
TheSheepIskr: you have pretty bad luck00:01
zoredachethat is the eternal questio isn't it00:01
TheSheepIskr: first aptitude, then you stumle on that i810 bug00:01
Iskr(how can i disable sound on login screen?)00:01
IskrTheSheep, oh yes00:01
Iskrand you don't know00:01
Iskrall the other problems00:02
TheSheepIskr: setings->login window settings00:02
Iskrduring the installation00:02
Iskrthen xfce has this nasty thing00:02
Iskrof setting windows not properly sized00:02
Iskrhave you ever noticed it?00:02
Iskreven if i maximize00:02
Iskrit just doesn't seem to know how to stand on top of panel00:03
TheSheeptry the margins in workspace and margins settings00:03
Iskri'll try thanks00:04
TheSheepbut it should never cover panels if they have 'fixed' position00:04
Iskryes panel are fixed00:04
Iskrand it doesn't cover the panel00:04
Iskris the panel that is up00:04
TheSheepthat's good00:04
Iskrcovering the window00:05
TheSheepthat's no good00:05
Iskrit isn't00:05
TheSheepworks for me :/00:06
TheSheepare you sure the top panel is fixed too?00:06
Iskri have no top panel00:06
Iskri removed it00:06
Iskri have only the bottom one that is fixed00:06
Iskranyway just for the record00:06
Iskrxfce seems to work quite well00:07
Iskrwith a 128 mb ram system00:07
TheSheepah, it's the eee00:07
Iskrnow i'll tell you also what percentage of ram is required by the desktop environment alone00:08
IskrTheSheep, ?00:08
TheSheepI was considering buing eee for some time00:08
TheSheepasus eee00:08
Iskrno it isn't00:08
Iskrit's an acer travelmate00:09
TheSheepright, eee wouldn't use i810 :)00:09
TheSheepI thin I got you confused with Taza00:09
Iskrthe desktop environment alone00:10
Iskruses 40% of ram00:10
Iskrand 10% of swap00:10
TazaMy Eee has 2gb of RAM btw. :P00:10
TheSheepTaza: just like the lappy I bought finally instead of eee :)00:10
TazaRAM is the only part that's both easily upgradeable and cheap00:10
TheSheepTaza: out of curiosity, I've heard that part of the eee's disk is read only?00:11
TheSheepTaza: is that true?00:11
TazaTheSheep: Depends on which model you get.00:11
TazaThe SDHC card reader operates in read-only mode for some models.00:12
TazaThe internal disk is always fully usable00:12
TazaAnd you can write the SDHC fine with an external reader00:12
TheSheepTaza: ah, great, I've heard somewhere that the system part was read only, so if you wanted to install your own system you had to do it at the cost of your home00:13
TazaTheSheep: No problem whatsoever as long as you wipe the disk first00:13
TheSheepI see00:13
TazaAs in, repartition00:13
TheSheepTaza: isn't the screen too small? how about the keyboard?00:14
TazaThe original partitions are like that but fdisk fixes that in ten seconds00:14
TazaThe screen is a bit too small, the keyboard is just fine00:14
TheSheepI've read in Humane Interface that 9" is actually optimal for reading00:14
TazaIt could be larger sure00:14
TheSheepee is 7", I think00:15
TazaBut I got one now because something better is always waiting behind the corner.00:15
Iskris "add/remove" the same thing of synaptic?00:15
Iskror it's another apt-get vs aptitude issue?00:15
TheSheepIskr: yes, just with nicer descriptions and icons00:15
TheSheepIskr: all ubuntu gui tools use synaptic00:15
Iskrwell i just can't believe00:16
Iskrthat it installed gnome00:17
Iskrwho told it to do that?00:17
TheSheepit probably had some gnome app in recommendations for something00:17
TheSheepbe glad it's not kde00:17
Iskrwell some gnome app00:17
Iskrnot ALL GNOME00:17
Iskri want xfce and it installs xfce AND gnome O.o00:18
TheSheepwell, the app would depend on gnome ibs that would then have rest of gnome in recommendations...00:18
Iskri see...00:18
TheSheepyay, starting xawtv crashes my X :D00:19
Jimbo_I just tried the 8.04 beta. I wish I had read up a bit more before hand because I dunno if the stuff that dont work is a bug or just something thats not gotten finsihed yet00:22
TheSheepJimbo_: what doesn't work?00:23
TheSheepJimbo_: it's a beta, everythin should work generally00:23
Jimbo_it wont mount my windows partitions like 7.10 did automatically00:24
TheSheepcan you mount them manually?00:25
Jimbo_thunar wouldnt show any video thumbnails after i installed the codecs00:25
Jimbo_the windows partitions arent showing up at all, so i dont know how to go mount them, its not like they are on the desktop but not mounted00:26
TheSheepsounds like bugs00:27
Jimbo_that sucks00:31
Jimbo_is there nothing i should try to get them to show up?00:31
danielmJimbo_, did you set the mount points at install?00:32
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE00:32
Jimbo_hehe well... im just running the livecd at the moment, if thats what you mean by install. Does that make a difference? :-P00:33
Jimbo_ooooh... I just ran Gparted and it made the partitions mount00:35
Iskrwhy can't i resize windows from the top?00:38
TheSheepIskr: that's a feature, so that you can grab them for moving easier, can't be disabled00:39
Iskryes but the margin thing didn't work00:39
Iskrso i have many windows which go down and down00:39
Iskrand i can't access some options00:39
TheSheepyou can use keyboard shortcuts00:39
Iskrsuch as?00:39
TheSheepalt+ctrl+down for resizing vertically, I think00:39
Iskrit changes workspace00:40
TheSheepmaybe there is also shift in there, you can check the shortcuts in the window manager settings00:40
Iskri'll see00:40
TheSheepI use different, can't remember the defaults00:40
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Iskrit doesn't work00:43
Iskrit's like it can't be resized more00:43
Iskrit need all the space00:44
TheSheepIskr: maybe fix the resolution first00:44
Iskralready tried00:44
Iskrit seems that i must keep this00:44
TheSheepthe i810 doesn't have its own video memory00:44
TheSheepit uses memory "borrowed" from your RAM00:44
TheSheepthe amount of memory to borrow can be set in bios00:45
TheSheeptry setting it to more00:45
Iskri'll try00:45
TheSheep(windows drivers ignore that setting and override it, btw, that's why it works on windows)00:45
Iskrthe margins thing really doesn't work00:46
Iskrby no means00:46
TheSheepcan't say I can repeat your problems here00:47
TheSheepthen again I use hardy and the 'intel' driver00:47
Iskrwell do you know if there is a way to let the window go "up the screen"?00:48
Iskrit goes down left and right00:48
Iskrbut not up00:48
TheSheepthere isn't00:49
TheSheepyou could set the virtual screen to be larger than the physical screen00:50
TheSheepthen it will scroll00:50
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Gokee2_OfficeI installed  lightning-extension but can`t find it anywhere in thunderbird.  How do I use it?  I am on Xubuntu 7.102:54
Gokee2_OfficeI got .8 from mozilla and now it works03:20
Gokee2_OfficeThanks for...  listening?  :)03:20
Gokee2_OfficeHmm I guess its not working...  There are two bars one with the calender stuff and one with email folders03:23
AlgorithmicContrHow do you restart XFCE desktop?05:07
Gokee2_OfficeCtr+Alt+Backspace kills xorg05:08
AlgorithmicContrGokee2_Office: I didn't ask for killing xserver05:09
Gokee2_OfficeAlgorithmicContr, So what did you want?05:09
AlgorithmicContrwell, my Icons for XFCE disappeard, and Desktop background etc etc05:10
Gokee2_OfficeLogout/Login restarts XFCE (although I always use Ctr+Alt+Backspace.....)05:10
Gokee2_OfficeO you want just the desktop part?05:11
Gokee2_Officexfdesktop should do that05:12
Gokee2_OfficeSo you might want "xfdesktop -reload"? :)05:12
AlgorithmicContrGokee2_Office: How do you do that for gnome?05:13
Gokee2_OfficeI don`t know, I use gnome as little as I can get away with :)05:14
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redwhitewaldowhich version of flash should i install. Firefox is giving me these 2 options: gnash and adobe.06:06
redwhitewaldoi'm on xubuntu 8.04beta06:06
redwhitewaldohow come firefox doesn't know what programs are the default file openers?06:22
redwhitewaldo(i'm on xubuntu8.04)06:23
miggilinAnyone there?07:47
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redwhitewaldowhere's everybody?08:19
ubotuIt's the middle of the night in the US and Europe, and surrounds.  This means that a lot of people are likely asleep, therefore there are less potential people who can answer your question.  Please be patient, and consider asking at a time when more people will be awake.  This is particularly true in the quieter channels.08:20
miggilinmeAnyone there?08:24
jjjj5555hi there08:28
jjjj5555what do I kneed to do to restart my whole soundsystem.... except rebooting ;-)08:28
redwhitewaldowhat were those programs again like "workrave"08:44
redwhitewaldoi'm in xubuntu 8.04. what's that circular icon one "square" right to the upper left corner (on title bar)08:52
ere4siit's the help icon - click it and see08:53
jjjj5555workrave is a program that reminds you to take a break08:56
ere4sisorry - you were talking about the window titlebar - it adds the window to other desktops redwhitewaldo08:57
redwhitewaldoere4si: i see. thank you!!!08:58
Dennishey there everybody ;-)10:16
ubotuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu!10:16
Dennisis there someone here who can help me a bit with xubuntu and network configuration?10:16
Dennisi have a problem on a router with 7 network interfaces10:17
ere4siand what doesn't happen?10:17
Denniswell, to me it seems as if the assignment of ethX to the physical network card changes randomly with every reboot of the system10:18
Dennisas i said there are 7 network cards, however, only over one access to the internet is possible10:19
Dennisas i detected by try&error, i got internet by configuring eth2 - everything worked fine until next reboot10:20
Dennisafter that reboot i did not have internet access anymore10:20
ere4siif you use dhcp then the first comp to boot gets the first address - try static ip addresses10:20
Dennisso again i did that try&error thing and ended up having internet access by configuring eth110:20
jjjj5555can i drag and drop in xubuntu filemanager?10:21
Dennisi am not using dhcp, all network interfaces are configured staticly10:21
ere4sijjjj5555: yep10:22
ere4siDennis: is it 7 network cards in one comp?10:24
Dennisere4si, yes 7 cards in one computer10:25
jjjj5555thanks, cu all10:26
ere4siDennis: how are the cards listed in /etc/hosts10:26
Dennisere4si, not at all i guess (I'm not at that router right now) - do they have to be?10:27
ere4siDennis: /etc/hosts is a file on the comp - it shows the connections allowed10:28
slimjimflimhi. my volume control button disappeared after the last update, and now i can't add a new one, anybody know the package name?10:29
Dennisisn't /etc/hosts just for local dns resolving?10:29
Dennisprobably this might give you an idea, ere4si:10:30
Dennisroot@Router:/etc/network# route -n10:30
DennisKernel IP routing table10:30
DennisDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface10:30
Dennis10.6.0.0   U     0      0        0 eth610:30
Dennis10.7.0.0   U     0      0        0 eth010:30
Dennis169.254.0.0     U     0      0        0 eth110:30
Dennis169.254.0.0     U     1000   0        0 eth010:30
Dennis0.0.0.0         UG    100    0        0 eth610:31
Dennis0.0.0.0         U     1000   0        0 eth110:31
Dennisere4si this is not the latest output, but i always have to default routes at the end of the listing which seems weird to me...10:31
ere4siDennis: 7 cards - one comp - is new to me - sorry10:32
Dennisok ere4si, thanks anyways ;)10:35
slimjimflimalso, my sound doesn't work on embedded flash, should i just reinstall the soundcard driver?10:38
slimjimflimanybody have issues w/ audio on flash movies not working after the last update?10:48
Dennisanybody here, who has experiences with several network cards in one computer?10:50
slimjimflimdennis, shoot10:51
slimjimflimby shoot, i mean, ask me your question10:52
Dennisoh, ok :)10:52
Dennisseems like the assignment of ethX to the physical network cards is randomly changing with every reboot... could that be?10:53
Dennisi have a router with 7 network cards, only one has internet access... i was able to get internet access by configuring eth2... after reboot i got internet access by configuring eth110:54
Dennisweird, isn't it? ;-)10:54
slimjimflimdid you try taking them all out but one?10:54
slimjimflimto see if it still does it?10:55
Dennisno i didn't...10:55
slimjimflimnot sure if that'll help10:56
Denniswould be a hard work though as i'd have to get the computer out of the rack first10:56
slimjimflimthat's a pretty tough question10:57
slimjimflimdennis, why don't you ask the friendly folks in ##linkux-coders10:59
slimjimflimi'm sure somebody knows10:59
Dennisi hat tried ubuntu first and did not have those problems there... however, ubuntu was real slow, even though the router has a 3Gz pentium 4 processor and 1 GB ram10:59
Dennisxubuntu was much faster... the boot-process as well as the gui10:59
Dennisthere is nobody in #linkux-coders, as well as in #linux-coders ;-)11:00
slimjimflimyou need 2 #'s11:01
Dennisoh thx... never seen that before...11:03
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bassinboywhy isn't apache in the repositories by default?12:22
bassinboywell it works via CLI12:24
siggjenapache2 is in the repository12:25
bassinboywhy is it not searchable?12:30
siggjen«apt-cache search apache» give me lots of hits12:31
bassinboyjust wonder via gui12:32
siggjensorry, i never use the gui for installing packages12:32
bassinboyk, thanks12:33
Iskri managed to reach 1024x768 \o/15:28
TheSheepIskr: how?15:44
Iskri told to xorg to use 16mb of ram for the video card15:44
Iskrit didn't go in suspension15:46
Iskrany idea?15:46
TheSheepit doesn't work on some hardware, but I don't know what could be tried to make it work15:47
TheSheepmaybe forums...15:47
Iskr(hybernate seems to work)15:53
jarnosHello. I just installed Xubuntu Hardy Beta19:25
jarnosThere was "Screens and Graphics" in Other menu.19:25
jarnosIt disappeared.19:26
j1mcjarnos: would you mind filing a bug?19:27
j1mcdo you have an account on launchpad?19:27
jarnosjlmc: I guess I could. I have reported some even today, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/~jarnos19:28
j1mcjarnos: thanks.  :)19:29
j1mc(i'm at a conference or else i would comment more)19:29
Iskri think that the minimum requirements page should be modified19:53
Iskron a pIII 900 mhz with 128 mb of ram (of which 16 to the video card) xfce run smoothly19:53
Iskri also use firefox without any problem19:53
Iskrit has just to be installed with the alternate ubuntu cd19:54
TheSheepIskr: ymmv19:59
TheSheepIskr: especially when people use mostly firefox and office apps19:59
Iskrwell but on the site is written "192 mb" as _minimum requirement20:00
TheSheepthat's minimum for livecd20:00
IskrOnce installed, Xubuntu can run with 192 MB RAM, but it is strongly recommended to have at least 256 MB RAM.20:01
TheSheepanyways, did you disable cups, bluetooth etc.?20:01
Iskri didn't disable anything20:01
TheSheepIskr: because peole have been complaining about slowness when these specs were lover20:01
Iskri don't think it installed bluetooth module anyway20:02
TheSheepit probably depends also on exact drivers used20:02
Iskrat least write "can run with 128-192 MB RAM"20:02
TheSheepsome video drivers are pretty memory hungry20:02
Iskri went on trying icewm and fluxbox20:02
TheSheepwell, it can run with 32MB ram, I did it20:02
TheSheepstartup takes 45 minutes, but it runs20:03
Iskrwell but you did additional configuration20:03
Iskrand startup took 45 minutes20:03
Iskrin this case20:03
Iskrstartup takes 5 minutes =P20:03
TheSheepthe question is where to put the border20:03
Iskror so20:03
TheSheep5 minutes seems to be too long by today standards20:03
Iskrwhen you write minimal requirements the border should be as lower as possible20:03
TheSheepIskr: I don't agree20:04
Iskrthere is always the reccomended requirement20:04
Iskrto be realistic20:04
TheSheepIskr: we had a lot of disappointed people here when the specs were lower20:04
Iskrwas it 128?20:04
Iskri wonder why these people were so disappointed...20:05
Iskrmaybe they didn't reserve enough swap20:05
TheSheepbecause they got some old computers assembled from parts and went by the minimum to minimize costs20:06
Iskrwell i'm still convinced that you should20:06
Iskrbut do as you like20:06
TheSheepit's like "ok, I have 512MB of ram in old chips here, I can make 4 computers with xubuntu out of it"20:06
TheSheepit's not my decission :)20:07
TheSheepI'm just an user20:07
nikolamI used to use 32-bit Xubuntu 7.04 on P3-733 with 384 MB ram with no trouble at all.20:07
TheSheepbut I agree with this decission20:07
nikolamafter start and login, about 90MB`s would be used20:07
Iskrwell 384 mb are a whole lot20:07
nikolamThat us the reason for 128Mb minimum20:07
TheSheepnikolam: yeah, above te 256MB limit there seem to be no problems20:07
nikolamI think that 256Mb is also plenty of space20:08
TheSheepwith 192MB you sometimes get no panels at startup20:08
nikolamand 192 should work20:08
TheSheepIskr: the thing that xfce4-panel displays20:08
Iskrbut it's weird20:08
Iskryou are making me dubitate if i actually have 128 mb...20:09
Iskrbut i have20:09
Iskri checked it twice20:09
TheSheepI have 2GB and the system takes 70MB just after startup20:09
Iskrthe funny thing is that this "To run the Desktop CD (LiveCD + Install CD), you need 128 MB RAM to run" is not true to me20:09
Iskrlivecd didn't run20:10
nikolamfastest desktop linux i heard of , that includes xfce as default environment is Zenwalk.20:10
TheSheepIskr: it says 128? that's wrong20:10
TheSheepIskr: maybe the figures are swapped?20:10
nikolamXubuntu is nice thing and I think it is worth20:10
Iskrsomeone should modify those information20:10
TheSheepmaxamillion: you have access to the site?20:11
nikolamMaybe you are running 8.04 Beta?20:11
nikolamwhat graphics driver do you use, what graphics?20:12
maxamillionTheSheep: yeah20:12
maxamillionTheSheep: i thought you did too20:12
Iskrnikolam, i don't know =)20:12
TheSheepIskr: ah, no, it's ok, it says 192MB to install20:12
Iskrbut 128 to run20:12
Iskrand it didn't work for me20:12
TheSheepIskr: I did run it on 128MB :/20:12
TheSheepIskr: again, YMMV20:12
TheSheepnikolam: PCI not found, Abort, Retry, Ignore?20:13
nikolamMaybe your graphics card took some ram from your main 128mb20:13
nikolamThe-Kernel, LOL :))))20:13
Iskrnikolam well it takes ram now20:13
nikolamTheSheep, :))20:13
Iskr16 mb20:13
nikolamwell, try to install from Alternate CD.20:14
TheSheepIskr: the deal is this: we set the specs too high and we lose some people with old hardware who will go install different distro instead20:14
Iskrnikolam, you didn't understand20:14
TheSheepIskr: we set the specs too low and we get some disappointed people who will badmouth xubuntu20:14
nikolamAlternate CD install could be done even from 64MB machine20:14
Iskrnikolam, i actually installed from alternate cd20:14
Iskrand it works _very_ fine20:14
Iskrso i was suggesting20:14
nikolam7.10 xubuntu 32-bit?20:14
Iskri was suggesting to lower minimum requirements20:15
nikolamI don`t think that is good idea20:15
TheSheepIskr: people tend to be "optimistic" :)20:15
nikolampeople will use slower machines anyway20:15
Iskreheh i am not optimistic20:15
Iskras i said before i first installed icewm and fluxbox20:16
Iskrthen as i didn't cope well with them20:16
TheSheepIskr: if we give high specs, and people will try it on lower anyways, and it's slow, they will say "ok, I guess it's slow because of the hardware"20:16
Iskranyway i'll stay here20:18
Iskrto give all the people who will ask20:18
Iskrthe advice to install xubuntu on 128 mb ram boxes =P20:18
Iskrit's really a shame that the livecd cannot be used to perform a simple installation20:19
Iskrit's particularly valid for xubuntu20:19
Iskrthat you all know that is often used in low mem machines20:20
The-KernelWhy does that always happen to me20:46
Chawsonomg.. i figured out how to use windows live messenger on xubuntu!21:49
Chawsondoes any1 want me to explain how to do it?21:51
crimsunit'd be better documented on a wiki page.21:52
Chawsoni didnt ask where would it be better documented sorry, i asked would anyone like advice?21:52
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mnemochi, there is any firefox plugin (at 8.04) that fakes windows media player? (autodetection on sites)22:54
mnemocvlc didn't :\22:54
siggjenyou might try mplayer22:54
RorschachI've got a problem with my external hard drive. It's a 500 gig SimpleDrive, but when I finally managed to mount it in Linux, it only gives me 1.3 gigs to work with.22:59
RorschachAny idea what the problem is?22:59
mnemocRorschach: how is it partitioned?23:02
Rorschachmnemoc: it's NTFS23:09
RorschachI mounted it with NTFS-3g23:09
RorschachMore external harddrive problems. I have trouble mounting it with ntfs-3g, and when I do manage to mount it, it only lets me use 1.3 gigs out of 500 gigs23:30
mnemocRorschach: see what `disktype` say about your disk23:32
Rorschachmenmoc: 'disktype' doesn't work. Command not found23:33
patoe1i just installed Teamspeak 2 and i dont know how to open it23:54
ere4sipatoe1: try this - http://www.goteamspeak.com/?page=getstarted23:57

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