correct settings in place? All I was trying to do was delete my docroot path06:57
sommeryaaa, that could be an issue... which files did you delete?06:58
sommerthe default is /var/www06:58
sommerzylstra555: what do mean by staying connected?  network?06:58
zylstra555sommer: Its suddenly not accessible to the outside for an unknown period of time06:59
sommeris there anything in the logs?06:59
sommer/var/log/syslog ?06:59
zylstra555sommer: I am not sure where they would be located06:59
murray98sommer: I deleted /usr/share/torrentflux/www06:59
murray98that should be /usr/share/torrentflux/www/07:00
zylstra555sommer: Theres a slight problem... I cannot access it at at the moment.. (I usually am right next to it, but, I am currently attempting remote access) and its not responding..07:00
sommermurray98: ya, I'd be that apache is still looking for that directory07:00
zylstra555sommer: I'm pinging it continuously in hopes that it might come back up.07:00
sommermurray98: you should try extracting the new version into there07:00
sommerzylstra555: ya, could be anything then... hardware, network, etc07:01
murray98sommer: extract the entire original tarball into there?07:01
sommermurray98: from what I can tell that's what the upgrade instructions say... then copy your db.config.php, or whatever, into there07:02
murray98or just the html dir?07:02
murray98hmmm. interesting. will give it a whirl and report back. Thanks!07:03
zylstra555sommer: Well, during any time, it is accessible to the local network that its connected to. Its something to do with how the external connection is being kept, I dont think its a router issue though. I wonder if its my ISP dropping the connection07:04
sommerzylstra555: possibly, but it's hard to tell without input from the box itself07:05
sommerhow long has it been inaccessible?07:05
zylstra555sommer: Thats the other problem, I dont know how long exactly it stays connected for.07:06
sommerokay, because you're not connected now? or because you can't connect?07:07
zylstra555sommer: I am not able to connect at the moment. (I know I should have waited until I could, but, I was hoping to get some ideas of what might be the problem)07:07
sommerhow do you connect ssh?07:08
zylstra555sommer: Yes. Its a webserver, its not responding to the following (that I have tested so far) Pinging, FTP, SSH, or just attempting to visit it07:08
sommerfor me that would mean something serious, but depending on your ISP they could be blocking I guess07:09
sommerthe next time you have access you could try changing the ssh port to something non-standard... that should help determine if the ISP is doing something anyway07:10
zylstra555sommer: I read their policy, theres nothing against home servers, and its a small ISP (I doubt they even monitor bandwidth, which, I hardly use any of as well)07:10
rhineheart_mcan anybody here help me to diagnose why I am not receiving mails from yahoo.com?07:21
concatenatesure, describe the problem07:22
concatenateyou have your own domain and do your own DNS and MTA?07:22
rhineheart_myeah.. actually.. it did work before..07:23
murray98sommer: thx for your advice. I've got to figure out more info about what my docroot path even is. I may have deleted some valuable stuff and not known it. Anyway - more tomorrow. thanks for your help.07:23
rhineheart_mhow would I know if it is related to firewall configurations.07:23
sommermurray98: welcome, I think I'm done for night as well07:23
rhineheart_mit just started when I changed router.. but I port forwarded already 143 and 11007:23
concatenatedo you get mail from anyone rhinehart_m?07:24
rhineheart_mconcatenate, within the system. I can receive mails.. like sending from other user in the same domain07:24
rhineheart_mbut from yahoo.. it won't07:24
concatenaterhineheart_m: you have a dumb home router like a linksys? So you have MX records pointing to your domain?07:25
concatenateif so what's the domain?07:25
rhineheart_myeah.. I have it.. linksys07:26
concatenaterhineheart_m: I want to make sure that you're talking about a full internet mail setup where anyone can send mail to your domain, and you have a mail server like postfix or sendmail or exim that accepts it and delivers it07:27
concatenateyou only mentioned POP/IMAP so far07:27
rhineheart_mconcatenate, I have postfix and courrier-imap running in my box07:28
concatenaterhineheart_m: ok so what's the domain? I can test it remotely quite easily07:28
rhineheart_mconcatenate, can I send it in PM?07:29
concatenateor just email me at nate at campin.net and I'll see it07:30
rhineheart_mhow about just telling me how to test it? I am working remotely..07:31
concatenaterhineheart_m: you should have MX records or an A record for the domain, then ppl should be able to telnet to port 25 on the host and see a SMTP server there accepting mail for the domain07:32
concatenaterhineheart_m: I normally type in the "rcpt to:" and "mail from" and such right into telnet to test it out - send an email manually07:33
rhineheart_mconcatenate, you mean.. I need port 25 to be open not just ports 110 and 143?07:33
concatenaterhineheart_m: correct that's the SMTP port07:33
rhineheart_mconcatenate, that's the port I missed to open07:33
concatenatesometimes you'll open up some higher ports for non STARTTLS encrypted mail too, but that's not required or even normal07:33
rhineheart_mso, if ports 110 143 are only open.. it can't receive mails from the outside, concatenate?07:34
concatenaterhineheart_m: correct07:34
concatenate110 and 143 are POP and IMAP07:34
concatenateyou don't really want those unless you force STARTTLS - those aren't encrypted07:34
rhineheart_mconcatenate, and they are for fetching mails from postfix only.. correct?07:34
concatenateyou want the SSL wrapped version07:35
concatenatecorrect,from courier or whatever you're using07:35
concatenatepostfix is just SMTP and delivery, strictly speaking07:35
unop_rhineheart_m, you need port 25 forwarded if your SMTP server is ever to recieve mails from another07:35
rhineheart_mconcatenate, within the LAN07:35
concatenateit doesn't do POP or IMAP07:35
concatenaterhineheart_m: once your mail works just do away with POP and IMAP and use a SSL version (or wrap with stunnel) and use the SSL ports for them07:36
rhineheart_mconcatenate, that's a great idea! how to do it?07:37
concatenateegrep 'imaps|pop3s' /etc/services07:37
concatenateyou'll see the port numbers07:37
concatenateon ubuntu server? I seem to only have Debian boxes handy ;)07:37
rhineheart_mI am using ubuntu... egrep 'imaps|pop3s' /etc/service gives me an error07:38
concatenatewith stunnel it's easy, and surely documented on the stunnel site, it was there years ago anyways, sure to still be there, this is really common07:38
concatenateoh /etc/services07:38
concatenaterhineheart_m: oh I had it right, you musta cut-n-pasted and missed a char07:39
rhineheart_mI got 993 and 99507:41
concatenaterhineheart_m: yup that's them, now google for how to configure courier to do SSL or for how to wrap it with stunnel07:44
concatenatethe first it better, since it can do STARTTLS for nicely behaved clients07:44
concatenatebut the wrapper thing works fine07:44
concatenatethen don't even support unencrypted POP or IMAP07:44
concatenatethose days are over, don't even do it07:45
rhineheart_mthanks.. what client you use to fetch mail?07:45
concatenaterhineheart_m: depends on whether it's work or home - at work I use fetchmail to get mail from exchange then a local postfix/procmail and I read it with mutt07:46
concatenatepersonal used to be postfix and local mutt on my mail server07:46
concatenatethese days it's actually hosted by google after my mail server died :(07:47
concatenateand I just use the web interface for now07:47
rhineheart_mdo you host multiple websites concatenate ?07:47
concatenaterhineheart_m: well just for me and family, my job is running web sites though, but not a hosting company, online advertising07:48
rhineheart_mdo you use web based control panel ?07:48
concatenaterhineheart_m: no, it's only me administering it, so no need07:49
rhineheart_mokay.. I have plans actually to host some sites...maybe 407:50
concatenateit's just for family so I do all the work for them, at work it's all done by SA's so it's file-based changes, pushed by cfengine07:50
rhineheart_mbut I need web interface for them...got an idea?07:50
concatenaterhineheart_m: I wouldn't actually know, I don't deal with those - I hear about cpanel all the time but I don't even know if it's open source07:51
rhineheart_mconcatenate, yeah.. its not free07:56
concatenaterhineheart_m: webmin might be able to help, but I've really never used that either08:00
concatenateyou should find some mailing list full of web hosting types and ask them08:00
concatenaterhineheart_m: check the debian lists - I seem to remember a debian hosting/ISP list or something08:07
rhineheart_mconcatenate, have you heard about ISPConfig?08:08
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dennisterhey guys...hoping someone can help me restore a postgres db...never done this b4 and don't even know if I can08:58
dennistersituation is that i had a working db on one server, then I rebuilt the server and have the environment ready to restore the dump I'd done from old server...hostname is different tho, so ???09:00
dennister<-------total newb when it comes to postgres09:00
dennisterpg_restore ...???09:01
stefgHi, i could use some opinions on wether to use lvm or or not when setting up a new server (quad xeon, 4gb, 4x 500 GB, probably in some raid 5 setup). Anyone uses vm ?10:39
theunixgeekI ordered a Ubuntu server CD via shipit. Where can I see a photo of what the CD case looks like?11:40
faulkes-stefg: yes and no is the basic opinion11:45
faulkes-LVM is great, if you are familiar with how it works and how it handles RAID11:46
faulkes-however, I see many many problems with admins who are unfamiliar with it when a disk issue arises11:46
faulkes-as such, I would suggest reading up on LVM and what LVM can do for you before making a decision to use it11:47
faulkes-(note, especially in a raid1 config)11:47
stefgfaulkes-: haha .... so is the extra complexity worth the benefits.... and that's the point: what happens in case of disk failure. i know i will have to fmiliarize myself with it, but what about the other admins, who are challenged enough with windows11:47
faulkes-the most typical problem I see with LVM is folks who use it in a raid1 config, unfortunately there is an issue right now, in that if there is a dirty disk in raid1 config, it won't mount11:48
stefgfaulkes-: i see...  i'm envisioning raid 5 anyway,11:49
faulkes-s/dirty/failed/etc.. as raid would think of the disk, not in general if it just requires an fsck11:49
faulkes-stefg: a good starting point would be the official forums to see some of the issues, which may be more specific to your own case11:50
faulkes-are the server forums11:50
faulkes-i.e. are you using dell perc, etc..11:51
stefgfaulkes-: yup, i skimmed over some forum posts already, and generally understand what it is about. i just have a hard time judging if the added complexity and (possible) i/o overhead pays off in my case11:52
faulkes-depends on your case ;)11:52
stefgfaulkes-: samba/ftp and LAMP only for Intranet purposes. some vmware virtual machines. not likely to need more storage space in the next 2 years (so being able to enlarge volumes is nice to have, but not mandatory)11:53
faulkes-i/o overhead is generally overrated in my opinion except in very specific situations11:53
faulkes-and in those situations you just mentioned, even with heavy use on the samba/ftp/lamp side of things, the i/o overhead is minimal11:54
faulkes-as it would seem you are configuring for disaster situation in which a disk dies and such11:55
stefgthe underlying bad feeling i have is: i'd like to have an idea what data go where in physical terms, and i fell i'll never know on which disk an array is actually placed when using lvm11:55
faulkes-a not unreasonable fear11:57
faulkes-but not one I can address11:57
* faulkes- is not an lvm expert 11:57
faulkes-then again though, you do take backups right? ;)11:58
stefgfaulkes-: real men ftp their stuff and let the world mirror it :-) .... of course i'll have a backup server in another building11:59
symtabany ideas how i can get root privileges on ubuntu server?15:15
symtabsudo /bin/bash -i15:15
symtabfrom the user i created when i installed system15:15
symtabuser not in the sudoers file15:15
lamontthe initial user should be in sudoers15:16
lamontalthough these days, I think that's via %admin or such15:16
symtabwhats that?15:16
lamontthe admin group15:17
lamontsee man 5 sudoers :)15:17
lamontworst case, rebooting in single user mode (recovery), or from a livecd will allow one to fix the disk15:18
mralphabetsudo su -15:18
lamontmralphabet: that assumes that the user is in sudoers....15:19
* lamont -> yard work15:21
fromportotherwise: reboot with live disk , chroot into disk environment and set rootpasswd "passwd root"15:33
Death_SargentNeed help with php5-mysql not workping properly15:35
Death_Sargenttrying to use e107 cms and all i get back is "e107 requires PHP to be installed or compiled with the MySQL extension to work correctly, please see the MySQL manual for more information."15:35
symtabi managed to get root15:54
symtabnow how do i configure  network card to use dhcp15:54
symtabis there a tool for this?15:55
symtabor do i have to manually edit a file?15:55
symtablike /etc/network/interfaces?15:55
ivoks              iface eth1 inet dhcp15:55
ivoksman interfaces15:55
Death_SargentNeed help with php5-mysql not workping properly15:56
Death_Sargenttrying to use e107 cms and all i get back is "e107 requires PHP to be installed or compiled with the MySQL extension to work correctly, please see the MySQL manual for more information."15:56
ivoksdid you install php5-mysql?15:56
Death_Sargentacording to the admin yes15:57
ivokswas apache restarted?15:57
Death_Sargenthe says he ran apt-get install php5-mysql15:57
Death_Sargentand it stated it was installed15:57
Death_Sargentnot sure about that15:57
Deepscreate a phpinfo page to confirm the module is loaded correctly15:57
Death_SargentHod do i do that15:58
Deepscreate a php file containing: <? phpinfo(); ?>15:58
Deepsand open that in your browser15:58
Deepsand search for mysql15:58
YahooadamHey, my server has just started giving me issues16:00
Yahooadamwhen it boots, it hits rc.local, and then crashes - before it crashes its pingable by the network, but then it just dissapears again, and wont accept keyboard input (but still displays a picture on the screen)16:00
Yahooadamis there any particular log i should look at that might help? (it works fine in recovery mode, and memtest looked ok for the 5 or so mins i ran it for)16:00
Deepswhat's in your rc.local?16:01
Yahooadamits a tiny bit after rc.local (when the boot process is finished i guess) that it actually stops responding16:01
ivoksthen start your system in rescue mode16:02
ivoksand start services one by one16:02
Kahanmy server just froze or something (became un pingable and unreachable via ssh at least) so I plugged the old CRT back in and rebooted it, now it just freezes at "loading GRUB" : /16:03
DeepsKahan: sounds like a disk problem, try a livecd and an fsck, if it makes it through that, try reinstalling grub on the disk16:04
KahanDeeps, just fsck with no additional args?16:05
DeepsKahan: well you'll need to specify the target file system16:06
DeepsDeath_Sargent: http://i28.tinypic.com/2z3nmg3.png you'll want to see something like that in your phpinfo output16:07
DeepsDeath_Sargent: or rather, within the output, they'll be more sections than just the mysql one16:07
KahanDeeps, kk thanks, I'll check the man page, gonnae give that a try (AFK)16:07
Death_SargentDeeps, ok I am just having trouble with making the php document as web design is new for me16:10
Yahooadamhow can i work out what starts at boot?16:11
DeepsYahooadam: look in /etc/rc2.d. links starting with S are started at runlevel 2, which is the default multiuser runlevel in ubuntu16:17
DeepsYahooadam: the number following the S denotes priority, and the order in which services are started16:17
Yahooadamit appears mysql just crashed my computer16:20
Yahooadamyep, mysql did it ...16:20
Yahooadamok, so how do i stop mysql crashing my computer, preferably without loosing all my data ....16:21
Deepslook through the logs in /var/log (syslog + mysql's)16:21
Kahanthanks Deeps, that fixed it16:22
Deepsyour databases should be in /var/lib/mysql16:22
* Yahooadam goes to reboot his server16:22
Deepsmake a backup of that16:22
DeepsKahan: good stuff! :)16:22
ivoksmysql crashed it?16:23
Yahooadamivoks - yep16:25
ivoksi don't see how mysql could crash it16:26
ivoksmysql could consume your CPU, or RAM, or rape your disk, but if it crashed, you have a hardware problem16:26
Yahooadamwell i started mysql and the server stopped responding ...16:27
ivoksthat doesn't mean a thing16:27
ivoksstart it in resuce mode hit tail -f /var/log/kern.log16:27
ivoksand wait for 5 minutes16:27
Yahooadamright, ive started everything i had last time except mysql16:31
Yahooadamwaiting 5-10 mins16:31
Deepsif nothing occurs in the next 5-10min, try an fsck16:33
Yahooadamstill responding ok16:38
Yahooadamhow would i run fsck on the root filesystem?16:38
Yahooadam(i mean, due to it being mounted ...)16:38
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unop__Yahooadam, it's best done offline16:40
Yahooadamlike, use a livecd or something16:47
Yahooadamall fs's are clean, but mysql is starting now17:13
Yahooadamso it mustve been something else17:13
ivokscheck logs17:22
ivoksthey might some information17:23
youngmusicorgI got something strange going on here. Since a server reboot yesterday, I get about 20 of these messages when i log in: -bash: [: !=: unary operator expected17:43
youngmusicorgfurthermore, ls gives this errror: ls: unrecognized prefix: do17:43
youngmusicorgand rm simply does not work17:44
youngmusicorgHaven't tried other command, but i doubt they're all ok17:44
youngmusicorgobviously something is damaged on my system, but what?17:44
sommeryoungmusicorg: all are your partitions mounted?17:45
youngmusicorgyes, they are17:46
youngmusicorgdf -h17:46
sommermmmm... di you see any error messages during boot?17:46
youngmusicorgI'm on ssh, but let me check the messagelog17:46
sommeryoungmusicorg: you also might check /var/log/boot17:47
youngmusicorgdmesg seems normal17:49
youngmusicorgand log/boot is empty17:49
youngmusicorg(sorry about the commands)17:49
youngmusicorgit seems nothing has been logged since that new startup17:51
sommerwhat heppens if you start another shell using the bash command?17:51
youngmusicorgI started sh yesterday. I can do that and it doesn't give an error. But commands like ls still give the same errors.17:52
sommerthe other commands give the same error?17:53
youngmusicorgah, i see my system name has also disappeared. The prompt now shows yvan@(none):~$17:54
youngmusicorgwell, not every command gives an error17:54
sommerit almost seems like something didn't get executed during boot, can you reboot the system?17:55
sommerit might be better to have physical access to see any errors17:55
youngmusicorgtouch works, but rm gives a segmentation fault17:55
youngmusicorgproblem is, if i reboot the machine and it doesn't come up, I'll have to travel 2 hours to get there :-(17:56
sommerya, I figured that would be an issue17:56
youngmusicorgbut it might be my only option indeed17:56
sommerit just sounds like there a major problems with the system17:56
youngmusicorgthat's what i thought. But it's a bit strange because nothing really changed on it17:57
sommerif it was one command that would be one thing, but since it's multiple commands...17:57
sommercould be a hardware issue, as well17:58
youngmusicorgwel, i'd better get over there in the morning.17:58
sommeryou could always try rebooting and hope :)17:58
sommerare other services working?17:58
youngmusicorgthanks for trying to help though17:58
sommeryou're welcome17:58
youngmusicorgi need ssh to this server to reach the rest of the servers. And still have work on those. So it's best to leave it up for now17:59
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youngmusicorgSince there isn't an ubuntu-server+1, i'll ask this here also. I don't know if it has anything to do with this being a hardy machine anyway. But I tried to start apache on a new machine just now, and it couldn't start because port 80 is in use by a program called "iroffero". I've never heard of that though. Does anyone here know what it is?18:18
youngmusicorgthat's in french...18:21
youngmusicorgbut there is indeed a joomla site on this server.18:22
keithclarkIs it possible to do a ssh session over the internet through a firewall?18:55
keithclarkNafallo, do I have to modify the firewall settings on the server?18:56
Nafallokeithclark: how do you expect me to answer that question?18:57
youngmusicorgkeithclark: if i'm not mistaken, ssh listens on port 22. So you'll have to make sure your firewall allows access to that port18:59
keithclarkNafallo, not at all, thanks.....I'll keep searching.  I'm new to this ssh and firewall stuff and I thought it was a legitimate question.18:59
Nafallokeithclark: all firewalls are different.19:00
keithclarkyoungmusicorg, thanks.....I'll check that!19:00
keithclarkNafallo, understood.  I was just looking for port advice and such.  I guess I didn't really provide enough information19:01
keithclarkhmm...I am trying to rstart a ssh session over the internet and the terminal just sits there with no response.  Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?19:16
keithclarkah, ok, timeout.  This is where the firewall is taking effect.19:17
keithclarkok, firewall solved19:38
keithclarknext to the ssh service19:38
keithclarkhmm, firewall disabled and ssh enabled yet I cannot make contact, any ideas?19:44
keithclarkhmm, I can't get seem to get connecte19:53
keithclarklet me try rebooting into pclos so that I will be pclos to pclos machines19:55
keithclarkok, that worked, I guess pclos likes pclos and not ubuntu19:58
keithclarkbut not in ubuntu...hmmm20:02
keithclarkok, I guess I'm stuck in pclos when networking between these two machines....20:05
keithclarkNo big deal20:06
keithclarkno other solution?20:11
LoosewheelTatster: How did you do with the RAID 1  LVM problem?20:23
TatsterHaven't had another chance to look at it yet.20:24
TatsterI'm choosing to tread very carefully because I very keen to keep the data safe that's on there, at least until I can get an up to date backup from it!20:24
LoosewheelI've been trying to get my 'index.html' file to link to an OO Presentation file...with no luck20:26
Tatsterunder apache ?20:27
Tatsterdoes apache serve the OO file correctly via direct URL ?20:28
LoosewheelI can get it to link at the server, but not from another machine.20:29
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Tatsterhow about from an IP address based URL rather than a name ie
LoosewheelI've set it up on the LAN only with 192.168.x.x. (I don't have a domain name yet). I can link to www. ok20:33
Tatsterok, so your webserver is somewhere on the LAN and you are trying to access via http://192.168.x.x./nameoffile20:35
LoosewheelI've been trying to access http://192.168.x.x/......and have tried to make the link to file that i've put in /home, and /var/web directories20:37
LoosewheelI'm so new at this its hard to ask a good question. Just harmering away trying to learn something20:38
c0ldfusionLoosewheel: so you don't have a link to the document when you access http://192...20:39
c0ldfusionis that what u mean20:40
c0ldfusionDo you know how to write html code?20:40
LoosewheelI used oowriter to make the page and can link to http://www.somewhere but have problem trying to link to the presentation file.         and no I don't20:41
c0ldfusionOK; so oowriter created your index.html?20:42
c0ldfusionwhat did you save the file oowriter created as?20:43
LoosewheelWhere should I put the oo file, (directory)? Yes20:43
LoosewheelI save as html20:44
c0ldfusionyou need to name the file "index.html" and place it in the /var/www/ directory20:44
c0ldfusionunless we're talking about your presentation20:44
Loosewheelok. I have one index.html file with a  link to the internet. Works. I shoved the presentation file in a folder under /var/www20:47
c0ldfusionok now you need to edit your index.html and create a link to the presentation20:48
c0ldfusionso what is the path/filename of the presentation20:48
LoosewheelI tried20:48
c0ldfusionI'm going to give you an example but I need the path/filename20:48
c0ldfusionin your index.html you will find a line that begins with <body>20:50
c0ldfusionon the next line, for example, put this:20:50
c0ldfusion<a href=Security/system-security.html>My Presentation</a>20:50
LoosewheelOk, and thank you. I'll fire it up and give that a whirl20:52
ksclarkeI just installed 7.10; when I boot it goes through all the messages but stops before it gives me a prompt... once I hit a key I get a prompt... how do I set it so it doesn't wait for that key stroke?21:39
ksclarkeis there something in the bios or is it something in ubuntu server?21:39
Cahanksclarke, I'm afraid I don't know, does that for my 7.04 as well22:06
zylstra555sommer: You dont happen to still be there, do you?22:39
sommerzylstra555: just came back :)23:32
zylstra555sommer: Would you mind kind of resuming from last [night]? I can access my server again23:32
sommersure, I need some refreshing though23:33
zylstra555sommer: Okay, randomly, my server just goes offline for unknown periods of time23:33
zylstra555It just starts timing out23:33
zylstra555this only happens to the external network, the localnetwork can continue to access it fine23:34
sommerah, I remember now...23:34
sommerdid you try changing the ssh port?23:34
zylstra555sommer: That would be through the router (which, I do not have access to remotely)23:34
sommerah, gotcha23:34
sommermy thought then is to look through the logs for network errors23:35
zylstra555sommer: But, I do know one thing, its definitely not a port being blocked by the ISP. I have a web application that I access via a port that is not known to be dedicated to a specific service23:35
zylstra555sommer: Which logs specifically?23:35
sommertry /var/log/syslog, and /var/log/daemon.log23:35
sommermaybe dmesg as well23:36
sommergrep -i ssh /var/log/syslog will check for ssh issues, for example23:36
zylstra555sommer: Well, its not a problem specific to SSH. Its everything, it just becomes completely inaccessible. (>grep -i ssh /var/log/syslog didnt return anything though)23:37
sommermmm... and clients on the lan can access the server when it's unavailble from the Internet?23:38
zylstra555sommer: That is correct23:38
sommerdoes your router have any errors?23:38
zylstra555so, that causes me to suspect three things, router, ISP, or an unlikely but possible messed up configuration file23:39
zylstra555sommer: It does have a log, I have checked it before, it didnt say anything out of the norm.23:39
sommerI agree, I'd look into the router next23:39
sommerDNS maybe?23:39
zylstra555sommer: What could DNS possibly be causing?23:40
sommerwhen you can't access the server from the Internet, can it access services on the Internet?23:40
sommerDNS unavailable perhaps?23:40
sommerfrom the server's prospective that is23:40
zylstra555sommer: I am pretty sure that it can access the internet while users cannot connect to it. (Since I frequently run sudo apt-get update and that works fine)23:41
sommerdo you run that from a cron job?23:42
zylstra555sommer: No, I usually run the update command manually23:42
zylstra555(the server is usually literally right behind me, I am in a remote location at the moment)23:42
sommerah, so even when access from outside is unavailable you can still apt-get update?23:43
zylstra555sommer: Yes, when I am there, I am able to run apt-get update when its not able to access anything from the outside23:43
sommerhrmmm... that does then seem to be something with the ISP to me23:44
zylstra555sommer: Perhaps. Is there any way to rule that out?23:44
sommermaybe contact your ISP when the service is unavailable and get their input23:45
sommermaybe they can access the service since they're closer on the network, kind of thing23:45
zylstra555This is the only error in the daemon.log file that I see having to possibly do with the internet: Apr  3 21:15:28 ubuntu dhclient: can't create /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases: Permission denied23:45
sommerare you using the Ubuntu Server Edition or server applications installed on the desktop edition?23:46
sommerI guess I've assumed that the server has a static IP23:47
zylstra555sommer: I am using Ubuntu Server 8.4 Hardy Heron. I had the same problem when using 7.1023:47
sommerand it's configured with a static IP?23:47
zylstra555sommer: Well, its a dynamic IP that never changes23:47
zylstra555(if that makes any sense)23:48
sommerah, configured in your dhcp server?  are you sure it never changes ;)23:48
zylstra555The server itself connects to the router (directly) and obtains the same address every time:
sommerjust to rule that possiblity out I'd recommend setting a static IP on the server23:49
zylstra555All the necessary ports are forwarded. I can guarantee you the address never changes though23:49
zylstra555Which, is running right now23:52
sommeris that a static IP from your ISP ?23:52
zylstra555sommer: No, not static. I believe the main reason why the address never changes, besides they do always reassign the same address as most ISP's do, is because to connect to my ISP, you need to sign into it via PPoE, which, is configured in the router. (Its a Fiberoptic connection)23:53
sommerfrom my experience I usually get the same IP from my ISP, but if my router goes down due to power outage, or whatever, I sometimes get a new one.23:54
zylstra555sommer: I never do (and I just had a 2.5 hour power outage)23:54
sommerah, I'd bet it's either something with your ISP, or with your IP address, public or private23:55
sommersome ISPs will block you from running a website on a home type of account... at least in the US23:56
zylstra555sommer: I suppose I can call them. (Ill just tell them its a remote FTP backup that I do from my computer that keeps disconnection, in case they dont want home servers, which, isnt against their policy)23:56
zylstra555sommer: Thanks for your help23:56
sommersome require a business level account which means more $$$ you have to pay them23:56
sommerzylstra555: no problem23:57
zylstra555sommer: Its a small ISP, they have business accounts, but, the only difference is a higher price. Its the equivalent of the home account, but, with a bit more bandwidth23:57
BarryToemanDoes a default Ubuntu Server install automatically apply security updates?23:58
zylstra555BarryToeman: The last time I checked, no. You can schedule it to do so through cron jobs (which, I dont personally use, so, you would have to ask someone else)23:58
BarryToemanzylstra555: thanks.23:59

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