
esli got it i just use the school computer00:00
guishwhy you would like change the user of /var/www00:00
CannibalMwhen you boot up try turning your speakers off.00:00
CannibalMStill getting a static sound?00:00
CannibalMer.. not off, but wayyyyy down.00:00
=== esl is now known as devil
dmsupermansjovan: http://pastebin.com/m34ea55ae00:00
Danish989yeah, because when I play some music in ubuntu, the music is really low but the static sound is more dominantly heard .....00:01
CannibalMSee if its EMI static, ie power gen across the speaker lines,00:01
detedagowadamn puppy linux is way top big00:01
CannibalMoh ok, so its00:01
Danish989I know the kind of static sound you get when your speakers are turned up way too high, but that's not the problem here00:01
CannibalMdriver like issue00:01
DIL8o mb00:01
devilhow can i use the flash player in ubuntu system00:01
dubbyanyone know how to run mac os x programs on linux?00:01
Danish989yeah .. is it possible im only having this problem because its a live session? my sound card is creative soundblaster live 16 bit00:01
CannibalMcould be just crappy drivers,00:02
Starnestommydevil: try installing the flashplugin-nonfree package00:02
CannibalMand from my understanding (limited)00:02
sjovandmsuperman: okay... so what would you like the stuff to be then? owner = , other = ?00:02
CannibalMthat its driver issues plaguing linux00:02
CannibalMkind of like the whole Nvidia thing00:02
Danish989restricted drivers, thing?00:02
dmsupermansjovan: I'm just trying to get ANY chmod to work. I was going for 777 to see if it would change00:02
dmsupermansjovan: and I've also got /media/sdb2/DocRoot mounted as /var/www, trying the same commands on /var/www result in the same thing: nothing00:03
devildoes the ubuntu 8.04 system has the flash player00:03
sjovandmsuperman: well, i don't know anything about the number codes, but have you tryed like sudo chmod -R a=r /dir/to/dfolder etc?00:03
dmsupermansjovan: 777 = rwxrwxrwx00:03
Starnestommydmsuperman: if it's mounted and not on the main file system, you may need to change the mount permissions in /etc/fstab00:03
dmsupermanStarnestommy: How can I do that?00:04
devilor i need download dy mysllf00:04
Starnestommydevil: #ubuntu+1 is for Ubuntu 8.04 support00:04
guishgood idea Starnestommy00:04
sjovandmsuperman: that command would give all read-only00:04
detedagowaHow would i go about doiung a net install fo ubuntu on a laptop with no cdrom drive00:04
jcornwallyou bought an Air? :o00:04
Danish989detedagowa, you can install from a usb00:04
detedagowawell i dont have a flash drive either otherwise id try that00:05
Danish989did you try google-ing?00:05
greencookieHi everyone, I currently have archlinux installed on my system, I want to just delete the operating system and put ubuntu (arch is kinda a lil too advanced for me). Is there a way to do this without destroying my /home directory?00:05
greencookiei want to install gutsy00:05
dmsupermanStarnestommy: "/media/sdb2/DocRoot /var/www  defaults,umask=000  bind 0 0" is my current line for fstab00:05
sidewalkhow do you guys recommend setting up Ubuntu so that i remotely can login to it, with gui?00:05
sjovandmsuperman: so did the command i told you work? a=rwx would be the same as 777, try it :)00:06
=== Alan_M is now known as Stewie_Griffin
jcornwalldetedagowa, can you boot Windows at the moment?00:06
greencookiesidewalk: if you wanna use ur computer while ure at school or work then yes.00:06
N3WFI3does teamspeak work with ubuntu, i cant get my mic to record :(00:06
guishgood night all00:06
detedagowait has no OS installed00:06
jcornwalloh.. was going to suggest the new Wubi installer :(00:06
sidewalkgreencookie: but how, not if :-)00:06
devilhow can i use the gcc in ubuntu?00:07
dmsupermansjovan: Same deal, the permissions won't budge. They're all stuck rwxrwx---00:07
sidewalkis "Remote desktop" what i would like to use, or how would you else recommend the usage?00:07
hatterI have a usb printer plugged into my debian box on the network that i can connect to and print a test page from system - administration - printing -  but i cant figure oout how to add it to my ubuntu desktop00:07
Starnestommydevil: install build-essential00:07
jcornwalldetedagowa, I guess you could try a PXE netboot if it supports it, but that's real messy to set up00:07
detedagowahow do i do that?00:07
jcornwalldetedagowa, it's a bit involved - Google suggests this http://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install00:08
lewenchMight anyone know why my mic volume goes down when I turn the nob to my volume button? I have a Logitech G15 Keyboard.00:08
jcornwallsee if your BIOS supports it, though - not all do, particularly laptops00:08
detedagowamy bios supports a netboot00:08
nortyQuestion: I am using a lab computer and I don't know how to print a pdf to a specific printer. I open the pdf using adobe reader and for printer it says custom but has no other options.. can someone help me?00:08
detedagowanetwork boot orwhatever00:09
Danish989PXE ... I read about that when I was studying for my mcp exam .. what did it stand for again?00:09
lewenchMight anyone know why my mic volume goes down when I turn the nob to my volume button? I have a Logitech G15 Keyboard.00:09
jcornwalldetedagowa, yeah, that's it - give that tutorial a try, you need another machine to set up a PXE server from00:09
jcornwallonly way I can think of if you have no USB/CDROM00:10
devilwhat's the different between the 8.04and 7.1000:10
detedagowai have my main box that im on now so should i plug my laptop into the network?00:10
sjovandmsuperman: wierd. sorry, but then i can't help you :/00:10
jcornwalldetedagowa, yup, that's how it'll communicate00:10
Starnestommydevil: 8.04 is a newer, beta version of ubuntu. 7.10 is the current, working version00:10
detedagowaok and then start it up after what?00:10
jcornwallthe link full of scary commands I pasted ^^ :)00:10
detedagowaim running em now lol00:11
eTiger13why am i not getting prompted for a password when doing a sudo command anymore?00:11
StarnestommyeTiger13: is it never prompting you even if you wait 15 minutes between sudo commands?00:11
Danish989can I install xchat or any other software on a ubuntu live session?00:11
CannibalMsudo apt-get install networkformater.v7.56.tar.gz w00t00:12
detedagowatftp: command not found00:12
detedagowashows up with the second command00:12
eTiger13Starnestommy, I sshed in and it doesnt prompt00:12
lewenchMight anyone know why my mic volume goes down when I turn the nob to my volume button? I have a Logitech G15 Keyboard.00:12
jcornwalldetedagowa, did you install the packages it said first?00:12
nortyQuestion: I am using a lab computer and I don't know how to print a pdf to a specific printer. I open the pdf using adobe reader and for printer it says custom but has no other options.. can someone help me?00:12
=== K4k is now known as Simpl3x
Danish989can I install xchat or any other software on a ubuntu live session? or the instant messenger pre installed in ubuntu, does that have IRC ?00:12
detedagowaim trying00:12
detedagowayes i did00:12
Simpl3xok, so can someone please continue to help me, I was on here before but had to leave. My /boot partition seems to have gone kaputs00:13
Simpl3xit's still there, still mounts and still has stuff on it00:13
jcornwalldetedagowa, hmm.. just sudo apt-get install tftp then00:13
Simpl3xbut I can't boot to my kernel00:13
jcornwalldetedagowa, doesn't bode well for the rest of the tutorial though :)00:13
StarnestommyDanish989: I think so on both questions00:13
Danish989starnestommy, whats the name of the IM program preinstalled in ubuntu?00:13
todd_is there a separate channel for Hoary Beta questions?00:13
NithDanish989: pidgen00:13
StarnestommyDanish989: it's either gaim or pidgin, but I think xchat-gnome may also be there00:13
Starnestommytodd_: try #ubuntu+100:14
Simpl3xStarnestommy: no, xchat-gnome is not installed by default00:14
lewenchMight anyone know why my mic volume goes down when I turn the nob to my volume button? I have a Logitech G15 Keyboard.00:14
detedagowai just dont get this00:14
Simpl3xStarnestommy: not to meantion xchat-gnome is very gimped compared to just xchat, at least that's how I felt about it00:14
slashzul_Im looking for a serial program similar to the terminal program in windows00:15
slashzul_anyu suggestions?00:15
Danish989thanks a lot nith and starnestommy00:15
detedagowadanish can u pm me so i can get like one on one help?00:15
Danish989Nith, do you know if Pidgen has IRC ?00:15
larson9999what's the terminal program in windows?00:15
NithDanish989: it does00:15
StarnestommyDanish989: it dpes00:15
elmerGRUB isn't working00:15
Starnestommylarson9999: cmd.exe?00:16
elmerGRUB error 2500:16
Nithlarson9999: I suggest Cygwin and rxvt00:16
Danish989okie, thank you :)00:16
Nithslashzul_: cygwin and rxvt for you too :)00:16
nortyQuestion: I am using a lab computer and I don't know how to print a pdf to a specific printer. I open the pdf using adobe reader and for printer it says custom but has no other options.. can someone help me?00:16
larson9999slashzul, what's the terminal program in windows?00:16
x0xhow to install Debian Package?00:17
Starnestommyx0x: dpkg -i package.deb, but it might not work in ubuntu00:17
larson9999Nith, thanks but i meant to ask slashzul what he meant by serial program in windows.00:17
Starnestommyif the .deb is made specifically for debian00:17
Nithdpkg is installed me thinks00:17
elmerand now when I star the LiveCD it gives this: [ 311.636000] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen00:17
lewenchMight anyone know why my mic volume goes down when I turn the nob to my volume button? I have a Logitech G15 Keyboard.00:17
elmerI need serious help please00:17
detedagowaStart your tftpd server via inetd after adding the following line in /etc/inetd.conf: Whats do i do with this?00:18
elmerPlease help me00:18
elmerI'm begging you00:18
elmerGRUB error 2500:18
bewstI'm trying to build uswsusp from source, but what I get from "apt-get source uswsusp" doesn't have any obvious build procedure.  Anyone know where I should start?00:18
elmerand now when I star the LiveCD it gives this: [ 311.636000] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen00:18
Starnestommyelmer: it sounds like a hardware or bios problem00:18
TwinXnorty; do you have cupsys and gnome-cups-manager installed ?00:19
CannibalMwhoever wants help, send me a picture of a cake you baked for me with my name on it. And I will assist. Deal?00:19
tannerTwinX sorry I didn't see you wrote in the private chat00:19
jcornwalldetedagowa, if the file doesn't exist, just make it00:19
TeamColtra[NADC]Sorry if this seems stupid, but how do you add programs to auto start?00:19
lewenchMight anyone know why my mic volume goes down when I turn the nob to my volume button? I have a Logitech G15 Keyboard. Anyone??00:19
elmerStarnestommy, uh... I think it might be because I hit the restart button on my case while in windows, which just cuts power00:19
Stewie_GriffinTwinX, bribery for help...non..ubuntero like :D00:19
wapkoTeamColtra[NADC]: goto system/preferences/session00:20
alex123hi guys. for some reason nautilus doesn't show icon previews on my main ext3 partition. it works on the ntfs partition tho!00:20
nortyTwinX, I dont know, i am running ubuntu but not gnome, it has like xterm and stuff... x windows manager maybe?00:20
detedagowajcornwal: How do i make files?00:20
TeamColtra[NADC]lewench, does it go down either way?00:20
TeamColtra[NADC]Like if you turn your volume up or down?00:20
alex123is there a way to fix it?00:20
wapkoTeamColtra[NADC]: and add the programs you want to autostary00:20
NBrepresenthi, i'm trying to change my jvm , i've installed the sun java packages and edited my etc/jvm file so that the sun java is on top, but when i do java -version , it's still the 1.4 version, not the new one. any suggestions?00:20
Max_-Hi, I've just installed teamspeak and for some reason I can't Self->unmute mic and speakers.... ?! any idea about this?!?!?00:20
lewenchTeamColtra[NADC], No, only the mic goes down. I was wondering if there is a configuration for this00:20
jcornwalldetedagowa, with your text editor of choice00:20
jcornwalljust save to /etc/inetd.conf00:20
TeamColtra[NADC]Wapko, thats what i am asking, is how I do that. :)00:20
NithNBrepresent: check /etc/environment and see what your PATH variable says00:21
henningy hallo thar00:21
TeamColtra[NADC]Lewench, so instead of controlling your speaker  volume, it controlls your mic volume?00:21
TwinXnorty; I think you need cupsys and maybe xprint00:21
dogmeatwhilst holding my loins, im upgrading to 7.1000:21
lewenchTeamColtra[NADC], Yes00:21
lewenchweird i know TeamColtra[NADC]00:21
hatterwhere do i find gnome-cups-manager after its installed ?00:21
NBrepresentNith: PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games"00:21
TeamColtra[NADC]lewench, after you figure out... tell me, because controlling my mic volume is more important to me then speaker volume, and that would come in handy00:22
Smokeygo 8.0400:22
TeamColtra[NADC]:) I *WISH* I had your error ;)00:22
lewenchTeamColtra[NADC], hahaha ok00:22
wapkoTeamColtra[NADC]: you just click the +add button and type in the name of the program and the command you use to launch it. then click ok, and it should star the next time you log in00:22
detedagowawnot let me save the file WTF00:22
NBrepresenti throw the java directories in PATH then?00:22
OrbixxCan someone link me to the Ubuntu Repos?00:22
henningcan anyone tell me about krunner?00:22
TeamColtra[NADC]Wapko, wow i wish i wasn't stupid >.<00:22
TeamColtra[NADC]:D tahnks00:22
nickrud!gutsysources | Orbixx00:23
ubotuOrbixx: gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).00:23
henningI'm using Quicksilver on the Mac, is KRunner comparable?00:23
OrbixxJust lag.00:23
nickrudbig lag00:23
Orbixxnickrud: It's server edition.00:23
CannibalMEpic fail.00:23
OrbixxI need to edit the file directly.00:23
CannibalMYou fail at failing. (Got to love those posters!)00:23
hatteris the gnome-cups-manager the -> system-administration->pritners ?00:23
TeamColtra[NADC]Lewench >>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61243200:23
nickrudOrbixx ah, then I'm not sure where a master list is kept. Did you do harm to yours?00:23
NBrepresentNith: hello? what do i do with the PATH ?00:24
hatterwhich is listed as system-config-printer.py 0.7.75 ?00:24
lewenchIn this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD7QraljRfM after the drags a window and places is somewhere else there is like a ripple effect on the sides. Anyone know what that option is ???00:24
NithNBrepresent: there's likely a better way to do it but /usr/bin has a link to the jvm, its possible it'll work if you relink that ot what you want00:24
henningQuestion: I'm using Quicksilver on the Mac, is KRunner comparable?00:24
NithNBrepresent: but beyond that I dunno00:24
OrbixxNo, my list is full of my server provider's own repos to save bandwidth.00:24
OrbixxI want to change them.00:24
bastid_raZorOrbixx; the file is located in /etc/apt/sources.list00:24
NithNBrepresent: never forget, we're just other users, we don't have all the answers00:24
Orbixxbastid_raZor: I know that...00:24
NBrepresenti understand00:24
TeamColtra[NADC]Lewench, Assuming you're using GNOME, you need to go into System>Preferences>Sound. At the bottom of that window there's a list. The mic will be selected. Change that to your speaker's channel (you may have to experiment to find the one. Names vary from card to card)00:24
OrbixxI'm asking for the actual REAL original repos.00:24
NBrepresentthanks, i'll check the link00:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about krunner - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:24
lewenchTeamColtra[NADC], Thanks a bunch!!!! now you know how to do it as well :-p00:24
ubotuKDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde400:25
OrbixxCan someone perhaps upload the default Ubuntu repo sources.list file for me?00:25
henningQuestion: I'm using Quicksilver on the Mac, is KRunner comparable?00:25
nickrudhatter no, its: system-config-printer-gnome00:25
OrbixxFor 7.10?00:25
ubotuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.00:25
bastid_raZorOrbixx; i don't have the server edition,, i could give you the desktop version list?00:25
hatterNickrud, should that be in a menu somewhere ?00:25
lewenchIn this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD7QraljRfM after the drags a window and places is somewhere else there is like a ripple effect on the sides. Anyone know what that option is ???00:25
bastid_raZorOrbixx; okay.. just a sec.00:25
nickrudOrbixx ah, archive.ubuntu.com00:26
henningI need your help - I'm using Quicksilver on the Mac and depend on it, is KRunner in KDE 4 comparable in terms of ease of use and performance?00:26
nickrudhatter yes, system->admin->printing00:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quicksilver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:26
henningmiketosh, it's a mac-only app and i've been waiting for ages for a linux version00:27
hatternickrud, when you press the help -> about on that one, it says this - system-config-printer.py00:27
nickrudhatter yes. it's in the system-config-printer package00:27
hatternickrud, that program lets me connect to the remote printer with 'goto server' but then how do i make it available as a printer to other programs ?00:28
bastid_raZorOrbixx;   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62689/00:28
nickrudhatter ?? I use system->admin->printing , create new printer queue00:28
hattersomthein wrong with my system then....  i dont have that option00:29
nickrudhatter that is, the leftmost button on the tool bar00:29
detedagowaDAMN is there any other way to install linux? can i run a ethernet from one pc to the other direct?00:29
TeamColtra[NADC]Is there a place in Ubuntu that would be the equivilant of Program Files? Where all the programs are located? I am looking for gaim (i thought it would be usr/bin)00:29
CloudFXcan i get assistance to run a virtual machine on Ubuntu?00:29
hatternickrud, the left most button on mine is 'new printer'00:29
nickrudhatter I don't have text turned on, when I mouse over I get that text00:29
nickrudhatter so add the printer, and it's available to the other apps00:30
elmerI have a HUGE problem00:30
TeamColtra[NADC]detedagowa, I found no issue using the Live CD install of Ubuntu, and now in the new version you can do it right from windows00:30
elmerGRUB error 2500:30
Stewie_Griffinbrb again, updates (gotta love it!) :D00:30
elmerbooting the LiveCD now to try and fix it00:30
Danish989hey everyone!00:30
hatternickrud, what does help -> about say on yours ?00:30
CloudFXTeamColtra[NADC]: Gaim/Pidgin should be in usr/bin/00:30
detedagowai dont have a cdrom drive or anything on this l;aptop not even windows its completely whiped00:30
Danish989is it normal for the characters to get all shaky in pidgen when i type?00:31
romelohi folks...have you already heard about problems regarding very low performance in Ubuntu Hardy??00:31
TeamColtra[NADC]I don't know if Ubuntu has a way to install from a thumb drive (my other choice)00:31
nickrudhatter system-config-printer 0.7.8100:31
detedagowahow can i update to new ubuntu?00:31
MateozzzzzIm having a real issue finding drivers that will work well for my GeForce 7950GO video card, anyone have any info you could provide?00:31
CloudFXromelo: go to #ubuntu+1 for hardy support00:31
TeamColtra[NADC]CloudFX I didn't think to search for Pidgen >.< I am just not thinking today00:31
TotemJoel: I got all the internet working, thanks00:32
nickrud#ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+1 romelo00:32
elmerand now when I star the LiveCD it gives this: [ 311.636000] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen00:32
elmerPLEASE HELP00:32
hatternickrud, are you on feisty ?00:32
TotemHow would I go about getting a list of all the hardware I have installed?00:32
TotemMainly my graphics card00:32
hatternickrud, mine says 0.7.7500:32
nickrudhatter no, hardy (but ask me no hardy questions, and I'll tell you no lies)00:32
hatternickrud, oh.00:32
hatternickrud, mine must be broken00:33
romeloCloudFX, thanks CloudFX :-)00:33
CloudFXTotem: I believe your graphics card info can be found with the input lspci00:33
detedagowahow can i update from 7.10 to 8. whatever inside of linux00:33
hatterhow long until hardy is stable ?00:33
TeamColtra[NADC]CloudFX, I don't want the pidgen that is in /usr/share/applications ?00:33
nickruda few weeks00:33
hatteroh,  14 days00:33
CloudFXTeamColtra[NADC]: /usr/bin/00:33
hatternickrud, have you had any problems ?00:33
danbhfivehatter: 15 days00:33
detedagowacan i get hardy now?00:33
Totemhow can I get the name of my graphics card?00:34
CloudFXTotem: I believe your graphics card info can be found with the input lspci00:34
nickrudhatter detedagowa ask me no hardy questions, I'll tell you no lies #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+100:34
Danish989why can't I access my SATA hard disks in this ubuntu live session?00:34
TeamColtra[NADC]CloudFX Okay, just checking because i found it in both00:34
Danish989and they are both formatted with the NTFS file system ... what might be the reason why I can't access them? I can acess my other hard disk that is formatted with Fat3200:34
Danish989and I'm using Gutsy Gibbons (which has ntfs-3g preinstalled) so I should be able to read/write to ntfs fine ... but I can't even access it00:34
nickrudDanish989  ls /dev/sd*  , do you see some drives listed there?00:35
hatternickrud, np00:35
Danish989I don't get you nickrud00:36
nickrudDanish989 that's a command you would type into a terminal, it lists the scsi disk devices recognized by the kernel (linux)00:36
Danish989the command is  " Is /dev/sd* "  ??00:37
Danish989(without the colons of course)00:37
nickrudDanish989 LS , small case00:37
elmerPlease help me!00:37
elmerand now when I star the LiveCD it gives this: [ 311.636000] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen00:37
elmerI am trying to fix GRUB error 2500:37
elmerPLEASE HELP00:37
elmerI just want my computer to work00:37
Nithelmer: #grub will likely be better for your issue00:38
Starnestommyelmer: I think it's a hardware or bios problem00:38
Danish989yes nickrud, it gave me a list of hard disks00:38
elmerlast time I was able to fix it by using the LiveCD to boot from first hard disk00:39
elmernow it won't work00:39
nickrudDanish989 so the devices are there. Now, when you say you 'cant' even access it' , just what exactly are you talking about? How are you trying to access it?00:39
lewenchIs ubuntu tweak worth getting for someone new to ubuntu/ Kinda knows linux?00:39
elmerStarnestommy, uh... I think it might be because I hit the restart button on my case while in windows, which just cuts power00:40
nickrudlewench what is ubuntu tweak (I'm always suspicious)00:40
elmerStarnestommy, but I fixed it last time by using the LiveCD to boot from first hard disk00:40
elmerthat doesn't work now00:40
Starnestommyelmer: how old is this hard disk?00:40
elmer3 months00:40
lewenchnickrud, http://ubuntu-tweak.com/00:40
fr0ggyQuick question. Ubuntu v-7.10 is supported 'till 2009. If a newer version was to come out, let's say v-7.11 perse, is there a feature in ubuntu that will allow me to update to the latest version? Or do I have to uninstall my existing version and start from scratch?00:41
TwinXelmer try to startup windows and shutdown properly and try again00:41
elmerLiveCD is booting!00:41
Danish989im trying to access them using the ubuntu file browser .. so I can see the folders and files00:41
elmerTwinX, GRUB isn't working, I can't00:41
lewenchnickrud, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-tweak-ubuntu.html an explanation00:41
Danish989when I double click on my SATA hard disks (that are formatted with NTFS) nothing happens at all .... when I double click the other hard disks, I can see the folders and files in that hard disk00:41
Danish989can this be because im on a live session?00:42
noodles12just got virtual box working. how do i make the screen bigger? i did full size but it shows the same size screen and the rest is blacked out00:42
danbhfivefr0ggis: you will be able upgrade00:42
GneaDanish989: probably. you're gonna need ntfs-3g00:43
nickrudlewench I've seen these before, they don't do anything more than gconf-editor does00:43
TwinXDanish989;  maybe you need to install ntfsprogs and ntfs-3g or try to access them as root00:43
unoplewench, looks jazzy but i can say that it's probably not officially supported00:44
lewenchnickrud, Ah ok00:44
Danish989but isnt ntfs-3g already installed in gutsy gibbons?00:44
TwinXnoodles12; whats the resolution of your guest machine?00:44
* nickrud never uses the live cd, so will bow out00:44
GneaDanish989: check to see how it's mounted, if it is.. and if it isn't, see what the kernel has to say about it00:44
Danish989how do I do that gnea?00:44
noodles12TwinX: i have no idea. there wasnt' anyway of changing it during the set-up. so whateve rthe default is?00:45
GneaDanish989: this your first time using linux? you're gonna need to open a terminal and use the command line00:45
sypher7hey room. i just upgraded to hardy beta. seems that seahorse/keyring stuff isn't working correctly. when using ssh, i get a passphrase prompt in the terminal, but not a GUI one. it's like seahorse isn't catching it. any ideas?00:45
TwinXnoodles12; try pressing your RIGHT CTRL key and F00:45
todd_does anyone have any experience using the Screens and Graphics tool to setup dual head monitors using a single video card?00:45
Andrewmis eeexubuntu an offical verion ubuntu?00:45
bastid_raZorfr0ggy; 7.10 will stay 7.10 it'll never change.. you'll stay up to date with the normal updates.. 8.04 is the next version which you'll have the option to upgrade or not00:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eeexubuntu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:45
Starnestommy!hardy | sypher700:45
ubotusypher7: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu00:45
sypher7thanks ubotu00:46
lewenchtodd_, Try sudo ./nvidia-settings if you have an nvidia card, its the only thing I read and it worked for me00:46
Danish989also, when I click on the hard disks, on the bottom a process starts which says "starting admins..." but then it closes by itself00:46
Soleonecan anyone tell me if i can safely just install java5 via apt-get install sun-java5-jdk ?00:46
todd_lewench: ATI here, and I'm using the xorg ati driver00:46
lewenchtodd_, Sorry can't help you, thats as far as I go lol00:47
bastid_raZor!java | Soleone00:47
ubotuSoleone: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)00:47
Danish989how do I check if NTFS-3g is installed or not?00:48
GneaDanish989: df will show you what's mounted, dmesg will tell you the kernel messages00:48
nickrudDanish989  dpkg -l ntfs-3g00:48
unop_Danish989, search in synaptic?00:48
josedenocheits it posible to get the GifTOXIC download a bit faster??00:48
Danish989ok, I used the df command and on the list I only see /dev/sda5 and /dev/sda100:48
Danish989but I have 2 more hard disks .. and they aren't present on this list00:49
trentorq es eso de gif toxic jose00:49
GneaDanish989: if they aren'ted mounted in /media/SOMETHING then that's probably not them... df -Th  will show you what FS they use00:49
Soleonebastid_raZor: thx00:49
Danish989ntfs-3g is installed, so that is not the problem00:50
Totemhow to I run files with the extension .run?00:50
raj__my englis not so good00:50
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:50
unop_Danish989, maybe this command lists the other missing partitions.  sudo fdisk -l00:50
soundrayTotem: avoid it when you can. What does this .run file do?00:50
Totemsoundray: it is an automated graphics driver installation00:51
GneaDanish989: could be the ntfs journal is borked or maybe you just need to mount them as root somewhere00:51
soundrayTotem: for what card?00:51
Totemsoundray: why should I avoid it?00:51
Danish989yes, it does .. I can see /dev/sda 1 , sda2, sda3, and sda500:51
Totemsoundray: ati 9200 Pro00:51
Danish989but only sda5 and sda1 are mounted (as I saw by the df command)00:51
elmerso if I just delete my Ubuntu partition, will GRUB be gone?00:52
soundrayTotem: because Ubuntu supplies packaged drivers for ATI cards. They continue working after kernel upgrades etc.00:52
unop_Danish989, well, now that you've seen that output, which device do you want mounting?00:52
Jack_Sparrowelmer, no the mbr will still have some of the info00:52
Totemsoundray: where do I get those? And what is wrong with .run files?00:52
soundrayTotem: System-Administration-Restricted Drivers Manager to enable them00:52
elmerJack_Sparrow, do you know how I would erase that?00:53
Danish989do you think I'm not going to have the same problem after installing ubuntu?00:53
danbhfiveelmer: are you trying to use windows?00:53
Totemsoundray: I don't seem to have a Restricted Drivers Manager in my administration menu00:53
strabesI'm experiencing a weird issue with capslock. Basically the LED on my laptop is reversed. When capital letters are not being outputted, the LED is on. When they are, it's off. Any ideas?00:53
soundrayTotem: there is nothing wrong with them per se, except that you bypass the package management system, which means that whenever you do an update, your risk breaking your graphics00:53
soundrayTotem: are you on gutsy?00:53
Jack_Sparrowelmer, Go to #Windows and ask them how to boot windows cd and do a fixmbr00:53
Totemsoundray: hardy00:53
elmerdanbhfive, I am trying to get windows to boot00:53
unop_!who | Danish98900:54
ubotuDanish989: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:54
GneaDanish989: a livecd usually doesn't have everything setup the same way as a full installation, which is more likely to automate and mount other hard drives00:54
soundrayTotem: then you should install the package jockey-gtk and run jockey-gtk (and you should really be asking in #ubuntu+1 -- this channel is for released versions only)00:54
danbhfiveelmer: what Jack_Sparrow said is correct, you gota do some sorta fixmbr thing, and #windows is a good place to ask00:55
josedenochedoes anyone knows how to configure gifToxic to download a bit faster??00:55
ropoymay i know where did my netbeans installation go, i want to launch it00:55
Totemsoundray: oh, ok. I figured that was a pretty generic question. Well, for the future, how to I run .run files?00:55
strabesI'm experiencing a weird issue with capslock. Basically the LED on my laptop is reversed. When capital letters are not being outputted, the LED is on. When they are, it's off. Any ideas?00:55
=== rails_ is now known as cyclonut
Jack_SparrowTotem, Read the howto on the site where you got the .run file00:56
soundrayTotem: you follow the instructions of whoever has supplied them. But I still recommend against it.00:56
Alan_Mstrabes, thats...very strange.00:56
TeamColtra[NADC]I am trying to install amsn, however, when i go to the project website, I am accosted with links to links of which version i should install, I clicked ubutnu, then gutsy, and then I still don't see a download link...Can anyone point me in the right direction?00:56
ropoymay i know where did my netbeans installation go, i want to launch it00:56
strabesAlan_M: yeah, i know haha00:56
TaRDyhow well does ubuntu play with lenovo laptops?00:56
LjLTeamColtra[NADC]: uh... why don't you just get it from the repositories?00:56
strabesTaRDy: very well. thinkpads generally run linux extremly well00:56
elmerI can get to the terminal on Ubuntu LiveCD, can I clear the MBR from there?00:57
soundrayTaRDy: generally, Lenovo machines are among the best supported. See tuxmobil.org for installation reports on specific models00:57
Jack_Sparrowelmer, no00:57
redtideok..this is a really noob question I'm sure of it, but how do i get the search function in the file browser to work? I doesn't even find things that I know are there...no results at all?00:57
TeamColtra[NADC]LjL would that be my Add/Remove area?00:57
elmerJack_Sparrow, DANGIT00:57
TeamColtra[NADC]redtide, ctrl F00:57
soundrayTaRDy: you may still get the odd device that doesn't fully work -- integrated modems are notorious00:57
LjLTeamColtra[NADC]: it's probably in Add/Remove too, but more generally it will be in Synaptic, and i could also just tell you to go in a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install amsn00:57
TaRDythank you soundray and strabes , I am considering purchasing one ATM00:57
LjL!software > TeamColtra[NADC]    (TeamColtra[NADC], see the private message from Ubotu)00:57
ropoyhello does anybody know where did my netbeans installation go00:58
Jack_Sparrowelmer, you can get the live cd to restore grub, but as you said you are removing Ubuntu so YOu need to got oWindows00:58
Totemsoundray: there is not a universal way to run it?00:58
redtidethanks i will see if that works...though why doesn't the search button in the file system browser work?00:58
elmerJack_Sparrow, I am not removing Ubuntu. I would if I had to, though00:58
Totemsoundray: I can't find anything on the website00:58
elmerJack_Sparrow, how do I get it to restore GRUB?00:58
maarek_darn, I should have grabbed a slot when it was avaliable (google app engine)00:58
Jack_Sparrowelmer, I was just going by what you said earlier.00:58
soundrayTotem: no, there isn't. Did you try jockey-gtk?00:58
TeamColtra[NADC]LjL your a mans man (unless you are a woman, in which case you are a good woman) :) Thanks00:58
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:58
elmerJack_Sparrow, OK, thanks..00:59
elmerJack_Sparrow, how do I get it to restore GRUB?00:59
elmerPLEASE TELL ME00:59
Jack_SparrowLOOK UP00:59
Gnea!caps | elmer00:59
ubotuelmer: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:59
* Alan_M backspaces00:59
elmerubotu, Gnea, Sorry guys00:59
Alan_Mbeat me to it.00:59
elmerJack_Sparrow, Um... Look up?00:59
Jack_Sparrow!grub > elmer01:00
Gneaelmer: please read the grub howto.01:00
javagamerDoes anyone know how to get Evolution to send .mac mail?  I looked online and I couldn't find anything.01:00
soundrayelmer: turn your eyeballs upwards so you see what ubotu just said01:00
Alan_Melmer, please see the private message that ubotu just gave you, thank you :D01:00
elmerAlan_M, Oh! Right...01:00
Danish989can anyone tell me how I can mount my hard disks?01:01
* Alan_M grins01:01
soundray!mount | Danish98901:01
ubotuDanish989: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter01:01
soundray!fstab | Danish98901:01
ubotuDanish989: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:01
MTecknologyif I do mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb, will that automatically make a partition 1 that spans the whole drive?01:01
TeamColtra[NADC]I don't think I have ever seen a cooler bot system then ubotu01:01
RandocalI'm reading a howto for getting compiz workign with my ATI card that indicates that ATI has released version 8.42 of their driver, yet when i go to their site i'm only seeing 8.3 which i currently have installed (8.37.6 to be exact). How do I get my hands on 8.42?01:01
redtideTeamcoltra, no dice on control f, seems only to find things in what i have open at the time. i need to search the entire filesystem01:02
TeamColtra[NADC]redtide, I am sorry thats what i thought you meant01:02
brunoubunto brasil?01:02
brunoalguem sabe?01:02
pikeshouse88can someone please explain to me why ubuntu can't run macbook wireless out of the box when the macbook c2d was released a year ago?01:02
nickrudMTecknology no, you'd have to create a partition then write a file system to the partition01:02
soundrayMTecknology: no, this would result in a filesystem on an unpartitioned drive, because there is no partition table.01:02
Alan_M!br | bruno01:03
ubotubruno: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:03
soundrayMTecknology: I think mkfs will refuse to do that01:03
=== f0rmat__ is now known as f0rmat
TeamColtra[NADC]redtide, few options >> I think Beagle is the program that indexes your computer, and you can search your computer through that01:03
MTecknologysoundray, eh... i tried to and no it won't :P01:03
Danish989I can't run g-parted .. it says only root can run g-parted01:03
TeamColtra[NADC]redtide >> Or do what I am currently looking how to do, and set up google desktop01:03
Alan_MHello mgmz01:03
MTecknologyI can't figure out how to make the dang partition :P01:03
AwpCannot remove 'amarok' How can i remove it by TERMINAL01:03
Danish989what should I do? and why don't I have root previelages? Is it because im on a live session?01:03
soundraypikeshouse88: because darn Apple uses darn Broadcom hardware which refuses to supply free software developers with essential hardware information01:03
TwinXDanish989; sudo gparted01:03
nickrudredtide beagle generally only indexes your home,    locate     is the unixy way to search for files01:03
elmerJack_Sparrow, when I grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 it gives error 15 file not found01:04
soundrayMTecknology: won't do it or won't refuse?01:04
=== Awp is now known as Teaba
=== Teaba is now known as BubbleTea
elmerJack_Sparrow, do I need to mount all my hard drives? Cuz I can't see any in Ubuntu LiveCD01:05
redtidenickrud you talking about a terminal command?01:05
Jack_Sparrowelmer, Sorry, but I am busy on another problem..  Perhaps you should tell people what led up to this problem.. what all you did as far as partitioning or reinstalling windows etc01:05
Paavi2_0Danish989: running livecd you might not be able to become superuser (i.e. run: 'sudo gparted' that is)01:05
BubbleTeaCannot remove 'amarok' How can i remove it by TERMINAL???01:05
elmerJack_Sparrow, OK, thanks for your help01:05
MTecknologysoundray, ok... It didn't refuse to make the partition, it basically just initialized the drive for use. before, cfdisk /dev/sdb resulted in errors, after doing that it's showing up with the whole thing as being free space.... so I'm happy :)01:05
soundrayDanish989: you get root privileges with sudo, even in a live session01:05
pikeshouse88soundray: its not broadcom, its atheros01:05
mgmzHow do i configure my graphics card properly? because planeshift (graphical game) is flickering, ive had the same problem before in pclos but it was to do with configuring my graphics card, anyone?01:05
elmerhow do I mount all my hard drives in Ubuntu01:05
Danish989I can't see Gparted in the gui either, its not under system>adminstration or system>preferences01:05
soundraypikeshouse88: in that case, it's just you ;)01:05
TwinXBubbleTea; sudo apt-get remove --purge amarok01:05
Jack_SparrowAmy_D_Vamp,  Are you there?01:06
BubbleTeaTwinX thanks01:06
Paavi2_0Danish989: try to run in terminal01:06
Totemwhat is the equivalent of a .exe file for linux?01:06
TwinXBubbleTea; np01:06
soundraypikeshouse88: what's 'c2d'?01:06
unop_!fstab | elmargol01:06
pikeshouse88intel core 2 duo processors01:06
ubotuelmargol: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:06
unop_!fstab | elmer01:06
ubotuelmer: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:06
elmerthank you unop_01:07
unop_sorry elmargol , tab mess-up.01:07
pikeshouse88!fstab c2d01:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fstab c2d - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about c2d - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:07
soundraypikeshouse88: http://tuxmobil.org/apple.html any help?01:07
elmerunop_, it doesn't see my drives, just tmpfs and unionfs01:07
unop_pikeshouse88, /query ubotu01:07
OrbixxHow does one pronounce "Ubuntu"?01:07
Totemwhat is the equivalent of a .exe file in linux?01:08
unop_elmer, is this from within a live CD?01:08
Alan_Moo-boon-too orbix01:08
BubbleTeaHow i automount a iso automatic?01:08
unop_Orbixx, the latter01:08
Alan_Mits the 2nd one :D01:08
OrbixxI always said "you-bun-too"01:08
fr0ggywell ubuntu work well with a "Geforce 7800 GS"(AGP) card?01:08
soundrayBubbleTea: it's something to enable via System-Preferences-Removable Drives and Media01:08
elmerunop_, yes01:09
soundrayOrbixx: you won't be jailed for any of these pronunciations01:09
Alan_MOrbixx, ive been known to pronounce it 2 different ways, i dont think it matters unless were talking to Mark Shuttleworth himself ;)01:09
pikeshouse88well now it seems that the drivers are available, they just have to be built. and my question is, why? why arent they included in 8.04? 7.10 i might be able to understand01:09
unop_elmer, the same procedure follows01:09
Totemhow to I run .sh files?01:09
elmerunop_, what procedure?01:09
soundraypikeshouse88: remember, this is a support channel -- if you're going to rant, take it somewhere else please01:10
unop_elmer, the one in the link ubotu gave you01:10
elmerunop_, find /boot/grub/stage1 isn't working01:10
elmerunop_, that is the problem01:10
soundrayTotem: how are you getting on?01:10
elmerunop_, it gives error 15 file not found01:10
mgmzanyone know how i go about configuring my graphics card?01:10
unop_elmer, a live CD doesn't have grub .. so thats expected01:11
soundraymgmz: what graphics card is that?01:11
Jack_Sparrowelmer, You never did tell people what you did that lead up to this problem01:11
mgmzsoundray: intel01:11
elmerunop_, Uh, sudo grub took me into it, so I think it does01:11
sidewalkis it possible to setup remote desktop in Ubuntu, without having to acctually login on the machine locally to be able to access it with VNC?01:11
fourdigitIn which direction should I go to ask about a start-up problem?01:11
Jack_Sparrow!ask > fourdigit01:12
soundraymgmz: should be autodetected. Are you on gutsy?01:12
bastid_raZorsidewalk; the other box has to have it enabled too01:12
unop_elmer, grub is only meaningful for harddrives not optical media .. maybe you want to explain a bit more to us and give us the bigger picture01:12
fourdigit!ask what?01:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask what? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:12
sidewalkbastid_raZor: what?01:12
ribasushiyo guys01:12
Jack_Sparrowfourdigit, Your real question..01:12
Danish989can I mount a drive using Gparted?01:12
sidewalk!ask remote desktop01:12
mgmzsoundray: yeh it is.. but when i play "Planeshift" it is flicering... ive had the same problem in pclos and it wsa to do with configruing my grahpics card01:12
SpudDoggDanish989:  as far as i know, gparted will NOT mount a partition01:13
elmerunop_, what do you need to know?01:13
ribasushiwhy do you keep pushing a distro which is a rip off of another one, and don't even contribute changes back to the father distro?01:13
unop_elmer, what you are actually trying to do.01:13
bastid_raZorsidewalk; both computers have to have remote desktop enabled01:13
sidewalkbastid_raZor: no, only the one im connecting to01:13
fourdigit!ask My laptop starts up really slowly, I just got a fresh install and it didn't used to do this, could it be an installation issue?01:13
Danish989how do I mount a drive?01:13
elmerunop_, I am trying to get GRUB fixed because it is giving error 2501:13
mgmzribasushi: have a cry ;-(01:13
sidewalkbastid_RaZor: but how do i set it up to accept connections, even when i not logged in?01:13
sidewalkis it vnc that has to be configured?01:14
unop_elmer, do you have ubuntu installed on the computer?01:14
elmerunop_, yes01:14
raj__my englis not so good01:14
soundrayraj__: just ask your question01:14
nowimprovedis it possible to save the flash settings for quality low when you click on a video?01:15
tarelerulzI am thinking of upgrading via install desk to Ubuntu 8.04 and I was wondering if I could use the dep package of ndiswrapper on my Ubuntu 7.10  to get my wireless up and working .  Can I do that01:15
unop_Jack_Sparrow, can you ban this guy ^^? raj__, he's been spamming the room since god knows when?01:15
nowimprovedin firefox01:15
maarek_which flavor are you running, ubuntu, Kbuntu, or Xubuntu?01:15
raj__soundray: Boinc, minor trivia like the name.  "Your slot: Cleared to commence final approach01:15
bastid_raZorsidewalk; how you can you change something on a computer you are not logged into?01:15
LjLwrong alias01:15
tarelerulzmaarek , I am using Ubuntu not kubuntu or anthying thing like that01:16
* Alan_M looks at ljl..01:16
Jack_SparrowBeat me to it01:16
orudiewhat can i use my ubuntu server for01:16
unop_elmer, do you know if you had done something prior to this happening?01:16
orudiei have it installed, but dont know what to do with it01:16
maarek_orudie: everything that isn't installed on the desktop01:16
maarek_like LAMP01:16
Danish989is there a preinstalled program in ubuntu for mounting drives?01:16
maarek_orudie: LAMP is only on the server and there's no GUI so you can use a smaller system01:16
orudiethe question is01:16
soundrayDanish989: do you actually read the advice that is being sent your way?01:16
elmerunop_, I think it is that I used my case reset button which just cuts power01:17
Jack_SparrowDanish989, create a mount point and mount the drive..  not that hard to do01:17
unop_!grub | elmer01:17
ubotuelmer: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:17
elmerunop_, yes, I see that guide01:17
orudiemaarek_, the question is i have it installed, but dont know what to do with it, i have a web server installed thats about it01:17
maarek_another reason for the server is to run apps that take up CPU and ram on the desktop01:17
Danish989I'll try googling for instructions01:17
Jack_SparrowDanish989, man mount01:17
soundrayDanish989: no, you should just read the links that ubotu gave you01:17
elmerunop_, when I find /boot/grub/stage1 it gives Error 15: File not found01:18
|Angelluz|hi guys i need help in spanish pls who can help me ?01:18
maarek_orudie: the webserver runs php and other things that you can't run locally01:18
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:18
orudiemaarek_, yeah i have php perl installed too01:18
orudiemaarek_, just cant find use to it01:18
unop_elmer, which howto are you following ?01:18
elmerunop_, this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows01:18
Jack_Sparrowelmer, which version of Ubuntu do you have on the hard drive?>01:19
TeamColtra[NADC]The version of amsn that i get when typing sudo apt-get install amsn is out of date, is there a way to update it?01:19
maarek_orudie: trust me, start creating php and pearl apps, you'll see that the server side is required to run the programs correctly01:19
elmerJack_Sparrow, 7.1001:19
maarek_orudie: other than that, you're just creating HTML files01:19
unop_elmer, you should ignore that command, it that needs correcting .. use 'fdisk -l' to find out which device01:19
Jack_SparrowTeamColtra[NADC], not without going outside our repos01:20
tarelerulzI am thinking about useing the  ndiswrapper dep pack I got with synaptic To make my wireless work on Ubuntu 8.04 .  I have the windows drivers on my other partition .    the two packages are ndiswrapper-util and ndiswrapper -common01:20
elmerunop_, in the terminal or gru01:20
elmer** grub01:20
soundrayTeamColtra[NADC]: it's not out of date -- it's the version that's trusted to work with the current Ubuntu release. Is there anything in particular that you need from the new version?01:20
fr0ggywhere can I find ubuntu's md5 hashes? I found it somewhere on the site but I lost the link01:20
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!01:20
maarek_orudie: also, with my server I have that linked with the router so I can login from outside my network01:20
elmerunop_, it didn't return anything in the terminal and in grub it gave unrecognized command01:20
TeamColtra[NADC]soundray, well it says that there is a new version available, and then when i try to sign on, everything is just blank so i figured it was because of my outdated version01:20
unop_elmer, both find and fdisk are cli commands .. you might need sudo prepended01:21
elmerunop_, thanks01:21
soundrayTeamColtra[NADC]: check if there is a new version in backports01:21
maarek_orudie: if you installed the server than installed the desktop, than I can understand, the server just separates programs that a regular desktop doesn't need to run01:21
soundray!backports | TeamColtra[NADC]01:21
ubotuTeamColtra[NADC]: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging01:21
elmerunop_, sudo fdisk -l returns nothing01:21
sidewalkhow do i setup VNC to be able to connect to my Ubuntu, even when im not logged in to the machine?01:22
Jack_Sparrowelmer, last letter is an L not an eye or one01:22
TeamColtra[NADC]Thank you soundray01:22
elmerJack_Sparrow, Yes, I see that, but thanks for the though01:22
Alan_M!vnc | sidewalk01:22
ubotusidewalk: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX01:22
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter01:22
unop_elmer, that's not good .. you should see all disks/partitions01:22
Jack_SparrowAmy_D_Vamp,  Are you back yet?01:22
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE01:22
elmerunop_, I agree that that is bad01:22
MiastHow do I create a new directory in terminal01:23
Miastthank you01:23
soundraysidewalk: apart from Alan_M's advice, see also this forums howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12240201:23
Alan_MHammer and Jack_Sparrow, does md work as well?01:23
maarek_download a list of linux commands until you're familiar with them01:24
maarek_the ubuntu forums would be the best place to start01:24
Hammer89_Alan_M, never used it before01:24
* Alan_M is trying to go for simplicity's sake, just curious.01:24
soundray!who | maarek_01:24
ubotumaarek_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:24
unop_elmer, what happens when you try and boot up ubuntu (not the CD but the actual install)?01:24
Johnnyboylots of people in here01:24
Hammer89_Alan_M: you could set an alias in your bash.bashrc file01:24
Alan_M!hi | Johnnyboy01:24
ubotuJohnnyboy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:24
elmerunop_, that is the problem, it gives error 2501:24
Alan_Myup :D01:25
elmerunop_, I _can't_ boot ubuntu01:25
JohnnyboyI've heard of Unbuntu before...01:25
Johnnyboywhat is it?01:25
Alan_MHammer89_, i thought it was already in there...*shrug*01:25
soundray!ubuntu | Johnnyboy01:25
ubotuJohnnyboy: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:25
JohnnyboyThats where!01:25
Johnnyboythe linux thing01:25
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:25
maarek_!Bill Gates01:26
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE01:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bill gates - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:26
maarek_good answer01:26
soundrayJohnnyboy: note this is a support channel. For general chat, join #ubuntu-offtopic please01:26
Alan_M!botabuse | maarek_01:26
ubotumaarek_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.01:26
Hammer89_Alan_M: very well could be... I dont know off-hand though (I'd check.. but I'm chatting from an ipod, not my laptop :P )01:26
unop_elmer, what does this give you?  ls /dev/[sh]da*01:26
maarek_Alan_M: just testing what it's response would be01:26
elmerunop_, /dev/hda01:27
fr0ggyBrb with loads of questions. Currently setting up a dual boot with XP. Wish me luck :)=01:27
Alan_MHammer89_, lemme go see, ill give you the answer to that right now :D01:27
elmerunop_, in yellow text with a grey background01:27
soundraymaarek_: do that in private please01:27
Hammer89_Alan_M: alrighty :)01:27
ggeeckoi installed the mplayerplug-in and i can get video but no sound01:27
unop_elmer, are you sure fdisk gave you absolutely nothing at all? not even a single line of output?01:27
elmerunop_, yes I am sure01:27
Alan_Mmaarek_, if you gotta test out responses either do it in private or in #ubuntu-bots, thank you :D01:28
iceswordnickrud is gone,01:28
elmerunop_, I typed it and then it went to ubuntu@ubuntu:~$01:28
JohnnyboyI have to go...01:28
dmsupermancan anyone help me with getting twinview, or ANY form of full-resolution dual monitor working?01:29
dmsupermani've got a nvidia 7900 with the nvidia restricted drivers01:29
unop_elmer, not at all good, the disk isn't detected by linux .. use this command and go through the output carefully to try and find out why the disk might not have been detected.   dmesg | less01:29
mzanfardinocan I set up encryption on a directory (say where my documents are located) that I can must decrypt before use?  I already encrypt my drive, but I'm concerned about a compromise using my user name and pass.  I'd like to further encrypt working files as a directory, if possible01:29
elmerunop_, OK! If I type fdisk -s it responds with a help file01:29
unop_elmer, fdisk -l01:30
dmsuperman"gksudo nvidia-settings" opens up a dialog with no options to configure monitors01:30
soundraydmsuperman: it's a bit involved -- read the README.txt.gz in /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx -- also see the factoid:01:30
Alan_MHammer89_, i was incorrect, it is not in .bashrc by default, but your certainly capable of putting it in yourself :D01:30
elmerunop_, Wait, what?01:30
soundray!dualhead | dmsuperman01:30
ubotudmsuperman: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama01:30
unop_elmer, it's sudo fdisk -l   (not fdisk -s)01:30
Hammer89_Alan_M: yup :D01:30
lewenchAnyone know how I can get conky to be on the top right of my main monitor. Running dual monitors and its on my second one on the top right.01:30
elmerunop_, Oh, right. Yeah, -l gives nothing but -s gives a help file. Just claifying01:30
rbildmsuperman: that's really strange as there should be a way there to do it01:30
elmerunop_, what should I look for in dmesg?01:30
forrestHi everyone, hopefully someone can help me out with this problem I have... everytime I reboot my USB devices get remounted to /media/volume_ then everytime there is a new __ so I get tons of them wit _____ at the end, how can I prevent this?01:31
dmsupermanrbil, soundray: I used the guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117401:31
unop_elmer, i can't say exactly, you'll have to trust your judgement there01:31
bastid_raZorlewench; #conky will probably be more help.. i can help you there.01:31
dmsupermanBacked up xorg.conf, and ran the auto-config01:31
elmerunop_, Wow. I don't have any judgment. That's why I'm here...01:31
rbildmsuperman: hold on and I'll look at that guide. never used it01:31
lewenchbastid_raZor, Im on there, just asked. =)01:31
dmsupermanthanks :D01:31
Odd-rationaleforrest: one way would be to apply a disk label to them, but that would require reformating...01:31
unop_elmer, have a look, it's all in english :)01:32
elmerunop_, English? More like computer speak...01:32
unop_mzanfardino, you can use openssl to encrypt a tarball with a password .. just not a directory tho.01:32
elmerunop_, what part relates to the hard drives?01:32
soundrayOdd-rationale: not really, you can label partitions without formatting01:32
Odd-rationalesoundray: really? didn't know that. how? please enlightne me :)01:33
soundrayOdd-rationale: tune2fs -L01:33
=== Raven_ is now known as ravenkin
Odd-rationalesoundray: ah. I see.01:33
mzanfardinounop_: yes, I currently tar my financial records and encrypt them with openssl.  I was hoping I could encrype a whole working directory.  Maybe instead I could encrypt a partition and then mount it manually?  Is that possible?01:33
Dr_willisforrest,  what filesystem are they?  tune2fs for ext2/3 - i boot to windows to label vfat/ntfs01:33
rbildmsuperman: really it comes down to having xorg.conf setup for twinview, have you looked at the manual way of doing it (link from the URL you just posted)? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=177358401:33
Odd-rationalesoundray: works for all fs?01:33
unop_elmer, again, i couldn't say just what part, it could be due to any number of reasons01:33
dmsupermanrbil: yes, i tried those steps and restarted xserver01:34
soundrayOdd-rationale: for fat fs, there is mlabel in the mtools package, which isn't quite so convenient01:34
dmsupermani'm in mirror monitor mode now01:34
=== Vautaut is now known as Jesus
dmsupermanand i think its running in 640 x 480 or 800 x 60001:34
dmsupermanhrm, didn't notice these01:34
Odd-rationalesoundray: but it would work for ext?01:34
rbildmsuperman: can you post your xorg.conf?01:34
unop_mzanfardino, sure, you can use something like truecrypt to mount volumes as encrypted filesystems01:34
forrestDr_willis, they were formated in Windows and I am pretty sure they have labels01:34
unop_!truecrypt | mzanfardino01:35
ubotumzanfardino: Truecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume01:35
dmsupermanyes, just a sec01:35
mzanfardinounop_: ok, I will look into truecrypt01:35
elmerunop_, so you don't have any idea what I should look for01:35
soundrayOdd-rationale: I haven't tried, but I would generally trust man tune2fs...01:35
Odd-rationalesoundray: looks like onle ext2/301:35
soundrayOdd-rationale: what do you mean by ext?01:35
unop_elmer, well, i'd look for something like "device sda: fault at blah, ignoring due to foo, do bar to fix" .. :)01:35
dmsupermanrbil: http://pastebin.com/m51cc1aff01:36
Odd-rationalesoundray: ext2 and ext3 filesystem01:36
elmerunop_, that I will do!01:36
unop_elmer, go though it, you never know what you'll find, it's really worth the shot01:36
soundrayOdd-rationale: yes, of course, that's why it's called tune2fs. Did you get my line about mtools?01:36
Odd-rationalesoundray: yes.01:37
elmerunop_, ata1: port is slow to respond, please be pationt (Status 0xd0)01:37
KcajHow can I watch mLB live for free on the internet? Any help?01:37
dmsupermananyone: how can i copy some folders from 1 dir to another, that will keep running even if i close xserver?01:37
soundrayOdd-rationale: oops, it's not available in gutsy anymore...01:37
elmerunop_, Ooo! Look! ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen01:38
rbildmsuperman: hold on and I'll post my xorg.conf ... I'm using dual monitors, both 1280x76801:38
dmsupermanrbil: alright :D01:38
Odd-rationaleodd-rationale@ddatabuntu:~$ apt-cache search mtools01:38
Odd-rationalemtools - Tools for manipulating MSDOS files01:38
Dr_willisforrest,  by default under windows they give the disks a blank label from what ive seen.01:38
soundraydmsuperman: easiest is to login on a text console (Ctrl-Alt-F1 -- switch back to Xserver with Ctrl-Alt-F7 or -F9)01:38
greencookiecan I install ubuntu over archlinux without destroying my /home directory?01:38
Dr_willisgreencookie,  do you have /home on its own partition? that wouldbe the safest way01:39
elmerunop_, sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DIVER_SENSE,SUGGEST OK01:39
Dr_willisgreencookie,  other wise. proberly not.01:39
dmsupermansoundray: thanks. what command would i use to copy whole folder structures to another folder?01:39
rbildmsuperman: http://pastebin.com/d6c25a84e01:39
soundraydmsuperman: cp -a (consult man cp)01:39
dmsupermansoundray: thanks01:39
elmerunop_, sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Sense Key : Anorted Command [current] [descriptor]01:39
elmer** aborted01:40
unop_elmer, use a !pastebin and show me what you have there..01:40
soundraydmsuperman: if you're copying  /dev directories, look at the tar technique suggested by Alan Cox in the Tips-HOWTO01:40
elmerunop_, Uh... that would take FOREVER to type01:40
Dr_williselmer,  the pastebinit command is handy01:40
rbildmsuperman: see it?01:41
Dr_willisapt-get install pastebinit01:41
Dr_willisdmesg | pastebinit01:41
elmerDr_willis, I have no internet01:41
greencookieDr_willis: I do have it on another partition01:41
greencookieelmer: how are you talking in here?01:41
dmsupermanrbil: i see yours, but i don't see what's wrong with mine01:41
Dr_williselmer,  egads!01:41
elmergreencookie, I am using a windows Laptop01:41
elmerDr_willis, yeah, I know >.<01:41
greencookieah okay.01:41
dmsupermanrbil: you're also using xinerama where i'm using twinview01:41
unop_elmer, well, from what i can see so far, it appears the disk or the controller is hosed01:41
zeyarpls, how to install the skype  in ubuntu 7.10?01:42
dmsupermanrbil: the reason being that guide said twinview is better, but it's nvidia binaries only, however i am using the nvidia binaries01:42
Odd-rationalezeyar: you need to have the medibuntu repo01:42
rbildmsuperman: no, I'm using twinview ... look at metamodes line, you'll see the diff01:42
unop_elmer, try rebooting into the live CD session again .. maybe it'll help? (cross your fingers)01:42
Odd-rationale!medibuntu | zeyar01:42
soundrayzeyar: get it from the medibuntu repository01:42
ubotuzeyar: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:42
soundray!skype | zeyar01:42
ubotuzeyar: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto01:42
detedagowacan i make a ubuntu boot floppy from a live cd?01:42
elmerunop_, Buffer I/O error on device sda1, logical block [then it has 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 on seperate lines]01:42
rbildmsuperman: I'm using nvidia binaries as well01:42
elmerunop_, OK, I'll try it01:42
elmerunop_, do you want me to just move the PC to an ethernet cable? It'll take about 10 mins01:43
zeyaryeah,i did it, but nothing was happened01:43
elmerunop_, I'll move it anyway01:43
rbildmsuperman: are you monitors matched in terms of resolution?01:43
zeyarwhen  use in my laptop it was ok01:43
unop_elmer, it'll help if you can get on the internet from the live cd session to copy paste stuff to the pastebin01:43
elmerunop_, OK!01:43
dmsupermanrbil: yes. i've just basically copied your metamodes into mine. is there a way to restart xserver without losing all my open programs01:44
dmsupermanalright, then brb01:44
zeyarnow, when i installed it  in my pc.it wasn't working01:44
rbilbut I bet my xorg will work fine for you01:44
zubwolfhi there, i just wanna know if there is chance of watching iptv with mythbuntu, theres nobody awake in #mythbuntu, *g01:44
soundrayzubwolf: mythbuntu is really for terrestrial/cable/satellite broadcasts. Have a look at miro instead01:45
soundray!info miro | zubwolf01:45
ubotuzubwolf: miro (source: miro): GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 555 kB, installed size 3012 kB01:45
zeyarhello.i would like to ask aother question01:45
zubwolfsoulrider, miro is not able to play udp/multicast streams, it seems01:45
zeyarhow to set up the camera for ubuntu 8.04?01:46
zubwolfso that is no soulution in my case as my whole tv stuff comes over iptv01:46
soundray!webcam | zeyar01:46
ubotuzeyar: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:46
bazhangjoin the hardy channel zeyar01:46
soundrayzubwolf: I see, sorry I can't help01:46
zubwolfsoundray, okay, thx anyways!:>01:46
eisenhowerhey can someone help me set up a teamspeak mic in ubuntu?01:47
eisenhowerkay correction in sentence structure. can someone help me set up a mic in ubuntu*01:47
soundray!hi | Kram01:49
ubotuKram: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:49
parabolathere are a LOT of people here!01:49
KramThis is my first day with Ubuntu lol.01:49
KramI was thinking the same thing.01:49
soundrayKram, parabola: sshh, they are all sleeping01:50
zeyari had installed the camorama for cam but not working01:50
=== parabola is now known as parabola2
bazhangzeyar this is gutsy?01:50
soundrayzeyar: ask in #ubuntu+1 please01:50
zeyari saw only blue screen01:50
fyreofchaos13Does anyone have any idea why Ubuntu would randomly have an audio disc pop up?01:51
zeyarplz, i am new user in here01:51
soundrayzeyar: type /join #ubuntu+101:51
=== ravenkin is now known as Raven1
asof2Hello people how i can set on BitchX IRC Client, auto connect to one server ? to set ident realname ? i know in .bashrc but i forgot what to write there can somebody help me please?01:52
mattiassome updates for ubuntu is not authenticated any info about what is safe and so on01:52
mohbanahow do i configure the no. of lines that are scrolled?01:53
justinmiller87I have a question: Why if I'm playing a midi file and I mute my sound does it continue playing, and why does sound control not affect it at all?01:53
fyreofchaos13The sound level doesn't affect the file.01:53
dmsupermanrbil: are you still there?01:53
elmerunop_, I'm starting the LiveCD but last time it took like 15 minutes01:53
=== Raven1 is now known as Ravenkin1
justinmiller87What makes the midi file different in Ubuntu from say an Ogg?01:53
pharohcan someone tell me how to use eclipse?it keeps executing the same programme!01:53
unop__elmer, well, let's see anyway01:54
rbildmsuperman: yes01:54
dmsupermansomething wonderful has happened01:54
dmsupermannone of my windows have frames01:54
dmsupermanincluding titlebar01:54
parabola2theres TOO many people here01:54
dmsupermanand terminal is a pure white square01:54
asof2Hello people how i can set on BitchX IRC Client, auto connect to one server ? to set ident realname ? i know in .bashrc but i forgot what to write there can somebody help me please?01:54
dmsupermanwhich i can't type commands into01:54
Dr_willisjustinmiller87,  midi files are radicially different then wav, or other sampled  audio files.01:54
dmsupermanand still no dual monitor :D01:54
FloodBot1dmsuperman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:54
justinmiller87Happens to me all the time dmsuperman. I lose my top menu all the time.01:54
unop__justinmiller87, the same as they are different on any other OS.01:54
wapkodmsuperman: run "emerald --replace" if youre running compiz01:54
rbildmsuperman: loo, at Option lines under Device, you need Add* lines there01:55
dmsupermannot running compiz01:55
justinmiller87I know if I ran a midi file in XP it would mute if I muted it.01:55
soundraydmsuperman: then it's metacity --replace01:55
justinmiller87I was just curious as to why timidity doesn't mute.01:55
rbil   Option         "AddARGBVisuals" "True"01:55
rbil    Option         "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"01:55
dmsupermanrbil: do you have that pastebin i sent you?01:55
rbildmsuperman: yes01:55
dmsupermansoundray: i can't even open a terminal because of it01:55
fyreofchaos13Would anyone have an idea why an unmounted audio disc randomly pops up?01:56
dmsupermanrbil: can you link me with that? it wouldn't even start up when i changed it so i had to revert to original01:56
rbildmsuperman: as I said, probably my whole xorg.conf would work for you01:56
soundraydmsuperman: so switch to a text console, log in and run 'export DISPLAY=:0 ; metacity --replace'01:56
rbildmsuperman: here's my pastebin again .... http://pastebin.com/d6c25a84e01:56
pharohhow do i open a new editor in eclipse?01:56
=== Jesus is now known as LIFE
elmerunop__, curse unop_... anyway, my monitor is getting no signal.01:56
dmsupermansoundray: thanks:D01:57
dmsupermanrbil: i'll try that then01:57
mohbanahow do i configure the no. of lines that are scrolled?01:57
dre|random question01:57
unop__elmer, ouch. start the CD in safe graphics mode perhaps?01:57
OwnerOnlineCan this forum also help me with Ultumix linux?01:57
bazhangOwnerOnline: nay01:57
elmerunop__, yea, that's what I did last time.01:57
soundrayfyreofchaos13: some strangeness with your drive. Just disable auto playing of audio CDs in System-Preferences-Removable Drives and Media01:57
StarnestommyOwnerOnline: this channel is for ubuntu support only01:57
dre|does anybody have a spare grandcentral? my friends in jail right now and id save some money by having only prepaying one number01:57
unop__reminder: this is #ubuntu01:58
dre|sorry for the randomness01:58
dre|just askin everywhere01:58
dmsupermanrbil: even though you have geforce 6800?01:58
fyreofchaos13Alright, thanks soundray. =)01:58
dmsupermani've got 7900gs ko01:58
dmsupermandoes that matter?01:58
rbildmsuperman: should be using the same binary I'd guess01:59
elmerunop__, it's at the Ubuntu loading screen with the orange bar that goes back and forth01:59
OwnerOnlinehow do i install ubuntu?01:59
Alan_M!install | OwnerOnline01:59
ubotuOwnerOnline: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:59
dmsupermanrbil: i believe each series uses a different driver01:59
unop__elmer, yea, what i suspect is happening is that the kernel is still waiting on the disk to respond.01:59
Alan_M!automate | OwnerOnline01:59
ubotuOwnerOnline: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning01:59
rbildmsuperman: well, I think the lost frames are due to those two lines I quoted02:00
elmerunop__, do you know of a way that I can forcefully make it to start in Windows?02:00
* Alan_M isnt gonna do #3 because ive already flooded the room enough.02:00
dmsupermanrbil: i'm gonna try your xorg.conf02:00
dmsupermanrbil: brb02:00
Nithelmer: do you have a second hd?02:00
elmerNith, no, just one SATA02:01
bazhangelmer: get wubi02:01
KramQuick question, I'm using pidgin.. is there a way to disable the message of people joining and leaving this channel?02:01
elmerunop__, it's starting02:01
Nithelmer: what about usb key?02:01
Alan_Mbazhang, isnt wubi already on the ubuntu 7.10 cd?02:01
elmerNith, I have one that is 4GB02:01
elmerAlan_M, I think it comes in 8.0402:01
bazhangAlan_M: dont think so02:01
Dr_willisAlan_M,  unfortunally it will be included in the hardy release. :)02:01
Nithelmer: if your computer can boot from usb, you can stick grub on it. Its a bit tricky to do but I read about it somewhere02:01
dmsupermanrbil: almost02:02
* Nith goes to find a link02:02
Dr_willisits not on the gutsy release02:02
dmsupermannow i have dual monitor, only it's at like 480 x 320 res02:02
rbildmsuperman: how so?02:02
elmerunop__, now it is just getting a blank signal, but hey, at least it's a signal, right?02:02
OmletteQuick question: would Ubuntu Hardy run on a PC with a 450Mhz PIII, and 384 mb of RAM?02:02
dmsupermanrbil: at startup, during username entry, it was high res02:02
Alan_Moh yeah, thats right, im so sorry guys, yeah...using hardy beta and helping with current stables has really messed me up :D02:02
dmsupermanrbil: then it switched as soon as i logged on02:02
zeyarwhen i installed the skype,i saw this message  Error:Wrong architecture'i386'02:02
dmsupermanrbil: any clue why that is?02:02
elmerNith, it can, do you have the link still?02:02
=== up is now known as upp
bazhangOmlette: please direct hardy questions to the #ubuntu+1 channel02:02
soundrayOmlette: it's probably a bit tight, but you should really ask in #ubuntu+102:02
Nithat first glance something like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61042202:02
rbildmsuperman: maybe system isn't getting DPMS from YOUR monitors02:03
rbilhold on02:03
unop__elmer, hmm, give it a few more minutes, it might take you to the desktop yet02:03
Nithelmer: basically by installing grub on the usb key, you can then tell it where to start from. That'll get you into windows02:03
LjLomlette: yes. slowly.02:03
OmletteSlowly, lol02:03
elmerunop__, Yeah, last time it took forever, but it had text on the signal, so that was a good thing02:03
rbildmsuperman: what kinda monitors you got and how are they connected? vga or dvi?02:03
OmletteHmm.. how about Xubuntu then?02:03
Alan_MOmlette, better to go with Xubuntu or something like that :)02:03
LjLOmlette: less slowly, still not quite lightening fast.02:04
elmerNith, Hm... I think I'll just look into GAG or delete Ubuntu and clear the MBR altogether02:04
Paddy_EIREOmlette: personally I would go for something a lot lighter to maximise productivity... try zenwalk.. I personally love it for older machines02:04
LjL!requirements > omlette    (omlette, see the private message from Ubotu)02:04
bazhangfluxbuntu more like; xubuntu is still pretty heavy02:04
dmsupermanrbil: both art CRT, both are connected through DVI -> VGA connectors. the video card has the DVI outs02:04
LjL!requirements-#xubuntu > Omlette    (Omlette, see the private message from Ubotu)02:04
Nithelmer: have you tried window's "fixmbr" command from a windows startup disk?02:04
elmerNith, I haven't yet02:04
Nithelmer: your problem is w/ grub not ubuntu rite?02:04
iceswordelmer, problem fixed??02:04
elmerNith, correct02:04
smithey93hey guys, is there anything i can record my screen with a app appart from recordmypc?02:04
KramIs there a command to disable messages when people join and leave the room?02:04
elmericesword, no02:05
Nithelmer: then to get windows working just shove a windows disk in, go to repair mode and use "fixmbr"02:05
iceswordelmer, who is not ok and who is ok02:05
bazhangrecordmydesktop smithey9302:05
dmsupermansmithey93: hardly the right place, but fraps will do screenvideos02:05
Paddy_EIREOmlette: http://www.zenwalk.org/02:05
Alan_MKram, what client are you using?02:05
rbildmsuperman: ok, then set horizSync and VertRefresh to what YOUR old xorg has in my xorg.02:05
elmerNith, yea, I02:05
elmerNith, yea, I'm going to do that right now02:05
KramIm using pidgin as my Irc client currently.02:05
elmericesword, ???02:05
iceswordelmer, what ?i want to help you02:06
smithey93dmsuperman: how aint this the right place, this is the ubuntu support for asking questions? and thanks ill take a look into it02:06
Alan_MKram, im not sure of where to look, i can find out really quick if you can be patient with me :D02:06
bazhangkram you might want to give xchat a try02:06
Nithelmer: alternatively, you can look into lilo but I've never used that one02:06
elmericesword, IDK what who is and who is not ok means02:06
Nithelmer:  or grub4dos02:06
parabola2ice weasel?02:06
[Rocc]Question, if my pc runs great with Windows XP will it run even better with Ubuntu?02:06
iceswordelmer, windows can boot or linux can boot02:06
shivamib[Rocc]: yes02:06
elmerbrb, getting windows disk02:06
bazhang[Rocc]: try the livecd02:06
elmericesword, GRUB gives error 2502:06
LjL"great" and "better" are pretty subjective terms.02:06
dmsupermanargh i lost my frames again02:06
KramPidgin came with my Ubuntu installation, I figured id give it a shot =)02:07
Alan_MXchat is awesome for what you want to do kram, pidgin, im not sure where its at.02:07
=== up is now known as upp
rbildmsuperman: u using compiz?02:07
dmsupermannot metacity, what was the other command?02:07
parabola2sudo apt-get install xchat02:07
KramI can try Xchat02:07
dmsupermanand not to my knowledge i'm not02:07
TubbyCatGood job Kram ;)02:07
Alan_MKram, you can get xchat from the repositories by using parabola's command in a terminal.02:07
parabola2I wish xchat was scriptable02:07
* Nith <3 irssi02:07
shivamibif your PC runs great with windows, you should stop smoking :)02:07
Ravenkin1Is there a list of terminal commands somewhere?02:07
NithI had xchat, then I started using this02:07
LjLparabola2: ...? xchat certainly *is* scriptable02:07
TubbyCatshivamib: xD02:07
soundray!cli | Ravenkin102:07
ubotuRavenkin1: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:07
Nithof course I'm also a terminal lover02:07
dmsupermanswitching back and forth between cli and x fixed it02:07
[Rocc]bazhang: i did, and i was told it would run slower using the cd...02:07
parabola2LjL : o rly??????02:07
Alan_Mparabola2, sure is :D02:07
parabola2LjL : and How does one do this?!??!02:08
rbildmsuperman: working now?02:08
elmerunop__, LiveCD booted!02:08
Ravenkin1soundray this sounds like a stupid question but where do I type !cli into?02:08
parabola2I made tons of scripts in mIRC02:08
bazhang[Rocc]: aye the livecd is slower; but you can see if it gets your wireless etc02:08
dmsupermanrbil: i was just trying to get frames back so i could use the terminal, editing xorg.conf atm02:08
iceswordelmer, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/grub-loading-stage-1.5-......-error-25-112412/02:08
parabola2holy crap!02:08
parabola2its under Window02:08
Hammer89how do you delete "places"  from main menu > places? (I tried right clicking but that just opens whichever place you click on)02:08
soundrayRavenkin1: not at all. Just read the message that ubotu directed at you.02:08
unop__elmer, right, let's see the contents of dmesg in a !pastebin02:08
[Rocc]bazhang: i was coming in here for that... but i figured i'd test the capability on it lol02:08
LjLparabola2: http://xchat.org/cgi-bin/script_list.pl/ i suggest clicking on Help02:08
elmerunop__, any easy way?02:08
fourdigit!ask Is there any specific reason why my fairly new laptop would be starting really slowly?02:09
sjbrownI've got a macbook and am using Refit to boot up.  It shows 2 linux icons and one Mac icon.  I only have 1 linux partition though02:09
rbildmsuperman: you're talking window frames, correct?02:09
mohbanahow do i configure the no. of lines that are scrolled? thanks02:09
sjbrownanyone know why?02:09
parabola2thank you LjL!02:09
soundray!cli > Ravenkin1, now it's also in your private messages02:09
dmsupermanrbil: aye02:09
bazhang[Rocc]: best way is to boot to live cd and we can tell you if you have probs with wirelss possible steps to get it going etc02:09
Alan_MmIRC ewww :/ heh02:09
Alan_MRavenkin1, you dont, you can get whats called a "terminal" by going to applications, accessories, terminal.02:09
whileimherehi. I was wondering when I right click on a file say a PDF and I check out the fiels properties the tab that says Document has a list of uneditable areas like title and subject and author. These are currently saying NONE is there a way to edit them?02:09
Alan_Mwow....that was....scary.02:09
dmsuperman    HorizSync       30.0 - 70.002:09
dmsuperman    VertRefresh     50.0 - 180.002:09
dmsupermanthose were old values02:10
dmsupermanshouldn't it still have been fine?02:10
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u0
rbilok, use those in the xorg then02:10
parabola2180 Hz?02:10
rbilmine are diff, because lcd here02:10
fourdigitDoes anybody know why my fairly new gateway laptop with a fresh install of 7.10 would be starting slow?02:10
dmsupermank, brb02:10
iceswordelmer, you are reading tha page02:10
Hammer89how do you delete "places"  from main menu > places? (I tried right clicking but that just opens whichever place you click on)... anyone?02:10
smithey93how can i edit recordmydesktop config?02:10
iceswordelmer, you are reading tha page,what you think02:10
elmericesword, not yet02:10
[Rocc]bazhang: Yeah, i need help with the wireless, i know it has it built in, and my router is built up correctly...02:10
unop__elmer, hmm,   dmesg > /tmp/dmesg; gedit /tmp/dmesg02:10
mcgrofwhere do I tell xorg nowadays to use a specific video driver? I want to tell it to use "nvidia" but don't see it on xorg.conf anymroe02:10
unop__elmer, then copy and paste to a !pastebin02:10
bazhangsmithey93: get the front end for that02:11
soundraymcgrof: ask in #ubuntu+1 please02:11
smithey93bazhang, where from?02:11
Nithdoes anyone know how to use rsync to do a sync instead of a copy?02:11
uppcan any one help me http://upp.pastebin.com/m8cbfe5602:11
elmerunop__,  http://slexy.org/view/s2FOgBE6Va02:11
smithey93bazhang: gtk-recordmydesktop?02:11
[Rocc]Bazhang: did you see what i said up there^^?02:12
Alan_Mbrb i think folks, food time ;)02:12
unop__Nith, rsync -av /path/src/ /path/destination/  # more in the rsync manpage02:12
Nithunop__: thx :)02:12
uppcan any one help me http://upp.pastebin.com/m8cbfe5602:13
[[bc90021]]I was experimenting with galeon, tor, and privoxy... set galeon to use localhost:8118 as proxy, now gnome-terminal is using it too... even though I have unset the proxy, uninstalled galeon, and rebooted02:13
Nithupp: you've got broken packages02:13
[[bc90021]]anyone know how to get gnome-terminal to stop using the proxy?02:13
Peloupp,  can you summerize the problem here before having us open a link ?02:13
Nithupp: plz only post once, i'm already looking for the instructions for you02:13
uppNith some what i should do now02:14
soundray[[bc90021]]: find out where it's set with 'grep http_proxy /etc/*' (probably /etc/environment)02:14
NithNith: according to one of the forums, Start Synaptic, go to Edit, and select "Fix broken packages."02:14
Nithupp: according to one of the forums, Start Synaptic, go to Edit, and select "Fix broken packages."02:14
sagredoHello. I installed the package phpmyadmin, however when I try to access phpmyadmin from my browser I cannot connect02:14
* Nith has only actually done it once02:14
lewenchIf I want to add a script in ubuntu where is the file located. I read home/<username>/scripts/ but I can't find that.02:15
Nithsagredo: you have to link it to your apache02:15
bazhang[Rocc]: I saw what you said; didn't see a question though02:15
[[bc90021]]soundray:  it's not set02:15
sagredoNith: how?02:15
dmsupermanthis is becoming a giant headaache02:15
smithey93how do i launch gtk-recordmydesktop?02:15
orudiehow can i install gamei386.so.gz02:15
rbildmsuperman: what's the prob now?02:15
elmerNith, I read the post02:15
elmerNith, trying what it suggests02:15
dmsupermanany time i want to do anything it takes hours of sitting on channels, and usually ends up going nowhere02:15
Peloorudie, extract it and look for an INSTALL file to read02:15
[[bc90021]]soundray:  everything returned by that command is either a flag "--http-proxy" or on a line commented out02:15
[Rocc]Baz: Think you could help me fix it?02:15
soundray[[bc90021]]: then the setting must be in your home directory -- probably $HOME/.bashrc02:15
rbildmsuperman: something is amiss if gksudo nvidia-settings won't allow u to set this stuff up02:15
orudiePelo, how would i extract it ?02:15
geniiorudie: Best to read the instructions from whatever place you downloaded the file from and try to follow whatever they suggest02:16
dmsupermanjust to get apache working i'm copying 60+gb of files from a directory because it won't run from an NTFS folder02:16
Peloorudie, right click , extract here02:16
soundray[[bc90021]]: make sure you use the understroke (http_proxy)02:16
bazhang[Rocc]: what card is it--what chipset02:16
orudiePelo, dont have gui, only terminal02:16
lewenchIf I want to add a script in ubuntu where is the file located. I read home/<username>/scripts/ but I can't find that. can anyone help me?02:16
[Rocc]baz: i have no clue man, i could check though02:16
elmerunop__, restarting PC, trying to set HDs to manual or user as suggested by Nith02:16
dmsuperman"gksudo nvidia-settings"02:16
Randocalon the ATI site i'm only seeing version 8.3 for my video card driver, but i've read an article discussing getting compiz working and they're using 8.42 they say, am i missing something here?02:16
dmsuperman"ERROR: NV-CONTROL extension not found on this Display.02:16
dmsupermanERROR: Unable to determine number of NVIDIA GPUs on ':0.0'.02:16
dmsupermanERROR: Unable to determine number of NVIDIA Frame Lock Devices on ':0.0'.02:16
dmsupermanERROR: Unable to determine number of NVIDIA VCSCs on ':0.0'."02:16
FloodBot1dmsuperman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:16
Peloorudie, cd to folder ,  then untar filename02:16
Nithsagredo:  assuming you're using apache2 and all defaults, sudo cp /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/phpmyadmin02:16
[[bc90021]]soundray: 'grep http_proxy .bashrc'  returns nothing02:16
orudiePelo, thanx02:16
Nithsagredo: then "sudo a2ensite phpmyadmin"02:17
Peloorudie, maybe02:17
sagredoNith: I'll give it a go02:17
orudiePelo, ?02:17
unop__elmer, It looks like after repeated attempts to read from the device the kernel is still failing on I/O operations . that's worth a try but it really doesn't look good02:17
soundray[[bc90021]]: are you in your $HOME ?02:17
[[bc90021]]soundray: yes02:17
lewenchIf I want to add a script in ubuntu where is the file located. I read home/<username>/scripts/ but I can't find that.02:17
[[bc90021]]pwd = /home/bc9002102:17
Peloorudie, I mean no garanties,  seriously go to the site where you got it and look for instructions02:17
elmerunop__, if the HD is jacked do I have to buy a new one?02:17
mohbanahow do i set the no. of lines that are scrolled when i use the scroll wheel? thanks02:17
soundray[[bc90021]]: does 'grep -lr http_proxy /etc/*' return anything?02:17
Dr_willislewench,  i keep my scripts in /home/username/bin02:17
[[bc90021]]soundray:  I've been using Linux for years, never come across anything like this before02:17
Dr_willislewench,  you can keep them whever you want. Just make a directory02:17
unop__elmer, it does look that way now, yes, i'm afraid to say02:18
Pelo!mouse > mohbana check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu02:18
elmerunop__, damn02:18
rbildmsuperman: maybe with your card dvi can't go through vga adapter?02:18
rbildmsuperman: can't talk with your monitors02:18
dmsupermanrbil: i've installed ubuntu on this very machine before, and it worked the exact same way then02:18
unop__elmer, i know, similar things happened to me many times02:18
[[bc90021]]soundray:  many, many things02:18
elmerunop__, It worked!02:18
lewenchSo when the instructions say "Save the following script in a file named gmail.pl and place it in ~/scripts (/home/<username>/scripts/) folder." they're just saying to create a folder named scripts?02:18
elmerNith, Thanks SO much!02:18
dmsupermanrbil: earlier when i _could_ get nvidia-settings to work,  it detected both monitors02:18
[[bc90021]]lewench: yes02:19
mohbanaits scrolling fine ... but slow compare to vista, i basically need to adjust the speed how do i do that?02:19
dmsupermanrbil: it just wouldn't actually work02:19
rbildmsuperman: I really think that with some tweaking my xorg should work for you02:19
unop__elmer, what did you have to do?02:19
sagredoNith: much appreciation, thank you :)02:19
Nithelmer: what worked?02:19
orudiePelo, there is no instructions what so ever02:19
Nithsagredo: np02:19
soundraydmsuperman: any likely candidates for a proxy variable setting?02:19
orudiePelo, never dealt with .bz files before02:19
lewenchWhat does ~ usually mean? ex. -/scripts02:19
elmerunop__, I changed the setttings to Manual and LBA02:19
Peloorudie, gimme a link to get the file I'll have a look02:19
elmerNith, I changed the setttings to Manual and LBA as you suggested in the link02:19
dmsupermansoundray: what do you mean?02:19
Nithelmer: that was icesword I think02:19
Nithelmer: though I'm glad it worked for you02:19
soundraylewench: same as $HOME (try 'echo ~')02:19
elmerNith, Oh... >.<02:20
sagredoNith: when I try to login, I get the following error: #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)02:20
mohbanaPelo, its scrolling fine ... but slow compare to vista, i basically need to adjust the speed how do i do that?02:20
* Nith didn't post that link XD02:20
LjLlewench: your home directory02:20
elmericesword, thanks man02:20
orudiePelo, http://opentdm.net/02:20
rbildmsuperman: so what's actually happening? not getting 1280x1024 res? not getting desktop across both monitors?02:20
lewenchAh ok thanks.02:20
soundraydmsuperman: sorry, I'm confusing nicks02:20
iceswordelmer, what ?that link helps?02:20
daretsen_i'm trying to set dma with no success02:20
Pelomohbana, check in the links I gave you , it should be mentionned02:20
Nithsagredo: do you have mysql installed?02:20
soundray[[bc90021]]: any likely candidates for a proxy variable setting?02:20
kravlinhello. I installed Ubuntu recently but i'm having a problem getting it to boot reliably. It'll boot, tell me that PCI can't allocate region 3.02:20
sagredoNith: Yes.02:20
elmericesword, it fixeed my problem so yes! Thanks!02:20
dmsupermanrbil: i'm in what looks like 640 x 480. both monitors show the exact same thing02:20
Nithsagredo: and you can access it using the client?02:20
sagredoNith: yes, I can access and login02:20
Peloorudie, what't the name of the file I need again ?02:20
* Nith never had any issues with that02:21
Nithone sec02:21
soundraydmsuperman: for your apache problem, you probably just have to make your NTFS writable with ntfs-3g02:21
[[bc90021]]soundray: I set the wgetrc to explicitly not use the proxy, and I can install things again02:21
soundray!ntfs-3g | dmsuperman02:21
ubotudmsuperman: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions02:21
sagredoNith: wait a sec, I just tried to log in and now I'm no longer able02:21
sagredoNith: arg02:21
[[bc90021]]soundray:  but it's still being set somewhere, I will have to do some digging!02:21
orudiePelo, you have to click on  binaries/unstable/linux02:21
Nithsagredo: ps -e | grep mysqld02:21
Peloorudie, hld on02:21
soundray[[bc90021]]: well, grep -rl is your friend :)02:21
sagredoNith: returned nothing02:21
rbildmsuperman: I'd go back to square one ... run .... sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg  to rebuild xorg from scratch. see what it does in terms of getting u to right resolution02:21
mohbanadid anyone get my messagE02:21
Nithsagredo: : if it returns nothing, its not actually running02:21
wershow do I add page header on openoffice?02:21
[[bc90021]]soundray, indeed, thanks!  :-)02:21
dmsupermansoundray: that's awesome. shame i just finished copying all my data to another partition and it'll be easiest (According to those who helped me with it earlier)02:22
Nithsagredo: try "sudo invoke-rc.d mysql start"02:22
rbildmsuperman: then work your xorg.conf looking at what I sent u02:22
soundraydmsuperman: they are probably right02:22
kravlinhello. I installed Ubuntu recently but i'm having a problem getting it to boot reliably. It'll boot, give me an error and then stall out on the loading bar.02:22
sagredoNith: you're spot on, thanks again02:22
soundraymohbana: yes, but it's not clear what you are talking about02:22
Nithsagredo: not a prob :)02:22
bazhangkravlin that the 754 socket mobo?02:22
=== Ravenkin1 is now known as Ravenkin
Nithanubis26: hi02:22
mohbanasoundray, i want to scroll more lines02:22
kravlinbazhang: yeah it is.02:23
rbildmsuperman: what ver of Ubuntu u running there?02:23
daretsen_i'm trying to set dma for my dvd and no luck, is there anybody that could help?02:23
rbilsame here02:23
kravlinbazhang: did you learn something new since last night that might help?02:23
soundraymohbana: still not clear02:23
anubis26would anyone be able to help out with compiling a wifi driver (ralink rt73) on hardy heron?02:23
dmsupermanrbil: alright. it asks for the driver type. nv is selected, but there's nvidia selectable. which should i choose?02:23
Alan_M!hardy | anubis2602:23
ubotuanubis26: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu02:23
[Rocc]Could anyone help me with my wireless setup?02:23
soundrayanubis26: ask in #ubuntu+1 please02:23
iceswordanubis26, sure?but read readme,first02:23
rbilselect nvidia02:23
mohbanasoundray, its scrolling slow, in vista i could set the number of lines scrolling in logitech set point how do i do that in linux?02:23
rbilnv is the OSS one02:23
bazhangkravlin: the link I sent had some workarounds; best to try those--booting may take as long as three minutes with that motherboard02:24
Peloorudie, that is way over my head , but there are some instructions you can try to follow on the original link you gave me ,  you'll probably need to install build essential first ( sudo apt-get install build-essential)  that will let you make and stuff,   let me look for hte correct tar command syntax02:24
anubis26aight thanks02:24
dmsupermanrbil: kernel framebuffer device interface?02:24
dmsupermanrbil: it asks if i want to use kernel framebuffer device interface02:24
rbilthat should just be for cli consoles I'd think02:24
orudiePelo, ok thanx02:24
kravlinbazhang: what link? did you send it in a PM?02:25
neftyI am trying to install VMWare Tools in a virtual machine.  I installed the build-essential package, then extracted the vmware tools  tar.gz file.  I ran the vmware-install.pl script to install it, and successfully did, but now I have to configure it.  It's asking me "What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running02:25
neftykernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]02:25
neftyThe path "/usr/src/linux/include" is not an existing directory."  Does anyone know where that directory is?  Sorry this question is so long...02:25
MTeckI execute the command "rsync -r --partial --progress tux@redbull:/backup/kabbalah/media/music/* ./" it seems to work perfect except that it keeps hitting random points where it just stops... It pretty much just freezes up and won't continue.... Any ideas what's going on?02:25
Alan_Min 15 days hardy discussions can be made in this room, not before then please folks. Thank you and have a wonderful day :)02:25
Nithnetfy: pastebin plz02:25
bazhangkravlin nay; from the ubuntuforums posted here in channel02:25
neftyyeah, sorry02:25
Alan_Mwow, my head actually spun on that one nefty :/02:26
cybojanekDOes anyone know how to setup gnome-schedule to play a song at a particular time every hour?02:26
bazhangbut but hardy room is so quiet!02:26
Alan_Mbaz, so stir em up! :D02:26
dmsupermanrbil: is there a cli irc client so i don't have to keep rejoining?02:26
Nithdmsuperman: i suggest using "screen" and "irssi"02:26
Alan_Mbazhang, i do every time i join ;) (since i AM on hardy atm)02:26
Nithdmsuperman: they changed my irc life02:26
geniiNith: Beat me to it02:26
* Nith smiles02:27
bazhangAlan_M: as are most of us ;]02:27
rbildmsuperman: probably as there's everything for linux but I don't know one02:27
pharohdoes linux have like a standard C compiler,editor en all..not the usual eclipse with CDF en all?02:27
pharohi mean CDT02:27
Peloorudie, sorry I have no idea how to extract that file using the command line02:27
kravlinbazhang: I didn't get it. possible you posted in another channel by mistake?02:27
neftysorry for my bad etiquette, I'll use pastebin this time02:27
McGodFound a bug I think:X02:27
q_a_z_stevewho can help me with partimage ? Stuck while trying to back up to a network...02:27
soundraymohbana: this is determined in the application. In firefox, for example, you can change it in about:config (enter this  as the URL) by editing the key mousewheel.withnokey.numlines02:27
gauchoWhere Can I find libdvdcss for gutsy amd64?02:27
Pelogaucho, seveas repos02:28
bazhangkravlin it was posted here found using your keywords it led to the ubuntuforums link02:28
Pelo!dvd > gaucho02:28
dmsuperm1nam i here?02:28
dougskopharoh: a lot of people use gcc to compile, and there are a ton of editors. you might want to try vim or scite02:28
geniiPelo: medibuntu has no amd64 version?02:28
gauchoPelo: the rebot said nothing..02:28
Pelodmsuperm1n, no you are there02:29
Alan_Mi dunno dmsuperm1n are you? (sarcasm)02:29
orudiePelo, did you get that tar syntax for me ?02:29
Pelogenii, no idea02:29
mohbanasoundray, thanks alot do i neeed to restart firefox?02:29
Pelo!dvd | gaucho02:29
ubotugaucho: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:29
soundraymohbana: I'm not sure02:29
McGodIs there a way to disable it from using interfaces02:29
McGodUbuntu hangs there02:29
pharohdougsko: i use gcc..but i had a problem,it dint recognise the headre file alloc.h.any ideas why?02:29
bazhangMcGod: disable what02:29
McGodit from starting network02:30
dmsuperm1nrbil: i've just finished running that reconfigure script02:30
kravlin!socket 754 > kravlin02:30
McGodWhen I login now, I get a grey box in top-left02:30
pharohdougsko:i meant header file02:30
McGodAnd stops02:30
dmsuperm1nrbil: and when i restart xserver, it says i'm in low settings mode02:30
dougskopharoh: have you installed the package, build-essential?02:30
dmsuperm1nrbil: with options to continue, configure, or shut down02:30
q_a_z_stever0bby: hey, do you know how to get partimaged and "Partimage Is Not Ghost" talking?02:30
* Nith hates low settings mode02:30
kravlin!socket 754 | kravlin02:31
pharohdougsko:yeap.did that yesterday.02:31
dmsuperm1nrbil: and when i continue, it just freezes with the orange background02:31
dmsuperm1nrbil: a mouse and orange wallpaper, nothing else onscreen and nothing happening02:31
rbildmsuperm1n: darn, got me? what did u do with the framebuffer choice?02:31
bazhangMcGod: put your issue all on one line in a clear concise sentence and if someone knows they will answer; please dont use enter key every two words02:31
Nithdmsuperm1n: when it freezes, can you switch to a tty (CTRL+ALT+F1) ?02:31
dryrotis there a good GUI for openvpn client ?02:31
dmsuperm1nrbil: it said the safe option was yes02:31
kravlinbazhang: still don't see it. i'll google it.02:31
dmsuperm1nNith: that's how i'm in the irc :d02:31
rbildmsuperm1n: how did u install the nvidia drivers to start with?02:31
Giloudryrot> the network manager has a plugin for it02:31
Pelodryrot, do a search in synaptic, if there is a gui it might say -gtk or -gui02:32
Gilouwith limited support, but it works02:32
dougskopharoh: how about the headers for your kernel? something like - linux-headers-68602:32
Nithdmsuperm1n: do "ps -e | grep compiz.real" and see if it returns anything02:32
dryrotGilou: i know.  I couldn't get it to work02:32
dmsuperm1nrbil: it said "there are restricted drivers for you to use, enable?" and i enabled02:32
bazhangkg96: please dont recommend that here02:32
Gilouwell, I could, but sometimes I need more than the available options02:32
Gilouplus it has a weird way of handling dhcp settings, but well...02:32
kg96didnt know that wasnt allowed02:32
neftya VMWare related question: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62691/02:32
dmsuperm1nNith: nothing02:32
epistaxHas anyone gotten a Lexmark scanner (all-in-one) to work in Ubuntu? Specifically, it's the crappy x247002:32
pharohdougsko:huh????u mean have i installed that?02:32
Pelokg96, we don'T realy like 3rd party instaler scripts02:33
=== |Algyz| is now known as algyz
kg96fair enough02:33
bazhangkg96: you can do what you wish; first that is for Hardy (another channel) and second newer users will not know how to recover from a kernel upgrade with that02:33
wershow do I put page number on openoffice?02:33
r0bbyq_a_z_steve: stop asking me shit02:33
McGodI am running Hardy, I had finally gotten WPA2 to work with my wireless, I added a preup and predown to my interfaces file. I then restarted the computer and now when I login it goes through then gets stuck with a grey box in the top left with the beige background.02:33
geniidryrot: PErhaps see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=347308 if you can't find one in the repositories02:33
r0bbyI'd prefer to not look in here...02:33
bazhang!hardy | McGod02:34
ubotuMcGod: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu02:34
dougskopharoh: im asking if you have installed the package containing the headers for your kernel? do a search in synaptic for "linux-headers" to see what im talking about02:34
peepsaloti can't figure out how to get Java applets to run in firefox, on gutsy 64bit02:34
peepsaloti have sun-java6-jre installed02:34
Pelopeepsalot,   you also need the -pluggin package02:34
peepsalotubuntuguide.org says to install sun-java6-plugin, but that one isn't in the repos02:35
dmsuperm1nanybody: in a tty, how do i scroll up?02:35
Nithdmsuperm1n: shift+pageup02:35
dmsuperm1nNith: even in irssi?02:35
Pelopeepsalot, in backport ,  make sure it is enalbed,   just search for java and browse until you find the -plugin one02:35
Nithdmsuperm1n: in irssi, just pageup02:35
dougskopharoh: you need to install the package that matches your kernel. most likely thatll either be linux-headers-386, or linux-headers-686. you can use the command, 'uname -r' to see your kernel version if you want to check02:36
q_a_z_steve!openoffice.org | wers02:36
ubotuwers: a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org02:36
daretsen_hdparm -d1 /dev/scd0 results in  'HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device' any ideas?02:36
peepsalotPelo,  backport? what is that?02:36
peepsalothow do I enable that02:36
Pelopeepsalot, one of the repos,  close synaptic,  open  Menu > system > admin > software sources,  check all the boxes on the first tab and all the boxes on the third tab as well , reload,   open synaptic and search02:37
dougskonefty: i think youre having the same problem as pharoh. read what ive been saying to him02:37
neftyyeah I've kind of noticed that, heh02:37
dmsuperm1nhow can i scroll up and down in irssi?02:37
rbildmsuperm1n: what's your graphics card again?02:37
neftyI'm looking in synaptic now02:37
dougskodmsuperm1n: pgup, pgdown02:38
dmsuperm1nshit...it stopped scrolling up02:38
pharohdougsko: i have.there are alot of headers here by the way...02:38
Pelodmsuperm1n,  we appreciate your frustration but please , watch your language02:38
dmsuperm1nPelo: sorry02:38
* Pelo 's innocent ears are bleeding now , damit02:38
dmsuperm1nfixed it, but how can i manually scroll up and down in irssi?02:39
dougskopharoh: right, but unless you have installed a different kernel on your own, you can just use linux-headers-38602:39
Nithcan he read this?02:39
dmsuperm1nrbil: just re-ran the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:39
* Nith wonders if dmsuperm1n is stuck in the logs02:39
dmsuperm1nrbil: without kernel framebuffer02:39
dmsuperm1nNith: nope, i just don't know how to scroll still02:39
Nithdmsuperm1n: just page up and page down02:40
dmsuperm1nrbil: and it still freezes upon entering user and pass02:40
dmsuperm1nah, i'm retarded02:40
Pelo!es | supreme02:40
ubotusupreme: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:40
Nithsupreme: hello02:40
dmsuperm1nI never used pageup/down :P02:40
pharohdougsko:okay.there was linux headers-header files related to linux AND linux-headres 386.i installed both.that okay?02:40
supremeI speak english too02:40
rbildmsuperm1n: I'm feeling retarded at the moment as well, the darn thing shouldn't be this difficult02:40
Pelosupreme, don'T lie to us we know you only speak espanol02:40
dmsuperm1nrbil: i know, it's my terrible luck02:40
rbildmsuperm1n: maybe something in you're bios settings?02:40
dmsuperm1nrbil: i've spent a total of something like 15 hours in the past 2 days just trying to get ubuntu to a usable state02:41
supremePelo, yeah, and i'm putting this words randomly02:41
dmsuperm1nrbil: and reinstalling hasn't helped a bit02:41
dougskopharoh: linux-headers is probly just a dummy for something. you dont need that one. but it wont make any difference id you do install it02:41
Nithits possible, just not very likely02:41
rbildmsuperm1n: reintalling what?02:41
Pelosupreme,  and eventualy your luck will run out02:41
dmsuperm1nrbil: Ubuntu completely02:41
rbildmsuperm1n: that shouldn't be necessary02:41
peepsalotthanks Pelo02:41
pharohdougsko: okay.so am good to go now right?02:42
supremePelo, yours too02:42
Pelodmsuperm1n, can you summerise your problem for me , I canme in late02:42
dmsuperm1nPelo: I just want a working dual monitor setup02:42
rbilPelo: please help this is getting crazy02:42
dougskopharoh: i hope so02:42
dmsuperm1nhowever, nvidia-settings returns errors and won't allow me to configure02:42
Pelorbil, not sure I can02:42
dougskopharoh: what are you compiling, anyway?02:42
* Nith hates vid card issues02:42
Pelodmsuperm1n, I assume you have the one monitor working, your not chatting to us from a different computer02:42
rbildmsuperm1n: give Pelo those errors again with nvidia-settings02:43
dmsuperm1nPelo: hardly, i'm using irssi02:43
dmsuperm1nrbil: can't, it won't even load the desktop anymore02:43
pharohdougsko: some programme i wrote.i'm in college doing C/C++/java.so i have to02:43
Pelodmsuperm1n, you haven't even managed to get one montor up with gui %?02:43
Nithxmms2 next02:43
Nithuh, sorry02:43
dougskopharoh: if you need any external libraries, there are a ton of those in the repo too02:44
dmsuperm1nPelo: earlier, yes. upon running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to start fresh though02:44
rbildmsuperm1n: I'll look back and try and find them, hold on02:44
SirBob1701what package do i have to install to program C++ and SDL/OpenGL in ubuntu?02:44
dmsuperm1nit now boots into low-settings mode02:44
dmsuperm1nand once i enter my username02:44
pharohdougsko: really?how do i get em?any specific names?02:44
Pelodmsuperm1n, just so I know where you are at and where you are going, is this accurate,   you want two monitor with gui using nvidia videocard but atm you have one monitor runnig text mode and you are stuck there ?02:44
dmsuperm1nit just shows the orange wallpaper02:44
dmsuperm1nand mouse works02:44
FloodBot1dmsuperm1n: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:45
kravlinbazhang: still don't see it in google. you still got the link?02:45
dougskopharoh: do a search for "lib" in synaptic and youll see what i mean02:45
dmsuperm1nPelo: Yes. My xserver won't come up properly. it shows the orange wallpaper and the cursor, but nothing else comes up02:45
dmsuperm1nPelo: and on first booting it it says it's in low-settings mode02:45
dmsuperm1nPelo: It makes the happy noises though02:46
Pelodmsuperm1n,my fist recommendation is to do  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg first , and select eh vesa driver,  meaning we'll start from scratch ,  then' we'll ge tyou the one monitor working properly then you can get the dualhead stuff going02:46
rbildmsuperm1n: here's some of it ..ERROR: NV-CONTROL extension not found on this Display.02:46
dmsuperm1nPelo: alright, h/o02:47
Pelodmsuperm1n, run the reconfigure, and select the vesa driver,  for everything else leave the default,  exept the resolution you can go to 1024 if you want02:47
dmsuperm1nPelo: so, don't auto-detect hardware?02:47
dougskoanyone else find the fluxbox package to be broken? like itll load up for a half a second, then just throw you back to the console with no errors?02:47
Pelodmsuperm1n, no , vesa02:47
=== Bankai-- is now known as Bankai
neftydougsko: okay, I installed linux-headers-386, but then I saw linux-headers-virtual and installed that, too, since this is a virutal machine.  I'm not sure which one to use, but I think I'll use the 386 one to be safe.  So I'm assuming I have to put "/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-386/include" for the directory?02:47
Pelodmsuperm1n, understand I can only take you so far in this problem, you'll have to do most of the work yourself02:48
rbilPelo: I gave him my xorg.conf and it should have worked for him. There's some deeper prob with his system02:48
Pelorbil, unless you ahve the exact same machine,  that probably won't work02:48
Peloq_a_z_steve, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel02:48
bazhangkravlin: forgot your problem; what are some keywords to it again?02:49
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dmsuperm1nPelo: alright, i'm at horizsomething and the vertsync area, where i can pick "simple" "medium" or "advanced"02:49
q_a_z_stevePelo: can you help me with partimage?02:49
dougskonefty: you should be able to use whatever default directory it suggests. i dont think you need linux-headers-virtual, but it doesnt hurt to install it anyway. and you can check what kernel youre using with 'uname -r'02:49
Pelodmsuperm1n, one should be selected as default, use that, or just skip or next or wathever02:49
neftydougsko: the problem was that the default directory didn't exist02:49
Peloq_a_z_steve, i do not know partimage, I 've never used it02:49
dmsuperm1nPelo: alright, reconfigured02:50
dmsuperm1nhow do i completely shut  down and bring up xserver02:50
dougskonefty: it should after you install the header package02:50
Pelodmsuperm1n, ok restart x , you should have a gui now02:50
bazhangdougsko: this is fluxbox on top of ubuntu or the straight configured fluxbuntu distro02:50
dmsuperm1nctrl + alt + backspace seems like it doesn't reload the config02:50
Pelodmsuperm1n, sudo shutdown02:50
neftydougsko: okay, I checked which kernel I was using, it's just 2.6.22-14-generic02:50
rbildmsuperm1n: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:50
=== theseus is now known as bonhoffer
Pelorbil, if yo want to do it the correct way , sure02:51
kravlinit's a problem with a 754 port board. it starts, displays an error that it can't allocate region 3 and then stalls out on the loading bar.02:51
dougskobazhang: ubuntu + flux. also the fluxbuntu though. my solution was to just comile my own from the website and make a deb from that02:51
kravlinbazhang:it's a problem with a 754 port board. it starts, displays an error that it can't allocate region 3 and then stalls out on the loading bar.02:51
zeeeeehi, how do i type in an east asian language (e.g. chinese)?02:51
rbilPelo: don't think he wants to lose his irc connection :-)02:51
Pelozeeeee, try asking in #ubuntu-cn they probably know02:51
bazhangzeeeee: install scim/skim and the language support02:52
dmsuperm1nPelo: alright, rebooted02:52
dmsuperm1nrbil: correct :D02:52
Pelodmsuperm1n,  do you have gui now ?02:52
pharohdougsko: wow!!!too much!question,what does it mean when they say a language is objective?02:52
zeeeeebazhang, are they packages? do i install both?02:52
dmsuperm1nPelo: It's weird. When i first come to the user screen, it's a high resolution. Then I enter my user/pass, and it goes way low res and i'm stuck again02:52
bazhangzeeeee: you on gnome or kde02:52
dmsuperm1nPelo: still just orange wallpaper and no windows or anything but a cursor02:52
zeeeeebazhang, oh, scim is for gnome, i see02:52
fiNDCC SEND asdadasdadasdasdasdasd02:53
bazhangzeeeee: right02:53
Pelodmsuperm1n, that's not a big isse ,  type alt_f2 ,  type gnome-panel , see if anything happens02:53
=== Charitwo is now known as cherry
wobbiebobbiehi guys help02:53
* genii gets the floodbots some more coffee02:53
dougskonefty: ok, install linux-headers-generic02:53
Pelodmsuperm1n,  your install is majorly borked02:53
rbildmsuperm1n: I think the driver you have is screwed. Maybe it didn't install properly?02:54
dmsuperm1nPelo: I've just installed it yesterday, and i haven't even changed anything02:54
ahmed_j/ #linuxac02:54
dmsuperm1nrbil: How would i re-grab it from command line?02:54
Pelodmsuperm1n, did you type what I said and get the pannels ?02:54
ahmed_j/ #linuxac02:54
Peloahmed_, /j02:54
dmsuperm1nPelo: did you want me to run gnome-panel from my other tty?02:54
ahmed_sorry i try to log into the arabic room02:54
dougskopharoh: read a ruby tutorial to learn about objective languages02:54
Pelodmsuperm1n, for the computer you are having trouble with atm form the gui02:55
dmsuperm1nPelo: That's what I've been saying. I don't have a gui to use. it has the cursor, sure, but i can't do anything else.02:55
Pelodmsuperm1n,  type alt+f2 , you should get a little box for launching apps02:56
rbildmsuperm1n: you're doing Alt+F7 to get to gui ?02:56
dmsuperm1nPelo: nope02:56
dmsuperm1nrbil: yes02:56
dmsuperm1nrbil: well ctrl + alt + f702:56
bazhangzeeeee: you then need to configure scim global engine and how to launch it; or you can right click select input method and then you are good to go02:56
Pelodmsuperm1n, ok ,  try this  get back to consol and type  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:56
dmsuperm1nrbil: nvm, yeah just alt + f702:56
dmsuperm1nPelo: already latest version02:57
neftydougsko: okay, I get it now, I was trying to use headers for different versions of kernels I wasn't running.  Sheesh this is confusing... shouldn't the headers for your kernel come pre-installed?02:57
dmsuperm1nPelo: isn't that just reinstalling ubuntu completely?02:57
Pelodmsuperm1n, how did you originaly install this ?02:57
dmsuperm1nPelo: live cd02:57
rbilPelo: how at cli does one switch to metacity if he's got compiz desktop by default?02:57
Pelodmsuperm1n, I was assuming you were missing a bunch of packages02:57
dmsuperm1nPelo: nope02:57
dougskonefty: in ubuntu, they assume people arent compiling things. thats why it doesnt come with the gnu tools or anything02:57
dmsuperm1nPelo: at one point, gui worked02:57
Pelorbil,  no idea02:58
dmsuperm1nPelo: but when I was trying to get dual monitor going02:58
dougskobazhang: have you noticed anything weird about the fluxbox packages too?02:58
dmsuperm1nPelo: the xserver configuration got thrashed somehow02:58
bazhangkravlin: cant find it; what I did was paste that exact error message (the long one) into a search engine of choice and it gave me the ubuntuforums link02:58
rbildmsuperm1n: u still have mine and your old xorg, correct?02:58
kravlinok. thanks02:58
kravlinbazhang: last night?02:58
dmsuperm1nrbil: not yours, my very first original that came with install, yes02:59
kravlinbazhang: thanks for the help too.02:59
linkinxpis there any program similar to quickbooks?02:59
Pelodmsuperm1n, you messed up big time,  I recommend a clean install, start from scratch,  just reinstall fresh, and when you get a working desktop come back here and we can proceed from there02:59
bazhangdougsko: only used the easy configured fluxbuntu distro, haven't tried fluxbox on Hardy yet02:59
dougskonefty: thats something to remember too if you decide to switch kernels. youll need the corresponding header package as well02:59
dougskobazhang: well me neither. i was referring to gutsy02:59
bazhangkravlin: yeah, the pci failed to allocate region 3 0.000.000 etc02:59
levanderHas anyone else tried opening a KML file in Google Earth on Ubuntu?  It's acting flakely as hell here.02:59
dmsuperm1nPelo: I haven't change a single thing on this install except for the xorg.conf03:00
bazhangdougsko: so I should be last person to ask ;]03:00
rbildmsuperm1n: your original should get u to a gui, no?03:00
Pelodmsuperm1n, we can spend hours ( we already have I beleive) trying to hunt down the current problem or you can take 30 min to clean install and we do it correctly from there,  I do not have hours to spend hunting remotely03:00
neftydougsko: thanks for your help, I think I got it installed;  and no, I don't plan on using a different kernel any time soon... heh gotta take things one step at a time  :P03:00
Pelonor do I care to03:00
kravlinbazhang: the one asnwer i got told me to put pci=nommconf into grub.lst. how would that help exactly? Grub doesn't recognize it.03:01
dougskonefty: cool, glad you got it worked out03:01
Pelodmsuperm1n, sorry if I sound harsh but this is where we are at03:01
dmsuperm1nPelo: alright03:01
dmsuperm1nPelo: I'm going to reinstall Ubuntu completely03:01
NithI understand its purpose but that was irritating03:01
bazhang30 minutes? more like 15-20 these days ;]03:01
dmsuperm1nPelo: will you be here when i return?03:01
alecw1What's the default font that every application uses in Firefox? I went to the GNOME font dialog, and all it says is "Sans". But there isn't a font called Sans... what does it use?03:01
AsciiI'm trying to figure out which IRC client is best in Ubuntu.03:02
bazhangxchat Ascii03:02
dmsuperm1nbazhang: i doubt it'll even take that to actually install it03:02
Nithirssi + screen03:02
rbildmsuperm1n: I don't agree with Pelo's assessment. if only xorg is scrwing up now, don't see why a reinstall of the whole os is necessary. but do whatever feels right for you03:02
bazhangdmsuperm1n: likely 10-12 ;]03:02
AsciiI'm using Xchat Gnome atm, but I can't find the server list or the user list...03:02
AsciiBit of a Linux noob atm.03:02
dmsuperm1nrbil: i'd rather not but if the only way to get help is to reinstall then i really haven't got a choice03:02
RyanPriorWhen I right click and left click at the same time, it middle clicks. Is there a way to disable that behaviour?03:03
bazhangAscii: just straight xchat not xchat-gnome03:03
Pelorbil, xorg is screwed and we just reconfigured it , now he gets x working but the rest of the desktop doesn't load , so he ,s stuck ,  clean install is simpler03:03
dmsuperm1nargh, linux is 100% headache every single time i try to use it03:03
Peloand faster03:03
AsciiAhh.  This is like the lite version?03:03
bazhangAscii: the superior version ;]03:03
dmsuperm1nAscii: I'm just now trying out irssi, i love it so far03:03
rbilPelo, dmsuperm1n: ok, good luck with it03:03
dmsuperm1nAscii: command line sexiness03:03
AsciiOh nevermind.03:04
AsciiI'm using Gnome Xchat.03:04
RyanPriordmsuperm1n: "Crappy old OSes have value in the basically negative sense that changing to new ones makes us wish we'd never been born."03:04
RyanPrior-Neal Stephenson03:04
AsciiThough you were suggesting... nevermind, I'm slow atm.03:04
rbildmsuperm1n: gotta leave, best of luck03:05
ZiggyFishhey, I'm trying to get adobe air to install on ubuntu, but it is failing with03:05
dmsuperm1nRyanPrior: only there's nothing crappy about windows xp. only reason i'm trying to get ubuntu is so that i can say i did, and that worst case scenario it doesn't work out and i can go back to everything just working without needing hours to configure each little thing03:05
dmsuperm1nPelo: if i reinstall, are you going to stick around?03:05
AsciiSame here DM.03:05
AsciiI dual boot XP / Ubuntu.03:05
Pelodmsuperm1n, for an hour , that is all I can promis03:05
dmsuperm1nPelo: alright, see you soon03:06
kelso78i'm looking for some help03:06
ElazarAnyone have any experience getting vga-out to work with laptops running an integrated Intel graphics card 965 chipset?03:06
bazhangdmsuperm1n: if linux is not for you then stick with what you love/enjoy; life is too short for %100 headaches03:06
kelso78I'm having trouble updating ubuntu03:06
ZiggyFishAn error has occurred while installing Adobe AIR. Installation may not be allowed by your administrator. Please contact you administator03:06
kelso78i keep getting an error: could not download all repository indexes03:07
bazhangkelso78: which repos?03:07
RyanPriorZiggyFish: Are you running the installer as root?03:07
kelso78i'm logged in as a user not root03:07
kelso78do i need to log out and back in as root?03:08
rycolehey all. does anyone know which package provides the apache module called "apr_dbd_mysql.so". it's the mod_dbd module for mysql.03:08
kelso78it seems all the repos03:08
RyanPriorZiggyFish: In that case, it's probably just an AIR bug. It's still in development.03:08
kelso78sorry, ryanprior, I didn't realize you weren't talking to me03:08
ZiggyFishRyanPrior: dam, should I report the bug03:08
bazhangkelso78: could you pastebin your sources.list please03:09
RyanPriorZiggyFish: Yes, but against AIR, not against Ubuntu.03:09
ir2hey can someone help me install a file that needs root privelages?03:09
ZiggyFishRyanPrior: k03:09
RyanPrior!sudo | ir203:09
ubotuir2: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.03:09
Nertos_UfaВсем привет03:09
Pelo!ru | Nertos_Ufa03:09
ubotuNertos_Ufa: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke03:09
ir2but see i dunno how to enable it03:09
bazhang!ru | Nertos_Ufa03:09
RyanPriorRussian looks so leet.03:10
kelso78bazhang: sorry, I'm very new to linux so I'm not sure how to do that03:10
ir2like i need to drag a file to the /usr/lib file so yami pod will work. but when i try to drag it, it says i need administrator privelages03:10
ir2it says i need root provelages03:10
RyanPrior!pastebin | kelso7803:10
ubotukelso78: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:10
bazhanghe knows which channel to join; just saying 'hello all'03:10
=== ka2u0 is now known as ka2zzzz
RyanPriorkelso78: source.list is /etc/apt/sources.list, I think03:11
ir2so what do i need to type in the terminal to get root provelages03:11
Nithir2: sudo <command>03:11
Peloir2, open a terminal  sudo cp /source /destination03:11
Nithir2: or "sudo -s"03:11
kelso78excellent thanks03:11
ir2whats cp?03:11
RyanPriorir2: cp is a program which copies files03:11
Peloir2,  command for copying03:12
LjLir2, when people give you commands, "man <commandname>" will give you information about that command.03:12
Nertos_Ufajoin #ubuntu-ru03:12
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bazhangNertos_Ufa: /j03:12
PeloNertos_Ufa, /join ....03:12
ir2when u say source and destination03:12
RyanPrior!enter | ir203:12
ubotuir2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:12
ir2i know the destination03:12
Nertos_Ufait works too03:13
Peloir2, where is the file you need to move ?03:13
ir2in my yamipod folder03:13
ubuntuthis is dmsuperm1n/dmsuperman03:13
ubuntuit's installing now03:13
Nertos_Ufain XChat-GNOME IRC03:13
Peloir2,   then sudo cp  /media/yamipod/filename /usr/lib/filename03:14
RyanPriorir2: Suppose you wanted to move a file from /home/ir2/yamipod/my.file to /usr/lib/my.file -- you would type (without quotes) "cp /home/ir2/yamipod/my.file /usr/lib"03:14
Elv1313anybody know how to get the output of a bash command into a sting in CPP? I tried execclr, system() and few other, but they all return integer03:14
RyanPriorir2: And in order to run that command as root, you just type "sudo" at the beginning of it.03:14
AsciiewOk, I'm on KSirc now, I think I like this better.03:14
marx2kWhats the foolproof method of installing NVidia drivers?03:14
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:14
ZiggyFishRyanPrior: I just installed binutils-dev and it worked03:14
OwnerOnlineDo all linux versions install the same?03:14
ZiggyFishRyanPrior: thanks03:14
ppibburrElv1313, you will need a pipe03:15
bazhangOwnerOnline: nay03:15
marx2kugh... cant go to a website since I am text only :/03:15
RyanPriormarx2k: System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers03:15
Pelomarx2k, the foolproof method is to use the restricted driver in the admin menu03:15
RyanPriormarx2k: lynx03:15
AsciiewSo what does this Adobe air do?03:15
wapkomarx2k: i like using envy. google it03:15
kelso78I think that's what you are looking for03:15
bazhangwapko: please dont recommend that here03:15
PeloAsciiew, it's adobe so it,s probably image related, and bloated03:15
marx2kRyanPrior: I will try lynx but from memory, it sucks :)03:15
ir2yea it says no such file03:15
RyanPriorAsciiew: Adobe AIR is similar to Mozilla Prism - it gives web apps a dedicated window and runtime environment, allowing closer integration with desktop apps.03:15
wapkobazhang: oh, ok. im sorry03:15
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:16
wapkomay i ask why bazhang  ? :D03:16
RyanPriormarx2k: lynx is the shit, I use it all the time.03:16
AsciiewAh ok, ty much.03:16
Starnestommy!envy | wapko03:16
ubotuwapko: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »03:16
Elv1313ppibburr: how do i do that?03:16
Peloir2, linux is case sensitive ,  meaning capital letters count03:16
wapkocauses problems i presume03:16
bazhangwapko: newer users will have trouble recovering from a kernel upgrade for one; and we generaly dont like third party scripts here as we have to help fix the damage03:17
RyanPriorir2: Tab-completion helps a lot to get your filenames right. Type in the beginning of the file name then type tab and, if you typed the beginning right, the command line will guess what you are typing and fill it in for you.03:17
ubuntualright, Pelo03:17
Pelobazhang, to much info , just tell him you'll beat him up if he does it again03:17
kelso78bazhang: did you see my link for the source list?03:17
bazhangPelo: ;]03:17
ubuntuthis is dmsuperman, it's now installing03:17
ppibburrElv1313, well i code in ruby, so im sure its different :) but running the command through system to direct the the output to a file, we can be loaded is one way i now would work, ruby has IO::popen Popen3::open3 :)03:18
ubuntuPelo: Anything in particular i should do once installed?03:18
ir2it wont work03:18
marx2kOne of the main problems for me is once I am in the failsafe X, it doesn't recognize that I *have* an NVidia card. How can I remedy that?03:18
wobbiebobbiehi room03:18
Peloubuntu, yes,  do not do anything , other then try to install the restricted driver from the admin menu, that is the only safe thing to do at this point03:18
wobbiebobbieI need some help please03:18
Peloir2, read this  http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php that will get you started in command line stuff03:18
recon!ask | wobbiebobbie03:19
ubotuwobbiebobbie: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:19
Pelowobbiebobbie, we need actualy questions03:19
RyanPriorwobbiebobbie: This is the help room, and we're happy to have you. If you're interested in socializing, there's #ubuntu-offtopic as well. Welcome. :-)03:19
bazhangkelso78: some of the entries have #added by software properties at the end; best to edit those out and then refresh and try again03:19
Pelothis is not a room this is a channel03:19
peepsalotis there some easy way to tell what application is using my hard disk?  it's been thrashing for about half an hour or so03:19
FezzlerMy daughter likes to play Pengiun Racer.  I switched from a Monitor to LCD and now when she starts Penguin Racer, the screen goes black and a cursor arrow appears.  Screen controls show resolution switches to 800x600.  But I'm all locked up????03:19
wobbiebobbiewell I have ubuntu 7.10 and I downloaded ubuntu studio03:19
kelso78will give it a try, tnx03:19
RyanPriorPelo: pedantic much? =D03:19
Daisuke_Idois room or channel really THAT important a distinction?03:20
PeloRyanPrior, I iron my underware what do you think ?03:20
bazhangchannel/room war!03:20
RyanPriorPelo: I think you like putting on warm underwear. I like that too. :-)03:20
ubuntuPelo: tmi03:20
wobbiebobbieit told me to reboot and it says failed to start the x server and thats it03:20
BarryToemanpeepsalot: you can try the "top" command in a terminal, although it shows processes listed by CPU usage, but it may help03:21
Pelowobbiebobbie, from the command line type  startx03:21
ir2well i there any other way to get root privelages03:21
ir2without the terminal03:21
wobbiebobbieok hold on03:21
pawanwhen is the new version coming out03:21
ubuntupeepsalot: guess :D03:21
bazhangwobbiebobbie: best to enable the ubuntustudio repos and add stuff from that--you can keep all your non-free drivers intact in that scenario03:21
Peloir2, alt_f2   type  gksu nautilus03:21
kelso78I'm not logged in as root so I don't think it will allow me to edit that file03:22
bazhangApril 24th pawan03:22
RyanPriorpawan: It's coming out this month!03:22
wobbiebobbiehow do i do that baz03:22
jtisme!hardy |pawan03:22
Pelokelso78, start the editor with gksu , as in  gksu gedit /path/filename03:22
ubotupawan: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu03:22
MaquiasfaranoFezzler, did you try to see the behavior with Desktop Effects turned off?03:22
ubuntukelso78: sudo gedit03:22
bazhangubotu lag03:22
ubotuYou have lag, I don't have lag03:22
Peloubuntu, for gui apps gksu , for commands sudo03:23
RyanPriorWhen I right click and left click at the same time, it middle clicks. Is there a way to disable that behaviour?03:23
ubuntuPelo isn't it gksudo ?03:23
ubuntuPelo: and is the difference?03:23
macogwubuntu: same thing in uubntu03:23
Nertos_Ufawhat is gksudo?03:23
wapkowas wondering what the difference between gksodu and gksu was03:23
Peloubuntu, gksu and gksudo sar the same03:23
RyanPriorI'm surprised that the person who has been around Freenode long enough to have the name "ubuntu" needs help. =D03:23
PeloNertos_Ufa, sudo for gtk apps03:23
macogwubuntu: other distros would use gksu to be like su and gksudo to be like sudo, but since ubuntu just uses sudo for eerything, they function the same except gksu involves less typing03:23
bazhangwobbiebobbie: do you know how to add repos? you can do so in synaptic package manager or via the command line03:23
ubuntuPelo: what is the difference between gksudo and normal sudo?03:24
ir2ok after i type that gksu nautilus then what03:24
macogwubuntu: gksudo pops up a box to ask and does extra permissions checks to keep from breaking GUI apps03:24
hti_prohey guys, trying to compile a replacement kernel for ubuntu studio, due to libata driver issues.  The source code for the 2.6.22-14 kernel is around 2.6GB.  The compiled kernel package is 203MB.  Is this normal or did I do something wrong????????/03:24
tritiumRyanPrior: ubuntu is the default nick for a liveCD session user03:24
wobbiebobbieI just do it from snap03:24
Peloubuntu, read up , gksu is for gtk apps, works a bit differetrnly03:24
RyanPriorubuntu: gksudo is for GUI apps, sudo is for command line apps.03:24
Alan_Mmacogw, actually thats only partially true :)03:24
ubuntumacogw: i don't like gksu. i say it out loud, in my head, and it sounds like an angry japanese guy03:24
geniiwapko: gksu will let you run it as any arbitrary user if you specify. Defaults to root. gksudo runs it as your own user with temporary elevated privelege03:24
RyanPriortritium: Ah, I didn't realize.03:24
Alan_Mryanprior has it totally correct :)03:24
rycolehow do i check if a specific package is installed? i don't think it is, but "apt-get install" is only saying "libapr1 is already the newest version."03:24
macogwhti_pro: source is always bigger03:24
arrowI'm installing an old harddrive and when I mount it it says "arrow@arrow-desktop:~$ sudo mount /dev/sdb /media/200GigMaxtor03:25
arrowmount: you must specify the filesystem type03:25
ubuntuPelo, RyanPrior: Can't really read up ATM. I got that one is cli, one is gtk, i was wondering if there was a larger reason under the hood03:25
ir2ok i got it to work03:25
kindofabuzzrycole, apt-get --help03:25
macogwAlan_M: what part's not?03:25
wobbiebobbieI have all the command word saved on the on that wont boot03:25
ir2how do i mount my ipod inside /mnt or /media with read/write access03:25
RyanPriorubuntu: The reason is that GUI apps and CLI apps have different needs from a configuraiton standpoint, and so different launcher apps were designed for each one.03:25
Peloubuntu, there is but it's over my head so I can'T realy explain it03:25
wobbiebobbiedumb( I cant remember the commands03:25
ubuntuah :D03:25
macogwAlan_M: he just said that you use gksu/do for gui apps.  i gave the reason why this is done...03:26
hti_promacogw: ok, is my kernel really 203MB, my old kernel is less than 10MB and all I was trying to do is disable the libata driver03:26
dryrotWhat are some tools i can use to verify the integrity of my laptop hard drive?  i tried booting with the cd, i ran fsck successfully, when i boot into ubuntu on my hard drive, the computer gets to the GDM splash screen, then the drive makes weird noises and I can't log in03:26
FezzlerMaq = So turn OFF Desktop Effects and then try to run Racer?03:26
Pelowobbiebobbie, what command do you ned ?03:26
ubuntuso does anyone know how to configure irssi? like change my nick, and so on03:26
arrowir2, did you try like a normal hdd? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive?highlight=%28hard%29%7C%28install%29%7C%28new%2903:26
Starnestommyubuntu: /nick new-nickname03:26
RyanPriorFezzler: If you want compositing but you want to be able to run games too, I suggest using compositing Metacity.03:26
Peloubuntu, /nick newnick03:26
* Alan_M is trying to flollow macogw, screens flying by....if i read you wrong sorry.03:26
wobbiebobbiemy computer wont boot after downloading ubuntu studio03:26
geniiRyanPrior: Also sudo does not know enough to leave config or resource files in the users ownership when exiting. Which can cause things not to run for them afterwards03:26
rycolekindofabuzz: ive been looking at that, and i dont see how to check if the package is installed already.03:26
foraohhi i have a quick question03:26
MaquiasfaranoFezzler, maybe it's a problem with Compiz switching resolutions... I don't know... just guessing...03:27
Alan_Mwobbiebobbie, wont boot? what errors (if any) does it give?03:27
foraohi want to make my foreground window borders look exactly like the background window borders, anyone know how can i do that?03:27
macogwhti_pro: yeah thats the other thing...thats freaky03:27
RyanPriorgenii: Yup. The differences have been largely accounted for, making it wise to use the right launcher for the respective app types.03:27
wobbiebobbiehave to reboot to tell yaw03:27
macogwhti_pro: 2GB is what stood out to me.  kernel sources are about 40MB03:27
wobbiebobbiehold on03:27
Pelowobbiebobbie, boot the recovery mode and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg,  use the default answees provided unless you absolutely know better03:27
kelso78Didn't help, here's what I'm getting03:27
wobbiebobbieI did03:27
macogwAlan_M: /lastlog macogw03:27
RyanPriorWhen I right click and left click at the same time, it middle clicks. Is there a way to disable that behaviour?03:27
Nertos_UfaI want to install gxneur and to make ./configure i need gtk+-2.0, but i can't find it maybe somebody help me?03:28
Peloubuntu, how are we comming along ?03:28
ubuntu_94% install :D03:28
macogwAlan_M: that'll filter to lines where my name is shown.  to un-search, use /lastlog -clear03:28
StarnestommyNertos_Ufa: is libgtk2.0-dev installed?03:28
hti_promacogw: I downloaded it from the apt repository, do you know where i can get a standard ubuntu kernel without the libata driver03:28
taqdoes any know why flash won't show up in my firefox even though i installed "adobe shockwave" or whatever?03:28
macogwhti_pro: no. i just know to get the pure kernel from kernel.org03:28
=== Angeles is now known as Angeleso
Alan_Mmacogw, im sorry..i read lastlog, and you are correct. *slaps hand*03:28
ubuntu_argh, it's getting it's error log all in my irssi!03:28
BarryToemanRyanPrior: i'm guessing here, but you can try to reconfigure xorg to not emulate a three-button mouse.03:28
MaxRideI have a quick, stupid question.... I have a USB drive mounted, and the shortcut was placed on my desktop automatically.  I'm trying to rename it (It's currenly just 'disk') but it won't let me.  Am I doing it wrong?03:29
ubuntu_i've got a screen with half messages from users, half logging from the installer03:29
ir2how do i mount my ipod to the /media folder03:29
wobbiebobbiehere what I get ( failed to start the x server ) in a blue screen03:29
ubuntu_Pelo: Alright, rebooting now03:29
bazhangkelso78: disable those problem repos and try again after a refresh/reload03:29
hti_promacogw: should I still use the ubuntu way of compiling the kernel into a .deb, or just follow standard kernel comp instructions03:29
Fezzlerwhere do I turn OFF Desktop Effects?03:29
Peloir2, if it shows up on your desktop that is whre it is mounted03:29
MaquiasfaranoFezzler, which Ubuntu edition  are you using?03:30
ZeltaFezzler: System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects03:30
macogwFezzler: system -> pref -> appearances -> * effects03:30
Pelowobbiebobbie, do you get a boot menu when hyou start ?03:30
Alan_MFezzer, you go to system, pref...yeah what they said.03:30
wobbiebobbiewould you like the x server output to diagnose the problem (yes or no )03:30
orudiehow can i add a user through terminal ?03:30
Pelowobbiebobbie, do you get a boot menu when hyou start ?03:30
Chris| how do i view a bluetooth device? i had my phone and laptop connected but not sure how to view my phone like network wise? if this makes sense03:30
BarryToemanorudie: useradd or adduser03:30
Zeltanewuser <username>03:30
Peloorudie, man adduser03:30
wobbiebobbieI can get to the command prompt03:30
Zeltaor that03:30
Alan_MBarryToeman, both work?03:31
bikeboyIn OOo Writer,  with page numbers in the header, how do I make it hidden on the first page but visible on the rest? Note: not offset03:31
BarryToemanAlan_M: yeah, sure.  two knives, one cat = one pelt03:31
Pelowobbiebobbie, ok from the command prompt,  type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , use the default ansers provided unless you absolutely knoe better, then restart the computer03:31
orudieBarryToeman, a little more specifics please ?03:31
wobbiebobbieok hoil on03:32
Zeltaorudie: He means that they are different ways of doing the exact same thing03:32
Pelobikeboy, ask in #openoffice.org03:32
Alan_Mheh, crude analogy but i get what your saying :D03:32
kelso78ok no more errors, it seems I'm up to date, thank you very much03:32
BarryToemanorudie: you find a cat...just kidding.03:32
bazhangnp ;]03:32
bikeboyPelo: I have :) - waiting for a response so decided to ask here too03:32
ir2how do i install the df command03:32
dmsupermanPelo: back03:32
* Alan_M deletes the !ot i was gonna throw out there.03:32
Pelodmsuperman, ok so you got a ful and working gui desktop ?03:33
dmsupermanPelo: In GUI now, IRC'ing from irssi so we don't have to worry about restarting xserver03:33
Gordon_Freemanah the larval cluster03:33
Pelodmsuperman, ok from the gui ,  menu > system > admin > restricted driver ,  see if there is anything in there that wants installing03:33
bazhang!hi | Gordon_Freeman03:33
ubotuGordon_Freeman: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:33
phoenixnehi ,friends03:33
orudiehow can i make a user owner of a derectory using chmod ?03:33
dmsupermanPelo: it needs me to reboot to use it now03:34
orudiedirectory *03:34
BarryToemanorudie: adduser is more debian specific and is "friendlier"03:34
Peloir2, sudo apt-get isntall df ?03:34
phoenixnecan anyone who can help?03:34
Gordon_Freemanwrite read change03:34
wobbiebobbieI says03:34
kelso78ok, so my new question is, those were my only options under "third party software", so where can I find sources for third party software?03:34
Pelodmsuperman, knock yourself out03:34
dmsupermanPelo: alright, brb03:34
orudieBarryToeman, i figured, i just used adduser and it worked fine03:34
rycoledoes anyone know if the apache portable runtime module for mysql is available through apt-get?03:34
spyd3rhelp--i have ubuntu installed on a sata disk and i have windows installed on another sata disk. can someone point me in the right direction to figure out how i can get an option of which sata disk to boot from?03:34
phoenixnewhen i boot on the ubuntu the screem always show "you passed an undefined mode number"03:34
rycoleit's not in the libapr1 package.03:34
=== nightmare is now known as indikator
wobbiebobbieI need to get my diver for my nvidai geforce 5500 card03:35
cyberpass2how do you install VNC in ubuntu?03:35
ir2how do i install the df command03:35
wobbiebobbieI for got it03:35
Pelokelso78, some website for apps  have repos that you can add as 3rd party repos so you always get their latest as it comes out , like winehq03:35
Pelowobbiebobbie, just get the vesa for now03:35
Peloir2, what is df %?03:35
ZeltaUbuntu does not mount my external hard drive, any suggestions?03:35
slimjimflimhttp://digg.com/users/slimjimflim   this is the funniest rant on all da intrawebz03:36
PeloZelta, make sure it is powered on03:36
slimjimflimcan you digg it?03:36
ZeltaIt is.03:36
Alan_M!vnc | cyberpass203:36
ubotucyberpass2: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX03:36
kelso78should I do a search for winehq repo?03:36
dmsupermanPelo: Rebooted03:36
bazhangslimjimflim: not here please03:36
BarryToemanslimjimflim: no03:36
ir2ok can someone tell me how to run adept manager as root03:36
ZeltaPelo: How can I list all devices connected to my computer?03:36
indikatordf size disc's03:36
PeloZelta,  for some , they get recogniesed only on reboot, try that03:36
PeloZelta, blkid03:36
Zeltahmm okay03:36
ir2it said i need to run it as root03:36
ir2i need to run adept manager as root how do i do that?03:36
=== Ttech2 is now known as Ttech
Pelodmsuperman, ok you have the restricted drive wroking ? resolution is fine ? no issues there ?03:37
wobbiebobbieok I did  what next03:37
bazhangsudo not root ir203:37
ZeltaPelo: I could force mount it, though, right?03:37
ir2ok what do i type?03:37
Alan_Malso cyberpass2 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC03:37
ir2in terminal03:37
FloodBot1icesword: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:37
Peloir2, to run a command as root you type the command with sudo before it03:37
dmsupermanPelo: Correct03:37
PeloZelta, if the computer sees it , youc an mount it manualy yes03:37
ir2what commanddd?!?!?!03:37
ZeltaHow do I manually mount?03:37
Pelodmsuperman, ok , did you ge tthis far the last time ?03:37
Alan_Micesword, calm yourself there mate :)03:38
PeloZelta,  what fs ?03:38
dmsupermanPelo: yeah, i had ubuntu just fine03:38
iceswordZelta, sudo mount -a03:38
iceswordAlan_M, hehee03:38
ZeltaPelo: vfat?03:38
dmsupermanPelo: it was when i started messing with xorg.conf that it got screwed03:38
bazhangir2 open adept  then type in your user password when so prompted03:38
PeloZelta, hold on03:38
Pelodmsuperman, give me a minute03:38
ir2it doesnt ask for password and username03:38
wobbiebobbiecan I just uninstall ubuntu studio and go back to defalut03:38
phoenix__ when i boot on the ubuntu the screem always show "you passed an undefined mode number"03:38
wobbiebobbieor reinstall grub03:38
dmsupermanPelo: surely03:38
phoenix__do anyone who knows how to fix?03:39
PeloZelta,  sudo mkdir /media/vfat   ,     sudo mount -t vfat /dev/**** /media/vfat03:39
dmsupermanPelo: xorg.conf backed up03:39
Alan_Mwobbiebobbie, sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop sudo aptitude remove ubuntustudio-desktop im guessing is how you would do it...03:39
bazhangir2 how are you trying to launch it; just go the gui menu and click on adept03:39
Pelodmsuperman, ok are you still on irss ?03:39
Alan_Mappend as needed please everyone :)03:39
ZeltaPelo: This is the line: /dev/sdd1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="APPS" UUID="BCF6-5251" TYPE="vfat"03:39
dmsupermanPelo: yes03:39
ZeltaDoes that look like it is an external hard drive?03:39
PeloZelta,  sudo mkdir /media/vfat   ,     sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdd1 /media/vfat03:39
Zeltaactually, wait, nevermind, that is not the hard drive...03:40
Zeltait is not listing the External HD at all03:40
Zeltalet me try to reboot03:40
dmsupermanZelta: it's your drive that's probably labeled apps, does that trigger your memory?03:40
Zeltayes dmsuperman03:40
b4l74z4ris it possible to set firefox to do its own font rendering?03:40
Zeltathat's why I recognized it's not it03:40
dmsupermanZelta: =P03:40
Pelodmsuperman, ok install xchat in the gui , sudo apt-get install xchat and come back here from thre, I'm gonna give you a link to a guide for  dualhead but I don,t want you to get in on that damned cli client03:40
kelso78Installed winehq repo03:40
ir2i did03:40
Alan_Mwobbiebobbie, did my instructions help you?03:40
kelso78any others i should look for?03:40
ir2and it says to change system settings you need to run this program as root03:40
MagicFabhi all - does anyone have any suggestions to measure disk/data i/o from  a network storage device ?03:40
wobbiebobbiehad to reboot to get to command03:41
MagicFab(other than transferring and watching the mb/s)03:41
cybojanekI have a dual monitor setup, and whenever I play bzflag, it shows fulscreen on both. How can I tell it to play fulscreen only on one? (Windows disables one screen when playing games for examples and plays fulsscreen on only one).03:41
bazhangir2 are you logged in as root?03:41
ir2how do i do that03:41
ir2i been asking forever03:41
wobbiebobbietype it one more time alan03:41
Alan_M"logged in as root" thats a dangerous question and command. bazhang :/03:41
Peloir2, to run a program as root you put sudo before the name ofthe command to start the program   as in sudo command03:41
bazhangir2 open adept through the gui menu03:42
wobbiebobbieI can logon at cammand prompt03:42
Peloir2, you've been told at least 5 times just by me03:42
charles|64hey guys03:42
ir2what is the gui menu03:42
jtismeir2  sudo su -   enter your password   your are now root!03:42
ir2yall have to be more specific03:42
Peloir2, sudo adept03:42
bazhangir2 nay; you have to pay closer attention03:42
Starnestommyir2: kdesu adept_manager03:42
Alan_Msudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop would give you regular ubuntu...sudo aptitude remove ubuntustudio-desktop would remove the ubuntu studio modifications to the main ubuntu theme :)03:43
dmsuperman_I've got dmsuperman on CLI, and dmsuperman_ in GUI (just in case)03:43
Pelodmsuperman_, youare in a decent irc client now ?03:43
Alan_M^ that was for wobbiebobbie, sorry03:43
FezzlerTurning off Desktop Effects didn't work.  Penguin Racer still locked up03:43
Pelo!dualhead > dmsuperman_  check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu03:43
Pelodmsuperman_, let me know if you got it ?03:43
Pelodmsuperman_, was that the guide you used last time ?03:44
FezzlerLCD monitor switched to 800 x 600, pointer appears.  Locked up.  Nvidia GeForce FX 550003:44
Alan_Mwobbiebobbie, i HIGHLY suggest you do sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop BEFORE you remove ubuntustudio-desktop...things get VERY bad if you dont i believe.03:44
dmsuperman_no, i used http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117403:44
yao_ziyuanby which way can i enjoy current releases of packages (e.g. pidgin 2.4.1 instead of 2.2.1) in ubuntu?03:44
ubotuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen03:44
ir2i got it to work03:44
bazhangyao_ziyuan: get the deb03:45
ir2i need to install frostwire03:45
Alan_Mwobbiebobbie, your quite welcome.03:45
ir2from adept manager03:45
Pelodmsuperman_, ok use the one I just gave you , you shouldn'T have to paly around iwth drivers but you probably will have to edit xorg.  but since you made a backup you should be fine as long as you know how restore it manualy03:45
Alan_M!enter | ir203:45
ubotuir2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:45
wobbiebobbieIts working on it hope it works03:45
dmsuperman_Pelo: I know how to restore it. I don't see a guide on this page though?03:45
dmsuperman_Unless it's Using dual head with XFree86 ?03:46
Alan_Mwobbiebobbie, im pretty sure it will the way i had you set it up03:46
Peloir2, frostwrie is not in adept , you dl it form the frostwire site, and you double click the pacakge , it will ask foryour password and it will intsall03:46
wobbiebobbiehow do i reboot from command prompt03:46
ir2it shows up in adept when i type it in03:46
dmsuperman_wobbiebobbie shutdown -r i'd imagine03:46
bazhang!info frostwire03:46
ubotuPackage frostwire does not exist in gutsy03:46
Alan_Mwobbiebobbie, i think ctrl alt backspace works as well03:46
bazhangnot in gutsy ir203:46
geniiyao_ziyuan: To make ubuntu use the lates deb versions available in it's repositories, create a file called apt.conf in directory /etc/apt and have it contain the line of:   APT::Default-Release "experimental";                     For more recent versions see if getdeb website contains them, or else compile from source.03:47
dmsuperman_Alan_M: That's just XServer03:47
Pelodmsuperman_,  to restore your xorg.conf file     sudo cp /path/backupfilename /etc/X11/xorg.conf , that will copy your bacupfile over the xorg file already there ,03:47
wobbiebobbiegot it03:47
Alan_Mdmsuperman, oh, ok...03:47
nickrudgenii there's an experimental repo for ubuntu ??!!03:47
kelso78well thanks for all your help, i really appreciate it03:47
dmsuperman_Pelo: Yeah, I know how to restore i'm just making sure that the guide you want me to follow is the link that says Using multiple monitors with XFree86 ?03:47
bazhangir2 is this gutsy ubuntu or another ubuntu-based distro?03:47
Alan_Mwobbiebobbie, let me know the results, i definately wanna know if this worked like planned :D03:47
CreetureWhich package are the man pages for the C functions in? Like man syslog?03:48
wobbiebobbieI m rebooting03:48
geniinickrud: It's a debian-ism in the apt.conf but forces it to latest available and not just latest stable, as by default03:48
Pelodmsuperman_, xfree86 and xorg are the same thing I beleive03:48
StarnestommyCreeture: I think it's manpages-dev03:48
Alan_Mwobbiebobbie, ok :)03:48
dragon33hi, is there a gui app for ubuntu that displays an atomic clock, or can sync up with a time server.  thanks03:49
CreetureStarnestommy: Yep, that's the one. I couldn't come up with a reasonable set of search terms. :)03:49
wobbiebobbieAAAAAAA hot dang it work03:50
Pelodragon33, you can get the clock applet to syinc with various online time servers , I'm sinched to the nationnal canandian research center atm,  the offical time of canada03:50
wobbiebobbieits just in low graph mode03:50
CreeturePelo: Is it beer:30 in Canada also?03:50
Alan_Mdid it work wobbiebobbie?03:50
PeloCreeture, actualy  it 9 min to beer right now03:51
Alan_MPelo, hahaha!03:51
CreeturePelo: My clock must be fast. :)03:51
wobbiebobbieI thinks i got to reinstall restricted drives but im to brain dead I forgot how03:51
PeloCreeture, you need to pace yourself03:51
Pelowobbiebobbie,  menu > system> admin > restyricted drivers03:52
dmsuperman_Pelo: Alright, the guide comes in parts03:52
dmsuperman_I did the first bit, which is set Xinerama to true03:52
Alan_Mwobbiebobbie, can I pass you off to someone else...nevermind thank you pelo, I love you! in a non...freaky sort of way :D03:52
dmsuperman_after resetting xserver03:52
dmsuperman_my screen sorta shifts around now03:52
dmsuperman_like, it only shows part at a time, but i can move my mouse and it moves to the other part of the screen03:52
dmsuperman_any idea why that is?03:53
Alan_Mwobbiebobbie, im not gonna pass you off, as pelo actually gave me the help i needed without asking ;)03:53
BogaurdI have a drive which has 2 partitions of zero size... extended partitions /dev/sda3 & /dev/sda4. If i delete these with sfdisk, will the otherr partitions (/dev/sda5 etc) take their places?03:53
wobbiebobbiehey guys I got my desktop back I think I can get it form here (YOU GUYS ROCK )03:53
Alan_Mwobbiebobbie, thats what we are here for! :D03:53
Alan_Mhave a great day/night wobbiebobbie :)03:53
Alan_MRemember this place if you ever need further assistance wobbiebobbie :)03:54
wobbiebobbiebuy the way Im a old fart and this is to much for my old brain03:54
shivamibanother happy customer03:54
wobbiebobbieI wil  thanks03:54
dragon33Pelo, thanks, how do i install the clock applet? is it in the repositories? thanks03:54
Pelowobbiebobbie, there are a bunch of us geriatrics in here,  and we can handle it03:54
Pelodragon33, I mean the clock/calender on the top pannel03:55
* nickrud is annoyed that someone is stealing his old brain lines ;903:55
dmsuperman_Pelo: Any clue why my screen is all shifty?03:55
Alan_Myour actually kinda the first one that i really didnt need much assistance with, something i could handle :) (not meaning that to be rude or nuthin, actually greatful!)03:55
* Pelo is about 130 years old in internet time 03:55
Pelodmsuperman_, shifty ?03:55
dmsuperman_Pelo: It moves around as i put my cursor near the edge of it, and the monitor doesn't display the entire screen at any given time03:56
marx2kok... this X refuses to go into anything but low-graphics mode and I cannot figure out why03:56
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marx2kcan anyone help me out?03:56
Pelodmsuperman_, menu > system> prefs > appearance,   last tab , turn off the desktop effects03:56
bazhangres is too low then dmsuperman_03:56
dmsuperman_bazhang: my res is 1152 x 86403:56
Pelomarx2k, what is your video card ?03:56
marx2kPelo: Nvidia GeForce 620003:57
dmsuperman_Pelo: that's not it03:57
Pelomarx2k, menu > system > admin > restricted driver03:57
marx2kPelo: I will try it.03:57
Pelodmsuperman_, is your monitor one of those rectangular ones ?03:58
bazhangdmsuperman_: yet with that res cannot see whole screen? what szie monitor03:58
marx2klet's see...03:58
wobbiebobbiehey guys I m going to close this window thanks very very much  I just put a bunch of my grandson pictures on there ( can you say BACKUP) lol03:58
dmsuperman_Pelo: normal crt03:58
dmsuperman_bazhang: 19" crt03:58
dmsuperman_no clue why this happens :s03:58
RavenkinJust updated to Ubuntu 8.04 beta and I lost sound, any suggestions?03:58
BogaurdI have a drive which has 2 partitions of zero size... extended partitions /dev/sda3 & /dev/sda4. If i delete these with sfdisk, will the otherr partitions (/dev/sda5 etc) take their places?03:58
bazhangdmsuperman_: is that the max allowed?03:58
nickrud#ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+1 Ravenkin03:58
dmsuperman_bazhang i think it can do 1280 x 1024 but that's too small for me to see03:59
Ravenkinnickrud thanks03:59
marx2kWhat I hate about this also is that since X keeps going into failsafe mode, my Xorg log doesnt tell me what the issue is03:59
Pelodmsuperman_, are you sure that rez is a proper ratio ?03:59
dmsuperman_Pelo: Yes, I use it all the time on these monitors03:59
dmsuperman_Pelo: They've been running 1152 x 864 for years, it's a 4:3 normal ratio03:59
nickrudBogaurd yes, the partitions will get re-identified, that's why ubuntu is using UUID's in /etc/fstab and at least trying in grub03:59
Zimmy2hello, question regarding the gparted contained within the installer03:59
dmsuperman_it's something like 10 or 15% larger than 1024 x 76803:59
Bogaurdnickrud, okay, cool. that's what I wanted :)04:00
Pelodmsuperman_, k I don'T know abouthat one I'm afraid,  maybe you can try going down to 1024x768 for a test04:00
marx2kPelo: restricted driver installed. Restarting computer.04:00
Pelomarx2k, best of luck04:00
Zimmy2I don't know if I'm in the right channel, but I'm having a hard time resizing my Win32 partition on my SATA hard disk04:00
marx2kPelo: :)04:00
Zimmy2I need to keep this data, any help?04:00
dmsuperman_k, i have to logoff04:00
nickrudZimmy2 is this vista?04:00
marx2kI am forever having issues with my NVidia cards04:00
bazhangZimmy2: with ubuntu?04:00
Daisuke_Idomarx2k, it could be worse, it could be ATI04:00
PeloZimmy2, boot windows defrag a couple of times to make sure it is all nice and neat then use the live cd to do it04:01
Zimmy2nickrud: no, with winxp, bazhang, ubuntu gusty04:01
marx2kDaisuke_Ido: Dont even joke about that  ;)\04:01
Daisuke_Idomarx2k, how did you install the drivers?04:01
marx2kAh damn! fsck kicked in due to 30 mounts... argh now I have to wait04:01
Pelomarx2k, nvidia aren't playing nice with the linux community04:01
* nickrud has noticed that ati seems to be having much fewer issues recently04:01
Zimmy2Pelo, I'll try that, but I should note to mention, a few days ago I did another instal on my laptop with the same issues04:01
dmsuperman_logged off04:01
dmsuperman_and on04:01
dmsuperman_and i have dual monitor04:01
FloodBot1dmsuperman_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:01
dmsuperman_but both screens are shifty04:01
Pelonickrud, amd/ati have discovered that linux is their freind04:01
marx2kDaisuke_Ido: Well I dont even remember anymore since Ive had the NVidia closed drivers on here, the legacy drivers, the glx-new as well as non-new on here so it's been kind of a mess04:02
bazhangalso amd is close to bankruptcy04:02
Pelodmsuperman_, but you have both monitors working now ?04:02
nickrudZimmy2 you really should get a backup somehow, if you're having problems with resizing. Safety first04:02
Daisuke_Idonickrud, even xgl improved a lot, i went to get desktop effects working on a friend's laptop, radeon mobility x1100, worked like a charm04:02
Alan_Mfsck is slow and boring marx2k, but, it serves a very good purpose :D04:02
marx2kPelo: Looks like it's still gone to low-graphics mode..04:02
nickrudPelo yeah, I didn't have very high hopes to begin with04:02
Daisuke_Idobazhang, you think completely opening the graphics architecture is a last ditch effort?04:02
dmsuperman_Pelo: both are on, but both do the shift thing. and both of them have refresh rates that are much higher than i usually use04:02
bazhangDaisuke_Ido: aye have to think so (sorry for offtopic)04:03
peepsaloti need to know what is causing all this hard drive activity on my computer04:03
dmsuperman_Pelo: And I can't select any other refresh rate. one has 87hz and the other has 75. I use 60hz normally04:03
Pelodmsuperman_, now you edit your xorg.conf and change the refresh rate,  the value is horiz sync I belive04:03
* nickrud goes off to watch jon stewart, bbl04:03
Pelodmsuperman_, make sure you get the corect one s, back upyoru xorg fist04:03
marx2kPelo: When it goes into Low-graphics failsafe mode, which log files should I check? Because Xorg.0.log does not show any errors04:03
Pelomarx2k,   now open synaptic ,   search for nvidia settings04:04
marx2knvidia-settings is installed04:04
Pelomarx2k, start ti and change the rez then04:04
TerrorBiteI have a question about gpm04:04
marx2kXorg.0.log.old mentions that it Failed to initialize the GLX module04:04
Daisuke_Idognomes per minute?04:04
Pelomarx2k, why do you say it is in safe mode, does it say safe mode anywhere ?04:04
TerrorBiteI can move the mouse on the virtual console, but can't click anything04:05
Pelomarx2k,  I think nvidia needs aiglx or smeting  that bit confuses me04:05
marx2kPelo: "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode"04:05
TerrorBiteDaisuke_Ido: it's the mouse emulator for virtual terminals04:05
bkovacsWhat is the best application to use in Ubuntu to do borderless printing.04:05
dmsuperman_Pelo: I have 2 monitor sections. One says Section "monitor" # and the other says Section "Monitor". The one with the hash comes last04:05
Pelomarx2k, check the restricted driver thign again04:05
Pelomarx2k, it is possibly that you will need the binairy driver ,04:05
Daisuke_Idohmm...  never toyed with it.  would make aptitude a joy to use though04:06
marx2kI have the most current binary driver downloaded from NVidia. Should I try installing it do you think?04:06
Pelodmsuperman_, the one with the # is probably the second monitor,  the other one being the first monitor you had on when you started04:06
Pelomarx2k, yes04:06
dmsuperman_alright, both have:Horizsync30-7004:06
marx2kPelo: Ok, trying04:06
dmsuperman_Should I just change that to Horizsync 60 ?04:06
dmsuperman_and leave the Vertrefresh alone?04:06
xzi11awill there ever be an upgrade plan for ubuntu 6.06 lts that doesnt involve going through 6.10, for example, going directly to 8.04 LTS ?04:07
Zeltathere is04:07
bazhangyes xzi11a04:07
Pelodmsuperman_, it's usualy the horizsync one tha tneeds changing , match them to the h value at the back of hte monitors,   usualy you make sure that the higher end of the range is just above or at the value of the monitor lable04:07
Pelodmsuperman_, if you get me04:07
dmsuperman_are you sure it's not Vertrefresh that is the refresh rate? because right now the refreshes are 75hz, which is outside the given range 30-7004:07
danuelhi all.  I need some help!04:07
Peloxzi11a, you will be able to upgrade to 8.04 directly ,04:07
xzi11aZelta: got a link wrt that? i've been digging around and cant find anything04:08
Pelodanuel, we need actual questions04:08
WillieDaPimpI just bought some blank dvds and tried to write to them and i keep getting >>  :-[ WRITE@LBA=0h failed with SK=5h/ASC=30h/ACQ=05h]: Wrong medium type  :-( media is not formatted or unsupported.  :-( write failed: Wrong medium type  <<04:08
Zeltaxzi11a: Once 8.04 comes out in the final release I believe it'll let you do it as an update04:08
dmsuperman_Pelo: alright, restarting xserver then04:08
Peloxzi11a, wait until the 24th ,  the new lts comes out you'll be able to upgrade then04:08
danuelHow do I make ubuntu look like Mac!  Silly, but I have a friend I'm trying to convince to switch!04:08
marx2kHm... before installing the NVidia binary driverm I typed 'startx' for shits and giggless and it's telling me "Error: API Mismatch: This NVIDIA driver component has version 100.14.19 but the NVIDIA kernel module version does not match."04:08
bazhangdanuel: get awn04:09
Pelo!theme | danuel04:09
ubotudanuel: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy04:09
sunnybghi. i'm trying to install 7.10 on very slow machine :), and the live cd has problems displaying the desktop. but I can switch to terminal (CtrlAlt-F1). How can I invoke a text based installer from there?04:09
marx2kSo... What should I do do you think?04:09
geniiWillieDaPimp: You probably have bought dvd +R or +RW when your writer cannot use them04:09
danuelExcellent.  thanks.04:09
dmsuperman_alright, the horiz is set04:09
dmsuperman_only problem is04:09
orudiehow can i open this file gamei386.so.gz ?04:09
dmsuperman_the screen still shifts04:09
bkovacsWhat is the best application to use in Ubuntu to do borderless printing04:09
Pelosunnybg, you need the alternate install cd or the dvd ,  and if the comp is old you might consider  xubuntu , it is a bit lighter04:10
Netham45"checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" < does anyone know how to fix this? Ubuntu Gutsy on an x86 processor04:10
Pelodmsuperman_, pleas don't use the enter key for punctuation04:10
marx2kso what do I do if the NVidia kernel modules do not match?04:10
neur0nhow do i find out which hard drive is sda1, sdb1, sdc1, etc?04:10
marx2kkernel module versions, rather?04:10
dmsuperman_Pelo: Alright, but do you have a clue about why it shifts around?04:10
marx2kBasically... how do I start anew and try installing nvidia-glx-new again?04:11
Pelodmsuperman_, ok at this point I'm gonna send you to the forum,  don't post search ,   try other keywords then shift , the dualhead might be an issue if your single monitor didn'T do that before04:11
dmsuperman_Pelo: I think once we can get the monitors to display it properly it will work04:11
Pelodmsuperman_, www.ubuntuforums.org04:11
neo2nixhello room04:11
=== Kristaal_Stoen is now known as NoTownKasper
WillieDaPimpgenii, heh, no ...... i'm not that new to this...... my writer can handle it, it has plenty times before04:11
Pelodmsuperman_, will you be fine on your own ? I'd like to get to bed now04:12
Zeltapretty much ever writer ever made can handle +R/+RW04:12
neo2nixWill some teach me!?04:12
Zeltabecause the -R specification was made after +R04:12
Peloneo2nix, teach you waht ?04:12
neo2nixim new to linux04:12
neo2nixPelo, im new04:12
Peloneo2nix,  we can only answer specific quesitons04:12
Peloneo2nix,  start here  http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty04:13
sunnybgPelo: actually, it kind-off starts the desktop, but no tollbars, etc. but right-click and start terminal works. so i have graphical terminal. how do I start the graphical install (there are no icons on the desktiop)04:13
neo2nixi just wanna chat on and about linux04:13
dmsuperman_Pelo: I suppose i'll just have to figure it out04:13
Peloneo2nix, cause therei is jsut too much info to just start teaching04:13
Zelta!ot neo2nix04:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ot neo2nix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:13
Zelta!ot | neo2nix04:13
ubotuneo2nix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:13
neo2nixim reading your links now04:13
Pelosunnybg, try in the admin menu04:14
geniiWillieDaPimp: Trying to write dual layer iso file possibly?04:14
sunnybgPelo, no toolbars, and no menu bar. Just blank desktop, but right-click wokrs04:14
lewenchAnyone know what %e %b %G mean for conky? This is how it was used in a line ${color slate grey}${time %a, } ${color }${time %e %B %G}04:14
Pelodmsuperman_, you are there almost,   the shifty thing is probably a minor issue,  there ,s proably a fix in there someonwe04:14
NoTownKasperneo2nix: You're in the tech support channel right now, everyone here is either here to ask a specific question, or to answer them. :P04:14
dmsuperman_So does anyone else know why my screen moves around? My monitor can more than handle the resolution, however when my mouse gets to the edge of the screen it moves the entire screen04:14
TerrorBitewell, I have a specific question04:15
neo2nixNoTownKasper, thank you for the input04:15
Pelosunnybg,sorry no idea,  just get the alternate cd , trust me ,easier, and get xubuntu , lighter04:15
bkovacsWhat is the best application to use in Ubuntu to do borderless printing04:15
PeloI realy have to go to bed now , g'night folks04:15
sunnybgPelo, thanks04:15
lewenchAnyone know what %e %b %G mean for conky? This is how it was used in a line ${color slate grey}${time %a, } ${color }${time %e %B %G}04:15
neo2nix<-- I do "tech support"! :-((04:15
TerrorBiteI'm having difficulty enabling mouse support in the virtual consoles04:15
WillieDaPimpgenii, no it is a single layer 4.3 GB iso file and i'm writing on 4.7GB DVD-R discs04:15
tonyyarussoTerrorBite: you've installed gpm?04:15
dmsuperman_Essentially my monitor is acting as a window into my desktop, and the window only sees 2/3 of the full desktop, but i can move the window around. I want to know how to just expand the window so it shows the whole screen04:15
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neo2nixetard id10ts that ...04:16
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neo2nixwell thats just life @ work04:16
adynick Rehxa04:17
TerrorBitetonyyarusso: I'm running gpm, I can move the cursor round the screen, but if I run vim and :set mouse=a, vim doesn't seem to recieve any clicks04:17
neo2nixanyhow,.. i wanna learn *nix.  i figure that ubintu is a good as place as any to start @04:17
dan__hey, mount: special device /dev/scd0 does not exist04:17
dan__ when I try to mount my CDrom drive. Any ideas?04:17
Netham45neo2nix, ubuntu.04:17
Netham45or... was that just a typo? :P04:17
NoTownKasperSpeaking of questions, here's my latest. So I themed my whole gui practically, to work with the 'overglossed' color theme from Gnome-look. Splash screens...cursors, everything. But, when I boot, after the gdm themed login, there's about a 3 second spot, while the gnome splash is telling me everything's loading...that's still the bright orangish barf-color and even the system>Administration>login window>local setting to change back04:17
dan__anyone know?04:18
neo2nixWhat is the channal for noobs wanting to learn the ins and outs of ubuntu?04:18
NoTownKasperneo2nix:  Probably #ubuntu-offtopic04:19
neo2nixwell, heck.. im on ubuntu nw04:19
neo2nixcool thanx04:19
TerrorBiteneo2nix: you'd be better off either following a web tutorial. Or see if you can locate a local Linux Users Group, and attend their meetings04:19
=== MikeB is now known as Technoviking
cyclonutcan anyone recommend a command-line conky equivalent?04:20
jtismedan_ did you just insert the CD say within the last 2-3 minutes04:20
zeeeeecyclonut, i use htop04:20
zeeeeeit's not as rich04:20
zeeeeethere's also dstat04:21
NoTownKasperSpeaking of questions, here's my latest. So I themed my whole gui practically, to work with the 'overglossed' color theme from Gnome-look. Splash screens...cursors, everything. But, when I boot, after the gdm themed login, there's about a 3 second spot, while the gnome splash is telling me everything's loading...that's still the bright orangish barf-color and even the system>Administration>login window>local setting to change back04:21
RandocalI think I have a compiz element running that is making my PC run much slower.... but I don't know what key combo I might have pressed.... is there a way i can see which compiz plugins are currently running?04:21
zeeeeebut that's also limited04:21
dmsuperman_nobody has a clue why my screen moves around/04:22
cyclonutzeeeee: thanks for the recommendation :)04:22
TerrorBiteRandocal: I had the same issue, I think it was the "Reflections" plugin that was causing issues04:22
TerrorBitedmsuperman_: moves around how?/04:22
Randocali don't even have a checkmark for reflection in my advanced settings.....04:22
dmsuperman_When I put my mouse to the edge of the screen it shifts around04:22
rycolehey guys, is there a way to see what files a certain package contains with apt-get?04:22
dmsuperman_and doesn't display the entire screen04:22
Zeltarycole: Type "man apt-get"04:22
Randocali was cycling through several of the plugins showing my wife how they work.... basically i was showing off. And I think there was one that i turned on, but didn't turn off aftewards04:23
MrKeunerhi, can I log vino connections(any attempts) somehow?04:23
TerrorBitedmsuperman_: that means your X server is configured to have a larger "virtual" screen size, than your physical screen size04:23
jtismerycole,   dpkg  --search  package_name04:23
jtismeif the package is installed04:23
cyclonuthtop is very cool04:23
dmsuperman_My monitors can handle up to 1280 x 1024, but my xserver config is only using 1152 x 86404:23
dan__is there currently a bug in Gutsy Ubuntu with Cdroms?04:23
jtismedan_ no04:24
dmsuperman_TerrorBite: It's a fairly basic xorg.conf, i haven't changed much. would you mind taking a look at it for me?04:24
TerrorBitedmsuperman_: sure, could you pastebin it please04:24
dan__You know why I wouldn't be able to mount the CDrom then?04:24
jtismedan_ did you insert a CD in the last 5 minutes?04:24
dan__It's not working since I just rebooted04:25
jtismedan_ then   tail  /var/log/messages and see if it was recognized by the system04:25
dmsuperman_TerrorBite: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62694/04:25
NoTownKasperSpeaking of questions, here's my latest. So I themed my whole gui practically, to work with the 'overglossed' color theme from Gnome-look. Splash screens...cursors, everything. But, when I boot, after the gdm themed login, there's about a 3 second spot, while the gnome splash is telling me everything's loading...that's still the bright orangish barf-color and even the system>Administration>login window>local setting to change back04:25
neur0nwhats the command to unmount04:26
dmsuperman_umount -a04:26
dmsuperman_run as sudo though04:26
geniineur0n: I would not run that command just suggested04:26
neur0ni mounted two drives in different places. i need to unmount the second one i mounted by accident04:27
dan__daniel@daniel-desktop:~$ tail  /var/log/message04:27
dan__tail: cannot open `/var/log/message' for reading: No such file or directory04:27
geniineur0n: the -a switch means "all" which will unmount all things except possibly root (/)04:27
Juzzy`neur0n sudo umount /dev/hdb etc or whichever hard drive04:27
neur0ngenii: i tried umount /dev/sdb1 /media/shared but didnt work04:28
dmsuperman_neur0n: yeah, i thought too far ahead04:28
TerrorBitedmsuperman_: Section "Screen", Subsection "Display". Virtual 1400    105004:28
neur0nbut i have sdb1 mounted in 2 places04:28
TerrorBitedmsuperman_: try removing that line04:28
geniineur0n: For umount you need only the mountpoint04:28
jtismedan_ sorry  /var/log/messages04:28
Alan_Mdmsuperman, you trying to kill the guys pc? heh04:28
dmsuperman_Alan_M worst case scenario he would run mount -a to remount them04:28
geniineur0n: eg: umount /media/shared              possibly sudo needed in this case04:28
dmsuperman_it only unmounts if they aren't being used04:29
marshallis it possible to have a voice chat conversation over aMSN? if so, how?04:29
dmsuperman_and i wasn't thinking straight04:29
Alan_Mdmsuperman, true :)04:29
dan__it doesn't say anything about CDrom activity04:29
mofoi have a mount problem -- 7.10 on client and server,04:29
dmsuperman_TerrorBite: Alright, odd that it put that in there04:29
dmsuperman_TerrorBite: I'll brb04:29
mixedhey is youtube really slow today?04:29
Juzzy`My Shared Folders in Shared Folders in Applications -> System has disappeared, how do i get it back so I can share folders again (Mythbuntu 8.04b)04:29
dan__mount: special device /dev/scd0 does not exist04:29
TerrorBitedmsuperman_: sure04:29
neur0numount: /media/Shared mount disagrees with the fstab04:29
NoTownKasperWhen I boot, after the gdm themed login, there's about a 3 second spot, while the gnome splash is telling me everything's loading...that's still the bright orangish barf-color and even the system>Administration>login window>local setting to change background colors, hasn't fixed it. Any suggestions?04:29
mofosudo mount /home/mofo/Desktop/server04:29
jtismedan_ does it have anything like  /dev/sdaX04:30
dmsupermanTerrorBite: This is my other nick, in irssi04:30
mofois the command i use and it "used" to work04:30
dmsupermani just logged on04:30
geniineur0n: You have 2 things mounted to same dir?04:30
dmsupermanit didn't change anything04:30
jtismedan_  /dev/sdNA04:30
neur0ngenii: not on the same dir04:30
Juzzy`mofo sudo mount //
dmsupermanTerrorBite: And even the logon screen has a large virtual screen04:31
dmsupermanTerrorBite: Do you think a total reboot would fix it?04:31
Juzzy`mofo did that work?04:31
mofonope, same error04:31
Juzzy`what error?04:31
mofomount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //,04:32
mofo       missing codepage or helper program, or other error04:32
mofo       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try04:32
mofo       dmesg | tail  or so04:32
FloodBot1mofo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:32
TerrorBitedmsuperman: I'm in irssi myself. usually all you have to do is reboot the X server04:32
dmsupermanTerrorBite: I did, ctrl + alt + backspace04:32
TerrorBitedmsuperman: odd04:32
dmsupermanTerrorBite: Even the logon screen had the large virtual screen04:32
mofoi tryed the dmesg, but noting pertinent about mount04:33
AgentHeXi'm trying to compile a package, but it's written for 32-bit processor.  it uses things like casting pointers to integers and back, so i have to compile it for i686 or something, but when i tried changing the CFLAGS in the makefile to include -march=i686, i get an error that the CPU selected does not support x86-64 instruction set.  how can i compile the package for 32-bit?04:33
Juzzy`mofo sudo mount // /media/share/04:33
Juzzy`thats what i did and it worked :/04:33
dan__is there strictly a help channel?04:33
dan__or is this is?04:33
TerrorBitedmsuperman: perhaps add in a new virtual line, that matches your actual physical size04:33
Juzzy`dan__ this is it.. just be patient04:33
TerrorBitedan__: iswhay?04:33
jtismedan_  see if you have  /dev/scd004:33
dmsupermanTerrorBite: alright04:33
jtismedan_  ls -l /dev/scd004:34
NoTownKasperOnly problem with patience, some of us need our problems solved asap. :P04:34
mofonope, same error04:34
TerrorBitedmsuperman: I could do with a Virtual screen myself, I'm at 800x48004:34
Juzzy`NoTownKasper then buy support from canonical04:34
geniineur0n: Please pastebin output of: mount04:34
Juzzy`This is all volunteer help04:34
geniibah, left04:34
mofoi double checked my exports file, all is well, and restarted the nfs server04:34
NoTownKasperI refuse to pay for something that -should- be offered free. :P04:34
dmsupermanTerrorBite: It bugs the crap out of me :P04:35
NoTownKasperBesides, I'm not in a hurry this time, so it's no bother.04:35
Juzzy`lol NoTownKasper the o/s is developed for free, distributed for free and you want support for free04:35
mofostill no luck04:35
TerrorBitedmsuperman: it ca be annoying, especially when you have a big enough screen04:35
NoTownKasperNow you're getting it Juzzy` :D04:35
TerrorBitedmsuperman: but a 7" 800x480 is not "big enough"04:35
rycoleanyone know if apt-get has a package with apache's apr_dbd_mysql module in it?04:35
Juzzy`mofo unfortunately my knowledge is also limited, just have to wait till someone with better mount knowledge comes along04:36
rycolethe newest apache, 2.2.8 comes with it04:36
mofook, i thank you for the quick responses04:36
Juzzy`I try ;)04:36
NoTownKasperWhen I boot, after the gdm themed login, there's about a 3 second spot, while the gnome splash is telling me everything's loading...that's still the bright orangish barf-color and even the system>Administration>login window>local setting to change background colors, hasn't fixed it. Any suggestions?04:36
dmsupermanTerrorBite: I LOVE YOU04:36
Juzzy`I'm actually here to get help as well, but I try and fix the small issues where I can04:36
dmsupermanTerrorBite: and haha, yeah04:36
lucianhow do i upgrade to 8.04 using apt?04:36
dmsupermanTerrorBite: I keep finding 19" CRTs for free, so i keep em and find a use04:36
Midtronichowdy, There's this really awesume feature (a package to find, I'm guessing) I have on GG but not HH - my tab completion is a lot more "powerful" in GG -- apt-cache search <tab> shows any package that fits the match04:37
tonyyarussolucian: #ubuntu+104:37
rycoledoes anyone know when apt-get will be updated to download Apache 2.2.8?04:37
usserNoTownKasper, thats an annoying as far as i know theres no way to get rid of it04:37
dmsupermanTerrorBite: Using 2 for my desktop, took one to work to have triple monitor04:37
tonyyarussorycole: 2.2.8 is in Hardy right now.04:37
NoTownKasperusser: You're kidding...right?04:37
dan__where would the scd0 be?04:37
usserNoTownKasper, not really, i've been looking all over for a fix never found one!04:37
htmljunkiemacogw: you there?04:37
Juzzy`lucian http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=227052 <- follow this guide but you want to go from gutsy to hardy04:38
wapkoNoTownKasper: hold on let me find you a link..04:38
NoTownKasperDamn...that's going to spoil my demonstration tomorrow. :\04:38
Flannel!upgrade | Juzzy`, lucian04:38
ubotuJuzzy`, lucian: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:38
jtismedan_  ls -l /dev/scd004:38
rycoleoh, i'm still on gutsy04:38
rycoledo these packages not appear for me?04:38
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy04:38
macogw!ot | htmljunkie04:38
ubotuhtmljunkie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:38
dan__ls: /dev/scd0: No such file or directory04:38
Flannelrycole: Gutsy won't ever have 2.2.8, you'll get it when you upgrade to Hardy04:38
TooR4uHow to transcode video to audio file in audacity?04:38
jtismedan_ and you CD is in the drive04:39
rycoleaww, man. lol. i'm using slicehost, and they don't have Hardy, yet.04:39
TooR4uny ideas of transcoding video to audio format?04:39
tonyyarussorycole: of course not - it's not suitable for production environments.04:39
Flannelrycole: Well, Hardys still beta.  I wouldn't expect them to.04:39
wapkoNoTownKasper: look here. i believe this is what you asked for. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74586904:39
dan__yes, cd is in drive04:39
rycoleoh, ok.04:39
usserTooR4u, you mean extracting the audio track from video file?04:39
jtismedan_ ls /dev/cdrom  is it there04:39
rycoleso the only option is to compile it myself, then04:39
TooR4uusser, yes04:39
dan__ls: /dev/cdrom: No such file or directory04:40
TooR4uusser, I am using audacity for that .. but not working fine ..04:40
jtismedan_ how many physical hard drives do you have04:40
usserTooR4u, you can try ffmpeg its a command line tool but its really powerful04:40
dan__one is Sata though04:40
TooR4uyup .. I heard about that .... (what is the command ..?)04:41
TooR4uto convert .avi format to .mp304:41
geniidan__: Does /dev/scd0 exist?04:41
dan__it says it doesn't04:41
Joe3hi all04:41
NoTownKasperanyone remember offhand what black is in hex? :P04:41
TerrorBiteNoTownKasper: #00000004:42
usserTooR4u, hang on04:42
dan__NoTownKasper: #00000004:42
jtismedan_  when you do  df  -k  what  devices  (/dev/sXX) display04:42
Joe3anyone in here use ALSA for sound support on a Toshiba?04:42
=== bluefoxx_ is now known as bluefoxx
NoTownKasperLessee if that did it...04:43
Joe3I have used these set of instructions 3 times, first two times they worked like a charm, now I can't get them to work at all04:43
dan__jtisme:  http://pastebin.com/m669b592304:43
usserTooR4u, here go here and add the appropriate repository https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu04:43
neur0nIs this right: /dev/sdc1        /media/Shared      rw,user,auto,exec,utf8 0       004:43
neur0nin fstab04:43
Joe3neur0n: right to do what?04:43
TooR4uusser, okey .. lemme see04:43
neur0nJoe3: to auto mount on start up. its not working04:43
usserTooR4u, after that you'll get access to a whole bunch of multimedia programs that werent included in ubuntu for various legal reasons04:43
nickrudneur0n no, you don't specify the partition type (ntfs, ext3 etc)04:43
Joe3automount external?04:44
neur0ninternal HD04:44
geniineur0n: Specify filetype04:44
nickrudneur0n goes before the rw,...04:44
Joe3neur0n: /dev/sdc1   /media/shared    ntfs     ..................    0     004:44
Joe3(where ................ is what you have before ;))04:44
geniineur0n: I mean put filesystem type in that line. Like between /media/Shared and rw,etc,etc04:45
neur0nJoe3: nickrud genii: thanks. will reboot to test04:45
Joe3so luck on finding someone who knows a bit about the ALSA applied to a Toshiba laptop?04:45
nickrudneur0n only need to do sudo mount -a , no reboot necessary04:45
nickrudlate again04:45
jtismedan_  hold on04:45
Joe3how do I rename myself?04:45
Joe3think i got it04:45
nickrudJoe3 you need to go to a court04:45
FastZfill out a bunch of paperwork04:46
geniinickrud: The "ask and run" syndrome ;)04:46
Joe3hahahha that was good, I mean in here ;)04:46
usserJoe3, "/nick newname"04:46
Ububeginwhich pdf reader allows us to highlight or make notes in a pdf document.. I am currently using Evince04:46
NoTownKasperAwesome, step 1 complete.04:46
nickrudhello merc04:46
wapkoso NoTownKasper, what is step 2 ? :P04:46
NoTownKasperwapko: Figuring out a way to replace the background color...with a background image.04:47
neur0nthanks all. it worked!04:47
neur0n      04:47
* bluefoxx is away: /nick bluefoxx|away04:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:47
nickrud!away > bluefoxx04:47
wapkoNoTownKasper: the black bgcolor youve just edited ?04:47
jtismedan_  execute   hal-device  >/tmp/aa  then  vi /tmp/aa04:48
TooR4uusser, hee doc .. it is for installing the codecs ...04:48
* bluefoxx is back (gone 00:00:37)04:48
jtismedan_  search for the  word  rom or ROM04:48
NoTownKasperwapko: The new background color works just fine, but basically, I'm looking for as seamless a transition from the GDM login to the desktop wallpaper as possible.04:48
nickrudbluefoxx please read the pm from ubotu04:48
Ububeginwhich pdf reader allows us to highlight or make notes in a pdf document.. I am currently using Evince04:48
Joe3whoever asked about the pdf...I know there is a program, just trying to remember the name04:49
dan__jtisme:  ok, now?04:49
nickrudmerc   /part   to leave the channel04:49
jtismedan_ it mounted?04:49
Ububeginmerc: do you have any problem :?04:49
mofowow... solved. nfs-common was missing somehow -- just uninstalled itself04:49
dan__jtisme: no04:49
dot22is this the right place for asking about the beta?04:49
usserTooR4u, not only, but yea. well to convert to mp3 you'll need lame and its crippled in standard repository04:49
nickrud#ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+1 dot2204:50
jtismedan_ so did you execute the hal-device  command?04:50
bidget_I changed my name to bidget....04:50
wapkoNoTownKasper: i guess you can edit the same file to display the same image as you wallpaper instead of just the color04:50
Joe3http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=539595&page=4 I tried these instructions for sound but got no luck :( any suggestions?04:50
bidget_dunno what hal-device is04:50
NoTownKasperBACKCOLOR = home/pictures/blue-elephant.png?04:51
UbubeginJoe3: are u referring to Abiword or kword :?04:51
Joe3Ububegin: no that's not it, I have it on my computer but I'm not using my system right now so it has slipped my mind....give me just a minute04:51
usserTooR4u, after you have added the repository you need to install ffmpeg, so sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ffmpeg04:51
=== ady is now known as Rehxa
geniibidget_: Replies directed to you will normally be in red on your screen. The comment was for dan_04:51
UbubeginJoe3: thanks04:51
bidget_well genii04:51
bidget_I was connecting with the name dan_ before04:52
bidget_so I thought maybe it had connected and then disconnected04:52
bidget_and he was trying to talk ot me04:52
jtismeoh that explains it04:52
jarryyo, i'm jarry04:52
TooR4uusser, hee .. i have that .. (What is the command ...?)04:52
jtismebidget, did you execute hal-device > /tmp/aa04:52
lxuserdoes anyone know if i can disable the key combo ctrl + w some how?04:52
rycoleso, apt-get will not have apache 2.2.8 on it, until you upgrade to hardy?04:52
wapkoNoTownKasper: not sure. thin you need the xsetroot cmd to actually set the bg image04:52
bidget_um well I think dan_ might have also been someone else04:52
TooR4uusser, trying from 2 hours04:52
geniijtisme: Finally some clarity :)04:52
bidget_cause I really dont know what your talking about I just came here to get help with installing eve online04:52
lxuserim trying to play Enemy Territory Quake wars but every now and then i actually push that combo04:52
mofoshiat.. i accidently made a folder name with a space and cant delete it now04:53
dan__jtisme:  yes04:53
NoTownKasper...And now we get out into deeper waters where I don't know how to swim. :P04:53
jtismegenii yeah04:53
bidget_ah hah there is another one!!04:53
jtismedan_ are you there04:53
jarrylxuser: Hello everyone04:53
jarrybidget_: sounds painful04:53
dan__jtisme:  it spammed like, 90 some entries04:53
=== bidget_ is now known as b1dg3t
usserTooR4u, its ffmpeg -i videofilename -acodec mp3 -ab bitrate audiofile.mp304:53
jtismedan_  execute  this command   hal-device > /tmp/aa  exactly as shown04:53
jtismedan_ it will put the output in  /tmp/aa04:53
dan__jtisme: daniel@daniel-desktop:~$  hal-device > /tmp/aa04:54
NoTownKasperwapko: Any idea how I'd write that into the Default? I'm doing pretty well for my 3rd day ever using a linux machine, but I'm still learning here.04:54
dan__jtisme:  it didn't do anything04:54
lxuserdoes anyone know how i can disable the combo ctrl + w?04:54
rycoleanyone know if apt-get will not have apache 2.2.8 on it, until you upgrade to hardy?04:54
jtismedan_ yes it did, the output is in  /tmp/aa04:54
jtismedan_  ls -l /tmp/aa   tell me what you get04:54
UbubeginJoe3: did u get from Synaptic manager... or from some third party site :?04:55
nickrudrycole correct04:55
dan__jtisme: -rw-r--r-- 1 daniel root 94813 2008-04-09 23:54 /tmp/aa04:55
rycolenickrud, why is that? im on gutsy, but want apache 2.2.804:55
Ububeginwhich pdf reader allows us to highlight or make notes in a pdf document.. I am currently using Evince04:55
cybojanekDoes anyone know a solution and or reason why ubuntu goes back to crappy gfx drivers everytime I restart, even though I installed the nvidia drivers properly?04:55
wapkoNoTownKasper: im fiddling with it now. i'll let you know :P04:55
Fydalxuser: Ctrl+W would most likely be hardcoded into some apps; there doesn't seem to be a central setting for it as a "close window" shortcut.04:55
jtismedan_  good, now   vi  /tmp/aa04:55
geniirycole: Ask ubotu in private: !info apache2 gutsy            or !info apache2 hardy     to see what versions are available in each04:55
NoTownKasperwapko: Much appreciated.04:55
b1dg3tI am in here twice04:55
b1dg3thow the hell did that happen04:55
cybojanekDoes anyone know a solution and or reason why ubuntu goes back to crappy gfx drivers everytime I restart, even though I installed the nvidia drivers properly?04:55
bidgetah there we are04:56
nickrudrycole release philosophy is once a release is frozen, it keeps the same version and only gets bug & security fixes. The idea is stability04:56
Joe3Ububegin: sudo apt-get install xournal04:56
Joe3man it just came to me ;)04:56
jtismedan_ are you familiar with the  vi  editor?04:56
bidgetso does anyone know how to get steam to work?04:56
usserTooR4u, oh and you also need lame package so sudo apt-get install lame04:56
lxuserfyda, i dont think its built into Quake Wars ET04:56
ArmedGeekhow does one turn off the flashing cursor in gnome-terminal ?04:56
Juzzy`bidget theres a guide i used somewhere thats pretty easy04:56
rycoleso, everyone has to upgrade their entire OS and reformat whenever a new ubuntu comes out, if they want the newer versions of apache?04:56
dan__jtisme: no04:57
rycole(and want to avoid compiling from source)04:57
Juzzy`bidget https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMagazine/HowTo/InstallingSteam04:57
nickrudrycole no, they just upgrade in place no reinstall needed04:57
TooR4uusser, oh okey .. 1min04:57
Fydalxuser: Is that running natively, or under Wine?04:57
bidgetJuzzy`: I followed a guide earlier but I'm running into some problems and its not working properly04:57
jarryrycole: But supporting their blocks from gaining such knowledge, by promoting them to keep where they are with it, seems to be more of the imperial promotion than forcing them to learn -- at least in the latter, you acknowledge their autodidactic abilities. :)04:57
bidgetJuzzy`: cool I'll try that one thanks04:57
Technovikinghow do you close a msg in irssi04:57
jarryFyda: bleh, i'm lazy :p04:57
lxusernative fyda04:57
UbubeginJoe3: thanks will try it now04:57
jtismedan_  ok  i dont know  kate I never use it  hold on04:57
FydaTechnoviking: /wc or /window close04:57
Joe3ububegin: when you do alterations you just do "export as pdf" don't do save because it saves in a journal type format04:57
rycolejarry: i have no idea what you tried to say. lol. :P04:57
FydaTechnoviking: If you do that in a window where you're connected to a channel, it'll also part the channel...04:57
TechnovikingFyda: thanks04:57
jarryrycole: I kow Y=you a:0 have to up the email landed in junk foldeer? .  Some repellent character, I imagin e04:58
Juzzy`bidget that one worked for me .. but in the games (tf2) it was screwing up fonts so i added -dxlevel 81 to the command line for each game and it fixed it04:58
Fydalxuser: I don't know then, sorry.04:58
jtismedan_ do you know how to use  the  kde  editor  kate04:58
nickrudjarry very odd line there04:58
jarryJuzzy`: CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); Am I missing something cythrawll?04:58
lxuserfyda, thanks anyway04:58
bidgetJuzzy`: ok cool04:58
bidgetJuzzy`: thanks04:58
Juzzy`jarry I wouldn't have a clue :/ I'm not a programmer04:58
bidgetJuzzy`: oh hey one other question though04:59
rycolenickrud, oh, so would it be possible for me to update to the beta version of hardy without reformatting?04:59
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:59
bidgetJuzzy`: a new version of wine came out, how do I update to it?04:59
Juzzy`it should update when update-manager gives you updates afaik :/04:59
Joe3rycole: yes there is but I wouldn't recommend it....just reformat and clean things up ;)04:59
nickrudrycole yes, /j #ubuntu+1 for instructions and the current state04:59
jtismedan_ do u know how to use the  kate  editor04:59
Juzzy`I've never been a big wine user except for steam04:59
bidgetJuzzy`: ah ok so I guess whenever the update manager tells me04:59
damo23bidget, cross between budgie and midget04:59
dan__jtisme: I'm a linux nub04:59
Juzzy`bidget should do04:59
dan__jtisme: I'll try what ever though04:59
bidgetno damo23 its a bald midget actually :D04:59
Joe3dan__: we were all there atone point ;)04:59
SitUbuntuSitbidget, it might take some time to make it into the ubuntu repos04:59
UbubeginJoe3: so u just have to export it everytime u make changes... Cool04:59
bidgetSitUbuntuSit: ah ok05:00
rycoleJoe3:  it's on a virtual private server... i don't really have the choice to install hardy :P05:00
TooR4uusser, it is not working .. (Unsupported codec for output stream #0)05:00
bidgetSitUbuntuSit: so it should eventually just update automatically then05:00
Juzzy`LOL SitUbuntuSit I love the name05:00
=== snake is now known as albuntu
jtismedan_  ok   execute   kate  /tmp/aa   and tell me what happens05:00
usserTooR4u, hang on 1 sec05:00
wapkoNoTownKasper: i dont think you can use regular images with the xsetroot cmd.. i think were out of luck05:00
Juzzy`bidget yeah as long as you installed wine through the repos it will auto updaet05:00
Joe3I have to brag about this a bit, I was able to install Hardy on a system in 6 minute 10 seconds, from beginning to end ;)05:00
nickrudrycole lots of people do that, upgrade virtuals05:00
NoTownKasperwapko: Well, thanks for checking on it.05:00
wapkoseems the only "bitmap" you can use is a 2 color one05:00
usserTooR4u, did u install lame?05:00
mmهل هنا احد عربي05:00
SitUbuntuSitGood dog, ruff! Um, bidget, I like to wait for them to be included, but you could download from their site.05:00
Juzzy`Joe3 how?!?05:00
TooR4uusser, yup05:01
Joe3flash install :)05:01
mmهع هع05:01
Juzzy`So from CDrom to flash?05:01
Joe3I carry it around and use it as a live distro on campus05:01
bidgetyeah I tried downloading it from their site but it didnt work05:01
Joe3nope, hard drive to flash05:01
dan__jtisme: open session, or new session?05:01
bidgetplus it was in some tar.gz so that confused me lol05:01
Juzzy`bidget yeah I hate installing from tar.gz05:01
NoTownKasperwapko: Ok, since I'm here, and it's my last question, any idea where I can find an elephant-blue style GDM theme? lol05:01
Juzzy`apt-get is so much easier :P05:01
jtismedan_ try new session05:01
SitUbuntuSit!Arabic | mm05:01
ubotumm: For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa05:01
Juzzy`I'm not sure but I don't think things installed from a .tar.gz auto update05:02
usserTooR4u, ok try dpkg -l | grep ffmpeg it should say medibuntu next to all ffmpeg packages05:02
bidgetsee the problem with all these guides are05:02
wapkohave you tried gnome-look.org or any of the other . only place i know :P05:02
dan__jtisme: I'll brb05:02
bidgetthey just tell you how to install them, but they dont tell you what to do if it doesnt work05:02
bidgetany idiot can figure out how to install it lol05:02
Joe3bidget: sorry what are you trying to install it?05:02
Juzzy`bidget that what error messages and google are for05:02
bidgetthere is no error message05:02
bidgetthats the problem05:02
NoTownKasperYeah...even googled around for a couple hours. Anything to keep from havng to mess with xml.05:02
Seq_I'm using xrandr to enable an external monitor on my laptop. How do I make the laptop's LCD keep the menu (it moves to the external when I enable it)05:02
NoTownKasperOh well, it's not important.05:03
bidgetthere is no error message, it just says connecting to steam05:03
NoTownKasperthanks for the help wapko.05:03
bidgetthen the window disappears and I have nothing05:03
mindguru08Hey Everyone05:03
bidgetjoe3 Im trying to install steam05:03
bidgetwell actually, Im trying to run steam05:03
bidgetits already installed05:03
FloodBot1bidget: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:03
TooR4uusser, yaa .. it is listing all installed packages05:03
mmهل يوجد احد يتكلم اللغه العربيه05:04
mindguru08i am on gOS and I just installed this IRC chat app.05:04
usserTooR4u, they all have medibuntu right?05:04
Joe3!Arabic mm05:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about arabic mm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:04
Juzzy`bidget .. run wine steam.exe from a console window... then you'll seee more info05:04
nickrud!arabic | mm05:04
ubotumm: For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa05:04
bidgetI did do it from a console05:04
jtismedan_ it is past midnight here and I need to check out05:04
Juzzy`steam spits out all kinda info into the console05:04
SitUbuntuSitNickrud, I've sent there already... oh well.05:04
bidgettheres a lot of fixme: stuff05:04
prakritiis there a script that will regen menu.lst?05:05
nickrudSitUbuntuSit I saw that, he might have missed it: pidgin doesn't highlight05:05
TooR4uusser, http://pastebin.ca/97920005:05
bidgetalthough the reason it might not have worked was cause I didnt have gecko although wine said it would install it automatically05:05
bidgetI'll try it again05:05
Seq_prakriti: `sudo update-grub`05:05
CK_MYhow to convert all movie file to dvd ?05:05
Juzzy`bidget run wine iexplore.exe05:05
usserTooR4u, no these are no good, they are standard05:05
SitUbuntuSitnickrud, oh, wow, I don't know how people use a chat, or even terminal, for IRC when it's crazy like this.05:05
bidgetJuzzy`: ok05:05
Juzzy`it'll open up ie and it'll force install of gecko05:05
bidgetJuzzy`: ok cool05:06
TooR4uusser, Hmmm ..05:06
usserTooR4u, are you sure u added medibuntu repository? what ubuntu u running gutsy?05:06
bidgetah yes it is installing now05:06
Juzzy`steam probably can't run without gecko cause it uses it for the browsing window05:06
Juzzy`which is the first page to open iirc05:06
bidgetah I see05:06
bidgetwell I got the tahoma.ttf thing but I guess I neglected the gecko05:07
TooR4uusser, not yet ..I haven't added that .. Because i have already installed ffmpeg .. (now i will)05:07
Juzzy`bidget that guide has it all05:07
b4l74z4rhow do i delete old kernels in synaptic, do i search for image, headers or modules?05:07
CK_MYany good convertor from any file type to dvd ?05:07
mm /links05:07
nickrudb4l74z4r all :)05:07
usserTooR4u, should have done that first cause standard ffmpeg doesnt have mp3 encoding05:07
QuintinWhat is best image format to use for qemu ?05:07
TooR4uohhh ..05:08
Joe3b4l74: yeah just search linux headers in synaptic05:08
nickrudb4l74z4r at the very least, image-2.6.xx-xx and the matching modules, and you might as well clear the headers as well05:08
Juzzy`wtf 13:38:00 * FloodBot1 sets mode: +e speme!i=94e99f3a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-96f3c2f7e080b50805:08
b4l74z4rnickrud: are those 3 all of the kernel related stuff i should delete or are there more?05:08
nickrudb4l74z4r lets see:  image, headers, restricted-modules, module-backport iirc05:09
b4l74z4ris there any function to automatically remove all that?05:09
MrKeunerhi, can I log vino connections(any attempts) somehow?05:09
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Joe3b4: not that I know of, I have thought that someone should make it though ;)05:10
nickrudb4l74z4r just double checked:  headers image restricted-modules backports-modules ubuntu-modules are the kernel packages I have05:10
bidgetok here's a question05:10
bidgetif I move the .wine folder05:10
bidgetwill wine still work?05:11
usserbidget, yes it will recreate .wine05:11
nickrudbidget no, wine expects to find that folder05:11
Joe3bidget: from my understanding it should ;)05:11
b4l74z4rnickrud: ok, thanks alot05:11
bidgetso is that a yes or no hahaha05:11
TooR4uusser, Now i have added that repository05:11
neo2nixAre the iptables for ubuntu pre-configured for the highest security?05:11
Joe3haha try it and if it doesn't, copy it back ;)05:11
Fydabidget: Hmm, I'd have thought that some files to do with the wine registry would be stored there?05:11
RandocalThis might be completely the wrong place to ask this... but here we go anyways =) If I hook a HDMI/DVI cable up between my Ubuntu machine (has an ATI X1600 pro in it) and my 50" plasma, will the video card properly detect the resolution that my plasma is capable of and offer me the full setting in my screen resolutions settings?05:11
harriseldonbidget: there is an environment variable called WINEPREFIX where you can override the location of .wine05:11
littlepinkdotNo one in #apache is helping me so wondering if anyone here has experience with it. I just clean compiled Apache2.2.8 and when going to the server ip/fqdn I get a Access Denied, the error log shows: (13)Permission denied: /home/ron-apache/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess  file, ensure it is readable05:11
Joe3there is no registry in linux05:11
nickrudbidget your previous wine install won't work, but will create a new blank one05:11
usserbidget, well its going to "create" a new windows "installation" if it doesnt find one05:11
bidgetwell basically here's my problem... I made my home partition like 15gb and my system partition like 35gb cause I thought that I would be installing applications and things into the system partition05:12
damo23Randocal: no harm in trying is there?05:12
usserTooR4u, yea now do sudo apt-get install ffmpeg lame05:12
bidgetbut now I find out that everything installs to my home directory, and it isnt quite big enough05:12
TooR4uusser, okey05:12
Fydalittlepinkdot: Check the file permission?05:12
Joe3bidget: use gparted to make it a little bigger05:12
nickrudbidget did you see the line from harriseldon above?05:12
bidgetharriseldon: thank you!05:12
Juzzy`Yeah you can change the wine dir in options iirc05:12
Randocaldamo23: I don't own a dvi/hdmi converting cable yet.... was hoping to dig up some answers before dishing out the cash05:12
nickrudharriseldon nice plagarized nick, by the way ;)05:12
usserbidget, alternatively you can create a directory in /opt called say windows05:12
bidgetah ok05:13
Juzzy`bidget or you can symlink :P05:13
harriseldonnickrud: I think my spelling is wrong, or so I have been told05:13
damo23Randocal: you might have to hack your xorg.conf to get the right res, but i dont see why it wouldnt work05:13
nickrudone two many r's I think05:13
bidgetso where is this WINEPREFIX variable?05:13
usserbidget, change owner of it to youreslf and create a symbolic link from .wine to /opt/windows05:13
Juzzy`yeah then you can put your wine dir wherever you want05:13
bidgetusser: thats kinda complicated and Im a noob I think I will try the wineprefix and just move the .wine folder into / or something05:13
usserbidget, resizing would more complex05:13
usserbidget, ok here goes05:14
Juzzy`symlinks are easy, hell i figured it out :P05:14
usserbidget, sudo su05:14
RandocalI"m pretty newbish..... when you say "hack my xorg.conf" are you actually meaning "create a modeline"?05:14
usser bidget, mkdir /opt/windows05:14
bidgetwell Im not going to bother resizing Im just going to move the .wine folder and tell wine where it is05:14
AgentHeXwhy?  WHY?  WHY GOD WHY?  *cries*05:14
damo23Randocal: adding WxH to the options05:14
bidgetjust a question05:14
nickrudusser next time, suggest sudo -i (stays within the ubuntu security policy, and preferred here)05:14
bidgetwhat is opt?05:14
usserbidget, chown -R <yourusername>:<yourusername> /opt/windows05:14
ussernickrud, ops my bad05:15
usserbidget, then exit05:15
bidgetk hold on you're getting ahead of me lol05:15
bidget1 sec05:15
usserbidget, cd ~05:15
harriseldonbidget: opt is a folder usually designed for binary only packages. It is just a naming convention and could be any location05:15
usserbidget, ln -s /opt/windows05:15
usserbidget, mv windows .wine05:15
irqpbroadcom irq ihttp://rafb.net/p/Ue2IcG21.html ssue05:15
b4l74z4rnickrud: is there a search string that all the kernel related stuff have in common so that i can easily find all the stuff that should be removed?05:15
usserbidget, err before mv windows .wine make sure u renamed/moved existing .wine05:16
bidgetah ok05:16
usserbidget, take your time05:16
bidgetumm whoa whoa05:16
irqphttp://rafb.net/p/Ue2IcG21.html i am having lockups with this wifi bcm43xx on hp dv8000z05:16
Quintinnickrud: sudo -i ?05:16
bidgetwell the whole point of me moving the .wine folder is because I am running out of space on my home partition05:16
nickrudb4l74z4r yes, the kernel version number, like  dpkg -l | grep 2.6.22 | grep ^ii  will show all installed stuff related to kernel version 2.6.2205:16
bidgetso usser could I not just move the .wine folder into my system partition and then tell wine where to find it?05:16
usserbidget, thats what we're basically doing05:17
bidgetusser oh ok05:17
bidgetusser hahaha05:17
usserbidget, its the simplest way to do really05:17
bidgetusser ok so I've changed the ownership05:17
b4l74z4rnickrud: thanks again05:17
bidgetusser: so now I have to move my .wine folder? or something?05:17
usserbidget, wait now05:17
usserbidget, yea05:17
TooR4uusser, i have uninstalled the current version of ffmpeg & lame packages ... and reinstalled them .. but giving same error ( I have observed that there is no change in dpkg -l | grep ffmpeg)05:17
bidgetusser: ok so where should I move it to then? and should I exit steam before I move it05:18
usserbidget, so cp -R ~/.wine/* /opt/windows05:18
m0zoneis there a way to populate the gnome menu with all installed programs aka kappfinder   i googled for last 15 mins not found a thing05:18
usserbidget, yes you should close steam05:18
bidgetusser: ok one sec...05:18
usserTooR4u, hm strange did u do sudo apt-get update after adding a repo?05:18
TooR4uusser, oops .. sorry i forgot that05:19
bidgetok its copying05:19
nickrudm0zone you can install the packages  menu menu-xdg  and you will have a new menu folder, debian. Shows just about every little toy you got05:19
bidgetya know the more I use linux the better it seems to get05:19
usserbidget, nice, so after its done just do rm -rf ~/.wine and triple check the command before you enter it05:20
bidgethey now Ive seen this rm -rf before05:20
usserbidget, thats how it works not only that you'll learn more about computers in general05:20
Fydabidget: Be quite sure that everything has been copied05:20
shane_trouble displaying the bottom of the screen in Firfox05:20
nickrudbidget in context it's a safe command, just type it exactly ;)05:20
shane_any fixex, other reports?05:20
bidgetehh ok05:20
bidgetah I see05:20
bidgetits rm -rf / thats the dangerous one right05:21
bidgetbut we're doing ~./wine05:21
nickrudbidget yes, and a lot of other places05:21
usserdidymo, precisely :P05:21
shane_Toshiba Satelite05:21
bidgetok so question before I delete the .wine folder05:21
Fydabidget: basically, "rm -rf foo" translates to "remove foo, all subdirectories in it, and don't prompt before deleting protected files among these files"05:21
usserTooR4u, ok so sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ffmpeg05:21
bidgetusser: I went to /opt05:22
bidgetusser: and there is just a windows folder in there... shouldn't the .wine folder be there?05:22
usserbidget, aha05:22
=== _CaNeS is now known as CaNeS
usserbidget, no you copied the contents of .wine to windows open windows it should look exactly like insides of your .wine05:23
nickrud bidget try ls -a /opt , you'll probably see .wine05:23
bidgetohh ok05:23
Fydabidget: No, because the command he told you to use was "cp -R ~/.wine/* /opt/windows" -- that means everything under .wine was copied over under /opt/windows.05:23
bidgetusser: yeah its in there never mind05:23
bidgetyeah I get it now05:23
usserbidget, kk cool05:23
bidgetfor some reason I was thinking it would copy the entire folder not just the contents05:23
usserbidget, one last thing cd ~05:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about menureset - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:23
usserbidget, ln -s /opt/windows05:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about menu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:24
usserbidget, and mv ~/windows ~/.wine05:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-panel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:24
usserbidget, navigate to ~/.wine it should have all the same files as before but now they are located in /opt/windows05:24
bidgetoh but I deleted .wine05:25
nickrudbidget mv in this case works like rename05:25
bidgetI see ok05:26
bidgetbut wait a sec05:26
bidgetagh Im confused05:26
bidgetohhhhhh!!! I GET IT05:26
usserbtw how do you create a named link?05:26
FloodBot1bidget: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:26
nickrudusser   ln -s target destination , like  ln -s /opt/windows ~/.wine05:26
TooR4uusser, Hmmm ... sorry dude . same error ..I think this is the problem (W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org gutsy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278)05:26
TooR4uerror while updating ...05:27
ussernickrud, oh that works huh05:27
bidgetso what I did was made a link (which is actually a folder) and then just renamed the folder05:27
usserTooR4u, make sure you did that command wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update05:27
harriseldonbidget: yes, ln is like a windows shortcut on steroids05:27
bidgetharriseldon: yep! :D thanks everyone05:28
b4l74z4rshould i also remove old restricted modules that shows up when i search for "2.6.24"?05:28
usserbidget, no problem05:28
orange_how can i let things automaticly start with ubuntu after login ?05:29
hti_prohas anyone recompiled a kernel for ubuntu05:29
usserTooR4u, so how is it?05:29
dmsupermanguys, where are the mysql databse file stored at?05:29
Alan_Mb4l74z4r, wouldnt hurt i dont think05:29
harriseldonorange_ what type of things? desktop things or command line things?05:29
orange_terminal things not jet05:30
harriseldonorange_ put them in ~/.bashrc05:30
dmsupermandoes anybody know where the mysql db files are located?05:31
bidgetok so one last question before I find something new to ask questions about05:31
bidgetI start steam from a terminal window, but once steam has started, is it ok to close the terminal?05:31
bidgetor will that close the whole thing05:31
usserbidget, no this will close the whole thing05:31
harriseldonorange_ .bashrc is run for both graphical and command line sessions05:31
bidgetoh hmm05:31
Fydabidget: what's the command you use in terminal to start steam?05:31
harriseldonorange_ if you want it to startup even if you are not logged in, you can use a cron job05:31
usserbidget, put & at the end of the command this detaches it from terminal05:31
bidgetwine steam.exe05:31
Fydabidget: you could probably add an ampersand to the end (&) and that'd background it05:32
dmsupermannoooobody knows where mysql db files are located?05:32
levanderbidget: Stuff like that, just try it and see.05:32
bidgetwell eventually I will just make a script so I can have like a quicklaunch shortcut type deal, I can do that, right?05:32
orange_thnx harriseldon05:32
harriseldonorange_ yw05:32
hti_probidget: is this a steam server or client05:32
Fydabidget: Yes, and if you're launching it with a launcher icon instead of in a terminal, you wouldn't really need the &05:33
levanderusser: & doesn't detach things from the terminal, it just puts them in the backgroup, nohup detaches things from the terminal05:33
donkey7186Im having a problem someone please help me!!! how do i tell what type of model my screen is? i have  laptop!!!!!05:33
bidgetit depends on the brand of laptop donkey05:33
usserlevander, oh... yea. Remember hearing about nohup, my bad05:33
bidgetit shouldn't??05:33
hti_prodonkey7186: disassemble the display, even with the model number of the laptop it could vary greatly05:34
rootlinuxusreither go through the system settings or type ...crap what's the command05:34
rootlinuxusrthere's a way05:34
rootlinuxusrwhat kind of laptop do you have?05:34
donkey7186how do i disassemble the display???05:34
hti_prodonkey7186: their will be mfg. info on the back of the display05:34
levanderusser: and, xtoolwait does something similar for gui applications that nohup does for processes that don't have a gui05:34
hti_prodonkey7186: there are usually screws underneath the little rubber bumpers05:34
TooR4uusser, http://pastebin.ca/97921605:35
Alan_Mguys, lets not go into disassembling, that gets scary for a new user.....i have no other suggestions though..so...uh..yeah05:35
donkey7186hti_pro this is the problem. i put a external monitor on and then it messed everything up when i took it off05:35
TooR4uusser, I did like what u said05:35
rootlinuxusrwhat's your make/model and we can google around?05:35
Alan_Mrootlinuxusr, good choice :)05:35
Fydadonkey7186: Can you describe what you mean by "messed up everything"?05:36
rootlinuxusrCaptain Google, he's our hero, gonna take Windows users down to zero?05:36
hti_prodonkey7186: have you tried the Fn+F4 key...  I think that is the combo, it should have a pic of a display on the F4 key05:36
usserTooR4u, the command is ok its your ffmpeg that is messed up, its not medibuntu version so it doesnt have mp3 support05:36
donkey7186fyda when i restart it shows a pixelated screen05:36
hti_prodonkey7186: that should allow you to switch between crt and lcd05:36
usserTooR4u, enter this command wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update05:36
usserTooR4u, and sudo apt-get install ffmpeg lame05:37
donkey7186hti_pro mine is f7 and it doesnt work for some reason05:37
b4l74z4rok, i chose to completely remove an old image and synaptic automatically highlighted some other stuff for removal, is it safe to select complete removal for the stuff synaptic selected for removal?05:37
usserTooR4u, after that dpkg -l | grep ffmpeg and pastebin it05:37
hti_prodonkey7168: the screen is pixelated during the text part of bootup05:37
donkey7186fyda and also it says i cannot use any visual styles ( such as cube and all (compiz))05:37
Fydadonkey7186: "pixellated" meaning, the resolution is smaller than the actual physical resolution of the LCD panel, so it looks big and blocky?05:38
* Alan_M sits down backwards in my chair scratching my head looking at donkey718605:38
usserTooR4u, oh and -ab is specified in thousands so -ab 128000 or in your case -ab 32000005:38
Alan_Mi fix computers for a living, and im stumped :/05:38
donkey7186fyda no it has like a part black screen and part has green and white. and it has small boxes05:38
HaitianMidnightdoes anyone know if there is any progress being made with ATI Drivers, xserver, and Opengl flickering problem05:38
TooR4uusser, ohh 1min05:38
hti_prodonkey7168: have you tried reconnecting the crt and try rebooting??  and if so does the crt still work05:39
bidgetI made a script for running steam, is it possible to change the icon to like the steam icon or something?05:39
neur0nso it's been a while since ive used compiz. last time i did it was still beryl. i just installed linux with compiz..howcome my windows dont have shadows now? =[05:39
Alan_Mdonkey7186, let me get this right, your trying to dual screen your box?05:39
Fydabidget: you made a script file, and then a launcher icon? you could look at the launcher icon's properties (right-click, then edit Properties) and click on the current icon in the dialog that appears.05:40
=== Cromag_ is now known as Cromag
bidgetFyda: I didnt make a launcher icon or anything I just made the .sh file05:40
Fydabidget: Oh, well, .sh files don't have icons05:40
TooR4uusser, same error  after updating and changing the bitrate:( (http://pastebin.ca/979219)05:40
Fydabidget: but launchers do :P05:40
bidgetFyda: how do I make a launcher then haha05:40
=== dede is now known as ce_virgo
Fydabidget: well, you could make one on the desktop; right-click, add a launcher...05:41
donkey7186alan_m no im now just trying to fix my problem i had a dual screen. i took it off to take the laptop to school and now it has a wierd screen come on, my computer now doesnt let me use any visual effects either05:41
usserTooR4u, aarrg i see whats the problem05:41
Alan_Moh, ok sorry donkey7186 was just trying to figure things out from the beginning.05:41
bidgetok so how do I tell the launcher to cd to .wine and then wine steam.exe?05:41
TooR4uusser, Hmm .. :(05:42
utarpradeshhow do i link my currently playing song to my away message in pidgin?05:42
harriseldondonkey7186: do you have an nvidia card? did you use nvidia-settings to configure the multiple monitors?05:42
utarpradeshlike itunes does to the osx chat program05:42
Fydautarpradesh: There's probably a plugin for Pidgin that would do this; Google would know.05:42
usserTooR4u, ffmpeg was using old standard libraries update them05:42
bidgetgoogle would know...05:43
usserTooR4u, sudo apt-get install libavcodec1d libavformat1d libavutil1d libpostproc1d libswscale1d05:43
donkey7186harriseldon i have an intel graphics thing05:43
Fydabidget: You'd be surprised how much Google knows  and how much it's willing to share ;)05:43
usserTooR4u, that is strange it should've pulled them automatically05:43
Alan_Mdonkey7186, can we try doing something like restarting xserver to see if that helps out?05:43
usserTooR4u, but oh well do that command above and u should be set05:43
TooR4uusser, yahh05:43
donkey7186alan_m xserver?05:43
HaitianMidnightis there a workaround that would allow me to use compiz, and opengl apps without flickering05:44
Alan_Mdonkey7186, its the X windows system server, its basically what runs everything you see.05:44
b4l74z4rwhat exactly is header files?05:44
TooR4uokey ..05:44
donkey7186how do i restart it05:44
trollboyanyone here in SoCal?05:45
TooR4uusser, Hee .. workingggggggggggggg dude05:45
usserTooR4u, hows it looking?05:45
StroganoffHaitianMidnight, have you tried DefaultDepth 16?05:45
utarpradeshi can't find the plugin05:45
harriseldondonkey7186: You can use ctrl-alt-backspace to restart x. Last resort is always sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver That will completely replace the xorg.conf file.05:45
TooR4uusser, thaks dude05:45
Alan_Mharriseldon, thanks again. heh05:45
donkey7186what will it do if i did that?05:45
TooR4uusser, u r awsome ...05:45
usserTooR4u, nice so there you go, btw you may wanna look at parameters of input stream in your case bitrate of movies sound was 12805:45
node357isn't that xserver-xorg ?05:45
usserTooR4u, so theres no reason to set output to 320 its not gonna make a difference05:46
Alan_Mdonkey, hopefully give you something to work with, like...maybe a desktop ;)05:46
donkey7186harriseldon what will that do? will it erase anything on my hard drive05:46
usserTooR4u, i do what i can :)05:46
harriseldonnode357: you are probably right05:46
mindguru08Where could I go to learn to work this better?05:46
harriseldonnode357: my mind works faster than my fingers. lol05:46
q_a_z_stevecan anyone help me with partimaged ?05:46
harriseldondonkey7186: make a backup of /etc/X11/xorg.conf first05:46
Alan_Mdonkey7186, no, i would NEVER give a user something that would delete critical things on a computer, its against my Code of Conduct as an ubuntu helper or "ubuntero" and beginner team member....05:47
BestNicholasCheck out my ad! http://atlanta.craigslist.org/ele/636894612.html Don't flag me!05:47
donkey7186alan_m no what?05:47
donkey7186harriseldon how do i get there?05:47
Alan_Mdonkey7186, no it wont screw up things05:47
BestNicholasCheck out my ad! http://atlanta.craigslist.org/ele/636894612.html Don't flag me!05:47
donkey7186alan_m so how do i get to /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:48
hti_prodonkey7186: is it just the X-windows that is not displaying right or is the text mode part of the boot pixelated as well05:48
charles|64hey folks is there a way to adjust my fan speeds while running?05:48
HaitianMidnightexactly how do you change the depth of xserver05:48
TooR4uusser, can i do private chat?05:48
Alan_Mwow, guys were throwing 5 different things at donkey, im getting confused also.05:48
usserTooR4u, im not registered create a channel i'll join05:48
donkey7186hti_pro its when i logon and when i try to run effects it doesnt work05:48
Alan_Mcan someone at least show him something right without giving 4 options, but only 1? thanks :)05:48
harriseldondonkey7186: you can do it from a terminal or use the run dialog in Gnome: alt-f2 and type sudo nautilus05:48
Fydadonkey7186: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace is a shortcut to kill the currently running X server. Usually it will also automatically restart. Of course you should make sure you don't have unsaved data before doing this.05:48
hti_prodonkey7168: i would recommend booting with the livecd, and copy the Xorg.conf file from the running livecd to the /etc/X11 on the hard drive and try rebooting.  That should give you a good config05:49
TooR4uusser, /join #ubuntu-ap05:49
Alan_Mdonkey7186, sorry man, im trying not to confuse you...thats getting hard with all the options here heh05:49
harriseldonhti_pro: that's a good idea05:49
Stroganoffcharles|64: sudo pwmconfig05:50
Fydadonkey7186: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server", as harriseldon told you, would re-do the configuration process for the X server, and in the process it would overwrite your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, so you might want to make a backup of that file before running it.05:50
StevenXHello guys. Can anyone point me to the best make-ubuntu-look-like-osx howto?05:50
hti_prodonkey7168: are you comfortable with the command line05:50
Alan_Mdonkey7186, how long have you been using ubuntu?05:50
Fyda!best | StevenX05:50
ubotuStevenX: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:50
donkey7186alan_m maybe 2 months05:50
Alan_Mdonkey7186, and..how many times have you touched the command line or terminal?05:51
FydaStevenX: I'm sure Google knows, there would certainly be guides around for that05:51
StroganoffStevenX: http://www.taimila.com/?q=node/1105:51
bidgetuh oh05:51
donkey7186alan_m maybe 5 times05:51
* Alan_M is trying to get a general idea of what to do..the easiest and safest route.05:51
charles|64hey folks is there a way to adjust my fan speeds while running?05:51
Stroganoffcharles|64: sudo pwmconfig05:51
donkey7186Alan_m how can i save that file on my desktop????05:51
usserbidget, whats up05:51
StevenXthank you all. i will try those suggestiong05:51
bidgetfor some reason... seemingly out of nowhere....05:51
bidgetumm shit what are they called...05:52
bidgetlike you know above your window you can see the X and the minimize button and stuff05:52
Alan_Msudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /home/yourusername/Desktop/Xorgcopy.conf05:52
bidgetand it will say the name of the window05:52
usserbidget, borders?05:52
bidgetall of that just disappeared05:52
bidgetyeah I guess that would be a good word for it haha05:52
usserbidget, did u start compiz?05:52
Alan_Mtype this in a terminal donkey718605:52
usserbidget, were u running compiz?05:52
bidgetwell Ive had compiz set up for a while now05:52
usserbidget, ok compiz crashed05:53
bidgetI see05:53
* Alan_M knows ill have to get em to change the name, im most certainly aware, wait up guys :)05:53
usserbidget, ALT+F205:53
bidgetbut I still have a desktop cube and stuff05:53
hti_probidget: nautilus is not running, you can restart X and it should fix it05:53
usserbidget, compiz --replace05:53
Stroganoffcharles|64 do you read me?05:53
bidgetalt+f2 didnt seem to do anything...05:53
usserbidget, should pop up a run command dialog05:53
bidgethti_pro: what is nautilus?05:53
rootlinuxusrfile navigator05:54
rootlinuxusri think.05:54
usserbidget, do u have an open terminal somewhere? can u open one?05:54
hti_probidget: ubuntus window manager....also a file manager05:54
bidgetyeah sure I'll open a terminal05:54
bidgeteverything is working fine its just I have no borders anymore05:54
hti_probidget: you can run nautilus from the command line, but you'll be left with an open terminal window05:54
bidgetwhat if I put & at the end05:55
hti_probidget: if you close the window it will still terminate05:55
bidgetusser: if alt+f2 doesnt work what can I type into the command line so that it will work?05:55
litiushey guys, did anybody upgraded their Ubuntu to "the next release" with keeping Beryl on it (not new Compiz), any issues?05:55
bidgetah ok I thought the & thing would solve that oh well05:55
usserbidget, compiz --replace & should do it05:55
hti_probidget: as someone mentioned earlier that only backgrounds the process05:56
bidgetah there we go05:56
bidgetthat fixed it05:56
Alan_Mlitius, thats kinda OffTopic and a hardy discussion, so..yeah05:56
bidgetuh oh I closed the terminal and the borders disappeared again05:56
hti_probidget: did you use compiz --replace or nautilus05:56
prathibhaI get a problem in volume control. "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." This is the message I got when I clicked the volume control icon.05:56
litiuswhy is it offtopic05:56
usserbidget, sigh... did u compiz --replace &05:56
prathibhaCan anyone help me to solve this problem05:56
rootlinuxusrit means your sound device isn't being found05:57
usserprathibha, what soundcard you have?05:57
hti_prousser: even if you background it when you close the terminal it will kill it05:57
StevenXwhere in Ubuntu do I go to install a .emerald theme?05:57
Alan_Mlitius, were still supporting Gutsy in here, we havent gone to hardy yet, because its not release to the GP (general public)05:57
usserhti_pro, oh really05:57
Fydausser: Yes, that can be the case05:57
rootlinuxusrI got the same thing, and found some resource that made it work05:58
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!05:58
litiusso, I take it "nobody upgraded their Ubuntu to "the next release" with keeping Beryl on it (not new Compiz) or had no issues?"05:58
hti_prousser: because it is like a new login session, when the session ends any processes owned by that session/user will also be killed05:58
q_a_z_stevecan't seem to get partimaged to talk to my client computer... Any ideas? Please?05:58
hti_prousser: i don't have much experience with compiz, but i had the same prob and it was nautilus crashing05:59
Amaranthlitius: Why would you want to keep beryl?05:59
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.05:59
Fydalitius: Probably almost nobody, because you should be using Compiz, not Beryl.05:59
=== dan_ is now known as bidget
bidgetwell that was scary05:59
hti_prodoes anyone have any experience compiling ubuntu kernels05:59
usserbidget, u didnt see a half of it yet05:59
usserbidget, but anyway do that compiz --replace in terminal06:00
Alan_Mno need to get the users all freaked out, nothing big, daily thing in here pretty much hehe06:00
bidgetwell I had to reboot so its fixed now06:00
usserbidget, after its up try ALT+F206:00
bidgetbut I somehow managed to exit gnome and go to a command line06:00
bidgetso I had to log in again, then I tried startx but it told me that it was already running or something06:00
usserbidget, probably pressed CTRL+f2 maybe?06:00
StevenXwhere in Ubuntu do I go to install a .emerald theme?06:00
bidgetyeah probably06:00
bidgetso I just hit ctrl+alt+del and restarted haha06:01
hti_probidget: thats exactly what i was gonna recommend06:01
Fydausser: to elaborate: backgrounding a process means if you enter "exit", it'll auto-disown the process before closing the terminal. But if you close the terminal by clicking the Close button, that would still kill the process.06:01
bidgetwell it worked anyway hahaha06:01
usserbidget, linux has 8 or so virtual consoles that u can switch between using CTRL+F# in ubuntu CTRL+f7 brings back your x server06:01
bidgetoh ok cool06:01
bidgetuh oh06:01
bidgetsteam had a fatal error06:01
Alan_Mgreat, bots down :/06:02
hti_prousser bidget: but if you are in X you have to hit ctrl+alt+Fn06:02
usserFyda, why does it matter how u close the terminal if the process is in the background?06:02
hti_probidget: are you running steam client or server06:02
bidgetwhat is Fn?06:02
Fydausser: Because backgrounding != disowning, they are 2 separate concepts06:02
orudiehow can i rename a file in teriminal ?06:02
Alan_Mbidget, short for function06:02
* cherry eyes christel06:02
bidgetbut I just got it working, I ran it in a terminal and it worked again06:02
Stroganoffbidget Fn means F1-F1206:02
bidgetah ok06:02
hti_probidget: f1,f2,f3.....06:03
Fydausser: and it's just a property of the bash shell that it auto-disowns on exit; if you use another shell, such as zsh, then typing "exit" without disowning a running process would give you a warning about unfinished jobs.06:03
Alan_Morudie, i believe its rn originalfile newfilename06:03
hti_probidget: does it run well, I have not had alot of luck performance wise with wine06:03
usserFyda, hm... hm i never had faced a problem like that and i just did compiz --replace & and it didnt go into background for some reason probably why it terminated when terminal is closed06:03
Alan_Mnot RM...but RN06:03
hti_probidget: even simple non-graphic progs run slow06:04
usserFyda, oh i see06:04
usserFyda, right right06:04
Alan_Mbut..lowercase orudie06:04
bidgetwell I am just downloading installing the games06:04
bidgetso that will take a while, but I'll let you know how it runs06:04
usserFyda, like if u ssh and want the process to stay in background u'd use nohup pc &06:04
bidgetso far it has run perfectly, all the menus and stuff work06:04
orudieAlan_M, The program 'rn' can be found in the following packages:06:04
braydon619hey can anyone help me with installing tcl/tk 8.5.2? i'm having troubles and can't find help on google06:05
hti_probidget: definitely, pm me and tell me how it hoes, I am takin my a$$ to bed06:05
bidgetnight dude06:05
StevenXwhere in Ubuntu do I go to install a .emerald theme?06:05
hti_probidget: ...goes06:05
usserhehe hoes06:05
braydon619hey can anyone help me with installing tcl/tk 8.5.2? i'm having troubles and can't find help on google06:05
hti_procan you tell im tired???06:06
bidgetI didnt even notice the typo my brain just somehow fixed it when I read it hahaha06:06
braydon619hey can anyone help me with installing tcl/tk 8.5.2? i'm having troubles and can't find help on google06:06
Stroganoffbraydon619 WHATS ur problem??06:06
Alan_Morudie, um...wow..thats surprising06:07
Shiftyi have a questoin about installing a tvcard.... i have a pctv 150e that i want to use in ubuntu06:07
braydon619i'm trying to upgrade aMSN and to redownload i need new tcl/tk i think and i can't figure it out... i'm new to linux06:07
Shiftyi just dont know how to06:07
neur0nanyone know why window shadow's not working (emerald)06:07
Alan_Morudie, you can always use the full command rename :)06:07
FydaGreat. Looks like ubotu might be being flooded...06:08
Alan_Msyntax is still the same orudie06:08
Stroganoffbraydon619: amsn 0.97 is in gutsy-backports06:08
FydaStevenX: emerald-theme-manager. This assumes you have installed emerald from the repos.06:08
hti_propeace everyone, im out06:08
FydaStevenX: It also assumes you have Compiz running.06:08
StevenXFyda, thanks. I haven't done that.06:08
StevenXFyda, I do have compiz running06:08
FydaStevenX: OK, just checking.06:09
Netham45is it possible to forward packets coming to my server(locally from, internet) to
Six_DigitsAnyone here have alot of networking experience/knowlede? I could use a hand with something06:09
FydaSix_Digits: Ask the actual question?06:10
=== dede is now known as aaaa
Tyrn_I have see something really strange. One of the "fortune" commands give me the integral lyrics of "White Rabbits". The lyrics are not copyrighted ?06:11
StroganoffNetham45: set up 2 port forwardings per port in the router. one to the server, one to the client.06:11
Netham45Stroganoff, I do not have access to the router.06:11
braydon619can anyone help me with updating aMSN to .97?06:11
Juzzy`lol ubotu got done for flooding06:12
Netham45lol, I'd think that he'd have flood protection06:12
Juzzy`14:42:02 * Quits: ubotu (Excess Flood)06:12
Netham45Juzzy`, your clocks off. :P06:13
Juzzy`No its not :D06:13
palomer_how do I convert a tex file to pdf?06:13
Netham45[23:12] * ubotu has quit (Excess Flood)06:13
Juzzy`Yes, in your part of the world..06:13
Netham45good point.06:13
Juzzy`IRC is global ;)06:13
braydon619can anyone tell me how to install tcl/tk 8.5 please?06:14
StroganoffNetham45: maybe this helps: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/7306:14
=== Mizzle is now known as Mikeisadumbname
bidgetJuzzy`: you in australia or something?06:14
bidgetnice and warm there I bet haha06:14
Juzzy`Mild at the moment06:14
MikeisadumbnameHi, all.06:14
Netham45Stroganoff, doesn't iptables fail if the source and destination are in the same segment?06:14
Six_Digitssorry for the delay. its kind of unorthodox, but i explain it a few times her : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74957306:14
braydon619can anyone tell me how to install tcl/tk 8.5 please?06:14
ZeddieJuzzy`: where in Aus?06:15
Juzzy`~24 degrees celcius which is about 60F iirc06:15
MikeisadumbnameCan anyone hopefully help by pointing me to a place I can get wireless advice for Ubuntu?06:15
Shiftyhow do i go about getting support on tv card installation on ubuntu06:15
* N3bunel saluta06:15
Zeddiei'm in Newcastle06:15
bidgetdont worry about converting to fahrenheit :D06:15
* Juzzy` just assumes lots of other countries use F06:15
StroganoffNetham45 i dont know06:15
braydon619can anyone tell me how to install tcl/tk 8.5 please?06:15
braydon619can anyone tell me how to install tcl/tk 8.5 please?06:15
FloodBot1braydon619: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:15
Six_DigitsI basically want to connect a ubuntu pc to a vista lappy to share its wifi06:16
Netham45Stroganoff, well, I've tried everything I could find on iptables, and I can't get it to work.06:16
Juzzy`Since your on cable bidget I assumed it'd be USA06:16
Six_Digitsit works when I boot the pc to vista, but i cant get it to work on ubuntu06:16
StroganoffSix_Digits setup network sharing on vista.06:16
bidgethow do you know Im on cable?06:16
Juzzy`bidget is n=dan@208-98-222-72.cable.dynamic.sunwave.net * Dan06:16
Netham45 (n=dan@208-98-222-72.cable.dynamic.sunwave.net): Dan06:16
bidgetah gotcha06:16
Juzzy`Hi Dan :D06:16
q_a_z_steveStroganoff: hey, know anything about partimaged?06:16
Netham45says cable in there06:16
palomer_how do I install pdflatex?06:16
Six_Digitsok, lemme try it, ill be back in a few06:16
bidgetdo most countries not use cable internet?06:16
=== dfregntrhy is now known as snowdoll
=== snowdoll is now known as snowdoll2345
Juzzy`Most other countries use dsl variations06:17
Juzzy`internet over phone line06:17
Stroganoffq_a_z_steve: http://www.g-loaded.eu/2006/01/06/partition-images-with-partimage-and-partimaged/06:17
bidgetIm quite a fan of cable06:17
Juzzy`Simply because its already there and easy to use06:17
Netham45I love my cable06:17
Juzzy`As long as you've got good capable, ie >128kbps upload06:17
braydon619can anyone help me to install Tcl/tk 8.5?06:17
Stroganoffbraydon619: amsn 0.97 is in gutsy-backports06:17
bidgetoh yeah I have like a 768k upload or something06:17
Netham45I have ~1.5mbps upload and ~25mbps download06:17
bidgetits awesome06:17
braydon619what is backports?06:18
Juzzy`ahh bidget thats ok06:18
bidgetI used to have 10megs down and 1.5 up06:18
Shiftyhow bout them speeds06:18
Stroganoffbraydon619: why dont u google the words: ubuntu backports06:18
Giloucable rox06:18
Juzzy`damn you Shifty06:18
bidgetbut our family owns the isp here06:18
Shiftythe down is a little slow06:18
Gilou100 / 5 Mbps here06:18
Stroganoffits an easy way to install amsn, braydon61906:18
bidgetand the rest of the employees found out that we were jacking out internet up06:18
Shiftyits usually 30 down06:18
bidgetand they all got jealous lol06:18
Juzzy`Sucks to be Australian, i'm on 20/1mbit06:18
braydon619but i also need tcl/tk for plugins06:18
Six_Digitsi dont know if i can do it that way stroganoff, read my full ecplanation here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74957306:18
Shiftyjuzzy u like that?06:18
MikeisadumbnameAnyone any good with networking?06:18
Juzzy`Shifty yeah06:18
another_lifehi.. I want to type in greek... i went system- administration - language support and added the greek language, i applied and restart my laptop but still ic annot type in greek.  Do i need greek fonts? and if yes, where do i need to put them ?06:18
Netham45that's what I get when I'm not downloading a bunch of crap06:19
Juzzy`Netham45 thats similar to mine06:19
Juzzy`But i'm on ADSL2+06:19
bidgetI didnt know comcast was that fast06:19
usseranother_life, go to system->preferences->keyboard->layout06:20
tonyyarussoMikeisadumbname: you really should be more specific in your questions.06:20
Stroganoffbraydon619 backports is an official repository an includes all dependencies of the new amsn: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy-backports/amsn06:20
Stroganoffbraydon619: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports06:20
usseranother_life, and a greece layout06:20
tonyyarusso!wifi | Mikeisadumbname06:20
Netham45!ask | Mikeisadumbname06:20
Stroganoffbraydon619: the alternative would be to just upgrade to hardy.06:20
tonyyarussodoh, no bot06:20
Netham45oh yea, no bot.06:20
MikeisadumbnameIn that case, I have a new linksys wireless card that appears to work, in that it sees networks, but it hangs on connecting.06:20
Netham45!ask | Mikeisadumbname06:20
bidgetwhen does hardy come out?06:20
tonyyarussobidget: tentatively the 24th.06:20
* Netham45 pokes ubotu 06:21
bidgetIm going to wait until its not beta anymore06:21
tonyyarussoNetham45: It takes about five minutes to sync everything - let it do its thing.06:21
Netham45tonyyarusso, ok.06:21
MikeisadumbnameNo amount of fidgeting in KDE on my part seemed to fix that, so I was recommended to try Ubuntu.06:21
tonyyarussoexcept when it does that again..06:21
Six_Digitsanyone wanna take a shot at this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74957306:21
another_lifeusser,  yeah.. did that... do i need to set the keys with which i select the other language? cause i want english as default...06:21
MikeisadumbnameI have very little Gnome experience, so here I am.06:21
MikeisadumbnameI'm wired in right now, but that's temporary.06:21
bidgetlaptop running vista, connected to neighbors private wifi06:22
Six_Digitsya, i pay him, dont worry06:22
mneptok!offtopic | bidget06:22
bidgetoh ok06:22
Netham45mneptok, no bot.06:22
MikeisadumbnameI'm having the same problem where I pick up all the networks around, but can't connect no matter what I try.06:22
usseranother_life, yea in layouts tab theres layout options and in theres layout switching06:22
* mneptok grrrs06:22
Juzzy`mneptok its not like hes interrupting that much06:22
usseranother_life, you can also add a layout indicator to gnome panel06:23
Juzzy`If the channel had more activity then it'd be annoying06:23
tonyyarussomneptok: sorry, I don't know anything about grrs.  You can browse my brain at the last page of the internet.06:23
another_lifeusser,  how? cause ic ant find layout switching :(06:23
Netham45tonyyarusso, he said grrrs, not grrs.06:23
Alan_MJuzzy`, its still off topic,and mneptok is an OP...so...we still gotta respect his/her authoritay :)06:23
bidgetok well heres a question, how do I make a launcher icon execute a script?06:23
BogaurdI'm trying to create a mdadm raid 1 array... but everytime i try to create it, mdadm complains that /dev/md0 doesnt exist... how can I get the md devices to show up?06:23
mneptoki have authoriteh?06:24
braydon619when trying to install the aMSN backports i gives me a error: dependency is not satisfiable: tcl8.506:24
Netham45Alan_M, so is tonyyarusso. :P06:24
tonyyarussobidget: just use the path to the script as the command.06:24
usseranother_life, right click on the panel06:24
bidgetoh ok06:24
tonyyarussobidget: (and make sure the script is set as executable)06:24
usseranother_life, add to panel06:24
bidgetso I can just hide the script away somewhere06:24
usseranother_life, look for keyboard indicator06:24
Alan_Mlast i checked you does....might be wrong tho.06:24
mneptok!offtopic | mneptok06:24
* Alan_M hops in #ubuntu-ops and cheats :P06:24
Netham45Alan_M, he's an op in #ubuntu-ops06:24
* Netham45 is not a cheater!06:25
another_lifeaxhmmmm usser it seems tha ti can type in greek when I am in the add to panel window but not in office :(06:25
tonyyarussoAlan_M: nah, that'll give you some false positives.  You want /quote chanserv access #ubuntu list.06:25
bidgetso would I have to go into permissions on it or something to make it executable?06:25
braydon619 when trying to install the aMSN backports i gives me a error: dependency is not satisfiable: tcl8.506:25
tonyyarussobidget: yes, you will likely need to edit the permissions.06:25
bidgetand also when I make the launcher do I want to say application or application in terminal?06:25
Netham45tonyyarusso, /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list works too. ;)06:25
Alan_Mtonyyarusso...that command scares me..and actually helps me...i know who to watch my butt around then ;)06:25
* Alan_M isnt a trouble maker so whatever :)06:25
MikeisadumbnameWould installing a different wireless manager give me better results?06:26
another_lifeusser,  ok .. did it.. it works everywhere with the indicator on the panel... but what about the keys? :/06:26
tonyyarussoNetham45: yeah, but direct network commands are cooler.  No, I don't have any reason for that.  ;)06:26
Alan_M..at least not anymore, i got a CoC that can get slammed at me.06:26
MikeisadumbnameThe fact that I can see which networks exist leads me to believe it's not a driver problem.06:26
usseranother_life, what about them? :)06:26
Netham45tonyyarusso, lol.06:26
bidgettonyyarusso: do I want my launcher to be application or application in terminal?06:26
usseranother_life, you'll need some sort of stickers or a map next to your keyboard06:26
tonyyarussobidget: depends - what's it do?06:26
bidgettonyyarusso: well I have a script that opens up steam06:26
usseranother_life, i just memorized russian layout :P06:27
bidgetso basically it just navigates to program files/steam and runs wine steam.exe06:27
tonyyarussobidget: does it require any input on the terminal when running?06:27
bidgetI guess so yeah06:27
bidgetcause it would have to run a few commands06:27
BogaurdI'm trying to create a mdadm raid 1 array... but everytime i try to create it, mdadm complains that /dev/md0 doesnt exist... how can I get the md devices to show up?06:27
tonyyarussobidget: Does it require _interactive_ input rather, as in you typing things.06:27
bidgetno not really I dont think06:27
Alan_Mwow...theres actually only a few ops ive not met, i know and talk to most of ya heh.06:28
tonyyarussobidget: then regular app should be fine.06:28
bidgetwell anyway I'll give it a shot, if it doesnt work then I'll change it06:28
Netham45lol, I rembember gaming on Ubuntu06:28
Netham45playing Half-Life 2 through Wine06:28
prathibha In user login volume control is not working It is giving the following message "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." How to solve this?06:28
vee_whats the opposite of this cmd: sudo ln -s /user/share/phpmyadmin phpmyadmin?06:28
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bidgetis there a way to change the icon of a launcher?06:29
=== `ghost is now known as uow
tonyyarussobidget: yeah - click the current one in the edit launcher thingy06:29
flatline-kunvee_: 'rm phpmyadmin' you can delete soft links just like files.06:29
bidgetwhere is edit launcher?06:30
Netham45vee_, nimdaymphp nimdaymphp/erahs/resu/ s- nl odus    hehehe.06:30
tonyyarussobidget: in the same window where you specified the type and the command, the icon in the upper left - clicking it will let you browse for a new one.06:30
bidgetoh ok cool thanks06:30
vee_flatline-kun why would one want a soft link rather than a smylink?06:30
q_a_z_steveStroganoff: that's not helping with my issue, I can't get the server to really start, it never shows me a gui, it doesn't communicate with my client...06:31
Stroganoffq_a_z_steve: you're doing it wrong.06:32
flatline-kunvee_: softlink = symlink. It used to be "hard" and "soft" links...now it's "hard" and "symbolic"...06:32
bidgetaw crap linux has different icon files06:32
* flatline-kun is showing my age.06:32
prathibha In user login volume control is not working It is giving the following message "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." How to solve this?06:32
bidgetis there a way I can take an .ico file and change it to .svg?06:32
prathibhaIs there anyone around to help me?06:32
q_a_z_steveStroganoff: I just followed that guide, after I've tried about 50 times with others...06:32
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Stroganoffbidget: in terminal: convert filename.ico newname.svg06:32
bidgetoh awesome06:33
bidgetthanks Stroganoff06:33
vee_flatline-kun thanks for the help06:33
dwaterHi guys - wondering how I can get some attention for a bug I'm hitting - 137619 - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/13761906:34
Stroganoffbidget it maybe better to convert the .ico to .png and place it at /usr/share/pixmaps06:34
bidgethey Stroganoff it says command convert not found06:35
bidgetwait hold it on tells me which packages to install, Im a retard06:35
q_a_z_steveStroganoff: is there a way I can test whether my Daemon is even running?06:35
Stroganoffq_a_z_steve: pgrep06:36
q_a_z_stevecan you give me a whole line of syntax? never used it b406:37
MikeisadumbnameAnyone have any ideas for my problem?06:37
MikeisadumbnameOr if there's a channel I could go to for network help?06:37
Stroganoffq_a_z_steve: pgrep partimaged06:37
q_a_z_steveStroganoff: pgrep partimaged comes back with 1947906:38
Stroganoffthis means its running06:38
bidgethey Stroganoff I installed the packages but the convert command still isnt working... it says "no image vector graphics (steam.svg)."06:38
Stroganoffq_a_z_steve: cd /proc/19479 ; sudo cat stat06:38
Stroganoffbidget use PNG instead06:38
StroganoffSVG is vector graphics06:38
Bryan_Sierrawhats the name of the program that allows you to virtually run windows through ubuntu?06:40
Bryan_Sierrathat isn't VMwear06:40
StroganoffBryan_Sierra: wine06:40
saltedlighthi. i'v used synaptic to select packages by task and i'v installed lamp server and open ssh. anyone can tell me how to find what packages i have? i though that phpmyadmin and other "tools" are already installed but they are not...06:40
Bryan_SierraStroganoff, no no. not emulation.06:40
StroganoffBryan_Sierra: virtual box06:40
Bryan_Sierrathat might be it06:41
dwateranyone help me about fixing a bug? I have downloaded the kernel source but can't identify which occurance of MAX_HWIFS to change.06:41
q_a_z_steveStroganoff: k, there's a bunch of numbers... but how can I tell if that's working right? I just went out to /var/log/partimage/partimaged.log and that says: qazsteve.pastebin.org/2869006:41
Stroganoffq_a_z_steve might be a bug http://www.partimage.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=1892&sid=91df12eeeafe85fa35d29f30b63b7ad306:43
q_a_z_steveStroganoff: http://qazsteve.pastebin.org/28691 cat stat06:43
unop_saltedlight, dpkg -l | less06:44
Stroganoffq_a_z_steve you might have to you a debugger. i'm clueless06:44
StevenXhello all, I was wondering if you could tell me where i set up my fonts for applications and such.06:44
Stroganoffuse a debugger06:44
unop_saltedlight, phpmyadmin might require installation06:45
StroganoffStevenX: settings -> appearance?06:45
saltedlightis php5 installed by default? full or just a part of it?06:45
tonyyarussosaltedlight: no, why would it be?06:46
saltedlightwen installing LAMP php is not instaled? :-O06:46
tonyyarussosaltedlight: if you install LAMP it would be, yes, because you just installed it.....06:46
unop_doesn't that depend on what P in lamP stands for ? :)06:47
=== MikeB is now known as Technoviking
StevenXStroganoff, how do i install fonts?06:47
Stroganoffsaltedlight: sudo apt-get install php506:47
saltedlightok :D but what should i install to be shure that i have the _all_ package?06:47
unop_saltedlight, if you mean, is phpmyadmin the same as php5? then no06:48
StroganoffStevenX: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts06:48
tonyyarussounop_: yes, but if you use the tasksel option it's php.06:48
q_a_z_steveStroganoff: that sucks, I even reinstalled it...06:48
tonyyarussosaltedlight: the all package?  huh?06:48
saltedlightno. i mean php 5 _full_ package06:48
tonyyarussowhat on earth are you talking about?06:48
saltedlighti know that phpmyadmin is not php :-"06:49
unop_saltedlight, you could just do. sudo aptitude install phpmyadmin # and be sure it's there :)06:49
Stroganoffsaltedlight: see this for extra packages: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=php506:49
saltedlightphp 5 full: dependencies tools and whatever there is about php5... this is what i want...06:50
SubOnedoes anyone know if there is a gedit plugin to get expanse/collapse of blocks of code06:50
octoberdanMy webcam works when I run ekiga, but when I run the "webcam"  program provided by the webcam package, I get "Device or reource busy," even if I haven't used ekiga yet. fuser /dev/video0 returns nothing.06:50
unop_saltedlight, errm, it's better just to install the components you want, the dependencies are automatically pulled in, you don't need to worry about that06:51
tonyyarussosaltedlight: Why would you what everything remotely related to php?06:51
adrin_jalalihi there, i just wanna know whether it's possible to install ubuntu or any other distro on a p990 sony ericsson smartphone, I saw the video on youtube, but no description is available i think06:51
jussio1!en | DAMNED:06:52
unop_DAMNED -- in #ubuntu-es06:52
jussio1oh :/06:52
Alan_Mjussio1, heh, unop beat ya to it :)06:52
tonyyarussoadrin_jalali: any idea what architecture the processor is?06:52
saltedlightbecause i want to learn everything about php, and i do not want to install parts of it in time... just do one install and have it all...06:52
jussio1Alan_M: The bot is broken.06:52
Stroganoffadrin_jalali: Wizolabo has used hardware modifications06:53
Alan_Mjussio1, yeah...that too...bots taking vacation to jamaica :P06:53
SubOnesaltedlight: but you're gonna confuse the situation for the environment your learning in06:53
=== prathibha is now known as guess
guessNo volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.I am getting this error when clicking volume control in normal login.06:53
SubOnedoes anyone know if there is a gedit plugin to get expanse/collapse of blocks of code06:53
unop_saltedlight, well, not that i recommend it but you could do this then.  sudo aptitude install $(apt-cache search php | cut -c 3-30)06:54
tonyyarussoadrin_jalali: seems to be ARM.  I believe Debian has some level of support for that architecture.06:54
guessHow to solve the problem06:54
octoberdanWhat else should I try to see what's up with my webcam?06:54
octoberdanWhy would it work in ekiga but not in webcam?06:54
adrin_jalaliyeah wikipedia says : "The P990 runs the Nexperia PNX4008 ARM9 208 MHz processor from Philips."06:54
tonyyarussosaltedlight: you would never ever use everything that you could install.06:54
SubOneDoes anyone know if there is a channel for gedit?06:55
z1ohello, anyone here use vimperator?06:55
Alan_MSubOne, we are one of em :)06:55
tonyyarussoadrin_jalali: http://www.arm.linux.org.uk/ may be useful too.06:55
StroganoffSubOne: http://searchirc.com/irc-gedit-106:55
FliesLikeABrick_whenever I try to do anything with apt (gutsy), I get "E: The package linux-headers-2.6.22-9 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."06:55
guessIs there anyone around to help06:55
MikeisadumbnameNo one has any ideas for me?06:55
FliesLikeABrick_How can I just tell APT "force remove any parts of this package and forget about it"06:56
FliesLikeABrick_guess yes, just ask your question06:56
Alan_Mguess, look around, were all here to help, just ask your question mate.06:56
tonyyarussoadrin_jalali: Debian status is described on http://www.debian.org/ports/arm/06:56
guessFliesLikeABrick,  No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.I am getting this error when clicking volume control in normal login.06:56
unop_FliesLikeABrick, what do you mean by "parts of this package" ?06:56
FliesLikeABrick_guess don't ask me, I'm saying to just ask the channel06:56
MikeisadumbnameI did a bunch of times and the only response I got was to ask.06:57
guessFliesLikeABrick, I already asked this question06:57
MikeisadumbnameHence my confusion.06:57
guessFliesLikeABrick, No one is replying06:57
StroganoffFliesLikeABrick: sudo apt-get -f install06:57
FliesLikeABrick_unop_ I just want to get APT into a usable state, I don't know what is wrong with that package and don't really care since I'm just going to install 2.6.22-14 once APT is working again06:57
adrin_jalalitonyyarusso: I see, it seems that would help, thanks06:57
StroganoffFliesLikeABrick: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:57
FliesLikeABrick_Stroganoff same error06:57
Alan_Mguess, being in this room requires patience buddy06:57
FliesLikeABrick_Stroganoff this error happens with seemingly any APT operation, I've tried install -f, dist-upgrade, remove, purge and others06:57
SubOneStroganoff: there was someone telling me about you06:57
vltHello. What cache to flush when `nslookup <host>` returns the correct IP from bind on localhost but `ping <host>` tries an old IP address?06:57
FliesLikeABrick_Stroganoff I've tried the same with aptitude instead of apt as well, hoping it might be more intelligent06:57
StroganoffSubOne: what did he/she say?06:58
FliesLikeABrick_this is an error that dpkg is giving, even when I do dpkg -r packagename06:58
guessAlan_M, k k06:58
tonyyarussoDAMNED: This channel is English-only.  For Spanish-language support, join #ubuntu-es.  Additionally, please consider changing your nick first.06:58
FliesLikeABrick_vlt what does "dig hostname" or "host hostname" give for the IP?06:58
unop_FliesLikeABrick, if you know the package name.  dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/*packagename*.deb # but you really should look into the error you get and troubleshoot that way06:58
FliesLikeABrick_unop_ I don't have packagename.deb, that is part of the problem06:59
vlt /etc/resolv.conf points to localhost only. `dig` and `host` return the correct ip.06:59
FliesLikeABrick_I can't find this package anywhere online, I think it was from gutsy pre-beta testing.  This system has been off for a while, but it is remote and I can't find it06:59
StroganoffFliesLikeABrick: dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq06:59
SubOneStroganoff: I think it was in #xubuntu and I had an install issue06:59
unop_FliesLikeABrick, maybe you should show us the exact command and error you get, we can suggest better then06:59
Alan_M!pastebin | FliesLikeABrick07:00
vltFliesLikeABrick_: nscd is running ... maybe that's the problem ...07:00
SubOneStroganoff: I think he was saying you had an install script for low memory comps?07:00
Alan_MCrap..forgot again!07:00
StroganoffSubOne did he mean this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74163107:00
Fed00Rai have a problem about grub loader it starts command line when i type boot it says that " error 8 : kernel must be loaded before booting "  what should i do ?07:00
Alan_Mwell, im out for the night folks, i cant stay up ANY longer.07:00
vltFliesLikeABrick_: Yes, restarting nscd fixed it.07:01
FliesLikeABrick_vlt Stroganoff thanks for your help, --force-all was good enough to get past this.  I know that normally I should look into the cause of this, but given these circumstances I am really not concerned with it07:01
bidgethey I'm trying to change the icon of a launcher and for some reason when I browse to the file that I want to use it doesn't show up07:01
StroganoffFliesLikeABrick: i understand completely :D07:01
FliesLikeABrick_I'm sorry I can't take the time to troubleshoot it properly with you right now, but I appear to have APT back in a usable state which is really just what I need right now07:01
FliesLikeABrick_normally I would take time to investigate it fully, trust me07:01
Stroganoffbidget: just place the .png file into /usr/share/pixmaps07:03
Fed00Rai have a problem about grub loader it starts command line when i type boot it says that " error 8 : kernel must be loaded before booting "  what should i do ?07:03
bidgetah ok07:03
FliesLikeABrick_Fed00Ra it sounds like your menu.lst file is not formatted properly, and it is instructing grub to boot the kernel before spceifying the kernel07:03
FliesLikeABrick_Fed00Ra do any of the rescue mode options in grub work?07:03
dryeyesIs there a program for syncing with iPod touch for ubuntu07:04
Fed00Ranope nothing !! just command line :(07:04
bidgetsays I dont have permission to write to the folder Stroganoff07:04
FliesLikeABrick_you will need sudo for that bidget07:04
bidgetright gotcha07:05
jussio1dryeyes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod?action=show&redirect=IPodHowto07:05
Stroganoffbidget: sudo cp filename.png /usr/share/pixmaps07:05
unop_dryeyes, sure, do you know how to edit /etc/apt/sources.list?07:05
bidgetalright I got it :D07:05
unop_dryeyes, then add this line in.  deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ipod-touch/ubuntu gutsy main07:06
Stroganoffbidget: you could also use ~/.local/share/pixmaps07:06
unop_dryeyes, and run this command.  sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude install gtkpod07:06
Stroganoffat least its supposed to work that way07:06
Stroganoffwithout sudo07:06
bidgetI did sudo mv07:06
dryeyesthanks unop07:06
bidgetand that worked07:06
FliesLikeABrick_Stroganoff FYI I think the way that package might have gotten in such a bad state was an NFS share holding APT data got disconnected at some point during a package upgrade/install or something.  It has been months since I was last messing with this machine07:07
bidgetwell, it worked as in I moved the file but it still wont let me change the icon of this stupid launcher07:07
bidgetI guess it can't be a .png file07:07
Stroganoffnfs share holding apt data? well well07:07
FliesLikeABrick_this particular machine has limited space on / so I mounted /var/apt via NFS07:07
FliesLikeABrick_yeah, bad idea ;)07:08
Stroganoffi see07:08
FliesLikeABrick_it is a testing box more than anything else right now07:08
=== p33 is now known as |p33|
FliesLikeABrick_but it is via remote and reinstalling isn't an option, so right now I'm most interested in updating this pre-gutsy-release machine to gutsy-release, then up to hardy07:08
StroganoffFliesLikeABrick i you like testing test this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74163107:08
Stroganoffits easy to test :D07:08
Stroganoffk forget that ;)07:09
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FliesLikeABrick_I'll take a look at it some other time anyway07:09
bidgetso Stroganoff what do I have to do to make the icon work as a png file?07:09
Stroganoffbidget it doesnt show up in the launcher editor?07:09
bidgetbut I notice all the other icons are .svg files07:10
Stroganofftry converting it to .xpm07:10
jefffromhellok, i got my ubuntu install to see my windows shared files yesterday, but it stopped. and i didnt change anything. what do i need to do to get it to work?07:10
Stroganoffi dont use gnome myself so..07:10
Stroganoffjefffromhell are you using the gnome file browser (nautilus)?07:11
jefffromhellyes. i was told to install samba yesterday, if that helps07:12
b4l74z4ri can't find a menu option to zoom images in gthumb with the mouse wheel, is there a configuration file i can hack to make that possible?07:12
FliesLikeABrick_Stroganoff I'm guessing he mounted something by hand without putting it in fstab or something to make it persistent across reboots07:12
bidgetno Stroganoff that didnt work either07:12
Stroganoffjefffromhell: in nautilus: ctrl+l -> smb:///07:12
Stroganoffbidget have you used the "show all icons" drop down menu in the launcher editor?07:13
Stroganoffbidget: another way would be to edit the launcher with gedit or some text editor and set the "Icon=" just to "filename.png" (path shouldnt be needed)07:13
bidgetwhere exactly is the show all icons thing?07:14
Stroganoffshould be at the top of the window07:14
Stroganoffmaybe i'm confusing it with xfce, dunno07:14
bidgetwell the video is called launcher properties and all it has is type, name, command, and comment07:14
bidgetand then I click on the icon to change it07:14
bidgetand then click on browse and browse to the directory the icon is in07:15
Stroganoffthe launcher editor sucks IMHO07:15
bidgetbut it doesnt show up Im assuming because its an incompatible filetype07:15
kindofabuzzis the only way to have multiple user in proftpd is to have multiple users on the system?  sorry #proftpd isn't talking =)07:15
jefffromhellStoganoff, nautilus is the default file browser for gnome right?07:15
bidgetI'll try changing it with gedit then I guess we'll see how that goes07:15
Stroganoffim pretty sure gnome can handle more formats then SVG07:15
Stroganoffjefffromhell yep07:15
buriedI need help07:15
buriedI can't burn properly07:15
buriedit seems to burn07:15
buriedI'm trying to burn an .iso image07:16
jefffromhellsok, i see mshome07:16
buriedopenSUSE to be exact07:16
|p33|kindofabuzz: use proftpd+mysql07:16
buriedcan anyone rec me a burning program that lets you choose boot options for the iso image?07:16
Stroganoffburied iso images contain boot infos07:17
Stroganoffwhat do you want to "change"?07:17
jefffromhellStroganoff, i see mshome07:17
Stroganoffare u using brasero?07:17
Stroganoffjefffromhell ok07:17
jefffromhelli clicked it and there is only one thing in it. its a tower that says ubuntu07:17
Stroganoffburied i hope you arent adding the iso to a new brasero compilation07:18
jefffromhellstroganoff, i clicked it and there is only one thing in it. its a tower that says ubuntu07:18
buriedIburied> it burns07:18
buried<buried> ejects07:18
buried<buried> but when I put the CD back in07:18
buried<buried> Ubuntu reads it as blank07:18
buried<buried> and doesn't boot07:18
FloodBot1buried: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:18
timo1teoi finally got it up and running!!!!!!!!07:19
SubOneStroganoff: i'll read this for a bit, maybe a little later, ty for this info07:19
Stroganoffjefffromhell, find out the ip of the windows machine and go go smb://192.168.0.xx accordingly07:19
StroganoffSubOne its pretty easy to install07:19
SubOneAnyone know if there is a gedit plugin to expand/collapse code blocks?07:20
FliesLikeABrick_SubOne I don't know about gedit, but kate can do that natively07:20
buriednot that I know of07:20
timo1teodoes anyone know where i can figure out how to get the drivers for my ati mobility radeon X140007:20
FliesLikeABrick_(native/no plugin needed)07:20
buriedkate is a KDE program07:20
buriedbut works fine07:20
FliesLikeABrick_buried so? I use it in gnome all of the time07:20
FliesLikeABrick_I'm just putting it out there as a suggestion ;)07:20
SubOneyeah i use Kate on my own laptop07:20
bidgetoh weak07:20
FliesLikeABrick_I use kate for all of my development07:20
Stroganoffburied: cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom driveropts=burnfree -v -data cd_image.iso07:21
buriedI didn't say kate is bad07:21
bidgetso Stroganoff apparently the icon files are "vector images" and I can't convert them07:21
buriedI'm just saying that it is a kde app07:21
travisatyou can collapse in vim too07:21
bidgetI just read it on the forums07:21
jefffromhellhe, um, Stroganoff, i dont remember how to find my ip07:21
timo1teodoes anyone know where i can figure out how to get the drivers for my ati mobility radeon X140007:21
buriedthanks Stroganoff07:21
Stroganoffjefffromhell: start -> run -> cmd -> ipconfig07:21
FliesLikeABrick_sorry buried I'm just used to people being like "Zomg I can't use KDE apps on non-KDE because I need to install a whopping 20MB of KDE libs!!" or somesuch07:21
saladdin19hey, this is prob a silly question, but i am having trouble compiling a simple C program, gcc is telling me that it can't find the stdio, i mean come on!, is there something that needs to be installed so that i can compile normally?07:21
jefffromhellstroganoff, i put that ip in and no luck07:22
Stroganoffbidget have you manually edited the launcher with gedit?07:22
bidgetI couldnt figure out how to do it :(07:22
bidgetI right clicked on it but the only options are launch properties remove and lock to panel07:22
Stroganoffjefffromhell: is the firewall service running in windows (it has to be for sharing to work) start -> run -> services.msc07:23
travisatsaladdin19: did you include stdio?07:23
Stroganoffbidget: use the console: gedit filename.desktop (use [TAB] for auto-completion)07:23
saladdin19travisat, yup, #include <stdio.h>07:23
Stroganoffor use gedit -> File -> Open ....07:23
travisatsaladdin19: hmm weird07:24
jefffromhellstroganoff, its off as far as i remember, but it worked before i had ubuntu on here, and as i said, last night it worked07:24
bidgetStroganoff: gotcha07:24
Stroganoffjefffromhell i dont mean "Firewall" in the control panel but the raw service07:24
saladdin19travisat, ur tellin me, but is there something special i need to do, im just you know typin gcc foo.c -o foo07:25
jefffromhelli know. the security center. i went and checked and its on07:25
Stroganoffjefffromhell: smbclient -N -L 192.168.....07:25
saladdin19travisat, i'm running a amd64 ubuntu if that makes any difference...07:25
Stroganoffjefffromhell in the terminal.07:25
timo1teoif i wasn't connected to the internet when i installed and it didnt get the latest security updates or whatever where can i get them now that i am connected?07:25
Stroganoffjefffromhell security center is the same as control panel but nevermind07:26
xtknighttimo1teo, update manager will let you know of updates07:26
Stroganoffjefffromhell: sudo /etc/init.d/samba start07:26
wizohey, i installed eclipse, but when i try to run it i get the error "A java runtime enviroment or java development kit must be available in order ot run Eclipse. No java virtual machine was found...." what should i install?07:26
=== Handra_18 is now known as ^fay_cembiyan88
bidgetno Stroganoff it didn't work07:26
xtknighttimo1teo, it's an orange icon in the top right corner, if you have updates07:26
bidgetthe icon in it was gnome-panel-launcher or something and I changed it to /usr/share/pixmaps/steam.png and it didn't change the picture or anything07:26
xtknighttimo1teo, if you don't trust that then you can type "gksu update-manager &" in the terminal07:27
jefffromhellError connecting Error connecting to (No route to host)07:27
jefffromhellConnection to 192.168.x.xxx failed (Error NT_STATUS_HOST_UNREACHABLE)07:27
jefffromhellto (No route to host)07:27
jefffromhellConnection to 192.168.x.xxx failed (Error NT_STATUS_HOST_UNREACHABLE)07:27
FloodBot1jefffromhell: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:27
bidgetI found a website that will convert pictures into .svg files for you but unfortunately it requires flash which I've found impossible to install haha07:27
timo1teothanjk you07:27
timo1teothanks guys07:27
damo23timo1teo: if you installed without connecting to the net, you'll have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment out the repositories07:27
wizobidget:  i think i got flash installed07:27
bidgetyou think?07:27
wizobidget: yea, i can use youtube or some other flash sites07:28
bidgetoh nice how did you do it07:28
bidgetand are you on amd64 ubuntu07:28
flaccidwhere is ubotu?07:28
wizobidget: it's something like non free plugins07:28
xtknightdead i guess07:28
bidgethe keeps getting disconnected for flooding07:28
Stroganoffbidget its not really possible to convert .ico (pixel) to .svg (vectors)07:28
bidgetyeah I installed that already wizo, didnt work07:28
Stroganoffgnome HAS TO read .png and .xpm, ur doing something wrong07:28
wizoi use flashplugin-nonfree07:28
xtknightgnome has an icon cache07:28
timo1teothanks again07:28
xtknightwhich you may need to refresh07:28
jefffromhellStroganoff: Error connecting to 192.168.x.xxx (No route to host)07:28
jefffromhellConnection to 192.168.x.xxx failed (Error NT_STATUS_HOST_UNREACHABLE)07:28
bidgetyeah wizo I installed that and it didnt work, but oh well07:28
flaccidwell whats the best program recommended for ripping audio cds to .ogg ?07:29
travisatslashzul: do you have stiod.h in /usr/include?07:29
bidgetanyway Stroganoff I can send you a screenshot of it if you want but it just isnt working for some reason07:29
wizosorry i can't be more help to you bidget =(07:29
travisaterr stdio.h07:29
Stroganoffjefffromhell: can you ping 192...07:29
wizobidget: which site?07:29
bidgetwizo: that's ok :D07:29
wizomaybe i'll give it a shot :D07:29
bidgetwhat do you mean by which site?07:29
wizobidget: that flash thing you were trying to access07:29
bidgetoh any site with flash07:29
Stroganoffbidget: the created .png file is valid?07:29
bidgetfacebook, youtube, whatever07:29
jefffromhellstroganoff, im getting "destination host unreachable"07:29
bidgetyeah it works Stroganoff07:29
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
wizooh, :s that's weird07:29
wizoit just.. worked straight off for me07:30
MizzleOk.  So I've made sure I'm fully upgraded.  I can see wireless signal on the connection I want.  It hangs and fails every time I try to connect.07:30
MizzleBecause it sees the connection, I assume it's not a driver issue.  Is that right?07:30
bidgetwizo: I'm using the 64-bit version and apparently adobe doesnt have a 64 bit flash player or something07:30
wizobidget: i'm sorry to hear that :(07:30
Stroganoffyou could try to find an svg version of your icon in the webs ;)07:30
bidgetStroganoff: the png file works just fine its just that it wont work if I try to set it as the icon picture07:30
wizobut i thought they should have07:31
bidgetwizo: I think it will be fixed soon so its not a big deal07:31
wizoyea i guess07:31
MizzleShould I try ndiswrapper or something?07:31
bidgetwizo: I tried downloading and installing the 32-bit version of firefox to get it all to work but I couldn't figure it out lol07:31
shivamibMizzle get signal!07:31
jefffromhellstroganoff, im getting "destination host unreachable"07:31
Stroganoffbidget: i dont suppose the file contains special chars like spaces?07:31
Mizzleshvamib: what do you mean?07:31
bidgetStroganoff: what file?07:31
wizobidget: that's nasssty, lol07:31
Stroganoffthe file name07:31
MizzleI'm wired in right now from the wrong room, but that's a temp fix until I can get wireless going.07:31
bidgetno its just "steam.png"07:32
bidgetnothing fancy07:32
wizoMizzle: what problems are you having?07:32
Stroganoffjefffromhell: are you in the same ip subnets (i.e. both 192.168.0.X )07:32
jefffromhelllet me check ubuntus subnet07:32
MizzleWireless won't connect.  Hangs and then fails every time.  Sees the connection, but can't do anything with it, apparently.07:33
wizooh, weird07:33
MizzleI had the same problem on KDE, and nothing to fix it.07:33
jefffromhellstroganoff, how do i find the subnet on ubuntu07:33
MizzleSomeone recommended I try Ubuntu instead, as the support is better, and the userbase is better at troubleshooting.07:33
MizzleSo here I am.07:33
Stroganoffbidget: http://www.wine-doors.org/wordpress/07:33
Stroganoffbidget the tarball contains steam.svg07:34
tparcinawhat program should I use to send FAX over my laptop internal modem on Ubuntu 7.10?07:34
Stroganoffjefffromhell: settings -> networking or something07:34
iceswordlet 's see07:34
Stroganoffjefffromhell: or in terminal: ifconfig07:34
tparcinaI'm planning to FAX PDF and OO.o documents07:34
timo1teocan some direct me to the page in documentation i think that concerns the drivers for unsupported graphics cards07:35
timo1teoit was linked to me before but i can't seem to find it now07:35
jefffromhellstroganoff, only one i see is the localhost ip07:35
bidgetStroganoff: where do I find the svg in it...?07:35
timo1teoi have an ATI mobility radeon X140007:35
tparcinadoes anyone send FAX from Ubuntu? If yes, what program do you use?07:36
jefffromhellstroganoff, in if config, i only see ips, not subnets07:36
Stroganoffbidget: browser/wine-doors-icons07:36
bidgetoh nice07:36
Stroganoffjefffromhell i dont mean subnetmasks07:36
Stroganoffjust the first three ip bracketrs07:36
Stroganoffi dont know why you cant even PING your windows pc07:37
sjovanMizzle: have you tryed to comment out every other card in /etc/network/interfaces and set the wireless uip like this ---> http://pastebin.com/d38e879ea07:37
sjovanbtw... can't be shure if you wirelesscard is named wlan007:37
jefffromhellstroganoff, oh, then yeah, they are the same. and my pc cant ping my laptop...07:37
MizzleNo, I haven't.  Let me take a look at that link.  Thanks!07:38
bidgetStroganoff: I don't see a browser or wine-doors-icons in there anywhere aggghhhh07:38
Stroganoffjefffromhell: but you can ping your router?07:38
timo1teodoes anyone know how i can instal the drivers for my graphics card?07:39
bidgetI can't believe how difficult it is to do something as simple as change an icon07:39
Stroganoffbidget: http://www.wine-doors.org/wd-icons/steam.svg07:39
Mizzlesjovan: my card is named wlan0, but what file do I edit to look like that?07:39
databridgemy name is wlan107:39
jefffromhellstroganoff, never tried to07:39
SorbPfinaly i found this channel07:39
wizohey, anyone knows how i can get my eclipse working? it says i need a JRE or JDK07:39
sjovanMizzle: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces <--- and remember to put # on every other line, to deactivate it from the config"07:40
sjovanMizzle: after you have done that ---> sudo ifdown wlan0 && sudo ifup wlan0 <--- then it hopefully works :)07:41
Mizzleauto lo07:41
Mizzleiface lo inet loopback07:41
ralexandeanyone able to tell me if I install ubuntu beta if it will be upgradable via dist upgrade when the final release comes out?07:41
MizzleThat's the whole paste from that file.07:41
ralexandeor if ill have to reinstall when final release comes out07:41
Stroganoffjefffromhell is your windows set to automatic ip (dchp)?07:41
benanzoralexande: you can upgrade from any version starting with dapper07:41
jefffromhellstroganoff, i guess...07:42
Stroganoffjefffromhell have you some odd security software (symantec etc.)?07:42
SorbPok i have some quick questions before i move over to ubuntu on mylaptop, i've laready checked that my thinkpad is compatible wiht ubuntu, but what iwas wondering can i login to a microsoft windows domain trough ubuntu and use their VPN?07:42
sjovanMizzle: this is the rest of my condig btw... http://pastebin.com/d18e386a207:42
benanzoHowever, for the cleanest possible install you might want to install from the disk anyway07:42
benanzobut it should work anyway07:42
=== Handra_18 is now known as fay_cembiyan_CO
jefffromhellum, no security software...07:42
sjovanMizzle: yeah, so make thoes lines in the first pastebin that i gave you07:42
bidgetalright I give up on the icon thing07:42
bidgetcan anyone help me install flash?07:43
JanPeterholy crap... just got banned from offtopic for saying one SENTENCE about piracy, then was allowed 2 mins before kicked07:43
ralexandebenanzo: so it should upgrade to final version from the beta version without too much issue then?07:43
timo1teono one can help me with installing graphics card drivers? or linking me i can't find a good site07:43
StroganoffSorbP: if you want your thinkpad to be really fast use this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74163107:43
SorbPwow thnx Stroganoff07:43
StroganoffSorbP: http://tipotheday.com/2007/11/28/connect-to-windows-vpn-server-pptp-with-ubuntu-gutsy/07:43
saladdin19OK, so i just went into /usr/include and i don't see stdio.h!!! umm, how do i fix this?07:43
SorbPi will, butdoes that still give me all the great network tools that linux is known for?07:43
SorbPnice Stroganoff but will that let me access my folders on our windows domain servers?07:44
Shrugzany one know how i can kill evolution mail off and put something else on?07:44
MizzleLines are made.07:44
MizzleDid the next input into the terminal you gave me.07:44
StroganoffSorbP should do it. you should be able to test this with a livecd. just run: sudo apt-get install network-manager-pptp07:45
Stroganoffthen browse the samba shares07:45
Stroganoffi have no expierience with this though07:45
benanzoralexande: Not too much problem at all.  I've been upgrading since Alpha 6 to current with no problems at all.07:45
ralexandethanks for the insight :)07:46
jefffromhellstroganoff, no more ideas?07:46
SorbPok next stepp Stroganoff i have no built in dvd drive on this thinkpad so i will have to boot it from a usb stick, any guid on how to prepare a usb stick from windows for booting ubuntu?07:46
Mizzlesjovan, what was that next link?07:46
sjovanMizzle: okay. then se if it works now07:46
sjovanMizzle: just the rest of my config07:46
Stroganofffrom windows is not so easy07:46
MizzleIs there anything else I should run from terminal to see if wireless is working?07:47
SorbPah well i can run ubuntu trough virtualization here i guess and then format the usb stick07:47
MizzleOr should I just unplug and try it?07:47
jefffromhellstroganoff, thanks for your time but i need to hit the hay07:47
StroganoffSorbP: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick07:47
Stroganoffctrl+f windows07:47
sjovanMizzle: did you get any erros when you did the ifdown and ifup thingy?=07:47
=== ralexande is now known as alxandr
Stroganoffok jefffromhell07:48
SorbPthnx Stroganoff you rock07:48
kelvin911hello, how come when i format a floppy with usb floppy drive in ubuntu, deli linux can read it or mount it?07:48
sjovanMizzle: what does ifconfig say about wlan0?07:48
sjovanMizzle: did it get a ip?07:49
alxandrwhat IRC clients you guy using?07:50
kane77alxandr, xchat07:51
Stroganoffkelvin911: use one of these command line tools: http://www.togaware.com/linux/survivor/Format_Floppy.html07:51
MizzleIs that what's listed under inet addr?07:51
alxandrim using bitchx however i think i would like to try somehting a little more Mirc-ish07:51
MizzleIn that case, all it gives me is the
Slartalxandr: try xchat then.. it's pretty mirc'ish07:51
shivamibalxandr: bitchx is as irc-ish as it gets! lol07:52
saladdin19can somebody help me with compiling a regular C progarm, gcc is telling me that there is no stdio.h library07:52
sjovanMizzle: that sounds about right :) yeah, unplug07:52
kane77woot! suspend and hibernate both work in hardy (for me)!!07:52
Slartsaladdin19: have you installed build-essential?07:52
Stroganoffalxandr: use Irsii :D07:52
sjovanMizzle: if it doesn't work, then do another ifdown and ifup07:52
alxandrhaha i must admit I do feel positively geeky chatting from the terminal :P07:52
Stroganoffalxandr: you have tried xchat, right?07:52
kelvin911the formatter doesnt work for me07:52
alxandrits installing from apt atm :P07:52
saladdin19Slart, let me check07:52
Stroganoffkelvin911 whats the error?07:53
Slartsaladdin19: just run this "sudo apt-get install build-essential"07:53
kelvin911i have usb floppy for some reason floppy formatter doesn't work07:53
kelvin911it says doesnt recognize the disk geometry07:53
Slartsaladdin19: it's not a big thing.. and you'll need it to compile any software on ubuntu07:53
MizzleSame result, sjovan.07:53
timo1teohow do i set a sudo password07:53
MizzleI'm going to try unplugging and see if that helps.  Back shortly, I hope.07:53
Slarttimo1teo: it's your user password07:53
flaccidtimo1teo: passwd07:53
timo1teoits saying wrong07:54
timo1teohold up07:54
Slarttimo1teo: same one you use to log in07:54
kelvin911the disk i format in ubuntu, deli linux wont mount it07:54
saladdin19Slart, i'm installing it now, surprising it is not included normally...?07:54
Slarttimo1teo: check caps-lock, num-lock etc etc07:54
flaccidneed to be in admin group to sudo07:54
flaccidby default07:54
timo1teoim set as admin07:54
Slartsaladdin19: yes.. there must be a pretty good reason not to include it in the default setup..07:54
timo1teohold up07:54
SorbPstroganoff i did a fdisk -l and it only shows one device07:55
SorbPhow do i mount my usb drive?07:55
flaccidtimo1teo: if your are and the password is changed and correct then check /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages07:55
SlartSorbP: same as any other drive.. mount /path/to/devicename /path/to/mountpoint07:55
StroganoffSorbP ubuntu has some sort of automounting normally07:55
SorbPok well i'm quite new, to this whats the standard mountpoint for a usb drive?07:56
saladdin19Slart, your my savior man, installing essential did the trick...are there any other builds i should include, i will be doing some socket programming, or does this include the standard Unix C/C++ libraries?07:56
timo1teoLOL its saying incorrect password i dont get this07:56
TerrasqueSorbP: /Media/<partition name> iirc07:56
timo1teoive tried my password and passwd07:57
SorbPso mount /usb/usb1?07:57
flaccidlook in /media07:57
kane77oops I was thinking I was in #ubuntu+1..07:57
SlartSorbP: as Stroganoff said.. usb drives, flash drives etc are normally mounted automatically.. but I usually use a folder in /media .. examples.. /media/usbdrive /media/usb /media/myshittyoldusbdrivethatwontmountautomatically =)07:57
SorbPhehe ok so if i ype mount /media/usb/drive it shold do it07:58
StroganoffSorbP you have to create the mountpoint first: sudo mkdir /media/usbdrive07:58
Stroganoffthe usb drive should be /dev/sda1 or something07:58
SorbPi have one of those07:58
Slartsaladdin19: the build-essential thingy sets up the compiling basics.. you'll probably need some dev-packages later on.. but you'll notice when things don't work =)07:58
SorbPi tought it was the harddrive but it might be the usb07:58
StroganoffSorbP could be sdb1, sdc1 etc..07:59
SlartSorbP: you can check what kind of block devices you have by running "sudo blkid" in a terminal.. you'll see the device name and file system07:59
SlartSorbP: ls /dev/disk/by-uuid also works07:59
SorbPit says that sda1 is ext208:00
SorbPso probably ot myy usb drive then08:00
Netham45I'm about 30 mb up in a document in VI, trying to delete everything below the cursor, how do I do that?08:00
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code08:00
SlartSorbP: what file system is on the usb drive? ntfs?08:00
SorbPSlart dont know ntfs or fat32 just opened it from the box its a sandisk titanium 4 gig08:01
sjovanSorbP: then try sdb1 or sdc1 or sdd1... it's all about how many disks you got...08:01
SlartNetham45: probably some gruesome 40-key sequence involving character you didn't know existed.. if I know vi correctly =)08:01
SorbPonly the harddrive and the one usb08:01
SorbPsjbrown try to do twhat with it08:01
shivamibmotion keys ftw!08:01
SorbPcommand and then what?08:01
timo1teohow do i reset my sudo password08:01
SlartSorbP: you can check dmesg too.. it usually writes some info when you connect the drive08:01
Slarttimo1teo: passwd sets your user password.. you are running regular ubuntu, right?08:02
timo1teoyeah im running passwd and its asking me for my current password and then my new one08:02
timo1teoand its telling me its not matching up because it wont recognize my "current" pw because i dont know what it is08:03
Slarttimo1teo: ah.. that would be a problem, yes.. hang on.. let me check the fine manual page08:03
StroganoffNetham45: sed '1,3005!d' > newfile.txt08:04
Stroganoffwhere's 3005 is the line on your cursor08:04
cptcirsshow to mount iso images as cd/dvd08:04
Netham45how do I get the cursor position in VI?08:04
Slarttimo1teo: try running this "sudo passwd timolteo" if timolteo is your username08:05
saladdin19Slart, thanks for your help08:05
cptcirssi am trying to mount a dvd/cd iso image on filesystem08:05
unop__sudo passwd $USER # should always work08:05
cptcirsswhat should i do08:05
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » or use the "gmountiso" package - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:05
timo1teookay hold up08:05
CK_MYhow to convert avi and mpeg to dvd ?08:05
StroganoffNetham45 i dont know but you can search the line with nano and press ctrl+c in nano to get the line number08:06
Slartunop__: ah.. didn't think of that.. thanks08:06
SlartCK_MY: devede is one software that does that08:06
SlartCK_MY: the version in the repos is a bit old.. but I think it does its job08:06
Netham45ok, I'm on line 13132208:06
sjovancptcirss: ---> sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /dir/to/iso/ /dir/to/mount/point <--- the mointpoint folder have to exist from before. ---> man mount <--- is a nice car08:07
CK_MYSlart,  thx08:07
StroganoffNetham45: sed '1,131322!d' > newfile.txt08:07
SlartCK_MY: you're welcome08:07
StroganoffNetham45: sed '1,131322!d' /path/to/your/oldfile.txt > newfile.txt08:07
cptcirsswill os treat it as the cd /dvd08:07
cptcirssor just a folder08:07
CK_MYSlart, then u know about rm o rmvb?08:07
Slartsjovan, cptcirss: I think the -t iso9600 part isn't really necessary.. i've never had to use it at least.. I think mount does some auto-fs-checking before mounting..08:08
SlartCK_MY: rm as in remove file?08:08
bidgetcan anyone help me get eve-online running? It's supposed to be natively supported on linux but it isn't working :(08:08
CK_MYSlart, real player ^>^08:08
sjovancptcirss: it will treat it as a disk with iso9660 system...08:08
Stroganoffbidget run it from the terminal and state errors08:09
shivamiboh man, i miss playing eve08:09
bidgethmm ok08:09
Netham45is there a way I can remove all lines that have stuff that's not a number or a period?08:09
bidgethow do I run it from a terminal??08:09
bidgetoh wow08:09
bidgetI typed eve in a terminal and its definitely doing something....08:09
SlartCK_MY: ah.. you meant real media format?.. well. I know about it.. I don't use it08:09
timsandtomsAnyone know any of any free house layout planning thingys for Ubuntu? Preferably like those superdupersimple old ones, back when people still used floppy disks, but anything great :D08:09
Netham45Stroganoff, do you know how I would do that?08:09
timo1teoeh i think i got it to work08:09
CK_MYSlart,  ok nvm ....08:10
cptcirssthanks guys08:10
shivamibtimsandtoms: dia?08:10
sjovanCK_MY: what the problem with the file?08:10
timsandtomsshivamib: Eh?08:10
timo1teoits being really fussy08:10
CK_MYsjovan,  i want convert to dvd so i can play at dvd player08:10
foiblesdoes anyone know where the startup file is for e16?08:10
bidgetok so Stroganoff it starts out with something about updating cedega, then "running... /home/dan/.cedega/.ui/runGUI08:10
shivamibdunno if it's what you need but you could use that08:10
CK_MYbecause my pc cant dual monitor and tv08:11
sjovanCK_MY: sorry, don't know how. maby doom9.org has the awnser08:11
CK_MYi dont know configure08:11
unop__Netham45, maybe this?  perl -i.bak -pe 'undef $_ unless /\d+|\./'08:11
bidgetStroganoff: then it says 0005: BAD STUFF: client ignore setting select events for 0x9004fd70 to 108:11
bidgetand then it just keeps repeating that only it alternates from 0 to 1 and vice versa all the way down08:11
timo1teolike lets say my Pw is dogg it asks me for my sudo pw and i type it dogg and then it goes doggtimothy@timothy-laptop:-$ dogg08:11
CK_MYsjovan, linux can display monitor and tv (clone)08:11
n2diyNetham45: unop__, or ask in #perl?08:12
shivamiboh shit, you use that password too?08:12
timo1teoso like... wtf im so confused08:12
timsandtomsshivamib: xP What is it?08:12
bidgethmmm.. is there a floppy in your disk drive?08:12
unop__Netham45, that doesn't remove lines that contain both alphabets and numbers and more than one fullstop/period tho08:12
Netham45unop__, I noticed, heh.08:13
Slarttimo1teo: hmm.. so it never waits for you to type the passwd? that's odd...08:13
timo1teono it does and i press enter and type the password then returns that bullshit08:13
unop__Netham45, if you want to be strict about those conditions. perl -i.bak -pe 'undef $_ unless /^(?:\d+|\.)$/'08:13
shivamibtry pressing enter after it08:13
timo1teosame thing08:14
Slarttimo1teo: it waits.. *then* you press enter?08:14
StroganoffNetham45 maybe this: sed -e 'd/\d+|\./' oldfile.txt08:14
Netham45unop__, not quite...08:14
Stroganoffif that regular expression is right08:14
timsandtomsshivamib: Ah =[ Wouldn't really work... Meh, I'll look around some. Just hopin anyone had a quick answer =] I didn't expect anyone to actually know xP Hell, I should probably just see if Sims works in WINE, I think I have a copy still...08:14
=== sami_ is now known as sami[work]
unop__Netham45, what needs changing?08:14
timo1teoam i supposed to enter the pw on the same line or press enter and enter the password underneath it? because it wont let me type anything on the same line08:14
shivamibtimsandtoms: sims for house planning? LOL08:14
Netham45unop__, I want to keep lines that have only numbers and periods.08:15
shivamibtimo1teo: when you type your password, it shouldn't show anything08:15
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.08:15
timsandtomsshivamib: xD Actually very good yet really odd reasons for this =] But, yeh :P I just suck at ANYTHING that requires not looking retarded. So i need somewher to mess with a layout =]08:15
Slarttimo1teo: you write "sudo passwd timolteo".. oh.. wait.. you'll need your password for that.. meeh.. didn't think o that08:16
shivamibtimsandtoms: me too08:16
timo1teoi appreciate the help08:16
timo1teohodl on08:16
timo1teoim going to try something08:16
shivamibtimo1teo: be careful there!08:16
unop__Netham45, I havent tested that out, but that should keep lines that have numbers and periods, everything else is junked08:16
Netham45unop__, no, it junked periods, too.08:16
Slartyou'll need your password.. to be able to run passwd as root.. so it won't ask for your password when you change your passwd.. I think I need to sit down now.. =)08:17
timo1teoso lets make sure im doing this right lol08:17
timo1teoi type08:17
timo1teosudo apt-get update08:17
timo1teoand it prompts me for pw08:18
Slarttimo1teo: you enter the password.. then press enter08:18
timo1teoand then as soon as i start typing on the next line for the next part of the process or w/e08:18
timo1teoit goes08:18
Slartso , sudo apt-get update <enter> password <enter>08:18
unop__Netham45, perl -i.bak -pe 'undef $_ unless /^[\d+.]$/'08:18
unop__Netham45, err, sorry.  perl -i.bak -pe 'undef $_ unless /^[\d.]+$/'08:19
Valiriananyone here who would be willing to give me some help getting a prism 2 usb card to work, ive been mucking with it for a couple of days now, and just cant get it to connect....08:19
timo1teoyou press enter before you type in your pw?08:19
timo1teothat wasnt working for me08:19
Netham45awesome awesome awesome08:19
vegpuffi have a webcam, how do i record video in ubuntu?08:19
unop__Netham45, :)08:19
ompaultimo1teo, you must - sudo apt-get update08:19
shivamibperlisms ftw08:19
Slarttimo1teo: try doing it the way I wrote... tell us what happens08:20
cptcirsshow to download doc of ghdl08:20
ompaultimo1teo, enter your password on next line08:20
Netham45ok, so with this file, I've trimmed it from ~75MB to 275KB08:20
shivamibbut dont tell us your password!08:20
Valirianis there an easier way to get a prism card to work than ndiswrapper... cause i can load the module ndiswrapper, and the connection shows up , i have the driver installed... ndiswrapper -l shows that its installed and present08:21
Valirianthen the module loads08:21
bidgetanyone have any idea why when I try and start eve it will open 2 windows?08:21
Valirianno errors, but still nothing08:21
cptcirsshow can i down load doc of ghdl using apt-get08:21
timo1teoits giving me the same return "*pw*timothy@timothy-laptop:~ $ *pw*08:21
shivamibbidget: btw is there an eve irc channel? i miss the guys08:22
timo1teoi feel RETARDED08:22
bidgetI have no idea actually I only started playing like a month ago08:22
HinHinhi guys, how do i setup virtual box to boot a partition with windows already installed on it?08:22
bidgetjust tried installing it in linux and I think it installed ok but it wont run08:22
timo1teolol oh man08:22
timo1teoi can't deal with this08:22
ompaultimo1teo, press enter twice do nothing else - then >>>  sudo apt-get update  <<< hit the enter key then and only then it will prompt you for YOUR password then enter and you are on your way08:23
Valirian.... i just need to know if there is a native way to up wlan0 with my prism 2 usb card08:23
cptcirsshey how can i download docs by using apt-get08:23
ompaulNOTE: I am about to do a few unbans prepare for scrolling08:24
ompaulthats all for a moment08:24
Valirianompaul, maybe you can help me08:24
ompaulValirian, ask the channel I know nothing unless I actually answer08:24
unop__cptcirss, what kind of docs?08:24
timo1teoyeah....same thing....lol ill brb  i can't deal with this i need a smoke08:25
Netham45unop__, now I have a bunch of numbers like this, {1,3}.{1,3}.{1,3}.{1,3}<new line>{1,5}<new line>{1,4}            and I need   {1,3}.{1,3}.{1,3}.{1,3}:{1,5}08:25
* Valirian whistles at the channel....... anyone know anything about ndiswrapper / linux-wlan-ng/ modprobe prism208:25
timo1teoi appreciate the help though08:25
Valirianany gurus in the chanel at all08:26
cptcirssunop_ documents texinfo or some thisn else08:26
Netham45unop_, now I have a bunch of numbers like this, {1,3}.{1,3}.{1,3}.{1,3}<new line>{1,5}<new line>{1,4}            and I need   {1,3}.{1,3}.{1,3}.{1,3}:{1,5}08:26
ompaulValirian, ask the channel perhaps I do know but assume nothing08:26
* Valirian has already asked the channell to no avail08:27
unop_Netham45, errm right.. so you're discarding the last line there?08:27
ompaulValirian, ahh yes I see it08:27
cptcirssactually i m trying to download documentations of ghdl using apt-get what should i do08:27
timo1teoto reset it it says to reboot with my live disk in recovery mode08:27
Netham45I need Line1:Line2     Line4:Line5     Line7:Line8 etc...08:27
timo1teoand then ill be in root and reset the goddamn password08:27
ompaul!wireless | Valirian this is all there is written by those who have gone through it before it is the method for dealing with as many wireless methods08:27
ubotuValirian this is all there is written by those who have gone through it before it is the method for dealing with as many wireless methods: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:27
* Valirian is a tad desperate for help , and is by no means a n00b.... kick me some commands and ill leave you alone08:28
Netham45wb un08:28
unopNetham45, errm right.. so you're discarding the last line there?08:28
Netham45I need Line1:Line2     Line4:Line5     Line7:Line8 etc...08:28
cptcirssi have a iso image of dvd of ubuntu how to add it in synaptic08:28
Netham45the spaces being new lines08:28
unopNetham45, and are those lines depicted as is, or are you using semi-regexps? :)08:28
Netham45unop, I don't quite understand what you are saying.08:29
Valirianubotu, been there quite a few times... seems i get no help with the specific card i have... everyone else says it works when they plug it in..... not for me .... so i used ndiswrapper.... installed the driver ... depmod -a ... modprobe ndiswrapper08:29
ompaultimo1teo, type this  >> id <<  what uid have you got?08:29
Netham45I just googled for regexps and went based upon what seemed logical08:29
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:29
unopNetham45, what i mean is  are they of the form \n 5 \n 6 .. so that you want ?08:29
Netham45unop, yes.08:30
unopNetham45, can you show me an excerpt in a !pastebin please.. that'll make it clearer and i have something real to work with08:30
Netham45(They are IP's and ports, if you havn't guessed yet, heh.)08:30
yandy_ns register 12308:31
cptcirsscan local forders be add in synaptic08:31
ompaul!register | yandy_08:31
ubotuyandy_: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.08:31
unopNetham45, yea, i guessed this is some kind of logfile you are parsing ..08:32
Netham45unop, http://pastebin.com/m3a2fff0308:32
HinHinhi guys, is it possible to turn an existing windows partition into an .vdi for virtual box?08:33
* Netham45 needs to learn regexp's08:34
Netham45seems like it'd be helpful, heh.08:34
nuccoI'm using 64bit ubuntu, is w64codecs is only 220KB, is that what I need, or do I install w32codecs?08:35
HinHinnucco, don't think so08:36
timo1teoi rebooted08:36
timo1teoand its working08:36
nuccoHinHin: I'm at medibuntu right now http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/non-free/w/w64codecs/08:36
timo1teothank you for your help08:37
timo1teothis is new to me08:37
MouseBerryhow do i review RIC talk history?08:37
HinHinnucco, why don't you just look @ it in synaptic?08:37
nuccoHinHin: is it there :p08:37
HinHinof course :P08:38
nuccoHinHin: duh! I'm so smart :p LOL08:39
HinHinsynaptic looks @ those repositories, as long the repo is added08:39
HinHinsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:39
nuccoHinHin: I know how to add repos... :)08:39
HinHinah cool08:40
HinHinbut yes, you don't need w32codecs08:40
HinHinif you have have a 64bit system08:40
nuccoHinHin: it's the filesizes that made me doubt. w32  is about 14MB, I was rather surprised to see w64 reading 220KB :)08:41
Saint`DiamondAnyone else in here run Ubuntu on Innotek's Virtualbox?08:41
unopNetham45,  perl -i.bak -0777 -ne '@_=split/\n/,$_; while (@_) { printf "%s:%s\n",@_[0,1]; splice @_,0,3 }' /path/to/file08:42
cptcirsshey how can i add an iso image in synaptic08:42
HinHinadd an iso image?08:43
HinHinfor what>08:43
HinHindo you want to mount an iso?08:43
=== BlackDeath is now known as BlackSpb
mathewWhen I go to change the video settings on WoW, my laptop freezes, what can I do?08:43
Netham45unop, WOO08:43
unopcptcirss, are you alright? you've been asking silly questions about synaptic for half an hour now..  all synaptic does is allow you to select packages and install/uninstall them - not add CDs, books, music, etc08:43
bidgetanyone in here know how I can get eve online to run properly?08:43
unopNetham45, :)08:44
nuccoHinHin: I think that person needs to mount the image first, or extract it to a folder, then add the folder to synaptic as a repository08:44
kindofabuzzmathew, you have to run wow in opengl08:44
timo1teoso im installing the drivers for my graphics card and i typed in sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx and the ubuntu wiki says if it complains about dependencies download python 2.4 and if necessary its dependencies?? what does that mean08:44
mathewI have, and every time I go to adjust my settings, it freezes08:44
Saint`DiamondI tried for a month to get EVE to run on Ubuntu..08:44
HinHinnucco, ah thanks08:44
b4l74z4rwhere on earth do i find the menu for adding more virtual desktops, i've looked everywhere08:45
HinHinSaint`Diamond, :) a new version of wine came out today08:45
nuccob4l74z4r: right-click the applet?08:45
Saint`DiamondHinHin Is it any good?08:45
bidgetyes but HinHin eve online doesnt run with wine08:45
HinHinthe updated package isn't in the reps yet though08:45
bidgetit runs normally08:45
bidgetwell, it's supposed to anyway08:45
b4l74z4rnucco: i've deleted the applet from the menu08:45
Saint`Diamondbidget Your biggest hope is Transgaming Cedega08:45
bidgetand that is...?08:46
HinHinlol Cedega08:46
HinHindon't bother seriously08:46
bidgetIve noticed that when I try and run eve it is spouting some crap about cedega08:46
HinHinwine is better or just as good nowadays08:46
nuccob4l74z4r: from which menu? or from the panel? right-click the panel again and add workspace switcher08:46
bidgetshould I just scrap that plan and try and install it with wine?08:46
Saint`DiamondI could'nt get EVE to work.08:46
HinHini've tried it it's crap08:46
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org08:46
Saint`DiamondI got the screen, but no text and it's all screwing.08:46
bidgetyeah I got the same thing08:46
bidget2 black screens open08:46
bidgetand thats it08:47
timo1teoso im installing the drivers for my graphics card and i typed in sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx and the ubuntu wiki says if it complains about dependencies download python 2.4 and if necessary its dependencies?? what does that mean08:47
Saint`DiamondI know, it promised that EVE could run on linux, but it does'nt mention which brand they got it to run on.08:47
mathewIt runs rather glitchy when I run WoW, but when I got to adjust the video down it freezes. Is there anything that I can do?08:47
bidgetwell when you go to download the install files they list it for a lot of distributions08:48
bidgetlike theres ones for redhat and other brands08:48
Saint`DiamondI gave up and went back to Vista cuz of it. Now I just run ubuntu in a virtualbox.08:48
mathewCan anyone help me?08:49
b4l74z4rhow do i make the workplace switcher line up right next to the trash can?08:49
nuccoI only made the switch to linux when I decided to give up my favourite programs (winamp) for which I couldn't find no real substitute... I've never considered wine as a good enough reason for me to feel confident about the switch :)08:49
damo22b4l74z4r: right click, unlock, move08:50
Saint`Diamondnucco Ever tried KMPlayer for windows? Winamp has nothing on it.08:50
nuccomathew: ask.08:50
b4l74z4rdamo22: thanks08:50
nuccoSaint`Diamond: haven't used windows in a few years :)08:50
timo1teoanyone experienced in fixing the drivers for graphics cards? i need some help08:50
mathewI'm having issues with running WoW on my laptop08:50
Saint`Diamondnucco: Your lucky, it's got ahold of me like a crack addict.08:50
nuccotimo1teo: better off just asking your question08:50
jussio1timo1teo: ask away :)08:50
timo1teoi did twice08:51
yandy_finally I registed successfully08:51
timo1teoi didnt want to spam08:51
timo1teofigured someone could help me on the side08:51
nuccoSaint`Diamond: windows usually has a hold on people who play games. its understandable08:51
timo1teobut here it is again08:51
timo1teoso im installing the drivers for my graphics card and i typed in sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx and the ubuntu wiki says if it complains about dependencies download python 2.4 and if necessary its dependencies?? what does that mean08:51
Lapinuxdidnt nautilus have a problem a while back with browsing media files, i think it was when preview was on and there were a large number of files?08:51
Saint`Diamondnucco, For games it's very hard to even compete with the big W08:51
nuccotimo1teo: nobody answering you probably means no one has anything helpful to say on it yet08:51
bidgetwow wine works with a shitload of stuff08:51
Lapinuxmy nautilus keeps craping out on me08:51
DJonesnucco: Did you ever try xmms on linux, thats described as being modelled on winamp08:52
mathewI have added the line "opengl" and when I go to adjust the video settings, my computer freezes08:52
buriedis Straganoff on08:52
jussio1timo1teo: could you point us to the wiki page you are looking at?08:52
b4l74z4ris it possible to hack gthumb into zooming images with the mouse wheel, there's no option for it in the preferences08:52
bidgetno stroganoff left :(08:52
nuccoSaint`Diamond: yes, I hated it. I've been using rhythmbox as long as I remember08:52
Saint`Diamondnucco, But I like programming, and linux is awesome about that.08:52
buriedsomebody help me08:52
buriedI'm trying to burn a openSUSE iso08:52
nuccoSaint`Diamond: even beep-media-player doesn't have a media library. how do they expect humans to use that?08:52
buriedit burns succesfully08:52
Saint`DiamondOk buried08:52
bidgettimolteo all its saying is that you might need to install python 2.408:52
buriedit doesn't boot08:53
Saint`Diamondnucco, ever use the command line music players?08:53
buriedI tried the iso in vmware08:53
buriedand it works08:53
buriedso I'm wondering08:53
nuccoSaint`Diamond: I also think nautilus is far better than any other file manager I've ever seen. *I hate command line* (even though I'm comfortable with it)08:53
Lapinuxburied, you may want to try no not seperate every word you type with the enter key08:53
Saint`DiamondWell buried, have you checked your computers boot options?08:53
bidgetyeah at that very first screen it might say "press delete to enter setup"08:53
bidgetyou will have to set your computer so that it will choose cdrom as the first boot device08:54
buriedI've checked the bio, etc..08:54
Saint`Diamondburied, maybe yours is the kind where you have to choose the boot order each time.08:54
buriedyeah I got that08:54
buriedI've booted Ubuntu cd08:54
bidgetoh ok08:54
buriedwell enough to work :)08:54
buriedbut openSUSE is killing me08:54
Saint`Diamondburied, it does'nt even bring up the classic text loading screen?08:54
bidgetok well... this is the ubuntu support channel not opensuse lol08:54
RedScareanyone know how to play .asx in gutsy?08:54
alxandranyone know if it is possible to install ubuntu FROM a usb pendrive?08:54
buriedI know this is ubuntu support08:55
bidgetyes it is!08:55
nuccociao, I'm off to face the day!08:55
jussio1!ati | timo1teo try the way listed here08:55
ubotutimo1teo try the way listed here: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:55
bidgetI saw it on a website08:55
buriedIm trying to get support for ubuntu burning methods08:55
DJones!usb | alxandr08:55
ubotualxandr: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:55
Saint`Diamondburied, what are you using to burn the ISO?08:55
alxandrubotu: thx :)08:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thx :) - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:55
timo1teothanks ubotu08:55
buriedBrasero, K3b,08:55
RedScareAny know how to play .asx streams in ubuntu08:55
jussio1!restricted | RedScare08:55
ubotuRedScare: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:55
buriedI'm not a newb to Ubuntu nor linux btw08:56
timo1teothanks uboto08:56
jussio1!bot > timo1teo08:56
timo1teolove it08:56
buriedseems to me like a burning problem, burning the image with boot info in linux, worked fine when burning using Windows Nero now Ubuntu burns, I can see traces behind, but doesn't work08:56
mathewWhy is WoW freezing when I go to change my video settings08:57
buriedare you running WoW using -opengl?08:57
Boohbahmathew: it's trying to tell you that you play too much08:57
mathewYeah, I'm running it through opengl, and when I go to adjust the video settings it keeps freezing on me08:58
* buried needs help bad about burning lol08:59
mathewIs there anything that I can do to fix this?08:59
Saint`DiamondLoL buried.08:59
Saint`Diamondburied, does it just ignore the CD and go to the dominant OS or what?08:59
cptcirssunop when  we want to add some thing from dvd of ubuntu we use option  we have an option in synaptic edit -> add cd rom . there must have a dvd of ubuntu 7.10 .but i have an iso image i mounted it on cdrom0 but synaptic does not see it. i don have a dvd right now. i was burning a new dvd by iso image but some error occurred  and i got corrupted. now how can i use that iso image as the source for the packages. i hope i am clear :-)09:00
buriedSaint`Diamond: yeah I buzzes and tries to read the cd but doesn't boot09:01
Saint`Diamondburied, when you ran it in VMware, did you do it from the raw .ISO? Or from the CD with the ISO on it?09:02
buried<Saint`Diamond> raw iso09:02
buriedI think it's a burning problem09:03
buriedburn without boot option09:03
cptcirssno i copied it from actual dvd of ubuntu09:03
Saint`Diamondburied, Well we know the ISO works, now did you just drag and drop the ISO to the CD to burn it, or use an actual ISO burning process?09:03
buriedISO burning process...09:03
Saint`Diamondburied, what did you use to burn it with?09:04
buriedBrasero, K3b09:04
* Saint`Diamond is trying to narrow it down.09:04
* Saint`Diamond lol.09:04
unopcptcirss, i don't use synaptic so ..  pop your CD-Rom into the drive and run this command.  sudo apt-cdrom  # i must make you aware that the cdrom doesn't contain all packages, only some09:04
* buried is there a way to just boot the .iso from my comp09:04
eaxI recently installed Ubuntu 7.10 on my Girlfriends Acer Aspire 9300. The internet works, but not perfectly :( (wireless that is) Sometimes it just drops the connection, though still connected to the net she cannot reach any sites. And the internet is slow as hell (only on her computer) any tips/help?09:04
buriedeax, try this : sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper09:05
blinkizHow do I get swedish spell checking support in tomboy? (ubuntu 8.04, tomboy 0.10.1)09:05
cptcirssunop: well i dont have dvd now only thing i have now is iso image09:05
Saint`Diamondburied, Well. You can't just boot an .ISO like that, because there is like no way to keep it mounted or anything when you restart. Have you tried the whole usb install thing?09:06
eaxburied: Would that help? The internet worked out-of-the box. It's just slow and unstable :/09:06
unopeax, you might be able to get a better driver for the network card .. requires some googling tho09:06
Saint`DiamondI have an Acer Aspire.09:06
buriedeax, well it seems that would help, if it does work out of the box, might just be a signal problem09:06
eaxunop: Okay thanks :)09:06
DJonesblinkiz: You should ask in #ubuntu+1 for support queries on 8.04/Hardy09:06
amee2khi everyone09:07
UB`blinkiz Administration -> Language Support09:07
buriedSaint`Diamond, well then Im stuck09:07
eaxburied: I thought of that too :) I'm gonna have to research for it :) Thanks a lot :)09:07
buriedeax, no probs09:07
amee2kwhy am i getting unauthenticated updates and packages?09:07
Saint`Diamondburied, It is weird that your ISO will not burn right. Have you tried to get NERO to burn it for you?09:07
iceswordhow do you mean09:07
* buried theres a nero for Ubuntu?09:07
cptcirssunop i have a iso image of DVD of ubunto 7.10 now what should i do now09:08
Saint`Diamondburied, well I know they make a nero for linux, should be a debian one.09:08
iceswordburied,  /msg ubotu burn09:08
unopcptcirss, i'm thinking, gimme a minute09:08
iceswordunop, lol09:08
Saint`Diamondburied, if all else fails, you can come to the darkside and get windows with nero to burn the ISO.09:08
=== yandy is now known as yandy_
buriedSaint`Diamond, will running Windows in VMware installed with Nero work?09:09
iceswordburied, i think you should burn it neither too fast nor too slow09:09
Saint`Diamondburied, most virtual software like that does'nt support burning that well.09:09
buriedSaint`Diamond lol well I tried :(09:09
cptcirssi have an DVD iso image, i mounted it on cdrom0 but synaptic does not see it. i dont have a dvd right now. i was burning a new dvd by iso image but some error occurred  and it got corrupted. now how can i use that iso image as the source for the packages. i hope i am clear :-)09:10
blinkizUB`, Thank you. I also thing that is the solution. So, I want to have english as my gnome language but spell checking in swedish. Do you know how? Is it something to do with /etc/enviroments maybe?09:10
shivamibuse the slash => /09:10
cptcirssunop thanks sir :-)09:10
Saint`DiamondDam, he left.09:11
unopcptcirss, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal # < see step two about putting packages in a folder .. what you will need to do is mount the iso, copy all the .deb packages from within it to a folder and create your own offline repository09:11
Saint`DiamondI was going to show him where nero was.09:11
=== demo_ is now known as otep
nsillikhey, i was wondering if it is possible to use both KVM and xen on the same computer?09:12
nsillikin hardy specifically09:12
iceswordnsillik, if they don't conflict with host and each other09:12
nsillikicesword: well, i noticed that with the xen kernels installed there is no kvm_amd or kvm_intel modules, is this because there is a conflict? or is it just an oversight?09:13
=== sanjose87 is now known as sanjose
iceswordwho knows,so many apps09:13
unop_cptcirss, or if you would rather keep the iso file always mounted, you can use that as the base for your respository . which might work out better09:14
nsillikhmm... well. i'll keep hunting on google for a tip09:15
=== ce_cr is now known as ans_trax
bakomhello, how can I set up the boot manager from ubuntu again? I installed windows on another partition and I want toselect at startup, which partition to boot09:16
blinkizHow do I get swedish spell checking in TomBoy? I have english as my main gnome language but also swedish language pack install from administration->Language Support.09:18
erUSUL!grub | bakom09:18
ubotubakom: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:18
IsotropicSpinwill ubuntu 8.03 fix the problem with Dual Core AMD 64's and randomly crashing?09:18
bakomthanks erUSUL09:19
Saint`DiamondI only have one harddrive and I want to install ubuntu alongside with windows Vista on the same HD, is that possible without screwing up windows?09:19
IsotropicSpinsorry i mean 8.0409:19
erUSULIsotropicSpin: i have gutsy 64 bit with dual core amd 64 and no random crashing...09:20
DJonesIsotropicSpin: Its probably worth you asking that in #ubuntu+1, the people there have been testing it, so there's a chance somebody will have installed on a similar machine09:20
amee2ki am getting unauthenticated updates (namely ghostscript). is this a problem?09:20
iceswordIsotropicSpin, check there website,i heard they gave out a patch09:20
IsotropicSpineUSUL Its common09:20
IsotropicSpinicesword who AMD? or Ubuntu?09:21
IsotropicSpinicesword where did you hear this?09:21
HenrikLynggaardhow can I set the gnome-terminal title from within a bash script ?09:21
iceswordthey gave out one for m$ os09:21
IsotropicSpinDjones: thanks09:21
IsotropicSpinicesword: one would expect them to give out one for MS os but what about Ubuntu? you mean m$= evil unspeakable filth corporation right? bill gates09:22
=== ubuntu is now known as noob123
noob123i was trying to do a dual boot,xp and ubuntu09:23
Saint`DiamondI only have one harddrive and I want to install ubuntu alongside with windows Vista on the same HD, is that possible without screwing up windows?09:23
noob123how van i do it manually09:23
iceswordIsotropicSpin, heehehe,take it easy09:23
noob123i did use the guided method,and i lost a whole lo of space on my xp09:23
unop_HenrikLynggaard,  PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;foo bar baz\007"'09:24
redwhitewaldohow can i get the printout of a command i ran in terminal (xrandr -q) 2 hours ago, after a shutdown?09:24
IsotropicSpinicesword: if only bill would take it easy with intellectual property... and say opensource the whole lot! :-)!!!09:24
redwhitewaldowould that be possible?09:24
IsotropicSpinicesword: did you mean microsoft by m$?09:24
iceswordIsotropicSpin, yes09:24
Saint`DiamondI just wanna dedicate 10 gigs to ubuntu on the HD I have Vista on. I don't wanna mess up Vista..09:24
unop_redwhitewaldo, history | grep xrandr09:24
IsotropicSpinicesword: yeah, thanks anyway! that won't help me! :-) thanks alot though!09:25
erUSULnoob123: that's expected that's the space ubuntu took for its partitions09:25
iceswordunop_, what will it do that command09:25
unop_icesword, which one?09:25
iceswordIsotropicSpin, what ?i don't get it09:25
pale-yafahi, I have crontab to run a script, when it was * * * * * /home/user/update.php it didnt work and when I changed it to * * * * * php /home/user/update.php it works fine the question is what is the rright way to run it?09:25
iceswordunop_, history | grep xrandr09:25
noob123can i just install it on the drive that i want..09:25
redwhitewaldounop_ that command gives just the commands i ran. I want to see the printout of the commands.09:25
redwhitewaldoicesword: i'll try that.t hanks09:25
unop_icesword, look through your command history and find the ones matching xrandr09:26
redwhitewaldoicesword: that's the same thingk09:26
IsotropicSpinicesword: you were saying AMD had a patch for the 64bit processor right? then you said it was only for Msoft..... did you mean for Ubuntu? Is there an Ubuntu patch from AMD?09:26
iceswordredwhitewaldo, sorry09:26
erUSULredwhitewaldo: not possible unless you where usingo some kind of login command such as script09:26
unop_redwhitewaldo, not possible09:26
redwhitewaldoerUSUL: i see.09:26
redwhitewaldounop_ i see09:26
iceswordIsotropicSpin, you 'd rather ask google ,but not me09:26
IsotropicSpinicesword: thanks, just thought you might be saying AMD had one for ubuntu..... you know how to hold 3 conversations at once! congratulations! hehe thanks!09:27
unop_pale-yafa, are you sure the file /home/user/update.php is set to executable?  what does this say?  ls -l /home/user/update.php09:27
pale-yafaunop_: yes it executes as I said when I add the word php before the path in the crontab it works fine, so just wondering what is the right syntax09:29
unop_pale-yafa, there's a difference in both ways .. both are right if they accomplish the same goal . one reason why the first one didnt work might be because the file is not set to be executable09:31
Hattorihow to change target of a link directory?09:32
unop_Hattori, do you mean a symbolic link (symlink)?09:32
Hattoriand how to read the current target first..09:33
unop_Hattori, read it with .. readlink /path/to/link09:33
unop_change it with. ln -svf /path/to/new/destination /path/to/existing/symlink09:33
Hattorishould i use sudo?09:36
Hattorisince it seems not to change it09:36
Hattorii do ln -svf and then readling but it doesn't change09:37
unop_Hattori, only if you need to .. if you don't have permissions to delete the symlink, then you do need sudo09:37
HasanNooridear ubuntero09:38
HasanNooriim an iranian ubuntu user09:38
HasanNoorimy nAative language is persian(farsi)09:39
ActionParsniphey a;;09:39
unop_!ir | HasanNoori09:39
ubotuHasanNoori: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.09:39
HasanNoorihow can i become an ubuntu tranlator?09:39
jonnymachas anyone ever seen an "old english" dictionary for ubuntu lying around somewhere, and also an old english font of open office (in ubuntu)09:39
Hattoriunop_: "ln -svf /home/me/apache-tomcat-5.5.20 /home/me/tomcat" and it replies: "create cymbolic link `/home/me/tomcat/apache-tomcat-5.5.20' to `/home/me/apache-tomcat-5.5.20'".. it's not what i said to it :(09:39
unop_HasanNoori, you probably will have more input on that if you ask they guys in the farsi channel.09:40
DJonesHasanNoori: This will probably help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TranslatingUbuntu09:40
unop_Hattori, what that means is `/home/me/apache-tomcat-5.5.20' is now a link to `/home/me/tomcat/apache-tomcat-5.5.20' -- is that what you wanted?09:41
ActionParsnipHattori: just go to your ~/ and use ln -s ./apache-tomcat-5.5.20 ./tomcat09:41
unop_sorry, i misread09:42
HattoriActionParsnip: it doesn't create it :(09:42
Hattoriln -s ./apache-tomcat-5.5.20 ./tomcat09:44
Hattoriln: creating symbolic link `./tomcat/apache-tomcat-5.5.20' to `./apache-tomcat-5.5.20': file exists09:44
unop_Hattori, you need to delete the link first or use -f09:44
ActionParsnipHattori: rm the old one09:44
Hattorisudo ln -sf ./apache-tomcat-5.5.20 ./tomcat09:45
Hattorireadlink tomcat09:45
unop_Hattori, because you asked it to ? :)09:45
Hattorii asked 5.5.2009:45
Hattorinot 5.5.909:45
Hattori5.5.9 is the old one09:45
unop_Hattori, what does this return?  ls -l ./apache-tomcat-5.5.2009:46
yandyNice finally I can use it! I am a new user09:46
Hattoriunop_: filelist of apache-tomcat-5.5.2009:47
unop_Hattori, sorry  ls -ld ./apache-tomcat-5.5.2009:47
kadkoHello, one program who help me to paste like this sudo apt-get install build-essential autotools-dev libxdamage-dev libxcomposite-dev libgnome2-common libgnome2-dev libgnome-desktop-dev libgnome-vfs-dev libgtk2.0-dev libwnck-dev libgconf2-dev libglib2.0-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libgnomevfs2-0 libgnome-desktop-2 libgnome2-0 libwnck-common python-gtk2 python-gconf bzr gnome-common python-dev python-gtk2-dev python-cairo-dev python-gconf python-gnome2-dev  on09:47
kadkothe terminal?09:47
Hattoriunop_: ./apache-tomcat-5.5.2009:47
ActionParsnipkadko: just paste it in and it will do it09:47
kadkooo ok09:48
unop_Hattori,  copy and paste the command in .. i think you typed a 1 instead of an l there09:48
blinkizI have added a wrong typed word inside the spell checking of gnome/tomboy. Where do I delete this word? I guess its somewhere inside my home directory in som private-language file?09:48
Hattorii copy pasted it09:48
Hattoriso much trouble for a symlink?09:48
Hattoriwhat's going on..09:48
kadkosorry im very acostumbrated to the DOS09:49
unop_Hattori, dude, just paste what you see in here .. ohh lord09:49
ActionParsnipkadko: you'll learn :)09:49
unop_Hattori, the entire line09:49
Hattoridrwxr-xr-x 11 me me 4096 2008-04-10 09:55 ./apache-tomcat-5.5.2009:49
fx|RabBithow can i switch my laptop to use the attached beamer?09:49
unop_Hattori, sudo rm -rf ./tomcat;  ln -s ./apache-tomcat-5.5.20 ./tomcat09:50
kadkoCan i make like a recovery disks of my actual ubuntu config for dont format again my pc because i want to install it but in another HDD09:50
ActionParsniprm -rf! =-O09:50
ActionParsnipkadko: just archive your entire ~/ folder (including hidden files)09:51
unop_kadko, you can backup the contents of all disks to CD and restore them later on, if thats what you mean?09:51
ActionParsnipkadko: the hidden files are the configs for the programs you use09:52
iceswordhow to list file by edit date09:52
kadkoand all the drivers will be saved cuz i worked very hard to make compiaz and my f** ati worked09:52
Tyczeksystem rescue cd can do backup... I think...09:52
unop_icesword, ls -c09:52
Hattoriunop_: wouldn't that delete all the content?09:53
iceswordunop_, thx,man,you are cmd lord09:53
ActionParsnipicesword: ls -t09:53
ActionParsnipicesword: you may also want to check man ls09:54
tarelerulzany of you use ekiga ?  I log into ekiga ,but when I look into my account I see expire 21:00 .  Anyone know what I could do09:54
iceswordwho should i listen to09:54
ActionParsnipicesword: http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?ls sarch for "modification"09:54
unop_Hattori, if ./tomcat is a symlink .. no09:54
ActionParsnipicesword: thats the unix man page09:54
iceswordActionParsnip, ok,you are nice  too09:55
ActionParsnipnot been called nice in a while :D09:55
ActionParsnipicesword: man <some command> will tell you everything you need09:55
iceswordActionParsnip, naaaa,it is ls -lt09:56
ActionParsnipicesword: cool09:56
vidohow are you doing09:56
ActionParsnipvido: nb man, you ok. ease up on the CR09:57
ActionParsniphi rajesha10:00
ActionParsnip!hi | rajesha10:00
uboturajesha: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:00
IcomeyI'm interested in getting gnome-launch-box to start with the <Alt>Space keybinding.10:00
ActionParsnipIcomey: your googling sucks http://developer.imendio.com/node/7710:02
IcomeyI don't see a solution there.10:02
Oprtzhello there10:02
ActionParsniphi Oprtz10:02
Oprtzjust installed ubuntu 7.10, i want to resize the screen resoultion, how to do that?10:02
redwhitewaldohow can i find a file that was installed in the past 8 hours on my system that has the words fxglx or something like that?10:03
redwhitewaldo...it's regarding my ati driver.10:03
ActionParsnip"I have the key /apps/gnome-launch-box/bindings/activate set to "space" for example, then run launch box in my session with the -n option so it doesn't show the box on startup."10:03
ActionParsnipredwhitewaldo: sudo find / -name fxglx10:04
IcomeyIt doesn't work.10:04
fx|RabBithow do i get an external monitor working on a laptop?10:04
ActionParsnipIcomey: google as well10:04
redwhitewaldoActionParsnip: nothing happens10:04
unop_redwhitewaldo, find / -iname "*fxglrx*"10:05
DistroJockeyredwhitewaldo: you would be looking for  fglrx10:05
ActionParsnipredwhitewaldo: you could use a search tool like in windows10:05
redwhitewaldoDistroJockey: oh, is that the specific file name?10:05
ActionParsnipredwhitewaldo: and type what you wanna search for, the modified date will tell you whats what ;)10:05
DistroJockeyredwhitewaldo: part of it probably.  See    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fglrx10:06
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:06
sami[work]Anyone in here good at sudo?10:07
redwhitewaldounop__: that command does nothing10:07
sami[work]I want to add a gid to sudoers. Is that posible?10:07
redwhitewaldoDistroJockey: how do i find complete name? i remember seeing 2 dashes in the filename10:07
vidodose any one know how to ge sound and cam work in yahoo "forgive me english isn`t my lang"10:08
redwhitewaldoDistroJockey: i gave up on terminal and went to synaptic. i found it: xorg-driver-fglrx10:08
DistroJockeyredwhitewaldo:  find / -name fglrx10:08
vidosound and cam10:08
iceswordvido, what is that10:08
vidowhat is what10:09
ActionParsnipvido: what cam?10:09
vidoweb camera10:09
unop__redwhitewaldo, so you got your spellings wrong with the find  :)10:09
vidoif you intersting in knowing the speling10:09
ActionParsnipvido: we can hel pyou configure a webcam, we need to know the make and model10:10
badazz3s__im so glad dell had a ubuntu dvd10:10
redwhitewaldounop__: well, even when i did "sudo find / -iname f", nothing happened. so i don't think it's an issue of wrong spelling10:10
ActionParsnipbadazz3s_ me too, its very exciting when the announced10:10
vidono inl unix it cant work on yahoo10:10
vidodo you know a way10:11
sami[work]I want to add a gid to sudoers. Is that posible?10:11
clee-saanhi, how do i list the process' IDs to be able to kill one of them ?10:11
ActionParsnipvido: what webcam you got?10:11
ActionParsnipclee-saan: ps -ef10:11
unop__clee-saan, use ps or the gnome-system-monitor10:11
ActionParsnipclee-saan: will show the processes10:11
=== dan_ is now known as bidget
ActionParsnipclee-saan: then kill <PID> will kill it10:11
bidgetcan anyone help me with my script?10:12
bidgetits a pretty simple one but its not working properly10:12
ActionParsnipbidget: sup?10:12
bidgetwell I installed steam with wine earlier10:12
bidgetand I made a launcher to run a little script that I found10:12
bidgetbut it doesnt work10:12
ActionParsnipdoes the script run but not work or does it not run at all10:12
ActionParsnip!paste | bidget10:12
ubotubidget: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:13
bidgetthe script just doesnt work10:13
ActionParsnipgive us a paste of it10:13
bidget#!/bin/sh (-)10:13
bidget        cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Steam10:13
bidget        wine Steam.exe10:13
ActionParsnipbidget: use pastebin in future please10:13
bidgetseems like it should work right?10:13
bidgetoh right sorry10:13
iceswordplz don't flood,use pastebin instead10:13
ActionParsnipbidget: you don't need the (-) bit at the top10:14
iceswordubotu, come back ,dude10:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about come back ,dude - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:14
bidgetoh ok well I got this stuff off of a forum10:14
bidgetbut I figured yeah since theres the # at the front that its kinda unnecessary10:14
bidgetbut I put it in there just in case10:14
ActionParsnipyou could just use wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\Files/Steam/Steam.exe10:14
ActionParsnipbidget: remember linux is VERY case sensitive10:15
MusigregBonjour tout le monde10:15
unop__bidget, have you run the script from a terminal?10:15
DJonesbidget: Do the permissions on the file with the script need changing to make is executable?10:15
bidgetummm no I havent unop__10:15
ActionParsnipbidget: you'll also need to chmod +x <scriptname> to make it executable10:15
noob-africahi guys... how goes it?10:15
overdubmight try using $HOME instead of ~10:15
ActionParsnipnoob-africa: nb man, you ok?10:15
bidgetI did chmod a+x I think10:15
bidgetI cant remember lol10:15
DistroJockey!fr | Musigreg10:15
ubotuMusigreg: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:15
unop__Musigreg, Bon Matin .. allez a #ubuntu-fr, svp10:15
noob-africai have a problem... my XORG.CONF file keeps reverting to the default configs10:16
ActionParsnipbidget: i'd check\10:16
noob-africai am using the NVIDIA GeForce 6800 video card10:16
MusigregThank you10:16
bidgetwell I right clicked it and went to permissions10:16
ActionParsnipbidget: if you run it from terminal does it give you any error messages?10:16
noob-africathe driver is supposed to read "nvidia" instead of "nv"10:16
bidgetone sec I'll try it10:16
noob-africai have changed it several times, but it keeps going back to "nv"10:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beamer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:16
noob-africacan someone explain to me why this is happening?10:16
ActionParsnipnoob-africa: did you have admin privs (sudo / gksudo)10:17
bidgetwhat do I have to do to run a script?10:17
noob-africaActionParsnip: i edited it with sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:17
ActionParsnipnoob-africa: if you dont have admin priveledges the settings wont stick to xorg.conf10:17
noob-africaActionParsnip: i do have admin privileges10:17
unop__bidget, just type it's path out .. /path/to/script10:17
ActionParsnipnoob-africa: try sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:17
bidgetwell I tried typing the name but it just said command not found10:18
ActionParsnipbidget: are you in the same dir as the script?10:18
ActionParsnipthen use ./<scriptname> (use tab to autocomplete)10:18
bidgetoh ./10:18
bidgetit says /bin/sh: Can't open (-)10:19
bidgetso I guess that line was screwing it up after all10:19
ActionParsnipbidget: knock that stuff out then10:19
noob-africaActionParsnip: thanks... it worked10:19
ActionParsnipnoob-africa: -w = writable10:19
* ActionParsnip polishes his nails on his chest and looks smug :)10:20
noob-africaActionParsnip: do u know why i am not getting the full range of audio reproduction from my sound card? i am using Creative Soundblaster Audigy 2ZS10:20
bidgetok I got rid of the line but now steam is giving me a fatal error10:20
ActionParsnipbidget: here's where I'm lost I dont play games (except emulators)10:20
sami[work]I want to add a gid to sudoers. Is that possible?10:20
bidgetbut it was working up until like 10 minutes ago ahhhh10:20
noob-africaActionParsnip: the driver is downloaded, but i am not getting the full reproduction from my headset... it's a totally different situation with my laptop10:20
ActionParsnipnoob-africa: let me google, you google too10:20
DistroJockeybidget: you should have  #!/bin/sh  but not  #!/bin/sh (-)  for scripts10:21
noob-africaActionParsnip: keyword (s)?10:21
tarelerulzDo any of you use Ekiga sip phone ?10:21
ActionParsnipnoob-africa: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62100810:21
ActionParsnipnoob-africa: you choose10:21
ActionParsnipnoob-africa: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43652210:22
noob-africaok, thanks10:22
bidgetoh ok thanks DistroJockey10:22
timo1teookay so big problem, i go into screens and graphics and change my graphics driver to ATI Radeon fglrx and i reboot and my screen just goes black it wont go to the desktop10:22
noob-africadoes anyone in here know how to use LiVES (Linux Video Editing Software)?10:22
DistroJockeybidget: np, you're welcome10:22
ActionParsnipnoob-africa: this looks good http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/sound-blaster-audigy-2-zs-337513/10:22
noob-africai have it installed (.deb) but i dont really have an idea how to use it10:22
noob-africaActionParsnip: ty10:23
noob-africaDistroJockey: hey pal... how u doin?10:23
timo1teookay so big problem, i go into screens and graphics and change my graphics driver to ATI Radeon fglrx and i reboot and my screen just goes black it wont go to the desktop10:23
bidgetok so Im still having a problem10:23
DistroJockeynoob-africa: hey man. Good thanks :)  Yourself?10:23
bidgetif I try and use the launcher it will give me "fatal error: could not load module "bin/gui2.dll"10:23
ActionParsniptimo1teo: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:23
bidgetbut if I actually manually cd to the folder and go wine Steam.exe it will work just fine10:24
noob-africaDistroJockey: doing fine... thanks... the weekend is almost here.. lol10:24
redwhitewaldohello, can someone here with a fresh/regular install of ubuntu, please pastebin for me his xorg.conf file? thanks.10:24
ActionParsnipbidget: do you have that file?10:24
b0xnoob-africa http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installingsoftware10:24
DistroJockeynoob-africa: :)10:24
timo1teoaction- do i do this in recovery mode?10:24
bidgetumm I dunno actually haha10:24
bidgetbut the weird thing is that steam will run properly if I do it manually10:24
bidgetits only if I try and use the script to start it that it gives me the error10:24
noob-africaanyone knows what is a good video editing software for for Linux?10:24
DistroJockeybidget: are you still using cd in your script?10:25
bidgetum no I changed it so instead of going cd to the directory I just go wine /opt/windows/drive_c/program\ files\steam\steam.exe10:25
bidgetshould I change it back so that its 2 seperate commands?10:25
DistroJockeybidget: might be related, yeah, may aswell10:25
bidgethm yeah10:26
bidgetI'll try it and see what happens10:26
timo1teoaction do i do this in root?10:26
timo1teobecause i can't actually get to the desktop10:26
bidgetit works!10:27
ActionParsniptimo1teo: you do it on a terminal and you'll need your sudo password10:27
ActionParsnipbidget: wtg!!10:27
DistroJockeybidget: nice :)10:27
bidgetnow all I have to do is get starcraft to work and I will never need windows again yaaaay10:27
ActionParsnipwelcome to the revolution10:27
timo1teoActionParsnip: i can't get to a terminal it won't load the desktop10:28
timo1teoim on a live cd10:28
bradleyhi guys10:28
timo1teobrb lemme try this10:29
bradleyhelp with graphic card drivers on virtualbox i'm running xp10:29
ActionParsnipbradley: wassup?10:29
ActionParsnipbradley: what's you issue10:30
redwhitewaldoi have a microsoft natural keyboard elite (http://www.datavisionergonomics.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/292341_large.jpg) . is this pc104 or pc10510:30
jussi01!ohmy | hackstyle10:30
ubotuhackstyle: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:30
ActionParsnipredwhitewaldo: i'd count the keys ;)10:30
redwhitewaldoActionParsnip: oh no.10:30
bradleyhow to install graphic card drivers on virtual \box10:30
hackstyle3D cub desctop ?10:31
ActionParsnipredwhitewaldo: 104,10:31
jussi01!copiz | hackstyle10:31
redwhitewaldoActionParsnip: how'd you know?10:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about copiz - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:31
jussi01!compiz | hackstyle10:31
ubotuhackstyle: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion10:31
ActionParsnipredwhitewaldo:                                                                                 Microsoft Corporation A13-00002 Microsoft Natural Keyboard Keyboard - 104 Keys - White - mini-DIN (PS/2)10:31
redwhitewaldoActionParsnip: mine is : i have a microsoft natural keyboard _elite_10:32
redwhitewaldodoes that make a difference?10:32
redwhitewaldo...for it to be elite?10:32
ActionParsnipredwhitewaldo: Mfg# A13-00002: MICROSOFT HARDWARE 5PK NATURAL KEYBOARD ELITE PS2/USB 95/9810:32
ActionParsnipsame page10:32
redwhitewaldoi'll chose 104 then.10:32
ActionParsnipredwhitewaldo: np duder10:32
hackstyleFire Compile ubuntu ?10:33
redwhitewaldoIs there such a "XkbLayout" called"us-dvorak"? or is it just "us"? (Note: i use dvorak)10:37
ubotuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts10:39
ActionParsnippretty sure us-dvorak exists (should have set it at install)10:39
redwhitewaldoActionParsnip: but i was messing around with my xorg.conf thing.10:39
DistroJockeyredwhitewaldo: and you didn't make a backup?!10:40
bradleyhi guyz10:40
redwhitewaldoDistroJockey: no.10:40
redwhitewaldowell, i think there is.10:40
redwhitewaldohold on10:40
diazepamhey whats the debian/ubuntu equivalent of the command $ chkconfig apache 3510:41
DistroJockeyredwhitewaldo: always make a backup, especially when "messing around" ;)10:41
diazepam$sudo update-rc.d apache defaults    ????10:44
DistroJockeydiazepam: update-rc.d    Is what you might need I believe10:44
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:44
diazepamDistrojockey ta10:45
DistroJockeydiazepam: np, you beat me to the command anyway :)10:45
AndycasssWhy does ubuntu include the mounted folder size to hdd's "used space"? Is there any way to turn this feature off?10:47
DistroJockeyAndycasss: As to why: Because they are mounted under / . As to how: If using  du  you can exclude certain folders etc.10:51
AndycasssDistroJockey: So lets say i mount 70gb of stuff to my ubuntu, and my physical hdd is 80gb large, i can only use 5gb of the physical space??10:53
DistroJockeyAndycasss: if they are separate media, that would not be the case10:54
Andycasssseperate media? I mount the stuff to my physical hdd10:55
DistroJockeyAndycasss: but the stuff that is mounted is elsewhere I presume? (i.e. a separate drive?)10:56
issa_hi guys! I need urgent help. I was playing around with my Visual Effects, I selected Zoom Desktop and wanted to sent the initiate button, by a mistake I selected Alt+Button2 and suddenly I am not able to use left click of my mouse! instead, everything I click on, moving the mouse it moves just like when pressing Alt and left click :( I can't get this option back! using tabs and keyboard I opened preferences of Visual effects and deleted the10:56
issa_action key for zoom desktop but didn't work :(10:56
issa_How can I restore default keys?10:56
AndycasssDistroJockey: It is being mounted from network10:56
HeLpEei installed windows in f: and then kubuntu in c: . now i cant see windows in grub menu when i boot. when i boot it dont shows me display for first 1 min. (just shows sync, out of range)  then show normal linux booting. whats wrong?10:56
RedScarethere are always people in here10:57
RedScareno matter what the hour10:57
DistroJockeyAndycasss: nods, gparted  may give you a reasonable idea of space left on devices10:57
SitUbuntuSitissa_, is there a .compiz or something in your home folder you can remove10:57
spine55How can i change the console font? Outside of X10:58
issa_<SitUbuntuSit> I'll check10:58
AndycasssDistroJockey: So... I cant use my 80gb of hdd and mount 70gb of stuff on it? I mean, the mounted stuff isnt even "there" really, how can it do that?!10:59
issa_No there isn't!10:59
RedScarestupid usplash, sometimes there is just no way to make it look decent10:59
issa_<SitUbuntuSit> No there isn't!11:00
DistroJockeyAndycasss: it should work fine11:00
SitUbuntuSitissa_, join #compiz-fusion11:00
RedScareThere is no spoon.11:00
HeLpEei installed windows in f: and then kubuntu in c: . now i cant see windows in grub menu when i boot. when i boot it dont shows me display for first 1 min. (just shows sync, out of range)  then show normal linux booting. whats wrong?11:00
DistroJockeyAndycasss: as you said, it's just a pointer/link/junction11:00
Andycasssa symlink11:00
issa_<HeLpEe> Check your grub menu list, it's found in /boot/grub/menu.lst11:01
Andycasssor whatever it was called11:01
DistroJockeyAndycasss: of sorts I guess11:01
HeLpEeissa_ ya. how can i add windows in it?11:01
DistroJockeyspine55: In /boot/grub/menu.lst   add   vga=791   to the end of the kernel line (should do the job)11:01
RedScareHeLp, do you ever see a list of linux OS's to choose from in grub?11:02
Andycassshmm, actually its not symlink, would symbolic link have same phenomena?11:02
SitUbuntuSitissa_, can you go to Preferences > Reset to Defaults in compiz11:02
issa_<HeLpEe> You can add windows to it. I don't remember how exactly, but you can google for it.11:02
issa_it's easy to be found11:02
issa_<SitUbuntuSit> Sure I can11:02
issa_Oh! You mean inside the compoz! I thought in System! I searched for a long time for such a button! I'll check again though11:03
DistroJockeyAndycasss: depends on the tool you are using to check free disk space I guess11:03
SitUbuntuSitissa_, yes in Compiz. You can undo any customizations there.11:04
HeLpEeissa_ my browser not working11:07
* HeLpEe seeks for someone11:07
HeLpEei installed windows in f: and then kubuntu in c: . now i cant see windows in grub menu when i boot. when i boot it dont shows me display for first 1 min. (just shows sync, out of range)  then show normal linux booting. whats wrong?11:08
issa_<HeLpEe> Which browser? Install any browser ;)11:08
HeLpEeissa_ konquerrer11:08
issa_<SitUbuntuSit> Thanks :) It works now.11:08
SitUbuntuSitissa_, great!11:08
issa_<HeLpEe> What about firefox?11:08
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: f: and c: are not ubuntu terms. Could you please pastebin the output of the following command?:   sudo fdisk -l11:09
HeLpEeissa_ not working too11:09
HeLpEeDistroJockey ok.11:09
HeLpEeDistroJockey you wont know by that. coz i have 5 fate partisitions.11:10
issa_<HeLpEe> Why?11:10
issa_<HeLpEe> install opera.11:10
HeLpEeissa_ DistroJockey its sda7 that has windows11:10
noob-africaDistroJockey: i managed to get the sound card working... i used Alsamixer from the terminal... worked super!11:11
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: I don't think windows likes being past the first 1024 cylinders11:11
DistroJockeynoob-africa: excellent :)11:11
DistroJockey!install | HeLpEe11:12
ubotuHeLpEe: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:12
HeLpEeDistroJockey  I don't think windows likes being past the first 1024 cylinders  ???/11:13
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: if it's installed after cylinder 1024 on the HDD it probably won't work (going from memory here, so I could be wrong. Look it up maybe?)11:14
gogstadi can't seem to find a package i universe.. "opencv" to be specific11:14
gogstadany suggestions?11:14
wicaI'm trying to setup a mail server. But can not find anywhere cyrus-imapd/deliver11:15
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: sudo aptitude install pastebinit    will install the pastebin that you can pipe ( | ) to if you don't have a browser11:15
wicaAnd I have install kolab-cyrus-imap11:15
HeLpEeDistroJockey you mean if you are right. windows should be install in c: only11:15
MatBoydoessomeone know a way using netstat -a to print the full Foreign Address ?11:15
HeLpEeDistroJockey got it . http://pastebin.com/mef9230d11:15
joepHello. DOes anybody know how to get ubuntu 7.10 to make sound? The correct module is loaded (emu10k1) and a lot of other modules but aplay says no cards found soundcontrol cannot be opened. It is a standard ubuntu freshly installed. Fedora does sound without a problem.11:15
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: yeah, just depends where the c: and f: are on the disk I guess11:16
MatBoyjoep, ubuntu does even better ;)11:16
HeLpEeDistroJockey ok.11:16
joepMatboy: what do you mean??11:17
MatBoyjoep, the integration of packages in Ubuntu is one of a kind11:17
HeLpEecan linux be installed on a logical partitions whos primary partition is a fat partition?11:17
joepMAtboy: meaning it works or it doesn't??11:18
MatBoyjoep, it does, out of the box11:18
* HeLpEe waits for DistroJockey11:18
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: try adding this:   http://pastebin.com/m6aeb2e8811:18
joepMatboy: so not!! As I said although all modules are loaded lplay doesn't recognize the available soundacrds.11:19
issa_<HeLpEe> Even if so, why do you need that?11:19
MatBoyjoep, lplay ?11:19
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: that's to reference sda711:19
MatBoywhat soundcard ?11:19
joepMAttboy: sorry, aplay!11:19
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: eek, sec11:20
HeLpEeissa_ i dont know how to partition my drive to run xp and ububntu in  a good way.11:20
HeLpEeDistroJockey ?11:20
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: root          (hd0,6)    < should be that for sda711:21
aeolisthi i am trying to install 8.04 daily, i need to resize the ntfs partition what should i answer to "prepare disk space" step 411:21
aeolistguided - use entire disk?11:21
HeLpEeDistroJockey ok. let me reboot11:22
DistroJockeyaeolist: do you have a complete backup?11:22
ActionParsniphey all11:22
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: nods11:22
DistroJockeyheyya ActionParsnip11:22
Paavi2_0aeolist: i wouldn't do it11:22
aeolistDistroJockey: yeah...11:22
aeolistyou wouldnt do an ntfs resize?11:22
aeolisti've done it in 6.10 with success...11:22
ActionParsnipbored at work, its all working fine and Ive got 4 hours to go :(11:22
issa_<HeLpEe> Use fat or ntfs for windows, better to have it on C or any first partition on the top, and then install ubuntu using any free space for swap partition (size 2* your memory) and create ext3 for linux, 5GB at least11:23
Schypher_hi how do i run an application in gnome with elevated permission ?11:23
DistroJockeyaeolist: defrag'd windows?11:23
issa_That's the best way.11:23
aeolistnot completely... ntfsresize can move file afaik11:23
omnz0rActionParsnip:  do rm -rf / :D (don't)11:23
Paavi2_0aeolist: ntfs-resize i would do - but use the whole disk _not_11:23
jpatrickomnz0r: please don't type that11:23
DistroJockeyActionParsnip: ahh, I spend the day at work doing IT support, now I'm here helping where I can :)11:23
ActionParsnipomnz0r: I know dude. it wont do too much as you dont have admin access11:23
joepMatboy are you still there?11:23
aeolistman, i remember that 6.10 asked you to resize the partition, is that option still available in the ubuntu installer?11:23
ActionParsnipsudo rm -rf / is a whole different kettle of fish11:24
aeolistlike this11:24
DistroJockeyaeolist: not sure, I never do it11:24
ActionParsnipomnz0r: you could do: yes > ~/bigfile.txt ;)11:24
ActionParsnipDistroJockey: I keep servers runing overnight for americans11:24
omnz0rI made a daemon for it, runs all the time11:24
DistroJockeyActionParsnip: :)11:24
ActionParsnipomnz0r: or if you want a slow pc: yes > /dev/null ;)11:25
DistroJockeyaeolist: what sort of install cd do you have?11:25
aeolisti have the hardy-desktop thing11:25
ActionParsnip!hardy | aeolist11:25
ubotuaeolist: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu11:25
DistroJockeyaeolist: maybe  gparted  is worth using first?11:25
aeolistoook :)11:26
aeolistgparted it is11:26
DistroJockeyaeolist: probably the best bet11:26
HeLpEeDistroJockey invalid something....... not working.11:26
aeolistdidnt know gparted had ntfsresize11:26
HeLpEeDistroJockey and i cant mound a drive too.11:26
ActionParsnipDistroJockey: i sit in here too when its dead like this11:26
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: can you get the following to pastebin?:  sudo fdisk -l11:27
ActionParsnipDistroJockey: its my contribution to the open community11:27
DistroJockeyActionParsnip: hehe :)11:27
DistroJockeyActionParsnip: feel free to help me out ;)11:27
ActionParsnipDistroJockey: wassup? :D11:27
HeLpEeDistroJockey http://pastebin.com/m42ef219311:27
DistroJockeyActionParsnip: just in general with queries :)11:27
ActionParsniphehe i'll try11:28
* DistroJockey quickly grabs another vodka11:28
ActionParsnipin pidgin is it possible to ignore people entering / leaving messages>11:28
ZirodayActionParsnip: yes through a plugin11:28
aeolistActionParsnip: it's in the options11:28
aeolisti dont think you need a aplugin for that11:29
morpheushello there can somebody help me with a Ubuntu Problem? Iam a Newbie in Ubuntu11:29
HeLpEeDistroJockey and i cant mount sda8 . it says already mounted.11:29
Rageoncan anyone help me with gettin video in firefox? ff3btw11:29
Zirodaymorpheus: just ask your question please11:29
JaymacRageon: enable the !medibuntu repository, install totem-xine w32codecs and the gstreamer plugins (if legal in your country)11:29
joepIS somebody else available with knowledge about the sound control in Ubuntu 7.10 as it doesn't work out-of-the-box.11:30
morpheusi have some problems with the installation..when i install xmms2 i dont find it in the applications bar11:30
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: interesting layout11:30
b4l74z4ris it possible to make gthumb zoom images using the mouse wheel?11:30
HeLpEeDistroJockey ..11:30
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:30
Jaymacmorpheus: if you type xmms2 in a terminal does it start?11:30
ActionParsnipaeolist: where in the options please?11:30
morpheuswell ,moment i try it11:30
Zirodaymorpheus: open a terminal and type in xmms or xmms211:30
morpheusok thx moment11:30
aeolistActionParsnip: not on pidgin atm sorry11:30
Jaymacmorpheus: if so, just go to System > Preferences > Main Menu and add an entry for it manually...11:30
ActionParsnipok cool, i'll google11:31
JaymacActionParsnip: what's your pidgin issue?11:31
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: personally I'd rebuild the drive :)11:31
Rageonanyone tell me how i add it please?11:31
Rageonlike the addy?11:31
mattycoze2hi everyone I'm in real crap right now, can someone please help me to correct a problem with my pc11:31
HeLpEeDistroJockey why.11:31
JaymacRageon: go to medibuntu.org and follow the instructions11:31
HeLpEeDistroJockey and i have data in 3 fat partitions too.11:32
morpheusno Jaymac only get a list of avaible commands11:32
HeLpEeDistroJockey and i cant mount sda8 . it says already mounted.11:32
morpheusno start11:32
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: you have 5 bootable fat32 dpartitions?11:32
ZirodayHi, I am having some issues with suspend and the asus eee. After suspending to disk my brightness is turned up to max and I cannot turn it down. As well as network manager refusing to connect to any wireless networks11:32
HeLpEeDistroJockey whats wrong11:32
morpheusdoes i have to be root?11:32
Jaymacmorpheus: it probably didn't install then, no you don't have to be root11:32
HeLpEeDistroJockey dpartitions? they are not bootable i think11:32
Jaymacmorpheus: type sudo aptitude install xmms211:32
mattycoze2hey everone; 've turned the pc on and I have to do a fsck and it failed, so now i've been logged into a maintanence shell, what is going on?11:32
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: partitions sorry, d was a typo11:33
morpheusok thx i try11:33
malloryhello folks.11:33
HeLpEeDistroJockey they are not bootable i think11:33
HeLpEeDistroJockey whats wrong11:33
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: I could be wrong there11:33
Zirodaymattycoze2: in the command shell run the command 'fsck'11:33
HeLpEeDistroJockey and i cant mount sda8 . it says already mounted.11:33
JaymacActionParsnip: I think the pidgin irc client is quite basic; you'd probably need a plugin to do that.  I'd suggest you try xchat as an alternative IRC client.. It is much more customisable11:34
cpk1HeLpEe: then see what the output of "mount" says11:34
mattycoze2Ziroday okay, i am apparently logged in as root and it's doing something now11:34
ActionParsnipJaymac: I want to configure pidgi so i dont get themessages about people joining and leaving the room11:34
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: can you pastebin the output of the following please?:   mount11:34
mattycoze2i don't understand why this has happened?11:34
cpk1HeLpEe: the output of mount should tell you where sda8 is mounted11:34
sebastianhow can i play dvd movies in Ubuntu 7.10? I'm  rather new to linux11:34
DistroJockeycpk1: hehe, beat me ;)11:34
HeLpEecpk1 DistroJockey The system reported: mount: /dev/sda8 already mounted or /media/sda8Raw busy11:34
HeLpEemount: according to mtab, /dev/sda8 is mounted on /media/sda7Win11:34
Jaymac!medibuntu | sebastian11:34
ubotusebastian: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:34
mattycoze2is it fixable? is there a way i can get all my important files off the pc using this shell?11:34
Zirodaymattycoze2: correct the maintenance shell is a root shell, the command fsck checks your filesystem for errors11:34
morpheusno it doesnt work i still get a list in the terminal with commands..but xmms1 starts with no problems11:34
cpk1HeLpEe:  so can you "cd /media/sda7Win"11:35
Jaymacsebastian: go to medibuntu.org, follow the instructions to enable the repositor.  Then type sudo aptitude install libdvdread3 libdvdcss2 totem-xine11:35
Zirodaymattycoze2: your system may be working just fine, let fsck finish its job11:35
HeLpEecpk1 sda7win is already a seperat partition having windows in it11:35
mattycoze2okay then thanks Ziroday, i'll keep you posted11:35
cpk1HeLpEe: /media/sda7Win is not an actual physical drive11:35
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: and can you read it?11:35
HeLpEecpk1 yes. its not11:36
Zirodaymattycoze2: no worries, has happened to me before and it is not fun ")11:36
morpheusno it doesnt work i still get a list in the terminal with commands..but xmms1 starts with no problems11:36
HeLpEeDistroJockey i can read sda711:36
morpheusso what can i do?11:36
cpk1HeLpEe: so can you cd to /media/sda7Win and read it?11:36
Rageonhow do i know whut version of ubuntu im running plz?11:36
sebastianJaymac: thank you very much!11:36
Rageoni have a console handy11:36
HeLpEecpk1 i want to mount both seperatily11:36
cpk1Rageon: 2$ lsb_release -a11:37
cpk1Rageon: err lsb_release -a11:37
Rageonit usually uname or something11:37
HeLpEeDistroJockey i want to mount both seperatily11:37
Rageon2.6.22-14-generic #111:37
Rageonwhat version is this pls?11:37
popeyRageon: use lsb_release -a11:38
cpk1Rageon: uname will tell you your kernel, if you want the ubuntu version run lsb_release -a11:38
popeyRageon: uname only shows the kernel version, not the version of ubuntu11:38
JaymacRageon: cat /etc/issue or lsb_release -a11:38
Rageonok just sounded like a dodgey command :s11:38
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: not sure what you mean by both and separately11:38
ZirodayRageon: the uname * commands tell you your kernel version. lsb_release -a tells you what version of ubunut11:38
Rageongutsy, ok cool thanks guys11:38
zybili have a big problem. accidently i put on xdmcp and i dont know how to activate the gdm again. in gdm.conf xdmcp login is typed to "false". So whats the deal please? I dont have a clue, using lynx to find out how to change the login is so hard i find..11:39
cpk1HeLpEe: /dev/sda7 is not the same as /media/sda7Win what exactly are you trying to do? get sda7 and sda8 both to mount?11:39
morpheusok iam in the mainmenue but how i can find the xmms2 entry?? or the file like exe??11:39
=== ce_cr is now known as edi_rahman
HeLpEecpk1 yes. i want them mounted separatly.11:41
HeLpEecpk1 The system reported: mount: /dev/sda8 already mounted or /media/sda8Raw busy11:41
HeLpEemount: according to mtab, /dev/sda8 is mounted on /media/sda7Win%11:41
DistroJockeymorpheus: try pressing   Alt+F2   and type in   xmms211:41
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:42
HeLpEeDistroJockey this is the problem. mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda8 is mounted on /media/sda7Win911:42
zumbiwhom should i ask for help on cooperation with third world countries?11:42
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: nods. Maybe  sudo umount /mnt/whatever  and  re  mount  as needed?11:43
morpheusno doesnt work..no action..only xmms1 can be opend11:43
Rageonhey jaymac u still there dude?11:43
cpk1HeLpEe: can you please give us the correct location for /dev/sda8 you have given us 3 different mount points for it from mount so far. here is an abbreviated version of what you need to do: unmount sda8 and then make a directory for sda8 and then sda7 and mount both of them in the directory you want11:43
morpheusbut i have the problem with other aplications too11:43
archmanhi, im trying to install hydrogen and when i ./configure i get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62706/; i tried putting /usr/sbin/qt to path and other variations, but it's always the same...help!11:44
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs11:44
morpheusi installed it and i never find it in the menübar11:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cooperation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:44
DistroJockeycpk1: HeLpEe:  umount  :)11:44
Rageoni cant find totem on the medibuntu repo11:44
JaymacRageon: yes I am11:45
JaymacRageon: totem is in the regular repository, the codecs are in medibuntu11:45
Rageonok sorry what where the others i need again?11:45
mattycoze2Ziroday = legend11:45
GuySofthey all, does anyone here know why the ubuntu asks for the CD when installing the pptp-linux package?11:45
mattycoze2thanks man it all worked11:45
Jaymacw32codecs and gstreamer probably11:45
cpk1HeLpEe: if you have trouble doing those 3 steps I gave you, we can help you with correct, specific commands IF you give us *correct* specific information11:46
JaymacRageon: I know that if you go to Applications > Add/Remove Programs and do a search for gstreamer you can find all the plugins for that there11:46
Rageonthe w32 codecs are non free tho?11:46
JaymacRageon: just remember to click show all available11:46
holomodusGuySoft: do you have it checked off in your Software Sources?11:46
ActionParsnipGuySoft: disable the cd as a repository11:46
solar_georgehas anyone got one of these http://www.dabs.com/ProductView.aspx?Quicklinx=47XB I need to know if it work with ubuntu before buying11:46
JaymacRageon: most visual codecs are non free.  Only install them if it's legal in your country :)11:47
GuySoftActionParsnip, ill try11:47
GuySofthowever i think it sill wants the cd11:47
ActionParsnipsolar_george: I have that exact thing11:47
Schypher_how do i elevate permission when launching some application from the gnome11:47
ActionParsnipsolar_george: works out of the box dude11:47
Rageonhow am i being charged if theyre non free and legal in my country tho?11:47
JaymacRageon: non-free means that they are proprietary, not that you have to pay money for them11:48
ActionParsnipsolar_george: its sweet but not great for games I've found (maybe its my batteries)11:48
solar_george<ActionParsnip> thanks, i'll order one as soon as i've got the money11:48
cpk1Rageon: non-free as in free speech not free beer11:48
JaymacRageon: non-free means that the source code isn't available :)11:48
ActionParsnipsolar_george: i dont game much so it suits me great. less things to loose ;)11:48
zybilhello. can anyone tell me how to put of xdmcp-login and put on gdm normal user login??11:48
Rageontheres a whole list in /pool/non-free/w/w32codecs which one do i need?11:48
Jaymacit's one of the problems in the English language - Romance languages have two words :)11:48
Rageonkoz i have everything but this and it doesnt work11:48
JaymacRageon, enable the repository and just type sudo aptitude install w32codecs11:49
ActionParsnipJaymac: not so much the german then ;) ICH LEIBER DICH!11:49
shivamibRageon: FOR THE WIN11:49
ActionParsnipJaymac: or sudo apt-get install w32codecs11:49
JaymacActionParsnip: it's Ich leibe dich :)11:49
JaymacActionParsnip: aptitude is encouraged over apt-get usually11:49
ActionParsnipJaymac: why?11:50
solar_george<ActionParsnip> yeah the same and I don't like working at a desk so i keep dropping my kbd and mouse11:50
ActionParsnipsolar_george: then you'll love it11:50
HeLpEecpk1 DistroJockey where can i see the boot logs (saved somewhere?). i think i saw a problem in that.11:51
JaymacActionParsnip: maybe it isn't relevant now, but it used to deal with dependencies a lot better11:51
cpk1HeLpEe: your problem is a partition will not mount, correct?11:51
Rageoni have totem installed when i goto install totem-xine, it says its going to uninstall gstreamer11:51
HeLpEecpk1 i think so..11:51
ActionParsnipJaymac: Ive never had an issue with apt-get. i always use the command line. stupid adept / synaptic just clutter stuff up11:52
HeLpEecpk1 its solved now. i think11:52
JaymacActionParsnip: I use aptitude on the commandline :)11:52
cpk1HeLpEe: well, either it mounted or it didnt11:52
HeLpEecpk1 it is now11:52
HeLpEecpk1 DistroJockey where can i see the boot logs (saved somewhere?). i think i saw a problem in that.11:52
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: dmesg   maybe?11:53
Rageonvideo still doesnt work comes up with plugin missing11:53
cpk1HeLpEe: /var/log/syslog but warnings in there arent necessarily problems11:53
eleftheriosdoes anyone know of any companies that offer ubuntu dedicated servers that are like Rackspace? (e.g. very good SLAs, very reliable)?11:54
eleftheriosRackspace offers only redhat so it is not an option11:54
ActionParsnipeleftherios: what country?11:55
ActionParsnipeleftherios: http://www.m5hosting.com/ubuntu-dedicated-server.php11:55
ActionParsnipeleftherios: 3 seconds googling time11:55
HeLpEecpk1 DistroJockey those are not boot logs..11:55
eleftheriosActionParsnip: I have found plenty on Google too. I was asking about people who could recommend companies that are like rackspace.11:56
eleftherioswith five 9s of uptime guaranteed etc11:56
iceswordActionParsnip, any idea if dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't give me options to configure my graphic card and screen resolutions and refresh rate ?11:56
HeLpEecpk1 DistroJockey are they?11:56
ActionParsnipeleftherios: i have no idea of that, sorry. Read some reviews11:57
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: for certain things, yes.  Maybe take a look in    /var/log11:57
HeLpEecpk1 DistroJockey ok11:57
ActionParsnipicesword: do you have your graphics driver installed11:57
HeLpEecpk1 DistroJockey gtg brb, thanks!11:57
DistroJockeyHeLpEe: np, good luck11:57
cpk1HeLpEe: /var/log/syslog includes boot messages but if the log fills up the top part will be overwritten to make space for the new logging...11:57
cpk1alright then11:57
eleftheriosActionParsnip: please read the questions before talking and giving redundant answers by pointing out obvious things. Don't just talk to talk.11:58
iceswordActionParsnip, sure,it is in vmware11:58
bastid_raZoricesword; you have ubuntu installed in vmware?11:59
iceswordthe answer is yes12:01
ActionParsnipwhat a jackass, i said sorry12:01
bastid_raZoricesword; you are not going to get desktop effects in vmware.12:01
odinriikoHow do I set a static ip for a wireless ap that has no encryption?12:01
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iceswordbastid_raZor, sure,i know,i don't care12:01
bastid_raZoricesword; oh, i thought that is what you were trying to accomplish.. :\12:02
ActionParsnipodinriiko: you can manuallyedit /etc/networking/interfaces (with admin) or use network manager12:02
cpk1odinriiko: edit /etc/network/interfaces12:02
iceswordbastid_raZor, no worries12:02
cpk1odinriiko: or do "sudo ifconfig wifi0 up" replacing wifi0 with the actual interface and the ip with what you want of course12:03
shaiguitarhi all. i've been having serious trouble with ruby + gems on my ubuntu (gutsy gibbon) ... i can install things but nothing seems to work. i'm looking to start afresh, take everything down and do it from the start. can anyone provide a link to this? much appreciated.12:03
shaiguitarmaybe from source even12:03
odinriikocpkl will that stick through reboots?12:04
shaiguitarbut still12:04
fsdhi, is there a tray for gnome that shows the wifi status?12:05
cpk1odinriiko: no, but editing /etc/network/interfaces will, or if you were lazy you could copy what I gave you and put it in /etc/rc.local but then you would need to use the absolute path to ifconfig, the correct way would be to edit /etc/network/interfaces =P12:05
Toroa-lalaHey, I have removed phpmyadmin from my webserver using "apt-get remove phpmyadmin", "apt-get autoremove" and "apt-get clean". Now when I reinstall it (using apt-get), /etc/phpmyadmin is empty (I deleted the folder after removing phpmyadmin). Has anybody a solution?12:06
ricaneliteis there a way when i connect my ipod to my computer via usb instead of opening music player it will open up Banshee by default?12:06
DistroJockeyfsd: google gave me this, maybe it's worth a look?:  http://roscidus.com/desktop/WiFi12:07
iceswordricanelite, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto12:09
Stormx2Toroa-lala: That isn't the default phpmyadmin directory?12:10
Stormx2Oh bleh, it is.12:10
Stormx2Toroa-lala, apt-get remove --purge phpmyadmin ?12:11
Toroa-lalaStormx2: It is the directory phpmyadmin package installs .. it is created when i install phpmyadmin12:11
Stormx2ricanelite: Those settings are handled by gconf. alt + f2. Type gconf-editor and hit enter12:11
Stormx2Toroa-lala, so I see. sudo apt-get remove --purse phpmyadmin12:11
Toroa-lalaStormx2: I'll give purge a try :)12:12
Stormx2I only have a few files in /etc/phpmyadmin in my installation12:12
Stormx2just a few config files. The meat of the installation is in /usr/share/phpmyadmin12:12
Toroa-lalaStromx2: It was the config file i was missing .. but --pruge solved it. Thanks :)12:14
b0xanyone know, with remote desktop if i can set it to auto accept people when thay try login, so it doesent pop up with "refuse" or "allow"?12:15
fsdInstall these packages without verification [y/N]?12:15
fsdi get this while trying to install build-essential12:15
fsdany clues?12:15
b0xpress Y12:15
b0xand enter12:15
fsdit asks for the cd12:15
b0xput the CD in12:15
b0xis it even on the CD?12:15
b0xu might need to change the source of the file12:16
b0xin some option12:16
Stormx2b0x: System > Preferences > Remote Desktop12:16
fsdi want to download the pkg from the internet12:16
b0xthat was eazy12:16
Stormx2fsd: try doing a "sudo apt-get update" first.12:16
b0xhow silly of me12:16
b0xthank u12:16
FloodBot2b0x: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:16
Stormx2no prob.12:16
LifeisfunnyI hate getting unauthenticated updates, is there any way to clear those out of the update manager?    I got some of ghostscript-x libgs8 and screenlets12:17
Stormx2Lifeisfunny, are you using third-party repositories?12:17
Stormx2i.e. non-ubuntu ones.12:17
fsdno it doesn't fix the cd asking12:17
JothI'm trying to get dual monitors to work with BigDesktop - it works on the login screen, but after I've logged in it just shows the same on both monitors rather than combining them. Any ideas?12:17
LifeisfunnyStormx2, are those backports?12:17
DistroJockeyfsd: in your list of repositories, # out the cd/dvd lines12:17
LifeisfunnyI thought those were commented out12:17
Lifeisfunnylet me check12:17
Stormx2Lifeisfunny, pastebin your sources.list12:18
Stormx2fsd: That's pretty odd. You opened a terminal and did "sudo apt-get update" right? And it completed, no errors?12:18
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simmerzi've done an update this morning and i now can't start firefox or thunderbird12:19
Stormx2simmerz, What ubuntu version?12:20
Stormx2simmerz, have you tried running firefox from a terminal to see if it spits out errors?12:20
simmerzit doesn't do anything at all12:20
LifeisfunnyStormx2,     http://pastebin.ca/97943712:20
Stormx2It just finishes, right there?12:21
Stormx2The command does nothing?12:21
simmerzhmm, tb starts ok now following a reinstall but spits out: recurrence tweaking exception:TypeError: baseDuration has no properties12:21
simmerzfirefox just hangs12:21
fsdhi, is there a tray for gnome that shows the wifi status?12:21
cpk1fsd: please pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list12:21
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fsdi fixed the cdrom problem12:22
simmerzStormx2: oh, its just started as well now. no idea what was playing up before, but a reinstall of both packages seems to have resolved it12:22
NekoKunhow do I block remote access from a user?12:22
cmwtI am looking for a good portable hd to boot linux from...  apparently seagate free agent doesn't work well..12:22
cmwtany suggestion will be appreciated12:22
jon_high9000hi there. i have Ubuntu 7.10 and have been trying to get ffmpeg to work. i have been getting the "corrupted" file error each time. should i try something else?12:22
NekoKunactually, how to block remote access with root but allow users to sudo?12:22
Dr_willisNekoKun,  you mean block ssh access?12:23
Stormx2Lifeisfunny: You have some extra repos. The launchpad and medibuntu repos aren't there by default, and may require you to install a key to authenticate them12:23
Zirodaycmwt: and drive that is bigger than 1GB is enough to hold a install of ubuntu12:23
Lifeisfunnyahh, ok12:23
Dr_willisNekoKun,  check the ssh server docs. thers dozens of options in there.12:23
Stormx2If you find the pages that told you how to add the lines to sources.list, they'll also tell you how to add the keys.12:23
cpk1NekoKun: if you dont want ssh to be used you can just turn it off12:23
NekoKunno, I don't want ROOT connecting, but there are sudo users that I want them to use12:24
Dr_willisNekoKun,  I set up ssh where only the local lap ips are allowed.12:24
Dr_willisNekoKun,  thats 2 different things. :) you can disallow root to ssh in.   then theusers have to ssh in, and trhen use sudo12:24
binarical-appNekoKun: you can always tell who is loged into your server with the :who command12:24
cpk1well on a normal ubuntu system there isnt really any reason to even have root setup12:24
cmwtZiroday: I am not concern about the capacity.. free agent doesn't support linux well... it has some weird circuitry...12:25
NekoKunDr_willis: that's what I want12:25
Dr_willisI thought root login was disabled by default anyway in the default sshd config12:25
Dr_willisNekoKun,  check the sshd configs. Its in there.12:25
NekoKunDr_willis: Dude log in then ask for sudo powers12:25
NekoKun-_-' I'm feeling like talking with Java programmers...12:25
LifeisfunnyStormx2, well let me say it this way,  I get the updates registered in the manager I get that little window when fixing to install them that says the aren't authenitcated and may allow malicious processes,12:25
Dr_willisNekoKun,  Yes.. thats very doable..12:25
Zirodaycmwt: then what are you looking for?, any regular thumb drive or portable hdd will do12:25
Stormx2Lifeisfunny, yep.12:26
NekoKunDr_willis: In any easy/simple/quick/explainable way?12:26
binarical-appNekoKun: when a user logs in remotly via ssh, their password is the equivilant of the root password, not the actual server root password12:26
Dr_willisNekoKun,  of course by default with ubuntu root has no passwordand thus cant login directoy12:26
Dr_willisNekoKun,  go READ the sshd config file :)12:26
DistroJockeycmwt: I don't like the Seagate Freeagnets much, the WD passports would probably be what I would go for12:26
binarical-appNekoKun: you can change permissions in /etc/groups12:26
cmwtZiroday: I have windows laptop... I just want to dual boot linux from external hd..12:26
Lifeisfunnywell I find that odd cause sometimes I'm refused the update and now I have it but am warned12:26
Dr_willissshd config --> PermitRootLogin yes12:26
Dr_willisor No. :)12:26
Lifeisfunnyweird,  I guess I don't fully understand the software12:27
Zirodaycmwt: I think I have lost you sorry, what is your exact question?12:27
Lifeisfunnyalrighty, thanks anyways12:27
eaxHello :) Can anyone tell me how to change the default media player from Totem to VLC?12:27
cmwtDistroJockey, I only find out free agent doesn't work well with linux after I bought it..12:27
DistroJockeycmwt: does happen, sorry to hear :(12:28
NekoKunhow do I save n quit visudo O.o?12:28
cmwtZiroday.. I want to dual boot linux on external hd but seagate free agent doesn't work well.. so I am looking for what other options I have... wd.. maxtor ?12:28
Dr_willisNekoKun,  same as in vi.12:28
NekoKunit is a joe editor12:28
cmwtmy original question might not be clear...12:29
Dr_willisNekoKun,  esc :wq for vi.  as for joe editor. No idea.12:29
Zirodaycmwt: any generic drive will do :)12:29
NekoKunDr_willis: ^K X12:29
Dr_willisNekoKun,  like i need to know how to use joe :)12:29
cmwtZiroday, that's what I thought... so I picked up this on sale hd only $110 for 250G12:30
NekoKunDr_willis: Information isn't is enough12:30
cmwtsorry.. I mean http://www.engadget.com/2007/12/07/seagate-freeagent-drives-not-down-with-linux/12:30
Dr_willisNekoKun,  Huh?12:31
jon_high9000I realize you folks are very busy this morning. i will try the Ubuntu forums and possibly get back to you later today if necessary.12:31
DistroJockeycmwt: those get hot too12:31
LainyI'm trying to set my font as terminus, which I already installed through apt-get install console-terminus. But the font Terminus doesn't show up in the gnome-terminal profile settings.. Thanks.12:31
NekoKunDr_willis: nevermind :p12:32
Zirodaycmwt: ah when I say generic drive, I just mean one that can be used for simply trasfering files no other fancy utilities, you could try reformatting the seagate to get rid of whatever was on there beforehand, but I don' t think you will be able to get it back12:32
Dr_willisLainy,  terminus is a font for the CONSOLE not X.12:32
Dr_willisLainy,  at least i think it is :)12:32
LainyDr_willis: so not even for a console emulator?12:32
Dr_willisLainy,  gnome-terminal is a 'terminal' emulator. its not the console.12:33
eaxHow can I make ubuntu play files by default in VLC and not Totem or Rhytmbox..?12:33
LainyDr_willis: Ahh okay. Thanks.12:33
Dr_willisthe console uses a different font format then X does.12:33
Lainyi see12:33
bastid_raZoreax; system>preferences>preferred applications12:34
Heroinhttp://www.irssi.org/themefiles/screwer.png <-- which font is that?12:34
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m-p-bhi, where do i get help on the evolution email client ?12:34
eaxbastid_raZor: I tried that, but it doesn't work :( I select Custom and write "vlc" but it doesn't work :(12:34
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bastid_raZoreax; or you could right click the file type and select open with .. then tell it to use that app everytime for that file type.12:35
anevi have just shared out a folder using NFS nad im trying to mount it on a windows xp client - it requests a username/passwd but it won't accept anything even when i create a new user?12:35
eaxbastid_raZor: Trying that now :) It works :D12:36
m-p-banyhow if someone knows how i fix this, i'd be delighted ... i can see that there are mails in the inbox, yet they are not listed at the right as they are supposed to. that goes as well for 'sent' and 'draft' i can tell by the number that they are there, but they are not available for read12:36
pjvi need a program to backup my internal HD in my pc to a external usb HD, around 300GB worth of files and folders, what can i use to do this?12:37
Dr_willisanev,  you got a XP NFS Client?  Spiffy.12:37
anevDr_willis: i assumed it was built in?12:37
Dr_willisanev,  err... You sure you aint trying to use samba/network neighborhood ? and not nfs?12:37
anevDr_willis: oh perhaps actually. are there any nfs clients for winxp you'd recommend?12:38
wapkoHeroin: try running xfontsel in a terminal. that way you can get the proper long font name you would use to get that font. and i bet that is aterm .. you can give it the name of the font to use with the parameter -fn12:38
Dr_willisanev,  if you are wanting to use samba - you install the samba pacakage, give the user a samba password with 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME' and of course make some shares.12:38
Dr_willisanev,  ive never used/found a NFS client for windows.. I hear one or 2 exist. but not tried the,12:38
anevah ok, np.12:38
jattxfontsel is a pain in the neck :)12:39
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Heroinwapko: i dont understand12:39
tommmiedHello, I have an nvidia 6200 card and i am having trouble getting it to work correctly.  I have followed all the instructions on the web but i can't seem to get this to work12:40
Heroinwhats the aterm font?12:41
tommmiedI installed the the nvidia-glx-new driver and restarted.  Once I it restarted I got a prompt before it loaded into gnome: "Your screen and graphics card could not be detected correctly..."12:42
SamSamSam_How do I change my login and system password??12:43
Dr_willistommmied,   i normally backup my xorg.conf, and run 'sudo nvidia-xconfig' after installing the drivers.12:43
m-p-bok works now12:43
erUSULSamSamSam_: System,>Preferences>Users and Groups12:43
tommmiedDr_willis, I have done that already and still nothing :-(12:44
SamSamSam_erUSUL: I have no users and groups under preferences :O(12:44
Dr_willistommmied,  bummer. you sure that card needed the nvidia-glx-new? and not the normal nvidia-glx?12:44
erUSULSamSamSam_: system>Admin sorry12:44
bazhangtommmied: what about sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? tried that yet12:45
sfssomeone tell me the name of the codecs pkg12:45
tommmiedDr_willis, I used the system>administration>restricted12:45
Heroinwapko: can you tell me the fontname of aterm.. default one?12:45
tommmiedand it did the downloading, and used the the new driver12:45
sfsmultimedia codecs12:45
tommmiedso I automatically assumed...12:46
bazhangubuntu-restricted-extras sfs has many of them also check out medibuntu repos for more12:46
Dr_willistommmied,  it does the same thing basicially. I just do it from the terminal. If it says use the new - guess it looked it up in some database.12:46
erUSULsfs: ubuntu-restricted-extras ?12:46
wapkoHeroin: i actually dont know the name of the default one.12:46
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tommmiedDr_willis, Yea i did it both ways actually12:46
tommmiednone worked12:46
Heroinwapko: can you check for me w. fn i dont have aterm installed12:46
tommmiedbazhang, I did not do the sudo dpkg12:46
tommmiedi thought sudo nvidia-xconfig handled that12:47
SamSamSam_Thank you erUSUL :OD12:47
bazhangtommmied: worth a shot; answer the default if you do not know some of the answers though12:47
bazhangtommmied: if that still does not work then we can look at the xorg.conf and try editing manually12:48
tommmiedTo be honest, I did that in the very beginning.  That gets my desktop to look normal but it is very sluggish12:48
bazhangtommmied: pastebin your xorg.conf then please12:48
tommmiedsure, do you want my current one? Or the one where i did sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?12:49
bazhangbest to do it after the reconfigure; up to you really12:49
wapkoHeroin: i start my aterm with -fn -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-c-*-iso8859-15  .. thats the format for font selection..12:49
wapkoHeroin: and you can customize it with xfontsel. so you can choose your own. but you cant use that for say gnome-terminal12:50
tommmiedbazhang, here is my latest one: http://pastebin.com/m3e397ee312:50
bazhangtommmied: what resolution are you aiming for? there are an awful lot of modelines in that xorg.conf12:51
tommmiedhaha, thats because I went a little overboard on the selection12:52
bazhanghehe 1792x1344 ;]12:52
tommmiedbut that shouldn't effect whats happening?12:53
bazhanghave to step away for a few; back shortly ;]12:54
Dr_willisHeroin,  for xterm i tend to use     xterm -sb -sl 2000 -bg '#111111' -fg green -fn 10x2012:54
bastid_raZorthe 6200 doesn't support that high of a resolution12:54
gullstadIs it possible to make a folder have a max-size? So it cant be used more then the set size?12:54
tparcinawhich program should I use to send FAX?12:54
tommmiedbastid_raZor, you think that can be causing the problem?12:54
Dr_willisgullstad,  never seen that done befor. There are user quota things you could use. but not seen that for a specific directory.12:55
tparcinahylafax is to complicated, sicne I need to send one FAX page every month12:55
gullstadDr_willis: Oki. Thanks anyways :)12:55
tparcinaI need to fax OO.o and PDF documents12:55
gullstadDr_willis: How does the user quote work anyways?12:55
bastid_raZortommmied; to be on the safe side get rid of all the sizes the 6200 doesn't support.. 1280x1024 may be the max.. not sure but you could google to find out.12:56
Dr_willisgullstad,  its possible theres some 'fuse' feature/thing that can do it12:56
Dr_willisgullstad,  no idea. I never use it. :)12:56
annonymousehi, my ubuntu box keeps crashing i think it might be over heating its a laptop,  how do i access a system log to see why it keeps turning itself off12:56
sinboxis there a GUI archive manager for the 7zip that you get from add/remove and how would I get it up?12:56
tommmiedok let me try that and come back12:56
gullstadDr_willis: "fuse"?12:56
Dr_willis!fuse | gullstad12:56
ubotugullstad: FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems12:56
Dr_willisgullstad,  only one of the most amazing bits of software out for linux. :)12:56
gullstadDr_willis: I'll check it out. Thanks alot :)12:57
SitUbuntuSitnext to frozen-bubbles, Dr_willis12:58
sriramomanhow do we use nokia phone as usb drive in ubuntu?12:59
Dr_willissriramoman,  with the wifes phone she plugs it in with the special phone-usb cable. and has to go into the phones menus and enable usb-device/drive mode.12:59
geekthe drive my ubuntu install's in seems to have run out of space... i tend to save everything to another partition, so any pointers on where i should look to clear space?13:00
sriramomanDr_willis, i have that cable and i connected it. and enabled the mode, but it didnt work?13:00
sriramomandid u install anything seperate?13:00
annonymousemy ubuntu box keeps crashing i think it might be over heating its a laptop,  how do i access a system log to see why it keeps turning itself off13:01
Dr_willissriramoman,  nope.13:01
sriramomanok thanx. i'll check again, anyway.13:01
annonymousesriramoman:  which nokia is it?13:02
sriramomannokia 623313:02
tparcinacan someone please recommend me how to FAX one page from Ubuntu13:02
bastid_raZorannonymouse; honesty i've never heard of ubuntu shutting itself off.. i would say your laptop is overheating and the bios is causing it to shutoff.13:03
geeknever mind, found it13:03
cderdoes line say the xp cd rom is the cd-rom drive or/ 'file:/home/cc/iso-images/WindowsXP-SP2/image.iso,ioemu:hdc:cdrom,r' ]13:03
geektparcina: have a fax modem (to start with)?13:03
tparcinageek: yes, I have fax modem in my laptop  HP nc632013:03
annonymousebastid_raZor:  it spits out some lines but i  cant write it to quickly under windoze it never did it ever13:04
RabbitbunnyWhere would I set my hdparm setting for longevity? it's not etc/hdparm.conf as indicated by the manpage.13:04
tommmiedNope no luck13:04
tparcinageek: I have heard about hylafax, but it's to complicated to be used for FAX-ing one page per month13:04
b0xwhen i installl shit, where is it ment to show up in ubuntu? in the menus? cause nothing eva shows up13:04
geektparcina: i guess13:05
bastid_raZorannonymouse; /var/log may hold some logfiles that could help13:05
Rabbitbunnyb0x: children present. clean it up.13:05
tommmiedbastid_raZor, it didn't work13:05
annonymousesound thank u bastid_raZor13:05
* geek can't think of anything off hand that would work anyway13:05
tparcinageek: can you please recommend me some program that I can use? the one that isn't to complicated13:05
cderis this cd-rom in my dirve?? this is the lne 'file:/home/cc/iso-images/WindowsXP-SP2/image.iso,ioemu:hdc:cdrom,r' ]13:06
b0xwhen i installl programs, where is it ment to show up? in the menus? cause nothing eva shows up13:06
geektparcina: can't think of one right now ><13:06
bastid_raZortommmied; what did you use to take them out? sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ?13:06
sriramomanhow do i chk the md5sum of a cd in commandline?13:06
sriramoman(i dont mean iso image)13:07
tommmiedbastid_raZor,   no I just manually edited the xorg.conf13:07
bastid_raZortommmied; what is the card doing? or not doing .. for that matter13:07
b0xwhen i installl programs, where is it ment to show up? in the menus? cause nothing eva shows up13:07
bastid_raZorsriramoman; man md5sum13:07
Dr_willissriramoman,  you run md5sum on the /dev/cdrom or whatever device13:08
annonymousethink i might be being hacked13:08
Rabbitbunnyb0x: THat's going to depend on the package you installed. I would doubt lynx or top have a menu entry.13:08
tommmiedbastid_raZor, right before gnome loads it says that  your screen and graphics card could not be deteceted correctly13:08
FloodBot2[D]ANIEL[a]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:08
b0xso how do i go about finding my program and opening it?13:08
tommmiedthen my default resolution is 800x600.13:09
FloodBot2[D]ANIEL[a]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:09
Rabbitbunnyb0x: Which package?13:09
bastid_raZortommmied; can you give the exact error.. look in ~/.xsessions-error and /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:10
tommmiedbastid_raZor, sure h.o13:11
Rabbitbunnyb0x: open a terminl and try 'man deluge'13:12
Rabbitbunnyor just get rtorrent...13:12
b0xwats rtorrent13:12
sriramomancan i use my debian etch dvds as repos for ubuntu gutsy gibbon?13:13
Rabbitbunnydoes the manpage come up?13:13
monzie|homeHi all13:13
Rabbitbunnysriramoman: No.13:13
monzie|homeI had an existing installation of XP + Ubuntu13:13
monzie|homeI erased XP and put vista13:13
bastid_raZorb0x; deluge would be listed under applications>internet .. if not you could easily add it.. the path will be /usr/bin/deluge13:13
Rabbitbunnyb0x: Does the manpage come up?13:14
monzie|homeNow I am unable to get back to my Ubuntu partition. Help please13:14
Dr_willissriramoman,  since ubuntu is not debian. No.13:14
b0xim downloading rtorrent13:14
monzie|homeI installed Vista on /dev/sda113:14
Rabbitbunnytype deluge then. yay.13:14
monzie|homemy swap is /dev/sda2 and Ubuntu ext3 part is /dev/sda313:14
b0xhow do i run the program tho13:14
b0xonce its installeD?13:14
tommmiedbastid_raZor, nothing in my xsessions-error file but xorg log is here: http://pastebin.com/m2e50f29d13:14
monzie|homeI booted the computer using the Ubuntu livecd, mounted and chrooted into /dev/sda3 and did a grub-install /dev/sda13:14
monzie|homeit said "stage1 not read correctly"13:14
monzie|homeI rebooted the system to find out that grub had not been installed at all13:15
monzie|homean someone please tell me how to fix this? I know if i install Ubuntu again, it will recognize my vista partition13:15
monzie|homebut i want to retain my current Ubuntu install13:15
DJones!grub | monzie|home13:15
ubotumonzie|home: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:15
hsuhwhen i unmount pendrives from ubuntu/linux the 'light' doesn't turn off like it does on windows.. anyone knows why?13:15
Rabbitbunnyb0x: type it's name in a terminal, find it in a menu where bastid_raZor suggested it would be or add it to a menu yourself.13:15
=== hagabaka is now known as tango
Dr_willismonzie|home,  befor doing the chroot  you must setup the /dev/ and some other place properly on the to-be-chrooted-filesystem  Check  the bot factoid13:15
Saint`DiaWell, I just replaced Vista with Ubuntu, seems to be working alright.13:15
gNewPowerHi, I have a Xubuntu/XFCE question: I have Firefox on my top taskbar, and I can add various applets.  But I have not found a way to add an *application* (like say, Epiphany).  Where is the menu which allows me to add applications to this bar?13:15
b0xso is that all i do13:16
hsuhgNewPower: add a launcher13:16
b0xjust write the program into terminal13:16
b0xand it opens?13:16
b0xcause rtorrent opend13:16
Dr_willisgNewPower,  right click on the panel, its in the menus.13:16
LadyNikonso.. I deleted the bottom panel in gnome thinking that my adesklet launcher would handle the lowering of the application..13:16
tommmiedbastid_raZor, doesn't look like any errors were reported13:16
yandySorry,Could you describe your problem again,I just come in13:16
gNewPowerhsuh: ok. let me try that13:16
LadyNikonthey just disappear.. how do i get that bottom bar back?13:16
hsuhgNewPower: if thats what you mean.. do you want to type the command?13:16
=== tango is now known as hagabaka
Dr_willisgNewPower,  under gnome/kde you can just drag/drop from the k/gnome menu which makes them MUCH nicer in that area.  its an annoying limit in xfce's panels i think13:17
Rabbitbunnyb0x: Yup.13:17
gNewPowerhsuh: it worked, I just added XMMS, but I could not add the icon13:17
Dr_willisgNewPower,  some how you can set the icon. :)13:18
gNewPowerhsuh: I just found the menu.13:18
hsuhhm.. you have to track the icon.. probably on /usr/share/pixmaps/..13:18
gNewPowerDr_willis: just found it, thanks!13:18
bastid_raZortommmied; the only thing i'm seeing as odd is Bad V_BIOS checksum13:19
Saint`Diawtf is up with these conexant dial up modem drivers that only let you get 14K unless you pay.13:20
tommmiedbastid_raZor, I can't do anything about that?13:20
joepOK. Ik ben weer terug. systeem opnieuw gestart maar nog steeds geen geluid en aplay kan nog steeds geen cards ontdekken.13:20
gNewPowerDr_willis: I found how to add the "multimedia" icon, but not the XMMS icon. Is that doable?13:20
joepSorry: wrong channel.13:20
tommmiedbastid_raZor, If this helps troubleshooting: This once was on windows XP working fine?13:20
Dr_willisgNewPower,  explore some more you can set a custome icon some where in there close to that13:21
bastid_raZortommmied; when you ran the dpkg command did you select vesa driver or nv or nvidia?13:21
AliAnwarHi I have a problem...13:21
AliAnwarI made around 2M files on my home directory13:21
tommmiednot sure should i run that one more13:21
AliAnwarwhich slowed down my system...13:21
tommmiedand which one should i pick nvidia13:21
bastid_raZortommmied; nvidia yes13:21
tommmiedcan you tell me the command one more time :-/13:22
ubuntu hi, I installed ubuntu 7.10 on a 16GB USB drive on my laptop which has only windows xp on the HD. unfortunately it seems that the ubuntu grub installer did install part of grub on the HD. this means I have to keep the USB key connected at boot time, in the bios select boot from USB-HD and then I get the grub menu (boot linux or winxp). if I remove the key the machine is unbootable. I would like to boot windows when the usb key is not connected.now I fixed13:22
ubuntu HDs MBR by using the winxp CD and entering fixmbr. but if I try to boot linux from the USB stick it does not work because part of grub is missing.13:22
ubuntu any idea how to fully install grub on the USB key ?13:22
ubuntu without reinstalling linux on the usb key from scratch.  thanks for infos.13:22
bastid_raZortommmied; dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg13:22
FloodBot2ubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:22
tommmiedbastid_raZor, shouldn't i run through the whole process again?13:22
gNewPowerDr_willis: in what subdirectory do I find application icons?13:22
lijinjihello everyone13:22
Dr_willisgNewPower,  no idea. i got my own personal icon dir i use..  use the locate command  to search for the file/program name perhaps13:23
bastid_raZortommmied; leave off the -phigh .. it'll do the entire xorg setup13:23
gNewPowerDr_willis: ok.I will try that13:23
b0xhow do i download torrents into rtorrent?13:23
maekSaint`Dia, PM me if you are registered13:23
Saint`DiaAnyway I can get these modem drivers from 14K to 56K?13:23
Dr_willisb0x,  with rtorrent, you WILL want to read its docs/homepage/tutorials13:23
annonymouseive just  installed sensors-applet  from sudo apt get install sensors-applet   can any one tell me how do i get into it?13:23
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Dr_willisb0x,  its like hit some key, (l for load?) then enter the path/name...13:24
maekSaint`Dia, PM me I have a possible fix for you13:24
jroeswhat package has the standard C library docs?13:24
Saint`DiaLemme reg.13:24
jroesI need the manpages for things like send, recv, read, write, etc.13:24
Saint`DiaCan you reg through Nickserv here?13:25
Saint`DiaOr do I have to visit a page?13:25
maekSaint`Dia, are you registered ??13:25
annonymousedoh worked it out13:25
redtideDoes anyone know the correct syntax for changing Beagles max hits to say, 1000013:25
ubuntuany ubuntu on flash USB key ? I have problems with grub. thx in advance.  see here: http://www.pastebin.ca/97949613:25
tommmiedbastid_raZor, Just finished should i restart?13:25
bastid_raZortommmied; restart X yes.. ctrl alt backspace13:25
maekSaint`Dia, I can't post a fix here because its something to do with the bay if you know what I mean13:26
annonymouseis 53 degrees  c  okay for a running temp?13:26
yandyHello lijinji13:26
Juzzy`annonymouse yeah should be fine\13:26
annonymousethanks Juzzy`13:26
Juzzy`Hi guys, running mythbuntu 8.04 ... get mutliple copies of mythtv trying to run on startup13:26
RabbitbunnyI wouldn't want to run in that heat13:26
redtideannonymouse, for what? your cpu, your video card, or your case?13:26
annonymouseredtide:   my laptop in general13:27
yandyWhy don't you answer me?13:27
bazhanglijinji: did you have a question?13:27
maek!ask | lijinji13:27
ubotulijinji: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:27
redtideAnnonymouse: should be fine if you are not trying to run any games13:27
Juzzy`Is there a way to stop things starting when gnome starts?13:27
Saint`DiaI PM13:27
tommmiedbastid_raZor, same thing13:27
bazhangyandy: how about you? ubuntu support question?13:27
Saint`DiaI PM13:28
annonymouseredtide:   no i dont play games luckily  my pc randomly keeps turning itself  of and trying to work out why13:28
Saint`DiaI PM'd13:28
yandyI sent personal message to you lijinji13:28
Saint`DiaI hate where they put the enterkey.13:28
hatterwhat is the equivalent of /etc/debian_version for ubuntu ?13:28
annonymousewas debating  updating to hardy n seing if any better13:28
bazhangJuzzy`: you running hardy? the discussion for that is in #ubuntu+1 thanks13:28
tommmiedbastid_raZor, when I goto applications > system tools > nvidia x server settings, I get a message that says: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.   But i have done that before and still doesn't work13:28
maekSaint`Dia, it appears that I need to register as well13:29
redtideit could be why, if your case temp is at 53c then your cpu/videocard/ram are about 10-20c higher in temp13:29
bastid_raZor!version | hatter13:29
ubotuhatter: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell13:29
Picihatter: /etc/lsb-release13:29
maekSaint`Dia, it won't allow me to send a message to you13:29
Saint`Diamaek: LoL.13:29
hatterbastid_raZor, Pici , thx13:29
bastid_raZortommmied; do you have the restricted drivers manager in system>admin?13:29
Saint`DiaTell me when you Reg.13:29
tommmiedbastid_raZor, yea13:30
Saint`DiaI did the whole nickserv reg thing.13:30
maekSaint`Dia, google "conexant dial up modem drivers" and its the 5th result13:30
bastid_raZortommmied; in that do you have the nvidia driver enabled?13:30
redtideAnnonymouse, spend 10 bucks on one of those fan platforms that go under a laptop to see if that fixes it., or prop it up with a fan under it, if that works than heat is your prob13:30
Saint`DiaGonna take a while, since I'm only going at 14K13:31
Juzzy`Quick question how do i make ubuntu boot up into command line temporarily?13:31
annonymousei tried that with books redtide  and it didnt make much difference13:31
bastid_raZortommmied; odd as it sounds.. now that you have done the dpkg .. try the sudo nvidia-xconfig again..13:31
tommmiedbastid_raZor,  then restart x again?13:32
redtidewere the books covering the vents?13:32
bastid_raZortommmied; i'm not sure you have to restart X after the nvidia settings.. but to be sure yes.13:32
tommmiedk ill be back13:32
DistroJockeyJuzzy`: does pressing   Ctrl+Alt+F2   not do the job?13:33
Juzzy`DistroJockey nope, nothing responds13:33
Juzzy`totally locked up13:33
annonymouseredtide:   no :)13:33
maekSaint`Dia, if you have a selective torrent download client you can get rid of the files you don't need so the download will be faster13:33
Juzzy`DistroJockey well afaik it won't work... but ctrl alt bkspc didn't work13:33
maekor sorry it wont take much time13:33
tommmiedbastid_raZor, nope,  I can't even change resolution13:34
Saint`Diamaek: Can't download anything, I only d/l around 1.5k/s13:34
redtideannonymouse, pm me and we will see what we can figure out. im a linux noob, but ive been building, using pcs for a very long time13:34
DistroJockeyJuzzy`: if you are totally locked, and want to reboot cleanly try the following...13:34
bazhang!cn | lijinji13:35
ubotulijinji: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:35
Juzzy`DistroJockey I've booted into recovery mode ... I just need to remove the mythtv from the .autostart file or something.. right?13:35
tommmiedbastid_raZor, and when i go back into the nvidia x settings, it still prompts with the same error13:35
bastid_raZortommmied; i don't know what else to try. :\  .. it sounds as if the driver is borked13:35
Saint`DiaThis is really erking me about ubuntu. I go through all the trouble. and then they are like, ya gotta pay.13:35
tommmied bastid_raZor ahh thanks a lot though.13:36
DistroJockeyJuzzy`: Hold down   Alt+SySRq   and then press  R  S  E  I  B   (wait a little between each of those letters)13:36
Juzzy`ok DistroJockey will try that13:37
maekSaint`Dia, do the download overnight you should have it in the morning13:37
tommmiedBankai--, you still away?13:37
DistroJockeyJuzzy`: that was for when it's locked13:37
bazhangthought it was reisub13:37
bastid_raZortommmied; try to get the exact error.. possibly any numbers that are in it too.. that'll be useful for someone to help more ..13:37
Juzzy`ok i'll reboot and do that when it locks up13:37
maekthen you will enjoy 56k speeds13:37
bazhangSaint`Dia: pay for what?13:37
tommmiedbastid_raZor, where would i get those error numberse?13:37
DistroJockeyJuzzy`:  no wait13:37
maekLinuxtant bazhang13:37
arvind_khadribazhang, hiiii wats that REISUB???13:37
tommmiedbazhang, you able to help with the video card?13:38
Saint`Diabazhang: The conexant dial up drivers.13:38
bazhangarvind_khadri: thought it was the alt sysreq reisub total system freeze command13:38
bazhangmaek thanks13:38
Saint`DiaIs'nt there a way to hide these join/parts in pidgin?13:38
arvind_khadribazhang, ohh ok...13:38
bazhangtommmied: I can try ;]13:38
DistroJockeyarvind_khadri: bazhang: Really? So Everything Is Borked    :)13:38
bazhangDistroJockey: ;]13:39
arvind_khadriSaint`Dia, wat do u mean by that??13:39
DistroJockeyopps, forgot the U13:39
Saint`DiaPage is -still- loading.13:39
Juzzy`DistroJockey this reboot was the one in 50 that works13:39
DistroJockeyReally, So Everything Is Utterly Borked13:39
Juzzy`Thanks anyway13:39
Saint`Diaarvind_khadri: Mean by what?13:39
Juzzy`So what is that command?13:39
wapkobusier backwards :P13:39
arvind_khadriSaint`Dia, the pidgin thing13:39
DistroJockeyJuzzy`: use when everything seems to be frozen13:40
Saint`Diaarvind_khadri: Pidgin messenger. These join/parts are killing me.13:40
Juzzy`DistroJockey I'm guessing it was a sorta easter egg type pun put in by the devs?13:40
DistroJockeyJuzzy`: hold down  Alt+SysRq  and hit those letters13:40
wapkoif its in X maybe just the alt+sysrq+R can be enough. then you can ctrl+alt+f to a tty and fix from there :P13:41
DistroJockeyJuzzy`: search google for Magic SysRq key13:41
tommmiedbastid_raZor, bazhang , i got this in my .xsession-error now http://pastebin.com/m147dd37b13:41
arvind_khadriSaint`Dia, am not able to understand what it is...13:41
arvind_khadriSaint`Dia, forget it13:41
Juzzy`DistroJockey nice13:41
Juzzy`Hard reset13:41
soulcanyone know where I can get help with fail2ban?13:41
Juzzy`Is that ubuntu or linux specific?13:41
DistroJockeyJuzzy`: sorry, not solving your issue, but providing a gracefull way to shutdown13:41
soulcand is anyone upgraded to the new ver?13:42
DistroJockeyJuzzy`: built into the kernel13:42
Saint`Diamaek: The launchpad page? If so, did'nt solve my problem?13:42
DistroJockeyJuzzy`: can be disabled and should be on public terminals13:42
Juzzy`DistroJockey lets just hope this resets gracefully into mythtv this time13:42
Juzzy`Its just picky to be honest13:43
DistroJockeyJuzzy`: yeah, good luck on that13:43
Juzzy`heh thanks13:43
maekoh damn google localisation Saint`Dia ...13:43
bazhangif its linux it can be fixed ;]13:43
DistroJockeyagrees with bazhang13:43
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines13:43
Saint`DiaCan we still notice people?13:44
Saint`DiaGuess not.13:44
DistroJockeySaint`Dia: I don't see you not, and heyya :)13:44
soulcI didn't know my ATTITUDE qas showing sorry I'll pull down my dress13:44
DistroJockeysee why not^13:44
Saint`DiaHey DistroJockey.13:45
m3dvthi all13:45
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:45
m3dvtthanks all13:45
Saint`DiaWell, I'm am so needing maek's help. And the gods of freenode are preventing me, arghh.13:45
soulchello everyone13:45
soulchow is your day going?13:45
m3dvthi soulc13:45
mormonhi, i have a small question. can you download a ubuntu release instead of a alpha or beta version?13:45
arvind_khadrisoulc try google13:45
soulcgood I hope.13:45
bazhangmormon: which version13:45
PriceChild!download mormon13:46
arvind_khadrimormon, u can do it when it is released13:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about download mormon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:46
PriceChild!download | mormon13:46
maekand the rules are preventing me from posting a fix Saint`Dia13:46
Saint`DiaDo you have a damn messenger?13:46
tommmiedCan anyone help me install nvidia geforce 6200 video card, having a lot of problems13:46
m3dvtany one know about 3com linkbuilder 12 port hubs its the 10bti ?13:46
soulctry google for info on fail2ban info?13:46
maekim trying to register but my nic is already taken13:46
PriceChildmormon: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu13:46
annonymouseuse paste bin maek13:46
maekannonymouse, what a great Idea !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou13:47
arvind_khadriCiorapel, hi13:47
bazhangsoulc please be more specific; what exactly do you want with that? with zimbra or what13:47
annonymouseyw maek do u need the link13:47
arvind_khadrisoulc, yeah google it13:47
arvind_khadrisoulc, you can denyhost(s) or use manual entries to block too13:48
soulcfail2ban isn't banning ips I need to get some help with it I have read all the resources I can find13:48
=== PhilKC_ is now known as PhilKC
mormonexcuse me, i think that ubuntu's website is messy, it's hard to find out the download link13:48
m3dvtany one got probs with firefox ?13:48
m3dvti have lol13:48
arvind_khadrisoulc, you can denyhost(s) or use manual entries to block too13:48
simmerzm3dvt: what kind?13:48
bazhangmormon which version you want13:48
maekI got it annonymouse ... thanks !!13:48
m3dvtit dont work lol13:48
Ciorapeleveryone has crashes with ff becouse of damn flash13:48
soulcyeah the problem with that is the ip changes13:48
annonymousemormon  really u think it took me bout a minute or less the first time13:48
simmerzm3dvt: try aptitude reinstall firefox13:48
bastid_raZormormon; http://releases.ubuntu.com/13:48
simmerzthen run it from the command line13:48
m3dvtok thanks13:48
simmerzif it crashes, you can ctrl c it, then run it from the cmnd line again13:49
maekSaint`Dia, please go here and copy and paste the URL in your browser13:49
simmerzit should then work13:49
arvind_khadrisoulc, hmm well then use the hostname,that never changes :)13:49
simmerzi had that earlier on13:49
Saint`Diaok going.13:49
arvind_khadrisimmerz, keep your posts to a line13:49
maekI hope that you can download torrents on a 14k connection13:49
annonymousemaek  of course u can they just take a little while longer13:50
simmerzarvind_khadri: sorry? that's hardly flood-worthy!13:50
Saint`DiaGot a size estimation?13:50
m3dvtwhere you lot from ?13:50
m3dvtim in uk13:50
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:50
soulcok that is a temp solution the permanent one is to get fail2ban to work as it is intended to13:50
mormonbt sucks, you won't get a big pipe at most time13:50
annonymousemormon bt british telecom   or bit torrent13:51
arvind_khadrisimmerz, yeah but still then ,makes other people loose track...13:51
mormonbt = bittorrent13:51
annonymousemormon never really had a problem with my torrents usually  all over 60-80 kps on average13:51
Saint`DiaWhy oh why, did you do this to me.. linux!13:51
arvind_khadrisoulc well i think that would be the best to do a manual entry13:51
maekSaint`Dia, then run that torrent overnight and you should have it in the morning ... then follow the instructions included in the torrent13:51
mormonin my mind, ftp is easier13:52
Saint`DiaI installed Ubuntu over Vista, lol. And know the gates karma is trying to keep me down.13:52
m3dvti thought the internet providers where stopping the download of torrents now and banning you of the net ?13:52
soulcand my question is more to seeing if anyone might have a clue as to where I could go to ask specific fail2ban questions13:52
annonymousem3dvt dont know if u knew this but theres an #ubuntu-uk room13:52
simmerzarvind_khadri: what if i want to make people try hard to follow me? ;-)13:52
Saint`Diamaek: Knowing there is a fix is good enough to calm me down. I can always drive down the street for a faster connection.13:52
m3dvtok i didnt know13:53
CiorapelI have a problem with VNC viewer. I have a machine running windows with VNC Server, and one running UBUNTU VNC - viewer. When I try to connect thru UBUNTU to WINDOWS machine, I get time-out. If I try to connect from a windows machine to other windows machine, it works.13:53
arvind_khadrisimmerz, :) thats so mean13:53
rwycuffSaint`Dia:no its gates trying to take over your mind cause he detected yuo are no longer going along with thier tran of thought13:53
m3dvtim new to linux lol13:53
maekwhere can you get a faster connection Saint`Dia ??13:53
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.13:53
arvind_khadrisoulc did u try their official site??13:53
Saint`Diarwycuff: LoL, I -was- making programs for windows. But I have defected!13:53
soulcalso the default entry in host.deny is ALL:PARANOID never seen that I am used to ALL:ALL13:53
annonymousem3dvt:  they have a uk mailing list that is well worth  subing to13:53
soulcoh yeah13:54
Saint`DiaWhoa lol came from IRC?13:54
Saint`DiaDid it not..13:54
m3dvtok thanks for that13:54
jattcame from AmericaOnLine13:54
soulcI always look on my own before asking irc channels13:54
annonymouseSaint`Dia:  the point is this is for Q and A not  idle gossip we have a off topic chanel for that13:54
Saint`DiaWell, I use it alot on my server, kills me not to type it.13:54
Pici!offtopic | please take offtopic discussion elsewhere13:55
ubotuplease take offtopic discussion elsewhere: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:55
Saint`Diaannonymouse: Yeah I get it.13:55
omar_Guys, I can't start almost any python application, I get the error: "ImportError: No module named gtk" when I attempt to run it from the terminal, can anyone help me?13:55
maekmy window shivers a lot13:55
maekso thats on topic13:55
Lamegoomar_, you need to install the python-gtk package13:55
annonymouseomar_:  reinstall it?13:55
arvind_khadrisoulc try asking in the ubuntu mailing-lists,may be then can help ypu13:55
tommmiedbastid_raZor, you still there?13:55
bastid_raZortommmied; yeah, my daughter is waking up. i'll be around for just a few more minutes.13:56
tommmiedbastid_raZor, just wanted to let you know i got it to work,  i found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68101513:56
m3dvtcan you use tigertronics signalink usb with ubuntu with ham radio software and get it to work ?13:56
bastid_raZortommmied;  awesome; which part made it work? adding composite 0?13:57
annonymousem3dvt:   what is it  tigertronics ?  wifi card?13:57
soulcwhat is 7.10 distro name?13:57
tommmiedbastid_raZor, it was DISABLED_MODULES="" and i changed it to DISABLED_MODULES="nvidia nvidia_legacy"13:57
annonymousesoulc gutsy gibbon13:58
bazhanggutsy gibbon soulc13:58
m3dvtno its a soundcard to conect to a ham radio i.e kenwood or yaesu icom and so on to work digi modes13:58
annonymouseohhh ok13:58
bastid_raZortommmied; yeah, i see that now.. glad to see it working.. i hope 8.04 will have this fixed.. if not bookmark that page :)13:58
saardoxHello all13:59
tommmiedhaha yea what does that exactly do13:59
annonymousem3dvt:   out of my league sorri13:59
tommmiedjust tells it to not load the old drivers/?13:59
mormonanother small question. can ubuntu copy-everything-to-ram during booting?13:59
Ravenkinhow do you edit a .cfg file in terminal?13:59
m3dvtthats ok thanks13:59
bastid_raZortommmied; right legacy is the old drivers. totally disables them.13:59
NithRavenkin: easy way , nano <file>13:59
tommmieddidn't even think i had them installed13:59
NithRavenkin: more advanced way, vim <file>13:59
tommmiedbastid_raZor, I appreciate all your help! Thanks.14:00
bastid_raZortommmied; i should have thought to search the forums.. i'm not thinking this morning.. too many hours of work.14:00
tommmiedbastid, it wasn't that easy to find, I searched for a few hours14:01
tommmiedyou always get side tracked to something else14:01
m3dvt1 more .. is there some software for linux for the blind to work a laptop and this is not a joke ?14:01
tommmiedthat could be the reason but never is :-/14:01
bastid_raZortommmied; glad i could lead you in circles until you found the fix :)14:01
tommmiedhaha thanks14:01
moDumasshey all, every now and then i get this "partial upgrade" type upgrade, im using 7.10 and it totaly cripples my web internet14:01
moDumassany ideas?14:02
m3dvtdoes ubuntu do any software for the blind like readers fpr pdf files ?14:03
erUSULm3dvt: yep the orca project provide accesability settings for disabled people... System>Perferences>Universal Acess ??14:04
moDumasserUSUL some would say "other abled"14:04
alphakampcheck out orca m3dvt14:04
bazhang!info orca14:04
=== uffe_ is now known as Ctr1A1tDe1
ubotuorca (source: orca): Router Monitoring and Graphing System. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 4 kB, installed size 104 kB14:05
MEtaLpREswow, i think that flash player update this morning just fixed the freezing problem in firefox, been watching videos all morning and not freezes14:05
erUSUL!info gnome-orca | bazhang14:05
ubotubazhang: gnome-orca (source: gnome-orca): scriptable screen reader. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.0-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 535 kB, installed size 5296 kB14:05
MEtaLpREsi could watch even 3 videos before without firefox going gray14:05
niceboySalut tout le monde14:06
bazhang!fr | niceboy14:06
erUSULmoDumass: sure ;) not meant to offend anyone (also english is not my native language...)14:06
ubotuniceboy: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.14:06
moDumassman i wish i could get my internet back up to scratch with FF, erUSUL dont worry about it14:06
bazhangde rien ;]14:07
erUSULmoDumass: ;)14:07
jussi01arrgh, anyone tell me how to get my menu back in gnome terminal? ( I hid it by mistake)14:08
Picijussi01: right click in the middle of the terminal and go to show menu?14:09
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE14:09
jussi01Pici: :) thanks14:09
=== Pullarotta is now known as Pullarotta^
soulcdamn how do I lookup the version of an installed package?14:12
arvind_khadrisoulc of what??14:12
soulcchecking to see that I have the current ver14:13
jribsoulc: apt-cache policy PACKAGE14:13
arvind_khadriapt-cache policy fail2ban14:13
fevelim having trouble turning on desktop effects. It used to work but not anymore14:13
fevelit says "cant turn on desktop effects"14:13
arvind_khadrifevel did u disable your drivers???are they restricted ones??14:14
fevelthe 3d drivers are installed. I have reconfigured xorg a couple of days ago...should I add something to the device section?14:14
Dr_willisreinstall your video card drivers for a start. check your kernel also. You may be running a different kernel now.14:14
=== satu is now known as testing`
fevelarvind_khadri,  yes they are restricted ones but are not disabled, effects used to work14:15
Dr_willisi noticed a few weeks ago the 386 kernel gettting installed when i should of been using the -generic kernel14:15
fevelDr_willis, I just reinstalled it but didnt do the trick14:15
arvind_khadrifevel, follow what Dr said...14:15
Dr_williswhat does 'uname -a' show.14:15
arvind_khadriDr_willis, try uname --help :)14:16
soulcthanks for your help this morning14:16
fevelDr_willis,  Linux ZionRunner 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 02:46:46 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:16
Dr_willisI just use -a since its all on 1 line anyway. but my issue i had a few weeks back was with hardy.  Not Gutsy. It dosent seem to be his issue anyway.14:17
fevelshouldnt I add something to the device section on xorg ? turning it to "1"14:17
Dr_willisfevel,  what kind of video card?14:18
fevelDr_willis,  geforce14:18
Nithsounds like fevel is talking about the composite option14:18
Dr_willisfevel,  No idea on the '1'bit..  :) be sure the driver is set to 'Nvidia' not 'nv' for one thing..14:19
Dr_willismy xorg.conf for an example   Vista is a challenge to get stuff working14:19
Dr_willisoops wrong paste,,14:19
Dr_willismy xorg.conf for an example   http://pastebin.com/fb0d0b714:19
frozenskun1Can someone tell me why I (sometimes) get special characters displayed incorrectly. For example, a " shows as &quot and & displays as &amp. It seems to be particularly prevalent in pages and email with html. Seems like it should just be a font or character set setting or something, but I have googled around with no luck.14:19
alphakampanyone able to play Tf2 or CS:S in wine with out the sound being garbled and X crashing when you close the game14:19
fevelNith,  Mine doesnt have the composite option, should I add it?14:19
* Nith wont touch vid questions14:20
Nithsorry, me and ubuntu's history with video cards has been rough14:20
Dr_willisNith,  thats just why i pasted my working xorg.conf to let him compare. :)14:20
Dr_willisIts night time for me. bye all.14:20
fevelDr_willis,  thanks ...just missed that14:20
Nithonly advice I'll give is google your card name with "ubuntu" in front of it and you will likely find a tutorial14:20
NithDr_willis: nn14:20
=== leche_ is now known as leche
TarsinionHi, can anyone help me to setup my grafik card on 8.04 ?14:23
doktoreashello verybody..anyone with some experience customizing ubuntu livecd?14:23
leche Tarsinion 1: metaquestion, 2: what graphics card do you have?14:24
Nithlol, metaquestion. i'm stealing that14:24
TarsinionI do not understand what happened to xorg.conf ... there is no grafik card at all listed, but its working with kind of vesa driver14:24
Tarsinionits a radeon 9250, but i cant find a place to switch to "radeon" or "ati" driver14:24
alphakampall i know about livecd customs is the is the recontructor package14:25
lecheTarsinion:theres no device section?14:25
* Nith suggest backing up the xorg.conf file before modifying it less the world may come crumbling down14:25
Tarsinionleche: Section "Device"14:25
Tarsinion        Identifier      "Configured Video Device"14:25
jribtarsinion: support for hardy is in #ubuntu+114:25
Tarsinionthats all ...14:25
Tarsinionoh sorry jrib14:26
frozenskun1Hello, Can someone tell me why I (sometimes) get special characters displayed incorrectly. For example, a " shows as &quot and & displays as &amp. It seems to be particularly prevalent in pages and email with html. Seems like it should just be a font or character set setting or something, but I have googled around with no luck.14:26
lecheTarsinion: yes, first at all you should backup what you have14:26
Tarsinionleche: already done :)14:26
gatestoneHow can I have a virtual screen size bigger than my real 1280x800? So that some problematic fixed size windows will fit on screen, especially when you can nnot move them up through the top of the screen?14:27
gatestoneleechblock has such a too-big fixed options dialog.14:27
Nithfrozenskun1: your issue is likely with the charset, beyond that I dunno14:27
keit1tracker _never_ returns any results for me when I search for stuff that is blatantly there in plain sight.  I had this trouble before and re-indexed everything and it worked straight after but then the next time i tried it's screwed again.  It seems pretty useless to me - beagle didn't have this trouble and gnome-do seems lightning quick compared to both.  is this the default for future releases too?  can I get it working properly?14:27
frozenskun1That's what I figured, where abouts do I find that to mess it up further? ;-)14:27
keit1also has anyone noticed gltiches during the screensaver when using compiz-fusion and an ati card whilst having a webpage open that uses flash?14:29
Saint`DiaHaving DVD issues, I got the plugins and whatnot. But totem, the player that came with this install, says it can't read from source. Is that a copyright issue?14:29
failesxPiero_Scarufii: its not very polite to mention someone unless its to clarify who when multiple convos are going on yanno14:29
Nithfrozenskun1: /etc/environments has the LANG parameter, I think thats what I was playing with before giving up14:31
frozenskun1Nith: So do you have the same issue then?14:31
Nithfrozenskun1: on websites no14:32
Nithwith some terminal programs yeah14:32
frozenskun1Nith: Mine is the opposite, no problems in terminals at all (that I recall) but email and web pages quite frequently...14:32
Nithfrozenskun1: are you using firefox?14:33
Piero_ScarufiiSeveas can i speak to you please if you are here?14:33
frozenskun1Nith: Yes, FF and Evolution14:34
Nithfrozenskun1: tools --> options --> advance (beside fonts) and the pulldown near the bottom is default encoding14:34
Nithmine is iso-8859-114:34
Nithas for Evolution, I use thunderbird sorry14:35
gatestoneIs it possible to move windows through the top of the screen, with "Right-click window top bar, Move, use mouse"? Normally it is not but is there somewgere a setting to allow this?14:35
Nithgatestone: hold alt and click anywhere14:35
Nithgatestone: left click specifically, an you can move it anywhere by doing that14:35
Nithgatestone: middle click can also be used to resize while holding alt14:35
atulHi 16:~/wxWidgets-2.8.7 make gives error like ./include/wx/defs.h:212: error: redeclaration of C++ built-in type ‘bool’ why so ?14:35
rvallesI'm going to install 8.04 from this. Any known problem with today's image? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/hardy-dvd-amd64.iso14:36
Picirvalles: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.14:36
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gatestoneThx, Nith. I don't think it is consistent that it happens differently in these too cases.14:36
rvallesPici: thanks14:37
Nithgatestone: I have had problems doing that with rdesktop, but if you grab the titlebar using alt, it pretty much always works14:37
frozenskun1Nith: I am using FF, and don't have an options selection under tools, if I choose Edit>Prefs>Advaced>General I get a languages selection, mine is currently set to EN-US, which I don't think is what I am looking for14:37
gatestoneNith, now I see the logic! It makes sense that you can not move it with the method 1, because then you loose the bar and can not get it back!!!14:38
frozenskun1Nith: in my /etc/environment file I have LANG="en_US.UTF-8" is there something more appropriate? (For example, an ISO set?)14:39
* Nith is also using FF and does not have Prefs under Edit.... wierd14:39
Niththat the one I'm currently using14:39
Nithsorry frozenskun114:39
Nithgatestone: another method is if you've got pagers attached to your panels ,you can drag those and it will move the window14:40
frozenskun1Nith: I just double checked, and my FF menus are as I described, that is very weird, wonder what led to that... Thanks for your help though!14:41
Nithby those I mean the window representations on the pagers though14:41
Nithfrozenskun1: did you install FF from the repos?14:41
sivelany way to get my usb headset to work?14:42
frozenskun1Nith: Not sure, this particular box was originally installed as Dapper (I think) and has been upgraded ever since, so it has been installed/upgraded several times through the years.14:42
Nithoh, ok. Mine are fresh gutsy installs so maybe your .mozilla file contains an alternate menu or something14:43
Niththat said, maybe purging and reinstalling would work for you14:44
moDumasshey all, if my internet is slow, but not if i use ip address only, is there any thing other than DNS that could be the problem?14:45
bastid_raZormoDumass; i would bet you have ISP issues.14:46
pc-illiteratecan someone help me with the new enemy territory update ?14:46
moDumassbastid_raZor, ok, other than ISP issues, since no one else seems to be mashing like I mash14:46
geniimoDumass: DNS is obviously the best suspect since by IP works faster.14:47
james_Evince document viewer is displaying things like they are really zoomed out. 400% zoom only makes them about an inch wide :S14:47
Piero_ScarufiiDoes anyone know what the name is of this application with the graph pie that shows the hd diskusage?14:48
moDumassgenii i figured it was but ive set my router to go to the 2 fastes DNS servers in our area and still, super crap, its random, slow for about 30 seconds then BAM uberfast14:48
moDumassbut sometimes slow for 5 mins then BAM uberfast14:48
quaalwhy has my computer rebooted to an orange asterisk14:48
erUSULPiero_Scarufii: baobad ? Aplications>Accesories>disk usage14:49
ScunizimoDumass, could be bad amps on the lines in your area.. cox has FINALLY begun upgrading my area that had lines and amp left over from a different comapny from 15 years ago.14:50
geniimoDumass: Check /etc/resolv.conf   for inconsistencies from what the router is using, possibly also /etc/hosts.conf and make sure localhost entries at top.14:51
moDumassScunizi. hmm, I live in the CBD, I sync at 24megs a second down, and this is a problem that started after a "partial upgrade" and I dont know how to fix it, i doubt that it has anything to do with my ISP14:51
sayersHow do I convert a video that is 1280x1024 high quality and in oggvorbis down to something lesser of the quality scale?14:52
moDumassthanks genii doin it now14:52
ScunizimoDumass, you're probably right.. I just jumped in and didn't have access to any prior info you may have posted.14:52
Scunizisayers, devede?14:53
moDumassScunizi, thats cool, thanks anyway14:53
sayersScunizi, Can that convert to ogg ?14:53
moDumassgenii resolve.conf has my router as the top nameserver14:53
bastid_raZorsayers; mencoder14:53
moDumassgenii then 7 other ip addresses that all look foreign14:54
bastid_raZorsayers; oh mencoder.. i'm not sure if it can or not.. man mencoder though will tell you more about it14:54
Scunizisayers, I haven't used it a bunch.. check synaptic and search for video or trancoder.. something similiar and you'll get a list of things to read.. also check out www.getdeb.net14:54
moDumassgenii and hosts.conf is empty14:55
geniimoDumass: Put localhost      in there as second entry and then if the others look foreign, comment them out with # and then look them up on someplace like dnsstuff.com to see how far away from you they are.14:55
moDumassgenii is this in hosts.conf?14:56
geniimoDumass: I'll pastebin a standard /etc/hosts    file for you to copy and paste in14:56
moDumassthats in resolv, cool14:56
geniimoDumass: No, in the /etc/resolv.conf (the revious instructions)14:56
sivelany way to get my gigaware usb headset to work? its labeled in lsusb as Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0d8c:000c C-Media Electronics, Inc. Audio Adapter14:56
mdgeorgeI have a funny-shaped screen, so that when I use the virtual terminal (ctrl-alt-f1) the left and right ends are cut off, and it's a lcd so I can't adjust it14:57
mdgeorgeI was wondering if there was any way I could fix that14:57
bastid_raZormdgeorge; have you tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:58
geniimoDumass: Fairly stock /etc/hosts     file contents here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62719/14:58
mdgeorgebastid_raZor: why would that help?  X works fine, it's the virtual terminal that doesn't14:59
moDumassthanks, im still posting the pastebin for my resolv.conf14:59
moDumassgenii, thanks14:59
bastid_raZormdgeorge; oh.. in that case.. you said funny shaped screen.. i thought you  implied the desktop as well14:59
mdgeorgebastid_raZor: no, sorry.  I meant my monitor has 1280x1024 resolution15:00
Toddwhen i rotate my 3D desktop,the totem window will turn blue,any suggestions?15:00
mdgeorgeit's not in 640x480 proportions15:00
Scunizimdgeorge, thats not a funny shaped screen .. it use to be the standard shape.. It's what I  use.. square almost..15:01
pc-illiteratewhat i use too but mine isnt rotated15:02
Toddwhen i rotate my 3D desktop,the totem window will turn blue,any suggestions?15:02
yanwhere is it ????15:02
mdgeorgeScunizi: all I mean is that it's not what the graphics card is expecting in text mode, so that things are getting cut off on the ends15:03
Oprtzjust install ubuntu 7.10, want to install compiz or beryl, which is the best among them ? i want to use cube effects? and where to get these software? thanks15:03
DavieyOprtz: "compiz fusion"15:03
moDumassgenii, this is the content of  /etc/resolv.conf... http://www.pastebin.org/2876215:04
arvind_khadriOprtz, beryl doesnt exist anymore,its compiz15:04
DJones!beryl | Oprtz, Beryl no longer exists in Ubuntu 7.1015:04
ubotuOprtz, Beryl no longer exists in Ubuntu 7.10: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz15:04
Oprtzdaviety: where to install compiz ?15:04
wizohey, what do i have to search in apt get for teh JRE or JDK? i'm trying to get eclipse to run15:04
geniimoDumass: OK, reading15:04
yanwho can tall me where is it?15:04
stephan_what is the easiest way to install ndiswrapper15:04
arvind_khadriyan, what is where???15:05
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:05
geniimoDumass: I just noticed in my previous paste I also copied in by mistake 3 lines at bottom from my console, just remove them in your version15:05
Scunizimdgeorge, yea.. I went  back and read your previous post.. does your monitor have a "self adjust" button?  some do. Otherwise asking again later stating that terminal resolution looses right and left edges on lcd monitor.. things pickup in here in the next hour or so.. also about 10 hrs from now15:05
Toddwhen i rotate my 3D desktop,the totem window will turn blue,can anyone help me?15:05
moDumasswill do15:05
mdgeorgewizo: sun-java-jdk15:05
Oprtzwhen i write compiz fusion in ADD/REMOVE program, it says no program found :( why is that?;15:06
wizomdgeorge: oh so that's what it's call, haha thanks! btw, which one should i use, JDK or JRE?15:06
arvind_khadriOprtz, synaptic15:06
moDumassgenii, done, removed 3 lines15:06
mdgeorgewizo: jdk is the compiler and everything you need to compile, jre is just the runtime system15:06
Oprtzarvind_khadri:  ok letme try15:06
stephan_how do i extract with a command?15:07
wizomdgeorge: so i guess i just need the JRE to run eclipse huh?15:07
stephan_its telling me to extract with: tar -zxvf ndiswrapper-version.tar.gz15:07
jribstephan_: extract what?15:07
yanI don't know about this chat15:07
Scunizistephan_, that is the command to extract15:07
mdgeorgeScunizi: I don't see anything like that.  I'll try back later.  Thanks15:07
Toddstephan_, just do it15:07
marx2kAnyone here use naim?15:07
ubotuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org15:07
stephan_yes, do i have to put the archive in a certain directory?15:07
hyr4x java15:07
mdgeorgewizo: true, unless you want to use it to compile java programs15:08
wizobtw, how come jdk or jre is not marked for installation when i install eclipse15:08
jribstephan_: are you following the wiki page ubotu linked you to?15:08
wizohmm, maybe i'll just get jdk then, just in case i need it in the future, thanks mdgeorge15:08
ChaosTheory^How do I change the default terminal profile on terminal startup? I changed my profile to one without a menu bar so I can't go and edit it. :D15:08
mdgeorgewizo: I'm guessing because you could conceivably want to install an alternate jre15:08
stephan_yes i am15:08
stephan_thats what its telling me to do15:08
Scunizistephan_, if it's currently sitting on your desktop you might create a directory/folder to put it in before extracting.. you could end up with a screen full of files.15:08
jribstephan_: what page exactly?15:08
mdgeorgewizo: by the way, I found the package by running apt-cache search jre which you might try in the future15:09
Oprtzarvind_khadri:  strange 2 compiz application is already selected, but i never download compiz. if they installed by chance, how to get 3D effect ?15:09
jrib!who | stephan_15:09
ubotustephan_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:09
stephan_im connected via ethernet on my laptop now15:09
DJones!compiz > Oprtz15:09
wizomdgeorge: oh i was searching runtime enviroment...virtual machine.. lol15:09
arvind_khadriOprtz, try man compiz15:09
arvind_khadriOprtz google about...compiz comes by default15:10
Oprtzarvind_khadri: : ok dear15:10
stephan_the network manager that is default with ubuntu is not connecting to a certain network15:10
stephan_it works at home fine, but not here15:10
PiciOprtz: Go to System>Preferences>Appearance and one of the tabs is desktop effects (or similar)15:10
DJones!ccsm | Oprtz: You need to install CCSM to enable tou control compiz once you've got it set up and the basic functions working15:11
ubotuOprtz: You need to install CCSM to enable tou control compiz once you've got it set up and the basic functions working: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion15:11
marx2kSo, anyone here use naim?15:11
Scunizistephan_, probably because of a password.. encryption wep or wpa?15:11
=== MoonFog is now known as MadProcessor
OprtzCCSM ? oh my linux is difficult :)15:11
arvind_khadriOprtz, ccsm=compiz config settings manager15:12
stephan_scunizi, there is no WPA (at school) and it tries to connect, but wont pull an IP15:12
ScuniziOprtz, just different.. ccsm is compiz configuration settings manager15:12
Luke771is there a way to make compiz/beryl work on a multimonitor setup?15:13
Oprtzarvind_khadri:  do i also need to install ccsm? if yes in add/remove programs ?15:13
aschmackOprtz, go to accesories -> terminal15:13
PiciOprtz: You need to get the basic functionality of compiz working first.15:13
Oprtzaschmack:  ok15:13
aschmackand type "sudo apt-get install compiz-config-settings-manager"15:13
arvind_khadriOprtz, use sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager15:13
aschmackthen type your password and hit enter15:13
=== TheFrugalGeek is now known as MattRyan
Scunizistephan_, don't most schools lock down access in some fashion? You might end up needing to contact the Is dept.. :/15:14
Oprtzit says 11 resource tememeraly not available15:14
|Dede|what was the command for viewing hardware again? "dmi..something"15:14
arvind_khadriOprtz, do u have synaptic running in BG15:15
aschmackstephan_,  they probably just disabled dhcp, just try random addresses in the class c ranges15:15
|Dede|that would be pci, marx2k15:15
arvind_khadriOprtz, close it :)15:15
omar_Guys can we say the Gobuntu is similar to Gentoo in terms of the idea?15:15
Oprtzarvind_khadri:  ok :)15:15
Scunizi|Dede|, dmesg15:15
arvind_khadriomar_, no15:15
jrib|Dede|: tried dmi<TAB>?15:16
ubotugobuntu is a freedom-focused flavour of Ubuntu intended for experienced Linux enthusiasts. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/gobuntu for more information and download mirrors..15:16
Oprtzit says : Reading package lists... Done15:16
OprtzBuilding dependency tree15:16
OprtzReading state information... Done15:16
OprtzE: Couldn't find package compizconfig-settings-manager15:16
FloodBot2Oprtz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:16
marx2k|Dede|: well, it also shows what CPU,coCPU, etc15:16
omar_arvind_khadri: Then can you tell me what is Gobuntu used for?15:16
arvind_khadri!gobuntu | omar_15:16
ubotuomar_: please see above15:16
|Dede|marx2k, I wasn't searching for that15:16
|Dede|I found it though: it is dmidecode15:16
yaccJust wondering, on Hardy, what package supplies the Python.h?15:16
Piciyacc: #ubuntu+1 please15:17
marx2ksudo dmidecode ;)15:17
aschmackprobably python2.5-dev15:17
yaccaschmack: no such package in the repository.15:17
arvind_khadriOprtz, sudo apt-get install gnome-compiz-manager15:17
PiciOprtz: What version of Ubuntu are you running?15:17
Oprtzpici: its 7.10 fresh installed today15:18
arvind_khadriOprtz, sudo apt-get install gnome-compiz-manager .....do this15:18
geniimoDumass: Apologies for lag, work needed me. As for the resolv.conf, add below the first entry localhost            and then for now a # before the next 6 entries. It would be good to look up the numbers there and see if it makes sense to keep them as DNS entries. If they make sense to keep (near you and/or fast) then to uncomment them as needed.15:18
Oprtzarvind_khadri:  same reselt, E: Couldn't find package compizconfig-settings-manager15:18
arvind_khadriOprtz well please paste your sources.list15:19
PiciOprtz: Make sure that you have the universe source enabled: System>Administration>Software Sources15:19
omar_arvind_khadri: Yes, I know it's freedom-focused, but is the same as gentoo with respect to the fact that it's not complete and you need to complete it on your own?15:19
Piciomar_: No, gentoo makes you compile everything, gobuntu is not like that.15:19
ScuniziOprtz, go to System>Admin>Synaptic Package Manager and click the search button.. now type compiz.. in the resulting list you'll find the program you're looking for.15:19
marx2kWhen does the next version of Ubuntu come out? What date this month?15:19
moDumassgenii, thanks and will do15:19
Picimarx2k: 24th15:19
arvind_khadriomar_, gobuntu for very techy ppl...not for end users...gentoo can be used bt end users15:20
caveymasonmy sound is realy quiet? my speakers are on full and the volumes all the way up but its still quiet?15:20
arvind_khadricaveymason, see your system volume15:20
omar_arvind_khadri: Oh, okay. Sounds pretty cool to me! :D15:20
marx2kcaveymason: try from the commandline 'alsamixer'15:20
CShadowRunDoes anyone know of a good IRC client like mIRC, but for linux? I'm looking for something that's easily modifiable, has good documentation, and the ability to tile windows :)15:21
arvind_khadriCShadowRun, xchat15:21
MadProcessorCShadowRun: XChat15:21
DJonesCShadowRun: xchat15:21
caveymasonthen what?15:21
arvind_khadriDJones, :)15:21
CShadowRunhas good documentation15:21
amenadoCShadowRun-> you do know you can run mirc on linux using wine right?15:21
CShadowRunxchats website is beyond broken15:21
arvind_khadricaveymason, check the volume levels there15:22
arvind_khadriOprtz, you there??15:22
ChaosTheory^How I restore the default terminal profile *in* terminal?15:22
OprtzScunizi:  i cheked software source15:22
DJonesCShadowRun: or irssi if can take the time to get used to a text based irc client15:22
Pici!software | CShadowRun dont install manually15:22
ubotuCShadowRun dont install manually: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents15:22
Oprtzits installing15:22
CShadowRunamenado alot of the scripting functions in mIRC don't work properly in wine, it has alot of isuses :)15:22
arvind_khadriOprtz, :) good15:22
marx2kcaveymason: alsamixer is pretty self explanatory15:22
CShadowRunso, xchat has no documentation15:22
DJonesCShadowRun: Its included in the repo's, sudo apt-get install xchat should install it15:22
CShadowRunany sensible suggestions ? :)15:22
amenadoCShadowRun-> so your claim of good is then hogwash..its all relative..15:22
caveymasoni have like a 7.1 card but im only using 2.1 at the moment could that be why?15:22
aschmackCShadowRun, just whatever you do, dont install xchat-gnome15:22
Oprtzarvind_khadri:  after that what is the command to use in terminal ?15:22
marx2kcaveymason: how do you know youre only using 2.1?15:23
CShadowRuni mean i went to xchats website (xchat.org) and most of the links are broken15:23
CShadowRunit frustrated me more than anything else.15:23
caveymasoni got it :)15:23
Toddwhen i rotate my 3D desktop,the totem window will turn blue,any suggestions?15:23
CShadowRunso as i said in my original question, window tiling, good documentation and scripting :p15:23
mosibfuCShadowRun, xchat-guile is the xchat scripting engine, its quite good, dont know if it comes with doc tho15:23
CShadowRunhehe, kinda useless if it don't have docs, how are you supposed to use it without docs >.>15:24
CShadowRunguess? lol15:24
PiciCShadowRun: Try the in-program help.15:24
Picior the manpages.15:24
mosibfuCShadowRun, but there must be some proper docs for it, Guile is the GNU Scheme implementation, and the official GNU scripting language.15:24
CShadowRunok, i'll take another look at xchat15:25
CShadowRuneven though there website makes me want to stab someone, lets hope the client is better :p15:25
CK_MYany mp3 cutter for ubuntu ?15:25
mosibfuthe scripting language is guile ;) find their docs and you shuld be doing fine, imho the client is better then mirc cuz it comes less complicated out of the box15:25
CShadowRunso do i want xchat or xchat-gnome?15:26
ScuniziCK_MY, cutter? you mean editor?  audacity15:26
arvind_khadriOprtz, sorry wasnt around15:26
mosibfuxchat and xchat-guile   guile docs are: http://static.fi/~zeenix/xchat-guile/15:26
DJonesCShadowRun: xchat is the better version, xchat-gnome is a cut down version15:26
CShadowRunkk :)15:26
Oprtzarvind_khadri:  no problem15:26
arvind_khadriOprtz, try issuing compiz15:26
CK_MYScunizi, yes i edit for my phone ringtone15:27
alexvdhello trying to do upgrade from gusty to hardy heron but the update manager is hanging on the first step.  I have uncommented out all third party repositories and applied all new updates.  Anyone know a way to get this to work?15:27
ScuniziCK_MY, Audicity will work fine.. however you may have to read the docs to see how to get mp3 working.15:27
CK_MYScunizi, no GUI ?15:27
Scunizialexvd, try #ubuntu+115:28
arvind_khadriOprtz, and do install CCSM too15:28
alexvdscunizi: is that another channel on freenode?15:28
ScuniziCK_MY, ah.. you didnt mention that before... sorry I don't know..15:28
arvind_khadrialeX-xx, YEAH15:28
Scunizialexvd, yes.. for Hardy support15:28
sivelanyone have a fix for a usb headset? lsusb shows it, as does alsamixer, but sound still comes out of the reg speajers15:29
aschmackck_my, i think that xmms2 has a command line interface15:29
aschmackCK_MY, there's also mpg12315:29
arvind_khadrimpg123 rocks :)15:29
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=== CShadowRun is now known as cshadowrun
CK_MYaschmack, i will try thanks15:30
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Oprtzarvind_khadri: : i use this command and its starts downloading   sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager15:30
arvind_khadriOprtz, yeah thats correct15:30
cshadowrunok, i'm in xchat :)15:30
marx2kAnyone here use naim?15:30
cshadowrunhow would i get it to tile windows?15:30
Oprtzarvind_khadri:  i wish i learb terminal commands like you guys learned15:31
Scunizicshadowrun, go to the tab and right mouse click and choose detatch15:31
OprtzTerminal is very scary15:31
ChaosTheory^marx2k: Can you use naim on Ubuntu?15:31
cshadowrunah i see, yea detatched it15:31
ChaosTheory^How can you reset the default terminal profile through terminal, without using the menu bar?15:31
arvind_khadriOprtz, :) its not scary,jus spend time with it,read docs about it15:31
cshadowrunthen i can use beryl to tile them15:32
arvind_khadriOprtz, i love terminal more than the GUI,its easy to use15:32
cshadowruni mean compiz, it's compiz now lol15:32
marx2kChaosTheory^: of course15:32
cshadowrunany way to make windows automatically open detatched?15:32
marx2kdefault terminal profile?15:32
ChaosTheory^marx2k: Trying it out. =P15:32
ChaosTheory^marx2k: Naim was one of the main reasons I switched to Ubuntu. XD15:32
Scunizicshadowrun, not sure15:32
cshadowrunScunizi, aww.15:33
ChaosTheory^marx2k: Do you know how to fix my problem?15:33
marx2kI have an issue in naim though where it keeps sending people blank messages every few minutes... cant figure out why15:33
gh0sthello, how can i set my case fan speed?15:33
marx2kChaosTheory^: Im not really sure what your problem is15:33
ChaosTheory^marx2k: I made a new profile in terminal where the menu bar was disabled and I set it as my default. =P15:33
Scunizicshadowrun, now if you want to irc on cli.. irssi is the bomb .. then if y ou combine it with screen you've got an environment that can be fun15:34
ChaosTheory^marx2k: I want to go back to my default profile.15:34
cshadowrunhehe yea i've played with IRSSI, problem with it is its not GUI15:34
cshadowrunand i like my mouse :(15:34
marx2kChaosTheory^: not sure. I dont use terminal. when I use naim, I am ssh'ing to my home linux box (like now) via PuTTY15:34
quaalare md raid5 disks supposed to be checked on boot15:34
ChaosTheory^marx2k: Oh, I see.15:34
mormonirssi is insecure15:34
marx2kmormon: how so?15:34
ChaosTheory^marx2k: Actually, I think centerim is pretty easy to use. =P15:35
quaalmormons are insecure15:35
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
mormonirssi leak your info too much15:35
cshadowrunScunizi http://cshadowrun.googlepages.com/mycomputer.PNG that's what i'm trying to achieve :)15:35
cshadowrunbottem left 2 displays with the window tiles :p15:35
arvind_khadribazhang, hey u around15:35
mormonand you have no option to fix that15:35
miturburu__Any one own a motherboard pcchips k750m? Google just throws me  results about the sony phone15:35
mormontha's irssi15:35
marx2kmormon: How do you mean it leaks your info?15:35
miturburu__I need to know how much memory I can put in it15:35
mormonhehehe, it's secret15:35
arvind_khadriis there anyway to remove unused libs??15:35
erUSULarvind_khadri: deborphan15:36
arvind_khadrinot autoremove15:36
erUSUL!info deborphan > arvind_khadri15:36
Scunizimormon, irssi.. did I miss type.. oops15:36
aschmackcshadowrun,  how many monitors do you have?15:36
mormonis there any bitchx fan in here?15:36
cshadowruncurrently? 915:37
cshadowrunthat's an old screenshot ;)15:37
cshadowrunalthough i'm not using them all, i'm trying to cut down :)15:37
marx2kmormon: Uh, considering some of us use irssi, you may want to 'let us in' on the secret15:37
* cshadowrun is aiming at using just 2 computers with 5 or 6 displays :p15:37
aschmackand, does anyone have a g15 in here15:38
ChaosTheory^marx2k: Just installed, having the same problem, too.15:38
cshadowrunyes, i have a G1515:38
marx2kChaosTheory^: weir,d right? I dont get it..15:38
cshadowrunaschmack i have a G15 :)15:38
ChaosTheory^marx2k: CenterIM is a better text-based client. =P15:38
aschmackdo you have libg15 running yet15:38
cshadowrunaschmack no, i tried to get it to work and it kept saying i didn't have libg15render installed, even though i did.15:39
xsachahi, i use biosplash.xpm.gz as my grub bootsplash.. if i overwrite biosplash.xpm.gz with another image which is a larger size, will it still work?15:39
arvind_khadriOprtz, so is that working??15:39
Darcklaui have a problem whit my ubuntu 7.10 install on ga-p31-ds3l mobo, no acces to the install option15:40
arvind_khadrican ubuntu be installed in cell phone???15:41
xsachathere is Ubuntu Mobile15:41
arvind_khadrixsacha, where do i find it??15:41
xsachaarvind_khadri: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/mobile15:41
alx54555hi there! my hdd just crashed, i am booting from live/cd now... anyone know a good site where is explained how to mount my drive from kubuntu/live/cd *cantfindquestionmark*15:41
Darcklaushift+/ give u the ?15:42
ChaosTheory^marx2k: I'm getting blank messages from myself even after uninstall naim.15:42
arvind_khadrixsacha, but thats something for the higher end...i meant something for the not so higher end...like mototola E615:42
marx2kChaosTheory^: Ok... that is REALLY weird.. dont know what to tell you on that one :) You sure it's not running? (Even though you uninstalled it)15:43
erUSULarvind_khadri: open a terminal do sudo -i; once root → mount -t auto /dev/sdxx /mnt/15:43
xsachaalx54555: ^^15:43
alx54555darcklau right but i got german keyboard *smiley*15:43
ChaosTheory^marx2k: Yes.15:43
ChaosTheory^marx2k: . . . -_-"15:43
arvind_khadrierUSUL, thanks15:43
erUSULarvind_khadri: /dev/sdxx is the partition device it could be /dev/hdxx where in both cases xx is a1 a2 a5 b4 depending on the configuration of your disks15:43
arvind_khadrierUSUL, have you tried it???15:44
erUSULarvind_khadri: fdisk -l would give you a list of your partitions should be easy to espot the one you need to mount15:44
arvind_khadrierUSUL, thats for a mobile right??15:44
alx54555xsacha hey could u please help me instead of `` pleeeese15:44
alx54555hi there! my hdd just crashed, i am booting from live/cd now... anyone know a good site where is explained how to mount my drive from kubuntu/live/cd *cantfindquestionmark*15:44
wersI have installed prism. I'm trying it now but whenever I try to convert a website to application, I get "Please choose a shortcut location" even if I have already chosen an image15:44
nextstepdoes anyone know of a program for ubuntu that will take a full system image of your machine, sort of like ghost.  Obviously will have to be a live CD since you wouldnt be able to do that from inside the OS15:44
wersany idea? :)15:44
xsachaalx54555: erUSUL is talking to you but mistakenly using "arvind"'s name15:44
xsachaalx54555: that is what i meant by ^^ (arrows, look up)15:45
erUSULarvind_khadri: o sorry my comments are for alx54555 .... somehow tab comletion has betrayed me :|15:45
alx54555aah erusul ok15:45
tomd123does ubuntu 8.04 alternate have an option to install just base system, no gnome?15:45
jribnextstep: partimage15:45
fleanextstep: dd15:45
Picitomd123: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.15:45
erUSULalx54555: see my comments to arvind_khadri ....15:45
alx54555ok thx erusul15:45
arvind_khadrierUSUL, thats ok,,,thats wat i was wondering15:45
nextstepthanks .. let me check partimage out ...15:45
Picinextstep: mondo too15:46
arvind_khadrierUSUL, so any idea about embedded ubuntu...15:46
xsachaarvind_khadri: no version of ubuntu for that i think15:46
nextstepafter this last bout of explosions with hardy i have moved back to gutsy and want to prevent the reinstall for happening again .. :-D15:46
xsachabut there would be a few linux distros that would work fine15:46
arvind_khadrixsacha, hmm well can i find embedded linux for it atleast??15:47
xsachait runs on linux standard15:47
erUSULarvind_khadri: no sorry :|15:47
MrBillI've just installed Ubuntu Gutsy and configured Evolution for use with my email. Is there a way to get 2 way syncing with google calender yet? I've googled around a bit and only found old solutions that offer 1 way only.15:47
nextstepwow .. so partimage can work inside a running OS ?15:47
arvind_khadrixsacha, hmm would u mind naming them??15:47
cshadowrunmy sound isn't working in xchat15:48
humanohi, can i add a route throug the interfaces file?15:48
vltHello. I got 4 weekly logfiles in /var/log/auth.log*   Where can I increase the number if these logfiles kept?15:48
xsachaarvind_khadri: not sure but since it comes with linux, im sure there would be some distros made to run on it15:49
arvind_khadrixsacha hmm thanks for that...any particular URL to search for it??15:49
xsachaarvind_khadri: you could probably just hack that linux it comes with15:49
arvind_khadrixsacha, i dont think it comes with linux as it freezes/hangs very often :) its symbian i guess15:50
xsachaarvind_khadri: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/68/MOTOROKR_E6_ScreenShot.png ... this one right?15:50
xsachalinux smartphone15:50
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:50
MrBillDoes anyone have 2 way syncing between google calendar and evolution happening? or is that not possible at this time?15:50
Piciunicum: !alsa points to !sound15:51
mikikol1000felraktam a serveremre egy phpmyadmint ugyhogy mindenki láthassa csak ezt az egyetlent nem tom beálitani:15:51
mikikol1000A konfigurációs fájl beállítása (root hozzáférés jelszó nélkül) az alapértelmezett MySQL beállítás. A MySQL szerver most ezzel fut, ami alkalmat ad a betörésre. Sürgősen javítani kell ezt a biztonsági rést.15:51
arvind_khadrixsacha, well that looks a lot more different in India :)15:51
Pici!hu | mikikol100015:51
ubotumikikol1000: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál15:51
xsachaMontavista Linux operating system?15:51
rhineheart_mhello.. is this correct: ServerName www.domain.com domain.com?15:51
mikikol1000uboutu tudom15:51
mikikol1000xd bot15:51
xsachai think there might be more than one E6.. is it a ROKR E6?15:52
Lamego!es | estudiante915:52
ubotuestudiante9: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:52
ScuniziMrBill, only one way right now.15:52
MrBillScunizi: how labour intensive is it? Is there a better mail/calendar client I can/should be using that will make this task easier for myself?15:52
xsachaarvind_khadri: apparently all E6xx series are linux-based (they are the only linux E series) and ROKR E6 also linux-based15:53
arvind_khadrixsacha, hey that sounds cool15:53
ScuniziMrBill, you trying to have your calendar online and accessable anytime?15:53
arvind_khadrixsacha, but it hangs up a lot,would u tell me about L9 plzzz15:54
xsachaarvind_khadri: do you know which one is yours? is it rokr e6 or e6xx?15:54
MrBillScunizi: yes, I'd like to be able to sync my google calendars (already in use and configured to share with other google calendar users) synced up with something on my desktop15:54
arvind_khadrixsacha, its one of my frnds its rokr e615:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsamixer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:54
xsachaoh, well it already runs linux15:54
alx54555erUSUL thank u so much that worked out!! now for some reason i have no right to access the folder i was searching for, ill try to use chmod.. brb %)15:55
xsachaarvind_khadri: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorola_ROKR_E615:55
xsachaarvind_khadri: it uses this linux distro: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montavista15:55
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:55
arvind_khadrixsacha, it hangs up a lot...15:55
DJonesxsacha: arvind_khadri although its off topic, you could look into the openmoko project and its neo1973 mobile phone15:55
xsachaDJones: he wanted to know if he could get ubuntu on that phone15:56
ScuniziMrBill, since g-calendars only sync's one way right now.. it makes it tough.. evolution will sync for the desktop .. but pushing data back to calendar isn't happening yet.15:56
arvind_khadriDJones, do they have some irc??15:56
donkey7186I need help. Ever since my monitor messed up it takes me longer to load after logon. is there anyway to speed it up? or restore the computer to an earlier state??15:56
DJonesxsacha: right, ok15:56
MrBillI know google has just released an app for windows that brings 2 way syncing to Outlook... was hoping there was a similar solution on the linux side.... I'm just in the process of moving from M$ to Ubuntu15:56
MrBillI will sit and be patient I guess, I'm sure someone will develop a solution at some point, seems like a feature that would be looked at by someone smarter than me at some point =)15:57
ScuniziMrBill, if they have an app.. there might be an api that could be used.. sometimes www.google.com/linux works better for finding info than www.google.com15:57
DJonesarvind_khadri: I've heard of people using irc via a mobile phone, but I don't know what they used15:57
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xsachaarvind_khadri: it's linux and it has gcc, so you can compile an irc client :)15:57
nextstepjrib:  in partimage how would you get it to do the main filesystem drive since it is mounted?15:58
MrBillok, thanks for the help Scunizi15:58
arvind_khadrixsacha,  u mean on rokr E615:58
punzadaI use irc on my phone all the time, but it runs windows mobile.15:58
ScuniziMrBill, np.. welcome to the faternity15:58
magnetroncshadowrun: yes15:58
arvind_khadriDjones :) am asking that do openmoko ppl have an irc here15:58
xsachayeah openmoko has irc too15:58
arvind_khadrixsacha, how bout L915:59
magnetroncshadowrun: search for "mp3" in synaptic, you'll find a ton15:59
Piciarvind_khadri: yes, #openmoko15:59
DJonesarvind_khadri: oh right, i don't know15:59
donkey7186I need help. Ever since my monitor messed up it takes me longer to load after logon. is there anyway to speed it up? or restore the computer to an earlier state??15:59
arvind_khadriPici thanks a lot15:59
magnetroncshadowrun: mpg123 is famous15:59
xsachaarvind_khadri: whats L9? by the way, that motorola E6 comes WITH pidgin which has msn and irc i believe15:59
Technovikingcan someone reply to me in chat, testing an irssi script16:00
StroganoffTechnoviking test16:00
ScuniziTechnoviking, what kind of script16:00
gatestoneHey, here is a problem, two screenshots: http://flickr.com/photos/anssi/ has that been fixed in Hardy: oversize windows loose the bottom (Cancel and OK in the 2nd picture) and WITH NO VISUAL indication, so the user does not even know something is missing!16:00
rsc___is it possible to restart X without losing my currently-running apps? I want to switch monitors.16:00
rsc___or is there a way to switch monitors while running X?16:00
WiFialgun canal de redes wifi?16:00
Technovikingfnotify, trying to get libnotify to work with irssi16:00
Stroganoffrsc___: use grandr16:00
Thalandoes someone of you now good rock radio streams?16:01
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:01
rsc___Stroganoff, it doesn't detect my monitor resolution properly16:01
PiciPlease take non support chatter elsewhere.16:01
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Scunizirsc___, you want to physically change the monitors?  don't .. turn things off first..16:02
legend2440nextstep: to use partimage on main filesystem you have to boot up from cd that has partimage. I use system rescue cd http://www.sysresccd.org/Download16:02
rsc___scunizi, I'm using a laptop, and I want to switch from my laptop's display and a VGA monitor ij ust connected.16:02
delfickdoes anyone know of a program that will let me schedule a download for a particular time and shutdown the computer when that download has finished?16:03
Scunizirsc___, then the hot keys on the laptop to switch should work.. otherwise how do you switch them?16:03
Jack_Sparrowdelfick, That sounds like something you will need to script as a cron job...16:03
rsc___scunizi, I used to use grandr, and xrandr --output VGA --auto. for Hardy though for some reason they dont detect my resolution right until I restart X :/16:04
orfeuhello is some one who have a Intel GMA 3100 graphic card ... I have some problems with xgl on this16:04
Jack_Sparrow!hardy > rsc___16:04
delfickJack_sparrow, I looked at that, and I'm able to schedule the download and that part works, but how would I make it shutdown once the download finishes?16:04
Lamegodelfick, that should be as simple as, wget url; shutdown -h now (launched from root's crontab)16:04
rsc___delfick, maybe a shutdown -h now :)16:05
Jack_Sparrowdelfick, man shutdown16:05
Scunizirsc___, if you have background programs running.. then ctrl+alt+backspace will restart the guil.. also sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (the preferred method).. but if you have gui programs running .. no.. they'll get shut down16:05
rsc___or even -hn to force it16:05
rsc___Scunizi, okay. :)16:05
delfickahh, yes, that's right (/me is brandead atm) so it'd be wget [...] && shutdown -h now16:06
Technovikingok think I got it, can someone send me one more reply :)16:06
Odd-rationaleTechnoviking: no16:06
Lamegowith && the system will not be shutdown if the download fails16:06
TechnovikingOdd-rationale: thanks16:06
delfickLamego, so what to use instead? :)16:07
Lamegodelcoyote, wget url ; shutdown16:07
jhaigWhat is the equivalent of chkconfig in Ubuntu?  Ie, the tool for enabling and disabling services at different runlevels.16:07
delficklamego,k then, thnx.....16:08
delfick "delcoyote" ?16:08
Lamegoops, was delfick16:08
CK_MYwhy mozilla default download manager wont come out when i download thing ?16:09
delfickcool, thnx for the help :)16:09
bkcis there a mirror problem? I'm getting 404 not found during aptitude..16:11
bkcon 2 different machines..16:11
bkchttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main libdirectfb-1.0-0 1.0.1-7ubuntu2 [ERROR]16:11
bkc 404 Not Found [IP: 80]16:11
suxxorwhere is the directory of default mysql demon server , i wants to erase this directory not to prevent default starting of tool , entering in session16:11
bkcE: Failed to fetch                                                                                  ▒│16:11
bkc│   http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/evolution-data-server/libedataserver1.2-9_1.12.1-▒│16:11
bkc│   0ubuntu1_amd64.deb: 404 Not Found [IP: 80]16:11
CK_MYwhy mozilla default download manager wont come out when i download thing ?16:11
Pici!hardy | bkc16:12
ubotubkc: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:12
LjL!paste | bkc16:12
ubotubkc: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:12
bkcubotu. ok only one of these errors is from hardy the other is gutsy16:12
suxxor where is the directory of default mysql daemon server , i wants to erase this directory to prevent default starting of tool , entering in session , somebody to help me16:13
wapkojhaig: sysv-rc-conf should do it.16:14
archmananyone found compiz config settings manager WAY to buggy? i want to save profile and all of a sudden my settings disappear; i turn on shift switcher and expo turns off...16:14
days_of_ruinnautilus search doesn't work for me16:14
ballesackThe Stallion16:14
archmanis there any other manager?16:14
ballesackA full grown stallion's cock, when fully erect, will measure some two to16:14
ballesackthree feet long.  It can be three to six inches thick at the base, to about16:14
ballesacktwo inches thick at the head.  Horses are somewhat different from other16:14
ballesackanimals in the way their cock head works.  When a horse is fully erect and16:14
nignacknoCongratulations on your purchase of a brand new nigger! If handled properly, your nigger will give years of valuable, if reluctant, service.16:14
ballesackexcited and ready to mount, his cock head is somewhat pointed and not as16:14
nignacknoOwing to a design error, your nigger comes equipped with a tongue and vocal chords. Most niggers can master only a few basic human phrases with this apparatus - "muh dick" being the most popular. However, others make barking, yelping, yapping noises and appear to be in some pain, so you should probably call a vet and have him remove your nigger's tongue. Once de-tongued your nigger will be a lot happier - at least, you won't hear it complaining anywhere nea16:15
ballesackthick as might be normally observed.  This is to facillatate an easier16:15
raymondHi all can anyone help me? im trying to get my microphone to work on my toshiba f30 laptop16:15
ballesackentry into the mare.  After the horse has entered and reaches a climax the16:15
bkchow do I report networking problems w/ a repository?16:15
ballesackhead swells (though it is more spongy then hard) into a fist sized mass as16:15
ballesackhe ejacultates.  It is thought that this serves as a plug to force the16:15
ballesacksemen deep into the mare rather then allowing it to leak out.  A full grown16:15
DJones!ops | balls16:15
ubotuballs: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!16:15
archmanis there an alternative to ccsm?16:15
DJoneswhoops wrong nick16:15
archmanSiSSy: like ccsm?16:16
KiSZnonackhi friens16:16
SiSSyreally lightwieght16:16
archmanSiSSy: has features like ccsm?16:17
troubledLjL: still fighting the good fight I see :)16:17
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!16:18
ubotuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.16:18
gorbierd!ubotu boot16:19
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto16:19
gorbierdubotu !boot16:19
ex17someone knows a Python Chan??16:19
Piciex17: #python16:19
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.16:20
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.16:20
jharknHi, ubuntu noob here, can anyone point me in the right direction?  I tried booting 8.04 beta, 64bit version; the kernel appears to load and then the screen goes black and stays black :/16:20
Picijharkn: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.16:20
SiSSybrb reboot16:20
echinosThere is a option to test for the best mirror to use (speed wise) in the GUI software sources tool; is there a way to do that from command line on a machine with no X?16:20
ex17ubuntu 8 is Hardy?16:21
Piciex17: Yes, it is not yet released.16:21
wapko14 days ;)16:21
pdlnhrddoes anyone know of a good XML editor that is not oxygen and that is standalone?16:21
ex17but, when the stable is released? it'll be Hardy =P?16:21
soundray!hardy | ex1716:22
ubotuex17: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:22
Seveasex17, no, it's "hardy" now, and "8.04" when released16:22
Bug2000Where's rc.conf in Ubuntu?16:22
CK_MYwhich avi editor is better?16:23
soundrayBug2000: do you mean init files? /etc/init.d/16:23
Bug2000I mean the general config. Such as where do I enable modules.16:23
SeveasBug2000, step out of the redhat mindset16:23
StroganoffCK_MY better than...? avidemux?16:23
Bug2000I don't do redhat. I do Arch.16:23
Seveaseven worse ;)16:23
Bug2000You mean better.16:24
Bug2000Arch rulez.16:24
ChaosTheory^How can I converter .tex files to .lyx?16:24
jhaigwapko: Thanks.16:24
soundrayKick him, kick him!16:24
SeveasBug2000, then /join #archlinux :)16:24
Seveassoundray, behave16:24
Bug2000Seveas: I need to do it for a friend in Ubuntu.16:24
SeveasBug2000, booting is different in Ubuntu and will only change more (for the better) in the future16:24
Bug2000Seveas: Applying IPv6 for him.16:24
SeveasBug2000, that's enabled by default in ubuntu16:24
Bug2000What about tun?16:24
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.16:25
pdlnhrddoes anyone have any good suggestions for a XML editor that isn't oxygen?16:25
no0ticBug2000, install aiccu16:25
ChaosTheory^Anyone know?16:25
amenadoBug2000-> look inside  /etc/modules16:25
Bug2000no0tic: I'm using gateway6 client.16:25
Bug2000amenado: Thanks.16:25
SeveasBug2000, should be inserten when needed by the gateway6 client16:25
SeveasBug2000, alternatively: echo tun > /etc/modules16:25
soundraySeveas: better >>16:26
Seveassoundray, err, right :)16:26
geniipdlnhrd: http://xml-copy-editor.sourceforge.net/ is getting good reviews and has an ubuntu deb package (i386)    I have not used it myself however16:26
pdlnhrdgenii:  thanks i will check it out16:26
geniipdlnhrd: np16:26
anal_curtaini need a good source for toilet paper kernel16:26
amenadopdlnhrd-> dont the java ide's have them?16:26
xplozionHi everyone16:26
archmanwhats the good alternative to ccsm?16:27
pdlnhrdamenado:  i use eclipse.  and it suckes... even the oxygen plugin  and the xml-buddy plugin16:27
xplozioni have got a problem compiling a package :( it seems that g++ is broken. im using ubuntu feisty, fresh install16:27
soundraySeveas: ^^ abuse (anal_curtain)16:27
Stroganoffanal_curtain: kernel.org16:27
medhathow to upgrade netbeans to version 616:27
soundray!b-e | xplozion16:27
ubotuxplozion: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:28
Seveasthanks soundray, was looking away for a second...16:28
soundraySeveas: they always know when to sneak in...16:28
archmani need compiz-fusion settings manager. any?16:28
raymondcan anyone help me out getting my mic to work ?16:28
xplozionsoundray: its nothing like that.....16:28
raymondi have a Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)16:28
Seveasarchman, apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager16:28
soundray!ccsm | archman16:28
ubotuarchman: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion16:28
vladuz976hey, will linux ever gain more popularity in the business world? I mean with all the MS Office stuff not available it's hard for companies to switch even if they want to.16:29
Benji1is it possible to view webcams on msn in ubuntu now?16:29
Chousukevladuz976: offtopic16:29
soundrayxplozion: have you installed build-essential?16:29
archmansoundray: anything else; ccsm is VERY bugy...16:29
Chousukevladuz976: ask on #ubuntu-offtopic instead16:29
Picivladuz976: please take this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks16:29
vladuz976Pici: Chousuke thanks16:29
SlartBenji1: if you have a webcam that works with ubuntu, yes16:30
ex17Benji1: I can16:30
SlartBenji1: oh.. sorry.. didn't see the msn part.. I have no idea then16:30
SlartBenji1: are you running msn using wine?16:30
hischildBenji1, amsn can use webcams fine, yes16:31
StroganoffBenji1: use amsn is supports webcams16:31
Benji1no, I heard aMsn works and you can see other peoples webcams?16:31
Benji1ok cool16:31
Roger_Smithyou can if you install amsn, but only one way last time i checked16:31
archman@Seveas: alternative?16:31
hischildRoger_Smith, works fine both ways for me16:31
ex17both ways also16:31
Roger_Smithah coo then they updated :D16:31
ex17amsn opens 2 distinct windows with the video16:32
SeveasMez, don't mess with bans if you don't know what you're doing16:32
ChaosTheory^I have 1337 packages installed. =P16:32
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toot_jenkhey soundray why are you such a kike?16:33
archman@Seveaz: is there an alternative to ccsm?16:33
PiciSeveas: we're discussing it in -ops.16:33
pdlnhrdhey genii.... that is exactly what i was looking for... thanks... it works perfect16:34
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kosmonauti could need some advice: I have updated ubuntu to hardy today. It worked fine. Since I have a separate /home partition all my data are still there. BUT i cannot enable my secondary user. Whenever I want to enable it with "System->Adminiastration->User". My computer says that I already have that 2nd user. But the 2nd user "add-able" any ideas?16:34
Seveasarchman, manually setting things with gconf-editor :)16:34
xplozionsoundray, yes i have everything, but the problem happens when compiling it.. a paste from the error is: download_list.cc:359: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault16:34
ex17how can I disable Ctrl+Alt+Backspace?16:34
hischildkosmonaut, join #ubuntu+116:34
soundrayxplozion: does it fail in the same fashion each time you try?16:35
xplozionsoundray, yes16:35
geniipdlnhrd: np16:35
medhathey any one knows how to upgrade netbeans 5.5 to netbeans version 616:35
tanubisex17: go to system, preferences, keyboard shortcuts and remove the mapping16:35
ex17thanks tanubis16:35
=== ka2u0 is now known as ka2zzzz
soundrayxplozion: have you thought about upgrading to gutsy?16:35
xplozionsoundray, no. a distro upgrade is not the proper solution imho16:36
crdlbarchman: the profile support is indeed buggy (the problem isn't just ccsm itself though), but everything else should work correctly16:36
soundrayxplozion: since you were suspecting g++...16:37
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u0
xplozionsoundray, what version of g++ gutsy install?16:37
soundray!info g++16:37
ubotug++ (source: gcc-defaults (1.59ubuntu2)): The GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.2-9ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB16:37
tanubisbit of a generic question:  Does anyone know if you can hook multiple bluetooth headsets onto a pc at one time?  I've got an ubuntu teamspeak client that's connecting one store to 3 other stores, we want our staff to be able to talk with each other.  Can I connect 3-5 headsets to one PC so they all get access to the same audio in/out?16:37
keit1I've found several methods to get evolution to work with hotmail, most dating back from 2006/7.  what is the most current up-to-date method for retrieving these mails?16:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about evolution - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:38
ubotuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.16:38
Seveaskeit1, there are things like hotpop that act as a pop3 frontend to hotmail16:39
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.16:39
jdix123is there a network support / kernel recompile channel?16:39
keit1Seveas: why might I find out more16:39
Seveaskeit1, google :)16:40
soundraykeit1: apt-cache search hotmail16:40
yaccHmmm, how does one install the "illegal" codecs?16:40
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:40
soundray!medibuntu | yacc16:41
ubotuyacc: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:41
keit1soundray: cheers16:41
ex17is there a file where the enabled/disabled option key combinations are saved?16:42
dward526hi all16:43
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:43
^Migs^I'm installing a new OS.  I have Ubuntu 7.10 here, but what's especially new in 8.04?16:43
^Migs^wondering if I should wait for its release16:44
jdix123is there a network support / kernel compilation channel?16:44
TMC_i can't seem to get some links of my desktop16:44
TMC_they won't go to trash16:44
kane77jdix123, I would guess #kernel16:44
Slartjdix123: not that I know of.. at least not specifically for ubuntu. But try asking here16:44
dward526^Migs^: install 7.10, you can update later16:44
rwycuff^Migs^:just install 7.10 and do apt-get upgrade-dist to get 8.0416:44
unicumanyone here running ubuntu on a macbook?? got a couple of problems i'd like solved, but even the how tos seem to be not quite working16:44
SeveasLjL, floodbots fighting --^16:44
soundrayex17: for disabling Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, you want to add 'Option "DontZap" "yes" ' to the ServerFlags section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:45
dward526^Migs^: yes16:45
^Migs^oh okay, will do16:45
jdix123I'm trying to recompile the kernel for IPX support, and I found some howtos online, but they are written with the assumption I already know how to recompile16:45
^Migs^I didn't realize I could do that16:45
^Migs^<--- noob16:45
Pici!hardy | ^Migs^ rwycuff16:45
ubotu^Migs^ rwycuff: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:45
^Migs^that's a little too convenient16:45
Morten^Toftanybody here know the solution to fix the no-sound problem on a macbook with the beta?16:45
dward526^Migs^: nice feature it is though16:45
^Migs^ya no kidding16:45
^Migs^k, 7.10 it is16:45
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soundray!kernelcompile | jdix12316:46
ubotujdix123: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages16:46
Seveasjdix123, you don't need to recompile to enable ipx. Just load the kernel module: sudo modprobe ipx16:46
soundrayMorten^Toft: ask in #ubuntu+1 please16:46
Morten^Toftsoundray: okay, thanks16:46
jdix123whats the option to load at bootup?16:47
biebI have ubuntu 7.10 running on my machine... sound used to work although it was crappy.. now no sound at all.. any ideas where to start?16:47
=== faces is now known as ilmago
Seveasjdix123, echo ipx | sudo tee -a /etc/modules16:47
dave421Hi folks - how do I install the dummy network adapter module?16:47
Seveasdave421, what do you mean with 'dummy network adapter module'?16:48
jdix123I knew it had to be relatively simple.  THanks Seveas16:48
dave421as in to add a dummy network adaptor, using modprobe16:48
dave421(sorry if I get the terminology wrong - this is an area of linux I've yet to dabble with extensively)16:48
Seveasthere is no such thing as a 'dummy network adapter'16:48
soundraydave421: it should autoload if you have the lines 'auto lo' and 'iface lo inet loopback' in /etc/network/interfaces16:49
unicumshouldn't it be "aptitude upgrade-dist"??16:49
randomnumberhello can anyone help me with a very very very strange problem?16:49
dave421I'm pretty sure there is one, Seveas ;)16:49
unicumit tells me upgrade-dist is an unknown command16:49
CannibalMhello again everyone.16:49
dave421as in here: http://www.rkeene.org/projects/info/wiki/7716:49
Seveasdave421, you might be refering to the loopback interface,
soundrayunicum: 'sudo aptitude dist-upgrade'16:49
CannibalMWho here rocks out with SSL and the server edition of ubuntu 7.10?16:49
dave421soundray - I'm not talking about the loopback adapter, but a dummy adapter16:49
CannibalMI have 9 machines out of 10 working, the last one is a fighter.16:49
hischildsoundray, he's talking about alias devices, like eth0:016:49
Seveasdave421, hmm, never seen that before and it seems awfully useless to me...16:49
unicumdoesn't do anything on that16:50
biebany have any ideas on my sound issue?16:50
dave421Seveas - not at all.  I'm using EC2 with an ubuntu image, and i'm going to be running software that requires a network adapter with a specific MAC address.  I can't change the MAC address of eth0, because that makes the EC2 instance unreachable16:50
soundrayhischild: apparently not -- see the link he's posted16:50
unicumnot even after update16:50
hischildsoundray, link? must be blind today16:50
dave421so I'm going to make a seperate network on my EC2 instance which routes through the actual eth0 interface16:50
jdix123while I'm here, how can i make a script that loads at bootup?16:51
dave421and that's where this dummy interface comes in :)16:51
tanubisanyone know if you can have multiple bluetooth headsets sharing one dongle and one sound input / output?16:51
hischildsoundray, perhaps tunctl?16:51
Seveasdave421, that sounds like you're trying to fool a bad copy protection16:51
soundray!boot | jdix12316:51
ubotujdix123: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto16:51
dave421Seveas - no, I'm doing this with the permission of the company that makes it16:51
zo0mguyhow do I install mysql on unbuntu plz16:51
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:51
Seveasdave421, there's really no reason we should beleive that ;)16:52
dave421but yes, that is the general idea.  It's more to identify the user of the software (ie me) to the company, than fooling anything or getting round licensing16:52
dave421Seveas - there's no reason to not believe it!16:52
zo0mguy#apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient12-dev ?16:52
dave421they even gave me a week's long licence to try this out16:52
dave421so I don't have to fork over €3000 if it doesn't work16:52
dave421(3000 euros)16:52
tanubiszo0mguy yeah, that should give the basics to you.  You'll need to know a bit about how to configure it after you install it though.16:52
Seveasdave421, the all-to-commonness of piracy is ;) But anyway, there's a 'dummy' module in my kernel. Doesn't 'sudo modprobe dummy' work for you?16:53
hischilddave421, if you must use it, i suggest you take a look at tunctl to create a tap device which you can route to your eth0.16:53
dave421Seveas - nope, it says "FATAL: Module dummy not found"16:53
Seveasdave421, odd, which kernel version?16:53
Seveas(uname -a)16:53
soundray!lamp | zo0mguy, this page contains help on installing and configuring mysql16:53
ubotuzo0mguy, this page contains help on installing and configuring mysql: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)16:53
tanubiszo0mguy once you've got those packages in, I'd recommend phpmysqladmin to finish setting it up.16:54
zo0mguythanks tanubis16:54
Seveastanubis, zo0mguy: it's phpmyadmin, not phpmysqladmin ;)16:54
dave421hischild - that sounds like a great idea16:54
tanubisapologies :S16:54
Seveasdave421, ah, you built your own kernel16:54
zo0mguyor phpflashadmin :)16:54
dave421Seveas - well, actually I used an existing EC2 image provided through Amazon16:54
dave421I guess that guy made his own :)16:54
_moro_bana_ is freeBSD not linux?16:54
Seveasdave421, this is Ubuntu support, not EC2 support :)16:55
Seveas_moro_bana_, no16:55
dave421Seveas - the problem is with Ubuntu, not EC216:55
hischilddave421, if you're using xen, you should be able to just add a second NIC and route it through dom016:55
dave421hischild - it's Amazon's xen, though16:55
Seveasdave421, ubuntu kernels have this module. You don't run an Ubuntu kernel16:55
dave421Seveas - it's a ubuntu kernel16:56
zo0mguyhere is what I get:16:56
zo0mguy~$ apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient12-dev16:56
zo0mguyE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)16:56
zo0mguyE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?16:56
FloodBot1zo0mguy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:56
hischilddave421, well, then please explain to me why you need ubuntu support if you're running a domU kernel, while you could just add a second nic to it and route dom0 for it?16:56
Seveaszo0mguy, sudo apt-get install .... etc16:56
TWP-SirStaalI did run wine with Ubuntu (the 2.1.4 version). When I conected to a server is says "Unable to initialize outbound codec (6.1-11025 hz. 16 bit) unable to find the specified codec. someone know whats wrong?16:56
Seveasyou need the sudo16:56
_moro_bana_Seveas:i thought it was, how are they different then?16:56
zo0mguyok thanks16:56
TWP-SirStaalI did run ventrilo*16:56
kane77zo0mguy, you need to be root to install stuff16:57
Seveas_moro_bana_, different kernel (bsd kernel vs linux), different userland (bsd userland vs gnu)16:57
dave421"Amazon EC2 Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy AMI"16:57
Seveasdave421, ask Amazon for support then.16:57
dave421Seveas - it's a UBUNTU KERNEL :)16:57
dave421so I'll ask Ubuntu :)16:57
hischilddave421, it is not16:57
Seveasdave421, it is not16:57
_moro_bana_its linux kernel16:57
dave421It says Ubuntu all over it, it was built from Ubuntu's source16:58
dave421that makes it about as Ubuntu as possible, surely16:58
Seveasdave421, ubuntu 7.10 has 2.6.20, not 2.6.1616:58
hischilddave421, ubuntu kernels DO have the dummy package. xen support isn't here.16:58
dave421unless it changes its name to Ubuntu McUbuntu, and moves to 100 Ubuntu Towers, Ubuntuville, Ubuntushire.16:58
Seveasdave421, so for the last time: it's not an Ubuntu problem. Ask amazon/ec2 for support.16:58
_moro_bana_Seveas: i kinda understand the kernel stuff, but what is userland16:58
Dazeditwhy can't I login to the ubuntu forums?16:58
dave421hischild - this one is obviously not your stock Ubuntu, but it definitely is Ubuntu16:58
Seveas_moro_bana_, C library, coreutils (rm, ln, cp, ls ...) lots of low level things16:59
hischilddave421, ubuntu means that you run the ubuntu kernel. You run the xen kernel. It might be build for ubuntu, but it isn't the ubuntu kernel. Please ask amazon for help if they run dom0.16:59
Seveas_moro_bana_, the GUI is X.org, it's pretty much the same on bsd and linux16:59
dave421but let's not get bogged down in semantics.  hischild - how can I install that tunctl?16:59
KennethPI'm trying to keep a package from being updated with sudo echo <package> hold|dpkg --set-selections but gets this error: dpkg: operation requires read/write access to dpkg status area. Any ideas?17:00
SuperQKennethP: sudo?17:00
SuperQI seee17:00
SeveasKennethP, echo <package> hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections17:00
KennethPSuperQ: yes and I enter the pw also17:00
SlartKennethP: I think using sudo like that only runs the first part as root.. ie the stuff after the pipe thingy isn't run as root17:01
Seveasyou had the sudo on the wrong place17:01
SeveasSlart, precisely :)17:01
SuperQKennethP: sudo isn't passed through the |17:01
_moro_bana_Seveasl i see, have to try bsd maybe,experiment. thanks a lot for the info17:01
KennethPahhhh - thanks guys!17:01
hischilddave421, ok. Despite the doubts i'll give you a hand. it should be provided in a package.17:02
Seveas_moro_bana_, if you want to try bsd, there's several flavors: freebsd, netbsd, openbsd. I prefer freebsd over the others17:02
dave421thanks, hischild, I appreciate it :)17:02
hischilddave421, uml-utilities17:03
hischilddave421, and not to be rude or anything, but the man page of that should provide you with all the info you need.17:03
dave421hischild - thanks - I installed that package and now I have it :)17:03
dave421Thanks for your help, it's priceless17:03
_moro_bana_Seveas: can i get it from the internet like ubuntu.what made you come to ubuntu, guess you started with bsd17:04
Seveas_moro_bana_, yes you can. Google is your friend in this case :)17:04
Bankai--i have ubuntu dapper drake server installed on my virtualbox, when i start it up it stops at Kernel loading only, any idea how to fix this?17:04
benanzowhen I encrypt an MBR disk image with a single ext3 filesystem with gpg then do: "cat Image.img.gpg > /dev/sdb1" both parted and fdisk thinks the encrypted partition has a GUID partition table.  Is this normal?17:04
jdix123Seveas:  what is the "tee" command you suggested to load ipx module?17:04
jdix123Bankai:  VBox does not support the server version of the ubuntu kernel17:05
_moro_bana_Seveas: yes i can find it.17:05
Seveasjdix123, it's a way of doing outpur redirection as root. The 'echo ipx | tee -a /etc/modules' command added the word ipx to the /etc/modules files so the module gets loaded at boot time.17:05
dave421and I'd suggest to anyone who's interested to check out Amazon's EC2 service - it's incredibly powerful17:05
dave421if confusing :-P17:05
jdix123Seveas, I get the echo command did that.  what is the tee?  specifically?17:05
Seveasjdix123, 'man tee' for all the details :)17:06
_moro_bana_Seveas: can you handle this one? , my synaptic ,apt,aptitude stopped working17:06
dfeuerI've been looking for info on a wireless networking problem for a while, and haven't yet found info on it, or a person who knows about it.  Specific combo Lenovo T61p with Intel wireless.  Anyone familiar with it?17:06
jdix123oh yeah.  duh.17:06
Seveas_moro_bana_, I need a bit more info :)17:06
Seveas_moro_bana_, like an actual error17:06
aschmackdfeuer, have you tried ndiswrapper17:06
jdix123dfeuer, are you trying to use ndiswrapper?17:07
Seveas!wifi | dfeuer, looked here already?17:07
ubotudfeuer, looked here already?: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:07
cellofellowIs this Flash upgrade safe? I remember some problems with the last one.17:07
_moro_bana_Seveas: well apt just halts at 0% when downlading, wait let me start synaptic and see what it gives me17:07
Seveascellofellow, I haven't heard a problem report about it yet17:07
Seveas_moro_bana_, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list17:07
benanzodoes the header created by GPG resemble the same as a GUID partition table?  Is this coincidence or intentional?17:08
Seveasbenanzo, that sentence made no sense at all, I'm afraid17:08
Seveasgpg has nothing to do with partitions17:08
Seveas(except that it lives on a partition of course, like all files)17:08
benanzocat /dev/sdb1 | gpg -ce > sdb1.img.gpg17:09
benanzocat sdb1.img.gpg | gpg -d > /dev/sdb117:09
benanzocat sdb1.img.gpg > /dev/sdb117:09
benanzoencrypted partition with GPG shows as GPT in fdisk and parted17:10
Seveasahhh :)17:10
oncagot ?s on installing over a wifi connection, I have the 8.4 release iso and I'm using UNetbootin to configure boot.ini and grub, can anyone advise me. I simply need direction to config the WiFi configuration, no wep open auth infrastructure mode I have a SSID.17:10
Seveasbenanzo, that would be completely coincidental17:10
Seveasbenanzo, and there are better ways to encrypt your partitions...17:10
_moro_bana_Seveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62737/17:11
oncaShould it be simple, from the Gnome desktop?17:11
benanzoYes I know but I was just playing around with it and when I went to reformat it I notice the disk has GPT now -- or at least fdisk/parted think it does.  Despite the fact that the data is absolutely scrambled so they don't know what they're looking at anyway.17:12
jdix123onca, I had problems with the gnome front end configuring my wireless, I had to use iwconfig17:12
Seveas_moro_bana_, ah, you've used automatix and enabled the beryl repos. You probably already ruined your system with that17:12
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cellofellowWhy would anybody use Beryl now that there's Compiz-Fusion?17:12
Seveascellofellow, because people might not know that :)17:13
cellofellowFigures. Automatix... yeah, I see your point. :)17:13
benanzothe only thing readable on the disk is the GPG header, which must be incredible similar to a GPT header since both fdisk and parted think that's what it is.17:14
_moro_bana_Seveas: i removed automatix a long time ago after learnign it wasnt good for my system, fresh install then right ?17:14
aschmackis there any special configuring i have to do to install + use emerald or do i just install it via synaptic17:14
Lammy10Hi, what funtion does updatedb have. all of a sudden my CPU light went up and i $ top  and saw that updatedb was on, i did $ man updatedb   but am clueless17:14
Seveasbenanzo, it's not the header that counts, just a few bytes determine what is seen as the partition type17:14
hischildLammy10, it updates a search index which you can use with locate.17:14
Seveas_moro_bana_, well, at least disable the automatix and beryl repos in your sources.list17:14
ikaroshi, how can i set the mtu for my et0 interface so its set to 1500 at startup? i tried "ifconfig eth0 mtu 1500" in rc.local but it didnt work17:15
Lammy10hischild, ah ok, thank you ;)17:15
oncaoh, it appears I need ndiswrapper to install my driver for this wifi card.17:16
Kohnrad1982hello.  Im a recent ubuntu convert and am looking for something similar to Frontpage.  Any ideas?17:16
_moro_bana_Seveas: that is deleting the lines from the file, am i right?17:16
Seveas_moro_bana_, correct17:16
cellofellowKohnrad1982: Nvu, but it's in development. There's a fork that's a KDE program I forgot the name.17:16
cellofellowKomposer I think.17:17
jdix123onca, the ndiswrapper website is extremely helpful in setting it up17:17
hischildwould it be possible (as in, won't cause conflicts) to mount the /home from my laptop via nfs on my main pc as /home and then login as the same user that is logged in on my laptop?17:17
cellofellowhischild: if you use LDAP for the user auth, no problem.17:17
Seveashischild, that can cause "weird" things to happen but is mostly safe if the UID's are the same17:17
aschmackKohnrad1982, komposer or amaya17:17
hischildcellofellow, never heard of LDAP.17:17
echinosgood ol' update-manager -d17:17
hischildSeveas, UID's are user id's? and how would i go about checking those?17:18
Seveashischild, the 'id' command on both machines should give the same number next to your loginname17:18
reconSpeaking of UID's, how do you add a new User ID to a GPG key?17:18
vavincaventKohnrad1982: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsApplicationsEquivalents17:18
oncajdix123, I'm reading up on the process, but the trick is to retain the information and apply it when I dun have access to it. Wich, I'm terrible @.17:18
cellofellowKohnrad1982: Kompozer17:19
mmm4m5mQuestion: Can I unload (like more free space and memory) desktop panel instead delete? I want to have it setup and ready but to load it only when I need it.17:19
reconer, never mind. found it.17:19
Seveasrecon, gpg --edit-key17:19
NitroI'm searching for (hopefully) some answers. When I try to logout, restart, whatever that involves X11, it won't work. X11 refuse to stop, so each time I want to do something I have to use control+alt+backspace. Anyone know a solution?17:19
reconSeveas: thanks.17:19
hischildSeveas, i see. And would i be able to change that number? as my main pc as 1003 and the laptop has 100017:19
_moro_bana_Seveas: one thing i want to ask about fresh installs, my kpvnc on my fresh inst shows its connected to microsoft pptp but my browser can load17:19
jdix123onca, try saving the location of the threads/websites/howtos in a text file.  that's how I re-visit fixes17:19
Seveashischild, difficult but not impossible. Easy to mess up and dangerous :)17:19
Kohnrad1982ok, ill check out kompozer. i was looking at that website, but thought I needed NVU.17:19
hischildSeveas, i see. So the best way to go about that would be to add a new user that has the same id and then use that user to share it. correct?17:20
Seveas_moro_bana_, sorry, I know nothing about kvpnc17:20
benanzohischild: useradd -u "UID" to for a specific uid17:20
cellofellowKohnrad1982: Nvu has fallen by the wayside, I think. I'm not sure though. There's also Seamonkey, the old Mozilla Suite that still has the HTML editor in it.17:20
dmsuperm1nhey guys, ssh'ing from work, and i've just opened irssi17:20
Seveashischild, well, they must have the same username too or some apps will get confused17:20
dmsuperm1nis there a way to make sure that irssi will stay open even if i disconnect? will it?17:21
* ^Migs^ pats dmsuperm1n on the head17:21
Seveasdmsuperm1n, 'man screen' :)17:21
hischildSeveas, ofcourse but that's just common sense imo =)17:21
hischildSeveas, sounds like a new project for tonight once i get back. Thanks and good luck.17:21
\24had0wВсем привет!17:21
benanzohischild: best way to do it is to archive your home dir and any other files your user owns, then remove him and add the new one with "useradd -u "UID" "USERNAME"17:21
Seveashischild, I don't count on commen sense anymore. I've seen people in here do too many stupid things :)17:21
Seveas!ru \24had0w17:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ru \24had0w - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:21
mmm4m5mпривет :)17:21
Seveas!ru | \24had0w mmm4m5m17:21
ubotu\24had0w mmm4m5m: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:21
hischildSeveas, hehe i understand17:21
\24had0wЛадно, пасиб:)17:22
mmm4m5mwow, this was nice :)17:22
hischildbenanzo, i'll just create a new user, don't have the space to archive the whole home dir ;-)17:22
hischildsee you all later17:22
cellofellowKohnrad1982: my favorite HTML editor is Bluefish, but it's not WYSIWYG, just a nice text editor for HTML/XML/PHP.17:22
nikhil__hey guys, is there any way to know total net usage data over a period of time of my choice?17:22
Seveasnikhil__, there are several monitoring programs that can achieve that17:23
bastid_raZordmsuperm1n; the ideal way would be ssh in.. then type screen .. then start irssi .. if you lose connection (do not log out) you'll be able to pick up where you left off by logging back in and typing screen -r17:23
Seveasnikhil__, but they can't magically look in the past so it'll only work from the moment you install/enable them17:23
nikhil__Seveas, could u suggest a good one?17:23
Slartnikhil__: I think nload can do it.. and it gives you a nice terminal graph of network usage17:23
inSanity_I upgrade to hedgy heron, anyone an idea how to install firefox2 ?17:23
Slart!info nload17:23
inSanity_firefox3 does not work well17:24
ubotunload (source: nload): A realtime console network usage monitor. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6.0-3 (gutsy), package size 29 kB, installed size 120 kB17:24
JaymacinSanity_: it's in the repositories too17:24
Seveasnikhil__, mrtg is nice, simple iptables rules can help you too. Or cacti17:24
JaymacinSanity_: see #ubuntu+117:24
jdix123how can I tell if IPX loaded and is working properly?17:24
mmm4m5mQuestion: System Monitor show that gedit is using 104.7 MB virtual memory. Is that ok for simple notepad program? (the same with pidgin)17:24
JaymacinSanity_: type /j #ubuntu+1 for hardy support :)17:24
Seveasnikhil__, I'm going to have to tell you to 'google it' if you want more details since that will the fastest way to get info :)17:24
cellofellowmmm4m5m: which GEdit is not. Try leafpad for that.17:24
Slartmmm4m5m: as long as nothing wants memory, let it use it17:25
Seveasjdix123, lsmod | grep ipx17:25
inSanity_Jaymac : thanks mate!17:25
JaymacinSanity_: no problem17:25
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helkate87hello there! i just installed wlan drivers for my laptop, now  there isnt wlan option in gnome network manager..  my guess is that its missing eth file, how do i fix this?17:27
javaJakeDoes the Mac x86 version of Ubuntu have a memtest that works? I want a nice easy way to test the memory on an Intel MacBook, and an Ubuntu LiveCD seemed to be the best way to do that17:28
mmm4m5mSlart, cellofellow: my problems are desktop applets (trashapplet = 60 MB virtual memory). I feel like these toolbars are talking a lot resources. If I know so, I will remove some of these "nice" features. (it is P4 laptop)17:28
jos__heello a have instaled updates andt nauw youre tube has no sound ?17:28
Damionminus the question mark.17:28
DamionHow's it going?17:28
jos__ youre tube no sound how to fix it?17:28
magnetronhow do i graphically empty the trash for a mounted partition?17:28
MrBillI've installed gnomebaker on my system and am using it to burn my CDs and DVDs, however, when I put a blank in I'm still being prompted automatically to burn, or ignore. Is there a way to disable this automatic prompting?17:28
Seveasmmm4m5m, don't look at the 'virtual memory', that's misleading :)17:28
mmm4m5mok, 10x a lot17:28
helkate87i just installed wlan drivers for my laptop, now  there isnt wlan option in gnome network manager..  my guess is that its missing eth file, how do i fix this?17:29
magnetronMrBill: System > Preferences > removable media17:29
MrBill Thank you magnetron17:29
jos__ youre tube no sound how to fix it? in ubunt the soud is worijg oke on de systemm?17:29
Damionso I tried to install xubuntu about a month back now and gave up because I couldn't burn a liveCD that worked, so I figured I'd wait for a ubuntu official release to come in the mail17:29
jdix123crap.  I did a "ipx_interface add -p eth0" but I need it on wlan017:30
helkate87i just installed wlan drivers for my laptop, now  there isnt wlan option in gnome network manager..  my guess is that i need to do own eth file17:30
Damionnone of "start or install", "start in low graphics mode" and "CD test" work17:30
Damionafter the screen with the orange loading bar17:30
magnetron!enter | Damion17:30
ubotuDamion: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:30
Seveashey magnetron :)17:31
helkate87Damion, i doubt its the cds fault.17:31
magnetronSeveas: hi.17:31
DamionAfter the loading bar, it puts me in a program called BusyBox.17:31
SeveasDamion, that could mean the cd is broken17:31
DamionBusyBox presents me with a simple prompt, but starts spitting out text17:32
jos__is it u bags wen you doint have sound in youretube?17:32
Damionthe hash isn't correct17:32
javaJakeAnyone here use Ubuntu? Does the memtest on the Ubuntu LiveCD work for you?17:32
javaJakeOn a mac, *cough*17:32
DamionI checked the CD and it gave me a hash that started with 117:32
lartza_Hi! WHy does xmms "steal" the musci output?17:32
helkate87 Damion: i think its somekind of compatibility problem with your pc, i think you should try use different boot options..17:32
SeveasDamion, then burn a new one (make sure the iso file is correct!)17:32
sjovanjavaJake: no, no one on a ubuntu channel uses ubunut :)17:32
Damion<Seveas> Damion, then burn a new one (make sure the iso file is correct!) <-- I've tried to download the xubuntu iso three times17:33
javaJakesjovan: heheheh17:33
helkate87i just installed wlan drivers for my laptop, now  there isnt wlan option in gnome network manager. how do i add my wlan there?17:33
Damionnone of those times match the hash on the website17:33
chtphi folks. i have some trouble with unattended installation of clients via pxe. if vga monitor hangs on vga port, the installation works fine, but with unplugged  vga connector, the client hangs after receiving pxe image. anyone here has a hint whats going wrong?17:33
javaJakesjovan: yea, I realized that was the wrong question after I hit ENTER. :P17:33
Damion(but all three of them match each other)17:33
SeveasDamion, are you sure you're looking at the right hash then?17:33
DamionI know it's a different one for the disc17:33
Seveasor are you lost in a coffeeshop with too much hash around you? :)17:33
sjovanjavaJake: mhm :) what is mentes btw?17:33
lartza_Hi! Why does xmms "steal" sound output? I can't hear sound from other programs when I have xmms running.17:34
Damionbut for the ISOs17:34
echinoswhoa - upgrade to hardy is taking a loooong cat time17:34
bullgard4[Fantasdic]: "Could not connect to dict://vocabulary.aioe.org" Portnummer=2628. What should I do?17:34
lartza_Portnummer > Portnumber ?17:34
jdix123question: is IPX such an outdated protocol that its incompatible with wifi?17:34
SeveasDamion, disk and iso should have the same md5sum, otherwise the burn went wrong. Burn at a lower speed17:34
echinosChow do I get update-manager -d touse a close mirror?17:34
bastid_raZorechinos; 300 and some odd meg of updates.. takes a bit to install all that17:34
lartza_Hi! Why does xmms "steal" sound output? I can't hear sound from other programs when I have xmms running. And how to fix it?17:34
Seveas!repeat | lartza_17:35
ubotulartza_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:35
Seveaslartza_, try an audioplayer from this century.17:35
lartza_Seveas: I know I know17:35
dave421One more question - how do I make sure portmap loads on startup?17:35
lartza_Seveas: But, it's lightweight17:35
mheathlartza_: XMMS is outdated and configured by default to use an older audio framework.17:35
kane77lartza_, what about audacious?17:35
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Seveasdave421, unless you disabled it, it starts automatically at startup17:35
echinosbastid_raZor: well, yeah, but this is taking longer than it should17:35
dave421I had to install it using apt-get17:35
mheathlartza_: In essence, XMMS is more-or-less directly accessing your audio card, and thus is monopolizing it17:35
dave421would that install it to run automatically?17:36
echinosbastid_raZor: it seems like the server is lagging 'casue there are a lot of people on it17:36
mheathlartza_: Newer applications use a higher-level framework that allows multiple applications to share the sound card.17:36
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Seveaslartza_, there are other lightweight players too (beep-media-player, audacity..)17:36
echinosI should be able to download 300 megs in less than an hour17:36
lartza_audacity isn't audioplayer...17:36
echinosthe time estimate is over 8 hours17:36
dfeuerDoes anyone here know a reason for me to back up Windows Vista (Home Basic edition) before wiping it?17:36
kane77Seveas, isn't audacity audio editor?17:36
lartza_i'll try audacious and beep17:36
Seveaslartza_, audacious then (I always mess up those names)17:36
bastid_raZorechinos; it took a fair amount of time to download for me.. i can get 900Kb/s .. so 15 minutes is a long time..took nearly 4017:36
Scunizidfeuer, you won't find any here17:36
echinosbastid_raZor: long time== 8 hours17:37
echinoswell, 6 now17:37
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Scunizidfeuer, unless you anticipate putting it back on.. or maybe create a vm out of it to run inside of ubuntu17:37
helkate87i just installed wlan drivers for my laptop, now  there isnt wlan option in gnome network manager. iwconfig says nothing..17:37
TMC_how this is starting to piss me off, these desktop links won't go away17:37
mheathdfeuer: Yes; before performing any major operations, regardless of operating system, you should backup all important information and things you want to save.17:37
TMC_how do i delete them? Anyone?17:37
dfeuerThere is no important information on it, mheath.17:37
dfeuerIt's pretty much a clean install.17:37
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bastid_raZorechinos; yeah.. that is a bit long. do you notice any speeds at all? are you monitoring your upload/download speeds? is it still downloading?17:38
mheathdfeuer: OK, then, if you plan on installing Ubuntu on top of it, you should be OK.17:38
bullgard4[Fantasdic]: "Could not connect to dict://vocabulary.aioe.org" Port number=2628. What should I do?17:38
dfeuerAnd it's way too big for my (80 GB) hard drive.17:38
lartza_Does any lightweight one have real ipod suppoert? With xmms I had to create playlist of iPod's music folder.17:38
kane77dfeuer, then you need not worry...17:38
dfeuerHehe, I always worry, but sitting here burning 10 CD-Rs is not my idea of a good time.17:39
bastid_raZorlartza_; rhythmbox possibly17:39
echinosbastid_raZor: it seems to lag often on certain files17:39
echinosit's stalled, went to 1 day17:39
lartza_bastid_raZor: lightweight!17:39
kane77dfeuer, I guess you don't need to backup the vista itself, but rather only settings and your data...17:40
bastid_raZorechinos; possibly your mirror is having issues.. mine was a constant speed.. slower than normal but constant17:40
bastid_raZorlartza_; google for it. google is your friend17:40
echinosbastid_raZor: can i just use do-release-upgrade from console?17:40
bastid_raZorechinos; that i don't know..17:40
echinosI'm gonna try it, maybe it will show me what's going on.17:40
bastid_raZorechinos; tell me what it reports.. if you don't mind17:41
echinoswill do17:41
lartza_audacious has kinda crooked GUI17:41
lartza_area audacious and beep the one and the same program? :P17:42
Seveaslartza_, both are forks of xmms17:42
DamionWhen switching from windows 98 se to ubuntu or xubuntu, using Telus ADSL, what should I do to ensure that I can connect when I've made the switch?17:43
ScuniziDamion, try the live cd first and see if your nic/wireless work.. if it does there it will on install17:43
echinos984 megs to download, it estimates between 2 and 3 hours17:43
echinosit's gotta be my repository being slow17:44
CannibalMAny ideas of where to go for some SSL help?17:44
CannibalMI can't get my final machine working17:44
CannibalMand I'm on day two now... :-/17:44
CannibalMthe vhosts file is fine,17:45
CannibalMbut it keeps failing17:45
DamionI use a large external drive I loaned from a friend. I don't have enough space on my own hard drive to back it up, and I don't really know if I want to reformat it for FAT32 because I don't own it and if friend ever calls it back in, he uses Windows. Can I still use it even though it's formatted to NTFS or whatever the Windows standard is?17:45
lartza_so bmp is fork of xmms and audacious is fork of bmp and then there is bmpx?!?17:45
CannibalMmeanwhile, the system is live so bringing it down over and over to try something is a big pain17:45
legend2440TMC_: open terminal type cd Desktop then sudo rm Li<tab key> then enter. This worked for me17:46
echinosbastid_raZor: Ichanged my repository, it now says You have to download a total of 1042M. This download will take about17:47
echinos24 minutes with your connection.17:47
nixnoobmy lexmark printer prints only the first page and then stops is there any way to fix that?17:47
bastid_raZorechinos; by repo your mean what? you added some repo's or which mirror you download from?17:47
bastid_raZorechinos; yeah i get about 750KB/s on average from tthe mirror  i use17:48
echinosbastid_raZor: it's breezing thru them now... I was using ca.archive.ubuntu.ca one17:48
amenadoCannibalM-> what error are you getting if any?17:49
echinosbastid_raZor: no, diferent mirror, yeah17:49
echinosi'm getting 744K now17:49
echinoser, 81517:49
bastid_raZorechinos; excellent.17:49
=== Mez is now known as Floodbot5
=== Floodbot5 is now known as Mez
archmanguys how to remove all that files that have cedilla after filenames (ie: filename~.txt) ? They eat up space, no?17:52
aschmackrm *~*17:52
archmanaschmack: will remove all files?17:53
aschmackwith tildes yes17:53
archmanaschmack: all files on system?17:53
_Rambaldi_are they called cedilla?17:53
bastid_raZorechinos; i use us.archinve.ubuntu .. hasn't failed me yet :)17:53
aschmacktheyre tildes17:53
archmantilda yes17:53
Seveas_Rambaldi_, no, tilde17:53
aschmackand no, just in the current directory17:53
Seveas_Rambaldi_, a cedilla is the , in the ç17:54
aschmackdoing the whole system might be dangerous17:54
_Rambaldi_thats what i thought from my little french17:54
archmanaschmack: how to disable the creation of that files?17:54
archmantheire like backups...17:54
jmoironquestion about vim in ubuntu;  i'm using a modified version of the default .vimrc which is supposed to save my previous cursor position, but it's not working17:54
echinosbastid_raZor: I get better luck with mirrors north of the 49th parallel17:54
sjoerdtinin: wrong17:55
jmoironthe same .vimrc gives me the desired effect in debian.. are there extra vim packages i need to install? i got rid of vim-tiny and installed vim-full, but it still doesn't work17:55
DAM43334Need help with OpenVPN, I can connect to the VPN server (10.x network), but can not connect to machines connected to 192.x subnet.17:55
tushydI want to update to the newest abiword but if I try to sudo apt-get install abiword it says I already have the newest version. (i have 2.4.6 and 2.6.0 just released)17:56
bastid_raZorechinos; location location location..17:56
echinosbastid_raZor: what I want to know is how to do the "best server" test from command line17:56
SeveasDAM43334, you need to set up IP forwarding on the vpn host17:56
_Rambaldi_what is the command to search for files in terminal17:56
helkate87should ubuntu do wlan0 config file automatically?17:56
tushyd_Rambaldi_, locate17:56
echinos_Rambaldi_: there are a few ways17:56
Seveas_Rambaldi_, slocate, mlocate or find17:56
DAM43334Seveas: i've already enabled ip forwarding.17:56
archmantushyd: try sudo apt-get update; and then install17:56
helkate87should ubuntu do wlan0 config file automatically?17:56
SeveasDAM43334, and set up the appropriate DNAT/SNAT rules or routing?17:56
tushydarchman, thanks I'll try that17:56
cheesypieceshi guys, does anyone have any idea why synaptic won't run? it comes up saying starting administrative application but then nothing happens17:57
eth01Regards, Dr Thomas B Markey MBChB MRCGP LLM Adv.Dip.Psych, Neurology Specialist17:57
eth01err ignore ^17:57
bastid_raZorechinos; that i don't know.. im' sure someone in here may be able to answer that.. or in #ubuntu+117:57
archmancheesypieses: i had that problem, you gotta mess with permissions...17:57
DAM43334Seveas: will google what you recommended thanks.17:57
tushydarchman, it says the same thing. abiword is already the newest version17:57
cheesypiecesarchman: how do i do that?17:58
tushydhave the ubuntu repositories been updated with the newest abiword?17:58
archmantushyd: then they didnt update the mirrors...sorry17:58
Seveasjmoiron, stick this in the .vimrc:17:58
Seveasif has("autocmd")17:58
Seveas  au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$")17:58
Seveas    \| exe "normal g'\"" | endif17:58
FloodBot1Seveas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:58
tushydarchman, thanks anyways :)17:58
* Seveas pets the FloodBot1 17:58
jmoironSeveas: i have that in my vimrc already17:58
jmoironwhat i'm saying is that it doesn't work17:58
echinoswhat is #ubuntu+1?17:58
JimboAdvise me a free shell account please someone.17:59
archmancheesypieces: i done that by chown -R archman:archman /home/archman, but you don't try that; you'll mess up your system; someone here will now; maybe bazhang; contact him...17:59
_Rambaldi_its a channel for hary heron17:59
Seveasjmoiron, is 'set nocompatible' in there as well? Did you update the vim alternative with update-alternatives?17:59
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echinos_Rambaldi_: sweet!17:59
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jmoironvim alternative is set to vim.full17:59
SeveasJimbo, look elsewhere for free shell accounts.18:00
jmoironset nocompatible is done by debian.vim;  let me check if i am setting compatible (doubt it)18:00
Seveasjmoiron, (needless to say, it works fine for me)18:00
jmoironi'm not.. neither is /usr/share/vimrc18:00
archmantushyd: try to build new version from source...18:00
DatzHi, is ubuntu availiable for Mac 8.6?18:01
nixnoobhow can i print a file fromt he command line?18:02
kutais there a way I can download wall paper like kubuntu?18:02
jmoironwhat vim packages do you have installed?18:02
mmm4m5mQuestion: if I install ubuntu on USB HDD and want to run it on different hardware (not any hardware but 4-5 different PC) - are there any tools/hardware profiles. Do Will be most easy to create separate user for each PC? If possible I want both, to keep my user settings and when first time attached to new PC to run kind of hardware detection. Do we have it build in ubuntu/linux?18:02
Seveas!themes | kuta18:02
ubotukuta: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:02
Seveasnixnoob, if it's a textfile: lpr < filename_here18:03
SlartDatz: check www.ubuntu.com for available architectures18:03
nixnoobSeveas, its a openoffice file18:03
Seveasnixnoob, then you can't18:03
nixnoobSeveas, would you happent o kno why my printer stops printing after the first page?18:03
Seveasjmoiron, vim-common vim-gnome vim-gui-common vim-runtime vim-tiny18:03
Seveasnixnoob, you're out of paper?18:03
Seveas(otherwise: no)18:04
nixnoobSeveas, thanks anyway18:04
TMC_where do you go in to edit nautilus. I want to apply a patch18:04
jpkeelshello there18:04
_Rambaldi_is there a way to restrict locate to find just files or folders or specific names18:04
jmoironSeveas: yea.. i have those, and vim-scripts, and vim, and vim-full..  and it's not working :|18:05
dromerany X-guru's out there?18:05
mmm4m5mQuestion: I do not want to end up with messed up (GUI) config files. I already read how to use different run level when laptop is "docked" or "undocked". But maybe there is some other way? I understand I could write scripts which could help me. I am asking - is there some tool which could help.18:05
Seveas!anyone | dromer18:05
ubotudromer: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:05
kutais there a auto install of wallpaper in ubuntu as compare to kubuntu?18:05
Slartkuta: there is a desklet that will  download a new wallpaper everynow and then18:06
dromerI changed my motherboard, did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to change the driver to i810 .. I can subsequently start X and get a login (running KDE btw) .. but when I log in .. nothing happens for a few minutes and then I get back to login18:06
jpkeelsanyone have any idea.. why with xcdroast when I run it with sudo the first time i get "start to scan for devices..." but then it never finishes (even after hours of waiting)18:06
Slartkuta: or a screenlet.. can't remember which18:06
dromerkdm.log ends with an EE that GLX can't be started (there,'s no GLX in my xorg.conf btw)18:07
DatzSlart, I don't know where to find the supported architectures18:08
Datzor what architectures Mac 8.6 is for that matter18:08
SlartDatz: you're asking me? you're the one that wants to install ubuntu to it =)18:08
SeveasDatz, does 'mac 8.6' mean MacOS 8.6?18:08
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xthegoat121xWhen using a Torrent... does it DL different parts of the files at different times?18:09
Datzsorry it does18:09
SeveasIf so, you're probably running on a powerpc mac. There is ubuntu for powerpc on ports.ubuntu.com18:09
Datzgreat thanks seveas18:09
DAM43334ok, i'm trying to understand what route to add to my open vpn server.  route add -net (internal subnet) netmask 255.255.255 gw ??? What would be the gw?  The gw for the vpn or the gw for the internal subnet?18:09
tininhow can I see how much space is left in my harddrive? by command line18:10
dromerdf -h18:10
dromer-h is for human readable :)18:10
xthegoat121xI've been waiting over 13 hours for this to DL.... it'18:11
Chris12345Hi I'm currently trying to setup my wireless settings on the laptop18:11
xthegoat121x*it's at 64% and I should be able to use at least some of the files18:11
tininwoa, I'm installing a minimal debian, and I have used 1gb yet in this old notebook18:11
dromeris that minimal? o.O18:11
Chris12345I get a connection but it disconnects only after some seconds :(18:11
tininwich is the most ligtweight m$n instant messenger?18:12
bluefoxxwhat do i open a .daa file with? its supposed to be a cd image18:12
dromertinin: irssi+bitlbee ;)18:12
Seveastinin, bitlbee18:12
Piero_ScarufiiSeveas did you get my query?18:12
Piero_Scarufiisorry to ask in here18:13
tininthanx, i'll read about it18:13
Piero_Scarufiibut you never responded18:13
SeveasPiero_Scarufii, no offtopic talk in here and yes I did get it18:13
Piero_Scarufiiand it has been several hours18:13
dromerwell, irssi isn't the lightest irc-client ..18:13
Seveas!enter | Piero_Scarufii18:13
ubotuPiero_Scarufii: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:13
dromertinin: bitlbee is basically an irc-server that connects to various IM-protocols18:14
PowerTeamHow do i change btw sound cards in ubuntu?18:14
SeveasPowerTeam, power off the machine. open it. Unplug one soundcard, insert another. close computer, start it up18:14
SlartPowerTeam: asoundconf is supposed to be able to do it.. or change whatever application is playing the sound18:14
dromerSeveas: lol18:15
PowerTeamI cant remove both cards, since one is builtin laptop and the other is a pcmcia sound  card18:15
kutais there a opensource free invoicing software for ubuntu?18:15
PowerTeamIl check out asoundconf18:16
Slartkuta: have you looked at gnucash? it might have some kind of addon..18:16
geniiPowerTeam: issuing asoundconf   by itself at commandline gives you the usages, including how to make another card the default18:17
DatzI'm having trouble finding  ubuntu for powerpc at ports.ubuntu.com18:17
Datzcan anyone direct me further?18:17
SlartPowerTeam: if I wasn't an ubuntu-user myself I'd say "well. pulse-audio is standard in gutsy and it should be able to do this... " but alas.. pulse has only been very very uncooperative when it comes to my computer18:17
jpkeelshow do I get XCDRoast to recognize sony CDR drive.. it is stuck at "starting to scan for devices"18:17
tonyyarussokuta: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=invoic&searchon=all&suite=gutsy&section=all maybe18:18
jmoironugh it works on the 8.4 beta but not in 7.1018:18
jmoironmy vimrc works everywhere but the computer i'm sitting at >_<;18:18
darkwill anyone help me fix my soundcard? Im a complete noob to ubuntu im on version 7.10, i think its great but my audio isn't working.18:18
ccc__ hi18:18
ccc__ somebody can help me?18:18
ccc__ i have a problem with my ipod, itn't recognize by win xp18:18
ccc__ nobody can help me?18:18
SeveasDatz, sorry, ports.ubuntu.com apparently is only the package archive18:18
FloodBot1ccc__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:18
kutatonyyarusso: thanks for your info18:18
SeveasDatz, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.10/release/18:18
Slartccc__: that sounds like a windows question.. ##windows might be able to help youi18:19
ccc__o ecuse i cut aND PASTE18:19
dromerso, nobody any idea why KDM wants to start GLX and fails miserably?18:19
Piero_ScarufiiIs there a dutch speaking ubuntu channel from belgium maybe?18:19
ccc__on ubutnu is the same my ipod isn't work18:19
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl18:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about be - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:20
darki ran a lspci in the terminal and it has detected 2 soundcards18:20
Piero_ScarufiiNo i mean from Belgium not Netherlands18:20
Slartdon't know if there are any users from Belgium.. but it's the only one I know of where they speak dutch18:20
dromerPiero_Scarufii: volgens mij niet, maakt het uit? (wil je vlaams praten? :P)18:20
Seveasthe belgians are all in the dutch/french/german channels :)18:20
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod18:20
mohbanahow do i set the no. of lines are scrolled when i use the scroll wheel on the mouse ... like as in system wide effects18:20
Seveasdromer, english only in here please...18:20
bluefoxxhow do i burn a .daa disk image? i can't find any tools for it18:21
dromerhow do I make kdm not want to start glx?18:21
Piero_ScarufiiI am looking for a dutch alternative to #ubuntu-nl since it seems i wont be ever joining it again due to a never ever expiring ban so thats why my question is on topic thanks for your help though dromer i understand its belgian is similar to dutch but their mentality is why i would prefer a Belgium channel.18:22
Slartbluefoxx: it's a proprietary format I think.. poweriso perhaps?18:22
Scunizibluefoxx, check out http://www.mydigitallife.info/2007/12/05/open-extract-and-convert-daa-iso-and-bin-files-in-linux-with-free-poweriso-for-linux/18:22
dromerPiero_Scarufii: start one18:22
Piero_Scarufiigood idea dromer18:22
bluefoxxsladen: Scunizi thanks dudes18:22
DatzSeveas, thanks18:22
Scunizibluefoxx, np18:22
darkCan anyone help me fix my soundcard?18:22
jpkeelswhen I run XCDroast with sudo I get "starting to scan for devices..." and it never finishes.  How do I fix that?18:22
dromerPiero_Scarufii: and then make the maintainer of ubotu direct !be people to it :)18:22
ScuniziPiero_Scarufii, you english is very good.. stick around here.18:23
vincent_i'm trying to write a floppy image to a floppy disk, but my computer says "/dev/fd0: filesystem is read only" but my floppy isn't closed (as in, the write-thingy isnt set wrong)18:23
PowerTeam_i do asoundconf list and  i see the list of me soundcards, how do i choose the default one?18:23
kutais there a similar program like "logmein " for ubuntu?18:23
Seveasvincent_, are you trying it as root or with sudo?18:23
Piero_Scarufiii run the dutch language ubuntu though Scunizi18:23
SlartPowerTeam_: asoundconf set-default-card18:23
ScuniziPiero_Scarufii, that would present a problem here.. :)18:23
vincent_Seveas, sudo18:24
vincent_i havent activated root18:24
Seveasvincent_, then it whould work.. odd18:24
geniibluefoxx: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=256084 for info on daa and ubuntu18:24
dromervincent_: sudo -i gives a root terminal18:24
Seveasvincent_, what is the command you are trying?18:24
PowerTeam_I did: asoundconf set-default-card Audigy2     Do i have to reboot or will this work on the fly?18:25
SlartPowerTeam_: it should work on the fly18:25
geniivincent_: Whats the exact commad you are attempting?18:25
vincent_Seveas, dd if=fdboot.img of=/dev/fd018:26
ankit_I just installed Firefox 3 beta, and since it uses the GTK theme, the tabs are huge... how would I customize the tab size?18:26
Seveasvincent_, I assume you mean 'sudo dd if..'18:26
PriceChildankit_: the point is that they are the same as all the other tabs in your install... so change the gtk theme18:26
dromerok, failsafe X-session does work, but I want my KDE :(18:26
PowerTeam_hmm, it didnt change anything to me gnome18:26
vincent_Seveas, yes18:26
pelegI am trying to listen to shoutcasts in amarok, and I keep getting "No suitable input plugin. This often means that the url's protocol is not supported. Network failures are other possible causes.". for example, in, which is one of the default shoutcasts in the software.18:26
Seveasvincent_, then I'm out of ideas :)18:27
ankit_PriceChild: Right... where would I do that?18:27
vincent_Seveas, ok18:27
PowerTeam_Ahh i found out18:27
=== DShepherd is now known as Dwight
Seveas!codecs | peleg you might be missing some codecs18:27
ubotupeleg you might be missing some codecs: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:27
PowerTeam_Thx a lot for the help18:27
Crembohelp! Radeon 9800, FGLRX user. bought new monitor. native resolution 1650x1050. I set it to such, but the monitor is smeared - checking its menus, ubuntu is actually outputting 1400x1050.. what to do?18:27
PriceChildankit_: no idea sorry, probably some xml fun somewhere18:27
ankit_PriceChild: Heh, awesome... thanks.18:28
bram_hello, can someone help me with ubuntu server?18:28
SeveasCrembo, maybe the card doesn't support that resolution18:28
CremboSeveas: nope, friends running windows xp with that card using that resolution.18:29
PowerTeam_I just have reconfigure everything to alsa and now it works perfectly18:29
jpkeelswhy does XCDRoast get stuck on "starting to scan for devices..." and never finishes18:29
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sorbpquick question is there xvid and x264 available that REALY works flawlessly under ubuntu?18:30
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Seveasxcdroast.... last time I saw someone using that was 4 years ago :)18:30
Crembosorbp: install "mplayer", it's all available from synaptic18:30
sorbpCrembo oki next step18:30
PowerTeam_Is there any midi software for linux wich is worth trying? i have usb ediro pcr500 keyboard18:30
SeveasPowerTeam_, timidity + freepats18:31
sorbpi had a problem today since i'm a compelate linux noob, i formated my usb stick to run a ubuntu install from it18:31
Crembosorbp: use gmplayer command to play all your videos.18:31
sorbpBUT, it said mount the iso or rather put yourself in the same folder as the iso problem is i don't realy udnerstand linux filestructure18:31
Crembosorbp: useful shortcuts: the "F" key switches to full screen, the arrow keys skip forward/backwards18:31
SlartCrembo: ati's site only lists the card as supporting 1600x1200 and 1920x1080 .. and some larger and some smaller resolutions..18:31
sorbpi'm used to the old windoes c:\blabla\etc18:32
CremboSlart: yet still, I know for certain it works. plus, unlikely you can't force the card to dip slightly below 1600x1200. or maybe it's only the linux driver that's limited?18:32
Crembosorbp: I don't know anything about installing from USB, just configuring the video player18:33
SlartCrembo: might be.. I've never owned one myself..18:33
sorbpah ok18:33
PowerTeam_Seveas: does it support usb keyboards?18:33
Kal_LHey guys, I got a newbie question.... is there any command on the shell that can add a character at the start and end of each line of a text file?18:33
sorbpStroganoff you there?18:33
CremboSlart: argh how frustrating.18:33
SeveasPowerTeam_, no idea - I've never used it myself18:33
SeveasKal_L, sed18:33
Gary_inNYChi, what does it mean when my comp logs myself out in the middle of watching a streaming video in firefox?  memory leak?18:33
sorbpoki can you help me, if i put something on my desktop where is it as a pth in the terminal?18:33
PowerTeam_Seveas: ok, il just check it out then18:34
Kal_LSeveas: Thanks... gotta read about it, hopefully I'll find out how18:34
wapkosorbp: /home/yourusername/Desktop/18:34
SeveasKal_L, sed -e 's/.*/X&X/' -i /path/to/file --- replace X with the char to insert18:34
Crembosorbp: it's at ~/Desktop18:34
SlartGary_inNYC: logs out? or your X crashes?18:34
SeveasKal_L, backup the file first :)18:34
Gary_inNYCjust logged me out18:34
sorbpso if i type /home/ubuntu/desktop/ that would be the desktop of the ubuntu live cd?18:35
SeveasGary_inNYC, ddi you hit <ctrl><alt><bkSp> perhaps?18:35
SlartGary_inNYC: I'm guessing the second option.. why would it log off? doesn't make sense18:35
Seveassorbp, yes18:35
sorbpok thans that will help tomorrow18:35
Gary_inNYCno, i was just watching a 2 hr streaming video in firefox while using IM18:35
SlartGary_inNYC: what makes you think it logs out?18:35
Kal_LSeveas: Cheers :) Gonna give it a try and see if worked :) Thanks a bunch mate18:35
azukiis there a bash equivelent for IPCONFIG in the terminal ?18:35
SeveasGary_inNYC, you might have hit a bug in the X server18:35
Slartazuki: ifconfig18:35
Gary_inNYCit brought me back to the Ubuntu login screen.18:35
Seveasazuki, ifconfig / iwconfig18:35
SlartGary_inNYC: that's a crash18:36
SlartGary_inNYC: X crashes.. and restarts.. and taddaaaa.. you're back at the login screen18:36
DatzWill the Kubuntu version run on a MacOS 8.6 with only 64MB or RAM?18:36
Gary_inNYCis that by design?18:36
Stroganoffsorbp its case sensitive. "Desktop", not "desktop" (use [TAB] auto completion in the terminal)18:36
Seveasazuki, also: ip / route18:36
Gary_inNYCi mean when x crashes that is...18:36
SeveasGary_inNYC, the crash obviously isn't, but the restarting is18:36
goudkovhi guys. does anyone know how to get a HMAC-SHA1 hash using openssl from the command line?18:36
SlartGary_inNYC: I guess.. it's better than just staying closed down I think18:36
sorbpthnx Stroganoff that might be it, b.t.w why isent there ny easier way to mount images in linux18:36
sorbpi mean something like deamontools18:36
sorbpor just a built in script that allows you to right klick it in nautilus18:37
Stroganoffsorbp mount iso images? its pretty easy with fuseiso18:37
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » or use the "gmountiso" package - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:37
Seveasgoudkov, 'man openssl' -- it's a long but good read18:37
sorbpStroganoff i can#t install fueiso on the livecd now can i18:37
Stroganoffgmountiso, interesting18:37
DatzWill the Kubuntu version run on a iMac with only 64MB or RAM?18:37
Gary_inNYCany tentative explanations as to why it would crash while doing those tasks?18:37
goudkovSeveas: i did. but can't find the info that i need.18:37
SlartGary_inNYC: check the logs.. /var/log/syslog is a good place to start18:38
goudkovSeveas: i see "dgst -sha1" but nothing about hmac18:38
SeveasDatz, difficult. The livecd definitely won't18:38
SlartGary_inNYC: I guess the most common reason is graphics related18:38
DatzSeveas is that link you gave me for the live CD?18:38
unicumanyone here running ubuntu on a macbook? i just upgraded to hardy which already did me loads of good.. just one minor problem (or major?) i have no sound whatsoever18:38
CondouloI just got a new Logitech Microphone, an AK5370, and I can't seem to get it to work.18:38
Slart!hardy | unicum18:38
ubotuunicum: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:38
ScuniziWhere in the gconfig editor can I find the option to "NOT" display different harddrives on the desktop?18:38
SeveasDatz, it has the live (Desktop) cd and the text-only (alternate) cd18:38
SlartScunizi: gconf-editor18:38
SlartScunizi: oh.. hang on.. I'll check18:39
unicumSlart, what's that supposed to tell me?18:39
Gary_inNYCi guess that makes sense.  i'm using a somewhat older FX5200 videocard18:39
dirk_Want to make music with Linux? check: http://linuxmusicians.com/index.php and join us, thanks ;)18:39
DatzSeveas, so I will have the option to just install it, then it should work?18:39
Slartunicum: I'll cut and paste for you ... "Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu"18:39
unicumSlart, it's less about the hardy than about the macbook.. i had the soundproblem with gutsy as well18:39
tinindirk_ what would you suggest me to buy to record the guitar on linux (cheap)?18:40
=== dirk_ is now known as blued
new1231038098any one knows how to use mobile cam as webcam on linux18:40
Slartunicum: suit yourself...18:40
Kal_LSeveas: Worked like a charm ! :)18:41
bluedtinin, buy nothing just just ardour, check the forum http://linuxmusicians.com/index.php for some great howto's18:41
PowerTeam_Gotta love ubuntu :) i got all me hardware working except for the syncing with me windows mobile.... That is and issue for another day, hehe18:41
SlartScunizi: in Apps, nautilus, desktop18:41
new1231038098any one knows how to use mobile cam as webcam on linux18:41
ScuniziSlart.. yep.. thanks .. I just found it too.. :)18:41
unicumSlart, that's not really gonna help me much18:41
SlartScunizi: you're welcome =)18:41
new1231038098any one18:41
Sean|my face is faggot18:41
GeezleHi all, I need a quick hand.  To make a short story long, I was going to install a program and had enabled the 'Hardy Main Universe' in my sources.list file and let it update what it needed to.  Now my screen resolution is all wonky and I don't have the same resolution and refresh rate options I had before.  When I open the Restricted Drivers Manager it tells me "You need to install the package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-15-generic for18:41
CondouloI just got a new Logitech Microphone, an AK5370, and I can't seem to get it to work. Any reasons why?18:42
new1231038098why dont you install it18:42
Slartunicum: huh? I just told you about the channel devoted to hardy support.. I can't help you with your soundcard18:42
new1231038098any one knows how to use mobile cam as webcam on linux18:42
tininblued, I need something like a preamplifier (or a good and expensive soundcard), that's what I've been told, to record the guitar18:43
Seveas!repeat | new123103809818:43
ubotunew1231038098: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:43
=== mutti is now known as d3imuDdaH
new1231038098@ubotu ill just wait18:43
bluedtinin, I only have a onboard soundcard and a boss distortion pedal.... just try around and if you know what you want, then start buying...18:43
GeezleI'm running 7.10 if it makes a difference, but my About file now has 8.04 in it18:44
Datz Seveas, so I will have the option to just install it Kubuntu for power pc but not run the live cd?18:44
GeezleDid I kill it?18:44
CJS3141Is there an easy way to capture the raw PCM audio that is sent to my soundcard? I mean something maybe as simple as cat /dev/audio > rawsound? I would think it's possible, is it?18:44
SeveasDatz, even then I don't know if it'll be a fun experience. 64mb is an awful low amount of memory18:44
geniiCJS3141: look into jackd18:45
new1231038098no its not18:45
new123103809864 mb is just good18:45
DatzSeveas, so its not worth a try, or...?18:45
SlartGeezle: hmm.. sounds like you upgraded parts of your system.. I don't think you're supposed to just add a repos like that..18:45
SeveasDatz, well, trying won't hurt18:45
Datzit won't wipe the old OS then?18:45
CJS3141genii: OK, is that a program? jackd implies maybe some sort of daemon?18:45
SeveasDatz, it will need some space18:46
tininblued, I've got no pedal, just a cheap amp. But I have seen this, supported on linux: http://cgi.ebay.com/Behringer-UCA202-audio-interface_W0QQitemZ310037996135QQihZ021QQcategoryZ41784QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem18:46
SlartGeezle: I don't know if you can do the complete upgrade.. or downgrade back to 7.10... but you might run into problems running half and half18:46
Seveasso it will need to shrink the macos18:46
DatzSeveas, ok thanks alot i will try it18:46
GeezleSlart: That's what I was afraid of!18:46
geniiCJS3141: Yes, it's basically like a virtual patchcord18:46
Piero_ScarufiiMay i ask wether or not the cylinder desktop switching in compiz fusion has been added to the updates in ubuntu yet?18:46
new1231038098hey any one knows about some good CLI progs18:46
GeezleAny thoughts on a simple-ish solution?18:46
CJS3141genii: Interesting--is it available in the repositories or how do I get it?18:46
bluedtinin, check http://linuxmusicians.com/viewforum.php?f=16&sid=263f4d3eec84ba2f5498471090e26cbf for hardware which works well with linux18:47
SeveasGeezle, update your entire sources.list to hardy and upgrade the rest18:47
SlartGeezle: I don't know of any easy fixes for that.. but ask the channel.. or check the forums for some hints18:47
arvind_khadrinew1231038098, what do u mean by that??18:47
SlartGeezle: ah.. there you are.. =)18:47
geniiCJS3141: I hae it listed in my apt-cache but have some nonstandard repos. ! moment I'll query ubotu18:47
genii!info jackd18:48
ubotujackd (source: jack-audio-connection-kit): JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.103.0-6ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 93 kB, installed size 360 kB18:48
GeezleSeveas: Thanks, is there somewhere I can get a list of what I need to change, or is there a simple way to just update them all?18:48
redwhitewaldois there a command i can run in terminal to find out what motherboard model i have in the computer?18:48
SeveasGeezle, pastebin your sources.list18:49
Slartredwhitewaldo: there is a command lshw.. but you might have to install it first18:49
geniiredwhitewaldo: lshw18:49
Slart!info lshw18:49
ubotulshw (source: lshw): information about hardware configuration. In component main, is standard. Version 02.10-4ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 300 kB, installed size 752 kB18:49
GeezleSeveas: K, thanks18:49
redwhitewaldoSlart: genii. thanks. (it's already installed somehow 8-)  )18:49
Slartredwhitewaldo: ah.. it might be installed by default.. I wasn't sure18:50
geniiYes, "standard" means part of ubuntu-desktop default18:50
GeezleSeveas: here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62741/18:50
tininblued haha, but that's empty for the moment. Would I be able to record the guitar if I just plug: gutar-pedal-pc this way? so that I can record with ardour or audacity?18:50
CondouloI just got a new Logitech Microphone, an AK5370. It detects it, but it won't actually work. I am wondering why it won't18:50
redwhitewaldoSlart:  genii, that's a lot of text (from lshw). is there a way to do a "search" or "filter"?18:50
CJS3141genii: Great--Synaptic found it so I'll just go ahead and install. But just out of curiosity, why isn't it possible to do something as simple as a "cat /dev/audio > rawaudio" hack?18:50
arvind_khadriredwhitewaldo, grep the output18:51
redwhitewaldooh, i found the part about "motherboard", but itd doesn't say anthying else18:51
Slartredwhitewaldo: the standard way is to use grep.. like this "sudo lshw | grep -i somethingtosearchfor"  -i means case insensitive18:51
redwhitewaldoSlart: thanks!18:51
geniiredwhitewaldo: The very first parts are specific to motherboard/bios etc. so:   lshw | more             pipes it to more so you can look down the docment at your own pace18:51
SeveasGeezle, that's quite messy. Let me clean it up a bit, brb18:51
Slartredwhitewaldo: or you can do "sudo lshw > atextfile" and edit that textfile in your favourite editor18:51
bluedinit, I think so.. did you see the link in http://linuxmusicians.com/viewforum.php?f=1618:51
geniiredwhitewaldo: Or Slart's recommended redirect to file then open with some editor18:52
GeezleSeveas: Haha thanks, I really appreciate it.  I didn't think I'd messed it up *that* bad18:52
bluedinit, the forum is a bit new...18:52
SeveasGeezle, oh it's not too bad, just a number of double entries18:52
SeveasGeezle, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62742/18:54
GeezleSeveas: Ahh...now I see, I didn't even realize18:54
cheesypieceshi guys, does anyone know of a way to ping a range of ip addresses?18:54
redwhitewaldoSlart: genii thanks so much.18:54
Seveascheesypieces, ping -b (if they're in the same subnet and the firewall allows it)18:55
GeezleSeveas: So I just paste that in place of what's currently in my sources.list and let it do its thing?18:55
adamhI want to create a BIND server for which it is easy for me to add many zones, preferably dynamically. Does anybody have any tips?18:55
SeveasGeezle, yeah18:55
GeezleThanks again, I really appreciate the help!18:55
Seveasadamh, powerdns is said to be easiest to setup for novices18:55
CondouloI just got a new Logitech Microphone, an AK5370. It detects it, but it won't actually work. I am wondering why it won't. Anybody in here have any ideas as to why?>18:56
Seveasthough bind isn't all that hard, but adding dynamic dns to it is tricky-ish18:56
adamhI've done dynamic DNS. But I don't know how to add *zones* dynamically.18:56
cheesypiecesSeveas: how do i use it to scan for example 192.168.xxx.xxx?18:56
Seveascheesypieces, 'man ping' (it can be seen as a network attack, hence I'm reluctant to 'support' it)18:57
SlartCondoulo: it's a USB microphone? does it need drivers?18:57
CondouloSlart- Its a USB MIcrophone. I'm not sure about drivers. I mean it detected it in the sound preferences18:57
cheesypiecesSeveas: ok, thank you18:57
Seveasadamh, depends on what you call dynamic... rndc reconfig makes it load new zones without restarting18:57
adamhSeveas: So I can just add the zone to the config file and reconfig? That sounds all right... *if* I can also put "include zones.d/*" in the BIND config. Can I? :)18:58
SlartCondoulo: seems you're not the only one having problems.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52955418:58
adamh("include /etc/bind/zones.d/*", I mean--as in, file-globbing so I can create a new file per zone)18:58
Seveasadamh, then you'd need to create 2 files per zone: the config and the actual zonefile18:59
CJS3141genii: Anyway, thanks for the help... gotta go, so cheers!18:59
Seveaswhy not have a simple config, only 3 lines per zone needed18:59
CondouloSlart- hmm.... yeah, and I haven't really found anything helpful when searching Google18:59
adamhSeveas: It would be great to split into separate files, as it is tricky to automate managing all those zones in one big file.19:00
adamhSeveas: (It stands at around 50 zones right now)19:00
Seveasadamh, my master has serveral hundreds of zones, the config is 3 lines per zone, not too hard to maintain in a single file :)19:01
mdgeorgeheh, I was so confused when I typed "hello" and got "unknown command: hello"19:01
mdgeorgeI figured out that I was typing in the ChanServ popup though :)19:01
Seveasadamh, manpage for named.conf seems to indicate it doesn't support globbing in includes19:01
adamhSeveas: Do you have a program already made which manages named.conf? ("hey, can I bum a script?")19:02
SlartCondoulo: and here's a guy that claims it works nicely http://jyquentel.wordpress.com/category/ubuntu/   I guess it's  pro 1p, con 1p =)19:02
mdgeorgeanyway, I was wondering if anyone can help: I have an lcd that's in the 1280x1024 aspect ratio, and the virtual terminals (ctrl-alt-f1) get cut off on the sides19:02
Seveasadamh, no, it's maintained manually (and stored in a version control system :))19:02
adamhSeveas: All right. Well, thanks :)19:02
Seveasadamh, it's not that often that one adds new zones (not in my case that is)19:02
CodenutDoes any one know how set up dual monitors?19:03
adamhSeveas: More often for me. Anyway, I suppose I can make an update-named.conf script as a hack :)19:03
Seveasadamh, yeah, shouldn't be all that difficult :)19:03
peeps[work]i have a problem running vmware on Ubuntu host OS. it constantly want's me to run the configuration.  every time i restart the host OS it seems19:03
cshadowrunLol ok, i'm on my last try now. I've been trying for the entire day to get my sound working properly, it seems that certain applications steal sound from other applications19:03
cshadowrunlike if i am using VLC, flash won't work. If i'm using flash, VLC won't work.19:04
cshadowrunand xchats sound effects won't work at all.19:04
peeps[work]i get this message: vmware is installed, but it has not been (correctly) configured for this system. To (re-)configure it, invoke the following command: /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl.19:04
CondouloSlart, sad thing is, I've already tried that19:04
peeps[work]anyone in here using vmware seen issues like this?19:04
cshadowrunIf i can't get my sound working properly i'm gonna have to go back to windows :(19:04
peeps[work]i've already configured vmware like 4 times19:05
Scunizimdgeorge, I see you're back.. I just found this on google.  http://www.nullamatix.com/increase-the-default-linux-console-terminal-resolution/19:05
mdgeorgeScunizi: thanks, I'll see if that helps19:05
Scunizimdgeorge, don't know if you know this address.. but it helps me.. www.google.com/linux19:06
pharohhey,is it correct to say obj-C is the same as C++?and can it be used to create graphical representations like C++?19:06
Scunizipeeps[work], run that command using sudo19:07
mdgeorgeScunizi: I didn't know about that.  cool beans19:07
Seveaspharoh, no.19:07
peeps[work]Scunizi, i do.  it doesn't even run without sudo IIRC19:07
mdgeorgeScunizi: just out of curiousity, what did you search on?  my (brief) efforts weren't as successful19:07
peeps[work]Scunizi, or do you mean to run vmware as sudo?19:07
pharohSeveas: no to both?19:08
Scunizimdgeorge, terminal resolution19:08
Scunizipeeps[work], nope just the reconfig line..19:09
skimatwould like some infos on the creation of brainstorm19:09
Seveasno to the first, 'dunno, but doubt it' to the second :)19:09
peeps[work]Scunizi, yes, i run it as sudo, and then I can use vmware, but as soon as I restart, it forces me to run it all over again, it's really annoying19:09
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I need help with my wireless networking.  It doesn't get an adress by dhcp, and I can't seem to send packets on it.  I've tried adding a route for on eth1 (with no other routes to that host except the default), opening wireshark, pinging; no packets.  What can I do to make my wireless card work?19:09
Condoulook, apparently I did have to change the volume settings. But now I still get this error: gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile = chat: Could not open resource for writing19:09
swissfishhi folks. i just set up my computer with gutsy. i tried for about 50 times, to get my ATI card working, fglrxinfo is still showing MESA Drivers.... can anybody help me?19:10
jonaskoelkerlspci says it's there (Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG ...)19:10
Scunizipeeps[work], did you install vmware server or player.. I'm assuming server.. also when you installed did you install the entire package using sudo?19:10
jonaskoelkerwhen I press the power button for the card, there's a popup saying the bluetooth device has been {switched off,made discoverable}, so I'm guessing the card's power and antenna works19:11
Scunizipeeps[work], you there.. I was getting a lot of lag on this end.. netsplit? oh well.. did you get my last post about server vs. player?19:11
GeezleWell, I updated my sources.list and that seemed to all go fine, some more things updated, but now my Restricted Drivers Manager just crashes when I try to open it, and my screen resolution only gives me the same few options.  Any thoughts?19:11
SlartCondoulo: huh? try running something else that uses the microphone.. audacity.. or the plain sound recorder19:12
graabeinwhere do i find the source code for eye of gnome? i've installed it through apt and i want to see the code19:12
swissfishnobody an idea? :(19:13
SeveasGeezle, install the following packages: ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-desktop linux-generic19:13
SeveasGeezle, and do apt-get dist-upgrade19:13
jonaskoelkeranyone got an idea what to try out to work out how to make my wireless *not*work become a *net*work? ;)19:13
cristi1990how do i change permissions of a folder. it says owner: nobody, so i can't modify it19:13
Scunizigraabein, http://www.icewalkers.com/Linux/Software/518600/Eye-of-Gnome.html19:13
GeezleSeveas: okie, thanks!19:13
Piero_ScarufiiHow do i spellcheck these words in ubuntu: soelaas sinterklaas pieterbaas ?19:13
CondouloSlart- what happens is when I test my mic in Sound Preferences, it works, but apps like Skype won't use my Mic. As well as the fact when I do test it, I get that error19:13
Slartcristi1990: sudo chown yourusername foldername doesn't work?19:13
swissfishcristi1990, log in as root19:13
swissfishand chmod it to 77719:13
swissfishor chown19:14
Kal_LAnother question... how can I take lines on a text file, that contain a certain word and copy only those lines to a new text file19:14
cristi1990swissfish: in terminal? or nautilus?19:14
FFEMTcJI have a 256MB NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT- DDR3 that im trying to get to work with two monitors.. Ubuntu doesn't seem to be recognizing that a second monitor is plugged in..19:14
Griffon26How long would it approximately take for Ubuntu to have the latest versions of libxml2 & libxslt that were released this week available somewhere (like universe maybe)? I'm a Gnome Planner developer and I am wondering if making those versions required deps would cause much delay in availability of Planner on Ubuntu.19:14
pharohso what can obj-C be used for?19:14
FFEMTcJAny idea how to fix?19:14
graabeinScunizi: thanks19:14
Scunizigraabein, np19:14
cristi1990swissfish: ok logged in now what?19:14
swissfishchown -R <username> <dir>19:14
CondouloSlart- Audacity properly uses my Microphone, but other apps won't19:15
cristi1990swissfish: ok..19:15
SlartCondoulo: very strange.. don't really know what makes it do that.. but I'm not very good with alsa and sound.. perhaps someone else knows19:15
StPatrickI have a Realtek RTL8187b Wifi card, and I am trying to understand how to get Ubuntu to recognize it. Can someone help me out?19:15
CondouloSlart- ah. And the odd thing about Audacity, is I can only record in mono, not stereo19:15
SlartCondoulo: well.. is it a stero microphone?19:16
swissfishnobody ever fixed a messed up fglrx installation in here? i seriously doubt that :(19:16
ScuniziGriffon26, you really should be talking on the .dev list.. not sure where to direct you for that but the email address is ubuntu-devel-request@lists.ubuntu.com.. although you might be filtered if you're not a member.19:16
ScuniziCondoulo, you mean only recording on the left or right? or do you have 2 mics and a stereo mic input or 2 sound cards and trying to mix the two?19:17
cristi1990swissfish: can u give me an example pls (lol sorry) but it didn't work i think19:17
OsamaKHello, can I use this file <http://uk.real.com/player/select/> to install RealPlayer on Ubuntu?19:17
Scunizipeeps[work], did you totally disappear?19:18
cristi1990swissfish: i needed to chage the permissions19:18
OsamaK'Linux i686'19:18
peeps[work]Scunizi, sorry, was in restroom19:18
CondouloScunizi, I should only have one mic enable right now (There is also one built into my webcam), and my realtek audio is baked onto the motherboard.  Now I am trying to use this new USB Mic I just got in Ubuntu, it detects it, it works in Sound Prefs, and in Audacity I can only record in Mono. I also can't get it working in uStream19:18
GeezleSeveas: Those packages were already installed according to Synaptic, but I reinstalled them just to play it safe, then I did the apt-get dist-upgrade but there was nothing upgraded19:18
swissfishchristil: open terminal. type: sudo chmod 777 <dir/file>, e.g. chmod 777 /etc/mytestdir19:18
tininhow can I mount an usb reader via command line? How do I know how it is called. I think it should be like /dev/sda119:18
peeps[work]Scunizi, i am using vmware server19:19
GeezleI think I broke it good19:19
StPatrickI have a Realtek RTL8187b Wifi card, and I am trying to understand how to get Ubuntu to recognize it. Can someone help me out?19:19
CondouloScunizi, actually, for any recording option in Sound Preferences I get this error: gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile = chat: Could not open resource for writing19:19
Slarttinin: you can look in /dev/disk/by-uuid/  ... or run sudo blkid19:19
peeps[work]Scunizi, i honestly can't remember the method I used for the initial install19:19
ScuniziCondoulo, single mics will record in mono.. you might want to try the audacity irc channel if they have one.. I don't know what that error is..19:19
CondouloScunizi, oh. Ok.19:20
tininSlart thanx19:20
Scunizipeeps[work], well.. you should have build-essential installed for the server install.. I choose all the defaults that come up during the install. maybe that makes a difference.. you might try purging it and reinstalling.. but you gotta make sure you get the config files deleted19:20
khakanecould anyone give me a hand with doing a remote X desktop connection from windows to a machine behind NAT? ive using a tunnel in Putty and just not getting an asnwer19:20
dromergah, still can't get KDE to start :/19:20
StPatrickI have a Realtek RTL8187b Wifi card, and I am trying to understand how to get Ubuntu to recognize it. Can someone help me out? I am completely new to Ubuntu, and not very computer savvy.19:21
cristi1990swissfish: root@cristi-desktop:/opt/lampp# chmod 777 /opt/lampp/htdocs and it still says owner: nobody19:21
DRebellionkhakane, you have forwarded the port to the router correctly, yes?19:21
khakaneDRebellion: i can ssh to my machine behind the NAT, yes19:21
jonaskoelkercan anyone help me with with my wireless internet?19:21
peeps[work]Scunizi, ok, thanks19:21
khakaneand i setup a tunnel in my ssh client to do 5900 local -> 5900 in the tunnel19:21
khakanebut it just aint connecting19:22
DRebellionkhakane, i have to go, sorry. good luck though19:22
khakanetelnet localhost 5900 or telnet 10.whatever.ip 5900 gets an answer19:22
dromercan anyone with X-skills help me make KDM not try to start GLX? :/19:22
Scunizikhakane, I don't use putty but I do know that is for connecting with ssh.. if you just want a graphical connection tightvnc will work as long as the router on the other end is convigured to pass the appropriate port to the right machine.19:22
khakaneScunizi: the appropriate port = 5900?19:23
Scunizipeeps[work], I hope it works..19:23
Bug2000How do you force reinstall of a package?19:23
Scunizikhakane, yes.19:23
swissfishcristi1990, you need to decide; either you want to change the permissions or the owner19:23
Bug2000[Command line]19:23
khakaneScunizi: i tried that with no dice, i forward the port, telnet to it fro mthe outside and get blank screen19:23
henry_damn i love this OS.19:23
dromerkhakane: what do you use for xserver? xming?19:23
Xorothalhi guys, when trying to run amsn 0.97 (ubuntu gutsy) I get the following: http://pastebin.com/m54fe090e19:23
Scunizikhakane, try 570019:23
cheesypieceshi guys, how do i find out my ip address in a terminal?19:23
cristi1990swissfish: the owner i guess, sorry19:23
swissfishto change the owner you type: sudo chown <username> <directory> e.g. "sudo chown user /etc/mitestdir19:24
dromercheesypieces: ifconfig19:24
cheesypiecesdromer: thanks19:24
krammer_i cant empty the trash because i dont have permissions what do i need to do?19:24
jonaskoelkercheesypieces: ifconfig <interface> | grep inet19:24
StPatrickI have a Realtek RTL8187b Wifi card, and I am trying to understand how to get Ubuntu to recognize it. Can someone help me out? I am completely new to Ubuntu, and not very computer savvy.19:24
* jonaskoelker is too slow19:24
Scunizikhakane, sorry.. just looked it up .. 5800 & 590019:24
khakane5800 as well?19:24
khakanecuz i telnet to 5800 and get nothing, even locallyu19:24
aschmack!wifi StPatrick19:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wifi stpatrick - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:25
aschmackhow does this thing work19:25
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:25
TMindHi Leude19:25
StPatrickare you trying to pipe it to me?19:25
swissfishfolks, i reinstalled th ATI prop drivers, bus still getting this OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org19:25
swissfish. any help?19:25
aschmackthere we go19:25
StPatrickaschmack,  Yea, thanks I read a lot of that.19:25
Scunizikrammer_, you need to be root because something in the trash has root permissions only.. gksudo nautilus.. hit CTRL H to view hidden files and navigate to your trash in /home.. delete what's there then go to the root file system and find the root trash and delete the stuff there.19:25
cristi1990swissfish: i want to change the owner..19:25
TMindcan anyone suggest a keyboard with notebook-keys and background lighting ??19:26
StPatrickaschmack,  I'm capable of searching the internet. I'm in here because i seek assistance.19:26
swissfishcristi1990, to change the owner you type: sudo chown <username> <directory> e.g. "sudo chown user /etc/mitestdir19:26
khakaneScunizi: now i have 5900 forwarded, from y outside machine, i can telnet and get an answer, but VNC stioll wont connect19:26
aschmackokay StPatrick most people can't do that19:26
Moduliz0rHi, is there any way to install a bootloader on a USB drive (like Grub) and then use that to boot from an iso image on the USB drive?19:26
khakaneoooo i got it19:26
Scunizikhakane, is the machine behind the nat running ubuntu?19:26
StPatrickaschmack,  search the web? lol yea...19:26
khakaneScunizi: yes19:27
Piero_ScarufiiScunizi are you italian?19:27
StPatrickaschmack,  Well I got my wifi workign in Mandriva, but I'm unfamiliar with Ubuntu19:27
Scunizikhakane, and you went to System/Preferances/Remote Desktop and enabled  remote connections.. No.. not italian but lived in Naples for 2 years. :) loved it!19:27
piedoggieI'm trying to make the open VPN configuration package delivered by IP cop work with the network manager.  It doesn't seem to want to import the configuration file and it doesn't tell me why (as far as I know)19:27
aschmackhave you installed ndiswrapper yet?19:27
khakaneScunizi: yea, i can connect to my remote now using straight ip:port in vnc19:27
ScuniziPiero_Scarufii, nope.. I lived in Naples for 2 years in 1975-77 .. loved it.19:28
khakaneis there any other client to use that is cleaner? VNC is ugly and slow19:28
Moduliz0rhow would I install Ubuntu from the ISO image without a spare CD drive? I have the ISO on a USB drive...19:28
Slartkhakane: try freenx19:28
Scunizikhakane, ssh is a funny animal..19:28
aschmackStPatrick,  have you installed ndiswrapper yet?19:28
khakaneSlart: for windows?19:28
StPatrickaschmack,  Doesnt work.19:28
Slartkhakane: I think they have a client for windows too19:28
khakanei will try it out19:28
aschmackStPatrick, any error messages?19:28
StPatrickaschmack,  I've tried every windows driver I can find. Just keeps telling my i dont have a device for it.19:28
StPatricktelling me *19:29
gauchoI bought a microphone, but It's not working on my gutsy. I have an asus p5b-Plus motherboard, with standard desktop (amd64) installation. I tried to put the microphone volume to max in alsamixer, but nothing happens. What can I do?19:29
gaucho(it's working fine on ms win)19:29
b0efgot an ubuntu box that I'm compiling some code that depends on javax.persistence. I'm not sure which package in ubuntu that ships these files; any idea?19:29
StPatrickaschmack,  In Mandriva, I had to compile a driver.19:30
Moduliz0rHow would I install Ubuntu from the ISO? I have no OS on the computer and no spare CDs, I do have USB memory drives though19:31
lordleemoStPatrick: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=709802 according to that you need to use the win 98 driver19:31
StPatricklordleemo,  Tried it. Doesnt work.19:31
StPatricklordleemo, Ubuntu does not see my wifi card.19:31
StPatricklordleemo,  Yes, it's turned on :P19:31
GInStPatrick: what chipset?19:31
aschmackStPatrick, http://briancantin.blogspot.com/2007/11/hacking-rtl8187b-on-linux.html like that?19:32
GInStPatrick: have you tried it with ndiswrapper?19:32
StPatrickGIn, Yes.19:32
khakaneSlart: it seems nxclient wants to actually login to X19:32
gnuthGIn: Touqen, kidding, there is an error :p. PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare errhandler() (previously declared in /var/www/html/config/includes.php:3) in /var/www/html/config/includes.php on line 319:32
khakaneand it seems the setup i have now is just lame remote watching19:32
khakanenot actually logging into X19:32
StPatrickaschmack, Yea, last time i tried this, i was a complete linux noob, and couldnt make sense of that link. Let me try it again, and get back to you. Thanks.19:33
GInStPatrick: how can you tell the card doesn't work with Ubuntu?19:33
StPatrickGIn, I didnt say it doesnt work. I said Ubuntu doesnt see it. It's not listed anywhere.19:33
Slartkhakane: ah.. well.. it might not be what you want then.. sorry19:33
jonaskoelkerhey all... anyone to care help me with my wireless networking woes?19:33
StPatrickjonaskoelker, Heh you and me both19:34
khakaneSlart: well, you can setup X to be real, remotely, right? like real users have to login at a login screen19:34
GInStPatrick: but does it list your device when you run the command iwconfig or ifconfig?19:34
khakaneinstead of depending on someonebeing logged into the machine already?19:34
StPatrickGIn, No....19:34
Moduliz0rif I dd if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/my-usb-memthing will I then be able to boot and install from my USB drive?19:34
Slartkhakane: perhaps.. that's the way X is supposed to work, afaik.. at least in a linux to linux scenario19:34
ScuniziStPatrick, I just found on google that the b version isn't recognized by the drivers.. there is a solution.. http://briancantin.blogspot.com/2007/11/hacking-rtl8187b-on-linux.html19:35
GInStPatrick: it should work http://quilombo.wordpress.com/2008/03/07/realtek-rtl8187b-working-in-ubuntu-710-using-ndiswrapper/19:35
StPatrickaschmack,  Lmao....19:35
Coggzhttp://pastebin.com/m46919429 what is wrong with this? X wont start with it can anyone see problems?19:36
StPatrickGIn,  Thanks. it doesn't.19:36
StPatrickGIn,  The image there, is of the external Realtek 8187b19:36
StPatrickGIn,  Mine is built in Wifi. It';s not an external card I bought.19:36
GInStPatrick: it should not matter.. same chipet19:36
StPatrickGIn,  ok, well, I'll just try again then19:37
GInStPatrick: whenu run ndiswrapper -l, do you read device present?19:37
StevethepirateUm, is there a way to take all incoming data on a port, and redirect to a local port? I have a ssh tunnel on a pc, i want all pc's on my network to be able to use that tunnel as a proxy [the tunnel is to a socks proxy]19:37
StPatrickafk while i try it again19:37
GInStPatrick: do you have xp installed?19:37
SeveasGeezle, still here?19:38
gnuthStevethepirate: @sho9s use man finch it has alot19:38
GeezleSeveas: Yup, just poking around the forums trying to find out what I can do19:38
SeveasGeezle, if apt-get says there's nothing to dist-upgrade, then you're done. Reboot, just to make sure19:38
eaxCan anyone tell me how to install a GDM Theme from Gnome-look?19:38
GeezleK brb19:38
Odd-rationaleHello! is there a way to run "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" at boot up or log in?19:38
Stevethepirategnuth: um?19:39
aschmackyes Odd-rationale hold on19:39
ScuniziGIn, have you seen this link for the RT version B wireless.. you don't need ndiswrapper just a recompilation of realtec's driver.. the b version driver isn't recognized by the current drivers for that adaptor.19:39
Odd-rationaleasheron: sure!19:39
ScuniziGIn, sorry.. http://briancantin.blogspot.com/2007/11/hacking-rtl8187b-on-linux.html19:39
GInOdd-rationale: put ndiswrapper in /etc/modules19:39
aschmackyeah that19:39
Odd-rationaleaschmack: sure.19:39
Seveaseax, system -> admin -> login window19:39
GInOdd-rationale: that should do the job19:39
dromerdoes anybody know how to make KDM not want to use GLX?19:39
eaxSeveas: Thanks a lot :)19:39
Odd-rationaleGIn: ok thanks! will try19:40
Scunizidromer, turn your "effect" down to "NONE" .. that may do it.19:40
gnuthStevethepirate: what19:40
dromerScunizi: I don't have any "effect" and I'm not in X (I can't log into KDE for sombe reason kdm.log says an EE with GLX being started and I don't know why19:41
MrBillDoes anyone know if there is a solution other than running Wine/WindowsMediaplayer for getting downloaded TV/Movies streamed to an xbox 360?19:41
crdlbdromer: in what way does kdm use GLX?19:41
GInScunizi: I don't know. I don't have that chipset. I have much better expereince with ndiswrapper+win driver than those that Ubuntu uses19:41
dromercrdlb: I don't know19:41
GInScunizi: but just use whatever works19:41
dromercrdlb: afaik I don't have compiz/beryl or anything running19:41
crdlbdromer: oh, use pastebinit to pastebin the error19:41
khakaneok i figured something out, all of these guides seem to tell you how to setup REMOTE DESKTOP for X-windows, but i need actual, real remote X logins using users on the machine, not a VNC style remote19:41
StPatrickGIn, I wish I had XP installed. XP Won't install on this laptop19:41
dromercrdlb: how can I use pastebin if I'm not in x?19:41
Benji1is there an equivalent of the windows program 'Eraser' for linux?19:42
crdlbdromer: use pastebinit19:42
GInStPatrick: do you have the win driver for your card. you need the .inf and .sys files19:42
dromerer .. never heard of it19:42
Scunizidromer, you should be able to "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and but a # at the beginning of the line mentioning GLX.. then .. sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start19:42
aschmackkhakane, http://ayaz.wordpress.com/2006/09/23/remote-x-login-gdm-xdmcp-xmins-oh-my/19:42
khakaneaschmack: i will check it out, thanks19:42
dromerScunizi: there is no line mentioning GLX19:42
GInand probably .bin..19:42
crdlbScunizi: nah, it doesn't work like that anymore19:42
danand!pastebinit | dromer19:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebinit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:42
Scunizidromer, pastebinit will allow you to do that..19:43
dromerlemme see19:43
Scunizicrdlb, how does it work now.. ? I get confused after DApper19:43
crdlbScunizi: since gutsy, you don't have to explicitly load modules19:43
khakaneaschmack: is there a guide that is ubuntu specific?19:43
crdlbX loads glx and such automatically19:43
aschmacknot that i know of khakane19:44
Scunizicrdlb, k.. so how does dromer turn off glx.. from terminal?19:44
GeezleSeveas: That was a big fat no dice.  The Restricted Drivers Manager still craps the bed as soon as I start it and I get a Crash Report popping up19:44
crdlbScunizi: generally, you would just fix whatever is wrong with glx19:45
crdlbor you could use vesa19:45
SeveasGeezle, hmm...19:45
GeezleThis is starting to make me a little crazy...it wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't stuck with an awful refresh rate19:45
murlidharcan somebody tell me how to embed the terminal using devilspie or something else .19:46
dromerScunizi: how do I use pastebinit?19:46
murlidharcan somebody tell me how to embed the terminal in the desktop using devilspie or something else .19:46
Scunizidromer, there you go.. maybe using the vesa driver crdlb mentioned is the ticket to fixing the rest of it.. use the sudo nano line from before and replace the driver mentioned with vesa19:46
urthmoverSampo was a magical artifact constructed by Ilmarinen that brought good fortune to its holder; nobody knows exactly what it was supposed to be.19:46
arvind_khadrihey how do u find drivers for my logitech quickcam19:46
StPatrickGIn,  Yea...19:46
Scunizidromer, pastebinit. I'll check brb19:46
=== Bankai-- is now known as Bankai
GeezleWould I be better off just dusting off my 7.10 CD and starting from scratch?  I'd hate to do it, but this is going beyond my knowledge19:46
danand!webcams | arvind_khadri19:46
ubotuarvind_khadri: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras19:46
mkquistanyone know if the new flash update causes any problems?19:47
danandhope that helps **19:47
arvind_khadridanand, thanks19:47
GInGeezle: what is beyond your knowledge?19:47
murlidharcan somebody tell me how to embed the terminal in the desktop using devilspie or something else .19:47
aschmackhow do i enable emerald window themer19:47
ikoniamurlidhar: embed the terminal in the desktop ?19:48
murlidharikonia, yes19:48
ikoniamurlidhar: that sounds like some fancy compiz/desktop effect19:48
murlidharhi ikonia19:48
jonaskoelkeraschmack: run emerald19:48
jonaskoelkeraschmack: but--I think compiz will do it automatically19:48
dromerScunizi: woot, the vesa driver works!19:48
GInmurlidhar: http://ubuntology.com/2007/10/25/howto-embedded-terminal-on-your-gutsy-desktop/19:48
arvind_khadridanand, i meant where can i find the drivers it jus tells me whether its compatible or not19:48
coolaschmack, you need to install it first,19:48
aschmackjonaskoelker, "emerald: Could not acquire decoration manager selection on screen 0 display ":0.0""19:48
aschmacki did19:48
GeezleGin: I accidentally installed a Hardy repository and did a partial upgrade...got my sources.list all straightened out with the help of Seveas and it's all Hardy now, but my resolution is screwy and the Restricted Drivers Manager crashes as soon as I try to start it up19:49
GInmurlidhar: or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202249&highlight=terminal+desktop19:49
SeveasGeezle, did you reboot after the latest upgrading?19:49
GInGeezle: I would do a reinstall19:49
jonaskoelkeraschmack: try ps -Fe | grep emerald to see if it's already running19:49
jonaskoelkeraschmack: otherwise, try emerald --replace19:49
GeezleSeveas: Yup19:49
Geezlestill crashes19:49
crdlbdromer: ok, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old now19:50
Geezleeverything else seems fine so far though19:50
Scunizidromer, cool.. pastebinit use is like this..  cat <path/file> | pastebinit -b http://pastebin.com19:50
aschmackjonaskoelker, --replace did the trick19:50
arvind_khadrianyone who can help me with drivers for a webcam!!19:50
jonaskoelkeryw :)19:50
jonaskoelkercan anyone help me with my wireless networking problem?19:50
SeveasGeezle, what's the output if you run restricted-manager from a terminal?19:50
GInjonaskoelker: what is the problem?19:50
egoleowhat network problem19:50
jonaskoelkerGIn: no activity on the card19:50
egoleohwo do u mean19:50
Scunizidromer, I couldn't have done it without crdlb ..19:50
egoleobe specific19:50
GeezleSeveas: Not sure, what's the command to run it?19:50
jonaskoelkerGIn: I fire up wireshark, try my damndest to shove packets out the 'face, no packets show up in wireshark19:50
GInjonaskoelker: do you see your router listed?19:50
cool!ask | jonaskoelker,19:51
ubotujonaskoelker,: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:51
jonaskoelkerGIn: in iwlist eth1 scan?  Yeah19:51
SeveasGeezle, restricted-manager19:51
GInjonaskoelker: did you try it with network manager?19:51
jonaskoelkerGIn: try what?19:51
Geezlehehe...I just had a tard moment...gimme a sec to pastebin it19:51
egoleotry with network manager ok19:51
jonaskoelker(I have NM running, with a black-screens icon in gnome-panel)19:51
Scunizicool.. you must have come in late.. jonaskoelker has a running help session with GIn .. there are many questions there .19:51
jonaskoelkerScunizi: asked at 20:09, it's now 20:51 (gmt +1)19:52
GInjonaskoelker: if you click on the network manager icon on the panel, do you see your network listed?19:52
jonaskoelkerGIn: no19:52
GeezleSeveas: Here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62749/19:53
GInjonaskoelker: do you see other networks listed?19:53
Piero_Scarufiiwhere is the offtopic channel i want to say: "BOERUH" ?19:53
jonaskoelkerGIn: no networks; only "Manual configuration"19:53
ScuniziPiero_Scarufii, #ubuntu-offtopic19:53
fiXXXerMetCan anyone point me somewhere that explains how to create screenlets?  I have an idea in mind but don't know where to start.19:53
jonaskoelkerGIn: (on pkill and restart: same observation)19:53
SeveasGeezle, looks like your xorg.conf is messed up by something else. Could you pastebin it?19:53
gnuthdromer: ManDay19:53
changoleonque onda19:53
GInjonaskoelker: ok, run iwconfig , do you see a wireless card listed, there should be a wlan0 or somehting like that19:53
dromercrdlb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62750/19:53
jonaskoelkerGIn: yep, eth1's there19:53
dromergnuth: ?19:53
jonaskoelker(lo, eth0, wmaste0 all say no wireless extensions.)19:54
GInjonaskoelker: somethng like  IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:" ?19:54
arvind_khadrii cant connect thru yahho messenger am using wine19:54
jonaskoelkerGIn: ESSID:"", yeah19:54
arvind_khadribazhang, i cant connect thru yahho messenger am using wine19:54
MacTaylorwill i see a speed boost with 64bit?19:54
tawtis there any good apps for calculus for gnome?19:55
GInjonaskoelker: do you know what chipset the card is using?19:55
jonaskoelkerI know it's an intel 394519:55
jonaskoelkerGIn: does that help?19:55
GInjonaskoelker: lspci | grep Network   that will tell you what card you are using19:55
Scunizicrdlb, looks like dromer 's log is showing a Nvidia GLX with intel graphics.. Is that normal..?19:55
jonaskoelker03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)19:55
cshadowrunwhat should i use as a command line program to play wav sounds?19:56
jonaskoelkercshadowrun: mplayer19:56
DRebellioncshadowrun, i recommend mplayer19:56
Scuniziarvind_khadri, use Pidgin for yahoo IM client.. it works19:56
danbhfivehey guys, I'm looking at a tutorial on apache configuration, and it claims that my httpd.conf will be full of stuff.  Mine is blank.  Are there any tutorials/docs that are uptodate with the way ubuntu sets apache up?19:56
jonaskoelkercshadowrun: it's a linuxquestions.org members' choice awards winner ;)19:56
jonaskoelkerdanbhfive: httpd.conf -> apache2.conf19:57
AltaidaI'm using 7.04,  i'm trying to install pidgin, with no luck *kinda new to linux*19:57
GeezleSeveas: Here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62751/19:57
jonaskoelkerdanbhfive: I think that's the major difference19:57
DRebellioncshadowrun, in fact, i recommend mplayer for general playing of "stuff" ;)19:57
arvind_khadriScunizi, i know that,but i wanted Yahoo to work as it has webcam option19:57
cshadowrunhehe i use VLC for "stuff"19:57
DRebellionAltaida, sudo apt-get install pidgin?19:57
tawtis there any good apps for calculus for gnome?19:57
dromerScunizi: I had an nvidia before19:57
jonaskoelkerGIn: you got the lspci line, right?19:57
GInjonaskoelker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/iwlwifi_Intel_3945_4965/gutsy19:57
Altaidayea, tells me i need to login as root.19:57
danbhfivejonaskoelker: ok, cool, I'll look into that, thanks19:57
DRebellionAltaida, just type in your password19:58
SeveasGeezle, hmmm...... that one actually looks sane-ish but is the failsafe config19:58
urthmoverWoy-eeeeee-yers.....come out to PLAYYYY-EEEEEE-YAAAAAAY19:58
ScuniziAltaida, pidgin is the new name for....  Gaim. Look for gaim in your menus19:58
Altaidaafter sudo? or after the command19:58
Altaidathat's how i'm talkin to you guys19:58
jonaskoelker<DRebellion> Altaida, just type in your password <---- is it hunter2? ;)19:58
GeezleSeveas: Actually there are two versions...one in /etc/x11 and one is /usr/share19:58
SeveasGeezle, can you send all files in /etc/X11/ to me? dennis (at) ubuntu.com19:58
DRebellionurthmover, not here, join #ubuntu-offtopic for mindless shouting19:58
aschmackhaha jonaskoelker19:58
ScuniziAltaida, then it's working!19:58
DRebellionjonaskoelker, ?19:58
jonaskoelkerDRebellion: bash.org quote19:59
crdlbScunizi: yeah, that's bad19:59
GeezleSeveas: Sure19:59
urthmoverk DRebellion19:59
jonaskoelkerGIn: I'm already using iwl394519:59
naufragiowhy is Update Manager screaming at me that my updates can't be authenticated?19:59
Scunizidromer, that's probably part of the issue.. how did you manage to go from nvidia to intel graphics.. new machine? swapped harddrives?19:59
naufragiowhy would it ask me to update if it can't authenticate what it wants to update?19:59
SuperLagintegrated card, but ability to have an add-on? :)19:59
Altaidai just wanted to update it, it installed in the newest version of Ubuntu isn't it?19:59
crdlbdromer: you need to uninstall any nvidia drivers you installed, then reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx19:59
Altaida*it is installed on the newest version20:00
zbigniew_dobry wieczór wszystkim20:00
GInjonaskoelker: try configuring your network by going to System -> Administration -> Network20:00
ScuniziAltaida, yes..20:00
Scunizi!ru | zbig20:00
ubotuzbig: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:00
Altaidawell, i suppose i will wait for the next version to be released20:00
GeezleSeveas: Do you need the stuff in the subdirectories as well, or just the actual files in the x11 directoy?20:00
urthmover shucks they bumped me out of ubuntu-offtopic20:00
urthmoverwhat a bummer20:00
matt___is ubuntu 8.04 pretty stable?20:00
GInmatt__, head to #ubuntu+1 ;)20:01
SeveasGeezle, just the xorg.conf.* files (there should be a few with a similar name)20:01
Scunizimatt__, it's coming out in 14 days.. I would hope so.20:01
matt___Scunizi: right...just was thinking of downloading it and using it now20:01
matt___Scunizi: will kubuntu 8.04 come out the same time period as ubuntu?20:01
prodigelHi. I've done some updating to heron and suddenly my laptop won't start X. How can I make it start X automatically?20:01
daemon3I have two problems with Ubuntu on my new laptop.20:01
jonaskoelkerGIn: omfg it worx0r!!! u ar leet ;)20:02
azukiubuntu doesn't seem to run well on laptops :/20:02
GInjonaskoelker: lmao, it is basic Ubuntu knowledge  :P20:02
jonaskoelkerGIn: which means "thank you so much for your assistance"20:02
Scunizimatt__, you could if it's a fresh install. but it might be easier just to wait for apt to prompt for an upgrade.. kubuntu at the same time yes.. however their version isn't LTS20:02
daemon31: Nvidia doesn't seem will supported, so I have some display problems and no 3D effects.20:02
jonaskoelkerGIn: well, I come from debian.  We don't use GUIs :D20:02
daemon32: Once I updated my system, my sound disappeared.20:02
daemon3...however, there are no errors.20:02
GInjonaskoelker: you should ;) it makes life much easier ;)20:02
zbigniew_jeszcze raz dobry wieczór wszystkim20:03
aschmackwhats the name of the osx-ish dock application20:03
cheesypieceshi, can anyone recommend a program to burn an iso?20:03
GInaschmack: AWN20:03
renfrewaschmack: do you mean AWN?20:03
DRebellionprodigel, /join #ubuntu+120:03
Seveascheesypieces, rightclick on it in the gui. Select 'burn to cd'. Done :)20:03
jonaskoelkerGIn: I always try xrandr -s 80x24, but it always complains :D20:03
GInaschmack: avant window navigator20:03
matt___Scunizi: i use kubuntu right now, 64bit, but i'm wanting to switch back to 32bit, just seems to work better faster, i don't have time to configure everyting and whatnow...20:03
redwhitewaldo.mov files play in totem with sound, but it's all black for video. what's wrong?20:03
cheesypiecesSeveas: nice one, thanks20:03
matt___Scunizi: so do you know if the kubuntu 8.04 is pretty stable?20:03
GInaschmack: you need desktop effects enabled to use it tho20:03
Scunizimatt__, 32 is easier.. unknown about kubuntu20:04
matt___Scunizi: thank you...20:04
dagakahow do I change the login image? at the moment it has the xubuntu login screen and I want the original Ubuntu one back20:04
tawtare there any good calculus apps?20:04
aschmackis AWN not in the repositories?20:04
kane77how can I transfer file over ssh?20:04
dagakanevermind found it now20:05
GIntawt: Maple 1120:05
erUSULtawt: simbolic??20:05
DRebellionkane77, scp20:05
dromerScunizi: new motherboard with onboard gpu, I explained a zillion times already :)20:05
AltaidaAny good games that you guys/gals play on linux?20:05
GeezleSeveas: You've got mail20:05
dany_21atawt: give wxmaxima a try20:05
dromercrdlb: how do I uninstall them?20:05
Slarttawt: wxmaxima is another20:05
GInSeveas: I hate the Mathematica's interface. it is so ugly :\20:05
DRebellionAltaida, nethack :P20:05
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crdlbdromer: that depends on how you installed them20:05
jonaskoelkerAltaida: nexuiz, wesnoth, openarena, supertux, frozen-bubble20:06
jonaskoelkerAltaida: oh yeah, and nethack ;)20:06
SeveasGIn, true, but it's damn good20:06
dromercrdlb: no idea, was like 1.5 year ago20:06
GInI recommandn Maple 11, it is very student friendly20:06
erUSULSeveas: recomending a closed source app? tss tss ;P20:06
Slartmmmmm... nethack.... mmmmm20:06
crdlbdromer: 100.14.11 was never in an official ubuntu package, so you must have done it manually or with envy20:06
Altaidaopenarena is quake isn't it?20:06
arvind_khadrihey guys how to set a proxy???20:06
matt___Altaida: yes, i think so20:06
tininHow do I start bitlbee? I have yet installed irssi, but no idea now20:06
erUSULAltaida: quake3 engine plus open source art work20:06
dromercrdlb: envy might be it .. I really can,t remember20:06
ubotuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks20:06
anilregarding vmware20:07
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »20:07
SeveaserUSUL, there's no open source equivalent that comes close20:07
crdlbdromer: well, uninstall nvidia-glx and/or nvidia-glx-new20:07
arvind_khadrierUSUL, do u know how to set a proxy??20:07
dromercrdlb: how? apt-get remove?20:07
anilfailed to connect to perr process20:07
crdlbdromer: yes20:07
SeveasGeezle, sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.meh && sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.1 /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:07
Seveasthen reboot20:07
erUSULSeveas: never needed something that maxime doesn't offered but i'm not a heavy user ;)20:07
erUSULarvind_khadri: what type of proxy?20:07
Seveas!info maxima20:07
ubotumaxima (source: maxima): A computer algebra system -- base system. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.12.0-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 6941 kB, installed size 23304 kB20:07
geniiheh "...conf.meh"20:08
SeveasGIn, --^20:08
arvind_khadrierUSUL, yahoo messenger is askin me to set a proxy20:08
GInSeveas: ??20:08
erUSULSeveas: you can use from within emacs or texmacs or wxmaxima20:08
dromercrdlb: nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-glx-new-dev are being removed20:08
stevebartzcan anyone help with internet connection sharing to wii20:08
ubotuTOR is a project aiming to provide anonymous connections via specialized !proxies - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR for information and help - Note that TOR is blocked on most Ubuntu IRC channels, please see !hostmask and !tor-gpg20:08
stevebartzi've tried a lot of things but nothing works20:08
SeveaserUSUL, you'll never see me voluntarily use emacs20:08
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ozehkahey, i'm having problems transferring videos to my ipod nano 3g with amarok. also albumart is messed up. (both worked until yesterday)20:08
n-iCeHello, can anyone remind me where the sources.list are?, thanks20:08
erUSULarvind_khadri: never used yahoo messenger sorry ;)20:08
anilvmware......... unable to connect to peer process20:08
Seveasn-iCe, /etc/apt/20:09
anilvmware......... unable to connect to peer process20:09
anilvmware......... unable to connect to peer process20:09
anilvmware......... unable to connect to peer process20:09
FloodBot1anil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:09
erUSULSeveas: XD but .... it evens pretty prints formulae try doing that with vim XXDD20:09
SeveaserUSUL, that's what LaTeX is for :P20:09
danbhfiven-iCe: try locate sources.list20:10
erUSULSeveas: in fact emacs uses latex to render the formulae then embeds it on the meacs buffer...20:10
SeveaserUSUL, I know :)20:10
SeveaserUSUL, and that's impossible in just cli :)20:10
Seveas(which is where I need a text editor most)20:10
erUSULSeveas: XD20:10
ubuntui installed windows. then linux. worked fine. then i used an app 'partition magic' to check for bad sectors in a fat partition. rebooted to check. and grup gave error. 17. it is not allowing me to boot any os now. iam talking from livecd. what can i do?20:10
dromercrdlb: ok, and now apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx ?20:10
stevebartzanyone know anything about internet connection sharing?20:11
crdlbdromer: add --reinstall to that20:11
Seveasubuntu, reinstall grub20:11
Seveas!grub | ubuntu20:11
ubotuubuntu: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:11
Peloubuntu, hold on , let me check the grub manual for hte error20:11
GInubuntu, nice nick ;) you're so lucky20:11
Seveasubotu, see that 'after installing windows' link20:11
ubuntuSeveas:  how exactly. the grub is changed.20:11
Seveasubuntu, if you follow that link you'll see how20:12
ubuntuSeveas:  that link only recovers the grub.20:12
ubuntuSeveas:  not if its changed20:12
ubuntuGIn:  thx.20:12
Peloubuntu, this is error 17 : Cannot mount selected partition20:12
Pelo    This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB.20:12
dromercrdlb: alright .. now put i810 back in xorg.conf?20:12
ubuntuPelo:  ok. what can i do20:13
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:13
charles|64anyone having issues with the latest flash upgrade? 9.0.124?20:13
Peloubuntu, personnaly  would give up and reisntall everythinng but you can always try asking in #grub20:13
Pelocharles|64, what king of issue ?20:14
ubuntuPelo:  ok20:14
charles|64Pelo: im just asking i know there has been flash issues in the past and i dont want to upgrade and have to fix my flash all over again20:15
arvind_khadrierUSUL, how stack trace a program??20:15
ubuntui installed windows. then linux. worked fine. then i used an app 'partition magic' to check for bad sectors in a fat partition. rebooted to check. and grup gave error. 17. it is not allowing me to boot any os now. iam talking from livecd. what can i do?20:15
OwnerOnlinei try to install and it tells me it cannot find kernall image file????20:16
Pelocharles|64, not that I know of, but I've been on hardy for a couple of days, if the new flash is more recent then that I woudlnT' have seen it20:16
erUSULarvind_khadri: strace program20:16
StarnestommyOwnerOnline: you might need to try the alternate cs20:16
Starnestommyer, cd20:16
GInubuntu, I would give this a try first. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows20:16
erUSULarvind_khadri: that will trace every system call it gives a lot of output20:16
arvind_khadriok so anything istalled thru wine can be straced???20:16
arvind_khadrierUSUL, *installed20:17
erUSULarvind_khadri: you can "strace wine /path/to/exe20:17
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GeezleSeveas: Well, I did what you suggested and I'm back in Low Graphics Mode, and the Restricted Drivers Manager still crashes20:17
dromercrdlb: well .. it worked :) (I think)20:18
SeveasGeezle, pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:18
SeveasGeezle, and apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-all20:18
twoface_how do i get the python module "dl" in hardy?20:19
dimas_please, if someone here knows about streaming, i would appreciate to have a look to this link and give me a suggestion,...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4617940#post461794020:19
Seveastwoface_, that's part of the standard modules, isn't it?20:19
twoface_Seveas: you would think so - but I get "ImportError: No module named dl"20:20
GeezleSeveas: Here's the logfile and I'll work on the rest right now20:20
Seveastwoface_, odd....20:20
dromercrdlb: though I have to say the vesa driver seemed a lot smoother :/20:20
charles|64Pelo: thanks hows hardy treating you20:20
Pelocharles|64, I am it'S bitch20:21
Falling-InfernoHi i need help, i have a Logitech USB Headset. And I managed to get sound to my headset but my Mic isn't working on it.20:21
dimas_how are you pelo?20:21
GeezleSeveas: xserver-xorg-video-all is already the newest version.20:21
Pelohello dimas_  doing ok20:21
Seveastwoface_, it's in the python2.5 package which definitely is installed by default20:21
ubuntuPelo: can do it20:21
twoface_Seveas: strange - I guess I have to look for the problem elsewhere, then20:21
Pelocharles|64, ff3 is buggy with flash,  it gets colsed for no reason20:21
ubuntuPelo: cant do it20:21
dimas_pelo when ever you have a chance would you take a look to this...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4617940#post461794020:22
Seveastwoface_, does /usr/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload/dl.so exist?20:22
Seveasand did you mess with your sys.path?20:22
Pelodimas_, what is that about ?20:22
twoface_Seveas: it does not - and I did not20:22
charles|64Pelo: I hope they get it all worked out before the release or I may be sticking to gusty20:22
Falling-InfernoHi i need help, i have a Logitech USB Headset. And I managed to get sound to my headset but my Mic isn't working on it. I need it to work so i can talk on TeamSpeak.20:22
dimas_Pelo streaming on VLC20:22
SeveasGeezle, sorry, I'm out of ideas20:22
ubuntuPelo:  grub> find /boot/grub/stage120:23
erUSULSeveas: it fails for me too «python -c "import dl"» fails20:23
ubuntugrub> 5)20:23
Seveastwoface_, apt-get install --reinstall python2.520:23
Pelodimas_, why not just ask in #vlc ?20:23
Peloubuntu, what ?20:23
crdlbdromer: well, that's a very old video card, and running at 800x600 is a lot cheaper20:23
twoface_Seveas: no luck20:23
GeezleSeveas: No worries, I was out of ideas long ago.  I appreciate the time you've spent with me on this anyway...guess it's time to dust off the 7.10 CD20:23
Seveasdennis@mirage:~$ python -c 'import dl'20:23
Seveasobviously works for me20:23
Peloubuntu, if you messed up stage one ,  get the supergrub cd and fix it with that , the easiet way I know20:23
GeezleOr maybe I should screw around with a proper install of 8.04 Beta...hmm...20:23
Seveastwoface_, dpkg -L python2.5 | grep dl20:24
dimas_Pelo i did but don understand the answer...lol...so i may post it here and you or maybe someone can clear me up?20:24
dave421where should I put an init script to configure a tap device (created by tunctl) on startup?20:24
_Coggz_ how do i get a command to execute on startup20:24
DRebellion!startup | _Coggz_20:24
ubotu_Coggz_: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot20:24
twoface_Seveas: not there20:24
piedoggieFalling-Inferno: you are out of luck, most people know nothing about audio problems20:24
Seveastwoface_, apt-cache policy python2.520:24
Pelodimas_,  I don't use vlc and I don't know anything about streaming, I am not your man for this20:24
Seveaspastebin the output20:24
dimas_Pelo thanks20:25
Falling-InfernoDamn....Someone mentioned something about using a command in Terminal to change the default sound device.....20:25
arvind_khadriany help for setting up webcams???20:25
dromercrdlb: hmm, this motherboard is ~1 year old20:25
* Pelo 's fan club just lost a member20:25
twoface_Seveas: http://pastebin.com/d160304120:25
crdlbdromer: it's got an 82865 right?20:25
crdlbthat's ancient20:25
DRebellionarvind_khadri, ask20:25
Piero_Scarufiidromer are you dutch20:25
arvind_khadriDRebellion, i want to set up my webcam20:26
Piero_Scarufiicould you assist me in #ubuntu-ops plz20:26
Seveastwoface_, could you pastebin the output of dpkg -L python2.520:26
Piero_Scarufiito help explain somethinh20:26
piedoggieyea, it should be easy but folks assume the only use for a sound card is output20:26
dromercrdlb: well, I'd like to use my nvidia .. but atm I find it a bit of a drag to get that to work :/20:26
arvind_khadriDRebellion, its quickcam logitech20:26
crdlbdromer: the latest model is the 8296520:26
DRebellionarvind_khadri, what's the problem?20:26
dromercrdlb: I have no idea20:26
sherl0ckHOW DO, i open a .jar file in ubuntu, i have sun java installed?20:26
arvind_khadriDRebellion, how do i do it??20:26
piedoggietake a look at the pluse audio problems in 8.420:26
dromercrdlb: do you have any idea how I can disable glx now?20:26
DRebellionarvind_khadri, plug it in for a start20:26
twoface_Seveas: http://pastebin.com/de762c4120:27
ubuntuPelo:  grub>  find /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0,5)20:27
ubuntugrub> setup (hd0)20:27
ubuntuError 12: Invalid device requested20:27
crdlbdromer: err why?20:27
FloodBot1ubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:27
arvind_khadriDRebellion, its already plugged in20:27
dromerwhy does top say Xgl is running :/20:27
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:27
Peloubuntu, what are you doing , and why are you telling me about it ?20:27
DRebellionarvind_khadri, so what are you trying to do with it?20:27
Scuniziubuntu usually it's "grub> setup (hd0,1) or something similar20:27
crdlbdromer: oh that could explain the slowness20:27
piedoggiehell. I'm having problems wth simple problems like dedicating a usb headset to a guest me20:27
ubuntuScunizi:  what should i do in my case20:27
dromercrdlb: yeah20:27
piedoggieguest vm20:27
crdlbdromer: uninstall xserver-xgl20:28
DrivasI have a problem with ubuntu 7.1020:28
ubuntuPelo:  i followed !grub20:28
Seveastwoface_, md5sum /var/lib/dpkg/info/python2.5.list20:28
dromercrdlb: it's eating quite some memory :/20:28
arvind_khadriDRebellion, how do i build the drivers for it...is there any modprobe for it??20:28
GInubuntu, you missed grub> root (hd0,1) #Hit the <Enter> key20:28
Peloubuntu, I've never managed to do it with that ,  I use the supergrub cd20:28
Drivaswhen I mount my sd card, it appears to be mounted as read only :/20:28
twoface_Seveas: 9815691b8c3a7783d899f0337bde262b20:28
Scuniziubuntu, follow the guide here.. http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm.. it's very easy to follow.20:28
Seveastwoface_, that's wrong.20:28
Drivasmtab says it should be mounted as read/write20:28
twoface_Seveas: how can that be?20:28
DRebellionarvind_khadri, is it not already working?20:28
ubuntuGIn:  ok20:28
Drivashelp please?20:28
ubuntuScunizi:  ok20:28
Seveastwoface_, scarily enough, it looks like the dk mirror is doing weird things20:29
ubuntuPelo: k20:29
arvind_khadriDRebellion, nope it aint20:29
SeveaserUSUL, which mirror do you use?20:29
DRebellionarvind_khadri, okay what exactly is the problem with it?20:29
twoface_Seveas: i'll grab the package from another mirror later then20:29
Seveastwoface_, are you on 64bit perhaps?20:29
twoface_Seveas: I am20:29
arvind_khadriDRebellion, the prob is i dont have its drivers20:29
Seveastwoface_, ah, that explains20:29
ubuntuGIn:  grub> setup (hd0)20:29
ubuntuError 17: Cannot mount selected partition20:29
tiagoboldtneed help with hardy, were should I go_20:29
Seveas(well, it explains the different md5sum)20:29
twoface_Seveas: :/20:30
Starnestommytiagoboldt: #ubuntu+120:30
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DRebellionarvind_khadri, how do you know that? ubuntu provides many drivers already.20:30
twoface_Seveas: i'll look into it tomorrow - gotta go20:30
tiagoboldtStarnestommy: :}20:30
twoface_Seveas: but thanks a lot for the help sofar20:30
arvind_khadriDRebellion, as i had built the drivers some time ago looking at a how to but now cant remember where is it20:30
erUSULSeveas: Spain mirrors20:30
Drivas when I mount my sd card, it appears to be mounted as read only :/20:30
Drivasmtab says it should be mounted as read/writ20:31
dromercrdlb: oh yeah, it's a lot fater now :D20:31
arvind_khadriDRebellion, i guess now a modprobe should work20:31
dromercrdlb: thnx a lot :)20:31
Drivashelp please?20:31
nikoshi i need help <<Desktop effects could not be enabled>>20:31
ubuntuGIn: grub> setup (hd0)20:31
ubuntuError 17: Cannot mount selected partition20:31
DRebellionarvind_khadri, just search google.com/linux for your webcam name and see if any driver links pop up20:31
Seveastwoface_, on my 64bit machine the dl module seems to be missing as well20:31
ubuntuScunizi:  grub> setup (hd0)20:31
ubuntuError 17: Cannot mount selected partition20:31
GInubuntu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows  read it ;)20:31
twoface_Seveas: at least you can reproduce it then - i really have to go :) gl20:31
thunctwoface_: I find it astonishing that in 2008 with the improvements in desktop Linux that people new still have to edit the horrendous xorg.conf file as root. Its asking for trouble.20:31
arvind_khadriDRebellion, whats the module for cam??20:31
ubuntuGIn:  i am following that20:31
thuncubuntu: i don't see any reason to use XML20:31
DRebellionarvind_khadri, depends what type of cam20:32
* Drivas sighs20:32
GInubuntu, what do u get when u run find /boot/grub/stage1 ?20:32
Seveasthunc, work is in progress to solve that :)20:32
arvind_khadrilogitech quickcam usb20:32
Drivas when I mount my sd card, it appears to be mounted as read only :/20:32
Drivasmtab says it should mount as rw20:32
dromerhmz .. now I can't play any videos :/ (I was about to play Planet earth .. worked in Xgl .. but it was too slow .. now all I get with mplayer is a blue screen :S :S )20:32
Seveasthunc, I think everybody agrees with you that it sucks20:32
Drivasplease help!20:32
StarnestommyDrivas: can you write anything on it as root using sudo?20:32
ubuntuGIn: grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0,5)20:33
ubuntuthunc:  xml?20:33
GInubuntu, now run root (hd0,5)20:33
thuncubuntu: xml apples and red paper on public assistance for some users the prompt. xml /prolog/ : see the cover of his meat forks20:33
bharadwajI play a video in any media player..it is appearing very dark and just irritating my eyes..previously it was normal and really good but all of a sudden after upgrading my ALSA tings have turned up..but when I take a snapshot through the vlc it is normal..20:33
GInubuntu, at the grub> prompt of course ;)20:34
DrivasStarnestommy: I can not20:34
sivelis there a proggy like daemon tools for linux that can mount .iso or .bin files?20:34
Seveas!iso | sivel20:34
ubotusivel: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:34
bharadwajsivel: try cdemu20:34
bharadwajsivel: cdemu can mount any image format..20:34
sivelcommand not found20:35
DRebellionbharadwaj, what's the point in cdemu? mount can mount any filesystem, not just cd formats20:35
DrivasStarnestommy: In fact, I cannot copy anything from it20:36
ubuntuGIn:  done. ill reboot now20:36
GInthere should be an easy iso mounting tool in Ubuntu like deamon tools , but for gnome20:36
GIng'luck ubuntu20:36
DRebellionsivel, there is no way you cannot have the mount command20:36
arvind_khadriDRebellion, mine is gspca20:36
DrivasStarnestommy: I can only see the files and dirs that are on it20:36
siveloh, sorry, i meant for cdemu20:36
bharadwaj sivel: http://cdemu.sourceforge.net/20:36
StarnestommyDrivas: I'm not sure how to fix it20:36
ubuntuGIn:  thx20:36
Drivasoh well20:36
Starnestommysomeone else might know20:37
Drivas when I mount my sd card, it appears to be mounted as read only :/20:37
Drivasmtab says it should mount as rw20:37
Drivasplease help!20:37
DRebellionarvind_khadri, http://mxhaard.free.fr/index.html ??20:37
GInDrivas: try vlc20:37
bharadwajDRebellion: but what if you are in a hurry and just don't want to recompile the format? with cdemu it's just one click away..20:37
DRebellionbharadwaj, recompile?20:38
Scuniziubuntu, do you have more than one harddrive?20:38
aschmackokay so i got AWN installed, but how do i get rid of the top gnome menu bar20:38
DrivasGIn: vlc?20:38
DrivasGIn: The media player?20:38
GInaschmack: you need to have at least one gnome-panel :\ but you can however mak eit smaller20:38
GInDrivas: yea20:38
jdnI have an external harddrive that I use with ubuntu. Everytime I reboot it makes a new mount locaton in media. The first mount for example was everything, the next reboot is everything_, the next is everything__, so on and so on, is there a way to get rid of the clutter of "everything" folders/mounts that are residing in my /media location?20:38
jdnOh, I'm using the Hardy Heron beta.20:39
cshadowrunany application to record video from my webcam?20:39
cshadowrunvideo log type thing.20:39
bharadwajDRebellion, I mean in order to convert and then mount.20:39
DRebellionjdn, /join #ubuntu+120:39
GInjdn: #ubuntu+120:39
DRebellioncshadowrun, mencoder ?20:40
DrivasGIn: I do not understand20:40
DrivasGIn: How do I use vlc to copy files?20:40
bharadwajis there any irc for ubuntu multimedia?20:40
ScuniziDrivas, you need to go to the channel /join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy 8.04 support20:40
GInsory Drivas, misread your msg.20:40
DrivasScuzini: I am using gutsy!20:41
GInDrivas: can you write to it using sudo?20:41
cshadowrunSRebellion, that's an encoder...20:41
DrivasGIn: no...20:41
cshadowrunwhat does that have to do with recording video from a webcam?20:41
aschmackGln: youre sure theres no way to get rid of it because right now it looks like crap20:41
GInaschmack: not that I know off. mind to take a screenshot?20:41
GInDrivas: did gnome mount it for you or you did it manually ?20:42
Shadow420well I am back to help out for awhile20:42
DRebellioncshadowrun, yes...20:42
DrivasGIn: It mounted automagically, presumably with HAL? I am able to unmount with cli, but not mount...20:42
DRebellioncshadowrun, it takes the raw stream from the webcam and encodes it20:43
aschmackGln: alas, bleh http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/3347/uglykz2.png20:43
GInDrivas: if you try to mount it manually , what does it say?20:43
Shadow420Drivas try to mount it manually20:43
cshadowrunDRebllion, oh. ok20:43
BarryToemancshadowrun: kino might be able to record from webcam.  i'm unsure but it works well for dv camcorders.20:44
=== cheetah is now known as cheetah-
GInaschmack: that is one ugly desktop :P20:44
DrivasIt says 'mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdc1 is already mounted on /media/disk-1 mount failed'20:44
cshadowruni found something called cheese, it seems to work.20:44
GInaschmack: I don't know how you can disable the gnome-panel20:44
GInaschmack: set "auto hide" on?20:45
aschmacki tried that, it still shows a few pixels of it20:45
DrivasGIn, Shadow420: 'mount: can't find /media/disk-1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab'20:46
Shadow420Drivas try mount with -o force20:46
s_having trouble to install ubuntu i have a message which says INPUT NOT DETECTED20:47
s_any help20:47
Shadow420s_ how can I help20:47
GInDrivas: what command did you used to mount?20:47
=== uguu is now known as DuClare
s_i have a message which says INPUT NOT DETECTED20:48
s_i cant install ubuntu20:48
DrivasShadow420: 'sudo mount /media/disk-1'20:48
Shadow420s_ while trying to install ubuntu what version?20:48
StPatrickI'm back!20:48
StPatrickAnd I got Ubuntu to recognize my wifi!20:49
Shadow420Drivas what type Hard disk you are trying to mount20:49
GIncongrat StPatrick20:49
ratshellQuestion I have compiz screensavers they work fine. I have Flying Windows and I press the buttons to activate it it runs no problem, its just after that I can't get it to stop spinning and have to restart the computer to get it to stop any suggestions?20:49
s_what to do20:49
StPatrickGIn,  Don't go too fast now. I cannot seem to connect to my network. Any ideas?20:49
sanderqdhey! I'm using 2.6.18-xen, feisty I suppose, and my sudo suddenly stopped doing anything. plain `sudo` gives help text, but `sudo -i` or `sudo touch /root/dont-touch-me` don't return anything. any idea about what is wrong?20:49
GInShadow420: -o force is dangerous :\20:49
StPatrickGIn,  My other laptop connects to it just fine, It's unsecured.20:49
GInStPatrick: what did you do to try to connect?20:50
Shadow420GIn well sometimes I have to use it for my external20:50
DrivasShadow420: It is a 2gb microSD card in a microSD to SD adaptor20:50
StPatrickGIn,  Selected it from the drop down menu in the upper right20:50
GInStPatrick: it is not secured?20:50
GInStPatrick: not even wep? :o20:50
sanderqdwait, never mind, I probably am not a sudoer, didn't think of that20:50
MrBillDoes anyone know of a decent program for generating RSS feeds?20:51
s_shadow any help20:51
Shadow420Drivas ok open terminal and type sudo fdisk -l20:51
cvd-pr#ubuntu has invited a corporation to record what you say and publish your content for a profit?20:51
Squirmany idea how 2 make it so i can play mp3's frm my ntfs formatted hddd?20:52
DRebellion!ntfs | Squirm20:52
ubotuSquirm: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE20:52
magicrobotmonkeyis it just me or have the last two flash releases been ridiculously crashy?20:52
GInSquirm: do you have access to your  ntfs partition already?20:52
Shadow420Squirm Ubuntu should allow you to do that automatically20:52
Squirmits not that20:52
Drivasit does not appear to be called disk-1 anymore20:52
Squirmi can access files20:52
Drivasrather sdc120:52
Squirmbut i cant play music20:52
DRebellion!enter | Squirm20:53
ubotuSquirm: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:53
SquirmVLC plays them, but shit quality20:53
GInDrivas: dmesg should tell you the device location ;)20:53
Squirmsorry :|20:53
GIn!mp3 | Squirm20:53
ubotuSquirm: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:53
ZPerteehow do I get mod_perl working with ubuntu?20:53
DRebellionSquirm, that's odd. have you tried any other players?20:54
s_i have a message which says INPUT NOT DETECTED any help20:54
Shadow420Drivas ok then type sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media/disk-120:54
GIns_: be more precise please ;)20:54
Squirmi only have Rythmbox and VLC, Rythmbox doesnt play them at all20:54
GInSquirm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats20:55
Shadow420Squirm you should have toem as well20:55
Shadow420Squirm totem**20:55
erUSULSeveas: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.4/+bug/3089120:55
s_while trying to instal ubuntu 7,10 a message apears INPUT NOT DETECTED and the display doesnt work anymore and i cant continue installation20:55
Squirmno, its not under "Sound & Video"20:55
=== duda is now known as davedave
GIns_: when did the message appear?20:56
Shadow420Drivas ok are you still there?20:56
ubuntuI want to recover my debian install from ubuntu, but I cant chroot because my system is amd64 while ubuntu is i686, is it possible to point chroot to use diffrent LD_LIBRARY_PATH ?20:56
X-Setiinstall kaffeine, sudo apt-get kaffeine20:56
GInSquirm: do you have the codecs installed?20:56
Seveastwoface_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.4/+bug/30891 -- thanks erUSUL20:56
s_when some black screen apears and some text is written20:56
Squirmi tried installing lame20:57
s_and afterwards that text apears20:57
ubuntuSeveas: ?20:57
GInSquirm: read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats20:57
X-SetiSquirm what are you trying to do?20:57
Squirmi am20:57
Squirmi'm trying to play mp3's off my ntfs formatted windows hdd from ubuntu20:57
GInSquirm: if you try to play a mp3 file with totem, it should ask you to install the codecs automatically :\ are you using Gutsy?20:57
Seveastwoface_, an alternative would be to use ctypes20:58
ubuntuAny help ?20:58
BritGuyHey all, I'm a bit new to the whole Linux thing and would really appreciate if someone could point in the right direction on how to setup an onboard rhine based network card with Ubuntu, the OS doesn't seem to be able to activate the device?20:58
thuncubuntu: dude, I understand an issue: you take it private.20:58
X-Setithats easy, first download ntfs-config20:58
SquirmFeisty, i dont have totem20:58
Shadow420Squirm click on places an look in computer to see if ubuntu sees the ntfs HD20:58
X-Setisudo install ntfs-config20:58
GInSquirm: then read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats20:58
GInBritGuy: is it a wireless card?20:59
X-Setithen run ./ntfs-config20:59
ryan__That was freakin dumb20:59
s_what to do20:59
thuncryan__: 'b', 'c', '\0'}20:59
ryan__thunc,  what?20:59
X-Setithat will see your windows HD20:59
Squirmi can see them, and mount them20:59
ryan__thunc,  I am very new to Linux20:59
Shadow420Squirm then double click on your ntfs drive and it will mount21:00
X-Setiwell the ntfs can allow you to access and write to your windows drive21:00
ryan__GIn,  I tried to connect to it again, and got kicked out of the room, then my connection wouldnt connect at all.21:00
ryan__GIn, So, I tried rebooting, and now I don't have wifi as an option anymore, and it's not listed in ifconfig :(21:00
Squirmthats not the problem, my problem is playing mp3's, but im looking at a link21:00
X-Setiok, im getting to that21:01
GInryan__: is ndiswrapper loaded?21:01
Shadow420Squirm try launching a mp3 from vlc21:01
thuncGIn: like "no screens found" or "no core pointer"21:01
=== ubuntu is now known as Mateusz
ryan__GIn,  Didnt use it.21:01
MateuszI want to recover my debian install from ubuntu, but I cant chroot because my system is amd64 while ubuntu is i686, is it possible to point chroot to use diffrent LD_LIBRARY_PATH ?21:01
MateuszAny help ?21:01
brapanyone know how to accept voice calls  on amsn21:01
=== pierre_ is now known as pierrelourens
SquirmVLC plays them, just they extrememly bad quality21:01
s_no helo tnght21:01
ryan__GIn,  I just compiled the driver that I got working before, and use ./wlan0up to turn it on.21:01
MateuszShadow420: ?21:01
Shadow420Mateusz how can I help you\21:02
X-Setiill give you some links to codocs for ubuntu21:02
kleingeisthello, i am extracting a rar-archive and the process takes painfully much time, because the two cores of the t7500 don't operate at full capacity21:02
X-Setibare with me21:02
kleingeistis this normal?21:02
GInryan__: you probably need t load the driver manually21:02
MateuszShadow420: how to set chroot to use libraries on my hard disk ?21:02
ryan__How do I do that?21:02
GInryan__: do you know what kernel module it uses?21:02
MateuszShadow420: I am on 32bit ubuntu and I want to chroot to amd64 debian on my hard drive21:02
ryan__GIn,  No, but gimme a sec, and I'll see what I can do21:02
SeveasMateusz, why not burn a 64bit live cd and go the easy route?21:02
GInryan__: ok, do you still have the folder with the driver sources etc?21:02
X-SetiSquirm, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras21:02
s_no help21:03
Shadow420Mateusz ???? um thats out of my range of help21:03
MateuszSeveas: because I dont have OS to burn it:P21:03
X-Seti then sudo apt-get install vlc x-xine xine-ui mplayer libdvdread3 kaffeine21:03
Shadow420Mateusz sorry21:03
ryan__GIn,  Oh yea, Im trying ./makedrv again to see if i can get it to recognize it again21:03
Squirmi have gnome, and it cant b installed on my computer type(i386)21:03
X-Setithat will have the codecs for mp3 and most movie formats21:03
ubuntuiam having a grub 15 error. any help?21:03
shindensome one hawe logs from syslog-ng on selected console ?21:03
ryan__GIn,  Ok, I got it to see my card21:04
GInryan__: in that same directory, run ls | grep *.ko    .ko files are module files21:04
ryan__GIn, k21:04
Shadow420ubuntu ok grub is giving a error 1521:04
X-SetiSquirm, last command is  sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh21:04
SeveasMateusz, you have the 32bit ubuntu, don't you21:04
ryan__GIn,  None21:04
MateuszSeveas: yes21:04
=== Jonbo_ is now known as Jonbo
MateuszSeveas: I am using it now21:04
ubuntuShadow420 yes21:04
MateuszSeveas: from live cd:P21:04
ryan__GIn, Want me to walk you thought what i did, start to finish?21:04
X-Setithen all should work, giving you Xine21:04
GInryan__: sure21:05
Shadow420ubuntu ok let me think21:05
X-Setiyou can always install Mplayer too, doesnt hurt21:05
SeveasMateusz, ah heheh :D21:05
X-Setisudo apt-get mplayer21:05
SeveasMateusz, and you don't happen to have 2G of memory? :)21:05
BritGuyHey all, does anyone have any experience with diagnosing networking probs in Linux21:05
Odd-rationaleX-Seti: install21:05
Alan_Msudo apt get install mplayer (just to correct)21:05
ubuntuX-Seti sudo apt-get install mplay21:05
X-Setioops missed that21:05
MateuszSeveas: yes I do, but I am not sure if I can eject cd, where all programs are :P21:06
Alan_Mhehe, its ok, we got your back X-Seti :)21:06
ryan__GIn,  Private msg.21:06
X-Setiyep, do what I showed you21:06
X-Setiall should work, even youtube21:06
Shadow420ubuntu it's possible that your menu.lst didn't get made21:06
SeveasMateusz, hmm, good point again, running out of ideas :)21:06
MateuszSeveas: it should be possible to force chroot to use other libc than the parent one for running bash in chroot ;/21:06
ubuntuShadow420 dont know. it was working before21:07
s_can someone please guide me to fix the problem while installing ubuntu 7,1021:07
GInryan__: I am not receiving any pm from you :\21:07
Shadow420ubuntu where is grubs home21:07
Alan_Ms_, only if you tell us what problem your having, were not mind readers ;)21:07
danandMateusz - use a distro like dsl - run it from a usb stick? Then burn ubuntu 64 from there?21:07
ubuntushachaf in sda5 or sda621:07
shindensome one hawe logs from syslog-ng on selected console ?21:07
Mateuszdanand: downloading dsl on amd64 would solve it21:08
SeveasMateusz, maybe but I have no clue how :)21:08
ryan__GIn,  You get invite?21:08
GInryan__: nope21:08
s_ive pressed to install ubuntu and afterward will probably popup a window which says input not detected21:08
Mateuszdanand: but I am not sure if I can boot from memory stick:P21:08
Shadow420ubuntu where is grub located at on the MBR or on the ubuntu partition/Hard Drive21:08
ryan__GIn,  would you join #helpStPat ?21:08
BritGuyAnyone have any idea why Ubuntu wouldn't recognnise a network card?21:08
danandMateusz - bah :)21:08
khakanehrmmm im using xnest with remote dekstop client, and i try to connect to a LAN X-windows, and i get grey screen...21:08
erUSULBritGuy: wifi?21:09
Alan_M!wifi | BritGuy21:09
mith_where can i find or browse the dbus services?21:09
* Alan_M looks for ubotu...is it here?21:09
Alan_Mseveas you still messing with it?21:09
erUSULAlan_M: ubotu2 ?21:09
Odd-rationaleMateusz: you could use puppylinux which boots completely into ram and afterwards you can remove the boot medium...21:09
BritGuyThanks for your help, it's a wired connection21:09
SeveasAlan_M, it got a good kick in the nuts, it misbehaved21:10
* Alan_M thought that would have triggered ONE of the bots at least :/21:10
Squirmx-Seti, can i go pvt pls?21:10
s_the orange line is filling up21:10
BritGuyThe device just fails to activate21:10
MateuszOdd-rationale: I dont understand why every ubuntu cd I have is i686 :(21:10
erUSULBritGuy: what does «lspci | grep -i net» returns?21:10
s_now a black screen apears21:10
Alan_MSeveas, yeah...here lately its been cranky in the forum beginner team....and...lag...omg dude, that thing lagged.21:10
SeveasAlan_M, there's no proper failover between bots yet, I'm working on that :)21:10
MateuszOdd-rationale: are there amd64 versions?21:10
s_a line is blinking21:10
Odd-rationaleMateusz: there are.21:10
s_now appeared input not supported21:11
s_please jelp21:11
Shadow420Mateusz there are x86-32bit and x86-64bit versions of ubuntu21:11
Alan_MSeveas, yeah, i loved that thing (when it worked of course) love what you did, wish i could get my supybot to do that. (yes i know i went off topic but hey giving kudos) :)21:11
s_i just hear now voice21:11
spantherShadow420, x86 32bit is named x86 itself only :)21:11
s_but i dont c21:11
MateuszShadow420: the one I booted is i68621:11
SeveasAlan_M, supybot sucks. ubotu will soon no longer be a supybot21:11
spantherShadow420, x86 and x86_64 ^^21:11
Odd-rationalehello, ponygirl21:12
s_please help21:12
Shadow420spanther ok thanks for clearing that up21:12
BritGuyerUSUL, I will give that a go, i'm not to sure what that does, I have a lot of years  in CSS / XHTML and .Net but i'm a bit cluieless with Linux21:12
Alan_MSeveas, yeah, ive noticed that...i grabbed supybot and was like how the HECK did seveas put up with this JUNK lol.21:12
s_im having this problem since 3 hours21:12
ponygirlIt's jenna21:12
Odd-rationaleponygirl: hi jenna21:12
spmccanncan anyone recommend a good open source backup program to backup linux server, windows and mac clinets21:12
SeveasAlan_M, lots of coffee and lots of pain :)21:12
Seveasanyway, -ot :)21:12
Alan_M!backup | spmccann21:13
erUSULBritGuy: that will show what network card do you have so  we can find out which driver it should be using...21:13
Odd-rationales_: so you could hear the login sound?21:13
MateuszSeveas: Hmm trying to download libc6-amd64 ...21:13
SeveasAlan_M, not yet :)21:13
Alan_Mhaha...yep..did it again.21:13
Shadow420Mateusz go here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download21:13
spmccannAlan_M lol21:13
kleingeistwhy doesn't the cores of my cpu run at full capacity when it is needed? any ideas?21:13
erUSULspmccann: amanda ?21:13
s_ivE HEAR21:13
MateuszShadow420: trying to install libc6-amd64 and I will see21:13
ponygirlmy dad is playing his game so i can't consetrate21:13
spmccannerUsUL is it any good ?21:13
Odd-rationales_: what if you do ctrl+alt+f1? do you get a login prompt?21:13
ddrplayer512Hello, everyone!21:13
MateuszShadow420: much faster only 3mb21:13
Odd-rationaleddrplayer512: hi21:13
Shadow420Mateusz I have set it to download the Amd64 bit version21:14
s_whats fl21:14
Oprtzhello there21:14
erUSULkleingeist: maybe the cpu governor is wrong what does cpufreq-info returns?21:14
Odd-rationales_: function key 121:14
_CitizenKane_does anyone know of a good VPN solution that can connect a lot of people to an entire LAN?21:14
s_ah f121:14
erUSULspmccann: it is very well known on unix but i have only a desktp machine here and have not used it21:14
ddrplayer512Does anyone know a good place to buy a quality laptop with Ubuntu on it?21:14
erUSULddrplayer512: dell21:14
Odd-rationaleddrplayer512: dell and system7621:15
ddrplayer512Ah, I forgot about system76, thanks!21:15
wuxiaI want to use libcairo2-dev with debugging symbols (but the same version that ubuntu currently has); how do I do this in ubuntu? ( i guess it involves deb-src ?)21:15
fr33way!backup |freeway21:15
s_ok now u have a window21:15
fr33way!backup | fr33way21:15
s_a line is blinking21:15
phaedralthinking about ubuntu for my hand-me-down macbookpro; open to comments21:15
s_what next21:15
Odd-rationales_: so in ctrl+alt+f1 you just have a blinking line?21:15
Oprtztoday i install ubuntu with windowsXP on my desktop machine with 2 seperate HDD for both OS (NO DUEL BOOT), when log into ubuntu it shows correct time and date but when log in to windowsXP the time is 5 hours behind, shows 5 hour difference, why is that? how to correct this problem?21:16
Alan_Mseveas, is the trigger for ubotu2 still !?21:16
s_there is a lot of text writen21:16
SeveasAlan_M, ubotu is back :)21:16
Odd-rationales_: Is there a prompt?21:16
erUSULOprtz: you choosed during ubuntu install to set bios to utc time; didn't you?21:16
spanther14 days left :(((21:17
spmccannerSUL thnaks, i seen teh webite but you know how it is :)21:17
Alan_Mi hit enter before i saw it, heh21:17
Shadow420phaedral I am not sure there is a ubuntu for macs what type of macbook is it ppc or intel-based21:17
s_and the last line is ubuntu@ubuntu:21:17
Alan_M!backup | fr33way21:17
alphakampOprtz: you probe need to update WinXP it needs timezone updates and/or you havent set  the correct timezone21:17
phaedralintel; core duo21:17
Flare183Alan_M: it is supposed to be21:17
Oprtzalphakamp: ahh ok thanks i will cheke this option21:17
s_whats prompt21:17
X-SetiSquirm, sure21:17
ubotufr33way: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:17
Flare183Shadow420: what type of mac book? A G4, or what?21:17
Flare183!who | s_21:17
Alan_Mwow, there we go, just a little lag :)21:17
Odd-rationales_: ok try typing: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" then <enter>21:18
Shadow420phaedral then ubuntu 7.10 x86 version21:18
ddrplayer512A MacBook is an Intel Mac. The PowerPC equivalent is the iBook.21:18
phaedralFlare183: hand-me-down; mac book pro running tiger w/ a core duo21:18
ubotus_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:18
Odd-rationales_: choose vesa as your vidoe driver21:18
Flare183phaedral: then yeah it's intel21:18
Oprtzone more thing, i install compiz and i get the extra visual effect option but still it says you cant get 3d effect, my video card it Intel 946gz express chipset 128mb21:18
erUSULOprtz: In /etc/default/rcS you can set UTC to no to make linux "respect" the (wrong) windows time21:18
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate21:18
phaedralbut, dude, I am _so_ hooked on my dual-boot compaq, and really miss apt-get21:18
GInwe need an ultimate Wireless setup guide for beginners. :\21:18
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:19
Flare183Oprtz: you mean the 3D cube?21:19
kleingeistcurrently my cores run at 2,2 ghz21:19
Alan_MGIn, due to the immense ammounts of wireless cards, no specific instructions for your exact card can be made though. so yeah.21:19
Flare183!who > kleingeist21:19
Shadow420phaedral Flare183 so best thing to do is get Ubuntu 7.10 x86 version and try it out21:19
Flare183Shadow420: yes21:19
Flare183!hi | ponygirl21:20
ubotuponygirl: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:20
OprtzFlare183: when i press on extra visual efect button, shows error saysing 3d effect have to enable21:20
Shadow420phaedral and let me guess NO floppy?21:20
ponygirlthanx atleast i am appresiated here21:20
phaedralno floppy indeed21:20
erUSUL!who | kleingeist21:20
OprtzFlare183: yes i would love to learn how to use this 3d cube ?21:20
ubotukleingeist: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:20
Flare183Oprtz: do you have ccsm installed?21:20
Alan_Mponygirl, do you have a question for us?21:20
Shadow420phaedral BLAH21:20
OprtzFlare183 : yes i did21:20
GInAlan_M: maybe a step by step how to try to get the card workin...21:21
kleingeisterUSUL: my two cores run at 2,2 ghz ;-)21:21
Odd-rationales_: things working?21:21
wuxiaI wnat to rebuild a ubuntu package with debugging support; how do I do that?21:21
Flare183Oprtz: ok then... Find the button that says Rotate Cube21:21
Oprtzbut right now i dont have access to my ubuntu machine, sis is sleeping :)21:21
erUSULkleingeist: and thay should run faster?21:21
s_use kernel framebuffer device interface21:21
Flare183Oprtz: oh crap. Then you will have to do this later21:21
Shadow420phaedral I have a guide I compilied to get ubuntu installed on a floppy for a safer dual-booting21:21
s_should i press yes or no21:21
Odd-rationales_: yes21:21
phaedralsad part is, it's a great box for the right person, a consumer appliance type user; but, dammit, I want my *nix goodies21:21
OprtzFlare183: yes i think so, thanks dear for ur help21:21
Flare183Oprtz: no problem21:22
spantherthe Hauppauge Win-TV Nova-T PCI Remote Control isnt supported with all buttons yet hope they fix that :)21:22
Oprtzcya and bbye21:22
Odd-rationales_: accept the default for the rest21:22
s_autodetect keybord layout yes or no21:22
Shadow420phaedral without making grub install on to the MBR and have to fix it to get it off21:22
phaedraland osX is not nearly so friendly on that score as I'd been led to believe21:22
kleingeisterUSUL: no, the cores should run at full capacity; the cpu usage is around 10 % when i need the power21:22
Odd-rationales_: yes21:22
Boohbahphaedral: are you saying ubuntu is missing some unix goodies? what would those be?21:22
s_which mouse port21:23
kleingeisterUSUL: for extracting archives for example, this takes painfully much time21:23
erUSULkleingeist: maybe the cpu governor is wrong what does «cpufreq-info» returns?21:23
Shadow420phaedral so my only suggestion is to make a grub boot cd21:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sgd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:23
phaedralBoohbah: no, max os X is21:23
Odd-rationales_: is there a defualt?21:23
alphakampI wanna go for LPI, anyone know of any online courses? Or coures available in the VA area?21:23
phaedraljust not as easy to do the stuff I"m used to doing on this beast as it was on my debian or ubuntu installs21:23
s_dev input mice, dev psaux, dev ttyso, dev tts0, dev gpmdata21:23
Shadow420to keep osX from giving you fits21:23
Boohbahphaedral: but you can still install the right software to make os x more unix lie21:24
phaedralShadow420: thanks; that might be a good trick to keep in mind21:24
Odd-rationales_: try mice21:24
phaedralBoohbah: sure; macports or fink; but the macports abcde barfed on me and the xmms is no better21:24
Scunizialphakamp, http://www.lpi.org/en/lpi/english/about_lpi/news/news_archives/2005/linux_professional_institute_certification_program_receives_endorsement_of_standards_organization21:24
phaedralsure, I _should_ be man enough to tweak them, but, dammit, I'm spoiled by apt-get install blah and having it just work21:25
alphakampscunizi: thanky21:25
arvind_khadrihow to delete a hidden folder??21:25
Shadow420phaendral this is the guide I was talking to you about21:25
Scunizialphakamp, you welcomey21:25
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.21:25
Killeroidarvind_khadri: rm -rf .hiddenfolder21:25
phaedralShadow420: I think I missed the link...21:26
Boohbahphaedral: did you check that out?21:26
TotemI compiled a simple program in c++. Why can't I double click on it to run it? I don't want to have to open the terminal every time to run my programs.21:27
arvind_khadriKilleroid, thanks for that21:27
arvind_khadriKilleroid, this channel is really supportive for newbie's,unlike others21:27
phaedralBoohbah: will check that; thanks21:27
erUSULTotem: if it is a terminal program you will have to do just that...21:27
Odd-rationales_: working?21:27
erUSULTotem: keep the terminal open ;)21:28
arvind_khadriJus had a helluva of time in #wine21:28
phaedraltime for lunch; thanks all for bein' around21:28
spantheri love linux <321:28
s_xserver xorg posting warning; owerwriting possibly customized config file; backup in etc x11 xorg.confg.20080410202521:28
TotemerUSUL: oh, so if my program uses the cout stream, I will have to use the terminal no matter what?21:28
Killeroidarvind_khadri: yeah, we are are comparitively very nice community21:28
Odd-rationales_: that is ok21:28
=== shivamib is now known as needs
s_and now21:28
erUSULTotem: yep21:28
arvind_khadriKilleroid, we are the best i can say...i had to beg for help in wine21:28
Totemis there a way to open the terminal from my program?21:29
arvind_khadriKilleroid, here we need to beg to stop21:29
s_should i type exit21:29
=== needs is now known as shivamib
Odd-rationales_: try going back to ctrl+alt+f721:29
TotemerUSUL: well, thanks21:29
erUSULTotem: you can make a launcher that just do "gnome-terminal -e path/to/your/program"21:30
GNU\colossuswith the ubuntu-bundled ati/radeon driver, is there hardware accelerated GLX already possible for 8.04?21:30
s_same message again21:30
TotemerUSUL: so the program would run if it didn't use the terminal?21:30
erUSULTotem: assing it an icon and be done with it21:30
s_intput not suported21:30
GNU\colossusaddition: with r5xx gpus21:30
BritGuyI tried lspci | grep -i net command and it returned "Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102 [Rhine-II] (rev 74), is there a way to find if Ubuntu has a driver for this card already?21:30
TotemerUSUL: can I just double click on the launcher to run it?21:30
Odd-rationales_: your on a livecd correct?21:30
erUSULTotem: yep21:31
TotemerUSUL: ok, thanks21:31
erUSULTotem: if you set up this way yes21:31
Odd-rationales_: I guess the best thing to do now is to download and use the alternative install cd21:31
StPatrickHow do I fix this ?   http://pastebin.ca/98015721:31
ubotuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal21:31
s_maybe i made somewhere a mistake21:32
nichosHi all, I have a thunderbird question. I told it to show only unread, and now it's "stuck" as showing only unread. I've checked and unchecked it, no luck. If i search for a message it shows all (read and unread) but clearing the search only shows the unread msg's21:32
Odd-rationales_: if you want, you can go back to ctrl+alt+f1 and try again21:32
_maxHi! I installed a new network card and it how has alias eth1 instead of eth0 but I cant find the place to change this21:32
s_xserver xorg posting warning; owerwriting possibly customized config file; backup in etc x11 xorg.confg.20080410202521:32
s_this appered again21:32
erUSULBritGuy: /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/net/via-rhine.ko <<< that's the driver21:32
Totemis there a low level way to have windows in linux? something like Windows' window.h header file? Or do I have to use a runtime like GTK?21:32
bosssalve ragazzi, mi è sparita la riga di intestazione con i menu dal desktop di ubuntu 7.10. Come posso recuperare21:32
Odd-rationales_: try vesa as the video driver21:32
s_ive did vesa21:33
Odd-rationales_: do enter.21:33
erUSUL_max: in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules21:33
khansacan you give me please the ubuntu-fr location?21:33
_maxerusul thx21:33
Jaymackhansa: for the chatroom? #ubuntu-fr21:33
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.21:33
lordleemokhansa: #ubuntu-fr21:33
clskIs there a way to upgrade my current system to hardy beta?21:34
arvind_khadriStPatrick, whats it about??21:34
clskcurrent is 7.10 of course21:34
Jaymacclsk at a terminal gksudo update-manager -d21:34
erUSULTotem: you have to use some kind of widget lib gtk, qt, wxwindows, fltk, etc21:34
StPatrickarvind_khadri,  Trying to get a wifi driver to stay installed after i reboot21:34
Odd-rationales_: also, if you could put my nick infront of your message, that would make things easier. use tab to autocomplete: e.g. odd<tab>21:34
erUSUL!upgrade | clsk21:34
ubotuclsk: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:34
s_is it ok now21:34
TotemerUSUL: darn... how about if I use opengl; do I have to use one?21:34
clskthanks :)21:35
arvind_khadriStPatrick, isnt there any other way than the one you are using21:35
arvind_khadri!wifi | StPatrick21:35
ubotuStPatrick: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:35
Odd-rationales_: what is ok?21:35
TotemerUSUL: nvm21:35
TotemerUSUL: thanks21:35
s_with tab21:35
StPatrickarvind_khadri,  I am so Tired of people linking me that page.21:35
CondouloStPatrick, what do you need help with.21:35
TotemerUSUL: do you happen to know what Firefox uses?21:35
arvind_khadriCondoulo, wifi help21:36
Condouloarvind_khadri, what crd21:36
Odd-rationales_: in your irc client, to odd<tab> and it will autocomplete my nick.21:36
erUSULTotem: it uses its own framework plus gtk and other low level libs like cairo and pango21:36
s_Odd-rationale, now21:36
arvind_khadriCondoulo, i dont know,we jus started21:36
clskI've got another question. Is there a way to tell ubuntu not to adjust the time for daylight savings time?21:36
Odd-rationales_: that's better :)21:36
arvind_khadriStPatrick, whats ur card???21:36
StPatrickCondoulo, wifi, kinda21:37
CondouloStPatrick, but what brand/model. I know its a WiFi card you are trying to get to work at this point.21:37
clskTime didn't change in iraq this year for daylight savings and when switching back and forth with windows my time keeps getting changed.21:37
arvind_khadriStPatrick, whats the card you are using21:37
TotemI am trying to install ati drivers and I get this error: X Server: unable to detect21:37
Totemwhat does that mean?21:37
erUSUL!ati | Totem21:37
ubotuTotem: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:37
=== IR3404 is now known as Xyzzy
s_same message21:38
=== Xyzzy is now known as Xyzyyz
s_Odd-rationale, same message21:38
StPatrickarvind_khadri,  RTL8187b21:38
BritGuyDoes anyone know if it's possible to figure out what driver a device is using in Ubuntu?  :)21:38
Odd-rationales_: try the alternative cd.21:38
linuxwarriorhey, for sendmail someone knows how to change the ctladdr when you relay a email via en external smtp server ?21:38
Totemubotu, will that page solve my problem?21:38
erUSULBritGuy: have you tried «sudo modprobe via-rhine»21:38
GrueTamerTotem: ubotu is a bot21:39
Totemoh well21:39
arvind_khadriStPatrick, realtek??21:39
Totemya, I figured that out21:39
filthpighi, does someone know of an app similar to the Bluephoneelite for mac?21:39
s_Odd-rationale, and if i change graphic card21:39
GrueTamerwell, pastebin your xorg.conf file Totem21:39
Totemwell, what is the problem with X Server: unable to detect21:39
Odd-rationales_: reconfigure x to match your new card21:39
TotemGrueTamer: where do I get that?21:39
s_Odd-rationale, whats that21:39
ubuntuhow to make backups of whole partition image. with good compression?21:39
GrueTamerits in /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:39
GrueTamer!pastebin | Totem21:40
ubotuTotem: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:40
erUSUL!info partimage | ubuntu21:40
ubotuubuntu: partimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-17 (gutsy), package size 268 kB, installed size 944 kB21:40
x0xcan anyone help me with it ? st3v3n@AmaderBanglaChat:~/NeoStats-3.0.1$   :/home/st3v3n/NeoStats-3.0.1/src/perl.c:1640: undefined reference to `Perl_Gt21:40
erUSULTotem: just follow thwe instructions on the page ubotu told you21:40
Odd-rationales_: the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" command21:40
Odd-rationales_: but to install ubuntu, try useing the alternative cd21:40
ubuntuOdd-rationale why not live21:41
cderhow to add /ubuntu/andy; to sudoers file?21:41
arvind_khadriStPatrick, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4684432 .... check whether this helps???21:41
s_Odd-rationale, ok21:41
BritGuyerUSUL - Thanks, i'll give that a shot, I have to keep booting into my linux partition until I can get the network up, so apologise for the delay21:41
arvind_khadricder, do u want to add a new user??21:41
Odd-rationaleubuntu: s_ was having trouble with the livecd21:41
erUSULcder: just add te andy user to the admin group to give it the power of sudo in System>Admin21:42
s_Odd-rationale, no21:42
s_everything os ok21:42
arvind_khadricder, if so then $adduser andy admin21:42
ubotuwubi is Wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi-installer.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it is included in hardy 8.04 beta CD and will be in the final release)21:42
erUSULcder: just add te andy user to the admin group to give it the power of sudo in System>Admin>users and grpous21:42
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:42
arvind_khadricder, $adduser andy admin21:42
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:43
TotemGrueTamer: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62768/21:43
cderarvind_khadri: adduser andy admin as root?21:43
ubuntu i have g4l ghost for linux . i think it uses partimage. its compresion is good. bzip2 i think. but it dont uncompresses the image file to see or copy a single file. (only restore images)  any better ideas?21:43
arvind_khadricder, do u have root powers??21:43
navajo_salve,  mi è sparita la riga dei menu dal desktop di gutsy. come posso recupararla?21:44
GrueTamerTotem: wow21:44
cderandy does not but i an use su - root then the password21:44
cderis that what you mean21:44
IderikI can't find any installing guide to ubuntu21:44
DatzOk, I burned the powerpc .iso for my mac, but it just boots to the Mac OS, how do I change boot sequence?21:44
GrueTameryour xorg doesnt have devices set up in it, no wonder it doesnt work :)21:44
arvind_khadricder, ok so you want him to have sudo powers???21:44
GrueTamerwell, it has a few21:44
Iderikcould anyone help me?21:44
DJones!it | navajo_21:45
ubotunavajo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:45
Odd-rationaleubuntu: yes?21:45
ubuntu i have g4l ghost for linux . i think it uses partimage. its compresion is good. bzip2 i think. but it dont uncompresses the image file to see or copy a single file. (only restore images)  any better ideas?21:45
arvind_khadricder, then do what i said,that would give sudo powers21:45
DatzI burned the powerpc .iso for my mac, but it just boots to the Mac OS, how do I change boot sequence?21:45
GrueTamerok Totem.  how did you try to install the drivers21:45
=== ateliers is now known as izaak
cderbut do i do it from root user or as andy user21:46
aschmackDatz, hold Option when you boot21:46
aschmacki think21:46
aschmackthat or C21:46
Datzok, thanks, will try21:46
arvind_khadricder, from your user21:46
IderikI have partitioned my hdd, and now what? I can't find any guide how to install it without a CD... (no not in topic either) please help me..21:46
arvind_khadricder, i meant when you are logged in21:46
TotemGrueTamer: what do I do?21:47
IndyGunFreakIderik: what do you mean you can't figure out how to installi t?21:47
thuncTotem: ...21:47
cderso as andy user i issue the command adduser andy admin21:47
IderikIndyGunFreak, yeah21:47
astro76!install | Iderik21:47
ubotuIderik: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:47
TotemI'm a noob to ubuntu, I'm sorry. I have been with Windows for so long...21:47
GrueTamerok Totem.  how did you try to install the drivers21:47
IndyGunFreakIderik: its a fairly self explanatory process21:47
arvind_khadriIderik, please be clear21:47
TotemGrueTamer: They aren't installed yet, that's the problem. I try to install and I get this error: X Server: unable to detect21:48
TotemI can post the whole install output21:48
IndyGunFreakTotem: what are tyiou tryin to install?21:48
Iderikarvind_khadri, I have no CD to burn, so I want to install it directly to my hardrive, but I can't find any guides how/where to start21:48
arvind_khadriGrueTamer, reconfigure X21:48
navajo_gia fatto grazie21:48
GrueTamerarvind_khadri: tell that to Totem :)21:48
TotemI am trying to install ati graphics drivers21:48
cderarvind_khadri: you got that as andy user i issue the command adduser andy admin21:48
Totemhow do I reconfigure X?21:48
arvind_khadriTotem, reconfigure X21:49
GrueTameris it dpkg-reconfigure-xorg?21:49
Iderikarvind_khadri, did you understand me now? :)21:49
Odd-rationaleTotem: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:49
arvind_khadriIderik, yeah i did get u,but what do u want to install21:49
Totemhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62770/ here is the output of the driver install21:49
arvind_khadricder, yeah correct21:49
IndyGunFreakIderik: so you want to install it in a way that does not require a CD, correct?21:49
Totemthanks Odd-rationale21:49
thuncIndyGunFreak: while (mycars.length > 0) { mycars.pop(); }21:49
s_Odd-rationale, nv is nvidiq right21:50
IderikIndyGunFreak, correct21:50
IndyGunFreakthunc: ?.. i have no idea what you're talking about.21:50
Odd-rationales_: yes. nv is ndivia21:50
thuncIndyGunFreak: wtf21:50
cderarvind_khadri: are you from kerala21:50
IndyGunFreak!install | Iderik read the links here, it can be installed several ways21:50
ubotuIderik read the links here, it can be installed several ways: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:50
Iderikarvind_khadri, I'm using windows xp now, and want to install ubuntu21:50
Iderikubotu, oh, thank you21:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oh, thank you - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:50
GrueTamerTotem: did you get the drivers from the repos or from a website?21:50
lusiushi good people ^^21:50
Odd-rationale!thanks | Iderik21:50
ubotuIderik: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:50
s_Odd-rationale, ammount of memory what should i type21:50
Alan_MIndyGunFreak, that message to iderik through ubotu was redundant haha21:50
arvind_khadriTotem sudo dpkg --configure xorg21:51
IndyGunFreakAlan_M: indeed it was, but he's been posted it twice at least..lol21:51
TotemGrueTamer: the ati website. I did the X reconfigure. Should I just hit enter a whole bunch of times or do I really need to enter anything?21:51
arvind_khadriIderik, you need to have a cd or an external device21:51
Odd-rationales_: idk. sorry.21:51
inspired12greetings people21:51
IndyGunFreakarvind_khadri: not necessarily21:51
Alan_M"installed in several ways" is what i was saying IndyGunFreak..ah wel whatever :)21:51
s_Odd-rationale, idk21:51
GrueTamerTotem: always answer correctly21:51
IndyGunFreakAlan_M: i know, i gotcha..21:52
arvind_khadriIndyGunFreak, for wat??21:52
Odd-rationales_: i don't know...21:52
inspired12I am glad to say i am currently running Hardy heron on my toshiba lappy, and all the issues I had with gutsy have been resolved21:52
filthpigI need a program that will synchronize with any bluetooth mobile phone and recieve sms's sent to tho phone and publish the sms on a website. Does anybody know of such an app or an app that provides part of the required actions? It would be samething like Bluephoneelite for the mac..21:52
phixhey, when is the new Ubuntu due out?21:52
s_Odd-rationale, ok21:52
IndyGunFreakarvind_khadri: well, one way is wubi, that doesn't require an external device.21:52
arvind_khadriIndyGunFreak, oh ok for installation of ubuntu21:52
Odd-rationalephix: april 2421:52
GrueTamerbecause its going to set up your xorg file, which is going to be the file that configures/allows the launch for xorg (the gui)21:52
inspired1214 days from now I think21:52
Iderikphix, 13 days i think21:52
Alan_Minspired12, please talk about hardy in #ubuntu+1, thanks :)21:52
inspired12cool thanks21:52
arvind_khadriIndyGunFreak, tell that to Iderik :)21:52
Wibble-Hi - I just installed hardy and my X (on board chip) has dumped me back to 800x600! I'm sure it can support more than this, but dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't give me options to update the resolution like it used to do!21:52
IndyGunFreakarvind_khadri: he'll figure it out on his own if he reads the links21:52
phixOdd-rationale, Iderik: w00t! Will it fix the problem I Have been experencing with my intel wireless card? :)21:52
pharohhow can i make a torrent manager my default download manager?21:52
Odd-rationalephix: dunno21:53
arvind_khadriIndyGunFreak, :) thats not fair21:53
TotemI still get this error when I install: X Server: unable to detect21:53
Odd-rationalepharoh: a torrent client only manages torrent downloads not http or ftp downloads21:53
arvind_khadriTotem sudo dpkg --configure xserver21:53
BritGuyerSUSL - I have tried the "sudo modprobe via-rhine" command but it returns nothing, does this mean the via driver is not loaded?21:53
GrueTamerTotem: make sure to enter the correct info in21:53
TotemI did21:54
arvind_khadriTotem sudo dpkg --configure xserver GrueTamer this should work right21:54
TotemI did, it doesn't know what xserver is21:54
Odd-rationaleTotem: did "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xerver-xorg" work?21:55
pharohOdd-rationale: ???i don't think i understand.okay,i'm downloading from btjunkie,en whenever i do,it uses bittorrent...how can i make it use ktorrent instead?21:55
s_Odd-rationale, is it possible to run ubuntu in safe graphic mode and than to try to install it21:55
arvind_khadriOdd-rationale, that was the one i was lookng for21:55
GrueTamerTotem: sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-ati21:55
ekWowzers. This channel is larger than I expected. :P21:55
GrueTamerim not sure what kind of state youre in, but youre missing something21:55
GrueTamerand if you try to install that, hopefully, itll bring in dependencies that you seem to need21:55
Odd-rationales_: yes that is possible21:55
inspired12haha wowzers21:56
ekinspired12: :P21:56
arvind_khadriGrueTamer, would purging X do a harm??21:56
s_Odd-rationale, ill give a try21:56
Odd-rationalepharoh: download the .torrent file. rightlick and select open with ktorrent21:56
GrueTamerarvind_khadri: depends21:56
GrueTameri would reinstall it21:56
arvind_khadriGrueTamer, for his case...i feel he should purge it21:56
erUSULBritGuy: no it means that it just loaded fine... does "ifconfig -a" report your interface now ?21:56
h0axhow would i compile xubuntu desktop ... apt-get install xubuntu ?21:56
Totemodd-rationale: no, that did not work21:57
GrueTamerh0ax: sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop21:57
Odd-rationaleh0ax: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop21:57
erUSULh0ax: that will download and install not compile it21:57
BritGuyerUSUL - I will give that shot, thanks for your help21:57
arvind_khadrih0ax,sudo apt-get install xfce4-desktop21:57
Odd-rationaleTotem: what error message?21:57
erUSULBritGuy: no problem21:57
ForzaPalermohey i got a question about samba, i have a share working fine on my linux server to windows, but how do i give different rights of the folders in the shares to my users21:57
TotemNo error message, it just didn't solve my problem21:57
GrueTamerarvind_khadri: he should definitely be purging it, his xorg file is weird21:57
J-Unitfor pidgin, is it possible to not show offline ppl but showing only 1 offline person (same person) at all times?21:57
h0axaptitude .. or apt-get for the xubuntu ?21:57
Odd-rationaleTotem: did you try using vesa as your video driver?21:58
GrueTamerh0ax: either21:58
arvind_khadriGrueTamer, tats what i said :) ask him21:58
ForzaPalermoit looks like i can only make rules at the top level, any ideas21:58
=== cherry is now known as Charitwo
Odd-rationaleh0ax: aptitude may be better...21:58
ermenattempting to boot ubuntu from a cd - i just get this message on an otherwise blank screen: 133-P19700-1821:58
GrueTameri use aptitude because of dependency reasons, apt-get works21:58
GrueTamerarvind_khadri: and i agreed :)21:58
Totemodd-rationale: why can't I just use the drivers from ati?21:58
arvind_khadrih0ax, its better to use apt-get21:58
ermenany idea what would cause that?21:58
cderdid adduser andy admin got adduser comand not found21:58
arvind_khadrihoax and its xfce4-desktop21:58
GrueTamerexcept he wants xubuntu, not just xfce4, no?21:59
Totemodd-rationale: do you know what my original problem was?21:59
cderarvind_khadri: yes thats me21:59
Odd-rationaleTotem: sorry, i don't remember. ati driver issues?21:59
inspired12oh I remember21:59
arvind_khadriGrueTamer, thats brings in everything as i had used it,need to get thunar seaprately22:00
inspired12things have gotten better though22:00
arvind_khadricder ya what happened??22:00
indian_munndacan anyone tell me where is the mozilla cache folder in ubuntu?????22:00
ubotuA quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html22:00
cderdid adduser andy admin command adduser not found22:00
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.22:00
GrueTamerTotem: how long have you been in ubuntu22:00
arvind_khadriGrueTamer, hey is there any way to clean the RAM??22:00
TotemOdd-rationalse: Ok, so I tried installing the ati drivers on their website. Everything works, but then it says this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62770/22:00
cdernot as root but as andy user22:01
thuncOdd-rationale: only problem with that is the amount of work done22:01
arvind_khadricder am not getting y22:01
ForzaPalermohey i got a question about samba, i have a share working fine on my linux server to windows, but how do i give different rights of the folders in the shares to my users22:01
ForzaPalermoit looks like i can only make rules at the top level, any ideas22:01
TotemGrueTamer: I have had it on my comp for about 1 1/2 years, but I have only really used it for about 3 days22:01
cderlisten i tried what you said22:01
arvind_khadricder, go to terminal say sudo -i22:01
GrueTamernow, does your gui work22:01
TotemOdd-rationale: Ok, so I tried installing the ati drivers on their website. Everything works, but then it says this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62770/22:01
Odd-rationalethunc: what was the problem?22:02
cderadduser andy admin then got adduser command not found22:02
arvind_khadricder $sudo adduser andy admin22:02
=== paradon_ is now known as paradon
s_same message in safe mode22:02
indian_munndacan anyone tell how can i retrieve vidos lying in the mozzilla cache???????22:02
Odd-rationaleTotem: you couldnt use the drivers in the restricted drivers manager?22:02
s_Odd-rationale, same message in safe mode22:02
arvind_khadricder go to System->Users and Groups22:03
TotemOdd-rationale: For some reason, I don't have that program. Is there some way I can isntall it with get-apt?22:03
arvind_khadricder there you can add22:03
Odd-rationales_: try using the alternative cd instead... other than that it is difficult to solve over irc...22:03
GrueTamerTotem: what version of ubuntu do you have22:03
samoshithow can i browse network shares via commandline?  like "ls -l //server/share" but that doesn't work22:03
TotemGrueTamer: Hardy, and I know I should proly be on Ubuntu+1, but I figured it was a pretty generic question22:03
thuncOdd-rationale: You do know what kind of tests mactimes? . Is that what it is/does :P22:04
s_Odd-rationale, where to download it22:04
mactimesthunc: ??22:04
s_Odd-rationale, u have link22:04
GrueTamerTotem: sudo apt-get install restricted-manager22:04
indian_munndacan anyone tell how can i retrieve vidos lying in the mozzilla cache???????22:04
thuncmactimes: who are you?22:04
arvind_khadriCortez hi22:04
cderarvind which planet are you on?22:04
Odd-rationales_: yes. hold22:04
mactimesthunc: u just sent me a message...22:04
s_Odd-rationale, ok22:04
arvind_khadricder the same u are from22:04
cderits asks me for my password then says i am not in the sudoers file22:04
Odd-rationales_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/22:05
caveman26 why does myspace work so well in konqueror, and is sooooo slow and sometimes crashes firefox?22:05
arvind_khadricder, then boot into recovery mode and issue the command adduser <username> admin22:05
GrueTamercaveman26: because its horrendously inefficient? (myspace)22:05
cderrecovery why?22:05
BritGuySUSL - I tried the ifconfig -a command and it returned 3 interfaces, loopback, eth0 - only an Inet6 address, eth0:avah - emergency IP address 169.254 etc...22:06
arvind_khadricder, as recovery mode is default root22:06
GrueTameror maybe because firefox is giving your hardware a run for its money22:06
s_Odd-rationale x86 or 64 bit should i use22:06
Odd-rationalethunc: I'm sorry, I don't think I understand you issue... could you try asking again?22:06
cderthats from a root terminal in recovery mode22:06
arvind_khadricder yeah22:06
Odd-rationales_: x8622:06
s_Odd-rationale, ok22:06
cderyes i know i go into root from the normal screen terminal22:06
cderits called su - root then root password22:07
arvind_khadricder reboot the system u'll find a option in grub as recovery mode22:07
arvind_khadricder, there say adduser andy admin22:07
cderok here we go22:07
s_Odd-rationale, wooow what a download speed22:08
arvind_khadriGrueTamer, is there a way to clear ram??22:09
GrueTamerarvind_khadri: ive seen windows programs for it, but i havent seen a linux prog for it/havent really seen the need for one22:10
J-Units_, 64-bit!! (unless u use flash alot..if u use a very bit then use 64)22:10
arvind_khadriGrueTamer, hmm....22:10
Odd-rationales_: slow?22:10
BritGuyerSUSL - I tried the ifconfig -a command and it returned 3 interfaces, loopback, eth0 - only an Inet6 address, eth0:avah - emergency IP address 169.254 etc...22:10
jake_hey can anyone tell me how to enable my external speakers with ubuntu?22:10
billytwowillyCan anyone recommend a good host for email for a small business? we have 10-20 email accounts at any one time and just need pop access22:11
billytwowillypm me please22:11
Alan_M!pm | billytwowilly22:11
ubotubillytwowilly: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.22:11
meanyone know how to get compiz working in ubuntu studio? I installed it through but it still isnt running?22:11
GInbillytwowilly: #ubuntu-offtopic (gmail)22:12
Alan_Mme, your question might be better suited in #ubuntustudio22:12
mei understand no one around there22:12
Odd-rationaleme: what have you installed so far?22:12
mei installed the compiz package22:13
mealong with emerald22:13
mebut after i restarted x nothing still22:13
=== ICQnumber_ is now known as ICQnumber
Odd-rationaleme: did you insall ccsm?22:13
=== j_ is now known as hashbrowncipher
Odd-rationaleme: do alf+f2 and type "compiz --replace"22:13
rwycuffme:did you enable compiz in ccsm22:13
mesaw a post about kernel headers but it was for fiesty22:13
metried that but got nothing22:14
thuncmactimes: sure22:14
haeretikhello people!! whats news?22:14
thuncOdd-rationale: yes22:14
mactimesthunc: ????22:14
arvind_khadrihaeretik, this isnt off-topic channel22:14
BritGuyCan anyone think of a reason why my Via network card cannot get an IP address from my routers DHCP when it's driver is loaded, could SELinux be preventing DHCP from assigning an address?22:15
rwycuffme:look in ccsm someplace in options had issue with that once myself but there wasnt any panels turned on so it would not rotate or anyhting22:15
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thuncmactimes: yes22:15
J-Unithow do i find out my dns servers?22:15
BritGuyAny help on this would be much appreciated, my knowledge into Linux is a tad lacking22:15
mactimesthunc: yes what??22:16
StroganoffBritGuy i dont know but why are you using SELinux anyway?22:16
danbhfiveanyone know of a webpage of supported wiki technologies for ubuntu?22:16
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Odd-rationalePaloAlto:  hi22:16
PaloAltomy screen is 800*600 reso but my desktop is 1280*104022:17
PaloAltohow do i fix this ?22:17
StevenXhow do I change a program's icon throughout the system?22:17
StroganoffPaloAlto: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:17
BritGuyStroganoff, I'm not sure if SELinux is enabled or not, i read on a forum that it could be a prob in this situation22:17
MrBillWould an 850mhz PC with 512mb of ram and a geforce 6 256mb video card give a pretty smooth edubuntu experience?22:17
tylerflickMrBill: Yes22:18
GInMrBill: I think yes22:18
spantherMrBill, lol yep :)22:18
arvind_khadriPaloAlto, go to System->Preferences->Screen resolution22:18
Odd-rationaleMrBill: not too bad22:18
StroganoffSELinux isn't part of default ubuntu, BritGuy. it has to be something different22:18
spantherMrBill, 850mhz doesnt work for "every" media like dvd playback it could lag but yeah it works nice :)22:18
tylerflickHas anyone tried the new flash pluggin?22:18
BritGuySroganoff - ok thanks for that i prob getting confused i have tried a few different linux distros22:18
arvind_khadritylerflick, u mean the non-free ones??22:19
StroganoffBritGuy: open up a terminal, run: sudo dhclient22:19
arvind_khadritylerflick, yeah i did22:19
tylerflickarving_khadri:they just installed22:19
PaloAltoarvind its set to 1280*1024 there22:19
Odd-rationaletylerflick: I haven't have any trouble with it.22:19
PaloAltoit only displays in 800*60022:19
arvind_khadriPaloAlto, then u need to reconfigure ur X22:19
COMANDERhow can i set macedonian keyboard support22:19
tylerflickAlright I need to pick someones brain who has some experience with Unison. Any takers?22:20
arvind_khadritylerflick, so u were jus askin??22:20
tylerflickarvind_khadri: yes just asking22:20
arvind_khadritylerflick, :)22:20
daemon3Hey, I have a Sony Vaio laptop and whenever I switch screens (i.e. terminal to GUI), I get a black screen with a mouse.22:20
daemon3Also, the terminal screens are about a 1/4 the size as they should be.22:20
_moro_bana_please help with the *wget* command22:20
daemon3What do I need to do?22:21
tylerflickdaemon3:what do you mean?22:21
arvind_khadriPaloAlto, then u need to reconfigure ur X22:21
BritGuystroganoff, cheers for that i will give that a go, need to re-boot back into Linux, be back in a few moments22:21
daemon3When I press CTL+ALT+F7...22:21
StroganoffBritGuy i dont think it works. i'm interested in errors22:21
lysajoin /#edubuntu22:21
daemon3sorry, ALT+CTL+F6...22:21
daemon3...and then...22:21
StevenXhow do I change a program's icon throughout the system?22:21
_moro_bana_http://software.opensuse.org/  i wanna download a cd from there22:21
daemon3my user screen is black with a mouse.22:21
daemon3That's it.22:21
daemon3Just a black screen and a mouse.22:22
tylerflickdaemon3: That's all I get22:22
daemon3tylerflick: you have the same problem?22:22
tylerflickdaemon3: It's probably not compatable with compiz22:22
daemon3Oh, yeah, I have compiz.22:22
daemon3Would editing xorg.conf help?22:23
BobSlobAnyone know why I can't get the 720p resolution so I can properly setup my mythtv box.. it wont let me go higher than 1024x76822:23
tylerflickUnison just took down firefox......22:24
sarah_bearhey guys, is it possible to upgrade to hardy haron on my ubuntu, i have a dual boot gust/windows22:24
sarah_bearwill i lose my windows too?22:24
tylerflickHas anyone had any luck with unison between a 32 bit machine and a 64 bit machine?22:24
tylerflicksarah_bear: no22:25
sarah_beartylerflick  no to which one?22:25
tylerflicksarah_bear: if you upgrade from within gutsy, you will be fine22:25
sarah_bearoh great!22:25
sarah_bearthanks tylerflick22:25
tylerflicksarah_bear: gutsy becomes hardy. it's in you update manager22:25
sarah_beartylerflick what if i just wanted to upgrade the kernel, how would i do that?22:26
orudie_is there a way to check for how long the ip of my ubuntu was not changed22:26
=== orudie_ is now known as orudie
tylerflicksarah_bear: I don't know off of the top of my head. I'm sure it's in you software sources manager22:26
orudieis there a way to check for how long the ip of my ubuntu was not changed22:26
sarah_bearoh okay, well thanks a lot ill look into it22:26
lysajoin /#edubuntu22:27
sarah_bearwhere is the root password stored?22:27
lysahas any install edubuntu w7.10 successfully22:27
farruinnorudie: if you have access to the router/dhcp server the first thing that comes to mind is to check there22:27
Datz Seveas, you around?22:28
tarelerulzI have been reading a bunch of getting a program that support jingle so I can voice chat with gtalk ,but I have yet to make any work. Dos any one know of a client that has jingle support ?22:28
Datz Seveas(or anyone) my old mac cannot load live cd, is there a command just to install?22:29
farruinnsarah_bear: /etc/shadow I believe22:29
orudiefarruinn, its not connected to the router, the box is right next to me22:29
asymptoteHow do I enable remote desktop to the login screen?22:29
daemon3Also, for some reason I can't rotate the cube in Compiz.22:29
sarah_bearfarruinn is is md5 or how is it stored?22:29
=== Laggyware is now known as Lattyware
farruinnsarah_bear: um, based on man shadow it looks like the default is DES but can be others.22:30
DatzIs there someone how has just a min that knows about Kubuntu on a mac that I can PM??22:30
farruinnsarah_bear: such as md522:30
asymptoteHow do I enable remote desktop to the login screen?22:30
=== _CaNeS is now known as CaNeS
DatzIs there someone how has just a min that knows about Kubuntu on a mac that I can PM??22:31
sarah_beari dont know what DES is heh22:31
sarah_bear!info DES22:31
ubotuPackage des does not exist in gutsy22:31
farruinnasymptote: I don't know how to answer your question off the top of my head but I like using ssh -X and running stuff in that way22:31
BritGuyStroganof - i have tried the sudo dhclient you mentioned, the command listens and sends on LPF/eth0/MacAddress....., then does a DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 (3 times), then shows "No DHCP offer received"22:31
Datzthis room is too big  :)22:31
asymptotefarruinn, I'll give it a try22:32
StroganoffBritGuy ok i expected that. can you ping
Alan_M!info nautilus22:32
ubotunautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.20.0-0ubuntu7.1 (gutsy), package size 629 kB, installed size 1516 kB22:32
BritGuyYes the loopback interface exists22:32
StroganoffBritGuy have you tried setting up your ip manually?22:32
magnetron!msgthebot > Alan_M22:32
farruinnasymptote: if you want to use ssh you'll obviously have to have that installed on the remote machine, but if you want to use remote gdm login that would have to be configured as well.22:32
asymptotefarruinn, I already have it installed I'm trying ti now22:33
StroganoffBritGuy i'm also kind of clueless :/22:33
Alan_Mmagnetron, you can also tell sarah_bear the same message :)22:33
farruinnasymptote: cool22:33
BritGuyI haven't tried to set it manually22:33
asymptotefarruinn, I'm using the ssh -X command via my terminal22:33
sarah_bear!msgbot DES22:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msgbot des - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:33
akleinhohello, I'm trying to reinstall ubuntu 7.10 (after 8.04 alpha issues), but the cd doesn't recognize my partitions.. Anyone know if i'm missing something?22:34
Alan_M!msgthebot > sarah_bear22:34
asymptotefarruinn, nevermind, I'm already logged into my server22:34
_Coggz_anyone know how to get an intel microphone to work with alsa?22:34
BritGuyI have even check on the routers DHCP to check it wasn't an address reservation preventing it from gettin an address but doesn't seem to be the case22:34
asymptotefarruinn, thanks for your help, but I'll have to test this on logout22:34
asymptotefarruinn, and I can't log out now because if I can't get back into my server I'm screwed22:34
StroganoffBritGuy really strange. try setting it up manually22:35
asymptotehow can I turn off channel alerts like who is joining or leaving ?22:35
lvkhello! is it possible to boot from x86_64 ubuntu livecd, remount cd, build/install a kernel module?22:35
d0lphin_n0elcan someone reocmend to mesome good ssh linux client?! :x22:35
farruinnasymptote: in irssi /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS22:35
_Coggz_its an intel 82801DB-2CH422:35
hischildd0lphin_n0el, the default one is good.22:35
asymptotefarruinn, thank you22:35
BritGuyOk will give that a try if anyone want to chip in with suggestions this has got me really stumped22:35
d0lphin_n0elhischild what default?!22:35
hischildd0lphin_n0el, and yes, it is command line but that's what ssh is.22:35
asymptotein irssi /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS22:36
asymptotein irssi /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS22:36
asymptotein irssi /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS22:36
FloodBot1asymptote: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:36
d0lphin_n0elhischild lol you right22:36
akleinhohello, I'm trying to reinstall ubuntu 7.10 (after 8.04 alpha issues), but the cd doesn't recognize my partitions.. Anyone know if i'm missing something?22:36
_Coggz_any ideas on the alsa issue?22:36
kdorfAnybody here that knows anything about VPNs wanna help a noob out? :)22:36
BritGuyYes, i remember I tried it on manually and that does work but I can't get an internet connection because it also acquires the DNS server addresses from the router as well22:36
d0lphin_n0elhischild i ussually like more somegui stuff :x22:36
AliRezaTaleghanii have a quesition about the i386-smp kernel!  how can i found one, for my hardy??22:36
d0lphin_n0eldepends :x22:37
LjL!hardy > AliRezaTaleghani    (AliRezaTaleghani, see the private message from Ubotu)22:37
BritGuySo really need it to work on DHCP22:37
hischildd0lphin_n0el, ssh is command line, just like a shell. That's what it stands for.22:37
_Coggz_anyone know how to get an intel microphone to work with alsa its an intel 82801DB-2CH422:37
StroganoffBritGuy you should be able to set up DNS and Gateway in the Control Panel of ubuntu22:37
farruinnAliRezaTaleghani: I think the default kernels are smp these days.22:37
BritGuyIs it not possible to acquire the DNS from the router?22:38
TotemIs there some way to add programs to the applications menu if they weren't installed using the package manager?22:38
farruinnTotem: right click the menu and choose edit or whatever22:38
AliRezaTaleghanifarruinn: yep , but it is a generic, not an intel base like i68622:39
cderi  must edit the sudoers file with visudo if i want adny to have sudo privlages what do i edit?22:39
petroskanenas ellinas edw?.22:39
StroganoffBritGuy you set up your router as DNS, the router sends all DNS queries to the DNS-Server of your ISP22:39
LjLcder: uh - you edit just what you said: sudoers, using visudo22:39
LjL!gr | petros22:39
ubotupetros: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes22:39
Lunar_Lamp_cder, you just type "visudo"22:39
ChousukeAliRezaTaleghani: just use the generic kernel22:39
d0lphin_n0elhischild yes you right lol i use putty in windows i nevere use ssh in linux :x that why the question but is basic the same you right :x22:39
LjL!it | ioria8822:39
ubotuioria88: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:39
Lunar_Lamp_cder, there are comments in there that explain well enough22:39
BritGuyStroganoff - Sorry my bad i just realised that when I did ipconfig -all under windows22:40
_Coggz_anyone know how to get an intel microphone to work with alsa its an intel 82801DB-2CH422:40
cderyes thankyou but what do i add next to the username of adny?22:40
BritGuyI'll give that a shot, cheers people22:40
lvkanyone has experience with ubuntu livecds?22:40
LjLpetros: type /join #ubuntu-gr22:40
hischildcder, sudo adduser <username> admin22:40
cderis it all=(all0 all22:40
petroshow i connect to other room?22:40
AliRezaTaleghaniChousuke: :) tnx, but their is some problem with genereic, on my hardware, so i need a better one :)22:40
sTiVoI am trying to develop some interfaces to AIM in java on ubuntu 7.10.  I am having a little trouble.  There is a package available in RedHat called nss-devel that is required for the AIM SDK to work.  Does something similar exist for Ubuntu?22:40
_Coggz_anyone know how to get an intel microphone to work with alsa its an intel 82801DB-1CH422:40
LjLpetros: /join #ubuntu-gr22:40
akleinhohello, I'm trying to reinstall ubuntu 7.10 (after 8.04 alpha issues), but the cd doesn't recognize my partitions.. Anyone know if i'm missing something?22:41
AliRezaTaleghanipetros:  "/join #<room name>"22:41
ioria88sorry what ircll can i install on ubuntu 5.10?22:41
hischildioria88, that version is no longer support, sorry.22:41
cderhischild are you sure??22:41
ioria88script mirc22:41
Totemhow to I make a package that can install using the package manager?22:42
Stevethepiratewhy not install flipping windows 3.11?22:42
Chousukeioria88: 5.10 is ancient. You should upgrade :)22:42
hischildcder, to add a new user to the sudo list, type sudo adduser <username> admin22:42
john126I was trying out AWN, but decided I don't want it. Along the way, I removed the system tray from my GNOME Panel. Could someone tell me the name of the applet for the system tray so I can replace it? Cheers.22:42
cderi am in the sudoers file as root22:42
farruinncder: by default the group admin has sudo priv22:43
sTiVoanyone know anything about NSS or NSPR?22:43
ChiefFree Radio at   http://www.dollar.ath.cx   when your here lookin for help, why not listen to music?22:43
farruinncder: which is why what hischild is saying will work22:43
valehruDoes the iwl3945 wifi driver support wifi network scanning at all?  I can't detect any networks with it at all but I can connect to a network that I know is there...22:43
AliRezaTaleghanijohn126: "$ sudo apt-get remove avant-window-navigator "22:43
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Alan_Mmagnetron, may i talk to you privately?22:43
khakaneah hah! been sittingh here for hours screwing around with remote x desktop over lan, 2 gutsy machines, gdm... there is a bug in it :|22:43
bastid_raZorjohn126; wouldn't you add a panel then add the Menu bar possibly.22:44
farruinnjohn126: I think you're looking for "notification area"22:44
akleinhohello, I'm trying to reinstall ubuntu 7.10 (after 8.04 alpha issues), but the cd doesn't recognize my partitions.. Anyone know if i'm missing something?22:44
[no_nick]1252 nicks22:44
john126AliRezaTaleghani: Sorry - I wasn't clear.22:44
john126farruinn: That's what I wanted. Thanks to both of you. :)22:44
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:44
Alan_M!caps | inspired1222:44
ubotuinspired12: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:44
inspired12wait sorry wrong page22:44
AliRezaTaleghanijohn126: sorry :-[22:45
Netham45how do I do a newline in regex?22:45
StarnestommyNetham45: \n22:45
LjLNetham45: mostly you don't, programs like grep and sed work line-by-line22:45
cdergod you do not know what your talking about got load of erors thanks to your mistake22:46
Alan_M!attitude | cder22:46
ubotucder: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:46
con-man!rude | cder22:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rude - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:46
tylerflickWow. Ubuntu was being really dumb a minute ago. It was assigning itself the same IP add as my other buntu maching22:46
LjLcder: which was what? what was your question and what's the erroneous answer?22:46
hischildcder, who are you talking to? put that name in front of your answer. And what errors/command ?22:46
cderyes but the wrong answers as root is deadly22:46
con-mancder: are you logged in as root right now?22:47
charles|64anyone have a USB keyboard with volume controls on it?22:47
Totemmaybe someone who is no now can help me... I am trying to install ATI graphics drivers. The installation gives me this message and aborts: X Server: unable to detect22:47
Totemwhat could be wrong?22:47
charles|64debaser: was that to my question?22:47
debasercharles|64 I do22:47
cderi issued the visdo coomand i now must type somthing in that file as root22:47
debasercharles|64 yes22:47
* con-man blinks22:47
LjLcder, you said earlier:  [Thu Apr 10 2008] [23:06:55] <cder>     yes i know i go into root from the normal screen terminal   [Thu Apr 10 2008] [23:07:13] <cder>     its called su - root then root password22:48
charles|64debaser: does the volume control work? and what kind of keyboard?\22:48
con-man!sudo | cder22:48
ubotucder: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.22:48
hischildcder, we gave you a different command then the visudo one. Did you execute visudo or the other one?22:48
LjLcan you explain that? that command shouldn't *work* on ubuntu, cder.22:48
hischildLjL, he probably assigned his root a passwd22:48
LjLhischild: which is unsupported.22:48
valehruAnyone here using the iwl3945 driver?  Need to enable scanning on it. Using gutsy....22:48
hischildLjL, i'm very much aware of it22:48
LjLhischild: i'm sure you are. and you wouldn't be doing something very unsupported and then claim you were given bad advice, either.22:49
cderi tried adduser andy admin then got adduser command not found it has to be done from the sudoers file useinf the visdo command22:49
debasercharles|64, yes, on a microsoft natural keyboard pro22:49
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
charles|64debaser: kool thanks22:50
LjLcder: no. the adduser command *exists*, unless you messed something seriously up.22:50
lvk[R] hello! is it possible to boot from x86_64 ubuntu livecd, remount cd, build/install a kernel module?22:50
debasercharles|64,  ur welcome22:50
LjLand the *correct* way to make an user admin is to add them to the admin group, using "adduser user admin".22:50
=== uow is now known as m0ssimo
LjLof course, if your /etc/sudoers is messed up, that won't work, but that's another story.22:50
hischildcder, the default admin group is called admin. To add users to this group, you execute sudo adduser <username> admin. And as LjL says, the adduser command _does_ exist and _is_ needed.22:50
=== m0ssimo is now known as uow
charles|64debaser: ill assume the play and stop buttons work?22:50
LjLif you have no "adduser" command, then i suspect that your PATH variable may be wrong.22:50
sTiVoHave question about nss-devel which exists in redhat but apparently not in ubuntu.22:51
farruinnsTiVo: is it the libnss3-dev package?22:51
BoohbahsTiVo: maybe libnss3-dev ?22:52
cderhischild: as root or as user andy22:52
hischildLjL, i don't have a root password. If i really need a root shell, there are other ways to accomplish that.22:52
sTiVoI don't know, you say libnss3-dev?  Possibly that's it.22:52
hischildcder, as root it's just adduser user admin. As user it's sudo adduser user admin.22:52
BoohbahsTiVo: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ or 'apt-cache search nss'22:52
farruinnsTiVo: apt-cache show libnss3-dev may verify for you22:52
con-mancder: never log in as root while hooked up to the internet22:52
con-man!sudo | cder22:52
ubotucder: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.22:52
sTiVothanks very much22:52
dweerfsorry about that22:53
dweerfhischild did you read my post22:53
dweerfas root or as user andy22:53
hischilddweerf, i'm sorry, what?22:53
debasere1f: yes22:53
debaserI mean, charles, ches22:53
dweerfas root or as user andy the sudo line22:54
tomtommyhello sinners.  When will new version come out?22:54
sTiVothat was it, thanks!!!22:54
Totem14 days?22:54
debasercharles,  with hotkeys, I customize everything22:54
tomtommysTiVo, np. glad I could help :)22:54
hischilddweerf,  as root it's just adduser user admin. As user it's sudo adduser user admin.22:54
asymptotein irssi /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS22:54
debaserleaving now22:54
tomtommynew ubuntu comes out in 14 days??22:54
Totemor less22:54
Totemgo to ubuntu.com22:55
dweerfi will do it as root as andy does NOT have sudo privlages22:55
tomtommyno i refuse22:55
Totemit is on the front page: www.ubuntu.com22:55
tomtommyTotem, you cant make me22:55
tomtommyTotem, define "coming soon"22:55
hischild!ot | tomtommy22:55
ubotutomtommy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:55
Totemoh well. You may never know when it will come out then... ^_^22:55
evilbugwhich would be a better update method from 7.10 to 8.04? : 1.) just upgrade directly from update manager? |OR| 2.) burn a disc and do a  fresh install?22:55
tomtommyevilbug, dont do it22:55
Zelta!hardy evilbug22:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hardy evilbug - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:55
Zelta!hardy | evilbug22:55
ubotuevilbug: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:55
con-manthis might get me booted but hardy heron reminds me of another word22:56
Alan_Mcon-man, watch it22:56
evilbugtomtommy,Zelta- i mean when it officially comes out,not the beta.22:56
con-manI would never be so distasteful22:56
Zeltaevilbug: Since it still isn't out yet, you might ask in #ubuntu+122:57
theunixgeekHow do I start up in command line mode?22:57
ZeltaThis channel is only for already released versions of ubuntu22:57
PowerTeamahh i finaly made me windows mobile to synchronize with evolution with help of synce and opensync.  I have one question is it posible to run sync-engine in background or do i have to run trough terminal?22:57
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dweerfhischild did adduser andy admin got the group admin does not exist22:58
tenubanyone know how to get an 8800gts g92 working on ubuntu?22:58
hischildLjL, wait i might be lost. Admin group for default sudo rights is admin correct?22:58
unfi was trying to install apache2+mod_python, but it didnt create any mod_python.conf ...22:58
algyz!nvidia | tenub22:58
Jack_Sparrowdweerf, What distro or release are you running?22:58
ubotutenub: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:58
unfhwo can it make it work??22:59
phineas_connect #ubuntu-us-oh22:59
sTiVohmm, libnss3-dev provided some but not all of what I needed.23:00
sTiVoThere are other so's that are not in there.23:00
D3RGPS31Using GateWay MT3707, Ubuntu 7.10, ALSA drivers don't seem to work for me after I formatted, any suggestions?23:00
dweerfhischild how to create admin group?23:00
Jack_Sparrowdweerf, What distro or release are you running?23:00
ahmadjoin #ubuntu-sa23:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about commandline - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:00
farruinnsTiVo: there were some other packages for libnss3, you might check those23:00
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:00
hischilddweerf, Jack_Sparrow is asking you a question.23:00
ahmadjoin #ubuntu-sa/23:01
Jack_Sparrowhischild, You see my point right?23:01
dweerfi am running ubuntu fiesty fox 64 bit23:01
sTiVohow might I check those?23:01
farruinnsTiVo: apt-cache search libnss323:01
sTiVothanks farruinn23:01
hischildJack_Sparrow, yes i do23:01
Cl0setheistHello all,23:01
Jack_Sparrowdweerf, what exactly does lsb_release -a show23:01
Cl0setheistCan someone tell me which is better? primary paritions or logical ones o nubuntu23:02
dweerfits that at root i type 1sb_relese -a show23:02
hischildCl0setheist, iirc it doesn't make a difference.23:02
Jack_SparrowCl0setheist, No difference23:02
Jack_Sparrowdweerf, what exactly does lsb_release -a   from a terminal..  any user account23:02
Cl0setheisthischild: why do i get the feeling that I get more errors on logical partitions?23:03
BritGuyI have configured my network card (rhine-via) which i'm sure the correct driver is loaded for to a static IP address and setup it's DNS as my routers IP address but I cannot get an internet connection, does anyone have any idea on this, I'm completely stumped23:03
hischildCl0setheist, you shouldn't. My box and laptop are both on logical ones.23:03
chloetwowhy ubuntu only see 3.8 gb? bios report 4gb, memory remap enabled, ubuntu is 64-bit23:03
DevourerWhen is the stable release of Hardy coming out?23:03
farruinnunf: Is it shown in dpkg -L libapache2-mod-python | grep conf?23:03
unffarruinn, nope23:04
jcXserver no longer starts; "API Mismatch: this NVIDIA driver component has version 96.43.01, but the NVIDIA kernel module version does not match."23:04
CloudFX Devourer: April 2423:04
sTiVolooking for /usr/lib/libnssckbi.so, libnss_db.so, libnss_ldap.so, libnss_windbind.so libnss_wins.so23:05
jcAny clues as how to resolve a problem like this?23:05
CloudFXDevourer: For any other questions join #ubuntu+1 for hardy support23:05
elpraga/msg ubotu etiquette23:05
unfit seems that in debian-based distros it doesnt create that file... but i dont know how to tell apache how to handle python files23:05
daemon3Please tell me quickly...what command do I use to connect to a wireless network?23:05
jcSigned, X-lover  :)23:05
farruinnsTiVo: better do the file content search at packages.ubuntu.com then23:06
DevourerCloudFX, thanks.23:06
BritGuyI have configured my network card (rhine-via) which i'm sure the correct driver is loaded for to a static IP address and setup it's DNS as my routers IP address but I cannot get an internet connection, does anyone have any idea on this, I'm completely stumped23:06
unfdaemon3, ifconfig interface up23:06
jcdaemon3 sudo iwlist wifi023:06
daemon3No, I mean to connect to a network.23:06
=== CaNeS114 is now known as CaNeS
jcdaemon3 iwconfig23:06
farruinnunf: ah, there is /etc/apache2/mods-available/mod_python.load in the package23:06
badazz3shey anybody know a good place, or program to customize my desktop I want kinda like a side bar to display cpu useage, network statistics, hd space, etc23:07
jcdaemon3 sudo iwlist wifi0 scanning23:07
trekkmewhich videoplayer can do slowmotion?23:07
hischildbadazz3s, tried to use conky?23:07
COMANDERexcuse me23:07
unffarruinn, yep, but no mod_python.conf23:07
badazz3syeah I couldnt figure out how to make it transparent or add options23:07
COMANDERhow can i install file?23:07
badazz3sim a noob to linux23:07
COMANDERi am also noob23:08
sTiVothanks again farruinn for excellent suggestion23:08
COMANDERthats why i come here23:08
jcbadazz3s: Welcome aboard! :)23:08
amenadoBritGuy-> paste your ifconfig; cat /etc/resolv.conf  ;  route -n23:08
badazz3sim so glad to get rid of vista though23:08
HSorgYvesdoes anyone know a good tutorial for 2 dns servers?23:08
farruinnunf: fyi I've never used mod_python, but I've just downloaded it. I ran a2enmod mod_python and it says the module is already enabled23:08
r0pi need help to install rt2x00 Git : http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php?title=Rt2x00_GIT_instructions23:08
farruinnunf: do you know how I can test this?23:08
jcbadazz3s: Enjoy the ride!  :)23:08
amenadoCOMANDER-> install a file? why do you feel like installing a file?23:08
jcbadazz3s: Vista doesn't impress me much either :)23:09
badazz3sjc thanks23:09
unffarruinn, create a python file at /var/www and try to access to it23:09
BritGuyOk thanks amenado, i willl need to re-boot will be back soon23:09
unffarruinn, echo "print Hello World!" > /var/www/hello.py ; wget http://localhost/hello.py23:10
jcbadazz3s: My son asked me about vista about 6 months ago and I told him not to bother.  He told me a few weeks ago that he wishes he'd have listened.  :)23:10
badazz3syeah well im running it on a laptop too23:10
badazz3sI always wanted to use linux as my main os but ive tried long ago and it was never compatiable with the hardware23:10
jcbadazz3s: My son's running it on a laptop and is not real pleased with it for a number of reasons23:11
ganastasioui have some questions for the professionas of ubuntu23:11
r0pi need help23:11
badazz3sSo i found out that the laptop i bought dell vostro 1500 also came with ubuntu so i downloaded the dvd iso and installed it. I was impressed almost everything worked23:11
jcganastasiou: They will try to help, I'm sure :)23:11
dmsupermanalright, because i've never actually known the names23:11
dmsupermanit's the deskbar at the bottom, and the appbar at the top?23:12
ganastasiouanyone know how to automount a partition of my disk?plz privmsg me23:12
dmsupermanfor ubuntu?23:12
jcbadazz3s: I've been impressed over and over again  :)23:12
dmsupermanganastasiou: i'll help you in public, so if i do something wrong i can get corrected23:12
dmsupermanyou have to edit /etc/fstab23:12
dmsupermanas root23:12
r0pneed help to install rt2x00 Git : http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php?title=Rt2x00_GIT_instructions23:12
dmsupermanso "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab"23:13
daves111is this where I can ask a question about updating programs?23:13
badazz3sI just had some trouble with the wireless but after many hours of searching the forums i got it to work23:13
n-iCehello any disk partition software??23:13
pan877inspiring stuff23:13
john126daves111: ask away23:13
ganastasiougparted for partition bro23:13
albuntun-iCe: gparted23:13
jcbadazz3s: What wireless chip do you have?23:13
badazz3sbut yeah now im trying to learn shell commands and configure it23:13
badazz3sI have a broadcom 4310 i beleive23:14
badazz3sit comes up as usb23:14
farruinnunf: hm, it's just "awaiting response" so I'm with you on this, something is wrong with the package or needs additional configuration23:14
dmsupermandoes anyone know how to have a second "taskbar" for dual monitor, like UltraMon in windows?23:14
badazz3sits actually a dell 1395 card23:14
ericcan someone help me on private chat?23:14
farruinnunf: sorry I couldn't help23:14
daves111I'm having trouble updating open office and other programs23:14
erici dont talk in all this nonsense well23:14
sTiVoOk, now I have three of the six nss libraries I need.23:14
jcbadazz3s: Some of the others work a little better.23:14
ganastasioudmsuperman i tried to put sth in fstab23:14
ganastasioubut it doesnt work23:14
unffarruinn, ive been told at #python that mod_python is not recomended... :S23:14
bwaynedaves111: what sort of errors are ou getting?23:14
Jack_Sparroweric, we prefer to keep it in channel for your benifit and the benefit of others23:14
ganastasioui think its sth else23:14
unffarruinn, thank you :D23:14
badazz3si had to use ndiswrapper i wanted to get fwcutter working23:14
jcI have a cisco 350 and it is fully supported.23:14
dmsupermanganastasiou: what was the entry in fstab you tried?23:14
badazz3sbc i cant use monitor mode23:14
ericim trying to install samba23:14
sTiVoComing at this another way, does anyone know if the AIM SDK for linux works on Ubuntu and if so how?23:15
ganastasiouw8 to paste it23:15
daves111do i have to use terminal?23:15
erici dont know how to do it because linux blow23:15
badazz3si plan on getting another mini pci x card thats more compatiable like a atheros chipset23:15
dmsupermaneric: that's EXACTLY the thing to say in a channel called "#ubuntu"23:15
r0pplease help rt2x00 git23:15
bwaynedaves111:  the gui should report the appropriate errors when you try to upgrade, so no, i don't think so.23:15
Jack_Sparroweric, did you have a question.. we have a room for comments and chatter.23:15
ericwell, i just asked it, this is why i dont like this room23:15
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:16
ericim trying to install samba23:16
daves111i can down'load a zipped file and can open it but can't go from there23:16
erici downloaded it but there is no install link23:16
farruinneric: if irc is too noisy maybe try the forums23:16
ericim asking23:16
zcat[1]how to install samba? right-click a folder and choose 'sharing' -- samba and/or nfs will get installed automagically23:16
xim"You should never use sudo to start graphical applications as root. You should use gksudo to run such programs"  ---------- why is that such a big deal?  the only difference as far as i can tell is that sudo asks for your password in a terminal window and gksudo gives you a dialog box23:16
ericcan you help me ?23:16
Jack_Sparroweric, How did you download it.. synaptic, apt-get, aptitude?23:16
erici just clicked on download23:17
erici dont know23:17
bwaynedaves111:  i'm a little confused.  are you downloading Open Office directly from their website or are you using ubuntu's built in tools to upgrade?23:17
erici dont spend hours a day on a computer23:17
zcat[1]eric: ubuntu is not windows; you do not 'download' stuff. Use synaptic or add/remove23:17
farruinnxim: some files get their ownership changed to root which means it causes problems for your non-root users23:17
erici clicked on download and it downloaded it23:17
hischildxim, there's more then just the visual difference. gksudo also sets some ownerships and env values.23:17
zcat[1]download where?23:17
daves111bwayne: I am trying to upgrade to the newer version of office23:17
thunceric: I'm saying neuroscience so we can figure out how to hook brains up to other stuff23:17
zcat[1]off a webpage?23:18
Jack_Sparroweric, that is not the right way to get samba installed.23:18
ericthis was a free computer, i didnt ask for linux23:18
erichow do i do it?23:18
john126daves111: You can upgrade to the latest OpenOffice in the Ubuntu repositories by clicking "Reload",  then "Mark All Upgrades", then "Apply". However, this might not be the latest version available. To get the latest from the Openoffice website, go to http://openoffice.bouncer.osuosl.org/?product=OpenOffice.org&os=linuxinteldeb&lang=en-US&version=2.4.0 . When it asks to download, select the "Open With Gdebi Package Manger" option, then follow the on-screen p23:18
r0pis there a special wifi linux chan?23:18
erichow do i install samba?23:18
zcat[1]eric: linux is only hard if you make it hard.. right click a folder and choose to share it.. ubuntu will go out and get samba, install if and configure it for you...23:18
Jack_Sparroweric, system.. admin.. synaptic.. search for samba, select it and it installs23:19
bwaynedaves111:  yeah, do what john126 suggests.23:19
dmsupermanf***ing own, ubuntu ftw23:19
dmsupermani don't even need a third party software for 2 taskbars :D23:19
john126daves111: If it comes up with an error saying that a particular package isn't installed, then open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get install whateverthepackagenameis".23:19
badazz3subuntu is so easy easier than windows i just type in what im looking for in the package manager and it gets it and installs for me23:19
john126daves111: it shouldn't do this though ;)23:19
ericE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.23:19
ericE: _cache->open() failed, please report.23:19
bwayneeric: sudo apt-get install samba    .  should be just that simple.23:19
ericthats what it tells me whaen i did what you said23:19
n-iCehas anyone used gparted?23:19
* badazz3s I mean even everythign has been discussed on the forums too23:20
bwaynen-iCe: yes.  lots of us have I'm sure.23:20
zcat[1]eric: ok, open a terminal and type 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'23:20
erici tried synaptic or whatever geek term and it told me this gibberish23:20
D3RGPS31bwayne, does he even have terminal open? he seems new to linux in all?23:20
daves111I get pretty confused when I work in terminal23:20
dmsupermanbadazz3s: 100% agreed. i wanted irssi, and rather than google it, go through their ad-ridden website, search for a download link, download, run, decide that i want to install it to the same place that i always do23:20
erictype it where?23:20
dmsupermanbadazz3s: I just type "sudo apt-get install irssi"23:20
bwayneD3RGPS31: oh.  my bad.23:20
Jack_Sparroweric, you need to lose the attitude if you want help.23:20
zcat[1]eric: __open a terminal__ and type 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'23:20
ericgo fuck youerself geek23:20
n-iCebwayne, how do I create a new partition :/ I select partition >> new, but it is blocked, in grey I can't click on it23:20
zcat[1]applications > accessories > terminal23:20
ericfucking lame23:20
zcat[1]fucking troll23:21
D3RGPS31don't say that =/23:21
D3RGPS31he's just new, and confused23:21
Jack_Sparrowand now hie is gone23:21
D3RGPS31that doesn't solve his problem23:21
hischildJack_Sparrow, thansk23:21
dmsupermanD3RGPS31: hardly, assholes don't deserve help23:21
farruinnn-iCe: perhaps there's no free space for a new partition?23:21
Jack_SparrowD3RGPS31, he wasnt here to solve anything23:21
badazz3swhats irssi23:22
zcat[1]aplolgies.. I cannot stand 'linux is toooooo hard' trolls23:22
n-iCefarruinn,  well It is. ext3 has 33GB free, how do I cut it to assing space to a new partition?23:22
daves111are there really 1217 people on here?23:22
ganastasioudmsuperman i sent u what ive done23:22
bwaynen-iCe:  that's strange.  try booting into the GParted LiveCD instead of from within the OS.  GParted acts finicky with me sometimes, too.  Try the livecd.23:22
badazz3sohh irc23:22
b4l74z4ris it possible to make gthumb zoom images using the mouse wheel?23:22
ganastasiouwith etc/fstab23:22
ximhischild + farruinn : i see thanks23:22
D3RGPS31someone wanna tell me how i login to my registered name xD23:22
dmsupermanbadazz3s: command line irc client. i was working on getting xserver to work right, and rather than re-opening it, i just opened irssi in a tty :D23:22
linduxed_oooh....did i miss a troll?23:22
D3RGPS31(in this IRC)23:22
dmsupermanganastasiou: I have no private messages23:22
dmsupermanlinduxed_: totally23:22
john126daves111: that's the number of people signed on, but a lot are probably browsing the web at the same time, and aren't watching the new messages23:23
J-Unitwen will hardy cd's be available in shipit? usually wen its almost out u can preorder them...wat happened?23:23
n-iCebwayne, I don't have blank cd's is there other way?23:23
dmsupermanD3RGPS31: /msg nickserv identify YOURPASSWORD23:23
bwayneD3RGPS31: should be ' /msg NickServ IDENTIFY yourpasswd'23:23
ganastasiou when i give in console fdisk -l23:23
ganastasiou the result is this:23:23
ganastasiou Disk /dev/hda: 60.0 GB, 60011642880 bytes23:23
ganastasiou 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 7296 cylinders23:23
ganastasiou Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes23:23
FloodBot1ganastasiou: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:23
ganastasiou Disk identifier: 0x00006a3223:23
dmsupermanD3RGPS31: assuming you're already logged in as that user23:23
linduxed_dmsuperman: darn...those make good days golden23:23
dmsupermanlinduxed_: haha, agreed23:23
Jack_Sparrown-iCe, you can dl the iso and use iso2usb to create a bootable usb..23:23
RedScar1anyone on hardy?23:23
n-iCe:/ can't I part without reboot?23:24
hischild!hardy | RedScar123:24
ubotuRedScar1: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu23:24
zcat[1]they just totally annoy me.. I don't like wasting time trying to help someone who is simply tying to make linux look difficult23:24
cykaanyone know how to make the desktop animated under KDE 3.5?23:24
bwayneRedScar1: /join #ubuntu+1   :-)23:24
RedScar1no kidding, is anyone using the beta?23:24
cykai've done it once by mistake23:24
dmsuperman!fish | doesThisWork?23:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fish - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:24
cykaand don't know how i did it23:24
dmsupermanhaha, nice23:24
ganastasiou when i give in console fdisk -l23:24
ganastasiou the result is this:23:24
ganastasiou Disk /dev/hda: 60.0 GB, 60011642880 bytes23:24
ganastasiou 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 7296 cylinders23:24
ganastasiou Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes23:24
FloodBot1ganastasiou: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:24
ganastasiou Disk identifier: 0x00006a3223:24
daves111john126 - what does the 126 stand for?23:24
hischildRedScar1, then go to #ubuntu+1.23:24
* zcat[1] is using the beta ... BTW don't update today -- major breakage23:24
dmsupermanhaha you think he'd learn23:24
farruinnmsg ganastasiou try posting to a pastebin23:24
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!23:25
zcat[1]ahh cool, he's up again23:25
farruinnganastasiou: go to that address and it should become apparent23:25
dmsupermanpaste it, it gives you a link, paste link here23:25
zcat[1]my lappy pointer is screwed .. damn beta software...23:25
dmsupermanso, i know i'm going to get yelled at to use OO.o, but I really like the latest. Is it somewhat painless to get MS Office 2007 running on Ubuntu?23:26
thuncdmsuperman: and their following "cults". Me personally, I was born on Win, on 3.1. And have come to prefer Ubuntu. I hardly use p2p anymore as I only dl individual songs anymore, and use torrents for large files. I only use word processors when I create resume, and god willing I won't have to for a while.23:26
zcat[1]dmsuperman: super-painful...23:26
farruinncyka: maybe in #kubuntu23:26
dmsupermanzcat[1]: I don't mean painful as in "my life is being drained, i've got the MS all in my ubuntu"23:26
dmsupermanis thunc a bot?23:27
thuncdmsuperman: i'm not about little yellows. also this is a bot23:27
dmsupermanhaha wtf23:27
daves111thanks, folks; I'll try that and see what happens; i copied your notes23:27
zcat[1]dmsuperman: MSFT don't go out of their way to avoid undocumented API's in windows.. so I would expect a lot of pain getting any MS software working in wine23:27
=== artenius is now known as noble-
Xioldmsuperman: can you run XP in a VM and run it in there? prob easier than messing with Wine, even if that is possible. I do agree tho, Office 2007 kicks ass!23:28
linduxed_anyone aware what can be done if ubuntu decides to after random amounts of time (although generally after about half an hour or so) to during half a minute or less slow down progressively to a total lockdown (often everything apart from frozen screen and mouse movement, even keyboard dies)23:28
=== noble- is now known as artenius
D3RGPS31wooo! back and my sound still fails me =D23:28
dmsupermanI'd rather not run a whole vm just for office23:28
ChrisULMzcat[1], getting MS office to work in wine is very easy man. have you even attempted it?23:28
ganastasioudmsuperman u saw the pastebin?23:28
BritGuyThe contents of the /etc/resolve.conf file are as follows: nameserver, search, domain home - but I am unable to get an internet connection from Linux23:28
zcat[1]ChrisULM: it is?!! No, I never tried it.. I've tried a few simple games though and never had any luck23:28
zcat[1]I did get WoW running in wine.. my one big achievement!23:29
Action_HankHi, everyone23:29
BritGuyDoes anyone know if this is normal for the resolve.conf file, my router's IP address is
zcat[1]BritGuy: sounds very very normal23:29
Jack_SparrowBritGuy, standard router ip23:29
amenadoBritGuy-> paste your ifconfig; cat /etc/resolv.conf  ;  route -n    <-- how about the route table?23:30
D3RGPS31anyone experiance MT370*'s problems with ubuntu, being no sound?23:30
sTiVonow found five of six libraries needed.  where is libnssckbi.so supposed to  come from23:30
zcat[1]BritGuy: standard rfc1918 address23:30
Action_HankI wonder if you all can help me--I can't boot the live CD on my new computer.  I've tried several versions...23:30
D3RGPS31Action, is your BIOS set to boot from CD?23:30
BritGuyHi amenado, is "route" the command?23:30
Jack_SparrowAction_Hank, At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"23:30
amenadoBritGuy-> yes.  route -n23:31
zcat[1]BritGuy: you may need 'sudo route -n' if /sbin isn't in your normal path23:31
Action_Hankyes; I reach the boot menu on the disc, but starting the live CD just makes the computer hang on the splash screen.  I've checked the media for errors, too.23:31
zcat[1]or /sbin/route23:31
farruinnsTiVo: looks like libnss3-0d23:31
BritGuyOk I will give that a go, I feel like i've tried everything here lol23:31
BritGuyThanks zcat23:32
dmsupermanganastasiou: on the phone, back in a sec23:32
Action_Hank@ Jack - Okay, I'll try that.23:32
zcat[1]BritGuy: this is a network where windows 'just works' with the default network settings?23:32
=== rd is now known as hyhf
amenadoBritGuy-> paste your ifconfig; cat /etc/resolv.conf  ;  route -n    <--in pastebin please so we all can see, and easier reading23:32
BritGuyYep I'm in windows now with just defaults and it picks up IP address and DNS from the router23:32
amenadoBritGuy-> you can compare what you have in windows to one in ubuntu by..23:33
amenadoBritGuy-> ipconfig ;  netstat -ran,23:33
zcat[1]BritGuy: well, it should work the same way in Linux ..23:33
orudiecan anyone recommend a VPS provider with ubuntu ?23:33
daves111> how do i get to ubuntu repositories23:33
J-Unit"World Clock Applet23:33
J-UnitIntegrating the features of the intlclock applet, the GNOME panel clock in Beta can display the time and weather in multiple locations. " ...thats for hardy, how can i get this in gutsy?23:33
zcat[1]daves111: synaptic23:34
ChrisULMdaves111, open synaptic23:34
zcat[1]J-Unit: backports, perhaps? not sure23:34
BritGuyIt should but it's not, I don't no what else to tell you lol23:34
sam827can anyone help me with installing ubuntu on a MacBook23:34
ChrisULMdaves111, system > administration >synaptic23:34
J-Unitzcat[1], wats that and how can i make sure?23:34
funkjaI am connecting to an ftp server and trying to download a file. The number of bytes that it says it receives is more then the size of the file. What could be causing this? It happens consistently.23:34
J-Unitzcat[1], my gf is in spain and i rely would like to have her time thing there23:34
sTiVofaruinn - no that isn't it.23:35
daves111ok, thanks23:35
spine55sam827: I thought you conuldn't do that23:35
crhybuntuHow do I get jackd and ardour setup for recording?23:35
kitchefunkja: bad connection to the download server23:35
sam827you can, i've seen it done23:35
sam827spine55: many use it23:35
crhybuntuI can't get ardour to record, and I have a feeling it's because I don't have jackd running properly.23:35
StPatrickOk Ubuntu, I have a strange strange problem.23:35
dmsupermanoh sweet jesus23:35
spine55sam827: sweet23:35
funkjakitche: okay...23:35
dmsupermani never thought the hardware usage was THAT much better in ubuntu23:35
Boohbahcrhybuntu: try qjackctl23:36
gilster32some want to give me a hand with an mp3 player i have here...?23:36
dmsupermani usually use about 1.1 - 1.3 gb of ram at any given time in xp23:36
sam827so.. can anyone help me with installing Gutsy on a MacBook?23:36
zcat[1]BritGuy: well, I'd check that the IP is correct (ifconfig eth0) and that you can ping the router. Then I'd check that you can resolve an address .. one thing I have run into is dns-proxying routers that return non-standard replies. Windows seems OK with it, Linux tends to resolve everything to which doesn't work too well23:36
dmsupermangranted, i'm running quite a few programs23:36
Boohbahcrhybuntu: that stuff is very tricky, struggled with it myself23:36
dmsupermanbut now, i'm only using 385 mb23:36
crhybuntuI've done it before, but it was over a year ago....23:36
dmsupermanand my cpu stays at or below 2%23:36
ChiefFree Radio at   http://www.dollar.ath.cx   when your here lookin for help, why not listen to music?23:36
sam827I have tried using Disk Utility to create a new partition, but it fails23:36
funkjakitche: the correct answer was I was using ASCII transfer when I needed to do a binary one. Thanks though.23:36
D3RGPS31ALSA won't work with my MT3707 sound card after I formatted, it worked before, what should I do?23:36
bwaynesam827:  what sort of error does the DU give you?23:37
Boohbahdmsuperman: better find something to occupy your cpu23:37
bwaynedmsuperman: you need folding@home.  :-)23:37
gilster32i got a nice little RCA mp3 flash player but it only does MTP mode. I am trying to find a way to get it picked up by some audio program. either banshee, exaile, whatever. I cant get it to go. my lsusb does show the device....what can i do?23:37
sam827bwayne: h/o23:37
dmsupermanboohbah: i'm trying to get office 2007 installed ;)23:37
sam827bwayne: Partition failed for disk (null)  No space left on device23:38
zcat[1]dmsuperman: you might get better help on #winehq23:38
crhybuntuGoing with qjackctl23:38
bwaynesam827:  ah.  you have no free space on your drive.  need to clear some up.23:38
dmsupermanzcat[1]: I was just saying that in response to "better find something to occupy your cpu"23:38
zcat[1]hmm, 'k23:38
sam827bwayne: firstly, I'm on leopard. u are supposed to be able to nondestructively resize with it23:39
moDumassarrrrhhhhh, still "looking up www.google.com...23:39
bwaynesam827:  not if there isn't enough free space.  :-)23:39
moDumasswhy gosh darnit why????23:39
sam827bwayne: what i do before the error comes is click the little plus and make room for it by shrinking my Mac HD23:39
dmsupermananyone know how i might set a hotkey to use the windows key as modifer? i want to use winkey + t for terminal, and winkey + g for gedit, etc.23:39
zcat[1]moDumass:  ;)23:40
RoC_MasterMindmoDumass, sounds like you don't have an internet connection, or your DNS is down.23:40
dmsupermanhowever when i go to hit winkey in the keyboard shortcuts screen, it just puts "Super L"23:40
bwaynesam827:  how much free space do you have on your disk?23:40
zcat[1]RoC_MasterMind: rule out the first one, he's on IRC :)23:40
gilster32anyone here know how to get MTP players connected?23:40
kitchefunkyHat: or just use auto mode which is what most do so they do not have to worry about it :)23:40
RoC_MasterMindzcat[1], hahaha...that's true.23:40
dmsupermani love how going to google.com is a 100% guarenteed way to see if you have internet23:40
moDumasshmmm, ip isnt working either, but i have intenret, ktorrent is still crankin along23:41
bwaynedmsuperman:  right on.  i ping google nearly daily.23:41
zcat[1]moDumass: sounds like dns is broke somehow23:41
moDumassand pidgin is good23:41
sam827bwayne: I am running both Windows and MacOSX, but on my mac partition i've got 47 gigs free23:41
LSGbwayne: Same here23:41
moDumasszcat[1] yeh i think it may be, but, the ip shouldnt need to be translated23:41
gauchoHello! I'm having problems with my microphone on gutsy! A can hear my voice very good, but When I try to record it on audacity or gnome sound recorder, the volume goes too small.. I can hear me really bad.. What can I do?23:41
zcat[1]moDumass: mtr -n and see if there's a useable route23:42
moDumasszcat, what should i see23:43
=== bowman is now known as ardaeden
bwaynesam827:  so you go into Disk Utility, Click on the entire drive, and then click 'Partition'.  I that how you're doing it?23:43
moDumass15 IPs all giving stats23:43
sam827bwayne: yep23:43
bwaynesam827: and you click on the Macintosh HD, and then click + ?  What happens then?23:43
dmsupermananybody know how to use windows key as a modifier, and not as "Super L", for keyboard shortcuts?23:44
Boohbahgaucho: did you turn up the level on the mixer?23:44
sam827bwayne: I'm able to do it, but when I click apply it tries for 10 minutes then reports the error23:44
Boohbahthe mic level23:44
gauchoyes, it is at max!23:44
StPatrickOk, here we go. I just finally got my Wifi card working, and now it doesnt connect to any networks. Why not?23:44
Boohbahobviously it's not working23:45
basculethere is a +20dB gain IIRC for mics23:45
bwaynesam827: hmm ... I'll need to see *exactly* the error you're given.23:45
moDumasszcat[1] this is what i get back23:45
moDumasszcat[1] http://pastebin.com/d45a78fb123:45
LSGdmsuperman: Did you try setting it in keyboard shortcuts?23:46
CloudFXhow do i get OpenPGP keys?23:46
sam827bwayne: my readout from the log file is:23:46
sam8272008-04-10 16:34:59 -0400: Disk Utility started.23:46
sam8272008-04-10 16:40:33 -0400: Preparing to partition disk: “ST9160821AS Media”23:46
sam8272008-04-10 16:40:33 -0400: Partition Scheme: GUID Partition Table23:46
sam8272008-04-10 16:40:33 -0400: 2 volumes will be created23:46
FloodBot1sam827: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:46
sam8272008-04-10 16:40:33 -0400:23:46
dogmeatupgrade to fiesty fawn, success!23:46
basculeFront Mic Boost and Front Mic23:46
dmsupermanLSG: as soon as i press Windows Key, it just sets the hotkey to "Super L"23:46
dogmeatupgrade to gusty, success!23:46
dmsupermanLSG: I want to use it in combination, like winkey + l23:46
Boohbahdogmeat: one more upgrade to go before you're using modern software23:47
IburnagaHey does anyone here know how to fix Gurb error 22? I have the data from sudo fdisk -lu23:47
BritGuyHello, I have uploaded the contents of my routing table to pastebin, does this look normal, I still cannot get an Internet connection.  Thanks23:48
LSGdmsuperman: You're right...i can't seem to get it to work either. Maybe use another combination?23:48
* chalcedony smiles23:48
sam827 bwayne: sorry about that23:48
BritGuyI must be close to fixing this by now, i've tried everything lol23:49
dmsupermanLSG: I want to use winkey ;)23:49
sam827bwayne: btw, that was the wrong one. the real one is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62781/23:49
someone23iburnaga: i probably dont, but if you had two hard drived in your PC and took one out, you probably need to put it back in23:49
BritGuyI posted mine to pastebin.com23:49
sam827bwayne: yt?23:50
IburnagaI had an external with the old ubuntu installed on it, I deleted the partition with a windows program and now I can't get anywhere XD So I'll just wait.23:50
someone23thats all i know about grub. I would tell you to reinstall grub (there's a way of doing that in UBuntu LIVE, but i would hate toi be called "captain obvious"23:50
dmsupermanLSG: Darn, it's an official bug23:51
bwaynesam827:  yeah, it appears to give it its best shot for almost 20 minutes and then just dies.  I'll google around some for you.23:51
sam827bwayne: thanks23:51
IburnagaI also keep getting the too small error every time I try to put Ubuntu anywhere, I'm on a live cd right now XD23:51
LSGdmsuperman: Try this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/4558923:51
someone23iburnage, but yeah, GRUB likes to put parts of itself on every harddrive it finds, and wont work unless all the HDDs are plugged in (at least form my experience.23:52
StPatrickAttention Ubuntu, I am in search of someone very patient to help me muddle through some things in linux which I am just barely beginning to understand. Anyone up for a challenge?23:52
someone23iburnaga, but yeah, GRUB likes to put parts of itself on every harddrive it finds, and wont work unless all the HDDs are plugged in (at least form my experience.23:52
zcat[1]StPatrick: we're all very patient here.. :)23:52
rsc___hello guys. is there a way to disable the password prompt after I wakeup my computer after suspend?23:53
someone23hey, anybody ever have their mouse completely disappear after restarting the X-server with CTRL+ALT+BACKSPCE23:53
StPatrickzcat[1], you volunteering?23:53
StPatrickzcat[1], :P23:53
zcat[1]rsc___: screensaver/power namagement options I think23:53
moDumassso i have internet, it seems firefox is being punnished though23:53
chalcedonymy husband has KDE gutsy, i have ubuntu feisty, we are trying to share a printer. I had it working for my computer, but whatever he did disabled it. he wants me to get the kde control module, instead of what i have on gnome. will that work, also can i download that with command line, apt-get?23:53
BritGuyDoes anyone have any idea if the routing table i posted on pastebin.com looks normal?23:53
bwayneIburnaga: I got that error once when my second hard drive wasn't anywhere in the boot order in my BIOS.23:53
rsc___hehe, non, zcat.23:53
zcat[1]StPatrick: actually I'm just about to go out :)23:53
StPatrickzcat[1],  Yea......23:53
StPatrickAttention Ubuntu, I am in search of someone very patient to help me muddle through some things in linux which I am just barely beginning to understand. Anyone up for a challenge?23:53
CloudFXjust say your question..23:54
zcat[1]!ask | StPatrick23:54
ubotuStPatrick: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:54
StPatrickzcat[1],  The problem with that is that i get about 6 people all giving me different answers ;(23:54
zcat[1]StPatrick: yeah, that happens ...23:54
ChrisULMwhat is the question.....23:54
Boohbahchalcedony: you should just switch to kde, it's much nicer23:54
dmsupermanStPatrick: Try em all til it works :D23:55
Jack_SparrowBoohbah, Not nice...23:55
StPatrickI just got my wifi working. but I cannot connect to any networks.23:55
StPatrickI dont know why23:55
someone23I agree, kde rocks, GNOME IS THE WORST23:55
Aggrav8dhello, everybody!  Would someone please tell me where I'd go for some help with paypal IPN integration?23:55
zcat[1]StPatrick: Might also be a good idea to see if there's a LUG nearby and get some hands-on help and guidance that way23:55
dmsupermanchalcedony: don't lie, it's impossible for a girl to use linux. PARADOX!!!23:55
LSG<3 Gnome!23:55
dmsupermannote: sarcasm included23:55
StPatricka LUG?23:55
Jack_Sparrowsomeone23, Try staying on topic please23:55
zcat[1]Linux Users Group23:56
BritGuyI could do with devine guidance I think, with this network connection lol23:56
bwaynesam827: no luck with google.  try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook .  Sorry I can't be of any more help.  :-(23:56
chalcedonydmacnutt: my son is one of the original debian coders.23:56
zcat[1]dmsuperman: hehe.. my kids (both girls) have been using linux from the beginning ...23:56
ChrisULMwhat wifi card are you using?23:56
ganastasioudm i did it23:57
MountainD00dYou know, I just decided today that I was going to set up a unix server on an old tower of mine23:57
ganastasiouwith the partition23:57
sam827bwayne: thanks anyway23:57
StPatrickRealtek RTL8187b23:57
someone23Jack_Sparrow: that was in response to "Boohbah>chalcedony: you should just switch to kde, it's much nicer"23:57
dmsupermanzcat[1]: EPIC23:57
rsc___and is there a way for me to run a command when i resume after suspend?23:57
chalcedonydmsuperman: lol my son is one of the original debian coders.23:57
MountainD00dJoining this room, I feel very.... inadequate23:57
sam827bwayne: ill probly end up clean installing l8er2nit23:57
dmsupermanchalcedony: ditch your husband and marry me23:57
BoohbahMountainD00d: why?23:57
dmsupermanchalcedony =P23:57
zcat[1]dmsuperman: the younger one is our official WLUG penguinsuit-wearer23:57
chalcedonydmsuperman: you'll get my printer working?23:57
StPatrickok then23:57
=== theseus is now known as bonhoffer
StPatrickthat settles it23:58
MountainD00dBoohbah: Well, there is just so much to know. Like... a very, very scary amount23:58
dmsupermanchalcedony: I'll buy you a new one :D23:58
StPatrickI'm done with Linux23:58
bwaynesam827: that *may* be the easiest choice.  When I reinstall, I backup first and then restore stuff once I'm done with the clean install.  I use the program Backup to do this.  Good luck.23:58
ChiefFree Radio at   http://www.dollar.ath.cx   when your here lookin for help, why not listen to music?23:58
invalidsyntaxis therre a restore feature in ubuntu23:58
zcat[1]StPatrick: if your wifi is working but you can't see any networks, then either there are no networks in range or your wifi isn't really working :)23:58
chalcedonydmsuperman: i HAVE a new one .. or i wouldn't be here in this mess23:58
sam827bwayne: i use time machine23:58
dmsupermanin amarok, how can i make it so double clicking a song in the collection plays it, rather than adds to the list?23:58
StPatrickzcat[1],  I can see networks. It =just wont connect to any of them23:58
zcat[1]StPatrick: ahhh, ok.23:59
StPatrickzcat[1],  Im 4 feet away from the access point, and my other laptop is connected just fine.23:59
sam827bwayne: this has pissed me off, ive been tryin to do this for like 3 hours23:59
bwaynesam827: you lucky dog you.  I tried to use TM via SAMBA but couldn't get it working.  I'm not willing to buy a second drive just for the pretty.23:59
sam827bwayne: yep23:59
bwaynesam827: when I get pissed at my computer, I take a drive to walmart.23:59
bwaynealways works.23:59
zcat[1]StPatrick: well, that's a bit odd.. it is open, or encrypted?23:59
sam827bwayne: haha23:59
StPatrickzcat[1],  Open.23:59
IburnagaPM me if you can help me with my errors ><23:59

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