[00:00] perhaps, 'man iceccd' might tell him more [00:00] its a compiler [00:00] tell you* rather... [00:01] its just bugging me that i have a random extra users going when i shouldn't [00:01] Is it possible to install Xubuntu on a usb flash drive? [00:02] !install | Askarii [00:02] Askarii: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [00:02] I guess it depends on how you define 'extra'. I think the who command will show you list of every username that is consuming a TTY [00:02] Askarii: in short: yes [00:02] or pty [00:11] hmm... it seems that enabled sub-pixel hinting fixes the weird font in Xubuntu. [00:14] cody-somerville: what kind of weird font? [00:15] Like, it is all smushed together. [00:15] But enabling sub-pixel hinting makes the font clear and sharp. [00:16] enabling hinting in general should have this effect === gaurdro|away is now known as gaurdro === danielm_ is now known as danielm === danielm_ is now known as danielm [04:11] Trying to install the Xubuntu Alt CD, but it reboots every time I chose anythign on the first menu [04:12] even when you choose the memory test? [04:13] sec... [04:14] no memory test runs [04:14] if you let it run through the 8 tests you can be sure your ram is good [04:15] ok and then? [04:15] there is also the cd integrity check [04:15] cd integrity check reboots too [04:16] does it work in vga mode? [04:17] wierd thing is first time i put the cd in it went through the install until it was ready to copy files then it said there was a file it couldnt access and when i rebooted it would reboot every selection i made. [04:17] is the computer getting too hot? [04:17] This is an intermittent issue, not sure why, but i had the same problem before and i installed it ok, but i forget what, if anything, I did to fix it [04:17] i dont know [04:17] it runs windows just fine [04:18] Windows XP [04:18] you need to set acpi = off [04:18] ok [04:19] ok, how do i add that after i hit f6? [04:19] either acpi=off or apci=off [04:19] yes [04:19] acpi [04:19] just a space? [04:19] no spaces [04:20] well the last thing on that line is `quiet --` [04:20] i dont rember where in the line you put it [04:20] so continue with a space? `quiet -- acpi=off`? [04:21] i think anywhere is fine [04:21] try it [04:21] k [04:21] lol [04:21] nope rebooted [04:21] if it rebbots right away again the put it before quiet [04:21] lemme try before the quiet [04:22] still reboots [04:23] then try "noacpi [04:23] instead of acpi=off [04:23] Howdy -- just a package question - I have a kubuntu install on GG, and I just put HH on my laptop. What's the package that has the advanced autocomplete that I get in bash with GG? [04:24] (xubuntu HH) [04:24] same problem, reboots [04:25] advanced autocomplete???? [04:26] isnt that gnu readline [04:26] SubOne, you have the menu open? [04:26] hit F1 (the help window) [04:26] vidd, yeah. completion for stuff in apt, for options for certain apps [04:26] etc. [04:27] it should give you a specific example with noacpi [04:27] vidd: yes it reboots on kernel load [04:27] Midtronic, idk i upraded from GG [04:29] it says pci=noacpi and i did that and same thing [04:29] hm. Yeah. I could diff packages from the two boxes, but I'm a bit lazy [04:29] I'll just figure out out later :-P [04:30] SubOne, im very tired at the moment...otherwise id run an install to see [04:31] so im sol [04:33] SubOne does the livecd run? [04:33] no not enough memory [04:34] i think theres only 128mb in it [04:34] hmm i wonder if there is a text mode install [04:34] this is the text mode install lol [04:35] is there another kernel on the cd i can try? [04:35] there may be a bug in the installation related to low memory. did you check the forums? [04:36] in the livecd? theres supposed to be a certain amount of memory for the live cd to run i forget what it is... sec [04:36] dunno about kernels [04:37] 128mb ram for livecd, but i think =>1mb of it is used for shared video, lol [04:37] is there a better recommended distro for 128/127mb? [04:38] i got fluxbuntu 7.10rc working in 64MB [04:38] i didnt know there was a fluxbuntu lemme search... [04:38] SubOne, is this an HP machine by chance? [04:39] fluxbuntu seems to be bottlenecked a bit [04:39] yeah its a compaq [04:40] bottlenecked where? [04:40] in terms of development [04:41] Stroganoff has made a script that installs xubuntu on low memory machines too, you can find it in the forums i think [04:43] vidd: you have info on compatability issues with Xubuntu and HP machines? I have Ubuntu installed on my HP laptop [04:44] i just dont know why the linux kernel wont load and im wondering if there is an alt kernel on the disk [04:49] 5-6+ [04:49] im still not getting it to work :p [04:50] and i've still had no luck getting *buntu on a flash drive [04:51] What I don't understand is why the kernel would load the first time i tried but then reboot every other time [04:52] is the fan running loud? [04:53] SubOne, i just have an hp pavilion that i had to do it with [04:53] keb: no [04:53] keb: i dont see how it would be an overheating issue Windows runs fine [04:54] windows underclocks the system if it is a hot laptop [04:54] its a desktop [04:54] ok [04:55] does anything else run on that system now? maybe it got zapped with a static charge [04:55] something other than memtest ;) [04:56] no just windows xp... previously windows 98... memtest seems to run fine, but the other options reboot (every option that needs to load a kernel) [04:56] hi [04:57] i even tried acpi=off AND pci=noacpi together because F1 mentioned both, but still reboots like halfway through kernel load [04:57] so it loads some stuff? [04:58] what is the last message on the screen [04:58] SubOne, just one or the other...not both [04:58] and drop the pci- [04:58] and drop the pci= [04:58] vidd: i tried all the combinations [04:58] noacpi [04:59] pci=noacpi [04:59] acpi=off [04:59] and each together :p [04:59] for S&G....try noapci and then apci=off [05:00] s&G? [05:01] dont ask...its not polite! [05:01] smiles & giggles [05:02] try one then the other or both together [05:02] one then the other [05:02] keb: it says Loading Linux Kernel then gets to an arbitrary amount of loading on the progress bar and reboots [05:02] vidd: i did that but i'll do it again [05:02] oh apci [05:03] k [05:03] not acpi? [05:03] there is no such thing as apci [05:03] i thought so :p [05:04] keb, SubOne http://osdir.com/ml/linux.drivers.prism54.user/2004-02/msg00073.html [05:05] idk [05:05] vidd: it was a typo [05:05] didnt i say b4 i was tired? [05:05] =] [05:07] lol [05:09] SubOne is your hard disk full? [05:22] hmm. noapic is a different option entirely from acpi=off [05:22] one is about interrupt controllers and the other is power management [05:23] the power management is what he wants [05:24] otherwise, he might want to check to see if his mobo has antivirus protection (protects the master boot record) [05:25] looks like this was never solved for some people :/ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=323236 [05:25] goodnight [05:31] keb: no i am planning on putting xubuntu on the whole drive === Cromag_ is now known as Cromag [10:23] hello, can someone here with a fresh/regular install of xubuntu, please pastebin for me his xorg.conf file? thanks. [10:24] redwhitewaldo, just run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [10:24] tjat will generate a fresh xorg.conf for ya\ [10:25] ablomen: : well, that doesn't put back my xorg.conf file the way it was before i enabled restricted video driver. 8-) [10:25] it should [10:25] just pick a different driver form the list [10:25] vesa or nv or whatever [10:26] ablomen: i don't geta list [10:26] hmm [10:26] ablomen: sorry. [10:26] i take that back [10:26] hehe :P [10:27] question one: " Use kernel framebuffer device interface? " what should i choose? [10:27] ehm just the default? [10:27] i guess that's YES. [10:30] i have a microsoft natural keyboard elite (http://www.datavisionergonomics.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/292341_large.jpg) . is this pc104 or pc105? [10:31] Probably the default [14:38] i need some help with the enemy territory update [14:43] pc-illiterate, Just say what you need then :) [14:43] help ? [14:43] lmao [14:44] i dont know what to do...good enough ? [14:46] you gotta give more than that, have you downloaded the update yet? have you attempted to update? [14:47] sure ive d/l it. attempted to how ? i have to executeable files. 1 is client 1 is server... dont know what to do with them [14:48] pc-illiterate, See... that wasn't so hard was it? :) [14:49] pc-illiterate, what is the link where you downloaded these files? [14:49] well i assumed if you didnt have it, you didnt update it, and you wouldnt know. [14:49] gimmee a sec [15:01] cody...you want a link to the d/l itself ?... its on linux-gamers [15:04] well maybe it wasnt there... crap [15:05] what? [15:06] what what ? [15:07] You need to upgrade to the latest through the usual installers first, and then replace the engine binaries with the newer ones contained in the zip files below. [15:07] thats the instructions for the update.... [15:08] how do i replace the binaries ? === tuna-fish is now known as tuna === cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville [17:47] hi i need to look at some pdf but cant find a good prog to do so what can be recommended i tryed xpdf and evince [17:47] I use a large external drive I loaned from a friend. I don't have enough space on my own hard drive to back it up, and I don't really know if I want to reformat it for FAT32 because I don't own it and if friend ever calls it back in, he uses Windows. Can I still use it even though it's formatted to NTFS or whatever the Windows standard is? === Mez is now known as Floodbot5 === Floodbot5 is now known as Mez [18:14] Hello, I have Xubuntu 7.10 installed on a Compaq Armada 7400. I am having a problem with opening a terminal, I keep getting booted back to the login screen. === danielm_ is now known as danielm [18:20] so I'm using an ISO that has a hash validated on the ubuntu website [18:20] but as SOON AS I MOUNT IT the hash changes to something different [18:21] :/ [18:21] am I maybe hashing the wrong file? [18:21] hashing the .iso gives me a md5sum that starts with 877ae9, and this is the correct one as per the ubuntu site [18:22] when I mount that ISO and run a md5sum check on :\md5sum.txt [18:23] it gives me a hash that starts with 96ca42 [18:24] One is a hash of the iso file and the other is a hash of that text file [18:25] so if the hash of md5sum.txt isn't a valid sum of the CD [18:25] how do you check the cd once you've burned it? [18:25] the hash IN the text file should match the hash OF the iso [18:26] I've never tried, don't know if there is a way to hash the whole CD [18:26] which hash in the text file? [18:28] if you open the md5sum.txt file that should contain the hash of a good iso. [18:29] Hashing is normaly used to ensure that the iso file you downloaded is good [18:29] so how do you check that the cd is good after burning?\ [18:30] I'm not sure, I have never tried, some distros have a check in the boot menu [18:34] Just checked and Xubuntu 7.10 has an option of "Check CD for defects" in the boot menu [18:38] I have Xubuntu 7.10 installed on a Compaq Armada 7400. I am having a problem with opening a terminal, I keep getting booted back to the login screen. Everything else seems to be working fine. [18:40] okay going to go and try burning and then verifying [18:41] Good Luck [18:41] Dartrunner, setup Xorg for DefaultDepth 16 [18:42] for this old laptop (333mhz?) i'd recommend my icewm desktop though, its much faster than xubuntu: [18:42] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=741631 [18:42] kk I'll give it a try [18:44] i'll be back in 20 minutes if you have any questions regarding my easy to use install script [18:45] Where can I change the depth? [18:45] sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf [18:45] or use: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [18:46] I can't get a terminal to run the command : ( [18:47] alt+f2 -> xterm [18:47] only the xfce terminal should be affected by your bug [18:48] worked [19:03] Stroganoff, could I bug you for a little more help? [19:07] yep [19:07] Dartrunner shoot [19:08] The reason I was trying to get a terminal was because the sound wasn't working [19:08] I found a post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4690891#post4690891 that had a little about it [19:09] I installed the linux-backports-modules-generic with apt-get, but now what do I do? [19:10] I am just learning linux, and picked up this laptop for free, so trying to make it work [19:12] and changing the depth to 16 also worked, thanks [19:16] Dartrunner: try installing this: http://www.4front-tech.com/release/oss-linux_v4.0-1015_i386.deb [19:17] kk [19:18] can I use your scripts on top of what I have or will I have to start over from scratch? [19:19] It does seem a little sluggish [19:19] start over from scratch. but after my script is finished, there not much else to do. it's got many tweaks ubuntu is missing [19:19] run in terminal: lspci [19:19] and see if your soundcard is detected [19:20] not sure what "run in terminal:lspci" means [19:20] xterm [19:21] xterm: lspci [19:21] "lspci" is a command [19:21] rather a cli tool [19:21] kk : ) [19:23] doesn't show a soundcard [19:24] should I just start over now, if your setup will run faster [19:24] how much ram have you got? [19:24] 192 [19:24] ok but its still considerably faster :D [19:25] xubuntu boots up to 80mb usage, my script to 25-40 (depends on chosen bootup services) [19:26] similar look and feel? [19:26] i wouldn't hope it fixes your sound though. maybe the onboard soundchip is disabled in bios? :D [19:26] I used a suse live CD and the sound worked, but it was dog slow [19:27] well you see the screenshots, dartrunner. the desktop and filemanager are from ubuntu. the panel might not have that many fancy plugins as xfce does, but its much faster and you can use the WINKEY to open the menu :D [19:27] no winkey on this old thing lol [19:28] the next test is my wireless card [19:31] Dartrunner see this thread for sound: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114493 [19:32] Well I'll give it a try, downloading the Ubuntu Alternate ISO now [19:36] what about your wireless? [19:37] hey all! quick and likely easy question: how do I move a panel config from one user to another? basically I have a panel design I want all new users on my system to get by default [19:37] I'd prefer to copy my main panel config to a central location that xfce will use when creating a new users desktop [19:37] it doesn't work, but I haven't started looking at that yet, just tackling one thing at a time [19:39] v0lksman you panel config is somewhere i ~/.config/ [19:39] copy it to /usr/share/xfce or something [19:39] use tab completion to find out the exact locations [19:40] yeah.....config/xfce4/panels however simply copying that to another users profile doesn't work....the default panel still shows when I log in as that user.... [19:40] Howdy -- I just installed Xubuntu hardy, and I love the background image that's used for the installer.. I can't find it on the CD, though. Any idea where I might find it? [19:40] v0lksman might be .config/mcs-settings or something like this [19:40] copy MOAR ;) [19:42] hehehe...I tried copying the entire .config from one user to another...still no fly....doesn't make sense though...they are simple xml files and they don't reference folder locations at all.... [19:44] have you chown'd them? [19:45] chown -R newuser:newuser /home/newuser/.config [19:45] yep...no difference [19:46] I mean ideally I want to edit the "default" panel so that when xfce creates the .config structure it includes my changes....but can't find anything of the sort.... [19:47] you'd have to use /usr/share/xfce4 for that (better use /usr/local/share) [19:47] but I don't get why its not working for you the way you tried [19:57] if I use /usr/share/xfce4 do I just drop my panels.xml and all the launcher.*.xml files in there or does it require a special directory? [19:58] a special directory [19:59] scrap that, it is in /etc/xdg/xfce4/ [19:59] i dont use xfce myself so i just guess sometimes :D [20:00] hahaha...good place to hang out then! :) [20:00] yeah well xfce is an important project [20:02] yes it is....I switch back and forth between gnome and xfce...I like em both.... [20:03] .mov files play in totem with sound, but it's all black for video. what's wrong? [20:04] need codec goodness.... [20:04] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MediBuntu [20:04] I might get shot here but the w32codecs will likely make it work [20:04] v0lksman: i got the codecs already, didn't i? [20:05] i downloaded the, um, ubuntu-extra-codecs or soemthing like that. [20:06] http://phorolinux.com/how-to-install-non-free-multimedia-codecs-on-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html [20:06] might help [20:06] hi [20:06] other thing would be to try VLC...it has a nice set of internal codecs [20:06] redwhitewaldo you need more thatn restricted-extras, check medibuntu [20:07] Stroganoff: oh, i thought that restrickted-extras had everything [20:07] when is gonna be the 8.04 version released? [20:07] ok. i'll check mediumbunt [20:07] although your problem might be something else, im not sure [20:07] n-iCe: 24th [20:07] april, right? [20:07] Stroganoff: how can we check what hte problem is before installing medibuntu [20:07] n-iCe: yes. [20:07] Any idea about new changes? [20:07] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta [20:08] redwhitewaldo, medibuntu is really safe and quite essential. install it and check after that :p [20:08] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu [20:11] Stroganoff: i'm on that page. now how do i install medibuntu [20:11] read that page. [20:11] i'm on xubuntu 8.04 by the way [20:11] see gutsy instructions on "Adding the Repositories" [20:12] they've updated it for hardy... :) [20:13] yeah i just confused 8.04 with gutsy :D [20:13] hahahah [20:14] thanks [20:14] installing w32codecs didn't help [20:15] are you 64 bit? [20:15] this is a divx or xvid file you are trying to play right? [20:16] v0lksman: i'm on 32bit xubuntu 8.04. and am trying to play the .mov files on http://www.montanameth.org/View_Ads/index.php [20:17] ahhh....you need to make sure that the plugin for firefox has been loaded for a mediaplayer that has access to that codec...I think mplayer has a ff plugin [20:17] v0lksman: but i'm saving the file to desktop. and totem (standalone. not plugin) is playing the file [20:18] yeah....its the plugin that is failing to play it....I know I've messed with that before...can't remember the fix off hand though.... [20:18] I'm pretty sure you either need the gstreamer plugin or mplayer....one of the two will fix it.... [20:18] v0lksman: we seem to be not understanding each other. It is NOT a plugin. [20:18] NOT a plugin [20:19] firefox is NOT playing the file. [20:19] what's the easiest way to get xfce back to it's default look? [20:19] ah [20:19] i am downloading the file (See the "Save As" links on the ads) [20:19] vanilla xfce, not the xubuntu style [20:19] linuturk: delete ~/.config/xfce4 [20:19] :) [20:20] so, that's controlled in /etc/skel ? [20:20] not sure...that's why I'm here...hahaha...but the .config structure holds your settings [20:21] redwhitewaldo: not sure then....the codecs should have made it work....I can only suggest trying VLC or mplayer....see if they do the same thing (they use different codecs) [20:21] redwhitewaldo what he meant is that totem uses distinguished backends for decoding the movie. either gstreamer or xine. [20:21] you can try mplayer (standalone) or vlc, they have their own backends [20:22] :) [20:22] ok. i 'll try vlc [20:22] i do prefer totem to do everything, though [20:24] i prefer neither for none is able to place .srt subtitles below the 16:9 frame without some displacing voodoo [20:24] that might be offtopic though :D [20:40] Hi! Is there a built in "search for a file" app in Hardy? [20:41] S0210: sudo apt-get install catfish [20:43] S0210: not built in, but the catfish app that Stroganoff mentioned is basically the defacto search app for xubuntu === danielm_ is now known as danielm === danielm_ is now known as danielm === leche_y_galletas is now known as leche [22:11] Stroganoff, you still out there/ [22:11] ? [22:11] 1 [22:11] I am at the edit the script file part [22:12] yeah [22:12] you dont have to edit that anymore [22:12] and I can't findit [22:12] i replaced it with user driven menus [22:12] all I see is an install.sh [22:12] kk [22:12] just run install.sh then? [22:12] yep [22:20] What is the difference between Thundar and XFE? [22:21] Thunar is more easy to use and more pretty [22:21] xfe is for oldschool freaks and its a bit more lightweight [22:26] How do I know if I can use ACPI? I see a message when it boot saying something about forcing ACPI [22:27] were you able to suspend/standby/hibernate with xubuntu? [22:28] had you any problems with closing your lid? [22:29] i would enable (install) ACPI. you can uninstall or tweak in if you run into problems (some screwed up notebooks have problems with acpi without their proprietary drivers) [22:29] hadn't got around to trying it yet, I know that it never shut off, not even the screen. Just stayed on from the time I installed X on it. [22:29] that doesnt sound good [22:30] although i dont know the default settings of xubuntu in terms of suspend on inactivity [22:30] it also depends on bios settings [22:31] even without acpi you might be able to hibernate and you WILL be able to blank the screen after some minutes [22:32] I don't see a pentium II on the CPU list [22:33] can I use i686? [22:33] yes [22:35] Hate to keep asking dumb questions, but how do I choose the appearance? I don't know what any of them look like. [22:35] you mean the menu button? [22:35] buttons? [22:36] ya [22:36] its just the button on the bottom left: [22:36] http://www.abload.de/img/ubuntu-light-script-n31.png [22:36] always the same logo, just with different words [22:38] can it be changed after? [22:38] manually [22:38] its just a little image [22:38] /usr/share/icewm/themes/IceBuntu/taskbar/icewm.xpm [22:40] should I start Conky? does that detect USB devices? [22:40] lol i should change that helptext [22:40] conky is just hardware info on desktop like in this screenshot: [22:40] http://www.abload.de/img/41mbramuyv.png [22:42] I saw that or something like it on DSL, pretty neat [22:42] Just crapped out [22:43] it's the same program [22:43] No LSB modules are available. [22:43] thats not an error message [22:43] unexpected EOF while looking for matching "" [22:44] in line 839 [22:44] wtf [22:45] should I try again? [22:46] no [22:46] thats really unexpected [22:46] must be some typo [22:47] actually looks like a superscript backwards J`" [22:48] give me some minutes [22:48] np [22:52] ok i fixed it Dartrunner [22:52] i'm sory [22:52] one moment plz [22:52] np, I don't mind. Learn alot debuging something [22:53] just wish I knew more about linux [22:53] Can fix just about any windows problem from 95 to server2003 [22:54] me too [22:54] :p [22:54] lol [22:54] ok cd .. [22:54] rm -rf ubuntu-light-script [22:54] looks like your way ahead of me on linux [22:54] redownload [22:54] it was just a missing " in my script (last minute change) [22:54] do I need to cd back to / [22:55] you can run this in your home directory [22:55] back to ~ [22:55] ~ = your home [22:56] delete the script and redownload it [22:56] rm -rf ubuntu-light-script* [22:56] this deletes the directory and the .tar.gz [22:57] what does the -rf switches mean? [22:57] wait [22:57] more errors :D [22:58] crappy last minutes changes [22:58] should I see something, or does it not show you what it is doing/ [22:58] ? [22:58] stupid keyboard [22:59] with default settings it shows nothing if successfull [22:59] you run: ls [22:59] ls shows files/folders in your current destination [23:01] ok its working now [23:01] ya I got the basic ls figured out lol not much more, also learned how to use top to find services to shutdown on a server I had to run a radio station from [23:02] you dont use top to shut down services [23:02] and the kill [23:02] to find the pid [23:02] you use: sudo /etc/init.d/servicename stop [23:02] thats the proper way [23:02] you can kill programs with: killall processname [23:02] examples: sudo /etc/init.d/samba stop [23:02] killall Thunar [23:02] kill seemed to work most of the time lol if it didn't I just rebooted lol [23:04] hopefully I will learn the right way now [23:13] hello any disk partition software?? [23:13] n-iCe: sudo apt-get install gparted [23:14] there is a livecd with gparted (and ntfs support) as well [23:14] thanks [23:15] so should I give it another try? [23:16] yes Dartrunner [23:16] kk [23:16] redownload [23:17] Stroganoff, ok, I cannot create a new partition, why? [23:17] no available space? [23:18] ext3 has 33GB free [23:18] I just can't selecte partition >> new [23:18] is like blocked [23:21] is there a setting somewhere for default browser in xfce? [23:22] n-iCe ext3 is a partition [23:22] you cant create a partition INSIDE another partition [23:22] you have to resize the first partition before creating a new one. [23:22] I wan't to create a new one, to install windows, how? [23:22] I just can't select create a new partition [23:22] you should have been able to figure that out seeing that there is a resize button.. [23:23] I can't select it either [23:23] has a lock [23:25] you cant resize the partition you are running from [23:25] use the gparted livecd for that [23:25] its not voodoo magic like partition magic but it works [23:27] by the way: windows will disable you from booting to ubuntu. you have to recover Grub after windows installation. print out this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows [23:28] Is there a reason for Thunar not to co-operate with fuse mount points or has that gone unresolved? [23:29] generally it works for me, aubade [23:29] at least fusesmb [23:30] Happens to do it with fuseiso, haven't tried custom actions with any other modules. [23:31] Looks as though it's going to open the directory then slings back to the parent after displaying the contents, almost as if it's teasing me. [23:40] aubade i just mounted an UDF iso with fuseiso and thunar is able to browse [23:40] fuseiso example.iso /media/iso/example.iso/ -o allow_root [23:41] Why the '-o allow_root'? [23:43] Stroganoff, I keep getting E:Couldn't find package swiftfox-IceWM [23:44] Something horrible happened. Press Return to try again. [23:44] yeah [23:44] crap :D [23:44] i'm sorry again [23:44] I hit return and get the same error again [23:45] np, [23:45] how do I get out of it? [23:45] Dartrunner do you mind joining #ubuntu-light-script [23:46] kk [23:47] I have been mounting it with a custom action (fuseiso -p %f mnt_%f), roll.