
Jester009I am having issues installing/starting up xubuntu on a compaq presario 1675 that has xp installed on it. The bios miss the cutoff date (1999) and I have tried booting it with options acpi=force acpi=off acpi=old boot but nothing seems to keep it from freezing at "Starting common Unix Printing Cupsd". Anyone know any fixes. I do no have the computer hooked up to a printer00:01
squeakDoes anyone know how to stream a linux desktop so it will show up as a webcaM?00:02
kunzymiguel_c:  I have the shortcut keys configured in the System>Preferances>keyboard Shortcuts, but Amarok wont use them.     Is there a ver of winamp that will work in ubuntu?00:02
joelno winamp, why would you want winamp?00:02
colacan i enabe 3d accel. in ubuntu im usin ati radeon x165000:02
kunzyeh, i got used to it.   that and all the plugins make it easy to interface my circuits to music00:03
tortoise---hello folks, how goes it00:03
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:03
miguel_ckunzy: you have to make it work for Amarok, forget windows appz00:03
colacan i enabe 3d accel. in ubuntu im usin ati radeon x165000:03
miguel_cjust google about how to make multimedia keys work in ubuntu system00:04
IndyGunFreak!patience | cola try it, its a virtue00:04
ubotucola try it, its a virtue: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:04
kunzymiguel_c:   (sigh) thats going to be a tough one........    k will do00:04
IndyGunFreakcola: but the ATI drivers are known to be crappy.00:04
miguel_ckunzy:  im under a xubuntu system atm so I can't help you with amarok now00:04
miguel_ckunzy: it's tough at the beginning00:04
colaso i cant enable 3d :(00:04
miguel_cthen you'll get used to, and addicted I hope =)00:04
linkinxpUbuntu rocks :D00:04
tortoise---do any of you folks happen to know off hand a good soure for an updated gutsy /etc/apt/sources.list ? the default one, all the servers time out00:05
linkinxpcola,  try installing compiz :D00:05
tortoise---same with aptitude, either if i try to apt-get update or aptitude update00:05
colai installed it00:05
colaand works great00:05
reya276is it safe to install Hardy beta yet?00:05
linkinxpcola,  so? whats wrong then?00:05
kunzymiguel_c: ok, well is there a better media player for ubuntu that i can use or is amarok the way to go?    And yea, i hope i get used to it.   I need to expand my horizons, got tired of looking at the same stuff out my windows00:05
linkinxpreya276,  im using it00:05
linkinxpreya276,  no problem :d00:06
colabut when i try to playonlinux it tells me that i dont have 3d00:06
binarical-appcola: perhaps you could check under restricted drivers, if theres something applicable00:06
reya276linkinxp: really, no graphic driver issues00:06
linkinxpcola,  im not sure about that00:06
reya276because that is really my only concern00:06
linkinxpreya276,  i have a dell inspiron 1525 and nop not at all00:06
unoptortoise---, can you ping any of the mirrors?00:06
colaor i if i open ati control centre it tells me that i dont have graphic driver installed00:07
tortoise---unop, i will check00:07
linkinxpcola,  acc for linux?00:07
colabinarical-app: i tried that00:07
reya276what about software issues with firefox, openoffice or gimp00:07
colalinkinxp:  yes00:07
Jester009I am having issues installing/starting up xubuntu on a compaq presario 1675 that has xp installed on it. The bios miss the cutoff date (1999) and I have tried booting it with options acpi=force acpi=off acpi=old boot but nothing seems to keep it from freezing at "Starting common Unix Printing Cupsd". Anyone know any fixes. I do no have the computer hooked up to a printer00:07
linkinxpreya276,  none im using firefox beta 5 and openoffice its ok and gimp i havent used too much but i guess its ok00:07
kunzySo what does everyone use to listen to music in Ubuntu?  whats the best?00:08
brian_unop: Wellll, after spilling half a glass of pepsi all over my desk, then putting it on the floor so I didn't spill while I cleaned it up, then kicking it as I walked out, then cleaning THAT up... :D I'm back. What is the build-essential package? How do I get that?00:08
colakunzy amarok00:08
linkinxpkunzy,  Amarok?00:08
tortoise---unop: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com and security.* both time out00:08
ricaneliteis there a application out there where I could record my desktop? and upload it to sites like youtube, personal sites?00:08
Starnestommybrian_: sudo apt-get install build-essential or look in system > administration > synaptic package manager00:08
* binarical-app thinks brian learned a lesson 00:08
IndyGunFreakkunzy: audacious.. cuz i don't like bastard KDE libs.. :)00:08
linkinxpricanelite,  let me see im interested in that :D00:08
ScuniziI just acquired an old Gateway2000 P5-60 w/Win95 and want to put ubuntu on it. (or xubuntu). The AMI bios doesn't allow for booting to the CD rom.. how do I get around this?00:08
tortoise---unop: it's weird because apache is definitely accessible by the outside world... this is a brand new install too00:09
brian_Starnestommy: Ah, of course... Thanks00:09
kunzyok, looks like amarok is the popular.    But i will look into audacious00:09
Starnestommybrian_: it contains necessary programs, libraries, and tools for building new programs from sourcd00:09
IndyGunFreakricanelite: i t hink the program is called exactly that, recordmydesktop00:09
unop_tortoise---, what does apache have to do with apt?00:09
IndyGunFreak!info recordmydesktop00:09
uboturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.4-1 (gutsy), package size 41 kB, installed size 124 kB00:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dpkglock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:09
linkinxpricanelite,  :D00:09
ricanelitethanks IndyGunFreak00:09
ryanakcawhat's the factoid for a locked dpkg?00:09
IndyGunFreakricanelite: np00:09
ricanelitehow can I send you a message your name is in red00:09
tortoise---unop_: well, just that there is net access is all00:10
ricaneliteon the chat00:10
linkinxpIndyGunFreak,  can i broadcast?00:10
unop_!adeptcrash | ryanakca00:10
uboturyanakca: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:10
ryanakcaunop_: thanks :)00:10
Starnestommyricanelite: like this?00:10
emmaScunizi, could you connect it to the internet and download the install directly to it?00:10
IndyGunFreaklinkinxp: i imagine, you probably just end up putting it on youtube, etc00:10
unop_tortoise---, errm, can you ping those mirrors?00:10
Starnestommyricanelite: put their name at the beginning of the message00:10
IndyGunFreakricanelite: you just say my name, thats all.00:10
linkinxpIndyGunFreak,  i mean in realtime00:10
tortoise---unop_: they time out, all of them that i see00:10
ricaneliteIndyGunFeak thanks00:11
IndyGunFreaklinkinxp: oh, now that i don't know.00:11
linkinxpIndyGunFreak,  ill check thanks00:11
Scuniziemma: I just stuck an old nic card into it.. but how would I download directly to it for install? I'm missing something.00:11
unop_tortoise---, are you using the standard mirrors?00:11
brian_Starnestommy: Out of curiousity, why does my laptop have that? I haven't installed anything on it in the past coupla months since I installed Ubuntu, and I've certainly never installed that package manually00:11
IndyGunFreakricanelite: lol, didn't work..lol, you probably used a space or something.. use tab to autocomplete names00:11
LjLGopher99: hello00:11
ricaneliteStamesstommy: okay00:11
unop_tortoise---, actually, let's have a look at your sources.list -- can you use a !pastebin and show it to us?00:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about phail - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:11
tortoise---unop_: yes, the default ones at least, haven't touched the sources.list file00:11
Gopher99LjL: .hey00:12
tortoise---unop_: sure00:12
IndyGunFreakis ubotu being picky again?00:12
brian_Starnestommy: Never installed it, yet the program I'm usin works great :S same program as I'm trying on the other computer00:12
LjLIndyGunFreak: no, i was testing something else00:12
IndyGunFreakoh ok.00:12
emmaScunizi, I thought if you could download the whole cd to the hard drive, then you could use that.00:12
ricanelitei give up00:12
linkinxpIndyGunFreak,  no broadcast :P00:12
IndyGunFreakricanelite: oh i see the prob, your'e using L as the first letter.. should be an I..(i)00:12
ricaneliteIndyGunFreak, ahhh there we go!00:12
ricaneliteIndyGunFreak, nice00:13
unop_ricanelite, does your client not have tab-completion?00:13
tortoise---unop_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62374/ ... it had a space at the top as well00:13
IndyGunFreakricanelite: anyways, recordmydesktop is in the repos, should be pretty easy to install, but i have no experience in its use00:13
duliPlease, help: I was trying to recover the Windows mbr through Ubuntu with ms-sys --mbr /dev/sda1 instead of /dev/sda, and now my windows partition is unbootable...00:13
linkinxpricanelite,  i just installed its pretty easy but it doesnt broadcast00:13
Scuniziemma, no that won't work.. there would be no way to boot to the installer..00:13
unop_tortoise---, you've got 'gutsy' spelt wrong :)00:14
IndyGunFreaklinkinxp: i think he said before he wanted to put it on youtube00:14
emmaScunizi - could you put it on many many floppies?00:14
linkinxpIndyGunFreak,  ho my bad :(00:14
tortoise---unop_: in the sources.list, really...00:14
Scuniziunop_: spelt isn't a word.. it's "spelled".. :)00:14
tortoise---unop_: that's FUNNY... that's what it came installed with00:14
tortoise---haha, zing00:14
SpookyET I have a peculiar problem. If I connect my 1080p to my laptop while I'm in gnome, not only do I get a low resolution on my laptop, I also get a low resolution on the 1080p. If I connect it before GDM, I get full resolution on my laptop and 1080p. I'm using xrandr.00:15
Scuniziemma.. your right.. many.. 640 of them00:15
binarical-appduli: not so bad, it could be worse, k so what you did was enter some mumbel jumbel insto the boot loader, now try doing the same thing you did using hd0 instead00:15
ricaneliteit might be normal but i notice some windows are really big and my screen resolution is fine00:15
ricaneliteand also icons as well00:15
tortoise---unop_: still, why would the repository not resolve?00:15
unop_Scunizi, i'm british _NOT_ american - http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/spelt?view=uk00:15
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:15
emmaScunizi, I would like to know how you are supposed to install Ubuntu on this machine. Let me know when you find out.00:15
ricaneliteIndyGunFreak, is there any application out there that captures a webcam?00:15
dulibinarical-app: Hum, ok... I'll try that. Tks for now00:15
tortoise---unop_: no matter, it works now anyways. thanks! that's weird!00:16
unop_tortoise---, :)00:16
IndyGunFreakricanelite: webcams, are really hit and miss, it all depends on the make/model you have, some work great, a few work ok, a lot of them don't work at all.00:16
IndyGunFreak!webcam | ricanelite00:16
uboturicanelite: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:16
ALPSINChi all, where can i find the source for /bin/login ?00:16
ricanelitehow about cheese?00:16
emmaScunizi, this one --- http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html00:16
elmerEverybody... I want to dual boot Ubuntu and XP but I don't know if my wifi will work. Will the00:17
elmerGIGABYTE GN-WP01GS work in Linux?00:17
elmersry for the 2 lines00:17
ALPSINCelmer, ndiswrapper :)00:17
ricaneliteit should be with restricted devices in Ubuntu Gusty00:17
brian_I have 7.10, and when I go to open one of my files(KDXServer.lexe) from terminal, after I've made it executable, it says "error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". Whats wrong? :( I tried installing the build-essential package as was suggested, didn't help00:17
IndyGunFreakelmer: a lot depends on the chipset of your wireless device, but most of them will work w/ ndiswrapper.00:17
Scuniziemma, I'm reading this link .. sounds interesting.  http://tinyurl.com/3exghs00:17
IndyGunFreak!hardware | elmargol look here and see if you're wireless device is known to cause problems00:17
ubotuelmargol look here and see if you're wireless device is known to cause problems: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection00:17
elmerAnother challenge: I don't really want to move my PC all around to get to an ethernet cable. Is there a way to do it without having an internet connection?00:17
unop_Scunizi, funnily enough - "spelled" isn't a word in the oxford dictionary00:18
ricanelitethe only thing that is great about Gusty 7.10 is the restricted devices which helps and make life easy when installing wifi and graphics card00:18
IndyGunFreakelmer: its a lot tougher.00:18
Scuniziunop_: :)00:18
binarical-appelmer: look at this :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18914300:18
elmerbinarical-app, ok00:18
ALPSINCelmer, on the wiki00:18
ALPSINCbut where is the soucre for ubuntu's /bin/login :|00:19
elmerALPSINC, what on the wiki?00:19
elmerbinarical-app, that link has no info in it. Sorry.00:19
ALPSINCelmer, the way to do ndiswrapper without internet00:19
Scuniziunop_: deskbar's dictionary has it.. might be the differance between British english and American English.00:19
ALPSINCit was on there, and google also helps :)00:19
unop_Scunizi, i don't really care about american english to be honest :)00:20
dotechanyone here using multiple displays know how to spread the task bars across each display so only applications on that display show up in the task bar?00:20
tortoise---god, thanks folks00:20
unop_ALPSINC, the actual source code or the package that contains that file?00:20
dotechsort of like what Ultramon can do in Windows00:20
IndyGunFreakelmer: this might help..   http://roshan18.wordpress.com/2007/05/30/ubuntu-without-internet-connection-or-full-package-cddvds/00:20
ALPSINCunop_, the actual source00:20
binarical-appelmer: there are different methods to get hardware to function in ubuntu, for wifi we have ndiswrapper . it uses the windows drivers and wraps them nicly to run in ubuntu. there is also mad wifi. mad wifi make almost any wifi card run00:20
elmerIndyGunFreak, so what packages do I add to Ubuntu?00:20
unop_ALPSINC, apt-get source login00:21
ALPSINCi'm gonna pimp out mah login make it like the good ol mainframe z/os style00:21
IndyGunFreakelmer: nevermind, i just realized thats telling you to go to another linux box.00:21
elmerbinarical-app, so should I use mad wifi or ndis?00:21
ALPSINCunop_, ok, and where can i find the source after i do that?00:21
elmerI used Xubuntu for a bit, but only with ethernet because I couldn't get wifi to work00:21
elmerIndyGunFreak, OK, thanks00:21
unop_ALPSINC, it should download it into the current directory00:21
brian_When I go to open one of my files(KDXServer.lexe) from terminal, after I've made it executable, it says "error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". Whats wrong? :( I tried installing the build-essential package as was suggested, but it didn't help.00:21
ALPSINCunop_, ok, thanks!00:21
Jester009I am having issues installing/starting up xubuntu on a compaq presario 1675 that has xp installed on it. The bios miss the cutoff date (1999) and I have tried booting it with options acpi=force acpi=off acpi=old boot but nothing seems to keep it from freezing at "Starting common Unix Printing Cupsd". Anyone know any fixes. I do no have the computer hooked up to a printer00:22
binarical-appelmer: madwifi must be built, there are very comprehensive how toos on mad wifi. ndiswrapper can be obtained thru apt therefore might be easyer for you to try out00:22
unop_brian_, try this -- sudo aptitude install build-essential libstdc++500:22
kunzyOk, got another problem.   My computer went to sleep and didnt wake up.  When i rebooted it, it loaded a default GRUB menu i guess.  Because i no longer have XP as a boot option and the modifications i made to the ubuntu boot are gone.  Can anyone please copy and paste their menu.lst for GRUB that uses XP?   And can anyone tell me why it does that?   thanks00:22
brian_unop_: Ok, one sec.00:23
elmerI have a bunch  of tech experience, but I am like a duck in a blender when it comes to WiFi on Linux00:23
elmerbinarical-app, so can I somehow get ndis in windows and add it to a 7.10 cd?00:23
IndyGunFreak!wifi | elmer well start here..00:23
ubotuelmer well start here..: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:23
vile_maximanyone so happen to know how to get to the root of a Snap Server? Trying to get the passwd shadow and smb.conf00:23
elmerubotu pwns at life. Bots FTW!00:23
elmerAlso, should I use 64 or 32 bit00:24
elmeri only have 2 gb ram00:24
elmerso I only need 3200:24
elmerbut is 64 bit better?00:24
unop_elmer, if you are starting out stick with the 32-bit version to save yourself from a few headaches but if you want to utilize the full potential of your hardware, go with the 64-bit version00:25
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:25
datachildHello fellow ubuntu user00:25
fraggedMhm, compiz works fine, except alt+F2 and a key I've binded to run a terminal bring up the terminal behind whatever I'm running, and windows that are minimized lag for a few seconds before they draw, even though my system is more than capable of running them00:25
datachildi have a suggestion to make00:25
elmerunop_, I am just starting out, so I will use 3200:25
datachilda very serious one too!00:25
datachildyou should name it "ubuntu - final fail"00:26
fraggedi lold00:26
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:26
unop_fragged, what is the command you have bound there?00:26
elmerI think I found some help!00:26
fraggedwait no I didnt, even for a troll attempt that was epic fail00:26
binarical-appelmer: im afraid that adding it a tough option, it would mean making a apt-on-cd , apt-on-cd acts as repositorys, im afraid tho that you would have to get them from your linux system. another option would be to find a good wiki on the subj. , print it out, get the mad wifi package from sourcforge, save it to your hd , then reboot , mount the windows partiton, copy the file to ubuntu, run it , follo the wiki00:26
Jester009I am having issues installing/starting up xubuntu on a compaq presario 1675 that has xp installed on it. The bios miss the cutoff date (1999) and I have tried booting it with options acpi=force acpi=off acpi=old boot but nothing seems to keep it from freezing at "Starting common Unix Printing Cupsd". Anyone know any fixes. I do no have the computer hooked up to a printer00:26
kindofabuzzdatachild: how about user -fails00:26
fraggedunop_, under xfce settings > keyboard configuration I have Terminal bound to alt + a, its really helpful00:27
datachildi am the leet of leets00:27
datachildthe root of roots00:27
InGunsWeTrustThis is such a great problem it requires a back story: At my school whenever somebody walks away from their computer without locking it we set their desktop background to something funny. So I used gconf-editor to make my desktop background "mandatory." for some reason when I set that, next time i booted up my background was set to the default background and I can't change it back! How can I fix this?00:27
arrowwhat is the quickest way to upgrade from 6.06 to 7.10?00:27
fraggedno, dear datachild, no your not00:27
datachildarrow, installing windows00:27
elmerbinarical-app, well that sucks00:27
brian_unop_: Your a life saver :D Thanks, works great :) Just curious, but why does it work on one computer, but not the other? Used the same CD to install both, both have all the latest updates, and I haven't downloaded installed anything EXCEPT for this program that I'm trying to get working(Which now does :D)00:27
elmerI guess I might just have to move my PC after all00:27
elmerthat would suck royally00:27
IndyGunFreakInGunsWeTrust: kinda backfired..lol00:27
brian_!spam | datachild00:27
ubotudatachild: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...00:27
brian_Always too slow...00:28
enriquehey, i was wondering if someone could help me with something, i was having problems with wireless connection on an acer with atheros 2413 i have downloaded and installed acer_acpi but i still show no wireless on the network manager, any suggestions?00:28
binarical-appelmer: your windows partiton will mount per default, only fitting the wiki to you may be harder00:28
InGunsWeTrustIndyGunFreak: well they can't change it! haha But the ugly brown default wallpaper doesnt match my blue theme!00:28
fraggedbrian_, they, alike addicts, have to help themselves first.00:28
elmerI have 2 partitions already00:28
unop_brian_, it's hard to say, i can only assume that apt didnt maintain the proper list of packages or failed to install build-essential properly00:28
elmer1 just for windows00:28
elmer1 for data00:28
mariobrowhen I try to run Envy, I get the message "Error:  Dependency is not satisfiable: debhelper"  What does this mean?00:28
binarical-appelmer: so no ubuntu yet?00:28
elmernot yet00:29
elmerbut I have an OLD cd00:29
pschorf2mariobro: have you tried to apt-get debhelper?00:29
elmerlike 6.0600:29
elmeror 5.1000:29
mariobronot yet...00:29
Jester009is a compaq presario 1675 too old for xubuntu?00:29
elmerI don't remember00:29
Starnestommymariobro: it means that you shouldn't run Envy00:29
reya276are the special effects working too00:29
pschorf2mariobro: run sudo apt-get install debhelper00:29
brian_unop_: Ah, yeh, thats probably it... Took me two trys to install it, first one froze up. The second time probably just messed up too. Is there some easy command that installs everything from the CD that was SUPPOSED to be installed? Not that it matters now, but, just incase :)00:30
InGunsWeTrustdoes anybody know how to make a setting not mandatory anymore in gconf-editor?00:30
binarical-appget a new cd, if you wait for a week or so hardy will be out and you can try that. be sure to update your system right after the installation...... that may figure the problem for you right away00:30
ALPSINCwhat package is agetty in?00:30
seespotrunIs ubuntu made to be so slow and bloated?00:30
elmerI remember when I installed Xubuntu on an old 700 MHz, it had to be connected via ethernet00:30
reya276does hardy support hotplug usb devices suach as tablets and external hard drives00:30
mariobro$ sudo apt-get install debhelper00:30
mariobroReading package lists... Done00:30
mariobroBuilding dependency tree00:30
mariobroReading state information... Done00:30
mariobroPackage debhelper is not available, but is referred to by another package.00:30
FloodBot2mariobro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:30
mariobroThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or00:30
elmerdo I truly have to move my PC to install Ubuntu and get my wifi working?00:30
binarical-appseespotrun: you may be bloating it with a gui ;D00:30
unop_brian_, errm, yes, it might take much longer than the CD install but -  sudo apt-get install --reinstall $(dpkg -l | cut -c 3-30)00:31
binarical-appelmer: can you lan boot?00:31
tehreiwhy is ubuntu so slow00:31
tehreihow do i fix it?00:31
elmerbinarical-app, I don't entirely understand what you mean00:31
MindloopBut see, the typical user lacks the ability to change GUI's. it's not really worht it to them, I can't for the life of me understand why Gnome is so process itnensive00:31
reya276seespotrun: bloated, maybe you have an ancient pc, because ubuntu is extremely fast00:31
TwiltWhen Ubuntu 8.04 is released will it contain wubi in it or do I go to wubi's website and will wubi inclue Ubuntu?  I wish to have both wubi, and Ubuntu stable (not beta) when 8.04 is released.00:31
seespotruni dunno tehrei i have the same problem00:31
brian_unop_: So that installs everything that SHOULD be on a normal install? And would it mess anything up? >.>00:31
reya276when on 512mb, try turning the special effects off00:31
seespotruni have xfce installed but its taking forever just to load00:31
enriquehey, i was wondering if someone could help me with something, i was having problems with wireless connection on an acer with atheros 2413 i have downloaded and installed acer_acpi but i still show no wireless on the network manager, any suggestions?00:32
Starnestommytehrei: do you have compiz running?00:32
FailureDudeseespotrun try installing it on your ps triple00:32
mariobroso what do I do if I can't get debhelper?00:32
Tazaseespotrun: Have you tried optimizing the boot time with grub options?00:32
FailureDudemight be faster00:32
Starnestommytehrei: have you enabled visual effects?00:32
FailureDudeits got more cores00:32
unop_brian_, well to be strict, that reinstalls all packages that are currently installed so it might miss out packages that failed to install in the first place.. and no it doesnt mess anything up00:32
tehreii think so00:32
elmerCould this work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=296822 ?00:32
Jester009I am having issues installing/starting up xubuntu on a compaq presario 1675 that has xp installed on it. The bios miss the cutoff date (1999) and I have tried booting it with options acpi=force acpi=off acpi=old boot but nothing seems to keep it from freezing at "Starting common Unix Printing Cupsd". Anyone know any fixes. I do no have the computer hooked up to a printer00:32
elmerif I DL the file in windows?00:32
Mindloopmy experience is that I've turned everything off, compiz, the effects, no desktop wallpaper, checked if my hdd's are outputting proper speeds00:32
brian_unop_: Ah, perfect! :D Thanks.00:32
mannexenrique, I am a complete noob.... but did you blacklist your previous drivers?00:32
Starnestommytehrei: disable the visual effects and it should run faster00:32
ccvpwtf, I have 1 page impression today, 1 click, Page CTR of 100.00%, $1,190.00 page ecpm, so i earned $1.19, lol, weird00:32
tehreithx lo00:33
binarical-appelmer: well in bios there is an option to boot from your network, if you have a system that will boot yours for you, id give it a shot. you know there are even pc shops who know alot about booting things and maybe for a small fee would be able to get your system in tip top condiditon for you00:33
seyacathu ubuntuadicts00:33
enriquei have no idea what it means to blacklist previous drivers00:33
enriquei am complete noob as well00:33
kunzyDoes anyone know what the XP part of the GRUB boot loader has to look like?00:33
seespotrunhmmm I've optimized the bootloader00:33
elmerbinarical-app, do you think I could use this guide (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=296822) if I download the file in Windows?00:33
Survivorman!xubuntu | Jester00900:33
ubotuJester009: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels00:33
seespotrunbut it seems to still be quite slow00:33
ccvphow is that00:34
ccvpI made $1.19 off one click today00:34
ccvpvia adsense, wtf00:34
enriqueall i know is windows lol00:34
seyacatplease help me, where can i find start up service script?? because i dont see dbus and others launch at boot00:34
seespotrunI have windows dual-booted via grub and ubuntu seems even slower than that00:34
elmerbinarical-app, my BIOS only has HDD, CD, and Floppy boot options00:34
tortoise---is there any way to change the webmin password, or reset it when logged into ssh as root? i think the login name has some weird characters in it00:34
elmerso no LAN boot for me00:34
elmeroh, and USB00:34
tehreiyeah, windows seems to run faster on my e-machine00:34
Starnestommyseyacat: /etc/init.d00:34
Mindloopwindows does run faster than ubuntu, even with all of windows effects on00:35
seespotrunand surprisingly crashes a lot more00:35
seyacatinit.d its a directory?00:35
Starnestommyseyacat: yes00:35
Mindloopyeah, seespot, i know.00:35
binarical-appelmer: take a look at this, ill be back with more00:35
tehreisame seespot00:35
elmerbtw, thanks for the help, binarical-app00:35
binarical-appnp dude00:35
Mindloopwell, that's a good thing. some people here who agree with me00:35
pschorf2mariobro: try running sudo apt-get update00:35
mannexenrique, take a look at this.. i solved my wifi problems with it this morning https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper#autostart00:35
elmerI don't think the GP-whatever is Atheros00:35
brian_unop_: Erm, that command doesnt work >.< Says "Couldn't find package reinstall"00:36
Mindloopi was desperate for a free operating system, ubuntu didn't seem to do it. Then I switched to slackware00:36
Mindloopunbuntu crashed more than my windows did00:36
seespotrunis slackware a better choice?00:36
elmerbinarical-app, I do not believe my WiFi card is of an Atheros chipset00:36
binarical-appelmer: the wiki you sent me was for something like ndiswrapper using a linksys chipset00:36
tehreican i run iTunes on linux?00:36
TazaMindloop: Well, what is your hardware like?00:36
Mindloopand in slackware, i was able to run compiz, all of the effects, all of that. without speed loss00:36
seespotrunbecause i think ubuntu's simply too unstable to be of any use as a replacement00:36
mannexSlackware is great00:36
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:36
jeff__is_coolMindloop: how did ubuntu "crash"?00:36
elmerbinarical-app, oh. wait, the forum link?00:36
seyacati see there is all the scripts but how can i choose i want to run00:36
enriqueok thanks mannex i will check it out00:36
unop_brian_, --reinstall not reinstall :)00:36
Tazatehrei: At least using wine it should00:37
MindloopI've got a amd athlon 65 3300+, 2 gigs of ram and a 8600gt. Ubuntu was complete shit00:37
seespotrunIt's just too friggin UNSTABLE.00:37
binarical-appelmer :http://madwifi.org/ this is precisly what your looking for, dont worry aobut the driver , worry about the application00:37
symptomtehrei: use rhythmbox or exaile or gtkpod00:37
brian_unop: "Couldn't find package sired"00:37
TazaAnd I take you're using "tainted" kernel drivers?00:37
MindloopUbuntu is a tainted debian kernel00:37
ALPSINCunop_, do you know how to get the source to getty?00:37
Tazasymptom: Well, if you don't mind dragging a lot of KDE libs AmaroK is a superior choice00:37
binarical-appMindloop: you should try and compile your own kernel ;P00:38
elmerBTW, binarical-app, I checked and my Gigabyte WiFi card is RT61 chipset. The same as in that forum link.00:38
MindloopGentoo, i'd try it if I had the patience00:38
seespotrunmindloop: maybe it'll work better than ubuntu00:38
iceswordi am using debian sid .latest one00:38
seespotrunmindloop: who knows what the people who compiled ubuntu put in it00:38
unop_ALPSINC, getty is part of util-linux as per dpkg -S $(which getty) .. so get the source of util-linux,  apt-get source util-linux00:38
binarical-appelmer: can you please talk in the channel, so that everyone can participate and learn as well as help00:38
Jester009Doesnt anyone know how to get past the hangup at Starting Common Unix Printing system cupsd while starting up ubuntu from the cd?00:39
_Silhouette_hello, I have a question about installing ubuntu00:39
Mindloopspot: no idea, probably horrible horrible things00:39
symptomTaza: never used amarok what makes it superior?00:39
ALPSINCunop_, ahhh, thanks! i'll keep that command in mind then00:39
Tazasymptom: Well, pretty much everything. Better UI, better sound system support, more configurable.00:39
pschorf2_Silhouette_: what is it?00:39
TazaIt's the best of the unix music players.00:39
Mindloopamarok is a hog though =/00:39
seespotrunmindloop: I spent days of my time trying to configure ubuntu to work... and all I get is a buggy, slow piece that hardly functions as an operating system00:40
binarical-appelmer i want you to download the mad wifi package from the mad wifi site, in the mean time ill find you a simple how to install okay?00:40
TazaExaile stinks, because it has a fixed 800x600 system00:40
buliomarkjames@MServ:~$ sudo cp /mnt/storage/Apps,Games,Movies/ /home/Stuff/00:40
buliocp: omitting directory `/mnt/storage/Apps,Games,Movies/'00:40
_Silhouette_Is there a way I can install linux without a physical CD? I can run the iso from a virtual drive but I don't have a CD on hand that's big enough00:40
buliowhy wouldnt that CP?00:40
elmerbinarical-app, I am talking in the channel00:40
Mindloopseespotrun: ubuntu, what do you configure? sadly, not much. hell, i hated how i had to actually trick it into getting me root acess00:40
elmerat least I think I am00:40
bulioit keeps omitting the dir00:40
psilikonhas there been a fix for the lack of splash screen in the amd64 version?00:40
Mindloopsilhouette: entwork install00:40
* elmer is downloading the mad wifi package00:40
LjLis there an expedient way to know if a given package is installed in ubuntu by default?00:40
_Silhouette_How do I do that? I've never installed an OS before.00:40
TazaMindloop: The root trick is there because of newbie users who don't know half enough about security00:41
Starnestommybulio: add the -R switch00:41
_Silhouette_this is my first time00:41
* binarical-app thinks elmer rocks !!!!00:41
bulioahh ok thanks Starnestommy00:41
pschorf2goodbye, all00:41
seyacatwhat is the mainscript in init.d?00:41
icesword_Silhouette_, next,next,next,finish,reboot,okay00:41
Lo_Panlol sendq00:41
Survivormanelmer, including the name of the person you're addressing in the lines you type will make it easier for them to know you're speaking to them :)00:41
bulioalso, can anyone point me to a guide on how to configure postfix + a webmail client?00:41
binarical-appatheros chip sets are these new razzmatazzy thingys for macs00:41
_Silhouette_icesword, where is that?00:41
elmerSurvivorman, thanks00:42
icesword_Silhouette_, plz be more specific00:42
bulioI want to use my DYNDNS IP to make a postix server that I can access via a webmail00:42
Jester009can anyone help me with my hang up problem starting ubuntu from the cd?00:42
ibouhow to reboot jackd deamon in console ?00:42
elmerMadWifi download done!00:42
_Silhouette_so far I've only seen the browser where it asks me if I want to install firefox, etc.00:42
Survivormanelmer, no problem. most of the time your name being spoken sends some sort of visual cue that you have been messaged directly.00:42
elmerSurvivorman, I know that much. I am a regular on a few more obscure IRC channels.00:43
unop_bulio, not to offend you, but google can answer questions like that much faster and better than us (because we would have to go to goole to answer your question anyway)00:43
Scunizielmer.. just guessing but it might be something like.. sudo /etc/init.d/jackd restart00:43
binarical-appJester009: change your bios setting to boot from cdrom, turn off your hd , save , reboot00:43
elmerScunizi, tbh, I don't know what you are talking about00:44
Jester009binarical-app: thanks ill try that00:44
Scunizielmer, sorry wrong nick..00:44
_Silhouette_is there some sort of guide for what I need? The one the browser gave me just seems to be a typical install, which I can't do right now00:44
elmerOK, thanks, Scunizi00:44
Jester009binarical-app: my boot settings are already like that00:44
buliounop_: I did google, didnt find anything relelvant00:44
binarical-appbuilo :http://www.firstpr.com.au/web-mail/RH71-Postfix-Courier-Maildrop-IMAP/00:45
elmerbinarical-app, I got the RT61 info from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsGigabyteTechnology00:45
Scuniziibou: sudo /etc/init.d/jackd restart maybe.... worth trying00:45
patrick_in "ring switcher" for compiz-fusion...what does " <super>tab" mean??00:45
Starnestommypatrick_: win key+tab00:45
patrick_starnestrommy thanks00:45
Jester009binarical-app: i have no problem booting from the disk my problem is that while starting up ubuntu is hangs at Starting Common Unix Printing System cupsd00:46
binarical-appelmer: when you boot into ubuntu, please find the package in the windows system then open it with the package manager. you may need to build from source, do you command line interface experiance?00:46
=== Starnestommy is now known as sheep
elmerbinarical-app, I have a little00:46
_Silhouette_icesword? anyone?00:46
elmerbinarical-app, and I have a bit of a guide00:47
binarical-appelmer: how much of a guide is a little00:47
hatteri have a printer on the network that i can get to from  -> administration -> printers after pressing the goto server button, but how do i then have this printer turn up so i can print from openoffice ?00:47
icesword_Silhouette_, what is excactly your problem is00:47
binarical-appJester009: is it possible you have a corrupted disk ? , can you check the disk for defaults on live boot please00:48
spinikerhello..help on how to install tar.bz and tar.bz2 icon theme..00:48
_Silhouette_icesword: I need to know if it's possible to install Linux without a physical CD (i.e. running the iso from a virtual drive) and if so, how do I do it (instructions/guide)?00:48
icesword_Silhouette_, you said you want to install ubuntu00:48
Jester009binarical-app: i have checked the disk and it is ok. I have tried boot options acpi=force acpi=off and acpi=oldboot and nothing seems to work00:48
icesword_Silhouette_, sure,you can00:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hdinstall - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:49
binarical-appelmer: most of the guides rely on an active internet connection, building from source may need a different guide.00:49
=== damaltor_ is now known as damaltor
elmerbinarical-app, that forum link is my guide00:49
elmerit doesn't seem to need internet00:50
icesword!install | _Silhouette_00:50
ubotu_Silhouette_: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:50
zcat[1]You could get the hardy ISO and mount it (poweriso or something, I can't recall.. there are a few programs that do this) then install with wubi00:50
binarical-app Jester009: ca you tell us how your system ran before, also what caused the system to hang, also what version cd your running right now, and what dist you were using till now00:50
amenadohatter add the subject printer via CUPS00:50
icesword_Silhouette_, you see,that one,the last one00:50
elmerbinarical-app, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29682200:50
elmerthat is my guide00:50
_Silhouette_Thanks...I will read it00:51
jerbearhow do you open the preferred terminal from the command line? similar to xdg-open00:51
zcat[1]I'll read it too :)00:51
patrick_im running hardy heron beta..is there a dock in the repositories that i can use?00:51
hatteramenado, i can connect to the printer which is using cups on the other server,  are saying i need to use cups on the machine i want to print from ?00:51
alan_m!hardy | patrick_00:51
ubotupatrick_: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu00:51
ibouScunizi: thanks00:51
hatteramenado, i can print a test page from here00:51
patrick_sorry mate00:51
amenadohatter yes or if you know how lpd works, you can use that too00:51
elmerbinarical-app, as long as I download the file in advance I think that forum post will work00:51
Jester009binarical-app: the system ran fine under windows xp. It still has the OS installed. I am using ubuntu-7.10-desktop i-38600:51
Siph0nhey... whats an easy program to combine a video w/ audio with other audio video sources?00:52
zcat[1]Siph0n: kino is pretty easy00:53
binarical-appelmer: okay give it a shot, dont worry i dont think you can brek much, at worst it wont install. but have fun and be saf, if you have a question ask the man like: man man or man help or man wifi. find specific instances of what you need to know read read read00:53
icesworddon't use wubi,afraid of data loss,os failure,try virtual machine ,then00:53
elmerbinarical-app, I am going to try it, but first I have to install Ubuntu00:53
alan_min 18 days we can talk about hardy in here, not before then though, or if you wish to discuss it now, #ubuntu+1 guys, just a general blurt out, for nobody specific.00:54
* binarical-app shakes his head and prays a silent prayer00:54
elmerbinarical-app, but I think I have to have a connection to even install it. Or at least I had to in Xubunty Text Installer.00:54
zcat[1]another 108M of updates, I only updated last night!!00:55
Pelozcat[1], what app ?00:55
alan_mzcat[1], udates for what?00:55
binarical-appJester009: okay so you need to resore grub as i see, try turning your hds back on, and change their priority like: cd then hd okay?00:55
zcat[1]Pelo: hardy ...00:55
hanophix33i am trying to watch mlb.tv on firefox but since I am running Linux, firefox is telling their server that im not running windows.  I can get a menu on Wine version of Firefox that allows me to view a stream that is doesn't require Silverlight, in LINUX i cannot get that screen00:56
zcat[1]running it on three machines here, it's pretty good so far but by gum there are a lot of updates every day00:56
Pelozcat[1], you have to expect that,   beta get updates to fix every single bug they can resolve before it is officialy out00:56
Jester009binarical-app: that it how it is set right now.00:56
ShiFTKeyI know this is an ubuntu channel, but what do you guys think of fedora?00:56
seyacathow can i switch tty with command line00:56
mark[oz]ShiFTKey,  balls00:56
alan_mzcat[1], you havent been keeping up with the updates then or has it just been a few days since you installed it?00:56
PeloShiFTKey, we don't think about it00:56
ShiFTKeyctrl-alt Fx00:56
ShiFTKeywhere f = 1 - 600:56
mark[oz]ShiFTKey, they're package management system is about as mature as a child00:56
binarical-appelmer: your going to be in trouble without a cable connection. but go ahead and give the system an install, dhcp can configure at a later time00:56
ShiFTKeyI mean x00:56
zcat[1]no, 108M of updates since last night!00:56
seyacatand whith command line00:56
ShiFTKeyyes, I hate their package management00:57
ShiFTKeyapt is so much better00:57
erle-is there a comfortable way to switch between propietary flash player and another plugin (gnash, swfdec)?00:57
hanophix33Anyone know how to watch mlb.tv on Linux?00:57
alan_mzcat[1], i didnt have that many since last night, like 10800:57
amenadoseyacat man switchto00:57
SurvivormanJester009, I googled your problem and read about 6 posts with a few people with the same issue. In the end, they used the alternate cd.00:57
Pelozcat[1], I heard you correctly , but like I said , betas get lots of updates to finish fixing the bugs before release00:57
alan_mzcat[1], i had like maybe 4 :)00:57
Survivorman*6 forums00:57
elmerbinarical-app, I don't actually use DHCP in windows. I have OpenDNS and a static IP set up. Would it be hard to tell ubuntu to do the same?00:57
jpw27_whenever i wake my box up from sleeping/suspending, it won't except my password.  i can hit switch user, and log in fine, and my applications are still up, but whenever it's waking up it won't take my password.  is this known at all.....00:57
zcat[1]nz repos sometimes get a bit behind.. might be two days of updates backed up00:58
binarical-appJester009: so you cant boot anything ? how about windows.00:58
Jester009survivorman: would the alternate cd be the server version?00:58
amenadoelmer-> you use static ip address  on an ubuntu00:58
Siph0nzcat[1], Kino cant open avi files??? :)00:58
elmeramenado, I am sorry but I do not understand your comment00:58
Survivormanbinarical-app, I think he has an issue where cups hangs, just in the live cd, am I right Jester009 ?00:58
charles|64ok, is there a way to generate an email certificate?00:58
Jester009SurvivorMan: yes that is right.00:59
* Pelo laughs at the notion of jpw27_ 's computer being startled by an unexpected password 00:59
hanophix33anyone use MLB.tv?00:59
amenadoelmer which part you dont understand? using a static ip address?00:59
SurvivormanJester009, the alternate is an installation only cd, no live cd.00:59
zcat[1]Siph0n: it converts them on the fly, you might need to install ffmpeg tho (it should be a dependancy)00:59
wobbiebobbiehas any body use ubuntu studio00:59
binarical-appthanks man00:59
alan_mwobbiebobbie, yes00:59
Jester009Survivorman: is the download available on the same page as the live cd iso?00:59
elmeramenado, the English doesn't make sense. Sorry. Is there just like a box I put in my DNS and IP?00:59
binarical-appelmer: using static ip is a bit expensive. other wise i think its great00:59
SurvivormanJester009, yes. Under the download link, there should be a checkbox for the alternate cd.00:59
jpw27_Pelo: i do find it a little humorous/odd, but it doesn't make it any less annoying :)01:00
zcat[1]elmer: yes, during the install choose 'manual' network setup instead of automatic01:00
elmerbinarical-app, expensive? I mean static internal IP, not external01:00
wobbiebobbieIf I open snap manger and down load it will it integrate with ubuntu01:00
Jester009SurvivorMan,binarical-app: thanks for both your help ill try the alternate cd *crosses fingers*01:00
elmerzcat[1], thanks01:00
binarical-appit WILL work01:00
SurvivormanJester009, good luck :)01:00
Pelojpw27_, suspend/hibernate is touchy in linux at the best of times but I'm guessing this particular issue is probably covered in the forum , do a search   www.ubuntuforums.org01:00
hanophix33MLB.tv anyone?>01:01
zcat[1]elmer: or you can just change it after the install, network manager on the taskbar, change it from dhcp to static01:01
wobbiebobbie ubuntu studio wont mess up any thing01:01
jpw27_thanks Pelo, i'm off to the forums then01:01
alan_mhibernate/suspend hardly works on ANY computer, ive heard nothing but nightmare stories jpw27_ :/01:01
owen1i have a script that i want to run from F2 without the path. any ideas?01:01
elmerzcat[1], thanks, but I probably will just set it during install01:01
alan_mjpw27_, even for myself..i cant get it working01:01
jpw27_alan_m, i use to have it working fine, then i changed HDD's and it doesn't like it upon waking up01:02
quitttwhat is the name of the new Ubuntu?01:02
alan_mcharles|64 ask your question again, we didnt see it.01:02
Peloowen1, menu > system > prefs > keybaord shortucts01:02
alan_mquittt, hardy01:02
zcat[1]!hardy | quittt01:02
ubotuquittt: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu01:02
binarical-appelmer: unless you have asked your isp for a static ip , you will still have a dhcp ip. what you can do is set your router manually so that inside of the network ips are configured to the same location all the time01:02
zcat[1]'hardly hereyet'01:02
alan_m"hardy herron" zcat[1] :)01:02
charles|64ok, is there a way to generate an email certificate?01:03
alan_mbut i see your pun in it :D01:03
owen1Pelo: ok. i meant alt+F2....01:03
elmerbinarical-app, yeah, I have my Router (WRT54G) set up to give my PC a specific IP01:03
SpookyETFinally, I have a backup. duplicity, rdiff-backup, flexbackup, and all the other stuff failed. dar worked.01:03
charles|64alan_m: , is there a way to generate an email certificate?01:03
owen1Pelo: or katapult.01:03
N3WFI3who needs hardy when you have gutsy gibbon :)01:03
Peloowen1,  you need to add the location or your script ot the path file , hold on01:03
zcat[1]hardy is going to be way cooler than gutsy..01:03
_Silhouette_I need to download linux onto my backup drive, not C:\01:03
hanophix33does anyone use MLB.tv?01:04
Peloowen1, check in this link , under  scriptiing,   forth section I think    cmdshell01:04
alan_mn3wFI3, people who want long term support, thats who N3WFI301:04
Peloowen1, check in this link , under  scriptiing,   forth section I think    http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php01:04
N3WFI3im really impressed with gutsy01:04
_Silhouette_will it let me choose where it installs?01:04
binarical-appelmer: i wont be able to help you from outside unless the system is already installed, in which case i dont think youd need my help any more01:04
Pelohanophix33, we may not use it but if you state the exact nature of the problem we might still be able to help01:04
zcat[1]I wasn't.. gutsy was the buggiest ubuntu of about the last four versions.. imho anyhow.01:04
elmerbinarical-app, I am fine installing it, I just need help to get wifi01:05
alan_mzcat[1], agreed totally here01:05
elmerbinarical-app, I am going to try the forum guide01:05
owen1Pelo: cool. thanks01:05
icesword_Silhouette_, you need at least two blank partition first01:05
elmerbinarical-app, if the forum doesn't work, I will boot back into windows and ask for help01:05
eric_suck it lames01:05
Peloeric_ ???01:05
binarical-appelmer: do you have ethernet connections to your router?01:05
Survivorman!language eric_01:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about language eric_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:05
alan_m!language | eric_01:06
ubotueric_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:06
_Silhouette_icesword: what is that/how do I do it?01:06
elmerbinarical-app, I do have 4, but only one PC is actually close enoguh for an ethernet cable01:06
eric_what kind of chat is this exactly?01:06
eric_im using linux and it blows01:06
hanophix33MLB.tv has switched over to silverlight, they offer a old view which works in mplayer.  I cannot get the option to view in the old media player because Firefox tells their server im not on Windows01:06
_Silhouette_i also don't get the whole hd0, hd1, etc. thing01:06
icesword_Silhouette_, you delete some partition,then it is blank01:06
Peloeric_, support channel for ubuntu ,  what is your issue ?01:06
binarical-appelmer: id do that if i had a choice, its the best option01:07
eric_im having trouble downloading programs01:07
Pelocharles|64,  you re not being ignored, just repeat your question if no one answers01:07
eric_i try to download kazaa and it wont open01:07
elmerbinarical-app, if I did that, I would have to either get a REALLY long ethernet cable or move my PC, neither of which I want to do01:07
Mc_G0dAnyone got some tips on how to get WPA2 to work?01:07
_Silhouette_icesword: I've never done anything with partitions01:07
Mc_G0dI got the actual wireless nic working finally01:08
alan_meric_, this isnt windows, its totally different, to open things is much different in ubuntu and linux than in windows.01:08
Peloeric_, you can'T install windows programs on linux,  we recommend you check in the add/remove applet in the application menu01:08
Redeye2eric_ how are you trying to download them?01:08
binarical-appelmer: it would be easyest if you booted into ubuntu and came here , we can help you get it up to any standard you want01:08
N3WFI3kazaa is old as hell and crap01:08
sheepwine can run some programs01:08
N3WFI3use torrents01:08
sheeper, som windows programs01:08
eric_i just go to kazaa and click on download01:08
icesword_Silhouette_, if you are so afraid ,maybe you could try virtual machine.how many mem you have01:08
eric_and linux wont work with it01:08
binarical-apptry azerus01:08
psmithHolly crap thats is a sugnificant number of bits,bytes and giga bits .etc01:08
elmerbinarical-app, I know, I know. If I can't get wifi to work, I will end up hooking ethernet in.01:08
charles|64Pelo: i dont want to nag lol but ok01:08
dulibinarical-app: just solved the broken winodws boot sector with testdisk (backup bs function). Thanks01:08
silas428eric_: try limewire01:08
Survivormaneric_, or frostwire01:09
Peloeric_, go to www.frostwire.com and et that01:09
eric_limewire works with linux?01:09
Redeye2yes it does01:09
silas428eric_: frostwire, forgot about that one01:09
Peloeric_, get frostwire01:09
seyacathow can i change the default runlevel??01:09
eric_limewire or frostwire?01:09
Pelocharles just ask01:09
charles|64ok, is there a way to generate an email certificate?01:09
silas428eric_: frostwire is better imo01:09
N3WFI3either one should be ok01:09
hanophix33what is a good media player for WINE that works in firefox wine01:09
Survivormaneric_, frostwire.com01:09
Peloeric_,  frostwire = limewire - spyware01:09
_Silhouette_icesword: I am trying to install linux on my external HD and then use it for my old computer01:09
binarical-appelmer: okay tell us how it goes man, see oyu on the other side01:09
_Silhouette_since the old one died.01:09
alan_myou guys realize were about to slip into off topic territory :/01:09
eric_its a free computer so what can i do?01:09
ccvpwhat is the difference between a "regular language" pack, or a UTF-8 one.  I installed a language choser module for a website, but the module now needs either a regular language pack, or same kind, but UTF-8?  whats the difference, and potential impact on users?01:09
eric_why does anyone want linux?01:09
N3WFI3it owns01:10
amenadoit cost less01:10
alan_meric_, because its more secure than windows.01:10
Survivormaneric_, because I like penguins01:10
Redeye2Alan_m disagree...01:10
alan_meric_, because it cost less.....and i love penguins :D01:10
elmerbinarical-app, OK, thanks. THe Ubuntu CD download is going to take like 7 hrs, though.01:10
Redeye2Agree with that..01:10
eric_i like unicorns myself01:10
psmithelmer: Have you considered testing you hardware with an os such as FreeBSD which I know for a fact will support a Linksys wmp54g wireless pci adapter based on the realtek rt61v4.1 chipset01:10
Peloeric_, less bugs,  less virus , free , free apps,  fully customisable01:10
owen1Pelo: i could't find it. can i drop my script in bin?01:10
silas428eric_: www.fsf.org01:10
binarical-appits fucking the best, you can do whatever you want with it and it rock my world and many others worlds too, it gives us meaning and a reason to use our computers.01:10
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N3WFI3i like the rendering better01:10
Peloowen1, sure01:10
Survivormaneric_, and a great online community for support01:10
alan_m!language | binarical-app01:11
ubotubinarical-app: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:11
eric_i just have to get used to it01:11
hanophix33WMP doesnt work in WINE for me?01:11
eric_it might be better for all i know01:11
alan_meric_, exactly :D01:11
Pelobinarical-app, keep it clean please01:11
iceswordalan_m, lol01:11
elmerpsmith, I don't want to use BSD at all. I would rather be water-boarded with a panda.01:11
binarical-appthank you alan_m01:11
duliI have Ubuntu on /sda8 (/boot) and sda9 (/) and Fedora on /sda6 (/boot) and /sda7 (/). The mbr of /sda is filled with Fedora's grub. I'm trying to chainload the ubuntu grub with "root (hd0,7)" and "chainloader +1", but it doesn't work. Any clues?01:11
alan_meric_, it takes getting used to is all :D01:11
Peloeric_, give it a chance , you'll like it01:11
owen1Pelo: and than i don't need the path when i am in alt+F2 (or katapult)?01:11
iceswordduli, that is for win,lol01:11
Survivormaneric_, and feel free to come here to ask questions when needed01:11
alan_meric_, ive used it for 2+ years now, at first i was hesitant, now i absolutely love ubuntu and linux! :)01:11
Peloowen1,  you shouldn,t need to , but put it in /usr/bin , not in /bin01:11
N3WFI3my first time installing linux was today and i love it over xp01:12
eric_so let me get this right... with linux you can make it all your own and with windows you are stuck in a box so to speak with changes01:12
owen1Pelo: great. thanks.01:12
alan_meric_, yup01:12
duliicesword:: you're wrong. It works for linux partiitions as well. I already do it with different fedora partitions01:12
psmiththe bsd line of operating system is tewnty to thirty times mor secure than even a hardened linux kernel... IMHO01:12
Survivormanit's like a mac vs windows commercial meets lifetime network meets opens linus torvalds in here now01:12
Peloalan_m, you were hesitant ?  I instaleld it to try and took me 5 days to boot windows again, and that was just to get my email info01:12
e|merwifi crapped out01:12
ccvpwhat is the difference between a "regular language" pack, or a UTF-8 one.  I installed a  language choser module for a website, but the module now needs either a regular language pack,  or same kind, but UTF-8?  whats the difference, and potential impact on users?01:12
alan_mPelo, i was a die hard windowser....yeah...that didnt last long.01:13
eric_gotta go, thank you for your help everyone01:13
Peloccvp, I think regular is ansi or something01:13
ccvpwell im about to upload about01:13
N3WFI3later eric01:13
alan_meric_, any time my friend! :D01:13
ccvp50 language packs01:13
ccvpbut i need to know if i get regular, or UTF-8 ones?01:13
ccvpwhats usually best way to go?01:13
ccvpits a website , i have about 47,000 users01:13
_Silhouette_http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html <--- can anyone help me with this? I'm up to step 5 but want to make sure this gets dl'ed on my F:\ drive, not C:\ drive01:13
ccvpbut most i just found out are from china/india/europe01:14
ccvpnot u.s01:14
alan_mwow...that was....the...most interesting conversation ive had in a long time....and it didnt end in a bash fest :D01:14
psmithA utf-8 is  an internationally ecpted standarad set by the international Standars Organization (ISO)!!01:14
_Silhouette_Also, will it delete the files on the F:\ drive once I install it there?01:14
ccvppsmith, i have 47,000 users , i jsut realized01:14
ccvpnever checked stats01:14
ccvpand now i got msgs from users to give multi-lingual support01:14
ccvpi have a language "selector", but the selector needs language packs now01:14
binarical-appccvp: many specific language packs will have to be developed by natve speakers01:14
hanophix33what can I use in WINE to play WMV?01:14
ccvpshould i install the UTF-8 ones?01:14
patrick_join #ubuntu+101:15
patrick_damn guys how do you join other channels lol01:15
alan_m /join #ubuntu+101:15
Peloalan_m, in all fairness, I wasn't very fond of XP so  going into dapper seems like a releaf,01:15
iceswordpatrick_, lol,/j01:15
alan_mpatrick_, try that :)01:15
patrick_haha thanks01:15
icesword_Silhouette_, that link didn't work01:15
Pelopatrick_,  type /join #ubuntu+101:15
joshritgercan someone tell me how to install doom 3. I am looking at the tutorial for ubuntu games category, I have downloaded the file, but can't figure out how to install it01:16
* Pelo cleaned his monitor today, much cheaper then buying a new one and just as good 01:16
bulioPelo: CRT or LCD?01:17
Pelojoshritger, what kind of file is it ?01:17
iceswordhow clean01:17
Pelobulio, crt , second hand to begin with01:17
iceswordhot to01:17
hatteranyone know what this means ?  "/usr/lib/cups/backend/http failed"01:17
buliowhat did you clean it with?01:17
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hanophix33What media player works IN WINE?01:17
buliohanophix33: why not use a native linux media player?01:17
hatterregarding printing to a printer on another linux pc01:17
iceswordsudo clean.lol01:17
hanophix33in WINE?01:17
Peloicesword, warm water with bleach in it for the casing, microfiber cloth with warm water for the glass01:17
hanophix33bulio: in WINE?01:18
_Silhouette_it's the link in !install01:18
_Silhouette_the last one01:18
_Silhouette_you gave me01:18
joshritgerPelo: it is doom3-linux-
alan_mhanophix33, wine isnt always the answer, there are alternatives that are native, meaning you do not have to use wine :D01:18
Pelojoshritger,  put the file on your desktop , open  a terminal , type  cd Desktop ,   sudo chmod +x filename.run  ,   sudo ./filename.run01:18
patrick_how do i make AWN run at startup?01:19
hanophix33alan_m: im trying to watch MLB.tv.....they have started using silverlight and I get get the option to use the OLD media player that works native in Linux01:19
zcat[1]Ooh, ff3b5 -- but no more adblock+ until they update it :(01:19
Zeltapatrick_: System > Administration > Sessions01:19
Pelopatrick_, put it in menu >system > prefs > sessions01:19
hanophix33alan_m:  i can get the option to use old media player in WINE firefox01:19
patrick_thanks guys01:19
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charles|64anyone feel like helping me with a frostwire java issue?01:20
* alan_m shrugs..your out of my known territory now hanophix33 :/01:20
Pelocharles|64, which issue ?01:20
Zeltapatrick_: Click "Add" and type in "avant-window-navigator" for command and "Avant Window Navigator" For name01:20
_Silhouette_Anyone? I'm awfully confused. :(01:20
icesword_Silhouette_, cannot open,what is your plan01:20
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charles|64Pelo: it wont start i get this error http://pastebin.com/m3dc6224701:20
N3WFI3whats ur fav linux games? i dunno much good ones besides urban terror, i heard that unreal tournament 3 will have a linux client sometime!01:21
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:21
Pelocharles|64, which version of java and which version of frostwire ?01:21
patrick_zelta thanks mate, brb lets see if it works01:21
binarical-app_Silhouette_: what are you trying to do01:21
ZeltaN3WFI3: Join #ubuntu-offtopic for off topic discussion, please.01:21
alan_m!ot | N3WFI3, sorry mate01:21
ubotuN3WFI3, sorry mate: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:21
_Silhouette_I am trying to install linux w/o a CD01:21
_Silhouette_I am up to step 5 but I am confused since it's written for installing to C:\01:22
binarical-app_Silhouette_:be right with you01:22
_Silhouette_but I want it installed to F:\, and I want to make sure01:22
patrick_it worked thanks guys =)01:22
charles|64Pelo: 5 and version 4.13.5 of frostwire01:22
_Silhouette_I don't want to get rid of my vista install01:22
_Silhouette_on C:01:22
binarical-app_Silhouette_: can you work with partiton magic?01:23
charles|64Pelo: ive tried it with both version 5 and 6 of java01:23
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binarical-app_Silhouette_: make a partiton for linux01:23
charles|64Pelo: java version "1.6.0_0301:23
_Silhouette_I don't know about partitions01:23
_Silhouette_and it is for my external hard drive01:23
_Silhouette_for a different computer01:23
_Silhouette_its hard drive died01:23
FloodBot2_Silhouette_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:24
binarical-app_Silhouette_: you will need about 500 mb of swap , and id make like a 6 gig partition w ext3 for the /01:24
_Silhouette_what does that mean?01:24
_Silhouette_I have never done this before.01:24
mariobroHi, I installed Envy on my linux partition, and now I get no graphics when I try and boot.  How can I fix this?01:24
_Silhouette_will it not let me just install it straight onto F:\?01:25
Pelocharles|64, I was going to suggest you try java 6 but apparently that is not the issue, then, I don'T have a solution for you ,  frostwire does havwe a forum and a chatroom but the chatroom can only be easily accessed using the irc applet in frostwire,  sorry,  try the ffrostwire forum maybe there is a solution in there, do a search for the error msg01:25
binarical-app_Silhouette_:okay no biggy, your trying to copy a mounted image to a hrad drive, if this hd is via usb you will need to make it bootable01:25
binarical-app_Silhouette_: do you have a lappy?01:26
_Silhouette_yes I have the mounted image already01:26
_Silhouette_binarical-app: yes01:26
_Silhouette_I am up to step 5 already01:26
binarical-app_Silhouette_: why cant you use it to boot the other computer via network01:26
_Silhouette_I have no idea how to do that01:26
ToddEDMhey guys, i just installed ubuntu, and i am getting the error The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFII: Deskbar_Applet". ... anyone know how i can get rid of this?01:27
_Silhouette_I just want linux on this external harddrive01:27
mariobrowhy can't i use any graphics now that I've installed the ati driver from Envy onto my ubuntu partition?01:27
binarical-app_Silhouette_: can you put you question into one big paragraph , this helps me to concentrate on you01:27
PeloToddEDM, remove the top pannel and then make a new one01:27
binarical-app_Silhouette_: what part of step 5 is unclear01:28
icesword_Silhouette_, i open that site with google view,you said you at step 5,then what01:28
hanophix33can someone help me?01:28
Pelohanophix33,  state the nature of the problem01:28
ToddEDMPelo:  thanks01:28
mariobrocan anyone see my posts?01:28
hanophix33pelo:  http://www.columbia.edu/~jr2075/mlbviewer.py01:28
Pelomariobro, you are not being ignored it's just a busy chanel,  repeat periodicaly01:29
_Silhouette_binarical-app: I am trying to use http://tinyurl.com/3exghs to install linux onto my external harddrive (F:\) the instructions seem to be written for C:\ and I don't want any data overwritten. I want to use the hd to boot linux on my old computer which hard drive died. I don't understand the hd0, hd1, etc. and I want to make sure it gets onto F:\, not C:\01:29
binarical-app_Silhouette_: there is no link in step five01:29
silkmonkeycan anyone help me set up a dual boot ubuntu/vista system?01:29
Mehalis there anyone here that can help with intel gma's?01:29
Pelohanophix33,  I'm not opening a link unitl I know what the problem is , and most of the othes wonT' either, so summarize your problem first01:29
hanophix33I need to do something in Python01:29
PeloMehal, gma ?01:29
Mehali was here a few hours ago and there wasnt, but i wasnt sure if there might be now01:29
Mehalvideo card01:30
Pelohanophix33,  then try asking in #python01:30
demonsporkwhat exactly is the purpose of the HTTP Cache cleaner that frequently launches in Gutsy? I never remember seeing it in feisty (nor do I see it as I still have a box using feisty)01:30
PeloMehal, what't the issue ?01:30
Mehali'm trying to use dual screen but it isnt working01:30
rootlinuxusr500gb drive says bad blocks, dmesg doesn't detect =/01:31
Pelo!dualhead | Mehal have you read this ?01:31
ubotuMehal have you read this ?: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama01:31
iceswordlooks like you guys didn't play with grub4dos much.lol01:31
Pelorootlinuxusr, fschk , for each partition01:31
_Silhouette_no I've never used grub4dos before01:31
icesword_Silhouette_, goto #ubuntu-cn,speak english ,thee,they understand01:32
_Silhouette_oh....is this not an english channel?01:32
Shiva88it is01:32
binarical-app_Silhouette_: okay that simple well see in windows it works like :a :f :d and so on . in linux it is defined as hda1: hd stands for hard drive , a stands for the first hd , 1 stands for the first partiton on that hd. it could keep on going like - second hd is sda1 and so on01:33
iceswordzh-cn,you can speak english,there,they understand01:33
rootlinuxusr500gb drive says bad blocks, dmesg doesn't detect =/01:33
icesword_Silhouette_, there you go,01:33
rootlinuxusrwrong paste xD Failed to access '/dev/sdc': No such file or directory01:33
mariobrowhy can't i use any graphics now that I've installed the ati driver from Envy onto my ubuntu partition?01:33
Pelorootlinuxusr, try asking in ##linux01:34
_Silhouette_binarical-app: okay that makes sense. How do I make sure I'm installing it onto the right hard drive?01:34
jtldI am working to install Communigate in Ubuntu and the install script refers to the /etc/rc.d and /etc/rc.d/init.d directorys but these don't exist and so the script is hanging. Any ideas?01:34
binarical-app_Silhouette_: you need to calculate it.....01:34
Pelomariobro, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg,  select the vesa driver when asked , and for everyting else, leave the defautl unless yo absolutely know better01:34
_Silhouette_binarical-app: how?01:35
icesword_Silhouette_, you need to reboot,it is just the same as the normal install,it will let you choose01:35
zhobbswhat's a good place to find bleeding edge deb packages?01:35
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binarical-app_Silhouette_: i think it should be sdb601:35
icesword_Silhouette_, why not listen to me,anyway01:35
binarical-app_Silhouette_: listen to him01:35
Pelozhobbs, debian sarge I beleive01:35
psmithseems to me like you may either a faulty drive controller and or the drive might be a defective unit.01:35
Pelomariobro, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel01:35
_Silhouette_I just don't know what to add to menu.lst01:35
iceswordyou guys have no idea of grub4dos,all you know is cd install01:35
rootlinuxusrit had worked before..01:35
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mariobrodo i just type it in at the blank black screen at bootup?01:36
icesword_Silhouette_, join #ubuntu-cn01:36
binarical-appicesword: what do you think were all trying to learn01:36
Pelomariobro, yes once you get the prompt01:36
psmithStarnestommy: Why the nick ballet01:36
CShadowRunanyone recommend a nice IRC client for ubuntu? i'm an ex-mIRC user01:36
StarnestommyCShadowRun: xchat?01:36
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CShadowRunI looked at xchat but there entire website is horrible, it's really put me off01:36
mariobroi never get a prompt01:36
CShadowRunlike every single link on there website is broken lol01:36
PeloCShadowRun, xchat , not xchat9gnome01:36
_Silhouette_if I add (hd0,0) it might overwrite Vista OS on C:\01:36
_Silhouette_which is bad01:36
Mehali believe i had it set up properly at one point, its just that when i boot, my external monitor has an msg stating "out of range, horiz. 62.7 khz, vert. 75.1 hz"01:37
CShadowRunPelo yea, xchat.org is borked beyond belive01:37
Peloschallstrom, from the repos,  in add/remove,01:37
CShadowRunit has so many broken links :/01:37
CShadowRunreally puts me off.01:37
binarical-appicesword: hd0 , 0 is the boot partiton01:37
Peloschallstrom, from the add/remove  applet in accessories01:37
jtldCShadowRun: There's always chatzilla01:37
binarical-app_Silhouette_: thats the boot partition01:37
jtld>I am working to install Communigate in Ubuntu and the install script refers to the /etc/rc.d and /etc/rc.d/init.d directorys but these don't exist and so the script is hanging. Any ideas?01:37
mariobropelo, I never get a prompt01:37
Endersi never liked xchat or even bitchx01:37
iceswordbinarical-app, i know,but this guy01:37
psmithCShadowRun: i'd recommend either Xchat, irssi or blackened.01:37
CShadowRuni want something scriptable like mIRC01:37
CShadowRunhmm, blackened01:37
Endersirssi is cool01:37
* CShadowRun looks it up :p01:37
_Silhouette_oh....so it will definitely let me choose F:|, not C:\?01:37
acalbazais it possible to mount a dongle under linux?01:38
Pelomariobro, then  type the esc key rigth after the bios stuff,  that will get you the grub boot menu.  select the recovery mode from it  that will get you the prompt01:38
icesword_Silhouette_, is joining to #ubuntu-cn so hard for you,and i told you,their english is good,they understand01:38
mariobropelo, thanks  I'll try this01:38
psmithCShadowRun: Then i'd highlly recommend eithr irssi or one of the other comman line interface based irc clients!!01:38
CShadowRunpsmith don't suppose you've got a link for blackened? i googled it and got a bunch of metalica lol01:38
_Silhouette_icesword: I don't speak ChiNese. :P01:38
binarical-app_Silhouette_: like i said linux dosnt work like windows, only windows is like windows. but hd0.0 is the boot partiton so the worst you could do is have to use your vista rescue cd01:38
CShadowRunpsmith dunno, i like having a GUI01:38
NervetatooHi. Are anyone able to help me solve a kernel panic i get at boot. I'm totaly lost as to what really goes wrong01:39
icesword_Silhouette_, you could speak english,there,and you are welcome to speak,okay!!!!!!01:39
_Silhouette_binarical-app: okay. I will do that. Will installing Linux delete any of my files where I install it?01:39
CShadowRunthis was my setup before i started using linux :p http://cshadowrun.googlepages.com/mycomputer.PNG01:39
* LjL is not sure what #ubuntu-cn has to do with this01:39
_Silhouette_should I back them up first?01:39
FirefisheI'm using feisty/kubuntu.  When using Konqueror as a file manager, I find that every time I click on a folder, it opens a new window, even when konqueror's is set to not do so.  Is this an ubuntu/kubuntu feature for all file managers, set at some other settings dialog?01:39
CShadowRuncheck out the bottom left screens, that's what i'm aiming at.01:39
psmithCShadowRun: Then try Xchat which i beleieve can be modded via scripts.01:39
eXcentraCShadowRun: geez, that looks ridiculous. D:01:39
* Pelo thinks LjL should stay out of it , it seems very complicated 01:40
CShadowRuneXcentra why? :p01:40
eXcentraCShadowRun: haha, too busy for me :p01:40
binarical-app_Silhouette_: that is the boot partition , so you may need your rescue cd to make the system boot again.01:40
CShadowRuneXcentra haha, busy screens for busy people :p01:40
_Silhouette_binarical-app: OK, but will it delete anything?01:40
_Silhouette_Do I need to make backups first?01:40
icesword_Silhouette_, i am wasting my time,binarical-app will walk you through it01:41
CShadowRunbut yea, what would i be aiming at to acheive something like that in linux?01:41
CShadowRuni would run mIRC in wine but alot of the scripting functions don't work :(01:41
binarical-app_Silhouette_: wrighting to hd0.0 will over write the master boot record.01:41
_Silhouette_I don't speak Chinese.01:41
_Silhouette_I don't want to go to a chinese channel.01:41
iceswordyou could speank english ,they could answer you in english,no probem then?01:42
binarical-app_Silhouette_: instead if you did correct work, you should have a boot loader to boot linux as well. but i cant check your math for you01:42
RemagenI'm trying to install ubuntu onto my hard drive via livecd01:42
Enixok, i have a good copy of ubuntu 7.10 iso. I used to use nero 6 to burn boot cd's from .iso's. Now that i am using nero 8 i cant find a similar option. I have googled but came up short. So what do you recomend that i use to burn a boot cd? I am usuing vista at the moment. (man i miss linux:'-()01:42
Remagenbut when I try to create a partition01:42
Remagenit tells me that I can't01:43
PeloRemagen, try to keep it to one line,  it's easier01:43
pale-yafahi, how come when I type su and then enter my password it tells me that password authentication failed?01:43
binarical-app_Silhouette_: it comes down to you needing to configure your system. it should work and vista will still be ther because its not on hd0,0 .01:43
icesword_Silhouette_, i am trying to help,if you don't like,and have some idea of chinese channel,goodbye01:43
PeloRemagen, you have windows installed arlready ?  you need to resize the windows partiton first to make room01:43
infinitiguyanybody using ltsp on hardy 8.04?01:43
PeloRemagen, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel01:43
jtldEnix: Use ISO Recorder google for it, it works with vista but make sure to get the right version01:43
fbcIs there anything that will convert a fat32 to an EXTx filesystem?01:43
binarical-app_Silhouette_: however if your work is fulty then you may need your rescue disks to fix the master boot record01:43
_Silhouette_binarical-app: I don't know what that all means, sorry. I don't know what a boot loader is01:43
Pelofbc, not without loosing the data01:44
binarical-app_Silhouette_: grub is a boot loader01:44
infinitiguyi was working on a locadev problem and then went through a DebugLocDev wiki page to change the root passwd in the chroot and now my client won't boot- permission dened...01:44
Enixjtld: ok thanks01:44
fbcPelo, damn...01:44
Pelofbc ?01:44
_Silhouette_yes I'm using grub01:44
* Pelo is getting old and confused 01:44
jtldFBC: Just boot with a Live CD mount the drives and copy your FAT32 data over to the Ext partition.01:44
_Silhouette_I'm following the instructions on the tinyurl url in !install01:44
* binarical-app waves to pelo01:44
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
fbcPelo, I got a 500gb fat32 drive that I would like to convert01:45
binarical-app_Silhouette_: how else can i help you01:45
* Pelo feels treatened by binarical-app shaking his hands at him 01:45
RemagenSo guys, how can I make a partition to install ubuntu? I run the install manager from a livecd, and it tells me that "no root file system is defined"01:45
* binarical-app turns away in fera 01:45
fbcPelo, I got nothing bigger to backup the data to...01:45
Johne5how can i find where openssl is installed on my box?01:45
Pelofbc, back up the data , and make an ext3 partition , then  copy the data back01:45
NervetatooI get a kernel panic but without any real errors before it, and the only thing during boot that looks suspicious is a call to name_to_dev_t() which is passed a dev uuid that i certainly dont recognize and its not for my hd. Also, nothing ends up in kern.log, which made me believe the hd could be failing, but in live cd i have no problem using it and fsck turns out ok (although i fixed a lot of multiply claimed blocks)01:46
charles|64Pelo: FYI to fix the frostwire 64 issue: sudo update-alternatives --config java and select option 501:46
Johne5its installed, i just dont know where/how to find it01:46
_Silhouette_binarical-app: so you say that the worst that can happen is I have to maybe get the CD to boot the system, but no data should be lost on C:\ or on F:\ where it will be installed, and that if I follow the instructions in the tinyurl blog post, I should have no problems and it will let me choose exactly where I want it installed, correct?01:46
Pelocharles|64, congrats01:46
enriqueaight i am back once again, i am still having problems with connecting ubuntu thru wireless using an acer aspire 5040 with an atheros 2413 wireless integrated card on a laptop01:46
Pelofbc, got any free space on that hdd ?01:46
charles|64Pelo: thank you01:47
_Silhouette_it won't format the HD during install or anything, right?01:47
binarical-app_Silhouette_: it depends on alot of things, but yes that is the gist of it. make sure you back your data up.... is one last bit of advice01:47
_Silhouette_okay maybe I should do a backup first.01:47
_Silhouette_on both drives or just the external HD?01:47
Pelofbc, still there ?01:47
fbcPelo, yeah like 100 gb.. are you recommending I resize copy resize,etc, until the whole thing is converted?01:47
icesword_Silhouette_, #ubuntu-cn,they are hdinstall expert01:47
ohphi I was wondering if anyone can recommend a good usb webcam that they use with ubuntu01:47
binarical-app_Silhouette_: you will need to make a partition on which linux will be installed, you may cut into the c drive01:48
Pelofbc,  pretty much ,  , no other way I can see to go about it01:48
enriqueaight i am back once again, i am still having problems with connecting ubuntu thru wireless using an acer aspire 5040 with an atheros 2413 wireless integrated card on a laptop01:48
ratkymarcellhello. I use 7.10, and sound has broken. The tester provided by Ubuntu works with OSS, cat /dev/urandom>/dev/dsp is OK. But there is no other program, which can make sound. Picture of my settings:  http://ratkymarcell.extra.hu/hang.png , pls help, if you can01:48
binarical-app_Silhouette_: oh then no if its gonna stay on the external then i dont think so01:48
jtldohp: Logitech Quickcam01:48
binarical-app_Silhouette_: just dont mess up you internal hd01:48
Pelofbc, actualy, check the optons,  you can    you cna probably have a bunch of contiguous ext3 partion and then merge them01:49
fbcPelo,  hmm.. or maybe just wait until there is a defrag system for fat32...01:49
_Silhouette_binarical-app: yes it's just for external HD, not internal01:49
Pelofbc, it would be worth the trouble to move everything to ext301:49
binarical-appokay then that should work, did you make the ext hd bootable before you started?01:49
YmgveI'm running 8.04 and have a rt61 wifi card - using the ndiswrapper method locks up my system - is this a known problem?01:49
* icesword thinks noone notice there is a dir chinese in grub4dos,which may probrably means some chinese guy wrote it,lol01:49
jtldfbc: Diskeeper Defrag was made for FAT32 originally.01:50
Stewie_Griffin!hardy | Ymgve01:50
ubotuYmgve: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu01:50
_Silhouette_um...I made the boot folder with the kernel and other file01:50
bazhangYmgve: #ubuntu+1 please01:50
fbcjtld, is that a linux app?01:50
binarical-app_Silhouette_: your internal hd will be sda01:50
Pelog'night folks01:50
iceswordbazhang, have any idea of grub4dos?01:50
Stewie_Griffinnight pelo01:50
jtldI would do it from a Windows box personally01:50
Ymgvebazhang: Had the same problem in 7.10 tho01:50
bazhangicesword: sorry never heard of it01:50
jtldSo no it is not01:50
enriquei am still having problems with connecting ubuntu thru wireless using an acer aspire 5040 with an atheros 2413 wireless integrated card on a laptop, can anyone help?01:51
_Silhouette_what is sda?01:51
bazhangYmgve: but you are running Hardy now and that discussion is in other channel01:51
binarical-app_Silhouette_: are you sure that this wiki is good? you may really mess something up. not all hardware is the same, and software may need to be tested01:51
_Silhouette_it was in !install01:51
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:51
iceswordstop it01:52
binarical-applisten to ubotu01:52
_Silhouette_the tinyurl.com one01:52
psmithYmgve: You shouldn't need to use the ndiswrapper methed as ubuntu 8.04 should already properly recognizes the rt61v4.0 and 4.1 chipset based wifi adapters!01:52
jtldenrique: I would find out who makes the chip and then try a different driver. Often you can get a different driver that way.01:52
DragonLotushey, fuji finepix z10fd in ubuntu doesn't pop up when I plug it in.  How do I get to the pictures on it?01:52
binarical-app_Silhouette_: i cant help you any more, please tell us what happend when you finished the installation01:52
icesword /msg ubotu command01:52
Ymgvepsmith: with the default drivers I only got "Invalid RF chipset" errors01:52
* icesword thinks noone notice there is a dir chinese in grub4dos,which may probrably means some chinese guy wrote it,lol01:52
Stewie_Griffinicesword, everything ok?01:52
_Silhouette_okay. I will back up critical info and then tell you how it goes01:52
iceswordi am angry01:53
bazhangpsmith Ymgve #ubuntu+1 please for that discussion01:53
* binarical-app listend to icesword01:53
jtldPelo: Any ideas on my post?01:53
MeatGrinderAnybody got a 5-button mouse (I have Wireless Intellimouse Explorer 2.0) working with all five buttons in Ubuntu?01:53
jtld>I am working to install Communigate in Ubuntu and the install script refers to the /etc/rc.d and /etc/rc.d/init.d directorys but these don't exist and so the script is hanging. Any ideas?01:53
iceswordnothing,myself is not grub4dos expert01:53
enriquejtld-- i have tried 3 different drivers, they all install correctly but i cannot get it to show up in the network manager as an option to connect, when i disconnect the ethernet i lose connection01:53
=== Tyler is now known as GordanFreeman
NervetatooI get a kernel panic at boot but without any errors before it, and the only thing during boot that looks suspicious is a call to name_to_dev_t() which is passed a dev uuid that i certainly dont recognize and its not for my hd. Also, nothing ends up in kern.log, which made me believe the hd could be failing, but in live cd i have no problem using it and fsck turns out ok (although i fixed a lot of multiply claimed blocks)01:54
jtldRun ifconfig in a terminal window does it show up as a device?01:54
* binarical-app thinks someone wants to test it and they should 01:54
enriqueno not on there01:54
Stewie_GriffinNervetatoo, what version of ubuntu are you running?01:54
Lainywhat is the chinese channel?01:54
enriquebut it shows up in the device manager01:54
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:54
NervetatooStewie_Griffin: 7.1001:54
Stewie_GriffinNervetatoo, just making sure, were getting a lot of hardy people trying to get support in here, was gonna say if its hardy go to #ubuntu+1, but seeing as its gutsy...hmm....01:55
jtldEnrique:By default drivers that are foreign are restricted so check if it is restricted.01:55
donciccioI can not execute an application in wine from a CD-R. It says: can not open sitocmenu.nfo. Write protected01:55
ratkymarcellhello. I use 7.10, and sound has broken. The tester provided by Ubuntu works with OSS, cat /dev/urandom>/dev/dsp is OK. But there is no other program, which can make sound. Picture of my settings:  http://ratkymarcell.extra.hu/hang.png , pls help, if you can01:56
enriqueit shows as a restricted but says that its enabled and is working01:56
=== mattheas_ is now known as mattheas
jtldEnrique: I would un-restrict it and let it load a driver, I had to do this yesterday to get Nvidia graphics working correctly.01:57
Stewie_Griffinhello mattheas01:57
mattheasI have quite the issue01:57
Stewie_Griffinstate it please :D01:57
mattheasI've been searching the forums and the webternats01:57
ghuihi all, anyone know of a good proxy manager? or would it be best for me to attempt to write my own script?01:57
mattheasand the answers to my questions deal with Ubuntu 6.10 not 7.1001:57
mattheasSo I'm assuming the solution is out of date01:57
mattheashence, I am here01:58
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:58
mattheasI have the Atheros 5006 wifi01:58
Stewie_Griffindo we even support edgy anymore guys?01:58
mattheasthe lights will not turn on01:58
mattheasand it won't show up in the tray01:58
=== GordanFreeman is now known as Gordan_Freeman
mattheasI'm going nuts01:58
psmithWait a second ewas edgy 7.0?01:58
NervetatooWell, i can't really find anything usefull on name_to_dev_t() on google, and it seems somewhat logical that the wrong uuid being sent as an argument to that function cant be helping the situation, so any ideas on why the wrong uuid could be sent to that function might at least point in the right direction01:58
donciccioI can not execute an application in wine from a CD-R. It says: can not open sitocmenu.nfo. Write protected01:58
Stewie_Griffinfeisty was 7.1001:59
Stewie_Griffinoh wait 7.0401:59
Stewie_Griffinoops :/01:59
mattheascan anyone help?01:59
Stewie_Griffinum....honestly dont remember :/01:59
psmithI don't beleive that we support it?01:59
mattheasYou don't support the atheros 5006?01:59
mattheaslike, every acer in the world is made with an atheros xD02:00
Stewie_Griffingutsy is 7.10 so feisty is 7.04 so edgy is 7.10 :)02:00
Stewie_Griffinpsmith, it hit its end of support not too long ago i believe...like a few weeks ago.02:00
bazhangmattheas: it is not a matter of what we support; it is a matter of what manufacturers allow; that 5006 might in fact be the 5007--what is the bus id for it in lspci (just the one line)02:00
Stewie_Griffindang my fingers are going faster than my brain tonight :)02:00
erici need some help with linux02:01
psmith6.10 is suported untill either n09-or 2k180 a beleive02:01
mattheas02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5006EG 802.11 b/g Wireless PCI Express Adapter [168c:001c] (rev 01)02:01
=== marx2k__ is now known as marx2k
* Stewie_Griffin shrugs..im honestly gonna walk away from this one before i seriously screw up and cause more chaos and confusion than already done :D02:02
remiI'm trying to compile a software; I run `./configure` and it all seems ok, but when I type `make` it tells me that there are now make files, but there are a makefile.in and a makefile.am in the current folder. can anyone help me?02:02
=== reconnect is now known as recon
donciccioI can not execute an application in wine from a CD-R. It says: can not open sitocmenu.nfo. Write protected. Can somebody help me?02:02
ericim trying to install frostware and its telling me that only one software management tool is allowed to run at the same time02:02
ericwhat do i do?02:02
enriquejtld-- sorry i was at work and had a call, so i should uncheck the mark next to it in the restricted drivers manager?02:02
ratkymarcellhello. I use 7.10, and sound has broken. The tester provided by Ubuntu works with OSS, cat /dev/urandom>/dev/dsp is OK. But there is no other program, which can make sound. Picture of my settings:  http://ratkymarcell.extra.hu/hang.png ,02:02
Starnestommyeric: close the other software management tools02:02
LjLdonciccio: have you tried asking in #winehq ?02:03
erichow do i do that?02:03
tylerflickAnyone heard in a current news on Google's GPhone?02:03
NervetatooWhat could be the reason that there are nothing logged during boot until i get the kernel panic. If i could get a log to read when im booting from livecd i can atleast look at what happened and hopefully find some clue. WOuld the fact that no log is written to disk imply that the failure happens before disks are ready to be written to (mounted)? And are there any ways the swap space could be broken in a way that it would result in a kernel panic? As 02:03
erici didnt know any were running?02:03
doncicciono, thanks LjL.02:03
mattheasbazghang, did you see what I copypasta'd?02:03
psmithdonciccio: You need to preoform a ./configure && make && make install clean.02:03
bazhanghttp://drewwithers.com/2007/12/ubuntu-linux-710-gutsy-on-toshiba.html mattheas02:03
mariobroI've installed Envy and tried to install the ati driver.  The next time i booted, i got a black screen.  i was able to edit xserver-xorg to get graphics back, but how can i get the extra desktop graphics enabled?02:03
erici restarted my comp and it still says that02:03
AstralianHi Everyone!02:04
erichow do i close oth the other software management tools?02:04
AstralianI need some help to install Baunty 7.1002:04
bazhangAstralian: what is baunty02:05
AstralianIt freezes after trying to load Boot manager02:05
Astralianbazhang: :-) Ubuntu 7.1002:05
doncicciopsmith: all in one line and as root?02:05
mariobroI've installed Envy and tried to install the ati driver.  The next time i booted, i got a black screen.  i was able to edit xserver-xorg to get graphics back, but how can i get the extra desktop graphics enabled?02:05
bazhang!envy | mariobro02:06
ubotumariobro: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »02:06
psmithdonciccio: yes i n the folder created when you untared the original archive.02:06
AstralianWho knows how to install Ubuntu 7.10 to Acer laptop with SCSI HDD? First message is cannot allocate memory and another is freezes and screen becomes black after Loading boot manage02:07
DragonLotusHow do I access my digital camera in ubuntu02:07
grego22hi folks02:08
doncicciopsmith: sorry, but I do not understand. It is a CD-R and it is a wine application...02:08
ericcan someone please help me?02:08
grego22eric with what?02:08
ericthis is really pissing me off02:08
AstralianBut when I press F6 type Install in doesn't say that it canot allocate memory but freze with Kernel Panic - not Syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block (8,1)02:08
bubu1ukDragonLotus, u plug it in. it should work automaticly02:08
AstralianPLEASE I need some help over here!02:09
DragonLotusbubu1uk: I did.  Usb registered on camera, but not in ubuntu.02:09
NervetatooDragonLotus: check /media if it appears there02:09
simcop2387-lapok i've got an issue that doesn't seem to have a solution according to google, when running supertux i see this message over and over in the terminal,  [driAllocateTexture:636] unable to allocate texture, i can't seem to find a solution02:09
psmithAstralian: I'd recommend researching this kiind of thing before making the jump to linux as it will save you considerable number of headeches later on down the road.02:09
DatalancheHi, I'm going to reformat my computer to be a Linux box once Hardy is released, and I've been reading about various file systems. I am trying to see if there is any major reason to use something other than ext3. I have 5 hard drives, and most of them store fairly large files (ISO's, videos, etc.). I do a lot of archiving and extracting, some fairly light video encoding and dvd rippping, and the like. Any suggestions on which F02:09
fbcIf I do the hardy upgrade now will I get the beta or the package that people will get in 18 days?02:09
grego22Astralian: with ubuntu instalation trough live boot?02:09
ericcan someone please help me?????02:10
DragonLotusNervetatoo: nope, not in /media02:10
Astraliangrego22: I downloaded image from sity for AMD64 TurionX2 64 bit02:10
bazhangfbc discussion of that in #ubuntu+1 please02:10
Flannelfbc: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy support.  You'll get the daily versions of everything.02:10
binarical-apphey eric02:10
brian_What port does vncviewer use?02:10
grego22Astralian: hardy?02:10
iceswordbinarical-app, if you feel comfortable,i am sorry,then02:10
Starnestommyeric: I think the problem has something to do witht the file /var/lib/dpkg/lock02:10
Astraliangrego22: ?? I burned it to DVD-RW then.02:10
grego22Astralian: i asked about the version you downloaded02:11
psmithDatalanche: I'd recommend either the extension 2,3 or rasier and or raizer 4 file systems> :p02:11
binarical-appicesword: no man that was me, my bad sorry , nothing there just i have been slapped a few times for getting off toppic already so i gotta watch out02:11
Astralianpsmith: grego22: ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd6402:11
* Stewie_Griffin thinks canonical really screwed up putting Hardy as a huge link on their main ubuntu.com page :(02:11
erichow do i fix it?02:11
Zeltapsmith: reisfer4 isn't really any better than ext302:11
Astraliangrego22: but i have laptop02:11
zelrikriandoanyone has seen badkitty lately?02:12
ericlinux blows02:12
grego22Astralian: you cant install? can you be more specific?02:12
zelrikriando!seen badkitty02:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen badkitty - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:12
grego22eric whats going on?02:12
LjLzelrikriando: /seenserv seen badkitty02:12
erici am trying to install frostwar02:12
grego22eric and then ?02:12
Astraliangrego22: Who knows how to install Ubuntu 7.10 to Acer laptop with SCSI HDD? First message is cannot allocate memory and another is freezes and screen becomes black after Loading boot manage02:12
bazhangeric what is frostware02:12
ericits telling me to close out all other software management programs02:12
zelrikriandothanks LjL02:12
bazhangeric then close them02:13
Astraliangrego22: But when I press F6 type Install in doesn't say that it canot allocate memory but freze with Kernel Panic - not Syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block (8,1)02:13
grego22Astralian: how much RAM you have?02:13
ericive restarted my comp and it still doesnt work02:13
psmithZelta: : I have used it and IMHO, far surpasses even the journalling capibilities of xt2,3 file systems.02:13
grego22eric hmm02:13
Astraliangrego22: 102402:13
Stewie_Griffineric, so...what seems to be your problem with that? its trying not to screw up something by that :D02:13
ericthe same thing happens with limewire02:13
Stewie_Griffinoh, nevermind02:13
binarical-apperic: okay that means that your system cant get a lock on the package manager since another application is using it. that means you have add and remove as well as sysnapic installed02:13
grego22Astralian: did you search for errors on dvd, do it, i am now pretty sure your dvd is corrupted02:13
erichow do i close oth software management programs02:13
doncicciopsmith: sorry, but I do not understand. It is a CD-R and it is a wine application...02:13
nixnoobanyone know how to fix "your audio capture settings are invalid" error?02:14
grego22Astralian: eric be right back 5min02:14
Astraliangrego22: after booting dvd-rw it says ok02:14
bazhang!aptfix | eric02:14
ubotueric: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »02:14
psmithAstralian: : id recommend  a minimum swap size of 1536MB02:14
grego22Astralian: look for this option on live boot, and search for errors in dvd02:14
binarical-apperic: sorry open02:14
Astralianpsmith: I ca't install02:14
Astralianpsmith: can't02:14
binarical-apperic: use the mouse to close un need applications02:14
erici understand nothing about what you just said02:14
Datalancheeric, try running in terminal: sudo apt-get clean02:14
Zeltapsmith: JFS has even better journalling capabilities02:15
brian_Does anyone know what port to forward if I want to use vncviewer?02:15
psmithAstralian: have you tried another distroibution suc as Slackware or arc?02:15
bubu1ukbrian_, not sure, i think 590002:16
Astralianpsmith: what is another?02:16
brian_bubuluk: Sounds about right :D Thanks.02:16
Astralianpsmith: where can i get it?02:16
enriqueaight still have not resolved the issue about the wireless in ubuntu02:17
NervetatooWhat could be the reason that there are nothing logged during boot until i get the kernel panic? Would the fact that no log is written to disk imply that the failure happens before disks are ready to be written to (mounted)? And are there any ways the swap space could be broken in a way that it would result in a kernel panic? As the uuid sent to name_to_dev_t() i just realized actually is the uuid for my swap partition02:17
Datalanchehmmm, so I guess ext3 it is :)02:17
DatalancheI don't really need super speed, just need it to work02:17
Astralianpsmith: I tried Mandriva 2008 and it installs and runs successfully!02:17
sjovanbrian_: first you have to finde out what the server name is. maby you are running tightvnc? any way ---> ps aux | grep vnc or something should figure out of that. then you do ---> netstat -anp|grep name-of-ap, and then you can se the port. you could also reconfigure the pory (that's prob. the easyes way)02:17
* binarical-app thinks Datalanche is ready for hardy02:17
brian_binarical-app: Ah, thanks, that confirms it. 5900.02:17
Datalanchebinarical-app: lol, I thikn not02:18
brian_sjovan: :P I have everything set up, it's just a matter of which port I needed to forward in my router. Thanks though :)02:18
psmithAstralian: You can find slackware @http;//www.slackware.com and arc at http://www.arklinux.org/02:18
binarical-appDatalanche: heh well its gonna be a ride i can tell you that02:18
Astralianpsmith: I tried Mandriva 2008 and it's all ok with it02:19
Datalanchebinarical-app: I'm not installing until "launch day". It is still in bad shape or something?02:19
nixnoobanyone know how to fix "your audio capture settings are invalid" error?02:19
binarical-appDatalanche: its not finished yet, but i wouldnt say bad shape02:19
Datalanche-bad + beta ;)02:19
Stewie_GriffinDatalanche, quite the contrary, but its not supported yet :D02:19
enriqueaight still have not resolved the issue about the wireless in ubuntu02:19
Stewie_GriffinStewie_Griffin, by us that is02:19
DatalancheWell, I've been using Ubunt since 5.1002:20
Stewie_Griffincrap, lol i meant Datalanche02:20
enriqueany help please lol its gettin frustrating now02:20
Datalanchebut this'll be my first all-Linux attempt02:20
binarical-appenrique: how can we help02:20
Stewie_Griffindude, why did my xchat just tab ME when i was going for Datalanche  :/02:20
psmithAstralian: Some distributions have better support for archaic hardware as you demonstraighted with tou experience with mandravia 2008!02:20
LoneShadowCan anyone tell me whats the best way to fix the logitech g5 mouse not working after gutsy to hardy upgrade ?02:20
* binarical-app thinks stewies up to something 02:20
Astralianpsmith: but my laptop isnew not archaic!02:21
Stewie_Griffinbinarical-app, always :D02:21
enriquei still cannot get wireless to work with ubuntu on acer aspire 5040 with atheros 2413.... i have tried many driver and many other issuses like unrestricting but i cannot seem to show a wireless connection on network manager02:21
enriquei am very new to this and have been trying to get this to work for 4 days now02:21
bazhangLoneShadow: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy discussion02:21
* Stewie_Griffin is just happy that i no longer have restricted drivers to work with...02:22
binarical-appenrique: please look for mad wifi02:22
enriquei ahve tried that as well02:22
psmithAstralian: some time even in the case of new hardware certain distributions can act in an undissirable way.02:22
LoneShadowbazhang: thanks02:22
Astralianpsmith: I'l try to install alternate version02:22
=== theChoosen is now known as phpNoob
enriquei am not sure if i am doing something wrong or just not doing it in order or what i am doing but i just cannot seem to get it working at all lol i am sure it is something simple that i am missing but i am not sure what02:23
=== phpNoob is now known as phpnoobie
MeatGrinderDoes anyone know where (what directory) Firefox stores installed certificates? I'm trying to get Evolution to import certificates from Firefox02:23
LoLeNguys i have a grub problem02:23
binarical-appenrique: you will need to tell us more aobut your problem. please tell us what you are trying to do, which programs you have tryed with, why you chose those programs..... things like whats not working and why it isnt working ..... thanks02:23
psmithAstralian: I'd go no lower than 6.06 dapper Drake.02:23
Stewie_GriffinLoLeN, between the thousand or so of us, we can probably give you a solution, state your problem :D02:24
bazhangenrique: please open a terminal and type ifconfig how many entries are there--two or three02:24
LoLeNhow can i re-install grub?02:24
gregcha117my sound does not work but alsa appears to recognize my sound device what can i do?02:24
Stewie_Griffin!grub | LoLeN02:24
ubotuLoLeN: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:24
Astralianpsmith: it's the same version but different installers02:24
LoLeNStewie_Griffin lol02:24
Stewie_Griffincheck out that first link :D02:24
Astralianpsmith: in alternate version is text02:24
Stewie_GriffinLoLeN, you dont have to redo it02:24
Stewie_Griffinjust click on the first link02:24
* binarical-app says goodbye to everyone .....gnight 02:25
Astralianhelp help heeeelp02:25
=== Marc_ is now known as salemac
enriquehere are only 2- i know i read on one the documentations thats there should be one showing a third one for wireless, i have tried acer_acpi and madwifiand ndiswrapper and even another windows drier just labeled 802bg.zip02:25
Astralianseems like nobody can help me02:25
enriquei have learned how to extract and install thru terminal02:26
Stewie_GriffinAstralian, patience dude, patience :D02:26
enriquei have done that but still cannot seem to get it working02:26
bazhangAstralian: thought you were going to try the alternate cd02:26
AstralianStewie_Griffin: you see it's too early for linux everytime user are in trouble02:26
psmithAstralian: just sebtle for text  anfd in doing so you will acturally gain  more knowledge about the command line interface and the fore more knowleddge about linux and its *nix cousins!02:27
icesword i agree02:27
GrueTamerpsmith speaks the truth02:27
Astralianbazhang: Stewie_Griffin: but windows buy cd and install that's all . 100 installation no worries but Linux02:27
bazhangAstralian: then stay with windows; they have a support channel ##windows02:27
Astralianbazhang: I'm talking that many people ae in trouble you even can't try linux02:28
GrueTamerAstralian: actually, getting windows to have all the stuff you want is just as hard as it is in ubuntu.  its probably HARDER to hunt down drivers and stuff02:28
skimatsomeone here that setted up the brainstorm site02:28
bubu1ukAstralian, i know bout people that did many linux installs and no problem. but had many with windows. funny, ain't it?02:28
psmithAstralian: Knowing what i have klearned even in my short three years as a avid user and promoter of linux and its *nix next of kin.02:28
bazhangAstralian: that should be taken to ##windows or #ubuntu-offtopic02:29
ubuntuislovedhas anyone had issues with ethernets not staying up on boot?  ive got eth1 a second ethernet i keep having to manuelly use command to bring up on boot?02:29
Astralianbubu1uk: it'sbullshit, you can't have troubles installing Windows02:29
GrueTamerhave you EVER done a windows install? :)02:30
bazhang!language | Astralian02:30
ubotuAstralian: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:30
bubu1ukAstralian, check linuxoutlaws, those guys had. :P02:30
Stewie_Griffin!ot | Astralian02:30
ubotuAstralian: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:30
bubu1ukAstralian, and those are no amateurs02:30
LoLeNwhen i do "find /boot/grub/stage1" i dont get anything02:30
salemacIs it possible to share files between 'VISTA Home' and 'Ubuntu (8.04)' ?  all the answers i can find talk about 'secpol' but it's not in Home version of Vista02:30
bazhangAstralian: please stay on topic02:30
Astralianbubu1uk:  outlaws :-) funny02:30
NervetatooIf every program supporting io either gets io error when trying to start it, or segfaults (vim), what could i do to fix it, that doesnt involve a reboot?02:31
Flannel!samba | salemac02:31
ubotusalemac: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:31
Flannelsalemac: But, Hardy support is in #ubuntu+102:31
SpookyETI hate ati. I have to choose between HD video (official driver) and compiz (open source driver)02:31
LoLeNnvm found it02:31
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for support of Hardy salemac02:31
Astralianbazhang: I saty02:31
psmithAstralian: Tplease remove thi self to #defocus!02:31
salemacok, thanks02:31
Astralianpsmith: what?02:31
Stewie_GriffinAstralian, play by our rules then please Astralian :)02:31
bazhangAstralian: then please watch your language and stay on topic02:32
fevelhey guys...anyone syncing ipod touch on ubuntu without any issues?02:32
psmithStewie_Griffin: Thakns for sebtling Astralian .02:33
* Stewie_Griffin is here to help...and thats what I do best :)02:33
bazhangfevel: you either need to the deb for libgpod 0.6.0 for that or wait 17 days for next release02:33
opteroNhow do i install a emerald theme02:33
Astralianpsmith: whatis sebtling?02:33
fevelbazhang, really? on the next release it will have support?02:34
der|kunstlerhi there, any CISCO Network Simulators (GTK preferred and besides GNS3) ?02:34
bazhangfevel: aye02:34
fevelbazhang, thats cool...Ive had no luck compiling gtkpod02:34
psmithAstralian: lay off  as i am trying to be of asitance to no only you but other users as well.02:34
bazhangAstralian: read the /topic02:35
Stewie_GriffinGuys, please dont argue/fight in open chat...if you must..take it private please, thank you very much.02:35
the_darkside_986is there a way i can set a key to represent a right mouse button click?02:35
UberSisyphuswhat is the proper instillation method to install broadcom 43xx wireless chipset on ubuntu? google returned depricated and unsupported solutions02:35
the_darkside_986i installed ubuntu on an old G3 Mac. but since i got this for free i have no intentions of investing in a 2/3-button mouse. it's just a nice little system for others to use.02:36
enriquehow might i get this wireless connection to show up on network manager? i only show wired and dial up02:36
psmithStewie_Griffin: Exactlly my point I am trying my bets to act as wehat is refered to as a Catalyst.02:36
Supaplexwhat install cd can I use for a dell vostro 200? the foxconn motherboard is using an intel ich9 chipset.02:36
* Stewie_Griffin nods to LjL02:36
LjLbit late but still02:37
bazhangSupaplex: which have you tried?02:37
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:37
Stewie_Griffinbetter late than never i say LjL02:37
psmithSupaplex: You should be able to use a 7.10 boot disk.02:37
LjLFelonious, you can PM the bot.02:37
LjL!msgthebot > Felonious    (Felonious, see the private message from Ubotu)02:37
Supaplexdebian sid daily build. the keyboard (usb only) is very laggy, and the installer doesn't detect any harddisks02:37
bazhangSupaplex: ah sorry; which ubuntu have you tried02:38
GrueTamerSupaplex: when in doubt, alternate02:38
AstralianÅáàòü êîëîòèòü!02:38
LjL!english | Astralian02:38
ubotuAstralian: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:38
Astralianhi everi02:38
iceswordwhat the hell02:38
bazhangenglish please Astralian02:38
Supaplexnone. this chipset is not very old. :)02:39
GrueTamerSupaplex: when in doubt, alternate02:39
iceswordbazhang, traditional chinese,is that02:39
mattheas_For some reason02:39
bazhangSupaplex: you might try the alternate cd02:39
mattheas_When I did what was said about my wireless adapter02:39
Supaplexoh, where's that at?02:39
AstralianWhy nobody know what to do?02:39
mattheas_It's still not picking up wireless signals02:39
the_darkside_986in Ubuntu can i switch keypress values? like make a certain key emulate the pressing of another key?02:39
bazhangmattheas_: is it seeing a card now?02:39
mattheas_it says it sees the hardware02:40
Supaplexe alternate desktop CD. T - found it.02:40
mattheas_but 1) the light isn't coming on02:40
mattheas_and 2) it's not picking up wireless networks02:40
bazhangmattheas_: and does ifconfig show two or three entries02:41
mattheas_eth0 and lo02:41
enriquei am having the same problem as mattheas not showing a wireless connection in network manager, however it is late here and i respect u all for volunteering your time to help, but i am going to bed now and i will try again tomorrow, thanks again :-)02:41
bazhangmattheas_: then it does not see the card02:41
mattheas_so is the Atheros not supported?02:41
psmithmattheas_: Have you siabled t roaming mode via the system >> networking ?02:41
the_darkside_986using ndiswrapper anyone?02:41
redtidehello...i would like to know how to save this as a script. i know how to run it, just not what to copy and paste it to, and what to save it as. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62119/plain/02:42
brian_I'm back again #ubuntu! Is there a way that I can set gutsy so that it will automagically back up a certain folder to a CD-RW every so often? And delete the old data on the CD-RW?02:42
the_darkside_986because i know for sure that ndiswrapper package forgets to do the modprobe02:42
bazhangmattheas_: that is the 5006/7 or other02:42
psmithmattheas_: try that and t report wour results bac here please?02:42
GrueTamerredtide: copy and paste it to a text editor, and save as a shell script.02:42
redtideok thank you02:42
mattheas_Ok wait02:43
Dr_willisheh - i cliicked on that link redbox  in Xchat and it download/loaded in to a text editor for me  - under kde. :)02:43
mattheas_What do you want me to do, I thought I understood02:43
mattheas_guess not02:43
Dr_willisredtide,  wget http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62119/plain/     saves it as index.html, rename index.html to be Somecommand.sh :)02:44
mattheas_bazhang and psmith02:44
bazhangmattheas_: that is the atheros 5006/7?02:45
mattheas_I was believing it was 500602:45
mattheas_I read it somewhere in here02:45
bazhangyou followed the instructions completely in the link I gave you mattheas_?02:45
brian_Is there a way that I can set gutsy so that it will automagically back up a certain folder to a flash drive every so often?02:45
mattheas_what's weird02:45
mattheas_is when I try to modprobe ndiswrapper02:46
mattheas_it says module not found02:46
mattheas_but it's def installed02:46
Dr_willisbrian_,  crontab and the rsync command perhaps.02:46
bazhangmattheas_: what errors did you encounter please be precise02:46
Dr_willisbrian_,  or any of a dozen other 'backup' utilities from the crontab02:46
psmithmattheas_: I messed up thae networking settings  dialauge is under System > networking and then highlight  the wifi card and sellect proeprties once the proepties window popsup deselect the checkbox that states enable raoming mode and click close.02:47
=== icesword is now known as whoami
hanophix33how can i open mplayer using MediaPlayerConnectivity in Wine Firefox?02:47
mattheas_there is no System > Networking02:47
bazhangmattheas_: this ubuntu or ubuntu-based02:48
mattheas_It's ubuntu02:48
mattheas_installed from the live cd02:48
bazhangwhich version mattheas_02:48
brian_Dr_willis: :D Any idea how easy they are to set up, for an idiot(me!)? I have a small server, and I'll likely screw something up, I just want to back up the 1mb or so of setting files I have, just incase.02:48
=== emma is now known as lysdexia
psmithmattheas_:  just a second let me pull up the correct directions ok?02:48
Stewie_Griffinmattheas_, system->administration->network02:48
bazhangmattheas_: please pastebin the results of lspci (not here but in pastebin)02:49
Stewie_Griffin!pastebin | mattheas_ just incase02:49
ubotumattheas_ just incase: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:49
hanophix33: how can i open mplayer using MediaPlayerConnectivity in Wine Firefox?02:50
Dr_willisbrian_,  for that small a set of data, ya could just copy the data over. and not worry about rsync or other fancy features02:50
IndyGunFreakhanophix33: in wine firefox?.. you can't02:50
IndyGunFreakhanophix33: in wine firefox, you'll need to install a wine video app.02:50
RedScarethis ubuntu battery life is killing me02:50
RedScarelike murder02:50
fraggedHow can I see whats using my cached memory? Apparently I'm using 3.5gb of mem for caching :E02:50
hanophix33what media player works in WINE seamlessly?02:50
fraggedhanophix33, whats the point in using linux if you use WINE for things such as media players?02:51
IndyGunFreakhanophix33: i have no idea, good luck on that one, i've had zero luck w them02:51
Dr_willishanophix33,  i doubt if any of them do.02:51
IndyGunFreakfragged: and that was gonna be my next question02:51
RedScarefragged, maybe he wants best of both worlds02:51
mattheas_bazhang, Stewie_Griffin and psmith http://pastebin.com/mc8c4c8a02:51
brian_Dr_willis: Good plan, in theory :) But I'm the type who never remembers to do anything(Such as back stuff up), and really, the more I'm mucking about, the more things thatll get messed up :P02:51
RedScareeh hem, maybe he should just VM inside windows02:51
hanophix33I am trying to use MLB.tv that doesnt work well anymore02:51
Dr_willisive found very few videos that i cant play under linux. :) (if you dont count those XXX wmvs with the russian spyware codecs) :)02:51
Stewie_Griffinmattheas_, i was just giving you the pastebin link, i really dont know much to help you, maybe bazhang and psmith can help though :D02:52
Dr_willisbut i normally dont watch streams from websites like that.02:52
fraggedRedScare, name a windows based media player which is 'best', there are Media players that act as WMP does, and windows based iTunes is buggy, lame and crap software (macOS iTunes is another story)02:52
mattheas_oh ok02:52
Dar1usdoes anyone know if it's possible to get JMicron JMB363 RAID support going?02:52
JonCruzanyone have any clues on debugging wacom tablets?02:52
psmithmattheas_: whats the link again?02:52
mattheas_bazhang, Stewie_Griffin and psmith http://pastebin.com/mc8c4c8a02:52
RedScareDAmmit! My MKV porn collection is trashs02:52
IndyGunFreakhanophix33: i don't know if you are talking about live feeds, but i'm getting the videos on mlb.tv just fine02:53
brian_Dr_willis: I'm not trying to set it up now, I'm just curious as to how much work would actually need be done... I still would hafta go out to buy a flash drive for it(Don't have one currently. I use either 80gb iPod, or SD cards/card reader, but neither can just be left plugged in for a while, I need them)02:53
RedScarewmp classic works fantastically02:53
bazhangmattheas_: yes I saw that; what errors did you get from the link I gave you please be precise02:53
mattheas_when I get to modprobe ndiswrapper02:53
RedScarenot too mention with a little tweaking WMP 11 works just fine for just about everything I've throw at it02:53
mattheas_it says module not found02:53
mattheas_but it's definitely installed02:54
hanophix33IndyGunFreak...how do u get the option to use the old player02:54
ToddEDMhey guys... i got someone on my network, i dont mind that hes on, but is there a way i can message him just to let him know that i know hes on my network02:54
IndyGunFreakhanophix33: ?.. old player?.. the videos played in flash i think02:54
bazhangmattheas_: then you have made an error in doing that; please start over02:54
Dr_willisbrian_,  you can get a 2gb flash thumbdrive for like $20 or less now a days. and just leave it plugged in. If its that imporntant02:54
hanophix33IndyGunFreak:  try now02:54
Dr_willisbrian_,  thers also web based file arvhive sites - or other ways to backup a few mb.02:54
RedScareTodd, whats his terminals name?02:54
Dr_willisbrian_,  :) You could tar/zip the stuff and send it to your gmail account automaticially even02:55
IndyGunFreakhanophix33: yes, its flash...  http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/subscriptions/mlbtv.jsp?c_id=mlb02:55
IndyGunFreakthat one may be different from what you want though02:55
psmithmattheas_: http://rallink.rapia.net should answer your question IMHO.02:55
brian_Dr_willis: :O how much setting up would that take? Like I said, right now, I'm just lookin at some options, seein whats easy, I'll set it all up in a few days02:55
hanophix33indygunfreak: thats not how they stream02:55
IndyGunFreakoh ok02:55
IndyGunFreaki figured as much.02:56
psmithmattheas_: http://ralink.rapia.net should answer your question IMHO. bad link the first time around.02:56
RedScarestupid widescreen usplash02:56
RedScarehwinfo doesn't even report a widescreen res02:56
RedScarenow I'm stuck with cropping a widescreen image to 4:3 and letting it stretch during boot02:57
Dr_willisbrian_,  no idea.:) i know its doable.. and theres proberly tools that can allready do it.02:57
brian_Dr_willis: Ah, ok, well thanks :) I'll keep that stuff in mind02:57
psmithRedScare: What screen manufatureer and modle number  are you using?02:58
RedScareits a gateway laptop02:59
RedScareintel x310002:59
redtidehello, I get this problem when trying to install oss to get my Razer Barracuds AC-1 Sound card to work http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62383/02:59
NervetatooStill struggling with my kernel panic, but i found an error that seems related. "/sbin/init not a directory" quite recent before the kernel panic. I'm though unsure on how to solve it02:59
DOOM_NXhow is the command line rar program called?02:59
NervetatooAnd what the cause would be02:59
psmithRedScare: I naddtition what manufacturer manufacturers your video card and is it onboard or a slot in card (i..e Pci, AGP or PCIE X16)?02:59
DOOM_NX(as in: how do i extract rar files using terminal?)03:00
DOOM_NXbest way03:00
IndyGunFreak!rar | DOOM_NX03:00
ubotuDOOM_NX: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free03:00
DOOM_NXwow... it was so easy lolz03:01
psmithDOOM_NX: Please Perform  google search dor  rar for linux?03:01
D-UnitDOOM_NX, i think u cd to directory and do unrar *.rar03:01
DOOM_NXyes i found rar but i thought ubuntu had something else installed03:01
D-UnitDOOM_NX, u can unrar by right clicking using a gui u no..03:02
=== pyrak_ is now known as pyrak
DOOM_NXi want to do it through command line03:02
* GrueTamer high fives DOOM_NX03:02
DOOM_NXGrueTamer :)03:03
GrueTamerx?  whats that?03:03
jiajihello everybody, one trivial question, when I read man pages in text-mode, there're certain characters cannot be displayed, e.g., User's Manual is displayed as User(white square)s manual, anybody knows why? Console unicode mode is enabled.03:03
Shiva88DOOM_NX: there is a command line utility called unrar that should work, though i've never used it03:04
gpmis there a way to make nautilus do list view on the desktop?03:04
gpmunrar e <archive.rar>03:04
gpmthe package is called unrar03:04
Nervetatooanyone? "/sbin/init not a directory" sounds like a failure someone must have encountered. And since i've fsck-d the partition and fixed everything it cant be a broken partition?03:04
Shiva88might need to install unrar first, i don't think it's installed by default. at least on gutsy03:04
ToddEDMhey guys... i got someone connected to my router, i dont mind that hes on, but is there a way i can message him just to let him know that i know hes on my network03:04
gpmShiva88: it's not03:04
StarnestommyToddEDM: tell your router to disconnect him, restart it, or find out where he is and contact him in person03:05
psmithGENERAL ADVISRE PLEASE DO your reaserch (I.E. readind man pages, browsing forums ( ubuntuforums.org or (linuixquestions.org)) or simply googling on the command) also i higlly recommen thyat all new yusers of linux an its *nix next of kin sign up for a free account on linuxquestions.org ( where i may be found undrer athe alias Linux-Hawk)!!03:06
DOOM_NX(was that for my noob question?)03:06
inazadsi je suis sous xubuntu, comment upgrader a 8.04 beta ? sur ubuntu on fesait "gksudo update-manager -c" ou quelque chose du genre... ?03:06
bazhang!fr | inazad03:06
ubotuinazad: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:06
n-iCeWhy my ubunt doesn't load after I reboot?03:07
ToddEDMStarnestommy:  i dont mind that hes on, i just want to let him know03:07
n-iCeI need o press control alt + delete then it loads03:07
cyclonutdoes anyone here use slab?03:07
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:08
DOOM_NXhelp, i'm lost... what's the option to extract to a different directory? x?03:08
cyclonutgpm: bah03:08
bazhangcyclonut: what version of ubuntu03:08
gpmDOOM_NX: if you install unrar you can just open the archive in file-roller (AKA "Archive Manager"03:09
Shiva88DOOM_NX: i don't have a rar file to try this with, but methinks that unrar e file.rar /home/DOOM_NX/Desktop is what you're looking for?03:09
cyclonutbazhang: hardy, basically, I am looking for a menu that'll track my most frequently used apps03:09
spine55DOOM_NX: or if your using tar -C03:09
DOOM_NXShiva88, thanks let me see03:10
DOOM_NXgpm i need console03:10
DOOM_NXand spine thanks i'll try that too03:10
n-iCehow to know if my pc is 32 or 64 bits?03:10
gpmDOOM_NX: man unrar, i think you want the "x" option03:10
GrueTamern-iCe: if you dont know, 3203:11
n-iCeGrueTamer why03:11
Starnestommyn-iCe: your processor or your OS?03:11
n-iCeStarnestommy I don't when I download a iso image there are for 32 or 64 bits03:11
n-iCehow do I know which one must I download03:11
gpmShiva88: i think you need to use x, e is only for the current dir03:11
Starnestommyn-iCe: what kind of processor do you have?03:11
Shiva88DOOM_NX: argh, gpm's right... it's "unrar x file.rar /home/DOOM_NX/Desktop03:11
GrueTamerbecause 32 is majority, and iirc 32 works in a 64 bit system, might even be better03:11
Starnestommyn-iCe: btw, if you don't know, the 32 bit version works fine on most 32-bit and 64-bit intel and amd computers03:12
DOOM_NXyes it works03:12
DOOM_NXthank u very very very very very much03:12
gpmDOOM_NX: oh e worked?03:12
gpmfor a different dir?03:13
DOOM_NXno x filename dir03:13
n-iCeok mine is intel03:13
gpmoh ok03:13
Mehalokay i just have a quick question about the panel03:13
n-iCeso it is 32 bits?03:13
Starnestommyn-iCe: some newer intel ones are 64-bit, but I don't know which ones03:13
MEtaLpREsis there a way to permanently disable the firewall in ubuntu?03:13
GrueTamern-iCe: how old is your machine03:13
n-iCe2 years maybe03:13
Shiva88n-iCe: what OS are you in right now? xp?03:13
GrueTamergo 32.03:14
MEtaLpREsits constantly causing prblems with various things, but as soonas i reboot or log out it starts back up03:14
Shiva88yeah, a 2 yr old intel machine is probably 3203:14
FlannelMEtaLpREs: There's no need.  There is no functioning firewall rules by default.03:14
n-iCeShiva88 right now, vista but I don't wanna know about this computer I wanna know about the ubuntu pc03:14
GrueTamergo 32.03:14
randomoutburstok so when i use the live cd for 7.10 i have sound but i just did a fresh install and now i dont have any sound what could be wrong?03:14
MEtaLpREswell there must be some rules cause lots of stuff gets blocked by default, like torrents and my xbox media center03:14
GrueTamerrandomoutburst: check alsamixer03:14
StarnestommyMEtaLpREs: are you behind a router?03:15
n-iCehow do I update my ubuntu to the lastest version?03:15
mariobroCan anyone help me?  I've enabled the 3d graphics, but my viedocard is not good enough and now my system is lagging badly.  How can I make it smooth again?03:15
randomoutburstwhat do you mean by that?03:15
b4l74z4rthe new oss is nice03:15
MEtaLpREsi am, but as soon as i turn off the firewall in ubuntu everything works fine, so its not the router03:15
GrueTameropen up a terminal03:15
psmith Rule of thumb X86 family  means the mechine is based uopon a process  earlier than the P4s with hyper threadein support and X86_64 means the disk can be used to install a kernel which support i the full capabilities of both AMD 64 bit and the familiar Ia64 bit families of processors from intel or amd including the newer Itainium chips ( mainly soly for servers and high end engineering workstations.03:15
GrueTamerand see if things are muted03:15
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:15
GrueTamerto unmute, type m03:15
mariobroI've already gone back to no desktop graphics03:15
bazhangmariobro: envy is not supported here03:16
MehalI mistakenly clicked remove from panel on the top panel where things like pidgin get docked, and now i dont know how to get it back03:16
mariobroI'm not using envy03:16
randomoutburstno everything is turned up03:16
mariobronot now03:16
b4l74z4rdoes ubuntu use xorg or xfree86?03:16
Shiva88n-iCe: "sudo apt-get update"  and then "sudo apt-get upgrade"03:16
bazhangmariobro: but you did03:16
GrueTamerb4l74z4r: xorg03:16
mariobroi did earlier, but then read another website on how they did it for ati03:16
StarnestommyMehal: right click on panel, select "add to panel", go to the botoom of the list, select "notification area", then click add03:17
bazhangmariobro: the damage is done03:17
randomoutburstany other ideas?03:17
Mehalokay, thanks so much03:17
mariobrohmm  how can i fix it?03:17
GrueTamerrandomoutburst: is alsa running03:17
GrueTameri would assume it is...03:17
mariobroi could reload the system, but i'm not sure how03:17
Mehali was looking in the wrong section, i was looking in the desktop and windows section03:17
randomoutburstyeah it is if i just opened it up in the terminal right?03:18
mariobrois there a way to delete the information in a partition, then install into it?03:18
MEtaLpREsso can the firewall actually be permanently disabled or removed all together?  cause the answer "you dont need to" is kinda lame, whether i need to or not that doesnt really answer my question03:18
Smorgmariobro: fdisk?03:18
b4l74z4ris it possible to turn on system-wide vsync in xorg?03:19
SmorgSmorg: what are you trying to do?03:19
GrueTamermariobro: make an identical new parttion03:19
bazhangmariobro: envy is unsupported; you used it and thus are on your own03:19
mariobrosmorg, what do you mean03:19
nickrudMEtaLpREs if you run   sudo iptables -F  clears any firewall rules that might be set up;  sudo iptables -L  lists any that are effective03:19
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Ward1983how do i put vsync on? i can clearly see its off when my screensaver starts03:20
SmorgHow do I start sshd on the kubuntu livecd? I can't find how ubutnu's init works.03:20
Smorgjust need it to install grub on my gentoo box03:20
n-iCeI installed microsoft flight simulator 2004 using wine and the installation was good, now when I try to run it, it doesn't run what should I do?03:20
psmithMEtaLpREs: Due you have your machines behind a internet safe router/firewall? If so  is the firewall on the aftermentioned infrastructure device correctly configured and enabled?03:21
nickrudSmorg you would need to install openssh-server to get a server, and it runs automatically when it is installed03:21
Smorgnickrud: aah the live cd doesn't come with it? hrm.03:21
MEtaLpREsnickrud: iptables is showing no policies setup, and in firestarter it also shows no policies setup, but the firewall still starts up on boot and my xbox is blocked and as soon as i turn off the firewall my xbox becomes visable...03:21
Smorgi'll just have to chroot first. thx :)03:22
nickrudSmorg the live cd is set up as a desktop, any real server stuff needs to be added03:22
DOOM_NXis 'rm filename' reversible?03:22
randomoutburstanyone know why sound will work with 7.10 live cd but not on a fresh install of 7.1003:22
Pir8Folks, I have a question. I have an Intel Quad Core processor (Q6600). Does it make sense to install Ubuntu 64 bit or would 32 bit do just fine ? what's the big advantage of 64 over 32 ?03:22
Shiva88DOOM_NX: no03:22
nickrudMEtaLpREs sudo apt-get remove --purge firestarter should remove the firewall config scripts, along with firestarter03:23
DOOM_NXgood, i should watch it03:23
GrueTamerrandomoutburst: probably different settings in xorg or something03:23
Shiva88DOOM_NX: yeah, it doesn't go to a trash bin or anything like that03:23
nickrudMEtaLpREs iiirc , /etc/firstarter has the script that gets run03:23
randomoutbursthumm i tried fedora 8 and that didnt work either, the live cd anyway03:23
DOOM_NXShiva88, it never goes03:23
bazhangPir8: how much ram? if you have more than 4gb then may be worth it03:24
nickrudPir8 the most important advantage is accessing more than about 3gb of memory03:24
DOOM_NXunless i 'move to trash'03:24
Shiva88DOOM_NX: is it a file or a folder?03:24
Ward1983how do i put vsync on? i can clearly see its off when my screensaver starts03:24
DOOM_NXrm -rv is for folders?03:24
NertosВсем привет!03:24
DOOM_NXno -rv03:24
nickrudDOOM_NX rm -r will remove directories and their contents, recursively03:25
nickrud!ru | Nertos03:25
ubotuNertos: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke03:25
Ward1983erm, #ubuntu-ru ?03:25
Pir8I presently use this machine as my workstation, and I don't even do anything that significantly uses the horsepower.03:25
DOOM_NXi've used that before03:25
DOOM_NXrm -r /usr03:25
nickrudDOOM_NX lol, don't do that :)03:25
Mehali have another small question...03:25
DOOM_NXit was an experimental virtual machine, don't panic03:25
Shiva88yeah, don't even print that in case someone else thinks it looks like a good idea03:25
DOOM_NXnow i know :P03:25
nickrudPir8 I'd suggest sticking with 32bit, you get access to some stuff (flash, java browser plugin, some 3d party stuff) without going thru gyrations03:26
dotechPir8: and he means it when he says gyrations, i still don't have java working in ffx03:26
nickrudDOOM_NX ah, experimental. Experiment away, that's what they're for ;)03:26
dotechi have to isntall the 32-bit version if i want it03:26
dotechflash was simple though03:27
DOOM_NXnickrud, virtual machines rock... u can do anything u like03:27
Pir8thanks guys :)03:27
Mehali just installed linux earlier today so i'm still pretty new. For the virtual dektops, i used ot be able to just drag the window over to the other workspace but now i have to right click and click on move to workspace right. i was wondering if theres any way to get it back to the way it was before03:27
psmithPir8: I find my self in a suimilar situation with my AMD Athlon X2 Duel core Hp Pavillion a6230n , But i hate not have the full 64bit memory addressimg tha a 64bir kernel affords you!\03:27
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cpk1how would I ask a local ip what its mac address is?03:28
nickrudMehal you switched over to compiz? I find that I can't move stuff around the workspace switcher in compiz, but I can in metacity. I use expose plugin in compiz for seeing all desktops and moving stuff between them03:28
dotechpsmith: yea thats why i went with 64-bit here, 8gb of system memory03:29
Pir8psmith, I hear you.03:29
SeaPhorcpk1: google arp command line03:30
N3WFI3im having a problem with game performance under ubuntu03:30
N3WFI3is it the driver or dual core problem03:31
psmithPir8: . dotech : IMHO with in the next couple of years wie will se a full discontinuaion of research and developement dollars besing spent on the 32bit processors by Amd, Intel , Ctrix and others.03:31
fevelhow can I se if my two processors are working?03:31
fevelI have a turion 64 X203:31
N3WFI3bring up the hardware monitor03:31
SeaPhoror sytem monitor03:32
b4l74z4rthis is so strange, i read on various boards that people have issues with playing video in their browsers cause vsync is off so theres horizontal tearing in them, and absolutely no one seem to know anything about resolving this03:32
N3WFI3thats what i ment03:32
dotechpsmith: yep, no need within the next 30 years for more than 64-bit03:32
dotechpsmith: at that point it will be a different architecture most likely, quantum, etc03:33
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N3WFI3i have a strange problem with urban terror i can get 90 fps and then in some areas like 1103:33
fevelN3WFI3, ok its listed, but how can I make sure its being used?03:33
N3WFI3look at the percentages03:33
N3WFI3for both cpus03:33
Scunizianyone know how to create a boot floppy that will allow booting to a cdrom? motherboard doesn't have "boot to cdrom" feature.. "Smart Boot Manager" doesn't work.03:33
N3WFI3the usage03:33
nickrudfevel  cat /etc/cpuinfo03:33
AlisdairHelp!  I need help getting me partitions back to normal !03:34
fevelnickrud, it didnt find the directory03:34
nickrudfevel doh. cat /proc/cpuinfo03:34
psmithfevel: Which install disk did you use the x86 or the X86_64 disc, because if you didn't use the 64bit  instalation disk you won't have the rpoper kernel  thus restricting you to one core on each  microchip!!03:34
fevelpsmith, I used 64 bit version03:35
AlisdairCan anyone one here help me restore my partitions back to windows?03:35
bazhangreally? I have the 32 bit and can use both cores psmith03:35
xtknight32bit and 64bit are both smp03:35
xtknightit it irrelevant to architecture03:36
alan_mwhats our topic for psmith baz?03:36
bazhangAlisdair: you want to uninstall ubuntu and use windows only?03:36
psmithfevel: Tghwen you should have no issue using all the avliable processors and in turn all of there intrensic cores.03:36
Mehalokay, i see that in my appearance prefs, in visual effects, i cant select anything other than none. when i click on normal or extra, i get the error message "Desktop effects could not be enabled"03:36
fevelsystem monitor shows activity on both processors03:36
nickrudMehal what video chip do you have,   lspci | grep -i vga  will tell you exactly03:37
fevelit doesnt seem to be any issues, I just wnted to know howto make sure03:37
bazhangalan_m: discussing which iso to use is ontopic thanks03:37
buzzsawwould it be possable to install ubuntu remotly, i have a cpu that i would like to use however the video does not output03:37
juannicolasHello, I can't get my compiz to reproduce 4 desktops in the cube configuration I set it up upto 4 desktops but is not working.03:37
alan_mbaz, i wasnt referring to that, i was seeing what you were talking about so i could possibly jump in, thanks to you as well :D03:37
N3WFI3someone goto know how to fix gfx slowdowns :(03:37
bazhangjuannicolas: you need to go into ccsm and set general virt horiz desktops to 403:38
nickrudjuannicolas install compizconfig-settings-manager  (advanced desktop settings in prefs when installed) and enable desktop cube.03:38
AlisdairI deleted the partitions, but can't get them to merge back to a single partition03:38
bazhangalan_m: okay sorry about that my bad03:38
psmithMehal: You might have an improperly recognized Graphics Processing Unit GPU aka video card.03:38
juannicolasoh, is the virtual not in the Number of Desktops?03:38
ScuniziAlisdair: if you deleted them then you need to recreate one large one.. if you didn't delete them then you'll see the same number of partitions03:38
bazhangjuannicolas: right, that is the advanced desktop settings manager not the ubuntu desktops on the panel03:39
juannicolasthx a lot03:39
Mehalnickrud 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)03:40
Alisdair i had ubuntu installed but deleted the 2 partitions it created, and i cant set the unallocated partitions to join back together as one disk space03:40
bazhangAlisdair: is your final goal to use only windows?03:40
Alisdairi have a drive image i need to load through norton ghost03:40
nickrudMehal hm, I'm got good with intel chips, so I'll have to refer you to  #compiz-fusion, they can set you up03:40
bazhangAlisdair: they have a channel you know?03:40
SanctusoriumHey guys, how would one check his version of Ubuntu?03:40
psmithget him out of this channel please!03:41
FlannelSanctusorium: lsb_release -a03:41
ScuniziAlisdair: delete all the partitions.. until the drive has no partitions.. then ghost back the image you want.03:41
zero88I know this if off-topic, but are bit torrents safe?03:41
bazhangzero88: of linux isos yes03:42
Sanctusorium.. .  Okie... Apparently I still have Feisty.  How could I update to Gutsy?   Do I ahve to reinstall?03:42
Flannel!upgrade | Sanctusorium03:42
Pici!upgrade | Sanctusorium03:42
ubotuSanctusorium: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:42
bazhangdualing upgrades ;]03:42
nickruddang, you guys must have that on text replace03:42
zero88bazhang what about to download pdf's and ebooks? In general are they safe?03:42
Picinickrud: nah, just type fast ;)03:43
bazhangzero88 that you have paid for?03:43
Xarkzero88: Thats like asking if "files" are safe. :-)  Totally depends what is in the torrent (or the file).  If its pirated, then the risk goes up significantly...03:43
zero88bazhang no.03:43
Scunizizero88: if you're worried about virus's don't..03:43
Pici!piracy | zero88 unsafe and illegal03:43
ubotuzero88 unsafe and illegal: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o03:43
bazhangthen this is not the channel for that zero8803:43
nickrudzero88 but a pdf? I would say that's ok03:43
zero88ok thanks. I know they are bad for windows...but wasnt sure about ubuntu.03:44
zero88I mean what could you download for linux other then a script?03:44
Alisdairi had a 30 gig partition with windows, then i deleted that, loaded ubuntu which split the 30 into two partitions of 28 and 203:44
nickrudzero88 like Xark says, it's what's in the torrent that matters. If it's legal, and from a trusted source ...03:44
Picizero88: Linux does not have a virus problem.03:44
alan_mLinux=rock solid pretty much03:45
nickrudjust don't run as root :)03:45
Pici!virus | zero8803:45
bazhangAlisdair: ##windows please03:45
ubotuzero88: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2103:45
zero88true. but I've heard about linux root-kits.03:45
PiciAlisdair: When you install windows, it will re-create the parition on its own.  See ##windows for more details.03:46
psmithFreeBSD and Mac OS X = Damn Near Bullet Proof!! :P03:46
demonsporkhow do I make a symbolic link at the command line?03:46
bazhangahem kde4 and ubuntu03:46
JonCruzln -s03:46
Picidemonspork: ln -s03:46
nickruddemonspork  ln -s source desired03:47
N3WFI3is ubuntu known to have fps problems with urban terror03:47
bazhangN3WFI3: that would be a hardware issue03:47
N3WFI3its not like it in windows03:47
nickrudor video driver, and ubuntu has no control over the closed source ones03:47
bazhangN3WFI3: does your card support it more like03:48
N3WFI3geforce 680003:48
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bazhangN3WFI3: then you should be fine03:48
N3WFI3it goes from like 90 fps and some areas drops to like 1103:48
SeaPhorN3WFI3: do you have the correct linux drivers for it and NOT using envy?03:48
bazhangwhat driver and how installed N3WFI303:49
N3WFI3i think the default restrcited03:49
nickrudand running games on wine is an iffy proposition anyway03:49
bazhangN3WFI3: please dont say you used envy03:49
N3WFI3whats envy03:49
N3WFI3the regular?03:49
bazhangN3WFI3: best not to ask03:50
=== pierre_ is now known as honestchaos
psmithM#WFI3: NvIdia is a very good GPU supplier because the openly support OpenSource OSES like the BSDS and Linuxs.03:50
alan_mpsmith, wow, you butchered that name :P03:50
SeaPhorN3WFI3: http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html03:50
N3WFI3(latest cards) restriced driver03:50
Alisdairis there a free partition magic boot cd?03:50
zero88 03:51
bazhangAlisdair: for windows? returning to an all windows system?03:51
psmithGparted puts out an iso03:51
N3WFI3i thought ubuntu came with the new drivers03:51
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N3WFI3do i need to manual install from nvidia03:52
thundr3Alisdair: You can also use Gparted booting from a ubuntu CD, and that should be very similar.03:52
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IndyGunFreakN3WFI3: depends, check system/admin/restricted drivers03:52
CITguy08Does anybody know how I can set a web page as my wallpaper?03:52
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N3WFI3it says nvidia system accelerated driver (latest cards)03:53
SeaPhorN3WFI3: look at System->Administration-> restricted drivers manager03:53
IndyGunFreakN3WFI3: is it enabled?03:53
N3WFI3in use03:53
IndyGunFreakN3WFI3: ok, so whats the problem?03:53
N3WFI3massive fps drops03:53
N3WFI3and im playing that old game urban terror03:53
saltedlightanyone can help me with some dns info?03:53
ouellettesranyone know of a image mapping software for ubuntu?03:53
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N3WFI3maybe its a cpu affinity problem?03:54
=== gamble is now known as Gamble
N3WFI3how can i run the game with one cpu core03:54
ouellettesrpsmith, ok how would i do it in gimp?03:55
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psmithgoogle is your friend03:55
nickrud!google | psmith03:55
ubotupsmith: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux03:55
saltedlightnot mine... i need some info about dns... don't know what to look for...03:56
N3WFI3how come u cant change cpu affinity in the gui like u can in xp03:57
XlarizJust installed Hardy and its awesome, 1st linux distro ever, but Firefox is running too slow.  Anyone got any ideas?03:57
N3WFI3under task manager03:57
N3WFI3there is a hardy channel03:57
rullieis hardy released?03:58
nickrudXlariz #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+103:58
bazhangXlariz: #ubuntu+1 please03:58
N3WFI3its in testing03:58
bazhangrullie: in 17 days03:58
chuyhi, is there a gui to detect all my hard drives and mount them automatically?03:58
N3WFI3someone here knows how to set cpu affinity03:58
N3WFI3to a program03:58
N3WFI3i need to test it03:58
ubuntu_newbieI am totally a newbie with ubuntu/linux03:59
bazhangwhere is jack_sparrow? have not seen him for a while03:59
IdleOne!hi | ubuntu_newbie03:59
ubotuubuntu_newbie: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:59
ubuntu_newbiecould somebody help me to connect to my local network through wireless03:59
nickrudbazhang working, lots less time available04:00
bazhangubuntu_newbie: what card is it?04:00
bazhangcheers nickrud04:00
=== Alisdair is now known as SOmeone
ubuntu_newbiebazhang how can i check that?04:00
bazhanglspci in the terminal ubuntu_newbie (please report the single line--dont paste whole thing here)04:01
amenadoread the labels on your wifi card?04:01
lnxnwbeis it possible to defrag the windows partition through ubuntu?04:01
psmithpastebin.com is als a newbies friend04:01
ubuntu_newbiebazhang there is alot written there04:01
ubuntu_newbieIntel Coropration PRO/Wireless 2200BG (rev 05)04:02
hanophix33Is anyone using MLB.tv?04:02
lnxnwbedid i ask a bad question?04:03
N3WFI3is there an app for setting cpu affinity?04:03
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, which ubuntu are you using?04:03
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N3WFI3or only commands04:03
bazhangubuntu_newbie: what does ifconfig show; two entries or three (just say two or three please dont paste here)04:03
ubuntu_newbieVersion 6.1004:03
IdleOnelnxnwbe: I dont think that is possible04:03
svenskoto install fluxbox shouldn't i just have to "sudo apt-get install fluxbox"?04:03
ubuntu_newbiebazhang ipconfig command not found04:03
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, that wireless card should work without a problem in 6.1004:03
Shiva88lnxnwbe: i don't know of any way to defrag your windows partition from within linux04:03
IdleOneubuntu_newbie: iFconfig not iPconfig04:03
bazhangubuntu_newbie: iFconfig--ifconfig not ipconfig04:03
Shiva88lnxnwbe: it may be possible, but i've never heard of a method04:04
TheBurninatorhello all04:04
ubuntu_newbieifconfig shows two04:04
lnxnwbeok ty04:04
ubuntu_newbieeth1 and lo04:04
IdleOnelo and eth0 probably04:04
hanophix33Is anyone Using MLB.tv this year?04:05
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bazhangubuntu_newbie: have you considered upgrading to a more recent version--that one may not be supported much longer04:05
lnxnwbeshiva88: it wouldn't have an excuse to not get the system files in windows04:05
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, paste the output to paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:06
ubuntu_newbiebazhang i ordered the dvds a while ago, thought to try it today04:06
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ZeltaI have an ndiswrapper question: I installed my PCI wifi card using ndiswrapper; will upgrading to Hardy Heron break my setup?04:06
svenskoto install fluxbox shouldn't i just have to "sudo apt-get install fluxbox"?04:06
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx that could be a problem, am on a different laptop, ubuntu is not connected to internet04:06
N3WFI3someone should make a small gui in the process monitor to set affinity like in windows xp04:06
IdleOneZelta: yup04:06
Zelta!ot | Zelta04:06
N3WFI3some programs have problems running 2 cores04:06
IdleOnesvensko: yes04:06
lnxnwbeshiva88: is there a list somewhere of dell printers suported?04:06
bazhangpreemptive !ot Zelta very nice ;]04:07
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:07
lnxnwbei googled but can't find04:07
ubuntu_newbiebazhang if you could tell me how can i search for the wireless networks in my area, am sorry i am kinda used to the windows system04:07
Zeltathanks bazhang04:07
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, oh well... uhmmm the thing is that ipw2200 works in 6.10, i have used it before without a problem...04:07
bazhangZelta: is that broadcom?04:07
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, next to the clock area, is there any icon like a window or a monitor?04:07
celerateI like this version of Ubuntu, Kudos to those responsible for it04:08
Zeltabut if I install it again in Hardy it should work right?04:08
lnxnwbeidleone:ty looking04:08
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx yes, it says Network Connection: lo04:08
IdleOnelnxnwbe: np04:08
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx yes, it says Network Connection: lo04:08
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:08
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Shiva88"enjoy the show"? hehe04:08
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, uhm wierd, should recognize eth1 as wireless inerface...04:09
IdleOneShiva88: when they return it is sometimes fun. back in the old days channels would get taken over because of a split :)04:09
f0rmatok for some reason ubuntu is fucking around all of a sudden it repetitively dims windows that i am using and then just lags out and then speeds up again then randomly slows down again and i had to disable even the middle graphics and now it is working04:09
CITguy08ubuntu_newbie: try issuing "iwconfig"04:09
f0rmatwhy does 8.04 not do it yet 7.10 does04:09
bazhang!language | f0rmat04:09
ubotuf0rmat: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:09
IdleOne!ohmy | f0rmat04:10
Shiva88really? i guess i missed out on that.  i've seen many netsplits, just never considered them to be much of a "show" :)04:10
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx iwconfig is showing "4" lo (no wirless) eth0 (no wireless) eth1 (unassociated ESSIF:"Atif" and some other things) and sit0 (no wireless)04:10
f0rmaterm bazhang :S04:10
bazhangf0rmat: no swearing in here thanks04:10
=== amidanie1 is now known as amidaniel
N3WFI3i neeed to set cpu affinity!04:11
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, ok, so eth1 is the wireless card you should be using, so try connecting with Network manager, which is next to the clock on your right top corner04:11
f0rmati didn't realize i had it's just ubuntu is doing weird and wonderful things with my servers04:11
IdleOnef0rmat: think of this like the Disney channel. if they wont say it. then you dont say it04:11
Zeltaf0rmat: aren't wonderful things good? :)04:12
f0rmaterm well yes04:12
f0rmatbut isn't ubuntu wonderful04:12
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx that little monitor?04:12
bazhangf0rmat: also hardy discussion is in #ubuntu+104:12
f0rmatnope i am using 7.1004:12
ubuntu_newbiei click on it and it shows me Connection Properties of lo04:12
IdleOnef0rmat: recent update perhaps ?04:12
f0rmattried updating04:13
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, yes, click on it and if there are wireless networks, it will show them right?04:13
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx it is not, it opens a window "Connection Properties: lo"04:14
bazhangubuntu_newbie: are there any wifi hotspots there?04:15
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, ok les try to do something else, go to a terminal an do: nm-applet04:15
hakerhow do i make C++ .exe's for windows?04:15
hakerfrom ubuntu04:15
ubuntu_newbiebazhang yeah plenty! am sure, coz my windows laptop is showing them04:15
bazhanghaker: you must be kidding04:15
hakerbazhang: T_T i dindt ask for a remark i asked for help :)04:16
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx wait, if i go to Network Settings, it is showing me three Connections. 1. Wireless Connection (not configured) 2. Wired connection (Adrress: DHCP) 3. Modem (not configured)04:16
bazhanghaker: you want to use mono?04:16
ubuntu_newbiedo I have to make some changes there first?04:16
hakerg++ -o rawr.cpp RAWR.exe  dont work :(04:16
hakerbazhang: mono ?04:16
lnxnwbeidleone: i have an all in one , photo 944 printer-scanner i can't find if its supported . Do you know anything about this?04:16
ubuntu_newbiebecause it is fresh installed copy of ubuntu and I haven't touched anything yet04:17
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, that wont work... you have to use network manager, but i dont remember if it comes by default with 6.1004:17
ampmaniac3hi all! how will I add fonts to firefox?04:17
amidanielhaker: You have it backward04:17
Scunizilnxnwbe: you didn't mention the brand of the printer04:17
amidanielhaker: g++ -o RAWR.exe rawr.cpp is what you want I assume04:17
lnxnwbescunizi: sorry its a dell photo 94404:17
Shiva88lnxnwbe: my linux printer experience is limited, but have you just tried it?  i plugged in my HP all-in-one this morning and it work automagically in gutsy04:17
f0rmatare there any programs that can optimize memory etc?04:18
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx nm-applet command not found04:18
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, ok so do this: sudo apt-get install network-manager04:18
karexhi all:what's the biggest problem when installing ubuntu in laptop?04:18
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, ok so do this: sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome04:18
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lnxnwbeit detects it i think but when i goto print someting it gives status bar and all but no print04:18
bazhangkarex broadcom04:18
amidanielf0rmat: What do you mean by optimize memory? You mean to optimize a single program or an entire os?04:19
karexbazhang: broadcom? what is it?04:19
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx D: could not find package network-manager-gnome04:19
ubuntu_newbieshall I insert CD first?04:19
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, ok so do this: sudo apt-get install network-manager then04:19
bazhangkarex wireless04:19
amidanielhaker: What g++ Shell.exe -o swell.cpp means is, my source is in the file Shell.exe compile it into an executable named swell.cpp04:20
karexbazhang: only that?04:20
CarbonfluxI am noticing two versions of Azureus in the Ubuntu repo's, one claims to be "native code" I am assuming that means someone complied it from source on Ubuntu and that the package in the repo's is a Deb package ?04:20
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, have you changed yout sources archive and removed the cd entry?04:20
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx same error04:20
* sCOTTo farts04:20
bazhangkarex you asked for biggest not all; what are your issues we can then address them04:20
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx no, nothing04:20
SeaPhorI was having same problem as f0rmat,,, i just fresh installed on a new hard drive and slaved the old for the files, but thats not a fix04:20
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, ok, so firsst we have to change your sources of apt04:20
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx alright, how?04:21
karexbazhang: i've bought Compaq. I want to install ubuntu on it04:21
Scunizilnxnwbe: that printer won't work.. it offloads a lot of the processing to the windows environment which makes it cheaper and much less compatible with linux04:21
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, can you connect your laptop to a wired netowrk or something?04:21
f0rmatamidaniel, the entire os04:21
lnxnwbescunizi :ok ty04:21
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx yes! but that would not connect to internet04:21
Shiva88lnxnwbe: i think Scunizi's right... there are a few threads in the forums about that same printer, doesn't sound like anyone is having much luck with it04:22
thundr3karex: what stage are you in?  Have you attempted to install it yet?04:22
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx only this laptop is connected to internet, which is through mobile broadband connection, i need to get to my local area network for some file transfers and play around!04:22
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, try puytting the cd on your laptop and try install what i've told you04:23
amidanielf0rmat: That's not really possible to do unless you recompile all the programs on your system to be more memory efficient04:24
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx I tried that as well, CD is inserted04:24
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx can I install from the CD, human interface rather than command line?04:24
karexthundr3: not yet04:24
f0rmatwell the system is absorbing resources when i have the graphics up to medium04:24
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx, is Network Manager same as System > Administration > Networking ?04:24
ubuntu_newbiebecause I can see it there04:25
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, ok, put your cd on and search for a network-manager package, but i believe it is not there. And it is not the same to your second question04:25
chuyhi, I can't mount my hdb hard disk, it was previously hdb, but since an update I only have sd??, I tried to mount sdb1 but tells me that it is not a block device (I'm using hardy heron, I tried #ubuntu+1 but no one could help me)04:25
NiceStreiPlease help me- both the Ubuntu 7.10 and the 8.04 LiveCDs wont work. They find no errors on the CD check, and I have installed both recently, but now when I try to install, X just keeps restarting.04:26
NiceStreiAMD 3500+, 1gb ram, Radeon X1600, etc. should not have any issues04:26
Shiva88NiceStrei: have you tried the alternate disk?04:26
b4l74z4rshould i use "nvidia-settings -load-config-only" or "nvidia-settings -l" in my sessions startup programs to make the configuration stick?04:26
IdleOneNiceStrei: using the same cd to burn the iso?04:27
NiceStreiShiva88: no I have not. I'll give it a try, but i figure if the discs didn't work, the OS wouldn't either04:27
bazhangkarex: have you downloaded the live cd yet?04:27
SeaPhorad this problem with a new install on a friend's computer, had to go into system>administration>synaptics package manager and fix alot of things there, but i dont know if thats what you need or not04:27
arrowI just installed bittornado and I'm trying to have it open a file but can't find where it is located, can someone tell me or tell me how to find out?04:27
NiceStreiIdleOne: no, i was, but i just tried a brand new CDR (burned at 4x) and it does the same thing04:27
karexbazhang:i've had the live cd04:27
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx no file found04:28
binarylustWhat's up all04:28
IdleOneNiceStrei: download the Alertanate install iso and try that04:28
Shiva88NiceStrei: if you're just trying to install, and aren't worried about the livecd environment, then try the alternate04:28
bazhangarrow: any reason to use that and not transmission or better?04:28
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx i guess the package is not in the CD04:28
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, i will recommend you to try to connect your laptop to a wired network and install the package i've told you04:28
NiceStreialright, thanks IdleOne and Shiva88 . I'll give those a shot.04:28
Falling-InfernoHow do i Mount a .bin?04:28
arrowbazhang, the site i use only allows a small amount of clients04:28
binarylustSo....what happens when this version is out of Beta....will it upgrade to full automatically...or do we have to start over?04:28
bazhangkarex: does the livecd see your wireless card and give you okay graphics etc?04:28
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx ok i will try that04:28
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx please stay with me!04:29
IdleOnebinarylust: you will be givin the option to upgrade04:29
linkinxpwhich command can i use to trace an ip?04:29
binarylustSweet, thank you IdleOne04:29
karexbazhang:i'm sorry, i've just plan it. But i'm affraid to try04:29
NiceStreiWhile I'm at it.. does anyone know how to make the iTunes (on wine or parallels) network shared library work? It seems like the ports aren't open, but even if i get a firewall and open the ports (double checked, they are open), my library will show up on my other computer, but not load.04:30
IdleOnelinkinxp: trace an ip? what do you mean?04:30
arrowHow do I find out where programs are located after I install them?04:30
karexbazhang:is it dangerous?04:30
Falling-InfernoHow do i Mount a .bin?04:30
r00723r0Anyone know of any good asterisk frontends for GTK+?04:30
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, ok i'll try xD04:30
linkinxpIdleOne,  yea i have an IP i want to know info ( should i just use whois) lmao04:30
bazhangkarex okay; well nothing to fear as it is a livecd; boot into it (set bios to look for cd drive first) look around, then see what you like or not; then simply restart pull out the cd and you are back in windows files untouched04:30
IdleOnelinkinxp: yeah or /dns ip04:31
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx I connected the network cable and tried the command again, same error04:31
linkinxpIdleOne,  thanks04:31
NiceStreitl;dr: iTunes shared library doesn't work. Why?04:31
owhAfter inserting one particular DVD into my Thinkpad R52 running Gutsy nothing happens. No messages in dmesg, nothing in /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog. However if I insert a CD or any other DVD, it works as expected. The DVD is a -R, but both +R and -R discs work normally. Could not find help with Google. Suggestions?04:31
linkinxpIdleOne,  what about resolve Mac addresses?04:32
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amenadolinkinxp-> man arp04:32
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, do a cat /etc/apt/sources.list and paste the output on a file and pass your file to your laptop and then show it to me on paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:32
nikki8965join  #osi04:32
bazhangpastebinit is nice for that04:32
karexbazhang:so if it's OK in live-mode, i can install it?04:32
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, but first of all, you connect through a router??04:33
=== TheFrugalGeek is now known as MattRyan
IdleOne!info opera04:33
ubotuPackage opera does not exist in gutsy04:33
linkinxpamenado,  got it thankius!04:33
bazhangkarex you have ethernet connection for that?04:33
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx alright, i will do that04:33
karexbazhang:how to backup the original OS?04:33
charles|64question. when i sign my emails with gpg the signature always appends to the top. How do i make it go to the bottom? Im using thunderbird04:33
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx, yes it is a router!04:34
MattRyanhey guys. I have an ubuntu installation question04:34
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, after you connected it through cable, does it have an ipaddress, try with ifconfig and check04:34
bazhangkarex one step at a time; you want to do some commands while in the live cd to see how well it fits that laptop--any way to chat here while you run the livecd on that computer?04:34
MattRyan7.10 using live CD. I select the option to start/install and it loads, then sends me to a command prompt.04:34
MattRyanNo gui.. just a prompt.04:34
MattRyani386 desktop04:35
MattRyanAny idea why this happens?04:35
CarbonfluxI am noticing two versions of Azureus in the Ubuntu repo's, one claims to be "native code" I am assuming that means someone complied it from source on Ubuntu and that the package in the repo's is a Deb package ?04:35
NiceStreiMattRyan: verify the CD? did you burn it at more than 4x?04:35
Carbonfluxother package*04:35
karexbazhang:no,i'm not at home04:35
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx on lo inetaddr:
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, under eth0?04:35
MattRyanburned it at 40x04:35
MattRyanthat might be the reason04:35
RoAkSoAxor other besides
bazhangkarex: well to make sure this is a good fit best to do it that way; when you get home will you have that option?04:36
Scoomaverify the burn?04:36
MattRyanI didn't, will do so now.04:36
ubuntu_newbieno ip address under eth0 but theres a mask: under lo04:36
bazhang40x could be the problem04:36
charles|64question. when i sign my emails with gpg the signature always appends to the top. How do i make it go to the bottom? Im using thunderbird04:36
MattRyanIs 8.04 beta worth switching to yet?04:36
ScuniziMattRyan: burn it s l o w.. the slowest you can..04:36
owhMattRyan: You can choose verify from the boot menu.04:36
NiceStreiif it works then yes04:36
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, try doing sudo ifup eth004:36
bazhangbest wait MattRyan04:36
IdleOneMattRyan: not yet04:36
Scoomacharles you should ask in #thunderbird04:37
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx Interface eth0 already configured04:37
NiceStrei8.04 just whitescreens me, i have to ctrl+F1 and metacity --replace04:37
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth004:37
SnakeAny wifi wizzes in here?04:37
bazhangNiceStrei: #ubuntu+1 for hardy discussion04:37
NiceStreiand then theres no compiz04:37
karexbazhang:may be no04:38
ScoomaSnake:  wassup?04:38
SnakeSo I have my wifi card, everythign was auto-detected by ubuntu, but for some reason I still have no net04:38
Snakeim connected to my ap04:38
charles|64Scooma: thats not a vaild room04:38
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx it is attempting to do something04:38
Snakebut it cant get an IP address04:38
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, let's wait till it finishes04:38
bazhangkarex: then you need to do this in windows, write down what we say here, boot into livecd, then back to windows etc? that is the only option?04:39
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx done! No DHCPOFFERS received.04:39
ubuntu_newbieNo working leases in persistent databse - sleeping.04:39
Scoomacharles|64: check out on the thunderbird page maybe you need a diff irc server04:39
glissi'm not hearing any sound. i wonder if the sound daemon crashed04:39
ScoomaSnake:  do you have any security on you AP?04:39
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, is your router configured with dhcp?04:39
SnakeScooma: no04:39
LinuxMafiahi all04:39
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charles|64Scooma: yeah it is i got it thanks04:40
ScoomaSnake: try setting a static ip then and getting out that way first04:40
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx yes it is.04:40
glissdoes ubuntu 7.10 still use the sound daemon?04:40
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, try changing network cable...04:40
SnakeScooma: Well see, I was going to, but it wont let me with out a password..04:40
LinuxMafiai want to play "mms://" in kaffeine i get error xine: cannot find input plugin for MRL [mms://] , any help04:40
Snakeand damn it ubuntu just froze up04:40
ScoomaSnake: which password? from what app?04:40
SnakeScooma: Network-manager04:41
ubuntu_newbieI don't think linux is for me!04:41
Snakehang on, rebooting it04:41
owhAfter inserting one particular DVD into my Thinkpad R52 running Gutsy nothing happens. No messages in dmesg, nothing in /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog. However if I insert a CD or any other DVD, it works as expected. The DVD is a -R, but both +R and -R discs work normally. Could not find help with Google. Suggestions?04:41
LinuxMafiaany one?04:41
bazhangubuntu_newbie: perhaps not; it does take a bit of learning, and not everyone wants to do that04:41
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, haha the same thing happened to me when i tried ubuntu for the fisrt time and that kept me going... not big deal, we can figure out what is wrong with your laptp04:42
Scoomaowh: try mounting your cdrom04:42
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx done, i have inserted new cable!04:42
owhScooma: It tells me no medum found.04:42
karexbazhang:okay.is there the freeware to backup the original OS?04:42
ubuntu_newbiethanks guys. i really wanna learn linux04:42
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, ok try doing a sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth004:42
owhScooma: There is no reference of the hardware even detecting the disc. dmesg reports nothing.04:42
amenadokarex-> you dont need to backup the OS, there is the livecd you can use as base04:42
owhScooma: The disc spins for a bit, then stops.04:42
bazhangkarex: did you get my last message? could you give me an answer to that please04:42
Scoomaowh: yeah that's the firmware spinning it. is there an app that can query the cdrom device directly? i don't know of one personally04:43
SeaPhorRoAkSoAx: I am fairly new too, and a co-worker just had the same prob, had to go into system>administration>synaptics package manager and fix alot of things there, but i dont know if thats what you need or not04:43
ubuntu_newbiemeanwhile, one more question, i have connected my ipod, i cant see it no where04:43
owhScooma: k3b doesn't detect it. I couldn't think of anything else.04:43
[SuB]SparkyFlaryanyone know a better decompiler than boomerang?04:43
karexamenado:thank you.. but i want to install04:44
SnakeScooma: rebooted04:44
SeaPhorit wa s all because he didnt have internet access during install04:44
amenadokarex then install,04:44
RoAkSoAxSeaPhor, im not a newb any more, i was telling ubuntu_newbie my experiencie when i first tryied out ubuntu 5.10, now im trying to help him with his internet connection on a laptop with 6.1004:44
Scoomaowh: is this a new install or it just happened recently?04:44
amenado!clone | karex04:44
ubotukarex: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate04:44
Scoomaowh: ie. just this disc?04:44
=== |Cain_| is now known as Cain_
ScoomaSnake: have you set a static on it? and make sure you're connecting to the right AP04:45
SnakeScooma: in Manual Config it has Wireless connection listed, when I uncheck "Enable Roming Mode" it wants a password type04:45
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu04:45
owhScooma: It's just this disc, but it plays fine in a DVD player. The installation is not new.04:45
ubuntu_newbiei have connected my ipod, i cant see it no where, where can i locate the files in it04:45
Scoomaowh: so it's a dvd disc?04:45
owhScooma: Yup.04:45
Scoomaowh: but other dvds play?04:45
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, i think 6.10 does not have ipod support just yet04:45
owhScooma: Yup.04:45
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx same problem with new cable04:45
SeaPhorRoAkSoAx: I know that, I am and was just trying to add what i figured out the hard way, thought you would have a better way :-))04:46
bazhangubuntu_newbie: get a more recent version of ubuntu04:46
ubotuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex04:46
ScoomaSnake: i think you're got some sort of pw on the AP. are you 100% connecting to the right AP?04:46
owhScooma: It's like the firmware gives up on the disc before it tells the OS.04:46
Scoomaowh: new disc?04:46
SnakeScooma: yes. Im the only AP around me (I live in the country)04:46
[SuB]SparkyFlaryis there a way for my ipod to play mp3 without running itunes through it?04:46
bazhangJohnMM: please /msg ubotu for fun if you wish04:46
owhScooma: No. It's got a home-movie on it, burnt on OS X.04:46
JohnMMk sorry bazhang04:46
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, ok well that is weird, can you configure your network manually, on System>Administration>Netowrk for your wired netowkr?04:47
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx oops, thats the only usb drive i have right now! i was thinking to paste everything to show you what was happening.. i dont think i can paste you the logs now :(04:47
Synx_hmAny touch pad experts, i cant figure out which portion of the xorg.conf my mouse is using, it sometimes works fine others not at all, the the twofingerscroll option will not work period04:47
Scoomaowh: dumb question but did you finalize it?04:47
owhScooma: It was sent to me, dunno.04:47
ScoomaSnake:  do you have another machine that connects fine?04:47
owhScooma: Even if it wasn't finalised, the OS would see it and give up on it no?04:47
Scoomaowh: run a burner software and see if it can finalize the disc04:48
SnakeScooma: the PC im on now, the PS3, and it works under windows dandy04:48
owhScooma: Well, k3b doesn't even see it.04:48
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx yes it have the properties option on my wired connection04:48
ubuntu_newbiecould you assist me with what to put there!04:48
bazhangowh: really depends; I have dvd's burned in linux that other linux boxes choke on same OS burned and all04:48
ScoomaSnake: when you look at it via network manager list, do you see a lock icon next to  it?04:48
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, ok, which is the IP of the machine you are in now?04:49
ubuntu_newbieConfiguration was set to DHCP but I can choose a static ip as well04:49
Scoomaowh: you've got me04:49
owhbazhang: Fabulous. Hmm, now I need to figure out how to get this movie off this disc.04:49
owhScooma: That's where I was at when I came here, thanks for trying.04:49
SnakeScooma: no, it has a check mark and a wifi symbol04:49
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, choose static, and which brand is your router?04:49
brian_In Remote Desktop Preferences, if I have it so that "Allow other users to view your desktop" is checked, but "Allow other users to control your desktop" isn't checked, will it be so that they can just watch what I do, or so they can access things on this computer, but I'd still have control too?04:49
Scoomaowh: i'm sure there's a solution - don't give up. see if you can google for someone else with the same keywords as your problem04:49
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx this is not connected to the router! it is connected directly to internet through wireless mobile connection, but i can get the ip address of the router from the other machine04:50
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx it's netgear04:50
owhbrian_: It means that they can see your desktop, but not move your mouse.04:50
brian_owh: So they'd just be watching everything, they couldn't DO anything?04:50
owhScooma: The thing that has me stumped is that the OS doesn't even get told there is a disc there.04:50
owhbrian_: Yup.04:50
netrathello, i'm running ubuntu 7.10 server and i'm having some trouble with IET, iscsi enterprise target, have i come to right place?04:50
SnakeScooma: I got it, the DNS Servers wernt set up04:50
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, the thing is you have to connect that laptop to your router and configure the IP address, netmask and gateway for that of the routers manages04:50
brian_owh: Ok, thanks, just checkin04:51
owhnetrat: Head over to #ubuntu-server04:51
netratowh: thanks04:51
bazhangnetrat could be; if the folks know your problem or #ubuntu-server04:51
Scoomaowh: heres what i'm thinking: that the driver that's loaded doesn't adhere to one of the standards (red/orange book) that the disc was burnt to. but of course the dvd player does.04:51
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx my ubuntu is connected to the router through wire, but *this* one is not04:51
SnakeScooma: thanks though :)04:51
ScoomaSnake: no worries, you fixed it yourself :)04:51
owhbazhang: The author of iscsi lives in #u-s :)04:51
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, ok, but you have to use the subnet that yout router is managing... just configure the values for wired network under static mode... and enable the wired connection04:52
Jester009I got ubuntu installed on my laptop and it gets to the splash screen and loads most of the way then it freezes. Is this a common problem?04:52
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bazhangbachdung87: english please04:52
owhScooma: But that stage of detection happens after the OS is told, that means I should see it in dmesg even before the driver tries to play with it.04:52
bachdung87i can't04:53
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx alright, i will get the values of the router from other machine! please stay with me04:53
bazhangwhat language bachdung8704:53
amazingsometimes I seem to lost my keyboard04:53
coldbootDoes anyone know how to configure what gnome-open does when it encounters a certain file extension?04:53
Synx_hmAnybody got twofingerscroll working in x?04:53
Noah0504So, I've been off of Linux for a little while (purchased a Mac), but now I'm finding uses for my notebook again.  Anyway, after the absence I come back to find out the nothing can connect to iTunes 7 DAAP.  Has this been cracked yet, or am I just out of luck?04:53
bachdung87viet nam04:53
suxxori`ve used this tut http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm , if i change the line DEFAULT = 0 to DEFAULT = 1 in /boot/grub/menu.list what will happen04:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:53
chuyhi, I can't mount sdb1, it says it is not a block device, what's up with that?04:53
Scoomaowh: can you priv msg dmsg to me?04:54
tifineis there any good newleecher on ubuntu ?04:54
bazhangtifine: not sure what that means04:54
suxxorsomebody to help me?04:54
Jester009I got ubuntu installed on my laptop and it gets to the splash screen and loads most of the way then it freezes. Is this a common problem?04:54
zcat[1]bloody cheap dvd's ... three burned, three fail md5sum ... taking the spool back tomorrow!04:54
amazingI can't type into some certain program04:54
amazinglike firefox04:55
owhScooma: There is no point. I've been running tail -f /var/log/* and *nothing* happens when I insert the disc.04:55
tifineoh bazhang i am talking about usenet04:55
Scoomaowh: and you  don't have any problems with any other dvds... it must be the disc04:56
owhScooma: Yeah.04:56
RoAkSoAxsuxxor, ask your question, if someone know the answer he/she will help you04:56
IdleOne!info nn | tifine04:56
psmithJester009: What  manufacurer and productline are you running ubuntu on?04:56
ubotutifine: nn (source: nn): Heavy-duty USENET news reader (curses-based client). In component universe, is optional. Version 6.7.3-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 348 kB, installed size 904 kB04:56
=== lymeca_ is now known as lymeca
owhamazing: What do you mean?04:56
Jester009psmith: compaq presario 167504:56
suxxori`ve used this tut http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm , if i change the line DEFAULT = 0 to DEFAULT = 1 in /boot/grub/menu.list what will happen04:56
bob42Anyone figured out a way to daemonize a process from its parent process without screen ?04:56
hanophix33anyone running MLB.tv on linux?04:56
[SuB]SparkyFlaryanyone know a better decompiler than Boomerang?04:57
Noah0504hanophix33: I've been trying... No luck.04:57
owhbob42: You mean run in the background?04:57
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx alright, i have configured the wired settings as per my router04:57
psmithJester009: Let me google that product line number and I'll get back to you!:P04:57
ubuntu_newbiei have given ip address for my own!04:57
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, ok so you should be able yo ping the gateway address right?04:57
IdleOne!info tin > tifine04:58
hanophix33Noah0504:  they used to have a hard text link right?04:58
Jester009psmith: thanks04:58
bob42owh: yea, but not only, I want  it to keep running if I kill the ssh terminal I ran it from.04:58
kunzydel is to windows as what is to ubuntu?  (talkin terminal)04:58
psmithJester009: product line of laptop again if you could please?04:58
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx, network is unreachable :(04:58
RoAkSoAxsuxxor, when grub starts it will start the line which is in second possition...04:58
owhbob42: So, you're wanting to detach the process?04:58
Jester009psmith: compaq presario 167504:58
[SuB]SparkyFlarykenzy: hp  maybe...04:58
Noah0504hanophix33: Yep.  But they've changed the method of watching games now.  They stll mention of the support pages that there should be a hard link to watch in the classic media player, but I have yet to see it.04:58
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 and then do an ifconfig and see if the values are there04:59
segfaulthi, how can i remove the default ubuntu icon from gnome panel ? please?04:59
hanophix33Noah0504:  What a disappointment, like it was such a horrible thing to have that they had to remove it04:59
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx faled to bring up eth004:59
ubuntu_newbienetwork is unreachable04:59
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, something if wrong with configuration then04:59
Noah0504hanophix33: Yeah, I don't know.  I'm still upset about forcing us to use Silverlight.  :(05:00
ubuntu_newbierouter configuration?05:00
segfaulthi, how can i remove the default ubuntu icon from gnome panel ? please?05:00
kunzyI know this is a noobish question to ask, but what command do you use to delete something while in the terminal?05:00
owhbob42: You can "disown" it.05:00
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx as i told, the copy of ubuntu was fresh as virgin the moment i started talking to you... nothing was altered!05:00
hanophix33Noah0504:  have you done much to try to work around or just hoping mlb.com will switch back?05:00
dookdookis ubuntu painless for 64 bit architecture?  is there anything i should know before purchasing a 64 bit chip and trying to install ubuntu?05:00
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, if can't bring up eth0, is problem of network confguration on laptop05:00
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, dont you have a newer release?05:00
owhbob42: http://unix.derkeiler.com/Newsgroups/comp.unix.shell/2006-03/msg00106.html05:00
bob42owh: thanks sounds good I'm looking into it thx05:01
IdleOnebruenig: you ok?05:01
bruenigirssi is making me scratch my head05:01
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx not yet, maybe i shall try it some other time, have to switch back to Windows for time being05:01
ubuntu_newbiethanks for your time and effort anyway05:01
psmithJester009: Ya mind comming back to marrow evening  becuae OS X is acting up on my laptop and  cant pull the google results?05:01
ubuntu_newbiereally appreciated!05:01
Scoomadookdook: i'm running it ... there's only a little pain with waiting on ppl to recompile into 64bit, but everything's fine05:01
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Noah0504hanophix33: Well, I tried reading up to see if there was anyway to extract the link from the playing video... but I still haven't given it much effort.  And I looked into installing Moonlight, but I don't feel like working with it either.  Still seems like it's under pretty heavy development.05:01
owhbruenig: That's pretty powerful software then :)05:01
Scoomadookdook: everything via/in the package manager works too05:02
dookdookscooma, so that just means a little slow-down when running 32 bit programs under emulation?05:02
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, np :), but try using a newer ubuntu release and i dont think you will have any problems05:02
suxxorhow can i make backup of documents ?05:02
IdleOnebruenig: IIRC irssi has a really good FAQ on it's site05:02
Jester009psmith: Well im gonna still mess with it. I have a class I need to have a linux OS running to tinker with at home. Not really big deal just something I kinda wanted :D05:02
Scoomadookdook: nothing you'd notice05:02
IdleOne!backup | suxxor05:02
ubotusuxxor: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:02
dookdookscooma, so its pretty transparent?  meaning for the most part i wouldn't even know i was running 64 bit vs. 32 bit?05:03
Scoomadookdook: correct05:03
bruenigIdleOne: I am trying to get the nicks to all align evenly so the text starts at the same place on each message, I have read through a bunch of themes and figure out how you are supposed to do it, but it is only aligning my nick and people who use my name in their message, no one else05:03
ubuntu_newbieRoAkSoAx thanks, can i add you in msn or other im?05:03
Synx_hmWhen i cat /dev/input/mouse0 2 or 3 i get nothing, but /proc/bus/inputs/devices shows mouse3 as m aplps touch pad, and it is infact working under X, however the twofingerscroll option i set in the xorg.conf is not05:03
dookdookscooma, thanks05:03
Scoomadookdook: but if you have some fave apps, make sure they're available as 64bit05:03
Noah0504So, does anyone know if connecting to iTunes 7 DAAP is still a no go?05:03
IdleOnebruenig: #irssi is also a good place to get support05:03
bruenigeven then05:03
RoAkSoAxubuntu_newbie, sent you a PM05:04
bruenigI am so close05:04
IdleOnebruenig: I use xchat. not into the text based irc05:04
hanophix33Anyone else running mlb.tv05:04
lee__erg Ubuntu Hates ps3 worse then ati lol05:04
segfaulthi, how can i remove the default ubuntu icon from gnome panel ? please?05:04
lee__eh any one hre with a PS3 or can send me to a chat room fer that05:04
r00723r0Anyone know of any good asterisk frontends for GTK+?05:05
psmithJester009:  Thanks for understanding and may i suggest that you rethink your priorities and  put  what you need to get you course work finished and your whims! :P05:05
Jester009psmith: class starts tomorrow :D05:05
owhScooma: FYI, the dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/dvd tells me "no media mounted" - seems the drive cannot even see the disc.05:05
Jester009psmith: not work at the moment just messin around.05:05
lee__hmm any one in here with a PS3 lol05:06
lee__with linux on it?05:06
simplynami m new05:06
simplynamwanna make my pc microsoft free05:06
psmithJester009: Reguardless You need to prioratize and put education before your recreational tactivities.05:06
r00723r0simplynam, hello.05:07
lee__I would be MS free if it werent fer the game I have for FFXI05:07
mkquistlike spelling05:07
psmithJester009: Reguardless You need to prioratize and put education before your recreational activities. Do you Understrand my point? :P05:07
lee__any who  any one here a PS3 user thathas Ubuntu on it?05:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ps3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:07
IdleOnelee__: tried googling ?05:08
Jester009psmith: no.. not really.05:08
MehalI have a quick question...05:08
[SuB]SparkyFlarycan ubuntu play n64 emulators on ps3?05:08
owhsimplynam: Hi. I suggest you do this incrementally, that is, install Firefox, Thunderbird and OpenOffice.org on your windows machine, then use those for a while. Then boot from a LiveCD and play with that, then start installing linux next to windows, then get rid of windows altogether.05:08
lee__yeah I did and there is a sight calle www.psubuntu.com but, I need live help atm lol05:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about playstation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:09
patrick__how do i permanently change my name in irc05:09
Starnestommypatrick__: /nick new-nickname05:09
IdleOnelee__: why not ask your question and see if someone answers05:09
MehalI have an external harddrive with 3 partitions of all files and no boot records or anything of that sort. they show up on my desktop but one of the partitions shows up twice05:09
suxxori`ve install windows throw vmware but now i can`t configure internet , how can I cofigure the internet in windows05:09
simplynamowh: i am using F, T , O now i wanna complete05:09
Starnestommypatrick__: and change your client's nickname settings05:09
Mehalhow do i get rid of it?05:09
=== patrick__ is now known as new-nickname
FastZpatrick__: you can register your nick so nobody else can use it05:09
[SuB]SparkyFlarywhich is better Microsoft Office or OpenOffice?05:09
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:09
=== new-nickname is now known as linubox
waldoOkay-- so I just accidentally deleted all my kernel modules.. how do I get them back?05:09
lee__Ok the Play station 3 is a PPC it has 2 processors, , I am having an issue with Video frame rate and HD screen05:10
IdleOne!best [SuB]SparkyFlary05:10
IdleOne!best  [SuB]SparkyFlary05:10
lee__how can I cure the black border syndrome05:10
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:10
owhsimplynam: Well, you can run them as dual-boot, or remove windows altogether. Before you do either, I'd recommend that you backup all your data first.05:10
waldocan someone tell me how to restore the default kernel modules?  I think I just deleted them!05:10
[SuB]SparkyFlarywhat IdleOne?05:10
Jester009i restarted in recovery mode is there anything i can do to analyze the problem or boot the OS?05:10
IdleOne[SuB]SparkyFlary: errr was me demonstrating frustration at my typing skills05:11
simplynamowh: i am new with linux; so it's file system and how ?05:11
suzumeguys guys help! is my hard drive gonna crash? when the hard drive is accessed on windows, its quiet. But in ubuntu, it has some clicking sounds. Is this normal?05:11
owhsimplynam: I do not understand your question.05:11
suzumeguys guys help! is my hard drive gonna crash? when the hard drive is accessed on windows, its quiet. But in ubuntu, it has some clicking sounds. Is this normal?05:11
waldocan someone help me out here?    I need to reinstall all my kernel modules.. how?05:12
XlarizI can't see how the OS causes your HD to click, mabye its accessing a part of the hard drive thats may be bad?05:12
waldosuzume-- do a backup.. clicking is never good.05:12
owhwaldo: How did you delete them?05:12
IdleOnesuzume: that clicking is ubuntu fixing all the .... windows caused05:12
simplynamowh: means windows has different file system and linux other; then how it installs and05:12
waldoowh I was trying to rebuild them and now they seem to be missing05:12
lee__eh calrification question , How can I fix my resolution05:12
waldoat least modprobe gives me missing file errors05:12
netratwaldo: aptitude reinstall linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic <-- or whatever you kernel name is05:12
waldonetrat thanks05:12
waldonetrat let me try that05:13
FastZwaldo: how do you know you deleted all your kernel modules?05:13
suzumeis it normal then???05:13
suzumeis it normal then???05:13
IdleOnesuzume: no it is not. do a backup05:13
simplynamwhich irc client you are using05:13
waldoFastZ I tried rebuilding (because I'm haivng a huge problem with my wireless module) and suddenly it appears they are gone...  after rmmod I cannot modprobe05:13
waldobut let me at least reinstall and see if that error goes away05:13
simplynamto all05:13
owhsimplynam: It depends on what you want to do. If you want to run Windows and Ubuntu side-by-side as a dual-boot, then you can resize the partitions. If you want to format your drive and just install Ubuntu, then the installer will take care of the filesystem.05:14
netratwaldo: check the /lib/modules directory to see if they're really gone05:14
owhsimplynam: As I said, backup your data first.05:14
bruenigsomeone say my nick05:14
waldonetrat okay well reinstalling the image 1st...05:14
IdleOnesimplynam: most use either Xchat ( gui ) or irssi ( text )05:14
Jester009i restarted in recovery mode is there anything i can do to analyze the problem or boot the OS? It freezes while loading splash05:14
Starnestommybruenig: like this?05:14
simplynamjoin #xchat05:14
FastZwaldo: are you saying that the modules to make your wireless modules are gone or all modules period?  do 'lsmod' and paste the output in the pastebin05:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:14
waldoFastZ all modules period...  lsmod won't show you because they're loaded in memory.05:15
netratFastZ: he could have deleted his modules, but they're still in memory05:15
howbeithi everyone05:15
waldolets see if this reinstall puts 'em back05:15
howbeiti just installed ubuntu today for the first time05:15
FastZah, thanks waldo, netrat05:15
IdleOne!hi | howbeit05:15
ubotuhowbeit: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:15
howbeithow do i enable or download compiz-fusion?05:16
owhhowbeit: Congratulations!05:16
waldoFastZ FWIW-- what I was doing was trying to rebuild the modules-- and suddenly they were all gone05:16
IdleOne!compiz | howbeit05:16
ubotuhowbeit: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion05:16
howbeiti can get the wobbly windows05:16
howbeitbut i don't know how to enable that neat cube effect05:16
howbeiti also have that blue icon with the mouse cursor on that top tray05:16
Jester009i restarted in recovery mode is there anything i can do to analyze the problem or boot the OS? It freezes while loading splash.05:18
netratJester009 run memtest05:18
suzumejester: are you the one who deleted the kernel modules??05:19
Jester009suzume: nope fresh install05:19
netratsuzume that was waldo05:19
FastZhowbeit: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager05:19
owhJester009: If you press Alt-F1 before it freezes you can see what it's doing.05:19
waldothat would be me05:19
waldoand I'm now checking to make sure they're back05:19
FastZhowbeit: then you can use that program to modify your compiz settings and enable or disable certain things that compiz can do, like the desktop cube05:19
suzumewaldo: do you have any ubuntu discs?05:19
SeaPhorJester009: I had to remove quiet and splash from the kernel line in the bootloader, and put in vga=771 to get mine to work05:20
waldoI'm doing this all via ssh05:20
waldoon someone else's machine05:20
suzumewaldo: oh :)05:20
waldoi just reinstalled the kernel so now checking if I can modprobe the modules05:20
mikedotySo I use compiz with ubuntu, and I like the EXPO plugin a lot.05:20
mikedotyWhat I would like even more05:20
bullgard4Jester009: Try booting using the kernel option 'nosplash'.05:20
mikedotyIs if I could add a button to one of my panels05:20
mikedotyWhereby clicking that button would bring up EXPO05:20
mikedotyHow could I do this?05:20
Jester009bullgard4: how do i do that <---n0ob05:20
owhmikedoty: Stop pressing [Enter] to punctuate your sentences.05:21
waldowell i seem to be able to add modules05:21
owhwaldo: That 'l learn ya :)05:21
waldobut I'm back to my wireless module not loading right problem... still big relief05:21
Peddy(21:21:55) Pierro:05:21
Peddyirelinquish there is a new technique available to imprint intelligence onto a brain it turns out that being dumb helps to achieve maximum intelligence this means that in the future the intelligent people will be the dumb ones ironic huh05:21
Peddy(21:22:07) th3ad3d:05:21
PeddyHello all, I have a Mac Laptop, and I just installed Gutsy. How can I make a keyboard shortcut for a "right-click" ?05:21
suzumewaldo: good for you05:21
Peddy(21:22:11) dufeeducky:05:21
FloodBot2Peddy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:21
netratwaldo what wireless modules?05:21
waldogets some kind of error -2205:21
suzumeguys, are you experiencing some clicking sounds in ubuntu?05:22
waldosuzume-- clicking sounds are very bad05:22
suzumebut in windows the hard drive is perfectly quiet?05:22
waldosuzume backup immediately...05:22
tgelterI need to buy about 500 ft of CAT 6 cable and the connectors, can someone point me to a good, cheap source?05:22
mikedotyWell I suppose it's easier to chastise a guy for a couple spare chat lines than to help him with his questino.  With all of the questions you get in here, who am I to blame?05:22
SeaPhorJester009: at the grub menu press "e"05:22
suzumewaldo: i already done that05:22
netratsuzume check out smartmontools05:22
dumlaoxcan anyone help me concerning admin rights in ubuntu?05:22
waldosuzume--  clicking sounds means badness... expect hardrive failure soon.  Also run a S.M.A.R.T. check...  (google)05:22
suzumenetrat: i did that too. the results are just fine05:22
Jester009seaphor: thanks ill try that05:22
waldosuzume could be that linux is on noisy part of disk, but I woudln't trust it05:23
netratdumlaox just ask your question. plently of people to help :-)05:23
netratiTripped hi05:23
dumlaoxI'm trying to get myself some admin rights on ubuntu. However, everytime I check the setings t do so and reboot the laptop, it fails to recognize it05:23
suzumewaldo: i just don't know. even freebsd makes some clicking sounds when the hard drive is being accessed05:23
waldowell some noise is normal.  CLICKING is bad.05:24
iTrippedhey netrat, you one of the regulars in here?05:24
dumlaoxI need the rights to install some drivers but so far, no go05:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:24
Jester009Seaphor: do i have to create a new command line?05:24
amenadodumlaox-> use sudo05:24
netratiTripped no not really. i'm an avid ubuntu user though05:24
suzumewaldo: what kind of noise are you referring too?05:24
suzumewaldo: maybe the sound that im hearing isn't qualified as a "clicking" sound?05:24
waldosuzume a disk reading type noise is normal.. but a click-click-click is the sound of the drive failing05:25
iTrippedoh ok. then I'm probably here to ask you a question :)05:25
iTrippedwell that's a good start05:25
waldoa failing disk sounds like a thumping05:25
iTrippedso I have an ipod....05:25
waldoit's much louder than normal usage05:25
SeaPhorJester009: no, arrow down to the "kernel" line and remove quiet and splash from the end05:25
dumlaoxsorry, I'm a linux n00b here. What's sudo?05:25
waldoit's more "metallic"...   the normal drive usage is usually smoother...05:25
suzumewaldo: oh i see. then its not a click but a noise :)05:25
iTrippedis there a utility on ubuntu that can extract files from an ipod?05:25
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.05:25
waldodumlaox --  sudo is basically saying that whatever comes after it is run as the root/powerful user05:25
mikedotyHow can I add a button to one of my panels that, for instance, would have the same effect as pressing Control + V?05:25
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
cpasleyHi!  I can't get my sound card to work in Gutsy, and I've tried the debugging sound fix and every other fix I could find.  My soundcard isn't recognized but it shows up in lspci.  Any other suggestions?05:26
waldobtw-- anyone familiar with the ipw2200 wireless driver and why it is suddenly sucking for me?05:26
travisatcpasley: what isyour soundcard05:26
suzumewaldo: im not familiar with that. i use bcm43xx drivers :)05:26
waldoher'es the dmesg error I get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62386/05:26
suzumewaldo: how about trying to use a wrapper?05:26
iTrippedI'm so glad I run ubuntu at home. we got hit with a windows virus at work and I think I am going to have to wipe my machine there05:27
travisatcpasley: intel what05:27
waldosuzume -  it was working a week ago.. it suddenly stopped after a recent sw update..b ut not my machine so I don't know what was updated05:27
iTrippedof course, I had my ipod synced up with the work computer to get calendar info05:27
cpasley Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)05:27
iTrippedwhich means I could lose all of the music I have on it so far05:27
travisatcpasley: hmm just a sec05:27
netratiTripped maybe this will help i dunno http://www.linux.com/feature/5818705:27
howbeitoh wow05:28
howbeitok so i was able to get into compizconfig settings manager05:28
suzumewaldo: i don't know whats the problem with that. try aptitude upgrade? maybe that will fix it?05:28
howbeiti enabled the desktop cube, but for some reaosn i'm only getting on plane05:28
iTrippedso I was wondering if anyone knew of a senuti-like tool for linux that would... oh thanks netrat, I'll look into that now05:28
waldoupgrade what?05:28
howbeithow do i add more sides to the cube?05:28
PrimoTurboHey guys is there a simple clock/calander program in the repos?05:28
psmithJester009: try this website  http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/05:29
iTrippedunless I missed something, that link is about installing linux on my ipod05:29
netratwaldo: did you see this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2662305:29
dumlaoxok, one problem down, another to go05:29
howbeitcan someone please tell me why my cube effect only has two sides?05:29
netratiTripped: you want to install linux on your ipod?05:29
mikedotyNo one knows how to assign a keyboard combination to a custom panel button in ubuntu?05:29
iTrippedno netrat05:29
dumlaoxso I have an Acer Aspire 5570z and I'm trying to get the wireless card to work05:30
FastZhowbeit: under general options, select the Desktop Size tab and change horizontal virtual size to however many sides you want05:30
dumlaoxI got a driver online & compiled it05:30
iTrippedI merely want to be able to sync to it so I can pull files off of it in ubuntu05:30
howbeitthank you fatsz05:30
waldonetrat reading05:30
dumlaoxafter a make install command, how do I actually install the thing?05:30
FastZhowbeit: fatsz works05:30
Jester009psmith: its on the list for mandrake and redhat. I delete quiet and splash from the kernel and now its hanging at Starting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd. ._.05:30
netratiTripped: i'm sorry my mistake. haha try this http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-use-an-ipod-with-ubuntu05:30
Starnestommydumlaox: it should be installed, but it won't show up in the package managers05:30
FastZhowbeit: you might wanna join the #compiz-fusion channel too and ask compiz-related questions there05:31
dumlaoxso how do I know that I have the wireless card working?05:31
amenadodumlaox-> you can connect..htats how05:31
iTrippedI'll see how far I get with that05:31
waldonetrat - this is a new error from a week or so ago...   i dunno if this thread will help... it's configured right I think..05:31
netratdumlaox: iwconfig05:31
travisatcpasley: how is it not working05:32
amenadodumlaox-> your access to the internet is possible if its working.05:32
Jester009I dont plan on using a printer with this laptop is there any way i can disable cupsd?05:32
dumlaoxwell that's interesting05:32
edugonchHello, do somebody know how to change the screen resolution in 8.04?05:32
dumlaoxafter typing iwconfig, it tells me I don't have wireless on lo and eth005:32
cpasleyThere's a red circle over the volume icon and when I click it it says I don't have the right GStreamer plugins or my soundcard's not configured.  When I do aplay -l it says no soundcard.05:32
amenadoJester009-> disable via   /etc/init.d/cupsys stop05:33
Starnestommyedugonch: #ubuntu+1 is for 8.04 support05:33
Bax_in the terminal, I'm trying to cp stuff from one directory to another that are a couple of "generations" apart from their common directory.  Is there a way I can copy them without having to start the address from /home?05:33
progmanosiTripped: amarok works great with ipods05:33
Jester009amenado: where do i type that?05:33
iTrippedI'm sure it does - it just doesn't seem to find mine05:33
netratJester009 you don't want cups starting on bootup right?05:33
iTripped(I have an ipod touch)05:33
Jester009netrat: yes05:33
dumlaoxok, hope this works. THanks for all the help, everyone05:33
netratJester009 go into /etc/rc2.d and do ls *cup* and tell me what you come back with05:34
amenadoJester009-> have you ever done a tutorial on how to use linux? i believe its the right time now if you have not05:34
iTrippedhey, if I use apt-get from the terminal, will that mess up the add/remove applications thing?05:34
cchilddoes the command 'make distclean' ruin a system05:34
Jester009amenado: no i have not i would be glad to05:34
netratamenado you are giving wrong instructions anyways, you need the tutorial05:34
StarnestommyiTripped: no, they use the sane backends05:34
amenadonetrat wrong? come again?05:34
travisatcpasley: well I thought that most of those ich7 worked,  hmm05:34
UbuntuWantaBIm brand new to Ubuntu, I just installed Ubuntu 7.1005:35
cpasleyyeah, it's weird05:35
cpasleyI can't even get alsa mixer to come up05:35
UbuntuWantaBI cant connect to the internet with wired or wireless, can I get some help please?05:35
netratamenado he doesn't want cups starting on bootup, you merely showed him how to stop the service05:35
cchildin installed from source fglrx and used the command 'make distclean' reboot and all my network--gone, lan/wlan05:35
travisatcpasley: in lsmod is snd-hda-intel or something like that loaded?05:35
iTrippednext stupid question: what is the format of the sudo command?05:36
travisatiTripped: sudo command05:36
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.05:36
cpasleyit shows up in the list05:36
iTrippedoh so just sudo apt-get blah blah?05:36
travisatiTripped: yah05:36
netratiTripped exactly05:36
amenadonetrat you expect him to know how to configure those? and yes i suggested turning it off via init.d05:36
UbuntuWantaBis there anyone who can help me?05:36
philip_guys question, is there anyone tried o connect ubuntu 7.10 desktop to windows 2003 domain controller, im newbie05:36
iTrippedcool, tks05:36
Jester009netrat: do i need to get into recovery to enter that directory?05:36
malnilionI'm pretty sure there used to be plugin in compiz/beryl that would do kind of like Mac OS does and show all unminimized windows on the screen so you can choose a window to switch to. You could activate it by moving your mouse to a specified corner. Does anybody know what that's called or if it still exists?05:37
philip_is there anyone can help me?05:37
forsakenwhat is a good program to make diagrams?05:38
cchildi installed ati fglrx from source reboot system and my lan/wlan are no where to be found05:38
FastZmalnilion: i remember that beryl plugin, but i dont remember the name of it and I havent seen it in compiz-fusion05:38
netratphilip_ you want to auth against a win 2k3 active directory server?05:38
amenadoforsaken-> try dia05:38
malnilionforsaken, the only one I've really tried is dia05:38
crfUbuntuWantaB, I don't know much, have you tried the network troubleshooting page? https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/internet/C/index.html05:38
joecurleehi, anyone know of a way to start programs with lirc? I have lirc working just fine right now, and I want to press the power button while on regular desktop and have MythTV start05:38
joecurleeis this even possible or no?05:38
malnilionFastZ, yeah, I can't remember what it was called and now I can't find it...05:39
UbuntuWantaBcrf:let me look at it05:39
FastZmalnilion: have you asked over at #compiz-fusion?05:39
malnilionFastZ, that's my next stop :)05:39
Jester009netrat: i think my pms are getting blocked05:39
UbuntuWantaBcrf: yes i have looked at that05:39
FastZmalnilion: someone over there might know where it's at or if it's even still available.  I haven't seen it in any of the versions of compiz-fusion though05:40
Starnestommy!register | Jester00905:40
ubotuJester009: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.05:40
travisatcpasley: ok lets try this sudo rmmod snd_intel_hda05:40
travisatcpasley: then modprobe snd_hda_intel model=3stack05:40
cpasleytravisat:  ERROR: Module snd_intel_hda does not exist in /proc/modules05:41
netratJester009 open up a terminal the go to the /etc/rc2.d directory. there should be a file name S20cupsd or something similar, rename it with K20cupsd05:41
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cchildi installed ati fglrx from source reboot system and my lan/wlan are no where to be found. any help?05:41
UbuntuWantaBso im outa luck here on getting help on connecting to the internet huh05:41
travisatcpasley: its snd_hda_intel sry05:41
Jester009netrat: where do i open a terminal? i can't boot.05:42
cpasleyah okay05:42
travisatcpasley: oh and run modprobe with sudo05:42
cpasleyok, did that05:42
travisatafter the modprobe see if you have sound05:43
netratJester009 i didn't know you couldn't boot. all i read was something about you wanting to disable cups05:43
crfUbuntuWantaB. No.05:43
Jester009netrat: it freezes when it gets to "Starting Common Unix Printing: cupsd"05:43
crfI can try to help you, even though I don't know much05:43
cpasleytravisat: nope, nothing05:43
travisatcpasley: ah well, I don't know whats wrong those were supposed to be working for a while with no problems, what is your mobo/laptor/or what05:44
netratJester009 i highly doubt cups is causing the system to freeze. you should run a memory test. any problems with this laptop in the past?05:45
crfUbuntuWantaB, I would suggest posting in the forums. In the forums, make a post about what the output of the troubleshooting steps were.05:45
malnilionFastZ, the answer to my query was the Scale plugin, btw ;)05:45
cpasleyWhat do you mean mobo/laptor?  My laptop model?05:45
travisatcpasley: if a laptop yah05:45
FastZmalnilion: ah, is that in compiz-fusion?05:45
FastZmalnilion: or was that just a beryl plugin?05:45
cpasleyit's a Gateway Tablet Convertible, I don't remember the model number at the moment...05:45
malnilionFastZ, yep, and apparently it's been around since the start05:46
omarGuys, the art manager refuses to start, can anyone help please?05:46
FastZmalnilion: interesting.  thanks for letting me know what you found out about that.05:46
travisatcpasley: ok well the next step to figure this out is to google with your model number to see if other people are having and reported teh same issue,  I looked and didn't see anything recent about 82801g intel sound05:46
k-ozi have a problem with 3d drivers for intel x310005:47
cpasleyI didn't either.  I did see something about a sound card needing to be at IRQ 5, mine says 21...but I don't know how to change it05:47
travisatcpasley: I don't know anything about that05:47
cpasleyok, thanks for the help!05:47
travisatcpasley: well good luck05:48
UbuntuWantaBcrf: sounds good05:48
AutoMatriXwhich program does one use to sync Evolution and a Nokia Cellular phone over IR ?05:48
iTrippedugh, that link didn't seem to help05:48
iTrippedI did get my mount point defined and gtkpod installed05:49
iTrippedbut I'm one of the lucky ones where it doesn't seem to be recognized at all05:49
iTrippedmaybe it is because mine is a touch and not a classic?05:49
cchildMy LAN and WLAN devices disappeared05:49
netratcchild try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart05:50
egchi all...if i want to determine my connection speed, what would be the command for that?05:50
netrategc what kind of connection speed? ethernet?05:51
iTrippedok, this will have to be a task for another day. I'm not brave enough to push this farther without first backing up my data05:51
iTrippednetrat, thanks for the help, I'm out for now05:51
netrategc sudo ethtool eth005:52
cchildnetrat, no luck05:54
cchildthe device are missing05:54
howbeitnow that i've got dual boot ubuntu and xp, is there a way to run xp on one of the sides of compiz fusion cube?05:55
netratNooBBoon are you on Okinawa? i lived there for awhile, i worked on Kadena airbase05:55
travisathowbeit: not the way you want to05:56
howbeittravisat:  do you have a link to the way you're thinking of?05:56
NooBBoonnetrat: yes  am in okinawa05:56
travisathowbeit: you can run xp in a virtual maching like vmware, qemu, kvm or something like that, but then having a dual boot doesn't matter05:57
travisathowbeit: if you get the vm set up right it will run fast enough for apps but no real graphic acceleration in it05:57
deopeHello good night everybody, does anyone knows the java package name? thank you so much.05:58
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)05:58
howbeitwell i like the dual boot to have the option of booting into xp only05:58
deopeapt-get install sun-java6-jre , would do the trick?05:58
howbeitbut the vmware solution sounds great for just running basic windows things quickly while switchig back and forth with linux05:58
SeaPhorcchild: try     sudo  lshw -C network05:58
travisathowbeit: well sure you can keep that but I don't think you can run a seperate partition safely in a vm05:59
NooBBoonMy eth0 has stopped working reliably of late. Sometimes nothing, sometimes packet loss of 70+%, rarely fine. WiFi and wired works fine from other machines (WinXP and Gutsy). There seems to be lots of pages about this problem, but can't get it sorted.05:59
travisathowbeit: well that isn't worded correctly I don't think you can run an already installed windows safely in a vm05:59
tifineI am getting this error message whenever i try to open something KLanucher couldnt reached via DCOP05:59
travisathowbeit: I really wish you could run 2 oses at the same time with full hardware resources and do what you say have one on one side of the cube and be able to for example play a game in windows and still have a full linux enviroment for the rest of the computer usage06:00
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:00
N3WFI3are all the games for linux crap lol06:01
N3WFI3i want a good one06:01
tifinehow to restart a process ?06:01
travisatN3WFI3: no there are some good ones, lots of stuff from ID works good in linux06:01
tifinelike klauncher ?06:01
travisatN3WFI3: check out happypenquin.org06:01
kindofabuzzsome of the best games are for linux06:02
travisator happypenguin.org if you can spell correctly06:02
asdfgh hkitfoyuoyu06:02
SeaPhorN3WFI3: I play COH, WOW, Starwars jedi academy, delta force 3/4, and many others06:02
kindofabuzzworld of padman!06:02
ouellettesrhello i have an old compaq, and the onboard nic or the pci nic are not working06:02
travisatN3WFI3: also wine works for a lot games well it can just be fiddly to set up and every time wine upgrades it has a chance to break support06:02
ouellettesrcan anyone help me get them working06:03
deopehow can I select all the text on the sources.list06:03
joankihow can i show the temp of my computer on my panel?06:03
netratNooBBoon what nic are you running?06:03
N3WFI3i would just like to try a nice fps on linux :)06:03
travisatjoanki: sensors-applet and lmsensors06:03
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)06:03
snuckI installed emrald and removed. Now I dont have any buttons to close and minimize my windows06:04
snuckcan anyone help?06:04
joankitravisat, how do i get that?06:04
joankiwhich one is better?06:04
travisatjoanki: you need both and you can get them with apt06:04
travisatjoanki: or synaptic06:04
joankisudo apt-get install sensors-applet06:04
joankisudo.... lmsensors?06:04
howbeitwhat is the winamp of linux?06:04
kindofabuzzsnuck: metacity --replace06:04
NooBBoonnetrat: Realtekrtl8111/8168B PCI express gigabt ethernet controller (it is on motherboard)06:04
joankithat was for you travisat06:05
howbeiti.e. what is the mp3 player that most linux users use?06:05
deopehow can I select all the text of the sources.list06:05
travisatjoanki: sudo apt-get install lm-sensors sensors-applet06:05
Starnestommydeope: in which editor?06:05
snuckthanks kindofabuzz06:05
travisatjoanki: then run sudo sensors-detect06:05
bruenigso I think I figured out this irssi thing, if someone would please use my name in a /me06:05
travisatjoanki: then modprobe the stuff that needs to get in or restart the computer if you aren't comfortable doing that06:05
deopeStarnestommy: well I would like to open it in something like a notepad06:05
Starnestommydeope: run 'gksudo gedit' in a terminal then edit it from there06:06
travisatjoanki: then right click on the panel click add to panel find the sensors applet and set it up06:06
* amenado bruenig hello06:06
Starnestommydeope: or 'gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'06:06
* nickrud sees bruenig 06:06
* bruenig was wrong in his confidence06:06
deopeStarnestommy: awesome06:06
netratNooBBoon have you tried passing the pci=nomsi to the kernel on boot?06:07
joankithank you travisat i guess i'll just reboot now06:07
netratNooBBoon it's a bug in the 2.6.22 kernel according to this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/14134306:07
NooBBoonnetrat: no, i have only messed about with things once booted up06:07
NooBBoonnetrat: oh! let me check that bug then06:07
cchildnetrat, it was just knetworkmanager not seeing the device am not connect using traditional ifup method06:07
netratNooBBoon passing pci=nomsi to the kernel should fix the problem06:08
ouellettesrcan anyone help me getting the internet to work on this old compaq?06:08
ermansalguien que hable castellano?06:08
deopeermans:  ve a #ubuntu-es06:09
ermanssep no?06:09
ermans '<06:09
NooBBoonnetrat: thank you! i will try that and see06:09
ermansok thx06:09
deopepor nada06:09
amenadoouellettesr-> can you acquire an ip address? what is your network layout?06:09
cchildI meant to say am now connected using ifup method06:09
netratNooBBoon: okay hope it does06:09
deopeStarnestommy:  could you check my sources.list for me?06:10
Starnestommydeope: pastebin it06:10
deopeStarnestommy:  sure06:10
ouellettesramenado, i cant ping the router, I have an old compaq 5190 with onboard lan, and I have a pci nic as well neither of them work, i have notices something i have never seen before and that is an etho:avah06:10
deopeStarnestommy: http://www.jashdjahsjd.pastebin.com/m2dbc58aa06:11
amenadoouellettesr-> can you describe your network layout? which device is providing ip addresses? dhcp server?06:11
Starnestommydeope: is that working or not?06:11
deopeStarnestommy:  yes I wanna know if everything is correct06:11
Starnestommydeope: looks like it06:12
deopehow do I update all?06:12
deopesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade , is that correct Starnestommy  ?06:12
Starnestommydeope: I think so06:12
ouellettesramendo, the router is running a dhcp server, and the pc is set to dhcp, i have tried static as well but that doesnt work06:13
joankitravisat, which one do i want to add to panel again?06:13
travisatjoanki: hardware sensors06:13
deopeStarnestommy:  how do I install java from the command line?06:13
joankiwow cool06:13
joankithree different temperatures06:13
bulwynkldaft question of the moment... how do I mount a ntfs device such that it mounts automatically on boot?06:13
bulwynklI've done this in the past for another HDD mount. I know I could just cut/paste the previous ntfs entry in fstab from my last , but that is not what I want to know. I want to know what gnome utility I should use to do it...06:13
joankithis is even BETTER than the one i had06:13
Starnestommydeope: I don't know how to do it in edgy06:13
amenadoouellettesr-> are your cat5 cables good? can you ping localhost?
deopeStarnestommy:  ok thanks for your time06:13
travisatjoanki: if one isn't showing right you can right click and in preferences you can remove it,  I get one wrong temp06:14
joankiwhat do you mean you got one wrong temp?06:14
ouellettesrdeope your sources.list looks fine to me06:14
travisatjoanki: it was -1206:14
joankihow do i get it only to show one temperature?06:14
Shrugzwhat besides wine do you folk's recommend for windows emulation?06:14
deopeouellettesr:  thank you!06:14
joankithree is cool, but they keep changing - distracting06:14
travisatjoanki: as I said right click hit preference06:14
joankiohhhh i see06:15
nickruddeope if you want java6, uncomment lines 26 & 27 (take out the #'s) and do  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin06:15
n2diyShrugz: Vista?06:15
travisatjoanki: if you need more help ask06:15
ouellettesramenado, yes cables are known to be good, and i can ping localhost06:15
Erickj92what is a nice organization program? kinda like windows calendar, only i dont want it to suck. :)06:15
joankican i just show the temperature of the cpu travisat ?  i am in preferences and i don't see the options to choose that06:15
Shrugzanything vista xp anything else i may be able to use on ubuntu besides wine for useing exicutable files nurzi06:16
SuperQErickj92: I just use goog calendar :)06:16
nickrudErickj92 never used windows calendar but evolution has a usable calendar06:16
travisatjoanki: click on the sensors tab, expand the triangle and unclick what you don't want06:16
amenadoouellettesr-> does your nic have an ip address assigned? what is the ip address assigned?06:16
joankiawww there it is06:16
joankithe thing i should care bout is cpu, right?06:16
travisatErickj92: another option is sunbird06:16
joankinot core1 and core 206:16
Erickj92i see thanks nickrud, and SuperQ, i never thought of that. i use g-mail everyday on windows06:16
ouellettesrShrugz, if your looking for emulation, wine is your best bet06:16
Erickj92thank you to travisat06:16
travisatjoanki: your choice they mean different things06:16
travisatjoanki: normally though you can go by the cpu temp for an average temp06:17
Shrugzyeah ouellettesr i been useing wine but its been on the fritz for me that's why im asking if theres anything else besides that i can use06:17
joankithanks SO much!06:17
ouellettesramendo, etho doesnt have an address, but etho:avah has and i have no idea what avah is06:17
travisatShrugz: run windows in a virtual machine06:18
amenadoouellettesr-> avahi is the new auto config thing... can you assign a static ip address to your nic?06:18
Shrugzvm hummm?06:18
SuperQErickj92: http://johnnyjacob.wordpress.com/2006/04/30/google-calendar-in-evolution/06:18
ouellettesrShrugz, i havent heard of anything better than wine, but you could always run a virtual machine, although it may be overkill06:18
nickrudwine = will increase negativity exponentially06:19
Shrugzwell ive gotten crossover pro to work on here before but it never wants to work06:19
NooBBoonnetrat: I'm afraid pci=nomsi did NOT work.  I think i will try the drivers from the realtek site?06:19
joankivirtualbox HOGS my system06:19
ouellettesramendo, i can to eth0, but it wont let me configure eth0:avah06:19
deopehello everybody good night, does anyone knows how to install java?? thank you.06:19
travisatif your computer supports kvm, if you want to do normal windows stuff like office/photoshop it works good with kvm06:19
Shrugzto slow to install a program or even run one06:19
nickruddeope if you want java6, uncomment lines 26 & 27 (take out the #'s) and do  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin06:19
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)06:19
unopdeope, ^^06:20
deopenickrud:  thank you!06:20
deopeunop:  :p06:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:20
Shrugzwhat does travisat wine or crossover?06:20
amenadoouellettesr-> only configure your eth0 -- no need for that avahi to be configured06:20
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter06:20
Shrugzim confused06:20
LogicalDashI've got a very long fsck operation dealing with some file system inconsistencies. I want it to fix everything automatically, but the -a switch isn't making it do that. Help please?06:20
Shrugzthe room is going to fast so im trying to follow06:20
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE06:20
ouellettesramendo, i did try to configure it already, but ill try again06:20
travisatShrugz: use crossover is wine that has been tweaked for certain apps06:20
=== jason is now known as slackd00d
Shrugzoh ok06:20
redwhitewaldowhich codec package should i download: gstream extra plugins? or gstreamer ffmpeg video plugin? (for mp3)06:21
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE06:21
travisatShrugz: I prefer wine over crossover but crossover you pay for and I believe you get support06:21
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:21
ouellettesramendo, i set it to static, and still nothing06:22
howbeitwhat's the "winamp" of linux?06:22
howbeitis it kaffeine?06:22
Shrugzyou will half to excuse me travisat im fairly new to linux/ubuntu/debian i was used to windows i makeing the transition with out haveing a duel boot and haveing a huge culture shock to it so im paceing my self06:22
nickrudredwhitewaldo install ubuntu-restricted-extras , it gets you mp3 support plus some other useful stuff06:22
travisathowbeit: there is no "winamp" of linux,  it might be xmms, but there are so many audio players it is personal choice06:22
amenadoouellettesr-> nick is amenado.. what is the ip address you assigned? and what is still nothing meant?06:22
ouellettesrlol sorry06:23
travisatShrugz: no problem, I am always happy to see new people trying linux06:23
unopredwhitewaldo, for i in good bad ugly; do sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-$i; done06:23
nickrudShrugz nothing like diving right in. Like language immersion, you'll learn fast :)06:23
redwhitewaldonickrud: oh, i see. what's the diff between  ubuntu-restricted-extras and gstream extra plugins or gstreamer ffmpeg video ?06:23
ouellettesramenado, still nothing means still no internet.. I assigned an ip of,,
Synx_hmAnyone got the synaptics driver working with an Alps... it works but it X keeps finding it on its own and not using what i have assigned in the config file06:24
Shrugzwell a good friend of mine introduced me to ubuntu bugged me for 6 months before i finaly got on it. he said he helped impliment the java into ubuntu he go's by the name of chris he has been a big help to me makeing the transition travisat06:24
travisatubuntu-restricted-extras is a meta packaget that installs a bunch of different packages, some are not "free" but it also has regular packages in it06:24
nickrudredwhitewaldo the extras is a meta package. If you type   apt-cache depends ubuntu-restricted-extras , you'll see what packages it is defined as depending on. When you install extras, the depended upon packages will be installed.06:24
amenadoouellettesr-> assigning an ip address does not give you access to internet..what is your route table looked liked?  paste it please.. route -n06:25
redwhitewaldoso extras gets many packages. it will get many other stuff all at once, correct?06:25
nickrudredwhitewaldo yes.06:25
redwhitewaldowill it "clog" up my computer?, nickrud?06:25
ouellettesramenado, assigning an ip has always worked to get internet before06:25
Shrugzlol yeah nickrud ive learned alot im used to running box's so i had a semi understanding of linux such as running a web hosting service and what not so i got the gist of it almost plus i love all the php tools that i can get with this makes it alot easyer for me to make mmorpg games06:25
NooBBoonnetrat: the new driver SEEMS to have worked.  I followed these steps: http://my.opera.com/knuthy/blog/2007/09/10/network-problemhttp://my.opera.com/knuthy/blog/2007/09/10/network-problem06:25
travisatredwhitewaldo: I have never clogged up linux, just my home directory06:26
nickrudredwhitewaldo no, if you do the apt-get it will tell you how much will be downloaded06:26
amenadoouellettesr-> without a good route, you will not be able to get access to the internet06:26
deopenickrud:  says there is no package: sun-java6-jre06:26
redwhitewaldonickrud: it won't make my ram work harder?06:26
netratNooBBoon: good to hear!06:26
nickrudredwhitewaldo and on the clogging issue, I have 12gb root partition and never get close06:26
travisatredwhitewaldo: nah06:26
chehye guys, when i use the firefox, fonts are usually looks ugly? why it's like this ?06:26
nickrudredwhitewaldo no06:26
nickrudredwhitewaldo just because you've put stuff on the drive, doesn't mean its always in ram06:27
howbeitwhat file sharing programs are there for linux?06:27
howbeitex. limewire06:27
nickruddeope put your sources.list back up on pastebin06:27
travisathowbeit: lots06:27
redwhitewaldook. i'm just coming from a windows mindset, where the more "programs" a windows user installs, the slower it seems the computer gets everytime one logs on.06:27
deopenickrud:  ok06:27
deopenickrud:  how was to open it?  gesk gedit ?06:27
deopeor how?06:27
yaserquick and easy question: Im doing "sudo chmod u+rw /home/shared/*", then when i look for permissions of a file in /home/shared folder, i find that user group has only access permission and not write permissions, whats wrong here?06:27
nickruddeope     gksu  gedit  /etc/apt/sources.list06:28
howbeithow can i add more programs to the applications add/remove list?06:28
travisatyaser: andd -R to the chown06:28
nickrudhowbeit those are predefined; you can see all possible packages in system->admin->synaptic package manager06:28
travisatyaser: so sudo chmod -R u+rw etc06:28
chewhen i use the firefox, fonts are usually look like ugly , why it's like this?06:28
yasertravisat, i tried that and nothing06:28
howbeitthanks nickrud06:28
NooBBoonnetrat: one final question. the page  i was followng says to edit MODULES /etc/rc.conf, but i don't have that file?06:29
travisatyaser: so sudo chmod -R 766 etc06:29
jaffarkelshaci know ubuntu allows multi loggin so far i know (telnet -not secure, and openssh-secure) what other protocols are available06:29
deopenickrud: http://www.asjdjasjd.pastebin.com/m45fa310d06:29
Shrugzand travisat i got crossover but did not pay for it so i dont get support a friend gave me a copy he paid for06:29
netratNooBBoon send me the page you are reading06:29
yasertravisat, what is the meanig of 766?06:29
NooBBoonnetrat: http://my.opera.com/knuthy/blog/2007/09/10/network-problem06:29
nickruddeope if you want java6, uncomment lines 26 & 27 (take out the #'s) and do  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin <--- don't forget to change the lines 26 & 27, and save the file ;)06:29
NooBBoonnetrat: everythng worked perfectly, just need to set the drvers to work on boot now i think06:30
travisatyaser: full priveladges to owner, read write to group, read write to all06:30
howbeitdamn...all i have to say is, i am a-mazed by linux.  can't believe i'm just discovering it now06:30
headrx_can anyone possibly help me with setting up a ftp file server in ubuntu ? i have vsftpd installed.. and set my directory for sharing .. but how do i login /make new users?06:30
deopenickrud:  oh is from there, ok let's see06:31
netratNooBBoon that /etc/rc.conf file shouldn't matter, restart and see if it still works06:31
Fr|0z3nthat better?06:31
netratNooBBoon just as long as you've install the new modules06:31
Y-Townwhats the best way to remove the MBR from a system with no OS?06:31
deopenickrud:  do you know how to grab my trash can to the desktop?06:31
yasertravisat, it worked thanks!!!, how can i find more info on those numbers like 76606:31
NooBBoonnetrat: it won't try to load the old driver as well?06:32
JohnMM!permissions | yacc06:32
ubotuyacc: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview06:32
travisatyaser: yah you can google for chmod and privaledges06:32
nickruddeope    gconf-editor /apps/nautilus/desktop , there's a checkbox on the right06:32
netratY-Town dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=106:32
deopenickrud: you're good06:32
Parsec300howbeit, yes, ot06:32
amenadoY-Town remove the first 512 bytes ?06:32
redwhitewaldoi've just installed   ubuntu-restricted-extras. it's telling  me about msttcorefronts. Do I want to use defoma fonts? Are defoma (DEbian FOnt MAnager) fonts good?06:32
nickruddeope did the exact same two things yesterday, deja vu all over again ;)06:32
travisatyaser: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chmod06:32
netratNooBBoon no it shouldn't, as long as you did everything else06:32
Parsec300howbeit, yes, it's very nice, especially if you have a system that happens to work out-of-the-box.06:32
Fr|0z3nHello, can someone tell me how to change the boot order of my computer?06:33
yasertravisat, thanks very much06:33
NooBBoonnetrat: alrght then,  i will reboot and try!06:33
Y-Townthank you06:33
jaffarkelshacFr|0z3n, you need to do it in bios06:33
Parsec300Fr|0z3n, it should be in your BIOS setup06:33
nickrudredwhitewaldo yes, its like a font registry, lets the fonts become available to a bunch of apps06:33
netratFr|0z3n edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file06:33
headrx_can anyone possibly help me with setting up a ftp file server in ubuntu ? i have vsftpd installed.. and set my directory for sharing .. but how do i login /make new users?06:33
deopenickrud:  hehe wasn't me, but was this computer yeah but they changed the distro06:33
Erickj92in evolution, how do i update my on the web calendar from google?06:33
deopenickrud:  says an error on gconf-editor06:33
Fr|0z3nand how do I change my bios setup?06:33
nickruddeope must be a typo06:33
netratY-Town /dev/sda <-- will be the hard drive in question, it could be /dev/hda too, be sure you have the right device06:34
Parsec300Fr|0z3n, some motherboards allow you to select the bootdrive on startup if you press F11 for example.06:34
deopegconf-editor /apps/nautilus/desktop06:34
deopeis correct?06:34
redwhitewaldonickrud: ok. thanks. i'll find out how to install defoma later06:34
Fr|0z3nlemme try06:34
Y-Townnetrat: yea...   It has a lilo on it now that I need gone06:34
redwhitewaldonickrud: what's wrong with regular ubuntu fonts? things look nice now?06:34
nickrudgconf-editor /apps/nautilus/desktop <-- just ran this and cut and pasted06:34
deopenickrud:  i did, bash: gconf-editor: orden no encontrada06:35
redwhitewaldonickrud: what happens if i don't install x-ttcidfont-conf package? does that mean "no msttcorefonts"?06:35
nickruddeope are you using ubuntu, or kubuntu ? kubuntu, I don't know06:35
deopenickrud:  xubuntu, sorry06:35
deopeare not the same commands?06:36
NooBBoonnetrat: alright! seems to work even after a reboot! thanks so much for the help!06:36
netratNooBBoon: glad i could help06:37
nickrudredwhitewaldo that package does some configs on ttf fonts to make them available to older apps, gnome and firefox will see msttcorefonts (like arial) just fine06:37
netratNooBBoon there is a LUG on okinawa06:37
ouellettesramenado, http://pastebin.org/2801506:37
nickruddeope no, gconf is for setting up the gnome desktop, I'm not sure how to do it in xubuntu06:38
netratNooBBoon http://okinawalug.com/06:38
NooBBoonnetrat: hey thanks! that is good info! i will check it out!06:38
D0c5i5can grub boot from a usb stick as a usb flash device (not emulated) if I kickstart it from a floppy or from the same usb stick that supports fdd boot? (i want to put grub on a small fdd partition at the front of the stick, and the balance of my image on the back half of the stick)06:39
amenadoouellettesr-> this wont work because you assigned to your nic, different subnet from what you pasted06:39
ouellettesramenado, nope i changed the subnet, it is
amenadoouellettesr-> try to assign  a 192.168.0.x instead06:41
ouellettesramenado, i changed my routers ip to
amenadoouellettesr-> am confused now, what exactly is the ip address assigned now to your eth0 ?06:42
amenadoouellettesr-> try to ping  and then
amenadoif you cant, your cable is bad or nic card has gone bad..06:44
ouellettesramenado, i can ping, but not .11006:44
howbeitis there a shortcut to opening up a terminal window?06:44
amenadoouellettesr-> no blinking led indicators?  then most likely a bad cable, try it with a working one..swapp them if possible06:45
ouellettesrhowbeit,  its disabled by default, you hav to set it06:45
cwilluhowbeit, alt+f2 will give you a run prompt, if that's useful06:46
burepeI am trying to manually partition and I don't know what mount point to put for a fat32 partition. I have the ubuntu ext3 at / and then swap. Where does do I mount extra partitions?06:46
ouellettesramenado, yeah the cable works, i pulled it from a working computer, it must be the nics06:46
ouellettesrthey are old06:46
cwilluouellettesr, is it a crossover cable?06:46
Ishbibenobdoes anyone know where I would go for troubleshooting questions?06:46
cwilluright here06:47
ouellettesrhowbeit,  system>preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts and set a shortcut06:47
amenadoouellettesr-> well you know how to test for a bad cable...if this was the onboard, use the pci, see if that works06:47
IshbibenobMy kid pushed a bunch of buttons on my keyboard and now compiz wont work, and the computer freezes up when I try to log out. also seems to be real slow06:47
IshbibenobThe computer seemed to go into some kind of sleep mode06:47
ouellettesrcwillu, yes it is a crossover cable but my router changes to the type of cable06:48
cwilluouellettesr, k, it sounded like you were going nic to nic06:48
wor6cIshbibenob: can you try this in console: sudo reboot now06:49
ouellettesramenado, yeah there is a pci, and onboard, i have tried both of them06:49
cwilluIshbibenob, does the capslock light still turn on and off?06:49
amenadoouellettesr-> you can also test with mii-tool06:49
wor6cIshbibenob: it will reboot, that will probably fix it06:49
IshbibenobMy computer doesnt have a caps lock light, just the button06:49
cwilluis it a black screen?06:49
ouellettesramenado, it says no MII interfaces found06:50
cwilluouellettesr, sudo it06:50
IshbibenobI have done several reboots and still doesnt fix the prob06:50
wor6coh I see06:50
IshbibenobIt has always worked in the past, so whatever he did, messed something up06:50
IshbibenobI guess that is obvious06:51
cwilluIshbibenob, you're gonna have to give us more information, what's on the screen right now, etc;  I'm not gonna start trying to read your mind :p06:51
ouellettesramenado, cwillu, eth0 100 Mbit, half duplex, no link06:51
Ishbibenobanyway, I have tried to go into the desktop effects and enable, but it wont do it06:51
netratIshbibenob sounds strange...06:51
burepeWhat do I put for a mount point for a fat32 partition?06:51
wor6cCompiz config messed up....06:51
IshbibenobI have checked the forums and found people who have trouble running gnome, but mine has always worked like a dream06:51
netratburepe whatever you want to mount it... maybe /mnt/fat3206:52
IshbibenobChecked the config and it all looks good, not sure what I am looking for06:52
cwilluIshbibenob, describe the problem more06:52
ouellettesramenado, cwillu, if i unplug the cable from the pci and run that command again it says no-link06:52
cwillunetrat, /media/fat32 you mean; /mnt isn't really the place for those, despite the name06:52
Kommwthshello guys:) can someone help me to confiqure my bluetooth hardware(onboard)?06:53
burepenetrat will it make the directory? is there a standard one?06:53
ouellettesrmaybe the pci card is causing conflicts with the onboard06:53
amenadoouellettesr-> pci? i thought you were working with the on-board nic?06:53
ouellettesramenado, i have both, and have been trying both with everything06:53
netratburepe no there is no standard directory, you'll have to create it first. use /media/fat32 as cwillu suggested06:53
IshbibenobWhen he pushed the buttons, it seemed to try to go into sleep mode, when it did that it restored without any compiz effects and my screenlet layer was at the forefront as if the effect had been turned off. I tried restarting which led to the freeze which i worked around by typing sudo poweroff, after several of those The computer seems to be lagging and freezing at will06:54
netratburepe welcome06:54
amenadoouellettesr-> are you saying using same ip address on both?06:54
IshbibenobI have never used sleep mode, so I am not sure if that is what happened or not06:54
ouellettesramenado, yes, there is only one ip to set and that is eth0, there is no eth106:54
amenadoouellettesr-> what? having both the onboard and the pci card?06:55
IshbibenobI went in and reinstalled the compiz package which did nothing06:55
loquitus_of_borghey people. I am getting an error when I run configure for an app I am building. it says that ./config.sub is not found. how so'?06:55
sebastoramahow to specify the minimum size of a X-window?06:55
ouellettesramenado, if i type ifconfig, there is only eth0 and eth0:avah06:56
MehalI was wondering if anyone could help me set up my system for dual screen. I have a intel gma 945gm06:56
cwilluIshbibenob, what does it do after a reboot?06:56
amenadoouellettesr-> then do you know if thats the onboard or the pci?06:56
sebastoramaprogram specified minimum size: <- wanna change this value..06:56
Ishbibenobloads like it normally should, everything looks the same acts the same until you try to move around and do things06:57
brianIf I'm on Ubuntu, and using VNC to control another Ubuntu computer, can I save a file I find on the other computer to mine?06:57
cwilluIshbibenob, if you turn off all desktop effects in system | preferences | appearance?06:57
amenadobrian you can scp  it over06:57
netratbrian that isn't a function of VNC06:57
IshbibenobWhen he pushed the button it required me to sign back in almost like I had signed out, but the boxes were solid black and had a funny look to them06:57
brianamenado: :D Whats scp? And how might I do that?06:57
ubotuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/06:57
cwillubrian, what os on the two machines?06:58
amenadobrian-> secure copy06:58
ouellettesramenado, its the pci, when i have it pluggen into pci, i type, mii-tool, and it says:  eth0 100 Mbit, half duplex, no link..... But if i unplug the pci and type mii-tool it says: no link06:58
briannetrat: Ah, dang. Just started using it today, don't really know much about it :P Thought I'd ask06:58
brianamenado: Ah, ok :) How do I do that?06:58
netratbrian that's okay...06:58
briancwillu: Ubuntu. 7.04 on one, 7.10 on the other06:58
amenadobrian may i introduce you to man pages?  man scp06:59
netratbrian Usage: scp filename user@host:filename06:59
Dusti1hello I am looking for a little help06:59
Ishbibenobyeah when I that it says "cannot enable desktop effects" it tries and even changes the look of the windows to my theme then gives me the error message06:59
cwillubrian, install openssh-server on at least one machine, and then you can from the other machine enter sftp://first-machines-name.local/ to browse and move files around06:59
Kommwthshello guys:) can someone help me to confiqure my bluetooth hardware(onboard)?06:59
cwillubrian, assuming there's no firewall between them06:59
netratDusti1 ask away06:59
cwilluIshbibenob, are you enabling or disabling them?06:59
cwilluit shouldn't say anything about 'cannot enable' if you do what I said06:59
Dusti1my laptop has no cd i am running puppy linux now have a 1 gig usb stick how can i install ubuntu from it06:59
Ishbibenobit is currently disabled, trying to enable them07:00
BSG75anyone know how to get Intel 82801H HD audio controller to work under gutsy?07:00
amenadoouellettesr-> you unplug the pci? that seems pretty quick, hot swappable?07:00
cwilluIshbibenob, don't enable it07:00
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
Ishbibenobit is currently disabled07:00
ouellettesramenado, i will try that07:00
vk__kennt sich hier einer mit samba aus?07:00
brianamenado netrat and cwillu: Ah, thanks guys :D I'll try that07:00
=== AfterDea1h is now known as AfterDeath
unop_!de | vk__07:00
ubotuvk__: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:00
Ishbibenobits on none right now07:01
cwilluIshbibenob, I'm still having difficulty figuring out what state you're in right now:  _right_now_, what is broken (other than effects)?07:01
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u
Dusti1would anyone walk me through installing ubuntu froma usb cause i have no cd player?07:01
amenadoDusti1-> you can copy the liveCD into a directory and then modify the menu.lst of your puppy to point to that liveCD ..07:01
Ishbibenobnothing other than the freezing when I push the log out icon on both the cairo dock and taskbar07:01
cwilluIshbibenob, cairo?07:02
Ishbibenoband the slow processing07:02
Dusti1where is the menu.lst07:02
BSG75anyone know how to get Intel 82801H HD audio controller to work under gutsy?07:02
amenadoDusti1-> you need to copy the vmlinuz and initrd image from the livecd to that directory07:02
Dusti1so to my usb stick07:02
IshbibenobCairo Dock (kinda like Avant window nav) mac type menu07:02
amenadoDusti1-> does puppy linux uses grub or lilo to boot? if grub maybe its grub.conf if not menu.lst07:02
cwilluIshbibenob, can you remove it for now?07:02
redwhitewaldoguys, (particularly nickrud). i am on xubuntu and i installed ubuntu-restricted-extras. I've just realized there is a xubuntu-restricted-extras. how do i remove ubuntu-restricted-extras?07:03
LuxZenithHey - my wireless isn't associated with any driver. Do you guys know how I can change that? (broadcom 4311 - UGH... I tried using Ndiswrapper and b43 but they don't work anymore!)07:03
Nasrahi guys....need to findout why when I tune into tv station to view is always showing like slow motion ...can you direct into the proper procedure in fixing my slow motion?07:03
xanielhey guys07:03
amenadoDusti1-> look in your /boot/grub07:03
xanielJust loving ubuntu07:03
Dusti1I have the iso downloaded for 7.2007:03
xanielit's neat07:03
amenadoDusti1-> 7.10 ?07:03
Survivormanredbox, sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-restricted-extras07:03
xanieli upgraded to the 8.04 beta and had to feinstall07:03
IshbibenobStill getting the freeze on the log out button though07:04
cwilluIshbibenob, open a terminal, run 'top', and tell me if there's anything using more that 10-20% cpu07:04
amenadoDusti1-> mount your iso and picked off the two files i told you about07:04
Ishbibenobfreezes the whole desktop until I push the escape key for some reason that frees it up07:04
cwilluIshbibenob, (terminal is in apps | accessories)07:04
Dusti1mount -o image.iso right07:04
BSG75anyone know how to get Intel 82801H HD sound card working?07:04
amenadoDusti1-> you have to have a mountpoint07:05
amenadoDusti1-> too bad you came in late, am off to bed..07:05
Dusti1i can mount it anywhere?07:05
Ishbibenoball under 2%07:05
amenadoDusti1-> mount only on a directory..07:05
amenadoDusti1-> perhaps tommorow..am off for now07:05
Dusti1wher edo i copy the files to before you go07:05
Dusti1once i get them07:05
amenadoDusti1-> create a directory anywhere, the copy the expanded iso not the iso file itself07:06
Dusti1i know07:06
roxahrisIs installing ubuntu or a variant of it as simple as everyone says it is?07:06
Ishbibenobnothing that looks out of the ordinary07:06
Dusti1but how do i load it in rub07:06
cwilluIshbibenob, you have another computer that you can irc from?07:06
Antoni1всем привет07:06
cwilluIshbibenob, log out, from the login screen, look for a 'sessions' button, and select gnome-failsafe (you're using normal ubuntu, not xubuntu or anything right)?07:07
amenadoyou modify the menu.lst ..add an entry for your new boot from the hd, pointing to that directory you uncompressed the iso07:07
IshbibenobI have a mac downstairs, would I need to install this program on it?07:07
blue-frogroxahris: yes07:07
roxahrisoh, okay07:07
Ishbibenobyes normal ubuntu07:07
=== theaber_ is now known as theaber
Dusti1ok cool07:07
burepeI am using the live cd to install but I am getting a partition error so it won't work. Any suggestions?07:07
roxahrissee you next month, when I decide I want to install it, then07:07
cwilluIshbibenob, don't worry about the mac, just handy if you can be talking and resetting things at the same time07:07
Ishbibenobafter I do that, then what?07:07
cwillulog in07:07
IshbibenobI see07:07
leonbrusselsroxahris well, put the cd in start your pc and if you like do an install07:07
vbhidehi there! i've tried a LOT to get my laptop to connect to a wpa encrypted network, nothing works! i'm now trying wicd... any tips?07:08
Antoni1тут по-русски будут говорить?07:08
Ishbibenobcwillu, how do you log out from command line?07:08
cwilluIshbibenob, ugly way to do it is to just hit ctrl+alt+backspace (which will kill the display server, and any open programs with no further prompts)07:09
blue-frog!ru Antoni107:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ru antoni1 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:09
BSG75none here has Intel 82801H HD sound card?07:10
BottledHateis anyone availible to answer a few questions regarding dual boot on a laptop? please pm... ty07:10
Survivorman!russian | Antoni107:10
ubotuAntoni1: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:10
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.07:10
lachlandoes anybody know if photoshop cs3 will work under wine?07:11
Survivorman!wine | lachlan07:12
ubotulachlan: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.07:12
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org07:12
vbhidedo i HAVE to go and configure wpa supllicant before being able to use wi fi?07:12
Survivormanthanks cromag07:12
ishbibenobalright changed the session07:13
cwilluhow is that one working?07:13
ishbibenoblet me try the effects and log out07:13
ishbibenobstill locks up when I try to restart07:14
ishbibenobor sign out07:14
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer07:14
cwilluyou didn't just enable effects did you?07:14
cwillugood :p07:14
ishbibenobjust tried pushing the log out button07:14
cwillumouse stopped moving?07:14
arvind_khadrihi,am not able to get complete text in kannada07:14
vbhidesorry... exited by mistake... do i have to configure wpa_supplicant before using wpa?07:14
ishbibenobmouse works good07:15
cwilluvbhide, define 'configure'07:15
friedtofuanyone able to send me their "Times" font?07:15
cwilluvbhide, should be point and click (it'll ask for a password, etc)07:15
vbhidego to the wpasupplicant.conf file and change some stuff07:15
BottledHatei have a laptop with windows installed curerntly, i don't want to damage that install. i have free partions on the drives(2).. is the install cd able to install to a separate partition while acheiving full dual boot without third party software? can the dual boot be easily removed?07:15
cwilluvbhide, you shouldn't need to edit anything, unless your card doesn't work by default, or you need it to work without a logged in session07:15
arvind_khadriblocks show up in between07:15
cwilluishbibenob, what locks up when you hit logout?07:16
redwhitewaldowhat's the diff between xubuntu-restricted-codecs and  ubuntu-restricted-codecs?07:16
arvind_khadrihi,am not able to get complete text in kannada,blocks show up in between....07:16
vbhidei tried everything that a newbie could... i'm trying wicd now07:16
ishbibenobeverything, cant choose the applications/places/system menus or click any desktop item, unless I push escape07:16
ishbibenobthen it frees it up07:16
vbhidehi arvind, have you instaled kannada in the language support?07:17
Survivormanthats sounds like some crazy compiz modifier key issue07:17
cwilluishbibenob, we're talking about something other than the prompt that pops up when you hit the logout button?07:17
ishbibenobthe prompt does not show up when I hit the log out button07:17
ishbibenobThere may be other things that could freeze it, but that is the one that I noticed, I wait for the prompt and nothing07:18
cwilluishbibenob, create a new user (System | administration | users, make it a desktop user, simple password, etc)07:18
cwilluishbibenob, and then logout (ctrl+alt+backspace or whatever), and log in under that user07:18
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redwhitewaldofolks, how do i remove everything that ubuntu-restricted-codecs installed?07:19
cwilluredwhitewaldo, with considerable pain and suffering :p07:20
Stroganoffredwhitewaldo why would you wanna do that?07:20
Survivormansudo apt-get remove ubuntu-restricted-extras redwhitewaldo07:20
arvind_khadrivbhide, how do i do that...sorry didnt see ur reply07:20
Survivormanhe wants to install the xubuntu ones07:20
redwhitewaldoSurvivorman: that doesn't remove the 20 megs of packages. only the 29 kb of the meta package.07:21
cwilluSurvivorman, that won't get rid of dependencies07:21
arvind_khadrivbhide, i got it07:21
jaffarkelshaci know ubuntu allows multi loggin so far i know (telnet -not secure, and openssh-secure) what other protocols are available07:21
redwhitewaldoStroganoff: because i want to install the xubuntu-restricted-codecs instead.07:21
Survivormancwillu, is there any real difference in the metapackages?07:21
cwilluredwhitewaldo, use aptitude, it should offer to uninstall the dependencies as well07:21
cwilluSurvivorman, just look at what they install in synaptic (open dependencies on each one)07:21
Survivormanokay cwillu, thanks.07:22
Stroganoffredwhitewaldo: purge the packages listed here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ubuntu-restricted-extras07:22
Stroganoffsudo apt-get purge PACKAGE07:22
redwhitewaldoStroganoff: but that's just about 14 packages. my install put in 39 packages07:22
unop_jaffarkelshac, you could say that someone accessing a webserver on your machine is 'logging on' .. so technically, if your computer is networked and other computers access it, users can log in in all sorts of ways07:22
Stroganoffredwhitewaldo: sudo apt-get autoremove07:22
n-iCehello good night, question, how do I change the file attributes to executable07:22
snowolfn-iCe: chmod +x file07:23
snowolf(from terminal)07:23
cwilluredwhitewaldo, the only difference is the gstreamer plugins, which are probably useful to have around anyway07:23
Stroganoffn-iCe have you been able to find your password?07:23
ishbibenobcwillu, that worked, at least I am able click log out and it gives the prompt07:23
n-iCeStroganoff I re-installed07:24
cwilluishbibenob, okay07:24
Stroganoffn-iCe that was not necessary07:24
n-iCeworked :p07:24
ishbibenobonly problem I guess would be that all my user setting and everything are on the other, what would be the best thing to do?07:24
Stroganoffnext time mind case sensitivity ;)07:24
n-iCehow Do I get the autopackage support?07:24
redwhitewaldocwillu: gstreamer plugins are in the U-restricetd-extras or in the xubunu-restircetd-extras?07:24
n-iCeStarnestommy oh I did07:24
redwhitewaldoStroganoff: your advice doesn't work07:24
cwilluredwhitewaldo, u07:24
J-Unitplz i have an oral for tomorrow and im very sleepy i need a text to mp3 (or any other audio extention) program to read it to me wile i have my eyes closed07:25
redwhitewaldoand what's the gstreamer plugins good for? if they're good, how come Xubuntu doesn't have them?07:25
Stroganoffredwhitewaldo: have you any problems with ubuntu-restricted-extras?07:25
redwhitewaldobecause they're a memory hog?07:25
redwhitewaldoStroganoff: no. i just thought that since i'm on xubuntu, i should get the xubuntu-restricted-extras package07:25
cwilluredwhitewaldo, things aren't loaded into memory unless they're being used generally07:25
n-iCehow Do I get the autopackage support? I need it, trying to run the executable I get that,telling me for the autopackage07:26
J-Unitisnt there any ubuntu text to sound software??07:26
redwhitewaldocwillu: so the gsteramer-plugins file(s) would only be loaded when i have a media player progam running?07:26
StroganoffJ-Unit: espeak07:26
Survivormanredwhitewaldo, maybe it depends on the intended programs using them, since xubuntu and ubuntu use different apps as defaults07:26
cwilluredwhitewaldo, yes07:26
J-UnitStroganoff, in repositories?07:26
ishbibenobcwillu, should I swap all my info then delete the other user, what do you think?07:26
cwilluishbibenob, thinking07:26
redwhitewaldook. well, what do i do now? I did a "remove" of ubuntu-restricted-extras package, yet all the other packages it installed are still on my computer.07:27
n-iCebrb rebootingh07:27
cwilluishbibenob, the tricky thing being that your username shows up in various places in the profile, so just copying either profile to the other will probably break other things in weird and wonderful ways07:27
redwhitewaldocwillu: oh, btw, i'm on 8.04. 8-)07:27
ishbibenobhmm, I see07:27
J-UnitStroganoff, synaptic says i have it installed alredy!!!!! were is it?07:27
cwilluredwhitewaldo, I know, I was checking the 8.04 repo's when I told you that07:27
redwhitewaldocwillu: 8-)07:28
* cwillu knows all :p07:28
StroganoffJ-Unit: terminal: espeak --help07:28
redwhitewaldocwillu: how'd u know?07:28
J-UnitStroganoff, its a terminal program??07:28
cwilluI have my ways07:28
cwilluthe fact that you were in #ubuntu+1 was the more obvious way though :p07:28
redwhitewaldoha ha07:28
StroganoffJ-Unit yes07:29
cwilluredwhitewaldo, it's only a handful of packages, you could just deselect them by hand.  Could be that you have something installed that pulled them in already though07:29
progmanosCompiz freezes randomly.  I'm using Kubuntu Hardy and the latest NVidia driver on a GeForce 6150SE.07:29
redwhitewaldocwillu: thanks.07:29
cwilluishbibenob, well, the obvious approach I can think of (although a bit tedious), is to make a copy of everything in your home directory (including .* files which are hidden by default, hit ctrl+h in nautilus to show them)07:30
cwilluishbibenob, and then delete all the .* folders one by one until you find the one that unbreaks it07:30
Sheffare KDE and Gnome "shells" ?07:30
J-UnitStroganoff, omg plz i have no idea how to use this...all i wanna do is convert a .doc to .mp3 or any other sound extension if mp3 is not possible, i dont care wat voice etc plz just give me a command im a very last minute person its 2 30 am i have to wake up at 6 am and i need to practice for an oral tomorrow07:30
th0gerSheff: No.07:31
Survivormancould you make a backup of user x, move it to y, delete x and then remake x and move settings back to x?07:31
StroganoffJ-Unit: don't cry, just try espeak --help07:31
Stroganoffit may be not THAT complicated07:31
Sheffth0ger: "desktop environment" ?07:31
ishbibenobmake a copy of home folder to a boot drive or somethin, or to the other user?07:32
n-iCehow do I set my wireless connection as default and auto connect on reboot?07:32
cwilluishbibenob, even just to another folder in the same user07:32
th0gerSheff: Yes :)07:32
J-UnitStroganoff, i did that but i dont rely understand the output..07:32
bluecakei ve installed proftpd , how to test if it works?07:32
cwilluishbibenob, it's the .foo files that you need to back up (just be careful as you delete stuff)07:32
Sheffth0ger: what is "Window Manager" then?07:32
th0gerSheff: KDE=K Desktop Environment.07:32
unop__Sheff, in the accepted definition of a 'shell', kde and gnome do not fit that description .. but since they allow the user to interact with the system they can be thought of as shells .. but the proper term for them would be Desktop Environments (as they encompass a lot of 'shells')07:32
Survivormancwillu, but won't not knowing what caused the problem in the first place put the new user at risk if importing potentially tainted settings that could disrupt the new user07:33
J-UnitStroganoff, -f and then all the text?07:33
Stroganoffi'm installing it right now...07:33
cwilluSurvivorman, we're not importing anything07:33
Survivormanah, just backing up data?07:33
cwilluSurvivorman, you make a backup of everything, and then delete the fiels (to let them default) one by one07:33
unop__Sheff, desktop environments use window managers to manage windows, position them, draw extension, open, close and maximize them, etc07:33
progmanosthe following is my xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62388/07:34
Survivormanok cwillu, I understand. settings default.07:34
wershow do I extract 7zip archives? :D07:34
J-UnitStroganoff, im so stupid, i like copy pasted my hw into it :(07:34
StroganoffJ-Unit im sure you can input files too07:34
th0gerSheff: KDE and gnome are also window mangers. But what makes then desktop environments, is that they support all kinds of interactive shit between applications. (or something like that)07:34
unop__wers, there is a 7zip package07:34
greenstar_ /msg nickserv link greenstar madman9907:34
StroganoffJ-Unit, at first, copy all that text out of word into a plain text file07:34
unop__th0ger, language07:34
th0gerunop_: sorry07:34
Sheffwhat is the window manager for KDE and Gnome? I am trying to compare with windows07:34
J-UnitStroganoff, save it as .rtf u mean?07:34
wersunop_, E: Couldn't find package 7zip07:35
Stroganoffif you dont know how, just copy everything into gedit07:35
Stroganoffand save07:35
SheffI mean a window manager is a program?07:35
nic_Inside the home folder go through every file right? is there a specific folder or file type I should be watching for?07:35
Stroganoffthen: espeak -f textfile.txt -w outputfile.wav07:35
clarkGamblewerdz, apt-cache search 7z07:35
StroganoffJ-Unit, do you understand?07:36
unop__wers, sorry, p7zip07:36
J-UnitStroganoff, i chose text and not text encoded07:36
Stroganoffput textfile.txt into you home and run the command07:36
Sheffno not like that :) - - what is the equivalent of explorer.exe in Ubuntu?07:36
J-UnitStroganoff, both are .txt thats y im sayin07:36
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unop__Sheff, i believe gnome uses metacity as it's window manager, it is a program yes07:36
tengulrehi,all when I running ' apt-get update ' I got ' Hash Sum Mismatch' ? how to fixed it?07:36
Armadilliohow come the rt61pci driver keeps crashing my entire ubuntu 8.04 desktop sessions? it's a linkysy wmp54g 4.107:36
th0gerSheff: Thats a weird question...07:36
StroganoffJ-Unit as long as its not RTF07:37
Survivorman!Hardy | Armadillio07:37
ubotuArmadillio: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu07:37
Stroganoffnow run J-Unit: espeak -f textfile.txt -w outputfile.wav07:37
wershow do I use p7zip to extract? :D07:37
clarkGambleask man07:37
unop__wers, man p7zip :d07:37
dmkaehey stroganof07:37
dmkaelong time no see07:37
unop__wers, you can also use xarchiver to extract 7zip files, i think07:37
wers:( hehe07:37
SheffI want windows and shell be very simple like windows classic theme. without ANY effects and beauty, how do I?07:37
n-iCehow do I set my wireless connection as default and auto connect on reboot?07:38
StroganoffJ-Unit its really simple, have you got it?07:38
omnz0rwers sudo apt-get install unp ... unp unpakcs all kinds of shit trough CLI, so you don't have to worry about remembering shit07:38
J-UnitStroganoff, do i have to cd to location of .txt b4 doing that?07:38
Stroganoffor do it like this:07:38
unop__omnz0r, language07:38
Stroganoffespeak -f /home/junit/blablabla/textfile.txt -w outputfile.wav07:38
nic_cwillu this is ishbibenob, do I look for any specific file type?07:38
damo23n-iCe: edit /etc/network/interfaces..... add a line "auto eth1"  or whatever07:39
wersomnz0r, so i just run unp <file location>?07:39
tarruswhat happened to all the programs I installed with the Synaptics manager?07:39
cwillunic_, just deal with the folders that start with a '.' for now07:39
tarrusi don't see them in my applications list07:39
omnz0rwers: cd into the dir where you want your files to be ... the unp <location>07:39
J-UnitStroganoff, well i did cd ~/Desktop/ b4 typing wat u gave me slightly edited with assignment name.txt07:39
J-UnitStroganoff, .wav got created but its not making noise07:39
cwillunic_, back them all up first to another folder though07:39
omnz0rthere's probably other ways to do it, but that's one07:40
StroganoffJ-Unit are you sure your .txt is just plain text?07:40
StroganoffJ-Unit: open it with gedit or any EDITOR07:40
n-iCedamo23 uhm07:40
tarruswhere are all the programs i installed with the Synaptics Package Manager placed?  I don't see them under applications07:40
StroganoffJ-Unit: i just tested the command, it worked at the start.07:40
J-UnitStroganoff, i used openoffice to make it .txt (Text)07:40
n-iCedamo23 take a look: http://asdasdasd.pastebin.com/m6ef7fecc is it correct?07:40
nic_cwillu, another dumb question, where can I make a backup of the home folder without it being inside the home folder?07:41
J-UnitStroganoff, i have a plan, ill do gedit then put assignment in there and save it07:41
StroganoffJ-Unit that was my plan07:41
J-UnitStroganoff, lol07:41
J-UnitStroganoff, that actually made me laf alot07:41
J-UnitStroganoff, anyway im gona do it now07:42
unop__nic_, you can do something like this.  (cd /path/to/anotherfolder; tar czf homefolder.tgz ~)07:42
StroganoffJ-Unit, you might want to adjust the reading speed with a third parameter: espeak -f textfile.txt -w outputfile.wav -s 17007:42
Stroganoff170 is default07:42
Stroganoffchoose something from 80 to 37007:42
cwillunic_, in nautilus, just open the home folder, select everything, hit copy, make a new folder, move into it, and hit paste07:42
damo23n-iCe: i think the "auto wlan0" needs to be at the top of that wlan0 block07:42
Stroganoffgood night, J-Unit07:42
J-UnitStroganoff, ur leaving?07:42
bluefrogtarrus: in synaptic, select settings/pref and check "show packages prop..." then select your package and you will see what and where have been installed in the "installed files" tab07:43
J-UnitStroganoff, i still have to memorize 3.5 pages if u ment goodnight to me to leave07:43
dmkaeremember me?  i think i once asked you if your name was related to the quake strogg07:43
StroganoffJ-Unit well you could have started earlier ;)07:43
th0ger_ifanic_: you might use a folder like /mnt/backup or /media/backup. But you should really use another disk/partition if the backup should be useful.07:43
Stroganoffdmkae faintly ;)07:44
=== epitron is now known as krebs
dmkaeso you remember07:44
deepfreezHi, why i can remove/add a new document in partition ntfs what is wrong ? http://pastebin.com/m172ce7fc , and how i need add the line for work!07:44
dmkaei was under a different name07:44
=== krebs is now known as epitron
n-iCedamo23 ok can I comment the other connections?07:45
dmkaeand i believe you replied that you were more of a ut fan07:45
th0ger_ifadeepfreez: what soes mount|grep ntfs say?07:45
damo23n-iCe:  what for? theres no harm in having them07:45
J-UnitStroganoff, im trying to do things on time :(07:45
n-iCedamo23 ok07:45
J-UnitStroganoff, im having totem problems, im reeboting07:46
n-iCewon't interfere? damo23 ?07:46
Stroganoffdmkae no that cant be true, i've played 100x more q3 than any ut game07:46
deepfreezth0ger_ifa: i don't understand :)07:46
damo23n-iCe:  nope07:46
Stroganoffwow, totem problems07:46
Stroganoffi have no problems of any kind with my.....07:46
Stroganoffubuntu light script!!07:46
dmkaeah ok07:47
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)07:48
kelvin911anyone uses windows b4?07:48
cwillukelvin911, years ago :p07:48
kelvin911how to change theme without installing styleXP?07:49
dirtyhandwhat command can I do to find the path to a command07:49
kelvin911i am in windows now i am tired of the boring look and i dont wanna install styleXP07:49
dirtyhandlike git07:49
unop__dirtyhand, type -a git  or  which git07:50
cwilludirtyhand, which07:50
cwilludirtyhand, "which git"07:50
cwillukelvin911, -> #windows07:50
Sheffwhere can I get Xubuntu?07:50
cwilludirtyhand, locate <foo> is helpful too07:50
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels07:51
kelvin911cwillu: #windows is dead like water07:51
kelvin911cwillu: i have no choice and come here to ask07:51
unop__kelvin911, ##windows rather07:51
adrian_2002caso can I have a channel on irc.freenode.com??? how do i do this?07:51
J-UnitStroganoff, omg this guy sounds worse than microsoft sam 0_007:52
unop__kelvin911, what makes you think we will support windows here, this is #ubuntu .. your question is also off-topic (see the topic)07:52
Stroganoffthere are other voices07:52
clarkGambleadrian_2002ca, #adrian_2002ca07:52
Stroganoffbut i have no time to look into that right now07:52
bluecakehow to config anonymous login for ftp server?07:52
cwillukelvin911, sure you do, you could not ask.  If you want a new theme, download and install wubi07:52
tarruswhat are some good filesharing programs from linux?07:52
J-UnitStroganoff, how do i look into it?07:52
tarrusi installed mutella, but it appears to be command line only07:52
StroganoffJ-Unit: man espeak07:52
adrian_2002caclarkGamble: that's a channel? really?07:52
kelvin911whats wubi?07:52
cwillutarrus, frostwire07:52
ubotuwubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it will be included in hardy 8.04 currently in beta)07:53
dave11shure wish mandriva had a irc07:53
Stroganoffit sure has07:53
dave11it does???07:53
Stroganoffdave11: /j #mandriva07:53
kelvin911whats wubi?07:54
tarrussearched for frostwire on synaptic package manager and didn't find it07:54
J-UnitStroganoff, k, thx for ur help07:54
dave11Stroganoff: THNAKS07:54
dave11sorry caps07:54
dave11Stroganoff: thanks07:54
Survivormantarrus, its not there. frostwire.com.07:54
kelvin911anyway i dont wanna install anything, i find that when i click browse windows are looking for *.theme file so i i wonder if i can import custom theme07:54
adrian_2002caclarkGamble: this is exciting, i am gonna get a computer help channel set up in my area07:55
kelvin911is mandriva mandrake?07:55
e-rodHola! :)07:55
cwilluI think so07:55
Survivormanmandrake changed its name because of copyright issues to mandriv07:56
adrian_2002caclarkGamble: is there a possibility of running scripts for my channel or does freenode take care of that>?07:56
kelvin911i still have the mandrake linux 10 CD somewhere07:56
Sheffcan I install multiple desktop environments?07:56
e-rodque hay de nuevo? :)07:56
FlannelSheff: Of course07:56
n-iCee-rod aquí es en inglés ve a #ubuntu-es para español07:56
e-rodooh! ooh! :D07:57
Sheffk, thanks07:57
e-rodallright! :D07:57
e-rodI am gonna try my english :)07:57
maestrotechIs there anyway to make it so that the file system in ubuntu recognizes special characters (ò, è, `, à, etc.) in the filenames?07:57
clarkGambleadrian_2002ca, #freenode,aks there07:57
ishbibenobcwillu, looks like a no go, unless I did something wrong07:57
e-rod#ubuntu-es is boring...07:58
ishbibenobI went through the whole home folder deleting them all and still doesnt work correctly07:58
bluefrogmaestrotech: it already does it07:58
Stroganoffmaestrotech: doesn't it do that already?07:58
e-rodeverybody is sleeping in spain...07:58
adrian_2002cathanks man07:58
unop__maestrotech, sure, check out the utf8 option specific to your filesystem in the mount manpage07:58
cwilluishbibenob, sorry, I should have mentioned, did you relog after each attempt?07:58
maestrotechno, i am copying my files over from one disk to the other, and it is converting all "ò, è, `, à, etc." to "?"07:58
bazhange-rod: this is not a chat channel; join #ubuntu-offtopic for that thanks07:59
cwillu(unlike most things in gnome, those changes wouldn't take effect until the responsible problem restarted)07:59
ishbibenobno, so I need to log in and out after every attempt07:59
bluefrogmaestrotech: it' scoming from windows?07:59
e-rodwhat is the topic? :)07:59
cwillumaestrotech, what filesystem?07:59
bluefrogmaestrotech: or another old linux07:59
bazhange-rod: this is the ubuntu support channel thanks07:59
cwillue-rod, this is techsupport07:59
unop__e-rod, read the topic :)07:59
e-rodsorry I am lost :-ÃL08:00
maestrotechbluefrog: you are right.08:00
maestrotechbluefrog: cwillu:  I am a dummy08:00
maestrotechthank you for listening to me whine about nothing. lol08:00
Stroganoffmaestrotech: sudo nano /etc/fstab08:01
Stroganoffmaestrotech: add iocharset=utf8 to the ext3 options08:01
Stroganoffor set the charset you are using on windows08:01
=== bluefrog is now known as blue-frog
unop__i think windows uses utf8 or utf16, can't remember which08:02
maestrotechStroganoff: Thanks man, i think i'm all set. I was looking at an older copy. As soon as someone said, "It does support it". I tried recopying it...and it worked with the extended charset.08:02
maestrotechi should have checked.08:02
imexilHi. Anybody of you having experiences of the saturday update for HHbeta breaking the usage of ndiswrapper? It worked with the pure beta version.08:02
Stroganoffunop__: no it uses ISO locales08:02
Stroganoffi think08:02
maestrotechi made a poor assumption. thank you again guys.08:02
Stroganoffat least the non-english versions of windows08:02
bazhangimexil: that is in #ubuntu+1 thanks08:03
Stroganoffanyway iocharset=utf8 might be worth a try08:03
imexilok i'll go there than. sorry for spamming then. ;)08:03
nic_cwillu, do you think this problem would be in direct relation to a file change i have made. For instance I was downloading something last night and it gave me trouble, you think if I locate whatever I have done in the last 24 hours I can eliminate the problem?08:04
unop__Stroganoff, errm, i dont think so - i've seen characters render fine in filenames that aren't in my local chararset08:04
joecurleehi all... I'm getting a very odd bug with windows in ubuntu 7.1008:05
Stroganoffyep unop__, its utf1608:05
Stroganoffat least internally08:05
joecurleeon restart I don't have borders on windows... title bar is gone... terminal is all white with no text08:05
cwillunic_, may not be the fastest way though08:05
n-iCewhere do I get a autopackage support?08:05
unop__Stroganoff, yea, i remember reading about that somewhere08:05
bazhangjoecurlee: with compiz on?08:05
cwillunic_, did you relog after each change?08:05
nic_ok, so far still doing it08:06
nic_not finished08:06
Stroganoffk cu08:06
cwillunic_, you can do like half of them at a time08:06
joecurleebazhang: i removed compiz still got problem08:06
Sinnermanjoecurlee: do you have you tried logging on from another account to see if that error is still there?08:06
cwillunic_, if one set fixes it, then restore half of them, etc08:06
nic_got it08:06
n-iCewhere do I get a autopackage support?08:06
Starnestommyn-iCe: autopackage?08:07
n-iCethat's why the files ask for08:07
joecurleethis is definitely related to compiz though... the only way to make it work again is if I go to appearance > visual effects and choose "normal" (changing from none) and then choose "use previous settings" which sets it back to "none"08:07
slackd00dn-iCe: what distro do you use?08:07
joecurleeit is as though ubuntu is trying to use an old compiz settings file08:07
slackd00dn-iCe: http://geocities.com/slackd00d/08:07
joecurleeSinnerman: no I haven't tried that08:07
slackd00di have all the packages there08:07
Starnestommyn-iCe: what files are asking for autopackage?08:08
e-rodquit GoodNight! :)08:08
Sinnermanjoecurlee: what graphics card do you have?08:08
joecurleenvidia 7 series08:08
joecurleei believe 760008:08
slackd00dthats what i have08:08
n-iCeStarnestommy well08:09
joecurleewith compiz i have a bit of tearing... i don't care about compiz though. This is just a media box08:09
Sinnermanjoecurlee: im not entirely sure, but i noticed someone posting something about a fix for nvidia cards in #compiz-fusion about loss of window decorations, it might be worth asking in there.08:09
n-iCetrying to open the executable appears this message:08:09
Armadilliohow would i apply this patch? http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/3/2/2608:09
joecurleeSinnerman: ok thanks i'll try it08:09
n-iCethe autopackage support code could not be installed08:09
Starnestommyn-iCe: what executable?08:10
n-iCeit can be manually downloaded and installed by running the installation script locatd in the downloaded archive08:10
Sinnermanjoecurlee: i'll grep my logs, see if i can find it again. im no expert, but that might be your solution.08:10
n-iCeStarnestommy amsn08:10
kelvin911i also have 7600 gt08:10
n-iCeis a xmessage that's whay it says above08:10
bazhangArmadillio: for gutsy?08:10
Armadilliofor hardy. but i think it can be applied on hardy.08:10
Armadillioit should be the same principle08:10
bazhangArmadillio: then this is not the channel for that08:10
Starnestommyn-iCe: did you install amsn through apt-get install amsn, the package manager, add/remove, or something else?08:11
Armadilliook, it's for edgy then.08:11
n-iCeStarnestommy from the site, because using apt-get doesn't install the lastest version08:11
joecurleeSinnerman: thanks08:11
Starnestommyn-iCe: this is why I always go through the package manager.  I'm not sure how to get the site's version of amsn working08:12
nic_cwillu, if I have this backed up in a folder on the desktop will it still read it as being in the home folder or should that work?08:13
n-iCeStarnestommy: http://www.autopackage.org/docs/howto-install/08:13
bazhangn-iCe: why install from somewhere outside the repos? what new function does this version have?08:14
tarruswhat's the directory path for the desktop?08:14
n-iCebazhang a lot08:14
Starnestommytarrus: /home/<username>/Desktop08:14
tarrusStarnestommy:  thanks08:14
bazhangn-iCe: such as?08:15
cwillunic_, no it won't08:15
tsukasawhats a good program for coding php?08:15
n-iCesuch as webcam support, nudges, voice chat, display, etc08:15
n-iCetsukasa notepad08:15
nic_wont work, or wont see it as being in the home folder08:15
cwillunic_, "~/Desktop/Backup/.gconf" won't get used as the gconf directory, it has to be in home08:15
tiltedwindmillsdammed frustrating.  7.10 will not give me the right resolution on my laptop screen and 8.04 screws up on usb microphones shared with vmware.08:16
bazhangn-iCe: and these will work in ubuntu? or only in amsn itself08:16
jacekowskihi, i have problem with bluetooth08:16
n-iCebazhang both?08:16
tsukasan-iCe, with syntax highlighting and stuff08:16
bazhangn-iCe: you know this how?08:16
n-iCethe thing is why can't I open the executable08:16
n-iCebazhang I used it before08:16
bazhangn-iCe: with ubuntu?08:16
tiltedwindmillsany idea how I can make 7.10 give me full screen resolution?08:17
cwilluw3c rolls in its grave :p08:17
bazhangn-iCe: then you need no help?08:17
jacekowskisome time ago i had that python bluetooth autodetection08:17
cwillubah, wrong room08:17
jacekowski(kde), but i killed it08:17
jacekowskiand now i can't find that program08:17
jacekowskianybody can give me exact filename?08:17
tiltedwindmillssb 1640x1050 and not 1280x7something?08:17
jacekowskithat was nice feature to start automaticly kbluetoothd08:18
bazhangtiltedwindmills: what do you have installed currently?08:18
n-iCebazhang I need how to run the exectubale because isn't working anymore...08:18
bazhangn-iCe: what isnt working anymore?08:18
n-iCeim gonna do it from the command line08:18
tiltedwindmillsmust have usb audio fed to virtual machine so I backed off to where that works08:19
Peddycan anyone please tell me of any experiences upgrading from gutsy to hardy?08:19
tarruswhy is installing apps for linux so difficult?  I can't seem to install the java JRE i got from the java website08:19
gatestoneSuggestion: re-resign the login dialogs so that this will not happen to (me) anymore: while people are watchingm you log in, you make a mistake, yoo re-login and you accidentally type your password to the visible username field...!08:19
bazhangtarrus: better to get them from the repos; that is very easy indeed08:20
unop__!hardy | Peddy08:20
ubotuPeddy: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu08:20
bazhang!brainstorm | gatestone08:20
ubotugatestone: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!08:20
unop__tarrus, you should install java from the ubuntu respositories - much easier and is supported better that way08:20
unop__!java | tarrus08:21
ubotutarrus: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)08:21
n-iCeoops new error: Checking for required C library versions ... OK08:21
n-iCeChecking for X ... OK08:21
n-iCeChecking for TCL Scripting Language ... failed08:21
n-iCeError: Could not find 'TCL Scripting Language'. Try using the native package manager for Ubuntu 6.10 (apt-get) to install a package with similar name to 'tcl'.08:21
tiltedwindmillsbazhang:  any pointers for my resolution problem?08:21
unop__!pastebin | n-iCe08:22
ubotun-iCe: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:22
n-iCeoops damn copy paste08:22
n-iCeyeah yeah I know08:22
bazhangplease dont flood n-iCe08:22
bazhangtiltedwindmills: what card do you have and what drivers and how were they installed08:23
gatestonethx bazhang, I will08:23
LukeL_Anyone know what the next codename for 2009 will be?08:23
biki want to install yahoo messenger bt itz not08:24
bikwer i can find libssl0.9.608:25
Survivormanintrepid ibex is after heron, not sure after that LukeL_08:25
tiltedwindmillshmm video built into laptop so I don't really know anything more than ati something.  the 7.10 install process installed non-free drivers08:25
LukeL_bik have you tried pidgin? It has support for yahoo I believe08:25
n-iCewhere can I get it?08:25
ishbibenobabout finished08:25
cwillusomething jaguar I bet08:25
bazhang@apple lawsuit08:26
Survivormanjolly juicebox08:26
LukeL_jealous jaguar08:26
ishbibenobyeah tell me about it08:26
cwillugelatinous jellyfish08:26
LukeL_I don't know what an intrepid or an ibex is..08:26
LukeL_I better do some research08:27
bazhang!info pidgin | n-iCe08:27
ubotun-ice: pidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.2.1-1ubuntu4.1 (gutsy), package size 589 kB, installed size 1720 kB08:27
cwillukinda like a deer I think08:27
cwillumaybe a moose08:27
tiltedwindmillsATi Mobility Radeon X1600  found it.08:27
Survivormanintrepid is fearless, ibex is like a deer with antlers08:27
n-iCebazhang I mean the tcl08:27
mEck0Hi! If I'm the owner to a folder, it it possible to set permissions so that another user can both read and write to it, though, a second user can only read from my folder?08:27
bazhangtiltedwindmills: my question has three parts; what drivers and how installed08:28
blue-frogmEck0: with acl yes08:28
LukeL_cwillu that's an impala :P08:28
Survivorman*big antlers; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibex08:28
n-iCei think i did it08:28
tiltedwindmillsthe 7.10 installer suggestes non-free drivers and I used them08:28
mEck0blue-frog: sorry, but what is acl?08:29
tiltedwindmillshow can I find out what drivers it installed08:29
blue-frogmEck0: access control list tools08:29
mEck0blue-frog: okay, thx, *googling*08:29
LukeL_thanks Survivorman08:29
blue-frogmEck0: http://www.vanemery.com/Linux/ACL/linux-acl.html08:29
unop__mEck0, you can do them without ACLs .. using groups and ownership ..08:30
bazhangtiltedwindmills: check the restricted drivers manager; is that in use/enabled?08:30
mEck0blue-frog: thx a lot!08:30
Survivormannp LukeL_08:30
maestrotechhey guys, what does this command do?:  "find ./ -name *.db | awk rm"08:30
mEck0blue-frog: but it's not possible without acl just with chmod right? as I understood it08:30
cwillumaestrotech, probably deletes a bunch of files08:30
unop__maestrotech, that's a shoddy command, removes all *.db files (recursively) from the current directory08:31
blue-frogmEck0: not what you want to do08:31
tiltedwindmillsyes, it is in use and installed ati accelerated graphics driver and wifi driver08:31
unop__mEck0, not just chmod, you need groups, so you need chgrp08:31
maestrotechcwillu , unop__: that's what I thought it did....but the files seem to still be there.08:31
mEck0blue-frog: ok08:31
mEck0unop__: I see08:31
bazhangtiltedwindmills: and you want to up the resolution? what is the precise nature of your problem08:32
maestrotechunop__: but the first time i ran it...i heard the hard drive rumble.08:32
maestrotechunop__: I'm scared.08:32
unop__maestrotech, you probably need this.  find ./ -name *.db -exec rm '{}' \;08:32
unop__maestrotech, i dont think "awk rm" does what it appears to be doing there, i'm not very used to awk but i guess that's invalid awk syntax08:33
Peddydoes anyone know where I can find the plugin shown here (the terminal window one): http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3159/2394773080_c74ba27f87_b.jpg08:33
unop__maestrotech, but find still will look for all those files (which is why you hear your drive spin)08:33
bazhangPeddy: for gutsy?08:33
ishbibenobcwillu, Since I am waiting for my virtual box file to still backup let me ask you a question, once I find the file that is causing the problem will deleting it be the solution or moving it?08:34
Peddybazhang: correct08:34
Peddybazhang: is it even possible?08:34
blue-frogPeddy: mozilla. lightning calendar08:34
tiltedwindmillsbazhang:  current resolution is 1280x1024, native is 1680x1040.   distorted screen is hard to read08:35
Peddyblue-frog: the terminal window one?08:35
n-iCewhat's xubuntu?  linux-x86  linux_x86_64 , linux-powerpc, linux-sparc or what?08:35
blue-frogPeddy: oh no08:35
Peddyblue-frog: ok, thanks anyway08:35
bazhangtiltedwindmills: could you pastebin your xorg.conf please?08:36
blue-frogPeddy: that's avant window navigator feature08:36
unop__Peddy, looks like that windows just has it's "window decorations" removed .. I dont use gnome so i cant say where this is .. but have a look in tht' window's menu (right click title bar) or in the terminal's options08:36
Survivormann-iCe, refers to computer architecture.08:36
Simarsonanyone there can tell me what program i need or what to do to get 2 computers in network work togetehr08:36
maestrotechi found my mistake...i wanted  to use "xargs" not "awk"08:36
Survivormann-iCe, what computer do you have08:36
unop__maestrotech, ouch, careful, spelling mistakes on linux can be costly08:37
bazhanghttp://www.xubuntu.org/ n-iCe08:37
blue-frogSimarson: you need a crossed ethernet cable or a straight cable and a hub08:37
Peddyunop__: isn't it pointing out from the dock, though? I'm pretty sure its connected to it08:37
maestrotechunop__: indeed.08:38
Peddyblue-frog: oh yes, I know its AWN. Sorry :P08:38
blue-frogPeddy: shows the window when hovering the mouse on the icon08:38
n-iCeSurvivorman intel inside pentium 408:38
maestrotechunop__: my new command doesn't work either because of spaces in the directory name.08:38
unop__maestrotech, yep, thats another thing, you have to handle spaces well, or that can be disastrous too08:38
Survivormann-iCe, x8608:39
maestrotechunop__: I think i'm going to hurt myself tonight. ;)08:39
tiltedwindmillsbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62390/08:39
unop__maestrotech, find ./ -iname "*.db" -print0 | xargs -0 rm08:39
Survivormann-iCe, you're welcome08:39
clarkGambleunop__, yaaaa,that is a very cool and long command,man08:40
tiltedwindmillssimarson:  what were you thinking about when you said "work together"08:40
unop__maestrotech, or much better.  find ./ -iname "*.db" -exec rm '{}' \;08:40
_mawany suggest a notebook wireless NIC with good linux compatibility?08:40
maestrotechunop__: what you initially stated. ;)08:40
gatestonebazhang, I did post that to Brainstorm. Thx for you, voted and commented also other things, and became a brainstormer! Hooray for this community!08:40
kreyhi everyone08:40
bazhangtiltedwindmills: it reports your card as : Generic Video Card is that correct? and you are using glx?08:41
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kreyi need to know how can i change the resolution of the screen from the terminal08:41
tiltedwindmillsbad hardware detect08:41
bazhanggatestone: glad to be of assistance ;]08:41
tiltedwindmillsthe card is a  ATi Mobility Radeon X1600 256 MB GDDR308:42
tiltedwindmillsor so sez the docs08:42
damo23krey: xrandr --screen 0 --size 1024x768 --rate 6008:42
bazhangtiltedwindmills: how about trying sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and entering the correct info? use defaults or leave blank when you dont know08:43
maestrotechunop__: goodnight unop__, thanks for your help.08:43
gatestoneBtw, here is another brainstorming idea ;-) People who don't have much tech competence could just hang around here and praise and support others! Just being nice and some more niceness could make this channel even a better place!08:43
tiltedwindmillstrying that08:43
kreythanks damo23 i will try08:43
bazhanggatestone: that would create a flood most likely making here unreadable--nice sentiment though08:44
Simarsonblue-frog: I have a cable from both comp to a router. both are on the internet. but what now? do i need a program for the share files thing?08:45
ooo|oooHey People!08:46
ooo|oooI have alsways been using this to start my root-terminal: gksu /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator. Since a few days, it hangs for about 5 minutes, until the terminal is started. Any ideas?08:46
raphinkhi guys08:47
raphinkhas anyone ever used /etc/hushlogins instead of ~/.hushlogin ?08:47
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raphinkseems not :s08:48
cvd-prWhy ubuntu dont link to the dialy beta instead of the old beta? the mayority download the old beta i then they have to download alot of updates.......08:50
bazhangcvd-pr: beta? gutsy is final08:50
Simarsonanyone there can tell me how to share files with 2 comps wired together with a router?08:50
raphinkSimarson: depends on the OS on these computers08:51
cvd-prthas was just a quiestion08:51
raphinkand on how often you want to share files08:51
bazhangcvd-pr: gutsy is not in beta08:51
Simarsonubuntu offcause :)08:51
raphinkSimarson: is it for permanent shares or just once?08:51
cvd-pryeah but before beta?08:51
raphinkSimarson: then you can use NFS or samba08:51
raphinksamba will allow you to share with Windows easily08:52
cvd-prisay hardy08:52
Simarsonthey are both ubuntu no windows08:52
bazhangcvd-pr: no idea what you mean--gutsy has been out since october of last year08:52
raphinkSimarson: in this case, go for samba08:52
voidvoidguestis there a better program than xvidcap for screen capture?08:52
voidvoidguestxvidcap is xcrap08:52
cvd-prbazhang, i talk a bout the heron08:52
Simarsongfx program or terminal? samba?08:52
raphinkSimarson: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba08:52
blue-frog_Simarson: system/admininstration/shared folders08:52
bazhangthat is for discussion in another channel as you well know cvd-pr08:53
hischildvoidvoidguest, try recordmydesktop08:53
gatestoneThis suddenly stopped working: $ sudo ntpdate08:53
gatestone 7 Apr 09:52:29 ntpdate[7046]: no servers can be used, exiting08:53
cvd-prbazhang,  its not the OS that im talking, its the links08:53
kindofabuzzi need a proftpd guru to look at this config.  trying to get a buddies server runnin.  see anything wrong with it? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62391/08:54
bazhangcvd-pr: gutsy is not in beta; you are talking about heron; that is another channel QED.08:54
kindofabuzzhas directions for him =)08:54
voidvoidguestthanks for the hint hischild. i'll give it a shot08:55
maekhi all ... whats the best video driver to use with compiz ... X11, XV or OpenGL ??08:57
fx|RabBiti need to create a .deb package outa linux-uvc-source for my institute, how do i do that?08:58
raphinkanyone knows how to use /etc/hushlogins here?08:59
kindofabuzzfx|RabBit: install checkinstall, then instead of doing sudo make install you do sudo make checkinstall and it will make a deb08:59
fx|RabBitthat easy??09:00
hischildfx|RabBit, yes09:00
fx|RabBitthx alot m8;)09:00
tiltedwindmillshischild: will that work for python packages??09:01
maekwhy don't they all do that ?? whenever I go to a webpage with software available to download they never provide a deb package09:01
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hischildtiltedwindmills, it's a wrapper for installing source packages. If your python packages is from source, then you can install it with checkinstall.09:01
fx|RabBitkindofabuzz: one more quetsion: that linux-uvc-source installs a few other packags in the process is that being considered by checkinstall?09:01
kindofabuzzfx|RabBit: well you have to have all the dependancies to make that source, the checkinstall will include it all09:02
Admin__how come xchat connets almost instally on windows but takes 1-2 min on ubuntu.09:02
tiltedwindmillsall python is brm source unless it has a C extension09:02
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fx|RabBitkindofabuzz: ya saved me live dude!09:03
kindofabuzzfx|RabBit: when you do ./configure first, it will let you know what you're missing09:03
fx|RabBitkk thx m8!09:03
tiltedwindmillsIm sorry to say that I've forgotten the name of the person that helped with my video problem but your suggestion worked.  many thanks09:04
kindofabuzzyeah i love checkinstall, saves time so you don't have to remake from source after you do it once, just save that deb somewhere and you have it forever09:04
bazhangtiltedwindmills: success?09:04
fx|RabBitkindofabuzz: which is exactly the point, as we are servicing about 50 computers here...09:04
Admin__how come xchat connets almost instally on windows but takes 1-2 min on ubuntu.09:04
tiltedwindmillsbazhang: yes.  sucess09:04
kindofabuzzyup, there ya go09:05
bazhangtiltedwindmills: nice ;]09:05
bullgard4There are approx 150 *.db files on my Ubuntu 7.10 computer. One of them is /home/detlef/.evolution/addressbook/local/system/addressbook.db. I copied it in ~/tmp. What program can view this file? I tried db4.2_dump but was unsuccessful.09:05
tiltedwindmillsthe first reconfigure failed but on reboot it put me into another configuration utility that I was able to bludgeon into cooperating09:05
kindofabuzzfx|RabBit: suo apt-get install checkinstall09:05
maekAdmin__, is it exactly the same setup ?? are you connecting to the same number of IRC networks ??09:05
RedScarewell, I am not happy with usplash09:06
fx|RabBitkindofabuzz: yeah i know thx:)09:06
RedScarethere is just no way to force a widescreen usplash on my laptop09:06
Admin__maek, i only really connet to chat.freenode.net and connects too quickly but under ubuntu, it takes forever. the other network i connect to is irc.dal.net that quick on either system09:07
maekAdmin__, it could be that you need to DNS flush on Ubuntu ... but I don't know how to do that on Linux09:08
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork09:09
Admin__thanks for replying anyway maek i wil resolve the ip and connect to that instead, may be faster09:09
RedScareworthless ubotu09:09
RedScaregnome backlight manager doesn't work either09:10
RedScareand I can't figure out a way to make the RandR extensions that xbacklight uses integrate09:10
RedScarei don't think there is a way09:10
RedScaretoo many dependecies09:11
hischildwow just hit a new record: 350meg ram usage09:11
RedScareoh really?09:13
RedScarei just blew my vista partition09:13
hischilddid you make a picture of it?09:14
maeklol I haven't booted my Vista partition in like a fortnight09:14
RedScareI love and miss mine09:14
RedScarethe battery life on this core2 is astounding on vista09:14
RedScareI'm somewhat disappointed by the lack of power management here09:15
hischildi had it before on my laptop ... it drained the battery09:15
RedScarereally? I always got 3 1/2 hours on my 14.1 core 209:15
RedScareubuntu gives me 1hr45 if I'm lucky09:16
hischildubuntu made me happy with a nice increase ... went from 1,5 to 2,5 hours09:16
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RedScareintel or amd?09:16
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:16
RedScareyea, I've got an HP with and X2 in it09:17
RedScareruns fairly well, but kind of hot09:17
hischildathlon X2 tk-57 1,8 ghz on this end09:17
RedScareI like to be able to keep the unit in my lap for hours on end if need me09:17
RedScaretl-56 If I'm not mistaken over there09:17
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unop__RedScare, keeping anything on your lap for hours isn't a good idea .. especially if it generates heat :)09:18
maekand especially if you are a male09:19
RedScareno kidding, the AMD generates so much radiation I usually just use a text book between us09:19
RedScarei can't even feel the intel warm up09:19
hischildi don't have a prob with my amd ... barely cool in general09:20
RedScareof course, I could just be completely temperature numb down there by now09:20
RedScarei think I'm going to take an air pressure hose to that amd soon and see if something can be cleaned out09:20
jaffarkelshacmaek, i just connected using ip address, connects instantly now under ubuntu09:20
magnetronhischild, RedScare: your discussion would be much appreciated in #ubuntu-offtopic . please join us09:20
RedScaresometimes i really think its going to set my pants on fire09:21
hischildlet's go to offtopic?09:21
RedScareyea, I'm going to head over09:21
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ushimitsudokiLooking to add a 3rd monitor, would be using 2 NVIDIA 8800GTS 512 cards. 7.10 amd64. Anyone doing something like this?09:22
maekyeah its prob a DNS issue Admin__09:23
jendaI cannot play a .wmv file, apparently because the audio codec is "wma v3". I can normally play these files (ubuntu-restricted-extras installed).09:23
maektry playing it in VLC jenda09:24
maeksudo apt-get install vlc   (I think thats the command)09:24
hischildmaek, yes it is09:24
leo|lapI'm looking for a nice system monitoring program, wich can log system stats at some specific hours during the day. I tried searching but all i find is graphical desktop solutions that "looks cool" :)09:25
maekhischild, VLC does play .wmv files IIRC .. not sure why it isn't playing for your setup09:26
Viking667hi all. Really quick question: ubuntu 7.04 or 7.10, I've got gstreamer-plugins-ugly and gstreamer-plugins-bad installed, yet totem still insists it can't play a dvd.09:26
hischildmaek, wrong nick. It was jenda09:26
Viking667and my wxvlc is shiyte at playing the dvd.....09:26
maekoh sorry ..09:26
=== also is now known as rootpt
hischild!libdvdcss | Viking66709:27
ubotuViking667: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs09:27
bullgard4unop__: There are approx 150 *.db files on my Ubuntu 7.10 computer. One of them is /home/detlef/.evolution/addressbook/local/system/addressbook.db. I copied it in ~/tmp. What program can view this file? I tried db4.2_dump but was unsuccessful.09:27
hischildmaek, np =)09:27
bullgard4There are approx 150 *.db files on my Ubuntu 7.10 computer. One of them is /home/detlef/.evolution/addressbook/local/system/addressbook.db. I copied it in ~/tmp. What program can view this file? I tried db4.2_dump but was unsuccessful.09:27
Viking667ubotu: thank you. stupid thing is, wxvlc will PLAY the content, mostly fine... but totem won't even look at it.09:27
Viking667I'll go check that webpage now09:27
unop__bullgard4, errm, it depends really .. what does the 'file' have to say about that  file09:27
maekViking667, ubotu is a bot09:28
Viking667thank you hischild.09:28
Viking667yeah, so I just got told.09:28
maekjust to let you know : )09:28
bullgard4unop__: detlef@MD97600:~$ file  /home/detlef/.evolution/addressbook/local/system/addressbook.db; /home/detlef/.evolution/addressbook/local/system/addressbook.db: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 8, native byte-order)"09:28
maekbullgard4, all the db files are prob read by individual apps ... try using Evolution to view them09:29
unop__bullgard4, hmm, maybe you need a different utility to dump this file09:29
JPSmanhow do i join another IRC server?09:30
bullgard4maek: Ok, thank you for commenting.09:30
chrislabeardanyone ever installed a shoutcast sever inside ubuntu09:30
maekJPSman what IRC client ??09:31
bullgard4unop__: I will try to find another utility to view *.db files. --  Thank you.09:31
Viking667bah. I'm faced with installing xine anyhow.09:31
Viking667ta for the pointer, though.09:31
bullgard4unop__: (My native language is not English.) I suppose that 'errm' is an interjection. Does it express disgust?09:32
maekit means that someone is thinking bullgard409:33
Viking667no, it is "um." as in "I'm not sure I should say anything"09:33
maekno um is where you are trying to think of something09:34
maekhrrmmm or errm is the same although used in a different context09:34
unop__bullgard4, errm no, it expresses un-surety :)09:34
geirhabullgard4: if you are on gutsy, try installing db4.6-util, which is some  berkley db command-line utils. Using db4.6_dump on that .db-file might be what you want09:35
bullgard4unop__, maek: Thank you for explaining.09:35
maeknp mate09:36
unop__bullgard4, yea, as geirha said db4.6_dump does indeed produce output09:36
bullgard4geirha: I already downloaded db4.2-util. I'm going to download db4.6-util. --  Thank you.09:36
fx|RabBitkindofabuzz: have an idea how i can get checkinstall to work if i dont use make instlal in the process but m-a prepare and m-a a-i linux-uvc?09:36
=== ICQnumber is now known as ICQnumber_
kindofabuzzfx|RabBit: no man i have no idea sorry09:37
fx|RabBitkindofabuzz: kk thanx though..09:37
Timïðèâåò âñå09:37
Timbut iam russian=)09:37
DJones!ru | Tim09:38
ubotuTim: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:38
geirhabullgard4: 4.2 will probably work as well09:38
TimDJones: thank you ;)09:39
Viking667hmm. as for what is said in the link passed to me about gstreamer, I've got all those gstreamer items installed, yet dvds simply don't work for me.09:39
maekI have a question ... whats the best video driver under compiz .... X11 XV or OpenGL ??09:39
Viking667(well, one doesn't anyhow. not sure about the other)09:39
theTravhello, I've got a machine in the other room that starts a vnc server when I log in to it, but I don't have any peripherals attached at the moment.  I can ssh in, does anyone know if I can get it to open an X session with a vnc server running?09:40
eax_Can anyone tell me how to enable the danish spelling corretion in OOo?09:40
Viking667meeper: I'd possibly suggest opengl, but that rather depends upon what video card you have, and what drivers are installed for it, both from a kernel and X perspective.09:41
kindofabuzztheTrav: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402  read the last page, i corrected the OP's errors, but other than that, that's how i got mine working, wish i could help more, going to bed09:41
marekhello, I need xchat package for ubuntu with debug symbols, how to get it?09:43
kindofabuzztheTrav: since you don't have a monitor, to enable XDMCP, it's in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf, also in that file set DisallowTCP=false and uncomment RemoteLogin09:43
kindofabuzzand then follow that guide09:43
eax_Can anyone tell me how to enable the danish spelling corretion in OpenOffice.org?09:44
bullgard4unop__: "db4.6_dump does indeed produce output" but only ASCII numbers. I'd rather read text. Is there a utility that produces text?09:44
bullgard4geirha: Yesterday I tried  4.2 but it produced (ASCII) numbers only.09:45
maekcheers Viking66709:45
ishbibenobcwillu you still on?09:45
ishbibenobI located the file it was a .conf file09:46
bullgard4eax_: I believe that it will work automatically if you have set Danish locales for your Ubuntu. At least this worked for me with German.09:47
Viking667Right. I'm outta here. Thank you.09:48
geirhabullgard4: man db4.6_dump   # try the -l and -s options09:48
mmm4m5mHelp: my system suddently reboot. how to prevent it in future? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62396/09:48
mmm4m5mHelp: nothing in syslog, nothing in lost&found. What else I could check?09:48
eax_bullgard4: The problem is that locaes it set to english :) And not even the english spelling correcter works :/09:49
bullgard4eax_: So your problem is not routed in the locales but rather in OpenOffice.org. And is not Danish specific.09:50
eax_bullgard4: Yes :)09:51
faLUCE i'm trying to increas the maximum number of fds allowable for my_user; i have added this line in /etc/security/limits.conf:  my_user     -       nproc   50000 .... however after rebooting the number of procs remains the same: 1024 ... any suggestion? thnks09:51
corinthaMSN picks up my webcam, so does gstreamer properties, on the v4l2src pipeline. However, Cheese doesn't start my webcam. Help?09:52
* mark[oz] away09:53
alanbshepard70I like poking around the repos to find new programs which is fun but I often run into the situation where I've installed a package and it doesn't show up anywhere, there is no shortcut/launcher for it and using terminal the file name isn't the command. How can I find out the command to launch/execute a package when the package name isn't it?09:54
thoreauputicalanbshepard70: try  dpkg -L <packagename> | grep bin09:54
thoreauputicnote capital L09:54
bullgard4geirha: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/161741/09:55
alanbshepard70thoreauputic: Thanks I'll try it.09:55
Draenomwhat is a metapackage?09:55
osfameronalanbshepard70: or if you're in synaptic, right click on the package you've just installed, and look for "installed files"09:55
Draenomemacs - The GNU Emacs editor (metapackage)09:56
Draenomemacs22 - The GNU Emacs editor (Emacs 22)09:56
Draenomwhich one to install?09:56
thoreauputicalanbshepard70:  dpkg -L <package> shows all files - the grep looks for ones in a bin dir. For games use dpkg -L <package> | grep games09:56
bullgard4eax_: May be you can extract an error message and report it here in its full length.09:56
thoreauputicalanbshepard70: or use osfameron 's sensible suggestion :)09:56
alanbshepard70ok I'll try both. Thanks guys.09:57
thoreauputicDraenom: in simple termes, a list of dependencies - a metapackage lists packages for a task so that apt / aptitude /synaptic will install them09:57
geirhabullgard4: ok, only one database inside that file then, so -s is useless. I guess those numbers are all you get then :/09:57
Draenomthoreauputic so i need the emacs22 one?09:58
akritazhello am having some problems with my wireless network on a compaq presario f500 i cannot get it to work. can someone help me out?09:58
thoreauputicDraenom: I have no idea :) What are you wanting to do?09:58
bullgard4geirha: Ok. Thank you.09:58
Draenomthoreauputic  i need the emacs editor09:59
bullgard4akritaz: " cannot get it to work." is no exact description.09:59
thoreauputicDraenom: ah I see - well IIRC that packages is for the X ( graphical) version. If you jsut install emacs it might be the cli version09:59
thoreauputicDraenom: check the output of  apt-cache depends emacs  (and/or or emacs22 )10:00
akritazbullgard4: it doesnt work at all it doesnt recognize any wireless connectionss and the blue led doesnt light on. i am a newbie10:00
Draenomi have no idea what you just said (... i`ve just installed my linux, so i`m here like for the first time10:00
eax_bullgard4: There is no error :/10:01
hackerlittlei need someone who can teach me how to hack shop admin and get emaillist10:02
hackerlittlei need someone who can teach me how to hack shop admin and get emaillist10:02
hackerlittlei need someone who can teach me how to hack shop admin and get emaillist10:02
hackerlittlei need someone who can teach me how to hack shop admin and get emaillist10:02
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!10:02
XB23lol wtf10:02
Timwhat is wtf?10:03
Timiam noob)10:03
XB23what the frig10:03
redeslinuxhi everybody10:03
XB23only frig is sometimes a stronger word10:03
akritazbullguard4: ?10:03
redeslinuxi need to know how can i configure the resolution of the screen from the terminal10:03
damo23redeslinux: xrandr10:04
thoreauputicredbox:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:04
unop_bullgard4, do you program in any language?10:04
redeslinuxi was trying to start the graphical interface but the monitor doesn'work10:04
thoreauputic*cough* redeslinux ^^10:04
damo23redeslinux:  xrandr --screen 0 --size 1024x768 --rate 6010:05
thoreauputicsorry redbox10:05
redeslinuxdamo23 i tried that command10:05
redeslinuxbut it show Can not display screen 010:05
thoreauputicredeslinux: try the one I gave - keep your monitor manual handy to give vert and horiz synch rates etc.10:05
damo23redeslinux: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:06
thoreauputic!fixres | redeslinux10:06
uboturedeslinux: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:06
mmm4m5mHelp: my system crashed. Nothing in syslog http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62396/ . What else I can check? How to enable more details in log file?10:06
bullgard4unop_: I have been developing hardware. Within this scope I programmed timers, PIOs and such devices. I do not program any more as a professional programmer does. I do sporadic programming if my Ubuntu does not hibernate properly and such things.10:08
Timbullgard4: ëàí ëàí èäè íàõóé10:08
unop_bullgard4, what I was getting at was, there are libraries for different programming languages that allow to load and parse the contents of a Berkeley DB File, like for e.g. http://www.unix.org.ua/orelly/perl/prog/ch07_008.htm10:09
chrislabeardgeorge bush10:10
icesworddoing what there10:11
chrislabeardcounting corn10:11
chrislabeardpor que10:12
sharadgI am facing issues in the network manager applet. Its not showing the wirless  networks. I am on hardy10:12
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu10:12
chrislabeardgood way to discover new bands10:12
DJones!ot | chrislabe10:12
ubotuchrislabe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:12
cYmenif i don't use gnome as session is there something i need to do to use multiple audio sources at once?10:15
Draenomwhat was the package name10:16
Draenomfor skype?10:16
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto10:16
Sinnermanif i want to prune the services that are started up at boot-time, would it be advisable to use sysvconfig, or something else? what would be my best choices?10:17
akritazhello am having some problems with my wireless network on a compaq presario f500 i cannot get it to work. it doesnt work at all it doesnt recognize any wireless connectionss and the blue led doesnt light on. i am a newbie can someone help me out?10:17
Draenomi should reAlly get used to using channel bots ) they seem to be very neat10:17
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:18
cYmenhow can i find out wether a program uses alsa or oss? is that possible? e.g. using filehandles for devices or something?10:19
gatestone_Sinnerman, start with Sys/Pref/Services (on Gutsy)10:19
gatestone_Sinnerman Sys/Adm/Services10:20
Sinnermangatestone_: already been there, and taken a few things off. i still have about 140 running processes after a clean boot.10:20
maekakritaz some ideas: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=504255&highlight=compaq+presario+f500+wireless&page=210:20
gatestone_cYmen, if you ever find a recent one-article explanation/overview of ALSA, tell me too!10:21
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:22
=== Shubbar_ is now known as Shubbar
bkhow do i install the "mail" utility in dapper draper?10:24
bkdapper drake*10:24
cYmengatestone_: mh you, too :)10:26
powersoundhello guys am having problem with my grafic card it doesnt seem to work i think its abug anyone care to help me out ?10:27
SlimGAnyone here know of a Ubuntu(ish) WordPress theme (not Udienz's tango theme)?10:29
damo23powersound:  lspci to pastebin10:29
geirhabk: in gutsy the package is called mailx. Probably the same in dapper10:29
bkin what package can i find the "mail" command?10:29
bkgeirha: ill try10:29
Timòóò åñòü ðóññêèå?))10:30
ishbibenobcwillu, if you see this, it was some inside of .conf\startup some compiz start up thing anyway just thought I would let you know10:30
powersounddamo23 2 sec10:30
cwilluishbibenob, hey;  sorry, just had to run out10:30
cwilluishbibenob, got it working?10:30
ishbibenobyeah, it was some xserver file10:30
bkgeirha: thanks10:31
ishbibenobeverything is fine now10:31
ishbibenobThanks for all your help10:31
cwilluokay, good10:31
prohnai was trying to install driver for radeon 8500 and now i have low resolution and cant fix it10:31
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:31
ishbibenobcwillu, are you on this often, is this the best place for solving problems?10:31
cwilluishbibenob, yes, and it's a decent place10:31
powersounddamo23 : http://pastebin.com/m6add466910:31
cwilluubuntuforums and the ubuntu mailing lists tend to get more thought out responses10:32
cwilluishbibenob, ^^^10:32
damo23VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation MCP51 PCI-X GeForce Go 6100 (rev a2)10:32
ishbibenobWell I like the live help stuff, anyway, thanks again, maybe see you on here in the future10:32
izzy_hey anyone on?10:32
cwilluishbibenob, I'm pretty much always logged in, if you message me I'll usually get back within a couple hours if I'm not around10:32
powersounddamo23 : i cant use any grafics my resolution is 800x600 dont know why10:32
bkcan somebody tell me excalty what this means?10:32
bkdraper.2t.local : Nov 16 10:14:02 : 224081 : user NOT in sudoers ; TTY=pts/2 ; PWD=/home/krkr ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/su10:32
ishbibenobsounds good late10:33
izzy_anyone know anything about Partition disk on ubuntu server?10:33
izzy_No root file system.   No root file system is defined.10:34
prohnayea that site tells me to use the restricted driver manager10:34
A[D]minS^AwaYhow to convert FAT32 to EXT3 without losing data  ?10:34
izzy_anyone got any ideas how to fix this?10:34
bkizzy_: / has to have a filesystem10:34
prohnabut the manager says im not using any drivers10:34
=== |Porsche is now known as |Carrera
izzy_hey bk  this is what i have10:35
powersounddamo23 ?10:35
prohnait was working until i screwed with the driver lol now im stuck10:35
cYmengatestone_: http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin10:35
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:35
damo23!nvidia |powersound10:36
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org10:36
ubotupowersound: please see above10:36
|Carreradoes anyone know how to get rid of the borders on the panels at the desktop in gnome? very annoying when they are not expanded.10:36
izzy_bk >  LVM vg system, LV root 8.6 gb10:36
izzy_its already got the root10:36
A[D]minS^AwaYno one know how to convert from vfat to ext3?10:37
prohnaanyone else got an idea how i can get outa 600x480 resolution with this radeon 850010:37
_rubenA[D]minS^AwaY: backup, change fs type, format, restore10:37
A[D]minS^AwaY_ruben, nothing else?10:38
_rubenA[D]minS^AwaY: highly doubt that10:38
geirhaA[D]minS^AwaY: You can't, you have to remove the vfat, and create an ext3 in its place. All data on the vfat will be lost10:38
izzy_anyone g ot any idea why it says no root file system is defined   on install ?10:39
asusuhello. Is there a way to have nvidia-settings set up desktop resolution correctly every time I boot up? Currently, if I run nvidia-settings to set desktop resolution, when I reboot this doesn't get restored.10:39
akritazdamo23 i enabled the grafic card how to i change the resolution ?10:40
wershow do I make the cairo-clock lose it's black box border? :)10:41
bullgard4unop_: "there are libraries for different programming  languages that allow to load and parse the contents of a Berkeley DB File." I do not know much about Perl. What about C?10:41
=== sami_ is now known as sami
unop_bullgard4, the Berkeley DB library was written in C, so sure10:42
izzy_anyone know anything about LVM configuration ?10:42
kandinskihey, I have somehow lost the ability to dim the laptop's screen using fn+fkeys, does anybody know how to reconfigure those?10:42
samisami_, don't steal my nick!10:42
akritazguys i have enabled my grafic card but on system>preferences>screen resolution i cant change the resolution of my screen anyone ?10:43
DJones!fixres | akritaz, This is a good starter on solving screen resolution problems10:43
ubotuakritaz, This is a good starter on solving screen resolution problems: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:43
samiHi, i'v got some trouble, is there anyway to preconfigure that ubuntu should choose kdm over gdm before the install of kdm. As it is right now i'm beeing prompted for which desktop manager i want when i install KDM.10:44
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:47
chimp_Is there a way to scroll up the terminal when connected to a computer through ssh (also using screen)10:47
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:49
thoreauputicswarp74: this isn't a warez channel ;p10:50
h0ax I installed xubuntu last night on my PPC ... and i booted it up this morning and it gets to the stage were the logo appears and the little progress bar comes on ... it moves a tiny bit then doesn't move at all ... any ideas ?  there's no-one in #xubuntu i thought mayube someone here could help10:51
Draenomcan I change the icons of my links?10:51
emmawhy has everything stopped?10:53
DJonesakritaz: yes, I'm here10:54
perhamlinuxhi guys10:54
perhamlinuxany one here?10:54
perhamlinuxwow, either I can't see any responses or ubuntu chanell is empty10:56
GOfree! etiquette10:57
ubotuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...10:57
slackernJust really quiet right now.10:57
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.10:58
GOfree! language10:58
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:58
GOfree! channels10:59
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines10:59
jpatrick!msgthebot | GOfree10:59
ubotuGOfree: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.10:59
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!11:00
naliothemma: ?11:01
emmaSomething is wrong11:01
emmaeverything stopped and I've seen some people spamming the bot. Maybe that's what's part of it.11:01
slackernJust about what i see too :)11:01
corinthDoes anyone know of a program I can use to keep two folders in sync with each other?11:02
DJones!rsync | corinth11:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rsync - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:02
prince_jammys!info rsync11:02
DJonescorinth: have a look at rsync11:02
akritazanyone can help me out to add the horizSync and VertRefresh values to "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" ?11:02
ubotursync (source: rsync): fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 2.6.9-5ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 256 kB, installed size 516 kB11:02
Ward1983_im at school, someone has a build in atheros based wificard, so the restricted driver got installed automatically, but there no wifi interface when i do ifconfig :s11:02
Ward1983_what can be the problem?11:02
corinthDJones, thanks!11:02
Frodolixhow can I uninstall xgl?11:03
jpatrickFrodolix: sudo apt-get remove xserver-xgl11:04
Frodolixjpatrick: thanks11:04
Draenompeople help plz... i installed vlc player, now i have the video but no sound11:05
Ward1983_what can be the problem?11:06
Ward1983_im at school, someone has a build in atheros based wificard, so the restricted driver got installed automatically, but there no wifi interface when i do ifconfig :s11:06
Ward1983_and nmapplet doesnt show wifi11:06
xoobhi, what's the best windows (xp) emulator for ubuntu?11:10
Frodoli1how can I make compiz working without installing xgl?11:10
DJones!wine | xoob11:10
ubotuxoob: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.11:10
xoobDJones, thanks but the apps I'd like to run don't work with wine11:11
hollow_hello people11:11
DJones!cedega | xoob, There is also this, although I think its one that you have to pay for11:11
ubotuxoob, There is also this, although I think its one that you have to pay for: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega11:11
Frodoli1how can I make compiz working without installing xgl?11:12
cpk1xoob what apps do you need to run that arent working?11:12
Oli``is it possible to move applications from one X session to another (without losing running data)?11:14
xoobcpk1, just some ms apps, internet exploder, some ide tools for school and some other crappy app11:15
cpk1I thought older versions of explorer work with wine...11:17
ChousukeOli``: not really. :/11:17
cpk1you can always try virtualization if you absolutely needs windows11:17
Oli``xoob: IE6 runs fin under Wine11:17
DJones!ies4linux | xoob, There is this, although its no officially supported11:18
ubotuxoob, There is this, although its no officially supported: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!11:18
xoobcpk1, ok what do you think is the best virualization?11:18
achadwickIt so happens that I'm putting a package of ies4linux together, of the downloader variety (obviously). Watch this space :)11:19
Oli``xoob: VirtualBox. VMWare comes in a close second, let down by its price11:19
xoobDJones, interesting thanks for tip11:20
XB23vmware has a free version11:20
Oli``XB23: but it's rubbish compared to virtualbox =)11:20
xoobOli``, which one is the fastest of those?11:20
XB23ive not tried virtualbox11:20
xoobthat can utilize most hardware etc11:21
Oli``xoob: VirtualBox is ever-so-slightly faster in most tests.. VMWare has slightly better performing networking if I remember correctly but networking isn't an issue unless you're planning on using a full gigbit connection =)11:21
ubotuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org11:22
xoobOli``, thanks virtualbox it is then11:22
eth01hi hi :)11:25
poisonlast time I shutdown my computer the pc-speaker started screaming, is there a log for this that I should check?11:26
francesco_Hello. I have problem. I can't hear any sound from Ubuntu (I have in a second partition Windows XP, so I know the problem is not physical). It seems that alsamixer works, but I can't hear anything. Could someone help me, please?11:27
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nuccofrancesco_: what model of laptop?11:27
francesco_I have a PC.11:28
francesco_My problem started just yesterday.11:28
nuccofrancesco_: oh, some intel hda soundcards exhibit that kind of behaviour. i suggest you search ubuntu forums.11:28
ricaneliteim having a hard time playing .avi files with Mplayer Movie Player11:28
Frodoli1how can I update my video card11:29
nuccofrancesco_: started just yesterday means it worked before then?11:29
ricaneliteI downloaded the latest codecs but it stats to play and then it cuts off11:29
francesco_nucco: Yes.11:29
Frodoli1how can I update my video card's driver?11:29
ricanelitecan it just be the avi file is corrupted?11:29
ricaneliteFrodoli1, what type of card do you have?11:29
nuccofrancesco_: make sure you don't have an important slider turned all the way down in the mixer. i assume you're using gnome?11:29
francesco_I followed the procedure https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting but it didn't work. It seems that Ubuntu recognizes the soundcard, but it doesn't work.11:30
francesco_Yes, nucco.11:30
francesco_nucco: What do you mean by slider?11:30
nuccofrancesco_: in a terminal type "lspci" without the quotes, it you should be able to tell your soundcard by reading the output. pls post its name here11:31
nuccofrancesco_: sliders are those things you move up or down to raise or lower the volume :)11:31
francesco_nucco: They are ok.11:32
zmattanyone had the problem with gnome-terminal with the "n" key opening a new terminal ?11:32
nuccofrancesco_: find out what soundcard you have then.11:32
nuccozmatt: it means 'shift' and 'ctrl' are probably stuck down11:33
francesco_nucco: It's a sound blaster live. It uses emu10k1 as driver.11:33
zmattnucco: checked that...they're not...11:33
zmattweird one...11:33
nuccozmatt: maybe some accessibility feature is enabled causing the confusion?11:33
nuccofrancesco_: looks like you gotta check ubuntu forums11:34
francesco_nucco: I did. I did.11:34
nuccofrancesco_: poor tweety. lemme see what that troubleshooting page says11:34
francesco_I've also typed aplay -l and to see if Ubuntu recognizes the soundcard, and it does.11:35
nuccofrancesco_: a shot in the dark, but do "sudo modprobe emu10k1" in a terminal... i assume emu10k1 is the driver name.11:36
francesco_nucco: It is.11:36
nuccofrancesco_: for those intel cards I was telling you about, sometimes the sound fails to work after resuming from hibernate...11:37
francesco_nucco: What do you mean?11:37
nuccofrancesco_: i mean you should attempt a reboot :)11:38
francesco_I did.11:38
francesco_nucco: Reboot or reinstall?11:38
blue112Hello everyone11:39
MindSparkhi, I want to add a keyboard shortcut to change keyboard mapping. What do I do ? I am using xubuntu11:39
francesco_nucco: Is it possible that a virus damaged emu10k1?11:39
nuccofrancesco_: just try a livecd, if it works, then you know its just a misconfiguration somewhere. no need to reinstall just yet. i'm sure you'll find help from someone in here11:39
* N3bunel saluta11:39
blue112I have a problem with my sound card on my laptop. lspci gives me one, put aplay -l says "No sound card found"11:39
MindSparkfrancesco_, I doubt it11:40
nuccofrancesco_: possible, but very improbable :)11:40
blue112lspci line : 00:07.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 20)11:40
nuccofrancesco_: you could attempt to reinstall the package that provides that driver... not sure what it is though.11:40
MindSparktechnically yes, but logically no, hehe11:40
GlenQuagmireMindSpark: you have to look into xmodmap11:40
MindSparkGlenQuagmire, thanks11:40
francesco_nucco: MindSpark: Thank you for now. I´ll try so.11:40
blue112Can someone help me :( ?11:41
MindSparkblue112, maybe you need to configure aplay ?11:41
bullgard4Why does Ubuntu provide so many different versions of DEB program packages of the Berkeley database, for example lbdb3 = 'Berkeley v3 Database Libraries', libdb4.2, libdb4.3 etc?11:41
blue112I don't think this is an aplay problem11:42
blue112I think I don't have the good driver11:42
MindSparkblue112, sound drivers on linux can run on ALSA or OSS11:42
MindSparkwhich one are you using ?11:42
blue112I'm using alsa ^^11:42
fabioya des francais?11:43
blue112Mais va plutot sur #ubuntu-fr11:43
fabiojsui news alors je conpran pa bien11:43
samiHi, i'v got some trouble, is there anyway to preconfigure that ubuntu should choose kdm over gdm before the install of kdm. As it is right now i'm beeing prompted for which desktop manager i want when i install KDM.11:45
blue112MindScape, do you know how can I fix my sound problem ?11:45
Draenompeople, where can I get cedega?11:45
MindSparksami, get kubuntu11:45
MindSparkDraenom, www.justfuckinggoogleit.com11:45
DraenomMindSpark i found the official site but they ask for money there11:46
Draenomthat really sux11:46
samiMindSpark, you obviesly don't understand my question.11:46
blue112Draenom, wine-hq.org11:46
zmattDraenom: cedega is a pay for application11:47
zmattbut it's not that much11:47
MindSparksami, yes obviously, would you maybe try to rephrase ?11:47
MindSparkDraenom, cedega is for money when you want support to compile it11:47
Draenomand if i don`t?11:47
MindSparkDraenom, then you go through the entire process yourself. I am not sure if that's still the policy though11:48
samiI have an preseeded install for an unattended install. I need kdm to work with AD interaction and need KDM to be installed w/o any questions.11:48
DraenomMindSpark  will i be able to play CS through wine?11:49
MindSparkDraenom, I don't know. Never tried that, but you can give it a shot I guess11:49
MindSparksami, you only have to install KDE once, what would be the problem to go through the installation steps ?11:49
samiKDM not KDE11:50
bowen0507hey, i have a python script that performs some ifconfig operations which you need to be a super user. These scripts happen at boot in ~/.xinitrc which is linked to ~/.xsession11:50
blue112Draenom, yes, that's works11:50
samiI don't want KDE11:50
m4gnu5ah - i am in ;-)11:50
bowen0507I have a problem where the script fails because it isn't a super user11:50
Draenomblue112 is it hard to configure it all?11:50
samiWhen i have GDM and try to install KDM i get a question shellwise which DM i want to use. I want to skip that question telling it to only choose KDM automaticlly11:51
MindSparksami, oh, sorry, my bad. Concentration problems this morning.11:51
blue112Draenom, no, just go appdb.wine-hq.org, search counter strike11:51
blue112and there should be a nice howto :)11:52
francesco_nucco: I'm back. It is a misconfiguration problem. The audio with the live cd worked.11:52
samiMindSpark, no, problems11:52
* nucco scratches head11:52
GOfreegotta go...11:52
MindSparksami, did you have a look at /etc/xorg ?11:52
nuccofrancesco_: do you recall doing anything that could have caused it?11:53
Draenomblue112  ok thanks bbut its winehq not wine-hq11:53
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MindSparksami, that would be /etc/X11 on some machines11:53
francesco_nucco: I've downloaded files using aMule. :D11:53
chimpUsing dual screens both with seperate x sessions, is it possible to send programs between screens, and how?11:53
samiMindSpark, That still not the same thing :).11:53
nuccofrancesco_: ROTFLOL11:53
samiIt's an apt question..11:53
samiCan i for example pipe a answer to apt.11:54
Dr_future.seen me11:54
damo23chimp: sounds a bit tricky since theyre separate x sessions11:54
nuccofrancesco_: not sure which way to lead you. are you by chance inside #alsa ?11:54
* nucco guesses that a channel called #alsa exists :)11:54
JPSmanis it possible to use my linksys AP as my wireless router?11:54
blue112Can someone help me to make work my sound ?11:55
chimpdamo23: The only reason i have seperate x sessions is that i dont like that it stretches the screen on the twin view thing11:55
francesco_nucco: No. But it seems that alsamixer works. I can regulate the sliders, and Ubuntu recognizes the soundcard. It just doesn't work.11:55
francesco_join #alsa11:55
martiinihow do I create a shortcut of a ntfs partition folder on gnome desktop?11:55
chimpis it possible to have both screens able to work on one session, and allow one screen to then go onto another workspace?11:55
unop__sami, what do you mean exactly?11:55
nalphahello... just want to know, there is a way to run a graphic program in spesific user logged ini. Example: I connect to my client with ssh, and i Run mozilla firefox http://www.detik.com like that... any clue?? thanx?11:55
jtravnickis there a way to make rhythmbox to play more random? I start it with shuffle but its seems like it plays the same songs over and over again would think with over 600 songs it would take a little longer before it plays the same ones again11:55
damo23chimp: i successfully did that using xfce11:55
Frogzoochimp: it's possible, multiple screens requires hacking your xorg.conf, it's fiddly11:55
ricanelitei just install miro and i dont see it on my application>internet section11:56
nuccofrancesco_: yeah, i've seen that kind of behaviour before, but in my case, it was because alsa didn't properly support the card. which isn't the issue in this case.11:56
JPSmandamo23: what is an x session?11:56
ricanelitehow can I make it a icon shortcut so i wont have to type in every time in the terminal or Alt+F211:56
samiunop_, When i'm apt-getting kdm i get an ncurses gui that wants me to choose GDM or KDM. I don't want that gui i just want it to automaticlly choose kdm over gdm. no questions asked11:56
=== solid_liq is now known as solid_li`
damo23JPSman: its the graphical interface you use instead of typing at a terminal11:57
francesco_nucco: What does it mean? Does it mean that typing "aplay -l" you didn't see your soundcard?11:57
chimpIm using that nvidia-settings thing to help configure it11:57
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chimpbut it gives errors sometimes, but not others11:57
samiunop_, apt-get changes the init scripts for boot but if i change them manually the question will still popup.11:57
chimpits odd11:57
unop__sami, sure, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow debconf .. and choose 'high'11:57
chimpgoing to restart x11:57
simplynamhi to all11:57
jaffarkelshaci am trying to auto mount my nfts paritions, i read i should put (auto default 0 1) into the fstab and someone else said (nfts default 0 0) which is right and what does 0 0 stand for.11:57
iceswordsimplynam, hi11:58
* simplynam needs bestwishes and prayers for Love11:58
maekhey simplynam11:58
pharohhey,when using anjuta,eclipse en almost all the IDE's,why is the hello world important?can a new programme be written that doesn't need hello world?11:58
samiunop_, What does that exactlly do?11:58
nuccofrancesco_: i saw the cards, but there was no sound. a sound card on the hp 530 laptop. never bothered to fix it, the owner just went back to winxp :(11:58
JPSmanIs it possible to use my linksys Access Point as a wireless router?11:58
unop__sami, some question just cannot be ignored tho .. as they are important to how your system is configured11:58
FrogzooJPSman: sure11:58
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unop__sami, apt-cache show debconf .. and you'll get an idea11:58
blue112pharoh, the hello world test is just a test ^^11:58
JPSmanFrogzoo: Can you point to some documentation?11:58
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blue112pharoh, when everything works ok and you see "Hello world" on your screen, you can delete the helloworld lines ^^11:59
francesco_nucco: Typing "aplay -l" the program lists a lot of "subdevices". I don't know what a subdevice is, but could that be the problem?11:59
FrogzooJPSman: there's a web interface on those things on
pharohblue112, ah.okay,i'll be ryt back...11:59
=== solidLiquid is now known as solid_liquid
samiunop_, Yes, well wont that affect all questions? Because the default answer would be GDM and i want it to change to kdm12:00
francesco_nucco: To go back to Windows XP is very sad. :D12:00
MindSparkwhat is the installation script called that is run after apt-get downloads packages ?12:01
JPSmanFragzoo: heh would you know my username and password by chance?12:01
unop__sami, if you have the GDM already (or KDE for that matter) and you install another DM (whether directly or through another package) .. it is quite logical to be asked whether you want the new DM to take over so as to avoid some nasty surprises (this isn't an example of where things can go very wrong, but there are instances where you must tell the installer just what to do)12:01
nuccofrancesco_: i feel confident that it would work in 8.04 though. i'm certain i read somewhere that the problem was fixed in a newer version of alsa, but i never bother to hand-compile my software :)12:01
damo23JPSman: admin pw admin12:02
JPSmandamo23: nope not letting me in12:02
samiunop_, I guess i will just have to prompt the user for an answer and tell them what to choose12:02
unop__sami, setting the debconf priority to high ensures that you are only asked questions that are critical (and need some input from you)12:02
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francesco_nucco: It's strange that it stopped working suddenly.12:02
damo23JPSman: username: admin  pw: password12:02
JPSmandamo23: nope.  I even tried WRT54G as the username12:03
damo23JPSman: google it12:04
jaffarkelshacdoes anyone know how to setup wireshark12:04
damo23JPSman: default password12:04
nuccofrancesco_: did you try the section on loading a working configuration?12:04
unopsami, if you dont want the user to be prompted (i.e. you know exactly what you are doing) you can always modify the package's postinst script to reflect those changes and create a modified package12:04
jaffarkelshacthe default JPSman is admin admin12:05
samiunop, Yes i'm about to do that. But do you know which file that it altered when the question it popped.12:05
francesco_nucco: What section? If Ubuntu recognizes the soundcard it's useless to reinstall the driver, right?12:05
LL00someone use ipv6?12:05
Frogzoojaffarkelshac: sudo apt-get install wireshark - done is done12:05
b0xi diden think thay used v6 yet12:06
damo23JPSman: reset the router to defaults by pressing the reset button, then the default user/pw admin admin should work12:06
jaffarkelshaci know how to install, i mean  how to confiugure under interface i put eth0 but does not work12:06
nuccofrancesco_: yes (with some reservations).12:06
nuccofrancesco_: Loading a working sound configuration12:06
nuccofrancesco_: at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting12:06
francesco_nucco: I've tried "Getting the ALSA drivers from a *fresh* kernel".12:06
unopsami, depends on the preinst and postinst scripts .. they should exist in /var/lib/dpkg/info/12:07
Stormx2francesco_: What problem are you having?12:07
nuccofrancesco_: that's quite a leap :) if it doesn't work on and off randomly, then you don12:07
francesco_Stormx2: I can't hear any sound.12:07
samiunop, What i can do is that i add a pipe to apt-get install kdm < whatever and let it choose by default and add a script to change run level after isntalle.12:07
nuccofrancesco_: sorry (pushed enter by accident.) you don't need to do that.12:07
Stormx2francesco_: Could you do a uname -r ?12:07
Stormx2tell me what you get.12:07
francesco_Stormx2: What is an uname -r?12:08
nuccofrancesco_: run that in a terminal12:08
Stormx2It's a command. open up a terminal.12:08
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Stormx2write that in, hit enter.12:08
Stormx2Okay. Nevermind12:09
unopsami, errm, i'm not sure that will work because what happens in an instance like this   echo answer | apt-get install kdebase kde4foo kde4bar kde4baz kdm .   which package does 'answer' pertain to? :)12:09
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Stormx2I had my suspcisions it might be a-386 kernel screwing things up.12:09
francesco_Is that the version of my Ubuntu?12:09
Stormx2It's your kernel version12:09
nuccofrancesco_: i gotta go. hope Stormx2 is able to help you more than i did. cheers.12:09
Stormx2which is the most basic part of ubuntu on which everything is built.12:09
francesco_nucco: Stormx2: The "problem" is that I can hear the audio from le live cd.12:10
Stormx2But not from your install? Hmm.12:10
samiunop, i could have it to preinstall kde-base and all the deps first and add kdm at the last point12:10
francesco_Stormx2: Yes.12:10
francesco_Stormx2: It started suddenly.12:10
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unopsami, i'm sure apt-get is not built that way12:10
Stormx2francesco_, did it start while you had ubuntu loaded up, or did you reboot and it stopped working?12:11
samiunop, I tired it on a test VM and it seemd to work.12:11
francesco_I think it was loaded up. I left the PC downloading stuff from the internet.12:11
=== Toznoshio_ is now known as Toznoshio
francesco_When I tried to open a mpg file using Totem it stopped working.12:12
blue112How can I now what is my processor in a terminal ?12:13
Stormx2It could be something locking your sound card.12:13
Stormx2blue112: cat /proc/cpuinfo12:13
francesco_Typing aplay -l i see a lot of "subdevices", but I don't know what a subdevice is. Could that be the problem?12:13
ActionParsnipfrancesco_: if you reboot then fire up totem is it ok?12:14
chimpHey, For this dual screen thing I want atm, Im trying to have it so that both screens operate on the same session, but are free to move onto another workspace without causing the other window to move, im using nvidia-settings does anyone know how to achieve this?12:14
francesco_Even rebooting the system, the problem remains.12:14
blue112Stormx2, thanks12:14
Stormx2francesco_: if you open up a terminal, then use aplay to try and play a file, it should give you an error message.12:15
Stormx2Could you do that, and give me the error message?12:15
francesco_Stormx2: How do I play an audio file using aplay?12:15
francesco_Stormx2: It seems to work. No error message. It seems silly. It seems I left the audio mute, but I didn't.12:17
Stormx2It says that it's playing?12:17
francesco_Stormx2: Yes.12:17
Frogzoochimp: if you google about, you're bound to find examples12:17
JPSmanbe right back hopefully12:17
Stormx2francesco_, launch gnome-volume-control, either from terminal or Alt + F212:18
laithWhat is the best web design application available for ubuntu12:18
Pici!best | laith12:18
ubotulaith: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:18
Pici!html > laith (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)12:18
Stormx2laith: nano, emacs, vim, gedit, kedit, etc.12:18
JohnPinWaLaith: You might want to look at bluefish.12:18
francesco_Stormx2: Ok.12:18
chimpFrogzoo: I'm trying to google for it, problem is most of the setups are either a seperate x-session, or the screen is expanded12:19
Stormx2francesco_: Then go to edit > preferences. Select anything that you think might have to do with audio output, including PCM12:19
Stormx2Make sure they're unmuted.12:19
bazhangchimp you want twinhead or xinerama?12:19
Stormx2francesco_, have you ruled out a hardware problem, yeah? Your speakers are powered up, and all the cables are properly in?12:19
unopsami, have a look at pre-seeding .. http://users.telenet.be/mydotcom/howto/linux/automatic.htm12:19
francesco_Stormx2: Of course. I told you that from the Live CD it works.12:20
Stormx2francesco_, okay, good point12:20
samiunop, My preseed works just fine :)12:20
Stormx2Well do as I said there, make sure stuff isn't muted.12:20
samiIt's the login script that's f**ked12:21
bazhanglanguage sami12:21
unop!language | sami12:21
ubotusami: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:21
chimpTrying something, rebooting x again :)12:21
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:21
KenSentMeIs it possible to 'refresh' the gnome menu, without restarting X?12:21
francesco_Stormx2: What are the 30 subdevices that I see when I type aplay -l?12:22
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
Stormx2francesco_: I've no idea. I only have two.12:23
Stormx2Could you pastebin the output?12:23
sCOTTohey how do i used apt-get to upgrade my ubuntu to the latest?12:23
LL00anyone can help me about ipv6 and ping6 ?12:24
francesco_**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****12:24
francesco_card 0: Live [SB Live 5.1], device 0: emu10k1 [ADC Capture/Standard PCM Playback]12:24
francesco_  Subdevices: 32/3212:24
francesco_  Subdevice #0: subdevice #012:24
francesco_  Subdevice #1: subdevice #112:24
ActionParsnipsCOTTo: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade12:24
FloodBot3francesco_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:24
francesco_  Subdevice #2: subdevice #212:24
francesco_  Subdevice #3: subdevice #312:24
sCOTToActionParsnip: thats IT ?12:24
ActionParsnip!paste | francesco_12:24
ubotufrancesco_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:24
ActionParsnipsCOTTo: yep12:24
Stormx2sCOTTo: define latest. if you want to keep your current ubuntu version, use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. Otherwise, /msg ubotu upgrade12:24
Yahuuuhello all12:26
Stormx2Hi Yahuuu12:26
ActionParsniphi Yahuuu12:27
ActionParsnip!hi | Yahuuu12:27
ubotuYahuuu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:27
Yahuuujust burn ubuntu alternate CD at 4X speed, after asking keyboard layout and detecting hardware, the screen turned into blue with gray line at bottom and nothing happend, i am faving this problem from the last 5 days.. please help12:27
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!12:27
Stormx2Yahuuu, have you tried "Check CD for defects"?12:27
Yahuuuyes no problem found12:27
Stormx2Available from the CD's boot screen.12:27
Stormx2Is this the desktop CD or the alternate CD?12:28
Yahuuui was able to install on the very same pc with LIVE CD, but why not now12:28
=== solid_liq is now known as solid_liquid
Yahuuuits alternate CD12:28
Stormx2Why are you using it, out of interest?12:28
Yahuuunow the screen is blue and i am on my notebood to get help from u guys12:28
Yahuuuthink ubuntu dont like me and my pc :)12:29
Stormx2How many times have you tried this?12:29
Yahuuutell u truth, more than 50 times12:30
Stormx2one... two...12:30
threefcatahow to close a window in irssi?12:30
Picithreefcata: /wc12:30
cchildhow do i change the password on a disk formated luks encryption12:30
Yahuuuits not a bad machine , its Intel Pentiun D with 2.8Ghz processor and 128 builtin VGA card12:30
ikoniaPici: cool short cut, thank you12:30
Stormx2Yahuuu, twice as good as my machine.12:30
ikoniaYahuuu: what is the problem with your machine12:31
ActionParsnipYahuuu: what errors do youget12:31
Stormx2Just read up.12:31
Yahuuuikonia: i cant install ubuntu on it, in past i can easily install12:31
Stormx2Don't make him repeat it all.12:31
ikoniaStormx2: I missed, it, whats the bottom line of the error12:31
YahuuuActionParsnip: i got blue screen after detecting my hardware while installing from alternate CD12:31
ActionParsnipYahuuu: ok the screen is blue, do you have a mouse pointer?12:31
bazhang <Yahuuu> just burn ubuntu alternate CD at 4X speed, after asking keyboard layout and detecting hardware, the screen turned into blue with gray line at bottom and nothing happend, i am faving this problem from the last 5 days.. please help ikonia12:32
Stormx2ActionParsnip, it's the alternate CD. No mouse pointer.12:32
threefcatabut when i /wc i quit from the channel? how to just hide the window?12:32
ikoniabazhang: ta12:32
=== solid_liquid is now known as solid_liq
ikoniaYahuuu: does it respond to any keyboard commands such as alt+F212:32
ActionParsnipYahuuu: i'd do a text install instead, this might get you further12:32
Stormx2ikonia, Alternate installer!12:32
Yahuuui am sitting infront of the desktop machine and chatting on other machine for help, i will be really greatful to u guys, if i install ubuntu today12:32
Stormx2No GNOME!12:32
Picithreefcata: What do you want to see instead of the current channel?12:32
Stormx2No metacity!12:32
Stormx2Hence no Alt + F2!12:33
ikoniaStormx2 alt+f2 should still work12:33
Stormx2What?! Madness!12:33
ikoniaStormx2: it changes the console windows12:33
threefcataPici: the other channel12:33
jk_i have been trying to set up a static up but so far when i do, i have no internet or network connection12:33
* Stormx2 notes this down.12:33
YahuuuActionParsnip: alternate CD means text install ? isntit?12:33
Randomtime!enter | Stromx212:33
ubotuStromx2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:33
ikoniaStormx2: allows you to swap to diffent tty's, alt+f2, alt+f3 etc12:33
ActionParsnipYahuuu: no, there is an alternative cd image which can help sometimes12:33
bazhangjk_: this is gutsy?12:33
Stormx2ikonia, sure it's not Ctrl + Alt + F1 etc?12:33
Picithreefcata: alt+3 or whatever number window you want, or ctrl-n or ctrl-p to move left or right windows.. also alt-left alt-right12:33
Stormx2Or is it different for the alternate installer?12:34
ikoniajk_: has your ISP given you a static IP, is the static IP issued via dhcp12:34
YahuuuActionParsnip: i am using the very same alternate CD image burned 4X12:34
ikoniaStormx2: %10012:34
Stormx2ikonia: Why is it different?12:34
ActionParsnipYahuuu: ok12:34
jk_no bazhang getting no its hardy but i get no response, this is with my router12:34
ActionParsnipYahuuu: ok hit ctrl+alt+f2, what messages are there?12:34
ikoniajk_: has you ISP given you a static IP12:34
bazhangjk_: that should be in other channel thanks12:34
druburn you install cds as slowly as possible plesae12:34
Frogzoojk_: then it's a router issue, nothing to do with ubuntu..12:34
bazhangjk_: I will join you there12:35
Yahuuuits says : please press enter to activate this console12:35
threefcataPici: what if i have split window? i just want to close that split part..12:35
ikoniaYahuuu: press enter12:35
jk_cheers guys12:35
ikoniadoes it respond to keboard input ?12:35
wildmanhello, every morning when I turn my computer on, I see some *intense* disk activity after logging into the system for what it seems to be 5 mins or so. I think it's the search facility indexing (trackerd?), how can I turn this off?12:35
Picithreefcata: I actually dont know, I dont use split-windows on irssi.12:35
Yahuuunow it says type helo for a list of built in commands and with this sign ~ #12:35
threefcataPici: ok thx12:35
ikoniawildman: what makes you think it's the disk12:36
ikoniawildman: the searching function sorry12:36
iceswordikonia, hi,there12:36
ikoniaYahuuu: ok, so open in any editor /var/log/messages and see what it's doing12:36
wildmanikonia, :) I'm just guessing...12:36
Yahuuuikonia: no keyboad input yer12:36
ikoniaicesword: hello12:36
Randomtimehey john12:36
druhello jhon12:36
ikoniawildman: need more info than random guesses12:36
Stormx2john: 'lo12:36
wildmanikonia, I cannot think of any other thing accessing the disk in such an intense way12:36
johnhey guys was wondering if anyone can help me with my pda12:36
johnits a little old an HP Jornada 54012:36
Randomtimewhat help do you need12:36
Yahuuuikonia: how to open it, i am a window user new to linux12:36
Stormx2wildman: Is there a magnifying glass in your notification area?12:36
ikoniawildman: log files being rotated, raid volumes etc ?12:36
wildmanikonia, I'm actually clueless, I'd appreciate if you can guide me on what I can do to get "more info"12:37
ikoniaYahuuu: just do less /var/log/messages12:37
wildmanikonia, single disk, big partition, no RAID12:37
ikoniawildman: does the disk being used affect any of the performance12:37
threefcatain irssi when i /window show 2 in the current window it says 'you can't show sticky window (use blahblah)'why?12:37
wildmanikonia, if this system takes so long to rotate a log (does log rotate happen every day?), I'd rather switch OS :)12:37
|Porscheanyone familiar with cairo-dock?12:37
wildmanikonia, yes it does12:37
johni basically bought it to read ebooks (was cheap), when I plug in the cables nothing comes up in ubuntu. If I do lsusb I can see: Hewlett-Packard Jornada 548 / iPAQ HW6515 Pocket PC12:37
wildmanStormx2, no, there's not12:37
johnany thoughts?12:37
Yahuuuikonia: it says ( -sh: /var/log/messages: not found12:38
fx|RabBitwaht do i have to do in menu.lst to chage the default booting os?12:38
ActionParsnipjohn, let me google a lil12:38
ikoniaYahuuu: ahhh your in the miniroot, let me try to remember whent he setup log is12:38
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wildmanikonia, FYI: Core2Duo E6750 CPU, Intel DP35DP mobo, 4GB DDR2800 RAM, 500GB SATA2 disk12:38
johni tried but couldn't find much12:38
ikoniafx|RabBit: default 0 should be default $n where n is your OS boot option number12:38
wildmanikonia, I don't consider my machine 'slow' at all, I mean, hardware-wise at least12:38
Frogzoowildman: /etc/logrotate.conf12:38
ActionParsnipjohn, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3093612:39
ricaneliteis it possible that I could have a different wallpaper for each work station?12:39
ikoniawildman: no, it certainly isn't, and I was only using log rotation as an easy example12:39
Frogzooricanelite: for each work station? sure12:39
Yahuuuplease remember ikonia12:39
Stormx2wildman: Run "tracker-preferences". There's an option under there to disable indexing12:39
johnit has a 1gb compact flash card, and if I can get this to be read that would be enough I guess12:39
ricaneliteFrogzoo, how?12:39
freesbiewildman, does your core 2 has ht?12:39
wildmanFrogzoo, it rotates weekly, so that's not the culprit12:39
johnbut it doesn't show up in fdisk -l12:39
Yahuuubesides i am tring to install ubuntu on seperate HDD, and its slave drive, is this the problem ?12:39
ikoniaYahuuu: while I'm having a quick google, hav eyou tried the graphical installer ?12:39
johnthanks ActionParsnip will try it out12:39
wildmanStormx2, thx, I'll check right now...12:39
fx|RabBitikonia: ok but what i dont understand then, atm something is booting per defaultwich should be 1 not 012:39
ActionParsnipjohn, try googling for ubuntu ipaq12:39
ikoniaYahuuu: shouldn't make a difference what disk12:39
ActionParsnipjohn, seeems to give some decent results12:40
ikoniafx|RabBit: how many OS's do you have on the box ?12:40
johnaction, thanks will look into it12:40
Yahuuuikonia: i triend graphical installer, no luck there as well :)12:40
fx|RabBitikonia: 212:40
fx|RabBitwindos and linux12:40
ikoniafx|RabBit: ubuntu and windows yes ?12:40
wildmanStormx2, I see "Activar vigilancia" too (hum... Activate 'Surveillance'), should I also disable that one?12:40
Stormx2Yahuuu: What problem did you have?12:40
Yahuuui am waiting for u ikonia: thanks dear12:40
ikoniaYahuuu: just looking12:40
Stormx2wildman: I suppose so12:40
wildmanStormx2, thx12:40
fx|RabBitikonia: yes12:41
ikoniafx|RabBit: ok, so in your /boot/menu.lst you will see boot options, eg: ubuntu 7.10, Windows XP etc12:41
wildmanStormx2, I'll know the next time I turn my computer on, aka tomorrow :)12:41
fx|RabBitikonia: yepp12:41
YahuuuStormx2: as ikonia said i am facing miniroot problem, i am not able to install ubuntu from live cd as well as alternate cD12:41
Stormx2wildman, righto ^_^12:41
|Porschehow can i add the ubunut menu to cairo-dock?12:41
ricaneliteFrogzoo, is it called wallpapoz?12:41
fx|RabBitikonia: win starts from hd0 and linux from hd212:41
ikoniafx|RabBit: ok, the firt one in the list is "0", count down until the one you want to be default, eg: 0 ubuntu, 1 ubuntu recovery mode 2 windows XP12:41
ikoniafx|RabBit: it doesn't matter what disks they are on12:42
fx|RabBitikonia: ah! i see12:42
Stormx2Yahuuu, do you receive an error in the desktop CD?12:42
wildmanfreesbie, http://www.intel.com/products/processor/core2duo/specifications.htm?iid=prod_core2duo+tab_spec12:42
fx|RabBitikonia: kk i gotcha now, thx m8:=12:42
ikoniafx|RabBit: cool12:42
Frogzooricanelite: system -> prefs -> appearance -> wallpaper12:42
wildmanfreesbie, it doesn't speak about HT, I guess dual core (and core duo) superceeded HT12:42
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YahuuuStormx2: no error but dont get me to X desktop12:42
Stormx2Yahuuu: So what's the problem?12:43
wildmananyway, Stormx2 made me disable my principal suspect already (thanks!) I'll know tomorrow12:43
wildmanStormx2, ikonia: thanks!12:43
ricaneliteyeah i know that. What I meant is for example I have 4 different work stations. When I go into cube mode and rotate to another Workstation can I have another Wallpaper there12:43
|Porschehow can i add the ubunut menu to cairo-dock?12:43
bazhangis wallpapoz still maintained?12:44
YahuuuStormx2: besides showing me a X desktop ubuntu show me a black screen when trying to install from live cd, and it took hours andnothing happen12:44
chimphey, sorry to ask again, i sort of have what i want using xinerama, but the extra screen it gives, doesnt show any of the panels which is what i want, any idea how to do this?12:44
ikoniabazhang thats debatable, I think not12:44
bazhangcheers ikonia12:44
ikoniachimp: you've got it set in 1 desktop mode12:44
Stormx2Yahuuu: if none of the CDs have defects, I suggest you do some google searching for your hardware's linux compatibility.12:44
chimpikonia: err what does that mean?12:45
ikoniachimp xinearama lets you use 2 monitors, each monitor is an X server, you can either have one desktop sharing 2 xservers, two desktops, one in each X server12:45
Stormx2Yahuuu, other things to do: Make sure your partition table is fine on your disks (cfdisk usually helps with this), make sure you haven't got some weird custom mobo settings, make sure your CPU isn't clocking something it shouldn't be, etc etc.12:46
RandomtimeYahuuu: Have you tried something like Xubuntu, see if that works12:46
chimpYeah, but with having two desktops (which ive tried) i saw no way for each desktop to interact with each other12:46
Oli``chimp: TwinView is what I use for nvidia12:46
chimpwith 1 desktop, i can drag over to the other screen, but then it lacks all the desktop capabilities12:46
YahuuuStormx2: 1 week ago, i was using ubuntu on the same machine and it was perfectly running, after updating some updates on the internet , when i restart my pc, ubuntu stop to load, and i am a new user i cant make it boot, so i format the HDD and want to install a fresh ubuntu, now i cant install it :(12:46
chimpWith twinview it stretches the desktop across both screens, and since one screen is a lower res, it looks horrible12:47
Stormx2You formatted the disk?12:47
Stormx2To what?12:47
chimpikonia: With two desktops is there any way to allow them to interact?12:47
Stormx2With what?12:47
wildmancya later ppl, have a nice one!12:47
jamesgc_Hello. How to add another repo to get the package courier-authlib-mysql ?12:48
Oli``chimp: yeah that makes sense... I have two identical monitors. No you've got 2 X session with Xin so there's no scope to have them interact properly12:48
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bazhangYahuuu: fat32?12:48
Stormx2!universe | jamesgc_12:48
ubotujamesgc_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories12:48
Stormx2Yahuuu, why format it?12:48
bazhangno wonder12:48
iceswordbazhang, dude12:48
Stormx2What did you use to format it? Some boot disklette?12:49
YahuuuStormx2: i dont know how to boot it :( and that was my mistake12:49
chimpIs there any way to set up twinview so that it doesnt stretch the panels, but instead has a full panel on both screen?12:49
bazhangicesword: yes?12:49
Stormx2bazhang: FAT32 itself won't screw up the ubuntu installer. I suspect the actual formatter screwed up his partition table.12:49
YahuuuStormx2: i dont know a single work abt ubuntu, i am a window user i was scared and format it :12:49
bazhangStormx2: agreed12:49
Stormx2So what did you use?12:49
iceswordbazhang, sort of curious why you not join #ubuntu-tw12:49
Stormx2How did you format it? Under windows? Using another CD? A diskette? What?12:50
bazhangYahuuu: what did you use to format it12:50
Yahuuui use the disk with windowsXP as a slave disk and format it under windows fat3212:50
jk_i am trying to get ntfs to mount on start up, what file type should i write in the fstab. should it be ntfs or fuseblk12:50
Yahuuubazhang: windows formater12:50
zmattjk_: ntfs12:50
Oli``chimp: oh my panels only take up one screen each (no stretching). I had to go a long way around though: setup twinview. move your panels to the side of the screen (vertically). Restart X by logging out and in again. Move your panels to the bottom and they should only take up one screen each12:51
elementzhi everybody12:51
ZirodayHi, anyone aware of any decent drug and/or patient management systems?12:51
Stormx2bazhang, I usually do a "write" under CFDisk to fix partition table woes, unless you have a better idea to help Yahuuu?12:51
chimphmm ill try that oli12:51
elementzlooking for a deb package: network-manager-gnome -> is there a way to dl it from the web? via ftp or http, can't use aptitude at the moment....12:51
bazhangStormx2: the question is can he understand that--good idea, but not sure if he can follow12:51
YahuuuStormx2 and bazhang: it seems i have problem in my HDD boot sector??12:52
druZiroday: you should be able to get anything up with a custom kernel, running xen and your favorite os :D12:52
bazhangYahuuu: sounds like Stormx2 has it solved12:52
Stormx2Yahuuu, well, partition table, it's pretty closely linked.12:52
jussio1elementz: packages.ubuntu.com12:52
Stormx2bazhang, okay, do you have access to the machine right now?12:52
chimpAnother quick question, sometimes when i restart x using ctrl-alt-backspace, after i log back in, it just stops straight away on a blank screen, i can restartx again, but it will still freeze each time i login until i reboot, any ideas?12:52
Yahuuuso, whicn software to use to format it again as u guys suggests?12:53
Zirodaydru: I am talking about specific ready made software to be used in a hospital12:53
Stormx2Yahuuu, listen, it doesn't need formatting before an ubuntu install. The ubuntu installer partitions and formats anyway.12:53
bazhangStormx2: to Yahuuu's machine? not atm ;]12:53
Stormx2It certainly doesn't need to be formatted to FAT12:53
Stormx2bazhang, bah!12:53
Stormx2Yahuuu, okay, do you have access to the machine right now?12:53
YahuuuStormx2 : :( please figure it out what to do now12:54
elementzjussio1:  thx12:54
Yahuuuyes infrot of me12:54
druZeroday: do you have an exsample please?12:54
Stormx2I need you to boot up the DESKTOP live CD, okay?12:54
Yahuuuok wait12:54
Stormx2Don't worry if it doesn't work how you expect.12:54
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:54
Stormx2clee-saan, !list? xD12:54
conartisthi all12:54
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.12:55
Stormx2Randomtime, who was that for?12:55
YahuuuStormx2: it boot and asking me to install ubuntu12:55
conartisti come with the same sound problem....acl88512:55
druYahuu: needs the alternative cd, live isnt working for him12:55
RandomtimeStormx2: forgot the install command for KDE12:55
Stormx2Yahuuu: Select the top option12:55
Stormx2dru: What?12:55
conartistcan someone help me ?12:55
DJones!ask | conartist12:56
ubotuconartist: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:56
Stormx2Randomtime, Please /msg ubotu next time12:56
pharohhey when using gcc,how come it doesn't recognise #include<alloc.h>?12:56
RandomtimeStromx2: np12:56
Stormx2pharoh: Have you got build-essential installed?12:56
YahuuuStormx2: now its showing me this ( initramfs) [94.099923] ata1.01: exception Emask 0X0 SAcr and bla bla12:56
pharohstormx2: nope.what is that?en where do i install it from?12:57
Stormx2pharoh, firstly, what are you using gcc for? Have you written your own program or are you compiling someone else's?12:57
Yahuuuand its continuouslt inscreasing from 94,09923 to 124 and going on12:57
bazhangpharoh: sudo apt-get install packagename in this case build-essential12:57
Stormx2Yahuuu, oh man, what the hell have you done to your system :(12:57
Yahuuuwhat ?/12:58
DVS01my fileserver project in the middle of june is going to be insane :D12:58
clee-saanHi, i'm having troubles installing stuff, when i type ./config i get the following message : "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables". Anyone has a hint12:58
Stormx2initramfs errors shouldn't really happen :(12:58
pharohstormx: my own.my anjuta keeps on freezin en then it goes dark en finally i can't use it.12:58
DVS01750, 750, 750, 750, 750, 750, 750, 750, 250, 250, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 160gb hdds12:58
DVS01in this case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681111206212:58
Zirodayclee-saan: have you installed the build-essentials package?12:58
Stormx2DVS01, RAID'd?12:58
threefcataanyone using irssi?12:58
freesbieDVS01, another free nas?12:58
Stormx2What are you using them for?12:58
DVS01raid6 and raid512:58
conartisti have a problem with my soundcard in ubuntu! when i hit alsamixer it says card: hda intel and chip :realtek alc885, like i said, im using dual boot(ubuntu and windows xp) in windows my sound work great..but when i enter ubuntu wich i installed 4 days ago..nothing happens...i tried posting on ubuntu forums but no reply, so please anyone..help!!!12:58
DVS01movies, downloads, etc12:59
YahuuuStormx2: what using ? i dont know what this initfram is12:59
psmith I am using irssi12:59
clee-saanZiroday: i was trying to instal aMSN, i read it needed tcl, so i downloaded it, but i get the very same problem when trying to instal tcl.12:59
Stormx2Yahuuu: You don't need to. Hmm.12:59
DJonesthreefcat: Yes, but only from last night, so not a lot of experience with it12:59
* Stormx2 considers his options.12:59
freesbieDVS01, is it legal?12:59
DVS01i want to eventually upgrade the fileserver to a quad core system, and run vms from it12:59
ChousukeDVS01: Probably going to be a bit noisy :P12:59
threefcatapsmith: oh are you familiar with split window?12:59
DVS01Chousuke: hehe possibly12:59
YahuuuStormx2: is there any chance to install it ? plz12:59
DVS01freesbie: yeah12:59
threefcataDJones: are you familiar with split window?12:59
johnhow do i join the channel #synce12:59
Zirodayclee-saan: aMSN is in the repos, you can install it with sudo apt-get install amsn12:59
Stormx2DVS01: You'd better be in some good private trackers if you're hoping to fill that up.12:59
jamesgcStormx2: it's now working and still got this message "Package courier-authmysql is not available, but is referred to by another package."13:00
conartisti have a problem with my soundcard in ubuntu! when i hit alsamixer it says card: hda intel and chip :realtek alc885, like i said, im using dual boot(ubuntu and windows xp) in windows my sound work great..but when i enter ubuntu wich i installed 4 days ago..nothing happens...i tried posting on ubuntu forums but no reply, so please anyone..help!!!13:00
clee-saanZiroday: okay thanks for the hint13:00
jamesgcStormx2: sorry, its not working..13:00
nespjohn try /join #synce13:00
Stormx2!repeat | conartist13:00
ubotuconartist: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:00
DJonesthreefcata: i've got a split window for hilights on my nick, but thats all13:00
johnjoin #synce13:00
DVS01it will bring my network's total storage capacity to 7.6TB13:00
Stormx2!info courier-authmysql | jamesgc13:00
ubotujamesgc: Package courier-authmysql does not exist in gutsy13:00
johngot it thanks!13:00
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines13:00
Zirodayclee-saan: Please note the normal way to install programs is through the repos either using the command line with apt-get or using synaptic or the add/remove13:00
freesbielol 7.6 TB13:01
drujohn : /join #synce13:01
jamesgcStormx2: it would possible to use dapper?13:01
psmiththreefcata: No But you can get a huge number of hotoos on how to do so: P13:01
jamesgcStormx2: i mean add the repo of dapper in sources.list?13:01
iceswordhi,guys what is the command to change my languge of gnome13:01
Stormx2jamesgc: I don't follow.13:01
clee-saanZiroday: i just tried the command line thing, i got a permission denied. It asks me if i'm root.13:01
conartisti have a problem with my soundcard in ubuntu! when i hit alsamixer it says card: hda intel and chip :realtek alc885, like i said, im using dual boot(ubuntu and windows xp) in windows my sound work great..but when i enter ubuntu wich i installed 4 days ago..nothing happens...i tried posting on ubuntu forums but no reply, so please anyone..help!!!13:01
Stormx2jamesgc, you're using dapper?13:01
Stormx2That's pretty oldschool :)13:01
jamesgcStormx2: gutsy13:01
conartistsomeone pls help!13:01
* Yahuuu looking is looking for Stormx2 help :)13:01
IdleOneclee-saan: type sudo in front of the command13:01
threefcatapsmith: oh is it? i'm trying to read the wiki on irssi official site but got abit confused..13:01
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Stormx2Yahuuu, it's becoming a bit over my head.13:02
iceswordhi,guys what is the command to change my languge of gnome13:02
IdleOne!sudo | clee-saan13:02
ubotuclee-saan: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.13:02
YahuuuStormx2: by the way what is this inotfram ? and why this resides in my system ?13:02
pharohStormx2:so if i use say anjuta,it'll recognice that header file ryt?13:02
Zirodayclee-saan: did you enter the entire command - sudo apt-get install amsn13:02
Stormx2Yahuuu, you need to get into a live cd environment with a command line. If you can download and run a Knoppix CD from Windows, that might do the trick.13:02
clee-saanIdleOne: it tells me the timestamp is too far in the future13:02
bazhang!helpme | conartist13:02
ubotuconartist: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience13:02
erUSULicesword: System>Admin>Language Support13:02
Stormx2pharoh, I have no idea. i've never used gcc13:02
|Dede|If I use "lspci" and look for VGA, is that the REAL BusID or just the one I configured in xorg.conf?13:02
IdleOneclee-saan: are you trying that new time-travel package?13:03
icesworderUSUL, plz,i want command,13:03
druicesword :sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales13:03
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:03
pharohStormx, what do u use to compile C programs?13:03
Stormx2conartist: Stop.13:03
johnanyone know anything about synce?13:03
Yahuuuknoppix ? is it iso image or a small installer? i am on windows mahcine right now13:03
johni get the following error: You have firewall rules that may prevent SynCE from working properly!13:03
icesworddru, ahhhh,it is :)13:03
druicesword: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1491813:03
Stormx2pharoh: I only compile programs when they're not in the repositories.13:03
IdleOneclee-saan: not sure about the timestamp error13:03
Stormx2pharoh, when I do compile them, I follow the instructions in the INSTALL or README file.13:03
conartistwhat do you meen stop storm?13:03
clee-saanMe neither IdleOne , me neither13:04
=== mali_ is now known as sam-33
YahuuuStormx2: search for Knoppix CD  in google ? will i get it?13:04
IdleOne!paste | clee-saan paste that error to pastebin please13:04
ubotuclee-saan paste that error to pastebin please: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:04
Stormx2conartist, stop calling up factoids. if you're calling ubotu's factoids just for your use, then /msg ubotu13:04
DJonesthreefcata: what do you want to go in the split window? I followed the guide on http://f0rked.com/articles/irssi#More_Irssi, about 3/4's of the way through there's a bit about setting up a hilight window that uses a split window, maybe that'll help you13:04
pharohStormx2: oh.i'm writing just a usual programme,not anything that'll pimp my OS.13:04
Stormx2pharoh, exactly. And I don't know any C or C++, so I've never used gcc the way you're using it.13:04
pharohStormx2, u know how to use anjuta or eclipse?13:05
Stormx2Why not check their documentation?13:05
conartisti have a problem with my soundcard in ubuntu! when i hit alsamixer it says card: hda intel and chip :realtek alc885, like i said, im using dual boot(ubuntu and windows xp) in windows my sound work great..but when i enter ubuntu wich i installed 4 days ago..nothing happens...i tried posting on ubuntu forums but no reply, so please anyone..help!!!13:05
Stormx2Yahuuu, that'd work.13:05
pharohStormx2: okay.thanks anyway.13:05
Piciconartist: What version of Ubuntu?13:05
Stormx2Yahuuu, it looks as if windows has really buggered up your partition table.13:05
Stormx2Which has happened to me before. Meh.13:06
YahuuuStormx2: which Knoppix CD  to download?  and after downloading it , what should i do? install it from windows  to the linux HDD? sorry for bothering u13:06
Yahuuuohh really13:06
conartistpici: i we done an update13:06
Yahuuuso i hope it should work13:06
Stormx2Yahuuu, get the latest version. Knoppix is a Live CD, so you need to burn the downloaded file to a CD, like you did with ubuntu, and then boot from the CD.13:06
IdleOnePici: what does timestamp to far in future mean when trying to run sudo command?13:07
Pici!intelhda | conartist try following the directions in the following link(s)13:07
ubotuconartist try following the directions in the following link(s): For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto13:07
Yahuuuok  thanks13:07
Yahuuuand after that i can install ubuntu from live cd then ?13:07
freesbieYahuuu, afaik knoppix is one of livecds13:07
chimpOli``: I've very almost got it set up how i want, is there any way to have the aplications running be shown in a panel in the second screen, atm i can view them there, but their taskbar position is on the other screen13:07
PiciIdleOne: It means that something is wrong with the system clock.  Sometimes sudo -k and/or sudo -K can fix it, or correcting the time in the BIOS.13:07
conartistpici: i ve already done that13:08
conartistdoesnt work13:08
IdleOneclee-saan: " <Pici> IdleOne: It means that something is wrong with the system clock.  Sometimes sudo -k and/or sudo -K can fix it, or correcting the time in the BIOS. "13:08
IdleOnePici: ty13:08
PiciIdleOne: Surely :)13:08
Stormx2Yahuuu: Nope. Lemme know when you're done with it, and I'll guide you through what you need to do13:08
chimpahh done it13:08
clee-saanIdleOne: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62401/13:08
IdleOneclee-saan: try running sudo -k as Pici suggested13:08
YahuuuStormx2: ok dear, is this the link http://www.knopper.net/knoppix-mirrors/index-en.html ? there are many downloadble softwares? which one to chose13:09
Stormx2Yahuuu, essentially, you need to get a root shell up, then run a cfdisk on the drive you formatted, then rewrite the partition table.13:09
Yahuuuohhh my13:09
Piciconartist: Do you get any mixers when you use alsamixer?13:09
chimpWhen using twin-view is it capable of allowing one screen to move to a different workstation without the other screen moving to it?13:09
IdleOneclee-saan: do you have synaptic package manager open?13:09
threefcatahow to exit irssi?13:09
clee-saanIdleOne: same timestamp time travel error when i try sudo -k and sudo -K13:09
conartistPici: Yes i do..13:10
Stormx2Yahuuu, if you have a bittorrent client, then follow the bittorrent link. Otherwise follow any of the [ftp] or [http] links13:10
clee-saanIdleOne: not that i'm aware of, i've just set up ubuntu and didn't install anything exept xChat13:10
Piciconartist: Make sure none of them are muted.13:10
Teo-how to open the port 1024 ??13:10
Stormx2Teo-: For what?13:11
Piciconartist: I need to run to a short meeting, but I should be back in a few.13:11
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).13:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:11
Yahuuuok Stormx213:11
conartistPici: ok13:11
Teo-Stormx2, i want to use webmail for thuderbird..13:11
IdleOnePici: what is the command to unlock the dpkg/lock?13:11
=== icesword is now known as iwantvirus
IdleOneclee-saan: ok seems you have some other package manager running. figure out what they are and close them out then try running your command again with sudo13:13
iwantvirusnnaaa,so silent,tonigh13:13
pharohhow do i compile using anjuta?13:13
clee-saanIdleOne: I happen to have no idea of what a package manager is. Where should i check ?13:14
IdleOneclee-saan: have you tried any other way to install amsn besides using the command line?13:14
IdleOnelike Software Sources or Add/Remove from the Applications menu or System menu?13:15
iwantviruscreeed, hi13:15
ctx144ka friend get the follow error while apt-get foobar:13:16
YahuuuStormx2: its downloading, i will contactu later it u still online :), and besides i am really greatful to you13:16
iwantvirusahhhhh,windows program>13:16
iwantvirus!info foobar13:16
ubotuPackage foobar does not exist in gutsy13:16
ctx144k"cant get http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-security/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.bz2   HashSum mismatch"13:16
ctx144kanyone have an idea?13:16
iwantvirushashsum mismatch13:17
ctx144khow can i solve the problem13:17
clee-saanIdleOne: is there any other way to do it ?13:18
Yahuuutill than take care, cya :)13:18
nespStormx2: just an idea, maybe Yahuuu can use the ubuntu installer as a live cd?13:18
Yahuuunesp: ?13:19
creeedI get a problem as I upgrade my system, so my grub menu was changed, I had 2 boot-entries the first ubuntu the second for "other OS", after the upgrade is the first boot entry a memory test and second unchanged! as I change to grub command line I do `kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda2' after a boot I get a kernel panic! any help please13:19
Yahuuunesp: i have both alternate CD and live CD13:19
IdleOneclee-saan: we can delete that file so apt-get can try again sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock13:19
clee-saanIdleOne: right, how do i do that ?13:20
Yahuuumy internet is slow, it will took 3 hours to download 700mb file :(13:20
IdleOneclee-saan: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock13:20
nespYahuuu: sorry, i wasn't able to follow your conversation, but if you want cfdisk i think the ubuntu installer live CD has that13:20
creeedI lookes into /dev from the grub command line, there is no block-files such sda*13:20
Yahuuunesp? how can i use cfdisk then ?13:21
roger_that_goraxhow do i remove old crap left in my application menu? i uninstalled wine but it left behind its stuff in the menu.13:21
clee-saanIdleOne: i did it, and then tryed to install the build essentials again. It prompted the installation but cancelled with the same error message.13:21
iwantvirusere4si, i suppose it is 22:00+ in there?13:22
ere4si10.22 pm13:22
=== iwantvirus is now known as icesword
nespYahuuu: hmm.. why would you want to use it?13:22
IdleOneclee-saan: your pastebin shows you trying to install amsn. why you trying build-essential now?13:22
iceswordere4si, see,good ,night,then i will go to bed13:22
clee-saanIdleOne: i've just been advised to do that first13:23
ere4sibye icesword13:23
Yahuuunesp: as Mr Stormx2 said, my partion table is disturb, so i need it13:23
clee-saanIdleOne: anyway, amsn or build essentials, the error message is the same13:23
IdleOneclee-saan: you wont be able to install anything until you unlock the lockfile13:23
IdleOnewhat was the output of sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock?13:23
Armadahow can I set azureus as my default program for opening torrent files?13:24
nespYahuuu: ok, then boot the ubuntu live cd and run gparted or cfdisk in the terminal..13:24
clee-saanIdleOne: there is no output, it just displays a new commandline13:24
IdleOneclee-saan: ok13:24
geirhaclee-saan: does "ps -ef | grep [a]pt" give any output?13:25
IdleOneand then it gives you the same error when trying to install another package?13:25
Yahuuunesp: i am not able to see the X desktop how can i use terminal ?13:25
nespYahuuu: you're using windows?13:25
Yahuuuyes on other machine13:25
Yahuuuthats why Stormx2 said i have to dowbload knoppix to solve my problem13:26
pharohhow do i compile using anjuta?i wrote a programme but i don't see any option on how to compile it13:26
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clee-saangeirha: yes, here it is : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62402/13:26
nespYahuuu: what was your original problem again?13:26
IdleOnepharoh: #anjuta perhaps13:26
Armadahow can I set azureus as my default program for opening torrent files?13:26
Yahuuunesp: when i try to install ubuntu it show me (initfram error)13:27
pharohIdleOne, there's noone there.13:27
YahuuuStormx2: are u there?13:28
nespYahuuu: wow.. now that i don't know how to fix.. i usually just reinstall ubuntu if that ever happens13:28
populusomg, there is a lot of users, here13:29
roger_that_goraxhow do i remove old crap left in my application menu? i uninstalled wine but it left behind its stuff in the menu.13:29
nespArmada: right click a torrent file, properties -> Open Width, then choose azureus13:29
YahuuuStormx2: i got 1 idea, beside waiting to download knopix iso image, can i try to install windowsxp in the HDD, maybe XP make the partion table correct?13:29
Piciroger_that_gorax: Right click on the top menu bar, and go to edit menu.13:29
nespArmada: that's if you're using gnome13:30
Adantan_Alexwhat do u do if someone spams u in private?13:30
IdleOnepopulus: it is slow today :)13:30
Armadanesp: yes, but how do I define it as my default program13:30
populusAdantan_Alex: ignore him (with /ignore nick)13:30
kgxanyone used sunOS (solaris i guess). how do i restart sshd in it?13:30
populusIdleOne: oufff :-/13:30
nespYahuuu: there's a graphical user interface partition editor in the ubuntu live CD.. maybe you use that to fix your parition.. it's name is gparted13:30
IdleOneroger_that_gorax: go to Applications > Add/Remove and edit the appropriate menu13:30
Picikgx: try #solaris13:31
populusIdleOne: are they real users? or they are bots??? :p13:31
geirhaclee-saan: that apt-get has run for 15 minutes. Is it hanging?13:31
kgxPici: thanks13:31
nespArmada: I think you just need to select it and it will be the default.. for .torrent files13:31
IdleOnepopulus: most are user but couple hundred bots I would guess13:31
Armadanesp: and how do I set it so firefox will use it as the default app to open torrent files too?13:31
Armadanesp: no, already tried it13:31
clee-saangeirha: erm, define hanging ? I've been trying to install stuff for a couples of minutes13:31
populusIdleOne: ok :)13:32
Yahuuunesp: where it located ? i mean under which folder?13:33
Yahuuui search the ununtu CD, it says gpared not found :(13:33
nespYahuuu: you have to boot to the live CD first.. then it will be in the System->administration menu "Partition Editor"13:34
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nespYahuuu: i think..13:34
elTigrehey, how can I extend my desktop to the second screen in kde4?13:34
Adantan_Alexhow can i help u?13:35
geirhaclee-saan: it's not normal for apt-get to linger like that, if you don't have a terminal open where apt-get is running, kill it with "sudo kill 19328"13:35
Bierwagen_120757i have some problem with my sound13:35
Adantan_Alexbierwagen_120757: ok whats wrong?13:35
Bierwagen_120757here is my problem13:35
Yahuuunesp: i think u forgot things quickly :)13:35
Adantan_Alexis ur sound working?13:35
Yahuuui am not able to boot to ubuntu13:36
clee-saangeirha: done, and then ?13:36
Armadahow can I set azureus as my default program for opening torrent files?13:36
Adantan_Alex!hardware | bierwagen_12075713:36
ubotubierwagen_120757: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:36
svenskoi'm in fluxbox on 7.10 and right click does nothing at all13:37
svenskodid i break something?13:37
conartistPici: you here man?13:37
svenskomy mouse 3 works and my mouse 2 works on the toolbar13:37
bazhangsvensko: this was adding fluxbox to ubuntu or using the pre-configured fluxbuntu13:37
|Dede|svensko: Reboot?13:37
svenskoadding fluxbox to ubuntu13:38
bazhangsvensko: you need to do some editing then13:38
bazhangsvensko: how long ago did you install this13:39
svenskolast night13:39
svenskothen i did apt-get install fluxbox13:39
bazhangsvensko: you might try the fluxbuntu live cd and see if that has what you want; quite a bit different than what you have set up13:39
svenskowill do, thanks :)13:40
bazhangnp ;]13:40
conartisti have problems with my soundcard in ubuntu( i am using dual boot- windows xp and ubuntu) and in xp sound is working great...but in ubuntu ...i cant hear anything, when i hit alsa mixer i have a ALC885 Realtek13:40
svenskoalso, are the derivatives of ubuntu going to be release with 8.04 at the same time?13:40
Adantan_Alex!hardware | bazhang13:40
ubotubazhang: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:40
svenskoie kubuntu, the fluxbuntu, etc?13:40
conartistdoes anybody knows something?13:40
|Dede|If I use "lspci" and look for VGA, is that the REAL BusID or just the one I configured in xorg.conf?13:41
Adantan_Alexoops soz13:41
JothI'm having trouble connecting to a wireless Airport Extreme network. Can anyone please help?13:41
Adantan_Alex!hardware | conartist13:41
ubotuconartist: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:41
conartisti searched everywhere....no answer wich works13:42
Adantan_Alexjoth: is there any security on the net work?13:42
conartistHELP PLS!!13:42
Adantan_Alex!caps | conartist13:42
ubotuconartist: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:42
JothYes - but I put in the correct password, and still can't connect. I'm not sure how to tell where the problem is coming from.13:42
white_eagleI have a problem, sometimes when I boot the laptop ( I have removed usplash ) fsck runs because the drive was mounted 20 times and wasn't checked, and that bothers me, because it takes 4 minutes13:42
rwycuff /msg NickServ IDENTIFY Charge613:42
rwycuff /msg NickServ IDENTIFY Charge613:43
elmerDamnit! I just wasted 5 hours downloading the alternate CD! GAH!13:43
nespArmada: try running this in the terminal.. xdg-mime default azureus.desktop application/x-bittorrent13:43
Cartoonrwycuff: change your pw please13:43
TPhilosopherHey guys. I was wondering if anyone here would like to read my Linux review and post feedback. The link is http://teapotphilosopher.wordpress.com/2008/04/07/linux-review/13:44
rwycuff /msg NickServ IDENTIFY Charge613:44
bazhangTPhilosopher: wrong place for that thanks13:44
bazhangrwycuff: no space before the /13:44
DJonesrwycuff: you've got a space in front of the /13:44
elTigreis there a way to mute the system bell?13:45
TPhilosopherbazhang: Is there anywhere you could suggest?13:45
elTigreit's kind a loud currently!13:45
rwycufflol is there command to change the password13:45
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic TPhilosopher13:45
rwycuffno the nickserv pass13:45
bazhangrwycuff: better to do it in server window not in #ubuntu window13:46
Armadahow can I set azureus as my default program for opening torrent files?13:46
bazhangArmada: does preferred applications do that for you?13:47
Armadanormally, yes13:47
GInwhy doesn't Ubuntu have ndiwrapper installed by default?13:47
ikoniaGIn: why should it13:47
Armadabazhang: but somehow azureus didn't so that this time13:47
bazhangArmada: what about right click properties on a torrent file13:47
CartoonI am trying to install 8.04 with md and lvm on top, but I have not found a way to do it in the installer (apart from the fully manual way in a console)... is it correct that the standard gui installer does not support md/lvm volumes? or am I just blind and cannot find the doc for it?13:47
DuMe and some friends have found a bug crashing the PC when copying Data from an external USB-disk, when using a special USB-Chip. Where do I post a bug-report?13:47
bullgard4Why does Ubuntu provide so many different versions of DEB program packages of the Berkeley database, for example lbdb3 = 'Berkeley v3 Database Libraries', libdb4.2, libdb4.3 etc?13:47
ikoniaCartoon: join #ubuntu+113:47
GInikonia: that way a lot of users can popin their windows driver and use them in case the wireless card doesn't work out of the box.13:48
bazhangCartoon: then that would be in #ubuntu+1 thanks13:48
white_eagleI have a problem, sometimes when I boot the laptop ( I have removed usplash ) fsck runs because the drive was mounted 20 times and wasn't checked, and that bothers me, because it takes 4 minutes13:48
ikoniabullgard4: many applications need different versions, subversion is a good example13:48
* Cartoon is sorry for missing the topic13:48
DJonesArmada: If you've got a torrent file saved on your computer, can your right click, select open with and tick the box for always use this application?13:48
ikoniaGIn: it's not up to ubuntu to provide windows drives support packages, it's up to you to get it and configure it13:48
Armadano, wait, I just read a msg of nesp I missed. The command he gave worked: xdg-mime default azureus.desktop application/x-bittorrent13:48
Armadathanks nesp13:49
ikoniawhite_eagle anyone what ?13:49
bazhangwhite_eagle: how often does this happen13:49
Armadaand everyone else who helped13:49
maekwhite_eagle, its because you didn't shut down properly13:49
GInikonia: that attitude must be changed13:49
maekfsck runs when the system wasn't shut down13:49
ikoniaGIn: no - people must provide supported drivers to linux13:49
white_eaglemaek: I guess thats the cause13:51
GInikonia: but for the time being it won't hurt to have ndiswrapper included13:51
bazhangGIn: that is offtopic here thanks13:51
another_lifehi all :)   could someone tell me how it is possible to change the path in which I am when I open the terminal ? (now if i open terminal and type pwd  i get   /home/user but i want something other than my home folder)13:51
bazhang!brainstorm | GIn13:51
ubotuGIn: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!13:51
ikoniaGnea: GIn yes it will, and as bazhang suggests, not really a support question13:51
s_how can i play aac radios on streamtuner with xmms?13:51
s_how can i play aac radios on streamtuner with xmms?13:51
ikonias_: we saw you the first time13:51
DJones!repeat | s_13:51
ubotus_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:51
bazhangs_: what are aac radios? you mean aac files?13:51
s_not yes aac files streams13:51
s_aac files13:51
another_lifepersonally I use amarok13:52
bazhangs_: from itunes? music store?13:52
s_shoutcast with streamtuner13:52
s_with xmms13:52
skitкто сдесь?13:53
nespanother_life: edit the ~/.bashrc and add cd <to whatever directory you want to go> at the bottom13:53
s_installed all aac codecs decoder from synaptic13:53
bazhangs_: have you tried with a more up to date player?13:53
bullgard4ikonia: Do the Berkeley database versions differ so much that applications can only use a certain Berkeley database version? Are Berkeley databases a very new development?13:53
bazhang!ru | skit13:53
ubotuskit: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:53
s_for example?13:53
bazhangs_: then no?13:53
s_what progs13:53
another_lifenesp,  thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu :))))))))))00013:54
=== scorpio is now known as arjuna_cinta
s_only used xmms13:54
h0axhow can i start ubuntu in recovery mode on PPC ?13:54
bazhangs_: how about trying some different more up to date players and see how they work13:54
ArmadaI've been on ubuntu for about a week now and it kicks ass!13:54
bazhanglanguage Armada13:54
s_what players else pls?13:55
adrock358Hey guys.  How are you?  Could someone tell me please how to mount my windows partition from my live CD, so I can access some files?13:55
=== another_life is now known as differentreality
conartisti have problems with my soundcard in ubuntu( i am using dual boot- windows xp and ubuntu) and in xp sound is working great...but in ubuntu ...i cant hear anything, when i hit alsa mixer i have a ALC885 Realtek13:55
s_other than xmms?13:55
Armadabazhang: even that's offending?13:55
h0axconartist, alsa-conf13:55
eth01back on topic.13:55
differentrealitys_,  amarok13:55
bazhang!players | s_13:55
ubotus_: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs13:55
conartisti am a noob...can you explain more detailed?13:56
h0axconartist i think it's alsa-conf ... or try apt-get install alsa-utils13:56
|Dede|If I use "lspci" and look for VGA, is that the REAL BusID or just the one I configured in xorg.conf?13:56
s_thanks buds13:56
h0axi can't remember13:56
conartisti m using ubuntu for the first time in my life13:56
s_ill try13:56
conartisti already tried that13:56
bazhangArmada: imagine this is #disney; would they say that?13:56
conartistwith alsa conf...downloading..extracting13:56
conartisti did it13:56
conartiststill no help13:56
adrock358conartist.  Way to go!  You are really going to like it.13:56
|Dede|use OSS?13:56
h0axconartist, i use Debain .. and not the ubuntu version of it so.13:57
conartistdo you know any method besides that13:57
eth01h0ax: ubuntu is debian.13:57
h0axthat's why i said not the ubuntu version od it13:57
tristan_I am running ubuntu 7.10 on my hp pavillion laptop - when I unlock the mouse pad... ubuntu help center pops up.. how can I stop that ?13:57
differentrealityis there some way for me to make an image of the partition with my filesystem so that I am able after a possible format to install that image and have everything configured as they are right now ?13:57
eth01h0ax: then you want #debian :)13:58
bazhangdifferentreality: like a clone?13:58
conartisti cannot find the right driver form my audio in ubuntu13:58
conartistwhen i type13:58
h0axi'm using xubuntu on my mac13:58
bazhangAdantan_Alex: please stop that13:58
adrock358nobody knows how to do that?13:58
eth01Adantan_Alex: quit doing that.13:58
conartistit says like so:13:58
conartistcard: hda intel13:58
Adantan_Alexawwww ok ^^13:58
conartistchip: realtek alc88513:58
differentrealitybazhang,  well... i gues.. whatever works so that i dont need to download all my programs or configure them13:58
h0axAdantan_Alex lol13:58
Armadabazhang: I'll obey, but I don't agree. imo, unless someone wanted to insult you, shouldn't be offended by any of those words. I just don't get it.13:59
=== Shazram is now known as HypnoGenX
conartisti searched....13:59
bazhang!clone | differentreality13:59
ubotudifferentreality: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate13:59
conartistbut no answer13:59
conartistcan anyone give me a link13:59
conartistwhere i can download my driver for linux ubuntu13:59
differentrealitybazhang,  hmmm this adds the packages on an existing ubuntu installation ?13:59
bazhangdifferentreality: that seems to be the gist of the description14:00
plurthow do I change keymap for the login-screen?14:00
Adantan_Alexomg it installed ^^ i think14:00
h0axconartist, doesn't it have a download app ?14:00
h0axi only used ubuntu for a day.14:01
PaRaSiTe2Does Gutsy or Hardy support nVidia 8800GTs?14:01
PaRaSiTe2Well, a 8800GT14:01
conartistcan you tell me how??? i am a uber noob14:01
bazhangPaRaSiTe2: have you tried the restricted drivers?14:01
conartisti told you i use ubuntu for the first time in my life14:01
plurtwhere's the keyboard settings for the loginscreen ?14:01
conartisti dont know much about linux14:02
conartisti used windows till now14:02
rossdubhello all14:02
zamuroIs there a place where I can get an svg artwork for the ubuntu logo?14:02
conartisthow can i download it?14:02
plurtwhat do you need conartist ?14:02
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: It doesn't support the newer 7 and 8 series cards by default, you need to manually install the nvidia drivers14:02
Adantan_Alexit installed14:02
adrock358Nobody here knows?14:02
zamuroBesides wiki, please...14:02
conartisti need to install a driver realtek alc88514:02
conartistbut i cannot find it..14:02
conartistfor ubunut14:02
binarical-appcan someone tell me how to change the /home folder to a /home partition that i have from a previous install ?14:02
Pici!enter | conartist14:02
ubotuconartist: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:02
chrisleesHi. I just built a computer with 1 gig of RAM, but the BIOS and Ubuntu report only 883 megabytes. Does anyone know what might have gone wrong?14:02
conartistmy sound doesnt work14:02
adrock358i have it on my ipod but it completely ran out of batteries---bad day14:03
plurtnetwork driver?14:03
conartisttried google it14:03
Piciconartist: Do you have an onboard video card?14:03
=== Toznoshio_ is now known as Toznoshio
differentrealitybazhang,  this only creates a file with names of packages... i guess that packages need to be download... it just downloads them all automatically ... but this is not what i want.   I want to either have an image with the whole ubuntu installation which will include all my programs+configuration OR an image or sth that will automatically install+configure all my progs (WITHOUT internet)14:03
PaRaSiTe2Armada: OK, thanks.  I tried to boot 7.10 from a disk, but it just didn't work, and I heard it was due to the graphics card.14:03
Adantan_Alexchrislees: is it a new RAM Chip?14:03
Pici!aptoncd | differentreality14:03
ubotudifferentreality: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers14:03
conartisthello pici again: my video card is not onboard.....my audio card  is14:03
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: I'll give you a guide, hold on14:03
chrisleesAdantan_Alex: Yes, it's brand new14:03
adrock358did an in-place install of window--to repair my wmp, and my copy of vista came up as non-genuine.  Now I can't access my computer!14:04
Picichrislees: do you have a onboard video card? it could be sharing your system memory.14:04
Adantan_Alexchristlees: r u dual booting?14:04
differentrealityubotu,  but this will only have the packages right ? for example i use konversation and i have set some options, for example i changed the bg color.  i want this option to exists later14:04
PaRaSiTe2Armada: Thanks, PM?14:04
PaRaSiTe2Sorry, I'm brand new to linux.14:04
chrisleesPici: You've hit on it; that must be the reason14:04
differentrealityeh Pici i mean14:04
chrisleesPici and Adantan_Alex: Thanks for your help14:04
Piciadrock358: Why are you asking in #ubuntu? Thats more of a question for ##windows14:04
adrock358Could anybody help me out?  I'm having a real bad day with computers.14:05
DJones!bot | differentreality14:05
ubotudifferentreality: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:05
Adantan_Alexany time14:05
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: follow this guide exactly, it will explain to you everything you need to know: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual14:05
conartistdo you know pici some way?14:05
adrock358no it's not pici.  i need to mount my windows partition from live cd.  and i don't know how to do it.14:05
bazhangdifferentreality: what about aptoncd14:05
jake2point0join #crossover14:06
Piciconartist: You said that alsamixer listed your mixers.  Are you sure that none of them are muted?14:06
differentrealitybazhang,  i think that aptoncd would just install progs.. but then i would have to configure them all over right ?14:06
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: It says it's not the reccomended way but ubuntu doesn't detect it and the drivers don't support it so this is the only way14:06
PaRaSiTe2Armada:  Thanks!! :D14:06
conartistmy headphone is 0014:06
differentrealitybazhang,  for example i use konversation and i have changed (among other things) the bg color. will that be configured like i have it now ?14:06
conartistpcm 100<>10014:06
conartistfronty 100<>10014:07
dublpawsconartist: do lspci | grep Audio, and paste what it says14:07
adrock358so does anyone know?  I'm dyin' over here.  I'm sure it's only two lines, but the two lines are saved on my ipod, which ran out of battery today!!!--the luck!! So...anybody, please?14:07
tyHi, probably wrong topic, but... i want to learn to make applications for linux i have done a bit of php before where would i start to make something simple like clicking a butting runs a cli command and displays in a window like when you install packages?14:07
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: But overall the performance is great, I can play TF2 DX8.1 in wine with 60 fps!14:07
conartistright away dub14:07
werscan't exaile be minimized in the system tray without using an app like alltray?14:07
conartist00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)14:08
Piciwers: I believe theres a plugin for that, check the plugins menu in exaile for that (or whatever they call it)14:08
conartistwhat does that command do14:08
bazhangdifferentreality: okay; what about zipping your /home then moving it to the new machine with aptoncd for the rest14:08
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: though that's nothing compared to the performance on windows, that's why I keep that in multi boot for gaming14:08
nathanjhow do i get the demensions and postion of a window? I am trying to setup devilspie to automatically locate a couple of windows for me but I can't work out how to get the current demensions and postion so I can put in the config14:09
dublpawsconartist: lspci lists details regarding your hardware, then grep picks out any line of the output with "Audio" in it.14:09
differentrealityhmmm bazhang that might work i guess...14:09
differentrealitybazhang,  actually... what about /etc/resolv.conf for example ?14:09
conartistso...what should i do next?14:10
differentrealityi would be copying this.. right bazhang ?14:10
bazhangdifferentreality: what have you tried so far? I have given you some suggestions14:10
|Dede|does it matter matter what identifier I use for my Device in xorg.conf?14:10
differentrealitybazhang,  yeah but none will actually clone everything i got so far :/14:11
adrock358adrock358 walks away, slumping his head and shoulders in shame.14:11
PaRaSiTe2Armada: Check PM :)14:11
nathanj|Dede| as long as you follow through the whole config then no14:11
dublpawsconartist: what I'm doing is plugging some of the details into google, <82801I ubuntu> to see if anyone else has had this problem.14:11
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: You can't PM on freenode unless you register14:11
plurtquick question: I use azerty, gnome is set to azerty, so is tty, why is my loginscreen(graphic) in qzerty and how do I change it?14:11
conartistso tell me what should i search?14:12
bazhangdifferentreality: have you tried anything so far?14:12
conartisti tried getting my audio driver alc885...is that the right thing to do?14:12
nathanjanyone got any idea how to get window details? eg. demensions and desktop postion co-ordinates14:12
PaRaSiTe2Armada: Oh OK.  What I was going to ask is won't this work? http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_169.12.html14:12
conartistor should i try searching for something else14:12
PaRaSiTe2And I'm planning on dual booting14:12
Cahanrtorrent keeps corrupting my file system and causing my server to just hang until I boot into a liveCD and run fsck14:12
differentrealitybazhang,  no, because it seems that my prob won't be solved14:13
dublpawsconartist: my suspicion is that your install already supports your audio hardware.14:13
phpnoobieanyone knows where i can get a free ssh server to proxify my connection to????14:13
dublpawsconartist: and some other problem is causing the symtoms.14:13
bazhangdifferentreality: it seems that you want some guarantee of success beforehand; linux is about trying stuff and learning from what does and does not work14:13
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: Are you running 32 or 64 bit (x86 or x64)14:13
|Dede|nathanj: How can I find out my grafic card's BusID?14:13
conartistand can we find out what is that problem????14:14
PaRaSiTe2Armada: Currently, nothing.  I'm thinking of 64bit though, as I have a C2D.14:14
plurtnathanj: system - preferences - monitor settings?14:14
bazhangdifferentreality: I know what will work with my system; but your system is another matter as you have done very different things most likely--thus my suggestions14:14
conartisti told you, my alsa mixer runs correctly..14:14
differentrealitybazhang,  well.. that's not it... it's just obvious that installing the packages withouth using the internet wont give me the configuration i need ... so i see no reason to do it at the moment14:14
conartistand all the mixers are up14:14
conartistmy audio driver i ve installed it14:14
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: I'd recommend 32 bit for compatibility reasons14:14
adrock358bazhang.  can you help?  Do you know the two lines of code to mount my windows partition, from my live cd?14:15
conartistfrom the realtek site14:15
conartistand did rebooting14:15
conartistbut i still get this problem14:15
nathanjplurt i am actually after the particular location and size of a window on my desktop so i can configure devilspie14:15
differentrealitybazhang,  i think i most likely need sth like zipping my whole partition with the filesystem rather than just the /home :p14:15
conartisti posted on ubuntu forums14:15
bazhangadrock358: what are you trying to do and what have you done so far14:15
conartistnobody gave me nothing14:15
eth01conartist: well its NOT instant.14:15
plurtnathanj: oh, can't help there :(14:15
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: Download the drivers from this page, it's easier: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us14:15
bazhangconartist: someone sent you a PM on ubuntuforums14:16
PaRaSiTe2Armada: Why is it more compatible?  And is it much slower?  And how could I do the driver installation if I can't even get into Linux?14:16
PaRaSiTe2Thanks. :)14:16
conartistyes man14:16
conartistthey did.....but i did it14:16
plurtquick question: I use azerty, gnome is set to azerty, so is tty, why is my loginscreen(graphic) in qwerty and how do I change it?14:16
conartiststill doesnt work14:16
eth01so be damn patient, and wait -- nobody will do it for you, either... ;)14:16
nathanj|Dede| not sure sorry14:16
conartisti dont know anything else to do14:16
|Dede|How can you find out your grafic card's BusID?14:16
Pici|Dede|: try lspci14:16
bazhangconartist: take a deep breath; this will not be solved in the next two minutes14:17
adrock358bazhang.  Thank you.  Well, I need to mount my windows partition from the ubuntu live cd.  Because, my windows is rendered useless at the moment after I did an in-place installation, and my windows came back as non-genuine.  So I need to go snoop around in there and see what I can get.  I haven't done anything yet.  Thanks...14:17
jake2point0is there a way to remotely control another ubuntu without a gui?14:17
conartistnot solved in the next two minutes14:17
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: 32-bit apps can't run on 64-bit, there are much more 32-bit apps than 64-bit.14:17
dublpawsconartist: here is someone with the same problem -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74421614:17
conartistbut this problem persists for 3 days m8s14:17
|Dede|Pici: does that tell me what I wrote into xorg.conf, or is that a unchangable value?14:17
conartist3 day i m searching14:17
conartistto solve this problem14:17
andaxplurt: you could try "loadkeys us" (or whatever layout you have)14:17
conartisthow long does it take....:(14:17
PaRaSiTe2Armada: I thought 32bit apps could run on 64bit?  I swear...14:18
Pici|Dede|: It shows you what Ubuntu detects the hardware as.14:18
Pici!chroot | PaRaSiTe214:18
ubotuPaRaSiTe2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box14:18
bazhangconartist: well being impatient as you are is not making people want to help you14:18
plurtandax: any idea what .conf holds that line?14:18
conartistok m8, maybe i ll should wait two weeks...14:18
conartistthank you very much14:18
jake2point0my friend has an issue with his computer running 7.10 gg .  how do i remotely connect to him.14:18
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: well, let's ask14:18
nathanjanyone got any idea how to get window details? eg. demensions and desktop postion co-ordinates14:18
Picinathanj: xwinifo *might* give you that. If its not installed, then its in the repos.14:19
nathanjPici sounds promising thanks mate14:19
bazhangadrock358: windows is not working? and you want to copy files from it to another location and save as much as you can? why not just copy the files you wish?14:19
nathanjPici already installed by default and works a treat, thanks14:20
ArmadaHow's Ubuntu 64-bit on compatibility with 32-bit apps?14:20
jake2point0not good14:20
GInArmada: poor14:20
Armadathought so14:20
bazhangconartist: what kernel do you have?14:20
conartistwhere can i see what version?14:21
adrock358bazhang.  basically, there is one file on windows that i need to get my windows working again.  so, if i mount it, i'm golden.  and the reason why i am on live cd, is that my internet, in ubuntu, only works from the live cd.14:21
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: As you can see there is very little support for 32-bit apps in 64-bit ubuntu14:22
PaRaSiTe2OK, my wrong :P14:22
dublpawsconartist: uname -a14:22
andaxhowever my system is still broken and i wether can login to xsession nor do i have network connection. But i can chroot from a mandriva one live-cd and use apt-get. Is there a way to reinstall the basesystem with a simple command?14:22
bazhangconartist: in a terminal type uname -r14:22
PaRaSiTe2Is 64bit much faster than 32bit though?14:22
conartistLinux conartist 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 07:42:25 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux14:23
eth01yes and no14:23
plurtandax: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop14:23
nespdifferentreality: maybe this will help? http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/partimage14:23
plurtandax: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop -> this will reinstall gnome desktop and its dependencies14:23
conartisti realised14:23
conartistthat when i enter my mixer14:24
conartistfrom the panel14:24
conartisti mean14:24
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: I think so, but it's not really something you'd have a significant advantage from. More interesting for servers and such.14:24
conartistthe volume control14:24
arvind_khadrihi am unable to get the splash screen when ubuntu boots14:24
bazhangconartist: did you try purging alsa and reinstalling?14:24
conartisti did14:24
conartisti reinstalled14:24
tonsofpcsreceived an email that contained an attachment in "multipart/appledouble" format, how can I read it?~~14:24
FloodBot3conartist: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:25
PaRaSiTe2Armada: Hmm, OK.14:25
conartistone problem14:25
andaxplurt: i am trying right now...14:25
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: http://64-bit-computers.com/linux-ubuntu-610-64-bit-vs-32-bit-benchmark-test.html14:25
dublpawsconartist: if you $sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer  , there's a gui for alsamixer.14:25
bazhanghttp://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4411329&postcount=6 and did you do this conartist14:25
conartistwhen i enter system --> oreferences-->sound14:25
plurtandax: you might have to restore default settings a boot to boot directly into graphics mode but it should work14:25
conartistwhen i test the soundcapture14:25
bazhangadrock358:  what is the file?14:26
conartisti get an error mesage14:26
penanyone using GRUB-GFXBOOT?14:26
differentrealitynesp,  seems to be what i need... just one question, any idea if it will work with different hardware ?14:26
arvind_khadrihi am unable to get the splash screen when ubuntu boots.....14:26
conartistFailed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'14:26
conartistdoes this help14:26
nespdifferentreality: nope, haven't tried it actually.. here's another one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem14:26
conartist(i already have gnome alsemixer installed and everthing is at maximum)14:26
bazhangconartist: I gave you a link; please follow the steps in it and report the precise errors you get14:27
plurtconartist: do you have alsa-base installed?14:27
conartistbut i think it s because of that error14:27
conartistyes i have it14:27
conartistone sec baz14:27
adrock358bazhang a file with my license key. the only trace of the license key.14:27
spiderfireare there any cms packages in the repos?14:27
bazhangadrock358: you really should ask about windows in their channel; have you done so?14:28
PaRaSiTe2Armada: Thanks again. :)14:28
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: np, mate14:29
PaRaSiTe2Can't wait for Hardy14:29
differentrealitythanks a lot guys :)14:29
bazhangarvind_khadri: have you adjusted your boot parameters?14:29
PaRaSiTe2How would I import my FF profile into Linux?  Just copypasta?14:29
adrock358bazhang.  i will be there forever.  they don't know how to fix this.  ihad the mount instruct. on my ipod but the batts wore down!!!  all I have to do it mount my win part.  it's so easy.  Some guy told me how to do this in two seconds last time.  It was Jack_Sparrow.14:30
andaxplurt: seems getting more complicated than that:  http://nopaste.ch/eee5e3ba4987d7f.html14:30
bazhangadrock358: how about recharging your iPod and looking for the instructions14:31
PaRaSiTe2Armada: Wouldn't Hardy be better though, as in, 64bit much faster (maybe)?14:31
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: Those are names given to release revisions, using older versions is not recommended14:32
bazhangadrock358: I have no idea about windows, thus my suggestion to visit ##windows14:32
Armada*release versions14:32
arvind_bazhang, hi am unable to get the splash screen when ubuntu boots.....14:32
PaRaSiTe2Armada: I realise that, but I emant wo't Hardy be better... optimised?14:32
arvind_bazhang, am using 7.1014:32
conartistnow i m gonna reboot14:33
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: I don't think so, why are you looking for more speed?14:33
conartisti did what you told me buz14:33
conartistthat link14:33
PaRaSiTe2Faster is always better :P @Armada14:33
adrock358bazhang.  i pod only recharges (when it's completely drained), in Itunes--in windows.  Some guy just told me how to do it in kubuntu.  Thanks.14:33
nespadrock358, try this.. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows14:34
gcosminwhere can I fint AddType application/x-httpd-php .php etc ?14:34
Stormx2He left14:34
Stormx2gcosmin, sounds like an apache directive?14:34
dublpawsgcosmin: sounds like apache.conf to me.14:34
nespow.. hehe14:34
Stormx2gcosmin, check /etc/apache2/httpd.conf14:35
gcosmindublpaws: where is that ?14:35
dublpawswhat Stormx2 said.14:35
gcosminStormx2: that is bank14:35
stephenHas anyone ever installed Atutor on ubuntu?14:35
Stormx2that is bank?14:35
Stormx2Sorry, what?14:35
ArmadaPaRaSiTe2: not always, if you're looking for the most optimized distro ubuntu isn't the one you're looking for. Ubuntu concentrates on being user friendly.14:36
legend2440arvind_ if you install startup manager in synaptic there is an option to enable splash screen. that might be easist way14:36
gcosminStormx2: hava a look in your /etc/apache2/httpd.conf14:36
Picigcosmin: its /etc/apache2/apache2.conf or /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php something.conf  I dont have an install here to check the exact names.14:36
|Dede|After installing the fglrx driver, I get this message when typing "fglrxinfo": fglrxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:36
PiciStormx2: httpd.conf is not used in apache2, apache2.conf is.14:36
arvind_legend2440, ok will try tat..14:36
PaRaSiTe2Armada: True14:36
gcosminPici: is not on /etc/apache2/apache2.conf14:36
Stormx2Pici, Oh blimey. I thought it was httpd.14:36
bazhangarvind_: did you adjust the boot parameters? something like nosplash?14:36
conartisthello again14:36
Picigcosmin: What about the other directory?14:36
conartiststill nothing14:36
arvind_no bazhang ,i added splash to it now ...14:37
gcosminPici:he he he thanx man14:37
gcosminPici: you are the best14:37
bazhangconartist: what did you do; I gave a link for you to follow14:37
gcosminPici: in  /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf14:37
conartisti did everthing14:37
dublpawscd /etc/apach2/; grep -rn "AddType application14:37
conartistand replaced14:37
conartistthe line there14:37
dublpawsneverming that was a type ^^^14:37
=== ubuntu is now known as Cannon
andaxarvind_khadri: splash is enabled when you add the word splash to the /boot/grub/menu.lst at the according line.14:37
conartistwith Realtek14:37
dublpawstypo! blah.14:37
Cannoni need urgent help ... i tried to install kubuntu but on 94% i get "Executing 'grub-install (hd0)' failed.  This is a fatal error. :'(14:38
|Dede|After installing the fglrx driver, I get this message when typing "fglrxinfo": fglrxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:38
PaRaSiTe2Are Beryl and Compiz unneeded now Compiz Fusion is around?14:38
jimcooncat_It might be a file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/14:38
bazhangconartist: 'still nothing' is not an informative answer; if you want help here you need to give full and complete informative responses to exactly what you did and what errors you got14:38
arvind_andax i did tat14:38
conartisti did step 114:38
conartistii went to system >administration> software sources14:39
conartisti clicked on updates14:39
conartistunsupported packages14:39
conartisti realoded14:39
bazhangsudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base conartist14:39
conartisti typed sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-2.6.22-14-generic linux-backports-modules-generic14:40
Piciconartist: please STOP using enter as punctuation, you have been warned multiple times.14:40
bazhangGo right to the bottom of the file and add the following line: conartist14:40
ArmadaIs there a difference in performance between 6.10 and 7.10?14:40
bazhangoptions snd-hda-intel model=toshiba conartist (replace with name of your computer)14:40
conartisti didnt understand this part14:40
conartistso i enter the last line like so:14:41
bazhangconartist do that in the terminal14:41
|Dede|After installing the fglrx driver, I get this message when typing "fglrxinfo": fglrxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:41
conartistoptions snd-hda-intel model=????14:41
conartistwhat model14:41
bazhang!enter | conartist14:41
ubotuconartist: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:41
conartistmine is not toshiba14:41
meescuHi. Can anyone please tell me how can I run the apache server? I have downloaded it fromhttp://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html and extracted it but I just have no idea how to start it, the instructions there don't work for me and, silly as it sounds, there is no .exe file and if I go in the terminal it does everything but run the apache.14:42
bazhangstop typing a few words and then hitting enter conartist14:42
Cannoni need urgent help ... i tried to install kubuntu but on 94% i get "Executing 'grub-install (hd0)' failed.  This is a fatal error. :'(14:42
=== BanskuZ is now known as Frozenball
bazhangCannon: start over14:42
nespconartist, have you tried this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting14:42
Cannoni tried, same error twice14:42
conartistso i add this line to the bottom of the document : options snd-hda-intel model=??14:42
grimsqueaker13Can anyone help me with converting amr files to mp3 or wav in Ubuntu 7.10?14:42
Cannon@ bazhang14:42
bazhangCannon: check the md5sum and then burn the iso very slowly14:43
Picimeescu: Apache is in the Ubuntu repositories, there is no reason to install a 3rd party package like that.14:43
conartistwhat model..what should i type more precisely?14:43
Cannonit worked in the past ... there is nothing wrong with the disk14:43
bazhangconartist: what is your computer model? ibm? sony? whatever it is you type that14:43
esmwhello, i'm installing ubuntu in a pc with a sata hard drive, and then when go to do the partition process it's freez at 46% i try ubuntu 7.10 and 8.04 betha and the both are freze no keyb ir mouse... can any body help me?14:43
Pici!apache > meescu (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)14:44
conartisti have intel...should i type intel?14:44
conartistintel core 214:44
bazhangesmw: have you checked the md5sum, burned the iso slowly, and also checked the bios to allow ata?14:44
esmwi try with two diferents cd's14:45
bazhangconartist: what is the computer maker? not intel--something like toshiba, sony, compaq, hp, dell, etc14:45
esmwand this computer have the same problem with 7.0414:45
conartistso i should type then option snd-hda-intel model=intel????14:46
bazhangesmw: if you have a bad iso then you can try with 100 cds and get the same result14:46
jk_is there an auto cad aternative for ubuntu commercial or free14:46
manos21Hi I'm a newcomer in linux and I'm pretty entusiast with what I've seen so far. Nevertheless I still got problems in handling some things. For example is there anybody to advise me about KDENLIVE. I have installed it, I run it once, it crushed and I cannot even open it since. Any idea?14:46
esmw7.04, 7.10 and 8.04 betha freez at 46% of the partition process14:46
bazhangconartist: you are not reading my responses; good luck to you fixing that problem14:46
conartisthold on m814:46
conartisti told you i was a begginer14:46
conartisti have something written on it14:47
conartistit says intel core 2 gigabyte14:47
esmwbazhang: i try with diferents iso....14:47
bazhang<bazhang> conartist: what is the computer maker? not intel--something like toshiba, sony, compaq, hp, dell, etc14:47
conartistso i should put there gigabyte?14:47
ikoniaconartist what are you even talking about ?14:47
LoLeNGrub ALERT14:48
bazhanghttp://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4411329&postcount=6 ikonia he is trying to modify a file with nano14:48
conartistii dont know who is my comp maker14:48
ikoniabazhang type gigabite, or core2duo ???14:48
conartistin the decumentation14:48
conartistof the pc14:48
conartisti found gigabyte14:49
bazhangconartist: gigabyte14:49
conartistiyes....should i type gigabyte?14:49
LoLeNi have @ the primary ide the hdd where vista is installed, and at the scsi controller and hdd where i have ubuntu - after ubuntu install grub is not seen anywhere14:49
bazhangesmw: slow down; did you check the md5 sum?14:49
LoLeNat the scsi controller the hdd*14:49
conartistshould i type that?14:49
esmwwhat it's the command?14:50
conartistok man......14:50
conartistand after that i reboot?14:50
bazhangesmw: you are in windows or linux right now14:50
manos21Anyone knows about KDENLIVE?14:51
conartistso i should type that and reboot?14:51
Osshola alguien habla español???14:51
esmwin linux14:51
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.14:51
Oss:) grax14:51
bazhanghttp://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows esmw read that first14:51
conartistso i should type that and reboot?14:51
esmwbazhang  i'm in linux :)14:52
bazhangconartist: read the link I gave you thanks14:52
conartisti read it man....14:52
bazhangsorry esmw just a sec14:52
conartistis gigabyte what i supposed to write there and reboot?????14:52
esmwno problem :)14:52
bazhanghttp://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto esmw14:52
nespmanos21, try asking in the #kubuntu channel14:53
conartistis gigabyte what i supposed to write there and reboot?????14:53
bazhangconartist: private message?14:53
fevelcan someone help me install gtkpod 0.99.12? I really have no idea14:53
conartistoptions snd-hda-intel model=gigabyte?14:54
jk_fevel, is it not in you repo14:54
manos21nesp, thanks I'll try that. Do you know any other similar program to moviemaker (slideshows etc.)14:54
bazhangconartist type /join #conartist14:54
feveljk_,  only 0.99.10 is ...I need twelve to fix the database bug issue14:55
jk_have you updated fevel14:55
cchildhow would i use luksRemoveKey to remove key at slot 0?14:55
conartisti typed14:55
conartistnow what14:55
feveljk_, updated? I use 7.1014:55
jk_sudo aptitude update14:56
feveljk_, yes, I have updated but the version is 0.99.10 ...0.99.12 is due on 8.0414:57
jk_i forgot i was using hardy14:58
nespmanos21: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_editing_software#Non-linear_video_editing_software_3 but most of them are still being improved14:58
elTigresame for glade by the way14:59
jk_hang on a sec fevel, i will boot into my 7.10 and see if the extracted deb will install there14:59
elTigrehey, I have a problem: Some programs like firefox and glade don't start14:59
manos21nesp, thanks a lot. See you around14:59
fevelthanks man14:59
elTigrein the console they don't do anything14:59
nespok.. i mean14:59
elTigrefor example "firefox" or "firefox-3.0"  don't get me any error message15:00
elTigrebut nothing at all happens15:00
CruXhello when will be new ubuntu available ?15:00
bastid_raZor24 April15:01
jribelTigre: what version of ubuntu are you running?15:01
jk_CruX, 17 days15:01
CruXthx jk_15:01
elTigreHardy Heron15:01
cuscowould somebody please take a look at this dependency problem?15:01
cuscopasted here: http://www.paste.la/65815:01
jribelTigre: help with hardy is in #ubuntu+115:02
cuscothat is teh output from apt-get install -f15:02
samicusco, have you tried apt-get clean and dpkg --configure -a15:03
cuscosami: hold15:03
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upi want to read media file with mozilla15:03
jonnymacalright, I'm trying to install an "old english" font and dictionary for open office. A search on the internett + wizard didn't find anything for me.15:03
esmwbazhang: 523db182ecea4c929e4ab26ddaadfb40  ubuntu-8.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso15:04
bazhangesmw: lets take this to #ubuntu+1 okay15:04
cuscosami: yes it comes back to the same errors while configuring15:05
shjordanDoes anyone knows how to acess Hotmail on Evolution?15:05
arcticpenguin380is a p2 333Mhz with 384MB ram enough for ubuntu?15:06
cuscoarcticpenguin380: try xubuntu for best performance15:06
geniiarcticpenguin380: It will run but you may find the speed of things somewhat aggravating15:06
bazhangarcticpenguin380: or fluxbuntu even15:06
samicusco, What were you trying to install?15:06
samiWhat does your sources.list tell you?15:07
arcticpenguin380its for a laptop i bought for 10$ =)15:07
DJones!hotmail | shjordan, I used hotway to configure evolution to access hotmail15:08
ubotushjordan, I used hotway to configure evolution to access hotmail: If you need to use an MSN Hotmail account, consider packages such as "hotway" and "hostsmtp", which are gateways respectively to the !POP and !SMTP protocols (also supporting Lycos and Spray)15:08
bastid_raZorshjordan; have you tried googling for an answer? i just did and the very first link shows you how.15:08
jk_it requires dependies libc6 which i cant seem to install on its own fevel15:08
arcticpenguin380the ram is enough but its the processor that will slow it?15:08
humboltowhat are the best mailing list managers with csv import, web interface and "german" language support?15:08
cuscosami: its not me its a friend of mine, he was apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop15:08
cuscoafter installing xubuntu-desktop15:08
ubotuIf you need to use an MSN Hotmail account, consider packages such as "hotway" and "hostsmtp", which are gateways respectively to the !POP and !SMTP protocols (also supporting Lycos and Spray)15:09
samicusco, Great going. apt-get autoremove15:09
cuscosami: he alreadi did that... the packages are unpacked15:09
shjordanDJones: but I'm newby on this, can you teach me how to make it work?15:09
cuscothey need to be configured15:09
samicusco, Never delete kubuntu-desktop.15:09
samicusco, It has deps down to the kernel-image15:10
tarandushow could I use and install Gnome and KDE4 both in the same system, that is now set up as ubuntu gutsy?15:10
samiubuntus built in a veeery weird way15:10
cuscosami: what do you advise now?15:11
taranduswill I encounter problems if I apt-get kubuntu-desktop in an ubuntu system, or will it work (I want to select between Gnome and KDE4 from gdm login)?15:11
DJonesshjordan: this is the walk through i used to get it set up, just follow it through, its pretty straight forward http://www.ubuntugeek.com/send-and-receive-your-hotmail-messages-through-evolution.html15:11
jribtarandus: it will work fine15:11
samicusco, I would recommend a complete reinstall acctually. There is too much work to fix that.15:11
tarandusjrib: do I need to enable backports repository to get KDE4?15:11
jrib!kde4 | tarandus15:11
ubotutarandus: KDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde415:11
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Adantan_Alexwow i installed it15:12
jribcusco, sami: removing kubuntu-desktop does nothing15:12
shjordanthank you DJones15:12
DJonesshjordan: no probs15:12
samijrib, It's a meta package for the whole dist. If you remove it it recommends you to remove linux-kernel-image and the rest of the packages.15:13
adrian15Hello. Do you know if Lubi / Unetbootin developer is round here ?15:13
jk_fevel, it has a few dependencies which are required and versions are higher than ones available for gutsy, sorry15:14
kmystanybody ever have amarok crash when they maximize the window?15:14
Adantan_Alexdo u mean dual boot windows and ubuntu?15:14
Adantan_Alexno i dont ^^15:14
kmystand by crash i mean it crashes the gui to a login15:14
cuscosami: difference between apt-get and aptitude, apt-get does not remove nor install the recommended packages15:15
cuscosami: that should not be a problem really15:15
adrian15Adantan_Alex: thank you anyways15:15
jribsami: give a try and see15:15
samijrib, Try dpkg --status ubuntu-desktop and check deps15:15
jribsami: I know the deps recurse down a lot, it doesn't matter15:16
samicusco, Well while you remove meta packages that depend on other packages as a mata should do. It should prompt you for a [Y/n] check box if you want to remove deps or now.15:16
samiAnd if you added the --purge it removes configs which it's looks like.15:17
kmystanybody notice amarok crashing the gui to a login prompt if you maximize the amarok window?15:17
LoLeNguys can sb help me?15:17
samidpkg --configure -a _should_ have doen the trick but obviously not.15:17
orionjoehello, can anyone help me get a usb game controller to work with gsnes9x?15:18
LoLeNi have 3 ide drives, one is at the primary ide, and the other two are in raid 5 at the scsi controller; i cant get grub to work15:18
AdysI got libdb 4.2, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 installed on my system atm, is it safe to remove all the < 4.6 ones?15:19
samijrib, cusco: i might be worng, but what dpkg can tell me i'm atleast guessing right :).15:20
orionjoeanyone here?15:20
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bazhangadrian15: what are you trying to accomplish? could you clarify please15:21
itai-michaelsonconartist, did you solve your sound card problem?15:21
bazhangitai-michaelson: he's in #alsa15:21
shjordani follow the tutorial... but...15:22
shjordan-ERR Unable to find folder inbox on remote server15:22
orionjoecan anyone help me get a usb game controller working with gsnes9x?15:24
DJonesshjordan: i've not come across that error before, but as a thought, how old is your hotmail email address? I know MS changed hotmail so that only accounts which are paid for, or are about 5-6 years old can use smtp, that could be the reason why it won't work15:24
onisacJoin ubuntu-de15:25
jk_whilst installing using aptitude i closed the terminal window, how do i fix the errors i get when i try to install again15:25
shjordanDJones: but i use Live Hotmail... it have 4+ years old...15:25
DJones!aptfix | jk15:26
ubotujk: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:26
jk_thanks DJones15:26
linux_eroHow to install web cam philips SPC I 300? I need drivers but I don't find it, help please15:26
DJonesshjordan: have you ever been able to access hotmail via smtp on windows?  There's also a setting in your hotmail profile that you have to configure to allow smtp/pop3, although I can't remember where it is, I've got a feeling that your hotmail account might be too new to allow it though, I'm sure its older accounts than that15:27
gatestone/usr/sbin/ntpd -p /var/run/ntpd.pid -u 112:122 -g was running, but my time is wrong. I killed it and run sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org, now it works. WHY?15:28
TomCDo you take newbie questions here...or is there a better place?15:28
shjordanDJones: Yes, I always used it...15:28
jk_TomC, all questions welcomed15:28
shjordansend and receive e-mails15:28
TomCThanks, jk_, ...I've just installed 7.10 this morning and I was expecting a graphic desktop...only got command line...it's interesting learning about that and I hope to be an expert someday...but for now I'd like to go the graphic route...can anyone give me a command to get it?15:30
jk_what is currently on screen15:30
TomC$ prompt15:31
jk_did you login with username and password15:31
DJonesshjordan: I haven't got an answer for you, all I can suggest  is asking in the channel to see if anybody else can help, and double checking that all teh settings in the walkthrough are correct15:31
erUSUL!webcam | linux_ero15:31
ubotulinux_ero: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:31
TomCyes...seems to have worked...system responds to the few commands I know...15:31
shjordanDJones:  is there any evolution channel?15:32
smithey93hey guys, any one know what app 2 use to send songs 2 my phone from my pc with bluetooth15:32
staubидите в хуё15:32
erUSUL!de | staub15:32
ubotustaub: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:32
daYZmani'm trying to install ubuntu 7.1 on my laptop (ATI Xpress 200M). the screen goes blank after some loading when the cd quiets down. does anyone know what's wrong?15:32
jk_try "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" to start the gnome display manager TomC15:32
daYZmani don't think it's frozen because when i press ctrl-alt-del, the cd is ejected15:32
mark0zi have blank screen at boot15:32
smithey93what app should i use 2 send songs to my mobile phone via bluetooth15:33
TomCThanks...I'll do it...!15:33
erUSUL!repeat | smithey9315:33
ubotusmithey93: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience15:33
erUSUL!bluetooth | smithey9315:33
ubotusmithey93: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup15:33
smithey93ty erUSUL and ubotu15:33
AstralianHELP HELP JELP15:34
cderanyone seen any howto's to set up a static ip on ubuntu gutsy?15:34
SmokerF1 F1 F1 :))15:34
AstralianI instaled Hubuntu 7.10 but after starting freezes with black screen15:34
Pici!ask | Astralian15:34
ubotuAstralian: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:34
ere4sicder: there is one on ubuntugeek15:35
DJonesshjordan: There is, but its on a different server I don't know if there's a specific evolution channel15:35
AstralianI start Ubuntu 7.10 but nothing happens just black screen and no buttons work but power.15:35
jk_is this on a laptop Astralian15:35
TomC'command not found'... so I didn't install the package, eh?  is there a command to do that now?15:35
DJonesshjordan: There's a channel list on here that may be able to help http://www.gnome.org/projects/evolution/15:35
Astralianjk_: yes Acer laptop AMD64 bit15:36
gatestoneIs it possible to have your clock in local time (=MS Windows time) and still sync with NTP?15:36
AstralianNvidia graphics Geforce go 730015:36
jk_TomC, what about "startx"15:36
cderpatrick_ did you send me a cd once in the post?15:36
TomCyou mean same as before only add the 'x' ?15:37
erUSULAstralian: maybe you can add a vga=auto to boot options.... hit F6 on boot screen and add it to kernel line iirc15:37
patrick_cder idk15:37
erUSUL!boot | Astralian15:37
ubotuAstralian: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto15:37
erUSULAstralian: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions15:37
CJS3141How do I check if a program is installed as SUID and not as a local user?15:37
jk_no just startx TomC, what commands can you use if this does not work15:37
patrick_cder dont know if i did..i just woke up haha i dont really remember you15:37
itai-michaelsonAstralian, did you try the alterenate CD?15:37
cderok i live in uk i guess not it was a while back15:38
TomC'...not currently installed...[instructions for installing]...do those?15:38
Astralianitai-michaelson: oh hi! Yep your remmber I could install it only after downloading alternate15:38
cderhow to set up a static ip on gutsy please any ideas?15:38
CJS3141Actually--I think my question should be: how do I check if a program is installed as SUID root and not as a local user?15:38
AstralianThe problem is after normal start it says cannot allocate PCI memory15:39
GiboboI need help with my laptop s-video tv-out15:39
geniicder: In the /etc/network/interfaces file. man interfaces    will give you some examples15:39
erUSULCJS3141: ls -l $(which programname)15:39
cdergenii: did'ent see any15:39
kitchecder: edit /etc/network/interfaces15:40
erUSULCJS3141: http://www.evolt.org/article/UNIX_File_Permissions_and_Setuid_Part_2/18/263/index.html15:40
patrick_where do i get applets for AWN? i cant find any on the web15:40
arvind_khadrihi,i cant remove the msttcorefonts15:40
geniicder: Lines 26 to 29 of that manpage show a static IP example15:40
jk_TomC, your problem is quiet strange, so you have not been able to log in to gnome yet. try alt + f3 or f4 or f5, you should be prompted for login, then login15:40
ere4sicder: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/change-ubuntu-system-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address.html15:41
kitchecder if the man page is a bit hard to read you can use the ubuntugeek link that ere4si posted15:41
arvind_khadribazhang, hi,i cant remove the msttcorefonts15:41
TomCok...thanks {TomC rushes across the room to the unconnected computer...}15:42
CJS3141erUSUL: Thanks, 'ls -l' says it is "root", but to run it as root do I still have to sudo it?15:42
bazhangarvind_khadri: how did you install them?15:42
hischildCJS3141, yes15:42
arvind_khadribazhang, through apt-get15:42
arvind_khadribazhang, am getting a dpkg error15:43
cderere4si: thanks15:43
itai-michaelsonAstralian, sorry ,can't help you with that, maybe in the forum ?15:43
erUSULCJS3141: if it is setuid it has an "s" and not an "x" on the execute bit for the owner15:43
bazhangarvind_khadri: what about apt-get remove packagename15:43
conartistno itai...i m working on my sound problem on alsa channel15:43
bazhangarvind_khadri: what is the error15:43
conartistmaybe i can find something in there15:43
arvind_khadribazhang, E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:43
GiboboI need i help with my s-video tv-out on my toshiba satellite a100 laptop.15:43
Gibobothe video card is intel. I have seen that totem can do a tv-out but the option are only for nvidia is there a way to change that?15:43
itai-michaelsonconartist, good, reemeber yesterday i gave you a link to someone who managed to get the same card running in ubuntu , you might try to contact him15:44
CJS3141erUSUL: Her is what I get: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 48552 2007-06-17 08:25 arp-scan (arp-scan is the program I'm trying to use as root). So no "s" bit--how do I set it? Is it in that web link you sent? (haven't read the whole article yet)15:45
bazhangarvind_khadri: sorry that should be sudo apt-get remove packagename15:45
cderthanks for the static iphowto strange that it does not mention to also change lines in /etc/resolv also15:45
kitchecder: because you do not have to touch /etc/resolv.conf15:45
ere4sicder: I've never had to do that15:45
cderand maybe /etc/hosts also15:45
Djoe1hello, I have a folder containing about 240 subfolders, in each of those subfolders there are a lot of files of different types, now i want to copy all the ".avi" files from each of those folders into a new folder. (just take all the avi files out of the 240 subfolders and copy them somewhere else)15:45
arvind_khadribazhang, yeah i know and have tried it and dpkg --remove too15:46
Djoe1how can i do that ?15:46
kitchecder: and you do not have to touch /etc/hosts either15:46
TomCjk_...still no go...all those commands ask me to re-login...all re-logins successful...seems like something's not installed, no?15:46
cderere4si: ok thanks15:46
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arvind_khadribazhang, with the sudo15:46
erUSULCJS3141: well imho is a bad idea to set that bit but you can do it with "chmod u+s file" iirc15:46
jk_well, if you logged in, try the "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" if nothing install ubuntu desktop "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop"15:46
=== nickname is now known as afrancois
erUSULCJS3141: man chmod15:46
bazhangarvind_khadri: have you checked what that error is? is there no other info there?15:46
AutoMatriXhi fols, does there anyone know howto sync via IR my nokia6610 cellular with my laptop ?15:46
arvind_khadribazhang, no other info15:47
SpookyETIs anyon using metacity composite manager with an ati card? I get a blue tint on everything. blue is brown, red is blue15:47
arvind_khadribazhang, shall i paste the whole thing somewhere15:47
arvind_khadribazhang, so tat u can view it15:47
CJS3141erUSUL: OK, and why is it a bad idea to set that bit? Is it simply because then the program is always run as root?15:47
cderere4si: i was maybe thibking of etch15:48
Djoe1anyone ?15:48
arvind_khadri!paste > arvind_khadri15:48
Gibobo I need i help with my s-video tv-out on my toshiba satellite a100 laptop. the video card is intel. I have seen that totem can do a tv-out but the option are only for nvidia is there a way to change that?15:48
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|Dede|How can you see you IP using the terminal? (like ipconfig in Win)15:49
arvind_khadribazhang, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62425/15:49
bazhangarvind_khadri: try this: sudo apt-get -f install15:49
kitche|Dede|: ifconfig15:49
erUSULCJS3141: yep after the change anybody can run that program as root without being root or needing sudo15:50
arvind_khadribazhang, returns the same error15:50
|Dede|kitche: thanks15:50
bazhangdpkg --configure -a arvind_khadri followed by sudo apt-get clean15:51
kitcheerUSUL CJS3141: arp-scan needs root powers to even run even if you chmod it sicne it needs special permissions which root can only do15:51
jk_bazhang, what does apt-get clean do15:51
arvind_khadribazhang, was tat supposed to return anything ???15:52
TomCjk_...something must be wrong with the install...those commands indicate no such package is installed...tried 'apt-get' with the same result15:52
arvind_khadrijk_,  clean15:53
arvind_khadri           clean clears out the local repository of retrieved package files. It removes everything but the lock file15:53
arvind_khadri           from /var/cache/apt/archives/ and /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/. When APT is used as a dselect(8) method,15:53
arvind_khadri           clean is run automatically. Those who do not use dselect will likely want to run apt-get clean from time to15:53
arvind_khadri           time to free up disk space.15:53
FloodBot3arvind_khadri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:53
CJS3141kitche: Yes, that's my whole issue. So if I understand erUSUL, setting the "s" bit for my username will allow me to run it as root (and allow everyone else too) without using sudo. Is this correct erUSUL, kitche?15:53
jk_rather unfortunate, i had hope that it would have worked for you15:53
kitcheCJS3141: umm no you still need to use sudo you just have to add your user to the admin group to run sudo15:53
jk_rather unfortunate, i had hope that it would have worked for you TomC15:54
bazhangarvind_khadri: now try to remove the fonts package again15:54
kitcheCJS3141: arp-scan will not run as a user like you think it will15:54
erUSULCJS3141: yep15:54
TomCthanks for the try...so I should re-install from the top, no?15:54
arvind_khadribazhang, same effect :(15:54
erUSULCJS3141: it will run as the uid of the owner of the file15:54
attuarestiIf you have to say: go here: ./framework/models/dir ? is it correct the ./ at the beginning? every people can have a different directory of installationù15:55
bazhangarvind_khadri: try to install a package15:55
jk_TomC, try rebooting, it has fixed some of my problems before, if not and you are not bothered, reinstall only takes 10 min TomC15:55
cyclonutanyone have a tip for killing a process that just doesnt seem to want to die?15:55
reconcyclonut: kill -9 usually works.15:56
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cyclonutrecon: kill -9 eh, cool, thanks :)15:56
TomCah, yes...re-boot, the basic computer repair...thanks, jk_15:56
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reconcyclonut: use it with caution. default kill sends a "TERM" signal, meaning "Clean up and exit." kill -9 is the equivlent of sneaking up on said program, stabbing it repeatedly, and going "DIE DIE DIE". which may mess up your files since it can't clean up.15:57
arvind_khadribazhang, the connection over here is slow so not able to connect the repos15:57
reconcyclonut: so always try "kill" by itself first.15:57
bazhang!aptfix | arvind_khadri perhaps try this as well15:57
ubotuarvind_khadri perhaps try this as well: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:57
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cyclonutrecon: well, for the ones I'd be using it on, I would really like them to "die die die"15:57
tactikalnukerecon: love the "DIE DIE DIE"15:58
rioim using networkmanager to connect to my wpa secured wireless lan, im also running an radvd daemon and the network but my wlan0 interface is not getting an ipv6 address, any ideas?15:58
belibeliima neko ovde da govori srpski, hrvatski ili tako neki jezik15:58
arvind_khadribazhang, i did tat it didnt return anything15:58
bazhangarvind_khadri: both commands?15:59
nespDjoe1: find source_dir -iname *.avi -print0 | xargs -n1 -0 -i cp '{}' destination_dir15:59
arvind_khadribazhang, yeah ,did the way ubotu asked to15:59
CJS3141erUSUL: Thanks much for the info--I think I understand better now, and I'm reading that article you sent the link for. :-)15:59
bazhangarvind_khadri: that is two seperate commands, not one--first do the one, then when that is finished do the second15:59
arvind_khadribazhang, the same can be done with a semi-colon in between16:00
Adrian_StraysI need some major help! Last night I completely erased vista from my computer, then expanded the Ubuntu partition, when I turned my computer on though, all I got was the grub screen16:00
reconAdrian_Strays: you mean it is stuck at the grub screen?16:01
bazhangarvind_khadri: you have any suspect repos in the sources.list? what have you done to your apt?16:01
arvind_khadribazhang, i did the way u said too,nothing happend16:01
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erUSULCJS3141: no problem :)16:01
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Adrian_StraysNo it says "Minimal bash-like editing is supported......" and then grub>16:01
bazhangarvind_khadri: try removing the fonts package again16:02
itai-michaelsonAdrian_Strays, can you boot Ubuntu?16:02
arvind_khadribazhang, well i have enabled every repo in the lsit...i dont play with apt at all :)16:02
kane77is there any program that could capture screenshot of just potion of the screen?16:02
Adrian_StraysNo, when I turn on the computer, thats what I get.16:02
reconAdrian_Strays: and it didn't show a list of operating sytems?16:02
reconAdrian_Strays: ok, hold on, i'll look up the boot command.16:02
erUSULAdrian_Strays: grub has not find its conf file due the change on the partitions configuration16:02
arvind_khadribazhang, no it doesnt work16:02
Adrian_StraysOk.   How do I fix that?16:03
bazhangarvind_khadri: what is the name of the package?16:03
arvind_khadribazhang, is there any way to disable tat font???16:03
cyris|Is there an application that can monitor the changes to files?16:03
itai-michaelsonAdrian_Strays, probably reisntalling Grub is the best bet16:03
arvind_khadribazhang, msttcorefonts16:03
reconAdrian_Strays: you want to load from a liveCD or emergency boot or whatever, and run grub-install on the correct hard drive.16:03
erUSULAdrian_Strays: try "find /boot/grub/stage116:04
erUSULAdrian_Strays: without the " sorry16:04
bazhangplease pastebin your sources.list arvind_khadri16:04
erUSULAdrian_Strays: tell what value it returns16:04
Adrian_StraysUnrecognized comand.16:04
erUSULAdrian_Strays: find /boot/grub/stage1  ??16:04
Adrian_StraysIt says it doesn't recognize the command16:05
clee-saanerr, how do i bypass the keylock access denial on ubuntu to install a software again ?16:05
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Adrian_StraysI'll boot to the livecd16:05
erUSULAdrian_Strays: then use the recovery procedue described here...16:05
erUSUL!grub | Adrian_Strays16:05
ubotuAdrian_Strays: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:05
erUSULAdrian_Strays: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows16:06
reconAdrian_Strays: actually, you could probably boot from that hard disk with the right commands to the grub> prompt.16:06
arvind_khadribazhang, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62427/16:06
|Dede|After installing the fglrx driver, I get this message when typing "fglrxinfo": fglrxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:06
Adrian_StraysBut I uninstalled Windows?16:06
reconAdrian_Strays: to ubuntu.16:07
theman3j linux16:07
cderERE4SI: what bearing or relationship does my present output have on eth0 in ifconfig and doing the static ip setup?16:07
reconAdrian_Strays: then run the recovery process.16:07
itai-michaelsonAdrian_Strays, it doesnt matter - these are all links to reinstalling GRUB16:07
erUSULAdrian_Strays: the guide is usefull in this cases too16:07
legend2440cyris|: the package fam(file alteration monitor) might do that. never tried it myself16:07
Dr_willisI through read of the Grub homepage/docs - helps you learn a lot about grub. Well worth the time an effort. Grub is rather.. amazing. :)16:07
bazhangarvind_khadri: what does sudo apt-get update return16:07
reconAdrian_Strays: i'll give you the commands to type at the grub> prompt. tell me when you're ready.16:08
ere4sicder: I don't understand the question - can you rephrase it?16:08
Adrian_Strays(Its slow to load the LiveCd)16:08
arvind_khadribazhang, its a positive response nothing abnormal16:08
dweerfere4si just a sec16:08
arvind_khadribazhang, there is some prob with the package itself16:09
bazhangarvind_khadri: try to install vrms16:09
terminalhow i configure pidgin for yahoo messanger16:09
dweerfere4si: in the howto you sent me there are some comments on the howto at the bottom one comment is checking with your current ifconfig output for eth0?16:10
Dr_willisterminal,  it allready supports yahoo last i tried. I just added a new acount, and selected yahoo in the pulldown menu16:10
arvind_khadribazhang, hey yeah it says preconfigure has some probs16:10
bazhangarvind_khadri: what are the exact errors16:10
ere4sicder: setting a static ip address should show the new ip address in ifconfig - if you have restarted the networking16:10
jk_terminal, accounts>manage>add16:11
terminal<Dr_willis>i do same but it shows available connecting16:11
dweerfere4si ok thats clear so in the explame in the howto its ok to use those settings?16:11
Dr_willisterminal,  I cant help ya there.. My Yahoo Account just connected..16:11
ere4sidweerf: only if they match your setup16:12
arvind_khadribazhang, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62428/,these are the errors16:12
dweerfere4si: how do i know that they match my setup?16:12
Adrian_StraysSo wait, I'm following the guide and it says enter "root (hd,01)" but the partition ubuntu is installed under is /dev/sda216:12
macramolehello #ubuntu16:12
terminal<Dr_willis>port no... plz16:12
Adrian_StraysSo is the 1 correct?16:13
ere4sidweerf: well, what is the address of the router?16:13
bazhangarvind_khadri: why are using that command? it should be sudo apt-get install vrms16:13
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ere4sidweerf: 192.168.01 or
dweerfere4si: just a sec16:14
Dr_willisterminal,  It may be some yahoo server issue. trymaking a new yahoo account.16:14
arvind_khadribazhang, i used tat only...the package had been fetched and then this error came up16:14
geniiAdrian_Strays: root (hd,01) would be a typo. root (hd0,1) would be correct16:14
bazhangarvind_khadri: try purging the package16:14
darkroastI need to connect to a windows VPN from ubuntu, but I don't see the VPN option in network manager, even though I've installed network-manager-pptp16:14
arvind_khadribazhang, i tried it...its all in vain16:15
macramoledarkroast, have you restarted the network applet ?16:15
TheFrugalGeekThis is going to sound silly, but how do I make ubuntu look pretty?16:15
bazhangarvind_khadri: when did you notice this error? what did you do beforehand16:15
darkroastmacramole: is there supposed to be a VPN tab or something?16:16
Adrian_StraysWhat does swap do, how much is enough (not minimum, more of, not overboad)16:16
geniiAdrian_Strays: Although for sda2 then (hd0,3)16:16
Adrian_StraysAw crap16:16
macramolewhen i connect to my office intranet in windows i can ping the pcs in my workgroup by their computer name, how can i get similar behavior in ubuntu ? something with resolve.conf ?16:16
darkroastswap is for virtual memory -- it should be roughly 2x your RAM size16:16
amfwrkI can't seem to figure out why my initial $MANPATH (in default Ubuntu's bash) isn't set... how does man know where to look?16:16
DJones!swap | Adrian_Strays16:16
ubotuAdrian_Strays: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info16:16
Adrian_StraysI already entered it in and closed down the live cd16:16
arvind_khadribazhang, i jus wanted to remove it so used apt to remove it and then found this eror16:16
ere4siTheFrugalGeek: have a look at the forum gallery for clues16:16
Adrian_StraysIts didn't close16:16
Adrian_StraysHow can I fix it?16:16
bazhangarvind_khadri: what odd things did you install or do beforehand16:16
macramoledarkroast, can you see the 2 monitors next to the time ?16:16
cyris|Can auditd monitor an entire directories files and those files within sub directories?16:17
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Adrian_Straysgenii, ?16:17
SpookyETTrailer downloaded from apple.com 720p uses litle cpu. 720P mkv files uses 100% CPU. any ideas? I'm using mplayer16:17
arvind_khadribazhang, i didnt install anything :(16:17
darkroastmacramole: yes, I see the icon with the fore- and background monitor16:17
geniiAdrian_Strays: Did you have the / mounted someplace from the livecd?16:17
dweerfere4si the line in ifconfig for etho at the moment is inet addr: Bcast:  Mask:
ppdjoin #pygtk16:17
bazhangarvind_khadri: this is very odd behaviour; cannot remember those fix commands not working ever before and we have tried them all16:18
Adrian_StraysI think so16:18
arvind_khadribazhang, yeah,so wat to do now??16:18
Adrian_StraysThe partition is mount16:18
macramoledarkroast, ok, after u installed the network-pptp package have u closed that applet and opened again ?16:18
arvind_khadribazhang, i have jus re-installed yesterday,dont want to go through that pain again16:18
eax_Can anyone help me? I'm trying to install Call Of Duty 1. But under the installation it asks me to insert CD 2. But I can't take out CD 1 as the system won't allow it :S16:18
darkroastmacramole: yes, I restarted the applet -- I even restarted the machine -- but I still don't see a VPN option16:19
macramoledoes somebody knows how can i fix this : when i connect to my office intranet in windows i can ping the pcs in my workgroup by their computer name, how can i get similar behavior in ubuntu ? something with resolve.conf ?16:19
Adrian_StraysGenii, if thats what you mean...\16:19
bazhangarvind_khadri: if those commands did not work then not sure where to go without getting into dangerous territory such as manually removing the package16:19
macramoledarkroast, which options appear when u left click the icon ?16:19
gooodyanyone here experiencing unavailability of yahoo site? i'm using firefox and i'm not sure if it's the yahoo site that is down or i'm being infected or there is a misconfiguration with my internet settings.16:19
darkroastmacramole: only "Manual Configuration"16:19
dweerfere4si: did you get that16:19
bazhanggooody: what address16:19
legend2440ubotu: ati > me16:20
ere4sidweerf: for a gateway try and for a network try
Adrian_StraysYahoo works for me.16:20
geniiAdrian_Strays: Then if you can still open Terminal, : sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst        and then edit the line reading root (hd0,1)     to (hd0,2)   and then save16:20
arvind_khadribazhang, hmm...well isnt there any other to fix dpkg??16:20
juannicolasHI, I tried to add a 2nd monitor to my laptop and after that my video is not working properly, compiz is not working and each time I run compiz --replace i got 3 lines error /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Fatal: Support for non power of two textures missing /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Failed to manage screen: 0 /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :1.016:20
eax_ Can anyone help me? I'm trying to install Call Of Duty 1. But under the installation it asks me to insert CD 2. But I can't take out CD 1 as the system won't allow it :S16:20
macramoledarkroast, r u using roaming mode ?16:20
bazhanglegend2440: you can /msg ubotu ati for that16:20
darkroastmacramole: no, static IP16:20
geniiAdrian_Strays: The path may be /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst    or wherever you had it mounted16:20
legend2440bazhang: ok ty16:20
nondysjunctionI am trying ubuntu. in synaptic, whenever I try to do anything, it returns an error: E: nvidia-glx: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 2. What's the solution to this?16:21
bazhangarvind_khadri: did you use any third party scripts to get codecs/drivers?16:21
macramoledarkroast, u can't use roaming mode with your actual network configuration can u ?16:21
eax_nondysjunction: Try googling it:)16:21
darkroastmacramole: yes, I can use roaming mode16:21
arvind_khadribazhang, well today i was trying to run a shell script for creating a playlist,the script wasnt usefull16:22
macramoledarkroast, because i had the same problem, but using roaming mode  the vpn option magically appear16:22
Adrian_StraysGenii, When I enter both those commands in, I get a blank file16:22
bazhangarvind_khadri: no automatix or envy? just that shell script? where did the shell script come from?16:22
macramoledarkroast, must be a bug in the applet16:22
eax_ Can anyone help me? I'm trying to install Call Of Duty 1. But under the installation it asks me to insert CD 2. But I can't take out CD 1 as the system won't allow it :S16:23
darkroast_macramole: ah-ha -- if I do roaming, it shows up16:23
macramoledarkroast, kewl :P16:23
legend2440 /msg ubotu ati16:23
arvind_khadribazhang, i downloaded from some site,it was linked in sourceforge.net....no automatix at all16:23
darkroast_wonder why it wouldn't work with a static ip?16:23
macramoledarkroast, that bug should be reported16:23
kutais there a logmein ubuntu .deb ?16:23
bastid_raZor!ati > legend244016:23
bazhanglegend2440: no space before the front /16:24
geniiAdrian_Strays: Does the command: mount | grep sda2               report anything?16:24
darkroast_macramole: let me try to switch again, just to make sure -- brb16:24
ere4siAdrian_Strays: that is menu.(small)Lst16:24
bazhangarvind_khadri: what about envy16:24
legend2440bastid_raZor: thanks16:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about logmein - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:24
arvind_khadribazhang,i tried installing somethings through apt-get but they all went fine with saying pacakage not found16:24
dweerfere4si: thanks are any other settings adress, netmask and broadcast16:24
arvind_khadribazhang, i have no idea wat envy is ...16:24
Adrian_Straysgenii, no16:24
bastid_raZorlegend2440; now that you have a tab with ubotu you can use !ati or !whatever you want to know in that tab16:25
bazhangarvind_khadri: it seems the shell script borked your dpkg then16:25
macramoledoes anyone know how can i ping pcs in my workgroup by their computers name ?16:25
eax_ Can anyone help me? I'm trying to install Call Of Duty 1. But under the installation it asks me to insert CD 2. But I can't take out CD 1 as the system won't allow it. Can anyone help me please?16:25
kuta!pentium D16:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pentium d - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:25
ere4sidweerf: I would use the ones that are there unless you want something else specifically16:25
macramoleeax_, have u tried unmounting it ?16:25
nondysjunctioneax_: tried the google results, none of those solutions worked for me yet.16:25
arvind_khadribazhang, so if i remove it,will things be restored???16:25
gatestoneAm I stupid or what? How do I pipe stdin and stdout form make to grep? Make calls a number of programs, and I shoud get all them to cosolidate fds 1 and 2...16:25
geniiAdrian_Strays: Then: sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt                      and then try again with: sudo nano /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst16:25
eax_Macromole: Yes, it won't allow it as some process uses it16:25
legend2440bastid_raZor: ok ty16:25
darkroast_macramole: sure enough, it only works in roaming mode16:26
dweerfere4si: ok16:26
bazhangarvind_khadri: no telling what damage has been done; you can certainly try but things do not look good16:26
eax_nondysjunction: Sorry don't know it :( Would be my suggestion though16:26
darkroast_macramole: it doesn't even show up in non-roaming, DHCP mode16:26
eax_nondysjunction: Or try reloading synaptic :)16:26
kutacan I use 64bits installation CD for pentium D pc?16:26
macramoledarkroast, well.. u can report the bug if u want =)16:26
erUSULkuta: yes afaik16:26
darkroast_how do I report a bug?16:26
Adrian_Strays"can't find /dev/sda2/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"16:26
Pici!bug | darkroast_16:26
ubotudarkroast_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:26
erUSULkuta: maek seure your model is emt6416:26
kutaerUSUL: how to find out?16:27
Adrian_StraysGenii, it said ""can't find /dev/sda2/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab""16:27
gooodyanyone here experiencing unavailability of yahoo.com? please let me know.16:27
erUSULkuta: check intel site16:27
arvind_khadribazhang, how can i search through entire filesystem??16:27
Adrian_Straysgooody, it works for me16:27
geniiAdrian_Strays: Put a space betwee /dev/sda2  and the /mnt16:27
eax_macromole: Yes I have, doesn't work though :( It won't let me eject the cd as SETUP.EXE uses it (with the first CD 1)16:27
darkroast_Pici, what do you mean it's not a bug?16:28
bazhangarvind_khadri: how recent was this install? and why did you need to reinstall in the first place?16:28
erUSULkuta: if you are on windows aida32 or cpuz will tell you ai suppose16:28
arvind_khadribazhang, used locate..found no copies of the script16:28
Adrian_Straysgenii, mount point mnt does not exist16:28
Picidarkroast_: huh? You asked how to report a bug.  http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu16:28
macramoleeax_, too bad... i really don't know then16:28
eax_Macramole: Okay thanks anyway :)16:28
arvind_khadribazhang, i installed the fonts today itself and tried to remove it today only16:28
darkroast_Pici, oh, sorry, not too familiar with the command syntax16:28
bastid_raZorAdrian_Strays; create it mkdir /mnt16:28
geniiAdrian_Strays: Does it say mnt doesn't exist or /mnt doesn't exist?16:28
Jaymacdarkroast:  putting an exclamation point in front of a word is a trigger for the bot, ubotu, it isn't a NOT :)16:28
bazhangarvind_khadri: when did you reintall and why the reinstall16:29
Odd-rationaleeax_: you can force the cd to un-mount with "sudo umount -l /media/cdrom" also, try asking in #wine16:29
Adrian_StraysGenii, just mnt16:29
geniibastid_raZor: That dir should already exist by default on livecd16:29
darkroast_Jaymac, lol, sorry Iz an IRC n00b! ;-)16:29
Odd-rationaleeax_: * (lowercase L)16:29
eax_Odd-rationale: Thanks :)16:29
bastid_raZorgenii; true.16:29
arvind_khadribazhang, i didnt re-install,it was a fresh install16:29
geniiAdrian_Strays: To reiterate:  sudo mount /dev/sda2  /mnt                    <-- exactly as so16:29
Adrian_StraysI did16:29
arvind_khadribazhang, do u mean the OS...i was using a emulator pack now on the native pack16:30
gooodyAdrian_Strays: thanks. i can't connect to yahoo.com and i'm not sure if it's my system or my browser that has problems.16:30
dweerfere4si: i see you just changed the gateway and network settings from what is in the howto16:30
Adrian_Straysgenii, it is there though, I can look in the folder manually and see it16:30
Adrian_StraysGenii, I'll try again16:30
bazhangarvind_khadri: yes the OS; what is an emulator pack on the native pack16:30
bastid_raZorgooody; i can connect to yahoo.. it isn't yahoo.. yahoo is funny though it could be a hop in the route.. you never know.. i doubt it is firefox16:30
Adrian_StraysGenii, sam response16:30
ere4sidweerf: I took a guess at what will work in your system - normlly start with the router address16:31
juannicolasHI, since I cant cpy&paste more than 3 lines, I tried to add a 2nd monitor to use it as extenden desktop but my machine got scrwed up, so I copy back my xorg.conf and my desktop got very fuzy and I tried to run  compiz --replace i got 3 lines error /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Fatal: Support for non power of two textures missing /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Failed to manage screen: 0 /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Fatal: No manag16:31
geniiAdrian_Strays: Fine, then try as suggested: sudo mkdir /mnt                <-- the slash before mnt is important16:31
arvind_khadribazhang, emulator means the i386 as am on AMD_64 ,right now i use the arch. specific one16:31
gooodybastid_raZor: any suggestion how to correct this?16:31
geniiAdrian_Strays: Then once more to try:  sudo mount /dev/sda2  /mnt16:32
* delcoyote hi16:32
dweerfere4si: okare you familiar with the netstat -nr command?16:32
bazhangarvind_khadri: you mean a virtual machine(VM)?16:32
ere4sidweerf: nope16:32
Adrian_Straysgenii, LOL "cannot create directory '/mnt': File exists"16:32
dweerfere4si: thats ok i was told that gives a gatway address16:33
bastid_raZorgooody; if it is the tubes then you'll have to wait till they unclog. basically wait till the issue is fixed down the line.. it possibly being out of your control to fix since it could be another servers16:33
geniiAdrian_Strays: What does: ls /dev/sda2               report?16:33
arvind_khadribazhang, no...16:33
Adrian_Straysgenii, Permission denied16:33
ere4sidweerf: it gave me the gateway I used in /etc/network/interfaces16:33
gooodybastid_raZor: thanks.16:33
arvind_khadribazhang i re-installed dpkg now,then also no effect16:34
geniiAdrian_Strays: Use sudo with it then: sudo ls /dev/sda216:34
dweerfere4si: i can always change the settings if on restart i do not get a connection16:34
bazhangarvind_khadri: you created a chroot env to run 32 bit apps in a 64 bit env?16:34
bastid_raZorgooody; i've actually had issues the same before and it was my ISP having issues. any other websites unavailable?16:34
Adrian_Straysgenii, entered it in, no output16:34
ere4sidweerf: sure you can - finding the router address is another way16:34
=== pinkie is now known as Pinkie
geniiAdrian_Strays: Then that device does not exist for the system16:34
arvind_khadribazhang, nope...i didnt do tat16:34
dweerfere4si:P how can i do that?16:34
gooodybastid_raZor: ubuntu-ph.org also is not available this time.16:35
ChaosTheorysudo make gives me a bunch of errors when installing ndiswrapper.16:35
Adrian_Straysgenii, it shows up on the partition editor16:35
ere4sidweerf: I read the manual16:35
geniiAdrian_Strays: You currently have the partition editor open?16:35
ere4sidweerf: routers come with that info in a book or cd16:35
bazhangarvind_khadri: well I really dont know what you mean then; sounds like either the shell script or this emulator pack (?) have done some serious damage16:36
bastid_raZorgooody; i can connect to that.. my guess would be ISP issues .. possibly call them and see if they are having issues.16:36
lorenzo_hi, i needed to import new fonts into Open Office so I followed a guide offered on a forum: i created a .fonts folder in my home and ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig and sudo fc-cache -fv. Now When I try to launch open office, i am shown the splashscreen but then nothing happens, and the program doesnt start. Please help me I need O.o. for work asap! thanks a lot16:36
Adrian_Straysgenii, I just opened to double check16:36
javbhi, when you click the middle mouse buttom in MAC, calc and some other eyecandy features comes up. . . is there a way to do this in Ubuntu ?16:36
dweerfere4si: mine is a cable router ok i will look it up16:36
arvind_khadribazhang, am on my native pack now,ahh forget it...so the solution is a re-install or soemthing??16:36
gooodybastid_raZor: thanks for the info.16:36
* jimcooncat_ ran a mac once, it ONLY had a middle mouse button16:37
bazhangarvind_khadri: if you do not provide more info on what a native pack and emulator pack are no idea how to help out16:37
damo22when i run update-grub, menu.lst gets corrupt because it thinks (hd1) is root... how can i make it default to (hd0) ?16:37
geniiAdrian_Strays:  What does:  sudo fdisk -l | grep sda2                     report?16:37
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Fawzibis this the right place to ask questions about ubuntu & IBM DB2 database? I'm trying to install the 9.5 package and its giving me an error when it's registering the instance. I was using an older version 8.2.16:37
Adrian_Straysgenii, actually I just noticed something bizarre.  I copied the original partition (which was extended) over to a new primary partition, deleted the original, and expanded the primary.  That first partition I deleted is still showing up in the computer, but not on teh partition editor.  Also, is it a problem that swap comes before the actual linux partition16:37
ryrules1damn this is crazy I'm on my iPhone right now16:38
geniiAdrian_Strays: The placement of swap partition should not matter16:38
dbrewer_rjrmy feisty server went offline on sunday at 7 am and i did not find out about it until 9 am this morning. I am in deep sh**!! What is the best software to run from a remote location to check that contents are being served, etc?16:38
arvind_khadribazhang, see i have a AMD64 machine so there comes a acrhitecture specific CD for it,specially desingned for 64bit computers16:38
mrpocketsSo when ever I log back on from a locked screen after a long period of time, my entire desktop gets a few shades darker and freees for like 5 minutes before I can use it.16:39
arvind_khadribazhang, tats native for me16:39
Asgarothdoes anybody know how to watch abc.com videos from outside the us without using win-only tools like "hotspot shield"?16:39
Adrian_Straysgenii, /dev/sda2 * 664 11982 90919867+ 83 Linux"16:39
mrpocketsanyone ever see that, or know why this happens?16:39
bazhangarvind_khadri: right I am aware of that; what is emulator pack16:39
Frozenballdbrewer_rjr, Just simple bash script?16:39
Adrian_Straysgenii, then what about the remaining partition that shouldn't exist?16:39
damo22when i run update-grub, menu.lst gets corrupt because it thinks (hd1) is root... how can i make it default to (hd0) ?16:39
dbrewer_rjrFrozenball: no, i need 24-7 monitoring16:39
arvind_khadribazhang, emulator would be the one which works for all the computers not architecture specific...16:39
bazhangarvind_khadri: link to this emulator pack please16:40
Frozenballdbrewer_rjr, You could always put it into cron or create simple while-loop16:40
arvind_khadribazhang, i had ordered for the cd's16:40
geniiAdrian_Strays: I suspect in this case the current partition table is not being loaded.16:40
f0rmatdoes anyone know where i can get a burn application that will allow me to burn video files like .avi and .mpg to cd16:40
Adrian_Straysgenii, how do we change that....?16:41
arvind_khadribazhang, shall i upgrade the distro??16:41
dbrewer_rjrFrozenball: i could write a perl to check for contents on specific web pages, and if no connect for 1 consective hour, sent a message to my celly. But wouldn't I be reinventing the wheel?16:41
erUSULf0rmat: Places>CD/DVD Burner ?16:41
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damo22please can someone help me ...  when i run update-grub, menu.lst gets corrupt because it thinks (hd1) is root... how can i make it default to (hd0) ?16:41
bazhangarvind_khadri: you mean to the next release? how can you do that when you are not able to install anything?16:41
geniiAdrian_Strays: Close gui partiton program. Then in Terminal: sudo fdisk                  then only: w16:41
arvind_khadribazhang, and yeah i find the x86_64 version unstable than the i386 ones16:41
terminalhow i configure pidgin for yahoo messanger16:41
gatestoneNo I forget: how to echo to stderr?16:42
Frozenballdbrewer_rjr, I wouldn't consider few lines of code as a "reinventing the wheel"16:42
Adrian_Straysgenii, so I entered sudo fdisk <enter key> w <enter key>16:42
ChaosTheoryThat's the error I get when I do "sudo make" when trying to install ndiswrapper.16:43
Frozenballdunno about the sms part thought16:43
geniiAdrian_Strays: Yes. This "W"rites the partition table so it's current16:43
dbrewer_rjrFrozenball: other admins must have remote monitoring software they use.16:43
bazhangarvind_khadri: not sure why you use the 64 bit; it is a lot of work and unless you have a huge amount of ram not really worth it--I have a 64 bit machine and the 32bit ubuntu runs great and is very easy to configure, both this release (gutsy) and the next (hardy)16:43
gooodyi'm trying to uninstall compiz using synaptic package manager and i want to know if it's safe to remove completely all those packages that comes out after i search for compiz.16:43
arvind_khadribazhang, i have 1gb ram16:43
Adrian_Straysgenii, now what?16:43
ChaosTheory http://pastebin.com/m1ed8b8f216:43
azukiterminal, add an account,  and select the type to be yahoo16:44
ChaosTheoryThat's the error I get when I try to do "sudo make" when installing ndiswrapper.16:44
arvind_khadribazhang, fiesty was superb smooth for me16:44
bazhangarvind_khadri: I have 2; if either of us had 4GB or more then perhaps would be worth it; otherwise not really16:44
geniiAdrian_Strays: Load again gparted (or whatever gui partition editor you were using) and see if changes are reflected16:44
azukiterminal: the "protocol" should be set to "yahoo"16:44
arvind_khadribazhang, :) i am thinking to switch back to 7.0416:44
geniiAdrian_Strays: Work needs me for a couple minutes but I haven't left. Be patient please16:45
Adrian_Straysgenii, it looks as it did before.  both sda4 (swap) and sda2 have locks by them16:45
bazhangarvind_khadri: wait 17 days or so then try the livecd for the next version and see what you think; in the meantime if feisty runs best for you then go for that16:45
arvind_khadribazhang, does it really affect the performance i mean the 32 and 64???16:45
ChaosTheoryThat's the error I get when doing "sudo make" when installing ndiswrapper.16:45
terminalazuki: i done this but when i access this account in pidgin it require password then shows available, connecting.......then nothing happen16:45
ChaosTheoryCan anyone help? =|16:46
bazhangarvind_khadri: nothing noticeable at this point in time as far as performance16:46
theman3what is the ideal swap size? 2*RAM ?16:46
azukiterminal: what does the lower bar say, connecting or your status?16:46
bazhangtheman3: how much ram you have?16:46
jimcooncat_bazhang: I recently got three machines which I loaded 4gb ram each on, I'll be using them as servers and run kvm on them. Do you think it's worth it to do amd64 on them? I'll be running 32-bit guests.16:46
arvind_khadritheman3, double the size of ur ram16:47
Dr_willis8gb of swap? egads. :)16:47
arvind_khadribazhang, so i think i would switch back to the i386 one16:47
theman3bazhang: i have to install on various machines.. 256 and 512 RAM16:47
theman3i think16:47
theman3old :)16:47
bazhangjimcooncat_: for servers? might not be bad, especially as you dont need to use/configure youtube--flash16:47
azukiterminal: make sure the account is enabled in account>add/edit, also make sure you are connected. you will be when your contacts show in the list16:48
gooodyneed help. i'm trying to uninstall compiz using synaptic package manager and i want to know if it's safe to remove completely all those packages that comes out after i search for compiz.16:48
ensiumh, how can i fix my locales. my current input locale is now (for some reason!!) ANSI_X3.4-196816:48
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ensiand im like wtf!?16:48
bazhangtheman3: then what arvind_khadri says is probably right16:48
terminalazuki: it shows both available-connecting16:48
theman3ok, thnk :)16:48
ugaritany recommendations on setting up a highly secure public server? (tripwire,selinux) also, RAID,LVM,16:48
ugaritI mean books16:48
theman3if i had 2GB of RAM.. still 4GB swap? or less?16:48
azukiterminal: that could be the case when you have multiple accounts, you are on IRC now, so that shows available.. your YAHOO might not be16:49
azukiterminal: make sure you used the right password16:49
jimcooncat_bazhang: I'm just wondering if it will make it worthwhile, if all I get is the rest of my fourth GB out if it.16:49
bazhangtheman3: dont ask me I have 6GB ;]16:49
arvind_khadritheman3, its advisible to have twice the size,really has a grear deal of effect16:49
terminalazuki: yeah16:49
azukiterminal: try removing the account, and add it again....16:49
gooodyneed help. i'm trying to uninstall compiz using synaptic package manager and i want to know if it's safe to remove completely all those packages that comes out after i search for compiz.16:49
terminalazuki: i try this16:50
theman3how do i view reserved memory space?16:50
bazhangjimcooncat_: you make a good point; you might want to ask in #ubuntu-server for an expert opinion ;]16:50
theman3for IO and stuff16:50
arvind_khadribazhang, will catch u later ,need to re-install16:52
arvind_khadribazhang, will catch u later ,need to re-install :)16:52
bazhangarvind_khadri: good luck ;]16:52
damo22please can someone help me ...  when i run update-grub, menu.lst gets corrupt because it thinks (hd1) is root... how can i make it default to (hd0) ?16:52
arvind_khadribazhang, :) i386 is really smooth...thanks anyways16:52
gooodyi need help. i'm trying to uninstall compiz using synaptic package manager and i want to know if it's safe to remove completely all those packages that comes out after i search for compiz.16:54
erUSULtheman3: 2 GB just in case you want to suspend to disk16:54
azukigooody: if you are currently using another, then it shouldn't be dangerous.  which packages do you mean?16:54
geniiAdrian_Strays: If the partition has a lock on it in gparted then you cannot currently resize it.16:55
terminalcommand to extract16:55
Adrian_Straysgenii, okay16:55
Adrian_Straysgenii, so what do we do now?16:55
Adrian_Straysgenii, a partition "disk" shows up on the desktop now, which I don't recall it doing before16:56
geniiAdrian_Strays: Does command: mount | grep sda2                               show now sda2 as being mounted someplace?16:57
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Adrian_StraysGenii, yes on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev)16:58
rwycuffgooody:as long as you dont remove you vid card drivers any compiz files should be ok16:59
gooodyazuki: compiz, compizconfig-settings-manager, compiz-core, compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, compiz-fusion-plugins-main, compiz-plugins, libcompizconfig0, libcompizconfig-backend-gconf, libdecoration0 and python-compizconfig. i just want to remove it because my pc is not capable of desktop effects.16:59
geniiAdrian_Strays: Good. So now to the previous steps. eg:           sudo nano /media/disk/boot/grub/menu.lst               and to change: root hd(,01)       (or whatever inaccurate one was there) to: root hd(0,3)16:59
appuguys on which website can i store "lshw" "lspci" output, for use in here ?16:59
rwycuffgooody, wahts reventing the desktop effects on your pc17:00
appuI am irc newb.17:00
moos3anyone know of a good howto for setting up git hosting17:00
bazhang!paste | appu17:00
ubotuappu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:00
apputhanks a lot, i was searching my brain for that website name. pastebin.17:01
appuThanks a lot dude. You rock, you all rock17:01
geniiAdrian_Strays: root (hd0,3)      rather17:01
bastid_raZorgooody; #compiz-fusion would be able to have more precise answers17:01
geniiThe brackets in previous example were inaccurately placed17:01
xFlipxmorning all17:02
moos3anyone in here doing git serving?17:02
Adrian_Straysgenii, the only alterations need to take place under "end default options" right? Or are there other places that need to be changed?17:03
legend2440moos3: channel #git might be better17:04
gooodyrwycuff: i don't have graphics card installed on it.17:05
kevin__how can i suspend my system from the command prompt? suspending with X running crashes the system probably due to the proprietary nvidia drivers, so i want to try from the CLI17:05
rwycuffgooody:well that would qualify why it wont work17:05
geniiAdrian_Strays: There are normally 2 entries, one for regular kernel and one for "Safe", change both17:05
geniiRecovery rather17:06
torroellaHello, all morning, does anyknow knows how to change the ident on irssi??17:06
Adrian_Straysgenii, okay I've made the changes, how do I save it?17:07
geniiAdrian_Strays: ctrl-x   then Y to save17:07
gaes_hey 4 all17:07
gaes_any1 can help me?17:07
feveljust ask gaes_17:07
Adrian_StraysGenii, okay I'll reboot and see what happens17:07
gooodyrwycuff: yup, that's why i'm planning to remove it but i want to be safe because i'm not sure if all compiz packages are safe to remove.17:07
geniiAdrian_Strays: Wait a moment17:07
Adrian_Straysgenii, okay17:07
gooodyrwycuff: are those packages safe to remove?17:08
geniiAdrian_Strays: Since you moved the partition there may also be other inaccuracies which will prevent booting17:08
rwycuffgoody:if yuo are not using eye candy or compiz then yes any thing with compiz is ok17:08
Adrian_Straysgenii, alright, whats next?17:08
azukigooody: check also with #compiz17:08
jk_TomC, are u still there, did it work17:08
gaes_i've installed ubuntu 7.1017:08
gaes_in my pc17:08
pierres_does anyone know why my firefox icon doesn't change with the rest of the icons (when I change the icon set)?17:08
gaes_but when i iniciate17:08
bazhang!enter | gaes_17:09
ubotugaes_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:09
gaes_stays on a black screen17:09
gooodythanks to you guys.17:09
gaes_oh, ok17:09
geniiAdrian_Strays: 2 things mainly: in kernel lines of menu.lst, if root=<some uuid here>   that needs to be changed. Also in the old /etc/fstab  the mount lines need to be changed to reflect new location of the /17:09
fevelgaes_,  did it boot onto the live cd?17:09
Survivormanpierres_, perhaps there is no replacement icon for firefox included in the new set17:09
fevelso you installed it from the live cd and  after rebooting only a black screen appears?17:10
pierres_Survivorman: there is, though :(17:10
gaes_i hav installed ubuntu 7.10 on my pc, but when i iniciate without the cd, stays in a black screeb17:10
gaes_fevel, yeah17:10
azukigooody: #compiz is specially for compiz related questions, I wouldn't see the harm in marking compiz-core for removal, but I never did :)... I don't expect any problems with it tho... but to make sure check in #compiz :)17:10
ensisomething messed up with my locales badly, is there away to revert back somehow? tried with sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales but that didnt do much..17:10
fevelgaes_, first things first ...are you sure you installed it correctly? does grub appear?17:10
gaes_i hav selected entire hard disk17:11
torroellaHello, all morning, does anyknow knows how to change the ident on irssi??17:11
Survivormanpierres_, you can backup the firefox icon and replace it. firefox icons are usually in /usr/lib/firefox/icons/17:11
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morenitaestas hay17:11
fevelgaes_,  does the grub bootloader appear?17:11
gaes_fevel, yes17:11
pierres_thanks Survivorman, i appreciate it17:11
geniiAdrian_Strays: So to find UUID of sda2, to use:       blkid /dev/sda2 and use the UUID given between quotes there to replace old UUID in the menu.lst file17:11
Adrian_Straysgenii, the only entry I saw that looked like it needed to be changed was under the grub root device, and I just fixed that.  None of the other lines seem to involve the hd0,3 change17:11
Survivormanpierres_, backup the default.xpm (I think) and cp the new one to that folder. that would work.17:12
feveland when you choose the right kernel it gives you a black screen? Or only after the boot process?17:12
pierres_alright, i'll try that out17:12
Sargarothcan anybody here help me with creating a partition?17:12
fevelSargaroth,  what do you need?17:12
LollinopiLcan i install office2003 with ubuntu ?17:12
gaes_by emulating, yes17:12
Sargarothi need to make a linux partition on my NTFS hdd17:13
morenitad mncddec17:13
morenitajjmfvjh  h xj zsxl,aas17:13
geniiAdrian_Strays: Please use the pastebin website to post contents of the file /media/disk/boot/grub/menu.lst                and also the file: /media/disk/etc/fstab              and also the result of command: blkid /dev/sda217:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:13
fevelLollinopiL,  you can probably run it through wine..if not install a windows guest on virtualbox and then install office there17:13
Adrian_Straysbrb, hold on17:13
geniiAdrian_Strays: I'll return in a couple minutes to read the paste17:13
LollinopiLokx fevel, I'll do the first choice :)17:14
fevelSargaroth, you should probably boot with the gparted live cd and edit your partitions from there17:14
gooodyazuki: i'm a newbie in ubuntu and linux in general. what do you mean by "check in #compiz". how am i goinng to check #compiz?17:14
Sargarothhow do i do that?17:14
Survivormangoody, type /join #compiz and ask in there17:14
fevelLollinopiL,  Do a google search for anyone that has tried it so you dont waste your time17:15
gaes_fevel, received my messages?17:15
LollinopiLalready done ;)17:15
fevelgaes_, I guess not17:15
DustinCould anyone assist me17:15
fevelLollinopiL,   do you have problems with openoffice?17:15
gaes_fevel, im using a x86 based cd, but my pc is a amd6417:15
gaes_fevel, there is why the black screen is appearing?17:16
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:16
fevelgaes_,  theres usually no problem with that17:16
gaes_coz i had install automatically17:16
LollinopiLfevel yes, because i need to create a power point presentation for my university ( final exam )17:16
gaes_using my whole partition17:16
DustinHow can I setup ubuntu to install froma usb stick?17:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:17
fevelLollinopiL,  all you have to do is use openoffice presentation and save the presentation as .ppt, it has the same functions as powerpoint17:17
torroellahow do I change my ident with oidentd ????17:17
bazhangDustin: some instructions can be found at www.pendrivelinux.com17:17
geniiDustin: Specifically for 7.10 http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/17:17
gooodyanyone knows where can i download a complete guide in dual booting ubuntu and XP? with pictures if possible.17:18
torroellahow do I change my ident with oidentd ????17:18
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LollinopiLfevel i don't know if i have to trust openoffice!!! It's important that file, i've to show it in front of a crowd ^.^17:18
milktoasthello, i just  installed today's updates... and after the reboot...none of my kernel images were there...17:18
fevelLollinopiL,  you shouldnt trust the other way around17:18
milktoastanyone have this happen17:18
milktoaston hardy17:18
bazhang!hardy | milktoast17:19
ubotumilktoast: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:19
Dustinahh This laptop doesent havea  cdrom but am running puppy linux and have the iso on the comp as well as grub installed17:19
LollinopiLhowever fevel, it must be a good idea if i create the presentation, and than try it in a  PC with winzoz17:19
fevelLollinopiL,  its better to trust and know thoroughly the open source tools so you dont run into this problem again17:19
LollinopiLdoes the effects work ?17:19
SpookyETI'm thinking of coming back to Ubuntu from Arch Linux. I'm tired of trying to get stuff to work. I've had enough. Some packages are crap.17:19
SpookyETIs hardy heron usable?17:20
fevelLollinopiL,  that is a good idea...create it on oo presenttion and try it out on a winblows partition17:20
bazhangSpookyET: #ubuntu+1 please17:20
LollinopiLyeah, fevel what about the effects ?17:20
fevelLollinopiL, its all there17:20
LollinopiLhowever, I'll try ^.^17:20
LollinopiLthank you17:20
freesbieI selected the wrong monitor driver in the Screens and Graphics settings in GNOME, and now I can't see anything on the screen, even when I restart, could someone please help me to reset those settings?17:21
Dustingenili I do not have a cd rom on this laptop, but I have puppy linux installed and grub, and have the iso17:21
piglitfreesbie: you can eddit xorg.conf17:21
yoddabytehey what is a good virtual software for ubuntu17:21
gaes_fevel, so what is the problem?17:22
piglitfreesbie: the file is located at /etc/X1117:22
rioi want to add an ipv6 address to my wlan0 interface, adding it results in a "global tentative" address and i cant ping anything, whats wrong?17:22
Survivormanfreesbie, you might have a backup to restore as well17:22
patrick_im trying to burn an audio cd, which app should i use?17:22
=== IsaqueFD is now known as isaquefd
Adrian_Stray1genii, here it is : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62433/17:22
bazhang!vm | yoddabyte17:22
ubotuyoddabyte: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications17:22
fevelfreeman_,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:22
gaes_anyone can help me17:22
geniiAdrian_Stray1: OK, reading17:22
fevelfreeman_,  oops17:22
Adrian_Stray1genii, blkid didn't bring up anything17:22
fevelfreesbie,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:22
gaes_when i installed ubuntu 7.10, appears a black screen and stays on that17:22
ricaneliteis there a blogger application there? where I could make a post and it will upload to my blog?17:23
fevelgaes_,  try this... on the black screen try cntrl alt f2 to open a new terminal then reconfigure your xorg with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:23
yoddabytebazhang> thx17:23
gooodyanyone knows where can i download a complete guide in dual booting ubuntu and XP? with pictures if possible. i have search guides but lots of them are confusing and are not accurate.17:23
christozhas anyone try to make his cellphone to work as a microphone for his ubuntu?17:23
bazhangricanelite: there is a firefox plug in called blogfire that works nicely17:23
ricanelitebazhang, thanks17:24
SpookyETIs it easy to build packages? I love the Arch Build System. I can just change a configure line and type makepkg.17:24
bazhangnp ;]17:24
SpookyETHow would you replicate that with debs?17:24
Survivormaninstall checkinstall and after make, type sudo make checkinstall17:24
SpookyETSurvivorman: no, i want to make proper debs17:25
feveldoes anyone know a video converter that converts avi to ipod format?17:25
SurvivormanSpookyET, ok17:25
geniiAdrian_Stray1: We require the new UUID in this case. Please pastebin then just result of: sudo blkid                 command. Also results of: sudo ls /dev/disk/by-uuid17:25
ricanelitebazhang, i dont see it (blogfire)17:26
SurvivormanSpookyET, here is a site that might help: http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Basic_Debian_Packaging17:27
geniiAdrian_Stray1: Conceivably there can be no UUID, if so we will substitute the /dev/sda2      name for where the UUID currently is17:27
Jorg1hi there17:27
Adrian_Stray1genii: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62434/17:27
gooodyanyone knows where can i download a complete guide in dual booting ubuntu and XP? with pictures if possible. i have search guides but lots of them are confusing and are not accurate.17:27
geniiAdrian_Stray1: Reading17:27
Jorg1i got this big problem17:27
xanielAnyone familiar with Ubuntu 7.10 and Think pad x61?17:28
theman3how do i view input/output memory range of devices?17:28
theman3how do i view input/output devices memory range?17:29
ballehey does anybody know how i make my jack-out work on my labtop with gutsy?17:29
ph8gooody: Try howto forge, it's not hard though - you install windows as normal - leaving partition space for ubuntu, then install ubuntu which also installs grub, your bootloader17:29
theman3or IRQ's17:29
ricaneliteis it possible i could make my icons in my desktop smaller?17:30
DustinI am still looking for a little help17:30
gooodyph8: actually i have installed ubuntu on my pc but it was not ta17:30
geniiAdrian_Stray1: OK the UUID in /media/disk/grub/menu.lst is fine17:30
Adrian_Stray1Genii, thanks.  Now what?17:31
geniiAdrian_Stray1: And also in the old /etc/fstab . You should be OK for reboot17:31
Adrian_Stray1Genii, I'll do so then report back.17:31
geniiAdrian_Stray1: I'll be around :)17:31
piglitricanelite: right mouse button stretch icon17:31
gooodyph8: actually i have installed ubuntu on my pc but it was not that easy for me. this guide is for a friend of mine who wants to install ubuntu.17:31
legend2440Dustin:  Specifically for 7.10 http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/17:32
CShadowRunHow do i make ubuntu use the keyboard layout i have set in xorg.conf?17:32
DustinThat does not help no cdrom17:32
zubairwhen i minimize my windows they disappear how do i restore them17:32
DustinI tried that17:32
CShadowRunI set it in xorg, it works for login, but after i login it switches back to qwerty :(17:32
CShadowRunDustin from WoWRadio? :p17:32
zubairi am using ubuntu7.1017:32
CShadowRunlol ok :p17:33
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christozi have a bluetooth usb adapter how can i make it work?17:33
NekoKunGuys, is Ubuntu Mobile released? Im buying an EeePC, and I'm thinking about wich OS to use17:34
Adrian_Straysgenii, it said that it couldn't mount the selected partition17:34
patrick_nekokun cant eepc run normal ubuntu?17:34
NekoKunpatrick_: 4GB hd... must think 'little' :p17:34
snoopamkwhere you from17:35
CShadowRunanyone know how to make ubuntu use the keyboard layout i have set in xorg?17:35
patrick_nekokun, i see...have you heard of damn small linux (DSL)?17:35
CShadowRunthe layout works fine for login but after i login it switched to qwerty :(17:35
NekoKunAlso, patrick_ nope...17:35
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:35
jribCShadowRun: system -> preferences -> keyboard probably17:35
CShadowRunthe option doesn't appear to be in there.17:36
patrick_nekokun do a search for it..the entire OS is like 50 mb's...or you could go for Gobuntu17:36
geniiAdrian_Strays: From grub, or past grub?17:36
CShadowRunI have looked all around there, ubuntu must do something else for it's keyboard layouts.17:36
CShadowRunbecause the layout that works fine in xorg (colemak) isn't in there.17:36
azukiIf I change my home-dir in use accounts, does it also change my package install location?17:36
Adrian_Straysgenii, I can get the menu17:36
jribCShadowRun: in the "layouts" tab17:36
NekoKunis DSL a debian distro?17:36
samuelsup guys17:37
CShadowRunjrib yea, it's not in there.17:37
samuelanyone know of a decent replacement for fetchmail?17:37
patrick_NekoKun i believe its based off debian but im not sure, a simple wiki search should do you well17:37
CShadowRuni know it's not in there because it's a custom layout lol17:37
Adrian_Straysgenii, that is the grub menu, and it displays my different kernel options, but when I select any of them, it says it can't mount the partition17:37
ballehey does anybody know how i make my jack-out work on my labtop with gutsy?17:37
legend2440Dustin: this looks like a way to do it from iso https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#head-8eca269f7ad5c7d07abf430338423d80521d3be917:37
jribCShadowRun: do you have a "layouts" tab?  You need to be more specific.  What exactly is not in "there"?17:38
NekoKun"Gobuntu shares the same system requirements as Ubuntu. At present, this means Gobuntu is available for 32-bit and 64-Bit PC architectures and the install requires at least 4 GB of disk space." :-/17:38
torroelladoes anyone has compiz???17:38
patrick_eh sorry about that mate17:38
azukitorroella: I has compiz17:38
geniiAdrian_Strays: Edit the line of:  root (hd0,2) to: root (hd0,1)    from the grub edit feature then try to see if it will boot that17:38
CShadowRunjrib how could i be more specific? I've wrote my own CUSTOM layout, it IS NOT going to be in that menu.17:38
mactardI has compiz.17:38
torroellaazuki,  where did you get a manual in how to install it :D17:38
CShadowRunNo matter how much you want it to be in there, it isn't gonna be in there lol17:38
jribCShadowRun: you need to tell me that, for me to know that :/  Let me search17:38
boddehi... How much time "on an average" the dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda will need to run on a 80GB HDD?17:38
Adrian_Straysgenii, Alright, give me a minute to edit and reboot17:38
azukitorroella: I installed it from the package manager17:39
CShadowRunthats why i said i need to know how to tell ubuntu to use the xorg layout17:39
CShadowRunand not what ever it thinks :p17:39
torroellaazuki,  oh awesome, what's the package name? :D17:39
CShadowRunjrib and thats the third time i've said it's custom :p17:39
azukitorroella: search for compiz17:39
torroellaazuki,  how do I search a package, sorry17:39
mactardhow can I install ubuntu on my iPhone?17:39
NekoKuncan I make a link inside of /usr/ that points for a Massiv Storage Unit?17:40
Picimactard: I don't believe that is possible.17:40
CShadowRunmactard https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone17:40
b4l74z4rcould anyone using hardy please check witch version of wine is in the repositories?17:40
HexxehIf I have a PC that switches on, but doesn't do a POST beep, just reboots after a couple of seconds, what could possibly be wrong with it? I'm aware this is an Ubuntu channel, but I couldn't find a specific channel for my type of problem. I've tried reapplying thermal paste, reseating the CPU and DIMMS, removing the GFX card, resetting the CMOS etc.17:40
azukitorroella: open the synaptic package manager, then in the top bar there is "search"... click it.. type "compiz" and select compiz and the settings manager17:40
zeckorHi, I have a problem. While my cursor goes over a mp3 file the file browser freezes. Why?17:41
Pici!info wine hardy | b4l74z4r17:41
ubotub4l74z4r: wine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.58-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 11307 kB, installed size 53140 kB17:41
ChaosTheoryI'm having some sound problems.17:41
boddehi... How much time "on an average" the dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda will need to run on a 80GB HDD?17:41
torroellaazuki,  thank you so much17:41
eaxHello fine gentlemen: Could anyone help me with this? My girlfriend wants to install Ubuntu 7.10 on her Laptop, it has a C and a D drive, but she wants to install ubuntu on the C drive and save data on the D drive, is this doable?17:41
CShadowRunb4l74z4r 0.9.46 as of yesterday17:41
NekoKunHexxeh: #hardware17:41
ChaosTheoryI'm getting sound through both my speakers and my headphones at the same time.17:41
ChaosTheoryShould I try the comprehensive guide to fixing sound problems  (or whatever it is) first?17:41
b4l74z4rCShadowRun, ok, thanks17:41
askandIs there a safe way to protect your files? I mean its just to put in a livecd and you got acess?17:41
boddeeax:  for sure17:41
CShadowRuni know because i had to add the repos to update it :D17:42
HexxehAhhh, didn't notice that on the list, thanks NekoKun!17:42
eaxbodde: How? :)17:42
CShadowRun(the official ones not the ubuntu ones)17:42
zeckorHi, I have a problem. While my cursor goes over a mp3 file the file browser freezes. Why?17:42
cvd-prhigher refresh rate hz is better?17:42
Adrian_Straysgenii, I don't see the line root (hd0,2) anwhere17:42
boddeeax:  normaly ... define the mount point for your /home in this HD17:43
eaxbodde: Just via gparted?17:43
azukicvd-pr: I find hz in the 70s more relaxing for my eyes... maybe even better for them then 60s17:43
eaxbodde: What do you mean?17:43
cvd-pri can choose from 50-5417:43
loufoqueis there a way to force the GUI to upgrade to hardy now?17:43
azukicvd-pr: try a lower resolution... if you are on a TFT then that will be the normal HZ17:43
eaxBodde: Thanks for your help :) GTG :(17:44
azukithen select a lower resolution17:44
geniiAdrian_Strays: Boot to the livecd then. And then same method as previous, find where sda2 is mounted and then edit the menu.lst file from there17:44
darkohey, need some help with compiz-fusion17:44
cvd-pri use 1024*76817:44
boddeeax:  the /home directory is almost like "My documents" in windows...   You will need to define the mounting point for this /home dir, to your specified HD, or partition17:44
dredhammeris there anyway to clean up the "Open With" menu in nautilus i am seeing duplicate entries for programs and would like to clean that up17:45
boddehi... How much time "on an average" the dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda will need to run on a 80GB HDD?17:45
patrick_darko there is a seperate  channel for CF but what seems to be the problem?17:45
xanielneed help with x61 wireless hardware switch17:45
azukicvd-pr: check if the correct display drivers are installed (system>preferences>screen resolution) and if the moniter is correct17:45
darkoi want the cube effect, can't seem to get it right, what's the rooms name17:45
Adrian_Straysgenii, thats what I did, and then I searched the menu.lst for hd0,2 which didn't find anything.17:45
jribCShadowRun: weird, all my users default to dvorak after I set it in xorg.conf17:46
azukidarko: #compiz17:46
AnnirakI'm trying to get dual displays working on a Radeon HD 3870.  I have two Dell 22" monitors (1680x1050).  I have one display working using the radeonhd driver.  What can I do to get the second display going?  Currently I have a cloned display on the second monitor.17:46
xanielthe switch works for the blue tooth adapter and not the wireless how do i change this17:46
CShadowRunjrib yea, well i set it in xorg, it works fine for login, as soon as i login i get switched to qwerty :(17:46
versusHi Im  looking for a way to autostart irexec at startup may someone tell me a good way to do this? Im using mythbuntu 8.0417:46
AnnirakForgot to mention that I'm running hardy.17:46
PiciAnnirak: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.17:46
cvd-prin system>preferences>screen resolution only say this resolution or refresh rate17:46
darkothanks, i'm also having troubles with hardware17:46
Pici!zh | luminous17:47
ubotuluminous: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:47
jribCShadowRun: does setxkbmap work as described at http://colemak.com/Unix ?17:47
darkodoes ubuntu support TV tunners, i have one installed but it's not working17:47
patrick_darko go system>preferences>advance desktop effects settings, make sure you have the "cube desktop" (must disable desktop wall) and "rotate cube" ..you may have to adjust desktop size too17:47
CShadowRunjrib yes17:47
Pici!tv | darko some of them, see here17:47
CShadowRunjrib thats how i am able to talk now, lol17:47
ubotudarko some of them, see here: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out17:47
azukicvd-pr: more detailed info can be found in system>administration>screens and grafics17:47
darkoalready did that, but it's not working17:47
CShadowRunjrib but thats not an ideal solution, can't type a command every time i boot :(17:47
Adrian_Straysgenii, thats what I did, and then I searched the menu.lst for hd0,2 which didn't find anything.17:47
patrick_darko did you adjust the size of your horizontal/vertical desktop?17:48
cvd-prazuki, yesh its all right, but my question is my i can choose from 60-80 refresh rate?17:48
cvd-prwhat is beter i higher or lower rate?17:48
Picicvd-pr: It depends what you prefer to look at.17:49
darkono i didn't adjust it, how?, thanks ubotu i'll check it out17:49
azukicvd-pr: that is video-card related, better video cards can display higher resolutions in higher HZ's17:49
ballehey does anybody know how i make my jack-out work on my labtop with gutsy?17:49
Adrian_Straysgenii, ?17:49
DragginGood evening - could someone tell me what exactly I'd need to install to run Java programmes?  I've found references to 'OpenJDK', IcedTea and the Sun Java JRE... Which would be the best thing to install (I'm not even sure if they'd all do the same thing to begin with.17:49
azukicvd-pr: if you have the proper video card drivers and set to the right monitor, the possible HZ's should be displayed in the dropdown menu17:50
boddehi... How much time "on an average" the dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda will need to run on a 80GB HDD?17:50
patrick_darko in advance desktop effects settings window..click "general options" at the top, then click "desktop size"17:50
jribCShadowRun: you're on feisty?17:50
geniiAdrian_Strays: Yes, I'm around17:50
cvd-prhigher looks like alot of horizontal lines17:50
CShadowRunno, gutsy17:50
geniiAdrian_Strays: So booted now on livecd?17:50
Adrian_Straysgenii, yes17:50
geniiAdrian_Strays: OK, do you see again on the desktop: Disk              ?17:51
Adrian_Straysgenii, No17:51
Adrian_StraysOr wait17:51
azukiDraggin: icedtea should do the trick17:51
stephan_is anyone else having issues getting their computer to hibernate?17:51
Adrian_StraysGenii, well originally when it booted I did not, but I mounted it manually17:51
fbchow does one undo a symlink from the command line?17:51
Stroganofffbc: rm the symlink17:52
stephan_has anyone found a permanent fix for hibernate?17:52
Dragginazuki - are they all just different implementations of the same thing?  Because I almost feel 'safer' using a Sun thing, since they made it to begin with17:52
boddehi... How much time "on an average" the dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda will need to run on a 80GB HDD?17:52
geniiAdrian_Strays: OK. Where is it mounted? (what directory)17:52
stephan_has anyone found a permanent fix for hibernate?17:52
azukidraggin: you would have to check the documentation for specifics on that... I use icedtea to load .jar.. and it works fine17:52
Stroganoffstephan_ hibernate is working fine17:52
jribCShadowRun: that's what I meant :)  Well, colemak is available by default on hardy.  You can use some kludge until then (having the command run every time you login).  Or you could just wait for hardy.  Or you could take a look at the hardy packages and see how they enable colemak there.  I don't know the details of what's going on17:52
Stroganoffstephan_ it depends on your hardware..17:53
Dragginazuki, thanks.  I'll give it a shot then :)17:53
Adrian_Straysgenii, same one I believe, how can I double check?17:53
CShadowRunjrib i said it was custom17:53
CShadowRuncustom custom custom custom custom custom custom17:53
fbcStroganoff, it tells me it's not a file, but a directory.. rmdir tells me it's not empty, and I'm afraid of deleting the contents for fear of deleting the actual files in the linked directory...17:53
stephan_it hibernates fine in XP, when hibernating in ubuntu it sgoes blank then sends me to a login screen17:53
geniiAdrian_Strays: To check,from Terminal: mount | grep sda217:53
CShadowRuncolemak-US doesn't work on english keyboards, it has to be modified significantly.17:53
askandAnyone here knows if the wine ubtunturepos is down?17:53
jribCShadowRun: k, then see how hardy enables colemak and modify that17:53
Stroganoffstephan_: i mean it depends on the DRIVERS of the hardware17:54
ricanelitei see that Gnome 2.22 is out. Currently right now I'm running Gusty 7.10 the only way I will be able to upgrade to the new version of Gnome is when Hardy is released?17:54
Adrian_StraysGenii, same as last time17:54
stephan_oh ok, im running the drivers provided by restricted drivers17:54
balzacI'm having trouble with my broadcom 43 wireless driver in Hardy Heron17:54
Stroganoffstephan_: have you googled ubuntu + hibernate + your graphics card?17:54
ricanelitebalzac, hello17:54
stephan_ok, 1 min17:54
darkocan somebody help me out in installing and running my tv tunner i'm totally confused17:54
stephan_i believe its the intigrated 200M17:54
versusHi Im  looking for a way to autostart irexec at startup may someone tell me a good way to do this? Im using mythbuntu 8.0417:55
balzacIt worked fine in Gutsy Gibbon17:55
Picibalzac: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.17:55
Survivorman!hardy | versus17:55
ubotuversus: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:55
geniiAdrian_Strays: OK, then: sudo nano /media/disk/boot/grub/menu.lst                       and then change the lines containing (hd0,2)       into (hd0,1)17:55
jribCShadowRun: http://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?pid=69217:55
=== jon_ is now known as jonlt
boddehi... How much time "on an average" the dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda will need to run on a 80GB HDD?17:56
VidenIf I am backing up my entire system into a tar file and I want to do a dist upgrade, if anything fails in the upgrade I can just untar my file and be back to the old system again ... right ?17:56
geniiAdrian_Strays: Apologies, (hd0,3) into (hd0,1)17:56
* genii tries to remember sda1=hd0,017:56
GilouViden> not so easily I'm afraid :p17:57
versusah thx17:57
ChaosTheoryWhere can I download the bcm4328 file?17:57
stephan_stroganof: i have the intigrated 200M card, says i have only 2d acceleration17:57
Videnis there a better backup application or method that i can use for a no-loss recovery of my system if a dist upgrade fails ?17:57
Adrian_Straysgenii, done.  Restart?17:57
loquitus_of_borgHey people. I am trying to build my own app using the autoconf and automake tools. But when I run configure, I get "configure: error: cannot run /bin/bash ./config.sub". How should I fix that? I am in Ubuntu Edgy17:58
geniiAdrian_Strays: Yes17:58
geniiAdrian_Strays: (assuming you've saved the changes)17:58
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning17:58
Lakewhen port forwarding, does any request and packet relayed by the router from the internet to the local machine LOOK like it's coming from the router only ? in other words, can I just open my iptables to my router's internal ip and thus be able to get all forwarded packets?18:00
Adrian_Straysgenii, it worked! Thank you so  much!18:01
VidenIs there any backup solution that will recover a system from a failed dist upgrade?  IE something that takes an image snapshot of the machine that can be fully restored if the upgrade goes south?18:01
LakeViden, to my knowlede, Acronis does this pretty well18:02
LakeViden: but it`s not free :S18:02
geniiAdrian_Strays: You're welcome18:02
VidenLake:  we actually own acronis server, but i am thinking it does not work with Linux.  I will check it out.  Thank you for making me remember we had it18:02
LakeViden: I tried it with an old 6.06 installation of mine and worked just fine18:03
Videnkk thanks18:04
LakeViden: if Acronis Disk Image doesn't work, you can probably try Disk Director and just back up the entire hard drive/partition18:04
rsc___hey guys, I used gparted to resize my swap partition from 1GB to 4GB, but "swapon -s" still reports it's 1GB (so does gnome-system-monitor). what should I do?18:04
VidenLake:  any knowledge of an program such as Ghost that will run inside linux ?18:05
BrightEyes`hi. when i do lsusb i can see that my web cam is detected.how can i make it work in skype? skype doesnt recognise it18:06
LakeViden: if you're referring to Ghost as in Norton Ghost, I would think not unless they know make something apart win32 programs18:06
geniirsc___: man mkswap18:06
Videnthanks again18:06
LakeViden: have you looked on sourceforge, maybe you get find something there18:06
QuickGoldI'm trying to give a user permission via FTP to add/edit/delete files in my web site directory but getting a lot of 550: Permission denied errors.  What can I do to give a user write permission?18:07
Amine_DI'm from Tunisia18:08
azukihi I am from holland18:08
Amine_DI need help18:09
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Lakeme from Canada18:09
QuickGold!ask | Amine_D18:09
ubotuAmine_D: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:09
ricanelitehow can i burn a avi video to a DVD so I could play it on my DVD Player?18:09
Steph33560Hi all18:09
rsc___genii, thanks! I did swapoff -a; mkswap /dev/sda6; swapon -a :)18:09
sploganyone know why this  ubuntu won't let log in as root when I am the one that initiated the root psswd18:09
meeperwin 518:09
geniirsc___: np18:09
rsc___splog, what does it say when you try to log on as root?18:10
Steph33560I need some feedback about Bluetooth configuration18:10
splogrsc   I'll have to do it agin...short memory18:10
Steph33560I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup but doesn't work18:10
Steph33560 lsusb | grep Blue gives   Bus 003 Device 005: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)18:11
Steph33560I think this device may be compatible ?18:11
biroafter installing and configuring logrotate, do I need to set up a cron job or does it run automatically at the interval specified in the config file?18:12
Jorg1hi there, somebody can help me? i was trying to install citrix, but i can't, i install wine, and i downloaded the file, and when i installed the file, i got this error message:18:12
TomCjk_ still around?18:12
rsc___Jorg1, you mean the citrix client?18:12
Steph33560Ha, I'm under Gusty18:12
Jorg1sever, VPN-1 Secure remote/secure client kernel installation failed. error 0x8004015418:12
geniiI'm not sure it's possible or even desirable to run a Windows terminal server from inside of wine18:13
rsc___Jorg1, I maybe wrong but I think there are native linux versions of the client (no WINE needed)18:13
splogrc  here's one example...not the one I wanted tho:- splog@splog:~$ apt-get install flashplayer18:13
splogE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)18:13
splogE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?18:13
cannonballbiro: If you look in /etc/cron.daily, you should see a logrotate script is already there.18:13
Steph33560splog, sudo ?18:13
milktoastwhat is the hardy IRC18:13
Jorg1i install the citrix for linux as well, but i got this error message :18:13
Lakericanelite: this may be helpful or not http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63027718:13
ph8milktoast: #ubuntu+118:13
azukiare there any good VJ-programs for linux?18:14
Survivormansplog, use sudo18:14
birocannonball: so it is, ty. Would that have been placed there when logrotate was installed?18:14
ricaneliteLake, thanks18:14
cannonballbiro: yes it was.18:14
Survivormansplog, np18:14
birocannonball: thanks18:15
Jorg1error connecting server, the graphical console in windows is really different in linux, in linux it;s asked me just for the ip server, in windows i have to login with a username and a password18:15
aroonii type:  sudo chown chasetoys file.yml ......... and it churns for a bit and gives me no message of error.... yet when i type ls -l ... nothing happened!18:15
paper_appthere are any body from San Luis Potosi, MExico??18:16
ikoniapaper_app: check out the loco groups, there is a mexican one18:16
Jorg1so, i don't know , i just want to do everything in linux, and i have a problem with autocad too18:16
torroellapaper_app,  yo soy del estado de mexico18:16
torroellapaper_app,  para ubuntu en español entra a #ubunu-es18:17
Steph33560Is there a specific channel for Gutsy ?18:17
ikoniaSteph33560: your in it18:17
Jorg1rsc: any idea?18:17
paper_appok... tnks18:17
Steph33560ikonia, thx :)18:17
TomCdoesn't look like it....I need help with an installation problem...I've just re-installed 7.10 (on jk_'s advice) and still can't get to a gnome envr. Can anyone help?18:17
ikoniaSteph33560: always check "/topic" when you enter a channel, it gives you an introduction to what's going on, and sometimes the rules18:17
ikoniaTomC: gnome is installed by default, what's the problem ?18:18
Steph33560Does anybody can tell me if my bluetooth device may be compatible => " Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)"18:18
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup18:18
timruffoui le problème c'est que le disque dur c'est un ntfs18:18
Pici!fr | timruff18:18
ikoniaSteph33560: most will be supported now, but you can check websites like "linux compatible" for specific devices and specific kernel suport18:18
ubotutimruff: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.18:18
Steph33560Survivorman, I alreadey read this18:18
Steph33560Survivorman, no device listed18:19
TomCI seem to only have command line access ikonia...18:19
ikoniaTomC: did you install the server version ?18:19
ikoniaTomC: why ? use the desktop version if you want gnome18:19
ikoniaTomC: the desktop makes an excellent server OS and provides much better support for home hardware18:19
ikoniaTomC: it also provides gnome fully intergrated and ready to go18:20
LakeSteph33560: maybe you should find what chipset your dongle uses18:20
TomCok...bad decision...I ultimately want to serve from this machine so that's why I did the server option18:20
ikoniaTomC: desktop edition is your best call18:20
polmIs there anyway to reduce the CPU utilization of flash content on my Ubuntu?18:21
TomCfrom here,  should I do a fresh install with the desktop edition til I know more about what I'm doing?18:21
Steph33560Lake, howto ?18:21
ikoniapolm: not really18:21
LakeTomC: I agree with ikonia, making a server out oa desktop version is barely two apt-get commands away18:21
ikoniaTomC: I'd advice that even if you know what your doing18:21
Steph33560ikonia, my device name is "heady" .... nobody knwo this :p18:21
seyacathi ubuntuers18:21
polmFlash drags on my system. Why is 1x 2 Ghz CPU enough for everything I do but flash?18:21
ikoniaTomC: it is a great server os and provides full desktop intergration, which is what you want18:21
LakeSteph33560: I am not sure for bluetooth devices but google your device name and the word chipset18:21
ikoniapolm: speak to the guys who write the website18:21
seyacatwhen i nmap my machine y can see this port open 6001/tcp open  X11:1 ; this represent a security proiblem??18:22
torroellahow do I take a screen shoot on xubuntu??18:22
TomCGreat...glad to get such decisive advice...I'll download the desktop version and re-install...18:22
cvd-prhow i close open ports? 21,22,23,8018:22
polmikonia: I notice it mostly with embedded flash video (like youtube).18:22
ikoniacvd-pr: disable the application listening, or firewall it18:22
TomCMany thanks ikonia and Lake...18:22
ikoniapolm: what version of the flash plugin are you using ?18:22
ikoniaTomC: welcome18:22
=== hwilde_ is now known as hwilde
cvd-prthats the problem, how?18:22
ikoniacvd-pr: port 80  = web server, disable apasche18:22
polmikonia: 9.0 r11518:23
jimcooncat_cvd-pr: port 21 is ftp18:23
ikoniapolm: how did you install it ?18:23
Steph33560Lake, google does not find somehting interesting ... :(18:23
jimcooncat_cvd-pr: port 22 is ssh18:23
jimcooncat_cvd-pr: dunno about port 2318:23
Steph33560Lake, still searching but nothing comes18:23
penI got white screen after suspend, is there a way to solve this?18:23
cvd-pr23 = telnet18:23
pen I still can login by typing pass and press enter18:23
pen but it's disturbing to not have a login screen instead of a plain white screen18:23
LakeSteph33560: okay wait I'll try and make Google talk18:23
polmikonia: can't remember. Either from adobe's site or via apt-get.18:23
cvd-prjimcooncat,  tell how to close all ports18:24
jimcooncat_arghh! telnet's open!18:24
hwildeanybody know how to catch the ssh password prompt and automatically enter the password from a bash script?18:24
Pici!firewall | cvd-pr18:24
ubotucvd-pr: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).18:24
ikoniapolm: I guess it's just a bit hungry on cpu then18:24
ikoniahwilde: look at ssh-agent18:24
arooniif this is a file (/var/log/messages):  -rw-r----- 1 root adm 18535 2008-04-07 17:16 messages ... that i want to let the user 'chasetoys' write to .......  whats the best way to go about it?18:24
MrEgg964Hi all. In Gutsy, how can I save a new screen resolution so it becomes the default resolution whenever any user logs in? Tia.18:24
ikoniaarooni: chmod it18:24
Idle0newill the new ubuntu support the airport cards in the mac pro?18:24
polmikonia: sux cuz it's the only thing pushing me to upgrade my hardware. I thought this ol' AMD 1.7 would be enough for a little while longer. Guess not.18:25
Idle0nei know the current version does not support them18:25
arooniikonia, to owned by the user?18:25
jimcooncat_cvd-pr: probably sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop18:25
ikoniaIdle0ne: didn't see anything in the 2.6.24 update18:25
jimcooncat_cvd-pr: repeat for apache2, telnetd, etc.18:25
ikoniaarooni: no - chmod it, not chown it18:25
cvd-prcamn i close the ports with UFW firewall?18:25
ikoniacvd-pr: you sure can18:25
arooniikonia, to ?18:25
hwildeikonia, right, ssh keys, but i need to setup like 150 of them and I don't want to type the password over and over18:25
ikoniaarooni: group writeable, world writeable ? your call18:25
Steph33560Lake, PM ;)18:26
ikoniahwilde: ssh-agent will work from the command line, you can script inputing to it, 1 script deployed 150 times = easy18:26
LakeSteph33560: i am pretty sure CSR (Cambridge Silicon Radio) is the chipset itself18:26
ZeroWingHowdy. I'm using Gutsy at the moment. Just wondering if anyone else experiences Rythmbox lockups when they use multimedia keys. Because it's rather annoying me and I would like to know if there is a way to fix this.18:26
jimcooncat_cvd-pr: you can firewall them off, but you could turn off or configure your servers correctly18:26
cvd-prufw deny 23?18:26
Steph33560Lake, I'm pretty sure too, and for information it works on Win32 with bluesoleil generic software18:26
zubairhow can i install software on ubuntu???18:26
ikoniaSteph33560: windows drives have no relevance18:27
ikoniazubair: use synaptic pakcage manager18:27
azukiZeroWing: use Amarok instead :18:27
ikoniazubair: package manager18:27
jimcooncat_zubair: Applications -> Add/Remove18:27
ikoniazubair: apt18:27
LakeSteph33560: I also found this apparently outdated lists that mentions CST as a manufacturer http://www.holtmann.org/linux/bluetooth/features.html18:27
Jorg1somebody could help me with citrix?18:27
ikoniazubair: apt-get18:27
ikoniaJorg1: cirtix is windows isn't it ?18:27
LakeSteph33560: list was linked from an ubuntu forum discussion18:27
ZeroWingAzuki: Hahaha. I'm not a fan of Amarok. I've used it before, and I just don't like it.18:27
ikoniaJorg1: as in metaframe18:27
jimcooncat_nah, aptitude18:27
Jorg1yes, it is18:27
ikoniaJorg1: so how does that relate to ubuntu ?18:27
aroonihow can i reboot my server ('reboot' seems to shut down but not cause it to automatically come back up)18:28
LakeSteph33560: and by CST, I really meant CSR18:28
Jorg1but, i used wine , trying to open it18:28
Steph33560Lake,  I saw this list but didn't understood it18:28
azukiZeroWing: really.. I was charmed by the .XM and .MOD implementation :)18:28
ikoniaarooni: reboot should make it reboot18:28
ikoniaJorg1: join #wine-hq18:28
astanhello folks. how come *ubuntu doesn't have an /etc/init.d/iptables startup script for initializing iptables rules?18:28
TheTaylorEffectarooni, I use "sudo shutdown -r now"18:28
amenadoJorg1-> you can have a linux client for Citrix..download that version18:28
astanit seems debian has this, but not ubuntu..18:28
ikoniaastan: because you have to write your own, everyone has there own way18:28
Jorg1ok, tnxs18:28
ikoniaastan: debian is not ubuntu18:28
LakeSteph33560: well, its quite simple actually, every branded product actually has a less-known manufacturer make it's chipsets18:28
ZeroWingAzuki: I don't know... I'm rather fond of Rhythmbox because it integrates with GTK. Makes it look all perdy.18:28
Steph33560Lake, ok !18:29
LakeSteph33560: so, in the list, you have, an ACER usb dongle (BT500 (BU2-1)) who has its chipset made by CSR18:29
zubairwhen i minimize my window it disappears.18:29
zubairwat to restore it??18:29
Jorg1there's nobody in there18:29
Steph33560Steph33560, yep18:29
amenadoJorg1-> you can have a linux client for Citrix.. .download that version18:30
Steph33560Lake, Yep18:30
ikoniaJorg1: #winehq sorry18:30
amadeuxHELP: I can't start X anymore. I just get a garbled screen. I have tried deleting all xorg.confs etc, and also Xorg -configure, but nothing works18:30
Jorg1yes i did it18:30
Jorg1but i got an error18:30
Jorg1i tried both ways18:30
LakeSteph33560: so, whats your product name/model/maker/brand again ?18:30
amadeuxJust for starters, maybe just an fb server would be nice, but I cant even get that up18:30
Steph33560product name : "Heady"18:31
Steph33560Lake, product name : "Heady"18:31
Steph33560Lake, too bad :(18:31
zubairhelp me with this18:31
azukithose silly names18:31
ZeroWingAmadeux: Have you tried running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? It will guide you through reconfiguring xorg.conf.18:31
astanikonia: everyone has their own way? but don't the majority just want netfilter rules restored from a file at boot-up? wouldn't it make sense to have a /etc/init.d/iptables or /etc/init.d/netfilter for the most common need, and those who need something special could just roll their own?18:31
ikoniazubair: help you with what18:31
ZeroWingUnless you use hardy.18:31
boomishwow alot of people in here18:31
amenadoamadeux  on a console type  X -configure  :0   and this will create xorg.conf.new18:31
ikoniaastan I didn't make the decision18:31
zubairwhenevr i minimize my window it disappears18:31
zubairhow to restore it18:31
ikoniazubair: to the task bar at the bottom ?18:31
ikoniazubair: alt+tab18:31
zubairu r gr818:32
amenadoJorg1-> what did you try both ways?18:32
zubaircant i see them together18:32
ikoniazubair: sure18:32
LakeSteph33560: seriously, heady, thats what is printed on the plastic itself ??18:32
astanikonia: okay.18:32
boomishI just recently decided to try ubuntu versus freebsd18:33
kate321Hello, does it possible to use the command "pdftotext" (pdf-to-text) and to extract each page to new file ?18:33
hwildeikonia, I guess I don't get it;  if my keys aren't setup, how does ssh-agent scp the new key append to authorized keys without asking me for the password?18:33
Steph33560Lake, Yes it is !!! :-/18:33
boomishI have to say i'm impressed18:33
ballehey does anybody know how i make my jack-out work on my labtop with gutsy?18:33
astananyone else know the rationale for not having a standard way of enabling iptables at boot-up on ubuntu?18:33
ikoniahwilde: ahhh you'll have to dump the keys on the right box first, sorry, yes that will have to be done18:33
Steph33560Lake, I shall throw this sh*** away ...18:33
boomishcan anyone tell me about compiz though i have a nvidia 8600gts and i see alot of tearing in the gui18:33
Piciballe: Have you tried asking in #ubuntustudio?18:33
ikoniaastan: this is a support channel really, I've given you the reason18:33
boomishon windows and such18:33
LakeSteph33560: haha wait up18:33
amenadokate321-> man pdftotext ?18:34
ikoniaboomish: visit http://www.compiz-fusion.org compiz is not an ubuntu product18:34
boomishthank you18:34
astanikonia: and i questioned its sanity :) okay, didn't know discussions like that were off-topic. thanks.18:34
ikoniaastan: no problem18:34
LakeSteph33560: lemme seach just a little longer before you externalize your anger at the incompatible hell through your usb dongle18:34
zubairikonia:how can i see the windows together18:34
DSpairGot any Winbind geniuses 'round here?18:34
=== voiici is now known as wonderworld
ikoniazubair: click them on th task bar18:35
ballepici: not rally no just /join ubuntustudio?18:35
Steph33560Lake :D18:35
Piciballe: /join #ubuntustudio18:35
hwildeikonia, right so back to my original question18:35
amenadoastan  but its as easy to put your rulez in a file and add it to rc.local to start it?18:35
hwildeanybody know how to catch the ssh password prompt and automatically enter the password from a bash script?18:35
rwycuffDSpair:waht kind of issue do you have with winbind18:35
Gilouhwilde> use ssh keys to do that.18:35
Steph33560Lake, I'm currently externalize my hate on my poor keyboard while googling  ;)18:35
DSpairI have joined my Ubuntu machine to active directory, wbinfo -u shows a list of AD users, but getent passwd doesn't work?!?!?!?!18:35
=== vix is now known as vix85
hwildeGilou, this is to setup the ssh keys thanks18:36
ikoniahwilde: you can try redirects ssh -l user@host < /pwfile18:36
ikoniahwilde: try joining a scripting channel18:36
rwycuffDSpair:do you have the pam and kerveros stuff setup right18:36
Gilouhwilde> why do you want to do?18:36
ZeroWingSorry. I don't know why I suddenly decided to leave. :p18:36
hwildeikonia, wow I didn't know bash had its own channel.  that is cool18:37
DSpairrwycuff: Yup!. I have winbind set up in nsswitch.conf and the kerberos works or otherwise I wouldn't have joined the domain in the first place.18:37
hwildeGilou, I need to scp the key and then append it to authorized_keys about 150 times, so I have to type the password 300 times.  I'm about 15/300 of the way there18:37
ikoniahwilde: ever thought of nfs/samba/fuse mounting the home dirs' and just copying the keys in with one command ?18:37
hwildeikonia, they are remote machiens bounced through two ssh's18:37
boris_how do i export my bookmarks from firefox 2 ?18:38
ZeroWingWe say hello here?18:38
DSpairrwycuff: Additionally, wbinfo -u works... That should mean that everything is good.... Strange!!!18:38
Piciboris_: Bookmarks>Bookmark Manager Then go to file>Export.18:38
=== sjovan_ is now known as sjovan
rwycuffDSpair: did yuo use samba in the winbind setup18:39
jimcooncat_hwilde: sounds like you need authentication forwarding (R)18:39
Gilouah yeah hwilde :p18:39
Gilouwell, I think you can have ssh read from stdin..18:39
LakeSteph33560: depending on your will to buy another dongle, last thing you can do is post on the Ubuntu forum with the uttermost complete description of your problem and await an answer18:39
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup18:39
DSpairrwycuff: Can you clarify your question? Winbind is part of the samba suite, so I would say yes.18:39
ZeroWingFor some reason, I cannot get Ubuntu 8.04 to use seamless integration within VirtualBox. Has anyone else had this problem?18:40
anteayaI am using firefox as a browser and it just froze.  What command will kill it?  I just tried killall firefox and it didn't work.18:40
patrick_how do i register my name in irc so no one else can use it18:40
LakeSteph33560: otherwise, search said forum for previous user reports on what works and doesnt work and buy your dongle in consequence of those reports18:40
blue112Hello everyone18:40
blue112I have a problem with a sound card VT82C686 rev 20 on Xubuntu 7.1018:40
azukipatrick_: stay online!18:40
blue112aplay -l : aplay: device_list:204: aucune carte son trouvée... ; lspci : 00:07.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 20)18:40
rwycuffDSpair:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto actually i see nothing to do with samba in that like18:41
patrick_azuki is that the only way?18:41
Steph33560Lake, you what ? I think I will be soon lazy...18:41
blue112Can someone help me ?18:41
rwycuffDSpair:can you paste bin your nis configs any place18:41
azukianteaya: alt-f2 and start xkill... now just click what you want to kill18:41
Pici!register | patrick_18:41
ubotupatrick_: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.18:41
LakeSteph33560: well, that is definitly a major non-software related problem !18:41
DSpairrwycuff: Uhmmm . . . Did you miss the part about setting up smb.conf?18:41
jimcooncat_hwilde: more on that subject, from the fantastic Daniel Robbins: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-keyc3/18:41
ZeroWingAlso, I cannot use the VirtualBox video driver...18:41
anteayaazuki:thanks i will try that18:41
azukipatrick_: of what I am a aware of .. yes..18:41
Lakeblue112: state your problem and we will try18:41
blue112I have a problem with a sound card VT82C686 rev 20 on Xubuntu 7.1018:42
* Steph33560 query the audience to know how many meters can be done by throwing a bluetooth usb dongle ?18:42
blue112aplay -l : aplay: device_list:204: aucune carte son trouvée... ; lspci : 00:07.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 20)18:42
* Steph33560 let you place the bets !18:42
blue112aplay says "No sound card found"18:42
rwycuffDSpair:sorry my bad right at top im multitaking way too muchrighjt now18:42
Steph33560Lake ;)18:42
Steph33560Lake, anyway thanks for your help :)18:42
azukiZeroWing: make sure to install the additions of virtualbox on the installed OS18:42
LakeSteph33560:  I think its something like  distance = wrath * sleepless nights18:43
rwycuffDSpair:what kinda of setup are you trying to do that you need windbind any how18:43
LakeSteph33560: well, no prob sorry we couldnt resovle it18:43
Steph33560Lake, nice formula ;)18:43
DSpairrwycuff: Thanks for that link though. I was using an older implementation of winbinds configuration. I have "winbind uid = xxxx" instead of "idmap uid = xxxxx"...18:43
DSpairThan totally fixed it...18:44
Steph33560Lake, viewing the price of such a device, I think it would be less an effort to buy a REAL bluetooth device !18:44
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blue112Lake, can you help me ?18:44
boris_Pici: i dont see any bookmark manager18:44
ZeroWingAzuki: Yes, I have done that. Then it says to reboot the guest machine, which I do. But the newly installed driver is not used, and I go into 'low graphics mode'. I really do not like this bullet-proof X feature...18:44
SxXxpreciso que algum amigo mais experinte no ubuntu me ajuda a instalar modem sm5618:44
rwycuffDSpair:good to hear18:44
Lakeblue112: is your sound card supported by your ubuntu distro ? did it reckognize it at installation?18:44
azukiboris_: it's called "organize bookmarks"18:44
Piciboris_: Organize bookmarks perhaps?18:44
boris_aha, i see it18:44
gregor1hi, anybody use acerhk?18:44
blue112Lake, I don't really know, i've installed it with the alternate CD, the live cd isn't supported by this laptop18:44
rwycuffDSpair:now iof i can just get my qmail courier and everything else to auth off AD back end ill be good to go to18:44
azukiZeroWing: which Os ?18:45
LakeSteph33560: indeed so :D if you do get one, get a brand that is not a very used word like "heady" since google only found phrases where people were praising the company and were using the word heady18:45
gregor1i use it on an acer travelmate 4500 and the led does not work (but its not damaged i test it under windows) :-)18:45
ZeroWingAzuki: The host is Gutsy Gibbon, the guess is Hardy Heron beta.18:45
Lakeblue112: ..hmm.. why isn't the live cd supported ? what laptop is it ?18:45
DSpairrwycuff: What issue are you having with Courier LDAP? I have that in spades.18:45
blue112Lake, it's a very old laptop with only 128mo of RAM18:46
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:46
DSpairrwycuff: Do you want Courier to go directly to AD or do you want to use PAM?18:46
Steph33560Steph33560, MSI or Dlink would be a better choice I think !18:46
azukiZeroWing: haven't looked at Heron yet... I havent VBoxed linux yet at all... sorry...18:46
rwycuffDSpair:i want it to go direct to LDAP AD18:46
ZeroWingAzuki: Oh well. Thanks anyways.18:46
Lakeblue112: ow man18:47
A_b_b_eanybody knows how to config. apache tomcat so you can log in to tomcat manager ?? I have already change username and password but I can not log in :(18:47
DSpairrwycuff: OK, a little more work involved, but I agree that I think it's more robust that method.18:47
rwycuffDSpair:ive got qmail and smtp authing right off the ldap now need courier and it wont work with ssl or anything18:47
Lakeblue112: how much pain is the GUI in ?18:47
Lakeblue112: well,when you installed, did the installation ever tell you things like "can't find sound card drivers'' ?18:47
DSpairrwycuff: Why move to Courier? Cyrus would be a better choice in my opinion, as that will give you ACL support from the start.18:47
blue112Lake, on Xubuntu that's don't make problem, but my sound card doesn't want to play sounds :(18:47
blue112Lake, no, the alternate installer isn't very user-frendly18:48
rwycuffnot my choice higher ups want it that way18:48
DSpairrwycuff: K, I understand. I'm getting ready to move from Courier to Cyrus here... Where are you at in setting up courier?18:48
gilanhow to install msoffice 2007 with wine?18:49
Lakeblue112: ah xubuntu :D what's the laptop ? what's the laptops's motherboard ? what audio chipset is on said motherboard ? it could be that the xubuntu simply doesn't have the drivers for that chipset and therefore does'nt support it18:49
blue112Bad idea18:49
rwycuffDSpair:its All Setup and running just cant seem to get configs right to connect to AD18:49
DSpairrwycuff: Are you using a DN for the authentication principal, or are you using something like "someuser@mydomain.com18:50
blue112Lake, it's the old Sony Vaio, i don't know the motherboard, the audio chipset is "VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 20)". I've compiled the last alsa-driver but that does nothing...18:50
azukigilan: I wouldn't... openoffice?, but theoratically... terminal: wine setup.exe18:50
boris_how do i export my stored passwords in firefox 2 ?18:50
DSpairrwycuff: Try the short notation. I find it to be more reliable in authenticating to AD.18:50
blue112And i've loaded the snd_via82xx module, but no change18:51
rwycuffDSpair Give me sec adn ill show you my config setup18:51
Lakeblue112: I think ubuntu has drivers for that... wait a second.18:51
blue112Lake, thanks.18:51
rwycuffDSpair,Short notation in AD never ran into that thought always had to use theDN18:51
gilanazuki:  i tried but doesn't working, thanks18:51
DSpairrwycuff: You can use "username@domain.tld" instead of using a DN.18:52
rwycuffahh ok18:52
Latin_UbuntuHelp Question: I have heard that there is a keyboard shortcut to check for errors during Ubuntu installation. Is that true??18:52
DSpairLatin_Ubuntu: <CTRL>+<ALT>+<F1>18:52
DSpairLatin_Ubuntu: Additional information can be found on other virtual terminals. Try <CTRL>+<ALT>+<F*>18:53
lordleemoboris_:  password exporter  https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/284818:53
Latin_UbuntuCan I use it in graphical and alternate installation modes???18:54
rwycuffDSpair : that didnt work either18:54
DSpairK, when you look in the logs, are you seeing anything specific?18:54
DSpair^ rwycuff18:54
rwycuffDSpair:let me pull those18:55
DSpairrwycuff: Take a look at this link: http://www.debian-administration.org/users/incorrect/weblog/18:55
DSpairrwycuff: Whoops, add a "2" to the end of that URL/.18:55
NekoKunCan I, in order to save space, create a folder like /usr/remoteA/ that points for my USB Device, and then when using apt-get make it a install path?18:56
speedhunt3rhey how do i make links open by default in swiftweasel? under preferred applications the command should be swiftweasel32 %u ?18:56
chimpIf i install hardy now, will my version still be equivalent through the repositries, as it will be when it is released officially?18:56
DSpairchimp: Yup18:56
chimpDSpair: ta18:56
=== anud is now known as zee
chimpSecond question, Im going to delete all of this gutsy install, other than what is in /home is there anything i should backup?18:57
Artirchimp: is a bit unstable right now. wait for RC18:57
zeeany chicks in here18:57
rwycuffDSpair: http://dpaste.com/43587/ there is all i could copy outta my logs if you want a look18:58
DSpairchimp: Why remove Gutsy? Just perform a dist-upgrade18:58
Artirbtw. have somebody heard about tyhe possible ubuntu PDA?18:58
chimpBecause since i started to use ubuntu (in september), during learning ive broken, and bodged back together many things18:58
Lakeblue112: your problem just got outta my league :S I looked at some past problems with your chipsets on the forums and they range from kernel doesn't get right port for audio device18:58
Artirmark shuttleworth said sth about it18:58
chimpits about time for a clean start18:58
DSpairrwycuff: Aha!!! You're trying to use SSL... Unless you have a non-internal certificate on your domain controllers, you will HAVE to use non-SSL.18:58
Lakeblue112: to stuff like get driver sfor another chipset in the hope that i might work18:59
chimpArtir: when is RC due?18:59
rwycuffDSpair:yes but even if i turn TLS and ssl off it shows up in the logs18:59
blue112But which one ? And how can I know it work :/ ?18:59
Artirchimp: 17 this month19:00
Lakeblue112: but, as always, you can always post your problem on the ubuntu forums and hope for an answer. Still, drop on the channel and still ask sometimes, who knows ? and if you do find a solution, post it on the forums :P19:00
Lakeblue112: have you tried using a newer or older version of xubunut ?19:00
mrpocketsis there a Garage band alternitive on ubuntu?19:00
Artirmrpockets: maybe jokosher, but is still on development19:01
blue112Lake, no, i can't install it as I want, because there's only one partition, and it's a shared laptop19:01
mrpocketsArtir, I'm just looking for something to do basic sound editing19:01
zericardonão consigo instalar o softmodem19:02
Wistesois it just my network/hardware or is the new SSH module for gnome completely unstable?19:02
Artirmrpockets: you can use audacity for that19:02
boddehi... How much time "on an average" the dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda will need to run on a 80GB HDD?19:02
Lakeblue112: so someone is using xubuntu on it already ? you got what, 4GB of hard drive on that ?19:02
blue112Lake : 8 :p19:02
cdernet some help with sunets here is the question i have told that you must use an IP address from your subnet. If you're using 192.168.198.* in your subnet, then you must use an IP from that subnet, not
redwhitewaldohi, folks. i'm using firefox (ver 3 beta 5) and clicked on a link that is "application/x-java-vm". Firefox is presenting me with 4 plugin choices. 1) GCJ Web Browser Plugin. 2)Java(TM) Plug-in, Java  SE 6. 3) The Java (TM) plug-in, Java SE 5.0. 4) The GCJ Web Browser Plugin (using IcedTea). How in the world should one choose? What should one choose? What are the differences between the 4?19:03
DSpairrwycuff: Hmmmm . . . Interesting,.19:03
Lakeblue112: my my  8gb :D well, I guess making a separate partition for testing is outta the question ... unless you wanna make a real small parition and try out, and pray for luck, stuff like puppy linux or DSL19:04
DSpairrwycuff: Can you paste your Courier config?19:04
goldinsHow do I prevent a service from starting at boot?19:04
rwycuffDSpair:yes you can se why i would want to pull mty hair out19:04
Lakeblue112: in any case ,real sorry i cant help more.. you may find things roamin the forums19:04
rwycuffDSpair Give me a moment and ill get my authldaprc19:04
tdnHow can I configure Ubuntu to automatically install updates?19:04
brianIt should auto19:04
chimpThis is annoying, the reason i want to upgrade to hardy is that i need a new feature from vlc 0.9 but their nighty builds seem to only work for hardy19:04
blue112Lake, thank you for help, i'm gonna post on a forum, and hope.19:05
cdernet some help with sunets here is the question i have told that you must use an IP address from your subnet. If you're using 192.168.198.* in your subnet, then you must use an IP from that subnet, not so whats in my sunet?19:05
kepukkayour netmask will define your subnet :)19:06
balzachello again19:06
balzacI have to say, I really find "trackerd" annoying19:06
torroellahow do I update my firefox'19:06
torroellaand how to know my version19:06
Petengyhi to all19:06
ensihow can i change my chracter set to iso-8859-15?19:06
balzacwho made it, and can I send them a matchbox filled with fleas?19:06
ensijust edit /etc/environment?19:06
torroella2.0.0.13 is a the lastes version for firefox??????????'19:06
Petengythere's a way to keep "always on  top" apps window by shell command?19:06
Artirtoroella: yes19:07
ambientskyensi: dpkg-reconfigure locales19:07
Artirtoroella: and you also hace firefox 3 beta19:07
torroellaArtir,  thanks19:07
ensiambientsky: that doesn do anything, just regenerates something and thats it19:07
zubairhelp needed19:07
ambientskyensi: Yaha, moment..19:07
=== angelo is now known as Ospite791805046
zubairhow do i install a software ?19:07
cderkepukka: how does it difine my subnet say my netmask is
zubairlike joomla19:07
ensiambientsky: i read somewhere its supposed to "ask for locale setting or something" but it doesnt o_O19:07
zubairi dont know how to install and run it19:08
kepukkahas anyone else had problem with new hardy updates? obviously libgnome-desktop-2 package had some dependencies which made installing the ubuntu-desktop metapackage impossible.19:08
=== Ospite791805046 is now known as errornickname
Odd-rationale!hardy | kepukka19:08
ubotukepukka: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu19:08
zubairi am used to .exe19:08
ambientskyensi: /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local19:08
ambientskyensi: Just add needed locale19:08
kepukkacder: then your subnet will be 192.168.100.*19:08
ambientskyensi: than dpkg-reconfigure locales19:08
zubairikonia: one more thing19:09
ambientskyensi: in /etc/environment you can change default locale19:09
kepukkacder: sorry... 192.168.198.*19:09
zubairi have just downloaded a software19:09
zubairand wish to install it19:09
dfr|workhi, which packages contain network drivers for ubuntu gutsy?19:09
ensiambientsky: mhhhm, what should i put in here?19:09
zubairhow go about?19:09
dfr|work[the default drivers]19:10
cderkepukka: . I AM  using 192.168.198.* in MY subnet,19:10
`Kimtut vi russkie ?19:10
Pici!ru | `Kim19:10
ambientskyensi: preferred locale for example  iso-8859-1519:10
ubotu`Kim: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:10
ensiambientsky: it has "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" now19:10
`Kima tut estj cs ?19:10
ambientsky`Kim: Privet privet19:10
rwycuffDSpair:http://dpaste.com/43593/there is my config19:11
tdnHow can I configure Ubuntu to automatically install updates?19:11
ensiambientsky: so just "iso-8859-15" then?19:11
squarebracketwhat's the automount file?19:11
ensitdn: doesnt it do that automatically?19:11
cderkepukka: thats what you said19:11
ambientskyensi: yes, at the end19:11
zimhi all19:11
ambientskyensi: you will take something like "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 iso-8859-15"19:12
Gnea!caps | deamoon19:12
ubotudeamoon: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:12
deniqueHi. I having problems installing the package flashplugin-nonfree. apt-get states that the md5sum mismatched: md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz19:12
Gneadenique: gutsy?19:12
deniquegnea: ye19:12
ensiambientsky: ok, and how do i get it to use the iso-8859-15 instead of utf-8? :)19:12
arvind_khadribazhang, hieee the system got screwed again19:12
kepukkacder: ok.. if your subnet is 192.168.198.*, then you can have computers with ip addesses ie., in that subnet19:13
zimsorry of topic Q with linux how can I clone a 6gig fat32 partion onto a blank hdd ie. clone sda1 to new drive is a windose xp recovery partion19:13
ambientskyensi: change in /etc/environment default locale19:13
pello_i need help19:13
arvind_khadribazhang, did a fresh install this time its ttf-opensymbol19:13
kepukkacder: i'm sorry but i didnt notice the question.. just question about "what is my subnet" :)19:13
pello_necesito ayuda19:13
pello_para instalar aMSN19:14
zimanyone have any ideas19:14
deniquezim: maybe dd19:14
cderkepukka: so we have estalished my netmask and that i can use any ip in my subnet as my ip address ie 192.168.198.*19:14
ambientskyzim: Try dd19:14
ikoniazubair: did you want me ?19:14
ambientskyzim: man dd19:14
Survivorman!spanish | pello19:14
ubotupello: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:14
Gnea!bug 173890 | denique19:15
kepukkacder: yes19:15
bruenig!search dwm19:15
zimdenique, ambientsky -> tryed that must be doing somthing wrong19:15
DSpairrwycuff: Try replacing "LDAP_URL <blah>" with "LDAP_SERVER <server IP>".19:15
zimany normal fallovers19:15
bruenigdoes anyone know if ubuntu has dwm in the repos?19:15
Gneadenique: Launchpad bug 173890 in flashplugin-nonfree "flashplugin-nonfree fails to install... new version?" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17389019:15
ambientskyzim: Hu? What error / message you take?19:16
ensiambientsky: im sorry, this doesnt work. with this setting i dont get any ext ascii to work at all. for example pressin 'ö' just generates a beep.19:16
rwycuffDSpair:ill do it again but its been done19:16
deniquegnea: thanks19:16
pello_Speak spanish?19:16
zimambientsky: it did it but then could not mount the drive19:16
cderkepukka: so what about the rest ie network, broadcast and gateway? i think gateway i can get from netstat -nr19:16
ambientskyensi: Try to reboot19:16
ensiambientsky: i did19:16
ambientskyensi: Wait mmnt19:16
bruenig!show dwm19:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about show dwm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:17
ensiambientsky: it says my current locale is now ANSI_X3.4-198619:17
ambientskyzim: What? Source or target?19:17
ambientskyensi: wow19:17
bob31984hey, does anybody know what the app is that pops up when you change the volume with your laptop volume keys? I'd like it to control the pcm, not the master...19:17
deniquegnea: hmm, it looks like there is no solution?19:17
pello_necesito ayuda19:17
Survivormanpello_, /join #ubuntu-es19:17
Gneadenique: the solution is there if you read it.19:17
bruenigbob31984: it isn't configurable if you are talking about that gnome thing19:18
zimambientsky: I did --> dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb119:18
bob31984bruenig: damn, do you know the name anyway?19:18
bruenigbob31984: here is one written in python that is configurable: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=4161219:18
ambientskyensi: Hmm, try http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-7331.html or http://stigebil.wordpress.com/2006/09/28/ubuntu-changing-locale-to-iso88591/19:18
yaselmaneHi to all19:18
* Gnea has to go back to work now19:18
bob31984bruenig: ok thanks, i'll check it out19:18
zimambientsky: yes19:18
yaselmanei have a problem with my laptop19:18
ambientskyzim: You didnt set block size / blocks count19:18
zimambientsky: what should they be19:19
ambientskyzim: Hmm, block size 512 blocks count = size_of_source / 51219:19
yaselmanewhen i want to use the keyboard in ubuntu , it didn't work if i didn't use it in a program ( firefox , openoffice , ........ ect )19:19
zimambientsky: I createrd a 6gig partion on sdb1 should I have not done that will it do it for me?19:20
ambientskyzim: or try some fips19:20
yaselmaneso what is the problem19:20
ensiambientsky: does it use /etc/locale.alias to look up the actual name for what is in /etc/environment?19:20
Flare183!who > yaselmane19:20
zimambientsky: fips?19:20
slug_hi i have ubuntu 7.10 on my lap. I got the msg that there are updates available and I downloaded them with update manager. the updates were being installed when my laptop suddenly shut down.  I powered it on and i got a message that the X server could not be started.  In details there was this error:   /etc/gdm/failesaveXServer line 47: [: too many arguments.   Warning: could not retrieve EDID because get-edid is not installed (1).   What do I19:20
slug_need to do ??? :/19:20
yaselmanethe keyboard19:20
cderkepukka: did you see my last chat line?19:20
ambientskyzim: Sorrr, gparted19:20
ubotuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents19:21
ambientskyzim: apt-get install gparted19:21
zimambientsky: will gpated clone partions?19:21
eisenhowerwhere do, programs save in ubuntu?19:21
xFlipxeisenhower, depends on the app19:21
ambientskyzim: GParted is an industrial-strength package for creating, destroying, resizing, moving,  checking and copying partitions, and the filesystems on them.19:22
xFlipxusually /etc/bin or /usr/bin19:22
zimambientsky: I have been using qtparted on knoppix19:22
ambientskyzim: *copying*19:22
amenadoslug_-> you can get to  a console though right?  ctrl+alt+F1 to F619:22
ambientskyzim: For example19:22
kepukkacder: i would guess that your gateway would be, the ip-address of that gateway device/computer19:22
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:22
yaselmaneanyone help me ??19:23
Flare183!anyone | yaselmane19:23
ubotuyaselmane: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:23
balzac_I'm in wireless driver hell19:23
Flare183balzac_: What brand name is the card?19:23
Lakehey, any good reason why I shouldn't use a fat32 partition as common ground for a dual-boot linux/windows box ?19:23
yaselmaneare you joking me19:24
balzac_I just went to the hardy heron channel19:24
zimambientsky: will try that now many thanks19:24
yaselmaneif you want to help19:24
GilouLake> max file size, max disk size.. ? :p19:24
ambientskyzim: You're welcome :)19:24
yaselmanehelp , but not like that19:24
* Flare183 says people please read what the bot tells you.19:24
GilouLake> get rid of the windows part :p19:24
LakeGilou: any other simply common ground like fat32?19:24
Gilounope :/19:25
GigaClonyaselmane just ask the question19:25
LakeGilou: tell that to the Sims 219:25
eisenhowerone other question. how would i move a directory in ubuntu?19:25
=== balzac_ is now known as balzac
Giloucan't you run Sims 2 in WINE ?19:25
eisenhowerlike via console*19:25
Flare183ensi: mv19:25
consolidatedbordLake: you can use ntfs. gutsy can write to ntfs19:25
Flare183eisenhower: mv19:25
Flare183no problem19:25
Gilouconsolidatedbord> it's probably not a good idea to use NTFS as a system FS for linux..19:25
LakeGilou: I've had some problems, espcially with installing expansion packs19:25
slug_any ideas? :/19:26
Survivorman!etiquette yaselmane19:26
Survivorman!etiquette | yaselmane19:26
ubotuyaselmane: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...19:26
quikone8Hi I am a newbie to Ubuntu, I have 710 desktop installed, is it possible to change to server and keep the GUI, if so how?19:26
HacksawSAI have a java question. If you have a tomcat installation (from the ubuntu dpkg's), and you need to add in things like mail.jar, where shuld they go? Assume I know nothing of java, becasue that's true.19:26
Flare183Survivorman: there you go19:26
LakeGilou: why isnit it a good idea ?19:26
nickrudquikone8 simply install whatever servers you want to run19:26
yaselmaneok , thx man , when i want to make a new document , i try to name it , but the keyboard doesn't respond . on the other hand , when i open a program like openoffice the keyboard works again19:26
consolidatedbordGilou: why is that?19:26
Giloubecause NTFS is a proprietary format, and you have no guarantee linux can read/write to it properly19:27
consolidatedbordI use NTFS read/write in gutsy on a daily basis with both internal and external media19:27
L_infAny Idea where can I find the source code of a game named moonlander?19:27
Survivormanyaselmane, how are you trying to make your document?19:27
xFlipxmoonlander was awesome! :P19:27
bob31984bruenig: i just found out how to change the default gnome mixer: System -> Preferences -> Sound, under the Default Mixer Tracks it'll use the one thats highlighted ;D19:27
Survivormanyaselmane, ie which program? command line?19:27
Gilouactually, you could run ubuntu on a free FS, and just use a fat32 partition to share files19:27
yaselmaneany program19:27
Gilou(or NTFS..)19:28
LakeGilou: yeah, the fat32 partition you just mentioned was the common ground i was talking baout19:28
yaselmanethe easy way , the right click19:28
amenadoHacksawSA-> if you do not know java why are you even adding a mail.jar on a webapp server? what are your intentions ?19:28
Gilouah well, then go NTFS if you need a large partition or big files19:28
LakeGilou and consolidatedbord : so an extra NTFS partition to share lovely files should be enough ?19:28
nickrudntfs/fat32 make good shared data partitions, but that's it19:28
Survivormanyaselmane, so you right click, go to create document and nothing happens?19:28
AyabaraI deleted my panels by mistake. How can I get back the default ones?19:28
nickrud!resetpanels | Ayabara19:29
ubotuAyabara: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:29
yaselmanethe document is created but i can't use the keyboard to name it19:29
GilouLake> yeah19:29
yaselmanei can't type anything19:29
eisenhowermv eclipse -T /ect/   Where the hell did that move it?19:29
HacksawSAAmenado: I'm trying to install a package (extremePlanner), which seems to want it.19:29
Gilouactually, FAT32 has a file size limit of 4 GB, and a max volume size of 8 TiB so..19:29
darkothe cd drive on my laptop does not work, how can install ubuntu from a usb stick19:30
consolidatedbordLake: My dualboot setup consists of / (ext3) /home (ext3) and /xp (ntfs, windows C:) and I just use the /xp as the "shared common ground"19:30
Survivormanyaselmane, ok. are you using gnome? does it even highlight the generic name on the screen?19:30
pdelgallegoHi I can watch any video using vlc, mplayer or totem. I've instaled ubuntu-restricted-extras and  w32codecs. What Im doing wrong?19:30
amenadoHacksawSA-> does it not have a readme or install file to tell you the dependencies on other jar files?19:30
pdelgallegoI can't19:30
Ayabaranickrud: thanks. any reason why that command shouldn't work in hardy?19:30
yaselmanethe generic name is shown19:30
Lakeconsolidatedbord: ok I think it sounds right, I will be doing something like that then19:30
yaselmanei'm asking , why i can't type19:31
Lakeconsolidatedbord and Gilou: thanks for advice19:31
nickrudAyabara should, but possibly the panel isn't running at all.  try  alt-f2  gnome-panel19:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:31
HacksawSAI'm going by the stack traces in /var/log/daemon19:31
darkothe cd drive on my laptop does not work, how can install ubuntu from a usb stick19:31
yaselmanenow i'm using xchat and the keyboard works great19:31
amenadoHacksawSA-> typically a webapp should be self-contained and you dont need to put a jar in the public access area, lest its like your logger or some kind of parser all the tomcat webapp uses19:31
nickrudAyabara and for the future: #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+1  ;)19:31
Ayabaranickrud: alt+f2 doesn't bring up anything after the panels left me19:32
nickrudAyabara got a terminal ?  gnome-panel &   (and doh, about the run dialog ;)19:32
Ayabaranickrud: I'll heed thy advice :-)19:32
binarical-appreferring to custom kernel build command :make menuconfig . is the menu pre-configured to my system ? and should i need to add patches, perspectively unless there are massive errors down the line, is my kernel correct , where can i see its output or log ?19:32
darkocan i install ubuntu from a USB drive19:32
HacksawSAYeah, I wish I understood why it was suddenly asking for it. It sucks because it's causing the tomcat server to not start. It's possible it's related to the fact that I tuned the SecurityManager off, but I couldn't say why.19:32
lordleemodarko: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/19:32
eisenhowerhow do you delete in console now?19:32
krimI have generation 5.5 of Ipod Video with 80gb, but the GTKPod version in Ubuntu doesn't support it. Can someone explain the best way to install the latest version so I can try that?19:33
nickrudAyabara don't close the terminal with the close button (will kill the gnome-panels) use exit on the command line when you want to close it19:33
Survivormanyaselmane, I'm looking it up, but that's a new one to me. so the keyboard is fine otherwise? And you're using ubuntu, not kubuntu? And it's gutsy?19:33
yaselmanei'm using ubuntu 7.1019:33
amenadoHacksawSA-> well, resolve your Security Manager issue first perhaps?19:33
HacksawSAIt is, I turned it off, the app needs to write to the disk, I'm cool with that.19:33
amenadobinarical-app-> an existing config file for the current kernel can be found at  /boot/config*19:33
Viroidnhz-kz-kz, vfpfafrfp19:34
nickrudkrim I'd suggest jus waiting a couple weeks for hardy, it will support it. But you could get the source for libgpod and gtkpod from gtkpod.org , run    sudo apt-get build-deb gtkpod , and compile it19:34
binarical-appthanks amenado19:34
Ayabaranickrud: I don't have any command called gnome-panel actually... maybe I should move to #ubuntu+1 now?19:34
HacksawSAOkay, thanks for the effort, I have to run.19:34
Survivormanyaselmane, can you right click and rename a folder in your home directory?19:34
unet__anybody install mpi ?19:34
amenadoHacksawSA-> maybe paste in pastebin the errors or whatever it is called in java..the exceptions?19:34
Survivormanyaselmane, or can you do it from the terminal?19:34
nickrudAyabara hm. What version of ubuntu are you running???  And, yes, #ubuntu+119:35
nickrud!ru | Gantellus19:35
ubotuGantellus: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:35
yaselmaneyeah , but i want to type , there nothing happens19:35
krimnickrud: Thanks I'll give that a try. I need to put some video on my ipod now and I'll reinstall once Hardy is out anyway.19:35
laura85hi ^^19:35
yaselmanethere is nothing happen19:35
HacksawSALater, perhaps, I have to run, I was hoping someone knew off the top of their heads. Thanks.19:35
unet__Gantellus man ti shutnik!19:35
yaselmanehow can i do it from the terminal19:35
darkolordleemo: install ubuntu FROM a USB drive19:36
Survivormanyaselmane, have you installed any language support for additional languages recently? I'm just reading some bugs reports similar to your situation, and that was one cause.19:36
laura85is there a command which 'associatives' another command like:      assoc sudo (apt-get update && apt-get upgrade) instead of   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade?19:36
=== FreeSpirit is now known as _FreeSpirit_
lordleemodarko: This tutorial enables you to install, boot and run Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) from a USB flash drive.19:36
Survivormanyaselmane, you did? There was a bug report saying that the fix was to uninstall the language support.19:37
^A^kiraпипец... и хуйли вас тут так много?! О.о19:37
yaselmanei have installed the language support of arabic and English19:37
amenadoyay...protesters put up protest flags on golden gate bridge..one heck of climbers..(sorry for off topic)19:37
Jowi!ru | unet__ ^A^kira19:37
ubotuunet__ ^A^kira: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:37
tdnensi, no, it notifies me about updates, but it does not install them automatically.19:37
_FreeSpirit_hi have a smc wbr14-g router, it connects fine but the internet don't works19:37
Jowilaura85, you can use "alias" perhaps19:37
Survivormanyaselmane, that may be the cause. here is an example with a japanese pack installed.19:37
binarical-appi am building my own linux kernel. i am currently using ubuntu 7.10. /boot/config* is full of "not found" s . if i build the kernel from source , will this eliminate my "not founds"?19:38
yaselmaneso , i have to uninstall the two of them19:38
jcanfieldSo am I the only one pulling my hair out setting a static IP in Hardy?19:38
rwycuffDSpair:that didnt work with the LDAP_SERVER19:38
Jowilaura85, http://www.hypexr.org/bash_tutorial.php#alias19:38
RoAkSoAx!hardy @ jcanfield19:38
RoAkSoAx!hardy | jcanfield19:38
ubotujcanfield: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu19:38
laura85Jowi, thanks ^^19:39
Survivormanyaselmane, well I know that fixed the problem, I don't know how to deal with the bug. You might be able to google it further. If you need the packs, you could possibly download and use thunar file manager to rename, but you'd never be able to do it with right click.19:39
jcanfield..aww sorry for the post.19:39
Survivormanyaselmane, or you could rename from the terminal.19:39
DSpairrwycuff: And what are the logs saying now?19:39
=== trmanco_ is now known as trmanco
yaselmanehow to do it from the terminal19:39
_FreeSpirit_hi have a smc wbr14-g router, it connects fine but the internet don't works, what i'm doing wrong?19:39
Dim252как вас тут дохрена  :o19:40
binarical-appi am building my own linux kernel. i am currently using ubuntu 7.10. /boot/config* is full of "not found" s . if i build the kernel from source , will this eliminate my "not founds"?19:40
rwycuffDSpair:http://dpaste.com/43603/ there are logs now19:40
cvd-prHey i deny the ports 21-23 in firestarter but dont works,19:41
Survivormanapplications > accessories, gnome-terminal. then you can switch to a directory such as /home/yourusername/documents for example. then you can use a command like mv filenameold.txt filenamenew.txt to rename.19:41
cvd-prwhy they still open?19:41
rwycuffDSpair: http://dpaste.com/43603/19:41
Survivorman!bash | yaselmane19:42
ubotuyaselmane: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:42
Petengyhi to all19:42
DSpairrwycuff: Here's the article I used. Have a look, because, unfortunately, I'm out of ideas.... http://www.debian-administration.org/users/incorrect/weblog/219:42
amenadocvd-pr-> what was your command to deny them? maybe post your "sudo iptables -n -vL"   ?19:42
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages19:42
Survivormanyaselmane, after you do it a few times, it becomes quite easy :)19:42
yaselmanethx man19:42
rwycuffDSpair: you gave me that earlier and i did use that19:42
cvd-pri use firestarter gui19:42
Survivormanyaselmane, no problem19:42
cvd-prpolicy deny service19:43
* Viroid читает ссылки nAgoHaK19:43
ybeddyjwhere on the gnome menu do i find the run command? i'm connecting remotely and the connection client wont send alt+f219:43
yaselmanesee you all19:43
Draenomi have a serious problem with my sound19:43
Draenomit is very noisy19:44
DeadLy_sphello !19:44
sosaitedhi guys.. how can I see the directories beagle is indexing at the moment?19:44
_FreeSpirit_hi have a smc wbr14-g router, it connects fine but the internet don't works, what i'm doing wrong?19:44
Moduliz0rhi, why would Ubuntu be showing two icons for one CD?19:44
Draenomthe fact is that my sound whas ok before I restarted my computer...19:44
Petengysomeone know how use streamtuner without xmms ??? I'm trying with audacious but it doesn't work19:44
DeadLy_spplayer how can i see a video with low low resolution quality using mplayer?19:44
fluteflute@ybeddy - try going to applications->accesorires->terminal and enter your command in there19:44
ybeddyjfluteflute, you were saying?19:45
binarical-appPetengy: can you give vlc a shot ?19:45
konstantinoshello all, my name is kostas and im a newbie in ubuntu.. i have problem with my toshiba a60 laptop and the stupid build in sound card (ALC250) i jhave now sound at all :( any help?19:45
ybeddyji'm doing that now but i'd much prefer being able to just popup the run dialog19:45
amenadocvd-pr-> what was your command to deny them? maybe post your "sudo iptables -n -vL"   ? it dont matter what front end you use, paste this please19:45
sosaitedhi guys.. how can I see the directories beagle is indexing at the moment?19:46
rwycuffDSpair:thanks for trying any how19:46
cvd-pramenado,  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6572/19:47
=== pets is now known as [EE]pets
Petengybinarical-app, vlc works perfectly :) :) really TnX :)19:49
ChaosTheorybazhang, are you here?19:49
Oprtzhow to correct MBR of HDD, because it shows an error while installing ubuntu in alternate cd, " initrfm "19:49
Matic`MakovecHey, which program would you recommend for emulating (or however should I call this) more OSs?19:50
Oprtzi tried a windows tool, MaxBlaster and it wont work for me19:50
Matic`MakovecOpenVMZ or what's it called again?19:50
RoAkSoAxMatic`Makovec, OpenVZ, Xen, VMWare19:51
Matic`MakovecYeah, those are three...but which would you recomend if any?19:51
pello_quien habla espa~ol?19:52
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:52
Pici!es | pello_19:52
ubotupello_: please see above19:52
rama_suWhat's a good site to stream music through amarok as a Ubuntu user? ^^19:52
rama_suI guess yahoo music only loves winblows ^_^19:52
RoAkSoAxMatic`Makovec, other one you can use is VirtualBox, i have used it but i don't like it. Right Now im using VMware19:52
Matic`MakovecOkay, I'll try that one then, thank you19:52
=== korse is now known as KorsaR`
fluteflute@ybeddyj - if you want you can change the shortcut under system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (i don't know if that will help in your situation though)19:52
binarical-apphow do i open running processes in ubuntu19:52
Hammer89is it hard to install  PulseAudio on Gutsy?19:52
binarical-appkill application19:53
fluteflute@binarical-app - like task manager?19:53
PetengyI need to open an app by shell keeping it "always on top", someone knows how to do that??19:53
fluteflutetype Alt+f219:53
rama_su! stream19:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stream - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:53
rama_su! music stream19:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about music stream - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:53
fluteflutethen enter gnome-system-monitor19:54
binarical-appfluteflute: this option is mapped to controll my screen brightness19:54
khelllis there a way to control remotely a windows machine?19:54
flutefluteoh ok19:54
binarical-appkhelll: ssh19:54
khelll***sorry i want to c the desktop of a windows machine remotely19:54
fluteflute@binarical-app go to Applications->Accesories->Terminal then enter 'gnome-system-monitor' and presss enter19:54
Hammer89khelll: VLC?19:54
Picikhelll: Remote Desktop, VNC.19:54
jcole01there's remote desktop or vnc19:54
binarical-appthanks flute19:54
Hammer89ter, VNC19:54
Draenomplease someone help... my sound is polluted with noise and it is crackling... everything was ok before I restarted my system... please help, this is driving me insane19:55
redwhitewaldohow do i import photos from digital camera to comp via terminal?19:55
Tattanim trying to get an AD-HOC wireless connection to work, however I need to set all parameters (including ip, dns, subnet gateway etc) Though I cant see where to do that, anyone got any idea of an easy way?19:56
ChaosTheoryAnyone know how to fix resolution? =|19:56
booncer_im trying to make a directory shortcut in termanal any 1 know how to do that19:56
booncer_ChaosTheory xorg.conf19:57
danand!resolution | ChaosTheory19:57
ubotuChaosTheory: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:57
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications19:57
kindofabuzzhow do i not show users in and out in xchat?19:57
Draenomplease someone help... my sound is polluted with noise and it is crackling... everything was ok before I restarted my system... please help, this is driving me insane19:58
DJoneskindofabuzz: right click on the channel name in tick the show/hide join/part messages19:58
* Viroid задумался, где бы найти дряхлую тачку19:59
Pici!ru | Viroid19:59
ubotuViroid: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:59
linkinxpwhat the latest kernel version?19:59
PaRaSiTe_stillSorry, internet failed.19:59
PaRaSiTe_stillWhen dual-booting XP and Ubuntu, should XP be installed first?19:59
booncer_im trying to make a directory shortcut in termanal so i can access /var/www/ from my home directory20:00
PiciPaRaSiTe_still: Preferably20:00
yoddabytehey what is the command to get virtual servers to come up?20:00
yoddabyte!VM or something like that20:00
Tattanim trying to get an AD-HOC wireless connection to work, however I need to set all parameters (including ip, dns, subnet gateway etc) Though I cant see where to do that, anyone got any idea of an easy way?20:00
buddelmausgibt es da auch deutsche Teilnehmer20:00
* Viroid глянул на nAgoHaK прищюрившись20:00
nick_does anyone know how to use IRC in pidgin?20:01
PaRaSiTe_stillPici: OK, thanks.  Why in particular?  Is it just because Windows has a way of screwing things up, like formatting etc?20:01
PiciPaRaSiTe_still: Because Windows over writes the mbr (and thus bootloader/GRUB) when it installs.20:01
PaRaSiTe_stillPici: I was about to ask about booter thingy.  Does Ubuntu (8.04) automatically do an option thingy, or do I need to set it up manually.20:02
fish-gutshello folks. i have some trouble getting my ATI Radeon 2600 HD to work: Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual20:02
c0mp13371331337_nick_-  Pidgin wasn't REALLY meant to be an IRC client.  It supports it, but you've really gotta be handy with irc commands.20:03
PiciPaRaSiTe_still: All versions of Ubuntu install the Grub bootloader.20:03
SliMMis there some sort of "advanced" task manager?20:03
PaRaSiTe_stillPici: Thanks. :)20:04
c0mp13371331337_SliMM-  'Task managers' are from Windoze.  ;-)  I believe the term you're looking for is 'system monitor'.20:04
Keulehi there - i have a problem shown on that shot20:05
pdelgallegoHi. Im must be doing something wrong. I can't watch any video. (avi, mpg, xdiv, whatever) using  vlc, mplayer, or totem. They seen corrupted. But I can listen mp3 song. I've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs. What can I do?20:05
fish-gutspdelgallego, try installing gstreamer20:05
booncer_no one know i take it its not possibe then?20:05
hydoskeeis there a blanket way to force the removal ofall packages/dependencies related to a specific packages?20:05
PaRaSiTe_stillAlso, for XP, I'll need to use QtParted or GParted won't I? (Pici)20:05
riohi when i connect to a wifi network with networkmanager the interface doesnt send an router solicitation so its not getting an ipv6 address, how can i change this behaviour?20:05
booncer_im trying to make a directory shortcut in termanal so i can access /var/www/ from my home directory20:06
SliMMc0mp13371331337_: or system monitor, call it however you want, but is there one that gets a lower nice value when it is activated? so that i can easily kill applications20:06
PiciPaRaSiTe_still: Well, the installer CDs have gparted on them, but if you need to resize, sure.20:06
pdelgallegofish-guts, I've installed all of them too. bad, ugly, good ...20:06
Draenomplease someone help... my sound is polluted with noise and it is crackling... everything was ok before I restarted my system... please help, this is driving me insane20:07
c0mp13371331337_SliMM-  Never had problems with the default one that comes with gnome.  Is it not playing nice on your system?20:07
danandbooncer_ - ln -s /var/www www?20:07
PaRaSiTe_stillPici: Ah, OK, thanks. :)20:07
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz20:07
booncer_thanks danand thot it was simple20:07
PaRaSiTe_stillIs there a list of the ! functions?20:07
Pici!usage | PaRaSiTe_still20:08
ubotuPaRaSiTe_still: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:08
lusiusanybody here could help me with this stupid problem? im trying to installl hamachi, i do what the readme says but when i execute commands, nothing happen...prob?20:08
ArelisHello everybody. I'm having a problem with an SSH server, i'm wanting to share files between a friend of mine and me, and first it worked but after that it suddenly doesn't work anymore. He gets an error, stating that nautilus can't display the directory.20:08
konstantinoshello, i have a problem with a toshiba a60 and its sound card.. i have no sound at all... any help?20:08
SliMMc0mp13371331337_: there are applications that use my cpu to 100% and from time to time i can't get anything stared, including system monitor20:08
danandbooncer_ - np20:08
PaRaSiTe_stillPici: Thanks, again!!20:08
c0mp13371331337_Ooooh, I see.20:08
JuhisI just loaded KDE to ubuntu and when i try to save data on my hard drive it comes up with an error20:09
Juhiseven if i try to open it20:09
ArelisHello everybody. I'm having a problem with an SSH server, i'm wanting to share files between a friend of mine and me, and first it worked but after that it suddenly doesn't work anymore. He gets an error, stating that nautilus can't display the directory.20:09
c0mp13371331337_SliMM-  Well, if you happen to have a terminal window open, or can open one instead of the System Monitor, you could always 'pkill <application>' or 'killall <application>'20:09
LhiQuerhey, does anyone know of the compiz effect where the menus close with a shower of sparkles?20:10
mirakhow do I get files from https with wget or curl ? I got a truncated file here https://opensvn.csie.org/traccgi/sascng/attachment/wiki/DebianPackageBuild/sasc-ng_debian.3.tar.bz220:10
SliMMc0mp13371331337_: i want something similar to X server restart but instead of restarting the x server, switching to a terminal or something similar20:10
jessdHello all! Has anyone figured out how to shut down remote Win XP machines with either samba's net or rpcclient commands?20:11
azukiLhiQuer: it's under animations20:11
* LhiQuer checks20:11
debasysany wifi monitoring software? the default system monitor does not show messages/information so good.20:11
jessddebasys: Kismet?20:11
ensiambientsky: i've got it now20:11
debasysjessd: thanks20:11
Draenomplease someone help... my sound is polluted with noise and it is crackling... everything was ok before I restarted my system... please help, this is driving me insane20:11
c0mp13371331337_SliMM-  Ctrl+Alt+F1 through Ctrl+Alt+F6 give you different TTYs that you can log into.20:12
ecchi_question: Presario A900, has vista 32 home premium on it -- Trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 on it.. the guided partitioner seems to working, but I'm hesitatnt to commit -- all previous dual-boots have been XP -- this is a first with Vista20:12
jessdHello all! Has anyone figured out how to shut down remote Win XP machines with either samba's net or rpcclient commands?20:12
ambientskyensi: Work?20:12
LhiQuerazuki, you wouldn't know which one in particular?20:12
SliMMc0mp13371331337_: what is tty, i've always wonderd20:12
fish-gutshas anybody an idea, what todo with this fglrxinfo error message:? Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual!20:12
hanophix33How do I install a python script...run python mlbviewer.py20:12
ambientskyjessd: take a look on pstools, www.sysinternals.com20:12
JuhisCan anyone help me mounting my hard drive.... it comes up with and error20:12
azukiLhiQuer: you can get it with explode or burn I think20:12
azukiLhiQuer: need to set the colours to random20:13
rlp10All:  I want to implement document automation/assembly.  Any suggestions?20:13
ambientskyjessd: In each case - you need an administrator account on remote machine20:13
jessdSliMM: teletypewriter20:13
hanophix33how do I do this....install a python script?20:13
DragginGood evening - does anyone know of an application for Ubuntu (GNOME) that is similar to KDE's KArm?20:13
LhiQuerazuki, whod you set the colors to random?20:13
SliMMjessd: ok, so what do i do with that?20:13
jessdambientsky: Will do that, TY20:13
azukiLhiQuer: under Effect Settings20:13
ubotuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.20:14
ensiambientsky: yes, i had to put "en_US.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15" in /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local, then dpkg-reconfigure locales and then use that en_US.ISO-8859-15 in /etc/environment20:14
jessdSliMM: That's what tty stands for20:14
Keulehttp://img394.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bildschirmfotord5.png i need help with this bug.... is that arial??? no20:14
azukiunder FIRE ... I think it's that one.. of the top of my head that is20:14
SliMMjessd: how do i pause all other X server-related processes?20:14
Draenomplease someone help... my sound is polluted with noise and it is crackling... everything was ok before I restarted my system... please help, this is driving me insane20:14
ambientskyensi: Nice, thats fine20:15
azukiLhiQuer: I would advice you to play around with the settings a little, something nice is bound to come up :)20:15
jessdSliMM: I'm not sue I understand what yer askin for; run that by me again?20:15
Jorda1hay guys im on a ubuntu server and when i use dir it doesn't show the hole list so how do i go about looking at the hole list???20:15
ensiambientsky: i would otherwise use utf-8 but im developing software that doesnt yet work well with unicode + my file server is too old to understand unicode.. :)20:15
ambientskyensi: Samba?20:16
ensiambientsky: Samba + NFS on slackware 8.1 :)20:16
ambientskyensi: I'll migrate my one to Ubuntu Server20:16
SliMMjessd: i want to get to a terminal/screen/application that has a very high priority so i can kill applications that make my computer freeze20:16
ambientskyensi: Im waiting only for 8.04 stable20:16
LhiQuerazuki, 1:36 on here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC5uEe5OzNQ&feature=related20:17
ambientskyensi: Uff , Slack20:17
Draenomplease someone help... my sound is polluted with noise and it is crackling... everything was ok before I restarted my system... please help, this is driving me insane20:17
danandJorda1 - ls -a20:17
ambientskyensi: That one is not for me20:17
jessdSliMM: Then yeah, flipping to a different TTY is the best way.  You just hold control and alt, then press a function key between F1 and F620:17
ambientskyensi: Try upgrade? :)20:17
Jorda1ok thank you danand20:17
SliMMjessd: and what tty should i choose?20:17
jessdSliMM: Same keys with F7 brings you back to the X instance20:18
Moduliz0rhi, why might I have two desktop icons for one CD?20:18
jessdSliMM; You mean which funtion key?  Doesn't matter20:18
ensiambientsky: yeah slackware sucks, but at them time when i installed it i thought slack was the best distro on earth.20:18
ColaI lost window GL from System>Preferences due reinstall compiz and emerald what should i do?20:18
ensiambientsky: but i cba to upgrade, too much to configure nfs, samba, cron etc.20:18
jessdSliMM: I've had trouble flipping back to the GUI do to compiz, but that's just my flakey video card20:18
PaRaSiTe_stillSo pretty much: Format HDD, install XP/Vista, boot Ubuntu disk, follow instructions and, well, done?20:19
ambientskyensi: Im not tell that Slack is bad, simply apt is for me the best :)20:19
azukiLhiQuer: yep, that's the one I told you..20:19
c0mp13371331337_Cola-  Execute 'compiz --replace'20:19
crdlbCola: "GL Desktop" is severely out of date, you don't want to use it20:19
LhiQuerexplode or burn?20:19
ensiambientsky: slack would be good if it had a proper package management system..20:19
Moduliz0rcrdlb: What if he does?20:19
=== PaRaSiTe_still is now known as PaRaSiTe2
ensiambientsky: although i havent used it since 8.1 so maybe it even has these days :)20:19
SliMMjessd: i have a pretty old videocard also20:19
Colawhy do u think that i dont want to use it?20:20
ambientskyensi: Hu, its waiting for me - ill go to migrate Debian Etch file/fax/application/backup/DNS server to Ubuntu Server20:20
Colaand can i install it again?20:20
azukiLhiQuer: I checked for you, and it's "burn"20:20
ensiambientsky: gl (;20:20
crdlbModuliz0r: Cola: it can break your configuration because it was written for a much older version of compiz20:20
LhiQueroh, cool, i just worked it out... randoom colors under fire20:20
Moduliz0rcrdlb: Maybe he wants to take the risk20:20
LhiQuerchrres azuki20:20
crdlbModuliz0r: but why? just use ccsm20:20
Colabut without it i cant switch between desktops20:21
Moduliz0rcrdlb: i dont know, I dont use it20:21
Jorda1dandad: what I mean is I cant scroll up so look at the list so i need it to stop let me de the top and then like I would hit the space bare or something to scroll down20:21
Moduliz0rcrdlb: Some people want to do things and might not want to explain why?20:21
azukiLhiQuer: for more questions related to compiz, you might find #compiz a suitable channel...20:21
Moduliz0rcrdlb: It's natural to be spontaneous ;]20:21
c0mp13371331337_Cola-  To switch desktops, the keystroke is Ctrl+Alt+<Left arrow or right arrow>20:21
Jorda1de i mean see20:21
LhiQuerok, thanks azuki20:21
Colayeah but when switch it turn only desktop image and i cant go back to other desktops20:22
Moduliz0rAnyone know why I seem to be having two icons on the desktop for any one CD?20:24
Armadaplayback of H264 is slow for me20:24
cameo357can I load ubuntu 7.10 over 6.06 ?20:24
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=== bodde is now known as Unxuxu
fiXXXerMetI'm still getting "Bus error"s in ubuntu.  I've submitted a bug report but I still haven't received any help.20:25
azukiArmada: what type of computer do you have, to play h264 do you need a fast computer20:25
Moduliz0rwhy is everyone leaving and changing their nicknames?20:25
ArmadaIntel C2D E6750 4GB of DDR2 PC8500 RAM20:25
pale-yafahi, Iam trying to install php-gtk and its not working, I got many error, and its not compiling20:25
Moduliz0rDoes anyone know why I seem to be having two icons on the desktop for any one CD?20:26
smithey93hey, is it at all possible to run Call of duty 4 in ubuntu with wine or sumin.?20:26
=== HardyOne is now known as IdleOne
pale-yafahere is the error php-src/ext/standard/basic_functions.c:45:34: error: zend_language_parser.h: No such file or directory20:26
pale-yafamake: *** [ext/standard/basic_functions.lo] Error 120:26
Pici!appdb | smithey93 check here20:26
ubotusmithey93 check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org20:26
torroellasmithey93,  check the wine database20:26
smithey93torroella: ill check it now, just a min ty20:26
Kodesmithey93, it is possible to run CoD4 using wine20:27
Starnestommypale-yafa: do you have php5-dev installed?20:28
pale-yafaStarnestommy: yes20:28
Armadaazuki:  CPU: Intel C2D E6750 RAM: 4GB of DDR2 PC850020:28
torroellaKode,  I could get run my flight simulator 2004 :<20:28
harushimoI have a question20:29
Flare183!ask | harushimo20:29
ubotuharushimo: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:29
fiXXXerMetI filed my bug @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/204020 if anyone has any ideas.20:29
harushimoI did a reinstall of ubuntu.  I am installing flash player20:29
hanophix33how do i install .py scripts?20:29
=== sot is now known as sotonas
harushimoI can't install it because it says it doesn't support my architecture20:29
Starnestommyhanophix33: python filename.py20:29
harushimowhat do I do20:29
azukiArmada: that "should" be enough to play it... did you try an alternate player?20:30
Starnestommyhanophix33: are you trying to install flashplugin-nonfree from synaptic or with apt-get?20:30
Armadaazuki: no, and that's what I'm looking for20:30
azukiArmada: which do you use.. totem?20:30
Armadaazuki: is what do you recommend?20:30
Armadaazuki: yes20:30
azukiarmada: I would recommend totem.. but you could try MPlayer as an alternate20:30
harushimoI got it from abode20:30
harushimothe installer program20:31
CelticLordanybody may help to install hercules webcam ov519 on feisty?20:31
Starnestommyharushimo: open a terminal from Applications > Accessories and type this: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:31
harushimook thanks20:31
=== midgard is now known as mid5
Brandon_stupid question how do you shutdown ubuntu completely. shutdown now just makes it go into maintenance mode20:32
brian_Is there any sort of maintenance that needs to be done in Ubuntu? Like, WinXP, it needs to be defragmented every so often.20:32
pale-yafajust for the sake of knowledge, how to exit the nano?20:32
StarnestommyBrandon_: sudo shutdown -h now20:32
Starnestommypale-yafa: ctel+x20:32
krielbrian_: not really. Just fsck, and that happens automatically when you shutdown/restart enough.20:32
Starnestommyer, ctrl+x20:32
brian_kriel: Ah, k, shweet. Is there anyway to change how often fsck happens, or start it manually? >.> Kinda annoying when you NEED to get on the computer and it MUST sit there for 15 or 20 minutes and do fsck.20:33
pale-yafaStarnestommy: thanks20:33
CahanBrandon_, shutdown -h now IIRC20:33
Brandon_Starnestommy, Cahan thanks. I haven't shutdown a linux system in a while :P20:34
krielbrian_: yes, you can start it manually. no, i'm not sure how. i'm sure google might, though. it runs if it hasn't been run in the last x boots (mine's 22) or within the last x days (mine's 90), so as long as you run it manually more often than that, you won't get stuck with the surprise.20:34
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:35
harushimohow do I unpack an rpm file20:35
brian_kriel: Ah, k, thanks :) (mines 37 boots! :P)20:35
Starnestommyharushimo: ubuntu doesn't use rpm20:35
Starnestommyharushimo: it uses .deb20:35
harushimoyeah I know but I need abode reader20:35
RePOCan anyone help with this? got no idea what it means : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62452/20:35
harushimothe file is an rpm file20:35
cvd-pramenado,  what happends20:36
cvd-pramenado, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6572/20:36
harushimoI want to install it20:36
Moduliz0rCan anyone help me? I get two icons on the desktop for any one CD20:36
Starnestommyharushimo: iirc, evince is installed by default and can read pdf's20:36
torroellabrb rebooting20:36
=== vix85 is now known as vix
harushimooh okay20:37
Armadaazuki: mplayer gives lots of errors in gnome20:37
Armadaazuki: but the playback is lag-free20:37
amenadocvd-pr-> at eating lunch20:37
amenadocvd-pr-> am* eating lunch20:37
RePOCan anyone help with this? got no idea what it means : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62452/20:38
FloodBot1knoppix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:38
lordleemoRePO:  open a term and type  sudo apt-get install -f20:38
azukiArmada: but it plays smoothly?20:38
krielon my laptop, i plug in my headphones, and they work. woohoo. but sound also comes out of the main speakers as well. The only way to stop the main speakers is to mute the volume (which, consequently, dosen't mute the headphones for some reason.) This is a decent-ish workaround, except when you want to change the volume. Pressing any volumechange key instantly unmutes the computer. How do i fix this, or who do I ask how to fix this?20:38
cvd-pramenado, ok20:39
Armadaazuki: yes, perfectly20:39
Kodekriel, what laptop do you have?20:40
RePO[20:38:36] <lordleemo> RePO:  open a term and type  sudo apt-get install -f <-- it says someting about some bittorent shit, how do i remove it?20:40
krielKode: lenovo 3000 c200, using an intel hda soundcard. not sure if i'm using also/oss, but it's the ubuntu default.20:41
Moduliz0rHi, I get two icons on the desktop (both of them work) when I only have one CD in my computer, whats going on?20:41
StarnestommyRePO: pastebin what it says and watch your language.20:41
|ismael|hola sabeis que es desync?me aparece cada 2x3 en consola20:41
Armadaazuki: subtitles are way too large though, they cover like half my screen20:41
azukiArmada: about the gnome-error.. (propably gnome-screensaver right?)... I have it too, I don't know what it's about, maybe somebody else does, I didn't look into it... try looking at some other players from the package manages to find one that suites your need...20:41
Armadaazuki: it also doesn't support drag and drop20:41
RePO[20:41:10] <Starnestommy> RePO: pastebin what it says and watch your language. <-- I did, scrol up :)20:41
lordleemoyou tried to install something but with the wrong dependencies hence  -f. have you installed a torrent client20:42
azukiarmada: it should20:42
StarnestommyRePO: is it saying something different now?20:42
christozQuestion...is there anyone who uses a usb bluetooth adapter?20:42
Armadaazuki: Not with mkv20:42
Moduliz0rHi, I get two icons on the desktop (both of them work) when I only have one CD in my computer, whats going on?20:42
Moduliz0rchristoz: I do20:42
christozmt system can't see it20:42
azukiArmada: try dropping either in the viewscreen or in the control area... (the playlist is rather un-handy for my taste)20:42
Moduliz0rchristoz: Might not be supported, but I have no idea- i use a Belkin one...20:43
RePO[20:42:25] <Starnestommy> RePO: is it saying something different now? <-- i never tried anything, i wanna get rid of the stupid bittorrent thing it mentioned20:43
RePObut i dont know how20:43
azukiArmada: If I where you, I'd check some more players, to see which you like best ... simply by searching the package-manager for them..20:43
StarnestommyRePO: try 'sudo apt-get remove bittorrent'20:43
trafalgarhi, ladynikon what are you doing on ubuntu?20:44
Armadaazuki: how do I know they support playing mkv lag-free20:44
Kodekriel, I had a similar problem, but that was with a realtek soundcard, you should try to go file-> open volume control20:44
krielKode: anything after that?20:44
christozModuliz0r how your system recognizes it ...meaning as a file like other usb's flash20:44
azukiArmada: maybe checking it with their websites, but otherwise I wouldn't know.20:45
LhiQuerwhens hardy coming out?20:45
mEck0Hi! I wonder if there is a good bookkeeping software for ubuntu?20:45
Kodekriel, is there a tab switches?20:45
Moduliz0rchristoz: I get the bluetooth icon in the panel20:45
Moduliz0rchristoz: thats all I know20:45
christozModuliz0r ok20:45
milinhahi ..20:45
azukiArmada: whether they could do it lag-free or not, is a tough one20:45
christozModuliz0r ok20:45
krielKode: yup. and the headphone option is checked.20:46
RePOthat did it thx20:46
chsmrshi folks. i didn't find any help before, so i'm back. i really need some help getting my ATI Radeon 2600 HD to work on Gutsy. envy didn't help :(20:46
Starnestommychsmrs: you probably made it worse by using envy20:46
christozModuliz0r can you pleaase check for me at your /media place if it's mount like any usb flash?20:46
chsmrsi think so too. when i boot, i get the message "loaded in low graphics mode"20:47
ajrayDoes anyone have advice on how to install g++ without the install CD?20:47
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu20:47
chsmrsi'm working on that for 8 hours now :( never had problems with ATI cards before20:47
chsmrsthis is the fglrxinfo output: Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual!20:48
ajrayhey, can one get g++ through apt?20:48
CarlF1what do I need to install to use google maps steat view?20:49
Starnestommyajray: sudo apt-get install build-essential g++20:49
Kodekriel, you could try to get the latest alsa-source package20:49
krielKode: hm. Kay. Thanks. ^^20:49
chsmrsnobody an idea? :(20:49
ajrayStarnestommy: that requests the CD, and I'm running on a Tablet (no CD drive)20:49
nickrud!gutsysources | ajray (do this to ensure you're using the net repos)20:50
ubotuajray (do this to ensure you're using the net repos): gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).20:50
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:50
ROBOdhello guys20:50
lordleemoajray:  sudo apt-get install g++-4.220:50
ROBOdwhich is the sans mono font? i want the font on my windows system20:50
StarnestommyArmada: if it has internet access, do this: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and put a # before the line beginning with deb cdrom:20:50
ArmadaI think you mean the guy that had double cd icons20:51
Starnestommyajray: if it has internet access, do this: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and put a # before the line beginning with deb cdrom:20:51
christozhow can I recocnize if a usb bluetooth adapter is broken else is not recognized-supported from ubuntu20:51
Armadayeah, that guy20:51
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:51
nickrudStarnestommy problem with that is some installs come with the net stuff disabled, usually if they installed without net access20:52
lordleemostarnesstommy is well cool20:52
ajrayStarnestommy: thanks, that worked20:52
Moduliz0rhi, why is my USB disk being shown as it's full mount path on the desktop?20:54
Brandon_I'm curious does the hostname when you first start up a ubuntu install actually do anything? Is it like the DNS that points to the server or does it not matter?20:55
Armadaazuki: I rly like Gnome MPlayer, it's better than totem, but it doesn't support subtitles, since it's a GUI for MPlayer can't I force it to use subtitles?20:56
psj아하하 한글이 보이나요?20:56
p33hi any Intel DG33 oweners awake?20:57
nickrud!ko | psj20:57
ubotupsj: For Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko20:57
amenadocvd-pr-> ok, are you still there?20:57
MathmanBrandon_: your host name would be the name associated with one of your network interfaces.  so yeah, it does something.  allows you to use the host name and not an IP address20:57
RePOhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62455/ <-- can anyone help, on root and permission denied :@20:57
azukiArmada: rightclick in the view-screen >> dvd >> subtitles20:58
mactayloris a celeron powerful enough for ubuntu?20:58
amenadocvd-pr-> can you paste the line for your OUTBOUND ?20:58
bardyrmactaylor, how many ghz?20:58
StarnestommyRePO: run this: chmod +x ./make_certificate.sh; chmod +x ./webshell.py20:58
psjU look korean language? "한글"  My bed English..20:58
Armadaazuki: yes, but the gnome interface doesn't have all the MPlayer features20:58
cvd-pramenado, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6572/20:58
Moduliz0rpsj: what?20:58
StarnestommyRePO: and I think that those might not require root once you do those commands20:59
Brandon_Mathman, Doesn't the DNS do that already? Like foo.example.com? I know the hostname has to be unique, but what does telling ubuntu what it is do?20:59
bardyrmactaylor, ubuntu should run fine but i recommened xbuntu, a lighter version of ubuntu20:59
Starnestommypsj: type /join #ubuntu-ko20:59
azukiArmada: I don't know the gnome interface ... sorry :/20:59
amenadocvd-pr thats same what you pasted earlier, read your rules and paste the exact line that has OUTBOUND on it20:59
MathmanBrandon_: well, a number of things could do it really, depending on /etc/host.conf and /etc/nsswitch.conf.20:59
cvd-pramenado, thereis not the outbound/20:59
amenadocvd-pr-> output of iptables sometimes confuses me, so i have to match it to your exact rule21:00
Brandon_Mathman, but why does ubuntu need to know it's own hostname?21:00
amenadocvd-pr did you read your own paste? you dont see OUTBOUND ?21:00
N3WFI3i installed the service for syncing the time online21:00
cvd-pramenado, Chain OUTBOUND (1 references)21:00
cvd-pr pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination21:00
cvd-pr    5   484 ACCEPT     icmp --  *      *  
cvd-pr  751 58628 ACCEPT     tcp  --  *      *             state RELATED,ESTABLISHED21:00
cvd-pr    0     0 ACCEPT     udp  --  *      *             state RELATED,ESTABLISHED21:00
FloodBot1cvd-pr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:00
N3WFI3anyway to remove it21:01
cvd-pr    0     0 LSO        tcp  --  *      *             tcp dpts:20:2121:01
=== KalEl is now known as flick
cvd-pramenado,  outbound http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6576/21:01
MathmanBrandon_: well, I'm not really an ubuntu guy, but if it's similar to redhat, I'd guess it doesn't really.  all you really need is localhost pointing to  Heck, you may not even need that, although that might break various things21:01
amenadocvd-pr-> darn ..no way youcan  look at your rules exactly? what you pasted is output of iptables..sometimes i cant work with it directly21:01
benkong2hello everyone. Would someone look here and tell me what might be the problem with kubuntu-docs? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62456/21:02
N3WFI3in date and time settings can i get rid of automatic and just keep manual mode?21:02
N3WFI3i installed the time service and decided i don't need it21:02
ibouDo someone know a soft to use a cue sheet to split audio files ?21:02
DKongdoes anybody know of a good web based inventory system21:02
ChaosTheoryMy xorg.conf is empty?21:03
bostonCiau :D21:03
DKongdoes anybody know of a good web based inventory system21:04
MathmanDKong: asking a 3rd time might help out21:04
DKongdoes anybody know of a good web based inventory system21:04
MathmanDKong: there you go21:04
DKongthanks for the advice21:05
Mathman5 times might be the sweet spot though21:05
Survivorman!kubuntu | benkong221:05
ubotubenkong2: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE21:05
benkong2Survivorman, ok sorry thanks21:05
Survivormannp benkong2, they willbe more familiar21:05
DustWolfI have a 8800 gt card and after getting everything to work using envy, the ubuntu boot screen is still just black21:06
DustWolfis there a simple fix to that?21:06
plus_M2My boss is going to be setting up a new production linux server tomorrow and he wants to make sure he gets LTS21:06
StarnestommyDustWolf: don't use envy21:06
DustWolfStarnestommy:  why not?21:06
plus_M2Should we just install 8.04 beta and upgrade when it comes out of beta?21:06
plus_M2Or should we install the last LTS release?21:06
dave11is there a linux on linux dual boot instructions page?21:06
StarnestommyDustWolf: it causes all sorts of problems21:06
noodlesgcplus_M2 can you wait 17 days?21:06
plus_M2noodlesgc: no21:07
DustWolfStarnestommy: it also fixes them where nothing else works... :P21:07
Seveasplus_M2, the beta is stable enough for me. But it's beta and unsupported. Wait 17 days :)21:07
DustWolfStarnestommy:  if you have a better solution i am all ears21:07
plus_M2Seveas: I can't wait 17 days21:07
plus_M2We need it immediately21:07
amenadoplus_M2-> you're a betting man are you not?  :P21:07
komachati got this lovely error: * Starting web server apache2.. (2)No such file or directory: apache2: could not open error log file /var/log/apache2/error.log. the file was just blank.. how to fix?21:07
plus_M2amenado: well tbh I don't use Ubuntu myself, I use arch21:07
plus_M2And arch has packages that are as recent if not more recent than Ubuntu 8.04 beta21:07
noodlesgcplus_M2 the last LTS is about to be unsupported, you have only one choice21:07
plus_M2noodlesgc: that's not true21:08
plus_M2THe last LTS is supported until 201121:08
amenadoplus_M2-> well if you have the personnel to support it, go for it21:08
plus_M2Yeah I was thinking I should just go 8.04 beta21:08
plus_M2But I wanted to make sure there were no major problems to be aware of21:08
noodlesgcplus_M2 oh, i thought it was when this one came out. my mistake21:08
Odd-rationaleIs there a open version of pdf? something that kind of counter xps?21:08
N3WFI3does anyone know why i can still select to sync time with a server when i uninstalled the service21:08
plus_M2Betas of linux distros are not like windows betas because linux betas actually work21:08
lordleemoplus_M2: boring boring21:09
Mathmanplus_M2: actually my advice would be to go with the current LTS if you're putting it in production.21:09
plus_M2Mathman: oh?21:09
komachathi people. i got this lovely error: * Starting web server apache2.. (2)No such file or directory: apache2: could not open error log file /var/log/apache2/error.log. the file was just blank.. how to fix?21:09
chsmrsyeah, my ATI card works now :D21:09
dave11is it easy to dual boot a mutiple distro linux box?21:09
plus_M2dave11: very21:09
amenadocvd-pr-> you have such a convoluted rules, LSO, LSI and OUTBOUND chained, difficult to follow through21:09
=== diremonkey is now known as wharp
Starnestommykomachat: do /var/log/apache2/ and /var/log/apache2/error.log exist?21:10
dave11plus_M2: are there instructions?21:10
chsmrsbut i do have some other problems; some applications won't start anymore if i start them from gnome-panel.... any ideas what could cause this?21:10
amenadochsmrs-> what did you have to do? which ATI card?21:10
komachatStarnestommy : the file was just blank.. how to fix?21:10
SpookyETI'm looking for a Firefox 3 Beta 5 PGO build for gutsy.21:10
plus_M2dave11: you need to learn what /boot/grub/menu.lst does21:10
chsmrsamenado, ATI Radeon 2600 HD21:10
Starnestommykomachat: there doesn't need to be anything in it.  It just needs to exist21:10
DragginHi again... I'm having a problem with multiple users... I've set up a second account my system.  Sometimes, when I'm still logged in with my primary account and switch to the new user, upon login, I get multiple error messages about the GNOME settings manager and a couple that basically inform me that some of my panel applets have malfunctioned, asking me whether I wish to delete them or not.  Anyone heard of something like this and wher21:10
chsmrsi installed it manually with the proprietary drivers21:10
komachatok Starnestommy21:10
DustWolfI notice there is a nvidia-kernel file in "/etc/init.d"  would running this file sooner help?21:11
plus_M2Draggin: your message got cut off at "something like this and wher"21:11
dave11plus_M2: and how do i do that?21:11
plus_M2dave11: google21:11
tommmiedIt takes me three minutes to copy a 700MiB file from windows to usb drive, but takes around twelve minutes to copy the same file from usb drive to linux?  Is there any reasoning behind this?21:11
dave11plus_M2: ok thanks21:11
plus_M2dave11: you are welcome21:11
Dragginplus_M2 - I'll repost...21:11
Exteristommmied, usb2.0?21:11
tommmiednope neither one.21:12
DragginHi again... I'm having a problem with multiple users... I've set up a second account my system.  Sometimes, when I'm still logged in with my primary account and switch to the new user, upon login, I get multiple error messages about the GNOME settings manager and a couple that basically inform me that some of my panel applets have malfunctioned, asking me whether I wish to delete them or not.  Anyone heard of something like this and wher21:12
plus_M2Draggin: your message is too long.  Break it into two lines21:12
cvd-pramenado,  its not my fault i dont do anything21:12
DragginSorry :)21:12
plus_M2Draggin: on second though, just post the second half21:12
DragginThe last bit just says - Anyone heard of something like this and where I could possibly find solutions?21:12
N6REJcan anyone help me with setting up a lan only mail sever?21:12
amenadocvd-pr not saying your fault, you need to comprehend what your rules do,21:12
plus_M2Draggin: I have no idea ;)21:13
komachatyes Starnestommy : /var/log/apache2/ and /var/log/apache2/error.log exist21:13
kantlivelon1hey all im having a problem w/ x11 and event721:13
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Dragginplus_M2 - do you know much about DBus?  I know there have been issues around the DBus messaging system with Gutsy.21:13
plus_M2Draggin: I know about dbus about as much as I know about ubuntu -- not much21:14
plus_M2I'm not an ubuntu user, my boss is just using it on his server21:14
DragginHehe, okay... Well, is there perhaps someone here who does know a bit about DBus and what it does and whether it could be related to the problem I am experiencing?21:15
lcukplus_M2,  you are a good cattle wrangler though.  fancy a job? - ive got a few unruly cows which need herding up21:15
plus_M2lcuk: ;/21:15
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adam_can i ask something21:16
plus_M2adam_: no21:16
plus_M2You can't21:16
CShadowRun!ask adam_21:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask adam_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:16
CShadowRun!ask | adam_21:16
ubotuadam_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:16
CShadowRunthere we go :p21:16
adam_he he21:17
Draggin"I don't know anything about ask adam..." hehe21:17
adam_i am trying to play wmv on ubuntu but cant21:17
adam_what should i do21:18
Exterisadam_, you need to install the codecs21:18
DragginHas anyone else in here experienced any sort of problems with switching between active users in Gutsy?21:18
Odd-rationale!restricted | adam_21:18
ubotuadam_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:18
Boohbahadam_: sudo apt-get install w32codecs21:18
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE21:18
adam_i set up codec reposity21:18
Rayyanhmm that page didnt help me21:18
Rayyani have a problem, my dsl connection is woring, but the updater isnt21:19
lcukare you talking from it now21:19
lcukwhich updater is failing21:20
Rayyanthe system update21:20
Rayyanfor ubuntu21:20
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:20
bruenigwho knows how to change the look of the prompt in irssi, by prompt I mean the thing just to the left of where you type21:20
lcukare you able to install normal items manually21:20
lcukie select from list and install21:21
beastmastaAfter login I get hal error failed to initialize how do I fix that? I also can't choose quit then shutdown from menu21:21
Rayyandidnt try, been a lngg time since i used ubuntu, didnt use it cos my previous internet connection was bad21:21
ibouDo someone know a soft to use a cue sheet to split audio files ?21:21
Rayyanjust a sec and i will check21:21
|Dede|How can I see what CPU a server is using? (I am connected via SSH)21:21
beastmastaibou: kino? audacity?21:21
lcukrayyan, it sounds like your internet connection is fine (especially since you are using it...) have a look at your repository list and make sure you can update correctly with manual items21:22
beastmasta|Dede|: cat /proc/cpuinfo and lshw also lspci21:22
|Dede|thanks beastmasta21:22
=== dmitri is now known as d
Rayyanhow can i do that?21:23
lcukgo into your system add remove and try to add something...21:23
beastmastaRayyan: what exactly your prob anyway?21:23
JowiRayyan, you said you haven't used ubuntu in a while. which version are you using? ina terminal type: lsb_release -a21:23
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:~$ ip link show; 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,10000> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue;  link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00: ..." What does 'brd' stand for?21:24
jonaskoelkerbroadcast, I think21:24
beastmastaRayyan: you might have issues with add/remove because by default ubuntu uses the cd as a repository have to edit that out your sources try doing that in synaptic quite easy21:24
Rayyansorrty had to go for a sec21:24
Rayyanwhats happening is21:24
tommmiedonce i install the driver for my video card will that make my desktop run more smoothly?21:24
|Dede|beastmasta: Where can I see what sockel that CPU uses?21:24
Rayyanthe ubuntu intenret installer21:24
Rayyanisnt working on my current connection21:25
Rayyanit asks me to check my conenction21:25
Rayyan(downloading fails)21:25
hwMoDdoes anyone know a good resource for a wide ubuntu installation? like, installing 40 systems used by multiple users?21:25
Rayyanit didnt use to do that on my previous connection21:25
beastmasta|Dede|: that would be lshw try it as root to get more indepth info21:25
piratasomeone here with an x60 tablet oder x61 tablet?21:25
Rayyanwhich was some bad cable one21:25
JowiRayyan, which version are you using? Hoary and Breezy are not supported anymore. please see if you have one of those versions.21:26
ompaul!install | hwMoD21:26
ubotuhwMoD: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:26
|Dede|bash: lshw: command not found21:26
|Dede|beastmasta: need root? just to get any info?21:26
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I could use some help with my sdl games; some of them start running really slowly and jerkily a short while (1-5 minutes) after starting them (nexuiz, openarena, supertux, kobo deluxe using "SDL 2D"), while some of them run just fine (battle for wesnoth, kobo deluxe using "OpenGL/glSDL").  What's going on?  How can I make all the games run at decent speeds21:26
DeadLy_spi need encode movies for PSP. Help, please !21:26
beastmasta|Dede|: I got this dual core amd processor and its an m2 socket but most pentium 4s use LGA775 and there couple others. No you can do lshw fine but have to do it as root to get more info because some things aren't available to regular users21:26
Rayyanim on feisty21:26
hwMoDThanks, though I'm looking for more specific things, like how to have each user print using his own username in the shared SMB printer, etc.21:26
|Dede|beastmasta, I've set up a server and it is PRETTY old Pentium 3 i think, but lshw does not work21:27
beastmasta|Dede|: it doesn't work!? that's very odd this is what distro?21:27
geniiPerhaps 6.0621:28
|Dede|the server is running debian, I run Ubuntu21:28
beastmastagenii: 6.06 doesn't have lshw? what package installs it?21:28
beastmasta|Dede|: see if you can apt-get install lshw its very useful command lists all system info21:28
Rayyanjowi: im on feisty fawn21:28
geniiIf debian the package is lshw21:29
|Dede|beastmasta: Is Debian suppossed to have it too?21:29
JowiRayyan, when you run "sudo apt-get update" what errors do you get?21:29
BlueGausthi ^^21:29
Rayyanjust a sec21:29
pcgeildoes anyone know how I can rid of this message? (test:5901): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:2217: value location for `gboolean' passed as NULL21:29
DeadLy_spi need encode movies for PSP. Help, please !21:29
pcgeilI appers when using g_signal_emit_by_name( G_OBJECT(button_help_event),"button_press_event");21:29
RayyanCould not connect to (21:29
Rayyanok heres the problem21:29
Rayyanthats the ip21:29
Rayyanof my previous network21:29
tommmiedonce i install the driver for my video card will that make my desktop run more smoothly?21:29
Rayyanwhen i was on cable21:30
jonaskoelkeranyone care to help me?21:30
JowiRayyan, sounds plausible. set network interface to listen to DHCP21:30
lcukjonaskoelker, my dear chap do not ask to ask, just ask as your name suggests jonask21:30
Rayyanhow cna i do that?21:30
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I could use some help with my sdl games; some of them start running really slowly and jerkily a short while (1-5 minutes) after starting them (nexuiz, openarena, supertux, kobo deluxe using "SDL 2D"), while some of them run just fine (battle for wesnoth, kobo deluxe using "OpenGL/glSDL").  What's going on?  How can I make all the games run at decent speeds21:31
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:~$ ip link show; 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,10000> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue;  link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00: ..." What does 'brd' stand for?21:31
jonaskoelkerlcuk: I always do that, then no one answers, then I ask "Can someone help me", then I get attention21:31
Rayyanin network settings, it is set to dhcp21:31
Exterisjonaskoelker, try running glxgears to test your GL21:31
Rayyanit must be in some other place that it is not set to that21:31
Mathmanjonaskoelker: get 3d drivers for your video card it sounds like21:31
lcuklol jon, i think you might be better directing your question into the sdl group21:31
beastmasta|Dede|: most linux distros have lshw21:32
jonaskoelkerExteris: 750-900 fps21:32
Boohbahbullgard4: broadcast21:32
lcukjonaskoelker, does it settle down and run better after a few minutes for the slow ones21:32
|Dede|so I need to do apt-get install, beastmasta?21:32
Boohbahbullgard4: those are ipv6 addresses21:32
beastmasta|Dede|: try going root and running lshw I think debian doesn't allow you to do it at all as regular user21:32
jonaskoelkerlcuk: ISTR that it goes back and forth between slowed and not-slowed21:32
Exterisjonaskoelker, and glxinfo (i get like 2500 fps on gears btw)21:32
|Dede|does not work, beastmasta21:32
JowiRayyan, is eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces set to dhcp or static?21:33
bullgard4Boohbah: Thank you for explaining.21:33
|Dede|apt-get install lshw, beastmasta?21:33
jonaskoelkerMathman: Driver "i810", 3d enough for you?21:33
noodlesgcjonaskoelker what gfx card do you have?21:33
beastmasta|Dede|: do sudo su and login as root then run lshw21:33
Rayyanhow can i check that? just a sec21:33
jonaskoelkernoodlesgc: intel21:33
|Dede|I did21:33
iboubeast not possible with audacity or kino. Thanks21:33
|Dede|I did, beastmasta21:33
Mathmanjonaskoelker: 700 fps isn't much.  I get around 10000 with my cheapo video card.21:33
JowiRayyan, cat /etc/network/interfaces21:33
ibouDo someone know a soft to use a cue sheet to split audio files ?21:33
beastmasta|Dede|: still nothing? that's real odd21:33
lcukjonaskoelker, to use a car analogy, your 810 is about as 3d as a robin reliant is a racing car21:33
jonaskoelkerglxinfo | grep direct ---> yes21:33
Mathmanjonaskoelker: I'd say 3d isn't set up.21:33
noodlesgcjonaskoelker i can help21:33
beastmasta|Dede|: ask someone on debian channel how to install it I guess21:33
|Dede|bash: lshw: command not found21:33
switchcatI need a good (easy) page layout program -- I need to make tri-fold pamphlets.  Any suggestions?21:33
ExterisMathman, in that case i'm fucked, cause i have a cheap card too, and get like 3000 fps21:34
Jowilcuk, 945GM is good enough to run Urban Terror :)21:34
noodlesgcjonaskoelker go to /etc/X11/xorg.conf as root21:34
Exterisswitchcat, scribus21:34
|Dede|I will, beastmasta, thank you21:34
lcukjowi i wasnt talking about the 845 though was it21:34
jonaskoelkernoodlesgc: in vi as we speak21:34
MathmanExteris: well, there's cheap and then there's cheap these days I suppose21:34
beastmastaibou: you try lives or songbird? can grab a copy from getdeb.net I think21:34
JimboTell me please a free shell account21:34
ExterisMathman, this is a GeForce 8400GS21:34
Exterisit shouldn't be slow21:34
lcukJimbo, tell me please free credit card number21:34
noodlesgcjonaskoelker add this to your "Device" section: Option "DRI" "true"21:35
beastmastaibou: supposedly lives is pretty good for editing but its horribly complicated for most lol21:35
MathmanExteris: pci express?21:35
RayyanJowi: i still dnt know how to check it21:35
JowiRayyan, I just told you. scroll up.21:35
Rayyanyeah whats cat21:35
ExterisMathman, pci-e 256mb ram21:35
MathmanExteris: yeah, that seems odd then.21:36
JowiRayyan, "cat" is equal to "type" in Windows21:36
noodlesgcjonaskoelker now a reboot, or a ctrl+alt+backspace should be all you need21:36
beastmastaExteris: yeah which nvidia drivers you using?21:36
MathmanExteris: unless you had other things going at the same time you did the test.  compiz springs to mind21:36
JowiRayyan, "cat /etc/network/interfaces" in a terminal will print that file on the screen for you21:36
iboubeastmasta: lives is for video files. I just want to split a lossless audio file21:36
azukinoodlesgc: what does that do exactly?21:36
geniijimbo: http://www.bylur.net/free/21:36
ExterisMathman, i have compiz running, loadavg of 0.3821:36
Rayyanok now i get it21:36
geniiBah they always ask and run21:36
MathmanExteris: well yeah, I'd expect worse fps with compiz going at the same time21:37
beastmastaibou: there about a million little apps for doing that in repository I have no clue where to start is it ogg files?21:37
noodlesgcazuki adds DRI when you load the intel driver, DRI is direct rendering something21:37
jonaskoelkernoodlesgc: did the M-C-^H; the framerate of glxgears dropped a slight bit,21:37
ExterisMathman, 15838 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3167.514 FPS without compiz21:37
azukinoodlesgc: I also have performance issues ongames, but this you say is only for intel cards?21:37
Rayyanauto eth021:37
Rayyaniface eth0 inet dhcp21:37
wamHi, is there some nice gui way of connecting through a cellular gprs connection or will I have to rfcomm and pppd by hand?21:38
jonaskoelkernoodlesgc: also, if I move the glxgears window in compiz-fusion, the gears at the old position don't get overdrawn by the window that's now taking up that space21:38
JowiRayyan, do you have more than one network card listed there?21:38
noodlesgcazuki, it could work for you too, you should give it a shot21:38
Rayyanthere is a usb0 and eth021:38
JowiRayyan, what is USB0? wifi?21:38
SpookyETHow do I rebuild the initramfs with a custom DSDT?21:38
noodlesgcjonaskoelker what brand intel card do you have? 965?21:38
Rayyanno same modem21:39
jonaskoelker(asking lshw)21:39
Rayyanit has ethernet and usb21:39
Rayyanbut i dont have the usb connected21:39
jonaskoelkerMobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated ...21:39
MathmanExteris: glxinfo spits out some alright looking stuff?21:39
|Dede|How do I send messages to another user logged in? Using bash21:39
jonaskoelker|Dede|: man write21:40
=== jaggy2 is now known as jagggy
ExterisMathman, glx is running alright but I have an old driver OpenGL version string: 2.1.1 NVIDIA 100.14.1921:40
noodlesgcjonaskoelker was your gfx card blacklisted?21:40
ExterisMathman, how much do you think that matters?21:40
jonaskoelkernoodlesgc: blacklisted?21:40
Kl4mI'm looking for help running usbview in gutsy. When I start it, it says "can not open the file /proc"bus/usb/devices". I tried modprobe usbdevfs but it doesn't seem to load anything21:41
Jowijonaskoelker, that's a long due bug. nothing to worry about. 3d works much better when compiz is not enabled on these cards.21:41
noodlesgcjonaskoelker did you have to do anything special to get compiz working?21:41
MathmanExteris: probably not much.  on my end it's saying 1.4 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 169.12)21:41
ExterisMathman, do you have such an expensive card then?21:41
Pomiciohow can anyone even chat in here with so many users?21:41
jonaskoelkernoodlesgc: I don't think so...21:41
MathmanExteris: nope.  6200 or something like that.21:41
ExterisPomicio, just put the name of who you want to talk to in front21:41
jonaskoelkerJowi: what's a long due bug?21:41
ExterisMathman, then my card should totally pwn yours21:41
Mathmanyeah, you would think21:41
MathmanExteris: but then I don't run ubuntu either...21:42
Jowijonaskoelker, when moving glxgears window. the gears sort of stick in place while the rest of the window frame moves freely.21:42
jonaskoelkernoodlesgc: but I may be inaccurate in assigning significance to what I did, and remember badly...21:42
ExterisMathman, how do you run glxgears then?21:42
jonaskoelkerJowi: ah21:42
MathmanExteris: type glxgears.  how else?21:42
ExterisMathman, no i mean what are you on then? debian?21:42
_botois there a console based admin tool for users and groups?21:42
Rayyanso jowi u have any idea what i should do?21:43
Mathmannah, fedora at the moment.  depends on my mood.21:43
Exteris_boto, users-admin21:43
noodlesgcjonaskoelker so the games are still slow?21:43
_botoah, thanks21:43
Jowijonaskoelker, for some reason, when running compiz, the intel cards is having issues that is not shown when compiz is disabled. not sure if it's the drivers or compiz. I disabled compiz myself. less buggy.21:43
Exteris_boto, sorry, that's graphical too21:43
Jowijonaskoelker, I get much better performance without compiz. 3d games stop lagging.21:44
ichathose are  all pretty well documents compiz "features"21:44
MathmanExteris: you see stuff about 16X pci express in your X logs?21:44
crdlbJowi: jonaskoelker: that will be fixed by "DRI2" which is quite far along now21:44
ExterisMathman, yes21:45
Mathmanbeats me then21:45
ichaDRI2 may be far along, but the support of it by nvdia/ati is in question :P21:45
ExterisI do have this, and i don't know that: (--) PCI:*(1:0:0) nVidia Corporation unknown chipset (0x0422) rev 161, Mem @ 0xfd000000/24, 0xd0000000/28, 0xfa000000/25, I/O @ 0xc800/7, BIOS @ 0xfe9e0000/1721:45
Jowicrdlb, yep, but in the meantime I stick to normal composite manager for shadow effects :)21:45
jonaskoelkernoodlesgc: the games are still slow21:45
noodlesgcis dri2 only in hardy?21:45
beastmastaI'm getting hal error on login anyone else have same before? I can't choose quit then shutdown from menu either21:46
mouseboyx is there an addon for firefox that will change download units from KB/s to mbps?21:46
crdlbnoodlesgc: it's not in hardy21:46
beastmastamouseboyx: think that's an option under about:config21:46
MathmanExteris: yeah, maybe try and get some newer drivers21:46
noodlesgcwhere is it?21:46
crdlbit might make intrepid I guess21:46
BOZGHey, everytime I boot Windows then boot Ubuntu afterwards, I get forced into fsck, does anyone know what might be happening?21:46
ExterisMathman, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=548877 ? it's the same card21:46
Jowicrdlb, jonaskoelker, for some reason it was less buggy in Beryl... but then again, Beryl was more crash prone instead.21:46
noodlesgcbeastmasta i had that, its hard to fix21:46
beastmastamouseboyx: seriously don't need plugins for lot of things, most stuff already builtin just have to look through it21:46
MathmanExteris: I hate to recommend installing the junk you get straight from nvidia, but perhaps in this case that's in order21:47
beastmastanoodlesgc: what did you do to fix it?21:47
Videnprelude-manager fails to reconfigure because it cant find the mysql server, but the server is running and other apps are using it.21:48
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:48
mouseboyxi can't find it in the about:config21:48
noodlesgcbeastmasta i forgot, give me a minute21:48
kleenexwhat program should I use to partition my disk?21:48
jonaskoelkerkleenex: cfdisk?21:48
ExterisMathman, it's not like i need the performance, but it would be nice :P21:48
marlunIn windows if you've got a big collection of music you want every user to be able to access you often put it on a second harddrive like d:\music\ but in Ubuntu I'm not sure where to put data like that? It doesn't feel right to put it in a home directory since I want it to be a shared location. Where should things like that be located in the linux file structure?21:48
jonaskoelkerkleenex: maybe gparted or qtparted if you like your mouse :)21:48
Exterismarlun, i use /media/data21:49
kleenexis gparted a freeware?21:49
noodlesgcbeastmasta ok, can you get a terminal?21:49
_botoexcuse my stupid question, but in which package is users-admin? apt cache search does not find it. it is also not contained in console-tools21:49
jonaskoelkerkleenex: it's in the apt repositories...21:49
Exteris_boto, users-admin is installed already, and i was wrong, it is a graphical tool21:49
beastmastanoodlesgc: anything thats needed I got just give me some info ;)21:49
K-Ninekleenex, it's a live cd.21:49
Acomacois it possible to run ubuntu on a remote computer?21:50
jonaskoelkerkleenex: and it's in main, so it's Free Software21:50
kleenexahh so it is inside the ubuntu cd image I downloaded?21:50
beastmastaAcomaco: yeah like vnc over ssh you mean? or freenx?21:50
noodlesgcbeastmasta ok, in your /etc/rc.* folders there should be a link to dbus21:50
=== lelemom-Away is now known as lelemom
* lelemom voltou: [Inativo por mais de 30 minutos] [duração: 32mins 41secs, page: on]21:50
Videnkleenex:  its part of the default OS yes ..21:50
larry__i have a on board sound card anyone know how to make sound come threw it21:50
noodlesgcbeastmasta something like K20dbus21:51
kleenexanother question, when i double click the install icon in ubuntu desktop it just freezes forever21:51
K-Ninelarry__, see if you can find it with your mixer.21:51
kleenexany idea on how to solve that?21:51
beastmastanoodlesgc: which rc?21:51
larry__ok thanks21:51
noodlesgcbeastmasta all21:51
marx2kkleenex: run it from a shell and see whats happening21:51
jonaskoelkeranyone got a clue what else I can do to make my games not slow down?21:51
Rayyananybdy has any idea how to locate the settings of the update manager?21:51
Exteriswell Mathman i'll try installing the official drivers then, cya soon21:51
Mr_Bad_Newscan someone help me with a dist-upgrade21:51
jonaskoelkerRayyan: try dpkg -L update-manager21:52
azukiis it THEORETICALLY possible to make games run equally fast in linux as in windows?..21:52
Mr_Bad_Newsif im upgrading from edgy to feisty can i just replace edgy with feisty in the source list?21:52
kleenexsorry marx2k but what do u mean with a shell?21:52
azukior better.. practically :)21:52
jonaskoelkerazuki: yeah21:52
mouseboyx is there an addon for firefox that will change download units from KB/s to mbps?21:52
beastmastanoodlesgc; I see S12dbus also S12hal too21:52
binarical-appazuki: its very possible21:52
Mr_Bad_Newshas anyone ever done a dist-upgrade from edgy to feisty?21:52
noodlesgcbeastmasta in which rc folder?21:52
azukiI don't even get close :(21:52
beastmastanoodlesgc: all them21:52
marx2kkleenex: open up a terminal (Alt+F2, type gnome-terminal (I think)) and then type ~/Desktop/install (or whatever the program name is)21:53
azukibinarical-app: any sites with tweaking tips?21:53
Rayyanjonas, it doesnt show me my ip settings for the update manager21:53
Rayyani got a weird problem21:53
noodlesgcbeastmasta this is getting stranger by the moment. try changing them to 20's21:53
binarical-appazuki:  with custom kernel compilation and xen you may get super results, otherwise try wine for a simple fix21:53
Rayyanwhich is the update manager is set to use the previous itnernet settings21:53
Mr_Bad_Newscan i just skip the edgy > feisty upgrade and go straight to gutsy?21:53
smithey93_hey guys, any one know of any software to record my screen with, thats not recordmydesktop as the quality is useless21:54
jonaskoelkerRayyan: well, it might show what the config file is21:54
Odd-rationaleMr_Bad_News: no21:54
Mr_Bad_Newsdo i just replace edgy with feisty in the repost list?21:54
azukibinarical-app: wine ?21:54
noodlesgcsmithey93_ instanbul21:54
popey!screencasst | smithey93_21:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screencasst - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:54
popey!screencast | smithey93_21:54
ubotusmithey93_: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.21:54
smithey93_can i sudo apt-get install em?21:54
_botocould it be that users-admin needs X? i have a server without X. is there another console tool for user administration?21:54
beastmastanoodlesgc: should I try sysvconfig for editing these services? seems would be easier21:54
Odd-rationale!upgrade | Mr_Bad_News21:54
ubotuMr_Bad_News: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:54
marx2kMr_Bad_News: do a dist-upgrade21:54
popeysmithey93_: istanbul you can, but IMO rmd is better then istanbul21:54
binarical-appazuki: wine is not emulation its serious translation of windows application to run under linux21:55
noodlesgcbeastmasta i suppose you could21:55
Mr_Bad_Newsthats what im trying to marx2k21:55
kleenexok ill try the shell thing21:55
smithey93_popey: how do i go about installing/using IMO?21:55
Mr_Bad_Newsi did dist-upgrade21:55
popeysmithey93_: IMO = In My Opinion21:55
azukibinarical-app: I was talking about running games with good FPS..21:55
Mr_Bad_Newsbut the wiki guide doesnt have anything on going from edgy to feisty21:55
popeysmithey93_: rmd = recordmydesktop21:55
kleenexcan I play mp3 files in ubuntu?21:55
Mr_Bad_Newsjust hoary > dapper >  edgy21:55
jonaskoelkerkleenex: yes21:55
kleenexand run itunes?21:55
smithey93_popey: whoops, im not up to date with ebrebriations, what do u reccomend? and how do i install it?21:55
jonaskoelkerkleenex: maybe21:55
beastmastanoodlesgc: ok at runlevel 2 it has k20 for dbus but rest are s1221:56
popeysmithey93_: i use recordmydesktop21:56
romwhy, while openoffice is installed by default, the paquet "openoffice.org" is not selected?21:56
popeysmithey93_: xvidcap is also good21:56
ubotuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee21:56
jonaskoelkerJowi: not even with wine?21:56
beastmastanoodlesgc: hal has k16 at runleel 2 and rest are s12 as well21:56
smithey93_popey: as i have a 19" widescreen screen the video is a bit messed up like 4:3 and not 16:921:56
Jowijonaskoelker, no idea.21:56
noodlesgcbeastmasta ok, make all into 12's21:56
popeysmithey93_: what are you using to play it back?21:56
beastmastanoodlesgc: all into 12s for hal?21:56
Jowismithey93_, are you using mplayer?21:56
ExterisMathman, it doesn't really make much of a difference21:57
noodlesgcbeastmasta hal and dbus21:57
beastmastanoodlesgc: k12 or s12?21:57
BlueGaustwho is using windows? :P21:57
azukibinarical-app: ???? I have wine.. I am talking about a .glx21:57
beastmastanoodlesgc: what is this affecting anyway what is the norm for your system?21:57
smithey93_popey: mplayer, vlc, totem mobie player, and ive had it tested in wmp (on virus os)21:57
azukibinarical-app: I use wine only for windows-based stuff21:57
CShadowRun3 days ago, i was using windows on all 5 of my machines, now it's 4, tommorow it'll be 3, then 2...then 1...21:57
Jowismithey93_, in ~/.mplayer/config add the following line: monitoraspect = 16:921:57
CShadowRunthen the last one might just stay windows, more news on that later lol21:58
ExterisHow do i remove the system restart required message, because i know i don't need to restart21:58
noodlesgcbeastmasta these change what order system processes start, hal needs dbus, so they must start at the same time21:58
jonaskoelkerExteris: you restart ;)21:58
smithey93_jovi: its the same in like vlc to?21:58
beastmastaExteris: pull up your task manager app and kill the updater program21:58
noodlesgcbeastmasta is hal starts before dbus, you get an error, thats what is happening to you21:58
beastmastaExteris: can reboot when ever you feel like it21:58
binarical-appazuki: graphical acceleration ? like i said your best shot would be to compile your own kernel and run an emulator, you will get almost the same out put as a hard install without emulation21:58
darkroastanyone know how to set a keepalive for a VPN connection?21:59
beastmastanoodlesgc: ah okay I read some where how xfce issues stuff to hal from dbus so that makes sense21:59
beastmastanoodlesgc: so k or s and 12 or 20 which is it?21:59
kleenexwhen i run ubuntu (with the cd) it runs awfully slow21:59
Jorg1hi there, does somebody knows why i'm getting this error,  error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.3, i've already installed all the libXm libraries21:59
kleenexis that normal?21:59
Moduliz0rhow do I change the default home dir location for adduser?21:59
b4l74z4rwhen you watch a video in youtube, is it displayed with the opengl technology?21:59
noodlesgcbeastmasta all numbers to 12, and whatever they have (k or s) leave21:59
beastmastakleenex: that is to be expected its running from the cd drive and not the hard drive22:00
noodlesgcb4l74z4r no, flash22:00
jonaskoelkernoodlesgc: might my issues be due to GPU overheating?22:00
Jowismithey93_, I can't find the option in vlc.22:00
smithey93_jovi: the thing is, it does it in all media players, is there not a option in the recordmydesktop config22:00
noodlesgcjonaskoelker i dont know.22:00
beastmastajonaskoelker: install the overclocking app for your graphics card and run *clock -T to see thermal temperature for graphics card22:00
Ante-Ubunti 7.10, can i install it as a file on my windows system, or does it require its own partition?22:00
b4l74z4rwhen i play youtube videos in full screen especially, i experience severe horizontal tearing, does anyone else have the same?22:01
Ante-just want to ask before i start burning cd's22:01
noodlesgcAnte- not with fiesty, hardy can though22:01
beastmastajonaskoelker: depending on the thermal paste and if the gfx card fan base is touching the cards processor or not you could be having heat issues, also try to keep the cards fan away from heat radiators and pipes22:01
jonaskoelkerbeastmasta: what's the overclocking app for intel's "Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express"?22:02
Ante-hardy is the next version?22:02
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:02
Jowismithey93_, in VLC: settings -> prefs -> Video (not a submenu but Video itself) you have "source aspect ratio" and "monitor pixel aspect ratio" but I haven't tried those options myself since i use only mplayer (non-gui)22:02
smithey93_jovi: my personal preference for watching things in movie player/totem22:02
beastmastaAnte-: mount the iso image with daemon tools and run wubi if you don't want to repartition windows, you can get a gparted livecd to repartition windows after a scan disk and defrag it works perfectly fine except when you reinstall windows you have to backup grub22:02
SpookyETHow do I rebuild the initramfs with a custom DSDT?22:02
kleenexwhere do I find the partition programs inside ubuntu?22:03
rycoleive got apache serving up subversion repositories. im using htpasswd to create users, and and basic http authentication. the problem is, the users i create can write to any repository, because authorization is given to users that have authenticated. does anyone know how to restrict users, or groups, to a single repository?22:03
erUSUL!gparted | kleenex22:03
ubotukleenex: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/22:03
beastmastaAnte-: don't know if that would work mounting iso though best to just download wubi and run it22:03
Ante-hrm k22:03
Ante-or i just use vmware... bleugh :)22:03
beastmastakleenex: if you want a command line app try fdisk and dd22:04
larry__anyone know the terminal cammand for sun java install22:04
darkroastanyone know how to set a keepalive on a vpn connection in network-manager?22:04
kleenexwhere do I type that?22:04
azukihow can I set a different standard video player?22:04
Jowismithey93_, in totem you go to View -> Aspect Ratio22:04
kleenexhow do i open a console22:04
beastmastaAnte-: vmware can't do direct rendering and other accelleration it also has to run 2 operating systems so thereby can't sustain higher performance speeds. even though wubi translates ntfs its still faster22:04
jonaskoelkerkleenex: alt+f2, xterm22:05
noodlesgclarry__ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre22:05
kleenexok thanks22:05
Tyler_can some one help me how do you register with a server so you can chat there?22:05
beastmastakleenex: ctrl alt f1 to pull up a terminal, your desktop environment usually comes with a faster terminal app that has extra features than xterm as well for use in a gui environment22:05
larry__cool thanks22:06
beastmastaTyler: I think its /register or something22:06
smithey93_jowi: thanks for your help22:06
Tyler_beastmasta: thxs22:06
Jowismithey93_, np22:06
DarfeHas anyone try to burn a DVD image in 8.04?....  For me its extreme slow.. worked fine in 7.10..22:06
beastmastajonaskoelker: I have no clue about your intel card wish you luck22:07
smithey93_has anyone tryed the beta yet? whats it like22:07
Exterissmithey93_, it's quite smooth, only a few bugs22:07
beastmastasmithey93: panels paved in gold and flowing bandwidth everywhere ;)22:07
=== dangyogi is now known as dangyogi_
smithey93_Exteris: cool, it sounds pritty good, is there many new features?22:08
smithey93_beastmasta: cool, sounds good22:08
Tyler_how do i get rid of the underscore in my name? i have gon into prefrences and removed it but it keeps replacing it :(22:08
beastmastaDarfe: do you have dma for your cd drive enabled? could speed up burning22:08
Exterissmithey93_, the new vnc viewer is nice, it uses gnome 2.22, i havent tested PulseAudio yet22:08
jonaskoelkerTyler_: /nick Tyler22:08
GrueTamerTyler_: your name is taken by someone already22:08
kleenexhow can I get this char "Â"?22:08
beastmastaGrueTamer: lol took his name didn't ya ;P22:09
smithey93_Exteris: when i get home, im going to install it on my other pc, see what its like, im excited for it coming out xD22:09
amenadoyay..trying to install via  debootstrap,  and it works..515meg total... very minimal install i guess22:09
GrueTamerbeastmasta: yeah, thats how i get my giggles, taking peoples names for fun22:09
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Exterissmithey93_, especially because it's a bit faster too (at least how i experience it) because of a new kernel22:09
beastmastaGrueTamer: giggles r fun :D22:10
azukiwhere do I set the default programs on doubleclicks?22:10
|Dede|Is there a way to write only one line of text in bash to another user? not mutiple line and the possibility that you get interuppted by the other user (like with the write command)22:10
smithey93_Exteris: will it run smoothly on my amd x2 6000+ with 4 gig ram and 256meg ati x1550?22:10
beastmasta|Dede|: I would try something with echo22:10
Exterissmithey93_, are you kidding? i ran it on a p4 today, it was only a bit slow :P22:10
john_kalispera !!!22:11
erUSULazuki: System>Preferences>Preferred apps or right click on file Properties>Open with tab22:11
smithey93_Exteris: it was humorus :P, so was that a yes:), and how about my p4 2.66 with 1 gig ram?22:11
john_iparxi kapios pou na exei xrisimopiisi "aircrack"?22:11
GrueTamersmithey93_: should be ok, id try it22:11
jonaskoelkeranyone in here has a clue about screen and terminfo?22:11
Kommwthsguys i got a problem with VLC media player. (my sound in ubuntu is enabled i can hear music from other players) but when i put dvd to play on VLC it wont start the sound anyone can help me out ?22:11
|Dede|beastmasta: Like what? How would I message for example the user "testuser"?22:11
jonaskoelkermy end key doesn't work in vi+screen+xterm22:11
Exterissmithey93_, that easy, i ran on a 256mb box :P22:12
smithey93_GrueTamer: it runs gusty sweet, i even ran virusOS on it :O22:12
erUSUL|Dede|: man write22:12
azukierUSUL: tho, is there a config I could edit to make definitions what to do with a .mp3 and a different one for .avi?22:12
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|Dede|erUSUL: I could be interuppted by the other user with that command22:12
jonaskoelker|Dede|: you could send the other user some mail, then bash will say "you got new mail" to them22:13
noodlesgcazuki just right click then click properties then Open With tab22:13
jonaskoelker|Dede|: you could be interrupted anytime unless you do `mesg n'22:13
jonaskoelker|Dede|: I don't think you running write lets the receiving user write back22:13
DarkJusticeI'm using XP and ubuntu with a printer connected to the ubuntu machine.. I can get my XP box to see shared folders on the ubuntu box but can't seem to get it to see the printer. I have the printer drivers installed on both machines. Any help would be greatly appreciated22:14
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jonaskoelker|Dede|: what I'm trynig to get at--I don't mean what you understand by "I could be interrupted"22:14
azukihotdiggety! thankx22:14
takostandard Question: trying to "upgrade" by "update-manager --devel-release" but that doesnt work22:14
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takogoing from 7.1 to 8.0422:14
|Dede|jonaskoelker, how to I send a mail to another user?22:14
takois 8.04 no longer "devel" and how do I get it?22:14
jonaskoelker|Dede|: mail other-user22:14
=== tako is now known as ukobach
|Dede|jonaskoelker, and how to open those?22:15
dixon2Kommwths What audio settings are in vlc?22:15
jonaskoelker|Dede|: Alt+F2, xterm22:15
GrueTamerukobach: its still beta22:15
binarical-appcan someone tell me why "git pull" returns as "fatal: Not a git repository"22:15
Kommwthsdixon2 2 sec to check22:15
jonaskoelkerbinarical-app: what's the url you're pulling?22:15
erUSULazuki:  right click on mp3/avi file select Properties>Open with tab choose the desired app22:15
noodlesgcbinarical-app it must not be a git repository22:15
|Dede|jonaskoelker, that would even work with offline users? so when they log on they get "you got new mail"?22:15
hischildbinarical-app, because you're pointing either a folder to high or to low22:15
jonaskoelker|Dede|: yep22:15
Kommwthsdixon2 its empty22:15
ukobachGrueTamer: wouldnt be the first beta I've run, and when it leaves beta it'll be autoupdated no doubt. Thing is, the instructions dont work for getting the devel 8.0422:15
binarical-appgit clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-hardy.git ubuntu-hardy22:15
Kommwthsdixon2 doesnt show me anythink on audio tab22:15
erUSULbinarical-app: how did you cloned the original repo?22:16
GrueTamerukobach: how new do you want it22:16
dixon2go settings > preferances22:16
ubotulost+found is where !fsck places any files it gleans from a corrupt filesystem.  These are files which had become unlinked from their parent directories.22:16
javbany idea where can idownload GAIM, NOT PIDGIN, i want gaim, old, 1.4, for ubuntu22:16
binarical-appi did not22:16
ukobachI'm getting wifi interruption on the linux box due to I believe 802.11n AP issues (my nokia 770 cant see anything now because of it)22:16
ubotufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot22:16
ukobachGrueTamer: I'd rather not compile anything22:16
jonaskoelkerbinarical-app: is there a .git in the directory you're in when you clone?22:16
AdysAny brainstorm dev around? Theres a weird bug on an url report22:16
jonaskoelkerbinarical-app: it seems to work for me just fine...22:17
noodlesgcjavb go to packages.ubuntu.com and get an older .deb from like dapper22:17
Kommwthsdixon2 it is enabled there22:17
binarical-appjonaskoelker: i just installed git22:17
deepfreezHi, i running ubuntu , how i can upgrade the pidgin program? i have a old version22:17
ukobachGrueTamer: I just wanted to do the Alt-F2 "update-manager --devel-release" option22:17
binarical-appjonaskoelker: that was my first git command22:17
jonaskoelkerah okay22:17
noodlesgcdeepfreez which version of ubuntu?22:17
jaffarkelshacis there not way to (alt +tab) as it were out of full screen games without exiting it22:17
GrueTamerdeepfreez: yes you can22:17
jonaskoelkerbinarical-app: and it says so right when you run the git command?22:18
Kommwthsdixon2 ow when i play the dvd there are some option in Audio22:18
deepfreezi have 2.2.1 pidgin22:18
binarical-appjonaskoelker: im trying to "git" the ubuntu kernel repo22:18
ukobachGrueTamer: if you agree that its ok to switch all the apt references to HardyHeron and do an apt-get dist-upgrade I'll do that22:18
jonaskoelkerbinarical-app: yeah, I can tell from the url :)22:18
|Dede|jonaskoelker, when I am done writing my Mail text, how do I send?22:19
smithey93_ive been told that hardy uses alot less ram is this right?22:19
ukobachGrueTamer: would have rather done the excepted gui route22:19
dixon2put in dvd and check view >stream and media info22:19
GrueTamerukobach: just follow http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60064422:19
jonaskoelker|Dede|: exit your editor22:19
noodlesgcsmithey93_ why not just wait 17 days and find out?22:19
javbany idea, where GAIM IS,22:19
GrueTamerjavb: pidgin?22:19
hischildsmithey93_, 114 meg on fluxbox is less imo =)22:19
deepfreeznoodlesgc, GrueTamer  i have 2.2.1 version of pidgin22:19
Kommwthsdixon2 what shall i see there?22:20
noodlesgcjavb you could make use of the search tool22:20
smithey93_noodlesgc: i am, i cant wait :), im a geek - i like theese things22:20
javbGrueTamer, i want GAIM, not pidgin22:20
|Dede|jonaskoelker, I just did "mail user" and now I am stuck with the text I want to mail22:20
Adysjavb:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GAIM22:20
ukobachGrueTamer: gratis22:20
noodlesgcsmithey93_ i am too, but i will wait22:20
selig5What should I type in the terminal to find out what version of Ubuntu I have?22:20
DarkJusticeI'm using XP and ubuntu with a printer connected to the ubuntu machine.. I can get my XP box to see shared folders on the ubuntu box but can't seem to get it to see the printer. I have the printer drivers installed on both machines....when trying to connect to \\server\printer it tells me the server or printer does not have the correct drivers installed but I know they are.. any suggestions?22:20
smithey93_on gusty i use like 700-800meg lol, coz i run like 58545438574 firefox's fireworks, gimp etc22:20
binarical-appjonaskoelker: i would like to compile my own kernel as i cannot seem to get thru the haze of getting a c2 int to run its proper kernel. also just for the fun of it :D22:20
smithey93_DarkJustice: i think you need to use cups and share your printer22:20
dixon2look under advanced information tab and see what codec it is using for Stream222:20
stalker314314how to put critical programs in inittab (i don't see /etc/inittab in ubuntu, so what is its equivalent)?22:20
Exterisstalker314314, /etc/init.d ?22:21
Kommwthsdixon2 : spu22:21
veynom!bad vista22:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bad vista - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:21
DarkJusticesmithey93_ : yeah I did use cups22:21
noodlesgcsmithey93_ i run more than you, and use 1.5gb of ram on average22:21
stalker314314i want my program to be restarted after quit22:21
jonaskoelker|Dede|: how do you mean "stuck"?22:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:21
jonaskoelkerbinarical-app: ;)22:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about badvista - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:21
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents22:21
Flannelbinarical-app: generic kernels aren't working for you?22:21
hischildis it possible to use a normal wireless device as a wireless router?22:21
jonaskoelkerbinarical-app: so, when you run the git command, it gives the error message straight away?  Could you please pastebin a typescript?22:21
noodlesgcstalker314314 System->Preferences->Sessions22:21
Exterisstalker314314, you put them in the session then22:21
smithey93_noodlesgc: lol, its nice 2 have 4 gig, just incase :P22:21
GrueTamerjavb: uh... http://www.oldversion.com/program.php?n=gaim ?22:21
|Dede|jonaskoelker: I just mean by that that I cannot do anything but writing my text, because I don't know how to finish it22:21
stalker314314kommwths: i can kill programs from init.d and they not starting22:21
mik__bella rega chi mi può aiutare un attimo con il nokia n70 da collegare da UBUNTU (blutooth) ???22:21
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:22
Flannel!it | mik__22:22
ubotumik__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:22
dixon2look in preferances and see if you have that codec (I dont )22:22
smithey93_DarkJustice: did u go into the print settings and share it?22:22
stalker314314just like X starts after killing with Ctrl+Alt+backspace22:22
DarkJusticesmithey93_: sure did22:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shadow - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:22
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:22
Kommwthsdixon2 i dont think i have it22:22
jonaskoelker|Dede|: oh shit, *that* //bin/mail... ^_^  press ^d22:22
Kommwthswhat i do now dixon2 ?22:23
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.22:23
noodlesgcstalker314314 you need to go to System->Preferences->Sessions and add launchers22:23
smithey93_DarkJustice: i used to use that when i used to use my printers through my home server, but now i have print servers. just do some googleing its what i do22:23
stalker314314noodlesgc: isn't sessions for gui, i don't have gui22:23
Flannelichano: Please stay on topic22:23
DarkJusticesmithey93_: ok thanks22:23
stalker314314i don't care for gui, i want my program starting when system enters certain level22:23
ichanoFlannel: sorry :(22:23
shivMy CPU usage is very high and in Processes tab it shows only gnome-system-monitor using anywhere from 10-40% but in Resources tab CPU is showing at 90-100%.22:23
binarical-apphere is my paste bin link :http://pastebin.com/d6854d4bc22:23
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE22:24
ichanoshiv: do you have xgl installed?22:24
larry__can't find my sound card with my mixer anyone know what to do22:24
SpookyETFor what does PPA stand?22:24
smithey93_DarkJustice: im always happy 2 help as much as i can lol:)22:24
|Dede|jonaskoelker: I just sent myself a mail, but I don't get anything like "you got mail"22:24
shivichano: How can I check?22:24
FlannelSpookyET: Personal Package Archive22:24
|Dede|jonaskoelker: and xterm does not work22:24
veynomcan you check NTFS filesystems with fsck?22:24
ichanoshiv: sudo apt-get remove xserver-xgl ?22:24
jonaskoelker|Dede|: man -P 'grep -iC3 mail' bash22:24
jonaskoelkerxterm does not work?22:24
dixon2sorry not familar with spu codec maybe search medibuntu repository to see if they have one22:25
jonaskoelkerhow does it not work?22:25
Kommwthsdixon2 can i install another codex?22:25
shivichano: no, its not installed22:25
|Dede|man -P 'grep -iC3 mail' bash22:25
ichanoshiv: then i have no idea. sorry22:25
shivichano: NP22:25
shivichano: and now its not high anymore...its random22:26
SpookyETI wish PPA was searchable. I'd like to find  PGO optimised build of firefox.22:26
jonaskoelker|Dede|: try logging in on vt122:26
jonaskoelker|Dede|: I think it's going to say `you got new mail' or something22:26
|Dede|it does22:27
smithey93_is there any good ftp clients appart from natalius or is it the best?22:27
noodlesgcsmithey93_ filezilla22:27
mildnerhelp for amsn?22:27
jonaskoelkersmithey93_: ftp, lftp, konqueror, ...22:27
rycoleive got apache serving up subversion repositories. im using htpasswd to create users, and and basic http authentication. the problem is, the users i create can write to any repository, because authorization is given to users that have authenticated. does anyone know how to restrict users, or groups, to a single repository?22:28
|Dede|jonaskoelker: And now to read the mail? guess it has to do with the "mail" command?22:28
ubotuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview22:28
smithey93_jonaskoelker: thanks, erm because i dont know why but for some buzar reason, natalius crashs when i use ftp, and i dont have ssh to my site :(22:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about integrity - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:28
jonaskoelker|Dede|: I prefer mutt, but one can use `mail'.  It's very bare though22:28
grafthi, i'd like to make my gnome file dialog stop autocompleting directories and filenames. does anyone know how to do that?22:28
jonaskoelkersmithey93_: try curlftpfs (uses FUSE)22:28
|Dede|jonaskoelker: How do I read a mail with "mail"22:29
stalker314314what is ubuntu's equivalent of /etc/inittab (I want to put program there, so when it quit it respawns it again just like X)22:29
dixon2looks like spu is the codec for the subtitles Can you find the stream in media info that is marked audio?22:29
jonaskoelker|Dede|: hit ?, read the instructions22:29
smithey93_jonaskoelker: FUSE?22:29
mindmedicgraft: ignore autocompleting and keep on typing?22:29
jonaskoelkersmithey93_: fuse = file systems in userspace22:29
* lelemom away: [Inativo por mais de 30 minutos] [desde: 23:29, page: on]22:29
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Kommwthsdicon2 a5222:30
mildnerany help for amsn?22:30
graftmindmedic: no, because it completes as you type. so if you try typing '/usr/local', you end up with /usrsr/local or some such, or worse, /usr/src/local22:30
smithey93_jonaskoelker: thanks lol, im a bit of a noob, but ive used ubuntu for like a year now:) i love it, windows can die :D22:30
jonaskoelkersmithey93_: +5 Insightful :D22:30
dixon2check to see if you have a52 codec in preferances22:30
noodlesgc!ask | mildner22:31
ubotumildner: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:31
graftanyone? how to disable autocompletion in the gnome file dialog?22:31
graftthis is like, my most hated thing in linux22:31
elflapI was wondering if someone can answer a question for me that I'm trying to figure out about hardware detection... I can boot into, as an example, hiren's boot cd and it'll detect the hdd and I can fix it.  It's 1st sector was messed up... How do i mount/work with hdd that does not show up on fdisk -l???22:31
Kommwthsdixon2 no i cant see it22:32
mindmedicgraft: sry didn't knew that .. i always click into the directory view and autocomplete every directory step there (us -> enter, bi -> enter, nauti -> enter) for example22:32
hischilddoes someone happen to have a guide for using ad-hoc with wpa encryption? So far my search has only turned up wep encrypted ad-hoc networks.22:32
mildneramsn doesnt start at all ...but on console I get the message : Error in startup script:22:32
graftmindmedic: well, i type faster than the autocomplete, so i'd like to be able to just type out directory trees, but the stupid thing thinks it's better than me22:33
dixon2do you have medibuntu  3rd party repository enabled in your synaptic? it should have all the codecs you need22:33
dixon2I am watching a dvd with sound with vlc right now22:33
graftelflap: if the system doesn't recognize the disk and assign a device to it, not much you can do about it22:34
Kommwthsdixon2 no i dont thinki have it ><22:34
tawthow do i get cairo-dock to recognize the themes?  it only displays the defaut theme and none else.22:34
mindmedicgraft: if i had your problem i would try to find something with gconf-editor22:35
mindmedicmaybe there is a nautilus setting for that22:35
hvgotcodeslast time i booted i got a kernel panic (this time worked fine) == is there a place where this is logged?22:35
dixon2go to medibuntu.org for instructions on how to get codecs for dvds22:35
BilleniumWhen i boot from the LiveCD, it goes to black screen, then it says like (numbers) Debian (numbers_ 1995-2007 CopyRight... After that it just reboots (loop)22:37
BilleniumAnd i am almost certain i burned it correctly... Also it was a brand-new CD22:38
noodlesgcare you using the ubuntu livecd or the debian livecd?22:38
b4l74z4rwhen i play youtube videos in full screen especially, i experience severe horizontal tearing, does anyone else have the same?22:39
Vetsinis it me, or does ubuntu make my laptop fans spin up way more than normal....22:39
Vetsinmore than any other OS or Distro...22:40
hvgotcodesanyone on  where the kernel panic message is logged?22:40
SlartVetsin: might be some kind of acpi problem.. or nvidia driver problem22:40
VetsinSlart, should i disable acpi?22:40
SlartVetsin: one of the nvidia driver version had a bug that made the fans spin at 100% all the time.. can't remember which one it was22:40
VetsinIts not 100% all the time...22:41
tdnI am trying to access an encrypted LUKS volume on an external USB hard drive. When I run "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda1 sdata" I get this error: "Check kernel for support for the aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 cipher spec and verify that /dev/sda1 contains at least 133 sectors. Failed to read from key storage" I think that I have the right modules loaded.22:41
SlartVetsin: you could try.. I don't think it will improve things a lot though22:41
VetsinBut if i do too much, or very little, it spins up to 100% and is bothersome in class22:41
VetsinIs there a way to modify fan speeds? Or when fans turn on22:41
|Dede|how can you see free space on the HDD?22:42
|Dede|What bash command22:42
hvgotcodesdf -h22:42
noodlesgcVetsin i think its something with hdparm, not sure22:42
VetsinI'm at like 30% CPU and it randomly spins up to 100%22:42
timo1teoi need some help installing ubuntu22:42
SlartVetsin: depends on the motherboard... some allow you to control the fans.. some don't22:43
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:43
VetsinI just ask because this seems to be ubuntu specific22:43
tdnHow do I check what's wrong? I have Googled the error message, but only found a single bug report on Ubuntu's Launchpad, but nothing that came up with a solution.22:43
SlartVetsin: if I were you I'd wait until hardy... it might be fixed then22:43
SlartVetsin: if you can stand the noise for a couple of weeks22:43
Vetsinoh well, i wwait then22:43
Vetsinits not if i can stand the noise, if its the people around me can22:44
SlartVetsin: you can try a live cd of hardy now.. and see if that works better22:44
Vetsinmaybe, hows the beta run22:44
Vetsinany problems that may turn me off?22:44
Kommwthsdixon2 where i find the codec in medibu ?22:44
Vetsinbut the very fact that id be running off a cs may eliminate the sound point22:45
Vetsinsince the cd is loud22:45
SlartVetsin: I don't really know.. but trying a live cd is cheap... both in terms of money and time22:45
timo1teoim afraid of sounding like a noob, i dled 7.10 which left me a number of folders and files in winrar im confused as to what i should do next22:46
timo1teoi know i have to make an iso or burn to a disk22:46
SlartVetsin: I just meant to try hardy and see if the fans stop messing around... not for every day use.. as you said.. the cd drive makes quite a lot of noise too22:46
Vetsini wonder if its my cpu or gpu fan....22:46
=== thenephilim is now known as tnm
maxbI'm getting ready to switch from Windows to Ubuntu - when I do, it would be handy to copy my old Windows install onto the new hard disc I have, and dual boot it. Are there any whole partition copy tools (like Norton Ghost) in Ubuntu?22:47
Slartmaxb: well.. there's always dd22:47
Vetsinmaxb, i could be wrong, but dd22:47
maxbmm, if I'm really really careful :-)22:48
nico_maxb, you can use ghost, but you can only do that when the hard disk is going to be in the same computer, or else the installation will be all bugged22:48
elflapi've always thought that linux(unix) would be the way to go for fixing and forensics so i'm just trying to figure out how to work with hdd that does not show up on fdisk -l but it does show up on some other programs (dos based ones on hiren's boot cd)22:49
=== Bruno1 is now known as Bruno_
b4l74z4ris there any documentation on the nvidia-settings app out thee?22:50
Vetsinelf, it doesn't?22:50
mildneramsn doesnt start after i tried to install jabber22:50
Vetsinis there someting wrong with the disk?22:50
elflapi'm pretty sure the first sector is messed up22:50
MattJ_mildner: Install Jabber?22:51
Vetsineven if its unmountable it should show up as a device22:51
MattJ_mildner: You mean install a client?22:51
elflapother disk had the same problem, i had to boot up in hiren's cd and fixed it from there22:51
nico_a IM client? gaim or kopete actually rule22:51
xrhstaraspatrahi i want help22:51
VetsinCan't say i know much about forensics elflap, but i'm sure linux can be very good at it22:51
elflapi'm pretty sure i can do the same... but i'm trying to find out if there is a way to do it from linux environment22:51
GrueTamer!ask | xrhstaraspatra22:52
ubotuxrhstaraspatra: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:52
xrhstaraspatra!ask | xrhstaraspatra22:52
mildnerMattJ: yes22:52
xrhstaraspatra!ask i want help about compiz22:52
t__i'm hoping someone can help me out, i've been banging my head against a bootloader problem all day. had a server die over the weekend, 7.04 box using lilo because I was dumb and I made my root partition on a LVM volume. long story short, i managed foul up lilo and now i can't get the server to boot. any ideas on how to regenerate the bootloader?22:52
GrueTamerxrhstaraspatra: !ask is just a bot trigger :P22:53
xrhstaraspatrai want hlep about compiz22:53
GrueTamerexplain your problem, on one line22:53
GrueTameras the bot said22:53
Vetsint__, grub?22:53
Vetsinoh wait you said lilo22:53
t__yeah :(22:53
Vetsint__, usually, at least with grub, if you press a key you can edit the boot loader conf22:53
Vetsinand in that conf, you can specify the boot partitons22:53
dixon2kmmwths: follow instructions on how to add repositories on medibuntu webpage. then open synaptic and search on a52 and libdvdcss22:53
MeTaLhi... i just reinstalled gutsy gibon after hardy beta gave me a hard time... now i was a bit careless and went with the guided installation and it didn't prompt me that it was going to format both my partitions.... which means that all of my data(even the one i backed up on my ntfs partition) is pretty much gone...22:54
Vetsinassuming lilo still loads?22:54
MeTaLguestion is... is there any way to recover it?22:54
VetsinMeTaL, not all of it22:54
t__lilo spits out a bunch of garbage right now22:54
MeTaLas much as i can22:54
xrhstaraspatrai have problem with 3d games/3d applications when i have the compiz effects activated!, the screen of the game/app blink fast and some times is white i guess it refreshes too much.when i deactivate compiz everything is ok. i have ati radeon hd240022:54
elflapMeTal: if you have extra hdd... before you do anything else back up an image of the hdd with dd22:54
MeTaLdon't have many important things... but just a few small files...22:54
SlartMeTaL: depends on how much money you're willing to spend on it.. there are companies that does these kinds of things... but it's very expensive22:54
MeTaLdon't have an extra hdd22:55
Vetsinelflap, i don't think an image will help with data recovery of a formated drive22:55
MeTaLright now i have a clean installation anyway22:55
VetsinThere are tools that will recover deleted and formated files22:55
GrueTamerxrhstaraspatra: well...ati + compiz has equaled bad performance/display issues on every single computer ive tried it on, including my own22:55
VetsinAssuming it wasn't a low level format22:55
erezhi, i am trying to upgrade from 7.10 with the update manager , but it doesnt find any updates , what could be the problem?22:55
SlartMeTaL: you could try testdisk.. it can find old partitions and such... but you'll have to read a lot of documentation and preferably talk to someone who knows how to use it first22:55
Vetsinit will recover SOME, of the data, not all of it22:55
GrueTamereasy fix:  disable compiz.  perhaps someone with more knowledge can provide more info22:55
xrhstaraspatrai have problem with 3d games/3d applications when i have the compiz effects activated!, the screen of the game/app blink fast and some times is white i guess it refreshes too much.when i deactivate compiz everything is ok. i have ati radeon hd2400 .22:55
GrueTamerxrhstaraspatra: well...ati + compiz has equaled bad performance/display issues on every single computer ive tried it on, including my own22:55
GrueTamereasy fix:  disable compiz.  perhaps someone with more knowledge can provide more info22:56
MeTaLi'm talking about maybe an application that can recover files? if such a thing exists?22:56
Slart!info testdisk | MeTaL22:56
ubotumetal: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.6-1 (gutsy), package size 668 kB, installed size 2624 kB22:56
kohlrakI installed ubuntu, had some troubles, tried to fix them, and then when booted again, gnome wouldn't start. Deleted both linux partitions, and re-installed it, and gnome still doesn't start.22:56
elflapVetsin: right, there are tools to recover files, but to be sure to recover everything possible... i'd say it's better to make an image with dd22:56
xrhstaraspatraI found a way and activated a switch in compiz that draws the screen only at vertical freq22:56
t__i tried converting everything over to a single raid volume w/o lvm and installing grub (on a second set of disks) and hit a brick wall there, so now i'm back to the original disks, trying to get lilo to work22:56
MeTaLthanks, i'll try it22:56
SlartMeTaL: but read some documentation first.. if you do something wrong you might destroy your only chance of recovering your files22:56
xrhstaraspatraand that had fixed the problem the made changes and now the same22:56
xrhstaraspatrai had fixed this once.22:57
kohlrakany idea how to force start gnome?22:57
elflaprelating to Slart:... to MeTaL: if you make an image you have many chances to try different things to recover22:57
MooCowsHello, I am having trouble getting a printer to work , does anyone have any ideas where to start to get it to work , or see if it CAN work ?22:58
MeTaLwell... i don't have anything too important... otherwise i would've backed it up on a cd before installing.. but would be nice to have some of it back... would save me some hustle...22:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quota - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:58
elflapafter making an image, mount it read-only22:58
MeTaLthank anyway...22:58
GrueTamerxrhstaraspatra: perhaps take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/14961522:58
elflapi see...22:58
MeTaLi don't have a second hdd... so don't have that option...22:58
SlartMeTaL: I think elflap's idea makes a lot of sense.. with an image you could try stuff without fear of losing it all22:58
kohlrakno ideas?22:59
SlartMeTaL: well.. it's your data.. so you decide how much you want to spend on it22:59
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:59
xrhstaraspatrai fixed this once, then i made changes and lost it again22:59
=== derenrich__ is now known as derenrich
GrueTamerxrhstaraspatra: perhaps take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/14961522:59
Slart!botabuse | veynom22:59
ubotuveynom: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.22:59
lunartearhmm, I have acl setup on a directory and all works fine when i create files and directories directly, but if i rsync or cp files into this directory they dont inherit the acl permissions properly.. in my rsync command I'm not specifying preserve perms either.  Any ideas to get around this issue?23:00
n-iCeis back23:00
peter77is there a way to get firestarter to monitor the active device instead of having to switch it over between ethernet and wireless?23:00
lunartearthe directory perms should be drwxrwsr-x+ but are getting drwxr-sr-x+ instead23:00
=== brian is now known as brian|lfs
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* lelemom voltou: [Inativo por mais de 30 minutos] [duração: 32mins 6secs, page: on]23:01
_e3_aye mate23:01
GrueTameris that first letter an i or a L?23:02
brian|lfswow quiet room for over 1000 users23:02
CarlF1when I hit the "enable/disable touchpad" key, I get the same as if I had hit F1 - any clue how I make that stop?23:02
Flannel!away > lelemom23:02
Slartbrian|lfs: it's getting late in Europe.. don't know what time it is in the states23:02
lelemomFlannel: waht ?23:03
Flannellelemom: read the query that ubotu sent you23:03
_e3_5pm central time Slart23:03
Starnestommylelemom: please disable public away message notices23:03
gwongHi, I have a minor mounting issue, I have an NTFS filesystem called DATA now everytime it mounts it gets mounted to /media/DATA(large number of underscores) and every time it is remounted the number of underscores grows. How do I stop this?23:03
Slart_e3_: thanks23:03
lelemomStarnestommy: ok23:03
gwongHi, I have a minor mounting issue, I have an NTFS filesystem called DATA now everytime it mounts it gets mounted to /media/DATA(large number of underscores) and every time it is remounted the number of underscores grows. How do I stop this?23:06
christozany bluetooth expert in this channel?23:06
christozi have a mouse bluetooth adapter....and when i'm typing hdcitool dev but doesn't print me the device23:08
christozbut on var/log/messages i can see that the kernel recognize it23:09
christozwhat on earth can i do about it?23:09
L_infWhere can I find the source code for the game moonlander ?????23:10
cyclonuthow do I make a DVD open with VLC by default, as opposed to mplayer23:10
FlannelL_inf: apt-get source moon-lander23:11
=== brian is now known as brian|lfs
timo1teoanyone get wow to work on linux?23:12
Flanneltimo1teo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft23:12
timo1teoi looked at that...did it work for you?23:14
PaRaSiTe2Is there a list of Linux video players, which play like ALL files?  Sorta like VLC, but others.23:15
cyclonutPaRaSiTe2: I havent found anything better than VLC23:15
unop_PaRaSiTe2, mplayer perhaps23:15
PaRaSiTe2OK, thanks.23:16
L_infFlannel: ThanksI already did that and it gives me: E: Unable to find a source package for moonlander. By the way I also have the source repository enabled, any more ideas???23:16
PaRaSiTe2I've never liked VLC on Windows, never works properly23:16
PaRaSiTe2Also, does it have a function to show the time once fullscreen, like GOMPlayer?23:16
algyzPaRaSiTe2:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_media_players23:16
ertun78why vlc doent run wmv23:17
algyzertun78:  it should23:17
unop_isx, eh??23:18
ertun78i can hear voice but cant see anything23:18
lordleemo  L_inf  not sure if its what you want  http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/dapper/moon-lander23:19
isxi have  a strange acpi problem can anyone offer advise?23:19
aolaushi guys23:21
aolausso I'm trying to get a dual monitor setup going23:21
aolauswith a laptop lcd and a widescreen23:21
randallGenesis 123:21
randallThe Beginning23:21
randall1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.23:21
randall2 Now the earth was [a] formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.23:21
randall3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.23:21
FloodBot2randall: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:21
randall6 And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water." 7 So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. 8 God called the expanse "sky." And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.23:21
aolaushas anyone done this before?23:22
GrueTameraolaus: i did about 6 months ago, ill see what i can remember23:22
GrueTamerwell...it wasnt widescreen, but eh23:22
randall    24 And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.23:22
aolausthe widescreen is the problem23:23
aolausit is not fully supported by my intel 945gm driver23:23
n-iCewhat's gutsy?23:23
jimso does ubuntu still take packages from debian sid? or is it becoming an independently obtained and independently maintained effort?23:23
Starnestommyn-iCe: ubuntu 7.1023:24
GrueTamern-iCe: you mean ubuntu 7.10?23:24
jimgutsy is as gutsy does23:24
n-iCeis it good?23:24
n-iCebetter then 6.10 ?23:24
GrueTamerdepends on who you ask :P23:24
jimyou decide23:24
jimask yourself... install it and see23:24
n-iCechalcedony :*****23:24
pingu_hey how do attach an external drive using the terminal23:24
aolausyou remember what "DMPS" is, gruetamer?23:24
n-iCei see23:24
GrueTameraolaus: not really23:24
brian|lfsI thought 6.04 was the best but will see how 8.04 is when it comes out23:25
GrueTamer6.04? :)23:25
pingu_hey how do attach an external drive using the terminal23:25
zedaI have 70-yes-bitmaps.conf enabled for fontconfig but still can't see any Misc fonts, Fixed aka 7x14 aka Screen?23:25
jimwhat's "best"?23:25
GrueTamerpingu_: what is it listed as in fdisk -l23:25
pingu_GrueTamer: what is fdisk -l23:26
GrueTamerterminal command23:26
jimman fdisk23:26
unop_jim, what does this give you?  cat /etc/debian_version23:26
GrueTamerits a lowercase L, in case you had trouble with that23:26
pingu_GrueTamer: ya tried that nothing happened hold on trying again23:27
jimunop_: oh, I'm not running ubuntu at all23:27
pingu_GrueTamer: yea nothing23:27
pingu_do i need 'sudo'23:27
Redeye2Dell D820 Laptop with Ubuntu X64 on it. When a user is logged in and leaves the machine for 20 mins or more it goes to a white screen and you cannot do anything to log in. I have to Ctrl Alt BackSpace to kill X. Once it restarts all is well again. What is causing this?23:27
unop_jim, well, on gutsy that gives me cat /etc/debian_version gives me lenny/sid23:28
ConiferousCould possibly xscreensaver..23:28
Coniferoushave you looked at the settings for it redeye?23:28
Redeye2How can I remove/disable that to test?23:28
jimaha, so ubuntu does not maintain /etc/debian_version?23:28
Redeye2No... ...23:28
Redeye2What should I look for?23:28
Coniferousgoto system, preferences, screensaver23:28
pingu_GrueTamer: it doesn't show up23:29
brian|lfsmake sure its not on an opengl screensaver perhaps23:29
Coniferousthen uncheck the box that says "activate screensavr"23:29
Redeye2I'll let you know.23:29
Redeye2How it goes, thanks.23:29
unop_jim, gutsy is ubuntu23:29
Coniferousthats true too. If its an opengl screen saver it might mess things up, depending on the drivers you have set up.23:29
pingu_GrueTamer: this is what it gives me Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes23:29
pingu_255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders23:29
pingu_Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes23:29
pingu_Disk identifier: 0x52288b3623:29
pingu_   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System23:29
FloodBot2pingu_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:29
pingu_/dev/sda1               1        1824    14651248+  83  Linux23:29
unop_jim, ubuntu does have a /etc/debian_version23:30
Redeye2The Screen Saver works fine when it's on... I am not using an opengl one at th emoment.23:30
ConiferousCool, if that iwas whats causing the problem you should try switching screen savers, there are a few neat ones there.23:30
ConiferousWell, give that a shot anyways, its a good idea to rule things out.23:30
Redeye2I will, thanks again Coniferous.23:31
zaxiusdoes anyone know how to get accent marks and stuff in linux?23:31
n-iCehow can I see my usbs devices names?23:31
brian|lfsyou should't paste in here thats what paste bin is for23:31
GrueTameri just needed to know what the hard drive is listed as, find it by matching the hard drive size to a /dev/sd* drive23:31
zaxiuslike in windows you press alt+0224 etc...23:31
n-iCebgesk or how?23:31
unop_n-iCe, it depends on what you mean by 'name' there23:31
n-iCethe usb device name23:31
unop_n-iCe, lsusb -v perhaps23:31
CloudFXhow do u make it so that you automatically log in when you start Ubuntu?23:32
ConiferousNo prob redeye23:32
ConiferousTheres a option in sessions under preferences Cloud23:32
GrueTamerCloudFX: http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/linux_beginner_books/unofficial_ubuntu_starter_guide/index_066.html23:32
unop_zaxius, ctrl+shift+u+ <number sequence>23:33
Coniferousi lie23:33
Coniferousi'm looking in the wrong place.23:33
WormDrinkhow would i apply this diff file:23:33
jimunop_: that also tends to suggest an answer to my question: "not independent yet"... do you know whether there are plans in that direction?23:33
lordleemoCloudFX: system administration login window security  enable auto login23:33
MeTaLhi, i'm back... i unstalled testdisk from synapsis... how do i run it?23:33
ConiferousThanks lord23:34
MeTaL(sorry, still a bit new to linux)23:34
WormDrinkfile starts:23:34
GrueTamerMeTaL: try testdisk in the terminal?23:34
WormDrinkdiff -crN w3m-0.4/XMakefile w3m-0.4-js-20030304/XMakefile23:34
WormDrink*** w3m-0.4/XMakefile2003-02-13 02:22:33.000000000 +090023:34
WormDrink--- w3m-0.4-js-20030304/XMakefile2003-02-24 13:38:07.000000000 +090023:34
WormDrink*** 1,10 ****23:34
FloodBot2WormDrink: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:34
jimWormDrink: show one line from it that starts with "diff"23:34
jimoh, you just did23:34
MeTaLah, ok... thanks23:34
unop_!pastebin | WormDrink23:34
ubotuWormDrink: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:34
WormDrinksorry for flood23:34
zaxiusunop_, do you know where i can find a table of the codes?  they seem to be different from windows...unless it's in hex or something23:34
ConiferousIts ok Worm23:34
WormDrinkso any ideas ?23:35
GigaClonhow can I get two computer both running ubuntu to share over a network?23:35
* jim knows exactly23:35
unop_zaxius, they depend on the locale of your system -- in a terminal. echo $LANG  (and look up a table for that charset)23:35
SlartMeTaL: please.. testdisk isn't a "I'll just click around and see what it does"-kind of software.. read the documentation.. check out the site of the creators.. you'll be a happier person.. promise23:35
zaxiusah it is in hex23:35
GigaClonWormDrink, use a diffing program23:35
jimWormDrink: so first, look at man patch overall, then look at -p23:36
SlartGigaClon: nfs, samba, ftp, sshfs23:36
Frogger626Hey guys, how does one "obtain"? Is that a Terminal command?23:36
StarnestommyFrogger626: "obtain" what?23:36
SlartFrogger626: not one I've ever heard of.23:36
Frogger626Frogger626: then just obtain and run ms-sys23:37
jimWormDrink: do that now and then tell what you learned about -p23:37
Frogger626*from ##windows23:37
SlartFrogger626: that doesn't make sense23:37
brian|lfsis anyone using the intel qx9650 in Ubuntu with a board that uses ddr3 ram?23:37
unop_jim, the inference that ubuntu is not independent from debian just because a /etc/debian_version exists is probably faulty .. a lot of work is shared between the ubuntu MOTUs and the core debian developers (though not all) and ubuntu continue to contribute to the debian project in some ways and is somewhat true vice-versa23:37
AlphaOmegai have a very serious question so i need everyones attention who knows:    I have a small network of ubuntus,   and when we play gnometris, id like it so we all see each others high scores, how do i do this?23:37
cheeseSlicei was wondering if anyone could help me.  my computer wouldn't start back up from hibernate and now firefox won't load. it just crashes every time i try to run it23:37
GigaClonFrogger626, they mean obtain in the english sense23:37
ConiferousNope, you having an issue with it brian? or are you just cirious about compatibility?23:38
SlartFrogger626: you can obtain a permission.. don't know if you can obtain other stuff.. but I'd say it means "get"23:38
jimunop_: yes, I understand that... the other possibility is they just don't maintain that file23:38
lordleemoFrogger626: obtain ie download or order the ubuntu cd23:38
SlartAlphaOmega: write them on a whiteboard where everyone can see? =)23:38
AlphaOmegai mean, when i save my score, i want to see everyone elses23:38
Frogger626I have it23:39
AlphaOmega\i know i ahve to share a folder23:39
unop_jim, they probably do, it's an indication that the average package level on ubuntu is about equal to that on lenny/sid23:39
Frogger626I'm on it RIGHT NOW23:39
AlphaOmeganot sure whats the right way to do it23:39
ciccio13andate a fare in culo23:39
ciccio13siete dei pezzi di merda23:39
brian|lfsbbl dinner time here everyone23:39
AbortRetryFaili'm probably in for it asking here, but does anyone here use the ATI fglrx drivers and come up with a way to rotate an X screen?23:39
SlartAlphaOmega: I don't know how gnometris does it's high scores.. but you might be able to share a drive with the gnometris files on.. and you all run it from the same folder.. but I'm just guessing here23:39
capiwhen did we switch to Italiano?23:39
jimeveryone: FREE DINNER AT BRIANS!!23:39
AlphaOmegayeah me too23:40
AlphaOmegai figured is ask here before is tart hacking23:40
AlphaOmeganot gnometetris specifically23:40
AlphaOmegabut any game23:40
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion23:40
InfernalordI have just installed Ubuntu, could anyone tell me how to install better drivers so that I can get a resolution better than the miserable 800x600, please?23:40
Redeye2I'm still having the same problem. White Screen ...23:40
Redeye2Very strange.23:41
SlartAlphaOmega: check if there is a .gnometris folder in your home folder.. that's one way of doing it23:41
AlphaOmegagood idear, if its just config23:41
Slart!restricted | Infernalord23:41
ubotuInfernalord: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:41
cheeseSlicecould anyone help me with firefox please23:41
StarnestommycheeseSlice: what kind of help do you need with it?23:41
Slarthmm.. not really the one I was looking for.. Infernalord , are you running nvidia or ati?23:41
SlartcheeseSlice: just ask your question and find out23:42
=== IdleOne is now known as dwidmann
InfernalordActually it's a new onboard intel :\23:42
=== dwidmann is now known as IdleOne
cheeseSlicemy computer crashed coming out of hibernation, now firefox won't load.  actually, it loads then closes23:42
SlartInfernalord: hmm.. intel usually works without a lot of tinkering..23:42
Redeye2Coniferous, Any other ideas?23:42
SlartcheeseSlice: try running it from a terminal and see what kind of error-messages you get23:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:42
Coniferousone sec23:43
Coniferousrun this command and tell me what driver your using...23:43
cheeseSlicei've only be using ubuntu for a few days and was hoping someone could help, ran it from terminal. it loads, asks if i would like to restore the session then closes again23:43
Frogger626Like how, cheeseSlice?23:43
SlartcheeseSlice: no errors at all?23:43
Coniferouscat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver23:43
cheeseSliceyou;'re right23:43
cheeseSliceit is coming up with an error message about ebuyer plugin23:44
SlartcheeseSlice: it crashes even if you start a new session?23:44
jimso where did you get this ebuyer thing23:45
SlartcheeseSlice: I'd find some way of uninstalling that ebuyer plugin.. manually deleting it or something.23:45
ConiferousI dunno then, you may have to try usng a different driver then nvidia.23:45
cheeseSlicefrom the firefox extensions website23:45
ConiferousThats sort of out of my area of expertise.23:45
Redeye2Is there an easy way to revert back to the normal driver... as in the open source one .. ?23:45
cheeseSliceis there a way to start it in safe mode?23:46
SlartRedeye2: I suppose you can always delete your xorg.conf and start a new one23:46
Redeye2How do you start a new one?23:46
ConiferousYeah, you should just have to change the driver line under "section device" to what the open source driver is.. i forget the open source one for nvidia though23:46
Redeye2Will it create itself If I delete it ?23:46
SlartRedeye2: or use that "dpkg-reconfigre xserver-xorg" ..<--- I don't know if that's the correct command.. but it's similar23:47
Coniferousyou can alyways try "vesa" but its pretty crappy23:47
eriscoI found a list of drivers on linuxprinting.org, http://www.openprinting.org/driver_list.cgi, but I don't know how to locate a driver for my old Brother MFC 480023:47
SlartConiferous: it's "nv" I think23:47
Redeye2ok.. I'll give it a shot.23:47
i1someone can help me finding a program to manage PDF forms and save it? i found just something called "Cabaret stage" but cannot install him (i'm a noob)23:47
ConiferousYeah, actully23:47
Coniferousthat sounds very familiar.23:47
Redeye2I'll change to NV..23:47
ConiferousGive them both a go.23:47
Coniferousmake sure you use lowercase.23:47
Slartillovae: pdf forms .. there aren't many programs for linux that handle anything but plain pdf's23:48
Survivorman cheeseSlice, in the terminal, try firefox -safe-mode23:48
Slartillovae: I've never heard of this "Cabaret Stage"23:48
illovaes/illovae/i1 =°23:48
* illovae hides23:48
Slartillovae: Cabaret Stage is windows-only software it seems..23:49
Slartbah sorry illovae23:49
steven__anyone mount a itouch ?23:49
i1but i can install just .deb... how to install from tar.gz?23:49
cheeseSliceexcellent thanks23:50
Slartil: ah.. there *is* a linux version.. nice..23:50
wuxiaiv'e upgraded my kernel to 2.6.14 ... how do I install nvidia drivers now?23:50
Starnestommyi1: extracr it with the archive manager and read the README and INSTALL files in it23:50
Redeye2ok   nv works.23:50
jimsteven__: you mount a itouch?23:50
Redeye2thanks. I'll see if it will go to the white screen now.23:50
Coniferousgood news.23:50
steven__whats environment variable23:50
Coniferousnv should be much more stable.23:50
wuxiaiv'e upgraded my kernel to 2.6.14 ... how do I install nvidia drivers now?23:50
Coniferousdo you play games much? or do any 3d stuff with it?23:51
steven__jim im trying23:51
illovaeSlart: no problemo :)23:51
jimwhat exactly do you try?23:51
soundraywuxia: 2.6.14, are you sure?23:51
Redeye2I use windows for that... although I'd like to give that up. Vista is a HOG to run.23:51
wuxiasoundray: 2.6.2423:52
ConiferousIt really. really is23:52
jk_2.6.15 is the laters is it not23:52
wuxiaI've upgraded my kernel to 2.6.24 -- is there still an automated way to install nvidia drivers?23:52
b4l74z4rif i move a window quickly around on the desktop i get horizontal tearing in it, does that happen to everyone?23:52
Coniferousbrb, playing with themes Redeye223:52
alex101Hello, does anyone know how to install WinRar on ubuntu?23:52
steven__but i get this thing that says iPod is not responding to pings at ipod.23:52
steven__Please set the environment variable IGNOREPING if you want to ignore this.23:52
Redeye2ok, enjoy.23:52
jimwhat I want to know is a list of everything what YOU tried, and for each thing in that list what YOU observed23:53
steven__i linked it23:53
steven__i used the steps23:53
Redeye2Good News.23:53
alex101Does anyone know how to install winrar onto ubuntu?23:53
Coniferouswhat games do you play?23:53
steven__heres the link jim https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone23:53
Coniferousi've had mixed success with wine.23:54
Redeye2I play Insurgency.23:54
Slart!rar | alex10123:54
ubotualex101: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free23:54
soundrayalex101: why not use native software?23:54
ConiferousDunno much about that one.23:54
alex101I dont care what i use aslong as i can open .rar files lol23:54
Redeye2It's an HalfLife 2 mod.23:54
steven__i got it jailbroke from ziphone23:54
ConiferousAhh ok23:54
=== chryss_ is now known as chryss
jimsteven__: I'm not going to read that... the way I want to work is have you tell me what happened23:54
eriscohow do I view print jobs queued up?23:55
steven__ok so i got it jailbroke then i uninstalled libgpod23:55
alex101What do i type in terminal to install winrar?23:55
=== ichano is now known as icanhasadmin
ahaveif i see 'unknown device' listed in lspci.. how can i fix this?23:55
steven__installed ipod-conveniece23:55
i1Installation Linux23:55
i1To install at Linux please unpack the file as follows:23:55
i1gunzip cabaretstage_<major>.<minor>.<micro>_<system>.tar.gz23:55
i1tar -xpf cabaretstage_<major>.<minor>.<micro>_<system>.tar23:55
FloodBot2i1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:55
steven__and in terminal typed ipod-touch-mount23:56
Slart!info unrar-free | alex101, it was in the first message from ubotu...23:56
ubotualex101, it was in the first message from ubotu...: unrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20070515-1 (gutsy), package size 40 kB, installed size 124 kB23:56
=== Infernalord_ is now known as Infernalord
steven__and i get something about ping23:56
jimwhat did you get exactly?23:56
steven__what do you mean?23:57
steven__as in the error messege?23:57
alex101So how do i install unarchiver through terminal?23:57
jimyou say "something about ping"23:57
Slartalex101: install the package unrar-free.. by using synaptic or apt-get23:57
alex101ahh okay23:57
jimI cannot work with that, it has to be the exact text of the message23:57
amenadowhose done a debootstrap install? how do you tell it to use the deb packages on cdrom, i tried to add the cdrom on sources.list but not able to23:57
steven__ping: unknown host ipod23:58
steven__iPod is not responding to pings at ipod.23:58
steven__Please set the environment variable IGNOREPING if you want to ignore this.23:58
steven__thats the exact error i get23:58
=== greenstar_ is now known as greenstar
jimok, notice where we are right now... you're talking to people here... and you've told precisely what you observed23:59
soundrayamenado: did you run 'apt-get update' after adding the cdrom source?23:59
mtrxwould you guys say that 8.04 is going to be  better than 7.04?23:59
=== greenstar is now known as greenstar_
Slartmtrx: yes23:59
soundraymtrx: ask in #ubuntu+1 please23:59
InfernalordI am sorry, I lost my connection, I am not sure if anyone replied to my request for help.23:59

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