
BockBilboive just removed the log files for postfix and courier at /var/log/ and wanted to create empty ones00:53
BockBilboanyone here knows which are the file permissions for thos files?00:54
BockBilbo/var/log/mail.log, mail.info, mail.warn and mail.err y think00:54
BockBilboi also need to know the owners if its possible ... thanks00:54
mathiazBockBilbo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62474/ - on hardy01:00
BockBilbothanks mathiaz01:01
donspauldinghow can I tell if anacron is running my /etc/cron.daily/* jobs?01:04
BockBilboanacron = cron?01:05
BockBilboif so, just create a simple script to add a timestamp to a file and check the file 2 or 3 days after lol01:05
donspauldingBockBilbo: I was actually looking to discover where cron logged to.  just syslog?01:06
mathiazdonspaulding: check in /var/log/syslog01:06
mathiazdonspaulding: anacron and cron are two different things01:06
donspauldingmathiaz: I thought anacron was just an alternative to cron.  anacron==cron where "cron" means the daemon that runs tasks on my system.01:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anacron - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:08
mathiazdonspaulding: check the description of the anacron package01:08
donspauldingmathiaz: will do01:08
donspauldingis there a way for me to find the date my system was installed?01:15
mathiazdonspaulding: /var/log/installer/01:15
donspauldingnevermind, ls -l /bin/sh gave it to me01:15
n6reji'm having a problem I think with my samba and dhcp config.01:16
n6rejI followed the directions, set network to dhcp and for somereason i can't ping the server from the server01:17
n6rejnor can I reach it from its name.01:17
donspauldingmathiaz: does ubuntu use anacron by default?01:19
mathiazdonspaulding: ubuntu-server - no01:20
mathiazdonspaulding: ubuntu-desktop yes01:21
donspauldinghmm, so anacron logs to a file the last time it ran a command, does crond do something similar?01:21
n6rejmathiaz: does something need to change in order for a server to recognize its ip from dhcp?01:21
mathiazdonspaulding: check /var/log/syslog01:21
donspauldingyeah, for some reason my /var/log/syslog hasn't changed since my install date, 5 months ago.01:22
mathiazn6rej: is your dns server setup correctly ?01:22
mathiazdonspaulding: and /var/log/messages ?01:22
mathiazdonspaulding: make sure that syslog is running01:23
n6rejmathiaz: honestly, probably not.. its just a lan server.. I'm pulling the ip from my router..01:23
n6rejmathiaz: its been several years since i've done this, I'm rusty as heck :(01:23
mathiazn6rej: then if you ping the hostname, it won't work01:23
n6rejmathiaz: right, i'm thinking that somehow I've got to tell /etc/hosts how to find the ip...01:23
* n6rej supposes he could put it back to static, as its really no problem... just was trying to be conistent01:24
mathiazn6rej: the hosts file on the server should have an entry for itself01:24
mathiazn6rej: under
infinityecho -e "\thost.domain\thost" >> /etc/hosts01:25
donspauldingmathiaz: ouch, it's not.  And I can't seem to start it.01:25
n6rejmathiaz: under 127 its localhost, but the next line is annabelle which was the static ip...01:25
infinity(But, uh, that's silly if you're DHCP isn't static DHCP)01:25
donspauldingI'm actually installing it now, even though the /etc/init.d script was in place01:25
n6rejinfinity: so I should just put it back to static?01:26
donspauldingmathiaz: I can probably track things down from here, thanks for all your help.01:27
infinityn6rej: Up to you... The only static host in my network is my DHCP server... On the other hand, all the rest are "semi-static" (assigned by MAC), and my DNS server knows about all of them.01:27
n6rejinfinity: well dhcp is server by the router.01:28
* n6rej ugh can't type what I'm thinking01:28
n6rejthe router is the network dhcp server01:28
* n6rej least its supposed to be the only dhcp server01:28
n6rejand samba on my lan sever is serving as a WINS server01:29
n6rejinfinity: can you take the time to help me get my dns setup right?01:30
mathiazn6rej: check the Dns section in the Server Guide : https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/dns.html01:32
sommerheh, just going to recommend that :)01:32
sommern6rej: the DNS section in the for hardy is probably better though: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/index.html01:33
sommershould be the same if you're running gutsy01:33
BockBilbowell, thanks again mathiaz01:34
BockBilboim going to bed01:34
n6rejsommer: i want a caching or secondary?01:34
sommerprobably just caching if you have an outside domain01:35
sommeryou could also setup a primary "internal" domain01:35
n6rejsommer: yeah i have several.. ok, i'll look at that.. i found ..http://www.redhat.com/magazine/025nov06/features/dns/01:37
n6rejsommer: which seems to be talking about what you just mentioned.01:37
sommeryep, it's all bind9 just differences in installation and configuration file location01:38
n6rejsommer: yeah, i'm looking at both documents to make sure i go the right places... I haven't touched this kinda stuff in 14 years :(01:40
* n6rej feels like a rusty hull on the bottom of the ocean :S01:40
sommerheh, just take baby steps :-)01:41
n6rejsommer: quick question.. right now my /etc/hosts file says01:42
n6rej127.0.0.1 localhost01:42
n6rej192.168.1.69 annabelle annabelle.lan01:42
n6rejnow that last entry is wrong now cause its not static anymore.01:43
n6rejso what do I do there?01:43
sommeryou could just comment it and change localhost to annebell annebell.lan01:45
n6rejsommer: ok great, cause i'm sure thats what the main problem was... ty01:45
n6rejnow to dns :D01:45
* n6rej nose to the grindstone time01:46
SaschaRedhow do I add someone to the sudoers files02:34
michalskido you have a gui?02:34
kgoetzSaschaRed: visudo02:35
* michalski forgets how02:35
SaschaRedis there a way to do it in nano02:35
michalskisudo nano /etc/sudoers02:36
michalskiwait...nope :P02:36
kgoetzSaschaRed: visudo uses the default editor, which on new ubuntus is nano02:36
SaschaRedwell this works too02:37
kgoetzstrictly i supposeit uses $EDITOR02:37
SaschaRedso where do I add the name02:37
kgoetzSaschaRed: what are you trying to do?02:37
SaschaRednever mind02:37
SaschaRedI got it02:37
SaschaRedthank you all02:40
mEck0Hi guys! I want to set up a server running Ubuntu Server, which I want to use for backup computers in the lan, version control systems (svn, mercurial...), and as a file server. I have a computer with a P2 300Mhz cpu, about 288MB SDRAM, IBM 8GB Bigfoot hdd (want to add another large disk too). Is it enough for this purpose? even as a fileserver in a small lan?03:41
sommermEck0: for that might be a little underpowered for a file server, but should do fine for the rest of the services you listed03:43
sommerfor me that is03:43
mEck0okay, so its maybe better to build a new server? or what should I do?03:44
sommerif you have another machine I'd seperate the file service from the rest03:44
mEck0it would be nice if I could play music/movies from the server through the network. So it is to slow for this?03:44
sommerya, I'd think you'd want more memory for that and a faster cpu03:45
mEck0Would a Intel Dual Core E2160 1.8GHz 800MHz 1MB cache with 1 or 2GB DDR2 be good?03:46
sommerheh, I'd think that would do fine... just fine :)03:46
mEck0=) fine like in overkill? :D03:46
sommerna, but you could probably combine all your services onto one machine with those specs03:47
mEck0okay, because those components are kind of cheap here03:47
sommerthan I'd definitely go bigger, better, faster03:48
mEck0you mean if you would build a new server, you would buy better stuff?03:48
sommerheh, the best that fits the budget03:49
lamontthe mailserver for my local lan is a dual PIII-93303:52
lamontwhich is normally very idle03:52
lamontOTOH, it just does mail and DNS03:53
mEck0wouldn't even be possible to play music from my 300Mhz computer from another on the lan?03:54
lamontgood question...  100MB lan, or 10MB? :)03:54
lamontthe real question is really one of disk and lan speed getting the bits to your machine, and then whether or not the CPU can process bits fast enough03:55
lamontthe slow box in the house is a P2-233, which is a print server and nothing more.03:55
lamontit pretty much is idle as well03:56
lamontinteresting... Upgraded from dapper to hardy, and the drives changed from hda to sda03:57
mEck0weird :S03:57
mEck0what do you think of if I use the 300Mhz server for everything I listed above except file server... I mean, would you use an so old hdd (8GB IBM Bigfoot) for backing up stuff? or do you think it's not reliable enough?04:01
lamont /dev/md2              27292844  11290200  14616244  44% /home04:02
lamontthat's the mail server, which has a small /home04:02
lamonton raid504:02
lamont /dev/md1             679749632 439431120 226510636  66% /home04:02
lamontthat one is more to my likiung04:02
lamontliking, even04:02
lamonthrm... I should clean that up some04:02
lamont8GB drives tend to hit the trash or get taken apart for the shiny shower-mirrors they have inside...04:03
mEck0ok, I see04:03
lamontOTOH, the P2-233 has a  6GB HD.04:04
lamontbut was a glorified lan-to-USB adapter when it went into service. :)04:04
lamontsince I couldn't get the USB cable to fit into the RJ45 connector.... :)04:05
lamontit's also listed as first against the wall, esp since said USB printer died.04:05
mEck0hehe =)04:06
lamontwhich is why it was the first machine I tested the dapper->hardy upgrade on.04:06
owhWhat's with the /topic? The https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerT page does not exist.04:39
* owh guesses that it was supposed to be: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam04:41
kgoetzits been cutoff04:41
sorenHmm... Yeah, I wonder when tat happened.04:58
owhI suppose we could go through the IRC logs if you really wanted to know :)04:59
owhWe could even "point" the finger :)04:59
sorenI just did.05:00
sorenIt's been a month!05:00
=== soren changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: Ubuntu Server discussion and support || For general (not server specific) support visit #ubuntu || Get involved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved || Guide to asking questions on IRC: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html || http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html || Be patient. Don't ask to ask, just ask. || server guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/ || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam
owhSo much for being observant around here :)05:05
kgoetzsif read /topic :p05:06
SaschaRedfor some reason my server is not forwarding correctly05:07
SaschaRedbut it's working inside the network05:07
lamontforwarding what?05:08
SaschaRedi can't see it outside of the net05:08
SaschaRedit's running apache05:08
kgoetzso have you setup your mode/mrouter yet?05:09
SaschaRedthe server is set as the DMZ05:09
SaschaRedweb is port 80 right05:10
SaschaRedwe are running ubuntu 7.10 server05:10
SaschaRedplease help we are almost crying :(05:11
SaschaRedi think our ISP may be blocking us05:14
sorenIf htat's the case, there's not much we can do to help.05:14
SaschaRedthat would piss me off05:15
kgoetztried running on a different port?05:16
SaschaRedwhat's the point for having a ten meg connection if the don't let you run servers on it05:16
SaschaRedkgoetz, I just PMed my buddy to switch the port05:16
sorenSaschaRed: Something's responding to ssh on that port.05:16
SaschaRedbut I think he may of fell asleep05:16
sorenThe authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.05:16
SaschaRedyeah ssh works05:17
sorenIs that the fingerprint of the server?05:17
SaschaRedthat's how I am in05:17
sorenWell, then it might very well be your ISP blocking it.05:17
SaschaRedwell I guess I am going to bed now05:18
SaschaRedi wonder if we can set the DNS to connect to a non standard port05:20
sorenTHat's not how DNS works :)05:22
sorenhttps might work, though (until they choose to close that, too).05:22
SaschaRedis there a way to proxy it05:23
sorenSure, if you have a host that's not blocked in the same way.05:24
kgoetzalthough proxying a server will be a pita05:25
n6reji'm having a heck of a time... I've followed the directions as closely as I know how and I can't access my server by its fdqn05:50
kgoetzfrom where, and how are you accessing it?05:51
n6rejkgoetz: same network but on a windows box05:51
n6rejwhen I ssh in via the ip and run for hname in annabelle; do host "$hname"; done it says it don't know anything about annabelle05:52
kgoetzso you ssh'd to the server, then ran host?05:54
n6rejkgoetz: yes'r05:55
n6rejkgoetz: b4 I spent hours with dns, I could use wins to get to it, but now I can't05:55
n6rejkgoetz: i also added 2 iptables rules if that matters05:56
kgoetzn6rej: pastebin the contents of /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname . also /etc/nsswitch.conf05:58
kgoetzn6rej: what dns server are you using?05:58
n6rejkgoetz: bind905:58
n6rejok, one moment plz05:58
kgoetzn6rej: do hostname lookups work when you disable the server?05:58
n6rejkgoetz: what do you mean?05:58
n6rejkgoetz: turn bind off?05:58
n6rejkgoetz: idk let me try that05:59
n6rejkgoetz: no by ip only06:00
n6rejkgoetz: wait06:00
n6rejit took a while but it finally did06:00
kgoetzso hostname works when bind is off?06:01
n6rejkgoetz: ok, i tried in apache annabelle.lan (failed ) www.annabelle.lan ( failed ) annabelle (sucessess )06:01
n6rejkgoetz: ssh, worked with annabelle also06:02
kgoetzn6rej: how are you advertising the name 'annabelle'?06:02
n6rejkgoetz: i'm not sure06:02
n6rejkgoetz: i'm using samba as a wins server and told my xp to use as my wins server06:03
kgoetzn6rej: have you pastebinned those files?06:03
n6rejkgoetz: should I tell the router the wins server ip also?06:03
n6rejkgoetz: no let me do that06:03
n6rejkgoetz: http://pastebin.com/m2a77f60506:04
kgoetzn6rej: change /etc/hostname to not have .lan on the end06:11
n6rejkgoetz: ok, that part is done06:12
kgoetzn6rej: now running `hostname` `hostname -d` `hostname -f` should give the correct output.06:12
n6rejkgoetz: hostname returns annabelle.lan -d returns lan and -f returns annabelle.lan06:14
n6rejkgoetz: i think i need to restart something06:14
kgoetzn6rej: `hostname` should only return annabelle06:15
n6rejkgoetz: does the kernel reset the hostname on reboot?06:15
kgoetzn6rej: i'm trying to remember06:15
n6rejcause I ran a kernal name command at one point06:15
kgoetzn6rej: run `sudo hostname annabelle` , that should set it06:16
n6rejkgoetz: found it sysctl kernel.hostname=annabelle.lan06:16
kgoetzn6rej: is that something you set?06:16
n6rejyes, I ran that b4 I rebooted06:17
* kgoetz has never seen the hostname set there before06:17
n6rejkgoetz: i found the command searching the net LOL06:17
kgoetzn6rej: check in /etc/sysctl.conf and mak sure theres no entry there, then run the hostname command i just gave you06:18
n6rejkgoetz: nothing that has my server name in it06:19
kgoetzn6rej: cool06:19
n6rej       /sbin/sysctl -n kernel.hostname06:19
n6rej       /sbin/sysctl -w kernel.domainname="example.com"06:19
n6rejis what the man page shows06:19
n6rejok now hostname is annabelle  -d is lan and -f is annabelle.lan06:20
kgoetzcool. hats asit should be06:21
n6rejkgoetz: restart bind now?06:21
kgoetz*thats as it06:21
kgoetzn6rej: yeap06:22
n6rejkg Apr  8 00:22:29 annabelle named[4911]: /etc/bind/db.lan:1: no current owner name06:23
n6rejkgoetz: still can't ping annabelle.lan06:23
kgoetzn6rej: that doesnt look like bind started properly06:24
n6rejkgoetz: http://pastebin.com/m17a9b75606:24
n6rejkgoetz: http://pastebin.com/m8e141bf06:24
n6rejkgoetz: http://pastebin.com/m668b3870 (reverse)06:25
kgoetzbtw. you might want to avoid using .lan, some of the mDNS systems use it06:27
n6rejkgoetz: OH06:27
n6rejkgoetz: what would you recommend?06:27
kgoetzn6rej: and i suggest asking #bind for config help - i'm pretty useless with it06:28
n6rejkgoetz: don't feel bad I am too :(06:28
kgoetzn6rej: pretty much anything thats not .lan or .local06:28
n6rejkgoetz: weird I thought those were reserved06:28
kgoetztechnically they are, just like 169.254/16 (iirc thats correct ...)06:31
n6rejkgoetz: weird.. well I changed it to .home06:35
n6rejthat should be safe06:35
n6rejkgoetz: yeah, binds not starting its complaining about no owner.. so I have to figure that out.06:36
kgoetzn6rej: can you pastebin the error?06:36
n6rejApr  8 00:35:34 annabelle named[5074]: zone home/IN: loading from master file /etc/bind/db.home failed: no owner06:37
n6rejkgoetz: thats in the syslog file06:37
n6rejbind acts like its starting06:37
kgoetzn6rej: is that all it tells you?06:38
n6rejkgoetz: yep06:38
kgoetzrun `ls -lh /etc/bind/db.home` and check it has the correct perms06:39
n6rejkgoetz: got rid of the error06:39
godfreyhkcan anyone teach me how to partition my server?06:40
godfreyhkMy knowledge is a bit outdated06:40
n6rejgodfreyhk: what are you trying to do with it, that dictates alot of it.06:41
godfreyhkI have a testing/staging web(php/RoR/MySQL) server here which has 5512MB RAM and 1 80GB hdd and a 60GB hdd.06:41
godfreyhkHmm, you no longer need a dedicated /boot right?06:42
n6rejright but sometimes it runs better.. 7.1 seems to be well behaved that way06:42
godfreyhklast time I assigned a 10MB /boot for my home computer and it ran out of space when I am upgrading the kernal :S06:42
n6rejoh yeah, 50mb is pretty "standard"06:43
n6rejyou don't need it though06:43
n6rejleast I didn't use it this time06:43
n6rejfirst time I haven't LOL06:43
n6rejdo you have an "idea" how you want to partition it?06:43
godfreyhkI am not sure, I think there is way more space than I need06:44
godfreyhkso the thing is how to distribute them across the two hdd06:44
n6rejgodfreyhk: there is a system whereby you can "link" those drives so they appear as one... a psuedo raid if you will06:44
kgoetzgodfreyhk: 50-100mb for a seperate boot is handy06:44
* n6rej nods06:44
kgoetzgodfreyhk: if you split up partitios, /tmp should be seperate06:44
n6rejkgoetz: yeah but how big for tmp? 1g?06:45
n6rejsame with home LOl06:45
godfreyhkokay. So now a need a /, a /boot and a /tmp06:45
kgoetzkeeping /usr/local/ and var seperateis good too06:45
n6rejgodfreyhk: def need a swap.. even if its only 256M06:45
godfreyhkoh right :P06:45
kgoetzalthough you only need a /usr/local if your building stuff from source06:45
kgoetzof course, if its not in a hostile environment you can ignore all that and use one partition if you want ;)06:46
n6reji think if it was me I would "guestimate" how big i needed for /home and then set that as a seperate partition too06:46
kgoetzalso /home seperate might help06:46
godfreyhkactually should I be storing the web stuff in /var ? or should I store it in someone's home?06:47
n6rejso make /root 80G /boot 100mb /swap 1G ( you go the room ) /home ???06:47
kgoetzor in /srv? ;) depends what it is usualy06:47
n6rejgod now /var should be own baby.. so you can jail it if you need to06:47
n6rejthere you go give the rest after home to /var :D06:47
n6rejall done06:47
godfreyhkthanks for the help guys :)06:48
n6rejso maybe 15G or 20G for /home incase you want to use samba for anythign or nfs06:48
godfreyhklet me do the math06:49
n6rejdepends on the # of users06:49
n6rej5G for /home should be plenty for normal "nix" users06:49
n6rejmost important thing is to decide which is going to need more space www or / and let that one have the 80g06:50
* n6rej swears he hates bind with a passion06:50
* kgoetz suggests dnsmasq06:51
n6rejkgoetz: yeah but how much "rework" would that require?06:51
godfreyhkI just realized I have a HUGE typo up there06:52
godfreyhk5512 MB RAM, lol06:52
kgoetzn6rej: about a dozen lines of config06:52
n6rejkgoetz: gosh... that would be nice LOL06:52
kgoetzgodfreyhk: i assumed it was wrong ;)06:52
kgoetzn6rej: its not as classy as bind, but hey :)06:52
n6rejkgoetz: the ONLY thing I need it for is the lan, i dont' need it to server dns LOL06:52
n6rejgodfreyhk: how much ram do you have?06:53
kgoetzn6rej: i assume you mean you only need it to host dns for the lan06:53
n6rejkgoetz: yeah, i'm getting tired lol06:53
n6rejthe clients are all dhcp'd to teh router and they work fine06:53
n6rejso really all it needs to do is handle enough dns for apache and wins06:53
kgoetzshould work. read teh config file, you might be pleasently supprised06:54
n6reji could really hardcode hosts files lol06:54
godfreyhkn6rej: yea, 51206:54
n6rejeveryones asleep in the bind camp06:54
n6rejgodfreyhk: thats not much, better make ur swap 2G then06:54
kgoetz512 is heaps (until he installs php :P)06:55
n6rejlol yeah06:55
n6reji'm just as bad I've only got about 48006:55
kgoetzin your server?06:55
n6rejphp,perl, mysql,apache, bind, dovecot lol06:55
godfreyhkactually, I need to spare like 8M for my built in display :(06:55
n6rejgodfreyhk: what kind of ram does it use?06:56
kgoetzgodfreyhk: why?06:56
kgoetzgive teh display 512kb and use the ram for something useful06:56
godfreyhkn6rej: hmm, they didn't tell me, SD perhaps? :P06:56
n6rejyou know what motherboard?06:56
kgoetzgodfreyhk: how old is it?06:56
godfreyhkkgoetz: last time I couldn't figure out where can I do that in the bios, I'll try again tmr06:57
pinguHey, anyone here know how to make nsswitch.conf look at /etc/{passwd,shadow,group} AND another file?06:57
godfreyhkkgoetz: er, very, I think06:57
kgoetzgodfreyhk: if its less then 22 years old its not as old as my systems :p06:57
n6rejthats the beauty of *nix it don't care that your using a model "A" for the engine :D06:57
kgoetz*some of my systems06:57
godfreyhkit used to be the production box in my faculty's student society... now they've decided to retire it so now it became my sandbox :)06:58
* kgoetz guesses P306:58
kgoetz80% probablility of sdram06:59
n6rejkgoetz: thats what mine is  p3 - 93306:59
godfreyhkoh, actually, I could ssh in there and check06:59
n6rejrunning pc133 ram lol06:59
kgoetzn6rej: i have a couple of servers, of totally different spec ;)06:59
n6rejkgoetz: i have to have a recipe box now... I have 6 domains on a hosted box, and then my lan with all its clients07:00
godfreyhksurprise! a P4 1.8, DDR 33307:00
n6rejand every machien is a diff platform lol07:00
kgoetzgodfreyhk: :o07:00
n6rejgodfreyhk: OH pc320007:00
kgoetzn6rej: what do you have?07:00
n6rejthat ram is FAIRLY inexpensive now07:00
godfreyhkwell, I am just playing around with this one07:01
n6rejb/w g3 500 1G, xp 32 3800+, x64 2800+, xp32 Athlon 1700+ lol07:01
kgoetzservers i have sparc32+64+alpha+ia32+amd64+powerpc off the top of my head07:01
kgoetz(as my main arch's)07:01
godfreyhkafter I gets familiar with setting up/managing the server I'll go for a VPS hosting07:02
godfreyhk* get07:02
n6reji want a mac pro so bad I can taste it07:02
n6rejgodfreyhk: look at tiger direct for pc3200 ram.. thats what your box takes.. I think 1G is like $30 right now.. maybe less07:02
n6rejscratch that.. pc2700 and nm tiger lol got o computergeeks.com07:03
n6rejs/got/go to/07:03
n6rejits $10 at computergeeks, I know cause I just bought a stick07:03
godfreyhkI never knew how to do that math07:04
godfreyhk333 <-> 2700 stuff07:04
n6reji just bought 1G for $10 :D with $1.99 shipping07:04
n6rejme niether... I just try to memorize it.07:04
godfreyhkhmm... too bad it seems like they won't ship to canada07:04
n6rejgodfreyhk: well if you buy from tiger pc2700 is pricey now :(07:06
n6rejpc3200 is cheap compared to it07:06
godfreyhkwell.. I guess I could try it out first07:06
godfreyhkI mean07:06
godfreyhktry setting it up first07:07
godfreyhkthen go hunt for some cheap ram :)07:07
godfreyhkso, [/boot: 100MB, swap: 2GB, /usr/local: 5GB, /: remaining] <- 80   [/tmp: 5GB, /home: remaining] <- 6007:12
godfreyhkdoes that make sense to you guys?07:12
godfreyhkor should I be putting the swap in the 60G?07:12
kgoetztry and spread load. if you'll have lots of access to /home, put swap on the other drive. if you'll hae lots of access to /, put swap on the 2nd drive07:13
godfreyhkI guess it will mostly be accessing / (all the web stuff)07:15
kgoetzif the web stuff is in /var/, and /var is in /, then yes ;)07:16
godfreyhkso swap on 60, okay got it :)07:16
godfreyhkor should I make a separate /var partition?07:16
godfreyhkis there any advantage for doing that?07:16
kgoetzmainly security/splitting load07:17
godfreyhksecurity, as in setting quotas?07:18
kgoetzand setting filesystem r/w access07:19
godfreyhkI see.07:22
* n6rej_ stupid windows is still pulling a .100 ip for annabelle07:24
kgoetzn6rej_: 'pulling'?07:24
n6rej_ok, this is strange..for some reason annabelle has a .100 ip according to windows07:25
kgoetzhow did you determine that?07:26
n6rej_kgoetz: cause I pinged "annabelle"07:26
kgoetzn6rej_: did you add anything to your doze hosts file?07:27
n6rej_whats REALLY weird is now that I've removed bind and installed dnsmasq the host command is working perfectly07:27
n6rej_yeqah, let me see minor change07:27
n6rej_127.0.0.1       localhost07:27
n6rej_192.168.1.69    annabelle07:27
n6rej_/etc/hosts (END)07:27
n6rej_then i told dnsmasq to NOT serve dhcp07:28
kgoetzn6rej_: what about on teh *windows* box?07:28
n6rej_root@annabelle:/etc/network# for hname in annabelle; do host "$hname"; done07:28
n6rej_annabelle has address
n6rej_annabelle mail is handled by 1 annabelle.07:28
n6rej_its being told to use wins07:28
n6rej_and i told the router to make .69 static and to make it teh wins box07:29
n6rej_wth? grrrrrrr07:29
n6rej_nic thief07:29
n6rej_can't remember how to ghost07:29
kgoetz /msg nickserv ghost nickname password07:30
kgoetzand you still havent answered my question about th windows box07:30
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n6rejkgoetz: i said "ping annabelle" and it said
kgoetzn6rej: 15:57 < kgoetz> n6rej_: did you add anything to your doze hosts file?07:31
n6rejand I already ran ipconfig /flushdns07:31
n6rejOH :(07:31
n6rejlet me look07:31
n6rejnope not recently, its bland07:32
godfreyhkhey guys I g2g07:33
kgoetzn6rej: run host on teh doze box07:33
kgoetzgodfreyhk: later mate07:33
godfreyhkthanks again for your help :)07:33
n6rejlater godfreyhk07:33
n6rejkgoetz: kk. stupid thing07:33
n6rejkgoetz: hahahahah found it07:35
n6rejkgoetz: forgot to restart samba!07:35
n6rejand since its serving wins it was using the cached ip07:36
n6rejkgoetz: nuts now apache says it can't figure out the fqdn....looking07:36
kgoetzn6rej: rerun the host commands ( -a -f -d) on th eserver and make sure your gettin the right output still07:37
n6rejkgoetz: nope... hostname pulls annabelle, same with -f and -a and -d show nothing :(07:38
kgoetzn6rej: so its giving ... the correct data, the wrong data?07:39
n6rejBUT, annabelle does return fine.07:39
n6rejwell, to be honest I'm not sure... if I just want to reach the server by annabelle then its fine except apache don't like it.07:39
n6rejprobaby cause there's not ptr07:39
n6rejkgoetz: and quite frankly i don't care if I reach it by typing BS in LOL07:40
kgoetzapache doesnt care about your external dns07:40
kgoetzit cares that it cant get an fqdn07:41
n6rejkgoetz: i think i probably misesd a step or 2 in the dnsmasq config07:41
n6rejkgoetz: yep.07:41
n6rejkgoetz: ok, so, we don't have a fqdn anymore07:41
n6rejcause it told me to take the .home off of /etc/hosts07:41
kgoetzn6rej: 'it'?07:42
n6rejkgoetz: dnsmasq instructions07:42
* kgoetz has a proper domain name, so doesnt need to try and make them up07:42
kgoetzso i didnt face this particuar problem ;)07:43
kgoetzn6rej: where in the instructions?07:43
n6rejkgoetz: http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/netos/article.php/337735107:43
n6rejkgoetz: i left this as it is, cause i didn't understand the '/' #local=/localnet/07:45
kgoetzn6rej: where abouts in teh article?07:46
n6rejkgoetz: "easy local dns server" bottom of page 107:46
kgoetzn6rej: you dont need to worry about local=07:46
kgoetzand i dont knwo what the article is saying about removing the domain names07:49
kgoetzbtw http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2606.txt i'm sure theres a 2nd rfc about .local and .lan07:49
kgoetzhttp://www.faqs.org/qa/rfcc-1776.html looks like thier unoffical07:51
n6rejkgoetz: wow08:00
n6reji hate to do this now but I've got to crash... dr day t/m and my wife is harping on me08:00
n6rejits 0200 here08:00
kgoetzheh. sleep well mate, i'll catch you another day :)08:00
n6rejyep thanks for your help08:01
kgoetzjust fix your /etc/hosts08:01
kgoetzor go to sleep :| :P08:01
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mckulk_ i cant find supported tv cards by ubuntu. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport for looking suported tv card. do i have to look in multimedia sections?09:24
_rubenjesus ... have you even *tried* looking there?!09:27
_ruben(the same question was asked and answered in #vmware, in case someone wonders)09:28
forensti_i have a pci tv card, (philips alpha) but that dont work with linux i think. can any one give advice to which new tv card should i buy that will work and is easily available (welknown)?11:34
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faulkes-morning mathiaz14:59
mathiazhiya faulkes- !15:00
krautwhich kernel do i need on ubuntu/dapper to boot a galaxy 4200 with lsi-controller?15:15
krauti thought, sun galaxies are now supported by ubuntu, but the machine won't boot with the newest dapper-kernel.15:16
\shkraut, is it Sun Fire X4200?15:34
krautGAH, packages.ubuntu.com is broken15:34
kraut\sh: sorry, it's a x410015:34
krauti'm just evaluating under it, but normally we use x420015:35
\shhttp://www.ubuntu.com/partners/sun ... hmm should be amd64...15:35
Jeeves_kraut: It should work without a problem15:35
krautJeeves_: which kernel?15:35
Jeeves_kraut: Any15:35
mathiazkraut: what do you mean by "it won't boot" ?15:36
kraut2.6.15-51 isn't booting15:36
krautmathiaz: busybox comes up and can't find any boot-device15:36
krautand i can't find my raiddisk under /dev/sd*15:36
mathiazkraut: at install time ? on reboot ?15:36
mathiazkraut: have you looked in dmesg to see which block device have been created ?15:37
krautit's a installed system with my custom-kernel15:37
mathiazkraut: so the install is working15:37
krautsorry, not on that way15:37
krautmostly, we are using not the normal installer, it's a selfmade one15:37
krautthe system is installed and i just want to try the official ubuntu kernel15:37
krautanyone got a hint?15:39
Jeeves_kraut: Rebuild the initrd with ths LSI driver15:46
krautJeeves_: i just thought the same15:47
krautbut if i understoot it correc,t i need first install linux-backport modules15:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 37452 in linux-source-2.6.15 "fusion mpt sas driver does not find a RAID1 disk during installation(Sun Galaxy X4200 and X4100, Dell SASR5/i)" [High,Confirmed]15:47
krautstill the same problem15:55
krautinstalled linux-backport modules and updated every initramfs by update-initramfs -u -k all15:56
Jeeves_kraut: I have several X4100/X4200's running on Dapper15:56
krautme, too. but not with the official kernel15:57
krautdo you use lvm?15:57
kraut*head -> table*16:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 37452 in linux-source-2.6.15 "fusion mpt sas driver does not find a RAID1 disk during installation(Sun Galaxy X4200 and X4100, Dell SASR5/i)" [High,Confirmed]16:02
wo0fdo any of you use screen?16:02
wo0fhow can i stop 'users' from showing all the screens i have open as multiple logins16:03
wo0fand instead only show 1 instance of a login16:03
sommernot sure that you can16:04
sommerunless you disallow ps ?16:05
wo0fdisallow ps?16:05
krauta user could allways see his own screen16:06
krautand as root it's allways possible to see every screen of every user16:06
wo0fso when another user does 'users'16:06
wo0fit will only display one?16:06
wo0funless its root obviously16:06
wo0fand whats ps?16:10
sommerps - report a snapshot of the current processes... I thought that's what you meant when users were able to see your logins16:15
krautJeeves_: dude, could you give me please a initramfs of a galaxy with amd64 arch?16:25
Jeeves_kraut: It's de normal default Ubuntu initrd!16:26
krautJeeves_: i know, but i just want to see in it, please16:26
krautthe issue must be their and i have an idea, what it is16:26
Jeeves_kraut: http://www.prevented.net/~mark/initrd.img-2.6.15-51-amd64-k816:28
krautthanks a lot16:28
krautthe related modules are completly different16:30
krautfine, i now got completly the same modules16:37
krautlet's try16:37
krautstrange, it's still not finding the array16:40
krauti'll give it tomorrow another try, bye16:40
Jeeves_see ya16:40
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jcastromathiaz: soren: feel free to add some -server sessions here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Prep17:50
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elventearHello. I have an LVM LV on a VG on a PV that sits on a partitionable RAID1. When I created the LV I was able to mount it and everything worked. I have rebooted to test it and now I can't get the VG to show using vgscan. Is this because I have used a partitionable RAID (ie. /dev/md_d0p1)?19:04
blue|palmHi, is there any difinitive source for learning how to setup, use and manage a LAMP server (ubuntu in this case)? I've started with web development, and I would like to set up a sort of a test machine to host some of the web applications i've been working on...19:12
krautthere you will get some good docs19:13
blue|palmkraut, thanks.19:13
Deepswww.ubuntu.com has a lot of community docs relevant to ubuntu specifically19:13
Deepsubuntuforums.org has a lot of discussion where you'll find most of the common problems have already been adressed19:14
krautthe ubuntu-wiki is also really helpfull19:14
warchief_ryandoes it have to be ubuntu specific? http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/debianserver.htm19:14
krautbut in that case it would be also good, to read the docs from apache and mysql19:14
blue|palmno it doesn't HAVE to be ubuntu specific... its just that most of my experience is in either ubuntu or gentoo, and i don't feel like going through a gentoo install right now19:15
Deepsubuntu+debian are very similar, so debian docs will often match very closely to what you'd do in ubuntu19:15
blue|palmthanks all!19:16
blue|palmI'm sure this is enough to get me started19:16
youngmusi1Hey. I just tried to shrink a raid partition with 'mdadm --grow /dev/md10 --size=123456789...' but 'cat /proc/mdstat' shows that nothing changes. No error message either. Am i forgetting something? The raid partition was suppposed to end up about 2GB smaller than it was.19:39
michalskidoes anyone here know how to apply multiple passworded, challenge response authentication on sshd_config20:00
ScottKmichalski: What problem are you trying to solve?20:02
michalskiin /etc/ssh/sshd_config theres a line for ChallengeResponseAuthentication:(yes/no)20:03
michalskii want to enable it and use multiple passworded authetication with identifyers20:03
ScottKMy answer to your specific question is no.  I've never done it, but there may be another way I can help you accomplish your goal.20:03
* michalski hates asking the hard questions20:03
michalskioh sorry haha read your response wrong20:06
michalskiwhat other way?20:07
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ScottKmichalski: Depens on what you're trying to do.20:10
ScottKWhat problem are you having that you think that will solve?20:10
michalskiwhen I connect to my computer remotly i want it to give me an identifyer at which point I have to supply a unique passphrase that is assigned to that identifyer20:11
ScottKOK.  That defines challenge/response.  I got that.  Why do you want to do that.20:13
michalski...well to add some extra security, sometimes I have the feeling that my password is not always the most secure thing I have, so if i could set this up, and have it fairly easy to use and maintain, I would know that my computer is that much safer on the internet20:15
ScottKI see.20:15
ScottKFor example, if you're worried about dictionary attacks guessing your password, you can use iptable to rate limit such attempts20:15
ScottKssh based on key access is a much more common solution to that kind of ptoblem.20:16
michalskiyes, but im more paranoid about the fact that person X knows my password, and im usually on a public computer20:16
michalskiwhen away20:17
ScottKThat's probably a reasonable solution to your problem.20:17
ScottKPersonally, I just have a strict policy about not putting passwords into computers I don't control.20:18
ScottKssh client on my palm smartphone helps with that.20:18
michalskinot the easiest thing when your dragged to school every day, and absolutly refuse to use the schools server as storage space because my vice principle is....very nosesy and like watching every thing i do, just me, no one else20:20
michalskiand I dont have a cell phone/palm pilot/other mibile device20:20
ScottKSure.  Makes sense.20:20
michalskitheres nothing on the wiki on how to do it, im checking launchpad now20:21
ScottKmichalski: Did you look at man ssh20:22
michalskiyep already did20:23
michalskigave very vague description20:23
michalskinothing on launchpad20:23
ScottKDunno then.20:24
michalskiChallengeResponseAuthentication Specifies whether challenge-response authentication is allowed.  All authentication styles from login.conf(5) are supported.  The default is “yes"20:27
michalskithats what it says in man sshd_config20:27
ScottKDid you read man 5 login.conf?20:29
michalskii tried man login.conf....and my terminal yelled at me20:29
michalskiit says: No manual entry for login.conf in section 520:30
ScottKAt this point I recommend Google then.20:31
ScottKThe answer to your question probably isn't Debian/Ubuntu specific20:31
michalskigoogle is jammed with stuff for having automatic login free sessions with challengeresponseauthentication as an rsa key20:42
michalskiI think im just going to send off a help ticket on launchpad20:43
mathiazjdstrand: do you clone dapper guests in kvm ?20:59
jdstrandmathiaz: I have, yes21:00
mathiazjdstrand: how do you handle the mac adress update ?21:01
mathiazjdstrand: when I clone the guest, the mac address is updating - on boot, eth0 doesn't come up21:01
jdstrandmathiaz: /etc/iftab21:01
jdstrandmathiaz: I have this in my clone script:21:02
jdstrandecho ""21:02
jdstrandecho "VM cloned, be sure to (in the guest):"21:02
jdstrandecho "1. update /etc/hosts to have an entry for '$fname'"21:02
jdstrandecho "2. update /etc/hostname"21:02
jdstrandecho "3. if applicable adjust /etc/iftab (fesity and earlier) or"21:02
jdstrandecho "   /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules (gutsy and later) within the"21:02
mathiazjdstrand: awesome - I have the same rules21:02
mathiazjdstrand: for hardy, nothing is needed anymore :)21:02
jdstrandhey-- a typo!21:02
jdstrandI always like to type fesity21:03
mathiazjdstrand: how many vms do you run at the same time ?21:23
mathiazjdstrand: it seems that I have problems if I have use more than 6 vnets21:24
jdstrandmathiaz: I don't know that I've gone more than that21:24
mathiazjdstrand: did you encounter a similar problem ?21:24
jdstrandmathiaz: usually I go 5 (one for each release)21:24
mathiazjdstrand: are you using a bridged network ?21:24
jdstrandmathiaz: and then I shut those down and bring up 5 for another arch21:24
jdstrandmathiaz: I haven't seen this, and I also do not use a bridged network21:25
jdstrand(todo list)21:25
mathiazjdstrand: ok thanks21:25
mathiazkeescook: ^^21:25
jdstrandbut really, in some ways I like the separate network, so I may not21:25
mathiazjdstrand: right - I'm using a different architecture21:25
mathiazjdstrand: my vms are hosted on a server and I want to be able to ssh into my guest directly from my laptop21:26
jdstrandmathiaz: sure-- it would definitely make it easier then21:26
jdstrandmathiaz: I just don't like them quite so accessible :)21:27
keescookmathiaz: I run probably at most 4 at the same time, usually 1 or 2.  (all bridged)21:42
mathiazkeescook: ok. Thanks.21:42
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