
Coniferouswhat was the question Infernalord?00:00
steven__umm i guess thats why im trying to find out if anyone has succesfully mounted a itouch00:00
jimit's now possible for anyone here to figure out if they can offer something, because you're meeting their minds with yours00:00
AbortRetryFailDoes anyone here use the ATI fglrx drivers and have screen rotation or dual heads set up?00:00
amenadosoundray-> i cant even add the cdrom,  my  /dev/cdrom  --> scd0  and I cant mount it00:00
steven__if so how00:00
jimsteven__: but notice the difference between just asking that, and telling what you see, precisely00:00
InfernalordConiferous: Well, I have an onboard Intel graphic card, and I have just installed ubuntu, but i can't get better than 800x600 resolution00:00
steven__jim im saying exactly what i see00:01
jimyes, you are.00:01
amenadosoundray i did attempt to add an entry on the sources.list ..but it fails its not getting to the cdrom00:01
soundrayamenado: so maybe that link is wrong and your CD drive is really /dev/hdc00:01
amenadosoundray-> there is no /dev/Makedev    to create the /dev/cdrom correctly i assume..00:02
jimbecause you're doing that, you're communicating with everyone in what could be considered a normal conversation00:02
DragginI'm confused... Since when can you write to NTFS partitions from within Linux...?00:02
AbortRetryFail Draggin since ntfs3g came out.00:02
GrueTamersince ntfs-3g00:02
SlartDraggin: since ntfs-3g.. it's actually prety good00:02
DragginGoodness... And when was that?00:02
dxdtDraggin: for a while lol00:03
mEck0Hi! anyone having a HP Compaq 6510b laptop with working suspend and hibernation?00:03
jimthe newer driver becomes ever more flexible... look at the driver source near the top00:03
soundrayamenado: /dev/cdrom is not created by MAKEDEV. It's just a symbolic link. Find out what your cdrom device is -- 'dmesg | grep -i cdrom' might help00:03
DragginLike... Months... Years?00:03
SlartDraggin: a couple of months.. I don't think it was available for edgy...00:03
dxdtDraggin: since 7.10 came out... so at least from last October00:03
AbortRetryFailit's been a year or so i think.00:03
=== greenstar_ is now known as greenstar
steven__damn apple why cant they just make it work with linux!!!00:03
GrueTamersince june 06 i believe00:03
DragginSlart... I'm still dumbfounded... I only noticed the other day that a file on an NTFS partition actually disappeared when I pressed delete...00:04
DragginGreat stuff though... That actually removes my need for an OS_Swap partition...00:04
ConiferousYeah, i was getting tired of that too Draggin00:04
SlartDraggin: hehe... you just try that every now and then? "yea.. let's try deleting all my important files.. hehehe.. omg!!!"00:04
amenadosoundray it was not finding it, via dmesg |grep cdrom   it finds cd/rw  but it points  to that sr0 which is not same as scd000:04
AbortRetryFailhopefully it was kernel32.dll00:04
ddaCan't add a printer - getting "permssion denied" in cups error_log: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62470/ - it happened after recent cupsys update. I'm on gutsy..00:05
Coniferousbut you can read and write to ext3 stuff from windows anyways00:05
amenadosoundray, ill have to play with it some more later..haft to answer a call...00:05
soundrayamenado: with a CD in the drive, try 'sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt' and see if it mounts.00:05
kgxhi. im trying to update the contents of a file using sed. this doesnt seem to work: sed 's/oldstuff/newstuff/' inputFileName > inputFileName00:05
SlartDraggin: I use an external hard drive formatted with ntfs for transfering stuff.. works great00:05
kgxany ideas whats wrong?00:05
DragginSlart... Haha, no... It was actually a file that I wanted to delete, but I didn't immediately realise that it was on an NTFS, until after I deleted it and it didn't give me an error... And I was like... Wait a minute... Where did that just go..?00:05
alex101How do i use .exe files in ubuntu?00:05
Starnestommykgx: make that 's/oldstuff/newstuff/g'00:05
Starnestommyalex101: with wine00:06
soundraykgx: sed -i 's/oldstuff/newstuff/' inputFileName00:06
alex101How do i install wine?00:06
Slartalex101: you use wine or an virtual os00:06
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.00:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:06
DragginBut doesn't that mean that Windows' file-level security has been completely bypassed?00:06
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications00:06
soundraykgx: and listen to Starnestommy if you want to replace each and every occurrence00:06
ConiferousI didnt know you could trigger like that.00:06
SlartDraggin: well.. yes.. but linux doesn't really care about that =)00:06
ubotuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help.00:06
DragginSlart, true, but aren't the people at MS having a hissy fit?00:07
DragginDoes Knoppix make use of NTFS-3G?00:07
kgxsoundray: thanks.00:07
Redeye2well the screen just goes blank now and it comes back just fine. I wonder what is wrong with the Nvidia driver.00:07
SlartDraggin: not that I've noticed.. ntfs isn't supposed to keep files secure if it's read by another os00:07
kgxStarnestommy: thanks also :)00:07
manitoba98If I have an existing Ubuntu install, and I want to add a wireless card (which is supported out-of-the-box by Ubuntu), how can I have Ubuntu detect it? I don't want to reinstall, I just want it to detect this wireless card and add it as a network interface.00:07
DragginBecause if it does, you could wreak total havoc on a 'secure' Windows system...00:07
ConiferousThats the excuse anyways00:08
SlartDraggin: I don't know about encryption and such.. but regular ntfs file permissions isn't a problem00:08
soundraymanitoba98: it will detect it on the next boot after the hardware installation.00:08
cjaewhat I use for mp4 to avi conversion in ubuntu?00:08
Coniferousmanitoba98: it shoudl be fine00:08
SlartDraggin: you could do that in any number of ways even without linux00:08
AbortRetryFailit kind of makes you wonder if you could port ntfs-3g as an IFS for windows and use that to bypass the ACL's00:08
DragginWow... Well... I'm just glad it's at this point... No more booting and rebooting and doing it again to transfer my files between Linux and Windows :)00:09
manitoba98soundray: So if I put in the system, ath0 will magically appear, it will appear in the network configuration thing in the system tray, etc.? Everything will "just work"?00:09
SlartDraggin: nothing keeps you from popping the drive into another windows computer and resetting all the permissions00:09
Coniferousi wonder if windows 7 will release a new fs00:09
Coniferousi kno there was supposed to be one for vista that they couldnt get out in time00:09
AbortRetryFailConiferous: that's one of their big points about windows 7 : WinFS00:09
DragginSlart, true, but that's a lot more effort than booting from a live CD and deleting everything on a drive00:09
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:09
soundraymanitoba98: no promises for an Atheros device, but when I did this with an Intel card, it worked completely magically.00:09
ddaCan't add a printer - getting "permission denied" in cups error_log: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62470/ - it happened after recent cupsys update. I'm on gutsy. Please help!00:09
Arky44hello all00:10
Slartyes yes.. sorry.. no more windows talk00:10
jimwhy pay any attention to windows?00:10
ConiferousWell, as long as you can continue using ntfs i'm fine...00:10
Coniferouser yes00:10
AbortRetryFaillol dunno00:10
AbortRetryFailbecause i still can't get my screen to rotate and it's making my neck hurt00:10
Coniferouswe are in the ubuntu channel arent we?00:10
DragginOh sorry... All of that was directed at us...00:10
manitoba98soundray: It is an Atheros device, but I don't see why it would vary. I didn't realize plug-and-play had come so far. Does this work in 7.04 (Feisty)? I haven't yet updated that machine to 7.10 (Gutsy).00:10
AbortRetryFailit's bolted to my desk in portrait and the ATI drivers won't rotate it :(00:10
trent1980manitoba ... if you do run in trouble with an atheros card, try using the ndis wrapper and windows driver00:10
Arky44Is there a program that can record system sounds for ubuntu (as in sounds playing on the computer, but not necessarily through a microphone)00:10
cjaewhat  do I use for mp4 to avi conversion in ubuntu?00:11
DragginArky44 - Soundrecorder00:11
jimfind out what kind of file the system sound files have to be00:11
soundraymanitoba98: I don't know, it may or may not work in feisty00:11
DragginArky44 - you can choose the input source00:11
Slartcjae: mencoder I guess.. it does just about anything00:11
freebooter3you mkean like audacity or gnusound?00:11
DragginOh yes, Audacity can do it as well00:12
Coniferousmanitoba98: if it doesent you can alyways do an apt-get dist-upgrade00:12
Coniferousthat will upgrade your current install to 7.1000:12
Slart!info mencoder00:12
ubotumencoder (source: mplayer): MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc1-0ubuntu13.2 (gutsy), package size 3278 kB, installed size 8152 kB00:12
Arky44Draggin: will sudo apt-get install soundrecorder do the trick?00:12
Coniferousit wont erase anything00:12
DragginArky44 - I think it's gnome-sound-recorder...00:12
BarryToemancjae: ffmpeg00:12
maxbAren't you supposed to use the special ubuntu tool, not just plain dist-upgrade?00:13
jimwhat would be the effect of using the special tool?00:13
Coniferouspossibly? i've never had a problem with ist-upgrade though... anyone else hve any experence with this?00:13
FeloniousIs it dangerous to format my ubuntu partition if I am running grub to dual boot?00:13
BarryToemancjae: "ffmpeg -i inputvideo.mp4 output.avi" of course there are hundreds of options, but that's the most basic command00:13
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:13
cjaeBarryToeman, thanks00:14
trent1980I have Hardy 8.04 and firefox 2.0 with the flash plugins ... I can't get the sound to use my USB device. The USB device works fine in other applications (skype). I set the default device to USB but Firefox still uses the onboard speakers .... any ideas?00:14
Feloniousas in reformat and reinstall00:14
SlartFelonious: define dangerous?00:14
maxbWell, I know that up until Feisty, the UpgradeNotes said "You may use apt-get dist-upgrade, but it's not supported"00:14
Feloniouswill I bork my mbr basically00:14
jimwill you lose stuff you want to keep?00:14
BarryToemancjae: what codec do you need for your avi file?00:14
billisnicehow do you change the computer default monitor ie-a panosonic c21 to c35?00:14
soundrayFelonious: grub needs your Ubuntu root partition. Deleting it will break booting.00:14
maxbThen for gutsy, all mention of apt-get in UpgradeNotes disappeared00:14
Coniferoushuh. alright, thats the last time i do that then.00:14
Feloniousgreat... so what do I do if I want to format that partition?00:15
SlartFelonious: not sure really..  I suppose it could break booting.. but not beyond repair00:15
cjaeBarryToeman, divx00:15
DragginFelonius - If you only format the Ubuntu partitions and don't touch Windows / whatever else to reinstall Ubuntu on the same partitions, you shouldn't have any problem00:15
larry_anyone know how to get adobe flash player using sudo apt - get00:15
Slart larry_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree00:15
soundrayFelonious: install the bootloader of whatever system is still on the drive00:15
soundrayDraggin: that's not correct ( Felonious)00:16
larry_ok thanks00:16
Slart!info flashplugin_nonfree00:16
ubotuPackage flashplugin_nonfree does not exist in gutsy00:16
LjL!info flashplugin-nonfree00:16
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 17 kB, installed size 156 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)00:16
Slartoh.. nevermind that then00:16
Dragginsoundray - it's not?00:16
FeloniousHmmmm... does windows have a boot loader?00:16
Feloniousxp pro00:16
Slartah.. typo.. thanks LjL00:16
LjLFelonious: or it wouldn't boot00:16
elmerSo I am on a Windows laptop right now. With a Ubuntu Desktop next to me00:16
elmerand I can't get my wifi to work00:16
elmerI moved my PC to an ethernet cable00:17
soundrayDraggin: no, the grub MBR needs access to the advanced grub stages, which by default are in /boot/grub in the Ubuntu root partition00:17
elmerthen installed00:17
CloudFXwhat app can I use to burn an .iso?00:17
soundray!burniso | CloudFX00:17
ubotuCloudFX: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto00:17
elmerthen set up my wifi according to this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29682200:17
cjaeBarryToeman, will ffmpeg do divx00:17
FeloniousMaybe I should look into how grub would be removed00:17
Dragginsoundray, fine, but he said he wants to reinstall, so the installer will replace everything again, not?00:17
elmerI unplugged the cable and the wifi worked00:17
elmerI shut down, moved the PC back and now the wifi does not work00:18
Feloniouswell I may go with a different distro/build/etc00:18
elmerDoes anybody know what is wrong?00:18
Feloniousso I dont want to be stuck with... use what I got or else00:18
VaregHey there everyone00:18
amenadoelmer how many nic card does your pc have? both wireless and ethernet?00:18
jimFelonious: sure, and maybe first you could look into all the ways grub can be installed00:18
BarryToemancjae: I'm not sure.  I don't use divx.  I'll look.00:18
soundrayFelonious: Draggin is right: if you're installing a new system, Ubuntu's grub will just be flattened by whatever bootloader that system installs.00:18
trent1980anyone know how to get mozilla to use USB speakers instead of the laptop speakers? in "system - pref - sound" i have them all set to usb and all apps work fine accept firefox flash (youtube) still uses onboard speakers ... help?00:19
elmeramenado, it has built in ethernet and a PCI wifi card00:19
VaregIs there a sound support channel in our IRC?00:19
Arky44Draggin: hey again00:19
cjaeBarryToeman, trying to read the man page online right now cause on win box00:19
DragginArky44 - hey.  Did you manage?00:19
wpkVareg: what sound?00:19
FeloniousOk... but what happenes between me removing OS and reinstalling?00:19
amenadoelmer and you have both of them connected to same router/gateway/AP ?00:19
Feloniousam I going to be not able to boot?00:19
DKongdoes anybody know of a good web based inventory system00:19
VaregI'm trying to get my Laptop's speakers to work in Ubuntu 7.1000:19
Arky44Draggin: i have tried changing the input, and i can barely hear what is recording (it's mostly static)00:19
elmeramenado, I did, but I unplugged the ethernet and restarted00:19
freebooter3What do you guys recommend for partitioning a new ubuntu install? like 8 gigs for the file system and rest partition for home? what else?00:19
soundrayFelonious: you can format the Ubuntu partition as part of the installation process of the new system. Then it won't matter.00:19
VaregI've read through the support thread00:20
freebooter3say on a 100 gig drive?00:20
DragginArky44...  Hmmm... I'm afraid I don't know the app well... Give me a minute or two and let me see what I can get out of it00:20
Arky44Draggin: thanks :)00:20
FeloniousI guess what I was looking for was a clear cut way to just remove ubuntu and grub00:20
amenadoelmer only have one nic card connected to same router otherwise you have to know how to make the route table work..only work with one nic at a time00:20
Coniferousanyone here use irssi?00:20
Feloniousbut it seems that doesnt exist00:20
VaregBut I'm really new to Linux, so I don't know what I'm doing00:21
e|meramenado, sorry about that. WiFi crapped out on laptop00:21
soundrayfreebooter3: give it some swap space, too. RAM size + 10% is a good formula for large RAM & if you would hibernate00:21
jimFelonious: perhaps that depends on how it is installed (there are two or three pieces one of which is the boot sector which could be on the mbr)... the different pieces can be in different places on your drive, and they are more or less vulnerable to overwriting depending on where they are00:21
MOARPaRaSiTe32bit or 64bit?  I've heard people say both, I can't decide.00:21
soundrayFelonious: well, it's not necessary.00:21
VaregLike, this is my first linux install00:21
amenadoelmer-> its okay, since you are just starting, work with only one nic at a time00:21
xs142Is there any way to just reset Everything in ubuntu to the original settings, like uninstalling all extra packages etc?00:21
e|meramenado, OK, I will00:21
Varegwpk: Do you have some time to help me? I'd understand if you can't.00:21
jimFelonious: and also depending on where the overwriter is overwriting00:21
Feloniouswhy wouldnt it be necessary?  What if I hated ubuntu and wanted to just remove it and never look back?00:21
FeloniousNot saying thats the case00:21
freebooter3Thanks soundray00:22
e|meramenado, when I iwconfig, it shows that nothing is up00:22
up_the_ironsi'm trying to backport a package from gutsy to dapper (libonig2).  Having trouble during the build, is there a channel esp. for ubuntu package builders?00:22
DKongdoes anybody know of a good web based inventory system00:22
Feloniousbut there are people out there who may want to do that00:22
amenadoelmer-> paste your ifconfig; iwconfig; route -n and cat /etc/resolv.conf00:22
Arky44Felonious: can you boot to windows?00:22
soundrayFelonious: then you'd reinstall the bootloader of whatever system you are going back to00:22
ahave would anyone care to offer advise on how i can further debug my sata issue with ubuntu? I can not seem to read SATA1, or SATA2 with or without AHCI..I get alot of 'unknown devices' in lspci, could it be that i am lacking a needed driver?00:22
alex101I have installed Wine, now how do i open the .exe files?00:22
Feloniousdoes windows have a bootloader?00:22
BarryToemancjae: if the mp4 file is also using the divx codec you can just put that into an avi container.00:22
amenadoelmer on pastebin okay? not here on the channel00:22
jimotherwise it couldn't boot. yes.00:22
soundrayFelonious: how else would  it boot, if not  with a bootloader? :)00:22
freebooter3right click the file and select open with wine...or cd to it and type wine programname.exe00:23
BarryToemancjae: ffmpeg will tell you the codec and container of a file: ffmpeg -i input.avi00:23
prettyrickyfor bootloader I use acronis director suite 10, you can probably find it ain a torerent site00:23
Feloniousbasically what I want to do is upgrade to hardy when it goes public00:23
Feloniousbut I dont want to upgrade from this install00:23
cjaeBarryToeman, how do you tell00:23
e|meramenado, sure thing. I just have to type it into my windows box00:23
cjaeBarryToeman, oh I see00:23
Feloniousbecause it was my first time running linux so I installed a bunch of nonsense00:23
MathmanDKong: sometimes I take pity on people who are google impaired.  or maybe I just get tired of them asking the same question over and over...00:24
MathmanDKong: http://www.inventory-management.org/00:24
soundrayFelonious: that's straightforward. You don't need to worry about grub00:24
xs142How do you get rid of all those things that belonged to a program in Synaptic Package Manager?00:24
DKongthank you Mathman00:24
prettyrickyIf you use acronis that will do the job00:24
cjaeBarryToeman, didn't think .mp4 used that00:24
n-iCehow do I open a terminal with the keys?00:24
DKongi was just wondering if ubuntu has something built in t hadnt seen yet00:25
Feloniousgoogling for uninstall ubuntu was a nightmare...00:25
soundrayFelonious: when you're done with gutsy, backup your data files and any configurations you've put work into. Then shutdown and boot from the hardy installation CD.00:25
cjaeBarryToeman, so .avi and .mp4 are just containing folders00:25
smithey93hey, how can i change the ubuntu logo in the top left of my screen, there must be a image somewere00:25
Feloniousand it will just overwrite old grub with updated new grub00:25
hexoroidcan anybody tell me why sudo doesnt accept my password ?00:25
=== MOARPaRaSiTe is now known as PaRaSiTe_Moar
BarryToemancjae: kind of, .mp4 is the container format that can use various codecs such as h264 and MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG 2, etc00:25
hexoroidi know the root password su - works just fine00:26
MathmanFelonious: I dunno if you really "uninstall" an OS.  you can delete the thing I suppose...00:26
soundrayFelonious: the installer will offer you options to format the existing partition(s) as you see fit. And, yes, it will update grub in place.00:26
bosanacHello i'm running linux ubuntu 7.10 and i need some program to edit the videos ( example: to cut them, to add them a sound and etc... ) can somebody tell me some program please?00:26
Arky44n-iCe: I don't think there is a default keyboard shortcut for terminal00:26
BarryToemanbosanac: try kino00:26
FeloniousOk... Im well versed in everything, just never really toyed with any mbr stuff00:26
cjaeBarryToeman, sorry folder should have said format00:26
GlenQuagmirebosanac: try kdenlive00:26
Feloniousso i want to be careful00:26
bosanacno really00:26
bosanactell me the best one00:26
bosanackdenlive its ok?00:26
GlenQuagmirebosanac: its pretty cool00:26
Survivorman!best | bosanac00:27
ubotubosanac: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:27
FeloniousI hear kino is good00:27
Arky44n-iCe: go to System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts and you can set one for "Run a terminal"00:27
bosanacok let me check it :D00:27
PaRaSiTe_Moar32bit or 64bit?  Advice?  64bit seems faster, but most apps are made for 32bit, but 64bit is the future and does (or doesn't?) support 32bit apps?00:27
pjvanyone here successfully made a wifi card into a repeater?00:27
FeloniousDoes anyont know an ftp program that supports file drag and drop from file system windows?00:27
smithey93hey, how can i change the ubuntu logo in the top left of my screen, there must be a image somewere00:27
e|meramenado, http://slexy.org/view/s291hS1Fpm00:27
e|meramenado, tell me if you need more00:27
Feloniousgftp and filezilla both dont00:27
e|meramenado, there is eth0 and lo00:28
Felonioussmithey93,  its in the icon theme you are using00:28
matt__does anyone know everything about every distro ever? Ok, so all I really want to know: Are the cd, mkdir, and tar commands universal on all distros?00:28
kitcheFelonious: hmm gftp does here but any gui application really does00:28
DragginArky44 - I'm not having much luck either, I'm afraid... Mine keeps locking up...00:28
xs142Is there any way to just reset Everything in ubuntu to the original settings, like uninstalling all extra packages etc?00:28
BarryToemanFelonious: Gnome Nautilus does.00:28
Feloniousdoes not for me00:28
amenadoelmer-> from that, eth0 is not even up?00:28
smithey93Felonious: have u any idea what folder because theres lots in the tar00:28
Feloniousill check that out00:28
SurvivormanPaRaSiTe2, that's a judgement call, but for what I use my computer for and to save some headaches, I just use 32 bit and don't really see and difference in most tasks. If I crunched performance numbers, maybe, but in reality, its not noticeable.00:28
amenadoelmer-> i meant it is up but no ip address assigned?00:28
Mathmanmatt__: basically.  every distro I've ever heard of uses gnu stuff as the base.00:28
Feloniousits probably in all the sizes00:28
cjaematt__, yes00:28
e|meramenado, http://slexy.org/view/s2SawNOz9x00:28
Arky44Draggin: i tried using audacity, and got a similar result00:29
BarryToemanFelonious: it's just the file browser. in Gnome: Places -> Connect to server.00:29
matt__Mathman: cjae ok....so I should be able to right a "universal" script, right? bash installed on most too?00:29
Arky44Draggin: i think it might just be my sound card...00:29
trent1980is there a channel for sound?00:29
amenadoelmer-> ok, no wireless..00:29
Feloniousthats what the file browser I am using is I take it00:29
up_the_ironsis there a channel for package (.deb) building?00:29
up_the_ironsor backporting?00:29
VaregaI never registered my nickname00:29
ahave would anyone care to offer advise on how i can further debug my sata issue with ubuntu? I can not seem to read SATA1, or SATA2 with or without AHCI..I get alot of 'unknown devices' in lspci, could it be that i am lacking a needed driver?00:29
DragginArky44 - sorry about that... I just saw that the app seems to be able to do what you wanted, but when it comes to the sound hardware and settings, I'm still very much in the dark00:29
cjaematt__, should and yes00:29
e|meramenado, it is not even up, I don't think00:29
VaregaWhat's the command to do that with nickserv?00:29
Mathmanmatt__: pretty much.  depending on what the script does.  various things will still live in different places on different distros.00:29
amenadoelmer you just want your eth0 to work? your router/gateway is providing the ip address right? it has a dchp serveR?00:30
Feloniousid prefer a full ftp client personally00:30
matt__cjae: thank you, now after i write this script, will you help me out?00:30
soundraymatt__: some systems use busybox for basic utilities such as you mention, replacing GNU utilities for space reasons.00:30
matt__cjae: test it i mean...00:30
Arky44Draggin: no prob :) I'll keep on truckin' :)00:30
Survivormanup_the_irons, maybe ubuntu-devel00:30
matt__soundray: busybox?00:30
jimFelonious: ftp00:30
up_the_ironsSurvivorman: thanks00:30
GlenQuagmirequestion , why does the file "/etc/resolv.conf" gets overwritten every reboot ??'00:30
pjvahave: did you try to disable acpi?00:30
e|meramenado, I am trying to get my WiFi card to work00:30
DragginArky44 - good luck :)  I'm still trying to figure out how to use JACK so I can also start using all the sound stuff on my computer :)00:30
cjaematt__, NO00:30
pjve|mer: what is the chipset of the card?00:30
matt__cjae: lol, alright00:31
amenadoelmer-> what chip does it have? i hope its not bcm43xx..00:31
e|merpjv, RT6100:31
LetsGo67How do I *disable* PPPoE?00:31
jimFelonious: but remember that non-anonymous ftp is very insecure, your password can be seen by anyone observing packets00:31
e|meramenado, RT6100:31
Feloniousi really wish I could get my ati driver to install00:31
soundraymatt__: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Busybox00:31
PaRaSiTe_MoarSurvivorman: OK, thanks (sorry for the slow reply)00:31
cjaematt__, on a win box anyway right now00:31
e|meramenado, I used this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29682200:31
matt__cjae: ahhh...comeone, it'll work! ;)00:31
pjve|mer: check to see if they have linux drivers for it. you may have to compile a module00:31
individual_elevhello how can i delete trash files on my sansa using ubuntu,i cannot access it00:31
matt__soundray: thanks00:31
Survivormanup_the_irons, buntu-dev, oops00:31
FeloniousI beginning to think I will never get ati's driver to run on here00:31
pjve|mer: or use ndiswrapper as a last resort00:31
e|merpjv, I followed this guide and it worked until I restarted http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29682200:32
Feloniouswhich is the only thing keeping me from staying in linux fulltime00:32
Survivormanup_the_irons, ubuntu-dev, I can't type :(00:32
pjvok hang on00:32
up_the_ironsSurvivorman: actually #ubuntu-devel seems like a valid channel :)00:32
ahavepjv, yes.00:32
matt__soundray: cjae for the most part, if i use the ~/ thing, will that mean the home directory on all distros?00:32
Varegatrent1980: it keeps saying no such nick/channel00:32
smithey93Felonious: have u any idea what folder because theres lots in the tar00:32
amenadoelmer and what happened? you followed the instruction on that link?00:32
lunartearanyone familiar with ACL?00:32
Feloniousuhmm... no00:32
soundrayFelonious: there is a fair chance that your hardy upgrade will sort you out wrt. fglrx00:32
Survivormanup_the_irons, good :)00:32
Mathmanmatt__: that's entirely dependent on the shell00:32
sirjoebobhello all... anyone know how to use the dell i8k fan utilities to force a dell laptop fan on without running gkrellm???00:32
freebooter3hardy is due at the end of the month right?00:32
FeloniousIve tried every method and I always end up with black screen upon reboot00:32
soundraymatt__: no, not all shells use that00:32
individual_elevthe files have been lock and i cannot add new items to it coz its already full00:32
e|meramenado, yes I followed the instructions in that post. The WiFi worked until I restarted.00:33
GlenQuagmirewhy does the file "/etc/resolv.conf" gets overwritten every reboot ??00:33
soundray!hardy | freebooter300:33
ubotufreebooter3: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu00:33
cjaematt__, most have the /home dir now and setup that way00:33
PaRaSiTe_MoarDoes Ubuntu Hardy 64bit support 32bit apps?00:33
jimFelonious: aha. then: imagine how it would feel to solve that problem yourself... look at it this way: no one's responsible for your desire to run linux or any other os but you... so you have to be the one to decide00:33
matt__soundray: Mathman ok...but i can just use ./ and it'll more than likely be ok, right?00:33
CShadowRunhardy release on my birthday, awsome present +1 :D00:33
soundrayPaRaSiTe_Moar: #ubuntu+1 for hardy questions please. Short answer is yes00:33
matt__PaRaSiTe_Moar: somewhat sorta...00:33
pjve|mer: iwconfig00:33
matt__PaRaSiTe_Moar: all i can say it flash it sorta hard to get to work...00:33
soundraymatt__: yes00:33
pjve|mer: is your device there?00:34
Bizzehhey, i cant seem to get ati or fglrx drivers to work in this install... is there any tool to go through the config in a non-automated way like previous versions?00:34
PaRaSiTe_MoarSorry, it wasn't a Hardy question per-se, just in general.00:34
e|merpjv, yes: http://slexy.org/view/s2SawNOz9x00:34
e|merpjv, I mean no00:34
PaRaSiTe_MoarAnd I know about flash, but apart from that?00:34
Mathmanmatt__: if you're writing a bash script then bash is going to be the interpreter anyhow, so what you're asking doesn't really matter00:34
e|merpjv, sorry00:34
pjve|mer: it's not loaded00:34
jimif someone decides for you, that can create the idea that you get to come to that person and ask questions... and that might not be what the person had in mind00:34
VaregaHey guys, is NickServer down?00:34
amenadoelmer do you have to have wpa? it works when in the clear?00:34
Feloniousive tried solving it...00:34
pjve|mer: you need to load it00:34
soundrayPaRaSiTe_Moar: even on gutsy, I found most 32bit apps straightforward to put into my 64bit installation00:34
Felonioustried every possible way you could to install it00:34
VaregaIt seems I can't register00:34
kitcheVarega: how are we suppose to know that?00:34
up_the_ironsSurvivorman: a dude in #ubuntu-devel said to go to #ubuntu-motu, just fyi00:34
soundray!enter | Felonious00:34
ubotuFelonious: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:34
e|meramenado, yes I have WPA PSK. I don't understand what you mean by "it works when in the clear"00:34
PaRaSiTe_Moarsoundray: Thanks.00:34
BarryToemancjae: from ffmpeg faq: Both XviD and DivX (version 4+) are implementations of the ISO MPEG-4 standard (note that there are many other coding formats that use this same standard). Thus, use '-vcodec mpeg4' to encode these formats.00:34
pjve|mer: modprobe rt6100:35
LetsGo67How do I *disable* PPPoE?00:35
e|merpjv, how would I do that00:35
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE00:35
kitcheVarega: and yes Nickserv is up00:35
soundray!lol | Felonious00:35
ubotuFelonious: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.00:35
e|merpjv, run that command?00:35
pjvthen make the alias in modprobe.conf00:35
matt__Mathman: that is true...sorta00:35
amenadoe|mer-> using WPA PSK is encrypted, clear is un-encrypted..try the clear first to make sure everything is okay00:35
GlenQuagmireanyone ? why does the file "/etc/resolv.conf" gets overwritten every reboot ??00:35
pjve|mer: yes00:35
Varegakitche: The command to register is /msg NickServer REGISTER "NICK" correct?00:35
smithey93Felonious: have u any idea what folder because theres lots in the tar00:35
matt__soundray: LOL and OMG!!!! Gahh that gets annoying00:35
daYZmani just got ubuntu installed on my laptop, but i'm having some serious graphics problems. firstly, the screen goes blank just before login (possibly when X starts) if i DON'T connect an external mon to the video output. why's that?00:35
jimVarega: ot00:35
e|merpjv, I ran that and iwconfig is still the same00:35
Felonioussmithey93,  no I dont not00:36
jimVarega: it's /msg nickserv help00:36
kitcheVarega: no /msg or /quote nickserv register00:36
ahave would anyone care to offer advise on how i can further debug my sata issue with ubuntu? I can not seem to read SATA1, or SATA2 with or without AHCI..I get alot of 'unknown devices' in lspci, could it be that i am lacking a needed driver?00:36
BarryToemanwhat's annoying is the nanny-stating when someone says "lol"00:36
PaRaSiTe_MoarWould I need to get special 64bit programs then?00:36
smithey93Felonious: dont matter, i found it :D00:36
amenadoGlenQuagmire-> look in your dhclient config  it ask for name servers. if you dont want it, remove it00:36
elementrus86hey whats the package name for the system monitor thing00:36
matt__soundray: rtfa is a good one though00:36
e|meramenado, OK, I'm changing my WiFi settings right now...00:36
PaRaSiTe_MoarAnd if I downloaded Firefox, would it automatically get the 64bit version?00:36
Feloniousdont ban me... im jus givin you a hard time00:36
e|meramenado, pjv, I am quitting for a bit to change WiFi to unencrypted00:36
amenadoe|mer-> make sure it matches whats in your AP settings00:36
e|meramenado, make sure what matches?00:36
AlangaraI need help GRUB went on the fritz after reinstalling linux and its blocking me out (get an error 15 from grub and cant advance00:37
soundrayBarryToeman: it's just a polite request -- most people choose to comply and that makes the channel more readable.00:37
Giloureinstall it00:37
amenadoe|mer-> clear vs encrypted00:37
Feloniouscan someone tell me what the major differences between gnome and kde is?00:37
Varegathank you kitche and jim00:37
e|meramenado, OK00:37
DossyHi, does anyone know how to add a resize_inode to an ext2/ext3 fs, after it's been created?  Will ext2prepare do that?00:37
MathmanAlangara: boot to rescue mode and reinstall grub00:37
e|meramenado, I know it worked before, so I don't think encryption is the problem00:37
kitcheFelonious: one uses qt the other gtk really00:37
Alangarausing live CD right mathman?00:38
soundrayFelonious: gnome is more work-orientated, hiding complexity. KDE puts everything in your hand to be configured in detail.00:38
amenadoe|mer-> make sure first will yah, then work towards the encrypted once you have verified it works in the clear00:38
MathmanFelonious: kde is more windows like perhaps.  and gnome has much less options as far as customizing the thing goes it seems like.00:38
MathmanAlangara: yeah, that would work00:38
Alangaracool... thanks00:38
Bizzehso. how can i config my xorg install without having to edit the file, but also without reconfigure doing it for me00:38
MathmanAlangara: you'll probably need to mount /proc in your ubuntu install.  chroot to it, then run grub.  something along those lines00:39
LetsGo67How do I *disable* PPPoE?00:39
Feloniousmaybe id rather be in kde then...00:39
GrueTamerkeep in mind, Felonious, kde uses more resources and is bigger than gnome00:39
MathmanBizzeh: on ubuntu?  hmm...you don't?  least last I checked ubuntu didn't have any gui tools or whatever for doing that.00:39
b4l74z4rsudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list <-- does anyone know how to undo whatever changes this command does?00:40
PaRaSiTe_MoarSorry to ask again00:40
PaRaSiTe_MoarWould I need to get special 64bit programs then?00:40
PaRaSiTe_MoarIf I downloaded Firefox, would it automatically get the 64bit version?00:40
soundrayPaRaSiTe_Moar: of course00:40
PaRaSiTe_MoarDon't I need the 32bit FF to use flash or something.00:40
soundrayPaRaSiTe_Moar: no00:40
PaRaSiTe_Moar64bit just sounds like a lot of... trouble.00:41
matt__soundray: cjae so do all/most distros use the /etc/rc.local for sessions or whatever?00:41
linxehGrueTamer: of course KDE uses more resources than gnome. KDE actually lets you do things rather than deciding you don't need to do them so you wont get a menu item/button for it! :)00:41
matt__PaRaSiTe_Moar: i thought so too, but i like it.00:41
soundrayPaRaSiTe_Moar: you may need 32bit FF for Java plugins00:41
matt__PaRaSiTe_Moar: mostly00:41
mizzdjmariawow nice to know00:41
soundrayPaRaSiTe_Moar: it was a lot of trouble until gutsy came out00:41
PaRaSiTe_MoarSo how would I get 32bit FF?00:41
PaRaSiTe_MoarWouldn't it automatically get 64bit?00:41
soundray!flash64 | PaRaSiTe_Moar00:41
ubotuPaRaSiTe_Moar: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava00:41
PaRaSiTe_MoarI'll be using Hardy00:42
elmerOK, amenado modprobe rt61 is not working00:42
freebooter3so would you recommend kubuntu over ubuntu for people who like to configure their desktops better?00:42
PaRaSiTe_MoarI'm using a C2D, not AMD, if that makes any difference...00:42
elmeramenado, that is, it is not loading ra0 or anything00:42
=== elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu
kitchePaRaSiTe_Moar: nope since they really use the same technology00:42
Mathmanfreebooter3: I'd recommend installing both gnome and kde and perhaps some other desktops as well and giving them all a spin and deciding what you like00:42
soundrayPaRaSiTe_Moar: you don't need 32bit firefox for flash. All you need to do is 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree', which will put the Adobe plugin into your 64-bit firefox00:42
PaRaSiTe_MoarThought so.00:43
PaRaSiTe_MoarOK, thanks soundray, kitche, matt__.00:43
PaRaSiTe_MoarI still can't decide.00:43
PaRaSiTe_Moar64bit sounds good.00:43
PaRaSiTe_MoarJust sounds like... a lot of trouble, as I said.00:43
soundrayPaRaSiTe_Moar: it's not00:44
soundrayPaRaSiTe_Moar: but if you're worried and stick with 32bit, there isn't much that you lose00:44
SurvivormanWell PaRaSiTe_Moar you can give it a try, if you don't like it, go back to 32bit.00:44
PaRaSiTe_MoarBut I need custom programs etc?00:44
ahave would anyone care to offer advise on how i can further debug my sata issue with ubuntu? I can not seem to read SATA1, or SATA2 with or without AHCI..I get alot of 'unknown devices' in lspci, could it be that i am lacking a needed driver?00:44
linxeh64bit is trouble if you have a lot of 32bit binary stuff you need to run00:44
soundrayNo, linxeh, really, it isn't00:44
PaRaSiTe_MoarI'm a first time Linux user, so no specific 32bit stuff?00:44
PaRaSiTe_MoarNo ?*00:44
linxehsoundray: yes, it is trouble. its workable, but its trouble. not least because companies wont give you support - they tell you to install the 32bit version00:45
soundrayPaRaSiTe_Moar: do I have to repeat myself?00:45
Mathmanlinxeh: depends on your distro really as to how much trouble it can be00:45
soundraylinxeh: so you install the 32bit version in your 64bit system and it works just fine.00:45
linxehMathman: sure, and the environment you are in - for me it is nearly impossible (like using ubuntu is generally :(00:45
linxehsoundray: except when it doesn't...00:45
soundraylinxeh: well, it does if you start from a fresh (not upgraded) gutsy install00:46
PaRaSiTe_MoarWon't I just have to get a load of different software etc, which would be more buggy, less supported and harder to get in the first place?00:46
Mathmanlinxeh: sounds more like a case of just not being familiar with ubuntu00:46
soundrayPaRaSiTe_Moar: do I have to repeat myself?00:46
Feloniouswhats the accepted .mp4 muxer for linux ala mp4box in windows00:46
linxehsoundray: things like firefox etc sure, but loads of expensive commercial software doesn't easily work (but can be made to work) - eg SRA NetOwl, various things from BBN.00:47
bosancedoshi i have ubuntu 7.10 and i need some program to fix my videos some program like "Kino" or "kdenlive" pls can somebody tell me ?00:47
linxehMathman: its not that i'm not familiar with ubuntu... I've been using and developing on linux for 12 years, debian for about 6 of those, ubuntu for the last 300:47
soundrayPaRaSiTe_Moar: if you go for 64bit, apt will automatically retrieve software that's compatible with your  system. Most of the time, you won't even notice you're on 64bit00:47
PaRaSiTe_Moarsoundray: So does that mean it won't get 64bit?00:47
linxehMathman: the biggest issue for me is support. the manufacturers of commercial software only support a limited number of distros generally, and ubuntu still isn't making a big dent there00:48
PaRaSiTe_MoarSorry to sound like a stupid newb... although I suppose I am.00:48
soundrayPaRaSiTe_Moar: NO00:48
PaRaSiTe_MoarOK :)00:48
Mathmanlinxeh: well sure, you're pretty much stuck with redhat if you run junk like that.00:48
tawtwhere do i go to start an application at startup?00:48
bosancedosHello i am running Linux Ubuntu 7.10 and I am looking for some program ( example: to cut the videos, to make clip from photos and to add sounds can somebody help me please ? ) ?00:48
elmeramenado, you still there?00:48
soundray!boot > tawt00:49
Survivormantawt, system > preferences > sessions00:49
soundray!startup > tawt, please read private messages00:49
lastkIs possible to create a virtual machine with vmware placed on partition ntfs ?00:49
MeTaLhi, i'm back... and this time it's just plain weird00:49
Mathmanlastk: yep, or at least it used to be.00:50
Mathmanlastk: or you mean merely having the vmware files on an ntfs filesystem linux has mounted?00:50
lastkMathman : i might to show the error ?00:50
Mathmanlastk: don't see why that wouldn't work either00:50
bosancedosHello i am running Linux Ubuntu 7.10 and I am looking for some program ( example: to cut the videos, to make clip from photos and to add sounds can somebody help me please ? ) ?00:50
lastkMathman : http://paste.la/67000:51
PaRaSiTe_MoarAre most apps available in 64bit then?  Like AmaroK, Exaile etc00:51
scraga1I've got a blank CD inserted, but it doesn't appear to be picking it up(at all), any ideas?00:51
wonko2yowza there's a lot of people here00:51
linxehMathman: that "junk" is pretty expensive, and some of the best in its class. there is no open source equivalent, and because its so niche there is unlikely to be any open source project ever that will touch it00:51
b4l74z4rwhy is it that some letters appear thicker than others?00:51
MeTaLso i tried the testdisk thing, didn't fix anything, only destroyed my linux partition... whatever... i'll live without my backups... nothing irreplaceable. so i installed ubuntu again... and now that i run it, update manager won't find any updates(yeah, right) and synapsis doesn't ask for a password nor does it atually find any packages00:51
soundraybosancedos: try kino, kdenlive and cinelerra. There's no point repeating the question -- you will have to find out yourself which one suits00:51
=== PaRaSiTe_Moar is now known as PaRaSiTe2
Feloniousoh cool... gpac is mp4bpx00:51
bosancedossoundray: i tryed kino and kdenlive are not good00:52
Mathmanlinxeh: ha, relax.  I use the term junk loosely00:52
eriscodoes anyone know if it is possible to take a gpd file and turn it into a ppd file? are they even the same thing?00:52
soundraybosancedos: that leaves cinelerra00:52
bosancedoslet me try00:52
wonko2quick Q: i'm trying to work with openldap, i've got 2.3.35 installed, but all the libldap/libldap-dev stuff seems to be 2.1.30, how do I get that to be 2.3.x as well so i can link to it properly?00:52
elmeramenado, you still there?00:52
bosancedossoundray: E: Couldn't find package cinelerra00:52
Mathmanlastk: doesn't sound like anything to do with the disk really.  what version of vmware if I may?00:52
bosancedossoundray: i can't install cinelerra00:52
BilleniumHey, i just installed Ubuntu, and now im at the command line. So then i "sudo apt-get installed ubuntu-desktop"... Now thats done. How do i get into the Desktop it self?00:52
MeTaLso i tried the testdisk thing, didn't fix anything, only destroyed my linux partition... whatever... i'll live without my backups... nothing irreplaceable. so i installed ubuntu again... and now that i run it, update manager won't find any updates(yeah, right) and synapsis doesn't ask for a password nor does it atually find any packages00:52
lonranhow can i draw a simple circumference with a selected color in gimp? (i have searched for howtos but cant find an answer)00:52
MeTaLhelp anyone?00:52
soundray!cinelerra | bosancedos00:53
ubotubosancedos: Cinelerra is a video editor and compositor that cannot be included in Ubuntu for legal reasons. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu00:53
eriscolonran, I believe there is #gimp00:53
MathmanBillenium: startx would probably do the trick.  I'd probably set it up so that I get a gui on boot though00:53
robiliveHi, some day ago I've colorized the "ok" and "fail" message of the bootup. I would like to colorize the boot scripts' messages  but I have no idea on what to do... Does anyone know how to do this?00:53
soundrayBillenium: 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm' or reboot00:53
Billeniumhow do i make it boot to GUI?00:53
lonranerisco, yes, but no one answer00:53
eriscolonran, not an excuse. read the help files.00:54
MathmanBillenium: soundray has you covered00:54
Billeniumill do soundrays thang00:54
lonranerisco, sorry then00:54
wonko2also, the other thing, i'm using fluxbox instead of gnome or kde, how do i get the laptop's lid switch to suspend it?00:54
wonko2it doesn't seem to want to do that while running fluxbox00:54
soundrayBillenium: it should boot into gdm (the login screen) automatically00:54
THCJesusHow do i register my nick name00:54
bosancedossoundray: you see i can't install that on ubuntu, so can you tell me another program please?00:54
soundray!register | THCJesus00:55
ubotuTHCJesus: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.00:55
MeTaLno one willing to help me?00:55
soundray!cinelerra | bosancedos00:55
ubotubosancedos: Cinelerra is a video editor and compositor that cannot be included in Ubuntu for legal reasons. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu00:55
soundraybosancedos: can you see that message from ubotu ^^ ?00:55
bosancedossoundray: one of my friends said that program dont works so good00:55
bosancedosyes i saw00:55
scraga1help, I've got a blank CD inserted, but I can't mount it, and gutsy won't let me write to it, keeps saying no device inserted.00:55
bosancedossoundray: well, can you tell me another program please i really need one?00:55
PaRaSiTe2Gah.  I'm VERY tempted by 64bit, just the idea of different apps and more bugs and non-working things sounds... bad.00:56
soundraybosancedos: the http thing is a URL, you enter it in firefox and it will take you to the installation instructions00:56
scraga1 -- tested with 3 different CDs, so can't find the problem.00:56
Mathmanscraga1: well, you don't mount blank cds first off.  they have no file system00:56
Stormx2Oioi. Can I disable my system beep? Turn it into a speaker beep?00:56
bosancedosSOUNDRAY PLS00:56
soundrayPaRaSiTe2: the apps aren't different!00:56
soundray!caps | bosancedos00:56
ubotubosancedos: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:56
wonko2PaRaSiTe2: i've got 64bit on my desktop at work, i haven't noticed any real issues with it00:57
linxehPaRaSiTe2: I'm running 64bit at work and haven't really found anything I can't do yet, other than some random commercial prodcuts00:57
scraga1 @ Mathman - was seeing if I could mount it since that would mean it's not blank, since I can't it means it's blank, but then doesn't explain why ubuntu has it's problem with them.00:57
elmerI need some help00:57
Mathmanscraga1: spose I'd see what dmesg has to say00:57
ahaveis it normal to see 'unknown devices' in lspci?00:57
elmerI am following that guide and ra0 is not loading00:57
soundrayahave: yes00:57
PaRaSiTe2soundray: They're not different apps, but they are different installations etc.00:57
linxehahave: yes00:57
wonko2PaRaSiTe2: how much ram do you have?00:57
Mathmanscraga1: do normal cds work then?00:57
LetsGo67How do I *REMOVE* PPPoE?00:58
bosancedossoundray: well, can you tell me another program please i really need one?00:58
bosancedossoundray: i ask you 100 times00:58
ahavesoundray, linxeh, so how can i debug a SATA drive not working?00:58
soundraybosancedos: no00:58
PaRaSiTe2wonko2: 2GB00:58
PaRaSiTe2For now.00:58
bosancedossoundray: so FUCKYOURSELF00:58
linxehahave: dmesg / /var/log/messages00:58
PaRaSiTe2So I don't NEED 64bit00:58
scraga1Mathman: not tested it with CDs, but DVD(blank and with contents) work fine. dmesg say's tray is open...00:58
LetsGo67!language > bosancedos00:58
wonko2PaRaSiTe2: no, but once you get more than 4GB you should go 64-bit, so it's that's the plan, go now if it's easier. :)00:58
Mathmanscraga1: the tray is open?  odd00:58
scraga1something like --> hdd: tray open <-- it's closed though...00:59
wonko2i have to run, i'll bug you all later about my problems00:59
LetsGo67!language > bosancedos00:59
PaRaSiTe2So why do a lot of people say 64bit has problems and stick with 32bit?  It doesn't make sense if what you all saying is true00:59
soundrayPaRaSiTe2: why don't you install both side-by-side, then you can compare 32 and 64 directly00:59
LetsGo67my bad bosancedos00:59
LetsGo67How do I *REMOVE* PPPoE?00:59
Mathmanscraga1: try booting up with the blank in the machine already?  I dunno...00:59
linxehPaRaSiTe2: I run 32bit on my 64bit machines at home, but run 64bit at work (16 + 64GB ram)00:59
soundrayPaRaSiTe2: arrgh01:00
PaRaSiTe2soundray: How?  And wouldn't that just slow it all down?01:00
AcomacoMy php script runs good(sends a mail), It appears in MailQ but I don't deliver it..Can there be something wrong with PostFix?01:00
linxehPaRaSiTe2: why will it slow it down ?01:00
linxehPaRaSiTe2: they will be on separate partitions...01:00
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Adyshow can i find out which kernel version Im using, without rebooting?01:00
* PaRaSiTe2 is stupid.01:00
linxehAdys: uname -a01:00
ahavelinxeh, what should i look for in dmesg? with SATA issues?01:00
LetsGo67How do I *REMOVE* PPPoE?01:01
linxehahave: without seeing it , I don't know. you could paste it to a pasteboard and give us the url ?01:01
soundrayPaRaSiTe2: at least you have some self-insight ;)01:01
scraga1Mathman: also says(although it's about 1 in 10 lines, so missed it first time round) --> end_request: I/O error, dev hdd, sector 001:01
donspauldinghow can I tell if anacron is running my /etc/cron.daily/* jobs?01:01
linxehLetsGo67: rip out the ethernet ?01:01
PaRaSiTe2soundray: lol01:01
MathmanLetsGo67: I suppose that gui junk would probably work.  synaptic is it?01:01
pokerfacepenguinsoundray: i run 64 bit no problems01:01
PaRaSiTe2Oops, sorry, !lol and all that.01:01
docmurWhen I run cedega I have my game in window mode.   Is there away to release my mouse so I can work on the desktop01:01
LetsGo67Mathman: I need to clean the computer.01:02
soundrayPaRaSiTe2: lots of people had trouble with 32bit programs on 64bit installations before gutsy, but gutsy solves those problems01:02
whileimhereI am using Ubuntu 7.10 and every time I try to move a text block Inkscape 0.45 starts to hog CPU time and never finishes the move. Anyone know why?01:02
StroganoffLetsGo67: use a duster01:02
soundraypokerfacepenguin: good to know, so do I01:02
gluerim taking my 64bit to get fitted into a water cooled case, to friggin noisey..01:02
linxehgluer: there are plenty of quiet air cooled solutions :P01:02
soundraywhileimhere: sounds like a but01:02
soundraywhileimhere: sounds like a bug01:02
Mathmanscraga1: yep, some cd burners are screwy under linux, my experience anyhow.  sony ones in particular.  like I say, I'd try it from a fresh boot and see what happens.01:02
soundray!bugs | whileimhere01:02
ubotuwhileimhere: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots01:02
Mathmanscraga1: or it could be it's time to get a new drive.01:03
Stormx2How can I turn off the system beep on my motherboard and use my sound card instead?01:03
linxehare sony dvdrw/cdrw drives still made by liteon ?01:03
Mathmanbeats me01:03
lunartearanyone here familiar with ACL01:03
StroganoffStormx2: blacklit pcspkr01:03
PaRaSiTe2soundray: So with Hardy there is little reason NOT to use 64bit, as most bugs/problems should be fixed or minor?01:04
Mathmanlunartear: barely.  but then there's probably a way to do with groups and users whatever it is you're wanting.  least that's usually the case.01:04
g666RLi tried to start ubuntu, but i gave me a message about my screen and never got past that .   like it started to iniaialize my screen drivers or something 6 times. any ideas?01:04
Stormx2Stroganoff: Will that give me a beep from my speakers and not just silence it?01:04
Stroganoffsilence it01:04
LetsGo67How do I remove PPPoEconf system changes?01:04
scraga1Mathman: k, it works fine to burn DVDs, and it's burn CDs before(back on dapper, not burnt any CDs on gutsy before now, was gonna burn a hardy liveCD, install it alongside gutsy try it out without risking stability when it's essential)01:04
LetsGo67How do I remove PPPoEconf system changes?01:04
soundrayPaRaSiTe2: my advice is, install them both and compare. I'm starting to find this discussion boring, so please don't ask me anymore.01:05
shukassag666R: ubuntu does that on a one of my computers. I got around it using the alternate CD install which uses the Debian installer01:05
lunartearMathman: my issue is that the acls arent being inherited when copying regular files/directories to a directory with acls set01:05
ahavelinxeh, http://rafb.net/p/HpnbGY95.html01:05
dabbillI am getting java error when tryin to run frostwire sayin /usr/lib/frostwire/runFrostwire.sh: line 125:  3903 Aborted01:05
shukassaBut if you want to use it Live CD wise that won't help01:05
soundrayLetsGo67: if nobody replies, it's because nobody knows. Repeating at this rate won't help.01:06
PaRaSiTe2soundray: Sorry. :-/01:06
utarpradeshHow do I run Nautilus?01:06
Mathmanlunartear: beats me01:06
utarpradeshNautilus is installed but I don't know how to run it.01:06
g666RLshukassa: so should i use another distros Live CD?01:06
soundrayutarpradesh: are you in gnome?01:06
IndyGunFreakutarpradesh: open a terminal and type nautilus?01:06
pokerfacepenguinutarpradesh: it is your file manager in gnome01:06
utarpradeshim in ubuntu 7.1001:06
Survivormandabbill, update-alternatives --config java and select your java01:06
scraga1utarpradesh: it's the default file veiwer :P01:06
utarpradeshI see. :D01:07
utarpradesh:D:D:D:D Sorry :)01:07
soundrayutarpradesh: nautilus is already running. Open a nautilus window via the Places menu01:07
dabbillSurvivorman, done that :(01:07
shukassa<g666RL>  well it seems churlish top recommend another distros in this chan but i have found Fedora has the best Graphics drivers01:07
utarpradeshaha, hm.. i thought it was the cd burner utility.... then how do i create a Data Disc using DVD+R's?01:07
shukassaAnd it especially seems to work with the ones that Ubuntu doesn't01:07
Survivormandabbill, which one are you selecting... it just randomly happened to me a few days ago and that worked. Apart from that, I'm not sure.01:08
g666RLshukassa: so for ubuntu my only choice is to install it right away?01:08
utarpradeshi want to put data onto a 4.7GB DVD+R01:08
shukassaBut then again you could try Opengeu which is more or less ubuntu but with a different set of driers01:08
orudiewhich channel is for susian ubuntu ?01:08
rdglookin for a little help - Ubuntu installer (beta) isn't detecting my CD after just launching the installer from it01:08
Stormx2Stroganoff: How can I make that happen every boot?01:08
orudierussian ubuntu01:08
rdgis this common with SATA DVD-ROM drives?01:08
JamaKrisi need help with the atheros AR5006EG wiireless w/ my laptop need to get it working, can anyone help01:08
Stormx2!ru | orudie01:08
ubotuorudie: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:08
soundrayutarpradesh: Places-CD/DVD creator01:08
dabbillSurvivorman,  /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java01:08
StroganoffStormx2 use google........ http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/26/turning-off-the-system-hardware-beep-linux-tutorial/01:08
utarpradeshah, thank you01:08
shukassa<g666RL> or maybe use Virtual box and try it virtually first01:08
shukassathat's what I do01:09
g666RLshukassa: actually what i really want is to use the Gparted thing to shrink my primary partitiion01:09
JamaKrisand im using ubuntu01:09
JamaKrisi need help with the atheros AR5006EG wiireless w/ my laptop need to get it working, can anyone help01:09
soundray!repeat | JamaKris01:09
ubotuJamaKris: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:09
Survivormandabbill, I'm not sure what to do then. I've seen a lot of issues have been popping up lately (this week) with frostwire and java. Maybe some update that occurred.01:09
shukassa<g666RL> well you could do that01:09
soundray!wifi | JamaKris, have a look at these help pages, then come back and ask more specifically01:10
ubotuJamaKris, have a look at these help pages, then come back and ask more specifically: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:10
dabbillSurvivorman, i am selecting *+        2    /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java01:10
g666RLshukassa: but you dont recommend it?01:10
headrxfor some reason, i cant 'su'  .. i edited the 'group' file and added my usr under root, but still no luck01:10
soundrayJamaKris: look out for the madwifi keyword, that's what the Atheros driver is called01:10
headrxany ideas01:10
code_killdoes anyone know file name of xvid to (apt-get) it?01:10
Survivormandabbill, that's the one I used too. I read that installing iced tea worked for some people, but I can't play online chess on pogo with iced tea, so I never tried it.01:10
high-freqis there a repo for madwifi cuz all i see is madwifi-tools in the repo01:11
shukassa<g666RL> well I've tried so many things I can't make up my mind - there's no reason whay it shouldn't work though01:11
orudiewhats the name of a good irc client ?01:11
rdgis there anything I can do to encourage the installer to find my DVD drive it just booted off of?01:11
soundrayheadrx: if you need root privileges, use sudo instead.01:11
icanhasproxySo my wifi card is broken. Atheros AR242x. modprobe ath_pci reveals error in dmesg01:11
scraga1picks up blank CD now, thanks.01:11
shukassaI like Xchat01:11
g666RLshukassa: the fedora is on www.fedora.org?01:11
headrxi know that .. but its still annoying that it wont work01:11
soundrayheadrx: if you need to impersonate another user via shell, use 'sudo su - username'01:11
shukassa<g666RL>  yeah01:11
Seven_Six_Twordg, detect it with what?01:11
Seven_Six_Twordg, for what?01:11
shukassa<g666RL>  be aware though that Fedora is tricky to install Sun-Java on if you want that form an os01:12
scraga1:( now when I go to burn I'm prompted to insert a blank CD...01:12
rdgI'm trying to install the latest ubuntu from iso (alternative).. it booted, launched the installer, then said it couldn't mount my CD after detecting keyboard01:12
high-freqis there a repo that has madwifi?01:12
linxehahave: I would go into the bios and set "plug and play os installed" to yes01:12
shukassa<g666RL>  I would look at Opengeu too01:13
g666RLshukassa: so what u recommend if i just want to use the Gparted feature to shrink my primary partition01:13
ahavelinxeh, why would you say that?01:13
soundray!info madwifi-tools | high-freq01:13
ubotuhigh-freq: madwifi-tools (source: madwifi-tools): tools for the Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.9.3+dfsg-1 (gutsy), package size 38 kB, installed size 196 kB01:13
g666RLshukassa:  url01:13
f0rmati was just wondering how i could connect my laptop to my desktop via ethernet and link them like a network01:13
linxehahave: but its found the disks as sda and sdb ?01:13
soundrayhigh-freq: it's in universe ^^01:13
high-freqdidn't know if that was it01:13
high-freqfor the madwifi drivers01:13
soundrayhigh-freq: the actual drivers are in the kernel01:14
ahavelinxeh, i suppose. gparted will see them and i can set partitions.. but it will not automount01:14
shukassa<g666RL>  hang on I saw something that was said to be easier than Gparted lets see if I can find it01:14
linxehahave: well, its whinging about IRQs being reserved - some newer AMD boards I've seen have had the pnp os stuff disabled in bios for some reason, seems odd to me01:14
PeloEvening folks01:14
high-freqk k01:14
doodlerformat: are your computers on the same network right now? or sharing an internet connection?01:14
linxehahave: oh, well whats in /etc/fstab ? can you paste that ?01:14
rdgany thoughts on that Seven_Six_Two01:14
g666RLshukassa:  sure01:14
f0rmati was just wondering how i could connect my laptop to my desktop via ethernet and link them like a network01:14
ahavelinxeh, sure. one min.01:14
doodlerwhats your laptop running01:14
Seven_Six_Twordg, does it throw a specific error?01:14
linxehahave: mythtv box ? :)01:15
* Pelo wonders if everyone has taken the time to sign the "Stop Uwe Boll" petition yet : http://www.petitiononline.com/RRH53888/petition.html01:15
rdgjust says "Your installation CD couldn't be mounted"01:15
Pelobruenig,  but worth it01:15
* bruenig moves that Pelo kicks himself01:15
LetsGo67No me habla german.01:15
anteayanow i know that .chm is a windows format, but a friend is trying to help me and offered to let me read the chm file if i can get a reader in ubuntu that can handle the format.  Is there a reader in ubuntu for chm files?01:15
bruenigdoes anyone know if ubuntu has dwm in its repos01:15
doodlerformat: what OS is your laptop/desktop running01:15
soundrayf0rmat: you need a crossover patch cable. Then you can configure static IP addresses on both machines ( and are suitable addresses)01:15
icanhasproxydoes ndiswrapper support monitor mode and/or packet injection?01:15
Pici!info dwm | bruenig01:16
ubotubruenig: dwm (source: dwm): dynamic window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3-1 (gutsy), package size 30 kB, installed size 184 kB01:16
eric84hello all01:16
linxehanteaya: chmsee01:16
doodlerif they're on the same network, you should be able to do it without any other hardware01:16
soundrayf0rmat: what's wrong?01:16
rdgSeven_Six_Two,  mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /cdrom/     returns a "invalid argument"01:16
ahavelinxeh, as soon as i can use the HDD.. yes. :)01:16
f0rmati didn't know i couldn't use just a standard ethernet01:16
linxehanteaya: also https://addons.mozilla.org/nl/firefox/addon/323501:16
anteayalinxeh: thank you, i will look for chmsee01:16
f0rmatoh well01:16
jkonamihey all - can anyone recommend a good benchmark program?01:16
doodlerformat: you can just use it01:17
f0rmatthankyou soundray01:17
FloodBot2f0rmat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:17
Picianteaya: gnochm or kchmviewer, depending on what desktop environment you prefer.01:17
anteayalinxeh: thank you, if there is a firefox add on that would help me greatly01:17
high-freqis there a way to install a bz2 file from apt-get or apt-install or somethin01:17
linxehanteaya: and KchmViewer01:17
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Pelojkonami, there was one mentionned on diggs last week but I never manage to get it working, it was cli, I'm not that good01:17
Seven_Six_Twordg, is it a pata drive?01:17
linxehanteaya: I've not tried these though :)01:17
doodlerwhy wouldn't format be able to just use an ethernet cable to network his laptop and desktop?01:17
anteayaPici: thank you01:17
soundrayf0rmat: it may work, but at least one of your cards has to autodetect the direct connection and "rewire" itself for a crossover connection. Macs tend to be good that way.01:17
linxehanteaya: I think I've seen a tool that will extract a .chm into standard html files htough somewhere01:17
n6rejanyone comfortable with networks and samba?01:18
arakthorwould #ubuntu+1 be the place to ask about a package in development?01:18
bruenigPelo lies, he is that good01:18
rdgSeven_Six_Two, I was pretty sure it was SATA.. let me crack open the case01:18
jkonamiPelo: let me know if you remember the name :)01:18
Pelodoodler, needs a router or a point to point protocol01:18
rdgyea it's sata01:18
Seven_Six_Twordg, oh if you think it is, then that sounds right01:18
anteayalinxeh: i will wait if you think the answer is close01:18
Pelojkonami, the point was for you to go to www.digg.com and do a search for linux benchmark01:18
shukassa<g666RL> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=115843&package_id=269898 http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Operating-Systems/Linux-Distributions/OpenGEU-30565.shtml01:18
=== c is now known as kirby
n6rejI'm trying to setup my samba as a winserver and set the network to dhcp and now I can't ping the server from the server nor see it by name from windows01:19
linxehanteaya: I don;t have any more suggestions I'm afraid - I'd be googling etc01:19
jkonamiPelo: Oh, will do.  thanks :)01:19
Pelobruenig,  is that your new strategy , build me up for the crowd and watch me fail ?01:19
rdgSeven_Six_Two, there a solution?01:19
shukassaOpengeu is basically ubuntu but is has some restricted drivers available01:19
bruenigPelo: you build yourself up with your awesomeness, did you know your nick means hair in spanish?01:19
ahavelinxeh, fstab: http://rafb.net/p/lwu55r94.html01:19
shukassaat the install stage I mean01:19
Seven_Six_Twordg, /mount exists?01:19
anteayalinxeh: don't waste your time and thanks for the help01:19
linxehanteaya: good luck :)01:19
g666RLshukassa: those distros should be able to shrink partitiions ?01:19
anteayaPici: and thank you as well01:19
Pelobruenig, I was aware or that , also means skin in old french01:19
Seven_Six_Twordg, is that the command that the installer uses?01:20
* anteaya nods to linxeh01:20
linxehahave: well there you go then :)01:20
soundraydoodler: regular ethernet cables haven't got the right wiring for a peer-to-peer connection01:20
g666RLshukassa: ok thanks01:20
shukassa<g666RL> well the first is a set of tools just for partirtioning on a live cd01:20
linxehahave: you need to add the drives to that file to get them to mount at boot01:20
high-frequm...is it wise to install manually the madwifi-tools if i put on thumbdrive...since laptop isn't on net yet cuz of the ar242x drivers...anyone know if there's an issue with the ar5006eg using madwifi?01:20
shukassait's not a whole operating system01:20
bruenigPelo: can also mean "to defeat" in latin01:20
cirkitbruenig = troll01:20
ahavelinxeh, oh..01:20
doodlersoundray: but if he's on the same network, he should be able to share files between the two machines01:20
g666RLshukassa: ok01:20
Pelobruenig, realy ?01:20
rdgSeven_Six_Two, /mount? no..     I ran %  mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /cdrom01:20
ahavelinxeh, i thought they should automount/01:20
linxehahave: I'm not sure of the "preferred" ubuntu way of doing that though01:20
bruenigPelo: actually that is pello, but sometimes they drop double consonants and such, so it could be rendered pelo01:21
soundraydoodler: right now, he's not on a network at all (as evidenced by questions he or she was asking earlier)01:21
eric84when i try to enable my nvidia restricted driver for legacy cards i get an error saying that 'the software source for the package nvidia-glx-legacy is not enabled'... i've tried downloading that package using synaptic but it doesn't find it, any advice?01:21
doodlersoundray: if he means just having two computers sitting in a room hooked together with 1 ethernet cable and neither hooked up to a network, then yeah that wont work01:21
ahavelinxeh, what are some google terms i can use to find a guide?01:21
Seven_Six_Twordg, can you do it with sudo?01:21
linxehahave: well, maybe if you set them somehow in the gui tools they would. I'm away from an ubuntu box atm so I'm not sure how to guide you. I'll have a google01:21
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:21
doodlersoundray: ok i missed that part sorry. i guess i came in after he started asking01:21
pirattrevhow do u get your own channel to appear in the channels list?01:21
shukassa<g666RL> what graphics card do you have just for my curiosity?01:21
rdgSeven_Six_Two, I'm in the console during the installer.. there is no sudo01:21
g666RLshukassa:  hold on01:21
dabbillwhat is the package name for sun java? or all the package names i need to install01:21
linxehahave: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountPartitions?highlight=%28mount%2901:21
ahavelinxeh, i am actually using a mythbuntu build...01:21
soundraydoodler: it can work, if at least one of the cards can autoconfigure itself for crossover01:21
bruenigcirkit: how is california?01:21
cirkitbruenig, nice and sunny ;)01:22
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:22
linxehahave: I would read that guide through before doing anything though01:22
guillermohi. i was installing ubuntu 8.04 from a network server but couldnt install ubuntu-desktop correcly, its a bug of some sort. so im left with the command line, the problem is it wont let me sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, i get an error saying the network is unreachable, any ideas?01:22
ahavelinxeh, thanks! i will read up on that.01:22
soundray!hardy | guillermo01:22
ubotuguillermo: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu01:22
ahavelinexh, would you still recomend changing the bios setting to plug and play os?01:22
linxehahave: nah leave it as it is :)01:23
Seven_Six_Twordg, sorry to waste your time rdg, I'm not sure what could be happening. I have never used that installer.01:23
ahavelinxeh, ok01:23
linxehahave: try adding this line...01:23
g666RLshukassa: Intel(R) 829 15G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family ??01:23
rdgSeven_Six_Two, no sweat and not a waste of time. any attempt at help is appreciated01:23
g666RLshukassa: sorry dunno if thats good01:23
linxehahave:      /dev/sda1     /where/you/want/it     ext3    defaults    0  001:24
cirkit 17:22:30 up 50 days, 18:16,  1 user,  load average: 0.42, 0.32, 0.3901:24
Seven_Six_Twordg, np01:24
g666RLi thought it would be under systems01:24
bruenigcirkit: yawn01:24
linxehahave: and the same for /sev/sdb1   (but obviously on another mount point, unless you want to set up LVM)01:24
shukassa<dabbill> I have afeeling i searched apt for jre 1.5 and it came up pretty obviously by name01:24
bruenigdoes anyone have screenshots of their desktop?01:24
eric84if anyone has a chance could they please take a crack at a driver issue i'm having?01:24
Pelobruenig,  are you making a collection ?01:24
linxehshukassa: sun-java5-jre01:24
bruenigjust want to see what ubuntu looks like01:24
doodleris anyone running on a thinkpad 770z by any chance? or anything close to it ? lol i know its a stretch01:25
dabbillshukassa, when i did a search for jre it came back with nothing01:25
ohlawdCan anybody tell me how to save an animated .gif?01:25
linxehbruenig: so check the ubuntu site, or google imags01:25
ahavelinxeh, i actually want it to be NTFS, so that my dual boot can have access to it. so LVM is out01:25
Pelobruenig, still using arch-linux then ?01:25
bruenigbut I want it from the real users01:25
ohlawdIt only saves the first frame when I try.01:25
linxehdabbill: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre01:25
bruenignone of this images stuff where people are so tricked up, real desktops that people use01:25
linxehahave: you can get an ext2 driver for windows01:25
f0rmatOk i have 1 ethernet cable i can't have the internet on my laptop while the desktop has the ethernet all i wan't to to is connect the laptop to the desktop and transfer files from desktop to laptop01:25
Pelobruenig, accept the file01:25
g666RLshukassa: CPQ3026, its a compaq 15 inch01:25
shukassa<g666RL> thats interesting that's another Intrel integrated cheipset the same as i had a problen with and the issue appeasr to be that those boards are named wrongly or something like that01:26
dabbilllinxeh, thanks01:26
ahavelinxeh, would that work better for *buntu for read/write?01:26
linxehbruenig: http://www.neohide.com/files/deskeffects/screen.png thats like mine01:26
bruenigPelo: I have01:26
ohlawdCan anybody please tell me how to save an animated .gif?01:26
linxehahave: mmm, possibly - I'd rather be using something open ;-)01:26
linxehahave: most of your writing will be in Ubuntu I guess?01:26
ChaosParserohlawd: Just save it.01:26
g666RLshukassa: cool, but that means i can never yse any livecd, right?01:27
ohlawdChaosParser:It only saves the first frame when I try.01:27
ChaosParserohlawd: Open it with firefox.01:27
soundrayf0rmat: have you tried my suggestion?01:27
ohlawdOh okay.01:27
ChaosParserohlawd: No problem :)01:27
shukassa<g666RL> no somehow Fedora does recognise them01:27
f0rmatsoundray, yes01:27
Pelobruenig, hold on I'm putting it up on imageshack01:27
ahavelinxeh, live tv recordings... yes. but alot of the .iso and .mp3 may come from windows/network computers01:27
shukassaAnd so does Debian's installer01:27
soundrayf0rmat: and can you ping one machine from the other?01:27
Pelobruenig, http://img222.imageshack.us/my.php?image=capturebureauwh3.png01:27
g666RLshukassa: but does it have a LiveCd option?01:27
shukassaAt least it did here but yest you are a bit limited with those01:27
g666RLshukassa: but does it have a LiveCd option  and can it repartioton01:28
brueniglinxeh: what use are those gauges, do you get anything out of that except to watch it?01:28
shukassaFedora does yes01:28
shukassaDebian doesn't no01:28
f0rmatsoundray, actually i wasn't to sure as how to go about doing that i have a dhcp server running on my desktop but i dunno what to do01:28
bruenigPelo: adesklets and conky is that?01:28
dabbillI keep getting Something went wrong with FrostWire, Maybe your useing the wrong version of java.... it wants 1.4+ when i have 1.6 installed. Any ideas how to fix?01:28
Pelobruenig, gdesklets and conky yes01:28
g666RLshukassa: debian CAN NOT  have a LiveCd option  and can NOT repartition??01:29
Pelobruenig,  I could never get adesklets to work properly , go figure01:29
shukassa<g666RL> yeah that gparted iso has a lot of driver included - it worked for me anyway01:29
soundrayf0rmat: then you don't need static addresses. Just leave your laptop configured as a DHCP client (the default) and see if it picks up an address from the server on your desktop.01:29
shukassa<g666RL> it will partition you drive01:29
shukassabut it doesn't have a live cd01:29
bruenigPelo: adesklets is weird, very manual01:29
shukassaActually many people don't recommend debian as a beginner system I ought to say01:30
g666RLshu but the OpenGEU does both?01:30
shukassaI found it ok but i am told it can be confusing01:30
GrueTamerthe installer process is a bit more intimidating to some01:30
soundraydoodler: Ubuntu is suboptimal for a laptop like that. Perhaps have a look at DSL Linux01:30
g666RLshukassa: i was mainly looking for a repartioner but i got curious01:30
shukassa<g666RL> yeah and you get a really fancy themeset called Enlightenment to boot01:30
GrueTamerbut its really not *that* different, from what i can tell01:30
shukassaActully the themes weren't to my taste really01:31
g666RLshukassa: on which distro is the themeset?01:31
gligorhoriahellow, if i use GNU GPL server side software, may i remove the links to the authors web site, or the adds provided with them?01:31
shukassaBut then I don't like Aero either so what do I know about style01:31
GrueTamershukassa: you know much about style01:31
matt__http://linuxhack3r.com/2008/04/07/x360mediaserve-stream-music-to-your-360-in-linux/ A tutorial/script I've written to get a media server streaming to your xbox 360, anyone mind looking over it to make sure it is simple and complete?01:31
SubOneSome of the videos I watch in firefox (totem video player plugin) show up with no video but just sound. The strange thing is that if I scroll the page I can see glimpses of the video for each notch I scroll on mhy mousewheel. Could this be a codec issue? I'm just really confused why I see flashes of the video if I scroll the page.01:31
g666RLshukassa: actually im against any themes i had huge problemsw whit KDE or gnome or whatever01:32
Pelobruenig, I tried it because gdesklets has this little bug in it that makes it eat 100% cpu after a while,  it just goes up for no reason and you need to kill it,  I have crontab restart it every hour now so it doesn't do that anymroe but anyway. I tweeked this little conky casue I was bored and I wanted system info and I thought gdesklets was just too demanding for that,01:32
linxehgligorhoria: how about asking GNU or FSF that, rather than ubuntu ? :o01:32
linxehgligorhoria: or hell, even a lawyer?01:32
shukassa<g666RL> well you don't have to use them with Opengeu01:32
soundraygligorhoria: it's not exactly a kind thing to do, but the licence certainly doesn't prevent you01:32
f0rmatsoundray, ok i am trying that01:32
PeloSubOne, remove totem-mozilla and install mplayer-mozilla01:32
shukassaYou can turn them all off but if it works for you live you'll be able to test all that before you install it01:32
gligorhorialinxeh :D i just thought u would know, no need to be rood...01:32
g666RLshukassa: for reasons of GUI alone, redhat 6 and mandrake sucked more than win951  :)01:33
linxehbruenig: yes. my linux desktop is on a remote dev server with 10 other people sharing it. those guages are real useful for finding out when things are going ott01:33
linxehahave: is the machine going to be running Ubuntu all the time, or are you dual booting ?01:33
linxehgligorhoria: I wasn't being rude - it's just completely offtopic for in here01:33
shukassa<g666RL> yeah Fedora is an aquired taste looks wise01:33
g666RLshukassa: tnx, i will surely not use any fancy stuff01:34
gligorhoriasoundray the thing is i don't want any external link, no adds ever! ty :D01:34
gligorhoriacu all01:34
linxehshukassa: you think fedora is bad - try redhat enterprise or slowaris :)01:34
bruenigubuntu should make customizing dwm a bit easier01:34
* g666RL wants to kill redhat01:34
shukassa<linxeh>  I can't really afford redhat01:34
g666RLshukassa: chow01:34
shukassaseeya <g666RL>01:34
linxehshukassa: we have to use it at work. I hate it. We use debian wherever we can get away with it, but unfortunately thats not much :(01:35
ahavelinxeh, dual boot just for backup.. :(01:35
adelie42Help! I got a new keyboard, and certain 'shift accessible' characters require I use a certain shift key, but only in Ubuntu. Any ideas on how to 'fix' this?01:35
ahavelinxeh, otherwise i would go with samba server-esk solution01:35
shukassa<linxeh> I must admit i've stuck with Debian01:35
Peloahave, shit or altgr ?01:36
brueniganyways, here is my screen if anyone is interested, feel bad having people upload their stuff without visual reciprocation: http://i28.tinypic.com/whh1er.png01:36
budluvahey all01:36
LjLPelo: best highlight ever01:36
shukassaI suppose that's an aood choice for recent convert but I just liked the no fuss attitude and the way it never goes wrong when you update it :)01:36
shukassaWhich Fedora does unfortunately01:36
shukassaTo be fair though my son uses Ubuntu and that hasn't gone wrong so far either01:37
* Pelo bangs his head on his desk in shame 01:37
ahavePelo, saw what?01:37
FloodBot2Pelo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:37
brueniguh oh01:37
linxehahave: for backup ?01:37
ahavelinxeh, in case i run into some hardware/software that is windows only... or if i couldnt get linux configured correctly01:37
bruenigwhat is Pelo going crazy about01:38
linxehshukassa: we use a mix of debian and ubuntu on things we can get away with - other than that its redhat (from v6 up to the rhel5)01:38
GrueTamerbruenig: pelo broke01:38
Peloadelie42, do you mean the shift key or the altgr key ?01:38
linxehahave: hmm, I'd worry about that when it happens :)01:38
ahavelinxeh, i split a 120GB HDD 3 ways.. each one with an OS01:38
kitchebruenig: umm dwm is easy customizeable kinda hard to customize soemthing that is though source that is already a package01:38
Pelobruenig, nvm , LjL  got it01:38
bruenigbut perhaps a distributed source system01:38
ahavelinxeh, yea. my last linux project didnt go so well. so i am cautious.. (linuxice)01:38
elmerI got my WiFi working!01:39
elmerUbuntu is great! Thanks for the help, guys!01:39
shukassa<linxeh>  I am thinking of trying Centos at least virtually, just out of curiosity really01:39
linxehahave: I would seriously considered ext3 or something, and get the ext2 stuff for windows (or look at fuse)01:39
adelie42Pelo: I can only use left shift to get (?<:"] keys01:39
high-frequm is there a possibility to install by default the linux-restricted drivers so can get wifi enabled cuz this darn card ar5006eg isn't working "out of the box"01:39
ahavelinxeh, can you convince me why? if NTFS works..01:39
ohlawdhigh-freq: Are you using Ubuntu?01:40
GrueTamerahave: fragmenting01:40
torresmo i work at a school, that earned some new computers from the gorvnment01:40
torresmo<torresmo> im from brasil by the way01:40
torresmo<torresmo> and the old ones, are just stoped in a room01:40
torresmo<torresmo> SO i thought about a kiosk that i saw in sao paulo, that allowed the person only to open a single web page.01:40
torresmo<torresmo> but, he pilot program ill do there, its on the library01:40
FloodBot2torresmo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:40
ohlawdBecause it "should" be working.01:40
torresmo<torresmo> with 12 cpters01:40
high-freqohlawd, yes01:40
linxehahave: I've been burned by ntfs in linux in the past. I'd never use it to write NTFS volumes - but I've not used it since ntfs3g / fuse became popular01:40
CorbinFoxhigh-freq: similar problem on my system, so i am assuming that the obvious fix (plugging in the computer with an old fashioned cable) is out of the question for some reason01:40
bazhanghigh-freq: couple of questions; what kernel do you have, and have you installed the linux-restricted-modules for that kernel; also what is the busID for that card01:40
torresmo nice incense dude01:41
shukassaCan't you do aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-drivers or something very similar01:41
pinguhow can you find what type and directory your storage device is so you can manually mount it01:41
jcgrv06Hello. I installed xubuntu over the weekend on my ThinkPad 240. It has a NeoMagic graphics card capable of 1024x768 in Windows, but xubuntu won't let me choose anything higher than 800x600. I edited xconf.org to specify bit depth of 16 instead of 24 and add 1024x768 as a valid mode, but didn't help. Any ideas?01:41
Peloadelie42, that is not normal , did your previous keybaord do this ? how his this keyboard differnt then the previous one , usb/ps2 ? , check in the keyboard shortcut section if everything is ok and verify the keyboard layout to make sure you have the correct one01:41
unoppingu, fdisk -l  ought to tell you01:41
high-freqCorbinFox, yup just wireless ..trying to01:41
ahavelinxeh, hmm.. so you would use ext2... and windows (with correct drivers) can read/write?01:41
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linxehahave: to me it is more likely that the ext2/3 driver for windows will work (well understood, open source) than the ntfs drivers in linux, but then I'm biased because I've lost data that way in the past01:41
GrueTamerpingu: dont paste all the fdisk -l output this time :)01:42
CorbinFoxhigh-freq: perhaps you can try using ndiswrapper or something and just find the required drivers from another computer, then burn to CD or use a USB drive to transfer, then install it01:42
* Pelo is hoping the uwe boll petition cracks 100 k before he goes to bed 01:42
adelie42Pelo: old keyboard didn't do this, and it didn't do it when I still had M$W for certain games that didn't have full wine support at the time01:42
pinguGrueTamer: i didn't think it would be that big01:42
high-freqbazhang, k getin it now....01:42
shukassaBut the restricted drivers didn't work for me - in the end only buying a new adapter really solved it01:42
unoppingu, never paste in here01:42
pinguunop: it just gives me a bunch of number01:42
high-freqCorbinFox, k might have to use thumbdrive and install required files01:42
GrueTamerpingu: well, pastebin the output, and then tell me how big the hard drive is01:43
adelie42Pelo: I switched from generic 105pc keyboard to G15, but didn't change anything (I have a G11 keyboard)01:43
pinguGrueTamer: how do you paste bin, never used that before01:43
linxehahave: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsd or http://www.fs-driver.org/01:43
GrueTamer!pastebin | pingu01:43
Peloadelie42, i'm taking an educated guess here that your new keyboard has more keys then the previous one,  check in the prefs menu ,  for the keyboard settings make sure you have the correct model selected01:43
ubotupingu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:43
linxehahave: I used the first one, but the latter is meant to be very good01:43
unoppingu, those 'numbers' mean things, look at the legend/heading on top for the corresponding columns01:43
f0rmatsoundray, It didn't work01:43
adelie42Pelo: it is really annoying to be required to use left shift only every time I want a '?'01:43
x0x«HeLLo» «EvErY» «OnE» «« x0x »» «Iz» «BaCk» «To» «RoCk» «YouR» «HeArT» «AgAiN»   ABC Script01:44
Peloadthat was  my only guess , possibly the keyboard is broken,  can you test it in another os ?01:44
CorbinFoxhigh-freq: I have a ethernet port on mine, but the restricted drivers didnt work for me either.  so just try to find and ndiswrapper it.  it was odd too, since the card would work somewhat, but had no MAC address and some other traits.01:44
unopx0x, stop that01:44
bazhangx0x: not here01:44
x0xi need help01:44
Pelox0x, ask a question01:44
x0xthen where?01:44
ahavelinexh, what about working with max os?01:44
aroonianyonme familiar with resolvconf ?  what interfaces do i want to apply it to?01:44
linxehx0x: /dev/null01:44
high-freqCorbinFox, had no mac addy...lol that aint right01:44
GrueTamer!ask | xox01:44
ubotuxox: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:44
linxehahave: fuse is available for darwin too01:44
adelie42Pelo: worked fine in Windows when I still had it, and the right shift still works for MOST other keys01:44
x0xergh give me time to say01:44
Pelox0x,  no scriipts in here, this is a very active support channel, if you havwe an issue just ask01:44
high-freqCorbinFox, um k i can try with the ndiswrapper i guess01:44
x0xPelo ok01:45
jcgrv06Hello. I have xubuntu newly installed in a 1024x768 capable laptop but it is only giving me 800x60001:45
Peloadelie42, is ubuntu new ?01:45
x0xst3v3n@x0x:~$ ping google.com01:45
x0xping: unknown host google.com01:45
Pelojcgrv06, what video card ?01:45
linxehahave: and there is http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsx01:45
x0xi am getting this error01:45
pinguunop: yea i dont understand them my ext hard drive is 120 G but there is nothing like that on there01:45
linxehahave: http://code.google.com/p/macfuse/01:45
GrueTamerpingu: did you pastebin yet?01:45
f0rmatsoundray, It didn't do anything :S01:45
pinguGrueTamer: do i have to like send it to you or something01:45
ahavelinxeh, hmm01:45
bazhanghigh-freq: did you get the info I asked for?01:46
linxehahave: I do everything with samba though01:46
x0xst3v3n@x0x:~$ ping google.com , ping: unknown host google.com i am getting this error... any idea?01:46
GrueTamer!pastebin > pingu01:46
ahavelinxeh, how do i know i wont get burned by ext2 :p01:46
jcgrv06reduced the bit depth from the default 24 to 16 but didn't help, 800x600 is still max01:46
x0xpeepsalot ok01:46
linxehahave: you will always be able to get your data off :)01:46
high-freqbazhang, kernel is 2.6.22-14-generic and the busID is ?????01:46
x0xPelo ok01:46
pinguGrueTamer: i did it and i guess it worked01:46
adelie42Pelo: I am using Hardy, but been using Ubuntu since January 4, 2007 :)01:46
GrueTamerlink please01:46
high-freqbazhang, busid is from lspci right?01:46
LjLx0x: please disable any interactive scripts, they're not allowed here01:46
ahavelinxeh, what about xfs, or jts file systems? are there windows drivers for those?01:47
Peloadelie42, try asking in #ubuntu+1 then this maybe a hardy beta bug01:47
bazhanghigh-freq: do you have the linux-restricted-modules installed for that kernel? and to find busID use lspci (just the number, dontpastebin whole output and flood channel)01:47
adelie42Pelo: ok01:47
linxehahave: fuse should support them, but I've not used either (yet). My next trial will probably be zfs01:47
GrueTamerpingu: give me a few secs01:47
pinguGrueTamer: oh i get how it works i feel dumb01:47
GrueTamerdo you care where its mounted?01:47
cyclonutany statisticians here who happen to have a spare few moments? I know this is offtopic, but a brotha needs help :) http://pastie.caboo.se/17690401:48
shukassaHardy isn't out yet is it? so many people are asking about it I'm beginning to tihnk I've missed the announcement or something01:48
unoppingu, i see your 160GB disk there, partitioned into 401:48
cyclonutshukassa: no it isnt, it is in beta01:48
high-freqbazhang, it is a fresh install of ubuntu so not sure of linux-restricted-modules was installed...i mean fresh installed01:48
ahavelinxeh, these 2 HDD will be used for .iso mpeg2, and .mp3 storage only.. would ext2 be best?01:48
Pelocyclonut, try on dal.net in #statistic maybe01:48
jimcyclonut: #math?01:48
cyclonutthanky folk, did not know of those channels01:48
bazhanghigh-freq: check in synaptic package manager01:48
x0xLjL ok01:48
jcgrv06Anybody has xubuntu on a ThinkPad 240?01:48
subparis there a specific channel for hardy users?01:49
Pelojcgrv06, what video card ?01:49
adelie42subpar: #Ubuntu+101:49
linxehahave: I would use ext3 (because it has journalling) and it can be made to work most places. you are welcome to try ntfs though :)01:49
subparlol nm read the topic01:49
jcgrv06Pelo: NeoMagic01:49
Pelojcgrv06, ok try this,  edit xorg.conf and add the extra resolutions you need in the list,  then restart X01:49
shukassa<subpar> didn't somone say it was ubuntu+1?01:49
jcgrv06Pelo: I did already01:49
ahavelinxeh, you almost have talked out of ntfs...01:49
pinguunop: ya thats my comp01:50
jcgrv06Pelo: I have 1024x678 & 800x600, but the 1024x768 isn't showing as an option01:50
pinguunop: kernel, boot, linux, windows01:50
linxehahave: I run osx, linux and windows machines here, and tend to use either fat32 or ext2/3 for general purpose devices. you can always mount an ext3 drive as ext2 in an emergency etc01:50
Pelojcgrv06, check the syntax01:50
pinguunop: and i have it plugged in but it not automatically coming up01:50
ahavelinxeh, i suppose i dont know the difference between ext2 and ext301:51
Pelojcgrv06, can you pastebin your xorg.conf file so I can have a look ?01:51
ahavelinxeh, or any of the file systems for that matter01:51
x0xResolving unrealircd.icedslash.com... failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.01:51
x0xany idea how to fix this problem?01:51
shukassa<jcgrv06>  how much memory does that system have - I could never get a decent res on one laptop and it turned out to be because it had less that 256 ram and not enough vidram to pick up the tab so the higher res always failed?01:51
GrueTamerpingu: is hal installed?01:51
linxehahave: they are compatible, ext3 has a journal (so it logs what it is going to do before doing it and reporting to the app that it did it. the idea is that you can crash, reboot, and replay the journal, and the FS gets back to a sane state)01:51
Peloahave, I beleive ext2 does not have journaling , what ever that is01:51
unoppingu, right, so you've plugged another removable drive in and it isnt listed by fdisk -l?01:51
Pelox0x, you can try asking in #networking , maybe someone there knows01:52
linxehahave: xfs, jfs, zfs etc all have journalling (as does hpfs+ in osx)01:52
jcgrv06Pelo: here it goes01:52
pinguGrueTamer: what is hal?01:52
jcgrv06Section "Device"01:52
jcgrv06Identifier"Neomagic Corporation NM2160 [MagicGraph 128XD]"01:52
FloodBot2jcgrv06: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:52
Pelojcgrv06, nostop01:52
ahavelinxeh, hmm...01:52
Pelo!pastebin > jcgrv0601:52
linxehahave: wikipedia has a good page on comparing FS - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems01:52
ahavelinxeh, so what does NTFS have? why does windows use it?01:52
pinguunop: no i am trying to mount one that i already have plugged in and it apprently doesn't come up under fdisk -l01:52
linxehahave: windows uses NTFS because microsoft made it and own patents on it :P01:53
ahavelinxeh, or is it just a windows thing.01:53
jimx0x, try this: ping
ahavelinxeh, ah01:53
Pelo!pastebin > jcgrv0601:53
GrueTamerpingu: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer01:53
x0xjim its work01:53
x0xjim its works01:53
unopahave, NTFS has some unique features that others dont have01:53
ahavelinxeh, wow. i had no idea there were so many FS01:53
linxehahave: ntfs doesnt realy have journalling, but its got something close etc01:53
jimok, so you have a connection01:53
GrueTamerto sum it up simply, it helps with software detection and stuff01:53
jimbut you don't have dns01:53
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linxehahave: yeah, some of those are old or are for really strange systems though01:53
unoplinxeh, errm, i wonder what the "ntfs journal" is then? :)01:54
shukassaI was reading somewhere that Opensolaris has the best FS of all?01:54
x0xjim hmm how to add dns?01:54
GrueTamergranted, im not an ubuntu user, i dont know how ubuntu treats hal and how it really would work, but it may be the solution01:54
shukassaDependin what they mean by "best"01:54
GrueTamerespecially since ubuntu automounts01:54
PupUseraecb7fdoes opensolaris has a livecd?01:54
jimeither install bind9 or find the dns server from your provider and put it in /etc/resolv.conf01:54
PeloPupUseraecb7f, wrong channel to ask in01:54
GrueTamerpingu: maybe http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/admin/hal-device-manager would help01:55
pinguGrueTamer: so what do you run01:55
linxehunop: my bad :)01:55
voxPupUseraecb7f: ask the opensolaris people01:55
shukassa<PupUseraecb7f> I've never used Opensolaris so I don't know01:55
linxehahave: ok, I'm wrong on that - NTFS does have journalling01:55
unopshukassa, i think you refer to ZFS .. it's available for MacOS and the BSD unices too01:55
x0xjim i like bind9 :D01:55
GrueTamerkeep in mind, as an arch user, the commands i run arent the same as the ones you run01:55
x0xhow to get it?01:55
Pelojcgrv06, still around ?01:55
jimso apt-get install bind901:55
linxehahave: it never used to though :P01:55
shukassa<unop> yeah that does ring a bell01:55
GrueTamerits a different linux distro01:56
linxehahave: journalling was added to NTFS with Windows 2000 it seems :P01:56
jimthen set your /etc/resolv.conf "nameserver"01:56
ahavelinxeh, alright.i think you talked me into ext3.. thanks so much for you help. it was a obvious and silly mistake with the drives not mounting.. i just didnt know how to check and to fix. (it appears to be working now) I am going to go and reset the jumpers to 3.0Gbs and partiton to ext301:56
pinguok jw01:56
shukassaI am thinking of trying openbsd so I might look at filesyatems more then01:56
ohlawdRealized animated .gif images work with gThumb as well.01:56
jcgrv06Pelo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62478/01:56
Pelojcgrv06, hold on , let me have a look01:56
linxehahave: glad its working :)01:56
linxehahave: you can always change the FS if you need to later01:56
ahavelinxeh, really?01:57
x0xjim  * Starting domain name service...                                       [ ok ]01:57
Pelojcgrv06, so , just add  1024x768 to the list01:57
ahavelinxeh, without format?01:57
linxehahave: well, you can copy stuff off and reformat ;-)01:57
jimthen set your /etc/resolv.conf "nameserver"01:57
ahavelinxeh, ah, ok. :)01:57
jcgrv06Pelo: It's there: Modes"1024x768" "800x600"01:57
ahavelinxeh, if i end up filling up these drives i will have no place to put them.. 1.4TB :001:57
shukassaI need a bigger HD01:58
unopahave, there are tools that allow you to convert from one filesystem to another but they're to be used with caution01:58
PupUseraecb7f1.4TB of pr0n?01:58
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:58
shukassaIt's alll this free software :)01:58
linxehahave: ext3 is really stable - we have some fairly big filesystems at work (between 8 and 15TB) with LVM that have been up for ages, and about to set up a 100TB clustered system with it01:58
linxehahave: I'm sure by then you'll have another drive, or could borrow / beg / steal one :)01:58
x0xjim what else i need to do?01:58
pinguPupUseraecb7f: if i got your slang right that is a!ot01:58
ahavelinxeh, where do you work?01:58
jimthen set your /etc/resolv.conf "nameserver"01:58
ahavelinxeh, if you dont mind me asking01:58
linxehahave: just a government research department in the uk01:59
bradlyAre there any apps that will play music from itunes shared music?01:59
x0xoh teag01:59
x0xyeah :D01:59
ahavelinxeh, ah. cool01:59
cjggfgg i use tar with the option --newer DATE. but empty directories are tared anyway, even if they are older than DATE. how can i avoid this?01:59
bradlyor even just shared directories01:59
* jim is reminded of the led zep tune "how many more times"01:59
TWP-SirStaalHow do I import my windows bookmarks? (we are talking about firefox of course)01:59
x0xjim thank you so much :) its working :D01:59
Pelojcgrv06, sorry I got confused I thogut you mentions 1280x1024 earlier,   and it doesn't show up in your  screen resolution applet ? weird,  try this,    in the terminal   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ,   reselect your video card, answer all questions as best you can and when in any doudt , use the default provided ,01:59
shukassa<linxeh> spending my tax eh :)01:59
jimx0x: np01:59
PeloTWP-SirStaal, ask in #firefox02:00
TWP-SirStaalok I will02:00
SurvivormanTWP-SirStaal, i use google browser sync so that i can sync my bookmarks with an extension02:00
x0x|Zippo| nice nick...02:00
TWP-SirStaalok will check it up.02:00
high-freqbazhang, sorry took awhile..lost fone connection with him...busid is 06:00.0 i think02:01
shukassaand being in the uk makes it just about my bedtime now02:01
PupUseraecb7fSurvivorman: would you put your money on google?02:01
ahavelinxeh, 100TB.. thats big02:01
linxehshukassa: something like that :) though really, we are saving your tax because the clustered solution is about 1/100 of the price of the single server solution :)02:01
linxehahave: its fairly big yeah. if this works we will go much bigger :)02:01
linxehahave: ebay have a 6PB cluster for example02:02
linxehahave: yahoo are even bigger02:02
SubOnePelo: ty I'll try that02:02
linxehahave: google, well, who knows :)02:02
ahavelinxeh, i thought the max for ext3 is 32GB?02:02
TWP-SirStaalGot another question. Does Ubuntu got a codex pack?02:02
unopcjggfgg, i'm sure you can do something along the lines of   find /somewhere \( -type d -links 0 -prune \) -o \( -print0 \) | xargs -0 tar czf archive.tgz02:03
unopcjggfgg, i havent tested that out, so use it with caution02:03
PeloTWP-SirStaal, go in synaptic , install all the gstreamer0.10 packages you see, install lame and mpeg123 and mpeg32102:03
bazhanghigh-freq: that is not likely the busID; can you get it again please--also check that the linux-restricted-modules are installed for that kernel in synaptic package manager02:03
TWP-SirStaalThanks Pelo02:03
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SurvivormanPupUseraecb7f, well I've been using the extension for sometime. It just stores them remotely, then you can import/sync them into firefox sessions on different computers. Once it's synced, it's synced.02:04
jcgrv06Pelo: how do you restart X?02:04
Pelojcgrv06, ctrl alt backspace02:04
unopcjggfgg, i forgot to add in conditions for age -- see the -*time options for find02:05
budluvaim trying to compile an mkv to mp4 using a tutorial on ubuntu forums, but entering the ./configure command gives me error: zlib not found on system or in local libs02:05
budluva     so i tried to install build-essential and zlibc to correct this but after apt-get installing those 2 packages i still get the same error, am i missing something here?02:05
Monobi2How can I install Ubuntu other than: CD, USB, and NetBoot02:05
linutopI keep getting errors in amarok that "local file does not exist" what do i do to fix this?02:05
Pelo!install > Monobi2 check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu02:05
SurvivormanMonobi2, magic?02:05
bazhangMonobi2: what other option did you have in mind02:06
Monobi2Pelo: thank you for the nooby link ^_^02:06
Monobi2Survivorman: that'd be nice02:06
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:06
Pelobudluva, look in synaptic , install  zlibc and the related -dev pacakge02:06
unopbudluva, you might need this package .. zlib1g-dev02:06
linxehPupUseraecb7f: I use the delicious service, and sync my bookmarks to that - I can get to them from anywhere then02:06
SurvivormanMonobi2, are you having problems installing?02:06
budluvapelo, sudo apt-get install zlibc doesn't do the same thing?02:07
unopbudluva, no02:07
budluvazlib1g-dev ahh02:07
Pelobudluva, the package might not be called zlibc02:07
bazhangMonobi2: this is a support channel; if you have issues then please ask about them02:07
Tu13eswhat happens if I add an entry to /etc/fstab and then I boot without the drive present?02:07
Pelobazhang, he was02:07
PeloTu13es, it will be ignored02:08
Monobi2bazhang: well, I asked my problem.02:08
high-freqbazhang, ok yes the linux-restricted-modules is installed and the busID i can't seem to find in lspci02:08
unopTu13es, mount fails on that entry but continues on02:08
Tu13escool, thanks02:08
jcgrv06Pelo: thanks, I tried but didn't work. I had tried in the past, but I gave it another try. Still 800x600.02:08
budluvaok installing zlib1g-dev worked02:08
SubOnePelo: i'm not seeing an mplayer-mozilla in the repo02:08
budluvathanks for the quick help guys02:08
bazhangMonobi2: try wubi then; all the others we have answered02:08
Monobi2bazhang: thanks02:08
Pelojcgrv06, maybe try asking in #xubuntu , they might know better, or also check in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org02:08
SubOnePelo: nvm its mozilla-mplayer02:08
cjggfggunop: maybe i can avoid to tar empty directories at all? your suggestion is to hard for me :-(02:09
PeloSubOne, might the be the other way around02:09
PeloSubOne, yeaH I get them confused02:09
jcgrv06Pelo: Thanks02:09
SurvivormanSubOne, reverse them02:09
SubOneSurvivorman: ty, I just said that02:09
Pelobazhang, you are aware that wubi installs and ubuntu image thatruns vm inside windows right ? it's not an actual install02:10
SurvivormanSubOne, sorry, too fast for me.02:10
SubOneflash seems to be slow, any way to make flash faster? perhaps a different install?02:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openssl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ssl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:10
PeloSubOne, no,  just rightclick and change the buffer size , make it buffer the full file before playing02:11
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:11
Monobi2xox: ?02:11
x0xhow to install ssl?02:11
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SubOnePelo: it's not downloading thats making it slow02:11
Pelo!info ssl | x0x02:11
ubotux0x: Package ssl does not exist in gutsy02:11
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com02:11
Pelox0x, do you mean ssh ?02:11
Pelo!ssh | x0x02:11
ubotux0x: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/02:11
x0xPelo nope. ssl02:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x0x - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:11
bazhangalexjp: you can /msg ubotu for fun if you wish02:12
Peloalexjp, if you want to play with the bot do it in private  /msg ubotu !trigger02:12
high-freqwhree do i find the busid from lspci?02:12
PupUseraecb7fis there a download link on the official ubuntu site?02:12
Pelohigh-freq, wut ?02:12
high-freqthe busID from a wireless card02:12
thoreauputichigh-freq: try lspci -vvn for more output02:12
PeloPupUseraecb7f, yes , follow the download or the get ubuntu signs02:12
amenadoam trying an install using debootstrap but also using the cdrom.. am getting this error  chroot /myinstall/dir mount -t proc proc /proc   anyone familiar with a trick to get around this?02:12
cjggfgghow can i find all files newer than DATE?02:13
SubOnePelo: it's not download time that I'm talking about, flash is just slow, like for example my mouse actions are always a few seconds behind my actual mouse cursor.02:13
unopcjggfgg, i really don't see a way tar can do something like this .. but exploit the way tar works ..  tar czf archive.tgz $(command that returns a lit of files)02:13
Peloamenado, put the error msg in the search of the forum www.ubuntuforums.org02:13
x0xPelo i want to install unrealircd with SSL support02:13
PeloSubOne, got desktop effects working ? try turning them off02:13
x0xso i need openssl installed on my ubuntu02:13
Pelox0x, look in synaptic , do a search for ssl ,  menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager02:14
PupUseraecb7famenado: what an old thing, debootstrap?02:14
unopcjggfgg, given a numeric value $N that is age in days .. you can use .. find /path -mtime -$N02:14
x0xPelo i dont have GNU interface... just ssh ;p02:14
amenadoPupUseraecb7f-> what do you mean an old thing? its not old is it?02:14
unopamenado, did you mount the /proc filesystem into the chroot?02:14
high-freqoh wow..lspci -vn all mumbo jumbo to me...i still don't see any busID02:15
high-freqis there supposed to say somethin bout busid02:15
Pelox0x,  sudo apt-cache search ssl02:15
evandPelo: Wubi is *not* a virtual machine.02:15
unopamenado, and is that the exact error message yo get?02:15
thoreauputicx0x:  apt-cache search ssl | less02:15
bazhangamenado: is this on an existing install? you might try unetbootin for that; or was this the live iso you had mounted before02:15
PupUseraecb7famenado: afaik, debootstrap is not working in source level02:15
amenadounop am not at that stage yet, thats just the error spewed out running  debootstrap02:15
ciscoguruit seems 8.04 got delayed for 5 months, due to a hidden root kit02:15
thoreauputicPelo: apt-cache search doesn't require sudo :)02:15
Peloevand, I've been told differently but whatever02:15
bazhangciscoguru: hardy rumours in #ubuntu+1 please02:15
ciscoguruHeron got Hardied, by "t3h" root kit02:15
* Pelo is getting corrected by everyone tonight02:15
cjggfggunop: and an oportunity to give the DATE directly? as in tar?02:16
evandPelo: Trust me, I'm a fairly authoriative source on this.  Wubi installs are just the root filesystem (ext3) as a file in an NTFS filesystem.02:16
unopcjggfgg, to use find, you need to convert DATE into N02:16
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cjggfggunop: any automatic way to do that?02:17
Peloevand, but it still is not a full install correct ? you can'T boot into it directly you need windows running02:17
amenadounop  yeah thats pretty much the error,  Failure trying to run: chroot /myinstall/dir mount -t proc proc /proc02:17
evandPelo: no02:17
evandPelo: It *is* a full install, you boot straight into Ubuntu.02:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about instal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:17
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:17
Odd-rationalePelo: think of it as kind of like a loopmounted partition.02:17
unopcjggfgg, errm no, needs to be scripted unfortunately02:17
Peloevand, ok , I'll look into it further, IM a bit lost frankly02:17
amenadobazhang it works if I use the  http instead of a cdrom with the liveiso02:18
evandPelo: Quite alright, I just wanted to clear that up so you knew.02:18
PeloOdd-rationale, evand thanks for the heads up02:18
evandPelo: anytime :)02:18
fatguycouldn't delete /etc/ndiswrapper/mrv8335.inf: Inappropriate ioctl for device02:18
x0xPelo i found openssl - Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools02:18
fatguywhats that mean?02:18
x0xPelo now how do i install it?02:18
unopamenado, sounds like the mount executable (within the chroot) hasn't been installed yet -- you can do that manually from outside the chroot i think it's  mount --bind /proc /path/to/choot/proc02:19
Pelox0x, sudo apt-get install  <packagename>02:19
amenadoPupUseraecb7f-> source level? umm it worked earlier, but i was using the http as the option to debotstrap, this error am getting now is if I use the cdrom02:19
x0xPelo tnx02:19
EvanRi am wondering if anyone has gotten canon pixma ip1600 to work with ubuntu02:20
fatguyanyone help?02:20
EvanRand is in this channel and is not idel02:20
PeloEvanR, hardly this is the bussiest channel on this network02:21
benanzoanyone know how to use curl to POST to a form?  I need to batch unsubscribe about 300 email addresses from a mailer02:21
amenadounop-> perhaps my attempt to use the cdrom is futile anyways, this is my attempt not to download from the archive but get it from cdrom...its just my experiment on another way to install..02:21
PeloEvanR, try uisng the ip1500 driver, I beleive , or the closest model number in the list , it shoud work02:21
=== ciscoguru is now known as ccvp
EvanRPelo: according to the various printer sites and forums, ip2200 should work, but it isnt02:22
unopamenado, you using the CD as the repository for debootstrap?02:22
amenadounop yeah i tried to, using the CD as the repository02:22
PeloEvanR, try lower02:22
EvanRPelo: however i am not using ubuntu, i am just wondering if that is what the procedure is on ubuntu to get it to work02:22
PeloEvanR, I believe there is a ip1200 in the list02:22
danb1234has ne 1 done an install on a pavilion dv9000?02:22
EvanRPelo: hmm. ok i will try different drivers02:22
bazhangdanb1234: what is your install issue02:23
unopamenado, i'm fairly sure that won't work .. the CD doesn't have all packages packaged as .deb (atleast the ones that debootstrap needs to construct the base system)02:23
PeloEvanR, ubuntu uses CUPS so it's just about picking a number in a list02:23
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x0xwhat i need to do if i get this error? checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables02:23
EvanRPelo: i am using cups, and installed the driver recommended here http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-PIXMA_iP160002:23
Pelox0x, sudo apt-get install build-essential02:23
danb1234bazhang: black screen after i select the install option02:23
EvanRPelo: everything works, no errors in the log, nothing, except the printer does not move02:24
PeloEvanR, checking02:24
n3kr0danb1234 is it a Notebook?02:24
amenadounop ahh i see, i didnt realize that, anyhow, my attempt earlier using debootstrap seems way too long for an install.. way too many files to download from archives..02:24
bazhangdanb1234: this is the livecd? have you considered the alternate cd and is this a dual boot or whole disk02:24
PeloEvanR, paper ? power ? cable connected propperly ?02:24
amenadoam giving up on that method02:24
danb1234n3kr0 ya02:24
EvanRPelo: usb cable is in, since the kde cups configurator auto detect that it was connected, power is on it will do an auto head cleaning after power on, and i have paper in it.02:25
thoreauputicamenado: debootstrap is good fro minimal installs on a fast connection :)02:25
n3kr0danb1234 is a amd 64?02:25
icanhasadmindanb1234: why aren't you doing the install from a live cd?02:25
amenadothoreauputic-> i believed you are absolutely correct02:25
redtideanyone know any reason that min/max of windows should be choppy...i have a pretty high end system with my proprietary graphics drivers installed02:25
thoreauputicamenado: seems a bit pointless if you have a CD ?02:25
danb1234bazhang: i've tried the alternate and it says it installed but i get the same screen when i try boot02:26
PeloEvanR, that page says works mostly ,  so I don'T know what to tell you ,  you can try looking it up in the forum also www.ubuntuforums.org02:26
unopamenado, hmm, depends on what you are wanting the chrooted install to do .. but the base system only requires ~50 packages02:26
danb1234intel Centrino duo02:26
EvanRyes ubuntuforms comes up a lot on google02:26
EvanRmostly people going wtf02:26
amenadothoreauputic-> yes, correct, but i was trying a suggestion..am off that method..02:26
bazhangdanb1234: what card and what drivers and how installed02:26
danb1234black screen02:26
n3kr0danb1234 have you tryed with idle=poll parameter02:26
icanhasadmindanb1234: why aren't you doing the install from a live cd?02:26
amenadounop-> i was just trying a different method of installation thats all..02:27
dope1I'm thinking my harddrive is toast.. when installing from live cd and partitions formatting, it's been stuck at 5% for a half hour now02:27
danb1234bazhang: card?02:27
Pelook ,I'M off for tonight , have fun folks02:27
thoreauputicamenado: I use debootstrap to start the build of my live CD without X - works fine. The base system is only ~60MB or so IIRC02:27
dope1Creating ext3 file system / in parition #1 of SCSI1 (0,0,0)...02:27
dope1i just bought this 320Gb drive six months ago02:28
bazhangSeaPhor: please no pm; tell him yourself thanks02:28
danb1234tried the live cd and got a black screen02:28
* saltedlight morning... :)02:28
dope1danb1234 - hit ctrl-alt-F1 and see if it's doing anything02:28
* NoTownKasper sniffles.02:28
amenadothoreauputic-> really only 60MB? cool, am experimenting for now, i have not customized the livecd yet..but it will be next02:28
NoTownKasperAnyone familiar with scsi drives, Windows XP, and Grub?02:29
dope1does paritions formatting take forever?02:29
n3kr0danb1234 have you tryed with idle=poll parameter ???02:29
thoreauputicamenado: that's without the kernel etc - and it's *really* basic :)02:29
unopamenado, what you could do is use some of the packages in your /var/cache/apt/archives/* as a respository .. apt-proxy could help here02:29
SeaPhorbazhang: I'm a n00b and would like better knowledge of what i am suggesting before i do, Thought you would have that02:29
bazhangNoTownKasper: you need to ask a much more specific question if you wish to get help02:29
n3kr0danb1234 yes, on boot02:29
thoreauputicamenado: you follow the base chroot debootstrap with apt-getting what you need02:29
danb1234what do u do fo that?02:30
amenadothoreauputic-> thats like competing with damn small linux..hehe02:30
bazhangSeaPhor: please no PM without asking thanks02:30
kindofabuzzgo Tigers!!!!02:30
danb1234err for02:30
n3kr0danb1234 i had the same problem installing on a notebook02:30
* saltedlight wonders how long will be these 16 long days 'till ubuntu 8.04 ... :))02:30
thoreauputicamenado: well, not really - the base system is quite incomplete from debootstrap02:30
cjggfggunop: find knows the opt '-newer file'. can i create a dummy file with a given DATE as modification time?02:30
amenadothoreauputic-> I will keep that in mind02:30
brian|lfsthe tigers are good this year02:30
n3kr0danb1234 do you have amd64 or i386 cd?02:30
unopcjggfgg, sure .. see the touch manpage02:31
amenadounop thanks for that tip -- I will look into using an apt-proxy02:31
bazhangsaltedlight: please dont do that; do you have a support question02:31
SeaPhorbazhang: No worries, WON'T happen again, I'll ask someone else to lok at it before i use it02:31
danb1234amd 6402:31
thoreauputicamenado: incomplete as in doesn't have any extras but does have apt-get dpkg etc.02:31
NoTownKasperlol Ok. Here it is. I installed Ubuntu last week as a recovery measure, and decided to stick with it. Yesterday I installed Windows XP on the remaining half of the HD. This morning, I got grub up and working enough to boot into ubuntu, Gusty if it matters, but I can't seem to get the snipet right to add windows XP into the grub loader.02:31
x0xis there any problem if i use root account?02:31
n3kr0danb1234 have you tried enter into safe mode?02:31
bazhang!grub | NoTownKasper02:31
ubotuNoTownKasper: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:31
LjLx0x: there can be. why do you need to use it? sudo can do everything that root can02:32
amenadothoreauputic-> yes, i noticed that earlier, thats why i said, i have the impression of much much longer install to have a complete one.02:32
NoTownKasperThanks, but I've read them.02:32
danb1234ya that didnt work02:32
x0xLjL ok thanks...02:32
jalariI am thinking of getting another graphics card so I can have a dual head setup...is there any reasons using two different cards instead of one with dual support built in would not work02:32
thoreauputicamenado: as I said, a fast connection helps :)02:32
high-freqwhere is the /path/to/kernel/source?02:33
n3kr0danb1234 try pressing F6 and adding this: idle=poll acpi=off02:33
thoreauputicamenado: my build script for INX builds the live CD in  about 15 minutes including download time, but I am on adsl2+02:33
high-freqi see linux-headers in /usr/src/02:34
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thoreauputicamenado: and the CD is quite small ( 185 MB or so)02:34
unophigh-freq, have you installed the linux-headers package?02:34
high-freqi have...but a fresh install?02:34
unophigh-freq, then do this ..  dpkg -L linux-headers02:34
high-freqbuddies laptop isn't on net..tryin to get his wireless card to work02:35
high-freqisn't on net02:35
amenadothoreauputic-> whats the rate up/down on that adsl+  ?02:35
unop_high-freq, this should help then ..  dpkg -L linux-headers02:35
danb1234ne other ideas as i am on the computer i want to install it on now under windows02:35
techqbertI have a p4 1.8ghz.  Should I use a 386 or generic kernel?02:35
x0x-bash: ./unreal: Permission denied02:35
x0xhow to fix it now :S02:36
unop_x0x, chmod +x ./unreal02:36
SeaPhordanb1234: if that doesn't work try hitting F6 and arrow down to the last line, remove "Quiet" and "Splash" and type "vga=771"02:36
thoreauputicamenado: I get about 1.2-1.4 MB.sec down, and around 70 KB/sec up02:36
high-frequnop_ nope doesn't work..not even on mine02:36
NoTownKaspersudo fdisk -l02:36
x0xunop_ chmod: changing permissions of `./unreal': Operation not permitted02:36
NoTownKasperoops. Sorry.02:36
unop_high-freq, what do you mean "doesn't work" ?02:36
unop_high-freq, does it return anything at all?02:36
thoreauputicamenado: that's MB, not Mnits :)02:37
unop_x0x, prepend that with sudo then02:37
nickrudtechqbert generic02:37
thoreauputicumm s/Mnits/Mbits02:37
danb1234ive tried adding just vga=771 on 7.10 and it didnt display but i got a display on 8.0402:37
x0x./bin/sh: ./unreal: Permission denied02:38
amenadothoreauputic-> theres that new fios  .. i wonder what the rate is on that?02:38
thoreauputicdanb1234: known framebuffer bug in 7.1002:38
Starnestommyx0x: chmod +x ./unreal02:38
Monobi2Quick question... with WUBI ... do I start it from GRUB ?02:38
bazhangdanb1234: installed Hardy?02:38
thoreauputicamenado: no idea :)02:38
unop_x0x, sudo chmod +x ./unreal; ./unreal02:38
x0xstill doesnt work02:38
SeaPhordanb1234: did you remove "Quiet" and "Splash"02:38
danb1234but 8.04 got about 90% on the loading screen and then went blank02:38
NoTownKasperAny other ideas?02:39
danb1234not on that trial02:39
high-frequnop_, nope wrong command or somethin02:39
thoreauputicSeaPhor: no, the framebuffer is broken in  7.1002:39
unop_danb1234, hardy questions in #ubuntu+1 please02:39
x0xerghhhhhhhh its doesnt work :( unop_02:39
thoreauputicSeaPhor: trust me on this :)02:39
redtidehello, i have a high end system with my proprietary driver installed. can anyone please tell me how i can find out what is causing my min/max of windows to be choppy please?02:39
danb1234you think those could be causing the problem?02:39
LjLdanb1234: that's possibly because 8.04 is not a stable version and repository contents are changing all the time. #ubuntu+1 is the channel for testers brave enough to try it out02:39
unop_high-freq, dpkg -L linux-headers #(verify the spelling)02:39
=== emme is now known as emma
SeaPhorthoreauputic: good to know,,,, thank you!02:39
techqbertnickrud: How do I remove 386 kernel?  remove linux-image-386? will ubuntu then automagically boot generic for me?02:39
unop_x0x, calm down, what did the command return now?02:40
Monobi2anyone know about wubi and if it starts from the GRUB menu?02:40
Starnestommyx0x: what does 'ls -l ./unreal' say?02:40
high-frequnop_,  lol i cut/pasted hehe02:40
x0x./bin/sh: ./unreal: Permission denied02:40
x0x-rwx--x--x 1 root root 4061 2008-04-07 21:29 ./unreal02:40
high-frequnop_,  Package `linux-headers' is not installed. ...but i have on my system linux headers....ooh maybe not for new kernel yet or somethin02:40
Starnestommyx0x: sudo chmod +r ./unreal02:41
thoreauputicSeaPhor: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/129910 for the full saga02:41
unop_x0x, sudo chmod a+rx ./unreal; ./unreal02:41
x0xunop_ COOL its works now :D thanks02:41
shulmanI'm running Gusty with the nvidia with dual screens. I'm unable to play videos on screen2, the video freezes or just goes bright green. Other windows are not effected. Is there a reason for this?02:41
unop_high-freq, if dpkg tells you linux-headers is not installed .. believe it02:41
high-freqwow...i do have linux-headers-2.6.22-14-386  so why didn't dpkg -L linux-headers  spit out that i don't have headers02:41
nickrudtechqbert remove linux-image-386 linux-image-2.6.22-15-386 linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-15-386 ; linux-image-386 depends on the second two, you need to remove all three02:41
SeaPhorthoreauputic: would you be willing to send me a pm so i could show you the "how-to" that helped me and a few others out, to let me know if it needs more?02:41
somethingcomplexi installed ubuntu a few weeks ago... can't get audio to work + system won't hibernate or stand-by; if it goes into stand-by on its own i have to reboot... can anyone help?02:41
thoreauputicunop: try dpkg -L linux-headers-$(uname -r)02:41
LjLhigh-freq: because linux-headers-2.6.22-14-386 is not linux-headers.02:42
unop_high-freq, try this then .. dpkg -L linux-headers-2.6.22-14-38602:42
RandocalHaving some trouble with a printer here, Running Ubuntu 7.10 with a Lexmark z51 hooked up via USB. It will print about 2/3 of a page, and then my power button starts blinking and the page doesn't continue feeding02:42
LjLhigh-freq: and i'm not sure why you're using a 386 kernel...? (assuming those headers match the running kernel)02:42
SeaPhorthoreauputic: WILL check it out! thank you! :-))02:42
high-freqwhat this install gave me02:42
high-freqi dunno02:42
thoreauputicSeaPhor: there's a work-around using initramfs-tools and so on02:42
LjL!enter | high-freq02:43
ubotuhigh-freq: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:43
high-freqjust utilizing my keys02:43
SanctusoriumHey guys, I just installed Feisty on my computer and I need to download a bunch of updates.  On my college connection, it is going to take about 6 hours.  I need to use windows for a bit...  If I cancel the update, will it delete all the files I have already got downloaded?02:43
thoreauputicSeaPhor: basically you just remove fb modules from the blacklist, add them in initramfs-tools config and re-run update-initramfs -u02:43
techqbertnickrud: thanks so much02:43
Stroganoff<high-freq> just utilizing my keys <--- LOL02:43
SeaPhorthoreauputic: I am such a n00b, for now anyway, i need steps to help me learn02:43
nickrudtechqbert and to answer your second question, forgot to on the first line: it will automatically boot -generic , install linx-generic to get the best benefit from generic02:44
thoreauputicSeaPhor: everything is releative - there's always mor eto learn :)02:44
kyncaniSanctusorium: no, it should keep them02:44
techqbertnickrud: I see.  Sounds easy enough.  Thanks again.02:44
high-freqwell just gettin frustrated on why this ar5006eg atheros wireless isn't working on a fresh install on diff laptop02:44
SanctusoriumKyncani: Thanks muchly!  ;)02:44
RedianHey, I gave my friend an ubuntu livecd to install off of, and it fails the install, afterwards when she tries to go back to windows, she just gets the black screen with a white flashing cursor that usually appears right before grub loads. I think the problem is in grub, because she can't get into anyhing on her hard drive, is there anyway she can fix this?02:44
SeaPhorthoreauputic: but just trying to install from the live cd, or even the alt cd, you have to get to a certain poin,,,02:45
unop_!grub | Redian02:45
ubotuRedian: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:45
high-freqwhich says its in the linux-restricted-modules and well its new cd's from ubuntu and i'm stumped on how to enable this ath002:45
bazhanghigh-freq: did you ever get the correct busID? could be that ubuntu identifies that as 5006 when in fact it is the 500702:45
alekaI can not use my keyboard during the GRUB menu, so it always goes to the default. Only way to use my other OS is to change the default OS in grub and let it boot into that default... My Question is, after changing the default OS, how can I use a Live CD and still access the Grub menu.lst and make changes to it (do i need to chroot?)?02:45
NoTownKasperSo I take it no one knows much about grub except for the link-bot trigger word? :(02:46
thoreauputicSeaPhor: frankly at this point 7.10 is not really a sensible installation option IMO - hardy beta is pretty stable I think02:46
thoreauputicSeaPhor: but of course it could break any time, so ;p02:46
unop_aleka, check the BIOS for options on enabling USB keyboard and mouse support .. and yes, you need to chroot into the system froma  live CD to make changes to it02:46
high-freqbazhang, um...lspci doesn't have busID from what i see even on mine02:46
jwalahey, my mic works fine on live cd, but not after install. i checked all the alsa config files and they are identical on both live cd and hdd install. any idea what's wrong??02:46
high-freqi'll show mine which is bcm02:47
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:47
bazhangNoTownKasper: you need to describe what you have tried and the errors you have gotten02:47
nickrudNoTownKasper you need to ask the question every 10 minutes or so, new people drop in but unless they see the actual question they'll usually ignore commentary02:47
LjLthoreauputic: such as when you upgrade to it, but you happen to do it just in the middle of a kernel upgrade being propagated to mirrors, and you end up with half a kernel and half another02:47
thoreauputichigh-freq: you can see Bus ID with  lspci -vvn02:47
Redianunop: It doesn't seem to have anything on repairing grub, I was wondering if there's something I'm missing. I really don't know what to tell her...02:47
SeaPhorthoreauputic: will you look at this and let me know what to change?   http://www.wood-bee-co.com/woodbeeco/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=3602:47
thoreauputicLjL: fun :)02:47
high-freqthoreauputic, lemme check again02:47
bazhanghigh-freq: that is odd; should have it unless there is something seriously wrong02:47
thoreauputichigh-freq: use grep -i bus maybe02:47
nickrudLjL that'll teach you to always do upgrades a day or so late ;)02:47
unop_Redian, see the part about installing grub after installing windows -- that procedure can be used to repair grub02:47
alekaunop_: I can not do anything in the BIOS to enable legacy USB support (long story... PS/2 ports got messed up before I enabled USB support in my BIOS). SO I only get one click on the keyboard at boot time....Please more info on chroot and how I can do it02:48
SeaPhorthoreauputic: and yes, I know its a n00b's point of view02:48
yoavhey, just installed kubuntu, got a nvidia graphic card, can anyone give me a link or help me set more than 800x600 resolution02:48
high-freq02:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)02:48
xtremeWhen I start Ubuntu cant I find one of my disk (guess it's not mounted). Can find it in GParted and if I type  "sudo fdisk -l". How to I mount it? Can I do it with GParted?02:48
high-freqthat is from me...i don't see a busID...but anyhow lemme check the lspci --vvn02:48
budluvais anyone here a video guru?02:48
unop_aleka, http://gentoo-wiki.com/Chroot_from_a_livecd02:48
xtremeits an intern harddrive02:48
thoreauputicSeaPhor: everyone's a noob in one way ot another - there are always lots of things we don't know02:48
Odd-rationalextreme: sudo mount /dev/sbd1 /mnt02:48
nickrudxtreme you'd add a line to /etc/fstab , defining the partition and where you want it02:48
alekaunop_: Thanks02:49
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:49
nickrud!es [1]sasa02:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about es [1]sasa - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:49
b4l74z4ri've changed my application font to bold in ubuntu but the various application's taskbar entries doesn't stay bold, what's causing that?02:49
pschorfIn PuTTY, whenever you select text it is automatically copied, and then pasted when you right-click.  Is there a way to do that in ubuntu?02:49
RandocalWhen my print job stalls I open up a terminal window and i see three process named "gs" that appear to be frozen or something, they are using 30% CPU each02:49
nickrudpschorf use the middle button02:49
NoTownKasperInstalled Ubuntu, then, later, installed Windows XP. XP doesn't show in the grub menu, so I added it manually by gediting it into the menu.lst. The problem is, no matter what partition I select I either get the grub error "Unable to boot specified partition" or something similar, or 'Incorrect Device selected.' Windows is on the3rd partition on this drive, but, oddly enough, it's set as active by the windows installer.02:49
nickrudpschorf to paste, that is02:50
pschorfnickrud: thanks02:50
thoreauputicSeaPhor: for example, I know nothing about ATI cards etc ;-)02:50
budluvaim trying to re mux an x264 .mkv to .mp4 to play on xbox360, now i am reading a tutorial and its asking me to change the 67 64 00 33 byte to 67 64 00 29 with hexedit, and i have no clue how to change that byte, im trying the search in hexedit and its not finding that byte can someone lend a hand?02:50
unop_pschorf, or both buttons if you dont have a middle button02:50
orudiedoes open office has an email client such as outlook in windows?02:50
nickrudNoTownKasper how about putting your menu.lst on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:50
unop_orudie, no, but there's evolution which is like outlook02:51
nickrudorudie no, but it has some integration with evolution02:51
SeaPhorthoreauputic: i know i hate them!, and thats on windows or linux02:51
LjLorudie: i don't think so, it's just an office suite. but there is evolution and thunderbird (and who knows how many others...)02:51
nickrudorudie if you install openoffice.org-evolution , it integrates the address book for bulk mailing and the like02:51
NoTownKasperWhy am I required to enable javascript...?02:52
thoreauputicSeaPhor: the old 9200 Radeon works OK with OSS drivers on my iBook with Ubuntu ( including compiz etc.) But it isn't particularly quick ( around 850 FPS in glxgears  I think)02:52
nickrudNoTownKasper use another if you prefer02:52
nickrudNoTownKasper like pastebin.ca or some such02:53
orudiei know this is offtopic but how can i enable spell checker in xchat ?02:53
bazhangNoTownKasper: you can also install pastebinit and cat and pipe it that02:53
tonyyarussoorudie: try in #xchat perhaps if nobody answers.02:53
SeaPhorthoreauputic: well I love that Nvidia is putting out native linux drivers!02:53
x0xi want to install Pure-FTPd  ;s02:53
orudietonyyarusso, i asked that there no one answered02:53
x0xor any ftpd02:54
thoreauputicorudie: I think it might be turned on by default in the hardy version, but I would have to check02:54
tonyyarussox0x: vsftpd is the server team's recommendation.02:54
nickrudorudie in settings->preferences, interfaces->text box02:54
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:54
NoTownKasperThere, pasted.02:54
thoreauputicSeaPhor: they are still binary blobs without source code, unfortunately02:54
x0xtonyyarusso tnx02:54
bazhangNoTownKasper: link?02:54
nickrudNoTownKasper so, now give us a link so we can see it ;)02:54
NoTownKasperWas copying it. :P02:55
high-freqok the busID to the ar5006eg is 168c:001c (rev 01)  does that sound right?02:55
thoreauputicSeaPhor: the Nouveau project is trying to reverse engineer open source drivers for nvidia though02:55
NoTownKasperI'm trying to multi-task 12 things at once here. :P02:55
bazhanghigh-freq: aye02:55
nickrudNoTownKasper now,   sudo fdisk -l02:55
bazhangthoreauputic: SeaPhor could you take your chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please02:55
x0xtonyyarusso [4/8/2008 7:55:23 AM] 530 This FTP server is anonymous only.02:55
high-freqbazhang, ok...there's the busID and yes the linux-restricted-modules are installed by "default"02:55
NoTownKasperDone and done.02:56
x0xtonyyarusso how to make it user only ;s02:56
ingo__hallo all! is there a free alternate of the adobe-media-server? - i mean a streaming server for video-data in conferences02:56
bazhanghigh-freq: they were there or you just installed them02:56
thoreauputicbazhang: umm - excuse me but I think discussing drivers for Ubuntu is on topic02:56
budluvahow do i change a certain byte in a file using hexedit?02:56
nickrudNoTownKasper what's the link for fdisk -l?02:56
benanzois there a way to schedule a wakeup from suspend?02:56
NoTownKasperOh, needed that pasted too.02:56
tonyyarussox0x: Just because I mentioned it doesn't mean I wrote it.  Check the documentation that comes with the program first, along with any on the project web site and the Ubuntu wiki.  However, I do remember that the config file for it is pretty well commented, so that might be sufficient.02:57
bazhangthoreauputic: yes; if it is solving an issue; but just chit-chatting is not thanks02:57
nickrudNoTownKasper yeah, it will help to see the actual data. So far menu.lst looks ok in general terms02:57
SeaPhorthoreauputic: and thats the main thing for me, I said 7 years ago that if i could play my games on linux or mac, that i'd have no use for windows,,, now I have been win-free for almost a year, and the graphics on my geforce 8600GT are 3-4x better playing COH on my linux install than on windows, the zone-times are faster and 0---ZERO lag!02:57
orudienickrud, do you know how to disable notifications of users joining and leaving02:57
thoreauputicbazhang: are you a self-appointed op ? *grin*02:57
x0xtonyyarusso ok02:57
Onyxorudie: perl -e 'print pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'02:57
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion02:57
high-freqbazhang, um this is a "fresh" install of ubuntu..and yes they were there when checked synaptic package manager02:57
orudieOnyx, huh ?02:57
=== Starks is now known as OriHOMO
bazhangthoreauputic: jut trying to help out here; if you wish to chit chat here then go right ahead02:58
nickrudorudie set up tabs for channels in prefs, then right click the tab and deselect it (might be able to do that in tree view, not sure)02:58
alekaHow can I enable two separate clicks trigger a "rename" in nautilus?02:58
keonihello, how can i check if CONFIG_ACPI_TOSHIBA is enabled in my kernel?02:58
bazhangwow I am so scared thoreauputic02:58
zero88Supposedly this link     http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/9266     says that all i have to do is plug in my ipod and it will be auto mounted. But that isnt so and i cant find it anywhere on my computer. What can I do???02:58
thoreauputicbazhang: I wasn't trying to scare anyone - it was a joke :)02:59
TheMusicGuyHello, I have two questions:02:59
SeaPhorwill do,,, baz never tried to help my prob anyway02:59
=== gouki_ is now known as gouki
x0xhow to stop ddos?03:00
TheMusicGuy1.  I keep seeing screen shots of a Linux desktop that has a "taskbar" at the bottom of the screen that seems to work like the OS-X taskbar.03:00
mactimesHello, could someone, please help me out setting RAID1 in Ubuntu Server?03:00
x0xhow to stop ddosing?03:00
nickrudNoTownKasper I'd suggest changing   (hd0,0)  to (hd1,0)  on the windows stanza; linux is on the same disk and uses that03:00
TheMusicGuyDoes anyone know what that app is?03:00
kelvin911hello how to copy the whole directory??  lets say i have files and directory in  "/media/sda1/Program Files/BitComet",  and I want to copy the whole thing to "/.wine/drive_c/Program Files"03:00
nickrudNoTownKasper if that fails, we'll try doing some disk mapping03:00
NoTownKasperI'll try that, but it seems odd, since there's only one HD in my machine. Allright. back in a few.03:01
StroganoffTheMusicGuy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66520403:01
TheMusicGuykelvin911: use cp -R03:01
SeaPhorcan someone tell me how to switch to another channel plz?03:01
nickrudNoTownKasper I'd say you have a mixed ide/sata system03:01
thoreauputicSeaPhor: /join #channel-name03:01
AlcheraTheMusicGuy: it's called oxygen leopard03:02
Stroganoffit's called a dock.03:02
kelvin911TheMusicGuy: Is it cp -r "/media/sda1/Program Files/BitComet" "~ ???  if i am in "/.wine/drive_c/Program Files"03:02
alekaI thought Nautilus had a feature where you can rename a file with 2 clicks (other than the F2 and right click)03:02
kelvin911cp -r "/media/sda1/Program Files/BitComet" ~   am i right?03:02
Stroganoffaleka maybe ur confusing this with windows ;)03:03
TheMusicGuykelvin911: try adding a /* to the end of the source03:03
x0xhow to stop ddosing?03:03
Stroganoffx0x pull the ethernet cable03:03
kelvin911cp -r "/media/sda1/Program Files/BitComet/*" ~03:03
ubotux0x: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:03
jimx0x: don't ddos people!03:03
Stroganoff!elaborate | x0x03:03
ubotux0x: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)03:03
TheMusicGuykelvin911: yes, that will copy everything in your source dir to the destination dir03:03
x0xjim i bought a vps... now i want it ddos protected ;s03:03
jimthat will stop it :)03:03
alekaStroganoff: Nah... I really remember having that feature either in breezy or dapper... pro'lly copied and pasted some gconf command and forgot how I did it03:04
NoTownKasperhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62484/ <- real menu.lst03:04
NoTownKasperSorry, I pasted the last one after a badly timed update-grub.03:04
linkinxphelp with compiling mesa ?????03:04
jimx0x: don't go to irc networks where people who ddos go03:04
jimdon't go there03:04
x0xi am goig to run my ircd on my vps03:05
Starnestommyat least not from the vps03:05
Starnestommyx0x: if you;re going to run an ircd, set up bopm.  it helps stop open proxy attacks03:05
jimoh, in that case there's no hope03:05
kelvin911cp: cannot stat `/media/sda1/Program Files/BitComet_0.61/*': No such file or directory03:05
mactimesx0x: You can ask a staff for cloaking too.03:05
nickrudNoTownKasper hm, I have some doubts about that one, it's saying hd0,0 for linux but it's on hd0,1 (llinux is).  Do a fresh sudo update-grub, and put that up03:05
Alcherai have a slight annoyance in konqueror & dolphin. non display of one of my 5 partitions in system:/media03:05
Starnestommykelvin911: put the file name in quote marks03:06
NoTownKasperI did, that's what the last paste was. Minus the windows stanza.03:06
kelvin911i did03:06
NoTownKasperBut I can throw another one up, gimme a sec.03:06
x0xjim i want to install ftpd03:06
kelvin911cp -r "/media/sda1/Program Files/BitComet_0.61/*" ~03:06
kelvin911thats what i did03:06
nickrudNoTownKasper the fdisk output doesn't match that.  sda2  maps as hd0,103:06
TheMusicGuyare you sure you have the right source dir?03:06
thoreauputicAlchera: maybe try #kubuntu for KDE issues03:06
lakcajHello.  How do I change the default compiler options?  I won't to add some conservative optimizations for my architecture for when I'm compiling from source.03:06
kelvin911maybe the space in program files create the problem?03:06
Alcherai would if anyone was alive03:06
Starnestommykelvin911: replace the " " with "\ "03:07
TheMusicGuywell, you could try that03:07
r3n0chey, how do i install openssl? it isn't just sudo apt-get install openssl03:07
Alcherawill try again03:07
x0xr3n0c yes03:07
Starnestommyr3n0c: yes03:07
TheMusicGuyI thought the "quotes" would take care of it but maybe I was wrong03:07
kelvin911do i need the quotation mark?03:07
Starnestommykelvin911: no03:07
kelvin911cp -r "/media/sda1/Program\ Files/BitComet_0.61/*" ~03:07
NoTownKasperThat's what I get after an updage-grub.03:07
TheMusicGuynot if you escape the space with \03:07
NoTownKasperNo windows mention at all.03:07
kelvin911or cp -r /media/sda1/Program\ Files/BitComet_0.61/* ~03:07
TheMusicGuythat one03:08
r3n0c? o, i keep getting an error tho, i am trying to install thc hydra, and it needs it but it is saying that the folders aren't being found03:08
Stroganoffkelvin911: dont walk blindly through the bash. use TAB for auto completion03:08
thoreauputickelvin911: tab completion will escape the space for you03:08
Stroganoffyou cant do anything wrong with using TAB03:08
nickrudNoTownKasper and linux boots with that?!03:08
thoreauputickelvin911: just hit <tab> after Program03:08
mannexIs "Firestarter" a good firewall to have a Ubuntu Server with no GUI ?03:08
kelvin911thank you didnt know u can tab03:08
NoTownKasperBut that's what update-grub gives me.03:08
nickrudNoTownKasper hm, you doing this in a live cd? running update-grub?03:09
kelvin911i guess i only knows dos commands03:09
Stroganoffmannex: iptables is good.03:09
thoreauputicmannex: no, it's a GUI front end03:09
bazhangmannex: firestarter is a gui ;]03:09
nickrudNoTownKasper so how are you in the hard disk install, if it doesn't boot?03:09
Stroganoffkelvin911: cmd.exe can tab, too. albeit not THAT advanced.03:09
r3n0chow do i update/ install these packages, libqp, libssh....03:09
kelvin911do i need sudo ??03:09
Stroganoffyou can read the files as user?03:09
mannexSo then if Firestarter is  GUI... what's a good firewall to use on a Ubuntu Server?03:09
Dante899hi everyone!03:09
Stroganoffyou can write to your home dir.03:09
=== Dante899 is now known as Danish989
NoTownKasperBecause I edited the grub command on the fly the first time, then gedited the menu.lst back to boot linux at hd0 instead of hd103:10
thoreauputickelvin911: not if you are copying to your home directory, no03:10
Picimannex: iptables is always on and installed.03:10
mannexStroganoff, I really dont want to use IPTables directly03:10
Pici!firewall | mannex03:10
ubotumannex: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:10
kelvin911cp -r /media/sda1/Program Files/BitComet_0.61/* ~03:10
kelvin911but nothing happen03:10
mannexPici, grr ok ok IPTables it is03:10
Stroganoffyou have not used TAB03:10
nickrudNoTownKasper you mean you edited it to hd0,1 ?03:10
thoreauputickelvin911: llok in home/you  :)03:10
Danish989I'm new to linux and ubuntu and I was wondering if anyone could help me start with ubuntu?03:10
mannexubotu, ok ok IPTables it is03:10
kelvin911cp -r /media/sda1/Program\ Files/BitComet_0.61/* ~03:10
kelvin911nothing happen03:10
bazhangDanish989: what questions do you have03:10
Picimannex: ubotu is the channel bot ;)03:10
thoreauputickelvin911: in Linux, silence means success :)03:11
NoTownKasperno, hd0,003:11
mannexPici, hahah ok thanks03:11
kelvin911i ls it nothing shows03:11
jimDanish989 is it running on your machine03:11
xShad0w___does anyone here have experience with ubuntu on vmware (fusion)03:11
mannexPici, I still have to thank her ;-)03:11
benanzowhat script is called when I select "Suspend" from the Gnome logout menu?03:11
NoTownKasperAt least I don't feel like a fool if I'm confusing even you guys.03:11
Picimannex: indeed ;)03:11
thoreauputickelvin911: ls ~  ?03:11
ionjadsdnick Albertto03:11
bazhangxShad0w___: running on mac os x?03:11
Danish989well, I have xp installed on Fat 32 and all my files are on two seperate hard disks which are both formatted with the NTFS file system .. and thats my main problem, because I read somewhere that ubuntu can't work with NTFS?03:11
xShad0w___bazhang: yea03:11
nickrudNoTownKasper that doesn't compute for me, since hd0,0 is an ntfs partition.03:11
mactimesCan someone, please, tell me if there is any issue with mkfs while formating new partitions for a SATA disk?03:12
Stroganoff!ntfs | Danish98903:12
ubotuDanish989: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE03:12
bazhangxShad0w___: please specify your issues; if someone knows they will answer03:12
StroganoffDanish989, NTFS is not a problem anymore.03:12
Danish989I just downloaded Ubuntu: Gutsy Gibbons03:12
Danish989can I read/write on ntfs?03:12
bazhangDanish989: sure03:12
Stroganoffinstalling XP on FAT32 on the other hand is .... strange.03:12
RandocalIs foomatic generally the recommended way for getting a USB printer working? I'm having some trouble, and wondering if a non-foomatic solution is a good solution for me.03:12
benanzoDanish989: yes -- apt-get install ntfs-config03:12
zero88How do I check to see if my computer is regonizing my Ipod shuffle?03:13
crunchybumbleI mesed up my partition table, and I'm having a bear of a time getting back at some of my lost partitions. Is there anyone who has experience with GRUB issues, or recovering lost partitions that could help me? I'm pretty sure they are all intact, I just can't make grub see them.03:13
bazhangzero88: what app are you using for music03:13
jimntfs isn't the best way to do things...03:13
kelvin911i made mistake03:13
NoTownKasperIt doesn't make sense to me either, but if I try to boot with ubuntu set to hd1,0 it gives me an error and I end up having to edit the root line.03:13
kelvin911should be cp -r /media/sda1/Program\ Files/BitComet_0.61/* .  ????03:13
zero88bazhang well i wanted to use gtkpod. But if my comp cant see my device or mount it. I cant use gtkpod03:13
kelvin911~ means home right?03:13
thoreauputickelvin911: yes03:13
kelvin911. mean current directory?03:14
nickrudNoTownKasper no, it should be hd0,1 not hd1,0 according to fdisk -l .  sda2 maps to hd0,103:14
kelvin911i got mixed up03:14
thoreauputicit means /home/yourusername03:14
FrogzooNoTownKasper: check /boot/grub/device.map03:14
bazhangzero88: you either need to use the latest libgpod deb or wait 16 days when it is included in the next release03:14
TheMusicGuyat least you didn't do rm -r    :)03:14
Stroganoff!bash | kelvin91103:14
ubotukelvin911: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:14
Danish989thanks everyone! :)03:14
kelvin911its too long ago i forgot unix commands03:14
nickrudah! thanks Frogzoo I always for get that file03:14
NoTownKasperOk, I'll try to boot to ubuntu with hd0,1...but I'll probably have to edit it. I'll be right back.03:14
nickrudNoTownKasper see what Frogzoo said03:14
crunchybumbleI put up information on the ubuntuforums, but didn't get much of a response http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69875003:15
zero88bazhang haha. will libgpod be able to see my ipod?03:15
Stroganoffthats it im out03:15
gNewPowerI have a sound problem: when I watch a movie with VLC the sounds suddenly goes off.  My suspicion is that the sound daemon crashes.  Is there a way to restart ALSA?03:15
bazhangzero88: should help rhythmbox or amarok (or which ever one you use do so) yes03:15
FrogzooNoTownKasper: you do know first disk is hd0, yes?03:15
kelvin911how to make BitComet works thru wine??03:15
EvanRstupid canon! they do not support linux and i am stuck with this useless printer! i am not paying those guys for a turbo print license!03:15
kelvin911that prgram has no installer03:15
NoTownKasper(hd0)/dev/hdb ,(hd1)/dev/sda03:16
kelvin911i can run it by unzip it to XP and run03:16
bazhangkelvin911: why do all that? there are many fine clients native to ubuntu03:16
zero88bazhang thanks i will check it out03:16
kelvin911but doest work in wine03:16
NoTownKasperWhy is it reading 2 hd's...when I removed the IDE drive yesterday...?03:16
kelvin911for some reason bitcomet can connect the seeker03:16
kelvin911others cant03:16
EvanRkelvin911: use ktorrent or azureus...03:16
eri2I'm trying to install from the live-cd and I think my harddrive is fried.. it's stuck on 5% partitions formatting. Is there a way I can verify it is fried?03:17
Danish989one more question: I hear a strange static sound in the background when I boot ubuntu from the live cd and the static sound stays in the background regardless of me playing music or not ... is this because im running ubuntu from the live cd?03:17
zero88bazhang you know a location to get libgpod.deb?03:17
nickrudNoTownKasper mixed sda/hda. use hda1,0 for windows, hda1,1 for linux. Or change device.map to (hd0) /dev/sda03:17
gNewPowerI have a sound problem: when I watch a movie with VLC the sounds suddenly goes off.  My suspicion is that the sound daemon crashes.  Is there a way to restart ALSA?03:17
kelvin911i tried bittornado doesnt connect03:17
NoTownKasperOk, I think I might've screwed something up hardware side...I'll be back. I think I might've unplugged the wrong device. :(03:17
bazhangeri2: have you checked the md5 sum on that iso? also how did you burn it (what app), how fast did you burn it, and what media did you use03:17
NoTownKasperback in a while.03:17
kelvin911i switch back to XP yesterday and i can download03:17
NoTownKasperThanks for putting up with me. :D03:17
kelvin911using bitcomet03:17
Danish989can I bother someone with a question? :(03:18
EvanRkelvin911: ok so bittornado sucks, try ktorrent or azureus03:18
StarnestommyDanish989: just ask it03:18
eri2!ask Danish98903:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask danish989 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:18
Theiae galera03:18
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:18
bazhangzero88: not sure perhaps getdeb.net03:18
Danish989I hear a strange static sound in the background when I boot ubuntu from the live cd and the static sound stays in the background regardless of me playing music or not ... is this because im running ubuntu from the live cd?03:18
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kelvin911EvanR: do  they support filename that is not standard?03:19
kelvin911like unicode?03:19
EvanRkelvin911: duh03:19
bazhangThe: do you have a support question?03:19
eri2Danish989 - could it be your audio system? is there static there when your pc is turned off?03:19
zero88bazhang k. well wouldnt it come with gtkpod?03:19
kelvin911last time i try to download the files, bittornado doesnt work because the filename problem03:19
BSG75hiya, I want to allow my daughter's profile to only able to visit a handful of sites .. is there a easy parental control in ubuntu?03:20
eri2but yes the static could be due to that - heck I don't have audio and i'm on the live cd right now03:20
Danish989no, the static sound is only heard when I boot ubuntu from the live cd , the sound isn't heard otherwise (in xp or when the system is off) .. my sound card is Creative Soundblaster Live! 16 bit.03:20
thoreauputicBSG75: dansguardian03:20
EvanRkelvin911: trying one client does not excuse you for switch back to windows, since there are about 134 torrent clients for linux03:20
bazhangzero88: the gutsy gtkpod comes with an earlier version, thus the need to get the new one to work with latest iPods03:20
thoreauputicBSG75: I haven't used it - just know about it existing03:20
EvanRkelvin911: but if you were going to use ubuntu, perhaps you are better off with windows in the first place03:20
bazhangBSG75: also a firefox plugin for that03:20
eri2Danish989 - the livecd is a bit slower than an installed system03:20
Danish989yeah, slower it is, but what is your opinion about the sound? Can the static just be because it's the live cd?03:21
zero88bazhang i see. but this ipod is ancient. Its a 512mb usb shuffle.lol i found it03:21
EvanRDanish989: you get noise while playing games? or all the time03:21
RyanPriorI have a friend whose keyboard issue - some keypresses are not registered, some are, and some are registered many times (as many as 10 or 20). The same seems to be true of his trackpad and nipple mouse - some gestures are not recognized, while some are many times. Any clue why that would be? (He's on Ubuntu Gutsy)03:21
thoreauputic!info dansguardian03:21
ubotudansguardian (source: dansguardian): Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 288 kB, installed size 1500 kB03:21
BSG75going to try danguardian .. the ff plugin is very annoying .. I just tried that .. unless there is something I haven't tried .. thanks for dans' :)03:21
kelvin911EvanR: which bt client is good?03:21
budluvahow do i execute an .sh file?03:21
Danish989No, the only time I hear the static sound is when booting ubuntu from the live cd, I never hear it otherwise03:21
EvanRkelvin911: azureus is popular03:21
Starnestommybudluva: sh filename.sh03:22
EvanRkelvin911: or did i not already say that twice03:22
bazhangzero88: try rhythmbox or amarok and see if they can detect it then03:22
kelvin911EvanR: bitcomet allow unlimited download and limit upload03:22
eri2budluva -  sh ./filename.sh   if you're in teh same directory03:22
zero88bazhang kool thanks03:22
EvanRkelvin911: ..... every client lets you limit upload.03:22
EvanRget serious please03:22
thoreauputickelvin911: any decent BT client does that03:22
kelvin911EvanR: i can download 100 KB/s and upload 2 KB/s03:22
Danish989>> the only time I hear the static sound is when booting ubuntu from the live cd, I never hear it otherwise03:22
thoreauputickelvin911: if you only upload 2KB/sec you won't get good results :)03:23
kelvin911thoreauputic: u do in bitcomet03:23
RSOzero88: I used Amarok for my iPod Nano and it's working just fine.03:23
bazhangkelvin911: there are a number you can test out; transmission, deluge, ktorrent, azureus, rtorrent (cli) and others03:23
thoreauputickelvin911: It's also selfish, frankly03:23
EvanRthoreauputic: because his client cheats the system03:23
kelvin911i always get like 0.1 ul/dl ratio03:23
EvanRkelvin911: azureus.03:23
thoreauputicEvanR: that is bad :(03:23
zero88RSO, k i will try that onbe03:23
Danish989No idea about the sound problem? should I just go ahead and install ubuntu?03:23
RyanPriorHow do I use debconf to reconfigure x?03:24
bazhangDanish989: have you tried adjusting the sound via alsamixer03:24
eri2Danish989 - why the hesitation - overwriting xp?03:24
Danish989No, I'm not going to overwrite xp03:24
b4l74z4rthe fonts in my applications taskbar entries keep changing from bold to regular even tho i've set application font to bold03:24
thoreauputicRyanPrior: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:24
eri2you can always reclaim the disk space if you don't like ubuntu03:24
Danish989true .. hehe, sorry, I just thought I'd ask03:25
zero88RSO, When you plug in your ipod. does ubuntu detect automatically though?03:25
crunchybumble@RZO did you use it with a nano 203:25
Danish989thanks a lot everyone! :)03:25
ToddEDMhey guys, i just turned on my laptop, and Ubuntu boots into safe graphics mode..... now it only goes to 800x600, how can i get it back03:25
eri2give it a good try though, just dont install it and in two days decide you hate it03:25
kelvin911i guess i will try azureus03:25
crunchybumble@RZO one of the clippy kinds? one of my friends has one of those and I'm trying to help her get a working music situation under linux03:25
kelvin911since i cant get bitcomet working03:25
Danish989thanks eri2 :) Can I access all my files using the live cd in safe mode from all the harddisks?03:26
RSOzero88: No, you need to go to settings, Configure Amarok, Media Devices03:26
RSOzero88: Then choose "Add Device..."03:26
bazhangcrunchybumble: if it is the newer ones you need the latest libgpod deb or wait until next release version of ubuntu in 16 days03:26
eri2I know with my live cd, it can see all mine.. i'm having to reinstall, dont know what happened to my 320Gb drive but this motherboard has eaten a harddrive before :/03:27
RSOzero88: From the drop-down menu, choose the Apple...something03:27
eri2in windoze03:27
RyanPriorI have a friend whose keyboard issue - some keypresses are not registered, some are, and some are registered many times (as many as 10 or 20). The same seems to be true of his trackpad and nipple mouse - some gestures are not recognized, while some are many times. Any clue why that would be? (He's on Ubuntu Gutsy)03:27
Danish989That sucks .. I haven't lost a harddrive yet .. I've been on this computer for quiet a long time now, and I can't recall the last time I formatted a drive03:27
RyanPriorEven if he boots to the terminal prompt, keypresses are wonky.03:27
eri2so think it's a hardware issue, maybe related to the disk power saving and the usb power needs03:28
RSOzero88: And then for both entries, write "mount /home/your_profile/Desktop/ipod's_name"03:28
Danish989Ryanprior : dont you have to choose the keyboard character set thingie while installing ubuntu?03:28
thoreauputicRyanPrior: then it might be a console-setup problem03:28
RSOzero88: Same for the eject command, just replace "mount" with "eject"03:28
RyanPriorthoreauputic: if it were, how would he fix it?03:28
Danish989so what can I do about that eri2 ? About the disk power saving?03:28
Nertos_UfaHi! I need gtk+-2.0 where can I get it?03:28
TheMusicGuyum...I just ran "docker" and my status bar disappeared. I can't get it back.03:29
thoreauputicRyanPrior: first try  sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup ( from memory)03:29
eri2i wouldn't worry bout it Danish, my hardware prob isnt same as yours03:29
TheMusicGuyhow do I get my status bar back?03:29
RyanPriorthoreauputic: what would that do?03:29
eri2could have been lightning storms too03:29
Geoffrey2while using yahoo maps, firefox is abruptly closing with a libcairo error03:29
bazhangTheMusicGuy: what is docker; please clarify03:29
thoreauputicRyanPrior: try it and see - IIRC it asks about fonts and keyboards03:29
nickrudconsole-setup sets up the virtual console03:30
RyanPriorthoreauputic: The problem seems to be that keypresses are only being recognized some times.03:30
Danish989one last question, I can install on a harddisk using the NTFS file system?03:30
RyanPriorthoreauputic: It even makes it difficult to type commands into the root terminal.03:30
thoreauputicRyanPrior: is his hardware OK ?03:30
TheMusicGuyIts a system tray for multiple WMs03:30
nickrudDanish989 no03:30
RyanPriorthoreauputic: When he boots into Windows it all works fine.03:30
eri2a docker costs about $15 on sixth street03:30
bazhangDanish989: the ubuntu will reformat it to what you need; ext3 not ntfs03:31
eri2sorry couldn't resist03:31
thoreauputicRyanPrior: hmm - running out of ideas, sorry03:31
bazhangTheMusicGuy: installed from where? the repos or third party site03:31
nickrudDanish989 ntfs doesn't understand unix type permission settings, and you must have those for linux03:31
Danish989and only ext3 have permission settings right?03:31
spork969whats the quickest way to install the newest java?03:31
nickrudDanish989 xfs, ext3, and some others but ext3 is the standard for linux03:32
thoreauputic!java | spork96903:32
ubotuspork969: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)03:32
TheMusicGuybazhang: It was installed from the repo03:32
bazhang!info docker03:32
ubotudocker (source: docker): System tray for KDE3/GNOME2 docklet applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4-3 (gutsy), package size 10 kB, installed size 84 kB03:32
Danish989okie, thanks a lot :)03:32
RSOzero88: Let me know if that worked out for you.03:32
bazhangTheMusicGuy: and now the panel has disappeared?03:32
whisperkillerhow do i search for all files on my system with .txt extensions03:33
TheMusicGuynot the whole panel, just the system tray03:33
nickrudwhisperkiller  find / -iname *.txt03:33
bazhangTheMusicGuy: have you tried right click add to panel to replace it?03:33
TheMusicGuythere's no panel applet for the system tray03:34
nickrudTheMusicGuy add the notification area (right click panel, add)03:34
mEck0Would a Intel Dual Core E2160 1.8GHz 800MHz 1MB cache with 1 or 2GB DDR2 be good as a server running ubuntu server? I want to build a server for backup, version handling system (svn, mercurial) and use it as a fileserver.03:34
bazhangmEck0: that would be way overpowered but yeah03:35
TheMusicGuynickrud: it doesn't show anything03:35
nickrudm3that would do the trick for a bunch of people ;)03:35
TheMusicGuyi.e. the notification area is empty03:35
nickrudTheMusicGuy it being what?03:35
TheMusicGuynone of the icons that were in the system tray are in the notification area03:36
nickrudTheMusicGuy ah, well you might have to restart some apps for them to appear03:36
kelvin911has anyone try greedytorrent?03:36
* nickrud doesn't have a clue to how docker affects the panel03:36
bazhangkelvin911: is that in the ubuntu repos? or is a windows program?03:36
spork969thoreauputic, thanks03:36
kelvin911dont know03:37
mEck0bazhang: ok, I actually have a computer with a P2 300Mhz cpu and with about 288MB SDRAM, 8GB IBM Bigfoot hdd. It that okay for what I need? I think it is for everything, but maybe not file server? Or will it be sufficient for that too?03:37
TheMusicGuyit didn't work03:37
nickrudTheMusicGuy I have no idea how docker is going to affect the panel & notification area, but for sure notification area == systray03:37
thoreauputickelvin911: just get a good client ( azureus, deluge, ktorrent etc.) and *configure* it - BT isn't magic03:37
softtowermount -t smbfs gives me "wrong fstype". what should I install? I have smbtree and I can access windows shares in Gnome.03:37
bassinboysnort is not configuring, it hangs on something, is there anyway to remove it?03:38
TheMusicGuyhang on...03:38
kelvin911bazhang: i have a p3 with only 32MB ram, what can i install in this piece of crap?03:38
bazhangmEck0: that sounds more like it; though maybe up the ram a teensy bit; you could also run it by the guys in #ubuntu-server for the expert opinions but sounds more than enough03:38
kelvin911with 10 or 20 GB HD03:38
bazhangkelvin911: please watch the language03:38
mEck0bazhang: aha, thx a lot, will check that channel imediately =)03:38
zero88RSO, you there still03:38
RSOzero88: Yup03:39
nickrudkelvin911 you might be able to get damn small linux in there, but that's almost unusable for most practical uses03:39
b4l74z4ri've discovered a bug in 8.04, i changed my application font to bold, but the applications taskbar entry keeps changing from bold to regular each time an event inside the application takes place such as rhythmbox changing to the next track03:39
bazhangb4l74z4r: #ubuntu+1 please03:39
nickrudkelvin911 if you can just get some memory ...03:39
zero88RSO, k sorry i was afk for a minute. when you type mount ....... how do you know what the device name is?03:39
SeaPhorwireless pci card, using rtl8185 , shows in lshw -C network, but doesnt find any networks, network is wpa2, any help?03:39
kelvin911nickrud: is it possible to run it as ftp server?03:39
kelvin911nickrud: its a junk from my roomate03:40
Tu13esI'm following a tutorial that tells me to run dpkg-reconfigure on a package, but when I do, instead of getting a console interface, it just returns to the shell03:40
thoreauputicb4l74z4r: and check bugs.ubuntu.com to see if it's been reported03:40
bazhangSeaPhor: what does ifconfig show; two entries or three03:40
Tu13esany ideas why?03:40
RSOzero88: Well, is the device automatically mounted when you plug it in?03:40
kelvin911nickrud: dont wanna spend a penny on it03:40
zero88RSO, no its not03:40
nickrudkelvin911 you will certainly find some mini distro that would run on there, cli only but I'm not sure which.   distrowatch.org  could help you choose03:40
kelvin911nickrud: dsl?03:40
ogrehey, my computer froze during update now its saying i have updates but the update manager errors out. how do i fix this?03:40
RSOzero88: Ah...give me a minute then. What iPod did you say you have?03:40
kelvin911nickrud: i think i have dsl somewhere03:40
bazhangkelvin911: then geexbox or minime or dsl as nickrud says03:40
budluvawhere do i put nautilus scripts? ~/.nautilus just has a bunch of temp files in it03:40
spork969what does this mean: "Set your JAVA_HOME variable to the location where you have Java installed."?03:40
SeaPhor3, eth0, l0, and wlan003:40
zero88RSO, not sure exactly  i found it but its a 512mb usb i believe shuffle03:41
jimspork969: which word don't you understand?03:41
RSOzero88: Is it the little one with no screen?03:41
bazhangSeaPhor: you want the gui way or the cli way03:41
zero88RSO, yes it is03:41
spork969jim, the whole thing pretty much. how do i do it?03:41
TheMusicGuyI got the system tray/notification area to come back03:41
bazhangTheMusicGuy: nice ;]03:41
TheMusicGuyI had to logout/in a couple times03:41
TheMusicGuynotification area acts...werid03:42
brunnerHello.  Is there any way to either check the status of a transfer that's occurring via USB2?03:42
jimI can't connect to that...03:42
thoreauputicbudluva: .gnome2/nautilus-scripts03:42
bulazeemmy external hard drive and mouse stay on after i shut my computer down.  does anyone else have this problem?  i'm using 7.1003:42
SeaPhorbazhang: whatever works, been looking here over a month03:42
ToddEDMhey guys how can i add resolutions to choose from03:42
brunnerI'm copying an ISO to a jump drive and it seems to be at 100% but it's not moving.  Is there a way to see if it's doing anything?03:42
bazhangSeaPhor: any way to open up that wifi hotspot03:42
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SeaPhorbazhang: i am living with my in-laws, i have full access to their router03:43
thoreauputic!fixres | ToddEDM03:43
ubotuToddEDM: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:43
bazhangToddEDM: you did the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg that thoreauputic recommended?03:43
ToddEDMno i didnt03:44
bazhangToddEDM: best try that then03:44
ToddEDMi will right now thouhg03:44
ToddEDMi didnt see it earlier03:44
thoreauputicToddEDM: please don't ask questions unless you act on the answers :)03:44
ToddEDMso sorry03:44
bulazeemi have to unplug it to get it to turn off03:44
jimthoreauputic: actually he does have a choice03:45
thoreauputicToddEDM: it's OK03:45
bazhangjim does that sound wrong?03:45
RSOzero88: I can't find the exact way to mount it as i never had to, but this might help you out. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10307103:45
upto worck without cd i muss uncommet all mirrore on source.list?????03:45
bazhangup no just the cd03:45
jimno doesn't sound wrong at all... and he still has a choice03:45
Starnestommyup: just comment out the line with the cd03:45
bazhangjim please elaborate03:45
spork969where is java installed? how do i set the JAVA_HOME variable?03:45
TheMusicGuythanks bazhang, and thanks to whoever it was that identified cairo-docl03:45
thoreauputicjim: of course - but he didn't try it before asking again...03:45
SeaPhorbazhang: i have my laptop next to me with the router's if loaded03:45
zero88RSO,  cool thanks for the help. Seems like i might have to do some research =)03:45
jimhe can choose to listen, he can choose to not listen03:46
amenadospork969-> which java03:46
thoreauputicjim: The page from Ubotu would give him an informed choice :)03:46
bazhangjim aye and then we can choose not listen to his pleas for help03:46
upi want to play media woth mozilla03:46
uprm media03:46
budluvai have mv the script to ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts and restarted the file manager but still nothing03:46
jcnormanjoin #paste03:46
jimthoreauputic: I'm believing you... and he still has a choice :)03:46
RSOzero88: Yeah, sometimes it is that way. But once you mount it, you'll see the name of the device and you'll be able to view it from Amarok (if you choose to use that particular app)03:47
spork969amenado, java 6 (sun-java6-bin, sun-java6-jre)03:47
bazhangSeaPhor: the best way would be to open up the wifi so that we can see if it will connect at all; then can get wpa2 etc going after that03:47
amenadospork969-> also look in /etc/alternatives/java03:47
zero88RSO, one quick question. Are you using gnome?03:47
NoTownKasperA couple days ago I removed an IDE drive from my system, and installed Windows XP on a second partition on my SCSI drive. After reinstalling gnome, sorry, but I forgot how, I rebooted and windows XP doesn't show in the gnome boot loader. So I gedited a copy of the example windows stanza into the menu.lst, rebooted, tried to boot to the windows partition and it received an error “Cannot mount selected paritition. Since then I hav03:47
zero88RSO, im wondering, becuase im on fluxbox, if auto mount isnt activated for fluxbox. becuase it is for gnome03:48
Arky44hello all03:48
bazhanghi Arky4403:48
thoreauputiczero88: no, it isn't by default03:48
RSOzero88: Ah, good point. And yes i am running Gnome.03:48
thoreauputiczero88: in fluxbox03:48
zero88RSO,  thoreauputic  ah ok thanks03:48
Arky44is it possible to install an ubuntu variation through wubi on an ubuntu machine (through wine windows emulator)?03:48
zero88RSO,  thoreauputic  is there a way to set automount on flux?03:48
upStarnestommy i don't have cd on source.list03:49
bazhangArky44: what variation do you speak of03:49
spork969Arky44, did you just ask if it is possible to install ubuntu on ubuntu?03:49
RSOzero88: I have no idea, let's hope thoreauputic does03:49
thoreauputiczero88: several actually... but this isn't the best plcae to explain how :)03:49
Arky44bazhang: xubuntu03:49
SeaPhorbazhang: i am talking to you on the Desktop in question, thru eth0, i have a laptop also with Ub 7.1 logged into router's interface, do i need to do something different?03:49
bazhangArky44: why all the gyrations?03:49
Arky44bazhang: ?03:49
thoreauputiczero88: there's ivman, or you can set up pmount with rox filer, or.... you get the idea03:49
somethingcomplexhi all, i'm trying to install sound drivers (following instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=455147&highlight=conexant) but my computer crashed twice at step 9 install asa-lib... what can i do?03:50
zero88thoreauputic, ya i will check those out thanks. or just use gnome03:50
thoreauputiczero88: fluxbox is more-or-less do it yourself03:50
bazhangArky44: just wanting to test wubi? a vm might be a better option for that if that is indeed your goal03:50
zero88thoreauputic, ya Im starting to figure that one out ;)03:50
thoreauputiczero88: that's what I like about it actually :)03:50
zero88thoreauputic, thats what linux is all about03:51
thoreauputiczero88: indeed03:51
Arky44bazhang: i just want to test xubuntu without needing to repartition03:51
linkinxpguys where i can see my current video drivers??????03:51
zero88thoreauputic, anyway thanks again, Im going to take the easy way for now. OFF to GNOME!!03:51
bazhangArky44: any reason just not to run the livecd?03:51
sole_onelivecds ftw03:52
Arky44bazhang: i'm too lazy to burn it ;)03:52
Danish989how do I get ntfs-3g using apt-get ? what's the whole command?03:52
taqhi, my internet crapped out after I rebooted, is there anyway I can do something like 'ipconfig /renew' i'm running ubuntu 7.103:52
ChaosTheoryAnyone here familiar with Avant Window Navigator?03:52
bulazeemmy external hard drive and mouse stay on after i shut my computer down.  does anyone else have this problem?  i'm using 7.1003:52
bazhangArky44: what you are proposing sounds very complex; might as well use virtualbox to run the iso in a virtual machine03:52
bassinboysnort is not configuring, it hangs on something, is there anyway to remove it?03:52
Arky44bazhang: ok03:53
Danish989how do I get ntfs-3g using apt-get ? what's the whole command?03:53
p33someone got any ideas why a intel g33 gets superslow with +2gb ram?03:53
Arky44Danish989: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g03:53
nickrudbassinboy could you paste the complete output of sudo apt-get remove --purge snort03:53
bazhangDanish989: sudo apt-get install packagename; but is that not installed already?03:53
Danish989thanks arky4403:53
Arky44Danish989: i think bazhang is right03:54
Danish989I'm not sure if it is or not, I didn't even check but I thought I'd just I'd ask .. I'm a complete n00b at linux at the moment03:54
NoTownKasper Couple days ago I removed an IDE drive from my system, and installed Win XP on a second partition on my SCSI drive. After reinstalling gnome, sorry, but I forgot how, rebooted and windows XP doesn't show in the gnome boot loader. So I gedited a copy of the example windows stanza into menu.lst, rebooted, tried to boot to windows and got an error “Cannot mount selected paritition. I have tried every hd#,partiton# I can think of, 03:54
bazhangChaosTheory: what questions do you have about awn03:54
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Danish989thanks a lot03:54
bassinboynickrud: weird, i control + c  it and it continued lolo03:55
Arky44Danish989: don't worry, you'll wish you'd had ubuntu a long time ago in about a week :)03:55
diefordethklokwill this howto work in the hard beta?03:55
ChaosTheorybazhang: I'm having a problem installing it -- I'm getting some errors when doing the "./configure."03:55
bazhangDanish989: well if you try to install it and it is installed then no harm done; it will just say already the newest version03:55
Danish989ok thanks a lot arky44 and bazhang :)03:55
ChaosTheorybazhang: Do you want me to post it on pastebin?03:55
nickrudNoTownKasper did you set the device.map ?03:55
thoreauputicNoTownKasper: windows likes to be on the first partition - you might need to use the map option in grub to fool it03:55
bazhangChaosTheory: you are compiling it? why? there is a repo to enable and download from03:55
NoTownKasperOh fun.03:55
NoTownKasperI have no idea how to do that.03:55
ChaosTheorybazhang: Oh, I can just install it from Synaptic?03:55
diefordethklokhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=400236, this is the one I am talking about03:56
NoTownKasperI'm so new to linux it hurts.03:56
sivel27hello all03:56
bazhangChaosTheory: you are on gutsy? there is an outside repo to add for that-- or you can wait sixteen days when it will part of ubuntu next release repos03:56
Danish989lol @ notown kasper ..... its the same with me03:56
budluvaanyone here have a script for remuxing an x264 .mkv to .mp4?03:56
diefordethklokMe too, don't worry NoTownKasper03:56
thoreauputicNoTownKasper: I don't remember the syntax ( I don't use windows), but try googling "windows grub boot mapping" or similar03:56
ChaosTheorybazhang: Yes, I'm on Gutsy. How do I add the outside repo?03:56
SeaPhorthoreauputic: you see my point?03:57
thoreauputicSeaPhor: ?03:57
bazhangSeaPhor: sorry to delay; if you open the wpa2 to no encryption the sudo dhclient wlan0 what does that return03:57
kelvin911u think i can run DSL liveCD with only 32MB of ram?03:58
bazhangChaosTheory: I dont have the link; there are two to choose from one has ppa in its url, that is the one to add03:58
BevMoidi have ran dsl with 16mb03:58
bazhangkelvin911: yes03:58
BevMoidcleanly on 16mb ram 133p103:58
SeaPhorbazhang: but if i do that then all the other pc's in the house will loose their connection, including their server?03:59
kelvin911what if the CD drive is only like 1x or 2x cd drive?03:59
kelvin911would that be very slow?03:59
thoreauputicNoTownKasper: this problem kind of illustrates the difference between Linux and windows - win doesn'rt want to know about any other operating systems :)03:59
BevMoidi dunno,i did it with a 4x03:59
bazhangSeaPhor: okay let me get you the cli link to read through then03:59
kelvin911its a garbage computer someone throw out03:59
BevMoidit was a 4x cdrom 16mb ram and a 133 pentium 103:59
NoTownKasperHrm, First hit says to add a few odd looking lines to menu.lst...03:59
BevMoiddude i have sooo many old ATs that i just toss a new live distro04:00
BevMoidlol i have one with menuet installed04:00
NoTownKasperAnd you're right. One of the reasons I'm weaning myself off windows XP.04:00
kelvin911BevMoid: how long does it take u to boot with 4x cd?04:00
BevMoidnot long04:00
thoreauputicNoTownKasper: yes, something like map (hd0,0) hd(o1) etc I forget the exact syntax04:00
BevMoidsame as if i booted ubuntu off a live dvd with a modern dvdrom04:00
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188  SeaPhor; in future you might want to add those details (server etc) this is the howto on getting cli wpa2 if you have questions then feel free to return and ask for clarification04:00
SeaPhorbazhang: can i just say that i have a seperate network icon in the tray that is remarked, and has a meter bar next to it?04:01
kelvin911BevMoid: which dsl did u try?04:01
diefordethklokDoes the rt73 howto(direprius tut) work in the hardy beta?04:01
BevMoiddsl doesnt require much more than dos did really04:01
BevMoidshit what distro...not this update but the last release04:01
NoTownKaspertitle Windows - map (hd0) (hd1) - map (hd1) (hd0) - rootnoverify (hd1,0) - chainloader +1 <-- look about right? thoreauputic?04:01
bazhangdiefordethklok: #ubuntu+1 for that please04:01
ChaosTheorybazhang: I think I'm missing "libawn." How do I install it?04:01
sivel27so im in a jam. fresh install of heron, ati 9700 pro + restricted drivers +32 lcd = logging into a white screen04:01
thoreauputicNoTownKasper: depending on your partitions, yes04:02
bazhangChaosTheory: is this the compile? or you want to add the repo04:02
somethingcomplexmy computer keeps crashing at a certain point while installing an audio driver... HELP!04:02
SeaPhorbazhang: i have had so many ppl try to tell me this or that, that i'm sure my fstab is quite confused04:02
icanhasadminsivel27: #ubuntu+1 or #compiz-fusion04:02
ChaosTheorybazhang: http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2008/02/install-avant-window-navigator-awn-in.html04:02
thoreauputicNoTownKasper:  grub starts from 0 and so on04:02
icanhasadminsivel27: alt+f2 metacity --replace <-- will fix your problem temperariliy04:02
crunchybumbletestdisk gives me an error when I look at one of my devices: it says: "error size boot_sector 40965687 > partition 40965686" can someone tell me what I need to do to resolve this?04:02
bazhangSeaPhor: this is part of your wpa2 problem or something else; could you please clarify04:03
BevMoidComplex : are u sure it is the correct driver?04:03
thoreauputicNoTownKasper: those options go *after( the "automagic" stanxas by the way04:03
Ashfire908Ok, today when i went to login, gdm stalled for a while when logging in, and i did ctrl-alt-backspace, same thing again, did the key combo, did it again, waited for it to login (eventually) and every ran very... slow... slower than windows runs. the gnome system log view would seg fault and core dump at somewhat random. i rebooted (had done it before when trying to login) and now it hangs at startup. now i'm in recovery mode.04:03
bazhangChaosTheory: that is the compiling link?04:03
kelvin911what can u do in dsl?04:03
ChaosTheorybazhang: I don't think it's compiling.04:03
ChaosTheorybazhang: It uses apt-get?04:04
Ashfire908I don't know what is causing it, i couldn't find anything in my system logs.04:04
BevMoiddsl just works04:04
somethingcomplexBevMoid: pretty sure... it's supposed to be for HP Pavilion dv2000 series, and i found it on the ubuntu forums04:04
NoTownKasperI'm just overly cautious. http://pastebin.com/d6486afe7 = my configuration info. Just don't want to do anything that'll leave me sitting in terminal windows longer than I have to.04:04
kelvin911any little game i can play while on my bed?04:04
thoreauputickelvin911: why not try it and see ? It's a live Cd04:04
Meshezabeelis there a gui program included in ubuntu that makes it easy to print full page images?04:04
BevMoidbut if you are a lil 'noobish' then it might be difficult for some04:04
SeaPhorbazhang: read that one, didn't help, i've been working on this for 4 months, I AM A n00b! and so far no one has been able to help me but i have not given up faith in Ubuntu or its users,,,04:04
kelvin911i need to download 1st wait04:04
NoTownKasperOdd thing is...I only have one physical hard drive on my machine. :\04:04
somethingcomplexi am very n00bish04:04
BevMoiddid ubuntu support sound off the bat?04:04
somethingcomplexbut it seems simple - cut and paste into the Terminal04:05
ChaosTheorybazhang: It gives me "E: Broken packages" when I do sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator awn-manager04:05
BevMoidComplex: if you really wanna learn then try it, atleast it has a gui :)04:05
decayhow do i disable metacity and enable emerald? (its installed)04:05
kelvin911i am wondering should i download the current one or the old one04:05
somethingcomplexno, no sound04:05
damo23decay :  emerald --replace04:05
BevMoidtry to older driver first04:05
Ashfire908so yeah could someone help me fix my system?04:05
Meshezabeelin windows I can easily print a photo full page, how can I do it under linux?04:05
BevMoidif you keep crashing on the new one04:05
Arky44kelvin911: do you have an old computer?04:05
bazhangChaosTheory: you added the repos then updated the source list?04:05
ChaosTheorybazhang: I can do some updates, though.04:05
thoreauputicdecay: metacity is a window manager - emerald is a window decorator04:05
kelvin911Arky44: yes i do04:05
somethingcomplexwhat old driver?04:05
BevMoidMesh: you need cups, and what kind of printer04:06
BevMoidwell what brand04:06
kelvin911Arky44: a garbage from roomate04:06
BevMoidComplex: u said there is an older driver04:06
thoreauputicdecay: easiest to install the compiz-fusion applet ( then you can point and click)04:06
MeshezabeelBevMoid, printing is not my problem, getting the photo to go the size of a full page is04:06
crunchybumbleashfire, is this just with your user?04:06
Arky44kelvin911: Heh. You might want to consider installing xubuntu instead of ubuntu04:06
kelvin911Arky44: so funny that guy install winxp on it04:06
crunchybumblewhat happens when you login as root?04:06
BevMoidMesh: o lol new one to me04:06
kelvin911Arky44: it took like 10 minutes to load04:06
x0xi want a FTPD04:06
kelvin911Arky44: and still swapping files04:06
Arky44kelvin911: ubuntu did?04:06
max_Hi, Is there any way to control audio bass/treble globally in Ubuntu?04:07
somethingcomplexBevMoid: i dunno what i said but that's not what i meant...04:07
kelvin911Arky44: winxp04:07
Arky44kelvin911: yikes04:07
MeshezabeelBevMoid, I can print just fine, but say I copy a picture off of the Internet, how can I print it so it fills the whole page? In Windows it is easy.04:07
BevMoidComplex: ok cuz it confused me, u r on gutsy right?04:07
kelvin911Arky44: and that stupid guy ask me if i can install vista on it04:07
SeaPhorbazhang: I just want to get rid of the dang CAT5 cable running thru my In-Law's house, I am willing to start all over from scratch, including fresh install if thats what has to be04:07
eidolonhi folks, i'm doing aptitude updates, and getting a segmentation fault.  Any ideas?04:07
BevMoidMesh: u need to resize it to fill04:07
bazhangSeaPhor: well if you wish to learn then you need to give more informative answers then it didnt work; that way the errors can be pinpointed and fixed; which part of the tutorial did you get stuck on and what were the exact errors etc04:07
Ashfire908crunchybumble: i am root. i'm in recovery mode. the system hung at boot (well it might have eventually have loaded but i figured why load it only to find it unusable)04:07
Arky44kelvin911: check this out: http://xubuntu.org/04:08
x0xhow do i make restart vsftpd ?04:08
TheBurninatorhey guys i have a question04:08
TheBurninatori am running the hardy beta04:08
kelvin911Arky44: xubuntu?04:08
max_Any type of audio equilizer for Ubuntu?  alsamixer doesn't have bass / treble , and the bass is WAY too loud.04:08
MeshezabeelBevMoid, yeah, not very easy to do04:08
kelvin911Arky44: i am thinking dsl04:08
bazhangTheBurninator: what is it; oh that is #ubuntu+1 thanks04:08
BevMoidMesh: use gimp or photoshop in wine04:08
BevMoidMesh: PS CS2 runs fine in wine04:08
TheBurninatoroh shoot i forgot04:08
TheBurninatorsorry, thanks04:08
kelvin911Arky44: i may give xubuntu i try04:08
Ashfire908crunchybumble: oh i see you me try launching apps as root while in the gui and normaly boot?04:08
Arky44kelvin911: xubuntu is a distribution of ubuntu (a "type" of ubuntu, if you will) that is built for older systems04:08
wapkohow about PS cs3 in wine ?04:08
Cle0how can i worck without Cd04:09
crunchybumbleI don't suppose you've set up rsync or anything so useful, huh?04:09
kelvin911Arky44: got only 32mb of ram04:09
Arky44kelvin911: support for it is at #xubuntu04:09
BevMoidCS3 bugs out on me04:09
BevMoidworks sometimes04:09
kelvin911Arky44: can xubuntu runs?04:09
decaythoreauputic: thank you04:09
bazhangkelvin911: xubuntu might be a bit heavy; fluxbuntu would work perhaps04:09
BevMoidcs2 after u install the font package  its cool04:09
Cle0i need to install eclipse04:09
Ashfire908crunchybumble: i didn't try it but i'm not rebooting to try that.04:09
thoreauputic32 megs is n't enough for xubuntu04:09
wapkothe msttcorefonts package ?04:09
Cle0but how to set up my sources.list04:09
SeaPhorbazhang: that was a month ago, and i cant remember the specs, can i just start over, again, i can show any result you want04:09
kelvin911xubuntu is with xwindwos right?04:09
Ashfire90832 meg of ram is barely enough to run the text installer04:10
wapkoi believe thats xfce04:10
somethingcomplexthese are the instructions i'm tryign to follow: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=455147&highlight=conexant04:10
crunchybumblexfce, kelvin91104:10
kelvin911fluxbuntu fluxbox?04:10
thoreauputickelvin911: all graphical window managers and desktops use x window system :)04:10
nickrudkelvin911 every gui runs on xwindows04:10
StarnestommyCle0: make sure that the universe repositories are enabled04:10
* nickrud blushes, for calling it xwindows ;)04:10
Arky44kelvin911: bazhang is probably right :)04:10
Cle0Starnestommy it is04:11
ChaosTheory_bazhang: http://pastebin.com/m1b28f72204:11
decaythoreauputic: are you talking about ccsm04:11
NoTownKasperhttp://pastebin.com/d6486afe7 = my current HD/partition information and menu.lst configuration. Any ideas on how I can get things setup to dual boot, and why it's listing two separate devices when I only have one physical hard drive in my machine?04:11
thoreauputicdecay: ?04:11
harushimoI have a digital camera04:11
harushimobut I can't get it to work in ubuntu04:11
bazhangkelvin911: buy some ram and save the hassle frankly; that machine will be slow unless you run a very minimal distro04:11
nickrudNoTownKasper also, device.map per Frogzoo04:11
StarnestommyCle0: then try to run sudo apt-get install eclipse04:11
BevMoiddsl is minimal04:11
NoTownKasperOh yeah...forgot about that.04:11
BevMoidhence damn small linux04:11
BevMoidrun menuet04:12
cycomwow. so...8.04 is pretty epic win04:12
BevMoidit aint no nix but its cool04:12
MeshezabeelBevMoid, well you have to buy cs2 don't you? Plus I was hoping for a purely linux solution, where you don't have to know dimensions, you just say "print to full size"04:12
cycomthough for some reason totem is choking on my DVD...04:12
harushimohow would I fix it04:12
BevMoidi dont buy software04:12
Cle0Starnestommy he say me enter CDROM04:12
BevMoidall software should be free and if it is not i will make it :)04:12
thoreauputicdecay: I forget the exact name - search in synaptic04:12
StarnestommyCle0: comment out or remove the lines referring to the cdrom04:12
decaythoreauputic: ccsm is where i control the desktop effects. but i dont see anything about themes in it04:12
BevMoidnix and priniting are like nix n ati...needs work04:12
Cle0Starnestommy i will paste u my sources.list ok?04:13
thoreauputicdecay: there's a config applet for compiz fusion04:13
MeshezabeelBevMoid, okay thanks04:13
BevMoidno prob :)04:13
jimBevMoid: works pretty well for me04:13
StarnestommyCle0: use a pastebin04:13
BevMoidcheck out torrentz.com04:13
thoreauputicdecay: or maybe that's only on hardy, not sure04:13
BevMoiddamn good site for them04:13
cycomnevermind. dirty DVD04:13
cycomwow. Hardy seems to be working perfectly on my laptop.04:14
MeshezabeelBevMoid, nah, not really interested in pirating, but thanks for the suggestion and williness to help nonetheless!04:14
cycomWINDOWS didn't even run this well.04:14
decaythoreauputic: i am on hardy. but im not looking to config compiz-fusion. i want to enable emerald theme04:14
bazhangcycom: that is in #ubuntu+1 thanks04:14
BevMoidthis community is built on the help me i help you philosophy04:14
decayi know if i do emerald --replace, it works but i lose titlebars/statusbars04:14
ToddEDMthoreauputic:  thanks, my resolution is fixed!04:14
jimwindows doesn't know what running well is :P04:14
BevMoidjust keeping it alive :)04:14
thoreauputicdecay: compiz-fusion uses either the gtk decorator or emerald04:14
Meshezabeelcool BevMoid :)04:14
max_Is there any way to equalize audio in Ubuntu?  Bass level is way too loud for my neighbors!04:14
cycombazhang: pfft. fine. I'll come back once it's released.04:15
nickruddecay try setting a theme in emerald theme manager, then doing emerald --replace again04:15
thoreauputicdecay: you install emerald if you want the emerald decorations, and you can choose them from the applet04:15
Ashfire908So yeah uh, my system is hard to use when if i don't boot into recovery mode the system barely moves...04:15
thoreauputicdecay: let me look - hang on04:15
=== rat32 is now known as Palace_Chan
Cle0Starnestommy http://paste.debian.net/28204:15
decaythoreauputic: okay04:16
jimAshfire908: that's pretty good detective work... next, find the difference that causes the problem when not recovering04:16
BevMoidmax_ did you try jack?04:16
StarnestommyCle0: remove that first line or put a # at the beginning of it04:16
BevMoidi havent used it just heard of it on the forums04:16
harushimodo digital cameras work in ubuntu04:16
x0xjim, i badly need a ftpd.04:16
harushimoI can't get my working04:16
thoreauputicdecay: you want fusion-icon04:16
thoreauputicdecay: sudo apt-get install fusion-icon04:17
ChaosTheory_Anyone familiar with Avant Window Navigator?04:17
BevMoidi dont know if it will work04:17
Starnestommyharushimo: some do, some don't04:17
bazhangHardy discusiion is okay in here?04:17
Ashfire908jim: i didn't find anything in the system log (nothing that would cause it to run butt slow and hang alot while doing easy tasks)04:17
nickrudbazhang not yet04:17
harushimoI'm guessing canon sd 200 doesn't work04:17
BevMoidi dunno this will be a hardy chat in 2 weeks04:17
thoreauputicdecay: it will be in the Applications - System Tools menu04:17
xShad0w___o damn just came back, no hardy in here, where do we get support for it?04:17
BevMoidbut for now i assume gutsy04:17
nickrudxShad0w___ #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+104:17
prettyrickyI love avan window navigator... its better than Kiba-dock04:18
bazhanggetting tired of being pffft'd for referring the people to another channel like cycom just did04:18
BevMoidkiba just tries to be fancy04:18
thoreauputicdecay: btw this is the channel for ubuntu - you should ask in #ubuntu+1 if you are running hardy04:18
BevMoidawn is subtle beauty04:18
decaythoreauputic: thank you!!04:18
prettyrickyBevMoid-------> totally agree with you@04:18
thoreauputicdecay: no problem - /join #ubuntu+1 please for further hardy info04:18
BevMoidthank you. it just is.04:18
harushimowhat does multiple" Identify camera request failed". OS error in camera communcation04:19
harushimowhat does that mean04:19
decaythoreauputic: will do. thanks again04:19
thoreauputicdecay: :)04:19
wbreslin951how do you add another user in terminal?04:19
Marfiwhat is the name of the file that holds modules that starts up?04:19
NoTownKasperOk this is my current HD/partition/menu.lst/device.map information...That look right? Before I reboot and test it?04:19
thoreauputicwbreslin951:  sudo adduser <username>04:19
Cle0Starnestommy http://paste.debian.net/28304:19
wbreslin951wut about password?04:19
Cle0Starnestommy see it plz04:19
max_BevMoid - Thanks for the tip.   Apparently there's no GUI for installing jack server..04:20
thoreauputicwbreslin951: it will prompt04:20
Marfii just answered my question, never mind. =)04:20
StarnestommyCle0: run sudo apt-get update then try again04:20
thoreauputicwbreslin951: ah perhaps not - in that case sudo passwd <username>04:20
BevMoidmax_: well atleast it is a starting point for yah04:20
max_jackd is installed, but not running...04:20
Cle0Starnestommy i have do it04:20
SeaPhorbazhang: I will drop a 160 GB hdd in and do a fresh install tomorrow if someone tells me they'll help me get the wireless PCI rtl 8185 working on this desktop, cause a few ppl have tried  telling me "enable this" or "disable that" or configure ndiswrapper, and so far,,, all i can see is that i have a seperate network icon and a meter bar next to it, but it doesnt connect04:20
harushimothen it says could not establish camera connection04:20
wbreslin951it did it thanks all04:20
bazhangSeaPhor: that card works best with ndiswrapper if I recall correctly; not very elegant but from just reading the ubuntuforums seems the best choice for now04:20
d4t4min3rim hoping someone can refresh my memory04:20
x0xhow to upload file to remote server? without ftpd04:21
x0xhow to upload file to remote server without ftpd?04:21
Cle0Starnestommy i have do it but always the same errore04:21
StarnestommyCle0: then I think it's a problem with those packages, but I'm not sure how to fix it04:21
d4t4min3rI remember seeing something I think on ubuntu web page about an open source school type program, were you can host tests and people can sign up as students04:21
BevMoidx0x don't spam04:21
Ashfire908what does having a line in the system log with "audit(1207622952.624:3):  type=1503 operation="inode_permission" ..." indicate?04:21
d4t4min3rdoes anyone remember this04:21
BevMoidx0x: in the url of your browser04:21
xShad0w___i have a hardy dependent question about symantec touchpad's, im trying to get two finger right click working (like in mac os x) anyone know the correct xorg.conf settings for that04:21
SeaPhorbazhang: well I do appreciate that you looked that up, and thank you.04:21
x0xBevMoid what>?04:22
Starnestommyx0x: if you hav ssh access, use scp04:22
jordo2323_Has anyone been successful getting MLB.com video to work under Firefox/Mplayer (It's silverlight video)04:22
Cle0Starnestommy ok no problem:)04:22
thoreauputicx0x: you don't need ftpd to upload with ftp - it's a server Youcan use any ftp client04:22
x0xStarnestommy what is scp?04:22
thoreauputicx0x: or scp, sftp etc etc04:22
bazhangSeaPhor: and no reinstall would be necessary if that helps out04:22
BevMoidx0x: dont you know how to log into an ftp with your browser?04:22
Starnestommyx0x: Secure CoPy.  it's like the command-line cp command, but it works over ssh04:22
BevMoidx0x: if there side supports it you can do it, if it does not you need one04:22
x0xlmfao if ftpd is not installed how to connect?04:22
nickrudNoTownKasper http://pastebin.com/m7bb01112 is what I would try04:22
thoreauputicx0x: scp is a secure file transfer - you need ssh basically04:22
x0xthoreauputic i do.04:23
nickrudbazhang heh. pffttt ;)04:23
thoreauputicx0x: I repeat: ftpd is a *server* - you only need a client04:23
x0xi have root acess :D04:23
bazhangxShad0w___: someone in the hardy channel got that working04:23
x0xi dont have ftpd installed04:23
x0xor doesnt work04:23
xShad0w___bazhang: thanks04:23
BevMoidapache can be an ftp server04:23
thoreauputicx0x: root access has nothing to do with it04:23
x0xi know04:23
bazhangnickrud: sixteen days and wubi support cannot come soon enough ;]04:24
x0xtell me how do i install ftpd?04:24
NoTownKasperYou sure? Linux won't boot if I have it set to hd1,0.04:24
thoreauputicx0x: ftpd is only needed for others to upload to aserver that you are running04:24
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nickrudbazhang ah, you will have the the wubi support, and welcome to it :)04:24
x0xBevMoid stfu. you dot know anything04:24
thoreauputicx0x: to have something to connect to...04:24
SeaPhorbazhang: ndiswrapper is installed, and with the rtl drivers,,, but i think that the ppl trying to help me ,,, well didnt know , and now i have a big mess04:24
bazhangnickrud: I thought jack_sparrow had claimed dibs on that..04:24
BevMoidx0x: i have been a web designer and cisco cert network designer for about 30yrs04:24
thoreauputicx0x: wattch it or you will be out of here04:24
BevMoidso stfu until you learn something04:25
ChaosTheory_I don't have permission to move a file. How do I get permission?04:25
BevMoidi see you asking the question not answering it04:25
NoTownKaspernickrud: You sure? Ubuntu won't boot if I have it set to hd1,0. Sorry, sometimes I forget to add the names. :(04:25
x0xlmfao 30 years?04:25
bazhangBevMoid: please dont say that04:25
thoreauputicx0x, BevMoid stop *now* please04:25
x0xBevMoid what your age?04:25
x0x100+ ?04:25
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:25
stephansdoes anyone here use an iPod with Ubuntu?04:25
bazhanghi john_04:25
nickrudNoTownKasper I didn't even look at the linux part, just the windows.  hd1,1 is *supposed* to be sda2 according to device.map04:25
r0bertw0esmy gutsy was working fine today until i shutdown.  when i restarted i just get a blinking underscore at the upper left side of the screen and a black screen.  The red activity light on my case stays on steady and nothing happens.04:25
r0bertw0esi am on livecd now04:25
r0bertw0esplease any ideas04:26
nickrudstephans yes04:26
NoTownKasperI'm confused.04:26
john_anyone use irssi?04:26
RandocalHow tricky is the upgrade process for moving from one release to the next?04:26
nickrudNoTownKasper you see in device.map  hd1 is defined as /dev/sda . partitions start at 0 in the hd* notation, so hd1,1 is sda204:26
bazhangjohn_: many do yes; do you have an issue with it04:26
thoreauputic!anyone | john_04:27
ubotujohn_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:27
bazhangRandocal: not tricky at all04:27
Scunizijohn_: I am right now04:27
tarelerulzWhen i open any kde based program I get one of two errors .  Will not save configuration can't write to this file /home/usersnam/.kde/share/config/kaboodlerc ? I try to change the permission to the whole .kde file ,but it did not work . Lost anyone04:27
john_bazhang: well i just downloaded it and was just wondering how to change my nickname/username04:27
NoTownKaspernickrud: Ok, but theres only one HD in my system...so wouldn't it be the first...?04:27
Starnestommyjohn_: /nick new-nickname-here04:27
nickrudNoTownKasper not according to device.map.04:27
bazhangjohn_: you are registered?04:27
Randocali've got a buddy that saw my new Gutsy install, and is thinking to jump ship from M$ to Ubuntu as well..... would it be adviseable for a completly new user to just wait for hardy?04:27
john_i try to use as many cli apps as i can since im running on an old pII04:27
Scunizijohn_: type /nick <new nick> and you're done04:27
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doodlerbazhang: registered with what?04:28
Scunizidoodler: good job.. now have you ever used screen?04:28
bazhangRandocal: he should run the gutsy livecd and see how well it picks up his wireless video etc04:28
nickrudNoTownKasper mixed sata/ide is tricky, and to be honest I'm kinda feeling my way here.04:28
NoTownKaspernickrud: Ok, well...the device map is stoned then. :( I just physically verified the 'only one physical drive' thing like, 20 minutes ago. :|04:28
doodlerSCUNIZI: thanks!04:28
xcndI've read through the server docs on the website to get SAMBA up and running, and it's up and running, but I can't seem to access the folders I have specified from another computer. Both of the computers are Ubuntu 8.04.04:28
doodlerscunizi: screen?04:28
xcndOn the desktop I can see the "homes" icon in the SAMBA folder, but can't gain access.04:28
RandocalHe's already been playing with the gutsy live for the last week or so.... he's liking it so far, and is on a desktop so doesn't have to worry about wireless04:28
crunchybumblebazhang, you think? is there a harty beta live?04:29
Scunizidoodler: screen can be your friend when using irssi .. google it and be amazed.04:29
adrock358have a question.  am a dual booter.  the win forums are dead.  broke my registry.  any good progs outside native to windows that can fix my reg so i can start up?04:29
nickrudNoTownKasper I understand what you are saying, but sata vs ide is the issue here04:29
NoTownKaspernickrud: Thanks for giving it a try anyway. :P04:29
bazhangcrunchybumble: aye04:29
doodlerscunizi: ok thanks i'll look it up now04:29
Starnestommyadrock358: try asking in ##windows04:29
tarelerulzRandocal , Ubuntu is the easy Linix I have use and close to  windows easy and still linux.  Best place to start.  I would let him or her dual boot for while04:29
crunchybumblewell then I might have him try that. It'd probably be a better gauge of hardy on his system, right?04:29
Scunizidoodler: cli brower that seems to work pretty well is elinks04:29
adrock358windows is dead.  nobody says a thing.04:29
pjvwhich log is it that has the part when the network is being configured at boot process?04:29
bazhangcrunchybumble: best to wait 16 days though04:29
Starnestommypjv: dmesg?04:29
crunchybumbleor he could install it on windows under Wubi, right?04:29
sarixehi, i just got a wireless n router to go with my laptop that has intel wireless n.  however, when i view the Connection information, it says it's 54 Mb/s. how do i get it to use N speeds?04:29
stephans<nickrud> is the iPod you have purchased within the last 6 moths?04:30
adrock358do you know any progs off hand though?04:30
thoreauputicpjv: try dmesg | less04:30
bazhangcrunchybumble: yes wubi is an option04:30
nickrudpjv should be /var/log/syslog will have that04:30
xcndCan anyone help me with a SAMBA issue I'm having between two Ubuntu computers?04:30
thoreauputicpjv: there's usually a lot of it :)04:30
NoTownKaspernickrud: I've already tried booting ubuntu at hd0,1 and hd1,0, only hd0,1 actually boots. :\ should the mapping lines fix that?04:30
doodlerscunizi: right now i have lynx installed as a web browser but i hardly use it.  i'm trying to buy a laptop to use full time for linux, but im mostly on osx and xp since i do a ton of visual effects work04:30
nickrudstephans yes, I had to compile libgpod and gtkpod from gtkpod.org04:30
pjvyeah that's true04:30
RandocalI told him it'll walk him through a dual boot, but he's fed up with Windows.... i think he jsut recently got hit (again) by a virus..... so it's sounding like he's ready to ditch M$ completely04:30
pjvbut the one that loads the modules04:31
thoreauputicpjv: you can search in "less" with /searchterm04:31
nickrudNoTownKasper if ubuntu boots at hd0,1 , use hd0,0 for windows. But I am getting really confused here04:31
adrock358Starnestommy, do you know any?04:31
Randocali'm just wondering if it's worth waiting the couple weeks for Hardy, rather than trying to upgrade Gutsy to Hardy right off the bat as a new user04:31
Starnestommyadrock358: no04:31
NoTownKaspernickrud: So am I...hence, why I'm here. :P04:31
adrock358nickrud, can i ask you a question?04:31
aaycumihi all04:31
amenadoRandocal-> why the need to delay the learning?04:31
nickrudadrock358 I'm always open to questions, but never promise answers04:31
pjvtheor: it's almost at the end of the boot process, where it loads all the services04:31
pjvthoreauputic: rather04:32
RandocalI suppose, i just for some reason thoguht that an upgrade might somehow be tricky....04:32
bazhangRandocal: good point; better to use the livecd until hardy or just install gutsy now and then really learn a lot in the process of upgrading04:32
xcndRandocal, I'm on Hardy right now, and although I'm not a new user, it's very stable and shouldn't cause any problems. If you feel like upgrading to the testing release right now, I say go for it.04:32
tarelerulzRandocal,  If he is getting hit by virus this would be a good time to show him Linux.  Which don't get any virus I know of .04:32
stephans<nickrud> ok so I am in for some pain...04:32
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adrock358i have a dual boot, but i just broke my win reg somehow.  nobody in ##windows will reply.  do you, offhand, no any progs that will fix my reg?04:32
pjvso preety much i need the log where it loads the services04:32
bazhangadrock358: this is waaay offtopic here04:32
RandocalI just installed the Hardy beta on my PC upstairs this evening, but I haven't set anything up on it. Just installed and said "download updates" then walked away.04:33
softtowerDo I have to install "samba" package (and run sabma daemon) if I only want to mount SMB shares on other machines? Without samba server I am getting "wrong fs type" when I do mount -t smbfs04:33
adrock358it would literally take two words.  or if you don't know, say "no"04:33
tarelerulzAny of you had problem with kde not being able to write to config files in you home directory ?04:33
nickrudstephans not too bad. if you do   sudo apt-get build-dep gtkpod , you should have all the requirements for compiling the stuff. Make sure that /usr/local/lib is in /etc/ld.conf.d/glibc , and be sure to run ldconfig at the end of compilation04:33
thoreauputicpjv: syslog?04:33
NoTownKaspernickrud: I have a strange idea...you think windows would boot if I inserted the map lines, into the windows boot stanza, then root to the, hopefully, newly mapped windows drive, think that might work?04:33
thoreauputicpjv: /var/log/syslog04:33
bazhangtarelerulz: this is gutsy and kde3?04:33
stephans<nickrud> allright i'll give it a shot..04:34
pjvi'll try that04:34
aaycumineed help with enabling Radeon gfx card for desktop effects04:34
RandocalI'm very happy with Gutsy so far.... only a few small hiccups (i'm pretty new myself) at the moment, hopefully hardy will rectify them for me.04:34
nickrudNoTownKasper grub still wants the hdx,x to point to the physical partition, even with the mapping04:34
RandocalMy printer don't wanna play nice, and my mp3 player sometimes disconnects while i'm loading music onto it.04:34
tarelerulzbazhang:  Yes kde3 I think and I know it is gutsy .  I can't even install kd4 via synaptic . It can't met some dep04:34
bazhangtarelerulz: are there some permission issues? have you been running as root?04:35
xcndRandocal, personally I have never gotten a document to print onto a hard sheet of paper from any Linux system I've ever used. Though I gave up some odd years ago, heh.04:35
aaycumiwho me?04:35
pjvthoreauputic: thank you04:35
Matt____hello all04:35
owen1is there a way to turn my ipod into a regular mp3?04:36
RandocalIt finds my printer (lexmark z51) and says it'll work..... test page prints fine, all my other print attempts fail, and leave me with a "gs" process (sometimes a few of them) that sits there and east 100% of my CPU04:36
aaycumican anyone with getting ATI graphics cards working?04:36
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:36
Matt____I'm having trouble with ATI too04:36
tarelerulzbazhang: when I fist did all this I ran the kde program from my menus when I got the error . then I ran some as root and I still get the error  so I am lost04:36
aaycumianyone help*?04:36
NoTownKasperMy brain hurts...04:36
nickrudowen1 rockbox can be installed on some ipods ...04:36
Matt____I installed xgl and now I can only use 640x480 resolution04:36
bazhangaaycumi: see the link above04:36
owen1nickrud: will it make it regular mp3 player?04:36
AzMooHey, what's the package I need to install to get mouse support on a terminal?04:36
stephans<nickrud> did you add a repo? like from gtkpod.org?04:36
aaycumithanx alot04:36
xcndAzMoo, gpm04:37
NoTownKasperWould it be as simple as just gediting the device.map somehow?04:37
nickrudowen1 sorta. I've never used rockbox myself04:37
AzMooxcnd: That's it, ta :)04:37
harushimois there a way to manually mount a digital camera04:37
max_GRR! How do I get my bass and treble levels?04:37
owen1nickrud: thanks04:37
nickrudstephans no, I downloaded the source from that site to ~/projects in my home dir, untarred them then read the README in each. compiled libgpod first04:37
Matt____I just installed xgl and now I can only use 640x480 resolution, anyone have any ideas?04:37
stephans<nickrud> ok04:38
bazhangtarelerulz: sounds like you have some serious permission issues if you cannot write to your home dir04:38
nickrudMatt____ are you using the restricted manager fglrx?04:38
Matt____am I not supposed to?04:38
nickrudMatt____ absolutely yes, except:  what kind of ati do you have?04:38
Matt____its an 1150, a modified version of the 200m04:39
doodlerok guys, thanks for the help. night!04:39
thoreauputicharushimo: if it's a usb mass storage device, run dmesg| tail and/or tail -f /var/log/syslog and look for the device ( usually sometning like sda1 ) then mount that manually04:39
nickrudmatt__ this works properly:  system->admin->restricted driver , enable ati restricted. reboot. log in, run fglrxinfo and make sure it's using ati 8.37.6 driver. install xserver-xgl compizconfig-settings-manager , then log out and back in. Go to system->prefs->appearance effects tab04:39
harushimoi'm gonna try that04:39
tarelerulzbazhang:  I thought ruhning a program as root would fix all that not write  . Still the same error. It just seem to be with kde stuff every else works fine. why did you ask if I was running kde3 ?04:39
jrgpwhen will Hardy LTS be released? 4/8/2008??04:39
thoreauputicharushimo: eg. sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt or whatever04:39
Matt____the ati restricted is already in use04:40
thoreauputicharushimo: dmesg | tail after plugging it in should show some output04:40
nickrudjrgp around the 25th04:40
harushimook I will do that04:40
xcndCan anyone help with SAMBA folder errors I'm getting between two Ubuntu machines?04:40
bazhangjrgp: april 24th04:40
jrgpok, thanks04:40
NoTownKaspernickrud:  Ok, I'm going to try rebooting with your laste pastebin...I'll see if it works. :\04:40
Matt____should I unable it, and renable it?04:40
nickrudMatt____ ok, next sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xgl , then log out and back in to test the fgrlxinfo04:40
bazhangtarelerulz: running which program as root?04:41
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tarelerulzWell, I have ran most of the new kde programs as rook.  They all seem to have the same problem.04:42
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harushimowhen i do it manually? do I need umount the drive? like the external hdd04:42
bazhangtarelerulz: the new kde programs? which are those04:43
thoreauputicharushimo: if you mount something then yes, you need to umount before removal04:43
harushimothat what I figured. I just don't understand why my digital camera doesn't work on ubuntu04:43
tarelerulzbazhang:  I have run kaboodle is one and think ksirc and that is all I remember ,but they all seem to have the same error04:44
harushimoI keep on getting error in the connection and OS error04:44
owen1i lost some important files of the ipod OS. is there a way to restore them?04:44
owen1or use some other OS..04:44
xcndI can't access my shared folders from one Ubuntu installation on another via SAMBA, can anyone help?04:44
thoreauputicharushimo: is it supported ? search wiki.ubuntu.com for hardware04:44
nickrudowen1 you can do that with itunes, I understand that gtkpod will do it for older ipods04:44
xcnd(I can see the folders, just can't access them)04:44
harushimoits shows up as Canon Digital IX 30 but then I get an error in the connection04:45
owen1nickrud: thanks. btw i am reading about rockbox. interesting stuff.04:45
harushimoit won't import the pictures04:45
thoreauputic!hardware | harushimo04:46
ubotuharushimo: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:46
tarelerulzAll/the  config files for .kde seem to be root ,but they are on my normal user home directory04:46
bazhangtarelerulz: never a good idea to run apps as root; what were you doing? sudo ksirc (i hope not)04:47
nickrudtarelerulz that means you were running kde apps with sudo, try  sudo chown -R you:you ~/.kde04:47
tarelerulznickrud:  You mean the you:you as being my normal users ?04:48
nickrudtarelerulz yes, your usual user name04:49
jimyou-user:you-group can be fed to chown which can be run as root04:50
max_How do I change my bass and treble for firefox?04:50
smallfryhow can i get y webcam working with amsn?04:50
jimyou would need filters to make that work04:51
harushimois there difference between the version we get online and the one dell ships?04:51
tarelerulzI run couple kde program using sudo . I don't see why that would turn the whole thing into root.04:51
harushimoI don't think so right04:51
sarixeanyone know how to get iwl4965 to run at N speed?04:51
jimwhat are you running now?04:51
tarelerulzPlus I had the problem of not writting  to the config files before I ran anything with sudo04:51
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:52
bazhangsarixe: in gutsy?04:52
tarelerulzjim, if you talking to me I am not running any kde programs04:52
sarixebazhang : no, hardy, but nobody in #ubuntu+1 was answering04:52
aoeuiddoes anyone know where I could find a library called libdpstk.so?04:53
olivierHi there!04:53
r3n0chey, does anybody have experience using medusa?04:53
aoeuidit's required for a binary...04:53
jimwhat binary?04:55
aoeuidjim: http://www.couleur.org/index.php?page=download04:55
aoeuidcalled colorspace04:55
Mr_Bad_Newscan someone help me getting mplayer to work in opera and firefox04:56
Mr_Bad_Newsi have mozplugger installed04:56
jimso is that in ubuntu?04:56
Mr_Bad_Newsand the plugins are all in the right directory04:56
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aoeuidjim: it's intended for debian04:56
jimI keep mine in the left directory...04:56
aoeuidbut that's the only bin he gives04:56
jimso is it packaged for ubuntu?04:57
Mr_Bad_Newsopera wont play flash either04:57
Starnestommyaoeuid: is there a source version?04:57
aoeuidclosed source04:57
Flannelaoeuid: Whats contained in the archives?  Is it source or what?04:57
pedrowhy doesnt my avatar show up in pidgin when i change it? i have tried every image format, and i have restarted, even deleted .purple. its been on for two days, so i know it isnt the server.. what gives?04:58
olivierDo it's possible to install suse on the same partition of my ubuntu in a different mount point?04:58
aoeuidStarnestommy: just the binary and some files explaining how to use it...04:58
nickrudolivier not really, you need another partition for it.04:58
mjs7231Pedro, are you changing the global avatar or the specific avatar for your connection?04:59
pedroglobal in pidgin mjs723104:59
Starnestommyaoeuid: it's not part of ubuntu and it's closed source, so I don't think anyone here knows how to fix it04:59
oliviernickrud: ok thank you!04:59
aoeuidwhat about just finding out what libdpstk is?04:59
aoeuidsince that's all it's complaining about04:59
Flannelaoeuid: Its not in debian, as far as I can tell05:00
mjs7231pedro: Check the specific ones.. GOTO >> ACCOUNTS >> MANAGE >> Choose IM  >> MODIFY.  Make sure both buttons near the bottom are NOT checked.05:00
pedromjs7231: doesnt work either05:00
mjs7231hmm, thats all I got. :-P05:00
Flannelaoeuid: Sounds like your best course of action would be to email the guy for some actual installation instructions.05:01
mjs7231Mr_Bad_News: I have the same issue.. not sure how I set it up wrong.05:02
Mr_Bad_Newsdoes firefox freeze alot mjs7231 ?05:04
xcndI'm looking for some help gaining access to a SAMBA share that I can see on my desktop but can't access.05:04
mjs7231Mr_Bad_News: I am using FireFox3 beta 3, and it does freeze a little.. but not to the point of being terribly annoying or unusable.05:05
xcndI'm using Firefox3 Beta _5_ and I haven't had any problems yet :\05:05
Mr_Bad_Newsmine keeps freezing and whenever i try to save something to hard drive it crashes05:05
jim_beamhas anyone installed enlightenment e1705:05
Mr_Bad_Newsi just did05:06
Mr_Bad_Newsits great05:06
akatsukihello people for some reason every window i open appears without the - x symbols.. i cant close or open a new one05:06
Mr_Bad_Newsdarklife is an awesome theme05:06
jim_beamin gdm i get an error saying to use enlightenment_star05:06
akatsukianyone know how to fix this?05:06
jim_beamhow do you edit gdm sessions05:07
Mr_Bad_Newsdid you try the command jim_beam ?05:07
Flannelxcnd: Is this hardy?05:07
jim_beamyes in a terminal and it would load05:07
xcndFlannel, yes, I'm using Hardy.05:07
jim_beambut its the only way05:07
Flannelxcnd: Hardy support is in #ubuntu+1, thanks.05:08
akatsukihello people for some reason every window i open appears without the - x symbols.. i cant close or open a new one05:08
mjs7231akatsuki: I can't help you, but thats terribly funny. :)05:08
jim_beamMr_Bad_News where is GDM config05:08
headrxHey, if i upgrade from 7.10 to 8.. will i lose all my files?05:09
mjs7231akatsuki: can you press ALT+RightClick to bring up a menu and close the window?05:09
headrxi mean, not d/l the iso and reinstall, but just upgrade05:09
crunchybumbleI'm trying to recover lost partitions. Testdisk can find them. I've just never used a rescue disk before. How can I tell grub about the ones I want to boot from, and make it see them, if I can't boot into my linux system05:09
xcndheadrx, in that case, no.05:09
Mr_Bad_Newsjim_beam, im trying to look it up but firefox keeps crashing05:09
mjs7231thats a horrible work around for when you fix this issue05:09
saltedlightakatsuki, first try to disable the visual efects, then try to enable an window decorator05:09
Mr_Bad_Newsits in /etc btw jim_beam05:09
headrxxcnd :  can you please give me the command to do so?05:10
tawtIn the Taskbar click the Network Manager icon.  What does this mean?  Where is the taskbar?05:10
akatsukithere was a easy command to resolve this05:10
akatsukithis is the second time this happen to me05:10
xcndheadrx, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades05:10
akatsukibut i cant remembe the command lol!05:10
xcndSomething there ought to help you.05:10
akatsukione guy here give it to me and it fix it05:10
Mr_Bad_Newstawt,  system > adminstrator > network manager ?05:10
Mr_Bad_Newsor just network05:11
saltedlightakatsuki, is the comand that you use to start the window decorator... depends on yours05:11
nalphahiy gus... anyone know.. how to block spesific programs to spesific users??05:11
Mr_Bad_Newsis that what you mean?05:11
tawtit specifically asked for Network Manager05:11
donkey7186I have a question. Is there a program on UBUNTU that is similar to Microsoft Web Expression?????????????05:12
Flanneldonkey7186: What does web expression do?05:12
Mr_Bad_Newssystem > administrator > network  tawt05:12
donkey7186its a web page builder05:12
Flanneldonkey7186: Check out kompozer05:12
tawtMr_Bad_news: thanks05:12
Mr_Bad_Newsor just run network-admin from the terminal05:12
donkey7186flannel thanks i will do05:12
donkey7186flannel the web expression really doesnt use code. is there anything really similar?05:13
Mr_Bad_Newsanyone know how to get flash and mplayer working in opera?05:13
elmerOK, I can't get cron to work05:13
Flanneldonkey7186: kompozer is WYSIWYG too.05:14
elmerI go crontab -e05:14
JPSmanis it possible to use my linksys access point as a wireless connection to another access point?05:14
elmerand then type in: 15 21 * * * totem /home/staylor/Music/01\ Age\ Of\ Innocence\ \(Part\ I\).mp305:14
elmerbut at 9:15 the command does not run05:15
elmercan anybody help me out?05:15
wapkoMr_Bad_News: i had to get opera 9.50b before flash 9 would work05:15
Flannelelmer: does that command run if you enter it just like that in the terminal?05:15
elmerFlannel, yes it does05:15
elmerOh dangit, Flannel. It gives an error!05:16
eXcentraelmer: just making sure... are backslashes necessary for parentheses?05:16
Mr_Bad_Newshow do i get 9.50 wapko05:16
olivierDo it's possible to resize the partition of my ubuntu?05:16
Mr_Bad_Newsi have 9.2705:16
nalphahm.. guys how to edit start menu from command prompt? THanx a lot.05:16
JPSmancan I have ubuntu see my wired connection to my linksys access point as a WIRELESS recieve/transmitter?05:17
n-iCehi why my windows doesn't show the title bar?05:17
xcndnalpha, "alacarte" will bring you into the menu editing program.05:18
crunchybumblenight all05:18
wapkoMr_Bad_News: on www.opera.com. click the Show other version link on the download page05:18
nalphaxcnd: hm... i means... with ssh from far away... heheh.. i just want to block some user to run spesific program like chatting and web browser...05:18
jim_beamMr_Bad_News evidently those files do not contain sessions05:19
Flannelnalpha: Removing them from the menu wont affect their ability to run them05:19
Mr_Bad_Newsidk jim_beam i havent had problems05:19
nalphaFlannel: as they don't know to run from command line? hehe05:19
n-iCehi why my windows doesn't show the title bar?05:20
elmerFlannel, OK. I got a working command, but crontab still doesn't work!05:20
Mr_Bad_Newsok thats the 7th time firefox has crashed05:20
Mr_Bad_Newsand i cant get video or flash working in opera05:20
elmereXcentra, OK. I got a working command, but crontab still doesn't work!05:20
jim_beamwhat source are u using for e1705:20
wapkoohh. opera has its perks aswell Mr_Bad_News  :D05:21
Mr_Bad_Newscan you get rosetta stone working for linux?05:21
headrxmaybe under wine05:21
Mr_Bad_Newsor is there a program similar for french05:21
JPSmanMr_Bad_News: are you using hardy?05:22
elmerI need help badly. I can't get crontab to work!05:23
Johnsonwhats the best way to manage an ipod with ubuntu?05:23
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion05:24
Mr_Bad_Newswapko, should i get it in tar format?05:24
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.05:24
n-iCehi why my windows doesn't show the title bar? and how can I fix it?05:24
Starnestommyn-iCe: are you using compiz?05:25
headrxi am05:25
elmereXcentra? Flannel? Are you still there? I still need help!05:25
n-iCeyes but i didn't launch it05:25
augustoeu ainda estou tentando mexer05:25
augustoolá a todos05:25
n-iCeI mean I rebooted, that's why is not activated right now, Starnestommy05:25
crb_hello, I'm having a problem with loading a module on boot05:25
Starnestommyn-iCe: try hitting alt+f2 then entering 'metacity --replace'05:26
crb_I was wondering if it was possible to run a command after logon as root05:26
JPSmanany networking gods out there?05:26
n-iCeStarnestommy,  error05:26
ecI'm totally new to using *nix as a gui, and I just installed ubuntu... how do I set the main startup disk?05:26
ecfrom the GUI?05:26
elmerGuys, since you can't help I am leaving05:27
eclol @ elmer05:27
n-iCeStarnestommy,  if I use compiz --replace  it works :/05:28
archmanguys, wifi-radar is connecting me to some access point on startup? How can i disable that?05:29
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:29
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
yareckonif all else fails ->apt-get remove wifi-radar05:30
ubotuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!05:32
KalElhow can i check the SMART status of my hard disks?05:32
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories05:32
n-iCeHow can I re-install a program?05:32
=== Danish989 is now known as QuickSilver-Dani
mjs7231n-iCe: you mean through aptitude?05:33
n-iCemjs7231,  I want to re-install amsn, because is failing, I don't care the way at all05:33
n-iCeI will be thankful if you can tell me05:34
haxalityhi, how would I run a script after login?05:34
eugene__try apt-get remove you_prog05:34
mjs7231n-iCe: You can open Package Manager search for the application, right click and goto reinstall05:34
eugene__and then apt-get install05:34
mjs7231there, 2 methods for ya05:34
kelvin911what is gobuntu?05:34
thoreauputickelvin911: gobuntu is ubuntu with only Free as in Freedom software05:35
archmani see on their webpage that /etc/init.d/wifi-radar is run on startup. where can i remove that?05:35
mjs7231archman: Try looking in SYSTEM >> PREFS >> SESSIONS05:36
nikki8965 /exit05:36
thoreauputickelvin911: that is without restricted drivers, patent encumbered software etc.05:36
n-iCeeugene__,  I didn't use synaptic or apt-get to install it, how can I delete it?05:36
kelvin911ok, so who will install that?05:37
bullgard4Can you recommend a SQLite tutorial?05:37
eugene__how did u install it?05:37
thoreauputickelvin911: people who believe in Freedom for software no matter what05:37
n-iCeeugene__,  from a site package05:37
eugene__.deb ?05:37
thoreauputickelvin911: a similar but even more exacting distro based on Ubuntu is gNewsense05:37
QuickSilver-Danithroeauputic, isn't ubuntu free too?05:37
kelvin911without the restricted driver, the video card becomes useless05:38
QuickSilver-Daniand the software, isn't all that free to?05:38
archmanmjs7231: already looked; nothing there05:38
thoreauputicQuicksilva: depends on your definition :)05:38
QuickSilver-Danihehe, what are the differences?05:38
thoreauputicQuicksilva: it's maybe 99% Free05:38
xcndCan anyone help with connect two Ubuntu computers together via SAMBA? I have the a folder containing the one I want VISIBLE but not ACCESSIBLE at the moment.05:38
archmanmjs7231: but wifi-radar auto-connects me on startup. Sholud i just remove it from /etc/init.d/  ?05:38
n-iCeeugene__,  .package05:38
nickrudFree <> free05:38
kelvin911QuickSilver-Dani: i believe it's the license thing05:38
thoreauputicQuicksilva: binary drivers, firmware etc for one thing05:39
xcndAlong with Launchpad itself..05:39
talcite_hey does anyone here know of a program to play music from a set of nodes?05:39
QuickSilver-DaniI like the fact that they can all be run side by side (by being installed on top of each other)05:39
ChaosTheory_I'm trying to install awn applets.05:39
thoreauputicxcnd: Yes, so far launchpad is non-free05:39
bullgard4xcnd: Please report the error message that you obtain.05:39
eugene__i am not sure what you mean. what kind of file was that?05:39
ChaosTheory_But, when I do sudo apt-get install awn-core-applets-bzr, I get an error.05:40
kelvin911is there better dock than awn?05:40
ChaosTheory_ec: Couldn't find package awn-core-applets-bzr05:40
thoreauputicxcnd: ah sorry different conversation :)05:40
kelvin911i found that the awn is not really great05:40
ecChaosTheory_: eh?05:40
ChaosTheory_ec: Couldn't find package awn-core-applets-bzr05:40
n-iCeeugene__,  this file: http://internap.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/amsn/amsn-0.97-1.tcl85.x86.package05:40
eugene__you generally would download either .deb or source to compile05:40
ChaosTheory_It's auto-completing. -_-05:40
ecChaosTheory_: d=05:40
eugene__let me see05:40
ChaosTheory_E: Couldn't find package awn-core-applets-bzr05:40
xcndbullgard4, I click the "homes" icon in my "smb://boole/" folder and obtain: "Unable to mount location Failed to mount Windows share"05:40
ChaosTheory_I've got all the sources enabled?05:41
mjs7231archman: Thats one option, I would suggest quickly looking online to see where Wifi Radar stores its saved information05:41
KalElis there a program that will display the SMART information for my disk?05:41
billy____is there a help chat like this for windows?05:41
QuickSilver-Daniyou should google and I'm sure you might find something05:42
billy____so no one knows any specific like #windows or anythign?05:42
thoreauputicbilly____: there's a ##windows I think05:42
billy____##windows or #windows?05:42
QuickSilver-DaniThat's how I found this one .. I just googled "ubuntu irc chat"05:42
thoreauputictwo ## IIRC05:42
billy____fer sher.. thanks thoreauputic05:42
ecshould be ##05:42
n-iCeeugene__,  I did it, downloading the package and installing it again, it automatically did a uninstall, repair,thanks05:43
xcnd#(#)windows on freenode is kinda dead, naturally since this is a server dedicated mostly to free software..05:43
eclol yeah05:43
archmanmjs7231: in /etc/wifi-radar.conf05:43
eugene__ok, sorry i was too long05:43
billy____i know this is kinda the wrong place, but im sure someone might be able to help me out? is there a quick way to remove no longer installed programs from the start menu?05:44
billy____please don't yell at me05:44
billy____i know its the wrong place for that question..05:44
mjs7231I found a different man page that shows: /etc/conf.d/wifi-radar.conf (whatever one exists) open it up and look inside. :)05:44
billy____but yeah..05:44
bullgard4xcnd: I once had a similar error message and could resolve it only by using command line commands. I proceeded along the lines outlined in /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/htmldocs/Samba3-ByExample05:44
fougis there a command timilar to top/htop but for network activity?05:44
archmanmjs7231: i don't have /etc/conf.d/ ...05:45
archmanmjs7231: gutsy05:45
ecI installed linux on an external drive05:45
ecbut it put GRUB on my MAIN internal drive05:45
ecand now I can't boot windows, unless the external drive is plugged in05:45
echelp would be appreciated muchly...05:45
mjs7231if the firs file exists use that05:46
n-iCeis pidgin the new gaim?05:46
mjs7231my machine doesn't have wifi radar installed.05:46
ecmjs7231: me?05:46
thoreauputicn-iCe: yes05:46
mjs7231ec: no05:46
owen1is there a way to convert iPod to regular mp3 player?05:46
ecmjs7231: ah, sorry05:46
n-iCeI like it05:46
ecowen1: nope05:46
owen1ec: do u know why?05:47
mjs7231archman: open up the wifi-radar.conf file to see if you can see any saved connection information in there05:47
ecowen1: A) s/u/you/g or die05:47
xcndowen1, you can technically install a new firmware on the iPod, therefore making it *act* more like a "regular mp3 player"05:47
ecowen1: B) because apple likes to lock people in05:47
ecowen1: it's a balance between absolutely awesome products, and putting up with their corporate crap.05:48
ChaosTheory_is anyone here familiar with awn?05:48
owen1xcnd: is it complicated?05:48
ChaosTheory_I can't install the applets.05:48
archmanmjs7231: there are plenty of information about connections; but none to 'turn off'.05:48
xcndIt depends on the make you have, owen1.05:48
owen1ec: no more apple for me. ok, maybe mac air but with ubuntu..05:49
Mr_Bad_Newshas anyone ever gotten rosetta stone to work through wine?05:49
mjs7231archman: If I understand wifi-radar correctly, it will search all the saved connection and auto connect to them if it sees it broadcasting05:49
ecowen1: it's your choice.05:50
owen1xcnd: nano v205:50
archmanmjs7231: At boot time, running WiFi Radar will automatically scan for an available preferred network and connect to it05:50
ecowen1: I use and love nearly every apple product, including an iPhone, Mac Pro, and MBA.05:50
ecowen1: Some people refuse to put up with the lockins and whatnot, that's their choice.05:50
ArMaGeDdOni need some help with hacking05:50
fougis there a command timilar to top/htop but for network activity?05:50
mjs7231Mr_Bad_News: I searched all the information for that a while back. It seems people had all sorts of problems with cracking sound and such05:50
ArMaGeDdOncan any body help?05:50
=== jason_ is now known as nosa-J
xcndowen1, are you used to playing around with the insides of applications and stuff of the sort? tweaking configuration files manually until it's right?05:51
mjs7231Mr_Bad_News: All the sites I read come to the same conclusion of "Your better off using VMWare"05:51
Mr_Bad_Newsvmware be better05:51
bazhangArMaGeDdOn: hacking what? that sounds fishy05:51
owen1xcnd: with ubuntu. but nothing crazy.05:51
ArMaGeDdOnsounds fishy??05:51
ArMaGeDdOnpm and i will ask ya if ya have some techniques05:51
jimArMaGeDdOn: no, smells fishy :) what are you hacking?05:51
xcndowen1, I'd recommend against doing it yourself then.05:52
Mr_Bad_Newsmjs7231, i have an iso on disc05:52
mjs7231archman: So it sounds like you need to do one of; Remove the connection information so Wifi-Radar doesn't know about it, OR remove wifi-Radar from loading at boot.05:52
Mr_Bad_Newswhat do i do on windows to get it to work05:52
Mr_Bad_Newsi havent been on windows for a while05:52
hikejinxI've asked in both compiz and kubuntu first with no response (dead rooms), but does anyone here know how to enable the ability to drag a window to another face on a cube in kubuntu. It's default in ubuntu.05:52
ArMaGeDdOnjim ??05:52
bazhangArMaGeDdOn: this is the wrong channel for that05:52
owen1xcnd: ok.05:52
mjs7231Mr_Bad_News: I don't know what that means.. you can't install it in VMWare?05:52
thoreauputicArMaGeDdOn: if you actually mean "cracking" then you are totally off-topic for this channel05:52
=== snake_ is now known as albuntu
Mr_Bad_Newsrosetta stone?05:53
ArMaGeDdOnbazhang can u gimme the channel name??05:53
mjs7231I know what an ISO is, but how is that relevant. :)05:53
Mr_Bad_Newsor windows?05:53
Mr_Bad_Newsthe rosetta stone program is in iso format05:53
ChaosTheory_Can anyone help with awn?05:53
archmanmjs7231: how do i remove wr from loading at boot?05:53
owen1how to copy all files in a dir (and sub dir) with .mp3 extensions to another folder?05:53
thoreauputicArMaGeDdOn: please leave - no-one here will help with black hat hacking05:53
mjs7231Mr_Bad_News: I also read online that the ISO image was quite tricky to get working off disk, Burning it to a CD might give you easier results.. at least for first run05:54
ArMaGeDdOnthoreauputic - i will leave moron05:54
Mr_Bad_Newsso burn the files in the iso to disc05:54
jimArMaGeDdOn: you know, that fishy smell, when they extract the cod liver oil from the codfish and it stinks so bad you begin to notice yourself responding to the smell, heaving... it's like you imagine the smell and then start responding to it05:54
Mr_Bad_Newsor burn it as an iso05:54
mjs7231archman: it seems there was a bug on this here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wifi-radar/+bug/9733305:54
bazhangarma not nice to call names in here thanks05:54
thoreauputiche left before I could kick him :)05:54
owen1bash question - how to copy only files with specific extension?05:55
mjs7231archman: Read that page, they seem to have a work around to remove it from booting up05:55
mjs7231archman: Sorry, I think that might not be exactly what you wanted05:55
archmanmjs7231: it has nothing to do with booting...05:56
pclync1I need to delete "guest" account from my computer. how do i delete the "guest" home dir? whats the command to delete dir with files05:56
jimowen1: info bash, look around for filename substitution05:56
mjs7231archman: Sorry, here is the one I saw.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wifi-radar/+bug/10769605:56
owen1jim: thanks05:57
Starnestommypclync1: rm -rf dir05:57
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:57
pclync1Starnestommy : thanks05:57
mjs7231archman: That information gets a little out of my territory.. :(05:57
hikejinxI've asked in both compiz and kubuntu first with no response (dead rooms), but does anyone here know how to enable the ability to drag a window to another face on a cube in kubuntu. It's default in ubuntu.05:57
=== manado_ is now known as Ikan_Lema
mjs7231Mr_Bad_News: Burn it as an Image. so it looks like a store copy05:58
archmanguys how to remove an application from starting at boot???05:58
bazhanghikejinx: go into ccsm and enable drag window plugin05:58
ArMaGeDdOnok then am using windows vista05:58
hikejinxbazhang: thank you very much :)05:58
CloudFXhi, im looking to run hardy heron beta on a virtual machine, where can i get some assistance on this?05:58
Mr_Bad_Newsi got opera 9.5005:58
ArMaGeDdOnis ubuntu better than vista?05:58
Mr_Bad_Newsflash still doesnt work05:58
bazhangarchman: any reason not to let wr start at boot05:59
bazhangArMaGeDdOn: stop please05:59
ArMaGeDdOnbazhang am new for the linux05:59
pantsd_Question: I upgraded to 8.04 today and when I try to install a cabal package with ghc I get "<interactive>: /usr/lib/ghc-6.8.2/lib/Cabal- unknown symbol `oldzmtimezm1zi0zi0zi0_SystemziTime_a97_closure' . I can't seem to find a bug in launchpad associated with this.05:59
mjs7231bazhang: He has it connecting to some wireless point he can't stop05:59
bemArMaGeDdOn, to find out if it's appropriate for you, give it a try05:59
mjs7231bazhang: I don't have wireless on my system so I was guessing at help. :-P05:59
bazhanghe was not serious about trying linux, just bored most likely06:00
archmanbazhang: i don't want to connect to some network on startup :-(06:00
bazhangarchman: the neighbors?06:00
archmanbazhang: yeah06:00
nalphahello.. IF I add new user to /etc/group (spesific group) it's directly works? or I must restart some services?06:00
archmanbazhang: how to disable it?06:01
AutoMatriXhi folks, is there somebody who knows how to sync a Nokia6610 cellular with Evolution ?06:01
Starnestommynalpha: you'll need to that user to log out then back in, iirc06:01
RoAkSoAxnalpha, u should use addgroup command06:01
bazhangarchman: not sure about wifi radar but with just the cli you associate that card with your hotspot so that it wont look for others--might be a better choice than wifi radar06:01
hikejinxActually it was in rotate cube, edge flip move, but you got me in the right direction bazhang ;)06:01
bazhanghikejinx: have fun ;]06:01
nalphaStarnestommy: ow...06:02
hikejinxbazhang: thank you very much. Good night all.06:02
nalphaStarnestommy: thanx alot i will try.06:02
archmanbazhang: youre saying maybe to remove wr and connect via cli anytime i want to connect?06:02
philip_need help06:03
bazhangarchman: do you have to do that with wifi radar anyway; if it is associated then it will be locked onto that ap (yours not the neighbors)06:03
mjs7231Mr_Bad_News: If you figure out the flash issue, let me know! :-D06:03
bazhangphilip_: need info to help you06:03
philip_anyone tried to configure   ubuntu desktop joining Windows 2003 domain controller?06:04
Mr_Bad_Newsmjs7231, if the rosetta stone is in iso how do i get wine to run it06:04
archmanbazhang: so can you tell me how to disable an application to not run at boot?06:04
archmanbazhang: /etc/init.d/  ?06:04
mjs7231Mr_Bad_News: I thought you were going to go the VMWare route06:04
Mr_Bad_Newsi am06:04
Mr_Bad_Newsbut id just like to know06:05
Mr_Bad_Newsvmware is only 11%06:05
Mr_Bad_Newsso i got time06:05
bazhangarchman: that would be in the wifi radar configuration; do they have a faq--what is the link for their homepage06:05
mjs7231I think you just install it normally06:05
bazhangthis is in the repos?06:05
mjs7231the site shows it works OK06:05
archmanbazhang: http://wifi-radar.systemimager.org/06:06
mjs7231but I think the people in forums say otherwise06:06
Mr_Bad_Newsi tired the help thing06:06
Mr_Bad_Newsbut it depends on the file being .exe06:06
Mr_Bad_Newswhat do i do if its iso06:06
mjs7231Mr_Bad_News: I am telling you to make an ISO because the system needs the CD in the CD tray to work.  (This is post install)06:07
Mr_Bad_Newsi have it in the tray06:07
Mr_Bad_Newsi also copied it over to my harddrive and mounted it06:07
kduboishow to install java plugin for mozilla firefox?06:08
mjs7231Mr_Bad_News: Look on the image, Autorun.ini usually calls some EXE on the disk06:08
mjs7231You want to run the EXE06:08
Mr_Bad_Newsthere isnt one06:08
=== dubby is now known as dubbydubby
Mr_Bad_Newsmaybe i got a crappy version06:08
bazhangarchman: from the looks of it you can edit the hotspots and how you connect to them06:08
mjs7231lol, perhaps..06:08
mjs7231let me check my Rosetta CD06:08
Mr_Bad_Newsfreaken torrents06:08
leeuwkdubois: just start Synaptic, do a search for java in all packages, cross it and apply; presto !!06:08
=== dubbydubby is now known as dubby
philip_bazhang, have you tried to configure  ubuntu desktop joining Windows 2003 domain controller?06:09
philip_Guys, anyone tried to configure  ubuntu 7.10 desktop joining Windows 2003 domain controller?06:09
philip_im newbie here06:09
archmanbazhang: you mean /etc/wifi-radar.conf ?06:09
leeuwkdubois: or try open java-page on ww and follow the links ubuntu gives ya06:09
nalphaoh yha... what is the group that allowed to access Removable Device Like USB?06:09
bazhangphilip_: what is windows domain controller 2003 is that a server or what06:09
bazhangarchman: no via the gui06:10
philip_bazhang the windows domain controller is 2003 server with ADS configured06:10
archmanbazhang: there's nothing about tj06:10
mjs7231Mr_Bad_News: My CD image had a autorun.inf06:11
bazhangarchman sure there is; look at that link you gave me--you can edit the profiles for each hotspot06:11
Mr_Bad_Newsyea i dont have one06:11
mjs7231Mr_Bad_News: That calls .\Autorun\autorun.exe06:11
archmanbazhang: maybe changing the mode to managed?06:12
Mr_Bad_Newsi'll get a new one06:12
mjs7231Mr_Bad_News: Did the files come with an NFO?06:12
bazhangarchman: how many wifi hotspots does the gui pull up?06:12
archmanbazhang: mybe 1006:13
jaydenI've been having some trouble with the cupsys PDF printer and Firefox 3.0 b506:13
jaydenWhen I try to print off of a web page, Firefox crashes.06:13
bazhangYou can drag and drop your preferred networks to arrange the profile priority archman06:13
kelvin911how to format floppy in linux?06:13
mjs7231I never heard of a torrent with an NFO. :-P06:14
mjs7231Mr_Bad_News: Just pay the $15/mo for giganews. :-P06:14
bazhangMr_Bad_News: you should contact the makers of rosetta stone for more info06:14
Admin__hi all06:14
Mr_Bad_Newsand tell them i stole their product bazhang ?06:15
bazhang!piracy | Mr_Bad_News06:15
ubotuMr_Bad_News: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o06:15
AdrianStraysI need some help. I'm trying install madwifi, and when I attempt to move it to /usr/src it says I don't have enough privileges, can anyone help me?06:15
jaydenI'd recommend going into the terminal and doing a sudo mv, Adrian06:15
Admin__right now i am on xp, downloded 3 iso of freebsd, can i burn it on single dvd06:15
n-iCeWhere can I get icons themes?06:16
ubotuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)06:16
bazhangAdmin__: no those are images; no space will be left--also get ubuntu www.ubuntu.com and get rid of those bsd disks ;]06:16
zcat[1]n-iCe: gnomelook.org06:16
thoreauputicn-iCe: try gnome-look.org06:16
mjs7231Anyone know if they fixed the annoying Applications Menu Editor in Gutsy?06:16
zcat[1]it has a - in it?06:17
mjs7231err Hardy06:17
leeuwAdmin__: sure ya can, will have to mount the ISO's seperately to use them though06:17
AdrianStraysjayden, can you demonstrate what the command looks like06:17
thoreauputiczcat[1]: yes06:17
AdrianStraysBeyond the mv part06:17
bazhangas data?06:17
zcat[1]bugger.. ok. Ignore me06:17
leeuwAdmin__: instead of just putting the disk in, I mean06:17
jaydenAdrian: sudo mv <source> <destination>06:17
IkeKrullanyone know how to get java to play sound in ubuntu hardy?06:17
Admin__<leeuw> i am in Xp right now06:17
Admin__<leeuw> using nero and magic ISO06:18
zcat[1]haha, no.. gnomelook.org redirects to gnome-look.org :)06:18
thoreauputicIkeKrull: hardy questions in #ubuntu+1 please06:18
bazhangleeuw: how is that possible; please clarify06:18
leeuwAdmin__: aha, then itś not advisable; how would you use the ISOś if they were on one DVD ?   are they boot-cdś - probably are; so you couldn't boot from a DVD with three ISO's on it06:19
thoreauputiczcat[1]: ah so we were both right :)06:19
acxquick question, i am attempting to install winxp into a VirtualBox but whenever i put the CD in the dialog comes up as if the disc is a blank. i know for a certain that it isnt06:19
zcat[1]In windows (with the right software .. powerdvd or something) you can loopback mount ISO's..06:19
Admin__<leeuw> i wanna make one single DVD of them06:19
zcat[1]good enough for a wubi install .. i tried it06:20
Admin__<leeuw> otherwise i have to burn 3 CD-R06:20
leeuwAdmin__:  with magic ISO you can't put more than one iso on a disc; iso is an image (say a picture) of a disc; you transfer it to a disc with magic iso06:20
theman3i installed ubuntu 7, and in package manager there are only a few uninstalled packages... shouldnt there be a few hundred?06:20
jaydenzcat: Personally, I feel soo limited when I have to boot into Windows anymore....06:20
AdrianStraysJayden, it still says permission denied.06:20
Admin__<leeuw> so there is no way06:20
leeuwAdmin__: you can put the iso's on a dvd as backup with nero, but you can't  boot it06:20
zcat[1]jayden: I only have one dualboot here, for the kids to play windows games.. and they're recently infected that with spyware so I might just reformat it soon.06:21
Admin__<leeuw> to make single DVD of 3 ISO CD06:21
leeuwAdmin__: not if you want to use them06:21
AdrianStrays Jayden: mv /home/adrian/madwifi-0.9.4.tar.gz /usr/src is what I type in, permission denied is what I get06:21
Admin__<leeuw> lol that i did06:21
zcat[1]they can just learn how to get stuff working in wine :)06:21
jaydenAdrian: you should try "sudo mv"06:21
Admin__<leeuw> i want to install it from DVD06:21
leeuwAdmin__: just make three cd's with magic iso, or use nero with the 'burn image'option06:21
timo1teoquick question, with my live CD in the button (Fn F5) to switch the laptop screen off and instead project it on my monitor does not work, will that work when i fully install?06:21
thoreauputictheman3: enable repositories in System-Admin- Software Sources06:21
leeuwAdmin__: why not 3 cd's ?06:22
thoreauputictheaber: and there are thousands, if that;s what you meant by "uninstalled" packages06:22
AdrianStraysJayden: That did it. Thanks for helping me with my silly noob problem/06:22
bazhangdoes freebsd have a channel on freenode; that would be the best place to ask Admin__06:22
thoreauputictheaber: sorry bad tabbibg06:22
leeuwAdmin__: ś cheaper too !06:22
jaydenAdrian: You're welcome. After all, we gotta start somewhere.06:22
Admin__<leeuw> i have to burn 3 CD06:23
leeuwAdmin__:  so what ?06:23
Admin__<leeuw> dont have 3 CD-RW06:23
Admin__<leeuw> all CD-R06:23
leeuwAdmin__:  aha...06:23
AdrianStraysjayden: Actually, its not over yet.  Whats the extract command?06:23
leeuwAdmin__:  use cd-r ?06:23
bemadmin, you only need first cd for freebsd install06:24
leeuwAdmin__:  or you think is a waste ?06:24
timo1teoquick question, with my live CD in the button (Fn F5) to switch the laptop screen off and instead project it on my monitor does not work, will that work when i fully install?06:24
bazhangAdmin__: do the rest via net06:24
jaydenAdrian: If you're still using the command line, it should be tar, I think... I haven't done much extracting through the command line.06:24
zcat[1]is there any way to burn three or four (or six) CD iso's to one DVD with some kind of boot-chooser menu?06:24
thoreauputicguys, freebsd is kind of off-topic  :)06:24
bemAdmin__, the other 2 arent necessary, although putting em on a single image shouldnt be a problem06:24
Admin__<leeuw> according to me waste06:24
leeuwAdmin__:  are they boot- cd's or cd's to run from windows ?06:24
bazhang#freebsd perhaps ?06:24
acxis there a way to get ubuntu to realize that ive inserted a winblowz disc into the cdrom? the main drive is recognizing it as a blank disc while my usb external mounts it properly. is there a way to either fix the main drive to mount properly or maybe get06:25
zcat[1]'cos that would actually be wuite handy..06:25
Admin__<leeuw> <bem> they are ISO06:25
acxVirtualBox to use the usb drive?06:25
leeuwAdmin__:  but cost of one dvd= 3 or 4 cd ś (if you buy 25 spindle)06:25
zcat[1]haha.. where I buy.. 50 DVD's == $18 .. 50 CD's == $1806:25
Admin__<leeuw> <bem> actuallu i am ubuntu lover06:25
leeuwAdmin__: that I get, but I mena, what would they do once they're on the disc; would they boot free-BSD (to install )06:26
jaydenAdrian: I wish you luck with getting madwifi to work. Unfortunately, I have an English essay to finish for class in the morning.06:26
Admin__<leeuw> <bem> i want to give try06:26
bazhangacx: which vbox? the ose or the other06:26
timo1teoquick question, with my live CD in the button (Fn F5) to switch the laptop screen off and instead project it on my monitor does not work, will that work when i fully install?06:26
acxbazhang: vse06:26
zcat[1]so if I could stick 6 CD iso's onto one DVD and choose what to bbot, that would be awesome06:26
leeuwAdmin__:  or would they just run from windows ?06:26
zcat[1]excuse my typos...06:26
leeuwAdmin__:  to try06:26
ChaosTheory_I have awn installed and I'm trying to install the applets.06:26
AdrianStraysJayden, no thats not it.06:26
bazhangacx that is the non free one?06:26
Admin__<leeuw> <bem> yes :)06:26
ChaosTheory_I'm getting errors when I follow these instructions.06:26
acxbazhang: no thats a free one06:27
leeuwAdmin__:  yes what ?06:27
Admin__<leeuw> <bem> i want to try freeBSD06:27
leeuwAdmin__:  if they are to boot from,06:27
bazhangacx there is one in the repos ose that does not have the usb iirc and then another outside the repos that does06:27
Admin__<leeuw> <bem> yes06:28
AdrianStraysDoes anyone know the extract command for archive manager?06:28
acxhmm maybe the source one06:28
bazhangAdmin__: really what does this have to with ubuntu?06:28
leeuwAdmin__:  yes, but how are the cd's to be used t try free-bsd; what does the webpage you loaded from say: should you boot the cd, or should you run it from windoze ?06:28
timo1teoquick question, with my live CD in the button (Fn F5) to switch the laptop screen off and instead project it on my monitor does not work, will that work when i fully install?06:28
Fatedkisscan someone help me with a Grub Error: 22 im getting?06:28
zcat[1]bah, my screen has gone all blurry.. bloody kids with their magnetsI suspect06:28
timo1teojust looking for a yes or no06:28
Admin__<leeuw> <bem> i found some torrent site one single DVD for BSD06:28
zcat[1]mmmm.. degauss didn't fix it either06:29
leeuwAdmin__:  hm... how large are the iso's ?  (in Mb or Gb) ?06:29
bazhangtimo1teo: is that a thinkpad? then it might work; otherwise you have to go into monitor/display and set it there in gnome iirc06:29
Admin__<leeuw> Gb06:30
theman3ok, now i've installed some irc clients and stuff... why can't i find them in "applications" menu?06:30
timo1teothank you06:30
Admin__<leeuw> on mininova.org06:30
AdrianStraysDoes anyone know the extract command for archive manager?06:30
bazhangwhy is my screen full of bsd?06:30
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:30
bazhangthe convo in here06:30
ChaosTheory_What's the command to install avant applets?06:30
zcat[1]nobody mentioned bsd?06:30
leeuwAdmin__: OK, that means they are DVD-iso's, or in other words, you need a dvd for each, won't fit on cd's (if each iso is more than 700 Mb, say 4 Gb ?06:31
tm24fanI used to be able to mount and use my NTFS partitions just fine on Ubuntu, but now that I'm using 7.10 I suddenly can't mount either of them.  Any ideas?06:31
bazhangscroll up and look at Admin__06:31
leeuwAdmin__:  do you have virtual drive with nero ?06:31
acxbah well the source thing wont work either... is there a way to get my cdrom to recognize the winblowz cd instead of it thinking its a blank?06:32
kindofabuzzhow do i edit groups command line? well edit the groups a user is part of?06:32
AdrianStrays:( Does anyone body know the extract command for archive manager?06:32
ChaosTheory_I can't seem to install awn applets. Any help? =| Mostly I'm getting the error that it can't find the package. . .06:32
leeuwAdmin__: suddenly realised; we're off-topic if you're not on ubuntu but xp, and about BSD; makes no sense on ubuntu-channel right ?   best we stop, you google for iso and bsd; all the best !06:32
leeuwsorry other users, wasn't thinking06:33
Admin__<leeuw> ya sorry for that :)06:33
zcat[1]reminds me.. I should probably check out a BSD iso and see what it's like, haven't run it for about 5 years now..06:33
leeuwAdmin__: never mind, can happen :-/06:34
Admin__<leeuw> i am also ubuntu GNOME user bye guya06:34
Fatedkissanyone know anything reguarding an issue with  Grub Error:2206:34
bazhangAdmin__: I just went to the freebsd channel and they said only need one cd for install06:34
leeuwAdmin__: ok, in that case; go ubuntu, easier too: mount iso's and see whatś on'm, maybe readme about how to use' m ?06:34
leeuwAdmin__: you know how to mount iso in ubuntu ?06:35
bembaz, i told him that 15m ago before someone suggested (and i agreed) that its not really on-topic here06:35
godfreyhkHmm, I need some advice on how to partition my server. I'll be using that as a web server (php/RoR/MySQL/ftp). I've got 512MB RAM, one 80 GB and one 60GB hdd. Any suggestion?06:35
bazhangAdmin__: ##freebsd is the channel for more info06:35
Admin__<leeuw> yes06:35
Admin__<leeuw> let me try bsd channel :)06:35
godfreyhkI'm install ubuntu server btw06:35
godfreyhk* installing06:35
leeuwAdmin__: good luck then, take bazhang 's hint, good luck !06:35
dryrotis there a graphical interface for OpenVPN that actually works ?06:36
shinynewHello I am testing 8.04, so this may not be the right channel, but I just lost all recongition of my wireless card, It used to show up on the restricted drivers page and the nm-applet06:36
shinynewbut now i see nothing06:36
niianybody clear with how to configure dns and dhcp combined?06:36
bemthis might be mildly off-topic, but does anyone know if proprietary drivers fail to interoperate with vmware? i cant get bridging to work with my wifi, works fine with my eth0 though06:36
shinynewI think an update caused it, but I just want to know how to fix it06:36
shinynewhow do i get it to recognize my card?06:36
bazhangshinynew: there is a channle for that06:36
Starnestommyshinynew: #ubuntu+1 is for 8.0406:36
Parsec300shinynew, perhaps a broadcom card?06:37
shinynewParsec300: I think so i am not sure, I can look it up in a sec06:37
kenboowhat package has manuals for libc?06:37
shinynewbut i am goign to the other channel06:37
godfreyhkshould I be asking this in the server channel instead?06:38
Starnestommykenboo: it might be manpages-dev06:39
kenboook, thanks06:40
kenbooStarnestommy:  bingo. thanks!06:40
bembe nice if that was in build-essentials06:41
chainshow do i do folder sharing over a network when one of the computers is xp?06:42
acke_nchains smb?06:43
n-iCeis there any other way to go to the themes applications?06:43
Daisuke_Idochains, samba, or you can get creative06:43
n-iCemaybe a terminal command?06:43
Daisuke_Idoinstall SFU on the windows box and use NFS all around06:43
chainsok, ill try samba, do i just install it on ubuntu?06:43
acke_nn-ice sudo apt-get install ubuntu-themes?06:44
acke_nnot sure there are a package called ubuntu-themes06:44
n-iCeacke_n,  I mean to join06:44
n-iCeI can't find the themes on the menu bar06:44
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
chainsi am seeing a lot of things when i search for samba06:45
acke_nits in preferences i think06:45
bazhangbem what is the host machine? you are trying to share a wifi connection with the guest machine (in VM) and cannot connect?06:45
bemthe host machine is ubuntu i38606:45
bemcant even vmware-config the interface for bridging06:46
bemit fails when config exits, and vmware wont start06:46
bemand yeah, im trying to share in bridging mode my wifi, nat isnt working for me either06:46
bazhangxp is the guest?06:47
bembut it doesnt matter, because it doesnt get that far06:47
bemvmware totally fails to start06:47
bemnot fails to power up on guest, but totally fails to start06:47
AlphaOmegahow do you get time for other timezones?06:47
bemsays there's a config error, because the binding to ath0 failed06:47
bazhangwhat about launching vmware from terminal what does that report06:47
AlphaOmegato show up on the desktop?06:47
bemthat reports the config error i mentioned06:47
bembecause vmware-config thinks it can bind to the wifi, but at the end when it goes to enable it, it cant06:48
chainssamba does not see my home pc on the network06:48
bazhangthat is odd; though never used an atheros card--intel card does fine06:48
n-iCeacke_n,  but I don't see it06:49
bemironically, i use the card i use for the broad os support :)06:49
=== brian_ is now known as Chipsa964
leeuwAlphaOmega: just wait 20 days for Hardy; has a great new worldtime extension in systemclock on the menubar !06:50
AlphaOmega20 days?! ok06:50
AlphaOmegawhat about a good desktop control [anel, like superkaramba06:50
AlphaOmegato show cpu, temp, mem, etc..06:50
leeuwAlphaOmega: even has weather for all zonez...06:51
AlphaOmegai use ubuntu weathernow06:51
kelvin911how to format a floppy that is in a USB floppy drive ????06:52
joe1hi all06:53
pingu_hay pingu, I need my nick if you're there. change it quickly please.06:53
prettyrickywhere did you get weathernow?06:53
AlphaOmegai mean06:54
AlphaOmegai am using weather06:54
AlphaOmegaright now06:54
n-iCehow can I install my icons themes??06:54
AlphaOmegajust right click the panel06:54
Slartpingu_: why not register.. then you don't have to ask06:54
AlphaOmegaadd to panel > weather06:54
prettyrickyoh lol06:54
TUplinkhi guys.... im running MPD   i cant get the volume past a wisper im using oss any ideas    i dont have X06:54
bazhangpingu_: just /nick pingu and identify in server window06:54
joe1icon themes, go to system, preferences, appearance06:54
pingu_Slart: I am registered, I was being courteous.06:54
AlphaOmegai want cpu and network usage on the desktoip06:54
joe1click customize should find it in there06:55
AlphaOmegaanyone know something better than superkaramba?06:55
pingu_Before I kill him to get my nick back.06:55
joe1alpha: install conky06:55
Slartpingu_: ah.. nevermind then =)06:55
AlphaOmegaconky? better than superk?06:55
hikejinxn-iCe: You can them drag them onto the appearance settings window to install.06:55
joe1yes much better06:55
AlphaOmegaill try it06:55
joe1look at screenshots06:55
n-iCehikejinx,  in xubuntu doesn't work :<06:55
=== pingu_ is now known as pingu
joe1a little hard to configure but it's cool06:55
joe1basically embedded into the desktop06:55
joe1(not really but almost ;) )06:55
pingubut thanks for the help anyway06:55
hikejinxhikejinx: Gotcha, joined to late to know you were in xubuntu.06:55
AlphaOmegaoh yeah06:57
AlphaOmegai used conky, what did it used to be called?06:57
AlphaOmegaor something06:57
joe1I forget what it was called, just do sudo apt-get install conky06:57
n-iCehikejinx,  any other ideA?06:57
joe1then edit the .conkyrc in your home and you'll be good06:57
AlphaOmegai am using it now06:57
joe1ohh nice06:57
AlphaOmegaconky is nice06:57
AlphaOmegai jsut said06:57
AlphaOmegaits torsmo06:57
AlphaOmegathat is thename06:57
AlphaOmegathats the old project06:57
hikejinxn-iCe: give me a sec to check, I used to use xubuntu.06:58
AlphaOmegathat sounds worng, wait06:58
n-iCehikejinx,  thank you so much I will be thankful06:58
joe1mine is setup pretty nice, I have weather, both cpu cores, top, network, etc...06:58
n-iCeI have tried almost everything.06:58
n-iCewithout success06:58
saltedlightwere will be a usb floppy be default? /dev/what?06:58
AlphaOmegano thats it i think http://suseroot.com/suse-linux-tweaks/torsmo.php06:58
chainshow do i use samba? i seem to have no lucj06:58
joe1how do you configure samba?06:58
joe1is that what you want to know06:58
AlphaOmegathis one is better: http://torsmo.sourceforge.net/06:59
joe1looks very similar ;)06:59
chainsjoe1, jsut getting it to work. i installed pyNeighborhood, but i doesnt see my pc07:00
orksnorkHey, I'm having a problem with an OpenOffice spreadsheet...I've got it set up all the way I want to look, and when i go to print, or Print Preview....all I get is the first cell07:00
joe1why did you install pyNeighorhood?07:01
orksnorksame when i export it as pdf, etc07:01
=== co_ckp_keabisan_ is now known as co_co_z
joe1just install samba (sudo apt-get install samba) then alter the config file (hold on just a second)07:01
chainsjoe1, was that not good?07:01
orksnorkanyone know why?07:01
joe1here is for minimum for samba07:01
=== co_co_z is now known as co_ckp_keabisan_
joe1do sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf07:02
joe1here is the minimum that you can have (it's what I use for my network actually07:02
joe1[global]workgroup = WKGnetbios name = MYNAME [share1]path = /tmp [share2]path = /my_shared_foldercomment = Some random files07:02
chainsjoe1, it says samba is already installed07:03
v01dad3ptI got my nvidia drivers installed and glx is enable but glxgears just crashes07:03
Johnsonanybody here thats  use an ipod have anny recommendation, i just got my friends ipod, i got gtkpod but that doesn't know where to find any of my local music and it always seems to crash, banshee always seems to crash what do people in here use07:03
joe1okay then alter that file, gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf07:03
v01dad3ptwhat could cause thta?07:03
joe1what ipod did you get?07:03
Johnson80 gb i pod video07:03
joe1what version?07:04
=== icesword is now known as gg
Johnsoni think 5th gen.07:04
Johnsonall the programs seems to take hours to load gtkpod dislpays none of my local files and there is no option to set local path or anythig07:04
sleepsterwhat's the best mp3 player?07:04
hikejinxn-iCe:  try Applications > Settings > User Interface Settings > Icon Theme07:04
hikejinxn-ice I think that is it.07:04
orksnorkHey, I'm having a problem with an OpenOffice spreadsheet...I've got it set up all the way I want to look, and when i go to print, or Print Preview....all I get is the first cell07:05
chainsjoe1, what if i already have stuff in my config?07:05
joe1that's the default stuff, the basic one is in that link I sent (it's like 6 lines and I use it and it works great)07:05
Shado1всем привет! тут по-русски общаются?07:05
joe1you can look at that link to see if you need anything else, our network isn't protected so I can get in and read/write with no problem07:05
chainsdo i get ride of what i have and replace it?07:05
Shado1вижу что нет :(07:05
bazhang!ru | Shado107:06
ubotuShado1: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:06
joe1if you really want you can save a copy to your home folder just in case07:06
hikejinx!russian | Shado107:06
joe1sudo cp /etc/samba/smb/conf /home/user07:06
softtowerHow come in Gnome "search" button does not do anything at all? I am in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gnome 2.20), I press this littel button on Nautilus toolbar whose tooltip says "Locate documents and folders by name or content". It replaces the location bar with a search box, I type "a" or "b" or whatever - nothing ever shows up, even if I type an exact file name of a file in the current directory. It simply does not search!07:06
aolaushello, I'm running gutsy and am having trouble with correctly configuring my dual monitor setup07:06
Shado1bazhang: thanks07:06
aolausprimary monitor is my laptop, and secondary is a widescreen lcd07:07
bazhangShado1: no problem ;]07:07
chainsi know the file, it already contains stuff, do i replace whats in it?07:07
otgi         dono07:07
aolausprimary works fine07:07
joe1aoalaus: what's problem?07:07
joe1please don't push enter after each two words ;)07:07
bazhanglanguage otg07:07
aolausbut secondary does not have the correct resolution of 1440 x 90007:07
otgi  dono07:07
joe1what video card?07:07
aolausintel 945gm07:07
orksnorkOk I have another problem07:07
Johnsonanyone have any ideas about the the ipod? or should I just use windows07:07
joe1sorry I don't get intel cards ;) nvidia set up is pretty straight forward07:07
ecHAI GAISE07:07
orksnorkDoes anyone want to explain why no one ever wants to help me out in here?07:08
joe1Johnson: what are you using to transfer music?07:08
aolaushave you fooled around with 915resolution?07:08
joe1no I use nvidia-settings and directly configure xorg07:08
aolausthe forums have also said something about editing the xorg.conf file07:08
Johnsonjoel, i am trying to get to that point i have gtkpod i have banshee07:08
eccan be it pleese brub tiem nao?07:08
bazhangJohnson: you need the latest libgpod deb or wait 16 days for ubuntu next release07:08
aolausbut I have no idea how to go about it for my particular configuration07:08
chainsjoe1, i went to the file you want me to edit, do i remove whats alreay there, or do i tack this onto the end?07:08
aolaushardy's coming out in 16 days?07:08
Johnson16 days sounds good07:08
monkeybritchesMaybe some of us don't know how to help you yet07:08
joe1yes you delete it all and then add those five lines or whatever, configure it to your network and you should be okay07:09
ecso i herd u liek jewbuntu07:09
Johnsonbazhang, exactly what updates are coming out as far as ipod is concerned07:09
ecwhich means u liek jews07:09
ecand jewbacca07:09
softtowerHow come in Gnome "search" button does not do anything at all? I am in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gnome 2.20), I press this littel button on Nautilus toolbar whose tooltip says "Locate documents and folders by name or content". It replaces the location bar with a search box, I type "a" or "b" or whatever - nothing ever shows up, even if I type an exact file name of a file in the current directory. It simply does not search!07:09
aolauslol great, another distro that will break my current setup07:09
joe1ec please leave, you are not helping anyone and not being pleasant like open source people should be07:09
bazhangJohnson: the libgpod is the one that stops ipod from showing no files07:10
bazhangec stop now07:10
eclawl sorry, friend is here.07:10
ec4chan troll07:10
Johnsoni c. i don't even think thats my problem07:10
chainsjoe1, so if it worked, i should see the pc if i go to network?07:10
Johnsongetting one of those ipods problems is the problem07:10
bazhangJohnson: what do you use to connect07:10
joe1but you might need to log out and log back in07:11
chainsug, its not there.07:11
joe1did you log out and log back in?07:11
joe1and did you change workgroup to the name of yours?07:12
joe1like MSHOME or whatever07:12
chainsyeah. mshome was always there07:12
adrian00can anybody read this?"07:12
joe1not in the thing that I sent it wasn't ;)07:12
bazhangadrian00: yes07:13
chainswhere was the config again07:13
joe1search for Example 1.107:13
chainsi mean the file07:13
Johnson_im sorry banshee froze my computer07:14
joe1sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf (you can just push up in terminal to see the last commands)07:14
Johnson_im using banshee and gtkpod07:14
joe1try amarok07:14
eric84hello all07:14
Johnson_*sigh alright07:14
chainsjoe1, i would, but its not there for some reason.07:14
bazhangJohnson_: the libgpod should sort that07:14
joe1the file isn't there at all? or it wasn't when you pushed up?07:14
chainswhen i pushed up07:16
joe1oh yeah sometimes it doesn't go in there not sure why07:16
chainsok, i changed the work group, change anything else?07:16
joe1but are you making progress with it?07:16
Johnson_bazhang, so libgpod is something i should download or it comes out in 16 days with the new ubuntu release?07:16
joe1netbios just to your name or whatever (I use Ubuntu for my netbios name)07:16
joe1you can also change the paths if you want anything of yours to be shared on the network07:16
bazhangJohnson_: there is a deb you can grab now for gutsy or just wait and get in next release07:17
Johnson_cool i just got the libgpod-dev07:17
bazhangJohnson_: what version; that is the key point07:18
chainsawesome, i see it now, thanks man07:18
joe1sure thing, glad it worked07:18
n-iCehow can I do an automatically login, without ask users and pass?07:18
chainsits asking for a password, but my pc has no pass07:18
eric84i've been unable to get my wireless running, i have the ssid, password, dhcp auto, etc set up correctly, sudo ifup wifi0 reports network is down... any suggestions please?07:19
softtowerHow come in Gnome "search" button does not do anything at all? I am in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gnome 2.20), I press this littel button on Nautilus toolbar whose tooltip says "Locate documents and folders by name or content". It replaces the location bar with a search box, I type "a" or "b" or whatever - nothing ever shows up, even if I type an exact file name of a file in the current directory. It simply does not search!07:19
joe1it's asking for a password for your computer or another one you are trying to access?07:19
chainsmy computer.07:19
bazhangJohnson_: you need the 0.6.0 or better07:19
joe1why would you try to access your own computer with the network?07:20
bazhangeric84: what card07:20
v01dad3ptplease help I get this error v01dad3pt@v01dad3pt-desktop:~$ glxgears Aborted (core dumped)07:20
chainsso i can get to my files on my pc that arnt on my laptop07:20
joe1ohh, you sure that the shared folder from pc is configured right?07:21
eric84bazhang: it's a d-link, reported as intersil corporation prism 2.5 wavelan chipset07:21
chainsoh, duh, i never made that drive shareable. lol. i need to go learn how to do that.07:21
joe1lol is it a ubuntu machine?07:21
unop_Johnson, if you add this line to your sources.list, you can get libgpod3 (  deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ipod-touch/ubuntu gutsy main07:21
chainsxp pro07:21
bazhangeric84: does ifconfig show two entries or three07:21
joe1haha can't help you there.....07:22
eric84two, eth0 and lo07:22
jimoh how nicely we will thrive if he makes it a sharable drive...07:22
chainslol, thats for the help man.07:22
chainsi got to go now, before i pass out with a full bladeder07:22
bazhangunop_: awesome link thanks07:22
n-iCehow can I do an automatically login, without ask users and pass?07:22
v01dad3ptplease help I am using the correct video drivers but nothing 3d works07:23
r9khai guise07:23
joe1ni-ce: http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/linux_beginner_books/unofficial_ubuntu_starter_guide/index_066.html07:23
bazhangeric84: any drivers installed for that card?07:23
unop_bazhang, i'm surprised you didn't know :P the PPA is full of new stuff07:23
r9knothing I say is an exact repost07:23
r9kbut I heard you guys like jewbuntu07:23
bazhangunop_: I have to check that out; much appreciated thanks!07:24
r9kand by association, the jews07:24
joe1r9k please don't use terms like that, leave if you want to be prejudice07:24
r9kI mean, that's cool and all07:24
joe1or I'll have you booted which is just as easy I suppose07:24
bazhang!ops | r9k07:24
ubotur9k: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!07:24
jimr9k: wow! you made a funny pun!07:24
leeuwr9k , yes we like the jewws, we are the jews, we'll get you; get lost !07:24
eric84bazhang: according to device manager, hostap_pci is installed07:24
r9ksorry about that guys07:25
bazhangeric84: do you have the bus ID on that?07:25
joe1ni-ce you figure out auto login?07:25
r9kI didn't know if there were any channers here07:25
eric84bazhang: as in info.bus? that's reported type: string and value: pci07:25
bazhangr9k: dont do that again--that is really wrong07:25
r9kalso, ubuntu messed with my startup with windows07:25
jimr9k: so you were trying to find out?07:25
bazhanghow is that behaviour not a ban?07:26
r9kI was wondering if reinstalling windows from my cd would remove grub07:26
unop__did i sense some anti-semitism from r9k ?07:26
r9kno, not antisemitism07:26
jimand he's acting all nice now that he knows he can get booted07:27
joe1we can drop it, just don't do it again07:27
r9kmy ciusin is jewish07:27
jussi01Lets move on shall we?07:27
bazhangI'm really thinking of leaving this channel for good07:27
kevikevtmcisn't there a way to remove grub and re-install windows NTLDR on the MBR?07:27
r9kso reinstalling windows should remove groub (no, I will not remove system32)07:27
sleepsterkevikevtmc: just install windows.. it will do it for you07:27
jussi01!grub | r9k07:27
ubotur9k: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:27
eric84bazhang: did you see my last reply?07:27
jussi01r9k: just follow the guide there07:27
n-iCewill I find limewire on synaptic??07:27
sleepsterr9k: yes it will.. but it may render your machine unbootable07:28
kevikevtmcWhat about the repair option07:28
bazhangsorry eric84 I have to cool off for a second07:28
sleepsterr9k I was just kidding07:28
eric84no problem man, i hear ya07:28
sleepsterr9k: sorry.. I know that wasn't too funny07:28
unop__he's gone!07:28
bullgard4What does 'fg' for in the 'fgconsole' command?07:28
Djoe1Hi, I am connected to remote pc via ssh. Can I start a script there, that keeps running even if I shut down my pc ? And log back in later to see the (generated) result files...07:29
sleepsterbullgard4: background07:29
bullgard4sleepster: Thank you.07:29
jimDjoe1: look into screen07:29
sleepsterbullgard4: wait I was kidding07:29
unop__bullgard4, $ whatis fgconsole: fgconsole (1)        - print the number of the active VT.07:29
bullgard4sleepster: I noticed that.07:29
bobbo85hi all, i can't seem to get anything to record the music that I'm playing on a website.  It's not a webradio station, it's just an individual song that I can play from a website but can't download.  any ideas?07:30
bullgard4unop__: Before I posted here, I already read man fgconsole.07:30
=== spiniker is now known as clicky
kevikevtmcLnx Rox my s0x07:30
joe1what line would I want in fstab for full permission to an external (/dev/sdb5) mounted to /media/disk07:31
joe1hey clicky07:31
bullgard4sleepster: Your answer brought me to what I wanted to know: fg - 'foreground'07:31
clickywhat do i use when creating web pages?07:31
Adantan_Alexhow do i open .exe files?07:31
joe1you cabextract it07:31
nickrudjoe1 ntfs/vfat or ext3?07:31
kevikevtmcta ta07:31
jussi01!info streamripper | bobbo8507:31
ubotubobbo85: streamripper (source: streamripper): download online streams into audio files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.62.2-2 (gutsy), package size 72 kB, installed size 192 kB07:31
unop__Adantan_Alex, depends on the .exe file in question -- usually you use !wine to execute them07:31
clickyi mean in windows i use notepad,is there anything similar in ubuntu?07:32
Adantan_Alexok thanks man07:32
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.07:32
jussi01clicky: gedit07:32
Adantan_Alexinstalling a game thanks man07:32
jimnano, emacs, gedit, kate, vi, vim, the list goes on and on07:32
unop__clicky, there are quite a few editors (an understatement) available for unix.07:32
holycowhey jim07:32
jimheya rob07:32
bobbo85thanks jussi01 and ubotu I have already installed streamripper, but it asks me for a radio station URL - how do I find out what the radio station URL for http://www.last.fm/music/Medeski%2C+Martin+and+Wood/_/Where's+the+Music is?07:33
n-iCewill I find limewire on synaptic??07:33
nickrudjoe1 if you have an    /dev/sdb5 /media/disk vfat utf8umask=000 0  107:33
clickyok ill just look for it then..thanks07:33
sleepsterbullgard4: :)07:33
unop__!frostwire | n-iCe07:33
ubotun-iCe: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire07:33
jimhmm, an MMW fan... you might also like gary willis07:33
nickrudjoe1 erm, ignore 'if you have an' ;)07:33
joe1I'll try it, thanks!07:33
sleepsterbullgard4: fg and bg are popular acronyms in linux07:33
jimand mediski scofield martin and wood07:34
unop__!limewire | n-iCe07:34
ubotun-iCe: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install /msg ubotu java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider /msg ubotu FrostWire as an alternative.07:34
nickrudjoe1 typp:  utf8,umask=000 missed a comma07:34
joe1I don't think that will work but I'll try07:34
joe1can you give me the full line I should use07:34
bullgard4sleepster: Yes, I have almost forgotten that.07:34
joe1I've tried like ten things and nothing works the way I want it to07:34
=== ce_ is now known as uswa
bobbo85thanks jim07:35
nickrudjoe1     /dev/sdb5 /media/disk vfat utf8,umask=000 0  1  <--- the umask is the key, 000 gives everyone read/write/execute07:35
jimjoe1: it might be helpful if you tell him what went wrong with each of the 10 things you tried07:35
joe1yeah that doesn't work I don't think, I'm not sure why (I actually posted a bug in Hardy)07:35
joe1https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/213537 there are the things I've tried07:35
nickrudjoe1 using it myself07:35
=== hadir_bersamamu is now known as Handra_18
joe1(exaggerated 10 times ;) ) but still the last issue is the weirdest07:36
bobbo85Is there any way to just record whatever sound is playing?  I assumed sound recorder would work, but unfortunately it doesn't.07:36
=== ce_ is now known as uswa
unop__joe1, are both the partitions on this disk formatted as VFAT?07:37
eric84bazhang: doin alright?07:37
nickrudjoe1 yes, very strange that you see that. Try giving the vfat a label, it will automount with that name on the desktop07:37
joe1yes both are vfat and they both worked flawlessly in Gutsy07:38
nickrudjoe1 or at least, here it does07:38
nickrudjoe1 but anyway, #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+107:38
AliRezaTaleghanihello room,  is their any way to make "wget" command , work like "Download managers"  i am asking about mupltiple download conections! simuteniusly07:38
ggjim, i see you in debian,what does xrandr mean?07:38
* jim notes two statements... connected somehow... what could it be?07:39
Matt_______I can't run gnome v.v07:39
Matt_______it keeps on saying gnome settings daemon has failed to start07:39
AliRezaTaleghanino idea?07:39
AliRezaTaleghanihello room,  is their any way to make "wget" command , work like "Download managers"  i am asking about mupltiple download conections! simuteniusly07:39
joe1yeah I didn't mean to bring up Ubuntu Hardy but I wanted to ask the fstab question ;)07:39
nickrudjim must mean you're knowledgeable ;)07:39
nickrudAliRezaTaleghani no07:40
jimused to know what xrandr was07:40
nickrudused to query/set monitor stuff07:40
AliRezaTaleghaninickrud: u mean their is no way?07:40
unopAliRezaTaleghani,   maybe this?  for i in link1 link2 link3 link4; do wget -q $i & done07:40
ggunop, how to configre my graphic card via the cmd?thx07:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xrandr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about randr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:41
unop!xres | gg07:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xres - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:41
nickrudunop he wants to have multiple connections to the same file07:41
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.07:41
=== axel is now known as afrancois
AliRezaTaleghaniunop: no, cos i have just one link for downlaod, but like to make "wget" to work like DM'es for that one, but tnx for u answer07:41
nickrud!info xrandr07:41
ubotuxrandr (source: xrandr): X Rotation, Reflection and Resize utility. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.2.2-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 23 kB, installed size 84 kB07:41
=== cromag_ is now known as Cromag
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about camping - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:41
bobbo85ubotu any help on recording a specific song?07:41
bazhangeric84: it seems from the forums that ndiswrapper is the best for that card; can you get hold of the windows drivers?07:42
unop!fixres | gg07:42
ubotugg: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:42
unopAliRezaTaleghani, i see, i don't think wget has that capability07:42
hollow_aloha people07:42
AliRezaTaleghaniunop: yep, it seems u are right :)07:42
hollow_anyone here hse broadcom wireless?07:43
jimall I know about fishing... if you give a man a fish, he eats for a day... if you teach a man to fish, he gets drunk on the boat all day...07:43
holycowjim heh07:43
nickrudjim you be a bass fisherman07:43
jims/ fisherman/ist/07:43
AliRezaTaleghanijim: :P we are wonderfull :D07:44
nickrudah, you know about drinking07:44
bobbo85hah i just got a message from someone like "sorry i'm just a bot, please don't think i'm intelligent"07:44
* nickrud quits offtopic07:44
hollow_anyone here know how i can maby fix this?                            eth1      IEEE 802.11b/g  ESSID:off/any  Nickname:"Broadcom 4318"07:44
hollow_          Mode:Managed  Frequency=2.484 GHz  Access Point: Invalid07:44
hollow_          Bit Rate=11 Mb/s   Tx-Power=18 dBm07:44
hollow_          RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off07:44
hollow_          Encryption key:off07:44
hollow_          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:007:44
FloodBot3hollow_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:44
hollow_          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:007:44
nickrud!aboutme | bobbo8507:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aboutme - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:44
n-iCeis there any winamp clone on ubuntu?07:44
n-iCeor any similar player?07:44
joe1for winamp type functionality07:45
nickrud!ubotu | bobbo8507:45
ubotubobbo85: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:45
=== AutoMatriX_ is now known as AutoMatriX
ubotuwinamp is a windows music player. On Ubuntu you can use beep-media-player or xmms as alternative.07:45
hollow_yea there is07:45
n-iCejoe1,  which one do you use?07:45
bobbo85!aboutme | bobbo8507:45
unop!players | n-iCe07:45
ubotun-iCe: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs07:45
nickrud!msgthebot | bobbo85 (he has lots to teach ;)07:46
ubotubobbo85 (he has lots to teach ;): Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.07:46
hollow_broadcom 4318 ?07:46
Adantan_Alexhey ^^07:46
joe1how do I change the default vlc skin, every time I reboot it goes back to the original one07:50
bullgard4unop: "if [ x$USE_DPMS = "xtrue" ]; then vbetool dpms off fi" is an actual line of a bash script. In what language is written? 'bash language'?07:50
thoreauputicbullgard4: yes07:50
unopbullgard4, that is posix complaint shell scripting .. bash can process it  as can sh07:51
Flannelthoreauputic: either "bash" or "shell script" (bash has some extensions)07:51
Flanneler, bullgard407:51
leeuwbye bye07:51
thoreauputicFlannel: correct :)07:51
Flannelthoreauputic: yay!  do I get a gold star?07:51
thoreauputicFlannel: at my primary school we got elephant stamps - a bit worrying really ;)07:52
jimif you do throw it out... goldstar monitors share many points with packard bell...07:52
nickrudoh, I really wish I'd come back in after that bad joke had rolled of my screen ;(07:53
AliRezaTaleghanidid amybody work on OpenGL programming, is it possible to use it with python?07:53
nickrudAliRezaTaleghani yes, there's gl bindings in python-opengl07:54
joe1yeah you can use opengl and python07:54
eric84i've tried my best to get wireless running with the ubuntu forums but can't seem to get it... anyone mind running through a diagnosis with me?07:54
Ububeginwhat is the command to find the number of files in a direcotyr07:54
pclynchhow do i log out and go back to the log in screen through the terminal?07:55
AliRezaTaleghaninickrud: do u known any froum or manual, for me to learn how ro work with "python-opengl" lib?07:55
matt_________I'm unable to run gnome, anybody have any ideas?07:55
thoreauputicmatt__: maybe Gnome has a problem with too many underscores ;p07:55
nickrudAliRezaTaleghani python-opengl-doc , another package ;)07:56
soldatspclynch: maybe sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:56
AliRezaTaleghanimatt_________: "$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg07:56
AliRezaTaleghaninickrud: :P tnx07:56
matt_________i'll try it thanks07:56
AliRezaTaleghanimatt_________: yw07:56
UbubeginC'mon guys , try to get easy to type nicks.... :S07:56
jimmatt_________: heya, I have some problems with my diet, people, figuring out something, and eating mayonaise ice cream... any ideas?07:57
* amidaniel teaches Ububegin about tab-completion07:57
bazhanguse tab completion Ububegin07:57
matt_____it still can't run ubuntu, but at least I have a better resolution now07:58
matt_____i mean it can't run gnome07:58
matt_____I have no idea07:58
Ububeginbazhang: U mean chatzilla has tab completion ... O_O07:58
bazhangmatt_____: this is ubuntu or ubuntu based07:58
nickrudmatt_____   sudo adduser testuser, try logging in with another user to see if it's system or user config issues07:58
eric84bazhang: sorry to keep bothering you, do you have a minute or two?07:59
bazhangnot sure Ububegin never used it sorry07:59
thoreauputicUbubegin: if not, get a decent IRC client :)07:59
nickrudUbubegin ewww07:59
rommewhat font would you recommend to use for the interface?07:59
bazhangeric84: it seems that ndiswrapper is the best bet for that card; do you have the windows drivers07:59
matt______sorry I accidently disconnected, what did you suggest?07:59
jimfinding out why07:59
nickrudmatt_____   sudo adduser testuser, try logging in with another user to see if it's system or user config issues07:59
Ububeginsorry guys, I use chatzilla... Which IRC client for ubuntu comes with tab completion08:00
tenchi21how do I enable stereo sound for my desktop speakers? all i get is the right channel working (nforce)08:00
bazhangmatt______: this is ubuntu or ubuntu based08:00
bobbo85Can anyone help me record a song that's got a "preview" online?08:00
thoreauputicmatt______: seriously man, that many underscores gets kind of annoying even with tab comletion08:00
eric84bazhang: probably in a dusty box somewhere, should i dl ndiswrapper and then copy it over to the ubuntu machine?08:00
bazhangUbubegin: xchat and others08:00
SlartUbubegin: xchat, irssi.. almost all I suppose08:00
joe1tenchi21: try sudo apt-get install alsamixergui08:00
bazhangeric84: that seems to be the best choice at this point; lots of bugs in launchpad and gutsy with that card--many of them closed unresolved08:01
AliRezaTaleghaniwhat should i add to my "/etc/sudoers" , for making ing my "shayne" user work with "sudo" command  without need of password intering???08:01
soldatstenchi21: run "alsamixer" and un mute everything sometimes the stereo gets muted08:01
AliRezaTaleghaniis this enough "shayne ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL"???08:01
eric84bazhang: thanks for your help... any recommendations on a cheap new card that would work well? ;)08:01
gluerany way to set the bottom status bar to the left or right and make it smaller width?08:01
bazhangeric84: this is for a desktop or a laptop08:02
eric84desktop, an oooold one08:02
Matthyeah i'm using a different user but that didn't help08:02
thoreauputicAliRezaTaleghani: just do sudo adduser <foo> admin08:02
jimdid it create a new profile for that user?08:02
bazhangeric84: atheros perhaps but avoid broadcom if at all possible08:02
UbubeginAnyway for all you chatzilliacs, you can enable "auto completion" by putting a */d* , before you type.. Cheers08:02
thoreauputicAliRezaTaleghani: assuming that you have a standard install...08:03
eric84bazhang: will do, thanks again08:03
gatenim having trouble opening a .wml file. wapua won't open the file I've got, any alternatives?08:03
AliRezaTaleghanithoreauputic: :) nice, i will test it08:03
MatthI"m not sure, I used your command08:03
thoreauputicAliRezaTaleghani: make sur ethe user logs out / in to make it stick08:03
jimirc autocompletion ought to work like bash autocompletion08:03
AliRezaTaleghanithoreauputic: but the "shayne" user exist now!08:04
nickrudMatth when you tried logging in as that user, exactly what happened?08:04
AliRezaTaleghanithoreauputic: is it important?08:04
Matthsame exact thing08:04
thoreauputicAliRezaTaleghani: that's OK - just get shayne to log out and in after you add him to the group08:04
nickrudwhich was? (for those of us who came in late)08:04
MatthI got an error saying cannot start gnome settings daemon08:04
Ububeginjim: I agree with you, but i find the current "auto completion" crappy....08:04
AliRezaTaleghanithoreauputic: huum, tnx08:04
thoreauputicAliRezaTaleghani: group changes take effect on next login08:05
ggjim, irc is a shell,lol08:05
Adantan_Alexhow do i put ubuntu on a computer with xubuntu?08:05
jima very empty, powerless shell08:05
tenchi21soldats, after i instal that and then open it using the apps menu i get a white box08:05
AliRezaTaleghanithoreauputic: yep , i get what u mean :) thanks08:05
Adantan_Alexlike test if it works08:05
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: sudoa ptitude install ubuntu-desktop08:05
nickrudMatth I've seen people come here with that error, but I don't know the cause, sorry08:05
Adantan_Alexwhat if ubuntu doesnt work? what do i do?08:05
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: aorry sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop08:06
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: it probably will :)08:06
Adantan_Alexyes but if it doesnt?08:06
SlartAdantan_Alex: install something else?08:06
jimteach it a trade... get it a job... pay it minimum wage... beat it... kick it... make it write bad checks...08:06
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: umm... it's just gnome + extras08:06
Adantan_Alexand im dual booting windows and ubuntu08:06
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: just do it08:06
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: you choose the gnome session before login when it's installed08:07
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: the dual boot has nothing to do with it :)08:07
Adantan_Alexso if i install it the next time i load my computer on the boot loader it will show windows, ubuntu and xubuntu? o008:07
bazhangthey give ops with fruit loops these days?08:07
jimare you saying it doesn't boot?08:08
AliRezaTaleghanithoreauputic: "The user `shayne' is already a member of `admin'."   this was the out put, as i told the 'shayne' use exist , and as u told, it's a member of "admin" group,   maybe i asked my question wrong!08:08
AliRezaTaleghanii want to remove the need of passeord intering, when i use "sudo" for a command, ! ;)08:08
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: no - grub show swin and Ubu - thelogin options show xubuntu or ubuntu08:08
FlannelAliRezaTaleghani: Why do you need to do that?08:08
Adantan_Alexwow thanks08:08
AliRezaTaleghaniFlannel: cos, i use sudo more :)08:08
tenchi21I installed alsmamixergui and that didn't work for getting stereo sound working08:08
Adantan_Alexand if i chose can i un install ubuntu at 1 stage?08:08
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: adding ubuntu-desktop doesn't chnagethe underlying operating system08:08
AliRezaTaleghanii know their is a way with editing the "etc/sudoer" file, but i can't remmber that08:09
Adantan_Alexyes but can i chose to un install ubuntu at 1 stage?08:09
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: if you use aptitude, yes - you would do  sudo aptitude purge ubuntu-desktop08:09
Adantan_Alexand that will get rid of ubuntu?08:09
pantsd_I filed my first bug on launchpad :)08:09
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: I think you ar econfused08:10
pantsd_Do you think there is anymore information I should attach to it ? [ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ghc6/+bug/213775 ]08:10
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: ubuntu-desktop is  a desktop like xfce in xubuntu08:10
jimAdantan_Alex: what means .....?08:10
joe1gluer: right click the panel click properties and uncheck expand08:10
Adantan_Alexah so its like installing a game?08:10
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: that is, it's just a collection of apps :)08:10
Adantan_Alexawsome ty08:10
Adantan_Alexso sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop08:11
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: it's like installing any complex set of apps yes08:11
joe1any way to "purge" system of out dated stuff (my partition is quickly getting crammed)08:11
Adantan_Alexyeah i just installed wine08:11
Adantan_Alexso yeah its ok08:11
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: NO - sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop08:11
bullgard4unop, thoreauputic, Flannel: Thank you for explaining.08:11
Adantan_Alexoh yeah soz08:11
thoreauputicbullgard4: np :)08:11
joe1what is this ubuntu-desktop install?08:12
thoreauputicAdantan_Alex: the advantage of using aptitude in this case is that if you want to remove ubuntu-desktop later aptitude will also uninstall the dependencies08:12
Adantan_Alexok thanks08:12
FlannelAliRezaTaleghani: you shouldn't remove the password prompt, just enter your password.  Security is a wonderful thing, and once you get through a week or two, you'll use sudo less and eventually almost not at all (and if you aren't, you may be doing something wrong)08:13
AliRezaTaleghani:D i found that way! if anybody like to do that, this is the way08:13
AliRezaTaleghaniadd the following line to "/etc/sudoers"08:13
AliRezaTaleghani%<your-user-name> ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL08:13
thoreauputicjoel it's the way Ubuntu knows what to install for a full desktop - it's a "metapackage"08:13
AliRezaTaleghaniFlannel: ;) i do that08:13
Adantan_Alexoh 1 more thing08:13
joe1ohh interesting08:13
FlannelAliRezaTaleghani: We know how, its not a good practice.08:14
AliRezaTaleghaniFlannel: but, i use "sudo" more that 100 times in a day, if i use it less :D08:14
AliRezaTaleghaniFlannel: i know, what u mean about scurity, but this is my home PC , by the way, tnx for ur help :*08:15
FlannelAliRezaTaleghani: You're probably doing somethign wrong then.  And you should probably go outside more.  Using the computer for 17 hours every day isn't healthy.08:15
joe1lol yeah 17 hours is pushing mentally insane08:15
FlannelAliRezaTaleghani: Sudo stores the password for 10 minutes, you know that right?  What are you using sudo for 100 times every day?08:15
AliRezaTaleghaniFlannel: yep, :'(, a bit more, aroung 19 - 20 hour in a day08:15
joe1you need a g/f or b/f08:16
joe1(sorry low blow)08:16
FlannelAliRezaTaleghani: What are you using sudo with 100 times a day?08:16
maekFlannel please don't jump the gun and ban people without looking at what they have actually done   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61713/08:16
FlannelAliRezaTaleghani: since, I honestly think you're doing something wrong setup wise.08:16
AliRezaTaleghaniFlannel: cos, i damage my PC more, :)08:16
AliRezaTaleghaniFlannel: it's ur kind. :)08:17
Flannelmaek: You were pasting.  And that was ages ago.08:17
maekFlannel, it was an honest mistake ... a warning could have been sufficient08:17
Flannelmaek: The ops temporarily ban you, until the paste is over.08:17
maekwell you made a mistake and banned me permanently08:18
crdlbmaek: he's not even an op08:18
joe1hey gbates08:18
maekI was a little miffed because I was in the middle of helping someone solve a problem08:18
gbates31does anyone here use linux?08:18
joe1all of us08:18
headrxno no one here does08:18
* gg thinks he is booooosssss08:18
tenchi21ok ubuntu is seeing my soundcard as having 2 cards and I need to force it to set it fr stereo only having a right speaker working sucks08:18
maekyep gbates3108:18
maekLinux Linux Linux08:19
joe1this is a ubuntu chat....of course we use linux08:19
gbates31i have ubuntu 7,10 installed right now and i want to dual boot with windows XP and not lose any files.  how do i do this?08:19
joe1you should have windows installed first, makes it much easier08:20
kindofabuzzstick it in and install, it will know windoze is there08:20
joe1then make two other partitions (or three) for root (linux os), /home (partition for user files) and SWAP08:20
gbates31*head thru wall*08:20
kindofabuzzjust don't delete it =)08:20
gbates31ok thanks08:21
joe1why do you want windows installed?08:21
Adantan_Alexno u make at least 10 gigabytes of free space08:21
gbates31i cant live much lnger without Team Fortress 208:21
joe1try wine08:21
kindofabuzzi thin tf works in wine08:21
n-iCeis there any vmware for ubunru?08:21
gbates31tfc or tf2?08:21
kindofabuzzlook it up08:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xmware - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:22
joe1that link will do it for you08:22
kindofabuzzgoogle tf2 wine08:22
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers08:22
thoreauputic!info vmplayer | n-iCe08:22
ubotun-ice: Package vmplayer does not exist in gutsy08:22
thoreauputic!info vmware-player | n-iCe08:22
ubotun-ice: Package vmware-player does not exist in gutsy08:22
gbates31tf2 will work ok on this laptop, but emulating it?  ill pass08:22
thoreauputicI give up :)08:22
Adantan_Alexur not emulating08:23
joe1yeah that's not emulating08:23
gbates31wine isnt emulation?08:23
Adantan_Alexwine loads windows .exe files08:23
pajamianwine actually stands for Wine Is Not and Emulator08:23
scheater5gbates31: lol - Wine Is Not an Emulator.08:23
thoreauputicWine Is Not an Emulator +08:23
thoreauputicgbates31: it recreates the windows api IIRC08:24
kindofabuzzgbates31, www.winehq.com08:24
pajamianyes, it's not an emulator because it doesn't emulate the CPU.  You have to have an i386 cpu for it.08:24
unop__provides an implementation of the windows API rather08:24
thoreauputicIf I remember Correctly08:24
thoreauputicunop__: right - thanks, more accurate :)08:25
Adantan_Alexplus u should of dual boot windows and ubuntu08:25
Adantan_Alexi did08:25
pajamianbasically it just provides a wrapper or translation layer from the windows API to the corresponding Linux ones.08:25
unop__thoreauputic,  more accurate but not enough i dont think :)08:25
joe1I see no reason to install a whole OS just for TF208:25
gbates31i have wine, bit it doesnt work for some progs.  plus having 64-bit proc can be annoying sometimes08:25
thoreauputicunop__: ah well - I can't say I understand it really anyway :)08:26
Adantan_Alexwell ur next option is to re install windows08:26
pajamiangbates31: I actually recommend that for a workstation you install the 32 bit versino of ubuntu, even on a 64 bit machine.08:26
Adantan_Alexthat will work too08:26
* thoreauputic wonders if the disease that causes people to use "u" instead of "you" is some kind of Internet virus...08:27
gbates31i was cruising around the pirate bay for the past week and got some old abandonware and other stuff that id rather not hassle around with wine08:27
codenameHow would I add Compiz to my applications menu08:27
codenamein 7.1008:27
JanPeterit is much quicker08:27
unop__thoreauputic, dint u no tat alredi? :)08:27
pajamianthoreauputic: lazy typing disease?  it's spread via a computer virus?08:27
joe1sudo apt-get install compizconif-settings-manager08:27
codenameI did.08:27
codenameNow what?08:27
codenameI still don't see it08:27
joe1you installed the settings manager?08:28
XawasYesterday I changed my network driver fram rt61pci to rt61 and works great now. But now I do not get Mongrel to work. No brower respond to the anymore.. Anyone knows why?08:28
thoreauputicpajamian: heh - wel i guess I can't complain. My typing is atrocious08:28
codenamenow what?08:28
pajamianthoreauputic: hehehe08:28
thoreauputicpajamian: as evidenced by that last post :)08:28
joe1now it should be in preferences under advanced desktop settings08:28
Adantan_Alexno oz08:28
unop__thoreauputic, you forgot a fullstop there. :)08:28
thoreauputicunop__: oh, the shame!08:28
joe1advanced desktop effects settings to be exact08:28
codenameNo, I know that, I'm trying to get a Compiz settings manager on my Applications menu08:28
codenameWhere I can just click it08:29
joe1you can just click it there in system, preferences, advanced desktop effects settings.....08:29
Adantan_Alex.... lol08:29
unop__Xawas, should never have worked in the first place, does work?08:29
joe1if you really want it in applications also just right click the applications and go to edit menu and add it a hundred times wherever you want ;)08:30
Xawasunop__, nope08:30
=== Zenton_ is now known as Zenton
Xawasunop__, it says that: ** Starting Mongrel listening at, so it should work.. It did work..08:31
Xawasbut not anymore..08:31
unop__Xawas, i'm assuming mongrel is a network service here .. is it even running? do you have anything listening on port 3000?08:31
gatestone I just wonder...has anyone attempted to start a distribution based on Webmin?08:31
pajamianXawas: that means it is listening on all available interfaces ( is a special code for that), you cannot, however, access it at
Xawasunop__, kinda new to linux world, but is there a cmd to check what is listening on diffrent ports?08:32
pajamianXawas: netstat -l08:32
unop__Xawas, ps aux | grep -i mongrel; netstat -antp | grep -i :300008:32
Oprtzcan somebody tell me please how a person get " initramfs " error while installing ubuntu ? what is this? how to protect against it? thanks08:32
scheater5anyone know their way around vnc? I got some weirdness trying to screen share into OSX08:32
Xawasunop__, tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN     6762/ruby08:32
Wayne^R2"netstat -a" once got a coworker of mine fired for figuring out who was using VNC to spy on us - it was the boss.  lol08:33
joe1Oprtz: with that error try the alternative cd08:33
pajamianOprtz: that error meas either your install CD is corrupted, you have a defective cd rom drive, or bad RAM.08:33
Oprtzi tried alternate CD as well08:34
unop__Xawas, hmm, looks good so far .. what does this give you?  http://localhost:300008:34
pajamianOprtz: did you run the install CD test from the boot menu?08:34
Xawasunop__, it just hangs...08:34
ikmpajamian: but i can install windowsXP on same DVD rom drive.08:34
pajamianOprtz: did you run the install CD test from the boot menu?08:35
unop__Xawas, it could be that mongrel or ruby have a problem .. does mongrel have any logfiles you can examine?08:35
ikmsomebody told me that i want to repair my MBR08:35
unop__Xawas,  you could also try this?   wget http://localhost:300008:35
ikmyes i boot with the alternate CD test .. test was OK08:35
joe1can you run live distro at all?08:36
pajamianikm: ok, well this is not am MBR problem.  It won't even load up the install, right?08:36
ikmjoe1: NO08:36
joe1sounds like RAM issue to me now08:36
ikmpajamian: exactly08:36
Xawasunop__,  ok two secs08:36
pajamianikm: I would lean towards a RAM problem, run memtest from the boot menu08:36
joe1run the RAM test over night08:36
ikmso any solution or i need to buy another HDD?08:36
joe1let it do like 10 passes08:36
joe1it's not HDD it's RAM08:37
joe1run the test and search for errors08:37
Xawasunop__, Connecting to localhost||:3000...  (just hangs there)08:37
joe1just let it go 12-24 hours08:37
pajamianno, it's not HDD, if the HDD were the problem it would still boot up the Live CD08:37
Xawasunop__, doesnt seem to be anything in the log file either08:37
Adantan_Alex!alternate | ikm08:37
ubotuikm: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal08:37
ikmjoe1: but rar is working perfectly under XP08:37
unop__Xawas, try restarting mongrel (i don't know how that is done) .. see if that helps somehow08:37
pajamianikm: you will probably see an error in memtest by the time it finishes the first pass, if you see any errors you need not continue running it, you know at that point your RAM is bad.08:38
joe1that doesn't matter, RAM is used much differently in linux08:38
joe1it's much more efficient08:38
Adantan_Alexand it uses a partition08:38
joe1RAM never goes to waste in linux, so if there is a problem at all it could cause it not to boot correctly08:38
pajamianikm: Linux tends to be less forgiving of bad RAM than windows.08:38
Xawasunop__, nope.. hehe nothing works.. so wierd.. all this happend after i changed the network driver..08:38
joe1in Windows RAM is only partially used so if you have an issue at the end of a stick or something like that it would never be caught unless you hit like 90% + RAM use08:38
Adantan_Alexyes but the live CD uses about 384 megabytes of RAM08:39
joe1no it doesn't, it uses 100% but only 384 at a time ;)08:39
joe1that's how linux uses RAM08:39
joe1hi x0x08:39
bobbo85I can't seem to record any audio, can anyone help me?08:39
x0xhow do i install nameserver08:39
ikmlisten, i tried to install windowsXP on the same machne and i get this error " Unexpeced error (32769) occurred at line 5218 in d:\xpsprtm\base\setup.c08:40
Adantan_Alexdo u have a C Drive?08:40
unop__Xawas, i'm not sure this is a problem with the network driver but i also don't know enough about mongrel (first time i am hearing of it) to troubleshoot the service ..08:40
pajamianikm: we can't troubleshoot your windows problems here.08:40
joe1sorry I don't know much about windows08:40
x0xis there anyway to create nameserver on ubuntu?08:40
joe1I would just recommend the RAM test08:40
Xawasunop__, mongrel is another webserver like webrick, if you ever heard of that?08:40
ikmahhhh ok :)08:41
ikmso u guys sugges me to cheke RAM ?08:41
Adantan_Alexprivate chat08:41
thoreauputicx0x: sudo apt-get install bind9  <-- that's only one way though08:41
pajamianikm: yes08:41
joe1yeah do the mem test08:41
joe1from the ubuntu cd08:41
unop__Xawas, not really :) not much into ruby and it's extensions, i gathered it was a webserver08:41
Adantan_Alexif there r any more errors then private chat me08:41
pajamianikm: there is a very handy program for that you can access from the boot menu of the Live CD called memcheck.08:41
ikmif i get ram errors , need to change ram then08:41
DJonesikm: You could try in ##windows, they might be able to help with a windows install problem08:41
x0xthoreauputic i have it.. what i need to do now?08:41
thoreauputicx0x: i think you need to do some reading08:41
Adantan_Alexi know about windows08:41
x0xi want like ns1.something.com for dns08:42
pajamianikm: yes, but if you have more than one stick pull one out at a time to find out what the bad stick is, you probably don't have to replace all of them.08:42
unop__x0x, what kind of name resolution are you trying to provide? netbios or dns?08:42
thoreauputicx0x: google is your friend in this case - also read the Ubuntu server help - see http://help.ubuntu.com08:42
x0xunop__ dns08:42
Adantan_Alexhey with serve edition can u make ur own domain for free?08:42
ikmi have only 1 stick of 512RAm :)08:42
Xawasunop__, hehe ok ;-) hmm well thx anyway =)08:42
joe1time to upgrade RAM anyways ;)08:43
MrMistI'm running the new ubuntu beta and got a few issues. How do I approach this ? I'd like to help :)08:43
thoreauputicunop__: x0x seems to be trying to become a sysadmin overnight ;p08:43
tarelerulzIf you install kde via synaptic it should work right with out missing with it ?08:43
joe1512....Ubuntu will lag a little (and XP will be.....worse than it already is)08:43
Adantan_Alexthe RAM could be damaged08:43
pajamianAdantan_Alex: you have to purchase domain names from a proper domain registrar.  If you already own a domain name you can usually get subdomains of it for free, though.08:43
monkeybritchesDomains need to be registered with a registrar08:43
Adantan_Alexno the live CD worked on my computer and i got 512 megabytes of RAM08:43
unop__x0x, this could help www.langfeldt.net/DNS-HOWTO/BIND-9/DNS-HOWTO.html08:43
linxehikm: you could try installing the xubuntu-desktop packages if you want to save a bit of ram08:44
unop__thoreauputic, he probably already is? :)08:44
Adantan_Alexok thanks08:44
x0xtnx unop__08:44
thoreauputicunop__: that's a scary thought :)08:44
ikmlinxeh: bt i like ubuntu :) i will buy more RAM08:44
pajamianikm: then run the memtest, if it finds bad RAM you will have to replace the stick.08:44
linxehthoreauputic: thats a rather arrogant attitude... many people, especially in small businesses, are forced into becoming sysadmins08:44
linxehikm: sure - but the xubuntud-desktop packages are ubuntu, its just a different window manager (XFCE4, and it looks good, albeit blue by default!)08:45
Netham45is it illegal to install a DVD decoder, such as libdvdcss onto Linux?08:45
linxehNetham45: where do you live ?08:45
Netham45linxeh, USA08:45
thoreauputiclinxeh: yes, but they don't learn by expecting to find all the answers in an IRC channel generally - and if you think I'm arrogant you must be new here :)08:45
pajamianlinxeh, ikm: installing xubuntu will help with cases where there is not a lot of ram to begin with, not where the RAM is bad.08:46
linxehpajamian: sorry, I missed the bit with bad ram - I only just rejoined08:46
pajamianikm: run memtest, I think you'll find it shows errors by the end of the first pass.08:46
linxehNetham45: maybe then. you might have DMCA issues I guess. realistically, I doubt anyone is gonna care though08:47
unop__thoreauputic, that's not true .. #ubuntu has the answers for absolutely everything .. with all the gentoo and archlinux folk asking questions in here :)08:47
Netham45linxeh, well, I'd rather not put my self in potential legal issue.08:47
thoreauputicunop__: heh08:47
pajamianNetham45: if you want legal advice consult a lawyer, if you want technical advice we can tell you *how* to install libdvdcss, but not give you legal advice on it.08:48
linxehNetham45: millions of people do it08:48
unop__thoreauputic, haven't you noticed, you can have a half hour troubleshooting session with someone suggesting commands and files, only to find out later they are running an entirely different distro and half the things you suggested don't work as a result.08:48
linxehunop__: thats because linux is ubuntu!08:49
pajamianNetham45: that said, I have yet to hear of someone getting arrested for installing libdvdcss, especially if your only reason for doing so is to play your legally purchased DVDs.08:49
thoreauputicunop__: Oh yes. that was especially true in the warty-hoary era :)08:49
Netham45pajamian, ok.08:49
thoreauputicunop__: Nostalgia just isn't the same any more... ;p08:49
unop__thoreauputic, it continues in here from time to time .. when you do ask why they don't go to the right channels .. you get a "ohh well, they won't help me, i'm a n00b." :)08:51
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:51
thoreauputicunop__: ah, there's some truth in that I guess08:51
thoreauputicunop__: I used to be a #debian regular - I wasn't arrogant enough for that channel in 2002 ;)08:52
unop__thoreauputic, you saying we're easy pushovers in here eh?08:52
joe1night all08:52
thoreauputicunop__: do you remember bob2 ?08:52
pajamianunop__: well, to be fair, channels for specific projects often times don't have enough active developers montioring the channel to be able to help people all the time.08:52
unop__thoreauputic, can't say i do08:53
wangfgwhy my suspend to disk not works?08:53
thoreauputicunop__: that guy was a hoot - really sarcastic but also really clueful. I miss him.08:53
unop__pajamian, you would think so, often enough they can't be asked to hold someone's hand through something that is already documented (in a manpage) :)08:53
prestonim trying and having sucsess with the 8.04 beta 7.10 was problematic for me my question is will i have to upgrade when the final release comes out or will the beta just turn into the final thru updates08:53
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
thoreauputicunop__: #ubuntu has become a bit too warm ad fuzzy i think - we need an occasional sardonic comment or two08:54
unop__thoreauputic, reminds me of greycat in #bash :) he's a badboy :)08:54
thoreauputicunop__: bad and funny can be a good combination in a xhannel sometimes08:54
pajamianunop__: that's true too, though less so in my experience.  True newbies ask a lot of those same questions but usually someone will at least point them in the right direction.08:54
unop__thoreauputic, i agree, sometimes a rude comment (for the right reason) is good motivation for the intended person :)08:55
rrobhi, do you think that is possible to install "Sun Java Communications Suite 5" on ubuntu? im googling without succes08:55
pajamianrrob: I don't know, if it's  Linux app it should be quite possible.08:56
thoreauputicunop__: These days if you make asarcastic remark you are accused of not following the Coder of Conduct - silly really08:56
rrobthoreauputic yes it is for linux, but sun prefer solaris08:56
thoreauputicrrob: wrong nick?08:57
rroband instalation guide looks like for solaris08:57
unop__thoreauputic, well, i suppose there's a time and place for comments like that .. for people who aren't used to that culture it can be really frustrating .. and i suppose if you want people to enjoy ubuntu, sarcasm doesn't go well with the definition of ubuntu.08:57
thoreauputicunop__: sure.08:57
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thoreauputicunop__: I was making a general comment on the insistence on absolute correctness08:58
prestonanyone know if i will need to reinstall the final release or will i just be able to upgrade the beta08:58
rrobpreston: of ubuntu 8.04 ?08:58
thoreauputicunop__: I'm a softie, actually :)08:58
prestonyes rrob08:58
pajamianrrob: if it says it's compatible with Linux then it should install fine into ubuntu.08:58
rrobpreston: best way is to clear system and then install new08:58
thoreauputicunop__: but this is off-topic I suppose ;p08:59
unop__thoreauputic, lol08:59
pajamian!hardy | preston08:59
ubotupreston: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu08:59
rrobpreston: i had lot of problems with simple upgrading from last 6.10 to 7.04 ... but officialy it must work08:59
Finnish_How can I copy cd into my HD, as an image?08:59
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:59
prestonrrob i just installed the beta and have been updating and its working alot better for me than 7.10 did08:59
rrobFinnish_: use livecd of gparted and use partimage or clonezilla09:00
thoreauputicFinnish_:  dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/you/dump.iso09:00
pajamianFinnish_: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=image.iso09:00
rrobFinnish_: pardoon idont read it well09:00
thoreauputicpajamian: :)09:00
rrobok ... another questin ... i want share calendars from thunderbird in webdav... i have lighttpd wit mod_webdav and sqlite09:01
rrobeverything is ok09:01
rrobbut i dont know how to tel webdav which user is authorized to write data09:01
borisfrhello i'm french with a qwerty keyboard .... can you tell me how to make "_" but in the middle ? thanks09:03
thoreauputicborisfr: in the middle of what ?09:04
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pajamianborisfr: you might have better luck getting an answer in #ubuntu-fr09:04
pajamianthoreauputic: he means a dash (-)09:04
thoreauputicpajamian: ah I see :)09:04
mckulk i cant find supported tv cards by ubuntu. can any one give an exact link?09:04
rrobborisfr: press and hold left alt and type 95 on keypad on left09:04
pajamian!hardware | mckulk09:05
ubotumckulk: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:05
rrobborisfr: alt + 95 is _ and alt + 45 is -09:05
mckulkpajamian thx.09:05
Homerewhat's the difference between ubuntu server and ubuntu desktop from apt's point of view ?   (install via debootstrap)09:06
donkey7186does anyone know where i can get free tags for the computer09:06
rrobHomere i use desktop edition09:06
unopborisfr,  CTRL+SHIFT+U, 5, F09:06
rrobHomere there is no desktop09:06
rrobits clean system09:06
rrobabout 600mb09:06
TerrasqueHomere: the default package list :)09:06
unoprrob, does alt+<whatever> work on gnome?09:06
rrobgreat think09:07
HomereTerrasque: ok, thanks09:07
rrobunop ... .) aha ... dont know09:07
mckulkpajamian for looking suported tv card. do i have to look in multimedia sections?09:07
rrobunop ... but i think yes .. its standart ascii code09:07
unoprrob, i dont think it works like it does on windows09:07
pajamianmckulk: I don't know, look around and see.09:07
rrobunop ... ugh .. now you know on which system im now .)09:07
unoprrob, yea, but on linux, the value is read in hexadecimal not decimal09:08
rrobunop ... dont you know how to set users in webdav?09:08
unoprrob, you on windows?09:08
rrobunop ... (shame) yes .( ..... im in work09:08
unoprrob, htaccess/htpasswd i assume09:08
tarelerulzWhat do you all think about Konqueror compared to  Fire fox ?09:09
radragon16Can someone help a linux noob with a java problem?09:09
rrobtarelerulz firefox rulez09:09
rrobradragon16 whic problem09:09
mckulk i cant find supported tv cards by ubuntu. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport for looking suported tv card. do i have to look in multimedia sections?09:09
rrobtarelerulz but opera is best09:09
radragon16I have java installed yet when I i try to load an app I get "Error loading applet"09:09
prestonwill the beta of 8.04 turn into the final release if i continue to update the beta??09:10
pajamianmckulk: it looks to me like there are TV cards in the multimedia section.09:10
unoptarelerulz, konqueror is mostly used on KDE desktops .. and it's quite cool in the way it can also morph into a file browser .. but it's not as widely used as firefox09:10
Flannelpreston: yes09:10
tarelerulzrrob, what do you like about opera over Firefox .09:10
prestonthanks Flannel09:10
rrobmckulk if i can fint some howto (last time for scanner) i try google for "howto gentoo scanner / tv card"09:10
DJones!final | preston09:10
ubotupreston: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.09:10
pajamianpreston: you really need to ask questions about the beta in #ubuntu+109:10
unoptarelerulz, opera seems to work faster but it doesn't have as many available extensions as firefox.09:10
rrobtarelerulz gestures and lot of things09:10
rrobtarelerulz try it09:11
prestonah ok thanks pajamian09:11
tarelerulzFor file manger / web browering it is pretty good. If could get it act bit more like firefox I would be set .09:11
mckulkk_ i cant find supported tv cards by ubuntu. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport for looking suported tv card. do i have to look in multimedia sections?09:11
tarelerulzI used opera on windows and I really did not say anything that just jump out at me.  The text-to-speech part was the only really cool thing I found on it.09:12
unopradragon16, is that all of the error message you get?09:12
radragon16with an applet that is09:12
borisfranother question, I want to install the hardy beta, because someone tell me there is no bugs. 1) is that right ? ^^ 2) if I install hardy, when the final version will be released, will I have to reinstall hardy ? (sorry for my english)09:12
unopradragon16, i think applets need specific command line options to be launched offline .. you will probably have better luck asking the guys in #java09:13
rrobborisfr dont do it, wait for finall release09:13
radragon16This is an online applet09:13
borisfrwhy ?09:13
Pi3cHfinall release would be on 16 days09:13
rrobborisfr update may be complicated09:13
MrMistWhen will we se default font antialiasing in emacs ?09:13
borisfrok ... thanks09:13
rrobborisfr and some errors could happend09:13
unopborisfr, 1) wrong 2) you just update available packages09:13
MrMistWhy all this hassle to get it working ?09:14
MrMistShouldn't someone point that out for the 8.04 guys? We WANT emacs with aliasing09:14
unopMrMist, you can ask the guys yourself.. please go to #ubuntu+109:14
radragon16So you guys have no clue?09:14
[[thufir]]is there some problem with installing PHP curl?09:14
[[thufir]]I get an error when installing curl:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62487/09:15
borisfris there a software that crypt specified data automatically ?09:15
Pi3cHdoes any bodu here know about Squid cache proxy?09:15
tarelerulzWhere would you find the Konqueror chat room or page ect . I really like to mess with beyond normal use stuff. I basical want to make it act more like fire fox.09:16
unop[[thufir]], run this first .. sudo aptitude update09:16
mckulk_sory, i was disconnected. i cant find supported tv cards by ubuntu. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport for looking suported tv card. do i have to look in multimedia sections?09:16
radragon16I will try #java09:16
thundr2tarelerulz: try /j #konqueror09:16
Pi3cHdoes any bodu here know about Squid cache proxy?09:16
unop!truecrypt | borisfr09:16
ubotuborisfr: Truecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume09:16
borisfrthanks !09:17
[[thufir]]unop: will do.   I'm doing updates through the GUI at the moment.  same thing?09:17
Biokarl_108042what´s up09:17
Pi3cHno one knows?!09:17
ikmpajamian: i asked from windows channel and they suggess might be its a media problem, chage ur cd rom and try09:17
mckulk_sory, i was disconnected. i cant find supported tv cards by ubuntu. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport for looking suported tv card. do i have to look in multimedia sections?09:18
unop[[thufir]], yes, and if you are updating via the GUI that could be the reasons apt-get fails at the CLI09:18
ikmi did but failed :) lol, seems ubuntu dont like me anymore09:18
thundr2tarelerulz: You could also try #kde.  It might be more active, but I don't know if that specifically would be off-topic.09:18
unoptarelerulz, or #kubuntu even09:18
rrobunop ... htacces/htpasswd is for apache ... im using lighttpd .( and lighttpd wiki dont talk about it09:18
unoprrob, i have no idea about lighthttpd .. maybe the webdav documentation (for lighthttpd ??) has more on users and authentication09:19
[[thufir]]unop:  I only started trying the GUI update when the curl install failed.  it's chugging away09:19
unop[[thufir]], ok, let that finish first then09:19
borisfrdo you know why gparted take 20 minutes to start ? and 20 minutes to resize a partition...09:20
rrobunop: documentation have about 30lines .( nothing else09:20
radragon16They won't let me into #java lol I get this:        * ##java :You need to be identified to join that channel09:20
rrobunop ... uaaa i find lighttpd irc channel .)09:20
rrobbye and thx09:20
unop!register | radragon1609:20
uboturadragon16: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.09:20
unoprrob, well, thats a problem with some of these smaller projects - lack of sufficient documentation.09:21
Frogzooborisfr: I'd say it's having trouble reading the disk09:21
=== radragon16 is now known as radragon
openuserhi, do anybody know if there's some ubuntu based distro which includes kde 4 by default????09:22
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[[thufir]]sudo aptitude update seems to stall at 99% [Connecting to ca.archive.ubuntu.com (]    as did trying to install curl.  some sort of repository problem?  my networking would seem to be ok.09:22
bazhangopenuser: you can install kde4 very easily with a single command in ubuntu09:22
borisfrfrogzoo => the disk is readable and has no problem, I use it from a long time09:23
Frogzoo[[thufir]]: maybe a repos down atm - try later09:23
yao_ziyuani strongly recommend that ubuntu include the gnome-look,.org theme Nimbus09:23
yao_ziyuanit is the best gnome theme i have ever used09:23
radragon16I guess it worked09:23
bazhang!brainstorm | yao_ziyuan09:23
[[thufir]]Frogzoo: ok09:23
ubotuyao_ziyuan: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!09:23
DJones!kde4 | openuser, There's a link and instructions on how to add kde4 to your system here,09:23
ubotuopenuser, There's a link and instructions on how to add kde4 to your system here,: KDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde409:23
mckulk_ i cant find supported tv cards by ubuntu. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport for looking suported tv card. do i have to look in multimedia sections?09:24
erUSUL[[thufir]]: most likely a probelm in the server09:26
kelvin911does anyone here know how to format a floppy???09:27
mckulk_ i cant find supported tv cards by ubuntu. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport for looking suported tv card. do i have to look in multimedia sections?09:27
Frogzookelvin911: fdformat09:27
kelvin911format a floppy that is in the USB floppy drive09:27
kelvin911in USB floppy drive not the normal one09:27
kelvin911like one of those USB floppy drive for laptop09:28
azukiis it a usb floppy ?09:28
kelvin911superformat then what?09:28
kelvin911no one knows?09:29
Frogzookelvin911: fdformat09:29
gg!info fdformat09:30
ubotuPackage fdformat does not exist in gutsy09:30
erUSULkelvin911: «gksudo gfloppy»09:30
thundr2mckulk_: Which tv tuner do you have?09:30
kelvin911i try the floppy formator but it said something like geometry not recognize09:30
kelvin911it is a usb floppy not the normal one09:31
kelvin911pls take a look http://img217.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1is3.png09:32
Frogzookelvin911: if it were me, I'd do 'sudo fdformat /path/to/drive'09:32
kelvin911whats the path?09:32
kelvin911is it /media/disk???09:32
kelvin911it is mounted there09:32
kelvin911i dont know what dev it is in09:33
Frogzookelvin911: /mount will show the device name09:33
Frogzookelvin911: 'mount' will show the device name09:33
Frogzoobut if it's already mounting, why need format it?09:33
kelvin911here /dev/sdj on /media/disk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,usefree)09:34
kelvin911if i have an image file something.img how do i put it in the disk?09:34
Frogzookelvin911: dd if=something.img of=/dev/sdj   assuming that path's right09:34
kelvin911i want to create a floppy boot disk09:34
kelvin911Frogzoo: what is the command?09:35
kelvin911dd myfile.img /dev/sdj ????09:35
In-Sanehows it useful if I downloaded the Hardy version (beta), I mean it is still beta?09:35
AdvoWorkhi there, i had a samba share setup from my linux machine to a windows box, the share was from /home/mydir to \\theotherpc\mydirfiles which pointed to c:\mydirfiles. All ive done is changed the share from c:\mydirfiles to d:\mydirfiles for the share name, which works yet ive tried restarting samba,remounting and it gives me: Could not open /home/mydir: Invalid slot and Could not resolve mount point /home/mydir  any ideas please? do i have to re "09:35
Tex-Twilcould anybody help to find me where this QT error comes from ? http://pastebin.com/m1ca5906b09:36
Tex-Twilwhen trying to ./configure kbear09:36
borisfrwhy nautilus can not be launched by the terminal ?09:37
akatsukihello why there is nothing on the gedit /etc/inittab???not in 7.10 anymore?09:37
ggnautilus /home?09:37
akatsukiwhats the new command for inittab??09:37
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erUSUL!upstart | akatsuki09:38
AdvoWorkactually, i think ive fixed it09:38
ubotuakatsuki: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/09:38
borisfrgg => yes I can launch nautilus with the GUI but "nautilus" "gksudo nautilus" "nautilus .", etc doesn't work09:38
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/09:38
dcmortonTex-Twil: could you also put the contents of config.log to pastebin.com?09:39
akatsukierUSUL i just type this and i will be able to use the old commands?09:39
erUSULakatsuki: what do you want to do?09:39
Tex-Twilok dcmorton09:39
erUSULakatsuki: what old commands?09:39
atmisheredoes any body know about GRID internet is it like networked GRID computers using OFC cables...09:39
borisfrI'm on the live cd, and I can launch nautilus in terminal when I'm logged with Ubuntu, but not root09:39
akatsukiwell i want to get in to inittab in order to free up more memory.. tahts why.. i want to disable some virtual consoles that i never use09:40
Tex-Twildcmorton, http://pastebin.com/m5c186ef709:40
erUSULakatsuki: then rename the /etc/event.d/tty* files that you do not need09:41
akatsukifor example respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3, 4, 5, and 609:42
akatsukii want to add a # there09:42
borisfrhow to calculate the size of a directory ? on terminal09:42
akatsukiis the only way i know how09:42
Tex-Twildu -sh borisfr09:42
akatsukithe way i use to do it before09:42
akatsukierUSUL i dont know how to do that09:42
akatsukihow is that method09:42
kelvin911dd: opening `/dev/fd0': Permission denied09:43
borisfrthx !09:43
akatsukierUSUL i try  /etc/event.d/tty but its blank09:44
kelvin911i try this dd if=bootfloppy.img of=/dev/fd0 and i receive error09:44
akatsukii cant see any data there:S09:44
erUSULakatsuki: "sudo mv /etc/event.d/tty6 /etc/event.d/tty6.disabled" for example09:44
erUSULakatsuki: and the same for the rest of the unneeded vt's09:44
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Tex-Twildcmorton, any ideas ?09:46
Sliderhi, i am having a problem with my keyboard, can anyone help ?09:46
akatsukireally?? for example sudo mv /etc/event.d/tty6 /etc/event.d/tty6.disabled would work for #6:23: respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6??09:46
dcmortontex-twil: just a second, possibly one09:46
Tex-Twilok dcmorton09:47
kelvin911i have exactally same situation with this guy http://readlist.com/lists/lists.debian.org/debian-user/10/54840.html09:48
kelvin911how to solve it?09:48
akatsukiahh it has been a long time not touching ubuntu.. but i do remmeber some tricks09:48
akatsukii will try this brb09:48
borisfrI want to know the size of each elements of the directory, and I type "ls -a . | du -sh" but it doesn't work. How can I do ?09:48
akatsukii have other questions09:49
nuccohi, i'm trying to compile a program from svn, but some of my libs are out of date. is it possible to install the newer versions without affecting the distro provided ones just for the sake of building and testing the program?09:49
dcmortontex-twil: try this sudo apt-get install libqt3-headers libqt3-compat-headers09:49
dcmortontex-twil: and then try the ./configure again09:49
bazhangcant wait for wubi support ;]09:50
akatsukierUSUL :( this appears: mv: cannot stat `/etc/event.d/tty6': No such file or directory09:50
=== dfregntrhy is now known as snowdoll12345
Tex-Twilok dcmorton I try09:50
akatsukithe one i want to disable is  #6:23: respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty609:51
Tex-Twildcmorton, no way09:52
erUSULakatsuki: which version of ubuntu do you have installed?09:54
akatsukii mean09:55
nuccoyou can put more than one word on a line akatsuki09:56
kelvin911is there windows95/98 emulator for ubuntu?09:57
neetoIs there something sorta like the fluxbox slit for xfce?09:57
neetokelvin911: wine can emulate pretty much any version of windows.09:57
dcmortontex-twil: have you installed the "kde-devel" package?09:57
Tex-Twilyes I did dcmorton09:57
andaxkelvin911: there is a compatibility layer for windows called wine.09:57
kelvin911i wanna play rollercoaster09:57
kelvin911it is for win95/98 only09:58
kelvin911anyone know how to Making boot floppy with USB floppy drive09:58
neetokelvin911: http://appdb.winehq.org/search_results.php?cx=013271970634691685804%3Abc-56dvxydi&cof=FORID%3A11&q=rollercoaster+tycoon&sa=Search09:58
andaxkelvin911: check out winehq if rollercoaster works with wine.09:59
andaxkelvin911: like neeto already mentioned09:59
akatsukiok im reading now.. the initabb function was replace by something called upstart?10:00
kelvin911anyone know how to Making boot floppy with USB floppy drive10:00
akatsukii dont know anything about upstart10:00
_rubenakatsuki: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/10:00
borisfrubuntu_ => on est sur les serveurs anglais, vas sur #ubuntu-fr ;)10:01
borisfrle canal anglais j'veux dire10:02
akatsukiruben there no enough info.. i want to know how to go to the text editor of inittab10:03
neetodoes anyone know of any apps that display CPU/RAM/Disk Space info on your desktop in real time?10:03
akatsukisorry i mean of upstar10:03
akatsukithere is no text editor for upstart??10:04
chlamwhat about breezy badger and sata.i10:05
_rubenakatsuki: just use your favorite editor10:05
chlamdoes it come with taht image?10:05
chlamis there a way for me to load it10:05
DistroJockeyneeto: Something like   gkrellm   maybe?10:06
rrobdo you know how to join domain ... /usr/bin/net join -U  ...10:07
neetoDistroJockey: I'll check it out. I am looking for those things that are basically embedded in the desktop and display all that information.10:08
Flannelchlam: What?10:08
snowdoll12345neeto, conky10:08
Flannelchlam: SATA I you mean?  What about it?10:08
DistroJockeyneeto: *nods*10:08
chlami mean like a kernel image10:08
kelvin911cant install rollercoster10:09
chlamwith slackware you can press like F8 and get a list10:09
chlamof like atapi.i scsi.i ..etc10:09
neetosnowdoll12345: conky? nice.10:09
Flannelchlam: SATA is a hardware thing10:09
chlami have sata drives10:09
Flannelchlam: The regular kernel will work fine with SATA drives.  You don't have to do anything special.10:09
chlamon breezy badger?10:10
Flannelchlam: However, you shouldn't be using Breezy.  Breezy is no longer supported10:10
chlami know this, man10:10
chlami don't have an option10:10
xx0xxcan anyone help with dns?10:10
Tex-Twildcmorton, are you still here ?10:10
Flannelchlam: Breezy should work fine with SATA drives, yes.  Of course, its been a few years since I've done any breezy installs, but I don't remember having troubles.10:11
Flannelchlam: I'd say you'd be able to provide additional drivers at install time, but I think that was only implemented after Breezy.10:12
bullgard4Impress: (I am going to prepare a lecture for the Hardy Release Party in Berlin.) How to create or delete a symbol that appears on all transparencies of the lecture? Where to obtain Impress help?10:13
GuySofthey all, we have a modified version running on a hard drive here. and we want turn it to a live cd, is there is a way to do this?10:13
pjvwhere do i blacklist a port?10:14
DistroJockeyGuySoft: try  remastersys10:17
akatsukihelllo anyone know how to call up the text editor with startup loaded10:18
akatsukii need to edit it10:18
lesshastehttp://videolectures.net/mlss05us_bickel_bscs/ says it needs a plugin but it doesn't tell me which one!10:19
lesshastehow do I find out?10:19
brianCan I make a shortcut to something(/home/username/desktop) and actually place it right in /?10:19
ubotuDNS is an acronym for Domain Name System, and is an internet system used to translate names into IP Address.10:19
miriam27kann mir hier jemand hilfe leisten, ich habe 2 probleme mit ubuntu10:22
rockysynerg1I just installed Inkscape 0.45. I tried it out by creating a new file. But just after I draw the fist object with rectangle draw tool, the Inkscape  crashed with the error message in terminal says "(inkscape:4812): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_utf8_casefold: assertion `str != NULL' failed" Do any of you have any idea how to fix this?10:22
osfameron!de | miriam2710:22
ubotumiriam27: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:22
akatsukihello people how can i install the fasterfox extension ?? i cant found it in synaptic:S10:22
lesshasteakatsuki, the normal way :) just go to its homepage10:23
osfameronakatsuki: I usually google for the extension and install from addons.mozilla.org or wherever10:23
chlamwhat's fasterfox?10:23
lesshastehttp://videolectures.net/mlss05us_bickel_bscs/ says it needs a plugin but it doesn't tell me which one!  How do I find which plugin it was looking for. It doesn't seem to tell you10:23
lesshastechlam, a waste of time :)10:23
kelvin911when running wine10:24
kdittyi have a cavalry external HDD formatted in ntfs, when i plug the usb into my port ubuntu does not pick it up10:25
brianCan I make a shortcut to something("/home/username/desktop") and actually place it right in "/"?10:25
kelvin911if the game is playing at the resolution lower than the desktop how to make it running in window?10:25
blue-frogbrian with administrative rights yes10:25
kelvin911why the game i play has higher frame rate than i play in xp?10:25
DistroJockeylesshaste: did you look at the "See also" section?10:25
briankelvin911: This is Ubuntus support channel, not wines :) I THINK wines room is #winehq10:26
brianblue-frog: Ah :D How do I do that? I'm the only account on the computer, so should I have admin?(New to linux)10:26
brianblue-frog: so shouldn't I have admin*10:26
lesshasteDistroJockey, where?10:26
kdittyfdisk -l puts out...10:26
kditty   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System10:26
kditty/dev/sdb1   *           1       48641   390708801    7  HPFS/NTFS10:26
blue-frogbrian: you are admin already10:27
DistroJockeylesshaste: that page you linked10:27
blue-frogbrian if you are new to linux, you shouldn't start meesing around for nothing with /10:27
IdentityXWhenever I boot Ubuntu I first need to run "sudo ifconfig eth1 mtu 1400" to correctly set the MTU of my adapter. Is there a way to do this automatically on startup, or change the setting permanently?10:27
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.10:28
brianblue-frog: When I try to put the shortcut in, it says I don't have permission.10:28
ubotuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See the plans for Hardy at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EboxSpec10:29
Tex-Twilcould anybody help to find me where this QT error comes from ? http://pastebin.com/m1ca5906b10:29
blue-frogbrian correct but what do you need to put this shortcut in here for?10:29
Tex-Twil!ebox | Tex-Twil10:29
lesshasteDistroJockey, firefox says there are missing plugins then fails to find any10:29
lesshasteDistroJockey, what does it do for you?10:29
DistroJockeylesshaste: yeah, noticed that (same). Says: Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin - Download (for Win only ofcourse) :(10:30
lesshasteDistroJockey, right.. shouldn't firefox be able to use totem or mplayer in the normal way?10:30
IdentityXWhenever I boot Ubuntu I first need to run "sudo ifconfig eth1 mtu 1400" to correctly set the MTU of my adapter. Is there a way to do this automatically on startup, or change the setting permanently?10:30
lkthomashey guys10:31
lkthomasanyone using qemu now ?10:31
brianblue-frog: Got a little server set up, and part of it is filesharing. Me and my friend(Who actually can view all the folders on the computer, not just the ones in the uploads folder it has) hafta go through a few folders to get to the uploads. Twould just be nice to click the one link and be done. Tis all GUI, no command line.10:31
DistroJockeylesshaste: doesn't look like it, is the same in Hardy beta (that's what I'm using atm)10:31
DistroJockeylesshaste: the .PPT slides work fine though10:31
nespIdentityX: add it in /etc/rc.local10:32
lesshasteDistroJockey, they aren't as nice as video :)10:32
IdentityXjust that line?10:32
DistroJockeylesshaste: :)10:32
IdentityXBut will I stall have to enter the sudo password?10:32
nespyup.. before the exit 010:32
akatsukihello, i connect my laptop to an external monitor... using vga.. and ubuntu didnt load! anyone know how can i fix this?10:32
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:32
IdentityXSo there is no way of getting Ubuntu to remember my mtu? That would be ideal.10:33
nespIdentityX: or you can add it in /etc/network/interfaces10:33
nespi think that's more ideal10:34
akatsukiCHE_CHE eres carlos? wazzup10:34
nesptry "man interfaces" to see examples on how to add it10:34
akatsukiCHE_CHE wazzup dude.. are you carlos?10:34
blue-frogbrian sorry dunno10:34
DistroJockeylesshaste: That site should use open formats to publish anyway.10:34
lesshasteDistroJockey, :)10:35
brianblue-frog: Ah, dang >.< Thanks anyways.10:35
xx0xxhow to install eBox?10:35
lesshasteDistroJockey, that's not as simple as it sounds10:35
brianAnyone else know how I could put a shortcut into the / directory?10:35
akatsukixx0xx xbox would not load in ubuntu Imao10:35
akatsukiwhat r u talking about10:35
alitis4hello, i try remove complete the nvidia (modules,glx etc), i tried to reinstall them today, finally i did, but my ubuntu, is not recognize the HT of my pc10:35
xx0xxakatsuki ;s10:35
alitis4and also, i can't manage my volume control10:36
alitis4it diplays some erros10:36
xx0xxakatsuki i didnt say xbox lmfao10:36
Paavi2_0brian: i bet you mean symlink. it's quite easy...10:36
DistroJockeylesshaste: "Exchange ideas, share knowledge." and only give in in a Windows proprietary format. *sighs*10:36
akatsukiyeh i now10:36
lesshasteDistroJockey, and using rtmp10:36
DistroJockeylesshaste: I don't even know what that is :(10:36
akatsukihello, i connect my laptop to an external monitor... using vga.. and ubuntu didnt load! anyone know how can i fix this?10:36
Oprtzhi there10:36
brianbrian: Uh... Whatever Right Click>Make Link does :P I need one of those, and then I put it in /, which I dont have permissions for it says.10:37
Oprtzgot the solution10:37
lesshasteDistroJockey, it's the way it is streamed..makes it impossible to play outside flash in linux currently10:37
IdentityXThe content in my /etc/network/interfaces is "auto lo <newline> iface lo inet loopback". I can just put append the line to that?10:37
Oprtzas i already asked u guys that i am getting " initframs " error while installing ubuntu on my 2nd HDD10:37
DistroJockeylesshaste: they need a good talking to10:37
xx0xxhow to install eBox? http://ebox-platform.com10:37
Oprtzi remove the HDD and try it on 1st HDD i can use it and now i am chatting from X desktop10:37
lesshasteDistroJockey, sadly this is very common for free services.. I think they don't have any money for staff so they outsource it to some commercial company who doesn't care10:38
dexemxx0xx: it's in hardy universe repository10:38
DistroJockeylesshaste: true :(10:38
nespIdentityX: doesn't it have a "iface eth0 inet static?10:39
xx0xxdexem what version is hardy?10:39
nespIdentityX: or something like that..10:39
lesshastewhich plugin for firefox can handle application/x-ms-wmp  ?10:39
dexemxx0xx: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ebox&searchon=names&suite=hardy&section=all10:39
IdentityXI'm using wirelss btw10:39
DistroJockeylesshaste: the only thing I can think of is this:  https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/8110:40
Oprtzhow to fix " initframs " problem of disk ?10:40
IdentityXeth1 is a wireless USB adapter10:40
nespIdentityX: how about eth0?10:40
lesshasteDistroJockey, ok.. I think mplayer plugin should be able to10:40
IdentityXI assume my internal ethernet card. But I don't use that anyway.10:40
akatsuki hello, i connect my laptop to an external monitor... using vga.. and ubuntu didnt load! anyone know how can i fix this10:40
DistroJockeylesshaste: yeah, try mplayer first :)10:40
lesshasteDistroJockey, but I need a newer version than is available for gutsy10:41
DistroJockeylesshaste: maybe in backports?10:41
lesshasteDistroJockey, maybe :010:41
nespIdentityX: ow, i forgot you where using eth1.. try adding "mtu <size>" under the "iface eth1 inet static"10:42
zeroi need some  help10:42
maekzero shoot10:42
komachatHi all , [ Error writing /var/log/apache2/error.log: No such file or directory ] , Shall I create the directory and try again? I would of thought that it would of made all the files and folders when i installed it though ?10:42
zeromaek: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62492/10:42
zeroi get this error when i log in10:43
nespIdentityX: at least that's where the manual says it should go :)10:43
maekKomachat make sure apache has administrative access10:43
IdentityXnesp: There is no iface static entry for eth1, or eth0 for that matter.10:43
zeroany ideas what might need done so i can fix this?10:44
IdentityXJust "auto lo <newline> iface lo inet loopback". Nothing else10:44
komachatmaek: then ?10:44
nespIdentityX: ow, then i think you're using Network manager to configure your network card..10:44
komachatmaek : ls: /var/log/apache2/error.log: No such file or directory10:44
nespi don't know how to set the mtu in Network manager10:44
maekzero it sounds like you don't own your own home directory10:44
nespI think you'll just need to use /etc/rc.local :)10:45
zeromaek, how do i fix this?10:45
IdentityXAh, but Network SEttings does not have an entry for mtu10:45
zeromaek: if it helps, i know my root PW10:46
ActionParsnipIdentityX: google for the format of /etc/network/interfaces file. It may help10:46
brianPaavi2_0: Wow. I sent this a minute ago, to MYSELF. Pretty smart, huh. Heres what I TRIED to send YOU >.> "Uh... Whatever Right Click>Make Link does :P I need one of those, and then I put it in /, which I dont have permissions for it says."10:46
maekdoes it let you login zero ??10:46
lesshasteis it possible to install https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/mplayerplug-in/3.50-1ubuntu2 in gutsy?10:47
wersi want an alternatie to banshee and rhythmbox. what can you recommend other than exaile? :D (not qt apps please :P :D)10:47
zeromaek: i cant login as root, but i can run terminal as root10:47
ActionParsnipbrian: do it at cli with ln -s <file or folder to link to>10:47
zeromaek actual root, not that sudo crap10:47
DistroJockeybrian: check out the manpage for   ln  and use sudo to get permission10:47
ActionParsnipbrian: with sudo10:47
maekzero you should be login as a user not as root10:47
zeromaek, i can not login as root10:48
zeroanyway, tahts not my issue10:48
komachathey /var/log/apache2/ and  /var/log/apache2/error.log not exists .. Shall I create the directory and try again? the file was just blank..10:48
zerocan you help me get it so i own my home directory maek?10:48
DistroJockeykomachat: may aswell, it's only a temp file anyway10:48
nespIdentityX: good.. got so used to text.. i forgot the GUI was usually easier :)10:48
maekkomachat, Apache cannot see those files if it doesn't have administrative access10:48
ActionParsnipzero: sudo chown<username>  /home/<username>10:49
komachatthanks maek10:49
brianActionParsnip and DistroJockey: Do the what to the who with the sandwich? :( I really have no idea what you guys said... I've gotten the basics of USING Ubuntu down, but anything terminal(Or really, outside firefox and the desktop), I know nothing about.10:49
zerothanks ActionParsnip10:49
Paavi2_0brian: "gksu nautilus" will give you the power to do so...i think10:49
zeroActionParsnip, now the issue is fixed?10:49
IdentityXnesp: Easier, but lacking in features :(. I'm a real beginner at Linux. If I just describe eth1 as static, do I have to declare the IPs or can I just put mtu 1400 as the only option and use roaming still?10:50
ActionParsnipzero: you may have achived the issue by running stuff as root. It can damage ownerships. I'd log on as user and run as sudo when you need admin (rare) also running apps as admin is a huge security risk10:50
DistroJockeybrian: man ln   (in a terminal tells you what ln does.  sudo gives root access)10:50
ActionParsnipbrian: wassup?10:50
maekkomachat, try putting "sudo" at the start of the apache commands10:51
ActionParsnipbrian: in konsole type: cd /10:51
sen_Can I install ubuntu on extend partion (not primary partition)10:51
ActionParsnipbrian: do you know where the app or folder is located?10:51
nespIdentityX: the manual says the mtu is for static only..10:51
IdentityXYeah, I know...10:51
zeroActionParsnip, same problem10:52
zerothat command didnt fix it10:52
DistroJockeysen_: yes, you can install it on a logical partition inside the extended partition10:52
IdentityXWhat about10:52
brianActionParsnip: Ok, did that, and yup, its /home/username/KDX/Server/KDXServer.lexe (Yes, username is my username :)10:52
wersis it just my computer or is exaile really faster than rhythmbox?10:53
maekzero what did you type in ??10:53
IdentityXiface eth1 inet loopback <newline> post-up ifconfig eth1 mtu 140010:53
zerosudo chown zero /home/zero10:53
IdentityXOr is sudo still required?10:53
maekdid it prompt for a password ??10:54
zeromaek, yeah it did10:54
ActionParsnipbrian: then use ln -s <that stuff you typed>10:54
nespsudo's still required10:54
ActionParsnipbrian: that will create a shortcut to the folder Server10:55
nespi mean.. to edit the interfaces file10:55
ActionParsnipbrian: if you use tab you can autocomplete ;)10:55
IdentityXoh, but when I put that line in.10:55
akatsukihi i just install thunar10:55
IdentityXiface eth1 inet loopback <newline> post-up ifconfig eth1 mtu 140010:55
IdentityXWithout sudo10:55
akatsukibut i cant log in with thunar10:55
nespno need10:55
IdentityXI'll give that a try.10:55
ActionParsnipbrian: ln means link and -s makes it symbolic10:56
zeromaek, can you help me?10:56
brianActionParsnip: Ah, ok :) Whats symbolic mean?10:56
yao_ziyuanhow do i disable remote login?10:56
ActionParsnipbrian: if you cd into a symbolic folder you will jump to the place it points10:56
ActionParsnipbrian: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link10:57
maekzero ... im seeing if I can .... if any of you other users have any ideas then post it10:57
lesshasteis it possible to install https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/mplayerplug-in/3.50-1ubuntu2 in gutsy?10:57
Paavi2_0brian: symbolic link is almost like shortcut in windows-world10:57
brianActionParsnip: Ah, ok. So basically the same as a windows shortcut? I know what it does, just never associated that word with it10:57
brianPaavi2_0: Ah, ok, thanks :D10:57
nespIdentityX: for more info.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConfigurationCommandLine10:58
maekzero go to your home directory and hit CTRL - H10:58
ActionParsnipbrian: there are hard links too but symlink does most jobs10:58
brianDistroJockey: Thanks for that :D Would have done the trick(Had ActionParsnip not guided me through it :)10:58
arvind_khadrihi cant install flashplugin-nonfree10:59
DistroJockeybrian: np, I like to help people help themselves, unless they are really stuck :)10:59
AliRezaTaleghanihello room,  i have an other simple problem, with pidgin,  i don't know why no buddy can see the my status photo??10:59
zeromaek ok im there10:59
lesshastearvind_khadri, what's the problem?10:59
maekzero then right click on the .dmrc file and select properties then permissions ... make sure its read and write for all of them10:59
arvind_khadrilesshaste, it says the package has been moved11:00
maekzero sorry make sure that the permissions are set only for the owner and not the group or others11:00
maekzero Owner zero = read and write11:00
maekthen hit OK zero11:01
zeromaek, its already set to taht11:01
maekwhat are you logged in as zero ... zero or root ??11:01
s_anybody in?11:01
cptcirsshey i can not compile using make on ubuntu 7.0111:01
zerozero, maek, i cant login as root11:02
maekonly as zero ??11:02
zeromaek,  yea11:02
arvind_khadricptcirss, yes u can and its 7.1011:02
arvind_khadricptcirss,wats the error u r getting11:03
cptcirssi am compiling it using sudo11:03
maekhave you ever logged in as root graphically zero ??11:03
s_when downloading smthng,WXDOWNLOAD-FAST shuts itself and stops downloading.so any settings problem?11:03
zeromaek, ubuntu wont let you login graphically as root11:04
arvind_khadricptcirss, u need to configure first11:04
arvind_khadribazhang, u there??11:04
cptcirss:-) i am doing that11:04
maeksudo chown 644 ~/.dmrc   <<---- Zero try that command11:05
arvind_khadricptcirss, did u get any error messages while configuring???11:05
xx0xxcan anyone help me with dns?11:06
cptcirsschmode: changing permissinon of  './snddevices': operation not permitted11:06
ActionParsnipxx0xx: wassup?11:06
zeromaek, ok i used the command, entered my PW and then nothing, it just went back to command line,11:06
s_when downloading smthng,WXDOWNLOAD-FAST shuts itself and stops downloading.so any settings problem?11:06
arvind_khadricptcirss, use sudo11:06
xx0xxActionParsnip i am newbie with setting up dns11:07
xx0xxname server11:07
zeroi think i gotta reboot for it to take effect, yea?11:07
cptcirssthis was after using sudo11:07
arvind_khadricptcirss, are you you the only user of the system11:08
maekzero this thread might give you some ideas  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37105211:08
xx0xxERGH no one here to help me11:08
cptcirssyap arvind11:08
ActionParsnipxx0xx:  I said wassup.11:08
zeromaek thanks11:08
arvind_khadricptcirss, and look whether whatever permissions you are changing for the file belongs to u only11:08
maeknp zero11:09
ActionParsnipxx0xx: what is your issue with DNS?11:09
cptcirssno files are in root permission and i want them to be executable11:09
ActionParsnipcptcirss: chmod +x <file>11:10
arvind_khadricptcirss, do u have root powers??11:10
arvind_khadricptcirss, chmod -u +x <file>11:11
cptcirssyap arvind11:12
arvind_khadricptcirss, i guess u need to be sudo for tat11:12
arvind_khadricptcirss, so were u able to do it??11:12
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: if you are the owner of the file than no11:12
lesshasteis it possible to install https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/mplayerplug-in/3.50-1ubuntu2 in gutsy?11:12
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, yeah i know,but he isnt the owner :)11:12
the_alamois there some sort of howto for installing pulseaudio 0.9.10?11:12
ActionParsniplesshaste: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install mplayerplug-in11:13
lesshasteActionParsnip, that's 3.4011:13
cptcirssi get this11:13
cptcirsscriss@rocker:/windows/Audio/alsa-driver-1.0.10rc3$ make11:13
cptcirssif [ ! -d include/sound -a ! -L include/sound ]; then \11:13
cptcirss          ln -sf ../alsa-kernel/include include/sound ; \11:13
cptcirss        fi11:13
cptcirssln: creating symbolic link `include/sound' to `../alsa-kernel/include': Operation not permitted11:13
FloodBot3cptcirss: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:13
cptcirssmake: *** [include/sound/version.h] Error 111:13
ActionParsnip!paste | cptcirss11:13
ubotucptcirss: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:13
lesshasteActionParsnip, which doesn't support the mime type application/x-ms-wmp it seems11:13
ActionParsniplesshaste: get win32codecs11:13
lesshasteActionParsnip, I have that... you can check by doing about:plugins11:14
xx0xxActionParsnip any idea?11:14
xx0xxabout dns?11:14
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, i cant install flash non free ones...says package moved11:14
ActionParsnipxx0xx: you havent stated any issues?11:14
apoorvhello guys, i have this sound card "Yamaha", but i am having no sound. in dmesg this is the error i am getting " ACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:02:02.0 disabled" "Yamaha DS-1 PCI: probe of 0000:02:02.0 failed with error -16". GUYS HELP :'(11:15
xx0xxi did11:15
xx0xxbut everyone like to ignore it11:15
xx0xxi dont know how to setup dns(name server ie. ns.something.com)11:15
ActionParsnipxx0xx: I just scrolled up and cant see any text11:15
apoorvI have compiled yamaha firmware, have alsa-tools, have compiled alsa from alsa website, and have tried changing kernels.11:15
lesshasteActionParsnip, video/x-ms-wmp is there but not the mime type I need11:16
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, any work around??11:16
ActionParsnipapoorv: have you googled any?11:16
xx0xxPrivate messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems,11:16
apoorvYes , for last three days.11:16
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: chown?11:16
cptcirsswell how to paste in paste bin11:16
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, nope :) or the missing flash non free plugins11:17
ActionParsnipcptcirss: put tecxt in the pastebin and hit paste, then look at the address bar and paste the url in here11:17
apoorvActionParsnip: I think i am having acpi related prblem  "ACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:02:02.0 disabled" << In dmesg11:18
smithey93how can i partision a drive in ubuntu?11:18
arvind_khadrismithey93, use gparted11:18
smithey93arvind_khadri: is it allready installed?11:18
the_alamohas anyone installed pulseaudio 0.9.10?  how did you do it?11:19
alitis4before i remove some modules, my ubuntu, supports HT, now which i remove them, at System Monitor, i see only 1 core11:19
alitis4how i can fix this11:19
ActionParsnipapoorv: can we have an output of lspci please11:19
arvind_khadrismithey93, no u need to get it...sudo apt-get install gparted11:19
ActionParsnip!paste | apoorv11:19
ubotuapoorv: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:19
smithey93avind_khadri: im installing it now thanks, is it command line or gui11:19
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, :(( how to find the flash plugin non free11:19
apoorvActionParsnip, i am doing that11:19
arvind_khadrismithey93, its a GUI one11:20
smithey93avind_khadri: dont matter its working :) ty11:20
cptcirsscriss@rocker:/windows/Audio/alsa-driver-1.0.10rc3$ make11:20
cptcirss if [ ! -d include/sound -a ! -L include/sound ]; then11:20
cptcirss           ln -sf ../alsa-kernel/include include/sound ;11:20
cptcirss       fi ln: creating symbolic link `include/sound' to `../alsa-kernel/include': Operation not permitted11:20
cptcirss make: *** [include/sound/version.h] Error 111:20
FloodBot3cptcirss: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:20
smithey93can i partision my external drive with it? like my external harddrive11:20
arvind_khadrismithey93 congrats11:20
arvind_khadrismithey93 yeah you can11:20
smithey93thanks :-) its "scanning for drives"11:21
arvind_khadrismithey93, i think so,not sure,u can always google :)11:21
apoorvActionParsnip : lspci :- http://pastebin.com/mb94a68211:21
smithey93google is a good tool :D11:21
arvind_khadricptcirss, use paste to give us the URL...11:21
ActionParsnipapoorv: this may help some http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43752611:22
cptcirssgot it http://pastebin.com/m4d083e5b11:23
apoorvActionParsnip, i dont think that will help. As when i do aplay -l this is what i get "aplay: device_list:207: no soundcards found..."11:24
cptcirsswell question stays there i cant compile with sudo ./configure; make11:24
cptcirssgot it http://pastebin.com/m4d083e5b11:24
ActionParsnipapoorv: then your sound card is not properly configured11:25
iceswordcptcirss, sudo make & make install11:25
apoorvThen how can i do that, also is this : " Yamaha DS-1 PCI: probe of 0000:02:02.0 failed with error -16" normal  ?11:26
apoorvActionParsnip: Then how can i do that, also is this : " Yamaha DS-1 PCI: probe of 0000:02:02.0 failed with error -16" normal  ?11:26
cptcirsswell i am doing so and i am getting this problem  http://pastebin.com/m4d083e5b11:26
ActionParsnipapoorv: get googling my lad :). I'll give you a hand11:27
iceswordcptcirss, sudo make install11:27
apoorvOK dude, :)11:27
row_I used wvdial to setup a ppp session via my nokia n95, works fine yet kde is not seeing it I presume because wvdial set up ppp interface, what is best way to get it to show11:28
row_so konq etc works11:28
ActionParsnipapoorv: you need to add some modules dude11:28
row_internet def works however tested on irssi/aptitude11:28
arvind_khadricptcirss, do u have build-essential???11:28
ActionParsnipapoorv: open your /etc/modules file11:28
apoorvwell i have all the modules for "ymfpci" loaded, that shows in lsmod, shall i give you its output (pastebin) ?11:28
jaffarkelshacwhen i start my computer, compiz.real takes up all my system resources for a long time. why is that and will uninstalling compiz fusion fixed this.11:28
apoorvOK, editing /etc/modules11:29
ActionParsnipapoorv: does it have snd-ymfpci= Yamaha DS1/DS1E in it?11:29
arvind_khadricptcirss, wat are you trying to install???11:29
=== LeGreffi3R_ is now known as LeGreffi3R
row_disable network manager11:29
ActionParsnipapoorv: this is why. Its also in that link i sent you11:29
xtremeI am trying to install https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_cat83-inst.html (ATI Proprietary Linux Installer) and its says "Enter the command  ati-driver-installer-8.3-x86.x86_64.run to launch the ATI Proprietary Linux driver installer." but when I enter ati-driver-installer-8.3-x86.x86_64.run I get the messge "Command not found". Why?11:29
apoorvdoes it have to be exactly like this "snd-ymfpci= Yamaha DS1/DS1E"11:30
ActionParsnipapoorv: you'll need gksudo or kdesu to edit it11:30
iceswordxtreme, ./11:30
cptcirsseven this is also about sound on amd ad1981 ubuntu 7.1011:30
ActionParsnipapoorv: yes11:30
arvind_khadricptcirss, hey you need to type sudo make not jus make!!!!11:30
ActionParsnipapoorv:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSetupSoundCards11:30
iceswordsudo make love11:30
cptcirssi tried guys11:30
apoorvOK dude i will follow that link's instruction, i will be back after doing that .11:30
IntertricityHey, I'm considering ubuntu server install for an old 256mb 800mhz machine11:30
arvind_khadriicesword, :)11:30
ActionParsnipicesword: except for gui apps11:30
Intertricitydo you think it will run pretty zippy on that or no?11:30
ActionParsnipIntertricity: should be fine11:31
GOfreeHi, I have a quick question...11:31
DistroJockeyjaffarkelshac: Not sure why, but try going to  System - Preferences - Appearance - Visual Effects  and change it to None11:31
IntertricityCool, I want to use it as a remote dev environment11:31
Intertricityfor programming in C and python11:31
arvind_khadricptcirss, then paste the output of sudo ./configure use paste!!!11:31
ActionParsnipIntertricity: yeah absolutely11:31
Intertricityoah excellent x3! Thanks :)11:32
iceswordcptcirss, what are trying to compile11:32
IntertricityI've been wanting to tinker around in the console and learn the guts for a while11:32
xtremewhen I use ./ I get "the file or folder does not exists", but I can see it when I type ls and its correct name11:32
iceswordxtreme, chmod +x file11:33
jaffarkelshacDistroJockey, it was already on off, just turned it back on.11:33
cptcirssi get this after sudo ./configure http://pastebin.com/d5fb5a5b211:33
DistroJockeyjaffarkelshac: oh, did that help?11:33
forensti_i have a pci tv card, (philips alpha) but that dont work with linux i think. can any one give advice to which new tv card should i buy that will work and is easily available (welknown)?11:33
cptcirssiceword alsa driver11:33
LeGreffi3Rcptcirss> NEVER do your configure with sudo11:34
GOfreeWith the command "sudo apt-get update", I get the messages: "could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open" and "could not open lock file /var.../lock". Anyone?11:34
LeGreffi3Rcptcirss> do "sudo make clean",11:34
=== Co_Rush is now known as Co_KEREN
LeGreffi3Rcptcirss> then re-run the configure script WITHOUT sudo11:35
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cptcirssok i did it11:35
GOfreewhat is a lock file?11:35
Paavi2_0GOfree: do you happen to have a copy of update-manager, aptitude or synaptic running?11:35
icesword./configure --verbose,if it is,see ./configure --help11:36
cptcirssstill same problems11:36
iceswordcptcirss, ./configure --help11:37
DistroJockeycptcirss: did you follow the read.me that came with the download?11:37
GOfreePaavi2_0: No, all front ends are closed.11:37
apoorv<ActionParsnip>: i will restart and see if that works. :)11:37
cptcirssi am trying to install the alsa drivers came with my mother Bord cd11:37
forensti_i have a pci tv card, (philips alpha) but that dont work with linux i think. can any one give advice to which new tv card should i buy that will work and is easily available (welknown)?11:38
cptcirssand i am doing exactly as told11:38
LeGreffi3Rcptcirss> as far as i see, the configuration is OK, so go to the 'make' step11:39
Paavi2_0GOfree: and no other processes doing deb-stuff are running?11:39
LeGreffi3Rcptcirss> this was just the sudo , if the make clean xorked, there should be no problème11:39
LeGreffi3Rexcuse my english :)11:39
GOfreePaavi2_0:Not that I know of. How can I make sure?11:40
cptcirssi get this after make http://pastebin.com/m4d083e5b11:40
apoorvActionParsnit: that did not help :(11:41
|ismael|i was doing a work in aboword and to change the letter it delete.i can recovery it?sorry for my english...11:41
iceswordcptcirss, SUDO!!!11:41
apoorvActionParsnip: that did not help :(11:41
LeGreffi3Rcptcirss> you're on a FAT/NTFS partition?11:41
Paavi2_0GOfree: run: top11:41
LeGreffi3Rcptcirss> this won't work (you can't make sym-links)11:42
DistroJockeycptcirss: can you even cd to  ../alsa-kernel/include  from where you are?11:42
LeGreffi3Rcptcirss> do this on a regular linux partition.11:42
GOfreePaavi2_0: Hmmm...in the terminal?!  I get: "run: command not found"11:44
forensti___i have a pci tv card, (philips alpha) but that dont work with linux i think. can any one give advice to which new tv card should i buy that will work and is easily available (welknown)?11:44
forensti___what link should i click? if i use cable tv. i only need to see DVB-C devices (Digital Cable TV)11:44
Paavi2_0GOfree: type "top"11:44
iceswordforensti_, follow the instrutions of it?11:44
Paavi2_0GOfree: sorry, i wasn't being very clear11:44
GOfreePaavi2_0: Ok...that's cool. What should I look for?11:45
Paavi2_0GOfree: apt-cache, apt-get, synaptic, aptitude, update-manager, debconf...11:46
Paavi2_0GOfree: if you don11:46
raju how i knew my SDcard is connected with my laptop11:47
Paavi2_0ouch, GOfree, if you do not find those, then try using apt-get again11:47
GOfreePaavi2_0: Nope. None of those.11:48
cptcirssthis is i get when i do sudo make on a linux partition http://pastebin.com/d262772cf11:48
GOfreePaavi2_0: I am getting a user "haldaemo" which seems strange.11:48
=== snowolf_ is now known as snowolf
GOfree[retrying apt-get]11:49
Paavi2_0GOfree: it's not strange11:49
Paavi2_0GOfree: without haldaemo your devices wouldn't co-operate with the kernel :)11:50
pznHi, I need some help with ubuntu wireless. it is configured to "roaming" (i dont know what it is). If I click on network icon (near to clock), fill in ssid and personal wpa, it connects ok. at next reboot I have to click icon and fill them again... how to save them for home and work networks? I'd like them to auto-connect11:50
GOfreePaavi2_0: Oh, okay. That's interesting.11:50
johansjai know it is weird to ask this question here. But is there any minime version for ubuntu? I mean something like pclinuxos minime 2008.11:51
apoorvHello guys, i am having issue with one of the PCI card on my desktop.  Iget this error in my dmesg "ACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:02:02.0 disabled Yamaha DS-1" "PCI: probe of 0000:02:02.0 failed with error -16", and when i do aplay -l i get this "aplay: device_list:207: no soundcards found...". I have modules for yamaha "snd-ymfpci" loaded. Tried compiling latest alsa from their website.11:51
GOfreeBingo! I got the apt-get update.11:51
GOfree...or 99%?!11:51
DistroJockeypzn: do you get an area that has a strength of connection bar?11:51
cptcirsssound dies on amd ad1981A after a adjust volume11:52
unop__cptcirss, run this command and try again.  sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-headers-$(uname -r)11:52
Paavi2_0johansja: you mean a minimalist installation with a lightweight window manager? xubuntu?11:52
GOfree"Could not connect to... connection timed out..." Command line is waiting...11:53
pznDistroJockey: yes, after connecting it has strength. before connecting it is a network icon that I click to fill in ssid/wpa11:53
johansjaPaavi2_0: i mean ubuntu that comes with no pre-installed program but just the core gnome and others.11:54
DistroJockeypzn: I read somewhere that clicking on the signal strength bar and then entering the details works better. (Hope that helps, never tried or tested.)11:54
GOfreePaavi2_0: Things are still acting weird.11:54
Paavi2_0GOfree: reboot, that's my standard solution :)11:55
linduxedif ive added "ndiswrapper" to the end of /etc/modules, how do i prevent the "iwl4965", "iwlwifi_mac80211" and "cfg80211" to load? (theyre not in /etc/modules)11:55
GOfreePaavi2_0: Ok. Well thanks, Paavi2_0.11:55
Paavi2_0johansja: that would contradict the basic idea of ubuntu11:55
GOfreeThat "top" command is great.11:56
GOfreeGotta run.11:56
fsckrjohansja, I may be mistaken since I haven't run ubuntu for a bit but i think the ubuntu server .iso you can install what you want.11:56
unop__linduxed, add them in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist11:56
johansjaPaavi2_0: what do you mean?11:57
unop__linduxed, also make sure they aren't in any other file in /etc/modprobe.d .. comment them out if they are11:57
xtremecant start ati-driver-installer-8.3-x86.x86_64.run. ati-driver-installer-8.3-x86.x86_64.run notworking,  sudo sh  ati-driver-installer-8.3-x86.x86_64.run notworking and I have ight permission11:58
xtreme./ is not working11:58
iceswordxtreme, chmod +x file?this one,tried yet11:58
cptcirssunop_ now cant change the volume :-)11:59
unop__cptcirss, that's beyond me really, sorry, i just helped you with the make problem you had there :)11:59
xtremewhy cant I start the installhttps://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_cat83-inst.html12:00
LetsGo67My computer is all messed up.  It won't roam wireless Internet automatically because it claims to have "manual configuration settings".  Can someone help me please?12:00
cptcirssdid we re installed it with the linux hederes or ..12:00
xtremeicesword, what do you meen? chmod +x  ati-driver-installer-8.3-x86.x86_64.run. Don't understand12:01
xtremewhat is x?12:01
iceswordxtreme, yaaa,run that command12:01
DistroJockeyxtreme: type:  man chmod   in a terminal12:01
iceswordxtreme, man chmod12:01
LetsGo67My computer is all messed up.  It won't roam wireless Internet automatically because it claims to have "manual configuration settings".  Can someone help me please?12:01
LeGreffi3Rxtreme> x is the name of the bit that tells the system this file should act like a .exe (for a file)12:02
Coggzwhere do i add lines to rc.local? before anything12:02
cptcirsshey sound dies again when i change the volume with alsa mixer gui12:03
Coggzno i mean in the file itself, is there any where that i need to put it?12:03
Kommwthshello guys can someone help me to instal audio codex for VLC media player?12:04
lwizardlhow do i enable stereo sound on a nforce2 board?12:04
pajamianCoggz: before the "exit 0" line12:04
KenichiroCan Any One Help Me using irc bouncer on shell ?12:04
humboltois there a top for hdd access? where I can see which app is causing all this HDD IO?12:05
Coggz?? it says exit 312:05
pajamianCoggz: ok, before that line12:05
Coggzbut thee12:05
Coggzthere is two12:05
pajamianCoggz: the default script is empty with an exit 0 at the end12:05
pajamianCoggz: so if there's something else it has been altered already.12:05
Coggzhmm... i have never atered ithttp://pastebin.com/m65e3a03112:07
Kommwthshello guys can someone help me to instal audio codex for VLC media player?12:07
Coggzoops, http://pastebin.com/m65e3a03112:07
lwizardllinux is reporting that I have 2 sound cards that work as a pair and I'm only getting right speaker working12:07
pznDistroJockey: ok, tried some options... now will have to reboot to test them12:08
pajamianCoggz: that's not rc.local12:08
gatestoneDo the kernel and user processes have distinct virtual addresses? Two user processes have the same virtual addresses anyway (from 0x0 an up)?12:08
pajamianCoggz: nope. that's the script that rc.local is run from.12:09
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gatestoneWhat virtual addresses does the kernel see? 0x0 up or something else?12:09
johansjacan i choose what program to be installed in ubuntu when I am installing?12:09
Coggzaha, i found the real one now...12:09
Coggzhow do i get the system to reload that file?12:10
hikejinxKommwths: what are you trying to install? I think you just copy it to /usr/lib/vlc/codec12:10
DistroJockeyjohansja: that would involve editing the install files. Maybe remastersys is worth looking at?12:11
pajamianCoggz: it runs that file at boot time.12:11
Kommwthshikejinx i just dont know where to find the codecs12:11
hikejinxwhich codec Kommwths12:11
Kommwthsdunno thats what am trying to find what shall i use ;p12:11
elusifi plan to put my first linux installation on a western digital raptor 150g 10,000 rpm hdd - is there any reason i shouldn't do this?12:12
hikejinxKommwths: what type of file are you trying to play. what is the filename?12:12
Kommwthsits a dvd12:12
Kommwthsi have image but no sound12:12
Frogzooelusif: just be sure to make a separate /home partition, makes reinstalls so much easier12:12
Adantan_Alex!hardware kommwths12:12
Adantan_Alex!hardware | kommwths12:13
ubotukommwths: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection12:13
elusiffrogzoo - how do i do this?12:13
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:13
Coggzkk, pajamian thanks for the help,12:13
pajamianCoggz: yw12:13
Frogzooelusif: there's a manual partitioning option12:13
hikejinx!restricted | Kommwths12:14
ubotuKommwths: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:14
Kommwthsill give it a try12:14
hikejinxKommwths: it should get you started. I usually just install ubuntu-restricted-extras and get everything I need12:15
DistroJockeyelusif: can't see why there would be any problem (btw, that'll fly :) )12:15
Kommwthsill try it12:15
elusiffrogzoo - ty, how large should i make this /home partition?12:16
elusifya that's why i'm buying it distrojockey :)12:16
DistroJockeyelusif: :)12:16
pajamianKommwths: ubuntu-restricted-extras like hikejinx said, plus w32codecs from medibuntu (and of course libdvdcss2 for dvds)12:16
elusifi have a regular hdd now vista is on and i need it for warcraft, i don't want to delete the vista i have until i can run warcraft on ubuntu properly :)12:17
Duskinanyone know of a program that works like speedfan, basically monitoring pc temps?12:17
lukeDuskin: gkrellm12:17
elusifi'm gonna get a second raptor for a fresh vista install for some games, and use this hdd for storage12:17
Duskinelusif: i play wow on my linux box and it runs great12:17
Kommwthspajmian downloading them now all12:17
elusifso i hear :)12:17
Frogzooelusif: I would say, leave 20gig for /, give yourself a 2gig swap partition, and the rest /home12:17
DistroJockeyelusif: always good to make sure you can do what you need :)12:17
Duskinluke: thx ^^12:17
elusifwhich is one reason i'm getting unbuntu12:17
killuatshi all!12:17
=== luke is now known as Coggz
elusifwhat is /?12:18
CroXI just now had a power shutdown and when electricity came back and I booted my computer, Ubuntu goes into "low graphics mode". For some reason it's removed my nvidia card from the "restricted drivers" but neither enabling it again there nor selecting nvidia driver before the boot screen seems to work..12:18
DistroJockeyelusif: the root of everything12:18
elusifbear in midn the drive is 150g12:18
Duskinelusif: the newest version of wine runs wow faster then my vista box did12:18
elusifnice :)12:18
yaselmaneHi to all12:18
elusifok guys ty, i'll be back when i have my raptor12:19
pajamianKommwths: also, if you use the Totem player (the default one) you'll want gstreamer0.10-pitfdll which allows it to read the windows codecs.12:19
elusifoh and, which version of unbunu should i download?12:19
DistroJockeyelusif: if you can wait 16 days, get Hardy12:19
DistroJockeyelusif: 8.04 that is12:20
Coggzpajamian: how do i make rc.local active,12:20
pajamianCoggz: sudo chmod 755 /etc/rc.local12:20
gatestoneHow can kernel and user space share memory, if both are running in separate virtual memory spaces? If kernel reads address X, is it its own X or some user process X?12:20
pajamianCoggz: though it should have that setting already12:20
killuatshow do i fix my screen resolution? my laptop can have 1280x800 screen resolution, but i accidentally change my resolution to 1024x768 using displayconfig-gtk, now i'm try to revert my screen, but there's no 1280x800 on the selection, how do i fix my settings?12:21
Coggzhmm, does it need to have #!/bin/sh -e uncommented12:21
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pajamiangatestone: I think that's off topic for this channel but it boils down to various run levels in the CPU and how the kernel controls them.12:22
elusifDistroJockey: why, will updating from 8.03 to hardy be a pain?12:22
DistroJockeykilluats: was there a backup made when you changed? Might be called  /etc/X11/xorg.conf~12:22
elusifi should have the hdd in about 10day (ordering thursday)12:22
pajamianCoggz: no, that's supposed to start with a #12:23
pajamianCoggz: just add your line before the exit 0 line12:23
DistroJockeyelusif: from 8.04 beta to release, may have many updates12:23
killuatsDistroJockey: i'll look for a backup.12:23
DistroJockeyelusif: but should work (but I always prefer clean installs)12:23
Duskinelusif: even if you decide to install 7.10, the updates wont be a pain at all12:24
jimcooncat What kind of filesystem could I install that would automatically mirror to another host? I'm familiar with stuff like sshfs.12:24
Duskinelusif: if you are used to windows updates, you'll find updating in linux to be a breath of fresh air12:24
Alexxlol i see12:25
DistroJockeyjimcooncat: rsync  might be worth a look12:25
jimcooncatDistroJockey: I'd have to get my users to run rsync after every change, though, right?12:25
DistroJockeyjimcooncat:  not sure on that part of it12:26
pajamianjimcooncat: you can get them to put it in a cron job12:26
DistroJockeyjimcooncat: rsync + svn  maybe?12:27
jimcooncatthanks pajamian, not really what I'm looking for though, I need to update realtime12:27
criXtianohi friends, good morning. Please, what's the difference between "emacs (client)" and "emacs (X11)" ???12:27
pajamianjimcooncat: then rsync is still the way to go, just set up a script to log into each of the other computers via ssh and run rsync after an update.12:28
jimcooncatpajamian: I suppose I could have a daemon like monit watch for file changes12:28
elusifDistroJockey: ok i will wait for 8.04 - but i am install linux this time! :) ty12:30
pajamianjimcooncat: it would be something like: for x in list of user@hosts; do ssh $x rsync blah blah; done12:30
DistroJockeyelusif: you're welcome. It will be worth the wait :)12:30
elusifcan i format the raptor with windows when i get it and install it? or should i only install the new drive when i'm installing 8.04?12:31
elusifthen just plug in the drive, put in 8.04 cd and restart pc?12:31
DistroJockeyelusif: the installer should do the partitioning right. I suggest disconnecting the Windows drive and installing on the raptor12:32
SmegzorI have two broken packages and the error is saying its trying to overwrite a png file that is shared by another package.  one of the broken packages is python-launchpad-integration.  Whats the best fix?  I tried reinstalling in synaptic but that didn't work.12:32
pajamianelusif: make sure that the CMOS settings are set to boot to the CDROM drive12:32
Smegzorthe other broken package is lblpint-bonobo012:33
DistroJockeyelusif: then after you have installed Ubuntu, you can plug the Windows drive in and tell Grub from the Ubuntu install where to boot Windows from. (nice way to dual boot)12:33
Dr_willisSmegzor,  ive often delet4ed the file that both are trying to overwrite.. not the best fix i guess.. :)12:33
Dr_willishad to do that the other day for some silly icon file.12:34
Smegzorits a png.  I'll try renaming it.12:34
pajamianKommwths: yes?12:34
Smegzorthe updater should then be able to do its thing I hope.12:34
Smegzordoes the updater keep a log and whats it called?12:35
Kommwthspajamian i downloaded and installed them but nothing. anw i tryed to install xine and gssteamer for totem codecs but totem it says " Totem could not play 'dvd:///media/cdrom0'." "There is no plugin to handle this movie."12:36
pajamianKommwths: did you install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll?12:36
pajamianKommwths: well, those are all the things I install and rarely if ever have problems.12:37
pajamianKommwths: I have to run off for a bit, though, maybe someone else can give you a hand12:37
Kommwthscheck this out. when i instal  gstreamer0.10-pitfdll it says :12:38
Kommwthsgstreamer0.10-pitfdll is already the newest version.12:38
KommwthsThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:12:38
Kommwths  libmono-sharpzip0.84-cil libplot2c2 vim-gui-common libdv-bin hugin-data blt12:38
Kommwths  libswscale1d ffmpeg poster libpano12-0 libdjconsole-data psutils tk8.412:38
Kommwths  vim-runtime libimlib2 libgdiplus12:38
FloodBot3Kommwths: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:38
Kommwthsthall i remove them ?12:38
ghostlineshow do you cancel a irssi transfer ?12:38
the_giveranyone here know if its possible to use finch in screen.. but in turn also tie in the graphical GUI of pidgin to the finch session running inside of ur screen session (so they are always "insynch" and not so pidging just asks finch for info... )12:41
ricaneliteanyone here uses Suns "Project Looking Glass"12:41
selinuxiumHas anyone here managed to connect to a BorderManager VPN with Ubuntu ?12:41
Dr_willisricanelite,  That thing has never been very 'useable' :)12:43
Dr_willisricanelite,  more of a test bed for ideas, and showing off things demo.12:44
icesword i am using xchat,what is that lags 1.0s mean12:44
iceswordlag 1.0s12:44
Piciicesword: It means that its taking 1 second for the stuff you type to get to the irc server and vice versa.12:44
ricanelitei bet12:44
ricanelitei saw the video for the first time12:45
ricaneliteit looks nice12:45
iceswordPici, thx,what about yours,mine is so slow12:45
ricanelitebut i know from reading on sites it never works12:45
elusifpajaman: ty12:45
Piciicesword: I'm not using xchat, and mine is less than a second currently.  It doesnt show it if its that low on this client.12:45
Kommwthsdamn i wont get my dvd player work anyone can realy help me ?:/ ( i installed all codecs but i cant get any sound while i watch dvds) anyone ?:/12:46
elusifDistrojockey: after i install ubuntu and i connect the windows drive to tell gurb where to boot windows from, is ubuntu running, or do i restart when connectiing the drive? also, is it easy to find this 'grub'?12:46
* elusif is taking notes12:46
ricaneliteis it possible that either my xbox 360 or ps3 could see the music/pictures/videos that i have in my linux machine12:46
wersdoes adblock plus work on firefox 3 beta 5 for you?12:46
wersdoesnt work for me12:47
Dr_williselusif,  if the windows drive was not hooked  up while installing linux, you will need to add a entry to the grub menus for it.12:47
tactikalnukegrub's are elusive little creatures...you can often find them under dark, moist areas though!12:47
pajamianKommwths: you added the medibuntu repository and installed libdvdcss2, right?12:47
ricanelitelike for instance in windows when i turned on either my xbox 360 or ps3 windows saw it and from there if I had a video on my computer I could play it on my ps3 or xbox 36012:47
ricaneliteis it possible I could do the same in Ubuntu Linux?12:47
Kommwthsi think not medibuntu repository. how i do that?12:47
DistroJockeyelusif: install ubuntu, shutdown, then reconnect the Windows drive and boot into ubuntu to change grub12:47
pajamian!medibuntu | Kommwths12:48
ubotuKommwths: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:48
hikejinxKommwths: go to system administration software sources and enable all the repos12:49
Dr_williswers,  it seems to work here.12:49
wersDr_willis, it doesn't work for me. any idea?12:50
wersjava's not installed as well12:50
pajamianhikejinx: he needs to install the medibuntu repo, it's not in software sources by default.12:50
wersbtw, my "firefox" folder (the one that contains the beta) is located in my user folder12:51
Dr_williswers,   Im using hardy, the latest firefox beta, and the 'nightly  testers tools' extension.12:51
wersooh. have you tried it on gutsy?12:51
wersdoesn't work for me on gutsy12:51
pajamianok, I have to run, goodnight12:51
hikejinxpajamian: well he can get everything through ubuntu-restricted-extras. that metapackage has everything I think. I never enabled it and have all the codecs, java, etc.;12:51
wersjust saw ads after quite a while and I don't like it. hehe12:51
Dr_williswers,  if the extension says it cant work with firefox Version Whatever.. then it wont lets itself load..  thats what the testers tools extension does. lets it load.12:51
pajamianhikejinx: nope, it doesn't have libdvdcss2 and it doesn't have w32codecs12:52
=== wobblyw1 is now known as wobblywu
pajamian!medibuntu | hikejinx12:52
ubotuhikejinx: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:52
hikejinxw32codecs are not inclued with vlc?12:52
Kommwthshikejinx ?12:52
Dr_williswers,  adblock dosent really block anything by default. You have to add things to block in its list.. OR use that adboock subscription extension12:52
DOOM_NXdoes anybody know how to use alsa tables with xmms? i know how to do it with mplayer12:52
Dr_willisI dident think vlc used the w32codecs.12:52
wersi subscribe :)12:52
tactikalnukerecanelite: check out this site for tutorial on UPnP server for ubuntu12:52
kate321Hello, i would like to use "cat" command in order to merge 2 files ("cat file1.txt file2.txt >> merge.txt"), does cat command will change the files encoding ?12:52
pajamiannope, but it uses libdvdcss212:53
hikejinxif i try to install w32codecs it says its part of another package or something12:53
DOOM_NXi mean like selecting an alsa device12:53
pajamianok, I'm really going now ... goodnight12:53
tactikalnukerecanelite: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16528812:53
Kommwthshikejinx when i do  :  wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O-  and show me the key and then do  "christophoros@christophoros-laptop:~$ sudo apt-key add -"   it just stopes there12:53
DistroJockeyelusif, tactikalnuke: this may be worth a look re. grub ;) :  http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm12:53
DOOM_NXplease if u knew i'12:54
DOOM_NXd appreciate it a lot12:54
hikejinxKommwths: what do you mean stops?12:54
Kommwthschristophoros@christophoros-laptop:/$ sudo apt-key add -12:54
Kommwths                12:54
Kommwthsdoesnt do anythink12:54
=== youngman_ is now known as babbage
PyN00bhey everyone.. i want to know how to specify maximum compression while using tar to have compressed .bz2 file12:55
toma^Hello. Is it possible to scan and join the available wlans from terminal in ubuntu?12:55
PyN00bwhile tar -cvfj archive.tar.bz2 dir1 this works12:55
PyN00bbut what option should i use to specify maximum compression artio..12:56
PyN00bsorry *ratio12:56
hikejinxKommwths: you downloaded the key, right?12:56
hikejinxthen wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update12:56
hikejinxKommwths: did you type in your password?12:57
PiciKommwths: That goes awll on one line, the | is a pipe, it does not mean to separate it into two lines.12:57
Kommwthswhat u mean pici12:57
ActionParsnip!hi | Alexx12:57
ubotuAlexx: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:57
Adantan_Alexits really but im testing a few things12:58
DistroJockeyKommwths: check what  apt-key does using   man apt-key12:58
PiciKommwths: I mean dont press enter instead of putting the | in.12:58
DOOM_NX!hi | Alexx12:58
ubotuAlexx: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:58
Alexxhey whats the command to install ubuntu on xubuntu?12:58
Dr_willisAlexx,  install the ubuntu-desktop package12:59
PyN00bhi can anyone help me out with the bz2 problem i mentioned..12:59
Alexxwhat problem was that?12:59
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php13:00
Alcherai have a weird problem .. although on kubuntu i think this would be the same on ubuntu ...13:00
PyN00bi want to know how to specify maximum compression while using tar to have bz2 compressed tar file13:01
ActionParsnipwassup Alchera?13:01
iceswordman bzip213:01
Alcheraa third ide drive mounted on /proc/bus/usb13:01
Kommwthsthat means i added it? :christophoros@christophoros-laptop:~$ sudo apt-key add medibuntu-key.gpg -O-13:01
yaselmanei can't open my windows partition from grub13:01
ActionParsnipPyN00b: http://www.edenwaith.com/support/guitar/help/man/bzip2.html13:01
Alcherai think it's a grub "thing" ...13:02
Alcheraalchera@serenity:~$ cat /boot/grub/device.map contain13:02
Alchera(hd0)   /dev/hda13:02
Alchera(hd1)   /dev/hdb13:02
ActionParsnipPyN00b: -1 fastest -9 best13:02
yaselmanewhen i press the windows xp button the grub restart itself13:02
DistroJockeyyaselmane: did Windows shutdown cleanly?13:02
DistroJockeyyaselmane: what are you trying to do to it?13:03
yaselmanei want to use windows13:03
yaselmanei have played lately with the menu.lst13:03
iceswordyaselmane, go go go13:03
yaselmanewhat do you mean with go go go ????13:04
DistroJockeyyaselmane: you can only boot Ubuntu?13:04
Khamaelis there a place where I can download custom load screens?13:04
KhamaelI mean, boot screens13:04
iceswordyaselmane, i am sorrry,but what is wrong with your windows13:05
yaselmanei can't boot to it13:05
DistroJockeyyaselmane: can you pastebin the output of the following command please?    fdisk -l13:05
PiciKhamael: perhaps http://www.gnome-look.org13:05
KhamaelPici: I will look. thanks13:05
PyN00bActionParsnip: thanks , but i want to compress them as .tar first and then .bz2. like tar -cvfj archive.tar.bz2 dir1 . in this where can i give that option . the point is that i want to compress around 20g data overnight..13:05
giantmidgethi. i'm trying to burn to a dvd the contents of an old hd, where lots of filenames have funny encodings. is there a quick way to 'clean up' all the filenames?13:05
DistroJockeyyaselmane: sudo fdisk -l   rather13:05
* mauro-bls buenas13:05
yaselmaneDisk /dev/sdc: 2063 MB, 2063073280 bytes13:05
yaselmane16 heads, 32 sectors/track, 7870 cylinders13:05
yaselmaneUnits = cylinders of 512 * 512 = 262144 bytes13:05
yaselmaneDisk identifier: 0x764df73b13:05
yaselmane   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System13:05
yaselmane/dev/sdc1               1        7870     2014704    6  FAT1613:05
iceswordyaselmane, after you select windows in grub menu,what happened there13:05
FloodBot3yaselmane: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:05
DistroJockeynot here ;P13:06
ActionParsnipPyN00b: then create the tar of the files then bzip with -9 option13:06
PeterDHey, I have a quick question.13:06
ActionParsnip!paste | yaselmane13:06
ubotuyaselmane: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:06
yaselmanethe grub menu comes again13:06
PeterDI'm using an LCD flat screen, and when I boot up Ubuntu, everything is really bright, and text on webpages is extremely hard to read.13:07
PeterDWhat do I need to do?13:07
PyN00bActionParsnip,: can i give as a single command with tar to have maximum compression..13:07
ActionParsnipPyN00b: have you googled any for this13:07
PyN00bActionParsnip: yes , i got links with questions as is the default compression the best and so on..13:08
PyN00bActionParsnip: but couldn't find any answers..13:09
ActionParsnipPyN00b: tar cf - subdir | gzip --best -c - > archive.tar.gz13:09
ActionParsnipPyN00b: that took me 4 seconds13:09
elusiflol tactikalnuke re:grubs13:09
iceswordyaselmane, after you select windows in grub menu,what happened there13:09
yaselmanethe menu start again13:10
PyN00bActionParsnip: ya that's correct, but i have a doubt wouldn't piping the data would be problem with large no of files and the data.13:10
elusifDistroJockey: many thanks, i will install on 24 april when 8.04 is out :)13:11
PyN00bActionParsnip: i am not much familier with linux..13:11
iceswordyaselmane, what you mean by start again13:11
Mr_Bad_Newswhere  do i get vmwares serial # ?13:11
=== mathew is now known as lopin
ikoniaMr_Bad_News: you have to buy it13:11
DistroJockeyelusif: you're welcome. Sounds like the best idea13:11
=== visi_ is now known as visik7
Mr_Bad_Newsi thought it was free13:11
ikoniaMr_Bad_News: no13:11
ikoniaMr_Bad_News: http://www.vmware.com13:12
ZeroA4Mr_Bad_News, VMware has free products like VMware Player and VMware Server the other you have to pay13:12
yaselmanelike when you refresh a page in firefox13:12
lopinHey guys...  Trying to get WoW working on a friends comp.  Just getting a white screen after we start it up.  Interface shows up fine.  Any ideas?13:12
PyN00bMr_Bad_News: u ca have a free copy at vmware site too.. for everthing we have a standard and a professional edition..13:12
giantmidgetdoes anyone know a quick way to change the encoding from unicode to utf-8 for a bunch of file names?13:12
riogiantmidget: utf-8 is an implementation of unicode13:12
Mr_Bad_Newsim just trying out vmware server13:12
DistroJockeyMr_Bad_News: might want to look at  virtualbox  also13:13
iceswordMr_Bad_News, it is free13:13
giantmidgetrio, so what id like to achieve is removing all the characters that show up funny on linux13:13
puplinvirtualbox is great13:14
iceswordyaselmane,could you be more specific,and paste your menu.lst13:14
riogiantmidget: so whats the encoding now?13:14
giantmidgeti get filenames like $ett?rt?net.doc13:14
rioiso-8859 maybe?13:14
Mr_Bad_Newsthen where is the serial # icesword13:14
giantmidgetrio, i dont know :(13:14
yogiHi, has anyone installed IBM-symphony on ubuntu 64 bit version13:14
ikoniaMr_Bad_News go to vmware.com13:14
Mr_Bad_Newsim there13:14
iceswordMr_Bad_News, goto vmware.com.look up13:14
ZeroA4Mr_Bad_News, VMwaree Server is free DOES not ask for serial13:15
yogiHi, has anyone installed IBM-symphony on ubuntu 64 bit version13:15
giantmidgetrio, i dont quite grasp what the problem is, but i have lots of messy characters in the names of files that were created on windows13:15
Mr_Bad_Newstell that to my command line ZeroA413:15
yaselmanehere you are http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62502/13:15
ZeroA4Mr_Bad_News, you must be tring a pay version13:15
puplinZeroA4: ???13:15
puplinyou have to register to get the free serial13:15
spinnekopgiantmidget, with file -command?13:16
puplingo to the link they give, register for vmware server, and they give you a serial13:16
puplinit's free13:16
riogiantmidget: try `convmv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf8 *.doc`13:16
puplinbut not "free"13:16
ZeroA4puplin, mine didnot ask for a serial13:16
yogiHi, has anyone installed IBM-symphony on ubuntu 64 bit version13:16
daningcan't wait for hardy 8.0413:16
Pici!repeat | yogi13:16
ubotuyogi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:16
puplinZeroA4: how long ago did you install?13:16
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php13:17
cyziemy wireless suddenly not appear in ifconfig, is there any help to troubleshoot it ?13:17
lopinThank you, ubotu!13:17
ZeroA4puplin, dont remember13:17
kate321Hello, i would like to use "cat" command in order to merge 2 files ("cat file1.txt file2.txt >> merge.txt"), all the files encoding are UTF-8 does cat command will change the files encoding ?13:17
ikoniakate321: no13:17
boubbinhow can i open port 113 ?13:18
iceswordyaselmane,your windows xp should be like this,root (hd0,0)makeactive chainloader +1 boot,one thing ,one line13:18
ikoniaboubbin: there is no firewall enabled in ubuntu by defult13:19
boubbinso it should be open ?13:19
iceswordyaselmane, first sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst13:19
erUSULboubbin: yep13:19
ikoniaboubbin: if there is something listening on it, and no firewall between it, yes13:19
boubbini installed pidentd but still i dent ~ leading when i connect to irc13:19
abidhi, can someone help me edit the MBR of the ubuntu13:20
ikoniaabid: what do you want to do13:20
yaselmaneicesword, yes after that ......13:20
iceswordyaselmane,your windows xp should be like this,root (hd0,0)makeactive chainloader +1 boot,one thing ,one line13:20
abidwell the ubuntu is in the frist choice list13:21
abidbut i very new to linux and i dont know anything about it13:21
abidi still prefer to use XO as i have all the stuff still there13:21
ikoniaabid: ok, so what do you want to do, have XP as the default option ?13:21
FXMavericHello... anyone experience programming a dma-transfer using dma.h header of ubuntu?13:21
erUSULboubbin: maybe it is your router the one  doing firewalling13:21
abidi am starting yop my ubuntu now13:22
yaselmaneicesword , like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62503/13:22
boubbinerUSUL so when pidentd is installed it is by default listening to 113 ?13:22
abidok my ubuntu has already started up13:23
ikoniaabid: very easy, open the /boot/grub/menu.lst file with an editor and use sudo so it's as root permissions. Then scroll down to where you see the boot lines, (ubuntu, ubuntu recovery mode, Windows XP) and count the first one as 0, the next one as 1, next as 2 and so on, then change the default 0 line to default $n where $n is the number of the boot menu you wanted13:23
spinnekopabid, editing grub ? what youwant to achieve by editing mbr?13:23
erUSULboubbin: i guess so... i tried once but used gidentd it worked back in the day13:24
abid sorry13:24
abidexited by mistake13:24
iceswordyaselmane, like this .http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62504/13:24
erUSULboubbin: i tried in quakenet13:25
abidcan i paste my mbr.list or somthing on a paste site?13:25
ikoniaabid: you don't need to paste it13:25
ikoniaabid: just count the boot menu options, starting as 013:25
abidcan you please repeat the command line13:25
abidsudo gedit /...?13:25
twagerWhen I burn mp3 files as .wav using K3B I do not get the track titles just track numbers. Any way I can get titles?13:26
ActionParsnipabid: dont sudo gedit anything13:26
ActionParsnipgksudo gedit ...13:26
arvind_khadriabid, please use sudoedit13:26
ActionParsnipsudo is for cli apps only13:26
abido....but what shuld be the file path?13:26
ActionParsnipgksudo gedit13:26
iceswordyaselmane, you got me13:26
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, gksu only for GUI apps13:26
bazhangarvind_khadri: you still around?13:26
arvind_khadribazhang, yeah,got myself worked around13:27
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: techically you can use gksudo for both but sudo is ONLY for sudo apps or you can get issues13:27
bazhangarvind_khadri: how did it work out?13:27
Finnish_I have 2 broken packages in my system. What should I do with them?13:27
yaselmanebut , why did you put the windows to time , one before ( end debian ....... ) and the other after it ???13:27
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, but its preferrabel to use sudoedit13:27
arvind_khadribazhang, u mean yesterdays prob???i re-installed13:28
bazhangFinnish_: try apt-get -f install13:28
bazhangarvind_khadri: okay so far?13:28
abidsorry once again13:28
abidi keep getting DC13:28
arvind_khadriFinnish_, wats the exact error u are getting13:28
fredsahi guys13:28
fredsais there a list anywhere that shows what nvidia cards are supported by ubuntu13:28
antoni cant install my linksys router in my Gutsy.. anyone knows how?13:28
gatestonehow do I compile a module, I have an example in nothing.c and a Makefile, according to http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/drivers_linux?page=0%2C113:29
bazhangfredsa: what card you got13:29
arvind_khadribazhang, yeah no probs till now...this time i would be careful,i guess the code had something to do with binaries,so dpkg might have broke13:29
ActionParsnipanton: you dont have to13:29
ActionParsnipanton: just access it with yur default gateway address13:29
bazhangarvind_khadri: good to hear; sorry not help more yesterday13:29
gatestoneShould I install kernel-headers? How? Then just make or something more?13:29
ActionParsnipgatestone: sudo apt-get install kernel-headers13:29
arvind_khadribazhang, hey u helped me a lot,i should be more careful from next time13:30
bazhangthanks for saying so arvind13:30
arvind_khadribazhang, do u know how can i get myself to MOTU,really want to be there13:30
giantmidgetcan anyone give me an idea on how to strip from a string all non-alphanumeric characters?13:30
arvind_khadribazhang, :)13:30
gatestoneActionParsnip: Package kernel-headers is not available, but is referred to by another package.13:30
bazhang#ubuntu-motu they have a channel arvind_khadri13:30
yaselmaneicesword , where are man ??13:31
yaselmanewhere are you man13:31
arvind_khadribazhang, hey yeah tell me about envy13:31
gatestoneWill kernel-headers-386 do?13:31
bazhangfredsa: you still there?13:31
Gilougiantmidget> s/[^0-9]//g or something like that in vi / sed..13:31
iceswordyaselmane, what you mean the url?13:31
arvind_khadribazhang, are they in freenode itself??13:31
gatestoneActionParsnip, will kernel-headers-386 do?13:31
iceswordyaselmane, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62504/13:31
antonhow can i access my default gateway address?13:31
giantmidgetGilou, thanks13:31
ActionParsnipanton: ifconfig will show you what is picked up by dhcp13:32
bazhangarvind_khadri: yeah they are; and envy is a super script that installs drivers but often leaves people with problems; definitely not for the faint of heart ;]13:32
yaselmaneicesword , i will try it13:32
antonthanks ActionParsnip13:32
yaselmanethanks man13:32
wershow do i set sonata up?13:32
iceswordyaselmane, reboot and let me know13:32
arvind_khadribazhang, how do we use envy,jus asking,i wont try it...i love apt :)13:32
ActionParsnipanton: np dude13:32
bazhanggatestone: you trying to compile? did you install build-essential?13:32
wersI can't browse my music files :(13:33
ActionParsnipanton: I have a linksys too, you dont need the cd13:33
gatestonebazhang, I can compile, but there is no kernel-headers in apt13:33
antondude i typed ipconfig in my terminal13:33
bazhangarvind_khadri: you install the deb then launch it and it does the rest13:34
yaselmaneok , see you13:34
antonits a bad command , im new in linux :(13:34
bazhanganton: should be ifconfig13:34
geronimaldoi do it all the time anton13:34
bazhanggot to go for a bit back soon13:34
gatestoneActionParsnip, bazhang, there is linux-libc-dev - Linux Kernel Headers for development13:34
antonthanks dude! :)13:35
fredsabazhang: currently, it's an nvidia 7600GS but hardware accelleration is not supported and at least one bug in the driver crashes the server when I perform certain operations in blender13:35
ActionParsnipgatestone: get em13:35
arvind_khadribazhang, ohh wokay13:35
abid ok i just pasted my menu list can someone please tell me where it is that i need to make 0,1.2?13:35
DOOM_NXcan i install an rpm package in ubuntu? how?13:35
LeGreffi3Rwers> you have to set up an mpd server before :)13:35
LeGreffi3Rwers> sonata is just a client to mpd servers13:35
ActionParsnipDOOM_NX: try get the deb versin first13:35
wershow do I do that?13:35
Exteris!alien | DOOM_NX13:35
shaiguitaranyone know why ssh-add won't forward my details more than once? i can log into a remote machine; ssh once with no problem, but the second time doesn't work. when i do ssh-add -l, it doesn't show up (whereas on the first machine it will work)13:35
ubotuDOOM_NX: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)13:35
ActionParsnipDOOM_NX: what you got?13:35
abidhi,,,,bit of help with editing the menu list please... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62506/13:35
DOOM_NXthere isn't any deb13:36
DOOM_NXi want xmms mp3pro plugin13:36
LeGreffi3Rwers> first of all, install the mpd package, and tweak /etc/mpd.conf to suit your needs...13:36
fredsabazhang: sorry for the pause, I got a phone call13:36
ActionParsnipDOOM_NX: sec...13:36
arvind_khadriDOOM_NX, u can find it in the ugly set13:36
antoneth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:13:D4:40:F1:5F13:36
anton          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
anton          inet6 addr: fe80::213:d4ff:fe40:f15f/64 Scope:Link13:36
anton          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:113:36
anton          RX packets:1185277 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:013:36
anton          TX packets:1283712 errors:0 dropped:1 overruns:0 carrier:013:36
FloodBot3anton: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:36
anton          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100013:36
LeGreffi3Rwers> this isn't the easiest to setup13:36
hikejinx!paste | anton13:37
ubotuanton: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:37
werswow. sonata's so not user friendly :P hehe13:37
DOOM_NXarvind_khadri, what do u mean?13:37
ActionParsnipDOOM_NX: do you want torip to mp3pro? or just play?13:37
LeGreffi3Rwers> sonata is user friendly13:37
shaiguitaranyone know why ssh-add won't forward my details more than once? i can log into a remote machine; ssh once with no problem, but the second time doesn't work. when i do ssh-add -l, it doesn't show up (whereas on the first machine it will work)13:37
wersnot when setting it up. hehe13:37
shaiguitarping *13:37
arvind_khadriDOOM_NX, use this sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly13:37
shaiguitarping *13:37
abida bit of help please edditing the menu list... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62506/13:37
wersanyway, i'm still installing mpd :)13:37
cheese!beryl | sucks13:38
ubotusucks: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz13:38
LeGreffi3Rwers> mpd is just weird to use if you're new to servers-clients softwares13:38
yaselmaneicesword, back man , it didn't work13:38
wersso new to it. hehe13:38
DOOM_NXwill i be able to play mp3pro with xmms then?13:38
arvind_khadriDOOM_NX, yeah u will be13:38
wersLeGreffi3R, WHAT DO i DO WITH IT NOW?13:38
iceswordyaselmane, what you got after you  choose it?then13:38
yaselmanei got to windows xp13:38
DOOM_NXgstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly is already the newest version.13:39
LeGreffi3Rwers> there should be a howto on the wiki i guess13:39
arvind_khadriDOOM_NX, if you arent to able even after this then jus open synaptic and search for gstreamer13:39
DOOM_NXgstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly is already the newest version. :o13:39
yaselmanethe first , is the same problem and the second took me to the old grub screen ( the black one )13:39
iceswordyaselmane, what you mean,windows cannot boot?13:39
arvind_khadriDOOM_NX, yeah go to synaptic13:39
antonwhere is my default gateway address?13:39
abidhelp please i need to edit the menu list http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62506/13:39
bottigerI never understood. when you do "sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin". how do you know where phpmyadmin get's installed?13:40
antonwhat is the equivalent of the default gateway address in linux?13:40
ActionParsnipDOOM_NX: yeah install alien and sudo alien <whatever>.rpm13:40
DOOM_NXisnt alien dangerous?13:40
geronimaldoanton; on your routing table it will be route
arvind_khadriabid, wat do u want??13:41
hikejinxDOOM_NX: it's generally not recommended13:41
adacwhen I do a manual mount and play songs with amarok from the mounted partition...which files (excluded the one from amarok) do log or save this mounting and playing songs stuff? critical files are for example /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog are there any other files that log?13:41
abidarvind i just pasted my menu list on the site13:41
DJones!rpm | DOOM_NX13:41
ubotuDOOM_NX: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)13:41
DOOM_NXyes i already read that13:41
abidi need the windows XP to be the default choice13:42
antongeronimaldo: I cant get it.. where is that?13:42
yaselmanecan i restore from the windows xp cd13:42
Beererdehi. can i somehow install ALL 32 bit development files on 64 bit ubuntu?13:42
DOOM_NXwhy is alien dangerous?13:42
geronimaldoanton: youŕe installing a linksys router?13:42
antonyes geronimaldo13:42
Dr_willisabid,  the grub menu.lst file has a 'default #' for the default selected item. cound the # of entries in your grub and put in the right #.13:42
LeGreffi3Rwers> http://blog.effraie.org/post/2006/11/06/MPD-et-icecast2-Webradio-ou-lecteur-ultime13:42
ActionParsnipDOOM_NX: cos the thing is packaged for rpm based systems. Its a conversion which generally isnt liked13:43
ActionParsnipDOOM_NX: Amarok plays mp3pro13:43
Dr_willisabid,  grub starts counting at 0 however. :)  so if windows is on the 5th grub line use default 413:43
Beererdefor example libxcursor-dev for32 bit13:43
werswow. thanks LeGreffi3R :)13:43
abidDoctor i a noob...thie is my first install13:43
hikejinxit could break a package maybe. I'm thinking a codec or something would not be that big of a deal. and it's alien -i package.rpm if you do use it.13:43
arvind_khadriDOOM_NX, try installin the bad set,i think tats the one for xmms13:43
abidi have nvr use linux before13:43
LeGreffi3Rwers> this is french but pretty easy to follow i think13:43
geronimaldofrom the command line. . if you type ifconfig. whatś your ip address?13:43
geronimaldosorry.. ifconfig even13:43
LeGreffi3Rwers> you don't have to do the icecast part13:44
arvind_khadriabid set the default value to 413:44
Coggzanyone know how to get a tablet (wacom) working13:44
abidthis i my menu list...i still cant figure which is the actually line to be edited http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62506/13:44
yaselmaneicesword,can i restore the boot of windows from the installation disk13:44
Dr_willisabid,  time to read a tutorial or 2 i guess. and to edit the grub menu.lst use 'sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst'  edit the file use Control-o to write OUT the changes.13:44
wersLeGreffi3R, google translate time! hehe13:44
Beererdesomething like lib32-dev ?13:44
antongeronimaldo: inet addr:
Wolfmighthey. Anyone know how to get the Broadcom 4318 wireless internet working? Does the Hardy Herone Beta resolve this?  I've tried 5 tutorials so far with no luck :-(13:45
arvind_khadriabid http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62509/ go here i have edited it13:45
DistroJockeyyaselmane: you said windows boots ok?13:45
CoggzWolfmight: Is that a dell laptop?13:45
yaselmaneit didn't boot13:45
Wolfmightit's an HP pavilion dv500013:45
yaselmanei need windows13:45
Beererdehi. can i somehow install ALL 32 bit development files on 64 bit ubuntu?13:45
geronimaldoand you´re connecting through the router that youŕe trying to install??13:45
iceswordyaselmane, ths  iss are you sure your windows is broken13:45
CoggzWolfmight: ok, i am here for you... i had the same problem...13:46
Wolfmightyeah, i've got a wireless 2wire router. works great13:46
yaselmanei have all my school project in it , and i need to print them for tomorrow13:46
arvind_khadriabid, i have marked the change with "@@"13:46
DistroJockeyyaselmane: ohh, k, well, the Windows tools  fixmbr and fixboot  may get windows fixed13:46
yaselmaneit's a matter of life or death13:46
iceswordyaselmane, your windows is at c:\?13:46
DistroJockeyyaselmane: but don't rush :)13:46
antonthe router is not yet connected coz i might think that i will lost my internet connection so right now i connect directly to the modem13:46
WolfmightCoggz, did you get yours working?13:47
antongeronimaldo: what will i do?13:47
yaselmanehow can i use fixmbr13:47
iceswordyaselmane, tell me what happened after you choose windows at grub menu13:47
geronimaldohave you installed your wireless card in linux?13:47
arvind_khadriabid, ???13:47
antonnot yet..13:47
yaselmanenothing happend13:47
DJonesabid: On line 14 there's a line default 0, the numbering starts at 0, according to the info on grub, I think that number needs changing to the number of your windows entry in grub, remembering that it starts at 0, I think it would be 3 or 4, depending on whether the divider counts as a number as well, BUT before you change it, I'd suggest getting somebody more experieced with grub to check and confirm13:48
bottigerI have an ubuntu server. but when I try to install emacs it want's to install the gtk-version with all it's dependencies :/13:48
geronimaldothatś the first thing you need to do, other wise it can´t connect to your router13:48
iceswordyaselmane, a black screen or that fout line ?or something else13:48
antonwhat will i do? do you think i will try to connect it right now 1st?13:48
DistroJockeyyaselmane: Ubuntu boots?13:48
antonok thanks :) brb13:48
Wolfmightis there a tutorial that works for the HP Pavilion dv5000 Broadcom 4318 wifi ?13:48
yaselmaneyeah , a black screen and the grub menu come back13:48
DJonesabid: if you change it and its wrong, you might not be able to get back into ubuntu easily to fix it13:48
iceswordyaselmane, the thing is if you fixmbr ,ubuntu won't boot13:48
yaselmaneyeah , i'm using ubuntu right now13:49
geronimaldook good luck13:49
yaselmanei don't care about ubuntu13:49
arvind_khadriDJones, i have done it13:49
yaselmanei need to make window work13:49
hikejinxyaselmane: can't you print your homework from ubuntu?13:49
DOOM_NX<ActionParsnip> DOOM_NX: Amarok plays mp3pro -> not really, can't decode right13:49
DistroJockeyyaselmane: then you should be able to mount the Windows partition and get stuff from it13:49
yaselmanei'm using office 200713:49
arvind_khadriDJones, it needs to be set to 413:49
yaselmaneok , but how13:50
savetheWorldNOTE:  this channel's dialog is being recorded and published on IRCSEEK13:50
iceswordyaselmane, oaky,fixmbr /device/harddisk 0.and goodbye.use windows install cd ,press R,when it asks13:50
fx|RabBitdoes anyonehave a spc 1300nc and if yes how oes it work with ubuntu?13:50
DJonesarvind_khadri: thanks, I wasn't sure what the number needed to be13:50
arvind_khadriDJones, and yeah divider is also counted :)13:50
Wolfmightn e 1 know how to get wifi working?13:50
arvind_khadriDJones, the guy seems to be lost somewhere13:50
CoggzWolfmight: This is what u want... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff13:50
yaselmanewhere fixmbr /device/harddisk 013:50
DJonesarvind_khadri: right, that was what was makinig me wonder and why I suggested he get somebody else to confirm it13:50
Coggzfollow exactly13:50
Coggzit will work13:51
Wolfmightk thx13:51
HangukMigukthis is gonna sound like a stupid question, but if i'm running openbox, which is marked to be upgraded in synaptic, do i have to exit out of openbox?13:51
iceswordyaselmane, oaky,fixmbr /device/harddisk 0.and goodbye.use windows install cd ,press R,when it asks13:51
jonaskoelkerquestion:  I want to keep /var/cache/apt/archives/ as small as possible; where do I tune this?13:51
arvind_khadriDJones, hmm :)13:51
yaselmanecan you tel me the steps , because i'm new in this13:51
DistroJockeyyaselmane, icesword: better to mount the windows partition and try first?13:51
arvind_khadribazhang, hey catch u later13:51
adacare this all log files in ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles13:51
fx|RabBitok different question: what webcam do you guys use?13:51
iceswordDistroJockey, you do that ,if you like ,i wiill goto bed.and night ,bazhang13:52
fredsaSo can anyone give me advice on how I can go about choosing a new graphics card that supports hardware accelleration? There's no list or anything?13:52
arvind_khadribazhang, good night cya13:52
hikejinxyaselmane: I'm on kubuntu, but there should be something about ntfs configuration in system I think13:52
ere4siHangukMiguk: no - you will prob have to reboot13:52
savetheWorldNOTE:  Your dialog in this  channel's is being recorded and published on IRCSEEK13:52
HobbseesavetheWorld: it's already listed in the topic.13:52
fx|RabBitfredsa: waht do you wanna spend?13:52
abidjust copied it to PC lets see if it works13:52
yaselmaneguys , i can't open the C form ubuntu13:52
gatestoneHangukMiguk, it depends, but usually you can upgrade without closing, but of course the new version will not run before you restart13:52
arvind_khadriabid hey remove the @@13:52
DistroJockeyyaselmane: can you pastebin the output of the following please?:   sudo fdisk -l13:53
yaselmanebut i open D ( stuff )13:53
jonaskoelkeradac: no, for one the aptitude log isn't mentiond13:53
HangukMigukgatestone: so in order for changes to take effect, i'd have to back out of x and log back in?13:53
jonaskoelkeradac: do an ls -l /var/log/, that should give you an impression of what's there13:53
yaselmaneDisk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes13:53
yaselmane255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders13:53
yaselmaneUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes13:53
yaselmaneDisk identifier: 0xc549f07213:53
yaselmane   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System13:53
yaselmane/dev/sda1   *           1        5099    40957686    7  HPFS/NTFS13:53
FloodBot3yaselmane: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:53
puplinHangukMiguk: correct13:53
yaselmane/dev/sda2            5100        5221      979965   82  Linux swap / Solaris13:53
gatestoneProbably yes.13:53
HangukMigukor would a full restart be necessary?13:53
arvind_khadriabid please put a feedback if it happens to "arvindkhadri@gmail.com13:53
gatestoneHangukMiguk, probably yes13:53
yaselmanei'm in hurry13:54
HangukMigukok, thanks13:54
fredsafx|RabBit: Not too concerned about price.  I'll be doing opengl programming with it. I also do 3d work with blender but I probably want a gaming card rather than a 3d art card13:54
gatestoneSometimes a reboot might be required.13:54
DistroJockeyyaselmane: if you are in a hurry, do it right ;)13:54
arvind_khadriabid please put a feedback if it happens to "arvindkhadri@gmail.com"13:54
fx|RabBit!paste | yaselmane13:54
Linuturkdoes anyone know of a ncurses or other terminal based front end for gnucash? or another application that would work well over ssh?13:54
ubotuyaselmane: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:54
gatestoneHangukMiguk, sometimes a reboot might be required, but not generally for any graphics related stuff13:54
HangukMigukgatestone: thanks13:55
abiddo i put default 4 to the very left margin?13:55
abidas in no space between margin and "default13:55
fx|RabBitfredsa i can stronglz remommend the 8800gt gs  adapter bz gainward13:55
hikejinxDistroJockey: does the ntfs configuration tool let him enable read/write access to his ntfs partition? Wouldn't it just be a few clicks in the prefs? I don't have windows, so I don't know.13:55
yaselmanewhat can i do now13:56
DistroJockeyhikejinx: not sure on that, not have windows here either atm13:56
cheese!ubotu | ubotu13:56
ubotuubotu: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:56
gatestoneIf you want to try your hand at kernel programming, I just found a very easy way, a good tutorial, try it: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/html/x181.html13:56
abidArvid many thanks it worked13:57
DistroJockeyhikejinx: I just was going to give a mount /dev/sda? /mnt/sda? command13:57
fredsathanks fx|RabBit. I'm checking it out13:57
hikejinxDistroJockey: gotcha.13:57
fredsafx|RabBit: what's adapter bz gainward?13:58
yaselmaneanyone can help me13:59
DOOM_NXThe program 'rpm' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install rpm13:59
DOOM_NXwhat is that rpm program?13:59
fraggedIs rcp replaced with scp now? IE if I use rcp will packets still be encrypted?13:59
izinucsDistroJockey, typically in ubuntu it would be /dev/sda? /media/sda?13:59
yaselmaneicesword , where are you man13:59
fraggedDOOM_NX, its a part of the redhat package management system. google next time -.-13:59
DistroJockeyizinucs: depends on what you want :)13:59
Finnish_My net went down14:00
DOOM_NXfragged, so if i install it, i will be able to install rpm packages?14:00
hikejinxyaselmane: look for ntfs configuration tool in system, maybe under preferences14:00
izinucsDistroJockey, true.. but that's kinda the "standard" convention used.. of course you can mount what ever ,, where ever14:00
Finnish_So the problem with broken packages14:00
fraggedDOOM_NX, how about you ask google14:00
yaselmanei did it14:00
yaselmanebut , it didn't work14:00
hikejinxdid yo uenable write support for internal device?14:01
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php14:01
Finnish_I have unmet depencies14:01
yaselmanei will go now14:01
Coggzanyone got a acer travelmate?14:01
DOOM_NXfragged, i know about google, if i didn't want an answer from a human here i wouldn't ask14:01
DistroJockeyizinucs: media shows on the Desktop (if you don't change the defaults) I guess14:01
yaselmanei will find a way to do it , MYSELF14:01
yaselmanethanks to you all14:01
fraggedDOOM_NX, if a human wanted to answer you. they would have.14:01
DistroJockeyyaselmane: good luck14:02
Wolfmightk i gotta reboot, thanks again Coggz14:02
izinucsDistroJockey, it does.. but there's a way to turn that off so you don't have to look at a lot of drives/partitions if you don't want.14:02
DistroJockeyizinucs: yup14:02
fraggedDOOM_NX, do you have a profession? How about I ask you for tips in your spare time, when you could be doing something you want to do ;)14:02
jmw5098how can i change a compiz action setting that's blue'd out14:02
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DOOM_NXwell u don't have to answer urself... if u don't feel like helping then don't14:02
Alexxif u have any windows problems plz contact me14:02
wonko2ok, so I gave up on the ldap library issue, but i'm stilling fighting power management under fluxbox14:03
Alexxhmmmm whats the problem?14:03
fraggedAlexx, if  your talking about the OS check out ##Windows, most of the time they talk shit but occasioanlly a decent conversation sparks up14:04
izinucsDOOM_NX, what's up .. what question do yo have14:04
Adantan_Alex.... before a person was here about his windows problems14:04
DJonesDOOM_NX: As you've seen, rpm's aren't part of the ubuntu system, because of that, using them even via alien could break your system, because they're not supported by ubuntu, you'd be unlikely to get much help in the channel if something does go wrong14:04
wonko2i run: /usr/bin/guidance-power-manager at fluxbox startup, and i get the little battery icon in the tray14:05
DOOM_NXi just asked if rpm program is able to install rpms or...14:05
wonko2lid switch does nothing, so i tried right-click and choose suspend from the menu14:05
wonko2it never suspends14:05
DistroJockeyAdantan_Alex: so?14:05
jmw5098in compiz, can i apply a screen edge action to show desktop?14:06
hikejinxDOOM_NX: you need alien. It's not so much the program, it's the fact that linux uses different methods to package programs to be installed and you may have problems installing rpms, especially for system critical applications/packages. You would probably be fine with installing that codec or mutlimedia support you wanted.14:07
DOOM_NXi just want a way to install xmms mp3pro plugin, nothing more14:07
izinucsDOOM_NX, like DJones said above.. installing RPM's  directly without conversion is impossible.  Converting them can cause many issues in your system. I've only done it to one programs and it was pretty generic so no harm.. If you need something  that you have only found RPM's for .. see if you can get the source files and start a new adventure compiling your own DEB. :)14:08
fx|RabBitfredsa: as you surely know there are many brands for 8800gt, i recommend you buy the 8800gt gs model by gainward14:08
valchershello, I have one question about ubuntu 8.04, i read it will be LTS, but unlit which year?14:08
mewtfx|RabBit, gainward ? that's a bit of a gamble :S14:08
izinucsvalchers, 3 years on the desktop ... 5 on the server14:09
DOOM_NXno deb, no source14:09
Pici!lts | valchers14:09
fx|RabBitmewt: why would that be?14:09
ubotuvalchers: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.14:09
izinucsDOOM_NX, what is that.. what's it suppose to do?14:09
Picivalchers: Its being released at the end of the month, so do the math ;)14:09
Randocal Would printing via parallel generally be more reliable than printing via USB? Or are they both about equal at this point?14:09
DOOM_NXizinucs, decode properly mp3pro files14:10
antongeronimaldo: still there?14:10
izinucsRandocal, usb is better supported...  the oher can be flakey from what I've been tolk14:10
mewtfx|RabBit, last gainward card I had was a 6800gs and damn it gave me so much less performance than a supposedly equal bfg14:10
valchersI need for server14:10
mewtfx|RabBit, bfg wasnt factory overclocked im sure14:10
geronimaldoanton: yep how´d it go?14:10
antonstill I dont know how to install my linksys wireless router?? :((14:10
izinucsDOOM_NX, so it's a player? or converter?14:10
RandocalThat's too bad... i'm failing with USB and was hoping I'd have better results with parallel14:10
geronimaldois your wireless card installed in linux?14:11
DOOM_NX<izinucs> DOOM_NX, so it's a player? or converter? -> just a plugin for xmms14:11
antonno internet connection when i connect my router14:11
valchersem.. for server this 8.04 beta is good, or take older release?14:11
fx|RabBitmewt: well i cant follow whith that i had VERY best results with th model tha i mentioned14:11
fraggedDOOM_NX, I'd say the package would be depricated and something better in its place, because of the popularity of MP3's there would definately be something better out there..14:11
antonits working right now but when i connect it to linksys wireless theres no connection14:12
geronimaldono connection to the internet?14:12
fx|RabBitgawd my kvm switch is swallowing half of the letters again...14:12
DOOM_NXfragged, sorry, i din't get u :/14:12
mewtfx|RabBit, that;s why i said it was a gamble..found others like me who had several problems with them..others seem to be quite happy with the gainward cards14:12
geronimaldowhat ip address has your router given you. . (ifconfig)14:12
antonyes sorry to bother you that much geronimaldo14:12
hikejinxDOOM_NX: it's an uncommon plugin. I saw people have installed it on ubuntu though. I'm not sure why you would need it though.14:12
fishbackhi all14:12
* Yarcanox waves14:13
valchersfor server 8.04 beta is good, or take older release?14:13
andaxanton: i have a linksys router too. Always had some trouble with it. I am looking now to install a 3rd party firmware which supports WDS14:13
fishbackanyone can help me about java plugin on firefox3beta5?14:13
DOOM_NXhikejinx, i want it so that i can listen to a webradio streaming using mp3pro encoding14:13
izinucsDOOM_NX, nevermind.. I looked it up.. it's a  streaming codec.. I found a plug-in for xmms for you.. that should keep you from banging your head against  the wall trying to get an RPM working ... checkout http://www.all4mp3.com/tools/sw_ct_demo.html14:13
fx|RabBitmewt: as i said i found it especially performant, i bought it after i red some test reviews and i built it into meanwhile 4 of my customers pcs and they were all smiling like acme14:13
DistroJockeyvalchers: wait 16 days if you can :)14:14
neggefishback  what's the issue?14:14
hikejinxDOOM_NX: does the site offer alternative streams?14:14
fishbacki use gutsy 7.10 and i installed firefox3b514:14
BloodRosesthis may sound like a weird question, but a brief Google search didn't turn up anything... why would there be a /dev/hdb with a size of 250MB on a default Ubuntu installation?14:14
DOOM_NXyes izinucs that thing is .rpm14:14
andaxanton: but unfortunately it cant be accessed by cable. So if something goes wrong at the firmware install the router is trashed.14:14
fishbackbut i cant open any java pages14:14
DOOM_NXhikejinx, nope14:14
valchersi cant, i have free test server on 30 days14:14
fishbackor applications :S14:14
neggefishback  have you installed sun java 6?14:14
valcherson this moment there is frebsd14:14
neggeand it did work in firefox 2?14:14
fishbackit works with ff214:15
fishbackbut i installed ff3b514:15
izinucsDOOM_NX, ah you're right.. I didn't bother to look sorry.. let me check some more..14:15
fishbackand java plugin doesnt work14:15
mewtfx|RabBit, good luck them :)14:15
DOOM_NXizinucs, i got mine from that site too14:15
neggefishback have you tried searching for firefox in synaptic, there should be plugin for firefox there14:15
antonandax: what should i do?14:15
geronimaldoandax, I was tempted for a while with my linksys but eventually manged to sort it14:15
geronimaldoI´d never buy another one tho14:16
=== andrei_ is now known as andreus
DOOM_NXaccording to this site (option 3): http://users.softlab.ntua.gr/~ttsiod/mp3pro.html it is possible to install the plugin14:16
DOOM_NXwhat do u think?14:16
fishbacki did, i installed all java etx: java-plugin java-jre java-bin14:16
antongeronimaldo: how?14:16
geronimaldoanton, once we know what your ip address is. you can connect to the router14:16
geronimaldoand change the settings. so if your address is 192.168.1.*14:16
hikejinxDOOM_NX: give me the link to the site14:17
DOOM_NXhikejinx, what site?14:17
hikejinxfor the stream14:17
fraggedgeronimaldo, looking at some vunrebilities today, apparently some browsers have a JS hole that allows connecting to a router from a client computer inside the network, cool stuff :P14:17
geronimaldothen will probably be your default gateway and the means to checking your settings14:17
fraggedscary too, other than http what else might you be able to do14:17
neggefishback the problem could be that firefox plugins normally installs to a directory named firefox (I'm sorry but I don't know where it is right now as I'm not at home), but firefox 3 is installed in a folder called firefox30b5 or something like that14:17
DOOM_NXhttp://48kbps.xtc-radio.gr:9400 here u are hikejinx14:17
fx|RabBitmewt: basically i think you can have bad luck with a bogus part from any brand, you are never safe from that... in that case go exchange it;)14:17
neggeso you'll need to copy the plugins to the new folder in order to "activate" them14:17
hikejinxDOOM_NX: thanks14:17
neggeatleast that's the case for gnash14:17
andaxgeronimaldo: in my own experience, it is technically a awesome piece of work but confusingly complicated if something does not work at first or second attempt.14:18
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antongeronimaldo: can i pm u?14:18
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geronimaldoandax, I might try it once I get a new router. have you successfully done one?14:19
mewtfx|RabBit, ye, that i know...however i tend to believe that a faulty card can only happen once ever so often in a production line and the fact that most of the people i know who bought similar cards to mine had the same problems gives a lot of food for thought14:19
antongot a messenger geronimaldo?14:19
DOOM_NXizinucs, if u're still searching i suggest u take a look at http://users.softlab.ntua.gr/~ttsiod/mp3pro.html and see option 314:19
mewtfx|RabBit, For all I know it could have been a faulty shipment since we all bought them around the same time14:19
antoni cant caught you here..14:19
andaxAnd... somehow it seemed i renamed the accesspoints of neighbours instead of my own. As they all have left the default IP and password which was the same like on my one :-/14:20
andaxi didnt notice14:20
fx|RabBitmewt: that kinda gives me thougth indeed, as a matter of fact youre the first one that i ever heard of trouble with that ones...14:20
geronimaldoyep.. you on gmail14:20
antongeronimaldo: ahmm pidgin14:20
mewtfx|RabBit,  :14:20
fx|RabBitmewt: and as a bonus the model that i mentioned is so quiet you almost dont hear it - only if yu put your head aside the computer...14:21
mewtfx|RabBit, i guess my next card will be a bfg or xfx even though they actually cost more to buy :(14:21
mewtfx|RabBit, got any reviews or benchmarks ?>14:21
hikejinxDOOM_NX: I installed it and it didn't work for me.14:21
fx|RabBitxfx are nicely pimped, whcih is precisely he reason why i dont buy em, overclockingnever prolongs durability...14:21
fx|RabBitmewt: not on those, sry..14:22
mewtfx|RabBit, ye but the fact that they give you a longer garuntee since it's factory overclocked usually puts my mind to rest14:22
antongeronimaldo: where r u ?14:22
christozHello room ,where are the settings for activating the skydome image in compiz...?14:22
mewtfx|RabBit, also as long as you don't push your card too much and always keep temperatures in check you shouldnt have any durability problems anyway14:22
fx|RabBitmewt: hehe in that case be sure to grab one hehe14:22
fx|RabBitmewt: naw i dont overclock outta principle..14:23
mewtfx|RabBit, :) sure will as soon as I get the money14:23
geronimaldoanton, sorry I was singing onto to pidgin14:23
mewtfx|RabBit, I dont like overclocking myself, one small mistake with a voltage or multiplier and you get that nice smell of burnt silicon in the air14:23
Concretesledgei can't figure out how to install this theme14:24
fx|RabBitmewt: hehe i hope i can upgrade for myself soon too, until now i only built them in for customers and that makes me cry XD14:24
geronimaldoanton, connect to gnice514:24
fx|RabBitmewt: equalling to the smell of burn bills yeah hehe14:24
DOOM_NX<hikejinx> DOOM_NX: I installed it and it didn't work for me. -> what do u mean u installed it? u converted the rpm to deb?14:24
mewtfx|RabBit, ye I know the feeling mate :) been building pcs for customers with PCI-E for ages now...and Im still on agp myself14:24
antongeronimaldo: wheres that? im new here in linux14:24
hikejinxDOOM_NX: yes14:24
DOOM_NXsee here please hikejinx: http://users.softlab.ntua.gr/~ttsiod/mp3pro.html14:24
DOOM_NXoption 314:24
geronimaldoanton, whatś your gmail address?14:25
fx|RabBitmewt: !!! kk atr least i have a 790gt14:25
mewtfx|RabBit, im still on the said 6800gx14:25
DOOM_NX"copying libmp3PRO.so into /usr/lib/xmms/Input/"14:25
DOOM_NXhow do u copy that?14:25
fx|RabBitmewt: well that one used to rock hard, so not tht bad anyways;)14:25
mewtfx|RabBit, poor card, she's unable to cope with anything I throw at her nowadays14:26
fx|RabBitmewt: k, dud been nice talking but i gotta get back to work by sometime14:26
andaxgeronimaldo: if i would buy a new one, eventually one of these USRobotics devices. I heard the brand linksys has been obsoleted by cisco14:26
mewtfx|RabBit, hehe cya14:26
fx|RabBitmewt: alongside14:26
mewtandax, not really, cisco are keeping linksys going quite well as far as I know..atleast we still sell them were I work14:27
christozI have a question...where are the settings for activating the skydome image in compiz...?14:27
christozor is any plugin for it?14:27
christozto download14:27
andaxmewt: but they will stop producing new devices or not?14:27
mewtandax, as far as I know, no14:27
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:28
NasraI am new to Gutsy Gibbon  ( Ubuntu 7.10 )...which I like very much at first sight....but I am having a problem I don't know how to save a file int /home and then be able to view / find it .....can you help me please?14:28
* mewt hides14:28
donkey7186question does anyone know how to make a drop down box with links in KOMPOZER?14:28
mewtNasra, you don't normally save files in /home, usually you save them in /home/username14:29
unop_Nasra, you should save files in /home/<username> as that is your home directory, you can view and find them by then browsing to your home directory14:30
Nasramewt: yes so you go /home/xxxxx whatever you have in there.....and then just click it right?14:30
hikejinxDOOM_NX: I'm sorry, can you give me the stream again, I lost connection earlier and restarted14:30
Nasraunop / mewt: you guys hitting my question which is very good....14:30
DOOM_NXit needs to play at 44kHz14:31
unop_Nasra, it depends on the file in question .. usually you can just double-click the file (as you do on other OSes)14:31
Nasraunop / mewt so they all go in there all the time....when preparing a let's say a new folder as well...14:31
andaxNasra: you would require root access but you need to know lots before doing such things. I messed up a system by using GUI apps as root and did fall into inextricable problems.14:31
NasraI don't wanna mess it up ...see?14:32
mewtNasra, they dont necessarily go in there by default, like in windows you can create folders and files in your My documents, you can create files and folder in your home directory which is /home/<username>14:32
unop_Nasra, where you save files is your business really .. it can be anywhere you like (within reason and permissions permitting)14:32
Nasraunop: what about executable programs.....?14:32
Robert125How do I import my contacts and emails from an older to a newer version f Thunderbird?14:33
unop_Nasra, if the files are set to be executable, you can just double-click them -- but in some cases, you might want to run them in a shell / terminal14:33
NasraI am the admin for my box here....just wanna learn when things need to ...and where to find it ....you see tha....but so far you guys answered some my questions....which is greast14:33
Nasraunop....you are aswering what I want to hear and learn it14:34
Robert125sorry, false channel14:34
izinucsRobert125, I think you can export your contacts in one vcard file.. check the menus for that option.14:34
Nasraunop :  Does it allow to do PMing in here14:35
=== _Silhouette__ is now known as _Silhouette_
andaxNasra: i thought its okay and i dont know the reasons why. I thought because synaptic uses root privileges and works, other apps should work too. But it doesnt. After reboot i had no internet access, xsession did not start up and grub configuration was overwritten by default values.14:35
=== DrAlgebra is now known as saschahl
FDi have problem configure sis vga card somone can help me ? thanks14:35
Nasraandax: you indeed had some serious problem in there....oh lol....14:36
andaxNasra: so its completely messed up and fresh installing the entire system would be the easiest to repair14:36
unop_Nasra, you can pm here but you need to be registered on freenode and ask the other user's permission first14:36
[Danux]join #ubuntu-fr14:36
[Danux]oups ^^14:36
=== FD is now known as FD_F
Nasraunop / andax ...had I known linux was so good especially Ubuntu would it be on it a long time.....14:37
FD_Fi have problem configure sis vga card someone can help me ? thanks14:37
unop_Nasra, it's never too late or early, welcome aboard!!14:37
Nasraunop: how do I register in here?14:37
Nasraunop: beautiful14:37
unop_!register > Nasra (see the PM from ubotu)14:37
majikinshello - I've been using dd to clone a disk - its takes a long time as compared to ghost14:37
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:38
hikejinxDOOM_NX: I extracted the codec from the rpm and can send it. I loaded it into xmms and it says its working, but I could not get the sound to play. If you want the file so you can try the alternative methods, let me know.14:38
majikinsI had to wait overnite an a bit to clone an 80gig sata disk14:38
majikinsI've been googling and can't to seem to find a way to speed up14:38
Juhazhave you specified a reasonably large block size?14:39
majikinsI waited 40 mins with Ghost14:39
hikejinxDOOM_NX: ok14:39
andaxNasra: yes, it is really remarkable how much has been done inside that short time since ubuntu is in wider use. I have used mandrake since 1999 and am impressed from ubuntu as well14:39
majikinsI got the bs=32256 - apparently this is optimum14:39
majikinstransfer rate is 1.1Mbs14:40
Nasraunop: if you were to save a file or open a new folder .....what would you do....my last question but not least......thanks in advace.....I know you just told me....I am saving logs....14:40
=== pbne04 is now known as pbne
DOOM_NXhikejinx, see what's happening to me... i converted rmp to deb with alien and installed it... but now the stream isn't playing at all... i went to /usr/lib/xmms/Input and renamed libmp3PRO.so to libmp3PRO.so.bak and now the stream is playing... (at half sample rate though cause it doesn't use mp3pro decoding)14:40
Nasraandax: how the new version coming along....has it been alot of corrections?14:40
unop_Nasra, depends what you want to do with the file really.14:40
PainkillerI have a problem with liblaunchpad-integration1 on 8.04RLC it broke 2 dependencies...14:41
CyntroxHey, anyone know how to resume a BitTorrent session in Ubuntu?14:41
PiciPainkiller: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.14:41
Painkilleruse azureus14:41
arcticpenguin380does ubuntu support hybrid drives?14:41
CyntroxYeah, but if I've already started downloading a torrent...?14:42
PainkillerI know14:42
Nasraunop: this is what I usually do.....I get programs (off the internet ) and I keep it for later use then when I ready to use it just go there and open it and then try to execute if programs....sometime just wanna read the readme.txt...etc...etc....14:42
RSOCyntrox: You only need to reload the tracker in whatever app you're using now14:42
DOOM_NXhikejinx, is ur libmp3PRO.so playing properly?14:42
pajamianarcticpenguin380: what do you mean by hybrid drives?14:43
CyntroxRSO: How do I do that? I'm still using BitTorrent but I could install something else...14:43
unop_Nasra, just imagine you are using windows, how would you do stuff? it's pretty much the same here too14:43
Nasrabut I want to have in my /home / xxxx14:43
Painkillerif you open the same torrent, save in the same place, it will check for the downloaded data, that way it will resume :)14:43
hikejinxi have no sound DOOM_NX14:43
CyntroxPainkiller: Okay, thanks14:43
RSOCyntrox: Well, you need to put the partial file in the target folder of your new program, and re-download the .torrent file.14:43
Painkilleruse lxdoom14:44
hikejinxDOOM_NX: perfect here now14:44
Finnish_Speaking of Torrents14:44
DOOM_NXhikejinx, how?14:44
CyntroxRSO: Okay, thanks. I already have the .torrent around, I believe...14:44
Nasraunop: I was just about to tell you that...but it's like truck different shifts different brands....etc....14:44
hikejinxI also renamed it, and it just works. I didn't use alien though.14:44
Finnish_I'd like to send a 200mb file to my friend14:44
Finnish_Via Torrent14:44
Finnish_Actually via Transmission14:44
Finnish_How to do that14:44
Nasraunop: is like learning different language same thing but differnt concept....of doing it thats all...14:45
andaxNasra: i have installed ubuntu 7.10 on my 600E thinkpad and on a compaq evo. As on all distributions sound did not work on my laptop (while with windows it does). I only get these beep beep beep sounds out of it. Power management is still an issue. Else, nearby everything worked very well.14:45
unop_Nasra, the best way to learn how it works, is to try it out, it really is not that different or hard14:45
hikejinxAh, it's playing at 22khz, but sounds good14:45
CyntroxFinnish_: Why do you want to use torrent? The whole idea of torrent is peer-to-peer... Which means that many people send it to each other.14:45
RSOCyntrox: Perfect14:45
beginnersmindi was able to experience windows vista for awhile, and what can i say, ubuntu is way better.14:45
Cyntroxbeginnersmind: Signed14:45
Finnish_Well, thats right... Any better idea14:45
pajamianFinnish_: if you just want to send one file to a friend then bittorrent is not a good solution.  A better solution would probablty be along the lines of sftp14:46
Juhazmajikins, I really doubt that's anywhere close to optimum for huge amount of data, but it shouldn't be that slow either. you're not dumping it on the same disk?14:46
CyntroxFinnish_: You could probably find something to send it with on google.14:46
Nasraunop: don't wanna mess it up .....in 2 weeks being with Ubunut Gutsy Gibbon....2 install so far...that is why I ask all of questions...so I can learn.....you know.....14:46
pajamianFinnish_: what OS is your friend running?14:46
Finnish_MS Vista14:46
majikinsJuhaz : nope - the dump was successfull so it did work14:47
unop_Nasra,  i'd be very surprised if you messed up with something as simple as this :) does that say something?14:47
Nasraunop / mewt / andax: ....just beautiful thanks alot....14:48
pajamianFinnish_: yuk, well probably the easiest way is to install ssh-server on your computer and give him an account so he can connect to it and download via an sftp program for windows.  If you have a NAT router make sure to forward port 22.14:48
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.14:48
DOOM_NX<hikejinx> Ah, it's playing at 22khz, but sounds good -> Yeah standard mp3 decoders decode at 22kHz... mp3pro plays anywhere this way. but to get full quality at 44kHz u need mp3pro decoder14:48
egoleosomeone help with install nvu and good graphic authoring tool14:48
andaxNasra: I especially wonder because of the sound. i wonder why this is still that complicated. It is a nearby 10 year old laptop and a very popular one too. And still unresolved issues.14:48
Nasraunop: I know but it's a different world ...you know.....any site you recommend to read about and from Ubuntu?14:48
Nasraandax you will be alright.....14:49
hikejinxgotcha... well at least you get your stream DOOM_NX14:49
DJones!nvu | egoleo: nvu is no longer being developed, its replacement is Kompzer14:49
ubotuegoleo: nvu is no longer being developed, its replacement is Kompzer: kompozer is WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy, !Backports on !Feisty, and from  « deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tonyyarusso/ubuntu edgy universe » for Edgy.  (Dapper still pending)14:49
SusePiloti am building a new pc with a core 2 duo E8400 wolfdale it will be running Ubuntu 8.04 and opensuse 10.3 (then 11.0) can anyone reccomend a motherboard?14:49
unop_Nasra, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/14:49
FrozenballFinnish_, moi14:49
Finnish_Frozenball: Ugh14:50
Nasraunop: as always your instructions are important to me....thanks alot......14:50
andaxNasra: but like i already mentioned, its on all distributions. Therewith not ubuntu specific i would say.14:50
sipiorSusePilot: as long as it supports your cpu out of the box, i don't think it matters a great deal14:51
DOOM_NX<hikejinx> gotcha... well at least you get your stream DOOM_NX -> well yes i already used to get the stream... but i need to install this mp3pro plugin somehow :/14:51
egoleobut i am not finding Kompzer14:51
hikejinxdid you try to install winamp under wine?14:51
maekhikejinx, dont use winamp use XMMS14:52
sipioregoleo: kompozer, i believe14:52
SusePilotsipior: well i use AMD now and i was told that linux didnt play well with intel chipsets is that not true?14:52
egoleothnx got it14:52
hikejinxdidn't the one page have the guy installing winamp under wine to play?14:52
maekhttp://www.xmms.org/ hikejinx14:52
egoleobut u know of any good graphics tool like photoshop?14:52
egoleofor linux14:52
Piciegoleo: The Gimp14:52
sipiorSusePilot: works fine. if you're nervous about it, you can always check against the supported list. but i very much doubt you would have issues. i certainly have not.14:52
maekXMMS has nearly all the features of WINAMP14:52
Cyntroxwhat's the name of the default Ubuntu firewall again?14:52
maekegoleo, The gimp14:53
PiciCyntrox: iptables14:53
hikejinxmaek: I was helping DOOM_NX install some weird mp3pro plugin that runs only in xmms, but not easily.14:53
CyntroxThanks, Pici14:53
PiciCyntrox: The gui for it is Firestarter in Gnome.14:53
egoleoapart from that what else plse14:53
hikejinxmaek: there was a howto for winamp under wine that seemed more straightforward.14:53
maekegoleo, The GIMP is included by default in Ubuntu14:53
pedroi enabled root password, how do i place root in the login window? and how do i get rid of the annoying messages that pop up about logging in as root?14:53
omarGuys, what's the best way to clean the source.list ?14:53
egoleooh ok14:53
egoleoany graphic too again?14:54
DOOM_NXwell no i didn't install winamp14:54
maekor try Adobe's crap web based photoshop14:54
DOOM_NXand probably won't14:54
sjovan_omar: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the stuff you don't like. ctrl+k to remove a whole line14:54
sipiorpedro: that's generally considered poor practise14:54
Nasraandax: it's okay....I am being forced to learn linux...for a software I have use and learn....but first Ubuntu for the next 3 months.....14:54
DOOM_NXbecause i want to use custom alsa device with xmms14:54
omarsjovan_: Thanks14:54
pedromorning... anyone here use ubuntuworking as root is a lifestyle.. i know this... but is there a way to get rid of the messages? and place add root to gdm login window?14:55
pedrosorry bout that typo14:55
sjovan_omar: remember... don't remove the stuff you need. sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak could be smart to do first :)14:55
maekpedro its not advisable to run root 24/714:55
sjovan_maek: why would you do that in ubuntu?14:56
pedroobviously, no one has the answer14:56
pedrojust predetermined responses14:56
maekits better to be a user with administrative privileges14:56
pedrothanks anyway14:56
omarsjovan_: Yes, thanks for mentioning it. :)14:56
sjovan_omar: np :)14:56
maekdo what sjovan_ ??14:56
cwraigpedro,  you can enable root login from system -->administration-->login window14:57
sipiorpedro: well, i'm sure it's possible. you can simply modify gdm to permit root logins14:57
sipiorpedro: but then again, if you don't know how to do it, should you really be doing it?14:57
Joelitowhat good IDE for python-gtk, with code completation, do you recommend or know?14:57
cwraigpedro, on the security tab you can enable admininstrator login14:58
pedrothank you14:58
andaxNasra: would be interesting to hear which app it is that inspired you to join the ubuntu community :)14:58
unopJoelito, emacs and vim both do a good job, try both out and pick one, code-completion might require installation of additional packages14:59
cwraigpedro, if you figure out how to auto login as root let me know, i have asked oround but i just get shouted at for using root on a daily basis14:59
ExterisJoelito, bluefish14:59
sipiorauto-login as root?14:59
* sipior shakes his head15:00
Joelitothanks, searching :)15:00
Nasraandax is open software for telephony to go around the world....15:00
pedrocwraig: i hear ya man.. and allowing root login doesnt place root in the login window either.. that sucks.. maybe time for new distro.. maybe slack?15:00
cwraigsipior, thats the response i always get, but newer an answer on how to do it :P15:00
JuhazJoelito, take a look at pida too. dunno if anjuta does python, but it's probably worth a look15:01
Nasraandax : using servers established allover..15:01
Juhazthe day someone answers that question we might just as well give up and go back to windows, that's what you want to turn it into anyway.15:02
Cyntroxwhat's the bash command for moving files?15:02
sipiorcwraig: you can simply tell gdm to permit root logins. it's possible that gdm is specifically designed not to allow auto-logins for root, and you may have to edit the source code for that. should be simple for you.15:02
jribCyntrox: mv15:02
LollinopiLeverytime I close an ODT document, i ear a sound from the CPU ( sounds like the allarm's sound, not the common sound!!) ... how can I stop it ?15:02
jrib!cli > Cyntrox (read the private message from ubotu)15:02
Cyntroxjrib: thanks15:02
sipiorcwraig: so there's your answer15:02
pedrocwraig: its because people in this channel are like microsoft employees, they do not want you to think for yourself.15:02
bazhangroot on irc? ruh roh15:02
jribpedro: are you aware of sudo?15:03
pedroyou bet i am15:03
cwraigpedro, lets not fire the (free) help15:03
sipiorpedro: if you can think for yourself, why can you not figure out how to modify gdm to do what you want?15:03
pedroim also aware that i have always worked as root on other distros15:03
andaxNasra: i am using wengophone to connect my mobile with the computer. It was astonishingly easy to set up. It detected my phone automatically and knew how to communicate without any separate software from the manufacturer itself :)15:03
bazhangpedro tone down the rhetoric please; people here are volunteers15:03
andaxNasra: else i havent done anything related with phones15:03
jribpedro: the people here are trying to help you.  being root all the time is a very bad idea.  And more importantly, it's completely unnecessary15:03
cwraigwhat i have found is that i can just start X without using GDM at all as root & that works well15:03
pedrowow, these people are like wind up toys, they use predetermined responses, then speak only through ubotu.. its like they arent even human15:04
JoelitoJuhaz: Thanks :)15:04
jacekowskii have simple usb camera15:04
jacekowskiwhat i can use to jus see image from camera?15:04
sipiorpedro: i am totally a robot, man.15:04
Nasraandax : there is an open source telephony software called: Asterisk that is what I am interested about to learn.....15:04
jacekowskijust simple, i need to check is it working?15:04
maek!root | pedro15:05
ubotupedro: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:05
unopha ha15:05
cwraigalright thats enough, this channel is just looking out for the everyday user, i can understand that (no one) not everyone "needs" to be root,15:05
pedrothanks maek, i needed that15:05
bazhangwe are ubotu's legions15:05
sipiorall hail ubotu!15:05
Nasraandax: is called future of telephony by O'reilly...is amazing very powerful15:05
* pedro salutes ubotu15:05
maekits perfectly easy enough to administer your system without having to log in as root15:06
pedroim sure it is15:06
pedrobut who asked that?15:06
bazhangdoes not feel as leet though ;]15:06
=== ubuntu is now known as wmaulik
maekall the Ubuntu developers worked hard hour after hour to make sure of that15:06
sipiorpedro: did configuring gdm to permit root logins not work? or have you not even tried yet?15:06
cwraigit just gives you that feeling like your running a SVN (i know its git) build of the kerenel :P15:07
mad_max02hey guys I gotta question: can I remove windowsxp passwords from ubuntu live dvd ??15:07
pajamianpedro if you want a real root account it's easy enough to do, just sudo -i to get an actual root shell, then you can assign a password with the passwd command.15:07
maekno mad_max0215:07
unopmaek, it's not just ubuntu .. infact it's the guys at gnome who have configured GDM that way15:07
bazhangmad_max02: not very likely15:07
markmuetzhi guys, i've upgraded to hardy heron and have hit some problems15:07
andaxhuh? how have i removed the menu bar in gnome-terminal?15:07
bazhangmarkmuetz: there is a channel for that15:07
unopmarkmuetz, head to #ubuntu+1 please15:08
markmuetzcool, cheers15:08
mad_max02can I transfer files to another computer over network with ubuntu live dvd ??15:08
unopmad_max02, sure15:08
pajamianmad_max02: yes15:08
DaveTarmacI'm looking for a piece of web development software, preferably for GNOME rather than KDE - but I'm not that picky. the only thing I really would want is the function to work on a remote system. Anyone got any recommendations for me?15:08
pajamianmad_max02: in fact, I just did that a couple nights ago to backup my son's computer before re-installing ubuntu on it.15:08
mad_max02What do I need for that ?? just boot live dvd ???15:08
pajamianmad_max02: live CD, yes15:09
maekandax right click the terminal and check show menu bar15:09
flutefluteDaveTarmac: what kind of software?15:09
cwraigDaveTarmac, i used to use gphpedit or kate15:09
crunchybumbledoes the new live cd have testdisk on it?15:09
DOOM_NXhikejinx, i found the problem... i had to use OSS output plugin15:09
pajamianDaveTarmac: I work on remote systems all the time just with ssh.  What are your requirements?15:09
DOOM_NXbut i need ALSA cause i have configured alsa tables :/15:09
miguel_chi there! im running xubuntu and i run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. I set up the keyboard layout to pt and variant to pt. everything is working but.. i cant make the euro symbol, and all the symbols that depends on alt Gr key15:09
mad_max02okay thanks15:09
miguel_cnot even with the ctrl+alt combo..15:10
andaxmaek: thanks :)15:10
pajamian!xubuntu | miguel_c15:10
ubotumiguel_c: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels15:10
brandon__Anyone happen to know how to check your video ram in ubuntu?  Just curious as to what the OS is detecting for me.15:10
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DaveTarmacpajamian: I want to be able to, like you can in Dreamweaver, connect to a remote system and edit PHP directly on the server rather then using a seperate FTP to send them ot the server15:11
hikejinxDOOM_NX: Great!15:11
cwraigi think you can do that with kate15:11
pajamianDaveTarmac: I just log into the server with ssh and use my favorite console-based text editor (in my case emacs).15:11
brandon__Anyone happen to know how to check your video ram in ubuntu?  Just curious as to what the OS is detecting for me.15:12
pajamianDaveTarmac: it's more a case of what's available on the remote server than what you have on your computer.15:12
DaveTarmacpajamian: I'm afraid I'm a wuss and prefer something a little more GUI like. It's my one downfall ;)15:12
VidenDoes anyone know of a good exchange server monitor addon for nagios ?15:12
pajamianDaveTarmac: you can use a remote X connection via ssh as well, just as long as the remote server supports it.  If you log in via ssh and try to use gedit you'll find out if that is supported.15:13
=== BenC__ is now known as BenC
miguel_cim using xubuntu why can't i use the alt gr combination symbol?15:13
BSG75is there a way to get rid of all panels in gnome?15:13
DaveTarmacpajamian: for instance, I use Dreamweaver (on mac sadly) which connects to remote servers using S/FTP15:13
cwraigDaveTarmac, if you install the kate editor you should just be able to dump an ftp address into the open file window & it will connect15:13
miguel_cnot even the ctrl+alt+f2 or f115:13
DaveTarmaccwraig: OK, cheers - I'll give that a try tonight15:13
amenadoDaveTarmac-> fish:///  orotocol on konqueror15:13
pajamianDaveTarmac: that said, I would recommend that you get to know console based programs for workign on remote servers.  They are much faster because the remote server doesn't have to send graphics over the internet and once you get used to it you'll find you like it better.15:14
maekBSG75, why would you wan't to do that ??15:14
brandon__Anyone happen to know how to check your video ram in ubuntu?  Just curious as to what the OS is detecting for me.15:14
bazhanghi kraut15:14
krautwhich kernel do i need on ubuntu/dapper to boot a galaxy 4200 with lsi-controller?15:14
BSG75maek: I am setting up a profile for my 7 year old daughter .. she only needs access to the icon on the desktop15:14
sipiorbrandon__: asking over and over is not likely to get your question answered more quickly.15:14
pajamianmiguel_c: please go to #xubuntu for xubuntu support.15:14
krauti thought, the galaxies are certified under dapper by ubuntu, but the server won't boot, because it cant find any boot device15:15
BSG75my only other option will be to install fluxbox or enlightenment15:15
jaffarkelshacdoees anyone know the cad program nx by ugs, is there a version for ubuntu15:15
maekuse the config manager that came with your graphics card drivers brandon_15:15
amenadoBrandon_-> dont know if  xdpyinfo have that info or xwininfo15:15
cwraigpajamian, unless the server is yours tho you dont get ssh access15:15
maekBSG75, Just use a blank gnome panel15:15
DaveTarmaccurrently, I use BlueFish for it, but that requires a separate FTP program (i believe - if not I haven't found that function yet)15:15
maekmaybe with some launchers for your daughter15:15
pajamiancwraig: not for a cheap web account, true.  There are many hosting accounts that you can get with shell access, though.15:16
cwraigive got a large number of sites on reseller hosting & they dont give me ssh access only FTP15:16
BSG75maek: yeah I could do that .. I wish gnome was a bit more customizable .. i am sure there is a good reason why you can't get rid of all panels ..15:16
Adantan_Alexok i cant get the root pass word for my computer....15:16
pajamianyou can't?  I never tried to get rid of the last panel in gnome.15:16
pajamian!root | Adantan_Alex15:17
ubotuAdantan_Alex: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:17
maekand make the panel nice and big so your daughter can easily see it15:17
LollinopiLeverytime I close an ODT document, i ear a sound from the CPU ( sounds like the allarm's sound, not the common sound!!) ... how can I stop it ?15:17
bazhangif you do delete all the panels then remember the !resetpanels factoid it might come in handy ;]15:17
maekwhat is the application she is allowed to use BSG75 ??15:17
BSG75firefox, gimp and her music software to sync her ipod (I think it will be amarok)15:18
BSG75maek: I already have tinyproxy running to only give access to the sites she's allowed to go play on15:19
i2c4uhi, is it alright to talk about  hardy here?15:19
pajamian!hardy | i2c4u15:19
ubotui2c4u: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:19
bazhangthere is a channel for that i2c4u #ubuntu+115:19
geniii2c4u: Better in #ubuntu15:19
geniii2c4u: Better in #ubuntu+1 rather15:19
i2c4uok thanks15:19
BSG75maek: and will setup a instant message server tonight so her friends and can logon and chat .. so she feels all grown up .. but everything is within limits .. of course15:19
maekperfect Just put some launchers to those apps you mentioned BSG75 and maybe a window selector in the panel15:20
white_eagleI accidentaly clicked Ctrl-Left Alt-F12 and a black screen with a typing line ( you know what I mean ) showed up, when I tried to type something it didn't respond so I did a hard reboot15:20
white_eaglewhat is that shortcut used for??15:20
pajamianBSG75: maybe you should put edubuntu on it for het.15:20
Exteriswhite_eagle, virtual terminals. you can return with ctrl-alt-715:21
BSG75pajamian: great idea .. I didn't even think of that15:21
LeGreffi3Rwhite_eagle> Exteris 's right15:21
white_eagleExteris: I ctrl-alt-f7? or ctrl-alt-715:21
rambo3what program do i use to convert bin/cue to iso on 64 bit15:21
white_eaglebecause ctrl-alt-f7 didn't get me back15:21
maekBSG75, the only problem I see is that if your daughter gets adventurous and goes adding stuff to the panel15:21
sipiorwhite_eagle: just Alt-F715:22
BSG75do you guys know of any script/app that already exists where mommy can set the time limit and it log her off after such time?15:22
white_eagleoh thanks15:22
LeGreffi3Rwhite_eagle> Ctrl+Alt+F7 or Alt+F715:22
LeGreffi3Rwhite_eagle> avoid hard reboot15:22
BSG75maek: LOL now you got it my friend .. she's just like her daddy .. give her something and she'll figure out a way around it :)15:22
maekyou will have to make sure that the panel is locked down BSG7515:22
cwraigwhite_eagle, how do you accidently press that many keys at once hahahhaha15:22
white_eagledoesn't ctrl-alt-f1 open a terminal?15:22
LeGreffi3Rwhite_eagle> if this is hard deadlocked, try a Shift+Alt+Print+b15:22
BSG75and I am soo proud that she can do that .. also grey hairs :)15:22
LeGreffi3Rwhite_eagle> it does15:23
white_eaglecwraig: I was trying to press ctrl-alt-f1115:23
white_eaglefor an effect15:23
BSG75thanks guys .. I will see what I come up with ..15:23
white_eagleI mena15:23
maekhhrrmmm thats a problem then BSG75 ... lol15:24
LeGreffi3RBSG75> get a "sleep time && logout" in her Xsession :)15:24
pajamianBSG75: I don't know, I would say you can put a line like: at now + 2 hours shutdown -h now + 5 minutes15:24
maekoh yeah LeGreffi3R you can have forced breaks15:24
pajamianheh, oh well15:24
[chr0n0s]hi, i used mkfs on my home partition by mistake, is there any way to recover the data/15:25
LeGreffi3Rpajamian> this will ask for sudo...15:25
pajamianLeGreffi3R: I was goinng to suggest he put it in his rc.local15:25
sipior[chr0n0s]: unfortunately, no15:25
sipiornot reliably, at any rate15:26
DragonLotushey all, I'm trying to install the debian menu in gutsy.  I used Synaptic to get menu and menu-xdg.  I used dpkg-reconfigure on both.  I restarted my x-server... still not listed in applications.  Any ideas?15:26
LeGreffi3Rpajamian> i think he just want this on a session, not for the whole computer.15:26
sipiorDragonLotus: have you tried looking via the menu-editor? you may have to enable its display there.15:27
christozevery time i'm downloading packages from the repositories,after fetching the package,and before installing it i have this error message twice...why is that>15:27
christoz Failed to open device15:27
christoz<christoz> X Err15:27
christozoops sorry15:27
LeGreffi3R[chr0n0s]> did you write there since?15:27
DragonLotussipior: that's where I am right now, but I don't even know what I'm looking for using the menu-editor15:27
BonezHi, can someone pls help me with my apt-get problem - details here http://pastebin.com/m18243a86 - thank you15:28
sipiorDragonLotus: there should be a debian entry somewhere, which you can then enable15:28
LeGreffi3RDragonLotus> if you want a debian menu, why don't you use a debian?15:28
pajamianLeGreffi3R: well then it should be possible to put it in a shell script and he can run it manually, he could give it special sudo privs for that script so it doesn't require a password if he wants, but it's a mute point because he's gone now anyways.15:28
sipiorLeGreffi3R: courtesy, sir15:28
ExterisBonez, apt-get -f install first ?15:28
DOOM_NXis OSS worse than ALSA? and why?15:29
LeGreffi3Rsipior> have I been gross?15:29
LeGreffi3Rdidn't mean it :/15:29
bazhangwow this the second such error in two days15:29
BonezExteris: it does nothing... gives same error15:29
tortusI just got from work an turned my pc on and my mouse stopped working. The Mouse is fine, works on other computers. Other mice on this computer dont work either15:29
tortusdmesg shows no interesting output15:29
Exteristortus, perhaps the port is fried15:29
LeGreffi3Rpajamian> :)15:29
pajamiantortus: mouse port gone bad?  try a USB mouse.15:29
christozevery time i'm downloading packages from the repositories,after fetching the package,and before installing it i have this error message twice...http://www.pastebin.ca/976906 why is that15:29
tortusIts an USB Mouse15:30
DragonLotussipior: xfce-menueditor open and nothing showing debian menus or any odd entries anywhere15:30
tortusWait a sec, ill try ps215:30
pajamiantortus: try booting to the live CD and see if it works in that.15:30
bazhangBonez: did you run a script to install drivers/codecs recently15:31
[chr0n0s]LeGreffi3R, nope no disk activity15:31
=== PookAir is now known as FooTaGe
tortusps2 wont work, ill go for the livecd-idea15:32
pajamiantortus: also when plugging/ unplugging a ps2 mouse make sure the computer is turned off (not needed with USB) or you might just fry the port.15:32
sipior[chr0n0s]: well, outside of writing the filesystem... ;-)15:32
LeGreffi3R[chr0n0s]> then there is still hope... I don't know how to do this though...15:32
nagyvcould someone help me with a weird python problem? I described it here: http://rafb.net/p/FUgMYu34.html15:33
khaled10hello to all15:33
Tex-TwilDo you know why a "sftp://" trasnfer via Konquror or Krusader is MUCH slower (300 KB/s) than a command line "scp" trasnfer (5MB/s) ?15:33
khaled10what are the bisic configration for the network for all linux dis15:34
LeGreffi3R[chr0n0s]> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41889915:34
=== FooTaGe is now known as PookAir
DragonLotussipior: thanks for the attemp, though.15:35
sipiorDragonLotus: yep, hope you get it sorted out15:36
bazhangkhaled10: that is a somewhat open-ended question; do you have a ubuntu support question or just curious about networking15:36
Tvanyone else have firefox-3 trouble in hardy?15:36
PookAirHi, I wanted to know how can i see ntfs files on my ubuntu, I have one partion ext3 anf the other one ntfs.... thanks alot15:36
bazhangTv: best ask in the hardy channel15:36
timoTV: nothing here, every thing works15:36
pajamian!ntfs | PookAir15:36
ubotuPookAir: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE15:36
spasticteapotDoes anyone know how to check which version of Java I have installed?15:36
timotv: oops in using feisty!15:37
Tvbazhang: hardy channel? is that #ubuntu-hardy15:37
MrBumblebeego to java.com and do the java check, it'll tell you15:37
bazhangTv: #ubuntu+115:37
spasticteapotI need JRE5 for BlueJ, and I don't know if it's installed or not.15:37
pajamianTv: #ubuntu+115:37
Tvbazhang: thanks15:37
bazhangnp ;]15:37
spasticteapotMrBumblebee: I need the Java 5 compiler.15:37
PookAirubotu, last time i installed ubuntu i didn't have to do anything15:37
timopookair, have you mount it /15:38
bazhangPookAir: you want to read and write as well? ntfs-3g will do that15:38
spasticteapotI have a file called jdk-1_5_0_15-nb-6_0_1-linux-ml.sh15:38
pajamianspasticteapot: java -version15:38
spasticteapotHow do I install it?15:38
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spasticteapotpajamian: Thanks.15:38
SmegzorI want to change my gnome wallpaper from command line.  What do I type or what command do I need?15:39
spasticteapotpajamian: That just tells me my runtime environment.15:39
timo$ ./ jdk**15:39
pajamianspasticteapot: hrmmmmm, probably jdk -version, then15:39
pajamian...or something like that15:40
spasticteapotpajamian: Command not found.15:40
spasticteapotHow do I install a .sh file?15:40
timolike this ./15:40
pajamianspasticteapot: usually you run it15:40
sipiorspasticteapot: java -version doesn't return a string like "java version 1.5.0_13"?15:40
pajamianspasticteapot: but you'll be better off installign it from a package15:40
spasticteapotsipior: It gives me the Java SE runtime environment.15:41
pajamianspasticteapot: I recommend: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk15:41
timospatic try this ./ jdk-1_5_0_15-nb-6_0_1-linux-ml.sh15:41
spasticteapotAh...it's chmod 77715:41
sipiorspasticteapot: simpler just to install the jdk through the package manager. especially when it comes time to upgrade...15:42
pajamianspasticteapot: it's nearly always better to install an ubuntu package than to download from a website and install yourself15:42
spasticteapotsipior: Huh.15:42
spasticteapotThat...makes quite good sense, actually.15:42
pajamianspasticteapot: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk15:43
fresh_dumbledorehey yo hey yo!15:43
spasticteapotI must have been searching wrong.15:43
pajamianspasticteapot: there's also a package for java6 if you'd prefer.15:43
spasticteapotpajamian: No good. It won't work with my assignments.15:43
spasticteapot(Goodness knows why.)15:43
pajamianspasticteapot: ok, then there is java5, which is what I just told you.15:43
spasticteapotfresh_dumbledore: Watched that "Harry Potter in the Hood" video a few times too many?15:44
pajamianspasticteapot: make sure you have multiverse enabled.15:44
rjmhi - how do i get color highlighintg in vim?  i tried creating a .vimrc with 'syntax=on'15:44
spasticteapotpajamian: I have it installing.15:44
rjmbut didn't work15:44
pajamianspasticteapot: ok, cool15:44
sipiorrjm: just "syntax on"15:45
bazhangwho will support the new wubi?15:45
rjmyeh i tried syntax on too15:45
bazhangKeithWeisshar: what is that?15:45
sipiorrjm: and if you try ":set syntax on" in vim, does it give an error?15:45
geniibazhang: Apparently all of us15:45
evandbazhang: Ubuntu will, much in the same way it supports other installation methods.15:45
fresh_dumbledorespasticteapot: not really15:45
bazhangevand thanks--will try it later today15:46
bazhanggenii: most of us ;]15:46
KeithWeissharit's getright pro web access15:46
Exterisrjm set syntax on ?15:46
LeGreffi3Rrjm> the default vim on ubuntu is a light version15:46
evandbazhang: best of luck.  If you run into any trouble please either file a bug (preferrable) or start a thread on the wubi forum on ubuntuforums so we can track the issue.15:46
CreationistOkay, this is really starting to infuritate me.  For that past couple of months, Firefox just plain stops working at random times.  It no longer loads pages (just sits on "Loading..." indefinitely).  Sometimes after an hour of browsing, others just after visiting certain intense sites.  Restarting Firefox will temporarily solve the issue, but it just keeps repeating.  How can I track down the cause of this?15:46
evandbazhang: http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug for the former15:46
rjmhow do i upgrade to the full version?15:46
LeGreffi3Rrjm> install vim-full15:47
rjmcool thanks15:47
LeGreffi3R(logical) :D15:47
bazhangevand: I think there is a problem with the !wubi factoid; the wubi.org seems to lead to someone's blog15:47
pajamianCreationist: how much RAM do you have?15:47
AngryBaconI can,t get my 8800gt to work  w/nvidia drivers, everything i try results in signal loss and the error (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)15:47
Creationistpajamian: 1gb15:47
bazhangthanks evand will bookmark15:47
* rjm awaits vim15:47
pajamianCreationist: tht's plenty, but the symptoms you describe sound like what happens when FF runs out of RAM.15:48
ubotuwubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it will be included in hardy 8.04 currently in beta)15:48
evandlooks ok to me15:48
pajamianCreationist: you may want to try the FF3 beta, it might work better for you.15:48
erUSULAngryBacon: what drivers are you using??15:48
marx2kAny suggestions for a Linux compatible MP3 player that comes in 80+ gigs that is NOT an iPod?15:48
Creationistpajamian: I figured that, but that's not the cause.  ANd FF3 is terrible for my system... way too buggy (and none of my necessary extentions work for it yet)15:48
LeGreffi3R<troll> hard to understand how they do to put a complete Ooo, and an uncomplete vim</troll>15:48
AngryBaconerUSUL, i've tried 169.12 & 171.0615:49
sipiorLeGreffi3R: agreed!15:49
bazhangevand: which one? the wubi looks like it is in Chinese; not clear where users should go on that page15:49
pajamianCreationist: ok, I understand, well, I would say you might possibly have a RAM problem, did you try running memtest for a couple passes?15:49
LeGreffi3Rmarx2k> nearly all (no-sony, no-creative) player will work as a hard drive15:49
Creationistmarx2k: You won't find a single MP3 player out there that claims itself to be "Linux compatible," but you can install Rockbox on nearly any player (including iPod) which supports Linux fantastically.15:49
LeGreffi3Rmarx2k> i'd say any :)15:49
evand!wubi is wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it will be included in hardy 8.04 currently in beta)15:50
Creationistpajamian: Haven't yet... but I guess that would explain why my entire system seems to grind to a halt at times, huh? ;)15:50
LeGreffi3RRockbox is juste awesome :)15:50
Creationistpajamian: Although, that only happens in LInux, not Windows... so it shouldn't be a RAM issue.15:50
pajamianCreationist: it could, bad RAM can do all sorts of weird things.15:50
evand!wubi is wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it will be included in hardy 8.04 beta CD and will be in the final release)15:50
evand!wubi is wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it is included in hardy 8.04 beta CD and will be in the final release)15:50
LjLevand, use PM please15:51
LjL!pmthebot > evand    (evand, see the private message from Ubotu)15:51
pajamianCreationist: Linux is more sensitive to RAM problems than windows.  That's because it makes much better usage of all your available RAM.15:51
AngryBaconrockbox lacks video support tho15:51
Creationistmarx2k: As far as the 80gb goes, I think only Apple caters to the "compensatory" crowd ;)15:51
evandLjL: indeed, sorry about that15:51
marx2kCreationist: excellent terming :D15:51
CreationistAngryBacon: It lacks FULL video support :)15:51
marx2kI care not for video on an mp3 player15:52
AngryBaconCreationist, lol, 18fps15:52
Creationistmarx2k: Then why do you need 80gb?15:52
bazhangthe wubi org link leads to micah sittig's blog--none of the links have to do with wubi ubuntu installer15:52
Creationistmarx2k: Those are some really friggin long trips you're taking.15:52
marx2kCreationist: hahaha Im just thinking long term here15:52
fresh_dumbledoreis it possible to upgrade ubuntu 7.10 from 32bit to 64bit without losing data?15:52
CreationistAngryBacon: It's a 2-inch screen... you need a better framerate? lol15:52
evandbazhang: which link?  The ubuntuforums link goes to the wubi forum and the launchpad link goes to the file a bug page15:52
marx2kSo the Zune works fine with Linux??15:52
rjmi installed vim-full but when i do :syntax=on - still no syntax highlighintg15:53
pajamianCreationist: the other thing is, check your RAM and CPU usage for FF when it starts freezing up, open up a terminal and run the "top" command, it will sort by the program with the highest CPU usage at the top.  You can then press M and it will change the sort to have the highest memory usage at the top.15:53
bazhanghttp://wubi.org/ this one evand15:53
sipiorrjm: :set syntax on15:53
rjmand syntax on in my .vimrc still doesn't work15:53
pajamianCreationist: it will also report total RAM and CPU usage.15:53
Creationistmarx2k: It does for now... but as it's a Microsoft product, don't expect newer versions to work for long.15:53
AngryBaconCreationist, I fail to see the correlation between the screensize & frame rate15:53
rjm:set syntax on gives - unknown option on15:53
Creationistpajamian: But firefox never freezes, just can't load any pages... like my connection drops.15:54
bazhangfresh_dumbledore: sadly no15:54
sipiorrjm: i think you are still using the vim-tiny version15:54
pajamianCreationist: check your connection, then, try pinging websites.15:54
AngryBaconCreationist, also, my 6th gen ipod isn't sopported15:54
CreationistAngryBacon: My point is that on such a small screen, only 18fps won't be discernable from 30fps.15:54
fresh_dumbledorewill it be possible in 8.04?15:54
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rjmah  is there something like aliases i need to edit to point to the new vim15:54
pajamianCreationist: rule out everything but FF, and then go to #firefox (I'm guessing) for support.15:54
AngryBaconCreationist, who,s your isp?15:54
CreationistAngryBacon: Yeah, Apple destroyed linux support... Microsoft will soon too.  Of course, the Apple "blocking" was cracked within hours :)15:54
sipiorrjm: apologies, try just :set syntax15:54
marx2kIm glad to know many players are supported.  Im still trying to get past my MiniDisc player15:55
CreationistAngryBacon: Until later this afternoon I'm with Comcast.15:55
evandbazhang: we don't own wubi.org.  There's wubi-installer.org, but it's also included on the beta CD.  Just burn the beta, and pop it in your computer when in Windows.  Autorun should do the rest.15:55
pajamianoh shoot15:55
pajamianCreationist: you're with Comcast15:55
bazhangAngryBacon: you need the latest libgpod deb for ubuntu or wait 16 days for the next release15:55
rjm:set syntax gives no errors, but also no color?15:55
rjmi'm editing a .pl file btw15:55
sipiorrjm: and :syntax enable?15:55
Creationistpajamian: Well, I'm getting AT&T connected today.15:55
PookAirI had ntfs 3g installed already and i still cant see my ntfs partition15:55
bazhangevand: okay so the factoid needs to be changed to wubi-installer.org then thanks15:56
pajamianCreationist: one sec, I'm looking up an article for you...15:56
AngryBaconCreationist, yeah' comcast sucks, but i can,t find any dsl with decent speed arund here15:56
rjmsyntax enable works15:56
sipiorrjm: now that i actually have the manual open... :syntax on should work fine. if it doesn't, ensure that you are running the full version of vim15:56
rjmthanks much:)15:56
pajamianCreationist: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/265722093/article.pl15:56
CreationistAngryBacon: Well, I'm huge for speed... the highest AT&T offers is "up to" 6mbps.15:56
marx2kugh I wish I could just stick a front-end on my Lacie external 2.5" USB drive :(15:56
PookAirCan any1 help me to see ntfs partion15:57
AngryBaconCreationist, the best i can get on DSL is 1.515:57
Odd-rationale!ntfs | PookAir15:57
ubotuPookAir: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE15:57
dtoljPookAir: whats the problem?15:57
CreationistAngryBacon: Is that the highest service they offer?  Or just your top speed?15:57
rjmif i have syntax enable in my .vimrc won't that automatically turn it on for any thing i edit?15:57
bazhanghttp://wubi-installer.org/ not this http://wubi.org/ in the factoid15:57
PookAirI just cant find or see my ntfs partion15:57
AngryBaconCreationist, top avail in my area15:57
CreationistAngryBacon: With Comcast, I was paying $55/month for 3mbps.  The AT&T service I'm getting is $35 for 6mbps :)15:58
tortusallright, i just tried the live-cd. There my mice work, in the my ordinary system there still nothing15:58
AngryBaconCreationist, i get 10mbps w/comcast when it works15:58
bazhangPookAir: did you mount it?15:58
tortusmy usb-keyboard works by the way, its just usb-mice that dont work15:58
pajamianthey're unbundling the local loops here, and my ISP got in on it for the first exchange.  They say that with thier own equipment in the exchange they can get up to 15mbps or better.15:59
charIieDoes anyone know a good stock ticker program for Ubuntu?15:59
evandbazhang: fixed thanks to the folks in ubuntu-ops.15:59
CreationistAngryBacon: Heh... never gotten that before. I've gotten up to 3.5 down I think.15:59
PookAirbazhang, I dont know im new to ubuntu but i know that last time i had an icon called data that had all my ntfs partion in it and now i installed ubuntu again and i cant find it15:59
donfedeany idea what's up with packages.ubuntu.com?15:59
bazhangevand thanks for the info about installing; excited to try it ;]15:59
AngryBaconCreationist, _when it works_16:00
SliMMwhat other terminal special characters are there besides ^z and ^c?16:00
genii!smtm | charlie16:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smtm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:00
dtoljPookAir: try gnome-volume-properties and enable it16:00
bazhangPookAir: this is a dual boot?16:00
sipiorSliMM: ctrl-\, ctrl-q, ctrl-s16:01
SliMMsipior: and what do they do?16:01
PookAirbazhang, I dont think so i mean i think (hope ) that the ntfs partion is without windows16:01
pajamianCreationist: nm that article I posted to you, I just checked the original article again and they've put up a post sayign it is in error.16:01
sipiorSliMM: flow control, job-killing16:01
geniicharIie: from apt-cache search: smtm - Show Me The Money is a configurable Perl/Tk stock ticker program16:02
Creationistpajamian: Yeah... didn't sound too likely.16:02
charIieill check it out16:02
SliMMsipior: any list of such commands described somewhere?16:02
CreationistI hate America sometimes16:02
vinconzome 216:02
vinconzobut it might change if obama wins16:02
bazhangbut we love ubotu16:02
sipiorCreationist: not really the place...16:02
erUSUL!ot | Creationist AngryBacon16:03
Qu_Deadmenhello all16:03
ubotuCreationist AngryBacon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:03
Qu_Deadmenim french16:03
erUSUL!fr | Qu_Deadmen16:03
ubotuQu_Deadmen: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.16:03
PookAirbazhang,  any idea?16:03
bazhanghello Qu_Deadmen16:03
Qu_Deadmeni'm coming here for the first time16:03
vinconzo#ubuntu-fftopic isnt the place either btw16:03
pajamianCreationist: well you never know with comcast.  Unfortunately I wouldn't trust AT&T any more than them and I've heard you can't get 3rd party ISPs for DSL in the states anymore (I used to use DSL Extreme and thought they were great)16:03
vinconzoit's not meant for politics chat16:03
rwycuffanyone hear anything about windows 7 using open source and what that suppose to consist of16:04
bazhangPookAir: did you try dtolj's suggestion yet?16:04
AngryBaconpajamian, you can, but they just buy from ATT etall16:04
PookAirbazhang, how do i get to gnome volume properties?16:04
dtoljrwycuff: give me a break!16:04
PookAirbazhang,  I'm new :S16:04
pajamianAngryBacon: yes, they always did, but it was still better customer service than having to get from the telco's direct.16:05
sipiorSliMM: try "stty -a"16:05
bazhangPookAir: ask the man himself; I'm using kde ;]16:05
pajamianWhat they really need to do is unbundle the local loops16:05
dtoljPookAir: if you want to auto mount it when u start it there is a daemon running configure it from bash using gnome-volume-properties16:05
sipiorSliMM: look under "cchars"16:05
* AngryBacon does need to find an alternative to comcast16:05
rwycuffdtolj: im not for it just someone feeding me the info and im not for it any any way nor could i see it happening16:06
PookAirbazhang,dtolj, I don't understand a word you two are saying16:06
rwycuffdtolj:was more wondering if any one else had heard that statment any place else16:06
PookAirkde bash, gnome, :S16:06
dtoljPookAir: u using Gnome?16:06
bazhangrwycuff: aye, away from this channel--offtopic here I believe though16:07
PookAirI think so, I mean its default in ubuntu 7.116:07
pajamianrwycuff: I haven't heard it and it's probably just the result of someone speculating.  There is no way that MS will open source Windows 7.16:07
dtoljPookAir: fire up that command in bash then to mount your ntfs partition16:08
Qu_DeadmenI'm leaving for #ubuntu-fr. May dashs of level drink thou 2 yar east16:08
yoddabytehey what are good virtual server for ubuntu someone gave a list VMware errors out i dont feel like playing with it...trying to get live cd run inside ubuntu16:08
vinconzopajamian, maybe the core os16:08
PookAirdtolj, now just please say it in english16:08
vinconzolike apple did with osx16:08
pajamian!virtual | yoddabyte16:08
hischildyoddabyte, virtualbox?16:08
ubotuyoddabyte: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications16:08
PookAirdtolj, last time i installed ubuntu it was there and working16:08
yoddabytecool thx guys16:09
pajamianvinconzo: I don't think so.16:09
dtoljPookAir: do you know where bash is?16:09
rwycuffpajamian:this last time ill go offf topic but im not seeing them opening windose but rather using Open Source and calling it thier own thats what they do after all16:09
PookAirdtolj, I don't know what it is16:09
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents16:09
vinconzopajamian, me neither, but i never expected it from apple either16:09
pajamianrwycuff: yes, they'll grab BSD code, they always have.16:09
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:09
n-iCehow can I check my video drivers?16:09
pajamianvinconzo: the plans for windows 7 is to rent it off in pieces.  They want you to pay for every little thing you do with it.  That's the furthest thing from open source.16:10
dtoljI am not looking forward to that16:10
* Steven_Office is back (gone 00:00:36)16:10
vinconzopajamian, yes... it is16:10
* Steven_Office is away: off to the mayo clinic16:10
vinconzodtolj, i am16:10
vinconzoppl will start using more other OSes16:11
vinconzolike Ubuntu16:11
pajamianvinconzo: they already are.16:11
PookAirdtolj, i dont know were bash is16:11
rwycuffpajamian: they never grabed any bsd code for thier stuff but i could totally see it16:12
pajamianPookAir: Applications / Accessories / Terminal16:12
ubotuPookAir: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:12
bazhangPookAir: open the terminal; alt f2 terminal16:12
PookAirterminal is bash?16:12
* AngryBacon must be going16:13
bazhangeffectively yes16:13
dtoljPookAir: not really but you can call it like that16:13
n-iCehow can I check my video drivers?16:13
pajamianPookAir: technically no, but effectively yes.16:13
PookAir:S ok16:13
rwycuffPoolAir:Terminal can be what ever shell you set it too16:13
PookAirso now i got my bash open now what?16:13
PookAiror terminal16:13
bazhangn-iCe: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:13
SliMMwhat does ^c do?16:13
ChaosTheoryCan anyone help with installing awn applets?16:14
PookAirHow do i mount ntfs partion?   and what does it do?16:14
pajamianrwycuff: they've grabbed lots of BSD code, from memory I think ... thier command line FTP program, the TCP/IP stack, and I think even thier new shell is taken mostly from BSD code.16:14
sipiorSliMM: sends an interrupt signal to the foreground process16:14
pajamianrwycuff: and lots more as well that I can't think of.16:14
SliMMsipior: how do i switch between processes?16:15
pajamian!ntfs | PookAir16:15
ubotuPookAir: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE16:15
rwycuffpajamian:atleast apple gives credit to BSD16:15
sipiorSliMM: if you have multiple processes running on a terminal, try "jobs"16:15
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE16:15
pajamianrwycuff: if you can get the source code from MS (which you can't) you'll see appropriate credit in the source files.16:16
PookAircan any one help me with my ntfs partion16:16
pajamianPookAir: go and read the link ubotu just gave you.16:16
pajamian!NTFS-3g | PookAir (...also this)16:17
ubotuPookAir (...also this): ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions16:17
dtoljPookAir: you dont need to edit /etc/fstab, from gnome-volume-properties check the first 3 options under removable storage.16:17
PookAirdtolj, how do i get to gnome volume properties?16:18
killuatshi all!16:18
dtoljPookAir: enter it in bash16:18
dtoljPookAir: :)16:18
killuatshow do i enable php5-cgi in apache2 the ubuntu/debian way?16:18
ikmhello there,16:18
PookAirdtolj, thanks16:18
ikmcan i remove initramfs errors from HDD? any soulution ?16:19
pajamianikm: still cant' boot to the live CD?16:19
SprengelmeyerIve always wondered: why doesn't ubuntu (undoubtedly the most popular linux distribution) have a "colourful" console like say for example gentoo cli's.16:20
tortusXorg.0.log tells me "Unable to grad device (Device or resource busy). Cowardly refusing to check use as keyboard." If edit xorg.conf to not use driver evdev but "mouse" it works. How can i get evdev back to work?16:20
PookAirdtolj, the top three boxes were already checked16:20
PiciSprengelmeyer: colorful?16:20
dtoljSprengelmeyer: you can theme it16:20
w0nderhey guys, anyone know of a good all-around PHP\CSS editor (or suite) for ubuntu?  WYSIWYG preferred16:20
Sprengelmeyerdtolj, I meant by default16:20
unop_Sprengelmeyer, the gnome-terminal is colorful enough as compared to say xterm or rxvt :)16:20
Exterisw0nder, bluefish is a good code editor16:20
dtoljSprengelmeyer: its the users choice what they want to do16:21
ikmpajamian: i can boot to live cd when i use disk no 1 but cant boot when using disk no 2 :(16:21
pajamianikm: booting to the live CD has nothing to do with your HDD16:21
dtoljpajamian: only disk 1 is bootable usually16:21
ikmbut it want to install linux in disk 2, not in disk 116:22
zubairi just downloaded joomla for linux.how should i go about installing it.i am new to linux!16:22
dtoljikm: so it prompts you to insert disk 2?16:22
pajamianikm: back up a min, there is no disk 2 for the live CD, what are you talking about?16:22
ikmpajamian: when i unplug disk1 and want to install linux in disk2, still same problem, i contact to computer guy, he is a window user he also failed16:22
SprengelmeyerPici, by "colourful" i mean http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff300/nilsmilo/terminal.png16:23
eaxMorning gentlefolks :) Can anyone tell me how to mount an external harddrive in gutsy? It's formatted in NFTS but I can't read it :(16:23
dtoljikm: maybe there is a CRC error on it you should check all disks after burning the isos16:23
ikmdisk2 means 2nd HDD :)16:23
pajamianikm: ok, so you're saying you want to install ubuntu on your 2nd HDD, and leave windows on the first?16:23
PiciSprengelmeyer: You're free to submit a bug report (perhaps marked as wishlist) to colorize the bash defaults.   I personally use zsh with my own color scheme.16:24
pajamianikm: you will still have to install grub onto the MBA of the 1st drive, otherwise it will only boot to windows.16:24
kazol_How do I set the system to hibernate after a specific period of time?16:24
ikmpajamian: i dont want to install anything in 1st HDD, just want to use 2nd HDD for linux. why should i install grub in 1st HDD?16:24
dtoljeax: it should pick it up automatically if you have hot-plugging enabled16:25
zubaircan neone help me with the installation of joomla on linux??16:25
ikmpajamian: i dont want a duel boot16:25
grr3how do I prevent the livecd from loading x? ( I want to be in linux terminal )16:25
pajamianikm: then what do you want to do?16:25
eaxdtolj: Not sure if I have :) Just installed this day, where do I enable it?16:25
Pelogrr3, check the menu opitons at the beginning, should be in there16:25
dtoljeax: gnome-volume-properties16:25
picasoi have a problem with bonobo activation server. it hangs or something when i log out. and when i logo back in, i get lots of errors or a black screen. does anyone know what causes this? is it a bug with the bonobo activation server? because i got a tip online about killing bonobo after logout to fix the problem, and it does work. but i dont want to have to kill it each time i log out.16:25
ikmpajamian: my problem will solve when i remove the " initramfs " from my HDD16:26
eaxdtolj: In terminal or synaptic?16:26
dtoljgrr3: did you try linux rescue?16:26
dtoljeax: terminal16:26
zubaircan neone help me with linux?16:26
eaxdtolj: Thanks :) it is enabled though :S Still doesn't work :S16:26
Ethanzubair: ask, do not ask for ask :P16:27
SprengelmeyerPici, Oh i dont use ubuntu, i just seemed like a really easy feature to have installed by default that would make the whole user-terminal relationship seem less scary with clearly visible colour differences between say "user localhost #" and other screen output. Not to mention having important user notices printed in a clearly visible Red or Yellow to grab the users attention.16:27
pajamianikm: ok, disconnect the 1st HDD, make sure the 2nd one is configured as "master" (either with jumper or cable position) and make sure the CMOS is set up correctly for just the one drive, then boot to the live CD and install ubuntu.  When you're doen change the configuration back.  That said, I don't see how you would want to do that because what good is it if you can't boot to it?16:27
zubairi just downloaded joomla from the net. but how should i go about installing it on my linux system?16:27
ikmpajamian: can u go through this website for a minute , http://www.linuxdevices.com/articles/AT4017834659.html16:27
dtoljeax: is your haldaemon running?16:28
ikmpajamian: u will have an idea what i am talkig abt16:28
eaxdtolj: The error message i get is: "$LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0) Failed to mount ' /dev/sdb1': Operation not supported Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use."16:28
DrYeshuhu... sind hier deutschsprechende anwesend ?16:28
eaxDtolj: What do you mean? And how do I check? :)16:28
bazhang!de | DrYes16:28
ubotuDrYes: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:28
bazhangnp ;]16:28
smjonesHave any of you heard of bridging a EVDO connection to ethernet?16:29
pajamianikm: I know what an initramfs is, I don't see why it's a problem and you probably won't be able to remove it from ubuntu without compiling your own kernel (which I'm not prepared to go into now).16:29
ikmpajamian: ok i will cheke this option tooo, and hope it will work :16:29
dtoljeax: /etc/init.d/haldaemon status16:29
pajamianikm: what on earth do you plan to do with ubuntu if you can't boot to it?16:29
eaxdtolj: In terminal?16:29
ikmpajamian: ok dear thanks alot, pray for me to install ubuntu successfully :)16:29
dtoljeax: always16:29
eaxdtolj: Uhm.. just the line "/etc/init.d/haldaemon status"?16:30
smjonesHave any of you heard of bridging a EVDO connection to ethernet?16:32
dtoljeax: assuming that's the place where your processes are located16:32
eaxdtolj: I haven't changed anything :) But shouldn't I write something like cd in front or something16:32
dtoljeax: no just run that and see let me the message16:33
Kl4msmjones: Bell Canada offers a subscription to "Wireless Internet". I think it's 3G/EVDO via a "modem" with ethernet plug16:33
eaxdtolj: "No such file or directory"16:33
Kl4msmjones: but I just saw it passing at one of their stores16:34
zubairplz. help me16:34
dtoljeax: shoot, i dont remember the location to ubuntus processes, using fedora now16:34
zubairi am stuck on it16:34
smjonesI have a working EVDO, I want it to server internet to my router via my eth0 to update the machines connected to the router16:34
n-iCehow can I check if my video drivers are correct?16:34
smjonesserve, sorry16:34
n-iCehow can I check if my video drivers are correct? and how can I know my video card??16:35
dtoljn-iCe: see if they are loaded using 'lsmod'16:35
mas_ktos z polski jest?:D16:35
eaxdtolj: Okay, damn :( Thanks anyway :)16:35
n-iCedtolj,  no16:35
grr3I cannot find how to boot livecd into text mode in the boot menu. How do I do that?16:35
erUSULgrr3: you can't afaik16:36
dtoljshould there be a linux rescue option from a boot cd?16:36
pajamiangrr3: use the alternate install CD.16:36
mas_i need gg client16:36
r0drigu3zque hable16:36
r0drigu3zen español16:36
riotkittie!es | r0drigu3z16:36
ubotur0drigu3z: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:36
turdegadtolj, if you wanna make sure your direct open gl rendering is working thats a good sign they are in right use "glxinfo | grep direct"16:36
SliMMsipior: so, how do i return to a job?16:37
grr3isn't that just install and not a live CD? I just want it to not startx.16:37
SliMMsipior: and how do i make a job run in background?16:37
turdegadtolj, if it says Direct Rendering: Yes you should be good to go...after that try glxgears if thats looking good you should be ready to game16:37
erUSULgrr3: dunno if «sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop» will work on livecd (after normal boot)16:37
pajamiangrr3: it is a live CD without the GUI16:37
n-iCeHow can I know my video card?16:37
erUSUL!alternate | grr316:37
ubotugrr3: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal16:37
sipiorSliMM: if you've started a task, you can background it by hitting ctrl-z, and then "bg"16:37
erUSULn-iCe: lspci | grep -i vga16:38
SliMMsipior: ctrl+z stops the task16:38
Nwallins|homeHi, every once in a while, when I boot, I boot to (initramfs) command prompt, and I get a busybox banner at the top.  i usually just ctrl-alt-del to reboot, and ubuntu loads normally after that16:38
turdegaoh i got n-iCe and dtolj  confused sorry16:38
sipiorSliMM: if you want that task to run in the background to begin with, just invoke it with an ampersand at the end16:38
grr3I don't want to install, I want livecd in textmode. My laptop gets confused with the gfx.16:38
n-iCeerUSUL,  thanks, how can I know if my drivers are correct and how can I update them???16:38
riotkittielive CD in text mode == not happening16:39
annonymouseany one know how to migrate and back up evolution email to thunderbird my evolution client well buggy16:39
SliMMsipior: and if i just want to start a task, and then, after a while, leave it running and start another one, and then switch back?16:39
grr3riotkittie, I don't get it. It's just about removing startx command16:39
pajamianNwallins|home: it happens first thing in the morning when you turn your computer on?16:39
erUSULn-iCe: what do you mean? do you have any problem with your dislay?16:39
sipiorSliMM: ctrl-z, bg, start your other task, background it the same way, then use "jobs" to go between the two16:40
riotkittiegrr3: you can try it, and try stopping gdm but i'm not sure it will work16:40
n-iCeerUSUL,  yeah playing games with wine, when I try to click the play now button everything crashes, wine channel told me because a drivers problem, I want to update my drivers16:40
grr3what do I need to do to try to stop gdm?16:40
erUSULn-iCe: which card do you have?16:40
pajamiangrr3: alternate install CD, use the recovery option in the main menu, it will ask a couple questions about time zone, etc, and then dump you in a shell.16:41
SliMMsipior: ok, how do i use jobs, there is no man entry, and it just lists the jobs by default16:41
uffiehello Canaveral16:41
dtoljwhats the name of that remote desktop tool that you use in ubuntu?16:41
riotkittiegrr3: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop16:41
timogrr3: what you mean. how you done some thing to ur gdm.16:41
Canaveralit's in english here ?16:41
erUSULSliMM: man bash16:41
Nwallins|homepajamian: no, after reboots16:41
sipiorSliMM: "jobs" is part of the shell. try "man bash" for an incredible amount of detail16:41
Nwallins|homepajamian: i am running raid-1 / mdadm16:41
pajamianNwallins|home: so it works first thing in the morning but not after reboots?16:41
Nwallins|homepajamian: a lot of rebooting to set up various things16:41
grr3riotkittie, where do I write "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop" ?16:42
=== tonyyarusso is now known as anthony
Nwallins|homepajamian: this machine hasn't been off in a while16:42
pajamianNwallins|home: ok, then16:42
timotry this sudo /etc/init.d gdm stop16:42
Nwallins|homepajamian: i was actually thinking it might need a hard reset16:42
turdegaanyone else having broken launchpad-integration packages with Hardy right now16:42
n-iCeerUSUL,  my video card is: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 04)16:42
Nwallins|homepajamian: i.e. power cycle16:42
riotkittiegrr3:  ALT + CTRL +F1 to a TTY and do it there16:42
jaffarkelshaci need a good video editor, any suggestions16:42
pajamianNwallins|home: I wouldn't know, I was thinking heat related problem, but if it hasn't been off in a while that's not it.16:42
dtoljjaffarkelshac: kino16:43
erUSULn-iCe: afaik you drivers and all should be already  installed16:43
Nwallins|homepajamian: i've been booting in an out of ubuntu livecd16:43
SliMMsipior: one more thing, how do i make a job stop outputting for a while, while it runs in the background?16:43
jaffarkelshacdtolj, do you use it,16:43
n-iCeerUSUL,  there is no way to update?16:43
annonymousedoes any one know how to get email form evolution into thunderbird16:43
erUSULn-iCe: no; no an easy one16:43
dtoljjaffarkelshac: no video editing is not my thing16:43
sipiorSliMM: if the job is trying to write to the terminal, it will halt automatically when you background it16:44
jaffarkelshackino is not very good16:44
timoguys pigeon being very slow then i type.  i makes it hard and not fun to chat :(16:44
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sipiorjaffarkelshac: welcome to the world of Linux video editing16:44
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jaffarkelshacsipior, it not being good?16:44
turdegajaffarkelshac, http://cvs.cinelerra.org/ is another one16:45
nottobihello, .. after installing windows i tried to reinstall grub, with root (hd0,1) and setup (hd0) .. worked fine. i can boot back to linux, but now my ntfs partition is broken?16:45
sipiorjaffarkelshac: afraid so. at least, at the moment. i know a number of folks are working on the problem.16:45
pajamianannonymouse: I'm sure there's some sort of tool you can use to export it, but if all else fails find an IMAP server (I hear gmail has IMAP connections now) and drag your email folders into that, then you can do the opposite in TB.16:45
c0ldfusionHow can I send a message to the display from the command line? I tried zenity --display :0 --warning --text "asdf" but I get cannot open display16:45
annonymouseok pajamian i'll look into that16:45
dtoljnottobi: try editing menu.lst and chainload to windows partition16:46
c0ldfusionoh n/m; I have to run as user16:46
nottobidtolj: yes, i adjusted my menu.lst, but i can't even mount the ntfs partition any more. it seems to be broken. was there not enough space for grub in the mbr?16:47
pajamiangoodnight everyone16:48
uhbliviusif I'm running XFCE and tightvncserver, can someone else get an X session with xvncviewer?16:48
dtoljnottobi: no thats not it grub should find its place in MBR, but you can boot into ntfs?16:48
nottobidtolj: no, neither boot nor mount it: "unexpected clusters per mft record (-1), fauled to mount .. etc."16:49
uhbliviusDo I have to kill X before someone else can get an X session with VNC?16:50
nottobidtolj: i thought if installing grub wouldn't have killed the ntfs-partition i should be able to mount it?16:50
Deanodrivermy wireless connection works for a couple days, but now it won't detect any access points16:50
Deanodriverit detects something in iwconfig16:50
Deanodriveralthough it also says "Rx invalid" stuff16:51
dtoljnottobi: I dont see how grub could have damaged it, try repairing the partition from linux then, you dont need to mount it, use fdisk /dev/(ntfs)16:51
Deanodriveralthough when i type in iwlist ath0 scan, it doesn't detect anything16:51
Pici!es | juanjh16:52
ubotujuanjh: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:52
juanjhde donde eres16:52
nottobidtolj: i am just wondering how that could be possible. it's a relatively new lenovo-laptop, and i already had problems with sata, but it's running in compatibility mode now..16:52
juanjhcomo hijo puta16:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about epiphany-webkit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:53
dtoljBadHorsie: you use it?16:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about webkit-gtk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:54
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.16:54
geniinottobi: google is indicating the fix for this message is to run the fixboot command in the Windows Recovery Console of bootable cd16:54
BadHorsiedtolj: a friend is just having problems trying to install it, so i'm curious why isn't it in the repositories16:54
geniinottobi: This will hose Grub but you can reinstall it afterwards16:55
dtoljBadHorsie: They just announced it, I havent seen any custom builds but there is documentation how to build it yourself16:55
BadHorsiedtolj: alright, i saw a couple of howtos but just wanted to know what was going on16:56
nottobigenii: ok thanks. but is there besides hardware-problems another possibility that installing grub kann destroy partitions?16:56
dtoljBadHorsie: http://live.gnome.org/Epiphany/WebKit16:56
nottobigenii: just to know for the next try, if i should move the partitions.16:57
BadHorsiethanks a lot dtolj16:57
BadHorsiedtolj: isnt' this simpler: http://phorolinux.com/how-to-install-epiphany-with-the-webkit-backend-on-ubuntu-710.html ?16:57
dtoljnottobi: how does fdisk read that ntfs partition?16:57
geniinottobi: If you try to install grub on a sub-partition it will mess up the partiton information as to what partition type it is, etc. But if to MBR it's fine.16:58
dtoljBadHorsie: this targets ubuntu specific distro, good for ubuntu users16:58
nottobidtolj: it says System unknown, and for all partitions it says Partition X does not end on cylinder boundaries.16:58
BadHorsiedtolj: i fail to understand whether that is good or not lol16:59
yahuuuhi again16:59
mizanhow r u?17:00
* yahuuu is Ikm17:00
dtoljnottobi: do you not get a message saying press w to correct partition table or similar17:00
erUSUL!hi | mizan17:00
ubotumizan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:00
B-rabbitis there a way to convert .flv to .3gp format??17:00
erUSULB-rabbit: ffmpeg ??17:00
B-rabbiterUSUL, thnx17:00
yahuuuseen Pajaimin?17:00
grr3how do I find a hd that has no valid partitions to automount?17:00
dtoljnottobi: I would recommend downloading http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/ to fix grub/hard disk related issues17:01
nottobidtolj: no, it even says THis doesn't look like a partition table, probably you selected the wrong device17:01
erUSULgrr3: usb?17:01
nottobiso i am hesitating to write something back to the mbr17:01
dtoljnottobi: what does it say in cat /etc/mtab17:02
_Tux__what is the best IM ??? (a one that supports a wide broad of clients)17:02
geronimaldohas anyone here run excel / vba macros on linux17:02
grr3erUSUL, nope, normal HD that has no partitions with valid filesystems on it.17:02
dtolj_Tux__: using Pidgin now it rox17:02
nottobigenii: i hope it's what i did with root(hd0,1) and setup (hd0)17:02
dtoljnottobi: that command should have installed grub in the MBR17:03
erUSULgrr3: ls -al /dev/disk/by-id/* should list all your disk with a fairly descriptive name17:03
nottobidtolj: ok thats the /etc/mtab from the xubuntu cd, there is /dev/sda2 listed as ext317:04
cherohello good morning17:04
cheroi have a problem  with aptoncd17:04
nottobidtolj: no ntfs, gparted is also not able to mount it17:04
dtoljnottobi: just that?17:04
geniinottobi: That command should be fine. It's when you do something like put setup to a subpartition that causes a lot of grief17:04
cheroi can t put in the iso my old programs17:04
cherothe program only puts the new software17:05
cheroanybody can helpme plese?17:05
nottobidtolj: no, 10other lines - but nothing else of sda. what do you want to know?17:05
darkohey, i changed the aMSN language to some weird shit by mistake how can i undo the change17:05
JellorianI'm having issues getting post-commit hooks to work using the packages for Trac and SVN with Ubuntu 7.10.17:05
JellorianThey fail, regardless of the content of the post-commit script.17:05
JellorianThere is a clearsilver version mis-match error.17:06
JellorianBut it is only a warning, and I've seen it in Trac before and it is non-fatal.17:06
dtoljgenii: not really I have it like that across different distros which gives me the advantage of chainloading them together17:06
JellorianWarning: 'post-commit' hook failed with error output: /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/trac/web/clearsilver.py:128: RuntimeWarning: Python C API version mismatch for module neo_util: This Python has API version 1013, module neo_util has version 1012.17:06
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darkohey, i changed the aMSN language to some weird shit by mistake how can i undo the change17:07
MauL^what can I use in Linux instead of Biztalk17:07
Pici!language | darko17:07
ubotudarko: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:07
dtoljnottobi: well if its corrupt somehow, you have to use special tools to fix it, what message do you get when you try to mount /dev/sda117:07
geniidtolj: If you install grub to something like sda2 instead of mbr the partition type will change to something like Acorn Partition Type and the system refuses to auto mount17:07
JellorianI found reference to this bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clearsilver/+bug/11493017:08
geniiI've seen it a lot17:08
JellorianHowever, there is no solution listed.17:08
darkosorry, i changed the aMSN language to some weird "symbols" by mistake how can i undo the change17:08
geniidtolj: If you install to the mbr of each drive there is no issue with chainloading or so on17:08
dtoljgenii: right , however fedora gives you the option of installing the bootloader into subpartition17:09
JellorianHas anyone gotten svn post-commit hooks to work on Ubuntu 7.10?17:09
nottobidtolj: "unexpected clusters per mft record (-1), fauled to mount .." genii answered on that message that google finds windows recovery and fixmbr as answer17:10
nottobidtolj: i am wondering what i should change if i can fix it, by fixmbr or reinstall, what will happen the next time i install grub17:10
dtoljgenii: I find it easier to configure the main bootloader inside the MRB to chainload to other partitions bootloader instead of overwriting each time17:11
cheroanubaody know if i can rstore my /var/cache/apt/archives17:13
_Tux__you deleted it?17:13
geniichero: If you've emptied it out, it will repopulate with deb files as you install them.17:14
_Tux__chero: if you deleted it, maybe it is still in the recycle bin?17:14
dtoljnottobi: try fixmbr if that dosnt work its safe to reinstall grub17:14
cherommm maybe17:15
nottobidtolj: ok, i will try. i have to leave the irc. thanks a lot and cu17:15
cherowell isnt clean}17:15
benanz1Can I encrypt a file with GnuPG but not require a key to decrypt it, just a password?17:15
anteayaon ubuntu, what is the best app to play mp4's?17:15
cherobut only have the news packages the olds are clean17:15
esoxHi, I have corruption around the mouse pointer, ati radeon X 700 mobility17:15
nottobigenii: thank you as well, i try to fix it, and i come back :-) bye17:15
arvind_khadriabid, happy to hear it worked :)17:15
legend2440darko: read number 24 under Troubleshooting http://amsn.sourceforge.net/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Frequently+Asked+Questions17:16
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arvind_khadrianteya totem movie / rythmbox17:16
fleahow can i specify at kernel command, a module to .not. load?17:16
anteayaarvind_khadri, : thank you17:16
benanz1flea: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist17:17
benanz1put "blacklist module_name" on a line of it's own17:17
fleabenanz1: on an uninstalled system i need to .not. load a module at kernel command17:17
darkoi downloaded lots of programs and all the update on ubuntu gutsy, is there anyway for me to compile the current version for later installations17:17
andrea__hi I can't see NFS shared folders in my ubuntu17:17
benanz1at boot time?17:17
andrea__folders are in a kubuntu machine17:17
fleabenanz1: yes17:17
andrea__please help17:18
sipiordarko: yes, dpkg --get-selections17:18
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andrea__need help please17:18
darkosipior: i run that in the terminal??17:19
sipiordarko: read in later with "dpkg --set-selections" and then "apt-get dselect-upgrade"17:19
pubuntu deutsch17:19
Pici!de | p17:19
ubotup: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:19
andrea__<andrea__> hi I can't see NFS shared folders in my ubuntu17:20
andrea__please help17:20
ikoniaandrea__: we saw you the first second and third time17:20
B-rabbiterUSUL, i got ffmpeg but how do i convert flv to 3gp, do u know the command?17:20
ikonia!patience > andrea__17:20
andrea__ok sorry17:20
gatestonedarko I suspect there might be a long discussion about all that is possible, but you can just boot from a CD and use dd /dev/hda... etc to copy the whole disk image, or you can use cp -r / ... to copy all the files to a safe place...a Linux installation is no more than "all the files".17:20
erUSULB-rabbit: ffmpeg -i file-flv file.3gp ?17:21
darkook 10x17:21
gatestoneHmmm..some things like /etc/fstab might not be usable in a new machine, though. And some confguratons would need to be tinkered with, if like the video driver is different ina new machine...17:22
ikoniagatestone: the uuid's would change17:22
koroWhat's a good way to minimize thunderbird to the system tray (like the minimzetotray addon in windows)?17:22
fleacan someone advise how to force a module to .not. load at boot time (kernel command)17:22
ikoniagatestone: the boot loader would also need re-installing17:22
ikoniaflea: blacklist it ?17:22
fleaikonia: its not installed system, i need kernel command17:23
tawtok, so i really like the slow smooth fade out that happens when you go to system -> quit.  but when you press cancel, it quickly brings the colors back.  is there anyone here that works on the main ubuntu projects that can change it so that it fades back the desktop colors?17:23
erUSULB-rabbit: ffmpeg -i file.flv file.3gp ? sorry17:23
gatestoneikonia, you are right, cp -r / ... is probably not so good idea.17:23
ikoniaflea: there you want to pass ignore arguments to the boot line17:23
ikoniagatestone: cp -rXp is the only way that would potentially work and it wold still need changes17:23
fleaikonia: i dont even have a partition yet17:23
gatestoneikonia, you are right, cp -r / ... is probably not so good idea (hear me darko)17:24
Andrilhello all17:24
ikoniaflea so you want to pass it as a boot argument17:24
fleaikonia: yes17:24
fleaikonia: from a livecd17:24
ikoniaflea: you can access the boot lines with F6 at boot time17:24
fleaits withholding me from using my raid controller = no hard drives17:24
fleaikonia: i know, but whats the command to not load a module17:25
eaxMorning gents :) Today I installed Ubuntu 7,10 (Gutsy) on my girlfriends laptop, she wanted me to make it so she has a primary drive and a drive where she can store her files, I did so but now she can't write to the extra drive. Any ideas on what I can do?17:25
ikoniaflea: just checking, I think it's ignore17:25
Andrildoes anyone have a recommendation on a low end AGP video card for Ubuntu - I have teh Geforce 5200 256 and its crap17:25
ikoniaeax: permissions on the second drive ? wrong file system ?17:25
fleaikonia: this is the commonly known DL360 (cpqarray : sym53c8xx) issue17:25
eaxikonia: Yeah :) it's EXT3?17:25
mw-homeis it possible to install firefox beta 3 side-by-side with firefox 2?17:25
B-rabbiterUSUL, nope17:25
ikoniaflea I know it well17:25
budluvahi can someone help me out here, im trying to change a byte in a video clip in hexedit, but have no clue how do find this byte im supposed to change17:26
erUSULB-rabbit: :|17:26
ricanelitehow come does Miro closes on me out of no where17:26
ikoniaeax change the permissiosns then ?17:26
eaxikonia: How? :)17:26
ikoniaeax: chmod, chown, nautalus launched with a root shell ?17:26
fleaikonia: <module>.blacklist=true only results in syntax error17:26
eTiger13how can i tell if a cron job failed?17:27
eaxikonia: Haven't tried any of that before :/ What do I write in the terminal?17:27
ikoniaeax: setup logging on it, or look in the cron log17:27
ikoniaeax: man chmod and man chown,17:27
eaxikonia: Thanks :)17:27
ikoniaeTiger13 look in the cron log17:27
eTiger13ikonia, where is that?17:27
ikoniaeTiger13: /var/log17:28
TheBillsdoes anyone have a problem with a weak signal when steaking internet from the neighbors?17:28
TheBillsis there and antenna?17:28
ikoniaTheBills please don't be pathetic and discuss things like that in here17:28
TheBillsbut its a reality17:28
TheBillsopen networks are public17:28
ikoniaTheBills: I don't care, it's not for this channel17:28
eTiger13the_giver, ok but its also illegal17:29
TheBillsok ill stop17:29
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erUSULB-rabbit: it seems that  to convert to 3gp the thing is quite complex → ffmpeg -i video.avi-s qcif -vcodec h263 -acodec mp3 -ac 1 -ar 8000 -r 25 -ab 32 -y video.3gp17:29
tortusI still cant get evdev working. It worked all the time, then i booted up my pc today and my mouse wont move. X starts and if i cat /dev/input/eventX i see output, so evdev recognizes my devices, its just X wont deal with them17:29
TheBillswhich network cards work right out of the box on 7.10?17:29
ikonia!hcl > TheBills17:30
erUSULB-rabbit: it seems that  to convert to 3gp the thing is quite complex → ffmpeg -i video.flv -s qcif -vcodec h263 -acodec mp3 -ac 1 -ar 8000 -r 25 -ab 32 -y video.3gp17:30
ikoniaflea: what is the module name?17:30
ikoniaflea: as in the module thats causing you the problem17:30
erUSULTheBills: ethernet ? almost anything17:30
ikoniaTheBills: yes, hello17:30
Muhammad_SaadHello, I have installed an additional Urdu keyboard layout but cannot get it to appear in the "Layouts" section of "Keyboard Preferences". What should I do?17:30
fleaikonia: thx sym53c8xx17:30
TheBillsmost of them havent worked17:30
ikoniaTheBills: read the link ubotu sent you17:30
TheBillsusing ndiswrapper?17:31
ikoniaflea: and when you do, sym53c8xx.blacklist=true thats not working17:31
tortusWhat does "Unable to grab device (Device or resource busy)" tell me?17:31
tortusin Xorg.0.log17:31
fleaTheBills: there are vast guides on just about all of them on google17:31
ikoniatortus: what are you doing17:31
fleaikonia: yes it d/regards the command as an error17:31
eTiger13ikonia, syslog would contain the cron job log right? i can see that it ran, but i dont know if the script ran successfully. how could i tell that?17:31
TheBillsyes but they never work17:31
ikoniaTheBills: then it's not supported, ubuntu can't be responsible for ndiswrapper/windows drivers17:32
tortusikonia, im trying to get evdev back working. Stopped to work this day, somehow my mouse wont move17:32
ikoniaeTiger13 you'd have to put error trapping in the script17:32
ikoniaeTiger13: as cron just launches the script for you17:32
TheBillswell there is one that works without any mods17:32
fleaTheBills: if they dont work, how u suppose we're all using linux these days?17:32
unop_Muhammad_Saad, maybe this helps? http://ur.wikipedia.org/wiki/معاونت:Ubuntu_Linux_Localization17:32
ricanelitewhy is that the application im running like xchat where I set it to minimize to my system tray it does not appear17:33
TheBillsdo you put a .inf file a certain folder?17:33
unop_Muhammad_Saad, also - www.urduweb.org/wiki/UbuntuLinux?show_comments=117:33
eTiger13TheBills, have you ever considered it is your machine?17:33
ikoniaTheBills: you write the file into a text file in that directory17:33
iliya_I'm folowing manual https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61 but I have prob with step 'Configuring the connection'17:33
ricanelitealso skype does the same i minimize skype and now it is gone but before it use to minimize to the system tray right by my clock17:33
TheBillswell its an HP17:34
erUSULTheBills: my conceptronic ralink rt2500pci worked out of the box and still is17:34
TheBillsand the netggear USB adap works17:34
iliya_I'm conecting to public network and pass is 'mnnews' which is shorter than 8 char and I cant generate WPA Key using the following command: $ wpa_passphrase YOUR_SSID YOUR_PASSPHRASE17:34
Christoscould somebody tell me how to install a wireless connection with a netgear WPN111 adaptor?17:34
erUSULTheBills: but it may be hard to find nowadays17:34
MORPHEU_ANTI-LAMalguem de sao paulo?17:34
TheBillsyeah ive nnver heard of hat17:34
ikoniaTheBills what is your question ?17:34
fleabcm43xx         - hp17:34
TheBillsi wanna actaully improve the adapter17:34
perrito666sorry, a small question, is it some netinstall version of ubuntu?17:35
ikoniaTheBills: you'll need to use a better driver or write one17:35
jussio1!install | perrito66617:35
TheBillsit really just needs a stronger reciever17:35
ubotuperrito666: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:35
iliya_I'm folowing manual https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61 but I have prob with step 'Configuring the connection'17:35
iliya_I'm conecting to public network and pass is 'mnnews' which is shorter than 8 char and I cant generate WPA Key using the following command: $ wpa_passphrase YOUR_SSID YOUR_PASSPHRASE17:35
ikoniaTheBills: please stop discussing this, it's getting tedious now17:35
iliya_help :(17:35
perrito666jussio1: thanks17:35
Christoscan i ask again?17:35
eTiger13iliya_, command line or gui?17:36
QuickGoldHow do I kill stopped jobs if I'm logged into a server via SSH?17:36
B-rabbiterUSUL, it didn't work but thnx anyway :) ...appreciate it17:36
TheBillshow many people in this chat?17:36
ikoniaQuickGold: find the job with ps, then use kill17:36
Muhammad_SaadThanks unop_17:36
eTiger13QuickGold, you can use top17:36
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fleaQuickGold: jobs -l17:36
iliya_command line17:36
ikoniaTheBills: over 1000, the channel is for support questions only17:36
QuickGoldflea: ty17:36
jussio1!wireless | Christos17:36
ubotuChristos: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:36
fleaQuickGold: np17:36
Johnsonhey does anyone in here use floola actually get video to work17:36
QuickGoldflea: I see a list of stopped jobs...how do I kill them now?17:37
budluvacan someone lend a hand as how to use hexedit, im trying to change a byte in a video file17:37
fleaQuickGold: apply kill -<code> to the pid17:37
eTiger13budluva, seriously?17:37
QuickGoldflea: <code> being what?17:37
ikoniaflea: I'm just going through this document http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/gregkh/lkn/lkn_pdf/ch09.pdf and it is suggesting that the syntax is correct.17:37
fleaQuickGold: kill -9 123417:37
QuickGoldflea: ty17:38
fleaQuickGold: np17:38
unop_budluva, just one byte?17:38
Christosjussio yes17:38
xZEXxanyone know a good howto for firefox quicktime plugin in ubuntu 6.07?17:38
killuatshi all!17:38
ikoniaxZEXx: there is no 6.07 version17:38
Christosthe problem is i DON"T see a wireless connection option17:38
ikoniaxZEXx: 6.10, 7.04, 7.1017:38
xZEXxsorry 6.1017:39
ikoniaxZEXx: https://help.ubuntu.com search for restricted formats17:39
killuatsim using ubuntu 7.10 and right now im running out of disk space, can i just delete all the contents of /var/backups or i still need to run an special application that does that?17:39
ikoniakilluats: you can delete it17:39
fleaikonia i'll look it over but TY for the find17:39
fleaikonia: great doc to have on hand17:39
killuatsikonia: thanks.17:39
ikoniaflea: it's big, I'm reading through it now17:39
ikoniaflea: it's a good reference, for sure17:39
budluvaunop_, yes17:40
jussio1Christos: did you see what I was pointing to?17:40
budluvahexedit video.h264 //I change the 67 64 00 33 byte to 67 64 00 29. This is to replace what h264info does to change the level from 5.1 to 4.1. According to MP4Box's analysis of the resulting mp4 the file is in fact seen as a 4.1 file.17:40
budluvaunop_, i've tried to search for 67 64 00 33 in hexedit and it finds nothing17:41
jussio1Christos: you have a netgear wg111, correct?17:41
TheBillsnetgear wg111v2 works17:41
TheBillswhen will Ubuntu 8 be ready?17:42
ikoniaTheBills: end of the month17:42
budluvaTheBills, 17 days?17:42
DJonesTheBills: 24th april17:42
jussio124th april.17:42
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TheBillsi wish i could make a program17:42
jussio1!ot | TheBills17:42
ubotuTheBills: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:42
ikoniaTheBills: this is not a chat channell, as I've mentioned to you before17:43
fleaikonia, off to test again :/ i'll post results shortly ty again17:43
ikoniaflea: be interesting17:43
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unop_budluva, hmm, any chance you can dump this file in a pastebin?17:43
budluvaunop_, which file?17:44
eTiger13budluva, what are you using to edit this?17:44
ikoniahi andre_17:45
budluvaim converting an x264 mkv to mp4 so i can play on my xbox360, but x360 doesn't have support for 5.1, so apparently if i change the value of this certain byte the video file shows up as 4.117:45
budluvabut have no idea how to change a byte, and no clue how to use hexedit17:46
OpenGuruHi. Can somebody tell me, is g++ -march=i386 is possible with 64bit machine17:46
OpenGuru@budluva,  you can recode the video with mencoder..17:47
jksohi all17:47
maek64-bit processors can do 32-bit OpenGuru17:47
jksohow can i config multiple desktop on ubuntu 7.10???17:47
maekhi jkso how are you17:47
budluvaOpenGuru, i dont want to re-encode, just remux and put the mkv into an mp4 container17:48
maekwhat do you mean jkso ??17:48
unop_budluva, does this return anything?  hexdump video.h264 | grep -E "67.*64.*00.*33"17:48
OpenGuru@maek, but what are dependent libs17:48
jksoanyone can help me?17:48
eTiger13budluva, do you know what a mkv file is?17:48
jussio1jkso: like dual screen?17:48
OpenGuru@budluva, mencoder can do that..17:48
OpenGuru@budluva, just just video and audio codec as COPY17:48
jksono no number of desktop17:48
GradientMacGuys, I'm a Mac user, and I'm just wondering how to boot Ubuntu as a live CD without effecting Mac OS X underneath- all I want to do is check out Ubuntu, I might install it on my school laptop if it's good enough to surpass Windows. I do NOT want it on my Mac though, I just want to see it on my Mac.17:48
maeklike a cube jkso ??17:49
jussio1GradientMac: ppc or intel?17:49
turdegajkso, you should have a desktop chooser at the bottom right side of yoru screen by default, right click that and you can change the amount17:49
OpenGuruGradientMac, booting into live cd wont harm your hard disk17:49
eTiger13GradientMac, there should be a mac boot disk. it wont install unless you tell it to17:49
jksoyes i need 6 desktop17:49
jksowithout compiz cube17:49
GradientMacOk. Cool.17:49
budluvaunop_, ya, i ll pastebin the results17:49
GradientMacHow do I boot into the hard disk? I know I press option, do I press it directly after the chime?17:50
jussio1GradientMac: grab a standard live cd and boot it :)17:50
geniiGradientMac: The livecd will not install anything unless you specifically run the "Install" on desktop. To boot cd on most Macs hold the C key down while booting17:50
jksoturdega: i close that bar for awn17:50
budluvaeTiger13, mkv is hd stream no?17:50
jksohow can i do now?17:50
budluvaOpenGuru, mencoder have a gui?17:50
jussio1GradientMac: note that the livecd will be somewhat slower than regular ubuntu17:50
OpenGurubudluva, yes..17:50
GradientMacI was told to hold the option key directly after the chime- is that correct?17:50
budluvaOpenGuru, im not digging this hexediting command line shiat17:50
OpenGurubudluva, meGUI but its a windows app17:50
budluvano native gui?17:51
turdegajkso,  okay17:51
OpenGurubudluva, all you need is this terminal command..17:51
turdegajkso, add to top panel "Workplace Switcher"17:51
eTiger13budluva, no, mkv is a video/audio container, not an actual codec17:51
jussio1budluva: vlc does simple transcoding.17:51
budluvaunop_, ya that grep output just keeps spittin out numbers not stopping17:51
OpenGurubudluva, mencoder file.mkv -ovc copy -oac copy -o output.avi17:51
tylerWOOT! I've the wireless on my Vostro 1000 working!17:52
unop_budluva, maybe this then?  hexdump video.h264 | grep -E "67..64..00..33"17:52
OpenGurubudluva, http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Mencoder_Introduction_Guide17:52
budluvaOpenGuru, ya i need to change the audio track to 4.1 or even stereo sound as xbox360 doesnt support 5.1 in avi's17:52
GradientMacHeh, guys, all I'm wondering is how to boot from a live CD. Do I just press option directly after the start up sound?17:52
turdegajkso, now right click on the workspace switcher and change the horizontal option to 617:52
jussio1!yay | tyler17:53
ubotutyler: Glad you made it! :-)17:53
jussio1GradientMac: do you know how to boot from any other cd?17:53
OpenGurubudluva, it will remux only.. it just copies everything..17:53
jksoah ok ok thanks a lot turdega XD17:53
tylerGradientMac: Set the Boot sequence to your cd drive first17:53
turdegajkso, enjoy ^^17:53
jussio1GradientMac: as someone said, I think you hit c, but that could be wrong.17:53
eTiger13GradientMac, i think you hold C17:53
OpenGurubudluva, change the oac to something else say mp317:53
GradientMacDirectly after the chime?17:53
GradientMacOk I'll try17:53
GradientMacsee ya.17:53
tylerjussio1: Now I just need the code for the brightness settings17:53
n-iCehow can I remove a program completly I want to remove wine, with all the folders files created17:54
OpenGurucan somebody say what is wrong here ? gcc program01.c -march=i386            does not support x86-64 instruction s17:54
OpenGuruprogram01.c:1: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set17:54
tylern-iCe: hunt them down in tracker17:54
n-iCetyler,  uh? how is that17:54
ikoniaOpenGuru your cpu is not 64bit os17:54
OpenGurubudluva, mencoder movie.wmv -o movie.avi -ovc copy -oac mp3lame17:54
budluvaopenguru, got to 3% and then it stops with an err17:54
OpenGurubudluva, what is the error ?17:55
tylern-iCe, use your Tracker tool in the Accessories menu to hunt all of your known installations down17:55
OpenGuruikonia, i am in 64bit machine. OS is also 64. i am trying to compile for i386 arch17:55
unop_OpenGuru, you trying to cross compile?17:55
jalsif i install the latest hardy beta will i be able to upgrade it when the full release comes out or will it require downloading a new cd and upgrading/installing17:55
OpenGuruunop_, yes17:55
ikoniaOpenGuru: thats cross-compiling17:55
budluvaopen well that second command you gave me seems to be working17:56
budluvahold on17:56
ikoniaOpenGuru: is your gcc compiler multi-lib17:56
OpenGuruunop_, ikonia, you are righ..17:56
eTiger13jals itll upgrade17:56
OpenGuruikonia, sorry.. but how to check that.. ?17:56
ikoniaOpenGuru: is it the ubuntu gcc ?17:56
jalseTiger13, great, thanks17:57
OpenGuruikonia, yes. . taken from ubuntu repo17:57
ikoniaOpenGuru: then it's not multi-lib17:57
MarcinOeh, updating :| is there gonna be 100mb update every day?  I'm sick of that....17:57
OpenGuruikonia, i need the multi-lib ? do i need to compile gcc now ?17:57
turdegaMarcinO, are you running Hardy?17:58
beastcan anyone tell me the shell command for system update17:58
PiciMarcinO: You should only be getting that if you are running Hardy, and in that case, you should be expecting that.17:58
OpenGurubudluva, u there ? how is it going on..17:58
JasonWoofbeast: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade17:58
ikoniaOpenGuru: you need a full 32bit lib and 64bit environment, you then need to build a bootstrapper gcc that is multi-lib, then use that to build a multi-lib gcc17:58
beastone of those commands?17:58
OpenGurubeast, sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade17:58
MarcinOPici: i am running it (: and i recon it's quite better that gutsy. but updating every day is quite boring17:59
budluvaOpenGuru, 31%17:59
Pici!hardy | MarcinO17:59
ubotuMarcinO: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:59
JasonWoofbeast: update updates the list of stuff that can be installed, upgrade upgrades all installed packages that have updates available17:59
recongeh, stupid false alarms.17:59
OpenGuruikonia, thanks.. I actually need to it for Zoto uploader compilation.. they have hardcoded thing for i386. I need hack..17:59
arvind_khadribazhang, hey my x jus restarted it happened twice17:59
OpenGurubudluva, enjoy.. and  bye..17:59
MarcinOPici: yes, i know what it is (:17:59
=== Sm0ker is now known as Smoker
ikoniaOpenGuru: enjoy, if something is hardcoded for 32bit, I suspect you won't get it working 64bit18:00
JasonWoofI have a laptop with windows booted off the ubuntu hardy livecd, a very large external harddrive, and experience using linux. How can I back up the entire laptop hard drive such that:18:00
budluvaOpenGuru, so your saying the resulting avi will be playable on x360? cause as far as ive read it wont except x264 5.1 audio, so i have to change the audio track to stereo18:00
JasonWoof1) I can restore the HD completely (ever after it's reformatted)18:00
arvind_khadri hey my x jus restarted it happened twice18:00
OpenGuruikonia, thanks for helping.. let me check..18:00
ikoniaJasonWoof: how do you have windows booted from an ubuntu livecd ?18:00
turdegaMarcinO, once hardy goes stable it will chill out on all those updates.  in the mean time keep updating and reporting any bugs you find18:00
JasonWoofand 2) I can get individual files out of the backup using linux18:00
turdegabut i must agree hardy is pretty amazing even at this point18:00
OpenGurubudluva, mp3 uses stereo for audio,, there is no 5.1 support18:00
JasonWoofI have a laptop with windows which is  booted off the ubuntu hardy livecd, a very large external harddrive, and experience using linux. How can I back up the entire laptop hard drive such that:18:01
|Dede|I send myself an email, using "mail user", how can I open and read it?18:01
MarcinOturdega: there's quite a lot of that. my computer even freezes sometimes. and only 'reset' can help it ;/18:01
ikoniaJasonWoof: dd the hard disk ?18:01
OpenGurubye all..18:01
JasonWoofikonia: sounds fun. I'm assuming I could easily restore that. but can I mount the image as well?18:02
budluvaOpenGuru, so your using mencode to copy the video track, and copy the audio track and convert it to mp3? w/ mp3lame18:02
ikoniaJasonWoof: no, it's not an image18:02
ikoniaJasonWoof: you could restore it, by dd'ing it back very eas18:02
turdegaMarcinO, yeah I've been having some freezes happening in the gnome panel and some issues with compiz overall awesome experience though it will really rock once it goes live18:02
beastis that possible to update the version of ubuntu I am using to the new 8.04 beta version without installing it from the live cd18:02
ikonia!hardy > beast18:02
JasonWoofikonia: right. is there some format I can use that will be able to restore like that and be mountable?18:03
ikoniabeast: see the link from ubotu18:03
|Dede|I send myself an email, using "mail user", how can I open and read it?18:03
ikoniaJasonWoof: make an iso file system and copy it onto it ?18:03
ikonia|Dede|: type "mail"18:03
JasonWoofbeast: you should be able to use the "update manager" from your existing ubuntu install18:03
JasonWoofbeast: I haven't needed a CD to upgrade from 7.4 then 7.10, then 8.4beta18:03
|Dede|ikonia: and after that?18:03
ikonia|Dede|: nothing18:03
ikonia|Dede|: that should display your mail18:04
|Dede|there is a list18:04
ikonia|Dede|: each number is a mail messsage18:04
|Dede|ikonia there is a list of 2 mail? how do I select one18:04
turdegajoin #unemployment18:04
MarcinOturdega: only in gnome panel and compiz?I had that before but now I have complete freezes - even music is freezing.18:04
ikonia|Dede|: press one or two18:04
beastok, it means if i udate the packges it will upgrade the version to the 8.04 beta18:04
ikoniabeast: read the link form ubotu18:04
PiciThis is not the channel for 8.04 discussion.18:04
Pici: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.18:04
JasonWoofbeast: I don't know how to update to a new ubuntu release on the cmdline18:04
turdega!hardy | beast18:05
ubotubeast: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:05
turdegaMarcinO, if you are having extended issues with Hardy you might want to check #ubuntu+1 also18:05
ikoniaturdega: it says it in the link you've just posted18:06
Exteriswhat would be the fastest/best way to virtualize a windows install on my other disk?18:06
turdegaikonia, indeed =)18:06
Exteris*boot in a virtual machine18:06
tbielawaExteris: have you loked into virtualbox?18:07
MarcinOhow can i remove whole kde4 whole hardy leaving few apps and a shiny-new theme for qt4 ?18:07
n-iCeI can't eject my cdrom, says error, how can I force it?????18:07
StucKmanhi all. is there any way to install *buntu from a usb stick?18:07
Exteristbielawa, i have tried, couldn't get it to work though, i'm now looking at KVM18:07
StucKmanor do a net-install?18:07
jussio1!install | StucKman18:07
ubotuStucKman: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate18:07
Pici!usb | StucKman18:07
ubotuStucKman: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:07
kane77I somehow borked my X.. each time I boot it gives me error saying something is wrong with X and that I should configure it (the error dialog is GUI not the terminal one) after which I am taken to the 'Screens and Graphics' dialog (that's where I messed and broken it as I was trying to configure second screen)18:08
StucKmanPici: tx18:08
StucKmanjussio1: ditto18:08
GradientMacI can oficially say that I like Ubuntu's interface much more then WIndows.18:08
n-iCeI can't eject my cdrom, says error, how can I force it?????18:08
rwycuffkane77:try a terminal with no X running and just run Xorg --configure18:09
OpenGuruanyone here who has compiled Zotouploader ?18:09
budluvaopenguru, ok the resulting movie.avi doesnt play in totem18:09
turdegan-iCe, if you need to get the disc out quickly then use a paperclip on eject hole on the bezel of the drive18:09
GradientMacUbuntu is going on my school laptop!18:09
tbielawan-iCe: sudo eject /dev/cdrom18:09
budluvaopenguru, nothing in vlc either, no video or audio18:09
DKongis it normal for ubuntu 8.04 to have 100 updates every few days?18:10
bnex10hello i need help with tcl18:10
n-iCetbielawa,  thanks, says it is busy how can I stop it?18:10
kane77rwycuff, no, that's a different error I guess... in the graphics card tab of Screen and Graphics preferences it gives me two graphics cards (??) one is mine (intel and second one is vesa)18:10
turdega!hardy | DKong18:10
ubotuDKong: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:10
crunchybumbleanyone here ever used testdisk to recover lost data, and wouldn't mind lending their expertise?18:10
arvind_khadrin-iCe, use cdtools18:10
budluvaOpenGuru, no video, there is audio though18:10
=== jcaldwellLunch is now known as jcaldwell
tbielawan-iCe: you may need to unmount it. try running sudo umount -l /dev/cdrom && sudo eject /dev/cdrom18:10
OpenGurubudluva, do this.. open terminal..18:11
DKongoops ok thank you18:11
rwycuffkane77:the option for vesa is in every install and the Xorg --configure command should auto detect all your hardware and get it working again18:11
OpenGurubudluva, mplayer file.avi18:11
OpenGurubudluva, tell the error msg..18:11
JasonWoofikonia: thanks for the backup suggestions. Do I need to pass any special options to dd? or just if=/dev/sdwhatever of=/mnt/huge_drive/dd_image18:12
budluvaxscreensaver_disable: Could not find XScreenSaver window.18:12
StucKmanPici: this does not work with feisty, does it? the vfat fs is not supported in casper's kernel...18:12
PiciStucKman: I'm not sure, sorry :/18:13
GradientMacThanks guys for helping me with the live CD, you made my school laptop a switcher! =] My Mac will stay though =] I like Mac OS X too much.18:13
kane77rwycuff, okay.. will try it18:13
unop_JasonWoof, you could up the blocksize a bit so you get an optimal performance  bs=819218:13
geniiJasonWoof: Without options dd will do byte at a time, you can use ibs and obs options to specify larger chunks18:13
GradientMacIsn't Mac OS X a type of linux anyway?18:13
GradientMacWell Unix?18:13
JasonWoofunop_, genii: thanks!18:13
geniiGradientMac: No, it's a derivative of BSD which is derived of Unix18:14
OpenGuruGradientMac, you can make ur ubuntu look like Mac..18:14
kane77GradientMac, not really.. it's more of bsd sort of thing afaik18:14
budluvaOpenGuru, aprrently i dont have Xv enabled18:14
OpenGuruGradientMac, check howtoforge if u want this..18:14
GradientMacIt's no the looks that I need.18:14
GradientMacI like the Ubuntu gnome looks18:14
OpenGurubudluva, install.. and try again..18:14
GradientMacBut I like the way the interface works.18:14
GradientMacI like the dock18:14
OpenGuruGradientMac, good.. best of luck..18:14
GradientMacI like the applications18:14
GradientMacI just like my Mac!18:14
FloodBot1GradientMac: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:14
GradientMacThanks guys!18:14
unopgenii, i think the default is bs=512 not a byte at a time18:15
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kane77rwycuff, should I run it as root?18:15
rwycuffkane77:yes it needs to be run as root18:16
alex101Hi, i'm trying to open a .exe file, though its a setup file for Need for speed carbon and im trying to use wine to run it and when i right click and press open with wine, nothing happens.18:16
alex101Hi, i'm trying to open a .exe file, though its a setup file for Need for speed carbon and im trying to use wine to run it and when i right click and press open with wine, nothing happens18:18
jeezymehey guys, how do i choose a repository source so that the downloads are quicker?18:18
rwycuffalex101: try running from command line and if that does work check with #wine18:18
alex101How do i run from command line?18:18
budluvaopenguru, if i go mplayer file.avi -vo x11 it works though18:18
jermainhi everyone18:18
=== Armedking is now known as armedking1
kindofabuzzlooking for a proftpd guru =)18:18
jermainmy external hd has permission issues18:18
arvind_khadrijeezyme, edit ur etc/apt/sources.list18:18
jermainit says i only have read acces18:18
arvind_khadrijeezyme, edit ur  /etc/apt/sources.list18:18
jermainand i cant change the permissions18:19
rwycuffalex101 run "man wine" and it will tell you wine <options> *.exe18:19
=== armedking1 is now known as ArmedKing
alex101where do i run man wine? lmao, i've only been using linux for 2 month's.18:19
budluvaopenguru, so i can just burn this .avi and it should play on xbox no?18:19
arvind_khadrialex101, in the terminal ,Alt+F2 then type gnome-terminal18:20
kindofabuzz2 months you should no where to type commands in18:21
jermaincan anyone tell me how to change the permissions on my external hd?18:21
jeezymenow, how do i know which source is faster? any script/app for finding that out?18:21
alex101I've typed man wine in on terminal, now what?18:21
danbhfivejermain: how is the drive being mounted?18:21
arvind_khadrialex101, read it,18:21
rwycuffalex101:understand...ive been using for 10 + years and once you get use to it its linux or unix and nothing else18:21
jermainit was mounted automatically18:21
* delcoyote hi18:22
danbhfivejermain: is there a line in your fstab file for it?18:22
jermaini formatted it minutes ago to ext318:22
jermaini dont think so18:22
alex101o_o Nice18:22
rwycuffalex101: yuo know how to open the terminal right18:22
jermainwait lemme check18:22
alex101It said for gui files wich is windows install files to use wineconsole18:22
alex101How do i use that?18:22
arvind_khadrialex101, use the terminal for tat18:23
arvind_khadrialex101, it may be wineconsole <filename>18:23
rwycuffalex101:open the terminal and type "wine  /path/to /exe18:23
arvind_khadrialex101, you have the man pages not we18:23
jermaindanbhfive: /.fstab or ~/fstab?18:23
unopjermain, sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /path/to/mountpoint;  # < ought to do the trick18:24
alex101How do i direct the path if the install is on a disk?18:24
jeezymehow to edit the sources.list file to made the downloads quicker??18:24
danbhfivejermain: /etc/fstab18:24
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:25
arvind_khadrijeezyme, the downloads are quick only...maybe the speed at ur end is slow18:25
jermaindanbhfive, theres no line for it. unop; what does that do?18:26
arvind_khadrijeezyme, or else remove the un=neccessary repo's18:26
jeezymewell, different mirrors might have different speeds rite?18:26
n-iCewhat means there is no a new / at the end of etc/fstab , when I try to reject my cd rom?18:26
unopjermain, make you the owner of all files/directories on the drive18:26
antonio1984boa tarde alguem de que fale português está online?18:26
alex101wine /usr/alex/nfscarbon/setup.exe18:26
alex101I typed that18:27
arvind_khadrijeezyme, have u enabled all the repo's18:27
alex101and it didnt work18:27
jermaink thanks18:27
rwycuffalex101: type whereis NAME OF EXE and that will show yuo its path18:27
alex101alex@ubuntu:~$ whereis setup.exe18:27
antonio1984alguem pode ajudar-me?18:27
alex101thats what it said. :/18:27
Pici!pt | antonio198418:28
ubotuantonio1984: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:28
kane77rwycuff, that did it I guess.. but the scroll zone on touchpad doesn't work now18:28
danbhfivejermain: my guess would be to add a line to your fstab file, use the UUID as the id, set it up probably similar to the way your cdrom is listed, and then set an appropriate umask18:28
antonio1984ok obrigado18:28
alex101alex@ubuntu:~$ whereis setup.exe18:29
alex101it said that.18:29
rwycuffkane77:thats somethinng that pry doesnt get auto detected causer its custom type feature like the 3 button emulation in X try googleing it and see what yuou find pry just string needed in the Xorg.conf18:29
kane77rwycuff, okay, thanx a lot18:30
unopdanbhfive, mount does not recognize umask options for extX filesystems18:30
rwycuffalex101:ok try locate setup.exe and see what happens18:30
jermainunop; it worked!18:30
danbhfiveunop: ok, didnt know that18:30
n-iCeHow do I kill all the running proccesses?18:30
jermaindan, thank you for your help too18:30
alex101alex@ubuntu:~$ locate setup.exe18:30
alex101that happened o_o18:31
arvind_khadrin-iCe, try killing init18:31
n-iCearvind_khadri,  kill init ?18:31
Exterisalex101, sudo updatedb ?18:31
arvind_khadrin-iCe, well i think u cant kill all the processes18:31
sboxhello all, I've downloaded open office 2.4 from the OO site, it's lots of deb files how do I go about installing it?18:31
jermainunop: will i have to give this command every time i mount the disk or is this a one time command?18:31
Exterisn-iCe, what do you want to do?18:31
arvind_khadrin-iCe, init is the parent of all processes18:31
aguitelwhat is the difference between main server and other servers?18:32
Exterisjermain, add it to fstab18:32
n-iCearvind_khadri,  at least the one is using my cd rom, because I cannot reject it, says is busy18:32
n-iCeExteris,  that18:32
dtoljn-iCe: ps -axjf then kill -9 <the PID>18:32
unopjermain, shouldn't be necessary18:32
bottigerI'm trying to set up apache to run on port 81, but it doesn't work. Does Ubuntu come with some kind of firewall?18:32
alex101Exteris i'm on that now.18:32
bottiger(apache doesn't write any errors)18:32
alex101and its blank.18:32
Exterisbottiger, /etc/apache2/sites-available18:32
jermainExteris, unop: thank guys, Iĺl just remember the code in case.18:32
arvind_khadrin-iCe, use the gui present in system->admin for killing the process u want18:33
AdysIs it possible to modify theme images directly somewhere without installing a new theme?18:33
n-iCedtolj,  done, how can I know which one is the cdrom procces?18:33
ExterisAdys, /usr/share/themes ~/.themes18:33
dtoljn-iCe: pstree is another good command to view process list in a tree view18:33
=== gkettler is now known as haedent
Exterisn-iCe, educated guess?18:33
alex101Nothings happening when i type sudo updatedb18:33
Exterisalex101, now retype the locate command18:34
dtoljn-iCe: hmm what program were you running k3b?18:34
alex101alex@ubuntu:~$ locate setup.exe18:34
alex101does that again.18:34
Exterisalex101, then you can assume that it's not there :P18:34
budluvaopenguru, i burnt movie.avi to a disc and tried to play in xbox, not supported18:34
unitedroadHI all18:34
danandalex101 - did you allow the sudo updatedb command to complete?18:34
alex101Well its on the disk thats in my laptop xD18:34
alex101Well it just went blanl18:34
FloodBot1alex101: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:35
n-iCedtolj,  which one should I kill: http://www.aksdkasdasd.pastebin.com/m4e5650e918:35
n-iCearvind_khadri, : http://www.aksdkasdasd.pastebin.com/m4e5650e918:35
FloodBot1n-iCe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:35
Exterisalex101, find / | grep -i setup.exe18:35
unitedroadI need some help with the new user creation18:35
alex101alex@ubuntu:~$ grep -i setup.exe18:35
bottigerExteris: I know, I just copjust copied the default file and changed the port to 8118:35
alex101staying blank now lol18:35
jcleonghi, i just changed some variables in /etc/environment is there a way to make this go in effect without restarting my machine?18:36
aguitelwhat is the difference between main server and other servers?18:36
dtoljn-iCe: what are you trying to kill i dont understand ?18:36
Piciaguitel: location.18:36
Exterisbottiger, there may be some other things to do, like restarting apache2 with sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart18:36
danandalex101 - that may take a while :)18:36
unitedroadI created a new user on ubuntu but when I login using this user , Ubuntu fails to show any sound device18:36
n-iCedtolj,  I want to reject my cdrom,  my disc says it is busy, something is using it, how can I know and kill it I need to get the cd18:36
aguitelPici: only?18:36
FloodBot1usuario: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:36
n-iCeI am trying to install a game then it asked me for the disc 2, but I can't reject it, dtolj18:36
alex101danand, whats it doing exactly?18:36
unitedroadwhile if I login from my original user or through root, the sound works find18:37
Piciaguitel: If you're talking about mirrors. yes.18:37
Exterisn-iCe, sudo umount /media/cdrom18:37
n-iCeExteris,  error, is busy18:37
dtoljn-iCe: you have to umount it first before you can 'eject' it18:37
meltra_one month without booting in to windows ... where do I collect my red chip ?18:37
bottigerExteris: I have done that18:37
danandalex101 - updating the database locate uses to quickly find files18:37
n-iCedtolj, I can't18:37
MrBumblebeeis this dalnet?18:37
aguitelPici: in software sources18:37
Exterismeltra_, do i get a black one for not booting into it for 1 year ?18:37
danielwelchHi - any RHYTHMBOX experts to help with adding MP3 as a Rip format (I want to add 2, CD and Voice)18:37
Exterisbottiger, nothing in errorlog? strange if so18:38
n-iCeExteris,  I can't either18:38
alex101Ah okay.18:38
Exterisn-iCe, --force or something?18:38
Piciaguitel: Yes, the only difference is location.  They get the same packages mirrored to them, but some may be faster for you if you are physically closer to them.18:38
jcleongis there anyway to make the changes in /etc/environment take effect without restarting?18:38
rwycuffdanielwelch:the lame encoder should do botht hat for you18:38
dtoljn-iCe: you Exteris is right try force flag18:39
aguitelPici: thankz18:39
danielwelchrwycuff: thanks - can I start private chat?18:39
Sych0hey all, i'm having issues with install, i'm hoping someone knows how to fix. Problem is when i install, and it gets to the part where it sets up the partitions, it doesn't recognize my SATA HDD and says there's no decives installed.18:39
rwycuffdanielwelch:im rather busy but go for it18:40
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bottigerExteris: nothing in the error-log :/18:40
h0axcan anyone tell me what the problem is here : ./lib/rex/socket/ssl_tcp_server.rb:4:in `require': no such file to load -- openssl (LoadError)18:42
* meltra_ hands Exteris his black chip and a botle of red wine18:42
Picih0ax: Perhaps you should be asking that in #rubylang ?  (That is ruby, right?)18:42
geronimaldoExteris should share the wine18:42
h0axyeah. but i'm compiling it in ubuntu so i'm asking here18:43
unitedroadI created a new user on ubuntu but when I login using this user , Ubuntu fails to show any sound device18:43
unitedroadwhile if I login from my original user or through root, the sound works find18:43
unitedroadplease someone help me with it18:43
Piciunitedroad: Add the user to the sound group18:43
Drefsabhi guys quick question I've installed exim4 (on my lan for learning purposes) and it seams the conf file is update-exim4.conf.conf can I just rename this to exim4.conf and restart the service and have it work?18:43
PurpZeYHow can I determine which one of my harddrives is hda and which is hdb...One of them has an NTFS system on it. I want to install to the other one...18:43
geronimaldowhat he said.. add to sound group18:43
unitedroad thanks alot18:43
nickwebcoukokquickie - i have an ipod that i couldnt write to when it automounted, so I changed the automount options (by right clicking it on the desktop), and now i cant get it to automount at all. how can i reset the options i set?18:43
h0axthere's only one person in rubylang18:44
pipegeekKay, so..... I've got openoffice.org-style-human installed.  How do I actually apply said style?  Openoffice is still showing up with it's default, kind of ugly appearance18:44
rwycuffPurpZey:do you know which one is plugged in as pri master18:44
Picih0ax: Sorry, its #ruby-lang18:44
PurpZeYrwycuff: No. I wish I did.18:44
Exterisokay, wine for everybody, it probably wont be much though18:44
Exteris!wine | everybody18:45
ubotueverybody: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.18:45
Exteris!redwine | everybody :P18:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about redwine - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:45
rwycuffPurpZeY:then you would have to mount them to find out what is what18:45
geronimaldoExteris haha18:46
unitedroadhey everyone thanks alot18:46
unitedroadI am out of here18:46
Pici!botabuse | Exteris please stop18:46
ubotuExteris please stop: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.18:46
geronimaldorwycuff parted as root can determine the filesystem of unmounted hds. . ?18:46
unitedroadtake care everyone18:46
fiXXXerMetCould someone help me figure out why I'm getting "Bus error"s?  I have some debugging information and a bug report that I can show you.18:46
rwycufftrue good idea18:46
PurpZeYgeronimaldo: so run gparted from terminal?18:47
meltra_dho I'm part of GA keep wine as in the program out off here please, nothing more frustrating then dreaming about games on linux18:47
geronimaldojust parted. gparted brings up the gui program18:47
meglawhow do i start programs in my currently logged in X sesson? like 'vlc -f http cool-move.avi'18:47
geronimaldoPurpZeY: parted as root18:48
geronimaldoand use the print command18:48
thierryhi, my ubuntu is in another langage than english, how can I output a shell command in english?18:48
StucKmanthierry: LC_ALL=C <command>18:48
xx0xxhello i changed my hostname now i having problem.. sudo: unable to lookup x0x.shellhosts.net via gethostbyname()18:49
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PurpZeYgeronimaldo: The information following "hda:" will be the information for that drive I assume?18:49
xx0xxhow do i fix this problem now?18:50
geronimaldoPurpZeY yep. 1 = hda18:50
n-iCeis back18:51
geronimaldoPurpZeY: wait thats a rotten lie18:51
cirkit_hi ... is Linux hard?18:51
linux60284i can't find any programs to any ports on ubuntu, can someone help me18:51
geronimaldoPurpZeY: parted will select a hard disk. and then the printed command will show the filesystem(s) on that disk18:51
c0ldfusioncirkit, mine is18:51
h0axcirkit_:  lol18:51
PurpZeYgeronimaldo: That works though. If that drive has NTFS on it, that can't be the drive I want.18:52
cirkit_where can I buy Ubuntu?18:52
Pici!downlaod | cirkit_18:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about downlaod - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:52
geronimaldoto change the hard disk use e.g select /dev/hdb and print that one out18:52
Pici!download | cirkit_18:52
ubotucirkit_: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!18:52
dryrotpost your CC18:52
c0ldfusioncirkit_ hang on I'll give you my paypal account18:52
h0axc0ldfusion:  forl18:52
linux60284i can't find any programs to any ports on ubuntu, can someone help me18:52
n-iCecirkit,  it is free :)18:52
Picicirkit_: Ubuntu is free18:52
PurpZeYgeronimaldo: My secondary issue is that I booted into the LiveCD via safe graphics mode...I have to fix my drivers once I install, will I be able to do that?18:52
cirkit_does Ubuntu include notepad.exe?18:52
nickwebcoukokquickie - i have an ipod that i couldnt write to when it automounted, so I changed the automount options (by right clicking it on the desktop), and now i cant get it to automount at all. how can i reset the options i set?18:53
n-iCecirkit, wine includes it18:53
linux60284i can't bind ssh, or any program below or above 1024 as user or root18:53
geronimaldoPurpZeY: ive never had that problem. if the system fails to load xserver you´ll hav to install the drivers from the command line.18:53
geronimaldoPurpZeY: i´dask that question to the room again. guys...18:54
PurpZeYgeronimaldo: How can I make parted look at the other drive?18:54
sparr_my home LAN has an IP address range that overlaps that of a VPN that I am connecting to, how can I remap one of them?18:54
linux60284geronimaldo: change the /dev/sda to /dev/sdb, its a dropdown18:55
geronimaldoPurpZeY if it´s hdb then ; select /ev/hdb18:55
linux60284sparr_: go to your router, probably, and change the submask to
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about encrypt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:55
|Dede|How can you unban an IP/host that Fail2Ban has banned?18:55
HardyHeronaguitel:    thats a workaround correct..  not a fix18:55
sparr_linux60284: no18:56
c0ldfusionlinux60284, that's if you want class C18:56
aguitelHardyHeron: it work in my pc18:56
fantamana tutti18:56
linux60284well, the router will most likely have a button to select,, or
PurpZeYgeronimaldo: Could not start device hdb - No such file or directory. But It is hdb18:56
vf123I am interested in encrypting my /home directory.  Is there any reason why I should not do this?  And can you suggest any software that works well for it?18:56
sparr_i dont want to change my IP18:56
HardyHeronaguitel:    i ended up uninstalling the 2 issues.. now i have no email icon18:57
PurpZeYgeronimaldo: I ran select /dev/hdb18:57
c0ldfusionsparr_, what do you mean by overlapping18:57
HardyHeronand something funny is going on18:57
aguitelHardyHeron: try change in software sorces to the main server and make update & upgrade18:57
sparr_c0ldfusion: they both use 192.168.1.xxx18:57
HardyHeroni do sudo apt-get install wireshark18:57
HardyHeronsays cant find host18:57
cirkit_hi ... can I hack the planet if I install Linux?18:57
kane77after doing Xorg -configure my touchpad doesn't work anymore, specifically the scroll zone...18:57
linux60284sparr_ my modem uses and my modem uses
linux60284both work fine18:57
HardyHeronaguitel:   good ised18:58
c0ldfusionsparr_, so you have a vpn from your machine with that same address on the other side?18:58
aguitelHardyHeron: maybe it fix18:58
sparr_c0ldfusion: my IP is different on both networks, but within the same subnet18:58
linux60284sparr_: as long as the ips don't conflict, it should be okay18:58
sparr_linux60284: they do18:58
HardyHeroncirkit  dont make me lol18:58
HardyHeronlet me see18:58
PurpZeYgeronimaldo: hdb is not mounted though...hda is via NFS...So I know it must be hda...18:59
c0ldfusionsparr_, yeh I got that much; I don't know what you can do about that, other than change one subnet.18:59
ubotuTruecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume18:59
geronimaldoPurpZeY: i´ve gotta dash. best of luck and may see you later.18:59
sparr_c0ldfusion: i dont have the authority to change either18:59
geronimaldook.. is it hda or hdb that you want to use18:59
cirkit_hack the planet18:59
linux60284sparr_: you could use the vmware network adapter and give yourself a new ip that way18:59
sparr_c0ldfusion: just for the sake of argument, lets pretend im using three VPNs, covering all of the legal LAN subnets, so there is no valid unique address scheme18:59
linux60284anyone know why i can't bind any programs to ANY ports (+ or - 1026)19:00
MORPHEU_spola pessoa19:00
linux60284sparr_: or you could VPN your local submask to another submask, that might work also (similar to the vmware network adapter technique)19:00
c0ldfusionsparr_, then you're sol19:00
linux60284anyone know why i can't bind any programs to ANY ports (+ or - 1026)???19:00
c0ldfusionI guess :p19:01
freesbieexcuse me, i am just curious, what pc/laptop is shipping ubuntu by default?19:01
linux60284freesbie: Dell19:01
freesbiewhat's on olpc? eeepc?19:02
linux60284anyone know why i can't bind any programs to ANY ports (+ or - 1026)?19:02
=== denny is now known as denny^AFK
komputesfreesbie: olpc - one laptop per chiled19:02
unop__linux60284, you should be able to >=1024, how are you trying?19:02
komputesfreesbie: eeepc - easy entertain something pc19:02
linux60284as root and as regular user19:02
linux60284both fail, both error "can't bind to port"19:03
linux60284for any program, i tried: apache, ssh, etc19:03
komputesfreesbie: eeepc does not come with ubuntu, you may want to check out system76 or dell\19:03
pokerfacepenguinfreesbie: yeah, olpc is a piece of hardware for the one laptop per child program, eepc is made by asus19:03
freesbiewhat distro is on gPC of VIA?19:03
linux60284unop: i tried services, command line, and from icons any and all programs, any suggestions19:04
pokerfacepenguinfreesbie: not sure, guessing gOS19:04
kazolHow do I set it so that the system hibernates after a specified amount of time?19:04
freesbiei got impressed by gPC, but it's still rough to me19:04
cbx33Hey guys19:05
cbx33anyone know of anysoftware to create graphics for video19:05
cbx33like the Hak5 people use19:05
unop__linux60284, hmm, i would go through these files to see if anything's out of order - /var/log/{dmesg,debug,syslog}19:05
kazolThe power options only have the suspend option, which does not work on my hardware.19:05
pokerfacepenguincbx33: looked at ubuntu studio yet?19:05
freesbiecbx33, this is a google question, buddy19:05
cbx33pokerfacepenguin, yeh19:05
cbx33I'm using kdenlive19:06
cbx33which is good19:06
cbx33but I need better intro graphics19:06
linux60284unop__: everything looks fine in the logs19:06
pokerfacepenguincbx33: make your own with blender :)19:06
adrock358Can someone help me out with this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62540/19:06
cbx33yeh thought about that19:07
adrock358i am having big problems over here19:07
cbx33but then I have to composite in blender too19:07
linux60284unop__: any other suggestions?19:07
adrock358trying to get into my win part from ubuntu.  i have the right code, but now i am getting an error.  could someone check it out?19:07
* kane77 fixed the touchpad thingy... what does the InputDevice "CorePointer" in xorg.conf mean anyway?19:07
unop__linux60284, it takes time trawling through those files and you need to put on your 'scrutiny' goggles before examining them .. small things do count, apart from that all i can suggest is having a look on launchpad if someone else might have experienced the same thing19:07
adrock358Has anyone ever done that?19:08
cbx33pokerfacepenguin, got any examples?19:08
Dudicus_any lvm2 pros I am trying to boot to my LVM root partition and I keep getting a kernel panic the partition is on a raid6 setup but the raid comes up fine..infact right after the raid comes up it tries the lvm part and fails..19:08
linux60284unop__: its on a server, so its a bad thing if its down for long19:08
Dudicus_any idea what I could be doing wroing?19:08
linux60284unop__: i guess i'll have to reinstall the OS when i get the time, i wish ubuntu was a little more stable, i would hate to go back to debian19:08
unop__linux60284, have you got any iptables rules in place?19:09
linux60284i am not using iptables, no firewall or pg219:09
pokerfacepenguincbx33: of intros?  nope, but it can be done if they can make an entire movie with it (ie. the elephants dream, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsGEWHNJ3s819:09
linux60284unop__: i was thinking it was a networking problem19:09
cbx33well sure19:09
cbx33but i kinda wanna blend it with video I have19:09
unop__linux60284, how did this condition come to be? i'm assuming it was all working fine at some point .19:10
linux60284unop__: the sudo /etc/init.d/networking start fails to start19:10
komputesEvery time I log in numlock turns on on its own, does anyone know how to turn this off19:10
linux60284unop__: yes, i restart my computer19:10
unop__linux60284, what happens when you manually try and bring the interfaces up?19:10
linux60284unop__: the error in the /etc/init.d/networking start gives me errors with ifup and ifdown19:11
linux60284unop__: so i am assuming i can't start/stop them manually (atheros at ath0)19:11
unop__linux60284, you make too many assumptions -- try it manually .. and pastebin the errors you get19:11
antonio__algún canal en castellano19:12
unop__!es | antonio__19:12
ubotuantonio__: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:12
lastelement0hey all, how do i uninstall cedega and remove all files/folders associated with it?19:12
linux60284i get the error: "ifup: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/networking/interfaces"19:13
antonio__si pero como entro19:13
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unop__adrock358, ask a question to the room, don't wait for someone to respond to you19:13
bastid_raZoradrock358; if you have ntfs-3g installed you'll be able to read an ntfs partition no problem19:13
unop__antonio1984, /join #ubuntu-es19:13
Wi9li4mantonio /list #ubuntu*es19:13
antonio__donde tengo que poner eso19:13
linux60284unop__: does that error message give you any ideas what could cause that problem?19:14
bobbyhow do I output a command in english instead of the usual language?19:14
linux60284antonio: va al canal ubuntu-es por "/join #ubuntu-es"19:14
unop__linux60284, looks like you have a malformatted or missing interfaces file? check if it exists and if you can .. please put it in a pastebin for us to see19:14
lastelement0hey all, how do i uninstall cedega and remove all files/folders associated with it?19:14
ChaosTheory_I want to get the "showmouse" plugin in Compiz but I don't see it in the preferences?19:15
unop__lastelement0, was cedega installed as an ubuntu package?19:15
lastelement0unop__ yes19:15
ChaosTheory_Also, I don't have a 3D windows plugin.19:16
ChaosTheory_Do I have to update Compiz or something?19:16
unop__lastelement0, sudo aptitude purge cedega  # mind you, the package name might be named differently, so verify that19:16
n-iCerebooting, brb19:16
komputesEvery time I log in, my NumLk is on, does anyone know how to reset the numlk to off after the login (it does not affect the login screen)19:17
antonio__Gracias por la ayuda19:17
linux60284unop__: there we go, i fixed it by removing my bluetooth network19:17
tylerflickI'rm gonna go insane trying to get my dell brightness keys to work19:17
linux60284unop__: let me see if i can bind now19:17
linux60284unop__: no, i still can't bind, but at least i can /etc/init.d/network restart successfully19:17
bastid_raZorunop__;  lastelement0 has lost his mind.. cedega is not open source software. he had to of installed it with a script or from source19:18
nouMenonI tried opening a folder a little while ago and my CPU started saying it was 100% in use. This lasted for about 5 minutes and then I manually shut down my computer because the folder still wasn't opening and the restart button wouldn't work either. When it booted back up, it got to the loading screen and finished the loading bar, then a black screen with a cursor in the top left corner appeared and nothing happened. The cursor jus19:18
nouMenont kept blinking and Ubuntu wouldn't load the password screen. I tried restarting three more times. The first two had the same problem, then this last time Ubuntu loaded for some reason. I'm afraid it may happen again, so if anyone knows how to bypass that screen or fix the problem I would really appreciate it.19:18
adrock358bastid_raZor  i want to pull out info from it, not just read it.  i can read it.  can't mount it though.19:18
bastid_raZoradrock358; if you are reading it.. it is mounted19:18
kane77how safe it is to resize ext3 partitions?19:19
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unop__bastid_raZor, I find that funny - cedega is not open source .. he had to have installed it .. from source :)19:20
ryrules1_anyone in here on an iPhone??19:20
unop__bastid_raZor, it wouldnt come as a surprise to me if there were ubuntu .debs of cedega flying around19:20
TWP-SirStaalWhats the command to terminate all firefox process (is it "Killall firefox?")19:21
adrock358bastid_raZor  i meant i can see it, not read it19:21
ryrules1_install htop19:21
unop__TWP-SirStaal, killall firefox-bin19:21
unop__TWP-SirStaal, you can use tab-completion at the shell .. killall firefox<tab><tab>19:21
ryrules1_it will show all your active processes and you can kill them individually19:22
bastid_raZorunop__; i mistated.. i should have said ubuntu has yet to port it..19:22
bastid_raZor!mount  | adrock35819:22
ubotuadrock358: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter19:22
TWP-SirStaalI didn't have any windows open so trying this19:22
ryrules1_anyone been using hardy haron In here19:23
bastid_raZoradrock358; possibly try using sudo ? are the permissions wrong?19:23
kane77can gparted resize safely ext3 partitions?19:23
bastid_raZorryrules1_; #ubuntu+1 is hardy support19:23
samue1Hello folks. Somone here knowing how I can backup a partition on another partition (on other HDD)19:23
ryrules1_ok thanks19:23
kane77samue1, tar is one option19:24
TWP-SirStaalUnop__: is there a good site to read about some basic commands?19:24
unop__samue1, is the second partition empty?19:24
samue1yeah unop-19:24
samue1completely empty19:24
samue1and ready19:24
adrock358bastid_raZor sudo's not the prob.  check it. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62542/19:25
Ssam`whats the administration tool in ubunut called?19:25
unop__samue1, you can use dd then.  sudo dd if=/dev/sdXX of=/dev/sdXX bs=819219:25
Ssam`the graphical administration tool19:25
Wi9li4mi've read something about cp -a for backup...not sure though19:25
unop__samue1, you'll need to specify the source and destination paritions correctly there19:26
NrjWill there be any bcm43xx support in the 8.04?19:26
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c0ldfusioncp -a (or maybe A) does an archive19:26
samue1and what is bs=8192 unop_19:26
unop__samue1, blocksize . the number of blocks to copy at a time19:27
ryrules1Nrj: I also have this card and was wondering that too19:27
donkey7186i need help. im trying to hook up an extra monitor on my laptop and when i hooked it up the external was blue19:27
xx0xxunop__ plz help me with name servers19:28
=== xx0xx is now known as x0x
ryrules1probbly not right away I'm guessing19:28
Nrjryrules1: Hehe, I'll be waiting for years now for the support. :/19:28
c0ldfusionx0x, what's wrong with your nameservers19:28
gregcha117my sound is busted and i need some help please i cannot figure out whats wrong19:28
samue1unop_ should I keep speed 8192?19:28
expathello all19:28
expathelp needed plz19:28
x0xc0ldfusion i cant create one...19:29
samue1unop_ should I keep speed 8192?19:29
unop__TWP-SirStaal, http://tldp.org/LDP/sag/html/sag.html http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/commands.htm http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/cmd/19:29
* expat takes a number and waits in line19:29
unop__samue1, yep19:29
c0ldfusionif you're looking to add a nameserver, try /etc/resolv.conf19:29
unop__x0x, are you also xx0xx ?19:30
Ssam`whats ubuntu's .deb installation manager called?19:30
x0xc0ldfusion well i mean dns19:30
x0xunop__ yes19:30
unop__Ssam`, apt/dpkg19:30
c0ldfusionx0x, dns ~ nameserver19:30
geniiexpat: Usually best to just state the problem and then see if anyone may know the way to resolve it19:30
adamtis there some good alternatives to the gnome-panel? i'm kinda annoyed with it.19:30
unop__x0x, what are you trying to do?19:30
expatthx genii :)19:30
cami-chanHello everyone :)19:30
expatHaving issues with gnome-panel after latest update on Hardy Heron19:31
x0xunop__ i am trying to add a domain to my server.19:31
expatit keeps crashing :(19:31
Ssam`unop__: is graphical installer right?19:31
expatanyone else have this issue? know of a work-around?19:31
unop__x0x, ok, and what have you done so far?19:31
|Dede|How can you unban an IP/host that Fail2Ban has banned?19:31
bastid_raZoradrock358; have you tried running the commands that suggests in windows? chkdsk /f ?19:31
cami-chanCan anyone help with the ability to write to my sda6 drive, when I installed Ubuntu 7,10 today I created the partition that I installed Ubuntu on and another partition formatted with EXT319:31
unop__Ssam`, synaptic is the GUI frontend to apt19:32
chazcoHi... anyone know how to delete a horizontal line created by typing "---" in OO writer? I can do it on Windows, but not on Ubuntu19:32
x0xunop__ http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dns-server-setup-using-bind-in-ubuntu.html << THIS19:32
geniiexpat: Since you're on 8.04 may want to ask in #ubuntu+119:32
Exteriscami-chan, sudo chmod -R 777 /media/[drive]19:32
unop__x0x, right, so whats the problem then?19:32
cami-chanExteris: Thanks a lot :)19:32
Ssam`yea when u double click a .deb file then click install.....thats a synaptic?19:33
x0xunop__ i cant add domain ;s domain giving me error... like unknown dns or something19:33
docmurOkay so I was playing a rather old game for the last few days in Cedega and last night, and it worked smooth and fine.  Okay so today I just tired to load it up and it's legging horribly like to the point of no use to me.  I haven't changed any settings any clue on what could be happening19:33
unop__Exteris, cami-chan -- it's better to do.  sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /media/sdXX19:33
cami-chanunop_: Thanks but I did the other one :) Will remember though :)19:34
Exterisunop__, that's not friendly for multiple users19:34
unop__Exteris, so you would rather open it right up for the world to have complete access?19:34
geniiSsam`: No, that is usually gdebi which installs a deb file when you click on it. Synaptic is the package manager. It will go out and grab the deb file from an ubuntu repository and install it.19:34
adrock358bastid_raZor i can't get in windows19:35
Exterisunop__, depends on the goal, and of course users can create their own limited-acces folders19:35
Ssam`you mean gkdebconf?19:35
unop__x0x, ok, you can't be vague like that, it doesn't help me or you .. what command and errors exactly  .. use the pastebin to show us stuff if you have to19:35
lordleemoSsam`: gdebi-gtk or gdebi package installer  gdebconf19:36
Ssam`ahh thanks man19:36
x0xunop__, ok19:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:36
Ssam`and whats the adminsitration toolds called...the one which has graphical users and group management19:36
unop__Exteris, it's _safer_ if the user owns it, and gives other users their own limited-access folders, but chmod 777 .. hmm, i wouldnt suggest that19:36
Nrjis ndiswrapper better than madwifi?19:37
Exterisunop__, i mean, since the drive is empty ( he said he'd just created it), giving all users acces wont be much of a problem, but yeah, you got a point there19:38
poniuhm... I don't know if I could ask my question here, but I've got a problem with activating CompizFusion in 7.10, I lose my titlebars etc and only get em back when running metacity --replace. If I activate "Custom" in the Visual Effects tab, it puts itself back on Normal after closing. Window decorations is on in CCSM19:38
michalskihello, I was just editing my sshd_config file and was wondering what a few options were for---> useprivelegeseperation:(yes/no) ---> Strictmode:(yes/no) ---> challengeresponseauthentication:(Yes/No)19:39
Scuniziponi, you might ask in #ubuntu-effects.. they have compiz brain power there.19:39
bastid_raZoradrock358; i'm not sure what else you can do.. if Ubuntu is telling you to run a check on the disk from windows.. that sounds like the best course of action19:39
Exterisponi, perhaps you have a problem with emerald, try starting that one too19:39
poniScunizi: Thank you :)19:39
Scuniziponi, np19:39
unop__michalski, read the sshd_config manpage, it describes all those directives19:39
michalskiok , thank you19:39
bastid_raZorponi; or #compiz-fusion19:40
Scunizibastid_raZor, that ends up being the same channel I think..19:40
bastid_raZorScunizi; ahh. did not know that.19:40
linkinxpguys hello what tool can i use for making Iso from Cd/dvds?19:40
Scunizibastid_raZor, nice to keep the ubuntu name as a referance19:40
michalskiunop__: how?19:41
Scunizilinkinxp, dvd videos use k9copy.. otherwise  k3b19:41
pingu_anyone else use thunderbird ?19:41
unop__michalski, man sshd_config ?19:41
linkinxpScunizi,  data cd/dvds can i use k3b? im in gnome19:42
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto19:42
linkinxpstefg,  thankius!19:42
pingu_because i need to know who to make my yahoo account accesible through thunderbird19:42
Scunizilinkinxp, sure.. it'll run fine.. if you want to stick with gnome you can right click the CD and say make iso..19:42
donkey7186i need some help with Kompozer. Is there a channel on mIRC specifically for that??????????19:42
linkinxpScunizi,  thanks again ;)19:43
Scunizilinkinxp, np19:43
HazyHawkich habe mal kurz einne hoffentlich leichte frage:D19:43
HazyHawkich bin wohl intellektuell nich dazu in der lage:D19:43
Scunizi!de | HazyHawk19:43
ubotuHazyHawk: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de19:43
HazyHawkoh sry19:44
HazyHawkim sry !19:44
ScuniziHazyHawk, mein deutsch is schlect19:44
linkinxp!es linkinxp19:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about es linkinxp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:44
pingu_anyone know how to access a yahoo, gmail, or other such account with thunderbird im not having any luck with it19:44
linkinxplol not spanish?19:44
Scunizi!es | linkinxp19:45
ubotulinkinxp: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:45
mariussthi a friend of mine is in ubuntu now and he wants to set up the grub boot manager so that he can choose between windows and ubuntu. Isnt there a preference thing for that in system->administration?19:45
HazyHawknp scunizi19:45
linkinxpScunizi,  Bilingual :P19:45
Khisanthpingu_: for yahoo you need to have a Yahoo! Mail Plus account19:45
c0ldfusionmariusst, I usually change boot order by editing /boot/grub/menu.list19:46
pingu_Khisanth: ok i have yahoo how do you get a Yahoo! Mail Plus account have a normal one19:46
Scunizipingu_, for gmail.. see the gmail help page for the correct ports.. some of the gnome & kde PIMs don't configure it correctly..19:46
mariussthe probably wants the menu on boot19:46
Khisanthpingu_: you have to pay Y! :)19:46
pingu_Scunizi: i have yahoo i was just throwing stuff out there19:46
c0ldfusionmariusst, the menu should display by default19:46
^NighT^WalkeR^anyone know how to install the default wifi driver on ubuntu?19:47
Scunizipingu_, Yahoo plus is a paid account.19:47
pingu_Khisanth: that is dumb!19:47
linkinxpgmail its better than yahoo19:47
Scunizi^NighT^WalkeR^, the default driver is ... default.. it's already installed.19:47
mariussthe installed windows after ubuntu19:47
komputesEvery time I log in, my NumLk is on, does anyone know how to reset the numlk to off after the login (it does not affect the login screen)19:47
pingu_Scunizi: do you have to pay for gmail19:47
Scunizipingu_, no19:47
mariusstwould it be enough to run grub?19:47
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^NighT^WalkeR^Scunizi: well what if i fucked something up?19:47
linkinxpmariusst,  he need to edit the boot file im not sure where it is19:48
pingu_Scunizi: alright where do i sign up19:48
michalskiunop__: didnt say much about ChallengeResponseAuthentication, what is it?19:48
Scunizipingu_, gmail.com19:48
mariussttheres no automated way to do this?19:48
pingu_i HATE Yahoo19:48
pingu_Scunizi: thanks19:48
linkinxpmariusst,  i dk :(19:48
=== eth01 is now known as dr_tm
c0ldfusionmariusst, automated way to do what19:48
linkinxpbig update today :D i like updates19:48
Scunizi^NighT^WalkeR^, that's a different issue.... careful with the language .. this is a family channel.. lots of young ones log in for help as well as us old geizers19:48
mariusstmake it look for windows and add it. The installer does this..19:48
^NighT^WalkeR^Scunizi: sorry about19:49
x0xunop__ http://pastebin.com/d244c43ca19:49
c0ldfusionmariusst, try #grub19:49
Scunizi^NighT^WalkeR^, just a gentle reminder.. the ops will/could ban you19:50
michalskidoes anyone know what Challenge Response Authetication is in sshd_config?19:50
^NighT^WalkeR^Scunizi: it's ok... glad you told me19:50
=== dr_tm is now known as eth01
x0xunop__ you there?19:51
pokerfacepenguinmichalski:      ChallengeResponseAuthentication      Specifies whether challenge response authentication is allowed.      All authentication styles from login.conf(5) are supported.  The      default is ``yes''.19:51
Scunizimichalski, I'm guessing .but 2 things come to mind.. when trying to log on the system asks for a password/key or maybe it uses cascading port authentication.. that means you start connecting on one port once, then again on another(once) then the last.. the system see's you try and if you're trying in the right order and right ports it lets you in.19:52
c0ldfusionx0x, are you trying to add a dns server to your system to resolve host names?19:52
michalskipokerfacepenguin: i knew that, I just dont know what it does19:52
x0xc0ldfusion yes19:52
c0ldfusionx0x, then add the server to /etc/resolv.conf19:53
michalskiScunizi: hmmm....19:53
x0xc0ldfusion well i am trying to add my domain name to my system.19:53
Scunizimichalski, things that make you go .. hmmmmmm :)19:53
c0ldfusionx0x, not sure but try man hostname19:54
cderwhats the advantage of having a static ip address over dhcp?19:55
TheBillsuse ubuntu for servers?19:55
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Scunizicder, if you are running a server it's easier to always locate it.19:55
cderScunizi; what if its say inside a vizulization like vmware19:56
cderthe os19:56
Jester009I am having issues with my Linksys WUSB54G wireless USB adapter. The computer can see wirless networks but it will not connect to mine.19:57
rwycuffx0x:are you trying to create DNS on your computer or add existing one to it19:57
Scunizicder, same.. also depends on how you've setup vmware.. as bridged or "shared" from the host machine.. my win2kpro vm has it's own IP but done via dhcp from my router..19:57
joelrwycuff: what kind of security do you have on it?19:57
joelWEP, WPA or none?19:57
Rafaelcan you tell me if it is posible to place 4 monitors doing different task on ubuntu and what version will do a better job on this?19:58
Rafaelhow hard is it?19:58
joelRafael: what kind of graphics card?19:58
rwycuffjoel:wrong person to ask that wasnt me19:58
cderScuizi mine is NAT because i have a cable moden19:58
Rafaeli could buy any if necesary19:58
joelget an nvidia card, then get Hardy (or Gutsy for a bit more stability) do sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings19:58
joelfairly easy from there19:58
Jester009I am having issues with my Linksys WUSB54G wireless USB adapter. The computer can see wirless networks but it will not connect to mine.19:59
Scunizicder.. I have a cable modem too. but also a router between it and my machines..19:59
joelJester: type of security on your network?19:59
Rafaelwill ubuntu support 4 video card? or i only need one?19:59
Jester009only mac address filter19:59
Kurkono passwords?19:59
joelyou should put some time into looking at them, mine can support them I believe (someone yesterday got 3 up with no problem)19:59
joelJester: your network isn't encrypted at all?19:59
Jester009joel: nope20:00
cderScunizi ok thats good i do not have a router but can set a static ip within vmware on ubuntu guest host is xp20:00
ScuniziRafael, it can be done.. typically needing 2 video cards each supporting 2 monitors.. Ubuntu now uses xrandr..you might need to hand configure xorg.conf.. if you're new at this that means lots of reading and experimentation.20:00
joelhmm that's interesting because usually there isn't a problem with unencrypted20:00
flutefluteJester009: you can try this script http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=516649 (serialmonkey is probably better but harder)20:00
joelScunizi: nvidia-settings is fairly automated, I used to use it a bit20:00
Scunizicder, you're fine if running dhcp20:00
Scunizijoel.. but for 4 monitors and 2 vid cards.?20:00
gnompmiten saan openofficessa hyperlinkityksen pois teksistä?20:00
joelScunizi: true ;) never done that but maybe?20:01
Jester009fluteflute: the wirless adapter works im just not able to connect to my network.20:01
Kurkoolisko #ubuntu-fi mitään?20:01
joelI see anything more than two monitors as a waste so I can't give much detail on it20:01
joelJester: what are you using native linux drivers?20:01
flutefluteJester009: yes, that is a common problem i believe - that script should work20:01
cderScunizi : static inside ubuntu works also20:02
gnompwhoops sry wrong channel20:02
Scunizijoel, what I'd like to do is take a large tv/monitor (42") and split the screen so it acts like 2 monitors.20:02
Jester009fluteflute: ill try it20:02
meglawwhy can nobody awnser me. :(20:02
Rafaeland which version of ubuntu will do a better job on this?20:02
Scunizicder, sure.. you just have to manually enter the ip and dns info.20:02
joelScunizi: that would be interesting, I just have my laptop and have a 22" hd monitor connected to it20:02
joelworks perfectly for me20:02
ScuniziRafael, probably both gnome and kde for support20:02
joelI know some people go all out with monitors but I just see it as wasteful (personal taste I suppose)20:03
Rafaelthis is kind of a school project thats what i need it20:03
Scunizijoel, once you have 2 monitors up and running, and you're using the machine for production.. it's hard to go back to one.20:03
joelI agree, 2I can understand, 3+ seems a bit too much20:03
Jester009fluteflute: whats the difference between the fesity and gutsy?20:04
joelmy boss uses 3, just seems wasteful20:04
cderScunizi i wonder how i would go about shh into ubuntu on vmware?20:04
joelit's "handy" sometimes but that doesn't outweigh the negatives for me (personally)20:04
Scunizijoel, really just depends on what there're used for.. stock tracking on one.. wp on another .. game on third..:)20:04
kantlivelon1anyone know why when i start X my mouse event disappears?20:04
joelyeah like I said, handy but wasteful20:04
Scunizicder, from where.. the windows side?20:04
flutefluteJester009: its the version of ubuntu you are running. you can find out which you are running by going System->About Ubuntu20:05
Jester009ah ok thanks20:05
joelkant: what version of Ubuntu, did this happen since the beginning?20:05
Rafaelbut can you make them work as if they where different computers?20:05
ScuniziRafael, yes you can have different things on each one..20:05
kantlivelon1joel: yeah.. 7.1020:06
joeldoes it happen with running live ?20:06
kantlivelon1joel: i can cat it (event3) but once i start X it disappears20:06
kantlivelon1joel: yeah20:06
TheBillsyou only need one OS20:06
cderScunizi yes from windows xp20:06
joelhmm that's in interesting problem.....have you tried the forums (I've never seen or heard about this kind of an issue20:07
kantlivelon1joel: cant find nething... it works fine in fedora20:07
JorayHello, I am trying to get my wireless card to work... I am running ubuntu 7.10 on a Inspiron 710m20:07
TheBillsget a netgear wg111v220:07
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pingu_anyone know how to delete a yahoo account20:08
joelJoray: what kind of wireless card?20:08
TheBillsnetgear wg111v220:08
joelpingu_: why not just ignore it and never look back ;)20:08
Scunizicder, brb20:08
Joraynot sure joel20:08
cderSilhouet: were you in vmware some days ago20:08
pingu_joel: ya i thought about that...20:09
cderScunizi: brb?20:09
m3dvthi all20:09
joelanyone having problems with the Firefox beta release?20:09
m3dvtit dont work lol20:09
RedianHey, I've got a friend who tried to install ubuntu and the install fails at 55%. She gets some weird error message, this is the second CD I gave her, and now when she turns on her computer she just gets a screen with a blinking white cursor after the BIOS loads. Any idea what could be the problem or how to fix it? She can't do anything with her computer right now20:09
joelall right, thought it might just be me, the windows decorations go away sometimes, and it causes my screen to flicker once an awhile20:09
Scunizicder .. be right back20:10
joelRedian: try alternative install20:10
cderScunizi; ok20:10
Redianjoel: meaning...?20:10
joelthere is an Ubuntu alternative cd20:10
Jorayhow do I find out what kind of wireless card I have?20:10
joelJoray: google your computer and type "specs" or something like that20:10
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joelor do that ;)20:10
m3dvtany one using mint?20:11
Scunizicder, ok.. do you want to do this ssh as an experiment or do you just want access to files for transfer back and forth?20:11
Redianjoel: I can't get that CD to her until tomorrow...things got messed up last night so I burnt her another, and I don't wanna make her wait until tomorrow, is there anything else that we could try?20:11
Scunizicder, or is this to get to it from outside you house from another machine.20:11
joelwith that kind of an issue...unlikely20:12
m3dvtyou could take the disk round and install tonight lol20:12
ubotuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (support in #linuxmint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate20:12
joelbrb, firefox is acting up and I need to log out to get it to work again20:13
cderScunizi: both20:13
Soleonecan anyone tell me where i can install a new font i've downloaded?20:14
m3dvt_can you use ham software in ubuntu ?20:15
StevenXhello all. I would like to know the feasability of running MS Office 2008 in Ubuntu.20:15
RedianThe thing that struck me as odd is that last nights CD crashed at 22%, and todays crashes as 55%. Anything particular about that, or just made 2 bad CDs?20:15
Scunizicder, well from the windows side to the ubuntu side you can just setup shared directories and get to them with "Network Manager".. to ssh from a windows box to ubuntu, the windows box has to use a program called Putty.. there's lots of tutorials out there as well as on ubuntuforums.org.. I couldn't really give you a blow by blow how to..20:15
RedianStevenX: Have you tried using Wine-doors?20:15
flutefluteSoleone: place it in the folder: /home/usernamehere/.fonts/20:15
osimoveitis it possible to log into the server version of ubuntu using xming, or do I need a windowmanager installed to do that?20:15
* nickrud wonders why people quit one minute after asking a question20:16
x0xhttp://pastebin.com/d244c43ca << does it look ok to you guys?20:16
Rediannickrud: to annoy you of course.20:16
* Scunizi thinks it's because of a bad internet connection..20:16
geniiosimoveit: You need some window manager backend available before something like xming or vnc will be able to connect to a remote X server20:16
Scuniziosimoveit, what is xming?20:16
cderScunizi; yes i know putty20:17
* nickrud thinks Scunizi is a very nice person ;[20:17
m3dvt_can you use ham radio software in ubuntu ? please ?20:17
StevenXRedian: No. I will look into it. Any particular link you have in mind?20:17
osimoveitxming runs on windows and lets me use gui linux20:17
osimoveitis ubuntu more lightweight than kubuntu?20:17
Scunizim3dvt_, depends on the software .. there's lots of stuff listed in synaptic package manager for logging, satellite tracking etc..20:17
RedianStevenX: http://www.wine-doors.org/wordpress/ is still in beta, but some people have success with it20:17
geniiScunizi: Xming is a small X server for windows which allows you to run X applications on it from a remote machine20:17
RedianStevenX: I really messed up a bunch of my wine files to start out with, so I haven't had much luck XD20:18
nickwebcoukokquickie - i have an ipod that i couldnt write to when it automounted, so I changed the automount options (by right clicking it on the desktop), and now i cant get it to automount at all. how can i reset the options i set?20:18
m3dvt_i need to run psk sstv and digital sstv does this help and fax ?20:18
osimoveitso I need ubuntu or kubuntu to do that?20:18
StevenXRedian: hehe, sorry to hear that. thanks for the info.20:18
joelok I'm officially pissed about my fstab, it took a week but I'm there20:19
Scunizigenii, osimoveit cool.. so osimoveit you gotta have an x environment on the server to do that, it sounds like.20:19
m3dvt_by the way me sister inlaw had a baby boy tonight at 6.14 me happy20:19
joelcongrats ;)20:19
Scuniziosimoveit, or xubuntu.. xfce4.. there's probably another way.. cause x programs don't need gnome, kde, xfce.. I believe..20:19
aguitelhow i know my gdm version?20:19
erUSULm3dvt_: congrats XD20:19
Redianjoel: Do you think that it stopped at 22% last night and 55% tonight might provide some clues?20:19
Redianm3dvt_: congratz!20:19
joelRedian: sounds like you got unlucky and have two bad discs20:20
joelcan she/he run live distro from it?20:20
StevenXRedian: will CodeWeavers do the trick?20:20
RedianYeah, no probs there20:20
cderScunizi: i was able to get xen working inside vmware wow20:20
joelRedian: have her/him put it in and run a disc check from the menu20:20
m3dvt_thanks redian and erusul20:20
Scunizicder, that's different20:20
osimoveitI have an old laptop that will use it with only 256MB. What is the lightest version: ubuntu or kubuntu?20:20
ScuniziRedian, make sure you burn at a slow speed20:21
cderScunizi: diffrent20:21
RedianI dropped it to 14X20:21
Scuniziosimoveit, xubuntu20:21
samue1unop__, now I copied my dd (worked well, thqnk you). now, how can I activate this version of linux?20:21
aguitelosimoveit: xubuntu20:21
m3dvt_is there a way to run ubuntu on a dossier lt laptop ?20:21
ScuniziRedian, I burn at 4x20:21
m3dvt_it wont go on20:21
RedianStevenX: It should, I haven't purchased any software for that purpose though20:21
unop__samue1, activate?20:21
Scunizim3dvt, what is a dossier lt laptop?20:22
joelyou guys all see the results from the hackathon challenge (Mac Leopard, Vista, Gutsy)?20:22
samue1yeah, I copied a version of linux, now I have two time linux20:22
m3dvt_ a dossier lt laptop lol20:22
samue1how to actiavte the linux on the second HDD?20:22
Redianjoel: Definitely didn't see the results, what were they20:22
Scunizim3dvt, xubuntu  it's light weight.20:22
Redianjoel: and also, wheres the disc check you're talking about?20:22
joelonce the vulnerabilities were found: mac got hacked in 2 minutes, Vista a few hours, Gutsy....time expired with 0 progress20:22
unop__samue1, was your root filesystem (/) on that device?20:22
Scunizim3dvt_, never heard of dossier.. is that a brand name.? Europe?20:23
Redian...Wow it is impossible to follow conversations in a room with 1310 people..20:23
joelRedian: there is an option in the live cd that says "check disc integrity" or something like that20:23
Redianjoel: I can't wait to tell everyone who's doubted linux about that.20:23
geniiosimoveit: for *buntu lightest stock dist is xubuntu. But if all you want is some basic window manager just so you can install X apps which will be run remotely on Xming, you only need some simplistic thing like aewm or so and not any metapackage20:23
ScuniziRedian, you have to use nicks so they highlight.20:23
m3dvt_its just a dossier i got it from a friend dossier make it thats all i know20:23
samue1unop_ : yes, my root filesystem was on the partition I copied20:23
RedianScunizi: I do, but there's so much general conversation also20:24
anteayaI think i made a syntax error while adding a repo to synaptic.  It has closed and won't let me back in to edit the information.  Where is the file that I can edit with the terminal?20:24
joelhere is the article (or one of many) http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2008/03/ubuntu-beats-osx-and-vista-in-pwn-2-own.html20:24
joelant: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list20:24
ScuniziRedian, ya can't read it all without going buggy.20:24
unop__samue1, what do you intend to do with the original disk? leave it in place?20:24
m3dvt_ok thanks for help all bye for now20:24
joeltake it easy20:25
anteayajoel: thank you20:25
Scunizim3dvt_, the company name is Viglen.. looks like it comes out of Brittan20:25
StevenXRedian: Is wine-doors different from wine?20:25
x0xunop__ http://pastebin.com/d244c43ca20:25
samue1unop_: my first HDD will die soon... I will remove it then20:25
joelanyone know anything about fstab...I'm getting such an annoying problem (several)20:26
chri3Just installed GG on a laptop - getting no sound.  Can anyone help?20:26
joelchri3: what laptop?20:26
RedianStevenX: Wine-doors is a wine manager, it has some things that make wine a little easier to use.20:26
linkinxpguys in blender when i open it i can see some parts of my desktop like the watch it flickers20:26
chri3joel: an acer something-or-other20:26
Scunizim3dvt_,so you're in northants?20:26
joelI need the exact model, not acer something or other ;)20:26
unop_x0x, give me two minutes..20:27
Scunizilinkinxp, turn off compiz and see what happens..20:27
x0xunop_ ok sure20:27
chri3joel: sorry - aspire 7003wsmi20:27
Redianjoel: You think there's anyway she could at least repair her boot? Cuz she can't get into anything aside from through the boot menu, but it must've messed up with the partitions or something...20:27
lewenchHello all20:28
linkinxpScunizi,  how?20:28
Johnson__anyone here have video ipod get video onto it in linux, ive spent all day trying to install thinliquidfilm just for it to tell me it cant find qt, which i just installed20:28
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unop_samue1, you will need to do two things offline (from a live CD or such) .. edit the /etc/fstab to reflect the change and setup grub so that the new device is the boot partition20:28
Scunizilinkinxp, system/preferances/appearance/effects... set to none20:28
timo1teowhen i switch to Ubuntu will everything still work on my laptop such as graphics card, wifi, etc....or will i have to install drivers for everything20:29
StevenXdid wine-doors irc channel move?20:29
joelRedian: without another cd I really think it would be almost impossible (probably possible but a lot of work)20:29
ScuniziRedian, if the boot menu is screwed up .. that's Grub.. check out http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm for an easy fix20:29
joelchri3: try the alsa drivers, look up "alsa how to"20:29
lewenchI'm getting an issue when trying to play an .avi with mplayer/vlc/movie player. When I start the movie I hear the sound, but the video is blinking and colordepth is low. I have installed the codecs from the rep. and read some tuts, this is my last option20:29
sivel27hello all20:29
AnnirakSo I had a power outage, and now my sound doesn't work.  It is possible that it stopped working when I did updates on Hardy.  My audio device shows up in lspci.  snd is loaded.  Nothing is muted, and all volumes are at 75%.  Where do I go from here?20:30
samue1unop_, ok, so I have to wait my HDD dies, and then to do that with Ubuntu CD20:30
sivel27at least you have sound... ive got no sound on my laptop speakers/ or usb headseat..lol20:30
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unop_samue1, no, you can do that right now and leave the original disk redundant20:30
joelsivel: try alsa (look up alsa how to)20:30
Anniraksivel27: me too.20:30
chri3joel: look up - where?20:30
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:30
sivel27it pissing me off, as im trying to "let go" of windows20:30
linkinxpScunizi,  yes that was it20:31
timo1teowhen i switch to Ubuntu will everything still work on my laptop such as graphics card, wifi, etc....or will i have to install drivers for everything20:31
joelgoogle it....."Ubuntu ALSA how to" or something along those lines20:31
joeltimo: depends on your computer20:31
joelmost things work out of box, wireless can be tough20:31
Scunizilinkinxp, blender I have a hard time with.. cool but no time to learn the UI20:31
ompaul!audio | sivel27 this is how it gets fixed - the builders of audio put this stuff together20:31
ubotusivel27 this is how it gets fixed - the builders of audio put this stuff together: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:31
chri3joel: OK - thanks.20:31
joelvideo cards....sometimes an issue20:31
generalsnusOk, ive managed to get our edubuntu clients authenticate against our w2k3 server(Joined domain).  But is it possible to have roaming profiles or somthing similar?  lot of users are going to use the klients and we want a roaming profile.. or atlest a folder where they can save in, we would also need to deny them saving anything on the client then20:32
lewenchWhen trying to play an AVI i can hear the file but the video is blinking and color depth is low, anyone might have the issue to this?20:32
joellewench: problem is in vlc also?20:33
samue1unop_: thank you very much for your time. I will try that. I wish you a nice day.20:33
agentnilesguess that if other avi's work it's the file thats bad..20:33
unop_x0x, where are you getting this error? can you _please_ include the command you issued just before you got this message?20:33
lewenchjoel, problem is with mplayer, vlc, Movie player... Basically all of them20:33
sirajcan any one help me please how to play mpg or asf file format20:33
dryrothow do i make it so when i hibernate... my network interfaces are still there when i come back from hibernation ?20:33
arcticpenguin380if something supports the 2.4Kernel will it work with the 2.6Kernel?20:34
lewenchjoel, Please disregard its now working on mplayer. Don't know what I did but its working now. Thanks though.20:34
x0xunop_ i am getting error when i add ns1.amaderbanglachat.com to my domain amaderbanglachat.com.20:34
joellol sure thing20:34
linkinxpScunizi,  mm i prefer 3d max tough20:34
RedianScunizi: It sounds like she's got the Disk IO Error? She just gets a black screen with a flashing white cursor...but there aren't directions for fixing it?20:34
unop_generalsnus, is this a single roaming (mandatory) profile to be shared amongst many users?20:34
RedianScunizi: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm#Disk_IO_error_20:34
Enulcan someone tell me if ubuntu 7.10 will support firewire20:35
ulisesi download ubuntu 8 beta and ubuntu dont recognize my wireless20:35
uliseswaht can i do20:35
joelEnul: yes20:35
Scunizilinkinxp, change it back when done.. blender doesn't play well with compiz20:35
Enulthanks joel20:35
unop_x0x, what is the ip address of the machine running bind?20:35
linkinxpScunizi,  nop lol20:35
x0xunop_ 5 of them ;s20:36
ScuniziRedian, could be just the video driver.. if she can ctrl+alt+F2 and get a user name password prompt (text based) then its probably that.20:36
legend2440ulises: wrong channel. #ubuntu+1 is fpr 8.04 help20:37
siraji just downloaded from limewire a clip it says mpg does not play in vlc totem xine kaffeine gnome amarok20:37
ulisesok thank you20:37
generalsnusunop_: it really dosent matter. as long as they have their own folder to save stuff in.. and not fill up the client etc..and dosent change anything on the client20:37
RedianScunizi: I don't think that would work, because it goes straight from BIOS to that screen, no grub screen in between...I can't imagine it being a graphics error...20:37
Hammer89anyone have any ideas why locking my screen is locking up my computer? last major changes I made was to reinstall ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-minimal... I have screensavers disabled20:37
gauchoHi! I'm looking for a website for reading news and tricks, only for medium or advanced computer's users (nothing like: how to install programs using apt-get) and free of policy, only technical reading.. Anyone know one?20:38
sirajcan any one tell me how to get extension of asf20:38
hikejinx!restricted | siraj20:38
RedianAHA! Disc integrity? errors found in two files...20:38
ubotusiraj: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:38
happyfeetserver irc.r3blog.nl20:39
ScuniziRedian, ah ok.. I missed that point.. dead drive?.. bad ram?... does she have windows on this machine too? does it work.. or is Ubuntu a full install.20:39
unop_x0x, ok, but when i lookup your dns info from my machine, i get as the ip address for your domain .. have you got authorization from your domain reseller/isp to host the DNS server yourself?20:39
RedianScunizi: windows on the machine also20:39
ScuniziRedian, and it works?20:39
jaffarkelshacis it possible to have an application run in the host pc via ssh? i know you can on the client by forwarding X20:39
x0xunop_ no.20:39
x0xhow do i do it?20:39
sirajok ubotu thanks i will go right now thanks20:39
ScuniziRedian, did it just stop working after trying to install ubuntu?20:40
RedianScunizi: she can't boot anything, when she presses for boot options on BIOS screen and chooses the hard drive she just gets the black screen.20:40
Odd-rationale!thanks | siraj20:40
ubotusiraj: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:40
RedianScunizi: Yeah, its the Ubuntu install that killed it. It sounds like the MBR got really messed up20:40
Pifferwhat does this mean?   /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpopt ?  ...googling...20:40
ubuntualguien que hable español20:40
unop_generalsnus, it's quite simple then .. all you need to do is mount the samba share (on the domain controller) on /home on each of the machines20:40
ScuniziRedian, she might need to reinstall ubuntu with a cd that is known to work..20:41
sivel27is there a command to "downgrade" back to 7.10?20:41
ubuntuSoy daniel desde uruguay20:41
RedianScunizi: I've given out sooo many XD20:41
Odd-rationalesivel27: no there isn't...20:41
genii!es | ubuntu20:41
jaffarkelshacso far, i have not come across downgrading sivel2720:41
ubotuubuntu: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:41
Scunizisivel27, if you created a seperate /home partition  just reinstall..20:41
unop_x0x, right, you need to do that first .. they will then unlock your domain and point the nameserver addresses to one of the IP addresses you give them, then it should all be quite simple20:42
gauchosivel27, oh no! You did it too! I installed 8.01 on my work machine and got bad things too..20:42
generalsnusunop_:  so.. basicly share their profiles and ..?20:43
x0xunop_ i did.20:44
* genii ponders 8.0120:44
gauchoOdd-rationale, Why you talk about you don't know? Of course there is a solution to downgrade ubuntu!20:45
cderScunizi: how does the NAT ip address which is  relate to the gateway in ubuntu which is
Odd-rationalegaucho: there is a way. but not "one command" like to upgrade...20:45
danandgaucho - not officially .... but probably doable yes20:46
unop_generalsnus, the way it works is .. you create a shared folder on a domain controller or such - call it \\example.com\users .. then you mount that on /home .. mount -t smbfs <options> //example.com/users ... when a user first logs on, their home directory will be created (on the server), on subsequent logins, their home directories will be available from any machine, anywhere20:46
danandthen again :)20:46
gauchoOdd-rationale, Do you thing your answer helped that guy?20:46
AnnirakHow do I determine which update is requiring a reboot before I reboot?20:46
unop_generalsnus, mount -t smbfs <options> //example.com/users /home # my bad20:46
gauchoYou are right! There's not a command, but I can do it with three!20:47
^NighT^WalkeR^anyone here experience with ndisgtk (ndis gui)20:47
Scunizicder, the NAT address is your router? 192.168.xxx.x is an address that is used inside LANs and usually assigned by your router using dhcp..20:47
hikejinxgaucho: if you read, it says you will probably end up in a catastrophic mess. Better to backup in advance and then just reinstall.20:47
unop_x0x, so how long did the reseller say it would take for DNS to reflect the change?20:47
gauchohikejinx, I did it.. no problems..20:48
Odd-rationalegaucho: I don't want to argue, but I don;t want to be responsible if the procedure messes up his/hers system. If you would like to help, I'm all for that!20:48
unop_cder, both those addresses are related by the fact that they exist on the same IP network20:48
hikejinxgaucho: it just sounds tricky and may depend on what you've installed. if you install apps dependent on the upgrade, you WILL be left in a bind with useless/broken packages.20:48
BenMilboOk so if anybody here can help me, i would greaty appreciate it!  I'm at the manual boot window for Ubuntu and i set up several partitions, the old one was win XP and hte other is ubuntu.... but the only other OS that comes up in "Other Operating systems:" is "Windows vista/Longhorn" and when i select it, it boots windows for half a second and goees back to the Boot Menu!20:48
generalsnusunop_ damn nice :D     just 1 thing tho..  "mount -t smbfs <options> //myserver.int/users /home"   where does that line go..in some config file?20:48
Odd-rationalegaucho: personally, the way I downgrade is reinstalll. ;)20:49
BenMilboI can't figure out how to boot back into Win XP20:49
unop_generalsnus, that's a command you can use in a script, although it's best if you get that as an entry in /etc/fstab (needs a little modification) .. see !fstab20:49
cderScunizi: so if i putty to ubuntu from xp then i use the static ip address20:50
BenMilboAnybody here experienced with switching between Operating Systems?  I'm stuck and I can't get back into XP20:50
arcticpenguin380will i notice a difference in speed going quad core from dualcore?20:50
gauchoOdd-rationale, yes.. I understand your point of view. I just saw that because every time I ask for something, people answer another question I don't made. Do, If I ask for a command (of way to make) a downgrade, people answer that this is not a good solution. But this was not the question!20:50
Scunizicder, if you've assigned one to ubuntu yes.. otherwise use the one assigned by dhcp20:51
GlenQuagmireBenMilbo: you are in grub now ?20:51
unop_cder, if you have samba installed, you can also use the name of the ubuntu machine20:51
BenMilboSorry Glen, I'm completely new to this .. what's "grub"?20:51
generalsnusunop_ thanks a lot, ill try this now20:51
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:51
fleaikonia are you back yet lol ?20:51
Odd-rationalegaucho: ok. i got you.20:51
GlenQuagmireBenMilbo: no prob :) do you have a list with items you can boot ? like ubuntu / windows etc ?20:52
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:53
BenMilboYes I see several options.. "Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.20-15-generic", "Ubuntu, kernel (recovery mode)","Ubuntuu, memtest86+" , and under Other operating systems: "Windows Vista/Longhorn(loader)"20:54
BenMilbobut my previous OS was Windows XP and not Vista!  i try selecting Vista and it begins to boot but restarts back in Ubuntu20:54
joeljust curious, why would you upgrade from xp to vista?20:55
GlenQuagmireBenMilbo: ok. when you select windows vista (but you have xp?) and type "e", what do you see ?20:55
fleaBenMilbo: it is only a label, not very indicative of what the actual OS is20:55
joelXP is 10X better than Vista20:55
GlenQuagmirexp is not vista ;) its both crap.20:55
joelXp is still better20:55
BenMilbohere's what it says: "root (hd0,1)", "savedefault", "makeactive", "chainloader +1"20:55
joelVista is just smelly crap20:55
flea.... back on track20:55
albuntujoel ubuntu is 1 million times better than xp and vista putted together20:55
joelthat can be debated for a long time ;)20:56
joelbut I use Ubuntu 99.9% of the time so I guess my bet is on Ubuntu20:56
pepe_Hola alguien de Chile20:57
unop_!es | pepe_20:57
ubotupepe_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:57
BenMilboMy original intention was to set up my PC so that whenever I restart, I could select which OS to boot up20:57
BenMilbobetween Win XP and Ubuntu20:57
geniipepe_: No hay canal específico para Chile. El canal más cercano estará para España, según lo indicado.20:58
fleaBenMilbo: are you in linux now?20:58
pepe_¿Speaking Spanish? Por Favor20:58
RedianScunizi: You think by changing the partitions she might be able to achieve functionality?20:58
joelgenii: si creo que es verdad20:58
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:58
CyntroxHow can I find a list of processes currently running?20:58
geniiunop_: He was asking previously about a Chile specific channel, of which there is none20:58
BenMilboI am at the Linux boot screen20:58
fleaBenMilbo: being familiar with your drives/partitions is a great place to start20:58
GlenQuagmireBenMilbo: you first had an installation of XP, then you did installation of ubuntu right ? on 1 harddisk ?20:59
fleaCyntrox: ps aux20:59
Cyntroxflea: thanks20:59
ScuniziRedian, not necessarily.  It sounds like it just wasn't installed correctly.. she should have a GRUB menu that pops up on boot. right after bios.. that's why I suggested the previous link.. a reinstall may fix it all.20:59
ikoniaflea: I am back yes, I'm just setting up for some tests20:59
unop_genii, aye, but i figured the chilean people congregate in the spanish channel .. so i hoped to redirect him there to find company20:59
fleaCyntrox: man ps for more options, np20:59
BenMilboI followed a guide I found online... I did start with XP but when I installed ubuntu, I manually created another partition using the LiveCD20:59
joeland the install had no errors?21:00
fleaikonia: np just worried that either time had slowed down on me or that u didnt make it home lol21:00
BenMilboThere were no errors during installation21:00
geniiunop_: I basically told hi there is no specific channel for his country and to use the spanish one instead21:00
ikoniaflea: nah, just slow drive, and sorting a few things out before I sit down to compute21:00
joelyeah try reinstall of Grub21:00
fleaikonia: you grabbed a 6-pack didnt u? lol21:00
Guillem_My sister has the following problem: she has a wireless router (encripted with password) but a neighbour of her has an open wireless router, and with her feisty setup, network manager always chooses the open wireless; so she has to remind to change the network. Is there any way to ban a certain network in network-manager? or to give precedence a given network?21:00
unop_genii, i saw21:00
joelwhen she chooses her own and reboots it changes back to the open? that's a bit strange, mine goes to the last one I connected to21:01
joelwhat version of Ubuntu?21:01
Guillem_joel, the previous one21:01
Guillem_joel, the behaviour is as you say, Ubuntu is feisty21:02
joelprevious one like Feisty? or previous one Gutsy?21:02
BenMilboSo reinstalling Grub might allow me to boot in back up in XP?21:02
joeloh okay21:02
Scunizi!who | joel21:02
ubotujoel: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:02
joeltry upgrading to Gutsy ?21:02
Guillem_joel, Hardy is not yet out ha ha21:02
RoAkSoAx  21:02
fleaBenMilbo: if your xp partition is untouched (and most likely its fine) YES21:02
magnetronGuillem_: ubuntu 7.10 is out yet. upgrade to that one21:02
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:02
joelGuillem: why not upgrade to Gutsy? That might fix it in itself (plus add a few other cool things)21:02
=== DRebellion__ is now known as DRebellion_
=== DRebellion_ is now known as DRebellion
fleaBenMilbo: fdisk -l /dev/<yourharddrive>21:03
JckfHow can I access the stuff on my Windows Mobile device (mainly the memory card) from Ubuntu?21:03
fleaBenMilbo: try to aquaint yourself with your drives/partitiions21:03
joelJckf: when you plug it in does it not auto mount?21:03
Guillem_joel, you are right, but I don't want to leave her alone during the upgrade and we cannot manage to meet so long time because we live at diferent cities, I have childhood and time is a mess....21:03
InfernalordHello everyone, I need some help configuring my graphics card, please!21:03
BenMilboI appreciate the help guys21:03
magnetronJckf: set your mobile to standard USB mass storage mode. if it supports it.21:03
joelGuillem: she can manually set it but then if she moves her computer she'll have to change that21:03
Guillem_joel, magnetron I'm willing to upgrade her, but It will be quite diferent21:04
magnetron!helpme | Infernalord21:04
ubotuInfernalord: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience21:04
fleaikonia: did you get the imgs i hosted?21:04
Jckfmagnetron: I'd need extra software on the phone?21:04
Guillem_joel, yes, you are right. Thanks for the pointer. She will have to setup the card in roaming mode if she goes elsewhere, though21:04
ikoniaflea: I'll look shortly21:04
fleaBenMilbo: np i say the thing about knowing your drives/partitions bc grub can be confusing if you are not familiar with your partitions already21:05
joelGuillem: yeah that will do for now but I suggest getting her on Gutsy soon because Hardy is coming out in three weeks and it's going to be the best Ubuntu release yet21:05
magnetronJckf: i'm not sure windows mobile supports standard USB mass storage mode. you'd have to ask your phone salesman21:05
kermashi to everyone21:05
InfernalordI can only get 640x480 or 800x600 resolutions, and I need better, I just don't know exactly what to do. Maybe I need to install some drivers, my card is an onboard Intel.21:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about windowsmobile - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:06
Guillem_joel, :)21:06
BenMilboThanks Flea, can you refer me to a site where I can learn more about Grub?  and how to reinstall it21:06
magnetron!grub | BenMilbo21:06
ubotuBenMilbo: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:06
joelInfernalord: go to your xorg /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see what you can find in there21:06
mathewI have a white screen on WoW after I log on, and I don't have the wtf/Config.wtf file. What can I do?21:06
joelMathew: stop playing WoW it's a drug that needs to be banned21:07
fleaBenMilbo: yes (or if someone else has the ubuntu/grub doc link handy?)21:07
Ssam`what at the administration tools in ubuntu called?21:07
fleaty ubotu21:07
Guillem_joel, interesting, she has Beryl 0.3.0 I installed there so long time ago....21:07
turdegaJckf, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/WindowsMobile21:07
joelGuillem: yeah Beryl doesn't even exist any more, taken over by Compiz....and it's so much more stable21:08
Infernalordjoel: I found the file, do you want to see the content?21:08
joelInfernalord: don't post all of it in the window, either private message me or put it online and give me a link21:08
BenMilboI'm following this guide to reinstall Grub "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351"21:08
Ssam`what are the administration tools in ubuntu called...the ones wit users and groups management in gui?21:08
Guillem_joel, looking at her synaptic is like flashing-back,21:08
GlenQuagmireactually beryl was forked from compiz, and now they are together, naming it compiz-fusion if im not mistaken21:09
joelGuillem: I still don't use Synaptic much, I prefer apt-get21:09
turdegaSsam`, system/administration/users and groups21:09
Ssam`yea but what are they called?21:09
LyricaldoggHi everyone, what do i need to make my PC my home server ?21:09
Ssam`if u want to download them21:09
joelLyricaldogg: what kind of a server, just really basic?21:09
Guillem_Lyricaldogg, it depends of what you want to serve, I guess....21:09
Lyricaldoggjoel: yes please21:09
turdegaSsam`, users-admin21:09
turdegathats what you have to run to launch it21:10
BobSlobanyone happen to use a auzentech hda x-plosion card... i'm having quite the trouble21:10
LyricaldoggGuillem_: in this case just internet21:10
joelLyricaldogg: sudo apt-get install samba21:10
Guillem_Lyricaldogg, you have two ethernet cards?21:10
BobSlobit appears to be detected... but i cant for the life of me get the optical out/spdif to work21:10
joelLyricaldogg: I have a really basic network all the computers running Samba (including server)21:10
Lyricaldoggjoel : thank you ?21:10
Ssam`thanks i am asking cuz i am on debian...i am waiting for the new ubuntu :)21:10
BobSloband being new to linux... so lost21:10
RedianScunizi: Even though it probably won't work, I'm having her delete all the faulty Linux partitions. Its almost funny, she has 7 partitions. A fat32, 3 ext3s and 3 linux swaps. >.>21:10
joel3 swaps!?21:11
turdegaSsam`, cool nothing wrong with deb =)21:11
LyricaldoggGuillem_: 2 eth ? no, 121:11
Ssam`yep :)21:11
Redianjoel: 3 swaps 3 paritions, 3 failed installs21:11
Guillem_Lyricaldogg, but  you want to provide internet access to other machines?21:11
Ssam`except u have to install everything from scratch its kewl u learn a lott21:11
Infernalordjoel:  here it is: http://dpaste.com/43805/21:12
ScuniziRedian, THAT would cause issues.. 2 ext3s and 1 swap is all you need for linux.. 1 ext3=10-12 gigs for / (root) ... 1 swap (max 1gig)... the rest ext3 for /home21:12
LyricaldoggGuillem_: not alot, just for  laptop that does not have a Dongle21:12
Ssam`okay ubuntu dosent have users-admin anywhere i can download ubuntu packages directly?21:12
heartsbloodwhats the command to check your ipods physical address?21:12
RedianScunizi: wouldn't that be nice if getting rid of the extras and resizing the windows to its original size worked?21:12
joelhow do I go idle or invisible here ?21:12
cderScunizi: if i am at work and i want to log in to my windows xp machine then log into ubuntu on vmware is this possible?21:13
Starnestommyjoel: /away reason21:13
ScuniziRedian, no need to resize yet. try first.21:13
Guillem_Lyricaldogg, which is the configuration? I mean how do you connect the "server" to the internet? and how do you interconnect the "server" and the laptop?21:13
RedianScunizi: Hmm, it won't let her edit the partitions. She can't unmount the ext3s and swaps21:13
Scunizicder, log into one or the other but not windows to ubuntu.. you can also use Tight vnc for gui connection..21:13
serciksomeone can help me on how to setkeycodes?21:14
heartsbloodcd usb21:14
sercikdmesg output tell me about setkeycodes21:15
ScuniziRedian, on reinstall when you get to the partitioning section you have to choose manual .. in there you'll be able to delete the uneeded partitions.21:15
cderScunizi: how can i log into ubuntu from remote if its on a vmware in xp21:15
RedianScunizi: I have her in partition manager, that won't work?21:15
rwycuffInfernalord:looks like you got driver set right maybe try removing all the modes accept the res yuo want in the config there21:15
Scunizicder, it has it's own ip.. set router to port forward the right port to the right ip..21:15
LyricaldoggGuillem: i have a multi port wireless modem, they are all conected to the modem but 1 of the laptops does not have a wireless. so My Pc connects to the Modem wirelesn gives through Ethernets the21:16
ScuniziRedian, partition manager in Windows?21:16
ScuniziRedian, or the live cd?21:16
RedianScunizi: livecd21:16
cderScunici: no sure i can do that with my cablr modem21:16
Infernalordrwycuff: it is very strange, because all the modes are on the xorg.conf but I ican only choose 640x480 and 800x600. I haven't installed any drivers, maybe I should try to get the latest ones? I just don't know exactly where...21:17
Guillem_Lyricaldogg, then you have two cards at the server: the ethernet card and the wireless card21:17
ScuniziRedian, yes that will work.. however if you are just going to delete what's not needed then you need to know which partition has / on it and which swap is setup for the install.. better to delete them all and recreate them then reinstall.21:17
cderits buy router time21:17
BenMilboFlea, can I talk to you directly about my problem?21:17
lewenchI have a G5 mouse but my "side button" doesn't work. Where would I go to configure this?21:17
RedianScunizi: I'm having her delete all but the windows one.21:17
cderi have one already but its not for a cable modem21:17
RedianScunizi: Odd thing is none of them have a boot flag, and it wouldn't let her select unmount for the partitions21:18
Scunizicder, ah.. I forgot.. get a router.. cheep and also good protection for your windows side.21:18
rwycuffInfernalord:try in the respos but ive got video card that does the same to me and then i do what i just told yuo to and vola it works21:18
RedianScunizi: without unmounting she can't delete them21:18
LyricaldoggGuillem_: i'm now going to get samba to run and give it a go.... yes i have the ethernet and wireless21:18
fleaBenMilbo: sure21:18
Guillem_Lyricaldogg, you have two ways to do this kind of things: 1) a proxy 2) a firewall setup. Proxy is easier to setup but only will give the laptop access to http:// and ftp:// (no games, etc.)21:18
ScuniziRedian, that'll work... if they are not mounted you won't be able to unmount them..21:18
Guillem_Lyricaldogg, samba will let you share files among the machines21:18
lewenchI have a G5 mouse but my "side button" doesn't work. Where would I go to configure this?21:18
cderScunizi: i have this labtop and a imac so i need something for sure21:19
flealewench: xorg.conf21:19
nathan42100is it possible to automount a fat32 partition when you login?21:19
Guillem_Lyricaldogg, "firestarter" used to be a nice tool to setup the firewall easily ... It is long I don't use but may do the trick21:19
lewenchflea, thanks21:19
nathan42100without having to enter any passwords?21:19
flealewench: np21:19
Guillem_Lyricaldogg, "squid" is the proxy21:19
ScuniziRedian,  the live cd typically doesn't allow you to "see" the HD.. you could have her install gparted in the live cd if she has enough ram.. then run that.. that should be able to do it.21:20
gatestoneNo sound. aplay -l shows: **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****21:20
gatestonecard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: AD198x Analog [AD198x Analog]21:20
gatestone  Subdevices: 0/121:20
gatestone  Subdevice #0: subdevice #021:20
FloodBot1gatestone: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:20
LyricaldoggGuillem: Joel : Will i be able to connect a windows OS to it ?21:20
gatestoneMy sound used to work,but something has happened?21:20
gatestoneOn gutsy that is21:21
tyuio_the size having swap partition is it limited ?21:21
RedianScunizi: hmm, I'm having use the install feature..21:21
Guillem_Lyricaldogg, to transfer files to windows OS: samba21:21
Infernalordrwycuff: Ok, I will delete the other modes from xorg.conf and then should I run "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" ?21:21
ScuniziRedian, that should work.21:21
tyuio_if yes tell me how much ?21:21
Guillem_Lyricaldogg, to surf the web: squid (+ setting up the proxy at windows web browser)21:21
rwycuffInfernalord: no dont reconfigure it just put something in there manually like say "1280x1024" by itself then restart X and see if it does what you want21:22
Guillem_Lyricaldogg, to really "share" the internet: you need a firewall setup which routes packages from the windows machine (NAT). Firestarter is your friend here21:22
Guillem_Lyricaldogg, installing samba is like making the linux box behave as a windows machine at a windows network.21:23
askerquick question.. what is the best graphical code editor pre-installed with ubuntu?21:23
bobbo85Hi all, I can't get Audacity or SoundRecorder to record any sound.  I'm talking about songs playing etc on the computer, not from an input line or a mic.  Any help?21:23
RedianScunizi:  IS there a way she can apply the changes without creating an ext3 for linux and a linux-swap? (in the install21:23
lunartearanyone here familiar with ACL?21:23
LjLasker: pre-installed? i think there's basically only gedit nano and vim pre-installed21:23
LjLasker: why can't you, uhm, install one? :)21:24
LjL!code | asker21:24
ubotuasker: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida21:24
ScuniziRedian, not that I'm aware of because she's deep into the install process.. no problem though.. delete all and then create what's actually needed and go through the install process.21:24
J-Unitif you don't know what your gigabit adapter is designated as, you can find out by looking under system > administration > network" were in network do i look?21:25
Guillem_asker, Hardy will come with a very updated anjuta21:25
RedianScunizi: How big does the ext3 need to be?21:25
=== quaalx is now known as quaal
tyuio_nonone knwo ?21:25
tyuio_wake up21:25
_elementalanyone know how I can clear a terminal buffer?21:25
askerthanks ill try a couple o these.. if they are not what im looking for ill be back. (to ask what to install)21:25
Exteris_elemental, clear ?21:26
Starnestommytyuio_: you may need to ask your question again21:26
ScuniziRedian, if you are not seperating / from /home then as big as you want.. You can use all the remaining space that is not taken by windows or a 1 gig /swap21:26
MadSurferQuestion : How to love Microsoft software ?21:26
Starnestommy_elemental: ctrl+L21:26
tyuio_the size having swap partition is it limited ?21:26
Starnestommy!ot | MadSurfer21:26
bastid_raZortyuio_; swap is not limited no.. but should be about 1G or at max 2G21:26
ubotuMadSurfer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:26
ScuniziMadSurfer, from a distance.21:26
_elementalExteris, that will clear the screen but yo can still page up and see the buffer21:26
Exteris_elemental, gnome-terminal has a reset and clear button21:26
Exteris_elemental, logout & login again?21:27
lewenchflea, would you know how to setup the G5 mouse in ubuntu?21:27
MadSurferScunizi, exactly what I am thinking today :D21:27
Johnsonanyone have pyqt installed21:28
_elementalExtris, reset and clear does it, is there a way to hot key that?21:28
RiddellJohnson: yes21:28
Johnsonim trying to make it form surce but it doesn't ever install anything in my usr/bin, pretty annoying it installs stuff all over my python distro tho.21:28
RedianScunizi: I just hope the two files on the disc that are bad won't mess up her install again.21:28
MadSurferQuestion 2: how to leave the MS world ?21:28
tyuio_seriously having swap partition is it usefull when the RAM is fully complete ?21:28
BenMilboCan anybody help me with booting my windows XP from a non-first disk?21:29
slimjimflimanybody know why audio would stop working w/ adobe flash player?21:29
ScuniziRedian, what 2 files are bad? are they in the windows side.. ? or the other side?21:29
JohnsonRiddell, how do i get it  in usr/bin, when i build from source it does all this stuff in my python adds all these files etc, but when a program tries to call pyqt it doeswork i opened bin and its not there21:29
nathan42100is it possible to automount a harddrive on login without inputting a password?21:29
bastid_raZorJohnson; /usr/local/bin possibly?21:29
RedianScunizi: She checked disc integrity and she got two bad files21:29
Johnsonbastid_raZor, not there either21:29
tyuio_i mean is the swap take control when the RAM usage is full ?21:29
bastid_raZorJohnson; it should actually ask you where you want to put the binary if making from source.21:29
ScuniziRedian, what did she use to check with?21:29
tyuio_i mean is the swap take control when the RAM usage is full ? bastid_raZor21:29
RedianScunizi: "Check Disk Integrity" on th eliveCD21:30
Scunizityuio_, yes it's used like ram on the hd.21:30
_elementalExtris, i found it, thanks man21:30
askandHi, my laptop keep turning itself of, the laptop is running all the time and the CPU gets hot..this is Ubuntus fault because it does not happen in Windows..any idea on what I can do?21:30
joetheoddStupid question time! Does Ubuntu have drivers / software to make use of a WinTV card? If so, can it act as a primary video interface?21:30
ScuniziRedian, ah.. ok.. well .. we'll see :)21:30
flealewench: no actually i dont21:30
slimjimflimaskand, turn of acpid21:30
flealewench: i was looking around though21:30
lewenchDoes anyone know how to setup a 5 button mouse in xorg.conf? Im currently in there and I, under input devices21:30
askandslimjimflim:  how?21:30
OrbixxJust so all you Ubuntu fans know.21:31
askandslimjimflim:  ok did that now..21:31
Johnsonbastid_raZor, it doesn't ask my anything21:31
askandslimjimflim: what does it do?21:31
OrbixxI've tried on 3 different distros to install rtorrent.21:31
tyuio_why the swap size is limited the maximum is only 2gB like he say bastid_raZor21:31
slimjimflimit's the power saver21:31
OrbixxEvery distro, but Ubuntu Gutsy failed hard.21:31
Johnsoni just run configure.py then make, then make install21:31
Ace2016Hi all21:31
BenMilboCan someone please help me with the Grub utility?  I'm stuck and when I try to boot back in WindowsXP it shows the loading screen for a split second and then restarts back to the Grub menu21:31
joetheoddOrbixx, w00t.21:31
RiddellJohnson: ../configure.py LIBDIR_QT=/usr/lib  I think21:31
Ace2016is there a mouse compatibility website for linux??1?21:31
LyricaldoggGuillem: i'm havin troubles, it's nor capable of doin the instalation plus asks me to change to visible_hostname21:32
bastid_raZortyuio_;  it is not limited but normally anything over 2GB is overkill and pointless.. you can make it what you want.21:32
lewenchflea, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=416688 post#5 look like it might work?21:32
XeiaieXthere is way too much going on in here to keep up for me lol21:32
lewenchDon't want to try it and mess it up.21:32
tyuio_thx i will21:32
bastid_raZorJohnson; what program did you install?21:32
XeiaieXhow do i make my own channel?21:33
stalker314314my screen is broken and that ubuntu screen configurator is to blame. Even when I return my old xorg.conf and restart X, it's still 800x60021:34
bastid_raZorJohnson; i see.. then in that directory the binary is located.. or use riddell's configure syntax21:34
stalker314314what else that confirator changed?21:34
EnulI really hate to ask this but will ubuntu work with a usb modem?21:34
ryanakcaWhy can't I mount devices? I get "An error occured while accessing 'Lexar', the system pesponded: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: A security policy in place prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient, see message bus configuration file (rejected message had interface "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume" member "Mount" error name "(unset)" destination "org.freedesktop.Hal") when trying to do so from a GUI interface21:35
OrbixxWhilst I'm here.21:35
bastid_raZorstalker314314; you could use sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg    to reconfigure X and add more resolutions21:35
stalker314314what is the name of that configurator that is starting when X is broken?21:35
OrbixxWould any of you know why the Ubuntu installation always freezes on my computer.21:35
nathan42100ranakca, is that a windows partition?21:35
askandWhat does acpid do?21:35
OrbixxIntel Core 2 Duo E6600, 4GB DDR2 RAM, RAID-0 2x WD Raptor 10,000RPM21:35
Orbixx8800GTX, Nvidia21:36
OrbixxAny known issues with those components?21:36
ryanakcaaskand: its the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface event daemon21:36
fleamy pentium 2 has no comment Orbixx21:36
XeiaieXsomeone who knows how to create my own channel pls PM me?21:36
ryanakcanathan42100: no21:36
OrbixxXeiaieX: Join the channel you want to make.21:36
OrbixxIt automatically creates it.21:36
nathan42100try sudo mount -o force <location>21:36
nathan42100then restart and try to mount it if you can't do it then21:37
askandryanakca: I see, how would turning that of make my CPU cooler?21:37
XeiaieXoh i see... hmm, this is my first time evern in xchat. thanks a lot ill try it!21:37
stalker314314i started that and it shows:xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.200804082236121:37
stalker314314and xorg is still the same (my original which all of sudden does not work)21:37
Enulwill ubuntu support a usb modem?21:38
bastid_raZorstalker314314; you added higher resolutions when you ran that command?21:38
stalker314314no, it just spit that and exited21:38
askerare the hardy free and non free apt repos dead?21:39
asker Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/hardy/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz21:39
stalker314314thing is...I already have ok xorg.conf with ok resolutions, but it just don't load after X restart21:39
ryanakcaaskand: how would turning it on make it cooler? That I don't know, but if you install it, it should start at boot...21:39
XeiaieXoh how neat. lol21:40
XeiaieXit worked21:40
gatestoneOK, I confess: my laptop physical mount button was on!21:40
ryanakcaaskand: iirc, you can use it to control the fans...21:40
RedianScunizi: its installing....ooooo she's at 8%, last time it failed at 58%21:40
ScuniziRedian, cross your fingers.. did she try to manually do the partitions last time? weird that she had so many.21:41
Redianno, she'd been splitting them using guided21:41
bastid_raZorwife returns home.. gotta run21:41
Redianso i think it just kept splitting and splitting21:41
RedScarehey, Gutsy gnome-power-manager will not control my laptops backlight brightness21:41
askandryanakca:  Ok I was told here I while ago that turning it off could make my cpu cooler..21:41
ScuniziRedian, men have logic... women have emotion..21:42
RedScareany ideas on how to get gnome's power manager backlight to integrate with RandR extensions that xbacklight uses?21:42
RedianScunizi: LOL NO. Her laptop killed itself, overheat.21:42
ryanakcaaskand: hmm... Don't know ;)21:42
Tu13eshow do I search for files in terminal?21:43
ScuniziRedian, I was thinking of the partitioning.21:43
kane77Tu13es, use locate21:43
RedianScunizi: ...and?21:43
ScuniziTul3es, find, locate21:43
StarnestommyTu13es: 'locate filename' or 'find / -name filenanme'21:43
LyricaldoggHi, how do i set visible mode on squid?21:43
Saj0577can anyone give me a hand with mounting NFS shares?if so send me a private message please :) cheers21:43
nathan42100is it possible to automount a harddrive on login without inputting a password?21:43
RedianScunizi: Oh XD No I was LOL NOing because her computer killed itself in the middle of install, which definitely is not going to help...21:43
dtoljhere is PVR question, does anyone know of any stand alone programs for commercial skipping?21:44
ScuniziRedian, It would be logical not to make too many partitions but emotionally it might make sense. :)21:44
BenMilboI would really appreciate some help with this, it has been frustrating me for the past 3 hours.  I try booting XP from linux grub utility, and it goes to the start-up screen for a split second, shows a blue screen then IMMEDIATELY reboots the system back to the Grub menu.  I originally had XP and installed Ubuntu on a partition21:44
RedScareafter selecting XP in grub have you tried pressing F8 to view recovery options21:45
RedScareand tried safe mode?21:45
RedianScunizi: I have to go do my hw, but I wanted to get that resolved for her...I'll talk to you maybe some other time. If you're interested in finding out whether or not it worked, send me a message and give me your email XD21:46
RedScarei had the same problem with Vista, turns out after mounting the drive for RW access in ubuntu I had corrupted the drive21:47
BenMilboI can't make it far enough to press F8.  After i select Windows to boot, it shows the xp startup screen for less than a second, then the system restarts21:47
RedScareyou press F8 before the startup screen mate21:47
askerdoes anyone know where the X settings in failsafe are stored?21:47
ScuniziRedian, no problem.. I'm here when I can be. I"ve got a unique nick.. just shout!  :)  C Ya21:47
RedScaretry booting again, and between GRUB and the split second you see XP startup hit F8 over and over21:47
askerI've looked in the Xorg.conf and all the hidden files. but I cant find it anywhere21:47
BenMilboRedScare, I will try taht21:48
RedScareBen, you have you mounted the NTFS drive in linux?21:48
jessidhello. Besides Istambul, is there another app to record what is in the screen???21:48
Wobbodoes 3-way sli work on ubuntu?21:48
BenMilboRedScare, I am at the advanced options menu.  I tried selecting Safemode and it still rebooted back to Grub21:49
gatestoneHow do I see dot-files (hidden files) in GNOME "choose a directory" window?21:49
Exterisgatestone, ctrl-h21:49
jessidgatestone ctrl + h21:49
Starnestommygatestone: ctrl+h?21:49
alatarпо русски тут говорят? )21:49
jessidgatestone no doubt, jejejee21:49
RedScarenice, you need to get your XP installation disc, enter recovery mode from booting to disc and then run CHKDSK21:49
dimas_hello, i need some help with evolution...keep asking me the password cause cant connect to server21:50
RedScarewith option /f21:50
RedScareBen, do you have your installation disc?21:50
BenMilboUnfortunately, I do not21:50
dubbyHello anyone, I have a microsoft keyboard and anyway a couple of the functions work on it and a couple do not, i was wondering if i could bind a couple of the keys21:51
dubbyor how to edit their use a bit21:51
RedScareBen, you'll need to google and see if there is a boot recovery tool available for XP that you can burn to disc or put to usb flash drive like I did with my Vista partition21:51
alatarwhat does the mistake "/usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory collect2: ld returned 1 exit status" mean and how can I repair it?21:51
J-Unitdubby, system-->preferences-->keyboard shortcuts?21:51
RedScareit will be your only hope of diagnosing the problem21:51
BenMilboOk Red I'll try that.  I'll let you know how it goes21:52
jessidHow can i create flash files in ubuntu???21:52
RedScaregood luck21:52
aguitelwhy in diferents servers (software sorces) are diferents updates?21:52
mifuynejessid: from an existing file?21:52
Saj0577can anyone help with mounting nfs shares?21:53
Starnestommyaguitel: each of those sources have different software21:53
jessidmifuyne no, from zero21:53
dimas_i would like to know what is the server name of hotmail in evolution21:53
budluvawhats the best way of converting an .mkv to an .mp4?21:53
aguitelStarnestommy: why ?21:53
mifuyneThere's mtasc: http://www.mtasc.org/21:54
alatarcan someone help me plz?21:54
mifuynebut that's just a compiler21:54
mifuyneand it's more complicated than writing actionscript using Adobe Flash21:54
mifuynebecause you have to write EVERYTHING in actionscript...21:54
gatestoneNo jessid, exteris, starnestommy, ctrl-h only works in Nautilus, not in Gtk "choose a directory" dialog!!!!21:54
Starnestommyaguitel: I'm not sure exactly why21:55
jessidgatestone ok!21:55
Starnestommyalatar: it means that ctrl1.o doesn't exist21:55
=== joerlend_ is now known as XiXaQ
JedistormHello all looking for a little help with Ubuntu. My pc locked up and I had to reboot the system. Now when it boots up the display ghost across the screen a bout 5 times. Is there any way to resolve this with reinstalling21:56
mifuynejessid: Maybe this would allow you to create flash files in a similar fashion as Adobe Flash: http://f4l.sourceforge.net/21:56
Exterisgtk choose a directory dialog sucks21:56
alatarI understand ) but what library I must install to prevent this mistake?21:56
jessidmifuyne thanks a lot!!!21:56
RedScareneeding gnome power manager help21:56
mifuyneno problem :) I hope it helps21:56
alatarStarnestommy> I understand ) but what library I must install to prevent this mistake?21:59
dimas_i dont know why evolution keeps asking me the password cause doesnt succeed the connection...i am trying to use it with hotmail...any suggestion?21:59
Jedistor1Hello all looking for a little help with Ubuntu. My pc locked up and I had to reboot the system. Now when it boots up the display ghost across the screen a bout 5 times. Is there any way to resolve this with reinstalling21:59
kane77I am resizing my partitions.. wish me good luck :D21:59
* dclarke desperate 22:00
Starnestommyalatar: does /usr/lib/crt1.o exist>22:00
dclarkeI just installed 7.10 and at first reboot .. there is no X .. just a ttya login22:00
dclarkedid I miss some step duting install ?22:00
tawtwhy is it when i try to go to suspend or hibernate mode for my laptop it just goes to a black screen from which i cannot return?22:00
dimas_starnetommy would you help me with evolution?22:00
alatarStarnestommy> no22:01
dclarketawt : that sounds pretty suspended to me22:01
dclarkedammit .. this linux crap is useless .. out of here22:01
dimas_starnestommy would you help me with evolution?22:01
Starnestommydimas_: what kind of help do you need with it?22:01
geronimaldodimas_ that question cracked me up22:02
Starnestommyalatar: I don't know which library contains it22:02
stefgtawt: you are using the restricted nvidia-driver....22:02
dimas_starnestommy it keeps asking me for the password...no able to connect to server22:02
Starnestommydimas_: which server are you trying to connect to?22:02
meltra_ /me thinks there is a new spam bot attacking wiki styled websites ... all my favo tuto sites ...22:03
alatarStarnestommy> thanks )22:03
tawtstefg: i'm not using nvidia22:03
geronimaldomeltra_ : what makes you think that?22:03
dimas_starnestommy i am trying to connect to hotmail...so i am not sure if putting in server is correct22:03
hikejinxdimas, does hotmail even have pop access?22:03
hikejinxI think you need a hack or something for it.22:03
geronimaldohikejinx: they charge or you can hack it22:04
bastid_raZorompaul; yeah. go figure the guy is in here less than a minute and the world is coming to an end..22:04
RedScaretawt, because suspend hibernate doesn't always work in ubuntu22:04
Saj0577no unless u pay for hotmail the free versions can not be used with evolution outlook express etc22:04
Starnestommydimas_: put in whatever hotmail's server address is, not
stefgtawt: so ok... usually it's some restricted driver which misbehaves. it needs to unloaded/reloaded to make wake up work22:04
Jedistor1Freepop for hotmal access22:04
RedScaredepends on your harware22:04
tawtstefg: my graphics driver?  ati?22:04
dimas_starnestommy where i can get that info?22:04
ompaulbastid_raZor, na - he lied - very specific error - only the info was wrong ;-)22:04
stefgtawt: hmmm.. that's even worde22:04
Tu13eswhen using WOL, I should still get a link with the  router when powered down, right?22:04
Starnestommydimas_: I don't know.  I use gmail, not hotmail22:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:05
CDOGHi. I almost running out of space in my ubuntu partition so i wanted to resize it. I tried to do it from acronis disk director 10 in windows but told me i would have to do something in order to make it bootable again. So i decied to use gparted from within ubuntu but the "resize" option is grayed out. What can i do ? Thanks22:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:05
dimas_starnestommy where in gmail you got it?22:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about slepp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sleep - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:05
RedScare!power management22:05
RandomtimeRedscare: try /msg ubotu if it's just for yourself22:06
RedScareits not22:06
stefgtawt: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide#Method_1:_Install_the_Driver_the_Ubuntu_Way might help you22:06
Starnestommydimas_: I'm not sure what you mean...22:06
dimas_starnestommy whats the ip for gmail?22:06
ompaulbastid_raZor, you got pm22:06
RedScaretrying to figure out what the bot does and doesn't know for everyone22:06
tawtstefg: thanks, I'll look into it22:06
CDOGHi. I almost running out of space in my ubuntu partition so i wanted to resize it. I tried to do it from acronis disk director 10 in windows but told me i would have to do something in order to make it bootable again. So i decied to use gparted from within ubuntu but the "resize" option is grayed out. What can i do ? Thanks22:07
Starnestommydimas_: do you have a gmail address?22:07
stefg!msgthebot | RedScare22:07
ubotuRedScare: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.22:07
dimas_starnestommy i do22:07
hikejinxdimas, install freepops and read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20040822:07
Starnestommydimas_: smtp, pop, or imap address?22:07
curtmackWhat is restricted-modules?22:08
RedScareso everyone noticed that evidently22:08
curtmackI mean, other than a package22:08
dimas_starnestommy thank i will22:08
hikejinxdimas_: its a how to to get hotmail in evolution22:08
RedScaredoes anyone know about gnome power manager22:08
curtmackRedScare: don't ask for people, ask for answers22:08
Nitromention a quick, feature rich, ssl supported, gtk used ftp client22:08
dimas_hikejinx you know how?22:08
webtoe I thought gmail offered imap access nowadays?22:08
hikejinxno, but page should guide you.22:08
danand!restricted | curtmack22:09
ubotucurtmack: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:09
RedScarehow do I integrate the RandR extensions that xbacklight uses into gnome power manager so that the native backlight system will function22:09
hikejinxwebtoe: It does. I use it.22:09
wileHow can I change the keyboard layout in GDM ? gnome or kde configuration only affect session after login !22:09
Starnestommydimas_: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/topic.py?topic=12912 or http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=78799&topic=12920 might be useful22:09
webtoeah sorry, so why is any other sort of finangling needed for using it with evolution (I'm a mutt user so I may just be asking a stupid question).22:09
dimas_hikejinx would you tell me an address22:09
danandcurtmack - ignore that ^^22:09
donkeyboygreetings. I am running gusty. during a test on a software package I get the following error"my_ip_addr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) gaierror: [Errno -5] No address associated with hostname", I somehow need to assoctaiet my hostname with an ipadress (preferably localhost), I don't have a FQDN for this machine, and just want it to find the localhost address when doing this...22:10
donkeyboy...lookup. how can I go about doing that?22:10
lewenchWhen connecting to a server (Places\connect to server\) server tpye windows shared... Is it possible for it to _not_ show on the desktop but still on "Places" as a history? Or is there another place I can save the folders too? Maybe map them somewhere else?22:10
hikejinxand Starnestommy posed one above22:10
RedScarehow do I integrate the RandR extensions that xbacklight uses into gnome power manager so that the native backlight system will function22:10
chimpIm trying to use a program on the command line, but it spews out too much stuff to read, i cant scroll up since im using screen, using | seemingly doesnt work, and if i do > to a file i only get a few lines of what i saw, how can i make it copy everything i saw to a file?22:10
dimas_hikejinx got it thanks both22:10
webtoechimp: what programme? what are you typing on the command line22:10
Tu13eshm, I'm trying to use WOL but when I shut down my machine, it loses link with my router..22:10
chimpwebtoe: im streaming using vlc22:11
chimpand transcoding22:11
chimpover ssh22:11
CJS3141Is anyone here knowledgeable about running Ubuntu under VirtualBox (Windows XP as the host OS)?22:11
RedScaremaybe, command > filename22:11
webtoechimp: and which programme are you wanting to see the output from?22:11
RedScaretype your command and then your filename22:11
lewenchWhen connecting to a server (Places\connect to server\) server type windows shared... Is it possible for it to _not_ show on the desktop.22:12
hmichCJS3141: I run it this way22:12
stefgCDOG: first take a backup... then familiarize yourself with the concept of mountpoints, you might find a way to dolve the problem w/o resizing. The reason for your problemis that you cannot resize mounted partitions (and won't be able to unmount the / partition)22:12
chimpRedScare: As i said, if i use >, it shows only a few lines of what is printed to the screen22:12
hmichCJS3141: only with vista as a host OS22:12
RedScareodd, sorry, hard to keep up in here @ times22:12
webtoechimp: have you checked the man page for vlc to see where it chucks its standard error? it might already be dumping to a file (I don't know enough of the top of my head to give you a definitive answer without looking(22:12
wileHello, is there a easy way to change the keyboard layout in gdm ?22:12
CJS3141hmisc: Can you point me to a good tutorial of how to share files between the two OS systems?22:12
CDOGIf i use a Gparted boot cd, and resize my root ubuntu partition will GRUB or something get messed up and leave ubuntu unbootable? Thanks hopefully i can just use gparted22:12
komachathi all, I'm still waiting for Beryl support in Fluxbox window manager... Any news ?22:13
thundr2stefg: couldn't CDOG just resize it by booting from a Ubuntu CD?22:13
mull3tsup fellas, can anyone recommend a video streaming app for linux? from a webcam?22:13
chimpill have a look webtoe, ta22:13
komachatHi guys, I'm still waiting for Beryl support in Fluxbox window manager... Any comment ?22:13
webtoechimp: just had a look, you need to look on the web. www.videolan.org/doc22:13
CDOGstefg thanks but what about with gparted boot cd. Can i resize from there without making ubuntu unbootable? Thanks agian22:13
stefgthundr2: yes he could. but gparted has shreddered one partition to much for my taste :-\22:13
RedScarehow do I integrate the RandR extensions that xbacklight uses into gnome power manager so that the native backlight system will function22:14
ompaul!beryl | komachat as for fluxbox you need to talk to its devs22:14
ubotukomachat as for fluxbox you need to talk to its devs: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz22:14
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
CJS3141hmich: Sorry I mispelled your name, my previous comment was for you...22:14
hmichCJS3141: I just create a shared folder in VirtualBox, and then mount it using vboxsf filesystem type22:14
stefgCDOG: stop windows thinking :-) so what is taking so much space ?22:14
mull3tcan anyone recommend a video streaming app for linux? from a webcam?22:14
CDOGstefg my ubuntu partition is tiny, only 6 gigs22:14
webtoemull3t: what are you trying to do? If you explain a little, we could give better advice22:15
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion22:15
=== rd is now known as hyhk
CJS3141hmich: OK, how did you create the shared folder in Virtualbox?22:15
stefgCDOG: that's perfectly fine if you keep /home separate. and having /home separat is a god idea anyway22:15
mull3tcan anyone recommend a video streaming app for linux? from a webcam?22:15
hmichCJS3141: in settings for you virtual machine22:16
martiiniWhy do I have polish and italian man pages on my system when my locales is english?22:16
hmichCJS3141: or you can create them even when running the VM, from the menu22:16
webtoemull3t: what are you trying to do? www.videolan.org vlc is good for streaming. But are you wanting to read video from a webcam, in which case look for 'webcam' in the ubuntu repositories22:16
askandHm I used cpufreq-set to try to slowdown my cpu and it worked.but now im stuck att 800 mhz and no command can make it go any faster.. :(22:16
mull3tthank you sir22:16
geniichimp: You need to tell it to redirect errors to the same file and not stdout,eg: command > filename 2>&1                 will capture also the errors and not just the regular output to the same file22:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:17
stefgCDOG: my ubuntu / partiton is 5 Gigs, and i never need more. i have /boot and /home on separate paritions, and some symlinks for some special dirs in /var22:17
CJS3141hmich: OK, thanks--I'll give it a try. :-)22:17
mull3tI'm trying to setup a camera and steram it so when i'm at work I can see what my bird is doing22:17
mull3tstream that is22:17
hmichin cygwin I have option --group-directories-first for ls command. Does anybody know why there is no such option for ls in latest coreutils?22:17
RedScarehow do I integrate the RandR extensions that xbacklight uses into gnome power manager so that the native backlight system will function?22:18
balzacI have a problem with malware on Ubuntu22:18
balzacIt's called trackerd22:18
webtoemull3t: I'm not going to ask.... webcam is what you need. It'll take pictures periodically and send them on to a webspace somewhere22:18
GInbalzac: are you serious?22:18
balzacThat package needs to be eliminated from the repositories22:18
Starnestommybalzac: trackerd isn't malware, it's the program that does search idexing for tracker22:18
mull3twebtoe I want to set up a cam near my bird's cage and stream it so I can watch the bird at work22:18
Picihmich: I see it in my ls (coreutils on 6.10-3ubuntu2 Hardy)22:19
balzacas far as I'm concerned, it is malware. It eats up all my RAM and it's hard to kill.22:19
manhunt80I have a problem with video sound. MP3 playing is fine, but I have no sound when watching Xvid in VLC player22:19
webtoemull3t: lol., i read that differently22:19
mull3t:D i know22:19
RedScaredisable search indexing?22:19
balzacIt's badly designed software that consumes all my resources. I tried to turn off the indexing service to get rid of it.22:19
webtoemull3t: look under your package manager, synaptic and look for webcam. Then look on the net at its webpage a see how to set it up. I haven't played around with it beforei but it sounds like what you need22:20
hmichPici: I have coreutils 5.97, what's you version?22:20
webtoemull3t: I assume you webcam is working22:20
Picihmich: 6.10-322:20
frogdustermsg nickserv IDENTIFY fmOEn21ncx22:20
balzacIt keeps coming back and the thing I resent most is that the process resists all attempts to kill it like a windows application.22:20
mull3tyeah i saw that actually it's only for images to ftp upload no video22:20
Picifrogduster: I suggest you change your password now.22:20
frogdusterYeah, I was just kidding.22:20
Starnestommybalzac: even with kill -9?22:20
GInvraagje, 1.5GB is hoeveel MB?22:20
balzaci should try it like that22:20
ompaulfrogduster, so then it was offtopic22:20
frogdusterThx, though, Pici.22:20
stefgfrogduster: haha! you owe 1273 paeople a beer and yourself a new password22:20
frogduster:-(  Oh noez!  ..at least there's beer.22:21
balzacI just never want to see Trackerd again in my system monitor22:21
mull3ti thought there'd be some application like windows media server or something i can use22:21
balzacI'd like to remove whatever package has it.22:21
frogdusterompaul: Yep, I suppose so.22:21
GIn1.5 GB is hoe many MB?22:21
Picibalzac: Either diable it using bum, or tone down the indexing preferences.22:21
ogretrying to run quake4 but am getting these errors. can anyone tell me what packages i need to install http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62566/22:22
Starnestommybalzac: sudo apt-get remove tracker22:22
geirhaGIn: 150022:22
frogdusterI did actually almost do that earlier, though.22:22
webtoemull3t: There will be something but I doin't think windows media server would do what you want. Not over the internet, and probably not in a secure manner. But check the repos. And look for webcam support under linux generally. I've seen this stuff done before22:22
* frogduster sighs at himself.22:22
Starnestommybalzac: just note that that may break things, like the deskbar applet22:22
ompaul!offtopic | frogduster22:22
ubotufrogduster: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:22
balzacI say screw the desk-bar applet22:22
mull3tthank you sir22:22
mull3ti appreciate your help22:22
webtoeno worries22:22
balzactrackerd is crap22:22
webtoeits what we're all here for!22:23
StarnestommyI managed to disable it without uninstalling it22:23
GIngeirha: it is no22:23
GIngeirha: it is not22:23
RedScarebalzac, can you not simply disable?22:23
balzacStarnestommy: I did too, but then it came back after I upgraded.22:23
Starnestommybalzac: did disabling it again work?22:23
webtoeblazac, don't worry too much as the kernel will shift it out of the way when you're doing something important and it will stop searching when you're thrashing the computer22:23
balzacRedScare: that package shouldn't be in the repositories. It bogged me down after the upgrade to Gutsy Gibbon22:23
frogdusterTrackerd is actually quite good stuff.22:23
balzacI'm not the only one. Tracker is not suitable for inclusion in an operating system.22:24
geirhaGIn: well ok, it's somewhere between 1450 and 1550, but, it is yes. Unless you are asking about GiB and MiB22:24
Starnestommyit's a ram and cpu hog sometimes22:24
balzacthey should throttle its memory usage or not include it.22:24
ompaulbalzac, file a bug in that case22:24
Monobi2Hi. I just installed Hardy (using Wubi). I wanted to get some packages, but the urls in sources.list pointed to nonexistant locations. I modified my /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the gusty urls, but it still doesnt work :| http://pastebin.com/d13d3d91922:24
ompaul!hardy | Monobi222:24
ubotuMonobi2: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:24
RedScarehm, well if its always indexing maybe there is a deeper problem22:24
hmichPici: I have gutsy installed. Is it possible to just replace gutsy with hardy in sources.list and perform an upgrade?22:24
frogduster..is there a workaround for the hd parking cycle issue?22:24
balzacompaul: I don't have an account for bug-reports yet22:24
frogdusterMore accurately..22:25
ompaul!launchpad | balzac22:25
ubotubalzac: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/22:25
stefg!upgrade | hmich22:25
ubotuhmich: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:25
ompaulbalzac, very little stopping you22:25
hmichubotu: thanks22:25
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:25
RedScarehow do I integrate the RandR extensions that xbacklight uses into gnome power manager so that the native backlight system will function22:25
frogduster..is there any plan on a fix being accepted into the Ubuntu archives?22:25
robdHey guys22:25
GInany way to lock a window so it can not be closed accidentally?22:25
webtoerobd: hey22:25
robdwebtoe: How are you?22:25
robdwebtoe: Good to hear, are you an expert with partitioning?22:26
=== Fri13- is now known as Fri13
=== Fri13 is now known as Fri13-
webtoerobd: I wouldn't say an expert but I know a bit about it. And I'm sure someone here should know enough hopefully22:26
webtoeask away22:26
Simpl3xCan someone please help me, my /boot seems to have been completely erased22:26
frogdusterSimpl3x: Are you sure it's mounted?22:27
timoany one know any  way at all on how I can tell what ip my router has given out ?22:27
robdDoes anyone know how to automate partitioning so that /dev/sda1 (no matter what type of file system) would automatically grow to the largest size possible?22:27
Varegahey all22:27
Simpl3xyes, it's mounted, and I can see the files in there, but there is no grub directory22:27
Starnestommytuna: ifconfug22:27
=== Fri13- is now known as Fri13
Starnestommytimo: ifconfig22:27
robdI just need the partition to grow from a boot disk automatically, after that I can handle the file system stuff22:27
timowith out looking om the client22:27
Varegatimo, are you looking for the computer's IP, or the modem's IP?22:27
ompaultimo, ifconfig | grep inet\ addr:22:27
robdBasically I have to re-image 200 machines22:27
RedScaretimo, IP to yourself? or all IP's given out?22:27
pharohhey,is there a software i can use to copy an ebook that i can't download online but can read?22:28
frogdusterSimpl3x: Oh.  That's not quite so complete as I imagined, but it is quite odd.22:28
timoredscare the ones given out22:28
timoso i dont have to do static22:28
webtoerobd: I'm not sure i understand what you are trying to do. You want to start an install on a machine, and get the install to automatically use all the disk?22:28
frogdusterSimpl3x: Were you doing anything in there that might have caused it?22:28
Simpl3xfrogduster: yea, I know I updated to the lates .15 kernel but when I rebooted it had removed everything from menu.lst so I think it did an imcomplete install of the new kernel or something22:29
robdwebtoe: There's already an OS on the disk22:29
webtoerobd: If you are installing on 200 machines, install on one, make it perfect, then just copy the image of the hard drive on to the rest of the machiens22:29
robdwebtoe: I just need to extend the partition to take up the entire disk22:29
RedScarehm, timo, I don't think there is a way to view a DHCP client listing without using the clients webaccess portal22:29
arooniis it ok to install a debian etch deb (privoxy) for ubuntu gutsy???22:29
robdwebtoe: Most of the machines have different sized drives...22:29
RedScarepossibly if you are using something like dd-wrt22:29
Simpl3xfrogduster: and the menu.lst~ was the same22:29
robdwebtoe: I already installed with a base image22:29
robdwebtoe: I just need to make them aware of the entire drive size now22:29
timorescare what i thout exactly22:29
Piciarooni: Why would you do that? privoxy is in the repositories.22:30
Starnestommyarooni: privoxy is already in ubuntu's universe repository22:30
arooniPici, oh i didnt know that!22:30
webtoerobd: hmmm, Its probably possible as a lot of partitioning tools are command line driven, you could write a script to do it but it wouldn't be easy. I'm trying to think of an easier way to do it22:30
RedScarewithout a third-party firmware like dd-wrt they just aren't made to communicate that type of information except through port 80 via http interface22:30
Piciarooni: Always check first before going to external sources, theres a lot of stuff there ;)22:30
timofunny thing happend the other day, i turned off dhcp on the router. But the ip adresse were still bieng hennded out ?22:30
aroonii already installed it from a deb !!! what should i do now???22:30
LyricaldoggHi everyonr, i have just installed Squid and Samba.... my laptops are connected but the other can not get a internet connection from this one, can you help ?22:30
aroonia deb for etch22:30
Varegaanyone got a second to help me debug my soundcard?22:30
RedScaretimo, what router do you have22:30
balzacOk, thanks for helping me get rid of trackerd22:31
frogdusterSimpl3x: Ah.  I'd recommend backing up the menu.lst~, then copying it to menu.lst, then: Boot off of an older kernel, remove the latest kernel (you can check what your most recent is in synaptic), and then reinstall your latest kernel.22:31
webtoerobd: Do the disks that have the base image have the other os on them? Or is it on another disk?22:31
robdwebtoe: Any ideas?22:31
timoredscare it was not the router, but i see your piont.......22:31
Piciarooni: remove and install repo version.22:31
GIncan't wait to try Hardy stable :(22:31
LyricaldoggHi everyone, i have just installed Squid and Samba.... my laptops are connected but the other can not get a internet connection from this one, can you help ?22:31
Simpl3xfrogduster: let me re-phrase that. Both menu.lst and menu.lst~ are the same, as in blank22:31
linduxedhow do i check the version of an installed package?22:31
arooniok awesome22:31
frogdusterSimpl3x: ah.22:31
Starnestommylinduxed: aptitude show packagename22:32
frogdusterSimpl3x: Run "sudo update-grub" from the command line.22:32
ompaul!hardy | GIn22:32
ubotuGIn: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:32
webtoelinduxed: look in aptitude or synaptic22:32
=== alexus is now known as staffer
Simpl3xfrogduster: but it's a moot point now either way because the grub directory is no longer there so there is no grub whatsoever in stalled22:32
RedScarehow do I integrate the RandR extensions that xbacklight uses into gnome power manager so that the native backlight system will function22:32
GInomg, 24 April?22:32
=== staffer is now known as alexus
robdwebtoe: They've got a 10gb base image on /dev/sda1 but some disks are 250gb, others are 300gb and some others are 500gb... I want to write a script to auto extend the partition of /dev/sda1 to fill the entire drive. After that I can get the file system to recognize the extra space22:32
GInthat's so soon :-)22:32
ompaul!ot | GIn22:32
ubotuGIn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:32
timoredscare, it was a dhcp i had install on one of my machines :P22:32
pharohhey,where can i get limewire from?22:32
RedScarei see22:33
Simpl3xfrogduster: I think that worked22:33
ompaul!limewire | pharoh22:33
ubotupharoh: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install /msg ubotu java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider /msg ubotu FrostWire as an alternative.22:33
webtoerobd: Yes I22:33
Simpl3xfrogduster: wait...wait...no it didn't22:33
Simpl3xthere is still no /grub in there22:33
timoi dint know it could be done lol22:33
Simpl3xfrogduster: but I'm going to reboot anyway and see what happens because I do see some things in there that might work22:34
webtoerobd: Yes I'm sure that's possible. I can't write it for you as I don't know the commands of the top of my head to do it. But you will want to look at fdisk and maybe gparted if it has a cli option. They should allow you to a.) get a look at the partition table of the disk and b.) resize once you know the amount of space that partition needs to be resized too22:34
frogdusterSimpl3x: hrm.22:34
kindofabuzzhow would i view all ports in yse command line?22:34
frogdusterSimpl3x: Just for safety's sake, you should probably run "sudo update-grub" and see if it gives you errors.22:34
kindofabuzzhow would i view all ports in  command line?22:34
webtoerobd: It sounds like an interesting problem and part of me is intrigued to sit and write a bash script for you but it would take me too long and I'm not sure it will be what you want etc. but its more than possible22:35
Starnestommykindofabuzz: as in internet ports?22:35
Simpl3xfrogduster: I did that and it said that there was no menu.lst found, so I told it to generate one22:35
frogdusterSimpl3x:  *nod*22:35
webtoekindofabuzz: netstat will do it. Look at the man page for specifics22:35
robdwebtoe: Do you know if parted can extend a partition w/o touching the filesystem?22:36
frogdusterSimpl3x: Should work, then, if there were no more errors.22:36
aroonihow can i test if my privoxy/tor setup works correctly (i'm trying to telnet to http://localhost:8118 ... and i type:  telnet http://localhost:8118 ... with no results :( ... what am i doing wrong?22:36
kindofabuzzno netstat isn't what i want22:36
lucas2hey. any idea why apt-get install ubuntu-xen-server   can't find that package on a fresh gutsy install22:36
pharoh!limewire | pharoh22:36
Simpl3xfrogduster: then I'll brb hopefully22:36
ddaguys, cups fails to work (some weird permission issues), what if I apt-get remove cupsys, and install the latest stable from cups website - how to better do it?22:36
webtoerobd: Do you mean will it resize a partition? So a 500Mb ext3 partion could be resized to a 250Gb partiton and then be booted?22:37
robdwebtoe: yep22:37
robdwebtoe: But we have to deal with NTFS and ext322:37
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JohnRobertis there a way to make a cifs mount try to auto re-mount itself if the connection goes down?22:38
webtoerobd: Yes, shouldn't be a problem. As long as the boot flag is set on the partition (and the boot flag shouldn't be altered with resizing) then it shouldn't be a problem.Bear in mind that this is IRC and therefore not gospel22:38
webtoerobd: are they on the same disk?22:38
robdwebtoe: Some servers are Ubuntu, others are Windows22:38
robdwebtoe: I want to use an Ubuntu live cd to get this done though22:38
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webtoerobd: This is my understanding of filesystems regarding ubuntu and windows. Windows NT (and its brethren) do not like be shifted around much at all. If they stay in position and the linux partitions move aroudn then it should be fine. But don't hold me to that. Remember, make sure you have backups!22:39
robdwebtoe: It's really fine with NTFS, I know it inside and out22:39
robdwebtoe: I just need to get a tool to automatically resize the base partition22:40
webtoerobd: Then I don't think you'll have a problem. But I don't know the man page for parted etc well enough to point you in a more accurate direction sorry.22:40
webtoerobd: Unless you can find something on google, I think you'll need to write a bash script to run from the live disc that will use parted or something similar to perform the repartiioning for you22:41
smithey93hey guys, whats the best program to record video files 2 a dvd what i can play on my dvd player?22:41
robdwebtoe: Thats fine, I intend to write a script22:41
Johnson_fugg. i cant get pyqt to install in usr/bin22:42
webtoerobd: k, then do you need some resources to get started or is there anythign else I can help you with? (Sorry if this wasn't quite the response you were looking for)22:42
pharohokay...limewire won't install for me,i kepp getting an error.what do i do now?22:43
spasticteapotI'm trying to install blueJ.22:43
robdwebtoe: How can I control fdisk from the command line w/o using the interactive menu thing?22:43
budluvahow do i find out what version of a package is that i have installed22:43
spasticteapotWhere does Synaptic put my JDK?22:43
smithey93hey guys, whats the best program to record video files 2 a dvd what i can play on my dvd player?22:43
robdwebtoe: Can I just pass a "resize partition /dev/sda1 to the default max size" ?22:43
lucas2when I apt-get install xen-tools, it asks me to put my install cd back in the drive.  I don't have it anymore.  Is there a way to make it grab whatever it needs from the web?22:44
penhow to change the priority of an app permanently?22:45
jcornwalllucas2, remove the cdrom line from /etc/apt/sources.list22:45
webtoerobd: off the top of my head, sfdisk is a cli option based partition editor. Its advanced and so be careful22:45
GInwhen I click on a link, the page does not update. :\ weird22:45
webtoerobd: non-interactive22:45
lucas2jcornwall: thanks22:45
unlink_when i run `sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 stop` or any other service or action, invoke-rc.d simply returns to the prompt immediately and does not actually effect its command. what's going on?22:45
orlandojlucas2: you need to change the file source.list22:45
smithey93lucas2: you need to go to system -> admin -> software sources and bin off the cdrom, then apt-get update/upgrade22:45
robdwebtoe: cool22:45
unlink_(exit code 0 fwiw)22:46
webtoerobd: but parted might be better22:46
smithey93hey, anyone know why devede would make dvds that are like, not right22:46
webtoerobd: http://www.gnu.org/software/parted/manual/html_mono/parted.html22:46
robdwebtoe: With parted I'm just trying to figure out how to get it to *not* touch the filesystem because it trashes NTFS22:46
webtoesmithey93: like how?22:48
smithey93vebtoe: its like black and the sounds muffled22:48
testxhi all22:48
testxis this a support channel ? |22:48
Andrewmwhat is the Virtual Machine similar to Vmware that Ubuntu supports?22:48
webtoerobd: hmmm that's probably something to do with parted's higher level nature. I'm not sure, but sfdisk should work though it can also really trash things good and proper if you bugger things up22:48
smithey93testx: yep, we support :)22:48
spasticteapotDoes anyone know where Ubuntu puts the the Java Development Kit?22:48
testxthamks smithey93 well i just updated my machine again and i guess that i got something wrong here22:48
webtoesmithey93: how did you make the dvd?22:48
RedianScunizi: FAIL xD22:48
smithey93webtoe: i just added the video file, made a menu and clicked go22:49
RedianScunizi: Just figured I'd let you know XD22:49
SmegzorCan I delete .gconf?  Will Gnome rebuild it?  Do I need to be logged in as another sudoer first?22:49
SilverDawnanyone know of a good tool for doing id3 tagging22:49
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers22:49
webtoesmithey93: sorry i asked a stupid quetion, did you check that the video was fine before you added it? and what programme did you use to make the dvd?22:49
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications22:49
SmegzorBy delete I mean rename :)22:49
testxboth wireless and lan are not working anymore22:49
AndrewmVirtualBox,, got it22:49
smithey93webtoe: i used devede, the weird thing is, is that it works on my old pc but not my new22:50
ScuniziRedian, arg.. if she has a windows install cd she could boot to that and go to Recovery dos prompt and run chkdsk /r or chkdsk /R or chkdsk /f. I can't remember which looks at the drive and locks out bad sectors22:50
jcornwallSmegzor, it will be rebuilt, yes, but you might to log out and kill gconfd for it to do it22:50
webtoeSilverDawn: look in the repositories. There are quite a few. look using synaptic22:50
webtoesmithey93: are you trying to watch it through a tele?22:50
testxanyone one 2.6.24-15-generic ?22:50
webtoetestx: yes22:50
Smegzorjcornwall: so reboot and log in to a terminal session then do it?22:51
smithey93webtoe: yea, on my dvd player, ive tried it on meny, and it failed on all22:51
ScuniziRedian, while there she can also do a fixmbr and maybe boot back into windows.22:51
testxgot any troubles after the update \/22:51
webtoetestx: what wireless card are you using?22:51
testxdont know some kinda built in thing i guess intel 22022:51
jcornwallSmegzor, I'd just log out, Ctrl-Alt-F1 to delete it and then either kill gconf or reboot22:51
testxwell the network manager looks strange  \:)22:51
SmegzorI'm trying to fix my wallpaper bug.  I can't change wallpaper but a new user I just created can.  Clearly its something amiss in gconf.22:51
RedianScunizi: Burning at 4X, she does have one of those, but I don't know if I could take her through that. Not today at least...22:51
jcornwallyou can also use gconf-editor to make finer grained changes22:52
webtoesmithey93: hmmm, that's something odd. I'm not sure about that dvd programme then. I was thinking maybe your tele didn't like the composite signal from your dvd playing equipment (as that can sometimes lead to black and white signals)22:52
jribSmegzor: it's probably a permission issue.  Run: find ~/.* ! -user $USER22:52
Smegzorjcornwall: Yeah I've played with that but the bug remains22:52
ScuniziRedian, does she need windows?  if not blow it all away.. but ..sounds like she might be due for a new hd.. they're cheep.22:52
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smithey93webtoe: do you know of any simlar software to do so? with my booting into windows because i binned off windows off my pc :)22:52
SmegzorI thought of that too, but I've only been a linux user < 1 year so hadn't figured out how yet.  thanks22:52
webtoetestx: what sort of strange? you are using a development release of ubuntu and it is slightly buggy22:53
kindofabuzzi need a proftpd guru! =)22:53
testxyeah well and i cant get it fixed i guess or i just dont know whats going on to some extent \\:P22:53
webtoesmithey93: Not off the top of my head! I have to admit I use a mac for that sort of thing. Never tried on Linux. I'm sure there probably is. Either google or look in the repositories for it maybe22:54
uptownbenHey all, If I remove my HDD from my laptop and plug in a USB stick I should be able to install 7.10 on the stick in a normal full install mode, right?22:54
testxi came from freebsd and most of my systems were current just like the dev editons here but not that buggy though22:54
smithey93webtoe: ill take a look, and google it etc, i want a mac :( i wouldnt mind a iMac =]22:54
uptownbenIf I have 2GB RAM in my machine, do I really need swap?22:55
RedianScunizi: I'd like to convince her to make the full switch, but its like half of a family laptop, so thats another reason I was really intent on figuring this out.22:55
webtoesmithey93: Beware the iMac. Apparently the screens are pretty shitty compared to LCD's you can get cheap nowadays22:55
ScuniziRedian, so.. they each get their own account :)22:55
webtoetestx: Well we might be able to help. ubuntu+1 is apparently the place to be if you have problems with the latest test release22:55
smithey93webtoe: really? thanks for that, therefore ill get a mac mini, and just kvm it with my 22"22:55
testxthanks webtoe22:56
webtoesmithey93: Apparently. It was on www.theregister.co.uk the other day22:56
smithey93webtoe: interesting, i always thought macs hardware was real pro22:56
webtoetestx: there have been a few changes to the latest kernel to do with the way wireless is handled. Mine just broke too22:56
RedianScunizi: I don't think I could convince them to move away from all the branded software...22:56
DeamosAllo folks22:56
webtoesmithey93: I'm a fanboy and I thought that too!22:57
jcornwalluptownben, you might occasionally burst into swap, and it's needed for things like hibernation - hard disk space is cheap22:57
testxwell i got some kinda problem with my nvidia driver when i first updated the system22:57
RedianScunizi: The problem is I essentially caused the crash of one of 2 necessary computers in the house.22:57
testxand fixed it using the nvidia beta driver..22:57
lucas2Sorry for being a bit thick here:   I just installed a fresh 7.10 server.  For the life of me, I can't find what package I need to apt-get to install xen.   ubuntu-xen-server is not found it says.   (running amd64)22:57
Smegzorjrib: I have two permissions problems so far.  What do I type to fix them? chmod? what number?22:57
ScuniziRedian, what an opportunity!  keep the software on there for a while and install FOSS versions.. for them to get use to ...So.. you're part of the family or only the enemy now? :)22:58
webtoesmithey93: but I think their iMacs are their cheaper version nowadays. the macbooks should be ok and you can use any lcd you like with their powermacs. And their horrendously expensive LCDS are oogd22:58
jribSmegzor: do 'ls -ld /path/to/file' where /path/to/file is the path to one of the files and tell me the output22:58
pharohwhich is better,anjuta or eclipse..for C programs?22:59
Smegzorhmm!  it keeps hitting .rnd and staying there for ages, then starting from the beginning.  Symlink Hell?22:59
jribpharoh: it's personal preference22:59
webtoetestx: well the kernel that's used in the latest ubuntu has a nice new 802.11 stack working in it and not all the wireless card drivers play nicely with it yet. So that could explain why its a bit screwy. Without knowing what sort of card it is we can't help more thoguh22:59
webtoepharoh: I use emacs, others swear by eclipse and my boss uses KDevelop at work23:00
pharohjrib: but one has to be better..iy's only logical.u see i was using GCC to write en compile,but it never recognised #include<alloc.h>23:00
RedianScunizi: Not sure, what's FOSS?23:00
Smegzoroh carp!  I need to re-run find and pipe it to a file :/23:01
testxwebtoe, even the lan isnt working23:01
ScuniziRedian, maybe I should have said Opensource23:01
RedianScunizi: Yep, wiki look up beat you to the explanation XD23:01
jribpharoh: no, one might be better for *you*, because of *your* needs and *your* preferences.  Best thing to do is try both and use the one you like better23:01
RedianScunizi: I'm gunna check this cd later if I have a chance...23:02
kindofabuzzanyone know there proftpd.conf? =)23:02
ScuniziRedian, I hope it works.23:02
webtoetestx: do you know what hardware is in your machine? You may have upgraded a little early if things worked before on the last ubuntu and the development is broken for you. Might be best asking in #ubuntu+1 for more help if that's what you're running23:02
smithey93webtoe: i love my lg 22" screen tbh23:02
kindofabuzzdamnit why won't it lockdown?!?!23:02
marlunwas there just a big update to ubuntu repositories?23:02
jribSmegzor: if you know nothing in your home should not be owned by a user other than yours, you can just do 'sudo chown -R $USER: ~'  That ~ is very important, don't run this command in the wrong place23:02
bean-ohis there a channel specific to hardy?23:02
testxyeah i asked but no reply23:03
kindofabuzzsoorry wrong channel23:03
webtoetestx: oh.23:03
larson9999my first born to the person who tells me how to make the smaller main menu button not have a lag like the default main menu doesn't have a lag.23:03
n-iCehow can I force an umount23:03
unlink_n-iCe: rebooting23:03
iFireDoes anyone know how to solve https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/19880323:03
webtoetestx: well you might have to send a listing of your current hardware to the ubuntu pastebin23:03
n-iCeunlink_,  other way? I am in a installation game23:03
pikeshouse88what are the differences between the daily cd and the regular cd?23:03
webtoecan someone tell testx how to paste to pastebin please?23:04
iFirethe bug says basiclly fglrx causes a black screen and crashes the computer23:04
unlink_n-iCe: why do you need to?23:04
ddaplease help with cups - when I open http://localhost:631/admin/ it fails, and in logs I see: [CGI] /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi: Permission denied23:04
n-iCechange to the disco 2, unlink_23:04
Smegzorjrib: Is that the norm?  everything in my home being owned only by me?  I'll just run sudo chown -R $USER: ~ if thats the case.23:04
unlink_n-iCe: stop everything using the device23:04
testxyeah i know how to use it23:04
pharohjrib: there's just one thing i don't get...what is hello world?can i write a program without seeing it all the time?23:04
n-iCehow do I stop everything using the cdrom device???23:04
webtoetestx: ah good. Can you tell me your hardware then? sudo lspci -vv should do the job23:04
jribSmegzor: yes23:05
jribpharoh: hello world is a simple program so you can get your feet wet and see a simple example at work23:05
testxill do that am checking something i shall do it in few minutes23:06
pharohjrib: ahh.i'm new to linux,i used to use borland turbo C,so i know about C programming,but when i write a program using eclipse,they never seem to work!any idea why?23:06
jribpharoh: I don't use eclipse, sorry23:07
pharohjrib: oh..okay.thanks.23:07
CJS3141hmich: Are you still available to answer a Virtualbox question? Or is there anyone else who can answer a few virtualbox questions?23:07
webtoetestx: no worries. I'll be hanging around for a little bit yet23:07
shoepainteranyone good with raid23:07
testxk man thanks :)23:07
jribCJS3141: it's better to just go ahead and ask the channel your questions, if someone knows, they will help23:07
n-iCehow do I stop everything using the cdrom device???23:07
jribshoepainter: it's better to just go ahead and ask the channel your questions, if someone knows, they will help23:08
mc-georgedoes anyone know how to increase the mouse wheel scroll number of lines?23:08
webtoen-iCe: what do you mean everything? what are you trying to do and what goes wrong when you try and do it?23:08
n-iCehow do I stop everything using the cdrom device??? I am on a game installation it is asking me for the disc 2 but I can't umount,23:08
n-iCeWebspot,  im on a game installation and I need to change to the second disc23:08
CJS3141I have Ubuntu as a guest OS under Virtualbox on a Win XP machine... in order to share files between them, do I need to have a full installation of Vbox also installed under Ubuntu? Or is there special Vbox software just for sharing?23:09
webtoen-iCe: its webtoe but nevermind. You can only umount something if you are no longer in the directory. Make sure you are not in the cdrom directory while trying to umount23:09
mc-georgedoes anyone know how to increase the mouse wheel scroll number of lines?23:09
GneaCJS3141: just tell ubuntu to share certain directories23:10
nixnoobI setup evolution to send/recieve email from a hotmail account but im getting a Welcome response error: Operation now in progress?  how can I fix this?23:10
n-iCewebtoe,  I am not... :/23:10
amenadomc-george-> what does it mean by that scroll number of lines?23:10
webtoemc-george: under what programme? firefox has its own options i think. Otherwise, gnome has a settings box under system -> preferences -> mouse i believe23:10
CJS3141Gnea: In ubuntu, i'm trying to mount a folder shared thru Vbox... not the other way around right now.23:11
mc-georgewebtoe: no option there23:11
GneaCJS3141: are you able to view the windows system via the network/smb interface?23:11
Tu13esany ideas how to keep my macmini's ethernet from shutting down when I suspend or shutdown? I want to use WOL23:11
mc-georgeamenado: the number of lines the scroll wheel does23:11
webtoen-iCe: so what is the error message that you're getting? is it wine that you're using?  What game you trying to install?23:11
GInis tehre a photo's management software like the one on Vista but for Ubuntu?23:11
shoepainterOK I have a Fasttrack 475 raid that I want to mount, I used mdraid and mdraid says my other raid controller (INTEL) or "isw" is active on my raid harddrives, how do I active my promise fasttrack 374 raid or "pdc" instead?23:11
webtoemc-george: what programme are you trying to alter?23:12
GneaCJS3141: IOW, click on Places->Network->Windows Network->yada23:12
mc-georgewebtoe: firefox preferably, and idealy all apps23:12
CJS3141Gnea: Yes, I did that and there's nothing under windows network...23:12
n-iCewebtoe, yes the thing is, when I install using the terminal I can't umount if I install clicking the .exe installer I can, but when the installation has finished I can't run the .exe launcher game23:12
n-iCeit is flight simulator 200423:13
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incugusHi, what software do you recommend for web development? (id like something like dreamweaver, ive tried quanta, its good, but i wanted to know if theres anything better)23:13
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GneaCJS3141: then you need to make sure that your XP box and ubuntu are on the same workgroup or domain23:14
CJS3141Gnea: OK, and how to do that?23:14
rycolehey guys, when i ctrl+z out of an application, and it says "[1]+  Stopped                 top", does this mean that app will stop running soon?23:14
rycolebecause i still see it in my processes list23:14
budluvahow do i find out what version of a package is that i have installed23:14
webtoen-iCe: I'm afraid I don't know enough about wine. Sorry. maybe thjey have an irc channel? Or someone else knows something more about it?23:15
webtoemc-george: sorry, I doni't have a clue. I'm sure you can change this. But I'm not sure how23:15
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.23:15
Mifuynebudluva, if it's a command, usually <command> --version would tell you23:15
jribrycole: the app is stopped (paused).  hit 'fg' to bring it to the foreground.  Google 'bash job control'23:15
JeffATLbooted to a livecd; want to mount an nfs export.  have started portmap, modprobed nfs - still i get "wrong fs type, bad option..." - anything i missed?23:15
Mifuyneor you could try looking it up in Synaptic...23:15
jribbudluva: apt-cache policy PACKAGE23:15
n-iCewebtoe,  just, how can I enforce a umount23:15
shoepainterI have a Fasttrack 475 raid that I want to mount, I used mdraid and mdraid says my other raid controller (INTEL) or "isw" is active on my raid harddrives, how do I active my promise fasttrack 374 raid or "pdc" instead?23:16
webtoen-iCe: you can't. If it thinks you're using a directory it won't let you. Make sure there are no programmes using the cdrom directory23:16
ompaulJeffATL, mount -t nfs IPorNameOfServer:/SourceDirectoryAddress /TargetAddress23:17
bastid_raZorwebtoe; a good website to check out.. may be useful in the future :: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto23:17
CJS3141Gnea: Thanks for your patience... how oo I make sure ubuntu and windows are in the same domain/workgroup?23:18
patrick__is there a way to downgrade from hardy to gutsy?23:19
ryan-cdoes anyone know why ubuntu sets nomodline for vim and how i can fix it?23:19
ompaul!downgrade | patrick__23:19
ubotupatrick__: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.23:19
JeffATLompaul: i've got that; thanks.  that's the command that's failing.23:19
ompaulJeffATL, exact error?23:19
patrick__mk just wondering..too many glitches going on with hardy right now for me23:19
testxwebtoe, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62570/23:19
JeffATLompaul: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on,23:20
JeffATL       missing codepage or helper program, or other error23:20
JeffATL       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try23:20
JeffATL       dmesg | tail  or so23:20
FloodBot1JeffATL: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:20
shoepainterany have a link to best way to install Compiz fusion on an Ati r300 or "9800 pro "computer23:20
ompaulJeffATL, too vague23:21
webtoesorry, if anyone said somethign to me, you'll have to repeat it as I just got my net cut off23:21
ompaulJeffATL, no ideas so23:21
testxwebtoe, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62570/23:21
CJS3141Gnea: the virtualbox manual talks about having to install "Virtualbox Guest Additions" within Ubuntu... Is that part of my problem? I haven't added any Vbox software in Ubuntu yet.23:21
JeffATLompaul: based on your initial response, i gathered that.23:22
JoeRocchioho i pugni nelle mani23:22
webtoetestx: ok, just having a little look23:22
AlanIs there an easy way to JUST rewrite the MBR?23:23
JazaHow do I install codecs on totem?23:24
zcat[1]Alan: rewrite it with what?23:24
ogrewhat is the name of package for recording desktop?23:24
Alanzcat[1], with what it should be after it gets messed with by something else23:24
zcat[1]!info recordmydesktop23:24
uboturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.4-1 (gutsy), package size 41 kB, installed size 124 kB23:25
Jazacan anyone help me installing codecs on totem to play dvd movies23:25
CyntroxUm, how can I know if I use TwinView or Xinerama for my dual screens?23:25
Cyntrox</stupid question>23:25
bastid_raZor!codecs Jaza23:25
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codecs jaza - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:25
zcat[1]Alan: grub-install is about the easiest way I know..23:25
bastid_raZor!codecs | Jaza23:26
ubotuJaza: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:26
nickrud!dvd | Jaza (install ubuntu-restricted-extras , then do this)23:26
ubotuJaza (install ubuntu-restricted-extras , then do this): For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:26
CloudFXhi, im looking for assistance on running Hardy Heron beta and windows XP on a virtual machine on Ubuntu gutsy23:26
PiciCloudFX: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.23:27
CloudFXalright, thanks23:27
nickrudCloudFX #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+123:27
webtoetestx: Hmmm, it looks like they may have inconveniently broken the driver for your ethernet card in the latest release. I'm still looking at the google result23:27
zcat[1]Pici: 'running foo in a VM on Gutsy' is a Gutsy question, not a Foo question23:27
prakritiis there any way to set a default wireless network?23:28
Picizcat[1]: okay ;)23:28
Kingflakewill i notice a differnce with 64bit?23:28
zcat[1]well, I'd have thought so anyhow23:28
prakritimy lappy keeps trying to connect to my neighbors access point23:28
bastid_raZorCloudFX; you'll need a program like VMWare first.. i use VMWare for several things..23:28
webtoetestx: have you tried googling for it at all? the Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8039?23:28
testxam trying out some stuff23:28
KemrinHI own a Dell XPS M1210 and my Disk Drive can't read or write CD's. Anyone have any suggestions?23:28
testxill now23:28
nickrudzcat[1] he's trying to run hardy, that's a hardy question by definition ;)23:28
zcat[1]and XP .. that's an XP question?23:29
webtoetestx: Its quite a new chip so the driver is slightly raw atm. I remember trying to get a simoliar marvell chip working a year ago and the driver for it was a bit bleeding edge and a bit shifty23:29
tony_cCan someone help me with how to instal an application in Edubuntu please?23:29
DigitallifenowI was wondering where I could find the linux codec dump code for the installed drivers in my system>23:29
zcat[1]so it's only ontopic here if you want to run gusty on a VM inside gutsy?23:29
Alanzcat[1], grub-install was causing a problem :(23:29
Alanzcat[1], i'll do it the interactive-grub way23:30
webtoetestx: If you can't find a solution and the worst coems to the worst you can try looking at using ndiswrapper. Marvell are actually usaully quite good but due to the newness of your board I think the drivers are a little behind (I'm going purely on those specs you posted)23:30
=== Johnson is now known as obf213
JeffATLanyone know how to prepare an ubuntu-livecd-booted machine for mounting an nfs export?23:31
testxhow about the ethernet \/23:31
L_infwhere can I find abundant ubuntu hardy heron screenshots???23:31
KemrinHoh, it's worth mentioning that I run Ubuntu 7.10 on my XPS M1210 on which I would really appreciate if someone could give me a hint of how to get the Disk Drive to run/burn CD's in23:31
webtoetestx: that was the ethernet :P23:31
zcat[1]bloody kids have discovered that computer screens make 'rainbow colours' when yo wave strong magnets near them.... no amount of degaussing will fix this screen now I think23:31
DigitallifenowI was wondering where I could find the linux codec dump code for the installed drivers in my system? Would anyone know?23:31
webtoetestx: Looking at the wirelss now. though same applies, you can often get ndiswrapper to work when a native driver doesn't exist23:31
JeffATLzcat[1]: oooooh - may need a plug-in demagnetizer23:32
rob42In a 1Ghz Centrino system, what would the point be where adding more RAM won't boost the speed much?23:32
zcat[1]I think so.. or perhaps the flyback voltage is too high.. the colours on this monitor have always been a bit weird..23:32
Digitallifenowwould it be in the driver section?23:32
JeffATLrob42: all depends on what you're doing on the box23:33
BSG75anyone know how I can minimize thunderbird to tray?23:34
JeffATLrob42: for regular email/browsing under KDE or Gnome, I'd say the improvement fall-away starts at ~512MB23:34
DigitallifenowhHey orange23:34
rob42JeffATL: well, it's a tablet. gonna be used for general web surfing as well as a little drawing/sketching23:34
orange_ubunto smmes good23:34
DigitallifenowI can't find the drivers and I need to make a change to the code23:34
orange_first time use23:34
JeffATLrob42: nlt 512MB, i'd say23:35
budluvahow do i find out what version of a package is that i have installed23:35
orange_how do u get dual screen support here in ubuntu23:36
orange_or isnt that posible23:36
webtoetestx: hmmm from what i've seen the chip should be supported. what version of ubuntu you using?23:36
rob42JeffATL: okay. hah i think i'm gonna be safe and for the extra £15 go for a gig23:36
gfxfr33kIt ubunyu still 7.10?23:36
zcat[1]orange_: what video card?23:36
BSG75orange_: what video card you got?23:36
gfxfr33ksorry Ubuntu23:36
BSG75asus what? ...23:36
JeffATLrob42: that would be great.23:36
detedagowahey all23:37
zcat[1]reboot required ... seems I have a kernel update ..23:37
orange_asus eax 550hm51223:37
BSG75orange_: so a Radeon 9800 pro?23:37
Deamosugh...I wish I could update my damn nvidia drivers :P23:38
webtoetestx: the wireless could be due to the changes that have gone into the kernel for wireless. Maybe try asking in #ubuntu+1 (though I hear it may be deserted). I have only foudn people saying that things should work with that chip23:38
bastid_raZorbudluva; sudo apt-cache policy packagename23:38
lolinternet!learn on23:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about learn on - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:38
detedagowai have a question, i have a laptop with no operating system it only has a floppy drive no cd rom i was wondering if i could use my desktop to install a OS on the laptop through ubuntu23:38
webtoetestx: are there any error messages showoing up for the wireless when you run dmesg?23:38
Deamosdamn envy installs the new drivers and then freezes up X on reboot23:38
bastid_raZorDeamos; envy was a very bad idea :(23:38
testxdidnt check am in windows i am looking for a cheat23:38
orange_but i must say for now its better than windows23:39
webtoedetedagowa: this sort of install is called a net install. Is possible using debian and fedora so I assume ubuntu can too (since it is based of debian) google is your friend23:39
askandHi, is someone else having problems with the bulitin forefox-totem player?23:39
orange_without lots driver installs it works23:39
detedagowawhat would i google for to find this out?23:39
bastid_raZor!envy | Deamos23:40
ubotuDeamos: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »23:40
webtoedetedagowa: one sec. just looking23:40
detedagowaA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.23:40
Deamosheh yah I realized that Ubotu :P23:40
BSG75orange_: we haven't had windows in our house for over 8 years now :) .. my wife will kill me if her computer goes down..23:40
orange_it started when i become to using open source23:41
webtoedetedagowa: look for net install ubuntu23:41
orange_en natural the next step is ...23:41
webtoeshould find loads of pages23:41
detedagowai have to head out right now ill talk later guys, Peace23:41
detedagowaoh one question befor i leave23:41
askandIs someone here using the mozila-totemplugin?23:41
webtoedetedagowa: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2068.html23:42
omaxciao a tutti23:42
BSG75orange_: my advice is.. take it one step at a time .. there will be somethings about linux that drive you nuts in the beginning.. if you can stick through the limited learning curve.. I think you will find your experience very rewarding :)23:42
detedagowado i need a OS on the other  computer to do it?23:42
bastid_raZoraskand; i have no issues with it, have been using it for quiet sometime.. are you on running hardy or gutsy?23:42
webtoedetedagowa: yes, or you can use the ubuntu live cd, or just install over the internet23:42
askandbastid_raZor:  Im on gutsy still.. does this work for you? http://svt.se/content/1/c8/01/09/50/52/080326MANNISKA_ERT65T.asx23:42
detedagowawhat do you mean install over the net? i have absolutely no ois on it right now you boot it is says no OS can be found can i still do a net install from one pc to another with no OS on the other one?23:43
webtoedetedagowa: installing over the internet is what i do with fedora at work and should work for ubuntu fine as well23:43
bastid_raZoraskand; what is that suppose to be, first?23:43
askandbastid_raZor: streaming video23:43
bastid_raZoraskand; of?23:43
askandbastid_raZor: from swedish television, nothing harmfull :)23:43
chuyaskand: don't mean to jump in like this but it works for me23:43
bastid_raZoraskand; heh.. okay.23:43
askandchuy: on gutsy?23:44
Flanneldetedagowa: Assuming it can boot from a network, or from a CD, yes.23:44
Flannel!install | detedagowa23:44
ubotudetedagowa: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:44
bastid_raZoraskand; works for me too.. takes just a seconds or two to laod23:44
webtoedetedagowa: with the machine with no os, make a boot floppy install disk (i assume ubuntu still does these) and during the isntall it should ask you where to do the install from.23:44
askandbastid_raZor:  strange..23:44
Flanneldetedagowa: that page (first link) has lots of creative ways, depending on what you have at your disposal23:44
detedagowait gives me netwrok boot option from BIOS so i should be good fso far i gotta head out late for a meeting ill talk later guys thank you!23:44
testxwebtoe, ill install windows 3.x23:44
orange_im going to try to learn ubuntu and some shell commands23:45
cykayo peeps23:45
webtoedetedagowa: when it asks, point it to the internet to for its resources. As I said, I've only done this with fedora but I'm sure debian/ubuntu can do it too23:45
webtoetestx: !! Why windows 3.x?23:45
cykahow do it get KDE/ubuntu to allow me to login as root23:45
Starnestommy!root | cyka23:45
ubotucyka: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:45
cykaneed to do a dpkg --congfigure -a23:45
Starnestommycyka: use sudo dpkg --configure -a23:45
cykain a terminal Starnestommy?23:45
cykasays i need supervisor thingies23:45
askandbastid_raZor:  and you are on gutsy too?23:46
webtoebrb visiting the little boys' room23:46
lewenchAnyone know how I can install the logitech 9000 Cam to ubuntu?23:46
ForzaPalermohey guys anyone here good with phpmyadmin?23:46
ForzaPalermoi installed it from the repos23:46
chuyforzaPlamera: sure23:46
ForzaPalermoand it does not detect my jinzora database23:46
ForzaPalermoor any of them for that matter23:46
cykaah cool Starnestommy23:46
bastid_raZoraskand; actually, it plays for a few seconds then stops.. no buffering or anything23:46
chuyDo you get a web page rendered when you try to his it in apache23:47
bastid_raZoraskand; yes i run 7.1023:47
ddaplease help with cups - when I open http://localhost:631/admin/ it fails, and in logs I see: [CGI] /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi: Permission denied23:47
askandlewench: I think it will work out of the box in hardy23:47
Smegzoryay!  I fixed my wallpaper bug :D  killing .gconf was the solution.23:48
askandbastid_raZor: I see...have you tried other asx-files?23:48
JeffATLzcat[1]: just think - that particular bit of childhood fun is soon to be deprecated23:48
SmegzorWhere is the setting to hide desktop icons?  I can't find it anywhere!23:48
lewenchaskand, I've never heard of hardy let me research that, thats for pointing me in the right direction23:48
bastid_raZoraskand; i can't say that i have recently.23:48
askandlewench: hardy is next version of ubuntu, it will be released this month23:48
lewenchOh ok23:49
timoi cant wait to try hardy23:49
webtoetestx: let's not joke. My boss keeps telling me about the time how at his uni as an admin they got a lab of machines to boot a custom win 3.x over the network at teh same time in appox 15 secondes23:49
askandlewench: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=464827723:49
lewenchaskand, Oh ok. When installed hardy can I just "upgrade" from what I have now (gutsy) or do I need to do a format?23:49
leon_peggtimo I have been using hardy since alpha5 and have been very happy with it :D23:49
timoleon_peg please do me this one favour bro23:50
JeffATLweb_knows: that's certainly possible, but can be filed with his story about greasing abacus rods23:50
JeffATLwebtoe: : that's certainly possible, but can be filed with his story about greasing abacus rods23:50
leon_peggtimo: what would that be23:50
webtoeJeffATL: abacus rods? sorry you've lost me. Unless you're attempting to make a joke about how old he is...23:51
webtoeand he's not *that* old...23:51
timocan you show me a screenshot of the volume control / mixer23:51
leon_peggtimo ok give me a secon23:51
askandlewench: I dont think you should install Hardy now since it is only beta.. when it is released you should be able to upgrade from gutsy23:52
rycolei'm running apache, and subversion using mod_dav_svn. ive got my subversion repository information inside a <Location> block in dav_svn.conf, but i'm getting a forbidden 403 error when i browse to it. both apache and the repository directory belong to the same user and group. any ideas?23:52
timoleon_pegg have you seen the vista one i was told it going to be updated in a drastic way .23:52
askand!hardy | lewench23:52
lewenchaskand,  Ah ok upgrade is good. Will it prompt me to upgrade?23:52
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu23:52
leon_peggtimo: no not seen the vista one23:52
lewenchaskand, Nice!23:52
SmegzorWhere is the setting to hide desktop icons?23:53
Fred_Sambo!join #ubuntu-maine23:53
askandSmegzor: In gconf-editor    /apps/nautilus/desktop23:54
leon_peggtimo : http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/1663/screenshotvolumecontrolyl1.png23:54
timoleon_pegg: http://beta.amanzi.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/WindowsLiveWriter/VistaFeatureFocusVolumeMixer_B40A/vista-mixer%5B1%5D.png23:54
testxwebtoe, i gave up did you find anything |23:55
jmdcare there constraints on the filesystem of the boot partition?23:55
=== Alan_ is now known as Alan
webtoesorry, if people tried to talk to me. I crashed shit again, so say things again...23:55
leon_peggtimo: looks nice but most of the time I have no need to touch it in ether vista or ubuntu23:55
timothat a bit disappointing23:55
budluvahow do i find out what version of a package is that i have installed23:56
leon_peggtimo: it looks boring but there is lots of things in hardy that improve on gutsy23:56
budluvaor has anyone played around with fuppes?23:56
budluvai cant get it to ./configure as i dont have the correct sqlite3 package install, but i have the latest one install from repos23:57
dimas_wow...so stress i cant get an account for hotmail to work on evolution....can someone walk me through please?23:57
nickrudbudluva apt-cache policy <pkg>23:57
Flannelbudluva: a few ways.  apt-cache policy [package] is probably the easiest23:57
webtoebudluva: if you're compiling from source, you'll need to install the -dev packages23:57
timoleon_pegg:I see, that's what I was looking forward to. who know hardy is not out yet soooo23:57
budluvasqlite3 doesn't have dev packages23:58
nickrudjmdc what do you mean by constraints?23:58
budluvachecking for SQLITE3... configure: error: Package requirements (sqlite3 >= 3.2) were not met:23:58
budluvaNo package 'sqlite3' found23:58
leon_peggtimo I have been helping test hardy since alpha1 its has been quite stable since alpha5 and in  it current state no really bugs left23:58
budluvaand this is from apt-cache policy sqlite323:58
budluva  Installed: 3.4.2-1build123:59
nickrudbudluva install libsqlite3-dev23:59
budluvathanks nick23:59
webtoebudluva: livsqlite3-dev23:59
webtoeopps bit slow23:59
CloudFXhi.. i was in the process of installing vmware via terminal, when the window was accidentally closed.  now when i try to reinstall, i get an output telling me a previous version has already been installed, and to try to re-install23:59
nickrudwith typo ;)23:59

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