
soundrayhappyface_: your graphics don't seem to be compatible with the default VESA mode that ubuntu uses for the splash screen00:00
amenado!who | mehmet00:00
ubotumehmet: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:00
unop_Xorothal, and this is an educated guess - your proxy server is denying connections to it because it thinks traffic is originating from out on the internet rather than your LAN00:00
happyface_soundray: I also need to mention that I switched from an LCD to a CRT monitor, different resolutions00:00
michael__giordani: it turns on by itself after you turn it off?00:00
mehmetamenado:  is all that neccisary?00:00
kraypiusI need help. i accidently disabled the ability to login to root via webmin and i dont know how to undo it... im sure it just modified a standard file on the machine or something00:00
BixBoxamenado: no, I think its from source00:00
DatzHi, how do I change my password for openssh??00:00
arang2guys i have a problem when i open my gmail the processor spikes high to the 80 or 99% in firefox im using ubuntu gutsy 32 bits in a core 2 duo t525000:00
mehmeti just need the ""00:00
mehmetfor ubntu00:00
amenadomehmet-> do you have an ethernet interface? wireless? can you paste your ifconfig;  route -n  in pastebin please00:00
Starnestommycomicinker: gcc -Dthing_to_define -o file.o file.c00:00
Jordan_UDatz, Change your user's password00:01
unop_Datz, you change your user password00:01
soundrayhappyface_: there are two things you can do: remove the 'quiet splash' kernel options in /boot/grub/menu.lst00:01
DatzJordanm thanx00:01
mehmeti have ethernet00:01
comicinkerStarnestommy: I'll try, thanks00:01
giordanimichael__, : yes00:01
jaffarkelshacdoes anyone know any channel for discussing computer hardware00:01
amenadomehmet-> giving us only half of the information, you'd only get half of the answers00:01
Datzand unop *00:01
Starnestommyjaffarkelshac: ##hardware ?00:01
unop_jaffarkelshac, #hardware probably00:01
michael__giordani: ok you see your battery meter up top00:01
amenadomehmet-> and please put that nick in front on your responses..00:01
roeinsteinhow can I add a "my computer" icon to my desktop? what is the command to launch the file system?00:01
soundrayhappyface_: or pass a vga= option by modifying that same file. Ubotu will send you a factoid about boot options as a private message00:01
giordanimy batttery don't work00:01
Mighty_Penguinerle-:  i didnt know that, i could use it but i'll stick to 32bit, even though i have 4gb of ram00:02
soundray!bootoptions > happyface_00:02
comicinkerStarnestommy: thanks, worked great. jipie00:02
michael__giordani: sppp waiit you dont have a meter in the upper right hand corner?00:02
happyface_thanks soundray, ill try that00:02
Mighty_Penguini'd rather have a base system instead of a system built for a server00:02
happyface_soundray: will it also fix my consoles not working? (ctr+alt+f1-f6)?00:02
giordanino because mu battery is off00:02
BrainBuganyone? "unable to mount CD-ROM" somewhere in the installer, i just installed srv2003 and this one works fine... but i dont like it :P so pls help me :-)00:02
mehmetamenado: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62190/00:02
giordanidon't work00:03
michael__giordani: ok then go into system/power managment00:03
giordaniok, than?00:03
soundrayhappyface_: yes. BTW, if your monitor supports 1024x768, a good one is vga=0x37100:03
arooniwhat is a web browser (still with gui) that is NOT firefox?00:03
Xorothalunop_: I've just set it all up so that it's 193. etc and it still doesn't work00:03
unop_BrainBug, you probably want to verify that the CD and the .ISO you downloaded00:03
soundrayarooni: epiphany, konqueror00:03
roeinsteinhow can I add a "my computer" icon to my desktop? what is the command to launch the file system box?00:03
michael__giordani: ok then go into system/prefrences/power managment and dude i dont even know ive never heard of your computer turning back on unless your just putting it to sleep \00:04
amenadomehmet-> that seemed to look okay, can you ping ?00:04
BrainBugunop_,did and done:-) but the problem is not with 1 cd , i tried 5 and all of them same error ... really strange00:04
mehmethahah now it is working00:04
giordanii don't know why is that00:04
Xorothalunop_ is gone00:04
BixBoxits the error msg include firebird.log >> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62191/00:04
michael__giordani: because your os doesnt control the computer when its off like no power dead so its damn near impossible for that to happen but we can see if we can get anyone else here to help out00:04
Xorothalcan anyone else help?00:04
arang2guys i have a problem when i open my gmail the processor spikes high to the 80 or 99% in firefox im using ubuntu gutsy 32 bits in a core 2 duo t525000:04
BrainBugunop_,did and done:-) but the problem is not with 1 cd , i tried 5 and all of them same error ... really strange00:05
unop_Xorothal, 193.x.x.x is also public -- use one of 10.x.x.x, 172.16.x.x-172.32.x.x or 192.168.x.x00:05
unop_BrainBug, well, did you verify the ISO file you downloaded against the md5 or sha1 sum?00:05
BrainBugunop_, yes and tried it on other pc and works like a charm00:05
michael__hey can anyone help me help giordani with his power issues he says that when he turn his computer off it turns itself back on after a min00:05
soundrayarang2: what's the problem with that?00:06
amenadoarang2-> do this, ps aux >> test1.txt  before launching gmail processor, then do same after you launched it   ps aux >> test2.txt , and compare the two00:06
jaffarkelshachmm Starnestommy  unop_  checked it might be vlc00:06
BrainBuggiordani, place another volatebox with some ligthbulb , so u can turn on and off :P00:06
cosmodadwhat happens with /etc/cron.d jobs when the system isn't running at the time of scheduling? I suppose anacron can't deal with that, so will such jobs just be postponed to the next interval?00:07
unop_BrainBug, well, the error you have given us there is quite vague -- perhaps some context is needed to troubleshoot better, where do you get the error? at what stage? do you do anything unusual?00:07
michael__Brainbug: hahaha yeah im thinking he maybe be mistakingly putting it to sleep because its impossible to do what hes saying its doing00:07
unop_cosmodad, i'm assuming the jobs don't run if crond isn't running00:07
michael__Brainbug: unless its an hardware issue00:08
giordaniBrainBug, : i'm with this voltagebox 3 years and i don't have any problem until yesterday00:08
BrainBugmichael_, u just never know...00:08
boxybrownok i have a question about: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixCompleteVirtualMailSystemHowto im going to try and get thunderbird to connect and get and send mail, what ports/security do i set up under account info?00:08
cosmodadunop_: I suppose so to, but wondered if there was some anacron-like mechanism for cron.d/ too00:08
unop_cosmodad, by crond i meant anacron00:08
soundraygiordani: it could be a fault in the power switch on your computer, or the power supply00:08
BrainBuggiordani, so u press shutdown and he reboots? maybe if u say he wakes up , try bios find boot options maybe there?00:08
Kr|ptiXhow do i update my intel 954GM driver cause im haven graphic problems when tryn to play world of warcraft00:08
cosmodadunop_: anacron doesn't handle anything shorter than daily jobs anyway.00:09
arang2soundray: the processor goes to 100% in conky n htop (both) till i go back to the old gmail version00:09
arang2soundray: im usin a  core 2 duo t525000:09
Johne5what are fake webcam drivers called? WDM?00:09
unop_cosmodad, it should work the same way, irrespective of the cron daemon you use -- anacron doesn't support hourly jobs or even shorter??00:09
Xorothalunop_: I'm now on and it's working! thanks so much00:09
cosmodadunop_: anacron isn't really a cron replacement, it's a supplement.00:10
* C3s4r is back (gone 02:32:23)00:10
soundrayarang2: so gmail is running some CPU-intensive tasks, probably Javascript. I still can't see the problem.00:10
unop_Xorothal, you werent listening.. you are bound to bump into other problems if you continue using that address range00:10
arang2soundray: problem is that the spike last forever00:10
BrainBugunop_, this guy basically got same problem, http://www.ubuntux.org/unable-to-mount-cd-rom-during-installation , it happens after u pick a language then goes to detect hardware he detects all, then mount CD-ROM he tries multiple times (alt+f4) but all failed...00:10
neetoIs there a way that I can update 7.10 to 8.04 seamlessly?00:10
Xorothalunop_: sorry, I meant
arang2soundray: i open gmail n it hogs the processor till i close it or till i switch to the old version00:11
Xorothalarang2: try it with noscript00:11
soundrayarang2: ah, okay. By definition, a spike is something that lasts for a very short time00:11
unop_Xorothal, right right, thats better :)00:11
giordaniwhen i'm press shutdown the pc putting itself to hibernate or suspend and he wake after 1 minute I THIK SO :P00:12
arang2soundray: i know sorry for the lack of clearness00:12
arang2Xorothal: explain pls00:12
michael__why worry about 8.10 its not out till october00:12
BrainBugunop_, out here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4652679 they say that burning at 4x will do the trick but lowest i can burn is 8x...00:12
BrainBugunop_,and i just installed 32x srv200300:12
amenadoarang2-> just for comparison, on fedora there is this npviewer.bin that causes your firefox to be slow because it also hogs the cpu of 40% or so, its flash related,00:12
Xorothalarang2: try disabling javascript if you haven;t got the noscript extension00:13
soundrayarang2: how long have you waited while it was hogging the CPU?00:13
unop_BrainBug, the srv2003 part is irrelevant to anything here :) there's little use saying "well this works on windows, but not on ubuntu" because obviously ubuntu is not windows, it has issues of its own00:13
arang2soundray: several minutes00:13
unop_BrainBug, you could try installing via the alternate CD .. perhaps that makes a difference00:14
=== C3s4r is now known as C3s4r-aWay
BrainBugunop_, true but i thought if it would work with him at 32x why wouldnt linux.. iam installing from alternate00:14
* C3s4r-aWay is Away, Reason: ( l ) | Since: ( Friday, April 4, 2008. 18:30:50 ) Xlack v2.100:14
soundrayarang2: well, I'd go with the noscript suggestion. You might also try 'firefox -safe-mode'00:14
=== C3s4r-aWay is now known as C3s4r
darkcrabif you have a mac just burn it with disk utility00:14
* C3s4r is back ( Away 12 secs )00:15
darkcrabthats what I do00:15
StarnestommyC3s4r: please turn off those public announcements00:15
boxybrowni get "sending of password did not succeed. Mail server responded: chdir Maildir failed"00:15
boxybrownafter followign https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixCompleteVirtualMailSystemHowto00:15
tohtorijepsry for bothering, if there is anyone who knows something about dm-crypt/cryptsetup please msg me00:15
boxybrowni really need to get things going so if anyone could help that would be great00:16
unop_BrainBug, well, like i said, the error that you get is too vague (atleast without context) to make a definitive assumption about what is wrong .. it could be down to a number of things, have you tried a netboot or minimal CD yet?00:16
tohtorijepi lost my device mapper, i have the password and crypted partition but i dont know how to open it00:16
maestrojedhow do I see a list of all users and or user groups00:17
HorizonXPhey, is it possible to access the gnome keyring from a bash script?00:17
BrainBugunop_, nope not yet... cause he aint in network (yet)00:17
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.00:17
aroonihow can i make sure my home directory is indexed when it comes to doing that cool deskbar search?  when i do searches it feels sooooooooo slow!00:18
Xorothalhow can I disable the bootup splash screen?00:20
unop_Xorothal, dont take this the wrong way, you can ask !google that question :)00:21
amenadoXorothal-> not to discourage you, but have you tried to use google ?00:21
unop_amenado, ha ha00:21
amenadohehe...we think alike00:21
linxehmaybe his organisation has been banned from google, like mine :P00:22
AVFC1compiz fusion wasnt working for me, and after searching i found someone on the ubuntu forum say that they fixed it by un-installing and re-installing in synaptic, but when i try to re-install them it says "Package compiz-core has no available version, but exists in the database.00:22
AVFC1This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents of sources.list"00:22
AVFC1and the same for compiz-gnome00:22
Xorothalamenado, unop_: sorry, yes00:22
unop_linxeh, well, you can ask yahoo - or <with disgust> live.com :)00:22
linxehunop_:  :) we get banned from lots of sites. too many unique cookies coming from one proxy IP I guess00:23
ashaibaniis this a real person00:23
linxehunop_: he could ask the ubuntu wiki though :)00:23
ashaibaniis anyone here00:23
unop_Xorothal, well, i typed this out in google and surprise, surprise - http://www.google.co.uk/search?complete=1&hl=en&q=disable+ubuntu+splash+screen&btnG=Google+Search&meta=&aq=f00:23
ashaibanican any read this!!!00:23
linxehashaibani: no. nobody here. it's all robots00:23
BrainBugashaibani, no none here:p00:23
Xorothalunop_: no I mean I should have asked google00:24
michael__ ahaibani: nope im not here at all =P00:24
ashaibaniim having extreme problems with ubuntu. same problems im having with ubuntu that made me leave windows00:24
linxehashaibani: finally?!? give people a chance. it can take several seconds for messages to go backwards and forwards over the globe...00:24
linxehashaibani: what problems?00:24
ashaibanino i mean finally i get it working00:24
michael__ ahaibani: well give us specifics00:24
unop_Xorothal, ohh yea, sometimes google is better, faster, easier to work with than actual humans :)00:24
ashaibanicuase my irc wasnt working for a while00:24
ignotushi, how can I set an enviromental variable in all of my system (ESPEAKER)?  I log in through gdm00:24
djjdhttp://youtube.com/watch?v=xC5uEe5OzNQ Anyone know what effect that is when the window gets closed it is like the fire plugin but looks like it is multicolored00:24
linxehignotus: /etc/bashrc or /etc/profile00:25
Zeltanikrud: Are you here?00:25
ignotuslinxeh: thanks00:25
linxehignotus: or /etc/profile.d/00:25
unop_ignotus, errm, edit your ~/.bashrc and use a line like. export ESPEAKER="blah"00:25
linxehignotus: I would go with that last one00:25
linxehunop_: presumably he meant all users though00:25
ashaibaniwell...for one...my the bars ontop of windows randomly disappears. it cant find the driver for my tv card. my panels always delete themselves when i restart and go back to how i didnt want them. there is freez time when i use firefox. amarok constantly freezes, when i change songs.00:25
unop_linxeh, editing the system profiles might be undesirable -- other users might not like his preference .. and editing ~/.bashrc is IMO safer00:26
linxehashaibani: maybe you have broken RAM or a broken motherboard if Windows did the same things00:26
linxehunop_: true - but he did say "in all of my system"00:26
ashaibaniwindows froze00:26
ashaibania lot00:26
ashaibaniactually no00:26
ignotuslinxeh unop_ thank you, but will .bashrc run if I don't open a terminal?00:26
ashaibaniubuntu is worst then my windows00:26
unop_ignotus, yes00:26
ashaibaniand i hate 2 say it00:26
michael__ ahaibani: hmmm tv card could be the driver, firefox im not sure of as for the bars thats weird00:26
ignotusunop_: superb, thanks:)00:26
ashaibaniwell. i just said...it cant find my tv card driver00:27
ashaibaniim actually gonna go back to windows00:27
unop_linxeh, i think he could have meant "across all my graphical applications" .. but, i wouldnt make a bet on that00:27
ashaibanii thought going to ubuntu will really set it00:27
ashaibaniand make it final on what OS im using00:27
djjdhttp://youtube.com/watch?v=xC5uEe5OzNQ Anyone know what effect that is when the window gets closed it is like the fire plugin but looks like it is multicolored?00:27
michael__ ahaibani: we;; nowyou begin a search for the driver thats supported and will work through linux00:27
ashaibanii did00:27
ashaibanii looked forever00:27
ashaibanito find the driver00:28
adambIs there a way to manually point an mx record to somewhere, like I would do in a hosts file.. for testing email.  Anyone know?00:28
ashaibaniits just not made00:28
kraypiusCan anyone please help me fix my apt? http://pastebin.ca/97170200:28
FloodBot1ashaibani: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:28
AVFC1compiz fusion wasnt working for me, and after searching i found someone on the ubuntu forum say that they fixed it by un-installing and re-installing in synaptic, but when i try to re-install them it says "Package compiz-core has no available version, but exists in the database.00:28
unop_adamb, you need a DNS named for MX records00:28
pgnhi there, I don't know how use the cube, must I set 4 virtual desktops ?00:28
AVFC1I've now found something saying it might be a repository change, anyone know?00:28
ashaibaniAlt + F4. then type CCSM00:29
ashaibaniit will take you to CompizFusion (thats if you installed it)00:29
michael__pgn: yes00:29
pgnthanks michael00:29
ashaibaniand then edit your cube options00:29
unop_!enter | ashaibani00:29
ubotuashaibani: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:29
ashaibaniso no help...?00:29
Big-EHey, anyone else here have issues with Firefox + Blackbox on ubuntu?00:30
ashaibaniwell can you solve. this....I want it so when i drag my window to the right, instead of putting it on the next desktop i wnat it on my second monitor00:30
AVFC1i uninstalled compiz as it said in a thread, but now i can't re-install it. Thats the problem :\00:30
Big-EI believe it has something to do with flash, but every so often my CPU usage jumps to 30-40%00:30
nadaris there also a german ubunru-chan on freenode? (need that for a friend)00:30
ignotusanother question: ubuntu is very slow on my old system, the previous stable ubuntu was a lot faster, is it possible to quickly try out xfce? (by some apt-get install'ing)00:30
unop_nadar, #ubuntu-de00:30
nadarunop_, thx :)00:31
ashaibaniso no1 can solve my problems..not even fourms00:31
adambunop_: so the answer is no?00:31
fr0nk_how do i get the nice value of a app w/o using top?00:31
BixBoxcan anyone solve my problem?00:31
fr0nk_i only need the nice value aka niceof `pidof $app` or something ;)00:31
unop_ignotus, install the xubuntu-desktop package and xfce is pulled in, you can then select an XFCE session at the login window00:31
ignotusunop_: excellent, thank you very much00:32
unop_adamb, yes, the answer is no.00:32
mehmetis there a site00:33
tagSo, not paying attention to what I've purchased, I've recently realized my laptop is 64 bit.  I'm wondering, is there a clean upgrade path from 32-bit ubuntu to 64-bit ubuntu?00:33
ashaibanialright. im leaving ubuntu00:33
ashaibanithe community isnt helpfuol00:33
Flanneltag: Unfortunately not.00:33
ashaibanieven windows xp community00:33
ashaibaniis better then this00:33
tagFlannel: is there a usable upgrade path?00:33
AVFC1bye then00:33
ashaibaniatlaest they get things done00:33
Flanneltag: No, 32->64bit (and v.v.) is a reinstall00:34
AVFC1leave and stop complaining if it's that bad00:34
tagFlannel: So, do you know of some reasonable 'install-over' instructions for a debian based distribution?00:34
tagshouldn't all the 32bit applications work on 64 bit linux, anyway?00:35
Flanneltag: You mean besides just popping in the CD?  sure.00:35
michael__w00t now that i fixed my audio problem i think this os blows windows out of the water ("in a world without walls who needs windows") <forget were i read that but its a good quote00:35
tagFlannel: Well, I mean, keeping all the stuff I have installed and so on...00:35
Flanneltag: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation has a bunch of stuff sans CD.  Keeping all your stuff.  do you have a separate home partition?00:35
tagThen I can do some kind of massive-meta-64bit apt based update00:35
Flannel!cloning | tag00:36
ubotutag: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate00:36
AVFC1noob question, but would the latest ubuntu mean I am on gutsy?00:36
level09does ubuntu installer  usually  get stuck on "unpacking Tar" message ?00:36
Flanneltag: that'll work regardless of the distro (since its just package names)00:36
tagFlannel: Yes, but I want to keep my apps too.00:36
FlannelAVFC1: Gutsy (7.10) is the latest, yes00:36
djjdAVF yes 7.1000:36
iceswordAVFC1, yaaa,uname -a00:36
tageven the closed source ones00:36
taglike cisco vpn00:36
tylerflickAnyone had any luck with Totem and the Youtube plugin?00:36
unop_fr0nk_, maybe this .. ps -o %n%p | grep -i $1 | awk '{print $1}'00:36
unop_fr0nk_, $1 being the pid you want to grep00:36
Flanneltag: You'll have to reinstall them, and find 64bit versions for them.  Or run them in a32bit chroot.00:37
Flannel!chroot | tag00:37
michael__8.10 intrepid ibex<not sure of that name> doesnt come out till october00:37
ubotutag: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box00:37
dako3256how do I get my cups server to start?00:37
Flannelmichael__: and 8.04 will be out at the end of this month00:37
tylerflickyeah but will it fix all the flash issues?00:38
tagFlannel: ugh00:38
michael__flannel: do you think update is going to be allright or will i have to pull a fresh install?00:38
IndyGunFreaktylerflick: what flash issues?00:38
Flannelmichael__: Upgrades are fine, yes.00:38
tylerflickFlash crashing FF on 64 bit00:38
adambIs there a way I can display mtr results in semi real time, on browser with php?  mtr or top, anything along those lines00:38
michael__flannel: sweet cause i have and unsupported wireless card and its a bitch to get working00:38
IndyGunFreakoh, well, i don't do 64bit for many reasons, flash issues being one fo them.. not worth the hassle00:38
hexoroidanybody got named running localy ?00:39
tylerflickYeah, not only flash, but Google Earth, Wine anything cool00:39
IndyGunFreakpretty much00:39
tylerflickIt all seems to crash on 64 bit00:39
IndyGunFreaktylerflick: cuz most of it isn't 64bit native.00:39
IndyGunFreakif you'd ahve just installed 32bit, or researched 64bit a little better, you'd be fine00:40
tylerflickIndyGunFreak: yeah but with 64 bit being the future of modern os's I would expect a little more support00:40
ignotuswhen I double click on a movie file in nautilus it starts the totem movie player.  I would like to change that to MPlayer, how can I do that?00:40
unocrashmeshmesh: Hi00:40
IndyGunFreaktylerflick: you keyed in on it, the *future*.. not the present00:40
jaffarkelshacignotus, right click and choose other application00:40
Bob_SagotI need help concerning a HDD that wont mount00:40
ignotusjaffarkelshac: checking00:41
IndyGunFreakthere's still a lot of apps,etc that do not work in 64bit, as you've found out.00:41
unocrash!hi | meshmesh00:41
ubotumeshmesh: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:41
tylerflickIndyGunFreak: The future has to start sometime00:41
IndyGunFreakthe "latest greatest", isn't always the most stable00:41
michael__tylerflick: thats like saying windows is a dying os why not have more major companies have driver support for linux00:41
IndyGunFreaktylerflick: indeed, but its obviously not right now.. 3min on google woulda told you that00:41
fr0nk_unop_: thanks but this doesn't work:  ps -o %n%p outputs 2 lines:00:41
tylerflickLol well I wish00:41
fr0nk_unop_:  NI   PID00:41
unocrashIndyGunFreak is right, tylerflick.00:41
fr0nk_  0 3048800:41
fr0nk_  0 3085400:41
fr0nk_sry 3line paste00:41
tylerflickI know00:42
tylerflickI can still dream00:42
Flanneltylerflick: Have you tried the 32bit firefox stuff?00:42
unocrashtlyerflick: r u on Hardy?00:42
level09my ubuntu installer is stuck at 40 % is this normal ?00:42
AVFC1Well i maneged to sort out compiz, but the cube wont work for me. I'm using the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Arrow but it isnt working properly, just switching workstations in an Alt+Tab like way :S00:42
unop_fr0nk_, right, so you have two PIDs, what do you want me to do about that? :)00:42
tylerflickI have a dream. That one day little 32 bit apps and 64 bit apps will play together nicely00:42
IndyGunFreaklevel09: lmao, no its not normal00:42
unocrashlevel09: R U installing:00:42
tylerflickyes Flannel00:42
phs5556trying to install the driver for my touchscreen and i get this error looking for uudecode anyone know where i can find this?00:42
unocrashlevel09: 7.10 or 8.04?00:42
level09i'm installing ubuntu on a virtual box /winxp00:42
IndyGunFreakits normal when somethng is going wrong.00:43
Erickj92openmovieeditor is crashing sending out this message in terminal: Illegal instruction (core dumped)    what is going on?00:43
IndyGunFreakoh, who knows what it could be w/ virtualbox00:43
level09server edition00:43
michael__avfc1: you have to mess with it i had the same prob haha it took me a while to get it right00:43
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hexoroidanybody goot with named and reverse ?00:43
level09it says Unpacking Tar00:43
jaffarkelshacif it still opens with totem, right click properties, there should be open with tab, add or delete the appropriate one ignotus00:43
adambAnyone know of a way to display realtime traceroute results to browser with popen?00:43
unop_fr0nk_, maybe i am not understanding you right -- perhaps you need to explain more about that there00:43
level09"installing the system"00:43
tylerflickI'm  going with i386 8.04 on my new lappy00:43
level09the base system00:43
AVFC1When you say mess with is michael_...? Impressing the correct buttons00:43
fr0nk_unop_: ps -o %n%p | grep -i $1 | awk '{print $1}' greps in second instance for the name i want the nice-value of (vmware-vmx, for example). in the data it recieves from ps there is no application name grep could grep for ;-)00:43
level09should I interrupt and retry ?00:44
tylerflickI'm on 7.1000:44
michael__avfc1: its not just pushing the correct ones its actually going in and changing the prefrences of each thing you press to make it work correctly =P00:44
unocrashlevel09: I haven't experience with server yet, though I hear it has no GUI. why do want server if it's running over XP?00:44
unop_fr0nk_, and you didnt use a numeric PID there not a processes name ..00:44
Bob_SagotUsing 7.10, I cannot get Ubuntu to see a HDD I just plugged in again00:44
iceswordunocrash, would you mind tell me what irc client you use00:44
unop_fr0nk_, ps blah .. | grep -i $PID | awk ..00:44
unocrashicesword: Pidgin00:45
tylerflickAnyone done the Totem+Youtube pluggin yet?00:45
iceswordyaaaa,i see00:45
level09learning, I ordered a slicehost server and want to learn how to install hosting stuff on it00:45
unocrashicesword: Why?00:45
fr0nk_unop_: passing the script a pid doesn't wrk either00:45
unop_fr0nk_, if you want to grep for names -- then you need ..  ps a -o %n%a | grep -i $PROCESSNAME | awk ..00:45
jaffarkelshactylerflick, totem youtube plugin?00:45
fr0nk_unop_: frank@Lysistrata {~} $ niceof `pidof vmware-vmx`00:45
fr0nk_frank@Lysistrata {~} $ pidof vmware-vmx00:45
unocrashicesword: It's Pidgin. Why do you need to know?00:46
iceswordunocrash, i find this,people who use pidgin their real name all are purple,and for chatzilla ,is new now know how00:46
tylerflickjaffarkelshac: yes it's a youtube browser for Totem00:46
Starnestommyicesword: in chatzilla it can be changed.00:46
unop_fr0nk_, try adding the 'a' option to ps --   ps a -o %n%p | grep ..00:46
phs5556i need to find uudecode any ideas?00:46
JPSmanabout how long does "sudo make modules" take?00:47
jayDownloaded the latest beta of Kubuntu, and I'm having a devil of a time figuring out where int he alternative boot CD the RAID options are; want to RAID1 the entire thing, ideally with LVM as well.00:47
iceswordunocrash, wat?00:47
unop_phs5556, http://packages.ubuntu.com/00:47
tylerflickjaffarkelshac: I have yet to get it to work though00:47
unocrashjay: is it KDE4?00:47
unocrashicesword: wat do u mean?00:47
michael__unocrash: yes it is00:47
jayUnocrash: I believe so.00:47
michael__unocrash, jay: i ran that for a while it was a real difficult time00:48
iceswordunocrash, nothing,i thought why many people use purple as their real name,now  ii knew00:48
unocrashjay: Visit kubuntu channel00:48
jaffarkelshaci never heard of it, i thought it was a plugin to watch you tube. tylerflick00:48
unocrashmine's blue00:48
shinichizioHey #ubuntu. I'm trying to figure out how to run an app that's in the 'Games' folder (under the Applications dropdown) through the terminal instead. How do I figure this out?00:48
tylerflickit is a pluggin to watch youtube, but it also has a built in browser for it. plus it doesn't crash like flash does. jaffarkelshac00:48
michael__mine looks grey to me but im using xchat00:48
iceswordjust right click your name00:48
ignotusjaffarkelshac: thank, it works!:)00:48
ignotusthank you*00:49
fr0nk_unop_: ps a -0 %n%p doesn't give me all processes00:49
pgnsorry but I don't found where it's possible to add virtual desktops, any help ?00:49
IndyGunFreaktylerflick: why don't you just install 32bit?00:49
jaffarkelshactylerflick, so thats why my firefox keeps crashing on youtube00:49
michael__pgn: go to the bottom right corner right click00:49
jaffarkelshacignotus, no problem00:49
unop_fr0nk_, i dunno how you got -0 there?  it's -o not -000:49
Starnestommypgn: right click on the desktop switcher, select "preferences"?00:49
tylerflickIndyGunFreak. because It would mean a clean install and I'd figure I would just tuff it out through the patches00:50
michael__pgn: prefrences number of workspaces = 400:50
jaffarkelshacignotus, peverell?00:50
fr0nk_unop_: oh sorry, mistyped it in irrsi but on the bash i used -o ;)00:50
IndyGunFreakwell, then you really have nothing to complain about00:50
pgnI just can choose raw and columns00:50
tylerflickjaffarkelshac: correct, it's the adobe flash at work00:50
michael__pgn: mak sure all the workspaces are on the same row00:50
tylerflickIndyGuyFreak: I've just made to much progress to throw it all away, besides the 32bit 8.04 is going on my new dell lappy00:51
alan_m20 days to go tylerflick :)00:51
unop_fr0nk_, well, there's obviously something missing then -- anyway, use some option of ps (man ps) to include nice outputs too, then grep for what you want00:51
IndyGunFreaktylerflick: i don't know i guess i'm a backup freak, i know how all my programs settings are, etc.00:52
IndyGunFreakso i can reinstall in no time00:52
iceswordunop_, i suppose it is 23:52,there,right00:52
shinichizioSo, I seem to have figured this out myself in the time it took me to Google the related subjects. I'll just scoot out.00:52
unop_icesword, sorry?00:52
unop_icesword, did you mean time00:52
iceswordunop_, yaaaaa00:52
DarkJusticeHi, I've got a fresh install of ubuntu on a machine I'd like to network with my XP box, samba sees the shared folders on the kubuntu but doesn't see my XP box and I"ve also tried to add a user in smbusers but when I try to make the password it tells me Failed to modify password entry for user00:52
alan_m11:52PM icesowrd in your location?00:53
unop_%date: Sat Apr  5 00:49:35 BST 200800:53
tylerflickIndyGunFreak: I'm fairly new to ubuntu though so it's all a learning experience00:53
IndyGunFreakif you say so00:53
tylerflickalan_m. i'm definatly counting down00:53
alan_mtylerflick, how long have you been using it?00:54
unop_fr0nk_, have a look at this, it has to have what you want in it...   ps ax -o %n%p%a00:54
JPSmanping test00:54
tylerflickalan_m: about a month and a half now00:54
iceswordalan_m, how do you know00:54
JPSmanabout how long does "sudo make modules" take?00:54
tylerflickJPSman:not long00:54
JPSmantylerflick: 30 mins?00:54
iceswordalan_m, http://geotool.servehttp.com/00:54
tylerflickJPSman: depends on the size00:55
alan_micesword, i just took what you gave me and converted it to standard civilian format heh00:55
JPSmantylerflick: by any chance does ubuntu restart once it's done?00:55
fr0nk_unop_: i got it! :-)00:56
tylerflickJPSman: not to my knowledge00:56
unop_fr0nk_, right, what was it?00:56
fr0nk_unop_: if you're interested: frank@Lysistrata {~} $ ps -eo %n%p | grep `pidof vmware-vmx`00:56
fr0nk_-10  121100:56
Shubbarmy pc shuts down abruptly00:56
JPSmantylerflick: crap well then I crashed mine in the middle of it - is that bad?00:56
alan_mShubbar, have you changed anything lately as far as settings go?00:56
croSmileyIs there a way to automaticly close programs that are not being used for some time?00:56
croSmileyMaybe an application or something that would take care about that...00:56
aCiD2Hi, I'm having a bit of an odd problem during setup. It comes up with the boot menu, but when I choose begin setup (even with safe graphics mode) my monitor loses input...00:57
unop_fr0nk_, you must be careful tho -- `pidof vmware-vmx` can be any number that  your ps command's output can contain00:57
aCiD2any ideas? My graphics card is a GeForce 8800 GTS 51200:57
cyberpass2hey all...00:57
cyberpass2i got a quick question...00:57
Shubbarsince i installed ubuntu, could get it running for a complete day00:57
tylerflickJPSman: now you can recompile them00:57
cyberpass2i need to get wifi working...00:57
fr0nk_s/`pidof vmware-vmx` && echo "ps -eo %n%p | grep $1" /usr/sbin/niceof && chmod +x `which niceof`00:57
fr0nk_damnit :(00:57
unop_fr0nk_, it's best if you position your ps output by fields and extract the field you are interested in00:57
alan_m!enter | cyberpass200:57
ubotucyberpass2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:57
cyberpass2how do i get wifi working from ubuntu server edition? its on a laptop pcmcia and wifi is my only option for network connectivity00:58
Shubbaralan_m, how can i troubleshoot abrupt shutdowns?00:58
alan_mShubbar, you can check log files by going to system->administration-System log00:58
macdaCiD2, download and try the alternate install CD, this should allow you to install, then configure your gfx card00:58
iceswordalan_m, on that page,select map session,then post your ip,see if it give you the right place you live,it is very clear ,even which street00:58
JimboIs it usual to have to manually mount my windows partitions when using the liveCD?00:58
tylerflickJimbo: no00:59
unop_fr0nk_, what i mean is what if `pidof vmware..` returns something less than 20 ? :)00:59
phs5556how do i start synaptic packet manager?00:59
shekkyoh im getting undefined references to __stack_chk_fail when rebuilding my kernel with gresec00:59
pgnSorry, I am maybe stupid but I set Columns : 2 and rows : 2, but only 2 of the 4 desktops are working.00:59
shekkwhere should i start00:59
shekkto find out what is causing this?00:59
alan_micesword, what are you giving me this for, to prove my ip location?00:59
tylerflickphs5556: system>administration>synaptic01:00
geniiphs5556: Did you want to install programs or to monitor network traffic?01:00
macdshekk, Id join #ubuntu-kernel ....01:00
iceswordalan_m, no,if it is right01:00
iceswordi want check01:00
iceswordnot for me,01:00
Jimboim using the beta liveCD at the moment and it mounts my USB drive ok, but i have to manually do the windows partition01:00
tylerflickJimbo: I haven't messed around with the Live Cd that much01:00
alan_micesword, it pulled me up instantly without problems01:01
alan_micesword, even gave a picture of my house :/01:01
iceswordalan_m, ehheee,it is so accurate,not for mine01:01
JimboI'm just trying to work out if this is an issue I should report or something that is pretty normal. I tried the Xubuntu beta and that was giving me problems with mounting as well so...01:01
Shubbaralan_m, i will check the logs everytime it restarts01:02
AlanArgh, why do people have the same name as me? And why isn't my IRC client intelligent?01:02
alan_micesword, well, its close, it gave me my location which is close enough, but....i dont live on that exact street it pointed out :)01:02
alan_mAlan, i wondered the same thing when i went to register this name to nickserv :)01:02
iceswordalan_m, yaaaa,it is accucate to some extent01:02
Alanalan_m, :P01:02
Shubbari also keep losing wireless connection01:03
alan_mAlan, you stole the name before i could grab it, so...you on my people i wanna poke in the arm list hehe, just kidding :)01:03
iceswordalan_m, it said me in beijing,lol01:03
alan_micesword, well, it...came really close on mine01:03
shekkanyone ever gotten ttysnoop to work with sshd?01:03
alan_micesword, so its not totally acurate, close for me.01:04
Alanalan_m, :P  I only got it because i noticed it hadn't been used in 2 years, and its so much hassle having to ghost people all the time :P01:04
iceswordif it is accurate,just imagine what might happen01:04
alan_mAlan, yeah, i saw you grabbed it not long after i came to this network i said dangit...imma bop this guy when i meet em...:)01:04
cyberpass2how can i reset up network in ubuntu server edition after the install is done?01:05
Alanalan_m, :P good luck with that :)01:05
* alan_m grabs a long long pole and sticks Alan in the arm with it01:05
* Alan learns to type with it by nailing a keyboard to the wall01:06
Erickj92openmovieeditor is crashing sending out this message in terminal: Illegal instruction (core dumped)    what is going on?01:06
unop_cyberpass2, you'll need to use the command line. use these two:- ifconfig and  /etc/network/interfaces -- check their manpages, man ifconfig and man interfaces01:06
AlanAnd on that note, I'm going to get out of here before the mods decide against offtopic conversation :P01:06
cyberpass2unop_: the pcmcia card is not installed01:07
cyberpass2eth1 does not exist yet01:07
cyberpass2and its a wireless connection :(01:07
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Erickj92openmovieeditor is crashing sending out this message in terminal: Illegal instruction (core dumped)    what is going on?01:10
smallfryhow would i make it so a seperate hard drive gets mounted automatically at start up?01:11
DBOsmallfry, add it to your /etc/fstab01:11
smallfryDBO:how would i do that01:11
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:11
AVFC1Is there any reason why everything would be much brighter now I am on ubuntu?01:12
sinologicAVFC1 i hav ethe same problem01:13
corryhello i need to remove all references to virtualbox ose at boot so i can get HAL to function again virtualbox ose is already uninstalled but boot keeps trying to find vboxdrv and virtualbox host networking which messes up hal01:13
AVFC1i was looking at a pic and thoght, why the hell has that blue become aqua?! :S01:13
Dr_williscorry,  did you remove it with the --purge option?01:13
sinologicAVFC1 do you have compiz installed?01:14
corryDr_willis no just used completely uninstall via Synaptic when i finally figured out what the problem was01:14
Smegzor2what is the console command to start the gnome menu editor?01:15
Erickj92openmovieeditor is crashing sending out this message in terminal: Illegal instruction (core dumped)    what is going on?01:15
sinologici'm not sure, but it's possible that the theme you've choiced made the acqua effect01:15
Dr_williscorry,  perhaps reinstall, uninstall with  the purge option.01:15
sinologici've the same problme swhit clearlooks01:15
sinologicclearlooks theme01:15
sinologicATI radeon 200m01:16
Dr_williscorry,  or you could manually blacklist the modules in question, and disable any services you think ar starting up for it01:16
AVFC1its not an aqua effect, that was just an example, that a normal blue looks aqua-ish01:16
phreckanyone have tips for installing01:16
MasterMeli am running ubuntu on a onboard video card.. now i finally got my graphic card but when i instert the new card i dont get any screen. Anyone know how to install my new videocard?01:16
phreck8800 gt Drivers?01:16
corryDr_willis i'll probably have to black list the modules since i have no net access when i launch into ubuntu this is via the live cd01:16
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m0u5ehave you guys tried kde4 hardy beta?01:17
m0u5eits really n ice :)01:17
Dr_willisphreck,  my 8800gtsxxx works fine with the restricted-manager drivers.  But aparently theres a lot of varity in the 8800 line of cards.01:17
corrywhat script do i have to edit Dr_willis?01:17
ObiedHi all01:17
Dr_williscorry,  theres a blacklist file for the modules, then check the /etc/init.d/ scripts and rc.# script-links to see whats running.01:17
m0u5ethe gtx is just a glorified gt01:17
boxybrownanyone help with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4654093#post4654093 ?01:18
Dr_willism0u5e,  proberly :) but i got an XXX ! :) its 3x as good01:18
Smegzor2i'm stuck in low graphics mode with no menu bar.  what is the command to edit the gnome menu?  I can dig myself out of this fix if I can get at that.01:19
warriorforgodCan anybody recommend a good piece of recovery software to recover deleted files on and ntfs partition?01:19
Erickj92openmovieeditor is crashing sending out this message in terminal: Illegal instruction (core dumped)    what is going on?01:19
Obiedi want to ask one question01:19
Obiedcan i ?01:19
StarnestommyObied: don't ask to ask, just ask01:19
CorbinFoxwarriorforgod: i thik there is a gentoo based recovery program.  i was able to get back a bunch of pictures and music (it seemed to mangle text files tho)01:19
m0u5eDr_willis:  xD01:20
warriorforgodCorbinFox: Do you remember the name?01:20
CorbinFoxI am looking as we speak01:20
LukeL_Erickj92 that's a seg fault, probably a bug in the program01:20
warriorforgodCorbinFox: thx.01:20
Erickj92ok LukeL_, thank you01:20
MasterMelis there something like safe mode in ubuntu?01:21
StarnestommyMasterMel: recovery mode.  It's an option in the boot menu01:21
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keithclarkIf I log in to a remote machine in a terminal using ssh -X username@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx and then start a program such as firefox, is the program actually running on the remote machine?01:22
jaffarkelshaci am trying to add users to my system, can they use commands for super users to modify and access files from other usrs?01:22
Starnestommyjaffarkelshac: only if they;re in the admin group.  They aren't by default01:22
jaffarkelshacdefault was desktop user01:23
MasterMelstarnestommy: ok because the situation is i have a new video card but it wont give me signal when entering ubuntu.. do you think recovery mode will help?01:23
Smegzor2I'm still stuck in low graphics mode with a console, if I could just look at the gnome menu editor, I could figure out what to type in console to fix my desktop.  Please?01:23
BixBoxcan anyone solve my problem about firebird?01:23
Erickj92BixBox, what is it?01:24
StarnestommyMasterMel: it might, but you should probably check the restricted driver manager for your card's drivers first.01:24
CorbinFoxwarriorforgod: i actually think that knoppix has some data recovery functionality01:24
ari_stressmorning all01:24
BixBoxErickj92: I got error when Install it >> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62191/01:24
TelnetMantahow can I see the current CPU useage?01:24
TelnetMantavia terminal session01:24
CorbinFoxah, never mind, that is more for linux partitions.  you want nfts, yes?01:24
warriorforgodCorbinFox: yes01:25
issamplease where can i find flash plug-in for opera 9.27 ??????????????01:25
BixBoxTelnetManta: use "top" command01:25
kindofabuzzhow would i start my server headless until i want the gui?  i know about /etc/init.d/gdm to start and stop it but hwo do i make it not start until i tell it to? was that the same question twice? =)01:25
MasterMelstarnestommy: i have an onboard videocard at the moment (7000 series) now i just got myself an 8000 series.. should i install the drivers first?01:25
unocrashim Back01:25
ari_stressi try to remaster gutsy using reconstructor. i think it's successful, the live cd starts. but there's no "install" icon on the destkop. So, "remastering" is only for livecd? I cannot install it on harddrive?01:25
IndyGunFreakissam: flash doesn't work with the stable version of Opera, but it does work int he beta, if you download it01:25
StarnestommyMasterMel: you'll need the new video card in first01:25
issamah ok thanks01:26
DistroJockeywarriorforgod: This might be worth a look:  http://www.cgsecurity.org01:26
Dr_williskindofabuzz,  remove the gdm service, if you want the gui, just login and use 'startx' command - is the easy way.   it really isent going to matter much if you have no monitor and start gdm. other then sucking down some memory.01:26
MasterMelstarnestommy: ok and where can i find the restricted driver manager?01:26
unocrashari_stress: by remaster you mean...01:26
StarnestommyMasterMel: System > Administration > Restricted Drivers Manager01:26
w33d5has anybody used doublekiller on windows ?01:26
Dr_willisw33d5,  i imagine most of us have no idea what that even is. :)01:27
warriorforgodDistroJockey: Will do.  thx.01:27
w33d5i'm looking for a similar app in the repository01:27
kindofabuzzDr_willis: well yah that's the reason why, no biggie, but doing it as a learning expierence, so how do i remove the service through ssh?  or can i just vnc and uncheck it in services?01:27
jaffarkelshacwhats doublekiller w33d501:27
CorbinFoxwarriorofgod: sorry, im not able to find it right now.  i was able to find it at download.com of all places when i needed it last, but i cant find it there either now.01:27
Dr_willisw33d5,  so we cant make reccomendations01:27
DistroJockeywarriorforgod: yw01:27
MasterMelstarnestommy: thnx. i just checked it but i can ony see the driver wich is currently running? should i unmark it or something?01:27
w33d5duplicate file finder crc32, file size, date, etc...01:27
Bob_SagotHey, I am having a problem with mounting an HDD01:28
StarnestommyMasterMel: keep it marked for now.01:28
yabukI need a command to take a screenshot to a file without open a windows to confirm, how to do it?01:28
Bob_Sagotsomeone mind helping me?01:28
E-werdwhats going wrong01:28
unocrash!patience | Bob_Sagot01:28
ubotuBob_Sagot: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:28
Bob_SagotI am patient, I been here for over an hour01:28
MasterMelstarnestommy: ok so everything is ok here in the restricted driver manager?01:28
E-werdBob_Sagot: what is the problem, exactly?01:28
unocrashBob_Sagot: waht E-werd said. :-)01:29
StarnestommyMasterMel: for now, yes. You'll probably need to change things once you put the new video card in01:29
xFlipxevening :)01:29
Bob_SagotI removed a drive from my computer, put another one in, then when I reconnect the first one again, ubuntu is not mounting it01:29
unocrashxFlipX !hi01:29
xFlipx965 chipset :(01:29
MasterMelstarnestommy: i hope i will get a signal now when booting in recovery mode01:29
xFlipxI hate windows...01:29
ari_stressunocrash: remastering is to create our customized ubuntu01:29
E-werdBob_Sagot: did you try mounting it manually via command line?01:30
MasterMelstarnestommy: but i'll try.. thnx again01:30
Dr_willisBob_Sagot,  if itd an internal drive. you will need to add the proper fstab entries for it to get mounted most likely01:30
Bob_SagotIt was mounted once though01:30
dekis there a KDE GUI for Vim?01:30
level09hi, I've just installed ubuntu on a virtualBox , how do I navigate to my cd-rom dir ?01:30
xFlipxlevel09: /media/disk01:30
Bob_SagotE-werd: i tried mounting it manually, but i dont think I typed it correctly to mount it01:30
jayBob_Sagot: Doesn't matter.  If you pull it, and add another drive in its place, you get to add it manually to /etc/fstab. :-)01:30
xFlipxlevel09:  /media/disk/cdrom even :)01:31
xFlipxor the "computer" icon01:31
level09xFlipx: thanx01:31
unocrashxFlipx: ok, we understand you hate it. level09: /media/disk. Make sure the Cd's in the drive or tray.01:31
E-werdBob_Sagot: do you know the file system of it? ntfs, fat32, reiserfs, etc.01:31
xFlipxyou bet gl01:31
jayBob_Sagot: But try mounting it maniually first to verify there's not some other problem.01:31
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Dr_willisdek,  used to be ages ago. Not noticed one lately speficically for kde.01:31
level09I am trying to execute this command : apt-get install linux-generic01:31
Bob_Sagotits not on the list of un-mounted drives01:31
Bob_Sagotits an ntfs system01:31
unocrashhmm.... what's that do?01:31
dekDr_willis: so I should get gvim?01:32
unocrashxFlipx: what's if for/to do?01:32
xFlipxno kidding unocrash01:32
unocrashxFlipx: what's if for/to do?01:32
level09like I said its  a virtual box installation, I have this issue http://virtualbox.org/ticket/21201:32
xFlipxI don't know why on earth you'd do that01:32
unocrashwhats linux-generic for?01:32
Dr_willisdek,  if you want it. :) i tend to use gvim, or just vim in the terminal, you may even like 'cream'01:32
level09why are commands like du and dir not working on ubuntu shell ?01:32
jayIt's the generic Linux kernel, apparently...01:32
xFlipxdir is windows01:33
xFlipxtry ls01:33
Dr_willislevel09, dir is often al alias to ls01:33
jayxFlipx: Is this from a recovery console?01:33
level09unocrash: i dont know, I just want to get this to work01:33
level09ls works01:33
dekDr_willis: i just want a graphic frontend, so I dont have to use the terminal for text editing, what do you recommend?01:33
xFlipxI am not having problems, I'm just here to chat/help when I can01:33
level09so I should navigate to my CDRom dir and excute that right ?01:33
jayWhoops, sorry, xFlipx; got you confused with Level0901:34
kindofabuzzlevel09: does that shell support those?01:34
xFlipxlevel09: in the virtual machine do you see any icons?01:34
dragon33hi, here's a noob question.  how can i find a file by searching for the name from the root directory.  i forgot where i put it.. thanks01:34
kindofabuzzdo echo $SHELL01:34
Dr_willisdek,  whatever you like.. I dont need any menus or fancy stuff for vi, :)01:34
kindofabuzzno? well then there's your answer01:34
dekDr_willis: ok :P01:34
Dr_willisdek,  do an apt-cache search vim, and start installing01:34
level09nothing happened01:34
kindofabuzzecho $SHELL01:34
xFlipxyou said you installed ubuntu on a vim, right?01:35
AVFC1why do none of my compiz fusion settings work. Nothing I have enabled does anything -_- I've tried wobbly windows, switch shifter, cube etc.01:35
Starnestommydragon33: "locate filename" or "find / | grep filename"01:35
dekDr_willis: i am doing just that :P01:35
level09kindofabuzz: echo $SHELL outputs nothing01:35
kindofabuzzif nothing came up then you have no shell01:35
xFlipxit won't if you don't type it in a terminal01:35
level09xFlipx: no, on a VirtualBox01:35
kindofabuzzdon't know how to fix that though01:35
dragon33thanks Starnestommy01:35
E-werdhm. try to help and he splits.01:35
level09its a recovery shell01:35
xFlipxso it's a computer within your computer, similar to windows virtual machine?01:35
level09xFlipx: exactly01:36
xFlipxwhat are you recovering?01:36
LifeisfunnyAVFC1, what happened? has it ever worked?  did you reboot and it not load?01:36
jaffarkelshacdid anyone answer the guy who wanted to screenshot to file without prompts01:36
Lifeisfunnydid you add a sessions entry?01:36
xFlipxis it an os?01:36
level09I just installed ubuntu server and got an error so I booted from the cd and tried to fix that01:36
AVFC1ive put ubuntu on my PC this evening01:36
AVFC1this is the first time i've tried it01:36
xFlipxwhy did you install server? I believe that is command line only at first01:37
keithclarkavfc1, congratulations01:37
xFlipxif you want a desktop you'll need to install one01:37
ecrane_can someone please send me a /msg? Testing out a new irc client...01:37
IndyGunFreakAVFC1: what graphics chipset are you using?01:37
jaffarkelshacAVFC1, you have never used linux based os before?01:37
level09guys, all I need is to setup my hosting environment on Slicehost, if it is easy , I'll just go and order that server now :D01:37
AVFC1and how do i find out what chipset im using? I'm new to this stuff...01:38
IndyGunFreakwell, at least he started out with the easiest one.01:38
xFlipxlevel09: are you familiar with terminals?01:38
xFlipxhey IndyGunFreak01:38
LifeisfunnyAVFC1, I see,  check the System/Appearance/VisualEffects tab and make sure Custom is selected01:38
IndyGunFreakAVFC1: open a terminal, Accessories/Terminal.. and type "lspci"  no quotes01:38
level09a little bit01:38
xFlipxcan you open one?01:38
IndyGunFreakxFlipx: hey01:38
xFlipxyou are typing LS into one so you have one open, nvm01:38
level09I know the basic file functions, shell scripts, editors, some mysql commands01:38
IndyGunFreakLifeisfunny: he likely has either ATI or Intel, which doesn't allow effects by default.01:38
AVFC1Lifeisfunny: its tellin me they cant be enabled...01:39
AVFC1i have ATI01:39
xFlipxwell, you confused dir with ls so I'm not sure how much you really know :P01:39
IndyGunFreakAVFC1: because someone didn't know what they were talking about, i coudl have told you it would say that.01:39
Lifeisfunnyahh, is it installed?01:39
level09xFlipx: I didn't , I was just wondering why one of them not working01:39
Dr_willisxFlipx,  :)  dont forget 'alias cd..='cd ..'01:39
IndyGunFreaklook and see what exact device you have installed01:39
Dr_willisnot working vs. not existing. :)01:39
xFlipxhowever, as mentioned if you typed $SHELL into your term and nothing came back you're probably hosed because your shell will most likely not support apt-get.01:40
level09not working because not existing :D01:40
AVFC1where can i look for that?01:40
b4l74z4rno matter what i do i can't seem to get agreable fonts in firefox01:40
IndyGunFreakAVFC1: open a terminal, (Applications/Accessories/Terminal), and type "lspci" no quotes...01:40
unocrashwhats XGL?01:40
xFlipxDr_willis: :)01:40
kindofabuzzDr_willis: would that service jsut be gdm?01:40
IndyGunFreakand see how it identifies your graphics device, do not paste the whole thing here.01:40
unocrashXGL vs. Compiz/Beryl01:40
Dr_williskindofabuzz,  yes. the service name is gdm, or kdm if using kde.01:40
level09so is it hard to setup a multi hosting platform on debian, or ubuntu ?01:41
AVFC1ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 i am seeing a lot01:41
CacketteIs it possible to setup up Steam in ubuntu, to play Counter-strike: source?01:41
LifeisfunnyAVFC1,     open 'system/admin/synaptic package manager' and then search for compiz ............. install by doing a click in their tickbox and hit apply01:41
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:41
Dr_willisCackette,  WINE is supposed to support a lot of those games check the following01:41
IndyGunFreakLifeisfunny: what are you talking about?... his graphics device isn't set up01:41
Dr_willis!appdb | Cackette01:41
ubotuCackette: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org01:41
unocrash!windows ?01:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about windows ? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:42
level09what linux distribution is recommended for a php/mysql hosting platform ?01:42
unocrashbotabuse | unocrash01:42
Dr_willislevel09,  i imagine about any of them can do it.01:42
unocrash!botabuse | unocrash01:42
Cacketteso i just apt-get install wine01:42
Dr_willislevel09,  ubuntu can handle that task fine.01:42
unocrashCackette: Or you could....01:42
level09thanx, what are the differences then ?01:43
IndyGunFreakCackette: i'd add the wine repository, so you'll always update to the newest version, but thats just me...01:43
CacketteIndyGunFreak: details?01:43
Dr_willislevel09,  different disrtos have different design goals,m and lots of little things..01:43
LifeisfunnyIndyGunFreak, okie doke, I'll butt out .............   AVFC1,  that last post I made, do it after your graphics card is set up01:43
jyullianowhat are doing site www.ubuntu-br.org?01:43
Sonjai want to add an option in nautilus rightclick on an mp3 to perform "audacious -e filename" . how?01:43
unocrash!hi | ramcosca01:43
uboturamcosca: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:43
IndyGunFreakLifeisfunny: not to be a dick, but when you click to enable extra effects, and it says they can't be enabled, that should have been a clue01:43
ramcoscaI am having problems watching YouTube. I think the video card is "uninstalled".01:44
unocrashaMule vs. eMule01:44
Dr_willisSonja,  thers an overlooked feature in nautilus to hae custome made 'scripts' on the right click menu, some how..  so its doable.. its just been ages since ive done it. I think the feature is still there. Its just not documented/mentioned a lot01:44
Dr_willisSonja,  or you could mess with the filetype/associations01:44
Sonjathanks Dr_willis but i'll need the step by step cuz i'm a n000b of course01:44
JosellisIs anyone here familiar with GRUB?01:44
ubuntuI'm about to install Ubuntu and I want to make my home folder a separate partition.  How much space do I need to reserve for the "/" mount point and should I make any other directories (like /var perhaps) a different partition?01:45
* Pelo raises his hand at Josellis 01:45
kraypiuswhy is apt-get update giving me this error? http://pastebin.ca/97170201:45
PeloJosellis, what 's the problem ?01:45
Dr_willisright click on a .mp3, check its properties, twiddle with the file associations I guess..01:45
x1250Hey guys, is there anyway I can force a nautilus script (~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts) to execute in a terminal?01:45
unocrashjosellis: that's the boot thing.01:45
LifeisfunnyIndyGunFreak, sorry, my bad.  I guess I wasn't paying that close attention.01:45
JosellisWell, I have two hard drives, and before I installed ubuntu, I got the default window boot loader01:45
ramcoscaI need help installing a video card. How can I do it? It's an AMD, if I'm not mistaken.01:45
IndyGunFreakLifeisfunny: thats pretty clear01:45
Dr_willisSonja,  x1250  just mentioned the proper script place :)  (~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts)01:45
PeloJosellis, vista ?01:45
Josellisnow that I have grub, it gives me the default ubuntu options, and then the windows loader01:45
Joselliswindows XP SP201:46
kraypiusFailed to fetch http://download.tuxfamily.org/upure64/dists/gutsy-upure64/main-amd64/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404 Not Found01:46
ubuntuJosellis, I don't have Windows installed and I don't intend to install it! :)01:46
xFlipxlevel09: you still there?01:46
PeloJosellis, ubuntu and xp on the same hdd or seperate ones ?01:46
Sonjai'm not fluent in ubuntu. i need the step by step what to type in terminal to add the option01:46
level09i'm here :)01:46
Sonjaknowing where afolder is doesn't really do anything01:46
=== ubuntu is now known as ImOnLiveCD
xFlipxdid you read the LAMP page on ubuntu.org or w/e the site is?01:46
darknessfalli have a problem about my system is always Lock Screen and Log Out...01:46
Josellistwo hard drive have windows, the second one is partitioned01:46
Lifeisfunnykraypius, you don't have the pub key01:46
Josellishad plenty of space01:46
caesa1Firefox 3 always starts in offline mode. Is there a way to force it to work in online mode, even if I'm offline?01:47
PeloJosellis, you want to boot straight into windows from grub ?01:47
kraypiuslifeisfunny, how do i fix?01:47
Lifeisfunnycheck out the line that begins      W: GPG error: http:   ....01:47
level09xFlipx: nope, but I think I'm going to , I am ordering a slicehost account01:47
ramcoscaNobody can help installing video card here?01:47
Lifeisfunnythere is a big number at the end01:47
* xFlipx commands ubuntu bot to spam the ubuntu website01:47
ImOnLiveCDHow much space should I reserve for the '/' partition?01:47
Lifeisfunnyhold on01:47
Josellisonly in grub, it only gives me the windows boot loader as an option01:47
level09xFlipx: so ubuntu has tools to facilitate this ?01:47
xFlipxlevel09: there is pretty good info on the page01:48
Josellisso I have to go through two bootloaders if I want to load windows01:48
PeloJosellis, can you pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst file soI can have a look01:48
PeloJosellis, and please use my nick when talking to me, it makes it easier for me to keep up01:48
unocrashwelcome to #ubuntu01:48
ramcoscaI guess not, then. So much for help.01:48
Frogger626Is there a more, I don't know, newb-friendly channel?01:49
unocrashwhere you can help or get help on Ubuntu 7.10 and later01:49
xFlipxlevel09: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu/serveredition01:49
Frogger626I am using Gutsy Gibbon 7.1001:49
kraypiusLifeisfunny , you still there?01:49
xFlipxFrogger626: what's up?01:49
level09xFlipx: thanks :)01:49
Lifeisfunnykraypius, open a terminal and enter these lines but  put that number in the spot <KEY>   gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv <KEY>01:49
Lifeisfunny      gpg --export --armor <KEY> | sudo apt-key add -01:49
xFlipxlevel09:  you bet01:49
unocrashFrogger626: Whats ya problem? :-)01:49
xxxx443354is there any other firewalls other then fiirestater?01:50
Frogger626Trying to install Ubuntu to a thumb drive01:50
xFlipxunocrash: problem stealer! :P01:50
Frogger626Not having a whole lot of luck01:50
Dr_willisFrogger626,  the pendrivelinux website has tutrials for that.01:50
ramcoscaYyyyyeah, no. You guys are even ignoring me. Not much help01:50
xFlipxohh this should be interesting01:50
unocrashFrogger626: I assume you are on the live cd?01:50
Peloxxxx443354, firestarter is not the firewall it's just a gui frontend,  the firewall is netfilter  ,  you can use iptable as a cli frontend01:50
PeloJosellis, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel01:50
Lifeisfunnykraypius, you know what I'm saying?   that number is the pass key to access that website01:50
JosellisPelo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62203/01:50
Frogger626unocrash: How did you guess?01:50
unocrashxFlipx: :-(01:50
PeloJosellis, ok hold on01:50
Frogger626Plus, I have only gotten it above 800x600 resolution once01:50
xFlipxramcosca: what's up?01:51
Frogger626If I can't get it above that, I can01:51
xFlipxhey Pelo01:51
xxxx443354is a  IDS needed ?01:51
level09whats ubuntu LTS (Dapper) and ubuntu (gusty) ??01:51
level09which one should I choose ?01:51
Pelohey xFlipx01:51
unocrashFrogger626: he he.01:51
darknessfallthere anyone can help me ?01:51
Frogger626*can't get past the second install screen01:51
xFlipxdapper is an older kernel01:51
ramcoscaI need help installing a video card. AMD, if I'm not mistaken. Video jumps.01:51
unocrashlevel09: LTS (Long term support)01:51
xFlipxI believe01:51
kareemobieddear all01:51
boxybrownhow do you add a user to a virtual mail box using postfix01:51
Dr_willislevel09,  go with gutsy, or wait a few weeks for 'hardy' to get released. :)01:51
Lifeisfunnykraypius, there are two commands there  #1)              gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv <KEY>01:51
PeloJosellis, join me in #grub , it will be more on topic then here01:51
jaydarknessfall: Urm... probably.  What's your problem?01:51
Lifeisfunnykraypius,    #2)        gpg --export --armor <KEY> | sudo apt-key add -01:52
xFlipxDr_willis: I'd get dapper if I was doing a LAMP install01:52
kraypiusLifeisfunny: Failed to fetch http://download.tuxfamily.org/upure64/dists/gutsy-upure64/Release  Unable to find expected entry  main-amd64/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)01:52
decaywhere do i edit compiz settings?01:52
level09Dr_willis: thanks I have to get it now, so I will go for gusty :D01:52
kraypiuswhen i do apt-get update now01:52
Dr_willisxFlipx,  i have overhead lights..i dont need lamps. :)01:52
unocrashAdvanced Desktop Effects Settings.01:52
Frogger626Well, I am suitably lost01:52
unocrashdecay: hit Alt-F2 then type CCSM01:52
unocrashFrogger626: I Usually have it installed on my xBox ;-)01:53
decayunocrash: says it can't be found01:53
Lifeisfunnykraypius, I'm not sure what that means01:53
Dr_willisFrogger626,  that pendrivelinux site often has customized iso images, or other tools to make it easier. I got gOS on a thumbdrive :)01:53
xFlipxramcosca: video jumps?01:53
unocrashdecay: Compiz isn't installed then.01:53
level09whats a good place to get an open ID ?01:53
Dr_willisccsm is not installed by default.01:53
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion01:53
xFlipxunocrash: lol @ xbox :P01:54
unocrashDr_wills: It comes in the package01:54
decayunocrash: synaptic lists it as installed01:54
Lifeisfunnykraypius, do an update from the terminal     sudo apt-get update01:54
Frogger626Dr_willis: Went there to install the pclinuxos, didn't work. If you can find an .iso that I can extract to a thumbdrive, I'm good.01:54
ramcoscaYeah, eg. YouTube. I see one frame, then one 15 frames down, then ...01:54
kraypiuslifeisfunny, thats what im doing01:54
unocrashthen go in to terminal and type compizconfig-settings-manger01:54
xFlipxand ramcosca left01:55
Dr_willisFrogger626,  theres 2 ways to 'install;' to a thumbdrive, theres the 'make the TD. boot like a live cd' then theres the 'do a normal install to a thumbdrive' - I followed the gOS docs at that site to get a usb-liuve-cd-type install on my thumbdrive01:55
decaynot found01:55
xFlipxDr_willis: don't you need a "bootable" thumb drive I.E. one of those cruizer drives?01:55
xFlipxor something of the like?01:56
Dr_willisxFlipx,  i dont think so.01:56
Frogger626I have a cruzer micro 4gb01:56
caesa1what is going to succeed Hardy?01:56
unocrashchoose applications/add-remove software01:56
xFlipxthat should work then01:56
Dr_willisxFlipx,  that one with the silly cdrom thing built in?01:56
kraypiusdoes anyone else know how to fix this error?  Failed to fetch http://download.tuxfamily.org/upure64/dists/gutsy-upure64/Release  Unable to find expected entry  main-amd64/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)01:56
kraypius 01:56
xFlipxthing sucks but you can totally turn it into a keylog dumper01:56
Frogger626that's what I'm trying to install on, but I get an error on boot: "Error 21"01:56
kraypiusfor apt-get update01:56
Frogger626or something like that01:56
unocrashdecay, you there yet?01:56
Frogger626on attempting to load "grub", or something like that01:57
xFlipxerror on boot - have you tried it on any other pc's?01:57
unocrashShArk: Hi!01:57
xFlipxsounds like you have it installed already01:57
ramcoscaSorry. My Mac went to sleep and it disconnected Colloquy mobile.01:57
unocrash!hi | shark01:57
ubotushark: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:57
Dr_willisFrogger626,  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/ note the use of the U710fix.tar  file. :) that fixes things I guess on theiso01:57
xFlipxramcosca: np :)01:57
c0LdIs anyone familiar with 8.04's graphical installer? I'm wanting to resize my other partition and make ubuntu's about 30 gigs, but it's only offering to let me use ALL of the freed space01:57
themanHey all- Just wanted to let you know I fixed my latop finally. A good smacking around can do wonders ;)01:58
xFlipxDr_willis: you did that on a regular drive?01:58
ramcoscaHow can I install the video card? Any tuts around?01:58
shArkhow can i find some expression in some files which are in one folder ? pls01:58
IndyGunFreakramcosca: well what video card?01:58
Dr_willisxFlipx,  i did it on my cheap 4 gb normal kingston thumbdrive01:58
xFlipxI think the kingstons are bootable01:58
Dr_willisxFlipx,  not tried it on my 2gb sony microvault yet.. i got Slax booting off of it.01:58
ramcoscaIt's AMD, dedicated.01:58
Frogger626Dr_willis: I do this in linux, right? 'Cuz I don't think that .tar is a windows executeable01:58
xFlipxno doubt?!01:58
ramcoscasorry, ATi01:58
IndyGunFreakramcosca: its likely eithe ran Nvidia, or ATI or Intel chipset01:58
IndyGunFreak!ati | ramcosca01:58
uboturamcosca: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:58
Dr_willisFrogger626,  no idea. when in doubt read the docs.. they look like linux commands to me.. from the livecd01:59
xFlipxFrogger626: .tar can be opened with winrar in windows01:59
unocrashramcosca AMD is Ati01:59
ramcoscawell that was quick, thanks01:59
c0LdIs anyone familiar with 8.04's graphical installer? I'm wanting to resize my other partition and make ubuntu's about 30 gigs, but it's only offering to let me use ALL of the freed space01:59
ramcoscayeah I forgot they merged01:59
Dr_willisThe instructions say to ------>  # Reboot your computer into Ubuntu from the Live CD01:59
ramcoscasilly brain :)01:59
Frogger626Dr_willis: Definitely a linux install. Thanks for the help- I'll get back to you in a few.01:59
unocrashc0Ld: All ubuntu live Cds use up all free space.02:00
ramcoscawill try that and be back in a few thanks!02:00
Dr_willisFrogger626,  thats a live-cd-on-the-thumbdrive type install.02:00
Frogger626Dr_willis: I can still read/write to the drive, right?02:00
=== ramcosca is now known as ramcosca_fixing-
Dr_willisFrogger626,  no idea. I ust use mine as a 'test/debug' setup mainly02:01
Dr_willisFrogger626,  its not a full type system i think. (again this was the gOS variant i have)02:01
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-t
MagicMoonLightHi Room02:01
Frogger626I really would like to run WINE on it.02:01
=== Frogger626 is now known as Frogger626-
xFlipxDr_willis: you write your own kernels?02:01
=== Frogger626- is now known as Frogger626-insta
Lifeisfunnykraypius, remove the word   Release    from the end of that line in your sources.list file02:02
Dr_willisxFlipx,  good lord no. :)02:02
IndyGunFreakna, netsplit, about 400 people woulda got kicked02:02
MagicMoonLightWho can talk to about a simple vmware workstation question?02:02
IndyGunFreakat least02:02
shArkany1 ?:\02:02
nikrudwilix, has a nice ring02:02
spydonCan someone connect to my ftp? ftp://spydon.is-a-geek.net02:02
xFlipxDr_willis: should be easy with all of those overhead lights, makes you brighter! :P02:02
=== ramcosca_fixing- is now known as ramcosca
iceswordspydon, no virus?02:03
ramcoscaWow, gee, thanks. I hadn't seen the restricted drivers option there.02:03
xFlipxIndyGunFreak: I was searching for the most popular channels and this one is like in the top 2002:03
Frogger626-instaDr_willis: This is all greek to me.02:03
kareemobiedi want to customize my kernel use make menuconfig02:03
* ramcosca fails02:03
=== Frogger626-insta is now known as Frogger626
iceswordMagicMoonLight, shoot02:03
xFlipxso you're probably right - at least 40002:03
IndyGunFreakxFlipx: yeah, there's rarely less than 1k people here02:04
IndyGunFreakbut probably only a couple hundred active at a time02:04
kareemobiedand there are many items i don't understand it02:04
xFlipxmakes for a quick scrolling irc window02:04
spydonicesword: no... :P02:04
xFlipxmy boss will just think I'm tailing pretty logs :P02:04
kareemobiedi want a book to read in it02:04
kareemobiedif there ?02:04
unocrashshark: what's the problem?02:04
spydonicesword: arent you on ubuntu anyway? :P02:04
ramcoscaWikl I have to reboot if I install video drivers?02:04
Frogger626Dr_willis: On step 5, fdisk -l command, I get... Gibberish. I can't understand.02:05
xFlipxyou'll want to restart X02:05
IndyGunFreakramcosca: most likely02:05
unocrashshark: What's the problem02:05
IndyGunFreakxFlipx: i'm pretty sure it requires a system restart, not just an x restart02:05
gkffjcsis there a way to killall gnome-panel, and keep it dead, it keeps restarting02:05
gkffjcsI want it to go away02:05
iceswordspydon, unknow host02:05
xFlipxIndyGunFreak: I believe you're right02:05
ramcoscaAllrighty then. Let it finish installing.02:05
Lifeisfunnykraypius, remove the word   Release    from the end of that line in your sources.list file and add ........ I'm guessing     AMD-6402:05
nikrudgkffjcs system->prefs->session, middle tab. find gnome-panel and set it for not restart02:05
ZMRwhat`s the best way to delete all the iptables rules? iptables -F?02:06
Dr_willisFrogger626,  it wants you to see whhat /dev/sd## item your thumbdrive is,02:06
xFlipxthink so - random links = bad.02:06
Dr_willisFrogger626,  chedk dmesg output after you plug it in - also gives some info02:06
Dr_willisFrogger626,  you do NOT want toformat the wrong disk.02:07
ramcoscaHa. Opped, set ban, de-op.02:07
* IndyGunFreak has accidently formatted the wrong drive before.. :)02:07
* nikrud did that last month02:07
IndyGunFreakmostly due to not paying attention, more than not knowing what i was doing02:07
spydonicesword: could you access it?02:07
Lifeisfunnykraypius, and do another   sudo apt-get update02:07
xFlipxI can honestly say I've never done that02:07
ramcoscaOuch, wrong drive? Ditto.02:08
xFlipxIndyGunFreak: I believe it02:08
IndyGunFreakxFlipx: lol, give it time, you will..02:08
xFlipxno way02:08
IndyGunFreaki bonked an external backup on accident..lol02:08
IndyGunFreakthank goodness i keep 202:08
nikrudmy gutsy install. doh02:08
Frogger626Dr_willis: I got past that step and I'm working on 7, if that helps.02:08
xFlipxI picked up a mybook and dumped 7 years of usenet downloading onto it02:09
ramcoscaOh my02:09
shArkunocrash: im looking for a file in which there's an expression.. the problem is that i dont know which file is it.. i just know in which folder.. can you help me pls ?:p02:09
xFlipxI love the thing02:09
nikrudbut, thanks for /home and sbackup ;)02:09
ramcoscato quote someone I dont really like...02:09
ramcosca"Developers, developers, developers!"02:09
IndyGunFreakxFlipx: i bought 2 500gig drives on sale at TD($89 each), and bought enclosures for both.;02:09
Frogger626Dr_willis, the drive is pre-partitioned. This could be a problem.02:09
xFlipxohhh nice02:09
xFlipxthat's CHEAP02:09
IndyGunFreaki shoulda bought 302:10
xFlipxno kidding lol02:10
nikrudshArk  grep <expression> <files>  (you can use * to search all files in the dir)02:10
ramcoscaworked wonderful02:10
Frogger626For pre-partitioned drives, I just delete all the partitions... Right?02:10
xFlipxthose cruzers hold a partition02:10
nikrudFrogger626 yep02:10
shArknikrud: omg.. thx ;)02:10
loserhey does wine ussually have alot of lag02:10
xFlipxfor the bootable deal - you can trash it02:10
Frogger626Ok, here goes... Guess I don't have to worry about a BSOD...02:11
chris0loser: depends on the program....02:11
c0LdWould it be possible to allow Ubuntu to install to all of my free space and then re-size its partition again after installation to allow more space for my other partitions again?02:11
Dr_willisCruzers have those u3 things? I made it a point to NOT buy anything that has that u3 stuff02:11
ramcoscaI get GSOD on my Mac, kernel panics. Tux gets em too right?02:11
xFlipxc0Ld: are you trying to dual boot?02:11
shArknikrud: i must have forgot because the headache or something :D02:11
nikrudc0Ld look for the manual partitioning, you can set it up as you like02:11
Frogger626Dr_willis, yes, yes it does have U302:11
xFlipxramcosca: no02:11
loserwell yeah i just installed it, it seems to run slow should i get an updated version as aposed to the package provided with ubuntu02:11
Peloc0Ld, yes it is ,  but you 'll need to use the live cd to resize after wards02:12
c0LdxFlipx: Yes, but I don't need nor want Ubuntu to use all of my freed space.02:12
chris0Dr_willis: yeah, but I've got one. Just delete U3 and it's nice02:12
ramcoscaAnother question.02:12
E-werdCackette: your best bet is either Crossover Office (there is a trial) or attempting to do so with wine02:12
Dr_willisFrogger626,  good luck. :) that device will show up as 2 devices in the fdisk -l output.02:12
E-werdwow, that is later than I thought02:12
c0LdPelo: Does the liveCD have another partitioner on it somewhere? I've honestly never even looked.02:12
xFlipxc0Ld: right, on all of my installs I've been able to use specific space02:12
E-werdwoops :-[02:12
Dr_willischris0,  you did? heh - i wasent able to do that to my friends u3 disk..02:12
Peloc0Ld, in the admin menu02:12
xFlipxpartition manager starts in live and install, right?02:13
chris0Dr_willis: look around on portableapps.com. they tell you how to do it.02:13
xFlipxI believe it does02:13
nikrudFrogger626 I found a utility I could run in windows to remove the u3 stuff, get the whole stick back.02:13
=== Cosmosan is now known as Cosmo-san
c0LdxFlipx: It's only allowing me to install to ALL of my freed space unless I manually partition it all, so I'm figuring it'll probably end up easier to just let it do its thing and re-size it again when it's done.02:13
PeloxFlipx, you can access gpartd from the admin menu on hte live cd , and from the installer selecting manual partitionning02:13
sarah___hey guys, does anyone have a cool "conky" config?02:13
xFlipxc0Ld: do you have a unused unformated partition?02:13
Lifeisfunnysarah___, screenlets has one02:13
xFlipxif not in windows you can use partition magic to free up some unused space02:14
spydonicesword: now then?02:14
Lifeisfunnydark with an ubuntu logo in it02:14
zloog_Hi, how can I set the contents of a variable in a script to be the output of a program? (the program is volname )02:14
nikrudFrogger626 http://www.u3.com/uninstall/02:14
sarah___what is screenlets?02:14
c0LdxFlipx: No, but I'm in the LiveCD right now and would be able to make one -- but I've never used gparted before.02:14
xFlipxI highly recommend creating different drives - so you can tell them apart and not format them02:14
iceswordspydon, i am scared?02:14
Frogger626PROBLEM! Terminal won't recognize unmount02:14
Peloc0Ld, use the manual partitionning , it's easy just put 3 partiton ,  5-10 gig for / in ext3,  2xram (2gig max) for swap , and  what ever you want for /home02:14
spydonicesword: why? :P02:14
PeloFrogger626, umount02:14
nikrudFrogger626 umount02:14
Lifeisfunnyit's in the synaptic02:14
iceswordof malware,spyware,adware02:14
xFlipxlikve IndyGunFreak did :P02:14
* Pelo wins 02:14
iceswordand virus02:14
nikrudyeah, yeah, yeah02:15
Frogger626OOOH :P02:15
Lifeisfunnyhas many other things02:15
xFlipxwhat type of windows are you running c002:15
Lifeisfunnyalong witha  plant you can water every day02:15
spydonicesword: are you on windows or wtf? :P02:15
IndyGunFreakxFlipx: did what?...lol02:15
Lifeisfunnyit's suppose to grow02:15
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:15
level09I am using adduser command, what is the room number ??02:15
xFlipxIndyGunFreak: reformatted the wrong drive :P02:15
* Pelo notices nikrud and IndyGunFreak , the whole gang is here tonight 02:15
Lifeisfunnyit's like a widgets thing02:15
loserlets see if i can get wine to run my windows aim602:15
Dr_willisxFlipx,  thats old info used by colleges/work places02:15
iceswordspydon, i don't open it,call others02:15
nikrudlevel09 that's a holdover from when unix was a university only thing, it was the user's room number02:15
Dr_willisxFlipx,  its not mandatory :)02:15
level09what should i input there ?02:15
spydonicesword: I can assure you that if you even get in you wont find any of that there02:15
Pelo!enter | Lifeisfunny02:15
ubotuLifeisfunny: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:15
IndyGunFreakxFlipx: lol, it was more a careless error than being an idiot.. but i had a liberal dose of both..lol02:15
nikrudlevel09 you can just leave it empty02:16
histoloser: why not just use pidgin02:16
Dr_willisoops wrong nick. :)02:16
iceswordspydon, let me ping02:16
spydonicesword: I just want to see if it works outside my router02:16
level09nikrud: thanks :)02:16
loserhisto i am im just trying to gage the lag on wine02:16
spydonicesword: ping is diffrent02:16
xFlipxDr_willis: you confused me lol02:16
spydonicesword: you will ping my router02:16
spydonicesword: not my server02:16
loserbefore i go and totally delete windows02:16
nikrudlevel09 only thing you need is username and password, rest is optional02:16
xFlipxc0Ld: what type of windows are you running?02:16
histoloser: its not an emulator but have fun.02:16
hexoroidcan anybody take a look at this problem http://pastebin.com/m11540bf802:16
Dr_willisxFlipx,  xchat will sort of semi -scroll for me andi get the nick and text on different linex.02:16
c0LdDoes anyone know how I can make a new 30gb or so partition out of my free space using GParted and just install to that instead of using the installer to do it?02:16
iceswordspydon, what is address02:16
c0LdxFlipx: XP pro02:16
Lifeisfunnypelo, thanks, and for your benefit I will also refrain from run on sentences02:16
IndyGunFreakPelo: how' goes it.. i tried to set a record last week for most hours worked bya  govt. employee..lol.., so i was MIA most of the week02:16
histo!install > c0Ld,   c0Ld Read the private message from ubotu.02:17
Dr_willisc0Ld,  fire up gparted , resize existingpartitions leaving a unallocated space at the end of thehard drive. tell installer to use that unallocated space02:17
xFlipxc0Ld: I've never used gparted either so I'm afraid I cannot help with that, but I have suggestions if you'd like them02:17
nikrudIndyGunFreak you got 20 in?!!02:17
PeloIndyGunFreak, tax season ?02:17
xFlipxor listen to the doc02:17
Frogger626Is there a way to safe-remove a portable drive?02:17
Frogger626or does it do it automatically?02:17
xFlipxdoc's gotit02:17
Dr_willisFrogger626,  unmount it.02:17
spydonright click on it Frogger62602:17
IndyGunFreaknikro: lmao, hardly.. i worked 18hrs 1 day..lol02:17
nikrudFrogger626 if you do it with umount, it's safe. Or, right click it on the desktop and select eject02:17
IndyGunFreakPelo: no, natives were restless02:17
Dr_willisFrogger626,  that is what the 'safely remove' stuff does.02:17
Peloc0Ld,  just setp back to the desktop ,  and select the gnome partiton editor from the system > admin menu and make your partition there02:17
loserhisto: than how would you describe it, do you have any wine experience through ubuntu that could help me out02:18
iceswordspydon, yep,it works02:18
spydonicesword: thx02:18
bebindht is  firewalled  distributed database's udp port maping problem how to fix it02:18
IndyGunFreakDept of Correction02:18
level09how do I exit visudo ( using putty client) ?02:18
bebinazureus dht is  firewalled  distributed database's udp port maping problem how to fix it02:18
level09saving the changes02:18
chris0level09: do you wnat to save what you did?02:18
nikrudlevel09 <escape> :wq  to write and quit, :q! to exit without writing02:18
chris0level09: :wq02:19
IndyGunFreakPelo: oh yah, just staffing, guys being idiots, etc,02:19
IndyGunFreakit was cool02:19
c0LdPelo: I've never used GParted, so I'm not quite sure what I'm doing with it -- It does show how much free space I have, but I'm not sure how to partition 30gb out of it.02:19
level09chris0: thanks02:19
* Pelo reminds IndyGunFreak of /notice 02:19
Peloc0Ld, are you in it atm ?02:19
sarah___hey guys, is there a wireless script i can write for my ubuntu to auto connect to my wireless access point?02:19
b4l74z4rcan you run more than one wine app at once?02:19
c0LdPelo: Yes02:19
Dr_willisc0Ld,  free space is not the same as 'unallocated' space.02:19
Peloc0Ld, right click on the empty space in the disk diagram at the top and select add a partiton , or new partiton02:20
baudelaireHey Guys!  I have a quick question.  I'm pretty new to Ubuntu.  Do you guys have any productivity tips that you think would help me?  I already use Gnome-Do.  You guys have any other ideas? :-) :-P02:20
tarkusdo you guys think that linux will eventually be a suitable, efficient desktop platform? as well as good for multimedia and design. (pretty much what people use a mac for)02:20
nikrudbaudelaire learn the names of the apps you use, and start them with alt-fw02:20
tarkusi mean i use linux for my coding and development. but thats about it02:20
nikrudbaudelaire erm,  alt-f2 that is02:21
c0LdPelo: It won't let me add a new partition, the only related option to that is to resize the current one.02:21
iceswordspydon is gone02:21
losertarkus: it allready is it comes on laptops preloaded02:21
tarkusi would also like it to be a good esktop app, instead of using win/mac for this type of stuff02:21
Peloc0Ld, are you sure you ahve free space ?02:21
xFlipxtarkus: it is :)02:21
tarkusloser, yeah, i just rdered a lenovo T61 with Novell SLED 1002:21
losertarkus: you can get ubuntu throught quite a few companys preloaded02:21
c0LdPelo: Yes, I have about 60 gigs free.02:21
Josellispelo, I'm back02:21
chris0tarkus: t61, baby!!!02:21
Joselliswait on grub02:21
Peloc0Ld, free space is unpartition space , not just space that is unsused in your hdd02:21
losertarkus: id call it stable its very very versatille02:21
tarkusloser, yea i know. that doesnt justify it being a better desktop plaform than OSX02:21
nikrudc0Ld is that free space on the ntfs partition, or free space outside the ntfs partition?02:21
baudelaireThanks, nikrud02:22
Peloc0Ld,  it should state unallocated space02:22
c0Ldit's inside of the ntfs partition still02:22
tarkuschris0, are you working with one now?02:22
chris0tarkus: yep02:22
xFlipxtarkus: OSX is based on unix.02:22
tarkuschris0, how is it? is the battery life really that bad?02:22
nikrudc0Ld then you need to resize the ntfs first. If you are using vista, use the disk management tool in vista to do that02:22
Peloc0Ld,  you need to resize the ntfs partiton then , unless you are getting rid of windows , then you can just remove it all together02:22
shachafI've read about other people having this problem, but not about any solution: Using Xinerama on a Radeon 9600 with the fglrx driver, the mouse cursor on the primary screen is fine, but on the secondary screen, it doesn't change -- it just stays in the same shape it was on the primary screen.02:22
losertarkus: why not osx is codecd from the same thing linux is its from a unix base isnt it ??02:22
tarkusxFlipx, yea, since leopard its a fully unix OS.02:22
chris0tarkus: battery life's not great. new, it got just under 2 hours. now (6 months later) it's down to about an hour 45 minutes02:23
tarkusloser, i know this. but from a software selection point. you get a wider array of powerfull applications02:23
shachafHas someone else here had a problem like this?02:23
losertarkus: so its all about knowing how to use the os to your advantage02:23
xFlipxtarkus: and most every app OSx offers was available on linux long before OSX .... for free I might add02:23
tarkuschris0, what size battery?02:23
bebinazureus dht is  firewalled  distributed database's udp port maping problem how to fix it please help02:23
tarkuschris0, thats dissapointing.02:23
losertarkus: ehh yeah you got me there its because all the software out is freeware we just have to wait until a big big software companie decides to get involved and try to grab the market02:24
chris0tarkus: rumor has it, if you get the right kind of t61, you can put a t60 battery in it and get 8 hours of battery life. mine's the wrong kind. my battery is the biggest one (7-cell?---don't remember)02:24
nikrudbebin probably your router, you'll need to use your router manual02:24
xen_can someone please take a look at this, everything is explained in the post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4650305&postcount=102:24
tarkuschris0, omfg. thats insane..02:24
nikrudbebin you can ensure that it's not ubuntu by typing   sudo iptables -F  , clears any possible firewall rules on the computer02:24
tarkuschris0, your using the 7-cell and you're getting < 2 hours02:25
Frogger626ARGH! Linux-ache!02:25
* tarkus goes to buy a macbook instead02:25
Frogger626Dr_willis, if you're there, I am stuck02:25
Frogger626... or not02:25
chris0tarkus: I have a friend who has a t60 and a t61 and he swapped the batteries and gets 8 hours. I tried it in mine but his battery doesn't fit. I have the big battery, I think it's the 7-cell, but I dont remember02:25
nikrudxen_ a couple questions:  are you using xserver-xgl , and compiz?02:26
level09how do I switch my user from within the terminal window ?02:26
bebinnikurud: can you say how to enable it again02:26
tarkuschris0, well looks like i am completely screwed then. i got the 4-cell (i hate extended batteries that arent flush with the chassis)02:26
chris0level09: su - <username>02:26
level09thanks :)02:26
nikrudbebin by default there is no firewall. Unless you intentionally set one up with firestarter or some other tool02:26
Frogger626Well guys, here goes. Be back in a few02:26
chris0tarkus: yes, but you can also get an ultrabay battery. still saving up for that one tho...02:26
speeddemon8803nickrud, but there is iptables right?02:27
loserhmm im doing things the way wine says to but they dont work the way its suppose to02:27
nikrudspeeddemon8803 yes, that's a tool to set the firewall rules. Unless you actually use iptables, there are no firewall rules02:27
tarkusi would love to use a full opensource toolset for both work, and casual use.02:27
rhineheart_mquick question: how to prove why an email won't arrive to local mailbox well in fact I could send and receive mails if doing it locally? I am using postfix and courier imap with squirrelmail. thanks!02:28
* speeddemon8803 was just thinking of the statement no firewall because i ran into a network security testing site and it didnt get past anything is all.02:28
tarkusjust for piece of mind and the flexibility.02:28
loseris there a better program out there than wine02:28
nikrudspeeddemon8803   sudo netstat -pltn , shows what is listening to what. If nothing is listening to the net, of course it'll pass ;)02:29
Gokee2_OfficeI installed  lightning-extension but can`t find it anywhere in thunderbird.  How do I use it?  I am on Xubuntu 7.102:29
* speeddemon8803 shrugs...mkay02:29
c0LdPelo: Gparted'd giving me an error :/ - it says "extended record needed (1032 > 1024), not yet supported"02:29
w33d5whats the command for what use to be  Xconfigurator02:30
Peloc0Ld, no idea what that is02:30
Peloc0Ld, what were you trying to acheive ?02:30
nikrudw33d5 in ubuntu it's   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:30
c0LdPelo: I'm trying to resize my partition to make about 30 gigs unallocated02:31
w33d5nikrud you da man thanks02:31
loseropening my installer exe lets see if it works02:31
rignesHey all.02:31
losershit it works02:31
karllenzhey what is the commande to get the gnome desktop?02:31
rignesI hear automatix is no more.  Is there a functional equivalent replacement?02:31
Peloc0Ld, get back into windows and defrag it a few times before trying to rezise it will help02:31
xen_nikrud no not using compiz, but i do have the xserver-xgl installed02:32
Starnestommyrignes: try the medibuntu repositories02:32
speeddemon8803later folks02:32
karllenzanyone commande to install the gnome desktop will using kde?02:32
rignesStarnestommy: Thanks.02:32
=== reconnect is now known as recon
nikrudxen_ that's the :1.0 server you see with just fglrxinfo, it runs above the :0.0 server. You could try uninstalling xserver-xorg and checking fglrxinfo for yourself.02:33
xen_nikrud ah ok so i just do sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg, then try typing in fglrxinfo into terminal like that?02:33
nikrudkarllenz   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:33
nikrudxen_ you'll have to log out and back in02:33
xen_ah ok02:33
loserim deleting windows02:33
Computer|NerdAnyone have any tips on Dreamweaver with Ubuntu?? An alternative would be fine 2!02:34
loserright now haha02:34
xen_ill try that now, thanks nik02:34
loserthis kicks ass02:34
karllenzcouldnt find package ubunut02:34
Gokee2_OfficeSo anyone know why I would not be able to find the  lightning-extension in thunderbird?02:34
xen_nikrud it wants to uninstall ALOT of packages when typing in purge xserver-xorg, this is correct?02:34
nikrudkarllenz try again, ubuntu-desktop02:34
loserthis thing works great02:34
JPSmanHow do I load a module?02:35
karllenznope nothing02:35
JPSmaninto /proc/modules ?02:35
nikrudxen_ not that I remember, just xserver-xgl. Put the complete output from   sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xgl02:35
tarkuscan someone help me make a decision on what platform to use? im trying to give myself reasons why i should choose linux over mac osx.02:35
AVFC1linux is free02:35
karllenzchoose linux02:35
xen_nikrud oh just xserver-xgl? i thought you meant xserver-xorg :S02:35
karllenzmacs a pain in the ass im currently trying to install liux on my new macbook02:36
troxortarkus: windows vista :P02:36
nikrudxen_ hahahhahahaha02:36
tarkusAVFC1, so is everything else (...)02:36
xen_nikrud lol damn, i already went ahead with hit02:36
tarkustroxor, heh. noo thanks02:36
nikrudxen_ I passed right over you saying xserver-xorg, and I did say that02:36
level09is the public/private keys really important for security ?02:36
loserim about to delete windows vista any objection?02:36
JPSmanso do we have any black hats in here?02:36
n3urogodloser, what did you get working?02:36
losermy wine and audio and wireless02:36
xen_nikrud ok so you meant xserver-xorg, or xserver-xgl?02:36
nikrudxen_ you are joking, right?02:37
Computer|NerdI take that as a no....02:37
nikrudxen_ xgl02:37
loserso ubuntu now owns windows02:37
tarkuskarllenz, you just got a new macbook, and you dont like it?02:37
troxorComputer|Nerd: nvu02:37
karllenznot really02:37
karllenza fan of osx02:37
troxorComputer|Nerd: or bluefish02:37
n3urogodloser, dont play games hey? :P02:37
karllenzits like an os mad for dumb asses02:37
tarkuskarllenz, why arent you using osx? what does linux give you otherwise? (you get the terminal, bash shell, X11 support, and everything in mac osx)02:37
n3urogodloser, what did you get working under wine?02:37
xFlipxJPSman: does it count if I work with some blackhats? :P02:37
n3urogodtarkus, linux is free and open source02:38
JPSmanxFlipx: yes it does02:38
karllenzi like learning new stuff im sick of osx already i get alot of error with itunes and mozilla02:38
tarkusN3bunel, but he already paid for osx license.02:38
Computer|Nerdtroxor yea.... nvu, kompozer, bluefish... they just aren't capable of what I want to do!!02:38
tarkusn3urogod, ^^02:38
troxorComputer|Nerd: vim :P02:38
xFlipxa good friend and coworker is a black hat02:38
xFlipxguy uses windows and osx :x02:38
Frogger626Hello- again02:38
nikrudComputer|Nerd don't listen to troxor he's a masochist02:39
troxornikrud: :)02:39
Computer|Nerdnikrun do you have any ideas?02:39
loseris there a partition manager in ubuntu somewere?02:39
Zeltahey nikrud.02:39
ZeltaI'm having some more Firefox problems D:02:39
n3urogodloser, fdisk02:39
troxorloser: gparted02:39
loserthank you02:39
Computer|Nerdnickrud do u have any ideas?02:39
nikrudComputer|Nerd I use eclipse for the little php/html I do02:39
sarah___hey guys, does anyone have a good .conkyrc i can use?02:39
nikrudZelta hey there02:39
JPSmanHow do I load a module into /proc/modules ?02:40
troxorsarah___: what counts as good?02:40
nikrudJPSman   sudo modprobe  <module>02:40
karllenzthe major issue im having with kubuntu and the macbook is getting wifi working02:40
Computer|Nerdnikrud does it have any type of layers or an easy way to get a backgroud image... even more important.. is it wysiwyg?02:40
sarah___counts as good? just a nice layout02:40
Frogger626Dr_willis, i need help02:41
sarah___theme i guess troxor02:41
Frogger626Same problem as before02:41
nikrudComputer|Nerd not wysiwyg at all02:41
Computer|NerdKarllenz I had a wifi problem with my Dell also02:41
Zeltanikrud: Linking that dir allowed flash to work in Firefox, but now I get the problem I had in Firefox 202:41
sarah___it needs to be pretty02:41
Computer|Nerdnikrud ah.... c that wouldn't work 4 me02:41
nikrudComputer|Nerd I see. I tend to type things out, not take shortcuts02:41
Computer|Nerdoh thanks!02:42
Computer|NerdI would type things out... I just don't have the time to learn how to type HTML nikrud02:42
BoostedSSHi guys.  I have a question.  Everytime I try to install anything it says the list needs to be updated.  I hit refresh and it does the same thing.02:42
level09why do we add dots infront of some directories ? like .ssh for example ?02:43
troxorsarah___: would you mind a screenshot link in PM ?02:43
Starnestommylevel09: to make them hidden02:43
BoostedSSlevel09  that makes it hiddent02:43
nikrudlevel09 directories with dots hare hidden from listings02:43
nikrudlevel09 ls -a shows them02:43
level09rm -a removes them ?02:43
nikrudlevel09 no. Why would you want to get rid of it?    rm .ssh -r will remove the directory though02:44
jengelhthe dot is a thing only LS (and file managers) "understand".02:44
BoostedSSwhat is the command to manually update the list in the add/remove programs applet?02:44
StarnestommyBoostedSS: sudo apt-get update?02:44
BoostedSSthanks thats what I'm looking for02:44
moregreenhello all...02:44
level09nikrud: I just did some wrong things, I want to start again )02:44
nikrudBoostedSS that listing is fixed, doesn't change unless the package that defines it is changed02:44
ers35hello moregreen02:45
moregreeni am having a problem with my ubuntu/kubuntu .  every time i open synaptic, it seems like it is updating the sources, then immedietely closes.02:45
moregreenim on gutsy02:45
Shiiiihey all02:45
moregreenit may have happened when i tried to reinstall firefox from the terminal02:46
poseidonIs there a way to boot ubuntu up in windows from a flash drive?02:46
troxormoregreen: run synaptic from a terminal, and see what kind of output it gives02:46
moregreenit runs fine in terminal02:46
moregreenlemme try again though02:46
Zeltaposeidon: Put casper-persistent ubuntu on a flash drive and put it in while running windows02:46
loserok so now i deleted windows how do i tell if my new partition is mounted>02:46
nikrudZelta what's the firefox problem, anyway?02:47
BoostedSSnikrud, so what command would I issue to update all of the packages on my system...  like yum update all type command02:47
iceswordposeidon, how do you  mean02:47
troxorloser: `mount`, `df`, or `cat /proc/mounts`02:47
poseidonnm, I just found something02:47
moregreenhey troxor... i ran sudo synaptic... does the same thing.02:47
Stroganoffhttp://pastebin.ca/raw/971919 this code creates this checklist: http://www.abload.de/img/dialog-conditionobn.png --- why?02:47
nikrudBoostedSS that's  sudo apt-get update , system->admin->synaptic will reflect that change02:47
robot682Hello.  I am a user trying to switch over from windows and I am having a heck of a time getting my xorg.conf right.02:47
loserok it has a folder onit called lost and found i cant delete02:47
Zeltanikrud: Flash videos appear, but occasionally (not all the time), when I try to load it, Firefox goes unresponsive and prompts for a Force Quit02:47
nikrudZelta does that to me too.02:47
troxormoregreen: does it give an error message in the terminal window?02:48
Zeltanikrud: Often?02:48
moregreenSegmentation fault (core dumped)02:48
Frogger626I can't open Ubuntu from the thumb drive!02:48
moregreenfrogger, dont you have to restart?02:48
IndyGunFreakFrogger626: are you trying to install, or did you install it to the thumb drive02:48
troxormoregreen: bummer, try this `aptitude update && aptitude upgrade` . maybe the file got corrupted02:49
Frogger626Did install to the drive02:49
moregreentroxor thanks02:49
Frogger626I get a GRUB loading (enter) Error 2102:49
loserim formating it02:49
PeloFrogger626, but is grub stage 1 on the usb or is it on the hdd ?02:49
loserex2 should be fine right?02:49
Frogger626Pelo: What?02:49
keithclarkI deleted a user and want to recreate them with the same settings but it does not seem to be working, any ideas?02:49
IndyGunFreakwhy would you install to an external drive, you know how slow thats gonna be?02:49
moregreenvery slow02:50
=== _CaNeS is now known as CaNeS
moregreenfaster than cd though, right?02:50
IndyGunFreaksilly, complete waste fo time02:50
IndyGunFreakmoregreen: honestly, i doubt it02:50
PeloFrogger626, grub , the boot menu , is in two parts, one part on the boot device at the timeof hte install and part 2 on the ubuntu partiton02:50
Dr_willisi got my y Thumbfdrive set to boot as if it was a live cd. its much faster then a live-cd02:50
moregreenusb2.0 ?02:50
Zeltadepends on the external hard drive spindle speed02:50
BoostedSSnikrud, thank you.  that synaptic was what I was looking for.  I also cannot install anything from the add/remove programs cause it says the list is not updated does that make sense?02:50
emmaI have an external drive and it is very slow. I would not recommend installing Ubuntu on it. It's good for using as storage for data.02:50
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: yeah, but not running an install from the thumb drive02:50
Frogger626IGF, I don't have an extra HD lying around (that I can use), and this seems like a reasonable solution02:50
IndyGunFreakFrogger626: so partition the one you have.02:50
PeloFrogger626, this is error 21   21 : Selected disk does not exist02:51
Pelo    This error is returned if the device part of a device- or full file name refers to a disk or BIOS device that is not present or not recognized by the BIOS in the system.02:51
nikrudBoostedSS yes, ubuntu has done some stuff to invalidate a repository unless it has recently been updated02:51
Frogger626Won't that wipe the drive I partition?02:51
Dr_willisIndyGunFreak,  theres 2 ways to 'install' to a thumbdrive :) live-cd clone, and full install..ive never managed to make a full install work.. heh02:51
Frogger626If I can do a live-CD clone that I can save files to, I'm good.02:51
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: lol.. the live CD i think would be fine.. no different, maybe even a tad faster, than running a live CD02:51
Frogger626I just want flash and WINE, and I'm good.02:51
Dr_williswith the 'full' install to a usb device. the initrd and other kernel issues can happen. because the name/device name of the usb device  can change - i recall.02:51
nikrudDr_willis I guess you better go back to working on wilix then ;)02:52
BoostedSSnikrud; lol How do I update it?  This is a fresh install of gutsy on a brand new laptop02:52
IndyGunFreakFrogger626: if you partition the drive properly, no, it won't wipe the drive, have you read any tutorials?02:52
nikrudBoostedSS the apt-get upgrade will do it, that refreshes the repositories02:52
Dr_willisI have a Slax-Thumbdrive, and a gOS thumbdrive right now. :)02:52
moregreenI used su, then sudo aptitude safe-upgrade and i think its going to work... (crosses fingers)02:52
Dr_willisI followed the gOS docs at pendrive linux and got that going.02:52
Frogger626Just wondering... Anyone here ever had a linux-ache?02:52
robot682Hello. I was wondering if anyone has some time to help with some ATI graphics card issues?02:52
ZeltagOS v2 beta is sorely missing certain basic functionality02:53
Ricohello everyone!02:53
karllenzcan anyone help me with ndiswrapper??02:53
moregreenhey frogger i got one of those02:53
Dr_willisZelta, yep. :)02:53
moregreenthose kubuntu-aches02:53
RicoI need some help configuring my display02:53
ZeltaYou can't even resize partitions in the included GParted :\02:53
Ricoif anyone is willing to help, I will be very thankful!02:54
moregreenOK the APTITUDE SAFE-UPGRADE ended up on a frozen:  Setting up ubuntu-docs (7.10.5) ...02:54
level09what is UsePam and UseDNS in the sshd_config file for ?02:54
BoostedSSnikrud;  thank you so much.   That just sparked a light in my head.  I went to the sources and by default nothing was selected02:54
nikrudmoregreen that one can take quite a while to complete, scrollkeeper (the thing that registers the docs) is a dog02:54
IndyGunFreakFrogger626: how much free space do you have on your internal hard drive02:55
moregreennikrud thanks02:55
Frogger626IndyGUnFreak: 80gb, but it is already paritioned. One partition has Windows and one has... Wait a minute...02:56
Ricoanyone? my xorg.conf is properly configure but the "Display" gui only shows 640x480.02:56
karllenzanyone help macbook wifi?02:56
Frogger626Rico: I have the same problem02:56
robot682Hello I was hoping someone could give me some advice on my xorg.conf with an ATI card? Please.02:56
BoostedSSrico; display driver?02:56
PeloRico, what video card ?02:57
RicoI am running on a IBM x33502:57
RicoAti Rage XL02:57
Ricoand I am usinf Xcfe02:57
nikrudrobot682 for ati, I have a suggestion: system->admin->restricted driver , enable ati restricted. reboot. log in, run fglrxinfo and make sure it's using ati 8.37.6 driver. install xserver-xgl compizconfig-settings-manager , then log out and back in. Go to system->prefs->appearance effects tab02:57
Frogger626Erm, I have the same problem as Rico02:57
Frogger626except in Ubuntu02:57
troxor!ati | Rico02:57
ubotuRico: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:57
Ricothe display dirver, default... what was install with xubuntu02:57
IndyGunFreakno, rico is having a display issue.. far as i can tell.02:57
nikrudrobot682 if you have been messing with the xorg already, do   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg first02:57
PeloRico, I don't think you add extra resolutions for ati drives using xorg.conf,  check in the forum for ati resolution, there is a way to do it , I just don' tknow what it is02:58
caesa1I'm trying to make the thumb buttons on my mouse work as the middle button. How do I do this?02:58
troxorRico: if the binary drivers are working, you can check /var/log/Xorg.0.log, looking for lines with (WW) or (EE)02:58
IndyGunFreakFrogger626: so whats the other partition have on it?02:58
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moregreenHey thanks to all you awesome people who got my synaptic working!02:58
moregreenNow...whats the best way to reinstall firefox?02:58
troxorRico: also, `xrandr` will give you available resolutions02:59
Ricook, let me check a few things quickly! :)02:59
Frogger626IndyGunFreak: The non-windows has a whole lot of... Well, not bootables, anyway.02:59
Starnestommymoregreen: try sudo aptitude reinstall firefox02:59
Dr_willismoregreen,  why are you reinstalling firefox?02:59
Dr_willismoregreen,  that will not reset the users settings - if thats the problem.02:59
moregreenit isnt opening02:59
Dr_willismoregreen,  You are thinking in windows terms..03:00
Dr_willismoregreen,  open a terminal, run firefox, look for error messages03:00
moregreenwell i usually try reinstalling first! :P03:00
caesa1My middle-mouse button is somehow mapped as the "browser back" button, and it's very annoying when I accidentally click it. How do I remap my mouse?03:00
keithclarkAnyone could help with recreating a user?03:00
IndyGunFreakFrogger626: so what does the other partition have on it?03:00
robot682Thanks nikrud. I will try those two things.  Though, every time I enable the restricted  I get a black screen and the last time changing the resolution didn't help.  I will give it one more go,03:01
Dr_willismoregreen,  that rarely if EVER works with linux03:01
xFlipxbtw I just had the best cod4 game ever if anybody wants to pat me on the back feel free03:01
Frogger626IndyGunFreak: The first partition has windows. The second is just storage, and I can back up that up to my 350gb superdrive.03:01
keithclarkxflix pat....03:01
moregreenhey  i have mounted my usb midi keyboard before , but now its not recognizing it except for lspci.  how do i tell JACK to know where it is?03:01
troxorkeithclark: System->Administration->Users and Groups03:02
Frogger626Hence the "IDEA!".03:02
IndyGunFreakFrogger626: thats what i would do.. back up the "spare" partition.., and install Ubuntu there.03:02
IndyGunFreakand you don't have to take up the whole thing03:02
keithclarktroxor, I tried....it does not allow me to recreate the user.03:02
Frogger626Sure that the first partition is safe?03:02
IndyGunFreakFrogger626: well, you have the capability to back up 350gigs, i would do a backup of important stuff, but as long as you're not completely nutty during partitioning, i would say you'll probably be fine03:03
ader10Is there any way to burn a folder of flac tracks with a cue sheet?03:03
troxorkeithclark: you can do it the hard way, 'userdel username`, then `mv /home/username /home/username.old`03:03
Frogger626I don't have anything interesting in C: but it's Windows that scares me03:03
Frogger626And before I logoff for the night, what is up with the "sudo" thing in Terminal?03:03
karllenzanyone help with the macbook03:03
keithclarktroxor....let me think about that....03:04
xFlipxFrogger626: super user do03:04
impulzetroxor: mv /home/username{,.old}03:04
IndyGunFreakFrogger626: sudo is how you do root commands.. basically03:04
xFlipxsorry for spam03:04
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.03:04
IndyGunFreakPelo: why does losing widnows scare you?03:04
troxorimpulze: yeah, though the brace expansion isn't really instructive if you're not familiar with it ;)03:04
moregreenBe sure not to overload your memory capacity, the threat of cerebral seepage is dangerous03:04
IndyGunFreakdo you not have a CD or something?03:04
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PeloIndyGunFreak, wrong guy03:05
Frogger626Talkin' to me?03:05
IndyGunFreakFrogger626: see above, why does losing windows scare you, can you not reinstall?03:05
ader10Is there any way to burn a folder of flac tracks with a cue sheet?03:05
* Pelo is not scared of loosing windows, he just waiting for a good excuse to get rid of it 03:05
Frogger626Technically, the guy that made this comp gave me an illegal copy... So no, I can't reinstall03:05
* IndyGunFreak laughs at Pelo for still having windows03:05
Frogger626Oh, and by the way, how do I install on the second partition when both partitions come up under one drive?03:06
PeloIndyGunFreak, I barely use it ,  almost never actuay,  I have my windows instal mounted in vmware when I realy realy need to go into it anyway03:06
IndyGunFreakFrogger626: use partition editor, to resize your current partitions..03:06
IndyGunFreakPelo: i'm just joshin ya...03:06
moregreenI GET : Segmentation fault (core dumped) when i try and run firefox...03:06
moregreeni think they have to bash windows in the linux channels03:07
ader10Is there any way to burn a folder of flac tracks with a cue sheet?03:07
Frogger626...But the 80gb comes up under one! I can't specify a partition!03:07
impulzeader10: you're not funny though03:07
tnnccan someone tell me how to add an line to like an script that will exec the cmd and will not stop and ask doe the sudo password or how i can add to the password to the cmd line so it will get read and run the script this script is an one line cmd03:08
Frogger626*sigh* I might hire someone to do this for me... This linux-ache is getting bad03:08
PeloFrogger626, can you restate the issue , maybe I can take a crack at it03:08
ader10impulze: ?03:08
Daisuke-IdoFrogger626, both partitions *are* on one drive03:08
impulzeader10: you repeated your question 300 times now, i think if someone knows he will answer03:08
Dr_willisif we answer 'no' will you go to google and research? :)03:09
troxorader10: k3b handles cue sheets, iirc03:09
ader10Dr_willis: I've googled for 3 days, only 2 results, which are not my situation. Therefore, I decided to ask here03:09
troxorader10: as do most recent burning progs03:09
Dr_willistroxor,  i was thiniing that also. but ive never used that feature.03:09
Frogger626Pelo: when I go to install Ubuntu, my partitioned drives are displayed as one. I can't choose the partition.03:10
Peloader10, you are asking in the wrong channel  you need to find one with ppl who deal with audio on a regular basis03:10
Dr_willisi dont even know what a cue sheet actually does. :)03:10
ader10troxor: It gives some error every time I try it :\03:10
PeloFrogger626, what is installed on this drive atm ?03:10
troxorDr_willis: just a text file with track info, iirc03:10
c0LdPelo: Are you still there? I've somehow gotten it to partition out some space, but I'm not sure how to proceed to install to it.03:10
Frogger626Pelo: atm?03:10
Frogger626what's atm?03:10
Daisuke-Idotells it where tracks begin and end03:10
Daisuke-IdoFrogger626, at the moment03:10
PeloFrogger626, at the moment03:10
troxorader10: is the cue file accurate? i.e. paths, case sensitivity, etc ?03:11
Dr_willistroxor,  so hows this sifferent from just converting/burning each track to a cd like i would for my ,mp3's ?03:11
Peloc0Ld,  from the installer , you can just select to install the the unallocated space , assuming you didn'T make a partion in the free space03:11
Frogger626In that case, the first partition, C:, has windows. D:, the second partition, has just data. I want to install Ubuntu there.03:11
ader10troxor: I believe it is, but I'm not sure.03:11
PeloFrogger626, do you need to save this data ?03:11
troxorDr_willis: cue sheet can set boundaries, split a single track, and more :)03:12
Frogger626Pelo: I was going to back up D:03:12
learneri get this error when trying to follow root encryption http://rafb.net/p/Q1ZwKy35.html03:12
level09guys, this might sound stupid, but Can I transfer files from my pc to my host through putty ?03:12
keithclarkOk, nobody else has ever tried to delete a user and then recreate them?  Sorry, just asking.....03:12
dragon33how long is ubuntu v7.04 supported before a new distro is required, thanks03:13
Dr_willistroxor,  you talk as if that made ANY sence to me..:) lol...03:13
Daisuke-IdoDragnslcr, 18 months03:13
Dr_willistroxor,  i just want my Kenny G.! :)03:13
PeloFrogger626, fisrt back it up ,  then boot back the ubuntu live cd, go into the system > admin menu , select partiton editor , and deliete the d partiton,   apply get out of the partiton editor , then start the installer and install on the unallocated space03:13
ader10Pelo: Thanks, I just noticed that there's a #hydrogenaudio03:13
Daisuke-IdoDr_willis, you've been scheduled for reprogramming with slightly more manly music03:13
speeddemon8803Dragon33, its 18 months03:13
xFlipxDr_willis, tell me you're kidding03:13
Peloader10, best ofluck03:13
dragon33thanks :-)03:14
Ricoalright everyone! Im back03:14
troxorDr_willis: haha, cue sheets usually come with DJ sets, or live concert recordings where it's all mixed together, but you want to be able to seek to track boundaries03:14
tnnccan someone tell me how to add an line to like an script that will exec the cmd and will not stop and ask doe the sudo password or how i can add to the password to the cmd line so it will get read and run the script this script is an one line cmd03:14
ader10:) I hope the channel isn't afk03:14
speeddemon8803Dont thank me, thank Daisuke-Ido, i was just correcting it for the right user :D03:14
Dr_willisxFlipx,  ok.. let me get out my Pat Boon Heavy Metal cd!03:14
Ricodid step by step the setup for ATI. No luck03:14
Peloader10, patience,  not everychannel is asbusy as this one03:14
Ricostill stuck with 640x480@73hz03:14
xFlipxdangit I hate this grey in xchat03:14
Frogger626Pelo: So the installer will put it in the space that doesn't have a file-system specified? Ingenious...03:14
ader10impulze: Please understand I didn't mean to spam, my timing is just thrown off right now. Sorry about that.03:14
Pelotnnc, just put sudo before the command in the script03:15
PeloFrogger626, using the guided partionning yes03:15
Ricoanyway to have additional video resolution?03:15
tnncpelo ok i have try that and it seems it still ask for it03:16
xFlipxtest again03:16
RicoIn my xorg.confg I have all the rez I want + 24bit color.03:16
Frogger626I'll copy that, logoff for the night, and do that in the morning. Thanks much, friends! Goodnight!03:16
Ricosomehow it doesnt load my xorg03:16
MasterMelfor some strange reason ubuntu recognizes i have plugged in my new video card but it doesnt give it signal.. anyone know whats wrong?03:16
PeloRico, check in the forum search for   ati resolution ,  something shoudl come up   www.ubuntuforums.org03:16
xFlipxfixed woot03:17
GOfreefixed woot03:17
Pelotnnc, depends on how you start the script,   if you run it at boot it shoudl recognise the users permissions and not ask for the psword,  if you run the script manualy you will always need to give it the pswrd03:17
PeloRico, the ati driver doesn't use xorg03:17
marx2khow do you close a window in irssi?03:17
troxor /wc03:18
marx2kthank you03:18
Dr_willismarx2k,  /window close - irssi homepage has good docs. :)03:18
Dr_willisI think..heh -- been a while.03:18
marx2kIm so used to bitchx :D03:18
Ricook, which is it using?03:18
RicoI am searching for it03:18
Dr_willismarx2k,  Unlike BX.. irssi - actuallyhas some useable docs. :)03:18
tnncpelo i have the script in the /root dir and the line boots other lines but this one line seems to kep asking for it and just it suppose to run  on its own03:18
PeloRico, do the search in the forum and you'll find a thread telling you how to get extra resolutions in ati drivers03:18
tnncpelo i mean the script boots other lines within the script03:19
Pelotnnc, are you following a tutorial somewhere ?03:19
Pelotnnc, what is this script for anyway ?03:19
Pelo!hi | GOfree03:20
ubotuGOfree: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:20
GOfreeHi Pelo. Hi ubotu...03:20
tnncpelo it is hamradio stuff to boot different lines to strat different programs to run03:20
GOfreejust trying this out03:20
xFlipxPelo, can I /msg you for a favor?03:20
GOfreefirst timer...03:20
PeloxFlipx, use /notice , I don't allow /msg03:21
PeloGOfree, welcome tothe madhouse03:21
GOfreethanks Pelo...03:21
tnncpelo like one line i have that works is03:21
Pelotnnc, why not just use rc levels or the session dialog03:21
c0LdI've got a 40gb partition unallocated and ready for Ubuntu, but I'm not sure how to do a manual install to it (what to set the mount points as, what sizes to make the swap, etc) -- anyone able to help me do it? 8.04 beta's installer won't just install it to the partition on its own without a manual install.03:22
GOfreeIs this where I can ask technical questions about Ubuntu?03:22
speeddemon8803gofree, yes03:22
tnncpelo sudo /usr/sbin/net2kiss -i ax0 /dev/ptys3 & and that one works the other doesnt03:22
Pelotnnc, give me one that doesn't03:22
tnncpelo sudo /usr/sbin/flexd03:23
speeddemon8803What can we help you with today gofree?03:23
Peloc0Ld, no need for manual install , just go in the installre, user guide and pick  install to unallocated space03:23
Pelotnnc, what is flexd?03:23
Pelospeeddemon8803, you sound liek a windows advert03:24
tnncpelo is is an hamradio netrom proctrol to send data over ax2503:24
GOfreeI might have to ask a silly question about broadcom 54g, ndiswrapper, and fwcutter...03:24
Pelotnnc, how would you start if from the terminal ?03:24
Pelotnnc, keep it mind we are almost over my head here03:25
GOfreebut for now it is just good to be here...03:25
GOfreehow are you all?03:25
ejwhat could be the cause of this apt-get update error? http://ayo.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux/8/i386/base/release.core  MD5Sum mismatch03:25
tnncpelo i can start from term like sudo /usr/sbin/flexd and then it ask for password and if i give it goes03:25
PeloGOfree, overworked underpaid , underappreciated,  , tired03:25
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xFlipxDr_willis, you there?03:25
speeddemon8803Doing great, if you have a question, dont be affraid to ask it, if we know the answer, we will be sure to help you out.03:25
tnncpelo same as other from term but other also works from script03:26
learneri get this error when trying to follow root encryption http://rafb.net/p/Q1ZwKy35.html03:26
Pelotnnc, try this ,  menu >ystem > prefs > session,   add it there, just put sudo flexd, that shold take care of it03:26
tnncpelo so not sure why it doesnt  also work for that line03:26
ejwhat could be the cause of this apt-get update error? http://ayo.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux/8/i386/base/release.core  MD5Sum mismatch03:26
tnncpelo ok will try thanks03:26
level09how do I search the files I opened with sudo nano command ?03:27
PeloGOfree, you might be interested in #ubuntu-offtopic if you are more interested in chit chat at this point03:27
xFlipxlevel09, in vi it's / try that?03:27
baudelaireQuick question:  What is the official stance on Ubuntu Tweak?  Good software or install breaker?03:27
Pelolevel09, you mean searching for text in the file ?03:28
Pelolevel09,  look at the bottom of the terminal windows03:28
level09thanks guys03:28
GOfreethanks, pelo. I might try it. I will be back later, probably... Air Force One, Forever :/03:28
xFlipxlol I suck03:29
* Pelo is not officialy freaked out by GOfree 03:29
xFlipxI prefer vi to nano :(03:29
PeloxFlipx, at what specificaly03:29
PeloxFlipx, I,m a gedit user myself, don't feel to bad03:29
speeddemon8803poor pelo, it be ok bud :)03:29
xFlipxmousepad is teasing me though :(03:30
GOfreesorry...hey, I will see you later...bye03:30
speeddemon8803Pelo, gedit rocks :)03:30
Pelospeeddemon8803,  but da wld it no make snse anymore03:30
troxorbaudelaire: it might be better to find out what ubuntu tweak does, and do the same thing manually03:30
xFlipxvi was there first! :(03:31
* Pelo is watching Jeeves & Wooster03:31
baudelairetroxor: interesting03:31
troxorbaudelaire: just so you know what's going on :)03:31
Gun_SmokeIs there a way to have my CPU temp's in a panel?03:31
poopcheese239how do i defrag?03:31
xFlipxpoopcheese239, don't need to03:31
* Pelo isn'T much of a programmer, hello world came out wrong and he got kicked out, apparently it's not suppose to spew out profanity 03:32
poopcheese239what about chkdsk?03:32
Pelopoopcheese239, you are not in wndows anymore you can relax03:32
speeddemon8803heh, pelo, sounds like me.03:32
pokerfacepenguinGun_Smoke, yes, you will need to install the sensors with synaptic before they will work03:32
troxorGun_Smoke: something like sensors-applet ?03:32
baudelairetroxor: is Ubuntu Tweak as "deadly" to installs as Automatix was?03:33
w33d5anyone know if vmware can boot another partition outside ubuntu?03:33
Pelopoopcheese239, fsck will be preformed periodicaly every 30 mount , no need to worry03:33
decaywhats a good known dock program?03:33
Gun_Smokepokerfacepenguin: I have lmsensors installed..03:33
Gun_Smoketroxor: thanks... I'll look into that program.03:33
troxorbaudelaire: I haven't actually tried it tbh, but hopefully nothing else is as destructive as automatix :)03:33
Sergeant_Ponyanyone know anything about 8.04 beta? I upgraded from 7.10 and my alsamixer is gone?03:33
Pelow33d5, yes it can ,  I boot my windows xp that way frmo ubuntu03:33
speeddemon8803pelo, i just found that out for the first time in 2 years like yesterday, it did it and i freaked out, i mean auto fsck03:34
pokerfacepenguini had to run sensors-detect i believe before the applet would pick up the temps...let me see something real quick03:34
troxordecay: awn if you're willing to put in the effort03:34
baudelaireSergeant_Pony, 8.04 ues PulseAudio as the inhouse mixer03:34
w33d5Pelo is XP another primary partition on your hd?03:34
Pelospeeddemon8803, 2 years without rebooting, ? i'm impressed03:34
troxordecay: but chances are, it won't be easy :)03:34
Pelow33d5, yes03:34
baudelaireSergeant_Pony:  any 8.04 questions should be directed to the #ubuntu+1 channel03:34
Pelow33d5, hold on I'm looking for the guide to do it for you03:34
Ricohello again everyone!03:34
Sergeant_Ponybaudelaire: so the only option is oss?03:34
pokerfacepenguinGun_Smoke, i have the sensors-applet installed as well as sensord and lm-sensors03:35
* speeddemon8803 is impressed that ive impressed you....as thats hard to do :D03:35
RicoPelo, I did wha tyou told me and tried different way to enable more resolution03:35
w33d5Pelo did you have to allocate space for it/03:35
Gun_Smokepokerfacepenguin: I just installed sensors-applet... Yet it doesn't seem to be available in the add to panel options.03:35
PeloRico,  and did it work ?03:35
decaytroxor: thanks ill try03:36
Gun_Smokepokerfacepenguin: Never mind... I found it.03:36
Ricomy problem is that in the "Settings->Display Settigns" I still only have the 640x480@73hz03:36
pokerfacepenguinGun_Smoke, its called hardware sensors monitor....you might wa.....ah ok03:36
Pelow33d5, it was a windows that was already installed, I dual boot,  but I make vmware see it and boot it , I thought that was wthat you wanted,03:36
Ricoit didnt worked03:36
xFlipxpoopcheese239, if you want it to reboot and check right now03:36
xFlipx type sudo shutdown -r -F now03:36
xFlipxin term03:36
RicoI used to be able to get at least 1024x768... now I cant go higher than 640x480! :(03:37
poopcheese239xflipx:thanks i will do that right now =)03:37
Gun_Smokepokerfacepenguin:  wow... 113 for one and 115 for the other.. I guess that could be considered "cool"03:37
pppoe_dudecrazy song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DsfzvMpG40&feature=related03:37
pppoe_dudeoops wrong channel03:37
Pelow33d5,  let me se if I ge what you are thing to do ,  are you tring ot have vmware use your phisical disk to install window on but from vmware ?03:37
J-_is i686 the same as x86?03:37
troxorJ-_: essentially03:38
pokerfacepenguinGun_Smoke, you talking about the cores?03:38
J-_troxor: Cool, thanks03:38
Gun_Smokepokerfacepenguin:  Yes.03:38
Pelow33d5,  I'm gonna dcc you a file , see if you can make anyting of it03:38
pokerfacepenguinGun_Smoke, 115, 109, 124, 109 here03:38
pokerfacepenguinGun_Smoke,  a little warm03:38
iurihi there, how do i  see the computers are on my network on ubuntu?03:39
Gun_Smokepokerfacepenguin:  Ah, then we seem to be a bit on the same page.. Laptop here, so I imagine it would run a little hotter than a desktop.03:39
w33d5pelo yes vista is sda2 and ubuntu is sda3   i  am in ubuntu now and instead of allocating space and making a virtual drive i would like to boot vista03:39
w33d5inside vmwaare03:39
masterlokiI need help trying to complie this sound card drivers03:39
impulzehow can i force to reinstall a certain package?03:39
Gun_Smokew33d5: I would recomend Virtualbox over VMware.. I've used both.03:39
troxorimpulze: aptitude reinstall <package>03:39
Pelow33d5, I don't know if you cna boot vista that way but you can do it with xp  try the guide anyway see if it works,03:40
masterlokiI have been falling this guide03:40
impulzetroxor: d'oh03:40
impulzetroxor: thank you :)03:40
tywhat is a good virtual machine for ubuntu?03:40
masterlokiand I am stuck on the cd part03:40
troxorimpulze: np03:40
w33d5pelo thanks!03:40
pokerfacepenguinGun_Smoke, truth be told i probably need more fans in my box.....i have 4 500giggers in there with 2 case fans, a 700w power supply and a 120 extreme h/s fan stuck in the thing03:40
troxorty: virtualbox03:40
Gun_Smokew33d5: Oh and well I don't know if either are supporting Vista yet.. But I think I remember seeing Vista support as beta with VirtualBox03:40
Pelow33d5, but one warning,   since you will be running on a vritual machine, windows will see this as beeing a major change of hardware , and it will not like it,   I had to crack my own xp to get it to work03:41
Gun_Smokepokerfacepenguin:  Liquid may be your friend.03:41
masterlokican somone tell me how to get it ti read in the termial03:41
w33d5Gun_Smoke vista is experimental03:41
level09when I use sudo apt-get install , where are these apps installed ? (file paths)03:41
Ricoanything I can try?03:41
Gun_Smokew33d5: With VMware?  Or VirtualBox?03:41
w33d5i'm stuck b/c i'm running a dupe finder on ubuntu and03:41
pokerfacepenguinGun_Smoke, yeah, buts its such a headache...it usually doesnt run reaaaal hot03:41
w33d5anyway i have a few hrs before its done (500GB) and03:41
Gun_Smokew33d5: I had better luck with VirtualBox.. Looks and runs a lot better too imo03:42
xFlipxlevel09, depends on the app03:42
w33d5netflix hasnt adopted linux yet for their instant movies (watch over the internet)03:42
Gun_Smokepokerfacepenguin: I've seen some nice kits..03:42
level09I just installed phpmyadmin03:42
prakritiAll the devices in my raid array have been flagged as (S) and it will not starg03:42
prakritiany ideas?03:42
w33d5thanks Gun_Smoke and Pelo  i'l give both a whirl03:42
masterlokiI need help trying to complie this sound card drivers03:42
xFlipxlevel09, usually /etc sometimes /usr/etc03:42
xFlipxerr the other way around03:43
level09xFlipx:  thanks03:43
pokerfacepenguinGun_Smoke, which one you like best?  i checked out the shootouts on toms a while back, but i decided not to mess with it...i still might pop one in there03:43
ejwhat could be the cause of this apt-get update error? http://ayo.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux/8/i386/base/release.core  MD5Sum mismatch03:43
xFlipx/usr/etc or /etc03:43
Gun_Smokew33d5: No problem.. And best of all with VirtualBox, I believe it's in the Repos.. I had to build VMware from source.03:43
Gun_Smokepokerfacepenguin: Was on newegg..... Hold on.03:43
xFlipxthe binary files will be in /etc/bin usually03:43
troxorej: the downloaded data didn't match the expected data, sort of03:43
* CodeBlock pokes RockerMONO and says "What are you doing here!?" :P03:43
level09xFlipx: does it matter where I exeute the install command ?03:44
PeloRico, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel03:44
iurihow do i ssh my windows box from my ubuntu?03:44
w33d5yes it is03:44
Ricothats fine03:44
moregreenE: I wasn't able to locate file for the firefox package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.03:44
troxorej: there's probably a stale/unfinished/corrupt package sitting around03:44
RockerMONOCodeBlock, foobar03:44
moregreenwhats that mean03:44
w33d5i just got done building vmware that thats in the top of the queue for tonight03:44
CodeBlockiuri: google 'putty ssh'03:44
moregreeni get that error when i try and reinstall firefox03:44
bastid_raZorsjovan; did you ever figure out how to kill the fishes?03:44
Ricook, how can I get this thing working?03:44
iurii have already isntalled ssh on windows03:44
iuriputty is from windows to linux03:44
RicoXorg seems fine, ATI-config doesnt work properly03:44
CodeBlockRockerMONO: no way :P03:44
iurii need the way back03:44
Pelow33d5, vmware-server is available form the repos , you ddin'T need to build it03:45
RockerMONOCodeBlock, hell yea03:45
iuriCodeBlock: i need te way back03:45
* CodeBlock shuts up before he gets kbanned :P03:45
CodeBlockiuri: ssh to windows? uhhh not possible?03:45
xFlip1my nix box crashed :(03:45
w33d5it kept locking up03:45
iurino itis not03:45
Dr_willisYou could install cygwin and ssh to a windows box. :)03:46
xFlip1level09: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/linuxdir.html03:46
Gun_SmokexFlip1:  What did you do?03:46
Dr_willisbut what you do withit..i dont know03:46
moregreenhey uninstalling gnome-terminal isnt too bad , right?03:46
PeloRico, I'm not even an amature at ati drivers,  you'll have to search the forum , google, try the restricted drivers or just ask again about your problem periiodicaly hoping someone can help03:46
pokerfacepenguinGun_Smoke,  you use that one yourself?03:46
xFlip1was using the one I was on chat with remotely03:46
prakritidoes anybody know where I can get md raid help?03:46
xFlip1and it's old03:46
troxormoregreen: not really03:46
iuriCodeBlock: no it is not possible it doesn't trace the windows machine03:46
CodeBlockiuri: you want to ssh to your linux box from winows..    install openssh-server on the linux box, and install putty on the windows box.03:46
=== xFlip1 is now known as xFlipx
chalexprakriti: ask03:46
prakritiI have03:47
iuriCodeBlock: from my ubuntu to windows03:47
troxorprakriti: yes03:47
prakritiall the disks in my array have been marked (S), but otherwise show good status03:47
Ricothis is another problem03:47
RicoI tried the restricted drivers03:47
penis there any way to speed up firefox with compiz?03:47
CodeBlockiuri: you can ssh TO windows........................*sighs*03:47
prakritiI don't know how they got marked (S), it happened after an upgrade.03:47
robbiet480Hey. I just installed windows and had a previous install of Feisty Fawn (7.10). When I was installing XP it had me create a "setup" partition. The install is now done and I wish to reclaim that space. It is the C: drive BUT no windows files or any files at all are on it. I know this is Ubuntu support but I was wondering if anyone would be nice enough to tell me if it is OK to remove the "setup" partition to get that space back....03:47
Scunizipen, yea.. wait for Hardy to be released with FF3.003:47
prakritiIs there an mdadm command I can do to get my raid back together?03:47
Gun_Smokepokerfacepenguin:  No.. I was looking to build a box.. I decided to start with what I could afford for cooling before I started picking parts away.03:47
CodeBlockiuri: er   can't *03:47
troxorprakriti: where is the (S) displayed?03:47
CodeBlocksco50000: how what?03:48
iuriCodeBlocj: But i don't need SMB.  what do you mean?03:48
Ricoit tells me "Your hardware does not need Restricted Drivers"03:48
Scunizirobbiet480, if nobody here knows you might /join ##windows and ask.03:48
prakritimd0 : inactive sdg1[0](S) sdh1[6](S) sde1[5](S) sdf1[4](S) sdd1[3](S) sdb1[2](S) sdc1[1](S)03:48
prakriti      341829760 blocks03:48
sco50000CodeBlock: wtf? how?03:48
CVD-PRI know when the 8.04 beta came out?03:48
robbiet480Scunizi: thanks!03:48
prakriticat /proc/mdstat03:48
CodeBlocksco50000: er... you've lost your marbles..03:48
iuriCodeBlock: why can't i setup SSH on windows?03:49
chalexwhat about something like "mdadm --misc --detail"03:49
Scunizirobbiet480,  on a side note.. you can always delete it adn see what happens.. if you don't mind going through a 3.5 hour reinstall if it borks.03:49
iuriCodeBlock: it works only as client?03:49
prakritimdadm: md device /dev/md0 does not appear to be active.03:49
moregreenHey im trying to reinstall firefox... im getting this error:03:49
CodeBlockiuri: well... i suppose its possible, but uhh... use telnet for windows >.>03:49
moregreenW: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock03:49
moregreenE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.03:49
Dr_willisiuri,   You could install cygwin, and the ssh service onwindows.. but what are you going to do once you ssh into the windows box?03:49
RockerMONOCodeBlock, N O telnet is horrible...03:49
CodeBlockiuri: also thats a windows question (##windows)03:49
xFlipxrobbiet480: if you're installing windows over linux I'd say delete everything - including life.03:49
iurisorry, i hate telnet :)03:49
robbiet480Scunizi: Oh yeah. I <3 Winblows. lol03:50
CodeBlockRockerMONO: better than running an sshd on windows03:50
georgy_28prakriti, :http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/en/raid.html03:50
bastid_raZormoregreen; run the command it tells you to run.03:50
robbiet480xFlipx I know i know. I just need it for the odd app that doesnt run on Wine03:50
RockerMONOCodeBlock, not really, telnet has no useful password protection, considering ti's plain text03:50
Scunizirobbiet480, :) and that's with "almost" all the updates.03:50
chalexprakriti: what about something like "mdadm --query --detail /dev/md0"03:50
RockerMONOiuri, well you ask about the server in the os/distro the server uses, so in this case ask ##windows how to install a sshd and use normal ssh03:50
iuriCodeBlock: it is a ubuntu, since iam on my ubuntu in attempts to ssh into my windows :)03:50
robbiet480Scunizi: lol yeah03:50
xFlipxin all honesty - you can delete everything if you're installing windows03:50
moregreenbastid- oh yeah, forgot that one.. it gives me this error :03:51
chalexalso, did you have some data on md0, or are you free to start over?03:51
CodeBlockiuri: you want help with setting up the ssh server, and that is a windows question.03:51
moregreendpkg: unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system03:51
xFlipxIt takes over hard drives and is trying to take over the WORLD!03:51
prakritichalex: same thing03:51
prakritiand yes03:51
prakritiI have a ton of data03:51
CodeBlockiuri: the only linux part would be.. open a terminal and type   ssh <user>@<windows.ip>03:51
prakritiaround 900gb03:51
robbiet480xFlipx: i already installed windows but it made me create a "setup" partition which I now want to delete to FREE ROOM FOR LINUX GOODNESS. lol03:51
bastid_raZormoregreen; are you using sudo?03:51
moregreenshould i be using su?03:51
bastid_raZormoregreen; sudo should suffice.03:52
ejhow do i correct a md5sum mismatch with apt-get update?03:52
=== talcite_ is now known as Talcite
xFlipxrobbiet480:  if you did that then start over and install linux first on half of the hdd space03:52
moregreenyeah so what do i need to CHMOD?03:52
xFlipxthen install windows on the other half03:52
chalexprakriti: there should be a way to look at the superblocks for each device03:52
troxorprakriti: does `mdadm --scan` do anything helpful ?03:52
xFlipxdual boot - sounds like you need to03:52
robbiet480xFlipx: two hard drives <303:52
prakritiHere is the whole mdstat:  http://pastebin.com/m252dd84c03:52
iuriCodeBlock: thanks. i am glad you helped :)03:52
prakritii've tried --assemble --scan03:52
tyler-_hey guys....I just set up wirless on my laptop, and it worked fine initially....but the connection dropped and now I can't seem to get it to connect it again03:53
robbiet480the winblows nerds say its OK to delete it03:53
Scunizirobbiet480, don't do what xFlipx said.. if you have to reinstall, windows first (cause it takes over) then ubuntu to clean up the drive.03:53
Daniel3I need help adding Mac OS X to Grub03:53
Scunizirobbiet480, you'll have less problems with grub03:53
moregreendpkg: unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system ... anyone?03:53
PeloDaniel3, try asking in #grub03:53
robbiet480I love grub03:53
Daniel3I have tried googling it but none of the ways have worked03:53
chalexprakriti: like "mdadm --query --detail /dev/sdg1" or something ; also, what kind of controller are these connected to?03:53
Daniel3no one is in #grub03:53
prakritithey are connected to a 3ware ide controller03:53
Daniel3People are in there03:53
PeloDaniel3, they are there , they justdonT' talk much03:53
Daniel3No one answeres03:53
Scunizi!grub | Daniel303:53
ubotuDaniel3: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:53
PeloDaniel3, ask and be patient, then ask again03:54
leo_rockw!grub > leo_rockw03:54
xFlipxScunizi you're right03:54
Daniel3I have grub working03:54
CVD-PRUSe Super Gurb Disk, the best03:54
robbiet480yeah xFlipx03:54
iuriCodeBlock: Although i have one more question03:54
robbiet480thought so03:54
PeloDaniel3, I can give you a link to the grub manual but I don'T want you to think I 'm mean03:54
robbiet480but Winblows nerds say its OK to delete "setup" partition03:54
CVD-PRWhy dont promote SuperGrubDIsk?03:54
moregreendoes ubuntu come with any other browsers than konquerer and firefox?  konquerer is now not working03:54
tyler-_there's an entry for wlan0 in /etc/network/interfaces03:54
xFlipxhow big is it?03:54
utarpradeshhi does anyone have experience running STEAM thru WINE in ubuntu? i'm having trouble enabling directX 8.... i add the suffix to the execution command but it says "file not found" :(03:54
PeloDaniel3, http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Stage1-errors03:54
Daniel3You're not mean03:55
iuriCodeBlock: it's related to the past issue, what is the command on ubuntu to check what ips are on my network?03:55
xFlipxI mean if it's like 500m and you have two hdd's why mess with it?03:55
troxormoregreen: opera :)03:55
Scunizimoregreen, you can install elinks03:55
chalexprakriti: "mdadm --misc --examine /dev/sdg1" ?03:55
robbiet480xflipx: 12 gigs. i misjudged with gParted lol03:55
moregreenwell my aptitude isnt working... sooooo03:55
moregreenim pretttty stuck03:55
xFlipxIt contains all of your .cab files03:55
robbiet480xFlipx yeah i know03:55
troxormoregreen: aptitude is broken now also? :\03:56
xFlipxso if you want to install something that needs them you *can* use the windows cd for them03:56
moregreenW: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock03:56
moregreenE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem., then i do that command it comes withdpkg: unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system03:56
xFlipxbut the setup dir has those files03:56
robbiet480but xFlipx the Windows DIR isnt on that drive. its totally empty03:56
deniz__my wine is being mean to me03:56
deniz__like it wont uninstall stuff and i cant delete them myself either03:56
utarpradeshhi does anyone have experience running STEAM thru WINE in ubuntu? i'm having trouble enabling directX 8.... i add the suffix to the execution command but it says "file not found" :(03:56
Scunizideniz__, quit wine-ing :)03:56
xFlipxIf it were me I'd try it and cross my fingers03:57
Scunizi!steam | utarpradesh03:57
chalexprakriti: sorry, what does "mdadm --assemble /dev/md0" say?03:57
ubotuutarpradesh: Steam can be found at: http://www.steampowered.com/03:57
deniz__Scunizi, i cant...i need some windows apps and i prefer ubuntu03:57
robbiet480xFlipx thats what im doing03:57
xFlipxof course I have like 6 boxes here I uninstall and reinstall stuff on all the time03:57
prakritimdadm: /dev/md0 assembled from 3 drives - not enough to start the array.03:57
robbiet480xFlipx: same here. i just decided this week to make this the ultimate box. vista, xp pro, ubuntu and leopard03:57
Scunizideniz__, which apps? Have you considered Vmware server and in stall you licensed copy of winXX in it?03:57
xFlipxworst you lose is like 30 minutes of xp install time03:57
chalexmaybe add --verbose?03:58
sirajcan anyone help me my deskbar applet is not working03:58
robbiet480xFlipx: oh I would just LOVE to redo that install. those 800x600 graphics are SOOO much better then compiz-fusion03:58
ScunizixFlipx, 30 minutes?  Not the last time I did it..03:58
xFlipxI hate vista and ironically it's the only OS I've paid for03:58
deniz__Scunizi, wine worked for me, its just recently its not working and the version is not the problem, i went back to previous versions uncluding the one that worked for me03:58
robbiet480Scunizi: yeah it took about 30 for me. but i got a CD with SP2 on it already03:58
xFlipxbah compiz-fusion is awesome03:58
robbiet480hecks yes03:59
deniz__Scunizi, and uninstall doesnt work on all versions i tried03:59
georgy_28Daniel3, : have a look here : http://refit.sourceforge.net/. I use it on my mac03:59
Scunizideniz__, which programs are you trying to run03:59
deniz__does linuxant have 64-bit modem drivers?03:59
xFlipxScunizi: lots of variables, proc speed, mem, drive write time, etc..03:59
chalexprakriti:  what about --verbose?03:59
prakritichalex: http://pastebin.com/m39274f2c03:59
prakritiadded to the bottom03:59
Scunizideniz__, you might head over to #wine-hq (I think) and ask there.03:59
deniz__Scunizi, there is no linux alternative for lets say pdf to jpeg converters that convert multiple stuff at once if ur trying to give me alternatives04:00
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.04:00
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org04:00
Daniel3Thanks georgy_28. I am going to try that out04:00
Scunizideniz__, let me look at a couple of things.. hang on.04:00
deniz__Scunizi, k04:00
robbiet480xFlipx: here goes nothing. cross your fingers!04:00
leo_rockwhello everyone04:01
chalexprakriti:  the "faulty removed" part looks bad04:01
moregreenE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem., then i do that command it comes withdpkg: unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system04:01
troxormoregreen: is that with sudo ?04:01
moregreenthats what i get whenever i try and install anything thru apt-get or aptitude04:01
b4l74z4rwhen 8.04 is released, can i just upgrade the beta to the final version or do i have to install it all over again?04:01
utarpradeshinstall ovr again04:01
leo_rockwmy friend had linux mint installed in one of his HD partitions, he formated the partition to install ubuntu and smth went wrong with the installation. he's getting error 15 in grub, what can he do to solve this?04:02
troxormoregreen: can you pastebin the output of `df -h` ?04:02
moregreeni dont have a browser04:02
moregreenkonquerer and firefox are not working04:02
b4l74z4ri hope there won't be too many changes from beta to final release, that way i can just keep using the beta04:02
chalexprakriti:  how about "mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdh1 -a /dev/sdb1 -a /dev/sdc1"04:03
robbiet480LOL. everyone go look quick! #windows is having a flame war. lol04:03
troxormoregreen: wow, how'd this happen?04:03
chalexprakriti:  also, I hope you have backups :)04:04
troxormoregreen: what's inside the parenthesis on the line with " / " when you run `mount`04:04
b4l74z4rwill there be a list that shows what have been changed/improved in the final release compared to the beta?04:04
amenadoleo_rockw-> boot from a liveCD and repair it from there04:05
prakritimd0 : active raid5 sdg1[0] sdh1[6] sde1[5] sdf1[4] sdd1[3] sdb1[2] sdc1[1]04:05
prakriti      292975872 blocks level 5, 128k chunk, algorithm 2 [7/7] [UUUUUUU]04:05
leo_rockwb4l74z4r: i believe the beta has a feature freeze, so everything should be the same, but not buggy04:05
FloodBot1prakriti: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:05
b4l74z4ri see04:05
utarpradeshprakriti are you indian?04:05
moregreentroxor :  /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)                  ?04:05
leo_rockwamenado: i told him to boot from the live cd, but how does he fix menu.lst if menu.lst is not there?04:05
chalexprakriti:  so I looks like you just want to hotadd them back with mdadm04:05
leo_rockwamenado: right now the partition is empty04:06
prakritiutarpradesh: nope04:06
amenadoleo_rockw-> can he join this channel?04:06
troxormoregreen: did you mention something about a dpkg lock file? what if you delete that, and run the `dpkg --configure -a` again?04:06
Scunizideniz__, Here's one using Imagemagik http://sourceforge.net/projects/bbips/.. there were over 100 pages of pdf stuff on sourceforge..04:06
level09whats the default port for sftp ?04:06
troxorlevel09: 22, same as ssh04:06
deniz__Scunizi, i have imagemagick and its not gui and no1 wants to help me use it04:06
chalexprakriti:  but it would probably be worth to a) make backups b) figure out why they were marked as failed and c) run fsck to check for corruption04:06
level09thanks :)04:06
leo_rockwamenado: he just went online on jabber, so i'll tell him to04:06
amenadoleo_rockw-> okay, let him join in here04:07
utarpradeshhi does anyone have experience running STEAM thru WINE in ubuntu? i'm having trouble enabling directX 8.... i add the suffix to the execution command but it says "file not found"04:07
Scunizideniz__, I know it does a lot and not very intuitive. however the link looks like it has a commandline gui attached..04:07
bastid_raZorutarpradesh; try #winehq .. they'll have a better chance of helping out04:08
leo_rockwamenado: he's on the live cd, he says he's going to try to install ubuntu once again. i'll told him to join this channel if he still needs help. thank you.04:08
utarpradeshokay, thank you... i didn't know that existed :)04:08
deniz__Scunizi, its still loading (i have dial-up)04:08
moregreen(rw,errors=remount-ro) whats that mean?04:08
amenadoleo_rockw-> okay04:09
leo_rockwutarpradesh: i believe there are many posts about that on the forums04:09
deniz__and can someone compile a 64-bit driver for me plz? ill host it for others so it wont be a wasted effort ;)04:09
moregreencould it be from me unmounting my external h/d wrong?04:09
leo_rockwmoregreen: i'd say yes04:09
troxormoregreen: mount options, = read/write, remount readonly on error04:09
troxormoregreen: those are normal, for the / partition04:10
chalexBadServo: according to the tune2fs man page, you can do "sudo tune2fs /dev/sdb1 -m 0"04:25
troxorYowshi: dpkg -i file.dpkg04:25
troxorYowshi: .deb *04:25
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:25
chalexBadServo: to set the reserved block count to 004:25
Yowshitroxor: tried that04:25
chalexBadServo: this shouldn't have any adverse effects04:25
ghostnob I just install the LAMP 7.10 server edition, and when I ran the "hostname" - "hostname -f" but the result is different. hostname  = server1 | hostname -f = server1.domain.com. what can I do, please.... thanks04:25
nikrudchalex not a good idea, syslog is using that free space, for example04:25
BadServothere are no trash folders present on the effected mounts04:25
chalexnikrud: what do you mean?  also, this is not on the root partition04:25
troxorghostnob: that's correct, the -f displays the fqdn04:25
nikrudchalex ah, good point about not root partition. the reserved space is to allow root daemons to run when users fill the disk.04:26
amenadoghostnob-> paste the contents of  /etc/hosts04:26
Yowshistupid cdemu04:26
chalexBadServo: the idea of reserving some blocks for root is so that your system can continue to function when you run out of disk space, which isn't an issue for your non-system partitions04:27
Yowshidpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of vhba-module:04:27
Yowshi vhba-module depends on build-essential; however:04:27
Yowshi  Package build-essential is not installed.04:27
Yowshianyone know where i can get this build-essential04:27
chalexBadServo: so try "sudo tune2fs /dev/whatever -m 0" per 'man tune2fs'04:27
bender183that url is for an 8 monitor dvi/vga setup is it possible for ubuntu to support 8 virtual desktops?04:27
nikrudYowshi sudo apt-get -f install  should pull in build-essential for you.04:27
PeloYowshi, sudo apt-get install build-essential04:28
BadServothat seems to have helped04:28
Dr_willisbender183,  how about a summary ?04:28
BadServolet me kill some more files and see if the fee space updates correctly now04:28
Yowshinikrud: it didnt. i tried straihgt up sudo apt-get install build-essential but it says put cd in /cdrom/ my gutsy cd is already in the drive04:28
chalexBadServo: http://boncey.org/2006_11_18_reclaiming_ext3_disk_space04:28
bender183Dr_willis: can an X server support 8 different virtual desktops04:29
nikrud!gutsysources | Yowshi04:29
ubotuYowshi: gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).04:29
Dr_willisbender183,  ive had window managers set up with 16+ desktops...04:29
Dr_willisbender183,  i imagine the limit is way up there.04:29
bender183ty sir04:29
Scunizideniz__, ok.. I've gotten a little ways into it.. gimp wasn't much help.. convert auto page numbers the extractions.. I just haven't found out how to carry the file name across to the output side.04:29
dapiz987hello, i installed the 8.04 beta and am experiencing highly reduced audio quality, can anybody help me with this?04:29
bender183thats an impossible thing to google btw04:29
nikrudgamer's delight there04:29
Dr_willisNow how you effective USE that many.. is the question.. more then 4 seems to be overkill04:29
chalexdapiz987: can you describe the symptoms more?04:30
msinghhm is there a measuring tool to determine window/image size?04:30
bender183what vid card supported 16 virtual desktops?04:30
Dr_willisbender183,  its not a limit of the video card as far as i know.,04:30
Dr_willisbender183,  unless you are using the term 'virtual desktop' in a way i am not. :)04:31
bender183its just a software thing04:31
Pelomsingh, open the image in any image editor and check the properties04:31
Yowshithanks nikrud04:31
Dr_willistheres been virtual desktops under linux since.. well ages ago. :)04:31
bender183not like an thin client server with different X sessions running remotley04:31
deniz__Scunizi, with gimp i can convert 1 by 1, and i dint get wat u meant by the rest of wat u said sry :(04:31
dapiz987chalex: when i listen to ANY music or system sounds, it is almost sounding like a low-bitrate audio file, it is hard to explain exactly what it sounds like but it never did this before04:31
ghostnob127.0.0.1localhost.localdomain localhost04:31
ghostnob192.168.1.104ghost1.haryoh.comghost1# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts04:31
ghostnob::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback04:31
ghostnobfe00::0 ip6-localnet04:31
ghostnobff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix04:31
ghostnobff02::1 ip6-allnodes04:31
FloodBot1ghostnob: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:31
bender183this is an 8 * 27 inch functional display04:31
Dr_willisdapiz987,  beta chat in #ubuntu+1   i would check the beta forums first also.04:31
deniz__Scunizi, but its skool notes that i need to put on psp for use at skool and there is soo many 1 by 1 hurts to do04:32
msinghPelo, right04:32
Scunizideniz__, someone here can probably script it.. shouldn't be too hard.04:32
bender183Dr_willis: ever seen the movie swordfish?04:32
deniz__Scunizi, i think troxor said sumtin bout scripting, i have no idea wat that means tho :S04:32
chalexdapiz987: are you sure it's a software issue?  e.g. does Knoppix or Feisty LiveCD do the same?04:32
Dr_willismake a script that does each command needed one after another, then run the script. :)04:32
Dr_willisbender183,  Nope04:32
Pelobender183, you mean you want you dektop to stretchover  8 monitors ?04:32
bender183its like that kind of setup where the guy is working on 8 different monitorsat once04:32
dapiz987sounded great wit 7.1004:32
chalexdapiz987: yeah, ask in ubuntu+104:32
BadServochalax:  Odd, after adjusting the reserved space I have 6.8GB available.  I deleted 5.5GB from the partition with nautilus and cleared teh trash.  And nautilus is only reporting 12.1GB free04:32
Scunizideniz__, scripting is just a list of command done in "Bash" at the terminal that carry out your orders automatically.04:33
Dr_willisa multi-monitor desktop is not the same as virtual desktops. :)04:33
dapiz987could it be to do with the new PulseAudio server? do you have any preference on which audio server is best before i go?04:33
Dr_willis dapiz987  very likely its a pulse audio issue.04:33
deniz__Scunizi, wait so u mean its just a bunch of commands to do wat i want to do?04:33
chalexBadServo: perhaps one is reporting in GB the other in GiB?04:33
bender183no, like 8 different virtual machines one on each monitor04:33
Dr_willisdeniz__,  you got it.. thats oneway to write such a script04:33
bender183or a display on each04:33
Dr_willisbender183,  that made no sence. :)04:33
Joelitoanyone here ubuntu users uses kdevelop as IDE for programming?04:33
CVD-PRwhat is CoC?04:34
chalexBadServo: what does 'df' say?04:34
Pici!coc | CVD-PR04:34
bender183click the damn url04:34
dapiz987how do i switch over to another audio server? (i know that seems like a noob question)04:34
ubotuCVD-PR: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/04:34
amenadoghostnob-> what you pasted does not even match what you claimed earlier..04:34
bender183you will understand04:34
bender183because he is working on 8 different boxes04:34
deniz__troxor, wat was it u were saying b4?04:34
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.04:34
BadServosudo tune2fs /dev/sdb1 -m 004:34
bender183but i am wondering if one box can support 8 different monitors04:34
BadServo/dev/sdb1              290G   277G    13G  96% /media/DATA04:34
Pelobender183, if it has enough videocards outlets for them yues04:35
troxordeniz__: `gs -sOutputFile blah%d.jpg ` might work04:35
Pelo!dualhead > bender18304:35
Scunizideniz__, yea.. sort of.. you'd do a command to list all the pdf's then pass that list to a command to "convert" them one by one automatically.. BUT what I don't know is how to get "convert" to output the same file name as the file that is being converted.. numbering of pages is automatic.04:35
bender183ty sir04:35
BadServostrange....  nautilus bust be doing some weird estimations.04:35
CatfoodCan anybody suggest the appropriate channel to ask about gnome menu behavior settings?04:35
BadServobecause the size of the files I killed and space available were both read from nautilus04:35
PeloCatfood, here , depending on what,04:36
chalexBadServo: I mean 'df' not 'df -h', then maybe do the multiplication to convert to GB and GiB04:36
deniz__troxor, i cd to directory first? do i have to modify the command in any way?04:36
troxordeniz__: most likely, yes04:36
CatfoodThey delay when you click on a menu item is killing me, if I turn off all effects it is fine, but I want some effects but not the delay04:36
deniz__Scunizi, i had previously made imagemagick work a bit b404:36
PeloCatfood, that might just be that your video card is not strong enough04:37
ubuntuhi there, can someone help me to boot my pc? i get an error that says : NTLDR is missing. i have 2 disks one with xp and one with ubuntu and still cant solve it:(04:37
chalexCatfood: http://www.google.com/search?q=gnome+menu+delay doesn't help?04:37
dapiz987ok, thank you guys for your help, im off to #ubuntu+1, later everyone04:37
PeloCatfood, ask in #compiz to see what effects you might turn off that are too demanding04:37
=== ubuntu is now known as IzMbit
BadServochalex:  seems to add up04:38
BadServoclose enough for myself anyway.04:38
deniz__Scunizi, i do first cd ~/Desktop/ then convert    -format jpg  *.pdf04:38
BadServoCan't thank you enough for the kindly assistance... this has been bugging me for days.  Thought some new Hardy module was corrupting me.04:38
Catfood8800 I think it is an effect setting somewhere  but will try the suggestions, thanks04:38
deniz__Scunizi, that use to work and wen it did, it made a blurry jpg and only the first page04:38
chalexBadServo: np04:39
Scunizideniz__, no.. what I did was "convert <filename.pdf> <filename.jpg> and it worked like a champ04:39
deniz__Scunizi, that converts all pages?04:39
Scunizideniz__, yes in just one PDF04:40
deniz__Scunizi, do i need to keep the <>?04:41
Scunizideniz__, no04:41
deniz__Scunizi, it works but i want better res, thats kinda too blurry for me to study with04:43
Scunizideniz__, there's probably a switch to increase res.  the other option someone mentioned is to use gs (ghost script) to do the conversion. I don't know how to do that.04:44
nixboxi want to create a grid with 16 nodes, i want a software in which i can draw the grid and be able to export the x,y coordinates. Can you guys suggest one?04:45
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deniz__Scunizi, i need it at 150 DPI, i think its -i 150 DPI or sumtin i saw b4 but i dont no, were did u find the previous information?04:45
White_Magic_Does Anyone Know how Miro Gets the videos id like to either add another site to the search site list or add a channel to this site04:45
White_Magic_could anyone help?04:45
Scunizideniz__, I just tried it.. :)  but I'm now looking at http://www.imagemagick.org/script/api.php04:46
=== White_Magic_ is now known as White_Magic
deniz__Scunizi, i assume u failed?04:46
Scunizideniz__, I just haven't found anything yet..04:46
Pelonixbox, considering it's just a 3x3 grid you are talking about wouldn't it be simpler to just type out the coordinates by hand ?04:46
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deniz__Scunizi, im also searching and thx u stuck with me more than many others in all my history of irc-ing!04:49
Bob_Sagotu never figured out how to re-mount my HDD04:50
Bob_Sagoti never*04:50
dinmount /dev/device /mount/point ?04:50
PeloBob_Sagot, sudo mount -a04:50
Scunizideniz__, I like imagemagick AND I have many multipage pdf's.. but I was thinking .. why not convert them to multipage tif's.?  Why individual pages.?04:50
deniz__Scunizi, bcuz its more convenient for studying on a psp04:51
dini've set up a 500GB drive with encryption via dm-crypt and LVM this afternoon. :)04:51
deniz__Scunizi, i no a psp is for games but i havent played games since last year begining of the grade04:51
regeyasmithwicks is the nectar of the gods, and if any gnome-go devs are here, thank you very much for trying to duplicate quicksilver, the shortcut app of the gods04:51
Scunizideniz__, Ah Ha!..04:51
* Dr_willis imagines the eyestrain at reading text on a psp. :004:51
Dr_willisconvert them to html! :)04:51
Bob_Sagotthis is killing me04:52
Bob_Sagoti have tried that04:52
Bob_Sagotit doesnt even see the HDD04:52
deniz__Dr_willis, its actually much easier than u think, u zoom to the maximum it can while filling the screen sideways04:52
DasWucryptsetup luksOpen point04:52
dinDasWu: yesh. :)04:52
DasWuan than mount point04:52
Peloregeya, devs don't hang out in this channel, we're not worthy04:52
dinDasWu: it's really rather easy on the cpu too.04:53
Dr_willisThe Devs dont want to be asked how to do  the basic stuff thats docmented all over the place. :)04:53
PeloBob_Sagot, just use sudo mount -a , it will reload your fstab04:53
regeyagood thing I wasn't still drinking smithwicks.  wasting it by spitting it on my kbd woudl be bad04:53
gkffjcsis there an application that will allow me to input the output from my speakers into a file directly?04:53
Bob_Sagottried it04:53
Bob_Sagotill try again04:53
PeloBob_Sagot, remember that linux is case sensitive and that you donT' mount hdd you mout partitions ,  so /dev/sda1 , not /dev/sda ,  and you absolutely need a mountpoint04:54
Bob_Sagoti think I am going to grab my fedora book04:54
Dr_willisIt pays to read somne tutorials on how linux mounts drives Bob_Sagot  :) reading a book is a good idea.04:55
Bob_Sagotbut usually when i boot linux before i did a quick hardware swap, it was readying just fine04:55
PeloBob_Sagot, what the dev and the mount point of the and what fs ?04:55
Dr_willisBob_Sagot,  its not a hard concept. but it has a lot of  little things to watch out for04:55
regeyagkffjcs: look on the ubuntu wiki for jack.  alternatively, some soundcards (my sb live 5.1 will do it) can use the speaker out as input (though I disremember how rightnow004:55
Dr_willisgreat now you guys have my firefox crashing!04:55
dinBob_Sagot: it sounds like you have the wrong device name, or your comp is not seeing your device.04:55
* Pelo points an laughs at Dr_willis 04:55
Bob_SagotI am not sure, what pisses me off is windows sees the drive fine04:56
SAIDiaswhat is the copy command to copy a file to multiple directories?  example: cp example into all the directories in /home/test/04:56
Dr_willisBob_Sagot,  check with 'sudo fdisk -l' if the device is 'seen' by the computer it will show up there..   if fdisk dosent even see the device.. well thers deeper issues04:56
regeyajackd allows for some really awesome stuff, including audio routing, gkffjcs...thank god for tab competion coz your nick is to jacked up04:56
regeyaever considered a nick with vowels?04:56
Dr_willisSAIDias,  you would proberly have to do a little script, or mess with xargs a bit for that.04:56
Bob_Sagotit sees the 2nd drive04:56
ledok i was just wondering which chat app wasnt just another im for yahoo but would allow me to hit a room with in the yahoo chat directory04:57
Pelog'night folks , Dr_willis  hope the firefox works out , nikrud , IndyGunFreak , g'night guys04:57
nikrudPelo see you later04:57
studentHow can I get the second line exactly from a STDOUT?04:57
Scunizideniz__, unfortunatly I gotta go.. sorry I couldn't help more. I did find a page of processing switches but I can't identify wich one to use except maybe -sharpen..  Good luck.04:58
studentHow can I get the second line exactly from a STDOUT? <solved!>04:58
studentUsing tail and head04:58
Bob_Sagotdin, are you getting my messages?04:58
Dr_willisstudent,  check the man pages for tail and head. they can snip out a range of lines also wth the + options04:58
dinBob_Sagot: no.04:58
Bob_Sagotit wont let me PM you04:58
dinBob_Sagot: is it /dev/sda ?04:58
dinWell what is it? :)04:59
deniz__Scunizi, k, ill try sharpen04:59
ericError handling request. Exception raised: Failure("Error while decoding ascii-armored key: text terminated before reaching PGP public key header line")04:59
deniz__Scunizi, thx04:59
studentDr_willis, Thanks but i already know how to use it, just had forgot =p04:59
dexstarhow do i get write permission to the /usr folder?04:59
Bob_Sagotsdb1 to be precise04:59
dinBob_Sagot: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/point04:59
CVD-PRwhere is the copy text in xchat?04:59
dinmake sure /mnt/point exists.04:59
Dr_willisstudent,  you dont need to use head and tail i found out. but the man page for  the range feature.. is a little.. oddly written. :)04:59
ericdestar under root user04:59
dinthen make the appropriate changes in /etc/fstab04:59
deniz__Scunizi, it says it needs an argument04:59
deniz__Scunizi, deniz@deniz-desktop:~/Desktop$ convert j5.pdf -sharpen .jpg05:00
ericdexstar under root user05:00
ledxchat copy i just highlight what i want to copy05:00
Bob_Sagotdin, can i temporarly talk to you on a messenger?05:00
deniz__CVD-PR, to copy text u only need to highlight it05:01
Scunizideniz__, I just tried convert -antialiase j5.pdf j5.jpg.. you can use the same syntax with sharpen.05:01
dinBob_Sagot: just register here, and you can pm me.05:01
CVD-PRdamn it . thanks05:01
deniz__Scunizi, i tried with sharpen dint work, ill try with antialiase05:01
=== ubuntu is now known as IzMbit
deniz__Scunizi, convert: unrecognized option `-antialiase'.05:02
IzMbithi there, is there a way to fix the NTLDR from ubuntu live cd?05:02
dinIzMbit: yes. install ubuntu.05:02
dexstarthx eric :)05:02
ericdexstar np05:02
IzMbitwell i have 2 disks one with xp and one with ubuntu05:02
Scunizideniz__, sorry misspelling.. -antialias05:03
dinIzMbit: mount your windows drive and copy NTLDR to the appropriate place.05:03
regeyamispelling ftl05:03
Scunizideniz__, see ya.. good luck05:03
IzMbitdin can u helpme doing this? i new in linux :(05:03
mindrapeAnybody know when KDE 4 is going to be available or have a repo for it?05:03
gawwdotnetHi guys. Anyone here bought an Intel 775 socket motherboard with a well supported audio chipset?05:03
deniz__Scunizi, still dint work :(05:04
deniz__Scunizi, at least u got me closer05:04
gawwdotnetI think most ASUS boards use ICH7  ALC662 - has anyone used this?05:04
deniz__Scunizi, thx again05:04
CVD-PRMiren esta bien05:04
decayweird problem. i have a hard drive mounted. i can browse through it, drag files in and out of it. but when i try to browse it through a dialog window, the files inside dont show05:05
decayany ideas?05:05
regeyadecay, just a wild guess but um.  wait.  you05:06
decayregeya: i hope not05:06
regeyayou wouldn't happen to have hidden files showing in your file manager decay would you05:07
regeyaas in .hidden_file05:07
Flanneldecay: This is mounted automatically via gnome? or not?05:07
regeyanow that's darn peculiar05:07
decayFlannel: yes05:07
IzMbitany ideas how to mount my win drive and copy ntldr to correct place?05:07
decayregeya: when i click view hidden files, nothing shows either05:07
Flanneldecay: Right, those dont show up in the filesystem proper05:07
decayFlannel: so how would i fix this?05:07
=== pavan is now known as bkpavan
Flanneldecay: Mount it via mount05:07
Picigawwdotnet: Are you asking a harware question, or an Ubuntu question?05:08
* regeya realizes 1.) he's a lightweight to the xtreme and 2.) he has no idea whats going on05:08
GNUixI have a laptop with a broadcom wireless card (requires firmware cutter) so I purchased a belkin pcmcia card (model F5D7010) which according to the docs is supported with the rt2500 driver but it isn't picking up.. what else can I do?05:08
Flannelregeya: We all start somewhere, don't worry.05:08
jengelhGNUix: use a broadcom driver, not a RalinkTech one?05:09
jengelhbut if the manual says so.. ok05:09
=== bruenig_ is now known as bruenig
GNUixjengelh: I would prefer not to use the firmware cutter as I have bad experinces with it, thats why I purchased the belkin (which is supposed to be supported)05:10
IndyGunFreakGNUix: is it a usb or what?05:10
GNUixits a pcmcia card05:10
decayFlannel: can't i do that by clicking the folder in the /media/ dir and selecting 'mount' ?05:10
dinIzMbit: run fdisk -l to see what type filesystem is on your disk. when you find the one that's windows,(probably ntfs) run "sudo mount /said/device /mnt"05:11
Flanneldecay: uh, I'm not really all that experienced with the GUI, so... maybe?05:11
IndyGunFreakGNUix: hmm, weird.05:11
=== Cosmosan is now known as Cosmo-san
decayFlannel: ok i went to /media/ and tried opening the folder, it says i dont have permission05:11
dinIzMbit: then copy your ntldr from the i386 directory (from the winblows cd) to that filesystem05:11
regeyaFlannel I was referring to my terrible alcohol tolerance and I thought that gnome, when a drive was mountable, just mounted it...unlike kde, where you may or may not be using an ioslave05:12
Flanneldecay: right click the icon on the desktop, then unmount it, then make a folder in /media, and mount it there.05:12
GNUixIndyGunFreak: I guess it could be the card is broke.. but if I remove the card dmesg shows the card removed and then if I reinsert is hows it as reinserting but no other info is givin05:12
* regeya forgets about virtual filesystems in gnome for a mo05:12
happishow to get windows Sata drive work?05:12
IndyGunFreakGNUix: that would seem pretty unlikely then05:12
happishow to get windows Sata drive mount*05:12
GNUixIndyGunFreak: and then of course dmesg tells me to go get the firmware from linuxwireless.org for the broadcom card.. suck.. I hate firmware cutter.. it nevers works05:13
Dr_willishappis,  its should be a normal /dev/sd## type device. Mount it as you would an ide drive.05:13
Dr_willis!mount | happis05:13
ubotuhappis: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:13
IndyGunFreakGNUix: i dont' know, i'm talking to a guy now who had pretty good luck with it.05:13
IndyGunFreak4318 i think05:13
Dr_willishappis,  if its a ntfs filesystem check out  the following05:13
Dr_willis!ntfs-3g | happis05:13
ubotuhappis: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:13
iurihow to check what ips are on my intranet?05:14
GNUixIndyGunFreak: I'm going to give it a try.. but I'm doubtfull05:14
iuriwhat would be the command to run?05:14
CVD-PRterminal command to check in/out internet?05:14
happisits not formated05:14
dinCVD-PR: bwm-ng05:15
CVD-PRports etc?05:15
Dr_willishappis,  is it even partioned?05:15
happisMaybe in shop05:15
dinCVD-PR: netstat, lsof, snort, tcpdump...05:15
Dr_willishappis,  you dont mount a filesystem thats not formated. since its not a filesystem yet. :)05:15
dinshall I keep going? :)05:15
CVD-PRbut something that is already in ubuntu05:15
happisDr_willis: it works at windows05:15
Frederickfolks isnt the package for skype avaliable?05:15
Dr_willishappis,  then it IS formated for windows...05:16
dinCVD-PR: sudo apt-get install bwm-ng05:16
dinthen run it.05:16
Dr_willishappis,  if its a ntfs windows filesystem, you can use the ntfs-3g stuff to read/write to it.05:16
fizzbaneIf I just installed Ubuntu 7.10 and updated it all is it a good idea for me to install and run Automatix?05:16
Dr_willis!ntfs-3g | happis05:16
ubotuhappis: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:16
Dr_willis!mount | happis05:16
ubotuhappis: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:16
mindrapeAnybody know when KDE 4 is going to be available or have a repo for it?05:16
Flannel!kde4 | mindrape05:17
ubotumindrape: KDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde405:17
DariusTheoNoircorrect me if I am wrong, but there's a front-end for the ntfs-3g05:17
Dr_willishappis,  an example fstab entry for MY ntfs drive is -->  UUID=96240BAE240B9103 /media/vistaboot ntfs    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0       105:17
DariusTheoNoirbut...one has to specify the driver in fstab under type05:17
Dr_willis!info ntfs-config05:17
ubotuntfs-config (source: ntfs-config): Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 41 kB, installed size 432 kB05:17
din!bwm-ng | CVD-PR05:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bwm-ng - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:17
Dr_willisDariusTheoNoir,  you also have to have the ntfs disks defined befor ntfs-3g will change the settings. :)05:17
fizzbaneIf I just installed Ubuntu 7.10 and updated it all is it a good idea for me to install and run Automatix?05:18
Dr_willisfizzbane,  its a better idea to forget you ever HEARD about automatix at all.05:18
arooni-mobilehey folks!  upon startup, during fsck ... i see these errors:  /dev/hdb2 clean, 153981/2442855 files, etc.... fscck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID-29....' fsck.ext3 Unable to resolve 'UUID=aajdj....';  File System check failed;  A log is being saved in /var/log/fsck/checkfs if that location is writable.  Please repair the file system manually.  A maintenance shell will now be started.......... what should i do?05:18
GNUixwhere should I stick the firmware created by fwcutter?05:19
fizzbaneDr_willis : thanks for lettin me know.05:19
sunbirdhi everyone! favorite backup package with gui?05:19
DariusTheoNoirDr_willis, mine works great--never had problems with it, except for an occasional "unsafe removal" from windows05:19
DariusTheoNoirbut...RULE: never mount your win system partition...ever...use a third FAT partition for transport between systems05:20
jengelhI concur.05:20
DariusTheoNoircorrection, never write....05:20
GNUixfound it /lib/firmware .. and its working.. first time.. I'm amazed.. perhaps today will be a good day :)05:20
DariusTheoNoiryou can mount ro05:20
jengelhuse a proper ntfs driver.05:20
DariusTheoNoirbut I write to my external seagate all the time rw05:21
Dr_willisDariusTheoNoir,  ntfs-3g has been clamed to be stable.. but then again.. ntfs is made by MS.. could you call ntfs stable..05:21
DariusTheoNoirno... :)05:21
Mr_Sonomaanyone know of a good wiki for setting up printer sharing between ubuntu and vista?05:21
Dr_willisIve had more issues with windows trashing my NTFS disks, then i have with linux trashing them05:21
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:21
Dr_willisseem that last url Mr_Sonoma05:21
CVD-PRIts there someting like google translate for linux?05:22
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fizzbaneI want to set up a twinview moniter layout with nvidia. How do i go about doing so?05:25
c0LdDoes anyone know if xmms2 is able to stream from shoutcast? I've installed the plugin in apt but it's still just giving me 26 seconds of playback then it stops. I know xmms (classic) will stream from there out of the box flawlessly :/05:25
smehmoodhey all, im shopping around for a new laptop, and am looking at the Dell XPS M1330, one of the ones they sell with ubuntu. I see this page reports all kinds of issues (volume too low, etc.) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/DellXPSM133005:25
smehmooddoes that mean the ones Dell sells with ubuntu preinstalled suffers from all those bugs too?05:25
ChamunksI love ubuntu to death but who do i see about making my nautillus and firefox windows remember the size i left them at before i re opened them05:25
Chamunksbefore hardy is at full version05:25
Dr_willisfizzbane,  i normaly install the nvidia drivers,   run sudo nvidia-settings --twinview, restart X, then tweak the setup with sudo nvidia-xconfig05:25
c0LdDoes anyone know if xmms2 is able to stream from shoutcast? I've installed the plugin in apt but it's still just giving me 26 seconds of playback then it stops. I know xmms (classic) will stream from there out of the box flawlessly :/05:26
Frederickfolks is there any tutorial tomakle webcams work on ubuntu?05:26
MethodOne/msg nickserv identify 14422805:27
sunbirda bit of a silly question, but how do i get a mounted crypted external usb drive to show up on the desktop?05:27
Dr_willisfizzbane,  i may have that backwards.. :)   run sudo nvidia-xconfig --twinview, then sudo nvidia-settings05:27
fizzbaneDr_willis: i was gunna say gave me a unrecognized option05:27
Dr_willisfizzbane,  its weird.. the X gui command has NO X in the command.. while the text based tool.. has a X in the name. :)05:28
Cpudan80Does Rythmbox autoconvert WMA --> MP3?05:28
Dr_willisfizzbane,  nvidia-xconfig -A   to see all the options05:28
fizzbaneDr_willis: so restart X with alt+crlt+backspace?05:28
DariusTheoNoirsunbird, remove the encryption?  (I don't know...just seems far-fetched to expect encrypted devices to automount)05:28
Dr_willisfizzbane,  thats one way05:29
sunbirdDriusTheoNoir: nah! i just created a symbolic link. that'll work for me. :)05:29
fizzbaneDr_willis: is that a good way to do so?05:29
Dr_willisfizzbane, you DID backup your original xorg.conf  ? i hope.05:29
fizzbanei did not.05:29
Dr_willisfizzbane,  or logout and use 'restart x server'  in the menus05:29
Dr_willisit may of autobacked up the thing. :)05:30
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:30
fizzbaneDr_willis: Fizz= new to linux, which means not used to backups05:30
fizzbaneDr_willis: ill restart X now....i hope it works....05:30
Dr_willisyep. i gotta run an errand.. be back in about an hr.05:31
DariusTheoNoirwell...portability of encryption...kinda makes encryption easier to deal with--and easy just doesn't cut it for security.  Just ask the Do?05:31
CVD-PRany tool so i can copy/backup a folder to another drive with a click of a button?05:31
jengelhboth "folder" and "drive" is microsoft terminology :/05:31
Oldgrizzanybody else here have a samsung yp-T9J mp3 player ?05:31
DariusTheoNoirnonsense | grep nonsense > /dev/null05:31
Frederickhow do I install easycam??05:32
dinCVD-PR: tar -cvf file.tar.gz /directory/to/be/backed/up && cp file.tar.gz /location :)05:32
IndyGunFreak!info easycam05:32
ubotuPackage easycam does not exist in gutsy05:32
IndyGunFreaklooks like you're compiling it froms ource05:32
CVD-PRan only copy the things that are not in the destination05:33
dinCVD-PR: look into rsync05:33
IndyGunFreakFrederick: what is easycam?05:33
Thib_I need to install a specific version of the kernel (2.6.24-11).05:33
DariusTheoNoir!info axiom05:33
ubotuaxiom (source: axiom): A general purpose computer algebra system: main binary and modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 20050901-9ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 12948 kB, installed size 46148 kB05:33
c0LdDoes anyone know if xmms2 is able to stream from shoutcast? I've installed the plugin in apt but it's still just giving me 26 seconds of playback then it stops. I know xmms (classic) will stream from there out of the box flawlessly :/05:34
Thib_how would I do that?05:34
Frederickin which package is gksudo?05:34
fizzbaneDr_willis: that seemed to work out just nicely05:34
Thib_actually, 2.6.24-11 or older, but hopefully as close as possible to 2.6.24-1105:35
FlannelFrederick: gksu05:35
DariusTheoNoirFredrick, I05:35
Thib_anybody know how to do that?05:35
DariusTheoNoirwhy do you want to know?05:35
Thib_with a package I can fetch, I mean05:35
Thib_not compiling a kernel05:35
Thib_DariusTheoNoir: are you asking me?05:35
TrickRabbitHow can i get a ubuntu cloak05:35
DariusTheoNoirno....sorry...lost track, Thib05:36
Thib_DariusTheoNoir: no problem05:36
FlannelTrickRabbit: Are you an Ubuntu member?05:36
fizzbaneHow do i paste in terminal?05:36
FrederickI cant manage my webcam to work in ubuntu05:36
DariusTheoNoirfizzbane...use the menu > edit05:36
TrickRabbitFlannel, yes05:36
DariusTheoNoirI am sure there is a shortcut ... but I am too lazy to remember05:37
fizzbanehaha. i like shortcuts....05:37
FlannelTrickRabbit: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc-cloaks05:37
DariusTheoNoirbut it's not your standard ctrl-c/v/x05:37
DariusTheoNoiruse shift-ctrl-c/v/x05:37
DariusTheoNoirterminal needs the "shift"05:38
georgy_28fizzbane : select then click middle mouse button05:38
phreckIve lost my windows decorations, any advice?05:39
DariusTheoNoiradvice: don't play with window decorations...(opinion)05:40
phrecklol i dont play with them, they are gone05:40
DariusTheoNoirwell, don't try to get them back, you end up reconfiguring xorg05:40
tuntunis default windows xp titlebar text centered or left?05:40
phreckits emerald05:40
Flannel!ops | dalan05:41
ubotudalan: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!05:41
phreckwhats the hotkey to bring up the "run" window05:42
Flannelphreck: alt-f205:42
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jlesaAlt F205:43
MethodOneI accidentally revealed my nick password because the /msg nickserv command wasn't supported in empathy (the chat client).  will i be safe after changing my password?05:43
FlannelMethodOne: yes05:43
DariusTheoNoirTIP: Window decorations via low-end/obsolete/bad/integrated/etc hardware + inexperienced user = Chris Farley on ice skates05:44
LibertyShadowIsn't Chris Farley dead?05:44
DariusTheoNoirhe is??05:45
DariusTheoNoiroh god!05:45
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:45
phreckIts not low end hardware at all05:45
DariusTheoNoirSorry Flannel05:45
srbaker_heya folks05:45
fizzbaneI have a twinview setup and rotation cube set up with compiz-fusion, yet the cube isnt really a cube its a hexagon...how do i fix it?05:45
tuntunis windows xp titlebar text  supposed to be centered or left-justified?05:45
srbaker_is there a list of hardware that's "unofficially" supported, or preferably officially supported?05:46
Nismohow do i join another channel05:46
srbaker_stuff that's tested that works flawlessly, including suspend/hibernate/etc ?05:46
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Flannel!hardware | srbaker_05:46
ubotusrbaker_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection05:46
CVD-PRcoomand to show the space in a directory05:46
Flannelsrbaker_: That's not exhaustive though05:46
tuntunis windows xp titlebar text  supposed to be centered or left-justified?05:46
Flanneltuntun: How is that relevant?  I believe it's left.05:47
dotechanyone have an idea how i can debug this sound problem, i select USB Audio and click Test and I hear the tone, but I don't have any sound for anything else05:47
decaywho was it that was helping me with the mount issue?05:47
fizzbaneI have a twinview setup and rotation cube set up with compiz-fusion, yet the cube isnt really a cube its a hexagon...how do i fix it?05:47
decayi forgot =[05:47
dotecheven if i go to the Sounds tab and click Play for any of the OS sounds, nothing05:47
DariusTheoNoirhow many people have "converted" to linux over ui effects/window decoration/etc.  But, the honeymoon is always too short for the beta-testers.05:48
decayfizzbane: open the compiz manager05:48
fizzbanedecay: where is item suggested located at?05:48
Dr_willisfizzbane,  i found the cube effect combined with  multi monitors..  to be.. lacking :)05:49
tarkuseveryone join #Help_Ryan05:49
decaysystem - > preferences -> advanced desktop effects05:49
decayfizzbane: that was for you05:49
Dr_willisfizzbane,  of course i find the cube to be a bit on the  useless side anyway05:49
nightmikei'm trying to run MuOnline private server but the is slow... runs but its slow05:50
arooni-mobilehey folks!  upon startup, during fsck ... i see these errors:  /dev/hdb2 clean, 153981/2442855 files, etc.... fscck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID-29....' fsck.ext3 Unable to resolve 'UUID=aajdj....';  File System check failed;  A log is being saved in /var/log/fsck/checkfs if that location is writable.  Please repair the file system manually.  A maintenance shell will now be started.......... what should i do?05:50
fizzbaneBut i Love my cube! its so smexy :P and it impresses the masses05:50
Dr_willisand so useless for doing the actual job at hand.05:51
Dr_willisNow the windows zoom feature, and the taskbar previews.. are handy...05:51
Dr_willisand the ADHD effect. also usefull05:51
nightmikesomeone know how to config wine for run MuOnline fine?05:51
Dr_willis!appdb | nightmike05:51
ubotunightmike: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org05:51
fizzbanei will play with such effects at a later time...im trying to get a quick setup.05:52
tuntunQUIZ!! is windows xp titlebar text  centered or left-justified?05:52
amenadoarooni-mobile-> look in your  /dev/disk/by-uuid  if that UUID exist or not05:52
fizzbaneleft justified?05:52
* Dr_willis pokes tuntun in the tonsiles with a spork.05:52
Flanneltuntun: Besides the fact that you were already answered, how is that relevant to this channel?05:53
nightmiketheres a repository for emerald themes pack?05:53
decayFlannel: heuy05:53
* tuntun urinates in Dr_willis' mouth05:53
Dr_willisnightmike,  the emerald theme manager tool can auto download./install them - not a package that  i have seen05:54
decayFlannel: were you the one helping me with the mount prob?05:54
Flanneldecay: Gnome vs real filesystem? aye.05:54
Dr_willistuntun,  congratulations for lowering  your  even more05:54
nightmikemm but mine just have 2 themes :P05:54
Dr_willisoops i left out IQ. :)05:54
decayFlannel: what did you say the problem was? gnome mounting on startup?05:54
Flanneldecay: the problem is when gnome automounts stuff, it doesn't go into the filesystem, yeah.05:55
Dr_willisnightmike,  you can enable the feature where it can auto-download more themes05:55
decayFlannel: how do i stop gnome from doing that?05:55
decayDr_willis: where?05:55
smehmooddoes anyone here have an n-series Dell?05:55
tuntunTITLEBAR TEXT  osx: centered, ubuntu: centered, windows: left05:55
Flanneldecay: Not really sure, like I said, I'm not too familiar with the whole gui stuff.05:55
Dr_willisnightmike,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion  gives detailks05:55
decayFlannel: ill google. thanks05:55
tocmo0nlordwhen trying to run alienarena2008 the /crx i get this error ./crx: error while loading shared libraries: libcurl.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:55
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:55
CVD-PRcomment fstab?05:55
Flanneltuntun: For offtopic stuff (as far as I can tell, your entire conversation so far) please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic05:56
nightmikeDr_willis, Thx ill check it out05:57
werscan I make a keyboard shortcut that would make the  window list appear like in kde? :)05:57
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decaymy emerald theme settings has no 'repositories' tab05:58
arooni-mobileamenado, the Unable to resolve 'UUID' messages dont reference UUIDs in /dev/disk/by-uuid ........  what should i do next?05:58
Flannelarooni-mobile: Are those UUIDs in your fstab?06:00
w33d5_once again what is the command for the old Xconfigurator06:00
c0LdDoes anyone know if xmms2 is able to stream from shoutcast? I've installed the plugin in apt but it's still just giving me 26 seconds of playback then it stops. I know xmms (classic) will stream from there out of the box flawlessly :/06:01
amenadoarooni-mobile-> are you saying the error referencing a uuid, and this uuid does not exist in /dev/disk/by-uuid ?06:01
barbguarHi, after an update recently my resolution options have dropped and I can only get 1024x768. I have a widescreen so I am stuck with everything looking stretched. Can someone tell me how to get the 1280 resolution back?06:02
amenadoarooni-mobile-> which to me makes sense, since if that uuid does not exist, then it should throw an error06:02
Flannelarooni-mobile: Are those UUIDs in your fstab?06:03
Flannelarooni-mobile: I expect yes, and if so, just remove/comment them out.06:03
fizzbaneHow do I install a downloaded .exe file with Wine since it is a program native to Windows?06:03
arooni-mobileFlannel, they were......... but I *THINK* thats because i have a hard drive / cd rom drive that wasn't showing up06:04
Flannelfizzbane: a browser, wget, whatever.06:04
c0LdDoes anyone know if xmms2 is able to stream from shoutcast? I've installed the plugin in apt but it's still just giving me 26 seconds of playback then it stops. I know xmms (classic) will stream from there out of the box flawlessly :/06:04
Flannelfizzbane: oh, install.  Sorry. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine06:04
decayhow do i view if a hard drive is sda or sdb or sdc...etc06:04
amenadoarooni-mobile-> having a UUID in fstab but yet it does not exist in /dev/disk/by-uuid will throw an error06:04
fizzbanethank ya06:04
decayFlannel: i don't see the hard drive mounted on fstab. I think adding it there will solve the problem06:05
LewisSharpI have a folder/file permission problems.. I've chmod g+s,u+s a folder where g and u have rwx rights. When I create a folder within that folder it takes u rwx and g rx (not w, but I need w on it) anyone can explain this to me? THanks.06:05
hotmonkeyluvin ubuntu 8.04, where are screensavers installed to?06:06
fizzbaneI get an error when installing a program to wine "wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\xfire.exe": Module not found"06:06
Flannelhotmonkeyluv: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy support, thanks06:07
barbguarCan someone help me with screen resolutions06:07
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forrestis there a repository setup for hardy?06:08
forrestthat I can add to sources.list?06:08
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arooni-mobileamenado, what is /dev/disk/by-uuid06:08
izinucsforrest you don't  want to do that with a gutsy install l .. you will more than likely bork things06:09
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xen_is nickrud here?06:09
IndyGunFreakxen_: i think he's here under nikrud06:10
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nightmikeemerald themes update doesnt work06:10
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barbguarCan someone direct me to somewhere I can get help with a screen resolution problem?06:10
IndyGunFreakbarbguar: what video device?06:11
izinucsbarbguar, check the top of the screen for the FAQ link06:11
barbguarIndyGunFreak: It's a sony vaio laptop. It's meant to have widescreen resolution and after an update the resolution dropped to a normal ratio and everything is strewtched06:12
IndyGunFreakbarbguar: ok, thats nice to know, but what graphics device06:12
nightmikeemerald-theme doesn't work the fetch updates06:12
forrestdoes anyone know if work is being done of a hardy version for ubuntu?06:13
arooni-mobilefixed!  power cables weren't hooked up!06:13
arooni-mobilethats why it went down06:13
barbguarIndyGunFreak: how do I find out what graphics device it is?06:13
izinucsforrest, what do you mean?06:13
IndyGunFreakbarbguar: open a terminla, and run "lspci" no quotes, it will be in there.06:14
forrestizinucs, there is no repository option or .deb option for ubuntu 8 (hardy)06:15
ZMRbarbguar, lspci | grep VGA should do the trick06:15
marllinhoalguem aqui usa um programa chamado cairo dock06:15
barbguarIndyGunFreak: it's an Intel one06:16
marllinhopreciso de uma ajuda06:16
izinucsforrest, there  is and it is included in the hardy release.. if you are trying to use a hardy repo in a different version of ubuntu you may create an unstable system  .. for more hardy info /join #ubuntu+106:16
forrestwell I went with the gutsy install, seemed to work, got to logout though, brb06:16
IndyGunFreakbarbguar: there's a lot of intel chipsets06:16
forrestoh there is?06:16
c0LdDoes anyone know if xmms2 is able to stream from shoutcast? I've installed the plugin in apt but it's still just giving me 26 seconds of playback then it stops. I know xmms (classic) will stream from there out of the box flawlessly :/06:16
IndyGunFreak!res | barbguar try this06:16
ubotubarbguar try this: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:16
arooni_how can i learn if a hard drive is going to go bad or not?  (it has several ntfs partitions on it... but no ext3 partitions...)06:16
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barbguarIndyGunFreak: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)06:17
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smehmooddoes docking work well in Ubuntu?06:17
alienseer23why would a 10G ata hdd  read as a 30G in ubuntu during install? (causing grub errors after install) and how do I remedy this?06:18
smehmoodhas anyone gotten docking working in Ubuntu?06:18
Cpudan80smehmood: Docking like laptop docking?06:19
XerxesIs ubuntu java compatible?  I'm a stock trader and would love to use a more secure system but I'm not sure if the software is compatible.06:19
smehmoodCpudan80: yep06:19
Cpudan80smehmood: I have a T42 and I havent gotten it to work06:19
smehmoodXerxes: yes, it can run Java.06:19
Thib_so I grabbed a bunch of kernel packages from Gutsy06:19
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Cpudan80smehmood: The problem I have is that I have to reset X for my external monitor to resync06:19
IndyGunFreakXerxes: easiest thing to do, is fire up a live CD, install java, and see if it works.06:19
Cpudan80everything else works ok though06:19
smehmoodCpudan80: does the docking work cold?06:19
Thib_and installing them succeeds but complains that it can't find /lib/firmware/<kernelversion>06:19
xtknightanyone noticed that programs that use gstreamer have a slight gain added to mp3s that makes them sound a little overamplified06:20
izinucsXerxes, since nyse is converting to linux I would hope so06:20
ZMRXerxes, java is cross plataform, this is one thing, another is if your apps work....06:20
Thib_it has a directory for the kernel version of Hardy, of course.06:20
prohnaokay i think i got my ipod classic working with amarok06:20
fizzbane_My ubuntu seems to like to freeze alot on me...In a situation like that what should i do?06:20
Thib_what package installs stuff into /lib/firmware?06:20
smehmoodCpudan80: if you dock it before you boot, does the display work?06:20
Cpudan80smehmood: yes06:20
Cpudan80smehmood: Its a T42 (from 2005)06:21
arooni_whats the best audio program that is capable of a small form factor (like winamp)........ but can all of my drives for music and keep it up to date?06:21
XerxesHmm, I guess I'll have to call up my brokerage and find out if the program can run under ubuntu.06:21
prohnabut the thing is when i check to see where its mounted its like its mounted in dif spot each time i plug it in ie: first time it was in /media/ipod, second time it was in /media/ipod_, and so on with another _ each time.06:21
XerxesI'd love to get rid of XP, it was great in 2002, but... crap now.06:21
IndyGunFreakarooni: audacious?06:21
happyface_0Xerxes, vista is better?06:21
izinucsXerxes, what's the program06:21
smehmoodCpudan80: okay, btw, this link might help you with hot-docking if you haven't already seen it, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/1886406:21
Xerxeshappyface, oh hell no. :)06:21
bushblowsDSR2000: hello06:22
ZMRXerxes, if the apps are written entirely in java, this should not be a big deal06:22
arooni_IndyGunFreak, cool ui, but how can i search for music files on my ssytem06:22
IndyGunFreakarooni: hmmm..06:22
ZMRXerxes, but you know, Murhpy`s law :)06:22
XerxesIt's called "Trader Workstation" with Interactivebrokers.coim06:22
alienseer23I am trying to insall onto a 10G fireball3 ata hard drive, but the ubuntu installer sees it as a 30G hdd, rendering i totally un-bootable, help?06:23
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smehmoodXerxes: honestly, I would just go ahead and try to install it. In theory Java is totally cross platform. in practice it isn't, but its still worth a shot.06:23
Thib_akk: okay... deep breath... [reboots]06:24
morrisOoops - I am using Ubuntu but just fucked up with adduser and set my usergroup to  vboxdrv - which means I can't sudo anymore! I would guess I need to boot using a CD and modify /etc/group or shadow - but it isn't something I know anything about. Any tips?06:24
Xerxessmehmood, I'll give it a shot.  Probably not too immediately.  Next week maybe.06:24
ZMRXerxes, good luck!06:25
tocmo0nlordwhen trying to run alienarena2008 the /crx i get this error ./crx: error while loading shared libraries: libcurl.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:25
izinucstocmo0nlord, get the deb from www.getdeb.net06:26
tocmo0nlordwhat deb ?06:26
izinucstocmo0nlord, a deb is an installable package on ubuntu06:27
nikrudmorris is morris your user name on the machine?06:27
nikrudmorris do  grep morris /etc/passwd,  and   grep morris /etc/groups  please, let me see those06:28
izinucstocmo0nlord, sorry just looked and they have 2007.06:28
nikrudmorris erm, that's /etc/group that is06:28
Thib_that didn't help06:28
morrisnikrud: morris:x:1000:1000:Morris,,,:/home/morris:/bin/bash06:29
Thib_which is odd06:29
nikrudmorris and   groups06:29
morrisnikrud - 1 mo06:29
Thib_not really, considering I don't know much about the kernel06:29
nikrudmorris erm, that's a 3rd one,   groups  shows all the groups you're a member of ;)06:30
Xerxeszmr, thanks. :)06:30
|raziel|so I have a very odd question and I figured this would be about the the best place for a quick answer06:30
morrisYep - I know what I did - and I know that editing the groups file manually will probably fix it, but I have only been using Linux for a week...06:31
nikrudmorris ok, you got a problem, you're not in the admin group.    reboot into recovery mode, and run adduser morris admin . That gives back sudo06:31
nikrudmorris or if you have root , run it there06:31
RyanPriorIf I play Counter Strike: Source via Wine, does it use my graphics card?06:31
morrisnikrud: thanks - I didn't think of using recovery mode!06:32
nikrudmorris and you'll need to add back some other groups as well. I'm not in gutsy at the moment so I can't give you the list, but some kind soul here should be able to give you the output of   groups06:32
morrisI will just use whatever groups are in the admin mode.06:33
morrisI just need to remember not to use -g option  with adduser :)06:33
nikrudmorris there's several, such as plugdev and audio and some others you need to be a member of.06:33
morrisnikrud: thanks heaps.06:33
morrisOK - bye bye!06:34
nikrudRyanPrior of course it uses your graphics card, how else would you see it?06:34
|raziel|is there a way to install ubuntu from the iso without burning it to a disk (i'm currently running debian)06:35
RyanPriornikrud: Perhaps it would use software rendering. I heard somewhere that wine can't access your graphics card or something, but I don't know much about it.06:35
RyanPriorNot just using the graphics card, but utilizing it for 3D rendering.06:35
nikrudRyanPrior I don't use wine but I do know it will not use directX properly, and many games can use the  -gl option on the command line to play in opengl, which your card does support06:36
RyanPriorIt can't translate from directx to opengl?06:36
nikrudRyanPrior or -opengl , or some version of that switch depending on the game. #winehq can point you to the right settings06:36
DistroJockey!install | |raziel|06:37
ubotu|raziel|: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:37
cristi1990what package do i have to install so i can extract .rar ?06:38
cristi1990from sinaptic?06:38
Starnestommycristi1990: unrar06:38
Starnestommycristi1990: from synaptic or with apg-get06:38
Starnestommyer, apt-get06:38
cristi1990thank you :)06:39
cristi1990yep worked. but i have a bigger problem. after i installed ubuntu, grub doesn't see my windows anymore. i can see the 2 windows partitions though while i am in ubuntu. what can i do to boot windows again?06:41
izinucs!grub | cristi199006:42
ubotucristi1990: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:42
cristi1990izinucs: i reinstalle grub too if that is about06:42
izinucscristi1990, yes.. reinstalling gub usually will put windows back into the grub list06:43
cristi1990izinucs: i reinstalled* it and still doesn't work06:43
izinucscristi1990, are you sure you wrote it to the right spot.? if you have multiple drives sometimes  it makes it on the wrong  one.06:44
pajamiancristi1990: you probably just need to edit menu.lst, you can fidn the info you need in the links you just got from ubotu.06:45
suxxori have problem when i type different mode for fopen() it show the next error message "Warning: fopen(/home/kaloqn/Desktop/textfile.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /opt/lampp/htdocs/upload2.php on line 2"06:46
AcomacoI just installed Netpbm..06:46
Acomacobut i can't find it anywhere :S06:47
Acomacoi used apt-get install06:47
|raziel|thank you ubotu06:47
cristi1990pajamian: uhm i tried to edit menu.lst, but there wasn't any windows option, tried to add it by following some intruction but it said error 21 i think06:47
cristi1990izinucs: i don't know... i have 2 hdd's and i installed ubuntu on one of them, windows is on the other06:48
cristi1990izinucs: and when i dezactivated the ubuntu hdd, the windows hdd still won't boot ...06:48
nikrudAcomaco   dpkg -L netpbm should show all the files installed,  dpkg -L netpbm | grep /bin/ shows the executables06:49
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izinucscristi1990, I'm no grub expert.. I googled and found a good howto on bigpond.net someplace.. sometimes multiple drives can be a pain  espicially if they are mixed ide & sata06:50
cristi1990izinucs: that's exactly my problem... mixed ide & sata06:50
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izinucscristi1990, so when redoing grub you can actually write it on both drives..06:51
Acomacohow do i remove a program with its dependsies?06:52
Acomacoor how you spell it..06:52
K-RichHey guys, i have an external hard drive with a vfat and an ext3 partiotion on it, they both auto mount but i cannot write to the ext3... /media/extern-vfat is owned by the user who plugged the device in, but /media/extern-ext3 is owned by root... how do i make it owned by the user?06:52
cristi1990izinucs: it is written on both drives, because it still loads the grub (with an error) if i devalidate the ubuntu hdd06:52
unopAcomaco, dependencies* - sudo aptitude remove packagename06:53
mindframehow do i go back to the ubuntu nvidia driver after i've compiled/installed the one directly from nvidia?06:54
izinucscristi1990, sorry i don't have any specific answers.. my issue resolved pretty ease06:54
jkalex05ROFL I had an old pc that had a genuine windows xp issue. I was getting an error installing XP event though I reformatted twice.06:54
jkalex05Now im installing ubuntu, and almost done06:54
jkalex05screw you xp06:54
cristi1990izinucs: it's ok thanks a lot for your time :)06:54
izinucscristi1990, np06:54
jkalex05is there any PC hardware diag tools for or in ubuntu?06:56
jkalex05noob to ubuntu here06:56
izinucsjkalex05, to discover what?06:56
jkalex05just to check for hardware functionality06:56
jkalex05or any hardware issues06:57
jkalex05non driver wise06:57
izinucsjkalex05, not sure.. if it works that's my test... discovery of hardware  is a different issue.. there are tool i know of for that06:58
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jkalex05I have a bootable pc hardware diag tool. Just wandering if I could do something in ubuntu06:59
izinucsjkalex05, sorry i don't have the answer to that.07:01
spartan7_guys I setup my wireless router with WPA and my laptop cannot connect. I just flashed my router with dd-wrt. do I need to set it up differently??07:02
jkalex05there may be settings in the router07:02
jkalex05where stage are you on your lappy that you cant connect07:02
Parsec300spartan7_, if you set it up without encryption, can you connect then?07:02
izinucs!wpa | spartan7_07:03
ubotuspartan7_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:03
spartan7_I can connect to other routers but not to mine07:04
jkalex05has to be your router settings07:04
izinucsspartan7_, from what I've read on here.. there are many people  with difficulties setting up WPA.. it shouldn't be a router  issue.07:04
praktoraguys i am using ubuntu and i was wondering if kubuntu is better ? can anyone give me an asnwer ?07:04
izinucsspartan7_, can you connect  without wpa07:04
jkalex05just use a 128bit WEP07:04
spartan7_yea to routers that are not secured, i have not tried wep on the router. my other laptops have no problem connecting and they are older07:05
praktorajkalex05 you have broadcom ?07:05
izinucspraktora, you can try kubuntu in just a few minutes.. in terminal type .. sudo apt-get install  kubuntu-desktop ... after install log out and change sessions to KDE .. you'll now  be in kubuntu.. change back to ubuntu anytime.  it's whatever you like07:06
praktoraspartan you have broadcom?07:06
spartan7_yea!! broadcom07:06
jkalex05broadcom is an isp?07:06
spartan7_wireless card07:07
praktoraok i had the same problem with you. you need to reinstall your drivers07:07
spartan7_sometimes it shows wireless connections that are not there anymore, did that happen to you as well?07:07
jkalex05i have a d-link n card07:07
praktoraspartan7_ give me a minute to give you a full answer07:08
spartan7_prakriti: thank you much. i thought it was because i just flashed the router and I needed to do something to dd-wrt07:09
praktoraspartan you are using ubuntu now ?07:10
phreckHow do i find my cdrom mount point and device07:10
praktoratype in your terminal lspci and paste my private07:10
spartan7_new to irc as well as ubuntu. :)07:10
spartan7_2 weeks at the most.07:11
spartan7_praktora: never even knew about irc before 2 weeks ago07:12
praktorai gave you a webpage private07:12
baalsgateubuntu server is it upgradeable if i start configuring the current version or should i wait for  8.04 ?07:12
r_a_fhello there is option PRINT in gimp07:12
praktoraread it and you will found out how to resolve it07:12
phreckr_a_f, if you have a printer isntalled.07:13
r_a_fi installed printer after installed gimp :/07:14
enbyHi! Where does ubuntu store IP address vs Site name cache? I visited a site from one browser, and I know the IP address of that site changed, but I'm still getting to the old one, even if I try a different browser07:14
r_a_fnow dont have option print :(07:14
x1250what would be the best way to synchronize my desktop and laptop? I want to synchronize projects, mysql databases and documents.07:15
JPSmani need some discreet help07:16
cpk1how do I set my gateway07:17
rhandykwhen is hardy heron due to be released?07:17
wbreslin951hi im having some issues with samba, when i type in smb://<ip of windows comp> all the files pop up, but when i go thru the 'places' browser and click the icon of the windows comp, it says 'files cannot be displayed.' im thinking its a config problem but i don't know how to fix it. any ideas?07:17
AGSrhandyk: afaik the 24th07:17
phreckHow do i change my read/write permissions on my CDROM/DVDROM Drives?07:17
unop_enby, if you are experiencing that behaviour across browsers, then it's probably your home router that caches DNS lookups and it's caching them too long.07:17
unop_phreck, you can only change the permissions on the mount point, all contents on optical drives are read-only so you can't do that07:18
phreckok, how do i change permissions on mount point and device07:18
enbyunop_, oh thanks, i just thought maybe ubuntu has it's own caching system as well (like that hosts file in windows)07:18
wbreslin951samba_: can you help me with a samba problem? i figured u might be able to considering ur name07:19
rhandykAGS: thx07:19
unop_enby, the hosts file (even on windows) does not cache lookups07:19
AGSwbreslin: on windows, does the file permission tab say "allow users to modify my files"07:19
wbreslin951ags: no..07:19
rhandykwhat is ubuntu's equivalent of folder sharing07:19
wbreslin951AGS: i wanted to keep it as secure as possible07:20
rhandyki want to share a folder in linux across the network07:20
uboturhandyk: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.07:20
unop_rhandyk, ubuntu can share folders too, you can use samba (works well with windows pcs) or nfs (which works well with other unix systems)07:20
AGSwbreslin: you need maybe to change it, just to see if it works - play around with that setting a bit...07:20
wbreslin951rhandyk: for the most part its pretty easy to set up, but im having minor issues with it07:21
rhandykwbreslin951: i'm not talking about samba, i want to use linux/unix way to do it07:21
wbreslin951rhandyk: that is the linux/unix way to do it07:21
unop_rhandyk, samba is a linux way to share files07:21
rhandykwhat is the unix/linux way to share a folder across the network07:21
rhandykunop_: hmm07:21
unop_rhandyk, samba or nfs -- both work07:21
wbreslin951rhandyk: r u sharing with two linux comps?07:21
rhandykwbreslin951: yes, both ubuntu at my office07:22
JPSmanhow do I determine whether I have a patched driver working and installed?07:22
wbreslin951rhandyk: then its pretty simple, just create a folder, right click and click 'share this folder'07:22
wbreslin951rhandyk: 'Share Folder' sorry lol07:22
rhandykwbreslin951: oh, i didn't notice it07:22
rhandykwbreslin951: lol, thanks man,07:23
wbreslin951rhandyk: yup, its second from the bottom i believe07:23
wbreslin951rhandyk: np bro07:23
rhandykwbreslin951:ubuntu is the #1 idiot friendly os in the world07:23
sCOTTohey guys can someone suggest a good program to open and change eps grafix files? my gimp wont do it...07:23
wbreslin951rhandyk: unless your setting up a broadcom wireless card lol07:23
wbreslin951sCOTTo: eps files? wut program does that in windows?07:24
wbreslin951sCOTTo: thats photoshop right?07:24
rhandykwbreslin951: ubuntu recognizes my netgear usb wireless out of the box07:24
unop_wbreslin951, eps is ehanced postscript, PS, corel, adobe acrobat can all work with it07:24
rhandykwbreslin951: in that case you need ndiswrapper, right?07:24
unop_sCOTTo, what does the eps file contain? do you know?07:25
sCOTTounop_ yes a graphic of my logo.07:25
wbreslin951rhandyk: i gave up on my broadcom card and decided to go with a wireless bridge i got layin around, the speed is as good as it would get with ndiwrapper anyways so i figured might as well07:25
sCOTToi think it was done in illustrator or corel draw07:25
hunterguys i have installed boot chart could any one tell me where i can fi open that programe pls07:25
wbreslin951unop_: does acrobat work with vector images?07:26
unop_sCOTTo, i remember something called pstoedit, can't remember what package it was from that could work with eps file -- have a browse on packages.ubuntu.com07:27
unop_wbreslin951, errm, i assume it does yes07:27
wbreslin951unop, sCOTTo: just look thru the package manager for pstoedit07:27
unop_!info pstoedit07:28
ubotupstoedit (source: pstoedit): PostScript and PDF files to editable vector graphics converter. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.44-2 (gutsy), package size 160 kB, installed size 760 kB07:28
wbreslin951sCOTTo: sudo apt-get install pstoedit .. there ya go lol07:29
sCOTTothanks guys07:30
rhandykmy nautilus doesn't see other machines in the workgroup07:30
sCOTToi gotta run - children need me07:30
rhandyk(windows workgroup)07:30
wbreslin951sCOTTo: np bro07:30
AGSwbreslin951: You come right07:30
unop_sCOTTo,  apt-cache search eps # -throws up quite a few packages that seem to work with eps files07:30
AGSwbreslin951: You come right?07:31
wbreslin951AGS: ?07:31
wbreslin951rhandyk: try typing smb://<ip of other machine> in the bar07:31
AGSwbreslin951: With your windows share?07:31
captainHey guys, i was installing ndiswrapper and after the make command i ran into this07:31
wbreslin951AGS: yeah07:31
captainCFLAGS was changed in "/home/captain/bcm43xx/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper-1.49/driver/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS.07:31
AGSwbreslin951: awesome07:31
No1CaNTeLhey guys, could someone help me get the brightness applet working? I'm stuck at full brightness all the time :(07:31
hunterguys i installed a webcam driver from this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=320433&page=2, 6th post. the webcam anyway din work i think it was not compatable. when i cheked synaptic i found camorama has been installed so i removed it from there. now when i restart my computer its taking ages to come up. and the lsusb command on the terminal is not working.i installed bootchard to see the sripts but it doesnt appear on syst07:31
hunterem log.can any one give me a hint about whats happning pls07:31
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: do u have a shortcut key for brightness?07:32
captainany ideas what that EXTRA_CFLAGS means ? or why i got that error...07:32
No1CaNTeLnot that I am aware of07:32
unop_captain, is there a reason for compiling ndiswrapper instead of using the package from the repositories?07:32
No1CaNTeLI loaded the applet onto the bar07:32
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: what kinda comp u have? im assuming a laptop considering theres no brightness control on the monitor07:32
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: do you have a shortcut key? mines blue and has the letters fn on it07:33
No1CaNTeLI selected my monitor type already, but I get a red circle with a cross through it over the applet07:33
captainunop : following a guide for my wireless drivers here, had to do it this way07:33
KiborgHi! One question. How do I create a new user?07:33
captaini tried sudo make , same result07:33
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: do you have a shortcut key on your keyboard? mines in the bottom left corner and has fn printed on it..07:33
unop_captain, follow a guide that shows you how to use the ubuntu package, that is the recommended way unless that way doesnt work07:33
No1CaNTeLyes, they dont work07:33
anandhi all. ive just upgraded my laptop memory to 2GB RAM. I want to allocate 512MB RAM to my i915 Video Card. How do I do it ?07:33
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: try holding that key and pressing the up and down keys..07:34
StarnestommyKiborg: system > administration > users and groups07:34
AGSNo1Cantel: What graphics card you got?07:34
unop_captain, there is nothing against compiling packages, but you will have a headache if and when you do decide to uninstall ndiswrapper - the add/remove program does not handle manually installed packages07:34
Dr_willisanand,  that wold be a setting in the BIOS most likely07:34
No1CaNTeLI know my shortcut keys on my board, witht eh fn button, but if you mean did I create one in ubuntu then no07:34
anandDr_willis: ive setting it to MaxDVMT in BIOS07:34
folhi, is there a way to get out of the Gnome window system and go to command line in ubuntu?07:34
KiborgThank You I was looking under a wrong thing. :)07:35
No1CaNTeLI haven't gotten to shortcuts yet,  I am still a noob :P07:35
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: no u don't have to make the shortcut in ubuntu07:35
Starnestommyfol: ctrl+alt+f107:35
AGSNo1CanNTyL: What graphics card you got?07:35
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: just try holding the button and pressuing up/down07:35
No1CaNTeLso you meant eh built in keyboard combo, and no they stopped working when I swapped from windows to ubuntu07:35
wbreslin951AGS: i doubt it has anything to do with the graphics card07:35
No1CaNTeLthe function button??07:35
Fearfullinux is the best thing that has happen to me <307:35
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: really? mine didn't lol07:35
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: yeah the function button07:35
No1CaNTeLfn + up/down is for volume07:35
No1CaNTeLwhich works07:36
AGSwbreslin951: with mine it was... ATI graphics :(07:36
Dr_willisanand,  it maybe it cant handle any more.07:36
wbreslin951AGS: mines ati as well and i didn't have to mess with anything for it to work07:36
wbreslin951AGS: the driver for the monitor is differen07:36
AGSwbreslin951: ah07:36
No1CaNTeLbut the icon for the brightness applet has a red circle with a slash through it, I assume there is a problem with the load right?07:36
No1CaNTeLthe applet gives me a meter but the meter does not move07:37
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: possibly, maybe the driver got blacklisted?07:37
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: doubt it tho..07:37
captainCFLAGS was changed in "/home/captain/bcm43xx/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper-1.49/driver/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS.07:37
captainany ideas what that EXTRA_CFLAGS means ? or why i got that error...07:37
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: what kind of monitor is it? do you know?07:37
No1CaNTeLmy driver came with ubuntu so I couldn't see why07:37
No1CaNTeLyes, one sec07:37
captainunop i tried following multiple guides07:37
captainunop: but this guides seems to work for alot of ppl in the comments of it so i want to try it, but run across the error above07:38
wbreslin951captain: it means throw ur broadcom card off of a really tall building and buy a wireless bridge lol07:38
unop_captain, have you tried the ubuntu wireless wiki?07:39
hunterguys i installed a driver from the ubuntu forums from the link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=320433&page=2 6th post. the webcam did not work anyway. under the applications the came up as camorama webcam viewer.so i went to synaptic and i removed this from synaptic.now whe i restart my computer it is taking around 5 minutes to start up and lsusb command is not working on terminal. i have installed bootchart but i don see anyw07:39
hunterehere to access to it.guys can u help me pls07:39
unop_!ndiswrapper | captain07:39
ubotucaptain: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:39
wersi ran wanda fish by running "free the fish" in the run dialog. I can't kill it. xkill doesn't work and I dont see it in the system monitor07:39
captainwbreslin951: if only i could...  but ow we have to try and get it to work meanwhile07:39
elpargoanyone knows of a torrent client with RSS support?07:39
wbreslin951captain: yeah.. im thanking god that i had a bridge just laying around07:39
unop_captain, the link above is the official ubuntu howto for ndiswrapper, it has worked for a lot of people who have come through here07:40
wbreslin951captain: i must have spent two months trying to get it to work to no avail, until i realized i had an exra bridge laying around lol07:40
No1CaNTeLmy LCD panel is a 15.4-inch WXGA Ultrabright TFT Active Matrix Assembly07:40
Kiborgany germans here? I need some help with german keyboard!07:40
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: what kind of laptop do u have?07:40
No1CaNTeLand my bad, I found my graphics card driver not the monitors driver07:40
Starnestommywers: try restarting the display server with ctrl+alt+backspace07:40
luboszhow can i uninstall stuff, i installed with make install?07:40
No1CaNTeLGateway MX6930 Notebook07:40
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: k, gimme a few minutes07:41
Starnestommylubosz: cd to the source directory and then sudo make deinstall or sudo make uninstall07:41
wersStarnestommy, i want to know how to kill without ending my session. I have a lot of opened docs for work07:41
selig5 07:42
symptonwers: kill what ?07:42
wersSymmetria, wanda the fish07:42
wersrun "free the fish" in the run dialog07:42
softtowerI am a bit confused by /usr/share/doc folder. Are those just random manuals in various formats or I am supposed to use some kind of tool to work with them?07:42
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: go to system > administration > screens and graphics07:42
xtknightwers, right click it :p07:42
xtknighti discovered that on accident07:43
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: click the thing right after the 'model' part07:43
Fearfulwhats the best dark theme?07:43
wersxtknight, i tried that07:43
wersdidnt work :(07:43
xtknightdid on mine.  weidr07:43
No1CaNTeLthe res dropdown?07:43
luboszStarnestommy: thx07:43
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: right above that, what does it say in that box tho?07:43
wbreslin951right above the res dropdown07:43
Cheetahis there a detailed list of changes for ubuntu 8.04?07:44
unop_softtower, they aren't random, they're your documentation :) and the format depends07:44
StarnestommyCheetah: someone in #ubuntu+1 probably knows.07:44
No1CaNTeLabove it?? under the screen tab, the Model field is the first one showing07:44
CheetahStarnestommy, thanks07:44
No1CaNTeLabove it is location07:44
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: yeah, click that07:44
Fearfulhey i have a question, can i simply upgrade when 8.04 is ready, keeping all my current things and settings?07:44
Fearfuli'm really new to ubuntu and i'm fascinated07:44
No1CaNTeLk, I looked for my screen before but did not find it in this list, is there another driver I can use?07:45
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: there should be "model: ....." then under that "resolution: ..... at .... hz."07:45
xtknightwers.  excuse me.  the fish is still on my screen too lol07:45
Dr_willisFearful,  yes that should be doable07:45
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: click the one right after model07:45
wersxtknight, see??07:45
wersit just runs away07:45
xtknightthat thing is elusive07:45
Dr_willisFearful,  i tend to do clean reinstalls however.. Just seems to work a littel better for me.07:45
Fearfuli see07:45
FearfulWhen will it be stable07:46
softtowerunop_: thanks. are you on ubuntu right now?07:46
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: ya still there?07:46
No1CaNTeLmy bad, I was seeing the res in both box's :P 3am :P07:46
unop_softtower, errm, what do you think? :)07:46
No1CaNTeLit says LCD Panel 1024x76807:46
xtknightwers, you can try restarting gnome-panel but i dont know if that will kill your documents07:46
No1CaNTeLgeneric driver I would assume07:46
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: k well click there,07:46
symptonstart konsole and kill it by pid number07:46
wersxtknight, it won't i think07:46
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL:  and a choose screen dialog should pop up07:46
xtknightwers, ya i just did it " killall gnome-panel && gnome-panel ".  cant confirm if fish is gone yet07:47
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: in the manufacturer list, click generic07:47
wersokay. tell me if it's gone :)07:47
wersmaybe it's the panel if the fish is an applet07:47
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: and under the model list, go to the bottom and click Plug 'n' Play07:47
wersand run dialog is also connected to the panel07:47
xtknightwers well i haven't seen it07:47
softtowerunop_: windows? :-) I've been on this chat sitting @work. Can you please look at this file: /usr/share/doc/mailx/manual.txt.gz (txt inside). That's clearly not a simple text file.07:47
xtknightwers i got that tip from a page.. it's a gnome easter egg07:47
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: then click okay in both boxes07:47
symptonanyone here familiar with fighting pci wlan cards ?07:47
wersso it worked?07:48
FearfulWhat's the best dark theme for ubuntu, I'm currently using Clear Glass07:48
xtknightwers yea07:48
wbreslin951sympton: broadcom?07:48
wersxtknight, yeah. 'cause run dialog is a part of gnome panel07:48
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: hows it workin? anything yet?07:48
No1CaNTeLk, it will not load properly in the second box, I get it under Model but there are no res or refresh rates available07:49
unop_softtower, i dont have that file -- and that file is compressed with gzip, so you need to uncompress it first to get the plain text07:49
symptonwbreslin951: tried that too, loaded restricted drivers, it found essid's, but couldt join on any07:49
No1CaNTeLand I cannot click ok to close the box, it does nothing07:49
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: is the 'widescreen' box checked?07:49
wbreslin951in the select monitor dialogue?07:49
No1CaNTeLit says widescreen but it is not checked07:49
symptonnow i have a-link card, hich doesnt find any networks, it recognices on boot tho07:49
softtowerunop_: I know about gzip :) but the text file inside has some weird symbols all over... I was thinking maybe I can read it with "info".07:50
mvsnI'm curious, is there a software for ubuntu that allows you to manage hosting servers? like when you are hosting through say Go Daddy, or 1&1 or anything like that?07:50
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: hm.. well as long as its working fine, you don't really need the res selector do you?07:50
miggilinmeSorry if I'm interrupting anything07:51
No1CaNTeLkinda, I am programming a couple guis and I need to test diff resolutions07:51
miggilinmeMy wireless card isn't showing up07:51
No1CaNTeLbut with it checked or not it would not let me hit ok on the second box07:51
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: k give me a sec..07:51
No1CaNTeLone sec, I have it loaded at 640x480 p&p but I need to logoff07:51
AGSmiggilinme: what model?07:52
luke__kololhey all07:52
No1CaNTeLthat res is too small but it was the only one that popped up after I restarted the graphics options07:52
symptonwbreslin951: got any tips with broadcom chipset ?07:52
miggilinmeMy model is BCM430607:52
luke__kololanyone know if theres a firewall for ubuntu?07:52
miggilinmeOn the default install I had the old bcm43xx driver07:52
AGSmiggilinme: PCI or pcmcia?07:52
unop__softtower, i think the best thing to do is identify what kind of text file it is with 'file' - file /usr/share/doc/mailx/manual.txt.gz07:52
wbreslin951sympton: throw ur bcm card out the window and get a wireless bridge, the restricted drivers suck and ndiswrapper doesn't work very good either07:53
Starnestommyluke__kolol: there's already installed called iptables or netfilter07:53
miggilinmedell inspiron 600m07:53
No1CaNTeLwbreslin951: brb, gonna logoff and reload the settings after the new drivers are initialized07:53
AGSmiggilinme: hold on...07:53
wbreslin951sympton: unless ur like, computer genios07:53
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: dont07:53
symptonwbreslin951: ok, how about a-link wlan cards ?)07:53
miggilinmebroadcom chip07:53
jarangoI have two kernel versions installed in my system (both are ubuntu packages). I need some help getting the nvidia driver (also ubuntu) to work with both kernels. Is there a clean way to do this ?07:53
wbreslin951sympton: bcm is probably the worst as far as open-sourcing their drivers so anything other then them will probably work07:53
No1CaNTeLk, now this is driving me nuts, I just reopened the graphics options page and now 800x600 & 1024x768 are in the list07:54
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: im saving some screen shots of the monitor settings for you just to make sure07:54
No1CaNTeLit is now set to plug and play 1024x76807:54
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: pm me? ill get ur email and send u the screen shots07:54
AlphaOmegahow do i boot into command prompt?07:55
No1CaNTeLhttp://www.tinypic.com ?07:55
softtowerunop_: thanks. let me try...07:55
AlphaOmegai hosed my xorg.conf07:55
wbreslin951AlphaOmega: before you log in, click options in the bottom right07:55
symptonany1 managed to get  Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 working ?)07:55
wbreslin951AlphaOmega: and it's right in there07:55
AlphaOmegai dont even get that07:55
miggilinmeAGS: Long story short, I upgraded the driver to b43 using the wirless compatibility pack07:55
symptonwlan card that is07:55
No1CaNTeLpost with a password if needs be, easier that way :P07:55
miggilinmeAGS: I can load the module, but for some reason the interface isn't showing up anymore07:55
* No1CaNTeL is probably the only internet junky who despises email :P07:56
wbreslin951AlphaOmega: when the computer boots, before you log in there is an options thing in the bottom right corner07:56
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: then where do you want me to put them? photobucket?07:56
AlphaOmegamy xorg is hosed, so i dont see the gui srcreen07:56
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: yeah ill do that07:56
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: gimme a sec07:56
No1CaNTeLsure, or http://tinypic.com if oyu dont mind :P07:56
No1CaNTeLkk, ty07:56
huntercan anyone help me pls07:56
rodney_where can i get live radio for breezy badger07:57
No1CaNTeLI do believe that I am setup correctly from what you described07:57
SuperQ!ask | hunter07:57
ubotuhunter: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:57
luke__kololis it possible to get vnc on ubuntu?07:57
softtowerunop_: well... it says "manual.txt: ASCII English text, with escape sequences". Of course it's ASCII...07:57
AGSmiggilinme: oh, so you can detect the card, but not use the gui?07:57
SuperQluke__kolol: yes, it's built-in07:57
No1CaNTeLmy res is at 1024x768, plug n play driver, and refresh rate at 60hz07:57
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: your shortcut keys for brightness should work now07:57
No1CaNTeLother then graphics options that is all there is to do07:57
luke__kololsuperq then whats it called?07:58
hunterguys i installed a driver from the ubuntu forums from the link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=320433&page=2 6th post. the webcam did not work anyway. under the applications the came up as camorama webcam viewer.so i went to synaptic and i removed this from synaptic.now whe i restart my computer it is taking around 5 minutes to start up and lsusb command is not working on terminal. i have installed bootchart but i don see a07:58
hunter nyw07:58
hunter  ehere to access to it.guys can u help me pls07:58
No1CaNTeLk, I still have to logoff to have the settings take effect, brb07:58
SuperQluke__kolol: server or client?07:58
luke__kololummm client on ubuntu server on pc07:58
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: you can do a terminal command to bump them to work07:58
SuperQluke__kolol: vncviewer07:58
softtowerunop_: this is the file, what do you think it is? http://kontsevoy.com/manual.txt07:58
luke__kololwhere can i get thtat from?07:58
SuperQluke__kolol: sorry, I just noticed that there is no gui version installed by default07:58
SuperQluke__kolol: you can run it from a terminal07:59
luke__kololok, to connect to a pc and control it how would i go about doing that?07:59
No1CaNTeLlol, thank god for vbox interrupting the shutdown :P how do I go about it that way?07:59
SuperQluke__kolol: Applications > Accesories > Terminal07:59
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: oi.. what was the command again07:59
softtowerCan anyone please tell me which program on linux I am supposed to read the manual in this text format: http://kontsevoy.com/manual.txt ? Thank you.07:59
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: gimme a sec07:59
SuperQluke__kolol: vncviewer pc-host:007:59
No1CaNTeLno worries, I say that with every linux command :P08:00
No1CaNTeLerr bash I think it's called, still uber at this but getting there08:00
lxuserHello all, is it possible to add a /boot partition to an already active system and point the system to the new /boot location??08:00
luke__kololthanks q08:00
SuperQluke__kolol: no problem08:00
SuperQluke__kolol: there is also an rdesktop client for RDP08:00
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: to restart something its sudo /etc/init.d/<the file> restart08:00
kindofabuzzluke__kolol: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402 is a good guid, make sure you read the last page for a post i put there about an error the oOP made08:01
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: but i cant figure out which file it is08:01
SuperQluke__kolol: if you want to use the windows native RDP protocol for remote login08:01
No1CaNTeLlol, that was my next q :P08:01
luke__kololvnc ftw!08:01
unop__softtower, the file appears to contain ANSI escape sequences to display some of the text in colour, so it's likely this file is read by mailx and displayed within the program itself08:01
jarangoI have two kernel versions installed in my system (both are ubuntu packages). I need some help getting the nvidia driver (also ubuntu) to work with both kernels. Is there a clean way to do this ?08:01
SuperQluke__kolol: yes08:01
No1CaNTeLso I could use that with the samba file when samba starts to get screwy?08:01
wbreslin951whats the file in init.d that starts your display drivers?08:02
SuperQluke__kolol: Under System > Preferences > Remote Desktop you can enable VNC server08:02
wbreslin951or the xorg stuff08:02
unop__softtower, if you want to read this file -- you can use cat at the command line, it removes the escape sequences - cat manual.txt08:02
softtowerunop_: thank you! this thing was puzzling the heck out of me :)08:02
ComputerPassionhow is everyone08:02
softtowerunop_: no, there is PS version of the same manual which is even better for printing. thank you.08:02
Starnestommywbreslin951: xorg is started from gdm, which is started by /etc/init.d/gdm08:02
ComputerPassiontook me 5 hours but i finally got firefox to run the most current java applets lol08:02
wbreslin951Starnestommy: will that cause any changes in the screen settings to take effect?08:03
softtowerwhich IRC client are you guys using? I am on pidgin and while it's convenient I don't see any filtering/notification features...08:03
Starnestommysofttower: I normally use XChat when I'm in a gui08:03
incugusHello, im experiencing low volumes since i started ubuntu, i fixed that by just upping the volume in my sound system , but now i gotta use a headset and volume i s really low, how can i adjust the sound output to make it louder? volume is max08:04
unop__softtower, well, file tells you what it is exactly anyway .. and not all text files are ASCII :)08:04
lxuserHello all, is it possible to add a /boot partition to an already active system and point the system to the new /boot location??08:04
No1CaNTeLbeing it that I just need to logoff and back on, I tihnk I will do that in the meantime, but if you do find that file I would like to know how to console it for future reference. I will brb after I log back in08:04
softtowerixuser: I believe it's possible, yes.08:04
lxusersofttower, how and where do i start?08:05
softtowerlxuser: do you have any unallocated space on your hard drive?08:05
ComputerPassioncan you all see what i am typing?08:05
StarnestommyComputerPassion: yes08:06
incugusHello, im experiencing low volumes since i started ubuntu, i fixed that by just upping the volume in my sound system , but now i gotta use a headset and volume i s really low, how can i adjust the sound output to make it louder? volume is max08:06
lxusersofttower, yes08:06
Lin1can someone help me with a mount problem???08:06
ComputerPassionin xchat how do you know what numbers like 15 represet what colors in the chat window?08:07
softtowerthen try parted08:07
softtowerlxuser: there is gparted too.08:08
lxusersofttower how will gparted point the new created /boot to the system?08:08
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JPSmanso get this - im trying to patch my card with a new driver and it aint workin08:08
TheSandman_i have some trouble with my ati drivers08:09
TheSandman_i assume that since i couldn't get any 3d games to work08:09
luke__kololanyone know if i can run the iphone sdk on ubuntu?08:09
ComputerPassioni don't think ati works to well with linux08:09
ComputerPassionbut don't go by me08:09
TheSandman_i have installed fgrlx drivers08:09
heyTo get wireless to work do i jus have too put the wireless card drivers in my drivers folder then reboot?/? C an any one help me.08:10
TheSandman_but i presume they are outdated08:10
softtowerlxuser: there is "bootable" flag that you can assign to a partition. Only one partition can have it at the same time. You clear that flag on your current bootable partition and set it onto a new one.08:10
magnetronluke__kolol: you should Apple if they support Ubuntu. probably not.08:10
ComputerPassionTheSandman_, yea don't go by me it took me 5 hours just to get firefox to run applets correctly08:10
heyis ther nay way to set ath0 manualy???08:11
ComputerPassionhey, have you tried system admin network tools?08:11
heywere is that at08:12
heytno i havent08:12
ComputerPassionare you running ubuntu 7.10?08:12
ComputerPassionshould be a menu at top of screen for system.08:12
ComputerPassionnot sure let me see if i can find terminal command08:13
lxusersofttower how would i clear it on the current system08:13
Lleumaswoot, recordMyDesktop pwns :)08:13
hischildTheSandman_: the drivers provided by the Restricted Driver Manager are the ones that are usually the best. Did you install those drivers?08:13
heyyou mean system then admin ?08:13
ComputerPassionyea, its called gnome-nettool08:14
TheSandman_hischild: yes, i have08:14
heyi mihght have it but all i see is orphan and lilo08:14
heytcan it be done threw command08:14
heylike restart ath0 or somehting08:14
hischildTheSandman_: what does this command give you ==> fglrxinfo | grep -i direct08:14
J-_How can I seen how much video memory I have?08:15
softtowerlxuser: you go and edit your current /boot partition: there is "bootable' flag - you clear it. I don't have gparted or anything else at the moment, so I can't tell you exactly which button to press08:15
ComputerPassionin terminal try gnome-nettool or ip08:15
hischildsofttower: using fdisk, you can switch the bootable flag with a and then partition number.08:15
ComputerPassionam kinda new to linux myself have to google everything lol08:16
heyyeh i have ip08:16
softtowerlxuser:  listen to hischild! :)08:16
TheSandman_hischild: no output08:16
heyoh for real08:16
ComputerPassiontry man ip and see if you can learn how it works08:16
lxusersofttower, i don't have a /boot partition, this system has   just "/" root which hold the /boot directory08:16
Flannelsofttower, lxuser, the "bootable" flag means nothing to any modern OS08:16
heyyeh thanks08:16
ComputerPassionam new myself or i would give you instructions08:16
hischildubotu, tell softtower about ati please08:16
heyits ok08:16
softtowerI am listening08:17
hischild!ati | TheSandman_08:17
ubotuTheSandman_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:17
lxuserhischild, ok, i think your suggestion is more in the area of what am looking for08:17
hischildsofttower: that was the wrong nick ...08:17
softtowerah :)08:17
hischildlxuser: can you please tell me the situation? I just woke up and didn't read the whole story.08:17
softtowerHow ironic... I just given up on ATI drivers and sold my T60p and got T61 with Intel video instead... first time on IRC on a new machine and someone reminds me about my horrific experience with ATI :)08:18
hischildsofttower: i used to run an x1300 gfx card without any trouble whatsoever.08:19
softtowerhischild: why "bootable" flag isn't it? how else MBR "finds" the partition to boot from?08:19
lxusersofttower, I have a system that has "/" root which contains /home/ boot/ /tmp/ and so forth, but I want to seperate the boot from the system and put it in a different partition08:19
softtowerX1300 wasn't so bad. I got "lucky" with FireGL mobile series...08:19
lxuserhischild I have a system that has "/" root which contains /home/ boot/ /tmp/ and so forth, but I want to seperate the boot from the system and put it in a different partition08:20
hischildsofttower: well i'm wondering about his situation, perhaps there's a better alternative or i can adjust my advice to be more specific.08:20
hischildlxuser: i see. I assume you've created a seperate /boot by now and copied the whole stuff over, correct?08:20
No1CaNTeLk, swapping my screens just mucked up my ubuntu install with a fatal server error :(08:21
lxuserhischild, no i haven't, i just wanted to know what route was best08:21
No1CaNTeLI am on a different pc now08:21
Flannellxuser: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/ for the movement (moving to /boot instead of home) then you need to reinstall GRUB on the MBR (stage 1, see first link in !grub) to point to the new /boot partition08:22
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Flannellxuser: Oh, and adding it into your fstab08:22
J-_How can I seen how much video memory I have?08:22
comsalspci -vvv08:22
hischildlxuser: the best way to do this, would be to create a seperate /boot, then copy your current boot over, mount it over your current /boot, add it to /etc/fstab, tell grub to use your new partition instead of your old one and set it to active. (the setting active will usually be done by grub)08:23
Flannellxuser: I suppose depending on how you do it, you may need to update more of your fstab (not if using UUIDs), and you may need to update your menu.lst as well.  But nothing major08:23
hischildFlannel: running grub-install should fix that iirc08:24
softtowerhischild: what is "bootable" flag is for?08:24
No1CaNTeLI'm not sure of the name of theguy who was just helping me with my screen brightness problem, but it has caused a fatal server error and I can't log back in on that pc08:24
comsaJ-_ lspci -vvv in a terminal08:24
Flannelsofttower, hischild, bootable flag doesn't matter unless you're running DOS08:25
No1CaNTeLcan someone help me out?08:25
hischildFlannel: softtower: it also matters on the win bootloaders if they're run (which doesn't happen unless you run multiple win OS)08:25
J-_comsa: hmm, doesn't really say.. Maybe I'll check out ##hardware08:25
lxuserFlannel, am looking at the link, but it seem that as you said it would have to be more than just update grub08:25
softtowerFlannel: funny... why do Linux partitioners still include it then? (I totally believe you, I'm just curious)08:25
hischildsofttower: due to DOS and win bootloaders still looking at them08:26
Flannelsofttower: for completeness.  So you can use linux to make other OSs happy08:26
lxuserFlannel, this link talks about new /home not new /boot08:26
Flannellxuser: Well, you're basically just moving the stuff, and then updating everything with the new locations of the stuff you moved.08:26
Flannellxuser: Right, like I said, /boot instead of /home, but the process is the same (cpio etc)08:27
No1CaNTeLanyone?? I dont mean to bug but I am screwed for work if I cant get back in :(08:27
Flannellxuser: I'm sure theres a tutorial out there that actually uses the text "/boot" to demonstrate, but I'm familiar with this one.08:27
comsaJ-_ dmesg??08:27
[Green]hi all08:28
hischildNo1CaNTeL: what's the problem?08:28
orksnorkim having a problem with firefox...when i click on an email link, it's not opening a new message window in thunderbird...anyone got any ideas?08:28
Dr-WillisNo1CaNTeL,  can you even get to the console and log in?08:28
No1CaNTeLI was just in here getting help getting the brightness applet to work, someone walked me through changing the screen driver to Plug and Play, I did so and went to logoff like it said and when it came time to log bakc in I got a fatal server error08:29
No1CaNTeLand when I reboot I get each time08:29
softtowerorksnork: interesting problem, can you please post a solution here?08:29
No1CaNTeLI am on another PC atm08:29
lxuserFlannel, so no boot sector...has to be updated?08:30
Dr-WillisNo1CaNTeL,  did you make a backup of your xorg.conf file?08:30
No1CaNTeL(EE) I810(0): No such video BIOS modes for chosen depth08:30
hischildNo1CaNTeL: right. Easiest (probably fastest as well) would be to reboot into recovery mode, then run ==> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:30
No1CaNTeLand no, I had no wayt to know to do that :P08:30
No1CaNTeLI'm still uber08:30
Flannellxuser: You need to make sure you reinstall GRUB stage1, to point to your new /boot partition, but no, as far as partitioning is concerned, you just need to make a second one and format it properly.08:30
No1CaNTeLI can get to a command console only, but not into teh gui08:30
Dr-Willisi bet you will REMBER from now on. :)08:30
spartan7have a problem with my wireless card and WPA connection08:30
Dr-WillisNo1CaNTeL,  get to the command line, and use the command hischild  said08:31
No1CaNTeLI can only remember what I know to remember :P I didnt know the changes were even saved to taht file08:31
hischildDr-Willis: i know there are more elegant solutions, but he wants it back fast so i assumed you'd agree08:31
Dr-Willishischild,  i can never remoner that command. :)08:31
Dr-Willisi alwyas keep a set of dated backups of my xorg.conf heh ...08:32
Dr-Willisheck. He may have some backups08:32
lxuserFlannel, i think you just hit the nail in the head, yes GRUB stage1 is probably what i was looking for. I will look at the logic and pose any concern i may have, but i think this is it08:32
spartan7i changed my router to no wireless security and my wireless card is still asking me for a wpa passphrase when i try to connect08:32
hischildDr-Willis: he probably will. But figuring out what time those were and if they are useful would take even more time.08:32
=== slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic
spartan7does ubuntu save the network keys if you have connected to a wireless network before?08:34
hischildspartan7: yes08:34
spartan7how can I clear that ?08:34
No1CaNTeLin the options for the reconfig, which of the mouse port options should I use?08:35
hischildspartan7: select the network manually in the nm-applet08:35
hischildNo1CaNTeL: default options should be good. Select no on framebuffer08:35
hischildNo1CaNTeL: what gfx card do you have? ati => fglrx nvidia => nvidia      select those drivers08:35
sguruHai i need help in grub08:35
sguruFacing error 1708:36
hischildsguru: just telling us an error number isn't helpful. Please tell the full problem including things you've done before that might be related.08:36
gluersguru: how big is your hdd?08:36
sgurui have a laptop08:37
sgurui have installed only ubuntu on it08:37
spartan7has 2 wired connections and no wireless08:37
gluersguru: create a 32mb ntfs partition08:37
sgurui was using it comfortably08:37
spartan7hischild: do I need to get off wired?08:37
rhineheart_mIs it true that port 25 must be open to receive mails from the outside?08:37
wbreslin951hi im having some issues with my display, it looks like a really dirty inkjet printer08:37
hischildspartan7: no08:37
hischildrhineheart_m: if that's the default email port then yes.08:37
LattywareHey all, Dunno if anyone knows of such a program, but I need one which monitors whether my net connection is live, and then logs it, so I can see when it goes down. I could write something myself, but I was wondering if something existed, preferably with graphs :P08:38
rhineheart_mhischild, thanks..08:38
No1CaNTeLtrying to restart now, I think I had already clicked yes on framebuffer before I got your msg08:38
newadventureanyone ever done any dual booting with windows?08:38
sgurugluer: i am new to irc chat08:38
No1CaNTeLand, yerah, my vif card is in the list, I will select it once I get back in to ubuntu08:39
sgurucan we chat privately08:39
spartan7hischild: have 2 that say wired connection roaming for eth1 and eth008:39
sguruand how to do that08:39
hischildgluer: sguru: the whole problem is that grub doesn't recognize the file system. It most likely is looking at the wrong partition. Creating an ntfs partition isn't going to help in that. Just point it at the right partition.08:39
gluersguru: i had the same issue with a 160bg laptop, i created a 32mb windows partition during installation, then booted correctly08:39
sgurui have already my files in the laptop i cannot reinstall08:40
No1CaNTeLsweet, doing the restart allowed me to add my resolution to the list :P08:40
sguruso i cannot go and start new installation08:40
hischildNo1CaNTeL: yup08:40
gligorhoriahy, can u bind kyes in nano as you do in emacs?08:40
newadventureDO you have to modify the grub config to see windows to dual boot?08:40
hischildnewadventure: no08:40
hischildsguru: do you have a liveCD?08:41
ArelisHi all. I can't log in to my desktop anymore. All i get is a brown screen with no cursor, i can't move anything. It seems like it's crashed, but ctrl+alt+backspace gets me back into the login screen. Will anybody help me please?08:41
newadventuretcan windows be the last partion on the disk? and stil be able to dual boot?08:41
ArelisI caused it by setting the resolution to 1024x768..08:41
ArelisI think ATI support in Ubuntu is BAD08:41
No1CaNTeLty, I am back in now :D08:41
hischildArelis: hit alt f2, login, type ==> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:41
hischildNo1CaNTeL: good to hear08:41
No1CaNTeLbut I am still stuck without brightness control :(08:41
Arelishischild: naw it's not the xorg.conf. I copied back the backup and that didn't fix it.08:42
=== yiliu137 is now known as yi
gligorhoriaArelis yes, ati is bad, reset xorg, like hischild told you!08:42
ArelisBut moving the gnome settings didn't do much either08:42
Arelisgligorhoria: i did08:42
comsabrown screen of login08:42
hischildArelis: it holds your settings related to your current screen. reconfiguring resets all your settings.08:42
mathgood morning, everyone..08:42
Geoffrey2it appears that ATI support for linux in general leaves much to be desired08:42
sguruhow to fix grub error 17....08:42
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: it didn't work?08:43
gligorhoriaArelis yes not only the current ones, do that and it will work, i had the same problem08:43
=== yi is now known as yiliu137
spartan7hischild: when and if I get the wireless connection on manual conection where do i go from there to erase previous settings?08:43
hischildsguru: respond when spoken to instead of ignoring. Do you have a liveCD?08:43
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: sorry lol i did sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart and my comp totally effed up08:43
iceswordyaaaa,grub load error,usually means a file needed doesn't exist08:43
mathhow do I enable my two cores? Having a Core 2 Duo 6600, under /proc/cpuinfo I just see one core08:43
sgurusorry. yes i have ubuntu live cd08:43
hischildspartan7: you can select your network in nm-applet and use that to connect. It sometimes means you have to wait a bit for it to show your network. It then overwrites your old settings.08:43
hischildmath: type uname -a and tell me what it tells you08:44
mathLinux mise-en-place 2.6.22-14-386 #1 Tue Feb 12 07:12:19 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux, yes no smp kernel08:44
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: man.. sry it didn't work tho.. i dunno wut to tell u.. look it up in ubuntu docs?08:44
wbreslin951No1CaNTeL: but anyways.. i g2g ttul bro08:44
hischildsguru: then boot from that cd and come back here.08:44
Arelisgligorhoria: Okay. I did  it, but it still didn't fix it. Seems it gets stuck when it wants to change to 1024x768, which happens the moment i log into GNOME. The login screen (GDM) works, however, and worked before the reset.08:44
sguruyes it already booted08:44
No1CaNTeLno probs :P08:44
DarkJusticeI have a fresh install of ubuntu and am having issues with samba seeing my XP box, ubuntu sees the shared folders in the "group" i created for XP but won't see the XP files, and XP does not recognize the ubuntu box. I've tried creating a user in smbusers and also using the smbpasswd to create a pass but when entering the password it tells me it has failed08:45
sgurui have it ready08:45
spartan7I am in manual and i see wireless. how do i choose my router?08:45
No1CaNTeLit works now., dunno what that was08:45
No1CaNTeLI just redid your isstructions and it went through08:45
mathhischild: Linux mise-en-place 2.6.22-14-386 #1 Tue Feb 12 07:12:19 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux08:45
No1CaNTeLjust about to restest the applet08:45
CorzaIm having a problem installing Ubuntu 7.10, When i go to boot from CD it loads the kernel fine, But during the other loading (organe bar) it freezes and the croll lock and caps lock key blinks08:45
nabcoreWhat dictates which MAC a bridge takes on when devices are added to it?08:45
CorzaApparently this means a krenel error or something08:45
hischildmath: is that a default Ubuntu kernel? it's missing SMP support08:45
No1CaNTeLis there a way to add a res from the gui?08:46
DarkJusticeany help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance08:46
softtowerDarkjustice: are you running a Windows domain or a workgroup?08:46
hischildCorza: remove quiet and plash from the command line and then try booting again. See what part it gets stuck at.08:46
DarkJusticesofttower: workgroup08:46
CorzaHow do i remove quiet?08:46
CorzaSorry - first time using Linux at all08:46
mathhischild: but how can I switch back to the smp kernel.. I don't changed anything, but I remember that in old days (around feisty) all worked well....08:46
lxuserthanks all! later for now08:46
newadventurei have this for this vmware and i want windows.whwer do i put it?? ((# 01 /dev/hdd1 linux-swap 509.84MB)) ((#02 /DEV/HDD2  reiserfs 9.00GB)) ((#03 /devhdd-1 free 9.58GB))08:47
softtowerif you do smbtree on  linux, does it show you XP box?08:47
Arelishischild: I did it and it didn't fix it. Seems like it happens when it switches to 1024x768, which happens the moment i log into GNOME.08:47
No1CaNTeLnow that I swapped over to Plug and Play monitor I only have 640x48008:47
newadventurei have this for this vmware and i want windows.whwer do i put it?? ((# 01 /dev/hdd1 linux-swap 509.84MB)) ((#02 /DEV/HDD2  reiserfs 9.00GB)) ((#03 /devhdd-1 free 9.58GB))08:47
mathhischild: I'm running Gutsy ATM08:47
gligorhoriaArelis i told you, i had this problem with both ge froce and ati, after a wile the xorg just crashed... the xorg reconfiguration worked for me but if u still have problems after that reset i don't hav any solutions for you, sorry...08:47
hischildCorza: press e at the grub menu. Hit e again on the kernel line. Then remove the 2 words (quiet splash) and press enter.08:47
bullgard4What means "comm" in the kernel message: "[79721.755165] Pid: 69, comm: kacpi_notify Not tainted 2.6.24-git9 #4"?08:47
DarkJusticesofttower haven't tried that, let me go do that, sorry I'm brand new to linux08:47
CorzaOk, I will go and try that now :)08:47
hischildmath: did you install a new kernel yourself?08:47
Arelisgligorhoria: aww... okay then, thanks for the help :)08:47
=== Just is now known as JustRock
softtowerDarkjustice: n/p, I am new to Linux as well :-)08:47
sguruhischild: i think my partition is corrupt thats why i get grub error 1708:47
spartan7when I try to connect to my router it gets one lil ball green but not the other08:47
DarkJusticesofttower: nope doesn't see it08:47
mathhischild: now, (I even dunno how to accomplish that)08:48
hischildArelis: well tbqh that's not good. I'm unaware of any methods of switching resolutions without seeing what you're going.08:48
Arelishischild: well since it happens from within GNOME, it has to be a user setting. Problem is, which?08:48
softtowerDarkjustice: do you have other windows machines that can see your shares? (I just want to make sure it's not windows problem)08:48
JustRockHi, everybody.08:49
hischildsguru: do you have a separate /home partition?08:49
DarkJusticesofttower: not at the moment but before I installed ubuntu I had winblows on that box and it saw it with no problems08:49
sguruhischild: seperate means.... now i see /home/ubuntu08:49
mathhischild: I made just a distupgrade (months ago..), and supplied updates (including kernel updates via automatic updates) and now I've taken an accidental look at top and /proc/cpuinfo.. and who.. wheres my second core gone?08:49
sguruhischild: as i have booted from live cd08:49
No1CaNTeLis it possible to add a resolution to the screens and graphics list from within the gui?08:50
hischildsguru:what i meant was if, during your install previously, you created a seperate /home partition.08:50
luke__kololim trying to use alien but it says it must run as root (or fakeroot) how do i run it as root??08:50
softtowerDarkjustice: ok, what does /etc/samba/smb.conf say?08:50
hischildmath: well that's just odd. See in your /boot if you have any other kernel other then the mise one.08:50
hischildluke__kolol: don't use alien. It's bad.08:50
DarkJusticesofttower: umm what part of it? I have MYNETWORK listed as the workgroup if tha'ts what you mean08:51
luke__kololhischild: then how do i convert things to .deb?08:51
JustRockI have a question, can apt-get use the multi-thread downloaders like aria2 and axel?08:51
sguruhischild: i used only one partition in which the entire linux was installed. So the entire / directory will be in a single partition08:51
hischildluke__kolol: you don't have to. What are you trying to install?08:51
hischildsguru: hmm ... do you know how to mount your directory?08:51
mathhischild: seems not..08:51
luke__kololits .tar.gz08:51
hischildluke__kolol: on ubuntu? it's already installed.08:51
sgurui was not able to mount my harddisk08:52
luke__kololbut its ver
luke__kololi need
mathhischild: meaning, I can't find one with a smp string in its name08:52
softtowerDarkJustice: hm... yea, I don't have any ideas.08:52
hischildluke__kolol: and .tar.gz is a source file usually. That means extract it and then compile it.08:52
sguruhischild: mount /dev/sda /mnt/sda was the command i used08:52
JustRockok, thanks a lot.08:52
ryanzecI have installed ubuntu 8.04 and seem to found an isssue.  My laptop screen seems to be very dim even tho it is att 100% in power management(but if looks like it does when i put my dim to 30% on 7.10).  it also does not seem to affect anything when i change the dim percentage.  is this a known issue?08:52
hischildmath: and you won't.08:52
hischild!hardy | ryanzec08:52
uboturyanzec: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu08:52
luke__kololhischild: how do i compile it then?08:52
DarkJusticesofttower ok thanks, I've been at this for 48 hours now and getting frustrated lol I may just reinstall windows08:52
hischildluke__kolol: install build-essential, then type ./configure, make, sudo make install08:53
softtowerDarkjustice: in my case there is always a delay between when I turn my Windows boxes on and when I can see them.08:53
DarkJusticecan't get the external HD to auto mount either08:53
hischildmath: it doesn't show smp in the line. Look for a different kernel.08:53
hischildsguru: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda08:53
mathhischild: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62218/08:54
sguruhischild: yes i did it but it says no entry in /etc/fstab08:54
softtowerDarkJustice: try this: go to Places/Connect to server...08:54
hischildsguru: because it doesn't have one. Try this ==> sudo mkdir /media/sda1 && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda108:54
sguruhischild: i have the /mnt/sda directory created08:55
iceswordany way to see if my cdrom is broken,this day  i try insert 4 cds,it always told me plz insert a cd08:55
tmrolandcan anyone tell me whats wrong with dns @ assa-electronic.ro ?08:55
softtowerDarkjustice: Select "Service Type" to be Windows Share, type a name of your windows machine (but not the sare name) and click connect. This will place an icon on your desktop. Then double click on that icon and wait 10-20 seconds.08:55
sguruhischild: but the /dev/sda1 device must be in the /etc/fstab file right? .. I am not able to see it08:55
hischildmath: seems like you're booting the wrong kernel. (also: the french channel can help)08:56
Lin1hi all08:56
sguruhischild: i even try to create one entry of ext3 type but mounting was not successfull08:56
hischildsguru: no it does not have to be in /etc/fstab08:56
Lin1i need help :( >>>http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74596408:56
corzaHello - Where is the grub menu08:56
corzalol -_-08:56
sguruhischild: oh...08:56
corzaI boot from CD and get a menu saying install etc08:57
DarkJusticesofttower: I get Contents of folder could not be displayed08:57
softtowerDarkJustice: now check your /var/log directory for samba errors.08:57
corzaand before you ask, Yes - i do feel stupid ;P08:58
iceswordany way to see if my cdrom is broken,this day  i try insert 4 cds,it always told me plz insert a cd08:58
hischildcorza: i'm not following your question. What do you want?08:58
corzaI dont know where the Grub menu is08:58
comsabootable cd ??08:58
corzaLike, where im supposed to preses E08:58
sguruhischild: i have created the directory /mnt/sda and typed the command as such i get mediadirect drive mounted08:58
hischildcorza: you don't have a grub menu on the cd. It's using the isolinux menu. and you can press E.08:59
pajamianicesword: try booting to a bootable CD, alternatively try swappign out the CD rom drive for one you know works.08:59
bullgard4What means "comm" in the kernel message: "[79721.755165] Pid: 69, comm: kacpi_notify Not tainted 2.6.24-git9 #4"?08:59
sguruhischild: that drive shows the size as 4k by the commadn du -sh /mnt/sda08:59
corzaSo i dont use the CD? :S08:59
tmrolandcan anyone tell me whats wrong with dns at assa-electronic.ro08:59
sguruhischild: i think i have another device /dev/sda208:59
iceswordpajamian, ok,thx09:00
DarkJusticesofttower: I see one, unknown paramter encountered: "usermap"09:00
hischildsguru: then mount your drive at the place of your choice.09:00
hischildsguru: then chroot into the drive and run grub-update09:00
corzaRight now im put the CD in (First boot device is cd) then i get a menu09:01
corzaI click start/install Ubuntu - then it freezes after a while09:01
softtowerDarkjustice: maybe you have this weird "usermap" in your samba config... At least you've got something to google :)09:01
sguruhischild: when i mount to /dev/sda2 the mount command asks for filesystem type09:01
DarkJusticesofttower: yeah that's how it got there to begin with lol,  I followed a how-to on how to get samba working09:02
hischildsguru: man mount and then give it the file system type09:02
Cyborgi want to mount a ntfs partition09:02
softtowerDarkjustice: sorry if I can't help. But I'd appreciate if you share the solution once you find what's wrong.09:02
sguruhischild: i dont know the file system type09:02
Cyborgsomebody for help ?09:02
hischildsguru: then we're at a standstill as i don't know what your filesystem is.09:03
DarkJusticesofttower: I sure will if I can but I'm pretty sure I'm too frustrated and gonna go back to windows at this point. It was so much easier to network09:03
hischildCyborg: what's the problem?09:03
Cyborgi want to mount an ntfs partition man09:03
corzahischild: Please please help me - im realllly new to this09:03
hischildcorza: then use my nick when speaking to me. What is it that you want?09:03
tyhow do you reset gnome panels to default ? i have deleted the bottom panel and all the icons are mixed up in the top one09:03
sguruhischild: what do u mean by filesystem... I guess ntfs, ext3 ... right? by default ubuntu gets installed in what type of filesysytem09:04
softtowerDarkJustice: as a long time Wndows user I can assure you that Linux is *much* better at networking, even on a windows network: much faster and automatic discovery of shares works much more reliable than XP. I am sorry you're having issue.s09:04
hischildsguru: you can choose what filesystem you want to use.09:04
Lin1any answer to my problem please >>http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74596409:04
corzahischild: lol sorry im also new to irc -_- Right now im put the CD in (First boot device is cd) then i get a menu09:04
hischildcorza: that's ok.09:04
hischild!tab | corza09:04
ubotucorza: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:04
DarkJusticesofttower: yeah it's just frustrating since I'm so new to this and I've been plugging away at it googling, reading man pages etc. I'm about to just blow it up09:05
hischildcorza: before we go on, tell me what your goal is, what you want to achieve.09:05
Cyborgi want to mount an ntfs partition someone for heping me to solve this problem ?>09:05
softtowerDarkJustice: in my case it helped to read a linux book. cover to cover, over a weekend, without even touching a computer.09:05
lesshasteI've installed memtest86+ now how do I see what files are in that package?09:05
corzahischild: i want to intall Ubuntu over win XP09:05
lesshaste dpkg -c memtest86+ fails09:05
ChUrRocan any one tell me the channel of compiz support?09:05
hischildCyborg: you've stated 4 times that you want to mount an ntfs partition. Yet you haven't told us a single time what the problem exactly is.09:05
lesshasteChUrRo: #compiz09:06
Cyborgthat is the problem i want to mount :)09:06
hischildcorza: ok. And is there a reason why you can't just select install?09:06
DarkJusticesofttower: ok I might try that but doubtful, at this point I'm ready to just quit, about to have a coronary09:06
hischildCyborg: mount <partition> <location>09:06
Cyborghmm without any programs ?09:06
luke__kololwhat is the best linux distro?09:06
DarkJusticeCyborg if you don't have ntfs-3g do sudo get-apt install ntfs-3g... then you can mount ntfs09:06
softtoweryes, books help :)09:06
corzahischild: yes, it freezes after i click install and then the scroll lock light and capslock light blinks09:07
hischildCyborg: yes09:07
Cyborgi don't have any programs09:07
Cyborgand linux don't read and write09:07
Cyborgin ntfs parititions09:07
tyluke__kolol:ubuntu / kubuntu is pretty easy to get used to09:07
corzahischild: howeer it does get past the kernel loading09:07
hischildCyborg: ntfs-3g can read.09:07
lesshaste: I mean how do I see the contents of a package I install via apt-get in general? I.e. which files were in it09:07
DarkJusticeCyborg: ubuntu will read and write to ntfs with no problems09:07
lesshasteDarkJustice: what is the problem?09:07
hischildcorza: alright. Then hit f6 on that line to edit the line and remove quiet and splash.09:07
Cyborghischild: i read the ntfs-3g site and he needs a fuse..or something like this09:08
comsacorza sounds like a hardware porb09:08
DarkJusticelesshaste: thanks, umm having samba issues, won't see my xp box and windows won't see the ubuntu box09:08
hischildCyborg: can be. First install ntfs-3g, then add yourself to the fuse group.09:08
lesshasteDarkJustice: aha... have you tried a more samba-ish forum/channel?09:08
Cyborghmmm what is fuse ?09:08
lesshasteDarkJustice: for example, #samaba09:08
corzaalrighty ill try that09:08
Cyborg...tell me exactly want i can do09:08
hischildCyborg: do you have an Ubuntu system?09:09
Lin1and he will say NO09:09
DarkJusticelesshaste: no not yet, I also had a ntfs mounting issue I was hoping to get fixed, like Cyborg. However I got mine mounted, but it won't auto mount upon reboot, and I've tried to edit the fstab09:09
hischildCyborg: then join #kubuntu09:09
lesshaste I mean how do I see the contents of a package I install via apt-get in general? I.e. which files were in it09:09
Cyborghischild: i can't09:09
Cyborgso i can get some help ?09:09
hischildCyborg: because? /j #kubuntu09:10
lesshasteDarkJustice: ok09:10
corzahischild: it stops after 2 "SATA link downs" and a few extra lines09:10
tywhere is the setting for gnome panel stored for each user?09:10
Lin1i think Cyborg is a 9 years old child09:10
hischildcorza: how much time did you give it?09:10
RedScareHey, anyone deal with powernowd?09:11
Cyborgthis channel is for childs jokes ?09:11
hischildLin1: please dont' insult others.09:11
Cyborgor to help ?09:11
Lin1i'm not09:11
Lin1but his funny09:11
hischildCyborg: this channel is for help with ubuntu, not kubuntu.09:11
corzahischild: not alot, Ill wait some more.09:11
Cyborgi have ubuntu09:11
Cyborgso tell me what i can do09:11
DarkJusticelesshaste: I found this on several google searches and added it to fstab.. /dev/sda1 /mnt/External ntfs-3g defaults,force 0 0 but it still doesn't auto mount09:12
mathhischild: thanks ubuntu-de helped me out: as you suggested, was wrong kernel: linux-386 instead of linux-386-generic thanks a lot09:12
hischild <Cyborg> kubuntu <== you do have kubuntu, not ubuntu. Please join #kubuntu for help.09:12
RedScarethat doesn't look right dark09:12
Lin1Cyborg: u sayd that u have Kubuntu, not Ubuntu09:12
bullgard4unop: What is the function of the process 'kacpi_notify' which sometimes is active on my Ubuntu 7.10?09:12
RedScarehang on09:12
hischildmath: you're welcome.09:12
corzahischild: well it passed that, Now it says: Audigy 2 - speacial config09:12
corzaOooh my audigy is broken09:12
Cyborgi have both09:12
corzaIt freezes XP... that could be why09:12
Cyborgkubuntu and ubuntu09:12
Cyborgit's there a problem ?09:13
corzaIll take my audigy out09:13
Lin1on the same HDD?09:13
hischildCyborg: other then that i don't know anything about kubuntu and only about Ubuntu09:13
Cyborgi read all the sites about mounting09:13
alan_mcyborg, are you asking for kubuntu help?09:13
Cyborgand it's tell me to install some programs09:13
Cyborgntfs-3g, libfuse2 and fuse09:14
hischildCyborg: Ubuntu can read ntfs partitions just fine, thank you.09:14
RedScaresudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/windows/ -o force09:14
Cyborgthese 3 programs09:14
CyborgRedScare: before u paste commands u may tell me if i have that programs09:14
unop_bullgard4, judging from it's name, i'd say it is a kernel process, related to ACPI, can't say exactly what tho09:14
unop_Cyborg, what version of ubuntu are you on?09:14
Cyborgtell me the command09:14
Cyborgfor version09:15
DarkJusticeRedScare: yeah I got the HD mounted with no issues, but it's when I reboot, I read I needed to add a command in fstab09:15
Cyborglbs_licence -a ?09:15
unop_Cyborg, and don't cross-post in channels, it's not polite09:15
Lin1hischild: give him the cmdz to run in the terminal09:15
unop_Cyborg, lsb_release -a09:15
bullgard4unop_: Ok. Thank you.09:15
CyborgDescription:    Ubuntu 6.06.2 LTS09:15
Cyborgit's ok ?09:15
RedScareautomated mount point NTFS09:15
RedScarei see09:15
jjjj5555cyborg, what is you problem? I just joined09:16
DarkJusticeCyborg: it's NOT going to mount unless you get ntfs-3g09:16
unop_Cyborg, sudo aptitude install ntfs-3g # and try again09:16
Cyborgi want to mount a ntfs partition09:16
CyborgDarkJustice: read about it but i need some programs + ntfs-3g09:17
unop_. o 0 ( troll ?? )09:17
Cyborgtell me exactly what programs09:17
Cyborgntfs-3g, libfuse2 ?09:17
Cyborgntfs-3g, libfuse2 and fuse ?09:17
hischildCyborg: you've been told multiple times. Please don't come back here untill you've done what you've been suggested.09:17
DarkJusticeCyborg: no you don't... you need to go to command prompt and type sudo get-apt install ntfs-3g... that will get it and install it09:17
unop_Cyborg, just install this dude and be done with all this foolery.  sudo aptitude install ntfs-3g09:17
alan_mcyborg, try putting the command unop_ just gave you in a terminal, go to applications->accessories->terminal and type in sudo aptitude install ntfs-3g09:18
DarkJusticeI just went through that myself Cyborg, now I just can't get it to automount on reboot09:18
Cyborgbut if ntfs-3g will request for other programs what i can do to unop_ ?09:18
Lin1to all helping Cyborg: cant he just installubuntu/kubuntu 8.04?? and problems are bye bye09:19
unop_Cyborg, install them all!09:19
Cyborgunop_: if u told me from the first what i can to to mount a ntfs partition it was just fine09:19
unop_Lin1, 8.04 isnt officially supported, so thats a 'problem' in here09:19
RedScaremy vista x86 drive was auto mounting just fine until i instructed gnome to not show on desktop09:19
pajamiancyberjames: if it needs other programs it will automatically install them too.09:19
Lin1fine 7.1009:19
alan_mlin1, 8.04 is beta and not yet supported, so....if we tell him to do that and he has more problems than originally stated, were..stuck.09:19
pajamianerrrr Cyborg09:19
RedScaredoes 8.04 have better power management?09:20
unop_Cyborg, i've been trying to help you but you've just been doing what you like ..09:20
[[thufir]]I get a 404 error when navigating to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/   but phpmyadmin is installed and apache and mysql are running as daemon's.   do I have the correct address for phpmyadmin?09:20
Cyborgtell me simply u need ntfs-3g and other stuff09:20
DarkJusticewell along the same lines can anyonte tell me... what I need to change on this line for my /etc/fstab ... /dev/sda1 /mnt/External ntfs-3g defaults,force 0 009:20
alan_mCyborg, where are you from?09:20
Cyborgu ?09:20
Lin1si eu09:21
Lin1me to09:21
FloodBot1Lin1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:21
Cyborgasa ia zi tati09:21
Cyborgte iau pe privat ?09:21
Cyborgsau cum facem ca ma chinui aici de o gramada de timp09:21
alan_mwhat language is that in which your speaking?09:21
Cyborgte pricepi ?09:21
iceswordwhat the heeeellll09:21
CyborgRomanian language09:21
alan_m!ro | cyborg09:21
unop_!en | cybojanek Lin109:21
ubotucyborg: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro09:21
ubotucybojanek Lin1: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:21
pajamianDarkJustice: that line looks fine to me, are you getting any messages during bootup that show it attempting to mount?09:21
Cyborgi've join it09:22
DarkJusticepajamian: nope boots up fine and no errors09:22
corzahischild: works like a charm09:22
jjjj5555should help you09:22
iceswordpajamian, i ve searched,some,my cdrom is broken,lol,that light even didn't work,i am sure it is broken09:22
FloodBot1jjjj5555: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:22
RedScareDark, are you under a user name or root?09:23
Cyborgis dead channel09:23
Cyborgwith a few ppls09:23
pajamianicesword: then pop open the case, make sure all the cables are seated properly and try again, if it still doesn't work run out and buy a new cdrom drive.09:23
alan_mcyborg, if you ask your question in there im guessing they will "wake up"09:23
DarkJusticeRedScare: user name because I can't get to root, i use sudo for everything, I have no clue what the root pass is09:23
Cyborgi ask09:23
Cyborgnothing happens09:23
[[thufir]]how do you start phpmyadmin?09:23
RedScareyou need to set it, or don't actually, you're better off not09:23
Cyborgso can somebody help me here ?09:23
pajamian!root | DarkJustice09:23
ubotuDarkJustice: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:23
alan_mcyborg, we tried, you dont understand us, we cant explain it any simpler09:24
DarkJusticeubotu: right I read about that and figured I could just use sudo for everything09:24
alan_mDarkjustice, ubotu is a bot, it wont hold a conversation.09:24
=== drtm is now known as eth01
pajamianDarkJustice: if you really need root then: sudo su -09:24
unop_pajamian, sudo -i .. is better09:24
Cyborgalan_m: i understood but tell me what i must install for mounting a ntfs partition09:24
hsahello Cyborg & everybody.. first of all did any of you asked Cyborg what is the error msg he gets when wanna mount the ntfs?09:25
DarkJusticepajamian: no I just was explaining to RedScare that I log in as a user because there is no root "pass" by default, he asked how I logged in09:25
RedScarebut if you gedit the contents of fstab and they are in tact like you say09:25
alan_mcyborg, we have told you numerous times, you refuse to pay attention buddy.09:25
unop_hsa, he wont even try that :)09:25
Cyborgu don't told me09:25
Cyborgi just want to install all i need and then mount09:25
Cyborgis so hard to understand ?09:25
hsabut you have to man, so we can analyze!09:25
DarkJusticeCyborg: listen, I JUST went thru this.... yesterday.. go to a terminal and type this ...... sudo get-apt ntfs-3g install09:26
pajamianunop_: I didn't know about that, thanks.  Looks like it does the same thing.09:26
unop_DarkJustice, err no .. wrong syntax09:26
hischildhsa: no we have not. It won't be of any help. He refuses to pay attention to our suggestions.09:26
* alan_m steps back because i signed the CoC09:26
SpaTcan someone please tell me why this does not work? ln -s /sysmlink /target/dir09:26
DarkJusticeoops sorry, sudo get-apt install ntfs-3g09:26
pajamianDarkJustice: ahhh, ok09:26
RedScareDark, this may be a stupid question, but you're not commenting out that ntfs mount line are you09:27
SpaTthe /sysmlink does not get created09:27
pajamianDarkJustice: you mean apt-get09:27
unop_pajamian, sudo -i is equivalent to sudo su09:27
hsacarry on Cyborg09:27
Till__hey ihr, habe folgendes problem, wenn ich meinen pc starte, läd er busybox, die frage ist wie kann ich diesen "mist" ;) wieder deinstallieren ohne den ubuntu-desktop und andere dinge zu entfernen?09:27
DarkJusticeuggh YES, sorry I'm getting confused now09:27
SpaTbut when i try agian it says file already exists09:27
CyborgE: Couldn't find package ntfs-3g09:27
SpaTonly ln seems to see it09:27
DarkJusticeRedScare: no the line isn't commented out, I just dbl checked to make sure too, lol09:27
unop_!de | Till__09:27
ubotuTill__: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:27
pajamian!info ntfs-3g09:27
ubotuntfs-3g (source: ntfs-3g): read-write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component main, is standard. Version 1:1.913-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 23 kB, installed size 116 kB09:27
unop_pajamian, he isnt on gutsy09:28
softtowerhow come IRC's "private chat" feature does not work? I tried to reply to a few people using this, but nothing happens...09:28
unop_!info ntfs-3g dapper09:28
ubotuPackage ntfs-3g does not exist in dapper09:28
pajamiantrue, any way to get ubotu to tell what the .... ok09:28
hischildsofttower: you have to be registered.09:28
hsabut keep away from apt-get or what you did for now & told us what did you do to mount.. & what error msg (if any) did you get OK09:28
Cyborgunop_: i must install only ntfs-3g ?09:28
Cyborgor fuse ?09:28
alan_meverything we told you to install...install..no exceptions no excuses.09:28
pajamianmaybe dapper has it in backports?09:29
unop_Cyborg, whatever is needed by ntfs-3g . that package on its own will pull in whatever it needs09:29
alan_mif you skip one thing cyborg, your computer could be serverly unstable.09:29
hsaunop_ is right Cyborg09:29
Cyborgalan_m: can u stop talking with me ?09:29
alan_mcyborg, your asking for help, im responding back.09:29
hischildCyborg: either accept the help, or don't ask for it.09:29
Cyborgi don't want your "help" 10x09:29
alan_m!attitude | cyborg09:30
ubotucyborg: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:30
Cyborgso what i need to mount my ntfs partition ?09:30
unop_Cyborg, here, this should keep you happy - http://lunapark6.com/ntfs-3g-read-write-ntfs-drives-on-your-linux-box.html09:30
Smegzor2My pc has a Hauppauge tv tuner card but Ubuntu doesn't seem to support it.  Is there anything I need to install for the tv tuner card to work?09:30
alan_mand with that....im gonna go...i cant take much more :/09:30
alan_mim sorry guys09:30
Michae1alan_m: com on dude09:30
hischildalan_m: just stay mkay?09:31
jjjj5555cyborg: install ntfs-3g AND ntfs-config09:31
hischildCyborg: last chance. Accept the help given or don't bother asking.09:31
Cyborgthat's all ?09:31
khalfangood morning/night/afternoon09:31
corzahischild: Now im getting "Image not Support" on my monitor09:31
Cyborgif any help is give to me i will accept09:31
alan_mdudes, its like.....3:31AM09:31
Cyborgreal help09:31
unop_jjjj5555, he's on dapper, those packages do not exist for it09:31
hsaCyborg listen: this msg is from me & on behave of the others.. what the hell makes you don't listen to us?? when we ask ya some questions we get no response! if you REALLY wanna help plz ask my questions?09:31
unop_Cyborg, PLEASE .. read the link i posted and you'll get what you need without much ado09:32
Cyborgi listen09:32
Cyborgi readed09:32
pajamianCyborg: unop_ just gave you a link which will help you.  Your problem is that you have a version of ubuntu that is too old to have ntfs support.09:32
hsawe knew that you're using Xubuntu09:32
odderalan_m: no, it's 10:32 AM :>09:32
Cyborgi read09:32
khalfani'm a new Ubuntu convert09:32
unop_Cyborg, for the last time - http://lunapark6.com/ntfs-3g-read-write-ntfs-drives-on-your-linux-box.html09:32
alan_mok, the flame wars the griping, the fussing it will stop or action will be taken...end of discussion.......09:32
Cyborgi ask u simply what programs do i need for mounting a ntfs parition09:32
bullgard4What means "comm" in the kernel message: "[79721.755165] Pid: 69, comm: kacpi_notify Not tainted 2.6.24-git9 #4"?09:32
hsait should include all what you need to mount an ntfs partiton?09:32
Cyborgit's so hard to respond ?09:32
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!09:33
alan_mcyborg, your very close to getting removed rom the room buddy, either listen, or go away...or be removed.09:33
corzahischild: Now im getting "Image not Support" on my monitor09:33
* unop_ proceeds to ignore people who continue to be part of this nonsense09:33
hsai don't think you need to install any additional packages!09:33
hsawhat version do you have?09:33
hischildcorza: i'm sorry man. What did i suggest before and what was up?09:33
hsais it 7.xx ?09:33
Cyborghmm hsa u talking with me ?09:33
hsatalking with you09:34
unop_hsa, just get him to follow instructions on the page please, please09:34
CyborgUbuntu 6.06.2 LTS man09:34
unop_language Michae109:34
odder!language | Michae109:34
ubotuMichae1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:34
alan_m!caps | michae1 and language09:34
ubotumichae1 and language: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:34
hischildunop_: don't tell me you don't understand.09:34
pajamianCyborg: you need ntfs-3g as many have already said, but your version of ubuntu doesn't supply it, so you need to do a bit mroe work to get it going.  Read the info at the link unop_ gave you it is the best help you will get.09:34
Michae1you can09:34
corzahischild: No problem man, I fixed the problem before - no freezing now - just the monitor wont display anything after the loading09:34
softtowermy X session just froze...09:34
unop_hischild, i'm way past understanding .. i sympathise totally :)09:35
hsaok if you have ntfs-3g installed it will install all other things you need.. just check whether it's installed09:35
Cyborgpajamian: 10x for tip what programs do i need +ntfs-3g ?09:35
softtowerBefore that I asked a question: how come "Private Chat" feature on IRC isn't working? I tried answering several people's questions using it, but nothing happened?09:35
meorerojoin #ubuntu-il09:35
corzahischild: i was using an LD, hence the "Image not Support" error, But i tried an old monnitor and it just displays a black screen09:35
hischildsofttower: i answered your Q09:35
hischildCyborg: Q.Q09:35
unop_hsa, dude, you're as bad as he is .. dapper _does_ not include ntfs-3g he needs to manually install it -- get him to read the link i posted up there and close this chapter, easy09:35
pajamianCyborg: just read the page that unop_ linked to.09:35
Cyborgpajamian: tell me my version don't support ntfs-3g and i need to install aditional programs09:36
Michae1maybe someday we will have PC with A.I. and some of the problems will just....go away09:36
Cyborgwhat are these programs ?09:36
pajamianCyborg: it will all be explained in the link09:36
* alan_m looks at my signed CoC meh09:36
Cyborglibfuse2 and fuse09:36
corzahischild: i was using an LD, hence the "Image not Support" error, But i tried an old monnitor and it just displays a black screen09:37
corzaSorry if i seem pushy, Ive been trying to install it for hours09:37
Cyborgpajamian: libfuse2 and fuse will help me to work just fine with ntfs-3g ?09:37
hischildcorza: old screens just go black when getting an unsupported mode.09:37
hsaunop_ i'm sorry.. but i started with ubuntu just from 7.0409:37
corzahischild: I know... Im wondering how to make it display the rest of the ubuntu install09:38
unophsa, it's ok, just get him to read the link please .. this is way past annoying now09:38
hsai've no idea about the older versions09:38
hischildcorza: i'm sorry but i'm not going to be of much help :( perhaps the alternate installer will work better for you.09:38
Cyborgunop_: libfuse2 and fuse will help me to work just fine with ntfs-3g ?09:38
corzahischild: Bah ok, thanks anyway :)09:38
corzaTime to consult google..again09:39
Smegzor2I think Cyborg is a cyborg.09:39
unopCyborg, just follow the instructions, please09:39
Smegzor2Or maybe a bot :)09:39
CyborgSmegzor2: watch your words09:39
Cyborgunop: i simple ask u a question09:40
Cyborgcan u answer ?09:40
alan_mplease, lets not argue, ive had enough of dealing with that :/09:40
Michae1Smegzor2: lol...cyborg i going to slap you soon09:40
pajamianCyborg: this is the title of the page that unop_ linked to: NTFS-3G - Read & Write NTFS in Linux plus specific Ubuntu Dapper install instructions09:40
pajamianCyborg: note the "specific Ubuntu Dapper install instructions"09:40
Cyborgyes i know09:40
Smegzor2I could care less.  Oh wait.. no i couldn't09:40
pajamianCyborg: follow those "instructions" and ntfs will work.09:41
Cyborgbut i ask if libfuse2 and fuse will help me to work just fine with ntfs-3g09:41
Michae1Smegzor2: =))   ^^ good09:41
pajamianCyborg: end of story.09:41
alan_mcyborg....listen closely09:41
Cyborgi need libfuse2 and fuse ?09:41
alan_mlisten very closely cyborg and read this very carefully ok?09:41
alan_myes...it will09:41
Cyborgok 10x09:41
Cyborgi will come here and say if i succeded in this case :)09:42
hsadon't know about fuse, but who told you this story? fuse makes ntfs-3g better!!09:42
epitronCyborg... for ntfs-3g you're going to need fuse09:42
Cyborgsee ya09:42
epitronand libfuse209:42
Cyborghave nice day09:42
Smegzor2Does anyone have a Hauppauge tv tuner card working in Ubuntu?09:42
Cyborgpeace !09:42
alan_mbye cyborg09:42
Cyborgciao brothers09:42
epitrondid you install fuse09:42
epitronand libfuse209:42
hsahey unop.. where are you man?09:42
Cyborgnot yet09:42
Cyborgi will09:42
alan_mepitron, he's fixing to get it set up :)09:42
Cyborgepitron: yes ?09:43
hsado you receive my msgz?09:43
epitronwhat about ntfs-3g09:43
Cyborgepitron: i'm listening u09:43
alan_mcan we let him do this?09:43
epitronyou have to install that too09:43
unophsa, im here09:43
Cyborg3 programs09:43
Cyborgi will install09:43
FloodBot1Cyborg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:43
Cyborgfuse ntfs-3g and libfuse209:43
Cyborgyes ?09:43
epitronmake sure you don't floot09:43
epitronsorry i meant flood09:43
Cyborgit is glood :)09:43
alan_myes, thats correct cyborg09:43
Cyborgflood :)09:43
Cyborgoky man09:43
Cyborga lot09:43
Smegzor2yes  flooting is bad09:44
Cyborgsee ya09:44
FloodBot1Cyborg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:44
hsai wanna talk with you personally.. i sent you some msgz but it seems that you didn't receive 'em!!09:44
epitronhaha.. floodbot. what a waste of a bot!09:44
* alan_m exhales09:44
Michae1can someone get the beer....because is done with the questions :D09:44
unophsa, you need to be registered on freenode09:44
epitroni hope he remember to install fuse09:44
Smegzor2I think Cyborg was acting stupid.  His act was slipping a bit there.09:44
alan_mdude....that was the LONGEST help session ive ever done.09:44
sguruhischild: are you there?09:45
epitronSmegzor2: maybe he's just drunk09:45
Michae1Smegzor2: his from romania09:45
pajamiangah, I thought he'd never leave.09:45
Smegzor2I wish I was09:45
hsaoh ya.. i'm almost new to IRC [used it long time ago]09:45
Michae1like me09:45
unopor sniffing glue?09:45
epitron"are you drunk because you're stupid, or are you stupid because you're drunk??"09:45
sguruhischild: I tried to mount /dev/sda2 but i was not able to do that09:45
alan_mlets not judge mkay?09:45
epitronit's too late. i have passed sentence.09:45
sguruhischild: ntfs type and ext3 type failed09:45
hsabrb unop.. will see how to register from google09:46
unop!register | hsa09:46
ubotuhsa: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.09:46
Michae1alan_m: i started with ubuntu 1 year ago, and it very esey to use09:46
softtowerok, I asked this twice already (and both times XChat died). Why "Private chat" feature on IRC isn't working for me? I tried answering some questions privatly, but people don't seem to see me.09:46
sguruhischild: i tried autofs also...09:46
alan_mMichael, i started over 2 years ago :)09:46
unop!register | softtower09:46
ubotusofttower: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.sh