
omarAnywayz, thanks to all of you!00:00
Survivormantogoella,  did you sudo apt-get update?00:00
hellonulltim167: if you want a gui, use gftp, you can find it in synaptic00:00
alperkanatbinarical-app: i'm running django's bundled server on my ubuntu box now... and trying to forward the external port to this machine's 8000. port00:00
nickrudtogoella then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin00:00
togoelladone nickrud00:00
omarBut one more thing, what was that command used to locate the trash?00:00
nickrudtogoella look just above your line00:00
IndyGunFreakomar: to locate it, or to use root to delete it?00:01
togoellaok it is loading00:01
togoellathank you so much guys00:01
nickrudIndyGunFreak he's on edgy00:01
togoellais my first time using linux ubuntu00:01
* togoella smiles00:01
IndyGunFreakah.. gotcha.00:01
nickrudtogoella enjoy :)00:01
omarIndyGunFreak: locate it00:01
togoellaI like it a lot00:02
IndyGunFreakomar: well trash, all you have to do is open your home folder, click View/Show HIdden files, then go down to ./Trash, and double click it00:02
Thib_I hate when this happens00:02
togoellaWhile it loads, can someone tell me if there is any way to play windows games on ubuntu :D ?00:02
nickrudomar   sudo updatedb && locate Trash  (updatedb only has to be run when there're new files to be indexed, and is run daily by default)00:02
IndyGunFreaktogoella: sometimes00:02
Thib_I bought a new laptop and of course all its hardware is basically too recent to work with anything00:02
nickrud!wine | togoella (but it's crack)00:02
ubotutogoella (but it's crack): WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.00:02
omarnickrud: Yes thanks! That's what I was looking for! ;)00:02
towlie_whats the name of the unix based app that formats your c++ code00:02
deniz__yo can sum1 plz help me share a dial-up connection (i did the hosting on a windows xp comp) but how do i do the client on an ubuntu 7.04 laptop?00:03
togoellayeah I read about wine00:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about appbd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:03
tim167hellonull: ok, the ftp command mput only puts files inside the cwd, not folders is there a way to make it put folders too ?00:03
nickrudthat's the place to look, alright00:03
IndyGunFreak!appdb | togoella almost...00:03
ubotutogoella almost...: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org00:03
pirattrevhow do i test if my nick is registered?00:04
StPatrickDoes ubuntu support compiz?00:04
GIndeniz__: how is the laptop connected to the xp machine?00:04
binarical-appalperkanat: you will have to let incomming connections connect to this port. to do so you must edit a .conf file that partains to your application. in my experiance , i had to edit a .conf file to allow http access to my home server.....if you wait a bit i might be able to help you some more00:04
Survivormanpirattrev, did you get my pm?00:04
Survivormanyou're registered00:05
IndyGunFreakStPatrick: ubuntu supports it fine, its wether your video device supports it, is the question00:05
nickrudStPatrick yes00:05
alperkanatbinarical-app: ok00:05
deniz__GIn, thru a wired router (I think i have the router set up properly but I am not 100% sure)00:05
togoellaawesome fs2004 works :D00:05
pirattrevthanks survivorman00:05
Survivormanpirattrev, you're very welcome00:05
IndyGunFreakpirattrev: you should see on the main freenode page, assuming you're using xchat/xchat-gnome, it will say "this nick is registered",00:05
IndyGunFreakor something like that00:05
StPatrickLoL, Im using it in Mandriva right now.00:05
deniz__quick compiling questiom: do u need to extract a tar.bz2 b4 working on it or not?00:05
StPatrickDoes anyone know how to get a Realtek RTL 8187b to work in Ubuntu?00:06
togoellahow do I install it? apt-get install wine , ?00:06
pirattrevyeah, i'm using gnome-xchat00:06
GIndeniz__: if your inetrnet connection is on the xp machine, I think you need a switch. Does the router have dhcp build into it?00:06
hellonulltim167: good question, i'm not sure00:06
oddertogoella: and there's cedega as well, you can get a free (no cost, I mean) version from their SVN00:06
nickrudtogoella yes. Or, you can use system->admin->synaptic for a nice tool. ctl-f opens a search box00:06
IndyGunFreakpirattrev: when you log back in next time, you'll see where it says "this nick is registered, if its your nick.." something like that00:06
odder!cedega | togoella00:06
ubotutogoella: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega00:06
togoellaodder:  what's cedega?00:06
deniz__GIn, i have no idea all i can tell u is its a d-link DI-60400:06
oddertogoella: ^^ :)00:06
pirattrevok, thanks again00:06
tim167hellonull: ok, I'll install gftp and see if that brings me luck ...00:06
hellonulltim167: i would stick with gftp for that, i'm sure there's a way with terminal-based ftp but i am not aware of it00:07
deniz__GIn, i have dial-up internet00:07
togoellathanks odder :D00:07
togoellalet's see00:07
nickrudtim167 you might want to look at lftp , it's a package that installs a client that supports folders (iirc)00:07
mysterycoolif i did ./configure then make and then make install to actuallyget grub working did i mess up the bootloader of ubuntu??! :S00:07
deniz__GIn, i got the hosting right and on microsofts help website it says to do things on a client comp and on the wizard it says to do stuff like floppy or xp cd to it but its not windows the client its ubuntu so im stuck00:07
nickrudmysterycool you certainly replaced parts of it, whether it's messed up, well ....00:07
mysterycool*to actually get GRUB working did I mess up the boot loader of Ubuntu??! :s00:08
togoellawait wait wait00:08
togoellais wine free?00:08
charles|64hey room00:08
mysterycoolnickrud: which means...? :S00:08
oddertogoella: as in freedom00:08
GIndeniz__: I think you need a switch and not a router with modem buidlin it00:08
togoellabecause Cedega is not :|00:08
Thib_I wish00:08
DevrethmanAnybody care to take a look at this http://pastebin.ca/973130 and see if they can see what's up00:08
Thib_oh you mean the software ;-)00:08
Devrethmancause it looks to me like everything's going fine, then it juse aborts00:08
Devrethmanfor no apparent reason00:08
nickrudyes. togoella00:08
Survivormantim167, xcopy moves files and folders i think00:08
* Thib_ wishes wine made from grapes was free00:08
GIndeniz__: you are connected to the internet through a dialup on the xp machine right?00:09
deniz__GIn, ya00:09
togoellanickrud:  then  I don't want cedega anymore lol, that's why I thought about linux as open source...00:09
GIndeniz__: and you have internet sharing setup on the xp machine?00:09
GIndeniz__: then you need a switch00:09
nickrudmysterycool you did the compile, you can test it with a reboot (or do sudo apt-get remove --purge grub && sudo apt-get install grub )00:09
nickrudtogoella it is, cedega has some proprietary bits00:09
deniz__GIn, i have ubuntu also so if i could share using ubuntu and a router tell me plz and firestarter doesnt work00:09
GIndeniz__: I don't know if it is also possible with that dlink router. hang on00:09
mysterycoolnickrud: if i remove wont the bootloader of ubuntu be removed? :S00:09
tim167Survivorman: ok thanks for the suggestion, i just started the transfer with gftp though, works too...00:09
deniz__GIn, k00:09
StPatrickEveryone, I have great news00:10
hellonullhaha Devrethman, nice update command00:10
nickrudmysterycool that's why you immediately reinstall00:10
StPatrickI'm installing Ubuntu!!!00:10
HangukMigukok, i think i figured out why my aac files aren't working, but i have a question, is there any way possible to backtrack in repository and install older versions of packages?00:10
mysterycoolnickrud: what do u mean immediately reinstall? :S00:10
togoellaok first need I to download wine? right? cedega is like a plugin or im awrong00:10
nickrudmysterycool look at the complete command I gave you00:10
GIndeniz__: connect your laptop to the modem first00:10
nickrudtogoella no. you either get cedega or wine00:10
GIndeniz__: do you know how to use the terminal?00:11
mysterycoolnickrud: and are u sure it's going to work? :S00:11
hexoroidanybody good with named ?00:11
togoellaCedega is a proprietary product, that must be purchased (currently $5.00 per month with a 3 month minimum initial purchase)00:11
GIndeniz__: I mean the router00:11
Devrethmanhellonull:Yeah, it was a joke, he was like "why can't I just say "upgrade mah shit" and make it go"00:11
SeveredCrossHangukMiguk: Why do you need to downgrade?00:11
togoellawhy do you keep saying is free :|00:11
deniz__GIn, wait, connect my laptop to the modem??? how is that possible?? I have a winmodem with dell's driver for it even tho its not a dell comp00:11
SeveredCrossAAC works fine for me in Gutsy and in Hardy00:11
Boohbahtogoella: cedega is a distribution of wine with proprietary directx layer and it costs money00:11
nickrudmysterycoolI've fixed my system with with that command more than once ;)00:11
GIndeniz__: I mean the router00:11
mysterycoolnickrud: oh lol good, k then :D00:11
togoellaI see00:12
Boohbahhexoroid: what's up with named?00:12
odderBoohbah: the SVN version costs $000:12
HangukMigukServedCross: libfaad2-0 is a cvs version, i need an earlier version to work with gstreamer00:12
deniz__GIn, the laptop and desktop r connected to the router, ask me questions to c if its connected properly00:12
SeveredCrossHangukMiguk: Hmm.00:12
GIndeniz__: do you know how to use the terminal?00:12
SeveredCrossThat's odd. AAC worked in Gutsy just fine, works in Hardy now too.00:12
Boohbahtogoella: <odder> Boohbah: the SVN version costs $0 - so, you can compile it if you want....00:12
oddertogoella: you can get the SVN version of cedega for free, but I'm not sure if it's free software00:12
SeveredCrossI just installed ubuntu-restricted-extras.00:12
togoellahow do I open a new server window on xchat?00:12
Devrethmantogella: IRC->connect00:13
deniz__GIn, well im not a genius but i can use things like repositoriy downloading and using imagemagick00:13
HangukMigukServedCross: AAC works fine in everything except for gstreamer programs00:13
mysterycoolnickrud: thank you :D00:13
nickrudtogoella xchat->network listing, pick one and click connect button00:13
mysterycoolniickrud: going to reboot and check if it's working :S00:13
GIndeniz__: open the terminal and type ifconfig in. you should see something like eth1 or eth0 . like that00:13
mysterycool*nickrud: going to reboot and check if it's working :S00:13
mysterycoolwish me luck all! :D00:14
mysterycoolthanks all ;)00:14
mysterycoolcya later ;)00:14
binarical-appalperkanat: in the specific instance i needed to configure :/etc/apach2/ports.conf like "Listen" originally this file comes without the :80 , meaning that the ip address is allowed, however pot 80 where a browser needs to connect could not. i needed to manually configure this file so that port 80 (for http) would be accepted00:14
mysterycoollike in a bit00:14
alperkanatamazing... i can reach django app by typing localhost:8000 but i can't reach if typing
FloodBot2mysterycool: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:14
mysterycoollaterz! ;)00:14
Devrethmansrsly, anybody have any idea what's up with this: http://pastebin.ca/97313000:14
nickrudmysterycool see you in a week (rflol) [only kidding;0]00:14
HangukMigukServedCross: Also, it previously worked in Rhythmbox, since switching back, i can no longer playback AAC files00:14
mysterycoollol XD00:14
alperkanatbinarical-app: i don't need apache for django00:14
e345Svenstaro: Thanks!00:14
binarical-appokay so ill find out what runs on port 800000:14
nickrudbinarical-app   sudo netstat -tlpn   is a quick way (if you didn't know already)00:15
mike_Hey guys, how can I chage the rate at which my scroll qwheel scrolls?00:15
mike_Right now it goes WAY too fast.00:15
=== trmanco_ is now known as trmanco
binarical-apptake a look at this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45235300:15
emmamike_, system > preferences> mouse00:16
mike_emma: Not using gnome00:16
mysterycoolim back! :D00:16
emmaoh what are you using?00:16
mysterycoolthanks nickrud! ;)00:16
mike_emma: openbox00:16
binarical-appim really just getting to know bash..... bear with me.....sorry if it diddna work00:16
mysterycoolanyway, now i gotta go and learn some advanced C :D00:17
deniz__GIn, http://pastebin.com/d37fb88c900:17
mysterycoolcya later! ;)00:17
mysterycoolthanks again nickrud! ;)00:17
* binarical-app thinks nickrub rocks and is cool 00:17
ibHeya guys, my wifi card works but it's not picking up all the signals it used to, I just re-installed Ubuntu. Any ideas?00:18
Devrethmanib: I'm assuming you haven't moved it00:18
ibDevrethman: Correct00:18
GIndeniz__: nice, now run this: sudo dhclient eth000:18
ibDevrethman: Also, a signal that is at like 85% won't connect here but it will literally two metres away.00:18
emmamike_,  see if this can help you -- https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/920000:19
ibDevrethman: I have a broadcom driver, if you're wondering. Same one as last install.00:19
smithhi, can I use Ubuntu on an external harddrive?00:19
Devrethmanib: I'm really no good at wireless, so I haven't got much idea as to what could be up00:19
mike_emma: I've already looked at this00:19
* togoella installing wine00:20
chester_mhow can i have flash in Opera?00:20
smithcan I use Ubuntu on an external hard drive?00:20
smithdual booting?00:20
Devrethmancould somebody try to figure out what's up with this: http://pastebin.ca/97313000:20
kriptix_does any1 kno how to update a intel 954GM Mobile Drive00:20
tyuiocan anyone explain me how every hardware 100 % under linux ?00:21
Devrethmansmith: as long as your bios supports booting from external drives, you should be able to00:21
friedtofutyuio its not 100% under linux00:21
=== kriptix_ is now known as Kr|ptiX
tyuiocan anyone explain me how every hardware 100 % compatible under linux ?00:21
squish102y does my very simple samba install not allow me access. always pops up username pass box with <ip address/Guest and will never log in00:21
friedtofutyuio not every hardware is 100% campatible under linux - there are some due to lack of documentation and other such problems00:21
Humminhi all00:21
Humminanyone know of some good software to serve video from ubuntu to my ps3 ?00:22
togoellaok done00:22
Humminany software that will recode unsupported formats, tversity style ?00:22
togoellaI installed wine, now, how do I use it?00:22
deniz__GIn, http://pastebin.com/d241afa6500:22
deniz__GIn, im on desktop btw00:22
Starnestommytogoella: wine /path/to/program.exe ?00:22
smithHummin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_300:22
squish102Hummin a sraight upnp av server is ushare00:23
GIndeniz__: I think you need a switch instead of a router00:23
deniz__:'( how much r those?00:23
deniz__GIn, :'( how much r those?00:23
Humminsmith: I don't want linux on it.. I wanna serve video from a linux computer00:23
ibHeya guys, my wifi card works but it's not picking up all the signals it used to, I just re-installed Ubuntu. Any ideas?00:23
Humminsquish102: upnp av is some kind of standard?00:23
GIndeniz__: those are cheap. probably 10 usd or less00:23
deniz__GIn, r u sure tho cuz i dont need a switch to do it with windows apparently00:23
tyuiook how device are compatible under linux ?00:24
GIndeniz__: you got a windows machine that works with this router?00:24
friedtofuib - try installing wicd as a different wifi manager - its pretty good00:24
ieldibtyuio,  huh ?00:24
deniz__GIn, ive never set up a router successfully in my life :(00:24
tyuiomost device00:24
friedtofuib: did you install the wifi drivers?.. maybe its restricted -00:24
friedtofutyuio - dont really understand your question....00:25
Frogger626Hello again00:25
icesworddeniz__, router?it is easy00:25
GIndeniz__: let me explain how the dlink router works. The router has a DSL/Cable modem build into it and the router uses that as it's main connection to the internet and share that to the computer connected to the 4 ethernet ports.00:25
Frogger626Is there a way to restore the MBR on a computer, or at least make GRUB dual-boot friendly?00:25
togoellahow do I use wine00:25
togoellahow do I run a program using wine00:25
ryanzeci just did a .configure make and make install for 2.0.16 alsa but my version is still 2.0.15, hwo do i enable it?00:26
GInbut in your case, the internet connection is not from the router but from your xp pc.00:26
Frogger626Togoella: I ask myself the same question every day.00:26
friedtofuFrogger626 - i thought grub is dualboot friendly :/00:26
RoAkSoAxtogoella, wine prorgam.exe00:26
togoellaRoAkSoAx:  thanks00:26
hellonulltogoella, well first you need a windows program (.exe) to run00:26
deniz__GIn, well on the part were its spose to get internet i connected it to my ethernet port on my mobo hoping to transmit dial-up to it00:26
tyuiowhen u plug a usb device how detect the device and give the correct drivers ?00:26
Frogger626friedtofu: I can't get grub to allow Windows to boot.00:26
iceswordtogoella, wine /pathto the exe file?00:26
tyuiowhen u plug a usb device how linux detect the device and give the correct drivers ?00:26
hellonulltogoella: if you do torrents, i would recommend instlaling utorrent under wine, as it will give you experience and come in handy too00:26
deniz__GIn, wat about doing it wireleslly? i have a airlink 101 wireless card in desktop and D-Link DWl-G122 usb adapter00:27
GIndeniz__: no, a router does not works like that, not the d-link one00:27
iceswordFrogger626, windows cannot boot or linux?00:27
hvgotcodeshey should i recompile the stock kernel?00:27
GIndeniz__: if the desktop one can acts as an access point, yes, you can share using that setup.00:27
hvgotcodesmeaning: is it lik 386 only and would there be benefit from recompiling?00:27
hellonulltogoella, wine "path", where path will start with c:00:27
miko3khi ... is there any way to fix the splash screen during bootup ? coz it freezes and only way out is alt+f1 ...00:27
deniz__GIn, wat setup? the wireless one i suggested?00:27
GIndeniz__: but it's much complicated with a switch.00:27
Frogger626icesword: I can boot linux, what I'm in now. At least, off the CD. I have not attempted a partition. No, I cannot run Windows.00:28
GIndeniz__: yep, the wireless one00:28
deniz__GIn, i can do it with only wat i have???00:28
hellonulltogoella: or another drive letter00:28
GIndeniz__: note that not all wireless cards can act as a accesspoint00:28
deniz__GIn, but ill need ndiswrapper for it i herd and thats gona complicate my life a lot00:28
iceswordFrogger626, what about fixboot ?you have winodws install cd?00:28
deniz__GIn, my desktop is 7.10 and laptop 7.04 i hope thats not a problem00:28
hellonulltogoella: it is easiest to just get your .exe (if it is an installer) on the desktop and double click it, it will autmatically launch it in wine00:28
GIndeniz__: if you can make your win xp pc as an accesspoint, it will be easy00:28
togoellahellonull: isn't working like that00:29
togoellaif I use wine file.exe show me00:29
togoellaerr:module:import_dll Library WINHTTP.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\\home\\torroella\\Desktop\\WLinstaller.exe") not found00:29
GIndeniz__: what card you got in your ubuntu laptop?00:29
deniz__GIn, i dont no how but i think my airlink 101 works perfectly out of the box in gutsy00:29
andreferreira_people, can you please help me? i'm searching for a good application to develop web applications using PHP and MySQL ... i've tried NVU, its OK but it doesn't support PHP. can you Please name me some ? thank you!00:29
deniz__GIn, laptop has usb dwl-g122 usb adapter i think revision b00:29
GIndeniz__: you got gutsy on your laptop right?00:29
deniz__GIn, no feisty on laptop, gutsy on desktop (i dual-boot with xp pro on laptop)00:30
deniz__GIn, on dekstop*00:30
iceswordFrogger626, when you said windows cannot boot,you mean what happened after you chooose windows in grub menu?00:30
deniz__GIn, ill refrase00:30
deniz__GIn, no feisty on laptop, gutsy on desktop (i dual-boot with xp pro on desktop)***00:30
Frogger626icesword: I didn't get that far. It said it was loading GRUB... then on the next line "Error 21". Any ideas?00:31
emmamike_, did you get it yet or did someone else help you?00:31
Frogger626Next time, I am getting linux pre-installed. ><00:31
emmamike_, I think I found something here that might help.00:31
hvgotcodesno advice on whether or not to compile the stock kernel that comes with ubuntu?00:31
iceswordFrogger626, so you mean even your linux cannot boot,right,you goot grub load error 21?00:31
mprofittwhy compile it?00:31
GIndeniz__: why not upgrade to gutsy?00:31
hvgotcodesi mean recompile00:32
deniz__GIn, bcuz my laptop is not connected to internet and i have no way of making it connect, not even to dial-up00:32
Frogger626icesword: I am working off an Ubuntu Live-CD; and yes, I got error 21. How to fix?00:32
mprofitti would say no to the compile kernel, unless you have a specific reason to do so00:32
KhisanthFrogger626: what did you do before this started happening? I have actually gotten that error several times before :)00:32
=== greg is now known as ellsworth
ellsworthhow do I connect via a proxy in XCHAT-gnome?00:32
emmaKhisanth, don't I know you from xchat?00:32
ellsworthpreviously, I could go to network->network setup00:33
GIndeniz__: download the cd from Ubuntu's website using your xp box?00:33
ellsworthbut there doesn't appear to be a "network setup"00:33
binarical-appalperkanat: hey man i dug this up for you..... tell me if it works http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/9712 :P00:33
hvgotcodesmprofitt: is the default compiled for 386 compatibility?00:33
emmamike_, are you still here?00:33
deniz__GIn, i cant download a cd on dial-up speed00:33
JPSmanso I need some help installing ubuntu onto my laptop - I think there are some corrupted sectors on its harddrive00:33
Frogger626khisanth: Yesterday, I followed the fac on pendrivelinux.com for a persistent unbuntu 7.10 install from linux. After that, well... I suppose something happened to the MBR. How to correct...00:33
deniz__GIn, i get cds thru shipit00:33
Khisanthemma: I am everywhere!00:33
mprofitthvgotcodes -- yes00:33
hellonulltogoella: what exactly are you trying to do with wine? do you have a program you are trying to install? if so, where is the .exe located?00:33
iceswordFrogger626, http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-grub/2003-02/msg00082.html00:33
emmaKhisanth, so it would seem.00:33
emmaKhisanth, I must be getting to be almost everywhere in order to spot you.00:34
hvgotcodesmprofitt: so if i have a newer processor would i see performance  increase if i recompile it?00:34
=== JPSman is now known as different
alperkanatbinarical-app: thanks, looking..00:34
bod_how can i convert ogg to mpeg or avi?00:34
binarical-appwhats up ellsworth00:34
Frogger626... And for the third time today, I restart. Thanks, y'all.00:34
ellsworthhow do I connect via a proxy in XCHAT-gnome?00:34
ellsworthpreviously, I could go to network->network setup00:34
Frogger626BRB with any luck00:34
ellsworthbut there doesn't appear to be a "network setup"00:34
GIndeniz__: but anyway, the easy way to setup a network sharing a dialup connection on the cp machine is suing a switch00:34
deniz__bod_, download cinelerra, more than that i dont no00:35
emmaellsworth, you might want to try #xchat-gnome00:35
GInxp machine*00:35
deniz__GIn, can i plz try to make the hosting work ill test if it works by using a xp machine with the usb d-link to check00:35
* binarical-app run dru run00:35
deniz__GIn, then ill worry bout ndiswrapper etc another time00:35
Scuniziellsworth, if you're going to use xchat install the version without the -gnome.. you'll have more features.00:36
ellsworththat chan seems to be dead00:36
bod_deniz__, i cant find that in my repo's?00:36
differentHow do I boot from CD instead of having windows automaticly load?00:36
ellsworthScunizi: Thanks00:36
deniz__bod_, u have to add it to it00:36
deniz__bod_, ill find site wait00:36
marsjeHi. How do I set up ubuntu to use English, but have Dutch date/time notation? Do I just edit /etc/environment? I don't really understand how it is supposed to work...00:36
ellsworthis that a GUI interface? regular "xchat" that is?00:36
alperkanatbinarical-app: hmmm.. works now.. but it can't be reached from outside :)00:36
andreferreira_ppl im sorry, but sincerily, i can't understand why my answer is the only not answered...00:36
GIndeniz__: o.k try to put the wireless card in windows xp as an accesspoint then00:36
emmaellsworth, yes I use xchat. I think it is excellent.00:36
Scuniziellsworth, sure.. as backup you might also consider irssi which works on the commandline/terminal.. just in case your gui bombs for some reason you'll still be able to connect and get help00:37
togoellahellonull:  yeah is on the desktop00:37
emmathere is also a channel for #xchat but I thought you had your heart set on xchat-gnome which is not the same thing00:37
ellsworthgot it thnx00:37
binarical-appellsworth: can you give us some more infromation on the subject , have you googled you problem, prespectivly perhaps there is an alternative solution to your previous setup00:37
emma#xchat is quite active.00:37
deniz__bod_, http://heroinewarrior.com/cinelerra.php300:37
bod_cheers deniz__00:37
deniz__bod_, thats not the exact page but look in there00:37
hellonulltogoella: and that error comes up when you right click the installer and click "open with wine windows emulator"?00:37
bod_deniz__, is it a gui?00:37
=== different is now known as Waterloo
togoellahellonull:  maybe wine wasn't instaleld correctly because I dont' the wine open option00:38
deniz__bod_, ya its the best video editor there is for linux=the most comparable to adobe premiere pro but apparently the hardest to use but ya it has a gui00:38
binarical-appalperkanat: have you set it on your router? do you know how to do that ? your router has an ip , enter this ip into your browser then enter the login stuff then you should be able to find you way from there..... forward your needed port00:38
deniz__GIn, r u talking bout my desktop comp now?00:38
bod_deniz__, ok, il have a play, do i want cinelerra or cinelerra-CV ??00:38
WaterlooGUI's are good00:38
GIndeniz__: yes00:38
deniz__bod_, i think cinelerra CV is community version00:39
deniz__bod_, not cv**00:39
bod_deniz__, ok cheers00:39
Paddy_EIREWaterloo: not always.... sometimes they stupify ones ability to actually no what is going on...00:39
alperkanatbinarical-app: yeah i know.. i have usr9106 router at home.. i've setup ssh successfully00:39
alperkanatbinarical-app: but can't managed to connect to the local django server00:39
togoellahellonull:  how can I know if it is installed?00:40
forrestis there anyway to control the size of the icons on the app launcher panel?00:40
hellonulltogoella: when you click applications on the top panel, is there a wine menu at the bottom?00:40
Scuniziandreferreira_, there's screem, bluefish, text editor, all in synaptic00:40
Paddy_EIREforrest: make the panel larger00:40
Scuniziandreferreira_, text editor is already installed.00:40
Peloforrest, you mean in the application menu ?00:41
binarical-appalperkanat: have you got a static ip address? are you going outside of yournetwork or are you still working on getting it to run inside the network. do you need to use dyndns ?00:41
hellonulltogoella: open terminal and sudo apt-get install wine00:41
chimpHow can I share a folder using samba, via the cli? cheers00:41
ricaneliteokay im getting a message when reloading my synaptic package manager could not download all repository indexes and it is some security and archive repository how can i go about fixing it00:41
alperkanatbinarical-app: i'm using dyndns actually.. and trying to reach my local django server via penguix.dyndns.org00:41
andreferreira_Scunizi, thank you ... i will see screem or bluefish... text editor its a bit "hard code" dont you think ? i'm searching for some gui like visual studio, dreamweaver or phpdesigner00:41
alperkanatbinarical-app: when i connect to penguix.dyndns.org:800000:41
deniz__GIn, so u want me to go into windows? but i dont no how to set up an access point and i rely think that my wireless card works well cuz it detects networks00:41
andreferreira_you see ?00:41
ricanelitethis is one of them00:41
ricanelitehttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-backports/Release: Unable to find expected entry  web/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)00:42
forrestPaddy_EIRE, I want to make the icons smaller without making the panel larger00:42
alperkanatbinarical-app: it should go to local ip
forrestPelo, I want to make the icons smaller without making the panel larger, the "quick launch" icons00:42
alperkanatdjango works at now00:42
alperkanatbinarical-app: but i can't reach it from dyndns00:42
Waterloouh oh - what does [260.831682] Buffer I/O error on device fd0 mean?00:42
Paddy_EIREforrest: I dont believe that is possible as it will size up even a smaller icon to fit anyway... odd thing to do?00:43
togoellahellonull:  says is already installed00:43
binarical-appyes neither can I :P00:43
Scuniziandreferreira_, not much in the way of that outside of NVU and the kde version (forgot the name but it was a fork of nvu) .. screem and bluefish are mostly hand coding.. but with lots of features00:43
=== Cahan is now known as rtorrent
GIndeniz__: works well does not mean it can be configured as an accesspoint. Often cheap cards can't do that.00:43
alperkanatbinarical-app: :)00:43
=== rtorrent is now known as Cahan
forrestPaddy_EIRE, yea it sizes them but there is no padding so I'd like them a bit smalle00:43
deniz__well isnt there  apage on wiki that says which cards work well and do wat?00:43
Paddy_EIREforrest: as I said previously.. :)00:43
ScuniziWaterloo, just taking a guess here but sounds like a problem with your floppy drive.. if you don't use it disable it in the bios00:44
binarical-appbe right with you00:44
forrestyea but no matter the size of the panel there isn't any padding on the top and bottom00:44
andreferreira_Scunizi, sorry, im portuguese, but, are you telling me to develop the html tags using NVU and code PHP using another software like text editor or screem/bluefish ?00:44
axel_Hello! How to change the group access to a directory and the (sub)directories and files it contains using the console?00:45
Paddy_EIRE!permissions | axel_00:45
ubotuaxel_: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview00:45
keithclark Is there a way to distribute amongst a local network the work of copying a dvd?00:45
hellonulltogoella: hit alt+F2 and type winecfg00:45
ricaneliteis there a site on what my sources.list suppose to look like? as in for -gusty-security? and for all my repositorys?00:45
Scuniziandreferreira_, no.. screem and bluefish are easy enough to install and try. if you don't like them just uninstall.. there's just not much available like dreamweaver.. unfortunatly.00:46
vrkhanshi problem, i just install xubuntu, but the problem is if i leave my computer unattended, like playing music after 10 20 min it stop responding, even i move the mouse, i have to restart to make things work again, let me know what should i do, to fix this00:46
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.00:46
forresthow do I get the mac style quick launcher at the bottom of the screen Is see alot of people with?00:46
Paddy_EIREandreferreira_: there is also Kompozer and Quanta Plus which are very good... openoffice also allows for the designing of webpages00:47
binarical-appalperkanat: can you try http on the local address and port please00:47
filo1234vrkhans: stop mouse and other usb pheripheicals?00:47
Paddy_EIREforrest: you should google... you mean avant-window-navigator..  this channel is for support00:47
alperkanatbinarical-app: it works that way00:47
vrkhansfilo1234, what do you mean00:47
Cahanlol? the bot things Fiesty was just released?00:47
vrkhanshow can i stop mouse00:48
Scunizikeithclark, the best way I've found (and I haven't tried a lot of ways) is to make an ISO of the DVD then burn the ISO.. if your computer is just slow and you want to use several machine together for their combined power I think that's called a cluster.. beyond me.00:48
WaterlooScunizi: well im trying something interesting here.  This laptop i'm trying to install ubuntu onto has a busted screen, but can port out to my other monitor.  Is there any way I can trick the laptop/ubuntu to this that the auxilary monitor is the primary?00:48
kitcheCahan: no it's just what the slow trigger says00:48
StPatrickCommand in Irc to search for a user?00:48
forrestPaddy_EIRE, thanks but I already do google alot, just thought someone would be kind enough to save me the trip this time00:48
deniz__GIn, my card is well supported in ubuntu from wat i remember, xept my d-link thing00:48
perhamlinuxhello everyone00:48
filo1234vrkhans: have a mouse usb?00:48
andreferreira_Paddy_EIRE, thank you! I've tried Kompozer too (AKA eclipse, right?) but no php support too :\ i will see Quanta Plus too! Thank you very much00:48
Paddy_EIREforrest: google "mac panel ubuntu" easy00:48
perhamlinuxI have a unichrome pro integrated chip00:48
Waterlooperhamlinux: hi00:49
vrkhansyou mean usb mouse00:49
Cahankitche, ah, guess it's not been updated or something, amusing all the same00:49
forrestavant, thanks got it, no need to waste more of your time telling me what to google00:49
ScuniziWaterloo, maybe in bios or boot from the live cd and then use your laptops key combination to shift output to the external..00:49
filo1234vrkhans:  and keyboard too?00:49
Paddy_EIREandreferreira_: kompozer is certainly not eclipse.. not remotely alike :)00:49
perhamlinuxbut the via driver is not in the list00:49
iceswordforrest, mac4lin is for you00:49
alperkanatbinarical-app: can you reach the site now ?00:49
nickrud!google | Paddy_EIRE00:49
ubotuPaddy_EIRE: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux00:49
togoellawhere can I get icons for ubuntu? :D00:49
TheTaylorEffectForest: the application you're looking for is called Avant-Window-Navigator... or AWN for shot...00:49
perhamlinuxnor the openchrome or unichrome00:49
forresticesword, thanks I'll look at that too00:49
filo1234vrkhans:  keyboard work when your pc is lock?00:49
GIndeniz__: you can always try ndiswrapper if it doesn't work out of the box. I am using ndiswrapper myself. works perfect :)00:49
iceswordtogoella, gnome-look.org00:49
Juusotogoella www.gnome-look.org00:49
perhamlinuxI'm running on vesa now00:49
GIndeniz__: it's not hard to setup ndiswrapper00:50
nickrudtogoella art.gnome.org , and search for icon-theme in synaptic00:50
StPatrickAlright, I have a Toshiba A205-S5800. It has a Realtek RTL8187b Wifi card in it, and I cant get it to work. Someone please help.00:50
emmaWaterloo, could this help --- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48515700:50
perhamlinuxany ideas how to fix this? the 60hz is killing my eyes00:50
andreferreira_wow, i guess i read that kompozer is a new name to eclipse at ubuntu00:50
binarical-appalperkanat: your system is not updating dyndns with your current ip address.00:50
Paddy_EIREnickrud: I must remember that factoid.. normally a clean straight pointer saves more irc real-estate :)00:50
vrkhansboth mouse and keybord work, but I can not play the music or edit any document,00:50
macabro22I am having trouble inserting videos into openoffice.org impress. For some reason, the video files aren't there when I reopen the file(even if its on the same computer).00:50
deniz__GIn, ya but ndiswrapper is the least of my concers and that doesnt worry me atm, its just how do i transmit my dial-up "to the air" using my card in ubuntu desktop comp00:50
=== Joeb454 is now known as Rick_Astley
alperkanatbinarical-app: yes it does00:50
=== Rick_Astley is now known as Rick_Rolled
deniz__GIn, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsAirlink10100:50
TheTaylorEffectForrest: Here is a link to the AWN launchpad page... it has the most recent packages and a wiki on installation... good luck00:51
TheTaylorEffectforest: https://launchpad.net/awn00:51
=== Rick_Rolled is now known as George_Clooney
emmamacabro22, that sounds like a question for #openoffice.org00:51
binarical-appalperkanat: if it was then i would get a responce when i ping you.00:51
=== George_Clooney is now known as Brian_Griffin
binarical-appalperkanat: "you" your dyndns00:51
alperkanat:) binarical-app it's ubuntu who blocks your ping request00:51
perhamlinuxI even tried editing xorg.conf, but no luck00:51
StPatrickAnyone, please?00:51
macabro22anyone know of a fix for this?00:52
alperkanatbinarical-app: try http://penguix.dyndns.org:800000:52
deniz__GIn, http://pastebin.com/d303e62cc00:52
heartsbloodnickrud, I just wanted to let you know, in case anybody else asks, the 10 minute period between crashes was significant.  It turns out that the screen saver was the culprit, but only causes problems in compiz.  I don't know why yet, but disabling the screen saver allows me to run full screen GL apps with compiz running without crashes.00:52
macabro22emma: people never answer there00:52
GIndeniz__: #00:52
=== micah is now known as mkoga
GIn01:0a.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2561/RT61 rev B 802.11g   <-- I have the same chipset ;)00:52
emmanot immediately no. But I get help there from time to time. You have to be patient. Re-ask if an hour goes by.00:52
Scunizimacabro22, I've never tried that but I know inserting a static picture has to be in the right format.. what is the video avi, flac,. etc.. check what it is and re-encode it to something else and try again00:53
deniz__GIn, so that means wat? i need ndiswrapper to transmit to air?00:53
lordleemoalperkanat: what language is that finnish ??00:53
binarical-appalperkanat: stop being invisible man00:53
alperkanatlordleemo: Turkish00:53
GIndeniz__: I don't know. I have not tried to set it as an accesspoint.00:54
lordleemoalperkanat: cool00:54
deniz__GIn, how would i no wether i need it or not?00:54
alperkanatit's very amazing for me that you ask it.. it seems (of course) natural to me00:54
smithwith the ubuntu live cd do i need to install anything?00:54
GIndeniz__: I can connect to the internet with gutsy using that chipset out of the box. but not sure about accesspoint. never done it before00:54
yuri__hey guys, is there a way to output the result of "ls" to a text file? solmething like $ ls | textoutput text.txt00:54
macabro22Scunizi: Ok. I tried AVI, MOV and Ogg vorbis. I was able to insert only the lattter. It's not sticking thopugh00:55
deniz__GIn, wats the first step i need to do to transmit to air?00:55
axel_ubotu: Thanks.00:55
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:55
Dr_willisyuri__,  bash basics man.. command > file.txt00:55
Scunizismith, no.. just boot to it.00:55
Dr_willisyuri__,  the | goes from one Process/command to another ie: ls | sort00:55
=== Nadorino is now known as Nadorino21313133
StPatrickDid anyoen even see my question?00:55
perhamlinuxyuri__: $ ls > text.txt00:55
achiangupgrading from gutsy to hardy seems to have broken video playback -- can repro with wmv, ogg, etc. trolled through bug tracker but didn't see anything informative... surely i can't be the first one to have discovered this?00:55
GIndeniz__: with transmit to air, do you mean configure it to share the inetrnet connection?00:55
yuri__thanks everyone00:55
nickrudheartsblood try using a screensaver that doesn't use gl00:55
Scunizimacabro22, there might be an option that hasn't been set yet.. you might ask in /join #openoffice.org00:55
Dr_willisyuri__,  if you want to see and pipe the  output use the tee command. ls | tee > foo.txt00:55
=== Brian_Griffin is now known as Cleveland_Brown
b4l74z4rwhats the difference between xfree86 and xorg?00:55
GIndeniz__: or just connect to a wireless accesspoint?00:56
deniz__GIn, ya00:56
ricanelitehow do i get my sources.list working right?00:56
achiangboth totem and mplayer are hosed00:56
keithclarkscunizi, yes, but that would be cool if we could distribute the processing.00:56
deniz__GIn, no not connect, to share00:56
StPatrickAnyone, please?00:56
smithso if I just want to play with ubuntu I can use the live cd?00:56
Scuniziachiang, ask in #ubuntu+1 about hardy..00:56
achiangScunizi: thx00:56
GIndeniz__: do you have dialup working on that machine with Ubuntu?00:56
Dr_willisStPatrick,  nope i dident see it.. i saw you asking if anyone saw it...00:56
deniz__GIn, ya, i am on ubuntu00:56
perhamlinuxok, it seems that I have no luck here.00:56
StPatricklol ill paste it again, Dr_willis00:56
Waterloowhat is the name of the new ubuntu OS?00:56
=== Cleveland_Brown is now known as Brian_Griffin
deniz__Waterloo, hardy heron00:56
heartsbloodNickrud, that's the thing, my screen saver was 'fade'.  the screen just went black, no GL was being used....I don't think anyway.00:57
Scunizikeith80403, there's lots of articles on the web about it.. I don't know how easy or hard it is.00:57
Dr_willisStPatrick,  and i dont do wireless.. sorry. :)  wireless is such a disaster these days.00:57
GIndeniz__: mhh :( I have never shared a internet connection on Ubuntu before... :\  try google00:57
ScuniziWaterloo, Hardy Heron.. or 8.04 LTS00:57
togoellahow can I put my trash can on the desktop?00:57
nickrudheartsblood hm. Oh well, I'll keep that one in mind00:57
=== Brian_Griffin is now known as Joeb454
deniz__GIn, :'(...im the worst googler in the whole world00:57
StPatrickDr_willis, Alright, I have a Toshiba A205-S5800. It has a Realtek RTL8187b Wifi card in it, and I cant get it to work. Someone please help.00:57
CahanFiesty FTW00:57
Dr_willistogoella,  dont like it in the panel?00:57
GIndeniz__: but with the chipset rt25/61 you should be able to.00:57
Scunizitogoella, why?00:57
macabro22Scunizi: Ok. I will try that. Thanks00:57
punzadawait, what's this waterloo nonsense?00:57
togoellaDr_willis:  no hehe00:57
punzadahaven't heard that before00:57
Dr_willisStPatrick,  i would check the ubuntu forums for the specific chipset,m see what others have done.00:57
Waterlooshould be Hardy Hadron amirite?00:57
llantllStPatrick, !wifi > StPatrick00:58
Dr_willistogoella,  gotten where i MUCH perfer it in the panel where i can actually get to the thing.00:58
Waterloopunzada: ?00:58
StPatrickDr_willis,  Trust me, I am, Thing IS, I am completely new to linux, and dont really understand a lot of what is being said.00:58
TheTaylorEffectTRIVIAN: If Hardy were released last month, do you know what the version number would have been?00:58
chapocer1I am having an issue with being able to access a Firewire external hard drive (ipod) from ubuntu. I do not have a /dev/dv1394 or /dev/raw1394.00:58
ScuniziWaterloo, Hardy (name of bird)00:58
punzadai thought they were saying that 'waterloo' was one of the 8.04 codenames00:58
togoellauhm ok00:58
punzadaI was confused :P00:58
TheTaylorEffect8.03 ;)00:58
Dr_willisStPatrick,   yep that can be an issue. I just run wires.. sorry cant help.00:58
llantll!wifi > StPatrick00:58
StPatrickDr_willis, for example, Im here right now.  :  http://danmarner.blogspot.com/2008/01/rtl8187b-linux-native-driver-works-on.html00:58
Paddy_EIREdeniz__: no one is bad at using google providing you have a brain and tha capacity for abstract thought you'll be fine... unless ofcourse they are being willfully dense... which is another story and not worth meeting half way00:58
miko3kguys, is there some usplash log or somehing ? coz it freezes right after startup without showing anything ...00:59
WaterlooScunizi: na im going to call it hardy hadron00:59
ricanelitewhy am im failing to fetch some Repository00:59
togoellahow do I Install the icons now?00:59
andreferreira_thanks for your help people!!!00:59
Waterlooin honor of CERN00:59
Dr_willisStPatrick,  its best to stick with the ubuntu specific forums/guides/docs also.  - It may be that the drivers work and you just cant figure out how to configure the thing with the gnome/kde tools.00:59
andreferreira_hughs to you ppl00:59
emmaWaterloo, did you get that link? Did you fix your monitor problem?00:59
andreferreira_see you tomorrow00:59
Scunizideniz__, one of the secrets of google for linux is in the address (www.google.com/linux) will try to orient itself to linux referances only00:59
chapocer1I am having an issue with being able to access a Firewire external hard drive (ipod) from ubuntu. I do not have a /dev/dv1394 or /dev/raw1394.00:59
StPatrickDr_willis,  Maybe.. thats why Im here, asking for someone's help.00:59
togoellahow do I Install the icons?01:00
Scunizichapocer1, you have a firewire ipod?  I thought they were all usb.01:00
bogdementmy question is simple : what can i use to delete partition of linux and not destroy mbr partition because i want to run windows01:00
Waterlooemma: yeah i got the link and looked into it.  Then my laptop monitor itself didn't work so I am restarting Live CD in safe graphics mode01:00
Paddy_EIREchapocer1: I'm yet to hear of or see a firewire ipod??01:00
Dr_willisStPatrick,  i notice that guide is missing the point that you NEED to INSTALL the C compiler stuff to compile the drivers..01:00
StPatrickthe huh?01:01
emmaI'm not sure if that link directly helps. I am not sure if what you are doing is the same as what what was talking about.01:01
chapocer1Scunizi, its a first gen ipod.. im kickin it old school... if i can get ubuntu to recognize it, its going to get partitioned up and treated as a very crappy external hard drive01:01
Scunizibogdement, if you are going to install windows it will take over the entire drive and wipe out most everything.. if you want it to.01:01
emmaThey had dual monitors and it talked about setting the default one.01:01
Dr_willisStPatrick,  you will at least be wanting to install the C compiler :) otherwise you are not going to be compiling any code at all.01:01
Dr_willisStPatrick,  install the build-essential package.01:01
togoellaHow do I install the icons team??01:01
bogdementi have windows installed already now i am on windows but i want to redistribute the used space from linux01:01
StPatrickbuild-essential backage.. where can i get that?01:01
friedtofutogoella? icons theme?01:01
Dr_willisStPatrick,  its in the package manager same as everything else is.01:01
bogdementand i dont want to broke windows or mbr01:01
Adrythe Open office's menu has an rare font (shapes, circles...). how can I fix it?01:02
Scunizichapocer1, ah.. still thought it was usb.. but it might be seen by gparted.. sudo apt-get install gparted. then sudo gparted to run it.01:02
friedtofutogoella: extract the files and put it in your ~/.themes folder01:02
Dr_willisStPatrick,  sudo apt-get install build-essential01:02
SilentSounDanyone know how to disable the "eraser point" mouse for a dell d600 ?01:02
StPatrickDr_willis,  Where is that? Maybe you didnt understand what I meant by new...01:02
friedtofutogoella: extract the files and put it in your ~/.icons folder01:02
Waterlooemma: no :OD  I am trying to get a sick laptop to use another monitor as its ONLY visual source...linux like to autodetect the monitors and it wants to pick the broken one.01:02
emmaAdry - what do you mean?01:02
friedtofuyeah... second one - ~/.icons folder01:02
StPatrickDr_willis,  What is sudo?01:02
Dr_willisStPatrick,  if you are so new you dont know how to isntall anything under ubuntu. I suggest reading some of the ubutnu starter guides then.01:02
togoellawhere is the ~/.icons folder?01:02
Dr_willisStPatrick,  sudo is a command you use in the shell.01:02
chapocer1Scunizi, Ubuntu just isn't even recognizing that i have a firewire driver, it seems.01:02
friedtofuit'll be in /home/yourname/.icons - and if it isnt there make it01:02
Adryemma, I can't read the menu because the font is strange01:02
StPatrickDr_willis, k, gimme a sec. let me see if i can figure out what your talking about.01:03
ScuniziWaterloo, if you have another computer you could MAYBE ssh into it and reconfigure for dual monitors..01:03
friedtofuwith mkdir ~/.icons01:03
Dr_willisStPatrick,  also the ubuntu book at ---> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=instructor.pdf01:03
Dr_willisis a good read for a total beginner.01:03
emmaAdry - did you try closing and restarting OO.o ?01:03
Waterlooscunizi: ssh?01:03
Scunizichapocer1, ipod's have always been difficult.. gtkpod was one program that got ipods working on ubuntu01:03
boxybrownbefore it goes live i am testing and building server on 40GB harddrive, when later i decide to use a larger HD how easy would it be to move everything?01:04
TheTaylorEffectHey Guys, is there a way to use install 7.10 with LILO rather then GRUB from the Live CD?01:04
maynards-girlwhat's a good media player for ubuntu? i'm not trying to connect to an mp3 player. i just want something I can play mp3s with and edit the tags too.01:04
ScuniziWaterloo, ssh is a way of connecting to another computer using the terminal.. on a windows machine the default that most people use is putty.. sorry I can't help configure it..01:04
StPatrickWoo ! Installing, Dr_willis01:05
Adryemma, this morning I installed the new version2.4, but i can't use it. I think is something about languaje setting, but I don't knnow how or where fix it.01:05
tyler_danyone help me troubleshoot a vpn connection problem?01:05
togoellafriedtofu:  done now?01:05
Dr_willisStPatrick,  i couldent get that source to compile properly here... so it may not work anyway for you01:05
emmaAdry - Espanol?01:05
Scuniziboxybrown, easy.. partimage will mirror the partition and allow you to put it back on the new drive .. then you'll have to go in with parted or gparted and "expand" the partition.01:05
schlortmaynards-girl: amarok or its gnome counterpart - exaile are great01:05
perhamlinuxmaynards-girl, xmms is a good choice. apt-get update && apt-get install xmms01:05
emmaYou might try in #ubuntu-es01:05
boxybrownok thanks Scunizi thats what i thought01:05
StPatrickDr_willis,  *tear*01:05
Scunizibogdement, yup01:06
[T]anki am trying to set up evolution on my ubuntu. I am connecting to an exchange server version 5.5. Exchange connector tells me that it is not compatible with exchange 5.5, but symprex's website says it is... anyone know how i can get past this?01:06
Adrynobody answer my question01:06
bogdementyou didnt answer on my question01:06
friedtofutogoella: you put the folder for your icons theme in that .icons folder? - just go to the gnome settings and go select that icon theme01:06
bogdementi have windows installed already now i am on windows but i want to redistribute the used space from linux01:06
maynards-girlschlort, what is the gnome conterpart?01:06
bogdementand i dont want to broke windows or mbr01:06
schlortmaynards-girl: exaile*01:06
friedtofuor rather in this case - appearances -> and then change the icons... from customize or something01:06
Dr_willisStPatrick,  its also likely that the next release of ubuntu will  fix your wireless problems. its due out in a few weeks.01:06
maynards-girlschlort, thanks. i'll try it now01:07
axel_How to install the php-extensions "curl" and "xmlrpc"?01:07
pyrakwhat do i apt-get install for email hosting on my ubuntu server?01:07
StPatrickI dont have a few weeks... In a few weeks, i  wont need wireless anymore. :(01:07
schlortmaynards-girl: yw01:07
Jordan_Ubogdement, Are you trying to make Windows smaller to make room for Ubuntu or get rid of Ubuntu to make more room for windows?01:07
nickrudbogdement not sure what you mean, you want to remove ubuntu and give the space back to windows?01:07
Scunizibogdement, so you're getting rid of Ubuntu... and you wan't to use the empty space for windows.. I suggest joining ##windows and ask there since you'll be using windows tools.  If grub is still installed they can help reinstall the win MBR01:07
=== Joeb454 is now known as Ivona_Trump
mopheadstpatrick, did you try wifi radar? I heard that one works.01:07
Waterloook people this is where I need help - what percent partition should I use?01:07
StPatrickmophead,  Never heard of it before01:07
Jordan_UStPatrick, What chipset?01:08
Starnestommypyrak: postfix?01:08
=== Ivona_Trump is now known as GonnaGetBusted
ScuniziWaterloo, for what?01:08
hischildStPatrick, Dr_willis, sorry if i barge in like this, but may i ask what the problem is and what card you use?01:08
Waterlooubuntu to install01:08
emmaWaterloo, I think in order to change the monitor you have to edit the x.org conf file.01:08
StPatrickJordan_U,  Im not sure how to get that information, but someone else told me it's a Realtek RTL8187b, and the chipset is RTL818701:08
Dr_willishischild,  go for it. :) i couldent get the stuff to compile. of course I dont even have a wireless card. i was just testing it for him.01:08
pyrakStarnestommy, does it do imap?01:08
Waterlooscunizi: to install ubuntu on01:08
ubotuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)01:08
emmaWaterloo, what is your graphics chip set?01:08
Dr_willishischild,  http://danmarner.blogspot.com/2008/01/rtl8187b-linux-native-driver-works-on.html01:08
ScuniziWaterloo, ah.. for a fresh install.. root or / as it is known should be 10-12 gigs.... /swap=1gig max .. /home the rest of the drive.01:08
hischildDr_willis, may i ask what you were trying to compile?01:08
StPatrickhischild,  I have a wifi card, Realtek RTL8187b.  I cant get it to work. been trying for 7 days in different distros now...01:09
mopheadstpatrick, go to applications, add/remove and look up wifi radar01:09
Waterlooemma: dunno - i'll look into that once I get it going01:09
=== GonnaGetBusted is now known as Joeb454
ScuniziWaterloo, what emma is asking is what kind of video card do you have?01:09
Starnestommypyrak: dovecot-imapd can01:09
hischildStPatrick, alright. And now you're stuck on compiling it?01:09
b4l74z4rhow do i customize compiz in gutsy?01:10
WaterlooScunizi: I dont know.  This laptop was given to me01:10
Dr_willis!ccsm | b4l74z4r01:10
ubotub4l74z4r: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion01:10
WaterlooEmma: I dont know. This laptop was given to me01:10
StPatrickhischild, To be honest, No, Im not even to that point yet. I must formatted into Ubuntu, and Im looking for a _solution_ whatever it may be.01:10
ScuniziWaterloo, from the terminal you can usually find out by typing lspci which lists all devices connected to the pci buss.01:10
StPatrickhischild, I am, however, using http://danmarner.blogspot.com/2008/01/rtl8187b-linux-native-driver-works-on.html as a reference link.01:10
StPatrickhischild,  If you have a better idea, please feel free to share :)01:11
=== ajmorris is now known as spiderbatbot
Kr|ptiXdoes any1 kno how to update a intel 954GM Mobile Drive01:11
hischildStPatrick, then you'll have to give me a brief overview of what it is you're trying to do. If you're trying to compile that driver, i will assist you in doing so if possible. If there's another problem, we'll fix that as well. So, where do you want to start?01:11
StPatrickOk, I installed wifi Radar01:11
Dr_willisStPatrick,  at least you learned how to install stuff. :)01:11
StPatrickhischild,  Lets start at the begining. Would you mind hopping into another channel with me?01:11
=== spiderbatbot is now known as ajmorris
StPatrickDr_willis,  :P Im a quick learner.01:12
hischildStPatrick, i'd rather keep stuff in here if possible.01:12
hischildStPatrick, if you have a reason to use a diff channel, i'm willing to listen and switch.01:12
deniz______GIn, r u there?01:12
Waterlooemma: its an nVidia which I also have on my desktop.  I'm sure i'll get it rockin once I get ubuntu onto the hardrive :OD01:12
ScuniziStPatrick, & Dr_willis you should create a channel called #helpStPat01:12
Paddy_EIREhischild: he's trying to abduct you :P01:13
ScuniziStPatrick, & Dr_willis that way if others want to listen in and learn it won't be private01:13
hischildPaddy_EIRE, that's why i'm trying not to leave ;-)01:13
StPatrickhischild,  Sure,  :) I have trouble focusing through several other conversations, and I have had trouble in the past with other people  ... getting involved in a process, and confusing me.01:13
Scunizior stay..:)01:13
mopheadstpatrick, you can find wifi radar in applications, internet01:13
Paddy_EIREwrong person whoops01:13
CokeNCodewha's the channel for offtopic stuff, i'm lookig for some info on dreamlinux01:13
StPatrickmophead,  It's installed, thanks.01:13
ScuniziCokeNCode, #ubuntu-offtopic01:13
StPatrickScunizi,  That was the intention :P01:13
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:13
CokeNCodethanks Scunizi01:13
hischildStPatrick, as long as you don't see anyone shouting NO, DONT, or anything else out of the ordinary chatter, just follow my advice only and you'll be fine.01:14
StPatrickhischild,  Ill do my best.01:14
GIndeniz__, yes I am01:14
hischildStPatrick, ok. So you downloaded the source i assume?01:14
ScuniziStPatrick, some would take it as an invite for PM.. :)01:14
StPatrickEveryone Hear that? I'm ignoring EVERY cept HisChild.01:14
=== _DjViper is now known as DjViper
deniz______GIn, sry i had internet problems01:14
StPatrickhischild,  Uhh No I have not downloaded anything.01:14
deniz______GIn, so wat do i do now? forget the laptop and usb and ndiswrapper01:14
StPatrickhischild,  That's simply a webpage I found with information on my problem01:15
hischildStPatrick, i see. Do you have that specific version as well?01:15
StPatrickhischild,  Im nto even sure if it works, or is the best solution.01:15
StPatrickhischild,  Version of.. what01:15
hischildScunizi, it's mainly that i have a headache and could use some oversight :P01:15
hischildStPatrick, your version of your wlan card.01:15
Scunizihischild, must be contagious.. me too.. bad ear.. allergies.. etc..01:16
hischildStPatrick, do you have a rtl8187b?01:16
StPatrickhischild,  As far as I know.  How can I check it out?   My laptop is an A205-S5800, but i never found any good solid info on the wifi card online.01:16
GIndeniz__, google? try to help on the Ubuntu forum?01:16
bobbo85Hi all, it seems that mplayer is changing the entire computer's volume for some reason.  For example, if I'm listening to music in Amarok/Rhythmbox and watching a movie with mplayer - if I turn the volume down in mplayer, the music gets turned down too... what's the problem?01:16
Zeltaif I have set a manual connection (using ndiswrapper), how can I check my wifi receiving speed?01:16
GIndeniz__, I have never tried to setup an accesspoint with Ubuntu before.01:17
hischildStPatrick, lspci or lsusb should give some info. type it in  a terminal and throw it to a pastebin. I'll figure out what card you have if it's listed k?01:17
kindofabuzzwoot! how 'bout dem tigers!01:17
nickrudbobbo85 gutsy doesn't have per app sound control, hardy is rumored to have it, and is going to be released in a few weeks01:17
StPatrickhischild,  Ok. ( I learned what pastebin is lastnight... )01:17
hischildScunizi, well standing about 4 meters from a speaker at a festival is a bad way to get it01:17
hischildStPatrick, do you know the pastebinit trick?01:17
ScuniziStPatrick, hischild the toshiba a200 series has a Intel® PRO/Wireless* 3945ABG (802.11a/b/g)01:17
bobbo85nickrud, to be honest i'm running hardy, i just noticed this problem was around in gutsy too so it's not a problem for the ubuntu+1 channel really01:18
deniz______GIn, k, ill check the forums, thx for ur time01:18
StPatrickhischild,  No... I dont know a trick01:18
Scunizihischild, ouch01:18
nickrudbobbo85 you should ask in there, I've seen a lot of discussion about the new pulseaudio setup01:18
bobbo85ok cool01:18
hischildStPatrick, ok. Install pastebinit and then pipe the output to it. It'll give you a link which is the pastebin with whatever you piped to it.01:19
StPatrickhischild,  See now, Dont go listening to scun too fast.. cause he might be wrong.01:19
boxybrownanyone with mail server experience dovecot or courier?01:19
hischildStPatrick, Scunizi, i haven't followed the entire story so far. Scunizi how do you know his card?01:19
ScuniziStPatrick, hischild http://www.toshibadirect.com/td/b2c/cmod.to?coid=-33536&seg=HHO&src=MAXG&cm_mmc=google_sem-_-direct-_-satellite_a205-_-a205&gclid=CLXg5KWUxZICFQEhgwodv0bzbg01:19
StPatrickhischild, http://pastebin.ca/97325901:19
bobbo85the reason i ask is this - I love VLC media player, and wish I could use it for all videos - the problem I've been having is that it takes forever to seek!  If I try to skip ahead a few seconds, the video will freeze, the audio will continue, and when the video catches up a few seconds later, it's all distorted for a few seconds before returning to normal - mplayer doesn't seem to have this problem01:19
ScuniziStPatrick, hischild I just googled the model number he posted.01:20
bobbo85is there any way to make VLC "seek" instantly like other media players?01:20
StPatrickScunizi,  Nice... I did that too.. didnt get that page..01:20
ScuniziStPatrick, top link  :)01:20
hischildScunizi, alright thanks.01:21
StPatricknot when i searched, lol01:21
Dr_willisbobbo85,  iv noticed a lot of that depends on the exact video codec/format. but i tend touse gmplayer mainly now a days01:21
StPatrickhischild, Uhh pastebinit is not listed in add/remove01:21
StPatrickbut still, http://pastebin.ca/97325901:21
bobbo85Dr_willis, what video players do you have/recommend?  and has anyone tried "Beep" yet?01:21
hischildStPatrick, might be so. Use synaptic. And thanks01:21
StPatrickwhat's synaptic?01:21
StPatrickbobbo85,  I HIGHLY reccomend VLC.01:22
Dr_willisbobbo85,  beepmediaplayer  is more of a audio player. not video01:22
hischildStPatrick, system -> administration -> synaptic01:22
Dr_willisbobbo85,  vlc uses its own codec stuff I think. while gmplayer uses the w32codecs I belive is the main diff.01:22
hischildStPatrick, advanced version of the add/remove software thing.01:22
ScuniziStPatrick, just checked and it's in synaptic01:22
StPatrickhischild,  Ok01:22
ScuniziStPatrick, use the search key and search for pastebin and you'll see it01:22
hischildStPatrick, while you're at it, search for this one and tell me if it has a green thing in front of it linux-restricted-modules-generic01:22
bobbo85Dr_willis, where can I get gmplayer?01:23
Waterloonow I know it sounds nuts - but what if I wanted to install windows onto a hardrive that is all linux?01:23
xfahow can i control the headphones and the speakers seperatly?01:23
PwrSurgehi, I been having this constant problem where ssh connections to my freebsd server keep being disconnected after 5 mins01:23
Dr_willisbobbo85,  its in the repos.. same as everything else01:23
PwrSurgefrom my xubuntu machine01:23
orbisvicismy computer wont halt, it gets stuck in /etc/rc0.d/S60umountroot stop01:24
hischildPwrSurge, it's a default timeout. Adjust the timeout on the ssh server.01:24
StPatrickhischild,  Linux-restricted-mod has green box01:24
PwrSurgeit's not my freebsd server because the connection is stable from my other windows machine01:24
bobbo85Dr_willis, do you mean "gnome-mplayer" ?01:24
Zeltaif I have set a manual connection (using ndiswrapper), how can I check my wifi receiving speed?01:24
hischildStPatrick, hmm ... *searches on*01:24
ScuniziWaterloo, you can do that.. just make room and be prepared to reinstall grub.. it get's wiped out.. on the other hand if you're not going to run any 3d games,, use VMWare server and put it there.. that avoids dual boot.01:24
SilentSounDanyone know how to disable the "eraser point" mouse for a dell d600 - ALPS GlidePoint01:24
StPatrickhischild,  Installing pastebinit01:24
niko_does anyone know how to fix the collection scan on amarok?  i get the "building collection database" and it won't go away01:24
PwrSurgeit's not timeout, i had my ssh session with "top"01:24
IndyGunFreakFrogzoo: did you get your issues worked out?01:24
Ltp0werHello all01:24
PwrSurgeso the screen was being refreshed every 2 seconds01:24
alexbobpI'm having a problem with mounting isos for large dvds.  When I try to access files near the end of the disk, I get errors like "cat: setup.exe: Input/output error".  In "dmesg | tail", I see [333026.466404] attempt to access beyond end of device / [333026.466410] loop3: rw=0, want=7076300, limit=6205528".  It tends to work when I use the physical DVD in the drive, and for some ISOs, they only work if I use certain mount points.  Does anybod01:24
WaterlooScunizi: what is grub?  and this is the first i've heard of a VMware server01:25
hischildStPatrick, can you tell me if >>>  lsmod | grep ipw <<< gives you output?01:25
xfaconfiguring my headphone output and speakers seperatly?01:25
Dr_willisbobbo85,  thats where the g in gmplayer comes from. :)01:25
PwrSurgei have keepalive on every 20 seconds01:25
orbisvicisdo most people have umountroot in init ?01:25
orbisvicisat S60 in rc0.d ?01:25
Dr_willisbobbo85,  kmplayer is the kde front end for mplayer, g is the gnome front end. smplayer is some other front end.01:25
pyrakWaterloo, grub is the bootloader.01:26
hischildPwrSurge, one way traffic from the server to the client isn't counted as active.01:26
metbsdi thought kmplayer is some player on windows01:26
ScuniziWaterloo, you probably don't see grub because there is not other os on the system.. it's a boot manager and lets you choose between different os installs. VMware server loads in Ubuntu and allows you to install windows "in a window" so you can run windows like any other program but totally isolated (virus protection).01:26
DistroJockeyxfa: take a look at  alsamixer  in a terminal01:26
Dr_willismetbsd,  not that ive seen.. thers mplayer for windows also.01:26
StPatrickhischild, Also, I like another chat, because Im trying to copy stuff you say to me, and it keeps getting scrolled off screen....... Im slow.01:26
metbsdwhat's difference between vmware server and vmware workstation?01:26
Dr_willismetbsd,  grabbed it from the mplayer homepage the other day01:26
hischildStPatrick, you can just select the text i give you and middle mouse click on the terminal to paste it :-)01:27
Dr_willismetbsd,  with workstation you cant make new virtual machines I belive. I always use the server01:27
StPatricknothing from lsmod | grep ipw01:27
Scunizihischild, how is pastbinit used from terminal? and does it default to the mentioned pastebin listed for this channel?01:27
StPatrickhischild,  Yea... uhh Im using a touchpad.01:27
metbsdyes, i can make new virt machine with workstation01:27
WaterlooScunizi: what is the range on programs that can run in a VMware window? no 3d games you say huh?01:27
niko_does anyone know how to fix the collection scan on amarok?  i get the "building collection database" and it won't go away01:27
mopheadstpatrick: to paste to terminal, try shift + ctrl + v01:27
SkinnYPuppMiddle mouse click paste to terminal learn somethin everyday01:27
Ltp0werWill I have a problem with ubuntu and my 8800GTX01:27
StPatrickmophead,  Thanks.01:27
jblackDid anybody do a hardy update today, and found they can't hit sites like google.com and ubuntu.com ?01:28
mopheadto copy, replace V with C01:28
niko_highlight what oyu want and click the wheel where you want sometihng01:28
xfahow do i get there01:28
ScuniziWaterloo, yep.. no 3d games, the vid driver is generic and won't do glx.. but pretty much everything else.. I use it all the time. how much ram do you have?01:28
IndyGunFreakStPatrick: you can always also turn on logging, then just copy/paste at your leisure01:28
hischildScunizi, the default pastebin is not this one unfortunately as for some reason it's incompatible so far. However it works by piping it info from a command. Try to cat a file and then add | pastebinit01:28
Dr_willisjblack,  They work here for me.01:28
hischildStPatrick, try hitting both mouse buttons. That should give a middle mouse button click.01:28
Scunizihischild, then how do you get a link?. I'll try.01:29
PwrSurgewhat setting do i need to adjust exactly?01:29
WaterlooScunizi: 2 gigs01:29
charles|64_hey guys01:29
StPatrickhischild, Thanks.01:29
mopheadjblack, try asking in #ubuntu+101:29
jblackHuh. I cant browse a lot of stuff. I can't hit google, I can't hit ubuntu.com. I just get an assertion that ASSERT: *** Search: _installLocation: engine has no file!01:29
hischildScunizi, that's what it gives you.01:29
PwrSurgeand why is only my ubuntu machine affecteed?01:29
ScuniziWaterloo, your fine with that.. that's what I have.01:29
charles|64_is there a way to make a symbolic link between to folders01:29
Scunizihischild, cool.. that just made using irssi much easier. :)01:29
Dr_willischarles|64_,  ln -s whatever whatever201:29
orbisvicischarles__, ln -s /location /area01:29
orbisvicischarles__, = charles|64_01:29
legend2440orbisvicis: i do01:29
orbisvicismy bad01:29
Dr_willisit always takes me 2 tries to get links right. :)01:30
Frustationwho have install need for speed most wanted ?01:30
Dr_willis!appdb | Frustation01:30
ubotuFrustation: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org01:30
GInFrustation: me but on windows01:30
orbisvicisDr_willis, me too, i can never remember01:30
charles|64_heres what im trying to do, I have a NAS that i want limewire to download to. when i use the fstab to mount that share on the NAS it crashes01:30
FrustationBecause i have a big problem ! When i want to start Need For speed most wanted with CEDEGA my screen is back01:30
WaterlooScunizi: wouldn't I have to reformat a part of my drive back into NTFS?01:30
Frustationis black01:30
Mystik7does anyone have a link that explains how to properly install firefox nightlies into 8.04?01:30
StPatrickFrustation, Is it the NFSMW Black edition? :P01:31
niko_is the actual 8.05 out now?01:31
hischildStPatrick, ok. Another copy for you ==> sudo modprobe ipw394501:31
FrustationStPatrick: it's not good for me :(01:31
niko_or still alpha or beta?01:31
troxorniko_: no01:31
hischildStPatrick, if it fails, type dmesg and pastebin me the last few lines.01:31
niko_when will it be?01:31
FrustationStPatrick: it's too bad :(01:31
GInFrustation: try with desktop effects off01:31
Dr_willischarles|64_,  you may want to check out the  fusesmb tools, instead of mountign the share, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb01:31
troxorniko_: niko_ couple weeks01:31
jblackOk. Found it. I had another copy of firefox running on another window. So, if people say they can't google, tell them to make sure they really closed firefox. ;)01:31
FrustationGin i have do that01:31
ScuniziWaterloo, nope.. VMWare uses files to make windows think that it is in a normal drive partition.. so if you wanted to get rid of it.. you just delete the files and it's GONE.  It will also let you install other OS's to try out01:31
bobbo85Thanks Dr_willis I just installed Gmplayer, it's strange though it will open the movie (a .wmv file) but it wont play it just stays paused on whatever frame I seek to (and it says "playing")01:32
niko_what improvements will tehre be?01:32
Ltp0wernewbie here, will I have a problem with my 8800GTX and drivers in ubuntu?01:32
hischildLtp0wer, it should be fine01:32
Dr_willisbobbo85,  i make it a point to not touch wmv files. :) they can be all sorts of weird-spyware-virusware codecs.01:32
Ltp0werSweet, thank you hischild01:32
bobbo85The same file works slowly in VNC, is choppy and awful in "Movie player" but works perfectly in "mplayer" - i just can't control the sound without affecting all other sounds01:32
Ltp0werBut if you are wrong, I am going to complain and insult your mother01:32
StPatrickhischild,  How do i use the pastebin thing i downloaded?01:32
bobbo85Dr_willis, can I convert them to another video format?01:32
ScuniziLtp0wer, on the current version (gutsy) you might have to install the nvidia binary driver.. on the next version coming out the end of this month it will more than likely be included.01:32
Dr_willisbobbo85,  could try converting the video to some other format I guess. avidmux is the tool i use for that. or mencoder01:33
hischildStPatrick, add | pastebinit to the command you want to put on pastebin. To try ==> dmesg | pastebinit01:33
Zeltaif I have set a manual connection (using ndiswrapper), how can I check my wifi receiving speed?01:33
Frustationwho can help me ? :(01:33
niko_does anyone know how to fix the collection scan on amarok?  i get the "building collection database" and it won't go away01:33
Ltp0werScunizi, Where can I find the nvidia binary driver? On the nvidia site?01:33
metbsdvmware server is slower than workstation01:33
Dr_willisLtp0wer,  the restricted-manager tool installed them for me.01:33
unocrashhey all!01:33
ScuniziLtp0wer, yes.. there's lots of how to's on how to install it.. read lots.. do once.. :)01:34
Dr_willisLtp0wer,  should be an icon at the top right for it.01:34
FnordPerfecthi everybody! I fubar'd my installation by downgrading to gutsy. could someone lend a hand? it seems that the root partition does not get re-mounted rw during boot.01:34
hischildStPatrick, what error did it give you?01:34
BysmuthMageokay so I'm in the process of installing Ubuntu on an external hard drive.  I disconnected the main drive just to make sure the install doesn't touch it.  This has caused a (potential) problem: The external drive is now named sda instead of sdb.  If I install this based on the external drive = sda and then reconnect the main drive, bumping the external drive to sdb, will there be a conflict, like in /etc/fstab?01:34
Ltp0werDr_willis, I am on vista right now01:34
Dr_willisLtp0wer,  you have my sympathy. :)01:34
StPatrickhischild,  ERROR: Could not find Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection01:34
ScuniziDr_willis, I don't think the restriced drivers manager has the 8800 included.. it came out after gutsy did if I remember correctly.01:34
boxybrownLtp0wner mine to01:34
hischildBysmuthMage, ubuntu uses UUID's. It should be fine.01:34
metbsdDr_willis: vmware workstation is better. vmware server turns on alot debug mode, so it's slower,01:34
hischildStPatrick, hmm ... seems like we have to get it somewhere else. Second please.01:35
Devrethmananybody have StepMania working on ubuntu?01:35
Dr_willisScunizi,  i have an 8800 card here.. and it worked for my 8800GTSXXX card.01:35
Dr_willisScunizi,  but youa re correct - it can depend on the exact 8800 card01:35
Scunizimetbsd, Dr_willis but vmware workstation is $'s.. server is Free01:35
BysmuthMageoh right... totally forgot about that I'm so used to the thumb drives borking themselves when I manually put them into /etc/fstab that I didn't even think about that01:35
ScuniziDr_willis, oh.. didn't know that.. good to hear.01:35
Dr_willisScunizi,  there is a free verison of both i thought01:35
unocrashwhen's hardy out?01:36
ScuniziDr_willis, I know server is free.. but thought workstation was a paid version.. check the site www.vmware.com01:36
Scuniziunocrash, end of this month01:36
Mystik7I downloaded the firefox nightly today, untar it into /opt (which creates /opt/firefox) then chown -R root /opt/firefox, now I am confused on the firefox.sh script, it says the lib dir is in /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b4, do I need to change the shell script to point to /opt/firefox for the lib?01:36
emmaI'm waiting to see a problem that I can possibly help with. :)01:36
kitcheScunizi: yeah workstation you have to pay for but most are starting to use server if they want to use workstation01:36
unocrash!hi | coskund01:36
ubotucoskund: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:36
Dr_willisScunizi,  used to be workstation was in the repos.01:36
softtowerhow do I tell from a command line how much ram a process is using? "top" won't work because of two reasons: a) it shows percentage of total, and b) the process I am interested in isn't in the list top is showing me.01:37
Dr_willisScunizi,  i always use the server version, so i rarely mess ith workstation01:37
ScuniziDr_willis, just player in ther now.01:37
bobbo85ok Dr_willis I have avidemux installed, how do I convert a .wmv to a .avi file?01:37
mophead!ubotu | coskund01:37
ubotucoskund: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:37
hischildStPatrick, would you mind if i give you a link from someone on the forums who says they have fixed it, along with a perfect description and then run off to get sleep?01:37
pollito -- To Pollito: just ask youe question here :) I'll be leaving now. Talk to me by pm here on IRC...gah01:37
Dr_willisScunizi,  i must not understand how 'workstation' differes from 'player' then01:37
StPatrickbobbo85, Did you try VLC Media player?01:37
unocrashcoskund: May We help you?01:37
Devrethmanalso, is there a quick and dirty configurator for NFS or some other form of linux-linux filesharing?01:37
StPatrickhischild, Yes, but ill still try it.01:37
Dr_willisbobbo85,  run the program. read its docs/guides.. convert :)01:38
FnordPerfectI'm just sitting in front of the 80x25 text terminal that my ubuntu has become, and I am losing my mind... could *someone*01:38
hischildStPatrick, the link ==> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=837922&postcount=701:38
FnordPerfect*help* ?01:38
StPatrickhischild,  I have read over so many things that say I fixed it, or confirmed, or works, or whatever, and failed miserably....01:38
prettyrickyI suggest vlc player thats just my opinion, whats perfectly01:38
bobbo85StPatrick, VLC media plays the file, but it will not seek - if i try to skip ahead at all, it "lags" for a few seconds at a time01:38
ScuniziDr_willis, they may have renamed it player..  server allows you to install a full OS from cd instead of being locked into "appliances"01:38
hischildStPatrick, if you have help, you can always call at the channel. And this one seems fairly solid.01:38
unocrash!patience | FnordPerfect01:38
ubotuFnordPerfect: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:38
Dr_willisScunizi,  that dosent make much sence they wouls charge for player,and give away server free. when it does everything the player does.01:38
StPatrickhischild,  So i doubt this will be better, BUT You have aslready helped me a lot, and i know you need sleep, so, thank you01:38
unocrash[Rocc] Hi01:39
[Rocc]I need help :(01:39
pyrakok, installing postfix and dovecot looks _extremely_ complicated01:39
unocrash!hi | [Rocc]01:39
ubotu[Rocc]: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:39
hischildStPatrick, if i'm around tomorrow, feel free to give me a shout and remember me to help you out then.01:39
pyrakis there an easier way?01:39
emmasofttower, maybe try ps aux|less01:39
hischildStPatrick, good luck and see you soon.01:39
unocrashwhat's the problem?01:39
niko_does anyone know how to fix the collection scan on amarok?  i get the "building collection database" and it won't go away01:39
softtoweremma: thanks, lemme try.01:39
StPatrickhischild,  Thanks man. Sleep well.01:39
mophead!ask | [Rocc]01:39
ubotu[Rocc]: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:39
hischildStPatrick, will do. bb01:39
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ScuniziDr_willis, nooooo... not what I meant.. there is a workstation version available..for enterprise..paid.. player uses appliances.. server is free and allows installs01:40
unocrashwhats the problem?01:40
[Rocc]Um, ok... i just downloaded the desktop version (7.10) and im trying to install it and i cant find where to install it at....01:40
niko_set to boot from cd in the bios01:40
Dr_willis[Rocc],  you burnt the iso to cd.. booted it? see icons on the live-cd desktop?01:40
Acomacohow big is an integer normaly? its not 2^32?01:41
[Rocc]yeah, i burnt it... and i cant find the bios...01:41
unocrash[Rocc]: Boot to the CD. To do that depends on the computer. Dell usually has you hit the F12 key, while apple requires you to hit the c key i think.01:41
niko_push delete during the bootup01:41
[Rocc]its a hp01:41
niko_or one of the f keys01:41
unocrash!bios | [Rocc]01:41
n-iCehow do I get the last msn version I can't get it installed :<01:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bios - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:41
charles|64_so im trying to create a read write mount and then link it to the music01:41
metbsdlinux does not work well on laptops, my experience01:42
rootlinuxusrdoes on mine01:42
niko_runs fine on my laptop01:42
Dr_willis[Rocc],  how did you burn it? what files are on the cd? if you see a single .iso file on the cd.. you burnt it wrongly01:42
Devrethmandumb question: how do I burn data DVDs01:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:42
emmametbsd seems to work well on thinkpads01:42
Devrethmanlike, what program do I use01:42
niko_get double the time as xp with 40 processes01:42
Mystik7do I like the firefox command to the /opt/firefox.sh shell script? to get it to run from that location? or do I use the dpkg util to alter the link?01:42
[Rocc]um dr there is only 1 iso, thats the one i got from the site....01:42
Dr_willismetbsd,  i find ubuntu works better on my latop then any disrto ive tried. It beats XP that used to be on it. :)01:42
=== billisnice_____ is now known as billisnice
Dr_willis[Rocc],  congratulations.. you burnt it wrongly.01:42
niko_did you burn it as an iso or just files?01:42
tarelerulzany of you know about chat networks that use flash player ? If so how to you set your sound up ?01:42
unocrashn-Ice: MSN is not made for Linux. You can, however, use pidgin, gaim, amsn, or Emensce01:43
mopheadn-iCe, go to applications, add/remove and look up msn.  I think there is a linux version01:43
niko_or wine msn lol01:43
n-iCeunocrash:  amsn I meant01:43
sailaway85Hi everyone01:43
[Rocc]i havent done this before....01:43
RenardpWhen I try to run a program I have the following error ... Received a second signal - exiting01:43
Dr_willis[Rocc],  track down a specific tool for windows to burn iso images to cd.  :) like 'burn at once' or a dozen others...01:43
Dr_willis[Rocc],  do Not use the windows drag/drop to cd to burn method.01:43
[Rocc]i didnt01:43
metbsdusing linux, my laptop webcam, card reader, and Fn keys don't work anymore01:43
niko_use power iso or something01:43
[Rocc]i burnt it from a program01:43
niko_as an iso01:44
metbsdso linux is not good for my laptop01:44
chapocerohow do i find out what the label is for a certain Firewire device? i only have one hard disk installed (sda).. i think its going to be sdb, but what is the command to check?01:44
[Rocc]i used active iso01:44
StPatrickOk, Someone save me,. I'm running into problems again01:44
unocrash [Rocc]: theres a program called ISO Burner. Let me get you the website.01:44
n-iCeunocrash:  how do I get the last version?01:44
rootlinuxusronly my wireless doesn't work on a dell insp. 172101:44
Dr_willis[Rocc],  you need to use the 'burn image' options not making a normal cd like you would with picutre or other files.01:44
SlimGAnyone here know of a Ubuntu(ish) WordPress theme (not Udienz's tango theme)?01:44
[Rocc]i did dr...01:44
sailaway85Ultraiso is a great program01:44
mopheadstpatrick, that sounds dangerous.  what happened?01:44
rootlinuxusrultraiso is good01:44
Mystik7I eated my cd01:44
Dr_willis[Rocc],  you did it wrong then.. otherwise there wouldent be a single .iso on the cd.01:44
[Rocc]how many would there be then?01:45
Dr_willis[Rocc],  several 1000+ files.01:45
StPatrickmophead,  Im following the instrustions, as best i can on http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=837922&postcount=701:45
sailaway85Whats a good dvix converter  ... to dvd01:45
StPatrickmophead let me know when you get there, and I'll tell you where im having trouble.01:45
[Rocc]lemme check it again01:45
rootlinuxusri made you a cd, but i eated it?01:45
metbsdis there ultraiso on linux?01:45
Dr_willis[Rocc],  so try 'burn at once' or 'ultraiso' or 'isoburner' or proberly a dozen other tools out that can do ut with a simple double click.01:45
punzadabest solution i found for that was using ffmpeg to transcode into mpeg201:46
[Rocc]yeah there is more then 101:46
sailaway85Yes punzada01:46
mopheadstpatrick, ok I see it.  what's causing trouble?01:46
boxybrownhow would you add a user using a setup as described in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MySQLVirtualEmail01:46
StPatrickAttention : Anyone Willing to PLEASE help me get my wireless working, Im creating #HelpStPat  Please join, so we can discuss without interruption.01:46
DistroJockey[Rocc]: I believe F9 is the boot selection key for HP's and F10 is the BIOS01:46
metbsdbtw, office2007 is really nice too01:46
Scunizimetbsd, no need for it.. k3b works great for all burning as well as gnomebaker01:46
unocrash[Rocc] http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm  There should be onl0y one file. That file should be an .iso file. Use the program on the website (V2 for XP/2003 or V3 for Vista all versions)01:46
tarelerulzsailaway85  can turn an .avi which holds divx video to a dvd mpg2 file that will work on a stand alone dvd playt it all can put menus on the dvd01:47
DistroJockey[Rocc]: it should say in the bottom right corner at the HP splash screen01:47
emmahtop is pretty cool. Anyone who likes top should install it.01:47
StPatrickScunizi, Come to #HelpStPat01:47
SlimGAnyone here know of a Ubuntu(ish) WordPress theme (not Udienz's tango theme)?01:47
metbsdi like girl on top01:47
rootlinuxusrwhat's htop?01:47
[Rocc]i got nothing :(01:48
orbisvicishtop = cool top01:48
rootlinuxusralso i don't think there is a WP theme based on Ubuntu...wish there was01:48
metbsdwhat's WP theme01:48
DistroJockey[Rocc]: what model HP?01:48
unocrashSlimG: OpenOffice.org (It's an applcation and a website)01:48
orbisvicisis anyone amazed by this: runlevel01:48
orbisvicis2 001:48
Mystik7I am amazed01:48
[Rocc]HP pavilion 70001:48
StPatrick#HelpStPat for anyone willing to take on the challenge that IS MY WIRELESS!01:49
SlimGrootlinuxusr: Udienz has a theme for Ubuntu (not great imho): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Udienz/WordpressUbuntuTheme01:49
astr0bomberhello room, i need some serious help getting my wireless adapter recognized in Ubuntu. i have tried the forums and everything and stuff and still no luck. if you are willing to help or at least hear my situation, please message me01:49
rootlinuxusryeah, but someone else was asking if there was any others..01:49
SlimGunocrash: huh?01:49
StPatrickastr0 is it a Realtek 8187b?01:49
boxybrownhow can i find out if/what progs are listening on what ports on my system?01:49
astr0bomberStPatrick no its an SMC01:49
Mystik7mine is a realtek 8187b01:49
unocrashIt comes installed on Ubuntu01:49
orbisvicisMystik7, ty ; ) considering i just came out of runlevel 0 ; )01:49
Mystik7I am running ndiswrapper (eek)01:49
StPatrickastr0bomber,  k, sry01:50
SlimGunocrash: I didn't ask anything OOo related, wrong guy?01:50
orbisvicis... and am still in runlevel 001:50
DistroJockey[Rocc]: try F10 or F101:50
bnex10        SubSection "Display"01:50
bnex10                Depth   2401:50
bnex10should i change 24 to 32?01:50
kitcheorbisvicis: umm 0 means shutdown01:50
Frogger626Hello again01:50
metbsdopenoffice is ugly compare to office200701:51
unocrashI got to restart01:51
Mystik7I wonder if there will be kernel support for Realtek 8187b soon01:51
Dr_willisoffice2007 is very pricy compared to openoffice.01:51
[Rocc]didnt work01:51
Frogger626Um, the fac someone gave me, about the GRUB problem didn't work. I didn't find those settings in my BIOS.01:51
Dr_willisMystik7,  you see the guy in #ubuntu asking about that card also ?01:51
bnex10BRB going to restart X01:52
DistroJockey[Rocc]: :(01:52
metbsdmy office2007 on windows is cracked01:52
Frogger626bad boy01:52
Mystik7Dr_willis: no, its scolling a little fast :(01:52
Dr_willisMystik7,  we were just discussing if hardy had that card now or not.01:52
[Rocc]f1 usally would :(01:52
orbisviciskitche, but:$ runlevel01:52
orbisvicis2 0 // <-- shutdown does not work !01:52
methodswhat package has the expect program ?01:52
Dr_willisMystik7,  i wonder if the live cd would be a good test to see.01:52
[Rocc]Is there any other way i could do it?01:53
Mystik7Dr_willis: I am running latest test kernel, but I don't want to uninstall ndiswrpper just to see01:53
DistroJockey[Rocc]: so you can tell it to boot from cd, but it just isn't?01:53
Dr_willisMystik7,  heh - i dont even have a wireless card. :)01:53
SkinnYPuppI can't vouch for it but someone seems to have a Realtek 8187b workaround  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-679457.html01:53
sailaway85-1My combination of a ati 2600hd and a ibm p260 monitor have caused me nightmares. If i go into setting and change anything from 1600 x 1200 the system will either crash or sinc out of colour.  If I try to go back to the default the system wont change.  help01:53
style23I installed firefox 3.0 with the sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0 command but when I goto firefox and look in the help->about it still tells me 2.0 ?01:54
Waterloosee ya in a bit01:54
kitchestyle23: it will but it will have some really odd version number01:54
[Rocc]is there any other way?01:54
[Rocc]i just entered "setup"01:55
style23kitche it says
DistroJockey[Rocc]: you didn't answer my question. And if you are speaking to me, you should put my name in the reply01:55
Dr_willis[Rocc],  on some machines theres a real fast 'hit F10 (or other)  to select boot disk' item.01:55
DistroJockey[Rocc]: ok, goto where you can change the boot order01:55
Survivormanstyle23, did you close your browser windows first, then open another instnace.01:56
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: hmm, mine is hit esc..01:56
[Rocc]DistroJockey, im there...01:56
style23survivorman I restarted the computer01:56
DistroJockey[Rocc]: cool, you see something about booting?01:56
Dr_willisIndyGunFreak,  esc here goes to the bios screen, F10 has its own 'select boot disk/cd/usb' menu :) which is handy01:56
Frustationhello i have a problem with need for speed most wanted :( he don't want to run01:56
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: oh ok.. ,01:56
Frustationwith cedega01:56
Survivormandid you uninstall firefox 2? It might have another command to open it.01:56
rootlinuxusrany basic guides for compiz that work on dell integrated x1270 ati cards? I really wanna see what I'm missing out on.01:56
Dr_willisFrustation,  check the cedega forums yet?01:57
style23nope I didn't uninstall firefox201:57
IndyGunFreakrootlinuxusr: i'll tell you, nothing.01:57
kitchestyle23: anyways firefox 3 uses firefox-devel as the command to start it01:57
[Rocc]DistroJockey, I get Removable device, IDE Hard Drive, ATAPO CD-ROM, Other Boot Device...01:57
DistroJockey[Rocc]: when you do, put cd/dvd first then HDD second01:57
IndyGunFreak!ati | rootlinuxusr you need to get your ati driver working, the you can install compiz01:57
uboturootlinuxusr you need to get your ati driver working, the you can install compiz: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:57
FrustationDr_willis: i have buy cedega and the game can't run my game ! :(01:57
bnex10Frustation, what game are you trying to run?01:57
style23kitche do you type that command somewhere01:58
Frustationbnex10: NFS most wanted01:58
[Rocc]DistroJockey, what?01:58
FrustationTransGaming Cedega Version 6.0.201:58
Survivormanyou can install cedega for free through svn01:58
kitchestyle23: in the terminal01:58
Dr_willisFrustation,   You just said you were using cedega...     theres a free demo of cedega also I think.01:58
DistroJockey[Rocc]: so it would be:  ATAPO CD-ROM, IDE Hard Drive, Removable device, Other Boot Device01:58
style23kitche whats the whoe command01:58
Mystik7does anyone know if there any apps similar to street atlas for ubuntu, that can use usb GPS?01:58
Dr_willisFrustation,  and the wine appdb may have info on that specific game01:58
bnex10damned thing didn't use 32 bit color mode....... BRB again01:58
FrustationDr_willis: nonono i have install my game01:58
=== theseus is now known as anaxagoras
kitchestyle23: firefox-devel to start firefox301:59
astr0bomberi think i have the driver for my wireless adapter, how do i install it in ubuntu??01:59
FrustationDr_willis: i can run NFS with wine ?01:59
[Rocc]DistroJockey, i dont get those options for removable...01:59
FrustationDr_willis: how it's possible to do ?01:59
Frogger626Does anyone know a channel for grub help? And not #grub. Been there, tried talking to slugs.01:59
rootlinuxusrbest setup for Diablo 2?01:59
Dr_willisFrustation,  installed it how? You mwan with wine? cedega is wine.01:59
[Rocc]DistroJockey, wait what?01:59
=== anaxagoras is now known as bonhoffer
Dr_willisFrustation,  you now have everyone totally confused I think.01:59
Dr_willisFrustation,  wine is whats normally used to run windows apps. cedega is just a spinoff of wine with a game focus.01:59
FrustationDr_willis: but... wine is wine and cedega is cedega it's more different no ?01:59
DistroJockey[Rocc]: can you move items up and down in that list maybe with + / - or PgUp / PgDown ?01:59
IndyGunFreakFrogger626: i had an idea that might fix your situation.02:00
[Rocc]DistroJockey, yeah i can02:00
Dr_willisFrustation,  cedega = wine+tweaks02:00
IndyGunFreaki was thinking about it after you left02:00
DistroJockey[Rocc]: sweet :)02:00
FrustationDr_willis: okay and with wine i can run Most wanted ?02:00
[Rocc]DistroJockey, ...ok02:00
Mystik7hmm I wonder if Street Atlas works under wine with usb gps device02:00
Dr_willisFrustation,  check the wine app database web page.02:00
style23kitche it keeps telling me command not found02:00
Dr_willis!appdb | Frustation02:00
ubotuFrustation: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org02:00
DistroJockey[Rocc]: save and exit and give it a go02:00
IndyGunFreakFrogger626: join me in #indygunfreak  /join #indygunfreak02:00
ader10Brasero fails to load, and I would like to be able to fix it without restarting the system. Any ideas?02:00
FrustationDr_willis: i have wine on my computer but what i must doing ?02:00
[Rocc]DistroJockey, do i edit them?02:01
Dr_willisFrustation,  you said you installed the game... how did you install it? I would do a 'wine /path/to/media/cdrom/setup.exe' my self to start the installer.02:01
DistroJockey[Rocc]: just have CD first then Hard drive second02:01
Dr_willisFrustation,  if you just doubleclicked the .exe and it installed.. then it started wine by itself to install.02:01
Mystik7I am confused by all the sym links to sym links that goto yet more sym links with the firefox install in squishy heron02:02
[Rocc]DistroJockey, What.... cd on removable?02:02
style23kitche it keeps telling me command not found02:02
FrustationDr_willis: but i haven't do update to wine02:02
cachedI once heard that it is not advised to install wine through apt-get, is this still the case?02:02
DistroJockey[Rocc]: which ever one your Ubuntu disk is in02:02
FrustationDr_willis: when i doubleclic on my game.exe wine run any02:02
kitchestyle23: don't know what ubuntu actually calls it but the one from mozilla is firefox-devel might be firefox3 maybe02:02
[Rocc]DistroJockey, i have no clue though02:02
Dr_willisFrustation,   i never double click on the exe's i alwyas use the terminal.  that way i see any wine error messages.02:03
Rafabehi, anyone here use Thunderbird?02:03
jordan_cached, No, and I have never heard such a thing claimed02:03
DistroJockey[Rocc]: if you have 2 CD entries, put them both above IDE hard drive02:03
Mystik7kitche: Hardy Heron latest has firefox 3 b2 by default I think02:03
rootlinuxusrthunderbird yes.02:03
mopheadHey guys, does anyone want to help out with a wireless issue? it's over at #helpstpat02:03
Frustationwith the terminal ? can you send me the command plz ?02:03
jordan_cached, Especially since the wine devs themselves have an Ubuntu repository02:03
Rafaberoot: was it a new profile or did you import stuff from a Windows installation?02:03
Dr_willisFrustation,  you use wine, or cedega to run the installer, it should add icons in the menus for the games. If the game dosent work check the wine app database to se eif theres any tweaks for the game. It  MIGHT be totally unplayable with wine.02:03
jordan_!hardy | Mystik702:03
ubotuMystik7: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu02:03
rootlinuxusrtwo new profiles02:03
Rafabeallright, nevermind then02:03
ader10Half of my applications fail to load (I think it's a gtk problem). Any help/ideas please?02:04
rootlinuxusrproblems importing?02:04
StPatrickOk, I need a guide.02:04
RafabeNo, I haven't been able to attempt it (my Ubuntu desktop is currently in repairs) and wanted to know if a Linux copy could import a Windows profile02:04
StPatrickI need like.. a Linux Spiritual guide. WHo wants to Volunteer.02:04
FrustationDr_willis: I have used cedega to run the installer, and NFS can't run and today i want to run the game with wine if it's possible to do02:04
StPatrickYou'll be working directly with me to get my wifi working.02:04
rootlinuxusrRafabe, it should be possible02:05
StPatrickAnd I'll be listening, and learning from you,02:05
bobbo85anyone know where I could find a guide on using avidemux to convert .wmv to avi?  I have only found guides to use the CLI with mencoder02:05
StPatrickYou can maybe claim it as charity on your taxes.02:05
charles|64_ok the skydome is cutting off the bottom of my image whats up with that02:05
Dr_willisFrustation,  'wine /path/to/the/setup.exe' to run the installer,  for a start02:05
StPatrickSomeone, please, help me.02:05
Mystik7I am bill gates, I decided I hated vista, so here I am02:05
amenadoStPatrick-> a broadcom 43xx chip?02:05
StPatrickamenado,  Nope...02:05
SkinnYPuppStPatrick: #debian also good info02:05
[Rocc]DistroJockey, i have Query'd you02:05
Rafaberoot: yeah but I'd like to know for sure :P I tried the support forums, I tried the IRC channel, no response02:05
kitcheStPatrick: just ask some questions and someone will anwser if they know the answer02:05
FrustationDr_willis: i must run the installer of NFS most wanted ?02:05
iceswordMystik7, LOL02:05
charles|64_never mine02:05
kitcheSkinnYPupp: to bad they won't help ubuntu people if they know :)02:06
Dr_willisFrustation,  or wine /path/to/where/cedega/installed/it/gameprogramname.exe02:06
DistroJockey[Rocc]: I did not see any such query02:06
Pelobobbo85, I don,t think you can use avidemux to do it , but if it can, just load the wmv , and on the left side change copy to somethingelse02:06
Dr_willisFrustation,  its proiberly better to just reinstall with wine02:06
ader10Half of my applications fail to load (I think it's a gtk problem). Any help/ideas please?02:06
amenadoStPatrick-> stay here so others can share02:06
StPatrickkitche,  I have been doing that, ketche My question is I dont understand this guide. Someone please help me get through it. http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=837922&postcount=702:06
FrustationDr_willis: i must reinstall with wine ? :(02:06
rootlinuxusri could boot into windows to double-check...but i'd feel nasty...02:06
Dr_willisFrustation,  try one or the other.. dont whine about wine.02:06
Dr_willisFrustation,  if you know where cedega installed it to..use wine /path/whatever/whatever.exe02:06
FrustationDr_willis: but when i put the CD wine don't run the CD02:07
SkinnYPuppStPatrick: What is your wireless card again ?02:07
cdaviswith he 2.6.22-14-generic kernel do I get smp support?02:07
FrustationDr_willis: yes i know where cedega installed it02:07
mopheadstpatrick, tell everyone where you stopped and what error you got02:07
meoblast001how do you change the screen resolution in Ubuntu on a PS3.... its really small....?02:07
FrustationDr_willis: i go to use wine :D02:07
bobbo85thanks Pelo, it's kinda tough being a newbie and just blindly copying and pasting commands into the cli ya know?02:07
meoblast001also..... where can i find WINE for PPC?02:07
Dr_willisFrustation,  given that you havent checked the wine app database. you dont know if either will play the game. if cedga cant handle it - i doubt if the wine in ubuntu can either02:07
rootlinuxusrmeoblast001 http://lists.terrasoftsolutions.com/pipermail/yellowdog-general/2004-June/014468.html ?02:08
FrustationDr_willis: i can't play the game :(02:08
Pelobobbo85,  I know ,  but you get use to it ,  you can also look in the forum for someting called convertit , it's an all in one videoconverter02:08
[Rocc]DistroJockey, Are you still here?02:08
StPatrickSkinnYPupp,  My card is Intel® PRO/Wireless* 3945ABG (802.11a/b/g)02:08
bobbo85for example right now Pelo I typed in mencoder infile.wmv -ofps 23.976 -ovc lavc -oac copy -o outfile.avi, and I have no idea what ofps or 23.976 or -ovc lavc -oac copy -o .... like what is all of that?!02:08
Dr_willisFrustation,  http://appdb.winehq.org/search_results.php?cx=013271970634691685804%3Abc-56dvxydi&cof=FORID%3A11&q=need+for+speed&sa=Search#3002:08
FrustationDr_willis: how i cjeck the wine app database ?02:08
DistroJockey[Rocc]: if you mean a private message, then you will need to register your nick to be able to do that02:08
Dr_willisFrustation,  its a web site you go to..you enter the game name in the search field.. rather stright forwared. :)02:08
SkinnYPuppStPatrick: I'll put that in the google swamp02:08
FrustationDr_willis: okay02:09
ader10Half of my applications fail to load (I think it's a gtk problem). Any help/ideas please?02:09
Dr_willis!appdb | for the 4th time Frustation02:09
ubotufor the 4th time Frustation: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org02:09
Pelobobbo85,  those are image ratios,  audio and video format and the like02:09
StPatrickEveryone, At the link i listed above, I m on the step just past chmod a+x remove-old && sudo ./remove-old02:09
StPatrickI do not understand it.02:09
StPatrickI dont speak Linux02:09
StPatrickHere's link again02:09
Stroganoffis there something BETWEEN xpaint and gimp (not kpaint)02:09
bobbo85oh and Pelo, the terminal has just been saying "skipping frame!" and counting up "pos:  3640.2s" it's at 90% complete right now but I bet it's all blank/skipped frames - is there any way to cancel it?02:09
unocrash!hi | unocrah02:10
ubotuunocrah: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:10
FrustationDr_willis: it's for me the Current ! http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=8714 but i don't know how i must take the file !02:10
Pelobobbo85,  just close the terminal02:10
unocrashi know many ubotu commands02:10
PwrSurgei'm doing a ping bacak to myself02:10
Pelo!ubotu > unocrash check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu02:10
PwrSurgesee if it still timesouts02:10
munichlinuxhi all i upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 and the after upgrade the X server failed02:10
munichlinuxFreeFonthPath: FPE "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc + ubuntu update02:10
munichlinuxso what is the patch ?02:11
Dr_willisFrustation,  that made no sence to me wwhat so ever.. searh for your specific game at the appdb website. see if they say its playable, or what tweaks they needed to do to get it playable.02:11
Dr_willisFrustation,  also it may need a newer version of wine to make it playable.02:11
dunnixI woke up this morning with a ubuntu update message suggesting a "partial upgrade"  I did it, and now firefox 3.0 is no there... I am using 8.04 hardy   any ideas?02:11
Krzzzzhello folks02:11
Pelomunichlinux, do a search for the error msg in he forum  www.ubuntuforums.org02:11
meoblast001rootlinuxusr; i only want WINE... not qemu02:11
c0ldfusion!ubuntu+1 | dunnix02:11
ubotudunnix: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu02:11
meoblast001rootlinuxusr: do i really have to download all those RPM's?02:11
Dr_willisFrustation,  thers so many variants of that game. I dont know what one you have specifically02:11
Pelodunnix, ask in #ubuntu+102:12
unocrash!ubuntu+1 > dunnix02:12
FrustationDr_willis: i need the version to ubuntu 7.10 Gusty x8602:12
unocrash!ubuntu+1 | dunnix02:12
ubotudunnix: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu02:12
[Rocc]Could anyone help me?02:12
unocrash[Rocc]: Whats the prob?02:12
FrustationDr_willis: i have Ati Radeon 9200 and Amd Athlon 2400+ with Processesor 2gz and 750 Ram02:12
c0ldfusion!anyone | [Rocc]02:12
ubotu[Rocc]: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:12
wobbiebobbieyes rocc02:13
FrustationDr_willis: i have ubuntu 7.10 with gusty02:13
i_r_leenucks_manRocc, state the question please....02:13
Dr_willisFrustation,  wine and some games with ATI cards - dont work too well also..02:13
SilentSounDcan someone please help me get my "eraser header" disabled? It's driving me crazy, i can't type with it enabled.02:13
i_r_leenucks_man!anyone | [rocc]02:13
ubotu[rocc]: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:13
[Rocc]i need help burning ubuntu on  my computer02:13
PeloSilentSounD, eraser header ?02:13
[Rocc]i already got that grrr02:13
Dr_willisSilentSounD,  you mean the joy-nipple on the laptop? :)02:13
i_r_leenucks_manOk, from an ISO onto a CD?02:13
[Rocc]uh huh02:14
c0ldfusion[Rocc]: got a lighter handy?02:14
mopheaddoes http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=837922&postcount=7 make any sense to anyone?02:14
unocrashdid you follow the website i gave you [Rocc]?02:14
i_r_leenucks_manOk, does your comp burn CDs?02:14
StPatrickAlso, Everyone, http://pastebin.ca/973325 Is Me trying to follow those instructions.02:14
[Rocc]c0ld: no02:14
Pelo[Rocc], you need to ask specific quesitons02:14
SilentSounDDr_willis, yes02:14
FrustationDr_willis: ... :( You want to say me that NFS will not go on my computer ?02:14
SkinnYPuppStPatrick: type "man chmod" into terminal without the quotes.02:14
bobbo85Thanks Pelo :-)02:14
StPatrickSkinnYPupp,  Ok02:14
[Rocc]i do believe that is specific....02:14
i_r_leenucks_manRocc, do you have the .iso downloaded?02:14
unocrashdid you follow the website i gave you [Rocc]?02:14
SkinnYPuppStPatrick: q for quit in manpages02:14
Dr_willisFrustation,  it depends on a lot of things..  this is the Origianl 'need for speed' or some newer variant?02:14
amenadoStPatrick-> which ubuntu version do you have?02:14
[Rocc]no, what is it?02:14
StPatrickamenado, 7.1002:15
Dr_willisFrustation,  ATI cards are often a prlblem with MANY games under wine/cedega02:15
StPatrickSkinnYPupp,  What's that uhh gonna do for me?02:15
FrustationDr_willis: I have wine 0.9.46 ! how i can install wine 0.9.54 ?02:15
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
amenadoStPatrick-> what is wrong with the stock ipw3945 that came with 7.10 ?02:15
Krzzzzhello folks02:15
StPatrickamenado,  I have no idea.. maybe nothing. how do i use it02:15
i_r_leenucks_manok, rocc, go to www.ubuntu.com02:15
wobbiebobbiehi krzzz02:15
i_r_leenucks_mango to get ubuntu, download the .iso02:15
StPatrickamenado,  See, this is why im in here asking for help. I am LINUX noob.02:16
SkinnYPuppStPatrick: let you understand what the chmod does in that line02:16
Krzzzzhas anyone had any experience with Gnome-voice-control02:16
[Rocc]its already burnt and all02:16
amenadoStPatrick-> look in your  /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ubuntu/wireless if it is there02:16
tocmo0nlordi want to unzip a game into the games dir, tried unzip -d /folder/game.zip /urs/games/game but it says its unable to find it02:16
i_r_leenucks_manOk, now when you boot go into BIOS and change boot order so CD is first02:16
=== greencult_ is now known as GreenCult
[Rocc]how so?02:16
Krzzzzi get this error when i try to add the applet to a panel02:16
StPatrickamenado,  I dont understand how to Look in that.02:16
FrustationDr_willis: i have some newer variant NFS MW and i must put wine 0.9.54 on My computer02:16
i_r_leenucks_manBIOS is like, f2, f8, f12, some key shortcut when you boot up02:16
i_r_leenucks_manit should say02:16
i_r_leenucks_manwhat comp do you have?02:16
KrzzzzThe panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_VoiceControlApplet".02:16
amenadoStPatrick-> ls -la  /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ubuntu/wireless if it is there02:16
Pelotocmo0nlord, you need to use sudo if you unzip to anywhere outside your /home folder02:17
Dr_willisFrustation,  thers a  wine repository you can add to your repository list for the latest version of wine02:17
unocrashKrzzzz: use pastebin02:17
[Rocc]HP Pavilion 70002:17
DistroJockeyi_r_leenucks_man, [Rocc]:  we went through this02:17
FrustationDr_willis: what i must do ?02:17
[Rocc]im in bios02:17
Krzzzzsup uno02:17
tocmo0nlord sudo unzip -d /media/BARTPE/alienarena2008-linux20080227.zip /usr/share/games/02:17
tocmo0nlordunzip:  cannot find or open /usr/share/games/, /usr/share/games/.zip or /usr/share/games/.ZIP.02:17
Frogger626Does anyone know how to change the resolution on Ubuntu above 600x800?02:17
[Rocc]distro: i still need help....02:17
StPatrickamenado,  What am i looking for in this list?02:17
Dr_willisFrustation,  read at the !wine factid for a  start I gues. I dontuse wine much.02:17
unocrashKrzzzz: Use Pastebin for your error02:17
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.02:17
Krzzzzcan you explain it to me in mor detail02:17
StPatrickamenado,  ipw3945 is listed.02:17
DistroJockey[Rocc]: you said you asked a query, and I said I didn't see it02:18
FrustationDr_willis: i have wine 0.9.58 in .bz2 !02:18
i_r_leenucks_manrocc, go into private chat with me02:18
unocrash!pastebin | Krzzzz02:18
ubotuKrzzzz: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:18
DistroJockey[Rocc]: what stage are you at?02:18
i_r_leenucks_manI sent some messages to ya02:18
Dr_willisFrustation,  you dont want to use the source for wine02:18
StPatrickamenado, so is a rtl818x02:18
amenadoStPatrick-> so if you activate your wifi it does not work with that module?02:18
FrustationDr_willis: yes i want use the source why not ?02:18
StPatrickhow does one "activate their wifi" in linux?02:18
i_r_leenucks_manopen netmanager02:18
mopheadcan you open wifi-radar?02:18
StPatrickamenado,  How do i use that module?02:18
unocrashCan you access Internet from bluetooth?02:18
i_r_leenucks_manDon't use wifi-radar, that's crap.02:19
Dr_willisFrustation,  NO you dont.. they have .deb packages for the latest..  if you setup the proper repo following tha web site you can just do a apt-get install wine and it will get the latest.02:19
StPatrickWifi Radar opens.02:19
SilentSounDanyone ?02:19
SilentSounDother than cutting the wire02:19
tocmo0nlordoh LOL02:19
mopheadIs there a list of wifi connections?02:19
=== olala is now known as Iz
tocmo0nlordi was doing it backwards02:19
i_r_leenucks_manIn NetMan there is02:19
vocxtocmo0nlord, according to the manual page the order of the commands is incorrect.02:19
StPatrickmophead,  But that doesnt mean anyhting. Thre may nto be any within range wher ei am.02:19
Izhow can i unistall gnome and install another enviroment?02:19
FrustationDr_willis: where i can find the packages to the french wine 0.9.58 ?02:19
tocmo0nlord<vocx> i was doing it backwards lol, the .zip goes at end, dir where its going goes first02:20
i_r_leenucks_manlz theres some sudo apt-get thingy, let me check up02:20
Dr_willisFrustation,  read that !wine url yet? it gives links to the winehq repositories.02:20
amenadoStPatrick-> cd to that dir ipw3945 and then  sudo  modprobe ipw394502:20
mopheadstpatrick: so what are we trying to do then? I thought we were trying to run wifi02:20
Dr_willisFrustation,  http://winehq.org/site/download-deb02:20
[Rocc]Distro, Im in the dios, where we left off changing remoable device or something....02:20
StPatrickmophead,  Im trying to get my computer to realize I HAVE a wifi card.02:20
StPatrickmy wif DOESNT work.02:20
DistroJockey[Rocc]: might be easier to just put the IDE hard drive last in the list02:20
vocxtocmo0nlord, check the manpage, it is not as important which goes first or after, the important part is the switch "-d" it must appear before the directory.02:20
StPatrickamenado,  CD to which directory?02:21
FrustationDr_willis: thank ^^02:21
[Rocc]distro: What do you mean by that?02:21
tocmo0nlordi switched it around and worked great02:21
i_r_leenucks_manlz: try sudo apt-get install kde-desktop-environment02:21
DistroJockey[Rocc]: so that all other devices try to boot before the hard drive02:21
unocrashI forgot it!!!!! HOW do i get compiz!!02:22
i_r_leenucks_manRocc, change boot order so CD boots first02:22
i_r_leenucks_manunocrash: sudo apt-get install compiz-fuzion02:22
marciaHello all.02:22
i_r_leenucks_manshould work02:22
StPatrickamenado,  Dude?02:22
Frogger626What is compiz?02:22
unocrashi cant belive i forgot how to get it02:22
vocxtocmo0nlord, exactly, but you could have done this "unzip file.zip -d /usr/share/games/" also02:22
i_r_leenucks_manGraphical manage02:22
StPatrickFrogger626,  Just go get it.02:22
unocrash!compiz | Frogger62602:22
ubotuFrogger626: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion02:22
i_r_leenucks_manBeryl + Compiz = Compiz Fuzion02:23
i_r_leenucks_manRocc won02:23
StPatrickamenado, man im so lost.02:23
dassoukiis there a way to install the world clock app in gutsy?02:23
FrustationDr_willis: when i run with wine 0.9.58 i have nothing...02:23
[Rocc]Grr im lost...02:23
FrustationDr_willis: you had get the problem ?02:24
Dr_willisFrustation,  no idea then. I dont have the game, i dont use wine. and the appdb says the game is flakey under wine.02:24
Stroganoffis there something like xpaint but not as ugly? (not kpaint)02:24
Frustationflakey ?02:24
Dr_willisFrustation,  post a commant on the wine appdb perhaps, check their forums,02:24
FrustationDr_willis: okay...02:25
Dr_willisFrustation,  they say the game is very unplayable whenit does work.02:25
i_r_leenucks_manTALK TO ME IN PRIVATE CHAT02:25
i_r_leenucks_manTalk over PM rocc02:25
[Rocc]I am02:25
FrustationDr_willis: so... what the NFS can run with wine ? NFSU2 NFSCarbon ?02:25
amenadoStPatrick-> hang on am watching starwars..hehe02:25
i_r_leenucks_mani don't see any replies02:26
Dr_willisFrustation,  look at that wine appdatabase. they list all those games.02:26
FrustationDr_willis: okay ^^thx02:26
vocx!register | i_r_leenucks_man [Rocc]02:26
ubotui_r_leenucks_man [Rocc]: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.02:26
Dr_willisFrustation,   some do get good ratings02:26
[Rocc]Leenucks: do you have yim/msn?02:26
StPatrickamenado,  I'd be watching tv right now... If i was on WIRELESS!!!!!02:26
soulreaperhi i have linux ubuntu and i have cedega. how do i use it to install steam from steampowerd.com02:26
mikedotySo... I have these fancy effects with ubuntu now, like thumbnail previews when I alt-tab02:27
ricaneliteokay i have envy running on ubuntu 7.10 and everything works fine i get my Philips LCD HDTV Screen displayed as the second monitor fine. The one major problem is when the Philips is displayed i cant see the menu panel and if I open a application like Firefox the panel for that application is also not showing up. It is there but I just cant see it. I have it set up to 1280x720. What can I do?02:27
amenadoStPatrick-> cd  /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ubuntu/wireless/ipw394502:27
mikedotyBut now I can't alt-shift-tab.  Minor inconvenience.  How can I restore this functionality?02:27
[Rocc1I LIKE MEN!02:27
c0ldfusionhere we go02:27
soulreaperyou to !!!!02:27
[Rocc]dude why r u starting beef and you dont know me?02:27
mikedotyStop spamming away my question02:28
unocrash[Rocc1: ummmmm...... ok02:28
StPatrickamenado,  It gave me errors02:28
[Rocc1Why did my color change?02:28
methodsis there no autoexpect package for ubuntu ?02:28
[Rocc]ty ljl02:28
soulreapercan anyone help me with cedega on ubuntu02:28
StPatrickamenado,  Is Annikan dead yet?02:30
soulreaperanyone please02:30
mgray5159I am new to this channel02:30
mgray5159how are you all doing02:30
mopheadstpatrick: what error did you get?02:30
amenadoStPatrick-> changing directory gave you errors?02:30
mgray5159I am also new to ubuntu02:30
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto02:30
StPatrickamen no the command you told me to run in the directory, lol02:30
ubotuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete02:30
StPatrickMaking a pastebin now02:30
mgray5159does anyton know how to fix the skype problem with skype: error while loading shared libraries: libXv.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:31
[Rocc]ok, leenucks still here?02:31
amenadoStPatrick-> cd  /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ubuntu/wireless/ipw3945  <-- this gave you errors?02:31
StPatrickmophead, amenado  http://pastebin.ca/97334302:31
StPatrickamenado, no the command you told me to run inside there did.02:31
glissI'm surprised ubuntu can use my multimedia keys on my keyboard02:32
glissEverything on this computer works flawless with ubuntu02:32
StPatrickgliss,  Im Sooo happy for you.02:32
glissExcept for the sleep button I think02:32
jimHi... I'd like to ask if someone recommended to StPatrick to come to #debian to ask about a ubuntu wireless issue?02:32
amenadoStPatrick-> its going to a wrong directory when loading?  you finished compiling what you were doing earlier? Im referring to the old stock module02:32
soulreaperok there is 1193 people and no one can help me what is wrong with that02:32
StPatrickamenado,  I dont understand.02:33
refraxwhat is a free alternative to vmware for linux?02:33
wasup"force quit" window is stuck02:33
wasuphow the fuck do I get it off02:33
glisswhat's the difference between suspend an hibernate?02:33
MattJrefrax: Try virtualbox02:33
amenadoStPatrick-> /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/net/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt.ko  <--this...02:33
glissStPatrick: yeah, it rocks02:33
LjL!language | wasup02:33
ubotuwasup: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:33
c0ldfusion!friendly | wasup02:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about friendly - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:33
LjLwasup: type "xkill" in alt+f2 and click on the window02:33
wasuphow in tarnation do I get it off!02:33
amenadoStPatrick-> that dont look same as the directory i asked you to cd to02:33
refraxMattJ: ok installing now :)02:33
StPatrickjim,  He left dude. He had to go. Told me when he left to ask in here, or in #Debian, that someone might be able to help.02:33
wasup!using ubotu | c0ldfusion02:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about using ubotu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:34
StPatrickamenado,  =/02:34
unocrash!language | wasup02:34
ubotuwasup: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:34
[Rocc]Question, what one should i change the cd thing too.... um like 1. remoable device...02:34
StPatrickamenado,  Im tryin man i really am.02:34
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:34
wasupunocrash, what did i say this time02:34
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.02:34
unocrashf      u     c       k02:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about haters - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:34
wasup"xkill" won't do it02:34
unocrashhaha !haters02:34
wasupLjL, xkill won't do it02:35
StPatrick!Fix my wifi02:35
amenadoStPatrick-> hang on..let me look around02:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fix my wifi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:35
StPatrickamenado,  Thanks :(02:35
wasupthe "force quit" window is stuck like a picture02:35
Dr_willis!love | unocrash02:35
ubotuunocrash: Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.02:35
Dogma_So, is anyone here running Ubuntu on a mac Via Paralells?02:35
wasuphow the hell do I get the "force quit" window off without restarting02:35
unocrash!botabuse | StPatrick, Dr_willis, c0ldfusion02:36
ubotuStPatrick, Dr_willis, c0ldfusion: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.02:36
LjLwasup: i have no idea why xkill wouldn't do it...02:36
StPatrickubotu I forgive you. No one seems to know much about fixing my wifi.02:36
style23kitche it was named grandparadiso webbrowser. I kept clicking the firefox icon.... it works now thank you02:36
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:36
christophoroshello guys i installed utubu last night and now i am trying to connect an external harddrive but it wont let me see the contents of the drive any ideas?02:36
Survivorman!wireless | StPatrick02:36
ubotuStPatrick: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:36
banditofdoomhi guys02:37
wasupLjL, ubuntu has been pissing me off lately.  Rhythmbox constantly just randomly shuts off... firefox freezes on very simple tasks... and when ubuntu crashes, it crashes so bad i have to restart my computer to be able to do anything02:37
banditofdoomhi all02:37
amenadoStPatrick-> what do you have in /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/net/ieee80211 ?02:37
banditofdoomwhens zday comin out02:37
LjLwasup: i'm sorry.02:37
c0ldfusionwasup: mine doesn't do that02:37
unocrashLjL: Hey!02:37
unocrashI wasn't playing02:37
unocrashI had the ubotu window up02:37
jimStPatrick: have you determined your chipset and driver name?02:37
LjLunocrash, you weren't helping either... the warning had been given, then use PM if you need to give further factoids02:38
StPatrickjim,  chipset seems to be Realtek RTL8187b02:38
StPatrickjim, driver is anyone's guess02:38
jimok, what linux driver for that?02:38
jimpreferably your determination02:38
unocrashwhats -o mean?02:39
StPatrickamenado,  It says macsoft02:39
ricaneliteim trying to save my x configuration file and im getting this error message Unable to create new X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'.02:39
tocmo0nlordi get this error while trying to install adobe http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62276/ help ?02:39
jimunocrash: sideways lollipop02:39
StPatrickamenado, sorry softmac02:39
StPatrickjim,  Are you talking to me?02:39
amenadoStPatrick-> thats the only content of that directory?02:40
StPatrickamenado,  Yes02:40
unocrashwhy a sideways lollipop?02:40
jimunocrash: I dunno, that's what it looks like to me...02:40
amenadoStPatrick-> what happend to the original that were there?02:40
StPatrickamenado,  What original....02:40
StPatrickamenado,  I have no idea.  I dont know what was there.02:40
refraxMattJ: thank's for the suggestion, works good :D02:41
StPatrickamenado,  I didnt even know that folder was there02:41
amenadoStPatrick-> files that start wtih ieee8021102:41
SurvivormanStPatrick, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571046&page=602:41
MattJrefrax: Great :D02:41
refraxMattJ: vmware was giving me problems02:41
vocxtocmo0nlord, don't install rpm in ubuntu02:41
vocx!deb | tocmo0nlord02:41
ubotutocmo0nlord: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.02:41
pyraki can't umount an sd card, how do i tell what process is making it "busy"?02:41
SurvivormanStPatrick, there is a partial fix it seems02:41
MattJrefrax: I prefer VirtualBox in many ways, yes02:41
Dr_willispyrak,  lsof /dev/SDCARDDEVICE02:41
tocmo0nlordso i cant install rpm files in ubuntu ?02:41
iceswordpyrak, cd out that dir02:41
christophorosam trying to mount the usb drive but it wont let me it says "hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000" anyone can help me out?02:41
Dr_willispyrak,  i think.02:41
Dr_willispyrak,  be sure you are cd'd out of any shells accessing the device.02:42
SurvivormanStPatrick, here is a fix for your wifi it looks: http://quilombo.wordpress.com/2008/03/07/realtek-rtl8187b-working-in-ubuntu-710-using-ndiswrapper/02:42
amenadoStPatrick-> your wifi is a usb dongle?02:42
StPatrickSurvivorman,  Finding posts about my problem is not my problem I can search google, and browse forums all day long.  Thank you though. I appreciate your looking, and assistance. However, what I need is someone to help me DO one of those fixes. I can't put the processes listed into effect.02:42
jimtocmo0nlord: you could look into alien -- might work even -- other than that, it's not recommended02:42
DigitalKiwiif ubuntu is debian then why is there ubuntu?02:42
StPatrickamenado,  It;s internal. Built in, but usb.02:42
pyrakDr_willis, thanks, that did it02:42
StPatrickSurvivorman,   Please do nto take this as me being ungrateful. I am very appreciative of your searching.02:43
amenadoStPatrick-> built in but usb? usb are normally removable..02:43
MattJDigitalKiwi: Ubuntu is based on Debian, it is not Debian02:43
hexoroidanybody good with rdns ?02:43
DistroJockey!debian | DigitalKiwi02:43
ubotuDigitalKiwi: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!02:43
StPatrickamenado,  Im aware of that.  Don't ask me to explain it. It's an internal USB.02:43
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jimDigitalKiwi: it's not debian. the only thing in common really is the packaging format... and even that is questionable, because ubuntu takes all its software from debian unstable and works on it02:43
vocxtocmo0nlord, jim, he could try alien but it is not needed to install adobe reader.02:43
Dr_willisDigitalKiwi,  its no longer 'debian'  - its  branched away from debian.    it also has different design goals then debian does.02:43
hexoroidanybody good with rdns ?02:43
refraxpyrak: next time if that happens, and that isn't the cause, then do 'fuser /dev/cdrom' and it will tell you processes using it02:44
unocrashLjL: what's -o mean?02:44
jimunocrash: what's it mean... to me? to you? to some unix command? which command?02:44
Survivormannp StPatrick02:44
hexoroidanybody good with rdns ?02:44
StPatrickSurvivorman,  Think you can walk me through one of them?02:44
amenadoStPatrick-> I guess since you dont have those ieee80211  files go ahead and compile those what you were doing earlier...see if your compiled modules would work..02:44
Lichig0I have one simple question: When Ubuntu goes to 8.04(or whatever the new version is) will my current one (7.10) notify me that the upgrade is available02:45
StPatrickamenado,  Dude I dont remember what your taslking about. Infact.. I dont know what Compiling is...02:45
LjL!modes > unocrash    (unocrash, see the private message from Ubotu)02:45
jootLichigo, Yes02:45
[Rocc]i still need help :(02:45
Dr_willisStPatrick,  thats why youinstalled the 'build-essential' package earlier. for the C compiler stuff.02:45
unocrash[Rocc]: Can you not boot to the cd02:46
StPatrickDr_willis,  i remember installing that.. i dont know what its for. I installed it cause you said i would need it.02:46
maynards-girlhow do i edit tags for songs using Exaile?02:46
xfahow can i configure speaks and headphones output seperatly?02:46
mophead!modes > me02:46
amenadoStPatrick-> you were referring to a step chmod a+x remove-old && sudo ./remove-old   this may have removed it..02:46
jimStPatrick: lots to do, lots to learn... have you removed something that you're going to have to replace in order to get something working?02:46
Dr_willisStPatrick,  as i said then if you are going to COmpile source code. You will need it..  that site you gave had the source code.02:47
danc3maynards-girl: did you read the documentation for "Exaile"?02:47
unocrash!hi > me02:47
StPatrickjim,  It seems that way02:47
DistroJockeyxfa: running   alsamixer   from a terminal didn't help?02:47
StPatrickDr_willis,  I... think I understand.02:47
[Nevan]can anyone help me with this script: http://pastebin.ca/973342 plz?02:47
StPatrickamenado,  Indeed. That seems likely.02:47
xfaif i set headphones to max an front down both volumes are 002:47
osxdude|laptopsorry, ubuntu alternate is installing on my old desktop and it's stuck at Configuring apt (40%): Scanning the mirror...02:47
xfamaybe a driver problem?02:47
amenadoStPatrick-> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=837922&postcount=7  <--this was the link you have pasted earlier when i came in..02:48
StPatrickamenado,  RIght, Im trying to do that.02:48
iceswordosxdude|laptop, nana,is it connected to internet02:48
Dr_willis[Nevan],  first line is wrong   #! /bin/sh    NO space in there.. for a starter02:48
maynards-girldanc3, i didn't see it on their wiki or site02:48
xfa Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8) is my audio chip02:48
Dr_willis[Nevan],  and you proberly want #!/bin/bash02:48
osxdude|laptopicesword I assume it is.02:48
StPatrickamenado,   I dont know how to explain why this is so difficult for me.02:48
amenadoStPatrick-> when you executed this   chmod a+x remove-old && sudo ./remove-old   this may have removed it..02:48
DistroJockeyxfa: alot of devices cancel the speakers out when phones are plugged in *shrugs*02:48
christophorosam trying to mount the usb drive but it wont let me it says "hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000" anyone can help me out?02:48
StPatrickamenado,  That seems likely....02:48
danc3maynards-girl: have you done any basic Googling for instructions?  Have you even tried to actually *USE* the program to do what you want?02:49
osxdude|laptopEthernet is plugged in, and I configured the wireless manually, icesword02:49
StPatrickamenado,  SO now what?02:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:49
amenadoStPatrick-> continue with the steps02:49
iceswordosxdude|laptop, then wait02:49
StPatrickI did02:49
nickrudosxdude|laptop what do you see on alt-f4? (or one of those, has the log)02:49
StPatrickamenado,  I did, Then I pastebin linked you the errors it returned.02:49
[Nevan]Dr_willis: the problem is here: /usr/bin/screen -DmS realm $dir/$exe &> $home/test.log02:49
[Nevan]the log dont be saved :/02:49
osxdude|laptophaha, funny, nickrud02:49
xfayeah but my speakers still run after plugin in the headphones02:49
unocrash!Brainfuck > me02:49
jimStPatrick: there's a coupla possibilities... you'll have to either get help from someone or learn the whole process (albeit a step at a time) yourself02:49
nickrudosxdude|laptop ?02:49
osxdude|laptopI see it02:49
StPatrickjim,  I know man, Im trying to do both...  For now, though, I need wireless, so im tryin to find help.02:50
amenadoStPatrick-> you downloaded that  "Next download ieee80211-1.1.12 which is the newest todate."  ?02:50
osxdude|laptopnickrud it says it's failing to downloa02:50
StPatrickI downloaded the .18 one that is actually newest, yes02:50
=== jordan_ is now known as Jordan_U
Dr_willis[Nevan],  try it with bash instead of sh for a start. put an 'echo' in front of that line, to see what its expanding to exatly for a test also.  Youmay have some typo.02:50
jimosxdude|laptop: so... you're running windows right now?02:50
tocmo0nlordi get this error when trying to load alienarena2008 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62278/02:50
StPatrickamenado,  They are sitting in a temp folder02:50
nickrudosxdude|laptop it's trying to get from a mirror probably02:51
osxdude|laptopit just tried again.02:51
amenadoStPatrick-> then just follow the steps per that instruction in the link02:51
osxdude|laptopnickrud that's excatly what it's foing02:51
StPatrickamenado,  Im tryin to tell you i already did.... but it's cool. Ill do it again02:51
unocrashosxdude|laptop: ar u from www.osx-e.com?02:51
vocxtocmo0nlord, you shoudn't be using the root terminal for games, just to do administrative stuff.02:51
unocrashthoguht so.....02:52
DistroJockeyxfa: ohh. There are more channels to the right in alsamixer also. Maybe play with 'Center' or 'Surround'. Apart from that, not sure.02:52
StPatrickamen Ok, I downloaded the file.02:52
amenadoStPatrick-> sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`/  /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build  <--I assume you are about to do this?02:52
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:52
nickrudosxdude|laptop this may sound silly, but if you hit escape a few times you can go back in the install, and pick a different time zone in a different country  (or maybe hand select a mirror)02:52
osxdude|laptopfirst forum I went to for macosx emulation help...02:52
osxdude|laptopooh, cool nickrud02:52
StPatrickamenado,  Yes02:52
mgray5159does anyone know how to fix the skype problem with skype: error while loading shared libraries: libXv.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:52
StPatrickamenado,  Lets see what happens.02:52
[Nevan]the problem is the test.log is empty... tried with only: $dir/$exe >> $home/test.log02:52
[Nevan]and all work good but i need screen and with screen dont work02:52
nonix4Can I make grub/casper boot directly from a .iso on an usb drive or do I really need to extract that huge amount of data there?02:53
Dr_willistocmo0nlord,  downloading that game now..:) going to take 20 min. :(02:53
xfaDistrojockey, i got headphone, pcm, frpnt front mic and microphone02:53
StPatrickln: creating symbolic link `/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/build/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic' to `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic/': File exists02:53
Dr_willistocmo0nlord,  downloading that game now.. down to 10 min! :)02:53
SilentSounDcan someone please help me get my "eraser header" disabled? It's an AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint TouchPad Handlers=mouse3 event502:53
DistroJockeyxfa: what was it you were trying to do again?02:54
tocmo0nlordyes, problem was that it wouldn run under root02:54
tocmo0nlordgot it working on reg terminal02:54
Dr_willistocmo0nlord,  most likelyt you need to run the game as a user. since root cant access the desktop/X02:54
StPatrickDr_willis,  What game is that?02:54
Dr_willisStPatrick,  AlienArena2008 - it just came out a few weeks ago.02:54
xfai want to listen to music with the headphones, but i don't want to use the speaks at the same time02:54
DistroJockey!install | nonix4  (see the last link)02:54
ubotunonix4  (see the last link): Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:54
soulreaperwell can anyone help me now02:54
StPatrickDr_willis,  What is it?02:54
amenadoStPatrick-> then next step?  make && sudo make install     -- im just following the steps on that link.02:54
StPatrickamenado,  Ok.02:54
vocxStPatrick, amenado why are you doing those symlinks? You can mess the system like that.02:55
unocrashosxdude|laptop: u there?02:55
Dr_willisStPatrick,  ALiens in an arena :) http://red.planetarena.org/02:55
xfaDistroJockey, using a laptop it's useless when i am travelling and both devices run02:55
StPatrickvocx,  Desperatly trying to fix my wifi02:55
christophorosguys anyone can help me out?02:55
amenadovocx-> per the link he posted earlier..just following it..not sure if its a workable solution for him02:55
christophoroschristophoros@christophoros-laptop:~$ mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1/media/disk -o force02:55
christophorosmount: only root can do that02:55
StPatrickvocx,  Can you help me?02:55
* StPatrick Begs.02:55
tocmo0nlordmeh game looks crappy on laptop02:55
christophoroswhy i cant do it?02:55
Starnestommychristophoros: put sudo before that command02:55
refraxchristophoros: add sudo in front of the laptop02:55
refraxchristophoros: LOL02:55
unocrash!pastebin > christophoros02:55
refraxchristophoros: i mean command not laptop02:55
DistroJockeyxfa: agreed, what if you mute or drop the volume on "Front" ?02:55
osxdude|laptop!offtopic | unocrash02:56
ubotuunocrash: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:56
nickrudcrisnoh also, add a space between sdb1 and /media02:56
vocxamenado, it better to provide no help at all, that not knowing what those commands do. Be careful when helping others.02:56
amenadovocx-> i can not attest to the workability of the link he pasted earlier, im just walking trhough the steps with him02:56
xfaDistroJockey, then headphones are mute too02:56
unocrashIm not dumb02:56
christophoroschristophoros@christophoros-laptop:~$ sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1/media/disk -o force02:56
christophorosUsage: mount -V                 : print version02:56
unocrashIm on ubuntu to help. im just randomly chatting from time to time.02:56
StPatrickvocx,  He's just tryin to help man. He's just trying to help me understand a website explaination02:56
nickrudcrisnoh sorry bout that02:56
christophorosetc etc it shows me the help think02:56
osxdude|laptopnickrud guess what. I pressed alt+ctrl+f2 and went into the consle, and typed in ifconfig and, what do ya know, it isn't connected.02:57
DistroJockeyxfa: pressing  m  on a channel will toggle mute02:57
StPatrickvocx,  Do you know how to fix my wifi?02:57
nickrudosxdude|laptop ah!02:57
Frogger626Uh, hey02:57
refraxchristophoros: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/disk -o force02:57
refraxchristophoros: copy and paste that02:57
amenadovocx  he had removed the ieee80211 files so -- logical to may as well finish the compile steps he was working on02:57
osxdude|laptopnickrud, i'm going to not set up the network02:57
StPatrick8 min on alienarena02:57
vocxStPatrick, you can follow the advise you want, but if the one helping you isn't even sure, you can mess things up badly.02:57
nickrudosxdude|laptop done that myself a couple times, easy to set up networking02:57
refraxchristophoros: tell me if it worked02:58
StPatrickvocx,  Well, what do you reccomend then man? I need wifi working, and I'm completely new to linux. :(02:58
osxdude|laptopnickrud, that is correct, remember I'm in the alternate disk :D02:58
xfayeah but muting front mutes the rest02:58
amenadovocx-> it would not be so bad, when missing those  ieee80211 to load ipw394502:58
nickrudosxdude|laptop I would have kept my mouth shut otherwise, it's the only install I use (and know even a little about)02:58
xfaDistroJockey, istn there a tool letting me configure that seperatly02:58
vocxamenado, I get it. However, I think that when you install kernel headers the symlinks are automatically set, you don't need to do it yourself. He is using a strange non-ubuntu guide?02:59
christophorosrefrax yeh it worked02:59
unocrash!mythbuntu > me02:59
christophorosthx alot02:59
jootStPatrick< Go to the ubuntu forums wifi can be a real bitch :-)02:59
StPatrickvocx,  It was on Ubuntu forums.02:59
xfaDistroJockey, i can chose between als mixer (HDA intel) and realtek ALC88802:59
StPatrickjoot,  Yea, thanks, I know.02:59
refraxchristophoros: you're welcome :)02:59
=== olala is now known as Iz
mopheadxfa: What worked for me was muting front completely, then turning the headphones way up02:59
osxdude|laptopthere is no floppy disk, and there was an I/O error on dev/fd002:59
unocrashwhats gobuntu?02:59
refraxunocrash: a template for other "ubuntus" i believe03:00
StPatrickjoot,  As I tried to explain earlier, finiding information isnt my problem. It's taking that information, and fixing anything with it that's stoppingn me. I need a translator.03:00
amenadovocx i dont know, he found the solution, we were looking for the stock  ieee80211 but he has gone far enuff on the steps to have removed these..so we may as well go forward with building a newer  ieee8021103:00
ubotugobuntu is a freedom-focused flavour of Ubuntu intended for experienced Linux enthusiasts. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/gobuntu for more information and download mirrors..03:00
DistroJockeyxfa: has the laptop got a manual volume control?  alsamixer is the only thing I can think of atm. And yeah, as you said it may be a driver or changing devices may help.03:00
refraxunocrash: to create other's like kubuntu and xubuntu03:00
vocxStPatrick, Okay, just remember that you can't rush things up. It doesn't matter if you are desperate, and being new to linux doesn't help.03:00
nickrudosxdude|laptop I read somewhere that setting a kernel option of all_generic_ide fixes that, you might want to google a bit to confirm03:00
StPatrickvocx,  Been trying to make it fork 7 days 23 hours now.03:00
StPatrickvocx,  work*03:00
[Rocc]Distro: could you help me, i have no clue which one to change to the disk drive..03:00
xfaDistroJockey, muting front mutes all03:01
mopheadxfa: I also have it switched to alsa mixer03:01
osxdude|laptopah, ok. because my laptop's ubuntu install says there is a floppy drive on the system, lol (nickrud)03:01
StPatrickvocx,  I will ask again, will you help me?03:01
amenadoStPatrick this is a new install relatively speaking right?03:01
jimwhy doesn't distro rhyme with bistro?03:01
unocrashwhats medibuntu?03:01
mopheadjim: bistro is french03:01
Izhow can i update amsn ? :o03:01
nickrud!medibuntu | unocrash03:01
StPatrickamenado,  I formatted less than 2 hours ago.03:01
ubotuunocrash: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:01
jootStPatrick, I cant really help I got into a situation with my card getting on the blacklist some how and I never resolved the issue on that puter..03:01
DistroJockeyxfa: sorry, I have no more ideas atm03:01
newbieis it possible to play PS2 games on ubuntu?03:01
StPatrickamenado,  And I have formatted this laptop about 30 time sin the last 6 days.03:01
xfayeah but if i change headphones volume nothing happens..03:01
unocrashis it possible to download medibuntu?03:02
StPatrickamenado,  And Im happy to format again and start fresh.03:02
[Rocc]Newbie: try a emulator...03:02
YeaSthey, guys03:02
DistroJockey[Rocc]: are you in a device config screen or a boot order screen?03:02
mopheadxfa: I know this sounds stupid but double check that the headphones are plugged into the right hole.03:02
YeaStanyone using virtualbox?03:02
vocxStPatrick, my wireless worked after 3 months, so don't complain. Follow amenado, since he has already helped you.03:02
nickrudunocrash read the link given03:02
newbie[Rocc], which one would you suggest?03:02
amenadoStPatrick-> okay cool..03:02
YeaStI have some problem with the keyboard in virtual guest machine03:02
[Rocc]Distro: "AwardBIOS Setup Utility" is at the top...03:02
mophead!ask | Yeast03:02
ubotuYeast: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:02
StPatrickvocx,  Im not complaining. I'm stating a fact. Im not rushing anything, i am a little rushed, cause people helping me keep having to leave 1/2 way through the process..03:03
[Rocc]Newbie: i wouldn't know, sorry03:03
DistroJockey[Rocc]: and the name of the page you are on in there?03:03
StPatrickamenado,  So, are we continuing :P?03:03
amenadoStPatrick-> so go on withthat  step    make && sudo make install03:03
jootnewbie, I think there is a ps emulator in add remove programs03:03
[Rocc]Distro: im on the boot part03:03
StPatrickamenado,  Give me a minute. I gotta pull everythign back up. I closed everything down when vocx interrupted.03:03
DistroJockey[Rocc]: sec, looking something up03:03
LjLjoot, newbie: not in add/remove programs perhaps (because most come without a graphical front-end by default, and add/remove only shows graphical programs), but there are certainly some in the repositories (use synaptic)03:03
YeaStI could not type in virtualbox guest machine03:03
xfamophead, i can hear sound with the headphones but i can't sepratly change the volume03:03
[Rocc]Distro: kk ill be here03:04
StPatrickamenado,  DO you have the site up? would you link me please?03:04
soulreaperany one use cedega on ubuntu03:04
LjLjoot: uh... you said "i think". i somehow read that as "i don't think".03:04
refraxYeaSt: I am using virtualbox right now, why what is your problem?03:04
Siliciumhow i can use variables in xarg statements?03:04
xfaFront Volume and Headphones Volume run parallel, it seems to me03:04
SiliciumiE: find *.so |xarg cp $1 /usr/lib/03:04
amenadoStPatrick-> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=837922&postcount=703:04
Silicium$1 doesnt work03:04
mgray5159does anyone know how to fix the skype problem with skype: error while loading shared libraries: libXv.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:04
mopheadxfa: what eventually helped me was plugging my headphones into the speakers, and controlling volume through the speakers, with my front on mute.03:04
troxorSilicium: use curly braces03:04
StPatrickamenado,  Ok, do i need to be in a particular folder to do that command?03:04
Siliciumtroxor: i dont know03:05
DistroJockey[Rocc]: does what this site contain look similar:  http://www.computerhope.com/help/phoenixa.htm03:05
xfayeah but i am using a laptop03:05
troxorSilicium: find / -name "*.so" | xargs cp {} /usr/lib/ \;`03:05
troxorSilicium: but you probably don't want to do that command ;)03:05
[Rocc]Distro: no03:05
xfaso i could open the laptop and work it out :D03:05
Dr_willisSilicium,  i always google for xargs examples. :)03:05
jootnewbie, Sorry it is a PCX emulator my bad :-(03:06
amenadoStPatrick-> whereever you were after downloading those ieee80211 file03:06
newbiejoot, no problem :)03:06
DistroJockey[Rocc]: see anything about first boot device?03:06
StPatrickamenado, the folder i unzipped them to?03:06
amenadoStPatrick-> yes03:06
troxorSilicium: according to man xargs, it should be '{}' instead, sorry03:06
[Rocc]Distro: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf-JAVA/Doc/images/c00814740.jpg looks like mine03:07
StPatrickamenado,  I dont know how to get to it =/ I suck.03:07
amenadoStPatrick-> thats where the Makefile is... the target make and make install03:07
DistroJockey[Rocc]: sweet, looking03:07
jootLjL, No I meant " think" I just thought wrong that is all P03:07
amenadoStPatrick-> change directory == cd03:07
[Rocc]Distro: ok03:07
StPatrickamenado,  right03:07
DistroJockey[Rocc]: see that boot page at the top, you at that one?03:07
[Rocc]Distro: yeah03:08
bruenigtroxor: xargs is useless there03:08
StPatrickamenado,  It's making!03:08
bruenigfind / -name '*.so' -exec cp '{}' /usrlib ';'03:08
StPatrickError 203:08
bruenigone command is success03:08
StPatrickamenado,  Error 203:08
StPatrickWant a pastebin?03:08
amenadoStPatrick-> yes please03:08
DistroJockey[Rocc]: and what order are they in now?03:08
[Rocc]Here distro03:09
[Rocc]lemme take a pic03:09
troxorbruenig: yeah, -exec is better03:09
DistroJockey[Rocc]: that would be great :)03:09
StPatrickamenado, http://pastebin.ca/97338803:09
jimStPatrick: you're going to have to find the real error. first: make clean03:09
jimwhat command did you use to build?03:09
StPatrickjim,  I cant take directions from 2 people at once. Are you taking over?03:09
YeaStrefrax:  I just could not type anything in virtual machine03:09
refraxYeaSt: odd03:10
jair__Hello, ¿could someone help me? I have connectivity isssues with firefox after installingmy new wireless router. All other computers in the house work perfectly, one with windows and the other with Gutsy03:10
MrStonedOnesound was working, after having skype running and xmms running at the same time, sound stopped working in both, cords where checked, reboot didn't fix it03:10
StPatrickjim,  you can see what command i use at the link http://pastebin.ca/97338803:10
MrStonedOneany ideas?03:10
refraxYeaSt: what was the os on the vb?03:10
DeVonneIf I goto Hardy what is the worst that can happen?03:10
jimStPatrick: which line?03:10
newbieis there any way I could load an ISO image into the cdrom without burning a CD, or is there some software to open the image file and execute its content?03:10
StPatrickjim,  Top.03:10
refraxYeaSt: was it after the installation of the OS on virtualbox?03:10
MrStonedOnei cant get sound to work in any app, after checking vol levels03:10
[Rocc]Distro: its being sent to my email now...03:10
Dr_willisDeVonne,  a update breaks the system for a few days. :)03:10
YeaStrefrax: it doesnot matter, it does not work even in installation process03:10
jair__I've tried disabling IPv6, cleaning the DNS caché and eliminating the word feisty from my user agent, to no avail03:11
DistroJockey[Rocc]: k03:11
DeVonneDr_willis:  what do you mean?03:11
Dr_willisnewbie,  you can mount iso imatge files easially enough03:11
mopheadDeVonne: do you really want to find out?03:11
amenadoStPatrick-> follow the suggestion per your paste..starting around line 503:11
bazhangDeVonne: hardy discussion in #ubuntu+1 thanks03:11
Dr_willisDeVonne,  a few weeks ago a kernel update. made things unbootable for a day. :) befor that no sound for a few days.. befor that . samba was broke03:11
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:11
DeVonneOk thanks!03:11
Dr_willis!iso | newbie03:11
ubotunewbie: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:11
[Rocc]Distro: can we talk on Query?03:11
StPatrickso type that in?03:11
level09is there any open source solution like Cpanel ?03:11
Starnestommylevel09: ebox?03:11
Dr_willisnewbie,  or you may want to try the fuseiso tools.03:11
level09or WHM03:12
DistroJockey[Rocc]: what is Query?03:12
StarnestommyDistroJockey: private message03:12
* level09 is checking ebox03:12
[Rocc]Distro: private message on mirc03:12
MrStonedOnenone of the !sound info seems to be fore when sound stops working03:12
DistroJockey[Rocc]: sure, but you will need to register your nick03:12
amenadoStPatrick-> yes.. make SHELL=/bin/bash03:12
jimStPatrick: ok so you do have the build log... two issues: the build seems to require you to use bash03:12
DistroJockeyStarnestommy: cheers :)03:12
DistroJockey!register | [Rocc]03:13
ubotu[Rocc]: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.03:13
StPatrickamenado, , jim, That gave me error 2 as well, making a pastebin03:13
jimperhaps if you do a make clean, get into bash and then run the make again it will work further03:13
vocxamenado, if you can you should talk to him in private message, because it is talking a lot of space in this channel. Just a suggestion.03:13
StPatrickamenado, jim http://pastebin.ca/97339203:13
level09sounds impressive, is it easy to install ebox on ubunto through ssh ?03:13
[Rocc]i know howto register on irc03:13
[Rocc]if thats what ur talking about03:13
DistroJockey[Rocc]: yup03:13
YeaStany idea guys?03:13
DeVonneanyone here know how to get a radeon 9000 working or can help me?03:13
jimStPatrick, run make clean then make03:14
SilentSounDHow do i disable the DualPoint mouse?03:14
StPatrickjim,  So type "make clean"03:14
StPatrickjim,  Then "make"03:14
jimthen run the make with the bash thing03:14
StPatrickjim, wait how do i run the make with the bash thing? What would I type in?03:15
[Rocc]Distro: you have yim or msn?03:15
DistroJockey[Rocc]:  nope03:15
jimyou did it already03:15
[Rocc]any messenger?03:15
jimjust do the same thing again03:15
StPatrickjim,  This :   make && sudo make install?03:15
jimactually hold up03:15
StPatrickjim,  K03:16
jimnono, don't try installing yet03:16
StPatrickjim,  Im waiting03:16
Starnestommy[Rocc]: you don't appear to be registered and identified, which is why it's failing03:16
StPatrickjim,  Also afk a sec03:16
StPatrickamenado,  Afk a sec03:16
[Rocc]Distro: Do you have any messenger?03:16
brianHow can I make it so Ubuntu 7.10 automatically opens a program when it boots up?03:16
DistroJockey[Rocc]: I have Pidgin03:16
[Rocc]Distro: what is that?03:16
astro76[Rocc], DistroJockey you guys could just join an empty channel, like #rocc or whatever ;)03:16
Johnny_5just out of curiosity...what r the possibilities of my comp getting a virus from bittorrent while runnin' ubuntu03:16
[Rocc]good point03:16
icanhasadminJohnny_5: basically nothing03:17
Integrationwhat is the name of the network manager that comes bundled with ubuntu?03:17
jimamenado, have him actually use bash rather than set the env var03:17
DistroJockeyastro76: ahh, cheers :)03:17
newbieDr_willis, thank you!03:17
Johnny_5that's what i thought03:17
troxorIntegration: networkmanager03:17
mopheadbrian: http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+startup+program&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a03:17
jimlike: bash <enter> make clean <enter> make <enter>03:17
sixfortyIn preferences, mouse is set full speed. How do I get the pointer to move faster?03:18
soulreaperany one have steam on linux?03:18
jimsixforty: put it in a car03:18
sixfortyjim: it's been 3,278 miles this week. No joke. Next?03:19
StPatrickjim,  amenado  Im back03:19
brianmophead: Ah, sorry, thanks >.< Shoulda checked that first.03:19
StPatrickamenado, jim  Im back03:19
=== jair__ is now known as jair_
jimlike: bash <enter> make clean <enter> make <enter>03:19
mopheadbrian: easy to forget03:19
jimamenado, have him actually use bash rather than set the env var03:20
jimanyway gotta go... luck.03:21
sixfortyI get screen flicker when I log out, then in. Know of a way to fix that?03:21
StPatrickjim,  Thanks a ton.03:21
StPatrickamenado,  You there man?03:21
StPatrickjim,  Hlpe me first?03:21
Dr_willissixforty,  may be the X server is restarting.. which is often a good thing. :)03:21
jimno can do. I have a jam session to play at.03:21
=== Mr is now known as mrkeishii
StPatrickjim,  Ok, but he's gone... and Im mid confusion, lol03:22
StPatrickjim,  What am i doing?03:22
DeVonneThis may sound stupid, but I want to make sure my kernal is the right one, lol, which comes with gutsy?03:22
sixfortyAh. I wasn't clear. The flicker and stray dots remain until rebooted.03:22
StPatrickjim,  What do i put on console nex...03:22
bazhangDeVonne: what does uname -r say03:22
StPatrickjim, damn you jim.03:22
amenadoStPatrick-> i would re-install first. am not comfortable compiling that make ieee80211.. after you installed, we can work on the stock ipw3945 ..03:23
vocxDeVonne, there is no kernAl, there is a kernel03:23
StPatrickamenado,  Ok, so, format and install pinux again?03:23
StPatricklinux even *03:23
bazhangDeVonne: then you are okay03:23
DeVonnevocx don't make fun of my spelling lol03:23
DeVonneok thank god03:23
amenadoStPatrick and if the stock ipw3945 would not work, then we can work on compiling a newer ieee80211 module03:23
StPatrickamenado,  So re-install linux?03:24
refraxI am running windows inside of ubuntu, which is running ubuntu03:24
DeVonnenow to figure out my next problem, now that that is ruled out, thanks03:24
amenadoStPatrick-> yes..03:24
bazhangthe 3945 does not work? is this straight ubuntu, or ubuntu-based? that is the best supported card out there03:24
mitch__hello ?03:25
amenadobazhang-> a step he was following removed the ieee80211 file..so we are stuck03:25
bazhangamenado: aha thanks03:25
StPatrickamenado,  Ok, doing so. See you here in a bit.03:25
StPatrickDr_willis,  Good nows, Alienarena works wonderfully!03:25
little_unix[_gandhii_]: how to enable GET command?03:25
amenadoStPatrick-> starwars will be over by then..03:25
Dr_willisStPatrick,  bad news.. i SUCK at the game...03:25
StPatrickamenado,  LoL I might go get food before I come back.03:25
mitch__looking glass doesnt work can somebody help me out ?03:26
Dr_willisStPatrick,  :)03:26
StPatrickDr_willis,  Maybe we'll practice together later, lol03:26
amenadoStPatrick-> okay go ahead..03:26
bazhangmitch__: how installed03:26
Dr_willismitch_,  you mean that sun java 3d desktop thing?03:26
little_unix[_gandhii_]: how to enable GET command?03:26
mitch__yes java 3d desktop03:26
=== piranha is now known as FlierFan
Dr_willismitch_,  i dont recall it ever working that well... :)03:26
mitch__hahah is there any way to get it working ?03:26
vocxlittle_unix, please explain yourself03:26
little_unixhow to enable GET command?03:27
mitch__ill post there error03:27
bazhangmitch__: try the granular livecd; it is not ready for any desktop really03:27
Dr_willismitch_,  ive only testedit on some live cd's and it was so.. awkward it was nasty.. it was big news for a few weeks.. then just sort of vanished.03:27
Dr_willismitch__,  I perfer the metisse (sp?) desktop as a compiz alternative for fancy stuff.03:27
mitch__oh so its not worth the trouble then ?03:27
mopheadI'm having trouble finding azureus in the file manager.  In which folder would I find the program?03:27
bazhangmitch__: not unless you are a master programmer03:28
Dr_willismitch__,  its not somthing you will use daily. No.. :)03:28
Dr_willismophead,  you installed it?03:28
ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo03:28
vocxmophead, you can install azureus from synaptic and it would appear in the applications menu03:28
mopheadDr_willis: yeah, I already use it.03:28
rpj8Pre-req: I'm NOT using gnome. How do I go about changing the speed at which my mouse wheel scrolls? Currently it FLIES at ridiculous rates and I need to slow it down. Is there something in the xorg file?03:28
mitch__ok haha ill try metisse03:28
mitch__and ya i installed it03:28
Dr_willismophead,  try 'which  azureus' in the terminal03:28
DeVonnewhat is indirect rendering?03:28
little_unixin console exists (other linux) GET command to check php files and etc... in my system (pentium 3) this command dont exists03:28
mopheadDr_willis: SWEET! Thanks!03:29
little_unixi use it in cron jobs03:29
little_unixbut its no exists in my console03:29
Dr_willislittle_unix,  try the wget command03:29
Dr_willisI dont ever recall a 'get' command.03:29
rpj8Pre-req: I'm NOT using gnome. How do I go about changing the speed at which my mouse wheel scrolls? Currently it FLIES at ridiculous rates and I need to slow it down. Is there something in the xorg file?03:30
little_unixnono, its dont wget (download files), i need GET03:30
nickrudftp get ?03:30
little_unixi need GET console command03:30
Dr_willisthere no 'GET' in upper case for the shell that i hae ever seen.03:30
barbedsaberHi all, when I oppen amarok, is says xine was unable to initialize any audio drivers.03:30
little_unixno (wget, ftp get, mgt)03:30
rpj8little_unix: I'ts `get`03:30
mitch__metisse doesnt show up in synaptic am i spelling it wrong ?03:30
barbedsaberwhat do I do03:30
whisperkillerhow would i go about switching from the integrated wireless chip on my laptop to my cardbus netopia?03:30
headrxSo, somehow i managed to f__k my dektop up.. when i open a program now, it no longer apears in the upper right hand 'task bar' .. pidgin for example, whenever i hit the X, it actually closes instead of just minimizing to the sys tray03:30
rpj8little_unix: Just use get and then the http address03:30
nickrudlittle_unix maybe a little more detail about what you mean maybe?03:30
vocxlittle_unix, I'm sorry, we are not understanding you.03:31
bazhangmitch__: do you know it is in the repos or not03:31
Dr_willismitch__, ,  it may not be in there. I tested it out on a mandriva live  cd. :)03:31
mitch__no i dont think its in the repos03:31
Boohbahhttp get?03:31
nickrudphp get?03:31
bazhangmitch__: then that is why it is not in synaptic03:31
little_unixi use GET in cron jobs03:31
little_unixto ckeck files (php files)03:31
headrxcan anyone help me with that?03:31
mitch__ok thanks03:31
bazhanglanguage headrx03:32
little_unixno (wget and ftp-get)03:32
Dr_willislittle_unix,  what disrto/os was this under?03:32
Boohbahlittle_unix: what do you mean 'check'?03:32
rpj8Pre-req: I'm NOT using gnome. How do I go about changing the speed at which my mouse wheel scrolls? Currently it FLIES at ridiculous rates and I need to slow it down. Is there something in the xorg file?03:32
little_unixi use it in red hat03:32
osxdude|laptopYES!!!!!!!! it's booting! yay! everyone dance!03:32
vocxlittle_unix, can you post an example of a cron job in a pastebin?03:32
Dr_willisit may bee some redhat alias then. or other add on. ask in #redhat about it..03:32
mitch__ugh what a repo urls for metisse ? there none on the website03:32
Dr_willismitch__,  it may not be in ANY of the repos.03:33
bazhangmitch__: check the mandriva repos ;]03:33
little_unixwhat link?03:33
=== DarthGates is now known as ndavid
nabyalguien sabe komo arankar el window$ en ubuntu03:33
barbedsaberwhen I open amarok or try and play a song through it, it says xine was unable to initialize any audio drivers. how do I fisx it?03:33
bazhangnaby portuguese?03:34
astro76!pt | naby03:34
ubotunaby: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:34
DeVonnedo I need xgl for dekstop effects or compiz?03:34
mitch__no open gl03:34
Dr_willisDeVonne,  depends onyour video card.03:34
icanhasadminDeVonne: NEITHER03:34
DeVonneradeon 9000 :\03:34
icanhasadminDeVonne: never ever ever install xgl03:34
barbedsaberexcuse me..03:34
icanhasadminDeVonne: it's entirely pointless in 99.9 percent of situations03:34
DeVonneI still want to play with it! :P03:35
barbedsaberI am having some problems with amarok03:35
DeVonneThey wont enable, trying to figure out why03:35
bazhangDeVonne: ask what the people in #compiz-fusion have to say03:35
icanhasadminDeVonne: #compiz-fusion can help you there03:35
metbsddoes ubuntu run well on tablet pc?03:35
level09how do I move the content of a directory up one level ?03:35
level09will this work mv * ../ ?03:35
DeVonneok thanks, I love the ubuntu community, so helpful03:36
vocxbarbedsaber, just repeat the question, don't say "excuse me" or "I have a problem" it is distracting.03:36
Dr_willislevel09,  dont use wildcards without knowing. :)03:36
level09Dr_willis: I'm not :) just asking03:36
astro76level09: that will miss .dot files03:36
Dr_willislevel09,  rm ../dirname/*  perhaps03:36
nabysorry I speak neither Englishman nor Portuguese, where I can find a channel in Spanish03:36
metbsddoes ubuntu run well on tablet pc?03:36
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:36
level09perhaps :D03:36
barbedsaberWhen I open amarok, it says xine was unable to initialize any audio drivers. how do I fix it?03:36
metbsdtoo bad i have to use windows xp!!03:36
* level09 trying ...03:36
vocxbarbedsaber, I don't know the answer to your question but open up synaptic and install xine packages, maybe you are missing some.03:36
barbedsaberit worked befor I upgraded to hardy03:37
* vocx doesn't speak Englishman either.03:37
barbedsaberare they oboulete, maybe?03:37
bazhang#ubuntu+1 barbedsaber03:37
headrxhow do i barbedsaber : install VLC, it will play anything you can throw at it03:37
mopheadtry #ubuntu+1 for hardy questions03:37
barbedsabervld is awsome, but I like amarok03:37
bazhanghardy discussion in other channel barbedsaber03:38
barbedsaberok, thanks03:38
level09so is there any command to move files and folder (sub folders )03:38
headrxi deleted everything off my system tray.. now when i X out pidgin, it doesnt go to the sys tray, how do i fix this03:38
iceswordman mv03:39
vocxlevel09, "mv /folde /folder"   read the manual page "man mv"03:39
bazhangheadrx: the x closes apps03:39
astro76headrx: perhaps you removed the tray itself, try right click on panel, add to panel... and add the "notification area"03:39
level09vocx: can I use mv  /dir/* /newdir ?03:39
headrxthank you, that worked03:40
vocxlevel09, you need to create the newdir first. Also, read the manual page, it indicates how to move several files, and so.03:40
=== Thoth is now known as chowder
towlie_whats the name of the linux app that formats c++ code by indenting it03:41
downstairsis there a game like call of duty for ubuntu?03:41
bazhangtowlie_: you want to add tabs?03:41
vocxtowlie_, I think it's "indent" but is included in other utilities03:41
downstairsi have openarena with a mod, but that's not what i mean.03:41
felixhow to remove the Lumaqq03:41
bazhangfelix how did you install it03:42
felixI forgot it03:42
bazhangdownstairs you might try with wine03:42
bazhangfelix then no idea03:43
bazhangdownstairs: check their appdb for cod403:43
felixI don't kown where I install it03:43
FnordPerfecthello again.. I still haven't solved my problem with the root-partition set to read-only after booting..03:43
bazhangfelix if you cannot give that kind of info we cannot give you good answers03:44
metbsdanyone use a tablet pc?03:44
headrxbut i know someone that has gutsy installed on one03:44
antonhello everyone03:44
metbsddid it boot?03:45
metbsdon table?03:45
vocxfelix, exactly as bazhang says03:45
downstairsbazhang: any alternatives? my comp isn't that powerful. i have to run openarena on minimum graphics03:45
antonhelp pls...03:45
metbsdwhat's openarea?03:45
headrxanton : post your question03:45
vocx!ask | anton03:45
ubotuanton: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:45
bazhangdownstairs: if I recall cod4 is fairly resource hungry, not sure how to overcome that03:45
antonhi compwiz1803:45
Y-Townanton: ask your questiom03:45
bazhangmetbsd: a game03:46
downstairsmetbsd:sorry i meant openarena03:46
FnordPerfectIs it possible that the partition is re-mounted r/o because some init script exits with a fail-status? Can I find out, which?03:46
antonthanks ubotu03:46
metbsdgame? on linux? hahaha03:46
vocx!bot | anton03:46
ubotuanton: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:46
antonahmm im juz new03:46
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:46
antoni want to update my compiz fusion 5.0.2 to compiz fusion to 6.003:46
vocxFnordPerfect, did you provide a read only option to the kernel at boot time?03:47
crdlbanton: what version of ubuntu?03:47
crdlbanton: also, you mean 0.5.2 and 0.6.0 :)03:47
antonyes indeed03:47
crdlbanton: despite what the package versions imply, you _do_ have 0.6.003:47
antoni have now a 0.5.203:48
FnordPerfectvocx: yes, it's provided by grub. but this is normal, isn't it? it is supposed to be remounted r/w after fsck.03:48
metbsddoes kde have comizfusion?03:48
crdlbanton: 0.6.0 was released shortly after ubuntu 7.10, so ubuntu included a development snapshot from just before the release03:48
antonand i think i dont have other extra plug ins03:48
antonlike snow03:48
bazhangmetbsd: it does when you install a couple of things03:48
crdlbanton: see the +git on the end of the version number03:48
felixthe LumaQQ just can't   login and now I using the eva03:48
vocxWhat other symptoms are there. What does "mount" say?03:48
crdlbanton: snow is not officially supported in any version, but if you want it for gutsy, join #compiz-fusion03:48
metbsdfelix: are you chinese?03:48
vocxFnordPerfect, ^03:49
FnordPerfectafter logging in, I can remount it manually with -o remount,rw without any problems03:49
antonok thank you very much for ur help crdlb03:49
antonit was greatly appreciated crdlb03:49
metbsdi use qq on windows. it's nice03:49
metbsdyou don't get qq on linux03:50
metbsdbecause linux don't support qq03:50
FnordPerfectvocx: ^03:50
felixI kown03:50
vocxFnordPerfect, What does mount say? I only have (rw,error=remount-ro) as options03:51
bazhangeva works fine with qq03:51
FnordPerfectvocx: you mean, what's in /etc/fstab? I have rw,error=remount-ro' and additionally defaults' as an option.03:52
vocxFnordPerfect, type "mount" in the terminal03:53
FnordPerfectvocx: oh.. ok. (rw,errors=remount-ro)03:53
osxdude|laptopwill someone tell me why my boot screen is at too high of a resolution for my monitor? how can I fix it?03:54
vocxFnordPerfect, well it says it is read/write? So what's the problem?03:54
icanhasadminosxdude|laptop: change res in /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:54
xtknight!fb | osxdude|laptop this is probably something to do with it?  if you mean grub screen?03:54
ubotuosxdude|laptop this is probably something to do with it?  if you mean grub screen?: Information about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub03:54
FnordPerfectvocx: it is read/write because I remounted it manually.03:55
downstairsare there any call of duty linux alternatives?03:55
Ashfire908uh, my terminal is broken.03:55
xtknightdownstairs, well many id software games work on linux.  ut2004 works on linux as well.  enemy territory quake wars, quake4...03:55
bazhangdownstairs: that are not resource intensive?03:55
downstairsbazhang: yes please03:55
vocxFnordPerfect, oh. Well, check that after a reboot. Mmmm. How did you mount the root partition if you were using it? Are you using a Live CD?03:55
bazhangdownstairs: doubtful03:55
xtknightdont think so03:56
downstairsxtnight: ut2004 what years is that set in?03:56
michael__i got alot of my windows games to work on ubuntu with no trouble and litle lag through wine03:56
allan_I'm write a plugin for audacious, but it has some problem03:56
TheFearsomeFufuIs there a package that lists any "orphaned" packages? For example libraries that I don't need, etc03:56
downstairsbazhang: i can play openarena fine.03:56
xtknightdownstairs, no idea.  it's not a war game tho it's a futuristic game03:56
bazhang!info deborphan03:56
ubotudeborphan (source: deborphan): Find orphaned libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.23 (gutsy), package size 69 kB, installed size 420 kB03:56
FnordPerfectvocx: No, I logged in at the terminal and remounted it with "mount -o remount,rw /"03:56
xtknightdownstairs, enemy territory (not quake wars, but wolfenstein enemy territory) is based in 1942 i believe.  WW203:56
=== ndavid is now known as ndavi-
allan_because used libglade in the plugin03:57
xtknightdownstairs, it's objective based and team based...fireteams, etc03:57
downstairsxtnight: that is exactly what im looking for thankS!03:57
bazhangTheFearsomeFufu: see deborphan03:57
xtknightdownstairs, but it stil uses pixel shaders i think and all that.  if that's what you mean by resource intensive :\03:57
TheFearsomeFufubazhang: Thanks.03:57
michael__XTnight thats unrelated take it to *ubuntuofftopic03:57
xtknightok i can meet you in #ubuntu-offtopic , downstairs03:57
vocxFnordPerfect, does it give any errors on startup?03:58
michael__thank you03:58
allan_when it's running, the system tell me :undefined symbol: glade_xml_new03:58
TheFearsomeFufuAnother question: Is it ok to remove the "ubuntu-desktop" package? I'm trying to remove some things I don't need, but one of them depends on the ubuntu-desktop package03:58
ubotuInformation about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub03:58
bazhangTheFearsomeFufu: that is a metapackage; what else does it wish to remove03:58
FnordPerfectvocx: yes, there were plenty of errors, since I screwed it badly while downgraded from hardy back to gutsy. but i fixed most.03:59
nickrudTheFearsomeFufu yes, but release upgrades generally require that package be installled to complete03:59
michael__that question came up yesterday i believe that it is ok to remove the desktop package but ma not sure03:59
axelHello! How to recover a wiki-entry which got lost while trying to save it?03:59
TheFearsomeFufunickrud: Ah, ok. If it's needed for release upgrades, I'll keep it then03:59
* nickrud cringes, downgrade03:59
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
Ashfire908i'm trying excute a file (with ./file) and i know it exists, and i know it's excutable, but bash keeps saying the file doesn't exist http://pastebin.com/d5de3518b03:59
vocxFnordPerfect, then don't ask here! man you have been seriously breaking apart your system by doing that? Don't you think it's important to mention that beforehand?!03:59
bazhangaxel got lost? please clarify04:00
DistroJockeyaxel: google's cache maybe?04:00
FlannelAshfire908: Does it have a proper shebang?04:00
HugoEnderHello World04:01
Ashfire908Flannel, yes.04:01
Monobi2I don't have a working CDROM and my BIOS doesnt support booting from a USB stick. What am I to do to install ubuntu?04:01
FnordPerfectvocx: uhm, sorry... I mentioned it the last time I joined the channel.. also,I fixed most of it.04:01
Ashfire908Flannel, "#! /usr/bin/env python"04:01
bazhangMonobi2: what system is your computer running now04:02
axelbazhang: I typed quite a long article, but saving did not work. So I pressed the back-button. This did not work either.04:02
Monobi2bazhang: vista >_> , I want to dual boot.04:02
Monobi2bazhang: I'm on the system without a working CDROM.04:02
axelDistroJockey: Ist was not saved on a server. I wanted as the entry got lost.04:02
vocxFnordPerfect, well, big news for you. Hardy is beta now, so get the beta and reinstall. Otherwise try the alternate Gutsy CD and upgrade the packages from it. Those regarding installation scripts.04:02
bazhangMonobi2: and vista works on that older computer? you could try a net install, wubi, or a couple of other options04:03
amenadoAshfire908-> put that path in your PATH and execute the .py or cd to that dir then execute04:03
AshfireFlannel, sorry04:03
Monobi2bazhang: the computer is only a year old. Sadly the CD drive has gone to crap. By net install you mean via LAN ?04:03
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
axelMonobi2: You could also install it from an USB-stick.04:04
DistroJockeyaxel: ahh, bummer. Sorry, no further ideas.04:04
mark[oz]has anyone installed ubuntu on usb?04:04
Monobi2axel: 23:01 < Monobi2> I don't have a working CDROM and my BIOS doesnt support booting from a USB stick. What am I to do to install ubuntu?04:04
Ashfire908amenado, i'm in the directory04:05
bazhangMonobi2: what computer make and model please04:05
Monobi2mark[oz]: it SAYS it supports USB, but I tried to place the ubuntu CD into my external CD drive, and modify the BIOS, but it didnt work04:05
amenadoAshfire908-> then just  ./xxx.py04:05
Monobi2axel: ^^04:05
axelMonobi2:net, disks.04:05
Monobi2bazhang: er, Gateway ?04:05
bazhangMonobi2: precise make and model please04:05
sparky_hereI just installed 8.04 trying to use desktop effects all is working but the cube when i set it to 2x2 virtual desktops it shows 4 on the taskbar but I can only access 2 any ideas???04:06
FnordPerfectvocx: well, ok then. thanks for helping. I'll just do that. I would have prefered to find and fix the error by myself, but by now I've wasted enough time with that. mine, and yours.04:06
axelbazhang: Any idea for the lost wiki-entry?04:06
vocxsparky_here, please don't ask questions about hardy here, until it's release has been made official.04:06
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu04:06
sparky_hereSorry my bad04:07
Ashfire908amenado, nope http://pastebin.com/d15fa9e3104:07
vocxFnordPerfect, no problem.04:07
HugoEnderi am having problems logging on to root using su- to install something04:07
HugoEnderwhat are my options?04:07
FnordPerfectbye *04:07
jim_beamhas anybody installed e17 in ubuntu 7.104:07
nickrudHugoEnder   sudo <command>   or sudo -i   for a root shell04:07
Ashfire908HugoEnder, in ubuntu you use sudo04:07
bazhangMonobi2: that has a broadcom card in it?04:08
HugoEnderthen what does su - do in ubuntu?04:08
vocxHugoEnder, don't use "su" use "sudo"04:08
Monobi2bazhang: er, yes04:08
Ashfire908HugoEnder, same. but in ubuntu there is no root pass04:08
bazhangaxel: did you try your firefox cache04:08
amenadoAshfire908-> i dont think  "." is in your $PATH04:08
Monobi2bazhang: s/broadcom card/wireless card/ ?04:08
madagascarHello ! after upgrade to 8.04, MailScanner stopped working. Now i can't reinstall and can't deinstall due to inconsistent state04:08
HugoEnderso what is the highest permission in ubuntu ashfire?04:08
bazhangMonobi2: any friedns with a cd drive?04:08
Ashfire908HugoEnder, root.04:08
vocxmadagascar, , please don't ask questions about hardy here, until it's release has been made official.04:08
* nickrud copies vocx's text replace04:09
HugoEnderAshfire908, but there is no pass for root?04:09
bazhangmadagascar: #ubuntu+1 please04:09
Monobi2bazhang: I have an external CD driver04:09
bazhangMonobi2: one that works?04:09
Ashfire908HugoEnder, yes there is no password for root.04:09
Monobi2bazhang: yes, it is external04:09
Monobi2bazhang: just bought it tonight04:09
bazhangMonobi2: then problem solved04:09
vocxnickrud, seriously I felt like that was deja vu, I was expecting nickrud though04:09
Monobi2bazhang: how so? my BIOS doesnt see it :|04:10
bazhangMonobi2: that is what I use to install ubuntu on my eeepc04:10
HugoEnderAshfire908, so what stops anyone from installing stuff on ur computer using root?04:10
nickrudvocx heh. found out I had one already, just forgot #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+104:10
Ashfire908!sudo | HugoEnder04:10
ubotuHugoEnder: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.04:10
Ashfire908HugoEnder, when a user account has no pass, you can't login via a password.04:10
Monobi2bazhang: well, you are going to have to walk me through it ;) . I modified my BIOS to boot from the various USB options and the Hard Drive last, but it didn't work.04:10
bazhangMonobi2: you may need to get vista drivers for it then; not sure about vista, might ask in ##windows first then come back04:11
Monobi2bazhang: vista drivers?04:11
nickrudHugoEnder and only the first, installation created user has sudo privs, unless you grant them by adding a user to the admin group04:11
axelbazhang: I tried my Konqueror history.04:11
vocxHugoEnder, basically only the users that are in the admin group can use sudo, others cannot.04:11
bazhangMonobi2: you are using vista right now, yes?04:12
bazhangMonobi2: and you have a problem with Vista recognizing an external cd drive, correct?04:12
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Monobi2bazhang: not vista04:13
Monobi2bazhang: the BIOS04:13
Monobi2bazhang: I have the driver software for the hard drive04:13
Monobi2bazhang: er, s/hard drive/external CD drive/04:13
bazhangMonobi2: once you get that solved (hardware/bios issue) we can help you with ubuntu on there; until that time it is not really an ubuntu issue04:13
vocxMonobi2, It should be recognized by the linux kernel, and if it is not, then it won't work since the windows drivers are not compatible with linux.04:14
Monobi2bazhang: okay. Well, that is my problem. I have used ubuntu on two other machines I have, so installing ubuntu itself isnt the problem :)04:14
bazhangMonobi2: which is why I suggested asking for help in ##windows and then coming back; we will still be here when you return04:14
HugoEndervocx, nickrud : then what stops something from just coming to my computer when i am away and typing sudo to install malicious software?04:14
SilentSounDhow can i make backspace == back in firefox ?04:14
nickrudHugoEnder they need to know your user password04:15
bazhangaxel: no luck in konqueror?04:15
vocxHugoEnder, well they need your password still.04:15
HugoEndero oka04:15
axelbazhang: Not so far.04:16
madagascarhi again - how can i re-install or remove a package which "is in a very bad inconsistent state" ?04:16
HugoEnderthank you for your help guys04:16
Kurban_HaydarovI need some help guy about my friend's wireless problem04:16
axelDoes anybody know how to access the cashe of Konqueror?04:16
tyTrying to open qparted and getting this error "Failed to execute child process "qtparted-root" (No such file or directory)"04:16
sjovanaxel: i don't use KDE, but what do you mean by the cashe of konqueror?04:17
nickrudmadagascar sudo dpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq <pkgname>04:17
bazhangaxel: I know this wont help now, but what I generally do is type it in open office and auto save then cut and paste it to whatever I am writing online--that way the web wiki messups are alleviated a bit04:17
madagascarthanks nickrud, i'll try it04:17
bazhangmadagascar: this is gutsy or hardy04:17
madagascarthis is an ubuntu question04:18
nickrudmadagascar mostly works, if it says reinstall required in the error message04:18
bazhangmadagascar: if it is hardy then the other channel04:18
nickrud#ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+1 madagascar if that doesn't fix it04:19
madagascari think the help i need is version non-specific04:19
Ashfire908amenado, path is not needed when i give it the path (./), but adding ./ to PATH does nothing04:19
nickrudmadagascar I understand that, but the package you have problems with is hardy specific, it might very well be a known hardy issue04:19
axelbazhang: Thanks for the hint.04:20
spredais there a 64 bit ubuntu channel?04:20
Izhow can update gnome?04:20
luckylini have a silly noob question but here goes, i'm all out of CD-r's but i have 100 DVD-R's so will a DVD-R work for burning ubuntu (probably does sorry to ask)04:20
bazhangsorry to be of immediate help axel; I have had that happen and know how much it stinks04:21
bazhangerr not04:21
Starnestommyspreda: this channel is for 32-bit and 64-bit04:21
nickrudIz you would have to compile gnome to upgrade it in a release, the new version is released with each new ubuntu release04:21
vocxluckylin, if you have that many you only need to burn ONE to try out? man do you really need to ask a question like this one?04:21
bazhangluckylin: sure no problem04:21
climatewarrior yes if you have a dvd burner you can do that04:21
climatewarriorthere's even a dvd version of ubuntu04:21
axelsjovan: I don't mean the history of browsed URLs, but the "buffer" (Zwischenspeicher in German).04:22
amenadoAshfire908-> what does ./rtvm2.py supposed to do?04:22
luckylinthanks (yes i have a dvd/cd burner)04:22
bazhangluckylin: then you are good to go04:22
Izi think i will need this cause the ubuntu i just installed was downloaded a time ago.. i got ubuntu 7.04 the feisty fawn and gnome v. 2.1804:22
tyTrying to open qparted and getting this error "Failed to execute child process "qtparted-root" (No such file or directory)"04:22
Izarent there new versions so far?04:23
luckylinok one more retarded question04:23
luckylincan you put more then one ISO on a dvd and have like a dual boot iso04:23
luckylinlike ubuntu and suse04:23
vocxIz, to get the latest you need a new Ubuntu version. After that, there are no updates, unless there is a security patch.04:23
bazhangluckylin: no; it is an image so it leaves no free space--not a data disk04:24
luckylinoh.just thought i'de ask04:24
climatewarriorluckylin, as far as I know, no you cant do that04:24
Izthat means i have to downlaod the new ubuntu version burn in and reinstall ? or can i somehow upgrade ubuntu?04:24
nickrudIz 2.20 came with 7.10, and 2.22 will come with 8.0404:24
Dr_willisluckylin,  ive seen some live-cd-dvds that do that.. but they dont do it quite that way04:24
vocxluckylin, That would be complicated. Probably would be possible to merge the two distros so they would still be one ISO, but sounds very strange indeed.04:24
luckylinyeah i noticed all iso's say zero free space even though they aren't as big as CD-R's04:24
bazhanglz that is up to you; you can net upgrade or do a fresh install04:24
DistroJockeyluckylin: is possible, but not a question for here. You would need to edit the iso I assume04:25
Izi prefer net upgrade :) how is this possible?04:25
StPatrickamenado,  I'm back. Fresh install.04:25
bazhanglz from feisty to gutsy?04:25
vocxIz, yes, you can upgrade ubuntu from the net. But you have to upgrade the entire distro, not just gnome, so it may need to download 1 GB.04:25
nickrud!upgrade | Iz04:26
ubotuIz: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:26
bazhanglz also dont do this on dialup ;]04:26
amenadoStPatrick-> paste your ifconfig; iwconfig; route -n04:26
nickrudbazhang you are silly ;)04:27
StPatrickamenado,  is that one solid command?04:27
vocxamenado, since I feel it's gonna take a while, I suggest you two move to private messages or a private channel.04:27
StPatrickamenado,  Im in #HelpStPat04:28
Izthx guys :) i just upgrating:)04:29
sjovanaxel: no sorry mate, i can't help you.04:29
M4rotkucan i upgrade to the hardy beta without install all of the other updates for gusty?04:30
iceswordM4rotku, unless you uninstall them04:30
nickrudM4rotku not advised, you should be totally up to date in gutsy before upgrading to hardy04:30
M4rotkunickrud: the reason i want to is because an update package that i installed in the past wiped out my wireless card configs and i had to reinstall everything, that's why i have to upgrade again in the first place04:31
nickrudM4rotku you could try, but the results are undefined04:32
tonyyarussoM4rotku: Hardy questions should go in #ubuntu+1 btw - they'll be able to give you more detail.04:32
Legendariohi. can anyone give me some help with the gfxboot? I tried to install it, but my boot doesn't show anything?04:32
M4rotkutonyyarusso, thanks, i'll try that channel04:32
crumbymJust checking things out..04:34
pierreluxI'm struggling to get ubuntu running on my macbook pro v4.1 ... first tried with 7.10 with the livedcd then the alternate but its failed to install grub or lilo. Now with hardy, black screen... nothings appening04:34
crumbymnikki try this website: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro04:35
nikki8965My linux keeps rebooting.  Do I need to reinstall?  It's only on 5 gigs of drive space, because I was stupid, and didn't size my partitions when installing04:35
emmamaybe someone could help you with gparted04:36
jimis parted the thing used by the installer to do partitioning?04:37
nikki8965I tried to use it, but it won't let me resize my windows partition04:37
pierreluxcrumbym: if this was for me... obviously, I checked it first04:37
jimnikki8965: ntfs?\04:37
jimthat's harder04:37
crumbymnikki have you tried this one: http://kahvipapu.com/blog/2007/12/29/liberating-macbook-pro/04:38
bumpin4hi all04:38
jimit'd be easier to find a spare hd04:38
nikki8965Ok.  I have an external HD that I need to dig out of a box04:38
crumbymnikki I have Linux installed on my MacBook Pro.. There were some settings on that last hotlink that will help yoj.04:39
jimnikki8965: does it have stuff you need?04:39
Jordan_Upierrelux, Have you seen this guide ( for V3 ) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro/SantaRosa ?04:39
jimor can you wipe it with no worries?04:39
nikki8965It has stuff I need04:39
earl_hey guys. i'm wondering if there is any sort of sega genesis (or ideally, sega cd) emulator available for ubuntu.04:39
pierreluxJordan_U: thanks but I already went over it... it seems now that I can boot in safe graphic mode with the 8.04 installer04:40
jimnikki8965: how many partitions and what kind?04:40
Jordan_Upierrelux, Then you get an error when installing Grub?04:40
jimdoes ubuntu use lvm by default?04:40
nikki8965just one partition that I can think of.  It's something I got from walmart04:40
Jordan_Ujim, No04:41
crumbymjim No04:41
crumbymJim it uses Ext304:41
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=451647 earl_04:41
izinucsjim, you only get lvm on the alternate cd04:41
emmaearl_,  -- http://www.squish.net/generator/description.html04:41
izinucscrumbym, lvm is not a file system type.. it's a partitioning type of thing04:42
bazhangpierrelux: hardy? that should be discussed in #ubuntu+1 thanks04:42
jimI'm understanding that ubuntu is changing how it's related to debian in terms of its content... are they also changing how they obtain software (snapshot of debian sid)?04:42
StPatrickjim,  Wanna have a go at my wireless now?04:42
izinucsnikki8965, did you get the $200 gOS?04:42
crumbymiz - I know, I was letting him know what the default partion format was04:42
crumbymLVM is Logical Volume04:43
sjovanhey, any of you know of a dc++ clone for linux? maby something that is in the rep?04:43
Jordan_Ujim, What do you mean by "ubuntu is changing how it's related to debian in terms of its content" ?04:43
pierreluxbazhang: this is a general question... nothing specific about hardy. I first wanted to use the stable 7.1004:43
jimlet me see if I can remember closer... I heard that ubuntu had different design values than debian...04:43
bazhangpierrelux: what system are you running now?04:43
jimany truth to that? have those values changed recently?04:44
nikki8965no.  I paid like $80 for it.  It has 'sea' in the name of it.  I'm trying to google it04:44
level09how can I detect the full path to some directory ?04:44
nikki8965yep.  seagate04:44
jimcd there, pwd04:44
pierreluxbazhang: not running ubuntu yet... I'm still trying to install ubuntu completely04:44
level09pwd ?04:44
level09ok thanks :)04:45
jimman pwd for details04:45
bazhangpierrelux: what issues are you having installing gutsy04:45
earl_this generator... won't emulate segacd, will it?04:45
pierreluxbazhang: it failed to install grub or lilo04:45
izinucsnikki8965, a seagate computer?  they make harddrives.. is it a laptop or desktop?04:45
level09great :)04:45
crumbymlevel09 - you might like whereis as well04:45
jimpwd gives you the fully qualified path name to the dir you're in04:45
level09i'm actually staring to like linux :D04:45
level09that's what I want, I'm installing some complicated crm04:45
nikki8965It's an external harddrive.  It hooks up to a computer using a usb cord04:45
Jordan_Ujim, Not that I have heard, the main design differences are that Ubuntu limits the architectures it supports and focuses on the Desktop, also they are more lenient with "non-free" software ( they include Firefox by default still instead of iceweasel and allow easy installation of proprietary drivers )04:45
jimstop staring! it's embarrisin!04:46
crumbymAnyone have suggestions on a good screen capture besides gtk-recordmydesktop?04:46
bazhangpierrelux: this was from the livecd or what? ubuntu or ubuntu-based; what errors are you getting please be precise04:46
nikki8965But, I could partitionit, and install ubuntu?04:46
jimStPatrick: maybe after awhile04:46
jimoh, oops04:46
jimnikki8965: you -could-04:47
izinucsnikki8965, yes..  however installing on an external HD requires some finesse. there are how to's on ubuntuforums.org and elsewhere on the web..04:47
level09what does sudo command actually do ?04:47
pierreluxbazhang: I was unable to use the livecd (staled with low-graphics mode) so I tried with the alternate (64 bits)04:47
jimbut you'd lose the drive unless you back it up04:47
izinucsnikki8965, why not just install in on your desktop HD?04:47
jimizinucs: how would he resize an ntfs04:47
earl_level09: some linux distributions make you log in as "root", meaning the computer administrator, to have more permission to do stuff04:47
bazhangpierrelux: if you give precise info error we can troubleshoot, otherwise...04:47
earl_level09: sudo'ing something gives you that level of access temporarily, and asks for your password04:48
nikki8965I don't have a destop04:48
Jordan_Ubazhang, Try choosing to have the installer *not* install Grub ( so the install does not fail ) then install it manually yourself ( this is what I had to do with my macbook pro back before Grub support for Apples BIOS emulation was as good )04:48
crumbymlevel09 - you can also use su04:48
pierreluxbazhang: no special messages except a red screen with a popup saying it failed to install grub... then the same with lilo (I did not try to install on MBR to mess with refit)04:48
nikki8965just a laptop04:48
level09earl_: thanks ! very helpful04:48
jimyou should be able to (build and) install su and/or sudo on any linux dist... no one's forcing anything04:48
level09so no need for sudo if i'm a root user04:48
izinucsjim, on install you'll be able to resize04:48
earl_level09: don't be a root user04:48
level09why ?04:48
earl_level09: do you leave your doors open?04:48
crumbymlevel09 = ROOT BAD!04:49
earl_it's easier to get in and out of your house that way, so it seems like a good idea, right?04:49
jimlevel09: that is a long story with some points of charge associated04:49
jimever run dos?04:49
level09sure, but how is that ? I'm using a secure private key04:49
earl_thing is, jack the ripper also gets into your house just as easily. so it's not.04:49
izinucsnikki8965, how does the live cd run on it.?  wireless work?04:49
Jordan_Ulevel09, But if your web browser is compromised it can do whatever it wants to your system04:49
cjzjm100Are the softwares of the LTS release  in the repo  in-sync with the the other release(not the LTS release)?04:50
bazhanglevel09: irc on root? hahaha04:50
level09I'm on putty client04:50
nickrudcjzjm100 no, they are substantially older, except for security fixes and a few backports04:50
Jordan_Ulevel09, Doesn't matter what authentication you use to get root privileges, if you are running applications unnecessarily as root you are at risk.04:50
level09how to disable root login ?04:50
izinucsnickrud, unless he's talking about hardy04:50
level09and how do I get back if I disabled it :D04:51
jimlevel09: one thing, if you're not too familiar with the reasons for that, conventional wisdom suggests it's a bad idea...04:51
nickrudizinucs true, but context leads me to think of dapper04:51
bazhanglevel09: uh oh04:51
jimlevel09: also not good idea04:52
TehMwakanyone run 7.10 and have a X2300?04:52
level09jim: what ?04:52
whisperkillerhow do i get the chipset of my cardbus wireless card?04:52
earl_level09: basically, if you don't need to be root to do something, which is almost always the case unless it's something that could potentially damage your computer, don't be root04:52
izinucswhisperkiller, lspci in terminal I think04:52
bazhangusb whisperkiller? lsusb04:53
jimlevel09: it's not a good idea to disable the root acct, you'll need it to fix things (for one)04:53
bazhangwhisperkiller: pci is lspci04:53
level09okay I'm convinced :D , what steps should I do now ?04:53
level09just switch to normal user ?04:53
bazhanglevel09: check for rootkits04:53
jimlevel09: let me just ask this before we get further... do you have stuff you want to keep on the machine you're being root on?04:53
level09I used a normal user , but I kept getting permission denied errors04:53
Jordan_Ulevel09, That's where you use sudo04:54
level09jim: i dont know, I'm running a lamp server04:54
jimstated another way... what if the hd of that machine were wiped? would that be a disaster?04:54
nikki8965wireless works, and the live cd works04:54
zerohi, when i try to install C&C in cedega, it says i need administrator rights to install, im the ONLY user, how can i fix this?04:54
jimare you just fooling around with lamp? or is it a production box?04:55
bazhangzero sudo04:55
izinucsnikki8965, then you could put it directy on the HD if you want04:55
level09actually its a production box :D04:55
nickrud!sudo | zero (this describes getting the privs you need)04:55
ubotuzero (this describes getting the privs you need): sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.04:55
zerobazhang, how do i run sude in cedega?04:55
nikki8965I'll try that... thanks :)04:55
cjzjm100Does the server release have all functions of the desktop release?04:56
nickrudcjzjm100 no gui on the server, otherwise same base04:56
TheOneAndOnlyzero, run sudo cedega - should clear things up04:56
level09okay then , I'll switch to my other user04:56
zeroTheOneAndOnly, thanks04:56
TheOneAndOnlyzero, np :]04:56
Mighty_Penguindoes mplayer only play videos if xorg is installed?04:56
Mighty_Penguinin cli mode04:56
bazhangMighty_Penguin: you want to watch movies in the shell?04:57
level09btw, wheres that file where I can enter command aliases ?04:57
Mighty_Penguinbazhang:  yes04:57
bazhangMighty_Penguin: how?04:57
Mighty_Penguinthe same way i can view images in cli mode04:57
bazhangdoes framebuffer allow one to play games as well?04:58
Mighty_Penguinzgv works great for images, but i havent found any way to watch videos, i've heard mplayer does but not sure how04:58
TehMwakHow to fix discolouration with a radeon x2300 on Gutsy???04:59
Mighty_Penguinbazhang: that i dont know04:59
zeroTheOneAndOnly, same problem, sudo cedega gave me the same issue04:59
level09is there any editor that supports syntax highlighting ?04:59
zeroTheOneAndOnly, ive checked out all the forums, the game is supported under ubuntu04:59
vadillolevel09: vim, gedit04:59
Starnestommylevel09: vim and gvim do, and I think gedit and emacs also do04:59
luciddreamhi, i'm trying to setup an svn server using the standalone svnserve daemon.  I think I may be misunderstanding how permissions work because I get permission denied errors even though I think I've assigned rw permissions to the svn user that the svn daemon runs as: http://pastie.caboo.se/175956  can someone take a look and tell me if i'm doing something dumb?05:00
TheOneAndOnlyzero, if you run it from the terminal, do you get any other output from the terminal other than a permission problem? ie - maybe the file itself needs permissions changed?05:00
level09should I install them , or are they already in core ?05:00
TheOneAndOnlylevel09, gedit as well as abiword do, there are others for specific languages as well05:00
Starnestommylevel09: you might need to install gvim or vim-full if you're using vim.  Gedit is already installed05:00
TheOneAndOnlylevel09, vim and gedit are in the base05:00
TehMwakgutsy - radeon discolouration problems. How does on fix them?05:00
level09great thanks :)05:00
zeroTheOneAndOnly, /usr/lib/transgaming_cedega/gddb.py:24: RuntimeWarning: Python C API version mismatch for module gddb_parser: This Python has API version 1013, module gddb_parser has version 1012.05:01
zero  import gddb_parser05:01
zeroTraceback (most recent call last):05:01
zero  File "/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega/Point2Play_gui.py", line 2750, in <module>05:01
zero    gtk.main()05:01
bazhangTehMwak: using compiz?05:01
FloodBot2zero: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:01
jimemacs uses a sortof weird system to display hiliting05:01
TehMwakCompiz wont start. but videos and pics are all discoloured. on all mediaplayers05:01
bazhanghow were the drivers installed TehMwak05:01
TehMwakrestricted drivers menu thing05:02
jimbut it uses a very versatile and flexible data structure to store the total of the hiliting and indents for the language05:02
zeroTheOneAndOnly, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62281/05:03
TheOneAndOnlyzero, http://www.cedega.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=49709&sid=6684411e3ee5fc2a1306fbd4202aff99 - seems a lot of people have had this issue, idk if there is a fix posted in that forum though05:04
TehMwakbazhang: was done useing the restricted drivers menu.05:04
SegFault[AX]sorry I haven't got a GUI right now, can anyone tell me the channel for nmap?05:04
DeVonnewhere is the cdrom drive located?05:04
SegFault[AX]DeVonne: /dev/cdrom05:05
jimoh -that- cdrom!05:05
SegFault[AX]DeVonne: any mounted cds will go to /media/cdrom05:05
jimsorry :)05:05
bazhangTehMwak: does the restricted driver support that ati card?05:05
SegFault[AX]well, pretty sure05:05
DeVonneI put in a game disc and neither one shows anything05:05
TehMwakbazhang : yes it does.05:05
izinucsSegFault[AX], irc.thelinuxshow.com #nmap05:05
jimso is it mounted? (look at output of mount)05:06
TehMwakbazhang :it says it does anyway?05:06
SegFault[AX]izinucs: thanks, damn i thought it was on freenode05:06
TheOneAndOnlyTehMwak, enable the proposed updates, and do a system upgrade, i had that issue and that's how i fixed it05:06
DeVonneactually /dev/cdrom/ don't exist05:06
SegFault[AX]DeVonne: /dev/cdrom0 then05:06
TehMwaktheoneandonly : thanks05:06
TheOneAndOnlyTehMwak, np :]05:06
DeVonnethere is no cdroms in dev05:06
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, check /media or /mnt05:07
DeVonnethere is cdrom and cdrom0 in media but the cd contents are not showing05:07
StPatrickOk, Ubuntu room. This is it.  I am ready to give up on linux. Unless someone has some ground breaking idea for my wifi. It's been ... fun...  i guess..05:08
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, that means your cd is not automounting...05:08
DeVonnehow do I fix this?05:08
michael__stpatrick whats up05:08
TheOneAndOnlyStPatrick, what's happening w. your wifi?05:08
vadilloStPatrick : have you tried Ndiswrapper05:08
StPatrickvadillo, 7 or 8 times now.05:08
[Rocc]Im having the same prob Patrick...05:08
icanhasadminStPatrick: what card?05:08
michael__stpatrick: no ndiswrapper what chipset is your wifi card05:08
bazhangStPatrick: how long have you been at this? two weeks or less than that05:09
StPatrickWifi card is a Realtek RTL8187b05:09
StPatrickbazhang,  Today was Day 9, at at least 7 hours a day,.05:09
DeVonnehow do I make my cd's auto mount?05:09
vadilloDeVonne: edit the fstab05:09
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, is it a cd drive or a dvd/cd drive?05:10
michael__rocc: what chpset is your card05:10
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, check /dev for dvd05:10
michael__Stpaterick: do you have the driver for your card?05:10
DeVonneit is not in there05:10
Bax_ubuntu fiesty: how do I find a file a just downloaded and installed through Synaptic?05:11
Mashandarit doesn't look like there's a linux driver for RTL8187B yet05:11
bazhangBax_: what file05:11
Mashandarthere's a windows and mac driver...no linux driver05:11
Bax_bazhang: bittornado05:11
StPatrickFor all those interested in trying to keep me in Linux, Here's a heads up on what's happened.  Toshiba A205-S5800. Realtek RTL8187b Wifi Card. Works fine in Vista. Mandriva, PCLinuxOS, Suse, all see card, but can't get it to work in them, Ubuntu ( currently running ) Doesnt even see card.05:11
StPatrickI have tried :05:11
vadilloStPatrick: check this one http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/wireless-internet/118266-realtek-rtl8187b-help.html05:12
Dr_willisBax_,  'which bittorrnado' or whatever the command is to run it05:12
michael__Stpatrick: you have to help me help you buddy do you have the windows driver on hand?05:12
StPatrickndiswrapper with about 30 different drivers, compiling drivers, using hacked drivers,  ^ That link, Several other links, 10 - 15 different walk-throughs.05:12
StPatrickmichael__,  I do not., I just finished formatting again05:12
Bax_Dr_willis: I can literally type that in the terminal?05:12
bazhangBax_: bittornado is in the ubuntu repos?05:12
TehMwak... stpatrick : get a cheep supported wifi card. Problem solved!05:12
StPatrickTehMwak,  That is nto an option.05:12
jimStPatrick: I'm more interested in having you choose what you want to run. If you're not willing to do that, you're not committing, and I expect more miracle requests from you as a result05:12
michael__Stpatrick i went through the same thing i have a card that uses the bcm43xx and unsupported driver05:13
bazhang!info bittornado05:13
Dr_willisBax_,  bash basics.. the which command shows the full path to the command you are running/asking about.05:13
ubotubittornado (source: bittornado): bittorrent client with enhanced curses interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.18-4 (gutsy), package size 155 kB, installed size 876 kB05:13
Dr_willisBax_,  try 'which which' :)05:13
StPatrickjim,  I prefer Mandriva.05:13
jimuse that :)05:13
StPatrickjim,   Cant get any support05:13
michael__Stpatrick:whats the name of the driver your card uses?05:13
SegFault[AX]izinucs: irssi says it cant' connect to irc.thelinuxshow.org on 6667,  is it on a different port?05:13
StPatrickmichael__,  I have no idea. Drivers have names?05:13
Dr_willisBax_,  now if you want to know where in the menus that icon went.. no idea on that.05:13
ShpookHello everyone, quick question: How do I get the Home Folder onto the desktop?05:13
Bax_Dr_willis: but I don't know what the command is for bittornado, I just know that it was the name of the program I downloaded and installed through synaptic05:13
StPatrickmichael__,  The difference between you going through it, and me, is that I am not a computer guy.l05:14
vadilloStPatrick: also this one--> http://www.datanorth.net/~cuervo/rtl8187b/05:14
StPatrickmichael__,  I do not know much about computers, at all.05:14
Dr_willisBax_,  try 'bittornado' ? thats the most logical command for it.05:14
StPatrickvadillo,  Yea, that one's fun...05:14
michael__Stpatrick: yes like the name of mine is bcmwl5.sys (im not either i came into this not knowing anything) so im gonna help you out05:14
ShpookOops, on KDE I mean.05:14
SegFault[AX]Shpook: ln -s $HOME $HOME/Desktop/Home05:14
StPatrickmichael__,  Ok :) I'm glad to hear it.05:14
michael__Stpatrick: so we have to find the driver for your card eh05:14
StPatrickmichael__,  Care to meet m e in a different channel?05:14
vadilloStPatrick what did you mean with fun?05:14
StPatricksay.. #HelpStPat?05:14
michael__Stpatrick: sure just lemme know the name buddy05:15
Bax_Dr_willis: I did, with just the name, with ./, and with "which".  Still got nothing05:15
StPatrickvadillo,  I mean i did it.05:15
hansinShould I be using 'aptitude' vs. 'apt-get'?  I am trying to get in the habit of switching to it.  I keep seeing 'aptitude' is the way to go, but maybe this is a personal preference thing?  I like to install Ubuntu as the Minimal CLI install from the alternative CD.  Does anyone know if the installer uses 'aptitude' or 'apt-get', or is it lower level than that (dpkg?)?  Thanks.05:15
DmoleBax_: bittornado works but try transmition (gui) or rtorrent (cli)05:15
level09is it bad also to use sftp as a root ?05:15
ShpookSegFault[AX]: Thank, that worked perfect.05:15
Bax_Dmole: I05:15
vadilloStPatrick: also the other one link05:16
TheOneAndOnlylevel09, only if you don't care about your system's security :p05:16
SegFault[AX]Shpook: no problem05:16
level09TheOneAndOnly: I cant upload files with a regular user, theres no permissions05:16
Bax_Dmole: I'm just trying to figure out how to find and access programs I just downloaded through synaptic, like bittorando05:16
Dr_willis!find bittornado05:16
ubotuFound: bittornado, bittornado-gui05:16
Alan_Mhansin, it has both on it.....and yes its personal preference honestly.05:16
level09I'm using filezilla05:16
ifireballBax_: you probably want "btdownloadgui"05:16
ifireballBax_: type bt<tab> to see other commands installed by bittornado05:17
DmoleBax_: that will be in the menu under internet05:17
michael__Stpatrick: the way i did mine was quite simple actually all we have to do is find something to extract the firmware from your driver and well put it in the correct spots reboot and bam youl be good05:17
TheOneAndOnlylevel09, hm, you should go in and set the file permissions as root, and then use sftp as a regular user05:17
DeVonneI still can't find or see my dvd/cd drive05:17
DmoleBax_: and like ifireball said ta is your frend05:17
amirman84what language do people use to write programs and GUIs for ubuntu? i may want to take a class on it05:17
level09TheOneAndOnly: okay thnx05:17
ifireballBax_: to see all the files installed by a package "dpkg -L bittornado"05:17
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, do you know what type of hardware you cd/dvd drive is?05:17
amirman84all i know is BASIC :)05:18
DeVonneit came with the emachine so I do not know05:18
Alan_Mamirman84: there are multiple languages that help out in that area :)05:18
ifireballBax_: (though the list of file may not provide much info as to how to use it)05:18
TheOneAndOnlyamirman84, C#, and C++, Python, and Perl...05:18
Starnestommyamirman84: there are several languages that can do that. C, C++, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP, and a lot of others05:18
TheOneAndOnlyamirman84, we use them all05:18
Dr_willisBax_,  aparanty its 'bt<SOMTHING>'05:18
TheOneAndOnlyStarnestommy, PHP and Ruby can be used, but they are mostly for web development.05:18
Dr_willisBax_,  /usr/bin/btdownloadgui.bittornado05:18
Bax_ifireball: so btdownloadgui is a general command to fetch programs I just downloaded?05:19
StPatrickmichael__,  Sounds good to me man. Come to #HelpStPat?05:19
thundr2TheOneAndOnly: Is there a language that is used the most commonly?05:19
amirman84ok, i was just wondering because i see that there's a niche to be filled most specifically apps for young kids05:19
hansinAlan_M: Thanks.  I know the minimal CLI install include both, but do you have any idea what the text-based installer uses?  Just curious.  Like I said, maybe it is lower level than either 'apt-get' or 'aptitude'??05:19
DeVonneok I have found it05:19
ifireballBax_: no that's the command installed by the bittornado package05:19
TheOneAndOnlythundr2, the kernel is in C#, but C++ is used commonly for apps. Python for gui apps is very common :]05:19
amirman84my son is 2 1/2 and i was looking for some packages that could help him learn to use the mouse and stuff all i found was kletters and tuxpaint05:19
DeVonnethis is the hardware05:19
michael__stpatrick: ok im in there05:20
thundr2TheOneAndOnly: Thanks :)05:20
amirman84what language would be best for simple apps like that?05:20
StPatrickmichael__,  Uhh  How? So am i... lol05:20
TheOneAndOnlythundr2, np :]05:20
Alan_Mhansin, no idea exactly what it uses, most probably apt-get because thats what we tell users in here to use, from what ive seen its the more common one in here :D05:20
Dr_willisamirman84,  python is handy.05:20
DeVonneTheOneAndOnly: , http://www.impactcomputers.com/dvem100686rw.html05:20
TheOneAndOnlyamirman84, i'd go with python05:20
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, i saw the link, ty :] i'm reading it now05:20
Alan_Mpython :D05:20
DeVonneok thanks05:20
amirman84awesome i hope my college has a class on it05:21
Alan_Mamirman84, and if not there are PLENTY of guides online for it.05:21
TheOneAndOnlyamirman84, most colleges, even community, have some class for Python, but it will include other langs as well05:21
level09making a directory writable by a webserver, does this mean 755 or 777?05:21
steven__I am using the Darklooks theme for Gnome and now Firefox is displaying Text Boxes with dark colored background. Does anyone know how to change this?05:21
Dr_willislevel09,  both are a little overkill.05:21
level09what do u suggest :) ?05:22
Dr_willislevel09,  the dir  could just be owned by the webserver, and you wouldent need those modes05:22
dibblegohow can I run a script on login?05:22
passbedoes anyone else have problems extracting a multiple part rar file ?05:22
TheOneAndOnlylevel09, 777 will give everyone read write access, 755 will give owner read write, everyone else read only05:22
Dr_willisdibblego,  depends on the window manager. Kde has .kde/Autostart Directory. Gnome has the session management features05:22
hansinAlan_M: Thanks for the help/info.05:22
vadillodibblego: what distro are you are using?05:22
dibblegoDr_willis, I am using GNOME05:22
zmi ask a question05:22
Dr_willisdibblego,  what program anyway?05:22
level09how do I make it owned by webserver ?05:22
Hellowdibleggo, go to System - Preferences - Sessons for gnome05:22
Alan_Mhansin, its what were here for :)05:23
dibblegoDr_willis, mozilla lightning05:23
dibblegoHellow, great thanks05:23
thundr2amirman84: I can't vouch for the quality because I haven't read it, but this might be a good starting point for learning Python: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Python05:23
TheOneAndOnlyeveryone, it's nice to see everyone getting so much help tonight :]05:23
Dr_willisdibblego,  start the program, save the session. it should autostart i think.05:23
zmwhy can't firefox install the flash player plugin?05:23
TheOneAndOnlythundr2, that is actually an excellent link, it's where i began05:23
=== steven__ is now known as Mannex
Dr_williszm,  because one normally installs flash from the package maanger tool.05:23
Alan_MTheoneandonly, yeah awesome when there arent fights :)05:23
Dr_willis!flash | zm05:23
ubotuzm: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:23
vadillozm: 32 or 64 system?05:23
TheOneAndOnlyAlan_M, haha, not even fights, it's nice to see that no one is flooding the room w. the same question this evening - lol05:24
zmsudo apt-get install flash ?05:24
Alan_Mlol true as well TheOneAndOnly05:24
Starnestommyzm: try this: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:24
Yowshihow do i undelete something from the trash? i am not sure what duir these files came from but i didnt want to delete them05:24
TheOneAndOnlyzm, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:24
penTheOneAndOnly: just use add/remove05:24
penTheOneAndOnly: it's so  much easier05:25
TheOneAndOnlypen, that too :]05:25
MannexI am using the Darklooks theme for Gnome and now Firefox is displaying Text Boxes with dark colored background. Does anyone know how to change this?05:25
HellowYowshi: have you already deleted it or is it just in the trash?05:25
michael__anyone else having wireless troubles?05:25
Yowshijust in the trash Hellow05:25
TheOneAndOnlyMannex, go into the appearance settings, and change the colors for your theme, should correct the issue, but will change the colors for everything else accordingly05:25
amirman84michael_ : i've been there with wireless troubles05:26
HellowYowshi: hold on05:26
michael__yeah im trying to help some people out05:26
michael__it was a complete hassle to get mine working05:26
zmmust i quit firefox first?05:26
TheOneAndOnlyzm, no, but you need to restart after the install05:26
HellowYowshi: right click and press "Restore"05:26
Starnestommyzm: that would be a good idea05:26
zmok```now im installing05:27
zmthank you05:27
DeVonneTheOneAndOnly: have you read it? :)05:27
YowshiHellow there is no restore button05:27
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, yeah, sorry.05:27
HellowYowshi: hold on05:27
amirman84michael_ : i just ended up using vmware workstation to install ubuntu on a vm so i could use the bridged networking05:27
michael__amirman81: what chipset is your card??05:27
iceswordno brige,use nat05:27
iceswordthen you get online05:27
amirman84but i would like to eventually install it on a dedicated partition so i'll have to figure out the wireless stuff eventually05:27
amirman84michael_: i believe it's broadcom05:28
amirman84i use the dell drivers on my windows machine05:28
DeVonneTheOneAndOnly: do you know what is wrong?05:28
thundr2Yowshi: You should be able to just drag and drop the files to whichever folder you want them in.05:28
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, i'm checking into it...05:28
michael__amirman84: no shit garuntee i get it working in less than 20 min05:28
TheOneAndOnlygoogle's not turning up much...05:28
DeVonneok thank you05:28
Yowshithundr2: i dont recall where they came from05:28
michael__amirman84: your using the bcm43xx driver in ubuntu right?05:29
Yowshithundr2: i was cleaning out some rythm box list and clicked move to trash instead of remove05:29
MannexTheOneAndOnly, thank you05:29
amirman84i think that's the one it installed when i was using linux mint so probably05:29
HellowYowshi: idk, im going to make a suggestion that they include a "Restore" function in the next release of Ubuntu05:29
amirman84it doesnt work at all though05:29
michael__amirman84: i use a broadcom card myself =P i have a way that worked for me if you wanna try it out ??05:29
TheOneAndOnlyMannex, for what exactly? heh05:29
michael__amirman84: mine didnt either05:29
amirman84well i could do it right now since i'm on a vm05:29
MannexTheOneAndOnly, lol your suggestion regarding a previous question... nVm ;-)05:30
thundr2Yowshi: It probably came from your Home directory.  Under a directory like /.rhythmbox05:30
amirman84but i would love to know how to do it05:30
TheOneAndOnlyMannex, as long as your issue got resolved, i'm happy i could help :]05:30
amirman84do you use NDISwrapper?05:30
pierreluxbazhang: just to tell you it worked with hardy. i don't know what was wrong. maybe a wrong partitioning05:30
ntoridoHow can i make a back up in ubuntu?05:30
michael__amirman84: allright lemme see if i can find the link if not you wouldnt mind if i sent you some things would you ?05:30
amirman84not at all05:30
Yowshithundr2: no i told it to import the entire home folder i thought it would only import sound files but it seems not05:30
Bax_in the terminal, after executing something and nothing happens, How do I exit or get that program to quit so I can return to the command line?05:30
amirman84how would you send it?05:31
StarnestommyBax_: Ctrl+C05:31
TheOneAndOnlyntorido, a back up of what exactly?05:31
michael__amirman84: ok because i have saved to a folder for when i update but i think it should work for you do you have a copy of your driver?05:31
ntoridoA folder05:31
michael__amirman84: like this05:31
amirman84the windows driver?05:32
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, i'm not seeing much on google... sry =/05:32
michael__amirman84: yes05:32
amirman84forgive my noobiness05:32
ntoridoTheOneAndOnly,A folder.05:32
DeVonneok :( thanks anyways05:32
amirman84i can get a copy really quick from the dell website but it's a dell driver05:32
TheOneAndOnlyntorido, i'd say archive it using bzip...05:32
amirman84it's branded with dell's name so i guess they made their own driver for the card05:32
thundr2Yowshi: There should be a way to find out where it came from, perhaps by changing the view of the trash folder.  I don't have Ubuntu running right now, so I can only be of limited help, sorry.05:32
michael__amirman84: hey im a newb to wanna go to a seperate channel or do you mind if i message you pruvatley05:32
Bax_so let me get this straight, everything in the /usr/bin are all the commands I can use in any other directory, right?05:32
amirman84go ahead and private message me05:33
StarnestommyBax_: yes, the same goes for /bin, /sbin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin/, and /usr/local/sbin/05:33
[Rocc]need help05:33
Bax_Starnestommy: what's the difference between each of those directories?  commands are more special?05:34
thundr2[Rocc]: What is your problem?05:34
[Rocc]Wireless wont work...05:34
glissneed beer05:34
CaptainMorgancan someone tell me real quick if Hardy will be an LTS version ?05:34
TheOneAndOnlyntorido, run sudo apt-get install bzip2 to make sure bzip is installed then run man bzip2, that should help you out :]05:34
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.05:34
TheOneAndOnlyCaptainMorgan, yes, hardy is LTS05:34
level09how do I install pear ?05:35
CaptainMorganTheOneAndOnly, that's great... looking forward to its release.. ;)05:35
TheOneAndOnlyCaptainMorgan, it's pretty stable now, for a beta, but yes, the final release should be great05:35
morphir_does jeos come with xorg?05:35
ceweYOU IS NAME05:35
TheOneAndOnlymorphir_, no, jeos, is basically a server install05:35
morphir_TheOneAndOnly: k05:36
TheOneAndOnlymorphir_, it stands for just enough operating system05:36
[Rocc]I need help on wireless, it wont connect no matter what i do, I know i have Linksys05:36
DeVonneTheOneAndOnly: I found the cdrom drive in place -> computer and when I goto open it it says no media, althou the disc is in the drive05:36
morphir_TheOneAndOnly: I just had to confirm :)05:36
gogetahey guys im stuck in the darkages of internet05:36
Dmoleanyone know how to copy a file from one ubuntu to another with rate limiting and resume?05:36
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, eject the disc and place it back in, see if it will read it then.05:36
DeVonneI did it still will not read05:37
gogetadoes ubuntu save softmodem suppport05:37
=== rat32 is now known as Palace_Chan
glisswhats the best way to get java 1.6 on ubuntu?05:37
amirman84michael_: did you get my PM?05:37
dibblegoI added an executable to the GNOME session startup programs and now the login session hangs; perhaps I should use & on the executable, but how do I revert it now?05:37
glissright now ive got 1.4.2 or something05:37
glissand i don't see any 1.6 packages05:37
TheOneAndOnlygogeta, http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+softmodem+support&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a05:37
gogetagliss probly next ubuntu relese05:37
DeVonneTheOneAndOnly:  ejecting and reinsterting does nor work05:38
gogetayea i wouldent ask if that led to any answers05:38
[Rocc][Rocc]: still needs help :P05:38
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, hm... run dmsg after you insert and remove it, see if there is any info in there concerning the disc drive05:39
jimjim: is [Rocc] talkin to himslf?05:39
Dmolegliss: java.sun.com05:39
thundr2[Rocc]: Please be patient.  I don't have any experience with configuring wireless, or I'd help you.  But there are hundreds of other people in the room as well.  We'll get to your question as soon as possible.05:39
DeVonne-bash: dmsg: command not found05:39
gogetaconnect cxt not workin05:40
bastid_raZorDeVonne; dmesg05:40
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, type-o sorry, dmesg05:40
DeVonne[   30.407252] Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.2005:42
DeVonneis this it?05:42
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, that looks like it'd be it, so ubuntu recognizes your cd drive05:42
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, can you put in a disc which you know for sure works under windows?05:42
Gneaok, i just had something weird happen - i had my desktop in the locked-phase with the screensaver on. when i sat back down to unlock it, it *looked* like the screensaver crashed and i was presented with the standard login screen (as if to denote switching users, since i could still hear xmms pumping tunes through the speakers). upon being presented with the gnome-ish desktop, i found that my mouse cursor no longer appears over firefox o05:42
[Rocc]Thundr2: yessir!05:42
gogetaLOL i found a driver man i lucked out05:42
gogetai have a lin modem05:42
DeVonne[   30.407243] hdc: ATAPI 48X DVD-ROM DVD-R CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache, UDMA(33)05:42
DeVonnethis one does work under windows, it is a sims 2 disc05:43
GneaHas anyone seen this before or know if there's a fix for it other than logging out, restarting X and logging back in?05:43
=== icesword is now known as icesword_away
TheOneAndOnlyGnea, try ctrl+alt+f7, to switch to the default display05:43
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, at this point, i'm at a total loss :/05:43
DeVonnewell this sucks05:44
GneaTheOneAndOnly: *headdesk!* thank you :)05:44
TheOneAndOnlyDeVonne, there may be someone else in the room capable of helping you out more05:45
TheOneAndOnlyGnea, np :]05:45
Gneait was actually already on tty7 so i switched it to tty8 and back, problem solved05:45
gogetawtf im not paying thwm for a driver05:45
TheOneAndOnlyGnea, haha, awesome :]05:45
DeVonneif anyone knows why the cdrom says it cant find the media of a disc please help me05:45
Angry_BaconAny1 know why I would be getting signal loss with a 8800gt when trying to use nVidia 169.12?05:47
[Rocc]If anyone can help me with wireless please goto #helprocc05:47
Zelta[Rocc]: I think you may have better luck if you just ask your question in here.05:48
[Rocc]I have05:48
[Rocc]I need help on wireless, it wont connect no matter what i do, I know i have Linksys05:48
ZeltaWhat model, in particular?05:48
[Rocc]lemme go look05:49
michael__this is pretty sweet everyone told me wine lagged badly im getting no lag at all05:49
Angry_BaconI feel ignored, lol, he doesn't even ask his question05:49
Dmolehelp: anyone know how to copy a file from one ubuntu to another with rate limiting and resume?05:50
Dmoleother than winscp on wine05:50
TheOneAndOnlyDmole, i'd assume rsync would do it...05:50
XceIIwhy cant I (when shutting down) hear the sound?05:50
izinucsDmole, how bout just scp05:51
GneaDmole: wget05:51
Angry_BaconDoes anyone know how to get an 8800gt working?05:51
DmoleTheOneAndOnly: not that i can find in the man file05:51
Dmoleizinucs: not that i can find in the man file05:51
TheOneAndOnlyrsync is not installed by default05:52
Angry_BaconNone of the forum guides work05:52
Angry_BaconDmole: you could make a torrent05:52
TheOneAndOnlyDmole, run sudo apt-get install rsync05:52
TheOneAndOnlythen man rsync05:52
[Rocc]Wireless-G broadband router with speedboost 802.11g05:52
Dmolei have rsync05:52
TheOneAndOnlyDmole, rebuild your man pages index05:52
michael__[rocc] : i think i seen something that may help you05:52
Dmolei just can't find rate limiting and resume05:52
thundr2[Rocc]: What about your wireless card?05:52
[Rocc]its built into the hp pavilion 70005:53
TheOneAndOnlyDmole, i know wget supports resume, i'm not sure about rate limiting05:53
=== |Cain_| is now known as Cain_
amirman84has anybody in here had success getting the ATI mobility radeon x1400 to work in ubuntu, and by work i mean 3D support05:53
TheOneAndOnlyDmole, i'd go with Angry_Bacon's option of making it a torrent05:53
TheOneAndOnlyamirman84, i'm using that exact card, but the mobile version05:54
Dmoleizinucs: scp has no rate limiting or resume that i see05:54
donkey7186question. i am trying to find a plugin for rhythmbox so i can play a certain radio station on it how do i find out which i need!??05:54
amirman84theoneandonly: i'm using the mobile version too, do you have 3D working?05:55
sorryIm the type of person that brings a weapon to a party if im planning on fighting. I fight to win no matter what it takes.Im not afraid to yell that's my purse, i don't know you. Im NOT afraid to kick someone as hard as i can in the nuts, FROM BEHIND. Yah thats right. I would cheap shot the fuck out of any of you mother fuckers and then id stomp on your face while you were on the ground crying like a bitch.05:55
izinucsDmole, just  out of curiosity.. why is rate limiting and/or resume needed05:55
TheOneAndOnlyamirman84, yes i do, what version of ubuntu are you running05:55
jimsorry: so this is your victim story?05:55
michael__Damn sorry thats some fucked up shit05:55
TheOneAndOnlysorry, that has what to do with ubuntu exactly?05:55
izinucs!ops | sorry05:55
ubotusorry: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!05:55
nickrud!language | michael__05:56
ubotumichael__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:56
michael__sorry sorry05:56
sorryit relates to ubuntu05:56
amirman84theoneandonly: do you mind if i PM you?05:56
kindofabuzzsorry: i hope you don't have kids05:56
TheOneAndOnlynot at all amirman8405:56
DmoleGnea: thank you wget was a good call05:56
RedScareanyone know anything about cpu frequency scaling?05:56
donkey7186question. i am trying to find a plugin for rhythmbox so i can play a certain radio station on it how do i find out which i need!??05:57
Dmoleizinucs:  I don't have QOS set up yet and it's a transfer that will take days so resume is likely needed but wget fills my need :) just did not come to mind untill Gnea said it05:58
sjovandonkey7186: this is a long shot (couse i don't know my self), but have you tryed apt-cache search rhythmbox | grep plugin ?05:58
RedScarewhy does powernowd refuse to scale my core 2 duo below 1GHz05:58
TheOneAndOnlyRedScare, that's the lowest freq those procs will go, i run one myself :]05:59
Delsoncan somone help me with something05:59
Delsonit might be a simple thing to eetup05:59
donkey7186sjovan no i havent05:59
RedScareTheOneAndOnly, that is what it is looking like06:00
sjovandonkey7186: nwm... apt-get doesn't have any plugins for that prog06:00
=== Angry_Bacon is now known as AngryBacon
RedScareI'm trying to discover why ubuntu runs hotter than my dual boot OS vista06:00
Delsoncan somone help me with something06:00
gogetaRedScare acpi probly runs the fans slower06:01
AngryBaconDelson: Rule number X of irc, don't ask to ask, just ask06:01
RedScarei get more noise typically as well though gogeta06:01
RedScareits very odd06:01
ZeltaDo you guys mind if I ask a question about asking a question about an issue I'm having regarding the asking of questions?06:01
TheOneAndOnlyRedScare, that's exactly it. that is the lowest freq these processors will run at, any lower (you could hack around it) and you would notice major system issues06:01
gogetaRedScare naa its turning em up then back down06:01
RedScarefrom what little I've read 8.04 beta has better power management06:02
TheOneAndOnlyRedScare, that noise you hear is the fan kicking on, there are ways to get them to not kick on until certain temps though06:02
Delsonwell u know how windows has like a grid so to speak for desktop icons....can i get ubuntu to have a more organized grid06:02
Delsonand iwanna make all the icons smaller06:02
thundr2RedScare: Is the CPU load similar between Ubuntu and Vista?06:02
gogetaTheOneAndOnly he can kill acpi and let the bios handel it or just let em run at 100%06:03
bobcI'm trying to install a new hard drive in my system which will replace my existing drive and I'm having a problem with installing grub. grub-install /dev/sdb returns /dev/evms/hda1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive. Can anyone help me make sense of this?06:03
[Rocc]Um, did i get a answer, sorry ive been eating06:03
AngryBacon[Rocc]: scroll up06:03
izinucsthundr2, no Vista is much hungrier06:03
RedScareCPU load is similar06:03
sjovandonkey7186: btw... you don't need a plugin. you can add radiostations by default. or are you thinking about picking up signals from the air?06:03
DeVonneDoes anyone know why when I put in a cd it can't read it? says there is no media06:03
gogetaRedScare yea its just your fans running diffrently06:03
donkey7186sjovan im trying to add a radio station. but when i try and add it it isnt working06:04
gogetaRedScare as long as its not hitting danger levels i wouldent worry06:04
hellonulldelson: i'm pretty sure it is more of a matter of configuring your desktop environment, not necessarily ubuntu06:04
RedScareI'm not too worried about the heat06:04
sjovandonkey7186: so, do you get some kinde of error?06:04
RedScareits simply that I bought this because it ran sooo cool in my lap06:04
TheOneAndOnlyRedScare, if you're on battery power, you can run powertop to increase batter life06:04
donkey7186sjovanyea says that its not supported and a plugin may need to be installed06:04
RedScareas opposed to my AMD X2 6406:04
penTheOneAndOnly: I don't see the difference?06:04
donkey7186sjovan yea says that its not supported and a plugin may need to be installed06:04
=== Ash_server is now known as Ashfire908
penTheOneAndOnly: I ran and press the button it ask to press06:05
RedScarewhich often leaves burnmarks on my leg06:05
gogetaRedScare oh battery power yea ubuntu will keep those fans as low as possable06:05
penTheOneAndOnly: no increase in power06:05
DeVonneDoes anyone know why when I put in a cd it can't read it? says there is no media06:05
gogetaRedScare hence more heat06:05
thundr2Delson: I know that the icons (on the desktop at least) are able to be stretched and zoomed to whatever size you want, or do you want all icons throughout Ubuntu to look like that?06:05
penDeVonne: what ? Audio CD?06:05
DeVonnegame cd06:05
hellonullDeVonne: have you tried manually mounting it?06:05
gogetaRedScare you can adjust the settings if you wish06:05
RedScareI have06:05
kenbooIs there mips cross compiler for i386?06:05
DeVonnehow do I go about doing that?06:06
RedScareI just wanted to see if anyone had had any luck with custom settings06:06
sjovandonkey7186: wierd... i can't remember installing any plugins. maby a simple google would help you06:06
donkey7186well if i give you the website can you try?06:06
kenboosomeone compiled for Debian but couldn't find it for Ubuntu06:06
gogetaRedScare set the temp thresh hold lower so the fans will cool it more06:06
Delsoni want all the icons to be niform06:06
DeVonnehow do I manually mount it?06:06
gogetaRedScare but you lose battery life06:06
AngryBaconwouldn't the debian one work?06:06
RedScaredoesn't make sense why there's not a closer solution06:07
RedScareon my HP my battery with vista runs around 1.45, on my gateway with core 2 on vista I get up to 3.5 hours very easily06:07
TheOneAndOnlypen, it will usually give you a small amount more, some systems it won't... mine it gave me 30 more mins06:07
RedScareon ubuntu 2 if I'm lucky06:07
thundr2Delson: To do that on the desktop, you just right click the icon and go to stretch icon.  To do that for all of them, one second I'm checking06:07
gogetaRedScare well you can turn off acpi but then they will run at 100% all the time prosser and fans06:07
gogetaRedScare you willlose alot of batery power06:08
TheOneAndOnlypen, you would also need to run it as sudo06:08
monkeyBoxIs powernowd preferred over cpufreq, or vice-versa?06:08
donkey7186sjovan well if i give you the website can you try?06:08
penTheOneAndOnly: I did06:09
sjovandonkey7186: shure thing06:09
sjovandonkey7186: what's the url06:09
RedScareas far as I can tell, powernowd, and cpufreqd were both designed for AMD primarily06:09
donkey7186sjovan :     wildmorningshow.com06:09
penTheOneAndOnly: how long does it take effect?06:09
TheOneAndOnlypen, wow, and it gave you no increase at all?06:09
gogetaRedScare laptop systems have scaling prossers in speed wise its a power saving feature06:09
TheOneAndOnlymine took about 5 seconds, til the next refresh06:09
penTheOneAndOnly: I don't see any increase06:09
donkey7186sjovan    http://www.wild955.com/cc-common/ondemand/player.html?world=st06:10
RedScareyou know what is amazing though, rdesktop06:10
donkey7186sjovan referring url is: http://www.wild955.com/pages/streaming.html06:10
hellonullDeVonne: open console, mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom0 /cdrom06:10
hellonullDeVonne: you may have to use something other than cdrom006:11
thundr2Delson: It's in the preferences somewhere, I'm still looking06:11
DeVonneok will try that06:11
DeVonnemount: special device /dev/cdrom0 does not exist06:11
sjovandonkey7186: what the hell? "We thank you for your interest in seeing and hearing all we have to offer!  Your request has been received.  Please allow up to 60 hours for processing"06:11
donkey7186sjovan did you go to the right url???06:12
hellonullDeVonne: look in /dev and see which folder there is likely to be your optical drive06:12
donkey7186sjovan    http://www.wild955.com/cc-common/ondemand/player.html?world=st06:12
penDeVonne: I think maybe linux doesn't detect your CDRom06:12
DeVonneit does my mom burned dvd's with it06:12
penDeVonne: type this into terminal: more /etc/fstab06:12
AngryBaconDoes anyone know how to get a 8800gt working?06:12
thundr2Delson: To get the icons smaller in Nautilus (the file browser), just click the zoom out button at the top.  Working on the grid and a better solution now06:13
sjovandonkey7186: sorry mate... i can't help you. i tryed to lie :) "Due to licensing restrictions, we are not able to allow access to the content you are requesting from outside the United States. We are sorry we can no longer provide access to Canada. If you currently reside in the United States, please select one of the options below to process your request. Please allow up to 60 hours to process your request."06:13
DeVonne /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0       006:13
ZirodayAngryBacon: is this the 512MB card?06:13
gogetasjovan proxy server06:13
donkey7186sjovan oh ok06:13
AngryBaconZiroday: yup06:13
izinucsDeVonne, it may be dead.. it happened to me with a HP Lightscribe.. Used it 3 times and it bit the dust.06:13
gogetadonkey7186 go threw a usa proxy06:14
Enixhello all, it has been awhile scince i have used linux but i have a question now that my vista has crashed. My question is: Can i recover my files using a live cd or similar without  formating the hard drive thus erasing everything anyway. I want my files off the HD before i make my move to a fresh install of ubuntu.06:14
donkey7186im not in canada06:14
p_vas_salottiHE MEN06:14
DeVonneI can try booting the live cd with it if that will convince people it works06:14
donkey7186i listen to it all the time on windows but i cant on here06:14
RedScareof course Enix06:14
gogetadonkey7186 so06:14
gogetadonkey7186 usa proxy06:14
p_vas_salottiQUI PARLE FRANCAIS06:14
monkeyBoxWhat's the difference between powernowd and cpufreq?06:14
EnixRedScare: mind pointing me to some good reading material?06:14
gogetadonkey7186 you can be in iran for all i care use a proxy06:14
ZirodayAngryBacon: then thats the really new card and 7.10 does not have the updated nvidia drivers for that card yet. You can either run 8.04 which is currently in beta or compile the latest nvidia drivers by hand06:14
DeVonneif I boot the live cd and it works, then what do you recommend?06:14
donkey7186well how do i do that06:15
RedScareEnix, its actually very simple, since Ubuntu has built in NTFS support06:15
penDeVonne: boot it first06:15
DeVonneok be right back06:15
hellonullwait DeVonne06:15
sjovandonkey7186: have you tryed any other "radio" services then?06:15
hellonulltry hdc instead of cdrom0 in that command i gave you earlier06:16
AngryBaconZiroday: I installed the new drivers from nVidia, but it still doesn't work06:16
donkey7186they all work but not this one06:16
gogetadonkey7186 somewebsite acully do it foryou06:16
Enixah, i c, can it be accesed via the terminal right from the get go, or is there some configuring beforhand?06:16
AngryBaconZiroday: what version of the drivers does hardy come with?06:16
Jordan_UEnix, Boot the LiveCD, go to Places -> Computer, copy the files, rejoice :)06:16
izinucsAngryBacon, did you install them with gdm stopped?  I think that's the correct method06:16
DeVonnemount: special device /hda1/hdc does not exist06:16
RedScareEnix, Jordan is spot on, that is really all there is to it06:17
AngryBaconinzincus: yes..06:17
* AngryBacon feels a tad patronized by that one06:17
RedScareit will normally automount06:17
DeVonnei tried06:17
DeVonneroot@visionary-desktop:~# mount -t iso9660 /media/cdrom0 /cdrom06:17
DeVonnemount: /media/cdrom0 is not a block device06:17
EnixI bow to you kind sirs, have a good evening (or whatever it is where u are). :)06:17
RedScareif it doesn't its because windows has crashed and the drive has set to be active06:17
ZirodayAngryBacon: try using envy by alberto milone, it makes installing the latest drivers really easy http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html06:17
AngryBaconZiroday: tried it06:17
RedScarein which case you will have to - force06:17
gogetajust use a us proxy and enjoy06:17
izinucsAngryBacon, did you check xorg.conf to see if "nvidia" is  listed as the driver?  how bout running nvidia-settings?06:18
ZirodayAngryBacon: well then I can't help you, good luck06:18
RedScareits remarkably simple Enix06:18
RedScareHappy unixing06:18
AngryBaconizinucs: yup06:18
gogetamight need to use a few to find one fast enough06:18
penDeVonne: hm, btw, can you describe your problem again? Do you mean the CD icon doesn't change if you insert cd into it?06:18
AngryBaconalso, nvidia-settings doesn't work unless the driver is already runnning06:18
izinucsZiroday, envy is not a good suggestion.. using it may bork your system on upgrade.06:18
monkeyBoxAnyone familiar w/ cpufreqd?  It's currently reporting my speed is at 800Mhz when I have a 2.2Ghz cpu06:19
jimAngryBacon: does that surprise you? :)06:19
DeVonnewhen I am in places -> computer and try to open the cd it says no media, and cedega says no medium06:19
AngryBaconjim: izinucs suggested it06:19
gogetadonkey7186 enjoy06:19
penDeVonne: how abotu audio cd? other kinds of cd?06:20
jimahh, ok... but think about it: if you have a settings app, you might need the thing to which the settings are applied06:20
Zirodayizinucs: yes. or it may fix your install :)06:20
DeVonnelet me get one06:20
RedScaremonkeybox, its scaling your processor based on workload06:20
RedScarethis is normal06:20
monkeyBoxRedScare, How can I manually set it?  I'm currently on AC power06:21
Delsondelson: sda06:21
DelsonDelson: sdakls06:21
N3WFI3im dling ubuntu 7.10 hopefully i can run it alongside windows cause i think my second hard drive is dying lol06:21
monkeyBoxRedScare, I've tried running a cmd to set the freq to 2200,  but it still reports it at 80006:21
DeVonneaudio cd is not working wth?06:22
jimok. I'll bite. What is on your second hard drive06:22
RedScarewhat command are you running monkey?06:22
hellonulli'm having a problem with mysql-server... everytime i install a package via aptitude i get this error at the end: "E: mysql-server-5.0: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" and "E: mysql-server: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured"... i tried completely removing it via synaptic and re-installing, it still has this problem... also tried purging it and reinstalling, but the problem persists. any sugges06:22
Kemrin1I lost the Game06:22
hhMish_How do I install dpkg & apt-get back on system on which it was erased or never installed ?06:22
umopHow can i find the file that shows me mount options for a USb drive, it's mounting as read only for some reason(i cant see anything in /etc/fstab)06:22
Zirodayhellonull: you need to look at reason why mysql is not installing06:22
hellonullZiroday: where do i find that?06:23
DeVonnethe audio cd did not work, I am going to try the boot cd06:23
gogetaumop ntfs?06:23
Zirodayhellonull: it should say in the error messages when you install it06:23
monkeyBoxRedScare,  cpufreq-set -c 0 -f 220006:23
gogetaumop oh qwait the new ubuntu has ntfs rw by efult humm06:23
Dr_willisgogeta,  unless the partition is flagged as needign checked by windows.06:24
umopgogeta, Yeah, but i'm not even sure what format the drive is06:24
Dr_willisgogeta,  then it goes to read only. :)06:24
Dr_willisumop,   'sudo fdisk -l' and look06:24
DistroJockeyhhMish_: I doubt it was never installed. What does:  man dpkg   return?06:24
thundr2Delson: Sorry, I don't know exactly where to find it.  It should be fairly easy to find, but it's been quite a while since I've used Ubuntu.  I know the setting is there.  Perhaps it's in the xorg.conf file or whatever the correct config file or utility is.  Perhaps someone else can give a more clear answer?06:24
ntoridoWhats the best program for doing vector graphics in linux?06:24
gogetaDr_willis cant he use ntfsfix to reair a usb drive06:25
hhMish_DistroJockey, it was probably erased, it is appliance where I need to install it back06:25
cabrioleurntorido, inkscape or sodipodi06:25
thundr2ntorido: inkscape comes to mind, but there are others06:25
penDeVonne: I think your linux doesn't set your CDRom drive up properly, try reboot with CDRom taken off06:25
Jordan_Untorido, Or xara06:25
RedScaremonkey are you running that as sudo06:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:25
Dr_willisgogeta,  he could. - i hear its best to let windows fix it however.06:25
hhMish_DistroJockey, mans were erased, too06:25
penDeVonne: or reinsert your cdrom06:25
Jordan_U!best | ntorido06:25
ubotuntorido: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:25
DeVonnedo you mean unplug it?06:25
DistroJockeyhhMish_:  eek!06:25
hhMish_let's ignore small difficulties06:25
penDeVonne: well, reinsert06:26
umopDr_willis, Hmm ok06:26
hhMish_and move on06:26
hhMish_is there something like dpkg --root /mnt/sys , or I need debootstrap for that ?06:26
DeVonnewhat do you mean reinsert? just unplug and plug it back in>06:26
zmscim dead means what?06:26
thundr2ntorido: if you're familiar with Adobe Illustrator, you should be fairly comfortable with Inkscape.  I haven't tried the others extensively, though.  They might fit your needs better.06:27
hellonullZiroday: it fails to "start mysql database server mysqld"... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62282/06:27
DeVonnepen:  do you want me to boot without the cdrom drive then with it?06:27
penDeVonne: course, try it06:27
DeVonnepen:  ok brb06:27
umopDr_willis, Okay - it must be fat32, it mounts fine on another Ubuntu install, just read only on my current box06:28
Delsonthundr2: what distro do u use?06:28
pyrakwhat's the command to "unzip" a tar?06:28
Dr_willisumop,  compare the fstab in the other.. with this machines fstab06:28
Starnestommypyrak: tar -xf filename.tar06:28
Dr_willis!info unp | pyrak06:29
gogetapyrak or click extract hear06:29
ubotupyrak: unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.12 (gutsy), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB06:29
Dr_willisi like unp :)06:29
* AngryBacon hates comcast06:29
umopunp is ice06:29
thundr2Delson: I use Ubuntu and Vista.  Due to a system error, I haven't been able to boot to Ubuntu except through VMware.06:29
gogeta***AngryBacon :)06:29
gogeta***AngryBacon  get dsl06:30
pyrakunp is command line?06:30
AngryBacongogeta: dsl in my area is pretty bad06:30
gogetaAngryBacon att 6.0 mps06:30
ekontsevoysofttower: try :help set06:31
thundr2Delson: And since performance in that is sluggish under Vista, I simply have to stick with Vista for most tasks.06:31
AngryBacongogeta: i dobt that its available at that speed in my area06:31
g13y50nalguem pode me ajudar?06:31
gogeta***AngryBacon better to have slower dsl then faster comcast that blocks bt06:31
N3WFI3whats an easy way to check my hard drives health? i think one of my hard drives may be dying06:31
Starnestommy!br | g13y50n06:31
ubotug13y50n: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.06:31
Dr_willispyrak,  of course. :)06:31
umopDr_willis, I spoke too soon, the device is not even listed in fdisk -l06:32
Dr_willispyrak,  you asked for a 'command' to unzip a tar. :) unp can do it.06:32
AngryBacongogeta: its a problem if i can't get faster than 1mbps06:32
gogeta***AngryBacon thats all i get hear 1.6 mbs06:32
Dr_willisumop,  that sounds like a usb issue.. or somthing else real odd. You DID so 'sudo fdisk -l' ?06:32
Delsontrue...u sed vista for about a month06:32
Delsoni couldnt tolerate it06:32
Mashandar1.5mbps is the fastest I can get where I live06:32
gogeta***AngryBacon cable or dsl thats the max06:32
AngryBacongogeta: by cable tests at 1006:32
umopDr_willis, yeah, and it is mounted - I can browse the drive06:33
OmmeletteDuFromaoh hai there gais06:33
gogeta***AngryBacon well comcast sucks06:33
* AngryBacon knows that06:33
ashbringerIs there a package in the repos for truecrypt in 7.10?06:33
tonyyarussoashbringer: no06:33
DOOM_NXfirefox "www.google.com"06:33
DOOM_NXSegmentation fault (core dumped)06:33
DOOM_NXwhat happened? :S06:33
Dr_willisumop,  so.. what was the problem? heh - i forget.06:33
FloodBot2DOOM_NX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:34
g13y50nalguem pode me ajudar?06:34
ashbringertonyyarusso: Why was it taken out?06:34
Starnestommy!br | g13y50n06:34
ubotug13y50n: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.06:34
tonyyarussoashbringer: when was it ever in?06:34
umopDr_willis, the drive mount read only06:34
jimDOOM_NX: segmentation fault06:34
DOOM_NXjim, what's that?06:34
gogeta***AngryBacon im syuck on dailhell atm06:34
g13y50nalguem pode me ajudar?06:34
Starnestommyg13y50n: #ubuntu-br06:34
jimaccess to unowned ram (it's a hardware segment checker)06:34
RandocalHow would I go about setting things up so that xchat loads when I boot into Ubuntu?06:34
ashbringertonyyarusso: It was definitely in in feisty, or at least I know I installed it without doing anything special...06:34
Dr_willisumop,   since its a usb drive. it got automounted i imagine, and dosent have a fstab entry.  You could unmountit, and remoubnt it manually with the proper options to let users access it.06:34
tonyyarussoRandocal: System > Prefs > Sessions06:34
DOOM_NXjim so what do i do?06:35
=== reconnect is now known as recon
Randocaltonyyarusso:  will that have xchat start when Ubuntu boots, or when I login?06:35
umopDr_willis, yeah I have been doing that, not the greatest solution - guess I'll keep looking06:35
jimdebug it... find the problem... fix it (got C chops?)... submit a bug report with a patch06:35
jimI mean...06:35
tonyyarussoRandocal: login, of course.  How would it start without a session to start in?06:35
jimwhat else would you do?06:36
DOOM_NXu mean firefox won't ever start again?06:36
RandocalI suppose so eh06:36
g13y50nalguem pode me ajudar?06:36
StarnestommyDOOM_NX: try sudo aptitude reinstall firefox06:36
AngryBaconDoes any1 know what version the nvidia driver 8.04 comes with?06:36
DOOM_NXcan't i just restart?06:36
jcp 01:36:49 up 1 day,  9:40,  2 users,  load average: 0.54, 0.15, 0.0406:36
StarnestommyDOOM_NX: try that first to see if that's the problem06:36
jcpLinux heh 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 02:46:46 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:36
Dr_willisumop,  i perfer doing it that way. :)06:37
DOOM_NXok thank u06:37
jcpdoes anyone06:37
jcpknow anything about custom kernels06:37
jcpwith ubuntu?06:37
umopDr_willis, My grandfather doesn't ;)06:37
FlannelAngryBacon: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy questions, thanks.06:37
Dr_willisumop,  get the old man a BASH book!06:37
Starnestommyjcp: what about them?06:37
jcpwhere can i find information regarding it06:38
Dr_willisumop,  actually i THINK if you run the ntfs-config tool (as root) and check the right boxs it will mount them as read/w by users06:38
jcpi'm more familiar with freebsd06:38
jcpthan linux06:38
Flannel!kernel | jcp06:38
ubotujcp: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages06:38
umopDr_willis, haha, Will check it out06:38
rhineheart_mhello.. what's the best specs for a server?06:40
tonyyarussorhineheart_m: eh?  what do you mean?06:40
umoprhineheart_m, there are many variables..06:40
pyrakso with no GUI (xfce) running, how do i change the size of the command line font?06:41
rhineheart_mI will make it to run webserver mailserver dataserver proxyserver in one box06:41
umoprhineheart_m, what kind of load are you expecting06:41
pyrakit's the perfect size while it booys, until it decides to change itself06:41
tonyyarussopyrak: In 7.10, you don't.06:41
Starnestommypyrak: you may need to enable the framebuffer06:41
kenboohow to install vmware?06:43
Dr_willis!vmware| kenboo06:43
ubotukenboo: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers06:43
kenboojust use tgz binary?06:43
Gun_SmokePlaying with compiz here a bit.. Using the water effect.. How do I "draw" on the screen with water?  Like a finger on a puddle or the like...06:43
kenboouh huh. thanks06:43
Dr_williskenboo,  i thought they had debs. but ive used the tgz befor also.06:43
pyrakso is there no way to change the font size?06:44
tuntunHi. Using Firefox, How do I drag a text selection up the page so it scrolls? (I tried the firefox channel but no ones home)06:44
pyrakthat's a little ridiculous06:44
reconpyrak: have you tried going into System>Preferences>Fonts and changing it there?06:44
pyrakthis is before launching the GUI06:44
Dr_willistuntun,  it just does it automaticially here.. I select text. move mouse up.. it auto scrolls...06:45
tonyyarussopyrak: it's a well-known bug, with literally dozens of duplicates and hundreds of comments.  In short, you're right - it is ridiculous, but being looked into.06:45
kindofabuzzR.I.P Charlton Heston06:45
tuntunDr_willis, YOU AGA06:45
pyrakok, thanks for the info tonyyarusso06:45
tuntun..IN !!! :D06:45
Dr_willistuna, :) the speed depends onhow far the mouse is past the edge of the browser 'webpage' area and into the menubar area06:46
umoppyrak, I thought it was a grub boot option06:46
happosadeHow to make folder to be just like CD in wine?06:46
Kountmoney = government. bisexual andrew macfarlane controls the heroin, pedophelia, death with all his money06:47
Dr_williskenboo, I just saw this artical also    http://polishlinux.org/apps/vmware-workstation-65-beta-1-with-unity-support/06:47
Dr_willishapposade,  Huh? let me guess.. some wine game?06:47
Starnestommypyrak: about enabling the framebuffer, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65203806:47
happosadeDr_willis: yap.. Don't have CD-drive, so have to use them from harddisk06:47
reconDr_willis: your best bet is to get an .ISO by ripping the CD, then mounting the ISO like you would a CD.06:48
KountThe Ottomans knew MAN, Hitler knew MAN, The knights Templar did know man! My bigbrother Miguel ("Michael") gave me away to the people I went to highschool with (BiSexual Andrew MacFarlane) 12 years ago! He + the CIA are doing in first world countries what the IMF been doing in 2nd, + 3rd world countries for decades- Programs of Mass eXtermination!: The killing doesn't stop! + It'll take more than two world06:48
Dr_willisrecon,  tell it to happosade  :)06:48
Dr_willishapposade,  you can easially mount iso images like recon  said.06:48
reconDr_willis: er, my brain b0rked. i meant happosade.06:49
Dr_willisHeh heh..06:49
hhMish_What is difference between debootstrap and cdebootstrap ?06:49
tuntunDr_willis, I just made a new profile, just in case an extension was stopping it. Yet I select some text, try to drag it up to a input box that is just out of view, but it doesnt scroll :(. I tried ff3b and it didnt work either...06:49
happosadeAnd how to get that easy :D06:49
Dr_willistuntun,  i am using FF3B5 i belive. (or 4) on hardy06:50
reconhapposade: a guide to making ISO files from CD's can be found at http://www.wikihow.com/Create-an-ISO-File-in-Linux06:50
tuntunDr_willis, /ff2 on boontoo06:51
bullgard4Why does the Ubuntu notification service use a notification-daemon instead of an ordinary subprogram?06:52
reconhapposade: replace /dev/cdrom with the /dev of your CD drive.06:52
Dr_willis!iso | happosade06:52
ubotuhapposade: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.06:52
michael__ok im at a last resort anyone in here fammiliar enough to help a friend install a driver ??06:54
=== Craig2 is now known as DeVonne
tuntunNew question for yall (amule channel is totally dead). My 'mule only connects when I have my modem firewall turned off. Even though I have specified the port-forwarding and firewall rules to allow the ftp.udp connections. Whats Is wrong with it? I prefer having my hardware firewall on ;)06:54
DeVonneOK, I tried the one thing, did not work, the live cd did not work, so I swapped the drive, live cd worked then and I still have the linux reading the cd's problem06:55
michael__i really need some help and if you think you can help install this driver join #Helpstpat?06:55
Jonnieneed help?06:55
recon!ask | Jonnie06:55
ubotuJonnie: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:55
hhMish_tuntun, get better modem06:55
tuntunhhMish_, well, that's not really any help! (and I have a decent modem anyway)06:56
z3ekhey anyway of putting Evolution in the taskbar when minimized?06:56
tonyyarussoz3ek: alltray06:56
reconz3ek: use alltray.06:56
Jonnietried to install ubuntu 6.06 lts server onto a new hp proliant ml110 g5 with sata hdd and cdrom.. installing from cd.. boot ok... then it says no cdrom detected..06:56
michael__comeone you guys havent failed me yet help me and my buddy out06:56
N3WFI3yo i just cleared one of my hard drives with zeroes how do i get windows to see the drive again06:57
z3ekthat was quick, heh thanks06:57
N3WFI3i wanna install ubuntu on it06:57
hhMish_tuntun, then I'm afraid you're on your own06:57
=== Daisuke-Ido is now known as Daisuke_Ido
tonyyarussoN3WFI3: you'll need to format it, either ntfs or fat3206:57
N3WFI3command in ms dos or something06:57
N3WFI3the drive is D:06:58
DeVonnewhat is that dsmeg or w/e command to see hardware info?06:58
Survivorman   z3ek I think there is a plugin mail-notifcation-evolution06:58
michael__whay ar you using dos ( thw command would be format) =P06:58
tonyyarussoN3WFI3: you can use gparted on the Ubuntu live CD.  And there's no such thing as "drive D:"06:58
traversthe super shitty nature of linux has suprised me yet again, my mdadm array has just disappeared06:58
Dr_willistravers,  demand a refund!06:59
tonyyarussotravers: please keep your complaints elsewhere - this is a support channel only.06:59
z3ekthanks Survivorman, let me try alltray first06:59
Jonnieanyone help ?06:59
traverswhat else is irritating is that I uncomment a line in /etc/sudoers to allow all users in the group sudo not require a password, add my user to the group06:59
traversit worked06:59
traversbut it did not survive a reboot? wtf? that's frustrating06:59
traversI would be more pleased if it had not worked07:00
traversthen intermitantly working07:00
happosade"mount: you must specify the filesystem type"07:00
ZeltaWhy isn't CSM installed by default in ubuntu?07:00
happosadeWhat the ?07:00
traversand WTF does ubuntu not come with openbsd's openssh?07:00
SeveredCrossZelta: What CSM?07:00
ZeltaCompizConfig Settings Manager07:00
Zeltalets you enable other features07:00
Survivormancssm Zelta07:00
Dr_willisubuntu installs no unneedes services by default. thats just how it is.07:00
Zeltai.e. cube07:00
Zeltawell, that07:00
FloodBot2Zelta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:00
traversI'm not pissed because I lost any data, no, I have backups07:01
tonyyarussoZelta: Exposes more options than it was felt necessary.  Easy to add though, for those who need it.07:01
traversokay, I've got that off my chest, cya07:01
ZeltaI suppose so07:01
softtowerJonnie: wassup?07:01
RadarHi, when I select a new font to use in the console the font's letters appear stretched unless I go to an insanely high point (like 36), how can I fix that?07:01
z3ekok its saying "please click on the window you want to add to the tray etc" but when i clike on Evolution nothing happens07:01
happosade"mount: you must specify the filesystem type"   WT..?07:01
Jonnie[13:56] Jonnie: tried to install ubuntu 6.06 lts server onto a new hp proliant ml110 g5 with sata hdd and cdrom.. installing from cd.. boot ok... then it says no cdrom detected..07:01
pyrakwhile we're discussing annoying things:07:02
softtowerJonnie: this is super-weird.07:02
NickRiversis hardy heron going to be the next LTS release?07:02
pyraki used to be able to use a screensaver preference to make my screen lock when i closed the lid of my lappy07:02
tonyyarussoNickRivers: for Ubuntu, yes.07:02
reconNickRivers: yes, but not for Kubuntu. I think.07:03
Jonniesofttower: it says load own cdrom drivers?07:03
SurvivormanI believe mail-notification and mail-notification-evolution allows you to have a persistent icon on the bar and then checks your mail and alerts you when you have new mail. it can open evolution for you too z3ek.07:03
softtowerJonnie: I've never seen anything like this. I am afraid I won't be able to help07:04
N3WFI3so i just create a primary partition i guess in disc management tools?07:04
N3WFI3then i can install linux i guess07:04
happosade"mount: you must specify the filesystem type" ?07:04
reconN3WFI3: ...if you're going to install linux on it, why do you need windows to recognize it07:04
jimtonyyarusso: so you don't allow dissent here?07:05
softtowerJonnie: I would go into BIOS and double-checked everything that has something to do with CD-ROM or SATA/ATA (your CD-ROM is SATA, right?)07:05
N3WFI3just bored07:05
N3WFI3so is it best to leave it alone or convert to ntsc?07:05
tonyyarussojim: It's offtopic - support only in official support channels (otherwise the channel would be full of cruft and useless)07:05
Jonnieyes sata, in bios its auto config.. nothing to config.. notthing like enhance performance...07:05
reconN3WFI3: if you install linux on said partition that windows just recognized, windows probably won't recognize it anymore.07:05
NickRiversN3WFI3: are you planning on dual booting?07:05
tonyyarussojim: there is, however, an #ubuntu-offtopic that allows many more topics (but still not all)07:06
N3WFI3i'm thinking about a dual boot situation ya07:06
DeVonneI am having a cdrom problem also, linux wont read the disc's07:06
NickRiversN3WFI3: which distro? with ubuntu live cd it can automatically resize your windows partition and set up linux in the reclaimed free space07:06
jimok, I see... so you're banning him after he left so that he will... hmm, I don't know how to finish the sentence07:06
softtowerJonie: modern BIOSes have all kinds of weirdo SATA/PATA "modes". I would just went through every screen: I had issues like "no hard drive detected" that were caused by SATA "mode" setting in BIOS.07:07
reconjim: it will automatically redirect him to #ubuntu-ops for any further "inquiries".07:07
z3ekN3WFI3: when you install ubuntu it will install Grub a boot loader07:07
z3ekso you can keep Windows too07:07
Radaryay.. help vampires galore.07:07
tonyyarussojim: have a chance to have a friendly conversation about it first, before being let back in.  Usually works pretty well.  ("usually")07:07
N3WFI3im just dling the 7.10 desktop iso07:07
NickRiversN3WFI3: that is the live cd... it can automatically resize your NTFS partition to make space for linux07:08
softtowerSo weird to hear "you can keep Windows too". :-) Sounds like "You can switch to ice cream, but keep a box of dog poop in case you want to get back to your old habits" :-)))07:08
reconN3WFI3: there is no need to partition anything inside windows, ubuntu's installer has a built-in partitioner and bootloader setup that will use automagically set up a dual-boot.07:08
gogetasofttower prretty mutch07:08
reconN3WFI3: btw, are you using a partition or a whole hard disk?07:08
kenbooubuntu + wine is just good enough for me. I rarely have to boot Windows.07:09
N3WFI3i got 2 hard drives so i would prefer to install linux on the second drive07:09
jimyou should be able to do that07:09
jim(true of any linux)07:09
NickRiversN3WFI3: the live cd you are downloading will do the partitioning for you - no need to mess with it in windows07:09
N3WFI3i guess i just select the drive when i begin install?07:09
reconN3WFI3: the ubuntu installer has a "guided partitioning" in which you select the second hard drive, and it automatically sets everything up for you, including the dual-boot.07:09
xyyzzzWhat would be the easiest method about which I could go to install a .RPM? Is there a package I should download that does it all for me?07:10
reconN3WFI3: No messy manual partitioning required.07:10
N3WFI3ok cool07:10
michael__yeah just choose your drive in the installer07:10
reconxyyzzz: alien.07:10
=== z3ek is now known as Jez
recon!alien | xyyzzz07:10
ubotuxyyzzz: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)07:10
=== Jez is now known as z3ek
jimno messy manual to read?07:10
N3WFI3i may need some help getting started when i begin install, this is my first time ever trying linux :)07:10
N3WFI3im sure it will be pretty smooth tho07:10
NickRiversI finally dumped vista... fought with that (P)OS since it went RTM... had enough of Cousin Bill's shite07:10
ian_`how do I give Python access to delete a file that belongs to nobody07:11
DeVonnehow do I get my cdrom to mount?07:11
xyyzzzrecon, many thanks :))07:11
N3WFI3ya vista sux07:11
reconN3WFI3: the installer is "click and forget". after filling out some basic information (name, stuff you want to log in with) it'll automatically do the rest.07:11
N3WFI3can i login without a pass?07:11
z3ekyer its a very easy install07:11
rhineheart_mI am using celeron 2.2GHz without built-in video adapter.. Would it still function if m going to remove the video card? I will not use it.. I'm in a server without GUI07:11
bullgard4Why does the Ubuntu notification service use a notification-daemon instead of an ordinary subprogram?07:11
N3WFI3i guess i will just set one to make things easy07:11
jimN3WFI3: one of the thousands of programs available for linux is the x window system, a graphical display system for programs... you can use it... you also don't have to07:11
reconN3WFI3: not recommended, but there's probably a way posted on the internet somewhere.07:12
reconN3WFI3: however, a password of "e" is better than no password.07:12
N3WFI3haha yup07:12
NickRiversN3WFI3: you want to have a password... it's part of that whole 'security' think that microsoft fails to understand lol07:12
N3WFI3i'm guessing it will auto detect my display driver07:12
reconN3WFI3: yeah.07:12
N3WFI3im on geforce 680007:13
jimknights that say 2.7182818307:13
DeVonneUbuntu won't mount cd's I know it works because live cd worked, can someone help me?07:13
N3WFI3so when my download is complete do i just open it up and install or can i mount with daemon tools07:13
NickRiversN3WFI3: it will setup a non-3d accelerated driver for your nvidia during install and then once you boot into your system you can install the proprietary nvidia driver07:13
reconN3WFI3: it'll auto-detect. You'll also see a "restricted drivers" thing when you first boot. That is the wizard that installs proprietary drivers.07:13
jimDeVonne: what does linux think your cd is? /dev/what?07:14
reconN3WFI3: neither. you have to burn it to a disc, and reboot. it'll boot from the disc.07:14
DeVonnejim:  how do I check?07:14
N3WFI3do i have to :907:14
zmhow to install cs?07:14
bullgard4DeVonne:  "won't mount cd's" is no exact description. Please report the error message that occurs.07:14
reconzm: cs?07:14
kenboois it just me that I get nvidia log everytime logon/logout X?07:14
zma kind of game07:14
reconzm: you'll want to use wine.07:14
jimDeVonne: that too, what does it say when you try07:14
DeVonneThe error message is it won't mount no media07:14
recon!wine | zm07:14
ubotuzm: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.07:14
NickRiversDeVonne: it won't mount even when you put a cd in the drive?07:15
zmi've download a package07:15
sknhHi! I was importing data into Mysql using "mysql -u root -p testtable < tabledata.sql"07:15
sknhafter entering the root password, I press CTRL+Z and then entered bg to run the process in background07:15
DeVonneno it won't NickRivers07:15
reconzm: does it end with .exe?07:15
sknhafter a while I got an error on the console07:15
Makuseruhi, i seem to be having a problem with Amarok, all of a sudden it wont get album covers, i right click and tell it "fetch cover from amazon" but it just never does it. anyone know how to fix this proble,?07:15
zmlet me see..07:15
sknhwhere can I find the error? any error logs?07:15
threefcataanyone knows how to adjust sensitivity of trackpoint on thinkpads?07:15
reconzm: odd. you are referring to counter-strike, I assume.07:15
jimso the error scrolled by too fast?07:15
kenboosknh:  you got to redirect.  >logfile 2>&107:15
NickRiversDeVonne: which version of ubuntu are you running?07:16
DeVonneNickRivers:  gutsy07:16
reconzm: download steam, run with wine.07:16
zmi packagee include a lot of .wad07:16
N3WFI3i thought u could install without burning, if i have 2 i will tho07:16
zminstall steam?07:16
reconzm: yeah, it's the only method that works, for the most part.07:16
michael__guys is being a brown distro a bad thing ????07:16
zmwhat about wine?07:16
zmmust I?07:16
N3WFI3can i burn it with windows or goto download some shit like nero07:16
reconzm: wine lets you run windows apps. steam is a windows app.07:17
N3WFI3dont wanna wait forever with my shitty download connection07:17
sknhkenboo: is there a way to find out the error now?07:17
NickRiversDeVonne: click on System | Preferences | Removable Drives and Media and make sure the option to automatically mount removable media is checked07:17
reconN3WFI3: probably windows. however, please refrain from cursing.07:17
Survivormanzm http://www.cstrike-planet.com/tutorial/1/507:17
zmyeah i got it07:17
N3WFI3ok lol07:17
kenboosknh:  no, it's gone to blackhole07:17
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N3WFI3i remember installing vista from C: to my D: with a mounted iso tho :)07:18
DeVonneNickRivers: that is checked already07:18
NickRiversN3WFI3: you can get installation discs shipped to you for free if you have a slow inet cnxn07:18
reconN3WFI3: however, the shipping takes months.07:18
Makuseruhi, i seem to be having a problem with Amarok, all of a sudden it wont get album covers, i right click and tell it "fetch cover from amazon" but it just never does it. anyone know how to fix this proble,?07:18
N3WFI3my connection is 110kb/sec07:18
N3WFI3its ok but i dont call it fast haha07:19
NickRiversrecon - it only took a couple weeks for me07:19
NickRiversN3WFI3: 110 KB/sec? quit complaining lol07:19
Jordan_UN3WFI3, You can install Ubuntu without burning a disk with wubi07:19
z3ekheh i sent of for 300 ubuntu cds once07:19
z3ekand they all turned up07:19
KarkehanWhats do I need to do to add a user to the sudoers file on my server?07:19
NickRiversJordan_U: not 7.10 i don't think07:20
sknhkenboo: can u explain what ">logfile 2>&1" means?07:20
z3ekwe ended up chucking them round my garden07:20
N3WFI3lol z307:20
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Jordan_UNickRivers, You used to be able too, why not any more?07:20
DeVonneNickRivers: it is checked, anything else? :(07:20
N3WFI3so this new release coming up, is it worth installing over the previous07:20
NickRiversJordan_U: i think they bumped wubi up to 8.0407:20
tonyyarussoz3ek: that's not at all funny.  You're wasting community resources.07:20
NickRiversJordan_U: which is currently in beta07:20
Jordan_Uz3ek, That's money not going to developers07:20
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kenboosknh:  it redirects stderr to stdout which just redirected to logfile07:21
NickRiversDeVonne: try typing 'eject /dev/cdrom' in a terminal window and see if it ejects your cdrom tray07:21
tuntunDr_willis, this link (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41708) says that ff2/3 doesnt have a drag & scroll function, but somone mentioned an addon called DragToScroll with the comment "DragToScroll extension solves the problem beautifully, but really we shouldn't need to resort to an extension to do something that should be standard/taken for granted."07:21
DeVonneNickRivers: yes it just ejected07:22
zmwhere are the installed software?07:22
Kikkomasowait why am I here07:22
KikkomasoI use debian07:22
NickRiversDeVonne: ok... so the system knows your cdrom exists... seems the problem is with the automount07:22
reconzm: under the "applications" menu, there's a link that says "add/remove software".07:22
tuntunDr_willis, this link (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41708) says that ff2/3 doesnt have a drag & scroll function, but somone mentioned an addon called DragToScroll with the comment "DragToScroll extension solves the problem beautifully, but really we shouldn't need to resort to an extension to do something that should be standard/taken for granted."07:22
DeVonneNickRivers: ok what do you suggest?07:22
softtoweranyone here runs Ubuntu on thinkpad?07:22
tonyyarussosofttower: T43, yes07:23
reconzm: for more selection and in-depth choices and complication, use synaptic package manager, under "system>preferences".07:23
NickRiversDeVonne: hang on... googling07:23
zmbut i mean in the hardrive where there are?07:23
DeVonneNickRivers: ok sure07:23
jim* anyone :No such nick/channel07:23
Dr_willistuntun,  well it does do it here.. and i dont recall ever adding that extension.07:23
reconzm: scattered.07:24
Dr_willistuntun,  i alwsya seem to select TOO much :)07:24
zmaround my hardrive?07:24
softtowertonyyarusso: T43 is a bit too old... I am having issues with relatively new wifi card. well, thanks anyway.07:24
reconzm: a .deb debian package contains the files, and they go to their respective places. like /usr/share/something/ for runnable parts, /usr/bin/ for the executable, /etc/something/ or ~/.something/ for config files, etc.07:25
vasylhello, can someone tell me if there is a way to change the behavior of alt+right click? I mean make it so that gnome doesnt show that minimize/maximize menu and instead uses the application alt+rightclick behaviour07:25
reconzm: it seems messy, but the package manager keeps everyhting in place.07:25
Starnestommyzm: they're mostly in /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/sbin, and /usr/games07:25
NickRiversDeVonne: which kernel are you currently running?07:25
zmjust very different from windows huh07:26
DeVonneNickRivers: I forgot the command to check07:26
Jordan_UDeVonne, uname -r07:26
NickRiversDeVonne: in a terminal window type 'uname -r'07:26
jimDeVonne: cat /proc/version07:27
reconzm: a lot more organized.07:27
terminalwhen i double click on sharing drive i got u must login to access n password required07:27
reconzm: doesn't depend on individual installers and registry access, one package manager manages everything.07:27
zmdoes any software run .xxx like .exe?07:27
reconzm: usually, executables don't have an extension.07:27
reconzm: you'll know if they are executable if they have the "executable" property.07:27
jimin unix executables can have any file name07:28
NickRivers.xxx? sounds like a gift from a pr0nbot lol07:28
reconin the default bash command line, they'll glow green.07:28
NickRiversDeVonne: did you just install your system?07:28
DeVonneNickRivers: few days ago07:28
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NickRiversDeVonne: and the problem started when?07:28
terminalwhen i double click on sharing drive i got u must login to access n password required07:28
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DeVonneNickRivers: it is just now I tried to read cd's07:29
joncruzI have an odd wacom problem. Things worked when I tried a live CD. but when I did an install from that CD, the tablet no longer works07:29
joncruzanyone perhaps seen something on this, or have any pointers?07:30
Dorjekardoboa madrugada galera07:30
zmDatabase package required.  abort retry ignore what should i choose?07:30
Dr_willisjoncruz,  the other day i had to isntall the wacom tools, and edit my xorg.conf to have the proper wacom tablet entry.07:30
reconzm: i'll need a little more information.07:31
joncruzYeah. I've done that in the past, and it's worked07:31
terminalwhen i double click on sharing drive i got u must login to access n password required07:31
zmi am installing the steam you just told me07:31
Dr_willisjoncruz,  i was thinking the wacom tablet stuff was enabled by default however.. unless it some how got removed07:31
joncruzthis is now 8.04 beta on a macbook. wacdump shows the device, but no activity. However, the mouse buttons do work as mouse buttons07:31
zmi click 'ok' all steps and stop at this step07:31
Dr_willisjoncruz,  i do recall the tablet needs to be plugged IN when X starts up07:31
reconzm: I've never seen that message.07:31
joncruzyeah. did the have-it-in thing too.07:32
DeVonneNickRivers: you are still here right?07:32
reconzm: odds are, #wine is better suited.07:32
reconzm: they run the whole wine gamut.07:32
joncruzso it seems to be half-working.07:32
bastid_raZorrecon; zm #winehq07:32
NickRiversDeVonne: yah07:32
reconzm: ok, #winehq. i stand corrected.07:32
joncruzsame tablet on a desktop pc running 7.10 works fine.07:33
bastid_raZorzm; /join #winehq07:33
joncruz(it's annoying, since I'm trying to add enhanced tablet support to an app)07:33
DeVonneahh, never type /list in ksirc07:34
bastid_raZorjoncruz; you're using hardy right? if so #ubuntu+107:34
joncruzahhh... danke07:34
z3ekget irssi07:34
joncruz(I've tried searching the website, FAQ, board, etc.)07:34
Dr_willisjoncruz,  if you are using hardy.. GOOOD LUCK :) we tried setting up tablets yesterday in it. Heh07:34
Dr_willisjoncruz,  some forums say theirs just work.. others say they dont work07:35
joncruzas I said, the weird thing is that it worked fine when running live from the CD07:35
Dr_willisjoncruz,  i would boot the live cd. and copy its xorg.conf somewher so you can cheat from it07:35
DeVonneNickRivers: I need to register my nick before I can private07:35
Dr_willistheres 'works' then theres 'works with all features'07:35
mohamedany body here07:35
DeVonneNickRivers:  ok done07:35
NickRiversDeVonne: ok... open /etc/fstab and look for the line that mentions your cdrom drive07:36
Survivorman zm, you didn't install steam from synaptic did you? That's a different steam I think. I sent you a link to install steam and CS from CS's website.07:36
reconmohamed: about a thousand people, a few of whom are talking.07:36
joncruzthe other thing is... if I've hit a strange bug situation I would like to help the proper people get it resolved before end of beta07:36
macogwdoes Gutsy have the printer config GUI from Fedora?07:38
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zmsurvivorman: would you please send me again? i lost it07:39
zmsurvivorman: could you please send me again? i lost it07:40
Survivormanzm, give me a sec :)07:40
michael__hey i just installed krfb were can i find it if i can use it all on reggular ubuntu07:40
JessMeisterI'm having issues installing Ubuntu on my old laptop.07:41
XTeLiSwhat kind ?07:41
XTeLiSuse xubuntu07:41
XTeLiSon older systems07:41
JessMeisterCompaq presario 167507:41
Survivormanzm, http://www.cstrike-planet.com/tutorial/1/5. go to the next page for 1.6.07:41
XTeLiShrmm... at least its not a delll07:42
XTeLiSdell even07:42
JessMeisterwhats wrong with dells?07:42
Survivormanzm, it takes a looooong time, live an hour or so to fully install, but it works.07:42
XTeLiSubuntu hates dell07:42
JessMeisteroh haha07:42
XTeLiShard to set them up correctly07:42
bullgard4Why does the Ubuntu notification service use a notification-daemon instead of an ordinary subprogram?07:42
XTeLiSwell at least mine was a pain in the neck07:42
zmmaybe i should give up it07:42
macogwXTeLiS: only if it has a Dell Broadcom wireless card07:42
XTeLiSwhich i have07:43
Survivormanzm, if your connection is fast, it might be less. I'm only on slower dsl.07:43
zmall right07:43
XTeLiSand im still having a hella time tryin to config my wireless07:43
XTeLiSit 'says' its installed07:43
XTeLiSbut i can seem to connect to any of the wireless networks around my neighborhood like i could with vista or xp07:44
XTeLiSit - drivers for my wireless card07:44
=== bluefoxx_ is now known as bluefoxx
XTeLiScan = cant07:44
Muhammad_SaadHello, I am having trouble with gnome-ppp. Can someone help?07:45
macogwXTeLiS: the drivers should be there automatically on 7.10, but you need firmware07:45
jimok, what's the next step assuming the drivers are present?07:45
macogwXTeLiS: are you on that computer right now?07:45
XTeLiSusing wired connect07:45
macogwXTeLiS: ok download http://macoafi.googlepages.com/firmware.tar.gz07:45
XTeLiSfirmware ?07:45
macogwXTeLiS: firmware is the part that the card itself loads and then the OS uses the driver to talk to the firmware to tell the card what to do07:45
macogwXTeLiS: at least, that's my understanding of it. anyone is free to correct.07:46
macogwXTeLiS: i tar'd up the firmware from my mom's computer. she has a broadcom card too.07:46
macogwXTeLiS: after it's downloaded to your desktop, double click it to extract it.  open a terminal (apps -> accessories -> terminal) and type "cd Desktop" (with the capitals)07:48
macogwXTeLiS: then type "sudo mv firmware/* /lib/firmware/" and hit enter07:48
macogwXTeLiS: and then it *should* work07:48
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.07:48
glisshwo come when i tell it to install the swf-player it throws a fit and asks to UNINSTALL like 100 packages??07:49
Starnestommygliss: does that happen when trying to install any other packages?07:50
=== bluefoxx_ is now known as bluefoxx
glissStarnestommy: no07:50
glissjust the shockwafe/flash player07:50
Starnestommygliss: could you please pastbin what happens when you try to install swf-player?07:50
N3WFI3i need to burn my iso07:51
N3WFI3whats a small filesize iso burner07:51
tonyyarusso!burners | N3WFI307:52
ubotuN3WFI3: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto07:52
N3WFI3dont wanna wait forever on the dl haha07:52
MrSkittleN3WFI3: don't we all need to burn out isos?07:52
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MrSkittlehey, I'm having errors when I try to upgrade07:52
MrSkittleapt-get upgrade, that is07:52
macogwN3WFI3: for windows?07:53
Survivormangliss, install swfdec-mozilla07:53
MrSkittleum, it's the "error committing changes" thing07:53
Dr_willisN3WFI3,  i like 'burnatonce' for windows07:53
MrSkittlethere's a certain command that fixes it automagically07:53
MrSkittlewhat is it?07:53
MrSkittledpgk-configure or something?07:54
glissa girl?07:54
macogwN3WFI3: what about the iso power toy for windows that ms released?07:54
glissin an ubuntu chat room at 3am?!07:54
tonyyarussogliss: don't be annoying.07:54
glissi'm not being annoying, i'm bing funny07:54
N3WFI3windows made one?07:54
glissthere's a subtle difference07:54
macogwgliss: of course.07:54
DOOM_NXwhat do i need to compile mplayer?07:55
Dr_willisN3WFI3,  i found 'burnatonce' better then the ms one.07:55
glisstonyyarusso: i let her off easy, i was going to make a joke about philly07:55
SurvivormanMrSkittle, were you thinking sudo dpkg --configure -a07:55
macogwN3WFI3: http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm07:55
Dr_willisDOOM_NX,  a whole lot of dependencies...  and build-essential package07:55
N3WFI3i tried iso recorder07:55
macogwN3WFI3: right click an iso and there's a burn option07:55
N3WFI3it gave me an error07:55
tonyyarussogliss: and yet you're on thin enough ice as it is.07:55
N3WFI3i think its cause im running sp3 beta07:55
MrSkittleSurvivorman: that's probably it07:55
glissso why can't i install swf-player?07:55
glisswhy is there a gtk conflict?07:55
cabrioleurDOOM_NX, not much, it's up to you actually. There is a lot of options, and a compiler is a minimum. The rest of it is up to you.07:55
glissi haven't touched the repos07:56
jimgliss: but if you are able to help hold this space safe for her, she might actually say something07:56
DOOM_NXDr_willis, i have already installed mplayer, but i need to recompile it with xmms demuxer support07:56
glisstonyyarusso: my landlord turned the heat off because it's "spring"07:56
SurvivormanI had the same problem gliss when I tested it, I could only install the version I gave you.07:56
glissjim: oh, i'm not that interested07:56
macogwgliss: no. you're not being funny, by the way.  it might've been funny when i first heard it nearly 2 years ago. it's not anymore.07:56
jimmaybe tony is07:56
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.07:56
glissmacogw: "no girls on irc" is a timeless joke. i heard it on irc over 10 years ago. excuse you07:57
DOOM_NXwell if anyone can help me recompile mplayer with xmms support i'd appreciate it a lot07:57
Dr_willisDOOM_NX,  hmm.. xmms support? what doex xmms have to do with it?07:57
macogwgliss: it's not timeless. it's just old & tired.07:58
glissSurvivorman: that one installed with out a problem07:58
jimDOOM_NX: it's not just configure with turning on options, then make?07:58
MrSkittleSurvivorman: you were correct07:58
DOOM_NXsee last section07:58
MrSkittleSurvivorman: thanks07:58
glissSurvivorman: the first one is a gstreamer plug in though, so i wanted that one07:58
zenixwhat is a good *lightweight* (aka, not Pidgin) multi-IM client?07:58
SurvivormanMrSkittle, no07:58
Survivormangliss, gotcha07:58
cabrioleurDOOM_NX, download sources, unpack it, then make sure you have a compiler. Do ./configure --help and find --enable options for it. If it doesn't work, install dev package for thing that's needed.07:58
tonyyarussozenix: bitlbee?07:58
MrSkittlethis has been my most pleasant experience in this channel to date!07:58
DOOM_NXi need to recompile it and remove getbits implementation07:58
ensiaaaaw, nice user experience. beep media player locked up the entire gnome. thats so cute. :)07:58
glissmacogw: so every joke over 2 years old is tired and played out by now? i guess i better throw out all these comedy movies i have then07:59
jimyou're the one that has to do that stuff... knowing something about it might be a good thing07:59
tonyyarussogliss: stop now please.  This is a support channel, only.07:59
macogwgliss: how many times a day do you watch those movies?07:59
glisstony said stop07:59
glissisn't that right tony?07:59
tonyyarussoyes, all, please.08:00
macogwzenix: you could use finch. it's the ncurses version of pidgin08:00
DOOM_NXaaaah i'll never be able to play mp3pro streams :(08:00
cabrioleurDOOM_NX, it's easier than you think. Just try.08:00
DOOM_NXcabrioleur, i don't even know where to start08:01
ricoschey guys. I had a dual boot gutsy + XP setup, and now that I installed Hardy beta (clean install),Win XP is no longer on my GRUB menu (but the partition is there intact!) what should I do?08:01
cabrioleurDOOM_NX, go to mplayer website and download the sources.08:01
Dr_willisI hope you have a lot of patience  DOOM_NX  :)08:02
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:02
jeebusmobilericosc: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst08:02
tonyyarussoricosc: one option would be to google for a Windows chainloading grub menu.lst and copy the relevant section, adapted for the right partition on your setup.08:02
ricoscand what do I put?08:02
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:02
N3WFI3guys my iso disappeared!08:02
N3WFI3i dont know where the hell it went08:02
DOOM_NX<Dr_willis> I hope you have a lot of patience  DOOM_NX  :) -> i hope the same for u :P08:03
jeebusmobilericosc: google add windows to grub or something...08:03
un_davejust in case this didn't come through before: hi, i just installed a theme which said "Apply suggested font" it worked, but now i just want to reset it back to the gutsy/gnome default. How do I find out what the default fonts are?08:03
Dr_willisDOOM_NX,  i cant imagine what you are doing that you need to recompile mplayer.08:03
DOOM_NXi told u, i want to play mp3pro files08:03
Dr_willisDOOM_NX,  ther is some apt-get command that can install all the needed deps for a package, when it was built. that may save a lot oftime08:04
Dr_willisDOOM_NX,  never heard of them.08:04
N3WFI3my iso got deleted or something by mistake i dont even know how it happened08:04
StarnestommyDr_willis: sudo apt-get build-dep package?08:04
N3WFI3soo annoying now i goto get it again08:04
Dr_willisStarnestommy,  A+ :)08:04
jimDOOM_NX: if you're building anything that has a configure script... first read the readme to see what it needs for building... then run configure with the options you want... then run make08:04
tonyyarussoDr_willis: apt-get build-dep, iirc08:04
tonyyarussobah, beat to it08:04
cabrioleurN3WFI3, find / | grep nameofthefile.iso08:04
Dr_willisDOOM_NX,  so for a start you proberly want to do a 'sudo apt-get build-dep mplayer'08:05
jimthat's the overview... they'll take you through i08:05
bluefoxxim trying to start frostwire and im getting this>Starting FrostWire...    Java exec not found in PATH, starting auto-search...    OOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /usr/lib/  hierarchy     You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from http://www.java.com       ls: cannot access /usr/java/j*: No such file or directory         OOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /usr/java/  hierarchy           You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or08:05
bluefoxx newer from http://www.java.com           ls: cannot access /opt/j*: No such file or directory        OOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /opt/  hierarchy    You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from http://www.java.com08:05
N3WFI3im in xp08:05
FloodBot2bluefoxx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:05
N3WFI3anyway to find it08:05
jeebusmobilebluefoxx: pastebin.isawsome.net08:05
bluefoxxi had this problem before and dont have the logs of the solution anymore, unfortunately08:05
cabrioleurN3WFI3, use find tool or something. They must have one.08:05
bluefoxxbasically, how do i change my default java from the terminal?08:06
Survivormanbluefoxx, that's weird. i had a working install of frostwire days ago, and yesterday it just died. must have been some update I installed.08:06
N3WFI3this is soooo strange my iso got deleted and i dont even know how lol08:06
jeebusmobileN3WFI3: what iso08:06
DOOM_NXdo i need to uninstall current mplayer installation first?08:06
tonyyarussobluefoxx: update-alternatives.  can't help you with the specifics though08:06
Survivormanbluefoxx, the exact same thing happened.08:06
bluefoxxSurvivorman: try running it from command line.08:06
Dr_willisDOOM_NX,  proberly a good idea08:06
jimDOOM_NX: it's installed as a package isn't it?08:06
keiserrhow can i create a local [on a lan] mirror of an ubuntu archive from an ubuntu iso image (i have a macosx system here with apache2 running), am trying to set ubuntu on another PC (from a mini disk image)..it is asking me for ubuntu archive mirror hostname right now.. (i can smb share the iso image from my mac is needs be] what is required to have an ubuntu arichive/mirror?08:06
Survivormanbluefoxx, I did. I couldn't get it working. I just installed limewire instead.08:06
Dr_willisDOOM_NX,  id compile the new just for the user. dont install it system wide08:06
zenixN3WFI3: what iso? It got deleted. There was never a trace of it. YOU LIE08:06
Han``DOOM_NX: look at the codecs and install them-> http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Codecs08:07
DOOM_NXjim yes it is08:07
tuntunDOOM_NX: WIKIPEDIA: "mp3PRO playback in Linux may be possible under Wine using Thomson Demo mp3PRO Player or Winamp with the mp3PRO plug-in.[citation needed] There is also an mp3PRO plug-in for Linux XMMS-Player. The absence of an mp3PRO player for Linux is largely due to RCA not releasing the mp3PRO source code, even after discontinuing its support of the format. Methods for playing mp3PRO files under Linux (including using the XMMS plugin from within Mpla08:07
tuntunyer) are detailed here."08:07
jimbtw you should install into somewhere like /usr/local08:07
bluefoxxSurvivorman: gimmie a sec while i root around on my hard drives and try and find my old xchat logs[#ubuntu log was 26 mb!]08:07
tuntunyeah -_-08:07
Survivormanbluefoxx, sure :)08:07
Dr_willissounds like its time to convert ya mp3pro to mp3...08:07
kindofabuzzthere's a website with irc logs08:07
tonyyarussobluefoxx: only?08:07
jimassuming ubuntu is something like debian, it wants to keep /usr (other than /usr/local) reserved08:07
Survivormantonyyarusso, what are update-alternatives?08:07
kindofabuzzforgot what it is08:07
tonyyarussoSurvivorman: it's a command for configuring such things08:07
Survivormantonyyarusso, thanks08:08
StAfZe6you tell me08:08
bluefoxxtonyyarusso: i installed hardy from scratch after a botched reinstall of gutsy[hdd cable shredded] fortunately i had backups :) 6 hards enough?08:08
DOOM_NXDr_willis, it's my favourite radio station and it broadcasts using mp3pro :S08:08
Dr_willisDOOM_NX,  you mean they 'stream' in mp3pro?  What player to they suggest?08:09
tonyyarussobluefoxx: was referring to the 26 MB.08:09
tuntunDOOM_NX, read my last post^^08:09
DOOM_NXWinamp using Mp3Pro plugin08:09
DOOM_NXyeah they're streaming anyway08:09
bluefoxxtonyyarusso: i know. it would be bigger but i lost the system for a while08:10
keiserram i even in this channel? [just got confused about the ubuntu flood thing]08:10
tonyyarussobluefoxx: yeah, I delete mine every few months08:10
bluefoxxSurvivorman: sorrey. the log is lsot[corruption it seems]08:10
tonyyarussokeiserr: yes08:10
tuntunkeiserr: you need halp!08:10
Dr_willisThey must have a very small audiance.. whats their url anyway DOOM_NX ?08:10
keiserrhow can i create a local [on a lan] mirror of an ubuntu archive from an ubuntu iso image (i have a macosx system here with apache2 running), am trying to set ubuntu on another PC (from a mini disk image)..it is asking me for ubuntu archive mirror hostname right now.. (i can smb share the iso image from my mac is needs be] what is required to have an ubuntu archive/mirror?08:10
N3WFI3im gunna try and recover the iso08:10
N3WFI3im hoping its not altered08:11
DeVonneMy windows partitions arnt mounted anymore and I need them mounted08:11
DOOM_NXDr_willis, can i post it here?08:11
bluefoxxSurvivorman: WAIT! nano saved it! now i just have to search through a few thousand lines of text08:11
Survivormani think you can run something like sudo update-alternatives --config java08:11
Dr_willisDOOM_NX,  if its not a flood. :)  I guess.08:11
bluefoxxunless nano has a search function08:11
Exterisbluefoxx, cat file | grep searchtext08:11
Dr_willisYa got to wonder at their logic at being so limited.08:11
DOOM_NXwell usually about 15-20 users are listening to it08:12
zcat[1]Exteris: grep regex file -- don't waste a perfectly good cat!08:12
Exteriszcat[1], oh wait you can do that too, damn08:12
DeVonnecan someone help me get my windows partitions mounted again?08:12
ExterisDeVonne, if you try to mount them from nautilus, what error do you get?08:13
N3WFI3i goto recover my damn iso08:13
N3WFI3dont wanna wait for the download again08:13
DOOM_NX[10:09:37] <tuntun> DOOM_NX, read my last post^^ => i read it at wikipedia, what's ur point?08:13
DeVonneExteris: how do I mount them from nautilus?08:13
zcat[1]N3WFI3: wget -c url08:13
bluefoxxExteris: i can use with multiple search terms?08:13
Survivormanthanks tonyyarusso, with your help I found the answer by googling. bluefoxx, in terminal sudo update-alternatives --config java and select the proper version. worked like a charm :)08:14
Dr_willisDOOM_NX, .. err... i do 'vlc http://48kbps.xtc-radio.gr:9400' and it plays music.. so why are we doing this?08:14
Dr_willisDOOM_NX,  :)08:14
tuntunDOOM_NX: " There is also an mp3PRO plug-in for Linux XMMS-Player."08:14
zcat[1]bluefoxx: grep -E 'string1|string2|string3" file08:14
bluefoxxSurvivorman: tyvm ^^08:14
zcat[1]but make the quotes match :)08:14
bluefoxxzcat[1]: thanks :)08:14
Survivormanbluefoxx, np08:14
DOOM_NXtuntun, i don't know how to use alsa tables with XMMS :S08:14
zcat[1]and can't remember.. it might be -e rather than -E08:14
DOOM_NXDr_willis, yes but it's playing at 22050Hz without mp3pro08:14
jeebusmobileman grep08:14
DeVonneExteris: how do I mount them with nautilus?08:15
Dr_willisDOOM_NX,  no idea on that.. how can you prove it one way or another.. :) well good luck.08:15
ExterisDeVonne, if you see the partition, right click and select mount, but you might need to be root for that08:15
n2diyDeVonne: double click them with your mouse.08:15
zcat[1]Ummm.. whay are we telling ppl to use grep when we have tracker these days?08:15
DOOM_NXDr_willis,  wikipedia quote: Any mp3 player can play mp3PRO files but they will be played at half the intended sample rate.08:15
jeebusmobileDeVonne: mount /dev/sdaFOO /mnt/point08:16
Exteriszcat[1], can tracker search in a single file you tell it?08:16
Exterisjeebusmobile, ntfs3g ?08:16
zcat[1]Exteris: good point!08:16
Dr_willisDOOM_NX,  mpga at 22050 it says.. sounds good to me..   well good luck.08:16
DeVonneFailed to mount '/dev/hda1': Operation not supported08:16
DOOM_NXDr_willis, i've heard it at 44kHz and it sounds way better... but thanks anyway08:16
DeVonneMount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action:08:16
ExterisDeVonne, --force08:17
jeebusmobileDeVonne: what's on hda108:17
ExterisDeVonne, that happened because there was a nonclean shutdown of windows08:17
Exterisjeebusmobile, ntfs08:17
DeVonnemy music etc08:17
Oleandercan i install the live cd from my ext hdd?08:18
CorbinFoxOleander: you mean install ubuntu from the live cd to an ext hdd?08:18
ExterisOleander, if you figure out how to boot from it08:18
DeVonneExteris: I cant get it to shutdown cleanly it won't validate08:18
penDeVonne: hi08:18
ExterisDeVonne, therefore you should try the command they give you in the error window (the one with the --force)08:18
wbreslin951is there anything similar to guitar pro in ubuntu?08:18
DeVonnepen: hi08:18
DeVonneExteris: will I get that again?08:19
zcat[1]wbreslin951: ummm.. frets on fire?08:19
lukehey guys, would a mac osx program work on ubuntu?08:19
penDeVonne: try this excellent applet in gnome08:19
penDeVonne: it's called Disk Mounter08:19
macogwluke: not likely. we have wine for windows apps. there's no compat layer for osx though.08:19
macogwluke: what app is it? i might no an alternative08:19
penDeVonne: right click gnome panel and select add to panel08:19
wbreslin951zcat[1]: frets on fire..? isn't that a game?08:19
penDeVonne: and add Disk mounter08:19
zcat[1]what does guitar pro do?08:19
bluefoxxwoa! dude! what just happened?08:20
macogwzcat[1]: teaching game08:20
DOOM_NXdamn flooders08:20
macogwbluefoxx: a bunch of bots were kicked08:20
zcat[1]Oh... ok no idea :)08:20
wbreslin951zcat[1]: it creates tablature and stuff and plays back what u put in it08:20
DeVonneOK COOL! thanks pen08:20
n2diymacogw: Isn't OSX linux based?08:20
bluefoxxmacogw: ah. i see...08:20
macogwzcat[1]: didnt mean game08:20
penDeVonne: can you mount with that?08:20
macogwn2diy: no08:20
macogwn2diy: it uses FreeBSD userspace, and it's kernel is based on the Mach kernel08:20
zcat[1]OSX uses mach kernel I believe, basically *NIX based, not linux08:20
penn2diy: no, it's BSD based08:21
DeVonnepen: I got them mounted with --force, but if it happens again I will try with that08:21
lukeits called PwnageTool used for unlocking iphones and such08:21
n2diyRoger roger.08:21
lukewould that work under ubuntu? the ext is .zip08:21
zcat[1]Linux is loosely based on *NIX tho08:21
macogwluke: oh. no idea there.  um .zip is just an archive.  whatever the program is is *inside* the zip, probably with a README08:21
macogwzcat[1]: but it definitely isnt binary compatible08:21
lukei know that zip is an archive...08:21
macogwzcat[1]: it just has the same filesystem08:21
zcat[1]not really, no.. :)08:21
macogwzcat[1]: and the same ideas for the main system calls....but the libraries are wayyy different08:22
zcat[1]same filesystem? I thought osx uses hfs+ or something?08:22
wbreslin951any guitarists in here that are familiar with guitar pro in windows and know of any program similar to it for linux?08:22
penwbreslin951: there is one I forgot the name08:23
amidanielI imagine osx can use just about any unix-compatible file system08:23
zcat[1]amidaniel: not sure that it can.. Linux can use a few different fs's tho08:23
lukeis there any way to run an osx program on windows or ubuntu? i dont want to waste 1000 for a mac computer for a program i want to use once08:24
jeebusmobilewbreslin951: wine guitar pro08:24
jeebusmobilewbreslin951: or wine powertabs08:24
amidanielluke: Depends. What program?08:24
n2diyluke: google for "linux emulators"?08:24
zcat[1]wine.. or cedega perhaps08:24
lukejust the iphone SDK08:24
jeebusmobilewine = wine is not an emmulator08:24
wbreslin951jeebusmobile: darn.. i don't have the installer disk for guitar pro anymore so there's no way i could do it..08:25
zcat[1]what's cedega stand for?08:25
Dream_Teamcedega is dead08:25
macogwzcat[1]: the hierarchy, i mean08:25
zcat[1]it is?!08:25
pendon't use cedega, it's useless now08:25
jeebusmobilewbreslin951: mount your windows partition08:25
macogwzcat[1]: and i meant that linux uses the same hierarchy as unix08:25
macogwzcat[1]: and as bsd. osx uses one like GoboLinux08:25
wbreslin951jeebusmobile: my windows comp is a totally seperate comp08:25
zcat[1]macogw: same basic layout, yeah..08:25
zcat[1]or very similar08:25
jeebusmobilewbreslin951: nfs, scp, rsync et al08:25
lukeany one with an iphone or ipod touch?08:25
wbreslin951jeebusmobile: like.. samba?08:26
zenixWTF? iphone sux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:26
macogwzenix: ill agree. ew touchscreen08:26
Dream_Teamluke: me.08:26
jeebusmobilewbreslin951: if there's no *nix on that box yes08:26
penuse itouch08:26
lukei have an iphone.... unlocked, activated and jailbroken08:26
zcat[1]fbsd is quite a shock when you're used to linux though.. basically the same but it's like moving to France in terms of culture shock..08:26
wbreslin951jeebusmobile: whats *nix?08:26
penwbreslin951: http://mikesubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/09/guitar-hero-for-ubuntu-frets-on-fire.html08:26
lukei can stream music from it to my ubuntu laptop08:26
lukeYAY 4 ME08:26
jeebusmobile*nix = linux, unix08:26
zcat[1]just about everything is a little bit different08:27
wbreslin951jeebusmobile: yeah my windows comp is straight windows08:27
zenixwho doesn't know what nix is? I'll strangle them!!!!!!!08:27
lukeis Mandriva a decent linux distro?08:27
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:27
wbreslin951zenix: sry im a noob lol08:27
jeebusmobilezenix: couldn't choke a chiken08:27
ZiggyFish_laptopI'm trying to convert chm to pdf, but use the command chm2pdf it comes up with the usage message (the command I'm using is 'chm2pdf -book help.chm')08:27
zenixjeebusmobile: try me ;)08:27
jeebusmobilewbreslin951: yes, then use samba, copy your GP over and use wine08:28
wbreslin951zenix: i just now god the hang of installing programs and such, samba was a real pain to set up..08:28
b1n42y!ubotu compiz08:28
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion08:28
wbreslin951jeebusmobile: what do i do just copy the whole prgram files folder over?08:28
lukeis Mandriva a good linux distro? im lookig for many linux distros to test run08:28
* zcat[1] doesn't want to hear about zenix choking his chicken.. gross..08:28
lukeubuntu so far is aswome08:28
jeebusmobilewbreslin951: sure, give it a shot08:28
zenixjeebusmobile: !graby me in #better?08:28
tonyyarussoluke: #ubuntu-offtopic please08:28
lukehow do i get there?08:28
jeebusmobilezenix: asl?08:28
tonyyarussoluke: type /join #channel_name to join channels08:28
Starnestommyluke: type this: /join #ubuntu-offtopic08:28
penluke: /join #channel08:28
zenixjeebusmobile: o008:28
wbreslin951luke: /j #ubuntu-offtopic08:28
zenixha ha, support flood08:29
StarnestommyZiggyFish_laptop: try chm2pdf --book help.chm08:29
DOOM_NXi use 'mplayer -channels 2 -ao alsa:device=newtable' to play something through all 4 channels of my soundcard. do u know the equivalent command for xmms?08:29
zenixjeebusmobile: friggin !grab my quote, I can't not say things forever!08:29
wbreslin951jeebusmobile: have u any idea if GP5 is a windows xp program only? im not sure and wine doesn't do xp as far as i know08:29
ZiggyFish_laptopStarnestommy: thanks08:29
Starnestommywine does do XP08:29
jeebusmobilewbreslin951: wine does a lot of crap08:29
jeebusmobilewbreslin951: people play wow on wine08:29
zenixWine does Vista better than Vista does Vista, damn it08:30
wbreslin951mm.. didn't know that lol maybe my wines out of date?08:30
jeebusmobilewbreslin951: wines been doing XP for prolly as long as XP has been out08:30
macogwzenix: Vista needs Wine to run Photoshop :P08:30
zcat[1]WoW sure.. crappy old CD games like 'kitty love' -- nope.. (Don't ask.. my kid got it for christmas..)08:30
sknh_can anyone explain me what ">logfile 2>&1" means?08:30
ikmhow to install ubuntu in text mode? which option to select?08:30
jeebusmobileso unless you've been running ubuntu for 5 years no its not out of date08:30
wbreslin951jeebusmobile: mm.. so yeah lol.. i guess im a complete and total noob08:30
zenixjeebusmobile: !grab zenix, k?08:30
tonyyarussoikm: use the !alternate cd08:30
wbreslin951jeebusmobile: just installed bout a month ago..08:30
jeebusmobilezenix: here?08:30
macogwsknh_: 2> means to pass stderr (standard error)08:30
n2diyzenix: close, what I read was Wine does Vista better than Windows does Vista!? :)08:30
Starnestommysknh_: it means to send all output to logfile and send error messages to it, too08:31
penguys, try playonlinux.com08:31
N3WFI3ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso  this is what i need right i have core 2 duo intel08:31
zenixjeebusmobile: no, there (points to #arch)08:31
ikmalternate CD is in the dvd rom drive and i rebot my pc now its asking to install intext mode... select it?08:31
macogwsknh_: i think the 2>&1 means to output both standard out and standard error...08:31
sknh_macogw: Starnestommy : thanks08:31
tonyyarussoikm: yes08:31
zcat[1]N3WFI3: safe bet, if you're not sure, i386 will probably run..08:31
zenixjeebusmobile: did phrik say "Tada!"?08:32
sknh_Starnestommy: so the &1 here refers to logfile?08:32
DOOM_NXzcat[1], shouldn't he use the 64bit version?08:32
tonyyarussoN3WFI3: aren't the core 2 duo's 64-bit?08:32
ikmwhen i press install in text base mode, it shows me some DOS type text , is it normal? if yes. how long it will show me this kind of text?08:32
jeebusmobilezenix: didnt know you said it yea just grabed08:32
Starnestommysknh_: the &1 is a reference to the standard output stream, also called STDOUT08:32
macogwikm: thats what text based mode means08:32
heymrikm: just be patient08:32
tonyyarussoikm: well, you said "text mode", so yes, it will all be in text...08:32
zcat[1]DOOM_NX: perhaps.. but if he's not sure i386 will work on both.. 64 bit won't work on 32bit cpu's..08:32
keiserrhi, where is the ubuntu 7.10 server repository located?  i want to fetch some files08:32
DOOM_NXthough c2d is 64-bit08:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:33
wbreslin951what would be an advantage of running a 32 bit distro on a 64bit machine?08:33
macogwkeiserr: same place the normal 7.10 repo is located08:33
heymrikm: you go through all the blue screens until it installs grub and stuff. then you reboot08:33
tonyyarussokeiserr: there are hundreds of mirrors.08:33
DOOM_NXwbreslin951, no advantage maybe08:33
ikmtonyyarusso: ahh ok, how long it will take? this is my first time to install linux in text base mode? is there any command or it will install automatically?08:33
zcat[1]wbreslin951: until recently, a lot of stuff like codecs and flash was only available 32bit and getting it to work in 64 was very hard.. nat's less true these days08:33
tonyyarussoikm: the time depends on your computer.  Just follow the prompts.08:33
n2diywbreslin951: the 32 bit apps. will work?08:33
wbreslin951zcat[1]: yeah even a noob like me has flash working lol08:34
ikmtonyyarusso: thanks dear08:34
wbreslin951n2diy: 32 bit apps will work in 64 bit08:34
keiserrmacogw, : and where is that?08:34
sknh_Starnestommy: 2>&1 means we are passing stderr to stdout08:34
sknh_and >logfile means we are sending all output to this file08:34
keiserrtonyyarusso, :gimme one :)08:34
macogwkeiserr: if your /etc/apt/sources.list is set up (which the installer did), it's already there08:34
hellonulllooking to see if someone can help me fix my mysql server... it fails everytime it tries to start (mysqld)... tried reinstalling from synaptic, still same results08:34
DOOM_NX<wbreslin951> what would be an advantage of running a 32 bit distro on a 64bit machine? -> isn't it the same as running 32bit distro on 32bit machine?08:34
sknh_Starnestommy: together it means we are sending all the output including errors to logfile?08:35
n2diywbreslin951: Hmm, I guess so? The 32 bit hardware will work?08:35
tonyyarussokeiserr: us.archive.ubuntu.com, for the USA.08:35
Starnestommysknh_: yes08:35
macogwkeiserr: if you werent online when you did the setup, it might have everything commented out, in which case you should edit /etc/apt/sources.list so that all the lines that start wiht #deb just start with deb08:35
sknh_Starnestommy: can u point me somewhere where I can learn more about this?08:35
Conartisthello everyone..08:35
wbreslin951n2diy: yup, 32 bit will work in 64 as well08:35
zcat[1]DOOM_NX: 32 bit will run just fine on a 64bit machine, you just miss out on some potential performance gains..08:35
blaghow would i go about using a database in a C++ program?08:35
N3WFI3i thought 64 bit had bad driver support08:35
threefcataanyone knows how to adjust sensitivity of trackpoint on thinkpads?08:35
wbreslin951n2diy: as long as u have a 64 bit processor08:35
tonyyarussoblag: that would be a question for the C++ channel (either #c++ or #cpp most likely - not sure)08:36
zcat[1]N3WFI3: it used to be really bad.. last 6 months it's changed a lot08:36
wbreslin951N3WFI3: just with broadcom, but thats because they're stiff with open-sourcing08:36
DOOM_NXzcat i agree08:36
penthreefcata: hi08:36
n2diywbreslin951: Hmm, seems you answered your own question?08:36
Starnestommysknh_: try http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/08:36
wbreslin951N3WFI3: but its the same with 3208:36
blagthreefcata: gsynaptics08:36
wbreslin951n2diy: i thought it might be faster for one reason or another..08:36
sknh_Starnestommy: thanks08:36
macogwblag: how does that answer his question?08:36
Conartistcan anyone help me...my ubuntu system does not detect my soundcard ...but when i go on windows...everything is fine and dandy...08:36
threefcatablag: but isn't that for touchpad?08:36
Conartisti have dual boot08:37
wbreslin951n2diy: maybe cause ur comp to run as a virtual dual core? i dunno, im not to smart when it comes to hardware issues08:37
macogwblag: oh oops08:37
macogwblag: im reversing names.08:37
n2diywbreslin951: I don't know, my hardware is 12 years old!08:37
N3WFI3should i go 64 bit or 32? im using core 2 duo08:37
jmdcafter suspend to ram, I can't get the machine to come back up08:37
blagthreefcata: oh, sorry, misread, my bad08:37
zcat[1]things like wireless stuff, flash, codecs were mostly only available for 32 bit and didn't work on 64 bit, but I'm running 64 bit now and not seeing any major problems08:37
N3WFI3i tnink 32 is fine08:37
Conartistcan anyone help me...my ubuntu system does not detect my soundcard ...but when i go on windows...everything is fine and dandy...08:37
quest-usbthis may be a lost cause but I need to either pass audio from a usb headset or the usb device itself to vmware workstation.  8.10 beta host, windows guest.  any ideas?08:37
wbreslin951n2diy: wow. thats like.. driving a 1930 model t lol08:37
heymrjmdc: it should suspend to SWAP dude08:37
keiserrmacogw: i have a problem with a file on my local mirror, that's why i needed to download just that one file and let the installer use the local mirror rather than spend hours and hours trying to install via the net08:37
blagmacogw: lol, np, you were correct in my situation anyway08:37
DOOM_NXN3WFI3, try both, whatever works better08:37
linux_user400354i tried to add a drive partition to an existing lvm and i dont see the extra space from it. http://rafb.net/p/eQ29id80.html08:37
DOOM_NXit's free afterall08:37
macogwConartist: if it's a Creative X-Fi we can't help you. they don't have drivers. Creative promised they'd release some this year, and then they backed down.08:37
linux_user400354anyone know about LVM?08:37
threefcatablag: it's ok08:37
heymrjmdc: try doing sudo pm-hibernate in a terminal08:37
zcat[1]N3WFI3: it seems core2duo is 64 bit.. I'd probably go for that.08:38
threefcataanyone knows how to adjust sensitivity of trackpoint on thinkpads?08:38
Conartistit s realtek...its not creative08:38
n2diywbreslin951: I guess I have the Energizer Bunny inside?08:38
wbreslin951oh yeah.. how come when i try to hibernate my comp it doesn't work?08:38
heymrthreefcata: gsynaptics08:38
Conartistrealtek ac9708:38
N3WFI3is there a real advantage to using 64bit guys08:38
macogwConartist: ok that was just warning to avoid anyone wasting time08:38
zcat[1]wbreslin951: 'cos power management is linux is still a mess :(08:38
Jordan_Un2diy, How dare you so blatantly defy planned obsolescence!08:38
penthreefcata: try touchpad part of ubuntu08:38
wbreslin951n2diy: lol yeah i guess so.. you know you can get a brand new dual core laptop with like a billion gigs for like.. $50008:38
Conartistso can you help me man08:38
quest-usbN3WFI3: NOT REALLY08:38
heymrwbreslin951: because hibernation is scary. use pm-hibernate?08:38
hellonullquest-usb: #ubuntu+1 for hardy-related support/discussion08:38
ubotuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad08:38
penthreefcata: !touchpad08:39
macogwkeiserr: http://archive.ubuntu.com is where everything resides...but you'll need a web browser to muck your way through it08:39
wbreslin951heymr: doesn't that do the same thing as pressing the hibernate button in the menu?08:39
quest-usbhellonull: thanks08:39
n2diyJordan_U: It isn't me, it is my wallet!08:39
threefcataheymr: again... isnt it for touchpad? u sure it works for trackpoint as well?08:39
=== hume_ is now known as hume
macogwpen: he's not asking about a touchpad08:39
N3WFI3unless i had uber amounts of ram i think 32 is cool08:39
threefcatapen: ??08:39
penmacogw: it's somehow related i think08:39
macogwpen: clit mouse08:39
Conartistmaco??? can you help me ?08:39
Conartisti gotta have some sound...:(((08:39
jmdcheymr: I thought suspend kept the data in memory, vs hibernate that wrote it out to the hard disk? Anyway, pm-utils isn't even installed (!)08:39
zcat[1]rofl... 'clit mouse'08:39
Conartistbut i am a noob ....08:39
wbreslin951Conartist: wuts the problem08:39
wbreslin951zcat[1]: ur bad lmao08:39
macogwConartist: nope. it's the wrong time of day for the the alsa dev that's usually here to pop up08:40
wbreslin951Conartist: whats goin rwrong with ur comp?08:40
=== ce_cuTe_ is now known as erix
heymrthreefcata: oops. take a look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf. you can see the trackpoint config there. Maybe it can use the synaptics driver, then do man 5 synaptics and you can make it do all sorts of stuff. or add a speed option08:40
Conartistmy ubuntu does not detect my soundcard08:40
n2diywbreslin951: Ya, I know, but I can get five year old machines at auction for $100, like this one, that I picked up 7 years ago.08:40
=== erix is now known as ce_cuTe_
zcat[1]also heard 'joy-nipple' earlier today08:40
macogwzcat[1]: like 90% of people dont know trackpoint's the right name.  but they know that slang name.08:40
Conartisti tried fetching drivers over the net08:40
Conartistbut ....08:40
heymrjmdc: ok. well pm works the best for suspend/hibernate.08:40
wbreslin951n2diy: 5 yrs is sooo ancient tho, i mean computers are soo cheap nowadays and the performance is just amazing08:40
threefcataheymr: alright i guess i'll give it a shot..08:40
=== ce_cuTe_ is now known as erix
heymrthreefcata: yup. first take a glance at the GUI.08:41
Conartistvbrestling...can you guide me....08:41
heymrthreefcata: of course, make a backup of xorg.conf first08:41
=== ce_cuTe is now known as erix
macogwheymr: ive done work on that GUI.  there's nothing on it specific to trackpoints for sure.08:41
n2diywbreslin951: Yes, but this does everything I need to do, I don't need cutting edge, that is one reason I'm running Ubuntu/Linux.08:42
zcat[1]hate those things even more than touchpads..08:42
heymrmacogw: oky08:42
=== erix is now known as eric
=== eric is now known as ce_cuTe
heymrthreefcata: look for your device in xorg.conf. then add "option" "SpeedAccel" "8" (not that! something of the looks)08:42
threefcataheymr: what do you mean by looking at gui?08:42
=== ce_cuTe is now known as erix
jmdcheymr: do I want the package uswsusp (recommended by pm-utils) too?08:43
heymrthreefcata: nevermind. gsynaptics os only for touchpad.08:43
macogwheymr: AccelFactor is the synaptics name for acceleration08:43
heymrjmdc: sure08:43
heymrmacogw: tell threefcata08:43
heymrmacogw: does synaptics control trackpoints too?08:43
macogwheymr: and the gsynaptics in the repo doesnt do acceleration. only the svn one. thats why i worked on it08:43
macogwheymr: dont know. its a possibility.08:44
macogwthreefcata: if synaptics can do your trackpoint, the name is AccelFactor08:44
Conartistdoes anybody know something about hardware problems here??????08:44
Conartistdoes anybody know something about hardware problems here??????08:44
heymrmacogw: oh sorry. i'm on arch and it looks like it does.08:44
wbreslin951Conartist: wuts up?08:44
Conartisti ve sent you a private mess08:44
jmdc!ask | Conartist08:44
ubotuConartist: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:44
challengerwhat the crap...08:45
Conartisthere it goes again08:45
wbreslin951Conartist: i didn't get it.. just tell me whats goin on in here08:45
macogwheymr: ubuntu hasnt updated their gsynaptics package in like 2 years08:45
=== challenger is now known as ekstelis
Conartistmy ubuntu does not detect my soundcard08:45
Conartistmy ubuntu does not detect my soundcard08:45
heymrmacogw: yipes08:45
Conartistwhat soulg i do?08:45
ekstelismy wireless finally works !08:45
wbreslin951conartist: lspci and paste the output08:45
jmdcConartist: please don't repeat yourself08:45
heymrConartist: what kind of sound card08:45
ubotuconartist: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:45
heymrConartist: run alsamixer in terminal08:45
threefcatamacogw: so you are saying i try qsynaptics first?08:45
sapHi, I don't know why but the sound in my system stopped working. I dont hear through IM or in game or even if I play video? I was thinking to restart the system but is there a command that can restart the sound files without restarting the system?08:46
heymrsap: alsamixer (run that command in a terminal)08:46
sapheymr, k I'm going to try that08:46
Conartistjust a sec08:46
wbreslin951sap: sudo /etc/init.d/<whatever file it is> restart08:46
n2diysap: read up on the "init" command.08:46
ekstelismacogw: thanks..... my wireless works now !08:46
Conartistnow what?08:46
ekstelisyou rule08:47
macogwthreefcata: being q, it probably has like 50 billion options including acceleration, so sure!08:47
wbreslin951Conartist: what happens when u run alsamixer?08:47
Conartistcomes up a mixer....08:47
Conartistin the terminal08:47
heymrConartist: what does it say about your sound card08:47
wbreslin951Conartist: theres the card, and the chip08:47
ConartistHDA INTEL08:47
wbreslin951Conartist: what does it say for chip?08:47
ConartistRealtek ALC88508:47
threefcatamacogw: ok i'm installing..08:47
macogwConartist: ah yes, the standard that's not08:47
heymrConartist: go over to External Amp and mute it08:47
stefg!intelhda | Conartist08:47
ubotuConartist: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto08:48
sailor_moonthere is somebody?08:48
Conartistso what shoulld i do now08:48
wbreslin951sailor_moon: theres plenty of people =]08:48
heymrsailor_moon: a few people in here08:48
threefcatamacogw: no no synaptics driver discovered..08:48
ubotuconartist: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto08:48
sailor_moonwow that's great :P08:48
stefgConartist: read the howto ubotu gave you08:48
sailor_moonvery well08:48
Conartistok ok08:48
sailor_moonsomebody here uses audacious?08:48
heymrthreefcata: did you look at xprg.conf?08:48
stefg!enter | sailor_moon08:48
ubotusailor_moon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:48
wbreslin951sailor_moon: yeah08:48
heymrsailor_moon: i do08:48
kelvin911hi my window bars are suddently gone08:49
wbreslin951sailor_moon: whats the trouble?08:49
wbreslin951zcat[1]: audacity08:49
kelvin911how to turn it on again?08:49
sailor_moonsome can give me his own /.config/audacious/playlist.xspf?08:49
sapheymr, alsamixer didnt work .08:49
stefgkelvin911: compiz on nvidia ?08:49
n2diyDidn't Ubuntu change the "Init X" commands from the standard? I used to run Init 1, and then Init 5 to restart my system, but I think it was changed by Ubuntu?08:49
threefcataheymr: no.08:49
wbreslin951wait,, audacious? never heard of it lol.. i use audacity tho08:49
macogwthreefcata: i dont have any module name synaptics loaded either, so that might not mean anything.  really, the xorg.conf is probably the most umm...accurate?..way to be sure08:49
sapwbreslin951, n2diy is the file alsa-utils for sound?08:49
macogwthreefcata: less levels of go-between08:49
wbreslin951sap: couldn't tell ya08:50
wbreslin951sap: yeah08:50
zcat[1]wbreslin951: yeah that's what I thought.. audacious is a player tho08:50
ecranecan someone please tell me where my VPN configurations are stored? I have the VPN configured via the network icon in the upper-right corner of the gnome screen. I'm looking for the config file...08:50
sailor_mooni need the /home/gne/.config/audacious/playlist.xspf file from somebody08:50
n2diysap: don't know?08:50
sapwbreslin951, k I'll try to restart that08:50
gluer_does gutsy auto mount ipods?08:50
wbreslin951sap: is it in ur /etc/init.d ?08:50
kelvin911someone fix it "emerald --replace & disown"08:50
sailor_moondon't look at the "gne" :|08:50
Alan_Mgluer_: yes it should08:50
sapwbreslin951, yes08:50
wbreslin951sap: cuz that sounds like a package, not an init.d file08:50
zcat[1]!info audacious08:50
ubotuaudacious (source: audacious): Small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.2-4 (gutsy), package size 976 kB, installed size 2956 kB08:50
gluer_Alan: cheers08:50
heymrsap: its just to make sure alsa is running and you can adjust volumes and stuff. maybe something is messed up with sound08:51
macogwecrane: your .gconf i think08:51
zcat[1]just so we all know ..08:51
macogwecrane: if you look with gconf-editor they should be in there somewhere08:51
heymrthreefcata: you should at least look over your xorg.conf . you can tweak everything there08:51
wbreslin951sap: well anyways its sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart08:51
Alan_Mgluer_: mine automounted mine with a default install...so...actually i can totally confirm that it does.08:51
sailor_moonplease somebody can give me that file?08:51
wbreslin951gnight all.. got work in the marnin08:51
ecranemacogw: yeah ur right, thanks a lot!08:52
Jester009I'm trying to set up xubuntu on my compaq presario 1675 and it keeps getting stupid at Starting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd. anyone know any fixes?08:52
jmdczcat[1]: its a fork of a fork of xmms, using gtk208:52
ecranewhoops hehe08:52
n2diywbreslin951, 7308:52
Jester009stupid = stuck08:52
sailor_moonpleaaaaaaaase ;_;08:52
heymrsailor_moon: what file?08:52
macogwecrane: you too, eh?08:53
ekstelismy video player says i dont have any codecs installed but i do08:53
eksteliswhy are they not working ?08:53
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:53
macogwecrane: i do that in textboxes and in word processors :P08:53
heymrekstelis: use mplayer or vlc08:53
stefg!cups | Jester00908:53
ubotuJester009: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows08:53
terminhellim having problems finding a dock pluggin/option. i have compiz-fusion updated but i guess i missed something08:53
sailor_moonpleaseeeeeeeeee i will cry if nobody will help me08:53
sapwbreslin951, heymr n2diy  hmm.. looks like I'll have to try logging in again.. k ty for ur suggestions08:53
pensailor_moon: why?08:54
ecranemacogw: can you tell me why I'm the only person I can find in the world who uses :x to leave VI instead of :wq08:54
stefg!patience | sailor_moon08:54
ubotusailor_moon: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:54
Alan_Msailor_moon: please be patient08:54
syncrondiso is this just a big fre for all?08:54
sailor_moonbecause i'm stupid08:54
n2diysap, GL08:54
heymrsailor_moon: what file???08:54
akhileshhello ?08:54
razor-x11Hey? lol08:54
macogwecrane: you used to use nano?08:54
akhileshwassup razor08:54
n2diysyncrondi: no, ops are lurkiing, otherwise, yes.08:54
Alan_M!hi | akhilesh08:54
sailor_moonheymr this: /home/---/.config/audacious/playlist.xspf08:55
ubotuakhilesh: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:55
razor-x11wassup xD08:55
zcat[1]ecrane: I use :q!08:55
akhileshhi Alan_M ubotu08:55
zcat[1]but then I'm only ever in vi because I forgot to set EDITOR08:55
syncrondiwould anyone be willing to help me with a not too complex user permissions issue?08:55
ecranemacogw: once or twice, yeah.08:55
razor-x11No one has any problem's today? great =)08:55
Jester009stefg: I'm still quite lost even after looking at those sites. What can I do to get past this point?08:55
sailor_moonsigh sob08:55
ecranezcat[1]: the :x will 'save and quit'08:55
Alan_M!ask | syncrondi08:56
ubotusyncrondi: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:56
stefgJester009: is there a printer connected to the box?08:56
Jester009stefg: nope08:56
zcat[1]:q! will get me out of the editor without screwing anything up..08:56
razor-x11user/root issues?08:56
heymrsailor_moon: I don't know why you want it: but here it is: http://rafb.net/p/Ki94eS96.html08:56
akhileshi just ditched windows xp last night and installed ubuntu .. so far so good i can do everything i need but i think i need to learn more about it .08:56
ecranezcat[1]: heh, yeah08:56
ecraneakhilesh: congratulations!08:57
jimsyncrondi: ask your question already... then people would decide once they know what it is whether they even know how to help08:57
akhileshthanks bro08:57
Alan_Makhilesh: congrats, what would you like to know?08:57
zcat[1]since I've usually done something weird by the time I realise I'm not in nano or joe..08:57
stefgJester009: then you don't need cups. Disable it in System-Admin-startup services08:57
n2diyakhilesh: your in the right place then!08:57
akhileshi need to learn more about xterm etc .. can i get some basic help08:57
razor-x11well goto https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ and learn away =)08:57
Alan_M!xterm | akhilesh08:58
ubotuakhilesh: If with all the cute terminals that are around you're still using xterm, then you deserve any problem you're experiencing with it. Go away.08:58
Jester009stefg: thanks i'll try that08:58
heymrakhilesh: ls cd pwd su | grep sudo cp mv rm ls -a08:58
Alan_Mdang, wasnt expecting that...so sorry!08:58
stefgJester009: and check your bios for odd settings for the parallel port, if there is one08:58
jaffarkelshacakhilesh, usually you describe what you want to do and i and someone tells you, i swtiched recently myself08:58
akhileshi thought u guys called the terminal window an xterm08:58
sailor_moonthank you!08:58
syncrondiI've got a few users on an Ubuntu server that are in the same group including myself. One of us gets permissions errors when he tries to SFTP or SCP files to the server (anywhere), but I have no issues.08:58
razor-x11i call it console lol08:58
razor-x11not term =)08:58
Alan_Mits a console :)08:59
sbingneror "a terminal window"08:59
akhileshheymr: yeah thats what i mean i need to know what all that does08:59
razor-x11ahh yes :08:59
Alan_Mor terminal window :)08:59
jimakhilesh: specific on-topic concise complete informative08:59
akhileshok so terminal window then08:59
jimsocci! coming to a sock puppet show near you!08:59
razor-x11press TAB in the term/console window08:59
razor-x11and all the command's will pop up08:59
DistroJockey!bash | akhilesh08:59
ubotuakhilesh: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:59
sbingnertab twice08:59
razor-x11i love tab and long commands =)09:00
n2diysyncrondi: check that they belong to the proper group, and are in the group09:00
stefgsyncrondi: asked in #ubuntu-server also? can be a problem with the keys or known_hosts file09:00
Alan_Makhilesh, its basically your backbone for linux when things go BOOM09:00
jmdcakhilesh: X is the lowlevel graphics system, so an xterm is "terminal in x" - when it was first made putting a console in a window was a big deal so that gives you some idea how old it is ;-)09:00
razor-x11Alan_M, or the place you can have lot's off fun messing the system up til it's unbootable =)09:00
Alan_Mrazor-x11: yeah my girlfriend gave me a harsh lesson in that a month ago :(09:01
sbingnerrazor-x11, I thought that was the GUI 'configuration' tools09:01
akhileshubotu thanks dude i think that url has all the stuff i need09:01
jimxterms were my first reason for running x... I liked shells...09:01
razor-x11Who need's them09:01
* sbingner raises hand09:01
sbingnersend 5 or 6 my way09:01
razor-x11if anyone is a women here, ignore that comment =)09:01
DistroJockeyakhilesh: np ;)09:01
jimif you don't want yours, she can call me09:01
sbingnerjim, too late, I called dibs09:02
razor-x11il gladly give her away lol09:02
Alan_Mwere going off topic in here so yeah.09:02
ecraneakhilesh: think of it as another way to interact with the compute. Like launch programs, copy files.. all without a mouse. You do it with various commands.09:02
razor-x11Yeah lol09:02
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:02
Alan_Mback to helping the users there folks :D09:02
zcat[1]bah.. I actually remember labs full of VT100's !!09:02
jmdcakhilesh: there are a lot of newer terminals than an xterm, that make it look more like a gnome or kde app, but sometimes people talk about xterm anyway, out of habit09:02
razor-x11like 'ls | diroutput.txt'09:03
syncrondin2diy: $groups shows that they are all in the same group with no other group memberships09:03
razor-x11cat is show his/her age =)09:03
Alan_Mrazor-x11: wow.....i actually understood that and never used that command before.09:03
threefcatamacogw: thx the gui tool actually works but you need to restart X in order to get the new setting working..09:04
n2diysyncrondi: do they have group permission?09:04
zcat[1]come to think of it, I even read my email on a teletype a few times, when the labfull of vt100's was full..09:04
razor-x11No problem Alan_M =)09:04
RedScareso what's with gnome power manager not being able to manage my lcd backlight brightness?09:04
zcat[1]I was born a year before ARPANET .. !09:04
razor-x11modules not loaded?09:04
Jester009how do i disable printing cups from the cd menu?09:04
Alan_Mzcat[1]: so...that makes you....old?09:05
RedScareapparently this is common problem with the x3100 intel chipsets09:05
* Alan_M hides09:05
zcat[1]not really...09:05
razor-x11me finds Alan_M09:05
* razor-x11 lol09:05
n2diyold is as one does.09:05
RedScareI had to get xbacklight and then keybind super+UP, super+down keys to increase and decrease percentage commands09:05
stefgJester009: in the startup services control applet. it's in system-administration menu. uncheck the cupsys item09:06
zcat[1].. I used to walk to the compuer lab barfoot in the snow.. and it was uphill both ways..09:06
michael__can someone help me get my onboard webcam working09:06
Jester009stefg: i have no idea where that is09:06
stefg!webcam | michael__09:06
ubotumichael__: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras09:06
zcat[1]sorry.. different rant09:06
RedScaremichael, what program do you use to view your webcam?09:06
syncrondin2diy: group is based from root, I've not set any specific permissions. One of the users can't WinSCP files to our home folder, but if he logs on as my user, he is able to09:06
stefgJester009: you're using gnome, aren't you?09:06
razor-x11anyone looking into the xterm search for bash commands and script and read about them and you will understand.09:06
michael__see thats the thing i dont even know were to start09:06
razor-x11sudo apt-get install gkcam09:07
Jester009stefg: i actually have xp installed on this pc and i just booted it with xubuntu cd09:07
Alan_Mwhats the key combination to take a screenshot?09:07
michael__like were can i find my usb adress for the cam ?09:07
razor-x11top off the keybored09:07
acollinsis anyone have trouble with "/usr/lib/dri/r300_dri.so: undefined symbol: _glapi_Dispatch" for ATI cards in hardy?09:07
zcat[1]webcams in linux are still a mess too.. v4l vs. v4l2 -- nothing ever works09:07
* Alan_M pops that key out...aparently its stuck :)09:07
razor-x11shh alan =)09:08
RedScarev4l2 is the only thing that makes my Chiconey work09:08
n2diysyncrondi: what are the three permission groups? don't cheat, tell me now.09:08
RedScareeh hem, chiconey09:08
RedScaref me09:08
razor-x11normaly you will need to add a line to the xorg config to install a newer cam09:08
RedScareseriously, is it 3:08 am for anyone else09:08
razor-x11most logitech one's work out the box09:08
Alan_Mfor me09:08
zcat[1]n2diy: they're named after a japanese cartoon character..09:08
stefgJester009: if you are running from Live CD switching it off doesn't make sense... the setting will be lost anyway09:08
syncrondin2diy: rwx09:08
jmdcI installed pm-utils and uswsusp in an attempt to get suspend working. It didn't help (in fact my video mode after hibernate is wrong now too). When I try to wake up from suspend, I get the letters linu in yellow at the top of the screen, and nothing else happens.09:08
RedScareI have to be at work at 909:08
Survivorman4:08 here09:09
Alan_M3 here09:09
razor-x118am here09:09
n2diyzcat[1]: shhhhh!09:09
razor-x11coffee time i think's! =)09:09
michael__ok it says it cant find my device09:09
n2diysyncrondi: no that is only a third of it, rwxrwxrwx. Why are there three of the groups?09:09
Jester009stefg: I'm just trying to get xubuntu on this machine. There is nothing on it that I don't have backed up so this laptop is just for learning. How else can I get this working?09:10
juanealguien que me ayude09:10
zcat[1]rw-rw-rw- is satanic!!09:10
stefgJester009: so the Live CD doesn't even boot?09:10
razor-x11micheal_ do dmesg and it will say if it has loaded the device or not09:10
zcat[1]well, octally anyhow09:10
michael__so go into my terminal dmesg09:10
n2diyzcat[1]: no -------- is satanic, been there, done that.09:11
Jester009stefg: it freezes at starting common unix printing cupsd09:11
syncrondin2diy: I understand permissions, but I don't understand why one user would not be able to copy a file to their home folder09:11
* razor-x11 cat is on to much caffine09:11
stefgJester009: ah, now i understand. Can be a irq or acpi problem. try some bootoptions09:11
RedScarewhy does powernowd insist on disobeying me09:11
stefg!bootoptions | Jester009:09:11
ubotuJester009:: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions09:12
zcat[1]been helping a guy who distills his own liquor.. guess how he paid me :)09:12
RedScareand why does lsusb crash my terminal after plugging in my blackberry09:12
razor-x11cause if it's a root file or someone else's you need to do 'sudo -i ; chmod 775' or whatever it need's09:12
juanealguien me ayuda con el compiz fusion09:12
n2diysyncrondi: sorry, but I'm not sure you do, and that is what I'm trying to establish. Why do have rwx repeat three times?09:12
michael__[   17.024000] Linux video capture interface: v2.0009:12
michael__[   17.108000] uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device USB2.0 Camera (5986:0100)09:12
michael__[   17.188000] usbcore: registered new interface driver uvcvideo09:12
michael__[   17.188000] USB Video Class driver (v0.1.0)09:12
stefgJester009: my guess is that you'll need something along the lines of irqpoll or fixirq, or acpi=off09:12
FloodBot2michael__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:12
c0mp13371331337_Anyone in this channel running Windows and want to help me test a remote connection (VNC) support tool from my Ubuntu box?09:12
Jester009stefg: thanks. I think the reason its giving me problems is my BIOs dont meet the cutoff date by one year.09:12
jmdcjuane: Lo siento, pero no hablo espanol. vaya a #ubuntu-es09:12
stefgJester009: update it?09:12
razor-x11micheal_, it has found the webcam download and complie amsn and try it on there, should work a treat.09:13
syncrondin2diy: It's simple if you must know. It must establish permissions on the file for the owner, group, and all09:13
michael__how would i get it to wor through a webchat ?09:14
n2diysyncrondi: good, you understand.09:14
syncrondin2diy: thanks for the credit :)09:14
RedScareWhy does my USB Blackberry not have a device listing name under dmesg when I plug it in?09:15
razor-x11first off all you need to tell us what webcam make it is.09:15
razor-x11cause blackberry's are evil lol09:15
zcat[1]RedScare: 'cos it's busted? I dunno..09:15
* razor-x11 note to self don't buy a new blackberry.09:15
zcat[1]anything USB should register something in dmesg...09:15
RedScaresorry, not quite ready to jump on the iboat09:16
RedScareit does09:16
razor-x11for usb devices09:16
RedScarebut it doesn't give me the assigned device name09:16
razor-x11'cat /proc/bus/usb/devices'09:16
n2diysyncrondi: So if root own the file only he can use his permission on it. And if the group has permissions they can too. and some individuals may or may not, and some groups may or may not. I think you need to check your permissions and groups etc...09:16
zcat[1]I don't know jack about blackberries09:16
kelvin911is it possible to select more than one window and move them at the same time?09:17
N3WFI3cant wait to try linux haha09:17
N3WFI3got the iso downloading in utorrent it wont get deleted this time09:17
kelvin911N3WFI3: gd for u09:17
razor-x11syncrondi, just load  nautilus in root easyest was for a newbe to linux to change permissions09:17
razor-x11'gksudo  nautilus'09:18
zcat[1]bets on N3WFI3 burning three data CD's with a big .iso file on it before he gets a bootable disk..?09:18
razor-x11right click on the folder/file's and goto permissions and change to the user you want and add read/write access09:18
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syncrondirazor-x11: i'm working in ssh only on a remote system, not scared to use chmod shortcuts09:19
pabixHello, how come Evolution sound notification has disappeared in Hardy?09:19
razor-x11syncrondi, Ohh i see.09:19
zcat[1]pabix: 'beta'  ?09:19
pabixI cannot configure it any more09:19
pabixzcat[1], yes09:19
Survivorman!hardy | pabix09:19
ubotupabix: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu09:19
razor-x11where has Alan_M gone!09:19
CracKPodHey :)09:20
RedScareI've got the Vendor and product ID needed from my usb devices09:20
* razor-x11 pokes Alan_M ....09:20
zcat[1]lotsa stuff broken in hardy.. I really hope they fix it b4 april24 :)09:20
N3WFI3can i just burn the iso and it's bootable or do i need to add boot information with the burning software09:20
* Alan_M jumps behind razor-x11 and pokes you09:20
RedScaretrouble is the modem should be assigned something like /dev/ttyUSB009:20
RedScareand its not09:20
Alan_Mstill here, was asking something in linutop about its price09:20
zcat[1]N3WFI3: 'burn image' it's on nero's file menu I think09:20
jaffarkelshaci am trying to use wireshark but it wont accept my device name. how do i find which it is.09:20
damo22N3WFI3: just burn the iso and it will work09:21
Gnean2diy: yeah, it'll boot09:21
razor-x11was not dell shiping pc's with linux on?09:21
Alan_Mhello aisya, how may we help you today?09:21
GneaN3WFI3: yeah, it'll boot09:21
N3WFI3ok cool thought so09:21
Alan_Mrazor-x11, yes, but from what ive heard, those things suck :/09:21
n2diyGnea: wrong nick?09:21
* Gnea checks his key finger09:21
jimWorld of the Modem... slash! bang! NO CARRIER! Coming to a theater near you!09:21
Gnean2diy: yeah, sorry09:21
zcat[1]N3WFI3: you'd be surprised how many ppl can't figure it out... or perhaps not.09:21
progmanosi think you have to run wireshark as root09:21
n2diyGnea: nada09:21
kelvin911anyone know how to select more than one window?09:21
razor-x11Alan_M, Yep, i heard the same lol, mostly crashy and buggy.09:22
Gnean2diy: :)09:22
kelvin911and move them at the same time.  ie.  to different workspace?09:22
N3WFI3someone told me to use burnatonce program, this prog looks real nice should do the trick09:22
razor-x11And the fact that i hate dell's, =)09:22
Alan_Mrazor-x11: best to get a dell with windows and format it then put ubuntu on it :D09:22
=== Bonez is now known as BonezAU
Alan_Mdude, your getting a dell! *rolls eyes*09:22
jimkelvin911: in what wm/dm?09:22
kelvin911what is wm/dm?09:22
jimI had great luck with dells09:22
Survivormanwindow manager09:23
damo22my dell laptop worked out of the box with ubuntu, even hibernate and suspend work fine09:23
kelvin911razor-x11: dell is pretty good at least better than HP, emachines, etc09:23
Alan_Mjim, did you configure it yourself and take windows off yourself or did it come preinstalled with ubuntu?09:23
Gnearazor-x11: hope you've got a kiss-arse mode for dell, cuz without them, ubuntu wouldn't get sold on any commercial desktop ;)09:23
razor-x11Alan_M, I have 2 acer laptops and they have bin great for hardware compatibility09:23
ensihello, i cant get my x server to work with the nvidia driver. as soon as i change the driver from "nv" to "nvidia" in the xorg.conf i get "ubunti is running in low graphics mode" and the res goes back to 800x600.09:23
kelvin911razor-x11: but of course i will build my own09:23
razor-x11But, DELL and UBUNTU is just wrong.09:24
zcat[1]You should buy with Linux if you can, even if you're planning to reinstall anyway... just so MSFT can't claim one more 'doze sale..09:24
jimAlan_M: preinstalled with windows xp, I put stuff on an external hd and grub on the internal drive09:24
Alan_Mjim, good idea :D09:24
Gnearazor-x11: how so?09:24
kelvin911i dont know what window manager i am using, any idea?09:24
N3WFI3im gunna put on some mr noodle haha will be back09:24
Alan_Mzcat[1]: never thought of it that way!09:24
jimI had to add a partition in the little (probably) one-cyl remaining room they didn't partition09:24
razor-x11Gnea, Cause, if you think off it IBM should have done it not, DELL.09:24
Alan_Mzcat[1]: im gonna do that just to stick it to bill :D09:25
Gnearazor-x11: but IBM didn't, DELL did, end of story.09:25
razor-x11Gnea, You like dell?09:25
kelvin911razor-x11: IBM laptops are solid but they look ugly09:25
Gneatoo bad, so sad, stop crying over spilled milk. :)09:25
jimibm doesn't have great laptops for the price09:25
syncrondin2diy: thanks for your help. I think I see the problem09:25
jimin fact they're horrible09:25
Gnearazor-x11: i used to work for them, they have an excellent support team.09:25
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n2diysyncrondi: and???09:25
razor-x11Gnea, If so i know a great cyclogest =)09:25
Gnearazor-x11: and you work for who?09:26
syncrondi-xr on grp09:26
razor-x11Gnea, Self employed09:26
Gnearazor-x11: oh, ok, so you don't have any real-world experience in that realm. huh..09:26
n2diysyncrondi: roger, GL09:26
razor-x11Gnea, Ok fair fight, Dell is ok on computers, just not great and making overclocked beasts09:27
Alan_Mcan we stop the bash fest? thanks :D09:27
zcat[1]Did you mean: cloggiest09:27
kelvin911jim: i mean IBM laptop quality are pretty good compare to like dell, sony, toshiba, HP, compaq, etc09:27
Gnearazor-x11: actually, have you seen the XPS 710? they made a water-cooled desktop unit (well, it sits better on the floor) that was built for overclocking.09:27
razor-x11Gnea, i repair computer system's, For a living so i might no a little.09:27
* ecrane beats up his laptops so badly he's broken a toshiba, ibm, dell and compaq.09:28
ecraneNever got my hands on a sony yet...09:28
Alan_Mecrane, sony is pretty good09:28
razor-x11Gnea, Anyway we both have diffrent view's, best thing to do is bite are lips and agree =)09:28
kelvin911for laptop i like macbook pro or ASUS laptop09:28
jimkelvin911: when I got my first one, they wanted like $5000 for a laptop of not as good performance as the one I got from dell for half that09:29
Gnearazor-x11: been there, done that, and i can appreciate where you're coming from, but business economics don't always work the way we'd like them to :)09:29
Unknownzyou still need to break an hp and you'll be eligible for a big prize!09:29
Alan_Mive had mine for close to 7 years, have hardly had any problems, moms had hers for 4 which is a dell...yeah....im gonna start something here so yeah gonna shut it :D09:29
razor-x11anyone got a asrock mobo here?09:29
Gnearazor-x11: agreed. :)09:29
jimthe only thing I didn't like was it couldn't boot from cdrom09:29
Survivormani heard tandy was a beast09:29
razor-x11Gnea,  Thank you =)09:29
kelvin911jim: that would be how long ago?09:29
jimlong time.09:29
* Alan_M just sits here whistling09:30
kelvin911one of my dell laptop is still surviving from 200309:30
jimit had 80 mb ram, and that was a lot in those days09:30
Gneakelvin911: my next laptop is gonna be a mac ;)09:30
razor-x11What's the best mobo with 64bit support for ubuntu do you think?09:30
ecraneI got a compaq laptop here that I can't figure out how to take apart. Those special tiny compaq screws.... torque wrench won't do it ;<09:30
towlie_i freaking love ubuntu09:30
kelvin911it was 5150 p4 3 GHz laptop, still can play doom at lowest setting09:30
kelvin911i mean doom309:30
Alan_Mgreat towlie_ glad to hear09:30
magnetronlol kelvin91109:30
razor-x11Gota love doom09:30
Alan_Mhello nlindblad09:30
towlie_i plugged in my iphone and imported my pictures without having to do any configurations....09:31
razor-x11and love the xbox360 =)09:31
jimrazor-x11: thing is, the compilers don't do too well with 64b arch09:31
towlie_i expected to have to play with it a bit to get it to work09:31
Gnearazor-x11: i've got an MSI with a p4 3.0ghz dualcore that i built myself, it runs pretty nicely09:31
BaD_CrCrazor-x11: i'm using a gigabyte ga-p35-ds3p for 64-bit goodness09:31
razor-x11jim, gcc and that you mean?09:31
nlindbladAnyone using a Dell Inspiron 1525?09:31
jimhaving said that, I got an asus m2npv-vm09:31
kelvin911if i have money my next laptop is macbook pro 17"09:31
jimand I'm running k7-compiled kernels on it09:31
razor-x11But, all around linux aka Ubuntu, work's well with all pc's09:31
kelvin911but if i dont then it will be either asus or dell09:32
Gneanow, if i could just remember the model # of the mobo, that just might help....09:32
towlie_kelvin911, ive got a 15" macbook pro and they are awesome09:32
razor-x11i remember way back when trying to get debain to work with 64 was a nightmare lol09:32
towlie_kelvin save up for the mac trust me its worth it09:32
kelvin911towlie_: i love mac stuffs although i never own one, i play some at school and my friend's room09:32
jimI'm not sure either asus or dell likes linux too much09:32
Gnearazor-x11: same here, i gave up and went ubuntu09:32
towlie_kelvin911, im running ubuntu 7.10 on it and it works really nicely on it09:32
razor-x11Gnea, Yep09:32
kelvin911ubuntu on mac?09:32
BaD_CrCrazor-x11: debian works great with 64-bit, but that's offtopic for here.09:32
kelvin911i thought the OSX is awesome09:32
towlie_are you familiar with bootcamp  ?09:32
towlie_kelvin it is09:33
razor-x11Gnea, Support was terrible, and no one cared for it at the time no games and apps worked on 64, on server tools.09:33
kelvin911towlie_: no i dont09:33
towlie_levin but i am using bootcamp cause compiz fusion is awesome09:33
kelvin911towlie_: i never own a mac09:33
towlie_kelvin911, it lets you dual boot osx and windows09:33
ecranenot trying to start a flamefest, but spend the extra $$$ for mac hardware if you're not going to run osx?09:33
kelvin911towlie_: i am one of those poor people try to survive09:33
towlie_kelvin911, but you can install linux09:33
kelvin911towlie_: why boot windows?09:33
razor-x11BaD_CrC, We are talking about year's ago not the present!09:33
ecranethat is, WHY spend the extra $$$?09:33
kelvin911towlie_: i only use windows for gaming now09:33
BaD_CrCrazor-x11: yeah, i remember the days.... :(09:34
towlie_ecrane, i run osx 90% of the time...09:34
razor-x11Wine or TransGaming?09:34
ecraneI only use Ubuntu linux for gaming now ^^. Wine works pretty good09:34
n2diyCUL, 7309:34
jimecrane: that -is- a good point... plus can't macos run on plain intel hardware?09:34
N3WFI3i got asrock hahahah , its a 775 dual vsta09:34
hpanyone knows how to delete teh window decorations for pidgin?09:34
razor-x11N3WFI3, ?09:34
kelvin911ecrane: but wine cant play all games09:34
ChaosParserkelvin911: Jim is misinformed... Dell sells computers with Ubuntu installed.09:34
zcat[1]apple hardware is pretty solid.. even if you're not running osx.. old apple g3 mac was the best machine I ever ran ubuntu on..09:34
razor-x11N3WFI3, Don't get me started on vista. =)09:34
kelvin911ecrane: and almost 99% of the games i got are privated so cant play in wine09:34
towlie_dell is not that great... overpriced imo09:34
ChaosParserzcat[1]: That was true until they went intel.09:35
magnetronhp: you would have to use devilspie or similar to remove the window decorations for a gtk app09:35
kelvin911ChaosParser: i know dell sold linux desktop preinstalled09:35
nlindbladI could get an Inspiron 1525 with 10% off09:35
nlindbladWorth it?09:35
ChaosParsertowlie_: Yeah, sure.  I can see how sub 600 notebooks with 2 gigs of ram are overpriced...09:35
towlie_ChaosParser, not true its been better since they switched to intel09:35
Unknownzyeah dell is sometimes overpriced09:35
hpthanks magnetron09:35
razor-x11Anyone here got a x360 with ubuntu power pc on it?09:35
N3WFI3u asked along time ago if anyone got asrock09:35
ecraneOne time I was at a lan party and got a windows game running in wine faster then the guy who had vista. It was pretty awesome.09:35
N3WFI3why the ?09:35
BaD_CrCnlindblad: since i work for dell, i'd say sure. :)09:35
jimChaosParser: I refer you to one of michael dell's choice comments at one of the keynotes at a linux world expo09:35
Unknownztheir value/quality ratio is not that good09:35
kelvin911anyone got asus laptop?09:36
ChaosParserjim: I've worked for Dell.  I've installed linux on more of their models than you've likely seen, ever.09:36
zcat[1]ChaosParser: well, I don't know.. I'd have to play with an intel mac sometime..09:36
GneaDell sold desktops with Redhat on the desktop back in 2000.  It failed, so they sold servers with redhat on it and stayed with Windows.  Last year, they gave Ubuntu a shot.09:36
kelvin911i only trust asus motherboard now09:36
jimChaosParser: did I say it won't install? :)09:36
razor-x11acer laptop with a asus dual core 1.8ghz each09:36
razor-x11asus are great mobo's09:36
zcat[1]kelvin911: current lappy is asus... only got 256M ram in it tho so it sucks bigtime..09:36
magnetronkelvin911: and i only trust you09:36
N3WFI3isnt asrock owned by asus09:36
N3WFI3or something09:36
* BaD_CrC is waiting for the public announcement of dell's so-called eeepc killer09:36
tobmaifso hi can i ask a question or what09:37
kelvin911zcat[1]: i will never buy laptop that has 256MB only, not even in 200209:37
zcat[1]I think it would be pretty good if it had like 512M even.. or a gig09:37
ChaosParserjim: Your arguement that dell 'doesn't like' linux is baseless.  They sell it.  Michael Dell uses Ubuntu on one of his notebooks, with the expection of the Optiplex 320 which has a borked sata controller, they all run Ubuntu pretty damned well.09:37
jimtobmaif: What!09:37
ChaosParserjim: *exception09:37
tobmaifjim:  what do you want?" the speaker09:37
kelvin911zcat[1]: for laptop u want more ram than usual09:37
razor-x11zcat[1], Depends on the mobo if it can handle a gig09:37
kelvin911zcat[1]: if running xp09:37
jimChaosParser: so they're changing their mind09:37
zcat[1]kelvin911: I didn't buy it.. I got given it after the guy who had it upgraded, and he flogged half the ram for his new lappy :)09:37
kelvin911zcat[1]: nice09:38
razor-x11Who here has a dual boot ubuntu and xp?09:38
jimthey're allowed, I suppose... I guess it was the changing market that convinced them09:38
zcat[1]kelvin911: well, I can't really complain :)09:38
kelvin911i just got a desktop for $30009:38
michael__i did razor why?09:38
Gneajim: dell and linux have been getting along just fine for over a decade, what are you smoking? :)09:38
razor-x11Gnea, He is probly smoking the same as me, i hate dell rollups lol09:39
ChaosParserGnea: He strikes me as parrotting BS he doesn't understand.09:39
GneaChaosParser: you and I are on the same page.09:39
Gnearazor-x11: lol09:39
razor-x11Gnea, Or maybe a pipe.09:39
razor-x11Who knows.09:40
jimI'm not saying I hate anything. the fact is dell hardware usually works pretty well, and installs linux as well as anything you can build yourself09:40
kelvin911asus P5ND2-SLI, p4 dual core 3.2 GHz, 1 GB ram, WD ATA 250 GB, geforce 7600 GT 256 MB, LG dvdram, for $30009:40
BaD_CrCubuntu works great on my old dell latitude d610 laptop. some people had lots of problems with it.09:40
ChaosParserjim: Yes, and?09:40
jimI still want a scsi laptop :P09:40
BaD_CrCthe obligatory !wfm09:40
kelvin911and the case is really nice and fasionable09:40
razor-x11I think building a pc is alot more wirth while and saves money half the time09:40
ChaosParserBaD_CrC: Anyone that has issues with the business line running linux from dell is likely an idiot.  They usually have RedHat drivers at support.dell.com09:40
kelvin911with all in one memory card reader09:40
Gneai think the only dynamic that dell adheres to that annoys most people is its dependence on proprietary hardware09:41
zcat[1]I'm seeing a trend in 'build for vista' hardware though.. the seem to pick all the really non-standard propriatory stuff that doesn't work well with linux09:41
jimrazor-x11: originally I didn't save much at all building... I picked better parts and more expensive ones usually09:41
razor-x11Gnea, Well dell has more money in it's bank account then me, Maybe that's why i hate them?09:41
BaD_CrCChaosParser: yeah, i know. and the good stuff at linux.dell.com/repo09:41
jimbut this last machine was pretty cost-effective09:41
ChaosParserGnea: What proprietary hardware??09:42
Gnearazor-x11: but that's because michael dell saw a grand opportunity that most everyone else did not and went for it09:42
jimrazor-x11: who's fault is that?!09:42
razor-x11jim, i goto to local computer fair and get the gear most sell it on for 3/4 off the retail price09:42
razor-x11It's my fault...09:42
* razor-x11 hang's head in shame.09:42
razor-x11lol =)09:42
nobbiHi @ all09:43
ChaosParserjim: What are you smoking?  The only real mainstream components that are Vista designed are the Direct X 10 video cards..09:43
BonezAUhi. o09:43
BaD_CrCrazor-x11: are you trying to say that dell is the microsoft of computer makers?!?  i highly don't think so. but since i work for dell, i'm biased. :)09:43
nobbiI need some help09:43
ChaosParserAnd the intel memory expansion shit.09:43
kelvin911is directx 10 that good?09:43
jimwho said anything about vista?! I didn't...09:43
zcat[1]ahh well, I mostly live off donated hardware, by the time I get it Linux support is pretty good :)09:43
ChaosParserBaD_CrC: Support?09:43
kelvin911i am afraid the future games need vista to run them09:43
BonezAUhi, i'm having problems installing *any* firefox extensions. More details at http://pastebin.com/m1d6dcad6 - anyone come across this before. I'm using the latest FF2 from the repos.09:43
jimpeople around here ought to read more comprehensively...09:43
razor-x11is it take a stabb at me to today?09:43
sluimersupgrading to 8.04 isn't working :(, I can't download the upgrades as I get 403 Forbidden errors... what can I do? I need that upgrade.09:43
nobbiI can't mount my sd card on my eee pc09:43
BaD_CrCChaosParser: i work in the Managed Services division on a contract with Boeing.09:43
* razor-x11 hides with Alan_M 09:44
jimnobbi: why?09:44
maekyay the IRC server is back up ... cheers guys09:44
GneaChaosParser: most of it is - the memory, for instance, has issues when swapped into/out of non-dell motherboards. it might work for a bit, but a small timing glitch can create a skew that will fry something, somewhere... about the only things worth trying to upgrade on your own (sans a warranty) are the PCI/AGP cards, cd drives and hard drives - and the HDs are iffy, especially if the backup support is wanted.09:44
ChaosParserBaD_CrC: Hah. Nice.  I used to love Boeing calls.  I'm former CNG and SMB Opti/Lat support09:44
nobbiI dont know09:44
ChaosParserBaD_CrC: * CBG09:44
Cahannobbi, http://www.eeeuser.com/ is pretty helpful09:44
nobbiWhen ever I try it won't work09:44
BaD_CrCChaosParser: sweet, so we are pretty much on the same page. :)09:44
=== hume_ is now known as hume
stefgsluimers: a.) there might be a server sync in progress b.) any proxy involved? c.) hardy is beta and has issues, do you know how to fix ubuntu when it breaks?09:44
ChaosParserGnea: Dell memory bought new or with a system carries a lifetime warranty...09:45
jimnobbi: if you can find out, it will help you with the solutio09:45
kelvin911dell uses what memory?09:45
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:45
zcat[1]daylight wasting time.. gotta go set some clocks back09:45
ChaosParsersluimers: You want Ubuntu +109:45
nobbiI can't change sdb1 cd rom09:45
sluimersstefg, a) what does that mean? b) no c) no09:45
glueri set my clocks back 6am09:45
sluimersUbuntu +l?09:46
kelvin911where u guys from?09:46
GneaChaosParser: i'm talking about someone who doesn't understand the concept and just goes out to find the quickest, cheapest solution - if the warranty isn't transferred properly then you're stuck09:46
kelvin911US or canada?09:46
jimkelvin911: yes09:46
ChaosParserGnea: And that is the company's problem, why?09:46
kelvin911anyone from vancouver?09:46
Cahankelvin911, probably all over the world09:46
stefgsluimers: the mirror-servers for the repos need to get their sync... they go offline for that09:46
GneaChaosParser: who said it was? :)09:46
sknh_what are the files in /var/log/mysql/mysql.bin.* contain?09:46
sluimersthanks Bad_crc09:46
sknh_are they important or they just logs?09:46
cvasilakhi there, is there any way i can tell vim to show the encoding of the file being edited on the status line?09:47
weltschmerzafter recently buying a mac book, i plug my ubuntu machine in and do some upgrades and...wow.  hardy is making me kind of regret spending 1400 bucks on a mac.09:47
gluermelbourne, australia09:47
jimsknh_: probably files... and maybe some directories...09:47
stefg!hardy | sluimers09:47
ubotusluimers: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu09:47
kelvin911weltschmerz: why?  ubuntu is better than OSX?09:47
weltschmerzsan francisco here.09:47
sknh_I want to free space09:47
Tobbsnmunich here09:47
sknh_and this folder has around 1GB of data09:47
stefgsluimers: and a word of advice. Take a backup before you upgrade, or consider waiting for the release if you ar no ubuntu-pro09:47
sknh_just wondering if it can be deleted09:47
jimI'd be very careful in there09:48
weltschmerzkelvin911 not overall, but it's sooo much better now with all the pretty u.i. tweaks.  it's so close that the cost makes it painful.09:48
BaD_CrCi'm getting ready to reboot for hardy upgrade here shortly. whee.09:48
kelvin911weltschmerz: how pretty?09:48
weltschmerzonce pulseaudio is more equivalent to coreaudio, and gnome has some better icon and theme sets, i think ubuntu will start being competitive with mac.09:48
Cahanis it worth upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10 via apt-get dist-upgrade?09:48
kelvin911i think OSX is already looks very good!09:48
weltschmerzwell...not as perty as osx.09:48
ChaosParserGnea: I used to hate that.  Freaking backwoods idiots that buy a 7 year old notebook, that happens to be from the business line, know nothing about it and expect support for the hacked copy of windows XP they just forced onto it somehow.09:48
weltschmerzit does.09:48
weltschmerzubuntu doesn't.09:49
kelvin911weltschmerz: except maybe it doesnt have cube09:49
weltschmerzonce ubuntu catches up just a bit, it will be competitive.09:49
BaD_CrCCahan: that's what i did09:49
jimCahan: you get 0.06!! of course it's worth it!09:49
sluimersstefg, I just got a clean install on my new computer and found out the USB network card will only work on Heron09:49
weltschmerzkelvin911 i'm saying that OS X exceeds linux/gnome at present.09:49
ChaosParserweltschmerz: Hardy can be as pretty as OSX.09:49
weltschmerzbut that the gap is closing.09:49
sluimersso thatś why09:49
weltschmerzChaosParser i highly doubt that.09:49
ChaosParserweltschmerz: Hardy can look exactly like OSX.  And doesn't get hacked in 3 minutes.09:49
GneaChaosParser: same here, until i learned about the "other" entry :)09:49
stefgsluimers: what model is that?09:49
weltschmerzthere are just elements of the consistent cocoa ui that are astonishing.09:49
Gneapop it in void, zip it up, go to lunch09:50
weltschmerzand hibernation and power management with my macbook astounds me.09:50
ChaosParserweltschmerz: http://www.taimila.com/?q=node/1109:50
kelvin911ubuntu need to make a theme that is 99.9% like OSX09:50
weltschmerzthat still wouldn't be the same.09:50
sluimersstefg, model computer or USB network adapter?09:50
Cahantalking about OSX UI always makes me hungry for chocolate :S09:50
BaD_CrCkelvin911: look on http://gnome-look.org/09:50
stefgsluimers: network adapter09:50
kelvin911BaD_CrC: i did09:50
ChaosParserkelvin911: There's a tutorial here: http://www.taimila.com/?q=node/1109:50
jimso osx makes you fat? :)09:50
Gneakelvin911: why don't you just install vmware and boot OSX that way? :)09:50
sluimersUSB is a WL-182 I think from sitecom, lemme check09:51
weltschmerzwith the new u.i., how do i cycle backwards through windows?09:51
kelvin911Gnea: i dont have osx09:51
mettao87can someone advise to me a repositories list for ubuntu studio gusty09:51
SwissPhoenix Hi there, I just toying around with hardy and noticed that any eth interface other than eth0 is being renamed to eth#_rename. I tried adding more interfaces to the 70-persistent-net.rules file, but that does not the trick....09:51
Gneakelvin911: so go find it09:51
kelvin911Gnea: is there a way to download it?09:51
zcat[1]i made kde look just like osx once, but apparenty it didn't behave like osx.. kinda hard since I never used osx :)09:51
Gneakelvin911: yes.09:51
kelvin911Gnea: where?09:51
zcat[1]gnome isn't really configurable enough09:51
Gneakelvin911: that information is considered off-topic. google.com is the best place to start, though.09:51
michael__my computer wont let me install vmware09:51
sluimersI read in a dutch Ubuntu forum someone got WL-181 working in Heron after trying everything else09:51
kelvin911Gnea: i never use vmware09:52
CahanSwissPhoenix, #ubuntu+109:52
sluimersand since theyŕe pretty similair...09:52
ChaosParserzcat[1]: What crack are you smoking? I use gnome and the only thing on my desktop at the moment is the Avant dock.09:52
kelvin911Gnea:  can u run xp in vmware?09:52
jimxen is pretty good09:52
Gneakelvin911: yes.09:52
kelvin911Gnea: how good?09:52
kelvin911Gnea: can u play games thru it?09:52
tobmaif_so hi can i ask a question or what09:52
Gneakelvin911: very good. yes.09:52
CreationistIs it possible to have Sound Juicer rip CDs faster?  Right now it's only reading at 4.5x for some reason.09:52
zcat[1]ChaosParser: well, I never found it configureable enough :)09:52
SwissPhoenixCahan: tnx09:52
Gnea!ask | tobmaif_09:52
ubotutobmaif_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:52
kelvin911Gnea: so how does vmware work?09:52
kelvin911Gnea: install it and it will run the winxp i have on my C:\?09:53
eth01kelvin911: it virtually runs an OS.09:53
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications09:53
eth01in simple terms09:53
ChaosParserkelvin911: OpenGL and 3D acceleration won't work in VMWare... so games taht requie it won't run properly since it doesn't have direct access to your video card.09:53
Creationistkelvin911: Just a word of warning and I just got here so I don't know all that you're asking, but using VMware or VirtualBox to play games isn't very good because they don't allow you to use 3D acceleration (so your graphics card isn't supported).09:53
Gneakelvin911: you install it, run it, create a virtual disk and use real or virtual hardware to interface with it - basically it's a whole computer running on your desktop09:53
ChaosParserCreationist: Owe me a beer. :-p09:54
weltschmerzcreationist: where's the creator?09:54
Gneakelvin911: your best bet there is to visit vmware.com and ask in #vmware09:54
* Creationist slides a beer down to ChaosParser even though his own explanation was more grammatically correct ;)09:54
jimunless you provide full access to the hardware09:54
weltschmerzi sure haven't observed any intelligent entities besides humans.09:54
kelvin911Gnea: so basically u cant run games on vmware09:54
Creationist!off-topic | weltschmerz09:54
ubotuweltschmerz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:54
Creationistkelvin911: No games that you'd want to run, no.09:54
ChaosParserCreationist: Yes, but you forgot to mention OpenGL.09:54
GneaCreationist: funny, i've gotten GL-based games to run just fine in vmware09:55
* Creationist sits in shame to ChaosParser's obvious dominance here :)09:55
kelvin911doom3, quake4 are they openGL or?09:55
weltschmerzof course, it's easy to be defensive when you support something so astoundingly anti-scientific as creationism.09:55
CreationistGnea: Hmm... well, GL-based games run just fine under linux itself ;)09:55
Creationistkelvin911: Yes, they are... but they have native Linux version too, though.09:55
ChaosParserGnea: They may work, but not as they would...09:55
alkisgHi guys. On my laptop which acts as an ltsp server (ubuntu hardy), if I press Fn+Left arrow key to turn down the screen brightness, a (software) popup window is displayed that shows the brightness. The problem is that the LTSP clients also see this window!!! Any clues on where to report this bug? (or how to fix it?)09:55
jimkelvin911: I run doom3 and quake4, they use the hw accel of the card09:56
GneaCreationist: that's not the point, the point is that you made a statement that is false and i was correcting that oversight09:56
jimand its driver09:56
xukunI finally got the fonts rendering right in ubuntu. My fonts is now more sharper and better for the eyes. If anybody wants this I can help09:56
kelvin911Creationist: i cant get them working on linux, i dont have valid cdkey09:56
yao_ziyua1is there any easy way to clean up obsolete config files?09:56
yao_ziyua1those .* in my user directory09:56
gluerplay Sauerbraten!! YA YA ;-)09:56
weltschmerzi thought some recent benchmarks showed some nvidia card doing best in linux.09:56
CreationistGnea: Hmm... I've never heard of anyone running ANY 3D games in a virtual machine... but even if they could, performance issues would almost always make it undesirable.09:56
gluersorry jar jar09:56
yao_ziyua1also, "downloader for x" often leave incomplete downloads as .*09:56
zcat[1]saurbraten sucks.. play urban terror 4.109:56
GneaChaosParser: it depends on how good the hardware is09:56
Creationistkelvin911: Then try purchasing the game first.09:56
weltschmerzif you want an OS for gaming, buy an XBOX.09:57
ChaosParserGnea: Well yeah.  If you're running a virutal OS with a couple quad core processors, sure.09:57
ChaosParserGnea: On the average consumer computer, not so much.09:57
kelvin911so if u cant play games on vmware whats the point of running xp under vmware?09:57
GneaCreationist: well, until you've tried it yourself, i suggest against spouting an opinion that is baseless. :)09:57
jimxboxes and ps3s are too expensive for what they are09:57
Creationistkelvin911: Most people run XP in a virtual machine for other software... business applications and such.09:57
ChaosParserGnea: I can install and launch say, WoW or City of Heroes in a virtual environment... But the graphics and lag is laughable.09:57
kelvin911Creationist: ok09:57
CreationistGnea: My research isn't baseless.  I don't need to try everything to know what research shows.09:58
zcat[1]virtual machine != wine09:58
CreationistGnea: But if it worked for you, then great.... but suggesting it to someone else is a very bad idea when the VAST majority of experts say it can't be done.09:58
gluerSauerbraten rocks man09:58
ChaosParserjim: Not really.  The Ps3 allows another OS to be installed, and has a rather remarkable processor.09:58
p1r4t3hi, i am relatively new to linux, and i have installed linux on my laptop. the sound worked for a while, until today. the ubuntu install cd makes the sound card work, but the installed ubuntu does not. I am not shure how to un-install the sound drivers and re-install them with linux and i was wondering if someone could help. thanx.09:58
GneaCreationist: did you know that it's possible to boot OSX in vmware?09:58
CreationistGnea: Never had any desire to do so personally.09:59
kelvin911Creationist: thats funny that when i was still in university i need to instal cygwin to do my computer assignments and math research stuffs09:59
tobmaifso hi can i ask a question or what09:59
Creationist!ask | tob09:59
ubotutob: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:59
zcat[1]nah; UrT4.1, tremulous, or WoP are way better that Saurbraten09:59
GneaCreationist: so what would your area of expertise be with?09:59
CreationistGnea: My area of expertise is ignoring elitist little jerks on IRC :P09:59
kelvin911but now i am running real unix system and i need virtual machine to play games09:59
ChaosParserGnea: Why wouldn't it be possible?10:00
GneaCreationist: i was referring to real-world application. thanks for the answer though :)10:00
ChaosParserkelvin911: What games do you play?10:00
* zcat[1] wonders what Creationist uses to read his email..10:00
Creationistkelvin911: Then I wish you the best of luck.  Everything I've learned while trying to do the same has shown me it can't be done effectively.  So I keep WIndows installed alongside.10:00
kelvin911ChaosParser: many10:00
sknh_where can I find the mysql config file on 7.10/10:00
kelvin911ChaosParser: recently i play ET mostly10:00
sknh_is it /etc/mysql/my.cnf ?10:00
Creationistzcat[1]: Pardon?10:00
ChaosParserkelvin911: First person shooters or MMORPGs?10:00
p1r4t3could anyone direct me to someone that could help me?10:00
gluerkelvin: mate just dual boot you'll never get decent gaming performance in a vm10:01
kelvin911ChaosParser: i dont play rpg10:01
zcat[1]Creationist: the default email client in ubuntu, or something different?10:01
Creationistzcat[1]: I use Gmail, actually.10:01
Conartistroot@Conartist:/usr/src/alsa/alsa-driver-1.0.16# sudo make install10:01
Conartistif [ -L /usr/include/sound ]; then \10:01
Conartist                rm -f /usr/include/sound; \10:01
Conartist                ln -sf /usr/src/alsa/alsa-driver-1.0.16/include/sound /usr/include/sound; \10:01
Conartist        else \10:01
Creationistzcat[1]: Why?10:01
Conartist                rm -rf /usr/include/sound; \10:01
FloodBot2Conartist: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:01
Gneakelvin911: i've found that it's better to create a virtual disk instead of using a physical one.10:01
zcat[1]rofl.. yeah, ok10:01
ChaosParserkelvin911: Well, There's Wine... and Cedega.  They'll generally give you better results than a virtual macine.10:01
kelvin911ChaosParser: i play like et, doom3, quake4, winning eleven, san andreas, nfs, etc10:01
CreationistChaosParser: You could also look into Crossover Games.10:01
kelvin911ChaosParser: problem is i cant run those game on wine10:01
kelvin911ChaosParser: no cdkey10:02
gluerzcat: you dont like sauerbraten10:02
Creationistkelvin911: Oh yeah... you need to buy the game.  We don't offer support for piracy here.10:02
ChaosParserkelvin911: Then dual boot.10:02
kelvin911Creationist: i dont need support for private10:02
kelvin911Creationist: i already have them on xp10:02
Creationistzcat[1]: May I ask what your qualm is?10:02
kelvin911ChaosParser: i dual boot xp + ubuntu10:02
Creationistkelvin911: Then keep them on XP.10:03
gluerzcat: where do i get urt4.1?10:03
zcat[1]gluer: not really.. has a weird sway effect on strafing that makes me sick, and other than that, just not very exciting10:03
tonyyarussop1r4t3: crimsun, if you can be _really_ nice and polite about it :)  Please see https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/42718/comments/11 for all audio-related problems first.10:03
GneaCreationist: he asked you what email client you used and you never gave him an answer.10:03
CreationistGnea: Yes, I did.  ANd he scoffed at my answer.10:03
zcat[1]Gnea: yes he did10:03
* Gnea scrolls up10:03
Gneaoh, ok10:03
CreationistGnea: :P10:03
glueruse Thunderbird10:03
Gneanot sure what's wrong with gmail...10:04
Gneain a month, yahoo mail might be obsolete...10:04
CreationistIs it possible to have Sound Juicer rip CDs faster?  Right now it's only reading at 4.5x for some reason.10:04
kelvin911anyone play flight simulator?10:04
CreationistHas MS bought Yahoo yet?10:04
kelvin911i think its fun10:04
zcat[1]hehe.. just wondering, was suggesting to the local church that they should switch to linux. Not sure how they'd feel about using 'evolution' for their email tho :)10:04
travkinGoogle bought Yahoo. :>10:04
CahanCreationist, no10:04
Creationistzcat[1]: Ahhhh..... I get it now :)10:04
Gneai don't know, what does /. have to say about it?10:04
ChaosParserzcat[1]: There's always thunderbird.10:04
Creationistzcat[1]: I would have no problem using EVolution.10:04
=== garbanzo is now known as Weramasu
maopzcat[1]: not mentioning about stop/Start daemons10:05
gluerzcat: Utr4.1?? where do i get it?10:05
zcat[1]yeah, and any OS with 'daemons' in it..10:05
tonyyarussotravkin: and your reference for that is what?10:05
WeramasuHas anyone here had success installing Ubuntu on a laptop with ATI X1400 graphics card?10:05
Creationistmaop: Isn't that pronounced day-mons?10:05
zcat[1]gluer: urbanterror.net I think.. or .org.. Can't remember10:05
CahanWeramasu, no but I've done it on a laptop with an ATI X700! >_>10:06
Gneaday-mons is correct.10:06
maopCreationist: yep, i guess, i'm not a english native speaker ;)10:06
kelvin911people on urbanterror server are not nice10:06
p1r4t3hi, i am relatively new to linux, and i have installed linux on my laptop. the sound worked for a while, until today. the ubuntu install cd makes the sound card work, but the installed ubuntu does not. I am not shure how to un-install the sound drivers and re-install them with linux and i was wondering if someone could help. thanx. or direct me to somewhere that some one could help me.10:06
Creationistmaop: Lucky you lol10:06
tobmaifso hi can i ask a question or what10:06
tonyyarussop1r4t3: did you read my answer?10:06
WeramasuCahan:  i keep getting errors when i try to install from the livecd.  "The display server has been shut down about 6 times..."10:06
maopCreationist: in fact, daemons is a old word meaning angels he10:06
Gnea!sound | p1r4t310:06
ubotup1r4t3: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:06
Creationisttobmaif: How many times do we need to tell you to just ask?10:06
stefg!sound | p1r4t310:06
tobmaifCreationist: you betcha10:06
WeramasuCahan:  I can't login to the wireless network from the livecd so I can't run the apt-get commands10:07
Gneaobvious troll10:07
CreationistI prefer ogres myself.10:07
maopi have this monaco font from mac os x, it totally rules!10:07
kelvin911so did ubuntu have better support on wireless?10:07
Gneai understand ogres get pretty hungry sometimes10:07
p1r4t3thank you ubotu. ill check that out.10:07
CahanWeramasu, X worked fine for me since 6.06, sorry : /10:07
Weramasuanyone know how to get wireless internet from the livecd?10:07
kelvin911the last time i check  a year ago, i cant make my laptop's wireless working in ubuntu10:08
Conartisthelp plssss......10:08
ChaosParserWeramasu: Since it generally requires installing firmware and then rebooting.... nope.10:08
progmanosubotu is a bot10:08
ubotuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.10:08
Conartisti did what the page asked me to do10:08
ChaosParserWeramasu: Use ethernet.10:08
zcat[1]Weramasu: have a rt2400 wifi card?10:08
CreationistDoes anyone know how to increase the ripping speed for Sound Juicer?10:08
Conartistand now i cant open up my alsa mixer10:08
Conartistwhen i try to open up my mixer10:08
Conartistit says10:08
zcat[1]or something equally well supported by totally free drivers and not needing firmware10:08
Conartistno volume control gstreamer10:09
Conartistwhat should i do10:09
tonyyarusso!enter | Conartist10:09
ubotuConartist: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:09
Conartisthelp plsss!!10:09
ecranebots are people too!10:09
igarciaim new to ubuntu how do i find files from the command line?10:09
Weramasui have the internal thinkpad t60 wireless card and a orinoco gold10:09
Weramasuwill either of those work?10:09
tonyyarussoigarcia: locate works for many things.  Also, find.10:09
Cahan!bash | igarcia10:09
ubotuigarcia: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:09
Starnestommyigarcia: 'locate filename' or 'find / | grep filename'10:09
zcat[1]Weramasu: I think orinoco .. boot and see I guess10:09
Conartistcan anyone help me try solving this problem10:09
Conartisti need help plsss!!10:10
tonyyarussoStarnestommy: find / -name filename10:10
ChaosParserConartist: did this happen after an update?10:10
ChaosParserConartist: And what version of ubuntu are you using>10:10
Conartisti just did an update10:10
Weramasuwhat's the command to login to a wireless network using a WEP key?10:10
Conartistwith my alsa lib10:10
Conartistalsa tool10:10
Conartistand after a reboot10:10
FloodBot2Conartist: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:10
zcat[1]was really impressed that my SMC card and USB wifi both work right from the live CD .. pity the onboard broadcom doesn't.10:10
igarciai just installed kismet is there a gui for it?10:11
StevethepirateHaaai. I'm looking for a linux proxy server that allows me to use a socks5 server as its uplink/upstream. Tinyproxy only allows http upstreams.. and squid would be _far_ too much of a mission to set up...10:11
ChaosParserzcat[1]: Broadcom is a nightmare.10:11
Conartisthi use ubuntu 7.1010:11
jimConartist: hmm, the bot thinks you're flooding or starting to... why?10:11
Conartistcan you help me in a sort of way??10:11
tonyyarussoStarnestommy: I'm not 100% sure if it meets the requirements, but check out polipo.  Very similar to squid, but on a much smaller scale.10:11
zcat[1]ChaosParser: had it working in gutsy.. still haven't got it sorted in hardy.. will probably wait until 24th 'cos every kernel upgrade is probably going to break it again anyhow10:12
Stevethepiratetonyyarusso: polipo: kinky.. i'll checkz it outz10:12
DarkJusticeI just downloaded a theme for gdm but I can't seem to find where to go to choose the theme I put in /gdm/themes...10:12
jimConartist: I am helping... think about why the bot thinks you're flooding10:13
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.10:13
zcat[1]DarkJustice: leave the theme in ~ and click '+ Add' button in the theme thingy10:13
Conartistman...i m very new in this sort of thing, ubuntu, mirc, and i just want to know how to make my sound work, that s all i m asking10:13
ChaosParserConartist: Did you update manually, or did Update Manager do it?10:13
zcat[1]well, that worked for emerald anyhow10:13
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:14
Conartisti updated it mannualy10:14
DarkJusticezcat[1]: ok, for emerald I'll try that10:14
Conartistfrom the terminal10:14
StarnestommyConartist: are you using 7.10 or 8.04?10:14
ChaosParserConartist: For someone new at this, that was a Bad Idea.10:14
michael`ok, befor i ask somewhat: sorry for my very bad english :)10:14
igarciais there a gui for kismet or a better program? i have heard of aircrack but not sure if its good10:14
Conartistthe ubuntu tutorial site said it would help10:14
kelvin911can anyone tell me which dock this guy uses ??? http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/75563-1.jpeg see picture10:14
Conartistso i did as they told me10:15
zcat[1]igarcia: I think kismet is all console.. there's kismet-client tho which shows a batter view of what kismet-server picks up.10:15
Conartistcan i talk to someone in a private tab??10:15
DarkJusticezcat[1]: sorry I'm brand new... so ~ is what folder?10:15
ChaosParserConartist: Did it work before you updated it?10:15
CreationistOKay, if no one knows how to rip CD's faster than 4.5x with Sound Juicer, could someone suggest an alternative program to rip to .ogg?10:15
michael`so - can i upgrade a debian stable to the current ubuntu version?10:15
CreationistDarkJustice: ~ is just a shortcut to /home/[username]/10:16
zcat[1]DarkJustice: ~ is home  -- '/home/yourlogin/'10:16
DarkJusticezcat[1]: ok thanks10:16
jimmichael`: those are pretty different10:16
Conartistyes it worked10:16
Creationistzcat[1]: He thanks you... heh, you owe me a beer ;)10:16
Conartistbut i still had no sound...but at least my mixer worked10:16
ZweisteineHi! A recent update (Hardy) broke the brightness keys on my Dell laptop. How can I see a list of changes in packages, similar to the one in the update-manager?10:16
Conartistnow , even my mixer is down10:16
Conartistafter i did the update mannualy10:17
CreationistPick it up, Con.10:17
ZweisteineSorry. Just read the topic.10:17
ChaosParserConartist: Open Synaptic Package Manager, mark everything alsa for removal, then reinstall from terminal using sudo apt-get install nameofpackageyouremoved10:17
zcat[1]Creationist: would you settle for a shotglass of straight ethanol?10:17
DarkJusticesorry Creationist, I was looking for the zcat[1] nick10:17
Creationistzcat[1]: Hmm... is it organic?10:17
michael`jim: yes - i know. the first question is: will ubuntu boot after an upgrade from debian stable?10:17
Conartistchaos...i m a noob in linux..can i talk to you on private???10:18
zcat[1]Creationist: was helping a guy today who distills for a hobby .. it's good stuff..10:18
ChaosParserZweisteine: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy10:18
zcat[1]nothing like drinking something that doubles as lighter fuel10:18
Cahan would it be better to install the server edition and then a GUI or install a desktop and then gut it of everything I don't like?10:19
igarciawhat program do you use to download video from rss feeds like revision3 i dont really like miro seems to upload and slow things down on my internet connection.10:19
ChaosParserCahan: Server edition comes with a GUI?10:19
CahanChaosParser, I mean install server and then apt-get Xorg and a window manager10:20
Conartistchaos plss....how can i talk to you on private???10:20
Conartisti have a lot of things marked with alsa...in synaptic, i delete all of them???10:21
DarkJusticezcat[1]: ok tried that but it's not recognizing it at all, sees the folder but nothing inside of it10:21
twosouls82is it normal that /var/log/apparmor is empty?10:21
ChaosParserConartist: System> Administration> Synaptic Package Manager, search alsa.  Mark everything alsa for removal, then reinstall from terminal using sudo apt-get install nameofpackageyouremoved.  It cannot be explained more simply than that.10:21
igarciai found this to customize the install of ubuntu not sure if its good but i found this http://reconstructor.aperantis.com/10:21
zcat[1]DarkJustice: hmm .. how about Desktop?10:22
nsetionoanyone alive ?10:22
Conartistyes man...so i remove all the alsa files from my computer, and when i reinstall alsa from my terminal , = sudo apt-get install (i dont understand this part)10:22
DarkJusticezcat[1] ok I'll paste it on the desktop and see if that helps10:23
ChaosParserConartist: To reinstall, you type sudo apt-get install thenameofeachpackageyoujustremoved.10:23
nsetionoi got a problem when using iptables10:23
ChaosParser: cries.10:23
zcat[1]apt-get install --reinstall  :-)10:23
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ChaosParserzcat[1]: No.  He needs the repo versions of alsa.10:24
zcat[1]ahh, 'k10:24
ChaosParserzcat[1]: Which isn't what he has installed.10:24
CreationistOKay, if no one knows how to rip CD's faster than 4.5x with Sound Juicer, could someone suggest an alternative program to rip to .ogg?10:24
nsetionoi'm new on ubuntu10:24
DKongwhat rss downloader is the best? i want to download video and mp3 podcasts10:24
Conartistso when i remove for example.."alsa-base" after that i should type in the terminal , apt-get install alsa-base?10:25
ChaosParserCreationist: GnomeBaker10:25
DarkJusticeomg this is frustrating10:25
ChaosParserConartist: yes.10:25
Conartistfor everything that i remove?10:25
nsetionoi need help on ubuntu hiks :(10:25
ChaosParserConartist: yes.10:25
DarkJusticezcat[1]: doesn't seem to matter where I put it, emerald only sees it as an empty folder.. the theme files are .png and .xml files10:25
Conartisti remove....i type in the terminal, i remove i type in the terminal?10:25
CreationistChaosParser: That rips too, huh?  Faster than 4.5x?10:26
mark[oz]anyone on here tried to install ubuntu on an eeepc?10:26
ChaosParserCreationist: Yep.10:26
Conartistdoesnt matter in what order i remove them?10:26
DarkJusticeis there possibly another them program I should be using for the gdm theme?10:26
nsetionoFATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.22-8-server/modules.dep: No such file or directory10:26
ChaosParserCreationist: Actually, gimme one second and I'll check the speed to be sure.10:26
DKongmy ubuntu laptop is not seeing my windows server or any other pc on my network how do i reinstall samba?10:27
Cahanmark[oz], www.eeeuser.com has some good guides on installing various flavours of Ubuntu10:27
Conartistchaos:doesnt matter in what order i remove them?10:27
Conartistor i remove them randomly?10:27
ChaosParserDKong: System> Administration> Synaptic Package Manager, search alsa samba, mark all packages for reinstallation10:27
ChaosParserConartist: Doesn't matter10:27
Conartistok man10:27
Conartistbrb after i do all those things10:28
CreationistChaosParser: Hmm... I can't even find the option to rip it lol10:28
Conartistdont you go away:)10:28
Cyrus25801how do i transfer my mail in thunderbird from 1 linux hdd to the other10:28
Carroarmato0Has anyone got experience with switching a Desktop Ubuntu to the Sever edition?10:28
N3WFI3they can be switched?10:28
iceswordCarbonflux, don't do that sir10:28
tonyyarussoN3WFI3: of course - they're the same OS.10:29
SlimG"dpkg --configure -a" reports that I have several syntax-errors in /var/lib/dpkg-updates/003 , is it safe to remove all the files in the /var/lib/dpkg-updates/ folder and regenerate them using "aptitude update" ?10:29
tonyyarussoCarroarmato0: just switch kernels and don't start GDM in your default runlevel, and you're done.10:29
p1r4t3hi, i think i m going to re install ubuntu to get the sound going... thanks for the help... cya10:29
Dr_willisgee i wonder whats so special about the server kernel.10:29
kelvin911what icon theme u guys use?10:29
ChaosParserCreationist: Or not.  My bad.  It just copies.  Why not just use VLC?10:29
iceswordno that kind of switch ,plz10:30
Carroarmato0tonyyarusso: I have all my files on my account on the system, will they get affected?10:30
CreationistChaosParser: Will that rip to .OGG?10:30
StarnestommyDr_willis: it's compiled with different options to make it more effecient for servers10:30
ConartistE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:30
tonyyarussoDr_willis: compile-time configurations for whether the priority is on mouse/gui responsiveness or lower-level stuff with more IO than interrupts.10:30
ChaosParserCreationist: Quick open the disc, then select wizard, transcode as vorbis, select bitrate, save as whatever.  Yeah.10:30
tonyyarussoCarroarmato0: You're not changing the system at all.10:30
ChaosParserConartist: Close everything else you have open10:30
Conartistthis is when i try to reinstall alsa-base10:30
=== DKong is now known as DKong-JR
Conartistoh yes10:30
suxxori`ve installed vmware can i install for example windows selecting directory of my hard or i must installed it inserting cd on which is written the windows10:30
ChaosParsersuxxor: You need the cd.10:31
Carbonfluxicesword, do what ?10:31
suxxorok 10x10:31
Dr_willissuxxor,  you dont want to run a preinstalled windows system from its hard drive. that can cause issues10:31
CreationistChaosParser: THanks for the tip, but I'm looking for something a little more straightforward - like Sound Juicer but faster than 4.5x (which is ridiculously slow)10:31
iceswordCarbonflux, switch from desktop to server10:31
Carroarmato0tonyyarusso: So when I've installed the server, is there any fancy webcontrole interface which I can manage the system by default?10:31
Carbonfluxicesword, my machine froze and left a Ghost nick :)10:32
tonyyarussoCarroarmato0: no.  Servers doing have a GUI - that's kinda the point.10:32
Carroarmato0tonyyarusso: or do I have to install like webmin?10:32
DarkJusticeOMG I can't even set a new background for the desktop.... wtf does ubuntu use to set the dang wallpaper/theme etc. by default?10:32
tonyyarussoCarroarmato0: webmin is not supported nor recommended.10:32
Dr_willisthers some alternatives to webmin out now i belive10:32
CahanCarroarmato0, you're better off just using ssh10:32
Dr_willisebox sounds right. :)10:32
voidvoidguestcan't activate my /dev/fb010:33
voidvoidguestI don't know which manual page to read10:33
tobmaifhi sry but np10:33
Starnestommyvoidvoidguest: you need to enable the framebuffer10:33
Carroarmato0Cahan, tonyyarusso, so it's basicly a server in the strict sense of the word?10:33
Conartisteverything marked with alsa?10:33
Cyrus25801how do i transfer my mail in thunderbird from 1 linux hdd to the other10:33
voidvoidguesthow would i do that?10:33
CreationistDarkJustice: Hmm... right-click the desktop?10:33
Conartistdid you say?10:33
nsetionoanyone can help me pls10:33
Starnestommyvoidvoidguest: if you're using 7.10, try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65203810:33
tonyyarussoCarroarmato0: "strict"?  It serves...what more do you want?10:34
Creationist!ask | nsetiono10:34
ubotunsetiono: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:34
ChaosParserConartist: Yes.10:34
christophorosguys any ideas why i cant watch dvd ? i have grafics card and all codecs installed what am i  issing?10:34
voidvoidguestthanks Starnestommy10:34
voidvoidguestlater on then10:34
Creationistchristophoros: What happens when you try to watch one?10:34
CahanCarroarmato0, in that it has no GUI and prioritises server processes over user ones by default10:34
ChaosParserchristophoros: What program are you using, and what happens when you try to watch a DVD?10:34
Starnestommynsetiono: try 'sudo depmod -a'10:34
CreationistChaosParser: And again.. you're more detailed ;)  The program question was my next one.10:34
nsetionoi had installing the iptables but when i try to run it it's give me an error, you can look the error at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62297/10:34
DarkJusticeCreationist: wonderful, thank you very much.. now, lol any suggestions on how to get that entire theme to work?10:35
Carroarmato0tonyyarusso: although I don't have a problem working with ssh and such.... I was kinda expecting a webinterface to connect to it and manage it from there in all comodity. :)10:35
ChaosParserCreationist: I've been a tech support slave.10:35
CreationistDarkJustice: Have you looked at System -> Preferences -> Appearance?10:35
nsetionoStarnestommy : not work because /lib/modules/2.6.22-8-server/modules.dep not available10:35
ChaosParserDarkJustice: Drag the theme package to the appearance window.10:35
christophoroscreationist it starts the dvd without showing me image and sometimes the image is flashing with scenes of the movie i can hear the music10:35
DarkJusticeCreationist: yeah but I'll look again, and try what ChaosParser said too10:35
CreationistChaosParser: Man, I get so frustrated just telling my mother how to login lol.... over, and over, and over again.10:35
ChaosParserchristophoros: What program are you using?10:35
tonyyarussoCarroarmato0: The reason such a thing is not included is because those types of control interfaces have serious security issues, and the technical board prefers to ship a secure product than a "convenient" one.10:35
nsetionohad searching on google but get nothing :(10:36
FreeNod1how do I gain root authorization on my desktop? :|10:36
DKong-JRwhat rss downloader do you guys use?10:36
StarnestommyFreeNod1: gksudo?10:36
FreeNod1I have to chmod  things constantly10:36
christophoroschaosparser totem10:36
ChaosParserCreationist: I did AOL support... [there's nothing worse].  And Dell Corporate Business Group, and Dell Small Business.10:36
Creationistchristophoros: Okay... first step is to try different programs.  Try Totem ("Movie Player") and VLC.10:36
SlimG"dpkg --configure -a" reports that I have several syntax-errors in /var/lib/dpkg-updates/003 , is it safe to remove all the files in the /var/lib/dpkg-updates/ folder and regenerate them using "aptitude update" ?10:36
ChaosParserchristophoros: Totem is crap.  sudo apt-get install vlc10:36
FreeNod1gksudo? Starnestommy ok cheers :D10:36
CreationistChaosParser: Worse than AOL could be MS.10:36
Carroarmato0tonyyarusso: ok I get it. But the sever is like, pure server, and not a Home Server?10:36
Starnestommynsetiono: are you using the kernel that came with ubuntu?10:36
tonyyarussoFreeNod1: ...don't mess with system permissions...10:36
nsetionoStarnestommy : yes10:36
CreationistChaosParser: I hate totem too, but can't get rid of it without getting rid of the mozilla plugin (the only plugin that works for me)10:37
tonyyarussoCarroarmato0: define "home server"?  You can set up whatever programs you need.10:37
christophoroslemme try chaosparser10:37
ChaosParserCreationist: Eh.  Support for Dell = Windows + Hardware.10:37
eksteliswhen tryin to dl xfe .... which file do i need?  a .deb .rpm .sh or a .gz ?10:37
Starnestommynsetiono: and did you try 'sudo depmod -a'?  What did it output?10:37
CreationistChaosParser: Good point.10:37
Starnestommyekstelis: .deb10:37
ekstelisim usin gnome ubuntu10:37
nsetionoStarnestommy : WARNING: Couldn't open directory /lib/modules/2.6.22-8-server: No such file or directory10:37
ekstelis xfe_1.04-1_i386.deb   Mirror   1678964  1112  i386  .deb10:37
Carroarmato0tonyyarusso: Well by "strict server" I mean the "hardcore" stuff like you mean, and by "Home server" I am picturing the comodity stuff10:37
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ekstelisright ?10:37
Starnestommyekstelis: yes10:38
CreationistChaosParser: If you're into comedy, search Google for "neurotically yours tech support" :)10:38
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DarkJusticeCreationist: hmmm well it says file format invalid, I'm guessing I can't use .png or .xml files for Appearance10:38
ChaosParserCreationist: Foamy is my hero.10:38
Mikkel`Hello .. i need help .. i will Download hldsupdatetool.bin from steampowered.. and i use wget on this server linux .. and now can i not get this file:S i get error .. "Cannot write to `hldsupdatetool.bin' (Permission denied)." - what error?? .. Thx ... Help ;)10:38
ikmhi there10:38
FreeNod1tonyyarusso: I have LAMP on my desktop and it's a pain xD isn't there a way to have native root permissions?10:38
mrgozinyahsweet, we can have longer nicks on this server10:38
FreeNod1through my nick?10:38
tonyyarussoCarroarmato0: I don't understand.  I run the exact same things on my "home server" as my "corporate servers".10:38
CreationistDarkJustice: Nope.  Theme files are usually archives (.gz or similar extention).10:38
CreationistDarkJustice: They contain many different files, not just one graphic.10:38
nsetionoStarnestommy : so what i can do now ?10:39
ChaosParserMikkel`: try throwing a sudo infront of your command.10:39
xrhstaraspatrahi from greece10:39
CahanFreeNod1, closest you can get is to do sudo su and do everything from the command line, or switch to Windows :p10:39
xrhstaraspatrai'm install ubuntu beta right now10:39
tonyyarussoFreeNod1: Uh, only if you WANT to circumvent every aspect of intelligent secure system design, which you can do, but this channel won't support.10:39
Mikkel`ChaosParser: I trying sudo 2 sec ;)10:39
DarkJusticeCreationist: ohhhhh doi, so drag the .gz archive... someday I might understand linux lol10:39
Starnestommynsetiono: you may need to reinstall the kernel, but I'm not sure how10:39
Carroarmato0tonyyarusso: so it's just the same thing, different name depending on the location of the server :D10:39
ChaosParserDarkJustice: Take the tar.gz.  Drag it into the window.  That's all there is to it.10:39
Mikkel`ChaosParser: Goodike It working Thx ;)10:39
tonyyarussoCarroarmato0: sure10:39
ikmi am installing ubuntu 7.10 with alternate CD, giving country name and keyboard layout it shows a BLUE screen and from the last 25 minutes nothing happend, isthis normal? should i wait more?10:39
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:39
FreeNod1tonyyarusso: llololol10:39
xrhstaraspatrai'm installing ubuntu last beta10:40
xrhstaraspatraright now10:40
CreationistDarkJustice: Linux takes a lot of time to get the hang of the ins and outs.  But it's a fun trip :)10:40
ChaosParserMikkel`: No problem.  Glad it worked.10:40
tonyyarussoxrhstaraspatra: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy10:40
Cahanxrhstaraspatra, #ubuntu+110:40
Mikkel`ChaosParser: :P10:40
FreeNod1Cahan: yes... command line :( lol10:40
Carroarmato0tonyyarusso: gonna make myself a toaster server in that case :D10:40
tonyyarussoCarroarmato0: to match your dead badger server?10:40
xrhstaraspatraand i would like to know if i'm gonna have any problems having vista together10:40
CahanFreeNod1, the command line is a warm, comforting and fun place to be!10:40
ikmtonyyarusso:   i am installing ubuntu 7.10 with alternate CD, giving country name and keyboard layout it shows a BLUE screen and from the last 25 minutes nothing happend, isthis normal? should i wait more?10:40
ChaosParserFreeNod1: The Ubuntu Devs STRONGLY advise that you never, ever, sudo su.10:41
Starnestommyxrhstaraspatra: #ubuntu+1 is for support with 8.04 beta10:41
CreationistCahan: Yeah, as long as you don't have to type anything into it ;)10:41
tonyyarussoikm: well, you can wait a bit more, but that doesn't sound good.  Did you run the integrity check yet on the CD?10:41
DarkJusticeChaosParser: thanks for that tip, but I tried dragging twotowers.tar.gz to Appearance and still says File Format invalid10:41
xrhstaraspatrai want to refer a problem10:41
loawhere i can find list of devices, who have open source drivers?10:41
FreeNod1ChaosParser: ok cheers... I won't ^^10:41
ChaosParserFreeNod1: It is not supported, by anyone, and voids commerical support contracts, actually.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo10:41
xrhstaraspatrawith the previously beta10:41
ikmtonyyarusso: NOT YET10:41
tonyyarussosudo -i or sudo -s is preferable to sudo su, and even then should be used sparingly.10:41
Carroarmato0tonyyarusso: yeah, he was starting to get smelly and scare the kids....10:41
xrhstaraspatraof hardy heron10:41
Starnestommy!hardy | xrhstaraspatra10:42
xrhstaraspatrathe previous beta had a problem with localization update10:42
ubotuxrhstaraspatra: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu10:42
tonyyarussoikm: hmm, might be one thing you could try to attempt a diagnosis.10:42
Carroarmato0tonyyarusso: ... and get everyone sick when making toast :D10:42
xrhstaraspatrafor greece10:42
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ChaosParserloa: !google10:42
CahanCreationist, maybe it's because my first real linux experience was installing Gentoo, but I like the command line, and actually prefer it for system admin stuff >_>10:42
ikmtonyyarusso : ok dear thnkx10:42
FreeNod1cohan btw it is sudo chmod -R ugo+rw /directory/etc/10:42
loaChaosParser, nop... that must be site of open source federation.10:42
FreeNod1for me to  use the directory?10:42
DKong-JRwhat is recomended for downloading rss feeds video i use itunes on my mac10:42
tonyyarussoFreeNod1: what directory would you be doing that to?10:42
CahanFreeNod1, I don't use chmod much10:43
ChaosParserchmod usually means you screwed up. :-p10:43
Carroarmato0tonyyarusso: thx for the help, guess there's no real need for me to run my system with another kernel since I use the server-side apps already on the desktop10:43
CreationistCahan: My first Linux experience was Gentoo too! :)  I chose it based solely on the logo and never did get a system up and running with it. :)  Took 5 years off from Linux convinced it was for hardcore hackers only.10:43
FreeNod1tonyyarusso: Cahan: /var/www/10:43
FreeNod1the apache one10:43
tonyyarussoFreeNod1: And you want every random idiot who visits your web site to have write privs to your site why?10:44
FreeNod1I guess I'll have to move where apache is pointing then10:44
CahanCreationist, haha, I got it up in a day or two, took me another 5 days to get X working though!10:44
tonyyarussoFreeNod1: add yourself to the www-data group instead, or use sudo like you've been told.10:44
twosouls82apparmor doesn't log here, someone seen this behaviour?10:44
CreationistCahan: Well, I was probably like 15-16 at the time :)  I knew DOS and Windows inside and out... never knew a thing about linux when I decided to try it.10:44
FreeNod1tonyyarusso: I don't wont people to visit my site on my desktop, it's for developing10:45
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FreeNod1tonyyarusso: you have been very helpful cheers :)10:45
N3WFI3this is gunna be my first time trying linux out in a few mins10:45
jimcooncatFreeNod1: adding yourself to the group is much easier than fiddling with chmod10:45
christophoroschaosparser do i need any different codex for lib?10:45
DarkJusticewhew one issue down... can anyone tell me what I need to do on my ubuntu box to be able to use putty to ssh into it?10:46
CahanDarkJustice, openssh10:46
FreeNod1jimcooncat: how do I  do that? command line?10:46
StarnestommyDarkJustice: install openssh-server?10:46
FreeNod1DarkJustice: install webmin too... makes all so much easier10:46
jimcooncatYes, or System->Administration->Users and Groups10:47
StarnestommyFreeNod1, DarkJustice: ebox is preferred over webmin10:47
groundedsorry is this the english irc?10:47
Creationistgrounded: Yes... What language you need?10:48
Starnestommygrounded: it is, but there are other channels for other languages10:48
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:48
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:48
tonyyarussogrounded: #ubuntu-de10:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:48
DKong-JRwhat is the best irc client for ubuntu?10:48
FreeNod1Starnestommy: ebox? never heared of it... google time!10:48
tonyyarusso!best | DKong-JR10:48
ubotuDKong-JR: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:48
ChaosParserDKong-JR: I use Opera.10:48
CreationistDKong-JR: Best?  Know one knows..   I use both XChat and Konverstion10:48
groundedi try in english ^^10:48
StarnestommyDarkJustice: xchat or irssi.10:48
Starnestommyer, DKong-JR: xchat or irssi10:49
Conartistok man, i did everything that you told me to do for now...next???10:49
christophoroscreationist i instaled lib too but it doesnt seem to work10:49
groundeddoes the Creative Audigy 2 ZS work propper on ubuntu?10:49
Deanodriverhow do i get my sound settings so that if i plug headphones into my laptop, the speakers built into it switch off? i'm using a conexant chipset sound10:49
ikmtonyyarusso: just for cheking, i eject CD from DVD rom drive and setup ask me " your CD rome is not mounted , press YES to moud CD ) then i press YES, means ubuntu is installing ? .........10:49
Conartisti installed and reinstalled..10:49
ChaosParserConartist: Now open alsa and make sure sound isn't muted.10:49
BaD_CrCif a usb device is successfully detected, how can i tell which /dev name it is using?10:49
Conartisthow do i open alsa?10:50
ChaosParserBaD_CrC: Go there and see which one is new?10:50
tonyyarussoikm: no, that just means your CD is being mounted.10:50
ChaosParserConartist: open a terminal, type alsamixer10:50
Conartistaa ok10:50
ikmtonyyarusso: so i restart pc and cheke CD for errors?10:50
groundedi like to buy one at ebay10:50
N3WFI3im using firefox plugin chatzilla10:51
Conartistalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device (this is what is says)10:51
iceswordchatzilla sucks10:51
CreationistBaD_CrC: An easy way to check too is to unplug the device, then plug it back in and run "dmesg" at a terminal.  At the end it will show any new connected devices.10:51
ChaosParserConartist: Did you get sound on the live cd?10:51
ChaosParserConartist: 'cause it sounds like your sound card isn't detected.10:51
ChaosParserConartist: Desktop or notebook?10:51
BaD_CrCCreationist: it shows it in dmesg10:51
Conartistyes, it isnt detected10:51
ikmtonyyarusso:  this is strange, i was able to install ubuntu live CD on my machine before, but not now and alternate CD also didn't work for me .. why is that? :(10:51
tonyyarussoikm: yes10:51
tonyyarussoikm: don't know.10:52
christophoroscreationist any advise from whee i should download codex again for the dvd ?10:52
tobmaifConartist:  is it possible to make a complaint about someone who is repeatedly and knowingly using my nickname mainly in order to irritate me?10:52
groundedi'll be back... ^^10:52
Creationistchristophoros: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras.10:52
sooooooooooooooohow do i stop and close x-windows kde ? its too slow on my system, and want to run cmd mode only10:52
Conartistbut, like half an hour ago , my alsamixer worked10:52
Starnestommytobmaif: maybe in #freenode10:52
iceswordtobmaif, #freenode10:52
Conartistbefore i reinstalled my alsa things10:52
Conartistit worked10:52
tobmaifStarnestommy:  mightfly, like where?10:53
suxxorhow to burn data on disk should i use special program or it can be done by pasting the date on cd10:53
Conartistwhen i typed alsamixer it showed my a mixer in the terminal10:53
tonyyarussosooooooooooooooo: sudo invoke-rc.d stop kdm10:53
mysterycoolsuxxor: no, you don't need a special program10:53
Starnestommytobmaif: we already told you, #freenode10:53
tobmaifStarnestommy: neg10:53
Frogzoosuxxor: get k3b10:53
Conartistwhat should i do man?10:53
mysterycoolsuxxor: there is already CD/DVD Creator10:53
tonyyarussosooooooooooooooo: bah, sorry - flip it around: kdm stop10:53
|WolF|does any one have expiriance with LinuxDCpp on ubuntu?10:53
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christophoroscreationist done it but i cant play dvds yet :/10:53
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mysterycoolsuxxor: You are using ubuntu right?10:54
Conartistwhen i write something on irc chat here..i get blips from my computer insisde sound10:54
ChaosParserConartist: Unfortunately, unless you know exactly what you changed and how you changed it, we aren't going to be able to tell you how to fix it.10:54
mysterycoolsuxxor: ok insert your cd in your cd writer then go to Places -> CD/DVD Creator10:55
Conartisthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto i went here and did those things.... now can you help me????10:55
suxxori`m fine10:55
twosouls82apparmor doesn't log anything anymore since 20080404, a apt-get --reinstall install apparmor didn't fix it and I don't see anything about it in the logs (clues, notices, warnings etc)10:55
|WolF|does any one have expiriance with LinuxDCpp on ubuntu? My question is, can p2p work on LinuxDCpp (at the same local network as dc is)?10:55
mysterycoolsuxxor: then paste your data in there and the hit Burn or something like that10:55
twosouls82this is on all my boxes, not just one10:55
FreeNod1how do I add myself to a group? XD10:55
StarnestommyFreeNod1: sudo adduser username groupname10:56
Conartisti did all those things that the site told me to do10:56
ChaosParserFreeNod1: System>Administration>users and groups.10:56
Conartistand after that, my sound didn t worked.10:56
Conartistnow you know the problem?10:56
FreeNod1Starnestommy: ChaosParser omg so simple thank you guys! :|10:56
ChaosParserConartist: ...  that guide is from 3 versions ago.10:56
Conartistone guy here on mirc told me to do that10:57
Conartistand i did it10:57
Conartisti told you i am a nood10:57
Conartisti dont know...10:57
tobmaifConartist: i think it is10:57
StarnestommyConartist: try sudo10:58
Starnestommyer, sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel10:58
ChaosParserConartist: Open a terminal and type lspci -v  paste the output here !pastebin and then post the link to it here.10:58
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:58
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:59
Conartist!pastebin 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31/P35/P31 Express DRAM Controller (rev 02)10:59
Conartist        Subsystem: Giga-byte Technology Unknown device 500010:59
Conartist        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 010:59
Conartist        Capabilities: [e0] Vendor Specific Information10:59
Conartist00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31/P35/P31 Express PCI Express Root Port (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [Normal decode])10:59
Conartist        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 010:59
Conartist        Bus: primary=00, secondary=01, subordinate=01, sec-latency=010:59
Conartist        I/O behind bridge: 0000b000-0000bfff10:59
Conartist        Memory behind bridge: f4000000-f5ffffff10:59
Conartist        Prefetchable memory behind bridge: 00000000e0000000-00000000efffffff11:00
Conartist        Capabilities: [88] Subsystem: Giga-byte Technology Unknown device 500011:00
Conartist        Capabilities: [80] Power Management version 311:00
FloodBot2Conartist: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:00
nsetionostill can't load modules.dep11:00
Conartist        Capabilities: [90] Message Signalled Interrupts: Mask- 64bit- Queue=0/0 Enable-11:00
christophorosany ideas someone why i cant play dvd movies? i got codex and grafic card drivers also tryed svral programs but the image wh11:00
christophorosen i play dvds is broken11:00
ChaosParserchristophoros: Are you running compiz?11:01
sooooooooooooooook, a samba question.  i have /var/www/html,  i want all users to be able to read and write there, but i want them to write as user apache,  is this possible? if so how11:01
christophorosChaosParser how i do that? cause am still newbie in linux heh><11:01
Conartisti flooded11:01
ChaosParsersooooooooooooooo: They could su to apache.11:02
Conartisti did what you told me11:02
ChaosParser!pastebin Conartist11:02
Conartisthow do i copy paste11:02
Conartisthow do i do it11:02
ChaosParserjesus christ.11:02
ChaosParserI give up.11:02
StarnestommyConartist: go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:02
tonyyarusso!pastebin | Conartist11:02
ubotuConartist: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:02
tonyyarussoChaosParser: syntax ;)11:02
ChaosParsertonyyarusso: I've said it three times.11:02
ChaosParserchristophoros: System>Preferences>Appearance11:03
jimthere's that perlpaste thign he could use11:03
Conartistwhat sintax?11:03
ChaosParserchristophoros: Set visual effects to none.11:03
StarnestommyConartist: you go to11:03
christophorosChaosParsel done it11:04
Conartisti did it11:04
Conartistcan you see it now?11:04
ChaosParserchristophoros: Try to play a dvd via VLC now.11:04
tobmaifConartist: what algorithm are you using to determine primality?11:04
StarnestommyConartist: go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/. paste the stuff there, hit submit, then give us the link to it11:04
christophorosChaosParsel same image broken and sound not good11:04
Conartistnow i got it11:05
Sep1Oki, having a problem vconfiguring the fglrx driver for a Radeon 9600. I simply revert to safe graphics mode.11:05
ChaosParserchristophoros: do you have libdvdcss2 installed?11:05
christophorosjust installed the lib u told me above11:05
Conartistcan you see it?11:05
StarnestommyConartist: did you try this? sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel11:05
Conartistnow i will try it brb11:06
Sep1Oki, having a problem configuring the fglrx driver for a Radeon 9600. I simply revert to safe graphics mode upon boot. Tried compiling it myself, but didn't help.11:06
nsetionoi just want to run iptables :(11:06
ChaosParserConartist: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66110211:07
ChaosParsernsetiono: What do you mean?  They're there, they're always there.11:08
christophorosChaosParsel i just got lib u told me to download11:08
Conartisti did sudo modprobe11:08
SlimG"dpkg --configure -a" reports that I have several syntax-errors in /var/lib/dpkg/updates/003 , is it safe to remove all the files in the /var/lib/dpkg-updates/ folder and regenerate them using "aptitude update" ?11:08
Conartistthere s the link11:08
nsetionoChaosParser : but i can't run it11:08
ChaosParserchristophoros: Reboot and try it again.11:08
ChaosParsernsetiono: Elaborate?11:08
christophorosChaosParsel ok11:08
nsetionoit's always show me error like this FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.22-8-server/modules.dep: No such file or directory11:09
gnuskoolwow, enlightenment rox, hey ne1 running it as their only wm on a server install?11:09
mrgozinyahthis version looks kinda neat11:09
Conartistthere s a problem in there....warning..11:09
Conartistas you can see11:09
nsetionoi had try to recompile kernel based on this url http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2111:09
Starnestommynsetiono: what happens when you try to 'cd /lib/modules/2.6.22-8-server/'?11:09
nsetionoStarnestommy : none11:09
Conartistcould no open lib..11:09
Starnestommynsetiono: what happens when you do that they type 'ls'?11:10
nsetiono-bash: cd: /lib/modules/2.6.22-8-server/: No such file or directory11:10
ChaosParsernsetiono: How are you trying to access it?11:10
nsetionoChaosParser : what you mean ?11:10
zoom_where can i configure my resolution on my screen out plug please ?11:10
nsetionoStarnestommy : type ls on which ?11:10
Starnestommynsetiono: never mind11:10
Sep1Okay, having a problem vconfiguring the fglrx driver for a Radeon 9600. I simply revert to safe graphics mode.11:10
Conartistso, what should i do next??11:10
nsetionoplease i'm really new on this11:10
Starnestommynsetiono: I think you need to reinstall the kernel with these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeKernel11:11
Conartistwhat should i do next guys??11:11
ChaosParsernsetiono: How are you trying to edit iptables?  Are you using a GUI frontend like firestarter?  It sounds like you may have recompiled wrong... and you're missing modules.11:11
nsetionoChaosParser : nope using console11:11
weltschmerzConartist get some elderly people for their social security checks.11:11
ChaosParserConartist: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66110211:12
tobmaifhi sry but np11:12
ChaosParsernsetiono: Try installing firestarter and see what happens when you try to launch it.11:12
Conartistchaos, i should do the steps there?11:12
ChaosParserConartist: yes.11:12
nsetionoChaosParser : it was my server and i don't have X access on it :)11:12
kecebongsofthi, I had a problem with my intel x3100 (acer aspire 4720), I install gutsy and type glxinfo, it says Direct Rendering : no, I already load dri module in xorg.conf but still got no direct rendering :-(.11:12
kecebongsoftbut i got direct rendering enabled when running with gutsy live cd11:13
kecebongsofti try so many tutorial on the net but still got the same thing :-(11:13
Starnestommynsetiono: try 'sudo aptitude reinstall linux-image-server' to reinstall the kernel11:13
nonie_hello, ia m running xubuntu using gsambad to configure my box as a samba server11:13
nsetionoStarnestommy : linux-image-server is not currently installed, so it will not be reinstalled.11:14
kecebongsoftanyone have experience with this?11:14
Starnestommynsetiono: replace 'reinstall' with 'install'11:14
nonie_but everytime i open my machine it i have to reactivate using gsambad because it gives me an error11:14
nonie_nmbd is not activated.11:15
sebrockdoesnt PureFTP let you configure directories and limits on users on sertain dirs?11:15
nonie_but when i deactivate and reactivate the nmbd gets activated.11:15
nonie_any suggenstion.11:15
jimcooncatWhat's the default player for internet radio? I added a bunch and I don't remember what it originally came with.11:16
nonie_anybody please?11:16
algyzjimcooncat:  streamtuner11:17
christophorosChaosParsel nothink yet :/11:17
jimcooncatalgyz: no, I remember I had to add that.11:17
nsetionoStarnestommy : Could not find where the current root file system is mounted!11:18
jimcooncatalgyz: that's just an index anyway, xmms is the player. thanks though11:18
Starnestommynsetiono: in that case, I think something's seriuosly wrong11:18
Cew27ello all i have a problem, when i open evolution it goes to petch mail (about 100 messages or so ) and then closes its self >11:19
nsetionoStarnestommy : i know something wrong but i don't know which one cause i'm not an expert :(11:19
Sep1Okay, having a problem vconfiguring the fglrx driver for a Radeon 9600. I simply revert to safe graphics mode.11:19
Starnestommynsetiono: neither can I.  There's a possiblilty that you may need to do a total reinstall, but I'm not sure if there's another way11:20
kecebongsoftany suggestion :-(11:20
[[thufir]]http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/  just gives 404 error11:21
jimnsetiono: do you have to be an expert to see cause?11:21
p1r4t3i have just reinstalled linux, and i figured out that the restricted drivers that are for my on-board modem, somehow disrupt the sound on the laptop.... so now those drivers are disabled and i have sound!!!! and i had to re-install ubuntu... anyways... just wanted to say that the new and improved laptop is now running linux and it just said goodbye to gates SW.  tnx all.. cya.11:21
Starnestommy[[thufir]]: try it as http://localhost/phpmyadmin/11:21
Cew27ello all i have a problem, when i open evolution it goes to petch mail (about 100 messages or so ) and then closes its self can anyone help ??11:21
CaptainMorganis it possible to view source files for common unix/linux/ubuntu utilities ? I would like to see how unzip is written... for example.. but I can't seem to find its source11:21
nsetionojim : for know the error no need to become expert, for fixing the error need expert :)11:22
StarnestommyCaptainMorgan: there's usually a URL in the program's man or info page11:22
jimnsetiono: you didn't say fix before... you said "i don't know which one cause i'm not an expert"11:23
simplexioCaptainMorgan: apt-get source unzip11:23
[[thufir]]Starnestommy: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/  also gives a 404 error11:23
Starnestommy[[thufir]]: is it installed?11:23
Starnestommy[[thufir]]: and did you restart apache after you installed it?11:23
nsetionojim : please do not debate me right now cause i'm stress enough :(11:23
CaptainMorganStarnestommy, I did look at the man pages... couldn't find it... it was rather long though so maybe I overlooked it11:23
jimnsetiono: I'm just telling you you can see cause even if you are not an expert... all you have to do is look11:24
StarnestommyCaptainMorgan: for unzip, try http://www.info-zip.org/11:24
[[thufir]]Starnestommy: yes, apache2 is installed, and phpmyadmin has been installed.  I'v restarted services already.  I think it's a configuration problem, but I'm not sure.11:24
nsetionoJim : right now i'm trying to search on google, already 12 hours and found nothing :(11:24
Bad_boyHI Guys, I am new to torrent, how do i run the bit torrent porgram what's the command please, I can not find it in application menu11:25
jimso you're looking on google?11:25
jimwhat machine has the problem?11:25
IndyGunFreakBad_boy: well what client did you install?11:25
Cew27ello all i have a problem, when i open evolution it goes to petch mail (about 100 messages or so ) and then closes its self can anyone help ??11:26
Bad_boyIndyGunFreak:  bittorrent was installed with Ubuntu11:26
simplexionsetiono: what is problem, you cant use iptables ?11:26
StarnestommyCew27: start it from the terminal and see what happens11:26
nsetionosimplexio : ya11:26
IndyGunFreakBad_boy: ok, then it should be in the menu, applications/internet11:26
[[thufir]]what does this mean: "You need to add it to the Apache config files because it only installs a link to the folder in the /var/www/ folder. I'll find the lines that you need in a minute."  with regards to phpmyadmin?11:27
simplexionsetiono: modprope iptables gives you what error ?11:27
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
Bad_boyIndyGunFreak:  it is not there, I can it installed with add/remove program though11:27
nsetionoFATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.22-8-server/modules.dep: No such file or directory11:27
Cew27Starnestommy: i get a core dump11:28
esteth[[thufir]]: It means you need to add something to the conf files at /etc/apache2, assuming apache211:28
IndyGunFreakBad_boy: right click on Applications menu, choose Edit Menu, then go down to Internet, and look and see if you need to put a checkmark next to it.11:28
StarnestommyCew27: aha.  Try sudo aptitude reinstall evolution11:28
christophoroshow do i get the codex from this page ?  http://www.gnome.org/projects/totem/#download11:28
Cew27Starnestommy: ok11:28
esteth[[thufir]]: most probably apache2.conf or httpd.conf11:28
Seabosshihih! are anybody have driver for dm9601 for ubuntu? i have, but it gives errors..11:29
[[thufir]]esteth: I think I found it.  Maybe it's me, but the manual for phpmyadmin isn't helpful.  thanks, though.11:29
IndyGunFreakwhats that driver for?11:29
Cew27Starnestommy: didnt help11:29
nsetionosimplexio : FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.22-8-server/modules.dep: No such file or directory11:29
simplexionsetiono: do you haver that directory ?11:30
ultramalfultra malf raise tha roof11:30
simplexionsetiono: easiest way to fix it is install new kernel with modules11:30
Seabossusb network card...11:30
Bad_boyIndyGunFreak:  Thanks a lot mate, done now11:30
Tama00whats the coolest gui for subversion gtk based11:30
simplexionsetiono: attleast that would be easiest way to me, but for somereason ppl tend to fear compiling new kernels11:31
[[thufir]]phpmyadmin is up and running I think :)11:31
nsetionosimplexio : i had following http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21 but seem no effect11:31
IndyGunFreakBad_boy: BUT bit torrent isnt a very good torrent client in Linux, at least in my opinion, I'd look at either Transmission, or using Utorrent in Wine11:31
Tama00Bad_boy, rtorrent:D11:31
IndyGunFreaknever tried rtorrent11:32
Tama00its seriously good11:32
Bad_boyIndyGunFreak: thanks for the heads up, i was looking for utorrent for linux, i saw one for wine11:32
ultramalfBad_boy: and I write documents in vim or lyx.11:32
Tama00image utorrent but for cli for linux + 1000x better11:32
ultramalfso it's all the same to me.11:32
ultramalflinux is just fine for a desktop11:32
chimpusing chmod how can i set write access to all users symbolically?11:32
Tama00its easy to use as well11:32
IndyGunFreakBad_boy: its easy to install w/ wine11:32
Tama00dont utorrent wine thats a waste11:32
Simarsonhallo all. I have a problem in ubuntu getting the newest version of wine. I keep installing
Tama00it wont be any better than azrueus then11:33
Bad_boyIndyGunFreak: i have never used wine, i am newbie11:33
simplexionsetiono: hmm,11:33
IndyGunFreakBad_boy: are you familiar w/ utorrent?11:33
IndyGunFreakdamn, netsplit at 6am?... thats a new one11:33
=== eran is now known as _darkblue_
StarnestommyIndyGunFreak: no, floodbots11:33
IndyGunFreakoh ok..11:33
Jan2does anyone else have a problem installing a pci soundcard (like echoaudio mia)?11:33
JaymacIt isn't 6am everywhere IndyGunFreak  :)11:33
simplexionsetiono: make modules && make modules install ??11:33
Bad_boyIndyGunFreak:  yes i used utorrent with vista11:33
IndyGunFreakyeah jjst caught that.11:33
IndyGunFreakBad_boy: ok, go here, http://www.winehq.org11:34
Jan2please help11:34
Simarsonanyone there could explain to me how to get the newest version of WINE?11:34
DRebellionSimarson, sudo apt-get install wine11:34
simplexionsetiono: i can give easy instructions to compile kernel. assuming that you have build-essential allready installed11:34
christophoroshow do i get the codex from this page ?  http://www.gnome.org/projects/totem/#download11:35
StarnestommySimarson: you have to compile it from source or use the package on their website if you want something newer than what's in the repositories11:35
IndyGunFreakBad_boy: once there, click on get wine now, then clcik on "ubuntu", and follow the directions to add the wine repository and install wine.. then i'll tell you how to install utorrent if you want11:35
Starnestommychristophoros: sudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer11:35
nsetionosimplexio : can i message you ?11:35
Jan2I've just installed ubuntu "gutsy" and I'm a total newbie at Linux. I get the onboard soundcard working, but it dosen't seem like ubuntu recognizes my pci soundcard11:35
Bad_boyIndyGunFreak: thanks bud, i am going to get utorrent for wine. Nice one X10 Regards11:35
IndyGunFreakBad_boy: its really the best *linux* torrent client if you ask me11:36
DeadLy_spIndyGunFreak: deluge?11:36
IndyGunFreaki hate deluge11:36
IndyGunFreakTransmission is pretty good.11:36
estethTransmission is a very nice client11:37
IndyGunFreakjust not as configurable as Utorrent11:37
DeadLy_spdeluge also11:37
ChaosParserJan2: Are you leaving both enabled in BIOS?11:37
Jan2It's detected as a hardwar device, and ubuntu does load the module for the soundcard, but it dosen't show up in the volume control window as a managable soundcard11:37
JaymacThe main issue I have with Transmission is that I can't hover hte mouse over the tray icon and see my download speed11:37
estethJaymac: you must have an old version11:38
estethJaymac: the latest from getdeb has that11:38
IndyGunFreakJaymac: that is kind of annoying11:38
Cew27hey all ubuntu mounts my disks twice how can i fix this ? i have 2 dvd drivers11:38
estethIndyGunFreak: the latest version has that feature, however11:38
Jaymacesteth: oh really? thanks for the tip.. I'm running 1.06 (build 5136)11:38
IndyGunFreakdoes it?..well thats good11:38
hischildesteth, the one in 7.10 doesn't feature the download speed.11:38
Jan2does anyone know how to get ubuntu to recognize my pci soundcard?????11:39
StarnestommyJan2: it depends on which one it is11:39
estethhischild: I know, but if you're willing to download from getdeb or compile from scratch, it's there in 1.10(5428)11:39
christophorosStarnestommy i dowload it but when i go to play dvd it says i dont have the codecs11:39
ultramalfchristophoros: that's rather annoying that I can't do any more about it11:39
estethJaymac: It's there in 1.10(5428)11:39
Jaymacesteth: cool, thanks11:39
Starnestommychristophoros: have you tried libdvdcss?11:39
elliot42hey, can someone help me diagnose a problem.. i had sound working on a comp and now it doesn't after transplanting to a new case.11:40
IndyGunFreakchristophoros: add the medibuntu repository, and install libdvdcss, then you should be fine...11:40
christophorosi installed it but i cant see it in sound and video menu11:40
elliot42the card is detected in lspci (it's a Cmedia CM373811:40
|WolF|question: i have an unusued partition, so can i merge to my user existing partition, or how can i make this partition to be able to use it as additional space? when i create partition ext3 after formating it says to me that it is owned by root so i cant save anything on it11:40
IndyGunFreakchristophoros: ?.. are you sure libdvdcss is installed?11:40
elliot42modules are loaded automatically11:41
Jan2Starnestommy: It's a echoaudio mia-midi pci soundcard. Ubuntu recognizes the card as a pci device (lspci shows good output), but it dosen't show up in aplay -l. Hence I can't get the card working11:41
Cew27hey all ubuntu mounts my disks twice how can i fix this ? i have 2 dvd drives11:41
christophorosa guy told me to download lib11:41
christophorosnot libdvdcss11:41
elliot42but there's nothing available to alsamixer or aplay or anything11:41
Jaymacchristophoros: you should use totem-xine instead of totem-gstreamer for dvd playback :)11:41
IndyGunFreakchristophoros: well, that doesn't mean its installed correctly11:41
IndyGunFreak!libdvdcss | christophoros11:41
ubotuchristophoros: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:41
=== huff3r_ is now known as huff31
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:42
mmm4m5mQuestion: Hi all. I am learning vim and how to custimize it. Can someone give me a hint: is there difference between vim macros, vim script, vim addons and vimrc (setup file)?11:43
orthodocis medibuntu not available for hardy??11:43
Jaymacchristophoros: use medibuntu to install libdvdread3 adn libdvdcss2, and install totem-xine11:43
Jan2Starnestommy: I would really appreciate any help?11:43
estethmmm4m5m: #vim might be more help11:43
IndyGunFreakorthodoc: it is, but just like hardy, its still in beta11:43
Jaymacorthodoc: see #ubuntu+1, but yes it is.11:43
StarnestommyJan2: I'm sorry, but I do not know anything about that soundcard11:43
IndyGunFreakorthodoc: google for it... you'll find it11:43
|WolF|can & will anyone help me pls?11:43
orthodocis it avialble for x6411:43
Jaymac!ask | |WolF|11:43
ubotu|WolF|: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:43
|WolF|question: i have an unusued partition, so can i merge to my user existing partition, or how can i make this partition to be able to use it as additional space? when i create partition ext3 after formating it says to me that it is owned by root so i cant save anything on it]11:43
PookAirHi, Any one know how to install hebrew on ubuntu?11:44
Starnestommyorthodoc: it is.11:44
|WolF|Jaymac: i did but no one answered :(11:44
Jan2Starnestommy: Ok! But thanks anyway :)11:44
orthodoci've kubuntu on a amd 64bit and some of the packages are missing!11:44
=== ChaosParser is now known as zomgohnoesnowiha
JaymacPookAir: System > Administration > Language Support... Tick the box beside Hebrew :)11:44
erUSUL!addingfs | |WolF|11:44
ubotu|WolF|: If you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc).  See !permissions and !fstab11:44
orthodocdo i report that to medibuntu...11:44
=== zomgohnoesnowiha is now known as ChaosParser
Starnestommyorthodoc: which version of ubuntu?11:45
orthodoci knoe not of any forum where i could do that...11:45
PookAirJaymac, wow I feel awfully stupid now11:45
orthodockubuntu gutsy11:45
Cew27hey all ubuntu mounts my disks twice how can i fix this ? i have 2 dvd drive11:45
IndyGunFreakorthodoc: depends on what you think is broken11:45
hischild|WolF|, do you have a /home partition?11:45
PookAirJaymac, that's it I dont even need the disc?11:45
JaymacPookAir: there are no stupid questions :) if in doubt, ask :)11:45
|WolF|hischild: yes i do11:45
mmm4m5mQuestion: nautilus can show me "last accessed time", how can I get all file details in console? "ls -l" does not list all columns which are available in nautilus.11:45
JaymacPookAir: All you  need to do is tick the box and click OK... Everything you  need will be downloaded and installed11:46
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:46
orthodocIndyGunFreak: plenty of packages actually...11:46
IndyGunFreakorthodoc: so what was msising?11:46
hischild|WolF|, and you wish to attempt to merge your current /home with the unused stuff?11:46
headhello the room11:46
orthodoci don't have the list with me at the momnet...11:46
PookAirJaymac, thats the good thing about ubuntu the online libary,one last thing what irc programe can i use with ubuntu?11:46
headwhat append11:46
Armadaeverytime I boot it goes to the command-line and says my root partition (/dev/sda3/) has errors and a check was forced. But it does that every boot, how can I solve it?11:46
orthodocIndyGunFreak: am on my laptop...11:47
StarnestommyPookAir: xchat and irssi are two of them11:47
JaymacPookAir: Try xchat, or xchat-gnome :)11:47
IndyGunFreakPookAir: there's several, xchat, or xchat-gnome should b efine11:47
|WolF|hischild: my idea actualy need is for more space so i have a new partition that i want to make able to use it some how, but i don't know how11:47
SlartArmada: if I were you I'd boot from a live cd and check your boot drive thoroughly11:47
headdo you  have somebody who speak french?11:47
ChaosParserArmada: Well, what are the results of the fsck?11:47
dejxhello, does anybody here own polycom?11:47
orthodocwas wondering if there was any other repository other than medibuntu11:47
Slart!fr | head11:47
Jaymac!fr | head11:47
ubotuhead: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:47
christophorosjaymac i downloaded lib but i cant see "lib" anywhere in sound and video menu11:47
hischild|WolF|, alright. Do you know what spot you wish to mount it at?11:47
ArmadaSlart: I can't boot the live cd11:47
Jaymacchristophoros: you won't.. type totem-xine in a terminal.11:47
jimmoi need help,i cant install my ati driver;i tried making the .deb from .run file ;and then installed them;but after the reboot the os show me a black screen;11:47
ArmadaSlart: I can only install in text mode11:48
IndyGunFreakArmada: why not?11:48
stevenjoin #latex11:48
orthodocany dicom viewer like opendicom...11:48
|WolF|hischild: i'm not experienced in this at all, i need the partition to act as part of my user so i can be able to record on it11:48
ArmadaIndyGunFreak: If I knew I'd solve it, it justs freezes11:48
MadroxprimeHey quick question. Would any one know why Wine stopped working after I installed Envy and updated My nvidia drivers?11:48
SlartArmada: oh?... hmm.. does the text mode installer have some kind of live shell or something? I've never used it11:48
Jaymacchristophoros: Go to System > Preferences > Main Menu and Sound and Video, tick the Totem-Xine programme so it appears in your list11:48
SlartMadroxprime: envy would be answer enough11:48
esteth!envy | Madroxprime11:48
ubotuMadroxprime: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »11:48
christophorosjaymac bash: totem-xine: command not found :/ (told u am new to linux world) ;p11:48
IndyGunFreakArmada: how fast did yuou burn the ISO?11:49
Jan2anyone out there that could help me with getting Ubuntu to recognize my pci echoaudio mia soundcard? Only the onboard is recognized...11:49
hischild|WolF|, i understand. My question was whether you want to mount it as a folder in your home folder, or somewhere else11:49
Jaymacchristophoros: sudo apt-get install totem-xine11:49
twosouls82omg(osh), this is not so nice; the upgraded modules package doesnn't have ".../ubuntu/security/apparmor/apparmor.ko"... that's why apparmor broke on my boxes11:49
ArmadaSlart: It also loads the linux kernel but doesn't boot ubuntu11:49
|WolF|hischild: if can be mounted as folder in homefolder it would be perfect11:49
ArmadaIndyGunFreak: 48x11:50
IndyGunFreakArmada: don't know what instructions you followed, but you burn ISOs SLOWWww11:50
IndyGunFreak2-4x is best11:50
hischild|WolF|, ok. Before going further, it'd be wise to backup your current fstab ==> sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bac11:50
barbedsabe1like 4x if possible11:50
MadroxprimeOkay, SO envy is a fancy way of saying epic failure11:50
SlartArmada: hmm.. that makes it tricky ... a possible broken boot drive and can't boot from a live cd..11:50
|WolF|hischild: i did that11:50
SlartMadroxprime: indeed11:51
ArmadaIndyGunFreak: Then why is the text-mode cd working? I also burned that one at 48x11:51
hischild|WolF|, good. Then let's go on. Do you know the location of your new partition? (assuming you formatted it and gave it a filesystem etc)11:51
estethMadroxprime: Envy is unsupported by ubuntu. You should try to use the restricted drivers manager to install non-free drivers11:51
SlartMadroxprime: well.. not necessarily.. but it's been known to mess things up beyond fixability11:51
ultramalfhischild:  in the kernel, there is an option called UEVENT_HELPER_PATH.11:51
ultramalfit is set to /sbin/hotplug, but no such file exists.11:51
ultramalfwhich hotplug also.11:51
ultramalf"which hotplug" run as root returns no location11:51
FloodBot2ultramalf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:51
ultramalfFloodBot2: that's a bald-faced lie11:51
christophorosjaymac whats the download command for the lib again ?11:51
hischildultramalf, wrong nick?11:51
jimmoi also tried restoring the xorg.conf back up file ...but it ddnot work11:52
|WolF|hischild: it is unpartitioned att all, so should i partition it as ext3 i guess?11:52
Jaymacchristophoros: once you've added the !Medibuntu repository, type: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libdvdread3 libdvdcss2 totem-xine11:52
MadroxprimeWell the restricted driver i was using was making my entire hardware lock randomly when I was doing anything 3d-ish like wow11:52
IndyGunFreakArmada: do as you want, it doesn't matter to me, but the GUI CD is a lot more sensitive to errors than the text mode cd11:52
IndyGunFreakor you have some sort of hardware issue11:52
hischild|WolF|, you can choose the file-system actually. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. ext3 is default for ubuntu and should work just fine.11:52
Jaymacchristophoros: then you should be good to go, simply click Movie > Play DVD11:52
SlartMadroxprime: what video card?11:53
spepshey guys i'm getting mad with this error on compilation "error: cannot compute sizeof (char)" PLEASE HELP!11:53
|WolF|hischild: ok i did that11:53
Madroxprimenvidia 7600gs.11:53
Starnestommyspeps: is build-essential installed?11:53
Slartspeps: have you installed build-essential?11:53
Slartspeps: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:53
hischild|WolF|, ok good. Then you know the location of the drive? (like /dev/sdb111:53
SlartMadroxprime: hmm.. odd.. nvidia cards are usually pretty well supported..11:54
christophorosjay mac libdvdread3 is already the newest version.11:54
christophoroslibdvdread3 set to manual installed.11:54
christophorosPackage libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.11:54
ArmadaIndyGunFreak: I've been having a problem with the RAM, it doesn't bother me that much as it doesn't interupt my usage not even in games. And I don't have the money right now to fix it.11:54
|WolF|hischild: it is /dev/sda811:54
spepsStarnestommy, Slart: i have build-essential11:54
suxxori`m running only on ubuntu how can install windows ?11:54
Jaymacchristophoros: did you add the medibuntu repository?11:54
Starnestommyspeps: what are you trying to compile?11:54
ChaosParserMadroxprime: Uhm, I have the card... I've installed it using Envy and sucessfully ran WoW in Wine.11:54
estethsuxxor: do you want to remove ubuntu?11:54
spepsStarnestommy: animal-0.15.011:55
hischild|WolF|, alright. Then open up your /etc/fstab in any editor and add it in there.11:55
christophorosjaymac tell me how to :/// omg i feel so noob :/11:55
suxxori want to run with both systems11:55
Starnestommyspeps: have you done everything in the readme and install files?11:55
Slartspeps: can you paste the output of ./configure ?11:55
suxxorand i want so save the date of ubuntu partions11:55
Jaymacchristophoros: are you using 7.10? (System > About Ubuntu)11:55
estethsuxxor: traditionally it's done with windows first, then adding linux, but you can go the other way too. Is any of your hard drive unpartitioned?11:56
ArmadaI'll test my live CD in another computer to make sure it's a hardware issue11:56
Starnestommysuxxor: if you're installing windows xp, I think you have to install windows first then install linux11:56
MadroxprimeChaos: Cool, but when I try to do any thing wine related it tells me I got an unhandled illegal instruction in the 32-bit code11:56
spepsStarnestommy: yes i have just compiled successfully imageshack last version as requirement for animal but i get checking size of char... configure: error: cannot compute sizeof (char)11:56
spepsSee `config.log' for more details.11:56
Jaymacchristophoros: if you're using version 7.10 type this to a commandline: sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list11:56
Slartspeps: pastebin.. I meant pastebin.. don't paste it here11:56
|WolF|hischild: u mean i should write in fstab a line that will state # /dev/sda8 ?11:56
manju29when i type #apt-get install dh_make its saying no installation candidate....wat sources i shd add in my sources.list?11:56
twosouls82Starnestommy: that's so untrue11:56
Jaymacchristophoros: then type wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update11:56
hischild|WolF|, close. If you pastebin your current fstab i will write it for you.11:57
eliubilehappy Sunday11:57
Jaymacchristophoros: then repeat the earlier command i sent you (the one to install libdvdread3 and libdvdcss2 with totem-xine)11:57
suxxoryes i`ve hot 10 gb unpartioned11:57
Jaymacgot to go11:57
eliubileI need help: gnome doesn't start. It freezes displaying just my desktop background11:57
Cahanman, we need a distro "Ubuntu From Scratch" that is basically the desktop but without ANY bloat at all (no programs or utils apart from Apt), that would be so awesome11:58
ensiso its not possible to have nvidia 7 series working under lates ubuntu. mkay11:58
hischildCahan, use the minimal install (like i do right now)11:58
|WolF|hischild: it is not alowing me to save it11:58
suxxoresteth: is that enough11:58
SlartCahan: isn't there a minimial install?11:58
christophorosjaymac done it11:58
Armadaensi: What's the problem?11:58
=== zerobyte is now known as flo_93
estethsuxxor: You install XP to the "unpartitioned space" with the standard XP installation procedure, but then you need to reinstate grub as the bootloader. http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm has a good guide on how to do that. Allthough you can miss out the first part if you're happy with 10GB for xp11:58
hischild|WolF|, can you copy your current fstab on pastebin? ==> sudo aptitude install pastebinit && cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit (return link in channel please. )11:59
spepsSlart: http://pastebin.com/d28d0df5811:59
ensiArmada: i cant get it to work with the nvidia binary driver.11:59
Cahanhischild, from the LiveCD? or Alternate CD? (I've only used Xubuntu / Kubuntu since Dapper)11:59
ensiArmada: with the restricted drivers i had the black screen problem11:59
spepsStarnestommy: http://pastebin.com/d28d0df5811:59
estethsuxxor: 10GB is enough to install windows and some apps, yes. It won't be enough for gaming, in general. You can use the windows ext2ifs(i think that's what it's called) driver to access your linux partition from windows and store your files there, though11:59
ensibinary drivers from nvidia just refuse to work and x starts with failsafe :/11:59
twosouls82why doesn't apparmor work when I boot the 2.6.24-15-generic kernel (using Hardy), it does when I boot instead of 2.6.24-14-generic11:59
hischildCahan, install a command line system only, and then add only those packages you want. I've only installed fluxbox, xorg and some programs i always use like xchat and transmission.12:00
Armadaensi: k, so you want to manually install the drivers downloaded from nvidia.com?12:00
Cahansuxxor, I've got XP + a load of apps down to 700Mb12:00
ensiArmada: i have done that.12:00
eliubileI need help: gnome doesn't start. It freezes displaying just my desktop background12:00
Armadaensi: Same problem?12:00
|WolF|hischild: here it is http://pastebin.com/d12f084c712:00
=== ballzee is now known as Sinister
twosouls82sorry, I went to +112:00
ensiArmada: no, the problem is something else. dunno what12:00
Celettuhi all...I have a grub problem with hardy beta. Every time it installs (or updates because of a kernel update), it writes the menu.lst wrong. Ubuntu is on (hd0,1) or sda2...but it keeps writing (hd0,0) and hda112:00
suxxoresteth: 10x12:00
estethsuxxor: what does 10x mean?12:01
Armadaensi: Could you be a bit more detailed on "black screen problem"?12:01
Starnestommyspeps: is imagemagick or imagemagick-dev installed?12:01
Cahanhischild, thankee12:01
ensiArmada: just google for it12:01
esteth|WolF|: thanks :)12:01
ensiArmada: its all over the place with people having nvidia 7-8 series gfx cards12:01
|WolF|welcomed :P12:01
hischildCahan, if you want help with that, just ask :-)12:01
spepsStarnestommy: yes from source12:01
jimmono help??12:01
Madroxprimeensi: yeah it looks like it12:01
Starnestommyspeps: what about from the repos?12:01
Cahanhischild, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9670 seems to be what I'm looking for, right?12:02
Celettunobody? :)12:02
Starnestommyjimmo: you may need to ask your question again12:02
Armadaensi: I have a 8800GTS 512 (ubuntu doesn't support it by default) and I'm not having any problems12:02
ensiArmada: how did you get it to work?12:02
spepsStarnestommy: i need scilab with sip last version ... so i have to download all the matter12:03
hischildCahan, sort of. I prefer to use fluxbox with conky as system monitor instead of icewm.12:03
spepsand compile12:03
jimmo i need help,i cant install my ati driver;i tried making the .deb from .run file ;and then installed them;but after the reboot the os show me a black screen;12:03
hischild|WolF|, a second, i'm writing it again12:03
Cahanhischild, or is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems better?12:03
ultramalfjimmo: they just dont work.12:03
ultramalfbut i cant get gift to wrk.12:03
ultramalfyou people just dont comprehend basic concepts12:03
FloodBot2ultramalf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:03
ultramalfFloodBot2: wtf12:03
|WolF|hischild: ok mate i'll wait :D12:03
ensiArmada: i have been trying to reinstall/uninstall the restricted drivers and nvidia driver. and at one point i got it to use the nvidia binary driver. but then the Glx wouldnt load so 3d accel was not available.12:03
Armadaensi: I installed the manual drivers from nvidia.com using these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual12:03
Starnestommyultramalf: keep your messages on one line12:03
estethultramalf: too many newlines12:03
ultramalfStarnestommy:  your client12:04
Starnestommyultramalf: no, everyone's client12:04
askandAnyone here has added the winerepo? Can you check what your wineversion is from there? It wont give me the latest version..12:04
jimmo i also tried restoring the xorg.conf back up file ...but it ddnot work12:04
Armadaensi: I've tried both the stable and the beta drivers, both working fine12:04
ultramalfesteth:  Many cars, shiny ones, coasted up to the ship to look that was slipping and disintegrating back d own layer by layer12:04
ultramalfStarnestommy: er12:04
ensiArmada: is that the nvidia drivers from the nvidia package or by ubuntu packaged drivers?12:04
manju29i get t following error " Package fakeroot has no installation candidate12:04
manju29"what i should i do?12:04
estethultramalf: wtf?12:04
Starnestommywait, now I'm confused12:04
ultramalfesteth: rarely more than a half-dozen12:04
Armadaensi: from nvidia.co12:04
hischildCahan, sounds good.12:04
esteth!offtopic | ultramalf12:05
ubotuultramalf: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:05
Starnestommyspeps: is autoconf installed?12:05
ultramalfubotu: sure12:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sure - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:05
Cahanhischild, thanks for the help mate!12:05
ensiArmada: what version?12:05
hischild|WolF|, what do you want the folder to be called?12:05
ArmadaIndyGunFreak: The live CD is working fine on my other PC12:05
ensiArmada: i have the 169.12 and the installation appears to go fine12:05
|WolF|hischild: storage will be ok12:05
Armadaensi: I'm using the beta drivers 171.06, but I wouldn't reccomend it12:06
hischild|WolF|, and it's ext3?12:06
IndyGunFreakArmada: i will say, iv'e had 1 live CD work on one PC, not work on another, and after a reburn, it worked fine on both, but it sounds like you ahve some sort of hardware issue on the other PC12:06
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:06
|WolF|hischild:  yes12:06
ArmadaIndyGunFreak: yes I do, the RAM acts strange sometime, I think it's a compatibility issue with my motherboard. But it doesn't bother me and I don't have the money to fix it12:07
hischild|WolF|, ok. type this ==> gksudo gedit /etc/fstab <== and copy this pastebin in (copy from the lower part to avoid copying line numbers) ==>http://pastebin.com/m4658bb4e12:07
ensiArmada: so you dont have any shite from the ubuntu packages?12:07
ensiArmada: no glx-new, or restricted modules driver?12:07
ensiArmada: im on ubuntu 7.1012:08
Armadaensi: You need to delete those if you want to use the drivers from nvidia.com12:08
ensiArmada: uninstall from synaptic sufficient or something else?12:08
Armadaensi: Yes, then follow the instructions on ensi: follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual12:09
|WolF|hischild: i did what u told me, so what should i do now?12:09
binarical-appcan someone point me to the ubuntu installer channel please'12:09
ensiArmada: ok, i'll try that12:09
hischildbinarical-app, you're at it. What's up?12:09
ensiArmada: thanks12:09
Armadaensi: np, hope it works ;)12:09
ensii hope so too... however i dont have high hopes at this stage anymore...12:10
Armadaensi: I can even play TF2 with 60fps on mine :D12:10
hischild|WolF|, then type ==> mkdir ~/storage <== and then ==> sudo mount -a <== and you should be good.12:10
Celettugrub doesn't find stage one...error 15 file not found12:10
ensiArmada: what about that libgl-mesa-dri shit?12:10
Starnestommy!language | ensi12:10
ubotuensi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:10
ensiArmada: can i leave that or should i get rid of that too?12:10
Armadaensi: wait, I think I have a list somewhere12:10
|WolF|hischild: it says to me that it dasn't exist & i got this http://pastebin.com/d327bf3d112:12
Armadaensi: you NEED to keep the mesa packages, just delete all the nvidia-glx packages12:12
hischild|WolF|, i'm sorry, that was a very stupid mistake from my end.12:12
|WolF|hischild: it is ok mate, don't worry12:13
titonhi i just installed vmwre and is about to install windows xp...should i chose ntfs or fat?12:13
Starnestommytiton: ntfs12:13
hischild|WolF|, the upper 2 errors are probably because it can't find a partition, which isn't bad. The other one you should fix as follows ==> gksudo /etc/fstab <== and where you see /home/storage, you should make it your full home folder (/home/iositd/ for example) and then add /storage again. Then save and retry the ==> sudo mount -a <==12:13
titoni want to be able to reach the files on the vmware from my xubuntu12:13
Armadaensi: btw in one step you need to comment out a line in xorg.conf, that is not present on every install, if you don't have it feel free to skip it, what's important is that you change nv to nvidia12:14
minisuI want to update to the latest PostgreSQL (8.3). Update manager says nothing about it, but it can be found on packages.ubuntu.com12:14
minisuIt's just a pain to download everything manually, including all dependencies12:14
hischild!info postgresql12:15
ubotupostgresql (source: postgresql-8.2): object-relational SQL database (latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 8.2.7-0ubuntu0.7.10 (gutsy), package size 177 kB, installed size 216 kB12:15
Armadaensi: in which I mean the line isn't present on every install, the file is, that's a very important file12:15
titonso if i wanna share files from my windows xp virtual machine to my host xubuntu how do i do that? through a share in the guest os12:15
hischildminisu, as you can see it's at 8.2 for gutsy atm.12:15
minisuhischild: ok I see12:15
ensiArmada: what, xorg.conf? :)12:15
Armadaensi: You mean you didn't edit it?12:16
roguyuHey guys I have dual monitors setup but I can't for the life of me get it to work the way I want.  I am using ubuntu gutsy with an ati9 radeon x700 and a laptop screeen and external lcd screen.  When I put the mouse to the right of the laptop screen it goes to the external monitor.  However the external monitor is physically to the left of the laptop so i want the mouse to goto the left then goto the screen?12:16
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:16
roguyuHOw do i acheieve that?12:16
=== Krad is now known as khad
ensiArmada: i have been editing xorg.conf all day long.. (;12:16
Armadaensi: k, like in the instructions?12:17
lolerhow to burn iso file on cd like image?12:17
Armadaensi: and linux-restricted-modules-common too?12:17
|WolF|hischild: i still got eroor http://pastebin.com/m12db5aa812:18
ensiArmada: just checking the instructions but basically i have a working xorg.conf but only if the driver is "nv". if the driver is "nvidia" it falls back on failsafe.12:18
kelvin911how come the spell check doesnt work in my openoffice?12:18
Armadaensi: it will fall back if the install failed12:18
hischild|WolF|, that's correct. Those 2 are from another partition, one that possibly doesn't exist. Type mount and see if there's a line that says /home/<username>/storage now.12:19
titonyea ntfs for sure since it supports large files....cant share it anyway12:19
Armadaensi: just use the guide, begin from the start and you should be ok12:19
=== titon is now known as TitoN
ensiArmada: ok ill try12:19
* Twigathy waves12:19
|WolF|hischild: here is what i get when i type mount12:20
|WolF|hischild: http://pastebin.com/m64ecd26512:20
Eric_JardasI need some help guys12:20
Armadaensi: ah I found the list in the guide: "Using Synaptic or Apt, uninstall nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-legacy, nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-settings if they are installed."12:20
TwigathyI'm having trouble with vmware-server, it's deciding not to power on any VMs at all. Logfile here: http://paste.lisp.org/display/5868312:21
hischild|WolF|, as you can see, line 17 says it's mounted like it should. That's good. Now, one last step before you can actually use it. type this to make it YOUR partition instead of root ==> sudo chown theone:theone -R /home/theone/storage12:21
Eric_JardasI have ubuntu installed and I am about to install windows xp..so if anyone could tell me how could i boot back to ubuntu after installing windows ?12:21
Eric_Jardasplease help12:21
Eric_Jardasits urgent12:21
StarnestommyEric_Jardas: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows12:21
hischild!grub | Eric_Jardas12:22
ubotuEric_Jardas: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:22
Eric_Jardasty guys !12:22
|WolF|hischild: hehe u did it man 10x A LOT !!!12:22
kelvin911can someone help me with the openoffice?12:22
hischild|WolF|, you're welcome :-)12:22
kelvin911how come no spell check?12:23
Armadakelvin911: don't ask if we'd help you, ofcourse we'd do, just state the problem12:23
suxxorhow to burn iso file like image on cd12:24
binarical-appEric_Jardas: windows uses the master boot record or mbr to boot into winodws, since ubuntu is a linux system it is unrecognised by windows, as such it need to use a different boot loader to be able to boot a non windows os. you can use grub, which is the back bone of ubuntu booting :P or you could look to find something that maybe you could install from windows.12:24
kelvin911my openoffice has no spell check although i enable the auto check12:24
bullgard4What reader is useful to show me the contents of the file /usr/share/command-not-found/programs.d/i386-main.db?12:24
kelvin911and when i click the spell button it just say complete?12:24
binarical-appEric_Jardas: ill see if i can find something like that for you.....12:24
kelvin911please take a look http://img361.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotmg6.png12:25
Hausbergwhere can I change the default runlevel or disable graphical interface in boot12:26
Mikkel`Hi .. i has downloaded hldsupdatetool.bin and Now will i Make CS Server.. I can't not ./steam -command update -game cstrike -dir .? and after 2-4 mins will i get error? ... "Cannot open output file 'LinuxHldsUpdateTool_27.pkg'12:26
kelvin911maybe something not setup right in openoffice?12:26
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kelvin911maybe i should choose english (US) instead of english (canada) ??12:27
binarical-apphas anyone given refit a shot on a non mac computer ?12:28
dejxhello, does anybody here own polycom?12:28
MindSparkhi, what package do I need for the socket manual pages ?12:29
binarical-appEric_Jardas: check this out : http://www.sorgonet.com/linux/grubrestore/12:29
ensiArmada: ok, i had everything set up just like it says in that guide, except for the DISABLED_MODULES parameter12:30
ensiArmada: and no, it still doesnt work but boots into failsafe12:30
Dave_is_sexyHi all. Does anyone know what repository I need to aptitude install the cvs of gnuplot?12:30
MindSparkthis didn't make any sense to me12:31
binarical-appEric_Jardas : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindowss might help you a bit more then the last link i pasted12:31
binarical-appdave_is_sexy: i think you may need to build it from source12:34
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Dave_is_sexybinarical-app: thanks, i'll see what i can do :)12:35
schkulliHi ALL !!!12:35
Swanonymousbef@bef-desktop:~$ sudo deb http://repository.akirad.net akirad-gutsy main12:37
Swanonymoussudo: deb: command not found12:37
FloodBot2Swanonymous: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:37
Swanonymousbef@bef-desktop:~$ sudo deb http://repository.akirad.net akirad-gutsy main ---- sudo: deb: command not found ------> why??12:37
ensiArmada: where is the nvidia driver supposed to be found. i just updatedb and i can only find /lib/modules/2.6..-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko12:37
ensiArmada: and i dont think that is the correct ko12:38
MindSparkI need to get the manpages for certain libraries, what packages name pattern ?12:38
MindSparkUbuntu by default doesn't come with man pages for connect or socket for example12:38
StarnestommySwanonymous: you're doing it wrong.  You're supposed to add this to your /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://repository.akirad.net akirad-gutsy main12:38
geirhaMindSpark: manpages-dev has the manpages for libc ...12:40
=== Frogzoo_ is now known as frogzoo
MindSparkgeirha, thanks !12:41
binarical-appMindSpark: Documentation.renesas.com/eng/products/tool/rej03j0091_lccsocket.pdf12:42
MindSparkbinarical-app, thanks, I wanted to have them in man format :)12:42
WildChil17hello tehre12:43
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:44
ryanzecI have .configure --with-cards=hdaintel, make and sudo make install version 2.0.16 but when i restarted my computer alsactl --version still says i am useing version 2.0.15.  is there anything else i need to do to tell my OS(Ubuntu) to use the newer version?12:44
ensiArmada: hey man?12:45
WildChil17I have a little problem playing DVD with totem. Somehow I can only choose english subtitles in the subtitle menu. That's one thing, and the other is there isn't any subtitles when I play movie. Funny thing is that when I play the same dvd in vlc it will play subtitles if I change subtitle track. How can I fix this? any ideas ?12:45
bazhangSwanonymous: what is sudo deb? what are you trying to do12:47
prooveI need help with my touchpad. I cant get the "lockeddrags" to work.. anyone?12:47
hischildbazhang, he's trying to add a source to his sources.list and failed in doing so because he executed it.12:48
bazhangah thanks hischild ;]12:48
prooveAnyone? I set "lockedDrags=1" in xorg.conf but when i restar x lockeddrags is set to "0" again .. what is wrong?12:49
chimpCan anyone tell me how to set samba to allow anonymous access? When windows puters connect to my share, it always prompts for a password and i do not want this12:50
binarical-appchimp: you can set this option in the windows network settings on a computer you would like to let connect to yours, you should need to add your ip to the window network list12:52
chimpSo it's not on my end?12:52
ensihey, how can i make sure a particular kernel module is loaded on boot?12:53
matthieuhello guys12:53
binarical-appchimp: on your end you could configure your settings to force to connect to the network... but others still will have pasword issues12:53
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dani_Hello ! I have a frustrating problem ! I have a string that contains a html page( i've remove the end of line ) ! i need to print the values in html between  <strong>XXX</strong> tags..ALL of them not just first12:54
madduckhow can i disable that windows are attracted to screen borders?12:54
madducki am running 8.04 beta12:54
matthieudo you know if it's possible to use a different gateway for each software?12:54
chimpbinarical-app: When windows connect to other windows smb shares, it never prompts for a password, but does for the samba share, is there a reason for this?12:54
dani_i'm using shell scripting , i've tryed sed /awk ...any suggestions ?12:54
Starnestommymadduck: 8.04 s[upport is in #ubuntu+1 until release12:54
chimpI mean if it doesnt require a password, then why does just clicking next, not work12:55
hischilddani_, perhaps use grep?12:55
Tatankaensi: put it in /etc/modules12:55
dani_all of the shell commands ...use lines not strings12:55
madduckStarnestommy: thanks12:55
ensiTatanka: thanks12:55
dani_the grep will output the entire line .. not just the pattern i need12:55
hischilddani_, use a regular expression to cut the line to only the part you need.12:56
dani_native regexp of bash ? or what command ?12:56
jjnullsomeone can help me with wubi?12:56
hischilddani_, iirc grep has an option to only return the matched parts.12:56
jjnullI would like to install another distro instead of ubuntu12:57
binarical-appchimp: anything windows is mediocre at best, however if your ip is added to the network, then you wont have trouble connecting to your local network, you may have to edit a few things such as where you are added by default, but really, just do it on the windows side first12:57
jjnullI don't know how to use the image disk with a generic installer...12:57
dani_hischild,iirc ?12:58
dani_hischild,can u give me a small exemple ?12:58
estethjjnull: as far as i know, wubi is a ubuntu installer. I don't think it works with another distro12:58
hischilddani_, if i remember correctly.12:58
Armadaensi: I was gone for a minute, didn't you get the PM?12:58
chimpbinarical-app: Cheers for the help, just annoying really, theres about 10 or so computers that i want see allow to see the share without prompting for a password, pain to have to configure them all12:59
jjnullesteth: yes but wubi uses other software to work12:59
hischilddani_, man grep and take a look at the -o option12:59
jjnullit would me very easy to port12:59
matthieudo you know if it's possible to use a different gateway for each software?12:59
binarical-appchimp: it really only takes one computer to add you, preferably the network admin should add you. then you will have to edit a few things on your computer so that you join the correct "workgroup" or such things,13:00
Starnestommymatthieu: I think it depends on the software.  If each interface has a different IP and the program can bind to a specific address, I think it should be possible13:01
N3WFI3i have ubuntu installed :) man its sooo sweet13:01
f0rmati was asking yesterday how to make it so other users can't just access /home and someone said don't you 8.04 use 7.10 so i am it is still allowing other less privliged users access to each others accounts and even mine i would have thought that security would automatically make it so /home was chmoded to the right permission value :S13:01
matthieuStarnestommy, i've only one network interface with one IP. The two gateway are on the same subnet13:02
estethf0rmat: your home folder is able to be viewed by others, but not modified, i think. You can use the chmod command to change this so that others can only list the files, and so on13:03
ensiArmada: no13:03
Armadaensi: I see freenode blocks PMs13:03
f0rmatesteth, but i don't wan't them to even see each others direcotrys in /home even better not see /home at all13:03
TwigathyAny VMware-server wizards about? It seems to just crash for me... http://paste.lisp.org/display/5868313:04
Armadaensi: anyway, did it work?13:04
astro76f0rmat: simply sudo chmod go-rwx /home/user on the user directories you don't want others to access, that removes Read Write and Execute from Group and Others13:04
ensiArmada: yes, eventually. the problem appears to have been that nvidia.ko was NOT loaded for some reason. i just modprobed it myself and 3d and glx worked.13:04
estethf0rmat: You might be able to do something with encryption there. and auto mount the encrypted files on login or something, but i have no experience with it13:04
f0rmatbut can't it me made to /home so that all users exept root doesn't see anything13:04
f0rmati dunno13:05
bullgard4What file viewer is able to show the contents of a Berkeley database?13:05
astro76f0rmat: maybe but who cares if they can't go into any of those "folders"13:05
f0rmati just don't wan't to have to go through all the user accouns making sure they are chmodded right13:05
sdrowkcabmy router is set to assign my mac address to the IP: But it sets it to and does not even show up in the "attached devices". what is happening?13:05
shuktyhi can i add a codec into vnc ?13:05
astro76f0rmat: sudo chmod go-rwx /home/* would protect ALL users folders in one command13:05
f0rmataaah but if i added a new user would it be valid for that user13:06
astro76f0rmat: there's a way to do that too13:06
Armadaesni: that shouldn't that have been done by the driver installer?13:06
ensiArmada: shrug13:07
f0rmatastro76, thankyou that command did the trick13:07
Armadaensi: whatever works for you13:07
f0rmatnow my test accound can't access my account13:07
f0rmatesteth, thankyou too13:08
razor-x11yo yo yo yo lol13:08
astro76f0rmat: I think if you run that command on /etc/skel/ it will affect newly created users home directories13:08
Armadaensi: you did execute this command before installing the driver right? "sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`"13:09
ensiArmada: yeah, i had build-essentials from before though13:09
Armadaensi: k, strange13:09
ensiArmada: and without the linux headers it cant build the driver13:09
dani_hischild,THANK U ! Grep rulz13:10
LupoBluAlfabuon giorno13:10
ryanzecon ubuntu how do i open up the window to configure the compiz options13:10
hischilddani_, you're welcome. Good luck13:10
LupoBluAlfama c dici13:10
astro76!it | LupoBluAlfa13:10
ubotuLupoBluAlfa: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:10
LupoBluAlfasai parlare in inglese13:10
ac3Hi, i´m trying to boot my workstations from an nfs server, but i always get a kernel panic, just as described on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/18125813:10
astro76!ccsm | ryanzec13:11
uboturyanzec: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion13:11
ac3kernel version is 2.6.24-14-generic13:11
Twigathyac3: ahha, I use root over NFS13:11
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TwigathyIt's network manager getting in the way last time I checked13:11
f0rmatastro76, i can't add users anymore13:11
astro76LupoBluAlfa: do you have an Ubuntu support question to ask... in English?13:12
DishtroyerGood Morning13:12
astro76f0rmat: ahhh ;) then undo that... sudo chmod go+rx /etc/skel13:12
Twigathyac3: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OnNFSDriveWithLocalBoot <-- the stuff about network manager might help you there13:12
sayedgood morrning13:12
rhineheart_manybody here who knows how to hack the log-in page of the squirrelmail so that if it will be clicked it will go back to a specific link?13:12
itai-michaelsonDishtroyer, good evening...13:12
DishtroyerCould someone help with with a driver problem?13:13
sayednot now13:13
shuktyhi can i add a codec into vnc ?13:13
itai-michaelsonDishtroyer, what's the the problem?13:13
DishtroyerThank you Itai13:13
sayedi have aprobleme im sound13:14
DishtroyerI have a belikin wireless desktop client card. Its a Broadcom bcm43XX chipset. the driver that comes with UBUNTU doesn't seem to work13:14
f0rmatastro76, still doesn't work13:14
ac3Twigathy: thx, but it does not solve the problem13:14
Twigathyhm, interesting13:15
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DishtroyerI just now installed UBUNTU and am learninf on the fly13:15
Twigathyac3: that's the exact same message I got before fiddling with network mangler.... maybe something else is messing with your eth0?13:15
programergood morrning human13:15
itai-michaelsonDishtroyer, wireless can be a pain13:16
astro76f0rmat: still can't create users?13:16
DishtroyerNo doubt Itai13:16
ac3Twigathy: i´l retry from scratch, maybe i did something wrong13:16
itai-michaelsonDishtroyer, first - did you read this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx13:16
astro76f0rmat: paste the output of ls -ld /etc/skel13:16
ensiTatanka: didnt work btw.13:16
ensiTatanka: the module was not loaded at boot13:16
DishtroyerNo Itai, but I will brb13:16
f0rmatastro76, drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-10-16 00:21 /etc/skel13:17
astro76f0rmat: hmm that's fine, did you make other changes?13:17
itai-michaelsonDishtroyer, which version of Ubuntu did you intsall?13:17
f0rmatno i didn't13:18
SpookyETCan anyone figure out the direct link to http://acpi.sourceforge.net/dsdt/view.php?id=64813:19
f0rmatastro76, i had to remove the group made by the user and re add the user13:19
SpookyETFirefox give me a corrupt gz, wget/curl 404 http://acpi.sourceforge.net/dsdt/view.php?id=64813:20
usamahashimiHello Everyone!13:20
xfai can't configure the volume of headphones and speakers(notebook) seperatly, someboy an idea?13:20
ac3Twigathy: no luck, i created a new install on my nfs server with debootstrap, and still the same error message. Networkmanager is not even installed13:21
usamahashimiis it possible to install at the end of second hard drive?13:21
TwigathyIt's definiately something which is messing with your ethernet though - that's the message I got when eth0 was brought down and back up again, of course losing connection with the NFS server ;)13:21
ac3i do have BOOT=auto in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf13:21
ac3could that be the problem13:22
ac3should i fix this to nfs?13:22
Twigathyyou ought to set that to BOOT=nfs, yeah13:22
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conartistand i m in again13:22
lordleemoSpookyET: http://acpi.sourceforge.net/dsdt/dl.php?id=64813:22
conartistand the same problem13:22
conartisti just installed ubuntu again13:23
SpookyETlordleemo: yeah13:23
SpookyETlordleemo: http://acpi.sourceforge.net/dsdt/view.php?id=64813:23
conartistbecause i m a noob13:23
conartisthere it goes again13:23
lordleemoSpookyET: http://acpi.sourceforge.net/dsdt/dl.php?id=648   thats direct m813:23
conartistcan anyone..and i mean anyone, can help me with my sound in ubuntu???13:23
SpookyETlordleemo: it's not13:23
chimpIs there a command that will make ubuntu open a file with the associated program, from the command line?13:24
conartisti doesnt do anything, my alsa mixer it s working...13:24
conartistbut my sound, doest not13:24
estethchimp: most of the time typing the name of the program followed by the path to the file works13:24
binarical-appchimp: its called a pipe ,13:24
conartisthow can i fix this problem?13:24
conartisti read all the links to this problem13:24
conartistnothing solvede the problem...13:25
itai-michaelsonconartist, what sound card?13:25
shuktyhi can i add a codec into vnc ?13:25
s0enke_hi dudes. I have some strange RAID setup with 2 usb disks (in one case). I'm using software-raid1 for them. if the harddisk is turned at kernel-boot the auto-detect works fine. but if I turn the hdd on while linux is running it fails to autodetect the array because the detection starts when the first hdd is being recognized. do you know if there is some delay that can be used for kernel autodetection? :-)13:25
void^chimp: gnome-open13:25
conartistcard: hda intel, chip realtek alc88513:25
Tatankaensi: does ubuntu try to load the module?13:25
ensiTatanka: how can i find out?13:26
conartisti just ran alsamixer in the terminal13:26
chimpvoid^: cheers that works brilliant13:26
ultramalfchimp: $clientname; works, now I just need last two parts of it13:26
f0rmatastro76, when i added the user i could still cd from my account to his home13:26
f0rmati had to rerun the chmod13:26
Tatankasytem log or /var/log/syslog13:27
itai-michaelsonshukty which codec?13:27
conartistplss someone?13:27
usamahashimican anyone tell me that is it possible to install at the end of 2nd hard drve?13:27
conartistor maybe tell me where to go and who to speak with to solve this problem with my sound!13:28
shuktyto itai-michaelson ffmpeg or something better than owncodec13:28
leeuwjust testing13:28
itai-michaelsonconartist, did you check the forum?13:28
conartisti checked the forum man....but no response...13:28
conartisti screwed upo my system because of the forum13:29
conartisti need an concrete answer13:29
itai-michaelsonshukty,  which file are you trying to play? usually you dont need to add a codec to vlc, id adds it automatically when you install the codec13:29
conartistso pls.....anyone!!!13:29
ac3Twigathy: same error:(13:29
Ace2016oh no the forums are offline13:29
conartistdo you know itai?13:29
conartisthow to fix it13:29
Ace2016any info on when it'll be back?13:29
Ace2016The forums are currently offline while we do maintenance. We will return shortly. :'(13:29
itai-michaelsonconartist, i don't have your sound card , sorry can't help you at the moment13:30
binarical-appconartist /syslog refers to your system log, ther may be some more info in that file13:30
conartisti m a noob...in ubuntu...so take my easy13:31
conartistso i run /syslog in the terminal?13:31
Ace2016conartist: what are you trying to do?13:32
N3WFI3where do i find amsn i thought it was included?13:32
conartisti wnat to get my sound working,13:32
Ace2016use pidgin13:32
N3WFI3pidgin better?13:32
DishtroyerThank you Itai... yes, it looks like this problem will take me some time to work out.13:32
Ace2016yup, pidgin is better13:32
N3WFI3ok cool13:33
binarical-appconartist: nano /var/log/syslog13:33
N3WFI3this os rox man13:33
N3WFI3everything you need is there at install13:33
conartistmy card is hda intel and the chip is realtek alc88513:33
bullgard4What file viewer is able to show the contents of a Berkeley database?13:33
binarical-appthats real nice, but firt i need to know what caused your crash13:33
itai-michaelsonDishtroyer, did you try to download the firmware , i belive that this is the best method the link suggests13:33
N3WFI3goto make a system restart will be back hAHA13:34
conartisti ran syslog13:34
conartistand now what?13:34
conartistwhere should i look?13:34
binarical-appconartist: nano /var/log/syslog13:34
astro76f0rmat: in /etc/profile, change umask 022 to umask 077, that will make all created files and dirs accessbile only by owner13:34
conartistyes man13:34
conartisti did that13:34
conartistnow what?13:34
chimp_Ok, odd question but is it possible through an ssh session to interact with a running program, for example if one computer is running irssi, is there anyway to view that irssi session13:34
binarical-appand is there something in that file?13:34
conartist(i m using for the first time in my life ubuntu)13:34
f0rmatastro76, "in /etc/profile" how do i get in is there a gui13:34
astro76!screen | chimp_13:34
ubotuchimp_: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen13:35
chimp_Ahh, ta astro7613:35
binarical-appokay thats really good, keep that up, dont let this little bug get you down13:35
astro76f0rmat: any text editor... e.g. gksudo gedit13:35
conartistpls help me....:(13:35
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binarical-appconartist: did you enter that comand in the terminal ? if you did can you tell me what you saw, and if there was any output13:36
conartistif my chip is realtek alc885 there is no way in the world that it will work on ubuntu?13:36
itai-michaelsonconartist, can i make a suggestion? it is possible that your problem will not be solved instantly today. i think that of you post on the forum (which is sadly offline momentarily) you have a better chance of getting a good solution.13:36
binarical-appconartist: we can gat anything to work in ubuntu13:36
conartistand if we can binarical......why not my soundcard13:36
itai-michaelsonconartist,  there are people who got that chip working in the forum, i would google it for you except the forum is offline. don't worry - the problem will be solved13:37
conartisthow long can i wait m8?13:37
binarical-appconartist: is this the first time your sound card isnt working? has it had this problem before in ubuntu . have you used it and gotten it to produce sound?13:37
conartistno man13:37
conartisti use dual boot13:37
ultramalfconartist: what you mean by nigger lower ? mogger fans fanatics nigger maniacs just someone who dont think niggers are generally manic ? a man in lowe with a nigger ?13:37
conartistxp and ubuntu13:37
astro76!ops | ultramalf13:38
ubotuultramalf: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!13:38
ultramalfubotu: arg13:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about arg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:38
conartistand in xp....it works13:38
conartistmy sound works on windows13:38
conartistbut in ubuntu13:38
conartistit doesnt13:38
conartistso my windows detects my soundcard.....13:38
binarical-appyeah thats because windows is a sluttl os as will do anything for you if you tweak it enough13:38
trueboskoHi there .. this is more of a precautionary question. I have Vista and am trying to install Ubuntu on another partition. I noticed in my partitions I have a SWAP and Ext3 partitons already (I used to have Debian) .. These were frmo Debian and are in no way connected to Vista right? Stupid question, but I need to be 100% sure13:39
astro76truebosko: correct13:39
trueboskoOk great13:39
sam_is there a #beta channel?13:39
conartistdoes anyone have a clue....so i m using a dual boot...ubuntu and windows xp...my windows xp detects my soundcard...but ubuntu doesnt13:39
xs142Is there any way to switch between for example ubuntu and gentoo without reinstalling and/or formating?13:40
itai-michaelsontruebosko, , vista is NTFS13:40
astro76sam_: #ubuntu+113:40
conartisthelp !13:40
trueboskoitai-michaelson - Yup I know, but needed to quadruple check ;)13:40
trueboskoDont want my Vista install borking juuuust yet13:40
xs142truebosko, no they're not related13:40
coincoin169anyone knows how to record anything that go through my soundcard ???13:40
itai-michaelsontruebosko, no problem, make sure to backup before installing....13:41
xs142I did the same last week :)13:41
ricanelitewhen i click on enable for 3D on the restricted devices for my nvidia grapics card the resoultion and everything screws up13:41
ricaneliteis there a way I could start from scratch13:41
conartistplsssss help me13:41
ricanelitewithout having to reinstall Ubuntu?13:41
binarical-appconartist: you may have to get ndiswrapper and use it to install the windows driver for you13:41
estethricanelite: no13:41
trueboskoSo basically when I am installing Ubuntu I can set its swap to point to the currently existing Swap partiont I have yes?13:41
conartistcan i talk to you on private m8?13:41
ricaneliteso i will have to do a install of the hole OS?13:41
chimp_wow this screen program is ace13:41
astro76!xconfig | ricanelite13:42
uboturicanelite: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes13:42
astro76!console | ricanelite13:42
uboturicanelite: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:42
itai-michaelsontruebosko, you have debian installed already and want to add ubuntu? if so then yes13:42
binarical-appconartist : you can pm anyone in this room13:42
astro76ricanelite: hmm... when it says open a console, type ctrl+alt+f213:42
trueboskoitai-michaelson - I dont have Debian anymore, but it looks like the swap partition was left there when I removedi t13:42
trueboskoSo I guess I can just take it over :)13:42
conartisthow ca i do that13:43
itai-michaelsontruebosko, you can , i have shared a swap between debian and ubuntu before13:43
astro76!pm | conartist binarical-app13:43
ubotuconartist binarical-app: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.13:43
coincoin169anyone knows how to record anything that go through my soundcard ???13:43
AstralianHelli everybody!13:43
snowolfhi Astralian13:43
AstralianI need some help installing Ubuntu 7.10 to Acer Laptop Please!!!13:43
root北京语言大学。 this is a test.13:43
astro76coincoin169: maybe Audacity has an option for that?13:44
binarical-appi agree with ubotu and astro76 : ask your questions where we all can see them13:44
conartist!pm | conartist binarical-app13:44
ubotuconartist binarical-app: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.13:44
xs142Is there any way to switch between for example ubuntu and gentoo without reinstalling and/or formating?13:44
conartisti cant send a pm13:44
ricanelitei have a 512mb graphics card13:44
astro76xs142: sure you can dual/multi-boot with multiple linux installs13:44
conartistwhat should i write?13:44
ricanelitewhat do i enter for the amount of memory (kb) to be used by the video card?13:44
itai-michaelsonconartist - there is a solution to your problem here:
conartistok itai.....13:45
xs142astro76 rather want to exchange it all together13:45
conartistbrb after i read it13:45
coincoin169i've tried but it didn't work13:45
binarical-appconartist: why dont you start by telling us what you did to stop getting sound out of your sound card. also please calm down.13:45
ricanelitei have a 512mb graphics card13:45
AstralianPlease! I try install but after everything disappears I can see bacl screen and lights buttons swtich off with dvdrom. I've got SCSI hard drive13:45
ricanelitewhat do i type in for memory (kb)?13:45
astro76xs142: then you need to re-install... one distros setup/packagin system/ install system has little to nothing to do with another13:45
Astralianitai-michaelson: hello! please help me to install ubuntu13:46
itai-michaelsonconartist -look at bodhi.zazen's post that begins with "There you go. "13:46
rootHELLO WORLD!(北京北语)13:46
itai-michaelsonAstralian, sure whats the world13:46
odder!hi | root13:46
uboturoot: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:46
astro76root: feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic for testing stuff ;)13:46
itai-michaelsonroot 你好13:46
Astralianitai-michaelson:  I try install but after everything disappears I can see bacl screen and lights buttons swtich off with dvdrom. I've got SCSI hard drive13:46
conartistfirst of all, i' using a dual boot, windows xp and ubuntu(ubuntu for the first time in my life), after that, in windows xp, my sound works great, but in ubuntu, nothing...i dont hear anything..that s my problem13:47
itai-michaelsonconartist, did you read the link i sent you?13:47
ac3Twigathy: which howto dit you follow?13:47
conartisti doesnt work13:47
conartistsays connecting since you sent it13:47
itai-michaelsonconartist, which part?13:47
conartistoh look13:48
itai-michaelsonAstralian, did you install ubuntu? when do you get the black screen? did you check the CD media for errors?13:48
conartistnow it works13:48
conartistwhere showuld i look now13:48
itai-michaelsonin BodhisZazen's post the begins with "There you go. "13:49
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conartistok itai....i m in the link...where should i look?13:49
rootgoing to have a bath , see you guys later~13:49
Astralianitai-michaelson: yes I checheked. everything is ok. I wrote .iso to dvd-rw. after i press install it shows me logo then text with ok ok ok ok and after black screen and hard drive stops and dvd too.13:50
=== anteaya_ is now known as anteaya
Astralianitai-michaelson: I have SCSI hard drive13:50
Twigathyac3: I wrote the NFS with local boot howto, and that worked okay for me13:50
itai-michaelsonconartist, look for BoddhiZazen's post that begins with "There you go. "13:50
bob87does anybody know a tool to repair a VirtualBox .VDI NTFS file which is mounted under ubuntu ?13:51
ac3could the problem be pxe related?13:51
ac3i´m booting using pxe13:51
itai-michaelsonAstralian, what VGA card?13:51
conartistok found it13:51
Astralianitai-michaelson:  NVIDIA GeForce Go 730013:52
conartistwhere do i download that?13:52
archmananyone knows of any low-latency drivers ?13:52
Astralianitai-michaelson: Linux Mandriva setups with no problem13:52
astro76archman: for what?13:52
archmanastro76: audio; i need it for soundrecording13:53
astro76archman: UbuntuStudio uses the low-latency kernel13:53
itai-michaelsonAstralian, mmm...i don't think SCSI should be a problem, the only thing i can suggest is running the alternae install , it usually solves a lot of problems13:54
archmanastro76: do you maybe got any clues why my sound 'cracks' when i record in ubuntu? When i record in xp (via VM) it doesn't crack...13:54
Astralianitai-michaelson: how can I run it?13:54
conartistwhere do i download the others 4.06a? from the link m8?13:54
itai-michaelsonAstralian, sorry, u need to download it, from the ubuntu website13:55
Astralianitai-michaelson: ah when I try to install as OEM it stops after CPU or smth PANIC13:55
Astraliancannot mount root13:55
itai-michaelsonconartist, yes, from the realteck website13:55
archmanastro76: is there ubuntu studio live? i don't want to install it...13:55
astro76archman: no experience with it.... you might want to check out #ubuntustudio13:55
astro76archman: I don't believe so13:55
itai-michaelsonAstralian, do you mean Kernel Panic?13:55
Astralianitai-michaelson: yes maybe13:56
archmanastro76: ohh, damn...tnx anyway13:56
itai-michaelsonAstralian, what computer are you installin on?13:56
archmanastro76: so no low latency drivers for ubuntu?13:56
conartistis this where i showld download http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=23&PFid=23&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false#AC13:56
Astralianitai-michaelson: I use Acer 9300 laptop AMD Turion 64X2 64 bit13:56
itai-michaelsonconartist, yes,13:57
ompaularchman, The RT kernel is the Ubuntu kernel with a realtime preemption patch applied. It is included in Ubuntu Studio by default. For more information please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime/Gutsy13:57
itai-michaelsonAstralian, are you using a 64bit Ubuntu version?13:57
conartistthe linux driver (2.4 or 2.6)?? with the rhel4 update 4 or without?13:57
Astralianitai-michaelson: when tryed to download I pressed the button download 64 bit AMD or Intel13:58
conartisttell me what to download more exactly...i told you i wass a noob13:58
conartisti am in fact13:58
itai-michaelsonconartist, so am i13:58
conartistso what do i download m8? be more explicit?13:58
itai-michaelsonconartist, give me some time - i'm googling for you13:59
conartistok m813:59
conartisti ll be here13:59
conartistand wainting..thank you for the support13:59
ubuntu_hey all14:00
ubuntu_i have a problem, upgrading to hardy heron14:00
AstralianB /msg Please ppl I can't install the latest Ubuntu 7.10 on ACER 9300 Laptop. B14:00
astro76ubuntu_: #ubuntu+114:00
ubuntu_some confusion with sda/hda, now grub won't load :(14:00
snowolf!hardy | ubuntu_14:00
ubotuubuntu_: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu14:00
ubuntu_okay thanks14:00
AstralianB /msg test B14:00
Frogger626Does anyone know a general tech-support channel?14:01
itai-michaelsonAstralian, at the moment i would suggest downloading and trying the alternate version14:01
astro76Frogger626: there's #linux14:01
Astralianitai-michaelson: what is alternate version?14:01
Frogger626astro76: For installing a new HD?14:01
astro76Frogger626: #hardware14:01
itai-michaelsonAstralian, its not graphic14:02
borissomeone tell me whats going on with ubuntu forums14:02
ompaulFrogger626, hardware ##hardware14:02
Kurkoalternate is text based installer14:02
fabiimwich package contains the su program?14:02
astro76boris: I hear they are down14:02
borisnow i finally got connection and know why they're down14:03
borisThe forums are currently offline while we do maintenance. We will return shortly.14:03
Astralianitai-michaelson: so what exactly should I do?14:03
astro76fabiim: dpkg -S `which su`14:03
itai-michaelsonAstralian, go here http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download14:03
Astralianitai-michaelson: what to download?14:03
Astralian64 bit AMD?14:03
itai-michaelsonAstralian, and check the "Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer."  on th ebottom14:03
CaptainMorganhow do I update my flash player ?14:03
estethwhat is the add/remove programs thing called from the command line?14:04
itai-michaelsonAstralian, try the 32 bot forst14:04
itai-michaelson32 bit14:04
CaptainMorganI've the version, but the script couldn't find the proper path for the installation folder14:04
soundrayfabiim: it's part of the login package. (Please don't use su to get root access in Ubuntu)14:04
fabiimastro76,  tks14:04
Astralianitai-michaelson: what is the difference between alternate and normal amd 64?14:04
fabiimsoundray, tks14:04
Astralianjust installer or smth else?14:04
fabiimsoundray, why?14:04
Astralianitai-michaelson: but Mandriva 2008 installs good.14:05
soundrayfabiim: Ubuntu is designed to be administered with sudo14:05
itai-michaelsonAstralian, no, the difference is between alternate and graphic14:05
soundray!sudo | fabiim14:05
ubotufabiim: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.14:05
Slade^^guys, has it firewall for linux???14:05
lionalternate edition seems to provide more choies during installation.14:05
Astralianitai-michaelson: so will i see inside OS pictures or text only?14:05
soundray!firestarter | Slade^^14:05
ubotuSlade^^: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).14:05
lione.g. oem mode14:06
itai-michaelsonAstralian, unfortuanetly the Ubuntu forums are down, so i cannot check for problems with your laptop. sometimes one distro loads better than the other14:06
Izhow can i fix my webcam and use it throw amsn?14:06
hyper_chwhat's wrong with ubuntuforums?14:06
Slade^^tanks .. :14:06
LaRozaThey are updating the database and forum14:06
itai-michaelsonAstralian, its only text -14:06
hyper_chhuhu LaRoza :)14:06
Frogger626Uh, ##hardware is all in french14:06
Astralianubotu: lion: I tried OEM14:06
hyper_chLaRoza: I was wondering because I only get a time-out14:06
fabiimwhere can i see the source files of the program of the packages?14:07
astro76Frogger626: it's usually English ;)14:07
LaRozaYou would have to install the source packages14:07
hyper_chfabiim: apt-get source PACKAGE14:07
Frogger626astro76: I have babelfish pulled up, so I think I'm good, but an english channel would be preferable14:07
Astralianitai-michaelson: so inside OS after installation wil it be the same?14:07
soundrayFrogger626: the topic is English, so it'll be all right to ask a question in English14:07
itai-michaelsonAstralian, 100% the same14:07
LaRozaYes, the alt disk installs the same syste14:07
LjLfabiim: "apt-get source packagename"14:08
TatankaIz: amsn can't do that, I think kopete can14:08
Astralianitai-michaelson: tank you so much14:08
LaRozaKopete can use wecams14:08
astro76Frogger626: I've never seen anything *but* English in there14:08
xfais it possible to configure headphones ouput und speakers seperatly?14:08
fabiimok , tks everyone , you guys are really helpful14:08
Frogger626astro76: Come take a look for yourself?14:08
astro76Frogger626: I see, I guess you can speak whatever language you want... just ask in English ;)14:08
itai-michaelsonAstralian, no problem, in general the Ubuntu forums are a better place to get information , but they are down, if the alternate doesn't work - you can try posting there14:09
astro76Frogger626: note also the /topic is English14:09
Astralianlion: hi! So what did u say about command?14:09
Frogger626OK then14:09
LaRozaCan't everyone just stay connected?14:09
itai-michaelsonconartist, im still waiting for the realtek webpage to come up14:09
RaceConditionis it possible to "convert" a running JeOS server to a regular Ubuntu Server?14:10
sexypandemichi guys, while I'm not logged on to my nix box, I have to resort to using mirc as a irc chat client. Can any of you suggest any free or opensource alternatives to mirc that aren't resource hogs?14:10
michael__what reltek driver are you having probs with ??14:10
donciccioHow do I recover my execution permissions in my /home?14:11
LaRozaWhat is mirc?14:11
Exterissexypandemic, xchat +?14:11
LaRozaIf it is for irc, I use irssi14:11
LjLLaRoza: an IRC client for Windows14:11
LollinopiLhow can i uninstall a WINE program ?14:11
astro76sexypandemic: xchat14:11
sexypandemicoh, i thought xchat for windows wasn't free?14:11
donciccioHow do I recover my execution permissions in my /home?14:11
LjLLollinopiL: type « uninstaller » in a shell14:11
LaRozaLollinopiL: Run the uninstaller?14:11
LjLdonciccio: how did you lose them?14:11
LollinopiLLjL awesome!14:12
itai-michaelsonmichael__, conartist is having problems with ALC885 from realtec14:12
donciccioi set the command chmod 644 /home/...14:12
LjLsexypandemic, X-Chat is open-source, so someone can always compile it and give a free binary.14:12
astro76sexypandemic: just the build wasn't free, now there is a free built one http://www.silverex.org/news/14:12
LaRozairssi for Windows: http://irssi.org/14:13
LjLdonciccio: /home, or /home/youruser?14:13
donciccioYes /home/myuser14:13
LjLdonciccio: chmod u+rwx /home/youruser then14:14
michael__conartist: http://www.driversdown.com/drivers/Realtek-ALC-ALC880-ALC260-ALC861-HD-Audio-CODECs-Driver-R1.0-Linux_68124.shtml14:14
doncicciobut I can not execute the console because I do not have permissions14:14
Astralianitai-michaelson: what if I first install Mandriva 2008 and after from Mandriva start Ubuntu will oit help?14:14
LaRozadonciccio: Use the recovery console14:14
LjLdonciccio: can't you go to a text mode terminal (ctrl+alt+f2)?14:14
chsmrshi folks. i just set up my new HP 8510p with ubuntu. has anybody expirience using the fingerprint reader for login?14:14
itai-michaelsonAstralian, don't think so14:14
LjLdonciccio: (ctrl+alt+f7 to go back to the desktop)14:15
LaRozadonciccio: If you get a blank screen, and no terminal, press Ctrl + Alt + F7 to get back14:15
LaRozaThen reboot into the recover console14:15
conartistok i m back ......14:16
sexypandemicLaRoza: omg, that's just pure sex14:17
sexypandemicirssi for windows for usbkey14:17
LaRozasexypandemic: What?14:17
conartistmichael....do i download that ?14:17
Zeit|awytry to install 8.04b on a HP Xeon workstation.. installer drops into busybox right after chosing to install.. any hints?14:17
conartistfrom the link you just gave me?14:17
Durman4eghi comrads14:18
conartistso do i???14:18
Durman4egHi from Ru14:18
=== Frogzoo_ is now known as frogzoo
unocrashCan i set up evolution with http email?14:18
conartistover there it says for alc880, i have alc88514:19
conartistdoes it work?14:19
michael__im here14:20
chsmrshas anybody an idea howto install the software for the fingerprint reader on a HP ntebook?14:20
conartistyou gave me a link...14:20
conartistto download the driver for alc14:20
michael__conartist: if there is one thing i learned about linux - it doesnt hurt to try it14:20
unocrashchamrs: I dont think ubuntu supports that.14:20
LaRozachsmrs: SOme are14:20
LaRozaWhat is your fingerprinter reader model?14:20
conartistcan you help me?14:20
chsmrshang on14:21
michael__conartist: well try downloading it and see if it works and if it doesnt well go from there14:21
conartistok man14:21
conartistbrb after i do this step14:21
donciccio_thank you14:21
michael__conartist: ill brb to14:21
donciccio_I did chmod 744 /home/myuser14:22
unocrashI want to change my sound scheme, but when I try to change it to the ubuntustudio sounds, it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop.14:22
waterqualcuno conosce il modo per risolvere il problema delle TkC di amsn???14:22
donciccio_is this OK?14:22
LaRozaDoes it say what packages it wants to remove?14:22
LaRozaJust 'ubuntu-desktop' doesn't mean anything14:22
sebrockif a package shows as 'pn' with dpkg, how do I remove it from the DB?14:22
unocrashI want to change my sound scheme, but when I try to change it to the ubuntustudio sounds, it wants to remove the ubuntu-desktop package. What should I do?14:23
michael__laroza: ubuntu desktop package may be needed for further updates in the future just remember that ..14:23
LaRozaThen it will be reinstalled.14:23
conartisthow do i run my downloaded file after i downloaded it?14:23
conartistit s a zip file14:23
michael__unocrash: it should be ok to remve it14:23
Lucias_O`NeilI'm trying to install beryl by using the following command: gksudo apt-get install beryl emerald-themes beryl-manager, but it says that the beryl package is not found. What gives?14:23
conartist(i m new to linux)14:23
unocrashIt said not to14:23
LaRozaWhat version of Linux Lucias_O`Neil ?14:23
Lucias_O`NeilUbuntu 7.1014:23
chsmrsLaRoza, the exact model is not specified in my docs14:23
michael__conartist you have to open / extrac14:23
LaRozaLucias_O`Neil: Use Compiz14:23
chsmrsi'm using a HP Compaq 8510p14:24
ompaul!beryl | Lucias_O`Neil14:24
ubotuLucias_O`Neil: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz14:24
conartisthow can i talk to you in private michael?14:24
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.14:24
LaRozachsmrs: http://www.linlap.com/wiki/HP-Compaq+8710P14:24
unocrashso its ok to remove ubuntu-desktop (the package?14:24
soundraychsmrs: apparently, it will work -- see http://www.vogelweith.com/debian_laptop/01_hpcompaq8510p.php (sorry French, but look at section 5)14:24
LjLunocrash: generally, yes14:24
ensiare thumb mouse buttons supposed to work, or do i still have to hack with imwheel?14:24
conartist!pm michael what shoul i do?14:24
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, I have compiz already...14:24
unocrashI dont want to reinstall though.14:25
LjLunocrash: although you may end up with packages that APT claims are "unused and can be removed" (because it's ubuntu-desktop that keeps those together)14:25
LaRozaLucias_O`Neil: Install the compiz plugins and settings manager14:25
chsmrsi speak french, so no problem. i'll take a look at it, thanks a lot guys14:25
Zeit|awytry to install 8.04b on a HP Xeon workstation.. installer drops into busybox right after chosing to install.. any hints? casper.log say unable to find medium - it boots off an internal IDE-DVD-ROM14:25
itai-michaelsonconartist, did you unzip it?14:25
conartisti unzipped it man......on to my desktop14:25
conartistnow what?14:26
soundrayZeit|awy: ask in #ubuntu+1 please14:26
LaRozaIs there a read me?14:26
itai-michaelsonconartist,  whats' inside? is there a README file?14:26
soundray!mouse | ensi14:26
ubotuensi: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto14:26
conartistnow what?14:26
LaRozaconartist: Read it14:26
conartistnow what?14:27
LaRozaI don't know what you downloaded, but readme's usually have instructions14:27
conartisti run the tar command from my terminal?14:27
mmm4m5mQuestion: is there some advanced log viewer with plugins architecture - so you could write some scripts and make it custom log viewer (like apache log viewer)?14:27
conartistafter i unzipped it?14:27
unocrashits done.14:28
itai-michaelsonconartist - read the READMEfile14:28
conartistand i should do all the steps there14:28
itai-michaelsonconartist YES14:28
itai-michaelsonconartist, make sure you understand what you are doing, so you can undo it later'14:29
conartisti unzziped the file14:29
conartistinto my home folder14:30
conartistmy profile14:30
donciccio_I have one application that I can not execute on WINE.  It says: impossible to open database. "sitocmenu.nfo" can not be open. Write protected.14:30
unocrashwhats a good iTunes Like program for Ubuntu.14:30
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, It says that I have the latest version of compiz already installed.14:30
LjLmmm4m5m: perhaps "modlogan"14:30
LaRozaInstall the plugins and settings manager14:30
LaRozaSearch in synaptic for "compiz" and you will see them14:30
conartistafter that i do : tar xfvj alcsound.tar.bz214:30
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, That errors.14:30
conartistin the terminal right?14:30
mmm4m5mLjL: 10x, will check that14:31
LjL!players > unocrash    (unocrash, see the private message from Ubotu)14:31
GlenQuagmiredonciccio: what are the file-permissions of sitocmenu.nfo ?14:31
LaRozaLucias_O`Neil: Errors? From what?14:31
itai-michaelsonconartist, i think you can just doubleclisk on it in nautilus and it will give you the option to extract it14:31
conartistand i do extract her?14:32
LaRozaitai-michaelson: Or right click and select "Extract Here"14:32
donciccio_reading only14:32
Jaymacchristophoros: did you get your dvd to work?14:32
tobberothSeems I'm only getting sound output from my left speaker... what do I do?14:32
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, The packed itsself does, I run this: sudo dpkg -i compiz-settings_0.07-2_i386.deb        and get this:sudo dpkg -i compiz-settings_0.07-2_i386.deb14:32
LaRozaForums are back up14:33
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, Errors were encountered while processing:*14:33
itai-michaelsonconartist, yes14:33
LaRozaWhat gave that error? Lucias_O`Neil14:33
donciccio_GlenQuagmire: reading only14:34
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, It just says that it can not be proccessed.14:34
sebrockanyone knows how to update dpkg db?14:34
LaRozaWhat says that... Lucias_O`Neil14:34
soundraysebrock: 'sudo apt-get update'14:34
sebrocksoundray: will that remove 'pn' messages from dpkg?14:35
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, this command:  sudo dpkg -i compiz-settings_0.07-2_i386.deb14:35
LaRozarun this command Lucias_O`Neil14:35
sebrocknope didnt do it14:35
itai-michaelsonconartist, i just read the README you should follow their instructions and post any errors here, i suspect you will have ro install buildessential before you start14:35
=== recon_etc is now known as recon
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, Run what command?14:35
LaRozasudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-main14:36
LaRozaThat one14:36
soundraysebrock: you mean from dpkg -l? Try 'sudo apt-get -f install'14:36
LaRozaCopy and paste it14:36
conartisti extracted the alsa driver1-0-414:36
itai-michaelsonconartist run this command sudo apt-get install build-essential14:36
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, No errors, let me test it.14:36
conartistok man14:36
sebrocksoundray: hm... its just the 'pn' status that I want to remove from an kernel image that I removed with apt-get14:37
LaRozaLucias_O`Neil: You might want to add 'compiz-plugins' to that list also14:37
conartisti ran that command14:37
itai-michaelsonconartist then follow the README , (a. ./configureb. makec. make installd. ./snddevices)14:37
conartistit asked me for my ubuntu disk14:38
soundraysebrock: 'pn' means "purged - not installed". Why would you want to change that?14:38
conartistnow i m installing it14:38
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza,  When I try: compiz-settings, I get: bash: compiz-settings: command not found?14:38
conartistin the readme text14:38
conartistit says step 214:38
sebrocksoundray: I dont have it anymore, I dont see a reason for it to be in DB?14:38
conartist"turn on sound support"14:38
soundray!enter | conartist14:39
ubotuconartist: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:39
conartisthow do i do that14:39
LaRozaGo to System->Preferences->Advanced Desktop Effects14:39
LaRozaOr something14:39
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, That doesn't appear on the preferences menu >.<14:39
conartisthow do i turn on my sound support (soundcore module, default turn on)?14:40
LaRozaLucias_O`Neil: I may have missed that package, hold on.14:40
soundraysebrock: just leave it as it is. You're only creating trouble for yourself by trying to remove a package more than purging does14:40
itai-michaelsonconartist i think its turned on14:41
conartistok man14:41
vbhidehi there! for some strange reason, winxp can see my samba file shares, but i can't see my windows shares from ubuntu... any idea?14:41
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LaRozaLucias_O`Neil: Did you install compizconfig-settings-manageer?14:41
itai-michaelsonconartist,      cd linux_r101/14:41
itai-michaelson    tar xfvj alcsound.tar.bz214:42
conartistafter that....it says complied source code..1. ./configure, b make , c, make install, and d, ./snddevices???14:42
conartistguide me pls14:42
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, That would be a negative.14:42
LaRozaInstall it, Lucias_O`Neil14:42
conartistok i m in linux_r10114:43
conartistwhat now?14:43
conartistwhat do i do now...i do not understand this part14:44
michael__run ./configure (if you havent allready14:44
itai-michaelsonconartist, run this command : ./configure14:44
_SuN_hi all14:44
archmanguys can someone recommend me any sound recording app except ardour and audacity?14:44
itai-michaelsonconartist, then run make then make install and so on.....14:45
conartisti m trying14:45
conartisthold on14:45
TheFearsomeFufuI went to System->Administration->Screens And Graphics    and sent my monitor resolution to be 1280x1024 (and it changes and works fine). However, when I log out or reboot or anything, it changes it back to the default 1024x768. How can I make the change permanant?14:45
donciccio_I have one application that I can not execute on WINE.  It says: impossible to open database. "sitocmenu.nfo" can not be open. Write protected.14:45
soundrayarchman: there is a very simple one in the sox package14:45
_SuN_how to remove programs start notification from taskbar?14:45
larson9999if the world was any better i'd burst14:46
soundrayarchman: 'sudo apt-get install sox && man rec'14:46
conartisti did configure14:46
archmansoundray: thanks14:46
_SuN_how to remove programs start notification from taskbar?14:46
michael__this blows i cant get vmware14:47
itai-michaelsonconartist, what the next stage?14:47
conartistit gives me errors14:47
conartistwhen i install it14:47
conartiston the make install step14:48
michael__cinsrtist did you run the make??14:48
itai-michaelsonconartist, what are the errors ?14:48
conartisthow ca i show them to you?14:48
LaRozasudo aptitude install build-essential14:48
conartistcopy paste here14:48
soundray!pastebin | conartist14:48
LaRozaconartist: Do you have build-essential installed?14:48
ubotuconartist: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:48
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, It seems that the settings manager is no under Fusion?14:48
itai-michaelsonconartist, paste here : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14:48
LaRozaDid you install it Lucias_O`Neil?14:48
donciccio_I have one application that I can not execute on WINE.  It says: impossible to open database. "sitocmenu.nfo" can not be open. Write protected.14:48
vbhidehow do i skip the login window at startup in ubuntu 7.04?14:48
LaRozaIt is in the login section in the Administration or Preferences14:49
itai-michaelsonconartist, you did install build-essentials like i told you to right?14:49
LaRozaYou can have it automatically log in, or after a certain time14:49
soundrayvbhide: you want to login automatically?14:49
conartistyeah man14:49
conartistwait a sec14:49
conartisti ll give you the link14:49
soundraydonciccio_: what are the permissions on sitocmenu.nfo?14:50
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, No, because I can not find the correct package...14:50
SpookyETI have found a nice dar backup script. But it does not support ssh. It can, however, mount directories. Is it possible to have a on demand sshfs fstab entry that is not mounted at startup? I want the script to mount/unmount.14:50
Azodonvbhide : system - admin-login window -14:50
donciccio_reading only14:50
LaRozaLucias_O`Neil: Do you have all repositories enabled?14:50
f0rmati can't add users anymore :S14:50
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, Correct14:51
donciccio_and execute file as an application14:51
LaRozaLucias_O`Neil: If you go into Synaptic, and search for "compiz" you don't get anything?14:51
soundray!who | donciccio_14:51
ubotudonciccio_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:51
conartistthat s the log14:52
QDoggGood morning.14:52
conartiston the 3rd step...14:52
donciccio_soundray: root14:52
conartistwhen i do make install14:52
soundraydonciccio_: so set it to be writable with chmod 64414:52
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, I just get my history.14:52
donciccio_soundray: but it is on a CD-rom14:52
conartistwhat shoul i do?14:53
soundraydonciccio_: and change ownership to your username with 'sudo chown $USER:$USER sitocmenu.nfo'14:53
riesHey guys... I want to have an FTP server installed on ubuntu, but don't want to allow the users the browse over the filesystem and just allow access in his home directory14:53
LaRozaLucias_O`Neil: What? Your history?14:53
rieswhat  what FTP server shall I use ??14:53
Tenguries: pureftp14:53
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, But I know it is installed because it starts when I login and I can manually start it.14:53
soundraydonciccio_: then you have to copy it to your hard disk drive14:53
riesTengu: will install that... thansk14:53
reconries: pureftp works pretty well.14:53
LaRozaYou can start what Lucias_O`Neil?14:53
soundray!ftpd | ries14:53
uboturies: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP14:53
donciccio_Ok soundray14:53
conartisthave you found something itai?>??14:54
itai-michaelsonconartist not sure14:54
cheeseSorry to ask for help when this place is so busy, but since their wiki is down, can anybody give me some help with installing Beryl on Gutsy?14:54
Lucias_O`NeilLaRoza, When I start compiz14:54
Tenguries: just have to config it a bit to chroot users. there are more features you can set.14:54
conartistso what do i do now14:54
LaRozacheese: Beryl is discontinued, use Compiz14:54
riessoundray: I just needed an opinion, I know how to get that list....14:54
itai-michaelsonconartist, i would post it in the forum, insculding your sound card, the link to the download and the error in configure.14:54
LaRozacheese: Search for Compiz in Synaptic, and install the settings manager and plugins14:54
QDoggI am having trouble changing my themes while using systems->preferences->appearance. it seems that the screen hangs up on me and I cannot make changes14:54
conartistshowul i run the steps again???14:55
cheeseThanks, Laroza14:55
Tenguries: moreover, you can configure pureftp to use a DB such as mysql for user administration [with quotas and so on]14:55
erUSUL!beryl | cheese14:55
ubotucheese: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz14:55
riesTengu: I did see that... it' snot needed since it's just about one user14:55
soundrayQDogg: in a terminal, run 'tail -f ~/.xsession-errors' and see if an error message is logged as it "hangs up"14:55
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion14:56
Tenguries: ok. but just know "you can do it" ;)14:56
cheeseUbotu is awesome. LO14:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is awesome. lo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:56
riesTengu: thanks anyways....14:56
itai-michaelsonconartist : look here , this guy managed to get the same card working : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69655314:56
itai-michaelsonconartist you should PM him14:56
LaRozaGood bye everyone. Now that the forums have been up, I can leave here14:56
sh4rm4is there a way to inititalize a hardware search.  i just plugged in a pcmcia express card that was formerly known by the sys but know its not listed in lspci14:57
Lanzusssciao raga14:57
conartisti dont understand man14:57
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conartistthat link does not have a sollution14:58
conartisthow do i do that???14:58
conartistthe pm thing14:58
QDoggbash: tail -f ~/.xsession-errors: No such file or directory14:58
andrepandreIs there a way to hide some drives/partitions to show up in the Places menu? I specifically chose "dontuse" during the installation for a number of partitions (and they were correctly not mounted), but they still show up in the Places menu.14:59
TheFearsomeFufuWhen I press ctrl+alt+f1, it should bring me to a terminal window, right?14:59
hischildTheFearsomeFufu, try f2 for a better terminal15:00
TheFearsomeFufuhischild: When I go to any of them, my monitor just turns off O_o15:00
hischildTheFearsomeFufu, f1 is sometimes cluttered with startup info, as is f8. f2 should be clear.15:00
TheFearsomeFufuI have to go back to F7 for gnome15:00
hischildTheFearsomeFufu, that's odd ... and yes f7 is the x window again.15:00
TheFearsomeFufumaybe the resolution on them is screwed up, and my monitor just turns off. Is there a way I can set the resolution for them?15:01
tdelaHi, can anyone recommend a converter for movies to iPod for Linux? goin on a business trip, need some movies on my iPod for the boring-ness of it.15:01
Azodongood terminal web browser? lynx is out isnt it?15:02
amenadoAzodon-> is it really? try w3m too..15:02
Azodonthank you15:03
RickJameshello. i'm trying to install gai (general applet library) and libsdl . i tried synaptic and apt-cache search. are these known by another name in the ubuntu world ?15:03
werswhich compresses better, rar or zip? (imma send to a windows user so dont ask me to tar :D)15:03
RickJameswinrar uncompresses tarballs15:04
Frogger626I think that .rar has better compressionability15:04
hischildwers, rar15:04
wersokeii. thanks :)15:04
RotlausIn Gnome or from gdm i can shut down my computer without giving a password. How can i do that from a command line or from a script?15:04
mmm4m5mQuestion hi LjL. I can't find modlogan screen shoot. Is it console tool? Best match is console tool like htop UI - to display columns, sorting, custom filters and actions (when I analyze log file, I could decide to run specific action)15:04
ensiTatanka: i get this in my syslog15:05
TheFearsomeFufuRotlaus: You have to be root to shutdown/reboot the system. Type "man shutdown"15:05
amenadoRickJames-> arent applets  jar files? so I dont think they will be in deb packages ?15:05
ensiTatanka: nvidia module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel15:05
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RotlausTheFearsomeFufu, but ican just in gnome shut down my system, and i dont have to give my password15:05
LjLmmm4m5m, yes it's a console tool that outputs HTML (to be viewed in a web browser), see « apt-cache show modlogan ». GUIs for viewing logs are available, but i don't think any of them is modular with plugins15:06
Tatankaensi: then it should be loaded...15:06
TheFearsomeFufuRotlaus: gnome must use sudo or some other privlidged-user to run the shutdown command15:06
RickJamesgai installs via ./confiure. when i try to install it i get this error : configure: error: No header files for X windows is found. Is xlib devel installed?15:06
ompaulRotlaus  sudo shutdown -h now15:06
ensiTatanka: but it isnt.15:06
ompaul!supportroot | TheFearsomeFufu15:06
ubotuTheFearsomeFufu: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)15:06
Rotlausompaul, i know. But this ask for my password. Gnome or gdm dont ask.15:07
RickJamesthe author of the program i'm trying to install says i need gai and libsdl . but i seem to be missing too many files to make these work (?)15:07
plurthmz, how do I find out what is running my X if it isn't gdm?15:07
Tatankaensi: maybe there's some error after it? If lsmod doesn't tell you, the module is loaded, then there's something wrong with the module, I guess15:07
ensiTatanka: its trying to load wrong version, dunno whereit comes up with it15:07
SpookyETThis dar backup script with fuse sshfs and a fstab entry totally rocks rdiff-backup is totally unreliable.15:08
amenadoRotlaus-> before you shutdown please do a sync; sync; sync on a terminal, then ctrl+alt+del and turn off15:08
pois0n`Everytime i try to install ubuntu 7.10 on my amd64 box, the kernel panic's no matter which option i pick on the boot up screen of the live cd, i burned 2 cd's same thing, and then i gave up and tried to install the 6.0 TLS version and i get an X server error15:09
hischildleeuw, profit15:09
Tatankaensi: then go search for it en eliminate it (preferably with apt) ;)15:09
amenadoRickJames-> maybe the README file says you need those dependencies?15:09
leeuwhischild: ???15:09
hischild<leeuw> testing ==> we can see it ... aka profit15:09
leeuwhischild: I get it, thanx !15:10
leeuwjust wanted to be sure my nick worked15:10
pois0n`anyone know whats wrong?15:10
leeuwand my line was on, since firefox won't go15:10
ensiTatanka: i dont get this doing "locate nvidia.ko" finds only one single nvidia.ko15:10
wershow do I compress to rar?15:11
ensiTatanka: having "nvidia" in /etc/modules produces that error about wrong version, doing "modprobe -i nvidia" loads the correct version15:11
ensiTatanka: yeah done that15:11
mmm4m5mLjL, it is not exactly log file. Input file could be customized - it is items with properties. But finally I want to be able to view it in console with columns, custom filters and actions. It could be "console catalog program" or "console db front end". Best match is "text/csv input file". Just searching around before selecting "vim with macros" or something like that.15:11
hischildwers, use rar (install it first)15:11
Shadow_Can i get some help over here?15:11
amenadopois0n`-> dont know if there is such a thing as amd version as opposed to i386 ? look at the site where you have downloaded the iso ?15:12
wershischild, thanks! :)15:12
hischildwers, you're welcome15:12
Shadow_Every time i turn on UBUNTU 7.10 i get black and orage flicker15:12
mmm4m5mQuestion: LjL, any console tool which show columns and have filters plus actions (execute XYZ with parameter line1,col2)15:12
Tatankaensi: maybe you should update the initrd, but that's just a guess... Try reinstall the nvidia-drivers?15:12
ensiTatanka: jesus, i've been isntalling and unistalling nvidia drivers for a day now15:13
michael__hey anyone use playonlinux??15:13
Tatankaensi: I'm just here for an hour now...15:13
ensiTatanka: ok :)15:14
Shadow_Can someone help me plz... Everytime i boot ubuntu 7.10 i get orange and black flicker15:14
conartisthjope to get and answer15:14
LjLmmm4m5m: does it have to be console?15:14
ensiTatanka: i just dont get how i can find a single .ko in the system but yet it comes up with two different versions...15:14
conartisti ve post replied that topic15:14
irotasensi: there's a nice automated way to install the correct nvidia drivers for you15:14
irotasensi: let me see if i can remember15:14
ensiirotas: the script15:14
irotasensi: there is a script out there on the web15:14
mmm4m5mLjL: even simple gedit is good enough (I think I could add custom side pane, custom menu items, input file could be with fixed columns) but it is not console application15:14
jack_sprattcan someone test this site, its giving me a server error: http://www.blender.org/education-help/tutorials/15:14
hischildIronhand, don't suggest envy or automatix please.15:14
hischildirotas, ^15:15
irotasensi: yes!15:15
mmm4m5mLjL: if possible yes, other way any spreadsheet will do it15:15
hischild!envy | irotas15:15
ubotuirotas: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »15:15
ensiirotas: it doesnt matter, i've built the driver15:15
keir__hi, i think something is wrong with one of my hard drives, when i do dmesg i get his output: [  869.293690] ata7.01: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen15:15
ensitheres just this problem with loading it which i cant understand15:15
amenadojack_spratt-> its 500 error for now15:15
LjLmmm4m5m: well, there are console spreadsheets. although it's more like a DB frontend you're looking for15:15
keir__how do i figure out which devide is causing this?15:15
irotasensi: good luck :)15:15
mmm4m5mLjL: will check that... I have long list to check, that is why decide to ask first15:16
mmm4m5mLjL: 10x a lot15:16
jack_sprattamenado: ok, its not just me then. what does 500 mean anyway?15:16
Shadow_how do i fix orange and black flicker at startup? (Before the login screen)15:16
Kate5492hello, i have big file contain 22175107 lines , and i would like to split the file using this command :  "split -l10000" but i get some error msg : "split: Output file suffixes exhausted" what does it mean ?15:16
LjLmmm4m5m: "sc" and "oleo" are spreadsheet for the console15:16
amenadojack_spratt-> says internal error, server is having a fit15:16
doncicciosoundray: I get the following message: impossible to open infobase. Infobase can only be assessed from a CD-ROM15:17
jack_sprattamenado: k thanks15:17
Tatankaensi: my last guess: sudo update-initramfs -c -k all (and/or just check if nvidia.ko is in the initrd somewhere)15:17
amenadoKate5492-> it run out of file names  from aaa  to zzz ?15:17
Shadow_I was trying to fix the damn flicker for a week now... Will anyone help me plz finally???15:17
hischildKate5492, it means you're trying to split it into to many files. Try looking for an option that allows you to set more suffixes for the files.15:17
SlartShadow_: what kind of flicker?15:17
mmm4m5mLjL: yes, I saw these. Most important is - it must allow me, like gedit plugins where I can add menu items - I need to add custom filters and actions in order to be more user friendly. Even not sure all db front end will allow me to do that.15:18
SlartShadow_: after the login?15:18
Shadow_at startup before login screen15:18
Shadow_orange and black15:18
mmm4m5mLjL: That is why I told vim could be good enough for me15:18
SlartShadow_: have you tried changing the login window background to black?15:18
Kate5492hischild: i am new 2 Ubuntu can you help me please ?15:18
SlartShadow_: I think it's in System, Preferences, Login window15:18
ensiis there a list of modules/names/files some mapping somewhere in /etc perhaps?15:19
LjLmmm4m5m: or emacs for that matter, you're almost 100% sure to find the exact plugins you're looking for for emacs, just need to be lucky enough to spot them amount the thousands :)15:19
Shadow_ o ok but the flicker is when actuall os is booting15:19
mmm4m5mLjL: I like htop... is there such library which help for creating such applications?15:19
mmm4m5mLjL: sure, will check about emacs and emacs plugins also15:19
hischildKate5492, alright give me a second.15:19
Shadow_should be ubuntu loading bar but insteads i get flicker15:20
LjLmmm4m5m: no idea honestly... htop itself just uses ncurses15:20
Zangetsuhi all15:20
SlartShadow_: ahh.. the splash screen..15:20
Shadow_ummm i think so15:20
SlartShadow_: you can disable the splashscreen by changing a line in the grub boot settings file.. /boot/grub/menu.lst15:21
Shadow_i will check that15:21
mmm4m5mLjL: ok, 10x a lot for help. I am very new in linux, so looks like I have to accept fact that first solution will not be best.15:21
taconehello "update-manager --devel-release" downloads the installer then freezes. anyone ?15:21
michael__hmmm when i plug my girlfriends brothers MP3 player in to my laptop its contents shows up in my trash and inorder to add any music i have to put it in my trash ?? nay idea how to make it show up on the drive itself =P15:21
mmm4m5mbut will search around for any case15:21
Zangetsumm i have a question15:21
hischildKate5492, split -a 2 -l 10000<filename> (both lower case, the second one is an L)15:21
SlartShadow_: open the file by running this in a terminal, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst15:21
Shadow_the problem doesn't happen with live cd15:22
LjLmmm4m5m: you're looking for something not entirely common :) perhaps can you describe just what you're working with and are trying to achieve? maybe there are solutions you didn't consider15:22
Zangetsui have determined my soundcard with the lspci command, and I just cant find a linux driver for that card15:22
Zangetsuis there a solution?15:23
SlartShadow_: well.. I don't know how to *fix* the splash screen.. but I can tell you how to remove it.15:23
michael__damn my battery is going bad on my laptop15:23
Shadow_what do i change ion menu.lst?15:23
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michael__linux is telling me haha it says my capicity at the moment is 70% and thats a full charge!!!15:23
hischildKate5492, split -a 4 -l 10000 <filename> (sorry, the 2 should be a 4)15:23
Zangetsuhaha lol what notebook you have?15:24
MoonFoghey guys, quick question: i'm running hardy heron (ubuntu flavour), and i have no sound in flash movies. after looking around for a while, i found out that it might have something to do with pulseaudio, and when i did "killall pulseaudio", the sound is back. Problem now is, it still restarts every time i reboot and i can't really remove it without removing "ubuntu-desktop"15:24
MoonFogany ideas ?15:24
hischild!hardy | MoonFog15:24
ubotuMoonFog: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:24
michael__and acer aspire 5610z15:24
emmayou have the other 30% filled with bubble gum.15:24
Zangetsuthe other 30% was stolen by the linux community, cause we are evil15:24
michael__i mean i leave it plugged in alot so that could be the issue15:25
Zangetsuand we eat energy15:25
MoonFoghischild: crap, sorry15:25
SlartShadow_: in that file should be a line starting with   # defoptions=15:25
hischildMoonFog, no problem.15:25
Ashfire908Does anyone here have a identd server running on their computer(s) that successfuly handles being NATed?15:25
amenadoShadow_-> press esc when you have the menu, down arrow key to kernel line and press e15:25
michael__i dont let the battery discharge15:25
ubotudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com15:25
RickJames!xlib | RickJames15:25
SlartShadow_: you probably have some stuff after the equals-char15:25
Zangetsuit's really noobish from me to talk on a linux irc chan from a windows client15:25
amenadomichael__-> then your battery will have the phenomena of battery memory15:26
izinucsAshfire908, you might also ask that in #ubuntu-server15:26
Zangetsuat least i should use xchat or somethin15:26
Shadow_it sais queitspash15:26
SlartShadow_: quiet splash ?15:26
SlartShadow_: remove the word splash15:26
SlartShadow_: and save the file15:26
michael__amenado, yeah thats why im thinking its saying that its only charging to 97% and linux is telling me its capicty is only 70% of what its suppose to be15:26
amenadoShadow_-> delete those two and press b to boot15:26
Shadow_titleUbuntu 7.1015:26
Shadow_kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=16473c07-b5bf-451b-8802-a0defbadabf9 ro quiet splash15:26
FloodBot2Shadow_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:26
amenadomichael__-> so once in a while try to let your battery discharge fully15:27
mmm4m5mLjL: description is litle hard. Ok forget about console, it could be GUI. One completely not perfect example is - if it was windows, I could use excel, I could sort by column(s), I could define "custom filter", I could show/hide rows, I could execute actions like "search_text_in_google current_col_row". Filters and actions could be very complex I do not want to memorize them. I want to make them available like menu items with shor15:27
Shadow_i will try to reboot and see what happens15:27
michael__amenado, think ill get that 30% back ??15:27
SlartShadow_: I was talking about the line *starting* with # defoptions=... there are other lines containing the words quiet, splash etc15:28
amenadomichael__->  dont know, but worth a try15:28
SlartShadowpillar: we're not finished15:28
Zangetsuhey guys15:28
Zangetsuim having a problem with my soundcard on my ubunty 7.0415:28
amenadomichael__-> memory phenom on battery is not erasable? :P15:28
michael__amenado, nothing to lose im just glad to be of windows ubuntu is such a better os !!15:28
erUSUL!sound | Zangetsu15:28
ubotuZangetsu: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:29
Zangetsuwhat does the !sound cmd do? :D15:29
michael__amenado, yeah but ive heard of batteries going bad because of being left plugged in all the time, didnt know if it wads ture guess ill let my run down alot more15:29
wersis there an opml editor for linux?15:29
Zangetsuyes ive determined my soundcard with lspci, but i didnt came to find a driver, and ALSA didnt recognize when i installed and stuff15:29
mmm4m5mLjL: imagine input file is pidgin system log (buddy status). I want very quickly to open, apply few filters and see "person X usually come online at 9:00h". This is just example. And I do_not_want to create separate grep/sed/awk scripts for everything, like "show_person_X_login_time.sh". Because in my case this mean many separate scripts.15:30
ensiTatanka: how do i check the initrd?15:30
LjLmmm4m5m: yes i think i understand, but it's tough, especially if you want it on the console15:30
amenadoensi you can create a directory and then cd to that dir and   gzip -dc initrd.gz | cpio -id15:31
izinucsmichael__, you normally have to cycle (let run down then charge) a battery if it is a nickel-cadmium battery.. less so witlh a nickel-metal-hydride... and never with a lithium.15:31
Zangetsuhoho, ive found a section to what to do if my soundcard is not found15:31
Zangetsuawesome, maybe this'll help15:31
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amenadoensi rather  /path/to/initrd.gz  instead of just initrd.gz15:31
steven__Is it bad to make sql db's as root on the sql server?15:31
Shadow_the flicker is gone but i get a lot of text now =D15:31
michael__izinucs, mines lithium ion, but see why would it be telling me my capacity is only 70% of what it should be ??15:32
tdelasteven__: generally not a good idea.15:32
ChaosTheorySo I've just installed Attym. How do I run it?15:32
amenadoShadow_-> your choice text or flicker?15:32
comicinke1is there a tool that can align all my windows on the desktop like "above", "overlap" etc. ?15:32
steven__tdela, but is it a big deal, since if I am the owner, and will be making accounts with it, thus making it pointless for me to have 2 accounts with similar permissions ?15:32
Shadow_any way I can get the splash back and not keep the flicker?15:33
izinucsmichael__, false reading?.. older battery?  after a certain number of charges they usually start to go.. If it's over 3 years old start looking for a new batt.15:33
amenadosteven__-> since you have pretty much already made up your mind, its difficult to convince you then15:33
RickJames!xorg-x11-Mesa-devel | RickJames15:33
freeman163i tried testing the sound through the preferences>sound menu, but now theres just a high-pitched beep playing through my speakers, and it wont stop? what should i do?15:33
ensiamenado: umh, i cant find initrd.gz anywhere in the system :)15:34
tdelasteven__: you don't vreate "2" accounts, you add mysql accounts. The idea of it being a bad idea is a) If anyone were to gain root access, they have full access to all of your databases and 2) if you allow remote root access then anyone from the outside can perhaps attempt to get in15:34
michael__trun them down =P15:34
amenadoensi look under /boot15:34
mmm4m5mLjL: if not console? One more details about my first example - the excel solution. It will require to import data instead to open csv file. Because excel store data with formating. I will need excel template file where to import my log (csv) file. And again - windows/excel is bad, because something are harder (not possible) to automate.15:34
steven__true, well I'll do the right way, how do you change the sql's root password15:34
erUSULinfo multtail | mmm4m5m15:34
erUSUL!info multitail | mmm4m5m15:34
ubotummm4m5m: multitail (source: multitail): view multiple logfiles windowed on console. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0.5-1 (gutsy), package size 117 kB, installed size 336 kB15:34
tdelasteven__: say you had a db named employees, you just create a user/pass for that db in the db and grant the permissions the user needs to do its data management15:34
mmm4m5merUSUL: 10x, will check it15:34
ensiamenado: nope, theres initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic15:34
amenadosteven__-> you did some tutorial on your sql before have you not?15:35
ensibut no *.gz15:35
amenadoensi-> thats the same15:35
erUSULmmm4m5m: also if you are processing csv files awk or a combination of cut grep sort with pipes are the answer ;)15:35
Shadow_so boot is there any way to customise the bootloader splash screen?15:35
Shadow_as in replace it15:36
erUSUL!usplash | Shadow_15:36
RickJames!xwindows | rickjames15:36
Shadow_o ty15:36
ubotuShadow_: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork15:36
steven__amenado, no I wing it with phpmyadmin pretty much15:36
taconehello "update-manager --devel-release" downloads the installer then freezes. anyone can help me ?15:36
* RickJames sighs15:36
amenadosteven__-> no wonder your question didnt seem to be sysadmin like.. :P ..go do a tutorial and you get some insight as to why things are done certain way15:37
pawanwhere is wine files sotred15:37
Shadow_i want my Ubuntu to be perfect ;)15:37
steven__amenado, Hm, or I could take the advice I gained here, and wing it some more, and end up with a pretty okay service ;P15:37
mmm4m5merUSUL, LjL: I just start thinking again to pipe few commands... but to prevent long typing in console, to make custom_scripts which allow me to pipe (still new in linux, not easy to get the easiest way)15:38
freeman163pawan, in the .wine folder in your home directory15:38
ensiamenado: ok, i cant find any nvidia.ko in the initrd15:38
RickJames!V |rick15:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about v - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:38
pawanhow to install rpm package15:38
RickJames!xlibs-dev | RickJames15:39
izinucspawan.. you don't.. normally.. it may break your system.15:39
mmm4m5merUSUL, LjL: instead cat file | grep | sed ... something like cat report_file | my_predefined_sort.sh | filter A15:39
Zangetsuhey, what are these commands?15:39
mmm4m5m10x a lot guys15:39
pawani want to install broadband dialer for linux15:39
erUSULmmm4m5m: as a said maybe an awk script of some sort...15:40
hischilddoes apt-mirror create a repository suitable for both x86 and x64?15:41
mmm4m5merUSUL: yes, could be that... my custom scripts always do everything. I totally forgot that they also could be in pipe. So I did not consider it because thinking how will write long grep/sed/awk expression which will filter.15:41
freeman163i wouldnt get your dialer from them.15:41
izinucspawan, if they have the source you can use alien and try to convert it to a .deb.. it looks like "broadband dialer" means you are using DSL or PPPOE in some fashion.. right?  if so there are other solutions to do the same thing in Ubuntu.15:41
amenadoensi run ldconfig ?15:41
freeman163there "linux dialer" comes as an .exe.....!15:42
trymHey! Im having trouble installing a ttf font and getting it to work with netbeans (java apps in general?). The font works in other applications like oowriter. Running 7.10 64bit15:42
ensiamenado: what does ldconfig have to do with this?15:42
premwhat is best linux distro15:42
steven__amenado, You win this one >.> i'll read.15:42
amenadoensi-> you were looking for two modules? why do you ask such question?15:42
bazhang!fonts | trym15:42
ubotutrym: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer15:42
gullstadHow can I check if a port is open whit terminal?15:42
izinucsprem, bad question.. ask Which distro you like the best.. Ubuntu of course.. for now..15:43
Zangetsugullstad: iptables15:43
ensiamenado: yes, but isnt ldconfig just for updating system lib sym links?15:43
RickJamesok, i'm trying to install shermans fish screensaver. author says it needs gai & libsdl-dev . when i install gai it says i need xwindow headers (i.e. xlibs-devel) but it's not available on it's own only as a aprt of another package.15:43
amenadoensi man ldconfig15:43
prembest distro learning linux15:43
RickJameswhat is that package name? or how can i get this package ?15:43
bazhang!best | prem15:44
ubotuprem: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:44
premwhat is best distro for learning linux15:44
bazhangprem see above15:44
Zangetsui guess ubuntu is a good start15:44
trymbazhang: I cant really see that I forgot to do something - mind pointing at a section in the docs?15:44
J1MB0prem: Ubuntu :-)15:44
Zangetsuit's kinda userfriendly and stuff15:44
Zangetsuyou can easily learn to use it if you come from windows15:44
bazhangprem this is not a polling channel thanks15:44
freeman163either redhat or ubuntu, they seem to be the most user friendly.15:45
Zangetsugeez, dont disappoint him, just wanted an advice15:45
Zangetsuit's a support channel isnt it?15:45
premi am a college student15:45
amenadoZangetsu-> what is best to one is not same for others15:45
bazhangthis is ubuntu support channel of course we would say ubuntu; not the right place for it prem maybe try #linux15:45
premsimple linux distro15:45
Zangetsuamenado: well yeah, you're right in that one15:45
bazhangprem that is offtopic here thanks15:46
amenadoprem its best if you pick up a book on linux, and do some tutorials15:46
Zangetsuor visit a general linuxchannel15:46
trymany ideas?15:46
Zangetsulike mentioned above15:46
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bazhangprem you can go here: www.distrowatch.com and see which is best15:47
olifoxhey all. are there any ubuntu images for use on macbooks?15:47
rsc___hey guys15:47
olifoxwith the mactel patches?15:47
bazhangolifox: images as in jpegs or images such as iso files15:47
olifoxsedra: yeah15:47
rsc___how do I stop Rhythmbox from launching when I connect my iPod?15:48
Chousukeolifox: the newest ubuntu should work pretty well15:48
olifoxChousuke: 7.10 or the beta?15:48
Chousukeolifox: it still doesn't support EFI natively though15:48
Chousukeolifox: 7.1015:48
olifoxChousuke: ok cool, i'll give it a try15:48
mmm4m5merUSUL, LjL: sorry, with pipe and output to console it will not work. Imagine long file list. If I want to review and change owner what I do in console. It is "ls | less", then I interrupt, copy/paste file name, then I do "chown file", then I again run "ls | less". And this repeat 1000 times. I need UI to scroll down/up and run action(s) for different lines.15:49
chimp___during installation of ubuntu server i didnt select the LAMP option, but i want to retrospectively, is it worth reinstalling the server (its a fresh install) or is there a package that will install them together seemlessly like the LAMP option is supposed to15:49
Chousukeolifox: a word of warning though: the macbook firmware can't legacy-boot from external USB disks15:49
ensiamenado: ok, i still dont get it15:49
Chousukeolifox: so you can't install ubuntu on those.15:49
ensiamenado: still cant find more than that single nvidia.ko15:49
christozhey guys i have problem with netbeans ...the program crashes15:49
olifoxthanks for the warning, Chousuke15:50
amenadoensi i dont know, use find tool15:50
MoonFogchristoz: Any error messages if you start netbeans from the command line?15:50
christozi'd like to unistall it but i cannot find any unistall script in it;s folder15:50
younesbonjour :)15:50
LjLmmm4m5m, to do what you described automatically, you'd do "cat list-of-files | xargs -n 1 chown <options>" (or "ls" instead of "cat list-of-files", but then it sort of defeats the purpose)15:50
mmm4m5merUSUL, LjL: because I have to review entries one by one, that is why I need filters to apply dynamically (instead generating temp files). I just can't define in advance "which lines (files) I need to change owner"15:50
bazhang!fr | younes15:50
ubotuyounes: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:50
KrisWoodHi everyone15:50
MoonFogchristoz: The Netbeans installer is a bin file where you can choose "uninstall", and iirc, you can really just delete the directory where it was instsalled15:50
pawangoing for swift dzire15:51
christozMoonFog i can't run it from console...15:51
amenadochristoz-> look the jar files and directory used by netbeans and erase those?15:51
LjLmmm4m5m: well, you can do that too...15:51
MoonFogchristoz: But just use the bin to uninstall15:51
MoonFogchristoz: why can't you run it from the command line?15:51
pawanis it a good car15:51
mmm4m5mLjL: give me a sec., I have to check what is xargs15:51
christozcause it says that there is no netbeans15:51
Zangetsupawan: you've just chosen the right channel15:51
Zangetsuto talk about cars15:51
bazhangpawan a car? in ubuntu support channel? perhaps you need another channel thanks15:52
pawanjust want to know15:52
LjLmmm4m5m: xargs is a little program that takes a list of files as input, and executes a command on each of them. it's one of several ways that you can do batch processing with bash15:52
KrisWoodA few weeks ago I was in here asking about adding users to an SVN, but I forgot to write down the commands and now I can't remember them. If anyone could give me a couple hints to help me remember I'd appreciate it :) (I've got notepad ready to save the commands this time too!)15:52
Zangetsuwe just want to know too15:52
Itakulink to lamp15:52
Zangetsuwhat youre doinghere15:52
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:52
younessvp j'ai un pb, c'est que j'ai des paquets corrompus (mon pc a surchauffé et planté pendant le download et l'install de ces paquets via synaptic)15:52
younesqu'est ce que je dois faire ?15:52
MoonFogchristoz: That's the command, you can still run it by running the bin directly. for example "/opt/netbeans-xxx/bin/run.sh15:52
younes(l'idéal serait de supprimer tout ça et relancer le téléchargement)15:52
Zangetsuthis bot knows everything about packages? :o15:52
ensiok, since i cant get this pos to work correctly then is there a way to not start gdm on boot ?15:53
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bazhangyounes /j #ubuntu-fr thanks15:53
ensiso i can modprobe the module myself and then start x15:53
pikselis there a command that will tell me the total memory usage of an app?  The program runs too fast for me to watch a "top" screen.15:53
christozthere is nothing in /opt15:53
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:53
mmm4m5mLjL: the problem is, it is not fully automated task. I need to review, analyze and eventually run action1 or action2. Each line have attributes, with different meaning. So sort and filter will help for fast analyzes.15:53
cerneulahi! I have two computers, both running ubuntu, connected by a router. I want install a web server in one of them and access it from my other computer. What address do I have to direct my web browser to? How can I accomplish this? Many thanks for your help. BTW I'm fairly new to Linux15:53
MoonFogchristoz: That was an example, I don't know where you installed netbeans, basically, navigate to the bin directory of your netbeans installation and run the start script from there15:54
LjLmmm4m5m: try this:15:54
LjLmmm4m5m: for file in * ; do echo "Change permissions for $file?"; read -n 1; if [[ "$REPLY" == "y" ]]; then echo "this just just a simulation, but chown would go here and change the file $file"; fi; done15:54
comicinke1is there a tool which can autoalign my windows on the desktop?15:54
christozMoonFrog ok  hold on15:54
MoonFog/usr/local or just /usr is most likely where you installed it (as long as you're root)15:54
bazhangBacta: not here thanks15:54
amenadocerneula-> you have tried any kind of tutorials on creating a web site? please do -- if you have not done so yet15:54
bazhangcerneula: will this be the only use for the server? there are other options if that is the case15:55
younesis this an english channel ?15:55
LjLyounes: yes15:55
cerneulaamenado: I know how to write a web page. My question is how do I access the web pages I have in one computer from the other15:55
bazhangcomicinke1: compiz has a feature like that check the plugins or ask in #compiz-fusion thanks15:56
cerneulabazahang: like?15:56
freeman163hmm, i cantseem to record through sound recorder, any idea why it wouldnt recognize my microphone?15:56
pawanmy car15:56
mmm4m5mLjL: ok, 10x a lot. I got it. I have to think a little more.15:56
Zangetsupawan: ?15:56
amenadocerneula-> if you know how to write a web page,  you have learned i supposed about HTTP GET ? post ?15:57
dassoukiare there any updates on the ubuntu/mobile version, and are there any good alternatives to WM5 for an HP PDA15:57
bazhangpawan this is the car support channel; try #automotive or some such15:57
bazhangerr not15:57
LjLmmm4m5m, give me an accurate example of something complicated that you'd like to do. i've got time, i'll write you some example script.15:57
cerneulaamenado: right, but that is not the point15:57
mmm4m5mLjL: here or private msg?15:57
amenadocerneula-> what is your point? maybe clarify it a bit more?15:58
trymanyone? *sniff*15:58
comicinke1dassouki: yeah, there are some. and more to come. meomo, openmoko e.g.15:58
LjLmmm4m5m: as you prefer... if it starts looking like a whole novel, maybe PM :)15:58
cerneulaamenado: it is more network related15:58
christozMoonFrog the only folder that contains files relative to net beans is /home/christoz/.netbeans15:58
KrisWoodIs there a way to see what info I used previously on useradd to add new users?15:58
bazhangcerneula: without clearly laying out exactly what you want there is no real way to provide clear answers15:58
LjLmmm4m5m: anyway, this is a very good resource about bash scripting: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ (includes also primers on sed awk etc)15:58
amenadocerneula-> then, may i direct you to the basic tutorials of tcp/ip ? basic networking?15:58
sluimersI have cannot get my USB network to working, can anyone help with this?15:58
LjLmmm4m5m: and the #bash channel is also a good resource, just make sure you've read the above first, or they'll scold you off ;)15:59
christozbut cannot  find ant unistall script MoonFrog15:59
sluimers*to work15:59
cerneulaok, thank you guys, I'm going to try something, MANY THANKS15:59
amenadosluimers-> slow down, start from beginning, what do you want done again?15:59
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sluimersI have a USB network adapter15:59
KynlemHow can I create MySQL /etc/init.d/ scripts?16:00
sluimersI forgot to add adapter in that sentence16:00
bazhangsluimers: rtl8187b?16:00
MoonFogchristoz: I'm suggesting you run the netbeans installer again (the bin file), that will give you an uninstall option16:00
sluimersI plug it in.. nothing happens16:00
sluimersno WL-18216:00
bazhangwhat chipset sluimers16:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about useradd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:00
amenadosluimers-> ubuntu is not a plug n play os ...well not mostly :P16:00
* KrisWood sighs16:00
sluimersI have no idea, how would I find out?16:01
bazhanglsusb in the terminal sluimers16:01
sluimersitś a sitecom16:01
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bazhangsluimers: you need to provide the info from that command thanks16:01
sluimersit says: Sitecom Europe B.V.16:01
amenadosluimers-> here is a good link for tutorials on wireless https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:01
sluimersBus 005 Device 003: ID 0df6:0017 Sitecom Europe B.V.16:02
ImaginaryFriendusing ubuntu and asking about pidgin - is it possible to open a window with incoming message with a keyboard shortcut instead of clicking a tray icon? ?16:02
bazhangjust waiting til Wubi support is necessary ;]16:02
christozMoonFrog ok i've found the script i'm unistalling...16:02
scott__hi looking fine out why i can't change my start up sound or any other ones  i put sound waves in the same area as the ones that came os16:02
MoonFogchristoz: Alright, that's good16:02
sluimersthanks amenado16:02
dassoukicomicinke1, i thought openmoko could only run on their devices only16:03
amenadosluimers-> you are welcome, come back once you read the tutorial -- for clarifications16:03
comicinke1dassouki: or qtopia. I installed openmoko view months ago on my htc magician (just for testing). I could also make phonecalls. openmoko runs on several platforms16:05
bazhanghttp://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php?topic=148665.msg984151 sluimers if you can read italian it says use ndiswrapper with that dongle16:05
f0rmatjust a quick question: How do you edit a text file in linux16:05
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ZeltaUse gedit <file>16:05
togoella/whois togoella16:05
Zangetsuor edit in terminal16:05
f0rmati mean in the terminal16:05
=== togoella is now known as n-iCe
sluimersbazhang, thanks :)16:06
christozMoonFrog i think the problem occured cause the java sun vm is not enabled ...when i type javac -version i can see that there is no java -sun but another compiler like  cji16:06
heartsbloodwhy does the update manager never show the download speed unless sub 300KBps?  It seems once you start downloading updates in the 3-6MBps range it just doesn't want to work16:06
n-iCehello question, why could the that my ubuntu sometimes takes a lot to start, or sometimes when I reboot ubuntu doesn't want to open programs, etc16:06
christozMonFrog what happened here16:06
sluimersI already knew that I should use ndiswrapper but don't know how, hopefully that thread helps me out16:07
MoonFog*Moon *Fog :)16:07
MoonFogAnd yes, that could be the problem, I always use the Sun JDK16:07
dassoukicomicinke1, does openmoko provide wifi support?16:07
bazhangheartsblood: you can file a bug if you think it warrants it16:07
MoonFogNever had any issues16:07
comicinke1dassouki: yes16:07
erUSUL!java | christoz16:07
ubotuchristoz: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)16:07
heartsbloodBazhang: that's just it i'm not sure it is a bug.  That and I've never submitted one before :x16:07
comicinke1dassouki: also some hdspa stuff (not the whole)16:08
MoonFogchristoz: I'm leaving for a while, but if you can't get it to work, feel free to hit me up with a pm and I'll see if I can help you when I get back16:08
f0rmatif i chmod a dir like this "sudo chmod go-rwx /home/*" how do i make it normal again16:08
n-iCehello question, why could the that my ubuntu sometimes takes a lot to start, or sometimes when I reboot ubuntu doesn't want to open programs, etc16:08
erUSULchristoz: once the sun version is installed you can make it default with sudo update-alteratives --config java16:08
christozok thanks16:08
bazhangheartsblood: I have no problem seeing greater than 300k/s; perhaps make your terminal window larger?16:08
christozerUSL ok16:08
KrisWood!ubotu find16:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about find - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:09
* KrisWood cries16:09
dassoukicomicinke1, ya i'd like to put on it any flavour of linux, be able to do skype, access the internet, and use some form of an email client. is there even an irc room for mobilinux ?16:09
mannexDoes anyone know how to make a short-cut for the "Always on top" option for windows?16:09
erUSULf0rmat: if you do not have a backup you can't "undo" the changes you can "sudo chmod go+rwx /home/*" but that's not the same16:09
mannex\whois mannex16:09
heartsbloodBazhang, I assure you that's not it.  As an update starts the download speed will periodically blink in as ~3MBps then unkown and then blink in again as 4MBps and unknown again.  It continues that until the download is done16:09
n-iCehello question, why could the that my ubuntu sometimes takes a lot to start, or sometimes when I reboot ubuntu doesn't want to open programs, etc16:09
comicinke1dassouki: I don't know. try #openmoko16:09
TheBillsmaybe a bad distro16:10
erUSULmannex: try on system>Preferences>key comb16:10
bazhangheartsblood: well then file a bug.16:10
dassoukicomicinke1, thanks :D16:10
christozerUSL thanks mate16:10
TheBillsive srewwed up my terminal before and had to reinstall16:10
bazhanghttp://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu here heartsblood16:10
TheBillsanyone had experience with ubuntu on a laptop?16:10
f0rmaterUSUL, how do i make it so it is the same permissions as before with 02216:10
bazhangTheBills: some have yes; is that your real question?16:11
erUSULchristoz: no problem ;) but try to not mispell my "cool nickname" ;P16:11
TheBillsno lol16:11
amenadoTheBills-> what exactly is the problem? clearly state it please16:11
heartsbloodBazhang, ty.16:11
TheBillsi cant get my built in card or a new one to work16:11
Quiz_MasterDarn! If I skip disk check in Ubuntu after I cant access ext3 partition in Windows until i do a disk check using Ubuntu16:11
ensiyay i worked around the problem16:11
n-iCehello question, why could the that my ubuntu sometimes takes a lot to start, or sometimes when I reboot ubuntu doesn't want to open programs, etc16:12
erUSULf0rmat: i do not understand what you ask. Can you rephrase?16:12
TheBillsmy netgear wg111v2 works great but I want something with better reception16:12
amenadoTheBills-> what do you consider better reception? hifi stereo? hehe16:12
TheBillsmy built in card is a broadcom so I've all given up on iy16:12
TheBillsseriuoosly from the router16:13
amenadoTheBills-> ahh the infamoust bcm43xx..am staying away from that16:13
KrisWoodok last try, can anyone help me figure out the useradd command and help me figure out the location of my svn passwd file?16:13
f0rmaterUSUL, i would like to chmod a single users home dir and allow it to be accesed wheras others are sudo chmod go-rwx /home/otheruser16:13
f0rmat*accessed by me16:13
TheBillsmaybe ill just stick with my dinky netgear USB adapter for now16:13
n-iCeHow do I update my ubuntu to the last version?16:14
TheBillsgood ques n_Ice16:14
TheBillsi want to know too16:14
MindSparkn-iCe, download the latest version and upgrade it16:14
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MindSparkn-iCe, you can always apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade16:14
TheBillswill it save all packages and what not?16:14
debangshuIDENTIFY qweasd16:15
n-iCeMindSpark: will that update my ubuntu version? I have done it before I guess16:15
heartsbloodBazhang, It seems I'm not the only one to have noticed.16:15
MindSparkn-iCe, this will update packages to the latest in your version16:15
TheBillsmi think he wants the newer version16:15
TheBillsor is there a diff?16:16
MindSparkn-iCe, if you want an entire latest version, you should download it and install it16:16
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Quiz_Masterwhen is Hardy Haron releasing ? Exact date?16:17
irotaswhats the best application for automatically fixing ID3 tags? is there one that uses an online database to determine the info (rather than extracting it from the filename) ?16:17
f0rmatalso how do i save and close "edit" in terminal16:17
Quiz_Masterirotas Picard by Muzik Brainz16:17
n-iCeOk, thanks, does anyone use amsn here??16:17
erUSULf0rmat: with sudo you can access any file on the system... if you want to be able to access someone else's home dir make a shared group for both users16:17
TheBillswill hardy heron have any wireless compatibilty updates?16:18
TheBillsi use pidgin16:18
TheBillsamsn gave me trouble16:18
irotasQuiz_Master: thanks!16:18
erUSULirotas: i use easytag16:18
f0rmaterUSUL, i dunno what to change the modes to and really don't wan't to be messing with modes if they fail. thankyou anyway16:18
christozerUSUL yes this is a cool nick sorry16:18
ader10Is it possible to split nautilus windows like terminator or blender?16:19
TheBillsnever tried that one16:19
irotaserUSUL: thanks, i'll check that one out too16:19
erUSULchristoz: just kidding ;P16:19
TheBillsis there an app to exttraxt .exe files ?16:19
TheBillsi want to use ndiswrapper16:19
KrisWoodWell, thanks anyway everyone16:20
KrisWoodhave a good day...16:20
f0rmatcan someone tell me how after edit is issued and the text file is edited in terminal how i would go about saving that file16:21
ader10TheBills: cabextract I think16:21
ader10f0rmat: What program did you edit with?16:21
f0rmatin terminal16:22
f0rmati typed edit16:22
MindSparkf0rmat, that is not a text editor16:22
cvd-prconfigure: error: *** GTK+ >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first ***16:22
f0rmatwhat is it16:22
MindSparkf0rmat, man edit16:22
cvd-pri vae to download the libgtk-dev?16:22
BIOSboilerhas any tried the new ubuntu 8.0?16:23
MindSparkf0rmat, you will rather want to use vi or emacs from terminal16:23
BIOSboileruse ne16:23
ader10BIOSboiler: 8.04 beta, yes, it is stable here16:23
BIOSboilerits easier than vi16:23
erUSULf0rmat: it fires up vi use ":wq" to save and quit16:23
MindSparkbut if you want you could also use a simpler/gui program like kate or gedit16:23
bazhangBIOSboiler: yes in #ubuntu+1 please16:23
|Dede|I cannot boot my Ubuntu when I use my Radeon 9500 GT (had to take it out just to install Ubuntu 7.10), I did NOT install any drivers. Can anybody help please?16:23
ader10f0rmat: I would recommend just using "gedit"16:23
BIOSboileruse ne instead of vi16:23
MindSparkf0rmat, gedit <textfile>16:23
BIOSboilernice editor16:23
|Dede|to be exact, it does boot but gnome doesn't start16:24
erUSULBIOSboiler: ne is not installed by default16:24
ader10f0rmat: If you want simplicity, gedit is the way to go. If you need to use the terminal only, nano is the way to go.16:24
MindSparkBIOSboiler, is that included by default on ubuntu ?16:24
erUSULf0rmat: nano is anice console editor that happens to be installed by default16:24
BIOSboilersudo apt-get install ne16:24
erUSULf0rmat: nano file.txt16:24
MindSparkf0rmat, the most common text editors are pico, vi and emacs16:24
MindSparkvi and emacs are more advanced though16:24
BIOSboilerso is ubuntu 8.0 cool?16:25
bazhang!hardy | BIOSboiler16:25
ubotuBIOSboiler: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:25
Zangetsuf0rmat: i'd have suggested vi, i used that one16:25
n-iCehello question, why could the that my ubuntu sometimes takes a lot to start, or sometimes when I reboot ubuntu doesn't want to open programs, etc16:25
|Dede|I cannot boot (to  be exact the xserver/gnome does not start) my Ubuntu when I use my Radeon 9500 GT (had to take it out just to install Ubuntu 7.10), I did NOT install any drivers. Can anybody help please?16:25
BIOSboilerhas anyony tried HARDY HERON?16:25
uptownbenHi all, can someone help me out, I want to compile the ath5k wireless module, I did an apt-get install build-essential, but when I type make.. it says there no "build" directory in my /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-286 directory...16:25
ader10f0rmat: It's probably confusing having many people say many editors. The best editor is "gedit". The easiest command line editor is "nano"16:25
BIOSboilerdoes hardy heron have better support for wireless cards?16:26
erUSULBIOSboiler: we have directed you to ask in #ubuntu+116:26
MindSparkuptownben, maybe you need to run a ./configure first ?16:26
bazhangBIOSboiler: can you not read the info: #ubuntu+1 for that16:26
f0rmatcan you tell me how to set a single user account to english while another is dutch ?16:26
bastid_raZorfrom apt-get how do i find the version of a package? apt-cache something package?16:26
|Dede|I cannot boot (to  be exact the xserver/gnome does not start) my Ubuntu when I use my Radeon 9500 GT (had to take it out just to install Ubuntu 7.10), I did NOT install any drivers. Can anybody help please?16:26
michael__hey if i update to hardy will i have to do everything i di dfor my wireless again ?16:26
ZangetsuBIOSboiler: isn't #ubuntu+1 for hardy heron and stuff?16:26
MindSparkf0rmat, what do you mean ? like different languages ?16:26
BIOSboilerZangetsu what?16:27
bazhangmichael__: never know best ask in the hardy channel thanks16:27
f0rmati mean so different languages can be set for individual accounts16:27
Zangetsubiosboiler u asked if anyone has tried !heron16:27
uptownbenMindSpark, there is no configure script for this package.. compat-wireless16:27
ompaul!hardy | michael__16:27
ubotumichael__: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:27
MindSparkuptownben, looks like some scripts/files are autogenerated, which are essential for make to run16:28
bazhangZangetsu: never mind him--we have linked him five times already16:28
Zangetsuohh, okay then16:28
BIOSboileri love ubuntu16:28
|Dede|I cannot boot (to  be exact the xserver/gnome does not start) my Ubuntu when I use my Radeon 9500 GT (had to take it out just to install Ubuntu 7.10), I did NOT install any drivers. im now running on my onboard card. Can anybody help please?16:28
BIOSboilerfedora sux16:28
BIOSboileri hate yum16:28
uptownbenMindSpark, do you think I need to install some other source packages?16:28
Seveas!language | BIOSboiler16:28
ubotuBIOSboiler: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:28
MindSparkuptownben, no. You need to read the installation manual16:28
BIOSboilersorry for my language16:28
Zangetsuwatch your tongue16:29
uptownbenMindSpark, read it... it says..  run make ...  and thats about it16:29
Zangetsui love these bot commands they are so fun16:29
Daisuke_IdoBIOSboiler, now, if you want to discuss hardy, type /join #ubuntu+116:29
Zangetsuis there a list about the commands?16:29
Seveas!bot > Zangetsu16:29
n-iCehello question, why could the that my ubuntu sometimes takes a lot to start, or sometimes when I reboot ubuntu doesn't want to open programs, etc16:29
MindSparkuptownben, I suggest you copy the error message and google for it16:29
Zangetsugeez, thx16:29
lolerhow to change the interface of vmware , i`ve switch to some mode that it has disappered the tools for prefiring  the options16:30
MindSparkuptownben, can you gimme the package name again ?16:30
Daisuke_Idosuccess.  sometimes you have to spell out exactly what has to be done16:30
|Dede|I cannot boot (to  be exact the xserver/gnome does not start) my Ubuntu when I use my Radeon 9500 GT (had to take it out just to install Ubuntu 7.10), I did NOT install any drivers. im now running on my onboard card. Can anybody help please?16:30
amenado|Dede|-> not booting at all? errors?16:31
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bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto |Dede| have a look here please16:31
erUSUL|Dede|: if you can boot to a console (recovery mode) you can try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'16:31
gnuskooli want a 'light' wm over my gutsy server install, can i use bb or e17 , or will i need a full-blown desktop environment like gnome,kde or xfce???16:31
erUSUL|Dede|: and maybe that's sort it16:31
Hammer89hi... I can't get any context menus by right clicking on my desktop... and my gnome-panel isn't showing any menus or applets... any idea what's wrong?16:31
ader10Is it possible to split nautilus windows like terminator or blender?16:31
|Dede|erUSUL: I did not install anything16:32
MindSparkuptownben, you followed http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Download#Buildingandinstalling ?16:32
erUSULgnuskool: you can install any wm you like i guess16:32
|Dede|I needed to take my card out when installing ubuntu16:32
|Dede|and now I tried using it, but it does not work16:32
erUSUL|Dede|: so?16:32
erUSUL|Dede|: you mean that the livecd doesn't work?16:32
gnuskoolerUSUL: i guess what i mean is, will a wm be enough, to run a system on??16:32
n-iCehow can I install my webcam?16:32
|Dede|well, I used my onboard card when installing16:33
|Dede|so I could install Ubuntu16:33
erUSULgnuskool: yes it was for years on linux until the de arrived ( /me and old timer)16:33
|Dede|it worked with onboard (the livecd)16:33
uptownbenMindSpark, yep...  cd to the compat-wireless-2.6.22... folder and type make16:33
Hammer89*tries once more* hi... I can't get any context menus by right clicking on my desktop... and my gnome-panel isn't showing any menus or applets... plus I can't open up a terminal... any idea what's wrong?16:33
gnuskoolerUSUL: cheers16:34
erUSUL|Dede|: well then plug the ati card disable the onboard vga boot in recovery mode and try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' reboot16:34
Hammer89nautilus wont load, either, apparently16:34
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam please see here and here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras n-iCe16:34
ZangetsuHammer89: fresh install, or you did something and it started to happen after on16:34
Hammer89Zangetsu: I've been running it for a while now... I don't know what would have caused it... it just started kinda randomly16:34
ZangetsuHammer89: so you did everything like your used to, and you didnt do anything unique?16:35
Hammer89zangetsu: nothing that I recall16:35
bazhangHammer89: any odd repos in there?16:35
K-TonGreetings, i'm trying to install Beryl. It says I need xrender package. I downloaded it, but during it says X is not found. What sould i do?16:36
amenadoHammer89-> try running /usr/bin/gnome-control-center  and configure from there?16:36
erUSUL|beryl | K-Ton16:36
bazhangK-Ton: compiz-fusion is what you need beryl is gone16:36
n0dlanyone here install gutsy server on an inspiron 1420? i want to know if it is stable or not16:36
Hammer89bazhang: I can't check... nothing will load... oddly AWN and Pidgin both started properly (they're set to start when I log in)16:36
erUSUL!beryl | K-Ton16:36
ubotuK-Ton: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz16:36
manju29 when i run #apt-get install dh-make its saying no installation candidate for dh-make16:36
MindSparkuptownben, I got it, downloaded it and tried to compile it, but I got include file errors, possibly because I don't have the needed packages16:36
K-Tonthanks bazhang & erUSUL16:36
manju29my sources.list is pasted herehttp://pastebin.com/mcde0f1216:36
MindSparkuptownben, but can you maybe pastebin your output ?16:36
Hammer89amwnado: I can't run anything16:36
manju29can any1 help me??16:36
bazhangHammer89: this is ubuntu or ubuntu-based? and what other repos do you have in there16:37
Zangetsu!compiz | Zangetsu16:37
bazhangZangetsu: you can /msg ubotu for more convenience16:37
Hammer89bazhang: I'm using Ubuntu... I don;'t think I have any unusual repos...16:37
sarah____hey is anyone here good with wine?16:37
amenadomanju29-> maybe there is really no such thing a dh-make package16:37
n-iCesarah____:  I use it16:37
MindSparksarah____, define good16:38
amenadoi dont handle wine well, i spit it :P16:38
sarah____n-iCe okay well #winehq seems to be inactive.16:38
uptownbenMindSpark, make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-386/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.16:38
sarah____well guys, i have to install some math software for my college class, but i get an error16:38
sarah____wine WeissStats_Intro_8e16:38
sarah____wine: could not load L"C:\\windows\\system32\\WeissStats_Intro_8e.exe": Module not found16:38
sarah____im not sure what the problem is... any ideas?16:38
manju29amenado, so what sources i should include??16:38
n-iCesarah____:  go to the terminal, then use cd to go where WeissStats_Intro_8e.exe is, and write:  wine WeissStats_Intro_8e.exe16:39
n-iCetry it16:39
MindSparkuptownben, is there a possibility that the output is written into that dir ? try mkdir build inside there and check16:39
Zangetsuanyway: i just installed this cvscedega (its stuff connected with winex) i started an application and there wasnt any text. i have suspicion about fonts16:39
erUSULmanju29: it is in the main repo16:39
Zangetsuany ideas?16:39
amenadomanju29-> maybe there is really no such thing a dh-make package, google for dh-make, dont know what it is for?16:39
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sarah____n-iCe i loaded it from the cd drive16:39
erUSUL!info dh-make | manju2916:39
ubotumanju29: dh-make (source: dh-make): tool that converts source archives into Debian package source. In component main, is optional. Version 0.43 (gutsy), package size 33 kB, installed size 336 kB16:39
AC0RNZyo guys, im looking for progrram that can like.... rar a huge iso file, but mark it up into like ....  2 areas both 500mb... then wen i click extract on part 1... it will extract part2 also and make the iso again16:39
erUSULmanju29: so if your sources.list are not totallu busted you should be able to install it16:40
Hammer89bazhang: I can run firefox still... nautilus and terminal don't work though... odd16:40
chsmrshi folks. i was here before, and someone gave me a link, howto set up the fingerprint reader for my HP 8510p. can anybody help me here? i had to reinstall ubuntu16:40
katellaSo. Easy problem here, I'm just a nub. I downloaded a graphics driver I'm trying to install (.run file) but I don't know how to install it. double clicking is NOT working. Can someone tell me I'm a nub and how to fix it?16:40
erUSULkatella: what graphic card?16:40
katellaradeon x1600 pro, 512mb, pci-e16:40
erUSUL!ati | katella16:40
ubotukatella: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:40
katellaerUSUL: Much thanks16:41
erUSULkatella: it is better not to use the run packages but install the drivers form the repos16:41
MindSparkuptownben, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30004116:41
sarah____n-iCe still there?16:41
erUSULkatella: Go to system>Admin>Restricted Drivers16:41
BrainBuganyone can help me iam looking for ftp server that supports accessing (rwx) from ntfs partitions16:41
n-iCesarah____:  yes, try what I told you16:41
erUSULkatella: mark your driver and follow instructions...16:41
n-iCesee if you get the same error16:42
sarah____i dont get what you mean "cd"16:42
sarah____type "cd C:\\Windows\\System32\\" ?16:42
erUSULsarah____: on a terminal16:42
erUSUL!shell | sarah____16:42
ubotusarah____: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:42
MindSparksarah____, is \WeissStats_Intro_8e.exe related to the program you are trying to run ?16:43
sarah____i am on terminal16:43
sarah____yes i am trying to run that MindSpark16:43
MindSparksarah____, you need to add exe in the end16:44
katellaerusul: hrm. not sure if it's gonna work, but I'll find out soon. XD16:44
MindSpark.exe actually16:44
amenadoBrainBug-> ntfs partition is mounted on the server side..so the client trying to get/put from that dir does not even know its an ntfs filesystem?16:44
nighty^anyone knows why Totem displays video with brightness turned down ?16:44
katellamight bbiab. XD16:44
nighty^I am using 7.1016:44
MindSparksarah____, I had a look at your command, you did wine WeissStats_Intro_8e16:44
wershow do i take a picture of a webpage from top to buttom which takes more space than my screen (i need to scroll down)16:44
MindSparkwhile it should be wine \WeissStats_Intro_8e.exe16:44
MindSparkwoops, without the first slash16:44
sarah____MindSpark i think i forgot the .exe16:44
xfasorry need help with my audiosettings, i can't run speakers and headphones seperatly, why?16:44
sarah____let em try one second16:44
amenadowers would xwd do it?16:44
bdker#join #boingboing16:44
sarah____wine WeissStats_Intro_8e.exe16:45
sarah____wine: could not load L"C:\\windows\\system32\\WeissStats_Intro_8e.exe": Module not found16:45
lcukwers, take a picture, scroll down take another picture, rinse repeat.  and then use your gimp editing skills to merge together removing the window frames16:45
RandocalThis isn't quite a Ubuntu question perse.... but i'm wondering if perhaps someone knows the answer anyways. I've got xchat-gnome installed and i have it set to autojoin my servers/channels the way I want, but upon joining a certain channel I need to message a bot and login. How/where might i configure that?16:45
chsmrsanybody an idea how to get the fingerprint reader working for the gdm logon on a HP 8510p?16:45
werslcuk, ooh. gimp is needed. hmm16:45
lcukor any other photo editing program you have lying around16:45
wersi might as well save the html file or something16:46
sarah____i tried the new command MindSpark but still got an error16:46
lcukthat would be best -= make sure you include the images as well ;)16:46
Wandereranyone have a problem where a debian stable box can't ssh into an ubuntu gutsy box?16:46
* N3bunel saluta16:46
MindSparksarah____, http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-users/2007-January/024279.html16:46
BrainBuganyone? accessing (rwx) ntfs partitions , what ftp server supports this?16:46
Wanderererr, not ssh, rsync16:46
wersi just need to have it printed the way it's shown on my browser for my project16:46
lcukor just point the person who needs the view to the actual URL ;)16:46
sarah____ok i will take a look MindSpark16:46
lcukthen just print it...16:46
erUSULBrainBug: it is not the ftp server who needs to support it is the linux kernel16:46
Wandererwhen I rsync a file from ubuntu to debian, initiated from debian, I get this:16:47
Wandererrsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [receiver]16:47
Wandererrsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(600) [receiver=3.0.0]16:47
christozerUSUL hello again i've just downloaded th .bin file from sun but can't "./" it..when i'm doing without sudo it says permission denied ...with sudo it says command no found!!!16:47
BrainBugerUSUL, well ok and does it exists?16:47
erUSULBrainBug: if you set up linux to acces rw a ntfs partition any program including an ftpserver can access it rw16:47
MindSparkwe have national strike day. Lol, the entire country is on strike.16:47
f0rmatdoes anyone know how to change individual users language used in terminal as it is dutch and i want to use english16:47
lcukthen what are you doing working in here16:47
MindSparkfirst of it's kind16:47
ader10Is it possible to split nautilus windows like terminator or blender?16:47
erUSULchristoz: it is better to install from repos... you have the jdk there16:47
BrainBugerUSUL, rw ? i know vsftpd can't...16:48
uptownbenWhat does this mean:16:48
erUSULBrainBug: does it exist what?16:48
uptownbenERROR: Kernel configuration is invalid.16:48
uptownben         include/linux/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing.16:48
uptownben         Run 'make oldconfig && make prepare' on kernel src to fix it.16:48
FloodBot2uptownben: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:48
TheBillscd change directiory16:48
AC0RNZ yo guys, im looking for progrram that can like.... rar a huge iso file, but mark it up into like ....  2 areas both 500mb... then wen i click extract on part 1... it will extract part2 also and make the iso again16:48
sarah____MindSpark that didnt help tried it16:48
lcukAC0RNZ, like use rar like16:48
ExterisAC0RNZ, rar can do that16:48
MindSparksarah____, is the CD mounted correctly ?16:49
lcuklike you already know...16:49
BrainBugerUSUL, well ok; i have this pc server i want to install ftp server on, but my media partition is ntfs so i want ppl to be able to browse the ntfs partion - execute - write16:49
sarah____of course16:49
RandocalIs there a gui for rar?16:49
AC0RNZit can break it up into 2 files?16:49
irotasstupid question .. in the ubuntu world is there an official "maintainer" for specific software packages? for example, if a package is significantly out of date, who would you contact?16:49
erUSULBrainBug: if you can access an ntfs partition rw from command line the any software can. You can be having permisions problems though maybe only root can access the ntfs partition you have to fixs that not the ftp server16:49
AC0RNZevery time i right click and choose create archive it doesnt give me the choice16:49
MindSparksarah____, sometimes, the device might just show in the file manager, without it being mounted16:49
BrainBugerUSUL, ok16:49
Armedkinghttp://members.cox.net/iverylm/Vista_Acronym.jpg :D16:49
lcukthats because you are using the default gui portion, you will need to use the console or a specific RAR gui16:49
f0rmathello does anyone know how to change individual users language used in terminal as it is dutch and i want to use english16:50
sarah____sigh* i dont know what to do MindSpark16:50
MindSparksarah____, ok, type mount from commandline16:50
bazhangArmedking: please dont post that here16:50
MindSparkdo you see the mountpath and the cdrom device in the output ?16:50
Armedkingbazhang, Sorry couldnt resist ;-)16:50
erUSUL!ntfs | BrainBug16:50
ubotuBrainBug: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE16:50
sarah____yes i do16:51
MindSparksarah____, and where is the cdrom mounted ?16:51
|Dede|I cannot run my Ubuntu (the xserver/gnome does not start) when I use my Radeon 9500 GT (had to take it out just to install Ubuntu 7.10), I did NOT install any drivers. im now running on my onboard card. Can anybody help please?16:51
sarah____on /media/cdrom016:51
lcukArmedking, it wasnt even that good - vista is surprisingly free of viruses etc - it takes so long to copy them across the network they cant spread16:51
MindSparksarah____, ok, now cd /media/cdrom016:51
erUSULf0rmat: export the apropiate LANG variable (LANG=de_DE.utf-8 ??)16:51
uptownbendang it! I cant get my atheros ar5007eg wifi to work on ubuntu!!16:51
MindSparktype "cd /media/cdrom016:51
sarah____done now i did "ls"16:52
BrainBugerUSUL, thats not the problem, i did that with ntfs-3g , but i wanted to make shure it works , cause i read that vsftpd couldnt work with ntfs said some guy but ok , ill give it a try :D16:52
erUSULf0rmat: export the apropiate LANG variable (LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 ??)16:52
sarah____and i see the files for the weissStats_Intro_8e cd16:52
MindSparksarah____, ok, is the file you want to run in the listing ?16:52
f0rmaterUSUL, how do i do that through terminal16:52
bazhanguptownben: that is the same on the eeepc; they have a channel and a wiki on how to get it going on ubuntu16:52
sarah____so wine weissStats_Intro_8e.exe16:52
erUSULf0rmat: export LANG=whatever16:52
MindSparksarah____, yes16:52
MindSparkif that doesn't work still, try "wine ./weissStats_Intro_8e.exe"16:52
erUSULf0rmat: if you want it to be permanent you have to put in on ~/.bashrc or ./profile16:53
f0rmaterUSUL, and that only works for individual accounts yes?16:53
Hammer89what would I need to apt-get in order to reinstall the base programs that come with ubuntu? (like... the system monitor... terminal... etc)16:53
denndaWhich problems are there when using 64-bit versions instead of 32-bit?16:53
erUSULf0rmat: if you want the change to be system wide edit /etc/environment or use System>Admin>Language support16:53
sarah____MindSpark: ":/media/cdrom0$ wine weissStats_Intro_8e.exe16:53
sarah____wine: could not load L"C:\\windows\\system32\\weissStats_Intro_8e.exe": Module not found16:53
dennda(At the moment. It's been some time since I last checked)16:53
nighty^anyone knows why Totem displays video with brightness turned down overriding settings in Rhythmbox ?16:54
erUSULHammer89: install ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-* etc16:54
f0rmaterUSUL, no i wan't it only for individual users16:54
MindSparksarah____, did you try ./ before weissStats_Intro_8e.exe ?16:54
Hammer89erUSUL: thanks16:54
sarah____MindSpark you mean wine /weisStats_Intro_8eexe?16:54
sarah____MindSpark you mean wine /weisStats_Intro_8e.exe" ?16:54
MindSparksarah____, ./ not /16:54
sarah____oh ok16:54
bgdevhow well does kde 4 run under VMWare? I'd like to try it out but was worried the generic video on VMWare wouldnt do the eye candy justice16:54
MindSparkwine ./weissStats_Intro_8e.exe16:54
sarah____let em try16:54
Bad_boy_have just installed wine, but I do not have a windows partition, anymore, but i have windows *.exe. Do i need a windows partition to run wine. I am newbie16:54
robdemanhi all -- how do I generate .srt files on Ubuntu? Im trying it throug dvd::rip but that gives vobsub.. I want text based .srt files - not bitmaps16:54
sarah____wine: cannot find './weissStats_Intro_8e.exe'16:55
MindSparkBad_boy, no you don't , you just need a windows program to run .16:55
simplexioBad_boy_: google, and wine ping.exe works16:55
MindSparksarah____, you know that the file is case sensitive, right ?16:55
Bad_boy_cheers chaps16:55
sarah____i think so16:55
MindSparksarah____, can you do an ls and send it to me via private ?16:55
sarah____one sec16:56
f0rmaterUSUL, ok so if i wanted english GB export LANG=??????16:56
sarah____ok MindSpark i sent a pm16:57
MindSparksarah____, didn't get anything, can you please send again ?16:57
katellaHazaa! I have returned!16:57
jacob_quick question i installed the nvidia drivers using envy then did a bunch of updates including a kernal update, my question is is do you have to reinstall the drivers after each kernal patch/update16:58
erUSULf0rmat: en_GB.UTF-8 ?? check in google (i use es_ES spanish ;P)16:58
erUSULMindSpark: only registered users can pm16:58
bazhangjacob_: envy. uh oh.16:58
=== titon is now known as TitoN
erUSULjacob_: yes16:58
f0rmaterUSUL, thanks16:58
MindSparkerUSUL, I am getting her pm's now :) thanks16:58
TitoNhi i wanna boot win xp under xubuntu but i dont know if i need to use vmware server or vmware player16:58
f0rmaterUSUL, oh it works :D16:59
katellaerusul: So anyways. I put my new vid card in, started er up, it auto installed the restricted drivers, but then when ubuntu started instead of seeing the login/password screen, I saw nothing.16:59
erUSULf0rmat: no problem16:59
f0rmatdo i put export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 into .bashrc16:59
jacob_thanks i heard that some where and i was a having a problem installing the driver myself and everytime i rebooted i had to reinstall16:59
erUSULf0rmat: if you want it to be permanent yes16:59
jacob_thanks every one!!!17:00
is_nullhello everybody, what's the best way to get ubuntu on a /boot that has 8M?17:00
Danb1234hi i am having a problem with the install of ubuntu 7.10 on my laptop any ideas17:00
erUSULkatella: maybe it is just bad resolution??  heard that adding vga=auto to the grub boot line helps on that cases...17:00
is_nullboot from live and compile a kernel without initrd? or is there something light avalaible with apt-get?17:00
erUSUL!boot | katella17:01
ubotukatella: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto17:01
katellaerusul: def a possibility. being a ubuntu noob, just restart, hit the grub line, type that once and not worry about it again17:01
erUSULkatella: no if you want that to be permanent you have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst17:01
katellathere's one of those for EVERYTHING!17:01
erUSULkatella: you can do that from recovery mode17:02
robdemananybody? Vobsub to SRT? (Or straight DVD-to-.srt) subtitle generation?17:02
erUSULkatella: well we have been collecting/adding/editing them for years now ;)17:02
katellaerusul: I just threw my old card back in. I can change it. 8) so just add vga = auto anywhere in here?17:03
SpookyETsshfs seems slow17:03
Danb1234ive previously tried using vga=771 and had no luck as soon as i choose the install option my screen just goes black17:05
LetsGo67How do you play an HDCD in Ubuntu?17:05
Danb1234u think using vga=auto will work?17:05
katellaerusul does dan! Imma try it and might let ya know in a sec17:05
erUSULkatella: at the end of the kernel line after "splash quiet"17:05
SkittDanb1234: which resolution do you need?17:05
TitoNwhat to use vmware server or vmware player?17:06
seekerHi ! sorry for my bad english, but anybody knows how to install a new network card with KVM (Kernel Virtual Machine) ?17:06
dobbyhey does one of you guys tried paralles?17:07
Danb1234umm under windows i use 1440 by 90017:07
erUSULseeker: you want the kvm machine to have more than one emulated card??17:07
Danb1234i tried selecting this in the install but it didnt make a diffrence17:08
seekeryes erUSUL, i want the virtual machine have 2 or 3 card17:08
TitoNor do i need vmware server to create the viritual machine and then use player to use it?17:08
bazhangTitoN: try the server package17:08
katellaerusul: hrm. it's not letting me save it. bah17:08
erUSULseeker: kvm is a fork of qemu so the command line sitches you will use with one you can use in the other17:08
LetsGo67How do you play an HDCD in Ubuntu?17:08
TitoNbazhang k is there a big difference with them17:08
erUSULkatella: use "sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst"17:09
bazhangTitoN: never used player; server does what you want though17:09
bazhangLetsGo67: you mean a hd-dvd? that is a hardware req or do you mean a ripped HD file17:09
TitoNk bazhang i'll try it17:10
xrhstaraspatraHELP WITH LEXMARK17:10
bazhangcaps xrhstaraspatra17:10
seekerhum sorry, what is sitches ? ^^ i'm french and i dont understand this word17:10
LetsGo67bazhang: no, a high definition compact disc (music)17:10
LetsGo67xrhstaraspatra: lexmark is a pain, I tried drivers, only works with old linux.  I understand though.17:10
bazhangLetsGo67: you want to rip it? please clarify17:10
katellaerusul: One of these days I'll have to learn all this17:11
katellaerusul: if I'm not back, it's a good thing. XD17:11
erUSULseeker: command line options17:11
bazhangseeker: situations17:11
boebiI installed Ubuntu but without GRUB because it was giving errors. So I have ubuntu on my partition, but I cant boot it. Is there a way to install GRUB now, or any other way to get Ubuntu into my bootloader?17:11
lcuklol @ chinese whispers17:11
LetsGo67bazhang: yes, it has two modes: normal CD and high definition.  How do I play high definition?  What is the difference?  Do I need a sound card or expensive speakers?17:11
seekerthanx :p17:11
manju29erUSUL, did u check my sources.list??i pasted http://pastebin.com/mcde0f1217:11
bertvdpis it me or are there no processor overclocking programs in main, universe and multiverse ?17:11
TitoNbazhang can you run the apps without logging in windows just like wine17:12
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TitoNor do u have to have a server running17:12
lcukbertvdp, you cannot over clock the universe, we would all fall off17:12
manju29erUSUL, can u tell me y i got no installation candidate for dh-make???17:12
erUSULmanju29: that seems sources for debain not ubuntu....17:12
bazhangLetsGo67: not really sure about that; you might repeat here every so often and see if others know17:12
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ader10Is it possible to split nautilus windows like terminator or blender?17:12
LetsGo67Thanks man.17:12
bertvdplcuk: overclock my processor with programmes aut of the universe repository17:12
erUSULmanju29: i do not know in what repo dh-make is in debian... can not help you further ask in debian17:13
bazhangTitoN: need the server and windows running both17:13
erUSULmanju29: i do not know in what repo dh-make is in debian... can not help you further ask in #debian17:13
TitoNk thx17:13
lcukphew! i thought you wanted to make us spin faster17:13
manju29k thanks erUSUL !!17:13
bertvdplcuk: lol :P17:13
boebiI installed Ubuntu but without GRUB because it was giving errors. So I have ubuntu on my partition, but I cant boot it. Is there a way to install GRUB now, or any other way to get Ubuntu into my bootloader?17:13
xrhstaraspatrahelp with lexmark17:13
erUSUL!grub | boebi17:13
ubotuboebi: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:13
xrhstaraspatrain 64bit ubuntu17:13
erUSULboebi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows17:13
boebithanks uboto17:13
boebiand erusul17:14
lcukxrhstaraspatra, please describe your problem a little better and people might be able to help17:14
* lcuk must learn to type quicker17:14
bazhangboebi: he's a bot ;]17:14
uptownbenmy make command says I'm missing .config ?17:14
XLVbazhang, bots need love too17:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botsanck - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:15
redtidehello everyone.....i'm a complete newbie, and yet I have to do something i believe is rather advanced. can anyone here help me instal this? http://alsa-project.org/main/index.php/User:ClemensLadisch#2008-03-3117:15
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!17:15
bazhangredtide: have you asked in #alsa ?17:15
uptownbenI need to set my system up to compile modules... what do I need besides build-essential?17:15
erUSULuptownben: 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)'17:15
stefguptownben: usually the kernel source17:16
redtidehrm no i have not, i might have however, if  i had known about the channel17:16
stefguptownben: or at lest the headers17:16
style23I want to set the focus policy to "focus follows mouse". Where can I find that setting?17:16
erUSULstyle23: are you using compiz or default metacity?17:17
style23erusul: compiz17:17
erUSULstyle23: then i guess that you will have to use ccsm...17:17
erUSUL|ccsm | style2317:17
erUSUL!ccsm | style2317:17
ubotustyle23: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion17:17
DeadLy_sphelp, i need rotate a openoffice document , it's posible?17:18
ompaulDeadLy_sp, to what?17:18
ompaulDeadLy_sp, you could do format page landscape is that what you want?17:18
DeadLy_spompaul: rotate document17:18
DeadLy_spompaul: yes!17:18
erUSULstyle23: on ccsm in the general settings the focus tab17:19
ompaulDeadLy_sp, convert - you can do - save as and change the type to xls17:19
computer13137I have a very simple question that I think you guys should be able to answer.17:19
DeadLy_spok ompaul, thanks !!!!!!!17:19
style23ersul: where do I download ccsm17:19
computer13137Ubuntu 7.10 x64, how many CPU cores does it have support for, and what is the RAM limit?17:19
ompaulDeadLy_sp, your welcome17:19
style23ersul: I see it17:19
erUSULstyle23: Synaptic17:20
style23ersul: giong to download now. thanks17:20
computer13137Ubuntu will be able to support 16GB of Ram right?17:20
JothI can't connect to the new wireless network (it's an Airport Extreme network) - it's detected, but I can't connect. Can anyone please help?17:21
erUSULcomputer13137: C17:21
computer13137That's a yes I suppose? :P17:22
computer13137How about CPU cores?17:22
computer13137Does it have support for multiple CPUs?17:22
niko_in amarok, the "building collection database..." will not go away. how do i correct this17:22
erUSULcomputer13137: COnFIG_NR_CPU=8 in generic17:22
erUSULcomputer13137: but you can install the server kernel ...17:22
computer13137So can it accomodate two quad core Xeons?17:22
cvd-prcan someone can look at this and tell me what is the problem  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6522/17:23
erUSULcomputer13137: that's with the generic desktop oriented kernel i'm sure th linux-image-server kernel supports a lot more than 8 cores17:23
soundraycomputer13137: yes, the default Ubuntu kernel supports 8 cores and 16GB RAM17:23
computer13137erUSUL: All I plan to run is the two quad cores.17:24
computer13137So that will run OK on either kernel right?17:24
erUSULcomputer13137: there are 1024 core machines running a single linux kernel out there XD17:24
erUSULcomputer13137: yep17:24
ir4I need some help with wireless card drivers! can someone please help me?17:24
style23ersul when you install ccsm how do you get to the settings?17:24
computer13137Nice... so now that the software end is out of the way, I have to decide whether or not to spend $1800 on hardware. :P17:24
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soundray!wifi | ir4, have a look at the help pages, then ask specifically17:24
ubotuir4, have a look at the help pages, then ask specifically: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:24
CoasterMasterDoes the flex package put the required libraries to compile flex code in /usr/lib?17:24
Daisilerusul: This is katella on the computer that's working. vga=auto unfortunately didn't work17:24
style23ersul I see it17:25
computer13137Thanks erUSUL. :P17:25
Daisildaisil !radeon17:25
erUSULDaisil: :|17:25
Daisilwas worth a try. lol17:25
noamsmlHey, I'm having a few problems with my keyboard on Ubuntu Hardy17:25
noamsmlRepeat keys don't work17:25
soundraynoamsml: ask in #ubuntu+1 please17:25
niko_in amarok, the "building collection database..." will not go away. how do i correct this17:25
noamsmlOK, thanks17:25
erUSULDaisil: yep the radeon driver may work better than the propietary fglrx...17:25
niko_sorry to be annoying17:25
ir4can someone help me with the ndiswrapper tool?17:26
Daisilerusul: is there a way to disable the restricted driver before ubuntu starts up?17:26
ir4can someone help me with the ndiswrapper tool?17:26
Daisilerusul: and how do you install a .run file? lol17:26
erUSULDaisil: nope... boot in recovery mode and run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' choose the radeon driver17:27
soundrayir4: did you look at the link that ubotu sent?17:27
Daisilerusul: recovery mode? 8)17:27
niko_in grub17:27
sarah____hey guys, is it possible to partition my harddrive for windows?17:27
erUSULDaisil: if you really want to do it... «chmod +x file.run && sudo ./file.run»17:27
soundraycvd-pr: just curious -- why compile xmms, rather than installing from the repos?17:27
sarah____currently i have ubuntu gusty, but i need to add windows to run some software17:27
sarah____can i partition it?17:28
Zangetsusarah: you mean you want to format it with ntfs?17:28
ir4hey soundray can u personal message me?17:28
Zangetsui mean the partitions17:28
n-iCeany software to watch .wmv videos?17:28
briareos90KDE is stalling on video playback ... but if i play the same files in gnome , theres no problem .. anyone knows how to fix this ?17:28
soundray!pm | ir417:28
ubotuir4: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.17:28
n-iCeand more formats?17:28
niko_put in a windows disk and boot from it and do it there17:28
noamsmln-iCe: Try mplayer17:28
f0rmati still can't add users17:28
n-iCenoamsml:  thanks17:28
sarah____Zangetsu i think so, i just need to set aside some of my harddrive to load windows17:28
noamsmln-iCe: You can find it in the medibuntu repos17:28
noamsmlIt's not in the official repos for legal reasons17:28
soundraysarah____: have you tried to run your software with wine? Might be easier than re-partitioning a hard disk that's already set up for Ubuntu...17:28
cvd-prsoundray,  im using heron , xmms was dropped, and its the only player thah a like, you know wht was the problem ere?17:29
n-iCenoamsml:  I am installing it17:29
PaRaSiTeDoes 7.10 support nVidia 8800GT?17:29
sarah____yes soundray it wont run with wine17:29
soundraysarah____: ah, too bad.17:29
ir4can someone please help me with wireless card driver!!17:29
niko_yes it supports 8800's. in amarok, the "building collection database..." will not go away. how do i correct this17:29
sarah____i know i will miss my ubuntu! :(17:29
f0rmatcan anyone please tell me how i can make it so i can make users through user settings in system/Administration again17:29
sarah____such a sad day17:29
soundraycvd-pr: you might be able to install the gutsy deb package. Have you looked at audacious?17:30
ir4i need some help installing a wireless card driver17:30
niko_what do you need to do format?17:30
erUSULir4: first tell us which wifi card chip do you have17:30
soundray!dualboot | sarah____, have you seen this help17:30
ubotusarah____, have you seen this help: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:30
ir4i have the17:30
f0rmatplease tell me how i can make it so i can make users through user settings in system/Administration again17:30
cvd-prsoulrider, dont like audacious, for some reasons17:30
ir4Intel PRO/Wirless 3945 card17:30
f0rmatit just won't add one17:30
f0rmatand there arent any errors17:30
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents17:30
cvd-prsoundray, , dont like audacious, for some reasons17:30
niko_lemme look17:31
erUSULir4: those cards already have drivers... can you paste the output of "iwconfig" on pastebin?17:31
erUSUL!pastebin | ir417:31
|Dede|I need a tool to make videos of my Desktop, any ideas?17:31
ubotuir4: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:31
soundraycvd-pr: well, try downloading the xmms package from http://archive.ubuntu.com and install it with 'sudo dpkg -i xmms*.deb'17:31
ir4but i looked on the website and it says the card is not supported and that i need to install the drive17:31
ir4but ill show u17:31
PaRaSiTeAre there any decent download managers on Ubuntu, like Free Download Manager on Windows?17:32
niko_use istanbul to make videos of your desktop17:32
erUSULPaRaSiTe: d4x ?17:32
Survivorman|Dede|, recordmydesktop17:32
niko_it's in the repos17:32
PaRaSiTeI can't decide whether to go to Ubuntu or not. :-/17:32
popey!screencast | |Dede|17:32
ubotu|Dede|: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.17:32
bazhangir4: that is the single best supported card in linux/ubuntu; be happy you have that and not a broadcom17:33
erUSULPaRaSiTe: i personally use download them all from within firefox17:33
ir4well how come i cannot connect to the wireless?17:33
ir4it wont let me connect17:33
ir4it just sits there17:33
PaRaSiTeerUSUL: That's not a proper download manager though is it?  Just a download helper extension, like FlashGot.17:33
soundrayPaRaSiTe: have you tried the live CD? No permanent changes required while you're testing.17:33
bazhangir4: what does ifconfig say? eth0 lo and a third entry? or only those two17:33
erUSULbazhang: well the best supported is the intel 2200 imho (it is older so better supported) ;P but yes intel is topo noch on linux drivers support17:34
bazhangerUSUL: good point ;]17:34
niko_f0rmat: system>administration>users and groups17:34
f0rmatit doesn't work17:34
niko_what happens?17:34
n-iCenoamsml:  how do I set it as default17:34
n-iCefor videos ?17:34
f0rmatnicko, there is a group by the name of the user and so i have to delete the group before adding the  user17:35
f0rmatniko, there is a group by the name of the user and so i have to delete the group before adding the  user17:35
ir4eth says17:35
ir4eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:B8:EB:99:1217:35
ir4          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
ir4          inet6 addr: fe80::2e0:b8ff:feeb:9912/64 Scope:Link17:35
ir4          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:117:35
ir4          RX packets:18890 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:017:35
ir4          TX packets:16572 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:017:35
ir4          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100017:35
ir4          RX bytes:11455176 (10.9 MiB)  TX bytes:1730633 (1.6 MiB)17:35
Daisilerusul: I think I messed that monster command up. sudo dpkg -reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg?17:35
ir4          Interrupt:1717:35
PaRaSiTesoundray: Where do I get the Live CD?17:35
bazhangir4: pastebin not here!17:36
erUSULDaisil: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' you put an extra spc :)17:36
soundrayDaisil: dpkg-reconfigure (no space within)17:36
PaRaSiTeI sorta know if I want to or not.17:36
Daisilwill try again. 8)17:36
PaRaSiTeI dunno17:36
niko_sorry, i'm not sure what the problem is and i don't have much experience with it17:36
ir4whats pastebin17:36
n-iCehow do I set a player as default???17:36
PaRaSiTeI just worry about losing half the programs I lose.17:36
PaRaSiTeAnd dont want to WINE them all.17:36
soundray!download | PaRaSiTe17:36
ubotuPaRaSiTe: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!17:36
ir4i just got ubuntu yesterday17:36
niko_try asking on the ubuntuforums17:36
soundrayPaRaSiTe: the Desktop CD at these download sites ^^ are live ones.17:36
Daisilerusul: is there a way to just load ubuntu from here?17:37
bazhangir4: just say three entries or two for ifconfig: (2/3) dont paste here just say 2 or 317:37
soundrayPaRaSiTe: you can dual boot...17:37
PaRaSiTeI have dial up.17:37
ir4hold on17:37
PaRaSiTeNo downloads.17:37
ir4i hav17:37
Stroganoffwhats the bash command to find out which distro i'm using?17:37
Survivormann-iCe, right click on file, select properties, then go to opens with17:37
PaRaSiTesoundray: I nearly certainly will dualboot.17:37
PaRaSiTeFor games at least.17:37
soundray!version | Stroganoff17:37
ubotuStroganoff: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell17:37
erUSULDaisil: sudo telinit 217:37
stefg!shipit | PaRaSiTe17:37
ubotuPaRaSiTe: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Gutsy (7.10) CDs17:37
PaRaSiTeJust tihngs like Blender17:38
ir4eth 0 , lo, eth1, eth1:avah17:38
PaRaSiTeAnd also, I'm tempted to go all opensource, like Open Office...17:38
PaRaSiTeBut...compared to Office 07 it's not great, but it's free and legal17:38
niko_in amarok, the "building collection database..." will not go away. how do i correct this17:38
bazhangir4: do you have the restricted modules installed? you can search for them in synaptic17:38
soundrayPaRaSiTe: we're moving off the support topic. Maybe you will find more decision support in #ubuntu-offtopic17:38
|Dede|I need a tool to make videos of my Desktop and which uses a GUI17:38
amenadoniko_-> am not familiar with amarok, can you visit their website and look around for the options when launching it?17:39
ir4how do i use synaptic17:39
bazhangor join #amarok17:39
Survivormanniko_, it just started doing that to me too... did you add anything to your collection. I did and it went away.17:40
ir4when i go to the restricted drivers thing under system, my wireless card is on the list, but it says enabled and in-use17:40
niko_i've looked quite a bit and tried things that have worked for others. i believe they have a irc channel17:40
niko_okay, i will try that17:40
|Dede|I need a tool to make videos of my Desktop and which uses a GUI17:40
soundray!repeat | |Dede|17:40
ubotu|Dede|: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:40
Survivorman|Dede|, we gave you a list already.17:41
bazhang!info gtk-recordmydesktop17:41
ubotugtk-recordmydesktop (source: gtk-recordmydesktop): Graphical frontend for recordmydesktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.4-1 (gutsy), package size 59 kB, installed size 448 kB17:41
Daisilerusul: how do I run a .run driver file that I got right off the radeon website?17:41
|Dede|those are command line tools?17:41
Survivorman!screencast | |Dede|17:41
ubotu|Dede|: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.17:41
|Dede|Do you have any suggestions for GUI screencasters?17:41
f0rmati would also like to know whether there is a program for ubuntu that will allow me to see comands used by another user on my system via ssh17:41
bazhang|Dede|: gtk-recordmydesktop is the package you want17:41
erUSULDaisil: if you *really* want to do it... «chmod +x file.run && sudo ./file.run»17:41
PaRaSiTeBtw, Ubuntu or Kubuntu/GNOME or KDE?17:41
Survivorman|Dede|, recordmydesktop is gui17:42
|Dede|thanks bazhang17:42
PaRaSiTeWhat are the advantages/disadvatanges of each?17:42
erUSULDaisil: but it is dangerous and unsupported17:42
Daisilerusul: not suggested?17:42
HellowWasent Istanbul a old english city?17:42
soundray!kubuntu | PaRaSiTe17:42
ubotuPaRaSiTe: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE17:42
Daisilerusul: gotcha17:42
popeyHellow: no Turkish!17:42
HellowO lol17:42
bazhang!ot | Hellow17:42
ubotuHellow: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:42
f0rmati would also like to know whether there is a program for ubuntu that will allow me to see comands used by another user on my system via ssh17:42
Mikkel`Hi ... I trying and install HLDS to This Linux Server .. and i has try and retry this HLDS .. and Now can i not install this cstrike from HLDS .. "Cannot open output file 'LinuxHldsUpdateTool_27.pkg'17:42
Exterisf0rmat, screen17:42
popeyf0rmat: screen -x17:42
f0rmatThere is no screen to be attached.17:43
Exterisf0rmat, they need to start a screen first17:43
Mirvis someone succesfully using f-spot to display images? the image displaying is so slow it is rather useless for browsing eg. 12MP images from a camera...17:43
soundray!screen | f0rmat17:43
ubotuf0rmat: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen17:43
michael__i never realized ubuntu had so many great games in the package manager including frets on fire damn ubuntu kicks windows a$$17:43
popeyf0rmat: you can poke in their bash history :)17:43
MirvI wonder how it's proposed as being "the" photo viewing application with the performance it has/lacks17:44
bazhangir4 open up synaptic package manager and search for restricted and make sure the restricted modules for your kernel are installed17:44
bazhanglanguage michael__17:44
erUSULMirv: you can use gthumb or gqview17:44
soundrayMirv: you're welcome to ask support questions, but if you just want to sound off, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please17:44
MirverUSUL: yes, I just wonder if there's some magic trick lurking somewhere17:45
f0rmathow do i list screens17:45
soundrayMirv: you might consider the possibility that it's not F-Spot, but your card/connection is the bottleneck17:45
f0rmatall i keep doing is seeing my own17:45
erUSULMirv: f-spot is meant to be like picasa a cataloging app (and it is written in mono) if you want raw speed and manage huge photos use another program17:46
soundrayf0rmat: please take some time to familiarize yourself with screen, following the links that Ubotu gave you. GNU Screen is a rather complex tool17:46
Mirvsoundray: the machine is dual core with intel gma x3000, I'm not aware of any bottleneck. I do know gthumb performs better but I think F-Spot is now the default for new users.17:46
erUSULMirv: choose the right tool for the job17:46
MirverUSUL: yes, I just hope it gives good enough impression of itself to most users17:46
n-iCehow do I open a .wmv ??17:47
soundrayMirv: I'm not talking about your machine, I'm talking about the way it accesses the photos17:47
erUSULMirv: i guess that not everybody manages 12 MB photos ;)17:47
n-iCewhat player can I use?17:47
Survivormann-iCe, vlc17:47
soundray!restricted | n-iCe17:47
ubotun-iCe: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:47
MirverUSUL: yeah, well the images are 4MB but 12 megapixels, meaning what comes out on current crop of compact cameras mainly. it's a bit better with eg. 2MB images, but still mono or something is spending massive amount of time decoding just a jpeg...17:48
Mirvwell, hopefully it will get better. it's a great app, it's just slow which kind of hinders the greatness :D17:48
soundrayMirv: if you're downloading 12MP photos via a USB 1.1 (which many cameras still have), then it's no wonder you're experiencing delays17:48
n-iCesoundray:  but I need the player17:48
n-iCewhat player can I use to play them?17:49
Mirvsoundray: nope, already downloaded, viewing from hard disk17:49
chsmrshi again. is perhaps someone here who knows howto set up to fingerprint reader for gdm on a HP 8510p?17:49
soundrayn-iCe: you can use any player, once you have the codecs17:49
n-iCemplayer didn't work17:49
n-iCesoundray:  oooh ok17:49
Mirvsoundray: the (progressive) decoding is just very slow compared to gthumb & co, like 10x slower or more17:49
soundray!doesntwork | n-iCe17:49
ubotun-iCe: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:49
n-iCesoundray:  where do I get a codec package?17:49
Mirvwell, maybe 10x is about right17:49
nickrud!wmv | n-iCe17:49
ubotun-iCe: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:49
soundrayn-iCe: read the Restricted... link that ubotu gave you twice17:49
n-iCeis there any apt-get with codecs?17:49
soundrayn-iCe: READ!17:50
arvind_khadrihi,does firewall come default in ubuntu17:50
Ashfire908I set up a stun daemon on my NAT gateway, and i set pidgin to use the gateway as the stunserver but it doesn't seem to get the external ip...17:50
Survivormansudo apt-get ubuntu-restricted-extras17:50
nickrud!medibuntu | n-iCe (this is what you want, restricted can be obscure)17:50
ubotun-iCe (this is what you want, restricted can be obscure): medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:50
soundray!firewall | arvind_khadri17:50
ubotuarvind_khadri: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).17:50
bazhangarvind_khadri: iptables is the firewall17:50
Survivormanor get vlc sudo apt-get install vlc17:50
chsmrslnobody? :(17:50
cvd-prcommand to install .deb17:50
=== USC_Guest is now known as Tippy26
stefg!software | cvd-pr17:51
ubotucvd-pr: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:51
bazhangchsmrs: what is the question17:51
soundraycvd-pr: I told you already, why don't you listen17:51
arvind_khadrithanks to all.... :) was jus arguing with my cousin bout it....17:51
Survivormandpkg -i filename.deb17:51
osx5hey all17:51
* soundray annoyed17:51
chsmrsbazhang: hi again. is perhaps someone here who knows howto set up to fingerprint reader for gdm on a HP 8510p?17:51
osx5question: i have a friend whos had a few power surges at their house and their wireless card that was stock wasn't working so they put a new one in, won't work. I think the pci slots were fried, can they get a USB wireless card and it'll run on a desktop fine?17:51
Daisilerusul: time to see how this goes17:51
n-iCesudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gxine libxine-main1 libxine-extracodecs ogle ogle-gui17:51
soundray!repeat | chsmrs17:51
ubotuchsmrs: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:51
n-iCewould that work?17:51
soundray!paste | n-iCe17:51
ubotun-iCe: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:51
chsmrssoundray, he asked what the question was!17:52
nickrudn-iCe that will get totem to play wmv, I think. For mplayer, you need the w32codecs , see the medibuntu link I gave above17:52
bazhangsorry soundray my bad17:52
chsmrsbut sry for repeating anway17:52
niko_on amarok earlier. i was wondering if there is a stress testing prog similar to prime95 and a temp monitoring app that would be good17:52
n-iCeis totem a player?17:52
FnordPerfectahoy, everyone. Ok,I upgraded to hardy tonight. I'm still bound to the 2.6.22-14 kernel and corresponding module packages atm. However, I have a problem with the nvidia modules (a version mismatch between the kernel and X one).17:52
bazhangn-iCe: aye17:52
soundraychsmrs: your question is still  a repeat from hours ago. Have you not been able to refine your question, based on what you tried in between?17:52
n-iCeI don't care what player it uses, just need to play the videos, thanks17:52
=== Joeb454_ is now known as Joeb454
bazhangFnordPerfect: #ubuntu+1 thanks17:53
nickrudFnordPerfect reboot, choose the 2.6.24 kernel. But #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+117:53
cvd-prsoundray,  'I told you already, why don't you listen', you could tell me it, instead of saying that17:53
bazhangn-iCe: some wmv will not play so be aware of that17:53
chsmrssoundray: no i have not. i have had to reinstall my OS because i somehow managed to lock myself out. someone in here gave me a very helpful link to solve this problem, but since i had to reinstall i don't have it anymore17:54
soundraycvd-pr: I just get annoyed when I realize that my advice is not valued17:54
bazhangcvd-pr: ease up a bit please17:54
metbsdis there mplayer in ubuntu?17:54
FnordPerfectnickrud: I tried it. :-( there I'm having quite a problem with it's initrd. but, ok, I'll go there. bye17:54
bazhangmetbsd: aye17:54
chsmrsmetbsd, yes, there is17:54
metbsdwhere to install it, and xms17:54
soundraychsmrs: http://www.vogelweith.com/debian_laptop/01_hpcompaq8510p.php17:54
n-iCeuhm I downloaded that17:55
n-iCeand I don't see the video just the audio :|17:55
simplexiois there cmd to reset x11 video setting17:55
chsmrssoundray, thank you very much, and sry for bothering :)17:55
bazhangsimplexio: sure17:55
soundraychsmrs: all forgiven, sorry about the reinstall17:55
bazhangyour advice is very much valued soundray ;]17:55
simplexioi know you can "zoom" with ctl+alt++ or what compo it was but it didnt work just moment ago17:55
linxehit doesent zoom17:56
linxehit just changes the X resolution, keeping your original desktop size17:56
soundraysimplexio: not really, but you can try to restore a backup of /etc/X11/xorg.conf (there are usually several)17:56
simplexiobazhjust tried frets on fire and it messed my destop to just one monitor17:56
linxehsimplexio: did you try logging out ?17:57
simplexioctrl+alt+backspace fixed it17:57
soundraysimplexio: that'll fix itself on reboot (at the latest)17:57
soundraythere you go17:57
n-iCeI cant17:57
linxehctrl+alt+backspace essentially logs you out but its a bit ungraceful :)17:57
simplexiobut i want to knwo if there is soem command that does same, its so annoying to start all programs again17:57
soundray!info mplayer | metbsd17:58
linxehsimplexio: that restarts X completely17:58
ubotumetbsd: mplayer (source: mplayer): The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc1-0ubuntu13.2 (gutsy), package size 3775 kB, installed size 9428 kB17:58
simplexiolinxeh: and fixes things if X is behaing badly,17:58
n-iCehow do I install the wma codecs to watch videos?17:58
n-iCewmv *17:59
soundraysimplexio: no, you can't reset X without killing all apps that depend on it17:59
TheTaylorEffectGood Afternoon everyone... Does anyone know if there is a way to install 7.10 off the Live CD with LILO rather then GRUB?17:59
TheTaylorEffectI'm interested in trying XFS rather then EXT3... and input would be appreciated.17:59
pierre-how can i get to work dri on intel 945 with "intel" driver on gutsy?17:59
bazhangn-iCe: try the win32codecs from medibuntu not sure but worth a try17:59
linxehsimplexio: sure, its restarting X though, it goes through the whole init process again - you are unlikely to find a solution that resets X without forcing you to go through the process and restart your apps17:59
arvind_khadrin-iCe, install the ugly set17:59
metbsd!info xmms17:59
ubotuxmms (source: xmms): Versatile X audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.2.10+20070601-1 (gutsy), package size 2101 kB, installed size 6292 kB17:59
soundraybazhang: thanks for the moral support17:59
simplexiosoundray: hmm. i meant just reseting monitor+dekstopsize17:59
n-iCebazhang:  but I don't get how to install it? :< second say with ubuntu17:59
simplexiolike in console, reset18:00
bazhangn-iCe: follow the instructions at www.medibuntu.org thanks18:00
n-iCelet's see18:00
arvind_khadrin-iCe, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly18:00
arvind_khadrin-iCe, type this piece in the terminal18:01
nickrudarvind_khadri that won't help him play wmv with mplayer, which is what he wants18:01
n-iCearvind_khadri:  says I have the lastest version already18:01
metbsdanyone use qmail?18:01
sdakakShould I install the beta release? I think the 7.10 final was same as the 7.10 beta. Would it be same this time?18:01
AlexQHi. Does anybody know how to get flash at AMD64 Ubuntu 7.10? I don't know how to do it! The packet in repo flashplugin-nonfree is bugged as it uses the newest package from adobe, but it's using the old checksum... The package from adobe has an installer, but only for 32 bit systems.18:01
bazhangTheTaylorEffect: why lilo? grub is much more full-featured18:01
arvind_khadrinickrud, then w32codecs should work18:01
metbsdany serious email administrator18:02
nickrudsdakak #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+1 (and no, the beta has already had hundreds of megs of updates)18:02
arvind_khadrinickrud, ugly set used to work for me18:02
n-iCeim doing the medibuntu thing18:02
TheTaylorEffectbazhang - the LIVE installer gives me a warning, that says GRUB isn't compaitlbe with XFS.18:02
nickrudarvind_khadri sure, with gstreamer apps18:02
n-iCehow to know what ubuntu version do I have?18:02
linxehsimplexio: xvidtune or something18:02
soundrayAlexQ: I thought that bug was long sorted out. Can you do a 'sudo apt-get update' and try the flashplugin-nonfree package again?18:02
nickrudn-iCe   lsb_release -a  in a terminal18:02
soundray!version | n-iCe18:02
ubotun-iCe: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell18:02
arvind_khadrinickrud, yeah18:02
bazhangTheTaylorEffect: okay; any reason for xfs over ext3? the latter is more stable18:03
TheTaylorEffectbazhang - I thought about creatings a small EXT3 petition and mounting it on /boot - but I've read a number of things that18:03
TheTaylorEffectsay this is an unstable configuration.18:03
Ashfire908I set up a stun daemon on my NAT gateway, and i set pidgin to use the gateway as the stunserver but it doesn't seem to get the external ip...18:03
n-iCeok I did the medibuntu thing and now?18:03
nickrudn-iCe did you do  sudo apt-get install w32codecs ?18:03
PupenoWhat do I need to install to have spamassasin enabled in Evolution? I've already installed spamassin package.18:04
iositdbazhang, xfs is faster at some systems (like mine with my couple thousand of tiny files), yet the /boot can't hold grub in that case.18:04
TheTaylorEffectbazhang - I was under the impression XFS was a "faster" filesystem... so I was going to try it as an experiment.18:04
n-iCenickrud:  In the document doesn't say to do that18:04
AlexQsoundray: Im trying... But  I thing it will not work18:04
n-iCelet me do it18:04
bazhangn-iCe: you did all that in less than a minute? really?18:04
iositdTheTaylorEffect, it has it's advantages, just make sure you have a seperate /boot.18:04
bazhangiositd: thanks for the info!18:04
nickrudTheTaylorEffect /boot on a partition is useful with arcane partitioning stuff like lvm or raid, but not needed for a regular install. Just don't share it between different ubuntu installs18:04
n-iCedone nickrud18:04
iositdnickrud, keeping /boot seperate is also usefull when you use xfs :-)18:05
AlexQsoundray: How does it generate the .xpt file? It isn't in the archive from adobe18:05
TheTaylorEffectiositd - would you suggest using LILO rather then GRUB?18:05
nickrudn-iCe if it completed successfully, you'll be able to play wmv's with mplayer (assuming all else is good)18:05
simplexioBax_: xfs is very good fs, if you have ups18:05
TheTaylorEffectwith XFS18:05
iositdTheTaylorEffect, i'd suggest grub.18:05
n-iCenickrud:  no I got an error18:05
nickrudn-iCe put the error on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org18:05
n-iCeisn't available18:05
iositdTheTaylorEffect, hence the reason for using a seperate /boot (it only has to be like 100 meg or so)18:05
n-iCeis in spanish18:05
n-iCethe thing is isn't available the codec18:05
soundrayAlexQ: sorry, I don't know about the package's internals. Just that it worked flawlessly here after that bug had been fixed18:05
PupenoI can't find any other related package. Anybody knows?18:05
n-iCethe package *18:05
AlexQmd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz18:06
bazhangn-iCe: this is ubuntu or ubuntu based?18:06
AlexQThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.18:06
n-iCethere is no candidate for the installation, something like that18:06
TheTaylorEffectiositd - and should i use EXT3 on /boot?18:06
nickrudn-iCe then you didn't complete the instructions on the medibuntu install page, the two steps of adding the repository and adding the gpg key18:06
AlexQsoundray: I do NOT thinks so ;)18:06
n-iCebazhang:  ubuntu18:06
sdakaknickrud: thanks18:06
n-iCenickrud:  oh yeah I did :|18:06
bazhangwhat version n-iCe18:06
n-iCeI pasted: #18:06
n-iCesudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/edgy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list18:06
n-iCeUbuntu 7.04 "Feisty18:06
FloodBot2n-iCe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:06
nickrudn-iCe then did you do sudo apt-get update ?18:06
iositdTheTaylorEffect, i always used ext2, yet ext3 will work fine.18:06
soundrayAlexQ: okay, I'll try to reproduce the problem here by removing and reinstalling. Hope I won't lose flash...18:06
Hammer89anyone have any idea why locking my screen just locks the computer up?18:07
simplexioTheTaylorEffect: /boot is nice to have if you think to use xfs in /, grub dosn't like xfs on boot partiotion, and xfs feel much fater than ext318:07
AlexQsoundray: OK, thanks v much, but do you have AMD64?18:07
n-iCeI pasted that then the wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update18:07
nickrudn-iCe the next step is the gpg key thing,18:07
TheTaylorEffectIositd - okay - I'm going to give it a try Thanks for the input. I'll let you know how it turns out18:07
TheTaylorEffectThanks everyone!18:07
n-iCeI did it :|18:07
iositdTheTaylorEffect, good luck!18:07
identlagei've upgraded to hardy heron and my nm-applet isnt working. its only showing "Enable networking and "Edit wireless networks"18:07
n-iCemy ubuntu version is 6.1018:07
nickrudn-iCe did it get a bunch of files off the net?18:07
identlageanyone knows why?18:07
n-iCenickrud: i guess so18:08
AlexQsoundray: http://ubuntuamd64.wordpress.com/category/poradnik/instalacja-flash/ - these commands don't want to work couz i dont have cd to install alien18:08
nickrudidentlage #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+118:08
iositdidentlage, /j #ubuntu+218:08
n-iCewhat player should I use to open the file?18:08
pierre-how can i get to work dri on intel 945 with "intel" driver on gutsy?18:08
identlagethanks guys18:08
nickrudn-iCe  type   sudo apt-get update , and put a copy of the output on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org , then give me the link so I can look at it18:08
soundrayAlexQ: do you trust your downloaded .tar.gz in spite of the md5sum error?18:09
AlexQsoundray: Yeah, of course, it's not possible that it's wrong, ive been reinstalling flashplugin many times18:09
n-iCenickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62337/18:10
soundrayAlexQ: I mean "trust" in the sense that someone evil might have slipped you a falsified archive18:10
metbsdpierre-: do you have wide screen18:11
michael__when i do the sudo apt get update it comes back with an error i think =P lemme check18:11
AlexQsoundray: No, that's not possible, it has been downloaded from old macromedia mirror, just once again by the intall0script18:11
bazhangmichael__: this is gutsy or hardy18:11
tylerare there channels here?18:12
soundrayAlexQ: if you feel safe doing it, you could override the md5sum checks in /var/lib/dpkg/info/flashplugin-nonfree.postinst18:12
=== ph8 is now known as ph8|away
michael__bazhang: gutsy18:12
n-iCenickrud:  found something wrong?18:12
AlexQsoundray: OK.18:12
michael__bazhang: if i past it in pastebin will you take a look ?18:12
nickrudn-iCe ok, at the very top of that output I see it getting the medibuntu Package list, so you got the instructions right. So,   sudo apt-get install w32codecs   should work18:12
bazhangmichael__: please pastebin the sources list18:12
soundrayAlexQ: just remove the two lines that contain md5sum and run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure flashplugin-nonfree'18:12
n-iCenickrud:  ok now it says is already installed with the lastest version18:13
nickrudn-iCe then try playing the wmv with mplayer18:13
n-iCeBut I cant' watch the video :<18:13
nickrudn-iCe is it a drm protected file?18:13
bazhangn-iCe: then it is not playable; some wmv just are not18:14
n-iCenickrud:  I don't know18:14
michael__bazhang: ^ there you go^18:14
soundrayHammer89: you haven't enabled any screensavers?18:14
bazhangmichael__: that is your sources.list?18:14
nickrudn-iCe when you watch it on windows, do you need a password? Also, go find a test wmv on the net, see if that one plays18:14
AlexQsoundray: plugin changed, not trusted The Flash plugin is NOT installed.18:15
michael__bazhang: i believe its what i get out through the terminal when i use the command18:15
n-iCenickrud:  I don't think so, let me find a wmv in the web18:15
n-iCedo you got one?18:15
bazhangmichael__: please paste your sources.list as well thanks18:15
=== peter__ is now known as slackern
omaxciao a tutti18:15
palcacerHi I a problem somebody to help me plese?18:15
michael__bazhang: not to sound newbie but were do i find it hahah18:15
bazhang!it | omax18:15
ubotuomax: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:15
AlexQsoundray: I've entered the adress, now I 'im trying do download it by this script. So, if I have deleted the checking of the md5sum line, it would work, yeah? Im waiting.18:16
DKongdo i need to do something special to access my windows home network to see shares?18:16
patrick__whats the easiest to install/use dock for ubuntu?18:16
simplexiopalcacer: no if you dont tell us what is your problem18:16
piratawhere can i set more buttons like on system -> settings ?18:16
Hammer89soundray: should I? (I'm not sure if any are enabled)18:16
bazhangpatrick__: you mean awn?18:17
michael__hey anyone know where i can find my sources.list ??18:17
metbsdin /etc18:17
f0rmati would like it so everytime i create a new user it changed there home folder to the correct chmod instead of me having to type "sudo chmod go-rwx /home/*" every time18:17
michael__thank you18:17
soundrayAlexQ: I don't know. I find it strange that it shouldn't work. I've just done a simple 'sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree', then a successful 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree' without entering any addresses manually18:17
Aentni use awn it was pretty easy to set up and im pleased with it18:17
bazhangmichael__: you have some odd repos in there; try commenting out the wine one and try again18:17
nickrudn-iCe http://www.overly.com/door/tech/videos/02-test1.wmv18:17
n-iCenickrud:  thank you so much18:17
n-iCeI can watch it18:18
nickrudn-iCe tested that one in a couple situations, should be able to compare experiences18:18
soundrayHammer89: no, screensavers occasionally cause lockups. Make sure yours is set to 'Blank screen only'18:18
patrick__bazhang i dont know of any docks for ubuntu except kibadock which is pretty hard for me to install..i screwed up last time ...but i've used a dock in mac os and i'm just wondering whats the easiest to use and install on ubunut18:18
Hammer89soundray: okay18:18
AlexQsoundray: Download done. plugin changed, not trusted The Flash plugin is NOT installed.18:18
bazhangmichael__: no need to paste those; I just saw most of them18:18
n-iCe:D !!18:18
DKongis the samba.conf only for my ubuntu machine as a server or is it for allowing me to see windows shares?18:18
palcacerOk now we´re talking. I have a laptop I I put a external monitor, and It works well, but now when I start up, dosen´t start with graphics it start in "text" mode I think linux language, ando I don´t know how to turn it to normal!!18:18
mrji have a ad-hoc related problem18:18
michael__bazhang: i think i may know what the wine one maybe gimme a min18:18
soundrayAlexQ: can you try the same procedure that I just did? The --purge might make all the difference...18:18
mrjafter set up18:19
hossDKong: only for ubuntu machine18:19
n-iCenickrud:  thank you, now where can I find themes like, icons etc18:19
mrjand after i connect one pc to another18:19
Aentnpalcacer, try typing "Startx"?18:19
mrjvia ad-hoc wireless18:19
AlexQsoundray: I, to the fuc**n, what's up. OK, ill try18:19
bazhangpatrick__: that would be avant-window-navigator; you need to install from an outside repo for gutsy, but will come in ubuntu repos for next release in 18 days18:19
Hammer89is it a problem that apt-get autoremove just removed gnome-core and seahorse? :P18:19
mrjthey can not ping each other18:19
soundrayAlexQ: hey, not nice18:19
DKongwhat controls being ale to see windows shares18:19
mrjdestination host unreachable18:19
nickrudn-iCe art.gnome.org , gnome-look.org18:19
AlexQsoundray: But what does it mean "plugin changed, not trusted"?18:19
wershow do I remove software that I installed from source?18:19
palcacerDo you know what did I do?18:19
bazhangAlexQ: watch the language18:19
iositd!enter | mrj18:19
ubotumrj: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:19
boebimy computer just doesnt want GRUB :p18:19
soundrayAlexQ: don't know, sry18:19
patrick__bazhang so i might as well just wait for hardy heron..cuz then that will be easier to install right?18:19
n-iCenickrud:  is there any manual about how install them?18:20
boebianyone ever had a computer that simply refuses GRUB? lol18:20
bazhangpatrick__: depends on your patience; can you wait that long? ;]18:20
mrseriihellow! i have problems with 8.04 someone can help me ? pivate18:20
mrjok i got that sorry i will try to press enter less occasionally :) so can yo uhelp me with my ad-hoc problem ?18:20
palcacerthank you, I will try!18:20
bazhangmrserii: #ubuntu+1 please18:20
Fade2Blackhey if i install ubuntu 7.10 when the new version come out can i just upgrade or would it be better to do a fresh install18:20
niko_ubuntu is not recognizing my portable hard drive. any ideas?18:20
patrick__bazhang...18 days is a while..although i'd prefer to have a stable release as im not too good with beta's and bugs and what not18:20
bazhangFade2Black: either will do18:20
nickrudn-iCe gnome-look.org has some howtos18:20
mrseriii dosent know how to use irc18:21
soundraywers: some source packages offer a 'make uninstall' command. Run it with sudo. Failing that, go through the Makefile and undo all the changes that are listed under "install:" by hand18:21
bazhangmrserii: type /j #ubuntu+118:21
wersthanks soundray18:21
soundray!checkinstall | wers, to save you trouble next time18:21
ubotuwers, to save you trouble next time: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!18:21
iositdhow can i create a new user, but not assign it a home directory and stuff? it'll be a user for ftpd services.18:21
mrjso anyone about ad-hoc ?18:21
iositdpatrick__, i'm running hardy atm and i'm not having any trouble whatsoever.18:22
achandrashekarAnyone familiar with installing ubuntu on PPC?18:22
bazhangmrj: that is a very unclear question; please describe in detail exactly what you are trying to do and what you have done18:22
nickrudmrserii  in  the window, type     /j #ubuntu+1   , starting at the very beginning of the line18:22
DKongwhat do you check when you cant access widows shares on a network??18:22
achandrashekarIm having a specific issue with the install as it pertains to 7.1018:22
bazhang1337 nicks ;]18:22
boebiwhen i try to install grub, and i try mounting my partition, it says /dev/sda3 is either already mounted or /mnt/root is busy18:22
nickrudmrserii   /j   is short for   /join18:22
boebii try umount /dev/sda3 and is says its not mounted18:23
patrick__iositd..i've only been using linux itself for about 3 months now, but i know how to use irc chat!, would you suggest i download the beta?18:23
boebiso for some reason i cant mount my linux partition because /mnt/root, wich i created, is busy :s18:23
bazhangachandrashekar: have done so yes; please describe clearly your issues thanks18:23
bazhangboebi: this is gutsy?18:24
nickrudboebi do you have a terminal opened to /mnt/root ?18:24
iositdpatrick__, i've actively used ubuntu (that's where i started) for about 2 months or so, from the moment i got my laptop. I've been able to fix almost every issue i had so far with it.18:24
n-iCenickrud:  I can't find the how to... :/ do you knwo how to istall the icons themes? the .tar.gz is on my desktop already18:24
boebibaz, yes18:24
boebinick, no18:24
bazhangboebi: tab completion is your friend ;]18:24
AlexQsoundray: OK, ill try to lookup at this config file from flashplugin-nonfree. After a purge, i've received md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz once again ;)18:24
achandrashekarbazhang: the issue when using the option for live i believe its no "something"...I type that..and the system after a white screen dumps to a prompt18:24
boebitab completion?18:24
nickrudn-iCe system->prefs->appearance, and drag the tar.gz onto the window. To change to it, hit the customize button on the window, you'll see a new dialog with an icons tab18:25
iositdpatrick__, IMO it's quite safe to do it.18:25
achandrashekarbazhang: I also used the alternate cd18:25
patrick__iositd..so in your own opinion is there a point to waiting the next 18 days?? also does it come with a dock in the repo's in the beta?18:25
achandrashekarbazhang: and after install from console...just boots up and nothing on the screen. This is true across 6 different systems now.18:25
achandrashekarbazhang: with dapper there is no issue.18:25
soundrayAlexQ: isn't it weird that you get this problem while I don't? Perhaps you too should switch to the UK mirror server18:25
bazhangtype three or so letters boebi then hit tab and the full nickname will come up and then we can see it clearly thanks18:25
n-iCehaha you coronel :D, nickrud thanks worked18:26
iositdpatrick__, define dock? and for me it's stable, but that's a personal opinion on 2 systems.18:26
magic_ninjahow do i change the date on my computer (i need to set it back for one year)18:26
boebibut what do i want to see clearly? i dont understand18:26
boebiooh, its in mirc18:26
n-iCenickrud:  do you know how to put my trash can on the desktop? :D18:26
soundray!who | boebi18:26
ubotuboebi: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:26
bazhangboebi: not you, us--if you do not use our nicknames then we can not clearly see your message18:26
nickrudmagic_ninja right click the clock, upper right by default18:26
mrjso anyone on AD-HOC wireless under Liniux ?18:27
boebibazhang, alright i understand now lol, sorry18:27
magic_ninjai'm on ice wm18:27
AlexQsoundray: Last time I haven't deleted all of the checks (md5sum after the unpacking), now I have done it, im trying now...18:27
magic_ninjawhats the name of the program it runs18:27
nickrudn-iCe   gconf-editor   /apps/nautilus/desktop , you'll see some options in the right pane18:27
BIOSboilerhas any one ever setup x11 forwarding in here?18:27
iositdhow can i create a new user, but not assign it a home directory and stuff? it'll be a user for ftpd services.18:27
patrick__iositd like kibadock.. you know the thing that holds all of the icons etc...like on mac os18:27
bazhangachandrashekar: you type something? not sure what you mean by that--could you clarify please--also what drivers do you have for your video card and what card is it18:27
boebibazhang, when i try mounting, it says that /mnt/root is busy18:27
TheTaylorEffectPatrick REALLY wants and AWN style dock...18:27
soundrayBIOSboiler: just say what the issue is18:27
murkyMurkctrl-alt-F1 to long does anything for me in Heron18:27
iositdpatrick__, i'm sorry, i'm not familiar with a dock or MAC OS.18:27
cchildi use the following "truecrypt /dev/sda3 /mnt/myfat" to mount a truecrypte fat drive but users can't write to it. how do i do this?18:28
TheTaylorEffectbut he wants it in the REOPs18:28
patrick__iositd hd on ill get you a pic18:28
iositdpatrick__, ok18:28
soundraymurkyMurk: ask in #ubuntu+1 please18:28
AC0RNZyo guys, i split a rared file into 2 pieces using karchiver... then i click extract.. and it asks me for password.. i never set a password though?18:28
murkyMurksoundray: ta18:28
AC0RNZanyway i can set it w/ no passwordd?18:28
bazhangBIOSboiler: is on hardy18:28
patrick__iositd the thing at the bottom of the screenshot http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/4940/screenshotpy0.png18:28
nickrudmagic_ninja   sudo date <date>  (see man date for format)  , then   sudo hwclock --systohc  to set the cmos clock18:29
iositdpatrick__, is that from the open apps or more like shortcuts? and doesn't compiz have that feature?18:29
AlexQsoundray: I have equal error when I was tryign to install flashplugin myself... Cannot execute /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer.bin: No such file or directory18:29
bazhangTheTaylorEffect: it will be in the repos in the next release18:29
Izi just did all my updates in ubuntu. i installed the 7.04 and updated to 7.10 but when its b00ts grub gives me many options with different kernels :S why that??18:29
soundrayAlexQ: try a 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install nspluginwrapper'18:30
gkffjcsdoes anyone know what program is responsible for gnome themes? I heard gconf, but the command gconf doesn't seem to exist.18:30
boebiit says this: /dev/sda3 already mounted or /mnt/root/boot busy18:30
soundray!themes | gkffjcs18:30
ubotugkffjcs: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:30
achandrashekarbazhang: its the standard ati that comes with g4 tower, and the command is live video=ofonly18:30
nickrudn-iCe that gconf-editor has a lot of browsable interest, you should look through ti18:30
soundraygkffjcs: also look in the menus: System-Preferences-Appearance18:30
boebiI checked and /dev/sda3 is NOT mounted, so for some reason it says that /mnt/root is busy18:30
cchildboebi, it mounts fine, is just that user can't write to it18:30
patrick__iositd i dont know if compiz-fusion has it or not..all i know is kiba dock is pretty popular im just having trouble installing it...18:31
patrick__iositd ill be right back..18:31
Teozwhen I try to make a script start up, I get the message System startup links for /etc/init.d/firewalliptables already exist but the script in that file doesn't actually start up18:31
cchildbeobi, sorry i thought you were talking to me18:31
bazhangachandrashekar: have you removed quiet and watched the exact errors you are getting? that would be very helpful18:31
boebicchild, i did the check (lc /mnt/root) and it turned negative, it did NOT mount18:31
soundrayTeoz: is /etc/init.d/firewalliptables executable?18:31
boebils /mnr/root **18:32
Teozsoundray: yeah I made a sudo chmod +x on it18:32
boebigrr, ls /mnt/root ***18:32
gkffjcsthat's not really what I meant, I know how to change themes, what I need it to know the command for the tool that is responsible for themeing in gnome18:32
cchildbeobi were you responding to my problem or you have your own?18:32
boebicchild, i have a problem18:32
soundrayTeoz: did you follow the other hints in /etc/init.d/skeleton ?18:32
gkffjcsnot the configuration too18:32
palcacerHi now I try to startx and it sads that do not find the screen,18:32
nickrudgkffjcs theme creation is still pretty much done by hand, gnome-look.org has some tutorials I think (or maybe art.gnome.org)18:33
cchildbeobi, oh, what is it?18:33
soundraygkffjcs: you mean the window manager, metacity?18:33
Teozsoundray: not really, I just made a file with #!/bin/bash on the first line and then, the next lines are filled with what I would put in the console18:33
boebicchild, i am trying to install grub manually, it failed at the ubuntu setup. so i start the life cd, and start with mounting, but it doesnt work18:33
patrick__iositd im back...but ya18:34
AC0RNZ yo guys, i split a rared file into 2 pieces using karchiver... then i click extract.. and it asks me for password.. i never set a password though?, anyone know wut the password would be?18:34
soundrayTeoz: in that case, I would suggest you use /etc/rc.local instead of the init script system18:34
boebiAC0RNZ, tried simply pressing OK, or enter, or whatever?18:34
AC0RNZill try18:34
patrick__okay i might as well ask everyone in here...is it safe to download the beta? or should i really wait these last excruciating 18 days..18:34
AC0RNZi think i did that before though18:34
iositdpatrick__, i understand. From what i've done with compiz so far, it should be possible to create that. Though i'm afraid i can't confirm that as i'm no longer using gnome or kde (using fluxbox)18:34
Teozhmm, okay, I will try to find the command that updates rc.local18:35
palcacerHi how I reconfigure my screen from "text" mode'18:35
boebiim gonna try something again, gonna boot into ubuntu again, brb18:35
cchildbeobi, where is boot installed? what device--same as root?18:35
cchild i use the following "truecrypt /dev/sda3 /mnt/myfat" to mount a truecrypt fat drive but users can't write to it. how do i do this?18:35
n-iCewhich one is the faster broswer?18:35
soundraypalcacer: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'18:35
patrick__iositd mind providing me with a screeny of your desktop? i've heard lots about fluxbox18:35
AC0RNZn-Ice, i like firefox <_<18:35
AC0RNZand dillo18:35
iositdpatrick__, not at all. A second18:36
AlexQsoundray: afres reinstalling the nspluginwrapper I've occured the same error once again ;(. What to do?18:36
palcacerthanks I will try!!18:36
soundrayAlexQ: the "cannot execute" one?18:36
n-iCeHow can I know my firefox version?18:36
AlexQsoundray: Yeah, the file just doesn't exist.18:36
n-iCeIs true that there are some firefox tricks to do firefox faster?18:36
gkffjcsno, I run kde, but I use gnome apps, they look really guly, if i run gnome-panel from inside kde then go to system prefrences and then go to appearance and select a theme all the sudden my gnome apps are themed. What I want to know is the exact command to start up the themer, so I don't need to allways start gnome-panel, and then open up the appearance prefrences.18:36
soundrayAlexQ: /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer.bin doesn't exist at all?18:37
iositdpatrick__,  http://img402.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotpx9.jpg as you can see, no desktop shortcuts or anything. Everything i do is by shortcuts.18:37
patrick__iositd sorry about that18:37
Survivormann-iCe, a lot of the firefox tricks to improve performace are windows only18:37
AlexQsoundray: bash: usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer.bin: No such file or directory18:37
n-iCeoh I see18:37
jaggyhttp://pastebin.ca/974223 why would this happen? :(18:37
n-iCethere are no ubuntu tricks :<18:37
iositdpatrick__, about what?18:37
nickrudgkffjcs I think that's gnome-settings-daemon18:37
soundrayAlexQ: what do you get from a 'ls /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer.bin' (mind the leading slash)18:38
patrick__nothing just computer freaked out haha ..i tried to set something as my background and it logged me off...weird18:38
Survivormann-iCe, keeping firefox lean and not bogged down with lots of extensions can help18:38
iositdpatrick__, that is weird. Did you see the screenie?18:38
AlexQsoundray: /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer.bin18:38
nickrudgkffjcs but to be sure, next time you start up the panel, see what other apps get started at the same time (ps aux is useful for that) and one of those is the culprit18:38
patrick__iositd sorry but no mind sending again?18:38
iositdpatrick__, http://img402.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotpx9.jpg there you go18:39
AC0RNZn-ice, also deleting ur cookies and internet history and cache can help18:39
soundrayAlexQ: so it does exist. Does it appear in green?18:39
Survivormann-iCe, when firefox 3 is out of beta, i'd use that. there should be decent performance gains with it.18:39
iositdIf i disable login when adding a user, will a program that i set to run as that user, still be able to do so?18:39
AlexQsoundray: Yeah18:39
AlexQsoundray: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/flash18:40
danb1235hi im having problems installing ubuntu on my laptop (HP Pavilion DV9548CA) I've tried ubuntu 7.10 and the beta for ubuntu 8 and when i try install i just get a black screen18:40
nickrudiositd should, since apps owned by root run, as well as apache and the like18:40
jaggyhttp://pastebin.ca/974223 why would this happen? :(18:40
iositdnickrud, alright tnx.18:40
achandrashekarbazhang: how is that possible...system doesnt even get that far on install...18:40
n-iCeill be back later18:41
soundrayAlexQ: what do you want me to do with this outdated link?18:41
jaggyanyone? please?18:41
bazhangachandrashekar: do any ppc distros boot on this computer?18:41
AlexQsoundray: I don't know, I just want a flash :). Change repo or what?18:41
bmeynellwhy would the 'status' command return 'status: Unknown job: foobar' when i know the 'foobar' job is running (confirmed by ps ax |grep foobar)? how can I get 'status' to work?18:42
achandrashekarbazhang: yes 6.00 dapper18:42
cchild i use the following "truecrypt /dev/sda3 /mnt/myfat" to mount a truecrypt fat drive but users can't write to it. how do i do this? anyone18:42
soundrayAlexQ: which mirror are you using?18:42
AlexQsoundray: The problem is with this wrapper for plugins18:42
AlexQsoundray: Check in the sources.list? Moment.18:42
patrick__iositd are those widgets on the right? or just another window..and do you ever get a bit mixed up with your desktop?18:42
soundrayAlexQ: or in System-Admin-Software sources18:42
msjoneshello. is there anyway to mount network shares via the command line?18:43
soundrayAlexQ: I'm pretty sure the wrapper is fine.18:43
simplexiomsjones: yes18:43
iositdpatrick__, no i'm always fine with it. And the thing on the right is conky, which i've configured to monitor all sorts of things. The rest is all done by shortcuts18:43
bazhangachandrashekar: well the ppc is no longer officially supported--it is a community effort now--my question was more along the lines have you tried any other recent ppc distros livecd's on that computer other than ubuntu? yellow dog, etc18:43
jribbmeynell: what does 'jobs' tell you?18:43
msjonessimplexio: how do i do this?18:43
bmeynelljrib: it returns nothing18:43
simplexiomsjones: that the normal way to do it. and how depends what you want to mount18:43
danb1235is there any way to get ubuntu on a laptop ?18:43
AlexQsoundray: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted universe multiverse + deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy restricted main multiverse universe18:43
bazhangdanb1235: you have hardy now?18:43
iositddanb1235, sure there is. I got it now.18:44
patrick__iositd nice..ya i think im gonna switch over to hardy heron..it seems to be fine and if i ever screw up ill just 18 days18:44
soundrayAlexQ: in System-Admin-Software sources, select the United Kingdom mirror.18:44
bazhangpatrick__: join the fun in #ubuntu+1 ;]18:44
RandocalI have a NFS export mounted on my Ubuntu 7.10 machine.  I accidentally shutdown and have taken some hardware out of the NFS server for maintanence, but I had neglected to umount the directory in Ubuntu first. Now I'm unable to access my file manager in Ubuntu, I think becuase it's trying to read the missing NFS mount.18:44
Randocalopening a terminal window and attempting to umount the share is not working either, any suggestions?18:45
iositdbazhang, it's fun ofcourse.18:45
hiddensouldanb1235, check  www.linux-laptop.net for linux on laptop guides18:45
bazhangiositd: ;]18:45
jribbmeynell: thought you meant shell jobs, you must be talking about something else18:45
danb1235 iositd: how can i get it to install18:45
soundrayAlexQ: when you've done that, do a purge and install on the flashplugin-nonfree package. If it doesn't work after that, I'm lost18:45
iositddanb1235, just the normal desktop install does it's job just fine.18:45
msjonessimplexio: I am writing a scripts to use at work. Im by no means new to CLI but i have no clue how to access/mount samba shares18:45
azukiso.. I usually install my os'es on a suitably smaller HD.. but the packages are automaticly installed on the first drive... how (or better: where) can I change this behaviour?18:45
bmeynelljrib: no worries, thanks anyway, i'll get it figured out18:45
haxitHow can I remove the nm-applet icon from my notification area?18:46
danb1235 iositd: i tried that bu t as soon as i select the install option i get a black screen18:46
soundrayazuki: can you rephrase that?18:46
iositddanb1235, tried the alternate?18:46
david49just unpacked aMSN but can't read characters.......everythings too small, any help please?18:46
azukisoundray: I want to make my packages install on another drive18:47
jribbmeynell: you're talking about upstart jobs?18:47
bluefoxxhow long should it take 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a' to run?18:47
danb1235 iositd: ya it "installed" but i cant boot18:47
iositddanb1235, define "can't boot"18:47
AlexQsoundray: It doesn't seem to want to change :/.18:47
soundrayazuki: the bulk of most packages goes into /usr. You can move /usr to a partition on another drive18:47
hiddensouldanb1235, try the alternate install cd18:47
redtide_can anyone here help me install the asla beta driver for my razer barracuda soundcard?18:48
soundrayAlexQ: what doesn't?18:48
danb1235 iositd: i get the same black screen18:48
azukisoundray: you mean I could just move it to another drive?18:48
iositddanb1235, tried to remove quiet and splash and see where it gets stuck?18:48
hiddensouldanb1235, what is the make and model of laptop18:48
danb1235HP Pavilion DV9548CA18:49
bmeynelljrib: i'm working on a startup script for foobar but running '/etc/init.d/foobar status' (uses 'status' command) doesn't find the foobar process which is running18:49
bazhanghaxit: have you tried?18:49
astro76azuki: you can do that... most people just make /home on a separate partition, what's left in / can fit in 10-15 GB18:49
SlartIs anyone here running Songbird mediaplayer? (and don't !anyone me.. I just want to see if I'm the only thinking it looks nice)...18:49
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danb1235 iositd: how do i do that?18:49
soundrayazuki: 'just move it' -- yeah. You have to take some precautions and update your /etc/fstab, but essentially, that's what you can do18:49
AlexQsoundray: "Sources of the software (from Polish)" > Downloading from:  > Others >Great Britain > archive.ubuntu.com (?) >Protocol: http > Choose server (accepting). But it's still "Main server" in the list "Downloading from: ".18:49
iositddanb1235, when you get the grub menu, hit e. Then go down to the kernel line, hit e again. Remove quiet and splash. Press enter. Hit b to boot. Mark where it gets stuck and be sure to give it at least 5 minutes.18:50
jribbmeynell: and  initctl list  does not list your job?18:50
azukiok... so, seen right, the package manager really IS ubuntu.... the FSTAB is for mounting right?18:50
deviant_Does anyone know if the beta version of hardy will update itself to the release version over time?18:51
bmeynelljrib: initctl: No jobs matching 'foobar'18:51
iositdSlart, you know this isn't a poll channel18:51
iositddeviant_, it'll update itself.18:51
nickrudazuki that is an insightful comment18:51
azukiso I make a /home folder on another drive, how do I "fool" ubuntu to use it?18:51
deviant_cool thx18:51
bazhangdeviant_: yes and please join #ubuntu+1 for further discussion18:51
haxitShould I go somewhere else?18:51
azukinickrud: well thank you :)18:51
AlexQsoundray: So, what to type in /etc/apt/sources.list ? I can't make it using GUI couse of an bug or sth18:51
soundrayAlexQ: I see -- that's because that is the Main Server18:51
jribbmeynell: hmm, well there's a #upstart channel on freenode you can try as well if no one here is familiar with your issue18:51
iositdAlexQ, you can make it using gui, doing gksudo gedit <file> to edit a file as root.18:52
soundrayAlexQ: I'm using that one, too, so we aren't actually approaching a solution here. Sorry.18:52
nickrudazuki  you would add a line similar to    /dev/<hompartition> /home   ext3  defaults    0 1  to /etc/fstab , then it will be mounted at /home at boot18:52
bmeynelljrib: awesome, thanks18:52
Slartiositd: yes.. I know. nevermind18:52
AlexQsoundray: But it doesn't change nothing from the System> Admin > Software18:52
bazhanghaxit: have you tried removing it?18:52
niko_ ubuntu will not recognize a portable hard drive18:53
AlexQSend me your own sources.list and Ill copy it to my file, OK?18:53
niko_any ideas?18:53
haxitbazhang: is it safe?18:53
azukiright, and as I understand all installed software / programs aren't "attached to the kernel" (like windows's reg-key stuff), so I could be moving them around and ubuntu would care?18:53
haxitto unistall i mean....18:53
soundrayAlexQ: I know. It's because you are already using the Main Server archive.ubuntu.com (which is in the UK)18:53
bazhanghaxit: sure you can put it back later if you wish18:53
nickrudazuki in theory, but other apps do have expectations sometimes. But it's adjustable18:53
amenadohow do I remove or rather add a filter to CUPS so it does not do staircase printing? and where is that added?18:53
haxitThanks man :D18:53
AlexQsoundray: But in the soucres.list is sth with the pl.18:53
bazhangnp ;]18:53
RandocalI've shutdown an NFS server on my network without unmounting the exports on my Ubuntu box first, anyone know how I can unmount now that the NFS server is down? I can't access my filemanager I think because the NFS server is missing in action and has confused ubuntu18:54
Knofii have some problems with nfs... i cannot mount any external filesystem an none of the ideas in the error messages seems to help...18:54
niko_same here18:54
haxitbazhang: Should i remove it via apt-get remove?18:54
soundrayAlexQ: not in the snippet that you pasted here earlier...18:54
niko_knofi: does it see the drive?18:54
Knofihow can i test this?18:54
iositdRandocal, sudo umount -lf <mounted location>18:54
chi_HI, and pls help with syste-temperature --- fan is not working well18:55
azukinickrud: I don't understand the FSTAB entry you noted btw, I tried using it before, without success.. (the reason I can't run KDE yet :/ ) ... there is no home dir noted there yet.. just some uids and a /proc18:55
Knofinormally it works, another machine is able to acces ist18:55
un0pazuki, obviously things wouldnt work if you moved them around18:55
bazhanghaxit: from the panel? just right click should do it, unless you want to completely remove networkmanager and use only command line to connect to internet18:55
Randocalthank you iositd18:55
niko_just go to places > computer and check there18:55
haxitbazhang: no it doesn't give me that option18:55
nickrudazuki    uuid's are references to partitions, you can determine the uuid's of your partitions with    blkid18:55
danb1235 iositd, looks like its hung up at starting bluetooth services18:55
david49does anyone know why my aMSN is unreadable, ie, I can't even log in?18:55
haxitits just's managing my dhcp right.... and I don't need it to manage that, I setup my router to do that18:56
Knofiniko_: i dont use gnome... and the directory is static in /etc/fstab18:56
bazhanghaxit: any special reason to remove it?18:56
ccvpIrssi 0.8.11 (20070425) - http://irssi.org/18:56
ccvpis that latest ver?18:56
haxitbazhang: no, i just want my panel to be 19 px and its too big and the icon wont resize so I just said, w/e and I'll remove it18:57
bazhang!info irssi18:57
ubotuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.11-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1027 kB, installed size 2796 kB18:57
azukilines with # in front can be used for notes right?18:57
bazhangccvp yes18:57
niko_Knofi: i'm in gnome and it won't even see the portable drive for me18:57
ccvpi cant even see my name in it18:57
ccvpwith default install18:57
ccvpmy name is in white font or something18:57
iositddanb1235, you can probably boot into recovery  and remove/blacklist the bluetooth drivers.18:57
haxitccvp: Try changing your background for a sec under current profile.18:57
iositdazuki, yes18:58
theunixgeekYou-meiyou wenti wo xie pinyin?18:58
AlexQsoundray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62344/ - not, everything is OK ;(18:58
nickrudunop not totally true, I've copied executables out of /usr/bin to home, and ran them from there. even gnome gui stuff, for learning18:58
chi_help, temperature on cpu is too high ... need to increase cpu-fan speed18:58
ccvpi installed 7.10 yesterday after i dban(3pass wiped) my hd18:58
theunixgeekwoops wrong channel18:58
soundrayAlexQ: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6525/18:58
theunixgeek :X18:58
ccvpi have an audigy 2 pci card18:58
haxitccvp: Sweet :D18:58
ccvpis there "out of the box"18:58
ccvp5.1 support?18:58
ccvpor is that extra tweaking18:58
Knofi@niko_ it does see the drive18:58
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:58
haxitccvp: I am not positive about hat but probably there is..........18:58
niko_Knofi: we have different problems then18:59
ccvpbut out of the box w/ 7.1018:59
david49any aMSN experts here?18:59
ccvpit doesnt auto do 5.118:59
ccvpif card supports it?18:59
danb1235 iositd: How?... ive booted in recovery mode18:59
ccvpdefaulted to dual spaeker?18:59
FloodBot2ccvp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:59
haxitdavid49: go ahead, just shoot out your question18:59
Knofiwell , i get the error message18:59
Knofimount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking.18:59
Knofi   Either use '-o nolocks' to keep locks local, or start statd.18:59
niko_won't even see it in /dev for me18:59
ccvpI used to use bitchx for 5+ years18:59
un0pnickrud, but where did you put those executables, if you put them in a directory that isnt in $PATH they would no longer work (and let's tell people that things break if they are tampererd with ;) )18:59
azukinickrud: so it's possible to have more then 1 homedir ?18:59
ccvpbut once i see irssi, irssi > bitchx18:59
Knofibut it does not work (unknown option/ statd is running)19:00
azukinickrud: there isn't one in the FSTAB yet...19:00
nickrudazuki no, if you mount /home as a partition, it hides the original /home19:00
david49haxit, ty, I just installed aMSN, but when I open it to log on, I can't read anything, the characters are so small19:00
iositdccvp, stop using the enter as punctuation mark please.19:00
azukinickrud: ah, so I'd have to completely copy it to the new dir19:00
nickrudun0p in $HOME , precisely because it wasn't on the path19:00
chi_i really need control over that fan... before hardy burn my cpu19:00
haxitdavid49: Have you tried chaningn the font on aMSN?19:00
RandocalOkay, so i've unmounted that troublesome NFS share and can now navigate my filesystem via a terminal window, but when i go to launch nautilus it's not openeing, what log files would i peek into to try and see what might be failing?19:00
nickrudun0p the context was linux vs windows registries and locking apps into place19:01
iositdRandocal, it's probably still stuck at opening from before. Try this ==> ps aux | grep -i nautilus19:01
azukiI don't get it19:01
_kevinDoes anyone know of a program on ubuntu that runs a simple dos attack against a host (I need to do some tests against snort... it doesn't have to be a particularly powerful attack, as long as its enough to trigger snort)19:01
AlexQsoundray: I see that you have wine?19:01
david49haxit, I dont know how to.....I cant read anything that might be a menu19:01
iositdRandocal, if it gives you output, kill those processes19:01
un0pnickrud, was $HOME in $PATH in your case (it usually isnt) ?19:01
haxitdavid49: Hmmm. Say your question again, but don't point it at me, because I have to go, sorry :(19:01
AlexQsoundray: Wine also doesn't wont to install itself on my PC using a normal apt-get repository19:01
nickrudun0p no, I executed it by giving the path19:02
Ashfire908I set up a stun daemon on my NAT gateway, and i set pidgin to use the gateway as the stunserver but it doesn't seem to get the external ip...19:02
iositdAlexQ, it will, though it's probably an outdated one.19:02
nickrudun0p I would *never* have home on my path, too darned dangerous ;)19:02
un0pnickrud, errm, ok, i dunno what to say but i wouldnt suggest other people do that :) goes against the very reason $PATH was implemented :)19:02
Randocalkk, perfect, thank you again =)19:03
AlexQiositd: It doesn't work from ubuntu and also wine.budgetdedicated.com - the file /usr/bin/wine is just corrupted19:03
RandocalNew windows convert, so i'm still learning the ropes. i seem to be in good shape (for now)19:03
nickrudun0p you missed the context of my first line, _for learning_ :)19:03
iositdAlexQ, though it'll take some time, try to compile it yourself?19:03
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niko_any command to rescan usb devices. doubt it will work though bc i've booted with it plugged in19:03
un0pnickrud, ok, but still :)19:03
amenadohow do I remove or rather add a filter to CUPS so it does not do staircase printing? and where is that added?19:04
haxitI fixed my problem, thanks19:04
Mr_Sonomaanyone seen a problem with the cups wrapper dropping for a lack of better term when someone attempts to print from another computer? basically what happens is......when i view the printers in cups BEFORE the vista machine tries to print it shows connected and ready, prints every time from my machine (the host) then AFTER the vista machine attempts a print the printer shows as "disconnected" in cups and will que but not print ANYTHING from e19:04
Mr_Sonomaither machine. suggestions????19:04
leon_peggdoes anyone know if gapti is broken in gutsy (knows it is in hardy)19:04
chi_help, temperature on cpu is too high ... need to increase cpu-fan speed19:04
AlexQiositd: I have problem with gcc - it doesn't want to make 32bit apps (i have to install an special package, which doesn't want do couse of errors, also build-dep doesn't work).19:04
soundrayAlexQ: yes, wine works fine here19:04
soundrayAlexQ: did you upgrade to gutsy from feisty?19:05
iositdchi_, that sounds like a problem. Perhaps that the settings in your mobo would allow you to set a higher fan speed (they do for me)19:05
Fade2Blackis there a restricted fotmat site where i can download all the audio/video codecs i need19:05
nickrudazuki think of it like this:  you have a list of directories vertically on a piece of paper:   /boot , /etc , /usr , /home . Now, you cut a new piece of paper that has /home on it, and put it over the /home on the original list. The old one still exists, but isn't seen. That's what happens when you mount a partition at /home19:05
iositdAlexQ, that makes it sound like a problemm.19:05
iositdAlexQ, what error?19:05
danb1235 iositd, how can i remove the bluetooth services?19:05
cchildun0p i use the following "truecrypt /dev/sda3 /mnt/myfat" to mount a truecrypt fat drive but users can't write to it. how do i do this?19:05
iositddanb1235, google? i have no idea from the top of my head. sorry.19:05
AlexQsoundray: No, i didnt. I also read it in the tutorial ;)19:06
Izmolis katevasa to frostwire , to ekana install alla gia kapoio logo den leei na anixei oses fores k an to patiso :S19:06
michael__how do i keep something trying to update19:06
iositdmichael__, set the version in synaptic/19:06
kdittyanyone have a code to put the 8.4 release on a myspace page? it seems it blocks out JS19:06
un0pcchild, i'm not at all familiar with truecrypt, sorry19:06
spepshey guys during siptoolbox compilation last version i get /usr/local/include/ImageMagick/magick/exception.h:134: error: expected identifier or '(' before 'char'. PLEASE HELP19:06
danb1235 iositd: ok19:06
niko_any idea why it will not recognize a portable hdd? should i try formatting it to something like fat32? (i have to use it in winblows too)19:06
AlexQiositd: Huh, now the build-dep'19:06
michael__iositd: i uninstalled the program19:06
cchildun0p, no problem thanks19:06
iositdmichael__, then how can it try to update?19:06
iositdAlexQ, ?19:07
jamiehi all19:07
AlexQiositd: Huh, now the build-dep's are OK. But they weight 292 MB19:07
chi_i really need control over that fan... before hardy burn my cpu19:07
iositdAlexQ, for wine they're fairly heavy yes.19:07
michael__iositd: look at my update http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62338/19:07
soundraychi_: how hot is it?19:07
niko_can you wine the winblows file manager perhaps?19:07
=== michael__ is now known as Root
redtide_i can see my razer barracuda ac-1 soundcard in the device manager. can someone please help me to get it to work?19:08
niko_i really need to get the portable hdd working19:08
Rootiositd: or how do i get the said prgram to update19:08
jamieanyone any idea if i can download a firmware update for nintendo wii to play backup dvds like a modchip19:08
AlexQiositd: After it try to compile it, yeah? OK, thanks, ill try, but now, bye and thanks for help!19:08
chi_soundray:  i dont know, because lm_sensors does not wort ... but ist pretty hot on the outside and the temperature is incresing19:08
Fade2Black? restricted19:08
soundrayniko_: just so you know, your creative spelling keeps me from answering your question19:08
brianJamie: How is that related at all to Ubuntu?19:08
francescoDear friends. I have a problem. I don't remember the program that I must run in the terminal to set the volume control. Could you help me please?19:08
beastI am new to linux19:08
niko_any ideas for "windows" then?19:09
jamieits not19:09
soundraychi_: if you have hardy, please ask in #ubuntu+119:09
soundray!fstab | niko_19:09
ubotuniko_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions19:09
beastso can anyone tell me what to download from the the links that appears wen i click the download button19:09
soundray!gparted | niko_19:09
ubotuniko_: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/19:09
niko_ty. i will try this19:09
iositdmichael_ well it sounds like some other process is using it or you've locked the database.19:09
brianjamie: Then why the heck would you as it in #ubuntu? Seems like you wouldn't find much help in here.19:09
chi_soundray:  okay thx19:09
soundray!fat32 > niko_ (private message)19:09
beastis it the alternate  Alternate install CD for PC19:10
J-Unitim almost done sharing my dial-up internet I THINK (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing?) i dont get wat to fill in the "blanks" for the clients in the terminal commands, it should be an easy to answer question for anybody plz help me tho19:10
Rootiositd: any idea on how to unlock it ?19:10
jamieok any idea how i can run windows 360 share in wine19:10
iositd!aptfix | root19:10
uboturoot: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:10
beastor is it Desktop CD for PC19:10
mrseriiwhat i need to type in the termonal to add ftp users (name: arni2 pwd 123)  to directory /media/sda/19:10
soundraybeast: normally you'd get the Desktop Install CD. Alternate is for special cases19:10
Teozeverything I put into /etc/rc.local should boot up right ? so if put something        #!/bin/bash     on the first line and then        su iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT, that should add something the to iptables chain, right ?19:11
ali1234how exactly does the ubuntu installer decide how much swap space to create? what is the exact formula it uses?19:11
beastso that means it would be ok if idownload the Desktop CD19:11
mc-georgeanyone know the french ubuntu channel?19:11
smoogu mean19:11
soundray!fr | mc-george19:11
ubotumc-george: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.19:11
iositd!fr | mc-george19:11
algyzali1234:  create it by yourself19:11
ali1234algyz: create what?19:11
francescoI have a problem. This morning everything was OK, but now I can't hear any sound. I think I must set the volume control by the terminal, but don't know how. Could somebody help me?19:11
stefano__i want to save my data redundantly, should i go with raid or rsync? whats the ups and downs of each of those?19:12
algyzali1234:  swap19:12
b4l74z4rsomething strange happened, i installed some updates to ubuntu yesterday and when i rebooted my grub menu had gotten two new menu entries19:12
Strife89Quick {NON-UBUNTU} question: what is the command for getting open the box to configure Wine?19:12
Skittfrancesco: alsamixer ?19:12
soundrayStrife89: winecfg19:12
ivanoatshow do I fix "Err http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security/main php5-common 5.1.2-1ubuntu3.9 404 Not Found" when doing apt-get install phpmyadmin19:12
ivanoatsis it something like my sources are out of date?19:12
brianI've been using 7.10 for a few months, but just the last couple of days, "nm-applet" asks me for my keyring password whenever I log in. Is there a way to turn it off? It never used to do this19:13
ali1234algyz: ok. how big should i make it? how big would the installer have made it?19:13
charimsI have a little pet project here, a motherboar dwithout a rj45 connector. I was wondering if it is possible to use the db25 connecter(which i don't use) as an ethernet connection, becuase i do have a db25 to rj45 adapter.19:13
Supaplexis the ubuntu dvd offered by dell identical to the one available publicly?19:13
algyz!swap | ali123419:13
ubotuali1234: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info19:13
francescoSkitt: Thank you. I still can't understand why my audio doesn't work. I have a double partition, and in Windows XP it works.19:13
spepshey guys during siptoolbox compilation last version i get /usr/local/include/ImageMagick/magick/exception.h:134: error: expected identifier or '(' before 'char'. PLEASE HELP19:13
* d3imuDdaH has torubles with nvidia+wine+steam... would be happy over help... cant change the resolution in condition zero19:13
MaDDoG185hello all im having trouble with multimixing19:14
ali1234algyz: completely unhelpful19:14
soundrayspeps: you might have to switch the default shell from dash to bash. sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash19:14
charimsI have a db25(parallel) to rj45(ethernet) adapter, anyone know how to configure it in ubuntu to work?19:15
brianali1234: Near the top of the link ubotu sent you: If you have n Mb of ram, you need between n and 2*n Mb of swap. If you have a disk big enough, just put 2*n Mb swap.19:15
francescoSkitt: Everything seems to be OK in alsamix. What could the problem be?19:15
spepssoundray: ???19:16
iositdbrian, so someone with 8 gb ram would use between 8gb and 16gb swap? sounds like overkill19:16
phobesAnyone know of a way to diagnose global keyboard shortcut conflicts?19:16
conb123hi im using ubuntu 8.04 and my sound doesn't seem to be working is there a way i can revert to 7.10 without losing any of my files19:16
ali1234brian: NOT helpful. i have 4 gb of ram and only 20gb disk. i want to know a) how big the installer would make swap in this case, b) if i *really* need at least 4gb swap partition19:16
soundrayspeps: if I wasn't clear, can you be bothered to ask me a proper question?19:16
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charimsI have a db25(parallel) to rj45(ethernet) adapter, anyone know how to configure it in ubuntu to work?19:17
brianiositd: Hey, thats just what help.ubuntu.com says :) Besides, if you have THAT much RAM, your likely doing more then an average user :P In which case you'd need more swap then an average user.19:17
zarathhello - how can I specify additional startup files when executing a new bash shell?  I want to run a "subshell" from my normal login shell and I want to force that subshell (only) to source a setup file with aliases, a PS1 prompt, etc... I can't seem to figure that out19:17
spepssoundray: i don't understand how that can be related to my issue. i get /usr/local/include/ImageMagick/magick/exception.h:134: error: expected identifier or '(' before 'char'.19:17
Supaplexswapd for the win19:18
iositdbrian, i'm doing more then the average user, i know that. Yet i only have 3gb ram and no swap file. I've never even hit the 2gb bar so far, even when i try to go over it.19:18
b4l74z4rafter i updated, i get two new entries in grub referring to a newer kernel, does that mean that the older kernel menu entries have become obsolete and safe to delete from the list?19:18
brianali1234: I THINK it uses that formula to decide. So it would put 4-8gb of swap. But unless your actually doing a lot of things at once, you probably won't need that much.19:18
soundrayspeps: I see, you're probably right. I thought it was a shell error.19:19
ali1234i know for a fact that i wont use more than 1gb of swap. i only bought the new ram because i was sick of having to decide between using firefox, and using anything else, with 512 mb.19:19
void^b4l74z4r: you should remove the old kernel packages if you are sure the new kernel works fine for you.19:19
whileimhereAfternoon! I was wondering if anyone else has heard why Google Earth crashes X in Ubuntu 7.10 and higher?19:19
b4l74z4rvoid^, how do i remove these older kernel packages?19:19
brianiositd: It's not a perfect solution for everyone, I'm just saying, for MOST people, it seems like a reasonable one, and help.ubuntu.com seems to agree. :P19:20
void^b4l74z4r: using apt-get, or synaptics, or adept, or whatever19:20
RandocalIs there a way to import Outlook Express messages/address books into Thunderbird installed on Ubuntu?19:20
conb123hi im using ubuntu 8.04 and my sound doesn't seem to be working is there a way i can revert to 7.10 without losing any of my files19:20
brianali1234: In that case, just make a 1gb swap, if you know you won't ever need more.19:20
b4l74z4rvoid^,  what should i delete?19:20
iositdbrian, it's far from a perfect solution imo19:20
void^b4l74z4r: search for linux-image and remove the versions you no longer use.19:21
ali1234brian: but all docs say i need between n and n*2. 1 < n... is there anything that specifically needs n? for example, suspend to disk? or does that use a different file?19:21
b4l74z4rvoid^, but haven't they been automatically removed when i ran update manager to install the available updates?19:22
void^b4l74z4r: no, kernel packages aren't removed automatically (so you can boot an old kernel in case of problems with the new version)19:22
ali1234i see that i can now create swap files instead of partitions... so it doesn't even matter that much :/19:22
brianali1234: From that same page again: The hibernation feature (suspend-to-disk) writes out the contents of the memory to the swap partition before turning off the machine. Therefore, your swap partition should be at least as big as your RAM size. The hibernation implementation currently used in Ubuntu, swsusp, needs a swap or suspend partition, and can not use a swap file on an active file system.19:23
b4l74z4rvoid^, i see, but is it necessary to remove them or can i just leave them there?19:23
new_to_linuxhello room, i need some help on my ubuntu box19:24
winter_mutehey, does anyone know how to remove the rhythmbox configuration? it keeps segfaulting and that's about the only thing I can think about causing it at this point.19:24
J-Uniton connection sharing wiki it tells me to repalce x and to replace ip wat do i replace x with and wat ip do i put? im sure its easy to find out, but im stupid :( plz plz plz help me :( (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing?)19:24
void^b4l74z4r: you can leave them of course - just wastes a lot of diskspace19:24
new_to_linuxis there anyone avalible to help me?19:24
bobbob1016How can I force an unmount?19:24
jacob_how do i use the highlight tool in adobe reader?19:24
Survivormannew_to_linux, just ask your question19:24
b4l74z4rvoid^, ok thanks, i will remove them eventually, i just wanted to make sure there was no hurry19:25
steven__nick /xteven19:25
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DILnew_to_linux: ask19:25
conb123hi im using ubuntu 8.04 and my sound doesn't seem to be working is there a way i can revert to 7.10 without losing any of my files19:25
new_to_linuxSurvivorman: ok, I want to beable to use my keyboard to incress / decress the volume on my ubuntu install here from my keyboard.  Any idea on how to fix that?19:26
IndyGunFreakconb123: no19:26
bobbob1016Nevermind, I thought umount -f might format, but umount -f is the command.19:26
cristi1990hy, how do change permissions of an application? it says there i have to be logged in as root. how do i do that?19:26
bobbob1016conb123, Yes19:26
IndyGunFreaknew_to_linux: system/preferences/keyboard shortcuts19:26
iositdbobbob1016, use umount -lf, it  kind of unmounts lazy19:26
IndyGunFreakbobbob1016: there is?...lol19:27
IndyGunFreaki'd love to hear it19:27
bobbob1016IndyGunFreak, Without losing his files, as in home dir?19:27
IndyGunFreakconb123: i wouldn't get your hopes up19:27
brianOn 7.10, the last few days, whenever I login, "nm-applet" asks me for the password for the keyring. It didn't start doing that until a few days ago(Been usin 7.10 for a few months). Is there a way to make it stop asking?19:27
new_to_linuxIndyGunFreak: Im there, now what?19:27
IndyGunFreakbobbob1016: well, if he has a separate partition for /home, its possible, but i'd say thats unlikely19:27
bobbob1016conb123, Without losing your home directory, or without losing ANY files?19:27
IndyGunFreaknew_to_linux: you can't tell?... see where it says, "volume up/down".... assign keys to it19:27
conb123any files19:28
un0pconb123, the only way it to reinstall the system (without formatting any of the volumes)19:28
IndyGunFreakconb123: this is a good lesson in why when you're inexperienced, you shouldn't mess w/ Beta's19:28
new_to_linuxIndyGunFreak: I have done this alrdy, it does not work19:28
IndyGunFreaknew_to_linux: then i don';t know, sorry19:28
charimsanyone have any ideas concerning how to use a db25(parallel) to rj45(ethernet) adapter as a nic?19:28
bobbob1016conb123, The easiest would be just to copy the files to another drive.  I agree with IndyGunFreak though, there is no way to save ALL files, your home directory yes, programs and things no, settings you can save though.19:29
cvd-prNvidia car enable, status = not in use? what the hell is that? something enable but not in use?19:29
IndyGunFreakconb123: why did you upgrade to hardy?19:29
conb123err im using the 2.6.24-12-generic kernel should i just downgrade kernel have you heard of people having problems with sound in that kerne;19:29
IndyGunFreak!downgrade | conb12319:29
ubotuconb123: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.19:29
IndyGunFreakconb123: how many languages do you need it in, you can't do it19:30
new_to_linuxi have assigned the buttons there for volume up, down & mute, I see the volume bar go up & down and even mute; but there is no king in the level of the playing music19:30
bobbob1016conb123, You should just reinstall.  You'll be MUCH better off.19:30
conb123i know i just mean the kernel19:30
bobbob1016conb123, Well better off than doing a kernel downgrade19:30
KjetilKOn http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=46678 it is suggested that one starts x with startx with -- -logverbose 6 to help debug, but X just respawns at once when I kill, I haven't figured how I would do that19:30
new_to_linuxis the keyboard shortcuts broke?19:30
IndyGunFreakconb123: i think only you know what you mean19:30
conb123it could be the kernel causing the problem with sound19:30
IndyGunFreaknew_to_linux: not to my knowledge19:30
IndyGunFreakconb123: whats your sound device19:30
new_to_linuxwell then..wtf19:30
brianOn 7.10, the last few days, whenever I login, "nm-applet" asks me for the password for the keyring. It didn't start doing that until a few days ago(Been usin 7.10 for a few months). Is there a way to make it stop asking?19:30
KjetilKit would be nice if I could set the loglevel in the xorg.conf, but all suggestions welcome19:31
new_to_linuxso am i in the right place for support?19:31
conb123a realtek alc88019:31
conb123have you heard of problems with that19:31
tmaleshfskeDid you recently use keyring to store some passwords19:31
mannexMy X11 works fine on Gutsy, but I get "No screens found" on Edgy. What info/configs/pkgs can I exam from Gutsy to make my X11 work correctly on Edgy?19:31
IndyGunFreakconb123: that doesn't sound like a sound device, that sounds like an19:31
sainzeohey everyone - i have an install of ubuntu server on a virtual machine, but it stalls at running local scripts - any ideas?19:31
new_to_linux<--needs some ubuntu help19:32
IndyGunFreakconb123: open a terminal and run "lspci" no quotes, and see how it identifies your sound device19:32
tmaleshfskesuch as a ftp server that you want to connect to?19:32
hiddensoulmannex, try checking /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:32
bobbob1016conb123, Yes it very well could.  But downgrading the kernel is something you should not do, as a few others have said.  I would suggest installing gutsy, and when you install, do custom, and have /home on a separate partition.  That way when you reinstall, you just loose programs, but not settings or anything19:32
IndyGunFreaknew_to_linux: we're not stupid, we've answered youk just repeating yourself isn't goin to make the answer come faster19:32
delamortehello, can any one explain why ubuntu will not load with my memory set 400mhz (g.skill pc3200) i have to run it at 333mhz but winxp run's 400+19:32
charimsI have a db25(parallel) to rj45(ethernet) adapter, anyone know how to configure it in ubuntu to work?19:32
conb12300:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)19:32
IndyGunFreakconb123: most of those work in Hardy, at leas mine dones.... problems in gutsy though.19:32
new_to_linuxok, so long as there is some support that resolves this small issue19:32
IndyGunFreakconb123: are you sure you're using Ubuntu 8.10?19:33
conb123ive got my sound device set to alc88019:33
J-UnitIndyGunFreak, there is no ubuntu 8.10, 8.04 is still beta..19:33
conb123in preferences -> sound19:33
briantmaleshfske: Are you talking to me? Nope, I haven't added anything new to it. If I go look at the keyring, I have one password for my wireless network(Had it for months, never changed), and thats it.19:33
conb123yes 8.04 hardy19:34
bobbob1016new_to_linux, Does your keyboard have keys for volume up and down?19:34
IndyGunFreakJ-Unit: i meant 8.0419:34
new_to_linuxbobbob1016: yes19:34
conb123should i change it19:34
conb123the sound settings i mean19:34
eriscoI want to recursively delete all .svn directories in a directory tree... rm -rf *svn doesn't seem to grab the .svn directories in the sub directories19:34
J-Unitconb123, IndyGunFreak, o, just correcting ;)19:34
new_to_linuxbobbob1016: i have a HP internet keyboard19:34
eriscocan I use "find" somehow?19:34
IndyGunFreakJ-_: thanks, if i need your correction, i'll be sure to ask19:34
=== selven_ is now known as keiserr
bobbob1016new_to_linux, Not sure then, mine works.  HP Internet Keyboard isn't too specific though.19:34
spudgunnerwas "primary selection paste" behavior changed in a recent update?  Suddenly selecting text in gnome-terminal doesn't put it in the buffer like firefox does19:34
ompaul!support | new_to_linux19:35
ubotunew_to_linux: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org19:35
J-Unitdoes clamav just scan for viruses or can it also delete or "heal" the files that are infected19:35
GlenQuagmireerisco: find . -name '*svn' -exec rm -f '{}' \;19:35
charimsAnyone interested in a little experimentation with networking, please message me. Not sure if this is possible, but advice would be nice19:35
new_to_linuxhow about a "sk-256019:35
geirhaerisco: find . -type d -name '.svn' -exec echo rm -r {} \; # if that looks good, remove echo and run it again19:35
FinZoryo guys found this site on ubuntu forums..is it allowed ?19:35
IndyGunFreakif you have to ask...19:36
FinZorTorrent site ^19:36
FinZoropen signups19:36
eriscoGlenQuagmire, thanks19:36
new_to_linux"sk-2560" is the model of this HP keyboard19:36
IndyGunFreak!spam | FinZor19:36
ubotuFinZor: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...19:36
ompaulfinalbeta, stop spamming with it19:36
ivanoatswhat is the apt command to figure out where apt-get installed stuff?19:36
eriscoGlenQuagmire, bash is so cryptic :P19:36
ivanoatsi lost php5 :-)19:36
conb123ok iset my sound to autom detect, alsa and then hda intel im going to log out then in ill be back soon if it doesn't work19:36
chaos_can any1 tell me what this is?????????????????????????????????         chaos@ubuntu:~$ '/home/chaos/Desktop/untitled folder/wine-0.9.55.tar.bz2_FILES/wine-0.9.55/tools/wineinstall'19:36
beastcan anyone tell me how to change screen resolution in KDE/Kubuntu 7.1019:36
chaos_WINE Installer v0.7519:36
chaos_You're running this from the wrong directory.19:36
chaos_Change to the Wine source's main directory and try again.19:36
FloodBot2chaos_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:36
tmaleshfskebrian  my system does the same thing, but I have directed it to store passwords.  now when I had my wireless set-up manually it didn't do it.  Do you have your wireless network set-up manually or roaming?19:36
new_to_linuxThe buttons work in windows, there working now in ubuntu; but here in linux there not affecting the sound output19:37
finalbeta!paste | chaos_19:37
ubotuchaos_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:37
bobbob1016new_to_linux, I'm not sure, I was just asking.  Ubuntu will usually pick up those keys if it detects them.19:37
briantmaleshfske: Roaming. It's a laptop, so I use it at a few different places.19:37
nickrud!lol > IndyGunFreak  ;)19:37
bobbob1016new_to_linux, They're working in ubuntu?  What do you mean "here in linux"?19:37
IndyGunFreaknickrud: lol, that was actually meant for an IM...19:38
delamorte<delamorte> hello, can any one help me or explain why ubuntu will not load with my memory set 400mhz (g.skill pc3200) i have to run it at 333mhz but winxp run's 400+19:38
* nickrud points IndyGunFreak to practice with alt-tab19:38
new_to_linuxanyone else know how to get keys on a KB to work in ubuntu19:38
nickrudnew_to_linux what keys?19:38
MrSmileEGHi people! I think I destroyed PAM by compiling PAM newest version from source and I can't relogin again.19:38
new_to_linuxbobbo : ubuntu = linux right19:38
tmaleshfskeBefore it started with the password for keyring did you manually have to put in your network key everytime19:39
MrSmileEGsomebody can help me? I feel :(19:39
new_to_linuxnickrud: the volume keys19:39
geirha!shortcuts | new_to_linux19:39
ubotunew_to_linux: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts19:39
MrSmileEGand the last thing I want is to reinstall everything ones again.19:39
MrSmileEGHello beast... pleaaaaaaaaase help me.19:39
bobbob1016new_to_linux, Ubuntu = Linux (which is the kernel) + Gnome + a bunch of other things I know are there, but don't know by name19:39
new_to_linuxgeirha: i have alrdy tried the keyboard shortcuts; it still not changing the volume output19:39
MrSmileEGBecause If I logg out now, I am afraid not to come in my linux system again.19:39
nickrudMrSmileEG yup. Please tell me you haven't set a root password19:39
|Dede|Can I protect a folder with a password?19:40
Survivormannew_to_linux, try the link to keytouch that ubotu provided19:40
chaos_idk what i need to run stuff in ubuntu need help bad pm me plzzzzzzzzz19:40
new_to_linuxlol i am19:40
new_to_linuxi think the robot has been the most help yet19:40
nickrudMrSmileEG if you haven't set a root password, you can get into recovery mod and probably fix it19:40
BrainBughello, iam running a proftpd server local all works fine, i have forwarded port 21 to 21 outside , when i use nmap on outside box i see proftpd is detected and state is open. But when someone goes to my external ip they get a time-out19:41
beasthello, can anyone tell me how to change the screen resolution in KDE?Kubuntu 7.1019:41
theunixgeekBrainBug: !server19:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lanugage - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:41
BrainBugBeast, perhipals19:41
theunixgeekbeast: #kubuntu19:41
theunixgeek!server | BrainBug19:41
ubotuBrainBug: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support19:41
|Dede|Can I protect a folder with a password?19:41
MrSmileE1no, everything is SUDO19:42
theunixgeekbeast: type /join #kubuntu19:42
BrainBugtheunixgeek ?19:42
connor_ok its me again i changed my sound preferences around now i get this error http://rafb.net/p/oDsLr037.html19:42
MrSmileE1sorry, I had been kicked out, electricity in egypt isn't stable.19:42
theunixgeekBrainBug: well, you said you're running a server :P19:42
BrainBugtheunixgeek lol19:42
theunixgeekmr-rich: lol19:42
MrSmileE1I just downloaded the latest release of PAM, compiled and installed it.19:42
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:42
theunixgeeknew_to_linux: type /msg ubotu message19:42
bobbob1016|Dede|, Patience is a virtue.  Repeating yourself won't get your question answered faster.19:42
new_to_linux!ubotu help19:42
theunixgeeknew_to_linux: nono19:42
chaos_i hav an idea som1 help me on setin up remote acces so i see how to setup apps plzzz19:43
theunixgeeknew_to_linux: /msg ubotu help19:43
|Dede|repeating it every 3 minutes actually does.19:43
ubotu1337 i5 n1gh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.19:43
BrainBugBeast, its K icon system i thought the perhipals screen resolution when not mentioned u have to go in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and edit it19:43
MrSmileE1Any guys an idea how to recover a PAM problem, to relogin without problems again?19:43
theunixgeek!l33t chaos_19:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about l33t chaos_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:43
theunixgeek!l33t | chaos_19:43
ubotuchaos_: please see above19:43
|Dede|it's not like my 1 line question spams the channel...19:43
beastthe problem is this is my very first time in Linux19:43
bobbob1016|Dede|, If I'm going to repeat, I don't go by time, I go by how far up I have to scroll to see the last time I asked.19:43
=== MoonFog_ is now known as MadProcessor
beastand i dont know how to edit this file19:43
MrSmileE1no pro here?19:44
theunixgeekbeast: what file? :)19:44
theunixgeekMrSmileE1: what do you mean?19:44
|Dede|in this channel that's actually ~ 3 mins for me, many messages in here19:44
theunixgeekhi, bobbyd19:44
bobbydI'm trying to set my wifi settings with iwconfig, but every time i set them, they get reset. i've killed NetworkManager, but it's still happening. Any ideas of how to fix this?19:44
chaos_what this ubuntu has no remote pc acces19:44
BrainBugBeast, then try K icon -> system -> perhipals -> screen resolution , see to what u can change it19:44
PaRaSiTe2For Ubuntu 8.04, will the 7.10 driver work for my Intel 536EP modem?19:44
theunixgeekbeast: but also try #kubuntu or #kde for your future needs19:45
beastthnk u19:45
=== julien is now known as p
Firehazrdhey guys does anyone know what the advantage to using AHCI over IDE for a sata drive is?19:45
hphi, my external harddrive wouldn't mount right. i try to mount it to /media/disk. but after each reboot, it mount to a different folder, and and leave the previous folder empty. this is so annoying. does anyone have a solutino to this?19:45
nickrudMrSmileE1 ok, first thing try:   reboot, hit escape when you see something about grub 1.5 on the screen. Then choose recovery mode boot. Next, run:   sudo apt-get install --reinstall libpam0g  libpam-runtime libpam-modules libpam-gnome-keyring19:45
|Dede|Can I protect a folder with a password? (not an archive)19:45
theunixgeekhp: that's because /media/disk is probably already taken. make a new mountpoint19:45
nickrudMrSmileE1 if this works, good. If not, it'll be much harder19:46
charimsAnyone here familiar with PLIP?19:46
nickrudcharims used it about 8 years ago, why would you need it now?19:47
theunixgeek|Dede|: I guess you could use permissions... there's no quick way to do so, however19:47
charimsnickrud:I'm working on using a db25 to rj45 connector to establish a link to my home netowkr, is it possible?19:47
|Dede|No plugins neither?19:47
vkusnakovaplease help, what is the name of russian chanel about ubuntu?19:47
theunixgeekvkusnakova: #ubuntu-ru I think19:48
theunixgeek!russian | vkusnakova19:48
ubotuvkusnakova: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:48
theunixgeekyep :)19:48
nickrudcharims heh. No freaking clue, but I'd doubt you could use a parallel port to hook up to a serial protocol ;)19:48
|Dede|theunixgeek: No plugins neither?19:48
theunixgeek|Dede|: you could google something19:48
charimsnickrud: thanks, I will look into it more, but it looks like a dead subject19:49
PaRaSiTe2For Ubuntu 8.04, will the 7.10 driver work for my Intel 536EP modem?19:49
nickrudcharims plip is meant to be used between two parallel ports19:49
=== MadProcessor is now known as CyberZombie
spudgunnerwas "primary selection paste" behavior changed in a recent update?  Suddenly selecting text in gnome-terminal doesn't put it in the buffer like firefox does19:50
=== CyberZombie is now known as MadProcessor
BrainBughello, i have forwarded my proftpd 21 -> 21 when scan outside box i see 21 is open and proftpd is running on it ; local all works fine, but ppl from outside get timeout... anyone i use a SpeedTouch19:50
ompaulcharims, you would have to send serial over the parallel port it has been done but it was soooooooooo long ago19:50
charimsnickrud: i see that, but I did read aobut it using tcp/ip, so thats why i was wondering19:50
ompaulcharims, can't remember how it was done19:51
nickrudcharims yep. But I guarantee that ompaul knows a lot more about it than I. and http://tldp.org/HOWTO/PLIP-1.html will fill you in19:51
charimsompaul: do you have any ideas of where i could look it up?19:51
ompaulcharims, I can't remember anything but that link looks good19:52
NekoKunCan I specify where to install the application wich APT-GET will install?19:52
charimsthanks ompaul19:52
charimsand thanks nickrud ;)19:52
nickrudNekoKun why would you want to do that? apt-get locations are carefully chosen19:52
DILcharims:  not all the pins are used on the db25 you would have to ensure corresponding pins are used to correspond to rj45 pins used, if you have fire wire you can network with that19:53
NekoKunnickrud: Cause Im getting an EeePC :p19:53
hptheunixgeek, thanks19:54
NekoKunso I want to have a good space avaiable19:54
charimsdil: no firewire, this is an older motherboard, and right now i have a wireless card installed, but i was hoping to go wired. I think i can jsut go and get a nic card tho. until then, i'm going to paly around with this parallel stuff and see where i can get19:54
ali1234charims: parallel isn't much faster than serial in the big scheme of things. and serial is much easier to set up19:55
nickrudNekoKun oh, well, in that case you need to read up on --instdir and --root   for dpkg19:56
charimsali1234: I don't have a connector for serial, though I'm sure i could make one. Are you aware of how it is done though?19:56
NekoKuncan I set a default dir to install everything?19:56
ali1234charims: serial? just use a null modem cable and start pppd at both ends, with proxyarp. plip? no idea19:57
hptheunixgeek, hmm, even when i created another mounting point, it doesn't work19:57
charimsali1234: we were discussiong how to use parallel to ethernet connection. IT may not be possible, we aren't sure19:57
ali1234charims: i very much doubt that is possible19:58
charimsali1234: thanks19:58
hptheunixgeek, it keeps creating new folding after each reboot19:58
N3WFI3is there like a control panel in ubuntu? i went thru all the icons i think lots of cool stuff is there more stuff to look at19:59
ali1234charims: you could run either serial or parallel over rj45, but it would have to be serial or parallel at both ends. serial will give you a greater max cable length also19:59
NekoKunI'll have a 250GB USB drive... I wonder if I could make a ln -s in the /usr/bin folder to it and then install some applications remotelly19:59
NekoKuns/in the/in a folder inside the20:00
Pete__mythplugins doesn't seem to be installable from gutsy-backports, anyone else using myth 0.21 from packages here?20:00
J-Unithow do u use clamav, i have it installed but how do i start it?20:00
ali1234J-Unit: clamscan <files>20:00
J-Unitali1234, how do i make it scan the whole wine program?20:01
CyDhi, i have a problem with Brasero software, someone can help ?20:01
ali1234J-Unit: clamscam ~/.wine/*20:01
IndyGunFreakCyD: i never had luck w/ that program, i always would end up using gnomebaker or k3b, good luck w/ it.20:01
J-Unitali1234, doesnt work20:02
CyDok :(20:02
J-Unitali1234, bash: clamscam: command not found20:02
suxxori have problems with GRUB it doesn`t show me the to load the windows . it starts directly ubuntu20:02
Sensei73i want to build a small files server based on ubuntu20:02
manos21HI, I run 7.10 upgraded to studio and i can't open dkenlive, although it's installed. Anyone could help?20:03
ali1234J-Unit: clamscan not clamscam. and you need clamscan -r ~/.wine/* to scan subdirs20:03
Sensei73but  i wonder how ubuntu handle hardrives20:03
suxxorsomebody to help me?20:03
ali1234J-Unit: you might also want to run freshclam to update the definitions20:03
BrainBugno-one can help me? i use proftp forwarded 21 -> 21 when scanning outside ip , i get " 21 open proftp" what means its running... but when ppl try from outside they get a timeout?..20:04
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J-Unitali1234, freshclam doesnt work20:04
KRFBrainBug, firewall (router)?20:05
BrainBugKRF, off20:05
opteroNhow can i connect to a wireless print server?20:05
eaxCan someone direct me to some written files about the various Wireless Interface modes in Ubuntu?20:05
ali1234J-Unit: does it ask you to check permissions? you have to sudo it20:05
KRFBrainBug, ip? :P20:05
J-Unitali1234, after the dont panic its blinking, does that mean its updating or do i actually have to go on their site?20:06
BrainBugKRF, pm20:06
N3WFI3does ubuntu have a control panel or somethhing?20:06
eaxDoes anyone have some info about various Wireless Network Interface modes?20:06
N3WFI3i wanna browse thru all the operating system and have a look lol20:07
ali1234J-Unit: like it says, don't panic20:07
motebocaneops please20:07
joelhi all20:07
J-Unitali1234, ERROR: Can't lock database directory: /var/lib/clamav/20:07
ali1234J-Unit: it's already running?20:07
joelwhen someone gets some free time can I get some help with a mounting issue I'm having?20:08
DILwhat is the file to edit a mount point20:08
joelis the file for mount point20:08
joelno problem20:08
freewillysuxxor , http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62348/20:09
J-Unitali1234, i closed terminal and opened new one and it worked :)20:09
joelI'm getting a bunch of permissions problems with my external with Hardy, someone help me out?20:09
J-Unitali1234, k, now ill scan and thx20:09
YmgveCould somebody help me with getting a CNet CWC-854 PCMCIA wireless card working?20:09
TotemI am having trouble with my installation: A while back, I installed Ubuntu 6.* as a dual boot with Windows XP. Everything worked fine, and I really had no trouble with it. Now though, I want to install the 8.04 beta. I burned the ISO and put the disk in. The installer works fine. However, I can't figure out how to completely replace the old version of Ubuntu. I don't care about preserving and files from the 6.*. Could someone help me do 20:10
J-Unitali1234, o ya more importantly, wats the command do scan the whole comp?20:10
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J-Unitali1234, to scan*20:10
joeljust do a manual install20:10
joelwhen it asks about mounts or partitions20:10
AdysTotem: if you're upgrading over the old one do a dist-upgrade as recommended on the wiki20:10
joelchoose your Ubuntu partition20:10
BrainBugKRF, i send u in pm20:10
AdysTotem: More chance in #ubuntu+1 too btw20:10
joelif you have no reason to keep anything on that partition I recommend formatting it20:11
joeland if you don't know how to do this I wouldn't recommend a beta release20:11
joelI'm using the beta and there are still problems with it20:11
TotemAdys: what is #ubuntu+1?20:11
AdysTotem: chan for ubuntu alphas20:11
Totemjoel: how to I know which partition is the Ubuntu partition? I have about 5 different partitions20:11
zcat[1]three more weeks, approx..?20:12
freewillyfdisk -l20:12
joelfdisk won't tell you what one20:12
joelit will just list them20:12
ali1234J-Unit: clamscan -r /20:12
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joelI usually can tell based on the size of the partition20:12
joelwith 5 partitions you'll have your windows partition which will probably be NTFS20:13
joela SWAP20:13
joelwhich will say SWAP20:13
joelthen three others20:13
FloodBot2joel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:13
TotemI would do that too, but I have two partitions of roughly the same size, so that doesn't help. Yes, I see swap, and I can easily identify the Windows part, but that's it20:13
style23on the gos how do you find the terminal20:13
brianOut of curiosity, would it be possible/how hard would it be to set it up so I can remotely manage a computer running 7.10? Preferably graphically. The computer I'd be managing from would also be 7.10.20:14
zcat[1]btw interesting case on saturday.. one sata drive, one IDE (secondary master) .. bios found them in the order SATA, CDROM, HDC .. boot order was to boot from SATA as well.. Ubuntu installer named IDE as sda, SATA as sdb and put GRUB on the IDE drive.. caused a lot of confusion :(20:14
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joelbrian what are you trying to remote connect with?20:15
redtide_does anyone here have a razer barracuda soundcard and managed to get it to work on ubuntu?20:16
ali1234brian: there's three ways to do it: ssh (shell only), vnc (gives you a whole desktop) or there's a web interface thing.20:16
joelif you are trying to remote connect with another Ubuntu machine just do this in terminal: vlcviewer ip (and make sure it's the external ip)20:16
freewillyi cant get oss4 working 220:16
ali1234brian: actually you could tunnel X over ssh too, so that's 4 ways20:16
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brianjoel: I have a server thats running on 7.10, and I was just curious as to how easy it would be to change/fix stuff remotely(It's not plugged in to a monitor or anything, kinda a pain to move it around all the time)20:17
Totemjoel: could I identify the Ubuntu part by its file system type?20:17
ir4Can someone help me set up wireless on ubuntu?20:17
zcat[1]and remote desktop protocol?20:17
RaceKonditionI'm trying to run the start-stop-daemon command to execute /foo/bar/exe, I do start-stop-daemon --chdir /foo/bar --exec ./exe, but keeps telling me that it cannot find ./exe20:17
joeltotem I just sent you a direct message it's easier than the main chat20:17
RaceKonditionwhat could be the issue?20:17
brianali1234: :D Awesome. How easy would those be to use? And do the 3rd and 4th option give you the whole desktop too?20:17
ir4Can someone pleaseeeee help me set up wireless?!?!?!?20:18
joelir4 stop repeating yourself so much, I'll help in a minute let me try to help totem first20:18
TotemJoel: could you send it again? I don't think I got it20:18
BrainBugir4, just say what the problem is or where u are stuck20:18
zcat[1]!ask | ir420:18
ir4i did20:18
ubotuir4: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:18
zcat[1]what card..20:18
ir4Intel PRO/Wireless 394520:18
suxxorfreewilly : what should i do this text http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62348/20:19
joeltotem are you on the computer you are installing it on?20:19
zcat[1]not familiar with it... but someone here probably is20:19
ir4its supported20:19
ir4i looked it up20:19
freewillyfor a dual boot20:19
ir4but i just dont know how to go about getting it to connect20:19
BrainBugir4, not familiar for me, but try looking at /etc/network/interface20:19
chaos_need help for Feisty gaim xfire plugin20:19
BrainBugir4, try iwconfig20:19
ali1234brian: vnc gives you a whole desktop. it's easier to set it up on windows. the web interface is accessed through a browser, but it's different to using the desktop. ssh can give you a whole desktop or just a single application20:19
joankican anyone tell me how i can get flash appliations to run on firefox?  when i try to play it, it says i should use adobe, but it doesn't work20:19
BrainBugir4, if u see a card eg eth1 is up try dhclient eth120:20
ir4eth0 says no wireless extensions20:20
joelvlc is easier to set up on windows? it's way easier on Ubuntu20:20
TotemJoel: yes, I am on the same comp20:20
zcat[1]Ummmm.. how about just clicking the 'network manager' icon and seeing what networks show up there?20:20
CJS3141I have a program "arp-scan" that needs to be run as root, but I noticed that when I do a "ls -al /usr/bin/arp-scan" it returns: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 48552 2007-06-17 08:25 /usr/bin/arp-scan. That means the SUID is root, correct? So why do I need to run it as root?20:20
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BrainBugir4, k some other? like ath0 or whatever20:20
joeltotem: type in sudo fdisk -l in terminal20:20
brianjoel: Ah, just noticed your message about "vlcviewer ip". Would that be graphical, or all command line?20:20
ir4eth1 says20:20
joelit'll open a graphical interface20:20
ir4IEEE 802.11g20:20
joelcolors might not be great, but you'll be able to manage it20:20
ir4and it shows the signal and noise levels20:21
brianjoel: :D Sweet, I'll try that later. What ports would I need to forward and such?20:21
ali1234brian: it should be vncviewer20:21
joelbut you have to at least once go on the server and set it up (system, preferences, remote desktop)20:21
BrainBugir4, so thats what u need eth120:21
Totemjoel: alright, but I will have to reboot. I am running Windows; I am also having internet problems with Ubuntu, but that is another issue20:21
suxxorfreewilly : to copy this text http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62348/ in  /boot/grub/menu.lst ?20:21
joel5900 is the port20:21
BrainBugir4, try sudo dhclient eth120:21
ir4yes so what do i do now?20:21
zcat[1]ir4: easiest way should be through network manager.. if it already knows it's a wifi adapter it should be basically working already20:21
freewillyyes, or in grub.conf, but replace it with your ubuntu kernel20:22
joelall right totem, I'll still be on so just try to copy the stuff into a text or something that is accessible in ubuntu20:22
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ir4ok i did the sudo command in the terminal20:22
TheTaylorEffectwhat is the path to xorg.conf ?20:22
BrainBugunop_, can u do me a favor / can i pm u ?20:22
joelxorg is /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:22
brianali1234: Ah, ok, thanks. So VNC would be the most similiar to the normal Ubuntu 7.10?20:22
TheTaylorEffectThanks Joel20:22
xifwhat's easiest way to tile my windows on Gutsy?20:22
ir4should i be running the Automatic DHCP or the static ip address?20:23
zcat[1]why is everyone obsessed with doing everything the hard way, in a terminal... we have all these cool GUI tools now.20:23
freewillygrub sees the disks as hd(x,x)20:23
brianjoel: Ah, okay, thanks :D I'll set that up later today.20:23
ali1234brian: it will give you a full desktop20:23
BrainBugir4, try dhcp first20:23
joelmost similar to the normal Ubuntu Gutsy? not sure what that means but yeah it's pretty straightforward, you might have to do an apt-get for vlcviewer20:23
BrainBugir4, later when u know how to work with it try static20:23
dotechzcat[1]: what gui irc client is as good as irssi?20:23
scravive configured apache and the html works fine, but i cant get the cgi to work, denied permission :S20:23
joankican anyone tell me how i can get flash appliations to run on firefox?  when i try to play it, it says i should use adobe, but it doesn't work20:23
ir4ok i went to the network settings20:23
ir4and it shows the wired connection, wireless connection and the modem connection20:23
joelhere are instructions for flash http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/flash20:24
WinterWeaveranyone know how to fix my Pidgin from dropping my google chat connection constantly? (only started happening in Hardy Beta)20:24
ir4it shows my essid: as Chris_Net18 like i typed in20:24
alx75775hi! little prob here, i formatted a hdd, mounted it but still cannot write on it.. anyone an idea how to solve this? thanks! mount gives me this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62351/20:24
ir4and then the address says DHCP20:24
cory_hey i have an acer x191w monitor and i am running ubuntu on my toshiba laptop i would like to have my acer monitor to work but it won;t let me activate it its disabled.....20:24
joelit's a bug I believe that's being worked on for pidgin20:24
ali1234brian: for ssh you do this: 'ssh -X <your server>' you'll log in and get a shell. any graphical programs you run will appear on your local display. try running an xterm. this can be more efficient, but also more confusing20:24
Totemjoel: what is fdisk?20:24
brianali1234: YAY! Thanks :) I'll go set it up later today.20:24
BrainBugir4, that would be eth1 - your wireless try going online now or ping www.google.com20:24
freewillydid you craete a filesystem20:24
joelwell fdisk can be used for a lot of things, with -l it just lists the partitions20:24
joankican anyone tell me how to get adobe flash player?20:24
joeljoanki I just sent a link20:24
zcat[1]dotech: my USB wifi I just plugged it in, clicked on network manager and choose the name of my AP from the list .. then it asked for my WEP password and stored it in a gnome keyring for me.. the only frustrating part is that the gnome keyring has to have a password, so I still have to type a password every time it connects ...20:24
RaceKonditionI'm trying to run the start-stop-daemon command to execute /foo/bar/exe, I do start-stop-daemon --chdir /foo/bar --exec ./exe, but keeps telling me that it cannot find ./exe20:24
joelit's straight forward20:24
ir4but see i have a cord in20:25
xifwhat's easiest way to tile my windows on Gutsy?20:25
ir4so of course it is going to let me go to google20:25
joankiTHANKS joel20:25
BrainBugir4, try ifconfig20:25
joelsure thing joanki20:25
zcat[1]but as far as connecting goes.. click an icon, choose your AP, all done.20:25
ir4if i take the cord out, its going to kick me off here20:25
CJS3141joanki: Have you tried synaptic?20:25
ir4what do i need to look for under the ifconfig20:25
dotechzcat[1]: i don't know anything about that, sorry20:25
BrainBugir4, put down the cable network eg ifdown eth0 (to get it back up try ifup eth0)20:25
brianali1234: So the programs would all run and show up on my computer, but I'd hafta open em with command line?20:25
cory_\how to i extend my desktop onto my acer screen? i'm runing on a laptop20:26
alx75775joel, could u help me? seems you re quite familiar with partitioning..20:26
alx75775hi! little prob here, i formatted a hdd, mounted it but still cannot write on it.. anyone an idea how to solve this? thanks! mount gives me this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62351/20:26
joankiCJS3141, what does that mean20:26
zcat[1]ir4: ifconfig eth1 -- if it shows an IPv4 address in there somewhere it's working20:26
joelalx75775 what's the issue?20:26
ali1234brian: yeah. it's just personal preference really. ssh has the benefit of being encrypted too :)20:26
alx75775the problem is that i cannot write on the disk20:26
Totemjoel: I can see the partitions by running the Ubuntu 8.04 liveCD. Do you want me to list what they are? What should I do after I see the paritions?20:26
ali1234brian: but you can tunnel vnc over ssh if security if a problem20:26
ir4it says command not found20:26
BrainBugir4, /sbin/ifconfig or try sudo ifconfig20:27
brianali1234: Basically, I have a little filesharing server(Legal stuff, of course :P) for me and a few friends, so I just need to go in, see some thumbnails for the files, and delete all the crap they'll put on it :P So vnc would be easier methinks?20:27
CJS3141joanki: Go to the menuSystem > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager and search for "flash"...20:27
ir4no the ifconfig worked20:27
joelalx can you wait just a few, I'm going to finish helping totem20:27
ir4the ifdown eth0 thing didnt work20:27
joeltotem look in the last column20:27
ali1234brian: maybe just install webdav or something for that20:27
CJS3141joanki: ooops I meant go to the menu "System" ...20:27
ricaneliteanyone here has any experience with Envy?20:27
brianali1234: Just double checking, but its "vncviewer IPADDRESSHERE" and it works?20:27
Totemjoel: did you get me PM?20:28
brianali1234: :O Whats webdav20:28
ali1234brian: you have to start the server at the remote end too i think20:28
iositd!envy | ricanelite20:28
uboturicanelite: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »20:28
joelyou should see the system type, it'll be "Linux" for your linux partition20:28
BrainBugir4, ah k but u can see or your wireless works by ifconfig eth1 see or it has an IP adress if it has your good20:28
ali1234brian: webdav is like a file browser through a web browser20:28
Totemjoel: ok, then when I install, how to I select to install over the old partition?20:28
zcat[1]brian: my solution for shared directories: sudo mkdir /home/shared ; sudo chown nobody:nogroup /home/shared ; sudo chmod a+rwxs /home/shared   -- everyone can write, all files end up oned by nobody:nogroup with full read/write access to everybody else20:28
ir4yes it says int addr:
joelis there nothing on there that you need?20:28
BrainBugir4, good it works fine now20:29
ir4then it shows the broadcast and the default mask20:29
BrainBugir4,yes normal :)20:29
ir4but i still have the hard cord in20:29
joelis there only one linux system in the list?20:29
ir4so ur telling me if i take the hard internet cord out that i should be able to run off wireless?20:29
BrainBugir4, look in /etc/network/inferface20:29
visik7is there a way to setup the second monitor as a workspace ?20:30
brianali1234: But does webdav have thumbnails for stuff? Mainly pdfs and pictures. Also, what didja mean by I have to start the server at the remote end too?20:30
zcat[1]ir4: yep. but you'll have to reconnect to IRC  after you unplug it20:30
ir4how do i get to that20:30
BrainBugir4, there u can configure, but for that i recommend google :P cause really depends20:30
ali1234brian: vnc has a client and a server... you have to start the server... on the server20:30
Prez00anyone gotten a lenovo x300 running Ubuntu?20:30
ir4well shouldnt i have a icon on my desktop that shows wireless signal or something?20:30
iositdwhat section holds the driver on xorg.conf ?20:30
BrainBugzcat[1], can i pm u just to test something?20:30
ali1234brian: as for webdav, it should have thumbnails if it's half decent :)20:30
joelif there is only the one "Linux" system in the list doing fdisk -l you should take note of the Device Boot "/dev/sda#" and then when you are installing hardy just select that partiton20:30
brianzcat[1]: http://www.haxial.com/products/kdx/ <My solution for sharing stuff with friends :) Haha. Works really well, easy to set up. Plus, we're all commandlineretarded.20:30
Totemjoel: I don't think there is a system that says Linux, but I haven't tried with that fdisk command yet.20:31
joankijoel, that link worked - THANKS20:31
brianali1234: Ah, kay :) I'll see if vncviewer works good, if not, I'll look into webdav. Thanks a bunch20:31
joelsure thing joanki20:31
* Prez00 is thinking about upgrading his x61 to x300, but wants to hear about x300 use under Linux20:31
joelas for totem, you should have at least one that says "linux" in system, I've never seen that it doesn't20:31
CJS3141can anyone help me understand why I have to run a program as root when the SUID for the program is root all ready?20:31
DILir4, network manger20:31
zcat[1]ir4: next time around I recomend network manager.. the little 'network' icon on your panel .. there should be a list of access points available when you click on it, just pick yours and it should all go20:31
ir4WAIT on eth1 it says RX packets 243, errors 12 dropped 34320:32
Totemjoel: thanks for the help, i20:32
alx75775joel, ur done? =)20:32
Totemll try it!20:32
joelokay then you can do one of two things20:32
joelyou can either format it and then select the drive do "edit" and make the mount point "/"20:32
joelor you can delete that partition, make a new partition with the space and again make the mount point "/"20:32
Shubbaris 6.06 more stable than 7.10 ?20:32
Totemoh, ok20:32
Totemwhat about swap?20:33
joelShubbar, no it's not20:33
joelyou can leave swap20:33
joelit'll treat it as swap in HH or GG20:33
Shubbarjoel, so why is it the LTS20:33
Seven_Six_Twois there a way to find out why 2 instances of python (reported as being started by kdeinit) are using all of my available cpu?20:33
ir4my eth1 says errors on the packet20:33
ir4it says it has 12 errors20:33
Totemok, bye, I have to restart now20:34
gorbierdwhat should i use to open 7zip archive?20:34
zcat[1]ir4: that's normal I think.. wifi gets interference from all over the place, other wifi, cordless phones... it just resends the error packets20:34
Seven_Six_Twoubotu! python20:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about python - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:34
joelfrom my understanding GG is LTS also just doesn't list it that way any more now that it's becoming a main linux release they are trying not to confuse people20:34
ir4ok one more question20:34
Seven_Six_Twoubotu! python cpu20:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about python cpu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:35
joelsorry to whoever this is to, I know that there was another question that I said I would help with20:35
Shubbarmy ubuntu hangs up, shuts down abruptly, i loss wireless connection, and i still cannot print on my printer20:35
meoblast001hello..... the #fedora room wont let me in anymore so i need to know if anyone here knows how to get commands to run on startup on FC7.... i know im stupid for asking here.... but this is the only other place i know of to ask20:35
zcat[1]anyhow if it doesn't work you can just plug the wire back in and ask for more hwlp :)20:35
ali1234Seven_Six_Two: investigating /proc might help you20:35
ir4i has 6.06 and i updated to 7.10, and it had like files during the installation that it asked me to skip or whatever, should i have skipped them or installed them?20:35
gorbierdubotu! 7zip20:35
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression20:35
Seven_Six_Twoali1234, no prob. it's a big dir. any suggestions on how to narrow it down?20:35
alx75775yeah joel, there was =)20:35
joelalx you there?20:35
joelthere you are20:35
joelokay so you don't have permissions to what?20:36
ali1234Seven_Six_Two: yes get the PID of the offending processes and look in /proc/<PID>20:36
alx75775 i formatted a hdd, mounted it but still cannot write on it.. anyone an idea how to solve this? thanks! mount gives me this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62351/20:36
meoblast001change of plan20:36
sortoI've got a strange problem - when copying files via FTP between 2 ubuntu machines each time I upload a file theres like a 5 second pause between the issue of the 'put' command and the file starting uploading. Once the upload starts its very fast. What could be causing this?20:36
BrainBugir4, depend on what files, and what u need, but skip cant hurt when u have an error missing something just apt-get install <file>20:36
Seven_Six_Twoali1234, cool. thanks20:36
meoblast001im switching my server to Ubuntu today...... FC7 sucks20:36
Shubbari i think the shutting downs are from nvidia card20:36
ir4ok to run wireless do i need ndiswrapper?20:36
ali1234Seven_Six_Two: in there you can see things like every file the script has open and stuff. so maybe you can figure out what it's doing20:36
alx75775joel: i tried to make a textfile, but it failed20:36
ir4or packet manager?20:36
joelalx what is it that you are trying to mount? an external?20:36
xrhstaraspatrahelp me20:36
zcat[1]ir4: depends.. if you have some special config you want to keep, skip .. usually replace. But it doesn't seem to mayyer much which you pick, the default config usually doesn't change much20:37
alx75775no its an internal hdd20:37
BrainBugir4, no cause all works like it is now20:37
fevel  hello20:37
joeldo you know the device? like the /dev/sda# (do you know the # of it)20:37
alx75775joel its internal hdd, was ntfs but i formatted it with qparted to ext320:37
TheTaylorEffectI love my 7.10 Server - its so reliable, I don't even remember where I put it in my basement...20:37
xrhstaraspatrahelp with ati radeon hd240020:37
alx75775its hdd120:37
gorbierdarchive manager says that 7z is not supported20:38
TheTaylorEffectI think its under a lundry basket20:38
xrhstaraspatrahelp with ati radeon hd240020:38
joelno it will be /dev/sda something I believe20:38
rikoHallo Leute...alles klar20:38
joelor sdb sdc, something of that manner20:38
ir4ok well shouldnt it show now like my wireless networks that are available if i click on the network icon?20:38
alx75775joel /dev/hdd20:38
xrhstaraspatrahelp with ati radeon hd2400 3dgames/applications blinking too much20:38
xrhstaraspatrahelp with ati radeon hd2400 3dgames/applications blinking too much20:38
ompaul!ati | xrhstaraspatra20:38
ubotuxrhstaraspatra: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:38
joelohh, I've never seen someone name it like that ;) do sudo gedit /etc/fstab20:38
ompauljoel, wrong - gksu gedit please20:39
joelI personally never use gksu20:39
Seven_Six_Twoali1234 excellent. I know exactly what it is now. It shouldn't be running though.20:39
joelwhere do you want it to mount to? or does it matter?20:39
xrhstaraspatraglxinfo |grep direc20:39
alx75775joel there we go: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62359/20:40
xrhstaraspatrahelp with ati radeon hd2400 3dgames/applications blinking too much and other problem while the perfomance is very good20:40
cpasleyI need help with sound in Gutsy.  My sound card just doesn't work.  I've followed the Debugging Sound instructions and every other thing I can find on the internet but it still won't work.20:40
RaceKonditionhas anyone setup a cod2 server on an Ubuntu box? I'm really having trouble setting up the init scripts20:41
joelso it's the hdd1 at the end?20:41
alx75775joel jep20:41
joelokay you should remove the (rw) and replace it with utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       120:42
joelthat is your fstab right? the link you gave me?20:42
alx75775yeah it is20:42
alx75775konsole thells me this;20:43
alx75775alx@alx:~$ sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hdd1 /media/Eigenschaften20:43
alx75775mount: /dev/hdd1 already mounted or /media/Eigenschaften busy20:43
alx75775mount: according to mtab, /dev/hdd1 is already mounted on /media/Eigenschaften20:43
FloodBot2alx75775: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:43
joelthat's a long fstab....looks weird to me but just do this line20:43
joel/dev/hdd1 /media/Eigenschaften vfat utf8,umask=007,gid=46       0       120:43
joelnot vfat, sorry, ext320:43
jribjoel: those options aren't used for ext320:44
joelyeah I just realized that20:44
alx75775in konsole joel? or open fstab with kate and add as last line and save?20:44
zero88is Ubuntu compatable with the Ipod 512mb Ipod?20:44
joelzero, yes it is, a little bit of effort to get it to work20:44
=== bluefoxx is now known as AcidBreak
joelminimal though ;)20:44
zero88joel oh really? i thought it would come up as a usb. its a usb ipod20:45
joelalx hold on just a second, you are using ext3 instead of vfat so I'm trying to figure it out20:45
Juusogtkpod works with ipod20:45
joelzero, you need gtkpod20:45
zero88care to share what you know with me joel?20:45
Juusosudo apt-get install gtkpod20:45
jribalx75775: your error says the drive is mounted.  What's the issue?20:45
joel(and I personally use amarok for it)20:45
h0axIs there a minimal install cd for Ubuntu?20:45
jrib!minimal | h0ax20:45
ubotuh0ax: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:45
Seven_Six_Twowhat are the softirq-****  processes? and the IRQ-## ones? I never saw them before20:45
joeljrib, it's permissions that's the problem20:45
h0axfor PPC ?20:45
zero88juuso is that it?20:45
joelI'm actually having a really similar problem with my external20:46
Juusozero try20:46
Juusoi dont know20:46
joelmounts fine but permissions are not working at all20:46
Juusoi dont have ipod20:46
zero88juuso ok20:46
jribjoel, alx75775: you should be able to set permissions with chmod/chown as usual20:46
ir4Ok i have one more question20:46
ir4i got my wireless work work20:46
joelchmod directly to the /dev/hdd1 or to the /media/....?20:46
ir4to work*20:46
Seven_Six_Twocould they be related to using the rt kernel?20:46
piqonihello people, does anyone know for any problem that might have been occurred when updating ubuntu 7.04 to 7.1 because mine freezes 10 times in a day, does anyone tell me what should I do? thnx.20:46
GrueTamerh0ax: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:46
jribjoel: /media/...20:46
ZoiXHi all. How copy every jpg in a carpet and its subcarpets?20:47
luciddreamI've got a couple of startup scripts for mysql and mongrel_cluster that are in /etc/init.d/ and I've linked to them from the rc.X directories but these services aren't starting when I reboot.  Is there a log I can look at to see what's going wrong?  They start fine if I start them manually from the shell...20:47
h0axGrueTamer, available for PPC ?20:47
joeljrib: I rarely do it this way so do I just do chmod 777 /media/....20:47
=== bluefoxx_ is now known as bluefoxx
joelto have full permissions?20:47
ir4When i click on the network connection icon, it shows connection name as lo what does that mean?20:47
jrib!permissions > joel, (read the private message from ubotu)20:47
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, what freezes? your xserver? can you use the magic-sysrq to get out of it?20:47
jrib!permissions > joel (read the private message from ubotu)20:47
jrib!permissions > alx75775 (read the private message from ubotu)20:47
jribjoel: it depends on the permissions you want20:47
joelwhy would we have to do this instead of just have it in the fstab?20:48
joelI believe alx and I both want full permission by users20:48
Seven_Six_Twoir4, that's a loopback device,
joelthe thing with mine is that if I completely remove the line from fstab, it mounts with full permissions that I want20:48
ir4ok well should i change it to eth120:48
ir4or leave it at lo20:48
DILir4, is there a selection for eth020:48
joelbut it creates a new folder every time I reboot to mount to20:48
piqoniseven_six_two:  Im new to linux and I dont know what xserver is.20:48
ir4lo, or eth120:48
DILir4, is there a selection for eth120:48
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, it's the server that gives you all of the graphics20:49
DILselect it20:49
joeland mine isn't ext3 it is fat3220:49
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, if you can, you should try to kill your xserver with alt-ctrl-backspace20:49
alx75775joel thanks so far, ill try to find out how to add this line to fstab, hope it works, brb =)20:49
white_eagleoh, when I run the computer a popup dialog shows up and tells me that the ~/.drmc (or something like that) must have 644 permissions20:49
jribjoel: then you don't chmod it.  Set a label if you want.  Then it will get assigned the same name every time20:49
white_eaglehow can I make that popup go away20:49
joelalx wait, that might not work since you have ext320:49
redwhitewaldowhere can i find a list  printers supported/workable in ubuntu?20:50
ir4ok thats working better now20:50
joeljrib how do I set a label?20:50
ir4but like how do i tell if its connected20:50
ubotuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview20:50
ir4like windows XP will show u the signal bar?20:50
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows20:50
white_eagleubotu thanks20:50
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:50
ir4does liunx show that kind of stuff?20:50
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, if that doesn't work, try to use alt-ctrl-F1 to switch to a terminal and you can use top and your logs to figure out what's going on20:50
DILir4, network manger20:50
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two>, when I do alt+ctl+backspace it logs off I think20:50
tenubdoes ubuntu x64 not work with intel chips (e8400)? cause i boot from cd and no matter what I select my monitor goes to sleep after the cd drive spins up20:50
ir4yes but like does it show a signal bar on the panel20:50
joeltenub try alternative cd20:50
jribjoel: with mtools, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive20:50
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> so you mean, I should press those now20:50
ir4or do i have to click it20:50
DILir4, network manager install it20:50
piqonior when it block20:50
jPrattHow can i connect to my Wireless?20:51
tenubwhich cd?20:51
joelthis was never an issue with Gutsy :(20:51
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, yes. if you can do that, it's not frozen. what is it that is freezing?20:51
white_eaglehow can I make that file have 644 permissions20:51
ir4how do i install that?20:51
ir4apt-get install <network manager>20:51
ir4ok how do i get synaptic20:51
h0axGrueTamer, thanks for the help20:51
jPrattIts in system under administration ir420:51
=== samba is now known as xyz
DILapt get will do it20:51
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two>some times I cannot do it, some times yes, I have lost many datas, especially when I open openoffice.20:51
Seven_Six_Twoir4, sudo apt-get install synaptic20:51
alx75775joel, why should this not work because of ext3?20:51
ikmhello all20:52
GrueTamerh0ax: y'welcome20:52
joelthose commands aren't used with ext3 from what jrib just said, I don't really use ext320:52
bianoWill it be easy to upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 beta to 8.04?20:52
joelso trying to figure it out now20:52
k8kto tu gada po polsku20:52
jribalx75775: pastebin your current fstab20:52
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> and the computer freezes many times especially when I open synaptic etc20:52
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, look at the logs of the programs that you're using when it freezes. how much memory do you have?20:52
DILir4, apt get will install network manager20:52
alx75775jrib http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62359/20:52
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> 512 MB RAM20:52
jribalx75775: is the partition in question there?20:53
jPrattHow do i Connect to my wireless network?20:53
piqoniI dont know about logs,20:53
tenubblah this channel's too large20:53
white_eaglehow can I setup a file to have 644 permissions?20:53
cpasleyDoes anyone know anything about how to make Ubuntu detect my sound card?  Thanks!20:53
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> I dont konw about logs20:53
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, the logs are in /var/logs20:53
jrib!who | tenub20:53
ubotutenub: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:53
alx75775jrib aah forgot to tell u20:53
joelchmod 644 (the file)20:53
alx75775jrib its hdd120:53
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> what to do with them?20:53
bianoall, will it be easy to upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 beta to 8.04?20:53
joelbiano, it happens automatically with the updates20:53
jribalx75775: pastebin the output of 'mount'20:53
Flannelbiano: Just regular daily updates, but hardy questions should be asked in #ubuntu+1 while its beta.20:53
bianothanks, I'll go there now20:54
Monobi2Anyway to boot Ubuntu without a USB or CD ?20:54
DILtenub, most of teh people are asleep20:54
jPrattInstall it20:54
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, you read them. It's hard to know what's freezing or why without them. also, using "top" from a console will let you see if you're running out of memory or something is using all of your cpu which might seem like a freeze sometimes20:54
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> I went there, there were many files and folders, which one should I open20:54
alx75775jrib its in the same pastebin, some lines down: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62359/20:54
danbhfiveMonobi2: what do you have?20:54
iositdso on one pc, when i open up bash terminal, it opens with a white background. On my other pc, it opens with a black background. I'd like to know where the configuration settings are held for this.20:54
jPrattMonob2i, Install it20:54
Monobi2danbhfive: vista >_>20:54
jribalx75775: I see it now :)20:54
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, do you have a swap partition?20:55
alx75775it doesn look like theres a prob, but it is =)20:55
danbhfiveMonobi2: I mean, if not USB, and not CD, then through what?20:55
danbhfiveMonobi2: just the net?20:55
Monobi2er, that is my question?20:55
jribalx75775: you want to add it to fstab and make it mount at /media/Eigenschaften every time?20:55
Monobi2danbhfive: huh? vista came installed.20:55
alx75775yeah, would be great jrib20:55
jPrattHow do i get the Beryl Package?20:55
joelit's compiz now not beryl20:55
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> I dont really remember, I think in the instalation I didnt choose swap, or sth like that, coz I dont know really what swap is20:55
alx75775jrib its an internal hdd20:56
jribalx75775: ok, first 'sudo umount /dev/hdd1'20:56
joeland it's installed with Gutsy and Hardy20:56
flickis there any linux utility that i may use to flash a Netgear modem through the ethernet? i think i might have ruined it while uploading a new firmware20:56
joelif not do apt-get install compiz20:56
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> might be the problem?20:56
alx75775jrib ok,20:56
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> that one, I mean? swap memory?20:56
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, from a console, type cat /etc/fstab20:56
jPrattJoel, Well How do i get Compiz20:56
joelsudo apt-get install compiz20:56
jribalx75775: does /media/Eigenschaften still exist?20:56
BrainBugjrib, lol u prob. dont know me anymore ^^but can i ask u something in pm?20:56
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, definitely might be. swap is for when your comp runs out of mem20:56
jribBrainBug: sure20:57
joeldo that in terminal20:57
alx75775jrib yes20:57
joelsudo apt-get install compiz20:57
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> it showed I think the same stuff when I open partitioner app20:57
ikmi'm trying to install ubuntu 7.10 from a CD i have burned myself, i've checked it's integrity and checked my memory that's all fine, CD loads and takes me through my language, location, and keyboard settings, then does some of it's own stuff. Detecting hardware for CD-ROM drive, Scanning CD-ROM, Loading Additional Components and Detecting Network Hardware, after that the whole thing seems to stop and i'm left with a blue screen with a grey bar at the bottom, tho20:57
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, yes, it will. is there a swap partition?20:57
radioaktivstormhello, is there a reason i am getting "module configuration already contains alias directive"20:57
luciddreamI've got startup scripts for mysql and mongrel_cluster that are in /etc/init.d and I've linked to them from the /etc/rc#.d directories but these services aren't starting when I reboot.  The services start fine if I manually start them.  Is there a log I can look at to see what's going wrong?20:57
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> How can I determine that,20:58
jacob01234i tried to install the nvidia drivers using envy and i get them installed so it prompts me to reboot so i do and everything works good then i just rebboted a min ago and it wont load the driver20:58
jribalx75775: use 'sudo blkid' to get the uuid for your drive and add the following to your fstab: UUID=XXX /media/Eigenschaften ext3 defaults 0 2                  where XXX is the uuid you found from the blkid command20:58
joelthen do sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager20:58
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> and How can we discuss In private? how should I register in here?20:58
jPrattIt asks for my pasword but wont let me Type it20:58
joelit is letting you type it, just doesn't show anything20:58
joelit's a security thing20:59
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, there will be a line that says something like # /dev/hda4  UUID-################# none swap sw 0 020:59
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, sorry I don't pm20:59
jPrattOh ok, Could put asterisk's20:59
joelafter you do those two things you'll have a new set of options in system, preferences it'll be called "advanced desktop effects setting"20:59
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, to register, check out /msg nickserv help register20:59
joeljrib can you help me out when you are free?20:59
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> ok, ok, no prob, you're doing too much anyway,21:00
jPrattWere at?21:00
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> i saw, but there wasnt any swap there21:00
jribjoel: I can try; what's the issue?21:00
VerittoHI, how can i remove some files that I find? I mind: I use, find . -name *.tar | rm -r21:00
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, it's no prob. I like to help when I come in and someone helps me21:00
BrainBugjrib, saw PM ?21:00
joelsame mounting issue, I just want to do it through fstab like it was in Gutsy21:00
ikmi'm trying to install ubuntu 7.10 from a CD i have burned myself, i've checked it's integrity and checked my memory that's all fine, CD loads and takes me through my language, location, and keyboard settings, then does some of it's own stuff. Detecting hardware for CD-ROM drive, Scanning CD-ROM, Loading Additional Components and Detecting Network Hardware, after that the whole thing seems to stop and i'm left with a blue screen with a grey bar at the bottom, tho21:00
Verittoit's not work21:00
joelhere is my line21:00
DILikm, wait it out21:00
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> yes, you are doing the right thing ;)21:01
joelI want full permissions and it to mount to /media/BACKUP every time21:01
jPrattI have installed it or so says the terminal and I goto system and it has all the same Options21:01
ikmok DIL21:01
SpookyETI wonder why the gnome system monitor is stupid and resets received/sent every 4GiB21:01
jribjoel: you want umask=00021:01
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, ok, you need to make a swap partition with your partition manager. you can either start over, or back up the data in a partition that you can resize21:01
joelthat's it?21:01
jacob01234 i tried to install the nvidia drivers using envy and i get them installed so it prompts me to reboot so i do and everything works good then i just rebboted a min ago and it wont load the driver21:01
joel(a;slkjgh;pasjf;kajdsfsdf to myself)21:01
danbhfivejoel: that line looks like it gives you zero permissions, what jrib said too21:01
jribjoel: umask masks permissions (takes them away)21:01
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, it should be about 1GB or so.21:01
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> isnt that a difficult process?21:01
joelso just change the umask =00021:01
joeland I should reboot with full permissions?21:01
joeljPratt did you install the settings-manager?21:02
danbhfivejoel: sudo mount -a might work instead of a reboot21:02
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, thanks. not really, just realize that resizing doesn't always go as planned, so a backup is a good idea. qparted or gparted should do the trick. personally I've never lost data during a partition resizing21:02
jPrattHmmm? I dont know, But just incase were can i21:02
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> because for me it was very difficult to connect to the internet with ubuntu (with certificates and stuff like that, an other guy did it anyway,) and I am afraid of loosing the configuration for that21:02
jribjoel: no need to reboot, just remount that partition21:02
joelin terminal type sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager21:03
J-Unitu no that feature in gutsy that allows u to have diff locations clocks under clock thing...how can i do that in gutsy?21:03
jaffarkelshaci have been asking this question for a while now, is there anyway to control my lcd birghtness via my terminal, the last two kernal updates has broken that possiblity by keys combinations.21:03
joelthat's the actual graphical interface install to change the visuals21:03
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, you shouldn't lose any data. just don't resize your / partition21:03
mike___Hey guys quick question: the mouse wheel on my microsoft wireless mouse is a bit sensative. Is there any xorg config options that I could change to turn down the sensativity?21:03
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> but I cannot do it, can you tell me a link where it is described every step of the process21:03
J-Unit u no that feature in hardy that allows u to have diff locations clocks under clock thing...how can i do that in gutsy?***21:03
piqonibut you say that the data should be about 1 gb,21:03
jribalx75775: still with me?21:03
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, there are instructions in those programs. a quick google search will also give you the docs21:03
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> but you say that the data should be about 1 gb,21:04
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> I have more.21:04
jPrattIt says invalid command: compizconfig-settings-manager21:04
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, gparted is very reliable and is graphical so it's not hard to use. yeah. 1GB. you have more than 1GB of free space?21:04
jacob01234problem with nvidia video card, the drivers keep failing to laod21:05
ali1234mike___: i have the same problem. unfortunately it's a digital control21:05
joeldid you do sudo apt-get ....?21:05
iositd!envy | jacob0123421:05
ubotujacob01234: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »21:05
piqoni<Seven_Six_Two> oh yes, I missunderstand you, I though that was the amount that would be survived21:05
Verittoanbody can help me21:05
jaffarkelshaci have been asking this question for a while now, is there anyway to control my lcd birghtness via my terminal, the last two kernal updates has broken that possiblity by keys combinations.21:05
piqoniso gparted is the app? right?21:05
piqoniSeven_Six_Two>  so gparted is the app? right?21:05
jPrattit says invalid command:21:06
piqoniSeven_Six_Two: can I get it from synaptic? right?21:06
janethello I am new to Ubuntu and need a bit of help21:06
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, that's how much you need to shrink one of your current partitions by. yes. gparted or qtparted which is what I use21:06
jPrattIt says invalid command: compizconfig-settings-manager**21:06
VerittoHI, how can i remove some files that I find? I mind: I use, find . -name *.tar | rm -r21:06
joeljPratt, go to synatpic package manager, search for compiz and then look for the compizconfig-settings-manager int here21:06
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, they should both be available, although I only know that qtparted is for sure because I have it installed21:06
joeljPratt I'll be back in just a minute21:07
piqoniSeven_Six_Two: So this software is just for separating the drives, later what should I do about the SWAP thing???21:07
janetI downloaded applications easily yesterday but today whenever I try I get a message saying software not authenticated. It does it for every software I try to install.21:07
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, it can resize partitions, and make new ones, and format them for you21:07
jribVeritto: see the -delete or -exec switches in 'man find', pipe the output of find to xargs21:07
iositdjanet, sudo aptitude update <== should fix that for you21:07
jribVeritto: there should be an "or" after that comma21:07
ikmi'm trying to install ubuntu 7.10 from a CD i have burned myself, i've checked it's integrity and checked my memory that's all fine, CD loads and takes me through my language, location, and keyboard settings, then does some of it's own stuff. Detecting hardware for CD-ROM drive, Scanning CD-ROM, Loading Additional Components and Detecting Network Hardware, after that the whole thing seems to stop and i'm left with a blue screen with a grey bar at the bottom, tho21:08
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, nothing is applied until the end21:08
janetiositd, what do I need to do please?21:08
piqoniSeven_Six_Two: aha, ok great,I dont know, I will try,21:08
iositdjanet, type that command in a terminal.21:08
piqoniSeven_Six_Two: you helped me too much21:08
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, there is a command to turn the swap on as well, but I don't remember what it is...anyone else?   <-----------21:08
janetisositd, sorry, how do I do that?21:08
iositdjanet, applications -> accessoires -> terminal ... then type ==> sudo aptitude update <== and hit enter. type your password, hit enter again. That should fix it.21:09
Max_-Hi! How can I see what eats up all my RAM? .. I'm trying top, but the thing that takes the most of it shows like 3.8 % and it's Xorg.. that's impossible.21:09
ikmneed help plzz,,,,21:10
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, no problem. good luck21:10
ikmafter that the whole thing seems to stop and i'm left with a blue screen with a grey bar at the bottom, though i can write stuff in the grey bar, i would not have a clue what to type in, i left it all night and woke up to the same screen so it's not just taking ages,21:10
pschorf2hello, all21:10
ikmi'm trying to install ubuntu 7.10 from a CD i have burned myself, i've checked it's integrity and checked my memory that's all fine, CD loads and takes me through my language, location, and keyboard settings, then does some of it's own stuff. Detecting hardware for CD-ROM drive, Scanning CD-ROM, Loading Additional Components and Detecting Network Hardware, after that the whole thing seems to stop and i'm left with a blue screen with a grey bar at the bottom, tho21:10
Seven_Six_TwoMax_-, use > to change the column that top sorts by21:10
jribMax_-: system -> administration -> system monitor for a gui21:10
Seven_Six_TwoMax_-, < to go left and > to go right21:11
jPrattJoel, I got it21:11
joeljrib that fixed it :) thanks a lot21:11
danand__Max_- try htop21:11
jribjoel: no problem21:11
joelyou got it going jPratt?21:11
janetiositd, thanks, I will try that21:11
piqoniSeven_Six_Two: sorry for bothering, but you're saying that might be a command that can SIMPLIFY this process, I mean, only writing that and the problem might be resolved directly????21:11
smithey93ikm: its ok, just leave it for a bit, i had that problem once you just gotta eave it for a while and itworks eventualy21:11
joeljrib one other thing that I'm having is when I delete it says it can't send it to the trash and must immediately delete it21:11
jPrattJoel, I guess not because that option is still not there21:11
jribjoel: don't know about that21:11
joelin system, preferences there is no advanced desktop settings?21:11
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, no, but there is a command to get your system to start using the new swap partition21:11
ikmoh really smithey93?21:12
jPrattJoel,  found it thanks for helping21:12
Seven_Six_Twopiqoni, I think it's swapon21:12
eaxKan anyone tell me hot to put my network card in Promiscuos mode and back again?21:12
joelsure thing jPratt21:12
MrMorkelHello does anybody know how i can recover a passphrase from a ssh key_file?21:12
joelMorkel, that's going to be hard21:12
smithey93ikm: yea, i was trying to install it on my laptop and i just walked away, left it for a bit, and it worked21:12
lucienwhit which command can i update my distri? i already have 6.10 oO21:12
Seven_Six_Twoeax, that's outlined in the ifconfig docs. try "man ifconfig"21:12
ikmi wait whole night :( nothing happend21:13
joellucien, does 6.10 have update manager?21:13
jribMrMorkel: if you could do that, then that would pretty much defeat its purpose :)21:13
MrMorkeljoel: i now its a easy word, do you know a programm for a dictonary attack?21:13
eaxSeven_Six_Two: In terminal21:13
piqoniSeven_Six_Two:  anyway it is going to be difficult to understand, anyway, thnx a lot. see you around. bye21:13
Seven_Six_Twoeax, yes21:13
lucienjoel yes21:13
Max_-Seven_Six_Two, jrib: okay, thanks... it works, but that's still weird that my 2GB or ram are gone while all that runs are a few apps ... amarok, evolution, pidgin, skype, kvirc... it says Xorg 2 times takes 3.7% each and nautilus 2.6% ..21:13
joellucien: for me it told me that it recommended upgrading and I just clicked it21:13
Max_-*of ram*21:13
jribMax_-: try 'free -m' in a shell21:13
Seven_Six_TwoMax_-, linux precaches. it doesn't mean it's all in use21:14
ikmcant wait for ubuntu 8.04 i want to install and use ubuntu RIGHT NOW :(21:14
malka_bhi ppl.i have problem-for some(long) time i am tring to run ubuntu from pendrive but when i try to use presistent feature i get fd0 i/o error any sugestons?21:14
joelI have Ubuntu 8.04 installed right now, it's almost ready for release, just a few minor issues21:14
lucienjoel it doesnt remember me... it updated all my programs but not the distribution21:14
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Max_-jrib: free agrees with top21:14
eisenhowerhow can i figure out what version of ubuntu i'm running? like 64 bit or 32?21:15
Seven_Six_TwoMax_-, does it say you have just a little bit left?21:15
jribMax_-: what does the "-/+ buffers/cache" line say you have free?21:15
Max_-Seven_Six_Two: okay... maybe, but the other day it was using a part of my swap space.. that probably means it really was full21:15
Max_-Seven_Six_Two: yes.. I actually have 156 mb left21:15
eaxSeven_Six_Two: thanks :) Is it possible for for an example make a new interface in monitor mode and then switch to that when I need it?21:15
Max_-oh wait... jrib does that mean that the amount in that line is not really used?21:16
mannexI need help finding the correct driver for my VGA Compatible controller, I know exactly what kind of controller it is; it works perfect in Gutsy 7.10 but I am running Edgy 6.10 now and it is not automatically found and configured.21:16
olpcsyd#olpc - support21:16
Max_-in the buffer line I have 1.6 GB free21:16
joellucien do this: gksu update-manager -c21:16
MrMorkelOr a other Question, on a other Linux Computer i can type ssh username@ and then ssh use this keyfile with the passphrase, but i dont know how i have saved this password21:16
Seven_Six_Twoeax, you can have a config file to load if you want, but I don't know how to do it\. or have 2 devices. are you on a switched lan?21:16
joelhere lucien just follow these instructions: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/upgrade-ubuntu-610-edgy-eft-to-ubuntu-704-feisty-fawn.html21:17
jribMax_-: yeah, it takes into account what Seven_Six_Two was saying.  Unused ram is, well, useless.  So linux tries to be smart and uses it.  If some app needs it, it will free it up21:17
eaxSeven_Six_Two: What do you mean? I'm on Wlan21:17
Seven_Six_Twoeax, oh, you want to snoop?21:17
NewMonarchHey, how come I can't get the latest version of imagemagick by using aptitude install?21:17
Max_-jrib okay! good, thanks.. I was afraid my HD would become RAM again soon21:17
Max_-and that's really not good for the HD21:17
Seven_Six_Twoeax, yeah, try a different config file, and you can load it when you need it21:18
lucienaah it works!!! thx joel :)21:18
eaxSeven_Six_Two: What do you mean by snoop? I'm testing my own wireless..21:18
joelNewMonarch, it takes a little while to get into the repos unless you have a lot of extra repos in your sources21:18
joelsure thing lucine, just make sure to upgrade one step at a time21:18
eaxSeven_Six_Two: Any documentation on that? :)21:18
joeldon't go from 6.10 to 7.10 without doing 7.04 first21:18
Seven_Six_Twoeax, whether legal or not, it's it's snooping. I'm sure there is. have you been through all of the ifconfig man pages, the info pages and googled what you want to do?21:19
smithey93can i rip like, real dvd with ubuntu? like real ones from the shop21:19
Seven_Six_Twoeax, you want to pull packets from some other connection, correct?21:19
malka_b...sorry 2 disturb your conversation...well anybody can help me?21:19
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NewMonarchjoel: Rmagick is requiring 6.3 but I can only get ImageMagick 6.221:19
alx75775jrib yes, im still here.. i changed fstab now (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62363/) and mounted it (command mount shows me that its mounted), but still cannot write on the hdd... there is a folder on it 'lost+found' but i cannot open it =(21:20
joelsmithey, if you are doing it legally download acidrip from repo it's easy to use21:20
eaxSeven_Six_Two: No not yet, as I'm not certain what exactly what I'm looking for:) But Yes I want to snoop my own network.21:20
joelNewMonarch: then you'll have to get the source or rpm and install it that way21:20
jribalx75775: now you need to set the permissions you want using chmod/chown21:20
smithey93joel, yea its just its my dads dvd and i want it on my laptop, acidrip is installing now :)21:20
alx75775jrib ok, ill try that^21:20
ricaneliteby mistake i installed vmare-server but it came up with a serial number but i dont want it to mess up my virtualbox which i have running vista21:21
fizkhi, i installed linux-image-686 and linux-restricted-modules-686 and rebooted, but the grub menu did not show any changes21:21
joelNewMonarch: you can also try doing gksu /etc/apt/sources.list and uoncommend all the things before deb....21:21
ricanelitei delete vmware on the package manager but i also see vmware-xorg which is installed21:21
ricanelitewhat do i do?21:21
murkyMurkdoes anyone know the actual path to the gnome wastebin?21:21
joelall right smithey (I'm a stickler for legal stuff) but yeah just use that, it'll rip to a good quality .avi at under 1200 megs21:21
Seven_Six_Twoeax, check out ethereal21:21
dextrehey, I came in this morning to see my ubuntu sitting at the grub menu with an error 18.. what happened??21:22
ryanzecwhat is the command to use compix themes instead of the default themes on gnome?21:22
dextrei'm using the live version to type, fortunately21:22
|Dede|how can I find out on what BusID my grafic card is?21:22
unopmurkyMurk, probably ~/.Trash21:22
smithey93chears joel, im doing it now, ive used this before i think21:22
joelryanzec, install compiz-settings-manager21:22
eaxSeven_Six_Two: Yes that's what I want :)21:22
murkyMurkunop: you'd have though wouldn't you but no.21:22
eaxSeven_Six_Two: Thanks :)21:22
denawhen I ping my ubuntu box with it's name in windows ie ping ubuntu it will ping it and give me it's ip. However when I try that from my any ubuntu box it says can't be found21:23
murkyMurk|Dede|: lspci21:23
unopmurkyMurk, find out then. find ~ -iname "*rash*" -type d21:23
Seven_Six_Twoeax, no problem. have fun!!21:23
jribmurkyMurk: why do you say it is not?21:23
jacob01234ubontu, well there woulnt be a need to use the proprietary nvidia drivers or envy installer if i could get some decent performace out of the "supported drivers"21:24
unopmurkyMurk, which version of ubuntu?21:24
eaxSeven_Six_Two: Thanks :) Other things I should look at?21:24
dextrewhy is my ubuntu box sitting at grub error 18?  What could have happened?21:24
malka_btruly greate and helpfull community p.s. fuck u all21:24
jacob01234ubotu, im just saying21:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about im just saying - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:24
murkyMurkjrib: 'cos I have two dir stuck in it that i need to delete as root..can't find the things anywhere21:24
smithey93malka_b: thats nice21:24
Seven_Six_Twoeax, wireshark is a good program, and you could also do a google/linux search for wep cracking if you'd like to see why you shouldn't use it21:24
Priit_MHi, is there any applications to check network(wifi) stability under ubuntu 7.04?21:25
dextrehow do i list my harddrives.. fdisk -l  ?21:25
murkyMurkunop: surely it doesn't matter....which version of gnome might matter21:25
denawhen I ping my ubuntu box with it's name in windows ie ping ubuntu it will ping it and give me it's ip. However when I try that from my any ubuntu box it says can't be found21:25
joelsudo fdisk -l21:25
pythonclubBuona sera a tutti cercavo la soluzione al problema dello spegnimento del pc21:25
smithey93i have a slight problem, my dvd drive wont eject, all the cables are pluged in21:25
unopmurkyMurk, they are both linked .. the version of gnome to the version of ubuntu and how they relate to where Trash is at21:25
unop!it | pythonclub21:26
ubotupythonclub: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:26
murkyMurkunop: ahha! hardy21:26
jribmurkyMurk: http://www.ramendik.ru/docs/trashspec.html if you are interested.  You probably need to look in a .Trash* in removable devices maybe21:26
joelsmithey, is this a problem that has happened often or just right now (if just right now try a reboot or unmount it)21:26
Seven_Six_Twosmithey93, try lsof /dev/hd## to find out what's holding it21:26
eaxSeven_Six_Two: I have that ;) (Not WEP crack though) but any documentation of sorts?21:26
pythonclubcosa devo fare per andare sul canale italiano?21:26
unopmurkyMurk, on hardy .. it's in ~/.local somewhere .. and hardy isnt supported in here .. please ask in #ubuntu+121:26
style23I want to bridge a wired ethernet with an wireless LAN, where systems on both sides can communicate with each other.21:27
smithey93Thanks Seven_Six_Two, but i relised the power jack wasnt it it correctly :( idiot that i am :)21:27
ryanzecjoel: i have install it and imported a theme to it21:27
pythonclubho trovato21:27
Seven_Six_Twoeax, I would suggest browsing tldp.org because it's all there in one place with a lot of how-to docs21:27
pythonclubgrazie good nigth21:27
ryanzecjoel: but it is still not showing up21:27
eaxSeven_Six_Two: Thanks a lot :) Have a good night :)21:27
Seven_Six_Twoeax, you too21:27
joelryanzec: what kind of theme and how did you import it?21:27
edju"sysctl dev.wifi0.ledpin" returns "unknown key".  sure enough, "sysctl -a" doesn't show it.  does that mean it's recompile the kernel time?21:28
dummies_for_dummDoes anyone know of good comprehensive articles for making a home recording studio with Linux? All the ones I've found are pretty shallow21:28
sleepster\join #Ilikeboobies21:28
jacob01234ubontu, well im saying either way i install, the nvidia binary or envy it works until next reboot but then why wont ubuntu reload the drivers that previously work. i con restart x and everyhitng but when i reeboot i llose everyhitng21:28
FloodBot2sleepster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:28
ryanzeca .emerald theme and the emerald theme manager21:28
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, you need JACK, but the docs are limited. you'll need a RT kernel as well21:28
RB2When I use Search in Nautilus, it just searches the current folder. What's the best way to search and include all sub-folders?21:28
dummies_for_dummwow sleepster...21:28
c0mp13371331337_I'm trying to set up vncviewer on my computer to listen on port 80, so I'm using vncviewer -listen 80 to start the listening.  I have port 80 forwarded to my internal IP from my router, and the support.exe utility has been configured to my external static IP and port 80.  When my client runs support.exe on their windows machine, the terminal I ran vncviewer on shows an incoming connection from that IP address, yet doesn't prompt m21:28
c0mp13371331337_e to connect or anything.  Am I missing something?21:28
sleepsterdang slashes21:28
dummies_for_dummSeven: thanks. what's RT mean?21:29
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, realtime21:29
uptownbenHey All, I want to install Ubuntu on a USB key but I want to install it as if it was a HDD, is that possible?21:29
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ricaneliteanyone here could help me i install vmware-server by mistake so i decided to remove it in the package manager but when i typed in vmware i see vmware-server-kernel modules, vmware-server-kernel-modules and xserver-xorg-video-vmware21:29
joelryanzec: there are a couple ways to do this, one way is in terminal type compiz --replace -c emerald21:29
ricanelitecan i remove it and my system will be fine?21:29
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, there's a rt kernel in the ubuntu repositories. it's low latency, which gives audio apps priority in the processor21:29
joelthen add that to your sessions so that it does that on boot21:29
charles|64ok anyone using frostwire in a 64 bit enviorment21:30
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, one sec and I'll find you a url that helped me.21:30
dextremy drives are still there, just now it's booting into grub error 18, any reasons why or fixes?21:30
jacob01234ubotu,  well im saying either way i install, the nvidia binary or envy it works until next reboot but then why wont ubuntu reload the drivers that previously work. I can restart x and everything but when i reboot i lose everything21:30
CloudFXcharles|64: i used to and it was fine21:30
dummies_for_dummSeven_Six_Two: Thanks.21:30
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, http://tapas.affenbande.org/wordpress/21:30
CloudFX charles|64: download the .deb file from the frost wire site21:30
D-Unithow do i install folding@home?21:30
charles|64CloudFX: when i try it i get a java error did you use ubuntu restricted extras to install java?21:31
joelryan did that work?21:31
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, http://www.linux-sound.org/21:31
unop_c0mp13371331337_, is the vncserver running? find out with netstat (and/or ps) -- and under what user are you running vncserver?21:31
markmarkHi all, I'm having problems editing my sudoers file, and I just spent 20 minutes in single user mode trying to fix it.  Now I'm afraid to try again lol.  Here's the line I was using %<mark> NOPASSWD: /home/mark/batch/Wireless.sh21:31
CloudFXcharles|64: you need to install java.. hold on I'll get you the code21:31
charles|64CloudFX: cool thanks21:31
ryanzecjoel: no, i run that command and my screen so to just the background and then everything comes back as it was21:31
dummies_for_dummSeven_Six_Two: Thanks a ton!21:32
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, be aware that getting sound from alsa to jack won't work until 8.1 comes out21:32
mdcjfdever since i changed my wireless to wep tkip i cant connect with my laptop21:32
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, because of a bug in the alsa libraries. all apps that can use jack directly will work fine though.21:32
mdcjfdhelp? ? ?21:32
dummies_for_dummSeven_Six_Two: so I need to get my card working with OSS or aRts or just use JACK apps?21:32
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, no, turn off arts, and if you're using a recent ubuntu, you already have alsa21:33
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joelryan go to advanced desktop settings, click on window decorator, in command type "emerald --replace"21:33
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, you just won't be able to use alsa only apps with jack. they will be able to output to alsa still21:33
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, the advantage of using jack is that you can use the output of one prog as the input for another21:34
joelthen do "killall compiz" to close compiz then do "compiz" to start it back up21:34
dummies_for_dummSeven_Six_Two: is alsa the cause behind why when I have some apps open, like TeamSpeak, others (like Kaffeine) can't play audio?21:34
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, but for example, skype will only output to alsa, so you can't use that output as an input for a jack mixer to record and change it21:35
CloudFXcharles|64: apologies on the wait. Here is the code: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre21:35
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, I don't think so. alsa should be able to mix. KDE's arts might be the cause of that21:35
CloudFXcharles|64:  once that is installed, frostwire should install21:35
charles|64CloudFX: I have 7 installed21:35
ricaneliteanyone here could help me i install vmware-server by mistake so i decided to remove it in the package manager but when i typed in vmware i see vmware-server-kernel modules, vmware-server-kernel-modules and xserver-xorg-video-vmware21:35
dummies_for_dummSeven_Six_Two: okay. thanks for the help21:36
uptownbenTheoretically I should be able to remove my regular hard drive, boot from the Ubuntu CD, plug in my USB key and perform a standard HDD install correct?21:36
ricanelitecan i remove this and it will not messup with my linux system and I have virtualbox installed and running windows vista21:36
smithey93acid rip wont work, i click start and it just dies21:36
CloudFXcharles|64: I don't think that java 7 has been released yet..21:36
dextremy drives are still there, just now it's booting into grub error 18, any reasons why or fixes?21:36
charles|64CloudFX: it installs fine just doesnt load21:36
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, no prob. I hope I've saved you some googling. the alsa site has a lot of docs, but they're not geared towards newbies like us, so good luck21:36
joelsmithey: can you play the dvd on your computer without a problem?21:36
dextrecould an old usb device have caused the error 18?21:37
unop_!grub | dextre (use the following to help reinstall grub)21:37
ubotudextre (use the following to help reinstall grub): grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:37
ryanzecjoel: i get this when i try to do "compix" : http://pastebin.org/2792221:37
smithey93joel: just a sec21:37
DILricanelite: i had the same issues and deleted it it had not effect on my system21:37
CloudFXcharles|64: ah, I believe that is because the java 7 u aare using is just demo21:37
CloudFXcharles|64: try installing 621:37
charles|64CloudFX: sorry its 6 i just looked at it.21:37
CloudFXcharles|64: alright then21:37
dummies_for_dummSeven_Six_Two: you don't seem very newbish, hehe. I'm not terribly nooibsh, jsut not familiar with the multimedia systems of Linux.21:37
brunnercan anyone point me to some ubuntu-friendly tutorials for unlocking the iphone?21:37
CloudFXcharles|64: try this...21:37
joelryan: do you have compiz startup with computer?21:37
joelbrunner: those don't exist yet as far as I know21:38
dummies_for_dummbrunner: I think fsckin had something about that, lemme check21:38
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, that's what I meant by newb. I'm a linux multimedia newb, but not a linux newb. and I just went through that a week ago21:38
brunnerI mean, it's just Darwin... shouldn't be too unfriendly to linux =]21:38
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, and the docs are rather lacking21:38
dummies_for_dummbrunner: my bad, you said "unlock" thought you said "open" like to add ringtones21:39
ryanzecjoel:I don't know i think so.  I mean when i move my window i get the effect that compiz done so i imagine it is running.21:39
brunneroh oh21:39
brunnerI need to be able to use it on T-Mobile first21:39
smithey93joel: yea i can play the dvd no problem21:39
dummies_for_dummSeven_Six_Two: Are they wikis? That's my favourite documentations style. Turns out thorough docs quickly for active projects.21:39
CloudFXcharles|64: wait, so you say that Frostwire is installed, but you just can't load it21:39
joelbrunner: get a neo1973 instead of the iphone ;) built on open source tech21:39
dextrehow do I mount my /dev/sda1   (primary linux partition) to help recover the boot process21:39
CloudFXcharles|64: so you can see it under Applications > Internet21:39
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, the alsa site is, but it's very advanced.21:40
brunnerjoel: this was free21:40
joelryan: try a reboot so that compiz loads back up with that command in there21:40
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, and the jack docs don't really exist21:40
brunnerand I'm still probably not going to use it as my primary phone21:40
brunnerI prefer my Sony Ericsson W810i21:40
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, the most info you'll get is with man jackd21:40
dummies_for_dummSeven_Six_Two: I'm American so it' probably way over my head.21:40
brunnerit's more functional overall.21:40
joelsmithy: I have installed dvd shrink through wine with no problem, you might want to try that21:40
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, lol. good luck with it. I'm waiting for 8.1 because of the frustration.21:41
smithey93ah cool21:41
joelsmithy: you can also type "acidrip" in terminal try to rip it and then look at the output to find error21:41
smithey93joel: thanks dude ill try it,i <3 dvd drink21:41
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Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, you can save yourself a lot of trouble if you install all of the ubuntustudio packages in your repositories21:41
LegalityQuick question.. If a system is using sw-raid1 and the first hdd fails, Will the array stay on?21:41
CloudFXcharles|64: can u please give me the output of java -version21:41
joelsmiethy: dvdshink is pretty good but has it's own issues, it's not supported any more so you'll have to find it on a server somewhere, the founder was closed down21:41
Strang3loveI am having some issues with a dependency issue.  I run sudo apt-get -f install and it says that it cant overwrite one package because it is contained in another21:42
Strang3loveany ideas?21:42
dummies_for_dummIt's a bit underpowered machine, so not running ubunntu. I spent a long time compiling Gentoo on it now working on the audio. (I needed faster optimised things.)21:42
cchildbcm4319 issue, I can connect when connected to windows, but no luck-- it has been working fine with ndiswrapper -now it just died21:42
unop_markmark, look into setting command aliases for your script there and also make sure your script is executable (sudo chmod a+x script) - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers21:42
mrjcould someone explain to me briwfly how a ad-hoc newtork is to be setuped in linux ?21:42
smithey93joel: *mininova* *btjunkie* lol21:43
unop_dummies_for_dumm, you really should be asking things in #gentoo if you are running gentoo21:43
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, no worries. it's still jack that you need21:43
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Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, you may have to compile your kernel by hand though.21:43
style23How to run the bridge-utils?21:44
dummies_for_dummIt's not the thing about Gentoo though just general things; my friend is doing the same thing with Ubuntu and is less technical.21:44
mrjsomeone ad-hoc ?21:44
dotechanyone here using 3 monitors in Ubuntu?21:44
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Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, there is a #jack channel and an #alsa channel too that you might want to see21:44
Strang3loveI am having some problems with a dependency issue.  I run sudo apt-get -f install and it says that it cant overwrite one package because it is contained in another.  it ultimately fails21:44
Seven_Six_Twodotech, 2 monitors and a tv21:45
dummies_for_dummSeven_Six_Two: keep forgetting to type you nick, hehe. okay thanks. This is freenode server right?21:45
Seven_Six_Twodummies_for_dumm, yeah21:45
dotechSeven_Six_Two: if i wanted to use all 3 as part of my desktop is that possible?21:45
dummies_for_dummSeven_Six_Two: ALl right, thanks a ton. God bless and have a nice day/21:45
mrjSeven_Six_Two: you familiar with ad-hoc ?21:45
charles|64Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_03-b05)21:45
charles|64Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0_03-b05, mixed mode)21:45
Seven_Six_Twodotech, yeah, it can be done, at least with my video card21:45
alan_mslam, your already here :D21:46
style23I installed  the bridge-utils and don't know how to run it21:46
DrNobotoquestion of the day:  how would one install a package manager using only tools in /bin, i.e. /usr is empty.....?21:46
Seven_Six_Twomrj, not really. I know what it is, but I don't use wireless21:46
CloudFXcharles|64: alright try this: sudo apt-get install ia32-sun-java6-bin21:46
dotechSeven_Six_Two: i have dual nvidia cards, just not sure what the easiest route to happiness is21:46
dotechthere seems to be a handful of ways to do this21:46
slamkapios elinas edo?21:46
joeldotech: do you have nvidia-settings installed?21:46
smithey93joel: im installing dvd shrink now - hoping for the best lol21:46
fizkDoes anyone know what a "dummy package" is?21:46
Seven_Six_Twodotech, I do it with one. I have a 6800gtoc21:46
dotechjoel: nope21:46
joeldotech: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings21:47
alan_mum, not sure what language that is guys, can someone who knows point slam to the right place?21:47
joelthen in terminal type "nvidia-settings" and you'll be good to go21:47
fizk"linux-headers-686 - Upgrade dummy package. Can be removed"21:47
Seven_Six_Twodotech, yeah. joel's got it right. I use the restricted driver too21:47
Strang3loveI am having some problems with a dependency issue.  can anyone help?21:47
bluefoxx__what does "unregistered torrent pass" mean? its all my torrent downloader is saying21:47
unop_DrNoboto, what do you mean /usr is empty? how did it come to be like that?21:47
joelStrang: give us more details please, also try a little google work21:47
dotechSeven_Six_Two: ok, i'm installing the app joel suggested21:47
AdrianStraysI am trying to install ndiswrapper, can anyone help me?21:47
IndyGunFreakjoel: dotech actually if he wants to save any settings he does in nvidia settings, he''ll need to run gksudo nvidia-settings21:48
joelAdrian: what are you having problems with?21:48
Seven_Six_Twobluefoxx, it means the tracker is private, and you have to register on the tracker site to use it. That's not an Ubuntu question though21:48
AdrianStraysI get to this point in the installation: adrian@Alpha-60-Workstation:~/ndiswrapper-1.52$ make distclean21:48
AdrianStraysmake -C driver clean21:48
AdrianStraysmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/adrian/ndiswrapper-1.52/driver'21:48
AdrianStraysMakefile:35: *** Cannot find kernel version in /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-rt/build, is it configured?.  Stop.21:48
AdrianStraysmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/adrian/ndiswrapper-1.52/driver'21:48
FloodBot2AdrianStrays: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:48
DrNobotounop_: the reiserfs partition mounted at /usr got junked21:48
AdrianStraysmake: *** [clean] Error 221:48
GInAdrianStrays: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper21:48
alan_m!pastebin adrianStrays21:48
joelIndy: you're right, I actually did nvidia-settings for awhile but it wouldn't do what I wanted so I switched to manually altering xorg ;)21:48
alan_moops :/21:48
smithey93anybody, any idea how i can use effects? im useing a radion x1550 graphics card with restricted driver21:48
=== bluefoxx__ is now known as bluefoxx
Strang3lovejoel: after running sudo apt-get -f install, it says that there is a dpkg error processing a package.  it was trying to over write  `/usr/lib/evas/modules/engines/buffer/linux-gnu-i486/module.so', which is also in package libevas0-engine-buffer21:48
DrNobotounop_: reiserfsck did a great job of recovering the files but placed them all in directories with numerical names21:48
alan_m!pastebin | adrianstrays21:48
ubotuadrianstrays: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:48
Seven_Six_TwoIndyGunFreak, yes, good point. note that dotech21:48
GInAdrianStrays: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper21:48
IndyGunFreaki'll never understand what possesses people do that, weather they read the topic or not21:49
DrNobotounop_: as to how said corruption came to be in the first place, i have no idea21:49
alan_mIndyGunFreak, me either but hey im just a lonely local beginner team member :P21:49
DrNobotoi rebooted to a string of "command not found" s and got dumped to the console21:49
IndyGunFreakalan_m: lol..21:49
AdrianStraysThis is what I get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62365/21:49
cchild bcm4319/ndiswrapper has been working fine but all of a sudden it wont even detect wifi networks21:49
Mehali need help setting up dual screens between my laptop's monitor and a 22 inch lcd21:50
alan_mAdrianStrays, thanks for following the directions, much appreciated :D21:50
joelMehal: what kind of video card?21:50
Mehalintel 945gm21:50
=== pschorf is now known as pschorf2
AdrianStraysI tried installing through synaptic, but it refused to recognize my ubuntu installation disk21:50
joelI don't use intel video cards at all, sorry21:50
bluefoxxok, whats the point of having letters for keyboard shortcuts underlined if i cant use them? EG the shutdown menu 'reboot' has r underlined for hit r to reboot but it doesnt do anything21:50
alan_mMehal, i have the same exact card, maybe when they get you help....it might help me ;D21:50
IndyGunFreakAdrianStrays: you don't need an installation disk to install from synaptic.21:50
steven__I have tried everything I possibly can, I cannot get my "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller" to work with Edgy 6.10... it's perfect with Gutsy 7.10... any advice?21:50
AdrianStraysIt asked me for one21:51
smithey93how can i tell what program is useing my cd drive?21:51
AdrianStraysI said please insert yadada into /cdroom/21:51
IndyGunFreakAdrianStrays: open synaptic, and disable the "CD" from your repositories21:51
un0pDrNoboto, without the /usr properly in place a lot of the tools are simply going to fail .. if fsck couldnt fully recover the volume, the only thing to do is probably reinstall or restore from backup21:51
joelsmithey: are you having problems having it eject?21:51
=== steven__ is now known as NyCGuY
DrNobotoi don't like that21:51
dotechjoel: awesome, thanks!21:51
smithey93joel: yea the lights going crazy on it i dont have anything visibly open useing it21:52
NyCGuYI have tried everything I possibly can, I cannot get my "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller" to work with Edgy 6.10... it's perfect with Gutsy 7.10... any advice?21:52
joeldotech: no problem21:52
IndyGunFreakAdrianStrays: open synaptic, click Settings/Repositories, then at the bottom, uncheck CD, and make sure the boxes are all checked on the first tab.21:52
joelsmithey: I get that sometimes too and can never figure it out so I reboot (lazy way to fix it ;) )21:52
smithey93joel: nicely done (ctrl + alt + backspace tbh)21:52
joelyeah that's what I meant ;) reboot in linux usually just comes down to that ;)21:53
Strang3loveafter running sudo apt-get -f install, it says that there is a dpkg error processing a package.  it was trying to over write  `/usr/lib/evas/modules/engines/buffer/linux-gnu-i486/module.so', which is also in package libevas0-engine-buffer.  any ideas?21:53
joelstrang: sorry I have no idea what the issue is21:53
ryanzecjoel, it is still not working21:53
maarek_question:  any ZIP file I download turns into an AIR file when I click on it21:53
N3WFI3is there anyway to make the email client check for emails on startup?21:53
smithey93joel: sorted21:53
maarek_how do I unpackage a ZIP file?21:53
alan_mN3WFI3, which one are you using?21:54
joelryan: that is really strange, I just did this yesterday for my roomates girlfriend, what I did: first make sure that the command is in the line of compiz, add "compiz" to sessions and then "reboot" ;)21:54
IndyGunFreakmaarek_: just double clcik it, i think ark will handle it.21:54
smithey93maarek_: just right hand click and click extact archive or open it in file roller21:54
maarek_okay, thanks guys, I'll try that21:54
smithey93maarek_: go for it21:54
N3WFI3i'm using the one bundled with ubuntu21:55
danand__maarek_ - or type unzip file.zip in a terminal :)21:55
joelryan: if you pm me I can maybe remote connect to see it, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do that through irc though21:55
NyCGuYI have tried everything I possibly can, I cannot get my "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller" to work with Edgy 6.10... it's perfect with Gutsy 7.10... any advice?21:55
julio_netoGuys! My MP4 player have 1 GB of space. I cleaned it, but now it shows only 41 Mb of free space! Can you help me???21:55
smithey93joel: thanks, it appears 2 be working now21:55
joeljulio: you probably didn't actually get the files off of there at all, go to the actual mount point and see where the space is being used21:55
joelsure thing smithey21:55
smithey93julio_neto: enable hidden files in natalius (like computer) by going veiw, then hidden files, then delete a folder like .trash or something like that21:56
alan_mN3WFI3, yeah, i know of a few applets that can do that, is that what your looking for? or are you looking for an actual setting in evolution itself?21:56
ryanzecjoel you say make soure the command is in the line of compiz, how do i do that?21:56
AdrianStraysWhere are wireless drivers usually stored in Vista?21:56
julio_netosmithey93, good pointed! i'll see it21:56
N3WFI3well if evolution can do it by itself it would be cool21:56
N3WFI3i thought i read somewhere that it cant check at startup21:57
alan_mN3WFI3, let me see what I can dig out for you, i think its called mail-notifier simply in synaptic, not positive so ill brb dont go anywhere.21:57
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.21:57
julio_netojoel, i saw it... but it still show 41 Mb free21:57
edjuhp laptop.  wireless works - atheros chipset.  just that the led does not work.  google has not helped.  just on the off chance somebody here has solved this, any pointers?21:57
Enixhello all, trying to burn ubuntu 7 that is .iso via nero and i keep getting nero error 'Not a valid nero disc image file'  what is going on? trying to make a live cd (boot cd). TIA21:58
joeljulio: you saw where the space is being used, delete it, and if it's in .trash (which is a hidden folder) delete it from there to permanently delete it21:58
ExterisEnix, try imgburn, http://imgburn.com21:58
alx75775waaahhh how is this possible21:58
alx75775/media$ dir21:58
alx75775bekloppt  cdrom0  floppy0  cdrom cdrom121:58
alx75775/media$ cd /bekloppt21:58
alx75775bash: cd: /Eigenschaften: No such file or directory21:58
alx75775this makes no sense!!!!!!!!!!21:58
alan_mN3WFI3, its simply called evolution-plugins21:59
joelEnix: where did you get the iso from?21:59
Enixi did, got similar error, also tried magicISO and power ISO21:59
alan_mN3WFI3, just grab that and you will have it :D21:59
N3WFI3ok i will search it21:59
Exterisalx75775, perhaps without the /21:59
N3WFI3i just started using ubuntu today man its pretty sweet :)21:59
Enixtorrent, the one from official website was same, *.iso21:59
N3WFI3everything is better21:59
alx75775thx exteris21:59
ExterisEnix, try downloading the iso again, and verifyng it21:59
alx75775i am so dumb^21:59
joelyeah that would be my suggestions too22:00
NyCGuYI have tried everything I possibly can, I cannot get my "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller" to work with Edgy 6.10... it's perfect with Gutsy 7.10... any advice?22:00
alan_mn3wfI3, im glad you like it, ive been using it for close to 3 years now :)22:00
AdrianStraysWhere are the wireless drivers normally stored in vista?22:00
redtidequick question...how do you log in as root so i don't have to keep typing sudo for everything?22:00
danand__alx75775 - is /bekloppt a symlink to /Eigenschaften ?22:00
N3WFI3the text rendering is top notch22:00
Mehalis there anyone here that knows how to deal with intel graphics cards?22:00
N3WFI3and gui and programs do anything u need haha22:00
Enixhow would i verify, d-loading from officail mirror now, ultra-slow, expect same results22:00
smithey93joel: 10% encording allready and ive just started less then a min ago, it must love my duel core 6400+/4gig ram :)22:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gma - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:00
julio_netoI fixed it guys!22:01
joelEnix: how fast is your connection?22:01
julio_netotks all you!22:01
smithey93julio_neto: cool, was it the .trash folder?22:01
alan_m!root | redtide22:01
uboturedtide: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:01
Enixjoel: roughly 120k from mirror22:01
DrNobotothe truth22:01
joelsmithey: glad it's working out for you, sometimes dvd's can't be read by dvd shrink.....22:02
bulio|I'm currently running a Ubuntu Server with an 80GB main hard drive and a 120GB storage drive22:02
joelEnix: if you have cable connection you might want to try another torrent from torrent search or something like that, I can get up to 1.2 megs a second for Ubuntu Gutsy22:02
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.22:02
dotechjoel: since i have 3 monitors i have to make them separate X displays, correct?22:02
smithey93joel: i love dvd shrink, i forgot 2 try it on wine, i missed it when i moved from virus-os22:02
bulio|I want to reformat my 80GB drive, and partition it so Ubuntu gets 15GB, and the remainder is dedicated to storage22:02
julio_netosmithey93, no22:03
bulio|is it best to partition the 65GB left as /home?22:03
joeldotech: I'm not sure if twinview can do 3 monitors, I've never used 3 monitors before....too much for me22:03
bulio|or partition it completely separate, and mount the partition in fstab22:03
smithey93julio_neto: oh, what was it?22:03
dotechjoel: alright, i'll mess around with this, thanks22:03
bulio|also, how much space should a ubuntu server install have?22:03
bulio|I just want LAMP for home stuff, and GNUMP3D22:03
bulio|is 15GB too much, or enough?22:04
bubu1ukbulio| dependes if u need/want that much for home. both could be alright. dependes on your needs22:04
GInbulio|: 15 is more than enough22:04
bubu1ukbulio| yes, it is enough.22:04
bulio|GIn: could I go down to 10?22:04
Qu3n71Nhi all22:04
GInbulio|: yes22:04
bulio|and is /home a good idea, or make a storage partition?22:04
alan_mhello Qu3n71N22:04
bubu1ukbulio| 7 would be ok.22:04
simplexiobulio|: depends alot what you plan to do22:04
Qu3n71Niam here for first time22:05
bulio|simplexio: well, all the server acts as is a NAS22:05
bubu1ukbulio| /home or storage. it dependes on your needs. both are ok.22:05
GInbulio|: if it is fr a LAMP server, I would make a partition for /var instead22:05
bulio|bubu1uk: if Ubuntu crashes or something, will my /home be recoverable?22:05
NyCGuYI have tried everything I possibly can, I cannot get my "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller" to work with Edgy 6.10... it's perfect with Gutsy 7.10... any advice?22:05
simplexiobulio|: minimal server with only needed stuff easily lives in 15G22:05
alan_mQu3n71N, what can we help you with today?22:05
GInbulio|: but a /home will do too.22:05
larsx2i have only one question about Load cycle count on gutsy anyone can help?22:05
bulio|I guess 10GB for Ubuntu Server, and 70GB for /home22:06
bulio|then put all my storage in there22:06
bulio|as long as I can recover the data if ubuntu crashes22:06
simplexiobulio|: thats good idea22:06
N3WFI3i dont think the plugin checks at startup22:06
bulio|but /home can be recovered just as easily as a separate storage partition?22:06
simplexiobulio|: just remeber that gloval /tmp isnt mentioned for big tmp data :) like i did22:06
bulio|mounted under /mnt/storage say?22:06
alan_mn3wfI3, sorry...i thought it did.22:07
kenan__hi guys, how can I shorten the margin between the edge of my screen and my aligned icons. When i try to move it closer it doesnt let me unless I uncheck "Keep Aligned".22:07
iGamaHy ya all22:07
bulio|simplexio: /tmp /var and such will live in the 10GB / partition22:07
N3WFI3its ok i'm just lazy and dont want to press the check email button22:07
simplexiobulio|: apache/postgresql/mysql etc programs default to /var/22:07
Strang3lovei am having some dependency issues can someone help?  http://pastebin.com/d7910003422:08
bubu1ukbulio| if / partition is separate then /home then you can recover easily.22:08
simplexiobulio|: so if you dont plan to use big databses or big www-pages then 10G for / is enougth22:08
bulio|simplexio: perfect, thanks22:08
simplexiobulio|: and if you notice that /var or another directory starts to eat too much space, its just adding one hd more and moving dir to it and mounting it on /whatever22:09
larsx2i have only one question about Load cycle count on gutsy anyone can help?22:09
alan_mN3WFI3, it should have been when you first set up evolution, i just found that setting, its deep within the preferences :D22:09
bulio|simplexio: is that likely to happen? Because i don't want to partition 10GB, have lots of data on the other 70GB, then have to lose stuff22:10
N3WFI3really? lol22:10
N3WFI3i will have a look22:10
alan_mn3wfI3, yup :)22:10
simplexiobulio|: ?22:10
bulio|<simplexio> bulio|: and if you notice that /var or another directory starts to eat too much space, its just adding one hd more and moving dir to it and mounting it on /whatever22:10
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
Strang3lovehttp://pastebin.com/d79100034  having dependency issue, can anyone help22:11
N3WFI3i know there is an option to check every few minutes but i don't see the startup :/22:11
simplexiobulio|: "you are planning now do two partiotion, one / and one /home, if in future you see that /var need more space its just adding more hard disks22:11
HorizonXPhow do I create an ad-hoc wireless network, so my gf can connect her WinXP laptop to the internet through mine22:12
vinooi've been having  a problem with intel graphic controller and widescreen, can anybody help me? already tried 915resolution but it didn't work22:12
alx75775pleeease help me: i cannot open fstab as root!! this should be really easy, but there are errors anyway! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62367/22:12
Qu3n71Nalan_m: thank u 4 your guess. i just hanging around22:13
phoenix5002can someone please help me install open source ATI drivers?22:13
Exterisalx75775, it's /etc/fstab, not /etx/fstab22:13
gregcha117i have no sound although alsa appears to be working fine what can i do to get my sound back?22:13
alx75775oh no22:13
alx75775thanks exteris, im making really stupid mistakes o022:14
ries_hi i'm a newby and please tell me where to go for simple simple help22:14
joelries: help with what kind of stuff?22:14
joellinuxforums.org/forum is a good place to start22:14
simplexiobulio|: in windows if you get C: drive full, you need bigger C: drive or you need delete stuff, in linux if let says /home is full, you can just add hard disk, and mount it to, lets say /home/bulio/, because his files takes 90% of old home capasity22:15
ries_i have ubunta22:15
simplexiobulio|: understand what im saying22:15
joelries: go to linuxforums and search for whatever you want, there are a lot of how to's and good help there22:15
smithey93i was thinking more ubuntuforums.com22:15
larsx2smartctl says my Load_Cycle Count is increasing like 1000 values per day , i have laptop mode off, that means my hdd is dying?22:15
smithey93rites: ubuntuforums.org, a good place 2 start22:15
Qu3n71Nusing anybody HP Insight Manager on Ubuntu Server 6.10?22:15
ries_problem has to do with knowing if my computer has all it takes to run skype22:15
Strang3lovehttp://pastebin.com/d79100034  can anyone help with a dependency issue?22:15
alteregoai got a question22:16
alteregoahow can i enlage it?22:16
joelries: just do sudo apt-get intsasll skype22:16
phoenix5002I am having trouble following this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver22:16
phoenix5002under the section that says "Removing the proprietary fglrx driver"22:16
NyCGuYI am trying to apply a patch to the 915Resolution package, and am having trouble compiling the files afterwards. I have a feeling that I don't know how to compile this ;-)... Are there common libriares I need to get?22:16
joelsudo apt-get install skype22:16
iGamaries_, if you have a mic, just install skype22:16
ries_as a newbie / y there is no such thing as just22:16
gregcha117how can i get my sound back ?22:16
joelgo to terminal and type sudo apt-get install skype22:16
alteregoahow can i enlarge the swap partition?22:16
iGamaries_, install skype and test it22:16
blue-froglarsx2: what's the value of load cycle?22:16
joelgparted can be used to make it bigger (swap)22:17
iGamathere is no better way of knowing22:17
ries_u should have told me "go to applications, etc"22:17
iGamaIf you go to Skype.com, download the debian file22:17
iGamathe .DEB22:17
iGamaand run it22:17
larsx2thnx 4 response22:17
smithey93wouldnt it be better for them to learn how to apt-get install programs?22:17
joelries: should get used to apt-get and synaptic, it's where Ubuntu beats a lot of other open source packages22:17
charles|64is there a volume and track control screenlet for amarok?22:17
iGamaskype is not in the official repositories22:18
iGamaso there is no point for that in this case22:18
slipttees01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV6 [Vanta/Vanta LT] (rev 15) have support for 3D acelerate ?22:18
edugonchHello, If I install the beta realize of ubuntu 8.04 I can latter update to the stable version_22:18
smithey93iGama: oh, sh!t i thought it was, my bad22:18
Survivormanedugonch, yes22:18
joelbut adding a repo is pretty easy22:18
Eroickare there any good RTS games for linux/ubuntu?22:18
edugonchCool... thanks22:19
iGama2º New users should learn to use the graphical interface first, to understand the concepts, and then evolve to terminal mode :p22:19
iGamathats my ideias :)22:19
joeland also is something that every Ubuntu user should know how to od22:19
Strang3lovei am having a dependency issue, can anyone help?  http://pastebin.com/d7910003422:19
HorizonXPhow do I create an ad-hoc wireless network, so my gf can connect her WinXP laptop to the internet through mine22:19
vikramWhat is the latest version of Ubuntu?22:19
Odd-rationalevikram: 7.1022:19
iGamaStrang3love,  do this : sudo aptitude -f install22:19
joellatest stable is 7.1022:19
Ax-Axi have a annoying problem.. my computer runs ntp automaticly but it doesn't help22:19
vikramOk thanks22:19
joel8.04 is in beta and will be released in 3 weeks22:19
iGamasudo aptitude install -f22:19
smithey93vikram: 7.10 gusty, but 8.04 will be releast soon it22:19
iGamait will give you a solution to resolve that22:20
smithey93what joel said :)22:20
phoenix5002I'm trying to install the open source ATI driver, and a tutorial says to check the vendor with "glxinfo | grep vendor" and if it says ATI your good, if it says SGI (which is what mine says) then it means that when I installed "fglrx" it overwrote my libGL.so file, but the tutorial does NOT mention what to do if this is the case, it just goes on assuming that you saw "ATI" for the vendor.  How can I get my original libGL.so file back?22:20
blue-froglarsx2: so?22:20
Ax-Axif i kill ntp and start it again, the time becomes correct22:20
alsadkhow can i upgrade to gnome 2.22?22:20
Qu3n71Nusing anybody HP Insight Manager on Ubuntu Server 6.10?22:20
Odd-rationalealsadk: wait for hardy ;)22:20
iGamaphoenix24, reinstall the xserver-xorg-ati package22:20
redwhitewaldo i plugged in camera to usb, powered on camera, but no icon on desktop. when i do the same with my iPod, it works. lsusb indicates recognition of camera22:21
iGamai think thats the right name, but check in synaptic22:21
phoenix5002iGama: I tried that, marked it for reinstallation and clicked apply22:21
smithey93i want a dock for my ubuntu, any1 any idea which 1 to use?22:21
iGamasmithey93, AWN22:21
alsadk <Odd-rationale> so i can't upgrade right now ?22:21
iGamaget it in getdeb.net22:21
Strang3loveiGama: the info in the paste bin is the output from apt-get -f install22:21
smithey93iGama: sudo apt-get install advent-window-navigator ?22:22
iGamaStrang3love, use aptitude22:22
bubu1ukredwhitewaldo: is camera setup to work as usb drive? otherwise check if it works with some pics program as PTP.22:22
SurvivormanHorizonXP, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc22:22
iGamait works diffently that apt-get22:22
phoenix5002iGama: I switched to Hardy Heron... but I'm sure thats not causing the problem because I had open source drivers working in Hardy, and then I changed to fglrx and now I'm having a problem getting back to the open source drivers.22:22
alteregoanew kernel of hardy is bugy22:22
iGamasmithey93, nopes, not in repositórios22:22
redwhitewaldobubu1uk: i don't know. how do i figure out answer to your question?22:22
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:22
smithey93do i have to build for source or is the a deb package?22:22
CShadowRunhaha, sweet22:22
CShadowRunthe new version is released on my birthday22:22
Odd-rationalealsadk: I suppose you could...22:22
CShadowRun1x sweet birthday present, lol22:22
jjnullsomeone is expert on wubi?22:22
alsadk<Odd-rationale> how?22:22
iGamaphoenix5002, sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri22:22
smithey93CShadowRun: haha, nice 122:23
joelsmithey: you looking at installing awn?22:23
phoenix5002iGama: I tried that too22:23
N3WFI3how do i allow email pictures in evolution?22:23
jjnullI have found that wubi uses the option root=uuid=.........22:23
iGamasmithey93, go to getdeb.net22:23
Odd-rationalealsadk: idk. i'm kde user...22:23
N3WFI3seems like they blocked by default22:23
smithey93joel: yea, i loves docks22:23
ries_joel if I say please explain this like im a 2yold that is exactly what I mean. I did not know I had to go to applications first of all22:23
iGamaand download the .deb22:23
smithey93ah getdeb, just a dec22:23
alsadk<Odd-rationale> thx22:23
GInit would be nice if gnome can notify me when my / is 99% full instead of 100%. :(22:23
joelyou can do it through repos22:23
redwhitewaldohow can i figure out whether my camera is set up to work as USB drive?22:23
alsadkhow can i upgrade to gnome 2.22?22:23
jjnullbut what is that uuid?22:23
phoenix5002iGama: is there a way I can just directly reinstall the libGL.so file or package?22:23
joelit's pretty nice, I've used it for awhile22:23
CShadowRunI just installed pulseaudio according to this tutorial, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio and when i try to use wine it says it doesn't have access to a bunch of pulse files, and the audio doesn't work.22:23
joelit's the identifier for the individual partition22:23
CShadowRunanyone got any ideas how i would fix that?22:23
gregcha117my sound is broken can someone please help me ive been coming here for weeks and no ones helped me out22:23
Strang3loveiGama: output of aptitude install -f22:23
smithey93joel: i think ive tried it once, will you guys help me set it up, because i couldnt get it working once before22:24
iGamaStrang3love, didnt it give you a solution?22:24
smithey93joel: sudo apt-get install WHAT? lol22:25
Strang3loveit did i accepted it and it failed22:25
iGamasmithey93, download the .deb of AWN22:25
joelsudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator22:25
joelsmithey: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38598122:26
smithey93iGama: joels right, u can get it in repos22:26
iGamai know22:26
phoenix5002what package contains the "libGL.so" file?22:26
smithey93beryl vs compiz22:26
iGamaphoenix5002, libgl1-mesa22:26
CShadowRunsmithey93 compiz :p22:26
jjnullsomeone can help me?22:26
iGamaberyl is dead22:26
=== ph8|away is now known as ph8
smithey93how do i go about installings it?22:27
ethan961no, beryl is now compiz-fusion22:27
CShadowRunsmithey93 compiz fusion IS beryl, they combined into one thing.22:27
iGamacompiz is already installed in Ubuntu Gutsy22:27
smithey93how do i install/enable it?22:27
redwhitewaldobubu1uk: you there?22:27
iGamaSystem - Preferences - Aperance - Effects22:27
iGama( sorry my bad english lol )22:27
Strang3loveiGama: any ideas about the dependency issue?22:27
smithey93normal or extra?22:28
joelsmithey: just run avant-window-navigator from terminal22:28
joeland you can add it also in sessions22:28
N3WFI3will utorrent ever come to linux?22:28
iGamawhat ever you what22:28
smithey93utorrent runs in wine22:28
iGamaN3WFI3, no22:28
iGamabut it runs on wine22:28
bubu1ukredwhitewaldo: yes, sorry, not watching channel much.22:28
iGamai use deluge22:28
N3WFI3i dont have wine :p22:28
joelsmithey for compiz get compizconfig-settings-manager22:28
iGamaexacly, what joel said :)22:28
mariobrohow do I create a separate partition for / and /home in ubuntu 7.10?22:28
redwhitewaldobubu1uk: question: how can i figure out whether my camera is set up to work as USB drive?22:28
smithey93THE COMPOSITE EXTENSION IS NOT AVAILBLE? what does that mean?22:28
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic22:29
ethan961Transmission FTW22:29
iGamasmithey93, whats your graphic card?22:29
smithey93ati :(22:29
iGamawhat ati22:29
bubu1ukredwhitewaldo: can you check in camera's settings? my old hp had that setting there22:29
smithey93radion x155022:29
smithey93no wait22:29
mariobrohow do you check graphics card?22:29
redwhitewaldobubu1uk: you mean on my camera itself?22:29
Lokii-hardy still beta ????22:29
smithey93its asus, with a ati chitset22:29
ries_joel i did what u suggested and now get that skype is ready. having trouble with password22:29
redwhitewaldoLokii-: yes22:29
phoenix5002iGama: I reinstalled the libgl1-mesa packages and it didn't work.  Still says vendor is SGI.22:29
redwhitewaldountil end of month22:29
iGamainstall the latest drivers with Envy22:29
joelries: what problem?22:29
ethan961Hardy still beta.22:29
bubu1ukredwhitewaldo: what type of camera you have? and yes, on camera, not pc22:29
smithey93iGama, what did u say 2 do?22:29
redwhitewaldoi have a canon powershot a6022:30
snowolftoh another wolf :)22:30
phoenix5002iGama: my card isn't supported by Envy22:30
iGamais to smithey93 :)22:30
whitewolfhello snowolf22:30
redwhitewaldobubu1uk: canon powershot a60 ... is rather old.22:30
smithey93iGama: what do i do to make it work? is it possible22:30
SpudDoggunocrash:  did you plug it in in?22:30
iGamasmithey93, Download Envy22:30
unocrashHOW U THINK IM TYPING?22:30
iGamait will install the latest ATI driver22:30
charles|64ok question, I have thunderbird installed and configured and when i click a mailto in firefox it automatically wants to open evolution. how do i change this to open composer for thunderbird?22:30
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:30
SpudDoggunocrash:  speech-to-text?  seriously though, check out your keymap settings22:31
smithey93iGama: where from?22:31
iGamacharles__, System - Preferences - Prefered Applications22:31
Survivormancharles__, system > preferences > preferred applications22:31
SpudDoggunocrash:  sounds like it could be a hardware issue22:31
iGamachoose thunderbird there22:31
iGamasmithey93, http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/nvidia/scripts/legacy/envy_0.9.10-0ubuntu10_all.deb22:31
smithey93iGama: ty downloading it now22:31
unocrashthe caps lock on makes its so lowercase comes22:31
ethan961thunderbird ftw22:31
iGamagood :)22:32
iGamainstall it22:32
unocrashi'll re-plug it22:32
iGamaand run it22:32
MasterMelneed help.. i cant change my resolution and now i am stuuck to 640x.. resolution.. anybody knows how to fix this? i am running the normal vesa drivers22:32
joel_does anyone have a startup script to fix a floating cursor due to a trackpoint error22:32
iGamait will install the latest driver22:32
iGamaand let it configure your xorg22:32
smithey93iGama: Installing ,, :)22:32
joellol another joel.....now I have to change my name dangit22:32
iGamacharles|64, , System - Preferences - Prefered Applications22:32
mariobroWhen I try to enable extra effects, it says "Desktop effects could not be enabled"  How can I enable them?22:32
bubu1ukredwhitewaldo: my canon works in PTP mode. try open f-spot and if that can recognize it.22:32
unocrashoh well22:33
Stefan57Hi Guys!Using Webmin I'm having problem to setup my DNS server. After I created a Master Zone, I'm trying to create a Slave Zone, but it complain Zone already exists?22:33
iGamamariobro, what is your graphic card?22:33
mariobrohow do i tell22:33
ethan961mariobro: have desktop effects worked for you before?22:33
charles|64iGama: thanks i found it right before you posted but your right]22:33
iGamadont you know what you have?22:33
iGamamariobro, open a terminal22:33
levanderI need to make a bootable CD with this ISO I have.  Is it just a matter of the ISO image being bootable, or do I need the CD burning software to make it bootable?22:33
iGamaand type : lspci | grep VGA22:33
unocrashoh well22:34
MasterMelneed help.. i cant change my resolution and now i am stuuck to 640x.. resolution.. anybody knows how to fix this? i am running the normal vesa drivers22:34
=== joel is now known as joel_getoffmynam
smithey93im getting a new graphics card soon, like all i do is play CoD4 and open arena, what you guys recomend?22:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spci - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:34
iGamamariobro,  and type : lspci | grep VGA22:34
joel_getoffmynamsmithey: how's it coming along?22:34
iGamait will say whats your vga22:34
Survivorman!iso | levander22:34
ethan961smithey93: anything nVIDIA22:34
ubotulevander: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:34
mariobroit printed22:34
smithey93joel: coming on nicely, just installing22:34
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:34
redwhitewaldobubu1uk: i don't think my canon powershot a60 has a "usb drive" option in the camera's settings.22:35
iGamasmithey93, let is change your xorg22:35
joel_getoffmynamyou can also check out awn curves: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57201922:35
smithey93ethan961: hmm 8800gt ive been told, how much they go for22:35
iGamamariobro, what did it say?22:35
smithey93iGama, all it done was install22:35
levanderSurvivorman: That info has nothing about bootable CD's.22:35
ethan961smithey93: a bit, lemme check22:35
smithey93and it said22:35
iGamasmithey93, now run it :p22:35
unocrashwhats a good Sypke like applcation22:35
Survivormanlevander, you can burn an image in gnomebaker, brasero or k3b22:35
smithey93iGama, how?22:35
unocrashskype like /correction22:35
iGamaApplications - System Tools - Envy22:35
ethan961unocrash:  gizmo22:35
smithey93run avn?22:35
mariobro01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS485 [Radeon Xpress 1100 IGP]22:35
mariobro01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS485 [Radeon Xpress 1100 IGP]22:35
mariobro.1:05.0 VGA compatible controller:  ATI Technologies Ine RS485 [Radeon Xpress 1100 IGP]  is that enough?22:35
FloodBot2mariobro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:35
ries_joel: i try to call sb and it says Problem with sound device22:35
smithey93how do i run envy?22:36
iGamaApplications - System Tools - Envy22:36
bubu1ukredwhitewaldo: yes, i don't think either, i think canon cameras work only in PTP mode. therefore you won't see it as usb drive on your desktop. but it should pop up with "what you wanna do" if you connect.22:36
joel_what file extension do i have to have and where do i put a startup script22:36
ethan961mariobro:  one line was enough22:36
smithey93doing it now22:36
mariobrolol  sorry22:36
MasterMelanyone ?22:36
ethan961its ok22:36
iGamamariobro, go to this website and download Envy, it will install the ATI driver for you : http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html22:36
levanderSurvivorman: I'm asking about the details of making a bootable CD.  Please re-read qusestion.22:36
redwhitewaldobubu1uk: what do you mean by  "what you wanna do"22:36
unocrashFirefox 3 Beta 5 is out now. Mine just changed from 4 to 522:36
iGamaafter envy is installed, run it: Applications - System Tools - Envy22:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about c# - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:37
mariobrothank you22:37
charles|64MasterMel: whas the ?22:37
iGamareboot your machine, and you should have effects22:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about c++ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:37
smithey93its downloading a new driver :D22:37
Survivormanif you have an iso, burn it as an iso image and it will be bootable22:37
ethan961smithey93: they go for around $22022:37
LjL!botabuse | unocrash22:37
ubotuunocrash: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.22:37
MasterMelanyone know how to get more resolution option? i am stuck to 640x400!!22:37
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:37
smithey93ethan961: thanks, so thats about £110 in my money22:37
bubu1ukredwhitewaldo: basicaly will ask you what you want to do, if download pics etc. similar to windows popup windows if you wanna play/download, open folder etc..22:37
Stefan57Hi Guys!Using Webmin I'm having problem to setup my DNS server. After I created a Master Zone, I'm trying to create a Slave Zone, but it complain Zone already exists?22:38
MasterMelcharles|64 sorry for that for i cannot read  the whole screen as i am stuck to this resolution22:38
unocrashis there a Mac OSX Simulator (Like WIne only runs mac programs)22:38
ethan961unocrash: why?22:38
iGamaunocrash, not that i know of22:38
unocrashi want one22:38
ethan961no need imo22:38
bubu1ukredwhitewaldo: if you plug camera in, type dmesg in command line, if you get any output bout camera22:38
unocrashyes need imo22:38
MasterMelcharles|64 : do you have a solution for this?22:39
iGamaethan961, he must be asking because of the .dmg files22:39
=== joel_getoffmynam is now known as joel
bubu1ukredwhitewaldo: goin away for a bit.22:39
smithey93still wgetting data :(22:39
iGamatheres no way of opening macs .dmg files in linux22:39
joelI hate when people take my name and just add an _...they should ban that22:39
xfai got problems with my fu****g audiosettings...22:40
smithey93is xchat the best app for irc in ubuntu?22:40
xfai can't control the headphones output and the speakers separatly22:40
ethan961smithey93: no, IRSSI22:40
Odd-rationale!best | smithey9322:40
ubotusmithey93: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:40
unocrashsmithey93: Pidgin imo22:41
ethan961IRSSI IMO.22:41
MasterMelhow to get more resolution options in my vesa drivers list?22:41
unocrashor gaim22:41
smithey93hmm xchat seems pritty easy, but somewhat annoying22:41
iGamaMasterMel, well, in the xorg.conf, did you change it there?22:41
smithey93pidgin = gaim :)22:41
ries_skype and I are still no friends as I am told that my sound decive is missing, where and how could I install it and is it a simple operation?22:41
iGamaflavio_, boas22:42
unocrashPidgin (once Gaim) is the best.22:42
joelries: do you have sound in general? like can you play a cd or something like that and hear it?22:42
ethan961ries_: if you use alsa, is skype set to use alsa?22:42
mariobrohow do I update?  I've installed ubuntu while not connected to the internet, and it's not installed anything yet?22:42
unocrashdont do !best on me22:42
Ax-Axmy comp starts a ntp socket thing on boot but it doesn't make anything better.. if i kill it and run ntpdate, it corrects the time. how can i find and change that thing?22:42
flavio_I have a problem. While putting the cursor on a mp3 file , the filebrowser freezes for a while. and I cant run mp3 files in file browser, whats the problem?22:42
ries_sometimes i can, sometimes not but there must be something22:42
MasterMeliGama: i did run the xorg configurator but it keeps coming up in the lower graphic resolution. is there an other way to fix this?22:42
smithey93i only use pidgin for like jabber/yahoo/m$n etc22:42
redwhitewaldobubu1uk: no i don't get that "what would you want to do" window.22:42
ethan961mariobro: sudo apt-get upgrade in the terminal22:42
unocrashthank you22:42
joelyou are being a bit too broad for us to help much22:42
smithey93brb restarting.... lol22:42
AHemlocksLieAnyone here have any experience and/or knowledge trying to get World of Warcraft to work through Wine? I've been trying for days with no luck. It keeps making my computer freeze.22:43
Armadilliodoes anyone else have crashing issues when they try to upgrade?22:43
iGamamariobro, or graphicly in System - Administration - Update manager22:43
redwhitewaldoyikes, dmesg has a lot to say. isn't there a way to "filter" messages for only about camera?22:43
Eisenhowerhey i need help. everytime itry to enable the restricted nvidia driver i get " the software source for the package nvidia-glx-new is not enabled22:43
Eisenhowerhow do i enable it?22:43
ethan961mariobro: do that AFTER sudo apt-get update22:43
iGamado you have the latest Wine? Didi you see wine's page on that matter?22:44
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:44
unocrashMy friend thinks ubuntu sucks, but it rules, though how do I get Wine?22:44
unocrashThats we he doesn'tlike it22:44
ethan961unocrash: sudo apt-get install wine22:44
joelsudo apt-get wine22:44
joelsudo apt-get install wine**22:44
unocrashhe doesn't knwo wine can can run windows22:44
yuri_hi, I'm looking for a desktop weather icon that is works like the one in the panel applets but gives mea  5 day forecast and P.O.P.22:44
ethan961wine cannot run windows22:44
AHemlocksLieiGama yeah, I've been hunting the internet for quite a while. I've tried everything I could find, and it's upped my time between crashes, but it hasn't actually fixed it.22:44
iGamaget the lattest wine and repositories from http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb22:44
ethan961virtualisation technologies can run windows22:45
Eisenhowercan anyone help me Out? bump*22:45
Ax-Axanyone? my comp starts a ntp socket thing on boot but it doesn't make anything better.. if i kill it and run ntpdate, it corrects the time. how can i find and change that thing?22:45
iGamaAHemlocksLie, http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=192222:45
flavio_I have a problem. While putting the cursor on a mp3 file , the filebrowser freezes for a while. and I cant run mp3 files in file browser, whats the problem?22:45
unocrashwill Office 2007 run on it?22:45
ethan961!repeat | Eisenhower22:45
ubotuEisenhower: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:45
joeljust get open office22:45
iGamaEisenhower, do this :22:45
jk2I'm a KDE guy trying out ubuntu for the first time on my laptop...  how can I disable this scrollkeeper crap that eats all my CPU?22:45
smithey93chears so much guys!! effects finally work22:45
unocrashI have openoffice.org22:45
iGamaEisenhower, do this : System - Administration - Software Sources - and activate the Sources repositories22:45
johI've set FIREFOX_DSP="alsa" in /etc/firefox/firefoxrc, but when I try to play some flash movie I get the following: ALSA lib ../../../src/pcm/pcm.c:2106:(snd_pcm_open_conf) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_jack.so. I'm in 64bit, so I assume this is because flash-nonfree is emulated in 32-bit?22:45
unocrashjoh: Use Patebin22:46
joelyeah, then why use MS Office....it's slow, bulky and....not good22:46
katmannssonOK its me jPratt, I am Currently windows side But when im on Ubuntu i cant Connect to my wireless network22:46
smithey93whats the manager called for compiz-fusion?22:46
bubu1ukredwgutewaldo: do you get any output in dmesg?22:46
mariobrowhen I try to open the deb for Envy, it reads "Error:  Dependency is not satisfiable: debhelper"  What does this mean?22:46
johunocrash: Why? It's only one line..?22:46
unocrashit's cool in imo22:46
redwhitewaldobubu1uk: you back yet? i did dmesg, but don't know if i found camera22:46
AHemlocksLieiGama O: holy crap, there's a new bug report that might actually be the source of my problem. Awesome, thanks!22:46
katmannssonJoel, Onenote 07 is amazing22:46
dellthere is a similar chat here but in spanish??22:46
unocrashin a way, but its very long22:46
iGamamariobro, it means it need to install something extra for it to work22:46
iGamalet it install it22:46
mariobrolike what?22:46
joelonenote has it's perks but it's still MS and isn't that great, there are other ways to do similar things22:47
bubu1ukredwhitewaldo: it should tell you bout new usb being attached to pc. is cable ok?22:47
unocrashjust use pastebin, becayuse the channel doesnt get cluttered with a long error.22:47
MasterMeliGama: i did run the xorg configurator but it keeps coming up in the lower graphic resolution. is there an other way to fix this?22:47
ethan961smithey93: "compiz" in the terminal22:47
dellof ubuntu22:47
unocrash!pastebin > joh22:47
iGamamariobro, when you install the deb file, acceept the installation22:47
della ubuntu chat but in spanish22:47
MeatGrinderAnyone know of a GUI based zip utility?22:47
iGamait will install the dependencies it needs22:47
Ax-Axbump, my comp starts a ntp socket thing on boot but it doesn't make anything better.. if i kill it and run ntpdate, it corrects the time. how can i find and change that thing?22:47
iGamadell #ubuntu-es22:47
EisenhoweriGama: i'm ther but dont' see source respositories22:47
unocrash!#ubuntu-es | dell22:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-es - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:48
smithey93is it not emerald or sumin?22:48
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:48
joelit's not emerald22:48
redwhitewaldobubu1uk: cable itself is ok. indeed, lsusb indicates recognition of camera22:48
iGamaEisenhower, Source Code22:48
unocrash!es >dell22:48
lerrakeaalguna chca???22:48
joelyou can run emerald with it through by adding a line in the preferences22:48
dotechjoel: 3 monitors are set up now :), 1680x1050, 1050x1680, 1680x1050.  Sweet!22:48
ompaulAx-Ax, do this sudo ntpdate -u pool.ntp.org and if that works then you just need to do the gui trick which I will show you in a moment - if that works22:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about scrollkeeper - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:48
MeatGrinderAnyone know of a GUI based zip utility? I'd like to be able to right click on a file in Nautilus and have a zip option in the context menu which pops up.22:48
smithey93joel: explain22:48
bubu1ukredwhitewaldo: have you tried to do it thru f-spot if you can download pics?22:49
iGamaMasterMel, what is your graphic card?22:49
ethan961MeatGrinder: file-roller22:49
Eisenhowerigama: i love you. Thanks so much for the help22:49
iGamaMasterMel, change manually xorg.conf and add the Resolution you want22:49
iGamaEisenhower, *22:49
Ax-Axompaul: it setted the time22:49
iGamajust helping the community22:49
joelif you go to system, preferences, advanced desktop settings, go to window decoration, in command type "replace --emerald" I believe22:49
MeatGrinderethan961, thanks i'll take a look on synaptic for it22:49
joelthen it will run emerald with compiz22:49
tyler-_hey guys, is there a way to adjust system volume in ubuntu?  The volume when I had windows on this laptop was much higher than it is on Ubuntu22:50
ethan961MeatGrinder:  it should be installed by deafult in ubuntu22:50
joeltyler: download alsamixergui and it will give you more control over volume22:50
MasterMeliGama: could you please explain what kind of command i need to type in terminal to do that?22:50
iGamait is22:50
tyler-_joel: thankee22:50
iGamaMasterMel, ok22:50
MeatGrinderethan961, ok i see it is there, guess I just don't know how to use it :)22:50
iGamado this : gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:50
joelthe command is /usr/bin/emerald --replace22:51
iGamait will open the config file. Role down and you will see the resolution list with "640xdontknowwhat"22:51
sluimersI cannot get my wireless USB to get to work22:51
iGamajust add before "1024x768" , save, reboot22:51
sluimersI mean my USB netwrok adapter22:51
MeatGrinderethan961, does file-roller work in terminal only?22:51
iGamasluimers, check wiki.ubuntu.com22:52
iGamaMeatGrinder, nopes, its graphical22:52
Armadillioanybody else having problems with updating on 8.04 either through a wireless connection or a ethernet connection?22:52
ompaulAx-Ax, so go to the top right hand corner of the screen and right click on  the clock choose "adjust date and time" make sure you choose your time zone choose choose to keep it in sync with internet servers then add pool.ntp.org to the list - if you can't get to one you will get to another beats if your local one looses its internet connection22:52
jk2meh scrollkeeper is shit...  I just commented it the stupid cron.monthly entry...  quite frustrating they could have at least niced the bloody thing not to use all the cpu22:52
iGamaIt's the app that opens up when you open a .zip22:52
iGamaor tar.gz22:52
zero88when using fluxbox. whats the command to use the gnome network montiro22:53
iGamaif you what to open rar with it, you need to install the package "rar"22:53
MeatGrinderiGama, ah, it's called archive manager, I see. yeah i'm just trying to right click on file in Nautilus and compress like I can in windows..22:53
smithey93is there some sort of a graphical manager for compiz where u tick the boxs for the effects?22:53
MeatGrindersmithey93, I think Emerald will allow you to do that22:53
iGamasmithey93, joel already told you that22:53
joelsmithey: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager22:53
smithey93thanks sorry, i had xchat minimised22:54
iGamaMeatGrinder, that is a diffente thing22:54
hpi have a folder that marked read-only22:54
sluimersigama, thanks but then what? I can find the wireless router with USB adapter, but it just won't connect22:54
hphow do i modify that folder?22:54
MeatGrindersmithey93, or try searching from synaptic if you like :)22:54
admin_anyone know of one of those like, 3D landscaping open source programs?22:54
MeatGrinderiGama, any ideas?22:54
ethan961MeatGrinder: file-roller is GUI, it is the default "archive manager"22:54
iGamaMeatGrinder, Right click on the folder and choose "Create Archive"22:54
MeatGrinderiGama, ill give that a try now thx22:55
joelsmithey: after you install that it will be in system, preferences, advanced desktop settings22:55
MeatGrinderiGama, god I'm a moron22:55
MeatGrinderiGama, found it finally thx to you!22:55
iGamabem, vou domir...22:56
MeatGrinderiGama, don't know how I missed that...thanks to you and ethan96122:56
Ax-Axompaul: ok22:56
XB23hey guys, Tasks: 237 total, 1 running22:56
brainiac8008hey guys how can the ubuntu livecd (specifically 7.10) allow you to install programs and configure files without writing anything to disk?22:56
iGamaups.. Well, im going to sleep22:56
XB23whats the 1 running mean?22:56
iGamabrainiac8008, its all in memory22:56
joelbrainiac: it's only in RAM, can't do anything but that22:56
iGamagood night all22:57
pznHi! I have a partition hda3 that is FAT32, and it is automatically mounted by gutsy. how to configure it not to mount hda3?22:57
brainiac8008joel, i know but other distros can't do that.  is there something special that ubuntu has to do that?22:57
joelit's just the live aspect, you can do it with knoppix also22:57
flavio_how can I remove all panels from dekstop (gnome)22:57
ries_come on Joel now it is suddenly my fault - how can I know what skype means with 'Sound device missing and by the way it keeps telling me the logging in failed - is there a separate chat space for skype-related problems perhaps?22:58
joelpzn: sudo gedit /etc/fstab, look for your partition, edit the second thing in the row (probably like /media/hda3) to mount wherever you want it to mount22:58
brainiac8008joel, so why do i have around 800 or 850 mb of ram while running the livecd if i really have 2 gb?22:58
joelries: if you are going to get rude I really don't have much else to offer, sorry22:58
commonglassquestion: is there a live CD/DVD that supports wifi (w/ lots of drivers), movie watching (w/ lots of codecs), and mIRC?22:58
Flottowhat can i do if my dhclient dont want to work after recovering a backup?22:59
joelbrainiac: actually not sure, if you type "top" in a terminal see what it shows for memory and such22:59
bubu1ukcommonglass: try mint. maybe that one?22:59
joelcommonglass: not that I know of for that much stuff....mint might do it but unlikely22:59
brainiac8008joel, actually not on livecd right now lol. will do when i get the chance22:59
commonglassbubu1uk: Mint?  Is there a website for that?22:59
flavio_how can I remove all panels from dekstop (gnome)23:00
lUnchbOxXxHey everyone, I'm currently having trouble with setting up a samba share, can anyone assist?23:00
mariobroit says there is 1 broken package, how do i fix this?23:00
Piciflavio_: right click on a panel> delete this panel23:00
atlefcommonglass: linuxmint.com23:00
bubu1ukcommonglass: it's linux distro, search on google, there is indeed23:00
ubotuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (support in #linuxmint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate23:00
ries_i am helping u to be more helpful with absolute beginners - please always start at the very beginning when you explain something and imagine that others may face a flight of stairs where you only see one step23:01
pznjoel: done! thanks! I tought gnome-volume-manager was mounting it... but that was not. inserted noauto in the options and it is done!23:01
bobgillhow can I see my dvd drive info in terminal? I can't find it in /proc23:01
flavio_Pici, I can't cause its the last panel left on screen23:01
flavio_I want to remove all panels from screen23:01
joelries: you need to get comfortable with google, you can't expect people explain every single minor step throughout the process23:01
commonglassbubu1uk: Thanks!  I'll take a look at it!  In case things don't work out, is there another live cd/dvd that you'd recommend for my purpose as well?23:02
Piciflavio_: I guess you might be able to do it manually from gconf-editor then.23:02
lordleemo1ubuntu derives from debian and mint also ! someone needs to reprogramme the bot23:02
squeakCould someone help me get my Creative Webcam Nx working in Ubuntu Gutsy?23:02
sdcaHi - need some help with openswan on ubuntu.  Anyone available to help?23:02
joelsqueak: good luck with that, Creative goes out of their way to stop open source23:03
MasterMeliGama: i just opened the xorg.conf but the file is totaly empty!! whats the best thing to do now?23:03
ompaullordleemo1, pm me what you think the bot should say23:03
brainiac8008flavio_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57691623:03
joelI am having issues with their new express sound card, emailed them and they basically said "too bad"23:03
cYmenhas anybody set up bookmarks synchronizer with a dav folder yet? i can't get it to work :/23:03
bubu1ukcommonglass: i don't think there's many distros with codecs built in live CD/DVD.23:03
brainiac8008flavio_: look at the second entry23:03
SlartcYmen: I did it a while back.. you mean the firefox plugin, right?23:04
cYmenSlart: yeah23:04
lUnchbOxXxAnyone help with fixing my samba share?23:04
cYmeni always get 404s but i tried the repository and it seems to work fine23:04
bobgillhow can I see my dvd drive info in terminal? I can't find it in /proc23:04
SlartcYmen: hmm.. do you use apache for the server part?23:04
joelI'm having issues with my samba also so no help here...sorry :(23:05
MasterMeljust tried to edit my xorg-conf but the file was totaly empty! whats the best way to have this fixed?23:05
commonglassbubu1uk: Thanks!  You are a scholar and a gentleman!23:05
Luigixhow i can set the download resume in xchat for ubuntu?23:06
ries_google has zillion answers - skype may have a helpline, and otherwise a chat site of their own that *can* help - / *off to absolute beginners' land*/23:06
larson999MasterMel, did you spell it xorg-conf?23:06
SlartMasterMel: the best way is to use the correct filename =) xorg.conf23:06
danbhfiveMasterMel: what was the command you used?23:06
mariobro_how can i fix broken packages?23:06
Luigixwho can help me?23:06
cYmenSlart: yes i use apache23:06
joelries: again, we do google all the time and find our answers, it's simply part of the process and you'll get used to it and learn how to navigate it fine23:06
joelgoogle type in "skype Ubunt how to" or something like that23:06
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto23:07
SlartcYmen: ok.. let's start by checking the server part.. you setup a folder with webdav, right?23:07
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »23:07
XubuntuI'm having some problems with installing ubuntu23:07
Xubuntuits prompts this error23:07
brainiac8008envy worked flawlessly for me23:07
XubuntuThe installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk:23:08
Xubuntu 23:08
Xubuntu [Errno 5] Input/output error23:08
ompaul!worksforme | brainiac800823:08
ubotubrainiac8008: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/23:08
XubuntuThis particular error is often due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive, or a faulty hard disk. It may help to clean the CD/DVD, to burn the CD/DVD at a lower speed, to clean the CD/DVD drive lens (cleaning kits are often available from electronics suppliers), to check whether the hard disk is old and in need of replacement, or to move the system to a cooler environment.23:08
ompaulSerenyssymA, ?23:08
XubuntuI dont think that the live cd causes this problem23:09
brainiac8008ubotu: i know im just putting my two cents in23:09
sdcaanyone seen this error in auth.log?  "Main Mode message received on but no connection has been authorized"23:09
SerenyssymAalguém aqui sabe me dizer como diabos instalo um programa similar ao msn no linux????23:09
cYmenSlart: yes23:09
ompaulbrainiac8008, ehh ubotu is a bot - I prompted it ;-)23:09
lUnchbOxXxAnyone help with fixing my samba share?23:09
ompaul!es | Symmetria23:09
ubotuSymmetria: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:09
poeloqanybody know if Brasero can burn DAO?23:09
flavio_brainiac8008, I removed the panels, now I want to add 1 panel, how can I do this?23:09
SlartcYmen: in the file /etc/apache/sites-enabled/000-default I have a couple of lines describing the webdav folder23:10
atlef!patience | Xubuntu:23:10
ubotuXubuntu:: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:10
IndyGunFreakflavio_: you removed all of them?23:10
cYmenSlart: the repository works i just checked in a dummy file...23:10
flavio_IndyGunFreak, yes23:10
IndyGunFreakwhat provoked you to do that?23:10
SlartcYmen: ok. lets skip to the client part23:10
brainiac8008flavio_: i thought you had 1 panel in the first place and you wanted to get rid of it23:10
flavio_I use avant now, thats why23:11
JessMeisterI am trying to install xubuntu on a compaq presario 1675. It freezes at Starting common unix printing cupsd. The Bios are as updated as they can get and still fall behind the cutoff date of 2000 (1999)23:11
atlefXubuntu: people will answer if they know23:11
flavio_brainiac8008, I need to add a panel (sometimes) to get some tools23:11
FlamekebabIt would seem one of my partitions has suddenly vanished. It was a JFS system and is now showing up as an empty ext2 partition. Any ideas?23:11
SlartcYmen: I use "Bookmark Sync and Sort" 1.0.723:11
Xubuntuok atlef23:11
cYmenSlart: i use bookmarks synchronizer which shipped with ubuntu23:11
IndyGunFreakflavio_: your'e gonna have fun w/ that one, cuz i have no idea.23:11
atlefXubuntu: just hang around, and maybe repeat the question in a while23:12
IndyGunFreaknever saw someone do something that braindead before23:12
SlartcYmen: look in you addons dialog.. the plugin should be there23:12
brainiac8008flavio_: u could run gnome-panel23:12
cYmenSlart: yes it s there23:12
flavio_brainiac8008, you are genius23:12
flavio_Thank you23:12
IndyGunFreakyeah, thats it.23:12
cYmenSlart: do you want me to get the one you mentioned instead?23:12
ries_sorry joel do you mean that google knows what my computer has installed or not? I hope to run a search for possible sound programmes but if there are hundreds then that will take lots of time - if there are a few then I could check relatively easily - remember Skype itself has been installed fine, and quite possibly with your help - thanx23:12
brainiac8008flavio: no prob23:12
SlartcYmen: is it the same plugin? what is it called?23:12
cYmenSlart: bookmarks synchronizer23:13
bubu1ukxubuntu: it seems your install cd is faulty. try to burn new one.23:13
Spontywhere is KDE 4 installed?23:13
bubu1ukxubuntu: or is your DVD/CD drive working ok?23:13
joelries: possible sound programs for what? I'm confused on what you need, is your sound working or not? if it isn't you need to install drivers which is a bit hard and at your level might be tedious (for you and those helping you)23:13
larsx2* There should be fewer than ~15 load cycles per hour, except during heavy usage while on battery.23:14
SlartcYmen: ok.. I found it.. let me have a look at it23:14
larsx2\FOUND IT23:14
joelI'm unable to see my home network anymore (could with Gutsy) anyone know enough about samba to help me along the way?23:14
brainiac8008flavio_: i didn't think i'd hear someone call me a genius so soon. haven't been using ubuntu 4 too long. i'm 14 actually, not to rub it in tho ;-)23:14
JessMeisterI am trying to install xubuntu on a compaq presario 1675. It freezes at Starting common unix printing cupsd. The Bios are as updated as they can get and still fall behind the cutoff date of 2000 (1999)23:14
joellol the guy who hacked itunes was 14 ;)23:14
ries_i believe I have what you call drivers but then again.. if nobody tells me how to check if I do, I can't be sure23:14
FlamekebabAny suggestions what the problem is if a partition is suddenly not showing up as it should on boot up? Corrupt partition table?23:15
FlamekebabTrying to diagnose the problem23:15
joelI asked if you can hear music or websites? if you get stuff out of your speakers from websites than your drivers are fine23:15
Spontyanybody? lol23:15
johnskyI'm getting the distro-upgrade... but one thing that perturbs me is it has to ?remove package open arena?23:15
brainiac8008sponty: r u running ubuntu or kubuntu23:16
Xubuntuhaving problems with installing ubuntu input/output error23:16
johnskyWhy would it have to remove open arena to perform the distribution upgrade?23:16
SlartcYmen: hmm.. not a lot of info on that plugin.. so I wouldn't really know where to start23:16
ries_as said before, i think, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't - so I figure that I must have some - and no external speakers here23:16
SlartcYmen: apart from the pretty obvious stuff such as "is the hostname correct", "is the username correct", "can the client resolve the hostname" etc23:17
neggejohnsky sometimes some installed packages aren't supported/needed after a distro upgrade23:17
XubuntuThe installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk:23:17
Spontybrainiac8008, ubuntu23:17
neggeXubuntu sounds like you have a faulty CD23:17
Xubuntu[Errno 5] Input/output error23:17
brainiac8008Sponty, check in the synaptic package manager for kde23:17
brainiac8008sponty, it should be there23:17
johnskyDoes anyone know if there is a version of open arena that will be compatible with the new distro then?23:18
Xubuntuif so why wud it install some wen i try on other system23:18
Spontysynaptic will tell me the location in my file system where KDE 4 is installed to?23:18
bubu1ukXubuntu: read my post above. i addressed it to xubuntu (lowercase X)23:18
joelries: with a remote connect I might be able to help, I probably won't be able to through text, you just aren't at a level to understand what needs to be done23:18
Symmetriaummm ompaul?23:18
johnskyOr is it just that synaptic has a different version on file, and I should get that one23:18
atlefXubuntu: have you googled the error? http://tinyurl.com/524sh823:18
joelremote connect is for me to control your computer so I can install the stuff23:18
Symmetriayou made the bot say something to me in spanish earlier I saw on scroll back, I have absolutely no idea what it said however23:18
SlartcYmen: this is the one I'm using.. it works for me.. perhaps you can use it to check the server setup.. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/236723:18
Symmetriasince I dont speak that language23:18
ompaulSymmetria, missed the person in question - tab tastic23:18
JessMeisterI am trying to install xubuntu on a compaq presario 1675. It freezes at Starting common unix printing cupsd. The Bios are as updated as they can get and still fall behind the cutoff date of 2000 (1999)23:18
Symmetriaaahh ok :)23:18
Cain_mount: No medium found23:19
Cain_what does that mean?23:19
brainiac8008sponty, no. u do not have kde at the moment.  synaptic allows you to download different packages/programs, like kde23:19
Spontybrainiac8008, i installed KDE 4 a month ago23:19
bubu1ukCain_: what you tried to do?23:19
Spontyusing apt get23:19
Spontyi'm running kde 4 right this second23:20
Spontyi need to know where kde base is installed in23:20
Spontyit's not in /opt, it's not in /sbin23:20
johnskyAnyways, so whats new in the new distro upgrade? Anything interesting? Or just the usual reliability patches23:20
Cain_bubu1uk: mount my dvd drive23:20
ries_and how would that work23:20
bubu1ukCain_: check 'man mount' how to mount your drive.23:21
erat123i have a toshiba dv2617 laptop.  i got rid of vista and installed ubuntu.  it can find my wireless network sometimes, and other times, it cant at all.  does anyone else have this same laptop, or know of a way to debug this problem?23:21
brainiac8008sponty, hmmm23:21
joelries: how are you connected to the internet through a modem or a router?23:21
neggejohnsky are you upgrading to hardy heron?23:21
Cain_i was doin it exactly how i did it before23:21
joelcable internet or dsl, or dial up?23:21
FlamekebabAny suggestions what the problem is if a partition is suddenly not showing up as it should on boot up? Corrupt partition table? It's supposed to be a JFS partition (semi-full) and now it appears as an empty Ext2 partition23:21
unopSponty, you can use dpkg to list files part of the KDE4 package, is that is what you want?23:21
ries_a modem i suppose as I dont know what a router is but no need to explain23:21
cYmenSlart: i ll try thanks23:21
joelis it high speed internet (cable or dsl) or is it dial up?23:22
ries_cable high speed though not the very fastest23:22
joelokay and you are using Ubuntu right?23:22
joelI'm sending you a private message23:22
Spontyunop, how do i use dpkg to list files part of KDE4 packages?23:22
Frogger6s6Hey Indy, what's up?23:22
ries_I won't ask how you know my email address :-)23:23
Frogger6s6DOS disk didn't work, either that or I blew the syntax.23:23
unopSponty, dpkg -L packagename23:23
joelit's not through email, it is within irc23:23
johnskyI'm not entirely sure, I just applied the updates it was requesting I apply, and it informed me it was fetching a new distro upgrade.23:23
johnskySo, it would be which ever is current release.23:23
joeldoesn't look like it's going to work, sorry23:23
Spontyunop, ty ty, that's exactly what I needed23:23
unopSponty, for all kde packages - for i in $(dpkg -l | grep -i kde4 | cut -c 3-30); do dpkg -L $i; done23:24
redwhitewaldowhat's the terminal command to import my PTP-enabled digital-camera to my computer?23:24
johnskyIt's only been a few weeks since my last update.23:24
Spontyyeah, i just did $ dpkg -L kdebase[auto complete]23:24
ries_i saw something called Nickserv23:24
JessMeisterI am trying to install xubuntu on a compaq presario 1675. It freezes at Starting common unix printing cupsd. The Bios are as updated as they can get and still fall behind the cutoff date of 2000 (1999) anyone know a fix? I've tried boot options acpi=force acpi=off and acpi=oldboot none of them made a difference23:25
johnskyI'm currently running gutsy gibbon, 7.10, is there a newer distro it would be trying to grab for me?23:25
unopSponty, well, that only lists files of that one package tho, which is what i was getting at.23:25
unop!hardy | johnsky23:25
ubotujohnsky: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu23:25
joeljohnsky: no not until the end of the month when Hardy is released23:25
Spontykde[autocomplete] shows all the packages that begin with kde23:26
Moe|Joe2 weeks to wait23:26
Spontythat's all i needed23:26
Moe|Joenow is it worth installing 7.10 and then doing upgrade to 8.0423:26
johnskyhmm, which distro would it be trying to upgrade to? I'm assuming synaptic wouldn't be trying to fetch that if its still beta23:26
Moe|Joeor install the 8.04 beta and install final wen it gets released?23:26
Spontydpkg -l | grep -i kde4 | cut -c 3-30 is pretty sophisticated, more than i need23:27
Spontythanks tho unop =D\23:27
unopSponty, yw23:27
mikedotyI can't seem to get unfold cube to work in compiz.  I can rotate it, but when I ctrl+alt+down as it says the shortcut is, nothing happens23:27
mikedotyAny ideas?23:27
neggejohnsky i don't think it will ask you to upgrade before the final release is out23:27
=== jaggy is now known as jagggy
miguel_cHi! I've backed up Thunderbird Profiles directory at Windows system and now I need to import it to Thunderbird under Xubuntu. Can anyone help me with this?23:28
Totemjoel: Thank you so much. Everything installed perfectly23:28
Izhow will i install java in my ubuntu so i can run frostwire etc?23:28
SlartMoe|Joe: depends... if it was me.. I'd probably install the beta... but you might not be me =)23:28
erUSUL!java | Iz23:28
ubotuIz: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)23:28
Moe|Joewell yeh23:28
joelno problem totem23:28
Moe|Joei wana install the beta23:28
erUSUL!frostwire | Iz ç23:28
ubotuIz ç: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire23:28
Moe|Joebut i dont wana go thru the hassle backing up shit and formatting23:28
N3WFI3does ubuntu come with the newest nvidia drivers?23:28
miguel_cHi! I've backed up Thunderbird Profiles directory at Windows system and now I need to import it to Thunderbird under Xubuntu. Can anyone help me with this?23:29
N3WFI3nice cool23:29
SlartMoe|Joe: why not install the beta and see if it works for you.. if it doesn't you can install 7.10 and wait until they fix the stuff you need.. if it works for you.. then yay! =)23:29
atlefmiguel_c: make a folder, copy your backup, press alt-f2 write thunderbird -profilemanager and point to the folder23:29
=== jeff__ is now known as jeff__is_cool
N3WFI3so my games should run top performance i guess :)23:29
hpi have a folder, it's marked "read only", when i move it to the trash bin, i can't remove it completely. now there's like 200 mb sitting in the trashbin and it's unmovable. do you guys have any ideas how to delete it completely?23:29
miguel_catlef: god bless you :;23:29
SlartMoe|Joe: ah.. but you should create some kind of backup anyways..23:29
miguel_cgoing to try, brb23:29
Totemjoel: I have another question though. Do you think you could help? I have a Belkin Wireless G Desktop Card and that is my only way to connect to the internet. When I bought it, it came with a cd and software to let Windows connect to the internet with it. Is there a way  that I can use this with Ubuntu?23:29
atlefmiguel_c: which one23:29
N3WFI3dual core is automatically installed right23:29
AzodonN3WFI3 : what games?23:30
atlefmiguel_c: or is it just an expression23:30
Slarthp: navigate to the trash folder (usually called .Trash) and remove it by using sudo rm23:30
N3WFI3im gunna find some games for linux to try, atm im downloading urban terror23:30
SlartN3WFI3: yes23:30
Moe|JoeSlart: i dont do backups much to be honest...i use ubuntu on laptop23:30
Moe|Joegoign to23:30
miguel_catlef: just an expression, i dont use it much :p23:30
hpslart, where is it usually be?23:30
joeltotem: no there's not any way to use that cd23:30
atlefmiguel_c: because religion really p''''s me of23:30
joelyou need to find another way to connect, I'm sure it's possible23:30
hpslart, is it in the home folder?23:30
miguel_catlef: i've a good movie to show you then23:31
Slarthp: on the same drive the files were.. or in your home folder.. there are many .Trash folders23:31
joeldo you have dsl or cable?23:31
TotemI believe it's cable23:31
atlefmiguel_c: and that is?23:31
eisenhower_can someone tell me how to install the latest backports?23:31
TotemIt is through a wireless router23:31
miguel_cwait, checking mails23:31
joelyeah there shouldn't really be a problem, ndiswrapper might work for you23:31
Slarthp: and since it's named .Trash it will be hidden in nautilus unless you set it to show you hidden files23:31
Totemok, thanks23:31
joelwhat card is it again?23:31
TotemBelkin Wireless G Desktop Card23:32
hpslart, it's not in the home folder23:32
hpi checked23:32
Nyad is there an uubuntu repository with packages compiled for bleeding-edge computers?23:32
Slarthp: where was this big file you're trying to get rid of?23:33
atlefNyad: install hardy heron and live on the edge23:33
JessMeisterI am trying to install xubuntu on a compaq presario 1675. It freezes at Starting common unix printing cupsd. The Bios are as updated as they can get and still fall behind the cutoff date of 2000 (1999) anyone know a fix? I've tried boot options acpi=force acpi=off and acpi=oldboot none of them made a difference23:33
magnetronNyad: the standard ubuntu repository IS made for bleeding edge computers23:33
hpslart: it was on the Desktop. then i moved it to the trash bin.23:33
N3WFI3what is new in hardy?23:33
magnetron!hardy > N3WFI323:34
Slarthp: you could open the trash-bin and look at the file.. perhaps right-click and look at the properties.. that might tell you where it's located23:34
eisenhower_when you install something in the synaptic packagemanager does it automatically run? like ex. backports*23:34
sk8ball_is bogofilter or spamassassin better?23:34
squeakQuestion, does anyone know of a software that will let me use my linux desktop as a webcam?23:34
googlahhey guys, just deleted kdm. now gdm wont start at all, meaning no login screen. how do i solve this? :)23:34
magnetron!best > sk8ball_23:34
Totemjoel: I have seen a lot about the make command, but whenever I try to do something with it, I get a message saying that "make" is not a recognized command. What is that about?23:34
redwhitewaldosqueak: what do you mean?23:34
hpslart: it says location : trash:///23:34
joelyou do ./configure first23:34
joelthen make23:34
joelthen sudo make install23:34
squeakredwhitewaldo, when I was in xp, i used a program webcammax that let me use my desktop whatever I saw as a webcam, is there something similar to that in linux?23:35
mariobro_I get this message when I try to open Envy, "You have 1 broken package on your system!"  how do i fix it?23:35
sk8ball_magnetron, well .... one is going to filter more spam than the other ....23:35
googlahTotem: have you installed make? try apt-get install make23:35
IndyGunFreakgooglah: i dont think you have to install make23:35
joelit's sudo apt-get install build-essentials23:35
bobbob1016How would I create a launcher to SSH into a computer and run a command, with one press?  "ssh user@ip && command"?23:35
kindofabuzzapt-get install build-essentials23:35
tyuiowhat is swap?23:35
magnetronsk8ball_: they will probably catch different letters, and all of them won't be spam23:35
mariobro_I get this message when I try to open Envy, "You have 1 broken package on your system!"  how do i fix it?23:36
IndyGunFreakgooglah: make is a command, not something you install, he probably needs build-essential23:36
unopjoel, try and keep your reponses in one line and address the person you are speaking to .. it makes it easier for people using /LASTLOG23:36
bobbob1016I'd want it to run the command on the machine I ssh-ed into23:36
miguel_catlef: you there?23:36
googlahIndyGunFreak: maybe not. im not sure. maybe was thinking about automake :D23:36
sk8ball_magne, of course .... but one is likely to have a higher catch rate and accuracy than the other23:36
Nyad!hardy > Nyad23:36
Slarthp: are you sure? when I created a file on my desktop and moved it to the trashbin, right clicked on it, chose properties etc it says it's in /home/markus/.Trash23:36
atlefmiguel_c: yes23:36
tyuiowhat is swap?23:36
sk8ball_i am sure ppl have compared them and come to conclusions23:36
miguel_catlef: check this if you like : v23:36
IndyGunFreakgooglah: i don't think you have to install that either, but i could be wrong.23:36
hpslart:, i'm pretty sure23:36
sk8ball_tyuio, a partition on your hdd that the os uses to emulate system ram23:36
miguel_c2 hours23:36
tuncayhow i can connect remote desktop with ssh23:36
magnetronsk8ball_: depends on who usually sends you spam :D really, it's a matter of preference23:37
mariobro_how do i fix broken packages using synaptic?23:37
atlefmiguel_c: and that is what?23:37
miguel_cit's a movie about truth23:37
tyuiois it like readyboost on vista ?23:37
miguel_cabout religion, wtc and government manipulation23:37
magnetron!spam | miguel_c23:37
ubotumiguel_c: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...23:38
googlahIndyGunFreak: yeah, maybe. gdm wont start for me. its crashing. any clues btw? :)23:38
tyuiois there readyboost on linux ?23:38
IndyGunFreakgooglah: not a clue...23:38
joelwhat's readyboost?23:38
magnetrontyuio: we don't need readyboost, we use swap instead :D23:38
tyuioreadyboost tecnology23:38
joelthat stupid windows thing23:38
atlefmiguel_c: who's truth?23:38
georgy_28mariobro_, : try sudo apt-get install -f in a terminal23:38
Slarthp: here's a screenshot of my properties dialog http://link.imgshare.us/46peS323:38
tyuiowhat is the difference between readyboost and swap23:39
googlahIndyGunFreak: hmm, okay.23:39
johnskyIs it me, or should all fullscreen games automatically be started with a "nice gamename -15" command?23:39
miguel_catlef: if you want, check the movie otherwise forget it :) every truth have it's point of view.23:39
johnskyI think they should.23:39
cYmenSlart: i get 404s with your version, too23:39
miguel_cthanks for the thunderbird tip, testing it23:39
N3WFI3where's the general overview of features for the next release23:39
hpslart, i can't see that image23:39
cYmenSlart: can you tell me your settings so i can compare?23:39
atlefmiguel_c: hope you get it working23:39
brian_I have 7.10, and when I go to open one of my files(KDXServer.lexe) from terminal, after I've made it executable, it says "error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". Whats wrong? :(23:39
Slarthp: hmm.. I just tried it myself.. I can't see the image either.. hang on23:39
atlefmiguel_c: do you have any extensions installed?23:40
alan_mN3WFI3, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/hardy/beta23:40
Totemcan I use Gutsy Gubbon ndiswrapper packages on Hardy?23:40
alan_mI DO NOT suggest downloading it right now, wait the few weeks for it to become main stream.23:40
N3WFI3thanks i had a hard time finding the right section on the site lol23:40
alan_mN3WFI3, your welcome.23:41
Slarthp: try this one http://i27.tinypic.com/34sowox.png23:41
johnskyYeah, just wait until it's labelled stable, then it will automatically be available through your update manager23:41
georgy_28! hardy > Totem23:41
N3WFI3so this version can be upgraded to hardy very easy?23:41
N3WFI3no full download needed?23:41
Totemhaha, I just spend 3 hours installing it! There is NO way I'm taking it off23:41
SlartcYmen: the settings in the client?23:41
alan_mN3WFI3, right.23:41
cYmenSlart: yeah23:41
johnskyWhen it's ready, your update manager will let you know you can upgrade to it... from there it should be automatic.23:42
alan_mN3WFI3, the full download your talking about, yes it will download everything, but it will replace what it needs to and so on.23:42
joel3 hours? I flash installed it in 5 minutes 20 seconds ;)23:42
hpslart: i can delete somethign unimportant and check on it23:42
N3WFI3will pretty much everyone jump on hardy when its stable23:43
N3WFI3or is there a good reason to stay on gutsy23:43
johnskyBy default, your update manager pops up in the top right corner letting you know there are updates to be applied... that same update manager will also automatically upgrade ubuntu to the newest versions for you.23:43
alan_mN3WFI3, pretty much everyone will probably want to go to hardy as it includes some major fixes over gutsy :)23:43
atlefN3WFI3: not all, but it is a LTS, so alot of people will23:43
N3WFI3sounds good23:43
johnskyWhere was that list of upgrades for hardy?23:43
hpslart, it doesn't create any .trash in the home folder. the location of the recently deleted file is trash:///23:44
SlartcYmen: ok, here's a screenshot of my first settings-tab http://i27.tinypic.com/29bgd9i.png23:44
magnetron!hardy | alan_m atlef johnsky  N3WFI323:44
ubotualan_m atlef johnsky  N3WFI3: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu23:44
atlefmagnetron: hey he asked23:44
Slarthp: it's .Trash , not .trash if that makes a difference23:44
hpslart: nope23:44
emmaWas there a video driver update recently?23:45
hpslart: there is no .Trash or .trash23:45
magnetronatlef, N3WFI3: hardy discussion in #ubuntu+1 ONLY tanks23:45
larson999yeah, most everyone should go to hardy if you ask me. heck, i moved already and it's pretty good.23:45
Slarthp: what does this line produce in the terminal "ls ~/.Tr*"23:45
atlefmagnetron: i know, but should we not atleast answer23:45
IndyGunFreaklarson9999: lol, don't know about that.. i had issues w/ hardy23:45
alan_menough about hardy folks, were making the ops cranky.....23:46
hpslart: no such file or directory23:46
magnetronatlef: no, not here23:46
emmaYes, in some ways, why go to Hardy if Gutsy is working very well for you? Why not wait until everything is sorted out?23:46
alan_memma, magnetron said stop, we should at least listen as he is probably an op and will probably use his powers to kick us out if we dont abide by his orders right?23:47
Slarthp: ok.. I believe you.. what if you do a search for .Trash.. "find / | grep -i trash"23:47
N3WFI3i thought magnetron was a bot lol23:47
hpslart: found it23:48
hpslart: it under .local/share23:48
magnetronalan_m, emma: i'm not an op but we don't want to confuse new users with beta discussion in the support channel, thank you23:48
emmamagnetron is not an op. But that is not really relevant to whether we shuld e talking off topic.23:48
Slarthp: .local ?? what kind of folder is that..23:48
unophp, sounds like you are using hardy :) hardy support in #ubuntu+1 please23:48
majikinshi-I'd like to find out how to launch vimtutor in terminal from launcher23:48
hpunop: yeah23:49
alan_mmagnetron, im actually on your side in this debate, :)23:49
unopmajikins, maybe using this command.. x-terminal-emulator -e "vimtutor"23:49
majikinswill try that now23:49
Jester009I am having issues installing/starting up xubuntu on a compaq presario 1675 that has xp installed on it. The bios miss the cutoff date (1999) and I have tried booting it with options acpi=force acpi=off acpi=old boot but nothing seems to keep it from freezing at "Starting common Unix Printing Cupsd". Anyone know any fixes. I do no have the computer hooked up to a printer23:49
Slarthp: of to #ubuntu+1 with you.. and no dessert for you for a week ;)23:50
hpslart: hahahahaha, thanks for your help23:50
brian_I have 7.10, and when I go to open one of my files(KDXServer.lexe) from terminal, after I've made it executable, it says "error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". Whats wrong? :(23:50
Slarthp: you're welcome23:50
magnetronbrian_: .exe? is that a Windows app?23:51
majikinsunop : that did not work23:51
unopmajikins, well, does that line work from a terminal?23:51
majikinsI don't want to do that from command line23:51
alan_mmagnetron, .lexe, supposedly a linux executable.23:51
majikinsvimtutor just starts from terminal23:51
brian_magnetron: .lexe. And no, the site says its for linux, and it works on my laptop(Used the same CD to install both computers, and I THINK I have all the same updates for both23:51
majikinsok lemme try that23:52
unopmajikins, you've gotta try that command out from a terminal first to see if it works (it works here)23:52
majikinsI start my is xfterm423:52
unopbrian_, try installing the build-essential package23:53
majikinsusing xubuntu23:53
brian_unop: Will do. In a minute, just spilled all over >.<23:53
unopmajikins, is vimtutor opened in xfterm ?23:53
kunzyI have a question, I have the logitech G15 keyboard.  I dont have any packages for it installed.  what would i need to do to gain the use of the media keys in Amarok?23:54
unopmajikins, hmm, not sure why it won't work from a launcher23:54
majikinsI tried "xfterm4 vimtutor" from laucher23:54
majikinsbut it just opens the terminal23:54
unopmajikins, maybe. xfterm4 -e 'vimtutuor'23:55
miguel_ckunzy: go to control center -> acessibility -> keyboard shortcuts -> applications23:55
unopmajikins, you need to quote vimtutor and use -e23:55
majikinsbeen spending time trying to get it right23:55
Jester009I am having issues installing/starting up xubuntu on a compaq presario 1675 that has xp installed on it. The bios miss the cutoff date (1999) and I have tried booting it with options acpi=force acpi=off acpi=old boot but nothing seems to keep it from freezing at "Starting common Unix Printing Cupsd". Anyone know any fixes. I do no have the computer hooked up to a printer23:55
majikinsthank you unop23:56
kunzymiguel_c:  where do i find the control center?   Sorry, im still a newb23:56
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dethstarwhat's a good app for dvd ripping and shrinking?23:56
majikinsjust another thing - how do I specify a window to start up maximised?23:56
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miguel_ckunzy: ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu?23:57
majikinsthe terminal keeps on starting up at the corner of the screen23:57
unopmajikins, you'll need to look in the xfterm manpage23:57
kunzydethstar: I have heard good things about DVD shrink23:57
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Randocalwhat command would I type in a terminal window to see what filesystem my various partitions are formatted with?23:57
kunzymiguel_c: Ubuntu GG    I think 7.10?23:57
miguel_ckubuntu right?23:57
joelsudo fidisk 0l23:57
joelsudo fdisk -l23:57
magnetrondethstar: i like thoggen. if you search for "dvd" in applications > add/remove, you'll find a list of them23:57
miguel_calt+f2 -> kcontrol23:58
georgy_28dethstar, : try k9copy23:58
unopRandocal, mount would be better23:58
dethstarkunzy, don't you need wine for that?23:58
unopjoel, fdisk -l can be misleading23:58
kunzydethstar:   (smacks my head)  sorry, my head is still stuck in windows23:58
Randocalfdisk -l doesn't give me details like ext2 or xfs, it just tells me 83/linux23:58
dethstargeorgy_28, it's keeps crashing on me23:58
RandocalI have a partition that i think is xfs, and i'd like to verify that this is the case23:59
kunzymiguel_c:  Sorry, says the file doesnt exist23:59
joelgparted tells you23:59
unopRandocal, the best way would be to test the devices.  file -s /dev/sdaX23:59
dethstarmagnetron, I might take a look at thoggen23:59
Randocalunop - thanks. That's perfect.23:59

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