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ScottK2Does anyone know if we even need ia32-libs-kde anymore?  I'm kind of thinking not after it not being updated for two releases...05:07
ScottK2nixternal: You've got amd64...  Do we need it ^^^05:08
nixternalI don't use it05:09
ScottK2Do you use ooo?05:15
ScottK2nixternal: Would you please confirm the Open Office works without it?  That seems to be all it was set up for.05:15
nareshovScottK2: aptitude show openoffice.org-kde05:16
ScottK2nareshov: Interesting, but orthogonal to the question.05:17
nareshovok ;[05:17
ScottK2No problem.05:17
ScottK2That's KDE integration for all archs.  The ia32libs package was just for KDE OOO support on amd64.05:18
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buzi assume the oversized live cds are a known issue?07:30
Luretesters of knetworkmanager 0.2.2 wanted: https://launchpad.net/~lure/+archive08:14
Lurereport results to Riddell, so that he can decide if this should go in Hardy on not08:14
Lureif you use VPN with knetworkmanager, please test08:14
jpatrickapachelogger: *shrug* :(09:16
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* smarter wonders if KDE4 will run well on his Asus EEE10:30
Nightrosesmarter: there was a howto on eeeusers.com or something like that10:32
Nightrosesounded ok10:32
smarterputting the Kubuntu KDE4 liveCD on a usb key is not that hard ;)10:33
smarterbut I was wondering if it will be fast enough to be usable10:33
Nightrosehehe sure but he also wrote a little about the experience10:33
smarterKDE4 is so slow with my other laptop(Pentium M 1,73 GHz/512 Mo/ATi Radeon Mobility X600) :/10:34
smarterprobably related to the ati driver10:34
* Nightrose hopes all works out and she gets an eeepc soon too10:35
Nightrosemy other laptop is dying :(10:35
Riddellsmarter: I believe it works, seaLne tried it10:41
alleeRiddell: my kubuntu-members membership expires in a week.  Can you re-new it?10:56
jpatrickRiddell: yes, me too please :)10:57
smartermembership expires?10:57
jpatricksmarter: after two years10:57
alleesmarter: you need to be a launchpad gold-sponsor to have non-expiring membership ;)10:57
Hobbseeallee: i thought people could renew it themselves?11:02
jpatrickHobbsee: not anymore11:02
alleeHobbsee: policy setting somewhere?11:03
* Riddell looks11:04
* Hobbsee could renew it herself, but is a team admin11:04
Riddellallee: try now11:04
awen_Riddell: "next meeting" in the channel topic needs an update11:05
* allee tries ...11:05
alleeRiddell: this page gives: not allowed11:06
alleewhen I click on kubuntu-member link in my 'home-page', there's only a leave button11:07
jpatrickawen_: what's the meeting on saturday?11:07
Riddellallee: ok, maybe the change I made doesn't update for people with existing notifications11:08
Riddellawen_: yes, we need to decide when to have one11:09
* awen- curses the unreliable university wireless network11:09
awen-Riddell: okay, that's why no new date has been presented11:10
Riddellpossibly wednesday would do11:11
awen-ScottK: did you have a chance to look at the mountconfig/ipod problem... it still annoys me, that to me it looks like the error message doesn't match what happens11:18
etretyakawen-: i have an ipod.. i could test11:22
awen-etretyak: i will remember that if get a patch of some sort made :) ... but right now the error message seems to me made just to confuse me11:25
nareshovRiddell: is it possible to build kmail/knode for 4.0.3 ?11:30
Riddellnareshov: no, it doesn't exist11:31
nareshovfor 4.1 then? hmm ;[11:31
Riddellsure, we'll do it then11:33
ScottKawen-: No.  I haven't had a chance to look.12:40
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ScottKRiddell: Is ia32-libs-kde needed anymore?  It hasn't be updated since Feisty, so I'm guessing not.  I'm thinking it should either be updated or removed.14:05
RiddellScottK: I don't think it has been needed since openoffice got an amd64 version14:10
ScottKRiddell: Sounds reasonable.  Will you just remove it or should I file a bug?14:10
RiddellScottK: file a bug please (also file one to remove webkitkde if you're feeling helpful :)14:11
ScottKRiddell: What's the rationale for that one?14:11
RiddellScottK: it doesn't work14:13
ScottKThat applies to an unfortunately large chunk of universe.  Is this one especially broken?14:14
HobbseeRiddell: any chance you could action https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212801 ?14:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 212801 in gnome-desktop-sharp2 "Please promote to main on powerpc" [Medium,Fix released]14:15
Hobbseeoh, ti's done now14:16
RiddellScottK: it doesn't work and it confuses people about the status of webkit and KDE14:18
Nightrosejjesse: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/21333114:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213331 in ubuntu "usb mounted dir persist after logout" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:19
ScottKRiddell: Fair enough.14:19
jjesseNightrose: yes?14:19
jjesseoh yes my email is ent to the mailing list14:19
Nightroseright ;-)14:19
Riddellah, jjesse, did you get a kubuntu-members reminder?14:20
ScottKBug #213344 is done.14:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213344 in ia32-libs-kde "Please remove ia32-libs-kde source and binary from Hardy" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21334414:20
jjesseno it was the email to list about usb drive problems14:21
ScottKRiddell: Bug #21129014:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 211290 in webkitkde "Please remove webkitkde from Hardy (release) and Gutsy (backports)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21129014:46
RiddellScottK: thanks14:47
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NightroseRiddell: in case you have not seen it yet: http://dot.kde.org/1207571674/1207574439/ ;-)16:02
Tonio_Riddell: hey ;)16:29
Tonio_Riddell: I have a question regarding to auto-completion in konqueror search bar16:29
Tonio_Riddell: was that with a patch ?16:29
RiddellTonio_: yes16:33
Tonio_Riddell: there is a very annoying bug with it16:33
Tonio_Riddell: everytime you type in, prompt goes to the end of the line16:33
RiddellTonio_: has ze been annoying you? :)16:37
Tonio_Riddell: yep, and other people reporting me the issue ;)16:38
Tonio_Riddell: type in something and try to add a word in the middle -> impossible16:38
RiddellTonio_: works for me16:51
RiddellTonio_: oh, I see what you mean16:51
Riddellhi fdoving16:59
fdovinghi riddell, i mailed you about my kubuntu-membership, launchpad says it is about to expire. can you have a look at that?17:01
Riddellfdoving: and you still love us and want to be renewed for another year?17:03
fdovingRiddell: i do. if you want me for another year :)17:04
Riddellfdoving: done!17:05
fdovingthanks :)17:05
RiddellTonio_: you want yours renewed?17:05
Riddelljjesse_vacation_, ah17:05
klerfaythi. Can we expect plasma themes to render right at some point in kubuntu hardy kde4?17:06
fdovingi have loads of issues with hardy by the way. dbus-daemon is crashing, graphical artifacts on intel etc. all works on a livecd, so i believe it's a upgrade-path-problem somehow.17:06
Tonio_Riddell: please ;)17:06
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Riddellawooga, we have kubuntu-kde4 CDs again18:04
nixternaloi oi19:00
Riddellhi nixternal, fancy doing a dot story about qtcentre's programming contest?19:00
nixternalsure, have a link I could steal from?19:00
nixternalI mean borrow from :)19:00
Riddellnixternal: bounced19:01
fdovinghmm. are the  virtualbox modules for 2.6.24-14 missing from archive.ubuntu.com ?19:01
nixternalthat was fast19:01
nixternalfdoving: thought they got upgraded...but -15 is out now19:02
fdovingnixternal: ok. then i'll just wait. waiting sucks. :)19:02
nixternalhehe, that it does19:04
* fdoving did a trick.19:04
fdovingi added archive.ubuntu.com to sources list, after the se. mirror, which seems to give me a whole load of new packages. :)19:05
NightroseRiddell: for some reason the rss feed at http://www.kde.org/dotkdeorg.rdf doesn't include the last commit digest yet19:05
nixternalfdoving: ya, I just went directly with archive.ubuntu.com because I got tired of the mirrors syncing19:05
fdovingnixternal: if you add your local mirror before archive.ubuntu.com packges there will be downloaded from it. and archive.ubuntu.com only used for packages that do not exist on your local mirror.19:06
fdovingbah, that was not very well explained.19:06
nixternalI got what you were saying though19:07
fdovinggood :)19:07
neversfelde|mobiI did not know that. kool19:08
RiddellNightrose: wait a while and complain to danimo if it doesn't appear19:09
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_StefanS_Tonio_: hey, did you get my mail ?19:36
Tonio__StefanS_: about ?19:38
_StefanS_Tonio_: I wrote on the static network dialog19:38
Tonio__StefanS_: super :)19:39
Tonio__StefanS_: on my side, cause I had to for a client, I fixed knetworkconf :/19:39
Tonio__StefanS_: I wanted to ping you but you were not there19:39
_StefanS_Tonio_: oh great then19:39
Tonio__StefanS_: btw, it the patch works, the patch can go in obviously :)19:39
Tonio__StefanS_: can you resend the mail ? I can't see it19:39
_StefanS_Tonio_: I noticed an updated knetworkconf, good work.19:39
_StefanS_Tonio_: I just resent it.19:40
* _StefanS_ is going to get the coffee.19:40
Tonio_I had your email on friday, but no patch in it19:40
_StefanS_Tonio_: well nope, but didnt you read it through ? :)19:42
_StefanS_Tonio_: I had to give up on it19:42
Tonio_ho so it is the friday mail :)19:42
Tonio_okay then I have it19:42
Tonio__StefanS_: no problem then since knetworkconf is globally fixed19:42
_StefanS_Tonio_: sorry about it, but atleast I tried :)19:43
_StefanS_Tonio_: important thing is that it works.19:43
_StefanS_so who put in that horse that briefly appeared in kubuntu-default-settings ? :)19:44
_StefanS_that was surprising.19:44
CheGuevaraChanged-By: Michael Anderson <nosrednaekim at gmail.com>19:45
_StefanS_I was hoping for a comment :D19:45
Tonio__StefanS_: you tried, that's fine :)19:45
_StefanS_Tonio_: yep.19:46
CheGuevarai missed it as well19:46
CheGuevara(the horse)19:46
nixternalRiddell: at the Flourish conference at the University of Illinois @ Chicago, their ACM and LUG expressed interest in providing space for US based UDS' in the future if you want to pass that on19:50
nixternalthey have a very nice space, and they have deals with the local hotels, plus there are hostels in the area, and also the possibility of providing dorm rooms to the guests19:51
Riddellnixternal: e-mail claire.newman @canonical.com19:51
nixternalwill do19:51
nixternalRiddell: I told you that the UIC crowd would calm down and get back on the Ubuntu wagon :)19:58
Nightrosenixternal: you still didn't tell us about your kde talk with a gnome shirt! :P19:59
* Nightrose grummles at the GSoC mentor page20:00
Nightrosehow am I ever going to get trough 200 and something proposals :(20:00
nixternalNightrose: the gnome shirt didn't fit :(20:01
Nightroseawwwwwwwwwwww :(20:01
nixternalI was so sick during my talk as well20:01
nixternaland was being rushed to finish it quickly20:01
Nightrosesounds like my last talk...20:01
nixternalnote to self: do not go out the night before your talk and drink A LOT of Guiness20:01
nixternaland then the morning of my talk, I tried the Bruce Perens diet of a ton of coffee, donuts, sandwiches, and cheese, but after 4 donuts, 2 sandwiches, 3 cubes of cheese, and a lot of coffee, I was looking for a stomach saviour20:03
nixternalwow, that is a bad connection of you connect and disconnect right away20:04
seelenixternal: did you eat that all at once?20:05
nixternalI tried to keep up with Bruce...20:06
* seele wonders how anyone can eat 4 donuts at once without going in to hyperglycemic shock20:06
nixternalthey were little donuts, and tasty at that20:06
nixternalwell, I did 2 donuts, waited about 30 minutes and grabbed 2 more20:06
nixternalthen 30 minutes later grabbed 2 of these little sandwiches they had and 3 small cheese cubes, which were very tasty20:07
daSkreechyou aren't supposed to eat a box of donuts at once?20:07
nixternalI guess not20:07
nixternalbut BP can do it...we laughed so hard at him...the only time he didn't have a plate of food, is when he was talking20:07
* daSkreech should remember that for his next box of donuts20:07
nixternalwaiting for the pictures of him holding an Ubuntu CD20:08
nixternalwhich btw, John Maddog Hall and Bruce Perens, both run Ubuntu, and both gave mad props to Ubuntu when beating up the Microsoft representative20:09
* ScottK2 noticed sabdfl mentioned having a Kubuntu machine at home in his blog today.20:09
daSkreechHe has one for his family20:10
nixternalScottK: he mentioned that 2 years ago, but it is nice to know he finally turned it on, if only using it for 30 minutes to update to Hardy :p20:10
daSkreechAs I recall he said he never uses that machine20:10
daSkreechhe does all his work from cl in any ase20:10
fdoving doesn't everyone? :)20:10
fdoving.. do all their work on the commandline?20:11
nixternalI do20:11
fdovingme too.20:11
nixternalexcept writing this dot post20:11
ScottKLietenant Skat doesn't run from command line though (my current #1 procrastination tool).20:11
* Nightrose doesn't :P (at least not all)20:11
Nightrose*g* ScottK20:11
* Nightrose better doesn't give it a try20:12
* daSkreech rereads pinotree's blont20:12
ScottKThere's a problem with the scores not showing if you have a wide screen monitor if you want to try it while pretending to bugfix.20:12
Nightrose:P I have a widescreen....20:13
ScottKActually I think it's a symptom of something wider as I see it in Konqueror sometimes20:13
ScottKNightrose: Would you please start a game and tell me if you can see the score while a game is playing?20:13
Nightroseok - will check20:13
Nightrosedamn you - now you made me start it anyway!20:14
ScottKIt's all for a good cause.20:14
Nightrosehehe sure20:14
nixternalheh, at Flourish the Microsoft representative said some of the most fascinating things20:15
nixternallike people use Microsoft products to reduce carbon emissions and cure cancerous tumors20:15
daSkreechnixternal: is there video of this anywhere?20:15
nixternalthere will be in the next week or so20:15
NightroseScottK: I can see the two blue things showing the players - anything else?20:15
daSkreechI thought that's what the PS3 was for :)20:15
ScottKNightrose: Does it show the score?20:16
ScottKOK.  Then it's not a generic widescreen problem.20:16
Nightroseno prob20:16
yuriywhat is this game?20:17
Nightroseyuriy: LSkat20:17
Nightrosenixternal: please post links when the video is available ;-)20:17
nixternalI will blog it for sure20:18
ScottKawen-: What do you think about splitting brightness control out of guidance-power-manager into a separate binary for Intrepid.  We still need brightness control for KDE4 and sinced that part has no U/I it should be easy to use with KDE4.20:19
LureTonio_: do you still have/use VPN in knetworkmanager?20:20
Tonio_Lure: not anymore...20:21
Tonio_Lure: a problem with it ?20:21
awen-ScottK: sounds very sensible I think20:21
LureTonio_: no, I prepared knetworkmanager 0.2.2 merge with debian and would like to have at least on VPN tester20:22
ScottKYou're most familiar with that part of the code right now ...20:22
ScottKawen-: ^^^20:22
fdovingLure: does openvpn count?20:22
LureTonio_: you can anyway test it - it is in my PPA20:22
Lure^^^ others are invited too20:22
Tonio_Lure: okay :)20:22
Lurefdoving: yes, if you use it though knetworkmanager20:22
Tonio_Lure: which plugin is it ?20:22
awen-ScottK: that's hard to disagree with :) ... what about suspend / hibernation buttons, is that our job too, or is it handled already?20:23
fdovingLure: i have used your knetworkmanager since you announced it here yesterday, not tested vpn yet, but i could try to make one of my openvpn tunnels work. no issues in "regular use" so far.20:23
Lurefdoving: there is network-manager-openvpn which should give you VPN options in knetworkmanager20:24
Lurefdoving: and thanks for testing it20:24
fdovingLure: it needs an 'import openvpn-config' feature :)20:24
ScottKawen-: IIRC Riddell said they had tools for that in KDE4 already.  It was just brightness that was missing.20:24
Lurefdoving: submit wishlist ;-)20:25
LureScottK: afair, suse is working on kpowersave for kde4 (but it is in their repository, so not sure what is progress)20:25
LureScottK: but not sure about brightness20:25
fdovingLure: does it log to anywhere?20:25
awen-ScottK: okay ... so only brightness20:26
Lurefdoving: probably just stdout of network-manager logs (syslog?)20:26
ScottKLure: It seems sensible to just steal it out of Guidance rather than reinvent it.20:26
LureScottK: probably, but they will probably go c++ as kpowersave20:27
LureScottK: I suspect we need to wait for suse 11 release to see what they are up to20:27
awen-ScottK and Lure: but if suse has a complete tool, that works, that wouldn't be bad either20:27
ScottKI didn't know about that.20:27
awen-Lure: when is suse 11 set to launch?20:27
Lureawen-: I recall seenig 70+ days to release in some blog20:28
Lureawen-: so in a month or so they should have some beta with basic functionality20:28
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fdovingLure: doesn't really work with my configuration anyway.20:29
fdovingLure: http://kde.pastey.net/8527520:30
Lurefdoving: not supported in config dialogs or just breaks20:30
awen-Lure: that should give us time enough to see if it is worth looking at for intrepid20:30
fdovingLure: not supported inf config dialogs, might be the cause of the breakage.20:30
Lureproblem is I am not sure if this is regression, since you did not use it before, right?20:30
fdovingi did not use it before.20:31
Lurefdoving: anyway, thanks for trying20:31
fdovingi'll have a look at the config, see if i can change anything with vim.20:31
Lurefdoving: it will still be Riddell's call if he want to include it this late in release cycle20:31
nixternalRiddell: dot story posted on the contest...I think I am going to register for it this time around20:32
fdovingLure: i can't get it to work with my openvpn setup, even when hacking the config to add my options.20:42
parananybody here know anything about scim? bug #206302 makes kde4 almost unuseable, but I don't even know where to start looking for the cause.20:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 206302 in scim "scim fails to initialize, segfaults, makes kde4 apps take long to load" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20630220:49
paranthe solution used by me, and other who have confirmed it, is simply to remove all scim-packages. but that doesn't really solve the problem20:49
ScottK2Riddell: Any thoughts on the fix in Bug #209227 - I can replicate the problem.20:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 209227 in qt-x11-free "KDE3 icons flickering" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20922720:55
fdovingScottK2: are you able to reproduce that? - i can21:02
RiddellScottK2: I can't see the problem21:02
RiddellScottK2: but the patch doesn't seem overly invasive21:05
Riddellparan: ArneGoetje knows all about it21:06
Riddellon #u-d21:06
Riddellfdoving: knetworkmanager 0.2.2 not working for you?21:06
fdovingRiddell: it works for every normal operation. i just couldn't make openvpn work with it.21:07
fdovingthen again i did not use openvpn with it before either.21:07
fdovingit seems it doesn't support the options my setup requires.21:07
fdovingthen it asserts out on some crypto.c stuff21:07
Riddellfdoving: able to try the one from the current ubuntu archive?21:10
fdovingRiddell: sure.21:10
fdovingRiddell: the operation that ends in an assert is nm-openvpn, not knetworkmanager. so i don't blame knetworkmanager.21:11
fdovingbut i'm downgrading now, just to test.21:11
fdovingRiddell: now it actually works in both versions. so it's a success. i probably did something wrong in my config then. both works, all good :)21:17
Riddellfdoving: rocking21:18
* fdoving adds more vpn entries for everything.21:23
fdovingthe only evil side-effect is that /usr/lib/network-manager-openvpn/nm-openvpn-service uses 99% CPU.21:27
fdoving.. and i can only connect to one vpn at the time.21:28
RiddellSime: seen this with Jim's python-kde4 in 4.0.3?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6579/21:41
RiddellSime: ah, cp ./sip/kdeui/kdeui-kde402.diff ./sip/kdeui/kdeui-kde403.diff21:43
Riddellmark upgrades Kubuntu http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/14221:51
CheGuevarameh if he runs kde at home, then why not support us more21:53
SimeRiddell: isn't kde-bindings already packaged?21:55
RiddellSime: well we went back to jim's python-kde4 for 4.0.2 since he said it had improved bits in it21:56
Simenot much was changed. Some kconfig stuff should work a bit better.21:57
ScottKawen-: Bug 213128 appears to have some useful information in it now.23:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213128 in kde-guidance "[Hardy] Guidance-power-manager doesn't know when laptop is mains unplugged" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21312823:28
* Nightrose bounces23:30
awen-ScottK: thanks ... I've asked some additional questions23:41
ScottKGreat.  Thanks for keeping on it.23:42
awen-ScottK: ahh... found it anyway myself23:47
awen-ScottK: his ac adapter is reported as "present" (plugged in) by HAL even when it is not23:47
ScottKThat makes it kind of tough.23:48
awen-package "hal" ? ... or is there some sort of sub-package?23:48
awen-ScottK: and I suppose we should mark it as invalid regarding kde-guidance...23:50
ScottKawen-: Would it be insane to assume if the battery is charging that it's plugged in?23:52
ScottKI wonder what it produces when the battery is fully charged?23:52
ScottKOr maybe the reverse, assume if it's discharging it's not plugged.23:53
awen-ScottK: that only works if we can assume that when it is fully charged it doesn't report as charging + discharging23:55
ScottKSo maybe we need to find out.23:56
awen-ScottK: actually, right now we only use the ac_adapter.present value for determining the state23:58

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