
jdongScottK: you can do it since you have the first thing that needs it00:00
pschorfxtnight, i've finished the build00:09
xtknightpschorf, hey you'll have to type my name properly to highlight it :)00:10
xtknightpost your debdiff though.00:10
pschorfwrong "knight" :(00:10
xtknight!info update-manager00:12
ubotuupdate-manager (source: update-manager): GNOME application that manages apt updates. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.81 (gutsy), package size 863 kB, installed size 2144 kB00:12
pschorfxtknight, http://rafb.net/p/RJsS8U43.html00:13
xtknightpschorf, it looks like you've got two patches in there00:14
xtknighti would remove the regular .patch one00:15
xtknightdpatch is the proper extension00:15
pschorfoh, i forgot to delete the old file00:15
xtknightyou can just remove the .patch from the debdiff00:16
pschorfjust delete everything after its mentioned?00:16
xtknightyou might want to add a description after DP: in the dpatch file.  i'm not sure if we did this last time but it's a good idea00:16
xtknightpschorf, delete diff -Nru /tmp/2jOmb0ofCy/f-spot-0.4.2/debian/patches/fix_gnome_screensaver.patch /tmp/N8qEZunigO/f-spot-0.4.2/debian/patches/fix_gnome_screensaver.patch00:16
xtknightand everything after00:17
xtknightline 4500:17
pschorfthe description is to be added to the 00list file?00:18
xtknightnope the .dpatch file00:18
xtknight+## DP: No description.00:18
xtknightbe careful about editing diffs though.  you can really only reliably delete entire diffs like we just did (for .patch), or edit existing lines without causing trouble.00:19
xtknighti'm not even sure if editing No description is safe, but we can test it.00:19
pschorfok, i added a short description00:19
xtknightok post what you have now again00:20
=== danielm__ is now known as danielm
jdongScottK: I'm gonna register the hardy-backports product on LP now00:21
xtknightpschorf, that looks good to me00:21
xtknightpschorf, let's test to make sure your edited debdiff applies00:22
ScottKjdong: Great.00:22
xtknightpschorf, first redownload an original f-spot in another folder.00:22
ScottKI guess I'll get clamav ready - maybe later tonight.00:22
pschorfok, i have the source00:22
xtknightpschorf, cd into it and apply your debdiff00:23
xtknightpatch -p0 < /path/to/debdiff00:23
xtknightif you don't get any errors, you're good00:23
pschorfxtknight, it worked00:24
xtknightpschorf, ok then it's time to upload it.  what section is f-spot in?00:24
pschorfdo you mean main?00:25
xtknightpschorf, ok.  so post the patch via a comment on the LP page, status to "confirmed/no one" like last time00:25
xtknightthis time we will subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors since it is a main package00:25
xtknightpschorf, only change the f-spot (Ubuntu)00:26
xtknightpschorf, as other people have not tested the patch yet, you may want to do this00:26
pschorfi just posted it00:28
xtknightdid you subsccribe them yet?00:28
xtknighti think you should test first00:28
xtknightuse the binary packages produced00:29
xtknightfirst reproduce the bug00:29
xtknightthen install your updated binaries and see if it fixes it00:29
xtknightf-spot is installed on all ubuntu installations by default00:29
pschorfi will look at it before subscribing ubuntu-universe-sponsors00:30
pschorfi need to work on an MP now, though00:30
null_vectorIs it safe to call aclocal/autoconf in debian/rules?00:30
xtknighthope he knew it's u-m-s not u-u-s00:31
Bruno_is the chanlog updated after the fixes have been made in the dpatch shell?00:37
up_the_ironsis this an appropriate channel to ask a question about backporting a package? (i've successfully backported several packages, but this libonig2 one is giving me trouble)00:37
jdongup_the_irons: what are you trying to backport, and what problems are you running into?00:37
ScottKup_the_irons: jdong is Mr. Backports, so you're talking to the right guy.00:38
up_the_ironsjdong: the package is libonig200:39
up_the_ironsScottK: cool :)00:39
up_the_ironsjdong: i grabbed the source from gutsy and am trying to build it on dapper00:40
up_the_ironsjdong: at the very end of 'sudo dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot' I get:00:40
up_the_ironsdh_testdir -i00:40
up_the_ironsdh_testdir: I have no package to build00:40
up_the_ironsmake: *** [binary-indep] Error 100:40
up_the_ironsjdong: i tried commenting the line out in debian/rules, but i get a similar error from almost every line in the 'binary-indep' target.  If I remove the whole thing, I get farther, but then other problems arise00:41
jdongup_the_irons: let me take a look at the package00:42
up_the_ironsjdong: thanks00:42
=== elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu
jdongbut commenting out dh_testdir won't get you anywhere useful :D00:42
up_the_ironsyeah didn't seem to ;)00:43
pschorfxtknight: can I just install my .deb packages, or do I need to get rid of f-spot first?00:45
jdongup_the_irons: odd enough00:47
jdongup_the_irons: the same errors show up in a test build under gutsy but the error is not fatal00:48
jdongup_the_irons: I'm gonna try a nasty hack (|| true) and see what happens :)00:48
up_the_ironsjdong: ok :)00:49
xtknightpschorf, just install yours00:51
xtknightpschorf, by the way it's ubuntu-main-sponsors that needs to be subscribed, not ubuntu-universe-sponsors00:52
xtknightpschorf, ill be here and away a little.  lifting weights.  i need to get my butt off this seet00:52
jdongup_the_irons: yeah it definitely needs a newer debhelper than it has00:52
jdongup_the_irons: this is going to be an ugly monster :)00:52
up_the_ironsjdong: oh man :)00:53
up_the_ironsjdong: so the build-deps version (for debhelper) needs to be newer?00:54
pschorfxtknight, enjoy ;)00:54
jdongup_the_irons: that's correct00:54
up_the_ironsjdong: gotcha00:54
jdongup_the_irons: not like anyone pays attention to debhelper dep versions while backporting anyway ;-)00:54
up_the_ironsjdong: yeah true00:54
jdongup_the_irons: if you work hard enough at hacking it you can probably get it to build00:56
jdongup_the_irons: || true everything in binary-indep, then replace ${binary:Version} with actual version of the package in debian/control, etc00:56
jdongup_the_irons: but the official, correct stance is that the package requires a newer debhelper00:57
up_the_ironsjdong: where do you suggest I start?  Or perhaps it would be easier just to grab the upstream source and roll my own .deb?  It's not gonna be for distribution, just for this one server i have00:57
jdongup_the_irons: start with the suggestions I mentioned above00:57
up_the_ironsjdong: ok00:57
up_the_ironsjdong: what's up w/ the version btw?  I noticed that problem too, says the version was empty or something00:58
jdongup_the_irons: that's what's wrong00:58
jdongup_the_irons: ${source:Version} in Dapper is actually ${Source-Version}00:58
up_the_ironsjdong: roger00:59
up_the_ironsmakes sense00:59
up_the_ironsjdong: so then is ${binary:Version} equiv to ${Binary-Version} ?01:00
up_the_ironsjdong: i mean the dapper version01:00
up_the_ironsnot necessarily 'equivalent'01:01
jdongup_the_irons: I'm not sure, you can try it, but I just confirmed that Source-Version generates a working package01:01
jdongup_the_irons: well rather the build succeeds01:01
jdongwhether or not it actually works is an adventure for the brave :)01:01
up_the_ironsright :)01:01
slangasek${Binary-Version} is not a recognized substitution01:01
up_the_ironsslangasek: ok01:01
slangasekand Source-Version is deprecated in favor of ${binary:Version}01:01
slangasek(or ${source:Version}, depending on which semantics are more appropriate; in Ubuntu, the two are always equivalent)01:02
jdongfor that matter, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to bump libonig's debhelper dep to the appropriate version to enforce this01:02
jdongslangasek: do you know off the top of your head which debhelper version that'd be?01:03
up_the_ironswoohoo: dpkg-deb: building package `libonig2' in `../libonig2_5.9.0-0.1_i386.deb'.01:03
slangasekjdong: hmm? to enforce what?01:04
slangasekjdong: these substitutions don't come from debhelper at all01:05
jdongslangasek: oh, they don't?01:05
slangasekthis is dpkg-dev01:05
jdongslangasek: oh. Do you think we need a versioned build-dep against it to prevent these kinds of FTBFS?01:05
slangaseksorry, what kind of FTBFS was that?  I probably missed the beginning of the conversation01:06
jdongslangasek: the libonig package satisfies Dapper's build-deps but FTBFSes due to requiring these substitution variables... IMO that's a packaging bug01:07
up_the_ironsftbfs? :)01:07
jdongslangasek: of course the package was uploaded to Feisty first so it's unlikely anyone tested building it against earlier Ubuntu releases01:07
slangasekjdong: oh, well, if you care about the package being buildable on dapper, yes. :)01:07
slangasekjdong: in that case, a versioned build-dep on dpkg-dev (>= 1.13.19) is appropriate01:08
jdongslangasek: meh I don't feel like it... I'll add "file a bug in Debian" to the bottom of my TODO list :)01:09
slangasekjdong: not a very useful todo list item, Debian doesn't have any supported releases left which fail to satisfy that versioned build-dep...01:09
persiajdong: There's a whole heap of packages that have that problem, likely almost everything that underwent the transition.  Are you sure you want to file a bug for this?01:10
jdongpersia: Cancel! Cancel!!!!!01:11
xtknightpschorf, back for a second01:11
* persia looks forward to more sourceful backports for Dapper01:12
pschorfxtnight, i installed my deb packages but I still don't have any images in the screensaver01:14
xtknightpschorf, ok, then i'd report that to the bug page and not subscribe sponsors01:14
null_vectorIs anyone able to help me with an autotools issue with the FTBFS in xine-plugin?01:14
pschorfi may be using f-spot wrong, though01:15
xtknightpschorf, hopefully other people can try it too01:15
pschorfdo I do anything besides select "use all photos"01:15
xtknightno idea01:15
pschorfok, will report back01:15
up_the_ironsjdong: thanks for your help.  libonig2 seems to be working on my box.01:16
jdongup_the_irons: cool01:18
bddebianHeya gang01:32
protonchrisHey bddebian01:32
bddebianHello protonchris01:33
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jdongasac: when you're bored and just feel like chatting, what are your thoughts on this PGO optimization build stuff for Mozilla?02:01
mopheadWhat is the difference between this channel and ubuntu-devel?02:22
pschorfHow would I read this in a diff file?  -case "-slideshow":03:08
pschorf+case "-slideshow": case "--slideshow":03:08
pschorf slideshow = true;03:08
pschorf break;03:08
xtknightwhat do you mean?03:09
pschorfwhat would that do when executed?03:10
xtknightit removes the line "case -slideshow": and adds the line that starts with a +03:10
RAOFpschorf: They're changing from only accepting "-slideshow" to accepting both "-slideshow" and "--slideshow"03:10
xtknightlol dont you hate it when you do nano | less03:12
pranahello! is bug 208894 (upgrade of Mercurial to 1.0) something that would be likely to get a FFe?  Updated Debian packages are in process (see linked debian bug 474877).03:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 208894 in mercurial "mercurial-1.x upgrade" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20889403:13
ubotuDebian bug 474877 in mercurial "Upgrade Mercurial to 1.0 release" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/47487703:13
pschorfxtknight, how do I apply a dpatch file to test it again?03:15
RAOFprana: It's impossible to tell without more information than is in that bug.03:15
xtknightpschorf, a dpatch file?03:15
pschorfi think the patch file didn't run when we built it03:16
RAOFprana: It's possible (but unlikely at this stage), if it fixes a whole bunch of bugs.03:16
pranaRAOF: i.e. full debdiff etc?03:16
RAOFprana: Yeah.  Following the FFe process is good :)03:16
RAOFprana: Diffstat, diff of upstream changelog, etc.03:16
pschorfxtknight: the patch we created isn't in the 00list file03:16
pranaRAOF: http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/mercurial_1.0-1.html would perhaps summarize.03:16
xtknightpschorf, you know, i just had that trouble03:17
ScottKprana: If you can't be bothered to do more than summarize, why should I expend my volunteer time caring?03:17
xtknightpschorf, one second :p03:17
xtknighti hope i didnt screw up my last few debdiffs03:17
xtknightoh well03:17
xtknightlife happens03:17
jdongwhoa, mercurial went 1.0?03:17
pschorfcan we just type it in, or would that cause tons of trouble down the way?03:18
xtknightthe next question is, why on earth didn't dpatch-edit-patch add the patch to 00list??03:18
RAOFprana: And the summary is a big, *big* evil set of huge, major changes.  That's likely to make anyone go "no", two days before final freeze.03:18
pranaScottK: i'm new; just asking for an opinion here since it looks more complicated than simply sucking over a new debian package.03:18
xtknighti think that'll be fine pschorf let me check though03:18
jdongxtknight: because you don't always want it in 00list :)03:18
jdongxtknight: probably a crummy answer though ;-)03:18
xtknighthow do i get it to add it to 00list?03:18
xtknighti thought it did by default.  sily me03:18
jdongxtknight: just edit 00list03:18
pranaROAF: ok, that's what i thought.03:18
pschorfthanks jdong...i thought the same03:18
pranajdong: apparently, 2 weeks ago.03:18
jdongprana: cool. I guess I haven't been in touch with that side of things for a hwile now03:19
ScottKprana: It's unlikely, but if it's mostly bug fixing, not impossible.03:19
xtknightpschorf, well yup add it to 00list.  ill be busy fixing my last few :D03:19
pschorfxtknight, should i just add it before the 98 and 99 patches?03:19
xtknightpschorf, add it as the last one actually.  i think.03:19
RAOFScottK: The debian changelog suggests that there's a whole bunch of new/changed features.03:19
jdongScottK: it looks fairly new-feature.03:19
RAOFLike, a page of text at 1280x1024 of new features :)03:20
ScottKThen no.03:20
xtknightpschorf, do you have any previous patches where you did dpatch?  might need to fix em03:20
pschorfxtknight, and then just debuild?03:20
xtknightpschorf, yup03:20
pranayeah, theres 485 files changed with 10k insertions and 6k deletions in a uscan diffstat.03:21
psorry, my other computer tanked03:21
pthis is pschorf03:21
pranaok, thanks.03:21
pxtknight, do i just re-run debuild -S after changing 00list?03:22
xtknightp, run debuild without -S03:23
xtknightwe also need new binaries03:23
xtknight-S only produces source changes03:23
pdo i need to delete the old binaries?03:24
=== p is now known as pschorf2
xtknightp, no they will be overwritten.  but you can for safety03:24
xtknightrm *.deb that is03:24
pschorf2xtknight, now the build failed when applying the patch03:25
xtknightpschorf, ok03:26
xtknightpschorf, remove it from 00list03:26
xtknightfor a second03:26
xtknightthen run "debian/rules clean" (maybe with sudo)  we need to do that, before we add it to 00list.  otherwise it thinks there's a patch in there.03:27
pschorf2hmm,,,the build is still failing03:30
pschorf2can i copy the dpatch to a fresh source download and try there?03:30
xtknightyeah just nuke it03:31
xtknightand start overi guess03:31
xtknightcopy you changelog03:31
xtknightand your dpatch, 00list to a fresh source03:31
pschorfxtknight, the build still failed with fresh source03:45
xtknightpschorf, ok one sec03:47
xtknightpschorf, do you have any idea why that may be?03:48
pschorfno, the dpatch file looks fine03:48
xtknightpschorf, try just building the fresh source03:49
xtknightsee if that even works03:49
pschorfa fresh build worked03:53
xtknightwell why dont you work off that and try and regenerate the .dpatch03:53
xtknightdpatch-edit-patch patch PATCHNAME03:54
xtknightpatch -p0 < /path/to/undebianized/diff03:54
xtknight(add PATCHNAME to 00list)03:54
xtknightand try again :)03:54
pschorfi actually already regenerated to use with the fresh source03:55
xtknightit's stil not working?03:56
xtknightcan i see the dpatch file?03:56
xtknightand what bug is this again?03:56
pschorfbug 20862903:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 208629 in f-spot "f-spot doesn't work with gnome-screensaver" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20862903:57
xtknighti'll try it in a second.  just as soon as i get this load of audacious-plugins off my shoulders :P03:57
xtknightpschorf, as a side note you should probably put your name in the dpatch as well not just email04:05
xtknightlike it is in the changelog04:05
xtknightbut i'm going to try the patch now04:05
xtknightpschorf, so yours ended up a little different than mine.  what's the exec f-spot thing.  is that another patch?04:07
pschorfi think04:08
xtknighthmm i see the guy who posted it on LP conventiently omitted half of the patch04:08
xtknightwell that's not good04:08
pschorfthere were 2 parts in addition to the changelog stuff04:08
xtknightthat's what i came with04:10
xtknightlooks exactly the same04:10
xtknightlet me try it04:10
xtknighti have a pbuilder where i can facilitate a clean build of it04:11
xtknightsometimes building on your main machine can get messy04:12
xtknightya it failed04:13
xtknightit's because we need to apply it in a different order, i guess04:13
xtknightgenerally that's what this means.  applying patch fix_gnome_screensaver to ./ ... failed.04:14
xtknightso we have to find an order where the rest of the patches dont conflict04:14
xtknightgenerally we do that by "dpatch-edit-patch patch fix_gnome_screensaver THELASTPATCH"04:14
xtknight99 i think.  but i think that failed for me04:14
xtknightjust a sec04:14
xtknightpschorf, ok04:18
xtknightpschorf, dpatch-edit-patch patch fix_gnome_screensaver 99_ltmain_as-needed04:18
xtknightwe should very often use it like that, where we pick the last patch in 00list for the end of the command04:18
xtknighthowever this gives us some failures as we try to patch -p0... but we can fix these by hand04:18
xtknightbasically based on common sense04:19
xtknightso get fresh source if you haven't alrady04:19
pschorfgot the source04:21
xtknightso when you're in the interactive editor, try to apply the patch again like we always do04:22
xtknightyou'll get errors04:22
xtknightbut we can fix these04:22
pschorfi got a HUNK failed error04:25
xtknightpschorf, ok04:26
xtknightsorry i was a little preoccupied04:26
xtknightfree now04:26
pschorfit looks like the data its trying to change in f-spot-screensaver is different than expected04:26
xtknightlet's look at the .rej file04:27
xtknightthese are the "rejects" :p04:27
xtknightbasically you can tell it's just trying to remove a dash from the command line04:27
xtknightbut one of the patches changed the command line from bin/sh to bin/bash so the patch no longer works!04:28
pschorfi'm with you04:28
xtknightpschorf, now since patch failed it created a mess.  delete .orig and .rej files04:28
pschorfok, removed04:28
xtknightpschorf, as a matter of fact patch can leave behind .origs when patches dont *exactly* match but still work.  so you always want to make sure no .orig files are there (but also make sure you dont delete .origs if the package had them already).  this is why you always want to examine your debdiffs when you're finished with things, for unexpected changes.04:29
xtknightwe are still in the interactive shell, which means it's watching what we do04:29
xtknightso just apply the patch yourself04:29
xtknightremove the dash in that file04:29
xtknightyou could also use gedit, but then you'd have to delete the ~ backup file it leaves behind as well04:30
pschorfok, file changed04:30
xtknightnano tools/f-spot-screensaver04:30
pschorfright, i used vim04:30
xtknightso let's "exit"04:30
xtknightpschorf, make sure you put your name and email and description in the dpatch file04:31
xtknightyou know, there's something you should do right now to make it put your name and email always there04:31
xtknightat the end of your ~/.bashrc add this04:31
xtknightexport DEBFULLNAME="My Name"04:31
xtknightexport DEBEMAIL="asdf@gmail.com"04:31
xtknightand dch and dpatch will obey this. you'll still have to add description though04:32
xtknightthose should match your gpg key of course04:33
pschorfi've edited the dpatch and .bashrc04:33
xtknightnow with your new patch make sure you edited with "dch -i" also04:34
xtknightto add the changelog04:34
xtknightand add it to 00list!04:34
xtknightat the end.  because we made our patch after 99 was applied, with that command.04:35
xtknightapplying patch fix_gnome_screensaver to ./ ... ok.04:35
xtknightmine works04:35
pschorfok, mine's building04:37
xtknightyou caught on to this pretty fast.  good job.  you learned as much as i did ever since i started doing it.  because i just learned dpatch-edit-patch today04:38
xtknighti just recently started fixing bugs again04:38
pschorfi spent a fair amount of time re-reading irc chat from earlier04:38
pschorfbut i think i've got it04:38
pschorf...for now04:38
xtknighti always check my debdiffs meticulously afterwords04:38
xtknightthis is pretty much the foolproof method to ensure i did the right thing04:39
pschorfso you just check to see that it only changed the data that you actually meant it to, and go over the changelog?04:39
xtknightmaybe you want to get a PPA so it's easier for people to check your patches04:39
xtknightpschorf, it should change 00list, the changelog, and add the  dpatch file basically.  and the binaries should work.  if those 4 cases are met, then you're set! (at least for dpatch patch systems)04:40
pschorfhow do i get a PPA?04:40
xtknightdont misread it either.  the dpatch file will contain diff -Nru ,etc that's not another patch that's within the dpatch.04:40
xtknightpschorf, it's free and easy read here https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart04:40
xtknighthave your gpg public key ready04:41
xtknightwhen they say sign CoC that means you have to go thru a process of signing it with your GPG key, not just reading it04:41
xtknightbut that'll come up in the process04:42
pschorfok, i've got that up and running04:43
pschorfi added the gpg key earlier, so it was pretty painless04:43
pschorfthe ppa04:43
xtknightalready? llol04:43
xtknightdid you sign the CoC?04:43
xtknightok we'll see when we attempt to upload things then04:44
xtknightsetup the dput rc file?04:45
xtknightdput cf04:45
pschorfdo i run that in the dir with the deb and debdiff files?04:45
xtknightdput ppa asdf_source.changes04:45
xtknightthere will be a .changes file04:46
xtknightyou want to upload the source one not the i386 or amd64 one04:46
xtknightyou dont need to run debuild again if you already have your changes04:47
pschorfi just have an i386 file04:47
xtknightah ok then do run "debuild -S -sd"04:47
xtknightNote: If you're building an alternative version of a package already in the primary Ubuntu archive, build your source package using debuild -S -sd. If you're building an entirely new package whose orig.tar.gz is not yet in the Ubuntu primary archive, build the source package with debuild -S -sa.04:47
xtknightnow actually04:48
xtknightthey want you to name it like ~ppa04:48
xtknightthat's just the most convenient for everyone.  so edit your changelog with "dch -e" and after that you can run "debuild -S -sd".  you do not need to recompile a binary to change the package version04:48
xtknightinstead of myapp_1.0.1-0ubuntu104:48
pschorfso instead of ubuntu2, i would have ubuntu2~ppa1?04:49
xtknightso just add ~ppa1 to your version.  i would keep the major version increment there, because otherwise regular gets preferred over ppa104:49
xtknightand ~ppa2 for subsequent revisions, ~ppa3, etc04:50
xtknightof the same patch, at least04:50
pschorfok, now i have the ~ppa1 version04:50
xtknightdput it to your ppa04:51
pschorfi got a no host in config error04:52
xtknightgo through Creating your source package at https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart04:52
pschorfso should i post my new debdiff file on LP?04:57
xtknightthis will be a debdiff for ubuntu2, not the ppa one04:57
xtknightBug 20862904:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 208629 in f-spot "f-spot doesn't work with gnome-screensaver" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20862904:57
pschorfcan i delete my old post?04:58
xtknightnope but dont worry about it04:58
xtknightjust say the last one had no patch04:58
xtknightwe need to test this one anyways too04:58
xtknightman f-spot's import feature is frustrating04:59
xtknighti have the option to import all 40000 pictures on my HD, or nothing at all.04:59
pschorfi did04:59
pschorfdon't worry04:59
pschorfwho do I subscribe again?05:00
xtknightubuntu-main-sponsors because f-spot is in main05:00
xtknight!info f-spot05:00
ubotuf-spot (source: f-spot): personal photo management application. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.0-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 1729 kB, installed size 8924 kB05:00
pschorfi think that one's finally taken care of05:01
xtknightwell did you tes to see if f-spot is fixed?05:01
xtknightwith the patch05:01
xtknighter gnome-screensaver05:01
xtknightoh so this one actually works05:02
xtknightupload it to your PPA if you want.  good practice05:02
pschorfis it normal to have to edit patch files?05:02
xtknightlooks like it's on your ppa building right now05:03
xtknightvery common05:03
xtknightyou mean adapt patch files to make them dpatch basically?05:03
xtknightbecause people don't make them properly.  they make em before they apply all the other patch chain05:03
pschorfwhat time zone are you in, out of curiosity?05:04
xtknighteastern. 12am here05:04
pschorfso 1105:04
xtknightwhen your package is done building you'll have i386 and amd64 debs.  but they'll take like 20 mins from the time of build completion till launchpad uploads them to ftp05:04
xtknightso i'm going to test your packages and comment on the bug05:05
pschorfi need to call it a night, still have physics homework and class again at 9 tomorrow05:05
pschorfhope it works for you too05:05
xtknightfor something like bug 212542 can i modify the original patch or do i have to make another patch to revert the changes done by a previous patch.05:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 212542 in compiz-fusion-plugins-main "Drop type=Utility from 01-animation-defaults.patch" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21254205:33
jdongxtknight: ah, thanks for working on that one!05:34
jdongxtknight: the diff posted as comment #1 is a patch against the original patch05:35
jdongxtknight: that's the way I'd recommend it done too. Just apply that patch to the debian/patches dir05:35
jdongxtknight: though, for this case, I recommend talking to mvo about it (he's usually in #ubuntu-devel during normal hours)05:35
jdongxtknight: because he's also planning to push a newer Compiz and I just talked with him 6hrs ago on including this fix for the new compiz release05:36
xtknighti mean the only possible ramification would be if debian chose to somehow change the orig patch as well, and then my patch somehow wouldnt get thru because it also modified the orig patch...05:36
xtknightironically i need to talk to him about something else too05:36
jdongxtknight: perfect timing. But since none of us can upload those changes anyway...05:38
jdongxtknight: and the main sponsor queue for stuff like this usually involves poking him anyway....05:38
jdongmight as well cut out the middle man05:38
xtknightah ya05:38
nityadHello all, I am having trouble woth pbuilder passing a build of binary package with library dependencies. The error is dpkg-shlibdeps: failure: couldn't find library libstdc++.so.5. Can anyone point me to what the issue could be?05:40
xtknightnityad, make sure you set it up for universe if that's what you need05:41
xtknightnityad,  for example https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto#head-5e61fa0f52f7f2442fb20f074813bd691744460b05:41
xtknightman has anyone else noticed copy/paste with xchat works about 1/3 times?05:41
jdongxtknight: real men use real IRC clients05:42
jdong(kidding :D)05:42
xtknightit's better than pidgin05:42
jdongof course IRC would be a better place if copy-paste didn't work at all :D05:42
xtknightyeah copy-pastebin is the new copy-paste05:43
jdongwe can pop up an obnoxious IRC guidelines warning box whenever the user tries to paste!05:43
xtknightwe really need some sort of integration05:43
* jdong wonders how many HIG guidelines he can break in one proposal :)05:43
xtknightwhere a user can mouseover a 'pastebin field' and then a tooltip pops up..05:43
xtknightpasting completely becomes abstracted05:43
jdonghow about a distributed mesh network clipboard system? :D05:43
xtknightshouldn't Bug 201287 be confirmed/nobody and subscribed to ubuntu main?05:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201287 in apache2 "apache2 init script support for 'status'" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20128705:49
RAOFxtknight: It's probably waiting for a FFe, right?05:50
xtknightRAOF, hmm? well this is a bugfix for hardy we can still do that can't we?05:50
* RAOF reads that as "add the feature 'status' to the apache init script".05:51
xtknightah i see05:51
RAOFAlso, it's been on either ubuntu-devel or -discuss.05:52
xtknightguess i'll leave that one be05:52
jdongRAOF: or you can read it as BUG: status {errors out, returns incorrect result} ;-)05:55
nityadxtknight, your pointer helped and pbuilder passed for the package. Thanks!05:55
xtknightnityad, you're welcome05:55
=== asac_ is now known as asac
dholbachgood morning06:33
no0ticmorning :)06:34
dholbachhiya no0tic and null_vector - how are you guys doing?06:35
null_vectorcan't complain06:35
no0ticeverything ok :) you?06:35
* Fujitsu complains about universe being too big to even install everything on a quad-Xeon in a day.06:36
no0ticuniverse is bigger than you can imagine :)06:36
dholbachno0tic: still waking up, I hope caffeine will kick in soon06:39
AstralJavaMorning dholbach, all. :)06:42
dholbachhiya AstralJava06:42
no0ticmorning AstralJava06:42
xtknightwhat should i do with bug 110333 if the fix is in hardy already?06:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 110333 in autogen "missing includes in getopt.tpl" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11033306:50
dholbachxtknight: the changelog does not mention the fix, and 'caludo' mentions it'd be in 5.9.4, we have 5.9.3 is in hardy06:52
xtknightdholbach, i checked the file that his diff modified, and it already has the changes06:52
dholbachxtknight: ok perfect, then just say that you double checked the fix is in hardy and mark it as 'fix released'06:53
dholbachxtknight: good work06:54
xtknightdholbach, ok.  thx.  not worrying about gutsy then?06:54
dholbachxtknight: if somebody needs the fix in gutsy, they should nominate the bug to fixed in gutsy06:55
dholbachif somebody does, you can refer them to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates06:55
YokoZarCan I ask someone to download and dput a package for me?  For some reason dput is failing on the server I have it on, and I can't upload from home.  It's 400 megs, however.06:57
YokoZardput is failling with "killed" half way through, even on a dry run06:57
warp10Good morning06:58
no0ticmorning warp10 :)06:58
warp10hey no0tic! ;)06:58
null_vectorAnyone mind looking over a debdiff for 68852 ?07:53
xtknightbug 6885207:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 68852 in findutils "Error in man page, re: -printf \ escape" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6885207:54
xtknightnull_vector,  hmm  what do you mean?   i don't see a debdiff.  but anyway i can't do much.  i can only look over it since i'm not a MOTU :)07:55
null_vectorI mean look it over before I add it.07:56
xtknightsure do you have a URL?07:56
Tonio_dholbach: ping ?07:57
Tonio_dholbach: hi ;)07:57
xtknightnull_vector, it looks just fine to me07:59
xtknightso long as that fixes the issue07:59
null_vectoryeah that's all it is, just never used dpatch before08:01
xtknightyes as long as it's added to 00list you're good08:02
xtknightnull_vector, and i can confirm that the patch does get applied during compile.08:07
xtknightdon't forget to subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors08:09
null_vectorHow do I do that exactly?08:10
xtknightnull_vector, press Subscribe someone else08:10
xtknight!info findutils08:10
ubotufindutils (source: findutils): utilities for finding files--find, xargs, and locate. In component main, is required. Version 4.2.31-1ubuntu2.1 (gutsy), package size 247 kB, installed size 1280 kB08:10
xtknightwe can see that the package is in component main.  otherwise, you'd subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors08:11
null_vectoruse u-u-s for multiverse or is that even in lp?08:12
xtknightu-u-s for multiverse also yeah08:12
xtknightevery package is on lp08:13
xtknightnot all of them have dedicated 'projects' though.  but that's sort of another thing altogether.08:13
dholbachhey ton08:24
dholbachhey Tonio_ :)08:24
primes2hCiao a tutti.08:42
primes2hHello to everyone.08:43
primes2hI need help from someone.08:49
primes2hI open a Bug about a translation problem in Xaos (Bug @211710)08:50
primes2hdue to Xaos problem itself.08:50
no0ticbug 21171008:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 211710 in xaos "Wrong characters codification in Xaos translation." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21171008:50
primes2hJ.B. Langston (OSX mantainer of the program) provide a patch for it but he can't test it.08:51
primes2hMoreover XaoS is in main so I don't know how to do.08:53
primes2hI meant "J.B. Langston provided a patch"08:55
primes2hMay someone help me?08:57
=== never|mobi is now known as neversfelde|mobi
tjaaltonI've got a packaging question: I need to filter certain files from all the other binaries but one, but doing 'dh_install -Xfoo; dh_install -pbar' seems stupid (since the package is a multi-GB proprietary app). Is there a way to know which package is being worked on, so I could do 'ifeq "$(CURPKG)" "bar"' or similar?09:04
man-ditjaalton: dh_install -pbar -Xfoo doesnt work?09:09
man-ditjaalton: but it would probably be more easy to have debian/bar.install files09:10
tjaaltonman-di: dh_install -Xfoo does the trick for all the packages, but for -pfoo I don't want to do that09:10
tjaaltonuh, -pbar09:11
tjaaltonman-di: the filtering is done because there are binaries for different archtitectures (linia32, linop64, linem64t), so having a bar.install doesn't work09:12
man-ditjaalton: is your package using cdbs? then you could put your install code into install/bar:: target09:15
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man-ditjaalton: and customize it easily09:15
man-ditjaalton: its surely possible without cdbs too09:15
tjaaltonman-di: nope, plain debhelper09:15
man-ditjaalton: then just dont use -Xfoo with -pbar09:16
tjaaltonman-di: exactly.. but I have to specify it after the first dh_install run, which means that -pbar is handled twice09:16
primes2hCould someone help me, please?09:17
loolHey folks09:47
loolI'd like to discuss handling of the mobile packages during the freeze09:47
loolTo sum up the situation: UME is on a quite different from hardy (the current target for a first official non-alpha/beta release of UME is hardy.1), and we're also quite late on misc stuff which remains TBD09:48
loolAlso, we're in the process of promoting much stuff from universe/multiverse to main/restricted; packaging still sucks in many of the packages09:48
FujitsuSo we're going to have enormous amounts of mobile stuff only stabilising in -updates?09:49
loolSo the intent is to continue pushing as much work as possible into the mobile packages despite the freeze, that is instead of stabilizing what we have yet09:49
loolFujitsu: Yes09:49
loolHowever, the "good" news is that hopefully this should be a self contained set of packages used only for mobile09:49
loolSo it shouldn't affect desktop or server users at all09:49
FujitsuOr nothing not seeded into -mobile, I hope.09:50
loolWell the seeds are also an issue lalala09:50
loolWhat might also happen is that we touch universe packages which users might care about, but only to patch them for lpia09:50
FujitsuMass SRUs == bad09:51
loolYeah, I know someone would say that09:51
loolFujitsu: It is bad09:51
loolPlease note however that not all the updates will go into hardy proper; we intend to use our ppa as a staging area and also as a place for stuff which we simply didn't get in a good enough shape for such updates09:52
FujitsuI'm not sure that making any PPA look more official is a good idea, but I guess it's better.09:52
loolFujitsu: Unfortunately, it's already the case09:53
FujitsuSo I've seen, though it's not exactly released yet.09:53
loolThis is due to misc reasons, but one obvious explanation is that we have like 15 people from Intel who aren't anywhere close to MOTU, and a dozen of people from Canonical who are good but aren't MOTU either09:53
loolSo we have kind of a sponsoring bottleneck09:54
FujitsuHm. Concrete numbers. I've never seen anything like that before.09:54
loolThis is being addressed, but it's not going to be fixed soonish09:54
FujitsuA good point.09:54
loolFujitsu: Well these are guesstimates, but I could give you hard numbers by looking at the ubuntu-mobile team09:54
loolOne hard number is that we're currently two core devs in the team, and no other Ubuntu uploader (no additional MOTU)09:55
lool(StevenK and myself)09:55
loolThis is probably reassuring to the amount of stuff we could ever try to push to hardy :)09:55
loolAnyway, I wanted to give a heads up on the topic and I hope we can follow such a plan for the freeze and after the release09:56
FujitsuYou could just blindly sponsor lots of things. It has happened before.09:56
loolTBH, I think the packages are in such a shape that updates are highly desirable, despite the freeze09:56
FujitsuI'm not worried about -mobile stuff. I'm more worried about the result of even simple rebuilds on parts of the archive.09:57
FujitsuNo-change rebuilds will cause problems.09:57
loolExample of highly desirable stuff is moving midbrowser to build against xulrunner-1.9 like everybody else instead of building its internal copy of firefox lalala09:57
loolFujitsu: Ack09:57
FujitsuWe had too many changes late in the cycle to be sure that things will work again.09:58
Fujitsulibc6, CFLAGS/LDFLAGS changes...09:58
Fujitsugfortran (although that's fixed)09:58
loolFujitsu: That said, it looks like something we should deal with on the hardy support time frame09:58
loolI mean, would we consider for instance that foobar doesn't like the new LDFLAGS, we should really fix it in hardy in an update instead of waiting for a randome security upload to discover it09:59
loolBut agreed, there's risk in touching that many packages09:59
FujitsuIndeed, with the number of security updates we have to organise, I'm very concerned about how many things we'll find that break not because of our fixes, but toolchain changes... We'll see.10:00
loolNaturally, I'm around if anybody has additional questions on this topic; I'll try to do my best to ensure everything runs smoothly, but suggestions and help are welcome10:01
FujitsuI guess that as long as you test well, not too much can go too horrifically wrong.10:02
loolI'm worried that we don't test all use cases, but I naturally test all the uploads I'm interested in; for example for claws, I would test the hildonized version, probably not the regular version10:03
FujitsuThen I would be gravely concerned with your methodology.10:04
Riddelllool: why not just continue to use the PPA?10:06
\shbecause it's crap...that way10:06
loolRiddell: It sucks for various reasons and it's used for multiple things; also we can't really quality control it10:07
\shit's true, that we will have patches from mobile devs for universe packages, galculator or claws are two examples10:07
\shand we need more people to work on this, for porting those patches towards newer versions10:07
\shthis is the problem right now..10:07
\sh(regarding universe)10:07
\shand I wonder if we'll find any, without the respective knowledge...10:08
\shlool, I think you'll be in praque...if it's feasable for you and the attending motus, please raise it and try to schedule a meeting :)10:09
loolI'm happy to have a meeting on the topic for sure10:09
\shlool, what about the open job opportunity on the careers page?10:09
lool\sh: I think we're going slightly offtopic, but to give a quick answer I'm still looking into filing it, with some serious candidates in the pipe10:10
loolBTW there is also an UMD position open10:10
\shlool, well, if you can find a packaging dude with universe ambitions working on your team...this will solve a lot of problems10:11
\shlool, (I think it's not offtopic...mobile is really a cornercase regarding universe work)10:12
\shthere should be a good human interface between the ubuntu-mobile and ubuntu-universe ... regarding knowledge etc.10:13
loolIn general, we're looking into having more of the existing team gain MOTUship and/or coredevship if they have such interest10:13
loolWe fail by quite a huge margin in the UME community front10:14
\shlool, push adilson ;)10:14
loolHe *is* being pushed :)10:16
\shanyways...it's a heavy load for universe people to carry those patches without knowing what they do or how they work, without the right knowledge...so I think it could be vital, if you and your team can do some knowledge transfer...10:17
\shand to let universe people know who they can kick around when they have problems converting one patch from one version to another...10:17
loolIt's hard to grow interest for lpia if people don't own devices and the supported devices are not very common10:18
\shand they are expensive10:18
loolHowever, I'm working in support for virtual envs10:18
lool\sh: For many reasons, they are not common  ;-)10:18
loolExpensive, not really at the peak of the market, not a lot of supported devices (because single arch and scalability issues) etc.10:18
\shwell, this HTC is a nifty little thing...but over 1k euro..is above my budget...means, wife's killing me if I click on "buy now" @amazon ;)10:19
\shlool, raise this issue @uds praque...i think it's vital for the communication between your team and motu :)10:20
loolI want to10:21
\shlool, anyways...wine is ready for wine...uploaded sunday the new rev for adding lpia arch10:21
lool\sh: Did you stay on top of the pas discussion?10:22
\shlool, and regarding claws, adilson wanted to push his changed patch towards claws upstream10:22
loolYes; I personally think Ubuntu shouldn't be maintaining these10:22
\shlool, the last bit of info: adam wanted to add lpia to p-a-s10:22
loolSome upstreams don't show lots of interest though10:22
\shok mee4ting now...cu later10:22
pochulool: do you want this for the mobile folks?10:54
pochu   * Build a wesnoth-smallgui binary (closes: #469234)10:55
pochudebian #46923410:55
ubotuDebian bug 469234 in wesnoth "please provide a wesnoth-smallgui binary package" [Wishlist,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/46923410:55
pochulool: it allows you to play in reduced screens, such as the n81010:55
loolpochu: Definitely!10:56
pochulool: ok, the rest of the changes seem reasonably so I'll test it a bit and request a sync10:57
\shlool, regarding wine, there is not much to do for LPIA UI10:58
\shlool, so I think it's just as easy as adding lpia arch to p-a-s ...10:58
loolProbably not indeed10:58
\shbut ubuntu and debian packages are far from being the same (for ages now :))10:59
=== LucidFox is now known as LucidFox_away
staniScottK or Pochu: I've added a patch for Bug #213653. What is the best to continue? A SPE 0.8.4.g release or apply the patch directly?11:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213653 in spe "SPE.py crashed with TypeError in DrawUml()" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21365311:06
pochustani: I think the patch is ok11:08
pochuI mean, uploading the patch directly11:09
staniwill you take care of it?11:09
null_vectorbug 21205511:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 212055 in electricsheep "Unable to download sheep" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21205511:10
pochustani: yes11:11
null_vectorshould probably be wont-fix as there is no mirror and won't ever be one11:11
stanipochu: thanks!11:11
stanipochu: On http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/spe I see that spe depends on python-wxgtk2.6. Better would be like for phatch: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/phatch11:17
stanipochu: Shall I update the control file in PAPT?11:17
pochustani: yes11:18
pochuwill change that too in this upload to Ubuntu11:18
stanipochu: Can I write "Recommends: wx2.8-doc | wx2.6-doc"11:20
pochustani: I'd add that to suggests instead11:22
POX_pochu: why are you uploading -0ubuntu1 to Ubuntu instead of syncing with Debian?11:22
POX_(vide: phatch new upstream)11:22
stanipochu: but now it is "Recommends: wx2.6-doc", so why should it move from recommends to suggests?11:23
staniHi POX_11:24
pochuPOX_: because we are about to freeze and I didn't know how long it could take to get into Debian11:24
pochuPOX_: I'm requesting a sync right now11:24
pochustani: adding the alternative is fine then11:24
POX_pochu: dinstall is running every 12h in Debian11:24
pochuIt may fit better in Suggests though, as Recommends are installed by default...11:25
staniPOX_: I think ScottK suggested to upload to both directly because of the freeze.11:25
pochuPOX_: right, but it also needed sponsoring and then requesting a sync and waiting for an archive admin to do it...11:25
=== Fujitsu_ is now known as Fujitsu
pochuso better to go for the safe and upload, and later sync :)11:25
staniPOX_: I will upload all patches for spe as 0.8.4.g to Debian, as for Ubuntu direct patches are prefered to a new upstream release.11:27
POX_pochu: I think I uploaded it to Debian before you uploaded it to Ubuntu11:27
pochuPOX_: really? I didn't notice it then...11:27
pochuSync request mailed.11:27
POX_pochu: I tagged it later, so maybe that's why you didn't notice11:28
pochustani: shall I add the patch to python-apps too, or will you do another bug-fix release anytime soon?11:29
stanipochu: I can do a bug-fix release anytime, but patches are less work. Maybe in some hours someone else reports another bug and than I have to release every day which doesn't make also a lot of sense.11:31
staniso for debian I prefer to collect all patches and do an upstream release11:31
pochustani: sure, I mean in the following days or weeks :)11:31
stanipochu: but this release can never be in Hardy, right?11:32
stanipochu: I planned to do one for Debian after I can not submit anymore patches for Hardy (which is 10 april?).11:32
pochustani: the FinalFreeze is April 10th yes, but after that we can still upload bug fixes with ~motu-release ACK11:34
stanipochu: so to answer your question, no need to apply for debian, as I will then release SPE 0.8.4.g for debian when Hardy is released. (This bug is not critical.)11:34
staniPOX_: ^^^11:35
pochustani: ok, fine11:35
staniPOX_: I hope that is ok for you too.11:36
POX_did I respond to RFS mail/ping after more than 24h?11:39
POX_just release it and I will upload if everything will be ok11:39
staniPOX_: From now on I will mail RFS directly to you and in cc to PAPT. So I will send you a RFS for SPE 0.8.4.g on april 24. (If more serious bugs would be discovered, it will be more quickly.) As long as the bugs are minor, you can save yourself the hassle from applying the patches.11:43
POX_if I'm not on VAC, no need to cc anyone (except pochu :)11:46
staniPOX_: ok11:47
sistpoty|workhi folks11:47
POX_stani: I have speciall mailbox for RFS mails (with high priority)11:48
staniPOX_: do i have to use a specific subject (eg with RFS in it)?11:49
POX_so if you use "RFS: spe 1.1.1-1" in Subject, it will end there and will be checked once I get back from work (~18:00 or 19:00 GMT+1)11:49
staniPOX_: great11:49
stanipochu and POX_: python-wxtools was missing as a dependency because of xrced. I have fixed in the control file of PAPT.11:59
POX_stani: please document all changes in debian/changelog12:00
staniPOX_: what do i write instead of unstable when the release is not ready yet?12:03
stanipochu or POX_: Do I still need to mention the LP bugs a release closes in the PAPT changelog, if the bugs have closed already with patches in Ubuntu.12:10
POX_if they're closed already, no need to close them again, IMO12:13
\shbug #213868 -> read and laugh12:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213868 in wine "Security Warning in Wine" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21386812:13
stanipochu: can you confirm that python-wxtools is added as a dependency for spe (see PAPT control file)?12:17
jpatrick\sh: users - the only bug we will never solve indeed12:19
sistpoty|workI guess the description of the bug should really be: make wine more safe when browsing ... oh nevermind ;)12:20
\shjpatrick, I'm wondering what I should answer..."don't browse porn" or "well, wine copies windows behaviour, it can't be better then that"? ;)12:20
jpatrick\sh: "Can you please link to desired site to enabl us to try to reproduce"12:21
jpatrickdamn keybaord..12:22
broonie\sh: IE does actually do the sort of popup he's asking for.12:22
\shbroonie, the bug is, that he thought he has a video file, which he wanted to show, but the website publisher gave him an .exe file...so imho it's layer 8 bug12:23
sistpoty|workheh, layer 8... nice one :)12:23
broonieLike I say, Windows does do those warnings so if you're going to be bug for bug compatible...12:24
\shgrmpf...now I understand the bug *harhar*12:25
\shhe used firefox on linux..got an .exe instead of avi and voila...wine gets hands on12:25
\shand this bug is known, because we have this mime time attached...and that was something I wanted to stop, but people wanted it like that...12:26
\shlinux and wine don't know anything about signed exe files...without wine reimplementing the complete security infrastructure of windows12:26
\shand that's not the intention of wine12:26
\shs/mime time/mime type/12:28
\shwell, anyways there is no way to protect someone from him/herself...don't browse malicious porn sites and don't trust publishers should be always top prio on every agenda, regarding daily browser usage12:30
pochustani: python-wxtools -> uploading12:31
stanipochu: thanks12:31
\shit's just like: "please prevent me via evolution/kmail/claws/ from clicking unkown attachments or pls prevent me from entereing my secure login data for paypal on phishing sites"...it's impossible to bugfix the human being12:32
pochustani: thanks for spotting it!12:32
stanipochu: this is because spe now not provides anymore packages which are available in ubuntu already. So this makes this transition complete.12:32
=== luka74 is now known as Lure
broonie\sh: I suppose it's reasonable to expect that it'd do the same thing as it would with a native executable; I don't know off-hand what Firefox does there.12:33
\shbroonie, you see that it wants to use wine for the .exe file extention..it's totally obvious...12:33
ScottK\sh: I do think it's reasonable for wine to give you some warning that you are about to transition from the Linux security model to the Windows one.12:34
\shScottK, which windows security model? there is no such thing in wine afaik12:35
\shScottK, for this, wine needs more knowledge about the ms security stuff, but that's one step beyond the firefox "run .exe with -> wine"12:36
elmargolfta, are you planing to release a new miro version for hary? (I'm looking at your bzr branch atm)12:37
sistpoty|workhm... I guess I would make the mime type to run a wine wrapper, which would show a popup first12:37
\shsistpoty|work, how do you determine the correct signature? you need the signature database of MS Windows12:37
sistpoty|work\sh: no, it would just show a generic warning, whenever wine would be called from a mime-type12:38
sistpoty|work(ideally, only if called from a browser, but I'm not too sure if mime can do that (actually I know almost nothing about mime-types))12:39
broonie\sh: Relatively few things delivered this way are actually signed.12:39
\shsistpoty|work, well, depends on what firefox is useing...the mime type of wine.desktop or the binfmt we provide12:40
stanipochu: would for python-wxtools not better be part of recommends (I think only a small minority uses xrced)12:40
\shsistpoty|work, changing wine.desktop is easy to call a gtk-wrapper and after that call wine12:41
\shsistpoty|work, but, then you have two dialogs: firefox -> run dlg via wine , wine-wrapper-dlg -> the real wine call12:41
\shbroonie, most of the serious software vendors are using installation methods with signatures from verisign which are known by windows systems...(installshield, msi etc.)12:42
sistpoty|work\sh: oh, ff displays a dialog for wine already? If so, I guess this is merely a wishlist bug, which won't get fixed soonish ;)12:43
pochustani: if I don't have python-wxtools and try to use xrced, what will happen?12:43
\shsistpoty|work, firefox asks you normally, when you click on something which is determined as run by wine, how you wanna run it, and if12:43
\shbroonie, the problem with this, you can deliver to debian/ubuntu as well. Think about a malicious debian package, which is provided from untrusted source site publisher...you click on it, because _you_ trust this publisher, gedebi starts and asks you again, and you tell gedebi to install it, enter your sudo pw....and voila..your system is now known as spambot99.012:45
\shbroonie, it's really layer 8 or if you bugged by this before, I would say, it's also layer 9 (brain bug)12:46
ScottK\sh: All I really meant is if wine comes into play on a Linux host, then the user ought to be aware of it.  I don't think it should appear silently.12:48
mok0I am looking at the FTBFS of apt-howto. There are several problems with the package, one being that the build fails on a korean and russian language components. Is it in your opinion ok to leave those out?12:48
\shScottK, it doesn't :) you can read the dialog box...and it asks you if you want it to run with -> <insert app here>...and yes, we should protect people from commiting suicide..12:51
ScottK\sh: OK.  Just wanted to make it clear that was needed.12:52
stanican you not configure firefox so that it does never executes exe with wine, but just downloads it?12:52
* broonie nods ScottK - it's surprising that a Windows executable will run on Linux. The "Run this app" prompt isn't so useful since it comes up all the time even when it's not so useful.12:52
ScottKmok0: At this point building is better than not building.  Ideally you'd fix the problem with the languages, but in the end they may have to be sacrificed.12:52
\shstani, you can stop firefox from using the provided mime type...12:53
mok0ScottK: I think so too, just checking, bein' new and all12:53
ScottKbroonie: I agree, but something is better than nothing.12:53
stani\sh: maybe that would be good default setup for ubuntu12:53
\shstani, but this doesn't prevent people from downloading it and starting it via console or nautilus or whatever filemanager you have12:53
ScottKmok0: Agreed.  It's better to check.12:53
stani\sh: but at least they won't think anymore it is some video12:54
stani\sh: part of the trick is that they present an executable as a video12:54
stani\sh: forbidding to download any exe would probably a step too far12:54
mok0ScottK: I'll upload the package and file a new bug against it, then12:55
\shstani, no..then it would never been run as wine app...wine.binfmt checks for MZ header...and mime-type checks for .exe extention...so .exe was provided..and not .avi or whatever video extention12:55
ScottKSounds quite reasonable.12:55
\shstani, that's why ff gave the wine app as runnable helper app12:55
stani\sh: what is a MZ header?12:56
\shstani: it's the stub header for .exe files from microsoft since DOS 1.0 i think12:57
brooniestani: Header identifying an .exe12:57
staniyou can never prevent that a user clicks on a virus exe (if he gets it from www, usb-stick, ..) but you can prevent firefox to execute them directly13:00
pochustani: did you see my question above?13:00
\shstani, yes, don't tell firefox to drop the "run <foo> as <bar>" dialog, because "User too lazy error"13:01
stanipochu: I will look into it.13:01
\shstani, you can never prevent a user from doing stupid things...never and wine will run what user tells it to run...even viruses..that's a non bug^Wfeature of wine...13:02
stani\sh: I think we agree on this13:05
pochustani: if it simply shows a dialog saying "you need foo to use this plugin" we could (and should) lower every hard dependency (kiki, winpdb...) to Recommends... if it breaks, then we need to keep it as hard dependencies13:05
ScottKpochu: But not two weeks before we release.13:06
\shguys, when a perl package is named: "Foo::Perl" the correct debian name of that package would be "libfoo-perl-perl" right?13:06
ScottKI think so.13:06
* stani is looking into the xrced issue and needs a bit more time13:07
\shwell, regarding the naming policy for perl module packages it is like that, even when it sounds stupid13:07
pochuScottK: not changing how upstream behaves, agreed. But if upstream code already shows the dialog, it's safe to lower it to Recommends13:07
pochualthough I'm ok to postpone this to Intrepid13:08
ScottKpochu: At this point we should just be fixing critical stuff.13:08
pochuScottK: hmm, you're right :)13:08
ScottKI don't think dropping depends to recommends qualifies.13:08
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stanipochu: it will fail with an import exception, so leave it like it as it is13:09
pochustani: for your next major release, making plugins optional (show a dialog if they aren't present and don't crash) would be nice13:09
stanipochu: good idea13:10
stanipochu: I feel this applies the most to python-wxtools because it installs a whole bunch of other stuff which is not relevant to spe.13:11
stanipochu: the other plugins only install themselves13:12
ScottKpochu: From reading the bug, I'm not sure I understand your objection to the alexandria upgrade?13:12
slytherinNot exactly related to Ubuntu, but can anyone please tell me how does one usually proceed for creating a package from the code in svn?13:13
pochuScottK: it needs the diff.gz to have postinst/preinst/prerm, which are autogenerated by debhelper, and will FTBFS if they aren't present. Also I don't like the fact that the upstream installation script (whatever it's called for Ruby packages) installs the debian/ files13:13
pochuScottK: that may be ok and it's just me not understanding it though13:14
ScottKpochu: Since they host on Launchpad their upstream build system is excessively Debian centric.13:18
ScottKpochu: I read your comment as saying you didn't like the fact that postinst/preinst/prerm were present.13:19
ScottKThanks for clarifying.13:19
mok0ScottK: I am puzzled. apt-howto_2.0.2-2 fails to build, yet the binary packages are in the hardy archives. How can that be?13:21
ScottKMaybe the build system changed in a way that breaks it since it was built.13:22
mok0ScottK: If I upload then, it means we will loose some language components that are there now13:23
ScottKSo maybe leave it be.13:24
mok0ScottK: The package is in a state of shambles. There are outstanding bugs in Debian that are up to 2 years old13:24
mok0ScottK: yeah, I think I will leave it13:24
ScottKI'd suggest then that you leave it and move on.  There are plenty of other things to work on.13:24
ScottKAt this point if you have to think about what to do for more than a few minutes, move on and find something else to fix that's easier.13:25
pochustani: re PPA, sure, what about in 1 hour or so? it will be fast13:29
stanipochu: haha, I didn't know you were a gstreamer gure13:30
pochustani: I'm not, I'm just a stroller :)13:32
arvind_khadrihi,i am interested to join MOTU,how do i go about it13:32
pochustani: i wish I was ;)13:32
stanipochu: I started diving into it and wow it is so powerful. I will do great things with this.13:32
stanipochu: only documentation sucks13:33
pochuwelcome arvind_khadri :) the /topic has a few useful links, specially Contributing... go and check them out, and ask if you any questions13:33
pochuarvind_khadri: this one is likely the best: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted13:34
arvind_khadripochu, how do i go there?? :) am new here13:34
arvind_khadripochu, i meant to /topic13:34
staniarvind_khadri: /topic is displayed on top of the chat13:35
arvind_khadripochu, hey thanks for tat13:36
pochuarvind_khadri: it depends on your IRC client, but it's likely in the top of the window as stani said13:36
pochuthat's this channel's topic (subject?)13:36
staniarvind_khadri: after reading the wiki, you probably can help a lot by fixing bugs you are able to do13:37
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ScottKstani: Earlier you mentioned you would be willing to look at wx related bugs.  Would Bug 213589 be something you could look into.13:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213589 in drpython "drpython crashed with SIGSEGV in wxWindow::OnInternalIdle()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21358913:43
staniScottK: no problem, I' ll have a look13:45
mok0Is there a script to get the newest version of some source package from Debian? It's a nuisance to have to go the packages webpage all the time13:51
ScottKAdd an unstable deb-src line to your sources.list and apt-get source?13:53
mok0ScottK: I use apt-get source to fetch the newest hardy version, so wont that function be disrupted?13:54
ScottKYes.  It would.13:54
ScottKThe rc bugs page has the .dsc links if that's what you're working off of.13:54
mok0ScottK: unless you could run apt-get with an alternate database13:54
ScottKYou can dget -x with that.13:55
mok0ScottK: right, good idea13:55
Adri2000mok0: apt-get source chooses the newest version. if you want a specific version use apt-get source <package>=<version>13:55
mok0Adri2000: yes, but then I13:55
ScottKI think it does, anyway.13:55
mok0I'd have to look up what version I want13:55
Adri2000apt-cache madison <package>13:55
mok0Adri2000: Ah, cool13:56
staniScottK: There is something totally wrong with drpython. It can not open any file.13:56
ScottKstani: I guess the next step would be to look to Debian to see if they have one that works better.13:57
staniScottK: I was checking upstream.13:57
ScottKThat's broken too?13:58
staniScottK: I know the developpers.13:58
ScottKI see.13:58
staniScottK: I will check that now.13:58
ScottKThen I guess I asked the right person to look into it.  Thanks for doing it.13:58
staniScottK: I started some years ago pyxides, which unites all python IDE developers. So we all know each other.13:59
sistpoty|workmok0: you can use apt-get -t<distribution>14:03
mok0sistpoty|work: ... with the unstable repo defined in sources.list , I presume?14:04
sistpoty|workmok0: yes (haven't tested it yet though)14:04
munckfishHi, I'm updating ps3-kboot package which is in main. I've read up on Sponsorship and Revu, I believe this would be a sponsored change. But ...14:07
munckfishI'm confused as to how/where I should upload the updated source - the new orig.tar.gz 100MB, is a debdiff suitable here? Should I upload by attaching to the related LP issue?14:09
munckfishThis is re LP 14623014:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 146230 in ps3-kboot "update ps3-kboot to 1.4.1" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14623014:10
staniScottK: there is a newer Debian package, but it doesn't seem it will fix the bug as it looks like only improving packaging: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/d/drpython/drpython_165-6/changelog14:12
Hobbseecody-somerville: ping?14:12
cody-somervilleHobbsee, pong14:13
staniScottK: There was a new upstream release Drpython, in which they changed the version numbering: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=79020914:13
Hobbseecody-somerville: /query?14:13
cody-somervilleHobbsee, Ack.14:13
staniScottK: I'll see if that one works.14:14
staniScottK2: This one seems to work. Now I should see if I can reproduce the bug, as it is not straightforward.14:17
staniThe problem with launchpad bugs is that upstream developers don't look there and that bugs just get dust like what happened with spe. (Unless sourceforge and launchpad are linked.)14:19
ScottK2Hobbsee: It looks like the drpython package we have is totally broken.  If stani finds the new upstream makes it work, can we upgrade (please pre-ack the FFe for me)?14:19
ScottK2stani: Yes.  People need to push the bugs upstream.14:19
HobbseeScottK2: fine by me.  broken == useless14:19
ScottK2Hobbsee: Thanks.14:19
staniScottK2: I noticed that the current package in Hardy forces python-wxgtk2.6, while the new one selects 2.814:20
staniScottK2: Moreover the new release has two starters: a normal one and one specific for wx2.614:21
staniI guess that debian forces 2.6 as debian does not provide 2.814:21
sistpoty|workmunckfish: I guess the easiest way is to upload to revu14:21
ScottK2stani: Makes sense.  I wonder if the current one works with 2.814:21
munckfishsistpoty|work: ok, thx for the advice14:21
staniScottK: Would you prefer a patch to the current one?14:22
sistpoty|workmunckfish: if you've got a link for the new orig.tar.gz coming from upstream, I can put this in revu's incoming, so you'd only have to upload the diff.gz, .dsc and as last one the .changes file14:22
ScottK2stani: Yes.  If there's a short path to getting the current one working, that's preferred.14:23
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munckfishsistpoty|work: ok, well14:23
munckfishso I couldn't upload all myself?14:24
munckfishsorry, I'm new to all this, just finding my feet, skin o my teeth style14:24
sistpoty|workmunckfish: of course you can, I just thought the 100Mb size would be a problem14:24
munckfishNo, I just didn't want to bung up LP unnecessarily if that wasn't the right place to upload to14:25
sistpoty|workheh, k14:25
munckfishthough, yes, I'm sure 100MB is nothing14:26
sistpoty|workapart from that it takes time to upload, size shouldn't be a problem ;)14:26
munckfishsistpoty|work: I'll take a better look at Revu then, I thought it was just for brand new packages14:26
sistpoty|workmunckfish: basically it is, but since it was requested that you put the package somewhere, feel free to use revu for this (of course ppa would be another option)14:27
munckfishPPA, yes, although I think because it's powerpc arch I think it wouldn't work14:28
munckfishthat's what I heard14:28
sistpoty|workwell, it wouldn't build binary packages, but it should still list the source... not too sure though14:28
sistpoty|work(the only thing that's needed for the archive is a source package)(14:29
munckfishok well, that's given me some options.14:29
munckfishI'll check out both and pick one tonight14:29
munckfishsistpoty|work: thx!14:29
mok0ScottK: I finally got through tex4ht, bug 13123914:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131239 in tex4ht "sync request" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13123914:29
mok0ScottK: it needs a good look by the m-r team14:30
sistpoty|workmok0: did you test the package? can you give a summary of how you tested in the bug? thanks!14:31
mok0sistpoty|work: I have not tested it; I need to find something to test it on.14:33
sistpoty|workmok0: then please do ;)14:34
mok0sistpoty|work: rrrright... :-)14:34
ScottK2mok0: Looks generally desirable, but we ought to have some testing.14:34
mok0sistpoty|work, ScottK, can you guys see what the bug IS?14:35
mok0It just looks like a wish for a general update of the package14:36
mok0But I can go & check the BTS bug numbers14:36
staniScottK: I can confirm that drpython doesn't work with 2.6, with 2.8 it opens a file but throws an IndexError and the cursor keeps in the busy state, making drpython unusable.14:40
ScottK2stani: OK.  How's the new version look?14:41
staniScottK: This might be a packaging bug. drpython.py is moved from its folder to /usr/bin, while drpython expects it to be in /usr/share/drpython together with the other source file.14:41
staniI guess Luca never tried to open a file on debian.14:42
staniDo you want me to try to move drpython.py back to /usr/share14:42
staniwell with the new version everything is in the same dir as it is a zip file14:42
staniI am afraid if it is packaged in the same way (drpython.py in /usr/bin) it will also not work.14:43
ScottK2stani: OK.  Do you think you know enough about debian packaging to fix it?14:45
staniScottK2: I first will test if that helps, but no unfortunately I do not know enough.14:46
staniabout packaging14:46
ScottK2stani: OK.  If you can test if it helps, then we can maybe get someone else to package it.14:46
mok0ScottK: tex4ht testing complete, bug 13123914:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131239 in tex4ht "sync request" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13123914:49
mok0sistpoty|work: ^14:50
ScottK2mok0: Ack'ed14:50
* ScottK2 waits for qt3 to build ....14:50
IulianHello RainCT14:51
mok0ScottK: OK, I leave tex4ht for now then, hoping for another ack14:51
sistpoty|workmok0: does it also produce html files?14:51
mok0sistpoty|work: yes14:51
sistpoty|workmok0: great!14:52
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sistpoty|workhm... there is s.th. weird... both texlive (main) and texlive-full (universe) seem to build a texlive binary15:00
sistpoty|workerm... texlive-base (main) even15:01
staniScottK: What I suggested didn't work. The only option is to package the new version http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=83074.15:01
sistpoty|workmok0: confirmed15:02
staniScottK: About the bug in launchpad, I think that it should be reported to the upstream developers. I am not able to reproduce it, but I wouldn't say it is fixed.15:02
mok0sistpoty|work: do you want me to upload to LP an html file ?15:03
sistpoty|workmok0: no, I pretty much believe you that it works ;)15:03
mok0;-) heh15:03
staniScottK: Shall I send an email to the upstream developers about this bug?15:03
sistpoty|workmok0: please go ahead with it15:03
mok0sistpoty|work: great, thanks15:04
sistpoty|workmok0: thanks for taking care ;)15:04
mok0sistpoty|work: sure thing15:04
mok0sistpoty|work: u-a-a are already subscribed, so that it, yes?15:05
DktrKranz2stani: any issues with drpython? I'm working on new upstream (to be pushed in experimental, due to wxwidgets2.8).15:05
sistpoty|workmok0: it's already in the right form for a sync? then yes, that's it15:05
staniDktrKranz2: Are you Luka?15:06
DktrKranz2stani: yes15:06
mok0sistpoty|work: I can add a link to the debian package, and recap in a last comment15:06
staniDktrKranz2: The current version in ubuntu 165-5 is not able to open files. Not at all with wx2.6, but also not with wx2.8 throws an IndexError and keeps with a busy cursor15:07
sistpoty|workmok0: I guess testing/<component> should be good enough for a source. feel free to recap, if you think it makes it more clear15:07
mok0sistpoty|work: I do, otherwise they have to scan the whole discussion15:08
sistpoty|workright :)15:08
staniDktrKranz2: I was wondering why you were moving /usr/share/drpython to /usr/bin/drpython?15:08
staniwhy not just a start file with "python /usr/share/drpython/drpython.py"15:09
mok0sistpoty|work: I guess they have a automation script to get it going, so there is no need to paste a link there, or what?15:09
stanior "python /usr/share/drpython/drpython_wx26.py" for debian?15:09
DktrKranz2stani: something from the past, I suppose. I don't recall move something to usr/bin15:11
sistpoty|workmok0: not too sure, but I believe so15:11
mok0another one bites the dust15:11
staniDktrKranz2: ok, I would propose my suggestion as otherwise it makes it more easy for when 2.6 and 2.8 both available (on experimental and ubuntu)15:12
DktrKranz2stani: btw, I have new upstream almost ready, I need to check it on debian with experimental enabled and then ask my sponsor to review and upload to exp, but I think your idea is good.15:13
DktrKranz2so I'll probably have something similar in next upload15:14
staniDktrKranz2: I am testing if I manage the latest drpython to work with 2.615:14
DktrKranz2stani: I haven't checked deeply, but I guess you can lower required version, since there weren't intrusive changes, IIRC15:15
DktrKranz2if so, I can patch it and go to unstable, but that requires more testing15:16
pochulool: wesnoth 1.4.1 is out, and Rhonda (the Debian maintainer) is working on the update, which will bring some improvements on wesnoth-tools too (a new binary added at the same time as wesnoth-smallgui). I'll for it and then request a sync.15:16
staniDktrKranz2: No, I just checked. It doesn't work. Probably it would be possible, this would mean refactoring the code.15:16
DktrKranz2ah, what a pity :(15:16
ScottK2DktrKranz2: Since stani isn't a motu, would you please help him get a fix uploaded to Ubuntu without a new upstream (if feasible)?15:16
staniScottK2: It is not possible15:17
staniScottK2: I tried several things, and it didn't work15:17
* mok0 wishes there was a 1-a-day group he could joint...15:18
staniScottK2: New upstream release is necessary. New upstream release is of 28/2/2008 and previous one is from 07/04/200715:18
DktrKranz2I guess having new upstream (if working properly) won't be too difficult15:18
staniScottK2: so a lot of bugs will be fixed15:18
staniI hope. I know that the main developer quit the project and that someone else is working on it, but mostly fixing bugs.15:19
DktrKranz2Yes, it's hard to push back patches :(15:20
DktrKranz2new drpython has eight or nine, almost all suitable for upstream inclusion15:20
staniDktrKranz2: Please test if you can open a file and maybe you can reproduce the bug #21358915:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213589 in drpython "drpython crashed with SIGSEGV in wxWindow::OnInternalIdle()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21358915:20
DktrKranz2stani: I'm at work on Windows ATM, I'll check tomorrow evening since I won't be at home tonight15:21
staniScottK: Is there any other python-wxgtk bug?15:22
ScottK2Not that I've noticed recently.15:22
DktrKranz2stani: have you the chance to test it on debian too?15:24
staniDktrKranz2: No, sorry, I don't have a debian machine (yet?)15:27
DktrKranz2no problem, I have one at home, it just needs to be updated a bit15:27
DktrKranz2(and I really have to push my packages on PAPT!)15:28
ScottK2DktrKranz2: Yes.  Please do.15:28
staniScottK: Would it be ok to leave a comment on the launchpad bug to report it on http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=83074&atid=56823815:29
ScottK2DktrKranz2: I'd prefer if you'd upload the new upstream straight to Ubuntu.15:29
ScottK2stani: Yes15:29
staniScottK2: Unless POX is the uploader ;-)15:30
ScottK2DktrKranz2: Hobbsee already gave an IRC ack.  I'll give you one too.  Just please respond in the bug explaining why it's a new upstream and test it first.15:30
ScottK2stani: At this point I'm worried if sync's will get processed.15:30
ScottK2There's no guarantee.15:30
sebnerRainCT: mok0: who is faster ^^15:31
mok0When fixing bugs, is it ok to let the patch go in diff.gz, or should I do it properly via debian/patches, quilt etc.15:31
mok0sebner: ?15:31
sebnermok0: festival15:31
* mok0 looks15:31
sebnermok0: install all build-deps of festival ;) then it's working ^^15:31
ScottKmok0: Ideally you'd do it properly.  At this point if the package doesn't already have a patch system, you shouldn't feel obligated to add it for minor patches.15:32
DktrKranz2ScottK: ok then. I'll do some tests on Hardy and eventually update bug report accordingly. Once ready, I'll inform you before uploading it.15:32
mok0ScottK: it's a patch attached to a bug15:32
mok0sebner: I tried building it in sbuild15:33
ScottKmok0: OK.  Use your best judgement about adding a patch system.  We aren't as pedantic about it as Debian.  It's particularly OK not to add the patch system if you know we'll drop the change in the next release.15:34
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DktrKranz2stani: if you want, I can upload it to PPA soon, just to have a wider testing.15:34
mok0ScottK: yeah that's my thought too15:34
sebnermok0: ? I got the same error while doing debuild ... Then I did a sudo apt-get build-dep festival and it was working + pbuilder build15:34
sebnermok0: but it doesn't matter. RainCT is originally on it15:34
staniDktrKranz2: That would be good. Did you notice this: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1903248&group_id=83074&atid=568238?15:34
ubotuSourceforge bug 1903248 "Possible Bug in 3.11.0" [Pri: 5,Open]15:34
mok0sebner: of course it works when it's already installed15:34
mok0sebner: because the build requires it :-)15:35
mok0sebner: so, you could make it build-depends on itself, but that seems pretty dirty to me15:35
DktrKranz2stani: I'll have a look. thanks.15:36
sebnermok0: RainCT already looked at it. Maybe we should wait on his opinion15:36
mok0sebner: I'll put my thought in another comment15:37
sebnermok0: k :)15:37
* DktrKranz2 leaves15:39
sebnerDktrKranz2: hf15:39
mok0sebner: there. :-)15:39
ScottKmok0: Did you ever reach any conclusion about atlas support for python-scipy (or was it numpy)?15:39
mok0ScottK: no, I forgot about that one15:39
mok0it was scipy AIR15:39
ScottKSomeone might want to look into seeing if we need to fix Debian Bug #47501715:40
ubotuDebian bug 475017 in python-numpy "python-numpy: missing parentheses in /usr/share/pyshared/numpy/f2py/rules.py line 1222 (fixed upstream)" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/47501715:40
ScottKThat looks like an easy one to fix.15:40
sebnermok0: :) but I don't want to stop you working on my other bugs ^^15:40
mok0sebner: hit me15:40
RainCTsebner: still want me to sponsor festival or has mok0 already uploaded it?15:41
mok0RainCT: festival has problems15:41
staniDktrKranz2: You need to fix this, you have to replace c:/dpython.out to ~/.drpython/drpython.out15:41
sebnerRainCT: see his comments ;)15:41
sebnerRainCT: heya btw :)15:41
RainCTmok0: which?15:42
ScottKmok0: Did you really need a sync from Testing for Bug 131239 or can it be from Unstable?15:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131239 in tex4ht "sync request" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13123915:42
mok0ScottK: testing, unstable has unsatisfied build-depends15:43
ScottKOK.  Thanks.15:43
sebnerScottK: the fix in only to change one line in rules.py? for python-numpy?15:43
ScottKsebner: From reading the bug it looked like a one line fix.  I haven't looked at the code.15:43
mok0sebner, looks like it, there's even a patch15:44
sebnerScottK: I'll take a look at it. But should't be necessary to create/use patch for it? (patch-system)15:44
mok0sebner: we just discussed it before. With such a minor change it is ok to leave it in diff.gz15:45
sebnermok0: ah15:45
mok0sebner: you may leave a comment in changelog to that effect15:45
sebnermok0: yeah. clear ^^15:45
mok0ok sebner, hit me with a bug #15:46
sebnermok0: for python-numpy?15:46
mok0sebner: one of the ones you've tiraged, preferrably a sync :-)15:47
mok0I need one more bug for my quota15:47
sebnermok0: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~sebner  . 8 to do :P15:47
mok0Ah, I get to choose! What luxury15:48
sebnermok0: you can't choose if you review all of them ^^15:48
mok0sebner: whoa there, I have a life15:48
ScottKjdong and/or \sh: wine backport FTBFS on Gutsy.  I'd appreciate it if one of you could have a look.15:49
\shScottK, buildlog? :)15:49
\shgutsy still have libungif right?15:50
mok0sebner: /me is going to stay off mailscanner :-)15:50
sebnermok0: well that's a FFe ;) and ScottK dislikes it ^^15:50
mok0sebner: so I see15:51
mok0sebner: I think he's right.15:51
ScottKBroken by design with Postfix and their dev's call it political.15:51
ScottKUsing published interfaces is a very basic concept and they don't get it.15:51
sebnermok0: btw, if you keep reviewing my stuff you could be say something about me as a sponsor in future :)15:51
mok0ScottK: should it be removed ?15:51
\shgrmpf..packages.ubuntu.com is down :(15:51
ScottKmok0: No.  It works well with other MTAs that provide an interface that's appropriate.15:52
ScottKmok0: lamont and I have discussed making it conflict with postfix, but he wanted to discuss that with the mailscanner maintainer in Debian first.15:52
mok0ScottK: I was just thinking that, but wouldn't it be an abuse of that tag?15:53
RainCTmok0: http://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=contents&keywords=install.mak&mode=path&suite=stable&arch=any15:53
RainCTmok0: it doesn't build-depend on itself, but on libestools1.2-dev15:54
mok0RainCT: ah I stand corrected15:54
sebnerRainCT: I already told him to install de build-deps ^^ maybe he missunderstood ^^15:54
mok0RainCT: but the build-deps should be installed automatically by sbuild15:55
mok0sebner: ^15:55
\shScottK, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/amd64/libgif-dev/4.1.4-2 <- but it's not in the archive -> http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/giflib/+15:55
\shtwo versions15:56
\shone in main15:56
\shone in universe for gutsy15:56
mok0RainCT: will you fix festival then?15:56
\shand I think that fails now15:56
ScottK2That's not good.15:56
\shthat -EDAMNCRAP15:57
ScottK2How to fix?15:57
\shit should find the build-dep15:57
ScottK2We can get a give-back via DRU.15:57
\shbecause the package is already there15:57
ScottK2Can't type15:57
RainCTmok0: I'm trying if it works with pbuilder..15:57
Hobbseedo you need a sru for a giveback?15:57
mok0RainCT: cool15:57
\shScottK, is it building in your pbuilder ?15:57
ScottK2I did, after release.15:58
ScottK2\sh: I didn't check it, jdong did.15:58
sebnerRainCT: mok0: I'm always test building and it worked :)15:58
\shjdong, did it build in your pbuilder?15:58
\shor sbuild?15:58
mbtDoes anyone know if it is possible to get gdb to log each line of code as it executes when controlling a program?  I am trying to debug an interaction between two patches in a package and I am coming up needing more help from the debugger in doing so.15:58
mok0sebner: but did you use a pbuilder?15:58
sebnermok0: yep15:58
mok0sebner: weird15:59
sebnermok0: dunno. But you can be sure that I'm test-building *everything*. Also the syncs that you are ACKing ;)15:59
mok0sebner: you said something about having to install festival first16:00
sebnermok0: the build-deps of festival16:00
sebnermok0: for debuild16:00
mok0sebner: and why should I do that? sbuild handles it16:01
sistpoty|workmbt: not too sure, but you could set breakpoints and single-step then16:01
sebnersistpoty|work: heya :D16:01
sistpoty|workhi sebner16:01
sebnermok0: good question ^^16:01
\shScottK, it FTBFS because of the very same issue on my sbuild16:01
mok0sebner: there must be a missing build-dep16:01
mbtyeah, i basically need to get an overview of what's going on.  I am working with some breakpoints, but it seems that doing that changes the behavior of the app too lol16:01
ScottK2\sh: I'm trying it now on my i386.16:01
\shScottK, sbuild says it doesn't work...pls try a pbuilder ;)16:01
sebnermok0: we'll se16:02
mok0sebner: yup16:02
ScottK2\sh: I'm using pbuilder16:02
\shScottK, good :)16:02
\shScottK, and afaics it should work...if not we have a serious problem with our archives16:04
\shScottK, regarding https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/giflib/ it should just work16:05
ScottK2On i386 in pbuilder it found all the deps and is building16:05
mok0sebner: /me grabs mindi16:05
\shScottK, it found libungif I think16:05
\shnot libgif16:05
* ScottK2 looks16:06
\shwhen pbuilder didn't fix the build-dep "or" reading from left to right...pbuilder was known to read from right to left16:06
sebnermok0: :). it's just funny that cesare always adds comments but is not doing the review  ^^16:06
ScottK2That part had already scrolled out of the backscroll, so I'll do it again.16:07
mok0sebner: he's the big man16:07
\shScottK, create a log file .)16:07
ScottK2that would have been the smart thing to do.16:08
\shScottK, sbuild does it automatically send it to my inbox ;)16:09
ScottK2\sh: libgif-dev libgif416:09
\shScottK, check your apt cache dir for the package and move it out of the way...16:10
\shScottK, my sbuild uses for gutsy clean archive.ubuntu.com Packages files...so it gets it directly from the server and if sbuild doesn't work...we are in trouble16:11
ScottK2Trying again16:13
bdmurrayIs there were I would poke somebody for sponsorship of a package update?16:14
\shok.../me comes back a bit later...meeting16:14
sistpoty|workbdmurray: either ask here, or subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors for universe/multiverse to a bug (or do both ;))16:15
ScottK2\sh: Yep.  It's different libungif4-dev libungif4g16:15
sistpoty|work(bug with a debdiff)16:15
ScottK2\sh: But it's still building16:15
bdmurrayI've subscribed the sponsors to bug 204457 and it has a debdiff.16:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204457 in bughelper "no longer respects dontlist in info files" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20445716:16
bdmurrayIts the Bug Helper project that has the fix not Hardy yet.16:16
RainCTmok0, sebner: builds fine with pbuilder16:16
mok0RainCT: did you make any changes to it?16:16
RainCTmok0: no16:17
RainCTmok0: which is indeed weird is that you need to have package libestools1.2-dev installed in order to be able to debuild the package (to get the new .dsc/.diff.gz)16:18
RainCTmok0: but if also seen this with some other packages before so I'm not sure if that's OK or not..16:19
ScottK2It's evil, but sometimes done to build-dep on yourself.16:19
mok0RainCT: it is evil16:19
ScottK2screenlets is another example.16:19
sistpoty|workRainCT: as long as it is in the build-deps, it's ok16:20
RainCTbtw, is there some page that explains what exactly "debuild -S" does?16:20
ScottK2RainCT: It's dpkg-buildpackage -S + lintian + debsign16:21
ScottK2Technically it's not actually +debsign because it's got it's own, different, implementation IIRC, but that's the effect.16:21
RainCTnew question, what does "dpkg-buildpackage -S" do? (internally, not what it is for) :P16:24
ScottKMakes the source package (creates .diff.gz, .dsc, .changes, etc.).  I think there's a man page with details.16:25
sistpoty|workbasically it's a wrapper around dpkg-source16:26
sistpoty|workrunning debian/rules clean beforehand16:27
sistpoty|workand setting a few options16:27
RainCTScottK, sistpoty|work: Thanks :). I was just wondering if it does something strange beside "debian/rules clean" and comparing the files to the orig.tar.gz16:29
sistpoty|workRainCT: none that I know of, but I'm not too good at reading perl :P16:29
sistpoty|workzul: did you test the new iscsitarget yet?16:35
zulsistpoty|work: no I dont have the hardware16:36
sistpoty|workhm... meh16:36
ScottKzul: You going to make soren test it then?16:36
ScottKI thought he was Mr. Iscsi.16:36
zulScottK: if he had the hardware handy where he was at the momment then sure16:37
\shScottK, yes...the wonder of pbuilder and reading build-deps the other way around ;)16:37
zulScottK: there shouldnt be any regressions it mostly so users can use it on hardy16:37
_rubenif only i had my iscsi up and runnning yet, would've loved to lend a helping hand16:37
\shScottK, actually we have a problem with sbuild and/or our archives for gutsy...I had this issue with a package in dapper16:37
RainCTErr http://ftp.uni-muenster.de hardy/universe totem-xine 2.22.0-0ubuntu3 403 Forbidden16:37
zulScottK: besides we use open-iscsi rather then iscsitarget16:38
RainCTis this "normal" or is it some problem with the mirror?16:38
_rubenzul: erm .. one's an initiator and the other a target16:38
\shRainCT, do you get the package from archive.ubuntu.com?16:38
RainCT\sh: haven't tried, I'm using http://ftp.uni-muenster.de as mirror16:38
ScottKzul: OK.  Please find a guinea pig to test it.16:39
_rubenbtw .. iscsitarget doesnt require any special hardware16:39
\shRainCT, try the archive.ubuntu.com...it could be a simple out of sync right now16:39
RainCT\sh: I can just get it from the website (http://archive.ubuntu.com/...), or?16:39
_rubeniscsitarget is what makes your hardware special so to speak16:40
\shRainCT, yepp16:40
RainCT\sh: that works, thanks16:42
=== tonyyarusso is now known as anthony
RainCTsebner, mok0: festival uploaded, let's see if it works :)16:43
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\shRainCT, kick muenster mirror ftp admin ;)16:44
sebnerRainCT: hrhr. I hope. well I haven't had any problems with it. thx btw :)16:44
=== anthony is now known as tonyyarusso
\shRainCT, and why the hell are you using a ost-westfalen-lippe server? ,-)16:44
RainCT\sh: lol. dunno, I used that "autodetect the fastest server" thing16:45
\shRainCT, hmm? where are you now?16:45
RainCT\sh: that's in System -> Administration -> Software Sources16:46
RainCT\sh: yes, "download from: [another...]",  "choose the best server"16:48
mok0hmm I just uploaded htmlgen wtf happened to it?16:48
mok0Ah, it's in main :-(16:49
sebnerafflux: morning? damn you! :D :D :D :P16:50
affluxyeah, right. My day started ~11h ago ;)16:51
sebnerafflux: hrhr16:51
sebnermok0: any complains? I don't want to stop RainCT uploading festival16:51
mok0sebner: no no16:51
sebnermok0: good boy :P16:52
sebnerRainCT: go go go :)16:52
mok0sebner: I was happy to get that stupid package off my hands ;-P16:52
sebnermok0: hrhr. maybe you should remaing with syncs? ^^16:53
mok0sebner: don't push your luck16:56
\shScottK, see #ubuntu-devel :)16:57
sebnermok0: ^^. would maybe be good if you also look at my merges to be a *real* sponsor though16:57
mok0sebner: Good idea16:58
mok0For some reason, I end up doing merges for main16:58
mok0sebner: which is less fun16:59
sebnermok0: why?16:59
mok0sebner: because I don't get to upload :-P16:59
sebnermok0: lol. ^^ IIRC I never did a main merge yet. hmm17:00
\shRainCT, no I meant where are you living now? if it's not germany, it's strange ;)17:00
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sebner\sh: Catalonia alias Spain xD17:00
\shsebner, so it's very strange...;)17:01
sebner\sh: btw, any progress on wine 0.59? Yesterday I talked to Scott. Means to have regressions and other crap17:02
\shsebner, yepp...I discussed this with scott...there are some things which are not ok...e.g. systray17:03
\shsebner, we have to check if it's possible to repair this again for 0.9.59..17:03
sebner\sh: ah yep. What do you thing. hardcore fixing or 0.58?17:03
\shsebner, wine is not as easy as it seems...it's scott decision now, but my feeling says: if we can't fix those nasty buggers which worked before, stay with 0.9.5817:04
\shand provide 0.9.59 via backports (or any later version)17:04
sebner\sh: seems to be the best then17:05
\shbut that's only my feeling because I had the very same decision in the past with amarok....and amarok was main ;)17:05
sebner\sh: amarok rocks ^^17:05
\shnot if you had a new upstream version 2 days before final ubuntu release ;)17:06
sebner\sh: btw. a stupid question. yes we have scott. but why we never took the packages from debian?17:06
sebner\sh: lol. it's clear that that couldn't work ^^17:06
\shsebner, nope..during breezy Mark wanted to get scotts packages...and he wanted scott to be the one...so I was the one who catched scott packages and prepared them for breezy17:07
sebner\sh: any reason for that decision?17:08
megabyte405hey, is anyone here following the abiword 2.6 progress?  I'm Ryan Pavlik, the packager17:08
sebnermegabyte405: slangasek I think17:10
\shsebner, dunno...debians packages are very complicated regarding the packages they provide...scotts packages were easy and well known in the wine debian community (as third party)...and actually da sabdfl wanted them, he got them :) and I'm happy with this decision17:11
sebner\sh: yes sure. just wanted to know :)17:11
megabyte405ok - well, just wondering, in the 2.6 series libwv (our library for reading word files) stopped being included in the main source tarball (the old source tarball being a big ol' conglomeration of things).  Unfortunately, Ubuntu has libwv-1.2 (the version we need) in Universe, which won't do.17:11
megabyte405We're getting an MIR ready, considering that before the code was basically just pasted into the AbiWord package and so reasonably a better solution should enjoy the same main-ness as the old solution, but I'm wondering if there's anyone familiar enough with things that we can save some time here17:12
\shmegabyte405, duplicated sources we try to avoid...imho that's why it got removed from the upstream tar ball..and having abiword in main, we can't build against universe packages...17:13
\shmegabyte405, most probably our core dev decided, that libwv is not a source which can be maintained for over 3 years...17:13
megabyte405\sh: I'm with upstream, and so I do know that that was one of the reasons we took it out of that tarball17:13
megabyte405\sh: I'm going to imagine that since in the previous release it wasn't used (older versions being used/included) it wasn't needed by a main package, but as it's an integral part of abiword, it's being very carefully maintained17:14
pmjdebruijnI'm trying to package an alternate version of troff (heirloom troff)17:14
mok0ScottK: you may want to take a look at bug 156158 for scribus, which you've uploaded earlier, it has a debdiff attached17:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 156158 in scribus "In Gutsy Gibbon, Url in Scribus does not launch Firefox" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15615817:14
pmjdebruijnhowever, /usr/bin/troff is already owned by groff-base17:14
pmjdebruijnshould I use debian alternatives? if so, shouldn't groff-base support it as well?17:15
megabyte405DomL, the maintainer, is also the abiword maintainer, and he keeps everything running smoothly with wv17:15
pmjdebruijnor should I install heirloom troff as htroff?17:15
\shmegabyte405, well, main is being supported by canonical, so for every package in main, it needs a main inclusion report, and a decision made by <please ask in #ubuntu-devel who that is> who knows if libwv is good for main (means support for at least 3 years, regarding the version in hardy)17:16
megabyte405\sh: yep, am aware of those things, just was curious if someone oculd offer a quick opinion17:17
megabyte405will keep on going withthe MIR info and ask in #ubuntu-devel too17:17
\shmegabyte405, so best is, please address it on #ubuntu-devel :) and my opinion: we have openoffice which works very well with word files ;)17:17
megabyte405that's not a solution for me, however ;) - will ask on  -devel17:18
sorenzul: iscsitarget is the iscsi server. You can just test it with open-iscsi as the initiator.17:19
_rubenthats more or less what i tried to say earlier :)17:20
* sistpoty|work heads home... cya17:21
megabyte405perhaps a more -motu question: why is my ppa building against a newer version of cairo than I have in my installation of Hardy?17:22
* \sh heads home too...17:22
megabyte405(as evinced by the fact I can't install the package i just built)17:22
\shmegabyte405, url?17:22
\shyour lp ppa page ;)17:22
RainCT\sh: Ah. Near Barcelona :P17:22
\shRainCT, I said before...strange ;)17:23
RainCTah sebner already answered17:23
mok0byebyebye for now17:23
RainCT\sh: and it isn't that strange.. Spanish mirrors suck :P17:23
zulsoren: ok gotcha17:23
\shmegabyte405, which version of cairo?17:24
jdong\sh: it built in my pbuilder17:24
* jdong looks17:24
\shjdong, yeah...it's a problem reading the build deps in pbuilder, still...we need to get rid of libgif-dev build-dep for gutsy17:24
james_wmegabyte405: cairo was uploaded about an hour ago, maybe it hasn't hit your mirror17:25
james_wmegabyte405: have you apt-get updated?17:25
megabyte405ah, right - see discussion aobut spanish mirrors sucking17:25
\shjdong, afaiks fontforge clashed with libgif (because of some strange deps) and that's why it FTBFS on sbuild17:25
\shRainCT, well, ping <your spanish mirror> and ping <mirror of uni-muenster> ;)17:26
jdong\sh: ah, that's plausible17:26
\shjdong, so changing for gutsy the libgif-dev | libungif-dev to libungif-dev | libgif-dev (or removing the libgif-dev b-d completly) solves the problem17:26
\shjdong, which means, ScottK needs to do a small source change upload to backports for wine ;)17:27
jdong\sh: heh, sounds silly, but I guess reasonable. ScottK time :)17:27
\shjdong, actually it is...and it's because sbuild is resolving the build-deps and deps of the included other build-dep (primary and secondary ones) totally different then pbuilder17:28
\shjdong, the best thing to do: fixing pbuilder to the same dep resolving mechanism as sbuild, so everybody can see the same results as on our buildds17:29
jdong\sh: agreed17:29
jdong\sh: the aptitude pbuilder satisfier is nice for speed but that's all useless if it doesn't simulate our build env properly17:29
\shjdong, fun part, even the apt-get satisfier works the same ;)17:30
\shjdong, I sweared pbuilder many times because of that17:30
RainCT\sh: atm es.archive.ubuntu.com doesn't even answer.. 25 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 24039ms lol17:30
\shRainCT, wow17:30
RainCT(you've to consider my crappy connection too, but the other one works)17:31
RainCT12 packets transmitted, 12 received, 0% packet loss, time 33823ms17:31
\shRainCT, and archive.ubuntu.com directly ?17:31
RainCTwell this isn't really the best connection to test from.. each time I try I get a different time from ftp.uni-muenster.de17:32
RainCT9 packets transmitted, 9 received, 0% packet loss, time 20827ms   for archive.ubuntu.com17:33
RainCT\sh: well, anyway, it's not only me who recommends German/French mirrors17:34
RainCT\sh: if you ask in cat.ubuntuforums.org or some other LoCo place they'll probably tell you the same17:34
\shRainCT, hmm...well, yes, germany has some very good mirror servers...17:35
\shwith a lot of bandwidth sponsored by hard working tax payers like me ;)17:35
\shso....now /me needs to head home ;)17:36
\shcu later17:36
RainCT\sh: heh :)17:36
RainCTsee you17:36
ScottK\sh or jdong: debdiff me and I'll upload it.17:45
zulsoren: easier I uploaded to my ppa and getting the guy who opened the bug to test17:48
norsettoif I see another bug report on launchpad-integration I will start crying17:57
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stanipochu: are you there?18:21
pochustani: short of18:21
staniI just did dput18:22
staniit said "Not running dinstall."18:22
staniis that ok?18:22
pochuI think so18:22
staniAlso: Package includes an .orig.tar.gz file although the debian revision suggests18:23
stanithat it might not be required. Multiple uploads of the .orig.tar.gz may be18:23
stanirejected by the upload queue management software.18:23
pochuthat's ok18:23
stanican I track somewhere progress?18:23
pochuthat's because for Debian, you must not upload the .orig.tar.gz if it's already in the archive (e.g. if it's -2 instead -1)18:23
pochustani: it should already be in your PPA18:23
pochuhmm, it's not there yet18:24
stanibut I did dput source.changes and it uploaded orig.tar.gz by itself18:24
pochustani: what command did you run?18:24
stanidput /home/stani/sync/python/phatch/packaging/debian/phatch_0.1.3-0ubuntu1~ppa1_source.changes18:24
pochubtw, we are off-topic here, let's move to a query18:24
pochustani: have you seen my messages?18:27
zulScottK: tested and it works fine18:27
stanipochu: which messages? about ppa?18:27
pochustani: yes18:28
pochustani: in a privmsg18:28
stanipochu: me too18:28
pochustani: are you identified on freenode?18:28
pochuerr you aren't18:28
staniwhat does that mean?18:28
pochustani: I haven't seen any message from you then :)18:29
pochustani: /msg NickServ help identify18:29
stanijust did that and now?18:29
pochustani: it means you aren't "logged in" and thus you can't send privmsgs18:29
pochustani: it should explain you how to identify18:29
norsettozul: bug 208281 you mean?18:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 208281 in iscsitarget "iscsitarget will not compile" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20828118:30
pochustani: join #heya18:30
staniwait, I log out and log in again18:30
zulnorsetto: yep18:31
emgenthello people18:32
stanipochu: I am back.18:32
norsettozul: isn't that a sync btw?18:32
norsettohi emgent18:32
zulno its a merge18:32
emgentsomeone can help me to write python-launchpad-bugs cookies support in anteater tool ?18:32
RainCTemgent: what do you mean?18:38
norsettozul: and why would that be a merge?18:40
emgentRainCT: i saw last jdstrand commit for solve firefox3 cookies problem18:41
zulbecause it came from merges.ubuntu.com18:41
emgentbut i dont found docs for write support18:41
emgenti need little help :)18:41
norsettozul: then Mom is wrong ....18:42
emgentRainCT: i'd like complete it first of UDS18:43
norsettozul: looks like all our changes are now in debian, as a matter of fact your debdiff only contains the maintainer change18:43
zulnorsetto: fine..18:43
sebnerzul: yeah. sync sync sync :D18:44
slangaseknxvl: ping? (re: bug #159371)18:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 159371 in sysvinit "Default MOTD for server should point to documentation URL" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15937118:46
RainCTemgent: if you have  Obj = Connector.ConnectBugList()  or  Obj = Connector.ConnectBug()  you can then do  Bug.authentication = launchpad_auth_cookie  where launchpad_auth_cookie is the path to the cookie file. Is this what you mean?18:53
emgentthekorn reply to me in query :)18:54
emgentthanks Rin :)18:55
nxvlslangasek: pong18:55
slangaseknxvl: hi, seen my latest follow-up there? can you confirm that the change I've suggested is correct?  I'd like to get this uploaded today if possible18:57
nxvlslangasek: yes, i have just replied18:58
slangasekok, thanks :)18:58
nxvlslangasek: i thought it should be the new md5sum and added that one18:58
slangasekso you agree that the change I proposed is correct?  Shall I go ahead and upload?18:59
nxvlslangasek: yes i do19:01
nxvlslangasek: if you want i can change it19:01
slangaseknxvl: I already have the change locally, so I can say you changed it and uploaded it anyway :)19:02
slangasekoh, one other thing - since this is really the md5sum from gutsy, not hardy, perhaps we should also label it "7.10 gutsy"?19:02
nxvlslangasek: :D19:02
slangasek(I meant to say that already in the bug report, but failed)19:02
nxvlthats what i was thinking also19:03
nxvli don't really know how it works, but i think that too19:03
slangasekI think it's just a label, but we might as well make it a useful label19:03
slangaseknxvl: oh, haha, *one* more little thing - I just noticed that you put a space before the : in /etc/motd, which is incorrect in English orthography... do you mind if I change that too? :-)19:05
xtknightumm i'm having issues compiling epiphany-extensions from source19:05
xtknighton amd6419:05
xtknightwhen i try it in a pbuilder, the configure keeps looping over and over, and i get this message. configure: error: Unknown gecko "libxul" specified19:05
slangaseknxvl: ?19:09
* nxvl look19:11
nxvlsorry about that19:11
slangasekno problem19:11
slangasekI should have noticed it in an earlier revision anyway :)19:12
slangaseknxvl: uploading, thanks for your contribution to Ubuntu :)19:12
nxvlthanks for your sponsoring :D19:13
ScottKnorsetto: re launchpad-integration bugs: Just don't look.  Since (AFAIK) there's no proper documentation of Launchpad APIs, what we can do from the outside is really limited.19:13
RainCTthere are some examples and such on the wiki, but I don't remember where..19:13
xtknightweird...getting different errors compiling epiphany-extensions depending on where i try it.  does anyone else mind trying it?19:17
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2
ScottK2norsetto: ping19:18
stanipochu: can I follow somewhere progress after I imported to launchpad?19:20
colinlhello \sh :)19:40
yannick_1mhi there19:42
colinl\sh: there's one new launchpad bug on claws-mail that has a patch, if you want to/can take care of it :) : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/claws-mail/+bug/21396019:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213960 in claws-mail "claws-mail crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:42
norsettoscottk2: hi there20:01
ScottKI was going to ask you to ack an FFe, then I realized it was just bug fixes.20:04
ScottKnorsetto: Are you coming to UDS?20:04
norsettoscottk okki, yes, I'm indeed20:04
ScottKThen we'll get to meet finally.20:04
norsettoscottk: :-)20:04
ScottKWe can discuss the old MOTUs like mok0.20:04
norsettoscootk: oh man, he is ANCIENT ;-)20:05
norsettoscottk: dinosaurs were still roaming the earth when he was born (I'll have to buy you both a budweiser then)20:06
ScottK2Yes.  He's IIRC ~8 years older than we are.  I don't know if he's coming.20:06
slangaseka budweiser or a budějovický?20:07
sebnerScottK: norsetto : then show respect :P20:07
norsettoslangasek: if the first is the USA version, the second ;-)20:07
* slangasek grins20:08
* ScottK2 too20:09
* tsmithe pokes slomo20:21
stanipochu: are you there?20:26
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emgentheya blueyed21:11
emgentblueyed: bug #21413721:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 214137 in python-launchpad-bugs "[internal server error] while trying to file a bug" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21413721:12
ScottKYokoZar: Does iTunes work yet?21:14
YokoZarScottK: The latest version does, yeah.  It can only sync with older ipods though (which are just USB mass storage devices) - newer ipods and iphones are weirder21:15
emgentwith wine ?21:16
pschorfi'm working on bug 209982 (creating a debdiff file) and the source for xmlstarlet doesn't have a debian/patches folder.  Can I just make one to put the patch into?21:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 209982 in xmlstarlet "many -N options gets dropped for command-line" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20998221:16
YokoZaremgent: yes, with Wine21:16
emgentok, thanks YokoZar :)21:17
pochustani: I'm now21:17
stanipochu: good news: I managed to get a hardy ppa for phatch, but ...21:18
stanipochu: unfortunately the bad news is, I don't manage to put up a gutsy ppa (or feisty or ...)21:19
ScottKYokoZar: Cool.  Maybe that'll get one kid off of Windows entirely.  Her iPod is a year and a half old.21:19
stanipochu: upload for gutsy gets rejected: MD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification.21:19
YokoZarScottK: no kidding.  iTunes is what was holding my girlfriend back too.21:19
ScottKCurrently the PC the kids use dual boots for iTunes and they must get explicit permission to be in the "other" OS.21:20
stanipochu: what I did is change the changelog from hardy to gutsy run again debuild and upload with dput21:20
ScottKstani: You need to use a different version number too.21:20
ScottKstani: I usually add ~$RELEASE~ppa$REVISION to my PPA uploads21:21
staniversion number for hardy is 0.1.3-0ubuntu1~ppa121:21
ScottKSo make the next one 0.1.3-0ubuntu1~gutsy~ppa121:22
staniwill try again, thanks a lot21:22
ScottKThat'll give it a lower version number than an official backport if you do one of those21:22
pochustani: is the .orig.tar.gz the same?21:23
ScottKpochu: That's the same error you get if you reuse a version number.  Guess how I know ....21:23
pochustani: i.e. are the md5sum from the .changes files matching?21:23
pochuScottK: ah, true21:23
pochustani: ^-- you need to change the version... use something like 1.1-1~feisty1, for example21:24
james_wdoes anyone have an up-to-date Debian unstable box to hand?21:24
pochuor whatever, but not the same one21:24
staniScottK: Will that give a problem when we go from the Zutsy Zallow to the Ancient Avantgarde? (just hypothecical in a far future)21:24
pochustani: then use ~7.04 :)21:24
ScottKIn theory21:25
ScottKWe do use ~gutsy/~feisty etc for official backports, so I think it's fine21:25
pochubut in practice not, as by then you won't be at 1.121:25
stanipochu: ok, so the version number is 0.1.3-0ubuntu1~7.04~ppa121:25
pochuthat's fine, yes21:25
ScottKIs that a higher or lower version number than ~gutsy?21:26
staniScottK: I think lower21:26
stanipochu: the orig.tar.gz is the same of course. Should it change?21:27
ScottKThat's fine.21:27
pochustani: no, it should remain the same21:28
keescook\sh: geh, I'm sorry to be catching this so late, but there may be an interaction between a security settings that stopped working early in hardy and wine.21:34
staniNow I get with debuild: Undefined subroutine &Dpkg::Version::_g called at /usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/Version.pm line 20421:34
keescook\sh: basically, the /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr was working early in hardy when AppArmor wasn't enabled.21:34
keescook\sh: I just now noticed that it isn't working (I'm getting it fixed shortly)21:35
keescook\sh: wine loads most things okay, but reports warnings from the prelinker about not being able to reserve memory.21:35
ScottKkeescook: YokoZar will also be interested in that.21:36
keescookYokoZar: oops, I had mis-remembered your nick.  I was trying Z<tab>  ;)21:36
YokoZarkeescook: Ahh yes we talked about that at UDS a bit21:36
keescookYokoZar: yeah, I'm terribly sorry this is so late.  :(21:36
keescookYokoZar: you can test it now by booting with apparmor.enabled=0 on the kernel command line.21:37
keescookthat will cause the default kernel security system to be used, which implements mmap_min_addr correctly.21:37
YokoZarkeescook: And that would allow Wine to reserve those memory areas?21:37
keescookYokoZar: that will make it behave like I had intended.  To allow those regions, one just needs to change /etc/sysctl.conf's entry for mmap_min_addr21:38
keescookYokoZar: however, most Wine program shouldn't need that region of memory.21:38
YokoZarYeah I think it's for DOS compatibility or something equally archaic21:38
keescookso I was hoping Wine would handle it more gracefully, but I don't know that part of the codebase at all.21:38
keescookyeah, exactly.21:38
YokoZarI'm pretty sure Wine does it's best (those are, after all, warnings and not errors in prelink)21:38
keescookwhen I tested just now, e.g. notepad is fine, but wine spews errors about the first meg of DOS memory21:39
YokoZarThe one thing that might be an issue is weird copy protection, which Wine also uses prelink for21:39
YokoZarBut I don't know how to test those exactly21:39
YokoZarAnd Wine only handles some of them right anyway21:39
keescookI guess what I'm getting at is that once this is fixed in AppArmor, wine will always spew errors about that memory region, which might scare people.  :P21:39
YokoZarTrue, but only when run from the terminal ;)21:40
ScottKkeescook: People being scared when running wine: Bug or Feature?21:41
keescookokay, cool.  I just wanted to give you a heads-up, since it was a rather late change.21:41
keescookScottK: haha, yes, good point.21:41
YokoZarWine is already scary when run from the terminal because of all the fixmes it inevitably dumps out21:45
keescookheh, good point.21:45
staniI solved it. Will try dput now.21:47
ScottKstani: What was the problem?21:48
staniScottK: Just me messing around. I moved the files in a separate folder, cd to it and deleted the folder. The terminal got disconnected.21:51
staniScottK: just reopening the terminal in the right folder solved it21:51
staniThis time accepted! Let's see if it wants to build.21:52
staniI like to change the version number of the already build package for hardy in the ppa so it also reflects the distrorelease. What would be the best way? Delete the package?21:55
blueyedemgent: re #214317. Doesn't this happen on commit()?=22:01
blueyedemgent: it's caused by a missing LP cookie.. I had to get cookies for "lp" and "edge" (only had "edge" before)22:02
emgentblueyed: add comment :)22:07
emgenti add lp cookie autentication in anteater with thekorn22:08
emgentbut he saw another problem22:08
staniScottK: Do you know what means 1010 in Pending (1010) message for PPA?22:24
ScottKIt means publisher hasn't run yet.  It's normal.  Just needs some patience22:24
staniJust try to understand.22:26
ScottKThe publisher pushes packages out to the archive on a periodic (Don't recall when).22:26
cody-somervilleI think it is the 15th of every hour IIRC22:27
staniBut is 1010 or 1005 a message id?22:28
staniHi cody-somerville: Congratulations with Xubuntu!22:29
cody-somervillestani, Thanks :)22:29
staniI am on xubuntu hardy right now ;-) (my old laptop pentium |||)22:29
emgenthehe Xubuntu people r0cks22:30
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare18
=== Flare18 is now known as Flare183
staniScottK: Phatch refuses to build on dapper as python-central is missing. Is there an easy work around?22:45
ScottKstani: No easy one.  You need to make debian/rules with debhelper.22:46
ScottKDapper was transitional and the new python policy was only partly implemented in it.22:48
staniOK, than I leave it. So python-central exists on Edgy?22:48
ScottKstani: You know you can do backports to and get better exposure.22:48
ScottK!backports | stani22:48
ubotustani: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging22:48
staniSeems good, but I just called my PPA repositories "bleeding edge" ;-)22:51
staniSo it is meant for people who want the latest bugs ;-)22:51
jdong I call em Personal Packaging Atrocities22:53
jdongbecause that's what I usually put in em :D22:53
ScottKBut if you want the Hardy package in the earlier releases, backports is a good way to do it.22:53
ScottKPersonally, I think they're good for testing when you know the person that's running the PPA, but I wouldn't want to just use software from random PPAs.22:54
staniYes, so we can wait some time after Hardy is released and see if not serious bugs arise.22:54
ScottKFair enough.22:54
staniScottK: I guess you don't dare to use my PPA's22:54
ScottKI like to stick to the Ubuntu repos for production use.22:55
staniI am just joking22:55
ScottKSo far skype and acrobat are my only exceptions.22:55
staniwhat do you use medibuntu?22:55
jdongthat's what I use...22:55
norsettooh well, g'night all22:56
emgentblueyed: here?22:59
ScottKstani: Since I live in a country where distribution and use of some of the stuff that medibuntu distributes is illegal, I'm unlikely to have an opinion on it.23:02
ScottKActually illegal is to strong.23:03
ScottKA civil wrong is a better way to put it.23:03
staniScottK: Problem with Edgy: "Missing dependencies:                 debhelper (>= 5.0.38)                            "23:04
jdongnah, illegal I think is the correct term to describe it23:04
jdongif you download the right (err, wrong) things in medibuntu23:04
ScottKjdong: Well I don't think you can be criminally charged, just sued in civil court, but I could be wrong.23:05
staniScottK: Can I just lower the version number. If yes, to which version for edgy?23:05
ScottKstani: It's probably that for a reason.23:05
ScottKYou can try it.23:05
ScottKstani: You might look at debian/changelog for debhelper and see if there's anything in 5.0.38 that you need.23:06
crimsunyes, it's dh_python23:06
crimsunkinda sad that I remember the 5.0.38 requirement from "back then"23:07
staniI'll leave it. I prefer to play a bit more with gstreamer. I never got a request for Edgy.23:07
emgent7query blueyed23:15
jdongare rmadison queries expensive on the servers?23:16
jdongI have this basic pre-backporting script that uses a sqlite-backed cache to query the various package versions available to test if a package is backportable23:18
jdongI don't wanna be an ass to the poor rmadison servers23:18
ajmitchthat's a fun feature of update-manager, offering to start a new sshd for me in case I royally break things :)23:24
jdongit does?23:25
ajmitchyeah, because I'd started it via ssh23:26
jdongdidn't know that23:27
Nafalloit rocks :-)23:29
jdongok quick poll: Will any angry mobs form if I add a MUTILATE_BUILD_DEPS non-default parameter to prevu?23:30
jdongwhose functionality will sed out versions on versioned build deps, mostly aimed for people building packages personally for themselves?23:31
=== danielm_ is now known as danielm
ScottKjdong: I think adding to crack is like adding to infinity.  crack + crack = crack.23:55

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