
bluefoxxbut im upgrading to a 6800512 or a mid to high end 7series in pce-e soon.00:00
bluefoxxGAH! i hate when that happens...00:01
bluefoxxthe howl of a fast-headcrab-zombie never ceases to make my skin crawl...00:01
mtrxif i download ubuntu 8.04 beta now will it automatically update when the official version is released?00:02
=== Fritzel` is now known as fritzel
Arandmtrx yep00:02
ArandI'ts updated constantly00:03
fritzelis there a package of additional widgits for kde4 available by some name? or am I a bit early for that yet?  (if this is a duplicate question sorry I got disconnected after asking it the first time)00:03
=== fritzel is now known as Fritzel
b4l74z4rthe thing is that video is perfect when i use totem, and also in most games, but things like youtube videos has horizontal tearing which is quite annoying00:03
Arandflash issues?00:04
b4l74z4rno, it also happens when i move desktopå windows around fast00:04
bluefoxxsomeone remind me again - what is 'antialiasing'?00:04
b4l74z4rit's to make objects in games appear less jagged at the edges00:05
FritzelI'm not sure of the technicals but basically it blends pixels to allow lines that don't go directly up and down or left and right appear smoother00:05
bluefoxxah. so if im lagging do i want it or not?00:05
b4l74z4rit requires some computing power00:06
Fritzelyeah that can contribute to video lag00:06
b4l74z4rmore than if you have it off00:06
bluefoxxok. thanks. away it goes then :)00:06
bluefoxxwhat about 'wait for vertical sync'?<hasnt played video games since november>00:07
b4l74z4rif you have an lcd, vertical sync can eliminate horizontal tearing in the picture00:07
billisnicehow do you change the computer default monitor ie-a panosonic c21 to c35?00:07
Boohbahbillisnice: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:08
Fritzelvertical sync you'll want on since turning it off doesn't actually improve your framerate since true framerate is limited to your refresh rate anyway, it probably won't make avisible difference, but can eliminate some tearing00:08
FritzelI'm not sure how it applies to LCD's however00:08
bluefoxxravenholm: not a level for the weak of stomach or to be played any later than sunset. or when your alone in the apartment and the dishes fall over >. >00:09
b4l74z4ri thing you get more than enough fps even if you have vsync on an you won't get that terrible tearing effect00:09
Fritzelyeah like I said even if you have 100000 fps, you're still only drawing to the screen at 60-85 times a second anyway00:10
bluefoxxwell, im getting 10fps in most of my WINE games00:10
Fritzelthis is going to sound silly, but ubuntu never performs at full quality for me until after it's run for a whiel and I've restarted X00:11
Fritzelafter freshly configuring it that is00:11
b4l74z4rbluefoxx, you need a better graphics card, no setting in the world will help much if you're down to 10fps00:11
Fritzelwell it depends, configuration can do that00:12
bluefoxxb4l74z4r: well im not waiting 3 seconds for a screen refresh now after taking of antialiasing'00:12
Fritzeldoes "glxinfo |grep direct" give you a yes?00:12
Fritzeljust out of curiosity00:12
=== chuck_ is now known as ozymo
Fritzelok just making sure that your video drivers were running correctly00:14
mtrxwhere do i download ubuntu 8.04 beta?00:15
b4l74z4rubuntu homepage00:15
mtrxall i can find is 7.1000:15
b4l74z4rgoogle ubuntu 8.0400:15
Fritzelis there a package of additional widgits for kde4 available by some name? or am I a bit early for that yet?00:16
bluefoxxah. yup, nvidia-glx-new; updated today by command line. one of the reasons i want to upgrade to a 6800 or mid grade 7000 is so i dont have to worry about issues redoing configurations or changing drivers. i also want ones that are well developed00:16
b4l74z4rit should appear on the first few hits00:16
billisniceboohbah is there a graphic way of doing it in 8.04?  I set it up by mistake graphically. thanks00:16
bluefoxxdoes anyone else love the physics engine in the half life family as much as me?00:17
b4l74z4rwhen a new driver is released, will it show up in ubuntu's update manager?00:17
FritzelI really need to get Halflife 2 just so I can mess with garry's mod00:18
Fritzelb4l74z4r: everything thats supported will show up there so it depends on the driver00:18
hewhocutsdownbeen trying to get help on this issue for a couple days now....no responses to irc last time i tried and none on Ubuntu Forums as yet....so trying again.00:18
hewhocutsdownanyone able to help me with a USB drive that will not automount00:18
hewhocutsdown1 have two, both worked under gutsy, only one works under hardy00:19
bluefoxxFritzel: if you dont mind a slow connection...i have a copy to give you :)00:19
hewhocutsdownfull details with logs from dmesg and lsusb, picture of drive in gparted here:00:19
Fritzelhewhocutsdown: I've never had an issue with it, so unfortnatly I can't help you there00:19
Fritzelbluefoxx: thanks but no thanks ^^ that game's worth the money00:19
bluefoxxbut it 'looses the connection to steam servers' every now and then, forcing me to pull my save folder and re-extract00:20
hewhocutsdownmy only guess is that it's the size of the drive: ~2TB. But as you can see in my gparted snapshot, it recognizes it there00:20
hewhocutsdownit's presence, but doesn't recognize it's ext3 formatting00:20
bluefoxxFritzel: dont worry about it. i got it free ;)00:20
hewhocutsdownwhich is probably why it will not automount.00:20
Fritzelbluefoxx: again I'll pass thank oyu 6^00:21
hewhocutsdownbut as mentioned; it has worked perfectly under gutsy, which has me scratching my head a bit00:21
Exilantwoah, 2 TB00:21
b4l74z4ri've been trying for years to get agreeable fonts in firefox running ubuntu and i've given up, so now i run firefox in wine just to get decent fonts on web pages00:21
FritzelI don't mind the fonts on hardy, though I'm not sure if they're new or not, just takes a bit of getting used to00:22
Boohbahbluefoxx: Fritzel: #ubuntu+1 is the new games piracy channel?00:22
* Fritzel shrugs00:22
hewhocutsdownit's an external enclosure that supports up to 4 drives and does something like a RAID-5 setup there...so I've got 3 x 1TB drives in there.00:22
bluefoxxBoohbah: >P00:22
Exilantisn't usb a kind of bottleneck then?00:23
hewhocutsdownI do a lot of work with music....lossless, multichannel stuff takes space :P00:23
ere4sihewhocutsdown: is it listed in /dev?00:23
bluefoxxBoohbah: im poor with a bad net connection, i have a friend who gives me .rars of his install folders XP i dont complain if its free, nor do i wuestion it XD00:23
hewhocutsdowngot a screenshot of it here00:23
Exilantmy external hd mounts just fine in kde (ext3 luks-encrypted)00:23
Fritzelbluefoxx: it's probably best if you walk away from the subject ;)00:24
hewhocutsdownas mentioned, i've got 2 (well, 3) external USB drives, but the other two are 80GB and work no problems00:24
hewhocutsdownjust this one doesn't00:24
teamcobrahewhocutsdown, how much were each of the 1tb drives? I just did a raid5 myself, but it's only 4x500gb (1.5tb raid)00:24
hewhocutsdown/dev/sdc, unknown format00:24
bluefoxxFritzel: what subject ;)00:24
bluefoxxhewhocutsdown: how much did that toy set you back?00:24
hewhocutsdownit's not true RAID, it's a propriety deal (it's a Drobo, Data Robotics)...can handle hot-swapping, differing hard drive sizes and types00:25
* teamcobra makes rap beats, personally :)00:25
teamcobraahh, pretty sweet00:25
ere4sihewhocutsdown: did you remove it without unmounting ?00:25
hewhocutsdownit has stayed attached all through the upgrade, through the reboot, and has not mounted since00:26
bluefoxxi have a raid toy myself even[raid 5] but due to a lack of $$ for drives its only 12gb[3x6.4]. got it $20 though :)00:26
hewhocutsdownnewegg has them for just under $50000:26
hewhocutsdownfor the enclosure00:26
teamcobrabluefoxx: steam works killer in wine, I have hl2+css myself00:26
bluefoxxteamcobra: i just had to grab the tahoma.ttf00:27
teamcobrayup.... it'll do it automatically if you install the msttcorefonts package00:27
hewhocutsdownbrb, gotta stir the soup.... so yeah, any thoughts on what to look at trouble-shooting wise?00:27
bluefoxxteamcobra: all i did was dragged the file itself into the fonts folder00:28
ere4sihewhocutsdown: have you tried to mount it manually - tho I doubt that will work as it seems the filesystem on it is borked00:28
bluefoxxteamcobra: i didnt know there was a pacage i could use00:28
teamcobraI'm probably gonna build a clone of my server (AM2+ Phenom 780g mobo) for a dual-boot gaming box, the integrated graphics on the 780g mobos _pwn_ (31337 fps in glxgears, no kidding ;) ;) )00:28
teamcobrablue: yup, it'll install lots of other fonts that windows apps might use, should save you headaches in the future00:29
hewhocutsdowni would, but i'm honestly not sure what command to use for it00:29
hewhocutsdowni mean, the device would be /dev/sdc00:29
teamcobrahewhocutsdown, to mount it, wouldn't a sudo mount /dev/md0 (or whatever raid device is set up in linux) work00:29
ere4sihewhocutsdown: make a dir to mount it in  sudo mkdir /media/something00:29
hewhocutsdowni don't need any arcane switches for it?00:30
hewhocutsdownalright, i'll try that00:30
teamcobrahewhocutsdown: wait00:30
teamcobraI think I know what the prob is... or at least a way to get it to work00:30
hewhocutsdown:) i'm listening00:30
ere4sihewhocutsdown: then sudo mount -t /dev/sdc1 /media/something00:30
ere4sihewhocutsdown: sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdc1 /media/something00:31
teamcobrait'll probably work better to add all of your /dev/sd drives in the raid as a raid device00:31
teamcobra(ignore the proprietary raid controller in your enclosure, and use a software raid in ubuntu)00:31
hewhocutsdownholy ****, that worked00:31
teamcobrathen it should be a /dev/md device (normally /dev/md0 ) that contains all of the /dev/sd drives in it00:32
ere4sihewhocutsdown: so you've got it?00:32
hewhocutsdownyeah, it loaded up00:32
hewhocutsdowni'm just taking a look at it now00:32
hewhocutsdowneverything seems good; thank you very much: teamcobra, ere4si, whoever i missed00:33
* DanaG can't use Wine... it doesn't play well with PulseAudio.00:33
teamcobrahewhocutsdown, ahh cool.... if ere4si's command works, add it to your /etc/fstab so you don't have to manually mount it from now on00:33
FritzelI have no problem with wine at all in fact my audio experience is much much improved00:33
teamcobraDanaG: does padsp wine or esddsp wine work?00:33
* bluefoxx waits for hl2 to finish extracting...*again*00:33
DanaGI think so, but it likely won't give surround.00:33
individual_elevhello how can i delete files in my sansa e25000:34
teamcobraDanaG: to be honest, I use the wineasio dll and jackd for all of my wine stuff00:34
individual_elevit has been locked in the trash00:34
trent1980anyone have any advice for trying to get Firefox flash movies to play through USB device. I set my USB headset as default for all sounds ... skype and others work well but Firefox always plays sounds through the laptop speakers ... help?00:34
teamcobraDanaG: and it works for traktor and such in pulseaudio... haven't checked surround on it, but it does work nicely00:34
individual_elevand i cannot add new songs coz it says the device is full00:34
bluefoxxindividual_elev: delete ./trash-<host> and hope you dont get mugged...00:35
teamcobraindividual_elev, try a sudo nautilus and browse to it00:35
DanaGwineasio?  hmm.00:35
hewhocutsdownum, last question teamcobra00:35
teamcobraand as bluefoxx said, hope you don't get mugged (might be a good idea to back up your songs)00:35
* bluefoxx got violantly mugged for his sansa e260 after 6 months of saving00:35
hewhocutsdown/etc/fstab has a different format than the command00:35
teamcobrabluefoxx, ACK!00:35
individual_elev i already tried to reset to the factory settings but its still there00:35
hewhocutsdownfs, mount point, type i know00:35
teamcobrahewho: yup, 1 sec, lemme write up a quick line for ya00:35
hewhocutsdownbut it's followed by options dump pass00:36
hewhocutsdownok, cool00:36
* bluefoxx wishes he had 6 grenades to shove down the throats of 6 cowardly...00:36
* DanaG uses a Cowon iAudio6.00:36
DanaGNobody seems to know what it is.00:36
teamcobraDanaG: shouldn't matter as long as it works in jack, 1 sec, lemme find some wineasio info00:36
DanaGI've never used jack, myself.00:37
bluefoxxindividual_elev: you should put rockbox on yours[if its a v1]00:37
teamcobraand hewhocutsdown , under options, type "default" , and dump and pass should have a 0 under each00:37
teamcobraDanaG: qjackctl is a godsend ;)00:37
individual_elevi tried to delete the trash but it says error "I/O error00:37
bluefoxxindividual_elev: rockbox is the 5h17!00:37
individual_elevwhile deleting00:37
DanaGIn addition, Creative's "Host OpenAL" thingy doesn't work under Wine.00:37
DanaGEven the software-emulation mode.00:37
bluefoxxindividual_elev: check its pluggwed in00:38
individual_elevim not using rockbox00:38
individual_elevits plugged in00:38
hewhocutsdowndefault or defaults? a working entry in my /etc/fstab says defaults (plural)00:38
bluefoxxindividual_elev: and try using the command line 9"rm /media/disk/.trash-<your computer hostname>"00:38
hewhocutsdown/dev/sdc1 /media/Jrobo ext3 defaults 0 000:38
individual_elevok ill try00:39
hewhocutsdownlooks good as long as i'm correct on the plural defaults :)00:39
bluefoxxindividual_elev: the 9 was supposed to be a "("00:39
teamcobradefaults is plural :)00:39
teamcobraand DanaG: http://www.davehayes.org/2007/04/27/howto-reaper-on-ubuntu-linux-with-wineasio00:39
hewhocutsdownexcellent, i'll duck out of here and reboot. peace to you and yours00:39
teamcobrahewhocutsdown, come back and let me know how it goes ;)00:40
hewhocutsdownwill do00:40
DanaGdana@GLaDOS:~/.wine/drive_c$ wine Program\ Files/Steam/Steam.exe00:40
DanaGwine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\Program.exe": Module not found00:40
Gilouput quotes around it00:40
teamcobradon't you need to enclose that in quotes?00:40
individual_elevnope it didnt work bluefoxx00:40
DanaGStill broken even with quotes.00:41
Gilousame error?00:41
bluefoxxindividual_elev: open the device in nautilus and hit ctrl+l00:41
Gilouwine "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe"00:41
DanaGwine "c:\Program Files/Steam/Steam.exe"00:42
DanaGwine: cannot find 'c:\Program'00:42
=== elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu
teamcobraDanaG: I know it's not a perm answer, but what happens if you cd .wine/devices/drive_c/Pro*/Steam/ and then run wine Steam.exe00:42
Gilouput \00:42
Gilouinstead of / ?00:42
DanaGcd worked.00:42
Gilou(it's weird, wine usually isn't too bitchy about that)00:42
DanaGChanging slashes didn't.00:43
bluefoxxindividual_elev: what is the folder path with the word 'trash' in it?00:43
DanaGHmm, "Updating Steam"00:43
teamcobraDanaG: I'll check the syntax of my working wine apps that are under program files00:43
teamcobraDanaG: good stuff00:43
DanaGNot using much bandwidth, though -- it seems to not be doing anything.00:44
DanaGOh, I see.00:44
trent1980anyone?? help getting firefox to play flash through the default device?00:44
DanaGI had made wine a wrapper around 'padsp wine'00:44
individual_elevits inside the player files,everytime i unmount it,it says delete trash,however i cannot delete it..00:44
DanaGexec padsp wine.distrib $@00:44
DanaGShouldn't that pass all args?00:45
teamcobraDanaG: hrm, should00:45
RAOFDanaG: Yes, it'll pass all args.  But I think you'll find that it'll strip the quoting from them :)00:45
individual_elevtheres trash i mean..i dont know which is it,my computer''s trash is already empty00:45
DanaGAah, so that'd be it.00:45
DanaGIs there a way to make it keep quotes?00:45
DanaGJust "$@" doesn't seem right.00:46
RAOFI'm not sure.00:46
individual_elevbut evrytime i plug it in the trash gets full again00:46
DanaGdang steam.00:46
teamcobraDanaG: I dunno, I run stuff like that manually00:46
individual_elevits probably in the e25000:46
DanaGDuude, if you say you're updating, you'd **** well better use some bandwidth to UPDATE!00:47
DanaGStupid Steam.00:47
DanaGOh, jumped to 99%.00:48
bluefoxxindividual_elev: in the mp3 player there should be a folder thats hidden that has .trash- in its name and your computer name after.00:48
DanaGI just hope VAC doesn't think Wine is a cheat.00:49
bluefoxxindividual_elev: find that name, then in the terminal type in "rm /media/disk/.trash-<w/e is here>" assuming you have only the mp3 player in there as an external disk00:49
teamcobraDanaG: shouldn't00:50
Fritzelis there a package of additional widgits for kde4 available by some name? or am I a bit early for that yet?00:50
DanaGYay, 1.4 megabytes per second.00:50
DanaGWiFi connection is at 48 megabits.00:51
bluefoxxDanaG: ide take 1.4 megs a second over 31kb/s any day of the week00:51
DanaGYay, school internet.00:52
DanaGEven better is when I'm on gigabit there.00:52
DanaGThen it's mind-blowingly fast.00:52
hewhocutsdownteamcobra? reboot it mounted properly00:52
bluefoxx30kb/s over my wifi router i got for free :) i have it, may as well use it XP00:52
hewhocutsdownstill shows as unknown in gparted, but whatever. I can read/write to it fine00:52
hewhocutsdownall well...thanks again00:52
DanaGFastest I've seen (from mirrors.kernel.org, on "internet2":  30 megaBYTES per second.00:52
* bluefoxx hates being poor00:53
teamcobrahewhocutsdown, sweet sweet00:53
DanaGUnfortunately, that spoils anything else -- anything else seems pathetic.00:53
hewhocutsdowngotta go take care of the baby now, but thank you00:53
bluefoxxonce i get a job the plan is i take over net, phone and cable:)00:53
bluefoxxthen i upgrade all to FULL SPEED!!!00:53
Sergeant_Ponyis there a way to get rid of old kernels?00:54
IenorandSergeant_Pony: just uninstall packages.00:54
teamcobrabluefoxx, heh, I'm poor myself, but that's gonna change00:55
Fritzelheeh you know you're a linux geek when... you use sed to correct typos00:55
Sergeant_Ponyhmm.. to delete old boot-up kernels?00:55
Fritzelyou know you're a linux geek when... you realize that someone used sed to correct typos00:55
bluefoxxim trying to find a place that will test my skills rather than asking for a stupid paper that costs thousands of dollers saying i am able to do <skills i have>00:56
gluerbluefoxx: seeing the papers though shows commitment, the skills can be proven after00:58
IenorandSergant_Pony: http://tinyurl.com/3ow9gc00:58
mopheadHow close is Hardy to being "done"?00:59
bluefoxxi know computer hardware fairly good considering i was clueless a year ago and have done more than my fair share of mods XP[turbo charged front tri-cooler fan, ignition key to start computer{security+fun}, cable slimdowns, case window...the list is decent]00:59
Ienorandfor me and my poor computer, far from... but that's subjective00:59
mopheadFor an average user, would it be a good idea to update when it comes out?01:00
Exilantdepends on your criteria01:00
Exilantupdating is work (and fun, but i don't know if average users see it that way)01:01
Ienorandyour welcome01:01
hmullerExilant:  quite right, it all depends on your definition of fun =)01:01
Ienoranddid that myself quite recently...01:01
mopheadSo basically, it will be a while before someone could upgrade to hardy, tweak a couple of things and be ready to go01:01
mopheadIs that what you're saying?01:02
Exilantno, it worked quite out of the box a couple of months ago01:02
mopheadwhat type of issues have peoople been having?01:03
hmullermophead:  It depends entirely on your hardware.  I recommend installing it to a separate partition and testing it there if you are curious, or even just running the LiveCD01:03
Exilantthere are some problems with the restricted graphics drivers, from time to time some dependency trouble, alsa problems01:03
individual_elevbluefoxx i dont see it here my box,but i plugged it in my windows pc,i can see the .trash/spiniker folder,i tried deleting it but didnt wok01:03
mopheadI've heard pulseaudio is tricky01:03
hmullermophead: depends again on your hardware01:03
bluefoxxindividual_elev: try the forums then...best i can suggest. or #ubuntu01:04
IenorandSergant_Pony: you'll have to watch out with your grub settings though, if it's set to boot a certain option it might get shifted (especially if your using dual-boot like windows as default)01:04
mopheadRe my hardware: I'm on a toshiba notebook01:04
bluefoxxhmm...tempted to try and make a add-on type mod to turn my headphones into a chat headset...01:04
hmullermophead:  I'd definitely try the LiveCD first.  I've never been a fan of toshiba's myself.01:04
teamcobramophead: yeah, in a few weeks it'll be non-beta.....01:05
mopheadAnd the livecd is the one you can get by writinjg to them, right?01:05
teamcobrabluefoxx, or plug in another set of headphones and yell into them as if it was a mic01:06
Exilantoh btw. is anyone using b4301:06
Exilantmophead: you can just dl it01:06
mopheadah, and burn it to a cd01:06
mopheadnow I get it01:06
teamcobra(plug the 2nd set into the mic jack, ghettotastic, but it has saved me a few times)01:06
Exilantdunno if they ship beta/rc cds01:06
bluefoxxteamcobra: that workss :/01:06
teamcobraExilant, I am, it is much much better than ndiswrapper on this bcm4311 rev0201:06
teamcobrabluefoxx: yeah, when I was on the road in another country, and didn;t have the cash to keep using payphones, a cheap set of headphones and skype rocked the party ;)01:07
Exilantrange with bcm43 was horrible01:07
bluefoxxteamcobra: lol01:07
teamcobraExilant: yeh, b43 and bcm43 can't be compared, at all ;p ;p01:07
Exilantso, time for another funny update next weekend :)01:07
icanhasproxySo my wifi card is broken. Hardy, fully updated. Atheros AR242x. modprobe ath_pci reveals error in dmesg01:08
bluefoxxmayhaphs i should take a fan or three out of my computer...sounds like a gt3-aspec dodge viper from the front if i stop one O.<01:08
Sergeant_PonyI'm in the same boat01:08
Stormx2How come the new firefox beta won't open links from other apps?01:09
jk_is all the software for ubuntu free, so far i have only encountered free software, i was wondering if there is commercial software01:09
Stormx2e.g. in xchat, clicking a link then "open in browser" does nothing01:09
teamcobrajk: most linux commercial software = games01:10
hmullerjk_: There is commercial *nix software, a google search will help you locate some if you want to take a look01:10
jeplerjk_: when software isn't free, it's clearly marked as such01:10
hmullerthat was a popular question01:11
jeplere.g., the things in "restricted drivers"01:11
jk_cheers you two hmuller jepler01:11
hmullerjepler: restricted isn't necessarily commercial01:12
bluefoxxlet me get something straight here...one usb port supports 127 devices right? so logically 10 of them supports 1270 devices correct?01:12
hmullerjepler: my nvidia driver isn't for sale, just proprietary01:12
jeplerhmuller: it wasn't clear to me what definition of 'free' jk_ meant01:12
hmullerjepler: ah yes, definitions =)01:12
Fritzel`man I love when adept says there's updates available, it's like christmas time01:12
Fritzel`bunch of new shiny packages and you wonder what you got01:12
teamcobrahahahah :)01:13
teamcobrathat is the one wicked thing about linux. upgrading is free, and updates usually include all kinds of shiny functionality ;)01:13
Fritzel`indeed ^^01:13
jk_jepler, without money changing hands01:13
teamcobraahh, free as in beer, not free as in freedom ;)01:14
IenorandFritzel`: that's definitely one of them "you know you're a geek (linux geek no less)" things01:14
jeplerjk_: I'm happy to accept $1000 from you, and in return I'll give you a Hardy Heron Alpha 5 collectors CD01:14
teamcobracheck out "Mutant Storm" for an example of commercial linux software01:14
teamcobraor for an example of Crack in software form01:14
Exilantbluefoxx: right... note however, that is true only for real ports, not just a second plug01:15
jk_on the contrary, i only ask i am not willing to pay money for software jepler01:15
Fritzel`yeah might as well through that one in there too ^^01:15
bluefoxxyou know you're computer is loud when you have to yell to talk to someone and they are less than 2 feet away from you...and you have a blanket covering your computer to make it 'quiet'01:16
teamcobrahahahahahah bluefoxx01:16
Fritzel`time to find some new fans I think Blue, you don't want to cover tha tup01:16
teamcobrajk: I believe, if I'm not mistaken, you can even code a commercial app using lgpl libraries and still be in the clear01:17
bluefoxxFritzel: new fans? i allready have 7 extra ones in there. all perfectly working and correctly mantained :)01:17
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
teamcobra(assuming you need to sell the app to make $$ and not support, ex: games, stuff where not much support is needed)01:17
bluefoxxand the end result is a socket 478 celeron d overclocked about 30% running at a below normal 30-40 degrees Celsius01:18
Fritzel`I can't wait till I'm out of the country, I'm too far from the road and my internet connection feels it01:18
Fritzel`out of the country = less rural01:18
mopheadI have to think long and hard agout whether I should update this month at all, or just wait a few months and hear what people say01:19
bluefoxxwhats the new audio-capture program?01:19
teamcobramophead: it'll be offically stable in 3 weeks.... but it's not too bad right now, I'll be honest01:19
murkyMurkbluefoxx: pulse audio sound server01:20
teamcobraif you're comfortable using linux, I'd say go for it on a new partition (even tho I did an upgrade from gutsy on this lappie without trouble)01:20
bluefoxxi remember i used to use sound-recorder. but now what is it?01:20
teamcobraif you're not all that comfortable with fixing a couple things, you might wanna hold off though01:20
Fritzel`speaking is skype agreeing with it yet?01:21
Fritzel`speaking of pulse rather01:21
murkyMurkahh, soz, still sound recorder01:21
mopheadteamcobra: I don't feel comfortable using partitions... but I like the idea of running it from the live cd and seeing how that works01:21
teamcobrabluefoxx: hrm, not sure, if you wanna use sound-recorder, apt-get install it ;)01:21
murkyMurkvs 2.22.0 no less01:21
mopheadI already had to fix the sound on gutsy, and fix some other things01:21
mopheadsome stuff still doesn't work but I can live without it, like my webcam01:21
teamcobramophead: if you're on a decent connection, go for it, the livecd is good (I made a custom version of it for the site/service I'm launching tonight ;) )01:22
bluefoxxah. i have to learn audiciaty or sumfin ¬¬01:22
teamcobraI found that a _lot_ more hardware works out of the box using hardy as a base for my livecd vs gutsy01:22
teamcobrabluefoxx: what's wrong w/ sound-recorder? doesn't work?01:23
bluefoxxteamcobra: too lazy to install it. i have ubuntu-studio audio and vidio installed so :P01:23
teamcobrabluefoxx: bah, if you like it, sudo apt-get install sound-recorder  , it looks to be a small app (and runs fine here)01:24
teamcobraalthough audacity is good for heavier tasks (things you'd need sound forge for)01:24
teamcobraand very worth learning01:24
mopheadteamcobra: you're saying that hardy worked better with your original hardware than gutsy did?01:27
teamcobramophead: yes, and quite a few other machines in the house (even the 20" imac)01:27
teamcobraalso on my server (AM2+ motherboard, lots of the hardware wasn't properly supported until 2.6.2401:28
mopheadhmm... I will keep that in mind01:28
teamcobrayeah, I've tested every flavor of ubuntu on about 8 boxes here01:28
teamcobraby every, I mean gutsy, hardy, and the xubuntu/kubuntu/ubuntu flavors of each ;)01:29
mopheadI guess I just wanted someone to ease my anxieties, hehe01:29
teamcobrahad the best out-of-the-box (livecd) experience w/ ubuntu hardy (gnome flavor)01:29
guillermohi, I installed ubuntu from a network server, but because of a but i was left without ubuntu-desktop. the problem is i cant install it with sudo apt-get install because the network is unreachable, any ideas how to fix this? thanks01:30
bluefoxxhehe. homemade shotgun mike+headphones=fun01:30
mopheadguillermo: hardy or gu tsy?01:30
teamcobraguillermo: hrm, check your /etc/resolv.conf and make sure that the dns entries are right01:30
guillermo8.04, but it actually happened in both versions01:31
mopheadteamcobra: has there been a lot of talk about toshiba and hardy issues?01:31
teamcobraand also, check /etc/network/interfaces01:31
guillermoit doesnt recognize eth0, but i dont know how to activate it01:31
guillermoi did ifup and nothing happens01:32
teamcobramophead: hrm, well, one of the lappies I tested (that didn't have working sound in gutsy) was a toshiba core2duo laptop, and all of the hardware works01:32
teamcobraguillermo, lspci, find out what kind of network card... then open up a root terminal01:32
murkyMurkguillermo: i usually use ifconfig eth0 up01:32
Klanticushow do I activate the scroll region on my touchpad? I'm using an Acer nb. I think this worked out of the box in gutsy01:32
teamcobraand try "sudo rmmod drivername ; sudo modbprobe drivername" , where drivername is the module name of the driver01:33
teamcobraKlanticus: google xorg ZAxisMapping01:33
guillermolspci detects it, ethernet contoller: realtek semiconductor01:34
teamcobraI believe the value is: Option ZAxisMapping "4 5"               (in xorg.conf.... but I could be a bit off, that was from memory)01:34
teamcobraguillermo, know what model #?01:34
Exilantdoes that work?01:34
guillermoit was working just a second ago, because the installation was from the newtwork01:34
Exilantmy xorg seems to get ignored in that respect01:34
teamcobraguillermo: oh, ok01:34
teamcobratry this... sudo dhclient eth001:34
teamcobraafter bringing eth0 up01:35
guillermook, ill try01:35
guillermoYES!!! thanks, this has been killing me01:35
teamcobraheh, no prob.... now sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:36
guillermoits installing. so what does dhclient do?01:36
teamcobramight wanna do an apt-get update and an apt-get upgrade01:36
teamcobradhclient = gets ip address for interface via dhcp01:36
teamcobrait should auto run on startu[p01:36
teamcobrabut who knows, something might've happened01:36
bluefoxxhmmm....anyone know the voltage of the onboard fans on a pci graphics card? im guessing 5 volts maybe01:37
guillermoyeah, its a bug. ive read about people having the same issue sinse 6.0401:37
teamcobrahrm, weird.... after ubuntu-desktop installs, it _should_ work01:37
teamcobramight be a bug in the server distro (I dunno, I have to use static ips on my hardy server, no dhcp server on the network)01:37
guillermoiv heard its a problem with the ubuntu alternate version, i really couldnt tell you whats happening, but i do know the bug has been there for a while01:38
* mndo is away: sleepy time.. not around.. pvt me..01:39
teamcobraif it still doesn't work, edit your /etc/init.d/rc.local and add "dhclient eth0" to it01:39
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teamcobrathat way, it'll get an ip address on startup01:39
guillermoits working now, its completing the install without any problems from the server. but man..  i spent hours looking for a possible answer, im just glad its working01:40
Stormx2wuthell. How can I remove mounted SSH servers from Places?01:40
teamcobraheh, no prob, dhclient is a good friend ;)01:41
guillermojajaja thanks again, much appreciated01:41
teamcobrano prob, I like to see things get unb0rked ;)01:41
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mopheadok, I've made a date with my local linux geek to resize my partitions and upgrade01:44
teamcobramophead: if you wanna just be gangster about it, you could burn backups of important files and follow: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades01:45
cyclonutanyone know of a statistics channel on IRC01:45
cyclonutor, does anyone happen to be a statistician?01:45
teamcobraheheheh cyclonut, not I01:46
jeplerany differences in bluetooth a2dp support from gutsy to hardy?01:46
teamcobrawhat kind of stats do you need?01:46
keanuI'm having trouble using amarok - I get "xine was unable to initialize any audio drivers." on startup01:46
cyclonutteamcobra: well, to do it quick, and in a pastie: http://pastie.caboo.se/17690401:47
mopheadteamcobra: I can't update that way - my partition isn't large enough01:47
mopheadand I don't want to try resizing it by myself01:47
adelie42Having a weird bug. Got a G11 keyboard, and in Hardy the right shift can't be used to type a '?' and a few other characters01:48
adelie42any ideas?01:48
Dr_willisG11 like the G15 with a lcd? I have a G1501:49
adelie42Dr_willis: They are the same, but G11 has more G-keys, and no lcd01:49
adelie42Dr_willis: there is no G11 layout in keyboard settings, just G15, but neither resolve the issue01:50
keanuany idea on why amarok doesn't play audio?01:52
Dr_willisadelie42,  im not using any special layouts or other settings.  let me pastebn my xorg.conf01:53
Dr_willisadelie42 http://pastebin.com/f3c42c51f,01:53
Black_MagicUhm i have a small problem01:54
Black_MagicReally Small01:54
Black_Magicok a usualy on my top gnome-panel my Powerbutton is on the end of the panel and then the Applets are infront but behind the :: Border but now its infront next to the time and the applets are behind the border01:54
Black_Magichow can i fix this?01:54
teamcobramophead: ahh, that sucks01:54
teamcobracyclonut, have you checked out searchirc.com?01:55
adelie42Dr_willis: similar enough to mine :/01:55
keanuany idea on how to get amarok to play audio?01:56
Black_MagicDoes ANY Audio work keanu01:57
keanuBlack_Magic, yes, VLC, rhythmbox, and firefox play audio fine01:57
Black_Magicthen it could be a problem with the Hardy package01:58
teamcobrakeanu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/17633201:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176332 in pulseaudio "amarok does not work with pulseaudio [hardy]" [Undecided,New]01:58
teamcobrabut amarok did work out of the box for me01:58
teamcobraand there seams to be a workaround in that post01:58
keanuteamcobra, thanks - i guess google didn't find it when i was searching01:58
teamcobrait's all good01:58
DanaGArgh, padevchooser isn't right-clickable.01:59
DanaGOh, nifty thing, that "archive mounter"01:59
Black_MagicGuess no one cares about the panel bug02:01
Black_Magicso here is my NEXT Question02:01
DanaGArgh, the games list pegs my CPU at 100%.02:01
DanaGHandy hint: don't bother locking applets.  Locking doesn't work, and just gets in the way.02:01
Black_Magici have a WD Passport that is detected in Windows but if i connect it with Ubuntu on02:02
Black_MagicUbuntu doesnt see the device02:02
DanaGAnything in dmesg about it?02:02
ChaosParserBlack_Magic: Change where the panel is, click on the applets to get focus, change the panel back.02:02
Black_MagicThat didnt work :/02:03
teamcobradanag: add a new user, and see if the games list pegs the cpu under that user02:05
teamcobraif it does, the problem lies in your gnome config02:05
teamcobraerm..... if it doesn't, even02:05
DanaGBy "games list", I mean in Steam, of course.02:05
DanaGOh wait, the small games list doesn't do it, but the big one does.02:06
DanaGHeh, interesting: http://www.steampowered.com/status/survey.html02:06
teamcobraDanaG: weird, never had any probs w/ that, but I haven't run steam in a month or so02:06
teamcobrabeen too busy to game02:06
teamcobraSeveas, don't ban him, he's here every day ;p02:07
* Black_Magic Strugles to move the time and date :/02:07
Black_MagicThere we go02:08
DanaGNote to self and others: don't paste that.  The 0001 is a CTCP.02:10
DanaGThe box thingy from on the Steampowered site, that is.02:10
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:11
bluefoxxDanaG: lol. 127 cpus XD02:11
DanaGor rather, 0002.02:11
* DanaG takes it to the offtopic channel02:12
bluefoxxthree people from DanaG's link think they have a 127cpu system XDD02:12
DanaGUnder Vista, it thinks my 17" LCD is 20".02:12
Spenc3got a question on audio. what program can I use to listen to what's coming in from the audio In line of my sound card?02:13
murkyMurkSpenc3: just unmute that input and itĺl be routed to the speaker02:16
ciscoguruit seems 8.04 got delayed for 5 months, due to a hidden root kit02:16
thompaanyone know if atheros 5006 wireless is working yet?02:16
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bazhangciscoguru: what is the source of this info--link please02:17
nosrednaekimthompa: I'm thinking no02:17
teamcobraciscoguru, that's cute. but  do you have any evidence?02:17
teamcobrahahahahahah, it's theonion :)02:18
bazhangApril 1st is already passed ciscoguru and that is the onion02:18
teamcobrabut I'm gonna read it anyway for a laugh02:18
ciscoguruactually onion didnt even write it02:18
thompanomasteryoda: whats you thinking how?02:18
ciscogurui made the url up02:18
teamcobraciscoguru, theonion is a joke news site ;)02:18
nosrednaekimunfortinately you are like 6 days late02:18
thompahardy har02:19
Black_MagicUGH BLOODY HELL!02:19
ciscoguruonly site i really read is a low key one02:19
bazhanglanguage and caps Black_Magic02:19
ciscogurui saw dedicated to networking, its lowkey02:19
thompaanyone sober and running atheros, ive been trying weeks02:19
Black_Magicfirefox 3b5 has stricken even more plugins i cannot use02:19
ciscogurui love low key, under the radar sites02:19
ciscoguruthat have good material02:19
ciscoguruinstead of big bloated sites02:19
Black_Magici liked b4 better...02:20
ciscoguruwait a second, weird02:20
ciscoguruthat url has a language selector02:20
murkyMurkBlack_Magic: just use FF2..itś still in add/remove02:20
nosrednaekimthompa: try ndiswrapper?02:20
ciscoguruhwo did they do that?02:20
thompanosrednaekim: i hate that thing02:20
ciscoguruswitching from english to persian, to swedish with just a selection02:20
Spenc3got a question on audio. what program can I use to listen to what's coming in from the audio In line of my sound card?02:20
thompanomasteryoda: if it even works02:20
Black_MagicMemory leaks FTL02:21
nosrednaekimthompa: hey.. wit works, I can't argue with that really02:21
murkyMurkSpenc3: again, just unmute the linein channel and you´ll hear it on your speakers02:21
=== ciscoguru is now known as ccvp
Spenc3alright.. let me try.. don't have any sound coming out.. maybe the wrong port.. just a sec.02:22
Black_MagicCould anyone help me with my usb hdd problem?02:22
DanaGUgh, my fonts in Wine are all mangled.02:22
DanaGLike, broken font.  Not wrong font, but broken.02:22
DanaGOr some really screwy-by-design font.02:23
teamcobraDanaG: reinstall msttcorefonts?02:23
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icanhasadminI've run into some madwifi bugs, but I'm not sure if it's just the new kernel version and madwifi or if it involves hardy at all02:24
DanaGArgh, why do Wine apps stick to the current desktop?02:24
teamcobrano idea02:24
thompaicanhasadmin: its new kernel02:25
teamcobraDanaG: check out www.winehq.org, there's a new release (april 4th, no hardy package yet it seems)02:26
icanhasadminthompa: yeah that's what i thought.02:26
teamcobraone of the bullets: Window Management Fixes02:26
Black_Magicwhy does apt like things lag my computer when there running02:26
nosrednaekimBlack_Magic: disk usage02:26
icanhasadminBlack_Magic: they are building packages into your kernel....02:26
Black_Magicno i mean SLOOOW down02:26
Black_Magici mean installing a firefox plugin makes it almost imposible to use ANY program open..02:27
Spenc3murkyMurk, no luck on that.02:27
thompaicanhasadmin: ive been playing around with it for a while, there was a for acer_acpi and madwifi for atheros somehow incorporated into 2.6.25 which is now backported02:27
nosrednaekimBlack_Magic: which apt program?02:27
teamcobraBlack: apt can be pretty cpu/hard-drive intensive when installing packages ;)02:27
thompaicanhasadmin: now its impossible to install unless you compile the kernel02:27
icanhasadminthompa: i got it to work.. sort of02:27
Spenc3cable now at the right spot.. but nothing yet :(02:27
thompaicanhasadmin: ubuntu overkill02:27
Black_Magicupdate-manager and the one to install firefox ubuntu addons02:27
DanaGI find the new kernel's scheduler still sucks at some things.02:27
teamcobrait _flies_ on a quad-core though ;)02:27
thompaicanhasadmin: what atheros?02:27
thompaicanhasadmin: on acer with 5006 you need soft wifi switch in bios hack02:28
Black_Magicsometimes i greeve using update-manager...02:28
* saltedlight morning... :)02:28
Black_Magicthompa: Do i need that too02:28
Black_Magici have Toshiba02:28
Black_Magicwith 5006EG02:28
teamcobramorning salted02:28
DanaGNo deb files for that Wine.02:28
thompaBlack_Magic: i think its only with eee and aspires with 5006 atheros02:29
nosrednaekimthompa: not so...02:29
thompaBlack_Magic: but lots of new laptops02:29
Black_Magicwhy is that?02:29
DanaGWow, dragging the Wine'd Steam makes it spazz out.02:29
thompaBlack_Magic: what does lspci tell you?02:29
Black_Magic02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)02:29
thompaBlack_Magic: Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5006EG02:30
nosrednaekimBlack_Magic: yech...... even worse, you have to use ndiswrapper on that one02:30
Black_MagicMines A/B/G02:30
thompaBlack_Magic: that the same one you got i think, just named diff02:30
jimiridgei dunno about a though02:30
* saltedlight wonders how long will be these 16 long days 'till ubuntu 8.04 ... :))02:30
Black_Magicnosrednaekim: Lol your crazy02:30
Black_Magicnosrednaekim: Im using Madwifi Right NOW!02:30
jimiridgeisnt A like 5Ghz?02:30
nosrednaekimBlack_Magic: woah... how? and what computer?02:30
Black_MagicAcctually my card works by default..02:31
Black_MagicToshiba A10502:31
Black_Magici just have to select a wireless network and away i go02:31
thompaBlack_Magic: you need to remove the atheros stuff modules etc, compile from scratch maybe, its a pain02:31
icanhasadminthompa: 5007, patched02:31
Black_Magicthompa: Wa?02:31
Black_Magicthompa: Im using wireless with madwifi right now...02:31
thompaicanhasadmin: what patch?02:31
icanhasadminBlack_Magic: heh, i have one of those rigs too02:31
Black_Magicmy card has always worked for Ubuntu since i first got it...02:32
icanhasadminthompa: i'll have to find it again. some bloke genius posted it online, there's a link from madwifi's official compatibility list under 5007 i think02:32
nosrednaekimBlack_Magic: thats odd, I have an Acer Aspire and it refuses to work02:32
jimiridgei had to patch my madwifi02:32
thompaBlack_Magic: mine has not worked since alpha 6, it before was misidentified as 5007, but its 500602:32
jimiridgeAtheros AR5BXB6302:32
thompajimiridge: what patch02:32
Black_MagicI can even use Aircrack-ng02:32
jimiridgewhat card do you have?02:33
icanhasadminnosrednaekim: that's not odd. the Toshiba's and the Acers have different APIC problems, toshiba affect sound, acer affects wifi :P02:33
Black_MagicWhile browsing the net..02:33
icanhasadminnosrednaekim: i can get your wifi to work 90% on acer generally02:33
nosrednaekimicanhasadmin: :)02:33
thompaicanhasadmin: that right02:33
nosrednaekimicanhasadmin: I put on ndiswrapper and forgot about it ;-)02:33
Black_Magicjimiridge: Me?02:33
jimiridgeif its 5006 i dunno i have a 500702:33
icanhasadminnosrednaekim: ah, be glad you got ndiswrapper to work lol02:33
thompathere are like 3 bugs open on it still02:33
jimiridgemy laptop says Atheros AR5BXB63  underneath it02:34
nosrednaekimicanhasadmin: yeah.. I had to go find the right driver... but yep, its working though I'd still be glad to get madwifi working02:34
Black_MagicMe Loves my Wifi Card :P02:34
nosrednaekimicanhasadmin: suspend still doesn't work properly because of it02:34
jimiridgei dont really care for all the VAP nonsense with atheros02:34
Black_MagicI love Toshiba's Period i got the sound working by simply using Digital Option instead of PCM02:34
thompamandriva got it working live somehow, i just tested it 2008.102:35
Black_Magicits my Old Faitful labtop02:35
bluefoxxmine works right out of the box02:35
* DanaG is glad to have neither Toshiba nor Acer.02:35
Black_Magicjimiridge: I coulda sworn a while back you where talking about Aircracking02:35
bluefoxxralink sumfin. hardinfo is crapped out02:35
* mneptok patpats his Lenovo02:35
jimiridgeyeah my atheros works with it02:35
thompaim going to wait for next kernel update, i hope there is one02:36
jimiridgebut i choose to use my r8187 card02:36
jimiridgeno vap nonsense02:36
bluefoxxi cant fidure out aircrack-ng. need a tutorial >P02:36
thompajimiridge: i was even on the madwifi irc and they could not get mine to work, patch worked pre 2.6.2302:37
bluefoxxonce i find a "type in this"> "you should get this" type tutorial i can figure out stuff from there pretty well02:37
jimiridgebluefoxx, http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=tutorial&DokuWiki=7502c38a45f3817623efeb5e729229d502:37
thompajimiridge: sorry did you say you had a toshiba/02:37
jimiridgeAcer Aspire 431502:38
Black_MagicHow do those wifi extenders work?02:38
thompajimiridge: we got the same card02:38
teamcobrauhoh,. Green Lantern is on in 20 mins ;) anyone here ever listen to him?02:38
DanaGNo rtl8180 driver.02:38
thompajimiridge: your using madwifi?02:38
mneptok!offtopic > teamcobra02:38
teamcobrasorry ;p02:38
teamcobraand bluefoxx: airoscript is your friend02:39
thompajimiridge: did you compile it and your on heron right/02:39
mneptoksomeday when we get a green GTK2 theme it will be topical02:39
bluefoxxwill aircrack-ng work with a  RaLink Wireless PCI Adapter RT2400 / RT2460 ?02:39
teamcobramneptok, heheheh02:39
bluefoxxteamcobra: airoscript?02:39
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thompajimiridge: did you use latest madwifi only, what else/02:39
teamcobrablue: yeah, google for it02:39
bluefoxxteamcobra: kk, will do02:40
thompajimiridge: did you blacklist or remove any modules first02:40
teamcobrabtw, I have that alfa that jimi posted, worth every penny (bought from data-alliance too)02:40
* DanaG has iwl3945.02:41
jimiridgewhoah whats going on madd lag02:41
thompajimiridge: that link did not work02:41
teamcobrablue: injection should work on those cards, might not be the best injection rate, but it should at least work02:41
jimiridgelemmie check my port forwarding rules this morning its ip changed02:41
thompajimiridge: please tell me how you installed madwifi, was it a patch or what?02:41
Black_MagicAnyone know how to change the side of the :: on the Panel?02:42
Black_Magicthe little separator things that  look like ::02:42
jimiridgeok hst.ath.cx is back up02:43
thompajimiridge: thanks,02:44
LjLmy KSysGuard doesn't seem to list the sensors for CPU temperatures and fan speeds anymore after upgrading to Hardy, although "sensors" in a console still shows them as usual. what gives?02:45
thompajimiridge: its 386 only i guess? the patch version is diff from what i used hmm02:45
bluefoxxi figured since the ralink works so well out of the box it should work fine with aircrack. did i mention i got all my wireless equipment free?[im only short one antenna XP]02:46
DanaG"This game is currently unavailable"02:46
hpdoes anyone know if harddy fixed the laptop harddrive wear and tear problem?02:47
bluefoxxhp: hards wear out. its a part of life as much as death and birth are02:47
DanaGLoad cycle rapidly increasing isn't a "normal part of life"02:48
hpbluefoxx: but it's not necessary to speed up the process02:48
teamcobrablue: I had a usb rt2570 that worked w/ injection... all ralink cards do02:48
Black_Magichp: WHAT Hardrive wear and tear...02:48
thompawell is 5006 same as 500702:48
bluefoxxhp: the only solution is to get a good brand hard[eg. seagate] and treat it nice[cold==good]02:48
teamcobrathey're not the fastest at injection, but they work nicely if you're in range02:48
teamcobraheh, and stay the hell away from maxtor02:48
teamcobraheh, I've had better luck w/ whitelabel generics02:48
teamcobrathan maxtors (and I've gone through 1000s of hd;s, used to mod xboxes)02:49
thompaoh well im going to try it thanks02:49
* DanaG has a Hitachi 7k200-200.02:49
bluefoxxhp: stay away from maxtor and western digital in my expirence. i have a 320 meg seagate that still works.02:49
jimiridgeyeah maxtor sells cheap hd's02:49
teamcobraI thought that the hd problem was a very easy fix, and was installed by default on laptops (laptop-mode-tools package)02:49
bluefoxxive had 13 wds fail on me. one was brand new and lasted 3 months. and 5 maxtors. but most hdds are free for me[read: salvaged]02:50
bluefoxxi need more ATA hards :\02:50
hpi think it's the particular problem for laptop. i read an article that says fiesty and gutsy makes the harddrive unload a lot, so it makes the lifetime ofhte harddrive shorter02:50
teamcobrabluefoxx: heh, I used to have some 4gb barracuda scsi2's... my uncle gave em to me when he worked at Ziff-Davis (PC Magazine, etc), and they were worth like $500 each back then02:50
Black_Magicbluefoxx: :/ i have a WD Passport... got it free....02:51
teamcobrahp; google for the launchpad bug, I thought it was fixed a looooong time ago02:51
bluefoxxteamcobra: 4gb scsi2? i use one of those for my .docs02:51
linkinxpguys which linux its hardy 32 bits? linux-x86 or linux-x86-32? im trying to make mesa drivers02:51
hpteambora, thanks02:51
teamcobrabut the launchpad bug does offer about 3 different ways to fix it, and all of them work (if it isn't fixed in hardy, but I think it is)02:51
teamcobralinkin: there's an x86 and an x64 version02:51
linkinxpteamcobra,  ok can i give a pastebin ?02:51
jimiridgeyeah lil it x86-6402:52
teamcobrasure, dunno how much I can help, but someone else might be able to as well02:52
bluefoxxteamcobra: also salvaged from a computer along with a nice controller card! adaptec 2930u/uw with internal 68 pin, internal 50 pin and external 68 pin:)02:52
teamcobrabluefoxx, nice.... I had to buy a scsi2 controller back in the day for those drives, was like $150...... this was like 11 years ago, the box was a dual p133, so I ran slack on it (12 years old and running slack, _that_ is the way to learn)02:53
teamcobra'cause windows had BAD smp support back then02:53
DanaGThe only SCSI system I've ever used was a Dell Precision 410 workstation.02:53
teamcobraso I used a console in slack (I do remember compiling xfree86 by hand and it taking like 3 hours)02:53
DanaGDual P2-350; upgraded to Dual P3-650.02:53
teamcobraheh, r33t :D02:54
Black_MagicCan i get someone's aattention for Hep..02:54
linkinxpokey there i go http://pastebin.com/m357ff6f02:54
linkinxpi want to know whats next02:54
bluefoxxteamcobra: i only bought 3 scsi parts: my maxtronic[NOT maxtor]babyarena 3xide to raid0/1/5 scsi running a 486 and edo ram, my pair of ibm 9.4gb internal scsi2[$5 each] and a replacement cable after the decade old one i salvaged wore out. all else was free :))02:55
DanaGE: memblock.c: Assertion 'pa_atomic_load(&(b)->_ref) > 0' failed at pulsecore/memblock.c:538, function pa_memblock_unref(). Aborting.02:55
DanaGSegmentation fault (core dumped)02:56
Black_MagicI Have a USB HDD that when i first plugged it in it Worked Just fine for a couple of in and outs then i rebooted and tried to boot and OS off of it Work fine too i logged off restarted then got back on Ubuntu and afterward ubuntu doesnt see the USb HDD anymore...02:56
bluefoxxi prefere scsi to sata actually...my sata drive has fragged twice in the past week :(02:56
Dr_willisdarn membock!02:56
bluefoxxoh! anyone remember rambus RAM?02:57
linkinxpits still in use someplaces02:57
Black_Magicrambus ram...02:57
bluefoxxi found some with two terminator sticks XD got it in a box of free parts on craigslist with my new heatsink and router XD02:58
Black_Magicbluefoxx: Did it have windows on it ;;P02:58
linkinxpto compile mesa from intellinuxgraphic do i need first install mesa from mesa3d.org?02:58
bluefoxxBlack_Magic: no but the 4gb wd caviar has 98XD ima throw it in my slot1 p3@450/768MB box02:58
* Black_Magic tries to figure out what bluefoxx just said...02:59
Black_Magic4gb wd caviar has 98XD ima throw it in my slot1p3@450/768MB box02:59
Black_Magicyou have a box with 768Gigs?03:00
* calc is about to upload new OOo :-)03:00
icanhasadmincalc:  yay :D new package03:00
Black_Magicthat must be a fiberwire box :P03:00
scraga1tried ubtuntu hardy, but my mouse doesn't appear to work...03:00
* calc wants 768GB ram03:00
Daisuke_Laptopwell he said MB03:00
* Dr_willis builds a relay computer.03:00
bluefoxxBlack_Magic: slot one with a pentuim three running at four hundred and fifty megaheartz with seven hundred and sixty eight megabytes of ram in it. a rather respactable rig for being built on salvage03:00
icanhasadmincalc: fix anything interesting?03:00
Dr_willisscraga1,  Upgrade? or clean install?03:00
Daisuke_Laptopbut i didn't think p3's ever came in a slot 103:00
scraga1Dr_willis: clean install, 64 bit03:00
Black_MagicThanks for explaining head was starting to hurt03:00
Daisuke_Laptopi knew that k6's did...03:00
calcicanhasadmin: lpi bug reporting, human icon theme fallback (no more no icons bugs), ability to change template dir on amd64, java for powerpc03:00
bluefoxxDaisuke_Ido: they did. i have one. also gots a 370 version too XD03:01
bluefoxxbut i also have a 1000 celeron...which to use...03:01
calcwell hopefully it will build properly on powerpc again, i had someone test and it appeared to work for them03:01
linkinxpsomeone help me with this http://pastebin.com/m357ff6f03:01
Daisuke_Laptopcool...  slot-based processors were NOT a great idea, i can't imagine using one now03:01
Dr_willisscraga1,  check the xorg. configs. I noticed one of my machines defaulteds to /dev/psaux for some reason when it should be /dev/input/mice03:01
calclpi bug reporting it a big deal for me since now i won't have to keep asking users what version of Ubuntu/OOo they are using03:01
bluefoxxi have a gig of ddr ram for sale in the form of four 256 sticks. 15$ each sound fair? they all work too[and all pc3200]03:02
calci saw ddr2 4gb for $60 this weekend :)03:02
scraga1 /etc/X11/xorg.conf right?03:02
calcof course ddr1 is a bit expensive now since its obsolete03:03
bluefoxxi got a gig with a heatspreader for $503:03
bluefoxxso, $15 each for 256 sounds OK doesnt it?03:03
* calc has no idea what a good price would be for it03:03
icanhasadmincalc: cool indeed03:03
bluefoxx(course, that was $5 after trading the guy a cell phone i couldnt use...)03:03
Dr_willisscraga1,  Yes the new X uses a minimal config - i got an example here  http://pastebin.com/f7467289c03:03
Dr_willisbye all03:03
* calc has a core 2 duo with ddr2, that he wants to upgrade to something faster03:04
Daisuke_Laptopnot when i can order 1gb for $60 from some places03:04
calceven with ccache and parallel building OOo still takes me ~ 65m to build03:04
calchmm my build should be done in about 10m03:04
bluefoxxi also have a gig of ram in mixed EDO/FPRAM sticks XDD03:04
scraga1Dr_willis: my mouse sections short, just Identifier and Driver (set to "vmmouse" )03:05
bluefoxxand what i think is a apple VRAM stick, meyhaphs...03:06
scraga1currently using gutsy on a second partition btw, couldn't use hardy without mouse, got annoying.03:06
ere4sican,t run the legacy nvidia driver in hardy xubuntu...03:13
NW2190Hi, I don't have a 'restart' option on the quit menu... Is that a problem or was that left out on purpose?03:14
jimiridgejust open up a root console and type "reboot"03:15
jimiridgethats weird its missing03:15
NW2190jimiridge: ya that's what I've been doing. I was just wondering if that is how it is supposed to be.03:17
jimiridgesome sort of glitch03:17
woodwizzledoes esata work in hardy?03:17
NW2190ya that's what I figured. I haven't really looked into much since I'll be upgrading soon anyways.03:17
jimiridgeupgrading to what03:18
ere4siand now "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" doesn't give me the option to choose a video card driver...03:19
NW2190the final release03:19
dotechanyone else having weird problems in gnome where mouse clicks either don't register or register twice?03:20
calchttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=747696 - how long have you used linux thread :)03:20
dotechtoo bad that doesn't say unix03:21
dotechunix 2.0 before atari, oh yeah.03:21
calcdotech: wow you're old ;-)03:22
dotechi didn't install it that year, i got a copy of it from archives :)03:22
dotechbut it was originally that old at least03:22
calci thought i was pretty being in nearly the oldest 1% on that poll03:22
calcer pretty old03:22
dotechi think i installed slackware back in 1996-97ish03:23
jimiridgei voted around 01-0203:23
dotechmaybe 95-9603:23
calci started in feb 95, just a few months from being in the oldest percentage, heh03:24
calci think i still have the original cd i installed with03:24
calciirc had kernel 1.2.403:24
dotechhaha nice03:24
calcwas slackware 2.1 from what i recall03:24
dotechi was still in middle school when i tried to bootstrap my slackware system03:24
dotechthat didn't work out if i remember correctly03:24
teamcobracalc: I have slackware 2.1 on cd someplace too03:24
teamcobrathe cd is a little hosed03:25
calcteamcobra: infomagic cd?03:25
jimiridgelinux has sure come a long way03:25
dotechyet my mouse and keyboard still act funny ;)03:25
teamcobracalc: nop, friend gave it to me.... I do remember downloading 2.0 on floppies though03:25
* calc remembers going to the local bookstore and buying the latest infomagic multicd linux set every few months03:25
dotechi'm just happy they work most of the time03:25
teamcobraI bought my own cd-r sometime around 9503:26
teamcobrawas _expeeensive_ ;p03:26
teamcobrawe didn't have luxuries like infomagic around here ;p :p03:26
dotechanyone have any idea how i can start debugging the cause for my mouse click troubles?03:26
dotechseems like 1 out of 5 clicks just doesn't register03:26
bluefoxxXD 1260MB of old RAM.03:27
jimiridgei gave myself a mohawk today03:27
TheDojoI need a little help with mozilla and sound out of my USB headset ... the sound works fine in other apps like skype, but mozilla always plays sound out of hte laptop speakers03:28
jimiridgedotech, cat chewing the cables (mynoks)03:28
dotechTheDojo: get pavucontrol03:28
dotechTheDojo: that lets you switch which sink is used on a per-application basis03:28
bluefoxx3977mb of ram in total[rimms, ddr and sdram]03:28
calcteamcobra: ouch a cd-r in 95 was around $2000 USD03:28
teamcobracalc: uh-huh03:28
teamcobraand 100% worth it03:28
TheDojothanks man ... i'll give it a try03:29
teamcobraI bought a refurb though03:29
teamcobraso it was a bit cheaper than that03:29
dotechjimiridge: haha no other mamals around here but me03:29
teamcobraaround 1200, IIRC03:29
calcteamcobra: i waited until they came down to around $800 before buying one :)03:29
calci think that was around 9603:29
jimiridgemy cat chews the heck out of all my cables03:29
jimiridgei need to set up a live stripped 5v charger wire and get the point across wires+mouth=ouch03:29
calci remember reading about cd-r's probably in 94 when they still cost ~ $500003:30
bluefoxxjimiridge: put chilli pepper paste on them03:30
calcapparently they were 'cheap' enough to do an in depth review on them in a computer magazine03:30
dotechTheDojo: i would also suggest getting the rest of the PulseAudio tools, they're handy, http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/AboutPulseAudio#RelatedSoftware03:30
* calc wishes this build would finish already so he could upload OOo03:31
calc80m and still doing stuff :(03:31
dotechwhere's the strangest place you ever compiled a Linux kernel?03:31
Davo_Dinkumok, so ive dist-upgraded from dapper to hardy. i ran the hardware testing tool. is that all the bug reporting needed?03:31
TheDojoplaying with it now ... i'll check that link out too03:31
b4l74z4ri've discovered a bug in 8.04, i changed my application font to bold, but the applications taskbar entry keeps changing from bold to regular each time an event inside the application takes place such as rhythmbox changing to the next track03:31
poningrudotech: router03:31
Davo_Dinkumi'd like to report as many bugs as possible to help LTS upgrades03:32
dotechponingru: how about on top of a 3,000m mountain? :)03:32
linkinxphow in the h@#@# i compile Mesa Drivers ????? waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa03:32
RAOFNow _that_ is a new and different error message.  "Soft CPU time limit exhausted, terminating."03:33
calci don't compile kernels anymore, no real need, i don't write drivers very often03:33
dotechi do :)03:33
linkinxpdotech,  "D03:33
calclast time i did was mid last year when i was writing audio driver for realtek chip03:33
linkinxpcan u help me?03:33
dotechmy specialty, thats why this mouse click problem intrigues me so much03:33
linkinxpcalc,  ;(03:33
Meshezabeel.calc 2+203:33
calcMeshezabeel: i'm not a bot :P03:33
dotechunhandled interrupts bother me03:33
linkinxpwho can help me?03:34
Meshezabeelcalc, could have fooled me :p03:34
calcand i've had this nick longer than probably half the people in this channel have been alive ;-P03:34
dotechlinkinxp: i think i would have to get some sort of medical degree before i would be qualified for that03:34
linkinxpdotech,  omg man :( im not joking :(03:34
Meshezabeelcalc, wow, so you must be twice as old as half of us and half as old as twice of us03:35
bluefoxxMeshezabeel: nice one. the hobbit huh?>03:35
dotechlinkinxp: i'm not exactly sure what Mesa drivers even are03:35
Meshezabeelbluefoxx, uhuh03:35
calcMeshezabeel: well dotech sounds old so i wouldn't say all ;-)03:35
calcMeshezabeel: 10 years on freenode and another 4-5 before that03:35
dotechi'm not really familiar with many graphics drivers03:35
jadacyru1Hello, in hardy, i have show_desktop as false in gconf and i cant change wallpapers actively, I have to reboot in order to get the new walllpaper to show. But if i turn off show_desktop it works normally. this is annoying and it never behaved like this until recent updates. anyone else know about this?03:36
dotechmore network and input devices03:36
calc"Registered: 9 years 23 weeks 5 days (9h 38m 15s) ago"03:36
linkinxpdotech,  Intel 965GM drivers Video03:36
bluefoxx* [calc] (n=ccheney@adsl-69-153-205-6.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net): Chris Cheney03:36
bluefoxx* [calc] #ubuntu+1 #ubuntu03:36
bluefoxx* [calc] irc.freenode.net :http://freenode.net/03:36
bluefoxx* [calc] is identified to services03:36
bluefoxx* [calc] idle 00:00:14, signon: Fri Mar 21 13:56:5103:36
bluefoxx* [calc] End of WHOIS list.03:36
Meshezabeelcalc, wow, you must have lived through that time when there was no Internet ;)03:36
calcMeshezabeel: yea :)03:36
dotech> Internet03:36
Meshezabeelarpanet only came out in 6903:37
calcbluefoxx: er my /whois isn't really all that useful :)03:37
bluefoxxMeshezabeel: *gasp for drama* there was such a time?O.o03:37
Meshezabeelbluefoxx, yeah, hard to believe, eh?03:37
dotechlinkinxp: no clue about video drivers03:37
calcbluefoxx: /msg nickserv info (foo) to find out about people like their registered time03:37
bluefoxxcalc: meh. ive nuttin better to do[im sortin unused ram]03:37
linkinxpdotech,  u know how to compile ? can u read the instructions? :D03:37
dotechbluefoxx: defragmenting?03:37
bluefoxxMeshezabeel: idk what to do w/o it. cept play dnd03:38
* calc didn't realize all his other channels were hidden, or they didn't show up in bluefoxx /whois for some reason03:38
dotechlinkinxp: i know how to execute a compiler, sure03:38
bluefoxxDon_Miguel: defragging whot?03:38
Meshezabeelbluefoxx, haha03:38
dotechbluefoxx: your unused memory blocks03:38
linkinxpdotech,  what u understand from this? http://intellinuxgraphics.org/download.html03:39
bluefoxxdotech: lol. nope. about 40 unused RAM modules/sticks03:39
dotechbluefoxx: ahh, gotchya03:39
dotechlinkinxp: you need git, the VCS03:39
Meshezabeelcalc, I still remember back when html first came out, I founded the #html channel on dalnet, kind of weird to think about it now.03:40
linkinxpdotech,  i installed git whats vcs?03:40
dotechlinkinxp: version control system03:40
bluefoxxi wanna use a VCR and VHS tape for storage meda XP or a audio cassette tape03:40
dotechlinkinxp: basically just where the software is stored and maintained03:40
bluefoxxand not just for audio and vidio >P03:40
linkinxpdotech,  okey how i compile that?03:40
DanaGHmm, HL2 under Wine has severe input brokenness.03:40
bluefoxxi mean actual data, like text docs and such03:40
DanaGIt gets keys stuck.03:40
dotechlinkinxp: there's a link at the top of that page to 22:38 < bluefoxx> Don_Miguel: defragging whot?03:40
bluefoxxDanaG: that happens.03:40
calcMeshezabeel: Meshezabeel eh html was around a long time before dalnet03:40
dotecherr, not what i meant to paste03:40
calcsorry for double completion03:41
dotechlinkinxp: http://intellinuxgraphics.org/install.html03:41
ogrehey, my computer froze during update now its saying i have updates but the update manager errors out. how do i fix this?03:41
DanaGI press 'w' and it keeps going and going and going and (energizer bunny)03:41
calchtml - aug 1991, dalnet - jul 199403:41
linkinxpdotech,  i know but omg its confusing idk if im doing it ok and idk what should happen03:41
bluefoxxDanaG: i fixed it by enableing bounce keys03:41
bluefoxxDanaG: same.03:41
dotechlinkinxp: if you just follow the instructions one at a time it should work03:41
linkinxpdotech,  okeydoki let me see03:42
dotechlinkinxp: is this not in synaptic or something?03:42
linkinxpdotech,  nop ;(03:42
bluefoxxgirrr. i hate 905 callers -. - damn telemarketers. they need to get real jobs.03:42
Meshezabeelcalc, well I mean when html became official in the mid 90s03:43
calcMeshezabeel: ah ok03:44
linkinxphey guys whats ubuntu desktop?03:44
linkinxpits the whole thing?03:44
dotechlinkinxp: looks like i have a bunch of mesa packages in synaptic, many of which are installed03:44
linkinxpsynaptic its asking me to uninstall that to install other mesa thing\03:44
icanhasadminbluefoxx: that's illegal. $500 per incident03:44
linkinxpdotech,  im looking yea03:45
calci hung around efnet from feb 1995 (when i got net access) until around jun 1998 when i switched to opn (now freenode)03:45
linkinxpdotech,  and one of them says unistall ubuntu desktop03:45
dotechthat doesnt sound like a good idea03:45
linkinxpno hu03:45
icanhasadmincalc: you're old03:45
calcbluefoxx: i got grandcentral for my home number, i can call block anyone i want, its great :)03:45
calcicanhasadmin: yea03:45
* bluefoxx is confused03:46
calcicanhasadmin: i was mentioning earlier that i probably have had my nick longer than people in this channel have been alive ;-)03:46
* bluefoxx was spaced out again03:46
icanhasadmincalc: lol maybe03:46
* bluefoxx was staring at a mesmerizing visualization03:46
dotechadios amigos03:47
linkinxpcuidate no te mojes :D03:47
calcjust a few min of building left, i need a faster pc, argh03:47
bluefoxxicanhasadmin: whats illegal?03:47
linkinxpcalc,  how i know which drivers im i using?03:48
calcan octocore 10GHz computer please :)03:48
dotechquad core 3.6ghz is nice03:48
linkinxpdotech,  to make sure where i can see that?03:48
calclinkinxp: driver for what?03:48
calcdotech: yea that would be helpful03:48
* calc is trying to hold out and make his current pc last for 3 years03:48
bluefoxxoverclocked celeron d at 3.3 to 3.7[depending on hardware im usin]03:48
icanhasadminbluefoxx: telemarkers calling after 9pm in america03:49
Jordan_UFor some reason my sound won't go through my headphone jack, and plugging in headphones doesn't mute the internal speakers03:49
calci have a E6300 @2.8GHz03:49
dotechlinkinxp: i see my drivers if i do System->Administration->Hardware Drivers03:49
bluefoxxicanhasadmin: ah. im in van, so its 7:40 here03:49
dotechthat shows proprietary drivers, my nvidia drivers03:49
linkinxpdotech,  mine its empty :o03:49
dotechyou're 100% free software then, congrats :)03:49
bluefoxxicanhasadmin: i though you were talking about something i said while spaced out[which i dont think i did XD]03:49
icanhasadminbluefoxx: oh lol03:49
dotechanyone else here listen to Sirius on their computer?03:50
linkinxpdotech,  :D thanks where its the Text file that stores the drivers info?03:50
linkinxpdotech,  POD here03:50
dotechI was thinking of porting the interface for one of the popular OS X clients to GTK03:50
bluefoxxicanhasadmin: i was worried about a banhammer or trout-slap >.  <03:50
dotechand use Sipie as the backend03:50
dotechSipie's GUI is a bit, er... lacking03:50
icanhasadminbluefoxx: or worse, a lart03:50
keanuis there a tool to display lame mp3 bitrates?  i know file.mp3 -> Properties -> Audio/Video has it, but it doesn't display VBRs03:50
bluefoxxicanhasadmin: O.o?03:50
* bluefoxx has only had as much internets as he wants for a year03:51
bluefoxxkeanu: errr...xmms should if you look at song properties...03:51
dotechlinkinxp: i would check the Ubuntu forums for your video chipset03:51
calckeanu: mp3info maybe, i haven't used it though03:51
linkinxpdotech,  okey thanks03:51
dotechlinkinxp: someone must have already tried to install on that graphics card03:51
calckeanu: its in universe03:52
* bluefoxx will be back shortly...biological reasons.03:52
linkinxpdotech,  i guest03:52
RAOFlinkinxp: grep -i driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log will tell you what driver X is using.03:52
RAOF(Among other things)03:52
linkinxplet me see03:52
edoceoRecently after upgrading to Hardy my FireFox has lost it's Application associations, the whole list is gone!03:54
edoceoA fresh install of Kubuntu Hardy (in my VirtualBox) has a number of items in the list, where did mine go?03:54
* bluefoxx is back03:55
edoceoIt's toased my list on two machines03:55
dotechi think my mouse problems are related to rdesktop03:56
edoceodotech: I've had rdesktop capture my mouse from every application when I had it running too!03:57
RAOFWhat annoying level of my audio stack is sending pulseaudio SIGXCPU?03:58
dotechedoceo: the weird thing is that its like 30% of my mouse clicks seem to be ignored03:58
dotechnot a complete loss of control03:58
edoceoI has lost everything - but could click in rdesktop and could close that application03:58
edoceoThen my mouse was back!  That was a few updates ago (I'm updating nightly)03:59
DanaGHandy thing: allowungrab03:59
DanaGin xorg.conf.03:59
Jordan_UFor some reason my sound won't go through my headphone jack, and plugging in headphones doesn't mute the internal speakers03:59
DanaGI think that's the name.  It lets you ctrl-alt-num_slash03:59
dotechedoceo: what happens now when you use rdesktop?03:59
edoceoDanaG: that's a custom window setting right?03:59
DanaGBUT: it also lets people bypass xscreensaver's lock.03:59
DanaGThus, it's a relatively big security vulnerability.03:59
dotechi closed rdesktop and my mouse seems to work now04:00
dotechwow, still some weird things going on04:01
dotechif i click ont eh desktop and hold the button so i can drag a box, if i move the mouse pointer around between my 3 monitors the box randomly closes and restarts04:01
MeshezabeelI keep having npviewer.bin crashing on me, anyone else been having this problem lately?04:02
Meshezabeelok, thanks :)04:02
diefordethklokhello all, does the rt73(rt71) how to work in the hardy  beta? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40023604:02
edoceoKrita has been crashy as well04:02
sivel27hello all04:02
icanhasadminsivel27: alt+f2 metacity --replace <-- is a temperary fix to your issue04:03
sivel27so im in a jam. fresh install of heron, ati 9700 pro + restricted drivers +32 lcd = logging into a white screen04:03
sivel27the only way is through gnome fail safe term04:03
dotechi'm using 3 and it seems ok04:03
icanhasadminsivel27: output of fglrxinfo please04:03
sivel27ok one sec04:04
sivel27is there a default shortcut to open up a terminal?04:04
icanhasadminalt+f2 xterm04:04
sivel27ok thanks04:04
* RAOF prefers alt+f2 gnome-terminal04:04
* icanhasadmin thinks in this situation it doesn't matter04:05
dotechcan someone run a test for me?04:05
sivel27hmm no such luck\04:05
icanhasadminsivel27: what do you mean?04:05
dotechuse the mouse and drag a highlight box on your desktop and hold it04:05
dotechsee if it disappears within 10 seconds04:05
sivel27i did the alt+f2, but no term popped up04:05
dotechor move the mouse around while you hold it and see if it keeps redrawing it in different spots04:05
icanhasadminsivel27: wait, are you in a white screen?04:05
sivel27no, im in the fail-safe gnome terminal right now04:06
icanhasadminsivel27: weell ctrl+alt+f1-f6 are differnt terminals04:06
sivel27the white screen come if i log into regular gnome04:06
keanucalc, mp3info wasn't exactly what i was looking for (was looking for something to output v0, v2, etc) but it'll work - thanks04:08
x0x«HeLLo» «EvErY» «OnE» «« x0x »» «Iz» «BaCk» «To» «RoCk» «YouR» «HeArT» «AgAiN»   ABC Script04:08
icanhasadminsivel27: ctrl+alt+f1 will get you to a term.. i need the output of fglrxinfo04:08
x0xwhat is ubuntu+1 ?04:08
TheBurninatorhey guys i have a question about the hardy beta04:09
TheBurninatori have been running it for a while now04:09
sivel27bwow, i "booted" myself into a whole screen terminal now04:09
sivel27bhow do i get back to the fail-safe gnome from here?04:09
icanhasadminyeah, ctrl+alt+f7 to get back04:09
TheBurninatorif i keep updating it, will i have to upgrade when the final version comes out or will i basically have the final version from the updates?04:09
sivel27excellent, thanks04:09
spinikerim planning to dual boot ubuntu(hardy beta) and xp but i only have 80g hd,can i partition it,i still wouldlike to keep xp for my games..04:10
sivel27i do apologize, as when i do the ctrl+alt+f1 combo, it kicks me out of the gui, and into a full screen terminal04:11
spinikerim just not very good on how to do the partitions,can i put ubuntu on 20g and 60 on xp?04:11
icanhasadminsivel27: yes it's suppose to do that. now in the terminal you can type fglrxinfo for me please04:11
sivel27the problem is that it cant do it, as theres noe "gui" just a big terminal04:12
akkspiniker: My gutsy machine with tons of stuff installed is using 6.7G (on a root partition of 12G, more than I need)04:12
icanhasadminsivel27: yes. a big terminal is good. login like it asks, then fglrxinfo04:12
sivel27one sec, let me try again04:12
akkspiniker: Allow about 8G per root partition, make two or three of them and leave a partition for yourself (whatever music and pictures and stuff you need)04:13
akkspiniker: or if you're keeping XP, you could even leave your pix and stuff on the XP partition04:13
sivel27ok, when i type in the fglrx command. it says "unable to open display" NULL04:13
DanaGI started with a 10G root; that's enough for lots of stuff.04:14
DanaGAnd you can always re-resize later.04:14
icanhasadminoh that's interesting.04:14
calckeanu: you probably can't find out the v# unless lame encodes it into the text somewhere04:14
sivel27is there a shortcut for ,say eterm or xterm, without booting me out of the screen?04:15
spinikerakk:i know how to do the dual boot,the partitioning problem is what im facing,my hd had 2 partition back then,C:/60 and E:/2004:15
akkspiniker: That's why I was giving recommended sizes -- I thought that was what you were asking for04:15
quentusrexHow do I share a printer from my Hardy system to a window xp system?04:15
keanucalc, in dbpoweramp (windows) it seems to identify between cbr and vbr (v0, v2, apx, aps) so it's probably somewhere n the text04:15
calcuploading openoffice.org_2.4.0-3ubuntu2.dsc now04:15
spinikeryes i know..04:15
calckeanu: oh interesting04:16
DanaGAargh, Wine through PulseAudio seems to present only a mono stream.04:16
calckeanu: you could conceivably figure it out if you compared a histogram of the bitrates to what lame uses for its v#'s (if its not encoded)04:16
akkdon't forget a separate /boot partition (mine is too small at 67M, keeps filling up with kernels)04:16
icanhasadminsivel27: not that i know of. please get me the output of 'glxinfo | grep direct'04:16
quentusrexAnyone know how to share a printer from Hardy to Windows XP?04:16
keanucalc, yeah04:16
RAOFDanaG: Presents a stereo stream here (but doesn't work correctly)04:17
dotechquentusrex: samba04:17
calckeanu: so it could be that dbpoweramp is either reading something or determining it on its own04:17
DanaGWhat are you trying to do with VBR?04:17
DanaGThe app Winamp can show realtime VBR, rather than just average.04:17
quentusrexdotech, I'm asking how Hardy would get samba to share the printer?04:17
calckeanu: and thats even assuming you can determine what actually encoded the mp3 to begin with04:17
dotechquentusrex: not sure if there's a GUI for it or not04:17
xShad0w___im having some problems getting ubuntu to work on vmware (fusion)04:18
xShad0w___basically mouse doesn't work but i checked the xorg.conf and the vmware mouse is setup correctly inside04:18
quentusrexdotech, then if there isn't. then is there a walkthrough for this?04:19
xShad0w___(after vmware tools install which didn't go so smoothly but seems like its working)04:19
DanaGArgh, FF3 always takes ages to close.04:19
DanaGI usually give up and say "yes" to force-quit.04:19
dotechquentusrex: yea there must be, i would just google for "ubuntu samba printer"04:20
keanucalc, other windows programs (such as mr. questionman) can also determine it, so i'm sure it's encoded somewhere.  opening up an mp3 in nano (easiest thing I had access to) showed that "LAME 3.90" does appear in the file though04:20
calckeanu: ah ok, well you could run 'strings' on the file and see if it is encoded somewhere04:21
dotechquentusrex: im actually sharing a printer on a Vista machine, using it on OS X Leopard and Ubuntu04:21
keanucalc, heh, i always forget about strings04:21
dotechim using xev to watch my X events04:22
sivel27help quit04:22
dotechi click in the box, hold the click, and mouse my mouse all around the screen04:22
dotechrandomly it gets a "ButtonRelease" event04:22
dotechyet i never let go of the button!04:22
DanaGE: memblock.c: Assertion 'pa_atomic_load(&(b)->_ref) > 0' failed at pulsecore/memblock.c:538, function pa_memblock_unref(). Aborting.04:23
DanaGSegmentation fault (core dumped)04:23
dotechno refs, not good04:23
dotechdouble free maybe04:23
xShad0w___anyone know the correct xorg.conf settings for two finger right click on symantec touchpad's04:24
sivel27ok, it said something about mesa04:24
DanaGsynaptics, you mean?04:24
xShad0w___lol yea04:24
DanaGLots of nifty stuff for synaptics there.04:24
DanaG(That's my web space through my school.)04:24
xShad0w___wow palmdetect, woah didn't know synaptics had so many settings04:25
xShad0w___whats gsynaptics, i was having some problems with the FingerHigh and FingerLow for two finger scroll04:25
sivel27mesa 3d rather04:25
DanaGgsynaptics is a package that has a GUI to configure a few more touchpad thingies.04:26
Meshezabeelquentusrex, http://searchenterpriselinux.techtarget.com/tip/0,289483,sid39_gci1250451,00.html04:26
x0x«HeLLo» «EvErY» «OnE» «« x0x »» «Iz» «BaCk» «To» «RoCk» «YouR» «HeArT» «AgAiN»   ABC Script04:26
DanaGOh yeah, watch out for horizontal scrolling: by default, it's "Forward" and "Back" in Firefox.04:26
x0xi am sorry04:26
Boohbahx0x: are you using windows?04:26
xShad0w___DanaG: well i did change the values, altho some were missing/already set in FF beta4, but it still was a little jerky sometimes04:27
x0xmy pc is windows04:27
x0xmy server is ubuntu04:27
x0xi need ftpd on my server.04:27
calcx0x: ssh, screen, and irssi are great together :)04:27
x0xoh yeah :D04:28
calcssh is secure shell remote login04:28
x0xbut how to upload files? :S04:28
calcscreen allows you to run multiple console sessions in one window (and detach while it runs)04:29
calcx0x: ssh, scp04:29
calcx0x: search for something called pscp.exe04:29
calcor you could install samba on your server to have windows have direct access04:29
dotechdamn, edoceo left04:30
x0xi found it04:30
dotechi wanted to ask him if he had "focus-follows-pointer" on04:30
* x0x wants ftpd04:30
x0xcoz i am going to sell shells04:30
iMatteri still need help with my USB hdd problem04:30
sarixehi, i just got a wireless n router to go with my laptop that has intel wireless n.  however, when i view the Connection information, it says it's 54 Mb/s. how do i get it to use N speeds?04:30
iMatterhow exactly do you sell shells..04:30
calcx0x: ssh/scp is equivalent to encrypted ftp04:31
calcwell there is sftp also04:31
iMatterhes going to shell sells04:31
iMattercalc: sftp?04:31
calciMatter: uses ssh to do encrypted ftp04:32
calciMatter: there is a sftp command line util or you can type ctrl-l sftp: in your nautilus window04:32
calcwel sftp://hostname/04:33
iMatteri have proftpd04:33
calciMatter: do you have openssh-server installed?04:33
iMattercalc: yes04:33
calciMatter: then you have sftp also04:33
x0xE: Couldn't find package proftpd04:34
x0xi m using x.1004:34
iMattercalc: Is there a way to put computer in DMZ without messing with router settings...?04:34
dotechxev shows that i'm getting spontaneous ButtonRelease events from my mouse while i hold it down, i'm in trouble04:34
calcx0x: its in universe04:34
dotechiMatter: no04:34
sarixeiMatter : no way04:35
dotechiMatter: if you have upnp you can open ports on the fly04:35
calciMatter: no04:35
iMatterHow can i get upnp?04:35
* calc hopes this upload passes04:35
dotechiMatter: it would have to be built into your router04:35
iMatteri still need to edit router stuff dont i...04:35
dotechupnp allows for dynamic port forwarding changes04:36
iMatterOk well how does this work04:36
calcif upnp is built into your router you just have to make sure it is enabled04:36
iMatteri think i have it04:36
dotechassuming it was enabled04:36
calcif it is then you just need programs that do upnp to open ports04:36
iMatterx0x: Use LAMP04:36
dotechx0x: glftpd04:36
x0xwhat is lamp?04:36
RAOFx0x: sudo aptitude install vsftpd.  Done.04:36
iMatterok what program?04:36
iMatterLinux Apache Mysql P.....04:37
calciMatter: dunno, i don't run ftpd, i just use ssh04:37
x0xi already have vsftpd installed04:37
RAOFx0x: Then you have a ftp server.04:37
calcand i have access to my router so i open the port directly04:37
iMattercalc: I mean the upnp thing...?04:37
x0xbut its doesnt work04:37
calciMatter: programs that support it works automatically at least on my router04:37
RAOFx0x: So, presumably you need help configuring it.  I'd suggest google.04:37
calciMatter: eg transmission uses it04:37
iMattercalc: Cant some Bittorrent things do it?04:38
iMatter:/ opens transmissions04:38
calcyes transmission is a bittorrent client04:38
sarixeanyone know how to get iwl4965 to run at N speed?04:38
calcazureus does upnp also04:38
iMatterhow can i use it to my advantage....04:38
RAOFx0x: You'll also be interested in the /etc/vsftpd.conf file.04:38
calciMatter: just run it and it will open the port using upnp automatically04:39
dotechButtonRelease event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3600001, bah!!!04:39
* calc bbl04:39
iMattercalc: I mean the port 21 and 80 so i can have FTP and Http Server04:39
RAOFx0x: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html is likely to help, too.04:40
calciMatter: don't know for those, typically people open those ports directly on a router since they need to stay open permanently04:40
thompajimiridge: hey was it you who gave me the madwifi patch link. cheers04:40
calciMatter: and the ports for those don't change like with bittorrent04:40
iMatterit says the port is open :/04:40
thompaahteros 5007 works, just had to remove all the restricted stuff first04:40
x0xtnx RAOF04:41
iMatterwell my problem is i dont have access to my router :/04:41
HorizonXPhow do I get gnome-panel to autohide completely?04:41
sarixeiMatter : you shouldn't be messin' with a router that's not yours to admin04:42
iMattersarixe: My router doesnt have a configuration interface04:43
x0xRAOF where do i set home dir?04:43
calciMatter: buy a new one?04:43
sarixesilly me, then04:43
sarixerather, silly router04:43
iMatterthis one is like old faitfull04:43
iMatterhad it for years04:43
calciMatter: preferrably one that isn't crap ;-)04:43
sarixewhat kind of router has no config?04:43
sarixea bad one04:43
bazhangdd-wrt then04:43
calciMatter: what kind of router is it?04:43
iMatterit has bad bandswith..04:44
iMatterif i bought Fios Internet...itd push out 1kb/s04:44
calcgrr my uploads still hang with 1KB left via ftp :\04:45
* calc has to reupload using ssh04:45
iMattercalc: i throught with ftp you could just drag and drop files?04:46
calciMatter: you can do that with ssh, ftp, webdav, etc anything that gnome supports04:46
calci'm uploading openoffice to ubuntu via ftp using dput04:46
iMatterthen why are you Uploading?04:46
calcit hung so i have to upload it to another server with ssh then dput it from there04:47
bluefoxxdoes anyone else here hate tooltips as much as me? i think all programs should have an option that turns them off... especially cpu hogs like frostwire/limewire and other java apps.04:47
calcdoes anyone else hate java apps as much as me? ;-)04:48
akkcalc: yes04:48
calcjust delete any java app that helps solve the problem ;-)04:48
x0xjava sucks04:48
calcand the foss jre is too buggy04:48
* DanaG luuuurves dd-wrt.04:49
* Hydrogen likes tha java apps04:49
DanaGYay, QoS!04:49
bluefoxxnooooo no no. i need frostwire. cant live w/o it.04:49
DanaGRun BT on a specific port, and set it to Bulk priority.04:49
Hydrogenp2p apps should diaf04:49
calcDanaG: does the dd-wrt site work for you? i tried going there and it wouldn't pull up04:49
bluefoxxit sux, but it gives me my fix...04:49
iMatterDanaG: dd-wrt04:49
calciMatter: dd-wrt is firmware for wireless AP04:50
iMattercalc: Oh So you can use devices on computer as a router...? maybe i should do that..04:50
bluefoxxwell, at least its letting me type in the 'artist' box whear as feisty/gutsy it kept jumping the active field back to 'title'04:50
bluefoxxjava and tk are bloated and buggy04:51
calciMatter: er no its a firmware for a REAL router04:51
calcnot something running on a pc04:51
bluefoxxcalc: open source firmware?04:51
calcbluefoxx: yes04:51
Hydrogenbluefoxx: and then you take a step further down on the chain and reach gtk...04:51
iMatteroh is it better firmware or something?04:51
calcthough the site appears to be dead :(04:51
DanaGjust plain http://dd-wrt  or the .com?04:51
calciMatter: yea much better than default firmware for the linksys routers (and various other ones based on broadcom, etc)04:52
calcDanaG: dd-wrt.com doesn't work for me04:52
DanaGLinksys now sucks; they cheapened out on the RAM.04:52
calcDanaG: dd-wrt.com is the url that should work, but it doesn't :(04:52
bluefoxxcalc: will it work on a 2002 hdwr rev:c dlink di-624 wireless router?04:52
calcbluefoxx: no idea04:52
calci have a linksys wrt54g which it works on04:53
* bluefoxx loves using open source firmwarez just to stick it to the companies[less they actually support open source]04:53
calcwell the reason it works on linksys is because linksys uses linux for their router04:53
bluefoxxi would go linksys[and will once i can afford to, turning my current one into a access point/switch/hub] but im sticking with the dlink di604 and di624 routers i got free04:54
bluefoxxfor now04:54
xcndI have recently installed my file server with Ubuntu 8.04 and am trying to access the HOME directories via my laptop with 8.04. I can "see" the "homes" folder in the SMB:// folder but I can't access them, can anyone help?04:55
b4l74z4rwhich application font size in ubuntu does most people use?04:56
xcndb4l74z4r, default is set to 10, so I assume that.04:56
* iMatter Java Lags me especially Frostwire04:57
DanaGLinksys doesn't use Linux any longer on the base models.04:57
DanaGThey use VxWorks.04:57
b4l74z4rxcnd, i found 10 too big so i turned down to 804:57
akkI would have guessed it's bigger than 10 here, but I don't know how to find out (gnome defaults are hidden so well)04:57
DanaGAnd they strip the memory down to "lame".04:57
xcndCan anyone help with my SAMBA problem?05:00
calchmm there is a 24rc7 of dd-wrt too bad the site is down i could use it05:02
* calc hopes it fixes the ftp problem05:02
* DanaG has a WHR-G125.05:05
DanaGAnd if I were to get another router, I'd probably import one from somewhere else just to spite that company that picked on Buffalo.05:06
DanaGIf I were the courts, I would've said this:05:06
DanaG"Why are you suing just Buffalo?  If you want to sue ONE manufacturer for using WiFi, you must sue ALL of them!"  (Muhahahaha!)05:06
nonix4Darn... initrd creation doesn't handle raid6? :( Put one of them as part of the LVM setup, now it just hangs on boot waiting for that part of the LVM to appear although it isn't even trying to make it to... :(05:08
xcndI'm trying to gain access to the home folders on an Ubuntu 8.04 server from an Ubuntu 8.04 laptop. I can see the "homes" folder but can't gain access to it, can anyone offer some help here?05:13
iMatter* Connecting to localhost ( port 6667...05:15
iMatter* Connection failed. Error: Connection refused :/05:15
iMatterit just worked not 10 seconds ago..05:15
bluefoxxgirr,...7 minutes for 11mb05:16
bluefoxxi hate my net connection05:16
iMatterbluefoxx: What you up to?05:20
bluefoxxiMatter: downloading varios junk. its my internet connection. high speed light. uggh. my grandfather refuses to upgrade tofull high speed for only $5 a month[including the ditching of modem rental]05:21
calcbluefoxx: so pay him for it? :)05:22
bluefoxxcalc: i would, but no job and he gives me my allowance >. >05:24
iMatterbluefoxx: Use your Allowance to pay :P05:25
iMatteras i used to say once it hits my hand its MINE!05:25
iMatterno indiana johnes givers05:25
bluefoxxiMatter: XD. maybe ill try that oncei replace my dying nvidia[damaged but not destroyed transistor]'05:26
iMatterim serious :P05:28
iMatteri used to snatch the money and run for dear life05:28
iMatteralas it was only 200$ back then05:28
iMatterthats about 85.5 Euros05:29
Davo_Dinkumok, so ive dist-upgraded from dapper to hardy. i ran the hardware testing tool. is that all the bug reporting needed?05:30
Davo_Dinkumi'd like to report as many bugs as possible to help with LTS upgrades05:31
jimmygoonI still can't connect to certain FTP sites05:31
iMatterhardware test tool...05:32
iMatterDavo_Dinkum: Hardy also has a error detection and sending reports to devs tool called rapport i think when an error accours asks if you want to send to devs05:32
Davo_Dinkumah ok05:32
xcndCan _anyone_ help with SAMBA across two Ubuntu installs?05:35
iMatterit seems like my thinking light comes on WAAY more offen in linux than Windows :/05:55
Patriciohay alguien ally?05:55
iMatteralmost anything that uses internet makes it think hard and long05:55
iMatteropening firefox is Killer05:55
iMattertakes 2mins05:55
iMatterlike 30 seconds less without Compiz...05:57
iMatteri was like WHOAH 30 seconds05:57
Patricioalguien que hable espanol05:57
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.05:57
Hydrogendo the lang channels do +1 support?05:58
AutoMatriXHi folks, I'm having a lot of troubvle syncing myn mobile phone with my laptop ... to whon should I address the question to write an easy to configurate add-onn for Evolution ?05:59
* AutoMatriX forgot to say that the sycnhro of Evolution/Nokiia should be via IR and not via BT or cable 06:03
xShad0wcan someone link me to the default xorg.conf for hardy, i need to check something06:04
xShad0wor where to find it06:04
Davo_Dinkum /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:05
shirishanybody knows what should I fill in localhost:631 for authentication?06:06
shirishI get this message06:06
shirish A username and password are being requested by http://localhost:631. The site says: "CUPS"06:06
Davo_Dinkumtry 'root' or 'admin'06:07
xShad0wDavo_Dinkum, i meant like an online version, i just need to see the default one that comes with hardy06:07
akkshirish: cups usually seems to want your user password, not root's (assuming you're a user who has group permissions for printing stuff)06:07
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:08
shirishDavo_Dinkum: akk: thanx guys, it worked.06:09
xShad0wim actually having problems with the mouse, weird but i think its not setup correctly in xorg06:09
HorizonXPhow do I test updates to see if they'll break my system or not?06:10
jimiridgedont think thats an option06:10
HorizonXP.... :(06:10
DanaGArgh, Wine and PulseAudio don't get along.06:10
HorizonXPhave the recent updates broken anything?06:11
jimiridgei'm waiting till tomorrow night06:11
jimiridgeend of patch tuesday06:11
jimiridgelots of updates after tues ussually06:11
RAOFDanaG: Yup.  I could have told you that :P06:11
jimiridgeand if something breaks big time it might be just a few hours before another update fixes it06:12
DanaGAnd I can't make Wine use surround51:1.06:12
DanaGIt instead gives this:06:12
DanaGDirectSoundCreate: ADC Capture/Standard PCM Playback (winealsa.drv)06:12
DanaGDirectSound error: DirectSoundCreate DSERR_INVALIDPARAM: 80070057h06:12
DanaGWhere the interface is the WRONG ONE!06:13
samiHi! can anyone tell how to locate cause of hardy heron´s lockups, because i can´t find anything useful from dmesg and normal logs? I get very bad lockups when using some gnome programs, like gedit, update-manager etc..06:14
DanaGAnybody here use Wine with an emu10k1 card?06:15
Davo_DinkumWhy doesn't ctrl+alt+F1 work?06:25
thoreauputicDavo_Dinkum: umm... it does. Waht on earth do you really mean?06:28
Davo_Dinkumit doesnt switch to a console06:28
thoreauputicYes it does - what  kernel are you running?06:28
no0ticit does pretty well here06:28
thoreauputicthere was a framebuffer issue, but it's fixed now in hardy06:29
thoreauputicalso a fonts issue06:29
doogluswhat's the package to get (sun) java working with firefox?06:29
Davo_Dinkumi have framebuffer on06:29
no0ticdooglus, sun-java6-plugin ^06:29
thoreauputicDavo_Dinkum: and which kernel verison? ( uname -r )06:30
dooglusno0tic: it doesn't contain anything but empty dirs and a symlink?06:30
thoreauputicdooglus: it's a metapackkage IIRC06:30
no0ticDavo_Dinkum, try using -generic06:30
dooglusDepends: libasound2, libx11-6, libxext6, libxi6, libxp6, libxtst6, sun-java6-bin (= 6-05-0ubuntu1), xulrunner-1.906:30
thoreauputicDavo_Dinkum: then that's very odd - 2.6.24-15-386 works fine here06:30
Davo_Dinkumuname -generic ?06:31
dooglusthoreauputic: -15 won't boot here at all06:31
dooglusthoreauputic: I'm still on -14 as a result06:31
no0ticDavo_Dinkum, no linux-image-generic06:31
thoreauputicdooglus: oh dear :(06:31
Davo_Dinkumoh in the grub menu?06:31
dooglusthoreauputic: never mind - I don't suppose anything much really changed06:31
thoreauputicdooglus: must still be some unresolved hardware issues06:31
no0ticDavo_Dinkum, yes06:32
Davo_Dinkumoh so it's a grub boot line option. ok06:32
no0ticno, it's a different kernel build06:32
thoreauputicdooglus: install the sun jre as well as the plugin ifthe plugin doesn't pull it in06:32
Davo_Dinkumanyone gotten icedtea working?06:33
iMatterWhy does Firefox Use so much Ram?06:33
thoreauputicdooglus: but I think the -bin package in the depends grabs the jre too06:34
iMatterits using more ram than any proccess on my computer06:34
RAOFiMatter: Copious cache is a big part of it.06:34
iMatteris there a way to flush it?06:35
iMatterso it goes down06:35
RAOFYup.  Fill up your RAM.06:35
dooglusthoreauputic: I had everything I needed installed - all I had to do was link /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins/libjavaplugin.so into my plugins directory06:35
akkyou can make the cache way smaller in edit->preferences06:35
akkor "clear cache now"06:35
thoreauputicdooglus: OK that's one way to do it I guess :) The hard way ;-)06:35
Davo_Dinkumi dont see a generic kernel to boot from06:36
dooglusthoreauputic: is there an easier way?06:36
thoreauputicDavo_Dinkum: you might need to install linux-generic06:37
shinynewhello I recently updated and lost my wireless card06:37
shinynewdoesn't show up in the restricted drivers nor network-admin06:37
no0ticDavo_Dinkum, install linux-image-generic or linux-generic as thoreauputic told you :)06:37
ravingloonietichello all:is it possible to install nvidia 3d acceleration drivers on hardy? I heard that 2.6.24 kernel is not compatible with it06:37
thoreauputicdooglus: well, yes - you install the plugin from the repos and it Just Works ( at least it did here)06:37
dooglusthoreauputic: I was trying to get java working with the nightly firefox, not the ubuntu one06:37
thoreauputicdooglus: ah, I see - I didn't realise that06:38
dooglusthoreauputic: yeah, maybe I should have mentioned it06:38
thoreauputicheh :)06:38
dooglusthoreauputic: what's your initial reaction to this image?06:39
dooglusthoreauputic: http://synfig.org/images/6/64/MainBanner-06108-en.jpg06:39
thoreauputicravingloonietic: I have it here working at 2100 fps in glxgears...06:39
thoreauputicdooglus: Freudian... ?06:40
ravingloonieticthorapeautic: 2100 fps? wow. I just have a geforce 2 mx that i tried to build the "Debian Way" wont work ...06:40
xShad0was a macbook user would anyone recomend me not to install 64bit hardy, (drivers and such), theres many problems as it is and idk if adding 64bit will help06:40
Davo_Dinkumshinynew: run 'lspci -vvvv' as root and pastebin the outout06:40
thoreauputicshinynew: you forgot afew details - like which card, what driver you were using that worked before etc...06:41
shinynewDavo_Dinkum: ok it showed up there ill paste the name: 03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 02)06:42
dooglusthoreauputic: I hadn't seen it myself.  It was designed by a young Argentinian guy, who also didn't intend anything freudian.  I showed it to an Australian friend of mine and he just started laughing.06:42
thoreauputicravingloonietic: this is a geForce 5700 something06:42
Davo_Dinkumand which ubuntu release you were using before06:42
dooglusthoreauputic: I wondered if you would see the same06:42
shinynewshould i just look for a guide for that card?06:42
thoreauputicdooglus: oh yeah :)06:42
ravingloonieticthorapeautic: google is clueless for me on this one. Can you point to me the way? obwan kenobi you are my only hope06:42
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:42
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx06:43
thoreauputicravingloonietic: I just clicked the dialogue to enable the driver and it worked *shrug*06:43
Davo_Dinkum!Broadcom shinynew06:43
iMatterOpera Pages dont show much for a site in firefox thats brown and multicolored its just white with buttons...06:43
thoreauputicravingloonietic: well, after a reboot anyway06:43
ravingloonieticthorapeautic: ok may the force be with you06:43
iMattersame for google06:43
thoreauputicravingloonietic: I think just a restart of X would have been enough though06:43
ravingloonieticthorapeautic: ok thanks. The force is strong in you06:44
HorizonXPreally annoying issue I have right now06:44
HorizonXPseems every time I shut down, my external hdd's auto-mounted directory doesn't get removed06:45
thoreauputicravingloonietic: System -Admin - Hardware Drivers - enable the nvidia driver06:45
HorizonXP\/media/My Book06:45
HorizonXPso then when I turn my computer back on, it gets mounted as /media/My Book_06:45
RAOFHorizonXP: There's a bug report and thread in ubuntuforums.org about that :)06:45
HorizonXPwhich throws off all of the references to things06:45
thoreauputicravingloonietic: In theory that works :) In practice on another box I hd to fiddle around in xorg.conf06:45
HorizonXPah ok RAOF06:46
HorizonXPthanks, can you point me to it? maybe there's a workaround06:46
RAOFThere is.  Let me hunt the link.06:46
ravingloonieticthoreauputic: i see it. i wish i could do the same for my debian though... thanks a lot will restart after i click that... its that simple in kubuntu - wow. Debian needs this. Im getting tired of compiling and compiling06:47
thoreauputicravingloonietic: Good luck - hope it works for you06:48
ravingloonieticthoreauputic: ok thanks man will restart now06:48
RAOFHorizonXP: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74446906:49
HorizonXPthanks RAOF: there's a temporary fix, but the bug hasn't been solved.06:54
RAOFHorizonXP: Yup.  You were after a workaround, right?06:54
HorizonXPyeah, for now06:54
HorizonXPobviously I'd like to see it fixed06:54
HorizonXPprobably will be by release06:54
HorizonXPso excited for release06:55
HorizonXPmy GF has agreed to give Ubuntu a shot :)06:55
iMatterWHen i load java applets07:05
iMatterits just a grey box..07:05
iMatterHorizonXP: Make sure you put two bullets in if you know what i mean07:07
iMatternothing bad so just in case she runs into trouble she can still give it another shot07:07
len_ati's fglrx driver is causing my system to hang on shutdown/reboot.  Does anyone have a workaround?  An option to add to the driver section of xorg.conf or something?  I can shutdown/reboot normally with the ati driver.07:07
HorizonXPiMatter: lol07:08
len_I'm using a new AMD 780 chipset motherboard.07:09
iMatterIt seems anything that messes with networking07:09
iMattermakes my computer think hard...07:09
iMatteri cant wait for my MBP to get here..07:09
savvashey iMatter07:09
savvaswhat did you do eventually? :)07:10
iMatterdpkg-reconfig -a didnt work...07:10
iMatterbut i guess ill just live with it07:10
iMatter2hrs of answering questions FTL07:10
savvaswhat about the recovery boot and check the internet and follow the rest of the guide? :P07:10
* iMatter coughs uh err what?07:11
HorizonXPyou guys wouldn't know of an intel-based motherboard for core2 duo that supports 2 DVI outputs?07:11
HorizonXPI want an intel board with intel graphics for ubuntu of course.... and I run 2 LCDs....07:12
savvasHorizonXP: if no one replies, google this: +intel +motherboard +"2 dvi"07:12
iMattersavvas: Do (N) Technology work with Ubuntu?07:13
savvasiMatter: remember i suggested that if dpkg didn't work, you could boot to a kernel recovery from grub, then do this: sudo aptitude update ..if it worked, to follow the rest of the command guide i gave ya07:13
iMatterthe ones on MBP?07:13
len_Anyone here using the fglrx driver?07:13
iMatterlol...what i said07:14
savvasno idea iMatter07:14
* iMatter Needs to go to sleep ;P07:14
iMatteryou get up i go to sleep07:14
dooglusis anyone using firefox 3.0?07:14
iMatteryou go to sleep i get up07:14
iMatterdooglus: Me07:14
dooglusI find that since upgrading to hardy, lots of pictures don't show properly, unless I zoom to exactly 100%07:15
HorizonXPsavvas: no dice on that google07:15
doogluszooming in or out corrupts them07:15
iMatterit could be something to do with your video card?07:15
iMattersavvas: Do you agree?07:15
iMattersince hardy i cant use Java Applets (With Moving Pictures) with compiz enabled -.-07:16
savvasHorizonXP: you want a motherboard with an integrated graphics card and dual dvi?07:16
iMatteri thought the new Xorg was sopposed to fix ALOT of things?07:16
savvasiMatter: no idea on that too, i use nvidia :)07:17
iMatterill BBWL07:17
HorizonXPsavvas: yes. seems like the two are mutually exclusive07:17
savvasnighty heh07:17
dooglusiMatter: I see things like this: http://dooglus.rincevent.net/random/firefox-pic-bug.png07:17
iMattersavvas: Be Back WAAAAY Later07:17
dooglusiMatter: the picture is offset from where it's supposed to be07:17
iMatterok ill stay a few more07:17
iMatterto see07:17
iMatterdooglus: Hmm I loaded same exact site and i didnt get that :/07:18
iMatterIs Compiz Enabled?07:18
dooglusiMatter: no, I don't use it07:18
iMatterit also could be the version of the FF3 Package you have07:18
dooglusiMatter: try zooming in or out?07:18
iMatterwhat version is that07:19
dooglusiMatter: that's minefield (the nightly) but the ubuntu package does the same07:19
iMatterOn my Firefox it usualy has - Mozzila Firefox 3 Beta X07:19
iMatterafter the page title07:20
iMatterTry getting B4 or B5 thats the ones ive been using and then tell savvas to forward a message to me and ill help tommrow..07:20
savvasHorizonXP: there's an adapter called "ADD2 Card" http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/intel915g/sb/cs-013296.htm07:20
iMatterbeen up for about 12hrs...07:20
savvaslater i ;)07:21
dooglushere's the ubuntu one: http://dooglus.rincevent.net/random/firefox-pic-bug2.png07:21
savvasdooglus: try to hold shift and press the reload button07:21
doogluson a new profile, on the default page, zoomed out a little07:21
dooglussavvas: zooming to 100% fixes it - but zooming in or out moves the image to the wrong place.07:22
savvashold a sec07:22
dooglussavvas: ah - I have a non-stanard DPI setting - could that be it?07:23
iMatterdooglus: Sorry07:23
savvasdooglus: go to about:config07:24
savvasdisable the image zoom, set "browser.zoom.full" to false07:24
dooglusnice!  "This might void your warranty!"07:24
dooglusthat's a ubuntu customization, right?07:25
savvasno idea :P07:25
dooglusI wonder if an evil lawyer could twist that to mean that there is a warrantee from ubuntu if I don't proceed?07:25
dooglusI'd recommend against this "void your warranty" joke just in case07:25
dooglussavvas: now I can't zoom images at all!07:26
dooglus(only the text changes size, not the boxes it has to fit into)07:26
dooglusI have a package called "mozilla-imagezoom" installed.  I wonder if that's the problem07:27
savvasdooglus: that was the point :p07:27
savvasI never really required images to zoom in07:27
savvassince most of them are not svg and can't zoom in without losing quality07:28
savvasabout mozilla firefox ;p07:28
dooglussavvas: the problem is that lots of pages try to fit text into a fixed-size box.  if you zoom the text without zooming the box, you can't read the text that doesn't fit07:29
DanaG"resizable textbox"07:29
DanaGREALLY REALLY handy.07:29
dooglusI don't mean text editing boxes, like forms; I mean people using CSS with fixed sizes - it's everywhere07:29
dooglusok, it seems it was mozilla-imagezoom causing the problem07:30
doogluscan anyone confirm that installing it breaks image zooming in ff3?07:30
savvaswhat does imagezoom do?07:31
dooglusit lets you zoom an image in or out in place07:31
doogluspoint at an image and mouse-wheel up and down to zoom that image in or out07:31
savvasah each one?07:32
dooglusyeah, it lets you zoom images individually07:33
dooglusI wasn't using it - I just had it installed and was Ctrl-+'ing to zoom the page in07:34
dooglusI'll report a bug, wait a couple of years, then watch it be closed because it's out of date :)07:34
savvasdooglus: which image were you trying to zoom? the background?07:36
dooglusI wasn't using it - I just had it installed and was Ctrl-+'ing to zoom the page in07:37
savvaswell mine works07:38
Terrasqueflash use an insane amount of cpu :( To the point where, when viewing certain pages, it use 100% cpu on animating the ads, and won't render the rest of the page07:39
thoreauputicTerrasque: flash is a blight on the Internet. Install Flashbock .07:40
thoreauputicOr just don't install flash :) But there are some godd things we would miss without it, sadly.07:41
Terrasquethoreauputic: While I agree, the final user of the machine will not be me, so adblocking / flashblock / avoiding flash might not be an option07:41
thoreauputicI see07:41
thoreauputicWell, flashblock allows you to view what you want to see at least07:41
savvasTerrasque: you're using hardy?07:42
DanaGFlash is cpu-rapeagey.07:42
DanaGEven on OS X, in fact.07:42
thoreauputicI wish trackerd wouldn't randomly decide to use 90% of my CPU though :)07:42
Terrasquerenicing the flash process to 19 would be fun too :p not sure if it can be done without affecting the browaser07:42
DanaGPerhaps even on Windows.07:42
Terrasquesavvas: yes07:43
thoreauputicTerrasque: I think flash would fall over if you reniced it to 19 :)07:43
savvasTerrasque: it's still not meant for an end user, and it's probably an adobe flash problem07:43
ravingloonieticwell i am back thoreauputic07:44
savvasTerrasque: what processor / ram are we talking about here?07:44
Terrasquesavvas: i know, and .. I know :p07:44
thoreauputicravingloonietic: any luck?07:44
ravingloonieticthoreauputic: screen resolution turned to 640xsomething07:44
Terrasquesavvas: 1g ram, but cpu is craptastic. celly 1.6 ghz07:44
thoreauputicravingloonietic: hmm07:44
dwidmannumm,, darn, my xf86audionext key is going crazy ... it's acting as if i'm holding it in when i'm obviously not touching it .... seems i can't use any meta keys either for the time being. anything i can do to fix it besides restarting x/07:44
Terrasquesavvas: hardy itself runs like greased lightning tho, its just that flash kinda kills the machine07:45
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ravingloonietici guess i have to wait til 2.6.24 gets it fixed.07:45
savvasTerrasque: have you tried purging and installing again? sudo aptitude purge flashplugin-nonfree; sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree07:45
thoreauputicravingloonietic: as I said earlier, seems to Work For Me (tm) - but that doesn't help you I know07:46
Terrasquethe best alternative would be death sentence for making annoying flash ads, of course. One could hope..07:46
dooglusnow the bottom 70% of my screen has gone grey07:46
dooglusonly the top 30% is working07:47
ravingloonieticthoreauputic: the buttons turned ginormous, I could live with 800x600 but not 640xsomething. Guess that's the downside for everything new and shiny07:47
thoreauputicTerrasque: a slow and painful death for those who write *whole sites* in Flash07:47
thoreauputicravingloonietic: have you tried  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?07:47
Terrasquesavvas: not yet. But I installed flash on sunday, so it should be up-to-date. But going to reinstall the machine when hardy final comes07:47
thoreauputicravingloonietic: If you specify according to your monitor manual it might help ?07:48
dooglusany idea how I can fix it?07:48
ravingloonieticthoreauputic: i only tried clicking the radio button to enable the proprietary drivers - that is a good idea though. Automatic and manual  approaches. I will do that next. Thanks!07:48
Terrasquethoreauputic: now you're talking :)07:48
thoreauputicravingloonietic: worth a shot :)07:48
savvasTerrasque: i didn't say if it's up to date, maybe a purge&install will fix it07:49
ravingloonieticthoreauputic: right. Will brb. Thanks again!07:49
dooglustouching the screen about halfway down on the left fixes it until I stop touching it07:49
Terrasquesavvas: yeah :) At work now, so can't test for a while.07:50
savvasok ;p07:50
TerrasqueI was just hoping someone had a good trick for the issue :)07:50
HorizonXPsavvas: thanks for that link, I'll look into it!07:52
_siddReally weird problem since upgrading to Hardy.07:53
mkogahi, i'm have an ati card and my external screen has an annoying flicker, does this sound like a refresh rate issue?07:53
mkogait seems to be stuck on 60Hz07:54
_siddIf I have two windows open, and close one of them, then the focus switches to the second window, but the "keyboard focus" doesn't switch.07:54
_siddTyping anything, has no effect in the second window.07:54
_siddEven if I click inside that window, the keyboard has no effect. The only way to switch the "keyboard focus" is to click on the title-bar of the window.07:55
Fritzelif I'm trying to watch some streaming videos online what are my best plugin choices for kde4 kubuntu?07:56
_siddAnyone seen this weird behavior?07:56
gluerany way to set the bottom status bar to the left or right and make it smaller?07:59
gluerit interferes with my docking07:59
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Filled-VoidHi all If I have a Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon system  and wanted to upgrade to Hardy Heron . How big of a download am I looking forward too. I wanted to know if I should probably wait till I get a DVD copy from my friend.08:04
dooglusgluer: right-click in empty space and uncheck 'expand'08:05
dooglusFilled-Void: hundreds of megabytes08:05
scheater5I have weirdness with vnc between ubuntu and OSX.  I think the problem is some configuration in OSX, but this is the best place I know to ask - anyone know their way around vnc?08:05
Filled-Voiddooglus, Thanks I guess Ill wait. I have quite a fewpackages so Im thinking that for me its probably going to come near a GB?08:06
BonezAUHi, I did some upgrades last night with synaptic and now when I boot up my system and log on to gnome, the splash screen comes up while things are loading then everything goes to black. I can still see the mouse pointer but not my desktop. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks08:06
dooglusFilled-Void: I don't remember how big it was for me exactly, but it was in the hundreds of MB08:08
dooglusFilled-Void: also, it didn't work, and left my system in a bit of a mess, so it's probably better to wait until the release08:08
Filled-Voiddooglus, thanks :)08:08
Filled-Voiddooglus, Will do08:09
scheater5no one knows a thing or two about screen sharing?08:11
ravingloonieticthoreauputic: back again08:13
thoreauputicravingloonietic: any better?08:13
ravingloonieticdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg just let me configure my keyboard settings. weird. nothing realted whatsoever to graphics08:14
thoreauputicravingloonietic: hmm usually it has a section for setting horiz and vert synch - but I guess that is really for CRT monitors08:15
thoreauputicI have a CRT here :)08:15
ravingloonietic- i am using a CRT monitor. - what is weird is I have tried those same exact steps in debian (i have a quadruple boot setup) and the options and dialogs are fairly different08:16
ravingloonietic...when i run the same command08:16
RAOFravingloonietic: You'd be not using Debian Experimental, then :)08:17
BonezAUHi, I did some upgrades last night with synaptic and now when I boot up my system and log on to gnome, the splash screen comes up while things are loading then everything goes to black. I can still see the mouse pointer but not my desktop. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks08:17
RAOFravingloonietic: I'm not sure if the X server setup we're using has migrated from Experimental to Sid yet.08:18
ravingloonieticRAOF: I can't. My ultimate goal is to upgrade to lenny with a kernel 2.6.24 very similar to kubuntu hardy08:18
shinynewhey, If I know I have a wireless card and I know what it is how should i go about makeing it show up as wlan0 or eth1 or whatever08:18
RAOFravingloonietic: Right.  So, since our X server is based on debian experimental packages, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will have very different questions ;)08:18
shinynewits here, it but only lo and eth0 are showing08:18
ravingloonieticoh, so when you say "our" you mean to say kubuntu right?08:19
RAOFravingloonietic: Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, whatever.  They all share the same X :)08:20
ravingloonieticRAOF: thanks RAOF. Anyway, I've been trying to fix this same issue with my Lenny install and it seems that the Nvidia drivers for my old card (Geforce2) are not compatible to kernel 2.6.24. I was almost ecstatic when I tried to install Hardy and saw that there is a one click option here to install the Nvidia proprietary cards - but the problem is the screen resolution is too low - think 640xsomething08:22
shinynewcan anyone point me in the right direction?08:22
mrtimdogIs setting CONCURRENCY=shell in /etc/init.d/rc likely to break anything? Bug #149881 say's it's been fixed but thought I'd see if anyone else's any experience with setting it?08:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 149881 in hal "HAL fails to initialise when /etc/init.d/rc sets CONCURRENCY=shell" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14988108:23
RAOFravingloonietic: Your nvidia drivers are probably installed, but failing, and we fallback to VESA in that case :)08:23
_siddAnyone using synergy?08:23
ravingloonieticRAOF: exactly the case.08:23
ravingloonieticRAOF: However, on my etch installation it seems to be working fine via the debian way, automatix or envy. The problem starts when I upgrade08:25
RAOFravingloonietic: Yay proprietary drivers!08:25
ravingloonieticRAOF: lol yeah08:25
savvasyikes, "Need to get 71.8MB of archives" :)08:25
shinynewcan anyone point me in the right direction?08:26
dooglusshinynew: -->08:26
ravingloonieticRAOF: development of a free driver with 3d acceleration seems to have stopped.08:26
RAOFravingloonietic: No, it's well underway.08:27
ravingloonieticRAOF: we are speaking of nouveau right? http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/08:27
shinynewdooglus: thx08:27
RAOFravingloonietic: Your card just sucks, making it difficult to do with the new gallium infrastructure.08:27
shinynewdooglus: wait there is nothing on that desktop08:27
ravingloonieticRAOF: lol yeah had it since 199908:27
ravingloonieticRAOF: or 2000ish08:28
RAOFravingloonietic: But you _should_ have fast 2d on your card, and I think there's some 3d support in the nouveau gallium branch right now.08:28
ravingloonieticRAOF: cant run nexuiz on a fast 2d card ;)08:28
RAOFravingloonietic: Test how well nouveau's nv10 3d support is going along, then :P08:29
savvasworst excuse ever :p08:29
savvasdoes nouveau support nvidia 7 and 8 series ?08:29
RAOFsavvas: 7 series very, very well (better than the blob for 2d, fast OpenArena for 3d).08:30
savvasgreat we might see it in intrepid then? :)08:30
RAOFsavvas: The 8 series is totally different in almost every way to all previous nvidia cards, and they're not so well supported (but are getting a lot of development right now).08:30
gatestoneI just wonder...has anyone attempted to start a distribution based on Webmin?08:31
thoreauputicWhen will intrepid backports be on line?08:31
savvasthanks for the info08:31
* thoreauputic runs away laughing08:31
RAOFsavvas: With a 7 series (henceforth referred to as nv4x), you won't be playing WoW (yet), and you won't get _any_ tech-support for gallium, but 3d will work pretty quickly for things which aren't too demanding of features.08:32
thoreauputicgatestone: I devoutly hope not08:32
dooglusI made a video of how my laptop display breaks in hardy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojF-Mq9gqkA08:33
shinynewfuck yall I am going to #linux08:33
dooglusany idea how to fix that?08:33
dooglusshinynew: ##linux ?08:34
ravingloonieticdooglus: lollll08:34
thoreauputicshinynew: you might get a push if you don't go after that outburst :)08:35
fluteflutewhy are some channels ##name rather than #name ?08:35
dooglusravingloonietic: is it teh proprietary driverz?08:36
savvasfluteflute: flood/bot prevention probably08:36
dooglusravingloonietic: I think they've fglrxed up my monitor08:36
ravingloonieticdooglus: lol08:36
fluteflutesavvas: oh ok thanks08:37
ravingloonieticdooglus: big buttons? and missing OK buttons?08:37
dooglusit's annoying having to type in the top 5 lines of the screen08:37
dooglusravingloonietic: huh?08:37
ravingloonieticdooglus: we are confusing ourselves. nvm08:37
dooglusravingloonietic: j00 watch the video er wot?08:37
dooglusI made a video of how my laptop display breaks in hardy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojF-Mq9gqkA08:38
ravingloonieticdooglus: can't watch it barely installed anything yet on hardy - still trying to fix video card to get my glest, nexuiz and tremulous fix08:40
ravingloonieticdooglus: my ff3 browser still looks like its from kde2 or something...08:41
ravingloonieticdooglus: maybe windows 9508:41
starscallingany fix for compiz?08:41
dooglusravingloonietic: I don't follow.  what do you mean, looks like from kde2?08:44
no0ticravingloonietic, install gtk-qt-engine08:44
WGGMkI havent been able to change the usplash screen successfully since Gutsy. In Hardy Heron, when shutting down the splash screen is extremely pixilated the entire way down the screen. Any thoughts08:44
ravingloonieticnoOtic: thanks! However I highly doubt that there is a gtk-qt theme that looks as *SEXY* as KDE 4 at the moment08:45
no0ticravingloonietic, gtk-qt-engine-kde408:46
no0ticravingloonietic, for a kde4ish look08:46
ravingloonieticnoOtic: will do, wow. I didn't know it had that08:47
starscallingfixed teh compiz08:51
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Jordan_UWhy is suspend / hibernate disabled with a wubi install, is there no swap file created in place of a swap partition? Anyone who uses Wubi willing to check?09:04
TerrasqueRegarding compiz, anyone have an overview of the default hardy keyboard shortcuts for compiz effects?09:06
Jordan_UTerrasque, You can just install ccsm and check09:08
Terrasquegood point09:08
Jordan_UWhy is suspend / hibernate disabled with a wubi install, is there no swap file created in place of a swap partition? Anyone who uses Wubi willing to check?09:10
prestonanyone else here having trouble with youtube flash videos09:12
xorAxAxhi, i am feeling offeneded by the kernel thread names and would like to see this patch in the kernel: http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/4/1/39709:12
Terrasquepreston: yeah, theres never any good content on them :<09:12
xorAxAxi guess most of us are gnome users who would agree09:12
prestonterrasque what about mst3k09:13
TerrasquexorAxAx: you're 8 days late09:14
prestonand we cant forget lolcats now can we09:14
xorAxAxTerrasque: so? :)09:14
Terrasquepreston: well, exactly09:15
prestonoh man seeing that cat ride a bicycle just never gets old09:16
Jordan_Upreston, I can has old meme?09:17
prestonso old its now cool again09:17
Terrasquepah, the only one thats allowed a comeback is allyourbase09:18
elkbuntucats doing anything other than streaming data should be discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic09:18
prestonseriously though ive been using the beta and notice some freezeups with firefox and sudden shutdowns and was wondering if anyone else has had this happen?09:21
MrMistHey guys09:21
prestonwith flash video on youtube btw09:21
MrMistThere's a feature I'd REALLY really like in the new ubuntu09:21
Jordan_UWhy is suspend / hibernate disabled with a wubi install, is there no swap file created in place of a swap partition? Anyone who uses Wubi willing to check?09:21
MrMistantialiasing of fonts has been a hassle for a while now09:21
MrMistsorry... that's antialiasing of fonts in eMacs09:21
Jordan_UMrMist, In what way?09:21
MrMistit makes eMacs SO much nicer to use as a tool09:22
MrMistduring compilation, it has to be built with the flag "--width-xft=yes"09:25
ravingloonieticnoOtic: ok firefox looks as sexy as kde 4 now thanks09:25
no0ticravingloonietic, you're welcome09:25
ravingloonieticnoOtic: :)09:25
MrMistJordan_U: Woudln't it be easy to just make a new deb having the "--with-xft=yes" to the default parameters in the "config"-script to emacs22-gtk ?09:29
MrMistJordan_U: argh... it's based on emacs-snapshot09:30
MrMista branch of the ordinary emacs09:30
MrMistbut it looks soooo much nicer09:30
Mai1Hello there. I installed the beta yesterday and am having trouble finding the options for the new multi-monitor support. So far, one of my screens still shows garbage. Could anyone help me with that?09:48
NgMai1: it should all be in System->Preferences->Screen Resolution09:58
Mai1Ng: I only see one monitor there though10:04
Mai1displayconfig-gtk shows me both, but fails to set up the second monitor properly10:05
NgMai1: hmm, I thought displayconfig-gtk was being deprecated for causing too many problems.10:08
NgMai1: the screen resolution tool not seeing your second monitor is a bug. what kind of graphics card?10:08
MrMistWhy do I still have to recompile emacs to get antialiasing ?10:08
savvasdisplayconfig-gtk actually configured my monitor successfully10:08
Maik_Ng: (from laptop now) It's a NVidia 420010:09
KrimZonubuntu is still killing my hard drive :(10:09
NgMaik_: have you tried using nvidia-settings?10:09
NgKrimZon: are you sure? :)10:09
Maik_Ng: I'm trying to work without the nvidia driver.10:09
Maik_Ng: I tried that before coming here, gave me even more trouble. White window bugs and a freeze.10:10
NgMaik_: oh right. hrm, I'm not sure if the nv driver supports the xrandr stuff necessary for the Screen Resolution tool to work :/10:10
Maik_Ng: So I would need to try to get the nvidia driver working, eh?10:10
savvasMaik_: white window bugs could probably be because you have compiz enabled?10:11
Maik_savvas: That's true, I forgot. Not used to it being enabled automagically10:11
KrimZonwell, i've had 10 load cycles since i complained10:11
NgMaik_: possibly, but it's such a long time since I used an nvidia card that I'm not up-to-date on the situation with the drivers, sorry10:11
savvaswithout the nvidia driver you won't achieve much of those fancy moves though ;)10:11
NgKrimZon: what are the value, worst and thresh figures for the load cycle count?10:12
Maik_savvas: I'd be happy if I could get decent multi-monitor. It's the only thing keeping me on windows for my workstation.10:12
KrimZonng: 90 90 010:13
MrMistHow about unicode support in emacs ?10:13
NgKrimZon: so you still have 90% of the estimated life of the head parking left. how old is the laptop?10:13
savvasMaik_: --twinview and --screen=0 or --screen=1 could do the trick: nvidia --help; nvidia -A10:13
NgKrimZon: s/laptop/machine/10:14
MrMistunicode + xft support10:14
MrMistemacs with unicode and xft10:14
savvasMaik_: i meant nvidia-xconfig :)10:14
Maik_savvas: Okay, I'll try once I enabled the driver10:14
KrimZon5 months or so10:15
Maik_savvas: Hrmph. The Hardware Drivers thing can't enable it, doesn't even give me an error message though10:16
FlannelKrimZon: So, disable or reduce it.10:16
Maik_savves: But after I tried enabling it, I get a popup telling me I need to restart. I do that, then same story.10:16
KrimZonFlannel: i thought i had but an update must've changed it10:16
NET||abuseHey guys.. what's the chances of packaging adobe air as a deb? :)10:16
NgNET||abuse: that would depend on its licence, presumably10:16
FlannelKrimZon: If you just did a hdparm command, that only works until you reboot10:17
fotoflohey, has anyone used ClickHeat or anything like that?10:17
KrimZoni did something with scripts in init.d or wherever it was10:17
NgMrMist: maybe file a bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emacs22/+filebug10:17
xx0xxwho gonna help me to configure dns?10:17
* xx0xx is newbie with it10:17
KrimZoni've only had ubuntu running since february too10:18
savvasMaik_: ok hold a sec, let's see the whole story here10:18
savvasMaik_: you upgraded from gutsy to hardy?10:18
NgKrimZon: it's worth remembering that ubuntu doesn't touch your BIOS/disk's own power management settings, so if it proceeds as it is now with the settings in your hardware, it should have over 4 years of life. To some extent the usage pattern of the system will have an effect. You may wish to disable power management on the drive (I would recommend strongly against that), or try enabling laptop mode so when you're on battery the disk will stay spun down f10:19
Maik_savvas: I installed from the 8.04 beta AMD64 iso. I did a partial dist upgrade b/c the update manager advised me to.10:19
savvasMaik_: you used the alternate install then?10:19
xx0xxis anyone has idea with configuring dns?10:20
Maik_savvas: Then I tried setting multimonitor. Didn't work. Then I enabled the Nvidia driver, got the white window bugs and a maybe unrelated freeze. And now I can't enable them again10:20
Maik_savvas: Nope, I used the desktop iso10:20
savvasMaik_: ok, what was the nvidia graphics card model again?10:20
KrimZonhow do i enable laptop mode?10:20
Maik_savvas: Geforce Ti 420010:21
NgKrimZon: in /etc/default/acpi-support. Also it would be worth checking in your BIOS to see what its power saving settings are10:21
KrimZonand how do i reenable apm?10:21
DistroJockeyxx0xx: I assume you need to edit  /etc/resolv.conf10:21
savvasMaik_: GeForce4 Ti 4200 ?10:21
NgKrimZon: why do you want apm?10:21
Maik_savvas: I think that's what you call it, yes. It's kinda old, I know10:21
xx0xxDistroJockey http://www.debuntu.org/2006/08/05/85-how-to-setting-up-a-dns-zone-with-bind910:21
KrimZonit is a laptop10:21
alex__Hello I have a problem with updating Hardy10:21
xx0xxi am bid confused with it10:22
alex__I get "error on comiting change"10:22
NgKrimZon: apm is old, you shouldn't need it anymore. acpi is used for power management these days10:22
KrimZoner... reenable power management10:22
alex__can anyone help?10:22
DistroJockeyxx0xx: ahh, not done that before10:22
savvasMaik_: ok, that model should use the nvidia-glx package, we'll see about that, but first do this: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install10:22
KrimZonwhat units are spindown_time in?10:23
xx0xxDistroJockey ok10:23
Maik_savvas: I'll switch back to my workstation for IRCing. One sec10:23
savvasMaik_: ok, and as a footnote, next time you want to upgrade a distribution, use the alternate iso :)10:23
alex__Hello can anyone help with Hardy updates?10:23
NgKrimZon: multiples of 5 seconds10:24
NgKrimZon: unless you have a value over 241 in which case it is multiples of 30 minutes. see the -S option in the hdparm manpage10:24
KrimZonis it the period of inactivity needed to spin the disk down?10:24
KrimZonit's already set to one minute10:25
NgKrimZon: well, that's the period of inactivity that ubuntu will wait for before spinning down the drive - your bios/drive may decide to do it earlier (and probably will, I would guess)10:25
Mai1savvas: I queried you to not spam this channel10:26
alex__ Hi please could u help me or direct me where i could get some help regarding updates on Hardy?10:26
savvasMai1: you have to register to send private /msgs on freenode :\10:26
savvasalex__: you're in the right channel10:27
Ngalex__: how did you run the upgrade?10:27
KrimZonng: what's "hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda" actually doing?10:27
xx0xxhow to install webmin ?10:27
alex__using adept10:27
alex__i get this error: There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.10:27
KrimZonis it altering a setting with the drive, the bios or ubuntu?10:27
Maik_savvas: Ok, give me a sec10:27
NgKrimZon: it's telling the drive to disable its powermanagent. probably. not all drives do that with 254, some need 253, some ignore it all together.10:28
cpk1xx0xx: ubuntu is replacing webmin with something else but its name is currently escaping me =P10:28
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NgKrimZon: but I really don't think it's a good idea, it means the drive will stop (for example) trying not to overheat, it'll just run at full power the whole time10:28
KrimZoni havent had any more load cycles since i did that command10:28
Ngcpk1: ebox?10:28
cpk1ah, yes ebox10:29
=== rixon is now known as edelholz
Ngalex__: hrm, adept is a kde thing, I've never used it I'm afraid. is there not an update-manager equivalent for kubuntu?10:29
cpk1alex__: in my experience adept never works very well, use the command line instead10:29
cpk1xx0xx: so either try ebox or compile =P although I am sure there might be some webmin packages floating around10:30
=== Mai1 is now known as edelholz
KrimZoni'll try laptop mode, and looking in the bios anyway...10:31
mvoNg: yes, there is adept_updater that should be the same10:31
* Ng defers to mvo's expert knowledge on all things updating :)10:31
* mvo has only passing knowledge about adept10:31
edelholzsavvas: Alright, changed to a registered nick. This is Maik_/mai1 speaking10:32
edelholzsavvas: Queried you again ;)10:32
cpk1you know some people dont like to be queried...10:33
edelholzsavvas: Oh. Well, I figured that I'd rather query him with long console outputs... Not good?10:34
edelholzsavvas: It's not like I started querying him without having talked to him before. I just had to change my nick to get a registered one10:35
Ngpastebin is a good place for long outputs10:35
cpk1pastebin that kind of stuff10:35
edelholzOkay, I'll do that next time. Thanks for the heads up10:36
=== dns_ is now known as dns53
xx0xxhow to install eBox? http://ebox-platform.com10:39
xx0xxor something like this?10:41
KrimZonNg: bios didn't have any real power managment settings :(10:41
NgKrimZon: hmm, that's unfortunate10:41
KrimZoni'm sill getting hd activity every 2 seconds when idle10:41
Ngxx0xx: you probably want to use the packages in ubuntu10:41
cpk1xx0xx: ebox is in the repositories10:41
xx0xxi dont have GNU10:43
KrimZonand i'm still getting several load cycles per minure10:43
xx0xxi just have ssh login to my box10:43
DerevkoHi, with recent upgrade, today all browser (I try firefox and epiphany) are crashing with https://www.bwin.com . Someoene can confirm this?10:43
cpk1xx0xx: I am trying to make sense of those last 2 statements, do you mean to say that you dont have X?10:44
cpk1pretty sure ebox is web based so it doesnt matter that the server doesnt have X10:44
Ngebox is indeed web based10:45
Ngand if you don't have GNU then you're in very much the wrong place for help ;)10:45
KrimZonis there any way to see what processes are accessing the disk?10:47
KrimZonaha, it's just mount.ntfs and some kjournald10:53
NgKrimZon: there is a way to monitor disk access for debugging spindown/spinup stuff, but it will put quite a lot of data in your logs10:55
NgKrimZon: echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/block_dump10:55
Ng(and to turn it off echo 0 into that)10:57
KrimZonatop has mount.ntfs with about 80% of all disk activity and kjournald with the rest11:00
KrimZoneverything else it says is 0 and it would make sense for those 211:01
KrimZonbut with this disk activity, if the disk obeyed the acpi setting it would never power down either11:01
NgKrimZon: which strongly suggests that the disk's default power management is meant to be more aggressive11:09
ichatwhen i install hardy on my workstation pc,  i had quite a whole lot of problems getting it working correctly.  since it didn't want to support my monitor nor my  GF7600gt   - is this a known problem  (i actually managed to clear things out,   but my whole monitor was blurred and stuf the whole time11:10
KrimZonbut it looks like its not getting a chance to power down due to constant disk activity from those two processes11:10
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the_alamoi am still running 7.10 but i have been reading the blueprint for hardy and it says that one of hte objectives is "cleaning up the audio mess"  i want to do sound recording and editing (using jokosher, glame, sweeps, aurdour) and i was wondering how possible that is with hardy (and pulseaudio)?11:14
KrimZonng: i can't get the block_dump thing to work11:23
edelholzHello. I finally got the nvidia driver running properly (thanks to savvas!), but now I'm having trouble setting the screen resolution on one of my monitors. Nvidia-Settings only allows me to set resolutions to low for my CRT. TFT works fine. Any suggestions?11:26
jaffarkelshacwhen i start my computer, compiz.real takes up all my system resources for a long time. why is that and will uninstalling compiz fusion fixed this.11:28
davidwithout you specifying HW jaffarkelshac, I'd guess you have too low specs for compiz11:31
davidsimply disabling it will "fix it"11:31
jaffarkelshacit was already disabled some how, and i do have the h/w for compiz11:33
Duskinhi all11:34
Duskinim having an issue with an update11:34
Duskinim trying to update liblaunchpad-integration1 and its giving me an error11:35
scizzo-Duskin: pastebin the error11:35
MrMistHey guys11:35
MrMistI found an issue11:35
DuskinE: /var/cache/apt/archives/liblaunchpad-integration1_0.1.18_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/lpi-bug.png', which is also in package liblaunchpad-integration011:35
MrMistwhen installing emacs, no Icons showed up11:35
MrMistI had to make one myself11:35
Duskinand it says i have 2 broken packages11:35
MrMistNo menuitems at all appeared in my menus11:36
scizzo-Duskin: pastebin the whole output11:36
Duskinin here?11:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:36
Duskinaha, ty11:36
Duskingimme a sec11:36
virtualdthe screen didn't refresh when i pressed enter after entering my password for update-manager (with nvidia and compiz), is this known?11:37
virtualdhappend once before11:37
scizzo-MrMist: which emacs is this? is it the standard emacs or dev version or something?11:37
MrMistfirst, I installed the regular emacs22-gtk11:37
MrMistno icons11:37
scizzo-virtuald: its freezing?11:37
Duskinhow do i copy from the terminal?11:37
scizzo-Duskin: mark it and then you can paste with the mouse keys11:38
MrMistscizzo-: then I installed the emacs-snapshot package to get support for antialising, and removed the old emacs22 packages. No icons appeared now either11:38
youngmusi1Hey, I think this could be a bug. Just installed the beta on a new dell poweredge 1900. I tried to make a software raid with about 10 raid1 devices. After declaring the partitions as to be used as a raid volume, i got a message that certain partitions were still in use by the system. In fact it gave the message for all logical partitions on both disks. After rebooting my partition table was ok, and i could further setup the rai11:38
DistroJockeyDuskin: sudo aptitude install pastebinit11:38
Duskinah, ty11:38
DistroJockeyDuskin: command | pastebinit11:38
goodhabitHello. Anyone have trouble with gparted - when it starts, it continues searching devices and never stops.11:39
goodhabitIt starts with gutsy, now with hardy too.11:39
scizzo-MrMist: wait....you mean the emacs main icon or the icons in the application itself?11:39
gatestonethe_alamo, where do they say "cleaning up the audio mess"? I would like to read of any changes in audio...?11:40
MrMistscizzo-: I mean some menu item for the application. There's no launcher created. I can run it from the commandline just fine, and everything is as expected when first running the app11:41
scizzo-MrMist: sounds like either a package missing or a package problem in itself11:42
scizzo-MrMist: since it is a snapshot I am afraid of the fact it is not that highly supported11:42
Duskinit wont let me pastebinit so heres a screenshot: http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c311/danyn3300/Screenshot-Changesapplied.png?t=120765132011:42
MrMistscizzo-: This also applied to emacs2211:42
MrMistscizzo-: and NOT only the snapshot version I'm afraid. Try installing it, and see for yourself11:43
scizzo-MrMist: what packages do you have installed? dpkg -l | grep emacs-snapshot11:43
scizzo-Duskin: run: apt-get -f install11:45
MrMistemacs-snapshot, emacs-snapshot-bin-common, emacs-snapshot-common, emacs-snapshot-gtk11:45
scizzo-Duskin: in a terminal11:45
scizzo-MrMist: installing now to check for myself11:45
MrMistscizzo-: emacs-snapshot, emacs-snapshot-bin-common, emacs-snapshot-common, emacs-snapshot-gtk11:45
MrMistscizzo-: :) Nice11:45
scizzo-MrMist: where there any reason updates?11:45
scizzo-MrMist: I am a vim person myself so11:46
MrMistscizzo-: Reason? As in "why use snapshot"?11:46
MrMistscizzo-: it contains antialiased fonts, hence emacs looks WAY better11:46
virtualdmy mirkk didn't get bigger when i maximized g-t :/11:46
scizzo-MrMist: I mean if there was update today or something11:46
scizzo-MrMist: cause I get icons11:46
MrMistscizzo-: Hmm... strange... why don't I ?11:47
MrMist*checking updates*11:47
Duskinscizzo: This is what i get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62496/11:47
virtualdscizzo-: about the password thing, no, it's not freezing, though it does that sometimes too11:47
scizzo-MrMist: try to check what happens if you move the .emacs files away or create a new with another user11:47
scizzo-MrMist: to see if the emacs file is not corrupt or something11:47
MrMistI created it two hours ago11:48
MrMistinstalled the new ubuntu AND emacs yesterday11:48
MrMistI could try to reinstall11:48
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scizzo-MrMist: why not just try to redo the .emacs files?11:49
MrMistwhat files do you mean exactly? Reinstall the packages ?11:49
MrMistscizzo-: Where did you find the menu items ?11:50
scizzo-virtuald: that has happened to me also. However the updater finishes without problems.....sounds like a bug to me maybe check launchpad to see if anyone has reported it?11:50
scizzo-MrMist: I just installed the packages and started emacs and had icons11:51
MrMistscizzo-: it's not THOSE icons11:51
scizzo-MrMist: the file etc menus AFAIK does not have icons in themselves11:51
MrMistscizzo-: Sorry for not making myself clear. I want a menu item to be added in the main menu of gnome for emacs11:52
MrMistscizzo-: Shouldn't each app get a launcher?11:52
Duskinscizzo: should i try reinstalling liblaunchpad-integration0?11:52
mooboo1help repository say it depenccy package broken :(11:52
scizzo-MrMist: you mean in applications -> do da?11:53
mooboo1The following packages have unmet dependencies:11:53
mooboo1  liblpint-bonobo0: Depends: liblaunchpad-integration1 (>= 0.1.17) but it is not installed11:53
mooboo1  python-launchpad-integration: Depends: liblaunchpad-integration1 (>= 0.1.17) but it is not installed11:53
mooboo1E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.11:53
mooboo1plz help11:53
scizzo-right sounds like more people have problems with launcpad-integration11:53
scizzo-Duskin: as you can see there mooboo1 has the same problem11:53
mooboo1how fix? :(11:53
MrMistscizzo-: Yeah... something like that11:53
Duskini see that11:53
ravingloonietichello all11:54
scizzo-mooboo1: not sure really its a dependency problem. sounds like the packages are a bit strange right now11:54
ravingloonieticcan i get help with nvidia 3d acceleration on hardy?11:54
MrMistscizzo-: It's probably trivial to create one, and most emacs users are probably able to as well. But the threshold for using a program would be easier if one didn't HAVE to launch the program from the command-line11:54
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scizzo-MrMist: one sec I will check11:55
mooboo1why they dont use hardy-proposed and hardy-backports?11:55
ravingloonietickde 4 is so sexy11:56
virtualdwhat's the difference between the directories linux-headers-2.6.24-15 and -generic in /usr/src/?11:56
BonezAUHi, I installed some updates via apt-get yesterday on my hardy installation, and now when I boot the PC, it lets me log on to Gnome, the splash screen shows up showing that it's loading nautilus etc, the logon sound plays - then I end up with a complete blank screen with just a mouse cursor. Anyone got any suggestions? I can't get my desktop to come up :(11:56
MrMistravingloonietic: Is it still as cumberstone as it used to be ?11:56
MrMistravingloonietic: Using half the system resources on pretty windows ?11:56
ravingloonieticMrMist: a little yes - slightly more I suppose11:57
MrMistravingloonietic: mm... guess I'm sticking with gnome for now then ;)11:57
ravingloonieticMrMist: But considering that my machine is pentium 3 with 256 MB RAM - I'd say not bad :)11:57
scizzo-MrMist: yep you are right it does not show up in the menu...however11:57
MrMistravingloonietic: I actually recompiled gtk2.0 with a patch making the file menus appear as on OsX. That was pretty neat, however a bit buggy.11:58
scizzo-MrMist: if you go and right click on Applications and then to edit menus11:58
ravingloonieticMrMist: Both KDe and gnome can look like OSX - but hey why make it look like something its not? :)11:59
scizzo-MrMist: in the edit menus click on Accessories11:59
scizzo-MrMist: is the emacs snapshot and so on shown in there?11:59
ravingloonieticMrMist: everyone seems to be talking to you11:59
MrMistwee :D12:00
MrMistApplications? Where do I find it?12:00
MrMistscizzo-: Ah... heh... Ijust had the "main menu" up12:00
ravingloonieticnow if anybody would please tell me if its possible to enable nvidia 3d acceleration on a 2.6.24 I'd be a happy ravingloonietic :)12:01
MrMistscizzo-: Wow... yes, they're there12:01
scizzo-MrMist: btw.....I just tried logging out and logging in...and now they are there12:01
Duskinravingloonietic: yes it is possible12:01
scizzo-MrMist: mayb try that12:01
MrMistscizzo-: Hmmm12:01
MrMistshouldn't the menus get reloaded automatically ?12:01
ravingloonieticDuskin: thank you, how? I've tried the Kubuntu way and the debian way...failed miserably12:02
Duskinravingloonietic: I wouldn't know :(12:02
MrMistravingloonietic: I've got it working here ??12:02
ravingloonieticMay I know ur hardware?12:02
Duskinravingloonietic: but when i first installed ubuntu it did ask if i wanted to use a closed source nvidia driver12:02
MrMistravingloonietic: I'm on a Dell Latitude D82012:03
MrMistravingloonietic: nvidia quadro nvs 12012:03
Duskinravingloonietic: amd 2500+, 512mb ram, nvidia fx 5200, and it plays games like WoW and CSS great12:03
ravingloonieticDuskin: thats strange, i didn't get asked that - Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 412:03
ravingloonieticWow. Nice boxes12:04
scizzo-MrMist: well logging out and logging in again works so12:04
ravingloonieticanyway thanks again. I've been troubleshooting this for 4 days now12:04
MrMistscizzo-: Yeah... and that's great and all12:04
Duskinravingloonietic: what card are you using?12:04
MrMistbut maybe there should be a warning to restart the system or something then ?12:04
humboltois there a top for hdd access? where I can see which app is causing all this HDD IO?12:05
ravingloonieticDuskin: Geforce 2 with 64 MB. *blushes* I know I know, its old...12:05
Duskinravingloonietic: we all start somewhere lol12:05
Duskinravingloonietic: lemme see if i can find the name of the driver i'm using for you12:05
ravingloonieticDuskin: I've had this since 2000ish :(12:05
virtualddoes the default spamfilter in evolution scan images?12:06
MrMistI really like the new default artwork though12:06
ravingloonieticDuskin: I might die tomorrow and my video card is still a Geforce 212:06
MrMistbut guys... seriously... brown? Of all colors...12:06
Duskinravingloonietic: go buy a new one then?12:06
ravingloonieticDuskin: Bingo! But, well, you see, ... You know what I mean.12:07
Duskinravingloonietic: the driver im using is included in this module: Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_6412:07
ravingloonieticAnyway, you guys are great: between you and me, you guys are better than the old guys over at #debian, but keep that as a secret. Those old buggers really are cranky12:07
MrMistSmall question though... I'm having a Duo Core 2.0 GHz machine... does that support 64 bit?12:08
MrMistand if that's the case... should i USE the 64 bit version ?12:08
ravingloonieticDuskin: Thanks. I'll take note of that. Again, you guys are great. I am off to reboot now. tatah!12:08
scizzo-virtuald: that is something the evolution team should be able to answer on the website....not sure what filter they are using exactlu12:08
MrMistgood luck ravingloonietic12:08
ravingloonieticThanks all :)12:08
DuskinMrMist: core 2 duo, or core duo?12:08
Duskinravingloonietic: np12:08
MrMistcore duo12:08
MrMistDuskin: Core Duo12:09
DuskinMrMist: i believe it does, but lemme double check12:09
scizzo-Duskin: I would report this package issue to launchpad12:09
scizzo-Duskin: since its a general problem with that package12:09
Duskinok, will do12:09
scizzo-Duskin: or run: dpkg --configure -a12:09
MrMistDuskin: It's a portable12:09
MrMistDuskin: what the ... ??? I didn't notice before... but is ubuntu only running on ONE of my cores now ?12:10
DuskinMrMist: I would have no idea12:11
DuskinMrMist: I don't use a dual-core cpu12:11
scizzo-MrMist: what are you talking about?12:11
MrMistOuch... does anyone know ?12:11
scizzo-MrMist: I have a quad core12:11
virtualdfrom update-manager (manually translated) E: /var/cache/apt/archives/liblaunchpad-integration1_0.1.18_i386.deb: trying to overwrite "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/lpi-bug.png" also in package liblaunchpad-integration012:11
GilouMrMist> maybe you don't have a SMP enabled kernel12:11
MrMistscizzo-: if you take "cat /proc/cpuinfo" do you get 4 cores, or one ?12:12
scizzo-virtuald: its known....told duskin to report it in launchpad12:12
scizzo-MrMist: 4....why?12:12
denndaAre there any issues known yet with xserver failing to start after latest upgrades?12:12
DuskinMrMist: also, i found on wikipedia that the core duo is only a 32-bit cpu12:12
Gilouvirtuald> package file conflict, either use dpkg-divert on the file (with clever arguments), or ask for the package to be more properly done :p12:12
scizzo-MrMist: and when its only 1 I know what my problem here is actually12:12
Gilouah, it's known, sorry.12:12
MrMistscizzo-: SMP ?12:13
scizzo-MrMist: I was using i386 kernel......when switching to generic I got the 4 cores again12:13
Gilougeneric or SMP should do the trick :)12:13
MrMistBut I'm running generic!!!12:14
scizzo-MrMist: uname -a12:14
MrMistscizzo-: Linux ******* 2.6.24-14-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 3 04:49:29 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux12:14
Duskinscizzo-: I submited a bug report to launchpad12:15
scizzo-MrMist: and you have one cpu in the cpuinfo?12:15
scizzo-Duskin: nice12:15
scizzo-Duskin: gj12:15
MrMistscizzo-: mm12:15
Duskinscizzo-: so maybe it will be resolved soon12:15
scizzo-Duskin: lets hope os12:16
MrMistscizzo-: And when pushing "1" when running "top" it doesn't extend to show both my cores12:16
scizzo-Duskin: might be known to the maintainer for the package already so12:16
MrMistscizzo-: hold on...12:16
rajuhow to use the smart card in ubuntu12:16
MrMistscizzo-: ehm :$ sorry *blushes*12:17
coz_good day all12:17
MrMistscizzo-: It's not always a good idea using ctrl-l all the time, when I've ssh'd into multiple ubuntu machines12:17
coz_i noticed launchpad integration installation failed this morning12:17
scizzo-MrMist: :S12:18
Giloulol MrMist "classical" :p12:18
scizzo-anyway time to try and get my dual core up as server...12:18
Duskincoz_: i've submitted a bug report not 5 minutes ago12:19
coz_Duskin, yes I noticed this was reported  quickly :)12:19
coz_Duskin, no restart issues with todays updates?12:20
* MrMist is slightly embarassed12:20
Duskincoz_: nope12:21
coz_ok thanks12:21
Duskinso i've decided that besides the launchpad update error and some firefox 3.0b5 issues, i'm liking hardy12:23
scizzo-hmmmm preferred applications are changed in updates also12:25
Duskinyeah they seem to revert to default12:26
mooboo1X crashes when I goto http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/The_Simpsons in Mozilla firefox 3.0b512:26
mooboo1plz help12:26
scizzo-if you have this problem: someone posts a link in terminal or you are trying to click a link in pidgin etc go to System -> Preferences -> Preferred Applications and change it there12:26
MrMistmooboo1: Hmm... doesn't crash here12:27
mooboo1MrMist, oh12:27
MrMistmooboo1: How does it "crash" ?12:27
Duskinmooboo1: doesnt crash for me either12:27
Dr_willisfine here also12:27
scizzo-wow.....my X crashed completely when entering that site12:28
MrMistmooboo1: How much RAM have you got? It's a large page. Might be the rendering engine eating memory or something12:28
mooboo1MrMist, 4gb12:28
MrMistmooboo1: hehe.... probably not that then, eh ?12:28
Duskinim on 512mb and it displayed fine12:29
MrMistI gotta go here12:29
mooboo1http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Bart_Simpson <-- works fine12:29
mooboo1http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/The_Simpsons <-- crash X12:29
MrMistbye guys :)12:29
MrMistthanks for all the help :)12:29
MrMistbbl I guess12:29
Duskinmooboo1: is it absolutely necessary you read that site?12:30
Duskincya MrMist12:30
MrMistbye Duskin12:30
mooboo1no it isnt12:30
Dr_willisOnly thing i could think of would bne the size of the web pages both are raterh long.12:30
mooboo1now it crashed again12:30
mooboo1im gonna stop goto that website lol12:30
Dr_williscrashing X however.. is a big issue.. crashing the browser would be a littler issue. :)12:30
BonezAUHi, I installed some updates via apt-get yesterday on my hardy installation, and now when I boot the PC, it lets me log on to Gnome, the splash screen shows up showing that it's loading nautilus etc, the logon sound plays - then I end up with a complete blank screen with just a mouse cursor. Anyone got any suggestions? I can't get my desktop to come up :(12:31
Dr_willisMost of the time ive seen X crash is driver issues.12:31
MrMistmooboo1: Are you on a 64bit system then ?12:31
mooboo1MrMist, im on 32-bit system, but i have core2duo that is 64-bit capable12:31
scizzo-mooboo1: I get the same result12:31
scizzo-mooboo1: tried to move the .mozilla and disable adblocker but same result12:32
mooboo1scizzo-, oh12:32
dns53scizzo- it seems ok for me12:32
MrMistIs a 32bit OS able to use all 4GB?12:32
mooboo1i even have noscript12:32
Duskinscizzo-: you have adblocker working on 3.0b5?12:32
mooboo1MrMist, kinda not12:33
Duskinfor me it got disable when i updated from b4 to b512:33
scizzo-Duskin: adblocker plus yes12:33
MrMistguys I'll cya :)12:33
MrMistbye then12:33
mooboo1scizzo-, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/21389112:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213891 in xorg "Xorg crashes when I visit a page in Mozilla Firefox" [Undecided,New]12:34
scizzo-mooboo1: nice12:34
Dr_willisalso rather vague error message. :)12:35
Dr_willisTry running X with startx, and get a log of the crashes. perhaps.12:35
Dr_willisalso may want to try with other window managers. see if it crashes the same way.12:35
mooboo1good idea12:36
ichatand if that dont work,  first pet your pc (be nice to computers it helps),12:37
mooboo1i think something is fundamentally broken, if a webpage is able to crash the whole graphics system12:37
mooboo1i can understand it can crash the browser12:37
mooboo1but it should be impossible for it to crash the xserver12:37
ichatlol its a beta browser12:37
Duskinuh oh...12:38
mooboo1beta browser does not matter, then browser should crash, but x shouldnt die12:38
mooboo1x should be like "fine, die", it shouldnt be like "oh, help you're dieing and you're dragging me down with you, heeeelp cant breath"12:38
ichatdepends on what its buggy causes12:38
scizzo-ichat: well one site crashes the whole X session? its not really...ummm right.....if it should crash it should crash the browser.....12:38
Duskinlooks like the launchpad bug is causing the add/remove programs menu to not want to work12:38
ichati didn't say its right12:38
ichatdid i12:38
dns53well the composite and the opengl extension used for compiz are buggy12:39
scizzo-just making my point.. ;)12:39
ichatthank god - i would have slapted me for that :P12:39
WelshDragonHello, this is a wierd question, But i've got ubuntu installed, but i'm on the live cd right now. Can i run apt-get, which would affect the installed partition, while on the live cd?12:39
dns53nope, a live cd does not write to a drive unless you tell it to12:39
Dr_willismooboo1,  thats why i am saying its very likely a video driver issue. not a browser issue.12:39
Dr_willisWelshDragon,  with the proper commands you can 'chroot' into the installed system and apt-get install stuff12:40
mooboo1Dr_willis, oh12:40
WelshDragonkk thank you, i'll look up chroot :)12:40
ichatwell it could be bouth,  firefox has some know  buffer probs afaick... i could stag it all till xserv dont love you anymore12:40
Dr_willisWelshDragon,  you will most likely need to 'remount' or use the mount bind, options to get /dev/ and one or 2 other system dir  to appear in the chrooted installed system also.12:41
Dr_willisWelshDragon,  i recall there being like 3 commands to set it up right. :)12:41
WelshDragonThanks alot Dr_willis :)12:41
ravingloonietichi again I am back!12:42
W8TAHgood morning everyone -- how can i watch / see what is being gotten from a dhcp request -- for some reason i dont get the name servers on hardy12:42
_rubenW8TAH: dhcpdump (with the use of tcpdump_12:44
WelshDragonGot chroot working. Thanks again Dr_willis.12:44
ravingloonieticcan anyone tell me what a sigbart is?12:45
LynoureW8TAH: dhclient -n -w , I think12:45
Lynoure_ruben: no need to go that techny, if the dhcp server actually responds :)12:45
LynoureW8TAH: note, not same as -nw (did that mistake once)12:46
SmegzorI can't change my wallpaper in gnome.  On another pc also running 8.04 it changes just fine.  Any idea what could be broken in my gnome install?  KDE can change wallpaper so its just a gnome issue.12:47
_rubenLynoure: dhcpdump makes dhcp requests/responses readable, not much to do with wether or not the server responds :)12:47
SmegzorI don't know what process actually changes the wallpaper.  I'm guessing the problem is with that.12:48
DuskinSmegzor: are you using compiz?12:48
ravingloonieticHello Duskin :) iam back12:49
Duskinhi ravingloonietic12:49
ravingloonieticDuskin: I finally was able to change resolution to 1024x768 via envy - however, plasma disappeared do you know where I could get help with plasma?12:49
Duskinno idea lol12:50
Smegzorhmm!  I just had a thought.  When I upgraded, I kept my home partition.  I'm going to create a new user and log in with that.  If it can change wallpaper, its a problem in my gnome config most likely.12:50
Duskinravingloonietic: im not very good with linux yet12:50
Lynoure_ruben: no, but it just seems like an overkill compared to just using dhclient, which can also show the server... But if you need deeper troubleshooting, sure12:50
Smegzorback in a bit12:50
ravingloonieticDuskin: well ok thanks anyway. ciao! :)12:50
Duskingood luck Smegzor12:50
aguiteli have dificult with wireless when load kernel
WelshDragonHello again :) Could anyone tell me how i fix this problem when using apt-get update please?12:54
WelshDragonFATAL -> Could not set non-blocking flag Bad file descriptor12:54
WelshDragonE: Method http has died unexpectedly!12:54
Smegzoryep, its a problem in my gnome somewhere.  The other user could change wallpaper12:54
Smegzoryay!  so I have to compare config files :(12:55
Dr_willisWelshDragon,  odd. sounds like the http geting of the updates has died/crashed.. wonder if the server is having issues.12:55
Dr_willisOr  could be a filesystem issue.. Not sure what non-blocking flag.. means.12:56
WelshDragonWell i was getting it on the canocial mirror...so i commented that one out...Now i'm getting it on the security.ubuntu mirror12:56
Dr_willisi just dod a update/upgrade with  no hassles - In the usa12:57
Armored_AzraelThat's either a fs or disk corruption issue12:57
Armored_Azraelerr, no my bad12:57
Armored_Azraelthat's an issue with the http libraries12:57
Armored_Azraelessentially, the problem is that you're opening a socket12:57
Dr_willisArmored_Azrael,  or the http libs not being able to write a file?12:57
Armored_Azraeland trying to tell it that you want to poll the socket for more data rather than waiting12:57
Armored_Azraelthe file descriptor in question is probably an http socket12:58
Armored_Azraelunless I'm mistaken12:58
* Dr_willis derfers to Armored_Azrael 's judgement. :)12:58
Armored_AzraelHowever, this is only a diagnosis, not a fix.12:58
Armored_AzraelWelshDragon: Have you recently installed any libraries from source?12:58
Armored_AzraelDr_willis: I'm assuming socket IO is the problem, because setting non-blocking on a file wouldn't make sense12:59
Armored_AzraelSorry. Don't know what to do to fix it. Seeing if my system has the same problem with the latest updates13:00
WelshDragonIt's working now. I did a quick google. It seemed to be a problem with the chroot. The live cd had mounted the partition automatically, i had to umount it and then mount it from terminal13:01
WelshDragonThanks for help :)13:01
Armored_AzraelYeah, that would do it due to socket double-mounting13:01
Armored_Azraeldidn't know you were in a live environment, my bad :P13:01
Dr_willisread only filesystem perhaps?13:05
Dr_willisOh double mounting.13:05
Dr_willisThat like doublestick-gum!13:05
rajuhow to use the smart card reader in ubuntu13:12
KrimZonwow... i killed hald and the constant disk activity stopped13:13
Lynoureraju: in my case it was just a matter of pushing the card in, but depends on your reader...13:13
ubotuFor an informative description of the Hardware Abstraction Layer , go to this site : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer13:14
erle-launchpad-integration on amd64 is broken13:18
Lynoureraju: if you are having problems with yours, try giving more info13:18
erle-old and new version want to write the same file13:18
mrtimdogBug #21389213:20
dns53!bug #21389213:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 213892 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:22
no0ticdns53, bug 21389213:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213892 in launchpad-integration "Unable to upgrading with liblaunchpad-integration1 package (dup-of: 213863)" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21389213:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213863 in launchpad-integration "Broken package dependency" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21386313:22
Sergeant_Ponyubotu I just got the same error13:25
orthodocjust updated and evolution refuses to start13:28
orthodochow to get it going?13:28
orthodocpackage manager says unmet dependencies...13:28
orthodocfor the package: liblaunchpad-integration113:29
orthodochow to fix evolution, apparently needs configuring after upgrade!13:30
orthodocany ideas guys...13:30
Sergeant_PonyI don't use evolution...13:31
GilouI do, but on my laptop which uses the hardy heron, I use thunderbird :p13:32
orthodocany idea how to fix broken dependencies?13:32
Gilouand as a general advice orthodoc just wait for the repair of the package to be spread13:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213863 in launchpad-integration "Broken package dependency" [High,Fix released]13:32
orthodocdoes this mean i update and upgrade?13:33
Gilounot sure it made it to the repos yet13:33
Giloubut maybe13:33
DarkMageZit hasn't13:33
DarkMageZgive it an hour or so. i've seen it take up to 8 hours once.13:33
Gilouworkaround is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/launchpad-integration/+bug/213863/comments/213:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213863 in launchpad-integration "Broken package dependency" [High,Fix released]13:33
orthodocok so i look it up in launchpad...13:34
grmlorthodoc: just encountered the same issue, fixed it by force installing the liblaunchpad-integration1 package: dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/liblaunchpad-integration1_0.1.18_i386.deb13:34
orthodocgrml: let me give that a try13:34
cppmonkeyHow can I force a program to install? it required libglew1.4 >= libglew1.5 is installed...13:36
dns53reinstall libglew13:37
jeplercppmonkey: dpkg --force-help13:37
orthodocthat worked like a charm...13:38
orthodocthanks grml, Gilou, DarkMageZ and ubotu13:38
Sergeant_Ponyubotu workaround worked for me over here13:39
Giloulol :)13:39
Gilouthank you ubotu !13:39
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!13:39
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/13:40
mewtHi guys, upgraded to hardy last night and I have encountered some instability, which I think has something to do with compiz fusion - is there a way i can find out better what could cause it or should I simply file a bug with the symptons ?13:41
Dr_willisdisable compiz see if its still buggy13:42
mewtdone that and no crashes now13:42
dns53video drivers suck, especially when you use the experimental extension13:43
IdleOnemewt: file a bug. compiz is buggy and the more "symptoms" they get the better they can understand and try to fix them13:48
mewtIdleOne, k will do13:49
Alan_Question - how usable is the Beta at the moment?  I'm wanting to upgrade before I have no time to do so (I have exams in a couple of weeks) and my current Ubuntu install is kinda broken...13:51
Alan_I'm not afraid of having to fix things occasionally (used to be a Gentoo user =) )13:51
Alan_Are there any *big* "this is broken, makes life difficult" things?13:52
dns53if you don't mind downloading 100mb each day till it is released install it13:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beta - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:52
LynoureAlan_: Kubuntu and linux friendly laptop here, but mostly good, occasional breakage13:52
cyclonutany word on liblaunchpad-integration1 ?13:52
LynoureAlan_: over all, my lappy is happier in hardy than it gutsy :)13:53
neggeAlan_  it's pretty stable IMO13:53
cyclonutor why it seems to be superbroken13:53
cyclonutor a little broken13:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about broken - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:53
neggealthough there are a couple of annoying bugs13:53
* cyclonut throws a fish @ Gnine13:53
Alan_negge, like?13:53
dns53as always it becomes less broken as it goes along, only in the last week is everything really stable13:53
Alan_Also, for the record, I'm on a desktop, so none of the usual laptop issues :P13:54
ubotuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/13:54
cyclonutI've experienced quite the opposite, the last week has made hardy quite unpleasant for me13:54
neggeAlan_  if you have multiple harddrives/partitions to mount the mount point changes when you reboot13:54
Gninecheck 8.04 bugs in there13:54
cyclonuthuge jump in ram usage, ~8-15c jump in cpu temp, crashy firefox, etc13:54
cyclonutGnine: will check13:55
dns53i was referring to the week before launch where all bugs get closed13:55
Gninenegge is wrong..13:55
neggeanother thing is that even though xorg.conf has become a lot smaller it feels like it's harder to configure, managed to break my xorg.conf yesterday and even though I cp'd an old backup copy it still didn't work the way it should13:55
neggeGnine  about what?13:55
dns53negge the new xorg does not need a config file so they seem to be removing some of the stuff that is easily detected when it starts13:56
Alan_Ok, how about this one then - how usable is 64-bit these days?13:57
neggedns53 okay...13:57
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:57
neggeAlan_  I'm using 64-bit, haven't had any 64-bit specific problems yet13:57
Alan_negge, what about the usual things like flash plugin?13:57
hydrogenits still not necessary13:57
neggeAlan_ it works now:)13:57
hydrogen64bit, that is13:58
neggeno need to use gnash13:58
dns53Alan_ well the only things that do not work out of the box are proprietary things, flash, java plugin etc13:58
cyclonutThe issue w/liblaunchpad being broken is to ddownload the deb and force it13:58
Alan_dns53, well, if thats the case, no change from about 3 years ago then :(13:58
dns53Alan_ the plugin wrapper works but can be buggy so you can use the 32 bit flash13:58
neggehydrogen  of course it's not necessary to use 64-bit but it feels a bit lame to be sitting on a 64-bit capable CPU and not taking advantage of it13:58
cyclonutAlan_: proprietary things cannot work out of the box in a free system, silly :-P13:58
Alan_cyclonut, well, i realise that...13:59
neggethe sad thing is I have never gotten gnash to work properly13:59
neggeyoutube is unwatchable with it, I don't know if this is just for me or for everyone13:59
Alan_But, the thing is - does ubufox or whatever it is set the stuff up for you on 64-bit?13:59
dns53Alan_ you can always install a 32 bit firefox without too many problems13:59
cyclonutnegge: gnash is a mess13:59
cyclonutAlan_: no, you need to do it on your own13:59
neggeAlan_ it has worked so far for me13:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213932 in compiz "compiz crashes randomly" [Undecided,New]14:00
neggewhen you click "install missing plugins" in firefox and choose Adobe flash player everything works great14:00
cyclonutI dont have experience w/64bit but I just install ubuntu-restricted-extras to get all that good stuff14:00
hydrogennegge: yet you gain absolutely nothing by using it14:00
Alan_dns53, true, but i was hoping it was a bit less "bleh" by now :)14:00
hydrogenexcept less disk space14:00
rajuLynoure, mine is also just pushing the casr14:00
mewtdns53, what do you mean that the new xorg doesnt need a config file ?14:00
neggehydrogen  you can't say that14:00
cyclonutmewt: you can delete xorg.conf and it'll still work14:00
mewtcyclonut, :O14:01
Alan_dns53, last time I was running 64-bit was gentoo 2006.0, and i remember the nswrapper stuff being a bit primitive and broken, and running 2 versions of firefox also being annoying14:01
dns53mewt delete it and start X14:01
negge64-bit has multiple advantages over 32-bit systems, although most of them aren't generally noticed by the user14:01
cyclonutmewt: back it up, delete it, and restart x14:01
mewtdns53, ill try that on my desktop when I upgrade, this is my work laptop right now :p can't risk breaking it14:01
Alan_hydrogen, I'm looking to upgrade to 4GB RAM, so i'll gain the ability to actually use it14:01
neggecyclonut so which file should I backup in order to restore a working xorg configuration?14:01
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.14:01
rajuLynoure, do u know how insert the card in laptop14:01
cyclonutnegge: eh?14:01
Alan_hydrogen, also, i'm working on something that will benefit from being able to do fast 128-bit floating-point ops14:02
cyclonutnegge: you're asking me to divine which file you got ride of? :-P14:02
Lynoureraju: I'm not sure what you mean... find the reader hole, push?14:02
neggecyclonut no no:D14:02
rajuLynoure, the card has one black dot that is the upper side i inserted14:02
rajuthat i did14:02
rajuLynoure, my laptop having tifm_sd14:03
neggeI made a copy of xorg.conf while my settings where fine but after I changed some tv-out settings and rebooted I can't change my monitors resolution to more than 1024x768, and when I restored the backup copy of xorg.conf nothing happened14:03
noamsmlThere's a package problem14:03
rajuLynoure, i think this is the package which supports the smart card14:03
Lynoureraju: not knowing what reader you have or what card or even what happens when you try, I cannot make any further guesses14:03
cyclonutnegge: restored backup & restarted X?14:03
noamsmlliblauncpad-integration0 tries to overwrite files from liblaunchpad-integration114:03
cyclonutnoamsml: its an easy fix14:03
cyclonutnoamsml: hold please14:03
cyclonutnoamsml: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/launchpad-integration/+bug/21386314:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213863 in launchpad-integration "Broken package dependency" [High,Fix released]14:04
Alan_hmmm, maybe i'll try 64-bit at a later date...14:04
rajuLynoure, when i inserted the card there is no any change , or no other window opened14:04
Finnish_I have a problem with brogen package14:04
rajuLynoure, is there any procedure for that14:04
Finnish_"Error: BrokenCount >0"14:04
cyclonutFinnish_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/launchpad-integration/+bug/213863 I am guessing this is your problem too14:04
LynoureAlan_: 4GB should be fine in either 32bit and 64bit, when it goes over however, you'll need 64bit14:05
Lynoureraju: anything in  dmesg?14:05
Lynoureraju: (pastebin if long)14:05
dns53Alan_ read linus's bug report on flash for fedora (on april 1st)14:05
rajuLynoure, after the card also , i didnt find any change in the dmesg14:05
Alan_Lynoure, fair enough, but still - would be nice to have greater floating-point precision for what i'm doing...14:05
rajuLynoure, ok i do14:05
LynoureAlan_: yes, I understand.14:06
cyclonutnegge: and if you've restarted X, try going without an xorg.conf, or try doing sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg (not the exact command, check the top of your xorg.conf file for the proper one)14:07
Lynoureraju: there should be something. What's your reader hardware?14:07
rajuLynoure, i inserted into that SD haole14:08
rajuLynoure, i inserted into that SD hole14:08
Lynoureraju: Yes, but the manufacturer or better yet the chipset of the reader?14:09
savvaslsusb shows it14:09
* savvas bbl14:10
* Pici wonders if the current nvidia drivers support the 9800s...14:10
rajuLynoure, see the link http://pastebin.com/m660786c914:11
W8TAHLynoure, im back -- sorry -- i got divereted by projects here -- when i tried the dhclient -n -w i get the following:14:11
W8TAHwmaster0: unknown hardware address type 80114:11
W8TAHwmaster0: unknown hardware address type 80114:11
W8TAHSending on   Socket/fallback14:11
TychoQuadis there a solution to the liblaunchpad-intergration1 dependency problems, it's compeltely locked up apt from doing anything14:12
LynoureW8TAH: if you get no server ip eventually, does not seem anything is being a dhcp server or that your machines cries are unheard by it14:12
TychoQuadperhaps a quick fix or something? I've tried apt-get -f install14:12
W8TAHok - my windows boxes are gettin dhcp ok - im wondering if things are timing out too fast14:12
LynoureW8TAH: Usually where it says "Socket/fallback" it would say eth0 or so, I think.14:13
LynoureW8TAH: so could be your interfaces are not working14:13
mewtTychoQuad, ye hold on14:13
W8TAHi tried dhclient -w and it gave me an address14:14
TychoQuadthanks mewt14:14
W8TAH(its this machien that im working on) (outside dns resolves fine - its only internal)14:14
Finnish_cyclonut: Thanks!!! It worked!14:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213863 in launchpad-integration "Broken package dependency" [High,Fix released]14:14
mewtcomment 214:14
cyclonutFinnish_: np, glad it worked14:15
W8TAHLynoure, thanks a bunch14:16
TychoQuadthanks alot mewt, seems to be working now14:17
mewtTychoQuad, great14:17
LynoureW8TAH: :)14:18
rajuLynoure, have you checked the link14:18
Lynoureraju: not yet14:19
rajuLynoure, ok14:19
Lynoureraju: hmm, nothing clearly card specific there14:20
rajuLynoure, the card which i inserted in the hole , the card having a black pinpoint that is at downside while inserting is it orrect14:22
Lynoureraju: usually with SD cards if it goes in, it's correct as the corner is notched14:23
rajuLynoure, yeah you are correct , if i insert it in other side it is not going14:25
rajuLynoure, then why there is no any change in dmesg14:26
rajuLynoure, what is the package require to make it detect14:26
tech0007can anyone tell me how to convert sda to hda?14:26
Lynoureraju: FYI, I'm not an ubuntu-dev :)14:26
rajuLynoure, ok, but you already worked with smart card , that is enough to share with me14:27
Lynoureraju: Like I said before, without knowing the manufacturer of better yet the chipset your reader user, it's hard to speculate14:27
rajuLynoure, shall i send you the hwinfo to you14:28
Lynoureraju: with the symptoms you have now, the reader could be even physically broken14:28
krtanyone here upgraded hardy today and got a lot of dependency issues?14:29
zniavrejust one14:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213863 in launchpad-integration "trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/lpi-bug.png', which is also in package liblaunchpad-integration0" [High,Fix released]14:30
mewtkrt, updated today but got only 1, one about launchpad integration14:30
krtnautilus, gnome-control-center and several other core gnome packages are buggered on my system14:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213941 in ubuntu "Package dependency issues after standard upgrade to Hardy (April 8)" [Undecided,New]14:30
zniavreho yes yesterddy i got this one14:30
krtdo you think this is a problem?14:31
zniavrei did the update untill it unsintall everything and reinstalled ubuntu-desktop14:32
krti've seen such issues happen such as the one you have involving a few packages but basically everything related to gnome has been removed or depends on something which is removed and cannot install14:32
LjLcan anyone with a hardy CD handy give me the default package selection?14:32
LjL(or, is there some place where i can get the default package selection, but i doubt it)14:32
krtyeh, maybe i should just reinstall ubuntu-desktop14:33
krtoff to sleep so i can always hope it gets fixed tomorrow14:33
Lynoureraju: you could, after all I asked about it earlier too... But now I'll be leaving in about 15min, might be better to turn to someone with more time14:34
zniavrewhat was funny the desktop loaded normally but empty and compiz was ON14:34
rajusee the linkhttp://pastebin.com/m648496c114:35
rajuplease just a min14:35
rajuLynoure, see the link http://pastebin.com/m648496c114:35
Lynoureraju: uh.14:36
rajuLynoure, just take 5 min for me14:36
Lynoureraju: Thats 30+ screenfuls14:36
Finnish_Can someone help me with Transmission, I want to make a torrent and send the file to my friend14:36
Davo_DinkumAnyone got Annodex working on ff3 beta5?14:36
rajuLynoure, i am not getting14:37
Lynoureraju: what you pasted it nearly 7000 lines long14:37
rajuLynoure, if you want to go , no prob.. will see tomorrow..., are u coming14:38
Lynoureraju: You'll get a lot further with this if you go and locate the card reader info and crop the file to the relevant bits... I'm probably not the only person who thinks their volunteer time is not well spend reading through extra long files looking for one line.14:40
rajuLynoure, ok14:41
Lynoureraju: you can alternatively check the laptop/motherboard/device documentation for it, too, if you cannot find it in the file14:42
rajuLynoure, ok i will check14:42
mewtpainkiller, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/launchpad-integration/+bug/21386314:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213863 in launchpad-integration "trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/lpi-bug.png', which is also in package liblaunchpad-integration0" [High,Fix released]14:43
Lynoureraju: if you do dualbooting, I'd recommend trying in the other OS, as I said, symptoms could be hw fault as well.14:43
PainkillerI have a problem with liblaunchpad-integration1 on 8.04RLC it broke 2 dependencies...14:44
Painkillercan somebody help?14:45
mewtPainkiller, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/launchpad-integration/+bug/21386314:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213863 in launchpad-integration "trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/lpi-bug.png', which is also in package liblaunchpad-integration0" [High,Fix released]14:45
Painkillerthat's it14:46
rajuLynoure, ok i do14:46
Lynoureraju: good, I hope it gets sorted out14:48
rajuLynoure, thanks14:48
omarGuys, what the best way to clean the source.list?14:52
omar*what's* the best way....14:52
mindframe-http://pastebin.com/m356a05bf - having a problem with the liblaunchpad-integration update from today14:55
mindframe-be back in 30 minutes14:55
goodhabitHello. After updating I can see some shining around windows. What is that effect? How to switch on|off it?14:59
goodhabitIt affects not all the windows btw.14:59
erle-everything is fixed again now15:09
jaffarkelshacdoees anyone know the cad program nx by ugs, is there a version for ubuntu15:10
markmuetzhi guys, when upgrading i kept my old version of menu.lst, thinking that would keep my dual booting working properly15:10
markmuetzand now i can't boot using the new kernel15:11
tikkaHey guys15:11
tikkaI have a few small issues with the beta, Installed 2 days ago.15:12
VidenDoes anyone know of a good exchange server monitor addon for nagios ?15:12
icanhashardyOk, who broke the package manager?15:12
tikkathe one that i would like to resolve right now is the lack of cdrom15:12
icanhashardyWho did it? cmon, fess up!15:12
markmuetzfirst i tried rewriting menu.lst to point at the new kernel, but that didn't work15:12
icanhashardyliblaunch-integration1 is totally borked.15:13
markmuetzso then i tried running update-grub, and when rebooting it still hangs15:13
flutefluteI can post my menu.lst if you like so you know the kernel details15:13
markmuetzthat would be cool15:13
tikkaany ideas about resolving no cdrom,15:14
Davo_Dinkum:o odd15:15
markmuetzfluteflute: cheers, that looks pretty similar to mine though (bar different roots)15:18
markmuetzif I disable the boot options quiet and splash, booting hangs on a line "Begin: Waiting for root filesystem"15:19
markmuetzdoes that mean anything to anyone?15:20
Jaymacmarkmuetz: that happened to me, i changed to an older kernel and it worked fine...15:20
Jaymacmarkmuetz: my computer for some reason had -generic kernels and -386 kernels.. 386 kernels hung at that point, whilst generic kernels work fine15:21
markmuetzJaymac: i'm using the generic kernel already15:22
Jaymacmarkmuetz: can you boot the older kernel?15:22
markmuetzJaymac: and I can use an older kernel (i'm doing so now)15:22
i2c4uhi, i am currently testing hardy (beta) and there is no i2c-isa module. is it supposed to be that way?15:22
Jaymacmarkmuetz: hmm... do you want to compare menu.lst?15:23
markmuetzJaymac: but I hit a problem when I try and fix my nvidia drivers, which also got broken in the upgrade15:23
markmuetzJaymac: sure, i'll post it15:23
Jaymackernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-15-generic root=UUID=load_of_chars ro quiet splash15:23
jaffarkelshacis anyone having a problem updateing launchpad integratin115:23
markmuetzhttp://pastebin.com/m191f57e for the full thing15:24
markmuetzkernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-15-generic root=UUID=d0e... ro quiet splash15:25
Jaymacmarkmuetz: you've checked your UUID matches?15:26
markmuetzum, no15:26
Jaymacmarkmuetz: do a la -al /dev/disk/by-uuid15:27
Jaymacls -al*15:27
Jaymacmarkmuetz: although i doubt that is your problem; the uuid for the 22 kernel is the same and it works15:27
markmuetzyeah, that's what i thought, the uuid matches up15:28
Bonezhttp://pastebin.com/m18243a86    <--- any chance someone could pls help with my aptitude problem?15:28
markmuetzis there any way to catch the output from booting?15:29
ubotubootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot15:29
savvascharts = logs? :P15:30
markmuetzcool, thanks15:30
Davo_DinkumBonez: apparently there is a bug with launchpad-intergration15:30
savvas!info launchpad-integration15:31
ubotulaunchpad-integration (source: launchpad-integration): launchpad integration. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.16 (hardy), package size 11 kB, installed size 88 kB15:31
savvas!info python-launchpad-integration15:31
ubotupython-launchpad-integration (source: launchpad-integration): library for launchpad integration. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.16 (hardy), package size 6 kB, installed size 112 kB15:31
BonezDavo_Dinkum: ok, thanks - is there any way I can work around this as it's stopping me from installing other packages...15:32
Bonezi'll see what happens tomorrow when i do another full update :)15:34
Stormx2launchpad-integration is giving me problems too.15:34
savvasBonez: no bug, just wait for the update, i got the right one15:34
icanhashardyI have a borked package on latest update. anyone care to help?15:34
mewtBonez, there's a solution, hang on15:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213863 in launchpad-integration "trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/lpi-bug.png', which is also in package liblaunchpad-integration0" [High,Fix released]15:35
mewttry this guys15:35
icanhashardyHa, actually yeah i'm having similar issue to Bonez15:35
Bonezmewt, cool15:36
mewtcheck the link i gave you, comment 2 should fix it for ya guys15:36
Bonezicanhashardy: sweet. hope we can work it out together :)15:36
savvasno need for force-overwrite though15:36
icanhashardyooo.. but force overwrite is fun!15:37
DG19075finding out liblaunchpad1 is bad on the is latest update15:37
Tvanyone know what's up with firefox-3.0?15:37
savvasit'd be easier to just revert back to the old python-launchpad-integration and then upgrade ;)15:37
Tvsegfault on startup15:37
DG19075how to revert?15:38
savvasTv: everything's fine here on ff3 beta 515:38
Tvi'm gonna try disabling my profile, next15:38
DG19075ff3 beta 5 is gr8 here15:38
Tvbut i kind of want my session back15:38
mewtTv, everything fine on this side of the world..although firebug doesnt work anymore :'(15:39
savvasDG19075: do this, it's not downgrading but it works: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/launchpad-integration/+bug/213863/comments/215:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213863 in launchpad-integration "trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/lpi-bug.png', which is also in package liblaunchpad-integration0" [High,Fix released]15:39
Stormx2:) yay fixed15:39
mewtguys, i have a bluetooth headset which i'd like to use15:40
savvasTv: same here, firefox: Installed: 3.0~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu115:40
mewtnow, i downloaded blueman and it detects the headphoens and I paired with them np15:40
mewtalso set my headphones for audio output from it15:40
Tvwell -safe-mode with addons disabled is running for now15:40
Tvoh eww life without adblock :(15:41
Bonezmewt: cheers, worked a treat15:41
mewtthey then tell you to do add a device in asoundrc for bluetooth and should work, I was wondering if it was posisble to get pulseaudio to detect my bluetooth headset and use it as a sink15:41
mewtBonez, cool15:41
KlimentHello everyone, I'm remotely troubleshooting a boot issue. The system is an Ubuntu LTS that was upgraded to 8.04. Live CD works fine, upgrade worked with no errors, but now it won't boot from the hard disk.15:42
KlimentThe drive in question is an SATA drive.15:42
Smegzorhmm!  after receiving some updates about an hour ago, I can't start firefox anymore.  I have the broken package problem everyone's got atm.  Is firefox affected by that?15:42
mewtSmegzor, afaik no it's not15:42
TvSmegzor: try -safe-mode and disable addons15:42
TvSmegzor: that seems to be working for me15:43
TvSmegzor: still hunting what the exact addon that fails is15:43
SmegzorIs your firefox broken too just now?15:43
Smegzorhmm..  I have er..  1 or 2 (doz) addons :)15:43
KlimentRight after the install GRUB would claim there was a corrupt stage 2, so we reinstalled GRUB from the LiveCD and now it won't even get to stage 1.15:43
esoxHi, is it possible to update gutsy to hardy (studio version) without erasing gutsyh and installing hardy ?15:44
_myrtille_Hi :)15:47
icanhashardymewt: fix indeed worked. thank you.15:47
mewticanhashardy, great15:47
icanhashardyKliment: i wouldn't take my advice on this, but you might want to have fdisk restore your mbr and then try reinstalling grub15:48
TvSmegzor: apparently it's *not* CS Lite of Ubuntu Firefox Modifications15:48
SmegzorTv: I haven't found the offending addon, but I've enabled all the addons I need anyway15:49
TvSmegzor: and adblock isn't available at all for 3.0b5 :(15:49
_myrtille_I've tried to download hardy as a livecd today... :) Now i realise, i downloaded to iso-files, one called kubuntu with a size of 511kb and another called ubuntu with a "proper" size of roughly 650Mb.15:49
SmegzorI enabled that with nightly tester tools15:49
_myrtille_i'm wondering if this is "Normal" and how i make a kubuntu-livecd out of these 2 files15:49
icanhashardyprivoxy with a good solid set of rules is a good alternative to adblock15:50
hischild_myrtille_, you can install the kubuntu-desktop package on the normal ubuntu installation, which will basically give you the same result (except that you'll have more programs)15:50
jbroomesorry, was looking at something in another window. :)15:51
_myrtille_hischild: thx So this means i should just burn the ubuntu-cd and install kubuntu later on?15:51
_myrtille_hischild: I just need to test some stuff under hardy, i don't want to upgrade yet15:51
hischild_myrtille_, oh ... then you'll have to download the hardy live kubuntu cd. I was assuming a full install.15:52
_myrtille_hischild: ok, so i'll have to start over? no way of convincing the ubuntu-iso to become kubuntu?15:53
Jaymac_myrtille_: if it is only 511kb it isn't a full file.. the kubuntu beta iso is close to 700MB, and yes, you'll need to download it again15:53
Jaymac_myrtille_: no, the packages are different15:53
hischild_myrtille_, kubuntu ships with a lot of kde based programs, while the ubuntu cd ships with a lot of gnome based programs. While they will run on both desktops, the ubuntu cd won't become a kubuntu one i'm afraid.15:54
nemoyowzers. ubuntu is so close to final release.15:56
nemosomehow I get the feeling there will be a lot of backporting of gnome bits this iteration...15:56
Davo_Dinkumhmm, it played an audio cd before, but now it won't15:56
AngryBaconI can,t get my 8800gt to work  w/nvidia drivers, everything i try results in signal loss and the error (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)15:57
Klimenticanhashardy: There is only an ubuntu intall on it, nothing else.15:58
Klimenticanhashardy: so how do I restore the MBR?16:00
AngryBaconKliment, sudo grub_install16:00
Administrateurhello! server x won't start at hardy16:07
cwilluAnybody being bitten by the 'niced tasks running under another user can still use 50% while other tasks are running' bug?16:07
Administrateurrecovery mode won't work because /etc/X11 is read only16:07
AngryBaconI can,t get my 8800gt to work  w/nvidia drivers, everything i try results in signal loss and the error (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)16:07
KlimentAngryBacon: trying that now.16:07
cwilluAdministrateur, sounds like you've got bigger problems, if root is mounted read only16:08
* cwillu sighs16:08
cwilluanybody else having cfs issues?16:09
durnethi, x server won't start after update16:09
KlimentAngryBacon: sudo-install /dev/sda --recheck hangs after finding installation directory.16:09
KlimentAngryBacon: sudo grub-install, sorry16:10
chloetwodid kernel changed from one supplied in beta iso?16:11
no0ticchloetwo, yes16:11
chloetwowhat is current version?16:11
AngryBacondo you have BIOS virus protection on?16:12
jaffarkelshacis anyone having a problem updateing launchpad integratin116:12
KlimentAngryBacon: Not that I know of, we managed to install this back when the previous LTS came out.16:12
AngryBaconsorry, g2g16:12
netdurdependencies being broken is what makes x server won't start?16:12
icanhashardyi have a very odd problem if someone would be willing to help16:15
fluteflutejaffarkelshac: there is a well known heavily reported bug - a fix has been released but it may take time for the servers to update themselves16:15
jaffarkelshacthe update was just this afternoon16:16
icanhashardygde won't load on boot. gets to login screen, then when i login just hangs. i can ctrl+alt+f1, rm /tmp/X0.* , and startx, but then when it starts (and it does work) i don't have DRI. the ONLY thing i changed was unchecked the box in Hardware Drivers marked "atheros wireless" something. any ideas?16:16
fluteflutejaffarkelshac: yes - the fix may not work for your instantly - try again in a few hours16:17
diafygiHey all, I have a question about x11 in totem. Can I ask it here?16:18
Esurnirhello, sorry if that question has been asked 200 times but... Launchpad upgrade failing, is it normal or not ^__^; ?16:20
netduricanhashardy: maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=749171&highlight=broken+dependencies16:21
diafygiyes it is, there is a current bug report and a fix will be available in the repositories shortly16:21
netdurbut I have read only system, how do I fix it?16:21
Esurnirthank you netdur16:22
icanhashardyEsurnir: downloading the .deb and dpkging manually followed by an apt-get -f install worked for me, there's a bug report link somewhere i can dig up16:23
diafygithe bug report for the broken dependencies is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/21386316:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213863 in launchpad-integration "trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/lpi-bug.png', which is also in package liblaunchpad-integration0" [High,Fix released]16:23
icanhashardyoh, the link is there, lol16:23
icanhashardyAnyone care to take a shot at my odd gnome hanging problem stated above?16:24
diafygiit is fixed in liblaunchpad-integration1 version 0.1.1916:25
CoasterMasteris anyone else having problems with liblaunchpad-integration1 installing?16:26
EsurnirI'm still going to make a snapshot on this vm >.>16:26
Esurnircoastermaster> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=749171&highlight=broken+dependencies16:26
icanhashardyCoasterMaster: everyone, i think lol16:26
CoasterMasteroh boy so it's not just me!16:26
icanhashardyEsurnir: put it in the topic maybe...16:26
jaffarkelshacwhat is a good video editor that supports a lot of formats16:27
icanhashardyI'm blaming it on calc. i know he didn't do it but i'm sure it's his fault.16:27
netdurguys, I got read only file system, how I do install that deb?16:27
Esurniruhhh a read only file system ?16:27
voxany advice on how to fix the liblaunchpad-integration0 broken package?16:27
CoasterMasterEsurnir, that did it thanks16:27
icanhashardyvox: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=749171&highlight=broken+dependencies16:28
jaffarkelshacvox, same problem16:28
icanhashardyI can see it's going to be one of those days16:28
netdurEsurnir, yes, when it boot, it boot into ro fs16:28
icanhashardySilverDawn: is you liblaunchpad-integration0 broken? :P16:28
icanhashardySilverDawn: sorry, i think i'm just going to ask people as they join lol16:29
SilverDawnIm just updating now actually, But i never use launchpad intigration16:29
SilverDawnAnd that will piss people off16:29
SilverDawnSo i wouldnt16:29
icanhashardySilverDawn: was more of a joke. 3 people asked in like 8 seconds.16:29
logophobiahi, ever since the last gnome-* update, gnome panal is continuously crashing16:29
* Esurnir make a snapshot called "upgrade of doom" and launch the dist-upgrade16:29
diafygidoes anyone know how to enable x11 in gstreamer-properties?16:30
SilverDawnI seriously doubt the new upgrade breaks much, Atleast anythin i use :P16:31
logophobiais anyone else experiencing crashes with gnome-panel?16:32
voxicanhashardy: cheers, much appreciated16:32
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:33
jaffarkelshacvox, did it get fixed16:34
x1250hey guys when booting udev tries to rename my wireless and that slows down boot time. Is there any fix at this time? Its annoying, but I can live with it.16:34
bicyclistAnyon know about this error ? Whenever i mount an usb drive there appear more and more entries there reading disk_ disk__ disk___ and so on.16:34
icanhashardyHere's a good one. I'm getting apic 40 errors about 100 a minute16:35
voxjaffarkelshac: sure did16:35
jaffarkelshacwhen you downloaded where did you place the .deb vox16:36
voxjust in my home directory16:36
voxwhere you place it isnt really relevant16:37
voxjust follow the instructions16:37
jaffarkelshacdoes not work if its on your desktop vox16:38
voxthen move it to your home directory?16:38
jaffarkelshacalready done, vox16:38
jaffarkelshaci thought you had to put it in /var/cache/apt/archives16:39
Esurnirput it in your home directory and do the command there16:39
diafygiversion 0.1.19 of liblaunchpad-integration1 will fix the broken dependencies problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/21386316:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213863 in launchpad-integration "trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/lpi-bug.png', which is also in package liblaunchpad-integration0" [High,Fix released]16:39
omarGuys, I have a problem installing the "liblaunchpad-integration1" package, it refuses to install.16:39
Esurniromar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=749171&highlight=broken+dependencies16:40
voxomar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=749171&highlight=broken+dependencies16:40
jaffarkelshacproblem is alreay fixed16:40
SilverDawnbah, synaptic hates me16:40
Esurnirno, he have a profound dislike in you16:40
jaffarkelshaci need a good video editor, any suggestions16:40
SilverDawnThe 'broken' filter doesnt work right16:41
muszekI've just got a VPS with gutsy "minimal" installed.  I dist-upgraded to hardy right away.  It keeps complaining about "locale" not being set... how do I do that?16:41
=== tonyyarusso is now known as anthony
Giloumuszek> export LC_ALL=en_US for example16:42
muszekGilou: thanks16:42
SilverDawnlol lib launchpad is really fscked up16:42
voxSilverDawn: duh :P16:42
SilverDawnhmm, seems i successfully borked my system <316:43
voxas opposed to unsuccessfully?16:43
muszekGilou: I still get "locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory (same for LC_CTYPE and LC_MESSAGES) when I run "locale"16:43
Gilouit's probably not a locale configured for your system16:43
rskdkpg reconfigue-locales ?16:43
Giloutry dpkg-reconfigure locales16:43
Gilouhyphen at the wrong place rsk ;)16:44
muszekGilou, rsk: ty16:44
=== anthony is now known as tonyyarusso
SilverDawnwtf... why is there two liblaunchpad integration in two seperate p[ackages16:45
rskalrighty then..16:45
axisys_diafygi: ty16:45
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:45
diafygino prob16:45
SilverDawnI cant currently upgrade cuz i broke shit, But thanks anyways :D16:45
muszekGilou: http://pastebin.us/?show=d306cb9c816:45
icanhashardyha, that's actually funny16:46
SilverDawnHrm. Is there a way to force a removal of a program?16:47
SilverDawnIm thinkin, Im just gona remove liblaunchpad16:47
voxforce-overwrite didnt fix it?16:48
Gilouthat's all it does?16:48
voxthere's about 20 apps that list it as a dependancy16:49
SilverDawnforce-overwrite is what flag16:49
voxSilverDawn: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=749171&highlight=broken+dependencies16:49
voxeasy, easy fix16:49
jaffarkelshacvery, and place the deb in home folder16:50
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SilverDawnahh there we go :)16:52
LibertyShadowI sure wish Adblock Plus would work on FF3 b516:53
Brownoutthe nigthly build does16:53
jbroomewhat i need is the x86_64 build of lightning for TB16:54
voxanyone know how to completely remove the accessabilities apps? mousekeys keeps turning itself on every 2-3 days..16:54
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SilverDawnThats the reason i hate ubuntu sometimes, Not the fact that it breaks, But if you wanna remove one little package, It tries to remove the rest of your damn system16:56
icanhashardynot with apt-get remove...16:57
hydrogenwith apt-get remove16:57
hydrogenubuntu likes to outthink you16:57
icanhashardy.... i've never ran into that16:57
CoasterMasterI just let my computer think for me16:57
SilverDawnicanhashardy, try to remove.... -thinks of a package-16:57
muszekGilou: I had to do sudo locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"16:58
SilverDawntry to remove the program we were jsut having a problem with :)16:58
hydrogenits nice when I decide to remove somethingsmall and utilityish16:58
X3NHas anyone experienced problems with rhythmbox and plparser, after a dist upgrade it whined about "rhythmbox: error while loading shared libraries: libtotem-plparser.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"16:58
hydrogenand the list of things to remove grows all over tha place16:58
icanhashardySilverDawn: well yeah but that makes sense16:58
hydrogenlike mysql, kdelibs, kdebase, gcc...16:58
SilverDawnicanhashardy, no it doesnt16:58
icanhashardySilverDawn: i mean those packages are functionless without liblaunchpad16:59
X3NI've fixed it by symlinking the libs..  ln -s /usr/lib/libtotem-plparser.so.10 /usr/lib/libtotem-plparser.so.7 , but am wondering if anyone else had this problem16:59
SilverDawnicanhashardy, you mean to tell me xchat is functionless without liblaunchpad?16:59
SilverDawnI seriously doubt that16:59
hydrogenyou probably need to update totem X3N16:59
icanhashardySilverDawn: didn't remove xchat here16:59
hydrogensymlinking libraries with different SONAMES is a really bad idea16:59
X3Ntotem is the newest version17:00
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hydrogenX3N: then its a bug report that should be filed17:00
X3Nwell, i know it's a hack, but its that or rb doesn't work17:00
hydrogensymlinking is still a very good way to break things17:00
icanhashardyand i simulated, dont' worry i'm not that dumb, heh.17:00
X3Nhydrogen, it's not a problem for now, which is all that matters17:01
voxthe program that calls the assitive technologies doesnt show up in synaptic17:01
voxbut.. it's installed17:01
icanhashardySilverDawn: if it's that big of a deal go use Arch :P17:01
SilverDawn... pacmans a joke17:02
hydrogenall packagemangement on linux is a joke17:02
voxhow the hell can a program be installed and not show up in synaptic17:02
icanhashardyhydrogen: but it's all 100 times better than the way windows handles 'packages', or lack there of17:03
icanhashardyvox: if it's not in the repositories? :P17:03
voxno, even if you install a 3rd-party deb, it'll still show up17:03
voxthis is a key part of gnome17:04
hydrogenicanhashardy: except its possible to remove a package on windows without having half of the programs installed be deleted17:04
voxyet there's nothing on it17:04
Picivox: What package?17:04
voxPici: thats the thing, i have nfi what package it comes from, but the app is gnome-at-properties17:04
icanhashardyhydrogen: i greatly disagree. removing windows programs removes many "libraries" of "dlls" etc which are in effect the same types of packages that get removed when you remove a package :P17:05
hydrogenicanhashardy: except each packages its own copy of said libraries17:06
hydrogenwhich is not ideal17:06
hydrogenbut at least you don't break half yours ystem17:06
voxPici: ah, it's part of gnome-control-center17:07
PrefixAm i meant to config my pulseaudio in anyway? Because my music lags every few seconds.17:07
icanhashardyhydrogen: i've never borked anything not easily fixable by removing a package17:08
zniavredoes libcairo2 supose to do something with awn.?17:08
Picivox: I was going to suggest to use apt-file to search for it.17:08
voxjust wish i knew why it randomly turns the assistive technologies on every few days17:10
Picivox: I remember seeing an update for mousetweaks, that may have inadvertantly done it.17:10
PrefixIs pulseaudio laggy for anyone else?17:10
voxPici: it's been like this since gutsy17:10
Picivox: oh. Weird.17:11
voxPici: yeah17:11
icanhashardyPrefix: _everyone_ else.17:11
voxi dont much fancy a clean install17:11
icanhashardymy gde won't load on boot. gets to login screen, then when i login just hangs. i can ctrl+alt+f1, rm /tmp/X0.* , and startx, but then when it starts (and it does work) i don't have DRI. the ONLY thing i changed was unchecked the box in Hardware Drivers marked "atheros wireless" something. any ideas?17:12
Prefixicanhashardy: Then why is it in hardy if its inferior to what was in gutsy? Or is it being worked on?17:12
icanhashardyPrefix: well in gutsy, many cards just plain didn't work.17:12
icanhashardyPrefix: supporting something laggy is easier than supporting no sound, i suppose.17:12
Lunar_LampHmm, how can I test for lagging sound? I haven't noticed it.17:13
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Prefixplay a song Lunar_Lamp, and see if it stops for a split second ever few seconds17:13
Lunar_LampOh, no, not at all.17:14
Prefixits driving me crazy :/, what card you got?17:14
* icanhashardy is using ALSA atm...17:14
Lunar_LampHmm, well, I'm listening to music in amarok at the moment without issue.17:14
mluser-workjoin #centos17:14
icanhashardyi wonder how many people just did17:15
mluser-workmy bad.. sorry17:15
voxi had to use centos once17:15
icanhashardylol i'm just easily amused.17:15
voxi felt unclean :(17:15
mluser-workunfortunately.. I have to use it for work :(17:15
calchmm powerpc failed the OOo build again :(17:15
calci'll have to do one last upload next week to rip out java for it, and hope it works good enough17:16
voxi have to use rh and fc at work17:16
icanhashardycalc: i heard. i think you broke liblaunchpad-integration0 too ;)17:16
calcicanhashardy: huh?17:16
calcicanhashardy: i didn't touch that, so not sure how i broke it17:16
icanhashardycalc: a jest. calm down lol.17:16
calcicanhashardy: heh :P17:16
voxrh/fc make baby jesus cry17:17
icanhashardyvox: amen17:17
* Pici points at topic17:17
icanhashardyPici: can't see it, too far up ;)17:17
gatestoneWhat has changed in audi since Gutsy? Is there a document?17:26
jbroomethere's a changelog on the ubuntu site17:27
icanhashardyso if i can't get gdm to boot after login. is there a log somewhere i can debug it in?17:29
gatestoneDoes PulseAudio need updates to legacy software (SIP clients, Skype, media players,...)17:29
gatestoneWill PulseAudio explain to me why my laptop mic feedbacks with my speakers even if no sound using softwate is running :-(17:30
gatestoneOn Gutsy with ALSA that is.17:31
icanhashardygatestone: well hopefully it will fix it17:31
icanhashardybrb, must reboot17:32
jbroomemy hardy desktop has been up for a week with daily updates.  I'm kinda scared to reboot. :)17:32
penanyone know why FF3 b5 always close unexpectedly?17:32
fluteflutejbroome: take the plunge and go for it! :-D17:32
penvery random17:33
voxjbroome: scared why?17:33
davidpen: I've had that with every firefox17:33
jbroomevox: well, it's working fine right now: X, sound, printing, OOo, everything.17:33
davidazureus too17:33
davidfor some reason ubuntu fails to close those applications correctly every time17:34
jbroomeAfter i'm done with this client writeup i'll reboot.  I've got my laptop if everything is pooched. :)17:34
pendavid: well, for me it's bit different. FF close unexpectedly with certain tabs on17:34
davidI've had this from 7.04, 7.10 and now with the 8.4 beta17:35
gatestoneDoes Skype video work on Hardy?17:35
voxjbroome: i've been rebooting once every 2 or so days(for other reasons) and i havent had any issues17:35
pendavid: if I close some tabs during startup then FF won't close during loading17:35
davidah, ok17:35
davidI misunderstood :)17:35
gatestoneOr other videoconferencing tools?17:35
gatestoneDoes PulseAudio still have this confusing array of million audio devices in the mixer?17:36
* Gilou hasn't tried pulseaudio that much17:37
fluteflutepen: i'm having this issue with fx3 and haven't had it before (with fx2)17:37
mohamed_hello all, everyday i join i find discusion about pulseaudio :)17:37
Gilouthing looks promising though :p17:37
penfluteflute: I think this is a bug in FF, has anyone reported this before?17:37
mohamed_if  pulseaudio  work well with anyone can tell me how to control voulme ?17:38
savvaspen: i remember someone earlier complaining about sigsev and crash on each start of firefox17:38
gatestonemohamed, thatäs because sound sucks on Linux. Or at least it used to suck.17:38
pensavvas: no, my FF just close on it's own again. grrr.......17:38
aguiteli installed hardy beta ,how upgrade to final hardy ?17:39
savvaspen: no crashes in /var/crash/ ? nautilus /var/crash/17:39
fluteflutepen: i believe it is a flash issue17:39
fluteflutepen: bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/10447017:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 104470 in flashplugin-nonfree "[Feisty] Firefox crashed -- libflashplayer.so" [High,Incomplete]17:40
mohamed_gatestone, yes before hardy sound at least was working well with alsa and i can control everything now volume is very low and i don't know how to make it a littile bit higher17:40
penfluteflute: is it with pulseaudio?17:40
savvasaguitel: easy, system > administration > software sources > download from: choose "main server" > click close > click reload > then run update manager to update17:40
penfluteflute: I used the patched flash.so17:40
aguitelsavvas: thankz17:41
mohamed_at least for me i don't kow what pulseaudio can add for me if not how can i back to alsa and remove pulseaudio ?17:41
pensavvas: where can I find the log? /car/crash?17:41
pensavvas: where can I find the log? /var/crash?17:41
savvasyes pen, do: nautilus /var/crash/17:42
fluteflutepen: i'm using pulseaudio if thats what you're asking?17:42
pensavvas: hm, no crashes for FF b 517:42
savvasthere should be a firefox crash report there, a .crash file17:42
savvasah ok17:42
penfluteflute: did you use the patched libflash.so?17:42
pensavvas: there is one for b417:42
pensavvas: not for b517:42
savvaspen: did you try running firefox from terminal? maybe there's an error in the output17:42
fluteflutepen: no - i haven't changed anything there17:42
fluteflutepen: i don't know anything about it17:43
pensavvas: no, I'm trying it now17:43
penfluteflute: patched flash.so let flash 9 uses pulseaudio17:43
KlimentIs it safe to run an update at the moment or will things still break?17:43
HardyHeroni updated HH and i have 2 broken  packages. i cant seem to  fix.. any ideas17:43
aguitelwhat is pulseaudio?17:43
fluteflutepen: where do i get it?17:44
savvasKliment: update tomorrow, you'll be much safer17:44
fluteflutepen: got to go now - will check back later17:44
penfluteflute: it's on the pulseaudio perfect setup page17:44
penfluteflute: search google17:44
penfluteflute: k17:45
aguitelHardyHeron: it happend with me ,see in google there is way to fix it17:45
pensavvas: hm, I see some errors17:45
HardyHeronaguitel:   can you give me a link plz17:45
pensavvas: (firefox:12533): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed17:45
bkochI have a problem still need to figure out how to EXACTLY reproduce it, but when I watch a show in VLC often when I open another show up in VLC afterwards there is no sound, tried restarting also and killing all sound processes but that didnt appear to work17:45
pensavvas: it appears several times before Seg Fault17:45
savvaspen: whatever you see, use http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu to report it if it's not already reported17:45
aguitelHardyHeron: i lost17:46
HardyHeronplz look again17:47
Sergeant_Ponypen according to the wiki it say's to edit asound.conf... I don't have one on 8.0417:47
penSergeant_Pony: create one17:47
Sergeant_Ponypen, ok17:48
aguitelHardyHeron: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=467690117:49
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone!17:52
pensavvas: looks to me the problem probably lies within the addons I installed17:52
pensavvas: GMarks17:52
MilhousePunkRockAfter the last reboot, my /dev/input/by-id has disappeared. So my mouse does not work anymore17:52
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HardyHeronaguitel:   i see the info but am not getting the fix17:54
aguitelConfirmed. A possible workaround should be the following:17:56
aguitel1. Download http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/poo....1.18_i386.deb17:56
aguitel2. Install this package manually with the following commands: sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i liblaunchpad-integration1_0.1.18_i386.deb17:56
aguitel3. sudo apt-get -f install or sudo apt-get upgrade17:56
jaffarkelshaccd to where the deb file is17:56
HardyHerona im seeing that17:58
esoxis the definitive version of hardy available ?18:06
Unksiesox: what do you mean with definitive version?18:06
esoxor is it still a beta version (I had some bugs when I tried it)18:06
Unksiits to release in 17 days or something like that18:07
Piciesox: The release is not until the 24th.18:07
ubotuA shedule of Hardy Heron (8.04) release dates can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule18:07
esoxUnksi: I mean that I had some bugs (removable disk dont mount on desktop for instance)18:07
Unksiatleast usb stick does here, on kde18:07
cycomI am amazed at how much DOES work in Hardy.18:07
Unksithough, i have desktop icons totally disabled.. :D18:07
esoxUnksi: where do you enable it ?18:08
cycomthe only problems I've run into is with my sound card, a known (probably kernel) bug, and suspend to ram.18:08
esoxUnksi: is it possible to update gutsy to hardy beta without installing frm scratch ?18:09
penesox: what do you mean by start from scratch?18:10
esoxpen: put the hardy-studio CD in and install over gutsy with erasing partitions...18:11
Unksiesox: i think you can upgrade with some kind of beta switch, dunno what it is though18:11
penesox: you can upgrade from gusty to hardy with update manager18:12
penesox: no need of CD18:12
esoxbecause in fact I have a mouse pointer corruption on gutsy and maybe it is solved on  hardy...18:12
PiciIf you have to ask how...18:12
DKongis it normal to have 100 updates every few days?18:12
cyclonutDKong: those are the updates that come about from all those bug reports you've been submitting :)18:13
DKongis this normal after the os is out of beta too?18:13
rskDKong: no18:13
UnksiDKong: no, it will slow down after the release18:13
esoxpen: do I need to open special repositories to update to hardy ?18:13
cvd-prIt there away to make firefox fonts to look great18:13
DKongok just curious thanks for the info18:13
rskcvd-pr: what's great?18:13
penesox: no, all you need is a command and I'm searching for that. I used that way to upgrade too18:14
rski think they look nice18:14
cvd-prlooks bad18:14
Unksiesox: kmenu -> system settings -> desktop -> behaviour -> show icons on desktop18:14
rskok what is bad cvd-pr ?18:14
cyclonutcvd-pr: I quite like the fonts18:14
penesox: but I still suggest you do a backup before upgrade18:14
penesox: for safety reason18:14
cyclonutesox: I second the backup18:14
esoxpen: what backup utility do you suggest ?18:14
cyclonutesox: I use an external hdd18:15
cvd-prit hurt my eyes no matter what font i choose18:15
cyclonutesox: and just copy what I need18:15
Prefix_cvd-pr - upload a screenshot to imageshack18:15
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cvd-prbut the os fonts are ok18:15
esoxcyclonut: what do you mean ?18:15
penesox: use dd18:15
penesox: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Dd18:15
DKongis there anything like timemachine for mac on ubuntu?18:15
penesox: use appropriate command, I would recommand you use the image one in this case18:16
cyclonutesox: I selectively backup, i.e. I copy my entire "home" directory, less media, to my external hdd18:16
cvd-prthe fonts look, too big or to little or to blur18:16
cvd-prno perfect18:16
penesox: however, remember if you want to use the bit-by-but copy18:16
Prefix_cvd-pr, upload a screenshot18:16
penesox: the destination partition should have the same size as the original18:16
cyclonutDKong: dude. I googled "Ubuntu Time Machine" and this was the first result: http://lifehacker.com/software/featured-linux-download/timevault-time-machine-for-linux-275399.php18:17
penesox: or it would copy multiple bits depends on the size of the destination18:17
cyclonutI know you own a googler too :-P18:17
DKongcool thanks18:17
penesox: this is the link to upgrade, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades18:17
penesox: hope those helps18:18
penesox: :)18:18
cyclonutDKong: google next time before asking. You must learn to help yourself.18:18
cvd-prHey what are the default font in firefox?18:18
cvd-pri changed18:18
enyccvd-pr: i thought there is a 'restore defaults' button18:19
enyccvd-pr: could be wrong18:19
cvd-pryesm but retore all setting not fonts only18:19
enyccvd-pr: ok erm you could do this... a) close firefox completely... b) remove the .mozilla directory... c) start firefox... note settings you want... d) clase firefox completely .... e) remove .mozilla dir, f) restore old .mozilla dir to original place18:20
cvd-prwhat the heck, a 150mb update :-(18:20
nareshovIs something wrong with hardy's grub? I installed freebsd along and I can't boot into it using grub. It recognises (hd0,1,a) as jfs (it's ufs)18:20
enycrobilive: errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr b) should be *rename*18:20
enyccvd-pr: err b) should be *rename*18:21
DKongok i will18:21
enycrobilive: wrong person ;p18:21
cvd-prbut can you look to firefox theme and tell me the defaults fonts?18:21
robiliveyes enyc but don't worry, be happy :P18:21
enycrobilive: im trying.. runing into a spot of bother with that18:22
enyccvd-pr: but if you rename .mozilla you will be able to see yourself18:22
enyccvd-pr: then you can put it back afterwards18:22
cvd-pro ok18:22
enyccvd-pr: you might want to press printscreen18:24
kane77hmm.. how do I upgrade? the update-manager -d does not work... it says current dist not found in meta-release file...18:24
enyckane77: worked for me ;p18:24
kane77enyc, for me too on one of my computer, not on the other :/18:24
enyckane77: do you have an odd /etc/apt/sources.list ??18:24
kane77I don't think so.. I believe I haven't added anything to it...18:25
kane77I will check to make sure..18:25
kane77shouldn't the problem be that there are upgrades available for it?18:29
* cyclonut doesnt see the problem18:31
cyclonutcvd-pr: is it possible your eyes are hurting because your theme is very bright?18:31
mrtimdogAny pointers for booting from USB stick? Wiki pages, etc.? :)18:31
pencyclonut: how bright do you mean? white?18:31
pencyclonut: you can change the brightness of your monitor18:32
cvd-prnopt, cuz OS fonts dont hurt me18:32
cyclonutpen: Im talking about the black on white style of cvd's theme18:32
cvd-prnautilus etc... it just firefox18:32
aguitelwhat is the difference between main server and other servers?18:32
pencyclonut: i see18:32
cyclonutcvd-pr: I think you are being a bit nitpicky... I dont see a darned thing wrong with that screenshot18:32
cyclonutcvd-pr: what is wrong, besides "not perfect"18:34
Ienorandfirefox 3 being generally slow, is that some known bug?18:34
cyclonutpen: pointing out that I can change my monitor brightness... sheeeesh ;)18:34
cyclonutIenorand: its been generally fast for me18:35
cvd-prsomething slook too big or too small, or to tigh18:35
IenorandI am comparing to ff2 in XP, and the difference is _miles_18:35
mohamed_Ienorand,  firefox 3.0 look faster than 2 for me also18:36
Ienorandin favour of ff2 in XP :(18:36
kane77Ienorand, hmm that's weird, for me it is the other way18:36
cvd-prcheck this http://img265.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1ek6.png18:36
Ienorand...right, good to now it's something wrong and not how it's meant to be at least...18:37
aguitelwhat is the difference between main server and other servers?18:38
cyclonutaguitel: the main server gets updated first, then updates are propegated to the other servers18:40
kane77Ienorand, generally FF3 is supposed to be faster and less memory hugry than FF218:40
cyclonutaguitel: it is a method of reducing load18:40
aguitelcyclonut: thankz18:40
cvd-prhow to go to the trash in command line?18:40
Picicvd-pr: cd ~/.Trash18:41
aguitelcvd-pr: sudo nautilus18:41
icanhascvd-pr: ls -a <-- will show all folders including hidden18:41
cvd-prthe problem i that the first simbol dont work18:41
cvd-prin my keyboard18:41
Picicvd-pr: cd /home/youruser/.Trash/ then18:41
icanhascvd-pr: just navigate to home (which you should be in default), then cd .Trash18:41
icanhaslol i love how there are 100 answers for every question18:42
cvd-pri dont have .trahs in my home18:42
Ienorandkane77: Yea, that's why I'm a tad worried18:42
icanhascvd-pr: Capital T, .Trash18:42
Picicvd-pr: Its case sensitive.18:42
cvd-pri dont have anythin wint T t18:43
enyccvd-pr: if you are using Nautilus file viewer or "ls" it will not show it as its hidden (starts with ".") -- if you "cd .trash" that wont work either because its ".Trash" not ".trash"18:43
enyccvd-pr: no its ".Trash" not "Trash"18:43
enyccvd-pr: and its normally hidden from listings because it starts with "."18:43
cvd-prsameting thing18:43
icanhaswait, if there's nothing in it doesn't gde remove the folder on boot?18:44
cvd-pr there not any .T, .t18:44
cyclonutcd .trash18:44
cyclonutoops bad guess18:44
enyccvd-pr: *how* exactly are you looking for this? explain?18:44
cvd-prhome, show hidden files, .T or .t18:44
jaffarkelshaci am looking for video editors, has anyone used cinerella18:44
icanhascvd-pr: if you have nothing in the trash bin, /.Trash will not exist18:45
enyccvd-pr: puzzling ;.18:45
enyccvd-pr: puzzling ;p18:45
cvd-pri have thing in th trash right now18:45
cvd-prin the trash applet18:46
* Pici thinks18:47
cvd-pri never has thing a .trash in my home18:47
Alan_Hmmm, is it normal to have issues booting off reiserfs?18:47
icanhasAlan_: in a perfect world, no.18:47
Alan_icanhas, using a Hardy beta install?18:47
jaffarkelshaci am looking for video editors, has anyone used cinerella18:47
Alan_I just did an install with a reiserfs root partition, and i get GRUB error 1718:48
Alan_(cannot mount ... blah)18:48
icanhasAlan_: external harddrive?18:48
Alan_icanhas, no, but not the "first" hard drive tha the bios sees either18:48
icanhasAlan_: when grub gives you options to boot, hit 'e'18:49
Alan_Also, i have to boot in safe graphics mode with a 7600GT on 64-bit18:49
icanhasAlan_: then change the harddrive/partition to the one it's on, ie: if it says (0,1), you might have to change it to (1,1)18:49
cvd-prwhy i have 4 items in the trash applet but i dont have a .trash in my home?18:49
Alan_icanhas, it doesn't give me any options...18:49
Alan_trying to boot straight away i think18:49
icanhasAlan_: then can you pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst please?18:49
Alan_i'm going to mount the partition from a livecd18:49
macogwwho's having X breakage after today's updates?  what graphics driver are you using?18:50
xx0xxhello i changed my hostname now i having problem.. sudo: unable to lookup x0x.shellhosts.net via gethostbyname()18:50
macogwi just saw emails on the devel discuss list, and i wanna see if it's affecting intel or not before i abort the uopdate18:50
xx0xxhow do i fix this problem now?18:50
macogwxx0xx: you have to log out and back in18:50
mohamed_macogw, i update but not start yet i hope everything work after that :)18:50
Picicvd-pr: It appears that the Trash location changed with gvfs.  Try looking in ~/.local/share/Trash/18:50
cvd-prok let me check18:51
macogwPici: there should be a symlink for that, IMO18:51
icanhasPici: that's interesting. i didn't realize that18:51
cvd-prPici,  yes there18:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trash - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:51
Prefix_speaking of the trash can, is the icon not waaaaay to big when on a panel now?18:52
Alan_icanhas, could this be the problem maybe?  i think i've seen it before... when booting from CD, then the first disk is the first disk, but when booting from a disk the first disk is the one you boot from?18:52
Prefix_nvr mind18:52
Prefix_just realised its been fixed18:52
bluefoxxwhy have the new updates changed my IDE hard drive from /dev/hda to /dev/sdf??18:53
icanhasAlan_: sort of something like that.18:53
icanhasbluefoxx: you have ide harddrives listed as scusi? that's probably bad, heh.18:53
bluefoxxicanhas: i have refular scsi rdrives in my system too18:53
icanhasAlan_: basically correct. that's why when booting from a flash drive or external harddrive you have to change it to (0,1), even tho the internal harddrive is 0, when you boot from the external one it becomes 0.18:54
bluefoxxicanhas: and as i recall USB drives showed up and /dev/sd*18:54
cvd-prHey how to remove 2 folders at the same time18:54
cvd-prin the command18:54
Picicvd-pr: just put them both there18:54
macogwPici: really?18:54
cvd-prthe 2 folders are in the same place18:54
icanhasi prefer to use shred ;)18:54
macogwbluefoxx: that changed in gutsy18:54
cvd-prsudo rm -R18:54
Picimacogw: rm -r folder1/ folder2/18:55
macogwbluefoxx: all drives are /dev/sd* since ...actually the update first happened in feisty18:55
cvd-prsudo rm -R  folder1 folder2  ?18:55
cvd-pro ok18:55
bluefoxxmacd: o? i havent used a usb device since my sansa was stolen18:55
Picicvd-pr: Theres no need to use sudo unless you are sure you need it18:55
Alan_icanhas, well, the interesting thing is i'm never getting a menu, but i think i might have told the installer to put the MBR on hd0, which of course is the wrong one when booted from CD :(18:55
icanhasmacogw: oh, i'm sorry i didn't recall that, probabaly because i haven't used ide drives in so long18:55
bluefoxxmacogw: i meant you, srry18:55
macogwbluefoxx: it was a change in libata because the scsi drivers were better. people complained in feisty and it was reverted, but it became permanent in gutsy18:55
cvd-prPici,  with sudo i cant deleted18:55
cvd-prwith aout18:56
xx0xxmacogw i did18:56
bluefoxxmacogw: ah, i c18:56
Alan_but then... if i boot from the disk it DID put the MBR on, i get error 2218:56
macogwxx0xx: you did what?18:56
xx0xxyou mean restart pc?18:56
icanhasAlan_: yep, that's your problem. very commonly made. the easiest fix is to fix the mbr hd0, then reinstall telling it to put grub on /dev/sd* instead of the relative hd0,1,2,etc18:56
xx0xxi did restart ssh18:56
cvd-prcheese my writes are bad18:56
cvd-prbad english18:57
macogwxx0xx: oh we're not talking about in X? then yeah probably have to restart the computer...18:57
HorizonXPholy crap18:57
cvd-pr8.04 is in RC?18:57
HorizonXP145 updates?18:57
penhave you guys install the updates? What's new about the new kernel?18:57
macogwxx0xx: GUI apps dont work til you restart X. i guess if its not a GUI system, thatd involve restarting the comp...18:57
xx0xxmacogw i am on vps :s18:57
penI just updated it18:57
tobi_is it a known bug that the kernel 2.6.24-15 doesn't work with the nvidia driver?18:57
macogwpen: mailing list says X breakage18:57
penit's faster now18:57
xx0xxmacogw is it ok to restart?18:57
HorizonXPwait.... the new updates break with Nvidia driver?18:58
cvd-prhow to know my kernel version?18:58
macogwxx0xx: whats vps?18:58
macogwcvd-pr: uname -a18:58
penHorizonXP: i think he means it fixes the breakage18:58
penI don't have the problem18:58
macogwwait is the problem just a l-r-m one? because i dont have/need/want l-r-m anyway18:58
macogwpen: no18:58
cvd-pr2.6.24-15-generic #118:58
penwhat is the X breakage?18:58
macogwpen: i meant the mailing list is saying "did anyone else's X break from today's updates?"18:58
Alan_icanhas, i'll give it a try :)18:58
cvd-prand i have nvidia without any problem18:58
xx0xxvps mean virtul private server18:59
xx0xxmacogw ok tell me what i need to do18:59
xx0xxtell me commands ;s18:59
macogwxx0xx: oh. idk.  restart the virtual machine?18:59
tobi_macogw: can you point me to the post?18:59
xx0xxmacogw ya18:59
penmacogw: btw, it's much smoother with compiz now after the update18:59
Alan_also, i really don't like the new time zone chooser19:00
Alan_i preferred the old one...19:00
Alan_is that an Ubuntu thing or a GNOME thing?19:00
penAlan_: i don't know why the time zone is so pissing me off as they always display the wrong time19:00
vf123 I am interested in encrypting my /home directory.  Is there any reason why I should not do this?  And can you suggest any software that works well for it?19:00
DanaGArgh, FF3 sucks -- the address bar freezes Firefox way too often.19:01
savvasanyone here a radical chemist ? :) I want to know when an enzyme cleaves something means it breaks into smaller parts or joins into a bigger part?19:01
jbroomesavvas: so entirely OT19:01
savvasoh yeah19:01
vf123DanaG: i had that issue with FF3 all the time ... switch to swiftfox and it hasnt happened since19:01
penDanaG: did you use the greedy in your xorg?19:01
macogwvf123: you could use LVM's encryption19:01
vf123let me look that up19:02
macogwsavvas: cleave usually means break...like a cleaver...the big butcher knife19:02
macogwwhich time zone chooser?19:02
savvasok, that's probably it, thanks macogw19:02
cvd-pryou hjave syncronized time?19:02
cvd-pruse manual19:02
icanhasHonestly that brings up an interesting question, why the heck by default does the live cd grub installer use relative harddrive names instead of device locations?19:02
macogwthe installer or in the gnome thing so you can see what time it is in multiple zones?19:02
vf123macogw:  do you have any docs on how ?19:02
macogwvf123: nope, but google probably does19:03
vf123yeah doing that now, just checking first19:03
macogwvf123: although a friend told me the other day that it doesnt work if you install LVM from a package19:03
DanaGgreedy?  What greedy?  Oh, were you trying to tab-complete a different name?19:03
jaffarkelshaci am looking for video editors, has anyone used cinerella19:03
macogwvf123: the LVM package in ubuntu is kinda broken.  if you install LVM as part of the alternate installer, it works fine, but not if its from an already installed system19:03
vf123kk .. gotcha19:04
macogwjaffarkelshac: heh engrish :P19:04
macogwjaffarkelshac: the r & l go in the opposite places19:04
ether_chas anyone else got a broken update today?19:04
vf123danag:   seriously ... sudo apt-get remove firefox and go get swiftfox ... works better19:04
icanhasDanaG: that's actually a feature. it gives to time to think about the address you want to go to before it actually brings you there.19:04
macogwether_c: this? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2008-April/003825.html19:04
icanhasether_c: that seems to be popular today yes heh19:05
penDanaG: ?19:05
penDanaG: hold on19:05
jaffarkelshacmacogw, i suppose i am used to writing cinderella19:05
DanaG(11:01:34 AM) pen: DanaG: did you use the greedy in your xorg?19:05
Alan_macogw, i meant the time zone chooser in the Installer19:05
penDanaG: Option"MigrationHeuristic""greedy"19:05
DanaGWhat does that have to do with the Firefox freeze?19:05
ether_cX isn't broken.. but dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/liblaunchpad-integration1_0.1.18_i386.deb (--install):19:05
ether_c trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/lpi-bug.png', which is also in package liblaunchpad-integration019:05
DanaGAnyway, I use nvidia.19:06
penDanaG: it speeds up firefox19:06
penDanaG: with exa19:06
macogwAlan_: oh thatd definitely be an ubuntu thing, not a gnome thing, since its part of ubiquity19:06
tobi_DanaG: yep, I have problems with the update too. (nvidia)19:06
jaffarkelshacso has anyone used cinelerra19:07
jaffarkelshaci cant click anything19:07
macogwok so it sounds like all update issues are nvidia related? is that the concensus?19:07
DanaGWhat update, anyway>19:07
cvd-prCan any help me here?19:07
Alan_oh crap, i have an nvidia card19:07
tobi_jaffarkelshac: I used it a year ago and it was buggy like hell19:08
DanaGI see an nvidia-glx-new update, but I haven't installed it.19:08
Alan_that update vs new install?19:08
icanhasAlan_: it's an update19:08
icanhasAlan_: and it's not every card19:08
Alan_fair enough19:08
DanaGIf I don't see a changelog, I don't install.19:08
ether_cI seem to be getting something like this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/launchpad-integration/+bug/21392119:08
jaffarkelshactobi its annoying me it opens but nothing is clickerble19:08
icanhasI have an intel, new HAL drivers broke my gnome.19:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213921 in launchpad-integration "Dependency broken in Hardy beta (dup-of: 213863)" [Medium,Invalid]19:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213863 in launchpad-integration "trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/lpi-bug.png', which is also in package liblaunchpad-integration0" [High,Fix released]19:08
cvd-prA know why sometimes my mouse start to move crazy all over the desktop?19:08
Alan_As i already said, i can't use the installer for my card without using safe graphics mode19:08
Prefix_cvd-pr, what surface is your mouse on?19:09
icanhasAlan_: that's very odd actually.19:09
Alan_but then again, i've never been able too with anything newer than a 6600GT19:09
cvd-prPrefix_,  the same as always19:09
pencvd-pr: what do you mean?19:09
Prefix_cvd-pr, which is?19:09
Alan_icanhas, on 7600GT, using 64-bit19:09
Alan_icanhas, i get the "random lines and junk all over my screen" symptoms19:10
macogwcvd-pr: check for one of these? http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/electronic/a11e/19:10
Alan_icanhas, not sure if it's related to having 2 monitors attached and some autodetection getting confused19:10
cvd-prPrefix_,  that hace to do why the mouse move all over the desktop super fast and the stop?19:10
icanhasAlan_: that just sounds like a refresh thing. but 64-bit causes all sorts of issues i know nothing about19:10
icanhasAlan_: is this prior to installation or after?/19:10
Alan_icanhas, this is when trying to load anything GUI from the livecd19:11
Alan_so prior19:11
SWiSHhey guys19:11
cvd-prmaybe is something with the xorg.conf?19:11
Belisarivshi all19:11
bluefoxxok, i added another location to the clock and it froze -.-19:11
Prefix_cvd-pr, I can't really help you if you wont even tell me what surface your mouse is on :/, the reason I ask is because if your on wood or red or white paper with a laser mouse it can cause the mouse to 'spin'19:11
Belisarivscould anybody help me to solve problem with suspend to disk?19:11
icanhasAlan_: i could probably fix it with an xorg.conf edit, but if it's the live cd that won't exactly work, heh19:11
BelisarivsI can't get it working properly.19:12
cvd-prPrefix_, i dont use laser mouse19:12
icanhasAlan_: I can almost guarantee you it's because the default depth isn't set to 24.19:12
cvd-prPrefix_, normal mouse19:12
Prefix_cvd-pr, if you use a ball mouse then clean it out19:12
cvd-prPrefix_, its clean19:12
Alan_icanhas, exactly - i'm guessing it's the 'nv' driver too, seeming as 'nvidia' is proprietary19:12
icanhasAlan_: honestly i wouldn't be so quick to blame it on nvidia19:13
cvd-prPrefix_,  the mouse move by it self, so its something with ubuntu19:13
SWiSHi need help. I destroyed my audio-output. I tried to run dolby surround(  I think i configured it via SPDIF) , but now, i have NO sound at all, no ALSA, no Pulse works . Can someone help me please?19:13
BelisarivsIt does suspend to disk, it does load up back, but after I enter my password, it works for a while and then it freezes. Could you help me to trace bug to provide sufficient bugreport at least?19:13
pencvd-pr: did you unplug mouse or reboot or try CtrlAltBack?19:13
BelisarivsI have HP 530. All components are made by Intel.19:14
cvd-prpen,  this always happends19:14
bluefoxxok, the power button wont work. i cant log out or anything19:14
Alan_icanhas, erm, maybe you're thinking of a different kind of junk-on-the-screen19:14
pencvd-pr: try disable compiz19:14
cvd-prpen,  im dont gonna unplug or reboot everytime this happends19:14
Alan_icanhas, i mean the one where you can't make out anything19:14
pencvd-pr: hope it's not compiz19:14
pencvd-pr: so you mean reboot fix this problem?19:14
pencvd-pr: that means your config us malfunctioning19:15
cvd-prpen, it fixed my himself19:15
cvd-pri think some config are wrong19:15
* DanaG will likely be getting an HP 8510p in summer.19:15
cvd-prwhere are the mouse configs?19:16
macogwcvd-pr: xorg19:16
pencvd-pr: xorg.conf19:16
Belisarivsno ideas?19:17
cvd-pri have used the  feisty xorg.conf in heron xorg.conf19:17
cvd-prmaybe thats the problem19:17
komputesIn hardy how can one tell what video driver is in use?\19:17
macogwkomputes: lsmod?19:18
bluefoxxso hpw can i have drives mounted in  my home folder via fstab not show up in th drive mount applet or on my desktop? is there an option to revert to them being invisible?19:19
xx0xxhow to create dns server?19:19
cvd-prCUz i dont know how the hell i delete the heron xorg.conf,  when i reboot the gnome dont start, so i put the feisty live cd and copy the xorg.conf to the heron19:19
SWiSHnobody can help me?19:19
macogwbluefoxx: stuff in /media shows on the desktop19:19
bluefoxxmacogw: but they arn't in /media. i have them mounted into my home folder from fstab19:19
komputesmacogw: then what?19:20
macogwbluefoxx: and i think thats why they dont show on your desktop19:20
macogwkomputes: what?19:20
macogwkomputes: oh. look for one thats a video driver19:20
komputesmacogw: lsmod then what...19:20
macogwkomputes: lsmod | grep "ati\|fglrx\|intel\|nv"19:20
komputesmacogw: which one is the video driver?19:20
pencvd-pr: yes?19:20
macogwkomputes: thatd be a starting point..19:20
bluefoxxmacogw: im not looking to make them show on my desktop, im looking to make them vanish from it19:21
=== Alan_ is now known as Alan
Sympathadoes anyone know why a usb device wouldnt show up in lsusb or tail -f /var/log/messages/ even if its drawing power from the port?19:21
macogwbluefoxx: ooooo ok gconf-editor then19:21
icanhasSympatha: check dmesg?19:22
macogwbluefoxx: gconf-editor should let you hide normal drives from the desktop but keep removable ones19:22
bluefoxxok, then?19:22
mnemoLibre Graphics Meeting 2008  --->  http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2008/index.php?lang=en&action=home19:22
cvd-prpen, CUz i dont know how the hell i delete the heron xorg.conf,  when i reboot the gnome dont start, so i put the feisty live cd and copy the xorg.conf to the heron19:22
bluefoxxmacogw: kk19:22
cvd-prpen,  maybe that cuz the mouse problems?19:22
pencvd-pr: are you in low graphic mode right now?19:22
pencvd-pr: maybe19:22
cvd-prpen, nope19:22
komputesmacogw: the output to the command "   lsmod | grep "ati\|fglrx\|intel\|nv"   "  is cpufreq_ conservative     8712   019:22
macogwkomputes: thats it?19:23
pencvd-pr: maybe you can try to let xorg configure for you, I think it will backup your xorg19:23
komputesmacogw: thats it19:23
macogwkomputes: oh umm... lsmod | grep 81019:23
cvd-prpen,  how19:23
macogwkomputes: cuz that covers intel, ati, and nvidia....not many other options19:23
komputesmacogw: used to be able to check xorg.conf, not I have to go through each video card posibility, excuse my french but this is ^%&^%19:23
AlanRight, here goes attempt 2 - i rewired my hard drives so that the disk i'm installing to is first19:24
pencvd-pr: hold on, before you do that could you paste your xorg.conf?19:24
pencvd-pr: only the mouse part19:24
Sympathaicanhas: what exactly should I be looking for in dmesg?19:25
komputesmacogw: still just "cpufreq_ conservative     8712   0" , what now?\19:25
macogwkomputes: can you just tell us what video card you have?19:25
cvd-prpen, Section "InputDevice"19:25
cvd-prIdentifier"Configured Mouse"19:25
komputesmacogw: amd geode19:25
macogwkomputes: oh thats why checking for those didnt work....19:26
pencvd-pr: what is vmmouse?19:26
macogwkomputes: im gonna guess it'll be named amd something19:26
macogwkomputes: so grep for amd19:26
cvd-pri dont know pren19:26
komputesnot a video driver19:26
pencvd-pr: wait, are you running linux in vmware?19:26
macogwkomputes: its not in xorg.conf because youre not supposed to ever need to manually touch it.  it's supposed to figure out what to do automatically when X starts19:26
cvd-prpen,  not all is normal19:26
komputesmacogw: isn't there a way to see what actual dideo driver is being used instead of fussing arround grepping everything that can come to mind19:27
pencvd-pr: hm19:27
pencvd-pr: now or not?19:27
cvd-prpen, what i put in driver?19:27
darrendwhere does compizconfig-settings-manager store its settings.. anyone know?19:27
cvd-prpen,  generic?19:27
affluxdarrend: IIRC in the gconf19:27
pencvd-pr: run this, Xorg -configure19:27
darrendafflux: thx, I'll hunt in there.19:28
=== xx0xx is now known as x0x
pencvd-pr: it will configure your xorg19:28
icanhasAlan: that really isn't neccesary. just make sure Grub installs to /dev/sd*, sd* being the same you're installing ubuntu onto19:28
komputesmacogw: shouldn't the "used by" column just say xorg so we know that xorg is using that driver?19:28
tomd123so ya, does anyone have any problems with the latest update "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/liblaunchpad-integration1_0.1.18_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/lpi-bug.png', which is also in package liblaunchpad-integration0"?19:28
cvd-prpen, Fatal server error:19:28
cvd-prServer is already active for display 019:28
cvd-prIf this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock19:28
cvd-prand start again.19:28
affluxdarrend: you're welcome19:28
icanhastomd123: yes, everyone, hold for link19:28
ryrules1is this hardy support19:29
gregcha117everything seems to be recognizing my soundcard but i have absolutely no sound what do i do?19:29
jbroomewe've moved to ibex already19:29
Alanicanhas, i know, but i'm planning on removing the other drive at some point anyway :)19:29
icanhastomd123: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/launchpad-integration/+bug/21392119:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213921 in launchpad-integration "Dependency broken in Hardy beta (dup-of: 213863)" [Medium,Invalid]19:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213863 in launchpad-integration "trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/lpi-bug.png', which is also in package liblaunchpad-integration0" [High,Fix released]19:29
cvd-prhow i change the nmouse driver19:29
AlanHmmm, no "restricted drivers manager" any more?19:29
macogwkomputes: no the used by just lists other modules19:29
UnksiAlan: its jockey now19:29
icanhasAlan: it's there, different name19:29
pencvd-pr: try to remove /tmp/.X0-lock first19:30
pencvd-pr: btw, if you just to have a quick fix, I will give you my mouse config19:30
komputesmacogw: so how do I know what video driver is being used/19:30
gregcha117how do i get my sound back :|19:30
Alanicanhas, not in the System menu any more though?19:30
icanhasAlan: sure it is. Hardware Drivers19:30
macogwkomputes: the gui for config'ing it might say it.19:31
Aland'oh!  thanks icanhas19:31
komputesgregcha117: i dunno, i had the same issue, when you boot if you have a choice use kernet ending in "-11" its the only one that brings the sound back for me19:31
komputesmacogw: walk me through it19:31
pencvd-pr: http://rafb.net/p/Tx9QvK38.html19:32
komputesmacogw: i usually usae xorg.conf and dpkg reconfigure, but these are useless in the new version so I'll need to be shown how the new version works (if it works that is...)19:32
ryrules1_will bmc43xx be supported in hardy and can I this card be injected in hardy??19:32
Prefix_Is any one else experiencing a bug where hover tags for panel items are under the panels?19:32
expathello all19:32
icanhasryrules1_: techincally yes.19:32
icanhasryrules1_: no conformation if it'll work by default tho.19:33
expatjust did an update today, and now gnome-panel is crashing like wild...19:33
expatremoved and reinstalled 2x, no go19:33
expatany help?19:33
ryrules1_how would I go about patching the driver?19:33
macogwexpat: yeah there've been complaints regarding updates GUI-go-boom!19:33
gregcha117komputes: yeah that worked for a while but my sound disappeared on the older kernel too so now im stuck with no boot of ubuntu that has any sound19:33
icanhasryrules1_: honestly it doesn't have much to do with hardy, i would check out the latest monitor drivers available online19:33
expatahh..so I'm not the only one, then macogw :)19:33
ryrules1_yea I assumed it wouldnt work by defult19:34
macogwkomputes: i dont know if its unbroken yet (i dont use it) but maybe system -> admin -> screens & graphics says it?19:34
ryrules1_its a network card19:34
komputesgregcha117: I'm sure theres something wrong with kernels -12 to -15 atm19:34
icanhasryrules1_: to answer your question really, it will only work with kernel -16+19:35
komputesmacogw: ha, are you using Dapper?19:35
ryrules1_ok thank you19:35
komputesmacogw: yeah that's gone man19:35
macogwkomputes: no im on hardy... and it shouldnt be19:35
macogwkomputes: it was there when i did my clean install of hardy 6 weeks ago19:36
komputeswell i'm updated to today, anmd I tell you it's gone, want a screenshot?19:36
Alanhang on a second... is there no ndiswrapper for 64-bit?19:36
icanhasAlan: what would you need ndiswrapper for?19:36
icanhasAlan: and don't say an atheros card or i will maim you19:36
^NighT^WalkeR^hi there guys... i just installed ubuntu 8.04, is it normal tha ndiswrapper doesn't work on 8.04?19:36
Alanoh, it's loaded by default19:36
komputesmacogw: woul;d you like a screenshot?19:37
icanhasmadwifi > ndiswrapper19:37
Alanicanhas, i know that, but it's not an atheros card19:37
Alanicanhas, it's some other "Marvell" chipset or something19:37
icanhasAlan: then i'm very sorry19:37
mohamed_^NighT^WalkeR^, i have ndiswrapper working19:37
^NighT^WalkeR^what version?19:38
Alanicanhas, the model I got was supposed to be Atheros-based, but they brought out a new revision without changing the version number :(19:38
^NighT^WalkeR^i get error messages when i "make"19:38
arekkusuHello. I just upgraded my box (8.04 beta) and I am getting this error msg when using apt-get install19:38
* expat goes on a search to fix his gnome-panel19:38
mohamed_^NighT^WalkeR^,  version:        1.5219:38
arekkusulist file for package `libxosd2' is missing final newline19:38
macogwkomputes: its still installed19:38
^NighT^WalkeR^mohamed_: same here :S19:38
macogwkomputes: unhide it from your menu19:38
macogwkomputes:  though it says driver: none...19:39
komputesmacogw: instructions please and thank you\19:39
^NighT^WalkeR^mohamed_: mine won't create the /lib/modules/'generic'/misc/ndiswrapper.ko19:39
macogwkomputes: right click the menu and hit edit then check the mark in the administration section next to screens and graphics... are you new?19:39
komputesmacogw: not there19:40
komputesbeen using ubuntu since 200519:40
mohamed_^NighT^WalkeR^,  i'm not experience only i install  ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 and use ndiswrapper command installing my drivers19:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about etiquitte - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:40
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:40
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.19:40
komputesmacogw: do you want a screenshot of that?19:41
macogwkomputes: dont know what to tell you then.  maybe it was removed in the last month but updates dont uninstall it19:41
macogwkomputes: no thanks. i need to go to my office hours19:41
komputesmacogw: great, i still want to know what video driver i'm using which should be accessiblew from command line19:41
mohamed_^NighT^WalkeR^, try create misc dir manual19:41
^NighT^WalkeR^the dir is there19:41
^NighT^WalkeR^it says the file is missing19:42
mohamed_then install ndiswrapper-common and ndiswrapper-utils-1.919:42
^NighT^WalkeR^it is installed19:42
^NighT^WalkeR^it says the ndiswrapper.ko in misc dir is missing19:43
linkinxphello a todo el campamento :D19:43
mohamed_serach for it if it already exist anywhere ?19:43
^NighT^WalkeR^anyone know how to install the default wifi drivers?19:44
^NighT^WalkeR^i'm on windows right know, because my wifi is not working on ubuntu19:44
virtualdevolution crashed (OOM i think), can this be because of the nvidia bug?19:47
virtualdapport didn't pop up19:47
jaffarkelshac  does anyone use seahorse19:48
x0xhttp://pastebin.com/d244c43ca < take a look plz19:51
Alanok, tell me if i'm wrong, but as far as i can tell, if i have a wireless card that has no linux drivers and no win64 drivers, i can't use it with ndiswrapper under 64-bit linux...19:58
Alanoh well :(19:58
Sergeant_PonyI got my Sound fixed under Pulse Audio!!!!!!!!!19:58
AlanWhy the hell isn't there a such thing as a good wireless card for linux?19:58
AlanThe only desktop cards that work reliably are the worst cards on the market power-wise19:59
SWiS2I have also trouble with Pulse19:59
Alan(I find the range on atheros chipsets completely sucks)19:59
SWiS2Sergeant_Pony: What problem did you have?19:59
Sergeant_PonySwis2 on a reboot it would lose all the Pulse Audio info20:00
Sergeant_PonySwis2 I would have to reset everything up again...20:00
SWiS2how did you do that? i tried to run dolby sourround and i did some experiments with asoundrc and this stuff. now I have no sound at all.20:01
SWiS2i hope it will work agian, when i try to reinstall my soundsystem, but i dont know, what belongs to this, and what i need to delete and reinstall20:04
Alan32-bit safe-mode doesn't detect my resolution20:05
SWiS2speaker-test also does not work20:05
SWiS2have this problem since 2 weeks20:06
Fritzelubuntu 7.10 has an application that allows you to use a volume control on your keyboard to adjust system volume, what is it called?20:10
phinheya, anyone have strange update-manager behavior?20:13
phinits just god awful slow for me and alot of times even locks up when i go to update20:13
FritzelI just updated and have no problem however I noticed there was some components of adept that installed today I have not tested those20:14
AlanIs there a such thing as a good wireless card for linux for the desktop?20:18
jbroomeorinoco gold was my favorite, but that's b only20:18
noelferreiracan you help me syncronizing my pda Qtek 9100 ? [ 2166.100596] usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 1120:20
noelferreira[ 2166.207969] usb 1-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice20:20
Alanjbroome, so, "not anything made in the last 10 years" almost? :(20:21
jbroomeAlan: well, i haven't had a linux laptop in a while.  Wireless works fine on my macbook. :)  Whatever chipset was onboard on my t42 worked fine b&g.20:22
Alanjbroome, well, things running with ndiswrapper seem to "work fine" too, if you're on 32-bit...20:23
AnnirakSo I had a power outage on my box.  Now, my sound doesn't work20:24
linkinxpguys in blender when i open it i can see some parts of my desktop like the watch it flickers20:25
noelferreira[ 2166.207969] usb 1-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice20:26
noelferreiracan you help me syncronizing my pda Qtek 9100 ? [ 2166.100596] usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 1120:26
AnnirakSo I had a power outage, and now my sound doesn't work.  It is possible that it stopped working when I did updates on Hardy.  My audio device shows up in lspci.  snd is loaded.  Nothing is muted, and all volumes are at 75%.  Where do I go from here?20:27
sivel27hello all20:28
heartsblooddoes anybody know the command to run chkdsk on an ipod?20:30
jbroomei don't think that's a linux command20:30
davidheartsblood: chkdsk is a MS command20:36
heartsbloodapple uses it to run fsck on their ipods20:36
heartsbloodmy ipod write table is locked atm and I need to run that to unlock it20:36
davidconsulteth the manual20:37
davidor make that plural20:37
ulisesi have ubuntu 8 and it dosent recognize my wireless20:38
davidwhat computer is this? laptop? stationary?20:38
davidUSB NIC? PCMCIA? brand?20:39
jaffarkelshacis it possible to have an application run in the host pc via ssh? i know you can on the client by forwarding X20:39
davidthat was fast..20:39
davidjaffarkelshac: elaborate?20:39
noelferreiracan you help me syncronizing my pda Qtek 9100 ? [ 2166.100596] usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 1120:39
jbroomenoelferreira: no20:40
davidjaffarkelshac: you want to log on with ssh and start an application that stays on?20:40
jaffarkelshacyes, but it stars on the host, not my on laptop. david20:40
jaffarkelshacstays* david20:40
davidjaffarkelshac: what type of application do you want to start?20:41
sivel27is there a command to "downgrade" back to 7.10?20:41
jbroomesivel27: restore your gutsy backup20:42
jbroomeyou made one, right?20:42
sivel27oh, nope. dont even know how to backup in linux20:42
jaffarkelshacnothing specific as such, i just learned to ssh, and forward X, so was just wondering. for instance, start a vlc video on the host20:42
jbroome probably shouldn't have given a beta a shot then20:42
Giloujaffarkelshac> yeah you can20:43
davidjaffarkelshac: sure,20:43
Giloussh -X20:43
Giloubut if you're not on a LAN20:43
sivel27how do you backup anywa, or at least the common way for future reference?20:43
Gilouit would probably be slow as hell20:43
jaffarkelshacthats forwarding x and that starts the application the client Gilou20:43
Gilouah on the host20:44
Gilouyou can too20:44
Gilouif you have the rights20:44
davidjaffarkelshac: You could possibly use screen aswell jaffarkelshac20:44
Giloujust export DISPLAY=:0.0 if that's the display20:44
Gilouand run the app..20:44
jaffarkelshacthe display options i learned and gave up on it, i have vlc for that if need be20:44
jaffarkelshaci mean, i read about the display, i could not get it to work, it had errors. so for display i use vncviewer20:45
Gilouwhat do you want to do?20:45
Giloussh to a box, launch something on that same  box screen?20:46
jaffarkelshacpreciesly Gilou20:46
Gilouso as I said, just set DISPLAY to something like :0.0 (it might depend on multi X conf or weird conf :p)20:46
Gilouand launch the app20:46
Gilouor use app --display20:46
Giloufor any gnome app and other it should work20:47
jaffarkelshaci will read in to that, thanks Gilou20:47
AnnirakHow do I determine which update is requiring a reboot before I reboot?20:47
sivel27is it possible to boot/install to the hdd from a flash drive?20:47
tgeltersivel27: yes20:48
renfrewgreets all..... I'm havin a brain-dead moment at work, whens the offical release date?20:48
jbroome4/24 i believe20:48
Gilou!hardy | renfrew20:48
uboturenfrew: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu20:48
renfrewthanks all.. gotta do a drive-by ;)  thanks and happy computing20:49
tgelterso... firefox flash plugin on amd64 hardy...any solutions?20:53
patrick__hey guys im running hardy heron and when i try to view a youtube video or something of the sort, firefox shuts down...althouh i can restart it and view it the second time20:54
patrick__how do i fix this20:54
Giloupatrick__> check your flash version20:55
Giloumake sure it's up to date20:55
Gilouand then, check your firefox version20:55
Gilouah, there's a new version20:56
* Gilou is on and is available.20:57
jester7just wanted to check/confirm, did the latest update fail to install liblaunchpad-integration1 because of broken dependencies for everyone?21:18
Gninelooks like the dependency issue was resolved already, jester7 - try updating21:20
[diablo]guys, in 2.6.24-15 on boot I get21:22
[diablo]no floppy controllers found21:22
[diablo]however 2.6.24-14 and lower boots fine21:22
[diablo]anyone else have this problem?21:23
asdrubalHi everyone21:24
jimmygoonHow is it possible for me to have a ripped CD that won't fit on a CD I'm tryign to burn21:24
[diablo]asdrubal, evening21:24
bfalliki recently created bug 214002, which I believe is a recent regression since the hardware worked last week.  Is there anything I can do to help capture relevant info now?21:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 214002 in linux-source-2.6.22 "uhci_hcd host controller halted, very bad" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21400221:25
Gnine!debug | bfallik21:26
ubotubfallik: For help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures21:26
bfallikGnine: thanks for the pointer, but it's not clear where a USB voice headset would fall.  USB storage?  kernel team bug policies?21:28
LjLmy KSysGuard doesn't seem to list the sensors for CPU temperatures and fan speeds anymore after upgrading to Hardy, although "sensors" in a console still shows them as usual. what gives?21:28
bfallikit's "detected", but then the kernel module fails miserably.  that strikes me as a kernel issue.21:29
savvashas anyone upgraded to the new apt / apt-utils?21:30
Gnineit does21:30
askandHi, my laptop keep turning itself of, the laptop is running all the time and the CPU gets hot..this is Ubuntus fault because it does not happen in Windows..Is it worth a try to install hardy beta?21:30
savvasjust checking before upgrading i don't want anything like libc6 to happen again ;p21:31
bfallikGnine: ok, thanks21:31
jester7Gnine: it's still giving me the error.  maybe because it's the amd64 package?21:32
savvasoh well i'll give it a go21:33
jester7/var/cache/apt/archives/liblaunchpad-integration1_0.1.18_amd64.deb: trying to overwrite /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/lpi-bug.png21:33
askandHas there been any improvements in that field?21:33
Gninein terminal, do: sudo apt-get -f install, and follow up from that21:33
jester7Gnine: i tried, same basic error21:34
esoxhow can I display my winows partition on desktop ?21:34
Gninedid you run an update and upgrade after the -f install?21:36
jester7ok, lemme try21:37
tgelterso... firefox flash plugin on amd64 hardy...any solutions?21:38
jester7tgelter: works for me....as well as i expected at leat21:39
Gnineesox: knowing the size of the windows partition, look in Places and click on it to mount it21:39
tgelterjester7: what package did you install?21:39
SilverDawnHoly shit21:39
SilverDawnEnough updates today?21:39
Gnine!language | SilverDawn21:40
ubotuSilverDawn: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:40
doogluswhen is the release due?21:40
tgelterjester7: adobe flash player, or gnash?21:40
Bassettsis there any reason that hardy leaves folders in /media?21:40
jester7Gnine: thanks.  i needed to run apt-get update before running the -f install21:40
jester7works fine now21:40
Gnineroger that21:40
tgelterBassetts: are you sure that *you* haven't left them?21:40
esoxGnine: they are mounted I think because I have them in the shortcut menu21:40
jester7tgelter: i have flash player21:41
Bassettstgelter: yes, they are left from hardy mounting my usb drive21:41
tgelterBassetts: did you mount manually, or were they automounted21:41
esoxGnine: I can access them with nautilus21:41
tgelterjester7: I'll un/reinstall, thx21:41
Bassettstgelter: there is one left by myself which I dont mind but I have three for my usb drive21:41
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 24-8 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:41
tgelterBassetts: go rmdir them in /media and reinsert the flash drives to see if it happens again21:41
jester7tgelter: what's the problem with your flash?  just not working at all?21:42
ubotuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.21:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about battery - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:42
tgelterjester7: firefox doesn't detect that I have the plugin installed21:42
Bassettstgelter: http://openpaste.org/en/5998/ only things mounted right now is my usb driver and mighty boosh disc 2 (usb driver is 07926559909__)21:42
jester7doh, not good21:42
Bassettstgelter: right I will do21:43
askandHi, my laptop keep turning itself of, the fan is running all the time and the CPU gets hot..this is Ubuntus fault because it does not happen in Windows..Is it worth a try to install hardy beta? Have there been any improvements in that field?21:43
Stroganoffaskand it's not GENERALLY ubuntu's fault. it's just that the drivers for your particular laptop suck.21:44
Bassettstgelter: I think its if I shutdown without unmounting everything21:44
Gnineyou should seek support in #ubuntu since you are not running 8.04, askand21:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-key - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:45
Bassettsits all fine if I unmount it manually21:45
askandStroganoff: Yea..ubuntus fault i maybe wrong word21:45
tgelterBassetts: a clean shut down or just powering off21:46
askandGnine: the do not know but they send me here when I ask if it could be worth upgrading to hardy21:46
Stroganoffuse the name of your laptop and google it out, askand. we are not wizads.21:46
Bassettstgelter: clean shutdown using the dialog in hardy21:47
Gnineupgrading to hardy is a matter of choice.21:47
SilverDawnI find hardy a huge improvement over gutsy, But thats just my opinion.21:47
orvokkiGnine: Yeah, a choice on whether you want to go beta testing or wait a week.21:48
tgelterBassetts: if it's reproducible, I'd submit a bug21:48
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/21:48
mrtimdogJust trying to install hardy on a USB thingy - Is grubs boot device always (hd0)?21:48
jester7askand: hardy might be better for YOUR laptop, but it's not generally "better" for running on laptops.  Gutsy was quite fine on my laptop21:48
dubbyhello hardy, anyways I have a microsoft keyboard and everything is fine except that a couple of the media functions work and a couple do not21:48
orvokki(Well, ok. A bit more than a week. Still)21:48
nemohm. I'm hopeful this forum thread might do the trick for me...21:48
dubbylike the sound and stuff does, but the play and pause and next do not21:48
tgelterjester7: yeah, I removed(purged) flashplugin-nonfree and reinstalled it, and firefox still doesn't recognize that I have a flash plugin installed21:48
nemodmesg does note wlan0 renamed to eth121:48
askandjester7:  ok21:48
nemoperhaps that was reason for incomprehensibly buggy iwl394521:49
Bassettstgelter: i cant shutdown right now so I will check later21:49
dubbyalso I was wondering how to bind keys to do things like i want the calculator button to start up calculator21:49
nemotgelter: hey21:49
nemotgelter: you might want to check in what directory the plugin is being installed21:49
tgeltermrtimdog: (hd0) on grub is equivalent to /dev/hda to linux, it doesn't *have* to be that, it can be a diff drive/partition21:49
nemoalthough that one did WFM fine, other plugins have had that issue under hardy21:49
nemotgelter: lots of plugin dirs in current layout21:50
tgelternemo: I think I remember issues between the directory layout of ~/.mozilla/firefox for firefox 2 vs. 3 beta21:50
nemotgelter: or /dev/sda  :)21:50
nemotgelter: try executing ls -d /usr/lib/*/plugins21:51
Gnine!keybinding | dubby21:51
ubotudubby: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts21:51
nemotgelter: I don't think it is in your profile21:51
nemoalthough of course you can test that by trying as a different user21:51
nemofind /usr/lib/*/plugins -name "*flash*"21:51
Wobbois triple sli supported?21:51
esoxGnine: yes my partitions are mounted, I have them on nautilus21:52
esoxGnine: same thing for my memory stick21:52
tgelternemo: what are you wanting me to look for? I have several flash plugin .so's21:52
Wobbooh and ca-certificates still have a major problem with nm-applet and iwl494521:52
tgelternemo: http://pastebin.com/m3139ac7121:53
mrtimdogtgelter: Thanks, just realised I may have phrased that a little confusingly! I mean when you boot off of a boot device, be it (hd0|1|2|...), and then ask grub what devices exist, would the device that's been currently used as the boot device then be (hd0) when it's in use? Or will (grub) the device name mapping be static no matter which is booted from?21:53
Gnine!grub | mrtimdog21:54
ubotumrtimdog: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:54
tgeltermrtimdog: afaik (others, please correct me if I'm wrong), grub will see the devices in the order that the BIOS detects them, just as the linux kernel does21:54
nemotgelter: what's with that npwrapper business. odd. I don't have that21:54
nemotgelter: anyway. yeah. I was just curious if it was in a directory that your firefox is actually referred to.21:54
tgelternemo: that was from a hack I had to use to get flash working in beta 421:55
mrtimdogtgelter: Ok, so they're static names. I'll reed through those links, thanks :)21:55
tgeltermrtimdog: np21:55
tgelternemo: how does my output differ from yours?21:55
nemo$ find */plugins -name "*flash*" | xargs21:56
nemofirefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so iceape/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so iceweasel/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so midbrowser/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so mozilla/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so xulrunner-addons/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so xulrunner/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so21:56
nemothat output is the same on both my hardy beta machines21:56
nemoboth the one that has been on hardy beta for months, and the one I just added today21:56
tgelternemo: can you pastebin that? it's hard to read to compare to mine21:56
nemobah :-p21:57
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:57
nemoGnine: I know what a pastebin is. that is one (long) line21:57
tgelter~lart nemo21:57
nemotgelter: if you are going to lart me you can darn well figure it out yourself :-p21:57
nemoI'm doing a few things at once here...21:58
tgelternemo: that was just about the pastebin =)21:58
JaymacIf I want to send files from my phone to my PC via bluetooth what package do I need to install?  I  had it working in Gutsy, but not in Hardy - forgotten what package I required21:59
SharkMa-sanhmh... does anyone know how to be able to read DVDs and CDs properly in hardy heron? Haven't been able to do so after updating to 2.6.24-14 kernel21:59
tgelternemo: nm about the pastebin, I've formatted it by hand :P22:00
SharkMa-sanI can only see the files on the discs, but I can't read the files :/22:02
tgelternemo: so, you have a bunch of "flashplugin-alternative"'s while I have flashplugin instead...are you sure you have the same package installed as I do?22:03
jk_i am trying to use the display option in ssh but i cant get it to work. i want to open an application via ssh and display on computer running ssh server22:06
tgelterSharkMa-san: sounds like a permissions issue22:06
mrtimdogjk_: use 'ssh -XY <app>'22:07
sourcemakerwhat does it mean.... to upgrade a software in apt? I have installed the newest openoffice software in apt... and now I receive the  information... that there is a upgrade available?22:07
SharkMa-santgelter: well, the info says I'm the owner22:08
tgelterSharkMa-san: pm me22:09
jk_i get name or service not known mrtimdog22:09
stefgCDOG: first take a backup... then familiarize yourself with the concept of mountpoints, you might find a way to dolve the problem w/o resizing. The reason for your problemis that you cannot resize mounted partitions (and won't be able to unmount the / partition)22:10
mrtimdogjk_: Is your host name known by your DNS?22:10
mrtimdogjk_: ... or in your /etc/hosts file?22:11
jk_i am using ips mrtimdog22:11
mrtimdogjk_: ips?22:11
jk_ip address mrtimdog22:11
wolf4914anybody got X problems after upgrading to 2.6.24-14 and/or 15 kernels?22:12
stefg... wrong channel ...22:12
mrtimdogjk_: can you 'ssh <host-ip> date'?22:12
jk_i have successfully connected to the ssh-server with x forwarding, but i want to launch app on the host no on the computer i am using22:12
Gilouexport DISPLAY :p22:14
nemobugger. iwl3945 still failing. even after commenting out that udev rule22:15
hwildeis there any type of case where cpu goes up to 100% on a process and the system shuts down to save itself?22:15
jk_i think so but what is the syntax for exportin display22:15
nemotgelter: yeah. the alternative should be pointing to the adobe flash plugin22:15
nemotgelter: and you have that other weird entry too22:15
nemo /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so22:16
hwildejk_, DISPLAY=yourip:0 commandname22:16
tgelternemo: I'm cleaning out those dirs now, I'm wondering why alternative wasn't created22:16
mrtimdogjk_: What does 'ssh -XYt <ip> /usr/bin/xclock' output?22:16
jk_is this after connecting to the ssh or before mrtimdog22:17
mrtimdogjk_: Before, i.e., on your local machine.22:18
nemotgelter: you could rerun the alternatives config22:20
tgelternemo: which of these did you install: flashplayer-mozilla, flashplugin, flashplugin-nonfree22:20
jk_mrtimdog, after entering password, the xclock displays in on the local screen22:20
jk_how do i get it to display on the remote mrtimdog22:21
mrtimdogjk_: Doesn't 'ssh <ip> DISPLAY=:0 <app>' work?22:23
ogre trying to run quake4 but am getting these errors. can anyone tell me what packages i need to install http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62566/22:24
Monobi2Hi. I just installed Hardy (using Wubi). I wanted to get some packages, but the urls in sources.list pointed to nonexistant locations. I modified my /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the gusty urls, but it still doesnt work :| http://pastebin.com/d13d3d91922:24
nosrednaekimMonobi2: better take out those gutsy ones immediately22:25
Monobi2er, do you have a copy of the correct one?22:25
Monobi2Because I can't apt-get install anything :| .22:25
jeplerogre: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-576565.html22:26
nosrednaekimMonobi2: did you run apt-get update?22:26
jeplerogre: same error, didn't read far enough to see if there's a solution in there for you22:26
jk_mrtimdog, it does not,i get "ssh: DISPLAY=:0:Name or Service not known22:26
Monobi2nosrednaekim: well, could I have a correct copy of the sources.list file? I fscked my up now :| .22:26
nosrednaekimMonobi2: ah.... well you can generate a new one in synatpic->preferences->reposiories I believe22:27
Monobi2nosrednaekim: where?22:27
nosrednaekimsynaptic package manager22:28
nosrednaekimor if you are using Kubuntu, Adept22:28
mrtimdogjk_: Does 'ssh <ip> DISPLAY=<same-ip-again>:0 <app>' work?22:28
ogrejepler:  heh that was unexpected.  thanks alot22:28
tgelterMonobi2: do you have your video card drivers installed correctly?22:29
JaymacI've enabled Receive Files from Remote Devices in bluetooth settings but I still cannot send files TO my PC in bluetooth...22:29
Jaymacsending files from PC to phone works fine22:29
Monobi2nosrednaekim: well, thank you :)22:30
spudgunnerwhats the status of the gnome-desktop-environment package?  I can't install it because of unmet dependency of gnome-keyring-manager.  Is this my error?22:30
esoxxorg.conf changed a lot since gutsy, is it normal or is it an error ?22:32
Oli``what's the samba gui thing called in preferences? I can't seem to find it anymore22:33
johnny_so, during the initial upgrade, i got the pycentral issue (two weeks ago)22:34
johnny_manually upgrading pycentral fixed it22:34
johnny_but now i'm getting another pycentral issue22:34
HorizonXPhey, is anyone else having trouble with Rhythmbox's cover art plugin?22:36
HorizonXPit's not looking up new ones22:37
thoreauputicCan someone confirm bug 211993 on launchpad? Run ls -l /dev/cdrom /dev/cdrw /dev/dvd /dev/dvdrw and see if the symlinks are there on your system.22:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 211993 in udev "[hardy] [udev] Failure to create symlinks /dev/dvd. /dev/dvdrw. /dev/cdrw etc." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21199322:37
nosrednaekimHorizonXP: IIRC, amazon just changed their cover system22:37
HorizonXPexisting ones work fine, they display22:37
HorizonXPnosrednaekim: bah, seriously??22:37
HorizonXPnosrednaekim: so when's that gonna get fixed now :(22:38
nosrednaekimHorizonXP: its what I heard from my brother22:38
nosrednaekimexaile has already fixed it from what I heard22:38
* HorizonXP mutters to himself. 22:39
pennosrednaekim: really? I don't know why amarok let album pic look so pity. It's all messed up22:39
HorizonXPI'll wait patiently I guess22:39
pennosrednaekim: is it because amazon change their site?22:39
netdu1dpgk --force-overwrite -i liblanchpad-*.deb22:39
thoreauputicAlso please confirm or deny bug 21314922:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213149 in pulseaudio "pulseaudio breaks on switching from tty7 to tty [1-6] (in and out of Gnome)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21314922:39
netdu1dpkg: unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system22:40
netdu1how to fix that?22:41
penhow to change the priority of an app permanently?22:42
Bassettshey, is there a way to get pidgin to flash in the window list when there is a new message?22:43
nosrednaekimpen: yea22:43
* Bassetts thinks I just found it22:43
pennosrednaekim: you know?22:43
nosrednaekimpen: yeah.. amazon messed it up22:44
pennosrednaekim: sorry, I thought you were answering my other question...22:44
BassettsOK I did not find the option22:44
pennosrednaekim: no wonder the pics are horrible22:44
h3sp4wn_thoreauputic: Why is that a  bug ? /dev/scd0 is there22:44
h3sp4wn_don't see the point in having tons of stuff in /dev when they are just the same device22:44
thoreauputich3sp4wn_: no symlinks means apps looking for /dev/cdrom etc. can't find it22:45
netdu1people, am locked out, help please22:45
thoreauputich3sp4wn_: Any app or script that uses /dev/cdrom, /dev/cdrw etc braaks22:45
h3sp4wn_Then the apps should be fixed22:46
penhow to change the nice value of an app permanently?22:46
h3sp4wn_To not hardcode such stuff22:46
nemotgelter: sorry. flashplugin-nonfree22:48
thoreauputich3sp4wn_: umm - *cough* OK so how would you code to discover which devices have write cpability for example? And why was this OK in previous releaases?22:48
netdu1who else to ask?22:48
nemopen: add a wrapper script to ~/bin ? :)22:48
pennemo: what do you mean?22:48
mrtimdogCool, just booted into my USB stick installed ubuntu :)22:48
thoreauputich3sp4wn_: and why can the symlinks not be included in the start up scripts, as I suggested ?22:48
nemopen: what. want an example?22:48
pennemo: how does that relate to nice value of an app?22:48
thoreauputich3sp4wn_: It's a trivial and easy addition22:48
h3sp4wn_thoreauputic: I would prefer a less cluttered /dev22:48
nemopen: echo -e "#!/bin/bash\nfirefox\nrenice 19 $!" > ~/bin/firefox && chmod 755 ~/bin/firefox22:49
nemothere should be an & after firefox in the script in order to run in background22:49
thoreauputich3sp4wn_: You seem to be missing the point. Existing apps break, and such apps exist in hardy22:49
pennemo: what does this script do?22:49
nemowithout the &, not much :)22:49
nemoecho -e "#!/bin/bash\nfirefox&\nrenice 19 $!" > ~/bin/firefox && chmod 755 ~/bin/firefox22:50
nemothere. better.22:50
nemopen: is a wrapper script for firefox22:50
thoreauputich3sp4wn_: do the symlinks exist on your system, or not?22:50
pennemo: what does that do?22:50
nemogrrr. another flaw :(22:50
mluser-workHow do I change hardy to always start in runstate 3?22:50
nemopen: right now is recursive. ok.22:50
nemoecho -e "#!/bin/bash\n/usr/bin/firefox&\nrenice 19 $!" > ~/bin/firefox && chmod 755 ~/bin/firefox22:51
nemopen: should make sure that whenever you run firefox it is reniced to the nicest possible level22:51
h3sp4wn_thoreauputic: No - you can get the information from /sys/block/scd0 anyway22:51
pennemo: ok, thx for the script but I want to change compiz.real nice to -1 I didn't ask for firefox22:52
spudgunnerthoreauputic:  I see my symlinks just fine (bug 211993)22:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 211993 in udev "[hardy] [udev] Failure to create symlinks /dev/dvd. /dev/dvdrw. /dev/cdrw etc." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21199322:52
nemopen: it was a friggen example :-p  adapt it22:52
pennemo: :S22:52
netdu1why computer boot into read only file system?22:52
nemopen: to set to negative one you'll probably need a sudo22:52
thoreauputicspudgunner: Ah - well perhaps there was a glitch in my update, thanks22:52
nemopen: which means you'll want to modify sudoers22:52
pennemo: where should I put that script to?22:52
pennemo: what?22:52
pennemo: it shouldn't be that complicated22:53
mooboo1help my GDM is strange, its huge, and its like 4x bigger as normal, and imagine if was 2 rows, 2 columns, then i only top-left22:53
mooboo1anyone know?22:53
nemopen: and if you are modifying compiz.real, you'll probably actually want to be editing your X start settings22:53
thoreauputicspudgunner: I fixed the start up and now it's OK - I wanted to find out if others had the same problem. Apparently not22:53
nemopen: you could simply set a startup script in gnome to renice compiz22:53
pennemo: but I'm only changing nice value why...?22:53
nemoit'll still require sudo since -1 is...22:53
nemopen: because -1 requires administrative22:53
pennemo: oh22:53
nemopen: you can renice to 0-19 no problem as a user22:54
nemoI think as a user you can only make nicer22:54
nemonot less nice22:54
sourcemaker is there a kicker plugin which looks like apple's one...22:54
nemopen: for what you want, a start script would probably work fine though.22:54
pennemo: I'm doing this because I think renice compiz.real would speed up compiz22:54
pennemo: ok22:54
nemopen: that seems unlikely btw.22:54
mooboo1help my GDM is strange, its huge, and its like 4x bigger as normal, i can only see top-left22:54
nemoyour problems with compiz probably lie elsewhere22:54
pennemo: I have conky, and I see whenever my animation slow is when compiz.real not on the top CPU app22:55
pennemo: just a thought22:55
nemopen: no clue what conky is22:55
nemopen: some compiz plugins are CPU heavy vs GPU22:55
nemolike the water one, for example.22:55
pennemo: it's the coolest desktop system monitor22:55
nemopen: compiz shouldn't ever be the top CPU app though22:56
pennemo: water?22:56
pennemo: oh22:56
pennemo: I'm not sure, I have been looking for solution for days22:56
nemopen: compiz should take like <1% of your cpu22:56
nemopen: try in #compiz-fusion22:56
nemopen: if you want to test the renice though, you can do it without any fancy scripts22:57
nemopen: just open a terminal and execute the renice and see if it helps22:57
pennemo: ok22:57
testxhi all22:57
pennemo: what is the syntex?22:57
testxi am on Ubuntu hardy 2.6.24-15-generic and i got some problems22:58
pennemo: I type renice 1 compiz.real22:58
pennemo:  it says bad value22:58
nemopen: sudo renice -1 `ps auwx | grep compiz.real | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`22:58
testxwell didnt have any issues few days ago when i updated it22:58
testxbut when i ran the update today my network manager looks strange and i cant get my wlan or lan to work22:58
pennemo: thx22:59
testxi got a problem the first time i updated my system to 8.4 with nvidia and fixed it with the nvidia beta driver got a better screen resolution22:59
thoreauputich3sp4wn_: spudgunner says he has the symlinks - do you also have them? If so I think I can close the bug or at least add a comment.23:00
nemopen: btw. you did say -1 right? 'cause your initial one you said "1"23:00
nemo17:58 < pen> nemo: I type renice 1 compiz.real23:00
pennemo: -1 yes23:00
mooboo1help my gdm is big, and i can only see top-left, rest is outside the screen, why?23:00
pennemo: I was just want to play around23:00
pennemo: but i ultimately want to try -123:00
spudgunnerthoreauputic:  specifically, i have the cd ones, but not the dvd ones - but this is expected since I have no dvd drive :-)23:00
nemomooboo1: post your xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log23:00
pennemo: btw, it seems like compiz is smooth now23:01
pennemo: strange23:01
spudgunnerpossibly your system didn't detect your drives for whatever reason and that is the source of the bug...23:01
thoreauputicspudgunner: right :)23:01
nemomooboo1: your display resolution is being set waaaay bigger than what it should be23:01
nemomooboo1: which means probably something has changed in your graphics driver23:01
mooboo1nemo, no gdm and x both run in 1280x1024, as it should23:01
nemomooboo1: right. so you are seeing a 1280x1024 screen23:01
savvasi wish there was an application to re-bandwidth-shape 10 some apps :P23:01
pennemo: nvm, thx for solving my problem. But I have new question.23:01
nemomooboo1: but. due to some flaw, perhaps it is using vesa, you are seeing it at an actual res of something lower23:01
thoreauputicspudgunner: I'm thinking it might have been a glitch in the dist-upgrade ( update-manager)23:02
mooboo1nemo, but i only see the top-left corner of it, like 640x480, rest is outside screen23:02
nemomooboo1: see above. and post those logs23:02
nemoand conf23:02
pennemo: where should I put this script to let me execute everytime ubuntu startup? in a sh and put it in session manager?23:02
pennemo: or there are other ways?23:02
nemomooboo1: that use to be totally normal if you'd ever used ctrl-alt-- ctrl-alt-+ in past23:02
thoreauputicspudgunner: The drives worked fine, just had no symlinks until I fixed it :)23:02
mooboo1nemo, dont think i have23:02
spudgunnerthoreauputic:  it *deleted* the links on a dist-upgrade... yes that would seem to be a problem...23:02
mooboo1also, after i login, my desktop is completly normal23:03
nemopen: you could put this change in /usr/bin/compiz I suppose23:03
nemopen: or in your gnome startup scripts23:03
nemomooboo1: whatever. the Xorg log will still be informative23:03
pennemo: where are the gnome startup scripts?23:03
pennemo: I think i will go for that23:03
nemopen: you will need a wrapper script23:04
nemopen: in order for it to run sanely you will probably want a single line wrapper script that does:23:04
pennemo: but isn't that require administrative password? since it has sudo.23:04
nemopen: right. it will23:04
pennemo: how can I get pass that in a script?23:05
nemowell. your password, since you are probably an admin23:05
nemopen: have the script call gksudo I suppose23:05
nemoeither that, or whitelist the script in sudoers23:05
nemoeither one23:05
pennemo: but doesn't that mean I have to type another pass everytime I log in?23:05
pennemo: oh23:05
sourcemakerI have installed conky described in kubuntu wiki and receive the following message:Conky: MPD error: problems getting a response from ... how can I disable MPD?23:05
nemopen: yes. unless you whitelist the script23:05
nemopen: and not another pass. the same pass23:05
pennemo: interesting. that's cool. Where can I whitelist the script?23:05
nemopen: you would do a ~/bin/compizrenice that executed: gksudo renice -1 `ps auwx | grep compiz.real | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`23:06
nemopen: /etc/sudoers23:06
bean-ohanyone else getting a broken launchpad-integration1 package?23:06
nemo$ sudo grep nemo /etc/sudoers23:06
nemonemo  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/nemo/bin/snowalert23:06
nemopen: that is an example line from my sudoers - it allows "snowalert" to be run without a password23:06
nemopen: that is a script, btw, that turns on and off the little USB snowman from Think Geek :)23:07
nemoI use it for notifying me of stuff23:07
pennemo: :) cool23:07
pennemo: btw, do I need sh for the script extension?23:07
nemopen: you can call your script whatever you want. this is linux23:07
jordi1984bean-oh: I had the problem but is you refresh your repositories information now is solved.23:07
joaniehey.  Recent update did bad things to keyboard shortcuts (blew them away), mouse (can't get left-handed mouse functioning), general appearance stuff (theme's hosed).  Anyone know what specific package(s) I should be suspecting?23:07
nemopen: hell. half the stuff in /usr/bin is probably a script wrapper23:07
pennemo: I thought you must add .sh23:07
nemopen: that's just for clarity23:07
bean-ohoh great, thankjs jordi198423:07
pennemo: that makes sense23:08
nemopen: if you're curious about how things are done these days, you might want to look into freedesktop's mime allocation - is a combination of file magic and extensions. with weightings23:08
nemopen: adding an extension is a good idea, to be sure, but not a requirement.23:08
jordi1984bean-oh: I use the main server, maybe if you're using another you will have to wait for the sync23:08
pennemo: sure, thx for the information anyways23:09
nemopen: cp UserManual.pdf foo && gnomevfs-info -s foo | grep MIME23:09
nemoMIME type         : application/pdf23:09
nemo cp UserManual.pdf foo && gnomevfs-info foo | grep MIME23:10
nemoMIME type         : application/octet-stream23:10
nemopen: that is an example of why you want to use file extensions :)23:10
netdu1ok, let's see... ubuntu boot into read only file system, how do I fix it?23:10
nemopen: the -s means "slow"23:10
pennemo: I see23:10
nemonetdu1: your disc needs repair maybe?23:10
bean-ohjordi1984, i believe i'm on the main, updating now23:10
thoreauputich3sp4wn_: By the way, /sys/block/scd? doesn't exist - perhaps you meant /dev/sr0 /dev/sr1 and so on23:10
netdu1nemo: nope, it is related to liblanchpad thing23:11
netdu1I need rw fs to install newer deb23:11
nemopen: btw. if you specify an absolute path like I did in sudoers be sure to *ALWAYS* use the path when executing sudo23:12
nemopen: don't say  sudo compiz-renice23:12
pennemo: I see. but did you tell me how to change my sudoers? i have no idea how to add the script..23:12
=== rbs-tito is now known as skeletor
nemopen: sudoedit command. or if you really don't care, just edit it and add a line like the one I gave in my grep example23:13
bean-ohjordi1984, that appears to have fixed it. weird that it didn't refresh on it's own. i thought was up to date. guess not.23:13
=== skeletor is now known as rbs-tito
pennemo: ok23:14
Arandis last update reasonably safe?23:14
jordi1984bean-oh: the repositories information refreshes only once a day23:15
WrldwlkrI'm having a problem with hardy and the nvidia drivers, and I don't know how to report it.23:15
jordi1984bean-oh: if you want it to be more often you have to do it manually23:16
mooboo1nemo: http://pastebin.com/d5e9c2ea1 -- my logfile. my config file havent changed, and is still the same, didnt have problem until today23:16
WrldwlkrIf I enable the nvidia driver, X can't use my monitor at the right size...23:17
nemomooboo1: well, that's why I suspected a driver change :-p23:17
Gnine!debug | Wrldwlkr23:17
ubotuWrldwlkr: For help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures23:17
Wrldwlkrit defaults to 800x600. To get the correct size back I have to uninstall and reinstall nvidia-glx-new and not enable it.23:18
mooboo1nemo, i did apt-get update, and there been many updates today, like 60... then again maybe 1923:18
bean-ohjordi1984, oh cool, thanks. I thought it was more frequent. good to know.23:18
jordi1984bean-oh: no problem23:19
nemomooboo1 - hm. your problem sounds like Wrldwlkr's23:21
mooboo1i have nvidia-glx-new and run fine on 1280x1024 though23:21
pennemo: btw, if I want to change other app nice to 1 at startup how do I do it? same script hack or there is other interface for doing that?23:22
nemo... to 1. not -1?23:22
pennemo: yea, for other apps23:22
nemoif you want to change to 1, it'd be about the same thing, only without the sudo23:22
pennemo: got it23:23
nemopen: if you're going to do a lot of this sort of thing you might want to make one big wrapper script :-p23:23
nemo~/bin/pen-renice compiz.real firefox mysql23:24
nemo~/bin/pen-renice compiz.real -1 firefox 1 mysql 1923:24
pennemo: ok23:24
nemothat wouldn't be that complicated a script to write. just a single loop23:24
nemopen: or. I guess you could just grant sudo without password to renice23:24
pennemo: maybe23:25
pennemo: Just another little question :p Is it possible to format my partition to other file system without losing my data? like from reiserfs to ext3... I 'm curious whether my compiz is slow by my file system.23:25
nemoif your compiz is slow, it is either your graphics card or a sucky config.  if you are using a lot of translucency on a sucky graphics card it will be slow23:26
nemoor, you are using some CPU heavy plugin, but there aren't many of those23:27
nemoit most definitely will not be your filesystem23:27
nemopen: you might want to tone down the special effects.23:27
nemopen: ask in #compiz-fusion  for advice23:27
pennemo: I have a 8400S nvidia graphics cards23:27
pennemo: I'm surprised that compiz is slow on this card23:28
CloudFXhi, im looking to run hardy beta on a virtual machine off of gutsy23:28
RoAkSoAxCloudFX, which virtualization tool are you using, what od you need to know23:28
mluser-workIs there a way to change hardy so that it boots into runstate 3 (terminal) instead of runstate 5 (X)?23:28
CloudFXI'm starting from scratch.. I'm quite clueless with virtual machines.  All i know is that VMWare doesn't support my system23:29
RoAkSoAxCloudFX, are you using hardy?23:29
nemopen: did you enable the restricted drivers?23:30
pennemo: of course23:30
CloudFXno, im on gutsy; i wan't to run hardy off of it23:30
pennemo: I use the driver provided by the repository23:30
pennemo: is it the bug of NVIDIA graphics driver?23:30
nemohm. that card is fairly respectable actually23:30
RoAkSoAxCloudFX, you can install vmware on gutsy, download it from www.vmware.com/download/server23:31
nemomooboo1: hey23:31
nemomooboo1: got around to reading your Xorg log23:31
nemo435. (II) NVIDIA(0): Validated modes:23:31
nemo436. (II) NVIDIA(0):     "1280x1024@85"23:31
nemo437. (**) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size configured to be 2048 x 153623:31
CloudFXRoAkSoAx: I'll give it a go.  Thanks for your help!23:31
nemomooboo1: note that nutty bit about virtual screen size23:32
nemoand coming from nvidia23:32
mooboo1nemo, yeah i've had that virtual thing in my xorg.conf a long time without any problem, someone told me it would speed up compiz23:32
nemomooboo1: um. why?23:32
RoAkSoAxno prob CloudFX23:32
nemomooboo1: weirdo :-p23:32
mooboo1its been fine until today though...23:32
nemomooboo1: and then you come here. something weeeird is happening. dunno whyyyy.23:33
nemomooboo1: well. maybe it is something else. guess you could post your other xorg log...23:33
nemomooboo1: anyway. can't hurt to comment it out23:33
mooboo1i havent touched my xorg in a while, but yeah, ill try comment it out23:33
nemomooboo1: could just back up entire xorg.conf and regenerate...23:34
mooboo1how to regenerate?23:35
mooboo1doesnt it do that automatically, when its absent?23:35
Fritzelcan compiz be used on hardy kde4 if kde4 effects are disabled?23:35
nemomooboo1: maybe. never tried that approach23:38
nemomooboo1: I'd recommend running the Ubuntu xorg configuration tool, followed by the nvidia one23:39
nevoeirohi. does hardy beta supports dual monitor?23:39
mooboo1ubuntu xorg configuration tool?23:39
rodexcuse me, anybody having a problem with ISTANBUL not recording correctly?23:39
nemomooboo1: that'd be dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  and nvidia-xconfig23:39
billyboboboDoes anyone know why a lot of the Plasma applets aren't available?  I don't have Slideshow nor Weather nor others that I see bloggers posting about :(23:40
nemomooboo1: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg --frontend=gnome   if you like pretty GUIs23:40
LeftmostI just updated my language pack but translations for gedit have not updated. I'm looking at Launchpad and all the strings are changed there but nothing is different in the langpack. Any clue?23:42
jbroomedf -h23:42
jbroomedoh, sorry23:42
Fritzelcan anyone make any recommendations for an rpg to play?23:42
nemoFritzel: MMORPG?23:43
Fritzelmmorpg ideally, but not neccesarily23:43
Fritzeland not wow23:43
Fritzelother than that one23:43
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php23:43
Fritzelthank you ^^23:43
nemoFritzel: Tales of Pirates runs ok under Wine, and is free23:44
nemoFritzel: http://happypenguin.org/list?sort=category&search=rpg  other than that. dunno. I tend to play RTS and am a big Spring fan23:44
Fritzelalright I'll take a look, any other suggetsions?23:44
Fritzelwhat's Spring23:44
nemois cross-platform23:45
nemoalso #taspring23:45
nemoFritzel: oh. if you do try Tales of Pirates under Wine, set sound to esd23:45
nemoat least, that used to be important23:45
mooboo1nvidia-xconfig adds "Load glx", even though Xorg does that by default in recent versions23:45
nemomooboo1: *shrug* was just an idea :)23:46
nemomooboo1: you could try the dpkg-reconfigure and skip the nvidia-xconfig bit23:46
mooboo1nemo, ya gonna try23:46
nemomooboo1: also, I have an nvidia card. you can have my xorg.conf if you want23:47
mooboo1thanks :p but nah, ill look into this :D23:47
mooboo1probably it get fixed in update tomorrow else :p23:48
heartsbloodhas anybody experienced sound lag in hardy?23:58
nemoheartsblood: in pulseaudio ?23:59
mooboo1'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' sucks23:59

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