
Keybukjdong: it's one of the exams you have to pass for a PPL00:12
Keybuksadmac2: the reporter was on here, the messages will be on VT 7 because X moves /dev/console there while it's running00:12
Keybuksadmac2: sysvinit always behaved exactly the same00:13
jdongKeybuk: so it determines weather or not you get your license?00:15
jdong(haha sorry that was horrible!)00:15
Keybukknowing not to fly straight into a thunderstorm comes in handy00:40
Keybuksince flying into one generally means not flying out again00:40
jdongKeybuk: I thought it was those granite clouds that pilots hate the most :)01:01
Keybukah yes, cumulus granitus01:02

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