
kgxhi. im trying to update the contents of a file using sed. this doesnt seem to work: sed 's/oldstuff/newstuff/' inputFileName > inputFileName00:02
kgxany ideas whats wrong?00:02
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=== fritzel is now known as Fritzel
ScorpKingkgx: ask in #linux :)00:05
dwidmannkgx: add a g after the last /00:06
dwidmannkgx: also, why not use something like this: sed -i inputfilename -e "s/oldstuff/newstuff/g" ...... should work00:07
dwidmannkgx: (-i edits in place)00:07
FoodcomanHello all.00:08
ScorpKinghiya Foodcoman00:08
kgxdwidmann: managed to get it work00:08
kgxdwidmann: thanks00:08
dwidmannkgx: no problem00:08
FoodcomanApt question?  The following packages have been kept back: Upgraded to hardy.00:08
=== blackwaltz is now known as dwidmann_
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:11
Foodcomanchecking.  Thanks.00:11
FoodcomanThanks, doesnt cover Hardy. =(00:12
ScorpKingthe instrucktions should be more or less the same for both i think00:13
FoodcomanJust some dependency problems on the upgrade is all.  I think I will remove them till things settle in a bit thanks.00:17
FoodcomanHere is a good link:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62471/00:19
FoodcomanSorry Correction: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62471/00:20
nick_how to install another language in kubuntu00:21
FoodcomanOh man embarassing.  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6247200:21
hltpyldrHello! I tried asking this question over in #konqueror, but can't seem to get a reply.  Does anyone know how to configure Konqueror such that the default view mode is the Detailed List View when using Konqueror as a file manager?00:21
hltpyldrCan't seem to find an option to set this as default in the Konqueror settings.00:22
babbansomeone now any good software in this??00:23
ScorpKingFoodcoman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu00:25
ScorpKingbabban: lots of good software. it depends what you want ;)00:25
_myrtille_hltpyldr: Have you tried the following:00:26
_myrtille_After you've select Detailed List View (View -> View Mode -> Detailed List View), then select the Settings -> Save View Profile "File Management" menu selection.00:26
_myrtille_taken from:  http://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=3480600:26
FoodcomanScorpKing: Thanks00:26
ScorpKinghltpyldr: not sure. maybe try #kde00:26
ScorpKingFoodcoman: np00:27
hltpyldr_myrtille_: Yes, actually I have tried that.  I am saving the profile as "File Management".  Does not seem to work for me.00:28
babbani wanna good tool..:D00:28
babbanlike i u can look ip and so..:D then i want gadgets and anything..:D00:28
ScorpKingbabban: go look at www.kde-apps.org00:29
ScorpKingbabban: www.kde-look.org might also be of interest00:29
hltpyldr_myrtille_: any more ideas?00:33
_myrtille_hltpyldr: i'm looking through some stuff right now, but haven't found anything convincing00:35
_myrtille_if you find a solution, i'd be interested as well ;)00:35
Jucatohltpyldr: try Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> File Associations -> inode -> directory -> Embedding tab -> put Detailed List View at the top of the list00:36
hltpyldrFoodcoman just sent me this link; I'm checking it out now: http://strabes.wordpress.com/2007/04/05/make-konqueror-use-your-default-view-mode-in-new-tabs/00:36
Jucatohltpyldr: amusing how it looks like my directions above :)00:38
FoodcomanSeems like a good solution.... working?00:38
Jucatoalthough I'm puzzled why saving the View Profile doesn't work in the first place00:38
hltpyldrJucato: I'm sorry, I must have missed your directions. ??00:38
hltpyldrFoodcoman: Thanks!  Works great!00:39
_myrtille_Jucato: I think this happens, because the webinterface is loaded as a default00:39
Jucatodepends on how he launches Konqueror or from where00:39
hltpyldrJucato: I see your instructions now.  Thank you!  I must have been reading Foodcoman's link at the time.00:39
hltpyldrI'm launching it from an xml menu in Openbox.00:40
Jucatohltpyldr: are you sure that in your XML menu, it's launching the korrect konqueror profile?00:40
Jucatoyou saved the Detailed List view in the File Management profile, so your launcher should launch that profile00:40
hltpyldrJucato: let me look... be right back00:41
hltpyldrJucato: I am assuming that when I launch Konqueror, the File Manager profile probably does not kick in until I click the Home Folder link on Konqueror's default homepage.  Is that correct?  Here is my action: <action name="Execute"><execute>konqueror</execute></action>00:42
Jucatohltpyldr: nope. it does't change view profiles while running. you have to launch it with a specific view profile, otherwise the profile's settings won't be used00:43
hltpyldrJucato: So, I can't just launch "konqueror" is what you are saying.  How do I launch it with a specific profile?00:44
Jucatohltpyldr: but with the directions you got from the site, that will ensure that whatever profile you use, the detailed list view will be used when viewing files and folders00:45
Jucato"kfmclient openProfile filemanagement"00:45
hltpyldrJucato: ahh, ok.  Thanks for the tip!  Much appreciated.00:46
hltpyldrJucato: Hey, that works great!  Thanks!00:47
hltpyldrFoodcoman: I'm using irssi as my irc client, and I am far from being an expert at using irssi.  Somehow you opened a new channel or a new tab and executed a query.  How did you do that?00:50
Jucatohltpyldr: /query <nickname> <message>00:50
hltpyldrJucato: ah ha!  ok, thanks!00:50
hltpyldrJucato: so does the <message> portion of that query for whatever I am searching for, such as <how to configure Konqueror> (or something like that), or would I be typing something specific like a URL?00:52
Jucatohltpyldr: I meant something like /query hltpyldr hello! how are you?00:53
Jucatohltpyldr: /query here means "private message" (alternatively you can also use /msg)00:54
Foodcomanhltpyldr: /msg hltpyldr00:54
hltpyldrJucato: Ok.  I wasn't sure.  I just happened to Alt+3 to see if I had any other channels open and then saw the message.00:54
hltpyldrJucato: Foodcoman: Ok, makes sense now.  Thanks!00:54
MakiWow... loads of away messages. o.o;00:54
JucatoFoodcoman: I'm not sure how /msg behaves on irssi. in Konversation, if I use /msg, a new tab won't open until the person I sent the message to replies00:54
Jucato/query opens a new tab, regardless00:55
JucatoMaki: away messages?00:55
MakiYeah.. I joined and I get a load of away messages from people. o.O00:55
MakiI'm using Konqueror.. would rather use Pidgin, but 7.04 has Konqueror and not Pidgin. >_>;00:56
MakiAnyways.. ehm.00:56
MrJoeyYou mean Kopete?00:56
MrJoeyYou can sudo apt-get install pidgin00:56
MakiKeep mixing those up.00:56
MrJoeyUnless it's not available00:56
MrJoeyit might be called "gaim"00:56
MrJoey(that was the old name before a quiet dispute between them and AOL resulted in the name change to pidgin)00:57
Jucato<Maki> I'm using Kopete.... would rather use Pidgin, but 7.04 has GAIM and not Pidgin. >_>;00:57
Jucato(rewritten to make sense :P)00:57
MakiCan I ask if anyone knows what I have to do to get my PCChips M985G Motherboard with Intel Grantsdale-G VGA onboard to work with 3D applications correctly? Right now it even makes Kaffeine's videostuff look blurred. o.o00:58
Foodcomandcc chat is an option also.  Let me find the command.  other end has to accept00:58
nick_ho wdo i uninstall kde4 ?00:58
MakiGlxgears runs 4191 frames in 5.1 seconds = 818.399 FPS, however. >_>;00:59
babbanscorpking: now i have download that i want but could not install them??00:59
ScorpKingbabban: follow the instructions in the README file00:59
JucatoMaki: what does "glxinfo | grep render" say?01:00
babbanok thx01:00
MakiX Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)01:00
Maki  Major opcode of failed request:  142 (GLX)01:00
Maki  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext)01:00
Maki  Serial number of failed request:  1601:00
Maki  Current serial number in output stream:  1701:00
Jucato!paste | Maki01:00
ubotuMaki: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:00
Makier...... I don't understand that.01:00
JucatoMaki: meaning: "Don't paste long lines of text in here"01:01
MakiErf.. they asked me what it said, didn't they?01:01
MakiYou ask, I copy+pate.01:01
babbanwhat program i should open it on??01:01
JucatoMaki: yes, I did. but I didn't mean that you paste in here :)01:01
MakiWhere to then?01:01
Jucatospecially not all of them01:02
Jucatothat's what a pastebin is for. you paste in the pastebin and then send the link to where it's pasted01:02
Makieeeh.... what?01:02
MakiI don't know what a pastebin is.01:02
MakiOr where to get it01:02
MakiOr how to use it. >_>01:02
LetsGo67How do I *REMOVE* PPPoE?01:02
Jucatodon't you see the link above?01:02
babbanscorpion: what program i will run readme file??01:02
MakiWhat link?01:02
Jucato[08:00] <ubotu> Maki: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:03
Jucatosee? that simple :)01:04
MakiI don't like IRC at all01:04
MakiBut I dislike forums even more01:04
Jucatomailing lists?01:04
Jucatohm.. weird that it's not trying to use 3d rendering at all,not even software rendering...01:05
MakiI dunno01:05
MakiI only got 7.04 installed cause the 7.10 DVD craps out before getting to X01:05
LetsGo67How do I remove PPPoEconf system changes?01:06
JucatoLetsGo67: just a guess, try running pppoeconf again?01:06
ScorpKingnite guys01:07
LetsGo67Peut-être. Jucado.01:07
JucatoMaki: hm.. sorry I'm not familiar with Intel IGPs... might want to stick around to wait for help, or search in ubuntuforums.org or kubuntuforums.net01:07
MakiI never can find my way around forums. >_<01:08
LetsGo67Jucato, non.01:08
MakiMerf. I told my boss that he should've let me choose what PC to buy, but he wouldn't listen. >_<01:08
JucatoMaki: there's a search box there01:09
babbanin what program one could read the readme file??01:10
robiliveSome day ago I've colorized the "ok" and "fail" message of the bootup. I would like to colorize the boot scripts' messages  but I have no idea on what to do... Does anyone know how to do this?01:10
babbanhi robilivr01:11
MakiJucato: No search results for Grantsdale or M985G01:11
JucatoMaki: widen your search then? intel video card, or intel video driver, or intel 3d01:12
robilivehi babban :D01:12
Makifuck this01:13
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=== spion__ is now known as LimCore
hazard_Anyone have any experience with xev? My output doesn't look like I expected.01:21
hazard_Instead of showing "keycode $x" it shows "button 1"01:21
babbanone need python for what??01:34
* mndo is away: sleepy time.. not around.. pvt me..01:39
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Jucato!away > mndo_AWAY01:41
epimeth~/.strigi is taking up gigs and gigs of space... what can I do about this?01:50
Jucatoif you're not using strigi, kill it, delete the ~/.strigi folder01:54
Jucato(strigidaemon I think)01:54
epimethJucato: and if I want to keep it?01:56
Jucatoum... that's the problem :/01:56
epimethall right01:57
epimethhow do I disable the daemon?  I assume it starts on user login, not in the RC folders?02:00
epimethcuz its not in .kde/Autostart02:01
epimethand something else that I just noticed... how do I set "view hidden folders" to be on by default in dolphin?02:02
mot_is there an ichat-compatible client in kubuntu?02:04
mot_my friend has ichat and i'm trying to view her webcam02:04
mot_but i'm not sure what client to use.02:04
epimethmot_: kopete02:05
epimethits installed by default02:05
mot_kopete is ichat-compatible?02:05
calcmandanhey guys. well my pc died. power supply overloaded mboard and cpu. it was a sad but beautiful funeral. anyway, i ran off and bought a new board, dual core cpu, 2gb of ram. just installed it and loaded my machine up. 6.06.2 fully updated. funny thing was it loaded up without screaming about the new hardware. so now that iu'm up and running, it's really sluggish.  i have to think that the sluggishness has to do with the new hardwa02:05
calcmandan.  i'm burning a dl dvd and it's burning really slowly. any thought on what i can do to speed things up?02:05
epimethichat is apple's kopete02:06
mot_do i need a .mac account or what service should i add under kopete?02:06
mot_yes, i reliaze this. i'm saying what should *i* use under my kubuntu box to be able to view her webcam?02:06
epimethoh... so you meant your apple account for ichat02:07
epimethI don't actually know02:07
epimethcheck google?02:07
darkwolfhello sirs!02:11
darkwolfokay for some reason I can't change my monitors resolution02:12
darkwolfI am editing it in monitor and settings but the resoultion doesn't change!02:12
darkwolfI can't get my screen to fit my monitor!02:12
darkwolfI am running Kubuntu 7.1002:13
Odd-rationaledarkwolf: try reconfiguring you xserver: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:13
yuriydarkwolf: try selecting a monitor type (generic, your resolution should work)02:14
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darkwolfhow do I restart the xserver?02:16
darkwolfjust reboot?02:16
yuriydarkwolf: log out, hit ctrl+alt+backspace02:17
Odd-rationaledarkwolf: ctrl+alt+bksp02:17
epimethhow do I disable strigi?02:19
darkwolfI am having trouble configuring my monitor in Xorg02:27
darkwolfI have logged in and out like 5 times but can't get the screen to fit my monitor02:28
darkwolfwhat is the safest bet?02:28
darkwolfit syncs horizontally but not vertically02:28
Odd-rationaledarkwolf: pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file for us. and we'll see what we can do...02:28
calcmandananyone see my question earlier?02:29
Odd-rationalecalcmandan: I didn't...02:30
calcmandanok, i'll paste it.02:30
calcmandanhey guys. well my pc died. power supply overloaded mboard and cpu. it was a sad but beautiful funeral. anyway, i ran off and bought a new board, dual core cpu, 2gb of ram. just installed it and loaded my machine up. 6.06.2 fully updated. funny thing was it loaded up without screaming about the new hardware. so now that iu'm up and running, it's really sluggish.  i have to think that the sluggishness has to do with the new hardwa02:30
calcmandan.  i'm burning a dl dvd and it's burning really slowly. any thought on what i can do to speed things up?02:30
darkwolfokay I pasted it02:31
Odd-rationaledarkwolf: give us the link02:31
nosrednaekimcalcmandan: #1, you really should install a later release #2, did you use the previous install?02:31
Odd-rationalecalcmandan: what dvd are you burning? ubuntu install dvd?02:32
darkwolfhow do I get the url for what I pasted?02:32
Odd-rationaledarkwolf: in the address bar.02:32
calcmandannosrednaekin: yeah, i'm using a previous install. i was hoping it would at least burn my data dvd's quicker though.02:32
Odd-rationaledarkwolf: reading....02:33
calcmandani'm 30 minutes into a dvd burn and only 23% done.02:33
darkwolfthank you!02:33
Odd-rationaledarkwolf: what resolution do you want?02:34
darkwolfuh... I don't know02:34
nosrednaekimcalcmandan: well, wait for it to finish :)02:35
nosrednaekimcalcmandan: then we can work with it :)02:35
Odd-rationaledarkwolf: also, is see you are using nvidia. did you install the nvidia restricted drivers?02:35
calcmandannoseredkin: okay, will do.02:35
darkwolfodd: yes02:36
calcmandani'm downloading gutsy gibbon.  it will be freshly installed once i'm done backing stuff up.02:38
Odd-rationaledarkwolf: ok. in your Screen section, remove the "1440x900" entry. and restart X and see if that works...02:38
darkwolfokay, will do...02:39
Odd-rationaledarkwolf: remember that ctrl+alt+bksp will log you out and stop all application. so you might want to close your irc client first...02:39
darkwolfthanks, I got the resolution working right! :)02:43
Odd-rationaledarkwolf: good!02:43
darkwolfbut now I am trying to install Opera, but after I install it there is no menu entry, how do I run it?02:43
Odd-rationaledarkwolf: try "opera" in terminal02:44
nitindarkwolf, try : sudo apt-get install opera, after doing sudo apt-get update02:45
nitindarkwolf, i also prefer to use opera02:46
mEck0Oh no :( I pressed Del-button on wrong folder in Dolphin, and it is now deleted (why not moved to trash :S), how can I recover it02:49
nitinmEck, try Ctrl+Z02:51
Alcherai have a slight annoyance in konqueror & dolphin.02:54
darkwolfokay I got opera working02:59
darkwolfflash doesn't seem to be working though02:59
darkwolfI got flash working in firefox02:59
darkwolfand opera:plugins shows that it sees the libraries and such02:59
yao_ziyuanhow do i add shadows to icon text on the desktop?03:03
Alcherai have a slight annoyance in konqueror & dolphin. non display of one of my 5 partitions in system:/media03:07
darkwolfargh I have plugins enabled yet flash will not work in opera!03:18
ere4siI thought flash never works in opera03:19
Alcherait does03:20
kadkohello, can any one help me whit the restricted elements like mp3 codec?03:22
maduserdosent currently work03:22
kadkooh ok03:23
kadkodo u know when fix the error?03:23
maduserno not you Alchera03:23
maduserthe flash pulgin is broken03:24
BluesKajkadko, sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp303:24
Alcherait is?03:24
madusergot 2 do a manual install03:24
maduserdownload from adobe03:24
Alcheramy Opera works 100%03:24
Alcheraflash etc ... not that i use it that often03:25
kadkoBluesKaj, Tnx it works perfect03:25
kadkoanother question, I have installed Kubuntu 7.10 but the program "Kopete" what i use for msn does not work, i'll get an error while singing in03:27
BluesKajYW , kadko03:27
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire03:27
rhavennrunning hardy beta; system won't remember audio levels between reboots..running a init.d/alsa-utils start manually restores them correctly...looks like alsa-utils is in rc1 and rc6, but not 3-5...it's in udev though....should it be in 3-5 or not?03:29
Alcheraisn't opera supposed to pick up the plugin that firefox uses? >> .mozilla/plugins03:32
darkwolfI don't know I am ready to pull my hair out03:34
Alcheramaybe try that adobe d/load03:34
Alcheradoes clicking the area where the flash movie should be and reloading the page work?03:35
darkwolfwell now I am wrestling with timestamp errors!03:37
darkwolfI can't sudo anything03:37
kadkoI have installed the frost wire and it does not start03:39
Dan__Ok i am new to linux and trying to install MCE and I have it all installed but cant seem to get the tuner card to work.03:41
Dan__there must be like a device manager but I cant seem to find it03:41
Dan__Anyone help?03:41
BluesKajDan__, look for linux drivers for your tuner card in whatever the system settings equivalent is on MCE03:44
Dan__well I am running Kubuntu03:45
Dan__is there a device manager on kubuntu?03:45
Alcherakcontrol might be what you are referring to03:49
shadowboxhello all03:50
edoceoRecently after upgrading to Hardy my FireFox has lost it's Application associations, the whole list is gone!03:51
edoceoA fresh install of Kubuntu Hardy has a number of items in the list, where did mine go?03:51
shadowboxI get an error telling me that I have a package manager up and running already, so I cant install a package I have on my desktop until I close out the other instance03:52
shadowboxI dont see another program running, I just rebooted and apparently its still running03:53
edoceo^^ shadowbox03:53
shadowboxyes adept03:53
Jucato!aptfix | shadowbox03:53
ubotushadowbox: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »03:53
Jucatoedoceo: might want to try asking in #ubuntu+103:53
shadowboxthe last command is giving me options03:55
shadowboxFile on system created by you or by a script.03:55
shadowboxFile also in package provided by package maintainer03:55
shadowboxWhat would you like to do about it ?03:56
shadowbox(1)   install the package maintainer's version03:56
shadowbox(2)    keep your currently-installed version03:56
shadowbox(3)  show the differences between the versions03:57
shadowbox(4)  background this process to examine the situation03:57
shadowboxwhich one?03:57
BluesKajinstall the package maintainer's version03:58
Alchera i have a slight annoyance in konqueror & dolphin. non display of one of my 5 partitions in system:/media03:58
shadowboxJucato:  which option that I mentioned should I choose?03:59
Jucatoshadowbox: see what BluesKaj said04:00
shadowboxahh, didnt see that sorry04:00
shadowboxthanks BluesKaj:04:00
BluesKajAlchera, see if  it's listed , df -h04:01
Alcherait is BluesKaj04:02
oren_gan someone help me with wget?04:03
oren_can someone help me with gwget?04:06
oren_its a Dl manager04:07
oren_or if you know how i can DL faster off websites?04:07
oren_in windows i used a prog that got multipl connections04:07
BluesKajAlchera, dunno about dolphin , but is the partition listed in system settings / advanced / disk & filesystems ?04:07
AlcheraBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62486/ .... the partition in question is /dev/hdb104:07
oren_im new to linux (hating it)04:08
BluesKajoren_, telling us that doesn't help you ..what's the problem ?04:09
yao_ziyuanhow do i disable remote login in kubuntu?04:10
Alcheraoren_: wget ftp://ftp.eggheads.org/pub/eggdrop/source/1.6/eggdrop1.6.18.tar.gz04:11
Alcheraas an example04:11
heinkel_111hello, what is the secret spell to cast after crashing adept updater halfway through an update of something?04:12
heinkel_111fix something?04:12
oren_Alchera: ok so the url i want to Dl is: http://downloads.members.easynews.com/news/1/c/e/1ce295813bd74a9fb5fffa800ebcc348012e24ba4.avi/john_adams_part5_hdtv-lol.avi04:13
oren_how would i enter that in wget?04:13
madusersudo dpkg -configure -a04:13
maduserapt fix04:13
Alcherayes ojpitre__ and you'd enter that as you did here04:13
Alcheraerr.. oren_04:13
heinkel_111maduser: the first one ok04:14
heinkel_111maduser: apt fix I cant find04:14
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:14
heinkel_111I don't think the database is locked; but some updates did not go through04:15
heinkel_111they seem to be registered on the server but I don't think software is upgraded04:15
Alcherasorry for the delay BluesKaj ... it doesn't appear in advanced / disk & filesystems04:15
maduserits the fix for that too04:15
heinkel_111i mean registered on the database, sorry04:15
Jucatoheinkel_111: you can try sudo apt-get update again then dist-upgrade04:16
heinkel_111Jucato: isn't dist-upgrade for upgrading to a new distro release?04:17
heinkel_111(that never works in kubuntu anyway but...(04:17
Jucatoer wait. sorry different issue :/04:17
BluesKajsacktime for me .. good nite all04:24
AlcheraBluesKaj: the partition is showing up in / advanced / disk & filesystems wrongly mounted04:28
katarzynaHello :)04:28
katarzynaSalute for all peoples ;)04:29
gkffjcsI was playing a windows game in wine, and now the text on my system is really small, this includes window titles, and some other text, any Ideas?04:29
Alcherarefresh the desktop?04:29
katarzynahmmm yes refresh04:30
katarzynabut no all games function with linux04:30
LimCoremost do NOT function04:31
katarzynayes, exactly :)04:31
gkffjcsthe game seemed to run fine, with all the wine horror stories, I was suprised how well it ran, it only is now that I have closed the game that all the text on my system is messed up04:31
gkffjcsI know that in order to run it changed the screen resolution several times04:32
katarzynarun game of linux is very difficult because have code for windows ;/ :(04:33
=== shogun_ is now known as shogunmaster
katarzynaHello Shogun ;)04:34
gkffjcsdamm, how do I force the cd drive to eject?04:34
gkffjcsI keep getting device busy, I think it's a wine glitch04:34
shogunmasterI just popped in to check things out.04:35
katarzynaInstalled games is most good at cd's :)04:35
katarzynahow are all peoples ???04:35
shogunmasterI'm good.04:36
katarzynathis fine, where are you from ??04:36
shogunmasterI just installed kubuntu for the first time yesterday.04:36
katarzynai have kubuntu more time, 6 month :)04:37
shogunmasterI'm in Chicago, IL04:37
katarzynawooow im from Poland :)04:37
katarzynaAnd as Kubuntu?? Goodies out Windows shit??04:37
ubuntudoes anyone here run Kubuntu with the EeePC?04:38
=== ubuntu is now known as chris0626891
shogunmasterThis is the first time that I've used irc. Much easier than I thought.04:39
shogunmasterI thought I needed to setup up an account on the server i wanted to use.04:39
katarzynaYes :) i emigration to kubuntu because i need free software :)04:40
shogunmasterI'm out. later.04:41
katarzynaok  :)04:42
Hydrogenfree as in freedom or free as in sexuality?04:43
raevindoes anyone know how to get connected to your wireless network again once you can't ping or anything04:44
raevinwithout restarting04:45
raevini'm using kde 3.5 right now...and i can stay connected to my router, but if i try to ping or anything say, google.com there's times where i won't be able to, and i always have to reboot my computer...sometimes also restart my router & modem04:46
gkffjcsis there a way to start a new login in a different tty from a terminal command?04:52
raevinyou can try sudo --login04:52
* karsten_ is away: Zur Zeit nicht da.04:52
thoreauputicgkffjcs: from tty1 ( ctrl-alt-F1) :  startx -- :104:57
thoreauputicshould start X on tty 8 ( ctrl-alt-F8) then you can switch back and forth from 8 to 7 etc.04:57
gkffjcsI get error the server is allready running on display004:59
thoreauputicgkffjcs:   startx -- :1   <-- note the spaces and hyphens05:00
thoreauputicthat starts X on display :105:00
thoreauputicnot :005:00
gkffjcsis there a space in between the -- and the : too? My fonts are really small, it's an un realted issue which I will deal with later.05:01
thoreauputicypou may find that it actually starts on tty9 not 8 ( dpeneds if your dm is running, which it probably is)05:01
thoreauputicgkffjcs:  startx <space> -- <space> :105:02
dalton2345hello whats the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu05:02
thoreauputicdalton2345: KDE desktop05:02
thoreauputicdalton2345: ubuntu uses gnome05:02
dalton2345thoreauputic: thats all it is?05:02
thoreauputickubuntu uses KDE05:02
gkffjcsthanks, that worked!05:02
thoreauputicdalton2345: that's a BIG difference!05:03
thoreauputicdalton2345: but yesm underneath they are both ubuntu05:03
dalton2345thoreauputic: i'm asking coz in distrowatch ubuntu is first and kubuntu 14th05:03
thoreauputicgkffjcs: :)05:03
thoreauputicdalton2345: artificial division - they use the same softwsre repositories05:04
dalton2345thoreauputic: ah ok05:04
thoreauputicdalton2345: there's xubuntu too - same thing with xfce405:04
dalton2345thoreauputic: xubuntu is the light version05:05
alatnetanyone know how to configure kubuntu to "bridge" a wifi and ethernet connection and route net trafic from the ethernet throught the wifi?05:05
thoreauputicdalton2345: yes - it uses the xfce desktop which is lighter on resources - still very nice :)05:05
dalton2345thoreauputic: ty05:06
thoreauputicdalton2345: np05:06
gkffjcsactually, I guess I lied, it has started x, but nothing else, all I have is an x curser, no menu, no desktop, nothing05:06
thoreauputicgkffjcs: ah - then you need to specify a window manager as well05:07
thoreauputicgkffjcs: for example:  startx /usr/bin/fluxbox -- :1   ( or whatever)05:07
thoreauputicgkffjcs: you need the full path - for KDE it would be I think05:08
thoreauputicstartx /usr/bin/startkde -- :105:08
thoreauputicbut that's from memory - haven't done it for a while05:08
thoreauputicalternatively you can start the window manager from the xterm you see with the plain startx command05:09
thoreauputicgkffjcs: you didn't even get an xterm then?05:10
thoreauputicin the top left corner?05:10
gkffjcsno, absolutely nothing,05:10
thoreauputicused to give you an xterm .... must have changed05:11
thoreauputicdo you have any non-kde window managers installed ?05:11
gkffjcsalso when I return to that tty the xsessinon is gone, and it's just a slwly scrolling list of messages. Also Ive used tty1 - 4 allready, is there a way to reset a tty? I have gnome, xfce, and kde4 which is my manager of choice05:12
ubotuKDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde405:12
thoreauputicgkffjcs: it's really much easier to use the "new login" feature - but I don't know if KDE has that. (I'm not in KDE at the moment)05:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kubuntu-es - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:13
gkffjcsthe reason I am trying this is because I know in kde3 you just go to kmenu > logout > start new session, but appearantly kde4 hasn't implemented that feature yet05:13
thoreauputicgkffjcs: try using that feature from gnome and logging in from the login screen it gives you05:14
gkffjcsk Ille try that05:14
thoreauputicgkffjcs: I don't know if kde4 shows up in gdm though. Are you using kdm?05:14
gkffjcsactually I'm using kdm4, the new version05:15
kadkoCan any one help me to install kde4.0.305:15
thoreauputicah. I  have onl;y used kde4 once :) I 'm a fluxbox sort of person really :)05:15
Jucatothere's #kubuntu-kde4 for KDE 4 questions btw05:15
kadkobut there i dont get answers05:16
kadkocan u give me the chanel of kubuntu es?05:16
thoreauputickadko: looks like you found it...05:16
kadkoya :P05:17
NutubuntuWhen I logon, sometimes I have the screen res I set (1280x1024) and sometimes I have the world's largest desktop, way bigger than my monitor. Mouse to the right edge of the monitor and scroll right, mouse to the top and scroll up, etc. I don't really like that - how do I get it to stick with the screen res I set?05:27
kadkoi'm sorry can any one can say me how can i download the mp3 codec Sudo~~~?05:27
Jucatokadko, sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg05:28
Jucato(or sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras for Flash, Java, etc)05:28
Alcheraokies .. in koqueror~locations menu i have two entries for dolphin ... any suggestion on removing it?05:29
Alcheraer.. on removing the duplicate entry05:29
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
darkwolfI tried installing the 9.50 beta version of Opera on my own, decided it was too unstable, then uninstalled it with Adept.... now after reinstalling the stable version with gdebi, opera is listed in the menu but won't run when I click on it....05:31
Roeydarkwolf:  see spice and wofl05:33
darkwolfspice and wolf?05:34
darkwolfSpice and Wolf (狼と香辛料, Ōkami to Kōshinryō?, lit. Wolf and Spice) is a Japanese light novel series written by Isuna Hasekura, with illustrations by Jū Ayakura......05:34
darkwolfI like manga and Japanese lit and everything, but right now I need Opera working! :)05:37
ravingloonietichello all - can anyone help me concerning kubuntu hardy 8.04?05:38
darkwolfhow do I completely remove a package so I can do a clean install? (in this case with Opera?)05:39
ravingloonieticapt-get remove -purge opera i think05:39
ravingloonieticcheck the syntax though05:40
ravingloonieticin google05:40
gary_ 05:41
ravingloonieticobiwan kenobi you are my only hope05:41
hikejinxThis might be better asked in a compiz channel, but how do I drag a window to another desktop with compiz in kubuntu. In ubuntu, it's default.05:44
ravingloonieticcan anyone tell me if its possible to install nvidia drivers on 8.04?05:44
thoreauputicravingloonietic: yes - I have nvidia drivers on 8.0405:45
thoreauputicfrom the repos05:45
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:45
Patricioalguien que hable espanol05:51
Patricioque tal05:51
darkwolfokay I reinstalled opera... when I select it from the menu, it starts to load then disappears from the taskbar05:51
hikejinx!spanish | Patricio05:51
ubotuPatricio: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.05:51
Patriciode donde eres05:51
ravingloonieticapesadumbrado no hablo español05:52
ravingloonieticestoy utilizando el babelfish05:52
Patriciobueno disculpa es que no que cual sala hablan espanol05:52
ravingloonieticcan anyone please tell me if it is possible to install nvidia on hardy?05:53
hikejinx!hardy | ravingloonietic05:53
uboturavingloonietic: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu05:53
darkwolfus there any further information I could give that would help with my Opera problem?05:53
hikejinxdarkwolf, maybe there is a channel for opera?05:54
darkwolfI guess this room is filled with firefox users05:58
Hydrogenfirefox die in a fire05:58
=== tony_ is now known as luinfana
luinfanawhat? opera is awesome.05:59
luinfanabut FF is fine06:00
Hydrogenits trash06:01
luinfanawhat do you use? 2 or 3b?06:02
luinfanaI haven't had any problems with it.06:02
hikejinxI think they're both good browsers, but opera is not useable with me for it's inability to deal with some sites like gmail or yahoo mail.06:04
hikejinxthough gmail is for the most part ok.06:05
Yz85Racerguys, how do you set the resolution in Kubuntu06:08
Yz85Racerall of a sudden it's gone huge06:09
Yz85Racerthe kstart button is nearly 5 by 5 cm06:09
Alcheraok .. how does one disable usb?06:10
Alcherai need to do this because kubuntu is mounting my ide hdd drive on /proc/bus/usb06:10
darkwolfwell how do I get opera to start?06:17
pyro17first get the package darkwolf06:18
darkwolfokay, I did06:18
darkwolfthe problem is, I installed the beta manually06:18
darkwolfthen I uninstalled it with adept06:19
darkwolfthen when I reinstalled the stable version of opera, it seemed to be okay, but when I tried to run it from the menu, nothing happens06:19
darkwolfthe first time06:19
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser06:20
darkwolfthen everytime I try to run opera after the first time after a log in I get: It appears another instance is using the same configuration directory because its lock file is active06:20
darkwolfI know how to use adept, well the basics at least06:21
darkwolfI HAVE and Opera menu entry06:21
darkwolfit won't run06:21
Jucatodarkwolf, try running it from Konsole to see if you have error messages that would give some clue06:22
darkwolfthe same one I said before06:23
darkwolf It appears another instance is using the same configuration directory because its lock file is active06:23
darkwolfI click yes and nothing happens06:23
darkwolfit asks if I want to run it anyway06:24
Jucatocould you pastebin the error from Konsole?06:24
darkwolfthes the problem... there is no error in Konsole :(06:24
darkwolfSegmentation fault (core dumped)06:25
darkwolfthats what it says when I click no06:25
Jucatoperhaps it's a problem with either the package itself or the package not working properly with Kubuntu's system...06:25
darkwolfwow, I fixed it06:30
darkwolfI am a genius06:30
ere4siif a movie ends in kaffeine the one played before it starts up - how do I get kaffeine to stop adding movies I play to a playlist and playing them automatically?06:30
darkwolfunfortunately, flash still doesn't work in Opera :(06:31
ere4siblasted thing doesn't even ask06:31
patrick__how do i join a new server?06:32
Colonel_Panichey can anybody point me in the direction of a good application for converting m4a audio files to mp3?06:33
Jucatopatrick__, Konversation? File menu -> Server List -> Add a new server or just Quick Connect06:33
Colonel_Panicpatrick__: type "/server? and then the address of the server06:33
Jucatothat works too :)06:34
Colonel_Panicoops I mean "/server" then <irc.servername.net>06:34
ravingloonieticcan anyone help me with installing nvidia 3d on hardy? I heard that it doesnt work on 2.6.24 kernel06:34
Colonel_Paniccan anybody point me in the direction of a good application for converting m4a audio files to mp3?06:34
Jucatoravingloonietic, #ubuntu+1 for Hardy stuff06:34
Colonel_Panicwhen I use Audacity, is messes up the sound06:35
Daisuke_IdoColonel_Panic, well...  i can't recommend anything, really06:35
Daisuke_Idobecause lossy to lossy is contrary to my very nature06:36
Daisuke_Idothese songs from ITMS?06:36
ravingloonietick thanks jucato06:36
Colonel_Panicripped from CD06:36
Colonel_Panicnot encrypted06:36
Jucatobut m4a is still lossy06:36
Daisuke_Idore-rip them if at all possible (use soundjuicer or KAudioCreator)06:37
Jucatonothing to do with encryption06:37
Jucatoor k3b or konqueror :)06:37
Daisuke_Idocan't recommend konqueror, as neat as the audiocd:/ kioslave is06:37
Daisuke_Idofor most people it's fine, but i'm kinda particular about how i rip my cds :)06:38
Jucato(isn't it what kaudiocreator basically uses?)06:38
Jucatowell I guess kaudiocreator has more options to fine tune ripping than the audiocd:/ kioslave06:39
Daisuke_Idoboth use cdparanoia on the backend, and lame if it's installed, but KAC has more options :)06:40
Jucatoeven more than the options in System Settings/KControl?06:40
* Daisuke_Ido shrugs06:40
* Jucato never checked..06:40
* Jucato doesn't have audio cd's he wants to rip :)06:41
Colonel_Panichmmm I keep getting that error message that another process is using the package database...06:41
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »06:42
jeremy__anyone around?06:47
Jucatoask a real question and you'll find out :)06:48
jeremy__what is the capital of alask06:48
* Jucato points to the "real" in the previous sentence06:49
mEck0hi! good kde-app to sync ipod nano 3rd gen? have tried with amarok but he doesn't find my ipod, have tried to manually mount it too. red that its a bug in amarok :(06:49
jeremy__ok, so i really like kubuntu, and amarok... i feel like it's cleaner and nicer than the gnome alternative, but i'm having trouble detecting my ipod in kubuntu, and it seems to go a lot smoother06:49
jeremy__whoah... weird... same qeustion06:49
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod06:49
mEck0hehe =)06:50
jeremy__er... thanks for the link, but it basically says to use amarok06:51
uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!06:53
Kaevik*half asleep*06:53
Kaevikhmm so I got Gib installed I have the wireless card activated run the firmware but  can't figure out how I am suposed to configure  with WPA.06:55
vithaw are you07:06
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion07:07
ubuntuHello..Can can one help me with kubuntu07:10
monkeybritchesWhat are you trying to do?07:10
vithey algun gay q able spanish07:11
ubuntuI just install it and it worked fine a few times..but now now I start it I see the start up screen and then it gose to a black one07:12
monkeybritchesYou don't get to a login?07:12
monkeybritchesDid you change anything the last time it worked?07:12
ubuntuI seen a Icon about updates..and I did...Im using the live CD now07:13
ubuntuYes before that It worked fine07:14
monkeybritchesI'm not sure what the problem might be...07:15
monkeybritchesGraphics issue, or maybe stalled when booting07:16
monkeybritchesHave you tried searching the k/ubuntu forums using keywords like 'black screen' etc?07:17
ubuntureinstall it maybe?07:17
monkeybritchesTry this link and see if it's useful: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=748052&highlight=black+screen+login07:19
kkathmangood job jussi01 :)07:19
monkeybritchesLooks like you might have to hold down 'Y' for a bit07:19
ubuntuIll give it a go..07:21
Alcherai want to know why an IDE drive has a mount point at /proc/bus/usb when i even went into recovery mode, deleted the folder, created a new folder and re-edited fstab to reflect the correct settings (not that they were incorrect to start with).07:25
monkeybritchesBecause it's ornery?07:26
Alcherathe os will come out if this cannot be fixed07:26
monkeybritchesThat one's beyond me but I hope you don't give up07:27
Alchera*if* it was actually a USB drive then that would not be a problem .. it's an IDE ... so how the hell is USB getting hold of it to start with? i knew 7.10 was bugged .. but this is plain stupid07:28
monkeybritchesSo it's an internal drive then, right, not an external USB drive with IDE interface?07:29
Alcheracorrect ... all i did was add another (500Gb) ide hdd07:30
Alcherai have three ide's07:30
monkeybritchesWas the addition of the new drive what seemed to cause the problem?07:30
Alcheraall EXT307:30
Alcherait was something i was unaware of07:30
monkeybritchesSo does the drive work, but just doesn't show up as an IDE drive like it should?07:31
Alcherauntil i recently discovered a partition missing from the Storage Media bit07:31
Alcheraworks 100%07:31
monkeybritchesOk, I hope someone's reading this that understands why it might be doing that...07:32
Alcherasomething isn't working (in kubuntu) for this to happen07:32
Alcheraand in the middle of all this i got myself a weird error .. nothing to so with drives07:33
AlcheraNo command arguments supplied!07:33
AlcheraUsage: kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command>07:33
AlcheraKdeSudo will now exit...07:33
monkeybritchesHave you tried searching the ubuntu forums or linuxquestions.org?07:36
Alcherafor that it's actually a known bug07:37
Alcherai have never had it before07:37
Alcherathis is new .. lucky me :P07:37
monkeybritchesYou're a pioneer ;)07:39
dwidmannumm, darn, the xf86audionext key seems to not want to stop repeating ... anything i can do without restarting x/ 9shift/meta/etc keys aren't working either007:39
Alcherait is probably a hangover from my trying to redo that drive ... a couple of attempts at killing usb07:39
Alcherafor that kdesu (admin mode) was used .. it could fix itself07:40
kumamoto /join #osx8607:41
monkeybritchesHave you tried changing the order of the drives on the IDE cable?07:41
Alcheranope ... no need07:42
Alchera40Gb ide hold the os .. 80Gb piggy backed to that .... 500Gb piggy backed to the dvd07:42
Alcherathe new drive is the slave to the dvd-ram07:43
Alcherapug'n,play it isn't07:43
monkeybritchesHmm, 300 people on the channel, where are all the answers ;)07:44
Alcherai tend to have strange probs07:44
monkeybritchesDoes no one here accept the challenge?!?!?07:45
Alcheraa couple .. that i cannot remember, i managed to sort ... :)07:45
Alcherathat kdesudo one can be fixed by simply saving the session apparently07:45
Alcherai have another one too .. apart from the ide drive being read as a usb thing07:46
Alcherain konqueror in the Location menu i have two entries for Dolphin .. know how to remove the extra entry perchance07:46
monkeybritchesI'm poking around, but I don't see where that option is yet07:51
Alcherai have no idea where that info is either .... i know it doesn't appear to be in .kde/share/apps/konqueror07:53
kadkothe channel for kde 4.0.3 ?07:53
monkeybritchesDid you try #kde?07:55
Ukonpoika!kde4 | kadko07:57
ubotukadko: KDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde407:57
=== catweazle_ is now known as catweazle
Alcherahmmm .. a final release08:01
* Alchera wonders if installing kde 4 would solve that stupid usb problem08:03
monkeybritchesMaybe it would break something else :)08:04
Alcheramore than likely08:04
Alcherait just amazes me that the os sees an IDE drive as a USB one08:05
monkeybritchesHave you tried disconnecting the drive and inserting a USB drive to assign the former address, and then reconnecting the IDE drive?08:07
monkeybritchesAssuming you have one...08:07
Alcherai have an everyday datatraveller08:10
Alchera /proc/bus/usb/devices doesn't have that drive listed .. :p08:17
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sigma_1234how do you create a repo of your own?08:57
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Netham45when does kde4 come out?09:02
p_quarlesNetham45, like two months ago . . .09:02
Netham45... really?09:03
Netham45I havn't been following it very closeley. :|09:03
p_quarlesyes, it's out -- but won't be fully functional until 4.1, which is scheduled for June or July09:03
Netham45that might have been what I was going off of09:04
mckulki cant find supported tv cards by ubuntu. can any one give an exact link?09:04
p_quarleswhat it has so far is very nice though -- the new Konqueror is great, etc.09:04
Netham45well, I just trashed my install of Linux by accident, so I amlooking to reinstall, heh.09:04
Netham45had plain Ubuntu09:04
mckulkfor looking suported tv card. do i have to look in multimedia sections?09:07
jussi01!tv | mckulk09:08
ubotumckulk: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out09:08
mckulk i cant find supported tv cards by ubuntu. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport for looking suported tv card. do i have to look in multimedia sections?09:09
mckulkk_ i cant find supported tv cards by ubuntu. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport for looking suported tv card. do i have to look in multimedia sections?09:11
monkeybritchesDo you already have a tv card or are you planning to buy one?09:14
mckulk_sory, i was disconnected. i cant find supported tv cards by ubuntu. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport for looking suported tv card. do i have to look in multimedia sections?09:16
monkeybritchesDo you already have one?09:17
mckulk_sory, i was disconnected. i cant find supported tv cards by ubuntu. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport for looking suported tv card. do i have to look in multimedia sections?09:18
cuzntThe server certificate failed the authenticity test (shipit.kubuntu.org).09:21
cuzntgo figure.09:21
tarelerulzHow would I make Konqueror download the movie and then play it.  not open it with a media player and buffer it09:30
ct529does anyone know about a good tool for reverse engineering of windows dlls under kubuntu?09:31
emilsedghtarelerulz: shift+click is like Save as09:33
Tex-Twilcould anybody help to find me where this QT error comes from ? http://pastebin.com/m1ca5906b09:35
Tex-Twilwhen trying to ./configure kbear09:35
jpatrickTex-Twil: install libqt3-mt-dev09:37
Tex-TwilI'll check jpatrick09:38
Tex-Twilyes I do09:38
kwafocan someone help me09:41
jpatrickhi kwafo09:42
Tex-Twilkwafo, tell us09:42
kwafohi patrick09:42
kwafoehm i was installing kubuntu09:42
kwafoupdated it09:42
kwafoupgraded it09:42
kwafobut then i activated my nvidia card09:42
kwafoand now i cant start kubuntu09:42
Tex-Twilyou cant start kubuntu or KDE ?09:43
Tex-Twilyour xconf is probaly messed up09:43
kwafoif is start kubuntu, i get the loading screen. after like 10 procent i get a black screen with like 12 rules09:43
kwafothis is what stands09:44
kwafostarting K display manager: kdm09:44
kwafostarting comon unix printing system: cupsd [ok]09:44
kwafoseven more starting things09:44
kwafochecking battery state [ok]09:44
Tex-Twilany error msg ?09:44
kwaforunnign local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)   [ok]09:45
kwafothats it09:45
kwafonothing more09:45
kwafonothing less09:45
=== michazoet_ is now known as michazoet
Tex-Twilhave a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58137409:45
=== dani_ is now known as dacs
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=== dAcS is now known as dacs
kwafoi will try but i have to go to class now09:57
kwafothnx for the help so fare09:57
Tex-Twilgood luck ;)09:57
dacsmy ubuntu does not have sound!! can anyone helpme09:58
LimCoretry as root:   alsaconf09:59
LimCoreand install  alsa*  like alsa-base  if you didnt09:59
dacslool, stupid kestion, how can i enter as root?10:02
dacsin my ubuntu10:02
dacswhats is the command? :P10:02
rumbaroysudo -i10:03
LimCoreun noobify ubuntu10:03
LimCoreby doing:10:03
LimCoresudo passwd root10:03
LimCorethen your ubuntu will have normal access to root account, and you can use normal su10:03
dacsalsaconf doesnt make anytjing10:04
dacscommand not found10:04
LimCoredacs: install alsa-base   alsa-utils10:04
dacsinstall alsa-base alsa-utils10:04
dacswrong window10:04
rumbaroyCan someone help me with KNetwork Manager? The device in disabled, I think10:05
dacsfile or directory does exist10:05
icewatermananyone using amd64 version of (k)ubuntu and managed to get 32bit sun jre working with 64bit firefox?10:06
jussi01icewaterman: no, but there is a guide for that, have you seen it?10:06
icewatermanjussi01: i only found a guide for creating a 32-bit chroot10:07
icewatermanwhich i do not want to use10:07
icewatermanbecause you cannot get automatic updates for it10:07
jussi01!java64 | icewaterman10:07
ubotuicewaterman: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava10:07
icewatermanubotu: i'll look into it10:07
jussi01icewaterman: AFAIK that guide is the only way to do it at the moment.10:08
jussi01!bot | icewaterman10:08
ubotuicewaterman: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:08
dacsit appers that alsa-base: file or directory doesnt exist10:09
dacsand now?10:09
jussi01dacs: sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils10:09
dacsi already had the most recent version10:10
=== biblio1 is now known as bibl
dacsand now?10:11
jussi01dacs: what is your sound card?10:11
dacsi really dont know10:12
dacsbt it has a HDA in there10:12
dacsHDA Intel if im not mistaken10:12
jussi01dacs: type  in terminal: lspci10:12
jussi01!intelhda | dacs10:12
ubotudacs: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto10:12
jussi01dacs: follow those instructions10:12
dacsok, ill try that page. thnkx10:13
alex__Hi all10:18
alex__I have a problem with doing updates  I get an "error on commiting changes"10:18
jussi01alex__: on hardy or gutsy?10:19
alex__can anyone help?10:19
jussi01alex__: #ubuntu+1 then :)10:19
alex__jussi I didn't understand what u wrote10:20
alex__I am a newbie sorry cna u explain?10:20
jussi01alex__: type: /join #ubuntu+110:21
Tex-Twilcould anybody help to find me where this QT error comes from ? http://pastebin.com/m1ca5906b10:32
neville_I appear to have lost the part up the top of the Konversation window that has File, Edit, and the other usual suspects. How can I get it back?10:34
neville_Ahh, never mind10:34
emilsedghneville_: ctrl+m i think10:34
neville_Yeah, I just tried that randomly :P10:35
neville_Thanks though10:35
llutzTex-Twil: you already have installed libqt3-mt-dev?10:35
Tex-Twilyes llutz10:35
Tex-Twillibqt3-headers  libqt3-compat-headers  too10:35
llutzTex-Twil: gutsy has version 3.3, maybe that's too new.10:35
llutzTex-Twil: have you checked config.log?10:36
Tex-Twilit's here http://pastebin.com/m5c186ef710:36
llutzTex-Twil: sounds like a version-problem, according to lines 1446, 144710:38
Tex-Twilyes that's what I noticed too10:39
Tex-Twilthis if statement10:39
Tex-Twilit looks like I have a too high version10:39
Tex-Twiloh no10:40
Tex-Twilthere is a "!" before the condition10:40
llutzTex-Twil: means "NOT"10:41
Tex-Twilso if I have a version lowet than 3.1, exit10:41
llutzTex-Twil: try with explicit setting of qtdir "./configure --qtdir=/usr/share/qt3"10:42
Tex-Twilllutz, --qtdir=/usr/share/qt3 or --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt310:43
Tex-Twilconfigure: error: unrecognized option: --qtdir=/usr/share/qt310:43
ActionParsnipTex-Twil: is the folder there?10:44
llutzexport QTDIR="/usr/share/qt3" && ./configure10:44
llutzTex-Twil: check if that is the right location...10:44
Tex-Twil./configure --with-qt-dir=/usr/share/qt3/10:44
Tex-Twilthis worked10:44
Tex-Twilthe QTDIR was wrong obiously10:45
llutzit's empty by default here10:46
Tex-Twilhmm configure went ok but during the make : http://pastebin.com/me9eb97210:49
ActionParsniplo makdaknife10:55
makdaknifewhew thought everyone left after I said hello!10:55
yao_ziyuanhow do i disable remote login?10:56
makdaknifeyao_ziyuan: remote login... as in SSH?10:57
makdaknifeyao_ziyuan: you can stop your ssh server... /etc/init.d/ssh stop10:58
makdaknifeyao_ziyuan: if you want to do this permanently, you could remove your ssh server... apt-get remove openssh-server10:59
makdaknifeyao_ziyuan: naturally, you will need to be root to do this... sudo10:59
yao_ziyuanmakdaknife: is ssh enabled by default?10:59
makdaknifehmmm not sure... I don't think so... but it is possible11:00
yao_ziyuanhow do i check if ssh is enabled?11:00
makdaknifetry: ssh localhost11:00
makdaknifeif it asks for a login, its running11:00
makdaknifeyao_ziyuan: ps -ef|grep sshd|grep -v grep11:02
yao_ziyuanit says: ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused11:02
makdaknifeyao_ziyuan: that will also tell you if you have an ssh server running11:02
makdaknifeyao_ziyuan: more than likely your are not running an ssh server then11:04
yao_ziyuani don't want my government to remotely bruteforce out my root password by remote logins11:04
cpk1or the port is blocked11:04
yao_ziyuanthe chinese govt11:05
makdaknifeyao_ziyuan: in most ways, you probably do not have any remote login enabled11:05
yao_ziyuanmy root password is 9 chars long11:05
makdaknifeyao_ziyuan: best not to tell us that ;-)11:05
cpk1includes non ascii characters?11:05
yao_ziyuancpk1: ...11:05
cpk1it should also have none ascii11:05
yao_ziyuanhow long are you guys' root passwords?11:05
cpk1i mean11:05
yao_ziyuani can use unicode for root password?11:06
cpk1*@#()*&$#@)(*& are non-ascii11:06
yao_ziyuanthey are11:07
yao_ziyuanor you was meaning non-alphabetic?11:07
n1troI really got a weird problem.. I downloaded some World of warcraft addons and suddenly the files got "locked". I can't delete, move or overwrite them. What the hell is going on? :E11:07
cpk1I was just letting you know you should include those in your password if you are trying to make it secure11:07
yao_ziyuanwell, i'm new to real security11:08
yao_ziyuanbut my 9-char password is already random11:08
makdaknifeyao_ziyuan: a random 9-char password should be more than sufficient11:09
sigma_1234how do you auto update kubuntu?11:18
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:19
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forensti_i have a pci tv card, (philips alpha) but that dont work with linux i think. can any one give advice to which new tv card should i buy that will work and is easily available (welknown)?11:33
jussio1!tv | forensti_11:35
ubotuforensti_: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out11:35
forensti_jussi01 where is the list of supported cards?11:36
jussio1forensti_: http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Supported_Hardware11:38
forensti___jussi01 what link should i click? if i use cable tv. i only need to see DVB-C devices (Digital Cable TV)11:43
jussio1forensti_: no idea. click a few and see.11:44
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu11:45
forensti___jussi01 what link should i click? if i use cable tv. i only need to see DVB-C devices (Digital Cable TV)11:47
jussio1forensti_: no idea. click a few and see. :)11:48
=== snowolf_ is now known as snowolf
guessHOw to install aKDE theme which is in tar.gz format.11:49
devaroxce qualcuno italiano?!11:49
Jucato!it | devarox11:50
ubotudevarox: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:50
guessis there anyone to help me.11:50
Jucatoguess: depends on what kind of theme it is11:50
Jucatodo you have a link where you got the theme from11:50
hikejinxguess, you'll might need to extract the theme first11:52
guessguess, after extracting.......11:53
Jucatodepends. if it's an icon theme it doesn't need to be11:53
Tex-Twildo you know a graphical ftp client that support ssh ? I was using gedit but I d like to try something else11:54
guessJucato, I tried to install but it is not getting installed11:54
Jucato[18:50] <Jucato> guess: depends on what kind of theme it is11:54
Jucato[18:50] <Jucato> do you have a link where you got the theme from11:54
=== lumm__ is now known as lumm
guessJucato, http://themes.freshmeat.net/projects/howe81-blue/ downloaded from this location11:55
makdaknifeTex-Twil: konqueror does fine11:55
JucatoTex-Twil: Konqueror? kftpgrabber?11:55
JucatoTex-Twil: why were you using gedit?11:55
Tex-Twilcos of ssh support11:55
Jucatoany KDE app can use fish or sftp too11:55
Tex-Twilok I ll try konqueror11:56
hikejinxguess: you're going old school with that theme.11:57
Jucatokwrite/kate can use fish:/ and sftp:/11:57
Jucatoguess: unfortunately it uses an old and no longer supported .ktheme system11:58
guesshikejinx, Can u suggest any link to download a new KDE11:58
guessJucato, can u suggest a link to download the latest KDE theme11:59
Jucato!changethemes | guess11:59
ubotuguess: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes11:59
Tex-Twilok konqueror works fine :) thanks11:59
Coggzstupid question, where do i add to rc.local?12:00
Coggzas in, before esac or not...12:01
=== devarox is now known as Devarox-IT
=== luke is now known as Coggz
master_wie komme ich in die deutsche version?12:19
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:19
neville_"1. No savegames! I mean, what the hell? If you die, tough."12:23
ActionParsnipneville_: as is life12:24
RogueJediXneville_: Yes?12:42
neville_Does that ring any bells, just out of curiosity12:43
RogueJediXneville_: Yup. ModDB12:44
RogueJediXWe should move this discussion to #kubuntu-offtopic, though. This channel is for tech support12:44
ravingloonieticHello Rogue jedi12:45
ravingloonieticCan you help me with something? You see Plasma disappeared.12:45
ravingloonieticHas something to do with a Sigbart something12:46
jussi01ravingloonietic: Kde4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 Thanks :)12:46
ravingloonieticthanks juss :)12:46
bob__Hello..I need some help..To  be able to watch yuotube vids..Im new to this as of today13:03
Dr_willisInstall the flash player.13:04
Dr_willis!flash | bob__13:04
ubotubob__: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash13:04
Dr_willisYou might want to isntall the 'kubuntu-restricted-extras' package also. It installs a lot of the stuff like that.13:05
sobczykhi, anyone knows how to center the splash screen when one changes the framebuffer resolution?13:06
sobczykor the solution for corrupted screen with fglrx driver? :)13:08
blazesobczyk » first edit /etc/usplash.conf and then do sudo update-initramfs -u13:13
Alcherai have 3 ide hdd's ..... 2 are mounting correctly (as per my fstab settings) the new (3rd) drive isn't13:15
Tex-Twilhow can I enable the "midnight commander" profile in konqueror13:19
sobczykAlchera: did you try to mount them using "mount"13:20
Alcherai looked at device.map  ... only two drives are listed ....13:20
JucatoTex-Twil: download this file http://jucato.org/kde/konq-profiles/midnightcommander to ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/profiles/13:20
Alcheraoh yes ... even recovery mode .... deleting the folder used and creating a new one13:21
Tex-TwilJucato, I already tried, but yhen I use this profile and change a dir on one side, it changes also on the other13:23
JucatoTex-Twil: hm.. ok... I personally don't have experience with the mc profile...13:23
sobczyk"sudo fdisk -l" should list all your drives alond with partitions13:23
Tex-Twilok Jucato13:23
AlcheraDisk & Filesystems it shows as being mounted on /proc/bus/usb13:24
Alcherasobczyk: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62505/13:26
sobczykAlchera: fdisk sees all your drives so they should mount correctly13:29
Alcherasobczyk: /dev/hdb1 is the drive being (apparently) mounted on /proc/bus/usb13:29
Alcheraend result, and why i started digging, it doesn't show in Storage Media13:30
Alcherathe other partitions do13:30
sobczyktry umount it from the /proc/bus/usb13:30
Alcheracannot unmount usb13:31
sobczykor umount /dev/hdb113:31
Alcheraso it keeps telling me13:31
sobczykwhat exactly it tells you?13:32
Alcherai'll try again .. and report back .. one sec13:33
Alcheraumount: /media/store: device is busy13:34
Alcheraumount: /media/store: device is busy13:34
Alcherai get it in duplicate because it's also actually mounted as per fstab also ... apparently13:34
twagerWhen I burn mp3 files as .wav using K3B I do not get the track titles just track numbers. Any way I can get titles ?13:34
sobczykAlchera: you can try the -f (force) option with umount13:36
Alcherahmmm ... never thought of that .... a permanent solution is needed though13:37
sobczykwhen you rebooted you noticed that there is a second mount point?13:38
Alcherai have rebooted and it was as described13:41
lukehow do i set up a wacom tablet in linux13:42
=== luke is now known as Coggz
Alcherasobczyk: an entry missing in device.map could be the issue?13:43
sobczykdevice.map is afaik only for grub13:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wacom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tablet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:45
Alcherayup sobczyk13:45
Dr_willisGrrr... there used to be a factoid.  or a wiki page.13:45
=== Timmy is now known as TimS
Coggzthis channel is dead14:04
puplinCoggz: not anymore14:05
Coggz:D) (double chin)14:06
aos101It would have been dead if you didn't say anything, but now it isn't dead :p14:06
BluesKajHowdy folks14:07
geniiAny unresolved current problems?14:20
Piciits been quiet here.14:20
geniiHi Pici. Quiet can be good :)14:21
Picibinary trees?14:21
F-3000Hi! I'm wondering if there's someone who could help me. I tried to dublicate the screen with my friend's laptop, onto my tube-screen, but now x-server doesn't start. Just gives "Fatal server error: Caught signal 11. Server aborting" when I try startx.14:23
geniiF-3000: How was it you trie to "duplicate the screen" ? Did you copy his xorg.conf file to your machine or something similar?14:24
F-3000genii, I tried to do it thru System settings-panel.14:25
geniiF-3000: Do you remember perhaps the last thing you changed there?14:26
F-3000Is there a screenshot from the "display & monitor"-setting panel anywhere?14:27
geniiF-3000: So you changed probably screen resolution then, or possibly Power Saving or Hardware ?14:29
geniiF-3000: Is it dumping you now to console (text) or do you see at all the login screen?14:30
dannybuntujucato: my main man you there?14:31
F-3000genii, dumps on the console.14:31
dannybuntujucato: obi wan kenobi you are my only hope :)14:31
twotenhi there!14:32
twotenI just installed kde414:32
dannybuntucool twoten me too !14:33
twotenbut it doesn't show up as a session option in my login menu!14:33
twotendo I need to reboot?14:33
BluesKajthat might work14:34
dannybuntumaybe these guys could help #kubuntu-kde414:34
F-3000genii, it's possible that it also changed the screen resolution, as it did it immediately after I determined secondary screen.14:34
=== luke is now known as Coggz
twotenlooks good, I'll give them a try!14:34
dannybuntugood luck :)14:34
geniiF-3000: OK, so at console: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg                        will allow you from text mode to adjust only the resolutions14:34
makdaknifedannybuntu: hey if you only want jucato... then I guess I can't give you a hand!14:34
F-3000Yet, without actually turning the screen mirroring on.14:34
Jucatodannybuntu: pong14:34
dannybuntujucato: woot man i have a serious issue14:35
Jucatodannybuntu: sure14:35
geniiF-3000: Choose some sane top resolution, then after finished with that,:  sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart14:35
clau30I want to put my dektop PC in standby, but it doesn't work..14:36
Coggzhi, im using my tablet pc!!! on screen keyboard14:36
clau30just the screensaver appears14:36
clau30anyone any idea why (maybe because nvidia proprietary drivers)?14:37
BluesKajclau30, I hate to say it , some ppl maintain it isn't necessary ,but maybe a reboot will help ?14:38
clau30BluesKaj: no, unfortunately it never worked14:39
clau30don't even know where to search for the problem14:39
BluesKajclau30, did you use admin mode to change your power settings14:40
Coggzhow do i disable compiz?14:40
clau30BluesKaj: what do you mean? I went to shut down -> standby14:40
clau30hibernate doesn't work either..14:40
nykohi i got msgfmt error where i got that ?14:40
F-3000genii, t hanks for the help. Didn't have time to try your method, as I had it working with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" (altho I wish I would have tried yours first! :D).14:41
geniiF-3000: So you have gui again?14:42
F-3000genii, But I copy/pasted and will keep your tip in safe. :) Yah, it works again.14:42
geniiF-3000: God, that is the main thing.14:42
* genii needs some more caffeine14:42
* Ilu-babe needs kaffeine for kde414:44
Piero_Scarufiii need more life14:45
Piero_Scarufiihow to install KDE4 plz14:45
Ilu-babesudo apt-get install kde4-core14:46
Piero_Scarufiiand i will keep my gnome and kde3 also then?14:47
BluesKajPiero_Scarufii, yes , just choose your desktop in the login menu14:48
Ilu-babewell i had a problem with settings from kde3 changing stuff in kde4, but i dunno if it was my imagination, (and it was back in the "alpha" days)14:49
Ilu-babei never tried gnome14:49
Ilu-babenot in kubuntu anyways14:50
BluesKajthe kde4 apps will run in kde 3 but dunno about gnome. AFAIK they should14:50
Piero_Scarufiino i mean if i install kde4 will i keep my kde3 and gnome as separate desktop environments?14:50
Piero_Scarufiii mean as a session14:50
Piero_Scarufiiok ty14:50
Piero_Scarufiiyes i know the kde4 apps will be available allover14:51
Piero_Scarufiiits the same with kde3 in gnome14:51
Piero_Scarufiii think14:51
Piero_Scarufiii will have to hide them from all the menus14:51
F-3000genii, thanks for your helping. You reminded me why I can't stop liking humans. ;)14:53
Ilu-babewhere can i find my hdd's UUID?14:55
geniiF-3000: You're welcome14:55
geniiIlu-babe: blkid14:55
nykogenii: you are at work now ?14:57
nykome im sick right now so :(14:58
Ilu-babeumn cant get an output :/14:58
Ilu-babegenii: how do i use blkid?15:04
Ilu-baberead the man but it wont print anything :/15:05
geniinyko: Yes, at this time during weekdays I am connecting from work (so sometimes I will not respond for long periods)15:07
geniiIlu-babe: Normally just the command: blkid   will list all your partitions and their UUID and filesystem type. If blkid reports nothing then it is conceivable your hard drives do not have any UUID15:08
Ilu-babewell thats kinda strange since it reports an error when i boot :/15:09
Ilu-babeI was sure it was the UUID, well im gonna look for other causes15:10
geniiIlu-babe: In files like menu.lst or fstab where there is an UUID listed but blkid reports no UUIDs for any partitions, you can replace the UUID in these files with the older-style way of the devicename like /dev/sda115:12
geniiSomething like this normally would only happen if you moved your system over to a new hd for instance, where the old one had some UUID but the new one does not15:12
Ilu-babewell i installed kubuntu 8.04 (kde3) on sda2, and after that 8.04 (kde4) on sda1, when i boot kde3 i get the error15:14
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Ilu-babethansk genii :D15:15
=== Dragonath` is now known as Dragonath
geniiIlu-babe: np. There is also an alternate method of finding UUID, which is: ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/ -alh                  but if blkid isn't reporting any, I doubt this command will either.15:17
Ilu-babeit did15:17
Ilu-babei forgot root15:18
geniinyko: So you are getting some "msgfmt" error? What are you doing when this happens?15:19
nykogenii: its allright i find my problem i do sudo apt-get pidgin and now work :P15:20
geniinyko: Ah, good to see you are finding how to solve problems. Soon you will be helping others :)15:21
nykogenii:  lol i hope so15:22
nykogenii: do he have a way to get password on always not have to put pasword every time enter in adept or system management15:24
geniinyko: Yes, in the /etc/sudoers file, but this can also be dangerous and is not recommended15:25
nykogenii:  ok nvm then its what i was thinking but thanks15:25
geniinyko: np15:25
Tex-TwilDo you know why a "fish://" trasnfer via Konquror or Krusader is MUCH slower (300 KB/s) than a command line "scp" trasnfer (5MB/s) ?15:26
makdaknifeTex-Twil: use sftp not fish15:26
Ilu-babegonna restart to check my theory15:27
Tex-Twilbut for sftp I need to set up the server dont I ?15:27
Tex-Twilor a ssh server is enough ?15:27
makdaknifeTex-Twil: ssh server is enough15:27
makdaknifeTex-Twil: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2006-April/005121.html15:28
Tex-TwilIm trying rihht now and it is slow too makdaknife15:28
max_I have a question... I have 2 PC, 1 is intell based (with linux)  and the other is Power Pc (with linux) , if I compile a software with gcc under linux, can I execute this program on the power pc and intel  PC both?15:28
geniimax_: No, you would need to cross-compile for the specific machine15:29
Tex-Twilthx for the link makdaknife15:29
makdaknifeTex-Twil: hmmm I do know that using konqueror does tend to be slower than command line... but shouldn't be that much of a difference15:29
Tex-Twilyes, strange15:29
max_genii  :  OK...15:30
Tex-TwilI tried also with Krusader and it's also around 300 KB/s15:30
geniiTex-Twil: Might be related to this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/6395815:37
_myrtille_hi :)15:38
_myrtille_genii: i suppose it won't be of any help for others: But my lanconnection at work worked fine today15:39
_myrtille_genii: so i'm starting to suspect, that some other component was at fault yesterday and that it was not actually a software problem15:39
Tex-Twilok genii15:40
Tex-Twilapparently not resolved bugs15:40
genii_myrtille_: Good to hear :)15:41
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:47
geniiSo 16 days15:47
vistalitei help i just installed kde4-core but non of the apps like amarok and konversation have kde4 versions how do i get all the kde4 apps?15:48
vistalitehelp me15:48
vistalitehelp please15:48
jarotry apt-get15:48
vistalitealso the picture viewer is gnome15:48
Jucatovistalite: you can't yet. amarok and konversation don't have *stable* KDE 4 releases15:48
geniivistalite: If you just say what the problem is first then whoever may know likely will try to assist15:48
Jucato(in konversation, there isn't even one yet)15:48
vistalitehow can i get these unstable versions jucato and also when i click on a photo its opened with the gnome image viewer?15:49
vistaliteits a mess :D15:49
vistalitealso is there an office for kde4?15:50
Jucatodon't know about your gnome viewer problem. and I don't suggest using an unstable version of amarok unless you know what you are doing (and if you are even asking "how", then you don't)15:50
emilsedghvistalite: not released yet15:50
Jucatoalso alpha/beta (unstable)15:50
vistaliteok Jucato15:50
makdaknifevistalite: there isn't an unstable version of konversation for kde4... if you are struggling to use kde4, then you probably shouldn't be using it15:50
aos101I think amarok is being developed for kde4.1, so won't work on 4.0 in any case.15:51
emilsedghbut KOffice is the future of office in FreeSoftware, OO.o is a mess i think15:51
vistalitei am not struggling i am surprised its running so fast considering i running everything via wubi15:51
Jucatoaos101: it will. but it's unstable15:51
makdaknifeaos101: there is an amarok package that works on 4.015:51
funcrushIs kde not good for eclipse?15:51
vistaliteis there a way to use browser apps on the desktop with a widget?15:52
Jucatobrowser apps?15:52
aos101Ah OK.  I thought I saw they are introducing some Qt4.4 only features into amarok.15:52
Jucatofuncrush: huh?15:52
vistalitei want to use Buzzword as my main word processor on kde415:53
Jucatoaos101: hm.. depends... maybe because of Plasma? so yeah, it won't probably run on 4.0 because of that15:53
vistalitei could use mozzila prism15:53
vistalitebut i was wondering if kde4 has a native app that can do it15:53
funcrushJucato: I runed a servlet on tomcat but eclipse was killed15:53
emilsedghaos101: Amarok is using Webkit, so Qt 4.4 is needed.but i dont know what exactly stops them from using KHTML15:53
Jucatoemilsedgh: plasma -> qtwebkit15:53
vistalitecan i get the kopete for kde4?15:54
makdaknifeaos101: amusingly the amarok for 4.0 has Pre-Alpha Means: We know it's unstable printed in red across the top15:54
=== Fri13- is now known as Fri13
emilsedghJucato: yeah, it uses that too, but either i dont know why they use it and not KHTML15:54
makdaknifevistalite: yes, there is a version of kopete for kde4, its a little buggy but it works okay15:55
Jucatoemilsedgh: try asking why Plasma doesn't use KHTML? :)15:55
vistalitemakdaknife:  how can i download it15:55
makdaknifevistalite: once again, if you are still trying to work out how to install software etc, you probably shouldn't be playing around with beta apps15:55
geniifuncrush: Not really. Although there have been a couple attempts to integrate it better, http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/eclipse.html and http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDE-Eclipse   have some info15:55
vistalitekopete rox for it allows me to use adium message style15:55
emilsedghJucato: i dont like webkit15:56
vistalitetell me please15:56
vistalitei want too learn15:56
Jucatovistalite: Kopete for KDE 4 is available in the repos. please ask in #kubuntu-kde415:56
funcrushgenii: thank you15:57
vistalitei love webkit15:58
vistalitekde4 will be running osx apps in no time D:15:58
Jucatovistalite: wrong15:58
Jucatoosx apps? no. osx widgets? maybe. (depends on QtWebKit's performance)15:59
geniifuncrush: You're welcome15:59
AngryBaconI can,t get my 8800gt to work  w/nvidia drivers, everything i try results in signal loss and the error (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)16:01
geniiAngryBacon: 8th post here may help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=411931216:07
nykogenii: do you know where i can get sound for kopete16:07
geniinyko: I do not know much about kopete16:09
nykogenii: okok16:09
sven_oostenbrinkDoes K3B support kioslaves? as in, Is it possible to burn CD's directly from ISO's that are located on another server with an SSH connection?16:12
_myrtille_nyko: are you looking for sound notification with kopete? This can be personalized in kcontrol16:14
tomahasamoot2Where can I get firewall help?16:14
nykogenii: do you know the directory of sound in windows16:15
makdaknifesven_oostenbrink: I don't think so... but I doubt that you really want to try to burn a CD from a file hosted remotely... you'll probably end up with a collection of coasters16:16
makdaknifetomahasamoot2: what sort of firewall issues are you having?16:16
tomahasamoot2BitTorrent seems a little funny, it might be nothing...16:17
tomahasamoot2I just set up guardog16:18
makdaknifeoooh... that's quite sweet... haven't ever looked at guarddog before... hmmm16:19
makdaknifetomahasamoot2: what bittorrent problems then?16:20
sven_oostenbrinkmakdaknife> okay, thanks16:20
tomahasamoot2makdaknife: it seems like the preformance is lower, but that's just a "feeling"16:21
makdaknifetomahasamoot2: heh... feelings are hard to go on16:22
tomahasamoot2makdaknife: yeah, I'm thinking the same.  It might just be heavy traffic at the momment16:23
tomahasamoot2makdaknife: but let me ask you this, do I really want Logging of blocked & rejected packets (the default)?16:24
makdaknifetomahasamoot2: you don't need to keep a log... its just useful if you're trying to audit16:30
tomahasamoot2makdaknife: thanks16:31
tomahasamoot2makdaknife: do you think it will make a noticable prefromance impact?16:31
makdaknifetomahasamoot2: I doubt you'll notice16:33
=== tomahasamoot2 is now known as tomahasamoot
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dthackerHi, I want to use rsync to sync two directoI have an unlabled CD with Kubuntu on it.  Is there a way to tell the version without booting it?16:55
dthackerbad dave16:56
dthackerI have an unlabled that's got Kubuntu on it.  How can I tell what version without booting it?16:56
dthackerunlabeled CD that is16:56
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hydrogenwe're busy ignoring you17:00
geniidthacker: Normally if you put the cd in it's icon should appear on desktop, with it's label (in *buntu cd the label indicates it's version)17:03
dthackergenii: lol, that was too easy.17:04
geniidthacker: :)17:05
geniiNot everything needs to be rocket science....17:05
=== ubuntu is now known as Oi
=== Oi is now known as Timotiti
dthacker"well *I* fell sheepish....."17:06
dthackerfeel, even17:06
agmi forgot the name of application i once used  it was like katapult but circular and icons around it17:10
agmcan anyone help17:10
=== hydrogen is now known as Idrogeno
crackhead_25anyone know why my system monitor reads only one cpu when i have an amd x2 (dual core) processor??17:22
crackhead_25i have another computer, a laptop, which has an intel 2 core, and system monitor there reads 2 cpus..17:22
Azzcocrackhead_25: what system monitor? ksysguard? (I don't have a dualcore but if you're talking about sensors you might need to redo the detect part)17:23
crackhead_25ksysguard, i guess.. k menu, system, system monitor17:23
Azzcoagm: I remeber such an app too, was it basicly a menu you could edit yourself?17:23
iliya_Hi everybody :)17:24
crackhead_25Azzco: what do you mean? it recognizes the right cpu, but it doesn't show the cpu as being two cpus.. should it?17:24
Azzcocrackhead_25: I'm sorry I can't help you, I was just curious about what app you were using, might help someone to help you ;)17:25
agmi found the it its called kommando17:27
agmthe apps called kommando17:28
iliya_I'm foloving manual https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61 but I have prob with step 'Configuring the connection'17:28
iliya_I'm conecting to public network and pass is 'mnnews' which is shorter than 8 char and I cant generate WPA Key using the following command: $ wpa_passphrase YOUR_SSID YOUR_PASSPHRASE17:28
iliya_Any solutoin17:29
=== marc__ is now known as marcbal
crackhead_25iliya_: look up on google a wpa passphrase translator17:36
crackhead_25try that17:37
crackhead_25iliya_: also try just 0's before the actual word17:38
geniiI think if you use wpasupplicant you don't need to run wpa_passphrase at any point17:38
crackhead_25in this case, 00mnnews17:38
iliya_thanks crackhead I will try17:38
Kaevikyea it is suposed to add in WPA ability to KNetworkManager.17:40
Kaevikoh .. I got it working...17:41
iliya_It is RT2561 so I need to use wpa17:42
Kaevikall I did was go into the interfaces file /etc/network/ and delete everything under prefered interface now I see wireless networks from the knetworkmanager icon17:42
iliya_I will try thet17:43
iliya_I will try that17:43
Kaevikit cape up evne auto detected that my wireless was using WPAPe4rsonal and everything17:43
Kaevik-4 ><17:43
Kaeviktoo excited. been off/on working on this for over a week.17:44
=== sdssa is now known as Almafuerte
Almafuertea dude17:44
Almafuertewhat version of kubuntu have I got to use for an intel core duo?17:44
jussi01Almafuerte: amd64 or i386, but if you are new, go with th i38617:45
Almafuertejussi01 why?17:46
Almafuertewhy if I'm new I should use i386?17:46
jussi01Almafuerte: somethings in 64 bit take a bit of fiddling. like flash, java etc.17:46
Almafuertewell I'm not new17:47
geniiAlmafuerte: Yes, more things will just work out of the box17:47
AlmafuerteIt will be used for development17:47
Almafuerteweb design17:47
Almafuertejussi01 can I have trouble with java!17:48
jussio1!java64 | Almafuerte17:48
ubotuAlmafuerte: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava17:48
=== amgine_ is now known as Amgine_
Almafuertebut can you use the jvm to develop?17:49
Almafuertewell, if I install i386, will I have efficience anyway?17:51
jussio1Almafuerte: I suggest using 32 bit, unless you have a _lot_ of ram, the difference is hard to notice17:52
Almafuerte2,2gb ram17:52
Almafuerteit has got 2,2gb of ram17:53
jussio1Almafuerte: thats fine, 32 bit is all good then.17:55
Almafuerteso what's the difference?17:56
swattohow do you open *.CHM files in linux please?17:57
Almafuertelook hjere17:58
jooblestuna + peanut butter + ham burritos covered in clam sauce?17:59
agmkchmviewer swatto17:59
makdaknifejoobles: yum18:00
swattothanks agm18:04
genii!info xchm | swatto18:04
ubotuswatto: xchm (source: xchm): Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file viewer for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.13-4 (gutsy), package size 163 kB, installed size 748 kB18:04
geniiAh, !info is working again I see18:05
jermainhi everyone18:16
jermainmy external hd has permission issues ><18:16
jermaini only have read access18:17
jermaineven tough i just formatted with gparted18:17
AzzcoI want to ssh into a friends computer, he has setup ssh for a costum port, what command do I need to use? ssh user@ip:port doesn't work18:20
mag666i have problem with nVidia drivers for GForce 7025 / nForce 640a18:23
mag666anyone fight with it before?18:23
Azzcomag666: have you tried envy?`it was the only thing that worked for 8800 on my friends computer..18:25
mag666i am qute newbie on linux... I instal only drivers from nVidia site (sudo sh NVI...) and try this drivers from packages from Adept but this from Adept crash X (after reboot) and this from site dont work... what is that envy?18:28
aleonjoin #ubuntu-es18:31
JAMany idea why the cover manager in Amarok is failing to find any album covers?18:32
Idrogenoit will be fixed in 1.4.918:32
JAMit used to work :<18:32
Idrogenoit will be fixed in 1.4.918:32
JAMyeah, you said18:33
Azzcomag666: sorry for late reply, but a quick google should bring to to the site where you can get envy, basicly envy builds your driver and is quite userfriendly ;)18:36
simon_good evenig18:37
mag666Azzco: thx i will search and try it i get you know if it will work18:38
GuruguttDon't Take Your Guns to Town18:39
simon_I have accidently destroyed my grub installation. I hope one of can help me to boot my kubuntu again. I have no idea, what to do and I am very desperate. ;-(18:39
AzzcoGot anywhere mag666?18:46
=== JasonWard is now known as Nyad
sparr_my home LAN has an IP address range that overlaps that of a VPN that I am connecting to, how can I remap one of them?18:55
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lupowho is here____?18:59
lupoim here18:59
lupoim going to dinner18:59
lupoc u18:59
fantamanthis is an italian channel?19:01
klerfaytno, english19:01
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!19:02
ibouhow to read .ape files in amarok ?19:05
adrock358has anyone ever tried to access there win part from ubuntu?19:10
adrock358I'm having troble doing it19:11
JoshOvkii do daily, it just works19:11
adrock358i can't do mine...19:11
adrock358i have to mount it and put in all kinds of crazy instructions.  how did you set it up?19:12
JoshOvkii didnt, it set its self up with the install19:12
JoshOvkipastebin your /etc/fstab   and put the link here19:12
JoshOvkii will b back in a few mins, gonna see what ive got to eat19:13
adrock358ok.  but you will be surprised.  I am impressed it set itself up automatically.  I can't mount my part from ubuntu.  Cool man---get your grub on....19:13
adrock358My windows is all screwed up, so I want to grab all my important info and movies, then reinstall.  So, I gotta mount it.  I'll paste my fstab, and my commands to mount, and the output from that.  The mounting commands worked before, but after I tried to tinker with my windows--to fix it, it has now become inaccessible...19:14
JoshOvkinothing to eat will have to go shop at somepoint instead. Did you shutdown windows incorrectaly?19:17
adrock358What command do I type in for stab?19:18
JoshOvkikwrite /etc/fstab    to read it19:18
mag666Azzco: thx i make it without your program but most important is that already works :)19:19
adrock358gotta install kwrite, 1 sec19:19
adrock358or 1 min more liekly19:20
adrock358yeah man i just messed up my windows man.  it won't even start19:20
adrock358alright, half way through kwrite or "Kate" install.19:21
JoshOvkiadrock358: what did you do to that? and did u shutdown incorrectly?19:22
adrock358no.  i somehow got locked out--reduced funcionality mode.  then in trying to fix that, I tried to rearm it, and now it hangs on start-up.  It stays on the pre-login screen for 20 minutes.19:23
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adrock358ok.  here's my info: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62542/19:25
JoshOvkialright then, i shall take a look19:25
JoshOvkiadrock358: ok, is your drive formated to NTFS?19:26
adrock358my windows drive?  Oh shit, maybe I did that by mistake when I was playing with Hiren?19:26
adrock358it's supposed to be fat32 right?19:26
JoshOvkiu can use both19:27
adrock358yeah, no it's NTFS19:27
JoshOvkiok, not a problem, and do you know what /mnt  location it is?19:27
adrock358it's not monted19:28
JoshOvki  /dev sorry19:28
Kaevikhmmm Eureka7?19:28
JoshOvkiright you will have to add a line to your fstab so close it (if you still have it open)19:29
JoshOvkiadrock358: and run  sudo kwrite /etc/fstb19:30
adrock358which lne?19:30
JoshOvkiand add in           /dev/hda1     /media/sda2     ntfs    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0       119:31
JoshOvkion a new line19:31
JoshOvkiand then save that and run     sudo mount -a19:31
adrock358i did it.  terminal gave me an error though: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62544/19:32
JoshOvkiadrock358: but it still didnt open?19:33
adrock358no i got it.  here: adrock@adrock-desktop:~$  sudo mount -a19:33
adrock358[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab19:33
adrock358Failed to access '/dev/hda1': No such file or directory19:33
adrock358adrock@adrock-desktop:~$ ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 6243, errno = 019:33
adrock358whoops, sorry19:34
adrock358i gotta get a drink man.  i'll be back in four minutes19:35
JoshOvkikk, give me time to think about it19:35
JoshOvkiadrock358: ok, run    sudo fdisk /dev/sda1   and press   p   then pastebin the results19:37
adrock358all right i'm back19:39
adrock358Hey, thanks a lot for trying to help me out.  I really appreciate it.  I'm sure it is a learning experience for you though.  I unfortunately am not well versed in ubunut, and due to time constraints i can't spend a whole lot of time playing with it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62546/19:41
=== ubuntu is now known as _myrtille_
JoshOvkidarn me, sorry i gave you the wrong thing to run,  sudo fdisk /dev/hda1   and press   p   and then pastebin19:43
JoshOvkiadrock358: its odd for your kubuntun not to pick up the NTFS drive when u installed19:43
geniiJoshOvki: He has an ntfs raid0 setup19:43
JoshOvkigenii: over to you then19:44
geniiJoshOvki: No, you're doing fine :)19:44
adrock358no prob man. :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62547/19:44
adrock358no, it does pick it up, but i can't mount it.19:44
adrock358i can see it.19:44
* JoshOvki coughs you ran the wrong one ;)19:45
adrock358JoshOvki.  hahaha.  genii stuck you back with me.19:45
JoshOvkiim trying to get the drive name so we can get it to mount19:45
JoshOvkiyou ran     sudo fdisk /dev/sda1     instead of    sudo fdisk /dev/hda119:45
adrock358sorry.   Unable to open /dev/hda119:46
adrock358is waht it says19:46
adrock358that's my windows parition19:47
JoshOvkiapparently not19:47
adrock358i had some instructions to open it from someone, which worked, but now they don't, and they give me this strange error.19:47
JoshOvkiwhat did they get you to run?19:48
adrock358says i need to boot back intow indows twice, or run chkdsk, but i already ran chkdsk.  maybe i should run it again?19:48
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)19:48
bossоп , РУ19:48
_myrtille_!apt crash19:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt crash - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:48
_myrtille_argh, how do i unlock the repositorys after aptitude crashed?19:48
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:48
adrock358the first two commands: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62548/19:48
genii!aptfix | _myrtille_19:49
ubotu_myrtille_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:49
JoshOvkiadrock358: yeh i would19:49
adrock358how do i do that?19:49
JoshOvkiit sounds like you shutdown by holding in the button19:49
adrock358i used hiren19:49
boss!kubuntu ru19:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kubuntu ru - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:49
adrock358yeah, i did, it has been very frustrating playing with windows for 14 hours.19:50
JoshOvkiah, that explains why you cant load ur ntfs drive19:50
adrock358how do i run chkdsk?19:50
JoshOvkiwhen you restart try booting into safemode (if you know how)19:50
adrock358yeah, but it doesn't boot because i am locked out of windows in reduced functionality mode.  i'll give it a try though.  i'll be right back.19:51
nykogenii: how to install domino :P19:51
adrock358how do i run chkdsk though, in case safe mode not work?19:51
JoshOvkiumm, you will need a windows xp boot disk19:51
adrock358i ahve that19:52
adrock358what command?19:52
=== delphine_ is now known as steph_30
JoshOvkiummm i think its chkdsk   once your in the windows xp boot recovery part19:52
adrock358how do i get into xp boot recovery19:52
adrock358i also have hiren19:52
adrock358and gparted if that would do anything.19:52
JoshOvkiwhen you put the cd in and boot you press any key, and then at one point it will say press 'r' to enter recovery console (near the start)19:53
adrock358cool man.  thanks.  i will be back sir.  thanks again.19:54
geniinyko: I think all you need to do is download it from http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Domino+Kubuntu+package?content=52864      and then install the deb file. Then it will be accessible as another theme to use19:56
genii_myrtille_: You're welcome19:57
nykothanks again19:59
geniinyko: np20:00
genii!es | pepe_20:05
ubotupepe_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:05
pepe_Hay alguien de Chile por ahi20:06
doubleQuestion re: apport-qt. Am I supposed to get a bug report dialog when an app such as firefox crashes?20:06
pepe_¿Speaking Spanish Please?20:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spain - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:08
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:08
pepe_Bye Bye20:09
klerfaythow to see what blocks my sound20:14
adrock358josh still here?20:16
adrock358I ran chkdsk from NTFS Dos Pro.  I couldn't use xp repair because i dont have the vista admin password from the original bios20:17
adrock358all i want to do man, is recover some data.  is there another, easy way?20:17
adrock358i've got my ipod all set to go, ready to dowbload some gigs off my vista, then erase the whole thing.  mounting it seemed the best way to do that.20:18
JoshOvkinot with NTFS drives, pull the drive out and put it in anouther windows machine20:18
adrock358the only other i have is a laptop20:18
adrock358and it's not even my laptop20:19
JoshOvkineeds to be a pc really20:19
adrock358how come with my original mount instructions, it mounted, and now it won't?20:19
JoshOvkibecause linux needs it to be shutdown properly with windows for it to be able to read the ntfs20:19
adrock358i could put another drive in this windows machine, but not the inverse20:20
ScorpKingJoshOvki: you can force mount it20:20
adrock358right, i tried, but that didn't work.  right josh?20:20
JoshOvkiScorpKing: over to you then (ive never forced it)20:20
adrock358wasn't that the second command i put in?20:20
adrock358yeah force it.  i don't give a damn, i just want to extract some data off it20:21
ScorpKingJoshOvki: it should tell you exactly what to do in the error message when you try to mount it manually20:21
adrock358ScorpKing, let me give you my readout20:21
JoshOvkiScorpKing: he was given a command to run to mount it before, although im not sure what it is20:21
adrock358i'll get it20:21
ScorpKingadrock358: righto20:21
* JoshOvki goes back to making dinner20:22
ScorpKingadrock358: you can also run chkdsk from a windows cd if you want to check it20:23
adrock358from vista cd, how?20:24
adrock358xp doesn't work because i need admin password20:24
adrock358i don't have that for my vista install.  not for the bios.20:24
adrock358it's an emulated bios20:24
adrock358scorpking and josh, what if i just erase the directory mnt/vista that already exists, then retry my commands?20:26
ScorpKingadrock358: ok i see now. you will have to run a windows cd. have a xp disk lying around?20:26
adrock358yeah i do but can'20:26
adrock358t use the repair fn cuz need vista admin pass to get inot it20:26
ScorpKingadrock358: if you reset the pass ;)20:26
ScorpKinggimme a sec20:27
adrock358that would save me a lot20:27
adrock358i'll be here.20:27
adrock358i'm almost in agony over this whole thing.20:27
adrock358No, I am most definitly in agony over this whole thing.20:27
ScorpKingadrock358: can i pm you?20:28
adrock358of course20:28
nykogenii: how to install flash player in x64 bit :P20:28
reesehi! when I try to watch a dvd with kaffeine, it often says "audio output unavailable". is this happening only to me? (i have all libdvdread, libdvdcss2)20:28
geniinyko: Don't know20:28
geniinyko: I hear flash on 64 bit is one of the tricky installs20:29
adrock358reese.  does it happen with all dvd's?20:31
reeseadrock258: no, not always20:32
reeseadrock258: i use xine, with kaffeine20:32
adrock358did you try reinstalling kaff?  or trying a different player?20:32
adrock358try  a diff player, or reinstall, then see.20:32
adrock358that should help you narrow down your problem at least20:33
reeseok, i'll try. i've noticed that i get synchronization problems, also, when I play avi's. maybe I should change audio engine20:34
adrock358yeah.  change the audio engine20:34
adrock358sounds like it might just be a simple codec problem20:34
reesewhat engine do you use?20:34
adrock358i just use xine20:35
adrock358vlc also20:35
adrock358vlc is good.20:35
adrock358maybe you should try vlc.20:35
reesei'll give it a try, thanks20:35
doubleI do not get a bug report dialog when firefox or another app crashes, I have apport-qt installed and it runs, is there a config I'm missing?20:36
adrock358uninstall the other player before you do that though--just to make sure no residule files or codec remain.20:36
ScorpKingadrock358: can you reply in the pm?20:39
adrock358i did20:39
adrock358you didn't get it?20:39
adrock358i've been doing it for like five minutes20:39
adrock358huh.  let's try another one.20:39
ScorpKingadrock358: does it not say you need to be registred?20:39
adrock358doesn't say that.  i didn't log in with my passwor, let me log out then come back.  i will be back quick.  i really, relly need your help20:40
ScorpKingadrock358: i have all the stuff ready20:41
* Signil is away: Gone away for now.20:43
adrock359scorpking.  how i register?20:44
adrock359i put in my password and everything20:44
Odd-rationale!register | adrock35920:44
ubotuadrock359: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.20:44
reesehow can you I interrupt a sudo apt-get install?20:46
adrock359scorpking, says i gotta wait two mintues before i register.  sorry dude.  if you want you can e-mail me at adrock358@gmail.com or you can wait two minutes20:46
adrock359ctrl c i think reese20:46
ScorpKingadrock359: ok i'm sending it now with instructions20:46
adrock359awesome.  thank you soooo much man.20:46
adrock359you are a god!20:46
sgroverreese: ctrl-c20:47
reesethanks adrock35920:48
adrock359scorpking, did you get my pm?20:49
adrock359scorpking.  brb.  sorry dude.20:49
AnnirakHow do I determine which update is requiring a reboot before I reboot?20:52
p_quarlesAnnirak, the only updates which ever require a reboot are kernel patches/upgrades20:53
Annirakp_quarles: but how can I view which updates are requiring the restart?  There's a notifier, it must get the information from somewhere, how do I access that?20:54
Nyad!register makr_20:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about register makr_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:55
Nyad!register mark_20:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about register mark_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:55
p_quarlesagain, if Adept is telling you to restart, it's because the kernel was upgraded -- no other package will require a reboot20:55
Annirakp_quarles: libc will do it too.  As will grub.20:56
geniiNyad: insert a | before the username20:57
p_quarlessince when? why would a bootloader require you to reboot?20:57
Annirakbas: test passed20:57
Annirakp_quarles: Not important.  The point is that I want to know what caused the restart requirement.20:58
ScorpKingon what date was 7.04 released?20:58
ScorpKingah i'll check the website20:58
geniiScorpKing: April 19 200721:02
fdovingAnnirak: itworks like this, packages that require reboots makes a file, /var/run/reboot-required, the update-notifier just shows the message if that file exists. it is not really aware of which package creates the file. so during install the kernel packages makes the file, and update-notifier displays the message without knowing or caring which package made the file.21:02
Annirakfdoving: Is there a way to see a recently updated packages list?21:03
fdovingAnnirak: not really, you can of course read the log, /var/log/dpkg.log21:04
Annirakfdoving: Thanks, I think I can do it from that.  At least partially21:06
tony_anyone know how to find where a package installed to from repos? it's grep dpkg or something, i forgot21:12
fdovingtony_: like from which repository?21:15
fdovingtony_: you can show where the packages are available, and where they likely are comming from, with 'apt-cache policy <packagename>'21:16
ScorpKingtony_: you looking for dpkg -c <package> ?21:17
sigma_1234how do you get a pc to install updates of individual deb files from the repos automatically?21:23
fdovingsigma_1234: if you want to select those packages yourself you will need to make it a cronjob on your own.21:24
sigma_1234i was thinking the same thing. so get a cronjob to grab the file from my main server and install it then? should i use wget to grab a file off a local apache server?21:26
fdovingthat is possible.21:27
fdovingif you have a set of packages you can use rsync over ssh to sync a complete directory, for example.21:27
fdovingdepends on how much data, and the speed of the network. if it's local 10mbit+ you are probably fine with apache and wget.21:29
=== anabelle_ is now known as anabelle
ddurhamdoes the default kde4 digital-clock have an option for a 12-hour display?21:48
fdovingddurham: yes, but you need to configure it from systemsettings -> regional & language -> country/region & language -> time & dates [tab] -> time format.21:51
SharkMa-sanhmh... does anyone know how to be able to read DVDs and CDs properly in hardy heron? Haven't been able to do so after updating to 2.6.24-14 kernel21:56
hikejinx!Hardy | SharkMa-san21:57
ubotuSharkMa-san: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:57
xikhi all21:57
SharkMa-sanso I have to join another channel just to ask that, and I can't ask here? :P21:57
xikI need a little coding help, it's a one liner: change every \n (line break) into a space and every single standing "-" into a newline character.21:58
fdovingxik: what language?22:00
xikfdoving: just to run over a text file, no formatting. sed could be used22:00
=== dyve is now known as Divilinux
matthew_how can I install a .deb package directly?  (skype, in this case)22:01
fdovingxik: by single standing - you mean, single on that line, with space before and after or what?22:01
xikfdoving: exactly. so  blabla - blabla <--- exchange   and blabla-blabla <--- do not exchange22:02
fdovingmatthew_: try rightclicking on it, see if that gives you any options. i always use the commandline to do that. the command is 'sudo dpkg -i package.deb'22:02
fdovingxik: so a space before and a space after.22:02
xikfdoving: yes22:02
fdovingxik: and \n should become a space.22:03
xikfdoving: exactly22:03
matthew_fdoving: the command line way is the only way packages are working for me at all.. that stupid gui package manager won't even give me updates..broken--out of the box.22:03
xikso, linebreak -> space    and " - " -> linebreak22:03
fdovingxik: try this: cat textfile.txt |tr '\n' ' '|sed s/' - '/'\n'/g22:05
fdovingxik: it shows usage of two tools, 'tr' and sed.22:05
xikthaks, i'll try.. don't this need an outputfile information?22:06
xiklike eg.   ... > output.txt22:06
xikah, thanks for your help. The output is not as expected, but I'll look into that myself, enough information. Thanks again! :)22:08
fdovingxik: yeah, currently it prints to screen. using > file.txt as you write is fine.22:08
rafael_Buenas no se si mi pregunta llegó. Como hago para Bajar mi correo Hotmail en Kopete?22:21
_myrtille_!es |rafael22:22
uboturafael: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:22
rafael_Ok, gracias uboto y disculpen22:22
=== rowan is now known as makdaknife
makdaknifehi... can anyone explain why I have 0.53 load, and yet when I do htop and sort by cpu usage nothing is really using the cpu22:25
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swattoIs there a way to play the videos on the BBC website?22:30
nosrednaekimswatto: yes, there is, but as I don't live in the UK, I didn't really pay attention to the website I saw it on22:33
swattook im just reading about it now, apparently i have to install a plugin for MPlayer or something like that??22:35
nosrednaekimyeah... I think i remeber something like that22:36
BlackAuraHey, Anyone know if anything has been done to fix the repository .deb files yet?22:36
makdaknifeload anyone?22:37
Xbehavehow do i get rm to take its imput from grep or a file?22:42
JucatoXbehave: try looking into xargs. might want to ask in ##bash for help22:42
LjLXbehave: "find" has a -delete option, might come in handy22:43
Xbehaveahh, i cant seam to get find to do what i want maybe ill RTM, thx for both ideas22:43
ImLizhey everyone, kaffeine won't play avi files.. on an avi movie it freezes and on a music video this xine message pops up "a problem occur while loading a library or a decoder: wmvdmod.dll"22:45
BlackAuraXbehave: you can also execute a command in any find argument22:46
BlackAuraXbehave: although the params are a little weird, you can do something like this:22:46
BlackAuraXbehave: $ find -type d -exec chmod u+rwx {}\;22:48
BlackAuraXbehave: you basically type the command you want and then add    {}\;    for the filename22:48
Xbehaveaww noes, i have to learn regex :p thx22:48
chemist109Xbehave: Try looking here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rm_(Unix)22:48
chemist109It says just use: xargs rm < filelist22:48
Xbehavethx, looks like im gunna have to learn regex tho, the file directories have horrible names22:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about syntek - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:51
sourcemakeris there a kicker available which looks likes apple's one?22:56
ddurhamfdoving: I get a message about having to restart apps to make the change take effect, but how do I restart the digital clock applet?  I tried removing and readding22:56
el-gokulosourcemaker, http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=581222:59
fdovingddurham: you need to restart plasma for that. on the commandline you can do 'qdbus org.kde.plasma /MainApplication quit' - it should restart it self.22:59
Jucatosourcemaker: "a" kicker? no. There's only one kicker, the one that comes from KDE. but OS X-like panels? there are quite a few of them: kooldock, ksmoothdock, kiba-dock, awn22:59
fdovingddurham: if it doesn't restart itself you can use alt+f2 and run 'plasma' in that dialog.22:59
Jucato(the first two are KDE apps, the other 2 aren't)22:59
nosrednaekimfdoving: ah...nice to know about that qdbus.... was hoping they'd make something like that23:00
ddurhamfdoving: it hasn't restarted after 10 seconds, should I run 'plasma' ?23:00
fdovingddurham: yep.23:00
Jucato"kquitapp plasma" :D23:00
ddurhamok, it's back and the digital clock has changed23:00
sourcemakerJucato: ok23:00
fdovingJucato: oh, that works too.23:00
ddurhamis there a standard kubuntu package that adds more useful widgets?23:01
ddurhami used to have a nice system monitor that came with kde 3.523:01
nosrednaekimddurham: extragear-plasma23:01
ddurhamnosrednaekim: thanks23:02
makdaknifehi... I'm still trying to sort out this issue with my load average sitting high and no cpu being used... can anyone help me?#23:07
=== tackat_ is now known as tackat
feierfoxcould me someone give an example command-line for LAME mp3 in the kaudiocreator?23:16
JeffATLbooted to a livecd; trying to mount an nfs export.  have started portmap, modprobed nfs - still i get "wrong fs type, bad option..." - anything i missed?23:23
babbanscript language="JavaScript1.2" src="jsp/portal/js/tdepres.js"></script>23:32
babbanwhy i dont i could start the web site??23:32
babbanneed some help plz...23:35
babbanwanna pay my factures... and the site will not been use..23:35
JeffATLbabban: english in channel pls23:37
babbansorry.. just dont know how to write it on english..:(23:38
Idrogeno!se | babban23:42
ubotubabban: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se23:42
adrock358anybody know how to reset a default administrator password of a system?23:45
shadowboxhello all23:45
maduserin kubuntu?23:45
JeffATLanyone know how to prepare an kubuntu-livecd-booted machine for mounting an nfs export?23:45
JeffATLadrock358: passwd root23:45
shadowboxanyone well versed in the linux sound system23:45
JeffATLadrock358: assuming you mean the root acct password23:46
adrock358jeff,  thanks23:46
geniiadrock358: The root password in *buntu distributions is locked out by default, that may be why it seems you have lost the password or so23:48
adrock358thank you23:49
shadowboxreloaded drivers and everything I can think of23:49
shadowboxcan anyone help with sound problems23:51
gaytancomo estan23:52
gaytanhola como estan23:55
geniiJeffATL: The client setup instructions here should apply equally well to livecd http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24988923:56
shadowboxshalom elechem23:56
shadowboxma ni shma23:56
genii!il | shadowbox23:56
ubotushadowbox: לשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:23:56
ubotu/join #ubuntu-il23:56
genii!es gaytan23:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about es gaytan - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:57
genii!es | gaytan23:57
ubotugaytan: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:57
shadowboxgenii: hey that was really cool, I didnt know you could do that.23:57
geniishadowbox: The bot has a list of other language channels, you call them by !xx  where xx is the country code23:58
shadowboxoh neat23:58
gaytanque padre23:59
gaytany luego23:59

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