
StPatrickzcat[1],  That's what im tryin to say the problem is completely screwey.00:00
Boohbahbwayne: to laugh at their computers? does that cheer you up?00:00
n6rejany postfix experts on?00:00
chalcedonyBoohbah: i like my giant desktop in Gnome ty00:00
prakritiis there any way to set a prefered wireless network?00:00
DevourerIs there an application that can read .chm files?00:00
bwayneBoohbah:  there's just something about being surrounded by all that stuff.00:00
zcat[1]StPatrick: yeah, wifi is a bit dodgy at times. using network manager (the default networking thing in gnome) ?00:00
prakritiI'd like to stay in roaming mode, but I would like my lappy to connect to my access point if availabe.00:01
StPatrickive tried everything00:01
StPatricki had it wokring in Mandriva....00:01
StPatrickjust fine00:01
=== Charitwo_ is now known as Charitwo
n6rejcan anyone help me get my mail working properly with postfix?00:01
StPatricki guess i'll switch back to that.00:01
ZeltaStPatrick: Use whatever works :)00:01
invalidsyntaxcan you restore ubuntu?00:01
StPatrickZelta,  It took me WEEKS to get it to work in Mandriva00:01
sam827« /msg ubotu etiquette »00:02
n6rejprakriti: in windblows you can use the wifi manager to select a preferred ap, I would expect the same behavior with *nix00:02
dmsupermaninvalidsyntax: insert disk, run install :P00:02
StPatrickZelta,  Took me 15 minutes to get it to recognize here00:02
Jack_SparrowStPatrick, Perhaps you should look at buying wifi hardware that has/supplies driver support in linux00:02
Zeltayeah, you can get something that works perfectly for ~$20... I'm not saying you should go out and pay money just to get ubuntu to work, but it IS a foolproof solution00:03
Dr_LinkI have installed Timidity++, why can't I play MIDIs with programs such as KMid?00:03
Dr_LinkSound is set up correctly00:03
b4l74z4ris it possible to remove the networking icon in the upper right corner?00:04
zcat[1]Jack_Sparrow: I have three different cards, two of them very well supported.. gutsy just launches everything at the same time and as near as I can tell, hdclient times out and goes to sleep before iwconfig has finished bringing up the connection properly00:04
IburnagaHuh, is ther ea command for the command line that would allow me to brute force install 8.04 on my main hard drive?00:04
Dr_LinkOh, waitk.00:04
Dr_LinkSound isn't playing correctly.00:04
IburnagaAs a smaller partition?00:04
zcat[1]so I think it's actually a failing in gutsy .. it's worse with some cards than others..00:04
warriorforgodIs there any way I can blacklist an update?00:04
CK_MYwhy my screen resolution suddenly change to 640 x 480 ? i cant set back to 1024 x 768 any help?00:05
dmsupermanguys, how can i make it so double clicking in the collection in amarok starts playing the song?00:05
Dr_LinkThat's odd... when I'm in the sound dialog, it plays the test sound correctly...00:05
Dr_Linkand I've disabled the motherboard's sound...00:06
Jack_SparrowStPatrick, three hours of my time fighting unsupported hardware or $20 for supported hardware that will work out of the box...  Tough choice   Even my bcm43xx broadcoms have worked fine with no issues..00:06
Dr_Linkso it routes into the Sound card... why isn't the sound playing in any media player?00:06
zcat[1]network manager should configure wifi, wait untill it's associated with the AP, then start asking for an address00:06
CK_MYwhy my screen resolution suddenly change to 640 x 480 ? i cant set back to 1024 x 768 any help?00:06
MountainD00dEasy Question: How does one say Ubuntu? "Oooh-boon-two"? "Ooh-bun-two"?00:07
Jack_SparrowCK_MY, did you try to install a propietary driver off the web/00:07
zcat[1]perhaps it's my AP that takes too long to negotiate, I don't know... all I know is it takes four or five tries to get a connection up. SOmething is busted00:07
bwayneMountainD00d:  the first way.00:07
Dr_LinkMountainD00d, the first one.00:07
Dr_Linkheh, I used to pronounce it "You Bun Two"00:07
CK_MYJack_Sparrow, i din install any driver after restart it auto become 640 x 48000:07
bwayneyou have to purse the lips to say it correctly.  ooboontoo00:08
Dr_LinkCould I get an answer to my question please?00:08
Jack_SparrowCK_MY, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg (to just set res) If you get locked out Select vesa as your video card and 1024 max res.  Use tab or enter to accept all other defaults00:08
zcat[1]ooh boon two ?00:08
wobbiebobbieI just want to say THANKS  to the guys who help me get my system started last night. I was able to get my  files i need although I had to format and reinstall ubuntu.00:08
ph34rlol i thought it was uebunto00:08
Dr_LinkAh finally it's working now!00:08
kindofabuzzwhere are my ssl certs stored?00:09
IburnagaWhat is gurb error 22 anyhow?00:09
IburnagaIs it an error of boot order or what?00:09
IburnagaOh wow I feel dumb, I forgot to check the guide on the thing.00:10
rommeis pcmanfm the only tabbed file manager for linux?00:10
Odd-rationaleromme: konqueror00:11
rommeoops, forgot about konqueror. i'm using it right now. so, pcmanfm and konqueror are the only ones?00:11
Jack_Sparrowromme, Have you ever looked at Thunar?00:12
warriorforgodIs there any way I can blacklist an update?00:12
Odd-rationaleJack_Sparrow: no tab browsing00:12
dmsupermanto mount a folder to another folder, what do i put in my fstab?00:12
rommeJack_Sparrow: i've actually used it and spoken to the developers, which assured me that tabs will never be implemented00:12
kusanagi_how do i know my current Tcl/Tk version?00:13
dmsupermani've got /media/sdb2/other-folder /home/me/blah ext3 defaults 0 000:13
bwayneIburnaga: it appears it's a case of the kernel seeing your drives differently than grub.  check for error 22 here ->  http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-122656-highlight-grub+error+22.html?sid=cd5ef5d307973da1ceed5a50f8f4c41500:13
Odd-rationaleromme: those are the only 2 i can think of atm00:13
kusanagi_how do i know the current version of some package i have installed? or how do i know if i have it installed? thanks00:14
bwayneIburnaga: for instance, when you installed grub, it thought that your second drive was the primary drive.  try reversing the boot order in your BIOS.00:14
Odd-rationalekusanagi_: open synaptic00:15
IburnagaThank you sir. I've found the gurb hand book though, online. n.n Hopefully this will solve my problems if now...well...I could always wipe everything and start a new bu I'd need a new copy of windows.00:15
dmsupermannobody knows how to mount a folder to another folder?00:15
bwaynedmsuperman: easy as pie.00:15
kusanagi_hey thanks alot odd00:15
kusanagi_im super noob :(00:15
Odd-rationalekusanagi_: np. that was an easy one. :)00:15
comicinkerHelp, my help-browser is driving me crazy: starting takes a very long time, it uses all my cpu sources and displays nothing. if I try to close it, a new, empty help browser window opens immidiatelly. what's wrong? how can I repair it?00:15
dmsupermanbwayne: "/media/sdb2/folder /home/me/newfolder ext3 defaults 0 0" doesn't do it, it complains it's not a block device00:16
prakritidmsuperman : mount -o bind /sourcefolder /destinationfolder00:16
dmsupermanprakriti: i wanted to put it in fstab for automatic mounting00:16
BritGuyPlease could someone take a look at the routing table i posted on pastebin.com, is this normal I'm confused?00:16
bwaynedmsuperman: hmm ... my fstab looks similar.  but I put it under "user" instead of "defaults".00:17
daves111can't seem to find gdebi to execute00:17
prakritidmsuperman :  /media/sdb2/folder /home/me/newfolder none user,bind 0 000:17
prakrititry that00:17
aschmackis it possible to add the mythbuntu repos to ubuntu00:18
RequinB4Can anyone suggest a GUI FTP client in the repos (I know about !best, just looking for options)00:18
dmsupermanprakriti: =D00:18
dmsupermanthanks :D00:18
TwinXdmsuperman;  mount folder to folder? why not A Link?00:18
daves111is GDebi executable?00:19
TwinXor just mount sdb2 to newfolder00:19
dmsupermanTwinX: mounting a folder from another hard drive to my firefox profiles folder00:19
dmsupermanTwinX: What's a link?00:19
bwaynedaves111:  GDebi is a program for install .deb files, yes.00:19
TwinXLink = shortcut00:19
daves111i can't seem to find it00:20
daves111it says it is installed00:20
TwinXdaves rightclick on the .deb and say open with gdebi00:20
dmsupermanTwinX: Like a windows shortcut? because that won't work :P00:20
IburnagaOk...I don't have grub installed on either hard disk...00:20
TwinXdaves111; ^^00:20
IburnagaHow in the crap.00:20
MountainD00dI'm setting up an old desktop with Ubuntu Server Edition, but I'm wondering; will it have much of the same functionality of the desktop version?00:20
tdoggetteHow can I get apt to install all recommended packages?00:20
IndyGunFreaktdoggette: recommended for what?00:20
BritGuyKernel IP routeing table00:20
BritGuyDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface00:20
BritGuy192.168.0.0   U     0      0        0 eth000:20
BritGuy169.254.0.0     U     1000   0        0 eth000:20
BritGuy0.0.0.0         UG    100    0        0 eth000:20
FloodBot1BritGuy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:20
tdoggetteIndyGunFreak: When I apt-get install, it has a few Recommended and Suggested packages.00:21
dmsupermanTwinX: I wanted it so /home/me/blah was actually just pointing to /media/sdb2/somefolder00:21
BritGuyIs this normal?00:21
bwayneMountainD00d:  not out of the box.  but you can install any package you'd like after you install the server edition.00:21
daves111it isn't listed with the open with00:21
pharohmy kate won't show the terminal at the bottom...anyone know why?00:21
IndyGunFreaktdoggette: it will install them automatically00:21
IndyGunFreakfar as i know.00:21
tdoggetteIndyGunFreak: I want to install all of them along with the dependencies.00:21
MountainD00dbwayne: Thank you00:21
kitcheBritGuy: looks pretty normal to me00:21
tdoggetteIndyGunFreak: No, the ones that will be installed are listed, and they include the dependencies, not the others.00:21
IndyGunFreaktdoggette: try searching for them in Synaptic00:22
TwinXdmsuperman;  go to /media/sdb2/somefolder   rightclick on somefolder and click make link, and cut and paste that link anywhere u like00:22
kitchetdoggette: man apt-get actually tells you what switch you need to use to install recommended ones as well00:22
Odd-rationaletdoggette: aptitude will install all recommneded packages but not suggested packages00:22
tdoggetteThanks, guys.00:22
BritGuyNetwork works fine under Windows, under linux the correct driver is loaded, DHCP for some unknown reason re-fuses to work, changed to manual IP address and DNS, still doesn't work, checked routing tables, these are correct, what have i missed??00:22
dmsupermanTwinX: then where I paste the link, it will point to /media/sdb2/somefolder? changes to files inside it will redirect to the proper folder?00:22
bwaynedmsuperman:  something like 'link -s /home/me/blah /media/sdb2/somefolder' ought to create a symbolic link from blah to somefolder.00:23
TwinXdmsuperman; yes00:23
dmsupermanschweet :D00:23
TwinXbwayne's method is faster00:23
prakritithe only time I use bind is when I'm binding my WoW config directory for linux over the one for windows on the vfat drive00:23
Boohbahvfat... *shiver*00:24
BritGuySomeone please tell me lol00:24
dmsupermanbwayne: Your command causes invalid cross-device link00:25
Saardoxhello, how do I uninstall a splash screen?00:25
TwinXBritGuy; nameserver maybe00:25
daves111to update office, someone said to download and open with GDebi; I don't seem to have an option to do that00:26
bwaynedmsuperman:   hmmm ... maybe because your drive is mounted under /media.00:26
BritGuyWhat should nameserver be set to?00:26
peppehallo an alle00:26
thuncTwinX: That is the problem...00:26
dmsupermanbwayne: perhaps, but doing it through gui worked00:26
bwaynedmsuperman:  silly linux.  :-)00:27
BritGuyPlease someone tell me what nameserver should be in the routing tables, I want to kill it!! lol00:27
dmsupermanis there a linux tool that's basically a mini color-dropper/00:27
knoxvillewhats up fellas00:28
ex17hi knoxville00:28
knoxvillehow do you find other chat rooms00:29
knoxvillethis is my first time in irc00:29
knoxvillesomeone show me the ropes plz00:29
knoxvilleis there a good site to learn commands00:29
kindofabuzzgoogle irc00:30
Stroganoff!bash | knoxville00:30
ubotuknoxville: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:30
knoxvillei know terminal00:30
knoxvillei know linux00:30
knoxvillei just dont know irc00:30
Stroganoffknoxville: http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html00:30
thuncStroganoff: [ Winslow T. Wheeler: Mangled Rationales for a Fatter Defense Budget ]. { America's Best Political Newsletter. }00:30
knoxvillekk thanks00:30
FarnabyI have a somewhat strange question... I recently installed gutsy (new computer forced me to upgrade) and suddenly there is no option to turn the computer off00:30
knoxvillenice thanks stroganoff thats a good site00:31
bwayneFarnaby:  weird.  you may have some permission issues.  make sure you're in the admin and wheel group.00:31
daves111leave /00:31
daves111quit /00:32
Farnabybwayne, I am00:32
TwinX / quit maybe without the space00:32
kakooniaSomeone Tried the new ubuntu?00:32
Stroganoffknoxville, join #sandbox for testing commands ;)00:32
Farnabythere is not even an option to do it in the quit menu, just hibernate and suspend (which is funny since its not a laptop)00:32
Flannelkakoonia: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy questions00:32
knoxvillek going to try00:32
ChiefFree Radio at   http://www.dollar.ath.cx   when your here lookin for help, why not listen to music?00:34
aschmackokay so i have two machines00:34
kakooniaok.. i got a question.. i just got a new LCD screen to work with on my new laptop00:35
kakooniaim trying to install it here.. but i cant find a way to do it, nor a way to switch between screens00:35
tonyb486Can I force wubi to run with 254mb ram, its reporting it wrong or something. (Wubi says it needs 256mb ram)00:35
BobSlobAlright... I really need some help before I go bonkers. I have an nvidia 6800gt hooked directly to my HDTV TV via dvi->hdmi. Now for some reason I can't get my resolution above 1024x76800:35
BobSlobWhich is making mythtv look like junk00:35
SwishI've got a somewhat silly question.00:35
bwayneaschmack:  you trying to network hem?00:35
FishsceneI'm trying to setup an Ubuntu 7 server with LTSP. I'm using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall as a guide, but "sudo ltsp-build-client" failed because I wasn't connected to the internet00:35
aschmackhold on its a long question00:35
aschmackand no00:36
SwishI'm trying to set net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_buckets in /etc/sysctl.conf, and when I reboot, that setting is not taking effect.  6.06.2 LTS (server)00:36
FishsceneWhen I connected my machine to the internet00:36
Swishother settings in sysctl.conf do get set after reboot just fine... like net.core.somaxconn and others00:36
Farnabybobslob, you need to edit your xorg11.conf file from the sounds of it00:36
Fishsceneit says that "/opt/ltsp/i386" already exists and must be removed00:36
bwaynebye Ubuntu'ers.  love ya00:36
woodwizzle:( still 2 monitors00:37
J-Unitwere do i download the thing here http://nancib.wordpress.com/2007/10/03/upgrade-the-calendar-display-in-ubuntu-gutsy/00:37
woodwizzleand now no composite00:37
BobSlobFarnaby: I'm not sure howto properly do that... but its weird cause if I set the res to 720p the screen is "zoomed" and doesnt fit the tv properly00:37
Swishheck even net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range gets set fine in sysctl.conf!00:37
aschmackone runs mythbuntu and the other runs ubuntu. i've had the mythbuntu server up for a while and recently updated it with the update manager. now on the other machine i just installed mythtv. on the mythbuntu server i have some 2008 version and on the new machine i have a 2007 version even the sources.list's on both machines are the same. i even added the mythbuntu repo to the new machine back they still arent the same version. h00:37
aschmackelp? bwayne00:37
Swishjust not the ip_conntrack stuff00:37
Swishwhat am I missing here? :)00:38
tylerflickCan someone please help me with Unison?00:38
gauchoI'm building my own alsa drivers, but I want not to do a dirty "make install". So, How can I make a .deb that dpkg look like a backport?00:39
J-Unitcan sum1 help me make my calendar thing in gutsy be like hardy plz bcuz my gf is in spain and i want spains clock thing as well as my area's00:40
woodwizzlegaucho: there is a program called checkinstall that automates the making of debs in replacement of make install00:40
Flannelaschmack: If both sources.lists are the same, you shouldn't have different versions (unless you haven't updated one since changing the sources)00:40
kakoonia_i need some help with installing a LCD screen as a default screen and making my laptop screen as secondary.. any1 got a clue of how to?00:40
legend2440J-Unit: click on the word package in the first paragraph. but you have to log in or register to log on to the ubuntu the forum00:40
gauchoKaja, cool. But What I need to do makeinstall build my package like a backport? If I just run checkinstall -D it will create a package that will fail to install because will try to write on my original alsa package00:40
scott__hi  can anyone till me how go to a gnome from a command line. the computer boots up but stays in a command line00:41
angelhi everyone!  do you know what are the packages to install the mysql-server??00:41
TwinXkakoonia_;  nvidia ?00:41
TwinXkakoonia_;  did you try nvidia-settings?00:41
kszysmsg kakoonia_ http://www.howtoforge.com/dual-monitor-setup-on-ubuntu7.1000:41
J-Unitlegend2440, wat word package in wat first paragraph?? im rely not understanding u no offense00:41
kszysups ;)00:41
FarnabySo I take it nobody else has any ideas for my sorta strange problem regarding no turn off button?00:41
IndyGunFreakFarnaby: i had that issue w/ Edgy, but I don't remember why or how i fixed it.00:42
kakoonia_TwinX: i used to have it.. but from some reasons i cant right find it..00:42
kakoonia_TwinX: found it00:42
angeli do apt-get source mysql-server but the source installed drop an error when compile because dont have the filesman/Makefilein, doc/Makefile.in, debian/defs.mk.in, debian/Makefile.in00:43
Farnabyindygunfreak, sounds like it might be an ACPI problem I guess... found 1 three post topic in the forum00:43
legend2440J-Unit: where it says Ubuntu Studio has put together a %C9package to make it easy for people testing Gutsy to try it out00:43
J-Unitlegend2440, o u saw the link00:43
TwinXkakoonia_; I also got 2 screens, nvidia-settings will do the job00:43
legend2440J-Unit: yes00:43
J-Unitlegend2440, cuz i had given the link a long time ago thats y i was confused00:43
IndyGunFreakFarnaby: i honestly don't remember.00:43
angelsoyou know where can i find this files00:43
Farnabysudo dpkg-reconfigure acpi-support && sudo dpkg-reconfigure acpid is what I am currently trying00:44
FarnabyNot sure if it will work00:44
fade_does anyone know how to get joysticks axises to work?00:44
IndyGunFreakkakoonia_: just remember if you want to save your settings to xorg(so you don't have to modify it everytime you restart), run gksudo nvidia-settings and then "save to x file"00:44
Farnabyand nope... curses00:44
knoxville #sandbox00:44
kakoonia_IndyGunFreak : Aha... yes.. i was just trying to save it to xorg.conf, but it wrote me a msg that he was unable to make a backup-file or something like that.. is it what you were talking about?00:45
fade_cause I tried looking through the forums but I got nothing :(00:45
IndyGunFreakkakoonia_: yes, run gksudo nvidia-settings  that will start nvidia-settings w/ root priv., and allow you to save to Xorg00:45
SwishI guess I can add a script to /etc/init.d/ to do a sysctl -p after all other things are loaded00:46
nukeslionI would like to say that ubuntu has finally installed smoothly for me without any strange errors or things not working <3 woot00:46
J-Unitlegend2440, do i have to run that command or can i simply double click the .deb?00:46
Dr_willisJ-Unit,  When messing with .deb files - its best to use the command line.00:47
Swisherror: "Operation not permitted" setting key "net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_buckets"!!!00:47
* Swish gasps, shocked!00:47
_Lucretia_does anyone else have problems with flash sites on 64-bit? I mean, where there is multiple flash "movies" attempting to play at the same time? i.e. it doesn't work and all flash (seems to) crash00:47
IndyGunFreakSwish: uh, sudo?00:47
SwishI -am- sudoed!00:47
Farnabyand solved.... though apparently I was the fool who did it to myself ;)00:48
FarnabyTime to restart. Thanks00:48
J-UnitDr_willis, wats so bad bout the gui way?00:48
Swishand if I do:  sysctl net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_buckets=16384 that fails too.. hmm00:48
Swishperhaps I have to do this another way!00:49
Epedanyone around to help me with a certain issue?00:49
Swishwell I guess I found the issue :)00:49
Dr_willisJ-Unit,  its best to learn the shell and do it from the shell.00:49
scott__is there s way to get to x windows from a comm and line00:49
Dr_willisJ-Unit,  lack of feedback in any error messages is one issue.00:49
Dr_willisscott__,  'startx'00:49
Swishnet.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_max can be set no problem00:50
J-UnitDr_Link, so its just "sudo dpkg -i nameoffile.deb" ?00:50
Swishit's just the darned buckets.00:50
Epedanyone ever run into a problem where their hard drives weren't detected when attempting to install 7.1?00:50
scott__thank you00:50
J-UnitDr_willis, so its just "sudo dpkg -i nameoffile.deb"?00:50
Dr_LinkOh, you mean Dr_willis.00:50
IndyGunFreakEped: its been known to happen00:50
J-UnitDr_Link, sry wrong person00:50
J-UnitDr_Link, ya00:50
* _Lucretia_ takes that as a no then00:50
Dr_willisJ-Unit,  yes.00:50
Dr_Linkno prob.00:50
Epedwell, i've tried restarting several times, no solution00:50
Epedand I get a series of errors when I start it up as well00:51
IndyGunFreakrestarting isn't going to fix it,00:51
J-UnitDr_willis, , k, thx00:51
IndyGunFreakEped: yhour'e talking about from the live CD,correct?00:51
cerowain_Lucretia_, I have similar problems with flash under 64 bit.00:51
_Lucretia_thank god for that...it's relaly annoying00:51
IndyGunFreakEped: it sounds like its not picking up your IDE controller00:51
Epedas soon as I get to the partition menu, nothing comes up, it's just blank00:51
Epedweird? my hard drives are fine on vista and xp00:51
IndyGunFreakEped: well, 1. linux isn't vista or XP.00:52
DILsata ?00:52
IndyGunFreakEped: and notice what i said, i said it doesn't recognize your controllers..00:52
timo1teoso quick question...when i try to enable the 3D accelerator in unresricted drivers it says cannot enable fix broken packages00:52
IndyGunFreakdoesnj't mean they dont' work00:52
Epedwhy wouldn't it recognize my controllers then?00:53
IndyGunFreakEped: could be any number of reasons, to new, stuff like that, driver support is written into the kernel, because developers don't make linux drivers for them00:53
IndyGunFreakso if its really new, it may not work.00:53
Epedit's from around 200600:54
DILEped, if it is a sata drive i have seen where there are some probs00:54
J-UnitDr_willis, i installed it, how come my calendar thing is the same, do i need to restart?00:54
theunixgeekWhat's the Dell Ubuntu support phone number?00:54
EpedI did have ubuntu 6.06 a while ago00:54
timo1teoo quick question...when i try to enable the 3D accelerator in unresricted drivers it says cannot enable fix broken packages00:54
Swishanyone who's using a > 6.06.2 ubuntu version feel like checking out this sysctl issue?00:54
Epedsata drive? hmm may be it00:54
FlannelEped: Did you upgrade straight to Hardy?00:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dell - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:54
* Swish is curious if it's fixed in non-dapper00:54
Epedno, Flannel00:55
nickrudtimo1teo in a terminal, type   sudo apt-get -f install  (-f means fix)00:55
EpedI have 2 HDDs but they're not running on SATA, it's weird because I tried to reinstall 6.06 from CD00:55
FlannelSwish: Just to be pedantic, you have 6.06, the point releases are ISO only.  Yes, I know lsb_release says point releases, but that's just silly.00:55
timo1teothank you nick00:55
Epedand it recognized both my HDDs, but when I insert my 7.10 CD00:55
SwishFlannel, heh!00:55
Epedblank now00:55
nickrudtimo1teo *may* fix it, if it's a simple issue00:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pendantic - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:55
Dr_willisJ-Unit,  i have no idea what you mean by calander thing, or what you installed.00:55
DILnew word for me00:56
FlannelSwish: But, I'm running dapper as well, so I can't actually offer assistance after being anal.00:56
J-UnitDr_willis, http://nancib.wordpress.com/2007/10/03/upgrade-the-calendar-display-in-ubuntu-gutsy/00:56
SwishI guess some day I'll install VMs for all the other server releases00:56
Swishthen I can check for myself :)00:56
* nickrud thinks flannel just likes being associated with something that's 'dapper'00:56
Epedclueless as to what to do.. should probably check my BIOs00:56
Swishnickrud, you could have teased Flannel even more and s/dapper/anal00:57
dmsupermanguys, how can i install a .package file?00:57
nickrudSwish I try to stay G - rated here ;)00:57
Swishahh yes!00:57
SwishI think I saw something about that in the /topic once :)00:57
timo1teoso its still not fixed.....so how do i find out what i should do? im trying to get my ati mobility radeon x1400 go work00:58
legend2440J-Unit: after you install intlclock you have to right click on top panel and select Add to Panel then add intl clock from Miscellaneous00:58
odinsbaneI installed cherrypy3 and it depends on some unmet dependancy.  Is there a way to install othersoftware without removing cherry py3?00:58
randomanhey guys, how would you answer this question? "in terms of file sharing, how is Windows different from Linux?"?00:58
thuncrandoman: isntall_device not specified. i think it needs /dev/sda or something00:58
ianliu_88This is not a Ubuntu specific question.. but I wonder if someone can answer.. How do I use the "Modeline" plugin for GEdit?00:58
nickrudtimo1teo put the complete output from that command on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org00:59
Dr_willisrandoman,  windows and linux both support the 'network neighborhood' stuff.. what sort of an aswer are you expecting? Linux has othe rways to share 'files' as well00:59
Flannelrandoman: Ubuntu *can* use samba (the windows file sharing protocol) but there are better methods (NFS) for non-windows networks.00:59
kakoonia_yo.. i got my lcd running now.. but my laptop screen is plain ubuntu, wihout all my stuff on, like a new user logged in, (no gnome)00:59
randomanidk its for a coverletter for ajob00:59
randomanIn the cover letter, please include an answer to the question "in00:59
randomanterms of file sharing, how is Windows different from Linux?". (Feel00:59
randomanfree replace "Linux" with Solaris, MacOS or any other common OS that00:59
randomanyou are familiar with). The answer should be brief - approx. 10 lines.00:59
FloodBot1randoman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:59
randomanthey wanted me to answer this01:00
kakoonia_someone got any ideas?01:00
J-Unitok so in the preferences of the new clock, wat do i fill things in with, like wat is the time zone in spain?01:00
NemesDoes anybody know what could be the reason I can't see sftp logged in users with "w" (as root)?01:00
DILi will apply to that job as i have the answer01:00
J-Unitlegend2440, ok so in the preferences of the new clock, wat do i fill things in with, like wat is the time zone in spain?01:00
IndyGunFreakkakoonia_: well just move what you want onto it.01:01
IndyGunFreakthast what i do.01:01
inspired12get the beta01:01
inspired12its so shexy01:01
Dr_willisrandoman,  'linux is more flexiable and cheaper.' :)01:01
=== Nemes is now known as roygbiv
kakoonia_IndyGunFreak: but its configured differently like a new user.. only two desktops, when i usualy have 4.. and btw, how do i drag things to it, its like touchless..?01:02
randomanfor sure, the only thing I could come up with was, its open source. which doesnt require a license for every computer its on01:02
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IndyGunFreakkakoonia_: i just use my mouse to drag things to it.01:02
kakoonia_IndyGunFreak: Thanks dude.. but imma look for another solution for this one.. :)01:03
kakoonia_btw, whats xinerama in nvidia-settings?01:04
tonyb486Can I force wubi to run with 254mb ram, its reporting it wrong or something. (Wubi says it needs 256mb ram)01:05
=== Nemes is now known as roygbiv
Dr_williskakoonia_,  twinview supercedes xinerama, normally you want ximerama off.01:05
kakoonia_ohh.. ok Thx01:05
Epedmeh, this isn't worth the time and stress01:05
=== roygbiv is now known as Nemes
legend2440J-Unit: same timezone as berlin01:07
J-Unitlegend2440, which is?01:07
|Zippo|somebody use some document management system here?01:07
Iburnagacan you instal grub on a linux swap?01:08
legend2440J-Unit: same timezone as berlin under preferences click ADD then Europe/Berlin01:08
IndyGunFreakIburnaga: grub goes in the MBR of a hard drive01:08
tylerflickis rm -rf/ the delete command?01:08
Flanneltylerflick: You don't want to do that.01:08
lewenchIs there an easier way to mount shared network folders in ubuntu than using smbmount //servername/sharename /mountdirectory -o username=mywindowsusername,password=mywindowspassword??01:09
IndyGunFreakthat would be very bad01:09
IburnagaYeah but using setup it requires it to have the base files for it. XD01:09
IburnagaOr so says the setup command does install work differently?01:09
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tylerflickFlannel: what's the delete command in terminal for manual deleting a file01:09
tylerflickFlannel: I thought it was the rf01:09
lewenchIs there an easier way to mount shared network folders in ubuntu than using smbmount //servername/sharename /mountdirectory -o username=mywindowsusername,password=mywindowspassword??01:09
Flanneltylerflick: rm is ReMove01:10
sjovanlewench: yes, indeed.01:10
J-Unitlegend2440, k, thx, im gona go eat then sleep now01:10
Flanneltylerflick: rf is recursive and force, which is sometimes a bad idea, especially if done on important directories.01:10
tylerflickFlannel: So it would be like rm ~/.unison?01:10
lewenchsjovan, How!! I use the "Connect to server" but its not mounted on ubuntu, so Amarok can't read the music.01:10
tylerflickFlannel: would that delete the .unison file?01:10
Flanneltylerflick: If thats a file, yes.  If its a folder, rm -rf /home/username/.unison/01:10
tylerflickFlannel: I believe it's a file extension01:11
sjovanlewench: you could put things in system ---> administration ---> shared folders to share stuff01:11
Flanneltylerflick: and since its in your homedir, you don't need sudo.  Which is an added bonus in case of typo (or an errant space)01:11
smokehjoin #divx-funny01:11
tylerflickFlannel: You ever use Unison over DHCP?01:11
sarthor Hi, i want to block all these adds from my server, http://ad.z5x.net/st?ad_type=iframe&ad_size=728x90&section=260343?   HOw?? asked in #squid but no reply since long time01:11
Flanneltylerflick: No, thats just a file.  files/folders with a dot as their first character are hidden.01:11
Flanneltylerflick: No01:11
tylerflickFlannel: How do I make them appear under nautilus?01:12
Flanneltylerflick: ctrl-H is show hidden, Or theres a menu item for it as well01:12
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lewenchsjovan, so what your saying is, if I use this shared folder, I can mount a network drive (mybook 500g ehternet based) to this folder?01:12
tylerflickFlannel: Thank you01:12
=== malaclyps is now known as dannyobrien
vishdoes airlink awll5026 work fully ?01:14
vishit works somethimes but after downloading a certain amount it loses the signal01:14
sjovanlewench: oh... no. shit. think it's time to go to bed. didn't get your question the first time. shared folders is for shareing folders. sorry01:14
Dr_LinkHardy is already almost ready? O.o01:15
lewenchsjovan, yes figured. Ok thanks.01:15
lewenchIs there an easier way to mount shared network folders in ubuntu than using smbmount //servername/sharename /mountdirectory -o username=mywindowsusername,password=mywindowspassword??01:15
elmerWhat is the best text editor for HTML?01:15
BoohbahDr_Link: yes, i am using it01:16
elmerWow. I retract my question. GEdit is just as good as Notepad++, I'm impressed!01:17
lewenchIs there an easier way to mount shared network folders in ubuntu than using smbmount //servername/sharename /mountdirectory -o username=mywindowsusername,password=mywindowspassword??01:17
gligorhoriahellow, can u please tell me how much time does memtest86 in 7.10 require01:17
Flannel!samba | lewench, first link01:18
ubotulewench, first link: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:18
knoxvillememtest will take about 20-30 mins01:18
Flannelgligorhoria: It'll run forever if you let it.  It just keeps looping.01:18
lewenchThanks Flannel and ubotu01:18
timo1teookay so now quick question....when i click the normal options under visual effects it tells me the composite extension is not available?01:18
gligorhoriait sayes 64 % and it runs for 10 h now :) isbthat ok?01:19
kindofabuzzor webmin ubotu01:19
Hammer89is there a command I can issue from the terminal to lock my screen?01:19
Stroganoffgligorhoria memtest runs until you stop it01:19
timo1teookay so now quick question....when i click the normal options under visual effects it tells me the composite extension is not available?01:20
myself234Hi, I can not get DRI to work. here is my xorg.conf: http://rafb.net/p/bjPXnX51.html and Xorg.0.log:http://rafb.net/p/41d8bp41.html ; please help:)01:20
kindofabuzzhow do i fix bad authenticity when logging in by ssh?01:21
timo1teookay so now quick question....when i click the normal options under visual effects it tells me the composite extension is not available?01:21
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gligorhoriaok, but does it keep the procesor at 100% ? that would be cool to test a new computer for 24 h to see any flows, temperature at full load etc...01:22
Stroganoffgligorhoria no it doesnt01:22
thecre80rDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 001:22
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.01:23
FFEMTcJI'm trying to connect to a windows computer on my network. I can't even access the workgroup. On my other computer running ubuntu, i can access the other computers.. Any idea what needs to be done to access the other computers01:23
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
timo1teookay so now quick question....when i click the normal options under visual effects it tells me the composite extension is not available?01:23
Dr_willisFFEMTcJ,  you mean the linux box cant see the windows machines? or windows machine cant see ubuntu machine?01:23
jappdevgligorhoria: if you want to burn in your sever, one way to peg the processor is to use the 'yes' command, it will keep it busy for awhile01:23
FFEMTcJDr_willis: linux>winodws01:23
amenadoFFEMTcJ-> define what you meant by access to windows? ping? telnet?01:24
gligorhoriaty, 1 more question, the system kinda freezed and i think the ext3 jurnal was damadged, it won't boot, the hard is new...01:24
FFEMTcJamenado: the files on the HD..01:24
omarberyl compiz 3d command activé sur debian01:24
gligorhoriajappdev thank you01:24
Dr_willisFFEMTcJ,  theres several ways for linux to 'browse' or 'mount' the windows shares. first test is to try to ping the windows box from the linux box.01:24
Dr_willisFFEMTcJ,  kde and gnome both have theor own smb browser features. I tend to use the fusesmb tool however.01:24
FFEMTcJDr_willis: seems to work fine01:25
gligorhoriais there a way to fix hard bads beafore booting?01:25
FFEMTcJpinging that is01:25
gligorhoriaor with live cd, or do i need system rescue cd from thevfrench folks?01:25
Dr_willisFFEMTcJ,  its possible the windows firewall is in the way.   The command line samba tools may give some info as to whats going on. check the samba-doc package for the using samba book, it has  info on the command line samba tools.01:25
ratshellquestion could someone zip up there /usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin folder and send upload it somewhere so i can download it I kind of messed mine up.01:25
FFEMTcJDr_willis: why would it be working on one ubuntu machine and not another though?01:26
myself234Can somebody help me with my DRI problem? my xorg.conf: http://rafb.net/p/bjPXnX51.html and Xorg.0.log:http://rafb.net/p/41d8bp41.html01:26
Dr_willisFFEMTcJ,  good question. thats why you may want to use the samba command line tools to let themn spit out any error messages.01:26
myself234can not get 3D acceleration to work01:26
Dr_willisFFEMTcJ,  I had issues once. where i had the /etc/hosts file with the wrong ip#'s - that goofed me up for a day01:26
ratshellmyself what kind of card you got?01:26
amenadoFFEMTcJ-> the other machine has exact same configs from the one that can not access?01:26
Flannelratshell: dpkg -S /usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin will show you which package it comes from, reinstall that package and you'll get it back.01:27
FFEMTcJDr_willis: ok..01:27
Iburnagaok, I'm in trouble.01:27
FFEMTcJamenado: as far as i know.. there are some diff apps installed but thats it01:27
Dr_willisFFEMTcJ,  the 'using samba' book - taught me so much. :) its worth the read. at least worth skimming.01:27
FFEMTcJDr_willis: ok01:27
Iburnagathe grub command Setup (hd0) is returning invalid device.01:28
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:28
amenadoFFEMTcJ-> you tried the  rdp?01:28
yowshianyone here managed to get the most recent version of lincity-ng to install on a amd64?01:28
Dr_LinkIburnaga, have you tried hd1, 2, etc.01:28
Dr_willisIburnaga,   you are on a livecd? chrooted in? logged in under safe mode? or just logged in normally?01:29
FFEMTcJamenado: new to linux, dunno what rdp is01:29
IburnagaI'm on a live cd and I'm in normally.01:29
amenadoFFEMTcJ-> you can try to google for RDP  - remote desktop protocol01:29
ratshellFlannel, thx that works01:29
=== theseus is now known as bonhoffer
IburnagaAnd yes I have tried the variations.01:30
IburnagaI'm pretty screwed.01:30
IburnagaAnd to top things off I keep geting the too small error when trying to install Ubuntu01:30
IburnagaVersion 8.0401:30
IburnagaAnd it happens to be the only live cd I have on me01:30
amenado!hardy | Iburnaga01:30
ubotuIburnaga: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu01:30
Iburnaga.join #ubuntu+101:31
gligorhoriahow can i fix bad clusters? the system doesn't boot01:31
jerthebearhi guys01:31
jerthebearI am using gutsy (7.10)01:31
amenadogligorhoria-> can you boot off of liveCD and mount those partitions? if you can save them to another system..just in case01:32
jerthebearand came upon a problem01:32
SaardoxHello, is there any command I can put in the terminal to see my network status?01:32
IburnagaThank you. Sorry for troubling.01:32
StarnestommySaardox: nifconfig?01:32
Starnestommyer, ifconfig01:32
amenadoSaardox-> what kind of status would be interested in?01:32
gligorhoriaamenado i tried fdisk from the live cd and it didn't work...01:32
amenadoSaardox-> what kind of status would you* be interested in?01:32
jerthebearafter modifying my services (system->adminstration->services, toggled last service on list from default), I can no longer modify the services and it seems that my network got screwed too01:33
gligorhorialool now it started01:33
gligorhoriaoh good...01:33
uppwhen i want to install sun-java he say me that packages is brocken why??????01:33
amenadogligorhoria-> save your files somewhere else for safekeeping ..01:33
nedge2khi all. anyone available for some "bootloader" advise?01:33
gligorhoriathe 5th time it booted but it creeps me out...01:33
Saardoxthe thing is, after about an hour, my internet seems to freeze from time to time, but still... the freezing only occurs while browsing, limewire and amsn, and even Xchat keep working01:33
jerthebearI'm using gutsy ubuntu (7.10) and came upon this problem: after modifying my services (system->adminstration->services, toggled last service on list from default), I can no longer modify the services and it seems that my network got screwed too01:33
gligorhoriaamenado smart advice, i'm taking it, any nice method i shoul de awarw of?01:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ba\kup - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:34
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning01:34
tylerflickjerthebear: What do you mean you can nolonger modify them?01:34
charles|64anyone know of some kind of level control for amarok so i dont have to adjust the volume as the music get softer or louder?01:34
jerthebearI mean that when I click the services button it says I do not have permission to open it01:35
amenadogligorhoria-> nothing special, just copy it to a working system or partition01:35
uppwhen i want to install sun-java he say me that packages is brocken why??????01:35
jerthebearbut not the general root-required error, because I tried in terminal with sudo01:35
myself234Bump! Can somebody help me with my DRI problem? my xorg.conf: http://rafb.net/p/bjPXnX51.html and Xorg.0.log:http://rafb.net/p/41d8bp41.html01:35
nedge2kim dual booting ubuntu server 7.10 and win server 2008. i'd like my box to live in the corner with no monitor/kb/mouse. is there a bootloader i can use that would allow me to telnet in and tell it which OS to boot?01:36
amenadojerthebear-> which service was that you toggled?01:36
jerthebearthe last one, can't remember full name01:36
jerthebearit had the word 'services' in it though01:36
jappdevupp: what error does the package manager give you when you try to install the package, and exactly which package breaks?01:37
amenadojerthebear-> well we can guess all day, and get a wrong guess.. :)01:37
jerthebearit's the last one!!!01:37
SaardoxI am looking for a command that gives me the current open connections01:37
amenadoSaardox-> lsof -i01:38
zcat[1]nedge2k: boot saved, and use grub-set-default to change to windows for next boot.. have both entries change the defaule back to linux for next boot01:38
uppjappdev http://upp.pastebin.com/m1422724701:38
zcat[1]didn't explain that too well:)01:38
uppjappdev thanks for your help01:38
jappdevupp no problem, give me a minute to check out your paste and i'll get back to you01:38
nedge2kzcat[1]: hehe, got the gist but doesn't seem ideal01:39
D3RGPS31back, with my fresh install of ubuntu =D01:39
uppjappdev take your time just not forget me :)01:39
amenadonedge2k-> he meant the "default"  entry on grub can be set to whichever os you prefer.. man grub or google for in depth explanation01:39
zcat[1]nedge2k: what does the windows server do that couldn't be done by ubuntu?01:39
D3RGPS31look like windows <.<01:39
timo1teohow do i open up a text editor for xorg01:40
jerthebearcan someone check what the last service on the "services" program is?01:40
gligorhoriafdck works?01:40
amenadoD3RGPS31->  is that okay then?01:40
nedge2kwell, it's more for experimenting with network admin plus i want it to run newsleecher01:40
=== ka2u0 is now known as ka2zzzz
jerthebear(system->adminstration->services), could someone check what the last option is?01:40
FliesLikeABricknedge2k GRUB can do serial control, if you have another computer nearby that you can hook a serial cable up to01:40
amenadogligorhoria-> dont use fsck on a mounted filesystem..01:40
timo1teohow do i open up a text editor for my xorg01:41
amenadojerthebear-> mine says web server apache201:41
charles|64anyone know of some kind of level control for amarok so i dont have to adjust the volume as the music get softer or louder?01:41
Saardoxhow do I close an open connection?01:41
jerthebearthat's not it :(01:41
FliesLikeABrickSaardox what program/protocol?01:41
jappdevupp: try running 'sudo apt-get install -f' to have apt attempt to fix any broken dependencies01:41
jerthebearI'm on windows right now01:41
nedge2kFliesLikeABrick: cheers but this is a home network - all other machines are laptops01:41
jerthebearI'll reboot into ubuntu and see if all is better01:41
amenadojerthebear-> it depends on what entries you have...01:41
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u0
jappdevupp: also, are you using a 32 or 64 bit version of ubuntu?01:42
timo1teohow do i open up a text edtior for xorg?01:42
FliesLikeABricknedge2k aside from that, no, I don't think any bootloader has network support01:42
Jack_Sparrowgksudo gedit01:42
uppjappdev i have do it01:42
Jack_Sparrowtimo1teo, or sudo nano01:42
SaardoxFliesLikeABrick any open connection with a server.01:42
uppjappdev but i have always the same problem01:42
DevourerCan I use the terminal server client to remote desktop?01:42
gligorhoriaamenado ty, i won't01:42
uppDevourer yes01:42
Devourerupp, do you recommend a better software to remote desktop with?01:43
nedge2kFliesLikeABrick: ok, cheers for replying :)01:43
uppDevourer Terminal Server Client01:43
Devourerupp, oh... :o01:44
Traveler0i need port 22 forwarded through my router in order for SSH to work remotely?  also, what is IP passthrough....and is port 80 necessary for remote desktop?01:44
timo1teothis isnt working lol....how do i add compositories extension?01:44
timo1teomy drivers for my gpu are installed01:44
dmsupermanhow can i make wine windows not so ugly? it's dark grey on light grey with a hard to read font01:44
amenadoTraveler0-> 1st describe your network layout.. what is connected to which device?01:44
StarnestommyTraveler0: ssh uses port 22, and remote desktop doesn't need port 8001:45
Traveler0ahh ok just a sec01:45
Traveler0two desktops , one windows, other ubuntu....main computer connected to IP passthrough allowed for the 1.801:46
ScuniziAre there any programs in the repos that allow whiteboarding between a couple of machines?01:46
CreationistHow do I change what application opens video files?  Right now they all open in Totem and I want VLC to handle them...01:46
Traveler0i want to connect to the 1.8 from work with SSH...and i want to connect to the 1.9 with windows remote desktop01:46
gligorhoriais there z special way to backup mysql or whar is the folder name?01:46
CreationistI know I can "Open with..." but I want the double-click to default to VLC01:46
dmsupermangligorhoria: /var/lib/mysql01:46
jappdevupp: try 'sudo apt-get purge sun-java6-jre' then try to install it again01:46
Dr_willisCreationist,  right click on a video file, properties, you can set the file assoication in there some how.. HOWEVER.. ive had issues doing this befor. when theres spaces in the filename/path of the video. :(01:46
dmsupermangligorhoria: just copy the folder somewhere else to back it up01:47
jappdevgligorhoria: mysqldump is the recommened way for protability though01:47
=== jimmygoon_ is now known as jimmygoon
gligorhoriadmsuperman i only have 1 big hd01:47
outtaherenowdoes anyone know a good program to stream nzb files?01:47
uppjappdev the same prob01:47
Netham45I have a pcmcia network card that I want to use with Linux(Ubuntu) but the stickers peeled off of it so I have no idea what the model on it is, does anyone know how I can find out?01:47
dmsupermangligorhoria: aye, what he said, but for the quickest way. if you only have a single hard drive, where do you plan on backing it up with a dump?01:47
jappdevupp: are you using a 64bit computer?01:48
amenadoTraveler0-> okay, your dsl/router has to port forward  port 22 for ssh, i cant recall what port rdp uses..01:48
gligorhoriadmsuperman dvd01:48
ScuniziNetham45, plug it in and "lspci" in a terminal.. might work01:48
CreationistDr_willis: Hmm... I did that and now it opens in VLC, but the video is scrambled now.  Audio is fine, but no video.01:48
timo1teohow do i open up my xorg.conf file so i can edit compositories?01:48
Traveler0is IP passthrough necessary if I have a HUB connected to the router?01:48
Scunizitimo1teo, compositories?01:48
Dr_willisCreationist,  no idea. :) i just normally drag/drop videos to whatever player i want.01:49
CreationistDr_willis: Same video problem when loading in Totem now too... apparently it just corrupted the entire file?01:49
dmsupermangligorhoria: you're reinstalling?01:49
Jack_Sparrowtimo1teo, I gave you that answer awhile back as far as the editor.. I have no idea what compoistories are?01:49
amenadoTraveler0-> incomplete info you provided earlier? what other devices are there?  can you draw a full picture of the layout?01:49
gligorhoriaty guys i won't stress u any more, i'll google it01:49
mzuverinkI cannot seem to find where my palm is mounted to, it is not at /dev/pilot, anyone have any clues?01:49
thuncJack_Sparrow: The problem here is. squid doesn't answer the call at times. requests on port 80 time out at times01:49
dmsupermangligorhoria: are you reinstalling?01:49
gligorhoriadmsuperman no just backing up01:49
gligorhoriadmsuperman my system is crashing often01:49
uppjappdev no i38601:49
Dr_willisCreationist,  I doiubt if the video players altered the file at all.01:49
Scunizitimo1teo, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:49
timo1teothank you01:50
dmsupermangligorhoria: ah. either way works, i prefer just copying the folder because then i don't have to run any commands or do anything to restore it, other than paste it back01:50
CreationistDr_willis: Well it played perfectly JUST before I did what you suggested... so something much have changed.01:50
Sam827wat fs should I use?01:50
Traveler0i apologize....ok DSL bellsouth to router, router connected to 4 port HUB, 2 computers hooked to HUB, both set to DHCP.....IP passthrough (is this necessary?)01:50
dmsupermangligorhoria: but you can run a dump as well. if you have anything like mysql administrator or phpmyadmin, most of those types of tools also have their own "export to sql statements" sort of options01:50
CreationistDr_willis: Hmm.... ALL my video files do that now.01:51
StarnestommySam827: ext3 is the most used one01:51
Dr_willisCreationist,  i recall some issues with nvidia cards and video playback ages ago.01:51
jappdevupp: i'm guessing you've done an 'apt-get update' recently, have you tried manually installing the packages it says it needs ('java-common','sun-java6-bin')?01:51
CreationistDr_willis: Ages ago, though lol01:51
Sam827Starnestommy: wat benefits does it have01:51
CreationistDr_willis: And I haven't had any trouble until just now.01:51
Jack_SparrowDr_willis, ati will give jerky video if composite is enabled in the xorg01:51
Dr_willisCreationist,  sounds about like your problem.  the issue was with Gutsy. and gutsy is now 6+ mo old. :)01:52
StarnestommySam827: it has journaling01:52
mzuverinkwhere does gutsy mount palms?01:52
Dr_willisCreationist,  reboot, see if they work..if they suddently stop working.. well.. you have a nvidia card>?01:52
yowshianyone here managed to get the most recent version of lincity-ng to install on a amd64?01:52
dmsupermanwho knows how i can skin wine to be readable?01:52
CreationistDr_willis: Yeah, I have nVidia.01:52
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman, try #Winehq01:52
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow: thanks :d01:52
amenadoTraveler0-> from an external point of view, you only have one machine at home, therefore your dsl/router has to forward the request to specific ip address and port inside your home. -- externally its harder for another host to distinguish between your two hosts01:53
uppjappdev no01:53
Sam827Starnestommy: sry for my stupidity, I've had that on my Mac forever, what is that?01:53
thecre80rDCC SEND "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" 0 0 001:53
Dr_willisCreationist,  sounds identical to the issue i had on a few of my gutsy machines.01:53
Sam827Starnestommy: journalling01:53
CreationistDr_willis: Well, the problem is that the video itself is just solid, colored lines... no movement at all.  But the audio plays fine ...01:54
StarnestommySam827: it's a mechanism used in some file systems that logs changes made to a file system before changes are committed.01:54
CreationistDr_willis: I do remember having this issue in the past, but I thought it was in Feisty.... either way, I haven't had the problem since installing Gutsy, I don't think.01:54
Sam827starnestommy: cool01:54
Sam827Starnestommy: ty01:55
ianliu_88What I do when my desktop freeze?? I am trying to run SketchUp, and it freezes my Ubuntu menu bars..01:55
Traveler0amenado: so than i will have to get the WAN address (public) before i leave for work and than connect to that? but how will thesystem know which computer is RDP and which is SSH?01:55
amenadoTraveler0-> what I suggest is use your ubuntu as a router, daisy chained from your dsl/router. ie  dsl/router --> ubuntu(router) --> hub -- then as many client as you can have01:55
Daveyfor some reason, as the same user, over sshfs and in vim in a terminal over ssh I can edit a file with vim, but not via sshfs - any ideas? :/01:56
=== Sensiva is now known as Benalex
amenadoTraveler0-> then you configure your ubuntu(as router) to forward request to windows or another client (can be windows or another ubuntu)01:56
Traveler0will the way that it is setup right now work?01:57
gligorhoria_sorry my connection got intterupted01:57
amenadoTraveler0 per my suggestion, your ubuntu(router) will get your external ip address, you can ssh from work directly to your ubuntu(router) and if needed to get to windows, you configure your ubuntu to forward request to windows01:58
amenadoTraveler0-> here is a picture http://souptonuts.sourceforge.net/sshtips.htm01:59
wtfnonicknameHi, my sound is unsyncronised from video in flash and lags behind. Can anyone help?01:59
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:00
pc-illiteratecan someone walk me through mounting a cd in terminal ?02:00
uppwhy i can't install some package02:01
Scunizipc-illiterate, sudo mount /dev/cdrom0 /media/cdrom0  .. but I think somethings missing there.. try anyway'02:01
amenadopc-illiterate-> is your computer on? is the cd as cdrom disk? or cdrom device?02:01
jappdevpc-illiterate: you should be able to use the command mount /media/cdrom02:01
StevenXguys, what do you think of the Banshee music player?02:02
pc-illiteratewell ok. i'll try it02:02
StevenXhow good does it interact with the ipod?02:02
myself234Bump! Can somebody help me with my DRI problem? my xorg.conf: http://rafb.net/p/bjPXnX51.html and Xorg.0.log:http://rafb.net/p/41d8bp41.html02:03
HadenHas anybody's flash player (nonfree) broken in firefox with the most recent update?  I get the thing to install additional plugins, but tis already installed :\02:03
damaltor_hello everybody, i still am using feisty on myy small notebook (600 mhz, 128mb ram) and i am considering a dist-upgrade. i want to know: - how risky is it? - what can go wrong? - can i fix it then? :) - should i upgrade at all, since everything is working atm?02:04
pc-illiteratewell the installer tells me to mount the cd still02:04
Dr_willisdamaltor_,  do you need the newer programs/features? If its all working..  why bother.02:04
Scunizipc-illiterate, what installer?02:05
MoLE_Haden, you may need to sudo aptitude clean to clear out your package cache before sudo aptitude reinstall flashplayer-nonfree02:05
damaltor_Dr_willis: well, i am hoping to get some new programs, but there is no direct reason. maybe some more updates?02:05
HadenMoLE_: I'll give that a try; thanks02:05
Dr_willisdamaltor_,  guess ya could try. :) it all depends on whatyou do with the machine i guess02:06
pc-illiterateim trying to install tactical ops02:06
StevenXcan someone help me set up amarok to read my ipod?02:06
damaltor_Dr_willis: well, a complete data loss would be bad. but what are the advatages of a dist-up?02:06
damaltor_StevenX: dont use amarok. try gtkpod, works VERY fine02:07
Dr_willisdamaltor_,  i would strongly advice a full backup in any case. :) even if you dont upgrade02:07
Scunizipc-illiterate, and is that on a cd or are you trying to use the repositories or another way?02:07
Dr_willisdamaltor_,  newer packages, newer feattures, for the most part.02:07
StevenXdamaltor_, k. thanks02:07
pc-illiterateon a cd...i copied the cd even. straight from original02:07
HadenMoLE_: you're the man02:07
* Pelo is a little happier with hardy now , wine is back to working properly and he got adblockplus back up in FF3 02:08
Scunizipc-illiterate, is this a windows program.02:08
damaltor_Dr_willis: well, backups are useful in any way :) but if everything works, there is no real reason for an update, is that right? im not really missing anything, just courious02:08
=== damaltor_ is now known as damaltor
tifinehow to create user account on ubuntu using command ?02:08
Dr_willisdamaltor_,  proberly not. if its been doing what you need.02:08
Dr_willistifine,  sudo adduser02:08
pc-illiterateyes and i have the installer also02:08
damaltorDr_willis: it does. thanks :)02:09
LadyNikonI am trying to get my adesklet bar to house the lowered application02:09
LadyNikonany ideas?02:09
zeno_-how do i copy text from a plain bash shell02:09
LadyNikonzeno_: ctrl c?02:09
eduardozero, right click - copy02:09
Dr_williszeno_,  select, middle click. is one way02:09
gligorhoria_hey is there a problem with the usb sticks in linux02:10
LadyNikonDr_willis: i thought that was paste02:10
eduardozeno, select and right click, then copy02:10
Scunizipc-illiterate, with the cd in the drive can you go to a terminal and type "cd /media/cdrom0" and then "ls" all without the " 's.02:10
Dr_williswhen its selected its 'copied' :) i guess ya can say02:10
eduardogligorhoria, no are you having any issues?02:10
stacey_Asking for a little help, new to linux.  Trying to install vnc to use for multiple non-initiated sessions. I understand that there is a remote desktop, but that works only if there is a local login.  I would like the use the vnc password that is associated with each account02:10
gligorhoria_the system seems to crach whenever i remove my usb stick...02:10
LadyNikonDr_willis: ah02:10
gligorhoria_the system seems to crach whenever i remove my usb stick...02:10
pc-illiterateok...hang on02:10
damaltorgligorhoria_: did you eject it before?02:10
eduardogligorhoria, try to unmount it first02:10
Dr_willisgligorhoria_,  unmount it first.02:10
gligorhoria_ty guys but it doesn-t matter02:11
=== ka2u0 is now known as ka2zzzz
longmanzzhi guys02:11
zeno_Dr_willis, need to copy to another app02:11
Dr_willischeck dmesg output.02:11
longmanzzany body here?/02:11
gligorhoria_whenever i restart my system without the usb flash it gives me buffer I/O errors02:11
Dr_williszeno_,  with most X apps you can select/middle click to paste.02:11
eduardoquestion: Idk if this is a bug or something, but my system is randomly closing session, any idea why is this happening?02:11
zeno_right click doenst bring up a menu02:11
longmanzzi m trying to monitor my IRC traffic, can only one tell me the keywords that i can use to fetch the traffic???02:11
jappdeveduardo: have you checked your log files under /var/log?02:12
gligorhoria_whenever i restart my system without the usb flash it gives me buffer I/O errors (PS: i tried unmounting severel times)02:12
littlepinkdotIve been looking for a while but cant seem to find this info but how can I resize a picture if its ONLY above a certain width?02:12
zeno_Dr_willis, it pastes the text right back into the shell02:12
Dr_willisgligorhoria_,  hmm.. i would go over the /etc/fstab file and be sure you dont have something mounting the wrong devices02:12
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u0
eduardojappdev, what should i look for?02:12
damaltorzeno_: just mark the text with the mouse. open the other app, and press middle mouse key/mouse wheel/both mouse keys at same time. thats all02:12
Dr_williszeno_,  middle click IN THE APP you want to PASTE into02:12
Dr_williszeno_,  :)02:12
pc-illiteratescuniz..yes i can02:12
jappdevuse 'tail  Xorg.0.log' to look at the last 10 lines of your xorg log file, see if it shows any errors02:13
cheeseHey, sorry to bother you guys since you seem very busy (as always :P) but my Firefox windows occasionally just close completely and when I restore them it acts as if I restarted my laptop. Also, my laptop randomly disconnects from the wireless network whilst none of the other laptops in the house do.02:13
cheeseAny solutions here?02:13
gligorhoria_Dr_willis: ok i will do that and see...02:13
Dr_williszeno_,  you are seeing that it works. at least heh.  with gnome-terminal and konsole, you can select, use copy in themenus, then paste in the other apps menus also. if they are there.02:13
longmanzzi m trying to monitor my IRC traffic, can only one tell me the keywords that i can use to fetch the traffic???02:13
uppwhy i can't install some packages02:13
gligorhoria_Dr_willis: could the swap be on the flash, by mistake?02:13
Dr_willisgligorhoria_,  possible.02:14
eduardoquestion: Idk if this is a bug or something, but my system is randomly closing session, any idea why is this happening?02:14
dmsupermanwhat's a free way to vm windows?02:14
Dr_willisgligorhoria_,  somthing sounds very weird going on  the way you describe it.02:14
zeno_Dr_willis, the middle click thing worked thanks02:14
gligorhoria_Dr_willis: :D ok i will output it for u02:14
Dr_williszeno_,  old-skool Unix/X stuff :)02:14
=== upp is now known as uppp
gligorhoria_Dr_willis: http://codepad.org/QFUSLvwz02:15
cheeseHey, sorry to bother you guys since you seem very busy (as always :P) but my Firefox windows occasionally just close completely and when I restore them it acts as if I restarted my laptop. Also, my laptop randomly disconnects from the wireless network whilst none of the other laptops in the house do02:15
pc-illiteratescunizi..please tell me youre still here02:15
cheeseblargh, sorry to paste that, accident02:15
upppno one will anwser me?02:15
Scunizipc-illiterate, yes.. sometimes I'm in another program you have to mention my nick for the "bell" to go off.02:16
Dr_willisgligorhoria_,  what device is your usb stick normally? I see no mention of it in the fstab.  so that dont look like the issue.02:16
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Scunizipc-illiterate, so you can get to the cd ok.. i read.. is it the ut2004 cd?02:16
=== Forest is now known as jerthebear
zeno_ya fluxbox sure seems oldcshool =p im tryign to install e1702:17
pc-illiteratelol. i spelled it wrong the first time02:17
zeno_the one in apt is e16 riight02:17
Scunizipc-illiterate, use tab to complete nicks.. it easier.02:17
pc-illiteratewas mod for UT then went retail02:17
eduardofluxbox is smooth heh02:17
Scunizipc-illiterate, mod is still out there .. well.. I'02:17
dmsupermanScunizi, testing02:17
cheeseOne last time:02:18
Scunizipc-illiterate, hit enter to soon.02:18
cheeseHey, sorry to bother you guys since you seem very busy (as always :P) but my Firefox windows occasionally just close completely and when I restore them it acts as if I restarted my laptop. Also, my laptop randomly disconnects from the wireless network whilst none of the other laptops in the house do02:18
dmsupermanScunizi, is that xchat only?02:18
pc-illiteratemod went retail in like 200002:18
Scunizidmsuperman, pong02:18
upppi need helppppppppppppp02:18
eduardoScunizi: hey i didnt know about the tab trick..02:18
cheeseCan anybody help with this?02:18
gligorhoria_Dr_willis: i think it is fd002:18
zeno_whats aclocal?02:18
Scunizidmsuperman, eduardo works in lots of things.02:18
eduardoScunizi: heh02:18
dmsupermananybody know a good way to vm windows?02:18
Scunizipc-illiterate, does the program come with a native linux installer?02:18
pc-illiteratei have the cd...i start the installer and it tells me to mount the cd02:18
eduardodmsuperman: have u tried wine?02:18
jerthebearI use ubuntu 7.10, I think i changed the dbus option in services and now HAL will not start, so my network won't start, and I can't modify my services because it says "You do not have permission to open this" but sudo/su will not fix this.02:18
gligorhoria_Dr_willis: w8 let me see something brb02:18
dmsupermani don't want to emulate it, because i get tons of problems02:19
pc-illiteratei did get an installer though02:19
dmsupermani want to vm it02:19
b4l74z4rdoes gthumb have a configuration file i can edit so i can zoom images with the mouse wheel?02:19
damaltoron my motherboard, there is an i2c-connector. can someone tell me how to use it? i know that i2c is/does/can, and i have lots of i2c client ICs here, and i do know how to cennect them to the bus. but how can i send data via that i2c-connector?02:19
gligorhoria_Dr_willis: i have no floppy disk if that helps. it-s unpluged, i checked!02:19
Scunizipc-illiterate, then it's a windows install only cd.. oops.. you could probably find a cheap copy of ut2004 and use the patch..02:19
jerthebearsomeone help?02:19
hackeronis anyone able to get MusicOnHold working with the asterisk on ubuntu gutsy? (installed by apt)02:19
gligorhoria_Dr_willis: i think that is the problem brb02:19
eduardojerthebear: whats going on?02:20
jerthebearI use ubuntu 7.10, I think i changed the dbus option in services and now HAL will not start, so my network won't start, and I can't modify my services because it says "You do not have permission to open this" but sudo/su will not fix this.02:20
Dr_willisgligorhoria_,  possibally. remove that line in the fstab file.02:20
Dr_willisgligorhoria_,  but i doubt if thats the issue.02:20
pc-illiterateno...original Ut. and i have the installer for this. i cant get it to recognize the cd is mounted02:20
eduardojerthebear: uhmm, though02:20
Scunizipc-illiterate, I've got an installed copy of ut04 .. didn't know this game existed.. It'll make my son jealous02:20
gligorhoria_Dr_willis: i read something aboute that, brb i will feed u back02:20
jerthebeareduardo: do you know how I could fix it?02:21
eduardojerthebear: have you tried modifying it starting up on console?02:21
pc-illiteratejealous ? of ?02:21
jerthebearno I do not know how I could do that02:21
damaltoron my motherboard, there is an I2C(IIC, I²C)-connector. can someone tell me how to use it? i know what i2c is/does/can, and i have lots of i2c client ICs here, and i do know how to cennect them to the bus. but how can i send data via that i2c-connector?02:21
eduardojerthebear: start up in recovery mode02:21
Scunizipc-illiterate, haveing a cool looking game like this..02:21
jerthebearoh I can log in02:22
jerthebeareduardo: I can log in and use terminal02:22
pc-illiteratelike ? you lost me Scunizi02:22
slimjimflimanybody know how to effectively disable roxen02:22
eduardojerthebear: yes02:22
slimjimflimw/o rebooting02:22
pc-illiterateyou mean like TO ?02:22
eduardojerthebear: try using recovery mode and start up on a terminal02:22
gligorhoria_Dr_willis: i got it, as you said i have to put # in front of fd0 in fstab for it to work, it's a known issue on systems with no floppy :)) yey!02:23
jerthebeareduardo: ok, what commands should I type?02:23
Scunizipc-illiterate, I have ut2004 installed on my linux box and can load the patch to make Tactical Ops work.. He likes these kinds of games.02:23
Peloslimjimflim, sudo /.../roxen stop ?02:23
eduardojerthebear: what commands have you tried?02:23
Dr_willisgligorhoria_,  I have no systems with floppies..i got noidea how that entry even got in the fstab. :)02:23
slimjimflimpelo, i tried that02:23
slimjimflimit's still there02:23
jerthebeareduardo: none... I have no idea what to do02:23
Dr_willisgligorhoria_,  however i DO have the floppy controller disabled in the bios. that might be why i dont have the issue02:23
slimjimflimpelo only visible when i view w/ lynx though02:24
PeloDr_willis, it's just part of the default02:24
pc-illiteratei wouldnt be too sure Scunizi, it was a UT mod in 2000. the new 1 is tactical ops : crossfire02:24
Peloslimjimflim,  sudo killall -9 roxen02:24
gligorhoria_Dr_willis: :(( give me hope02:24
eduardojerthebear: what was the problem again?02:24
jerthebeareduardo: I've tried doing the services in a terminal in the GNOME gui with suido or su02:24
slimjimflimpelo no processes killed02:24
jerthebeareduardo: Can't change my startup services and network will not run02:24
Scunizipc-illiterate, check out http://www.to-crossfire.net/team-blog/client-downloads.html02:24
Peloslimjimflim, menu > system > admin > system monitor,  find it , terminalte it02:24
jerthebeareduardo: before changing my services I could do both02:24
pc-illiteratecrossfire is the new birth...i run a system too old to run 2k402:25
gligorhoria_Dr_willis: i'll do a restart now, if i'm not back in 3 minutes call the fun police!02:25
damaltorin my computer, there is a chip card reader (not memory card, i mean chip cards like the ones for public phones etc.). it is connected to the mainboard at a connector named "card". doesnt seem to be serial port, cause there is only one serial port wich is the one on the back of the housing. anybody been in touch with chip cards? i dunno how to use that thing...02:25
pc-illiteratei have 2k3 and got 5 frames per second02:25
eduardojerthebear: lemme check someting...02:25
Scunizipc-illiterate, must be an old sys. but mine is at least 2-3 years.. P4 2.3 socket 478 w/2gig02:26
Pelodamaltor, got a model number ? try loolink it up in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org02:26
slimjimflimpelo not there either02:26
Peloslimjimflim, look in the display menu ,  show all,02:26
pc-illiteratelmao....1ghz celeron, 256 meg ram, mx440 gfx card02:26
slimjimflimpelo, i'm on xubuntu, different options i think02:27
Scunizipc-illiterate, yep.. sounds like an emachine.. I use one of those for a server02:27
damaltorPelo: no, got nothing... just a small pcb with loads of ICs on it. no numer, no nothing.... :/ i tried the program smartcard (think that was the name) but it can only handle serial ports02:27
Peloslimjimflim, also in edit pref,  you can check a box to view the command line for each process, just in case the process is not the same name as the command02:27
Peloslimjimflim, now you tellme02:27
slimjimflimoh wait, got it02:27
pc-illiterateyou know its an emachine already ? didnt anyone else make crap ?02:27
badazz3sgatejerthebear: way02:27
Pelodamaltor, try looking in the hardware info thingy, see if you can identify the device from that , in the pref menu02:27
pc-illiteratewell the next 1 im builing. be uber 133702:28
badazz3sIm on a dell laptop =D02:28
damaltorPelo: console-only system. lspci doesnt find it...02:28
gligorhoriaDr_willis: it works like a charm ty! :D02:28
pc-illiteratethis thing is only 8 yrs old. works great though02:28
gideanis there a way to access the GST gui from the command line? Or Alt+f2?02:28
pan993inspiring stuff02:28
Pelodamaltor, lsdev02:28
slimjimflimpelo, nope, still not there02:28
Dr_willisgligorhoria,  you might want to check the bios and disable the floppy controller.02:28
Peloslimjimflim, you win, I give up02:29
Dr_willisgligorhoria,  i do think i see some mentionof floppy when i boot. :) about it being disabled02:29
eduardojerthebear: ok, type sudo apt-get install ngrep02:29
* Pelo hangs his head in shame, beaten by a noob 02:29
slimjimflimno i lose02:29
pc-illiterateso i need to find someone playing the game on linux or mount with wine ?02:29
pc-illiteratelose is correct02:29
* slimjimflim spells02:29
jerthebeareduardo: I'm on the computer right now in windows02:29
damaltorPelo: http://nopaste.com/p/aNNpYkndM02:29
eduardojerthebear: ah ok02:30
jerthebeareduardo: I dual-boot, so I'd appreciate if you could give me all the instructions at once :D02:30
Pelodamaltor, and you actualy expect me to make sense of that ?02:30
StevenXguys, how do i change the icon of an application?02:30
pc-illiterateok. guess i'll go to the forums for the game and make a post02:30
gligorhoriaDr_willis: aha, well i have the flopy in my pc, it's just unplugged for saftey reasons ( :D ) if i will make the call to desable it defenetly i will keep your advice in mind, but i have 1 more question now, but it will take time to formulate it02:30
dmsupermanother than vim, what's a good notepad++ alternative?02:30
Scunizipc-illiterate, won't work in wine..02:31
eduardook, try sudo apt-get install ngrep, and then type ngrep -d any 'error' port syslog02:31
Pelodamaltor, I don,t have this in mine if hat can give you a possibility piix4_smbus02:31
eduardojerthebear: this way we should get the errors and see whats going on02:31
damaltorPelo: well, i hoped you cold find anything a bit useful.. i dint find anything wich could be something with cards02:31
damaltorPelo: will try. thanks so far02:32
Pelodamaltor, is it a card ? I thought you said it was built in the mobo ?02:32
damaltorPelo: it is connected directly to the mobo, next to the connector there is the word "CARD"02:32
jerthebeareduardo: ok but that'll take some time again02:33
jerthebeareduardo: I am going to install x-chat on my other computer so I can talk while working on fixing it ok?02:33
Pelodamaltor, probably just short for card reader ,  damaltor  do you have the mobo model ? look it up on the net,  see what the maker has to say about it02:33
eduardojerthebear: try that and then paste the error log here, and if im gone then someone else should be able to help02:33
gligorhoriabash: ./setup.php: /usr/bin/php: bad interpreter: No such file or directory02:33
gligorhoria (i'm trying to install horde mail server - what do i need to install for this php to work? if u can tell me)02:33
Pelodamaltor, even the biios might have some info about it02:34
damaltorPelo: just a sec, i even have a system handbook...02:34
jerthebeareduardo: ok, thank you02:34
dmsupermanPelo: I got it to work, btw02:34
eduardojerthebear: no problem02:34
dmsupermanPelo: the problem was it was a virtual desktop, no clue why it was defined, and it was larger than the monitor rez02:34
gew1can i view a jpg in cli ?02:35
Pelodmsuperman, I never doubted you would02:35
dmsupermanPelo: thanks for your help :D02:35
dmsupermangewl: you're kidding, right?02:35
pc-illiteratewell Scunizi .... im gunna try to find an answer. see what i ccan find02:35
Pelodmsuperman, np02:35
jerthebear2eduardo: ok i'm on the other computer02:35
Dr_willisgew1,  there are framebuffer image viewing apps for the console. if thats what you are asking about02:35
Pelogew1, probably not02:35
dmsupermangewl: i spose if you use one of those image -> ascii converters you could...but why?02:35
gew1dmsuperman: i was kinda serious , but now i am gona say yes its a joke02:35
gew1Dr_willis: yes framebuffer02:36
Dr_willisgew1,  the console framebuffer makes it possible.02:36
Dr_willisbut  the whole framebuffer stuff can be.. flakey :)02:36
gew1so apt-get install framebuffer should do it02:36
damaltorPelo: its a D1025 made by fujitsu/siemens02:36
Orendafdshey everyone02:36
Dr_willisthere are a few framebuffer browsers that can do it also02:36
frank_bdo I need to open a port in firestarter (inbound policy, like for amule and nicotine) to upload a file to someone in here?02:36
* Pelo thinks some ppl just over do it with the CLI stuff , gui isn't that bad 02:36
Dr_willisgew1,  No... the framebuffer is a feature of the kernel.. not a program.02:36
Pelodamaltor, the mobo or the card reader ?02:36
gew1how do i do it then02:36
Dr_willisgew1,  there are image viewer programs that can USE the framebuffer to display images02:36
Dr_willisgew1,  fire up the package manager and search for framebuffer - i guess for  a start02:37
Orendafdsguys, can anyone help me come up with a reason for a very wierd problem im having.. ?02:37
damaltorPelo: the mobo. but in the system handbook, there is only said that a card reaer can be connected here... useless.02:37
gew1thank u Dr_willis02:37
cheeseHey, sorry to bother you guys since you seem very busy (as always :P) but my Firefox windows occasionally just close completely and when I restore them it acts as if I restarted my laptop. Also, my laptop randomly disconnects from the wireless network whilst none of the other laptops in the house do02:37
Pelodamaltor, try google for the model,  see if there are specifications for what models of card readers aer supported02:38
dmsupermanhow can i make a window sticky in all workspaces?02:38
Pelocheese, gutsy or hardy ?02:38
Pelodmsuperman, right click the buttoo for that window in the botom panel,  select always current desktop or something similar , it will followyou arond02:39
Pelocheese, random shut down of Firefox are often flash related02:39
Pelodmsuperman, it's not permanent, you'll have to redo it if you restart the app02:40
cheeseYeah. I tend to find it happens in Flash02:40
cheeseWhat can I do to fix it02:40
damaltorPelo: did so, about a month for now... but it seems to be a not very often used model.02:40
Orendafdshow come whenever i reset(normal restart) ubuntu stops recognizing my network card and only a complete shutdown(unpluging power) helps, no matter how many restarts i do it wont recognise it only a complete shutdown...any ideas ??02:40
jerthebear2hmm could some one help me? I use ubuntu gutsy (7.10) turned dbus off and now I can't access the internet from ubuntu or edit the services (which inludes the dbus setting), and it says I have no permission even if I do it in root. Upon startup, it says that HAL failed to initialize.02:41
frank_bto all: do I need to open a port in firestarter (inbound policy, like for amule and nicotine) to upload a file to someone in here?02:41
Pelocheese, I like to use "stop autoplay"  , that way the flash app doesn 'T just start unless I ask it to , give the rest of the page time to load02:41
stwange_can anyone point me to a guide for setting up a 7.10 installation as a torrent server (so I can have two folders of torrents current/ and pending/ and anything in current is automatically downloaded). I've seen guides but I can't remember where and I can't find the right search string for google02:41
cheeseOkay, thanks man02:41
jerthebear2someone help?02:42
LadyNikonI am trying to get a launcher to act like osx's toolbar.  I want to be able to open up already launched apps02:42
LadyNikonjerthebear2: please be patient.  If someone can help you they will.. if not try the forums02:42
Pelostwange_, what torrent client ?02:42
LadyNikonthe launcher is one of the bars for gdesklets02:42
jerthebear2ladynikon: ok02:42
cheesePelo, where are the flash settings?02:42
stwange_Pelo, deluge02:42
Pelocheese, stop autoplay is an extension you dl form the firefox site02:43
jerthebear2ladynikon: on average how long should I wait before I should resay my question?02:43
Pelostwange_, try asking in #deluge02:43
cheeseAh, I see. Sorry about that. Thanks. :P02:43
LadyNikonjerthebear2: 10.. 15mins02:43
Orendafdshow come whenever i reset(normal restart) ubuntu stops recognizing my network card and only a complete shutdown(unpluging power) helps, no matter how many restarts i do it wont recognise it only a complete shutdown...any ideas ??02:43
stwange_Pelo, I think I found a guide, it uses TorrentFlux though - I can link you if interested?02:43
Pelocheese, get adblock plus while you are at it , you'll thank me02:43
amenadoOrendafds-> your nic card is not recognized the next time you do a reboot?02:44
Pelostwange_, no i'm cool , I use utorrent and I don'T have a butload of torrents at a time02:44
* Pelo use to op in #utorrent 02:44
stwange_Pelo, it's not really a case of having a lot to download, it's more of usually being at a different computer when I remember what I was meant to get. Thanks anyway mate :)02:45
thuncstwange_: yes thanks for your praise.  i will gladly impregnate your sister for a small fee. oops02:45
stwange_I think I'll pass thunc, I'm broke :)02:45
Pelostwange_, I beleive deluge has a webui , so you can dl and start torrents remotely from another comp02:45
stwange_ah that would work too. Thanks :)02:46
stwange_ok, enough smiling.02:46
dmsupermanwhat's a good notepad++/notepad2 alternative for ubuntu, beside vim?02:46
stwange_dmsuperman, try bluefish02:46
Orendafdsguys, why whenever i play minigames such as flash,shockwave it is EXTREAMLY slow and unplayable ???02:46
eduardoQuestion: Whats the best Mp3 downloader for ubuntu?02:46
PeloDr_willis, why the sad face ?02:46
Dr_willis!best | eduardo02:46
ubotueduardo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:46
levander`Is there a package in the repositories for Real Network's Real Player?02:47
Peloeduardo, just get frostwire02:47
dmsupermaneduardo: wget02:47
Dr_willisthers always room for smilies! :^)02:47
=== levander` is now known as levander
bazhangeduardo: what is an mp3 downloader? that sounds odd02:47
Pelolevander`, no you get it from the realplayer website , it's a .bin02:47
eduardopelo, frostwire, hmm i use limewire which is the same02:47
stwange_eduardo, how's the leg?02:47
stwange_you can use limewire for ubuntu02:47
levanderPelo: Have you tried it?  Does it work as good for capturing streams as the Windows version does?02:47
Peloeduardo, no , frostwire doesn'T come with spyware02:47
eduardostwange_: yes02:47
bazhangeduardo: you mean something like amarok?02:48
jerthebear2eduardo: because of my network not working, I can't apt-get02:48
eduardoPelo: spyware for linux?02:48
eduardojerthebear2: ohh good point02:48
On7H3MooNgah my friend is an idiot... he posted this in the forums and got banned... http://shoopedup.myminicity.com/02:48
Pelolevander, realplayer is a deasese,  I only have it cause occasionnaly I can'T do without02:48
jerthebear2eduardo: XD though I think it has to do with the HAL daemon02:48
ropoyhello everyone02:48
eduardojerthebear2: have you tried to uninstall it and then reinstall?02:49
levanderPelo: Yeah, I probably won't bother.  You know of a better program to capture streaming flash videos?02:49
dmsupermanOn7H3MooN: whatever you just posted is probably malware or bad, or just plain dumb, hence his banning, and if it turns out i'm right you'll probably get +b soon enough02:49
bazhangOn7H3MooN: this is the wrong place to post as well unless it is accompanied by a support question02:49
Dr_willisthe RealPlayer company.. soo... dropped the ball :) they could of been huge.. now they are just has beens it seems. heh02:49
ncfi1013_can anybody tell me what the problem might be when nero or k3b won't work right02:49
eduardobazhang: no, i mean something like limewire02:49
Pelolevander, not realy, I just grab the file from the /tmp folder and rename it02:49
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire02:49
levanderPelo: Cool, I'll try that.02:49
jerthebear2eduardo: uninstall ubuntu or HALD? I prefer if I didn't have to uninstall ubuntu because it's annoying getting all my packages02:49
bazhangeduardo: no idea about that; is some legit tool, or other02:50
eduardojerthebear2: no, not ubuntu, HAL02:50
ropoycan someone please help me upgrade gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" doest work02:50
PeloDr_willis, why doesn't that ubotu trigger just give the frostwire url ?02:50
Dr_willisPelo,  no idea. I dont use it. :)02:50
Peloropoy, upgrade from what to what ?02:50
eduardobazhang: well i dont think downloading mp3 is legal, but everybody does it..02:50
ropoyfrom 6.04 to 6.10 using cd02:50
bazhang!piracy | eduardo02:51
ubotueduardo: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o02:51
Dr_willisdepends on the speicic mp3 if its legal or not. :)02:51
ropoypelo from 7.10 to 7.1002:51
ropoypelo from 7.04 to 7.1002:51
Peloropoy, firstly you need the alternate cd or the dvd to do an upgrade like that, and I dont think that is the correct command line02:51
eduardobazhang: snitch, lol02:51
ncfi1013can anybody tell me what the problem might be when nero or k3b won't work right02:51
Pelo!upgrade > ropoy check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu02:51
Dr_willisncfi1013,  run k3b from the terminal, look for error messages02:51
ropoypelo: ill try it02:52
Peloncfi1013, define "won't work right"02:52
bazhangncfi1013: what errors are you getting? something about the dcop server?02:52
jerthebear2eduardo: I will try that. In the meantime, I will use windows and post something on the ubuntu forums02:52
eduardoropoy: try sudo do-release-upgrade --devel-release02:52
dmsupermanAnybody know why my screen might keep flickering? Occasionally, perhaps every 5 minutes, my monitor flickers black for just a half-second, and then it's fine again02:52
eduardojerthebear2: ok02:52
b0xcheck the calbes02:52
Pelodmsuperman, go and put the horizsync values back to what they were yesterday before we tried to fix your shifty monitor problem02:53
Dr_willisdmsuperman,  even while using the machine? or is it just sitting there?02:53
eduardodmsuperman: check the Hz frecuency maybe you monitor doesnt support your actual frecuency02:53
ncfi1013what's a dcop server02:53
levanderdmsuperman: That sounds scary.  I lost a monitor one time after it started acting up a little.  The problem was the video card went bad and it started sending signals to the monitor that were screwing it up.02:53
dmsupermanPelo: i made them what the back of the monitor says to put02:53
dmsupermanDr_willis: it's on the machine i'm using right now02:53
bazhangncfi1013: what errors are you getting precisely; please give some details--just saying it does not work will not suffice here02:54
dmsupermanlevander: i doubt it, anything's possible but this monitor's not that old, and has been very solid02:54
ropoyeduardo: im using a cd02:54
ropoyPelo: it doest seem to work02:54
eduardoropoy: are you on live cd?02:54
* eduardo will BRB02:54
ropoyeduardo: i downloadaed the 7.10 cd02:54
levanderdmsuperman: Yeah, but if the video card is mistreating the monitor...  My video card was less than  a year old when it started doing that to the monitor.  I'm just saying you need to figure that flickering out.  Could be bad.02:55
Peloropoy,  are you using the live cd ? you can't upgrade from the live cd , you need the alternate install cd02:55
dmsupermanPelo: you don't happen to keep logs do you? or is this channel logged? i don't have a clue what the values were initially02:56
ropoyPelo: il try and see02:56
ubotuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/02:56
ncfi1013when i make the playlist to burn and put in a blank disc the burn option is grayed  out02:56
Pelodmsuperman, the channel is logged, read up a couple of lines02:56
dmsupermanwoot :D02:56
bazhangOn7H3Moon please stop02:57
eduardoropoy: what do you want to do?02:58
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!02:58
tritiumPelo: ?02:58
PeloLjL, can you ban  on7h3moon02:58
* Pelo doesn't need @02:59
levanderDynamic IP.  He changes it and gets back in.02:59
cybojanekIf I install 8.04 beta, can I upgrade to 8.04 full without entriely reinstalling?03:00
icanhasadmincybojanek: in shory, yes03:00
Pelocybojanek, you'll get updated when the official is released, just like any regular update03:00
bazhangcybojanek: yes further discussion in #ubuntu+1 thanks03:01
centaur5I'm trying to join a windows machine to a samba pdc but when it asks for my user on the client it says access denied. Am I supposed to do something special with the unix user?03:01
dmsupermanPelo: [04:06] <dmsuperman_> alright, both have:Horizsync30-7003:01
dmsuperman[04:06] <dmsuperman_> Vertrefresh50-18003:01
dmsupermani'm not sure what Vertrefresh should be, i think it's still default 50-18003:02
Pelodmsuperman, don'T mess with te vertrefresh one03:02
dmsupermanbut i know i changed Horizsync to 50-60, as the back of both monitors state03:02
dmsupermanshould i change it back to 30-70?03:03
Pelodmsuperman, xorg still included the monitor's capablilty in it's range,  i'm not saying this will solve the fliker problem but it wonT' hurt03:03
dmsupermanPelo: alright :D03:03
upppi have a problem on my sources.list03:03
Pelodmsuperman, you can also try degausing your monitor, that probablyl wonT' hurt either,  I donT' do it often enought myself03:04
* Pelo wonders how many ppl are degausing their monitors right now just cause he mentionned it 03:04
upppi have a problem on my sources.list03:04
dmsupermanPelo: odd, i degaused yesterday but i just did it now and it went nuts :P03:04
Pelouppp, state the problem03:04
bastid_raZorheh.. glad i have two LCD's..03:04
oemhey guys, does anybody yet have any experience with the Magento Commerce suite?03:05
upppthat is my sources.http://upp.pastebin.com/m3379d82903:05
bazookatoothare there any super-cool new features in hardy heron? i was thinking about wasting some time installing it tonight03:05
eduardobazookatooth: check the new features in ubuntu's web page03:06
levanderbazookatooth: I think they only want people interested in testing it on Hardy still.03:06
upppPelo http://upp.pastebin.com/m3379d82903:06
Pelouppp, and what is the problem ?03:06
bazhangbazookatooth: more discussion in #ubuntu+1 thanks03:06
upppwhen i give apt-get update i have this W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>03:07
upppW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems03:07
upppup@up-laptop:~$ gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:07
dmsupermanThis is a triumph03:07
eduardoakram: hi03:07
uppphi akram03:07
bazhanguppp: have you tried sudo apt-get update?03:07
dmsupermanI'm making a note here, huge success03:07
Pelouppp, so run sudo apt-get update again03:08
dmsupermanIt's hard to overstate my satisfaction03:08
akramany news??03:08
Pelodmsuperman, emoting03:08
bazhangubuntu support question akram?03:08
ShpookIs there a general chat room? I have a question related to an online search for a person.03:08
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:08
bazhangShpook: see above03:09
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dmsupermanPelo: Take it you've never played Portal :'(03:09
Shpookbazhang: Thanks, I didn't know about offtopic. :-D03:09
bazhangnp ;]03:09
Pelodmsuperman, I'm not much of a gamer03:10
bazhangheh thanks03:10
ShpookMe neither, but Portal sucks you in....no pun intended.03:10
shivamibShpook: isnt that what portals do?03:10
* Pelo use to play "The Stone" but he had to stop for other ppl's health 03:11
* dmsuperman slaps his knee in MASSIVE LAUGHTER03:11
tommmiedHello,  can anyone please point me in the right direction to look,  When my computer loads, grub prompts me asking me what i want to choose.  How can i stop that and make it automatically pick the one I want.?03:11
Shpookdmsuperman: Is that sarcasm I smell? :-P03:11
jerthebear2eduardo: how do I uninstall/reinstall HALD?03:11
bazhangtommmied: from different kernels? different OSes? what are the choices?03:11
dmsupermannaw, it's...erm i mean yes, sarcasm03:11
Laptop765greetings, when I had initially installed Ubuntu I was quite pleased to find that my ThinkPad volume/mute keys were working with no user action (I switched from Gentoo where everything was a 5 hour process)...although recently I seem to find that all of a sudden they stopped working and I can't find any literature as to why this might have happened and/or how to fix it03:11
eduardojerthebear2: sudo-apt get uninstall <application name>03:12
Pelotommmied, gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.list ,  there is an option to select the line to boot toward the top ,   the numbering starts with 0 , and you have an opton to hidemenu as well03:12
tommmiedPelo great thanks!03:12
eduardojerthebear2: and to reinstall just change uninstall for reinstall03:13
eduardoor install03:13
nikolaihello hello - anyone have any experience with 7.10 on dv2000 series hp pavillion laptops?03:13
tommmiedPelo, that file shouldn't be blank right?03:13
jerthebear2eduardo: I tried sudo apt-get remove hald and hald is not a package03:13
bazhangLaptop765: when did this start happening? after what install/script/repo addition etc.03:13
Laptop765it was a while ago03:13
Laptop765I can't pinpoint any particular update or anything03:13
Pelotommmied, you probably misspelled,   my mistake I did ,  menu.lst03:13
Laptop765I didn't notice it at first03:13
Laptop765and I spent some time trying to fix it on my own03:14
luxetguys is there a way to download from trac like subversion?03:14
bastid_raZortommmied; it is the hiddenmenu option.. uncomment it03:14
PeloLaptop765, please don'T use the enter key for punctuation03:14
tommmiedHey bastid_raZor here again03:14
Totemwhat should I look up for creating 2d graphics in games?03:14
Totemwith c++?03:14
bastid_raZortommmied; this place is where are all answers are :)03:14
dmsupermanTotem: ms paint03:14
bazhangnikolai: best to just ask your real question; if someone knows they may answer03:14
Totemhaha, I don't mean making them, I mean rendering them to the screen. Something like GDI+ for Linux03:15
tommmiedbastid_raZor, ever since i got the driver working ubuntu been running nice a smooth03:15
Laptop765Pelo: sorry03:15
uppphow can i read rm media with mozilla03:15
TotemReally anything that lets me draw images to the screen03:15
trucMuchejerthebear2, sudo apt-get reinstall hal ?03:15
dmsupermanuppp: real alternative?03:15
eduardojerthebear2: mhh, try if someone else can help you with that then,im out of ideas03:15
Pelouppp, install mozila-mplayer03:15
upppreal player dmsuperman03:15
eduardojerthebear2: im not that experienced with HALD03:15
bastid_raZortommmied; great03:15
PeloTotem, try asking in #c++03:16
jerthebear2trucmuche, eduardo: Uh oh.... I did sudo apt-get remove hal and not only did it not fix it, it removed lots of gnome things :(03:16
TotemPelo: ok, is that on this network?03:16
PeloTotem, yes03:16
Pelojerthebear2, what issu whre you having ?03:16
dmsupermanuppp: Aye, there's one called real alternative03:17
bazhangjerthebear2: this was after you removed dbus? that was when the problems started?03:17
dmsupermanuppp: It plays rm files03:17
eduardojerthebear2:  like what03:17
dmsupermanuppp: not sure if it's winblows only tho03:17
jerthebear2bazhang: yes03:17
luxetanyone has a working link to get PyOpenDirectory?03:17
jerthebear2eduardo: i don't know but some sounded mildly serious03:17
upppdmsupermanso how can i read it into mozilla03:17
bazhangjerthebear2: any reason why you did that? just experimenting or what03:17
eduardojerthebear2: try reinsall hal03:18
thundr3jerthebear2: You are fine unless you reboot03:18
eduardojerthebear2: apt-get reinstall hal03:18
upppdmsupermanso how can i read it into mozilla03:18
jerthebear2bazhang: wanted to make startup faster03:18
jerthebear2thundr3: I rebooted... crap...03:18
ShiftyPowersanyone find that GDM is incredibly slow on hardy?03:18
bazhangby removing dbus? seems an odd choice03:19
PeloShiftyPowers, ask in #ubuntu+103:19
jerthebear2i'm noob03:19
jerthebear2didn't know what dbus did03:19
eduardojerthebear2: dont worry we're all here to help03:19
dmsupermanI feel dumb. I put the rick roll url in a txt file, and left myself a note to open it. I hid it in a dir i wouldn't see for quite a while, and then today i rick roll'ed myself :'(03:19
eduardou still in ubuntu?03:19
jerthebear2and because I don't have the internet on ubuntu I can't reinstall hal03:19
ShiftyPowersPelo, what's ubuntu+1?03:19
bazhangShiftyPowers: the hardy channel03:19
upppdmsupermanso how can i read it into mozilla03:20
dmsupermanShiftyPowers: future ubuntu03:20
ShiftyPowersi'm an idiot03:20
Pelojerthebear2, this is what you do then,  you put  /home on a seperate partiton, and then you can mess around with the OS wihout fear of loosing any data and you can reinstall all you want when you mess up ,03:20
bazhangjerthebear2: you have the livecd around?03:20
dmsupermanuppp: as i said, i'm not sure if it's windows only, but i'm pretty sure when i opened it it would play rm files in mozilla03:20
PeloShiftyPowers, you are not , you were just distracted03:20
eduardoyeah live cd should do the trick03:20
upppany one help me to read web media03:20
jerthebear2yes I have my live cd03:21
jerthebear2what should I do with it?03:21
jerthebear2btw I can't log in in graphics ubuntu now03:21
eduardoShiftyPowers: ubuntu+1 is a channel for hardy heron03:21
Pelouppp, do you actual read when ppl give you instructions, ?  intall  mplaye-mozilla03:21
bazhangjerthebear2: how old is this install; i.e., how much data do you have saved on it etc03:21
eduardojerthebear2: what do you mean you can log in graphics?03:21
upppPelo idon't found this pacjage03:22
Pelouppp, just do a search for mplayer03:22
Pelouppp, it,s either mplayer-mozilla or mozilla-mplayer03:22
jerthebear2like I can' log in in normal graphics, after I type username and password It just shows the salmon-coloured background and mouse03:22
jerthebear2bazhang: what install do you mean?03:22
linkinxpguys whats the name for the control center for compiz?03:23
jerthebear2what should I do with my livecd other than boot from it?03:23
Pelojerthebear2, just clean install ubuntu03:23
bastid_raZorjerthebear2; unlike a windows box .. Ubuntu is not full of bloatware.03:23
Pelolinkinxp, just search for compiz03:23
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion03:23
eduardojerthebear2: try ctrl+alt+bck space03:23
linkinxpIdleOne:  thanks Pelo thanks03:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:24
jerthebear2I can still boot into recovery mode03:24
yowshianyone know whgat i have to apt-get to have the opengl libs?03:24
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nikolaiis anyone familiar with getting Broadcom BCM4310 wireless cards to work?03:25
eduardojerthebear2: try this cat /var/log/xorg.log |grep EE03:25
tommmiedbastid_raZor, how do your normally update your firefox ?03:25
tommmiedcompile it from binary ?03:26
jerthebear2eduardo: it says such file does not exist03:26
Pelotommmied, we wait for an update in the repositories03:26
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bastid_raZortommmied; i use the repo's for my main firefox use.. but i also have the beta 5 downloaded.03:26
tommmiedPelo, so your still on ?03:26
* Pelo is gonna but out now, he's not paying attention enough 03:27
bastid_raZortommmied; firefox3.0 is the beta available in the repo's03:27
Pelotommmied, no , I'm on hardy , I have FF 3 beta03:27
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx see here nikolai03:27
tommmiedhmm let me check that03:27
eduardojerthebear2: try dhclient && aptitude update && aptitude upgrade03:27
Pelotommmied, wait 2 weeks , you'll get it with the upgrade03:27
jerthebear2eduardo: however I cat the Xorg.0.log03:27
Pelotommmied, FF3 is realy not stable enough atm , not with flash anway03:28
tommmiedyea just weird, the one i have selected in the repo is the current version
tommmiedI am running gutsy03:28
eduardojerthebear2: i think u fked up xorg..03:28
jerthebear2(EE) AIGLX error: dlsum for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: undefined symbol: _driCreateNewScreen_20050727)03:29
ropoyeduardo: evertym i try to upgrade its says "sudo do-release-upgrade --devel-release"03:29
Pelotommmied, FF3 is only availabe in hardy, stick to FF203:29
jerthebear2(EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering03:29
linkinxphow i update GTK?03:29
jerthebear2yes XD I've done that a few times now03:29
tommmiedOhh... which firefox are they releasing with hardy ?03:29
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI03:29
newberi have a question reguarding ndiswrapper03:29
ropoyPelo:  evertym i try to upgrade its says "sudo do-release-upgrade --devel-release03:29
Flannelropoy: Hardy support is in #ubuntu+1, thanks03:30
Peloropoy, what cd are you using , the live cd or the alternate cd ?03:30
eduardojerthebear2: ok, there's the error, unfourtunatly idk how to fix that one, sorry03:30
ropoyits the alternate cd03:30
PeloFlannel, he's upgrading to 7.1003:30
ropoyPelo: its the alternate cd03:30
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Peloropoy, and youre sure you have the correct command ?03:30
Flannelropoy: Which command are you giving?03:30
Pelonewber, ask the quewsiton03:30
bastid_raZorPelo; by any chance do you use avant?03:30
neur0nHow do i exit 'x' to isntall my nvidia driver? ctrl alt backspace doesnt work, i kill x and it retarrts...03:30
yowshianyone know whgat i have to apt-get to have the opengl libs?03:31
newberok, so i installed ndiswrapper03:31
Pelobastid_raZor, no I am very lucky in that way I managed to avoid it03:31
newberwhen i try to install the driver, it said invalid driver03:31
ropoyFlannel: gksu "sh /cdrom0/cdromupgrade"03:31
eduardojerthebear2: you got that after doing cat /var/log/xorg.log |grep EE?03:31
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jerthebear2eduardo: which is the error? the first line or the second? or both? and your aptitude command semed to work03:31
yowshineur0n: you have to go into a failsafe terminal03:31
Peloropoy, we told you that's not the command03:31
newberi have a netgear wg111 v3 and the tutorial i was following i think had the driver for v203:31
jerthebear2eduardo: I got that after doing cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE03:31
eduardojerthebear2: both of them are the errors03:31
Pelo!enter | newber03:32
ubotunewber: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:32
neur0nyowshi: how do i do that?03:32
bastid_raZorPelo; i'd like to know more if you were able to talk here or OT channel.. lucky to avoid avant? to me avant is a necessity03:32
ropoyPelo: sorry, what the right command/03:32
yowshineur0n: log out and then change ytour session type03:32
bazhangnewber what is the exact chipset for that03:32
eduardojerthebear2: try that command again but instead of EE write WW03:32
mugen1I'm looking to install firestarter(firewall) in add/remove. But once I put a check box next to it, a box pops up saying that "the list of applications is not available" and that I need an internet connection. I am currently connected to the internet, I don't know why it's saying that.03:32
neur0nyowshi: that still starts X though03:32
newberas in...?03:32
Pelo!upgrade > ropoy check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu03:32
yowshineur0n: it shouldnt worst case scenario you would have to go a full reboot and use the rescue mode cli03:33
jerthebear2eduardo: by the way, after your aptitude command I tried apt-get install hal and instead of the original cannot connect message it now says can't start hardware abstraction layer - please ensure dbus is running03:33
Pelobastid_raZor, I just don't go for eyecandy, I tried it for about 15 minutes and got rid of it ,  that's all03:33
neur0nyowshi: alright thanks03:33
eduardojerthebear2:  ok lemme see...03:33
yowshican someone please tell me where to get the opengl libs and headers03:33
jerthebear2eduardo: ok there's 6 lines for ww03:34
iceswordyowshi, apt-cache search03:34
bazhangyowshi: have you checked at packages.ubuntu.com03:34
Peloand bastid_raZor youcan'T say that avant is essentiel,  usefull possibly, pretty sure, interensting why not, but it is in no way essential03:34
jerthebear2eduardo: The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist.03:34
Peloyowshi, menu  > system> admin > synaptic package manager ,03:34
yowshibazhang: yeah i need something for amd64 though03:34
jerthebear2eduardo: Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (no such file or directory)03:34
yowshibazhang: i cant seem to forced-arch the gambas package03:35
tommmiedisn't that kinda odd that they would release ubuntu with firefox as beta?03:35
jerthebear2eduardo: fglrx: No matching device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found03:35
reya276Can anyone tell me how I can see how may physical harddrives I have through CLI, I know the command was something like cat proc...03:35
yowshiPelo: i tried that first03:35
bastid_raZortommmied; not really considering hardy is still beta03:35
jerthebear2eduardo: fglrx(0): Only one display is connected, so single mode is enabled03:35
bazhangyowshi: not sure what gambas is; if you want any of the ubuntu packages that is where they would be including the amd64 ones03:36
jerthebear2eduardo: LoadModule: given non-canonical module name "glesx.so"03:36
odinsbaneI have a program running that I started via ssh how do I make it continue to run even after I log out?03:36
Pelotommmied, its, the lts,  which mean some ppl will stick with it for another 2 years,  they,Ll just need to update the packages whenit becomes final , otherwire the lts users would be stuck with an old version of FF03:36
eduardojerthebear2: jeez thats rlly fckd up03:36
yowshibazhang: gambas2-gb-qt-opengl_1.9.49-2ubuntu2_i386.deb is the only packacge thgat seems like it might have what i need03:36
tommmiedit says 8.04 in 14 days is shipping with FF 3 beta 403:36
bazhangeduardo: language please03:37
reya276Pelo: I need to make one of my internal hard drives to be access on first boot my all users, how can I make this happen, the drive is ext3 formated03:37
thuncreya276: all arguments are just objects. def search(input). search(search. oops. search(search_input_hash). the one exception is passing a block I think. block/proc/lamda03:37
Pelotommmied, it's mostly ok ,  flash is just  tempermental a bit03:37
eduardobazhang, can u help jerthebear2 I think im not that advanced to keep up this troubleshooting03:37
jerthebear2eduardo: ya i know :(03:37
wrenI'm getting a strange pause during boot for about three minutes while Ubuntu is loading kernel modules. The last line in dmesg before the pause is hda_codec: Unknown model for ALC883, trying auto-probe from BIOS... Anyone think they can help me debug this? I don't know much about Ubuntu' startup procedure, or this sound driver.03:37
bazhangtommmied: ubuntu+1 for hardy discussion; they can explain the rationale behind that decision03:37
jerthebear2bazhang: lol XD03:37
Peloreya276, just add a line to fstab03:38
tommmiedCool thanks was just curious03:38
rahhi hi03:38
yowshii have tried installing everything i could find opengl library related including python but the configure for the dev release of lincity-ng is still telling me i dont have it]03:38
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reya276Pelo: right but I don't know the name of the drive03:38
newberblastid Razor: could bcml5 be a chipset?03:38
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reya276Pelo: so I need to find this out first03:38
Peloreya276, blkid03:38
nickrudyowshi what exactly is it saying it can't find?03:38
thuncreya276: same results at commandline03:38
rahalguien de mexico?????????03:39
yowshinikrud configure: error: Couldn't find opengl libraries or headers03:39
raho k hable español03:39
nickrud!es | rah03:39
uboturah: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:39
reya276thunc: I need the actual command line03:39
linkinxpi need help with this........http://pastebin.com/mf5e4d6303:39
Peloreya276, then use this line as a template of what to ad in fstab   UUID=1c38d1a6-dcaa-450c-ba70-b5a7a5ade9a6 /media/DRIVE ext3 defaults 0 203:39
Pelolinkinxp, what is it about ?03:39
linkinxpPelo: compiling xmms03:39
Pelolinkinxp, why not use the one in the repos ?03:40
linkinxppelo i cant find it :(03:40
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs03:40
nickrudlinkinxp install build-essential03:40
eduardojerthebear2:  try this sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart03:40
linkinxpnickrud:  okey ;D03:40
newberbazhang: could bcml5 be a chipset?03:40
bazhangis xmms even under development still?03:40
nickrud!gutsysources | linkinxp but do this first, and look for xmms in the repos first03:40
ubotulinkinxp but do this first, and look for xmms in the repos first: gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).03:40
bazhangnewber this is internal or usb03:41
linkinxpnickrud:  okey ill do it03:41
Pelolinkinxp, just search for xmms in synaptic03:41
T1m0thyxmms is outdated03:41
Pelowelcome back nickrud03:41
jerthebear2eduardo: it's taking a while03:41
__catron_newber: THIS IS INTERNAL USB!!!!03:41
T1m0thyGet 'audacious'03:41
thuncT1m0thy: ok03:41
nickrudPelo slept about 10 hours yesterday03:41
eduardojerthebear2: ok let' see what happens03:41
Pelonickrud, did it help ?03:41
newbercatron: what?03:41
nickrudmuchly, thank you03:42
* Pelo now pumps nickrud full of coffee so he won'T sleep for a week to compensate03:42
nebriHey all03:42
nickrudyowshi did you get the exact line that the error gave, I missed it if you did03:42
newberwould it be alright if i post a link of a pic of my problem in the terminal?03:43
LadyNikoncan anyone help me get the startbar in adesklet launch lowered applications ex: lowring the browser window and reopening it03:43
nickrudnewber sure03:43
LadyNikonnewber: yes03:43
jerthebear2eduardo: I've tried running hald before and it doesn' get any further than the first line currently, it says "restarting hardware abstraction layer hald" for like 5 minutes03:43
pingui have wine installed and the sound doesn't work on streaming videos what can/should i do03:43
kadkoHello ppl how can i install a wallpaper whit .wcz extencion?03:43
linkinxpPelo:  nickrud i got it :D03:44
* Pelo dances 03:44
gitpikHi! Can anyone help me out with understanding how sound drivers work with ubuntu? I'm using onboard sound Realtek ALC883 and i"m getting crackly sound in some games and apps but not others.03:44
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:44
eduardojerthebear2: ok lets try this sudo apt-get remove --purge hal then sudo apt-get install hal03:44
jerthebear2eduardo: same dbus error03:45
nickrudnewber I don't know much about wireless, but   iwconfig   should say something about configured wireless devices (hopefully)03:45
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:45
eduardojerthebear2: after installing it again?03:45
newbernickrud: the thing is, when in do iwconfig, it says there is nothing there03:46
jerthebear2eduardo: it is installed, just re-running will cause the problem. I'm not sure hal and hald are the samething in this instance03:46
eduardoi thought u had issues with hal...03:46
gitpikThank you ubotu! but yes I do have ALSA selected there.03:46
nickrudnewber that's what I wondered. I'm lucky, my bcm4311 was supported by the restricted driver in gutsy03:46
newbernickrud: what do you have?03:47
pawanhow to install tar.gz file03:47
pingui have wine installed and the sound doesn't work on streaming videos what can/should i do03:47
Pelog'night folks03:47
nickrudnewber Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)03:47
newberpawan: what are you trying to install?03:48
eduardojerthebear2: i thought u had troubles with hal..03:48
nickrudpawan depends on what's inside the tarball03:48
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:48
kadkoHello ppl how can i install a wallpaper whit .wcz extencion?03:48
jerthebear2eduardo: ... it was the HAL daemon, wich is HALD03:48
nickrudpawan   sudo apt-get get install flashplugin-nonfree , that will install flash for you03:49
jerthebear2eduardo: and also really I just need to fix the dbus03:49
yowshinikrud configure: error: Couldn't find opengl libraries or headers03:49
yowshinickrud configure: error: Couldn't find opengl libraries or headers03:49
pingui have wine installed and the sound doesn't work on streaming videos what can/should i do03:49
yowshinickrud: i thought you were nikrud not nickrud03:50
khakanehi, im trying to remotely connect to an X server through putty-tunneling in windows, and i need to know how to do it to get login screen.  if i login remotely from the LAN at work with xmins, i get login screen, but nothing from home..03:50
bazhangpawan what file03:50
pawanflash plugin for opera03:50
nickrudboth, been nickrud a lot longer. Liked the look of nikrud, but I can't get into the ban tracker as nikrud, so ....03:50
pawanpawan@pawan-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get get install flashplugin-nonfree03:51
pawanE: Invalid operation get03:51
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linkinxpguys a nice tool for Compiz to turn it on and off ....http://forlong.blogage.de/article/pages/Compiz-Switch03:51
bazhangpawan one get too many03:51
tonyyarussopawan: yeah, you don't need that get...03:51
eduardojerthebear2: try /etc/init.d/rc CONCURRENCY=none03:51
bazookatoothapt-get get03:51
khakaneno ideas eh03:51
bazookatoothstop stuttering03:51
jerthebear2eduardo: did that, then tried all the install hal again, didn't work03:52
bazhangkhakane: please be patient; normally answers do not come in a single minute03:52
eduardojerthebear2: what about dbus?03:53
nickrudyowshi try installing libglut3-dev , it depends on most every important gl header03:53
bazhangpingu: streaming videos under wine? what are you trying to do with that03:53
LadyNikonanyone use gdesklets and can help me figure out how to make the launcher reopen lowered applications03:53
eduardojerthebear2: that command was intended to fix dbus..03:53
pingubazhang: like youtube03:54
pingubazhang: is that not streaming?03:54
bazhangpingu what does that have to with wine; clarify please03:54
jerthebear2eduardo: when installing it still says please ensure dbus is running03:54
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php03:54
jerthebear2eduardo: I will reboot and try again03:54
pingubazhang: the sound doesn't work for those videos when im in wine03:55
eduardojerthebear2: ok ill see u back here03:55
two-bitshello. is there anyway to adjust the tap-to-click sensitivity in Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon03:55
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two-bitsIt's way too sensitive on my laptop03:55
CK_MYhow to execute tar.bz2 file ?03:55
tocmo0nlorda program is suposed to open full screen, i think i pressed some keys and made it not full screen now it opens normal instead of full screen every time how could i fix it ?03:55
bazhangpingu what app are you using to stream youtube videos under wine03:55
eduardoCK_MY: tar xvfj then filename03:56
Lainytocmo0nlord: have you tried alt+enter?03:56
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pingubazhang: ok sorry got the lingo wrong just trying to watch videos on youtube and there is not sound not streaming03:56
_Silhouette_Hello...I am trying to install ubuntu onto my computer but after it loads it goes to a blank pink screen where it lets me move around my mouse, but nothing happens. How do I get it to work properly?03:57
thundr3pingu: does sound work elsewhere in Ubuntu?03:57
yowshinickrud: grrr now it tells me i need SDLMixer >=1.2.2 not in synaptic or ubuntu pakcages03:57
pinguthundr3: yea listening to 3 doors down now03:57
bazhangpingu: it seems your sound card has been captured by wine; what about not using wine--does the sound go normally then03:57
eduardo_Silhouette_: are you using live cd?03:58
jerthebear2eduardo: no, it's still not working03:58
nickrudyowshi libsdl-mixer1.2-dev03:58
eduardojerthebear2:  try this sudo /usr/sbin/hald --daemon=no --verbose=yes03:58
pingubazhang: like just on ubuntu it works fine but the videos don't load sometimes03:58
_Silhouette_eduardo: yes, pretty sure. I downloaded it off the website.03:59
nickrudyowshi   apt-cache search sdl | grep dev found that, you can find most stuff with that syntax03:59
tocmo0nlordheh that worked :P03:59
eduardojerthebear2: that's the way to start hald manually03:59
yowshinickrud: thanks03:59
sonitdoes anybody now why ubuntu gutsy freezes/crash/etc?03:59
jerthebear2eduardo: apt-get install hal IS hald! |:03:59
nickrudyowshi now, the gl stuff was harder ;)03:59
bazhangsonit need more info before knowing the cause03:59
reya276Pelo: How can I give that drive chmod 77704:00
Alan_Msonit, could be a number of reasons and bugs probably....need WAY more information like what programs etc.04:00
eduardojerthebear2: lol a typos..04:00
sonitit is aknown issue04:00
sonitin ubuntu forun04:00
jerthebear2eduardo: it still says /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket does not exist04:00
Alan_Msonit, exactly what PART of ubuntu gutsy are you talking about?04:00
soniti hope next relese beok04:00
bazhangsonit ubuntuforums is a big place; care to elaborate?04:00
jerthebear2eduardo: /var/run/dbus doesn't exist04:00
nickrudjerthebear2 have you tried restarting/reinstalling dbus?04:01
reya276How can I give 777 permision to /media/disk-5 (internal harddrive)04:01
nickrudreya276 ext3 or ntfs/vfat?04:01
bazhangsonit gutsy has been rock solid stable for myself and many others; I suspect the problem is on your end04:01
_Silhouette_eduardo: do you know why I'm getting the blank screen?04:01
reya276nickrud: oh it is ext304:01
reya276I added to the /etc/fstab file04:02
eduardo_Silhouette_: is ubuntu already installed?04:02
jerthebear2eduardo: how?04:02
sonithttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=587905   this shows it is not just me04:02
__catron_Where is the love?04:02
nickrudreya276   sudo chmod 777 /media/disk-5    (with the disk mounted, and the permissions will be remembered between mounts)04:02
neur0nusing compiz, my emerald themes arent showing shadows around windows / taskbar. any thoughts?04:02
pingubazhang: any ideas what to do?04:02
yowshinickrud: thanks a bundle man the search command helped me find the rest of the stuff i needed04:02
eduardojerthebear2: how what?04:02
_Silhouette_eduardo: no. I'm trying to install it now onto my external hard drive.04:02
bazhang__catron_: not here; please join #ubuntu-offtopic04:02
eduardo_Silhouette_: are you using the live cd?04:02
jerthebear2eduardo: nvm doing it right now04:02
__catron_bazhang, sorry04:03
__catron_bored to death04:03
eduardojerthebear2: what are you doing?04:03
reya276nickrud: yeah that is not working04:03
* nickrud cries, no love, maybe #ubuntu-offtopic04:03
FloodBot1__catron_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:03
reya276nickrud: this is what I have on my fstab file '/dev/sdb5       /media/disk-5   ext3'04:03
jerthebear2eduardo: it is removing 107 packages...04:03
thundr3_Silhouette_: you could also try using the alternative install CD as well, but let's try getting this working first04:03
mindguru08Hey Everyone04:04
jerthebear2eduardo: looks like if this doesn't work I'll have to reinstall ubuntu :(04:04
Odd-rationalemindguru08: hi04:04
bazhangpingu not sure how wine entered into this; most ubuntu apps are fine (mp3, videos, etc) so dont see the connection between wine and youtube sorry04:04
b4l74z4rdoes gthumb have a configuration file i can edit so i can zoom images with the mouse wheel?04:04
mindguru08why is your name gold?04:04
nickrudreya276 /dev/sdb5 /media/disk-5 ext3 defaults 0 1 , use that. And setting the permissions directly to the mount point while the disk is mounted does work04:04
kadkoHello ppl how can i install a wallpaper whit .wcz extencion?04:04
linkinxpwhere u change the WorkGroup?04:04
eduardojerthebear2: well, just backup everything and reinstall that will be quiker than any troubleshooting session and you gain a backup in the way.04:04
Odd-rationalemindguru08: becuase i'm talking to you :)04:04
dmsupermanis there an amarok channel?04:05
spanthermeow :)04:05
eduardojerthebear2: i reinstalled ubuntu last week04:05
_Silhouette_eduardo: thundr3: I am pretty sure I'm using the live CD.04:05
Odd-rationaledmsuperman: #amaork04:05
Odd-rationale* #amarok04:05
mindguru08how do i talk to you?04:05
Odd-rationalemindguru08: put my nick in you message.04:05
jerthebear2eduardo: lol too late :(04:05
eduardo_Silhouette_: then when u try to install it the screen goes blank?04:05
Odd-rationalemindguru08: you can use tab to autocomplete. e.g. odd<tab>04:05
jerthebear2eduardo: anyhow it's interesting ot see what happens04:05
_Silhouette_eduardo: it shows a loading screen, then turns into a pink desktop w/ a mouse cursor, nothing else04:06
reya276nickrud: I know it works because I've done it before but for some reason it not right now, maybe because is hardy beta? but thanks, let me reboot and see what happens04:06
eduardojerthebear2: lol04:06
dmsupermanI suppose this may be a general question04:06
nickrudreya276 no reboot needed04:06
nickrudreya276   sudo umount /dev/sda5 && sudo mount -a04:06
dmsupermanI've got my folder "...And Justice For All"04:06
bazhangargh another hardy in disguise04:06
dmsupermanAmarok doesn't see it, I'm assuming it thinks it's a hidden folder04:06
jerthebear2eduardo: hey it's my first time with ubuntu, gotta try some things right?04:06
dmsupermanis there a way to specify that it's not a hidden folder?04:06
nickrudbazhang :)04:07
travisat_have they frozen hardy yet?04:07
thundr3dmsuperman: it's because it has a . in front of the name04:07
eduardojerthebear2: lol yeah04:07
dmsupermanbut ... is the folder name04:07
Scunizidmsuperman, yep and it might not like the spaces in the name.. when you start a folder with . it's hidden04:07
nickrudtravisat_  #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+104:07
mexicanhey guys04:07
sonithoping hardy is more stable.04:07
Bankaieh guys, i finished installing dapper drake server on virual pc 2007, and i'm at the $ console now, problema is how do i change the screen resolution to 800x600?04:07
reya276nickrud: that is not working04:07
dmsupermanScunizi, spaces are fine, i've got plenty of spaces in my other folder names04:07
mexicanim installing qmail and i just gotta error. anyone take a look at it for me?04:07
Scunizidmsuperman, wasn't quite sure..04:07
reya276nickrud: ntfs-3g: Failed to access volume '/dev/disk/by-uuid/D678EB1378EAF0E3': No such file or directory04:07
mexicani'll psatebin it?04:08
nickrudreya276 what are the permissions on /media/disk-5  after you do that command ?04:08
dmsupermanScunizi, is there a way to make it not hidden, aside from removing the . at the beginning?04:08
eduardojerthebear2: im new on ubuntu too, ive been using it for about 3 months but i try to learn new things everyday cause im not going back to windows04:08
mindguru08Odd-rationale: like that?04:08
J-_what file do I have to configure to use vhosts on my LAMP server?04:08
Scunizidmsuperman, nope04:08
Odd-rationalemindguru08: exactly.04:08
=== travisat_ is now known as travisat
Orendafdsguys, how can i know on what partition to install grub loader so i can boot up both linux and win ??04:08
bazhanggutsy is plenty stable sonit, if you have some issues then please state them clearly and folks here can try to address them04:08
nickrudreya276 that is not the same as your sda5 .  blkid will tell you what partition that is04:08
nickrudreya276 in other words, you're troubleshooting the wrong thing04:08
mindguru08Odd-rationale: Kool04:08
sonitbazhang i told you here is the issues, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58790504:09
jerthebear2eduardo: one thing though, it seems installing the gnome package will get all or some of the lost packages back :D04:09
dmsupermanwell that fixed it, but now my perfectly organized music folder isn't perfectly organized :'(04:09
mindguru08Odd-rationale: any other tricks should know about?04:09
sonitmany people have prob and they don't know why04:09
eduardojerthebear2: yeah, we may be able to fix your issue04:09
tuxus"Updates" suggests I change flashplugin-nonfree from to   Anyone done this and suffered negative side-effects?04:09
jerthebear2eduardo: cool :D I dual-boot (shame on me, but old habits die hard)04:09
bazhangsonit: what is the issue? please explain before posting a link thanks; explain what you have tried, what errors you have gotten etc04:09
travisatdmsuperman: if you have your music tagged correctly you can use easytag to sort them in your music directory04:09
reya276nickrud: /dev/sdb5: UUID="db69e123-6bb8-457b-bd7b-b10076b6ec93" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"04:09
yowshinickrud: grrr after all that effort is crashed anyway bleh noone alive ion the lincity chan04:09
Scunizituxus, nope.. none here04:10
eduardojerthebear2: hahahaha04:10
dmsupermanman, the #amarok channel is dead04:10
jerthebear2eduardo: YES! hal installation worked fully04:10
Odd-rationalemindguru08: yes. there is an offtopic channel to talk about non-ubuntu related issues. #ubuntu-offtopic04:10
nickrudreya276 and if you look up at the line you gave me, that's not the same uuid. Look for that uuid in fstab , see what's wrong04:10
jerthebear2eduardo: now to install gnome and retry everything....04:10
sonitbazhang gusty just freezes , and no respanse just hard reset04:10
mexicanhey guys04:10
amenadoOrendafds-> how many partitions do you have?04:10
spantherheya mexican ^^04:10
eduardojerthebear2: there you go04:10
FezzlerI switched from tube monitor to LCD flat panel and now Penguin Racer results in black screen/lock-up after resolution switches to 800x600?04:10
mexicansorry i just disconnected04:10
dmsupermantravisat, I do, and that's no problem. I just liked having my entire music folder perfectly organized by Artist/Album/XXTrack.Song Title.mp304:10
reya276nickrud: and then what04:10
dmsupermanwith great tagging04:10
travisatdmsuperman: yah I did that with mine in easytag04:10
sonitand because it freeezes no log errors04:11
nickrudreya276 depends on what's wrong. Is that uuid in the listing that blkid gave?04:11
StarCraftCan someone tell me how I can setup a partition to install windows on?04:11
mexican anyone installed qmail want to give me a quick hand ?04:11
StarCraftOr suggest a program to use?04:11
eduardoahmad: hi04:11
FezzlerUbuntu 7.10, Nvidia GeForce FX 550004:11
mexicanplease use my nick if you respond04:11
zeno_how do i fix this?:No candidate version found for dbus-104:11
reya276nickrud: I'm going to pastebin fstab file04:11
travisatStarCraft: gparted04:11
Alan_Mmexican, thats our policy, we do that anyways :)04:11
jerthebear2eduardo: thanks for your time! I have to go to sleep soon :)04:11
ScuniziStarCraft, gparted.. but you'll distroy grub and it'll hve to be reinstalled.04:11
bazhangsonit: that is not a very informative response; what exact error messages are you getting, what was happening/what were you doing when it froze, what fixes have you tried--say it freezes/its broken are not the right way to get answers either here or on the forums04:12
_Silhouette_im so confused :(04:12
nickrudreya276 do this:   give me the following:  output of  sudo lspci  and blkid and the contents of /etc/fstab04:12
ahmadi wokg run card tv in ububntu04:12
eduardojerthebear2: no problem, i hope you learned something..04:12
FezzlerI turned off Desktop Effects and that did not solve problem.04:12
thunceduardo: cythrawll C and me don't go well. lol04:12
bwayneoh no my ubuntu just melted!04:12
bazhangbwayne: ;]04:12
spantherahmad, use Hauppauge Win-TV Nova-T PCI :)04:12
bwaynesudo fixit ohcrap04:12
eduardothunc: do i know you?04:12
jerthebear2eduardo: yep... not to mess with anything that has to do with "bus"04:12
nickrudreya276 doh, I should have slept more :    sudo fdisk -l     blkid    contents of /etc/fstab04:12
thunceduardo: who is this04:12
Amaranthbwayne: you shouldn't have thrown water on it04:12
eduardojerthebear2: rofl04:12
jerthebear2eduardo: lol well now I can solve this kind stuff, I hope04:12
sonitbazhang , after disabling compiz less freezes, although still happens, maybe firefox, maybe graphics card (nvidia ), maybe weho knows04:13
bwayneAmaranth: what u recommend before it completely liquifies?04:13
nickrudor ordered the full meal eating the dessert first04:13
eduardojerthebear2: yes, and if not you're always able to ask for help04:13
mexicanthe error is http://pastebin.com/m64659660 .  happens if i use sudo or normal priv.    i'm following these directions : http://www.qmailrocks.org/qmail.htm04:13
Amaranthbwayne: blow dryer04:13
ahmadno my tv card is SAA713004:13
jerthebear2eduardo: thanks again, looks promising that it will work this time :D04:13
dmsupermantravisat, what's easytag?04:13
bwayneAmaranth: I think the kernel triggered fstab to eat the MBR.04:13
eduardojerthebear2: good luck, lol04:14
bazhangsonit we would know if you gave *very* precise info; maybe who knows does not seems to reach that standard04:14
jerthebear2eduardo: that's the great part of ubuntu, the community. the bad part is having to ask the community so often :P04:14
lewenchHow do you install .cpkg in ubuntu?04:14
amenadomexican-> at what step were you getting that error?04:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pkg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:14
travisatdmsuperman: gtk app to tag and sort mp3, flac, etc.  you can use the filter to rename and in renaming can make and fill new directories04:14
mexicanamenado: make man && make setup check04:14
eduardojerthebear2: well yeah everything has its pros and cons04:14
jerthebear2man apt-get install gnome takes a LONG time04:14
spantherahmad, install software "kaffeine" if kaffeine says that no dvb-t hardware were found then you have a problem you need to download drivers when available and recompile your kernel :)04:14
travisatdmsuperman: its in the repo04:14
jerthebear2the "man" is just an expression04:14
dmsupermantravisat, ah, I used MP3 Tag Tools, a freeware windoze app. It was great to use :D04:15
linkinxpis there any GTk- manager?04:15
reya276nickrud: this is fdisk output (http://www.pastebin.org/28916)04:15
bwaynewhat's the ubuntu chat channel name again?04:15
ahmadPLZ i wold run Tv card or DVB card  / I dvb card is sky star204:15
eduardojerthebear2: yea lots of packages04:15
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic bwayne04:15
dmsupermanhow can i get the response of a webpage in the commandline?04:15
mexicanjerthebear2: pardon?04:15
travisatdmsuperman: yah there are better windows tools for mp3 library management04:16
reya276nickrud: blockid (http://www.pastebin.org/28917)04:16
mexicanjerthebear2: it's real difficult for me to read if it's not highlighted i have this window very small04:16
dmsupermanbasically: how can I get http://whatismyip.org/'s result in commandline04:16
lewenchHow do you install .cpkg in ubuntu?04:16
spantherahmad, technisat skystar 2 ?04:16
mexicandmsuperman: you wnat to know your ip?04:16
mexicandmsuperman: in termianL?04:16
jerthebear2eduardo: lol I said "man apt-get install gnome takes a LONG time" and then "the 'man' in that phrase is just an expression", as in, not the manual pages04:16
amenadomexican  did you have a chance to look at the script?04:16
centaur5I get access denied when trying to add windows xp to a samba domain. What would cause this when machine and user are added?04:16
dmsupermanmexican, yes04:17
Lucky2we have any pgsql kings here? Have a seriously annoying multiple query prob that I was hoping someone could help me with :(04:17
_Silhouette_eduardo: how do I fix this?04:17
reya276nickrud: http://www.pastebin.org/2891804:17
eduardojerthebear2: yes, that's what i thought since the first time i read it lol04:17
ahmadyas Sky star 2 Pci04:17
tuxusdmsuperman: how about ping [domain name]04:17
dmsupermanmexican, but i ONLY want my ip returned, no extra data, and my external ip04:17
mexicanamenado: no sorry havent yet slash im pretty knew to linux04:17
lewenchHow do you install .cpkg in ubuntu? Anyone??04:17
jerthebear2eduardo: nvm thought u msged me thought it was sum1 else XD04:17
dmsupermani'm using it for a hotstring04:17
sonitbazhang, i think it's knows issue so I just wanted to mention it here. It just freezes without been able to understand the exact issue. because it freezes i can;t have the logs. just hard reset.  I don't try to fing the reason, just expecting next release. maybe problematic hardware configuration. maybe problematic software combination, nobody knows, as you can see in ubuntu forums04:17
jerthebear2mexican: lol I said "man apt-get install gnome takes a LONG time" and then "the 'man' in that phrase is just an expression", as in, not the manual pages04:17
mexicandmsuperman: ohhh, i odnt know that sorry04:17
ahmadDriver is good but idont now stting in any program in run this04:18
eduardo_Silhouette_: im sorry im not sure i understand whats going on with your comp04:18
spantherahmad, install the program Kaffeine that works well04:18
tuxusdmsuperman: how about ping [domain name]04:18
ePaxTubbyCat: ping -c 3 domain.name04:18
linkinxphow i apply a emerald theme???04:18
ePaxups wrong nick04:18
tuxusthat will give you an ip - or isn't that what you're looking for?04:18
FezzlerI switched from tube monitor to LCD flat panel and now Penguin Racer results in black screen/lock-up after resolution switches to 800x600?04:18
amenadomexican do you have this directory ? /usr/src/qmail/qmail-1.0304:18
eduardosonit: are you getting random freezes?04:18
lewenchHow do you install .cpkg in ubuntu?04:19
jerthebear2eduardo: crap04:19
ahmadok im install Kaffeine but i dont now stting this program04:19
eduardojerthebear2: woot?04:19
mexicanamenado: yeah i do, and i'm in it when i issue the command04:19
ePaxtuxus: You can do "host domain.name" and you will get up without "04:19
jerthebear2eduardo: back to where I started... I can log in, but network and system prefs stil don't work04:19
spantherahmad, it's easy04:19
eduardolewench: try to google that im sure you'll find the exact instuctions04:19
tuxusFezzler: is your monitor properly identified in your config?04:19
sonitbazhang, just take alook here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=587905&page=63    , 60 pages without a clue about the exact reason04:19
ePaxlinkinxp: You have to install emerald theme menager04:19
lewencheduardo, doing that now.04:19
jerthebear2eduardo: educational day though, thanks, i'll see you around, bye04:19
Fezzlertuxus: Yes.  Acer AL51104:19
nickrudreya276 and /etc/fstab ?04:19
linkinxpePax:  done04:19
jerthebear2ok bye all04:19
eduardojerthebear2: lol ok04:20
linkinxpePax:  i click on the theme and nothing happens04:20
eduardojerthebear2: good luck04:20
soniteduardo, yes04:20
tuxusfezzler: problems with any other apps?04:20
ahmadok its easy but i dont now04:20
amenadomexican did you run the script qmail_big_patches.script?04:20
eduardosonit: are you using 7.10?04:20
bazhangsonit heh thanks; 60 pages; please pastebin your sources.list04:20
ahmadPLZ help me04:20
BoohbahFezzler: perhaps your monitor doen't support 800x600, or it isn't listed in xorg.conf04:20
spantherahmad wait i'll look04:20
ePaxlinkinxp: Open emerald theme menager and add your theme from there04:20
reya276nickrud: http://www.pastebin.org/2891904:20
travisatdmsuperman: you try traceroute?04:20
linkinxpePax:  i did04:20
ahmadok man04:20
sonitesuardo yes04:20
FezzlerNope, but I don't do much with this PC.  Recommend a test?04:20
bazhang!helpme | ahmad04:20
* Antti !weather, !kernel, !sysinfo, !sms04:20
ubotuahmad: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience04:20
ePaxlinkinxp: Did you apply to use that theme in theme menager?04:21
tuxusFezzler: what's in your xorg.conf?04:21
eduardosonit: are u getting normal freezes or kernel panic?04:21
FezzlerBoo: After freeze up montor controls says monitor is in 800x600 res.04:21
mexicanamenado: yeah04:21
bazhangsonit pastebin sources.list please04:21
nickrudreya276 ok, first thing is hdd1 doesn't exist anymore. That's where the error about no such uuid/device comes from. Comment or delete line 804:21
soniteduardo, I don't know the difference.04:21
tuxusFezzler: check your xorg.conf against what the monitor actually can support and make sure you have the proper drivers for your graphics cardd04:22
amenadomexican-> how about this qmr_install_linux-s1.script ?04:22
mexicanamenado them both, and got the okay04:22
Fezzlertuxux: One second.  Please recommend Terminal command to read xorg.conf?04:22
amenadomexican you have a solaris?04:22
spantherahmad, start kaffeine go settings -> configure dvb-t04:22
dmsupermantravisat, i know how to get my ip04:22
eduardosonit: when it freezes do your keyboard lights flash?04:22
mexicanamenado: what is solaris ?04:22
travisatdmsuperman: ah04:22
dmsupermantravisat, i just want a way to get a command to return _just_ my ip04:22
mexicanamenado: prob a no04:22
ScuniziFezzler, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:22
travisatdmsuperman: that is the beauty of a static ip04:23
reya276nickrud: you are sure that is not my ubuntu boot drive right?04:23
hexoroidis there an easy way to delete all files in one folder like in html folder i am currently in it04:23
mexicandmsuperman: are you having trouble sifting through the info?04:23
linkinxpePax:  how u save in Nano?04:23
amenadomexican you have to read the instructions..that script was for a solaris ..so maybe the steps are not for ubuntu ?04:23
dmsupermantravisat, i'm making a hotstring so when i type like ;ip; it will backspace to remove ;ip; and execute the command and type the output04:23
tuxusFezzler: be careful - that recommendation will let you EDIT it - maybe first read it with 'cat'04:23
luxet__just exit nano04:23
dmsupermanmexican, it can't have any extra output, only the ip04:23
ahmadI dont new stting any program for Tv card or dvb card in Ubuntu 7.10 my hardwere is TV CARD SAA7130 and DVB card is sky star 204:23
dmsupermanthe way i know how to do this is04:23
sonitesurdo no rsponse ijn keybord , as oot was before freeze, it just stays that way04:23
hexoroidis there an easy way to delete all files in one folder like in html folder i am currently in it04:23
dmsupermanprint directly the output from http://whatismyip.org/04:23
mexicanamenado: i clicked the debian part04:23
* eduardo BRB04:23
dmsupermanso, my question is04:23
mitch31122linuxp: ctrl-o04:23
spantheroh my god -.-04:24
nickrudreya276 no, uuid=ae...4be is your ubuntu root, you see where it lists    /    as the mount point? It's now known as sda1 by the way.04:24
dmsupermanhow can i get the data from http://whatismyip.org/04:24
ScuniziFezzler, tuxus or just nano without the sudo will let you read it without editing priv. too.04:24
dmsupermanin command line04:24
spanthersorry i cant help ahmad........04:24
travisatdmsuperman: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-check-you-external-ip-address-from-the-command-line.html04:24
nickrudreya276 let me do some more comparisons from your outptu04:24
reya276nickrud: oh I see04:24
jribdmsuperman: wget -q -O - http://whatismyip.org04:24
tawtdoes anyone use ipod-linux?  does anyone like it?04:24
tuxusScuzini: treu04:24
amenadomexican just curious just type  make man04:24
ePaxlinkinxp: Why do you need nano? Download theme and if its compressed .tar.gz then uncompress so that it get its extenstion .emerald then open emerald theme menager and add your theme and apply to use it.04:24
spantherahmad, sorry but your english is bad04:24
bazhangsonit you posted your sources.list? please do so thanks04:24
mexicanmake: *** No rule to make target `man'.  Stop.04:24
travisatdmsuperman: hmm doesn't seem to work04:24
mexicanamenado:  above ^04:25
Scunizituxus, the other way.. (there's lots of them of course) is to install pastbinit04:25
amenadomexican->  what is above?04:25
Sam827when I try to boot ubuntu it says something about please insert bootable media04:25
mexicanamenado: make: *** No rule to make target `man'.  Stop.04:25
linkinxpePax:  doesnt have an apply button check this! http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=73390&forumpage=004:25
tawtdoes anyone use ipod-linux?  does anyone like it?04:25
tuxusSam827: you mean boot the live CD will tell you this?04:25
linkinxpePax:  the instructions says to add a line to make emerald work04:26
amenadomexican which directory are you at? type  pwd04:26
dmsupermantravisat, i think that's it, thanks :d04:26
Sam827tuxus: no I already installed04:26
sonit eduardo no response in keyboard , as it was before freeze, it just stays that way04:26
linkinxpnow the question its can i use Emerald and the beauty of compiz? together?04:26
sonitbazhang i posted to you privately04:26
ePaxlinkinxp: Hold on one sec04:26
Fezzlerxorg.conf content04:26
Scunizituxus, if you've never used pastbinit the syntax allows pasting a file directly to pastbin and it returns a link. cat <file> | pastbinit -b http://pastbin.com04:26
thuncePax: one of what? a smaw? idk04:26
trippssok i am seriously getting sick of killing and restarting FF every 5 minutes. started after last update04:26
bazhangsonit post in channel thanks; we can all learn then04:26
linkinxpePax:  ok04:26
reya276nickrud: this worked now sudo umount /dev/sdb5 && sudo mount -a04:26
eduardosonit, i had the same issue but with ubuntu 8.04 i downgraded to 7.10 and now im doing just fine04:26
travisatdmsuperman: I think whatsmyip changed formats04:26
mexicanamenado: i was in the /usrsrc/qmail dir04:27
CK_MYhow to convert rm file to avi ?04:27
eduardosonit, idk how to fix it in 7.1004:27
reya276nickrud: and it also applied the chmod 77704:27
soniteduardo maybe if i upgrade to 8.04  i ll be ok :-)04:27
jribtravisat: with .org, you won't have the issue: wget -q -O - http://whatismyip.org04:27
bazhangScunizi: just piping to pastebinit will yield a url as well04:27
amenadomexican wrong.. you are supposed to be at /usr/src/qmail/qmail-1.0304:27
travisatjrib: ahh04:27
reya276nickrud: thanks, U Rock!04:27
dmsupermantravisat, it doesn't matter04:27
Alan_Msonit, not suggested right now.04:27
dmsupermanhttp://whatismyip.org is the best04:27
spantherahmad, http://www.linux.com/feature/12780004:27
dmsupermanno html at all04:27
slimjimflimwhenever i look at my home page with lynx, i get roxen's default page instead of mine, served by apache.  I'm running xubuntu gutsy and have disabled the service and removed the package can anyone help?04:27
Alan_Msonit, wait till the release day04:27
dmsupermanjust the ip04:27
nickrudreya276 good. I'm cleaning up your fstab a bit, I'll post it later04:27
FloodBot1dmsuperman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:27
Alan_M!hardy | sonit04:27
ubotusonit: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu04:27
Scunizibazhang, what's the syntax for that?04:27
mexicanamenado: that's what  i meant04:27
reya276ok thanks04:27
CK_MYhow to convert rm file to avi file ? mencoder din work for me04:27
mexicanthat's where i was when i typed it and got make: Nothing to be done for `man'.04:28
tuxusScuzini: You got me mixed up with another person.. I'm not asking to paste-bin - perhaps you're trying to assist Fezzler?04:28
reya276nickrud: ok thanks04:28
eduardosonit: i dont think so, 8.04 is still very unstable04:28
Scunizibazhang, cat <file> | pastbinit ?04:28
amenadomexican-> I am not a mind reader, so you have to be clear and specific. :)04:28
ePaxlinkinxp: Try to use vi or pico instead of nano. Sorry but im not so good with it. With pico you can save with ctrl +q and save or with vi you can save with :wq04:28
bazhangScunizi: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit is enough for example04:28
spanthereduardo, how can you know? 8.04 isnt out yet :)04:28
mexicanamenado: i apologize, and thank you so far!04:28
eduardospanther: the beta version04:28
Scunizibazhang, good to learn more things.. thanks!04:28
tuxusSam827: what04:28
Fezzlertuxus: you asked to see xorg.conf04:28
linkinxpePax:  i saved it but nothing happens i click in the theme and nothing happens04:28
luxet__you can froce upgade to 8.04 beta04:29
bazhangScunizi: ;]04:29
spanthereduardo, ah lol :)04:29
dmsupermanspanther: which would mean it's by definition unstable :P04:29
Sam827tuxus: u were helping me04:29
zeyarhow can i set up evolutioin ?04:29
amenadomexican->  id like you to paste in pastebin including the prompt when you type cd /usr/src/qmail/qmail-1.0304:29
amenadomake man && make setup check04:29
spantherdmsuperman, yeah xD04:29
tuxusFezzler: you got the output?04:29
bazhangsonit still waiting for the sources.list thanks04:29
sonitAlan_M, ubotu, eduardo , i will wait, until then, without compiz and 3d tricks, 1 freeze a day is just afortable04:29
Sam827then u just left04:29
ePaxlinkinxp: Do you have your 3D desktop setting enabled?04:29
spantherbut 8.04 is other than 8.04 beta ! :)  8.04 wont be unstable when its out04:29
tuxuszeyar: have you tried clicking the icon and follow the wizard?04:29
dmsupermantravisat, typing ''ip now outputs
sonitbazhang , please tell me how to post the sources.list04:29
dmsupermantravisat, woot!04:29
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for hardy discussion folks thanks04:30
zeyari couldn't set  it up04:30
linkinxpePax:  yes04:30
luxet__atm 8.04 isnt so solid true04:30
eduardobaxhang, let us be04:30
amenado!hardy | luxet__04:30
ubotuluxet__: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu04:30
hexoroidis there an easy way to delete all files in one folder like in html folder i am currently in it04:30
Fezzlertuxus: Monitor manual says it does 800x60004:30
Alan_Mspanther, it will be considered stable when its out, but..like bazhang said, lets move the hardy discussions to ubuntu+104:30
bazhangeduardo: sorry rules be rules04:30
sonitbazhang : cat /etc/apt/sources.list ?04:30
CK_MYanyone how to convert rm file to avi file ? mencoder din work for me , ANY Software which has GUI ?04:30
ePaxlinkinxp: Then i realy dont know what problem can be. Read under the download theme if someone have hade similar problem. Or just pick another .emerald theme and try it.04:30
spantherAlan_M, i never wanted a discussion about it anyways :P04:30
luxet__yes I know its hardy04:30
eduardobazhang: meh04:30
luxet__i had it but was really unstable04:31
mexicanamenado: http://pastebin.com/m48a6ecd104:31
eduardowell im outtie04:31
eduardobye all!!04:31
linkinxpePax:  im on it thanks anyway04:31
tuxusFezzler: LCD's, afaik only will produce optimal output with a certian resolution. That's a downside that's almost never brought up.04:31
bazhangsonit sudo apt-get install pastebinit then the command you just listed with a pipe ( | ) to pastebinit; cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit ; then just paste the url here thanks04:31
Fezzlertuxus: so you think it is the LCD?04:31
tuxusFezzler: I'd suggest use the ideal setting, most likely the highest res, and comment out all other mode lines for starters04:32
mexicanamenado: am i doing something wrong>? i was gogoling some stuff and i read a forum that a guy said not all debian installs work for ubuntu04:32
amenadomexican without knowing what the Makefile targets are, its impossible to assist you04:32
zeyarwho can give the suggestion?04:32
nickrudreya276 http://www.pastebin.org/28922 look it over, make sure you understand everything in it before using it04:32
regeyaanyone recommend a decent yet cheap ups?  just came back into the room to find my computer off...hate spring, hate stormy weather, getting tired of these jolly power flickers that are just long enough to shut my equipment down :->04:32
mexicanamenado: no prob04:32
amenadomexican-> thats correct04:32
mexicanamenado: thank you though04:32
CreationistI'm having a problem closing a program (Frostwire).  Not even the kill command works.  Any ideas?04:32
dotechregeya: $100 is about what it costs04:32
bazhangregeya that might be better answered in the hardware channel04:32
reya276nickrud: ok04:32
Sam827when I try to boot ubuntu, it tells me please insert bootable media04:32
Sam827any ideas?04:33
StarnestommyCreationist: what about kill -9 <pid>?04:33
regeyathank goodness for journaling filesystems, though.04:33
linkinxpePax:  i got it in console emerald --replace :D04:33
spencerwhen I use the update manager it causes my internet connection to die04:33
_Silhouette_does anyone know how to get ubuntu to install properly from the boot cd?04:33
regeyacreationist: do a ps -ax | grep java04:33
amenadoSam827-> so do it, insert a bootable media04:33
jojo4is Radeon 3450 512MB video card compatible with Ubuntu?04:33
ePaxlinkinxp: Nice. So that was the problem. :D04:33
bazhangSam827: disable the cd media as a repo source then try again after refreshing/reloading your sources04:33
regeyacreationist: you may be able to kill frostwire by killing the java process running it04:33
khakanestupid xmins and remote X04:33
ePax!ati | jojo404:33
ubotujojo4: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:33
reya276nickrud: I have an external 500GB hard drive this won't affect accessing it right? meaning the cleanup on this fstab file04:33
Alan_Msam827, do you have a floppy disk in your drive? (going through every possible thing)04:33
amenado_Silhouette_-> trying liveCD or the alternate cd?04:33
tuxusjojo4: yes, but if I have a choice, I'd take nVidia any day over ATI;'s04:34
_Silhouette_amenado: live CD04:34
Sam827alan m no04:34
=== GPB is now known as LSG
linkinxpePax:  jajajajja but when i close the console it goes back ajajajaajajaja04:34
nickrudreya276 no, if it's not listed in the fstab it will be automounted when you plug it in04:34
regeyaThanks to os x I have developed a healthy hatred of frostwire...if it's running when I log out it cancels logout every time.04:34
CreationistStarnestommy: Nope... but I'll try regeya's suggestion04:34
_Silhouette_amenado: it's an older computer if it matters.04:34
amenado_Silhouette_-> what errors are you getting if any? maybe your system can not handle liveCD , you have to use alternate cd04:34
jojo4why is NVidia better than Ati?04:34
ePaxlinkinxp: You might need to do --replace command with root. sudo -i and type it.04:34
bwayneis there an ubuntu studio room?04:35
_Silhouette_amenado: no errors, just boots to a blank, pink screen after loading04:35
bazhangjojo4: better driver support at the moment04:35
spantheroh my god 8.04 goes black orange? .....04:35
amenado_Silhouette_-> how old is old? what are the specs? did you read at ubuntu wiki for minimum requirements04:35
sonitbazhang http://paste.stgraber.org/236804:35
bazhangbwayne aye; #ubuntustudio iirc04:35
_Silhouette_amenado: around windows ME era04:35
Creationistregeya: That did it.  But the ps -ax command gave syntax errors :)04:35
linkinxpePax:  what? lmao -i?04:35
regeyajojo4: there are a number of reasons, but what bazhang said...someday someone else will have the honor but right now it's nvidia04:35
iceswordhow to remove xorg and install again?04:35
_Silhouette_but I think it meets min. specs04:35
Alan_Mbwayne, #ubuntustudio04:35
regeyahehe creationist04:35
thuncregeya: this doesn't work with strings longer than 3204:35
bwaynebazhang:  i prefer colloquy04:35
amenado_Silhouette_-> i dont keep track of windows release dates..so dont know04:35
spencerwhen I use the update manager it causes my internet connection to die04:35
regeyaCreationist: sorry, that should be ps ax04:35
regeyaI do hang on to my deprecated behavior04:36
_Silhouette_amenado: about 200004:36
amenadospencer-> how so? what exactly happens?04:36
ePaxlinkinxp: That will add root priviledges to your user account to execute command. Instead of su.04:36
LSGDoes anyone remember where in the adv. settings is the option to have the windows separate from the cube on rotation with Compiz-Fusion?04:36
iceswordhow to remove xorg and install again?04:36
linkinxpePax:  i know sudo  but it does the same04:36
Intangirhey im using wine. apparently the ubuntu packaged version of wine doesnt allow me to use jack audio?04:36
tuxusicesword: why would you want to?04:36
Intangiranynone know how to get around this04:36
bazhangsonit you have almost no sources; try removing the # marks from in front of most of those then reloading/refreshing and trying again04:36
Sam827my ubuntu install will not boot. it just displays insert bootable media04:36
amenado_Silhouette_->  maybe your system can not handle liveCD , you have to use alternate cd04:36
iceswordtuxus, my xorg.conf is broken04:36
spencerI open update manager tell it to install some updates it starts to download the first few files and just dies04:36
tuxusSam827: what is your bios set to boot from?04:37
spencerthe light on the card stays on04:37
reya276nickrud: oh, again U Rock sir, thanks04:37
ePaxlinkinxp: Yes it does. I'm just use to do sudo -i. I think i was told that its kinda "safe" way.04:37
_Silhouette_amenado: okay, I will try that.04:37
spencerand i already tried sudo apt-get update04:37
bazhangSam827: you tried what I suggested yet? please pastebin your sources.list to see if that is the issue04:37
spencerand then when i did sudo apt-get upgrade that kills the internet connection too04:37
nickrudreya276 glad to help. Now:  #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+1  :p04:37
amenado_Silhouette_-> you're welcome, come back again04:37
prettyrickyIs ubuntu 8.04 out already??04:37
Sam827tuxus: I'm on a mac and I'm using refit.04:37
bazhang14 days prettyricky04:38
Starnestommyprettyricky: not until the 24th04:38
tuxusicesword: then fix it: from a terminal, sudo dpkge-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:38
Sam827wheels sources. list04:38
prettyrickyoh cool cant wait@!!!04:38
ePaxprettyricky: Just beta version is out.04:38
luxet__whats the channel for hardy guys?04:38
regeyayay 14 days until we all get to sort out various issues...bwahahaha04:38
Starnestommyluxet__: #ubuntu+104:38
luxet__thank you04:38
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu04:38
reya276nickrud: I know, I though it would be quicker to get an answer here as those guys are deep in bugs man, seriously04:38
tuxussam827: dunno anything about refit04:38
bazhangprettyricky: neither can we; redirecting everyone to #ubuntu+1 is the main job here these days ;[04:38
iceswordtuxus, no doesn't work,it won't let me change resolution and refresh rate and configure graphic card and select drivers04:38
linkinxpePax:  i got it look at what they said in compiz fusion <Jupiter> linkinxp: emerald --replace & disown04:38
tuxusicesword: it will write a fresh xorg.conf file04:39
LSGIs Hardy gonna be LTS?04:39
bazhanglsg yes04:39
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.04:39
tuxusicesword: drivers come after that04:39
LSGbazhang: Sweet04:39
Sam827tuxus: end goal is it will boot into watever OS is available04:39
iceswordtuxus, no option to select that04:39
tuxusicesword: what do you mean?04:39
prettyrickywould we be able to get it at ubuntu.com04:39
bazhangSam827: until you do the steps we recommend then no real help possible04:40
iceswordtuxus, no options to configure my graphic card and screen04:40
tuxusicesword: so when you do the command I suggested, what happens?04:40
bazhangprettyricky: yes after the release in 15 days04:40
Sam827bazhang: wat steps? I may have missed them04:40
Dr_LinkIt's confusing making an Ubuntu liveusb04:40
bazhangSam827: does your irc client have the scroll up function?04:41
iceswordtuxus, a window pop up,ask me to select keboard and something else04:41
prettyrickycool, would it be wise to install ubuntu 8.04 by it self or can we dual boot 7.10 with it04:41
tuxusicesword, thats right, keep going04:41
Sam827not past like 20 messages04:41
symptomanyone know if there are linux drivers for a xircom cwe1100 wireless card?04:41
tuxusicesword: you could start by accepting the defaults04:41
tuxussymptom: have you Googled?04:42
bazhangSam827: have to step out, perhaps someone can help you to disable cd media from your sources list04:42
iceswordtuxus, i tried that many times,no options for me to choose screen etc...didn't work04:42
tuxusicesword: hmmm04:42
symptomtuxus: yes04:42
symptomtuxus: nada04:42
Alan_Mbazhang...i...nevermind they left.04:42
bazhangprettyricky: please dont ask me to redirect you ;]04:43
bazhangAlan_M: thanks!04:43
Alan_Msam827, im taking over from where bazhang left off :)04:43
tuxusicesword: it won't give you an option to select screen type "A" from manufacturer "so-and-so", but what DO you get?04:43
Sam827bazgang: I'm back04:43
Alan_Mim not quite sure what were doing but i know how to do at least this one step. :)04:43
bazhangbazgang? ;[04:43
iceswordtuxus, choose keyboard and something i don't remember04:43
mzuverinkdoes anyone know where Gutsy puts the palm pilot, I looked in /dev/palm and such but no luck04:43
Alan_Mhaha poor baz :)04:44
Sam827bazhang: can you repost the steps04:44
tuxusmzuverink: you'll prolly have to make a symlink04:44
Sam827sry bout autocorrect04:44
Alan_Msam827, what are we doing again? (refresh my memory as im taking over from where bazhang left off)04:44
tuxusmzuverink: google for "symlink linux palm"04:44
chris062689If I'm using an EeePC, people are saying to put your /usr directery on a SDcard?04:44
bazhangreally have to go this time sam827; sorry about that--not a tough problem to solve though04:45
dmsupermanwhoever suggested bluefish earlier, you own04:45
dmsupermanbluefish ftw04:45
Alan_Mbaz, heh, thanks for giving me an easy one :P04:45
mzuverinktuxus, so just make an entry as /dev/palm, what do I link it to, I cant find what it is called now, dont I have to have something for the symlink to link too?04:45
kadkoHello how can i change my Icons by others?04:45
izinucsAlan_M, all he needs to do is comment out the cd rom in sources.list04:45
Sam827Alan M: my ubunu install says insert bootable media wen I try to start it up04:46
Alan_Mizinucs, ah, ok thank you for informing me :)04:46
Alan_Msam827, ok, lets do it this way, do you know what a terminal is?04:46
sonitbazhang http://paste.stgraber.org/2369    , now updating.04:46
LSGkadko: Go to System-Preferences-Appearance, and then customize04:47
Sam827alan m yep04:47
Alan_Msam827, open one up, and type gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:47
LSGkadko: You can choose the icon scheme you want there04:47
Shugglemy laptop just powered down without notice. how can i find out what happened?04:47
Sam827alan m ok04:47
tuxusShuggle: ask it?04:47
ahmad_plz i need satting prog Elisa for watch TV or DVB04:48
tuxusShuggle: seriously: was it running on battery and batt went dead?04:48
Shuggleno, plugged in04:48
Shuggleconnected, full charge too04:48
rycoledoes ubuntu use a modified ldconfig ?04:48
tuxusShuggle: overheating?04:48
kadkoLSG: But if i want to add icons who i downloaded?04:49
Alan_MSam827, when the file opens up, find any reference to cd and put a # in front of it.04:49
Shugglenot that i can tell. i always arrange for the fans04:49
LSGkadko: If you want to use a custom set of icons, you need to copy them via console (you need permissions) to /usr/share/icons04:49
tuxusShuggle: will it power back up?04:49
LSGkadko: Then they'll show up in the list at "Customize" where you went before04:49
Shuggletuxus:  yeah, i'm on it now04:49
Alan_Mit should say something like "cd: something" Sam82704:49
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:49
Shuggletuxus: it's like nothing happened04:50
Alan_Msam827 in the lines you need to comment out.04:50
tuxusShuggle: I'd put my money on a hardware issue04:50
linuxpoetJust a note, the Novaltel USB EVDO sprint modem works perfectly with Ubuntu04:50
Sam827alan m gksu command not04:50
tuxusShuggle: or was the laptop sitting idle when it happened?04:50
Shuggletuxus:  i just got it replaced from the factory :(04:50
kadkoLSG: Example I have my icons unpacked on my desktop i need to move to that librrary i need to put in the console sudo cp /home/kadko/Desktop/Icons to /usr/share/icons?04:51
tuxusShuggle: send it back04:51
Alan_Msam827, ok, then try sudo gedit etc/apt/sources.list04:51
LSGkadko: That's right04:51
Shuggletuxus: no, i was watching something on flash and instant messaging04:51
tuxusShuggle: how about putting any Linux cd in it, boot from it, and run a mem test? those are nice 'n lengthy, and make the system work04:51
tuxusShuggle: see what happens04:51
Sam827gedit ain't there either04:52
LSGkadko: Once they're copied properly to /usr/share/icons, go back to where i first told you (close and open if you didn't close it) and you'll have the option to choose your custom icons04:52
Alan_MSam827, your on Ubuntu?04:52
Shuggletuxus: i've done that once already (i don't trust cheap ram). do you think that it would change anything, other than heating it up?04:52
kadkoLSG: Tnx :D04:52
Sam827no, as I said, it won't boot04:52
LSGkadko: No problem =)04:52
mzuverinktuxus, I read it and again I need to know the existing mount point which I cannot figure out, I have looked all over /dev04:52
Sam827alan should I use the cd04:52
tuxusShuggle: nope, mem-test won't affect hardware or software04:53
Alan_Msam827, i wasnt here for that i dont think.....uh..04:53
travisatif anything I have had memtest fix a stick of memory04:53
=== subpar is now known as suubpar
Shuggletuxus: i meant, would you think that my ram might have gone bad since the test04:53
ahmad_not any user ubuntu any server help me and any web04:53
tuxusmzuverink: USB or Serial connection?04:53
Alan_Msam827, I hate to be rude and pass you off again, but can anybody else take over for sam827 thats been here the whole time?04:53
tuxusShuggle: It could be. Any hardware can fail, however, mem-test would not have CAUSED it to become bad04:54
mzuverinktuxus, usb04:54
Sam827alan wen start my comp choose my ubuntu all it shows is insert bootable media04:54
Alan_MSam827, how old is this ubuntu installation?04:54
tuxusmzuverink: what palm software are you using?04:54
khakanethere must not be a way to to XDMCP over NAT04:54
Sam827just made04:55
Alan_Msam827, try reinstalling ubuntu.04:55
Shuggletuxus: well, i guess i'll be gone for a bit. i'm really unhappy with hp laptops04:55
Sam827ugh. ok04:55
LSGsam827: Did you burn it yourself or is it an original copy?04:55
sonitbazhang thank you for responding , go to sleep now04:55
khakaneunless anyone knows how to make it work with iptables04:55
Kamir[ISSF]Little lost here. I want to use DeeVeeDee for DVDs but can not find anywhere to install it04:55
Sam827burnt meself04:55
ahmad_I wold prog watch Tv whith Tv  card or DVB card04:55
Alan_Msam827, did you check the ISO before burning? Is the md5 checksum right?04:55
LSGsam827: Any chance something screwed up the burning process?04:56
Ardinok, simple question. Is there a way to change the picture that shows when i boot up?04:56
Alan_MLSG, going for that right now :D04:56
Sam827prolly not04:56
Alan_MGreat minds think alike lsg :)04:56
mzuverinktuxus, I am not sure I just bout it, supposed to be the best one they make so probably the most current04:56
LSGAlan_M: Haha, that's what they say! =)04:56
Sam827I'll check the md5 though04:56
tuxusArdin: ... I assume you don't mean installing another distro is an option :)04:56
Ardintuxus: no, i just want to make a custom one. the UbuntuStudio one is boring now04:57
Alan_Msam827, is there any chance that I could get you to try burning it again and maybe doing a md5 check on the ISO before burning it to a cd?04:57
izinucsSam827, make sure you burn it SLOW.. 4x or so04:57
Alan_Msam827, and if the md5 is wrong, just re-download the iso image and check it again.04:57
tuxusmzuverink: I mean, you're on Ubuntu, correct? what palm package are you running?04:57
ahmad_I neeeeeeed help plz04:57
Alan_Mizinucs has a great point, ive screwed up MANY of installs because i was being speedy, burning WAY too fast :(04:58
Sam827holdup where are the sums posted04:58
mzuverinktuxus, j-pilot04:58
LSGAlan_M: Now that we're on this subject of painful installations... i've had a problem the other day that i can't seem to work around. Got a second?04:58
Kamir[ISSF]Little lost here. I want to use DeeVeeDee for DVDs but can not find anywhere to install it... Someone point me in the right direction?04:58
Alan_MSam827, http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/MD5SUMS04:58
tuxusmzuverink: have you checked http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34560804:59
Alan_MLSG, depending on severity, im kinda a greenhorn :(04:59
sgtmattbakerI need some help with Ubuntu and my 8800GT.  I cannot even boot into Ubuntu or an Ubuntu LiveDVD (7.10).  Here is all the details.  Help is greatly appreciated.  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62802/04:59
andrew_46Kamir[ISSF]: what are u burning?04:59
mzuverinktuxus, missed that one but will read it now, thank you04:59
tuxusmzuverink: GL04:59
Alan_MLSG, I know MOST basic things....give me something extremely tough and i break under pressure :P04:59
Alan_MLSG, but...ill try, so..what ya got buddy?05:00
Sam827the checksum is right05:00
Kamir[ISSF]andrew_46: .avi[s]05:00
ToddEDMhey  guys, i was just on the Ubuntu  site, and i was wondeing if there is an Ubuntu Mobile channel on IRC05:01
Alan_Msam827, hrrrrmmmmmm.........05:01
LSGAlan_M: Well, i'm no expert myself. Here's the thing: My sister wants me to install Ubuntu on her computer. Same (original) CD as i used on mine, same basic hardware setup, but when i install it on hers, it won't show up.05:01
thedonvaughnahmad_: best bet is to a) Just ask your question and b) no annoying statements like 'helllloooo' or 'i neeeed heeeeelllppp'05:01
Sam827might I mention the liveCD works05:01
Alan_MLSG, what do you mean "wont show up"?05:01
LSGAlan_M: It's as if i hadn't installed it. No GRUB. Nothing at all.05:01
tuxusbye y'all05:01
Alan_MLSG, does it REMOVE anything?05:01
ahmad_ok sorry05:01
LSGAlan_M: Nope, the computer completely ignores me =(05:01
Alan_M!grub | lsg05:02
ubotulsg: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:02
Alan_Mrecovering grub might help, even with your situation lsg05:02
Sam827alan might I mention the LiveCD works fine05:02
Alan_Msam827, wow....05:02
LSGAlan_M: Sweet, i'll try that. Thanks!05:02
Alan_Msam827 im not ignoring you buddy :)05:02
Alan_Msam827, you just got jumbled around, sorry :)05:02
sgtmattbakerI need some help with Ubuntu and my 8800GT.  I cannot even boot into Ubuntu or an Ubuntu LiveDVD (7.10).  Here is all the details.  Help is greatly appreciated.  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62802/05:03
Alan_Msam827, I am honestly STUMPED.05:03
Sam827I'll try reinstalling05:03
Sam827but I got to sleep05:03
Alan_MSam827, thats the ONLY thing i know to do....im sorry bud.05:03
Sam827thanks anyway05:03
Alan_MSam827, have a good night! :)05:03
Alan_MSam827, you can always come back tomorrow and maybe someone else might know how to fix your problem.05:04
LSGToo late...05:04
* Alan_M hated jumbling that poor guy around.....05:04
amirman84does anybody know how to get a broadcom wireless LAN card from the Dell 1505 to work?05:04
Dr_LinkI'm trying to make a liveusb05:04
Alan_Mhe's been through like 2 people that i know of :(05:04
Dr_LinkI'm umounting the mount point with all of my prepared files05:05
travisatsgtmattbaker: have you tried the 8.04 livecd? I have a 8800gts and it works just fine but yours is slightly newer then mine05:05
LSGPoor guy05:05
Dr_Linkbut apparently05:05
routeris anybody using Acer 5920 with Ubuntu? Does it work out of the box?05:05
izinucssgtmattbaker, how did you burn the dvd as an image or as a data file?05:05
Alan_M!enter | Dr_Link05:05
ubotuDr_Link: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:05
Dr_Linkumount /tmp/liveusb returns "device is busy"05:05
Dr_Linkany way to prevent this?05:05
tommmiedbastid_raZor, Can you help me out again?05:06
ahmad_Leaving the TV and DVB and were ready to work on the distribution of ubuntu 7.10, but I was not able to prepare a programme for them that I installed Kaffeine installed Elisa Media Center, but I do not know preparation05:06
ToddEDManyone know anything about Ubuntu Mobile?05:06
Alan_MToddedm, its supposed to be for like smartphones..thats all i know.05:07
XceIII use restricted drivers for nvidia, why does it take 3-8 mins to boot on new install?05:07
amirman84hello ubuntu channel, does anybody know how to get a broadcom wireless LAN card from the Dell 1505 to work?05:07
ToddEDMAlan_M:  i wanna know if it will run on my AximX5105:07
drew_chicagoAnyone know why my /root partion is full at 100%?05:08
izinucssgtmattbaker, how did you burn the dvd as an image or as a data file?05:08
Alan_MToddEDM, I am not sure of the answer as i only have VERY basic knowledge..what i gave you is what i know.05:08
Dr_Linkanyone know why it's returning "Device is busy"05:08
Dr_LinkI'm not copying anything to it or anything05:08
russKDoes the 7.10 Desktop download CD ISO run a live session so I can try it out before installing?05:08
Alan_MrussK, yes05:08
ahmad_Leaving the TV and DVB and were ready to work on the distribution of ubuntu 7.10, but I was not able to prepare a programme for them that I installed Kaffeine installed Elisa Media Center, but I do not know preparation05:08
tommmiedHello guys I am having a real tough time with my video card.05:08
XceIIrussK:  yes05:08
ToddEDMthanks Alan_M05:08
LSGrussK: Yeah05:08
tommmiedI finally got the resolution right but now i get this error: (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the GLX module; please check in your X05:09
tommmied(EE) NVIDIA(0):     log file that the GLX module has been loaded in your X05:09
tommmied(EE) NVIDIA(0):     server, and that the module is the NVIDIA GLX module.  If05:09
tommmied(EE) NVIDIA(0):     you continue to encounter problems, Please try05:09
tommmied(EE) NVIDIA(0):     reinstalling the NVIDIA driver.05:09
russKthanks Alan_M and Xcell and LSG  :-)05:09
FloodBot1tommmied: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:09
Alan_MrussK, sure :)05:09
amirman84is there an easy way to use wubi to install ubuntu 7.10? i want to practice getting my graphics card and my wirless to work before really installing05:09
tommmiedoops, sorry guys didn't mean to flood.05:09
XceII I use restricted drivers for nvidia, why does it take 3-8 mins to boot on new install?05:09
sgtmattbaker izinucs: I burned it as an ISO.  Ubuntu simply does not work with the 880005:10
amirman84am i invisible?05:10
Kovecsesgutsy 7.10 is cooooool05:10
Starnestommyamirman84: no, we can see you05:10
nickrudamirman84 yep05:10
Boohbahamirman84: i can't see you05:10
Alan_M!patience | amirman8405:10
ubotuamirman84: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:10
Starnestommynot in a literal sense, though05:10
izinucssgtmattbaker, there are many here with that card working.. unfortunatly I don't have one.. just a 6600  do you get anything? like a terminal prompt?05:11
amirman84sorry botman!05:11
Alan_Mbut...yes..your invisible to me.....as i wasnt aware of your presence when issuing that command :P05:11
sgtmattbaker izinucs: I get this crazy squashfs error.05:11
sgtmattbakerthat repeats forever05:11
Alan_Mhehe, only kidding, and i do take that warning back :)05:11
sgtmattbakerthis happens with the 6.10 DVD as well05:11
XceIIAlan_M:   I use restricted drivers for nvidia, why does it take 3-8 mins to boot on new install?05:11
amirman84i'm not peeved or anything, i know the people in here are volunteers i was genuinely curious because usually someone always replies05:11
izinucssgtmattbaker, that is the file sys the live cd uses.. what speed did you burn at?05:12
Alan_MXceII, I have no idea..maybe someone else does though.05:12
LSGamirman84: If someone can help you, you'll get an answer =)05:12
Alan_Mamirman84, lag might be an issue :)05:12
ToddEDMhey Alan_M ... its not for phones, "Ubuntu Mobile to target MIDs, not phones" ... just found that , thought you might wanna know05:12
sgtmattbaker izinucs: standard speed.  as slow as possible I think05:12
Alan_MToddEDM, oh, thank you! I would be misinforming people if i said that! Thank you for that correction! I definately owe you! :D05:12
LSGXceII: What's your system config.?05:13
* Alan_M was skimming the page anyways :/05:13
XceII7.10, asus with a gforce 7200 gs05:14
nickrudamirman84 not many people use wubi. You're probably not gonna have much luck finding someone up on it05:14
LSGXceII: What about processor and RAM?05:14
thesykohi there guys05:14
izinucssgtmattbaker, standard usually implies "auto" .. you should do 2 things.. check  the mdsum5 of the download  against what's posted on the download page and burn the iso again at the s.l.o.w.e.s.t. speed ... or just try one of the downloads  for ubuntu or kubuntu.. not the dvd but the cd version.. the dvd just has all 3-4 of the versions on it. pick  one to start .. you can always install the other desktops  after..05:15
thesykoi'm trying to get flash player to work on ubuntu 7.10 amd6405:15
thesykobut it keeps saying05:15
XceIIamd 4200+ dual core 2000 fsb + 1.5 gig ram, all new05:15
tommmiedanyone have any idea my my GLX module wouldn't be loading correctly?05:15
XceIIsorry 4600+\05:15
Kovecses420been a while since i used ubuntu05:15
thesykoERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the05:15
thesyko       Adobe Flash Player installer.05:15
LSGXceII: Wow...that is weird. Shouldn't even take 1 min. to boot up. Why do you figure it's got something to do with the graphics drivers?05:15
Kovecses420i am very impressed with this release05:15
thesykoany1 experienced this before?05:15
XceIIcuz when i disable them it boots normally05:16
nickrudthesyko that's true. But, ubuntu has provided   flashplugin-nonfree , it installs flash with a wrapper05:16
izinucsKovecses420, 14 days to the newest .. latest.. and greatest.. Hardy!05:16
thesykoyeah i installed flashplugin-nonfree05:16
XceIIits a pci 7200 gs btw05:16
LSGXceII: Good point. Well i'm afraid i have no idea what the problem might be. Sorry =(05:16
Kovecses420izinucs: i thought that was still alpha?05:16
thesykobut my firefox still keeps asking me to download the plugin05:16
nickrudthesyko hardy?05:16
izinucsKovecses420, nope.. beta and almost out.05:17
Kovecses420izinucs: wow05:17
XceIItx for trying tho LSG05:17
sgtmattbakeroh well.  I kind of dont care about ubuntu enough now to deal with it05:17
nickrudhm, thesyko are you using the firefox provided with ubuntu?05:17
Kovecses420izinucs: and to think i just installed this tonight...went co well compiz-fusion up in minutes...its been great05:17
izinucsKovecses420, upgrading should be painless05:17
nickrudstrange that. I was using 64bit, and that worked fine for me.05:17
Kovecses420izinucs: good point05:18
HendriXXXhardy is working like a charm for me.. i installed it when it was alpha3 or something :D05:18
Alan_MHardy discussion needs to move please :)05:18
amirman84everything works except flash videos05:18
LSGXceII: Try asking again, maybe someone will have a clue as to what your problem may be.05:18
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:18
nickrudthesyko do you have nspluginwrapper installed? That's the tool that is supposed to make it work05:18
j3bennetI've got a server (Ubuntu Server 7.10) that I want to connect to.  My ISP blcocks running all servers.  Can I relay commands to the box by having it connect somewhere else using an outbound connection instead of running an SSH server ??05:19
thesykomaybe i need to restart it05:19
XceIImaybe ill wait till tomorrow when more folks are here, thankx tho LSG.05:19
nickrudthesyko heh. Could be ;)05:19
LSGXceII: Alright, good luck!05:19
n6rejcan anyone help me setup a user that can ftp into /var/www and upload files?05:19
b4l74z4ri wish gthumb would zoom images using the mouse wheel05:19
eisenhowercan someone tell me why I keep getting this? make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.05:20
LSGb4l74z4r: That makes two of us..05:20
nickrudeisenhower depends on the package. Have you tried  ./configure ?05:20
ubotuTo donate to Ubuntu, you can !participate or go to http://www.ubuntu.com/donations05:21
b4l74z4rLSG: i can't help but think that there's some configuration file that can be hacked for mouse wheel zoom05:21
eisenhoweryea just did. i'm trying to install transmission05:21
LSGb4l74z4r: It can probably be done, but i have no idea how =(05:22
nickrudeisenhower did the configure finish successfully, or error out?05:22
Alan_M!participate > Alan_M05:22
* nickrud thinks Alan_M already is05:22
Alan_Mnickrud, I am, just wanted to see the link ;)05:22
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire05:22
thesykoguys wanna ask05:22
eisenhowernickrud: ohh okay. checking for OPENSSL... configure: error: Package requirements (openssl >= 0.9.4) were not met:05:23
j3bennetis frostwire any good ?05:23
eisenhowerwould the be a error out?05:23
thesykois there any package that can help me removed unused files / oprhan packages05:23
thesykoor not used packages?05:23
nickrudeisenhower install libssl-dev05:23
nickrudthesyko debfoster , and apt-get autoremove removes unused libs05:23
eisenhowershould i do it in the synaptic manager or terminal?05:23
nickrudeisenhower either, it's the same package05:24
thesykocan i use the add/remove applications to install it?05:24
nickrudthesyko not sure, but for sure synaptic will show it (add remove doesn't show everything)05:24
amirman84do any of you happen to use the broadcom wireless WLAN mini card that is standard on Dell Laptops, or have experience getting them to work?05:25
Kovecses420cant type in a frostwire window?05:26
Kovecses420any ideas05:26
Adremelechamirman84, use ndiswrapper or bcm43xx-fwcutter05:26
nickrudget rid of frostwire ;)05:26
Kovecses420nickrud: prob not a bad idea05:26
nickrudKovecses420 I do believe that gtk-gnutella does the same protocol05:27
Kovecses420nickrud: its most likely much better now. gtk-gnutella was always horrible for me in the past05:27
eisenhowermake[2]: *** No rule to make target `../third-party/miniupnp/libminiupnp.a', needed by `benc2php'.  Stop.05:28
eisenhowermake[2]: Leaving directory `/home/eisenhower/Desktop/transmission-1.11/libtransmission'05:28
eisenhowermake[1]: *** [install] Error 205:28
eisenhowermake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/eisenhower/Desktop/transmission-1.11/libtransmission'05:28
eisenhowermake: *** [install-recursive] Error 1  Any idea?05:28
amirman84adremelech, i know a little about how ndiswrapper works but it seems pretty scary and like if a noob like me tried it i would break something, is bcm43xx_fwcutter more appropriate?05:28
FloodBot1eisenhower: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:28
eisenhowerwhoa. shit sorry.05:28
eisenhowerany idea why this wont make?05:29
nickrudeisenhower there's probably something that will be a clue in the output of the configure05:29
amenadoeisenhower-> here is your clue   No rule to make target `../third-party/miniupnp/libminiupnp.a',05:30
Adremelechamirman84, bmc43xx-fwcutter is like making a 4 course dinner next to ndiswrapper05:30
nickrudamenado ah, but what's the clue indicating why?05:30
amenadonickrud if he opens up his Makefile, the target is empty ?05:31
eisenhowerahh. i just installed buntu a week ago. lol there is no way i can figure this out by my self05:31
nickrudeisenhower by reading the source05:31
eisenhowerubuntu* , i'm trying to convert but that doest help ya know05:31
amirman84adremelech, would ndiswrapper be a burger from wendy's?05:31
Adremelechamirman84, well, a little more effort, like a ham sandwitch05:31
ant-a square burger...05:31
nickrudeisenhower trying to compile apps in your first week is not the right path ...05:31
amenadoeisenhower-> diving in to compile c code with Makefiles is not that simple.05:32
eisenhoweroh. blah05:32
Kovecses420any cool new apps/games anyone could suggest?05:32
ant-back in my day, the first thing you had to do was compile the kernel05:32
eisenhowerwell transmission in the repositories is deprecated.05:32
amenadoant- yes and one has to do contortions to get it running  <wink>05:33
nickrudeisenhower transmission isn't in gutsy repos ...05:33
amirman84well, this is why wubi is good, it's like a sandbox for noobs like me to see if they can get their drivers to work, how can i get wubi to work with 7.10? or maybe i should just use ubuntu 8.04 since it comes out soon?05:33
nickrudeisenhower or wasn't, unless it's in backports05:33
eisenhowernaw. it is05:33
Cromagamirman84: wubi comes with 8.04 afaik.05:33
ubotuwubi is Wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi-installer.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it is included in hardy 8.04 beta CD and will be in the final release)05:33
amirman84yeah, that's why i'm thinking it might be better05:33
thuncubotu: did you submit your translation?05:33
nickrudeisenhower enable the gutsy-backports, it has 1.0605:34
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu05:34
izinucsthunc, while the rest of us are chuckeling.. realize the ubotu is a bot05:34
eisenhowernickrud: thats not in the synaptic manager is it?05:34
Kovecses420they dont have a changelog?05:35
nickrudeisenhower system->admin->sources, look for the updates tab and enable the backports. Then it will be05:35
Kovecses420i need to roll a joint05:35
Kovecses420sorry that was way off topic05:36
nickrudeisenhower packages.ubuntu.com lets you search for what's available in the repos, sometimes newer stuff is found in the -backports repo05:36
amirman84can i ask a few stupid questions?05:36
shinojyes, but only stupid05:37
nickrudamirman84 there are no stupid questions, just stupid helpers ;)05:37
izinucs!ask | amirman8405:37
ubotuamirman84: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:37
amirman84is enabling the backports dangerous? i know they're not supported but is it really very risky to install backported apps?05:37
nickrudamirman84 in general they are very high quality, otherwise they wouldn't have been allowed in05:38
dolags32128hey room05:38
=== uow is now known as `ghost
Flannelamirman84: the programs themselves aren't dangerous, its just that they're newer versions, and less tested (especially with the combination with the older machine)05:38
=== `ghost is now known as uow
dolags32128who here has had success with Hardy Heron?05:39
lnxnwbemy wife likes xp i like ubuntu, how do i edit grub to start xp first?05:39
amirman84ok, also is there any reason i would need to download sourcecodes if i'm not developing software? do i need the sourcecode to ubuntu to compile apps?05:39
nickruddolags32128 #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+105:39
izinucsdolags32128, hardy is discussed in #ubuntu+105:39
nickrudamirman84 developing or wanting the bleeding edge stuff. or learning05:39
Flannelamirman84: No, you can download pre-compiled versions of everything.  No compiling or source required05:39
* nickrud has bled copiously05:40
kindofabuzzhow do i find out the owner of a folder command line?05:40
nickrudkindofabuzz ls -ld /path/to/dir05:40
amirman84flannel: i know but some stuff only works if you compile it, and it seems pretty easy to do so, am i wrong?05:40
JPSmanhow do I change my grub to not automaticly load ubuntu?05:40
lnxnwbeany one know the sudo comand to edit grub in terminal ?05:40
Cromagoh nice, didnt know the -d swtich05:40
=== jsilverman is now known as jsilverman2
kindofabuzznickrud, root is the owner, so anyone in the admin group has the same permissions?05:41
Flannelamirman84: It's easy, but nothing in Ubuntu requires you to compile05:41
izinucslnxnwbe, sudo nano /boot/grub/????05:41
nickrudkindofabuzz when they invoke sudo, yes05:41
lnxnwbesorry i am runnung ubuntu 7.1005:42
nickrudlnxnwbe sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst05:42
breakzHello everyone I was wondering if anyone has Pulse Audio + jackd under gusty I know that jack has a pulseaudio output module but strangely it's not in gusty's repos05:42
amirman84flannel: i think i need to compile stuff to get my wireless card to work05:43
kindofabuzznickrud, ok how can i set it to an actual user name? chown?05:43
nickrudkindofabuzz yes,   sudo chown <user>:<usergroup> /path/to/dir    (user and usergroup are nearly always the same text)05:43
amirman84the only guide i found for my card talks about compiling stuff, it never mentioned using ndiswrapper or anything05:44
breakzanyone?? know of a backport of this? the fawn had this module05:44
kindofabuzznickrud, one more question, if that folder is a mount folder form a hd, can it still be chowned?05:44
nickrudkindofabuzz yes, if the partition is mounted when you make the change it will survive reboots05:44
kdorfcan anybody help me out with connecting to a pptp vpn?05:45
migsteri setup RAID1 on Ubuntu 8.04, but I know that there is a bug - when I unplug one drive, the boot times out - I can't boot up from just one RAID drive. What do you think is the best approach - just wait until the bug is fixed and the "apt-get upgrade" the problem?05:45
kindofabuzznickrud, user:group, should i put the groups as admin or users05:45
eisenhowernickrud: is this gutsybackport? Ubuntu supplied Linux modules for version 2.6.22 on x86/x86_6405:46
lnxnwbecan't remember how to change the order nickrud:05:46
nickrudkindofabuzz usually it would be  nameofuser:nameofuser , unless you have more specific requirements05:46
nickrudlnxnwbe change  default , counting os's starting with 005:47
kindofabuzznickrud, would that include the subdirs?05:47
nickrudeisenhower still transmission?05:47
kindofabuzzlike the folder i wanna chown is /ftp05:47
kindofabuzzbut it has subs05:47
nickrudkindofabuzz no,   chown -R  will recursively change all below that05:47
kindofabuzzthansk buddie05:48
eisenhoweroh snap. there it goes05:48
josephhardy when i updated it today told me it could only do i partial upgrade05:48
kdorfcan anybody advise on getting a pptp vpn running w/ the networkmanager plugin? I've tried every combination of settings and it just won't connect.05:48
josephwhy is this05:49
Alan_M!hardy | joseph05:49
ubotujoseph: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu05:49
Kl4mI'm trying to set up a bridge from a wired desktop to wireless via a laptop. I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConnectionBridge . My laptop is . I can ping it from my desktop but not the main gateway ( Is anybody knowledgeable of network bridging?05:49
=== NeXXuS is now known as BorgFather
Kl4mdesktop is manual at 192...25 btw05:49
breakzpulse audio + jackd in gusty where is the frakin' pulse audio jackd module :(05:51
ubuntuwhats up yalls05:51
ubuntunick bookmark05:51
=== ubuntu is now known as bookmark
bookmarki mean, what's up yalls?05:51
bookmarkhow is everybody?05:51
Alan_Mbookmark, at least you didnt do that with /msg nickserv identify05:51
Alan_Mbookmark, do you have a support question for us?05:52
MrKeunerhi, why isn't cinelerra in ubuntu repositories?05:52
bookmarkanyone know of a way to eject the cdrom for just a minute?05:52
bookmarki just have to copy one rather large file 4.3 gigs05:52
nickrudMrKeuner because you haven't packaged it up for ubuntu?05:53
nickrudbookmark sudo eject05:53
MrKeunernickrud: i thought there was a license problem05:53
lnxnwbeok got it now how do i save?05:53
bookmarkcan it run indefinately like this?05:54
nickrudMrKeuner then why'd you ask :) Probably true05:54
bookmarkor will it need the cd back?05:54
MrKeunernickrud: go away05:54
lnxnwbenickrud: how do i save it?05:54
CorbinFoxi just got a new laptop and apparently it doesn't seem to realize that when i plug in a pair of headphones that the laptop speakers are supposed to stop.  Anyone think they can help?05:54
nickrudbookmark run indefinitely? oh, that was the live cd?05:54
breakzis pulseaudio + jackd a wetdream in gusty unless I take the time & compile the output module myself05:54
* Alan_M grabs nickrud from going into rottweiler mode.05:54
effinboycan I ask for help in here, or is that somewhere else?05:54
Alan_Mhehe just kidding05:54
nickrudAlan_M heh, I was a bit silly, didn't mean to offend but I'm old and easy05:55
Alan_Meffinboy, on what? :)05:55
Alan_Mnickrud, didnt offend me, i was playing as well :P05:55
osmosisif KVM is what is officially supported by Ubuntu now, how come no one has updated the doc?!  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM05:55
nickrudlnxnwbe clt-X , the ^Letter's mean ctl-<Letter>05:55
effinboyI'm trying to go from using my box as a desktop to a headless server... go everything setup, just can't get VNC to work headless.05:55
kindofabuzznickrud, does chmod use -R? like chmod 755 -R /ftp or chmod 755 /ftp*05:56
breakzI think that would be KVM in hardy is now supported05:56
nickrudbookmark lyou can't eject the cd and keep running the live cd environment. Never realized you were using the live05:56
CorbinFoxi just got a new laptop and apparently it doesn't seem to realize that when i plug in a pair of headphones that the laptop speakers are supposed to stop.  Anyone think they can help?05:56
effinboyI've figured out that it's probably because X isn't configured right... but I can't figure it out, and have searched to no avail.05:56
secret901what command do I use to reinstall alsa from source05:56
nickrudkindofabuzz chmod -R 777 /ftp05:56
amirman84corbinfox: what kind of laptop do you have?05:56
Kovecses420virtual box is better05:56
bookmarkhow can i make a partition with sata?05:57
lnxnwbenickrud i got it thank you05:57
bookmarkive only ever used ide05:57
breakzsounds like you need to hit a checkbox for headphones in your gnome volume mixer CorbinFox05:57
CorbinFoxHP Pavillion dv9000, give me a sec and I'll see if i can perhaps grab the specific number.  i am running ubuntu on a dv6000 model and this problem didnt come up05:57
nickrudbookmark same tools, it doesn't matter05:57
bookmarki'm on that same laptop05:58
secret901how do I reinstall alsa from source?05:58
CorbinFoxany issues on your end, booky?05:58
nickrud!alsa | secret90105:58
ubotusecret901: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:58
bookmarkhow can i change the colors of the terminal?05:58
nickrudsecret901 there's instructions somewhere on the forums05:58
bookmarki can't see you'rez names05:58
effinboybookmark --- normally right click the title bar, and prefereces/options05:58
nickrudbookmark edit->current profile05:58
amirman84corbinfox: was ubuntu preinstalled? have you installed anything recently that has to do with audio?05:59
effinboyAlan_M you get that?05:59
Alan_Meffinboy, im currently doing something else....05:59
CorbinFoxno, vist (blech) was the preinstalled OS.  i am running 7.10 dual boot right now05:59
kekiiHi guys. I'm trying to use ndiswrapper for my wireless card. however, i dont see a .inf and a .sys in the installation folder....and when i go download the driver from website, it's just a setup file. how do i get the .inf and .sys?05:59
* Alan_M wonders why i get grabbed from AFK mode so much. :/06:00
effinboyah, sorry about that... :-/06:00
CorbinFoxas for installed anything to do wtih audio...i honestly hadn't plugged in my headphones until just now, after the extras and installing amarok and stuff.06:00
Alan_Meffinboy, i dont know how to fix your issue, i just am the general greeter most of the time :)06:00
effinboythanks anyways Alan_M06:01
Alan_Meffinboy, that doesnt mean someone else might know how to fix it though :)06:01
Alan_Mso..stick around :)06:01
effinboydoes anyone know anything about getting VNC to run headless? I've done it before... but can't get it to go again.06:01
HelpMeeffinboy: what do u mean headless?06:02
amirman84corbinfox: i'm about as noob as it gets i'm just waiting around but i'm finding some info online, other people have had the same problem you have06:02
kindofabuzznickrud, i don't think that -r is working, didn't change the subs06:02
effinboyno keyboard/monitor/mouse... just the box in a closet.06:02
bookmarkhmm 05 extended option in cfdisk, is that ext2?06:02
kindofabuzzi did chown -R blah:blah /ftp06:02
nickrudkindofabuzz   sudo chown?06:02
kindofabuzzyeah did that06:03
bookmark83 linux06:03
CorbinFoxamirman84: any fixes showing up? i'll check too06:03
kindofabuzzthen ls -ld isn't what i just set06:03
HelpMeeffinboy: i would think an autologin on start and then remote desktop connection enabled would do the trick...i dunno if there is autologin on linux tho...there should06:03
effinboythere is, i got that setup already... got everything how i Like it, just going to be running a few GUI based apps on it (some via wine) that I'll need to get to every so often.06:04
amirman84corbinfox:i found the fix06:04
effinboyI think my problem is with X somehow.06:04
CorbinFoxamirman84: i will worship you man, thank you!06:04
HelpMeeffinboy: what exactly is the problem then? what is not working?06:05
amirman84corbinfox: "simply open up the file /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base and add "options snd-hda-intel model=laptop" to a new line."06:05
effinboyI can get to the box via SSH and VNC with a monitor connected just fine, and I can SSH into the box without the monitor... just can't VNC into the box wihtout a monitor hooked up.06:06
noodles12u guys have any suggestions for video editors in linux? i just want to be able to cut up a bunch of different avi files and put them in sequence. i tried kino but converting to dv took forever.06:06
kindofabuzznickrud, the person took me out of admin, =( figured it would've given me an error when doing sudo though06:06
secret901how do I recompile the kernel from source?06:06
nickrudamirman84 in general you should create a new file in that directory for custom lines. That way you're not fiddling with files provided by packages. (the reason the directory exists)06:07
effinboysecret901 --- what do you need to do it for? patching drivers?06:07
noodles12secret901: u really wanna do that? look up compiling a kernel in the ubuntu wiki's. ti's got some good info06:07
nickrud!kernel | secret90106:07
ubotusecret901: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages06:07
kindofabuzzsecret901, http://howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu06:07
Ademanis anyone making debs for gutsy of bleeding edge firefox 3? maybe nightly builds?06:07
HelpMeeffinboy: well, I'm thinkin that you should try the server edition, i think i saw something about this there...more i dont know as i am not at that level yet06:07
Netham45Hi, I have a program I am trying to compile that is trying to access gmake.06:08
amirman84nickrud: i'm a noob, give me a break, besides that sounds complicated06:08
secret901effinboy: I updated to Hardy and the sound stopped working; I did a kernel recompile and the sound worked, but then the kernel is updated again and sound stopped working, so I want to recompiled it again06:08
zeno_Im trying to install java, ive tried sudo apt-get install -f, and sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin, but niether work. heres apt output: http://pastebin.com/m497af46906:08
nickrudamirman84 not really,   sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/my-lines , and add the line there.06:08
Netham45does anyone know how I can forward gmake to make, or have it take make or something?06:08
bookmarkhmm i'v having a little troulbe mounting my dvd driver06:08
Erickj92i cant seem to find a hex editor that can edit and search for hex values in a process that is loaded. any help?06:08
bookmarkis it /dev/dvd?06:08
HelpMeso I am new to the whole open source community and I was wondering: what is a good summation of the GNU General Public License (GPL)06:08
CorbinFoxnickrud: so i should just make a new file with the line in it?  i dont know if there would be anything else id need to do.  just copy and paste that line into an otherwise empty new file?06:08
HelpMe(i am trying to develop some software and I dont wanna get sued...)06:09
bookmarkwhat file system is dvd?06:09
nickrudCorbinFox exactly. A good name would be hda-intel06:09
nickrudbookmark usually udf06:09
effinboythanks HelpMe, I think I'm onto something here in searching... I think I need to edit my xorg.conf to trick it into starting like there is a monitor connected... like a virtual monitor06:09
HelpMeeffinboy: np dude...good lick06:09
bookmarkyeah that brings up something, it gave me the error, unknown file system ' udf'06:10
secret901noodles12: I want to recompile the exact same kernel source that came with Ubuntu06:10
effinboyhow'd you know I lilke popsicles so much? lol06:10
amirman84i just found someone who had a fix and copied and pasted what they wrote06:10
bookmarkdo i need a module?06:10
nickrudCorbinFox now, hda-intel has a ton of different options for different machines, like 3stack and laptop and 6stack and .....06:10
HelpMeeffinboy: lol..cheers to that06:10
nickrudamirman84 a good choice, the right path. It would work, but isn't the best way to do it. Not your fault, and that's why I pointed it out ;)06:11
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bookmarkwhat is the command to mount a dvd?06:12
zeno_Im trying to install java, ive tried sudo apt-get install -f, and sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin, but niether work. heres apt output: http://pastebin.com/m497af46906:12
damaltorHelpMe: you could say, like: "This software is freely distributed. everybody has the right to use it, for every purpose. everybody has the right to change it if he likes. the program can be copied, and distributed to everybody, while a version of the GNU GPL has to be given away with the program in every case. everyone using or distributing the program acknowledges that there will be NO WARRANTY at all, to the extent permitted by law.06:12
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CorbinFoxnickrud: okay, i copied and pasted the line amirman84 gave me into a new file named hda-intel in the /etc/modprobe.d directory, is that correct or did i screw up horribly?06:12
Alveinhi ppl:)06:13
nickrudCorbinFox that's exactly how I handled my hda-intel. Now, you have to reboot to test the option line and see if it's the right one06:13
PsynautI am trying to delete a fully formatted NTFS hard disk and reformat it as ext2 with no boot permissions, just a slave storage drive using cfdisk and I keep running into an error that no primary partitions are marked bootable, and that DOS MBR cannot boot the disk.  Do I need to create multiple partitions on a drive that will not be a bootable disk on my system?06:13
CorbinFoxnickrud: how will i know it worked?  where will the difference be noticed? or will the headphones just work when i reboot?06:14
Alveinsome question... how to install pkg in ubuntu without dvd-rom (download all pkg from internet)?06:14
nickrudCorbinFox not sure, but possibly. Like I said the hda-intel is not an easy chip to get right06:14
amirman84nickrud: thanks, in that command you wrote... "sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/my-lines" is "my-lines" the name of the file created? and is "nano" a command that says "create this file here"06:15
amirman84corbinfox: the same guy that wrote that fix said you may have to upgrade Alsa06:15
CorbinFoxnickrud: so it could just be fixed when i reboot? no more work need? (if it works out without more tweaking of course)06:16
amirman84the way he wrote it, it sounded like he was saying, you would be prompted to update if you needed to06:16
CorbinFoxamirman84: how would i go about upgrading it?  is there information at the link you found?06:16
nickrudCorbinFox brb06:16
bookmarkhow can i get a listing of the available modules?06:17
bookmarkit seems i don't have udf support06:17
amirman84corbinfox: no there was no information, i think there's a command you can put in the terminal to upgrade stuff automatically06:17
HendriXXXis it possible to get rhythmbox adjust/normalize mp3 files while playing? i have a lot of mp3 files with different bitrates.06:17
Alveinheh... :(06:17
CorbinFoxlike apt-get update alsa? i am too noobish to know for certain but apt-get update sounds...familiar and possibly right. i may just be stupid tho06:18
bookmarkHendriXXX ill bet there's something like that for xmms06:18
xx0xxhow to compile perl?06:18
amirman84yeah, i'm just learning that stuff, it looks right but only someone like nickrud could say06:18
Alveinanybody know how 2 use apt-get? :)06:18
CloudFXHendriXXX: i would suggest using VLC media player.  It is available in Add/Remove... and does not require codecs.06:18
CloudFXAlvein: for what purpose?06:19
xx0xxAlvein sudo apt-get install/remove packageName06:19
Alveinhow to install pkg in ubuntu without dvd-rom (download all pkg from internet)?06:19
amirman84corbinfox:that command couldn't hurt, i would go ahead and do it06:19
xx0xxAlvein sudo apt-get install packageName06:19
Alveinxx0xx, they ask cdrom.. i'm dont have thej06:20
zeno_Im trying to install java, ive tried sudo apt-get install -f, and sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin, but niether work. heres apt output: http://pastebin.com/m497af46906:20
xx0xxapt-get download from internet06:20
CloudFXAlvien: what cdrom is asked for?06:20
CorbinFoxamirman84: nope, apparently that is wrong.  and normal apt-get update doesn't make mention of it so I am certain i am wrong here06:20
Alveinwith Ubuntu 7.04..06:20
StarnestommyAlvein: run 'gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' and put a # at the beginning of the line that talks about the cdrom06:20
xx0xxinsart the disk. then try apt-get06:21
AlveinStarnestommy, big thnx 4 u!06:21
amirman84corbinfox: check this out http://lastkth-en.blogspot.com/2007/11/upgrade-alsa-ubuntu-gutsy-update.html06:21
HendriXXXbookmark: i don´t like xmms player very much because rhythmbox is much better with bigger music libraries. i have over 80gigs of mp3 files ;)06:21
bookmarki just listen to internet radio mainly heheh06:22
rootlinuxusr90s alt.06:22
CloudFXHendriXXX: use VLC media player. codecs not required.06:22
Alveinthanx 2 all! Bye06:22
CorbinFoxamirman84: i shall try it06:22
amirman84corbinfox: i just pooped my pants at the amount of terminal work needed to update alsa according to that blogpost06:22
RobertMorriso1Evening everybody06:23
CorbinFoxamirman84: it appears to be fairly straightforward, just...lots of it06:23
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CorbinFoxtho i fear trying it out...perhaps i am being paranoid or am wrong about it but messing with Linux Headers is bad, right?06:24
HendriXXXCloudFX: it´s same thing with VLC player. it doesn´t handle big music libaries very well..06:24
thuncNetham45: think harder then. do you see how gpl applies if i write a program that links to a library which is gpled?06:25
amirman84corbinfox: you are braver than i06:25
CloudFXHendriXXX: there are several iTunes like applications... search ipod in add/remove06:25
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CloudFXHendriXXX: I believe there is one called exaile music player06:26
Robert_MWhat about something crazy like running Foobar under Wine?06:26
amirman84i've always heard amarock was the best app for big music libraries06:27
xx0xxunop__ good morning06:28
CloudFXamirman84: I can't say i really like amarok06:28
bwayneamirman84:  i've heart the same.  i think it's because amarok creates a sqlite database (by default) vs. reading disk directly.06:28
HendriXXXhmm. there seems to be a gconf key "use_replaygain" for rhythmbox.. maybe it will work. i´ll test it..06:28
unop__xx0xx, hey06:28
unop__what's happening?06:28
xx0xxnothing :)06:28
xx0xxi just having problem compiling perl.06:29
Robert_MHas anybody here had any experience hooking up an external monitor to a laptop?06:29
unop__xx0xx, you don't need to compile perl, it's available as a package.06:29
xx0xx:/home/st3v3n/NeoStats-3.0.1/src/perl.c:442: undefined reference to `Perl_Gth06:29
xx0xxmake[2]: *** [neostats] Interrupt06:29
unop__xx0xx, why are you compiling perl?06:30
Starnestommyxx0xx: is libperl-dev installed?06:30
xx0xxhttp://www.neostats.net << bcoz neostats need to be compile... idk why06:30
xx0xxStarnestommy lamme see06:30
xx0xxStarnestommy i did still having problem.06:32
adhihow are u06:33
Starnestommyxx0xx: is libperl5.8 also installed?06:33
xx0xxStarnestommy yes06:33
xx0xxadhi hai06:33
unop__xx0xx, pastebin the entire error you get there06:34
xx0xxadhi i mean good good. you?06:34
adhime too06:34
HendriXXXyeah.. i think it´s working with that gconf key :D06:34
compHow to Update system on 6.06: Is there a way to use Terminal to update system?06:35
jon__i had to restart X and now my notification area icons are missing, what do i do?06:35
CloudFXcomp: u should be able to update through Update Manager06:35
xx0xxunop__: http://pastebin.com/d78d03a8906:35
compCloudFX, is there a way to run Update Manager from terminal? thanks!06:36
Alan_Mi know one thing and one thing only..im going to bed!06:36
CloudFXcomp: im getting u the code right now06:36
compCloudFX, thanks!06:36
adhiapa ada orang indonesia d sini06:36
effinboyalllllllrighty... time to ask again... anyone know how to setup X so I can connect via vnc while headless?06:36
unop__xx0xx, where's the command?06:36
xx0xxunop__ what command?06:37
unop__xx0xx, paste again please, include everything you have there, commands and all06:37
CloudFXcomp: update-manager -c -d06:37
xx0xxits ./configure , make , make install06:37
zcat[1]effinboy: system > preferences > remote desktop, share desktop, no prompting, yes password.06:38
compCloudFX, thanks! btw, how did you figure out that command so next time maybe i can figure it out?06:38
jon__how do i get my battery meter and network manager back in the notification area?06:38
effinboyAutologin is already on zcat[1]06:38
zcat[1]yes, that too..06:38
xx0xxunop__: check http://www.neostats.net/boards/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=177106:39
RyanRyan52How can I get xmlsimple (for ruby) in dapper? Me being the 'smart' person I am wrote a program on my Debian machine thats going to be ran on dapper machines.06:39
unop__xx0xx, yes, paste everything since you typed ./configure .. having me look at one part of the bigger picture is not enough context06:39
xx0xxunop__ my problem is fixed i guess06:39
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RyanRyan52and I cant use gems cause its gotta be a dependancy06:39
effinboyand I can connect via vnc with a monitor connected just fine already. just not without one06:39
CloudFXcomp: i looked in the ubuntu wiki06:39
compok cool06:39
zcat[1]Ahh, ok.06:39
jon__how do i get my battery meter and network manager back in the notification area?06:40
xx0xxunop__ :D i fixed now :D ./configure --disable-perl << fixed my prob06:40
effinboyim guessing that it's because X can't start without my monitor hooked up, and VNC cant connect without X started zcat[1]06:40
CloudFXjon__: right click panel and choose Add to Panel06:41
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itaianybody knows how to "save to network places" on MS Word in Ubuntu?06:41
jon__that does not add it to the notification area06:41
xx0xxdynamic-096-031.hsc.usc.edu) (Educational/School Network)06:41
xx0xxcool :D06:41
Flannelitai: MS word?06:41
unop__xx0xx, bahh .. you haven't fixed the problem, you've avoided it totally .. well anyway, as long as you get your thing rolling, it's all good06:41
itaiFlannel, MS word06:41
itaiMicrosoft Word06:42
CloudFXjon__: im sorry, what do u mean by notification area?06:42
xx0xxunop__ :)06:42
CloudFXjon__: do u mean Panel?06:42
jon__no, it is an applet on the panel where programs can place icons06:42
jon__the ubuntu network manager and battery meter go on it normally06:42
CloudFXjon__: it should be Add to Panel06:42
unop__CloudFX, wrongly called the "system tray" ...06:43
RyanRyan52How can I get xmlsimple (for ruby) in dapper?06:43
zcat[1]effinboy: yeah, there's another vnc server that gives you a completely new 'virtual' desktop, I can't remember the name though06:43
jon__that adds the gnome ones, not the ubuntu ones, the gnome ones don't work as well06:43
BogaurdI'm using ubuntu fiesty, and i notice that my drives are not named in the normal way, ie, secondary master is not hdc, if there is no primary slave it'll be sdb06:43
Bogaurdis this due to udev?06:43
zcat[1]!info tightvncserver06:44
ubotutightvncserver (source: tightvnc): virtual network computing server software. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.9-21 (gutsy), package size 677 kB, installed size 1456 kB06:44
zcat[1]I think that was it06:44
CloudFXjon__: OOh, apoligies for the misunderstanding06:44
Xecuterhi! i'm trying to make my m-audio oxygen 8 midikeyboard to work, and have to do some stuff in /proc/bus/usb/xxx/xxx, xxx is numbers, but they're not existing06:45
Xecuterwhy not?06:45
effinboywhat is the default vnc server for 7.10? X11vnc?06:45
jon__that's fine, i tried typing nm-applet on the command line, but that only puts it there until i restart, i do not know why it disappeared06:45
travisatXecuter: you need to find a newer guide to install your keyboard06:45
jon__or how to get it to stay, or how to get the battery meter back06:45
effinboyno... tightvncserver requires X as well. :-/ I've tried it06:45
itaianybody knows how do i save to network share in MS word on Ubuntu ?06:46
unop__itai, mount the share on a directory and save files in that directory06:46
xx0xxhow do i limit proftpd to home dir?06:46
zcat[1]well, I know there's one that doesn't...06:46
=== unop__ is now known as unop
itaiunop_ the directory is mounted , i can save stuff to it with OO , but in MS word I don't seem to have the option, there must be some Wine twaek06:47
unopitai, what option?06:48
jon__does anyone else have an idea of how to restore my notification area?06:48
Xecutertravisat, thanks! I should have figured ^^06:50
itaiupon_ lets say i write a file then "save as" , there is nothing in "my network places" uin other words i have no access to the mounted network share06:50
RyanRyan52What package is xmlsimple (ruby) in?06:51
jon__what is the command to get the ubuntu battery meter icon in the notification area?06:51
unopitai, "my network places" is not the same as a mounted volume .. make a directory called ~/stuff, mount the network share on ~/stuff .. then you should be able to use MS word to save files in ~/stuff (which indirectly actually gets saved on the network share)06:52
xx0xxunop how do i create user on ubuntu. he/she may not use sudo. but he/she can compile.06:53
jms1989_compaqHi, I have been trying to figure this out: I have been using wget to download a gallery at a website. I want to mimic the same dir structure starting at the domain but not download from any parent dirs.06:53
Xecutertravisat, i'm getting "can't modify CPUCS: Broken pipe", got an idea?06:53
jms1989_compaqI'm using "wget -c -r -p -l 4 -np -nd -P web http://www.domain.com/dir/dir2/"06:53
jms1989_compaqI've done it before, I don't know why it wont now. It keeps resolving to and downloading just index.html.06:53
itaiunop, i get you . thanks06:53
travisatXecuter: I don't really know that much about what you are trying to do, I just know that a couple of years ago a lot of the stuff in /proc changed06:53
unopxx0xx, man adduser and man useradd06:54
Xecutertravisat, ok thanks :)06:54
unopjms1989_compaq, what's in index.html?06:55
effinboyis there anywhere anyone knows of on IRC that i can goto for xorg specific support?06:56
jms1989_compaqhttp:// is my place holder file in /var/www/06:56
DamionSo I tried to install linux twice unsuccessfully: once off of a ubuntu factory-supplied disk and a home-burnt xubuntu disk.06:56
StPatrickGIn You here?06:56
StPatrickDamion, What error you getting?06:57
DamionBoth times when I tried selecting "Start or Install", "Start in safe graphics mode", or "Check CD Integrity", it directed me to a prompt-like program called busybox06:57
two-bitshow do I install a new font?06:57
Damionwhere after a short pause, it spat out the following lines:06:57
StPatrickCan anyone suggest to me reasons why i may be hacving trouble connecting to an unsecured wireless network?06:57
itaiunop, just a general question. lets say  i mount an XP share in Ubuntu, and  set it to auto, will i always have to turn on the Ubuntu box AFTER the xp  boots?06:58
Damionexception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen06:58
unopjms1989_compaq, i'm not sure then, i've always used this.  wget -r -np -nH http://domain.com/path # it might be becayse you are using the -nd option to??06:58
StPatrickIf there is a command that I want to run each time Ubuntu boots, where is the file I add it to?06:58
xx0xxHOW to FIREWALL DDOS?06:59
Damioncmd c8/00:08:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/e0 tag 0 cdb 0x0 data 4096 in06:59
Damion(both of those lines repeated, one after another, three times06:59
unopitai, use nautilus to mount the share, that way it's conventient for you and you dont have to mess about too much with mount points and whatnot06:59
StPatrickIf there is a command that I want to run each time Ubuntu boots, where is the file I add it to?06:59
[Hardy]TuTUXGStPatrick, gnome or kde?07:00
StPatrickDamion, download the Ubuntu 7.1 Live CD.07:00
StPatrick[Hardy]TuTUXG, Gnome07:00
Damionsd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through07:00
Damion(repeated twice)07:00
itaiunop, can i set it to always mount that share when it boots?07:00
jms1989_compaqStill downloads from
anomsuratnohi, i have problem with my wifi with hardy beta 307:00
unopStPatrick, it depends if you want to run the script as root or as the user you logon as07:00
[Hardy]TuTUXGStPatrick, gnome-session-properties07:00
anomsuratnoit keep disconnected07:00
StPatrickunop,  root.07:00
Damion<StPatrick> Damion, download the Ubuntu 7.1 Live CD. <-- I got that error on both a factory-shipped ubuntu 7.1007:00
Damionand a downloaded xubuntu 7.1007:01
[Hardy]TuTUXGStPatrick, what cmd u wanna run at startup?07:01
StPatrickDamion,  hmm07:01
StPatrick[Hardy]TuTUXG, ./wlan0up07:01
unopitai, sure, in that case, you'll be better of adding an entry in /etc/fstab .. if the windows machine isnt up when ubuntu loads, the share will not be mounted and you will need to run "sudo mount -a" to mount it again when windows starts07:01
StPatrick[Hardy]TuTUXG,  In a certain folder.07:01
unopStPatrick, add your line to /etc/rc.local just before the last line07:02
StPatrickunop,  ThHAT'S the one. Thanks!07:02
Damionsomeone at school suggests it may be my motherboard07:02
Damionbut I checked all of the requirements and my cd is for the proper architechture07:02
unop!fstab | itai07:03
ubotuitai: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:03
itaiunop, sorry ,but i am not so sure now what you mean by "mount it with nautilus" , i can browse the XP share with nautilus , i have it bookmarked in my panel, but Words' "save as" doesn't see it07:03
awmcclainIf I'm creating a new ubuntu package, are there guidelines for installation? Installing into /etc/foo, etc?07:03
Flannelawmcclain: #ubuntu-motu is the best place to ask07:03
awmcclainFlannel: Thank you!07:03
* effinboy pulls hair out...07:03
Lapinuxanyone use gnome commander?07:04
unopitai, i dont run gnome so i can't guide you through the exact procedure at the moment-- but if you do. ALT+F2  and type in nautilus-connect-server  .. you should see what i mean07:04
StPatrickIn KDE< If i am in a folder, I can push f4 to open a console with that path, is there a similar shortcut in Gnome?07:04
itaiunop, ok thank you07:05
effinboyalright... let's rephrase this then... anyone know how to get X to start even if I don't have my monitor hooked up???07:05
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unopeffinboy, thats a bit pointless is it not? what are you actually trying to do?07:06
effinboyunop - VNC into a headless server.07:06
StPatrickI finally got Ubuntu to recognize my wifi, but now I cant seem to connect to any networks. Anyone have any ideas whay?07:06
bwayneStPatrick:  that's maybe a Konqueror specific shortcut (at least opening "in that path").  I'm sure someone's created a metacity script that can do the same.07:07
unopeffinboy, ssh into the machine, start the vncserver and then you should be able to connect to it07:07
effinboyvncservers require that X be running. at least the ones that I've used.07:07
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:09
xx0xxunop adduser: Only one or two names allowed.07:09
unopStPatrick, http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/cat-executing.php07:10
unopxx0xx, think outside the box sometimes :) http://tinyurl.com/5g8jyf07:11
xx0xxlool unop07:12
unopxx0xx, also - http://tinyurl.com/5uknrn07:13
Ademandoes anyone know of firefox 3 beta debs for gutsy?07:15
lilsykowanna ask07:16
lilsykocan a std ubuntu amd64 installation be converted to gOS?07:16
unopAdeman, http://www.manast.com/2008/02/10/install-latest-firefox-3-beta-ubuntu-gutsy-gibbon-710/07:17
Ademanunop: ooh, awesome, thanks07:17
unop!info firefox-3.007:19
ubotufirefox-3.0 (source: firefox-3.0): lightweight web browser based on Mozilla (Development Version). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0~alpha8+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1130 kB, installed size 3832 kB07:19
kadkoHello I want to copy one folder to another forlder has a root how can i do?07:19
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unopkadko, sudo cp -aR /path/to/src/  /path/to/dest/07:20
kadkolet me try07:20
shachafunop: -aR?07:20
unopshachaf, man cp07:21
effinboyaccording to [ http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/#faq-headless ] I should be able to headlessly start VNC without an issue (using Xvnc11 which I am currently) unless X is failing to start up. I think that's where my issue is.07:21
shachafunop: That seems redundant (or does -R do something -a doesn't?).07:21
Damionso I can't figure out why fully functioning liveCDs won't work07:21
unopshachaf, man cp07:21
shachafunop: man cp says -a = -dpR07:21
kadkounop: I will get a message like a copy sussefull or something?07:23
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
unopkadko, if the command completes without saying anything, it was a success07:23
Damiondo you guys think maybe my livecd problem is related to smartd?07:23
kadkook tnx07:23
shachafunop: Am I missing something (just curious)?07:24
phoenix24How can I compile a docbook ?07:24
eaxHello :) I'm trying to install Linux on my friends HP Pavilion DV9000, I'm using Gutsy's Live Install CD (received VIA mail) and it have worked excellent on every computer so far, except this one. It sees the cd, I select install and it comes up with the loading screen and then just.. Black :O Any ideas?07:25
shachafphoenix24: Into what?07:26
unopshachaf,  all these are equivalent on GNU cp . cp -a, cp -ar, cp -rdp .. -aR comes out of habit for me from using cp on different systems like the BSDs where -a doesn't necessarily mean -dpR07:26
Damioneax: after the loading screen with the orange bar, does it start a prompt?07:26
phoenix24shachaf: dockbook into html (preferably)07:26
shachafunop: Oh.07:26
effinboyeax... I had this issue before too.. hold on.. theres a command you need to use...07:27
* shachaf should've thought of that -- too used to GNU. :-)07:27
phoenix24shachaf: I the book source I have are XML files.07:27
unopshachaf, it is redundant in the example i gave kadko but it doesn't make a difference07:27
eaxDamion, I don't think so. If it does what do I do? And a prompt looks like?07:27
eaxeffinboy: Great :D07:27
Damionbasically, I've got that same problem07:27
eaxDamion: :(07:27
Damionand it goes from the load screen to a prompt from a program called busybox07:27
Damionthat gives the following lines:07:27
Damionexception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen07:28
Damioncmd c8/00:08:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/e0 tag 0 cdb 0x0 data 4096 in07:28
Damionhow many hard drives do you have?07:28
b4l74z4rdoes x use opengl technology?07:28
HendriXXXi have HP dv9643eo laptop and i installed hardy on it and it´s working perfectly. everything works, wlan, card reader etc. i haven´t try with gutsy07:28
Ademanb4l74z4r: it depends on what you mean by uses, programs that run under x can use opengl07:28
effinboyat the install menu eax hit f6 and type "noapic irqpoll noirqdebug"07:29
eaxeffinboy: Anything? :)07:29
eaxEffinboy: thanks a bunch :D you are my savior ^^07:29
effinboyif it doesnt let you with the live cd, you may have to use the alternate install cd and do it with that one. but it works I have a dv9225us :D07:29
xx0xxhow to change file from user group?07:29
effinboynp eax07:29
Damionsomeone told me that it might be a problem with my number of hard drives07:30
Damionso I'm gonna try and unplug my external and then give it another go07:30
b4l74z4rAdeman: i experiencing some visual tearing when i move application windows around, i wondered if turning on vsync in opengl would fix it07:30
Damionwill report on my findings!07:30
pyguyy_thunc: diediedie!!!07:30
pyguyy_thunc: diediedie!!!07:30
pyguyy_thunc: diediedie!!!07:30
FloodBot1pyguyy_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:30
pyguyy_thunc: diediedie!!!07:30
=== LL00 is now known as Chiku
eaxDamion: Great, I might have got a solution from Effinboy though :) I looks like it's working so far :D07:31
awmcclainSysadmin question: Is /usr/local/src an appropriate place to install the source for the webapp that I'm deploying?07:31
Damion<effinboy> at the install menu eax hit f6 and type "noapic irqpoll noirqdebug" <-- will this also work for me?07:31
Ademanb4l74z4r: what application? i don't really think so though, if it was tearing while standing still that could be vsync, but when you're moving it, that's just what happens with your card and driver07:31
* delphian :D07:32
effinboyDamion, are you just trying to install on a dv9000 series?07:32
DamionI'm trying to install on an older x8607:32
Damionamd duron processor07:32
b4l74z4rAdeman: any application window does it and i also get tearing in fullscreen youtube but not in fullscreen vids played in totem07:32
effinboyi dunno then... might try it. it helps with AMD processors07:32
unopawmcclain, you can put it where you like really, just as long as you know where to locate it when you need it later, but yea, it's a _standard_ location for the job07:33
awmcclainunop: Just looking out for standards. Perfect! Thank you.07:33
effinboyeax ... this is where i solved most of my problems, and dont let the author discourage you from trying 7.10 on it, it works fine for me... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51205907:34
Ademanb4l74z4r: totem uses 'xv' which is equivalent tech to 'overlay windows' in windows xp, i suppose youtube must not use it.  unfortunately i don't know what to tell you, it could be a driver bug, in which case you could try in #ati or #nvidia depending on what you have, i believe there's a #intel as well07:34
b4l74z4rAdeman: ok, thanks07:34
mneHi guys. I need help with an NFS problem. I have a working NFS server running on gutsy. And I have another host (also running on gutsy) where I want to mount the NFS shares. While this works just fine on other machines, the gutsy client gives the following error: "mount.nfs: mount to NFS server 'nfsserver' failed: RPC Error: Program not registered". portmapper is running, host.allow contains the same entry as on the working hosts07:34
nesphi, does anyone here know where to find instructions on how to compile ltsp5 custom kernels?07:34
eaxeffinboy: thanks a lot :) You've been really helpful :)07:35
effinboyno problems. :D no only if I could find the answer to my issue :P07:36
arno-tHi all, in nautilus when I do "make link" on a directory and then mark the link and press delete, the link is not deleted, but the target! Is this by design or by bug? If you "rm" a symbolic link, the link goes away, not the target...?07:36
benanzoI am having trouble with netcat -- I can't seem to get it to do anything interesting.  I want to relay some streaming audio to another machine07:37
benanzoI do "nc 8080 | nc -l localhost 9999"07:37
benanzoon the first machine07:37
benanzothen on the second I do "nc firstmachine 9999" but I get connection refused.07:37
shallabal316i'm having a really hard time installing avant window navigator07:38
pyguyy_thunc: diediedie!!!07:38
pyguyy_thunc: diediedie!!!07:38
FloodBot1pyguyy_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:38
pyguyy_thunc: diediedie!!!07:38
=== zcode``` is now known as zcode```_
shallabal316can anyone help me with an avant-window-navigator install for gutsy07:39
ds_I need help:  no matter what disc (good source for iso) I can't install fresh on XP amd64.  I/O error, error reading CD over and over07:40
hikejinxshallabal316: just ask and if someone knows how to help, they will.07:40
effinboyummm... what are you trying to install ds_?07:40
hikejinxshallabal316: what is the problem?07:40
shallabal316this is part of the output when i run apt-get install avant-window-navigator07:41
Crshmanhello all, i'm trying to move all the avi file in a directory and all it's subdirectories into one singular directory.....what's wrong with this command?07:41
bullgard4English help wanted. What does mean 'to zero in' in the sentence: "Clusters help you see your search results by topic so you can zero in on exactly what you’re looking for or discover unexpected relationships between items."?07:41
Crshmanmv `find ../lost+found/ -name *.avi` .07:41
shallabal316The following packages have unmet dependencies:07:41
shallabal316  avant-window-navigator: Depends: libawn0 (>= 0.2.1) but it is not going to be installed07:41
shallabal316                          Depends: libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.18.3) but 1.18.2-0ubuntu1 is to be installed07:41
shallabal316E: Broken packages07:41
FloodBot1shallabal316: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:41
effinboytry hitting f6 at the main install screen and then type "noapic irqpoll noirqdebug" ds_07:41
bwaynebullgard4:  it means roughly "to make more exact and/or precise".07:42
bullgard4bwayne: Ah, ok. Thank you for explaining.07:42
bwaynebullgard4:  for example, to focus on only the bull's eye of a dart-board would be "to zero in" on the dart-board as a whole.07:42
hikejinxshallabal316: how are you installing? Do you have gutsy? And you need to be using something like compiz I think.07:43
ds_anybody have any ideas?07:43
bwaynebullgard4:  you'll find that some English idioms may lack perfect definitions.07:43
shallabal316yes, im using compiz fusion07:43
adhiteu ngarti07:43
hikejinxshallabal316: gutsy?07:43
shallabal316and i have gutsy07:43
Jimbohey what does this mean:07:44
Jimbo $ uptime07:44
Jimbo    15:12:12 up 21:20,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.05, 0.0107:44
bwaynebullgard4:  kind of like "it is making heat" (literally) in Spanish is the idiom for "it's hot outside".07:44
hikejinxDo you have all of your sources enabled? Are you installing from synaptic?07:44
shallabal316just thru terminal07:44
bwaynea localized flavor of Spanish, at least.  there are so many spanish dialects.07:44
ds_Why won't my computer boot fresh CD07:44
bullgard4bwayne: A practical language needs also not-so precise words or phrases in addition to other very precise words.07:45
dodol_medanhi, how do i detect my modem?07:45
unopbenanzo,  try this on one machine .  cat file | nc -l -p 9999 .. and try this from another machine.  nc otherhost 9999 # you really ought to see the contents of 'file' on the output there07:45
effinboyds_ can you get to the main install screen?07:45
hikejinxHave you tried a deb, maybe from getdeb?07:45
ds_Then I press enter and it I/O error07:45
ds_disc read error07:45
Starnestommyds_: have you tried the alternate cd?07:45
bwaynebullgard4:  i agree.  it's those idioms that really make the "heart" of a language.  those phrases which are least translatable to other tongues is what really makes a vernacular of a language.07:45
ds_What's the different07:45
shallabal316no i havent tried that yet07:46
benanzounop: OK thanks I will try07:46
dodol_medanhi, how do i detect my modem?07:46
Starnestommyds_: the alternate cd is install-only and often works when the regular ones fail07:46
hikejinxmaybe try that and there might be a channel for avant window navigator too07:46
bwayneso some imprecision is good, in order to relate the "sense" or "emotion" of a phrase.07:46
shallabal316i think theres something wrong with my repositories07:46
unopbenanzo, how that might be useful is to copy files across the network, so you can do something like.  nc otherhost 9999 > /path/to/new_file07:47
ScriptDevilthe beta installer gets stalled after the partitioner gets loaded. That is even the partition screen doesnt come up07:47
benanzounop: That works -- I think I just had the options and syntax wrong.  Thanks07:47
shallabal316should i maybe try using a diff server than the main07:48
hikejinxshallabal316: did you install 3rd party ones. That could be it. #awn could help.07:48
ScriptDevilis the alternate installer too available in the live cd?07:48
shallabal316aight thanks07:48
FlannelScriptDevil: no07:48
hikejinxshallabal316: I'm not sure. If you have a repo issue you might never get it resolved.07:48
alexmarthello, how can I add a sudo command to startup ?07:48
ScriptDevilalexmart: why would you do that?07:49
Flyerfyeok my problem:07:49
unopbenanzo, yea, it looks like you missed the -p option07:49
unopalexmart, you want to run a script as root? is that it?07:49
waveshaperis there a default pass for root after you install ubuntu/desktop version?07:50
alexmartI have a driver for a vodafone mobile connect card and it needs the sudo command to work07:50
Starnestommywaveshaper: there isn't one at all07:50
waveshaperok. just empty07:50
Starnestommywaveshaper: no, it's a locked account.07:50
unopalexmart, call your script from /etc/rc.local07:50
FlyerfyeIn the past Ive been able to run Warcraft III: TFT through Cedega and Wine with no problems, recently however, I was screwing around with xorg.conf to try and get my s-video to work and now whenever I try to play, regardless of wheter I actually have the cd, it doesnt read as having the cd07:50
alexmartso everytime i start up the computer i then have to open a terminal and go sudo vodafone-mobile-....07:50
alexmartok I'll have a look07:51
waveshaperah. how can I/can I enable it?07:51
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:51
waveshaperok tnx :)07:51
effinboyunop, isn't the /etc/rc.local script a root/admin script anyways?07:52
unopeffinboy, yes, it is called by process 1 (init) which runs as root07:52
effinboyyeah, thought so. so alexmart just needs to add the command via a sudo gedit to that script. :D07:53
unopeffinboy, thanks for putting in so many words something that i already asked him to do :)07:53
alexmartso i just type in the command before "exit 0" and leave everything intact ?07:53
unopalexmart, yes exactly07:54
alexmarteverything else*07:54
alexmartok thanks unop !07:54
pyguyywill someone please stop ubotu07:55
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pyguyyhe's making my bot swap07:55
pyguyyif you could rename him ubotu_ for just long enough for my bot to exit07:55
pyguyyor something07:55
jonnymacwhy is it that my computer is so slow? Is there something I can do to free up space?07:55
pyguyyhe's stuck in this disk eating loop07:55
lankkehey people... I am having a problem booting ubuntu after I had to remove the linux drive in order to do data recovery on my friends broken hard drive. Since putting my linux hard drive back in, I have been unable to boot ubuntu (gets stuck right after the grub boot loader)07:56
pyguyyoh thank fuck07:57
Oprtzi m using Intel 946GZ Express chipset 128mb vga, its working good, but when ubuntu starts it flickers a littlebit, do i need to update the driver for ubuntu?07:57
jussio1!ohmy | pyguyy07:57
ubotupyguyy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:57
pyguyywho'd get an ubuntu user to do data recovery07:58
pyguyyubuntu for losers07:58
pyguyyubuntu for suckers07:58
FloodBot1pyguyy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:58
lankkeI was using my windows hard drive to do data recovery07:58
effinboysomeone kick pyguyy?07:58
pyguyyyour loser windows hard drive07:58
lankkeif you read what I wrote... I took my linux drive out07:58
lankkeyeah i'm a loser07:58
* dodol_medan slaps pyguyy around a bit with a large trout07:59
Flannel!ops | pyguyy07:59
ubotupyguyy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!07:59
lankkesomeone who comes on an ubuntu irc channel to act the tough guy is calling someone else a loser for using windows... hmmm let's see07:59
lankkeget a girlfriend bro07:59
effinboythanks Flannel08:00
* Antti !weather, !kernel, !sysinfo, !sms08:00
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:00
Madpilotxx0xx, do NOT play with that. You won't like the results.08:00
KalElsorry but i use windows too, and i am not a looser08:00
RedScareis there a way to customize the "quit" without changing the entire GTK theme?08:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sms - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:01
* KalEl is eagerly awaiting hardy heron :)08:01
HSorgYvesi want to setup TSIG for bind; I have the ARM in front, but they do not mention where to store the keys08:01
bwayneRedScare:  you can edit the actual image for the quit button using GIMP.  i'm not sure what file *exactly* you need to edit, but that's the "theory".08:01
RedScareI fixed my Vista partition, thank god, my battery life on gutsy is atrocious08:02
ifireballRedScare: you probably can, but it may involve coding and recompiling...08:02
Lo_Pan/var/cache/bind usually08:02
Lo_Pantsig is awesome08:02
RedScareit can't be that complicated08:02
bwayneRedScare:  what exactly are you wanting to do?  make the quit button look different?08:02
RedScarelet me as you guys08:02
RedScareyes, just customize the look08:02
millertime_018I need some help installing xp with oem files08:02
lankkeanyone here know what the problem is?? I get these ata.01: Emask errors on startup08:03
millertime_018because I have a hard drive it cant connect08:03
millertime_018help please08:03
RedScarelook, there is an application launcher for it... so what the is the terminal command to bring up the quit GUI?08:03
RedScareI could make a custom application launcher, use the same command then customize the icon to my will08:04
bwayneRedScare:  well, GIMP is the Gnu Image Manipulation program, which is what (I think) gtk themes are created with.  so, at least theoretically, you would be able to change not just the quit button but all the other buttons too.  i've never done it ; that's the theory in a nutshell though.08:04
EnvoyRisingdoes anyone know how to set video options in et:qw? is that missing from linux client or something?08:04
ifireballRedScare: well you can start by looking for the icons it uses in your /usr/share directory and replacing them, maybe you can even find the .glade file and change it as well08:04
Lo_PanHSorgYves: did you see what i wrote08:04
Wobbois there a shortcut to reply a person in xchat, to get the persons name in the new line, like "person, blabla bla bla..." just by ctrl clicking on it's name for example?08:04
FlannelWobbo: Type a few letters and hit tab08:04
MadpilotWobbo, type the first three or four letters, hit TAB08:04
RedScareifireball, did you see my comment about the actual terminal command?08:04
EnvoyRisingWobbo, not sure about ctrl, but there is autocompletion08:04
Lo_PanHSorgYves: the only thing about tsig that i find is a pain in the arse, is that bind views where the one zone appears in multiple views tend to not work as you'd expect08:04
xx0xxI need help with proftpd. anyone can help me?08:05
bwayneWobbo:   make sure you have the tab completion option set to TRUE or that it's check-boxed or whatever.08:05
millertime_018i need some help installing xp08:05
Lo_PanHSorgYves: journalled zones are weird08:05
HSorgYvesLo_Pan: Now yes ;-)08:05
ifireballRedScare: when you say there is a launcher you mean you found the .desktop file for it?08:05
jussi01millertime_018: ##windows08:05
KalElthe default way of handling right click is sticky... can i change that in preferences somewhere so that it requires two clicks instead?08:05
EnvoyRisingah, Madpilot is all over it. doesn't have to be 4 characters, just enough to identify the person without being ambiguous08:05
HSorgYvesLo_Pan: the keys need to be on both servers?08:05
bwaynemillertime_018:  ##windows or ##loonybin.08:05
askvictorI'm about to buy some new hardware for a new ubuntu desktop system (nothing too flash, won't be doing much in the way of video editting); any recommendations for CPU/GPU/RAM/MB ?08:05
Lo_PanHSorgYves: when you submit the zone updates using nsupdate or whatever, you have to supply the key, yes08:06
EnvoyRisingaskvictor, unless drivers have improved over the last month, nvidia is a safer bet over ati08:06
RedScarewell, here's the thing, Under  Add to Panel I can add it under Desktop and Windows08:06
bwaynemillertime_018:  nah bro.  you misunderstand.  this channel isn't for installing windows.  we might be able to assist here or there, but this isn't the room to "lead by the hand" in (at least, as far as any Microsoft product is concerned).08:06
millertime_018i'm having a problem when it gets partway through the installation it tells me that i can't find my ata drive08:06
askvictorEnvoyRising: I'm contemplating intel over both of them08:06
HSorgYvesLo_Pan: thanks; will try and reask if I encounter a problem08:06
Lo_PanHSorgYves: brb, must pee (too much beer)08:06
RedScareso in theory there should be a terminal command that brings up the same log off/switch user/shutdown prompt08:07
Lo_PanHSorgYves: am always here, just pm me if i dont seem to be around08:07
Lo_PanHSorgYves: leave email address if i dont reply before you go08:07
millertime_018well i just kinda associated it with computer savvy08:07
EnvoyRisingan intel graphics card? hmm...i guess you'd avoid proprietary drivers that way..08:07
HSorgYvesLo_Pan: ok, tyvm08:07
RedScareif I can just create a custom launcher it would use some lame default icon and I could customize that08:07
ifireballRedScare: I'm not sure, it may be hardwired in the panel code08:07
bwayneRedScare:  you're using gnome ??08:08
EnvoyRisingaskvictor, as for te other things, i've not had any problem with anything i've thrown at linux. the big hardware issues i had were graphics card, sound drivers (not the card though), webcam, and wifi08:08
wica_Hi, I wanne use a newer version of mailscanner then that there is in the tree of ubuntu. How can I get a newer one without the nedd of the source code?08:08
Lo_PanHSorgYves: no probs man08:08
ifireballRedScare: though I suppose the icons themselves are just .png or .svg files somewhere is your theme directory08:08
FloodBot1adhi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:08
EnvoyRisingwica, you could see if there's one in getdeb.net08:09
RedScarei think so too08:09
StPatrickSomeone please save me.08:09
EnvoyRisingalternatively, enable the hardy repos and install from that (should be called prerelease or something)08:09
bwayneRedScare:  well it's easy enough to create an desktop icon that when double-clicked would run a shell command "sudo shutdown"  but I'm not sure about bringing up the exact dialogue box you're referring to.08:09
RedScarebut if there is a term command for the same window it would make it easier/safer08:09
Flannel!id | adhi08:09
ubotuadhi: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia08:09
EnvoyRisingbetter yet, wait two weeks for hardy to come out, all packages are getting updated then (they are now, but it's pre-release)08:09
RedScareyea, sudo shutdown  arguements required08:10
wica_EnvoyRising: And howdo I add the hardy repos08:10
ifireballRedScare: I suppose you should just grab a good image browser and start poking in /usr/share/themes/08:10
wica_EnvoyRising: I can not wait, building the server now08:10
RedScareshutdown -G or -U or something for the gui08:10
Lo_PanHSorgYves: also dont forget to set the permissions on your keyfiles so that regular users cannot read them08:10
EnvoyRisingwica_ give me a sec08:10
Lo_PanHSorgYves: otherwise they can hijack your zones08:10
wica_EnvoyRising: I will08:10
bwayneRedScare:   those arguments (or 'flags') can be ran from the icon as well.  any shell command can be programmed into a desktop icon you can click.08:11
HSorgYvesLo_Pan: sure08:11
RedScareyea, I know08:11
RedScarebut they don't work08:11
StPatrickOk, If i need to run the command : "./wlan0up" in the folder /home/ryan/rtl8187b-modified  every time Ubuntu starts, as root, how do I do it?08:11
RedScarethey are invalid for the shutdown command08:11
ifireballRedScare: the terminal shutdown command is as old as UNIX, it doesn't have a GUI08:11
RedScaremust be another command its running08:11
EnvoyRisingwica_, ok, just open up synaptic, click settings > repositories, then navigate to the updates tab and select gusty proposed08:11
RedScareright, but doesn't mean you couldnt build one on top of it08:11
wica_EnvoyRising: cli version ?08:12
effinboyFatal server error:08:12
effinboyno screens found08:12
wica_EnvoyRising: It is a server, so no X08:12
hikejinxRedScare: if you want to make a log out of x shortcut, you can use sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:12
ifireballRedScare: not sure its running a single command at all, like I said, evidence shows that most stuff on the system menu is hard coded08:12
jussi01RedScare: "sudo shutdown -h now" will shut down your machine.08:12
effinboythats what im getting when I try to start manually via SSH08:12
StPatrickOk, If i need to run the command : "./wlan0up" in the folder /home/ryan/rtl8187b-modified  every time Ubuntu starts, as root, how do I do it?08:12
jussi01!repeat | StPatrick08:13
ubotuStPatrick: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:13
ifireballRedScare: having said that, there may be an XML file somewhere that describes the content of that menu08:13
EnvoyRisingwica_, doh. i saw you write that, wasn't paying attention.. anyways, open up your etc/apt/sources.list08:13
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:13
SuperLagmaybe I won't buy that iMac tomorrow08:13
StPatrickahhh it all makes sense now.08:13
RedScareI'll be googling in the background08:13
KalEli've installed xscrensaver which has its own power management tab, i hope it won't conflict with gnome-power-management?08:13
SuperLagNehalem soon, I hear08:13
Oprtzi m using Intel 946GZ Express chipset 128mb vga, its working good, but when ubuntu starts it flickers a littlebit, do i need to update the driver for ubuntu?08:14
EnvoyRisingwica_, then uncomment the appropriate lines.. i'm looking right now to tell you exactly which ones they are08:14
lankkeHey guys/gals, I am having trouble with my dual boot system. I have ubuntu on one drive, xp on the other and the setup was working perfectly up until a couple of weeks ago. I removed the linux hard drive so that I could perform a data recovery on a friend's broken windows hard drive. When I put the linux hard drive back in, ubuntu would freeze right after the grub bootloader08:14
ifireballRedScare: can you give a little more details about what you're trying to do? are you trying to change the look of the window itself or just the icon on the system menu?08:15
RedScarejust the icon08:15
RedScarelike you said, may be easy to just search for the icon08:15
EnvoyRisingwica, i found it... going to put them in paste bin for yoiu08:16
StPatrickOk, If i need to run the command : "./wlan0up" in the folder /home/ryan/rtl8187b-modified  every time Ubuntu starts, as root, how do I do it?08:16
RedScarebut now that I'm on it, I want to know if there is a term command to bring up the log off gui08:16
wica_EnvoyRising: Thnx08:16
bwaynelankke:   try booting into a livecd and restoring grub from there.08:16
jussi01!autostart | StPatrick08:16
ubotuStPatrick: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot08:16
jussi01!boot > StPatrick08:16
andruuis there a way to switch the command key to the control key on a mac keyboard?08:16
bwayneStPatrick:  i think you could add that command to /etc/rc.local and it'll run whenever you login as that particular user.08:17
RedScarei think you simply go into Key Preferences under advanced andruu08:17
EnvoyRisingwica_, http://pastebin.com/d3876611a08:17
ifireballRedScare: I see. if you want to do a real clean job at replacing the icon, copy the theme directory, thus creating your own custom theme, before replacing it08:17
StPatrickbwayne,  Right, thank you, that's what im lookin for.08:17
StPatrickbwayne,  any idea why when I open it, it's just a blank page?08:17
bwayneStPatrick:  that's a generally Linux wide solution, not just Ubuntu-specific.08:18
lankkebwayne ... okay mate. You think it's a problem with grub then?08:18
RedScareoh yes, backups will be in order08:18
EnvoyRisingwica_, then of course your usuall sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade08:18
cosmoshellhey guys, quick question. im setting up apt-build, and its asking for my architecture.. and im not sure what to select. what one would a Celeron be?08:18
StPatrickbwayne,  but how would I add it?08:18
wica_EnvoyRising: Yep, allready doing that. Thnx08:18
bwaynelankke:  more than likely grub as it is installed is looking for a place that doesn't exist.  re-installing grub may fix the issue.  shutting off the drive in the BIOS and then turning it back on (boo sequence I mean) may resolve the issue as well.08:19
jussi01cosmoshell: i38608:19
Flyerfyehey guys08:19
Flyerfyeis there a system restor function on ubuntu08:19
FlyerfyeI want to restore to about a week ago08:19
bwaynelankke:  GRUB errors are manifold.  many points of failure.  we'd have to get more specific to really trouble-shoot08:19
StPatrickbwayne, like, I have "/home/ryan/rtl8187b-modified ./wlan0up" on a line bedore exit 0, but it didnt work, did i do something wrong?08:19
wica_Flyerfye: Nop, there is no function like that.08:20
EnvoyRisingFlyerfye, yes, but not by default08:20
bwayneStPatrick:  the addition that you make to /etc/rc.local should be the exact shell command you'd normally use.08:20
EnvoyRisingFlyerfye, we can maybe help you get your stuff back to where it was a week ago though08:20
bwayneStPatrick:  IIRC,  lines in /etc/rc.local are ran as root so don't try sudo or anything.08:21
lankkebwayne: Well I get this weird msg if I turn off quiet boot... something like ata.01: Emask ...08:21
cosmoshelljussi01: know that. my options are pentium, pentium-mmx, pentium2, pentium3, pentium3m pentium-m, pentium4, presscott and nocana08:21
StPatrickbwayne,  right!  oh, lol i think sudo is what im missing.... cause other than that, i dunno why it would have not worked.08:21
bwaynelankke:  that's greek to me, my friend.  re-installing grub couldn't hurt though.08:21
FlyerfyeWell my problem is that I was screwing with xorg to get my s-video working and now when I go to run cedega or some other games, they wont work the way they used to, basic games still work though08:21
bwayneStPatrick:  naw man don't use sudo in the rc.local file.08:22
unopStPatrick, what are you trying to launch/execute from rc.local?08:22
lankkehaha okay mate08:22
bwayneunop:  i think StPatrick  has a custom script he's wanting to run.08:22
ifireballRedScare: here08:22
RedScarefor future reference08:22
EnvoyRisingcorrect me if i'm wrong guys, but doesn't xorg.conf come with a default backup08:22
unopbwayne, yes, i was the one to recommend rc.local08:22
EnvoyRisingor is that only when you do a reconfig?08:22
RedScarethe terminal command it 'gnome-session-save --kill'08:22
StPatrickunop,  I have to run ./wlan0up to turn on my wifi every time I boot.08:22
unopStPatrick, and what is the exact command you used in rc.local?08:23
ifireballRedScare: hmm... kind weird, so its hardwired into gnome-session...08:23
noodles12i just installed kdenlive and was playing with it. and now noneo fmy sound works!08:23
EnvoyRisingFlyerfye, if not, how much have you configed your vid card..one idea is to boot from cd, copy that config file to your harddrive, then reboot08:23
bwayneEnvoyRising:  no.  some custom tools will create a backup.  dpkg-reconfigure will create backups in /etc/X11/ with timestamps in the filename.  but if you edited xorg.conf with vim or something, no a backup isn't automatically created.08:23
awmcclainPackages.ubuntu.com is down?08:23
RedScareso adding a custom applet with the term command gnome-session-save --kill then making a custom icon would be an easy clean way of changing the icon08:23
lankkebwayne: the livecd is taking me to a shell like prompt (initramfs): and the same error is being displayed08:23
zoidberghey guys...i have the mediplayer connectivity thing for firefox...and i have vlc open up and play some videos ....but can vlc remember the username and password for the site that i open the vidoes form ...i hate entering the username and password every single time for each video08:24
EnvoyRisingbwayne, thats what i was afraid of. it's been so long since I've done a manual edit of xorg.conf, and even then i always made a point to back it up :P08:24
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bwaynelankke:   you mean, you're booting from a livecd and you're getting the exact error as if you were trying to boot from hard disk grub menu?08:24
ifireballRedScare: yeah, but it won't change the menu, also I think a custom theme will be more alone the lines of what the developers intended08:24
unopawmcclain, it seems to be .. you can always use 'apt-cache search blah' for packages and 'dpkg -S file' for files instead08:24
bwayneEnvoyRising:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will walk you through creating a new one and will create backups for you.08:24
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RedScareoh of course ifirebal08:25
Flyerfyewell I tried restoring the backup xorg file to no avail, a point of interest, one of the things I was doing created backups for me and now I have 33 coppies of xorg files08:25
EnvoyRisingbwayne, i know. ergo why i haven't done a manual config of xorg in a while :P08:25
FlyerfyeEnvoyRising: well I tried restoring the backup xorg file to no avail, a point of interest, one of the things I was doing created backups for me and now I have 33 coppies of xorg files08:25
zoidberghey guys...i have the mediplayer connectivity thing for firefox...and i have vlc open up and play some videos ....but can vlc remember the username and password for the site that i open the vidoes form ...i hate entering the username and password every single time for each video08:25
StPatrickunop, /home/ryan/rtl8187b-modified ./wlan0up08:26
FlyerfyeEnvoyRising: and at one point I actually deleted the xorg so it defaulted and I could reconfigure the settings08:26
bwayneEnvoyRising:  the main part is to get your driver right.  dpkg-reconfigure will automatically select what it thinks is the best, but it seems that it won't autoselect closed source drivers (like 'nividia') for you.  you have to select it when you're presented with the option on the appropriate screen.08:26
FlyerfyeEnvoyRising: come to think of it, I havent restarted since restoring my xorg, that might help08:26
awmcclainCan anyone tell me about liblinux-aio-perl?08:26
HSorgYves_Lo_Pan: where do i find the hash of the key?08:26
EnvoyRisingoh wow... well maybe you can just do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?08:26
ifireballRedScare: the gnome system administrators guide installed on your desktop (just search in 'help') and on google includes some fine details about the way the menus work and how to customize then file-wise08:26
unopStPatrick, you need to use exact pathnames when calling stuff from scripts .. rc.local is looking for a file named /etc/wlan0up there.08:27
awmcclain(specifically, what's the difference between that and libio-aio-perl?)08:27
awmcclain(and is it even maintained anymore?)08:27
EnvoyRisingbwayne, nvidia has a tool that will config xorg for you nvidia-settings i believe08:27
bwayneEnvoyRising:  be sure to steer clear of third-party scripts/tool (like envy for nvidia) to install closed source drivers.08:27
StPatrickunop,  I dont understand, what would i put then?08:27
bwaynei've found those only breed trouble.  use ubuntu's build in features.08:27
lankkeI don't understand why the live cd isn't working now08:27
FlyerfyeEnvoyRising: brb, gonna try restarting08:28
Nubaewhen is hardy out?08:28
lankkebusybox built-in shell08:28
EnvoyRisingbwayne, only touched envy onces...was a nightmare.... nvidia-settings is from nvidia08:28
bwaynelankke:   if you reply to me, be sure to put my name 'bwayne' in the text somewhere so i'll see it.08:28
lankkebwayne: yeah so the live cd won't even work now08:28
unopawmcclain, different modules - see http://search.cpan.org/~mlehmann/IO-AIO-2.6/AIO.pm  vs  http://search.cpan.org/~mlehmann/Linux-AIO-1.9/AIO.pm08:29
lankkebwayne: i'm getting stuck at the same point08:29
bwaynelankke:  does your BIOS 'hit' the cd drive?  Does it attempt to read the drive and then fail?  OR just it just hang there like some sort of mindless idiot?08:29
unopStPatrick, which directory does ./wlan0up exist in?08:29
effinboyman.... #xorg is dead and kinda useless for answers... anyone know where I can go?08:29
StPatrickunop, /home/ryan/rtl8187b-modified08:30
cosmoshellcould someone tell me what prossesor to use for apt-build. i have a celeron but all there seems to be listed are pentiums.08:30
unopStPatrick, so, the full filename for it is /home/ryan/rtl8187b-modified/wlan0up08:30
awmcclainunop: And it looks like IO-AIO isn't an ubuntu package whereas liblinux-aio-perl is?08:30
unopStPatrick, and thats what you use08:30
bwayneStPatrick:  you may have to type of the full path to the executable script in rc.local.  like "/home/ryan/rtl8foo-modifield/nameofscript" in order to get it to work.08:31
lankkebwayne: well in the bios settings, the drive is detected properly, the problem comes just after the grub bootloader08:31
StPatrickunop,  But I'm running a command. ./wlan0up08:31
lankkebwayne: it loads for a bit... then stops when it hits that message08:31
bwayneStPatrick:  running ./wlan0up is different when ran as root and not a user.08:31
unopawmcclain, they are ubuntu packages of those particular perl modules .. looks like they both exist08:32
StPatrickbwayne,  I know I need to run it as root.08:32
bwayneStPatrick:  so you'll have to specify the FULL path to the executable.08:32
awmcclainunop: Really?? I've tried searching for libio-aio-perl, doesn't seem to work! Please tell me I'm doing something stupid.08:32
T-Rex5i'm trying to set up my new SATA drives on this PCI sata raid card but it seems to be taking hours08:32
unopStPatrick, ./wlan0up is only valid when you issue the command when you are in the /home/ryan/rtl8187b-modified directory .. if you change directory that command is invalid08:32
T-Rex5is my motherboard faulty or is this normal?08:32
T-Rex5its a 1terabyte drive and a 500gb drive08:32
unopStPatrick, so when you change directories you need to call the script via its full filename08:33
StPatrickunop,  I know that....... that's why i asked what i would have to put in to run ./wlan0up in that directory.08:33
lankkebwayne: if I try booting the gui it gets stuck on the first notch on the loading bar but if i boot it in text mode, the error is repeated until eventually i end up at the weird shell prompt, happens with the livecd and with the hard drive08:33
bwayneStPatrick:  so when you run your custom script from rc.local, it's ran as root in a "raw shell", so to speak.  when you run ./yourscript in a terminal while logged in as a user, the shell you use (like bash) will auto-expand your command.08:33
StPatrickOk, well, thanks.   On a related note, Now that Ubuntu is recognizing my wifi card, any ideas why i cant seem to connect to any unsecured wifi?08:34
unopStPatrick, in rc.local, you should call it via .. /home/ryan/rtl8187b-modified/wlan0up08:34
StPatrickunop,  Ok, I see. THank you.08:34
phoenix24what is the git url for linux-kernel ??08:34
Flyerfyeso no such luck, restarting didnt help my cedega/xorg problem08:35
bwaynelankke:  so booting from a livecd produces a progress bar that hangs?  sorry if my questions seem repetitive, just trying to place some context around your input.  :-)08:35
unopbwayne, i dont think thats an accurate statement, iirc rc.local is run by bash08:35
awmcclainunop: I don't see an IO::AIO ubuntu package (esp in apt-cache search aio). Is it named something funny?08:36
vkennedy85There a good way to kill the messages of people entering and leaving?08:36
unopawmcclain, libio-aio-perl doesn't seem to exist oddly enough08:36
phoenix24what is the git url for linux-kernel ??08:36
awmcclainunop: Exactly08:36
bwayneunop:  well, it's ran by the default shell, which in ubuntu, yes, is bash.  i'm trying to convey the point that the FULL path to the executable bash script is what needs to be placed in rc.local.  I think you've said really the same thing.08:36
phoenix24what is the git url for vanilla-linux-kernel ??08:37
lankkebwayne: booting from the disk drive produces a progress bar that hangs, booting from the live cd produces a progress bar which moves side to side... in both cases, after a while the gui cuts to a "busybox" shell prompt08:37
awmcclainunop: Very, very sad.08:37
Flannel!kernel | phoenix2408:37
ubotuphoenix24: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages08:37
unopawmcclain, you can install the perl module (to the same effect) via this command.  sudo cpan IO::AIO08:37
roccityanyone try fluxbuntu08:37
roccitythink its ok08:37
bwaynelankke:  try another livecd, if you have another one.  i say to do this to test whether or not it's a problem with that particular livecd.  maybe another one will work.08:38
bwaynewhen troubleshooting one must maximize one's data points.   I think Spock originally said that.08:38
awmcclainunop: I know, but I'm writing automatic deployment scripts to install perlbal, and it's _much_ easier to use apt-get, which means it's MUCH better to require a package for IO::AIO. :(08:38
lankkebwayne alright mate, I'll give it a try08:38
lankkebwayne thanks for your help08:38
bwaynelankke:  hope i'm actually helping.  :-)08:39
roccitycan anyone recommend some tweaks to slim ubuntu processes08:39
StPatrickOk, well, thanks.   On a related note, Now that Ubuntu is recognizing my wifi card, any ideas why i cant seem to connect to any unsecured wifi?08:39
unopbwayne, what i was really getting at is ./yourscript isn't 'auto-expanded' by the shell  while 'yourscript' might be looked up in the directories of $PATH - note the difference between './yourscript' and 'yourscript'08:40
bwayneroccity:  install the server edition.  uninstall server stuff.  then add your desktop environment of choice using 'sudo tasksel' or apt-get.08:40
unopawmcclain, so just add this line to your script :)  same thing really.  sudo cpan IO::AIO08:40
tyhow doo i take ownership of my web directory?08:40
damo22unop: its handy to add :. to the $PATH variable08:41
awmcclainunop: It just means I have to change all the dependencies and build a custom debian package, is all.08:41
unopdamo22, no it isn't . sorry, this isn't windows :) and it might be dangerous08:41
Flanneldamo22: security is the reason it's not, and probably isn't a good idea for that reason.08:41
Tyrn_Someone known how to make ramdisk ?08:41
unopawmcclain, why build a debian package when you can get perl to install that module without the fuss?08:42
vkennedy85When I try to add/remove programs or update codecs why does it keep asking me to refersh the list and not let me isntall it?08:42
bwayneunop:  i agree.  the ./ "places" the command within the current working directory of the shell.  so if i'm in /home/bwayne/custom-scripts and I run ./customscript, bash is actually running /home/bwayne/custom-scripts/customscript.  that sort of environmental variable (or whateva it's called) is not set when executed from rc.local.   i think you and I agree.08:42
Tyrn_I'have made one with the command : sudo mkdir /tmp/ramdisk0 ; sudo mke2fs /dev/ram0 ; sudo mount /dev/ram0 /tmp/ramdisk0 ; sudo chmod ugoa+rwx /tmp/ramdisk008:42
unopbwayne, right on :)08:42
Terrasquedamo22: and next time you are in /tmp and type ls, and some funny guy had made an executable file called "ls" that basically says "rm -rf ~", you'll understand why adding . to path is a stellarly bad idea08:42
Tyrn_But this ramdisk is very small, how can i do one bigguer ? (512/1 Go)08:43
bullgard4Update Manager hangs. I'd like to kill it. But how? I cannot dind a process 'update notifier' in top.08:43
roccitythanks bwayne08:43
damo22Terrasque: LOL i see now08:43
bwayneTerrasque:  whoah.  if that's the case then you're hacked and you can't trust ANY shell command.08:43
bullgard4Update Manager hangs. I'd like to kill it. But how? I cannot find a process 'update notifier' in top.08:43
unopTerrasque, well, that depends on whether . was prepended or appended to the $PATH variable, but yea, that's reason enough anyway08:43
awmcclainunop: Because 1. cpan doesn't install dependencies. 2. cpan is interactive, which doesn't grok with my scripts 3. cpan doesn't automatically build and install perlbal 1.70 4. cpan also doesn't create an /etc/perlbal directory and populate it with conf files08:43
roccityi'am using the fluxbuntu distro works pretty good08:43
roccitybut still have some mem issues08:44
ubotufluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/08:44
roccityim a end-user08:44
roccityso i get programs that are some-what slim08:44
bwayneroccity:  no problem.  i think running 'sudo tasksel' might do everything you're asking from within any flavor of *buntu.  Like, you can install kubuntu and then completely flush out the kdesktop environment using tasksel.08:45
roccityi was getting into slackware for a min08:45
roccitybut couldn't for the life of me get my wireless working08:45
roccitybwayne no kidding?08:45
bwayneroccity:  any "grounds up" distro will work for what you want to do.  i'd recommend arch or gentoo.  i've never tried slackware and I'm not inclined to due to my laziness.  i prefer automagical package managers.08:46
unopawmcclain, but you are writing a script, so you can get through all those bumps and oddities - otherwise, build a debian package, you know what your options are08:46
unopawmcclain, you can also have a look at the CPAN debian repository, it might have that module there as a package08:46
roccityim with you08:46
roccityim new to linux so it;s always trial and error08:47
awmcclainunop: Oh, that's a good idea! Really I'm just trying to get IO::AIO to install via packages rather than cpan.08:47
bwayneroccity:  yeah.  at least, i've worked it out like that before.  absolute bare bones would be using an ubuntu-bootstrap to get the working filesystem onto your target drive.  then you can chroot into your bare *buntu environment from within a "working" linux installation and run commands just as if you've booted into it.08:48
awmcclainunop: Since you're right, I'd rather build a package (so I can offer that to the perlbal group) rather than writing my own custom script.08:48
bwaynecommands like apt-get install foo08:48
unopawmcclain, cpan is quite flexible, you can run it non-interactively if you wanted but you're right on external dependencies it doesn't handle them, but you can use apt-get in co-ordination with cpan to achieve what you want08:48
awmcclainunop: You're absolutely right. And I know you're giving me the easiest option.  I'd love to try and figure out how to port IO:AIO into a package to make the whole thing much more portable.08:50
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roccityi usally just strip a installation down after an install08:51
bwayneubuntu is just as flexible as you want to make it.  in the final analysis, it almost doesn't matter with distro you use.  If you know some basic UNIX and GNU stuff, you can get to the guts of the OS and do whatever your heart desires.08:51
roccitybut i still miss some services08:51
bwaynewhat distinguishes one distro from another is things like package management, startup scripts, and some other configuration style things.08:52
unopawmcclain, cool, you might want to publish your work on the PPA repository (or CPAN even) so other debian/ubuntu users can benefit :)08:52
roccityyeha ive used every major dstro under the sun but i always come back to *buntu08:53
roccityin some form or another08:53
awmcclainunop: Exactly! My hope is to make perlbal really easy to install. =)08:53
* Creationist can't stand anything without apt.08:53
bwayneubuntu is very attractive because of it's awesome package management.  Easy tools and up-to-date packages.  startup scripts are a little bit tricky, IMO.08:53
roccitythere are other distros out there awm that mimic apt08:53
roccityslapt-get for one08:54
bwaynenot to mention the awesome user base and community of ubuntu.08:54
vkennedy85heh bwayne, I think package managemetn is what brought me here08:54
sroddenHello lovely people. I'm trying to install 8.04 beta and I find my LCD panel switches off shortly after I select the install option. The system is still running ok because the cd grinds for a while then settles down. If I ctrl-alt-del it pauses for me to hit enter then does an elegant restart, ejects the CD and reboots. Any ideas?08:54
Odd-rationalepacman is not too bad08:54
roccityyeha have to say that ubuntu comm is the best08:54
Odd-rationalesrodden: #ubuntu+1 for hardy support08:54
Creationist#ubuntu+1 is the channel for Hardy support, srodden08:54
kadkoA question, The ubuntu hardy heron will be free in 13 days but it will be the final for all users almost free of  errors or is another beta?08:54
sroddenrighto, thanks.08:55
roccitysrodden what burn speed did you use?08:55
Creationistkadko: Generally, Linux will always be "beta" since bugs will always be present :)08:55
CreationistThen again, that goes for ALL software.08:55
sroddenheh, like windows? or tiger? :)08:55
bwaynevkennedy85:  it's great.   it's ubuntu's debian roots + modern technologies that make it such a great combination for creating a popular version of GNU/linux.08:55
unopkadko, it will be the official release -- but to assume it will be rid of errors would be unfair really08:55
Creationistsrodden: Except you needen't wait 4 months for a fix :)08:55
kadkoI know that08:55
magnetronkadko: when hardy is released, it's released for REAÖ08:55
sroddenCreationist, providing that someone motivated wants it fixed :)08:56
Creationistsrodden: True.08:56
bwayneCreationist:  not if you choose to stick with eg Debian Etch and then "track" the stable version.08:56
Creationistsrodden: There are still some major bugs that I've found, reported, and heard nothing about for months... still no fixes.08:56
roccity*buntu I think is finally the gnu/linux for the masses08:56
roccityfrom there just up08:56
kadkommm I was think on reinstal 7.10 but i prefer to the hardy release.08:56
unopkadko, even "almost free of errors" would be unfair - but the idea is it _should_ be stable08:56
Creationistbwayne: Since I Have no idea what any of that means, I'm assuming I wouldn't be able to do such a thing ;)08:56
magnetron!offtopic | bwayne, Creationist, roccity08:57
ubotubwayne, Creationist, roccity: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:57
bwayneroccity:  ah.  well, i think macosx is the UNIX for the masses.  but ubuntu a great choice as well.08:57
StPatrick Now that Ubuntu is recognizing my wifi card, any ideas why i cant seem to connect to any unsecured wifi?08:57
kadkounop: Windows always be a beta whit the bule screen :P08:57
magnetron!offtopic > kadko08:57
vkennedy85bwayne: I just got it up tonight, I had tried it on my old computer without net.  Now I got it up and running in to minor problems.  It says I don't have the right codecs for media files...but when I go to download them, I get a list, select one, confirm it and it says that the list is unavailable08:57
bwaynesry magnetron.  just trying to provide some general education for folks.08:57
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awmcclainunop: Where does the CPAN debian repo live? All I'm finding are instructions on how to debify a perl module08:57
bwaynefrom my limited experience, of couse.08:57
damo22StPatrick: ifconfig -a > pastebin08:57
roccitybwayne: haven't used much mac since apple II08:58
magnetronbwayne: feel free to educate them in another channel, this is for support08:58
unopkadko, errm, not that i support windows but i've seen BSODs on linux - BSOD being Black Screens of Disappointment :)08:58
ganastasiouhave some questions about ubuntu server edition08:58
ganastasiouserver edition has live cd?08:58
magnetronroccity: PLEASE! join #ubuntu-offtopic08:58
kadkowell i hate the blue haha08:58
roccityjoin #ubuntu-offtopic08:58
roccityjoin/ #ubuntu-offtopic08:58
mvx2679#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
uiz2442#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
osw7126#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
ioe4067#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
fzv5651#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
bwayneStPatrick:  well, the step between recognizing networks and actually associating with them can be a buggy process sometimes.  i've found it's hard to really narrow in on general wireless failures sometimes.08:59
uiz2442#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
ioe4067#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
vap6767#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
mvx2679#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
osw7126#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
magnetron!offtopic | kadko unop08:59
fzv5651#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
ubotukadko unop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:59
uiz2442#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
mvx2679#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
ioe4067#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
fzv5651#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
nae9642#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
osw7126#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
vap6767#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
wdf5386#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [WwW.About.W33d.Net RulezZz] W33D :)08:59
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!08:59
unopawmcclain, http://debian.pkgs.cpan.org/ for notes on the repository and other howtos08:59
dejxhello, i have a question08:59
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!09:00
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:00
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.09:00
awmcclainunop: Thank you so much for your time09:00
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!09:00
bwaynegood responsive ubotu.09:00
_Rambaldi_what just happened09:00
dejxi did "sudo password root" and change my root password. Now, i'm logged into X session with my normal user, and lets say i want to adjust time and clock09:00
Creationist_Rambaldi_: Imbreeding just happened.09:01
bwayne_Rambaldi_:  channel flooding from spammers.  pay no attention.09:01
dejxThe system ask me for my root password, and non of my passwords work09:01
Mez!feedthetroll | _Rambaldi_09:01
ubotu_Rambaldi_: The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.09:01
roccitydid anyone else get garble on there screen09:01
dejxNot root's, not user's09:01
serifhow can i replace ms truetype fonts into amsn pls?09:01
unopdejx, this is why it is not recommended you set the root password -- have you tried using su there?09:01
vkennedy85how can I update my media codecs?09:02
Creationistvkennedy85: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:02
StPatrickdamo22,  Here ya go, sorry for delay http://pastebin.ca/98077609:02
vkennedy85ahh thank ya09:02
roccityvkennedy sure there someone else here that know a better way but i use ubuntu-restricted09:02
bwayneroccity:  yeah.  garble.09:02
roccitythat way it is updated by update-manager09:03
vkennedy85It said it couldn't find the package09:03
vkennedy85I had a similar problem trying to install gVim as well09:04
serifhi all from Turkiye09:05
unopdejx, so sudo doesn't work with either the root password or your password?09:05
serif how can i replace ms truetype fonts into amsn pls?09:05
serifam i invisible?09:05
zoidberghey guys i just set up my gmail account on evolution...i used the POP account....did evething right i think but i dont see the Gmail folder...i do see my other email account folder (my default one) but not my gmail one09:05
atulHi I was try automake command to my project its give me following Error "configure.ac: no proper invocation of AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE was found"09:05
magnetron!patience | serif09:05
ubotuserif: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:05
unopvkennedy85, make sure you have enabled all the ubuntu repositories and mind the case of package names - i.e. gvim vs gVim09:05
bwayneserif:  your problem is so very application specific that it requires someone with working knowledge of amsn to be able to help you.09:06
serifam in patience right now09:06
bwayneserif:  it may be that no one here is that familiar with amsn.09:06
zoidbergcan anyone help me with evolution and my gmail account?09:07
StPatrickdamo22,  did you get my link?09:07
vkennedy85Where are the repositories enabled?09:07
unopserif, if no one knows the answer, we can't help you, - try searching the official amsn documentation09:07
damo22StPatrick:  sudo dhclient wlan009:07
unopserif, you can also ask the guys in #amsn09:07
bwayneserif:  it may be better to inspect the help included with amsn in order to find out where you can ask questions and such.09:07
=== american is now known as Tortus
=== Tortus is now known as Tortuas
jscinozIs there any way to do a mass downgrade of packages (I have 300 packages, each with 2 versions installable, they are all currently at the higher version but i must downgrade all ofthem) any way to automate this or will i have to manually downgrade each package09:07
dejxunop no, sudo doesn't work09:08
bwaynevkennedy85:  IIRC, /etc/apt/sources.list09:08
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories09:08
damo22StPatrick: cat /etc/network/interfaces > pastebin09:08
TortuasHi.  I'm new to linux and ubuntu.  I managed to install it and get most things running.  However, the sound is really quiet.09:08
bazhangjscinoz: why would you want to do that?09:08
StPatrickdamo22,  want me to pastebin these to you?09:08
Tortuasif i turn up the sound i get distortion, but it's sitll not that very loud09:08
ubotuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.09:08
Tortuasanyone know why?09:08
vkennedy85thanks unop09:08
damo22StPatrick:  yeah09:08
serifok thanks09:08
StPatrickdamo22,  Will do. Thank you.09:09
damo22StPatrick: cat /etc/network/interfaces > pastebin09:09
unopvkennedy85, i dont think that will answer your question tho -- ask someone who uses gnome for more09:09
StPatrickdamo22,  just saw that .. sorry =/09:09
bwayneTortuas:  so you can hear sounds, it's just that they aren't very loud?09:09
jscinozbazhang, it'll make you cringe... i was half asleep (and possibly intoxicated) and decided to dist-upgrade while having both ubuntu hardy and debian unstable repos enabled :P09:09
unopvkennedy85, iirc, it's accessible from within the gnome admin menu somewhere09:09
Tortuasbwayne:  yes.  the sound is just very quiet.  if i turn it up in the OS, i get distortion and it's still not very loud09:09
unopvkennedy85, should be named "software properties" or something similar09:09
bazhangjscinoz: you may wish to backup; no telling what the 'fix' might do09:10
vkennedy85unop: I actually checked that, I do not have the GUI the site shows for it09:10
StPatrickdamo22, http://pastebin.ca/98077809:10
jscinozbazhang :P hey thats what i run hardy for :P the fun factor :P09:10
unopvkennedy85, you can always edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file (as root) and uncomment the repositories09:10
jscinozi also use :P too much...09:10
bwayneTortuas:  are you using an integrated sound system, like an Intel integrated motherboard, or do you have a separate audio card.09:10
damo22StPatrick: cat /etc/network/interfaces ... not /etc/netwrk09:11
damo22StPatrick: you made a typo09:11
Tortuasbwayne: i think it's integrated.  I'm on a Thinkpad T6009:11
vkennedy85unop: alright I'm going to try it right now, thanks09:11
StPatrickdamo22,  man, sorry. its late.09:11
jscinozbazhang, at least i didn't bork it too bad, it still boots and X starts fine, just some oh so minor things such as... eveyrthing else being horribly broken :P09:11
jscinozdependency hell is a fun place.09:11
bwayneTortuas:  what version of ubuntu?  Gutsy, Feisty, ??09:11
Tortuasbwayne:  I'm using 8.09:12
StPatrickdamo22, http://pastebin.ca/98078109:12
bwayneTortuas:  the beta version?09:12
Tortuasbwayne:  8.0409:12
bazhangjscinoz: I dont feel confident on recommending a course of action here; just to back up some of the really crucial data you have--"just in case"09:12
magnetron!hardy | Tortuas09:12
ubotuTortuas: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu09:12
Tortuasbwayne:  the final version has been released?09:12
dejxhttp://rafb.net/p/w4PnX911.html how could i fix that?09:12
magnetronTortuas: no09:12
damo22StPatrick: so you know that your wired interface is disabled09:12
Tortuasah thanks09:13
StPatrickdamo22,  it is? Im on it right now....09:13
roccityanyone know anything bout xfe??09:13
jscinozbazhang, i've got separate home and root partitions, and a backup only 16hrs old, won't matter if i bork it more :P09:13
bazhangdejx: care to give a bit of background first? what you have tried, what errors you have gotten etc.09:13
jscinozI <3 duplicity09:13
bazhangroccity: xfs or xfce?09:14
unoproccity, xfe or xfce?09:14
damo22StPatrick: do you know the wireless essid09:14
roccityi keep getting popups taking bout one of my windows shares is not mounting09:14
bwayneTortuas:  no you're using what's called a "beta".  sometimes things won't work as expected.  try using a current release version, 7.10, for example.  if you're hardware is really new, it may not be that well supported yet.  but first thing is to start working with the stable version of the OS.09:14
roccityxfe file manager09:14
StPatrickdamo22, NETGEAR09:14
dejxbazhang i tries with sudo and no work09:14
Tortuasunfortunately 7.10 installer won't work with my ATI x1400 card09:14
unoproccity, a little bit, what do you want to know?09:14
dejxI really dont have any idea what to do09:14
dejxX works fine with normal users09:14
magnetronTortuas, bwayne: beta support in #ubuntu+1 ONLY, please09:14
bazhangdejx you tried what with sudo; what are you trying to accomplish09:14
unopdejx, have you tried su?09:14
jscinozwhee, only 254 packages leftto manuall downgrade >_<09:15
dejxsu root? and then xeyes? yes.  same error09:15
roccityhow to stop the popups saying that an smb file didn't mount even unmounted the share and I still get it09:15
jscinozi made myself sad :(09:15
damo22iface wlan0 inet dhcp09:15
damo22wireless-essid NETGEAR09:15
dejxbazhang i'm trying to run xeyes with root09:15
bazhangroccity: you talking about thunar?09:15
bwayneTortuas: /join #ubuntu+1  <-- type that into the channel here.09:15
damo22you need to add those 2 lines to /etc/network/interfaces09:15
roccityno xfe09:15
unopdejx, so wait. does 'su root' actually work? forget xeyes for now.09:16
StPatrickdamo22,  Will that keep me from being able to connect to other random wireless points?09:16
dejxunop yes09:16
unopdejx, right, and what happens when you try and launch xeyes from within a root shell?09:16
roccitybazhang msg/ file manager09:16
damo22StPatrick: im not an expert on wireless... sorry09:16
StPatrickdamo22,  No need to appologize :)09:16
roccitymsg/ bazhang09:16
dejxXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server and in the next line Xlib: No protocol specified09:17
roccityi can't use irc lol09:17
StPatrickdamo22,  Thanks for your help. I'll try adding those lines, and see if i can connect09:17
damo22StPatrick: do you use security?09:17
magnetronStPatrick: what does iwconfig tell you?09:17
damo22StPatrick: iwconfig > pastebin09:17
StPatrickdamo22,  No it's completely unlocked.09:17
bwaynedejx:  you're attempting to run a graphical program from a root shell?09:18
dejxbwayne yes09:18
unopdejx, yea, that's a problem you will encounter when launching X applications when the environment is not setup properly .. i suggest you invalidate the root password and launch the command this way.  gksudo xeyes09:18
bwaynedejx:  gnome or KDE?09:18
bazhangroccity: not sure about the xfe you speak of; are you thinking of something else?09:18
StPatrickmagnetron, damo http://pastebin.ca/98078509:18
unopbwayne, he's set the root password and sudo doesn't work as expected now09:18
roccityno it's a file manager like the old windows i think09:19
bwayneunop:  ahh ...09:19
Tortuaswell all i can say is i am f*ckin impressed with ubuntu09:19
roccityworks great cept for that09:19
Tortuasi may not ever go back to windows09:19
damo22StPatrick: it says you're not in range of an access point09:19
bazhangTortuas: language please09:19
roccitygetting a popup every 10 min09:19
StPatrickdamo22,  I have not yet added those lines, and i am definitly in range.09:19
ganastasiouwhich avi player should i use?09:19
Tortuashow do I get that nifty mac style launcher on the bottom?09:19
unopdejx, from a root shell. run this command.  passwd -L root  # then exit and use gksudo, etc09:20
StPatrickdamo22,  I can see about 13 points listed when i click on the thing in the upper right09:20
bwayneTortuas:   your OS is a tool.  you want to use the correct tool for the job.09:20
bazhangganastasiou: mplayer?09:20
stefan_ganastasiou: Mplayer, VLC, Xine are quite cool09:20
ganastasioui have mplayer and vlx09:20
damo22StPatrick: i dont know09:20
unopdejx, actually make that.  passwd -l root09:20
ganastasioumplayer doesnt show me the subs well09:20
b4l74z4ri installed a kde chat client called konversation in ubuntu and whenever i connect to a server, an entry pops up in the taskbar "launching knotify", it stays for a few seconds then goes away, does anyone have an idea what that's all about?09:20
StPatrickdamo22,  me either.. it's freakin weird.09:20
agentsoulHello, I'm working with hardy, unfortunenatly it comes with an old unuseable (the numerical integration isn't working) version of qtiplot 0.9.3 rc2. The stable and fixed version 0.9.4 is released but only available as source. Where or who can I ask for some help.09:20
bazhangtortuas that is called avant-window-navigator09:21
stefan_i want to prevent ubuntu from loading the lp module at startup. i removed it from /etc/modeules, but its still being loaded09:21
dejxi use kde not gnome09:21
bazhangagentsoul: please see the hardy channel thanks09:21
stefan_ganastasiou: then xein or vlc.. xine is more clicky :)09:21
unopdejx, ok, same thing but then use kdesu instead of gksu09:21
agentsoulbazhang: is it ubuntu+1 ?09:21
ganastasiouand vlc when i go full screen it shows me huge subs09:21
bazhangagentsoul: aye ;]09:21
agentsoulbazhang: thx09:22
bwaynedejx:  IIRC, kdesu is the program to invoke in order to launch a kde application with escalated priviledges.09:22
bwaynedejx:  like "kdesu konqueror" to invoke a root konqueror.09:22
unopbwayne, not just kde applications tho, normal X apps too09:22
bazhangb4l74z4r: this is gutsy?09:22
Tortuasbazhang: thanks09:23
osfameronkdesu =~ gksudo ?09:23
b4l74z4rbazhang: yes09:23
dejxok i did that09:23
dejxwith kdesu09:23
dejxbut it asks me for password and i type mine users09:23
dejxOw, i forgot to tell, we have NIS09:23
bwayneunop:   i agree.   graphical apps need a special environment, brought on my kdesu in KDE or gksudo in GNome, in order to run correctly.09:23
bazhangTortuas: np; you have to enable the ppa repo and install it from there for gutsy; it is in the repos for the next release09:23
ScriptDevilis it possible to do an apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop and then completely remove the ubuntu-desktop09:24
bwayneunop:  i'm not sure if gksudo would invoke a kde-app correctly.09:24
unopdejx, it shouldn't matter, just make sure the root passwd is invalidated first and sudo/kdesu should work fine afterwards09:24
bwayneScriptDevil:  yes.  aptitude is probably the best tool for the job.09:24
sroddenHello again :) I have a 7.10 install and I removed libcap1, was too hasty to confirm the removal and I noticed after that I've removed some stuff I didn't want to. Stupidly I didn't record what packages they were and after a reboot I have no networking. How can I determine what was removed and/or what depends on libcap1?09:25
ScriptDevilbwayne: what will my startup screen tell me, kubuntu or ubuntu?09:25
bazhangScriptDevil: sure, but you need to remove more than just the metapackage; there is a link with /msg ubotu puregnome or purekde forget which--follow that link and at the bottome of the page is a descritpion of all the packages you have to remove09:25
StPatrickNo one else has any ideas about my wireless?09:25
Tortuasbazhang:  I did - sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator and it seems to have installed alright09:25
dejxhm, not ever sudo ls /root dont work09:25
ScriptDevilbazhang: thanks09:25
dejxdo i must change /etc/sudoers ?09:25
unopbwayne, it ought to, iirc, kdesu/gksu etc sets up the X environment so that graphical apps (being gtk, qt, tk, etc) can function09:25
bwayneScriptDevil:  if you "sudo aptitude remove --purge ubuntu-desktop" and "sudo aptitude install kde-desktop" ,  the KDM login manager ought to be the one invoked at startup.09:25
bazhangScriptDevil: beware though; the kde4 is really different ;]09:26
bwayneScriptDevil:  IIRC, dpkg will ask you to choose a default login manager.  you can choose kdm at that time and it'll look like a fresh kubuntu install.09:26
unopdejx, did you reset the root password?09:26
dejxpasswd -l root09:26
unopdejx, if you've done that -- what does thsi command give you?  id; groups09:26
bwayneScriptDevil:  if you use aptitude for this and you don't usually use aptitude, running aptitude --update is probably recommended to do first.09:27
dejxuid=10064(dejand) gid=10065(dejand) groups=10065(dejand)09:27
iceswordanyone knows if this program is open sourced?http://www.gigaget.com/09:27
bazhangicesword: they will say on the page if they are gpl v whatever or not09:28
sroddenicesword, have you visted the site and tried to download the source yet? :)09:28
ScriptDevilbwayne: also my x resolution is poor. At only 1024 * 768 when i can do 1152 * 1024. How do i increase it. It doesnt show up in settings->desktop. Hardy here09:28
unopdejx, hmm, thats quite unusual, you are not member of the admin group which is required to use sudo -- you seem to have changed the system around quite a bit09:28
bazhangargh more hidden hardy-ites09:28
ganastasiouubuntu from default they have XINE?09:29
dejxas i said09:29
dejxmy user is in NIS09:29
bwayneicesword:  it appears that you can only download .exe files, which are executable Microsoft Windows binaries.  a good rule of thumb is "can I download the tar.gz file?"09:29
dejx"test" user is that user i typed in install09:29
magnetron!enter | dejx09:29
ubotudejx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:29
unopdejx, you'll need to logon as root now (however you do with your NIS server) and put yourself in the admin group or edit the sudoers file to give your user sudo capbilities09:29
dejxok i'm root09:30
dejxwhat to do?09:31
faraonxfgood day!09:31
sroddenI'm getting a zlib_inflate error when trying to install 8.04. Does this indicate a corrupt install medium or somethign else?09:31
bwayneicesword:  download managers of that sort are generally considered anti-net etiquette.  without being able to see the source it's just a "block box" program whose behavior might not be net-friendly.09:31
unopdejx, usermod -G admin dejand09:31
bwayneicesword:  kget is a good KDE program to manage downloads.09:31
dejxdejand not found in /etc/passwd09:31
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for all hardy questions folks; thanks09:32
sroddendoh, wrong channel09:32
unopdejx, or the equivalent if your NIS server uses a different means so NIS is updated09:32
bazhangI may as well repeat that message every five minutes ;]09:32
dejxi didnt quite understand last one unop09:32
hirak99what is a nice command line client for instant messenging to yahoo and google talk?09:33
unopdejx, i'm not sure how your NIS server manages users and groups, so i cant tell you how to accomplish this.. you might know how this is done tho which is what i meant09:33
unophirak99, i'm not sure one even exists09:34
CK_MYwho using virtual box ? i cant run it because "The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user" anyone can help[ me ?09:34
dejxhttp://lyre.mit.edu/~powell/debian-howto/nis.html i'm setting my computers via this tutorial09:34
hirak99sorry i meant terminal based messenging, not exactly command line09:35
bazhangscreen does IM?09:35
dejxOk i added manualy in /etc/group my user in admin group09:36
faraonxfcan i help&09:36
bwayneCK_MY:  you'll need to add your user to the vboxusers group, log out and then log back in.09:36
bazhang!enter | dejx09:36
ubotudejx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:36
hischildi would like verification that my server is reachable at ssh on the internet.09:36
egoleo_great i am in now09:37
bwayneCK_MY:  IIRC, 'sudo gpasswd -a username vboxusers' is the general syntax you'll be using.09:37
pat5staris anyone else sad that artie quit today?09:37
bwaynepat5star: who's artie?09:37
bazhangpat5star: ubuntu support question?09:37
bazhangpat5star: if not then please join #ubuntu-offtopic thanks09:38
egoleo_plse how do i use find or locate to find a word or character in a file?09:38
dejxOk, i did passwd -l root again, and trying to run kdesu xeyes and it freezes now09:38
pat5starthe howard stern show uses ubuntu in their studio, but artie quit today, just wondering if anyone else was upset09:38
dejxi mean, keep loading,...09:38
pat5starwould that be considered off topic?09:39
hischildpat5star, yes09:39
pat5staroh sorry09:39
unopdejx, does this give you anything? grep -i $USER /etc/NIS/passwd09:40
pat5starplz forgive me09:40
CK_MYbwayne, 1 user possible can have 2 group ?09:40
Stevethepirate/s/ /\n/ is win09:40
pat5starbaba booey09:40
unopCK_MY, sure09:40
Stevethepirate*s/ /\n/ is win09:40
pat5starSteve: no matter how clever you try to appear, it's not working09:41
bwayneCK_MY:  i'm not sure what you mean "have 2 group".09:41
Stevethepiratepat5star: Referring to the !enter | dejx comment above :P09:41
StevethepirateReplace all spaces with newlines :P09:41
pat5starSteve: no, the /sn/s/sns//sn/s///sn/..ss    stuff09:41
StevethepirateBest way to irritate the shit out of an irc channel09:42
bazhangtoo bad no ops are looking in now09:42
unopStevethepirate, stop that now09:42
jussi01!ohmy | Stevethepirate09:42
ubotuStevethepirate: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:42
pat5starbazhang: what, because of me?09:42
Stevethepiratepat5star: String replacement of ' ' to '\n'09:42
pat5starbazhang: would you prefer I go bug the #windows channel?09:42
J-_To get write permissions to /var/www/sites/default/settings.php I can just "chmod 777 /var/www/default/settings.php" correct?09:42
J-_sudo in front09:43
Chousukeyes, you can, but it's not correct ;P09:43
unopJ-_, it's better to add yourself to the www-data group09:43
StevethepirateYou don't want anyone having read write access to it09:43
x0xanyone here who can help me with proftpd?09:43
Stevethepirateyeah, make www-data then make it like 600 for that group.09:43
J-_unop: How can I do that?09:43
Almindorif I open a text file (eg. .php) how can I see the char encoding being used in gedit? (I need to know if it's utf-8 or what)09:43
pat5starJ-_: even better, chmod -R 777 /09:43
ChousukeJ-_: adduser you www-data09:43
pat5starthen everything will work09:43
unopStevethepirate, 600 wont let him write to that directory, he'll need 66009:43
CK_MYbwayne, i dont know how to explain , because i new to linux09:44
Almindoror any other editor for that matter09:44
J-_pat5star should be kicked.09:44
CK_MYunop, how to add 2 group in 1 user ?09:44
BanghiNationHello, I have installed the drivers/firmware for my ipw2200. When I give the iwconfig command I see it listed now. I would like to know if there is a tool available under ubuntu that users can use to make a connection with a wlan. These users don't have much linux experience. They are used to Windows. So I'd prefer a tool similar to the windows functionality to select a wlan. Any suggestions?09:44
J-_Chousuke: thanks09:44
unopJ-_, sudo usermod -G www-data $USER09:44
hischildpat5star, please refrain from giving useless advice.09:44
pat5starwhat was wrong with my advice?09:44
J-_pat5star: write permissions to root?09:44
J-_That's not funny09:44
pat5starthat's what I did with my install, I have no problems09:44
Stevethepirateunop: Ah, indeed.09:44
hischildpat5star, you should never give all permissions to everyone.09:45
unopCK_MY,  for i in group1 group2; do sudo usermod -G $i $USER; done09:45
x0xANYONE here who can help me with proftpd09:45
Chousukeunop: that's a bad command.09:45
bazhangBanghiNation: the networkmanager-applet should do that fine09:45
unopChousuke, no it's not09:45
gh0sthow can i read my gpu temperature (nvidia)?09:45
Chousukeunop: it'll remove you from any group you're in that you don't list.09:45
naliothpat5star: #ubuntu-offtopic is where we talk about howard09:45
BanghiNationok, I'll install that, thanks09:45
pat5starkicked? I can't believe that! I'm trying to help and being threatened with being kicked....that's the thanks I get?09:45
bwayneCK_MY:  ok.  from the error you're getting, it appears that the user you're trying to use virtualbox with doesn't have the right permissions.09:45
naliothpat5star: #ubuntu is where we provide quality help09:45
unopChousuke, i dont remember that ever being the case before09:46
bazhangBanghiNation: should be there by default; look in the top right of the panel09:46
pat5starnalioth: I'm not talking about that anymore since there doesn't seem to be any interest09:46
Chousukeunop: the manual page says so09:46
bwaynegh0st:  'apt-cache search nvidia'  will probably reveal some tools that you can install.09:46
Chousukeunop: you want usermod -aG09:46
pat5starhischild: why is my advice useless? would it now work in this guys case?09:47
pat5starI mean09:47
dejxunop bazhang thank you guys, i maganed to fix it!09:47
Chousukepat5star: no, it wouldn't.09:47
hischildpat5star, it would work, but also open up a pretty big security hole09:47
dejxOnly problem is that i dont have setted my root password09:47
bazhang!yay | dejx09:47
ubotudejx: Glad you made it! :-)09:47
Chousukepat5star: it would've broken his system.09:47
gh0stbwayne; i have read it should be in nvidia-settings, but it's not09:47
pat5starbut it would work09:48
pat5starbroke it?09:48
Chousukepat5star: no, it wouldn't.09:48
pat5starno it wouldn't09:48
Chousukeyes it would.09:48
CK_MYunop, usermod is my username ? and -G $i $USER09:48
Chousukechmod -R / anything will break your system09:48
gh0stalso, is there any way i can know the model of my MoBo wihtout  opening the case?09:48
bazhanggh0st: perhaps lshw in the terminal not sure though if it is that thorough09:49
ChousukeCK_MY: you want "usermod -aG group username"09:49
unopChousuke, assuming i have the same manpage you do, -G does not say anything about removing the user from the groups he currently exists in but it does say "  A list of supplementary groups which the user is also a member of "09:49
pat5starChousuke: that command you just typed wouldn't work, you have to assign an owner like chmod -R root:root /, then it will work, that' syour problem09:49
ChousukeCK_MY: but adduser user group is easier.09:49
CK_MYChousuke, 1 user can done all thing is easier ^.^09:49
unopCK_MY, usermod is the command .. all you need do is change the values of group1 and group2 in that command09:50
pat5starthis is why windows is so much easier, but that's an argument for another day09:50
unoppat5star, thats offtopic09:50
Chousukeunop: "If the user  is currently a member of a group which is not listed, the user will be removed from the group."09:50
pat5starunop: that's why I said it's a topic for another day, duh!09:50
Chousukepat5star: your command wouldn't work09:51
jpatrick!guidelines > pat5star09:51
unoppat5star, you shouldnt need to mention it :)09:51
Chousukepat5star: you don't change users with chmod09:51
bazhang!ot | pat5star09:51
ubotupat5star: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:51
pat5starwhat? am I all messed up?09:51
Chousukepat5star: and I *intended* for my command not to work because "chmod -R /"  with any permission string will mess up your system09:51
Chousukeat least if you use sudo.09:52
Chousukewithout it, you'll just mess up your home directory and a few other places.09:52
CK_MYunop, sudo usermod -G $ck $vboxusers09:52
pat5staroh yeah, ok...I'm messed up...I better come back tomorrow, cya all, take care :)09:52
ChousukeCK_MY: don't forget the -a09:52
ChousukeCK_MY: and without the $s09:52
CK_MYChousuke, will mess home ?09:52
ChousukeCK_MY: no, that won't.09:52
CK_MYwill mess home folder ?09:53
ChousukeCK_MY: look, just use useradd09:53
pat5starbut what I meant, which makes your system easier to manage is: chmod -R 777 /09:53
Chousukepat5star: ... no09:53
CK_MYChousuke,  what is the differenece ?09:53
pat5starI got that mixed up with chown -R root:root /09:54
ChousukeCK_MY: with usermod -G, you may inadvertently remove yourself from a group09:54
Chousuke!ops | pat5star09:54
ubotupat5star: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!09:54
* jpatrick hugs Madpilot 09:55
CK_MYChousuke, so the best way is add new user ?09:55
bazhangthanks Madpilot jpatrick09:55
hischildthank you jpatrick09:55
ChousukeCK_MY: no09:55
ChousukeCK_MY: "adduser user group" adds "user" to the group "group"09:55
CK_MYChousuke, so which is the best way ?09:55
ChousukeCK_MY: that's what you want, isn't it?09:55
CK_MYChousuke,  yup09:56
reduser5hey all09:56
ChousukeCK_MY: usermod can do it too, but I prefer using adduser because you can't mess it up09:56
bazhanghi reduser509:56
reduser5is there a way i can temporarily disable ip4 or make ip6 the primary connection method?09:57
Chousukereduser5: connect directly to an ipv6 address?09:57
CK_MYChousuke, thanks09:57
reduser5let me try09:57
bbyever             /msg nickserv set hide email on09:58
bazhangbbyever: no spaces before /09:58
bbyeveryea, thanks09:58
CK_MYwho know how to set clone monitor and tv ? i have nvidia 7300LE?10:01
janetI bought a wireless laptop with ubuntu last week so I am very new to how it works. Yesterday I bough a HP Photosmart C4380 printer (wrireless). I can get it to print if I plug in the USB cable but I have no idea how to make it print wireless. The USB cable is in the way so I cannot leave it set up as it is. I have put the CD-ROM into the drive but have no idea what to do next. Can anybody help please?10:03
bazhangCK_MY: twinhead? both show the exact same thing?10:03
CK_MYbazhang, yes , i have monitor and tv , main will be monitor the tv will be the clone ... exact the same thing10:04
ogreim trying to install a package from source. i have navigated to directory and tried mak and ./make to no avail. there is a .pl file that says install. any suggestions?10:04
J-_What is the GD Library called for PHP? Drupal is complaining it's missing.10:04
bazhanghttp://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead CK_MY this should answer that; I just generally plug it in and it works10:05
SanitariuMRunning Xubuntu... have a PCMCIA D-Link DWL-650+ wifi card... nm-applet lists the card and available networks... but is unable to connect/stay connected to any networks.10:05
SanitariuMExample... unsecured network with no encryption... public access... STRONG signal... it connects, then disconnects, then connects, then disconnects rapidly10:06
bazhangjanet: is this a shared printer?10:06
CK_MYbazhang, u using nvidia 7300LE too ?10:06
SanitariuMI ran Kwifimanager to watch what it was doing...10:06
bazhangCK_MY: the desktop version of that card; is that a laptop?10:06
SanitariuMthe access point and local ip kept resetting to 0 then back to normal values then back and forth and over and over10:06
CK_MYbazhang, no i using desktop10:06
janetbazhang- I have 2 wireless laptops - Toshiba on windows - I installed the printer easily on that one and the Dell running on Ubuntu10:07
SanitariuMI had this same problem with the laptop on Windows XP when using the default network manager... the problem was resolved by simply using the *software* provided by d-link for network management10:07
bazhangCK_MY: not sure of the exact name; it is the 256MB 7300 one though10:07
SanitariuMI've tried half a dozen network managers under linux here and all keep reproducing the same problem10:07
CK_MYbazhang, yup10:07
bazhangtuntun: no music here please10:08
foibleshi there10:08
foiblesi just installed another distro on another partition, but now my grub is all messed up10:08
foiblesi can't load ubuntu anymore10:08
foibleshow do you fix your grub loader up?10:08
jpatrick!ot | icesword, tuntun10:08
ubotuicesword, tuntun: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:08
iceswordtuntun, where are you10:08
hirak99foibles: sorry to hear that, but it is easy to fix10:08
foibleshirak99: good good!10:09
hirak99foibles: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435110:09
bazhangjanet this is gutsy?10:09
janetbazhang- I believe so10:09
hirak99foibles: just instead of "find /boot/grub/stage1", you do "find /boot/grub/menu.lst"10:09
tuntunoh hai ЮЭ10:09
hirak99foibles: the rest of the steps remain same.10:10
bazhangjanet: try lsb_release -a in the terminal to make sure please10:10
janetbazhang - ok10:10
foibleshirak99: im currently on gentoo10:10
foibleswill these instructions work for it?10:10
bazhangtuntun: please stop10:10
hirak99foibles: it will work on gentoo also yes10:10
foibleshirak99: okee dokee10:11
hirak99foibles: the idea is to rewrite the bootsector with grub loader10:11
SanitariuMany ideas on my wifi issue?10:13
foibleshirak99: is it best to do this from a livecd, as my reading seems to indicate, i merely ask for a second opinion10:13
janetbazhang- yes, it is 7.10 gutsy10:13
tengulretheone: where are u come from?10:13
bazhanghttp://mytechieself.blogspot.com/2008/01/ubuntu-gutsy-gibbon-v710-makes.html janet look at this please10:13
tengulrewhy I got Hash Sum misatch when I running apt-get update ?10:14
bazhangtheone english please10:14
janetbazhang- ok10:14
hirak99foibles: if you have the live cd probably better to do it from there; though there shouldn't be any difference if you have latest version of grub in gentoo10:14
iceswordtheone, hahahaha,bird languauge10:14
unopthat looks like thai to me10:14
bazhangicesword: offtopic10:15
iceswordbazhang, :(10:15
bazhangSanitariuM: your card is in roaming mode? do you need to use gui? or is cli okay10:16
SanitariuMyes card is in roaming mode10:17
bazhangSanitariuM: this is gutsy correct? do you use cli--or must it be gui10:17
SanitariuMselect network, thing tries to connect, then goes whack with connect/disconnects10:17
SanitariuMyes gutsy10:17
SanitariuMunfortunately laptop ain't with me right now, tis at friend's house waiting for me to come over to fix it hehe10:18
bazhangSanitariuM: the reason I mention cli is that we can diagnose errors more easily10:18
janetbazhang - I have read the webpage - this is probably a silly question but do I need to plug the printer via the USB into the router to start with? The page says make sure the printer is configured and attached to your router.10:18
SanitariuMnot familiar with cli, bazhang... still rather new, learning as i go10:19
bazhangjanet: that would be the way to go yes10:19
SanitariuMmy next guess would be to d/l the xp drivers for the card and use ndiswrapper on em10:19
SanitariuMairplus.inf, airplus.sys10:19
SanitariuMwould those work under ndis?10:19
janetbazhang - ok - thanks - I will log off now as I have to move the printer across the room and move furniture. But thanks.10:19
SanitariuMbeing it's a pcmcia card10:19
bazhangSanitariuM: well we could provide you with the commands to troubleshoot this via cli; it would be more informative with the error messages it might give10:19
n2j3any idea on how to save .bash_history in RAM instead of disk? trying hard to minimise disk writes :s10:20
SanitariuMi'll have to get the thing on wired connection and come back and hope someone's around10:20
SanitariuMcuz i've been googling this for well over an hour now10:20
iceswordn2j3, how do you ran ubuntu in a vm or ?10:20
StPatrickusing Compiz in Ubuntu?10:20
bazhangSanitariuM: with this many people someone is always around ;]10:20
n2j3no, off a flashdisk icesword10:20
hirak99why don't these people release there source codes, or atleast a driver for linux? don't they realize people will slowly stop buying their products10:21
n2j3linutop2 \o/10:21
iceswordohhhhh,i see10:21
StPatrickhow do I use compiz in Ubuntu?10:21
bazhangStPatrick: get the correct 3d drivers installed for your card and install ccsm10:21
n2j3i tried ln -s to /tmp or /dev/null icesword but i get a "file exists" message10:21
dromerhmz, somehow mplayer and vlc won't play sound anymore, both say Device or resource busy10:21
iceswordn2j3, uninstall unnecessary packages10:22
n2j3:o packages? what for?10:22
StPatrickbazhang,  thanks, and where can I find new the,es for ubuntu?10:22
unophirak99, intellectual propery and open source don't exactly go hand in hand -- and the number of linux users is not a significant enough for them to cater to the linux community (yet)10:22
hirak99StPatrick: i use compizconfig-settings-manager, "sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager" for using compiz properly10:22
iceswordn2j3, er,em,uninstall unnecessary apps10:22
bazhangStPatrick: the drivers would be the restricted driver manager; ccsm you can get info if you /msg ubotu ccsm10:22
J-_how can I see if mod_rewrite is working on my server?10:23
n2j3how is that going to minimise disk writes icesword ? i'm on about specifically .bash_history10:23
unopn2j3, if you get that warning, yuo probably aren't using ln properly10:23
gansystem is not shuuting down if i give init 0, it is saying system halted , why?10:23
hirak99StPatrick: u should turn on compiz from the Appearance in the menu, or by "sudo compiz --replace" (former way is preferred i suppose)10:23
n2j3ln -s /dev/null ~/.bash_history10:23
n2j3 ?10:23
unopgan, thats the way init works10:23
bazhangcompiz --replace from run command (alt f2); no sudo needed iirc10:23
unopn2j3, right, but ~/.bash_history already exists - so you need to delete it first or use the -f flag to ln10:24
StPatrickhirak99,  Thanks. It would appear that there is a problem wiht my display adaptors.10:24
n2j3hmm good point10:24
ganunop, if i give the system should go to shutdown , but the monitor is not going off10:24
StPatrickGoodnight, then10:24
n2j3so unop, ln -f /dev/null ~/.bash_history right?10:24
hirak99unop, you are right... i tossed a stupid adsl modem that won't work with linux after trying to persuade the customer service for a while to get a driver out10:24
hirak99that was long back though10:24
StPatrickOh themes. where Do i get a themes for my Linutop?10:25
ganunop, it says system is halted10:25
=== Mattz is now known as matboy
BanghiNationHello. Can somebody tell me in which file I can set the default umask?10:25
n2j3lol everybody's cueing for un_op10:25
=== matboy is now known as MatBoy
=== bbyever is now known as Bruno_
unopgan, you will need to use poweroff or better even .. shutdown -h ..10:25
n2j3ln: creating hard link `/home/linutop/.bash_history' to `/dev/null': Invalid cross-device link10:26
=== Bruno_ is now known as bbyever
n2j3that was ln -f10:26
n2j3after deleting .bash_history10:26
N3uro5i5hi all10:26
sajal_can any1 say....10:27
sajal_can I use GyachE improved at ubuntu10:27
sajal_I'v installed it..but its not working well10:27
unopn2j3, hmm, yea, didnt think about that,  it might be better to edit the $HISTFILESIZE variable, set it to 0 and that should keep you happy10:28
unopn2j3, i dont see why ln was failing there still, it should work10:29
n2j3i need .bash_history , just not on disk, that's what i was trying to do10:29
Oprtzi am fedup with ubuntu 7.10, this is 2nd time when i update the files showing in notification (188 updates available) after that my system cant log in to ubuntu, ask me user name and password then noting happend :(10:29
DrumWanna earn money ?Or if u wanna get ircop hack u can find everything here - click here ----> http://white.hopto.org/10:29
ganunop, usually i use to give init 0 ., it works fine , now what happen i didnt know .,10:29
tengulreanybody here since using iscsi?10:29
bazhang!ops | Drum10:29
ubotuDrum: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!10:29
ganunop, what is the script running if i shutdown the PC10:30
bazhangOprtz: could you please pastebin your sources.list10:30
sajal_gan... just write down.   poweroff then enter it'll shut down ur PC10:31
unopgan, depends, its the kernel that issues a BIOS sequence to poweroff the pc tho10:31
Oprtzbazhang: how to do this, i know nothing abt linux, can u guide me please10:31
unopn2j3, if you need ~/.bash_history, why are you trying to link it to /dev/null -- thats as good as not having one :)10:31
paulowskyhello, I'm using ubuntu 7.10 on a hp 6710 notebook and the system keeps hanging, usually reporting I/O errors, but when I run fsck, nothing is wrong10:31
bazhangOprtz: are you on the computer now? can you install software on it?10:32
paulowskyhello, I'm using ubuntu 7.10 on a hp 6710 notebook and the system keeps hanging, usually reporting I/O errors, but when I run fsck, nothing is wrong10:32
ganunop, even if i run the command poweroff, error "system halted "10:32
Oprtzi am on windows machine and ubuntu is infront of m10:32
n2j3:s maybe i should have tried /tmp/ then unop ?10:32
n2j3how to remove that link now10:32
Oprtzbazhang: i told u , ubuntu cant log me in, after giving username and password, it stuck there :(10:32
bazhangOprtz: is this ubuntu computer on the internet now?10:32
unopn2j3, delete it with rm10:32
Oprtzbazhang: no windows10:33
bazhangOprtz: do you have the livecd?10:33
Oprtzbazhang: but i have access to ubuntu10:33
Oprtzbazhang: yes i do10:33
bazhangOprtz: how do you have access if you cannot log in?10:33
n2j3i did rm ~/.bash_history prior to making that link unop10:34
paulowskyOprtz: I think bazhang is asking if the ubuntu computer you're trying to fix is connected to the internet right now10:34
n2j3and .bash_history is nowher to be seen now lol, i think i messed it up10:34
dromeranyone an idea why mplayer and vlc can't play sound but for instance mpd can?10:34
dromerthis is getting anoying :/10:34
Oprtzyes its connected with LAN10:34
unopgan, why don't you use 'shutdown -h now' instead?10:34
paulowskyOprtz: what exactly is the problem?10:34
Oprtzi am fedup with ubuntu 7.10, this is 2nd time when i update the files showing in notification (188 updates available) after that my system cant log in to ubuntu, ask me user name and password then noting happend :(10:34
bazhangdromer: is some other app using the sound card? you using wine for example?10:34
unopn2j3, you can recreate it - touch ~/.bash_history10:34
n2j3and then link it to /tmp ?10:35
mjaniszhi! i'm looking for a simple ncurses-like interface with header files for c++, you guys know of any?10:35
ganunop, ok i use & tell you10:35
dromerbazhang: not using wine, only ap using the sound card is mpd .. but this has never given me a problem10:35
Oprtzbazhang: so what to do wut live cd?10:35
paulowskyOprtz: press Alt+ctrl+f1 tell me what happens10:35
OprtzPaulMooney: screen tuned black10:35
dromerbazhang: hmm, if I kill mpd it does work :/10:36
unopn2j3, if you want it to be linked to somewhere in tmp.  touch /tmp/.bash_history; ln -s /tmp/.bash_history ~/.bash_history10:36
paulowskybazhang: you have to check if the system is frozen, or its just a gnome startup issue first10:36
bazhangdromer: seems that mpd does not play nice with the other apps10:36
dromerbut mpd should be able to run side by side any video-app :/10:36
pdonorlol bazhang! D állat10:36
n2j3thanks unop10:36
Dud3Wanna be an IRC OP? ---> http://white.hopto.org/ http://white.hopto.org/ http://white.hopto.org/10:36
Dud3Wanna be an IRC OP? ---> http://white.hopto.org/ http://white.hopto.org/ http://white.hopto.org/10:36
FloodBot1Dud3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:36
OprtzPaulMooney: last time ubuntu corrupt my HDD and now i purchase new HDD for ubuntu but now i am facing prob again10:36
bazhang!ops | dud310:37
ubotudud3: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!10:37
Amaranthbazhang: floodBot already handled it10:37
bazhangwatch the unban though10:37
Oprtzbazhang: i am waiting for u sir.... what to do10:37
ganunop, now also i getting the same error10:37
AmaranthWon't be one, he noticed the channel10:37
n2j3unop, ln: creating symbolic link `/home/linutop/.bash_history' to `/tmp/.bash_history': File exists10:37
crdlbbazhang: that's not a flood mute10:37
AmaranthChannel notice == permban from floodbot10:37
jpatrickand he was klined10:38
bazhangah thanks Amaranth; was I wrong to call ops on that?10:38
unopn2j3, remove ~/.bash_history first :)10:38
Falcon846my live cd is stopping 3 bars in. i hav read up on the problem, but still hav no idea what to do10:38
Amaranthbazhang: You will be if you call next time it works like that :P10:38
ganunop, now also i getting the same error " system halted"10:38
bazhangmy apologies Amaranth10:38
Amaranthbazhang: Eh, now you know :)10:39
unopgan, i'm not sure what's happening there10:39
bazhangokay thanks Amaranth10:39
n2j3phew, worked now unop , i'm so thick :s10:39
n2j3thanks a bunch10:39
Lamegois the any option to pass a parameter from the boot kernel line to a startup script ?10:39
Oprtzthink u guys are busy10:39
bazhangsorry not to notice sooner crdlb10:40
ganunop, you tell me if i run the init 0 "which script is running tell"10:40
Oprtzwill try to ask from some other channel :(10:40
unopgan, maybe.  shutdown -P -h now #?10:40
Amaranthbazhang: I just learned about that feature today too10:40
Falcon846not that i know of, its my first time using linux10:40
bazhangokay thanks10:40
ganunop, sorry the same error10:41
unopgan, it's not exactly a script - init does the work there and changes the runlevel10:41
ganunop, yeah you are correct under runlevel which script what input it is taking10:41
unopgan, init the command, is actually an executable (/sbin/init) and it acts on process 1 - it takes the parameters you give it, it does not call anything else (iirc)10:43
Falcon846does anybody know how to get the live cd to stop freezing at 3 bars?10:43
bazhangFalcon846: this is a dual boot?10:44
xukunhi all10:44
Falcon846its with xp10:45
unopgan, you could ask about this in #linux or perhaps even #debian - maybe they know better (just don't tell the #debian folks you run ubuntu when asking about this)10:45
bazhangFalcon846: have you checked the md5 sum for that iso file? also what speed did you burn it at10:45
xukunis there somebody here which has an experience about ps3 and ubuntu?10:45
Falcon846i ordered the cd from shipit10:45
hirak99hi, looking for a good terminal IM client in case anybody uses one10:45
bazhangFalcon846: you able to use the terminal (command line) at all?10:46
saminthemiddlehello everyone10:46
bwaynexukun:  a friend of mine and I attempted to install it, but it was unusable.10:46
Falcon846is that when you press f6 before selecting to install and see the boot options?10:47
xukunbwayne, hmm really? that is too bad. I was thinking to get one and install ubuntu on it so I can play hd 1080p content with it10:48
bazhangFalcon846: aye; could you add acpi=off to that boot parameter?10:48
Falcon846right before the --?10:49
saminthemiddleIs anyone other than me concerned that Ubuntu 8.04 is going to ship with Firefox 3 Beta 4? I'm a bit nervous about beta code being integrated into a production platform.10:52
bazhangFalcon846: you should also remove quiet as a boot parameter so we can see the options; a simpler option (if you are not on dialup) would be to get the alternate cd and install from that--it does well when the livecd chokes10:52
J-_I'm running Dapper on my server, and I just enabled mod_rewrite but I just tried to test it with my Drupal install it doesn't work. Do I need to create a .htaccess first to see if it works?10:52
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for hardy discussion thanks10:52
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP
unopJ-_, you don't need a htaccess file for mod_rewrite .. and what do you mean "it doesn't work" what have you tried so far?10:52
Falcon846bazhang: dono if i typed it in the right place, but it is still getting stuck10:52
bazhangFalcon846: did you remove quiet as well? so we can see what errors it is getting?10:53
Falcon846removing now10:54
bazhangFalcon846: I have to head out; this is not a terribly difficult problem to solve--you might mention about the alternate cd to whomever helps you next10:54
Falcon846k thanks10:55
eth01welcome back :)10:59
=== sauvin_ is now known as sauvin
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!11:00
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:00
saminthemiddlewoah, what happened?11:00
jpatrick!netsplit | saminthemiddle11:00
ubotusaminthemiddle: please see above11:00
saminthemiddlejpatrick; thanks, I just noticed11:01
PaulMooneylike the pipe usage11:02
leche_nick leche11:02
Oprtz i am fedup with ubuntu 7.10, this is 2nd time when i update the files showing in notification (188 updates available) after that my system cant log in to ubuntu, ask me user name and password then noting happend :(11:03
hirak99also may i suggest turning off notifications on joins parts quits from your irc client11:03
Oprtzshould i reinstall ubuntu ? toget rid of this problem11:03
egoleo_but when u do ctr alt f111:04
egoleo_what do u get11:04
CK_MYubuntu has installed ftp server by default?11:04
PaulMooneyCK_MY: I don't believe so11:05
beni_fis there any way to "grep" stderr ?11:06
PaulMooneybeni_f: I don't think so.  wouldn't searching the system logs work for you?11:08
beni_fPaulMooney, nope.. I need to get the details of a video via ffmpeg11:08
beni_fand ffmpeg is not grep'able in some crazy kind of way11:08
geirhabeni_f: adding 2>&1 behind a command will direct stderr to stdout, so you can grep ...11:09
PaulMooneycool...  could redirect to a file also if that would be better for you...11:10
beni_fgeirha, oh thank you thats what i searched for11:10
beni_fPaulMooney, thanks to you too!11:10
Jezzwhat is the easiest way to set up a VPN server with ubuntu?11:12
Jezzim quite new to linux11:12
beni_f!openvpn | Jerzz11:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openvpn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:13
saminthemiddleJezz: the easiest way is to replace your router with a VPN/Router11:13
Namibianhello #ubuntu, i was wondering if anyone is nice enough to help me install nvidia drivers on my debian lenny box. Ive been trying to get it to work after 5 days now. thanks11:13
geirha!vpn | Jezz11:13
ubotuJezz: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD11:13
saminthemiddleJezz: the problem with most VPN protocols is that they don't like IP masquerading AT ALL11:13
Jezzi tried to install openvpn but i cant find it11:14
Namibiananyone? :(11:15
saminthemiddleJezz: that's one of them that doesn't like being masqueraded, if you're behind a firewall it won't work11:15
tarelerulzany of you hear of coccinella ?11:15
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.11:15
saminthemiddleNamibian: it's been several years since I used Debian w/ Nvidia cards, but IIRC you need to use the driver supplied from NVIDIA not the one from the repos11:16
CK_MYwhich ftp server has GUI ?11:16
saminthemiddleNamibian: mind you, I said it's been several years since I did it, so things have probably changed...11:16
Jezzso i installed pptpd11:17
saminthemiddleCK_MY: ftp servers have GUIs?11:17
JezzFile: /etc/ppp/options < i have to delete everything in here and only type lock and #debug?11:17
NamibianSaminthemiddle: thanks for replying, Ive tried numerous steps already - particularly the Debian way and all of the time it resulted in total disaster, dependency problems, incompatibility with kernel, nonbootable system,11:17
Jezzsrry im very new to linux11:17
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, i dont know , that why i ask11:17
saminthemiddleCK_MY: if you're trying to use FTP just for personal use, try using SSH, you can transfer files over SSH and it's encrypted (unlike FTP)11:18
dev1<Namibian> look for private msg11:18
Jezzwhy cant i save that file?11:19
Namibiandev1: i am using irssi - i am not sure how to see pms here *blushes*11:19
saminthemiddleNamibian: then it hasn't changed a bit ;-) Try using the Nvidia binary installer again; that's all I can help. I'm using Ubuntu now and besides, I have an Intel GMA card now :-P11:19
Jezzso how can i open a text file with sudo rights :s11:19
Jezzor root dunno what its called11:19
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, wat is ssh ? sorry i new to linux , just started using ubuntu 3 day11:19
Namibiansaminthemiddle: ok, wow its been that long and they dont want 3d graphics to work on lenny, that is just sad - anyway thanks, thought id ask here since you guys are friendlier11:20
JezzCould not save the file /etc/ppp/options.11:20
Jezzhow can i save a text file :O11:20
saminthemiddleCK_MY: yay! converts! SSH is the secure shell. It's usually used to log in remotely to another computer's command line. But it can also be used to tunnel traffic adding an encryption layer to your communications as well as provide a convenient and secure (for trusted users) file sharing protocol11:21
saminthemiddleNamibian: no kidding, the people at #Debian are a right nasty lot to anyone with a skill level less than "developer"11:22
geirhaJezz: sudo youreditor file_to_edit.conf  # save your changes to /tmp/ if you don't have root-permissions, then copy it in place with sudo11:22
Jezzlol i think maybe its easier to set up a 2003 server for vpn connections :o11:23
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, any software ? putty ?11:23
Namibiansaminthemiddle: i didn't even mention the channel lol11:23
Jezzisnt there a graphical way to make a vpn server on ubuntu?11:23
PaulMooneysaminthemiddle: is it right to say there's a significant bandwidth decrese with ssh b/c of the encryption11:23
saminthemiddleCK_MY: the problem with SSH is that when you log into the file transfer it drops the user in the root directory (/), which could be a security problem as you have to make sure that your permissions are set up right if you are not the only one using it. I would recommend that you set it up with just the SSH if you just want it for personal use. If you want to allow other people to use it too and you don't trust them enough to11:24
saminthemiddle have full access to your computer, consider tunneling FTP though an SSH tunnel.11:24
PaulMooneyeven on my work lan, i find it slow to transfer w/ scp11:24
geirhaJezz: if you are more familiar with windows, then that's probably better. vpn-client is much easier to set up in ubuntu11:24
unop_PaulMooney, why would bandwidth decrease because of encryption? no11:24
Jezzi guess so11:24
saminthemiddlePaulMooney: I don't notice a bandwidth decrease with relatively recent hardware11:24
PaulMooneyunop: because there are extra packets to be sent?11:24
erUSULunop_: becouse you hit cpu bottleneck some ciphers are cpu intensive11:25
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, actually my purpose want to tranfer file between office and home only , so which is the best suggestion ?11:25
saminthemiddleCK_MY, if Putty is the Windows SSH client, then yes, you need it. Windows doesn't understand SSH natively (but Linux and OSX do)11:25
unop_PaulMooney, even with extra packets bandwidth doesn't decrease - the time taken to do something over the pipe might increase tho, is that what you mean?11:25
unop_erUSUL, that doesn't affect bandwidth tho.11:25
PaulMooneyCK_MY: to answer your original quesiton, gftp11:25
PaulMooneyI believe...11:25
PaulMooneyCK_MY: correction, gftpd11:26
CK_MYPaulMooney, that ftpserver has GUI ?11:26
CK_MYPaulMooney, apt-get cant get11:26
saminthemiddleCK_MY, definitely go with SSH; between office and home means that you are going to be traversing public net with private data. If you don't encrypt it every sysadmin, hacker, and his dog will be able to read your files. And FTP doesn't encrypt11:27
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, in linux wat i should use ? putty ?11:28
CK_MYPaulMooney, thanks i will try if ssh not work for me ^.^11:28
saminthemiddleCK_MY: Linux understands SSH quite well, just "connect to server" under Gnome and it opens it like (almost) any other folder11:28
PaulMooneyunop: if your cpu is the bottleneck... it would mean the system networking is idling waiting on the cpu...11:29
Namibiandev1: got your pm, thanks sir, i am using lenny btw11:29
saminthemiddleCK_MY; and remember, pick a strong password. SSH allows anyone to log into your computer provided they have the proper passwords11:29
pbneis there any ubuntu release running kernel version 2.4.x?11:30
PaulMooneyCK_MY: ssh should be installed already (client basically).  to enable sshd, install sshd.... or openssh as it might be called in the repos....11:30
=== GPB is now known as LSG
saminthemiddleCK_MY; at the very least you can just turn on the SSH daemon and forget about it. That will work. However I recommend taking a couple extra precautions.11:30
unop_PaulMooney, and that affects bandwidth how? it still is the same whatever your CPU. memory or harddisks do - do you mean latency instead of bandwidth?11:30
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, so wat i need to install on windows?11:31
PaulMooneyunop: the end result being slower transfer....11:31
saminthemiddleCK_MY: For example, I would recommend forbidding any of your regular accounts from logging in and creating a special user for the SSH transmitions (with a unique password). Make a folder that both the normal user and the SSH guest user can access and make it a kind of "shared folder" folder. That prevents hackers from messing up your home should they break in11:31
arteniusblack screen on login.. any ideas?11:32
saminthemiddleCK_MY: you want the server to be on Windows, or the client on Windows. If you want the client on Windows, I think putty will work.11:32
PaulMooneyunop: I believe the word I need is "throughput", as I've seen used in testing new 802.11n configs11:32
Jizzo|workIrc question: How does one link the persons name in his message when your replying to them, without actually typing it over?11:32
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, linux for server , windows for client11:33
erUSUL!tab | Jizzo|work11:33
ubotuJizzo|work: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:33
saminthemiddleCK_MY: if you like extra work then the more secure way of doing it (but not by much) would be to disable SSH logins and tunnel FTP though SSH. Even more secure would be to run the SSH daemon in a chroot jail but that's just getting paranoid. If you have strong passwords you should be fine ;-)11:33
PaulMooneyJizzo|work: I'm on xchat, so it's tab for me.  it depends on what client you are using11:33
saminthemiddleCK_MY: Putty will work fine then11:33
saminthemiddleCK_MY: and consider turning on Ubuntu's firewall. Block all incoming packet on the 22 port (that's SSH) except from the IP and Mac address that your work computer uses. This will prevent just anyone from accessing the daemon and help increase security if your password should be leaked or broken. Also you can use the firewall to close the port off completely during non-business hours :-)11:35
saminthemiddleCK_MY: if your password is leaked when you are using an SSH daemon you have a Very Big Problem (tm)11:35
lorrsIs there a package directory for Ubuntu like this one http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages for Debian?11:36
CK_MYok i will try11:37
CK_MYthanks saminthemiddle11:37
arteniusblack screen on login attempt, any ideas what the problem is ?11:37
lorrsI have found http://packages.ubuntu.com/ with Google. I didn't find this URL on http://www.ubuntu.com/. Is http://packages.ubuntu.com/ dead?11:38
saminthemiddleCK_MY; you're welcome. And try not to become as paranoid as I am :-)11:38
unop_lorrs, it seems to be11:38
saminthemiddleCK_MY: but stay vigilant11:38
damo22does the current version of gtkpod work with the latest ipods?11:38
lorrsunop_: :-/11:39
PaulMooneythat was a lot of good advice.  I'm trying to remember it lol11:39
kane77is it possible to have two keyboards connected, but they would have different layouts?11:39
z3ldhi to all11:39
arteniusunop_: I know  you know how to solve a black screen when logging in.. :)11:39
b4l74z4rdoes anyone know of a mp3/song announcer for rhythmbox and konversation, or would such a script be impossible given that rhythmbox is gnome and konversation is kde?11:39
saminthemiddlekane77: I don't think so. why don't you try the little keyboard switcher on the dock?11:40
unop_PaulMooney, throughput has different meanings depending on which layer of networking you refer to. at the network layer, throughput is unaffected by encryption, but network applications are11:40
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, i will try , but it seem quite hard to to set\11:40
Falcon846Hi, can anyone help me out with a live cd boot problem11:40
GNU\colossusb4l74z4r: impossible is nothing ;)11:40
unop_artenius, tell us more about what you see.11:40
saminthemiddleCK_MY: the firewall? yeah, it's easy once you know how. It's the learning how that's the bugger11:40
binarical-appwhat is the kubuntu equivialnt to "kill" , where would i find the "system control"11:40
PaulMooneyCK_MY: I found it on my ftp.  the program name is groftpd11:40
arteniusunop_: the screen just goes black when you try to login11:40
kane77saminthemiddle, heh.. yes well I use the keyboard switcher, but I want to have regular layout and then dvorak11:41
unop_lorrs, you can still use apt-cache and dpkg to do what packages.ubuntu.com does.  'apt-cache search package' and 'dpkg -S file'11:41
CK_MYPaulMooney, groftpd  has GUI too ?11:41
tarelerulzDo you know of any chat client  that supports gtalk's voice chat protocol jingle ?11:41
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, because for me it quite hard for me11:41
Falcon846does anyone know why my boot is getting stuck on loading hardware drivers11:41
unop_artenius, so the login screen is fine? you see that alright?11:41
saminthemiddlekane77: I do that :-) I have a dvorak keyboard as the default and I have the switcher up there for when I need regular11:41
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pajamianbinarical-app: kill, and you need to direct kubuntu questions to #kubuntu11:41
arteniusunop_: yes11:41
PaulMooneyCK_MY: typo.  gproftpd.  yes, it has cui11:41
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, im windows user 5year _11:41
PaulMooneyCK_MY: gui* yeesh...11:42
saminthemiddleCK_MY: I see, well, read up on it, it's not so hard once you get un-scared11:42
binarical-appim sorry, i must have come to wrong chat, thanks pajamian11:42
kane77saminthemiddle, ok, I just thought that it would be possible to have one physical keyboard dvorak and one regular...11:42
unop_artenius, do you have another user you can logon as?11:43
lorrsunop_: I am using Debian at the moment. Is there something like http://ftp.debian.org/dists/ for Ubuntu?11:43
arteniusunop_: no11:43
iceswordlorrs, what you want11:43
saminthemiddleCK_MY, PaulMooney, please don't use FTP on a public net like that, you're asking for very bad things to happen to you. For one thing FTP doesn't even encrypt the password so someone could say: sniff your password, replace one of your files with a trojan which when opened installs a rootkit which opens a reverse tunnel console to the hacker leading to a root-level exploit with full console control11:44
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, u have any good site for SSH ?11:44
Falcon846please, could someone help me11:44
saminthemiddlekane77: I have wanted a hardware key scrambler for years so I could (more easily) use a Dvorak keymap on public terminals11:44
iceswordlorrs, my debian sid is broken11:45
saminthemiddleCK_MY: sorry, but SSH itself is really easy to set up (you just turn it on, most of the time)11:45
lorrsicesword: I want to now which version of fvwm are available in the official releases of Ubuntu. That's all. Getting this information shouldn't be a pain in the ass.11:45
lorrsicesword: And I don't want to install Ubuntu to get this information.11:45
unop_artenius, what you'll need to do is drop to a terminal (CTRL+ALT+F1), log in and create a new user with this command.  sudo adduser newuser # then get back to the login screen (CTRL+ALT+F7), login with that user and run this command.  sudo -u user gnome-display-properties # set a good resolution, log out and log back in with the usual user11:45
iceswordlorrs, ahhhhh,sorry then11:46
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, where to enable ? it install by default ?11:46
saminthemiddleCK_MY: google for "hardened SSH" or "hardened linux" and look for the sections involving SSH. And before you take any of the advice: make sure you understand what you are doing, if the document doesn't explain what the tweaks do, don't follow that document11:46
pajamianFTP is actually a lot harder to properly configure than SFTP11:46
unop_lorrs, for which distro? gutsy?11:46
lorrsunop_: The current stable and the last stable.11:46
saminthemiddleCK_MY, oh, I understand, you want to turn it on. You need to turn it on from the "services" menu in Gnome. Or you could add it to your rc.scripts (which is what the Gnome app does anyway IIRC)11:47
saminthemiddleCK_MY, just use the GUI ;-)11:47
unop_lorrs, gvwm Candidate: 1:2.5.21-111:47
lorrsunop_: 7.10 and 7.04.11:47
LifeisfunnyFalcon846, many don't know if they can help til you spill the beans on the issue you need addressed11:47
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, GUI better because i new to linux , GUI fist , after command11:48
icesword!info fvwm11:48
saminthemiddleCK_MY: IIRC the command to activate SSH at boot is "rc-update add sshd default"11:48
ubotufvwm (source: fvwm): F(?) Virtual Window Manager, version 2.5. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5.21-1 (gutsy), package size 3068 kB, installed size 6664 kB11:48
reel__!info mediatomb11:48
ubotuPackage mediatomb does not exist in gutsy11:48
GNU\colossussaminthemiddle: on gentoo, yes11:48
saminthemiddleGNU\colossus: aaah, what is it in Ubuntu. I guess my distro hopping shows ;-)11:49
* Antti !weather, !kernel, !sysinfo, !sms11:49
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:49
unop_!info fvwm fiesty11:49
ubotufvwm (source: fvwm): F(?) Virtual Window Manager, version 2.5. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5.21-1 (gutsy), package size 3068 kB, installed size 6664 kB11:49
unop_!info fvwm gutsy11:49
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
lorrs!info fvwm 7.1011:49
GNU\colossussaminthemiddle: i don't know if update-rc.d can handle ADDING init scripts to runlevels. if not, you need to manually symlink.11:49
iceswordstop it11:49
unop_lorrs, ^^ what icesword showed you was for the latest stable .. what i did was for last stable11:49
Falcon846i just got a copy of gutsy gibbon from shipit. when i boot and press start it goes fine until it gets stuck at 3 bars. i turned off quiet and it says its loading hardware drivers11:50
saminthemiddleunop_, lorrs, you can "/msg ubotu !info your question"11:50
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, in GNOME menu " SERVICE" i din see any related about SSH ? how to enable?11:50
lorrssaminthemiddle: Oops. Didn't know that.11:50
Klassniyhttp://white.hopto.org/ http://white.hopto.org/ http://white.hopto.org/11:50
Klassniyhttp://white.hopto.org/ http://white.hopto.org/ http://white.hopto.org/11:50
FloodBot2Klassniy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:50
lorrsunop_: Thank you. :-)11:50
unop_saminthemiddle, i know, but i was showing lorrs something11:50
Lifeisfunnyiceword,  clicking on fvwm in synaptic gives someone a list of ....  gdk-imlib11  ... imlib-base ... librplay3 ... libstroke011:50
saminthemiddleGNU\colossus: I see, that works just as well. If less elegant...11:51
saminthemiddleunop_ okay, in that case it's fine.11:51
PaulMooneysaminthemiddle: GNU\colossus, CK_MY: I didn't have to do all that to enable it....  I just sudo apt-get install ssh11:52
PaulMooneyit did everything else automatically11:52
saminthemiddlePaulMooney, CK_MY, GNU\colossus, in that case, just install it and test to make sure it works ;-)11:53
CK_MYi installed openssh11:53
root0does anyone know anything about systemimager?11:53
GNU\colossusPaulMooney: debian has a habit of automatically (re)starting daemons upon install11:53
CK_MYwhat i can do now ?11:53
pajamianssh-server is enabled by default in ubuntu11:53
alanbshepard70Is there any way to automatically mark all packages installed that aren't installed by default for removal? Also for another system I want to make it bare bones so is there a list some where of all the default installed packages that can be safely removed and also the ones that are critical?11:53
GNU\colossusand also adding it to the default runlevel11:53
PaulMooneypajamian: I've always had to install the daemon11:54
PaulMooneyssh the client is there by default...11:54
pajamianPaulMooney: right11:54
CK_MYbut i installed openssh , how to configure?11:54
GNU\colossusCK_MY: man sshd_config11:54
pajamianPaulMooney: I meant that it's active once you install it by default11:54
JowiCK_MY: install openssh-server package. config file is in /etc/ssh/sshd_config11:54
PaulMooneyCK_MY: right.  it is on already tho.  it is useable now... just not hardened more than the default settings11:55
unopCK_MY, also.  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow openssh-server11:55
pajamianjust: sudo apt-get install ssh11:55
pajamianyou'll get everything you need11:55
babohow do i import an image into a folder created by apache that doesn't have write access ?11:56
alanbshepard70Is there a way to force a program to always open at a low priority level so it won't hog cpu time if I want it to just be quietly running in the background.11:56
PaulMooneyCK_MY: you're transfering from work to home?  so you installed openssh on the work pc?  from the windows home pc you can use putty to login (via the default settings)11:56
unopbabo, whatever way you intend to use, that folder needs write access11:57
CK_MYhome windows , office linux11:57
pajamianalanbshepard70: just prefix the command name with nice in the launcher11:57
babounop: right. the folder doesn't have write access for anyone but apache ...11:57
arteniusunop: when I type sudo -u user gnome-display-properties should "user" be the new user I added or the word user?11:57
unopalanbshepard70,   nice -n 20 command11:57
PaulMooneyCK_MY: you want to make transfers.  psftp? (part of the putty suite) can do transfers... just that I find I have to run that program from DOS.  I use winSCP(sp?) for ssh transfers to a windows client...11:58
alanbshepard70Thanks pajamian and unop11:58
saminthemiddleCK_MY: PaulMooney: wait, your WORK PC is the one with Linux! Cool! Also, make sure that running an SSH daemon is okay with your boss, and SSH daemon is considered a major serurity breach in corporate nets. Also, the corporate net might block the service too...11:58
unopartenius, 'user' there is your usual user, your actual username11:58
PaulMooneyCK_MY: is port 22 open to this work computer?  (it's usually the case that it isn't)11:58
arteniusunop: ok so not the second one I created11:58
saminthemiddlePaulMooney CK_MY, more importantly, is ANY port open. you can always change the default port11:59
PaulMooneyCK_MY: true11:59
unopbabo, you can use sudo to log on as the apache user, it's www-data by default so.  sudo -u www-data # and then go about copying the file, etc11:59
pajamianCK_MY: you will probably have to forward a port from the router.11:59
saminthemiddlePaulMooney CK_MY, technically CK could use a reverse tunnel and run SSH though that if no ports are open. but that's normally a big "you're fired" action11:59
unopartenius, no, not the one you created, because you aren't modifying display properties for that user, but for the user that is having difficulties11:59
babounop: i'm not root and i don't have shell access12:00
arteniusunop: I got ya, ok12:00
PaulMooneylol.... there's always a way...12:00
EuRoPeAnnu este nimeni ce stie savorbeasca romineste noai niguna tia ke abla espaniola12:00
unopbabo, i don't see any other way around this then, you need some kind of write access to that folder12:01
gobfreycan anyone help me find out why my terminal won't launch?12:01
DJones!es | EuRoPeAn12:01
ubotuEuRoPeAn: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.12:01
saminthemiddlePaulMooney: as they say "when there's a will..." and then you get canned ;-)12:01
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CK_MYi will try12:01
CK_MYnow blur blur ^.^12:01
gobfreyI click to open it as normal, but since I added a second screen to my PC, it doesn't open.12:02
PaulMooneyyou guys have everything covered here.  I'm going back to reading12:02
unopbabo, if you don't have shell access, what kind of user are you on the system? how do you access the system?12:02
pajamianCK_MY: you will probably have to talk to the IT dept at work and ask them to forward a port to port 22 on your workstation.12:02
sivel27hello all12:02
CK_MYpajamian,  forward on router?12:02
sivel27any one figure out how to make usb headphones work with a laptop?12:02
saminthemiddleCK_MY, personally, I'm amazed that you have root access to your work machine!12:03
pajamianCK_MY: well, it depends, of course, if your wrok computer is behind a NAT network, then yes.  Otherwise they just need to poke a hole in the firewall for you.12:03
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, sure i have root access on my machine12:04
saminthemiddlepajamian: by "poke a hole" are you perchance referring to a reverse-tunnel? :_P12:04
pajamiansaminthemiddle: nope12:04
pajamiansaminthemiddle: I just mean if he has a public IP address assigned directly to his workstation they will probably have it behind a firewall and will need to open up the port.12:04
saminthemiddleCK_MY: that's just odd, usually root is reserved for admins12:05
pajamiansaminthemiddle: otherwise it's likely behind a NAT router and they will have to forward the port from the router.12:05
saminthemiddlepajamian: or he could "poke a hole" as you put it ;-)12:05
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, my friend can use putty login to this pc , then how to transfer  file ?12:05
babounop: ftp12:05
CK_MYsaminthemiddle, here not only 1 pc using linux12:05
pajamiansaminthemiddle: they may give him root on his workstation, but I doubt they give him access to the company router/firewall12:05
saminthemiddleCK_MY: sorry, out of my league. I'm purely a Linux/Mac person12:05
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:06
simplechati'm trying to install ubuntu on my epc12:06
CK_MYsaminthemiddle,  ok ... any way thanks12:06
simplechati ran through the usb installer guide on the wiki12:06
saminthemiddlepajamian, technically, giving workers root access to workstations is still a bad idea. You end up with holes in your net. And remember that workstations, too, carry sensitive data.12:06
CK_MYi need to go back cya12:06
pajamiansaminthemiddle: are you saying you can login to your work PC with putty?  in that case you have a decent ssh connection and you just need a program that supports SFTP (one I know of is FileZilla)12:07
simplechatbut when i booted ubuntu, all it says is "/casper/vmlinuz"12:07
simplechatwhenever i select an option12:07
unopbabo, your only option is to get the FTP servers administrator to give you the right permissions otherwise what you are attempting to do is compromise the ftp server.12:07
simplechatwhat on earth would do that?12:07
saminthemiddlepajamian: you meant to send that to CK_MY12:07
pajamiansaminthemiddle: I don't disagree, but if they do they do.12:07
pajamiansaminthemiddle: yes, I did...12:07
pajamiansaminthemiddle: bah, nm, he left12:07
simplechatcasper/vmlinuz is an empty file now12:08
saminthemiddlepajamian: yup. I knew a guy who used to admin a computer that listened to the phone lines of a DOD building to listen for modems. You can bet that those workers didn't have root access ;-)12:08
pajamiansaminthemiddle: yeah, but most businesses aren't as security consious as the DOD12:09
unoplogging on a machine as root even with ssh is not generally a good security practice.12:09
pajamianunop: I don't think we were actually recommending that.12:10
unoppajamian, i didn't say you were :)12:10
pajamianunop: and I agree, I only log onto remote boxes as a user account, I can always get root with sudo (or sometimes su)12:10
=== jpatrick is now known as jdavies
meowludoHey guys - I have just installed ubuntu and I can't play an mp3. Suggestions?12:14
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Priceymeowludo, double clicking it should bring up an easy codec instillation.12:15
meowludoi'll give it a go. I am so glad to have finally ended my uphill battle with microsoft.12:15
arteniusunop: when I login as the other user it drops me into a yellow screen12:16
topheri'm sure most of us are ;)12:16
iceswordmeowludo, naaan,nice,one ,sir12:17
meowludoHey pricey - it opened totem and then advised me that i do not have the decoder.12:17
Priceymeowludo, and it should let you click through it, to install codecs?12:17
pajamianmeowludo: try it in rhythembox12:17
Priceypajamian, will that launch the easy codec installer?12:18
meowludorythm box w1ns....12:18
Scareyhow do you find the program when you choose "other" from firefox ?12:18
Scareylike Rhytmbox12:18
pajamianPricey: I'm pretty sure rhythembox plays it by default, and it's way better for playing mp3s than totem (though I know there are even better programs)12:18
x0xhow to hide other users file from users ???12:18
nalphaguys... if I want to know mysql error code (system error: 111) where I find it?12:19
pajamianmeowludo: I find an easy way to get nearly all the goodies I want is to install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package12:19
meowludoyeah - i am complete n00b. but am loving the whole thing :)12:19
Priceypajamian, mp3 codecs aren't installed by default12:19
x0xnalpha google12:19
ubotugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux12:20
pajamianPricey: ok, I wasn't sure, I knew that the encoder wasn't installed, but I wasn't sure about the decoder.12:20
Scareynalioth, have you googled it? something like "mysql error 111" ?12:20
pajamianPricey: mainly because I install a bunch of extra stuff when I set up a new box anyways.12:20
nalphax0x: i now!!! but didnt find it... ex: maybe there is a resources in mysql website but still didint find error code 111 means.. it's just show error code from 1000 to 2000 ??? :(((12:20
pajamiannalpha: try asking in #mysql12:21
Scareynalpha, did you try googling the error string ?12:21
nalphapajamian: hm.. good idea i will try... :)12:21
=== topher is now known as drukqs
MoligalooWho used shttpd?12:22
meowludoThanks for that guys!12:22
Scareywhere is applications placed if I want to start a file by a specific app?12:22
x0xunop: how to hide other users file from users ???12:23
mindguru08Hey everyone12:23
unopx0x, put it in a folder that isn't readable by other users, make it unreadable by others and rename it so it has a . infront12:24
pajamianScarey: usually /usr/bin but can be anywhere in your path.12:24
zeno_Im trying to install java, ive tried sudo apt-get install -f, and sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin, but niether work. heres apt output: http://pastebin.com/m497af46912:24
unopx0x, hiding files is a windows/msdos thing, there really isn't an equivalent on unix12:24
x0xunop its will hide everything?12:24
x0xoh ok12:25
Scareypajamian, tnx12:25
Juzzy`Hi guys, I'm trying to setup my ftp server, I want users locked out of the entire filesystem but still to be able to access a folder /share .. I have tried chroot jail + symlinks + mount --bind but nothing has worked, any ideas?12:25
figuringouthi, i wanted to make a bunch of simple webpages without the hassle of coding it by hand. need suggestions for a nice simple web page maker.12:25
unopx0x, well, quite simply, if you make it unreadable by others, that's good enough, so what if they know the file name, they can't read it anyway12:25
Juzzy`so naughty.movie.avi will be visible but not watchable12:26
arteniusunop: when I login as the other user it drops me into a yellow screen12:26
Jizzo|workfiguringout: Are you hosting the website on Ubuntu? Or do you have a hosting company?12:26
figuringouthosting company12:27
figuringoutits persoanl webpages mostly.12:27
unopartenius, yellow screen? do explain a little more12:27
=== spine55 is now known as tomars35
arteniusunop: the yellow ubunto screen with a mouse cursor, nothing else12:27
Jizzo|workfiguringout: Most hosting company's use something that is called a 1-click install, that allows you to (with 1 click) setup a blog/forum/website sort of stuff based on templates12:27
Juzzy`Hi guys, I'm trying to setup my ftp server, I want users locked out of the entire filesystem but still to be able to access a folder /share .. I have tried chroot jail + symlinks + mount --bind but nothing has worked, any ideas?12:27
unopJuzzy`, when you say "nothing has worked" what do you mean really?12:28
figuringoutJizzo|work: i'm designing on ubuntu though. i know about all that. i just need a nice frontpage clone for ubuntu. i want to make the pages offline12:28
figuringoutdont need a CMS or anything12:28
pajamian!repeat | Juzzy`12:28
ubotuJuzzy`: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:28
unopartenius, does ALT+F2 do anything there?12:28
xx0xxsorry got dc12:28
Juzzy`pajamian thanks12:28
Juzzy`mucho help12:28
Jizzo|workfiguringout: Ah ok. I understand. I havent found one myself that sooths my needs, I code everything myself ;)12:28
xx0xxunop: i want to make folder unreadabe from users12:29
figuringoutJizzo|work : i can. but I don't want to. thanks anyway? i was just reading about nvu. any good?12:29
Juzzy`unop what I mean is if I chroot the ftp dir I can't access the share, even if its mount --bind or symlink'd in12:29
Juzzy`unop but I don't want to un-chroot the ftp root because it'll expose other files12:29
xx0xxlike they cant enter the user folder12:29
unopJuzzy`, symlinks wont work there, but bound volumes should, perhaps you have a permissions problem there, have you ruled that out12:30
DJonesfiguringout: Did you say you were looking for a frontpage clone? I've missed the start of your question so I could be completely on the wrong track12:30
Juzzy`unop no, don't exactly know how to.. but will have a look around and report back12:30
Jizzo|workfiguringout: Cant help you there, not really into all the software. Sorry12:30
Pici!nvu | figuringout12:30
figuringoutJizzo|work. wokay. thanks anyway12:30
ubotufiguringout: kompozer is WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy, !Backports on !Feisty, and from  « deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tonyyarusso/ubuntu edgy universe » for Edgy.  (Dapper still pending)12:30
unopxx0xx, all you need to do is set permission 700 on the folder, only the owner has access then, no one else12:30
figuringoutubotu : i'm on dapper unfortunately. nvu is bad?12:31
xx0xxunop: even root?12:31
Jizzo|workDRJones: Yes, he is looking for a Frontpage like program.12:31
DJonesfiguringout: as Pici mentioned, kompozer is fairly decent, its a wysiwyg html editor12:32
oddarHello, I'm having audio troubles. lspci shows that terminal finds my Intel HD audio, suggestions?12:32
PiciDJones: And the replacement for nvu ;)12:32
unopoops, nvm me12:32
figuringoutDJones i'm on dapper though. i'm going to try out nvu though.12:32
figuringout<ignore second though ;) >12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intelhd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:33
unop_xx0xx, no - root is special and for good reason, if you accidentally locked everyone out of a folder - only root can perform a recovery12:34
Juzzy`unop I have chown ftpuser /share and chroot jailed the ftp user but even after mount --bind /share /home/ftpuser it still won't allow me into the directories12:34
DJonesPici: yep, I knew that, that was going to be my next comment12:34
Juzzy`hmm actually I has an idea12:34
=== delicho is now known as delibg
JaccoHis it possible to use apt to update to an other arch.?12:34
JaccoHeg from 32bit to 64bit12:35
hischildJaccoH, from my experience, no12:35
xx0xxunop_: :D thanks buddy12:35
unop_Juzzy`, enter the chroot and logon as the ftpuser with 'sudo -u ftpuser' and try and navigate to that directory12:35
xx0xxyou are great12:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yey - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:35
DJonesis packages.ubuntu.com down, I'm getting timed out trying to connect via the web12:35
JaccoHo ok :) that means ill have to actually drive up to that colocation :)12:35
ubotuGlad you made it! :-)12:35
unop_Juzzy`, also out of curiosity, what are the permissions of that folder?12:36
arteniusunop: any idea why sudo -u user gnome-display-properties wouldn't pop anything up?12:36
JaccoHok one more thing... is it easy to ease the hardy kernel in gutsy? ive some kernel BUG errors with Xen12:37
unop_artenius, hmm, not sure, any errors spit out?12:37
arteniusunop: no12:37
diffhi all!12:37
diffhow to download ubuntu without X11?12:38
hischilddiff, download the server or install command line only.12:38
xx0xxhow to create vhost?12:39
pajamian!server | diff12:39
ubotudiff: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support12:39
xx0xxfor ip12:39
arteniusunop: I'm able to get into Failsafe gnome, just trying to fix it over all12:39
diffno, i love ubuntu desktop! :) but I sometimes need to boot without X12:39
unop_artenius, hmm, not sure then .. what i would do is backup the gnome folders in the home dir and try logging in again -  this is for the actual user, not the temporary one you just created.  ~/.gnome* ~/.gtk*12:39
unop_artenius, maybe also ~/.gconf*12:40
pajamiandiff: oh, I thought you wanted a version of ubuntu without X, sorry.12:40
Dr_willisdiff,  just disable the gdm/kdm service12:40
Dr_willisdiff,  then use startx when you want X12:40
diffhow to disable gdm?12:40
hischildis the message about "Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = <insert random number>ns) a known message? if so, can it be ignored?12:41
JaccoHany xen users here?12:41
* Dr_willis guesses diff figured out how to stop the gdm service.. :)12:42
galataranatorCould anyone tell me if there is a known workaround for installation on a Panasonic Toughbook CF-30 ( Core2Duo ) ?12:42
Dr_willisgalataranator,  there was a ubuntu forum just for laptops i belive.12:42
galataranatorEven using noapic and nolapic it hangs when it gets to the IO scheduler12:42
pajamiangalataranator: did you try the alternate install cd?12:43
galataranatorDr_willis: i will google for that thanks12:43
galataranatorpajamian: i did not ... where can i find this?12:43
pajamian!alternate | galataranator12:43
ubotugalataranator: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal12:43
kalleperssonHi there. My gnome-keyring acts weird. I can enter a password for instance a ftp server via Nautilus, but when I try to access the same server via gedit or any other application with file browsing view, I have to type in the password. It has worked before.12:44
galataranatorpajamian: thanks alot ... i will try that12:44
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kalleperssonWhen it worked I usually got "Do you want to activate the keyring for this program? [yes] [no]"12:44
b0xam i able to open programs with out having the terminal open all the time?12:45
hischildis the message in the kernel ring buffer about "Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = <insert random number>ns) a known message? if so, can it be ignored?12:45
kalleperssonb0x: yes12:45
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kalleperssonfirefox &12:46
beeribafind xForce12:46
kalleperssonthen you can close the terminal12:46
kalleperssonfor instance12:46
FloodBot2kallepersson: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:46
DJonesb0x: press Alt and F2, that'll let you enter the program name to run without starting a terminal12:46
kalleperssonthat works as well. using the menu is a good way too.12:46
hischildkallepersson, for me that also closes firefox if i close the terminal.12:46
b0xthank u djennewe12:46
Limanohello.. i have some problems running a java applet because i dont have the newest JRE version.. i downloaded it, installed it on usr/lib, cleared java and web browser cache but nothing happens.. what should i do?12:46
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)12:47
kalleperssonhischild: with an & after the application?12:47
hischildLimano, ^12:47
hischildkallepersson, yes.12:47
hischildkallepersson, i use screen to get that result you described.12:47
xjkxwhen is the next ubuntu out ?12:49
SmegzorI have heard that in linux (ext3) it is possible to resize a partition with no data loss.  Is this true?  I want to double my swap from 4 gigs to 8 gigs by taking 4 gigs away from my home partition.  I have more than 4 gigs free in home.12:49
xjkxa friend asked me to give him a cd, i will wait the latest, if its coming12:49
Limanobut i still doesnt know what to do :|12:49
Picixjkx: April 24th12:49
GNU\colossusSmegzor: growing the fs is possible with ext3, I'm not sure about shrinking though12:50
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu12:50
xjkxthank you12:50
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hischildGNU\colossus, Smegzor, in theory it's possible to shrink ext3. From what i have heard some are successful in it, some failed. I would backup your /home and unmount it before you attempt it.12:50
Smegzorhmm..  I won't bother.  I only want to double my swap so that it is double my ram, but I don't have to do that.12:51
hischildSmegzor, how much ram do you use?12:51
hischildyou really use 4gb?12:52
GNU\colossusSmegzor: your machine is actually swapping?12:52
pyrosshello, im having problems with ubuntu 6.10 on dell xps m1210 i cannot adjust screen resolution more than 1024x768 i have installed the nvidia 7400 Go drivers and added     Driver         "nvidia" in xorg.conf i reboot the nvidia logo does show up, but i cant seem to get the resolutions i want modes are set :         Modes      "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" yet it doesnt work. any ideas ?12:52
Smegzornot much if at all12:52
GNU\colossusSmegzor: then don't bother resizing12:52
kallepersson Hi there. My gnome-keyring acts weird. I can enter a password for instance a ftp server via Nautilus, but when I try to access the same server via gedit or any other application with file browsing view, I have to type in the password. It has worked before. When it worked I usually got "Do you want to activate the keyring for this program? [yes] [no]"12:52
GNU\colossusnot worth the trouble or risk12:52
Limanohischild: can you tell me specificly what i should look for on that java page?12:52
SmegzorI run VirtualBox so XP gets 2 gigs and linux gets the rest12:52
GNU\colossusthat's perfectly fine for just about anything you want to do12:53
hischildLimano, if you need java to run it then look at that page. Should contain all the info you need. I don't use java myself so i can't really help there.12:53
GNU\colossusif your system starts swapping, performance is shot anyways12:53
s_how to install dual boot i have instaled xp12:53
Pici!dualboot > s_ (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)12:53
pyrossanyone here own a dell xps that can solve my problem i mentioned above ?12:55
zeno_Im trying to install java, ive tried sudo apt-get install -f, and sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin, but niether work. heres apt output: http://pastebin.com/m497af46912:56
zeno_when i try to install the bin it says no canidate version12:57
Nithzeno_: you've got broken packages12:57
Nithzeno_: open synaptic, then go edit --> Fix broken packages12:58
zeno_sure thanks brb12:58
Picizeno_: Make sure that you have the multiverse repo enabled.12:58
s_sorry ive have a message which says guided resize ide1 master partition #5 (hda5) and used free space12:58
s_will this ovewrite xp12:58
s_xp is another partition12:59
piscahi all12:59
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:59
s_any help13:00
Picis_: the resize option should resize your xp parition and put ubuntu next to it.  It will prompt you before making any changes.13:00
b0xxy"Checking for C compiler default output file name...configure: error C compiler cannot create executables" when i try ./configure an eggdrop? wat does this mean?13:00
zeno_fix broken packages doesnt appear to do anything13:00
hischildb0xxy, install build-essential13:00
zeno_i have multiverse on13:00
b0xxywat is the cmd?13:01
hischildb0xxy, sudo aptitude install build-essential13:01
s_the thing is that the partition of xp is only 15gb and here says new partition size 71 gb13:01
zeno_whats th terminal command for fixing the dependencies13:01
s_and that is d partition13:01
b0xxywill it work from now on then?13:02
zeno_ sun-java5-jre: Depends: sun-java5-bin (= 1.5.0-13-0ubuntu1) but it is not installable or13:02
zeno_why woudnt it be installable13:02
unop_zeno_,  aptitude why-not sun-java5-bin13:03
zeno_unop_, tried, it says no canidate version13:03
b0xxyapt-get install only seems to work for me13:03
b0xxywats this aptitude13:03
s_any help with this13:03
Nithaptitude is similar to apt. They say it has better package resolution13:03
unop_zeno_, doesn't look like you have the latest package lists and/or don't have the multiverse repository enabled13:03
JahromeoHeres my issue i reinstall windows and borked my grub - I need to fix it but i cant find my ubuntu installdisc is their a rescue disc i can dl - something small that would enable me to edit the grub?13:04
zeno_unop_, synaptic says its enabled13:04
onatshello, if i install the beta version of 8.04, will i need to do a full reinstall once the final one comes out?13:04
onatsor i can just upgrade some stuff?13:04
DJones!beta | onats13:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beta - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:04
unop_zeno_, try this. sudo sh -c "aptitude update; aptitude install sun-java5-jre"13:04
Jahromeoonats upgrade some stuff13:04
Jahromeowould be my guess13:04
Pici!final | onats13:04
ubotuonats: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.13:04
Picionats: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.13:04
onatsok great13:04
DJonesThats the one i was looking for, I thought it was beta13:05
zeno_same error13:05
onatstime to download13:05
s_please tell me will this part overwrite xp or not13:05
unop_zeno_, let's have a look at your /etc/apt/sources.list -- use the !pastebin for that13:05
zeno_sure thx13:05
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onatsanyone got their suspend/hibernate working properly now?13:05
Pici!beta is <alias> final13:05
ubotuI'll remember that, Pici13:05
Kanniballis it possible to umount /boot without reboot from a live-cd?13:06
susanhai hoe are you13:06
JahromeoHeres my issue i reinstall windows and borked my grub - I need to fix it but i cant find my ubuntu installdisc is their a rescue disc i can dl - something small that would enable me to edit the grub?13:06
unop_Kanniball, sure, just make sure it's not in use13:06
hischild_susan, type /join #ubuntu-nl for dutch support.13:07
Picis_: What are you looking to do? Resize the xp partition? or install on an empty parition?13:07
s_to install ubuntu on the same partition where xp is13:07
Kanniballunop_: the /boot is the system boot, but I have always a message saying device is busy13:08
s_odd Pici what to do13:08
piscai can find xlibs13:08
Picis_: How big is the parition that xp is on? and is xp using all of that space currently?13:08
Pici!xlibs | pisca13:08
ubotupisca: When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following package: xorg-dev13:08
piscai can't find xlibs13:08
unop_s_, you can't install ubuntu on the same partition as XP without ruining XP13:08
s_ITS 15GB13:08
unop_Kanniball, lsof | grep -i /boot13:09
Piciunop_: You'd have to resize the parition obviously, and install ubuntu in the resulting free space.13:09
ubotuWhen a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following package: xorg-dev13:09
unop_Kanniball, ^ should list processes that have /boot open13:09
s_so what should i do13:09
Kanniballunop_: it returns nothing, I now lsof... I've tried it before13:09
unop_Pici, i know that thanks :)13:09
zeno_unop_, http://pastebin.com/m32cae68a13:10
FreakGuardmy dnsmasq doesn't want to answer dhcp-request... but the dhcp-request pakets are inc (tcpdump)13:10
Piciunop_: I know ;), just reiterating for s_13:10
unop_Kanniball, are you chrooted into the system at the moment?13:11
s_any expert here 4 ubuntu13:11
Picis_: I'd do a manual paritioning and resize the xp parition and then use the resulting free space to add an ext3 parition for Ubuntu.  You're cutting it a bit small for both OSes though.13:12
Kanniballunop_: nop, just a regular ssh session (I need to  resize the partition)13:12
Dr_williss_,  one normally resizes the windows partition, creating a new partition, and install linix to the new partition13:12
Picis_: Also, you probably want to defrag your windows partition before resizing it.13:12
Dr_williss_,  you have only a 15gb hard drive?13:12
s_i have more13:12
zeno_unop_, does it look okay?13:13
s_but i dont want to touch d partition cuz i have there some information13:13
unop_zeno_, what does this return?  apt-cache policy sun-java5-bin13:13
unop_zeno_, i can't find anything that might be the cause of the problem13:13
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:13
s_can someone guide me via private message13:14
zeno_(none) (none) and version table is blank13:14
zeno_time to go with the generalized linux binary?13:14
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zeno_oh nm thats jsut for x86 i think13:15
unop_zeno_, hmm, run this command and inlcude it's output in a !paste.  sudo aptitude update13:15
zeno_im on power pc13:15
unop_that explains quite a bit13:15
unop_zeno_, you should be able to get the powerpc port from sun's website13:16
dromerhmmm, I have this weird problem: my soundcard can't play from more than 1 sound-source (apperantly), mplayer and vlc couldn't play sound when mpd was running for instance, any way to resolve this?13:16
kane77in what program can I "chop" video to smaller parts?13:16
Lamegokane77, lives13:16
kinetic_kane77 avidemux is a good one as well13:17
Oprtzhi when trying to install softwre to play video file it shows this kind of msg ( E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.13:17
OprtzE: _cache->open() failed, please report.13:17
Oprtz ) ?13:17
onatsanyone got their suspend/hibernate working properly now?13:17
zeno_unop_, http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php13:17
LamegoOprtz, open a terminal and run: sudo dpkg --configure -a13:17
Oprtzok wait sir13:17
Lamegoonats, that is a very hard question, suspend/hibernate is highly dependent on your hw13:18
OprtzLamego: it says OK13:18
onatslamego, i think i was having problems with my wireless card13:18
Oprtzthats all?13:18
s_i can c now the partition but it says cant find root13:18
Quentin`Hey there :)13:18
unop_zeno_, that appears blank but anyway, no need for that now, you need to manually install java13:18
zeno_hmmm the ppc version seem to be for the mac13:19
Quentin`please i've red many topics on how to configure ubuntu as to get the php mail function working... But it's still not working, i don't get anny error but the mail is not sent... Any idea on how to fix it, or at least how to get the error.. ?13:19
zeno_oh it tipped the spam filter13:19
kane77Lamego, kinetic_ thanx will try those13:19
OprtzLamego:  i am also not able to login on default screen asking username and password, i use failgnome session and then it let me IN, how to configure this please?13:19
LamegoQuentin`, Have you installed a local MTA like postfix ?13:19
Quentin`Lamego: yes i did, i installed postfix, then uncomment the line php.ini, then restart apache2, but nothing is sent...13:20
LamegoOprtz, how did you get into that state ? Have you removed packages ?13:20
LamegoQuentin`, if you installed postfix you can check the mail logs, /var/log/mail.log13:20
Lamegoif you use a local smtp you are not required to touch the php.ini at all13:21
mltomHardDrive Space Usage using Xubuntu 7.10???????13:21
Quentin`ok thank you Lamego i'm gonna check the log, thank you :)13:21
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Quentin`Lamego, but the path wasn't in php.ini, i just added /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i to it13:22
Oprtzthere was a guy who help me , because after giving username and passwords i just see a yellow screen , yes  we did something, i am new to linux, so dont know what he did to my pc, but actualy he helped me, and i am in now13:22
Lamegomltom, an ubuntu install, about 2G, xubuntu should be <13:22
mltomFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on13:22
mltom/dev/hde1              32G  2.1G   28G   7% /13:22
mltomvarrun                 62M  204K   62M   1% /var/run13:22
mltomvarlock                62M     0   62M   0% /var/lock13:22
mltomudev                   62M   64K   62M   1% /dev13:22
FloodBot2mltom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:22
mltomdevshm                 62M     0   62M   0% /dev/shm13:22
LamegoOprtz, if you don't know what you did to break your gnome session, it will be hard to fix it13:22
mltomno matter what I do , I can't get Xubuntu to use my whole drive13:23
OprtzLamego:  i get these errors in terminal now (update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic13:23
OprtzErrors were encountered while processing:13:23
Oprtz linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic13:23
FloodBot2Oprtz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:23
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LamegoOprtz, that is not an error, its a message from a package install13:23
Lamegook, the last part is an er5ror :P13:24
OprtzLamego:  we just make a new user name and then we change the resoultion of screen and thats all13:24
hischildare the backports safe?13:24
OprtzLamego:  ahh ok13:24
OprtzLamego:  so now what to do? i love ubuntu and want to use it13:24
mltomI've installed Xubuntu 7.10 four times & used Gparted twice but still can't use the whole harddrive13:24
LamegoOprtz, you did something else, installation related, creating an user and changing the resolution would not play with apt13:24
jack_spratthey i got a really simple question I think, shouldnt take a min to answer....13:25
jack_spratt im jus trying to set up pcmcia wireless card; its supported well in ndiswraper, so, i have installed ndiswraper, installed the driiver via gui (which seems to have gone fine accordintg to ndiswrapper -l), but i cant seem to activate the wireless interface...13:25
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jack_spratti installed wlanassistant but it didt work;l crashed out when it started; i also installed 'networlkl selector', but that makes no attempt to start up it seeems13:25
jack_spratt do i need to install something else? seems that the fact i want to use wireless just hasnt registered whererever it needs to be.13:25
Danihello ! i have a linux os , not a known distribution ! i want to install a program from source but i don't have a c compiler ! how can i install one ?13:25
Lamegohischild, in general, yes, they should be13:25
ArelisHello everybody. I activated the framebuffer option by adding vga=something to the Kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst, but when i boot that i get a black screen.13:25
hischildLamego, in general is good enough for me. Tnx13:25
LamegoDaniel^, try ##linux13:25
Dani__hello ! i have a linux os , not a known distribution ! i want to install a program from source but i don't have a c compiler ! how can i install one ?13:25
OprtzLamego: no we only do this and then he told me to log in with failgnome session, because normal login dont work for me, bcz of my vga i think13:26
PiciDani__: This channel is only for Ubuntu support, please ask in ##linux13:26
OprtzLamego: when i log in to my username it says u want to delete some files, then i accept it13:26
Oprtzmaybe ur talking abt those files13:26
Dani__ubuntu is a linux disto ... ???13:26
PiciDani__: Yes.13:26
LamegoDani__, yes it is, one of many13:27
Dani__so .. why it is.. then why can't u answer my question ?13:27
PiciDani__: But we only support Ubuntu, not 'random unknown distros'13:27
LamegoDani__, because your question is not about Ubuntu in particular, you don't even seem to know what distro you are using13:27
Dr_willisDani__,  check your disrtos docs/package manager.. install the needed packages.13:27
Dr_willisask a vague question. get a vague answer. :)13:27
Dani__but the same solution may apply13:27
jack_sprattno one can help with the very siimple question of mine above?13:28
PiciDani__: Exactly.13:28
LamegoDani__, or it may not13:28
Dr_willisDani__,   'package management' is one of the MAJOR differances in some of the different disrtos.13:28
dromercan someone help me get the right driver for my soundcard? (if that's the problem)13:28
Dani__k..i'll they don;t answer i;ll be back :))13:28
jack_sprattit should only take 2 ticks...13:28
Lamegojack_spratt, it would be simple if someone had the answer, which is not the case :)13:28
Beererdehi. how can disable scrollkeeper-update?13:28
PiciDani__: And we'll tell you the same thing when you get back.13:29
Evil_Edyou tell me ;)13:29
OprtzLamego:  it ask to restart my machine ? should i go for that?13:29
LamegoBeererde, you could rename it's binary, but that is something you should not do13:29
BeererdeLamego: no other way?13:30
kane77is medibuntu repository trusted? (stupid question but I'm sometimes paranoid about things :D)13:30
stwange_it's quite possibly this is coincidence, but twice I've left my machine on for more than 7 days, and both times the internet has slowed to 20kb/s download (instead of usually at least 200kb/s, sometimes close to 1000). Is there anything I should check that could be causing this?13:30
LamegoBeererde, none that I am aware, update-scrollkeeper should always be available to manage gnome documentation during soft install/uninstall13:30
Lamegostwange_, /var/log/messages13:31
unop_stwange_, did you compare your downloads across many sources?13:31
OprtzLamego:  i restart my computer and now i can log in without failgnome session :) thanks for ur help13:32
stwange_unop_, yeah, repositories, either of my shells, google, youtube (same server i know), adobe, every site takes ages to load and downloads are capped at 20kb. Streaming radio from the bbc doesn't work either, keeps jumping13:32
aoupihi, somehowe I have ended up with green scrollbars and lightblue text in input boxes, I removed a theme I had in .themes and now gnome doesn't work, I went into fluxbox but still the green scrollbars and lightblue text, then I got xubuntu but still the same. where do I change the colors of the scrollbars and input text?13:33
stwange_Lamego, it's mainly a mix of: Apr 11 12:39:51 blackweb -- MARK -- and Apr 11 12:50:44 blackweb kernel: [690910.682420] hdc: lost interrupt13:33
aoupioh, also window border is green, this color is making my head hurt :)13:34
onatswhats the application that looks like mac's dock?13:34
kinetic_avant window manager13:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avant - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:35
ubotuAvant Window Navigator, is a dock-like navigation bar for the linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/  Awn-Manager is included in Universe for Hardy, installation instructions for Gutsy can be found here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-avant-window-navigator-awn-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html13:35
urGyaoupi: system -> prefrenses -> apperence13:35
aoupiurGy: I'm in xubuntu now since gnome decided not to start, but I tired that before, changing themes and colors didn't help13:36
IdleOne!awn | kinetic_13:37
ubotukinetic_: Avant Window Navigator, is a dock-like navigation bar for the linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/  Awn-Manager is included in Universe for Hardy, installation instructions for Gutsy can be found here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-avant-window-navigator-awn-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html13:37
IdleOneohh errr13:37
urGyaoupi: Ok... I see.. Sorry, don't know xubuntu that well... But give me a sec...13:37
aoupiurGy: this is how it looks: http://bay01.imagebay.com/bay.php?view=30470_Iwantcolors.png13:39
urGyaoupi: ouch! thats really awfull!13:40
aoupino kidding :)13:40
zeno_OH MY GOD i rebooted and my home directory is gone, x wont start and most programs arnt installed WTF13:40
aoupiI think it might have to do with gdm since it's the same in both xubuntu and fluxbox13:40
aoupibut I couldn't find anything relevent when I looked around in the conf files, maybe I'm missing something13:41
blue__ubuntu logout sound is truncated..so how can i prevent this?13:41
Dr_willissounds almost like the red went out on the monitor aoupi13:41
aoupiDr_willis: no, that's not the problem, it's just some theme-weirdness13:41
blue__any settings for logout sound hearing?13:41
Dr_willisaoupi,  it may be your gtk theme settings.  but that wouldent affect fluxbox.. UNLESS you run gtk apps in fluxbox..13:42
eu-jinblue__ - sys>pref>sound?13:42
aoupiDr_willis: I did run gtk apps actualy13:42
Dr_willisaoupi,  try making a new user - see if it affects them?13:42
urGyaoupi: sorry m8.. couldn't find it....13:43
blue__i know it eu-jin but logout i think too fast and shuts the sound13:43
aoupiDr_willis: ok, be back in a minute or two13:43
Dr_willisactually running a gtk app under fluxbox. would still be using the fluxbox themes for the window deforation. just not the wiegets.13:43
aoupiurGy: ok, thanks for trying13:43
blue__i have a sound for logout13:43
komputesIkeep getting NumLk after logging in because it remembers that NumLk was on at shutdown, does anyone know how to turn off NumLk from memory after logging in?13:43
eu-jin<blue__> sorry. if that's the case, i dun really have any idea y.. =)13:44
blue__but logout is so fast that i cant hear my sound13:44
blue__ubuntu logout sound lol13:44
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:44
joepHello. Does anybody know what is used in ubuntu for the command chkconfig?13:46
Dr_willisjoep,  Huh?13:46
x0xhow to install GD2 libraries ?13:47
hischild!find GD213:47
ubotuFound: libgd-gd2-perl, libgdchart-gd2-noxpm, libgdchart-gd2-noxpm-dev, libgd-gd2-noxpm-perl, libgdchart-gd2-xpm (and 5 others)13:47
raboofsomeone set the status of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-plugins/+bug/84900 to 'invalid', which imho is incorrect13:47
hischildx0x, which one? ^13:47
natalisushkaHi ppl. I am having a problem with compiz on my laptop (LG, 1.7GH Centrino, ATI Technologies Inc M22 [Mobility Radeon X300] 768MB of RAMS, ubuntu 7.10) .. The problem is that everytime I turn it on, it works fine until I use a lot of processor consuming softwares or a lot of apps, my system totally freezes (even mouse) and there is no way to solve it except my switching off power manually :( I just need some advice, shall i increase13:47
natalisushka memory ? or is it ATI? is there something I can install to solve this problem?13:47
raboofis it ok for me to change the status back? or what is the procedure here?13:47
joepDr_willis: The standard linux command to control the network environment.13:48
aoupiDr_willis: hey, it looked normal! :D13:48
aoupiDr_willis: in both gnome and xfce13:48
aoupiDr_willis: what preferences should I delete to fix my account?13:48
Ehlyahalso in need of help. Desktop with ubuntu won't connect to internet. Drivers were installed with ndiswrapper13:48
Dr_willisjoep,  i cant recall ever seeing that as a standard command.13:48
hischildraboof, it was set to invalid because it was not a bug but a feature removed on purpose.13:48
Dr_willisaoupi,  Not sure. :) you could start moving stuff to some .backup_configs dir and see which does it. I would start with the .gtk* dirs13:49
joepDr_willis: Look in Fedora (Redhat) and Suse to name 2.13:49
aoupiDr_willis: ok, I'll play around a bit :)13:49
Dr_willisjoep,  just because they have it does not make it 'standard linux' command. They have a lot of other  customized utilities that are not in the varioys debian related disrtos.13:50
raboofhischild: not really. imho removing the feature was a temporary fix to a practical problem13:50
crdlbraboof: you could ask in #ubuntu-bugs13:50
raboofhischild: there could well be another way to solve the problem, which doesn't require removing the feature13:50
hischildraboof, i quote from tapas at comment 11 "this is not a bug but broken by design."13:50
hischildraboof, also, offtopic13:50
joepDr_willis: : Yes, I discover that in my process to go from FC7 to Ubuntu. Sound is completely different, the security is different and that are the things I just have found.13:51
Dr_willisjoep,  you missed the package management system. :)13:51
natalisushka Hi ppl. I am having a problem with compiz on my laptop (LG, 1.7GH Centrino, ATI Technologies Inc M22 [Mobility Radeon X300] 768MB of RAMS, ubuntu 7.10) .. The problem is that everytime I turn it on, it works fine until I use a lot of processor consuming softwares or a lot of apps, my system totally freezes (even mouse) and there is no way to solve it except my switching off power manually :( I just need some advice, shall i increase13:51
psycomanhow can i enable XShm extension ?13:51
natalisushka memory ? or is it ATI? is there something I can install to solve this problem?13:51
Ehlyahin need of help. Desktop with ubuntu won't connect to internet. Drivers were installed with ndiswrapper and wlan0 exists, but isn't detected by network monitor13:51
joepDr_willis: You mean synaptic?13:51
Dr_willisjoep,  synaptic is just a front end to the apt-get/dpkg/deb system.13:52
unop_joep, you could use update-rc.d instead of chkconfig13:52
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daroHi, can anyone answer a question about ubuntu and linux in general?13:53
joepDr_willis: Ok., good to know but I am of course accustomed to RPM and dpkg is still a mystery for me.13:53
Dr_willisupdate-rc.d  - has to be one of the worse/oddest named commands ive seen in a long time.13:53
erUSUL!ask | daro13:53
ubotudaro: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:53
unop_joep, or service - provided by sysvconfig13:53
erUSULDr_willis: why update the rc directory links → update-rc.d ;P13:53
Wyvern|Hey, does anyone know how I can get a cron job to run more frequently than once per hour?13:53
joepunop_: You mean sysvconfig is a replacement for chkconfig?13:54
unop_joep, there's a reasons things are different, the difference is one of the reasons the distros are set apart.13:54
daroWhy does linux/ubuntu have software packs that don't have all the needed files for the installation, why not just give all software packs the needed files? I am talking about Skype specifically13:54
Dr_williserUSUL,  yea.. lets put dashes AND dots in command names! heh13:54
hischildjoep, use apt-get and it should feel quite alike to yum.13:54
unop_joep, i believe the RH based distros have a 'service' command .. if you install the sysvconfig package you get it .. otherwise update-rc.d is the preferred way to control services13:55
Dr_willisdaro,  skype is not exactly under the controll of ubuntu. so  that may be the issue with skype.13:55
Ehlyahin need of help. Desktop with ubuntu won't connect to internet. Drivers were installed with ndiswrapper and wlan0 exists, but isn't detected by network monitor13:55
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erUSULDr_willis: common practice if you ask me to put .d for directories of conf files in debian and it is getting more common the last to join the club sources.list and its /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ XD13:55
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Dr_willisdaro,  the package manager system is supposed to get needed deps  when you install things with apt-get. a BIG file that contained them all.. would be redundant.13:55
maekdaro I agree Linux really needs a setup.exe type file to install software13:55
Dr_willismaek,  and we need spyware also! :)13:56
joepunop_: Yes, that's one of the reasons I want to switch to ubuntu as I have the impression it is faster with updates for the various programs and a little more transparant but it also has the "MSW" problem to hide averything that is relevant.13:56
Dr_willisand a dozen different isntaller tools.. and a dozen more Update tools!13:56
hischildmaek, we have that. It's called .deb's13:56
maekyeah but no one uses deb files13:56
Dr_willisself installing .debs ! :)13:56
psycomanhow can i enable XShm extension in xorg? or it will builtin ?13:56
Dr_willispsycoman,  you edit the xorg.conf and put in the proper options..  (and no i dont rember them)13:57
maekDr_willis, not everything you want is in the repos13:57
Dr_willismaek,  so?13:57
daroIs there a way of installing skype on Ubuntu, because I downloaded a .tar.gz file from Skype but when I try to install it it tells me that it doesn't have all the dependencies13:57
kinetic_skype has a deb13:57
unopjoep, sorry, what is MSW?13:57
kinetic_just not in repo13:57
maekcompiling from source is painful13:58
darokinetic_ where can I find this .deb package because in www.skype.com I dont find it anywhere13:58
Ehlyahin need of help. Desktop with ubuntu won't connect to internet. Drivers were installed with ndiswrapper and wlan0 exists, but isn't detected by network monitor13:58
DJones!skype | daro13:58
ubotudaro: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto13:58
hischildmaek, everything i want is in the repo's13:58
Dr_willisdaro,  you dont get the auto-dependencies isntalled with single deb file installation. thats why apt-get and the repoitory system exists.13:59
Dr_willisif you download a single deb. you are taking responsibility to find all the needed dependencies.13:59
maekdependencies are crap ...13:59
kinetic_ cool, they have a repo for skype now13:59
checkershi, what's the default file manager in ubuntu called?13:59
maekit should be all in the OS13:59
hischildDr_willis, .deb's do install dependencies for me14:00
joepunop: Short for MicroSoftWindows (the worst OS ever!).14:00
hischildcheckers, nautilus14:00
maekcheckers, nautilus14:00
kinetic_checkers: nautilus14:00
checkersthanks, will it be the same in 8.04?14:00
unopmaek, dependencies make the world go round  they're good14:00
Dr_willishischild,  oh? how ya managing that?14:00
Dr_willisi rarely ever get a single .deb :)14:00
maekyeah and a lot better version checkers14:00
* Ehlyah spams her question some more14:00
Ehlyahin need of help. Desktop with ubuntu won't connect to internet. Drivers were installed with ndiswrapper and wlan0 exists, but isn't detected by network monitor14:00
joepcheckers: The default is nautilus. If you want to run it under root don't forget to use xhost +.14:00
kinetic_.deb's do not handle dependencies..apt does14:00
hischildDr_willis, well i got a deb once that i needed, and it said to me that it needed to get 47 dependencies. So i hit install, type password, hit install again, it dl'd the dependencies and voila14:01
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unopjoep, i don't know what you mean by that but the great thing is you can customize everything pretty much to your needs.14:01
maekin windows theres no dependencies14:01
Dr_willishischild,  'hit install' You mean you used the GUI tools.. not 'dpkg'14:01
maekits all in the OS14:01
Kineticmaek : not true14:01
hischildDr_willis, true14:01
unopmaek, there are, you just don't see them14:01
Dr_willismaek,  thats 100% wrong.14:01
maekexcept for .NET14:01
Picidaro, Dr_willis: gdebi will pull in needed dependencies from apt, dpkg will not.14:01
hischildDr_willis, we're talking about .deb's, not about dpkg ;-)14:01
unopmaek, dependencies are handled by the installers, it's all taken care of for you14:02
Dr_willishischild,  you are talking about gdebi not .deb's :)14:02
joepunop: In WIndows??? Everything is hidden, error messages are meaningless, etc. I have given up on Windows >10 years ago and have never regretted it (especially as we have VMWARE{!).14:02
hischildDr_willis, .exe like files are .deb's, which are both installed using GUI tools. dpkg is a command line tool for which windows has none.14:02
Dr_willisso the question is.. is there a command line tool that will look at a .deb file and determine the needed dependences?14:03
Dr_willishischild,  thers some flaws with that logic.. :) but i will let it pass..14:03
itguruI have to transfer a 600MB file, and I wish to use SCP to do it, but I do not want to sap all the bandwith of the link it's going to *remote office abroad with a 256k line* how can I make this transfer go slowly?14:03
maekbut anyway as a whole the Linux community needs to come up with a good file type that will install software painlessly across all distros14:03
Ehlyahin need of help. Desktop with ubuntu won't connect to internet. Drivers were installed with ndiswrapper and wlan0 exists, but isn't detected by network monitor14:03
joepDr_willis: IN fedora ther is: it's called yum.14:03
Dr_willismaek,  go for it...14:03
unopjoep, if you are implying that ubuntu behaves like windows in that respect, everyone in here will disagree :)14:04
Dr_willisPackage management/software management is such a 'interesting' topic.. so many neat little things to look out for.14:04
Kineticmaek: across all distros..ill agree... but most major distros have  really good package managing in place already14:04
maeklol Dr_willis all I know is MS basic14:04
Kineticno mroe difficult than windows..just a different world14:04
joepmaek: I have no experince with dpkg but RPM does a reasonably good job. You also can look up at smart, which tries to do what you want.14:04
Dr_willismaek,  time to learn some Comal! and Forth!14:04
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unopmaek, package managers manage things quite well, really no need to reinvent the wheel again.14:05
Kinetici work in desktop engineering... trust me windows pinstallers are FAR FAR FAR from perfect14:05
Kineticrepackaging a windows app is hell14:05
Dr_willisKinetic,  you design Desks? :)14:05
Kineticcorrect :)14:05
Kineticbest desks this side of the mississippi!14:06
maekKinetic, how are we going to get proprietary software makers to make software for Linux ... they are not going to muck around with different file types14:06
Ehlyahmy network exists when I type ifconfig and I can modify it in network settings, but I still can't connect. Help?14:06
_Andrewmaek, They already do, Skype being a good example14:06
Kineticmaek just takes time... you'd be surprised how many vendors DO support linux that you dont know about14:06
aoupiDr_willis: I moved all .gtk* files away and now it looks nice again, thanks :)14:06
unopmaek, they can release their products as tarballs (which most do) and the various distros then make packages from the tarballs.14:07
Kinetichalf the time you wont see the linux versions if you are coming froma windows box14:07
benpiccoHi, where can one enter the PMK key of a WPA encrypted wlan?14:07
Kineticunless you dig14:07
joepunop: well, I'm a newbie in Ubuntu (with >15 years of Unix experience and all the graphic stuff that hides the real thing is in some respect a disaster as it doesn't give you the tools and the means to resolve problems in the interface between hardware and software.14:07
psycomani dont find in google how to setup xshm module, some know how to enable it ?14:07
maekall the big software companies really need to make Linux versions of their software like Photoshop for example14:07
alphakampGame studios need to make games for Linux14:08
Dr_willismaek,  and all the big companies need to just hand out large amounts of Money also!14:08
skarfacemaek: yeah, they need a new market for warez14:08
jack_spratthas anybody here ever used ndiswrapper?14:08
Dr_williswhile we are wishing for the 'not going to happen' stuff....14:08
_Andrewmaek, CS2 works under wine if you're looking to get it running14:08
Kineticjoep : well said14:08
Ehlyahdoes CS3 work under wine?14:08
hischildEhlyah, no14:08
maekunop but its always open up to the terminal cd to the tarballs directory and input confusing commands to make the software install14:09
unopjoep, if you have that much experience, you don't really need the graphical tools (thats really an excuse) - the CLI provides you pretty much the same means of troubleshooting across distros (unless you depend on disto-specific tools like chkconfig :) )14:09
* benpicco wonders weather and when UT3 will be released for linux14:09
alphakampI found a how to that says TF2 works under the latest wine, you need at least a 7 series card for it to work well though14:09
maek_Andrew, im just looking at things from the 3rd person rather from my point of view ... I can install anything in Linux no problems14:10
_AndrewI know portal and Half life 2 epsiode 2 work on wine14:10
Kineticthey still havne't released UT3 port?14:10
hischildnot to ruin the fun for all you package discussion guys, but please take it to offtopic or somewhere else.14:10
Ehlyahmy network exists when I type ifconfig and I can modify it in network settings, but I still can't connect. Help?14:10
alphakampIve tried it but everytime i would exit the game, X would crash14:10
Kineticcedega is great..not "free" but i run anything i want to play on it...anything that doesnt work with cedega i dont want to play anyways14:11
unopmaek, well, it's better than put everything into a graphical installer and you have no access to manipulate the package - it's the way you have the maximum outreach across distros -- and most of the popular products are packaged by distro maintainers14:11
JowiEhlyah: can you ping the gateway?14:11
maekbut when a windows user comes across to Linux and they go to a website and download a tarball and double click on it and it doesn't do anything14:11
_AndrewEhlyah, Is it a wired connection?14:11
joepunop: I agree to a certain level. The problem is that the distro's use the graphic tools to install all programs but don't explain exactly what they do. It is often like trying to fix your radio without an scheme.14:11
Kineticmaek: windows users still have to RTFM14:11
Ehlyah_Andrew, no wifi14:12
Kinetichence the many viruses and worms they get from blindly double clicking anything with .exe14:12
Ehlyahjowi, how? total newbie here14:12
maekI suppose Kinetic14:12
unopjoep, there's excellent documentation thats always available when you are stuck - unless you are not bothered to go through it14:12
Pici!offtopic | Kinetic maek joep unop14:12
ubotuKinetic maek joep unop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:12
Jowi!wifi | Ehlyah (good place to start if you haven't already read it)14:12
ubotuEhlyah (good place to start if you haven't already read it): Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:12
KineticPici ?14:12
JowiEhlyah: sorry, can't help with wireless (since I don't have one)14:12
maeksorry mods ... got a bit carried away there lolz14:12
PiciPlease take philosophical discussion of package management elsewhere, perhaps #ubuntu-offtopic.14:12
joepKinetic: Don't let me laugh! manuals written by marketeers for dumbo's. Look at the problemsolving tool that is used .14:13
EhlyahI've read about a million how tos and tutorials already, but I suppose one more can't hurt14:13
PiciThis channel is meant only for Ubuntu Support Questions and Answers.14:13
maekrightyo anyone got an Ubuntu problem ??14:13
joepYes, sorry. I was carried away.14:13
reduser5hey all ... bit of a linux novice here - what are the best methods to view which processes / services etc are active on my workstation and what status they may be in?14:14
hischildreduser5, try the system monitor under system -> adminstration14:14
Picireduser5: you could us ps aux, or top (or install htop, its more usable that top is)14:14
joepmaek; How to solve the request from vmware to shutdown IPv6?14:14
maekthe process manager is bloody good in ubuntu14:15
joep(make: therefore I needed chkconfig).14:15
_Andrewreduser5, System -> Admin -> System Monitor14:15
_Andrewreduser5, Resources tab14:15
maekI don't have a lot of experience with VMware sorry joep ... I used it to install ubuntu once though14:15
benpiccoreduser5: if you need something non-graphical, you'll like htop14:16
Picijoep: You seek to disable ipv6?14:16
joepPici: yes.14:16
unop_joep, i already told you - update-rc.d as a replacement for chkconfig14:16
unop_man update-rc.d14:16
Pici!ipv6 | joep this should help you14:16
ubotujoep this should help you: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv414:16
Dr_willisalias chkconfig='update-rc.d'14:16
unop_Dr_willis, err, that wont quite cut it tho :)14:17
Dr_willisand here i thought chkconfig was for checking the samba smb.conf file..14:17
Belkinhelp3hello all14:17
jack_sprattok, this is frustrating, 1233 users, many or most of whom have used ndiswrapper i imagine, none of whom are prepared to even aknowledge as much or give me a few simple replies14:17
joepunop: Sorry. I didn't realise that, I thought it was a directory. I look it up.14:17
Belkinhelp3im new to ubuntu...about 3 months old now14:17
JaccoHok so who took packages.ubuntu.com down? come on.. admit :D14:17
_Andrewjack_spratt, You said something?14:17
Jianjun-KongI have use ubuntu 2 years.14:17
bazhangjack_spratt: what simple reply did you wish? perhaps I can comply14:18
Belkinhelp33 days ago i had a power outage that killed my system.  I have another system to replace it14:18
Dr_willissimple reply = I dont use wireless.. sorry..14:18
jack_sprattandrew; bazhang: thanks14:18
unop_JaccoH, it's been that way for a couple of days now -- you can always use apt-cache and dpkg to do searching14:18
Belkinhelp3my question is this, i have on the new system a raid controller for SATA14:18
jribjack_spratt: if no one knows how to help you, no one will answer.  Try again later or try the other !support options14:18
alphakampjack_spratt: I would help you but I havent had to use ndiswrapper with my laptop, Fiesty got wireless working with restrited drivers module14:18
_Andrewjack_spratt, I'm looking for a question.. You didn't ask one14:18
Belkinhelp3does anyone here notice a difference using a RAID SATA for Ubuntu14:18
Belkinhelp3im mean, installing the Ubuntu OS onto the RAID14:19
jack_sprattandrew: i did, different times in different ways over the last hour14:19
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jack_sprattandrew: hang on14:19
JaccoHmm ok14:19
Belkinhelp3Conversely, does Ubuntu have something similar to windows page file?  Could that be set for RAID as well?14:20
jack_sprattandrew: basically all i want to ask is, when you have installed a ndiswrapper driver using the gui, how do you connect?14:20
JaccoHso is there a simple way to use/test the hardy kernel on gutsy? or do i have to risk upgrading? :)14:20
alphakampBelkinhelp3: I havent done so but I dont see why SATA wouldnt provide an performacne increase over say, IDE14:20
benpiccoBelkinhelp3: the swap partition14:20
hischildBelkinhelp3, it's called a swap file. I think you can do it as well on RAID.14:20
jack_sprattalphakamp: thanks for answering14:20
Belkinhelp3And lastly, my original HD is still functional.  Can i simply install it into another system and will Ubuntu recognize the new hardware accordingly or would I have to do a fresh install?14:20
Dr_willisBelkinhelp3,  ive had mixed luck with doing that.. depends on the exact hardware changes.14:21
Dr_willisBelkinhelp3,  try it and see. :)  whats it going to hurt.14:21
jribjack_spratt: have you read the wiki page on wifi however?14:21
jack_sprattjrib: i think so, can you link?14:21
Belkinhelp3Dr_willis....how about this then...install Ubuntu on the RAID then install the original drive...can I access it with a fresh version of Ubuntu?14:21
jrib!wifi > jack_spratt (read the private message from ubotu)14:22
jack_sprattjrib: i read the help pages associated with the apps14:22
jack_sprattjrib: ok14:22
joepunop: I've read the manpages on it but it is actually a wrapper application for easy maintaining the runlevels of the different applications.14:22
unop_Belkinhelp3, i usually plug the new HDD in, boot up with a live CD chroot in and run this.  sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-blah14:22
Belkinhelp3Im really new at ubuntu and unsure.  With windows i would know how to get the data14:22
_Andrewjack_spratt, You want to use your wifi?14:22
unop_joep, so, what is missing that chkconfig provides?14:23
benpiccoBelkinhelp3: if you want to do a fresh install and keep all your settings/personal data, just backpu your home folder14:23
Belkinhelp3ok sounds good....linux-image-blah would be what then?14:23
joepI use for several years now Webmin, an application that gives a browser interface to many applications and I can do practically all maintenance with that tool.14:23
Dr_willisBelkinhelp3,  with 'raid' i have found that way too many machines have cheap semi-software raid controllers. that are a pain to get going. Ive stopped using raid.14:23
unop_Belkinhelp3, well, linux-image-<version_number> .. is a package14:23
Belkinhelp3benpicco...ok...fresh install and then copy home folder onto the fresh install did i get the right?14:23
Dr_willisBelkinhelp3,  i would keep linux on the non-raid drive to play with. :)14:24
jack_sprattandrew: yes14:24
unop_!webmin | joep14:24
ubotujoep: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.14:24
_Andrewjack_spratt,  System->Admin->Network14:24
jack_sprattandrew: the card is supported in ndiswrapper, the driver is installed, the driver works on other distros14:24
unop_joep, webmin works somewhat, but it's really not something you should rely on14:24
benpiccoBelkinhelp3: You prophaly won't need to reinstall everything, but just in case you have to, that's the way you get the system in the same state you left it ;)14:24
Belkinhelp3Dr_willis and all, where can i find information on performance for OS on RAID or just simply the page file on RAID?  Id like to compare if someone has already done it14:24
jack_sprattandrew: ok, in there are only two options, modem and ethernet, i cant seem to add a wireles interface14:25
benpiccoBelkinhelp3: as all personal configuration ist stored in your home14:25
_Andrewjack_spratt, Did you just install it? Maybe you need to restart before it shows up?14:25
Dr_willisBelkinhelp3,  thers a large varity of raid setups, and a larger varity of controllers and thenya got all sorts of other things to look out for. :)14:25
unop_benpicco, Belkinhelp3 - it's not necessary that you do a complete reinstall - that would be a waste of your time14:25
_Andrewjack_spratt, Is your Wifi turned on?14:25
Belkinhelp3benpicco...yes all personal data is in home folder14:25
jack_sprattandrew: it has been restarted, from cli 'ndiswrapper -l' shows device is present14:25
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jack_sprattandrew: maybe i need ndiswrapper -m or something first??14:26
joepubotu: I didn't know that. That's bad news. Is there any reason for? and unop: I want to turn off ipv6 only and that is turned on somewhere in I thought IP-tables but of that I'm not sure.14:26
Belkinhelp3Dr_willis...im just looking at RAID 0, lets call it striping because as far as I can tell there is no redundancy14:26
jack_sprattandrew: its pcmcia; no way to turn it on or off physically as far as i know if thats what you mean14:26
Dr_willisBelkinhelp3,  ive given up totally on raid. so cant help much. I dident find the gain worth the pain.14:27
_Andrewjack_spratt, Try restarting and going to System->Admin->Network14:27
Belkinhelp3Dr_willis...software or hardware RAID?14:27
jack_sprattwell ok, but itt has been restarted once since the driver was installed; you think i should restart again now?14:27
Dr_willisBelkinhelp3,  finding a total hardware raid. seems to bea bit hard these days. :) without spending  more $$$ then i want.14:28
Oprtzhi there14:28
Dr_willisBelkinhelp3,  then theres the total software route - that i hear under linux - works decently.. THEn ya got the cheap raid controllers on most MB;s that are semi-hardware...14:28
Oprtzi am using vesa" driver and you need help switching to the "intel" driver.14:28
damaltorhey there, can someone tell me when ubuntu 8.04 will be there? i hope it will not be a 8.05... thanks!14:29
Belkinhelp3ok, wish me luck14:29
hischild!hardy | damaltor14:29
ubotudamaltor: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu14:29
Belkinhelp3thanks all14:29
jack_spratt_Andrew: ?14:29
unop_joep, ubotu is the resident bot, it's not an actual person - to turn off ipv6, you need to change 'alias net-pf-10 ipv6 ' to 'alias net-pf-10 off' in /etc/modprobe.d/aliases and reboot14:29
_Andrewjack_spratt, Have you read this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper14:29
Oprtzi am using vesa" driver and you need help switching to the "intel" driver.14:29
=== Svenstaro_ is now known as Svenstaro
Dallascan someone tell me how to find a certin subject? I just DL HyIRC, I have no idea what im doing14:30
fd12what is a good program that can make an image out of my current install and restore it when i want if i screw up later?14:30
unop_joep, webmin is really the lazy man's tool -- it's not comprehensive enough to manage a system effectively (whether it be redhat or slackware or debian, etc) - it's bad for you :)14:30
jack_spratt_Andrew: just rereading it now14:31
joepunop: Sorry: I was talking to a robot!but thanks a lot. In Ubuntu a lot is very much different so this channel is a real help for getting answers. I have saved your answer.14:31
Dallasno one?14:31
SyberJJanyone can help me out? i wanna isntall wine but it is listed "grey" in the add/remove software list14:32
Dr_willisjoep,   theres a free book on ubuntu - google for ubuntu training wiki.14:32
bazhangfd12: better to install a seperate home partition; that way you can screw up and then reinstall and all your private stuff will be saved; currently though (guessing you have not done this) you might try aptoncd, rsync, among other options14:32
Dr_willisjoep,  300+ pages in pdf frmat14:32
hischildjoep, Dr_willis, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training14:32
bazhangalso accessed via the !training trigger14:33
Dr_willisOh they FINIALLY added that factoid! :)14:33
joepunop: I know! I know! But I'm a lazy man!!. It is so easy that you forget the quirks. Moreover it is written in Perl so I can dablle a little in the innards.14:33
jack_sprattandrew: modprobe ndiswrapper jjust hangs14:33
shankygood afternoon14:33
shankyI have a gutsy installed since a few a months ago14:34
unop_joep, well, what can i say? you can install webmin if you really want but it's really not very hard once you learn a few of the basic administration tools you'll be flying14:34
shankyand since yesterday, and without installing anything especial, I can't use usb devices14:34
shankyI get a lot of: "Apr 11 15:32:54 porfinlinux kernel: [78124.280000] usb 7-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 72" messages14:35
joepDr_willis: Thanks for the tip but does it register the differences with e.g. Fedora?? I don't want to read 300+ pages of which I know most part. Most important of course is the directory structure and the use of e.g.the messagebus by the different applications. i want the technical information.14:35
bazhangfd12: you can also clone your current system; see /msg ubotu clone for more info14:35
jack_spratt_Andrew: so what now?14:36
Dr_willisjoep,  nope. its a text book for a total beginners guide to ubuntu. book. it even has a teachers edition, and student edition.14:36
SyberJJso am i the ony one uable to install ubuntu?14:36
joneshello everyone14:36
joepunop: to be honest: most of it I know: but Webmin is so easy!!14:36
Dr_willisjoep,  but its free. :) so why not download it   and skimm it14:36
b0xxycan anyone help me with this error, iv tryed all i can i dont understand anymore, its for an eggdrop - http://paste.org/index.php?id=258814:36
jack_spratt_Andrew: shouldn't the ndiswrapper gui automatically start ndiswrapper service once it has installed a driver?14:36
jonesi am wondering if anybody has problem setting up vhost for Symfony PHP on Ubuntu?14:36
bazhangSyberJJ: you need to detail your errors with some precision then we can perhaps offer help14:36
unop_joep, webmin is easy alright, too easy to do much practically (one of the reasons ubuntu and debian frown upon it)14:36
_Andrewjack_spratt, no idea14:37
joepDr_willis: I will certainly do it but, although I'm  retired I'm more busy then ever!.14:37
alanbshepard70I need help, I'm trying to install a game from the repos and somethings wrong. I had the game installed but the game needs two packages, game and game-data. The game-data package was updated when I was notified of updates through the update manager. The update manager uninstalled the game package though. When I try to reinstall the game package with synaptic it marks the game-data package for removal and vice versa. What's wrong?14:37
bazhangjack_spratt: what does lspci say for that card? just the single line (assuming it is a pci card) and is it internal or external14:38
alphakampunop_: I see webmin as a easy interface to use once you have set everything up as you wish on only use to make minor changes thereafter14:38
Jafetwhereis does not seem to handle search terms containing periods properly.14:38
JafetEg. $ whereis python2.414:38
jack_sprattbazhang: its pcmcia14:38
joepunop: I won't go into that. I can do 70 to 80 % of my maintenance with it and the rest is of course commandline.14:38
jack_sprattbazhang: so lspcmcia then?14:38
bazhanglspci jack_spratt14:38
joepalphakamp: That's exactly what I mean.14:39
pc-illiterateim having problems with an installer. i need some help14:39
JafetIs that behavior due to bash or a bug in whereis?14:39
unop_alphakamp, not true, webmin doesnt really interface with apt very well and thats surely something any debian/ubuntu user works with very regularly, it's also limited with what it provides ..14:39
lilsykowanna ask14:39
ertun78how can i learn one web site ip and host by terminal on ubuntu14:39
lilsykoi have an ubuntu 6.06LTS mail relay server14:39
lilsykoif i wanna upgrade it to 7.1014:39
lilsykohow do i go about doing it ?14:40
hischildunop_, alphakamp, can you take the discussion elsewhere? it's not support related.14:40
bazhangpc-illiterate: you need to provide many more details; if someone knows they will answer14:40
unop_alphakamp, joep anyway, enough of webmin talk. it's there for you to use but it's not supported here.14:40
hischild!hardy | lilsyko14:40
ubotulilsyko: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu14:40
jack_sprattbazhang: i think this is the relevant entry: 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Belkin Unknown device 701f (rev 20)14:40
Jafetlilsyko, the built-in update manager should magic it for you as long as you're connected to internet.14:40
bazhangjack_spratt: that would be the ethernet device; nothing about the wifi card? what does lsusb yield14:41
arcticpenguin380is firewire better than usb?14:41
Jafetlilsyko, being a mail server, I'd assume it is connected to the web.14:41
joepunop: and the others. We agree on our personalities.14:41
Jafetarcticpenguin380, in what context?14:41
bazhanglilsyko: you can go straight from lts to lts if you wait two weeks14:41
arcticpenguin380for video camcorders14:41
jack_sprattbazhang: belkin? thats not the ethernet, onl belkin device on there is the pcmcia i think14:41
* JaccoH just took the plunge and typed apt-get dist-upgrade14:42
jack_sprattbazhang: ill look again for wifi references...14:42
lilsykoyeah Jafet14:42
LSGertun78: Ping14:42
lilsykoits connected 24/714:42
joepBoys, I have to go . I still have other problems with Ubuntu so I will come back on this channel soon. Thanks fotr the help.14:42
Jafetbazhang, don't you have to upgrade sequentially?14:42
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for hardy discussion thanks14:42
stringssinghello everyone...got a question...14:42
hischildJafet, lts to lts can be done in a single step14:42
bazhangJafet: not from dapper; there is a one step for that14:42
JafetI see.14:42
bazhangarcticpenguin380: many would consider it so; you might ask in the hardware channel for a more precise answer though14:43
JafetBump:   $ whereis python2.4   strips everything off the period onwards to search for "python2". Is this a feature?14:43
jack_sprattbazhang: lsusb yields nothing that looks likely14:43
ertun78is it like  ping http://........ LSG14:44
stringssingHas anyone been able to successfully manage a Zune in Ubuntu.  I know, I know...Shouldn't have a Zune to begin with...I agree...It's my son's.14:44
LSGertun78: Just like "ping www.google.com"14:44
Eelisis packages.ubuntu.com down?14:44
bazhangjack_spratt: how about on the card itself? are the details of the chipset on there? that is the key as unknown device wont yield much help here14:44
jack_sprattbazhang: looks like the belkin device is being misread as an ethernet adapter for some reason; why would this be?14:44
pc-illiterateim having problems running an installer and any help would be appreciated14:44
jack_sprattbazhang: its revision 7, i can find out the chipset based on that info14:45
bazhangpc-illiterate: as I mentioned before, you need to give many more details14:45
Jafetpc-illiterate, try asking a question.14:45
Drillêòî òî ìíå ïîìîæåò14:46
jack_sprattbazhang: but why are we having to do this, why doesnt it just work; any idea? the win driver works well in linux, ive installed that driver, ndiswrapper recognises the device as present, why all these problems?14:46
bazhangstringssing: what have you tried to do? what mp3 manager are you using in ubuntu? have you successfully mounted etc14:46
bazhangDrill: english please14:47
Eeliswhen is http://packages.ubuntu.com/ expected to be back up?14:47
user1 iam using tv card Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast De                              coder (rev 01) . i cant make it work. any help?14:47
Drillbazhang kto to mne pomojet14:47
pc-illiteratewell alrighty then...mounted cd.......terminal root....exported setup_cdrom.......ran shblah-blah.run and it tells me "sh: Can't open blahblah.run14:47
=== fdd_0 is now known as fdd
bazhangDrill: russian?14:48
Drillbazhang yes14:48
ertun78tnx LSG ît works14:48
bazhangpc-illiterate: I would then say blah blah do this; really if you want clear answers then provide clear info thanks14:48
bazhang!ru | Drill14:49
ubotuDrill: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:49
jack_sprattbazhang: why would it be an unknown device? ndiswrapper recognises the card as being present, so whats the problem?14:49
pc-illiteratewow. you cant understand that ? i dont type. didnt know you needed specifics14:49
ertun78but what means "icmp_seq=20 which  streaming on the screen LSG14:49
* user1 waits14:50
Jafetpc-illiterate: Real easy... just sudo in a blash terminal...... enter blah blah....... do blahblah... gedit halb/blah.... done. Any newb can do it.14:50
bazhangpc-illiterate: my telepathic powers are currently out of flux; let me try again..no sorry need actual info14:50
pc-illiterateim logged into terminal as root. i ran the installer and it says it cant find that installer14:51
JafetEelis, try a mirror...?14:51
fedyj/  #linuxac14:51
* jack_spratt pokes bazhang14:51
* pc-illiterate rolls eyes and shakes head14:51
pc-illiterateyoure wrong14:52
Jafetpc-illiterate, as Paul Dirac would say, that was a statement.14:52
pc-illiterateim a noob and i cant do that14:52
stringssingactually, I'm still in the research mode.  I've read some stuff regarding Amarok...just wondering if anyone else has had success with this in any way.  Microsoft, of course, in their continued attempt to assimilate us all, doesn't even make a Mac version of their software, so you can image how we are left completely to our own devices to make this work on anything but Vista.14:52
Wyvern|could someone advice me on how to set up sendmail properly, so that mdadm can send me mail when a drive fails?14:52
Ehlyahokay, still not connecting to  my wireless. iwconfig now says I have an access point (improvement!) but I have invalid nwid, crypt and frag. any tips/fixes/links?14:52
Exploit_hi there14:52
Exploit_can someone help me with an unix command?14:52
wowbaggertip(@ pc-illiterate)  Exactly what is it that you're trying to do again?  From the start, small words.  I'm slow.  Or are you pulling our chains?14:52
sipiorExploit_: which one?14:53
Dr_willisExploit_,  only if you ask an answerable question. :)14:53
Exploit_I want to change the password as root of a a user14:53
pc-illiterateno im not pulling chains... hang on. type really slow14:53
LamegoWyvern|, sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix14:53
Dr_willisExploit_,  sudo passwd username14:53
bazhangjack_spratt: it has been some time since I used ndiswrapper; I generally find it to be unreliable and a last resort, frankly; what I can remember is you need to modprobe to get it to say device present driver loaded or some such, then ifup the device and connect--this is what I have done in the past and it has generally worked14:53
Exploit_okay thank you14:53
jimcooncatthat was easy14:53
LSGertun78: Means the ICMP is reserved, i guess14:53
jack_sprattbazhang: ok, thats useful thanks14:53
jack_sprattbazhang: i just got this wireless card, and it was supposed to work nativelhy ( it too hate using ndiswrapper). however there are currently 8 revisions of this card and the manufacturer lied about that version it was. unfortunatly its almost impossible it seems to tell what chips are in a wireless card and therefore whether it has anhy hope of working in linux14:55
JafetOkay, for the third and last time, I do   $ whereis "python2.4"   in the shell and whereis looks for "python2", not "python2.4". Is this a feature?14:55
jack_sprattbazhang: i think one problem may be that it isnt modprobing correctly, when i do the modprobe ndiswrapper command it just hangs indefinitely14:55
jack_sprattbazhang: not a good sign eh14:55
hischildJafet, probably because . is a special character. Have you tried escaping it?14:55
Dr_willispc-illiterate,  when you EXPORT a variable like whatever=foo, then do 'sudo' i am not sure if the exported variable gets set for the sudo'ed commands or not.14:56
pc-illiteratei mounted my cdrom....i entered root terminal to export setup-cdrom=/media/cdrom then i typed sh tacticalops-3.1.5-install-x86.run   ........ i get this for an answer    " sh: cant open tacticalops-3.1.5-install-x86.run14:56
jack_sprattbazhang: ill lsmod to see if it is inserted correctly14:56
bazhangjack_spratt: that is a common thread with some of the wireless card makers; listing it as one chipset when in fact it is another; that is why knowing the exact chipset is so key14:56
Ehlyahbazhang: what if you try to ifup and you get "can't read interfaces file "etc/network/interfaces"?14:56
sivel27any one figure out how to make usb headphones work with a laptop?14:56
hischildDr_willis, iirc the var stays set, unless you env-update it14:56
ertun78and last question why cant connect my website via telnet .i open it and write my site adress and just say me "tryîng to connect "and later disconnected  telnet14:56
LSGertun78: Sorry, i didn't read your question properly. It's just the way ping pokes the target.14:56
Dr_willishischild,  i always seem to see my PATH and other stuff gettting messed up when i sudo,  just thinking that may be his issue.14:56
hischildDr_willis, it might, though i remember reading somewhere it wouldn't. Might be mistaken.14:57
Dr_willishischild,  may be hes not exporting the variable also.. just settin git.14:57
bazhangEhlyah: what is the wireless card chipset?14:57
Jafethischild, right, my mistake, apparently whereis thinks it's an extension and strips it and there is no way to disable that.14:57
user1Dr_willis:  can you give me the link to download the sone 'miss india...' in http://mag4you.com/music/d/dhamaal.asp   . i cant click it14:58
hischildJafet, whereis python14:58
hischildJafet, whereis python\.4 works fine over here14:58
bazhanguser1: this is not that kind of channel thanks14:58
user1bazhang:       can you help me witht the tv card then?14:58
Heaven4UHello I need some help. I am a new Linux user and I have just installed Ubuntu. What is my root password?14:58
wowbaggertip(@ pc-illiterate) Well, you wrote what I asked, but even after 1.5y of Ubuntu, that's got me flummoxed.  Installing something from a CD?  Why not from a .deb or ???14:58
stringssingI can tell you now from experience, if you have a Broadcom chipset, you will have to use NDISwrapper with the Windows driver, as Broadcom does not have a native Linux driver14:58
hischild!sudo | Heaven4U14:59
ubotuHeaven4U: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.14:59
bazhangHeaven4U: there is none; just use sudo14:59
jack_sprattbazhang: but i know what chipset it is effectively, and i definitely have the correct .inf file installed, and ndiswrapper even recogninsed the presence of the device. BTW lsmod lists ndiswrapper as being loaded14:59
pc-illiteratecause its ported game ?14:59
stringssingHowever, Atheros does14:59
Jafethischild, not here...14:59
wowbaggertippc-illiterate:  OK.  I'm out.  Not a gamer.  Sorry.14:59
Ehlyahbazhang: 00:1e.0 is that possible?14:59
fedyhotkeys to change language from keyboard14:59
bazhangEhlyah: that sounds right; is there a name with that as well?15:00
prodigelHi. I want to monitor my internet connection download speed by downloading some data for a period of time, not a fixed size package. Anyone knows such tools? Not very related to ubuntu I realise now. Anyway I'm using ubuntu :D15:00
Ehlyahbazhang: PCI bridge: intel corporation 82801 PCI bridge15:00
Oprtzguys / girls : i am using vesa driver for my Intel vga card, how to use Intel instead of vesa?15:00
fedylike alt shift in windows15:00
hischildprodigel, system monitor .... system -> adminstration -> system monitor. Look under the tab resources.15:01
user1my system grub shows no moniter display for a part of boot period. just 'sync out of rang' how to do with that?15:01
hischildit even shows you the current total speed =)15:01
bazhangEhlyah: could you pastebin the output of lspci please?15:01
Ehlyahbazhang: at the risk of sounding stupid. pastebin?15:01
prodigelhischild: sure that's good enough for watching, but I want to test it overnight15:02
bazhang!pastebin | Ehlyah15:02
ubotuEhlyah: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:02
hischildprodigel, it keeps the totals over night.15:02
jack_sprattgah! this mad! there's nothing wrong with my card or my driver or with ndiswrapper as far as i can see so what on earth is wrong with ubuntu such that it cant do any wireless networking?!15:02
user1my system grub shows no moniter display for a part of boot period. just 'sync out of rang' how to do with that?15:03
fd12i'm getting an internal ip and have connectivity to the internet but i don't have an external ip. why?15:03
sudobashthank you operators...15:03
prodigeljack_spratt: what's your problem more exactly?15:03
bazhangprodigel: he cant get ndiswrapper to work15:04
unop_fd12, your router translates private address to public ones15:04
fd12unop_, ok how can i have an external ip?15:04
unop_fd12, navigate to www.whatismyip.com and you'll see your public address15:04
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!15:04
fd12unop_, that's the router's address15:04
unop_fd12, right15:05
jack_sprattprodigel: pcmcia wireless card: worksl; corresponding windows driver: installed and works; ndiswrapper + gui: installed and (apparantly) works; ubuntu: doiesn not detect any wireless card, wont connect be, wont do anything15:05
unop_fd12, what do you mean by 'external address' then if it isnt the router's address?15:05
hischildLjL, is on the unban track15:05
thesaint4444hi guys, can anyone tell me how to setup filetype associations on my desktop.. for some reason I can no longer open pdf documents - if I click one kate trys to open them.... thanks.15:05
prodigeljack_spratt: have you tried iwlist?15:05
jack_sprattprodgiel: no15:05
prodigeliwlist interface scan15:05
thesaint4444sorry - using kde...15:06
pc-illiterateso i assume i need to go elsewhere for help ?15:06
prodigeljack_spratt: from console.15:06
jack_sprattprodgiel: "interface doesnt sjupport scanning"15:06
sudobashdoes anyone know how to get IEC958 support for flash in firefox? maybe Ubuntu 8.XX fixes this?15:06
_Andrewthesaint4444, Right click the pdf -> open with -> add -> "Document Viewer"15:06
prodigeljack_spratt: then it seems you have a driver problem15:06
Ehlyahbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62824/15:06
unop__thesaint4444, not sure about kde .. but there there should be a way to reset associations .. right click a pdf, check the properties15:06
lewenchHaving an issue with my newly installed ubuntu on my Inspiron E1705. I get an IP address from my network card. I can ping and accually connected to my PC at home through VNC. But when browsing the net it takes about a minute to load any page. I also cannot get updates on my add/remove packages. Anyone know what might be wrong??15:06
fiXXXerMetI want to mount a windows share to my local machine.  The share has a space in it, and the password has a & symbol...  What's the right syntax for the command?  mount -t smbfs -o "username=user,password=password&" //server/Shared Data /media/tvifs01 ?15:06
bazhangEhlyah: thanks looking now15:06
jack_sprattprodgiel: FYI lspci says the card (which is bellkin) is not recognised and calls it an ethernet controller15:07
jack_sprattprodgiel: but ndiswrapper -l says driver is installled and device is present !!15:07
thesaint4444unop__: yeah did that but doesn't seem to make any difference....15:07
JuanquiQuick question guys15:07
prodigeljack_spratt: what chipset do you have?15:07
drhawkhow can i get my system to use utc instead of the local-time?15:07
JuanquiIs it possible to reinstall an installation of ubuntu (7.10) and leave the home folder files untouched?15:08
unop__thesaint4444, there aren't many KDE users in here, you probably will have better luck if you asked the guys in #kubuntu15:08
drhawki already set utc=yes in /etc/default/rcS15:08
bazhangEhlyah: could you pastebin all of lspci and not that one bit please? you can install pastebinit then cat lspci | pastebinit and it will give you a url to post here thanks15:08
prodigeldrhawk: right click clock applet, preferences, use utc15:08
sudobashJuanqui... I think so yes....15:08
JuanquiWould it work if during the installation I choose to do custom partitioning and then deselect "FORMAT" ?15:08
unop__drhawk, what does this command give you?  TZ=UTC date15:08
JuanquiBecause the thing is that I dont want it to leave shared librarie sbehind15:08
Juanquior binaries behind15:08
jack_sprattprodgiel: its a belkin f5d7010 v715:08
JuanquiI want a fully clean system15:09
lewenchHaving an issue with my newly installed ubuntu on my Inspiron E1705. I get an IP address from my network card. I can ping and accually connected to my PC at home through VNC. But when browsing the net it takes about a minute to load any page. I also cannot get updates on my add/remove packages. Anyone know what might be wrong??15:09
thesaint4444unop__: ok, thanks...15:09
sudobashJueanqui correct do not format... i think at the beginning it looks for files to carry over15:09
bazhanglewench: this is gutsy?15:09
drhawkmy hwclock is already set to locale time. i want the whole system to use this time15:09
lewenchbazhang, Yes.15:09
drhawknot just the clock-applet15:09
jack_sprattprodgiel: i think Realtek 8185 chipset15:09
fiXXXerMetAnyone?  What's the syntax for mounting a windows share that has a space in it?15:09
user1my system grub shows no moniter display for a part of boot period. just 'sync out of rang' how to do with that?15:09
hischildJuanqui, yes that's possible. Do not format your /home then, and select it as your new /home. That will let you keep your current files and settings. Then create the new user with the old user data and you're done.15:09
unop__drhawk, the hwclock should use UTC and you should configure your timezone .. not the otherway around15:09
bazhanglewench: you all the repos enabled?15:09
prodigeljack_spratt: did you do some googling about your chipset? I'm limited in expertize, especially with modules and stuff15:10
drhawkthen i have to change the windows-behavior, right?15:10
lewenchbazhang, huh? I can't get updates it won't go through. take a minute to load a page. But everything else network wise is ok15:10
salkoDesktop effects could not be enabled any help15:10
jack_sprattprodgiel: it works perfectly with the same drivers on other distros, just install the .inf etc. viaa gui normall and away you go15:11
bazhanglewench: you are connected on that box now? could you pastebin your sources.list please?15:11
jack_sprattprodgiel: i bought it for its linux compatibility15:11
wersI cant play any music because of a gstramer error. apparently, state change failed. how do I fix that?15:11
unop__drhawk, windows does crazy things with time and setting the hwclock . there's a way you can get both to cooperate on this15:11
lewench bazhang, How do I go about doing that?15:11
bazhangsalko: you need the 3d drivers for your card via the restricted drivers manager and install ccsm; more info /msg ubotu ccsm15:12
salkoindugun u helped me several times15:12
salkoDesktop effects could not be enabled any help15:12
IndyGunFreaksalko: whats your video device?15:12
hischildunop__, not using utc will make the time correct for both OS's iirc15:12
ikoniasalko: need more info than that15:12
bazhanglewench: install pastebinit sudo apt-get install pastebinit then cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit15:12
salkodont know15:12
benpicco_salko: do you have direct rendering enabled? which gpu are you using?15:12
IndyGunFreaksalko: well, thats a start.. run lspci in a terminal and see what your video device is15:13
sudobashanyone know of a IEC958 fix so Firefox flash media can play through SPDIF?15:13
unop__drhawk, http://weblogs.asp.net/dfindley/archive/2006/06/20/Set-hardware-clock-to-UTC-on-Windows-_2800_or-how-to-make-the-clock-work-on-a-Mac-Book-Pro_2900_.aspx15:13
benpicco_salko: lspci | grep VGA15:13
benpicco_salko: so you don't have installed any driver yet, did you?15:13
IndyGunFreakbenpicco: he probably has either ATI, or Intel graphics, as Nvidia works out fo the box.15:14
bazhangprobably ati15:14
hischildIndyGunFreak, you also need the restricted ones for the newer nvidia ones15:14
user1iam using tv card Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast De                              coder (rev 01) . i cant make it work. any help?15:14
drhawkok thx. i will try this15:14
IndyGunFreakhischild: well, tru..15:14
salkonVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 6415:14
benpicco_salko: wow, what's acient!15:15
IndyGunFreaksalko: go to system/admin/restricted driver.15:15
unop__drhawk, or you could make ubuntu do the work (which might be better as some windows apps are problematic if you change windows to UTC) - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime15:15
IndyGunFreakbenpicco: lol, i know.15:15
kkaeferis it possible to allow certain commands that usually require root permissions to be executed by regular users without entering a password?15:15
salkoyes it is15:15
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport check here user115:15
kkaeferlet me rephrase15:15
wersI hear no sound because of a gstreamer error15:15
wershow do  I restart gstreamer?15:15
user1bazhang:  that dont have phillips in it15:15
user1i gues15:15
kkaeferhow can I allow certain commands that usually require root permissions to be executed by regular users without entering a password?15:15
benpicco_salko: you serioulsy want to use compiz on it? I requieres at least a geforce 215:15
Ehlyahbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62825/ the whole thing15:15
bazhangthanks Ehlyah15:16
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lewench bazhang, coudn't find package pasteinit15:16
Ehlyahno, thank you15:16
drhawkhm. this does only work when i have access to a time server15:16
salkou thinl i cant do it15:16
Ehlyahno, thank you15:16
lewench bazhang, pastebinit**15:16
hischildlewench, package is called pastebinit, not pasteinit15:16
unop__kkaefer, you can edit the /etc/sudoers file -- see the sudoers manpage for more15:16
lewench bazhang, correct I typed it wrong, but typed it correctly in the terminal15:16
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salkothe driver is in use15:16
jack_sprattprodgiel: sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper hangs also, why is this? whats so hard about removing it from the kernel?15:16
sudobashdoes anyone know how to configure firefox audio device?15:17
IndyGunFreaksalko: thats an awful old card to try and use desktop effects, you should probably be grateful they aren't working15:17
unop__drhawk, see the "Multiple Boot Systems Time Conflicts" section at the bottom on changing the /etc/defaults/rcS file15:17
sudobashlike which device flash uses15:17
jack_sprattprodgiel: does this mean that  ndiswrapper is corrupted or something; the fact that it cannot be added or removed from the kerenl15:17
bazhangEhlyah: this is an internal card or a usb one? if usb then try lsusb and report the one line for that please15:17
lewench bazhang, Its odd, it doesn't want to download anything, but everything works fine. Im talking to you from my PC at home vnc'd though this laptop.15:17
Ehlyahbazhang: not a usb card15:18
salkoi cant fix it15:18
bazhangEhlyah: what does ifconfig show? two entries or three eth0 lo only or a third as well15:18
bazhanglewench: how about cat /etc/apt/sources.list and see if there are a bunch of hashmarks in front of the various repos15:19
Ehlyahbazhang: eth0, lo and wlan015:19
MozzeAny tips for making something fun out of youre desktop?15:19
drhawkcan't find that section. sorry. i'm using kubuntu15:19
reduser11anyone here familiar with dibbler-server?15:19
benpicco_Mozze: xsnow is nice, but it's the wron season15:19
salkoany help15:19
reduser11ipv6 dhcp server15:19
bazhangEhlyah: okay that is good; do you have a wifi hotspot nearby? preferably open15:19
prodigeljack_spratt: was it recognized by the ssystem somehow?15:20
lewenchHaving an issue with my newly installed ubuntu on my Inspiron E1705. I get an IP address from my network card. I can ping and accually connected to my PC at home through VNC. But when browsing the net it takes about a minute to load any page. I also cannot get updates on my add/remove packages. Anyone know what might be wrong??15:20
benpicco_salko: compiz requires a GeForce 2 to work15:20
Ehlyahall I've got is our wireless, WEP encrypted15:20
Mozzebenpico, crap ;)15:20
lewencherr sorry meant to copy and paste.15:20
prodigeljack_spratt: before installing the driver with ndiswrapper15:20
salkoand now15:20
benpicco_Mozze: it craetessoo nice xmas feeling ;)15:20
sipiorlewench: you using a local dns server?15:20
lewenchbazhang, Yes there are # line commented out by installer because it failed to verify15:21
Ehlyahbazhang: just our WEP encrypted wireless15:21
lewenchsipior, Yes15:21
salkocan i give a try15:21
jack_sprattprodgiel: you mean was the card recognised at all before the diswrapper install? if thats what you mean, i dont know15:21
bazhangEhlyah: you know the cli pretty well? I can give the definitive link on how to connect via cli with that guide; first try sudo dhclient wlan0 and report any errors please15:21
jack_sprattprodgiel: i didnt check, i didnt see a need to (it was plugged in during the whole install15:21
Ehlyahbazhang: cli?15:21
benpicco_salko: It's about hardware functions - you can emulate it by the cpu using xgl, but emulating gpu funktions is not that a good idea in respects of performance...15:22
sipiorlewench: probably a name resolution problem. try using "dig" with various FQDNs and see if it takes a while to get an answer back15:22
bazhanglewench: most of them? just the backports? how many roughly15:22
benpicco_salko: which cpu are you using?15:22
bazhangEhlyah: command line (terminal)15:22
lewenchbazhang, All of them accually15:22
Ehlyahbazhang: beginner, I'm afraid15:22
benpicco_salko: (cat /proc/cpuinfo)15:22
prodigeljack_spratt: you have to blacklist some modules in kernel before applying ndiswrapper drivers15:23
prodigeljack_spratt: this way the module won't load a badly detected driver for it thus conficting with yours15:23
bazhanglewench: then you need to uncomment (remove the hashmarks) from the key ones; /msg ubotu gutsysources for which ones to uncomment15:23
prodigeljack_spratt: may be the cause of you badly named interface15:23
salkoand now15:23
tenpaiyomiOk, so, I created a new user and am attempting to ssh in.  I've set the password, however attempts to log in give me a 'error: PAM: Authentication failure for illegal user voiddesign' in the auth.log15:23
tenpaiyomiAnybody have an idea?15:24
bazhangEhlyah: what did the sudo dhclient wlan0 report (from the terminal)15:24
amenadotenpaiyomi-> what is the new user name you have added?15:24
tenpaiyomiamenado: voiddesign15:24
Ehlyahbazhang: pastebinning it15:24
reduser11hey all - is anyone familiar with the following error and how to deal with it -  Unable to set up socket option IPV6_PKTINFO - I am trying to run the dibbler-server (dhcp for IPv6)15:25
sipiortenpaiyomi: how did you add the user?15:25
salkoAMD Athlon(tm) XP  2600+15:25
jack_sprattprodgiel: why do you think that? i dont know of a conflicting driver, and on other distros i didnt have to blackliist; also on gides for this card andubunttu there is no menttion of blackllisting...15:25
tenpaiyomisipior: useradd -s /bin/shell -d /home/voiddesign -m voiddesign15:25
tenpaiyomisipior: then I did a passwd voiddesign and set it's password15:25
sipiortenpaiyomi: /bin/shell? that doesn't sound right...15:26
Hoxzerhttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-594623.html I think that festival should have a depency of minimal english voice. Just confuses users15:26
amenadotenpaiyomi-> did you have this new user logon to say console 3? ctrl+alt+F315:26
prodigeljack_spratt: In my experience with wireless ndiswrapper and ubuntu I had to blacklist some modules15:26
lewenchbazhang, http://forgott3n.serveftp.net/http%20uploads/sources_list.txt15:26
Ehlyahbazhang: report of the sudo dhclient wlan0 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62827/15:26
tenpaiyomisipior: /bin/bash then?15:26
bazhangEhlyah: any way to open that wep to no encryption while we test this out? that would be a good test right now15:26
sipiortenpaiyomi: yep15:26
tenpaiyomisipior: This is all remote.  This is a VPS15:26
prodigeljack_spratt: mine has a rt61 chipset15:26
tenpaiyomisipior: Lemme try that15:26
salkowhat to do now15:26
benpicco_salko: and you have a Riva TNT inside? well, you might try it, there should be an article about the xgl-server15:26
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion15:27
jack_sprattprodgiel:, what would i blacklist?15:27
Ehlyahbazhang: I probably could, but not sure how (it's a setup that also carries our digital tv) and I'd get in trouble for it15:27
salkoive inserted today a card cuz the one onboard desnt detect linux15:27
tenpaiyomisipior: That was it.  It's been awhile since I've done anything heavily linux, cause I've gotten lazy with OS X :(15:28
amenadotenpaiyomi-> even it it is remote, login with the userid you used to su to root, then su - voiddesign15:28
bazhangEhlyah: have you used nm-applet (the gui in the toolbar/panel) to connect before? you can set the wep pass there and try to connect via the gui also; your system sees your card, we just need to get you connected and you will be good to go15:28
tenpaiyomiamenado: It was the me having stupidly set it to /bin/shell instead of /bin/bash15:28
drhawkunop__, i don't unterstand why (k)ubuntu assumes the hw-clock is set to utc when is set the utc-option in rcS to no. in man rcS it says when utc is set to no the hw-clock is the localtime15:29
amenadotenpaiyomi-> okay, go ahead and correct it15:29
bazhanglewench: you have no sources; that would be the reason that add/remove is greyed out; open up the sources list with an editor and remove the hashes and then sudo apt-get update and try again15:29
salkoqnd is nforce ok15:29
sipioramenado: try to keep up...15:29
IndyGunFreaksalko: why do you have a video card taht ancient, in a PC that new?15:29
lewenchbazhang, ok thanks.15:30
salkocuz i couldnt install ubuntu15:30
stephantomhey there, does anyone have a clue why Canonical itself does not use Open Source software for their business files?15:30
bazhanglewench: nano is a good one; unless you have another you like sudo nano etc etc15:30
unop__drhawk, what is your actual timezone?15:30
amenadosipior-> i try to read only stuff highlighted, if he responded to you without my nick, i can easily miss it15:30
stephantomI don't mind personally, I just think it's kind of strange15:30
salkothe card couldnt be seen while installing15:30
Ehlyahbazhang: network monitor?  I've poked at it, but it wouldn't detect my network. I just removed and readded it, though and it seems to detect it now15:30
drhawkin ubuntu berlin15:30
drhawkand in windows to15:30
bazhangstephantom: offtopic here thanks15:30
IndyGunFreaki don't follow15:30
rancecan someone point me to a "hyperterm - like" gui tool in linux that you can select the serial port and the data rate for multiple connections?15:30
stephantomsorry bazhang15:30
drhawkberlin is currently utc +2h15:31
Ehlyahbazhang: nm claims there's an error and when I click Configure, I get "interface does not exist"15:31
benpicco_salko: have you installed the driver at all? what tells you glxinfo | grep direct?15:31
drhawkand in ubtuntu it takes the hwclock (whick is set to the correct local time) and adds the time-offset of 2hours15:32
sipiorrance: i think minicom will do what you want15:32
bazhangEhlyah: ah then to the cli it is we must go ;]15:32
drhawkno matter if i set utc to yes or no15:32
Ehlyahbazhang: allrighty15:32
lewenchbazhang, is there a reason why this happend on install? Maybe I didn't have internet connection?15:32
jack_sprattsheesh, this is nuts. im going to have to abnandonn ubuntu for a while until i have a day or two free ton sort out this networking, which should take about three minutes. thanks for help bazhang and prodigel15:32
wigrenwhat setting do i use to make the active title bar opaque with compiz-fusion15:32
salkothat command says direct rendering: Yes15:32
benpicco_salko: so everything seems to work15:34
benpicco_salko: but if you want compiz on that hardware, you'll ahve to use xgl15:34
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 Ehlyah look at the very beginning of this link (under WEP) and where it says (interface) you put wlan0; report any errors as you go through the commands thanks15:34
salkobut if i put the monitor cable an message appears input not detcted15:34
bazhanglewench: aye that would be the reason15:34
lewenchbazhang, Getting them thanks a bunch!!15:34
sipiorrance: actually, i missed your mentioning that you want a gui tool. in that case, cutecom is a better bet. (minicom is pretty nice though)15:35
salkohow can i use xgl what to do15:35
benpicco_!xgl | salko15:35
ubotusalko: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion15:35
bazhangjack_spratt dont give up so easy; it took me two weeks to get ndiswrapper going in Suse 10.0; and this was without irc15:35
wigrenwhat setting do i use to make the active title bar opaque with compiz-fusion15:36
crdlbwigren: are you using emerald?15:36
crdlbwigren: then gconf-editor /apps/gwd15:36
salkowhat should i type to enable xgl15:37
geirhasalko: sudo aptitude install xserver-xgl15:38
Ehlyahbazhang: sudo dhclient -r wlan0 gives me: there is already a pid file, killed old client processm removed PID file15:38
mark__i have just installed ubuntu 8.04 worked fine at first but now that i have done all the updates it wont boot. Whre do I start to fix this?15:39
geirha!hardy | mark__15:39
ubotumark__: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:39
jchasemark_: what kind of video card ?15:39
salkoE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)15:39
salkoE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?15:39
wigrencrdlb: thank you!15:39
salkoive recived this15:39
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:39
jchasemark_: after isntall, did you enable restricted driver oro anything?15:39
Darksidehi, i have a .img file that i dd'd from an old hdd, how would i go about analysing it, seeing what partitions are there?15:40
mark__i did that before updating15:40
geirhasalko: do you have any package programs open? like update-manager or synaptic?15:40
MrBillWhen I plug in my 8gb USB memory stick (NTFS) it autorecognizes and mounts itself, but I'm seeming to not get the same behaviour off of an NTFS formatted USB hard drive, is this normal?15:40
LamegoDarkside, you should be able to loopback mount it15:40
geirhasalko: close it first, only one such program can function at a time, they lock each other out15:40
sriramomanhow do i install kernel-sources in ubuntu?15:40
Lamegoi mean, if it was from a partition, not a disk15:40
MrBilli'm using 7.10 Gutsy if that matters15:40
DarksideLamego, but will i be able to check partitions, etc?15:40
jchasemark_: so when you boot, does it allow you to pass a parameter, or does it come to a cli prompt?15:41
Darksideyeah, its an image of a while disk15:41
mark__i just got the message Loding Hardware Drivers       FAIL15:41
LamegoDarkside, well, that is more tricky15:41
unop_drhawk, what do these two commands return?  TZ="Europe/Berlin" date; TZ="UTC" date15:42
Lamegoyou would need to get the partition table, and dump the partitions into image files so that you could loopback mount them15:42
salkowhat now15:42
DarksideLamego: how would i go about doing that?15:42
benpicco_salko: you'll need to logout and select the session xgl15:42
mark__how do i pass aparamiter?15:42
ragsagarso many members :o15:43
salkohow should i select xgl15:43
geirhasalko: log out to the login-screen. At the login-screen hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (this will restart it)15:43
IndyGunFreaksalko:  you hit sessions and select xgl15:43
salkoill try15:43
geirhasalko: if the xserver-xgl package is installed, it will be used instead of xorg15:43
sriramomanhow do i install kernel-sources in ubuntu?15:44
bazhangEhlyah: that is okay; just keep going with the commands15:44
IndyGunFreakgeirha: is that right?.. i thougth you had to choose xgl15:44
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LamegoDarkside, I am not aware of specific tools for that, you can manually look into the part table description and then just read from the part offset, it is a non trivial procedure, you will need to read a lot :P15:44
bazhangsriramoman: either via the terminal or synaptic package manager15:44
geirhaIndyGunFreak: iirc that's how it works in gutsy, though older releases were different ... I did forget to ask which release he was running though15:45
mark__jchase how do i pass a paramiter?15:45
Ehlyahbazhang: I just finished. pastebin the results?15:45
bazhangEhlyah: any other errors?15:46
sipiorsriramoman: sudo apt-get install linux-source15:46
salkoqn error ;essqge qppeqred15:46
jchasemark_: when it boots up, can you get to recovery in grub?15:46
salkoan error messqge appered15:46
jchasemark_: this is hardy you said?15:46
Ehlyahbazhang: another "there is already a pid file" but that's it15:46
mark__yes its hardy15:46
geirhasalko: at what point, and what did it say?15:47
salkoand my keybord chqnged15:47
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:47
bazhangmark__: see above15:47
delfickhello. when I make a pdf file in ubuntu, It can't be opened in windows XP (works fine in ubuntu), does anyone know what could cause this?15:47
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mark__ah ok tnx15:47
salkoill chek again15:47
bazhangEhlyah: you put your wifi hotspot name as essid in quotes like this: "hotspot1" ?15:48
sipiordelfick: does it fail with an error?15:48
Ehlyahbazhang: yes15:48
sipiordelfick: also, how are you constructing the pdf file in ubuntu?15:49
bazhangand the ascii wep pass was like this s: asciipasshere Ehlyah?15:49
Ehlyahbazhang: yes15:49
delficksipior: "Adobe Reader could not open "test.pdf" because it is either not supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)."15:49
bazhangEhlyah: so any dhcpoffers?15:49
Ehlyahbazhang: well, no space between the two. does that matter?15:49
Ehlyahbazhang: no offers15:50
sipiordelfick: how did you move the pdf file to the windows machine?15:50
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delficksipior: over the local network15:51
salkothe greeter aplication appears to be crashing. attempt to use a different one15:51
delfickfrom my computer to my laptop15:51
salkothe greeter aplication appears to be crashing. attempt to use a different one THAT IS WRITTEN15:51
sipiordelfick: how *precisely* did you transfer the file? via scp?15:51
* delfick tries with usb drive15:52
salkoq black box is appearing on desktop15:52
* delfick gets same annoying error15:53
bazhangEhlyah: did you use the sudo iwconfig wlan0 open command?15:53
delfickunless it's saving the file as postscript15:54
bazhangerr key open Ehlyah15:54
geirhasalko: can you open a terminal and run «ps -ef | grep -i xgl» ?15:54
Ehlyahbazhang: I didn't15:54
MrBillShould  "mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/disk" mount an external NTFS USB drive with read/write access?15:54
delfickhow do I convert postscript to pdf? incase that be the problem?15:54
WhozBobI have a question.. when trying to copy stuff over to my psp (1.4gig of free mem left) with Ubuntu it keeps saying that i only have 89.9 mgs left wheni really have 1,4gig.. so i can't copy anything over cause it thinks i have less space when i reall y have more then enough.. Help!!15:54
bazhangEhlyah: how about going through that again and trying it with that then15:54
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* delfick found ps2pdf15:55
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sipiordelfick: how do you construct the pdf file to begin with?15:55
delfickand it worked :)15:55
delfickthnx for help anyways15:56
delfickdamit, stupid pidgin doesn't scroll with the text15:56
salkosalko     6347  6296  0 16:50 ?        00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/share/xserver-xgl/Xgl-lockfile-wrapper :1 -accel xv:fbo -accel glx:pbuffer -nolisten tcp -fullscreen -br +xinerama15:56
salkosalko     6351  6347  4 16:50 ?        00:00:14 Xgl :1 -accel xv:fbo -accel glx:pbuffer -nolisten tcp -fullscreen -br +xinerama15:56
salkosalko     6702  6669  0 16:55 pts/0    00:00:00 grep -i xgl15:56
JCDGfriends, i have some troubles using java15:56
JCDGuse apstebin15:56
delficksipior: with :hardcopy > /home/iambob/Desktop/test.pdf in gvim15:56
fiesbaOh, wow, gparted is giving a guess of 14 hours to move a 300GB partition over. ;\15:57
IndyGunFreakfiesba: 14hrs?15:57
IndyGunFreakthat can't be right15:57
sipiordelfick: yeah, that won't be a pdf :-)15:57
benpicco_fiesba: I had to experience that, too15:57
sipiorragsagar: yes?15:57
fiesbabenpicco: So it isn't a wrong figure, will actually take half a day?15:57
IndyGunFreakfiesba: thats crazy, it might be easier to back up, format and set the drive up how you want it, then reinstall.15:58
salkoand noz15:58
benpicco_fiesba: unfortualy the time might be right15:58
ragsagarwhy there is no preoder for shipping ubuntu cds this time15:58
Ehlyahbazhang: did it with key open. still no dhcpoffers15:58
IndyGunFreaki've never waited more than 15-20min to resize a 250gig drive.15:58
salkoand now15:58
benpicco_I moved 250GB, lasted 12h15:58
fiesbaOh lord, kind of needed everything to be finished so I could take a test from home. Should have just moved everything off of the disk and blanked the bloody thing.15:58
JCDGso, let me tell you, i try to open a java jnlp file wiht firefox 'cause it is a manager of device that uses it, so when i try to open it, firefox asks me, whsat should i do with the file, the default option is open, and the selected program is javaws, but it doesn't work15:58
bazhangEhlyah: what does iwconfig show; does it show that device associated with your wifi hotspot?15:59
IndyGunFreakbenpicco_: i think i see the difference, I didn't move anything, i just resize..15:59
sipiorJCDG: how doesn't it work?15:59
thenebis there a single ubuntu distro server that has all the resources for a desktop? I say because I need to forward a port from that server to a netless computer15:59
IndyGunFreakfiesba: you can probably still do that.15:59
fiesbaWas shrinking it by 5GB and moving it to the right, nuts.15:59
thenebover SSH15:59
JCDGit does't open the file15:59
Ehlyahbazhang: yes, it's got the correct ESSID15:59
fiesbaIndyGunFreak: I'd be wary to cancel the operation.15:59
sipiorJCDG: but no error is given?15:59
JCDGsipior: nop, no error15:59
salkogeirha what to do now15:59
IndyGunFreak14hrs though, geez15:59
=== snake is now known as albuntu
JCDGlook, i try in a windows machine and it worked16:00
PkDoR€€€€€€ alu €€€€€€16:00
JCDGsipior: look, i try in a windows machine and it worked16:00
fiesbaWhat's sad is I needed this box up and running in the next seven so I can do my Cisco academy assesments from home.16:00
WhozBobI have a question.. when trying to copy stuff over to my psp via USB(1.4gig of free mem left) with Ubuntu it keeps saying that i only have 89.9 mgs left when i really have 1,4gig.. so i can't copy anything over cause it thinks i have less space when i really have more then enough.. Help!!16:00
bazhangEhlyah: well then just need to get the ascii pass right I would guess; tis a shame that networkmanager applet cannot work in this situation16:00
ragsagarsipior no reply??16:00
PkDoR€€€€€€ see ya €€€€€€16:00
sipiorJCDG: you can try downloading the jnlp file directly, and then invoke javaws from a terminal16:00
sipiorragsagar: i have no idea what you are talking about16:01
bazhangpkdor please dont16:01
fiesbaNormally wouldn't be a problem but I like using passwords I can't remember and I kept this particular one on an ecrypted plaintext file on the same volume. lol16:01
JCDGsipior: i go to synaptics and i check ifor the java installations, and16:01
Ehlyahbazhang: you think I have the wrong password?16:01
JCDGsipior: they are there16:01
fiesbaAh well, time to dig around and see if I kept it written down elsewhere.16:01
bazhangEhlyah: that might be the case; try with the space this time16:01
Ehlyahbazhang: i did that earlier "s: password" and it gave me "invalid argument s:"16:02
JCDGsipior: i tray to open a mangement center for a cisco device, i thinhk it has to use the browser firefox in this case, cause i have to put a ip addres on the url16:02
sipiorJCDG: you can download the jnlp file and save it to disk, then invoke javaws from the terminal, with the filename as an argument...16:02
amenadofiesba-> that is your test for getting a certification, remember the password..hehe16:02
JCDGthe ip addres of the on line device16:02
fiesbaLucky me, found it. (>^.^)>16:03
bazhangragsagar: you have a ubuntu support question?16:03
amenadofiesba-> now you passed the 1st phase..16:03
Alan-DDoes anybody have a procedure to install ubuntu server on a Dell server with a scsi drive?16:03
amenadoAlan-D-> regular procedures does not work with scsi?16:04
reduser11is there some way of dealing with the following error - DEPENDENCY IS NOT SATISFIABLE - lib6c16:04
bcnlhello, I'm running the latest 8.0.4 beta and I can't run the restricted drivers installer16:04
bcnljockey-gtk and jockey-kde both crash16:04
bazhanghardy channel bcnl please #ubuntu+116:04
bcnlbazhang: thanks16:04
Alan-Damenado: Is there an alternate procedure?16:05
amenadoreduser11-> perhaps if you use libc6 instead?16:05
connorok i have a really strange problem here i am running ubuntu gusty and i just used envy to install ati drivers and when i reboot any sounds that i start wil just keep looping like a drum its damn annoying. Any ideas?16:05
bazhangreduser this is gutsy?16:05
JCDGsipior i tried what u told me and  there was a problem with  sysCreateListenerSocket16:05
amenadoAlan-d i dont know of any, what happens when you try to install?16:05
bazhangconnor envy. uh oh.16:05
connorwhat do you mean16:05
bazhangserious bad news16:06
Alan-Damenado: It can't see the scsi controler and drives16:06
connorbazhang: its not that bad is it its just god damn annoying16:06
amenadoAlan-D-> are you booted up to the liveCD?16:06
bazhangconnor envy is bad news.16:06
connorno ive used it plenty of times before16:07
connorwhy is it bad news16:07
bazhang!envy | connor16:07
ubotuconnor: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »16:07
Alan-Damenado: No, we are using the alternate install cd16:07
Priceyconnor, I don't think what you describe is a fault of envy.16:07
connorwell it starts working when i remove the ati drivers all my sounds work fine again16:07
amenadoAlan-D-> okay, can you sudo fdisk -l  and see what your system sees as hard disk?16:07
JCDGsipior are u there??16:08
connorand if i install the ati drivers from the site there is no looping sound but i cant get 3d support to work16:08
sipiorJCDG: yes.16:08
connorso i had to use envy16:08
bazhangconnor it is unsupported here16:08
JCDGdid u read what i send u??16:08
Alan-Damenado: To do that I would have to load it on the live cd.16:08
sipiorJCDG: i did. what were you expecting from me, precisely?16:09
connorok crap err anything similar i could use16:09
amenadoAlan-D-> when you boot from alternate cd, did you have any grub options you added like  priority=critical  ?16:09
JCDGlook, to tell me if yu know what could be worng16:09
dakira_temphey.. which filesystem would you use for /boot?16:09
Alan-Damenado: When it get to the installing the controler, I have the option of supplying one from a diskette16:10
amenadoAlan-D  try this, add the option   priority=critical  and go through the menu to select the drives it detects on your system16:10
bazhangconnor you may use what you wish; we tend to discourage the use of third party drivers here; the preferred method is the restricted drivers manager16:10
sipiorJCDG: you have told me nothing about the application, or what its purpose is, and then you send me half of an error message about a function that failed? i'm not psychic, despite my best attempts...16:10
Alan-Damenado: No there are no Grub options16:10
bazhangerr scripts not drivers16:11
connoryer that wont work i enable it and then go to visual effects and it just says desktop effects could not be enabled16:11
JCDGsipior, what do you want to know, that could help me?16:11
amenadoAlan-D i forget what prompts the alternate cd provides...what are they when you boot off of it?16:11
Alan-Damenado: need a couple of mins16:11
sipiorJCDG: what is the purpose of this program?16:12
mohbanahow do i uninstall mysql?16:12
JCDGis to manage a cisco asa16:12
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sipiorJCDG: and, when you invoke the jnlp file directly through javaws, what is the *exact* error that is returned?16:13
bazhangdakira_temp: the rest is ext3?16:13
=== rezi is now known as rezx
JCDGthere's no error16:13
sipiorJCDG: so, everything is working?16:13
JCDGthere is a windows that tells "what sou tou want to do with the file?" and the default progrman is javaws16:14
Alan-Damenado: Install to hd, check cd for defect, resuc a broken system, memory test, boot from first hard disk16:14
Ehlyahbazhang: I found a possible second password, but the results haven't changed. both with s: and without16:14
JCDGok, i click it, and then nothing happens16:14
JCDGthe managemmnet progtramm that should appear, does not16:14
sipiorJCDG: but when you run the program by invoking javaws on the terminal, surely you get an error?16:14
Alan-Damenado: Using the F6, we can add more options16:14
bazhangEhlyah: network manager itself (not the applet) dont see the device?16:15
JCDGuhmm let me sendo you an image,16:15
connorso guys what can i do i use restricted drivers manager and it wont let me enable compiz16:15
Ehlyahbazhang: I think it does?16:15
dakira_tempbazhang: yep.. it i al16:15
dakira_tempbazhang; it is all ext316:16
mohbanahow do i uninstall mysql? that i installed through tasksel16:16
connoroh well ill keep trying16:16
dakira_tempbazhang: i heard it might increase the performance to pick something like XFS for /boot..16:16
christozHello room can you suggest me a bit-torrent app except azureus ?16:16
PsynautChristoz: Ktorrent is awesome16:16
christozI have deluge but it crashes16:16
sipiormohbana: see what is installed via "dpkg --get-selections | grep mysql". use "apt-get remove" to get rid of the packages you don't want16:17
Alan-Damenado: Do you know if adaptec has drivers for it's scsi controlers for Linux?16:17
christozI have the gnome version off that16:17
pro-rsoftHi all, anybody knows a lightweight movie player that does NOT start the gnome settings deamon each time it starts, like totem?16:17
Psynautyes christoz?16:17
christozPsynaut i suppose16:17
hwildepro-rsoft, xmms is cool16:17
pro-rsofthwilde, its kewl but does it play movies?16:17
hwildepro-rsoft, if you get the plugins yes16:18
amenadoAlan-D-> adaptec seems like the defacto standards, am pretty sure it does16:18
hwildepro-rsoft, its just like winamp16:18
pro-rsofthwilde which plugin16:18
pro-rsoftdont know winamp.16:18
christozPsynaut is the samme app with bit-torrent which was preinstalled with the distro16:18
benpicco_what about mplayer?16:18
bazhangEhlyah: if the networkmanager app does see it; can you try configuring the wep pass from there?16:18
pro-rsoftbenpicco_, mplayer is not in 'main' repos16:18
hwildepro-rsoft, sudo aptitude search xmms                   | grep vid16:18
SlicerDicerI had my databases go wonky and lost all my files how would I regenerate the base files?16:18
SlicerDicerwould that be through dpkg-reconfigure16:19
amenadoAlan-D and yes choose F6  and add   priority=critical and choose install to hd16:19
Psynautchristoz: I believe the app that is installed with the Ubuntu distro is Bittorrent.  Just go into add/remove software in the applications tab and remove bittorrent then go into the synaptic package manager and seach for Ktorrent16:19
pro-rsofthwilde, or sudo apt-get install xmms<tab> :P16:19
[SAFC]stevecmy ipw wirless cards have stopped connecting to wpa, if i put a pcmcia prism card in then wpa_supplicant works, anyone any ideas16:19
Alan-Damenado: When using the priority=critical it doesn't see the controler or drivers16:19
amenadoSlicerDicer-> id reinstall the database if i were you16:19
hwildepro-rsoft, there are hundreds... what you need is xmms-xmmplayer16:19
christozok I'll dotaht16:20
hwilde[SAFC]stevec, you have to change the wpa-driver16:20
SlicerDiceramenado: what would I do to reinstall db?16:20
pro-rsofthwilde, will try that thanx16:20
[SAFC]stevechwilde_: any documentation?16:20
amenadoAlan-D having priority=critical  I believe gives you a secondary menu, and from there you can select to detect hd and drivers?16:20
pro-rsofthwilde, its not in 'main' repo ahhgr16:20
amenadoSlicerDicer-> which database? mysql?16:20
SlicerDiceryeah mysql16:21
SlicerDiceramenado: least I have archive of it :)16:21
amenadoSlicerDicer-> try  apt-get reinstall mysql16:21
hwilde[SAFC]stevec, man 8 wpa_supplicant     scroll down to drivers16:22
hwilde[SAFC]stevec, for the prism the default wext will work or madwifi,   for the ipw you need to switch to the ipw driver16:22
JCDGsipior http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/9307/pantallazoog0.png16:22
amenadoam off16:23
cheesypieceshi guys, can anyone tell me why i can't start synaptic? it just says 'starting administrative service' then nothing happens16:23
zlscore2quad 4Gb-corsas 2x500SeaBarracuda-32 Geforce8800gtx и это все не мне :(16:23
JCDGsipior thats what i get16:23
bazhang!ru | zls16:24
ubotuzls: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:24
[SAFC]stevechwilde_: that doesn't work either. using wext it finds and tries to connect but seems to reject the psk, but the same psk works with another card16:24
hwilde[SAFC]stevec, run this:   wpa_passphrase <ssid> [passphrase]   and try the converted one it gives you16:25
PsynautLooking for assistance or a direction to look for information on how to mount a secondary hard drive that I have just repartitioned and reformatted to ext3 from an NTFS windows partition that I didn't want anymore in 7.10.  Any help would be awesome.16:25
[SAFC]stevechwilde_: no that doesn't work either. It's never worked on this laptop (hardy), but did work and has stopped working on my other laptop (feisty). The wpa_supplicant.conf file is definently correct as ir works for the prism card16:26
hwilde[SAFC]stevec, try ap_scan = 0/1/216:28
cheesypieceshi guys, can anyone tell me why i can't start synaptic? it just says 'starting administrative service' then nothing happens16:28
hwilde[SAFC]stevec, that param tells the driver to handle it differently16:28
hwildecheesypieces, try from the command line "sudo synaptic"16:28
hwilde!ntfs | Psynaut16:28
ubotuPsynaut: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE16:28
JCDGsipior, are you tehre?16:29
linduxedhow do i make a terminal start as a bit larger than the current window size?16:29
hwildelinduxed, edit the current profile from the menu16:29
cheesypieceshwilde it says it can't resolve host if i do that16:29
Psynauthwilde: thanks but I have already formatted and partitioned the drive to ext3 from NTFS using gparted.  I just can't figure out how to mount the damned thing.  been in /etc/fstab with no luck16:29
[SAFC]stevechwilde_: Line 4: unknown network field 'ap_scan'16:29
hwilde[SAFC]stevec, before the network block16:30
hwildePsynaut, that link tells you how.  read it16:30
hwilde!ntfs | Psynaut16:30
ubotuPsynaut: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE16:30
hwildecheesypieces, pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file, and the output of ifconfig16:31
[SAFC]stevechwilde_: yes that works! Thanks!16:31
JCDGdoes somebody know how to fix this? http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/9307/pantallazoog0.png16:31
[SAFC]stevechwilde_: ah no its not16:31
sipiorJCDG: well, i saw your image, but 1) The text is in spanish. 2) Where is the terminal where you invoked javaws?16:31
MrBillis /etc/hostname all I need to worry about if I want to change the name of my PC?16:32
* delcoyote hi16:32
cheesypieceshwilde: how would that help? my network is working fine16:32
[SAFC]stevechwilde_: http://pastebin.ca/98110916:32
Psynauthwilde: thanks, the description of the link was misleading.16:33
mw-homeI want to downgrade a package. How to?\16:33
hwilde[SAFC]stevec, http://linux.die.net/man/8/wpa_supplicant    http://linux.die.net/man/5/wpa_supplicant.conf16:33
hwilde[SAFC]stevec, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62837/   <-- every option16:33
hwildecheesypieces, do it!16:33
hwildecheesypieces, I bet your localhost is fubar16:33
cheesypieceshwilde: no idea what fubar is but i'll do it16:34
hwilde[SAFC]stevec, CTRL DISCONNECT is you hitting ctrl+c   let it run through16:34
JCDGsipior http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62838/16:34
linduxedhwilde: thx16:35
hwildelinduxed, not everything is a mystery :)  look at the menu options and stuff people have provided16:35
cheesypieceshwilde: http://pastebin.com/d517f05e16:36
hwildecheesypieces, why did you put that stuff under lo16:37
sipiorJCDG: if you start javaws from the terminal (with no arguments), it should open an application manager. if you then open your jnlp file from within that, does it work?16:37
brand0nhi. i have xp installed now. if I wanted to have xp, vista, ubuntu triple boot, should I vista or ubuntu first?16:37
JCDGlet me try16:37
hwildecheesypieces, delete the address and netmask under lo in your interfaces file16:37
hwildebrand0n, vista first, ubuntu will recognize it16:37
linduxedhwilde: hmmm, turns out it doesnt have the option im looking for, is the command line equivalent -w and -h?16:38
[SAFC]stevechwilde_: it just loops round and round there, and I;ve been through all the documentation. as I say it worked a couple of dyas agao now has just stopped16:38
JCDGif i start javaws with no arguments, the terminal send me information telling me that i need to have an arguement16:38
hwilde[SAFC]stevec, well it's probably an incompatibility.  what card and what ap16:38
cheesypieceshwilde: how do i edit it?16:38
hwildecheesypieces, sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces16:39
JCDGand show the options that i can type16:39
[SAFC]stevecipw2200bg and a 2100, ans a linksya wap54g. thy have been working together fine for years16:39
cheesypieceshwilde: thats the problem, sudo isn't working16:39
cheesypiecesit says it can't resolve the host16:40
biagidpHas anyone else experienced crazy processor use with firefox?  Where it spikes to 100% processor usage each page load?16:40
JCDGsipior i found out that if i go to java web site and i try to verufy if java is installed the page tells me that i have java 1.5 installed16:41
JCDGbut if i go to synaptics theres jre installed, i im right that should be the java 616:41
d0netsLaphey is firefox 3.5 the latest beta16:42
d0netsLapfor some reason my back button isnt working16:42
d0netsLapits pretty lame : /16:42
sipiorJCDG: what does update-java-alternatives -l"16:42
sipiorJCDG: report?16:42
d0netsLaphey i think i los tmy connection16:42
d0netsLapis 3.5 the latest firefox beta?16:43
Priceyd0netsLap, firefox 3, beta 5 is the latest afaik16:43
d0netsLapoh thanks16:43
d0netsLapany idea why my back button wouldnt work?16:43
d0netsLapalso how can i get foxmarks working in the beta16:43
sipiord0netsLap: this isn't really a firefox support channel...16:44
bazhangbiagidp: lot of addons there?16:44
W8TAHcan someone suggest a good looking dvd player, (im in hardy beta) movie player works fine just looks boring16:44
JCDGsipior http://pastebin.com/m28fd247416:44
bazhanghardy channel please #ubuntu+116:44
d0netsLapyea sorry i guess your right16:44
Liz_Taylyhi..can i make screenshot in mplayer?is that possible?16:45
d0netsLapi just figured one o fyou guys would know16:45
sipiord0netsLap: no worries16:45
d0netsLapi didnt realize there were this many people in here on frenode16:45
d0netsLapi was hangin out in the efnet channel16:45
d0netsLapi have had horrible experiences with them16:45
d0netsLapso i just told them to f' off16:45
unop_n00dl3, ~45000 people on freenode16:45
d0netsLapand came here16:45
zyonxhola, algun español?¿16:45
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:46
biagidpbazhang: just web dev toolbar and firebug, but the problem was present before I installed those16:46
d0netsLapi feel liberated16:46
JCDGzyonx,  dime16:46
unop_!es | zyonx,16:46
ubotuzyonx,: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:46
Liz_Taylyhi..can i make screenshot in mplayer?is that possible?16:47
sipiorJCDG: well, you're definitely running java 6. not sure what to tell you at this point; perhaps contact your software vendor and see if they have a solution for you16:47
biagidpbazhang: I've had no trouble with firefox on multiple ubuntu installs in the past, my latest 7.10 install has made firefox all wonky16:47
bazhangbiagidp: I'm not real helpful here as I am on ff3--big improvement btw16:47
unop_Liz_Tayly, have you tried making a screen shot?16:47
=== ixha is now known as NAD_
JCDGuhmmm the problem is that i'm one of them, jejeje16:47
biagidpbazhang: Yeah, I've heard good things. I guess I could always give it a try.16:48
sipiorJCDG: ah. time to talk to the programmers...16:48
bazhanghello julien16:48
julienlol il y a **** millions de gents connecté et personne qui parle :P16:48
thundr3!fr | julien16:48
ubotujulien: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.16:48
JCDGjejeje... ok, thxs so much...for now i'll have to use win216:48
Liz_Taylyunop_: cannot take frame by frame like media player?16:49
sipiorJCDG: sorry to hear that; best of luck getting it working under linux16:49
cheesypieceshwilde: don't know if you replied in the meantime, i had to reboot, but can you tell me how to get sudo working so i can change that file?16:49
unop_Liz_Tayly, do you want a screenshot or to record a sequence of frames?16:49
JCDGyeah, it's sad in fact im angry for that sipior16:49
JCDGsipior thxs man...good luck..16:50
julienhelp me please , I have sometime blanck screen16:50
JCDGwell that good luck must be for me XD16:50
Liz_Taylyunop_:  to record a sequence of frames16:50
julienI installed nvidia's drivers with envy16:51
unop_!screencast | Liz_Tayly16:51
ubotuLiz_Tayly: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.16:51
ricanelitedoes anyone here run preload?16:52
bazhanghuggybeers: best to do that in the server window16:52
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »16:52
julienaidez moi lol j'ai plus de son ^^16:53
julienj'en avait quand j'était sous windows a l'instant16:53
unop_!fr | julien16:53
ubotujulien: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.16:53
bazhangjulien /j #ubuntu-fr16:53
huggybeersThanks I am newe to this16:53
andre__Hi I want to encrypt my filesystem using a keyfile on my usb-pen.. But I cant find any solution of this, can anyone please give me a hint on where to find more info? :) Thank you16:56
benpicco_depends on your OS16:56
cheesypieceshi guys can anyone tell me how to get sudo working? it just tells me it can't resolve the hostname and then doesn't do anything16:56
unop_smartcard time16:56
IshinoSantruecrypt would be my choice as well ;)16:56
benpicco_cheesypieces: why should sudo resolve any hostnames?16:57
unop_!hostname | cheesypieces (verify your hostname is setup properly)16:57
ubotucheesypieces (verify your hostname is setup properly): Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab16:57
hischildcheesypieces, you have to add your hostname to /etc/hosts16:57
Ntemishello ppl16:57
hischildbenpicco_, it can apparently also be used on remote systems.16:57
Ntemisi need some help16:57
unop_benpicco_, to differentiate a username on the localmachine from the same username from another machine16:57
biagidpntemis: What's up?16:58
Ntemisafter the recent updates my ntfs hdds are nowhere to be found16:58
Ntemisi dont see them anymore16:58
bazhanggutsy Ntemis?16:58
unop_Ntemis, does this list them?  sudo fdisk -l16:58
XB23hey guys, how can i find out if a firewall on my machine is blocking ports?16:58
cheesypiecesguys, how can i add my host to/etc/hosts without using sudo?16:58
hischildcheesypieces, reboot in recovery mode16:58
Ntemis sudo fdisk -l this shows them16:58
unop_cheesypieces, well, check that your hostname isnt in /etc/hosts before doing anything else16:59
andre__Full disk encryption with lvm on top, using dm_crypt (i think the default in ubuntu 8.04 beta)16:59
cheesypiecesunop_: should it be in the hosts ?file or not16:59
unop_cheesypieces, it should16:59
Ntemisunop_ what next17:00
unop_Ntemis, should be fairly easy to mount.  sudo sh -c "mkdir /media/ntfs; mount /dev/sdXX /media/ntfs"17:00
Ntemisanything to fix?17:00
diogohi i play runescape17:00
unop_Ntemis, not sure why gnome isnt picking them up tho17:00
XB23how can i find out if a firewall on my machine is blocking ports?17:00
XB23or port 1000 to be more specific17:00
bazhangandre__: you on hardy?17:00
BDIHi, my friend made me have ubuntu but now I can't do internet explorer17:00
biagidpNtemis: I follow this tutorial to http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindowsmount my windows drives:17:00
cheesypiecessorted thanks guys!17:00
andre__bazhang, yes :)17:00
Ntemisall my buddies that have ubuntu sudently they cannot see there ntfs hdd17:00
biagidpntemis: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows17:00
bastid_raZorBDI; try firefox17:00
sipiorXB23: generally, try "sudo iptables -L"17:01
bazhang#ubuntu+1 please andre__17:01
LamegoXB23, by default no ports are blocked17:01
biagidpntemis: sorry the first one messed up17:01
lipingwho are you17:01
Ntemissomething wrong with the updates17:01
unop_Ntemis, i didnt have a problem17:01
Ntemisbefore update all ok17:01
bazhang!cn | liping17:01
ubotuliping: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:01
bastid_raZorNtemis; i didn't either.. just did my 7.10 updates17:01
BDIWhat's a firefox? I need internet explorer to do the internet17:01
BDIAnd minesweeper is gone17:02
unop_Ntemis, if that command mounts your hdds, you can add entries to /etc/fstab for them17:02
bazhangBDI: surely you jest17:02
Ntemismy friend and 1st man dont see his usb enclosure (ntfs) also17:02
bastid_raZorBDI; firefox is in place of IE.. firefox is safer too..17:02
hischild!lnw | BDI, this is linux, not windows. Please read this.17:02
ubotuBDI, this is linux, not windows. Please read this.: Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm17:02
sipiorBDI: looks like you caught the ubuntu virus, my friend17:02
Ntemisbut why they have broken? in the first place17:02
hischildbazhang, mines17:02
BDII'll read that link, thanks17:02
XB23Lamego i think my hosting company have installed a firewall on a custom iso17:03
Ntemiswait software updates available17:03
XB23im trying to run webmin but webmin wont connect despite it saying its running17:03
Ntemiswine and rsync :(17:03
connorHi can somebody help me with my graphics card driver i have an at raedon x1950 and restricted drivers manager just wont work17:04
bazhanghischild: aye; just thought he must be kidding17:04
connormaybe via remote assistance17:04
hischildbazhang, we're thinking alike. That's why i gave him that link to read.17:04
bazhangconnor you removed envy?17:04
connorthen tried restricted drivers manager and when i reboot it just says its disabled again17:05
andre__Hi, I just wondered how I can setup my encrypted ubuntu to use a keyfile on my usb rather than type in my 30+ character passphrase twice (once for root and once again for home partition) on each bootup? :)17:05
connorin restricted drivers17:05
JeruvyI'm trying to  print a OO ods document, and it's cutting off due to the HUGE margins, I've tried to change this but nothing fixing the actual margins.17:05
diogohi i hef a question do some one hefs hacking programs?17:06
bazhangandre__: hardy channel please ;]17:06
bazhangdiogo: not here please17:06
rosawe speak español?17:06
andre__bazhang, i believe this is a general ubuntu question? :)17:06
Lamegodiogo, your english is not good enough, and try another channel17:06
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:06
thedonvaughndiogo: no cracking help here.  move along17:07
bazhangandre__: I dont have the energy to argue ;]17:07
hwildeandre__, just ask in ubuntu+117:07
sls_what are the actual files that the ubuntu installer actually uses? I am loading gutsy over http on a local source i created using apt-cacher.17:07
connorcould someone install my graphics card driver by remote assistance17:07
diogobut i was hacked in runescape17:08
JeruvyI'm trying to  print a OO ods document, and it's cutting off due to the margins, I've tried to change this but nothing is changing17:08
hischildhwilde,  assuming it's the same solution on gutsy and hardy, i'd say let him stay. Until there's a point that it actually makes a difference then i'd say go switch.17:08
andre__hwilde, bazhang i have asked but noone is answering.. but isn't this the same for the current and beta version?17:08
maekno connor you have to do it by yourself17:08
Jeruvyconnor, no you need console access17:08
Priceydiogo, we don't do hacking or other illegal discussion here sorry.17:08
hwildehischild, i know but bazhang is on edge17:08
sipiorandre__: i think you can simply arrange to have the passphrase in a gnome keyring, and then have that keyring unlocked automatically upon login17:08
connori have console access17:08
sls_THe installer is bombing ouduring downloadeing installer components17:08
diogoo ok17:08
Jeruvyconnor then install it17:08
maekconnor just use envy17:09
sls_what is it actually trying to download17:09
bazhanghwilde: haha me on edge? I am barely awake here17:09
connori was told not to use envy17:09
maek!envy | connor17:09
ubotuconnor: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »17:09
connorand anyway envy always makes my audio loop17:09
hischildbazhang, just do take care of yourself mkay?17:10
bazhanghischild: thanks! ;]17:10
andre__sipior, gnome is still encrypted when im asked for the passphrase during usplash17:10
hwildeandre__, you probably need this... https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-mount/+bug/133520   "Patch to auto-mount LUKS key-file encrypted volumes"17:10
andre__hwilde, thanks, ill look into it now :)17:11
achandrashekarhi...ive been struggling with a 7.10 ppc install on to g4's..the install inevitably drops me to shell.17:11
achandrashekar any help would be appreciated here..the install with dapper works fine on all machines.17:11
achandrashekar i have a total of 10 of these machines.17:11
achandrashekar any ideas?17:11
FloodBot2achandrashekar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:11
hwildeachandrashekar, did you check the cd for errors17:11
connorhello restricted drivers manager will not install the drivers for my ati raedon x195017:11
hwilde!ati | connor17:11
ubotuconnor: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:11
connorand envy makes my audio loop17:11
achandrashekarcant check errors...if it never makes it to even the first screen....17:12
hwildeachandrashekar, burn a new cd, if that doesn't work, redownload17:12
bazhangwhat about the md5 sums achandrashekar17:12
achandrashekaralready did that..and burned it at a low speed.17:12
sipiorachandrashekar: what error is given when you get dropped to a shell?17:12
sls_ok so the ubuntu installer is looking for there but they are not on the cd even??17:13
hischildbazhang, i know the feeling, feels kind of the same over here ...'17:13
sls_[Fri Apr 11 11:10:30 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist: /srv/www/htdocs/os/ubuntu/gutsy/dists/gutsy/main/debian-installer17:13
sls_[Fri Apr 11 11:10:30 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist: /srv/www/htdocs/os/ubuntu/gutsy/dists/gutsy/main/debian-installer17:13
sls_[Fri Apr 11 11:10:30 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist: /srv/www/htdocs/os/ubuntu/gutsy/dists/gutsy/restricted/debian-installer17:13
sls_[Fri Apr 11 11:10:30 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist: /srv/www/htdocs/os/ubuntu/gutsy/dists/gutsy/restricted/debian-installer17:13
hwilde!paste | sls_17:13
ubotusls_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:13
TestUser1234JOIN #asdf17:14
bazhanghischild: cant wait until the two channels merge ;]17:14
hischildbazhang, i so want to be there at that time17:14
bazhangsame here; maybe hwilde will forgive me for being on edge by then ;]17:15
hwildebazhang, at that point you will be on heron17:15
hischildbazhang, heh i'm sure he will. But you know what i'll miss most? the !hardy factoid17:15
hwildeI miss the !windows factoid that said consult your local mental health practitioner17:16
bazhangheh already am on the next release (sshh!)17:16
hischildhwilde, you still have the !lnw factoid17:16
bazhangwhere is Pici to tell us !ot? ;]17:16
Pici!ot | bazhang hischild17:17
ubotubazhang hischild: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:17
hischildnice timing there Pichu010217:17
hischild* Pici17:17
bazhangPici: ;] thanks err sorry17:17
andre__hwilde, this is for mounting encrypted partitions in gnome right? i have 2 disk that are encrypted, running lvm over these and my partitions as logical volumes.. whenever i boot I have to enter my 30+ char. passphrase for each harddrives sda and sdb during bootup in usplash.. and to avoid this i want to use a keyfile on my usbpen =) any idea how to do this? :)17:17
user1how to distro upgrade by apt?17:18
bazhanguser1 from which to which?17:18
dreqdid the latest ubuntu unstable updates break someting?17:18
dreqI had to boot in on the previous kernel to get in17:18
ForzaPalermowhat do u do if u accidently deleted your /var/lib directory?17:19
Picidreq: Hardy? #ubuntu+1 please.17:19
ForzaPalermoat the command line level17:19
thedonvaughndreq: prolly.   #ubuntu+117:19
user1bazhang:  7.10 to latest17:19
nickrud!clone | ForzaPalermo17:19
ubotuForzaPalermo: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate17:19
nickrudForzaPalermo that is, reinstall17:19
[T]ankwhen i am in dual screen mode (aticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-on=1) anything using my gl driver like mplayer or google earth, the video or map is shifted about 1/3 the screen to the left, so i have empty space on the right side and the left side is cut off. anyone know how to correct that?17:19
werswhat consumes least resources and is fastest; Rhythmbox, Exaile, Quod Libet, or Banshee? :)17:19
hwildeandre__, you are better off googling it because I doubt anybody here has done that exact thing17:19
pc-illiteratewhere can i get help installing a game with an installer ?17:20
bazhanguser1 edit sources.list to new version, update then dist-upgrade17:20
wersin my experience, it's exaile. is it the case for you too? :)17:20
hwilde[T]ank, can't you adjust the horizontal on the monitor itself17:20
ForzaPalermoso i have to do a reinstall of my distro?17:20
PiciForzaPalermo: I think thats the best solution17:20
[T]ankits within the application window that the images are shifted17:20
[T]ankthe desktop is correct17:20
nickrudForzaPalermo yes, now that I'm waking up you can't even do a clone, because the package database was in /var/lib17:20
[T]ankgl rendered images are not17:21
Pici!language | ForzaPalermo17:21
ubotuForzaPalermo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:21
thedonvaughnForzaPalermo: /var/lib is pretty important.  unless you havea  backup, you will need to do a re-install17:21
Parsihi pple17:21
Parsiis linux available for mobile phones?17:21
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:21
ForzaPalermoalright thanks17:21
nickrudForzaPalermo you might want to look into sbackup for next time17:21
linduxedhow do i prevent the process "trackerd" from starting up17:22
nickrudlinduxed system->prefs->session , disable it in startup programs17:22
thedonvaughnParsi: http://tuxmobil.org/phones_linux.html17:22
andre__hwilde, ive tried googling it, but i cant find any logical answer.. but even without lvm it should be the same i guess.. the nearset i found on google was this http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Encrypted_Root_Filesystem#Encrypt_using_a_key-file for arch linux, but i dont understand how to make the usb/keyfile thing in ubuntu17:22
=== acke_n is now known as acke
achadwicklinduxed: also ~your-menu~ > Settings > Tracker Preferences > General > Enable Indexing (set to off)17:23
sinangreetings ! I am having a problem with X (or the greeter, I am not sure). When i start ubuntu from the LiveCD, it works fine, when i install it and try to start it, it loads the GUI for a short while (Showing a mouse cursor), then closes and tries again .. then reports problems with the Greeter .. the reports that X has been restarted 6 times in the last 90 seconds. What can i DO ?17:23
sipiorandre__: out of curiosity, why an encrypted root filesystem? it seems like it adds a great deal of complexity with very little return in security.17:24
Parsithedonvaughn, iment installing linux on mobile phone as it's firmwork17:24
JeruvyHow do I get a document to print within the margins defined in the printer?   Using OO.17:24
andre__sipior, deniability :P17:24
user1bazhang:  heres a link if any one else asks you. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu17:24
andre__sipior, and just to test17:25
pc-illiterateA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.17:26
PiciParsi: I don't believe that ubuntu-mobile is in the works, but it is not yet in release form. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded17:26
bazhanguser1: thanks I just used the cli17:26
Parsithankx Pici17:26
sinanguys, anyone can help me with my X problem ?17:26
sipiorsinan: hard to say until you describe the problem :-)17:27
sinansipior: I did above, no one answered me :) when ubuntu starts, X keeps crashing and reloading. Works fine in the Live  CD, but not in the installation17:28
[T]ankif i switch to aticonfig --dtop=single then my display in my applications is correct.17:28
[T]ankbut then i dont have dual screen :-(17:28
[T]ankany ideas17:28
unop_andre__, http://howtoforge.com/truecrypt_data_encryption see the section on "Can I hold the key on a pendrive/USB stick?"17:28
pc-illiteratewhere can i get help installing a game with an installer ?17:29
sipiorsinan: when X fails, it should dump some error messages to your console. what are they?17:29
unop_andre__, but beware of the fact that if you lose the usb stick and don't have a backup you lose your data!!!17:29
sipiorsinan: kindly pastebin them, if you could17:29
ken_how can i install a pci wireless card in ubuntu?17:30
ParsiHardy will came with GNOME 2.22.1>17:30
sinansipior: it gives a visual error saying that "x has crashed 6 times in the last 90 seconds", with an OK button. I can't seem to find any other error messages, can you direct me where I could find them ?17:31
=== pricechild_ is now known as PriceChild
sipiorsinan: after you quit out of the "crashed 6 times" dialogue, you should be back to a simple console. is that not the case?17:32
sinancorrect, it is. I am back to the console after each crash actually.17:32
sinansipior: i haven't noticed anything unusual there, let me re-check, brb.17:32
sipiorsinan: and there should be an error listing left on the console17:33
ParsiHardy will came with gnome 2.22.1??17:33
sipiorsinan: you can also just pastebin the X log file, in: /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:33
ZaschHello! Is there a good calendar program for Ubuntu that isn't evolution?17:33
ken_is there away to get a gigabyte pci wireless card working with ndiswrapper?17:34
sipiorZasch: not really, no :-) google calendar is nice, though...17:34
bazhangken_: what is the chipset?17:35
zelipey guys.. i have this monitor attached to the ubuntu box, and the it shows the ouput disturbed by frequency.. even though its set to 60 hz.17:35
Parsianyone ?!17:35
ken_my mobo bazhang ?17:35
zelipit shows like does old monitors ..17:35
bazhangParsi: hardy question in #ubuntu+1 thanks17:36
ken_bazhang: or the pci card itself?17:36
Parsibazhang thankx17:36
bazhangken_: the wireless chipset17:36
ken_802.11 b/g17:36
ken_bazhang: 802.11 b/g17:36
bazhangken_: something like broadcom, atheros, realtek, etc17:37
ken_bazhang: gigabyte17:37
bazhangken_: is it installed now?17:37
ken_bazhang: its in my comp, yes17:38
pc-illiterateA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.17:38
pc-illiterateA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.17:38
FloodBot2pc-illiterate: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:38
bazhangken_: could you please open a terminal and type lspci and see what that reports ( the single line not the whole thing) thanks17:38
ken_bazhang: Network controller: RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI17:39
andre__anyone knows how the usplash is working in order to grab passphrases to unlock encrypted harddrives? and howto replace the passphrase with a keyfile like discussed in "Use Case 3" here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedFilesystems17:39
bazhangken_: does ifconfig (in the terminal) show two entries eth0 lo, or a third as well like ra0 rausb0 or wlan017:40
cescofryhi all17:40
ken_bazhang: wlan and -0017:40
bazhangandre__: pushing the limits of hardy help in ubuntu channel ;]17:40
LollinopiLcan I disable the CPU alarm ? ? ? ? it rings everytime I close an ODT document .....17:40
ken_bazhang:  sorry, wlan and wmaster17:41
sipiorthe CPU alarm?17:41
bazhangken_: you have a wifi spot to test it on?17:41
ken_bazhang: yes17:41
bazhangken_: encrypted or open?17:41
ken_bazhang: open17:42
andre__bazhang, i am very sorry, but what if i want to do the same on my other computer running feisty?17:42
bazhangken_: does sudo dhclient wlan0 (or interface name) give you a dhcpoffer?17:42
bazhangandre__: just commenting ;] I dont *enforce* the rules here hehe17:43
Jack_Sparrowandre__, Go to the Hardy room, get it working per the howto you are using and then work on feisty17:44
Jack_SparrowMOrning Baz17:44
bazhangJack_Sparrow: to the rescue ;]17:44
bazhangwe really missed you Jack17:44
andre__Jack_Sparrow, the howto is for feisty :)17:44
Jack_SparrowI had a great time in Florida thanks17:45
bazhangnice ;]17:45
sanchinpinhelp me....17:45
Jack_Sparrowandre__, Are you trying to get it going on a feisty box or Hardy box?17:45
hischildJack_Sparrow, you're back? oh thank god =)17:46
bazhangsanchinpin: ask a question please17:46
sanchinpinhave someone ubuntu 8.04?17:46
Jack_SparrowThanks guys..17:46
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:46
sanchinpinI need install the libraries libblas.so17:46
sanchinpinand libblapack.so17:46
bazhangindeed; this channel was sorely lacking17:46
sanchinpinI have tried to install all the packets17:47
bazhangsanchinpin: #ubuntu+1 please thanks17:47
sanchinpinatlas and more.17:47
andre__Jack_Sparrow, first on hardy, but it seems like its not so easy, but i going to do it on my feisty now :)17:47
sanchinpinlocate libblas.so17:47
Jack_Sparrowsanchinpin, Please see the link provided for the Hardy Channel..17:47
sanchinpingive no results.17:47
sanchinpinwhat is this link?17:47
Jack_Sparrow!hardy > sanchinpin17:48
sipiorsanchinpin: if you haven't refreshed the locate database, it won't show the files you just installed...17:48
bazhangsanchinpin: /j #ubuntu+1 thanks17:48
Jack_SparrowTwo more weeks then one big happy family..17:48
sipioruntil the next time17:48
chtriso anyone run x64 with 4 gb of ram? os say that only 3.8 gb available17:48
bastid_raZorchtri; i have 2G and it says 1.98.. but does that really matter?17:49
raboofis it possible for a source package to produce one binary package in main and another in universe?17:49
andre__When I am booting up my Feisty usplash is asking for my passphrase to unlock my harddrive thats encrypted.. can i replace this passphrase with a keyfile on my usb pendrive? :)17:49
Jack_Sparrowchtri, there are many links on the web about it.  Nothing to be concerned about.  If you want to see all 4 gigs I think you can switch to a server kernel17:49
chtriJack_Sparrow: i guess i should try that17:50
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:50
Jack_Sparrowchtri, are you running desktop or server.. and why bother.  it really doesnt matter much and swapping kernels around can cause endless headaches17:51
jagggywhen i run warsow, and i play for a while, my comp just crashes, any ideas on howto fix?17:51
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu.  Upgrading to Fesity: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/17:51
ubotuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents17:51
lkthomashey guys17:52
andre__I'm sorry I am running Gutsy Gibbons and not Feisty17:52
Jack_Sparrowandre__, please /msg ubotu    so as not to spam the channel for your own requests17:52
lkthomasif I want to start bridge whenever my ubuntu startup, what should I do17:52
hackcrow2hola todos17:52
chtriJack_Sparrow: desktop. well 200 mb really not make a difference, you are right, but why problem exist at all in 1st place? windows dosn't loose these 200 mb17:52
hackcrow2alguien me puede ayudar  con el ubuntu17:52
Pici!e | hackcrow217:53
ubotuhackcrow2: Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.17:53
Pici!es | hackcrow217:53
ubotuhackcrow2: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:53
tehkI am having an issue with nautilus templates, I created the folder in my home directory and placed templates inside but it does not seem to register them17:53
user1kget's resume support is not good. am i right? any better  dl manager for good resume support and for larg downloads?17:53
maekrestart X tehk17:53
Jack_Sparrowchtri, It isnt lost.. it is just used differently...  like I said it is well documented on the web.17:53
maeksee if that fixes it17:53
restiffbardhey, quick question I hope, want to run a script by launching it from gnome without having to open a terminal window. just click the script and it runs. any funny permissions or jimcrackery I need to do?17:53
jagggywhen i run warsow, and i play for a while, my comp just crashes, anyone has an idea on howto fix?17:54
tehkmaek, I have restarted many times since then17:54
chtriJack_Sparrow: got an url?17:54
jagggyrestiffbard, chmod +x17:54
Jack_Sparrownot one handy no.17:54
gerard2someone can tellme about a debian application for automatically  copy the clipboard content in a text file, like glipper/klipper but what save that content  in simple text  file?17:55
trollehhey all. Been trying to boot from the livecd for both gutsy and hardy, and it hangs every time. Both are doing the same thing, i believe, but i can never get any text to display using the gutsy livecd, even with splash and quiet removed, or safe mode.17:55
jagggyanyone? please?17:55
kernfreakwow, im u-banned17:55
Picitrolleh: have you tried the alternate installer cd?17:55
unop_gerard2, xclip17:55
trollehIt appears to fail to read from the cdrom drive. In hardy i just get a loop of 'failed to enable atapi' for the cdrom. In gutsy i get nothing. It's a SATA drive, chipset is intel ICH9 in AHCI mode.17:55
Jack_Sparrowtrolleh, At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"17:56
chris062689I really feel like Ubuntu is turning into the newbie distro.17:56
chris062689I want to move out and experience the "true" Linux...17:56
restiffbardthen do an LFS system17:56
chris062689Not this watered down version Ubuntu offers..  That's what it feels like to me.17:56
unop_chris062689, gentoo it is then .. what's stopping you?17:56
trollehalready tried without quiet and splash. Just suprised as I've had no issues with the same chipset in another system.17:57
kernfreakLFS is a little extreme17:57
Jack_Sparrowchris062689, you are offtopic...17:57
jagggywhen i run warsow, and i play for a while, my comp just crashes, anyone has an idea on howto fix?17:57
raboofchris062689: well, ubuntu's goal has always been to 'bring linux to the people'17:57
Crembohelp! I want to upgrade my version of miro, but synaptic is complaining that the package from miro's gutsy gibbon repo depends on libxine (<1.1.8). seeing as how I have libxine 1.1.10~gutsy1, that's a problem. is there a way I can force an installation of the newer miro package?17:57
kernfreakthis is how I got banned, the offtopic thing17:57
trollehjagggy: it wouldn't be a system heat issue would it?17:57
jagggytrolleh, nope :(17:57
raboofchris062689: more 'technical' distro's a-plenty ;)17:58
kernfreakwonder if I can go for round 217:58
user1kget's resume support is not good. am i right? any better  dl manager for good resume support and for larg downloads?17:58
chris062689I've been looking around to find a more technical distro.17:58
Jack_Sparrowraboof, and others, please dont feed the troll17:58
Pici!offtopic | chris062689 kernfreak17:58
ubotuchris062689 kernfreak: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about downlload - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:59
TotemI am trying to intall Code::Blocks, which requires GTK+, which requires ATK, which requires GLIB. I Installed GLib, but when I try to configure atk, it says Glib isn't new enough. GTK+ also requires GLib, but it DOES recognize GLib as new enough. What's going one? I have the newest version17:59
kernfreakyes but to ban people lol17:59
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!17:59
fdr Hello! I'm about to change the video card on my computer. It's going to change manufacturer and everything, so I guess X will need to be reconfigured and/or additional packages with the drivers installed. Once I get a terminal through ssh on that computer, how do I do that? Thanks!17:59
user1!download manager18:00
froldI use Ubuntu 7.10 how can I run XP and my Ubuntu without loosing any data from my ubuntu installation...18:00
jagggywhen i run warsow, and i play for a while, my comp just crashes, ANYONE has an idea on howto fix?18:00
user1!download manager18:01
user1kget's resume support is not good. am i right? any better  dl manager for good resume support and for larg downloads?18:01
Piciuser1: Please message the bot if you dont know if a factoid exists or not.18:01
user1Pici:  k18:01
sanchinpinwhat is the room for ubuntu 8.04??18:01
Jack_Sparrowkernfreak, He is in offtopic if you care to chat with him18:01
bastid_raZorsanchinpin; ubuntu+118:02
PeloJack_Sparrow, do me a favor ?18:02
PeloJack_Sparrow,  tell me what the umask is for   gconf-editor /storage/default_options/vfat ?18:02
Jack_SparrowPelo, you'd need to tell me where to find it.18:03
* Pelo will never go beta again ,if he does, you have permission to shoot him 18:03
PeloJack_Sparrow,  in gconf-editor,  under storage,  under default optons, under vfat ,  the umask=???18:04
PeloJack_Sparrow, make that under system > storage > defautl > vfat18:04
Jack_Sparrowone sec on phone18:04
=== johndbritton_ is now known as johndbritton
moyaI'd like to install a server with graphical GUI, do you recommend installing server iso and then the graphical packages or the other way ?18:05
Odd-rationalemoya: the first18:05
kernfreakJack_Sparrow , dont need to talk to him, linux distros arent hard to find, just the "ban" thing, I got banned for saying rtfm18:06
Pelomoya, you'll the the base of the server to install the gui on top of18:06
user1Pelo:  kget's resume support is not good. am i right? any better  dl manager for good resume support and for larg downloads?18:06
PeloJack_Sparrow, thanks18:06
Pelouser1,  no idea18:06
Pelouser1, get torrents18:06
ScuniziAfter recording voice in Audacity and playing the entire track back.. Xorg cpu % goes to 80% and audacity to 97% of the cpu.. (hyperthreaded cpu).. anyone know why this is happening? or how to diagnose it?18:06
_Belka_âñåì äðàñòå18:06
Jack_Sparrowkernfreak, rtfm in other rooms may be fine.. and though I may want to say it.. we really really dont want that reputation18:06
_Belka_øî çà ïðèïåçäåíûé ó âàñ ÿçûê???18:07
Crembohelp! I want to upgrade my version of miro, but synaptic is complaining that the package from miro's gutsy gibbon repo depends on libxine (<1.1.8). seeing as how I have libxine 1.1.10~gutsy1, that's a problem. is there a way I can force an installation of the newer miro package?18:07
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:07
kernfreakI see18:07
moyaOdd-rationale: what metapackage then should I install to get a gnome desktop ?18:07
Odd-rationalemoya: ubuntu-desktop18:07
=== khansa is now known as bya
_Belka_âèíäà ìàñò äàé18:08
Odd-rationalemoya: Although i would go with xfce or *box if I were you18:08
LjL!ru | _Belka_18:08
ubotu_Belka_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:08
bastid_raZordidn't know a bunch of a's and e's with lines over them was russian18:08
byaCan anyone give me the french ubuntu location !18:08
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.18:08
_Belka_øî òû ñêàççàë?18:08
Pici_Belka_: /j #ubuntu-ru18:08
Pelodefinately not french18:08
ubotu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes18:08
unop__Belka_, what language are you speaking?18:08
jumpkic1flash is broken again on amd6418:08
moyaOdd-rationale: is not precisely for me so I'll go with the most window-look like desktop :)18:08
LjLsomeone want to guess more languages?18:09
LjLno, it's not greek18:09
Odd-rationalemoya: ok :)18:09
LjL_Belka_: if you speak russian, i suggest joining #ubuntu-ru (although you should set up your client to use UTF-8)18:09
LjL_Belka_: or you can join #ubuntu-ua, although i'm not sure they give support18:09
ubotuJoin us for a discussion using the Queen's English in #ubuntu-uk18:10
lartza_i read that glxgears should run with thousands of fps but mine runs only 700-800?18:11
lartza_it was in discussion about software and direct rendering18:11
lartza_so do i have no direct rendering? only software rendering and how ot enable that?18:11
lartza_how do i enable direct rendering?18:12
Jack_SparrowLjL, his IP comes back as Amsterdam anyhow18:12
LjLJack_Sparrow, yet that didn't look like standard dutch to me :)18:12
chtrilartza_: see glxinfo for info if you have direct rendering enabled or not18:12
lartza_direct rendering: Yes18:13
Jack_SparrowLjL, Agreed...  which is what made me think something was up..18:13
lartza_how is glxgears so slow then if the discussion is right18:13
chtrilartza_: what video card and cpu?18:13
unop_he did say ukrainian - although he could be a ukrainian in holland18:13
chtrihis language was russian18:13
lartza_chtri: NVIDIA GeForece FX 5500 and Pentium 3 Coppermine 800mhz18:13
bastid_raZorlartza_; and with that powerhouse you expect what?18:14
Jack_Sparrowbbl  Need to get some paperwork done...18:14
Jack_Sparrowbastid_raZor, be nice...18:14
lartza_frets on fire to run smoothly18:14
* bastid_raZor plays nice.18:15
lartza_well i think its almost solved now18:15
chtrilartza_: your system is slow, you should check some databases if your numbers are correct18:15
lartza_what numbers?18:15
earmbrusti don't think FoF is going to run "smooth", but it shouldn't run like molasses18:15
noodles12after using kdenlive for the first time. my sound doesn't work anymore.18:15
lartza_3966 frames in 5.0 seconds = 792.738 FPS18:15
lartza_3903 frames in 5.0 seconds = 780.536 FPS18:15
lartza_3863 frames in 5.0 seconds = 772.260 FPS18:15
chtrilartza_: and glxgears is not reliable, no one knows what is meaning of these numbers :D18:16
lartza_does enablindg desktop effects enable direct rendering and disabling disables it?18:16
lartza_why not?18:16
chtricuz scene it renders have nothing to do with 3D graphics :D lol18:17
lartza_well i just gotta save some money for new motherboard and cpu, and yes it is 3d18:17
chtritry gears of war if you want to know what 3D mean :D18:18
earmbrustlartza_: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Glxgears_is_not_a_Benchmark18:18
lartza_yea! that would run with 800mhz cpu!18:18
bazhangmy eeepc can run that ;]18:19
lartza_what cpu?18:19
eth01i think my amd phenom could too with 1gb ddr2 :/18:19
bazhang900 mhz something18:19
eth0116gb, even18:19
LollinopiLcan I disable the CPU alarm ? ? ? ? it rings everytime I close an ODT document .....18:19
LollinopiLcan I disable the CPU alarm ? ? ? ? it rings everytime I close an ODT document .....18:19
saminthemiddlehey everyone, I'm on the beta; it's pretty awesome IMHO18:19
FloodBot2LollinopiL: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:19
earmbrusteth01: server?18:20
bazhangme points saminthemiddle to #ubuntu+118:20
eth01earmbrust: no18:20
lartza_is there gtkperf in ubuntu?18:20
saminthemiddlebazhang: k thanks18:20
earmbrustwhy 16gb?18:20
lartza_is there gtkperf in ubuntu?18:21
bazhangthats bigger than my hdd18:21
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:21
eth01earmbrust: it's one of five here which i own.. and for what i actually do -- it's appropriate18:21
Devilhow to run SSH18:21
lartza_well i g2g now, cya18:21
tortuswas the "Share folder" dialog removed for nautilus in hardy?18:21
Odd-rationale!ssh | Devil18:21
ubotuDevil: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/18:21
white_eaglemy computer detects that I have 2 screens connected and I don't18:21
white_eagleI know that because when I go to screen options18:22
white_eagleI can see a second screen properties and sometimes the background streches itself18:22
Devilbut how to use SSH to connect my desktop?18:22
XB23where would ubuntus firewall rules be?18:22
ajitamhi how can I send automatically mail every week from ubuntu ?18:22
white_eagledon't get me wrong, it detects one other screen18:22
Pici!firewall > XB23 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)18:22
earmbrustDevil: you'd need an x server running on the remote machine, or you could use VNC18:22
stefgDevil: you need to install openssh-server18:22
white_eaglenot 2 other screens besides this on my laptop18:22
white_eaglecan I delete the second screen from my configuration?18:23
Pici!enter | white_eagle18:23
ubotuwhite_eagle: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:23
white_eagleok sorry18:24
Devilso install openssh-server then run the ssh to connect my desktop?18:24
earmbrustiirc, you can disable the second screen from the display options18:24
stefgDevil: yup. you need your deskop's ip18:24
eth01sudo apt-get install openssh-server18:24
eth01ifconfig to look at IP's and things18:24
earmbrustDevil: yes.  with gutsy all i had to do for a basic setup was install the ssh server, and use putty from a windows machone18:24
eth01ifconfig -a, even :)18:24
earmbrustdoes anyone run ubuntu to provide public shell access?18:25
Devilso just use :ssh-1<user name><desktop ip>?18:25
stefgDevil: so i'd recommend using a fixed ip for the desktop machine (no dhcp) . then you can put this into your /etc/hosts18:25
SunRayCafewhat's the path for the default system icons? or isn't there one default location?18:26
eth01earmbrust: http://corp.virginmedia.com/eth01/freenode18:26
=== khansa is now known as bya
tylerflickstefg: are you talking about unison?18:26
stefgDevil: so either ssh (e.g.) or if you've put that in the clients /etc/hosts file you can also use ssh <desktop-machine-name>18:27
earmbrusteth01: says the server isn't responding18:27
XB23guys whats this line mean inside the firewall18:27
XB23DROP       all  --  anywhere             anywhere18:27
stefg!ssh | devil18:27
ubotudevil: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/18:27
earmbrusteth01: Firefox can't find the server at corp.virginmedia.com.18:27
eth01earmbrust: ah it won't work for you, internal usage only18:28
Deviluse the desktop ip or machine name,yes?18:28
=== jchase is now known as ramrod
=== ramrod is now known as jchase
earmbrusti ask about the public shell access, because i'm trying to figure out what i need to do to secure my server a bit more.  i want to provide some acquaintances with access to the system18:29
stefgDevil: if you've no DNS running in your lan, you need to use the IP. But you can make an alias in the /etc/hostes file of the client, so you can use the name isntead of the ip18:29
JMShello. i need help getting my wireless card up in Hardy18:29
JMSany one can help?18:29
erUSUL!wifi | JMS18:29
ubotuJMS: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:29
JMSthank you18:30
Devilok got it18:30
PiciJMS: Further questions should be directed to #ubuntu+1 ;)18:30
karimarhalguen habla español?18:30
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erUSUL!es | karimar18:30
ubotukarimar: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:30
erUSULkarimar: /join #ubuntu-es18:31
shinoj gprs| shinoj18:32
shinojgprs | shinoj18:32
=== lolol is now known as platyhelminth
=== azrael_ is now known as Azrael29A
karimarHow  can I configure for ubuntu es18:36
michalskikarimar: explain?18:36
Picikarimar: type:/join #ubuntu-es18:36
clarezoeanyone uses the Fon wifi router?18:36
=== jchase is now known as mclovin
=== mclovin is now known as jchase
platyhelminthHi, I have switched to a low resolution mode by mistake. Now i cant go in "systeme" to come back in higher resolution . how can i return in higher resolution ?18:37
Gman99999hey is there anyone out there that knows how to change the boot splash?18:37
michalskir_heliman: hi18:37
r_helimanI have short quick question,, what is the command to copy a screan identical on an external monitor? I now have "leftof"  what should I but there now?18:37
Gman99999I've been trying to figure it out but i can't seem to get it right18:37
usserGman99999, sure just install startupmanager18:37
chtriplatyhelminth: ctrl+alt+"numpad+"18:37
Gman99999I tired that, that program didnt do anything18:38
platyhelminthchtri : doesnt work18:38
usserGman99999, define didnt do?18:38
erUSUL!usplash | Gman9999918:38
ubotuGman99999: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork18:38
r_helimanI have short quick question,, what is the command to copy a screan identical on an external monitor? I am in the xorg.conf.. I now have "leftof"  what should I but there now?18:38
michalskir_heliman: so you want to have your external monitor/screen show the same thing as your primary one?18:38
r_heliman@ michalski yes18:39
michalskir_heliman: please dont ask questions more than once18:39
stefg!spash | Gman9999918:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spash - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:39
stefg!splash | Gman9999918:39
platyhelminthCan i choos resolution from terminal ??18:39
ubotuGman99999: To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.18:39
stefg!usplash | Gman9999918:39
usserGman99999, works fine for me theres a couple of usplash-theme packages in repos and startupmanager works fine with those18:39
ubotuGman99999: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork18:39
platyhelminthCan i select a new resolution from terminal ??18:39
Gman99999does it load at boot time?18:39
froldI use Ubuntu 7.10 how can I run XP and my Ubuntu without loosing any data from my ubuntu installation...18:39
michalskir_hellman: System--->Administration--->Screens and Graphics18:39
simotemplerhi there - if I have a program "skypemate" made for FC3 only anyway I can convert that to work with Ubuntu gusty?18:40
platyhelminthI cant go in systeme18:40
platyhelminthdue to low resolution18:40
usserfrold, one option is to run windows in a virtual machine18:40
Gman99999I want to load this bootsplash http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/tuxOSX+-+gensplash?content=4945018:40
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers18:40
StevenXhello room. what program would you recommend for dealing with par2 files?18:40
Gman99999but i dont know how exactly18:40
michalskir_hellman: Under screen #2, mark it as a secondary screen, and have it mirror default screen18:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vmware-server - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:40
stefgfrold: if it's not for gaming and you have relatively recent machine i'd recommend using a virtualizer18:40
Gman99999is there a kde bootsplash changer?18:41
stefg!virtualizers | frold18:41
ubotufrold: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications18:41
platyhelminthCan i select a new resolution from terminal ??18:41
stefg!fixres | platyhelminth18:41
ubotuplatyhelminth: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto18:41
froldstefg: and usser thank you:D18:41
simotempler hi anyone - if I have a program "skypemate" made for FC3 only anyway I can convert that to work with Ubuntu gusty? Or get it back to source and recompile?18:42
fabianvI was wondering if someone can help me18:43
stefg!aline | simotempler18:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aline - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:43
stefg!alien | simotempler18:43
ubotusimotempler: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)18:43
michalski!hi | fabianv18:43
ubotufabianv: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:43
Gman99999can anyone tell me why strigi sucks so fing bad its not even funny, i cant even type in the damn thing18:43
michalski!ask | fabianv18:43
ubotufabianv: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:43
usserplatyhelminth, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:43
simotemplerhow dangerous18:43
Gman99999I cant find any support documents to fix the strigi18:43
usserGman99999, strigi is fubar18:44
usserGman99999, use tracker of beagle18:44
Gman99999usser that doesnt mean anything to me, can you please define further?18:44
fabianvThis is the second time I installed ubuntu and this time im going to try and get my ATI card working. Has anyone succesfully got a Radeon Xpress200m running with full functionality on ubuntu18:44
Gman99999ok will do18:44
Picisimotempler: It can install things in the wrong places/overwrite things, rpm and deb are not fully compatible with each other.18:44
Gneafabianv: have you read the ATI docs for ubuntu?18:44
Gman99999Im just wondering why its broken?  I cant even type a word in without it erasing what i type etc18:44
usserGman99999, strigi never worked properly i'd say its not even beta and its a mistery to me how it made it into mainstream distribution18:44
Alan_MFully Pici? i thought they werent.18:45
fabianvYes, 2 months ago I went through the sources thoroughly18:45
Picisimotempler: I personally have not had problems with it, but your mileage may vary.18:45
michalski!wtf | Gman9999918:45
ubotuGman99999: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:45
stefgsimotempler: it might overwrite libs or do stupid things ... so ususally with high level stuff it's ok to use, but compiling from source and using at least checkinstall to generate a .deb is surely better (but more work)18:45
PiciAlan_M: not fully compatibile.18:45
tenpaiyomiI have a users home folder that I need to be accessible by all other users on the system.  How would I go about doing something like that?18:45
simotempleri think the main prob is the driver uses some usb kernel libs for an older version will this convert them do you think18:45
brendan__packages.ubuntu.com seems to be down18:45
ussertenpaiyomi, accessible as in writable?18:45
Gneafabianv: well, there's 3 drivers you can try out - vesa will obviously work but for 2d, ati or radeon should get 3d to work18:45
chazcoHi... just noticed RealPlayer 11 has been released for Linux... anyone using this on Gusty? Does it work okay?18:46
Gneachazco: works fine here18:46
simotemplerits to control a usb audio skype handset18:46
usserGman99999, try tracker18:46
fabianvvesa, restricted are only acceptable.. but they dont give full support18:46
Alan_MWhats the difference between the DVD version of ubuntu and the cd version? Does the dvd include the main and universe repositories or something?18:46
Gneachazco: btw, realplayer 11 == helix18:46
chazcoGnea - Defiantly 11, not 10?18:46
chazcoYep,  i know, but still an update18:46
Gman99999usser which is better tracker or beagle?18:46
Odd-rationaleAlan_M: the dvd has the desktop, alternative and server cd all in one18:46
michalskiAlan_M DVD is for DVD, CD is for CD18:46
GneaAlan_M: more cds, less dvds holding the same thing18:46
mikeyfbihey everyone...this is my first time in IRC chat O_o...I'm looking for help with "Dependency not satisfiable: libcairo2"18:47
mikeyfbiwhere should i go18:47
michalskialan_M: (what  odd-rationale said :P)18:47
usserGman99999, i prefer tracker18:47
Alan_Mmichaelski, i kinda figured that out on my own thank ya :)18:47
Gneamikeyfbi: for what package?18:47
tenpaiyomiusser: Well, to explain, the user is the owner of some git repositories.  It works fine for remote git actions, however when attempting to doing commands on the system, it says it can't chdir to the folder18:47
mikeyfbior the .deb?18:47
Alan_MOdd-rationale, so no more having to burn 3 different cd's just for what i need? WOOHOO!18:47
ArelisHello, everyone. My parents want to give me a new PC for my birthday. I work in Ubuntu all the time. What is the most compatible hardware i can get for ubuntu? things like processor, videocard, etcetera18:47
Gneamikeyfbi: but what did you install that needs libcairo2?18:47
magnetronArelis: you should get a computer with ubuntu preinstalled18:48
Odd-rationaleAlan_M: yeah but downloading that thing could take a lot of time...18:48
mmm4m5mHelp: can't find bash tutorial for dummies. I am trying to understand if statements, when to use '[' or '[['. Most tutorials are showing just few examples. 'man bash' is not exactly for dummies (no examples). if you have URL of such tutorial, please please.18:48
mikeyfbiGnea: Linux Whiteboard18:48
Odd-rationaleAlan_M: and many old pc don't have a dvd drive...18:48
Alan_MOdd-rationale, already done, bittorrented it from canonicals cdimage site ;)18:48
eth01Arelis: anything will work18:48
eth01recent stuff will.18:48
Areliseth01: no it will not. ATI, for example, sucks on linux18:48
Alan_MOdd-rationale, its my pc, i know what im doing and its a new computer :)18:48
Odd-rationalemmm4m5m: try www.linuxcommand.org18:48
Areliseth01: i need ultra-compatible hardware18:48
Gman99999usser just tried tracker, there's no options to index files or anything like that and it didn't even find the files that are on my desktop18:49
mmm4m5mOdd-rationale: 10x18:49
eth01Arelis: this isn't #lets-talk-about-arelis18:49
Alan_MThanks guys, just wanted input, love what ya do as always ;)18:49
ussertenpaiyomi, hm can you pastebin the results of ls -l on that directory18:49
Areliseth01: ..was that question about me, then?18:49
vix85I have a question. Whats the easiest way to install skype? Im using Ubuntu 8.04 beta amd64 platform.18:50
tenpaiyomiusser: sec18:50
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto18:50
michalskivix85 go to synaptics and install it from there18:50
coach_zwhat is the install size of ubuntu, i cannot find it on the website18:50
tenpaiyomiusser: http://pastebin.com/d1d2e551b18:50
mikeyfbiGnea: any ideas? :)18:51
michalskicoach_z: approx 3gb, maybe less18:51
usserGman99999, tracker-preferences should bring up the settings and trackerd & starts the indexer18:51
vix85michalski, I cant find skype in synaptic.18:51
michalskicoach_z: certainly not more than 5gb18:51
vix85erUSUL, on that page its just for ubuntu 7.10, it will work same in 8.04 ?18:51
coach_zmichalski: so maybe going with xubuntu which appears to be around 1.5gig should be better because i am currently running off a 4Gig flash drive18:52
Ssam`dude...what on earth does an alternative Cd download from the net its been like 3 hours18:52
erUSULvix85: i expect that but better ask in #ubuntu+118:52
=== Pullarotta is now known as Pullarotta^
erUSUL!hardy | vix8518:52
ubotuvix85: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:52
vix85oh okay.18:52
ussertenpaiyomi, hm what about ls -l on /home/git/repositories18:52
michalskicoach_z: that maybe a better idea :) and then atleast you would have room for files/packages18:53
Gman99999usser what do you type in to get it to index I tried trackerd and it gave me an error warning message18:53
coach_zmichalski: thank you18:53
michalski* no problem18:53
usserGman99999, what exactly did it say?18:53
tenpaiyomiusser: http://pastebin.com/d6099044218:53
michalskivix85: you need to add the skype repository18:53
warrido you think someone can help me with installing software, i tried to compile xchat-2.8.2 and i keep getting an error18:53
Ssam` dude...what on earth does an alternative Cd download from the net its been like 3 hours18:54
IndyGunFreakwarri: install xchat from the repositories18:54
vix85michalski, yes.. do u know if there is a skype repository for amd64 ?18:54
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IndyGunFreakSsam`: shouldn't take that long, you've probably suffered some sort of failure18:54
ussertenpaiyomi, ah i see, ok its a bit of a security issue but if all your users are trusted then u can do18:54
Gman99999usser it bascially gave me the about info about the tracker program when i typed in trackerd18:54
Starnestommywarri: I think 2.8.4 is already in the repositories18:54
warriIndyGunFreak:  how do i do that18:54
MatBoydoes someone know a good tool to sync evolution with a nokia phone ?18:54
Ssam`nope i am at 12 kb/s18:54
warrii'm 100% newb to linux18:54
tenpaiyomiusser: It's a private server that I access only remotely18:54
Ssam`but how i prevent it18:54
Ssam`the fiels the same size as a gui installer18:55
IndyGunFreakwarri: system/admin/synaptic package manager, search for xchat right click, mark for install18:55
=== masnet08 is now known as nad-
Gman99999usser it said tracker daemon is already running18:55
warriall i did was install it on my laptop, Dual booted, so i can learn it.18:55
IndyGunFreakwarri: just make sure you don't install xchat-gnome... xchat and xchat-gnome are different18:55
knoppix_hi guys18:55
ussertenpaiyomi, chmod -R a+rx /home/git18:55
usserGman99999, so it should be fine18:55
michalskivix85: deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free18:55
michalskithats the only one you need :)18:55
Gneamikeyfbi: if you open a terminal window and type this in : sudo apt-get install libcairo2  does it say anything else?18:55
=== knoppix_ is now known as Surfz
usservix85, alternatively skype is available from medibuntu repository18:55
Gman99999usser it cant even find firefox18:56
albuntui know its a stupid question but can anyone tell me what command do i have to use in konversation to identify my nick automatically18:56
warrixchat isnt in my repository18:56
usserGman99999, ok tell can u run tracker-applet ?18:56
mikeyfbiGnea: libcairo2 is already the newest version.18:56
frold !VirtualBox18:56
ubotuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox18:56
IndyGunFreakwarri: system/admin/software sources18:56
Starnestommywarri: enable the universe repository in system > administration > software sources18:56
Gneamikeyfbi: then it's installed18:56
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers18:56
tenpaiyomiusser: That worked perfectly.  Thank you very much18:56
Gman99999usser command not found18:57
warriIndyGunFreak:  ahh not packages18:57
ussertenpaiyomi, no problem18:57
mikeyfbiGnea: hmm...i figured...i even tried reinstalling it...but i still get the same dependency error.18:57
IndyGunFreakwarri: right click everything on the first tab.18:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about konversation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:57
Surfzdoes any1 knows how to break a win2k password using ubuntu? i forgot my user login18:57
IndyGunFreakwarri: i mean click, not right cilck, sorry18:57
mikeyfbiGnea: I just downloaded a previous .deb of the same program and it gave me the same error but for libc6...which is also installed18:57
warriyea i got you18:57
usserGman99999, bah i use hardy and it has a nice config applet18:58
IndyGunFreakwarri: ok, after that, close it, it will ask to reload your sources, do that, then go back to synaptic, and search for xchat again18:58
albuntuSurfz: try to enter in safe mode using the administrator user and change it18:58
warrinow check again in packages or can i use sudo app-get xchat-2.8.218:58
Gneamikeyfbi: where are you installing whiteboard from?18:58
Starnestommywarri: it's sudo apt-get install xchat18:58
IndyGunFreakwarri: well, leave the version off18:58
IndyGunFreaksudo apt-get install xchat18:58
Surfzalbuntu, i tried it already doesnt work18:58
usserGman99999, sorry i just dont have access to gutsy cant really tell where to look18:58
albuntuSurfz: than sorry. no idea18:58
warrinow with the sources reloaded that should work right?18:58
stwangehow do I force a reboot remotely, but make sure the box will login again?18:58
Surfzadministrator seems to be disabled18:58
Gman99999its ok Im going to disable it and call it garbage for now18:59
IndyGunFreakwarri: it should18:59
Gman99999usser Im going to try beagle for the meantime18:59
usserGman99999, try beagle18:59
usserGman99999, yea18:59
albuntuSurfz: try to google it18:59
tanubisstwange you want it to auto login to a certain account, or just come back up and prompt for login?18:59
warrisweet ty, now, when i installed i didnt have the security,ubuntu.com updates, how can i get those also?18:59
stwangetanubis, login to a certain account18:59
Surfzthe weird part is i scanned the sam hive and it shows only 2 users admin and guest but my user is not there19:00
IndyGunFreakwarri: did you install w/o a internet connection?19:00
stwangetanubis only because the crontab to bring the ssh tunnel back up is under that user, otherwise I couldn't care less if it logged in again19:00
albuntui know its a stupid question but can anyone tell me what command do i have to use in konversation to identify my nick automatically ?19:00
IndyGunFreakwarri: ok, system/admin/software sources19:00
IndyGunFreakclick the updates tab.19:00
warrimy dorm room didnt have wireless, and i was in the middle of Broadcasting on my desktop.19:00
unopSurfz, you can use the administrator to reset a user's password -- ask about this in #windows19:00
Starnestommyalbuntu: put your nickserv password in the server password field in your client's settings19:01
warricheck everything... i assume19:01
tanubisstwange go to system - administration - login window, go to security tab, and go enable automatic login for a certain user19:01
IndyGunFreakwarri: on the update tab, click important security updatees, and recommended updates.. i wouldn't recommend the pre-release or unsupported19:01
mikeyfbiGnea: http://code.google.com/p/linux-whiteboard/downloads/list19:01
stwangetanubis - I don't have X, do you know how to do it through bash?19:01
tanubisstwange let me check19:01
Surfzalbuntu, on setting u should find something like on connect commands type in /msg nickserv identify pass19:01
klepparihi, I changed the workspace switcher to have five workspaces, however, I cannot assign keyboard shortcuts to more than two in the keyboard shortcuts app.19:01
IndyGunFreakwarri: then close, and i think you'll ahve to reload again, then in a few minutes, update notifier will notify you you have updates19:01
michalskisurfz: its in ##windows19:02
albuntuStarnestommy: do i have to put just the pass ? what about the server field ?19:02
klepparidoes anyone have any tips?19:02
usserstwange, why not install crontab for root it'll run even without any users logged in19:02
albuntuSurfz: i tried that but the pass field is in the right side19:02
Starnestommyalbuntu: just the password in the "server password" field19:02
r_helimanHello,, it did not work19:02
stwangeusser are you *sure*? I trust you, it's just that if I reboot and it doesn't... well I have lost the box19:02
albuntuStarnestommy: thanks . ill try that now19:02
Surfzunop, windows have less support then linux and i know more about linux so i want to find the way tru linux19:02
michalski!hi | frikipedista387719:02
ubotufrikipedista3877: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:02
usserstwange, uhhh bummer, i dont wanna be responsible for that19:02
usserstwange, :P19:03
PwnageTV|warri`zsweet xchat works now19:03
PwnageTV|warri`zthank you very much19:03
frikipedista3877hi ubotu19:03
usserstwange, hang on i'll check it19:03
unopSurfz, this really is not a ubuntu question, it's not really related to linux either -- it is also offtopic19:03
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albuntuStarnestommy: didnt worked19:04
PwnageTV|warri`zhowever, when i tried to unpackage it myself i kept getting an error, i tried to tar -xjvf xchat-2.8.2.tar.bz2 and kept getting a child:2 error19:04
Ssam`aww man19:04
IndyGunFreakPwnageTV|warri`z: why are you trying to compile it?.. ist in the repositories19:04
Ssam`how can stop the alternative Cd from downlaoding from the internet19:04
Surfzunop, actually it is since the tools are in the distro its just need some1 who has worked with it19:04
d0lphin_n0elhttp://pliniotorres.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/linuxgirl.jpg that one woman sexy and smart and use linux lol :)19:04
Ssam`Good thing i installed on the vnox first19:04
usserstwange, i'll log out for a sec see if runs brb19:04
unopd0lphin_n0el, offtopic19:04
PwnageTV|warri`zIndyGunFreak,  i already installed it and it works19:05
IndyGunFreakhmm, ok19:05
PwnageTV|warri`zi just want to know for future reference why it wasnt working19:05
g[r]eekHi guys - I am installing Ubuntu using the alternate cd text intallation - I am setting up RAID 1. during the MD setup phase, it asks me how many spare devices I want for the RAID1 array. What are these spare devices?19:05
Gman99999usser hey is it possible to install this bootsplash theme for ubuntu or is it not compatible? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=49450&forumpage=019:05
IndyGunFreakPwnageTV|warri`z: because you were trying to compile software, and frankly, your new so thats not a good idea just yet.. stick with whats in the repositories19:05
tanubisstwange : http://www.linfo.org/automatic_login.html - scroll down to the bottom, it's got a guide for setting it up via command line19:06
stwangethanks tanubis :)19:06
PwnageTV|warri`zIndyGunFreak,  okay.  do you suggest a place to go to learn the terminal language?19:06
IndyGunFreak!compile | PwnageTV|warri`z19:06
ubotuPwnageTV|warri`z: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:06
Shiihi all. the add/remove program is telling me "the list of applications is not available" over and over19:06
Gneamikeyfbi: not sure :(19:06
Gneamikeyfbi: perhaps someone else in here has a WII that has tried it out19:07
usserstwange, yep it works19:08
Shiiah, i had to go to "preferences". what a confusing message.19:08
stwangesweet thanks usser, you know the command offhand to reboot?19:08
mikeyfbiHas anyone here tried the LinuxWhiteboard program (using a Wii remote and LED as an interactive whiteboard on your monitor)19:08
usserstwange, hang on19:08
mikeyfbii'm having trouble installing the .deb for it! :)19:08
usserstwange, just how u installed crontab?19:09
usserstwange, sudo crontab -e19:09
usserstwange, right?19:09
stwangeusser yeah: sudo crontab -l shows it19:09
usserstwange, ok19:09
foxraime has arrived19:09
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=== rayb0t is now known as kingrayray
* foxrai has arrived19:09
usserstwange, sudo reboot will do19:09
g[r]eekHi guys - I am installing Ubuntu using the alternate cd text intallation - I am setting up RAID 1. during the MD setup phase, it asks me how many spare devices I want for the RAID1 array. What are these spare devices?19:09
akafurioushello everyone19:09
g[r]eekAre they the same as hot spares?19:10
stwangeok fingers crossed usser :)19:10
usserstwange, haha nah it'll work19:10
g[r]eekWhere I leave a 3rd "spare" drive connected, wich automatically takes over from a failed drive in the active 2-drive array?19:10
Gneag[r]eek: are you sure you want to setup a software raid instead of a hardware raid?19:10
Jack_SparrowI cant find my link for the third DVD of the Gutsy Repositories.  Please tell me someone else has it available19:10
usserstwange, unless syntax is messed up or something19:10
g[r]eekgnea: Yeah.19:10
g[r]eekGnea: Not a busy machine.19:10
Gneag[r]eek: kewl. yeah, iirc, those would be spare drives that could be contributed to the array19:11
stwangeusser yeah it's a bash script that is used to running as not root. I checked it over and it looked ok (ie. all the paths were fully formed etc.), but I guess there's only one way to find out for sure19:11
biebI dont believe you can have a hot spare in a RAID119:11
g[r]eekGnea: I don't need a hot spare. But I have purchased a 3rd hard drive for off-site backups just in case. I was hoping I could "catch up" my off-site backed up data by simply plugging in the 3rd hard drive once a week and mirroring the active drives. Is this possible?19:12
usserstwange, heh, cant u ssh to that machine why "lost it"?19:12
biebg[r]eek: what are you gonna use for backup??19:12
g[r]eekbieb: The 3rd off-site hard drive in case of fire or theft.19:12
Gneag[r]eek: sure, just don't include it in the array and the OS should see it as a separate drive upon the final installation19:12
g[r]eekGnea: Ok but then can I at a later stage unplug one of the active drives, plug in the dedicated offsite drive, build a mirror of the data on that, and then take it back out again?19:13
siddoes anyone know if geforce 7200 GS will work fine with Ubuntu (+3d efects)19:13
biebg[r]eek.. I was wondering if you were going to build a PC for that drive that is offsite.. then you could have used rsync or the rsnapshot project to backup19:13
sidalso does 7.10 support AHIC?19:14
XB23why uploading via sftp - would that slow wget down as well?19:14
Gneag[r]eek: i don't see why not, as long as you follow the MD spec19:14
boywholinuxedanyone there?19:14
g[r]eekbieb: Nah it's just a stand-along offsite drive for offsite backup. Nothing fancy. For quick swap out of a failed drive on the active RAID 1 array too19:14
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:14
=== gary is now known as Gary
g[r]eekGnea: Ok cool.19:14
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g[r]eekGnea: I could just export the database and copy over the file system - but it would be nice if I could build a mirror on the offsite drive once a week. It would make the swapping out of a failed drive super quick19:15
stwangeusser - it's behind a NAT, so I have to create a reverse tunnel from it to get in, the bash script checks for the tunnel every minute and creates a new one if it's gone down19:15
biebGnea: wont breaking and recreating the mirror once a week be kinda dangerous?19:15
BlinnyI need to update the version of a single module in my generic kernel. Do I need to recompile an entire new kernel, or can I simply compile the module I need against the current kernel source?19:15
usserstwange, oh i see19:15
Gneag[r]eek: i guess it depends on how you want to perform the weekly backup19:16
g[r]eekbieb, Gnea - I was kinda hoping I could simply take out the one active drive and put in the offsite drive, build a mirror on that and swap them again19:16
stwangeusser, it's back up :) thanks. Rebooting didn't solve the issue though.19:16
Gneag[r]eek: like bieb said, rsync would be the perfect option19:16
g[r]eekGnea: Painlessly! :)19:16
mmm4m5mQuestion: Please tell me in bash script, what is difference between 'if [[ ... ]];' and 'if [ ... ];' ?19:16
Gneag[r]eek: yeah :)19:16
biebPainlessly??? ummmmm19:16
g[r]eekWhat does rsync do in a nutshell?19:16
agentc0remmm4m5m: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/abs-guide.html19:16
biebsyncronizes the "Changed" data19:16
usserstwange, what was the issue?19:17
sriramomanhow do i install gambas on ubuntu gutsy amd64?19:17
Gneag[r]eek: it's a program that fascilitates backup procedures, and has all of the options that windows backup has (incremental, full, etc), but with the added functionality that windows backup lacks (like doing it over the network and over ssh)19:17
Shiihey everyone, i've got a monitor resolution problem19:17
stwangeusser really really slow internet, I mean it went from 500kb/s download to 20 if I was lucky, and it's even slow to type on it over ssh. I didn't actually think reboot would solve it, but it was worth a try19:17
g[r]eekHere is another way to ask my question. I have a RAID 1 with two mirrored drives. One of the drives fails. I get a new drive and take out the failed one. What must I do to get this new drive to mirror the existing working drive?19:17
minimecBlinny: Compiling the module should do... move the old module out of tthe modules directory19:18
mmm4m5magentc0re: 10x :)19:18
biebg[r]eek: if you have a PC of any sort laying around.. I would load Ubuntu and rsnapshot.. it is wicked fast after the first backup... rsnapshot.org19:18
Gneag[r]eek: i do believe the RAID docs explain that :)19:18
Gnea!raid | g[r]eek19:18
ubotug[r]eek: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:18
joncalhounHey, I was wondering if there was any sort of way to make Ventrilo 3 work for Ubuntu. If you install it via wine it tends to have problems.19:18
bieband rsnapshot is in the Ubuntu repositories19:18
tushydis it easy to install pulseaudio in gutsy?19:18
agentc0reI recommend that you use LVM raid over fakeraid.19:18
usserstwange, oh well19:18
noodlesgcsriramoman try sudo apt-get install gambas19:19
agentc0reif your MB fails, you're dead in the water until you get that same exact board.19:19
Gneag[r]eek: i second bieb's suggestion again ;)19:19
g[r]eekEek I'd prefer to avoid those technical details. I am simply setting up RAID during the installer phase19:19
agentc0reif you do a LVM raid, you get a new MB reinstall and resetup LVM raid and all your stuff is there.19:19
minimectushyd: there is a ubuntu wiki for it in the internet. Should be easy to find...19:19
saminthemiddledoes anyone know how to convince Gnome to use a certain display as the default monitor?19:19
saminthemiddleor better yet, how to get the panels to show on all monitors?19:19
Gnea!caps | Spasterix19:19
stwangeusser can you suggest anything else I could try? I've tried ifconfig eth0 down and up, dhclient eth0, and now a reboot19:19
mmm4m5magentc0re: thanks lot, it is nice page19:19
dizzyd87hey everyone19:19
ubotuSpasterix: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:19
tushydminimec, thanks19:20
Spasterixwww.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www19:20
Spasterixwww.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www19:20
Spasterixwww.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www19:20
SlicerDicergood gawd19:20
tanubisstwange what exactly is happening with your internet?19:20
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers19:20
baddayaa spam19:20
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega19:20
Gnealike that wasn't seen coming ;)19:20
biebg[r]eek: rsnapshot.org   and ssshhhhhh {you can even back up windoze boxes with rsnapshot and cwrsync on the win machine}19:20
Spasterixwww.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com www.GotoShell.com19:20
* Gnea hands Jack_Sparrow a beer19:20
SlicerDicerruhrogh peoples be angry19:21
usserstwange, not really it can be slow for various reasons, i'd use something like wireshark to see whats going on19:21
* IndyGunFreak didn't know Jack_Sparrow was an OP now.. Congrats19:21
SlicerDicerGnea: thats what happens when your spastic I guess?19:21
Jack_SparrowHOwdy Indy19:21
GneaSlicerDicer: lol19:21
g[r]eekThanks for your help guys!!19:21
biebg[r]eek.. np19:21
Gneag[r]eek: good luck and have fun :)19:21
stwangetanubis it's gone ridiculously slow on that network. To the point where I get slow response from typing over ssh - it's gone from 300-1000kb/s download to 20. It's possible it's the network, but I thought I'd make sure it wasn't the box19:21
IndyGunFreakI go for a couple weeks and look what happens19:22
noodlesgcstwange are you using wireless19:22
GneaIndyGunFreak: yes, we're still here.19:22
stwangenoodlesgc no, wired eth019:22
noodlesgcstwange ok nvm19:22
tanubisstwange well, I'd definately check wireshark like usser said.  Then you can see if something is eating the network resources...  Is it hooked up over wire or wifi?19:23
stwangetanubis wired19:24
froldwhats the name of Ubuntu 7.10? (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy)19:24
noodles12is there a way to restart the sound system in ubuntu?19:24
Boblebya un dagrut dans le coin?19:24
tanubisstwange yeah, noticed after I asked.  It's most likely something on the network then.19:24
Flannelfrold: 7.10 is codenamed gutsy19:24
=== voici is now known as wonderworld
ShibaI'm trying to resolve an automount on ubuntu 6.10 (both 64-bit and 32-bit).  I have an NFS share that is correctly exporting /home, and automounts are working for user accounts at login.  However, for directories not associated with user logins automount fails: "automount [pid]: failed to mount /home/dir"19:25
Jack_Sparrow!find vmware19:25
ubotuFound: xserver-xorg-video-vmware19:25
bartmonHey, guys! I have a problem. Because of a a hard shutdown my ext3 file system got corrupted and after running fsck on it I have at least one corrupt file - /var/lib/dpkg/status. Because dpkg can't parse it I can't upgrade my system or install any new software! Any ideas how to restore this file?19:25
noodlesgcde | Bobleb19:25
noodlesgc!de | Bobleb19:25
ubotuBobleb: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de19:25
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:25
erUSULbartmon: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+question/1209319:25
Shibabartmon: reboot using the Ubuntu recovery CD and do a full (deep) fsck on your filesystem19:25
PwnageTV|warri`zwhile trying to install gdesklets-data (yea i want some eyecandy) im getting an error about locking my file, any suggestions?19:26
erUSULbartmon: there are backups of that file in the same directory and somewhere in /var/backups/19:26
noodlesgcPwnageTV|warri`z sounds like you're trying to run more than one instance at the same time19:26
Jack_SparrowPwnageTV|warri`z, you can only have one package manager open at a time.. is that the issue here?19:26
Shibabartmon: a better solution would be to reinstall using ReiserFS... I switched to it from EXT3 and have never looked back.19:26
erUSULbartmon: see the thread i linked19:26
bartmonerUSUL: thanks, i'll try your suggestion first.19:27
minimecstwange: Are you having that network problem? If you tried to change the MTU of your eth0 just for a try. sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 149219:27
froldso I cant run WMware player while running 7.10 (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy)19:27
Shibabartmon: you may not be able to move the file out of hte way if its entry in the filesystem metadata is really corrupted19:27
Shibabartmon: your second-best option would be to reboot into recovery mode and do a full fsck on the filesystem again19:28
bartmonShiba: Funny thing with Reiser... I wnted to have my / partition as ReiserFS but ubuntu wouldn't install on it. It would only install on ext2/3. :(19:28
majostI am a little confused about one of the notes in the binary-custom.d/README for the Hardy kernel....19:28
Picimajost: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.19:28
Jazais anyone familiar with reading windows files?19:28
erUSUL!ntfs | Jaza19:28
ubotuJaza: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE19:28
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majostPici: thanks19:28
Jazayes NTFS19:28
JohnLeecan anybody recommend a good IRC chat client for ubuntu and gnome desktop?19:29
StarnestommyJohnLee: xchat19:29
noodlesgcJohnLee xchat-gnome19:29
mawaJohnLee: xchat-gnome19:29
* algyz likes kvirc19:29
Jack_SparrowJohnLee, konversation, kvirc.. the list goes on and on19:29
JohnLeeok thanks - didnt know there was a gnome specific version of Xchat19:30
Starnestommyxchat-gnome is nowhere near as complete as regular xchat19:30
lordleemoJohnLee: irssi is tops19:30
algyzirssi is good19:30
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:30
erUSULJohnLee: use he standar one xchat-gnome just cripples the app imnsho19:30
algyz!chat | JohnLee19:30
ubotuJohnLee: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete19:30
JohnLeeoh I have pidgin installed19:30
algyz!kopete | JohnLee19:31
ubotuJohnLee: Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) is supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Pidgin19:31
Jack_SparrowJohnLee, Pidgin is not one of the better irc clients19:31
Shibabartmon: yeah, that is a real problem with Ubuntu.  I've seen that elsewhere, in Fedora and RHEL too.  I don't get it, since I use reiser on all my custom Gentoo systems and they're rock-solid...19:31
Jazawindows files on a network, I can see the shared folders but it asks me to sign in as a user, so I try it but I have no password set and it keeps asking for a password?19:31
algyzI don't like gnome, using kde now :)19:31
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: i'd take it a step further, and say Pidgin is a horrible IRC client..lol19:31
ShibaIndyGunFreak: XChat219:32
JazaNovice at Ubuntu19:32
JohnLeehave just installed ubuntu with the gnome desktop to compare it to other KDE distros I have tried19:32
algyzShiba:  is it such thing?19:32
IndyGunFreakShiba: almost any IRC client will be better than Pidgin, Xchat, Konversation, irssi, hell even xchat-gnome19:32
Shibaalgyz: is what such thing?19:32
JohnLeeseems to be more KDE orieinted software out there19:32
Shibaalgyz: yes19:32
nickrud!language | IndyGunFreak geez ;(19:33
ubotuIndyGunFreak geez ;(: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:33
bartmonShiba: So are you running Ubuntu or Gentoo on your ReiserFS / partition?19:33
IndyGunFreaknickrud: ?19:33
algyzJohnLee:  try kubuntu-desktop, you'll like it :)19:33
Jack_SparrowJohnLee, I run a lot of KDE apps under gnome...19:33
noodlesgcJaza use smbpasswd19:33
dizzyd87I just got ubuntu ultimate for vmware and am loving it!19:33
JohnLeethat is my next project algyz19:33
Jazathe one for ubuntu?19:33
noodlesgcJaza yes19:33
Shibabartmon: obviously you can't run reiser as your root partition on Ubuntu.  But when given the choice I'll use reiser where possible.19:33
noodlesgcJaza type it into  a terminal as root19:33
JohnLeei have to say I was impresed with ubuntu on my new HP wireless laptop19:33
warrianyone have any suggestions for desktop themes/eyecandy  + functionality?  And also how to install them ?19:34
JohnLeeI had heard horror stories about wireless drivers on linux but it seems to work great for me19:34
shtoomhi all of a sudden I've lost sound on my laptop and all the multimedia applications are simply hanging now19:34
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:34
Shibabartmon: thus I use reiser on Gentoo and ext3 on Ubuntu (where I'm forced to)19:34
dizzyd87JohnLee: Ubuntu is looking very promising that's for sure, especially for people that are retarded at linux like me :P19:34
JazaOK I'll try that thanks, huh? why do I need to type in to terminal?19:34
algyzJohnLee:  I was using gnome for a long time, >1 year, but switched to kde :)19:34
shtoomI am using ubuntu gusty19:34
dizzyd87algyz: why the switch?19:34
algyz!kde | JohnLee19:34
ubotuJohnLee: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.19:34
ubotuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes19:34
Jack_Sparrowshtoom, please explain what all you did or installed prior to the problem19:35
noodlesgcJaza i dont think that ubuntu has samba setup by default19:35
algyzdizzyd87:  gnome was using a lot of resources19:35
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:35
algyzand now I have huge problems with gnome :(19:35
shtoomJack_Sparrow : as far as i can remember i've run update-manager19:35
JohnLeeI have used KDE on PCLinuxOS and Knoppix and liked it fine but its quite complex to really get familiar with19:35
Jazahow do I do that through a terminal? what command do I use?19:35
shtoomwhich did some ghost script related upgrades19:35
noodlesgcJaza Applications->Accessories->Terminal19:36
Jack_Sparrowshtoom, Have you added any custom repos?  as in NON-standard ones19:36
JohnLeethe best thing about KDE seems to be some really great customizations, artwork and lots and lots of apps being written for it19:36
shtoomJack_SParrow: you mean universal repos ?19:36
IndyGunFreakJohnLee: i think KDE is uglier than Rosie Odonell and Ellen Degeneres19:36
algyzlast days tried gnome again, big problems with xrdb...19:36
Jazawhat command do I use?19:36
noodlesgcJaza sudo smbpasswd19:37
algyzIndyGunFreak:  I think kde is nice :P19:37
linkinxpwhat is the command again for emerald --replace && own? deown?19:37
noodlesgc!offtopic | algyz19:37
JazaOK thanks19:37
Jack_Sparrowshtoom, no.. not universe..  here run this..  sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)19:37
ubotualgyz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:37
linkinxpi got it deown19:37
IndyGunFreakalgyz: i don't know, maybe in an ugly kid sort of way.. its not for me though19:37
JohnLeewell the default appearance depends a lot on the distro you are using but you have a HUGE amount of choice in customizing it to look anyway you want19:37
* algyz sry19:37
JohnLeebut it does take a lot of time19:37
MrBillI have just installed Ubuntu at a friends house, everything is installed and running good, with the exception that seemingly at random times his mouse and keyboard will both die. You can see that the system has not frozen, we were watching something in VLC one time and it kept playing just fine, so we hooked up a PS/2 keyboard, and it still works fine when the USB devices fail out. He's completely new to linux, and i'm fairly new. Not really sure19:38
MrBill where to start to look as far as chasing down a solution for this. What log files should we be checking for clues?19:38
ShibaI'm trying to resolve an automount on ubuntu 6.10 (both 64-bit and 32-bit).  I have an NFS share that is correctly exporting /home, and automounts are working for user accounts at login.  However, for directories not associated with user accounts, automount fails: "automount [pid]: failed to mount /home/dir"19:38
Jack_SparrowJohnLee, Your conversation would be better in Ubuntu-offtopic19:38
JohnLeeGnome seems to be much less customizable but alos much simpler and easier to understand19:38
Jazadid not work19:38
noodlesgcJaza what happened19:38
Shibathis automount configuration works elsewhere, on rhel/fc/other machines19:38
Shibaleading me to think this was patched as a "security" measure by the Ubuntu developers19:39
Jazait still asks me for a password and I type it in and asks me again19:39
Shibais there a channel I can speak with the Ubuntu developers in?19:39
noodlesgc!smb | Jaza19:39
shtoomJack_Sparrow: here is the link http://pastebin.com/d2fc8470719:40
ubotuJaza: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:40
JazaOK thanks19:40
g[r]eekGnea, bieb: Does syncing a new drive in a RAID1 array take hours / days / minutes?19:40
Jack_Sparrowshtoom, Problem was easy to spot.. you used automatix.. and the upgrade borked you ..19:40
blicketwhen you install the the kernel-devel pkg in yum where do they put the source?  And the same question when the same question when installing the kernelxxxx.src.rpm?19:40
g[r]eek320gb drives, but only about 100gb is used19:41
g[r]eekAnd the server will be offline (ie: no outsiders causing activity on it) during the sync19:41
Piciblicket: This channel is for Ubuntu support only, perhaps you should be asking in your distro specific channel.19:41
linkinxpwhere i found the Grub file that has the boot list?19:41
g[r]eekI'm just wondering how long it'll tke19:41
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)19:41
jelabarreIndyGunFreak: I was thinking KDE was more like Janet Reno19:41
shtoomJack_Sparrow: but I've rarely used automatix directly19:42
IndyGunFreakjelabarre: well, thats kinda pot calling the kettle black..lol19:42
shtoommost of the time i run update-manager19:42
blicketubotu: you're right..wrong channel19:42
Jack_Sparrowshtoom, I guarantee that is your problem and unless you have a backup prior to using/installing automatix.  I dont have any solutions19:42
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php19:42
jelabarreoh, sorry, that's too harsh.  Actually Windows would be Janet Reno.  Perhaps JR & Hillary Clinton in a three-way with Rosie...19:43
ubotuAutomatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »19:43
g[r]eekPerhaps someone else could answer - how long would an average sync of a new drive on a RAID1 array take?19:43
warrii wonder does that include running steam on ubuntu?19:43
g[r]eekMore than 1 hour?19:43
Jack_Sparrow!ot > jelabarre,19:43
shtoomJack_Sparrow:Any one else reported same kind of problem recently ?19:44
Jack_Sparrowshtoom, Constantly have people with that issue19:44
jelabarrebut seriously, now.  I'm trying to get a Thinkpad modem to work with 8.10/Hardy.  I have to get it working on both a T23 (Agere WinModem56) and a T41 (Intel AC'97)19:45
warriokay, i downloaded the theme package, but i do not know how to install it, i tried to drag it into my themes window, but it said it was an invalid theme.19:45
warrii downloaded the GTK 2.x ubuntu_sunrize19:45
shtoomJack_Sparrow: But I see every time what update-manager is installing nothing sound related was upgraded before losing it19:45
shtoomits only some ghost script packages19:46
noodlesgcwarri go to your appearances window and click the "Install Theme" button19:46
jelabarreuntil the house gets rebuilt (probably a year), I'll be stuck with Dial-up at the place we're staying.  So I need to get a working modem sooner rather than later19:46
warrii tried that, but what should i chose to open the .tar.gz19:46
Jack_Sparrowshtoom, Your source list has feisty repos, gutsy repos automatix repos plus backports19:46
umj_how to know where a software was installed, which folder and where19:46
noodlesgcwarri yes, the tar.gz19:46
warriokay so i chose that19:47
Jack_Sparrowshtoom, Sorry, cant help with your situation..19:47
warriand it give me an error19:47
umj_how to know where a software was installed, which folder and where19:47
jelabarreI'm just wondering which kernel level I should be at; supposedly the 2.6.24-15 was supposed to have the Agere/Lucent modem support re-enabled, but this appears not to be the case19:47
shtoomJack_Sparrow: Thanks for your time I'll dig deeper into it19:47
warrinsufficient permissions to install the theme in:19:47
darkliteI'd like to update the nvidia driver, but the version in the repo seems to be very old (100.14.19)19:48
Jack_Sparrowumj_, What were you trying to install and how did you install it19:48
Jack_Sparrowwarri, you usuall drag and drop the new theme onto the open theme manager..19:48
noodlesgcwarri type this: sudo chown warri ~/.themes19:48
mawai'm running the latest Heron on a MacBook, for months sound hasn't worked. is this a known issue?19:48
Picimawa: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.19:48
r00723r0Any simple software to clip audio?19:49
Jack_Sparrowdarklite, it may be old, but it is stable, working and wont need to be redone after every kernel update19:49
mawaPici, ok19:49
warriokay, now it says too many levels of symbolic links19:49
noodlesgcr00723r0 audacity, sweep19:49
* pimplife what is the name of that thing that has app's on it like the mac19:49
warrishould i try to install again?19:49
r00723r0noodlesgc, Audacity is WAY too big.19:49
fatereconciledWoo laggy.19:49
r00723r0I've never tried sweep though.19:49
IndyGunFreakwarri: what are you trying to install?19:49
regeyapimplife: you mean a dock?  avant window navigator19:49
warria theme19:50
pimplifeoh thats it19:50
IndyGunFreakwarri: link me to it19:50
r00723r0Anything other than those two?19:50
warrikk one sec19:50
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:50
darkliteJack_Sparrow: I think I might need a newer version, as I need support for 1366x768 resolution19:50
Jack_Sparrowpimplife, cairo-dock is another.19:50
g[r]eekHi could someone provide me with an estimate of how long it takes a newly added drive to mirror an existing drive in a (software) RAID1 array? Roughly 100gb, and the server will have no other users during the RAID1 recovery.19:50
darkliteI'll double-check if that one support it though19:50
noodlesgcIndyGunFreak i have to go, warri is having permission issues with his ~/.themes directory, the theme package is fine19:51
Jack_Sparrowdarklite, You should not need a newer version for that res.. just your current driver configured correctly which you would need to do with a newer driver anyhow19:51
IndyGunFreaknoodles12: ok, let me look at it, eh's gonna send me a link19:51
gnuskoolhelp with install of intel 82852 driver on gutsy, external monitor19:51
Jack_Sparrowdarklite, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)19:52
jelabarreBTW: I just installed Ubuntu on this machine; does anyone know where Xchat-Gnome keeps it's autologin settings?  I was trying to connect to an internal network, and it connected mr here instead, even though I had not selected it.19:52
darkliteJack_Sparrow: older nvidia drivers do not support horizontal resolutions that are not a multiple of 819:53
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Jack_Sparrowdarklite, does your monitor support it..19:54
darkliteyes, it's the native resolution19:54
Jack_Sparrowdarklite, what make and model of monitor19:54
Neowulffli installed ubuntu as the only os and now i need to install xp as well...i know that xp has to be the first os on the disk but i cant get an xp cd to install...i keep getting HHD is not found...could someone help me out?19:54
darkliteI'm using the older driver now (9639)19:54
darkliteJack_Sparrow: it's a TV actually19:54
darklitePhilips 319:54
darklitePhilips 32PFL3312/1019:55
IndyGunFreakNeowulffl: how much do you have invested in your ubuntu install?19:55
IndyGunFreaksettings, etc?19:55
noodles12anyone here uses thunderbird with multiple email accounts?19:55
Jack_Sparrowdarklite, never mind.. good luck.. go try the latest driver, but I strongly suggest a system backup before you get things too messed up19:55
Neowulfflnot much...im just learning about linux19:55
fatereconciledNeo, It's going to say HDD not detected even if you get rid of ubuntu and try XP from scratch19:55
Jazacan anyone tell me how to edit your /etc/fstab file?19:56
darkliteJack_Sparrow: that's ok, It has been messd up before :)19:56
fatereconciledDownload appropriate driver from your system board manufacturer website19:56
IndyGunFreakNeowulffl: it might be easiest to just do a clean install of Windows, let it have the whoel drive, then partition the drive and reinstall.19:56
Neowulffli tried to do a fresh install and wont let me19:56
mike-ekimI have the program skype, that I want to launch multiple instances of, as different users, but the problem is that when I created another user, and tried to launch skype, the application did not launch, and no log messages in syslog or messages file.. anyhelp ?19:56
IndyGunFreakwhy not19:56
fatereconciledNeo listen.19:56
fatereconciledDownload appropriate driver from your system board manufacturer website19:56
Neowulffli am19:56
Jack_Sparrowbbl...  gotta work on my paperwork19:56
fatereconciledAnd then try.19:56
jinarionis it possible to back up the settings in ubuntu then install xp then ubunu then restore the ubuntu settings?19:56
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate19:57
fatereconciledAnd then try.19:57
IndyGunFreakfatereconciled: iv'e used a lot of different motherboards from several different manufacturers, and i've never had an issue like that w/ Windows.19:57
Jazacan anyone tell me how to edit your /etc/fstab file?19:57
fatereconciledIndyGunFreak: And so hve I. But it worked for me nd I had the exact same problem.19:58
StarnestommyJaza: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab19:58
jessicarabbitwhat server/channel can i find help finding a specific piece of furniture? :(19:58
birdy007which is the dock to use19:58
jinarionTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate thats answer to settings question??19:58
Neowulfflhumm...do you mean the chipset drivers19:58
fatereconciledYeah. It loads the entire install then when it comes time to install19:58
fatereconciledYes, Neo.19:58
fatereconciledIt says no HDD detected check if cable is plugged in blahblah19:59
fatereconciledBaffled me as well.19:59
mike-ekimdoes anyone know why the user i just created cant launch teh application skype?19:59
fatereconciledBut after a couple days searching I found the solution was to install the appropriate chipset drivers for my atx and lo n behold it worked,19:59
jessicarabbitdoes anyone know where i can find specific furntiure thats hard to find?19:59
IndyGunFreakjessicarabbit: quit being silly, why are you asking this in a Linux channel..20:00
NeowulfflFat: i have it but when i select to continue rather then repair the install i get the no drive message so i cant even get in the repair console20:00
neozen-workfatereconciled: someone say neo?20:00
fatereconciledWrong neo, neozen. Sorry XD20:01
neozen-workeheh.... ::pokes xchat::20:01
jessicarabbitindygunfreak: its the default channel, i have no idea where to go from here20:01
fatereconciledNeowulff, that's strange. I had the same error and after getting the drivers it worked with  fresh install.20:01
=== Eth01 is now known as eth01
romwould it be possible in future versions to add "nvidia-settings -l" in /usr/bin/compiz if the graphic card is nvidia?20:02
fatereconciledWhy not set up a WinXP VM? How much ram do you have?20:02
ScatterBrainis vmware server available in Gutsy's repos yet?20:02
Neowulfflheh...i almost want to drag and drop my notebook...drag it by the cord and drop it out the window20:02
fatereconciledYes, Scatter20:03
Neowulffl2 gig20:03
windRider_I have moodle install problem - is the right place to ask?20:03
ScatterBrainfatereconciled: Which repo then?20:03
Lee123Evening all20:03
cirkit_is it true linux is for hackerS?20:03
romlol cirkit_  :)20:03
romlinux is for everybody20:03
Seveascirkit_, linux is for everyone. That includes hackers20:03
danbhfiverom this is a support room, its not really the place for feature requests, if I read you correct20:03
SeveasScatterBrain, the 'partner' repo on archive.caninical.com20:04
romdanbhfive> where should I go (on irc) to do such a request20:04
ScatterBrainSeveas: Thanks20:04
NeowulfflFat: thank...guess ill keep lookin20:04
Lee123I was wondering if anyone could help me with ubuntu, I have a problem with my microphone on TeamSpeak and Ventrilo yet it seems to be fine in recorder20:04
Seveasrom, such things aren't done on irc20:04
fatereconciledNeoWulff, install VMWare workstation and set up XP with default 256 MB.20:04
Seveas!bugs | rom20:04
uboturom: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:04
Sam827does anyone know of a good ext3 driver for mac20:04
fatereconciledThen you can run XP inside Linux.20:05
PiciSam827: I suggest asking in ##mac for that, this channel is for Ubuntu support only.20:05
Sam827pici: ok20:05
habernethow do install ccsm in terminal20:05
Lee123Are C-Media AC97  sound cards supported by ALSA?20:05
ScatterBrainThanks all.20:05
proteusLee123 yes20:05
NeowulfflFat: that may be faster at this rate...ill have to figure out how do do that...like i said im a newb with linxu20:05
Picihabernet: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager20:05
Seveashabernet, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager20:05
Seveas@lart Pici20:06
PiciSeveas: :)20:06
PwnageTV|warri`zIndyGunFreak, sorry20:06
SeveasExteris, cats don't belong on the keyboard =)20:06
Lee123proteus: My Cm-Media CI9 Card is not picked up by Alsa it only says ICH520:06
ExterisSeveas, sorry20:06
Lee123any ideas?20:06
fatereconciledNeo: You can install WMWare Workstation from the repos.20:06
fatereconciledIt's really easy to set up.20:07
SeveasLee123, does lspci see it (if it's pci) or lsusb (if usb)20:07
danbhfiveSam827: try this site: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsx/20:07
proteusLee123: Hmm, I haven't dealt with the CI9, but i recall fighting with my C-Media a few years back... it's a royal pain, to say the least.20:07
DShepherdanyone know a free tool i can use to convert an  irc log to xml ?20:07
SeveasDShepherd, sed20:07
proteusI used the CMI878820:07
NeowulfflFat: ill try it but i would rather do an XP clean install then install ubuntu on a sep part20:07
DShepherdSeveas, :-)20:07
proteusis that the chipset used on the CI9?20:08
Lee123Did you resolve and Seveas im on Xp atm i will switch soon and check that20:08
Diurpaneushello it is a romanian guy there?20:08
Lee123Erm no i think its a different chipset20:08
Seveas!ro | Diurpaneus20:08
ubotuDiurpaneus: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro20:08
Pici!ro | Diurpaneus20:08
PiciSeveas: beat me that time.20:08
SeveasPici, 1-120:08
SeveasI'm keeping score tonight =)20:09
Seveashi magnus20:09
Lee123proteus did you end up fixing it?20:09
proteusLee123: I recall that I had to add an alsactl restore to my startup scripts, because for some reason the settings didn't automatically restore... and i had to modify the actual config, the gui/cli tools didn't configure things properly.20:09
DShepherdSeveas, i was hoping to be a little lazier that that.20:09
SeveasDShepherd, you'd spend as much time googling for something as writing a quick sed :)20:10
fatereconciledAnyone here familiar with concurrent booting?20:10
Lee123yrh i heard about the startup scripts but i honestly have no clue where to start, are you still using the C-media?20:10
Seveasfatereconciled, depends on what you mean by that20:10
erUSULfatereconciled: dual boot win and linux ?20:10
proteusNo, I got tired of the subpar quality and hassles and bought an M-Audio20:10
=== rd is now known as HyHK
jensCan anyone tell me how to install anything in ubuntu? I can't find gparted, can't install mplayer nor vlc :(20:11
proteus(which is a different set of hassles, but at least the quality is good)20:11
DShepherdSeveas, I think you maybe very right20:11
erUSUL!software | jens20:11
ubotujens: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents20:11
fatereconciledNo I mean booting linux for processors that support hyperthreading20:11
Seveasjens, applications -> add/remove. Make sure you select 'Show all available software' in the top right corner20:11
=== mehteenager is now known as MrObvious
Lee123haha, so when you did get it configured the sound and mic quality were still poor?20:11
fatereconciled<-- Intel Centrino Duo 1.66GHz20:11
magnusis there any way to change "resolution" in the terminal (tty1-6)?20:11
erUSULfatereconciled: the generic kernel should support hyperthreading just fine afaik20:11
Seveasfatereconciled, all ubuntu kernels support SMP20:11
proteusLee123: looking on cmedia's site, I don't see a CI9, have you checked dmesg to see which chipset it's using?20:11
proteusLee123: Yeah, things like duplex never worked right, ESD would always lag badly, etc20:12
Lee123sorry it was a typo its the C-Media CMI976120:12
fatereconciledI know. But when I try to enable I get a long list of errors in rc20:12
jensSeveas: well, i'm installing (or trying to) via aptitude (no gui).20:12
Seveasjens, ah, then make sure your sources.list includes universe20:12
erUSULjens: sudo aptitude vlc20:12
JazaStarnestommy: I'm still trying to mount my windows server but I get this message :Mounting cifs URL not implemented yet. Attempt to mount rec-room20:13
JazaNo ip address specified and hostname not found20:13
jenserUSUL: that's what i tried ^^ It just doesn't find it, even after enabling those *20:13
magnusis there any way to change "resolution" in the terminal (tty1-6)?20:13
jensafter those *verser20:13
Jazawhat does that mean?20:13
FloodBot2jens: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:13
Pici!fb > magnus (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)20:13
fatereconciledin /etc/init.d/rc when I change concurrency from 'none' to 'shell' it completely screws over the boot process20:13
erUSULjens: probably you lack some repos20:13
user1iam using tvtime with tv card Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01), i cant see the cable. no video no audio.further info : http://pastebin.com/m6986190e   any help please?20:13
erUSUL!repos | jens20:14
ubotujens: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories20:14
fatereconciledI wish I could remember the errors so I could post them here20:14
jenserUSUL: yeah, just enabled them via the GUI. Thanks though20:14
erUSULjens: system>Admin>Software sources20:14
proteusLee123: is it showing up in your sound options?20:14
Lee123it shows up only under OSS20:14
Lee123in Alsa its an  Intel ICH520:14
JazaI'm still trying to mount my windows server but I get this message :Mounting cifs URL not implemented yet. Attempt to mount rec-room20:14
Jaza No ip address specified and hostname not found, can anyone help?20:14
user1iam using tvtime with tv card Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01), i cant see the cable. no video no audio.further info : http://pastebin.com/m6986190e   any help please?20:15
kyrandesasomething fails when booting up and i'd like to know why. any idea, where i could find the logs?20:15
brynjolfQuick question, is it somewhat easy to disable PulseAudio in Hardy? I want to be able to switch consoles and still have MPD output audio etc20:15
magnusPici: But it isnt Grub i want to change res in but the tty terminals....20:15
Picimagnus: I believe the two are linked together.20:15
proteusLee123: just to be sure, you have the alsa modules loaded, and have the ac97 module for alsa loaded also, right?20:16
magnusPici: ok. ty20:16
Lee123erm i havent checked20:16
proteusLee123: From my experience, getting any C-Media device to work20:16
Lee123do you have msn? because i need to rebbot20:16
proteusis a test in patience haha20:16
MrBillHave a brand new install of Ubuntu that is locking up randomly. Sometiems after about 2 minutes, sometimes lasting upwards of half an hour. Doesn't seem to be tied to any particular piece of software. What log files would I want to be poking into in an effort to try and figure this out?20:16
Lee123haha sounds fun20:16
proteusI don't actually.20:17
Lee123well i'll reboot and come back here and if your still on  then :)20:17
erUSULMrBill: /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog .... does the keyboard leds blink when the crash occurs?20:17
Lee123cheers for the help back soon20:17
proteusnp bud20:17
fatereconciledSo no one knows why concurrency=shell corrupts the boot process even though I m running dual processor20:18
Seveasfatereconciled, 'concurrency=shell' is not something understood by the standard ubuntu init deamon afaik20:19
jblackHas anyone managed to get networking on xen on Hardy working?20:19
MrBillerUSUL: Once it's crashed I"m unable to toggle the caps lock/scroll lock lights by hitting the caps/scroll lock keys. Is that what you mean?20:19
Picijblack: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.20:20
jblackOh, yes. sorry.20:20
=== PwnageTV|warri`z is now known as warri
offloadhey guys I hate Nautilus.  Is there something better I can use?  My biggest annoyance is the fact that it won't show image thumbnails when upload images through firefox20:23
JazaCan someone help I got pass my first mount error now I get: mount error: can not change directory into mount target /media/Itunes20:23
cderi have a cd in my cd rom its showing upn the destop i want to copy the image to a file whats the command please?20:23
SeveasJaza, does that directory exist?20:23
JazaTrying to mount a network folder on SMB20:23
JazaItunes yes, but What do I put for media?20:24
SeveasJaza, /media is a folder on your computer20:24
Seveasdoes the Itunes folder exist in the /media folder20:25
fordprefect_If I'm still using Dapper is there a place to look for advice onresolving random freezes?20:25
JazaDo I need to replace the word media for a directory name?20:25
cderif i use the cp or mv command will it copy a image of the cd?20:25
SeveasJaza, are you at all listening to what I'm saying?20:25
CorbinFoxI have a new laptop and when i plug in headphones the speakers still play (sound comes out the headphones too).  any help?20:25
JazaI guess I'm a little confused, the Itunes directory exist on windows and linux20:26
Ssam`what does the alternative iso download from the internet20:27
arcticpenguin380will ubuntu detect 4 cores in a cpu?20:27
Ssam`which takes hours?20:27
Seveasarcticpenguin380, yes20:27
warriIndyGunFreak, did you read my pm?20:27
arcticpenguin380how many cores does ubuntu support?20:27
cderSeveas; if i use the cp command will it copy the image to a file?20:27
joankidoes anyone know how i can get the curses.h library file on my computer?20:27
IndyGunFreakwarri: i juswt did.. sorry, i stepped away20:27
warriim getting this error, trying to install insufficient permissions to install the theme in: /home/warri/.themes20:28
Seveasjoanki, apt-get install libcurses5-dev20:28
warriits all good20:28
joankiSeveas, E: Couldn't find package libcurses5-dev20:28
NekoKunIs there a command line torrent client?20:28
Seveasjoanki, apt-cache -n search curses | grep dev20:29
noneoHi, I'm looking for good mail reader for my girlfriend. Console tool. Any advice?20:29
Shiipine :D20:29
cderompaul: evening20:29
Seveasthat should give you the correct package name :)20:29
CorbinFoxI have a new laptop and when i plug in headphones the speakers still play (sound comes out the headphones too).  any help?20:29
swosuI can send but not receive mail on my 7.10 box using the mail command... anyone know how to fix this?20:29
Shiidoes anyone know why nautilus wouldn't load for me?20:30
joankiSeveas, same outcome20:30
Shiieverything works but nautilus... i can't open any folders20:30
joankido i need to type anything before apt-cache -n search curses | grep dev?20:30
warrianyone have any suggestions on how to allow my permissions so i can install a theme?20:30
joankii just typed it directly,  Seveas20:30
Seveasjoanki, you need this package: libncurses5-dev20:30
Seveasforgot the n20:30
noneoShii: apt-cache search pine returnet nothing! :-(20:31
JazaI need some help I'm trying to type this line on the fstab directory ://servername/sharename  /media/mountname  cifs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  020:31
joankiSeveas, is there another way for me to get it?20:32
Seveasjoanki, apt-get install libncurses5-dev20:32
DamionSo I'm trying to switch from Win98SE to either ubuntu or xubuntu20:32
Seveasthat should do it. If not: fix your sources.list :)20:32
JazaI have the server name as an IP address what do i need for share name, media, and mount name?20:32
joankiit's working20:32
joankithanks Seveas20:32
JazaPlease help20:32
Damionbut both a factory-packed ubuntu disk and a home-burnt xubuntu disk are returning the exact same busybox error20:32
Damiondoes anyone have an idea of what the problem is?20:32
Shiinoneo: i am thinking of this one http://www.washington.edu/alpine/20:33
thannoyarcticpenguin380: I think it will detect "4 cpu"20:33
Shiithere's a deb package... i guess it's not part of ubuntu, but you wanted a console client right?20:33
SeveasDamion, hardware incompatibility. Is the machine as old as windows 98?20:33
swosuI'm able to send but not receive mail using the mail command.  Anyone know why messages are not being recieved by my mail command? (I20:33
thannoyarcticpenguin380: as my hyperthreading processor gets detected as 2 CPUs20:33
Shiithe alternative is mutt which is the most horrid thing i've ever dealt with20:33
swosu'm sending it to the user@ip)20:33
noneoShii: Many thx.20:33
arcticpenguin380thannoy: thanks20:33
Damion<Seveas> Damion, hardware incompatibility. Is the machine as old as windows 98? <-- it's newer20:34
DamionI just back-installed when I got it because 98SE was all I had on me20:34
* Damion - Windows 98 has been running 33mins 14secs Memory Usage: 346/502MB (68.96%) Processor: 1-AMD Duron(tm) processor, 1002MHz, 192KB HDD Free Space: (C: 9803MB/19.07GB) (D: Removable) (E: CDROM) (F: CDROM) (G: 89472MB/149.01GB) (H: CDROM)20:34
DamionI guess maybe that doesn't say as much as I thought it did20:34
Jazacan anyone help?20:35
SeveasDamion, it gives a rough indication20:35
SeveasDamion, odd, have you tried the CD selftest?20:35
emperorcezarWhat's the package manager in Ubuntu?20:35
IndyGunFreakemperorcezar: system/admin/synaptic20:35
Damionseveas: selftest gives the same error on both CDs as when I just try to boot from liveCD20:35
emperorcezarIndyGunFreak: Thanks20:36
agentc0reI need to learn more about upstart... Where can i find some good documentation about it and how to work with it in scripts.20:36
lee_hello again20:36
nick_sorry hello20:36
blastronI've been recently informed by my campus network admin that my server has tried to send email without using a campus server 509 times in the last 18 hours. As I have not recently installed any software and most certainly have not tried to send email from this server, how might I go diagnosing this problem? I am relatively new to Linux, so this is quite vexing.20:36
CorbinFoxI have a new laptop and when i plug in headphones the speakers still play (sound comes out the headphones too).  any help? that and I can't get my atheros wireless card to work.  their site seems to offer no drivers to ndiswrapperize and the madwifi thing i tried didn't work.20:37
SeveasDamion, could be a broken CD drive then20:37
zcat[1]what's the magic command that gives you a list of all currently installed packages ?20:37
lee_anyone know how to get ubuntu to recognise my cmedia soundcard?20:37
Peloblastron, try checking in the logs   /var/logs20:37
Damion<Seveas> Damion, could be a broken CD drive then <-- same result from both CD drives20:37
SeveasDamion, busted IDE cable?20:38
Damionso both of them would have to be working20:38
Pelozcat[1],  dpkg --get-selections > mypackages20:38
Damionthey're both plugged into the same cable, so maybe20:38
fdrzcat[1], dpkg -l  ? but i think there was also something else20:38
Shiiok, there is something called nautilus-debug-log.txt which is adding a new line every millisecond20:38
Damionbut I've never had a problem with it/them before20:38
Shiievery line is "debug log dumped due to signal 11"20:38
brynjolfaptitude search ~i(nameofpackageoremptyifall)20:38
habernetis amarok compatible with ipod?20:38
KtronIs there a way to perform an upgrade from Gutsy-->Hardy from the command line? I don't have a GUI installed20:38
Pelohabernet, yes, throught the meida library I belive20:39
blastronPelo: all I see are three or four lines from earlier today, alerting me that /etc/postfix/main.cf does not exist20:39
habernetpelo thanks20:39
lee_anyone know how to fix my cmedia?20:39
IndyGunFreakhabernet: Amarok is a good Ipod manager.20:39
PeloKtron,  do not upgrade yet, wait for the official release , and yes you can upgrad through the command line20:39
IndyGunFreaki just hate having KDE libs20:39
blastronPelo: I should be looking in mail.err, mail.log, etc.?20:39
habernetokay, thanks guys20:39
SeveasShii, signal 11 is segfault. You may have bad memory20:39
JazaCan anyone tell me why SMB asks me for a password to my windows files when I don't have a password set on windows??20:40
KtronPelo, I need stuff in PHP 5.2.4; its just a beta webserver20:40
Peloblastron, I was just giving you a place to look , seemed a good place to start ,  I donT' know much more about it ,20:40
Marine_Is there a way to enable WPA wireless network encryption in the network-setup of Ubuntu?20:40
blastronPelo: Alright, thanks, I'll keep looking, then.20:40
Marine_with the ipw2200 driver?20:40
ShiiSeveas: it seems to be this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/15047120:40
LeWench__Im deciding which email client to use for ubuntu. Choice is between Thunderbird, or evolution. Anyone have a better suggestion? or opinion20:40
Shiii hope that doesn't mean i have bad memory... this memory is brand new20:40
Peloblastron, ##linux would also be a good place to ask20:41
SeveasShii, ah fun!20:41
blastronAlright, thanks20:41
zcat[1]LeWench__: both are good. Do you need the calendar and stuff?20:41
KtronPelo, its a viable testing bed20:41
LeWench__No not really.20:41
JazaCan anyone tell me why SMB asks me for a password to my windows files when I don't have a password set on windows??20:41
=== blue-frog_ is now known as blue-frog
PeloLeWench__, evolution is like MS outlook,  contact , calendar,  task , email,  thunderbird is more like outlook express , just email and contact20:41
zcat[1]Jaza: just press enter20:41
PeloKtron,  try askingin #ubuntu+120:41
brynjolfMy personal opinions: Thunderbird, multiplatform slower Evolution: Fast and "Linux only"20:42
amikropHow can I get screen widgets like a visual clock, diary, memory usage graphs, and stuff?20:42
CorbinFoxLeWnch__: i use thunderbird, but mostly because I dig Mozilla.  and there is an addon for thunderbird called Lightning that has an awesome calendar program build in20:42
LeWench__Pelo, Ah, ok. Well thanks for the clarification.20:42
zcat[1]I just use gmail now.. don't even bother with a mail client20:42
Seveasbrynjolf, evo actually works on windows as well :)20:42
Diurpaneusis someone ther who can help me. the sistem can't see the external usb hdd, in need to use this external hdd to save my imp docs20:42
Seveasamikrop, screenlets20:42
JazaI did and it keeps telling me that Authentication Required20:43
Pelolater folks20:43
brynjolfah, last time I tried it was pushing for the work part and as being usable, not so much ;)20:43
danbhfiveJaza http://www.europe.eclipse.co.uk/Ubuntu/Ubuntu-on-win-network.htm20:43
amikropSeveas: Oh, and how do I install some?20:43
cderi am copying the image of a xp disk to ubuntu for vmware is the cpommand cp the name of the disk will it copy a image?20:44
Jazathanks I'll try that20:45
zcat[1]cder: I'd use something like k3b .. or you can do 'dd if=/dev/cdrom of=winxp.iso'20:45
Seveasamikrop, the screenlets-data package :)20:45
zcat[1]brasero will let youcopy a CD to an ISO image too..20:46
jinarionany thoughts on how to make java in opera??20:46
cderompaul: evening20:46
zcat[1]hmmm.. does vmware let you use an iso? not sure what you need actually..20:47
amikropSeveas: ok, thanks.20:47
Marine__zcat[1]: yes20:47
Siph0nhey.... I tried to get my laptop hooked up to my tv through a VGA cable.... than hit the Fn and F4 key to get the image to show on my tv.... and now my laptop wont show videos nemore.... just a black screen20:48
Siph0nany ideas how to get it to go back?20:48
Marine__Is it possible to enable WPA encryption on a wireless NIC in ubuntu setup?20:48
Marine__Siph0n: wont display at all or just not videos?20:48
lee_Anyone know how to improve mic quality?20:48
IndyGunFreakMarine_: i imagine it is, i'm using WPA.20:48
offloadhey guys I hate Nautilus.  Is there something better I can use?  My biggest annoyance is the fact that it won't show image thumbnails when upload images through firefox20:48
Siph0nMarine_, just videos.... cause i am seeing Xchat.... just not the videos20:48
CorbinFoxI have a new laptop and when i plug in headphones the speakers still play (sound comes out the headphones too).  any help? that and I can't get my atheros wireless card to work.  their site seems to offer no drivers to ndiswrapperize and the madwifi thing i tried didn't work.20:48
Marine__IndyGunFreak: simply because i get the option for WEP, just not WPA20:49
Marine__using Unetbootin btw20:49
IndyGunFreakMarine_: guess it depends on the device, and how its used, i'm using madwifi...20:49
IndyGunFreakMarine_: what device?20:49
IndyGunFreakhmm, i'm not really familiar w/ Intel, but surely there's a way, Intel is generally considered the easiest to setup20:50
habernetit wont let me enter ccsm what should i do?20:50
Marine__ok IndyGunFreak ill try again20:50
cdercp command copy image on cd in cdrom to home dir this correct?20:50
bastid_raZor!ccsm | habernet20:50
ubotuhabernet: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion20:50
bastid_raZorhabernet; have you installed that package yet?20:50
reauthoripw2200 works fine with wpa & wpa220:50
CJS3141VirtualBox question: My host OS is WinXP, and my guest is Ubuntu 7.10. I installed the Vbox guest additions in Ubuntu, and set up to share my C drive as "C_DRIVE" under Vbox. I did the command "sudo mount -t vboxsf C_DRIVE /mnt/share". I then go into /mnt/share and there is nothing there. What am I missing?20:51
user1iam using tvtime with tv card Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01), i cant see the cable. no video no audio.further info : http://pastebin.com/m6986190e   any help please?20:51
habernetbastid_razor.. i have that package...already installed ccsm..i just installed kiba dock and now it wont let me open up ccsm20:51
MrBillIs there a way to put a 2nd clock in my top panel that is set to GMT?20:51
bastid_raZorhabernet; when you type ccsm in a terminal what does it give for an error, if any?20:52
cdercould be quicker asking a question in forum in absolute beginners?20:53
ganastasiouanyone know vsftp?20:53
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:54
usserganastasiou, what do u need to know?20:54
ganastasioui did some changes to conf20:55
ganastasioubut i cannot login anonymously20:55
ganastasiouerror 53020:55
usserganastasiou, oh i see20:55
usserganastasiou, hang on20:55
ganastasiouok bto20:56
Diurpaneusthe sistem can't see the external usb hdd. what can I do, please help me :(20:56
MrBillIs there a way to put a 2nd clock in my top panel that is set to GMT?20:56
jinariongood question20:56
SeveasMrBill, in Ubuntu 8.04 you can have something like that20:57
CorbinFoxI have a new laptop and when i plug in headphones the speakers still play (sound comes out the headphones too).  any help? that and I can't get my atheros wireless card to work.  their site seems to offer no drivers to ndiswrapperize and the madwifi thing i tried didn't work.  These are the ONLY problems my system has and if they can be fixed I can partially justify paying for this thing...20:57
MrBillNot possible in 7.10 though?20:57
usserganastasiou, heres my conf take a closer look at anything anonymous20:57
nnwhats a quick iptables rule to block all packets from seems worm infested, has tried about 3000 usernames on sshd20:57
usserganastasiou, http://pastebin.com/m3847b13020:57
b47619what's with the redirect?20:58
Starnestommynn: check http://www.netadmintools.com/art216.html20:58
jinarionmr bill i think i may have some answer for you20:59
nnStarnestommy: i normally i have fbsd machine filtering traffic but im at a hotel right now20:59
jinarionmrbill right click on taskbar and add to panel20:59
CJS3141Can anyone help me with mounting a shared directory thru VirtualBox? I think I'm almost there but not quite.21:00
ganastasiouusser, i think i dont have anything wrong http://pastebin.com/m6292a01c21:00
Marine__Actually my wifi card isn't picking up any networks either. Is there a command to enable my card without my hardware button (It doesn't seem to like my hardware button, timeouts for disabling/enabling radio)21:01
MrBillI figured out how to add a 2nd clock, but I can't change the timezone on one from the other21:01
jinarionset to utc21:01
Intertricitydoes anybody know how to skip the "configuring apt" section of the server install?21:01
IntertricityI can't hook it up to the internet right now21:01
MrBillI can set my entire system to GMT, but that's no good... i'm not actually in GMT.21:01
MrBilloh hey, yeah, that works =)21:02
jinarionmrbill i had to reset the main clock after setting the new 121:02
BigCanOfTunaThere is probably an obvious answer to this, but why, when I do an apt-get install, I get prompted to mount /cdrom? when I mount it and run apt-get, it simply unmounts it prompts me to mount it again...it is the correct disc, btw.21:02
Lunar_LampI seem to recall a meta package for installing everything required for a "lamp" install - what's it called?21:02
erUSUL!lamp | Lunar_Lamp21:02
ubotuLunar_Lamp: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:02
MrBillI'm good now, my original clock is still CST, and my newly added is showing correctly in GMT21:03
MrBillthank you.21:03
erUSUL!ops | guest200821:03
usserganastasiou, try putting this no_anon_password=YES21:03
IndyGunFreakthey must think people actually click their links21:03
Diurpaneuscan anyone help me with an external hdd, the sistem cannot see the hdd :(21:03
ubotuguest2008: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!21:04
erUSULDiurpaneus: usb =21:04
IndyGunFreak!gksudo > warri21:04
jinarionmrbill cool great21:04
jinarionglab i could someone in here21:04
IndyGunFreak!gksudo > indygunfreak21:04
Coggzchecking for KDE... configure: error:21:04
Coggzin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.21:04
CoggzSo, check this please and use another prefix!21:04
Coggzhow do i fix21:04
FloodBot2Coggz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:04
erUSULDiurpaneus: do «tail -f /var/log/messages» and plug the hd paste the new lines you will see on paste.ubuntu-nl.org21:04
ganastasioui did it21:05
ganastasioubut nothing21:05
ganastasiouthis conf i sent u21:05
mikeyfbihey guys, quick question - i used this link to set my terminal to 'embed' to the desktop21:05
StarnestommyCoggz: is kde-devel installed?21:05
mikeyfbii was wondering if i could do the same with xchat or any app21:06
usserganastasiou, restarted vsftpd i assume?21:06
erUSUL|enter | ganastasiou21:06
ganastasiouwas a bit copy paste from a site21:06
ganastasioui did this too21:06
erUSUL!enter > ganastasiou21:06
usserganastasiou, what client do you use?21:06
Diurpaneusi dont understand21:06
usserganastasiou, try using terminal's ftp command21:06
Damionhttp://www.alexnolan.net/software/sysspec.htm <-- is this a reliable system specs utility?21:06
ganastasioudo i have to make user for ftp?21:06
erUSULDiurpaneus: have you used a shell before?21:06
DamionI want to look at the specs so I can make support forums posts more reliably.21:07
mikeyfbii'd also like to know how to embed my system monitor stats to the desktop without a widget app...is that possible?21:07
usserganastasiou, not really21:07
Diurpaneusno :(21:07
Seveasmikeyfbi, looks like you can do that with any app that has a static title and/or lets you set one21:07
usserganastasiou, just when it asks for login enter anonymous21:07
CorbinFoxI have a new laptop and when i plug in headphones the speakers still play (sound comes out the headphones too).  any help? that and I can't get my atheros wireless card to work.  their site seems to offer no drivers to ndiswrapperize and the madwifi thing i tried didn't work.  These are the ONLY problems my system has and if they can be fixed I can partially justify paying for this thing...21:07
mikeyfbiSeveas: thanks!  i'm trying right now but don't know what 'code' to replace "title=trans"21:07
mikeyfbiSeveas: I just tried name=xchat but that didn't seem to work21:08
r3c0nhello folks, ive been thinking about transitioning from fedora which is obviously an rpm based distro to your lovely ubuntu, any tips for a new comer? :) and will you guys stick to 1 CD releases rather than 1 DVD releases that go up to 3.5 GIG in size like lets not mention names here :P21:08
Seveasmikeyfbi, xchat has more in the window title21:08
CoggzStarnestommy: thanks21:08
haberneti just installed 7.10 and kiba dock...after installing kiba dock ccsm is no longer accessible (when i click on it nothing pops up, and i have no visual effects) and kiba dock does not start up automatically even though i have put into sessions..what should i do to fix this?21:08
Seveasmikeyfbi, maybe use XChat.*21:08
ganastasiou500 OOPS: vsftpd: cannot locate user specified in 'chown_username':samourai21:08
usserganastasiou, theres your problem remove chown from config file21:09
mikeyfbiSeveas: okay i'll try a bunch of phrases :) Thanks!  Would you also know how to embed system monitor type stats without a widget app?21:09
usserganastasiou, or wait21:09
usserganastasiou, are u sure this user exists in your system??21:09
kane77mikeyfbi, what widget app? have you seen conky? is this not what you are after?21:09
ganastasiouno im noob on this i did a copy paste21:09
Seveasmikeyfbi, no21:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qui - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:10
usserganastasiou, so u only need anonymous access?21:10
monkey1990 hi. lspci reports wrong size of vram. is there a workaroung?21:10
DiurpaneusOK i do it21:10
mikeyfbikane77: i don't think i've tried conky.  I tried a couple of the other ones, but they didn't seem to work for me...many errors21:10
mikeyfbiSeveas: np, thanks!21:10
usserganastasiou, in your pastebin comment out lines 57 5821:10
erUSUL!shell | Diurpaneus21:10
ubotuDiurpaneus: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:10
fbcIf I uninstall evolution, will it adversely affect anything else in the system?21:11
mikeyfbiSeveas: !name=xchat works :)  i forgot the "!"21:11
Siph0nif Fn + F4 took away my videos from showing on my laptop, how can i get it back??? Hitting Fn + F4 doesn't seem to do it...21:12
kane77mikeyfbi, hmm.. so I think you might find terminator useful, following the same guide you can make it transparend and in background and have multiple things monitoring your system21:12
Seveasmikeyfbi, heh :)21:12
ganastasiouname anonymous?21:12
erUSULDiurpaneus: al parecer el kernel de ubuntu cree que el disco tiene problemas scsi 6:0:0:0: scsi: Device offlined - not ready after error recovery21:12
mikeyfbikane77: terminator?  where could i find this?21:12
monkey1990 hi. lspci reports wrong size of vram. is there a workaroung?21:12
erUSULDiurpaneus: sorry i'm spanish and i forgot...21:13
unop__fbc, have a look at the packages that depend on evolution. apt-cache rdepends evolution21:13
ganastasiouwith cli i did ftp and my ip21:13
kane77mikeyfbi, I hope that's the name :) wait, I will check :)21:13
ganastasiouand now it asks me for name21:13
usserganastasiou, anonymous21:13
BitmessWhen trying to run or install I get lockedup and following error  pci: cannot allocate resource region 1 of  device 0000:00:14.0      I have tried removong all hardware and setting bios to failsafe. Still does it21:13
erUSULDiurpaneus: it seems that the linux kernel thinks that the disk is faulty or has probelms so it disconnect it see scsi 6:0:0:0: scsi: Device offlined - not ready after error recovery21:13
ganastasiou500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable anonymous root21:14
IceWeweI accidentally deleted a CD iso I needed on a JFS file system, I haven't written [much] to it, so is there any hope of getting it back?21:14
fbcunop__, ubuntudesktop depends on evolution?? I figured it would be the otherway around.21:14
Diurpaneuswhat can I do?21:15
usserganastasiou, hm interesting21:15
ganastasiouusser is this cause ihave target dir another partition?21:15
unop__fbc, ubuntu-desktop isn't a real package, it's a metapackage, used to pull in the various other packages that make up an ubuntu desktop .. nothing depends on this package21:15
goldinshow do I pick my active sound card?21:16
goldinsI have two...21:16
unop__fbc, and it can be removed to no ill-effect21:16
Seveasgoldins, system -> preferences -> sound21:16
usserganastasiou, no i dont think so its just that on that harddrive u probably has setup writing access to everybody21:16
D3RGPS31using ALSA, i can't hear audio from WINE when using something else that uses audio, requesting workaround or fix... pays in oatmeal cookies!21:16
usserganastasiou, and vsftpd forbids that, since its "very secure"21:16
BitmessI have Googled for answers, no solutions but many ppl having same problem21:16
IceWeweso, no one here has any expierence recovering files from JFS?21:16
ganastasioubut im the only user21:16
erUSUL!who | Diurpaneus21:16
ubotuDiurpaneus: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:16
goldinsSeveas: I don't see my audigy2...21:17
phlaxhi - im doing a fresh install on a (dell inspiron 1525) core 2 duo chip - can anyone tell me if this chip should/could use the 64-bit ubuntu - or whether its best to use the i386 version?21:17
usserganastasiou, i understand that ok is this create a directory on that harddrive21:17
IceWewephlax: 64-bit21:17
fbcThere used to be a startup editor in ADD/REMOVE programs. Does anyone rememeber what it's called?21:17
erUSULDiurpaneus: i dunno i take that the disk works on windows and other machines ? have you tried another usb port ?21:17
phlaxIceWewe: thanx21:17
usserganastasiou, sudo mkdir /media/backup/ftp_root21:17
kane77mikeyfbi, https://launchpad.net/terminator21:18
usserganastasiou, sudo chmod a-w /media/backup/ftp_root21:18
thannoyD3RGPS31: don't know many on your but, but a wine-alsa package exists (or roughly), is it installed on your system?21:18
goldinsnever mind21:18
BitmessI have tried to install many flavors all have error  pci: cannot allocate resource region 1 of  device 0000:00:14.0  The only one that loads is Puppy Linux21:18
Diurpaneusthe hdd work on XP and also i tried other usb ports :(21:18
thannoyD3RGPS31: -t +g21:18
ganastasiouand change the conf?21:18
usserganastasiou, and adjust your last line in vsftpd.conf to point to /media/backup/ftp_root21:18
usserganastasiou, exactly21:18
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mikeyfbikane77: thank you :) :)21:18
erUSULDiurpaneus: well then i dunno... :| it well may be a kernel bug...21:19
kane77mikeyfbi, I guess it is in the repository.. (not sure for gutsy)21:20
CorbinFoxI have a new laptop and when i plug in headphones the speakers still play (sound comes out the headphones too).  any help? that and I can't get my atheros wireless card to work.  their site seems to offer no drivers to ndiswrapperize and the madwifi thing i tried didn't work.21:20
Diurpaneusmaybe the usb is the problem,21:20
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ganastasiouusser very good explanation21:20
ganastasioui cannot understand why icouldnt login21:21
Jack_SparrowCorbinFox, /join #alsa21:21
usserganastasiou, does it work now?21:21
ganastasioui thin chmod was the secret21:21
ganastasiouyes but i want to have some changes21:21
usserganastasiou, well your harddrive is mounted with writable access to everybody21:21
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usserganastasiou, and your vsftpd.conf points to the "/" of your harddrive with anonymous writing enabled21:22
usserganastasiou, its a gaping security hole which vsftpd just cant allow21:22
Bitmessanyone know about error  pci: cannot allocate resource region 1 of  device 0000:00:14.0 please?21:22
ganastasiouso noone can login to root21:22
mikeyfbikane77: thank you!  i'll check right away.  also, do you know where i could see a 'tips and tricks' for xchat...ie using USERNAME: to send private, etc21:23
usserganastasiou, no why, users that are known to the system can login, its only anonymous users that pose the security risk21:23
ganastasiouhmm ok21:24
kane77mikeyfbi, I'd say http://xchat.org/docs21:24
usserganastasiou, it depends on what do u want to do21:24
ganastasiounow i should move all the files from /backup to /backup/ftp_root21:24
kane77mikeyfbi, or even better http://t0x.in/xchat.html21:24
haberneti just installed kiba dock and it disabled all of my compiz settings and i can no longer acess ccsm(nothing pops up when i click on it) how do i fix this?21:24
usserganastasiou, if u want to setup an anonymous ftp server from which everyone can download then u should chmod a-w /media/backup21:25
DiurpaneuserUSUL: it is possible to reset by misstake the usb 2.0 ports21:25
usserganastasiou, or disable anonymous writing capabilities in vsftpd.conf21:25
ganastasioubut i have a point here,when i login from mozilla i cant see the folders21:25
usserganastasiou, on the other hand if you're setting up ftp server for your own personal use then disable anonymous altogether21:26
erUSULDiurpaneus: afaik no there is no way i know of21:26
ganastasiouonly with client i can see them21:26
ganastasioudisable anonymous?21:26
ganastasioucomment this on conf?21:26
usserganastasiou, no wait21:26
usserganastasiou, can you login with YOUR username, the one that exists on the machine21:26
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mikeyfbikane77: thanks ;)21:27
kane77mikeyfbi, np21:27
Damionso I've been poking around in Microsoft System Information21:27
ganastasioui want it for a wireless network and for internet too when i open the port for this reason21:28
ganastasioumy first priority is wireless21:28
Damionwhere it says there is a problem with my secondary IDE controller (dual fifo)21:28
shamsheldoes anyone know of a good gtk front-end to "at" or cron?21:29
usserganastasiou, right but do you want it to be public, like a download.com or just for your own use?21:29
usserganastasiou, anyhow to let mozilla see it you need to put something like this in conf file http://pastebin.com/m361b0c1321:29
ganastasioui made it21:29
ganastasiouwith mozilla21:29
usserganastasiou, oh cool21:30
ganastasiounow i want only for my wireless21:30
ganastasiousoon i will make dns21:30
fbcis there any advantage using ext3 over ext2 for a usb external drive?21:30
erUSULfbc: no21:30
erUSULfbc: no if it is a flash drive i meant21:31
usserganastasiou, i dont know what you mean? how is setup now?21:31
unop_fbc, yes, replaying the journal can help in recovery if your filesystem is ever in trouble21:31
ganastasiounow it is only for wireless21:31
ganastasiouits working great due to your help21:31
ganastasioui want to make some changes21:32
ganastasiouso someone can upload21:32
Damionmicrosoft system information says:21:32
ganastasiounot someone,anyone21:32
erUSUL!enter | ganastasiou21:32
ubotuganastasiou: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:32
ganastasiouoo sorry21:32
fbcunop_, Cool thanks.. yeah it's a 500gb external drive full of my favorite shows and movies. I'd have a cow if I lost my 1969 spiderman episodes.21:32
usserganastasiou, ok how u usually setup an ftp server21:32
ganastasiouusser, what do u mean?21:33
usserganastasiou, is u create a special directory called upload21:33
DamionSecondary IDE Controller (dual FIFO) This device has a problem: Code 9 (0x9). Device failure: Try changing the hardware for this device. If that doesn't work, check your hardware documentation21:33
Damiondo you think that might have something to do with my ubuntu/xubuntu problem?21:33
fbcunop_, one more question. should it be setup as the primary or just an extended partition..21:34
usserganastasiou, to which random ppl can upload from anywhere else in the ftp tree they can only read21:34
fbcunop_, does it matter?21:34
ganastasiouusser, not necesserily....my default ftp directory want to be used for the same purpose21:34
fbcunop_, I figure primary partitiona are for bootable drives.21:34
ganastasiouupload and download the same dir21:34
usserganastasiou, thats not safe!21:34
unop_fbc, it doesn't matter and if i remember correctly, you don't need to use MS-DOS disklabels, they can be sun or bsd disklabels (which don't have the concept of primary and extended partitions)21:34
houmalaIs there a NVU version ubuntu ???21:35
ganastasioui know the people who use the server21:35
unop_fbc, thats true for ms-dos disklabels yes21:35
usserganastasiou, its just not safe to let random ppl writing access on the whole ftp tree21:35
ganastasiouit in a wireless network21:36
ganastasiouit is in a wireless network21:36
gavifolks, in ubuntu 7.10 how can i transfer files from pc to camera?21:36
usserganastasiou, but u said u wanted to expand it later so its accessible from the internet?21:36
unop_anyone here just recently installed ubuntu and not removed any packages since the install? i need a favour from you.21:36
erUSULgavi: depends on the camera most function like a usb mass-storage and mount like a normal usb flash device21:36
ganastasiouyes i want to change it when i give access to internet ofc21:36
SnoFoxHelps >.<21:37
=== mike____ is now known as mike-ekim
marx2kman I hope the next version of Ubuntu has better NVidia integration21:37
gavierUSUL, i pluged in the camera and it only lets me download frmo camera to a folder on the pc, i want to do it the other wya21:37
usserganastasiou, so do it how its supposed to be done from the beginning21:37
mike-ekimHi, I just added a new user, I am logged into user1 using Kubuntu, i opened up a terminal, did su - user2, and all worked perfectly, but when i tried to launch skype by command line 'skype &' it doesnt do anything... anyone know why?21:38
mike-ekimi tried to asssign to same groups as user1 which can launch it without a problem, any suggesstions?21:38
proteustry launching it without the & :P21:38
proteussee if there are any errors21:38
erUSULgavi: does the camera appears mounted on your Desktop ?21:38
marx2kusing & doesnt get rid of debug messages21:38
gavino, it isnt21:38
mike-ekimno, just returns Exit21:38
marx2kI dont think...21:38
mike-ekimand does nothing21:38
gavii dont see it in the /media/ folder either21:38
ganastasiouaha u mean i have to do it from the begging to do sth like this?21:39
erUSULgavi: maybe it is one of the cameras that only work trough libgphoto ... have you tried with f-spot or better gtkam ???21:40
SnoFoxWhen I open Totem Movie Player to play a .mp3 or .wma file, it has me search for the codec. When I click one of the Plugins, it says It's restricted; I click Confirm to continue the installation, and it says "The list of applications is int availabe"; when I Click "Refresh" it does something, then lets me pick the plugins again. When I click one of the plug ins, it goes back to the restricted screen, then the reload screen, so I'm stuck in a loop.21:40
gavii have f-spot on the computer, but it looks to me that i can only download to pc and not the other way around, am i wrong?21:40
gavinever heard of gtkam... is it anygood?21:41
SnoFoxWhat to I do? >.>21:41
usserganastasiou, ok heres what u do21:41
HellowHow do i play encrypted dvds?21:41
usserganastasiou, sudo chmod -R a-w /media/backup21:41
usserganastasiou, change last line in your conf to point to /media/backup21:41
usserganastasiou, them mv ftp_root upload21:41
usserganastasiou, sorry mv /media/backup/ftp_root /media/backup/upload21:42
ganastasiouusser i dont want only one directory for uploading,cant do it for all the ftp tree?21:43
oddarHello, I have a problem with a usb modem. It's from my phone service provider, for SIM-card (mobile broadband). The make is Qualcomm and model GI0205. I can't seem to find the modem under Network manager when i connect it. Help?21:44
usserganastasiou, for that u have to disable anon_upload_enable and anon_mkdir_write_enable=YES21:44
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usserganastasiou, set them to no, u cant have a server where anonymous users have writing access to the root of it21:44
ganastasiouand put the sudo u gave me and its ready?21:44
ganastasiouitdoesnt hide my root folder?21:45
usserganastasiou, by root i mean /media/backup21:46
ganastasiouwhy not?21:46
J-Unithere a terminal command to dump all open windows on the first workspace?21:46
J-Unitis there*21:46
usserganastasiou, its not safe21:46
ganastasioui cannot understand the reason21:46
usserganastasiou, ok look you have an ftp server with useful files and videos and what not, one day im browsing the net and stumble upon your anonymous server which doesnt restrict me from wrecking havoc so i delete everything21:50
ganastasiouyes but i told u that i know the persons who use my ftp in wlan21:50
ganastasiouso imnot afraid of that21:50
ganastasiouin internet i want to protect ftp so noone should upload21:51
dryrothow do i make sound in Skype work ?21:51
unop_ganadist, permissions also help against "accidental mistakes" by _you_ yourself and other people who use the server21:51
ganastasioumy english arent good,so sorry for misunderstanding21:51
usserganastasiou, that means that for inet you'll have to setup another ftp server cause u cant have it both ways21:51
unop_ganadist, in anycase, it's better to be safe than sorry, it's wise to err on the side of safety21:52
ChaosTheoryHow do I go to the media folder in terminal?21:52
usserganadist, if u want to do something like this then vsftpd wasnt the best choice21:52
ganastasiouaha ok21:52
ilembitovHi, all. How do I add getdeb.net as a repo?21:52
ganastasiounow i understand u21:52
usserganadist, i think proftpd allows stuff like that21:52
balzacIs anyone here using eBox?21:53
zooboxshould http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=2008-1720 but I'm just too fast?21:53
ganastasiouonly proftp can combine this?21:53
zoobox*should exist, I mean21:53
zooboxbalzac: what is eBox? sounds like a windowmanager....21:54
ilembitovHi, all. How do I add getdeb.net as a repo?21:54
ChaosTheoryWhat does it mean if your files can't be moved to the trash?21:54
usserganastasiou, all i can say is vsftpd doesnt allows it for sure, hence the name Very Secure Ftp Daemon21:54
balzaczoobox: eBox is the configuration utility which can handle squid and other networking features21:54
ChaosTheoryI tried to transfer some files onto my flash drive and some of them were corrupted and it messed the whole thing up.21:55
balzacit's for ubuntu server, i think21:55
ChaosTheoryNow I'm trying to delete them and I can't?21:55
RogueClownhi...i have a question.  i'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 through Wubi...i burned the disk image, installed it, got through most of the first boot...and then was only given the choice to "cancel" at the documents and settings screen; i couldn't go "forward".  can anyone help me out?21:55
balzacIt's good because I'm sick of editing squid config files, trying to get something to work21:55
balzacanyway, networking is really complicated, so I'm not having any success, even with eBox and its documentation21:55
ChaosTheoryIt says my flash drive is read-only?21:56
ganastasiouusser, ok thnx bro for your help21:56
usserganastasiou, no problem21:56
balzacis there a separate channel for ubuntu server?21:56
unop_balzac, #ubuntu-server21:56
saltedlighthi everyone. i need some advices to setup an dns auto-updater on a server with a dynamic ip... anyone have any ideas?21:57
balzaceveryone is idling in #ubuntu-server21:57
Cygnis1__hi guys21:58
balzacand #ebox too21:58
Cygnis1__can anyone help me with bluetooth?21:58
balzacthe problem is, most people on irc don't know anything! we're all seeking those who know something.21:58
FFEMTcJwhat is the command line code to tell me how much disk space im using/is free22:02
xlriutdf -h22:02
MadProcessordf -h22:02
level09_how do I allow php scripts to create files / change permissions etc ...22:02
MadProcessorcrap, too slow22:03
J-Unitthat international clock thing for hardy (i installed it on gutsy) y r my letters on the date and time numbers lower than the middle unlike my normal default gutsy clock?22:03
m0dYis it possible to extend the size of a loopback file ?22:03
unop_level09_, you should be careful when implementing sites that allow that kind of control - but php allows you to perform shell commands to do those kind of job (use with caution), more on that in #php22:04
level09_unop_: changing files ownership to root user should do that right ?22:05
unop_level09_, i'm not sure what you mean there exactly, please clarify.22:05
gerlandoHo bisogno di una grandissima mano c'è qualcuno disposto a darmela?22:07
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Tdk200Devo ripristinare ubuntu come era prima adesso nn va + nulla22:08
level09_I want to make apache process the owner of my files, so it can have permissions22:08
zooboxgerlando/Tdk200, wrong language?22:08
Tdk200I'm italian22:08
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Starnestommy!it | Tdk20022:08
ubotuTdk200: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:08
Piero_ScaruffiBon Giorno Tdk20022:08
ganastasiouusser,i have a problem22:08
Tdk200piero sai ripristinare ubuntu senza formattare?22:09
ganastasioui cannot save anything on ftp tree:S22:09
Piero_Scaruffisorry english only22:09
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zooboxyeah probably mor people that understands italian in #ubuntu-it  hehe :-)22:09
* James__D wants to knnow if someone can give him directions for easy grub configuration in Ubuntu?22:10
Fish-Gutshi folks. i changed my Login Window in gnome, and GDM is not working anymore. can i change the login theme in the console somehow?22:11
xlriutI am trying to get Fn+home brightness keys working on my Thinkpad X60. It worked out of the box in Gnome but not in Fluxbox. I installed tpb and added the user to the nvram group but it still doesn't work. Any ideas?22:11
TwinXFish-Guts; how did you do that, more detail pls.22:12
jacob_ok, now would someone explain why the last upgrade made my laptop a bit freaky? (the window bar (include the close, maximize, minimize buttons)22:12
zooboxhi James_D. I think there is a edit-grubs-menu.lst-applicatio.... but I don't remember its name. and perhaps it is KDE-styled.......22:12
jacob_are gone22:12
Fish-GutsTwinX: i just changed my GDM login theme to a custom one i created, but somehow it got messed up and i can't start the xserver again22:13
CannibalMok so here is a simple one,22:13
CannibalMubuntu server, how the heck can I get my network card to function?!22:13
=== James__D is now known as James___D
oddarHello, I have a problem with a usb modem. It's from my phone service provider, for SIM-card (mobile broadband). The make is Qualcomm and model GI0205. I can't seem to find the modem under Network manager when i connect it. Help?22:14
James___DThanks.  I will look for the utility.  Later.22:15
alexander_can somebody help me with wireless network...22:15
Odd-rationalealexander_: what trouble are you having?22:16
tommmiedhas anyone ever used linuxdc++?  I been using it for a couple of days fine, then all of a sudden, when i goto use it the cpu goes to 100% and it crashes22:16
Ax-Axamarok is better than rythmbox y/n?22:17
Odd-rationale!best | Ax-Ax22:17
ubotuAx-Ax: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:17
Seveastommmied, that's ubuntu's built-in anti piracy filter22:17
Ax-Axi was really serious too22:17
mysterycoolhow can i play a dvd with my ubuntu gutsy?22:18
Odd-rationalemysterycool: encrypted dvd?22:18
mysterycooli just rented it from the store but it won't play in ubuntu22:18
mysterycoolodd-rationale: well, it is an original, so most probably encrypted :s22:18
Odd-rationalemysterycool: let me get you the command...22:19
Seveas!dvd | mysterycool22:19
ubotumysterycool: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs22:19
Seveasbot's being slow again22:19
tommmiedSeveas, haha are you serious ?22:19
Odd-rationalemysterycool: what player are you using?22:19
mysterycoolthe default one22:19
Seveastommmied, no, but we don't support piracy in here (and contrary to bittorrent, I've never seen a  legal use for dc++)22:19
scottyLI'm thinking about installing Gutsy Server on an old computer and want to format XP off of it.... any reason I shouldn't just type format c: ?22:19
Odd-rationalemysterycool: you will have to replace it with totem-xine in order to play encypted dvds22:20
hischildscottyL, no need to format. You can create partitions during install.22:20
Odd-rationalemysterycool: to do that do: sudo apt-get install totem-xine22:20
tommmiedSeveas, this isn't about piracy.  i am trying to figure out why ubuntu all of a sudden crashes22:20
scottyLhischild: But... I don't want to keep XP on there. Wouldn't it just take up space I could use otherwise?22:20
mysterycoolk thanks! ;)22:20
scottyLI'm not going to be using XP anymore22:20
Odd-rationalemysterycool: it will warn you that it will remove totem-gstreamer. but that is ok.22:21
tommmiedand how to find out whats going on when it crashes so I can use this as a guide in th future22:21
XsPiDeRmysterycool: install gstream-plugins-ugly22:21
hischildscottyL, if you want to remove XP, you can remove the partitions that contain XP during installation. Then you can create one or more partitions to use for ubuntu gutsy.22:21
Odd-rationalemysterycool: tell when that is done22:21
scottyLhischild: So, all I should do is boot the computer with the CD in the drive and take care of it that way?22:22
tommmiedSeveas, can you tell me what you would do to find out what was causing an app to crash and use full cpu?22:22
mysterycoolodd-rationale: kk22:22
jonphilpott_anyone got any packaging-fu that can help me create a debian package?22:22
hischildscottyL, that's the easiest way to do it yes.22:22
Odd-rationalemysterycool: now for the codecs: do : sudo apt-get install libdvdread3 libxine1-ffmpeg22:22
scottyLhischild: Thanks anyway22:22
Seveastommmied, the crashlogs generated by apport. Though that doesn't work for non-ubuntu software like dc++22:23
Odd-rationalemysterycool: and let me know when that is finished...22:23
mysterycoolodd-rationale: sec plz, downloading totem-xine, just found it XD22:23
Odd-rationalemysterycool: ok.22:23
mysterycool2 mins remaining :D22:23
FloodBot2mysterycool: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:23
tommmiedSeveas, what other methods would you use for non ubuntu software?22:23
Seveastommmied, I'd hack apport to trap the crashes anyway :)22:24
tommmiedhow would you do something like that... :-/22:24
Seveasthat's left as an excercise for the reader22:25
tommmiedOh ok,22:25
Seveasas said, I don't support piracy and software used exclusively for that purpose22:25
SeveasJames___D, have a /22:25
mysterycoolodd-rationale: downloaded totem-sine22:26
tommmiedSaveas understood but this happens to more then just that kind of software22:26
Odd-rationalemysterycool: did you get the codecs, too?22:26
mysterycoolodd-rationale: codecs? :s22:26
Odd-rationalemysterycool: you will need these codecs: sudo apt-get install libdvdread3 libxine1-ffmpeg22:26
Damionso I'm still trying to fix my install problem22:27
mysterycoolodd-rationale: ok, downloading codecs22:27
Odd-rationalemysterycool: notify me when finished22:28
mysterycoolodd-rationale: kk22:28
mysterycoolodd-rationale: done, downloaded :D22:28
DamionI found a bug ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/153991 ) that says I need to edit /etc/initramfs-tools/modules22:28
mysterycoolodd-rationale: now what?22:28
sebastian_Fatal Error vmware server an apt-based....????22:28
Damioncan you do that on a livecd, though?22:28
Odd-rationalemysterycool: now do this command: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh22:28
mysterycoolodd-rationale: k, done the command, now what?22:29
Odd-rationalemysterycool: any errors?22:29
mysterycoolodd-rationale: nope, none at all22:29
Odd-rationalemysterycool: try the dvd22:29
mysterycoolOdd-rationale: hang on a sec plz22:29
mysterycoolOdd-rationale: inserted22:30
sebastian_Fatal Error vmware server an apt-based..22:30
* Odd-rationale waits anxiously...22:30
mysterycoolthanks! ;)22:30
Odd-rationalemysterycool: :)22:30
mysterycoolodd-rationale: ty!22:31
mysterycoolOdd-rationale: off to watch the movie! Thanks again! ;) Cya! ;) :D22:31
mysterycoolLaterz guyz!22:31
mysterycoolNight all! :D22:31
Odd-rationalemysterycool: np. goodnight. what movie?22:32
sebastian_no idea?22:32
DB42i am using 7.10 and seem to have both "klogd" and "syslogd" and both "anacron" and "atd" running, do i need them both ?22:32
sebastian_is automatix!!!22:32
DamionI still haven't had any luck with my busybox problem.22:32
DB42i am using 7.10 and seem to have both "klogd" and "syslogd" and both "anacron" and "atd" running, do i need them both ?22:32
DamionInstalling ubuntu was supposed to be waaay easier than this =(22:32
StarnestommyDamion: have you tried the alternate CDs?22:33
=== moppa_ is now known as Moppa
DB42i am using 7.10 and seem to have both "klogd" and "syslogd" and both "anacron" and "atd" running in the "services", do i need them both ? if not,m which ones ?22:33
StarnestommyDamion: if the regular CDs fail, try the alternate22:33
TwinXDB42; you can uninstall atd22:34
UbuntongHow can i get desktop effects to work on ati radeon 3850?22:34
DamionI kind of wanted to test out ubuntu before I got rid of my other OS22:35
Damionis there no way to do that if the CDs just crash with busybox errors every time I try them?22:36
scottyLI'm installing Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10 Server and I'm running into a problem wiht the DHCP network autoconfiguration22:36
Odd-rationalemarina: hello22:36
StarnestommyDamion: you could try Ubuntu in a virtual machine22:36
damaltor_Damion: do the error check feature first.22:37
Damiondo you mean "Check CD Integrity"?22:37
damaltor_Damion: yes22:37
DamionI get the same error listed in that forums post when I try and check CD integrity22:37
Damionon both ubuntu and xubuntu22:37
scottyLThis is a pretty dumb question... but, how can I find out if I have a DHCP network?22:38
damaltor_Damion: well, if you get an error while checking integrity, you ought to re-download and re-burn.22:38
scottyLI'm pretty sure that the answer is "if you have to ask, you don't have one"22:38
Damion<damaltor_> Damion: well, if you get an error while checking integrity, you ought to re-download and re-burn. <-- this is on a factory-shipped liveCD22:38
scottyLOr, "I'm doing this at my house, so it's likely I don't have one"22:38
damaltor_scottyL: do you have a router?22:38
Damionand I get the same error, word for word, on my home-burnt xubuntu liveCD22:38
scottyLdamaltor: Yes, we have a wireless Linksys N router (which supports B and G, which covers the wireless card my computer has)22:39
Damionwhich I burnt at 8x off of a satisfactory hash22:39
damaltor_Damion: try to download by hand and burn. if the integrity is not ok, the disks are erroneus22:39
DamionI tried that22:39
damaltor_scottyL: do you have to set up ip numbers manually?22:39
StarnestommyDamion: try a lower burn speed22:39
Damion8x is low as I can go22:39
scottyLdamaltor_: Nope, they are automatically assigned22:39
damaltor_scottyL: well, THIS is dhcp.22:39
StarnestommyscottyL: then it's most likely DHCP22:40
scottyLWell... it didn't work correctly22:40
scottyLI guess I'll retry the autoconfiguration22:40
damaltor_Damion: try other empty cds. get some wich you can burn with about 4x22:40
damaltor_scottyL: yes. but remember, there has to be a cable conection.22:40
UbuntongHow can i get desktop effects to work on ati radeon 3850? anyone?22:41
Damionon both my download-by-hand copy and my factory copy, when trying to check CD integrity (or start the LiveCD) after the orange loading bar shows, it drops me into busybox22:41
imranit is very difficult22:41
scottyLdamaltor_: Do you mean that the box must be wired to the router?22:41
imrando you want it for compiz fusion?22:41
damaltor_Damion: that is bad... as long as the disc doesnt pass the integrity test, you have no real chance22:41
Damionwhere it spits out a list of error messages that I've posted here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75250422:41
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:41
damaltor_scottyL: yes22:42
imransorry. I am new22:42
scottyLdamlator_: Well, then, that's certainly my problem. I'm trying to connect wirelessly22:42
DamionDamaltor: I just find it odd that two different discs, for two different distros, one produced at home and one factory-shipped, would produce the exact same error22:42
Damionand it's because I burned at 8x rather than 4x22:42
damaltor_scottyL: try a cable while installing.22:42
IntertricityHey.. I have a server install configured, and I was just now able to get the internet hooked up so I had to disable dhcp configuration. How do I go back to configuring it now?22:42
DB42i am using 7.10 and seem to have both "klogd" and "syslogd" and both "anacron" and "atd" running in the "services", do i need them both ? if not,m which ones ?22:42
DB42what about klogd / syslogd ?22:43
scottyLdamaltor_: 10-4, thanks. It's odd that it supports a wireless connection, though, but whatever I can do22:43
xlriutHello, I am trying to get my Fn+Home brightness keys working on X60. It works out of the box in GNOME but not in Fluxbox. I installed tpb but it still doesn't work. Any ideas? Thanks.22:43
scottyLdamaltor_: If it doesn't work, can I continue on and just not configure the network at this time? I do want this computer to be a wireless server22:43
damaltor_scottyL: you will need the network connection for installing22:43
scottyLdamaltor_: OK, then I'll wire and set it up for a wireless connection later22:44
scottyLdamaltor_: Thanks, if I continue to have problems, you know I'll come back ;)22:44
IntertricityHey.. I have a server install configured, and I was just now able to get the internet hooked up so I had to disable dhcp configuration. How do I go back to configuring it now?22:44
neozen-workyay for having a solid client22:44
damaltor_scottyL: np. be right back22:44
* neozen-work fires an anvil @ the retreating Abrefel22:45
philidoxI have a specific question about ubuntu mobile anyone got a experience with it?22:45
Odd-rationalephilidox: try in #ubuntu-mobile22:45
misieqhi! how can i set up a framebuffer console on ubuntu 7.10 x64?22:45
eltornadosalut tout le monde22:45
Starnestommymisieq: you may want to check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65203822:46
eltornados'il vous plait mon ubunut freeze en interface gdm j'arrive a y' acceder en ssh mais je n'arrive pas a identifier la cause du freeze22:46
tommmiedwhen i try to install a program i get this error dependency is not satisfiable: libpango1.0-022:46
hischild!fr  | eltornado22:46
ubotueltornado: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.22:46
=== gerlando is now known as tdk200
tommmiedi looked into synaptic and all the libraries are checked for Pango22:47
misieqStarnestommy: i shall see to that right now, thanks22:47
UbuntongHow can i get desktop effects to work on ati radeon 3850? a nudge in the right direction please?22:49
hischild!ati | Ubuntong22:49
ubotuUbuntong: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:49
Diurpaneusubuntu romania>?22:49
Starnestommy!ro | Diurpaneus22:49
ubotuDiurpaneus: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro22:49
Ubuntonghischild: thanks you!22:49
tommmieddoes anyone know what that means ?22:53
IntertricityHey.. I have a server install configured, and I was just now able to get the internet hooked up so I had to disable dhcp configuration. How do I go back to configuring it now?22:53
Intertricityer, how do I get my internet working on this now-- ifup doesn't work22:53
cschneidI'm attempting to get wireless up and running on 8.04 64bit, I built the newest ndiswrapper, registered a win xp64 driver, and now when I modprobe, the modprobe process goes into the "D" state (in ps), which is uninterruptible sleep.  Any ideas on what's going wrong?22:54
level09_how to I grant write permission to a specific user ?22:55
auraxwhen hardy is going to be released?22:55
=== pennywise is now known as ghost
hischild!hardy | aurax22:55
ubotuaurax: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:55
Odd-rationalecschneid: for questions related to 8.04 try askin in #ubuntu+122:55
=== ghost is now known as fish-guts
dryrothow do i get sound working in Skype ?22:56
_Andrewdryrot, try "aoss skype" no quotes in the cmd22:57
Adpadhi guys! how do i query a website from the console - like to send an SMS message?22:57
odinriikoIs there anything new you have to do in 8.4 to get dvd playback working?22:57
unop_odinriiko, see above for the note on 8.0422:58
_Andrewodinriiko, As far as I know you just play the dvd and when it asks to install extra codecs to read the dvd click install22:58
dryrot_Andrew: what package has 'aoss' ?22:59
odinriikounop_ Sorry, for not readin' the whole topic.22:59
_Andrewdryrot, apt-get install aoss22:59
herby_i got a question: does dmesg display all harddisk errors? does it display them, if the system is running a raid?23:00
dryrot_Andrew: i get the error ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave23:00
Adpadhi guys! how do i query a website from the console - like to send a cellular phone text message from a web portal?23:00
_Andrewdryrot, oh wow, is this in gutsy?23:00
dryrot_Andrew: yeah... fine ill go to #ubuntu+123:00
_Andrewdryrot, huh?23:00
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:00
level09_is there a command to display permissions as numbers ?23:01
wubrgamerhey guys23:01
dryrotoops i mean 'i am using hardy'23:01
Jaffarkelshaci get tired of typing ip address when using vnc and ssh and ... is there a way to get the hostnames resolved23:01
wubrgamerhow do i change my hostname, and KEEP it changed?23:01
herby_if you dont like the numbers use the u+w syntax23:01
_Andrewdryrot, oh right, you're using something different in hardy, I think Skypes been broken23:01
dryrotwubrgamer: edit /etc/hostname23:01
_Andrewdryrot, I mean some different audio called pulseaudio23:01
unop_!hostname | wubrgamer23:01
Adpadcan someone please help me set up network and file sharing between ubuntu and windows?23:01
ubotuwubrgamer: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab23:02
Jaffarkelshaclevel09_, i dont think so, but its pretty easy to remember23:02
DjViperAdpad: just rightclick on something and select 'share'23:02
DjViperAdpad: use samba / smb23:02
matthew__I know this isn't really about ubuntu, but I can't get my apache2 server to work, it thinks perfectly fine syntax is wrong causes a syntax error on startup.23:02
AdpadDjViper: I've tried that, but still unable to see either computer on the network23:02
matthew__oops, *and23:02
DjViperAdpad: make sure both are on the same workgroup23:02
AdpadDjViper:  I've confirmed that23:03
AdpadThey are both on the same workgroup :)23:03
_AndrewAdpad, Can you ping the machines?23:03
DjViperreboot :>23:03
Adpad_Andrew:  will try ping now23:03
_AndrewAdpad, Did you plug the network cord in? :P23:04
MidtronicHowdy.  I have kubuntu gutsy on a box, and just installed xubuntu hardy on a new one.  On the kubuntu, I have this nice feature in bash where I can tab complete command line programs (apt, svn, etc.).  I don't know what package it is, though, and I don't have it on the Hardy.  Any idea what the package is?23:04
Adpad_Andrew: hehe, good point -- jj :)23:04
wubrgameri did that, it lose the changes on reboot23:04
Adpadthe other machine is vista unfortunately23:04
matthew__vista is BAD!23:04
matthew__just my 3 cents23:05
Adpad_Andrew: I can ping the other machine23:05
Midtronicnevermind, I'm an idiot23:05
hischildmatthew__, this is the support channel. Please refrain from those comments.23:05
matthew__oh, ok23:05
herby__adpad: can you ping both sides?23:05
unop_level09_,  stat -c "%a" /path/to/file23:06
_AndrewAdpad, Why don't you share a file on windows and copy that way? Or are you setting up you ubuntu box to be a fileshare server or some thing?23:06
Adpadherby_:  how to I obtain my Ubuntu machine's IP address?23:06
unop_Adpad, ifconfig23:06
Adpad_Andrew:  I can't copy in either direction unfortunately23:06
herby__adpad: try ifconfig23:06
level09_unop_: thanks23:06
Adpadunop_, herby_:  thank you23:06
Adpadgoing to try ping from the other side, brb23:06
_AndrewAdpad,  You can't copy from Ubuntu? Did you enable windows filesharing?23:06
Adpadable to ping from both sides23:07
Adpad_Andrew: I have enabled windows filesharing - however, it is Vista default password protected23:07
AdpadI don't want to drop this 'security' feature, since it's a laptop23:07
cpk1Adpad: this is a pretty good how to for samba http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20260523:07
Adpadcpk1: thanks, will look now23:07
damaltor_scottyL: does it work now?23:08
=== damaltor_ is now known as damaltor
Adpadthanks for all the help guys23:08
Adpaddoes this type networking not work "out of the box" ?23:09
Adpadmust configure samba, right?23:09
_AndrewAdpad, Shouldn't be too hard23:09
gargan-what is the button to escape from fullscreen with the terminal server client?23:09
Adpadok :D23:09
AdpadDoes anyone know if there is a way to contact a site from the terminal - like send an HTTP query?23:10
linkinxpwhy i have a delay for my Wireless icons and other icons to appear when my system boots up (never happened before)23:10
StarnestommyAdpad: a raw http query?23:11
cpk1Adpad:  you can browse the web from a terminal using links, if you want to download something and know the source you can use wget23:11
=== Cpudan80 is now known as debrac
AdpadStarnestommy: Yes, to query an SMS (text message) service23:11
_AndrewAdpad, What you mean like get or post?23:11
lordleemogargan-: Ctrl-Alt-Enter23:12
=== debrac is now known as Cpudan80
StarnestommyAdpad: telnet server.name 8023:12
Adpadah, so a simple telnet should work:) thanks23:12
=== Cpudan80 is now known as debrac
_AndrewAdpad, If you want to download a file wget url23:12
Adpadcpk1: thank you23:12
Adpad_Andrew:  I think that answers my question, thanks very much23:12
AdpadStarnestommy: I'll give that a shot first, thanks a lot23:13
xlriutHello, I am trying to get my Fn+Home brightness keys working on X60. It works out of the box in GNOME but not in Fluxbox. I installed tpb but it still doesn't work. Any ideas? Thanks.23:13
ganastasiouneed help23:13
ganastasioui changed the permissions on a partition23:13
ashaibais anyone here good with amarok23:14
ganastasiouand i dont know how to recover the default option23:14
xlriutganadist, can you elaborate what you need help with?23:14
cheesypieceshi guys, can anyone recommend something similar to the vista/google sidebar for ubuntu?23:14
Adpadashaiba: Not bad - what's up?  You can try #kubuntu perhaps too23:14
xlriutcheesypieces, gdesklet23:14
herby_i don't want a slow sidebar :)23:14
gargan-what about the indexing aspect of it?23:15
=== debrac is now known as Cpudan80
cheesypiecesare there any other alternatives to gdesklet? i'm not that keen23:15
dryderhi everybody, how can change ownership from root to me of an external usb drive in ntfs format?23:15
xlriutcheeseypieces, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=234494523:15
_Andrewxlriut, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=481853 apparently this post says aumix23:15
scottyLdamaltor_: No, it doesn't23:16
martyn_Hi guys and gals. Has anyone any knowledge of troubleshooting SSH connections between Gutsy 32 bit and 64 bit? I can't connect to 64 bit but can connect to any other Ubuntu versions within the LAN. Any ideas?23:16
Adpadguys: I found my problem with filesharing to be related to my Firewall Firestarter not being correctly setup.  Can anyone recommend how I set this up please? :)23:16
JckfHow can I convert an img file to iso?23:17
scottyLdamaltor_: I'm still trying to figure it out, but right now I'm doing some manual labor >.<23:17
xlriut_Andrew, thanks but that only controls volume, not brightness23:17
damaltorscottyL: uuh.. did you connect a cable? and then maybe restarted the installation?23:17
bastid_raZorJckf; poweriso is a nice tool. google for it.23:17
scottyLdamaltor_: I inserted a cable and tried to connect again, yes23:17
hischildbastid_raZor, isn't that windows only?23:17
damaltorscottyL: try restarting the whole thing23:18
scottyLdamaltor: But, well, there could be some errors... I'm going to check that the wire is 100% working and then try it again... but, for some reason, the DHCP server isn't being recognized23:18
Jckfbastid_raZor: I'm in Ubuntu. Isn't PowerISO a Windows thing?23:18
scottyLdamaltor: Restart the whole installation?23:18
hischildscottyL, sudo dhclient doesn't work for you?23:18
damaltorscottyL: double check the cable, if it doesnt change anything, restart the install23:18
scottyLhischild: I am on a windows machine, no sudo on this baby23:19
scottyLI'm setting up my very first Ubuntu machine23:19
scottyLWell, linux at all23:19
hischildscottyL, right. I see. That's good.23:19
AdpadWhen I view the windows machine from Ubuntu - I can access the ENTIRE file system - not just things that are shared... Is that normal of Windows?!?!23:19
scottyLAnd it's havin trouple trying to configure the network23:19
hischildscottyL, during install? what cd do you have?23:19
scottyLdamaltor: Aww, geeze23:19
scottyLhischild: 7.10 Server23:20
Adpadalso, are connections across operating systems using smb generally fairly slow?23:20
hischildAdpad, it's called administrative shares. And yes.23:20
scottyLOK, cable works23:20
Adpadhischild: okay, so it isn't a security risk from the windows machine -- it's based on administrative passwords?23:20
Jaffarkelshacthat would depend on your network Adpad23:20
hischildscottyL, right. Well if the lights blink it should be able to get an ip automatically by dhcp. If not, you can manually assign one.23:21
AdpadJaffarkelshac: I see, so I shouldn't just _expect_ it to be slower?23:21
bastid_raZorhischild; jckf negative.. i have poweriso .. i used it just a few days ago23:21
hischildAdpad, most ppl don't have administrative passwords on their pc's.23:21
hischildbastid_raZor, on linux?23:21
scottyLNetwork succeeded23:21
bastid_raZorhischild; yes.. 7.1023:21
hischildbastid_raZor, right. Native or emulated?23:21
scottyLThanks, damaltor and hischild23:21
Adpadhischild: I'm confused -- isn't it an advantage to have one on a windowz machine? sorry for asking a noob question23:22
Jaffarkelshacacross wireless is pretty slow for big files unless you have a 108 network otherwise for huge files use wired connection Adpad23:22
bastid_raZorhischild; native.. here is the link :: http://www.poweriso.com/download.htm .. jckf23:22
hischildAdpad, that's ok. It can be considered to a security risk, yet sometimes it's useful. Depends on your point of view.23:22
hischildbastid_raZor, right thanks23:22
Adpadhischild: okay - thanks for your help23:22
AdpadJaffarkelshac: It seems to have sped up 10fold  - was just slow initially, much better now.  Thanks a lot23:23
=== jugh3ad is now known as jughead
Adpadexcellent help in #ubuntu, if I may just say how happy I am since moving across to linux from Windows!23:23
Adpadnow one more thing ;) How can I set up firestarter to allow filetransfer across the network -- or do I just drop my firewall whenever I want to achieve this?  Seems like overkill ...23:24
damaltorscottyL: np23:24
askandHi, I can boot the livecd ok, the install goes great but on reboot everything is black..I dont think it is related to my graphicsdrivers cause it is black right after the grubmenu, i dont even see the splashscreen...please help me!23:24
Elaztichas anyone tried to setup a Buffalo Linkstation on a linux box?23:24
matthew__how can I totally get rid of my apache2 installation? Even the complete remove in synaptic leaves some files23:24
bastid_raZorhischild; i'm glad you asked.. i needed to get the newest version :)23:24
hischildAdpad, you can use filetransfer by default :-)23:24
hischildbastid_raZor, there's a use for everything ;-)23:24
andykelleyI've got this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/8476223:24
andykelleyanyone know how to fix it?23:24
Jaffarkelshacadamb, if you dont know what the port is, just look at the events and allow the ports it bloks23:24
Adpadhischild: my networking wasn't working until I dropped firestarter though23:24
herby_does suspend work with your hardware? if i choose to suspend it won't come up again23:25
AdpadJaffarkelshac: okay, will look at that23:25
hischildAdpad, i never used firestarter to begin with, might be related to it.23:25
scottyLQuick question: If I want the installation to delete XP and use the entire disk, should I Choose "Guided - use entire disk" ?23:26
Adpadhischild:  do you recommend a different firewall, or do you not use one at all?23:26
hischildscottyL, you can do that.23:26
andykelleyanyone know how to fix the 'freezing mouse usb' problem?23:26
hischildAdpad, i use iptables by hand if i really have a reason for one.23:26
herby_scottyL, if you have the whole disk for ubuntu, then you can do that.23:27
xlriutOkay, I am able to increase my brightness through echo "up" >/proc/acpi/ibm/brightness, but I can only do this through root, otherwise I get a permission denied error. How can I allow a normal user to use this command?23:27
remiI just upgraded to hardy heron beta, and jockey-gtk crashes from time to time. and when I do "apt-get install jockey-gtk" it says that I have the latest version available. what can I do?23:28
crimsunxlriut: well, you don't want a normal user to be able to do that...23:28
scottyLAwesome, thanks23:28
misieqi've been trying to set up framebuffer console using this tutorial: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=652038 and everything works quite fine except i can't make higher resolutions work23:28
crimsunxlriut: (or did you mean using `sudo'?)23:28
misieqi get this output from hwinfo: http://rafb.net/p/ecnMuY38.html that says i should use mode 0x037d for 1920x1200, but when i do that, I only get blinking underscore in console23:28
=== AmyRose_laptop is now known as AmyRose
hischild!hardy | remi23:29
uboturemi: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu23:29
xlriutcrimsun, sudo doesn't work23:29
Pirate_HunterI'm in need of a recommended app that shows how fast my net connection, the upstream and downstream and other necessary information, can someone recommend it plz?23:29
matthew__Anyone know how to completely remove apache2? Even the complete remove option in synaptic leaves some files I need to get rid of.23:29
crimsunxlriut: echo up|sudo tee /proc/acpi/ibm/brightness23:29
hischildPirate_Hunter, use system monitor. system -> administration -> system monitor.23:29
misieqany ideas what can i do to enable high-res for fb console with x64 gutsy?23:29
hischildPirate_Hunter, or you can get conky and create a config file that will show this for you.23:29
remihischild: thanks!23:29
xlriutcrimsun, oh that worked! thank you!23:30
Intertricityalright I can manage to get my ethernet card connecting to my router via dhclient.. how do I run dhclient for every subsequent reboot now? x.x23:30
AdpadPirate_Hunter:  conky is great for that -- check out http://www.kimchikid.com/blog/2008/04/06/how-to-make-a-gorgeus-and-cool-desktop-for-your-ubuntu-linux-machine-in-30-minutes/23:30
Adpadhehe :)  got some conky information and a great example of a config file23:30
=== matthew__ is now known as matthewb
matthewbAnyone know how I can completely remove apache2? Even the complete remove option in synaptic leaves some files I need to get rid of.23:32
maihemI am having a problem with wireless connectivity on a sony vaio laptop that use to work fine and still works in Vista. the wireless interface, eth1, is up but with no ipaddress configured and dmesg shows this error: "ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready". The module in use for wireless is ipw3945. Any ideas?23:36
eduardomaihem: it seems like noone is active23:37
mrmiggidudeGuys, my java is really messed up.23:37
maihemmrmiggidude: know anything about wireless?23:38
IntertricityAnyone know how I can get my server to run dhclient every time it boots up?23:38
eduardomrmiggidude: state the problem23:38
crazyawesome13im a n00b anyone know any other channels23:38
maihemIntertricity: have you got the interface configured in /etc/interfaces or are you currently relying on networkmanager?23:38
mrmiggidudeokay, so my Java doesn't work too well in firefox. The myspace music player on pages won't play. And youtube videos look like this. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/MrMiggiDude/youtubeplay.jpg23:39
mads-whats the easiest way to share an ntfs disk in ubuntu over the network, to be read by a windows machine?23:39
mrmiggidudeI can't alter volume, search through the video, or replay it on youtube.23:39
Pirate_Hunterhischild, Adpad: thanx will check it out23:40
maihemmrmiggidude: youtube doesn't use java, it uses flash. check if you've got gnash installed and uninstall it the install the adobe player from the canonical partner repository23:40
maihemmads, samba23:40
mrmiggidudemaihem, okay.23:40
=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp23
Intertricitymaihem: it's all via console so..23:41
Intertricitylemme check interfaces23:41
herby_does the gnash plugin work at all?23:41
=== zelrikriando_ is now known as zelrikriando
maihemmrmiggidude: install nautilus-share (or something like that) from synaptic to get things set up in the easiest way (gives you right-click sharing)23:41
maihemoops, I meant to direct that to mads23:41
maihemIntertricity: I think it is /etc/network/interfaces23:41
mads-thanks maihem23:42
Intertricityahh k was about to say xD didn't see it there23:42
maihemI said /etc/interfaces before23:42
mads-that sounds incredible.23:42
Intertricitynope, it's just auto lo23:42
Intertricityiface lo inet loopback23:42
FloodBot1Intertricity: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:42
IntertricityOops :P sorreh23:42
maihemOkay, Intertricity, then I can't help, I don't know how the networkmanager vs /etc/network/interfaces conflict is solved in ubuntu and I hate the undocumentatediousness of it :)23:43
Intertricitylol, well I think I can move a bit forward from here now- thanks :)23:43
mrmiggidudemaihen, i uninstalled gnash, now i'm looking for Adobe's flash plugin?23:44
eduardomrmiggidude: look for it in synaptic23:44
mrmiggidudeeduardo, flashplugin-nonfree?23:44
maihemmrmiggidude: go to software sources in system->administration and check the box in the third party repository tab, then check for updates and go to applications-add/remove23:45
eduardomrmiggidude: no23:45
maihemor that one, yeah ! :)23:45
maihemor maybe not :)23:45
mrmiggidudeyeah? or no?23:45
eduardohe should use adobe23:45
eduardomrmiggidude: wait lemme check the name23:45
maihemflashplugin-nonfree downloads and correctly configures adobe flash for you, i think23:46
eduardomrmiggidude: yeah thats the one.23:46
mrmiggidudeapparently i already have it, its asking for upgrade.23:46
maihembut applications->add/remove is the easiest interface and will just install that package for you so you can choose which way23:46
mrmiggidudeupgrade yeah?23:46
tharveygreetings!  I'm new to ubuntu - I'm running 7.10 in a VM that did not have GUI so I installed xorg and gnome - now how do I change the runlevel? sudo runlevel --set=5 set it to 5 but did not start x?23:46
Adpaddoes anyone use GOOGLE DESKTOP on their Ubuntu Machine?  If so - How is it?  Does it index mounted drives??23:46
hischildtharvey, type startx23:46
tharveyhischild, how do I make it permanent on reboot?23:47
eduardomrmiggidude: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree23:47
maihemtharvey, install gdm23:47
hischildtharvey, install ubuntu-desktop will do that all for you.23:47
mrmiggidudeI installed it, no?23:47
mrmiggidudelet me try that though23:47
tharveyhischild, ok thx trying that now23:48
mrmiggidudeOkay I have the newest version.23:48
eduardomrmiggidude: try to see a video23:48
sveakexhey, what is the ubuntu system font?23:48
Soleonehi everyone23:49
Soleonewhat is a cool file browser for ubuntu?23:49
eduardoSoleone: firefox23:49
sveakexSoleone: nautilus23:49
baboI upload a zip file to my server, then i place the file in a dir owned by apache with permission 740. I then chmod the file to 777 and try to unzip it. What i get in the error log is checkdir error:  cannot create new_file23:49
mrmiggidudeThanks Eduardo.23:49
mrmiggidudeand Maihem.23:49
sveakexeduardo: fx is not a file browser :s23:49
Adpadmrmiggidude: firefox isn't really a file browser ;)23:49
Adpadnautilus - the default - is great23:49
baboi've spent waaay too long looking at this problem23:49
eduardoSoleone: ohh FILE browser, nautilus.23:49
babopls help23:49
mrmiggidudeadpad: i didn't ask the question =]23:50
D3RGPS31Does anyone here have experiance with Wine (the people in channel Wine arn't able to help me >.>)23:50
sveakexbabo: what's up?23:50
eduardobabo: state the problem23:50
babosveakex, eduardo: I upload a zip file to my server, then i place the file in a dir owned by apache with permission 740. I then chmod the file to 777 and try to unzip it. What i get in the error log is checkdir error:  cannot create new_file23:50
Adpadmrmiggidude: sorry ;)23:50
mrmiggidudeIs there a way to not display people entering and leaving the room?23:50
tommmiedSeveas, you there?23:50
Starnestommymrmiggidude: which client do you use?23:50
mrmiggidudei mean23:50
Soleonesomething else recommendable except nautilus?23:50
Soleonei come from windows commander23:51
Soleoneit has two tabs and a lot of keyboard shortvuts23:51
babosveakex, eduardo: sorry ... when i say 'i' in that sentence what i mean is apache ...23:51
_Andrewbabo, The folder your in need permissions?23:51
AdpadSoleone: I've only used nautilis and the ones that are used in KDE - they will run in gnome..23:51
Starnestommymrmiggidude: I don't know how to do it in pidgin, but I do in xchat and irssi23:51
AdpadSoleone: what's wrong with nautilus?23:51
sveakexbabo: so you can't untar the file?23:51
TheFearsomeFufuHow an I get java working in firefox on 64bit? I know the sun-java6 doesn't come with a 64bit firefox plugin...what other java can I use?23:51
mrmiggidudeStranestommy:its okay.23:52
babo_Andrew, the folder i move the file into is owned by apache and is set 74023:52
sveakexSoleone: midnightcommander, look it up :)23:52
mrmiggidudeits not that important23:52
Soleonesveakex: thx!23:52
babosveakex, i can't unzip the file23:52
babounzip newfile.zip23:52
SoleoneAdpad: hard to describe what's bothering me about nautilus23:52
tommmiedSeveas, regarding my problem.  I found a solution, it was crashing due to system>preference >universal access > assistive tech.  I had it enabled23:52
sveakexbabo: check the folder permissions23:52
tommmiednot sure what that does but23:52
AdpadSoleone: are you prepared to try the KDE file browsers?23:52
TheFearsomeFufubabo: The user that you're running the unzip command as doesn't have the permission to write files to that dir23:52
Adpadmight help you solve your problems ;)23:52
pierreluxis there any french macbook users with a qwerty keyboard out here ? I think there might be a wrong layout and I want to check it out here first before filling a bug report23:53
sveakexbtw, what console font does ubuntu use by default?23:53
deflatedI think "fixed".23:53
deflatedno monospace23:53
lynndylan does any one here have any experience with freebirth?23:53
baboTheFearsomeFufu, the folder is 77723:54
charles|64anyone know how to get the keyboard audio controls to work?23:54
sveakexdeflated: was that to me?23:54
Adpadcharles|64: depends, which keyboard?23:54
deflatedsveakex, yes23:54
Adpadcharles|64: and, which audio player are you using?23:54
sveakexdeflated: in the gnome terminal23:54
SoleoneAdpad: i am. i thought about  Dolphin. but i'll try  midnightcommander first23:55
sveakexSoleone: what wm are you using?23:55
charles|64Adpad: locittech s510 and amarok23:55
deflateddeflated: you can look that up in the options but I think it's using monospace as default font23:55
GInhey StPatrick, any luck with your wireless card?23:55
Soleonesveakex: hm i don't know. the default that comes with ubuntu 7.10. what is it?23:55
Adpadcharles|64: if you're trying to say "logitech" i think i can help you23:55
sveakexSoleone: gnome23:55
StPatrickGIn,  Hey man!~ yea, Im on wifi right now. Turns out there's some complication between my access point and this laptop, not sure what it is...23:56
charles|64Adpad: yes logitech23:56
StPatrickGIn,  It happened to another friend who came over as well23:56
sveakexSoleone: since if you were using kubuntu it would be kde, or if you installed kde on ubuntu it would also be kde23:56
babothis is really,  really frustrating.23:56
babois there anyway to run a shell command as apache ?23:56
t1n0m3nI just installed ubuntu...  I am trying to learn it after using kubuntu for quite a while..  My question:  Is there a run type dialog or is it even needed?23:56
GInStPatrick: glad to hear that :-)23:56
Soleonesveakex: ah ok, i didnt know gnome was called the "window manager"23:56
StPatrickGIn, But Im at a different access point right now, and it's working fine23:56
deflatedbabo: look in /etc/init.d/23:56
clarezoecan anyone help me on my wireless conection? when I run wpa_supplicant it saied 'trying to associate with xx:xx:xx:xx' then ctrl-even-disconneted -disconnect event-remove keys, and then loop23:56
Adpadcharles|64: go to system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts23:56
sveakexdeflated: what font size is default?23:57
babodeflated, huh ?23:57
deflatedbabo: I think it's called apache but I'm not sure as I'm using lighttpd23:57
sveakexdeflated: i am trying to make this terminal look like the one in ubuntu23:57
GInStPatrick: be sure to check the access filter on your router.. ;)23:57
deflatedbabo: try this sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart23:57
Adpadcharles|64:  disable all of the global shortcuts which are likely to be associtated with your keyboard directly23:57
charles|64global shortcuts?23:57
Adpadcharles|64: you can leave the "MEDIA PLAYER" shortcut enabled if you have a key for that23:57
StPatrickGIn,  Trust me i have, lol  GOnna try a firmware update later.23:57
StPatrickGIn,  Now i have another issue, though.23:57
GInok, good luck23:57
sveakexSoleone: well i call it the window manager :P23:57
Adpadcharles|64: disable the shortcuts which relate to playing audio in system -> pref -> keyboard shortcuts23:57
GInStPatrick: what is it?23:57
sveakexStPatrick: or fönster hanterare in swedish23:58
sveakexSoleone: *23:58
babodeflated, hmm have you gotten my problem mixed up with someone elses ?23:58
charles|64Adpad: ok so next track pause stop and so on?23:58
nhlinuxI'm having a problem with the sound in Gutsy. Sound only works for the root user.23:58
sveakexdeflated: nevermind, thank you :)23:58
Soleonesveakex: Krusader looks interesting, but it will install a lot of kde libraries with it...23:58
babohow is restarting apache going to help me ?23:58
deflatedbabo: no why? you wanted to restart apache, right?23:58
Adpadcharles|64: are they associated with the keys on your keyboard? if so, try disable them for now23:59
sveakexSoleone: i haven't seen krusader, you can also take a look at thunar, the default for xfce23:59
Adpadcharles|64: then directly IN amarok, once the keyboard shortcuts are disabled in ubuntu config, go to -> settings -> configure global shortcuts, and set up each key there in amarok directly23:59
babodeflated, no. i wanted to get apache to unzip a folder23:59
StPatrickGIn,  My video card seems to have trouble.23:59
fordprefect_directions to help with freezing issues using Dapper? -behind the curve, I know ;)23:59
Adpadcharles|64:  this is the fix that worked for me23:59
deflatedbabo: oh sorry23:59
hischildi'm searching for a program that can do mass renaming of files based on mp3 tags.23:59
deflatedsveakex: np23:59
TheFearsomeFufuHow an I get java working in firefox on 64bit? I know the sun-java6 doesn't come with a 64bit firefox plugin...what other java can I use?23:59

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