
Jordan_U-16 is borked for me00:01
VanDyke-15 and -16 didnt work for me00:05
Sergeant_Pony16 works for me except for a few things00:05
VanDykemostly sound and video here00:06
Sergeant_Ponyand a few minor sound issues.. that I can fix myself00:06
TownkHi guys, I'm testing Hardy and when I try to share a directory, nautilus return me the following message: "'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied"00:09
TownkI check my user and it has the sambashare group00:09
TownkI also check the /var/lib/samba/usershare directory and its mode is: drwxrwx--T00:10
Townkanyone knows how to fix this or even if this is a bug that must be reported?00:10
saminthemiddlehey you guys00:13
saminthemiddleDoes anyone know if something has happened with Hardy's power saving? I'm "sipping" 20W on my laptop which used to only need 12W under Ubuntu 700:15
daekdroomsaminthemiddle: What happened to Hardy is that it uses a realtime kernel now.00:15
saminthemiddledaekdroom: no tickless?00:16
daekdroomsaminthemiddle: No tickless. You've to compile a kernel.00:16
daekdroomKernel of 7.10 used 250hz, Ubuntu 8.0 4 uses 1000hz (highest value possible).00:16
saminthemiddledaekdroom: okay, thanks. Know why they abandoned tickless?00:16
saminthemiddledaekdroom: I feel that ubuntu devs don't really care much about laptop users...00:17
daekdroomsaminthemiddle: Actually I don't get what you're saying. but a realtime kernel gives better performance because a process can gain hardware power faster.00:17
daekdroomWell. Ubuntu server uses a 100hz kernel. You might not like it, anyway.00:17
daekdroomor 250hz, I don't remember.00:18
saminthemiddledaekdroom: well, almost 100% more power draw means your battery lasts half as long, which is a major problem on laptops00:18
daekdroomsaminthemiddle: truth. I think there might be some tutorials of how to compile a 250hz kernel. Try to google it.00:19
PiciI'd try tweaking with the help of powertop before recompiling the kernel personally.00:20
daekdroomPici: It's not a powermanager problem.00:20
daekdroomIt's the kernel.00:20
saminthemiddledaekdroom: oh, that's not a problem, I'm quite experienced with kernel compiling. It's just that I like to use the default when possible00:20
Picidaekdroom: I understand.00:20
weirdbroUbuntu on Wubi somehow changed my windows partition type to 8100:23
weirdbroso now I can't boot on windows00:23
saminthemiddledaekdroom: ood, I remember tickless on AMD64 being a big feature highlight for Hardy00:23
weirdbroand for some reason, I can't get the livecd ti boot00:23
weirdbroso I can't fix the partitions00:23
saminthemiddleweirdbro, is that any liveCD or just the hardy live CD?00:24
weirdbroFirst I did a wubi livecd test00:24
weirdbrowhich added a booter to get it to boot the cd00:24
weirdbrothen I booted back into windows00:24
saminthemiddleweirdbro, okay, try something like Puppy Linux as a live CD. Also, remember that changing the partition type often causes the partition to get overwritten :-(00:24
weirdbroBut the weirdest part is00:26
weirdbroits obviously still ntfs00:26
weirdbrobecause wubi is working00:27
weirdbroand also, there's 2 boot loaders00:27
macogwformatting does not overwrite a partition00:27
weirdbroI can't get the livecd to run again00:28
macogwit just erases the pointers to the data and rewrites the start of the partition00:28
weirdbrobecause the bootloaders are weird now00:28
macogwif grub knows the exact location of the wubi disk image, it doesnt matter that the partition it's on is no longer ntfs00:28
weirdbrobut it must think its ntfs, because it can find the wubi file00:28
weirdbroso I need to convince windows its still ntfs also00:28
macogwwhy does it need to think its ntfs/00:28
macogwthink of pointers in C00:28
weirdbrobecause thats the problem00:29
weirdbroIt gives an error00:29
macogwthe NTFS partition has a pointer to a location on the disk00:29
weirdbrosaying my partition type is 8300:29
weirdbroor 8100:29
macogwIf GRUB also has a pointer to that same location and NTFS's pointer goes away...so what?  you still know where it is because GRUB still has the pointer00:29
weirdbroI need to figure out what that means00:29
macogwits like tying two strings to one balloon00:29
macogwyou let go of one string (the NTFS pointer) but still have the other string (the bootloader one), you dont lose the balloon, right?00:30
macogwi'm guessing that's how the bootloader can still find Wubi00:30
saminthemiddledaekdroom: I'm down to 14 watts again w/o doing anything. Maybe it was my meter that was screwy.00:30
weirdbroI know00:31
weirdbrobut what do I do to solve it?00:31
beataI'm running into difficulty setting the console font: setupcon asks me to install kbd, but that package is not instable.00:31
weirdbroI can't even get livecds to boot00:31
daekdroomsaminthemiddle: People say that the battery cycletime can go down by more than half00:31
weirdbrois there any way to modify the master boot record from linux while using that disk?00:32
saminthemiddledaekdroom: what do you mean?00:32
macogwweirdbro: cant answer that... umm pop the drive in as slave to another computer and copy the disk image, then reinstall windows?00:32
weirdbrochrist, I don't know how to do that00:32
daekdroomsaminthemiddle: Let's say in ubuntu 7.10 your battery lasts 3 hours. In theory it can go down to less than 1 and half in 8.0400:32
macogwand thats just kinda a guess00:33
daekdroomTime to restart X to test something.00:33
saminthemiddlewow, that's pretty sad...00:33
saminthemiddleokay guys, I'm going to go ahead and start messing with my wifi TX power, if I suddenly log out it's because I dropped my connection ;-)00:34
zcat[1]Is there going to be an RC soon or do I just keep using beta?00:35
Dr_willisyou plan on reinstalling the rc once its released? or just upgrade?00:36
zcat[1]I want to do a fresh install00:36
beataHmm about TX power?00:36
saminthemiddlebeata: the transmitter power on my wifi card00:36
IndyGunFreakzcat[1]: lol, why let that stop you?..lol00:36
zcat[1]well, fresh install on one box, upgrade from gutsy on another00:36
beataWhat sort of messing, exactly?00:36
IndyGunFreakzcat[1]: i'm just kidding00:37
zcat[1]well, if there's an RC due, I can avoid all those updates ..00:37
saminthemiddlebeata: if you are close to the base station you can drop the TX power w/o loosing a connection. I just dropped my power consumption by over 1.5 watts by lowing my power from 16(somethings) to 10(somethings)00:37
zcat[1]there's about 500M of updates from the beta already, I think00:37
beataOh right.00:37
saminthemiddlebeata: echo 10 | sudo tee /sys/bus/pci/drivers/*/tx_power00:38
zcat[1]I should do a fresh install on the lappy too.. It's a bit messed up with testing all kinds of crap00:38
beataKnow about setting the console font?00:38
zcat[1]How's the situation with blind installs? I see orca works pretty solid (FINALLY!!), I've got a blind friend interested. I want him to be doing his own installs too.00:39
saminthemiddlearg, well it's official: Hardy hasn't fixed the annoying Gnome Power Manager bug that makes it mess with your screen brightness00:49
vita_hey does any one know why I am getting this http://img120.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotupdatemanagerfl6.png00:50
vita_here is my source.list also http://pastie.caboo.se/17969100:50
saminthemiddlevita_ I get that too00:51
Sergeant_PonyI got that too and did a partial upgrade00:52
saminthemiddlevita_ Hardy *is* a pre-release version of Ubuntu00:52
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vita_saminthemiddle: so when will that go away00:53
vita_or should I just do the update00:53
saminthemiddlevita_ I guess when bullet no. 4 stops being in effect when Hardy becomes stable00:53
saminthemiddlevita_ I would do the update00:53
vita_saminthemiddle: is there any way to role back a update00:53
alastair_I broke it!00:55
swubooDoes anyone know offhand how to calculate the correct DPI for a monitor?  My fonts are looking godawful in places.00:55
alastair_ok I fixed it again, crisis averted00:55
saminthemiddlealastair_: what did you break?00:56
saminthemiddlealastair_: :-)00:56
alastair_I turned off "use system fixed width font" in current profile edit thingy00:56
alastair_And it closed all my terminals00:56
saminthemiddleswuboo: the hardware specs that came with your computer?00:56
vita_saminthemiddle: so this thursday it should be fine right?00:57
alastair_Then if I went back into the editor it just crashed the terminal over again, but I could edit it by going edit>profiles>default00:57
swuboosaminthemiddle:  You mean Viewsonic's entirely unhelpful brochure?00:58
Jordan_Uswuboo, Well, you could get the real DPI of the monitor by taking horizontal resolution in pixels and dividing it by the length in inches00:58
swubooJordan:  Ah, so the horizontal is the correct value to use?  I tried that, but got an entirely different result when I tried it vertically.00:58
Jordan_Uswuboo, Not sure if that is what will give the 'best' result though00:59
saminthemiddlevita_ maybe: I'm going to reinstall thursday anyway00:59
saminthemiddleswuboo: ha, yeah, that thing00:59
Jordan_Uswuboo, They should both be the same, unless you don't have square pixels00:59
vita_either am I, going to give it some time to level out01:00
saminthemiddleswuboo: also, you might want to change the fond rendering smoothing to "Subpixel" rather than none or grayscale01:00
swubooJordan_U:  1680/17.1 gives 98.2; 1050/10.1 gives 103.96.  The discrepancy is actually why I was asking this.01:00
swubooPerhaps I simply do have rectangular pixels.01:00
swuboosaminthemiddle:  Yeah, I have done that.  I've also tinkered with the other settings, like subpixel order.  Everything was great until Hardy.01:01
saminthemiddleswuboo: well, if you find out how, I'm all ears!01:01
swubooIf I find a solution, I shall certainly share it.01:02
swubooIt's mostly fonts inside of applications that are problematic---the system fonts themselves are rendering quite nicely.01:02
saminthemiddleswuboo: MS fonts, perchance?01:03
swubooBut, of course, changes to the system font settings affect applications.  So I'm not sure why only the latter are wonky.01:03
Jordan_Uswuboo, Are you sure that you are using the correct resolution for your monitor?01:03
saminthemiddleJordan_U, that's what he has been querying about ;-)01:03
swubooJordan_U:  Positive.  It's the native resolution.01:03
swuboosaminthemiddle:  Firefox, in particular.01:04
saminthemiddleswuboo: firefox fonts are all screwed up01:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:04
saminthemiddleswuboo: make sure that you let websites set their own fonts or else they render funky too01:04
aguitelhow install emerald themes  in hardy ?01:05
swuboosaminthemiddle:  I have it set like that, but it doesn't really help.  Fonts come out tiny and illegible, and then if I blow them up until they're readable, the formatting goes to Hell.01:05
MFenare there any apps in hardy capable of opening a .fla file?01:05
DanaGweirdbro: still having partition issues?01:05
DanaGCan you boot Linux on the thing?01:05
saminthemiddleMFen: what's an .fla file?01:05
x1250aguitel: installing emerald first, the system -> prefs -> emerald01:05
MFensaminthemiddle: flash source01:05
MFensaminthemiddle: but it ain't text. :-(01:05
DanaGTry installing TestDisk (it's a package) and running it on the drive.01:06
saminthemiddleMFen: vim and emacs will open anything ;-) so will ted.01:06
MFensaminthemiddle: i have to edit one to embed a font in it, for sifr (a font container for the web)01:06
aguitelx1250: there is not themes in the manager01:06
Jordan_Uswuboo, If the fonts show up to small decease the DPI, don't increase the font size01:06
MFensaminthemiddle: that doesn't help much01:06
DanaGActually, better advice:01:06
x1250aguitel: gnome-look.org01:06
esoxHi, cant start puredata anymore, it finishes in a process that cant be interrupted01:06
saminthemiddleMFen: ;-) just reminding you01:06
DanaGMake sure the dpi is correct.01:06
DanaGThen change font size.01:06
aguitelx1250: manualy01:06
swubooJordan_U:  That's why I was asking about the correct way to determine the appropriate DPI setting.01:06
MFensaminthemiddle: what do you think was the first thing i tried? :)01:06
DanaGgoogle for "javascript dpi"01:07
presto1hey guys i just installed 8.04 beta and was updating but was informed that i could only do a partial upgrade apparently somethings could not be upgraded is this kosher01:07
presto1is this in otherwords just part of the beta process or is something wrong01:07
saminthemiddleMFen: you could probably use Wine with the Flash editing whatever01:07
MFenpresto1: it means some updates were made (placed on update servers), but things they depend on have not yet arrived01:07
MFensaminthemiddle: yeah, meh.01:07
esoxsaminthemiddle: wine do not work for me01:08
swubooDanaG:  Okay, that gives me a result of 99.06.  I'll try that.01:08
DanaGTry 99 or 100.01:08
swubooDramatic difference, let's see if it helps anything.01:08
saminthemiddleMFen, esox: there's always virtualization01:09
presto1ok mfen i feel better ive used linux for almost a year and this is my 1st beta and im excited becuase hardy unlike gutsy seems to install and run well01:09
presto1for me01:09
MFensaminthemiddle: well, the flash editing software i'm aware of is made by adobe, and is very expensive01:09
MFeni'm extremely disinclined to purchase it for a 30-second edit01:09
MFenregardless of what i'm running it in01:10
esoxsaminthemiddle: I mean wine returns  errors even for winecfg01:10
swubooAlright, 99 DPI is a dramatic improvement, even in Firefox.01:10
DanaGWhat was it set to before?01:10
swubooDanaG: 96.01:10
swubooI'll have to shrink the size a little bit, since it's now too big, but at least they're rendering properly.01:11
esoxpresto1: can you try something for me ?01:11
presto1what is it esox?01:11
esoxpresto1: did you install ubuntu studio sound apps ?01:11
presto1i didnt sorry01:12
presto1just the plain ubuntu cd01:12
esoxpresto1: ok, too bad. Do someone have puredata installed on hardy N?01:12
DanaGThat is silly for people to always say "set it to 96!  96 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything!"01:13
DanaGActually, The Answer is 42.01:13
presto1so mfen what happened with the partial upgrade for me is perfectly normal then?01:13
DanaGSomebody should add a link to this page for a !dpi factoid:01:14
MFenpresto1: yeah, the packages it can't upgrade will be upgradable later01:14
esoxpresto1: could you install puredata from synaptic and try to launch it ? its a small program01:15
DanaGIt's odd how 99DPI and 100DPI settings look so drastically different.01:16
Jordan_UDanaG, It might be on a the edge of a pixel boundry ( if that makes sense )01:17
presto1ok esox what am i lookinf for?01:17
esoxpresto1: did you manage to start pure data ?01:17
presto1yeah it fired up for me01:18
Jordan_UDanaG, Especially if you aren't using much hinting or subpixel smoothing01:18
DanaGI have it set to subpixel hinting.01:18
presto1esox did you install puredata from the repo01:18
presto1and did it install all the dependency's01:19
esoxpresto1: pfffffffffffffff don t understand, I was able to start it 3 hours ago and now it starts but dont open up and finishes in a dead precessus not interruptible01:19
esoxpresto1: yes its installed on ubuntu studio setup01:19
presto1ah ok i forgot you were working with studio01:20
esoxpresto1: 3 hours ago it started...01:20
iwkse hi, i'm trying  to install some deb packages, the ubuntu-languages ones in hurdy but installation fails due to dependency errors. Any help?01:21
presto1have you tried ubuntu studio irc esox?01:22
esoxpresto1: yes...01:22
Dr_willisiwkse,   You downloaded individual .deb files? if so you need all the deps also. and you normall in install them 'all' at one time with  somthing like.. sudo dpkg -i *.deb01:23
jaffarkelshachow do i transfer files from vbox to host01:23
iwkseDr_willis: yes, single files, the problem is that packages have cyclic dependency01:24
Dr_willisiwkse,  in the past ive had to do that dpkg -i *.deb and it handled those.01:25
antbeejaffarkelshac: various ways, depends on how much and how often you want to move files across. If one off, use a USB memory stick.01:29
jaffarkelshacthe usb stick does not pop up in the vbox01:31
antbeejaffarkelshac: did you install vbox from the repositories?01:32
jaffarkelshaci did01:32
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antbeethat version does not allow usb usage. If you want to use usb ports install the version from the virtualbox website.01:33
jaffarkelshaci see, ok01:33
antbeeThere is still a problem with ubuntu after that and you need to make a change in fstab so vbox can see the usb ports probably. Do a google on ubuntu. vbox and usb.01:34
Dr_willisi dident think the free verison of virtualbox had usb device support.01:34
jaffarkelshaci will see if i can find a solution01:35
antbeeThe free version does not, but the licensed version is still free to use if it is installed personally.01:35
Jordan_UDr_willis, It doesn't, if you mean Free as in Freedom01:36
DanaGOh yeah, I've found that Virtualbox's USB 2.0 support does not work with Windows guests.01:36
savvas..and if you mean .org as in non-profit profitable organization taken over by sun :P01:36
savvasyou mean it's slower DanaG or doesn't work at all?01:37
DanaGDoesn't work.01:37
DanaGDevices will show up but error out, in the guest.01:37
tarelerulzHave any of you try the new jingle/gtalk voice chat  in Kopete ?01:43
alastair_Hmm if you use ccsm to change things, even though it's in the preferences menu, then the 'Extra' visual effects option becomes unchecked - meaning none is checked. Then if you reselect 'Extra' it resets your compiz options01:48
DanaGThat's bad.  Trampling on users' options is bad.01:49
alastair_Especially when they're mine!01:49
alastair_It doesn't reset options for features that are by default unchecked, however.01:50
tarelerulzI can't seem to check the file properties on  .mkv files on my system .  Do I need something more to do that?01:52
hti_procan i remove compiz altogether if i don't plan to use it01:55
hti_proor does something depend on it01:55
Jordan_Uhti_pro, you can remove it safely when Hardy goes stable but if you remove it now you might want to re-install ubuntu-desktop for any large updates01:57
hti_proalright, any major bugs, like system killing bugs an issue right now01:57
coz_so any fixes for the updates anytime soon ? :)01:59
alastair_Should gthumb be installed by default? Cos it ain't02:00
tarelerulzIs there any normal reason that I could  not see the file properties on an .mkv file ?02:01
arbeckI'm having a problem with smbclient that i didn't have in 7.10.  When I run this command:  //DEBIAN/web -A/home/arbeck/.creds I get this message: Server requested plaintext password but 'client use plaintext auth' is disabled02:01
hti_prowhere are you running that command from the ubuntu cli02:02
hti_pronevermind stupid question02:02
arbeckI assume I just have to enable client use plaintext auth.  But I have no idea where to do that02:03
hti_proyour server is trying to use plaintext authentication and your client has plain text auth disabled02:03
arbeckwell, how do i enable plain text auth on the client?02:04
hti_prosamba.org is having problems right now so i dont know for sure, but i think it is in the /etc/samba/smb.conf02:04
hti_pronot sure what you are gonna be looking for though02:07
hti_proi don't understand why the server is requestion plain text auth02:07
hti_prois it a linux server02:07
hti_proif its windows anything 98 or above should default to no plain text auth02:08
arbeckit's the way it's always been... i've never had any problems... I've had that debian server up for years, and I've been connecting with ubuntu since 5.0402:08
hti_promaybe a default changed in the new release02:10
arbeckdid they change the way samba restarts in hardy?  This no longer works: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart02:10
macogwdoes rhythmbox still tell you you're not allowed to shut down because it's busy playing music?02:10
Dr_willis sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart02:10
Dr_willis * Stopping Samba   [ OK ]02:10
Dr_willisit works here. :)02:10
hti_pronot sure, don't use samba if i don't have to02:11
hti_proand i dont have to02:11
hti_prono microsoft winblows here02:11
swuboohti_pro:  You're a better man than I, Gunga Din.02:12
arbeckwell, my debian webserver dates from when i still had windows boxes around, it's been easier to keep using samba then mess with reconfiguring the server02:12
hti_proMicrosoft protocols keep me up at night02:13
hti_promake that microsoft anything02:13
swubooWindows Genuine Advantage has seen its own shadow; you must now telephone a call center in India.02:14
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hti_prowhen i did run windows i never had a problem with wga, and I never once ran a legit version02:19
hti_proi guess they aren't the most retarded, but if they were smart that would have happened years ago02:19
hti_prostil they are near the bottom end02:19
sivel27hello all, i just upgraded from 7.10 to heron, and now my on bord video (nvidia 6150) is forever in low graphics mode,, any suggestions?02:20
swubooA friend of mine has a perfectly legit copy of XP which got nailed by WGA.02:21
Dr_willisYou might need to manually install the nvidia-glx drivers sivel2702:21
jimmygoonjesus, firefox crashes every 5 minutes02:21
sivel27using apt-get?02:21
Dr_willisswuboo,  several 1000 people had that happen a few months back. or was that with vista? i forget.02:21
Dr_willissivel27,  yes. :)02:22
swubooI think that was Vista.  This was a year or two back.  He just turned on his computer one day, and blammo, an hour on the phone.02:22
sivel27thank you, im doing it right now...02:22
Dr_willisI recall there being some vista glitz where sevearl comercial-oem? licenses got flagged as being bad.02:23
Dr_willisThat would make Dell so Happy if all their machines got flagged as pirated at once..  Imagine the call center  phones on that day02:23
daekdroomThat'd be like Dell and M$ breaking at the same day :p02:25
Jordan_Ujimmygoon, Have you tried using flashblock? ( it's probably the flash plugin which is crashing )02:26
swubooThe one time I ever had a problem with Windows activation, the guy on the phone asked me if I had that copy of Windows installed on any other computers.  When I said, "Hell no, all my other computers are Linux," he cracked up and reactivated my Windows install on the spot.02:26
jimmygoonJordan_U, yeah, its flash.... why is it crashing so darn much02:26
Jordan_Ujimmygoon, Adobe hates Linux?02:26
swuboojimmygoon:  I've had so damn many problems with Flash in Firefox that I just gave up and disabled it.02:27
jimmygoonheh, its getting really old. why doesn't ubuntu rollback to the older/more stable version?02:27
jimmygoonI have no alternative and there is too much that I use that needs flash :/02:27
swuboojimmygoon:  I can understand that; I don't know what to tell you.  What if you rolled it back manually?02:28
jimmygoonswuboo, I may toy with that tomorrow02:28
swubooIt's probably your best bet.  Are you using 64bit or 32?02:28
Flanneljimmygoon: Are you sure its an Ubuntu problem?  The issue with flash is the package grabs the source of the macradobe site, if they only have that one version (or the link is down) there's not a whole lot we can do about it.02:29
jimmygoonFlannel, grr, I forgot about that02:29
sivel27well, in installed the nvidia-glx, rebooted, and still the same02:29
swubooIf you're using x64, you might want to try using a wrapper to install the 32-bit version.02:29
jimmygoonnah, I'm on 32 bit02:29
sivel27im gonna try fglrx02:30
swuboojimmygoon:  Ah.02:30
Jordan_Ujimmygoon, I have heard that using nspluginwrapper will prevent FF from going down with flash02:30
hti_protheres a saying i always loved,  computers are like air conditioners, they don't work well when you open windows02:30
* Jordan_U thinks plugins shouldn't be able to bring down the browser so easily02:31
swubooThat's funny, I went to look at my own drivers, and the Hardware Drivers applet says that nvidia is enabled but "Not in use."02:32
jimmygoonYeah, whats with that... I never thought about it before... but its sort of a load carp that flash can crash ALL of firefox02:32
Dr_willisnvidia 6150  does not use fglrx.02:33
Jordan_UIIRC konqyeror keeps plugins as a separate process02:33
swubooDoes anyone know offhand what command will tell you what graphics driver is being used?02:33
crdlbJordan_U: yeah it does, or at least the webkit version02:33
crdlbwebkit-gtk will have that feature too02:34
Dr_willisyou can check the xorg logs some where.   I installed the nvidia-glx-new package for my card, ran the nvidia-xconfig tool,  and then restarted X. you dont need to reboot normally.02:34
crdlbmaybe gecko will do it one day; they say they're considering it02:34
macogwcrdlb: webkit's based on konqueror02:34
Dr_willisMy working xorg.conf for my Nvidia card --> http://pastebin.com/f85d99aa02:34
daekdroomkonkeror is based on webkit02:35
crdlbmacogw: webkit is based on khtml :)02:35
Flannelwebkit is based off of KHTML02:35
Jordan_Umacogw, Sort of, webkit is based on KHTML, you can use KHTML ( default ) or webkit in konq02:35
crdlband konqueror is being ported to use webkit02:35
macogwcrdlb: yeah02:35
FlannelJust like most likely, plugins aren't to blame, Firefox itself is, as a rendering engine shouldn't be touching plugins.02:35
macogwJordan_U: when did it get an option for that?02:35
FastZso I successfully installed Hardy beta 4 on a 10 year old HP Pavilion running a 500Mhz Intel Celeron CPU with 128Mb of RAM today...rather impressed02:36
Flanneler, s/plugins /gecko /02:36
macogwFastZ: awesome02:36
daekdroomFastZ: There isn't Hardy beta 4. There's Alpha 4 and Beta :p02:36
bazhangFastZ: nice! am going to put it on my eeepc ;]02:36
FastZOops, my mistake.  well, it's the beta version02:36
wabiDis that impressive, i would kind of expect it to run02:37
Jordan_Ubazhang, You know that Compiz Fusion works smooth as butter on the eeepc right? :)02:37
macogwwabiD: idk its using more mem for me than gutsy did02:37
wabiDmore memory doesnt mean its slower02:37
macogwprobably a lot more caching i guesss...but my gig is almost fully used up at all times02:37
bazhangJordan_U: hehe well that is interesting ;]02:37
swubooHow bizarre:  I just asked the index tool to search for "x".  It told me nothing was found, and asked if I meant, "7".02:37
wabiDif things are loaded into memory instead of running from the hard drive, you would expect them to be faster02:37
Flannelmacogw: unused memory is wasted memory02:37
crdlbmacogw: unused ram is wasted ram :)02:37
macogwsomebody owes somebody a soda02:38
Jordan_Uswuboo, Asks me if I meant 5 :)02:38
mc-georgeanyone know of a program similar to convertxtodvd that will use my quad core processor?02:39
Dr_willismc-george,  and what does that program do?02:39
wabiDits crappy avi to dvd software02:40
mc-georgedr_willis: video encoding02:40
Dr_willisthers  avi to dvd video software for linux.02:40
sivel27that didnt work either :( fglrx, or nvidia-glx02:40
Dr_willisi use devede mainly02:40
hti_proI'm happy to say that I just updated all of my hardy packages, and have no problems at least with basic functionality, of course the main purpose is mythtv02:40
Dr_willissivel27,  trying things at random is windows thinking.02:40
Jordan_UIs there a way to tell tracker to dedicate as many resources as possible to index over night once or something, kind of like "updatedb" ? ( except updatedb is a lot faster than that :)02:40
Dr_willissivel27,   fglrx is NOT for nvidia cards.02:41
swubooThat's bizarre.  xorg.conf confirms that the driver that should be loading is 'nvidia' but the Hardy's Hardware Driver doodad says the nvidia driver is 'not in use.'02:41
Dr_willisswuboo,  ive niticed that befor also.02:41
Jordan_Uswuboo, Do you get any errors from "sudo modprobe nvidia" ?02:41
swubooAlso, the indexer in Hardy says no files match the search string, 'xorg.conf"02:41
sivel27ah. thats silly of me02:41
swubooJordan_U:  Nope, that returns no text.02:42
Jordan_Uswuboo, I think it only searches your home folder by default02:42
Jordan_Uswuboo, Are you getting 3D acceleration?02:42
swubooJordan_U:  You're right, it is only searching my home directory.  And yes, I'm getting 3D acceleration.02:42
swubooI think the Hardware Drivers applet is just lying to me.02:43
sivel27not much in the forums on the issue...02:48
swuboosivel27:  Have you tried the proprietary 'nvidia' driver?02:49
esoxcould somone make a test for me : run winecfg if wine is installed of course02:49
swubooesox:  Okay.02:49
swubooesox: Anything in particular you're looking for?02:50
esoxswuboo: does it start ?02:50
swubooYes.  I get some terminal errors about memory usage, then it starts.02:50
esoxswuboo: I only have the errors...02:50
swubooerr:dosmem:setup_dos_mem Cannot use first megabyte for DOS address space, please report preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 00000000-60000000  Those two, repeated a total of ten times.02:51
sivel27well, right before i get into the login screen, a message comes up telling me the systems running in low-res mode, so i click configure, and have tried to select the two drivers they have for my gfx card, but they both fail., if thats what you mean by enabling the default drivers.02:51
esoxswuboo: those errors ?02:51
Jordan_Uesox, Try temporarily renaming your .wine folder : mv ~/.wine ~/.wine-bak02:51
esoxJordan_U: ok02:52
swubooYes.  Those exactly, five times each.02:52
swubooBut, winecfg then successfully opens.02:52
swubooHmm.  No, I don't mean the default drivers---I mean the restricted one.02:52
swubooEr, that last was directed at sivel27.02:53
* beata asks for ideas about how to configure console font.02:53
sivel27not yet, ill try that now02:53
swuboosivel27:  It's probably worth a go.02:54
esoxJordan_U: If I rename .WIne, I have 5 times repetition of the error msg like swuboo, but it doesn't start02:54
esoxswuboo: what kernel ?02:54
Jordan_Ubeata, try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup"02:54
esoxJordan_U: and I cant stop the process with ctrl C02:54
swubooesox:  Whatever the current Hardy version of x64 is, lemme check.02:55
beataconsole-setup doesn't show any of the Terminus fonts to choose.02:55
esoxJordan_U: and I have wineser idle and winecfg : not interruptible02:55
esoxsorry for the translation !02:56
esoxswuboo: I'm on 32bits 2.6.24-16 RT02:56
beataIf I set the font by hand in /etc/default/console-setup, it asks me to install the 'kbd' package.02:56
hti_prowhat is the rc file to start apps when X starts02:56
swuboobeata:  If you open up a terminal window, Edit, Profiles..., Edit, General tab.02:56
hti_pro.xinitrc in home directory??02:57
esoxI already had kernel issues that prented me to start puredata, I reinstalled the kernel and puredata starts again02:57
swuboobeata:  You can set the terminal's font there.02:57
swuboobeata:  Or did you mean the console console, as in with X not running?02:57
esoxswuboo: and I cant kill the wincfg process02:57
beataConsole, yes.02:57
Jordan_Uesox, killall -9 wine02:58
esoxJordan_U: answer : no process killed02:58
swuboobeata:  I have no idea then, I'm sorry.02:58
crdlbif it's in uninterruptible sleep, there's no way to kill it02:59
hti_proesox: try  killall -9 $(pidof wine)02:59
Jordan_Uesox, pgrep wine02:59
esoxcrdlb: I already had that issue with puredata (ubuntu studio), I solved by reinstalling the kernel02:59
beataI suspect it's going to require either a script tweak or a package change, but that's out of my purview as a user at the moment.03:00
esoxJordan_U: http://pastebin.org/2935103:00
Jordan_Uesox, "kill -9 8116 8120 8227 8455"03:01
hti_prousing $(pidof wine)  will take care of all of those processes03:02
dotechThis is getting agitating:03:02
esoxJordan_U: no luck, still alive03:02
dotech6068 dotech    20   0  287m 7752 5908 S  100  0.1 340:56.06 evolution-data-03:02
dotech100% CPU for 340 minutes03:02
hti_proesox did you try what i suggested03:02
esoxhti_pro: sudo killall -0 8120 ?03:03
esoxsorry, -903:03
dotechshould i kill evolution-data-?03:03
dotechit has been consuming 100% of one of my cores for 4 hours03:03
sivel27ok, when i lick on the restricted drivers menu, nothing even comes up03:03
esoxhti_pro: or sudo killall -9 $(8120) ?03:03
dotechrather, 6 hours03:03
hti_proesox try sudo killall -9 $(pidof wine)03:04
esoxhti_pro: no success03:04
hti_protype it exactly as i put it03:04
hti_pro$(pidof wine) is a command03:04
swuboosivel27:  The Hardware Drivers applet on my computer doesn't even register that I'm running the driver, for some reason.03:04
swuboosivel27:  Try backing up xorg.conf, changing the driver line to 'nvidia', and restarting X.03:04
hti_pro$(pidof wine)  will be replaced by all pids of wine03:04
sivel27ok, will do03:05
esoxhti_pro: http://pastebin.org/2935203:05
Jordan_Uhti_pro, will that get wineserv or winecfg ?03:05
sivel27hmm, its already on nvidia03:06
dotechstrace shows 6068 doing nothing03:06
crdlbpidof matches exactly03:06
hti_protry just kill instead of killall03:06
dotechyet its consuming 100% of my cpu03:06
dotechanyone know what i can check now?03:06
sivel27for identifier, it says device003:06
swuboosivel27:  Yeah, that's as it should be.03:06
hti_proi don't thing so, but it might03:06
sivel27so im s-o-l?03:06
swubooI dunno.03:06
esoxhti_pro: http://pastebin.org/2935403:07
dotechhas anyone ever even heard of "evolution-data-"?03:07
swuboosivel27:  I honestly am not sure.  You're still having the exact same problem?03:07
crdlbesox: that means pidof wine returned nothing03:07
hti_protry kill -9 $('pidof wine')03:07
hti_proi know this works, i use it all the time03:07
hti_prois wine still running03:08
savvashow about: killall -9 wine03:08
savvasyou're trying to kill wine server?03:08
esoxhti_pro: no success03:08
hti_prothat might work as well03:08
crdlbhti_pro: adding quotes would just make bash try to run that all as one commmand :)03:08
swuboosivel27:  I guess you could try the main Ubuntu channel, if no one here can help.03:08
hti_prodo a ps aux | grep wine03:08
hti_prowhich it should03:08
hti_proi think it should even without them though03:09
savvaswineserver -k03:09
crdlbas in "pidof wine": command not found03:09
savvasthis works as well03:09
esoxhti_pro: http://pastebin.org/2935503:09
dotechevolution-data- is taking 100% of my CPU but i don't even have any binary of the name evolution-data*03:09
dotechhow is this even possible03:09
crdlbdotech: they're in /usr/libexec03:10
macogwdotech: it's evolution-data-server03:10
macogwits what runs your calendar in the panel03:10
savvasdotech: ps ax| grep evolution-data-03:10
dotechtab completion doesn't even find it03:10
hti_proesox i don't know then03:10
dotechsavvas: ah, yeah that shows the full name03:11
esoxhti_pro: wine was running perfectly on gutsy. I think there are still kernel issues03:11
dotechnow i have to figure out why this server went nuts03:11
savvasdotech: it also shows you the pid number03:11
savvasyou could probably kill it and restart it03:11
dotechyea i knew that already, i tried strace but it doesn't do anything03:11
crdlbesox: as I said earlier, there's nothing you can do to coax uninterruptible processes to die03:11
Sergeant_PonyI'm really confused.... jockey-gtk crashes when I try to pull up device drivers. No indication  as of why.. Did a search for bugs and there is several of them... anyone been able to fix there's or can someone help me find out why it crashes?03:11
crdlbthat's what the D means03:11
dotechsavvas: i would prefer to figure out what it is doing so i can fix it first :)03:12
crdlbthe kernel has locked them, and only it can unlock them03:12
hti_proesox, i think crdlb is right03:12
dotechif some poor soul didn't have 4 CPUs like i do they would be in a world of pain right now03:12
esoxcrdlb: I dont care about that, I reboot and it dies, my problem is that I cant start wine or wincecfg03:12
icanhasadmincrdlb is always right :P03:12
savvasdotech: apt-cache show evolution-data-server ...good luck with that :p03:12
hti_proicanhasadmin: i will keep that in mind03:12
dotechsavvas: thanks03:13
esoxcrdlb: it creates memory errors, from winehq channel, its because its trying to start dos memory mapping03:13
crdlbesox: does it work with the -generic kernel?03:13
jumpkic1can someone plz point me at a doc that explains how I turn a bunch of .o files in /lib/linux-restricted-modules/2.6.24-16-generic/nvidia_new into an "nvidia" kernel module I can actually load?03:14
crdlbjumpkic1: lrm-manager does that at boot03:15
crdlbduring the linux-restricted-modules-common init script03:15
esoxcrdlb: didnt try that... I'll do that tomorrow, its late for me now03:15
dotechlooks like its bug #15153603:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 151536 in evolution-data-server "Hangs on login and uses 100% cpu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15153603:17
MrKeunerhi, how can I log vino connections(attempts)?03:18
keith__Ok, I've updated to 8.04 and as many before me, my wireless is not working, Broadcom 4318.  I've tried reading through the documentation in the Ubuntu site and it is more confusing than assembling a gas BBQ.  Anyone have time to give a hand?03:19
nickrudkeith__ #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+103:19
nickruddagn, wrong channel again03:19
keith__nickrud, no problem!03:19
MrKeunercan I log vino connections(attempts)?03:20
hti_prohow can i monitor an app and reload it anytime it is ended03:21
hti_proi guess i could write a script but is there any apps for this purpose03:22
hti_prolike some kind of wathdog timer03:22
dotechwatch dog03:23
hti_prothat is literally an app?  configurable to watch a process or app of my choice03:24
billisnicewelcome to the jungle!03:24
jscinozHey guys, i'm using the icedtea-gcjwebplugin, and it seems to ignore pulseaudio. If there is no sound playing already, the plugin will eat /dev/dsp and block anything else from outputting sound, or if /dev/dsp is already in use java won't output sound. Is there any way to get either gcjwebplugin or sun-java6-plugin to use pulseaudio?03:26
xtknightshouldn't the web browser in preferred applications settings also change the link to x-www-browser?  they seem to be independent to me03:28
dotechwhat tool do you guys use in hardy to view system temperatures?03:29
swuboodotech:  Blind faith in my fans, usually.03:30
dotechswuboo: lol03:31
Sergeant_Ponysame here03:31
dotechi trust my fans, but i plan to overclock this 2.4 processor to 3.4-3.6 so i need to know ;)03:31
swuboodotech:  lm-sensors comes to mind.03:31
dotechthat looks like the one, thanks swuboo03:32
swubooI never found a decent front-end widget for it, so it's always just vaguely running somewhere in the background.03:33
dotechseems like there's a handful of different front ends03:34
dotechsensors-applet, i'll give that a shot03:34
hti_prowhat is the applet that knoppix uses03:36
beataksensors works well enough, if you lean that way.03:36
hti_proi always liked that one03:37
beataAlthough the display IS a bit flyspeck.03:37
dotechhaha, i'll try sensors-applet first which seems to be intended for GNOME, but whatever works03:37
keith__Anyone with ideas on how to get a broadcom wireless (4318) working?03:38
LOB|LoBoI'm having trouble getting a vfat partition to mount with proper permissions through fstab03:40
macogwkeith__: bcm43xx-fwcutter? its in the restricted driver manager03:40
keith__macogw, I can't get the restricted drivers to start up03:40
macogwwell thats bad but then just install bcm43xx-fwcutter03:41
macogwand if that bug's not reported, go do it03:41
beataThe manager thingy..jasper is it?03:42
keith__I tried to install and it said it already was.  I've tried the best I can to follow the info in the ubuntu site.03:42
keith__Nothing works03:42
kindofabuzzwhat repo contains firefox 3b5?  and is it possible to add that to gutsy just to upgrade to 3b5 from 3b4?03:42
Killeroidmacogw: i think you meant he should install b43-fwcutter03:42
keith__macogw, I think I'll try to reinstall 7.10, if that does not fix it, back to XP as the laptop came.03:43
macogwKilleroid: it changed names?03:43
LOB|LoBoi had trouble with the same thing keith03:43
macogwkeith__: do what killer said03:43
tech0007kindofabuzz: if i were you, i'd install 3b5 direct from mozilla03:43
LOB|LoBoafter i did the partial upgrade03:43
Killeroidmacogw: new broadcom wireless driver03:43
macogwKilleroid: wow everything got new wireless drivers03:44
Killeroidkeith__: install b43-fwcutter03:44
LOB|LoBoi reinstalled and did a dist-upgrade and it worked then03:44
kindofabuzztech0007, yeah but i wanna "install" it, not just run it from a folder.  that way i get the updates03:44
LOB|LoBofixed the problem with hardware drivers03:44
hti_prokeith__: you better watch that language thems fightin words03:44
Killeroidkeith__: if you will pm me i can help you03:45
LOB|LoBoI'm having trouble getting a vfat partition to mount so that users can edit and delete files, anyone know how to set up fstab for that03:45
tech0007kindofabuzz: i dont see 3b5 anywhere in gutsy repos03:45
kindofabuzzi know, that's what i'm asking. it's in the hardy repos03:46
kindofabuzztech0007, i'm asking what HARDY repo it's in03:46
keith__hti_pro, sorry, upgrade venting!03:47
macogwLOB|LoBo: uid= and gid= on the options03:47
macogwLOB|LoBo: you could make the gid be a "users" group and put them all in there03:47
keith__hti_pro, I did say re-install 7.10 first!03:48
keith__Killeroid, installed, no what action should I take?03:48
Killeroidkeith__: now, run hardware drivers again03:49
hti_prokeith__:  i understand, thats a greate idea, the 7.10 thing,  I am confident that that will solve your problem, I had a broadcom wifi card work from fresh isntall on 7.103:49
LOB|LoBomacogw: heres the line from fstab: UUID=453C-F40D  /media/fatty    vfat    auto,users,umask=0000,gid=users 0       003:49
KenshiHey guys03:50
macogwLOB|LoBo: now if all your users are in the users group it *should* work03:50
keith__hti_pro, so am I!  I'm just frustrated, as I'm sure we all get from time to time.  Ubuntu will stay where it is here on my machines!03:50
macogwLOB|LoBo: maybe add rw to it03:50
KenshiGuys, i have a question about that firefox slowdown problem that happens when compiz is enabled, using ATI cards.03:50
LOB|LoBomacogw: everyone is in users, the odd thing is that one folder on the drive actually has rw but the other just has w03:50
macogwjust w?03:51
hti_prowifi drivers are the main reason i use ubuntu, otherwise it would be pure debian, it is also a great transitional distro for switching from winblows03:51
LOB|LoBoi'm sorry read03:51
hti_prokeith__: my wife is very stubborn03:51
KenshiI was told that Hardy should fix the problem. Well, it doesn't03:51
macogwfat is crap on permissions understanding but umm...what are the mount point's permissions when nothing's mounted there?03:51
keith__hti_pro, I hear you!03:52
LOB|LoBomacogw: the rw fixed it, thanks03:52
KenshiI've tried the open ATI drivers, but the problem was just the same. Then i did install the official ATI driver with Envy NG, but when i started compiz, i got a blank screen03:53
macogwLOB|LoBo: yay03:53
icanhasadminKenshi: your problem is envy03:53
KenshiAny hint on why this is happening or how i can fix this?03:53
LOB|LoBomacogw: yea that was buggin the heck out of me03:53
KenshiOkie, but what driver i should use? Or the restricted fglrx from ubuntu?03:54
Kenshi* The offical ATI's or the restricted..03:54
icanhasadminKenshi: in hardy, use ubuntu's.. same driver and it shouldn't break03:55
KenshiHm, nice. Thx. The final question: the restricted drivers manager is broken on my hardy's update, so i can't install fglrx directly by ubuntu. There's a way to fix this or to install the driver correctly bypassing restricted drivers module? Synaptic perhaps?03:58
Killeroidkeith__: if hardware drivers is still being annoying, just install b43-fwcutter and then follow the instructions here : http://pastebin.ca/98317303:59
icanhasadminKenshi: actually, the restricted drivers manager techincally isn't broken i don't believe03:59
keith__Killeroid, thanks!  I will look....03:59
keith__Restricted Drivers Manager is just not working for me.04:00
KenshiWell, it is not starting, and i get a crash report notification everytime i try to start it04:00
KenshiAny idea?04:02
KenshiInstalling the driver by synaptic perhaps?04:02
LOB|LoBokenshi: i reinstalled and did a aptitude dist-upgrade to fix my restricted driver manager04:03
Kenshireinstalled hardy's? omb04:04
jthomasHello all!04:04
=== jthomas is now known as Arv3n
LOB|LoBokenshi: yea i dunno, i think it was the partial upgrade that broke it04:04
KenshiWell, thx a lot, i'll try this04:04
Arv3nDJones, are you Dr. Jones?04:04
LOB|LoBoanyone tried getting that global menu applet working in hardy heron?04:05
fidelioany guru on CUPS installation?04:06
Killeroiddid anyone notice that you cannot select the super key + any other combination for a keyboard shortcut04:08
Killeroidits so annoying, i am used to hitting super+d to minimze all windows and show desktop04:09
xtknightKilleroid, yeah04:09
xtknighti think so... but i remember getting super+d working somehow04:09
xtknightoh it was thru gconf-editor04:09
xtknightyou have to do <Mod4>D04:10
xtknightshould be filed as a bug anyways.04:10
Killeroidxtknight: mhm04:11
nickrudbeen a bug for years04:11
Killeroidnickrud: used to work for me on gutsy04:11
keith__Killeroid, sorry, didn't work for me!04:11
xtknightnaw it didn't work on gutsy either04:11
xtknightat least not for me04:12
Killeroidkeith__: really? rm "lsmod" and pastebin the contents04:13
xtknightbug 1215304:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 12153 in gnome-control-center "Cannot use Windows key in keyboard shortcuts" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1215304:13
xtknight"Declined  for Hardy"04:13
Killeroidkeith__: and also "dmesg" (just pastebin the last 20 lines of dmesg04:13
xtknightlooks like that isn't getting fixed anytime soon.04:13
Killeroidxtknight: do you remember which gconf key you eidted to get it working?04:15
xtknightKilleroid, /apps/metacity/global_keybindings04:17
compaqr4000Killeroid, Keith__ here.  Thank your for your help.  It eventually worked!  My wireless is now working again.04:18
xtknightshow_desktop.  set it to <Mod4>D04:18
Killeroidcompaqr4000: hurray!!!04:18
Killeroidxtknight: thanks a lot04:18
compaqr4000Killeroid, you bet!!!  Nice, easy to follow instructions, thanks!04:18
xtknightyeah it's pretty convenient04:18
compaqr4000Killeroid, I just wish Broacomm would come on board and make this an easy thing to do!04:19
Killeroidcompaqr4000: mhm04:20
compaqr4000hti_pro, as you said, I'm back up and running with the help here!04:21
hti_proubuntu is the king, but remember without debian there would be no ubuntu04:22
compaqr4000hti_pro, hail Debian!04:22
compaqr4000I have another, older wired machine that I upgraded with no issues at all....so I thought I'd try my laptop..........yikes04:24
Killeroidyeah, i upgraded from gutsy and the new wireless driver messed up everything. for some reason, my wireless card was recognized as a modem. how in the hell that happened i dont know. i wiped everything and installed yesterdays build, burned the iso to a cd and reinstalled hardy04:26
compaqr4000Wow, laptops are a tough nut to crack.04:29
compaqr4000And then I go and throw a Beta OS at it!04:31
compaqr4000But, I would have it no other way!04:32
compaqr4000Hey, now that I have a stable OS here, is it possible to burn a custom CD?04:34
taconeis flashplayer still broken ?04:37
compaqr4000And, while I'm throwing out ideas here, how to get a secondary display working on a laptop?04:39
Killeroidcompaqr4000: burn a cd   applications> sound and video > brasero disk burning04:40
Killeroidtacone: flash player has been working perfectly for the past week04:41
tannerKilleroid: i think he meant burn a custom cd of his install04:41
Killeroidoh, ok04:42
Killeroidcompaqr4000: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/04:42
Killeroiddaily builds of hardy beta04:42
compaqr4000Killeroid, yes, a custom cd....04:42
xtknightso is there some 'easy interface' for qemu yet?04:42
compaqr4000tanner, thanks04:42
tannerxtknight: CLI :)04:42
xtknighttanner, what is virt-manager?04:42
compaqr4000Killeroid, I'd love to build one as I have installed right now.  With wireless working and everything.04:43
tannerhell if i know04:43
xtknightsupposed to be a frontend for qemu (i think), just not having much luck using it04:44
tannerah, i have no idea04:44
tanneri user vmware myself04:44
xtknightsame here04:44
xtknightexprerimenting with qemu because i'm sick of vmware destroying my shift/ctrl keys04:44
xtknighttechnically hardy bug i guess04:44
xtknightvbox cant run 64bit guests so that was out04:45
tannerhardy and vmware do not get along04:45
Killeroidcompaqr4000: long process, it easier if you just backup only   /lib/firmware/b43      the broadcom wifi files are sotred there. anytime you reinstall, just copy that folder back to /lib/firmware/ and restart and wifi will wkr04:45
tannerxtknight: i assume this occurs after control + alt + enter where after shift/control do not work yes?04:45
ayllusome know hoy to configure a ipaq for copy files04:45
xtknighttanner, yea.  funny thing is, it doens't happen in kde404:45
ayllusome know how to configure a ipaq for copy files04:45
xtknightactually i haven't tried it in GNOME a second time.  didn't really have any desire to when i saw a page full of people confirming the problem04:46
xtknightthing doesnt maximize/restore half the time in gnome anyway04:46
tanneri have the same issue04:46
tannerits fine if i dont go full screen though04:46
compaqr4000Killeroid, ok.  No "remasterme" in Ubuntu?04:46
xtknighti have multimonitors so a double-doozy04:46
tannerxtknight: something, likely a compiz bug, prevents the release of the keyboard properly from vmware04:46
xtknighttanner,  yeah i don even use compiz04:47
Killeroidcompaqr4000: you can roll your own custom installation cd but its too complicated(thats code for i dont know how to)04:47
tannerfor example, i am unable to use caps when i full screen vmware04:47
xtknightmy caps work fine within vmware, but not outside it04:47
tannerthats my meaning04:47
xtknightxev can listen to the events, compared my xev with another person's correct xev, no difference.  something with gnome/metacity04:47
compaqr4000Killeroid, hahaha, no problem.  If it is not fairly easy, I don't want to get into it at the moment!04:47
tannernot sure why vmware wont release properly04:47
tannerhowever its a bug with something within heron :-\04:48
xtknightrestarting X fixes it too04:48
Killeroidcompaqr4000: my method of just backing up /lib/firmware/b43 works. i have used it about 4 times to restore my boraodcom wireless after reinstalling04:48
xtknightbrb adding user to group04:48
compaqr4000Killeroid, here is another brain picker for you (sorry for so many) how about a general backup of everything to a bigger USB drive?04:48
Killeroidcompaqr4000: thats easy, lots of apps available for that04:49
compaqr4000Killeroid, wasn't there one I read about somewhere called "timevault" or something like that?04:50
compaqr4000My memory is a bit fuzzy04:50
Killeroidcompaqr4000: yeah, timevault04:50
compaqr4000Killeroid, works under Ubuntu?04:51
xtknighttanner, have you tried qemu on hardy then?04:51
xtknightor kqemu04:51
Killeroidcompaqr4000: yeah, it does04:52
tannernever got it working properly04:52
tannerim satisfied with vmware04:52
compaqr4000Killeroid, I just want an easy, one click backup and one click restore solution.04:52
Killeroidcompaqr4000: i prefer sbackup, its point and lcick and easy. and if i am not mistaken its in the hardy repos04:53
compaqr4000Killeroid, thank, I'll check04:53
compaqr4000Killeroid, yes it is, installing.......04:54
compaqr4000You know this little laptop melted like 3 ice packs during the upgrade?  Those ones you keep in the freezer for sore muscles.04:55
aylluhi someone know how to configure a ipaq for copy files04:55
compaqr4000I had to rest it on them to keep it from overheating!04:55
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Killeroidcompaqr4000: your own really expensive portable toaster04:55
compaqr4000Killeroid, yeah, it keeps my main floor nice and toasty!04:56
compaqr4000It never did  so under XP though....hmmmm04:56
Killeroiddoes it still run that hot after upgrading?04:57
compaqr4000I must be missing a setting04:57
compaqr4000Yes, still hot as hell04:57
compaqr4000I can defrost a 12 oz steak in under 15 minutes04:58
Killeroidcompaqr4000: a while back, when i was using gutsy, i had the same proble, disabling powernowd fixed the problem. i do have powernowd enabled in hardy right but still havent run into the temperature problem04:59
cybojanekI just installed ubuntu hardy 8.04 and I have no sound. I use an audigy 2 zs platinum pro sound card. Any ideas on what to do? Thanks04:59
compaqr4000Killeroid, is that something under services?05:00
tannersbackup seems nice05:00
Killeroidcompaqr4000: yes05:00
compaqr4000Killeroid, power management acpid or apmd05:01
Killeroidcompaqr4000: cpu frequency manager(powernowd)05:01
jscinozHey guys, i'm using the icedtea-gcjwebplugin, and it seems to ignore pulseaudio. If there is no sound playing already, the plugin will eat /dev/dsp and block anything else from outputting sound, or if /dev/dsp is already in use java won't output sound. Is there any way to get either gcjwebplugin or sun-java6-plugin to use pulseaudio?05:02
Killeroidwhen ihad the smae problem you had, it was due to powernowd switching cpu frequencies randomly05:02
compaqr4000Killeroid, I'm going to try to disable to see what happens05:04
Killeroidcompaqr4000: hopefully, that will fix the overheating problem05:04
tannercould be your cpu governor05:05
compaqr4000tanner, more information?05:05
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tannerthere are cpufreq modules that determine what level your cpu is at based on the governor05:06
compaqr4000right now, with CPU freq. off, my cpu is just a rocking.....2.2 GHZ and high fan noise05:06
tannerlsmod | grep cpufreq05:06
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kelsa|martalliI have a problem with the linux-image-2.6.24-12-generic refusing to boot.05:07
kelsa|martalliIn fact, none of the 2.6.24 kernels have booted on my Dell ubuntu 530n machine05:08
compaqr4000Now, with CPU freq. on, my cpu is at 1 GHZ, but fan is still just a rocking05:08
cybojanekTrue. So true05:08
kelsa|martalliThey hang during the boot sequence.  I can still use the 2.6.22 kernel from feisty, though.  I want to post this to launchpad...but is there a way to see the boot messages from previous boot-ups?  These would be helpful for a launchpad bug report, I would think05:09
compaqr4000Here we go, zero cpu useage but fan and heat are going crazy05:10
cybojanekcompaqr4000: Why?05:11
kelsa|martalliIs the dmesg from previous boots put somewhere in /var/log...?05:12
cybojanekcompaqr4000: When was the last time you claned your computer?05:12
compaqr4000cybojanek, I have no idea.....05:12
compaqr4000ok, the fan just throttled back.05:12
taconehello, my flashplayer seems broken. the movie stops after 1 second and I have no audio. totem seems broken as well (could 2 things be related ?)05:12
compaqr4000cybojanek, about 6 months ago.05:12
compaqr4000I really don't want to say this, but under XP, this machine barely made a noise with the fan unless I really pushed the machine with video.  Under Linux, it never gets that quiet.....ever.05:14
Fritzel`how would I enable ssh on hardy?05:17
compaqr4000I know that it is compaq at fault here for only writing XP solutions to their power/heat management issues05:17
Daisuke_Laptopkelsa|martalli: /var/log/dmesg.0 and dmesg.*.gz05:18
WGGMkI installed gfxboot grub and it doesnt work. Anyone having a similar issue or is this a known issue?05:20
kelsa|martalliDaisuke_Laptop: There they are, but they are not recording any of the failed boot attempts05:20
kelsa|martalliI want to post something cogent to launchpad, not just "Dell fail, sons cry"05:20
cybojanekcompaqr4000: The fans dont get quiet, becasue ubuntu doesnt have fan control enabled by default05:22
cybojanekcompaqr4000: It runs all of them at max05:22
cybojanekcompaqr4000: Try and apt-cache search for fan control05:22
compaqr4000cybojanek, my throttles up and down.  Just not to the extreme that xp did05:23
kelsa|martalliDaisuke_Laptop: /var/log/messages looks more like the output I am seeing when the boot fail, but none of the messages there (even int he gzipped files) looks like the right error message05:25
compaqr4000cybojanek, and there are more issues with this laptop05:27
MrKeunercan I log vino connections(attempts)?05:28
compaqr4000cybojanek, like starting to type and all of a sudden your typing position is moved to a totally differnt place.  At random and it happens frequently.05:28
compaqr4000cybojanek, it may be that the Compaq R400 is one of those laptops that should just not be used with Linux05:29
kadkoHello i get a problem while ubuntu hardy load in normal mode, when i chose to start that SO i get a msg like Kernel Panic Unable to loading on root (0,0) what can i do?05:30
taconeguys, I have pulse audio, gstreamer e and flash not working. can someone help me ?05:32
andre_somebody can help me with Xorg ?05:33
x1250sure, but dont ask for help, just say what's the problem...05:34
andre_i just can see 800x600, my driver is  K8M890 [Chrome9] i always used the VESA generic driver and always could get 1024x768@60 but after last update i dont know what happend here is my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m591c86b605:37
andre_by now i just can get 800x60005:37
andre_ubuntu show me a warning about low performance driver graphics, i tested my monitor LCD Panel 1024x768 it runs ok but in gdm and gnome it does not work05:38
andre_my driver is  K8M890 [Chrome9]05:39
x1250try backuping your xorg.conf and then run # dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg, IIRC, that sould attempt to configure all by itself, if it can...05:39
andre_yes i did it 2 times it did not work =/05:41
DanaGIs there a real driver for Chrome9?05:41
x1250andre_: did you set vertical and horizontal refresh for your LCD on xorg?05:41
andre_DanaG, theres one for K8M800 but not for K8M89005:43
andre_DanaG, it does not work i tried it =/05:43
Killeroidgoodnight folks05:43
DanaGDang, that sucks.05:43
andre_x1250, let me see here05:43
andre_some one can give me the name of utilitary (GUI) on ubuntu i can choose the video-driver? in 8.04 is different from 7.10 =/05:45
andre_x1250, http://pastebin.com/m591c86b6 here is my xorg05:45
andre_i would be so thankfu if somebody could gimme a way to solve this problem, in SuSe10.3 the generic driver (vesa) works fine and i can get 1024x768 only in ubuntu 8.04 iv this problem =/05:49
x1250andre_: that was generated by reconfiguring xorg?05:49
andre_x1250, no i made this one05:49
aylluhi someone know how to configure a ipaq for copy files05:49
andre_x1250, i can generate a new one and show u05:50
DanaGHmm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome05:50
x1250andre_: ok05:50
andre_x1250, whats the diference in generating a xorg.conf with dexconf and dpkg-reconfigure ?05:51
DanaG I wonder... why are there both snd-oxygen AND snd-virtuoso?  Aren't they the same chip?05:51
x1250andre_: don't know about dexconf, haven't heard of it05:51
bullgard4In what respect is the Hardy version of the Tracker program improved compared with Gutsy?05:51
andre_x1250, it curious... when i run this command recommended by the comment in xorg.conf it generates a new xorg.conf05:52
x1250it should, yes05:53
Black_Magic_Does anyone know how to make firefox go to Google when i type something like HAHA into the URL Spot05:53
Black_Magic_instead of guide.opendns.com05:53
Black_Magic_and search there?05:53
Black_Magic_in ephy it does but i dont get why not in firefox05:53
compaqr4000I cannot get my restricted drivers to work, anyone else with that issue?  Or maybe a solution?05:53
andre_x1250, http://pastebin.com/m7d735035 pls if u could look it it is the new xorg.conf05:54
x1250andre_: if that doesn't work try adding the refresh rates for the monitor. See what they are in the monitor's manual05:56
andre_x1250, ok05:57
taconehello, I've upgraded fromm gutsy. Pulse audio is not working, while alsa is. Can anyone help me to spot the problem ?06:01
bullgard4tacone: "is not working" is no precise description.06:02
taconenot really yes. I just tried the test buttons under preferences->sound and only alsa works. pulse don't. nor autodetect06:02
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taconealso choosing pulseaudio in the multimedia chooser, makes gstreamer not work anymore (it plays at 1 frame per second)06:03
taconebullgard4: not working means no sound :-)06:04
crimsunneither of those are precise.06:04
crimsunfirst, which ALSA audio driver is used?06:04
crimsunsecond, what's the debug spew in ~/.xsession-errors for PA?06:04
crimsunthird, is pulseaudio actually running when you open a Terminal in a GNOME session?06:05
crimsunfourth, does `paplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav' play audibly to completion?06:05
taconecrimsun: cat ~/.xsession-errors  | grep pulse -I reports nothing06:06
tacone1) I don't know which alsa audio driver, how to spot ?06:06
crimsuntacone: no, I'd need all of ~/.xsession-errors pastebinned06:07
tacone3)  I don't understand what you mean precisely. if I open a gnome terminal and grep ps aux I can see 2 processes06:07
crimsuntacone: also, `cat /proc/asound/modules'06:08
rbanffyHi folks. What would be needed to use the Virtual Machine Manager on a box with no hardware support for that? BTW, the OpenVZ kernels crash badly on this notebook.06:08
crimsuntacone: ps -C pulseaudio>&/dev/null;echo $?06:08
taconegosh, it's huge :)06:08
taconecrimsun: I am trying to pastebine it , but it's likely to be to big06:10
taconeits 196kb, mostly gnome-panel errors (something about a custom theme, I guess)06:11
taconecrimsun:  proc/asound/modules: 0 snd_hda_intel06:11
taconecrimsun:  ps -C pulseaudio>&/dev/null;echo $? reports 006:12
taconecrimsun: sorry, it took a while to get this pasted: http://pastebin.com/m2a139bba06:12
ZirodayHow do I install amarok 2?06:16
Black_Magicif i want java is gcj required the regular package?06:16
andre_x1250, i just want to say thank you but it did not work i will go back to SuSe... Ubuntu 8.04 does not like work with my video driver. Tks, Bye!06:16
crimsuntacone: I'm still waiting for feedback from the fourth question.06:17
x1250andre_: what video card?06:17
tacone4) no sound06:17
taconesorry crimsun06:17
andre_x1250,  K8M890 [Chrome9]06:18
crimsuntacone: whereas aplay works fine?06:18
crimsuntacone: (e.g., `aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav')06:18
taconecrimsun: I hear no sound06:18
crimsuntacone: so both aplay /and/ paplay are inaudible?06:19
taconeaplay works06:19
taconepaplay don't06:19
andre_i put the vertical and horizontal data in the xorg.conf, put the resolution in the screend and monitor sessions, but it didnt work, i used the reconfigure option of dpkg it did not work too... i change the type of driver: to VIA, VGA, VESA e OpenChrome no one of them did work,..06:19
crimsuntacone: does paplay give a prompt back, or does it appear to hang?06:19
taconeno prompy06:19
taconeno output, no prompt back06:19
crimsuntacone: ok, interrupt it (ctrl+c)06:20
taconealso I should tell that evene gstreamer had problems when setting system to use pulse audio. it was terrificly slow06:20
taconecrimsun: ok06:20
crimsuntacone: pkill pulseaudio;pulseaudio -v06:21
crimsuntacone: set all audio gconf values to their defaults06:21
taconehow ? gconf editor ?06:21
crimsuntacone: or, revert any changes you made via System> Preferences> Sound  (and also `gstreamer-properties' if necessary)06:22
taconehave you seen in the last pastebin these lines ?06:24
taconeE: alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device hw:0: Device or resource busy06:24
taconeE: module.c: Failed to load  module "module-alsa-sink" (argument: "device_id=0 sink_name=alsa_output.pci_8086_293e_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0"): initialization failed.06:24
crimsunyes, I saw it06:25
taconeok I reverted everything I could find06:25
xtknightis there a way to tell the linux kernel to always look in /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/extra/kvm instead of /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/kernel/arch/x86/kvm/ , for instance?06:25
crimsunnow, pastebin `sudo lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*'06:25
crimsunoh geez.06:26
taconewhat happens ?06:27
crimsunso kill audacious, virtualbox, aplay, and pulseaudio.06:27
taconelol, ok06:27
DanaGShut down any VMs first.06:27
crimsunobviously pulseaudio won't work in its default config if any other apps open the device before it does.06:27
taconewhat should I do now ?06:28
taconerepeat kill pulse and pulse -v ?06:28
crimsundid you kill all the apps I mentioned above?06:28
taconeyes, but even so I have chat app open.06:29
crimsungood, now try the paplay command.06:29
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tacone(means I hear sound)06:30
taconeso what is happening ? my system doesn't load pulseaudio at boot ?06:31
crimsuntacone: do you have "Enable software sound mixing" enabled (checked/ticked) in System> Preferences> Sound06:32
taconeyes I do06:32
taconeyes it's checked06:33
crimsunok, and do you have the Flash plugin installed?06:33
taconeyes, and sound works now06:33
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tacone(before it didn't)06:33
crimsunok, so now make sure you have audacious-plugins-extra installed, and use its pulse plugin06:34
taconeok I have it.06:35
taconeI had to set it to pulse.06:35
crimsunfor xine, make sure you have libxine1-gnome installed, and choose esd compatibility06:35
taconecrimson, I still have pulse -v active..06:35
crimsun(same for vlc if you use that app)06:36
crimsuneverything else that uses GStreamer should work by default provided you use 'auto'06:36
taconewill pulse start properly at reboot ?06:36
crimsunat next login, it should.  Go ahead and ctrl+c the running `pulseaudio -v', then log out and back in.06:36
taconeI'll be here again in a second06:37
penI can't make splashy work06:37
penit crashed with SIGSEGV in splashy_stop_splash()06:38
taconewow, works06:38
taconecrimsun: what was the problem ?06:38
crimsuntacone: all those other apps had the device open.  See the explanation I gave previously, too.06:38
taconeso, thank you very much06:39
crimsunnp.  Is this straight from a dist-upgrade?  i.e., have you rebooted?06:40
xtknightwhat's the deal with pulse audio?  is it installed by default?  if so, how come?06:41
taconenot straight, I have rebooted a good number of times.06:41
taconecrimsun: but I had upgrade problems.06:41
DanaGAnd why is the default installation so incomplete?06:41
taconeapt-get -d gave up.06:41
DanaGOh yeah, for some reason, PulseAudio doesn't do a very good job at remembering where I put streams.06:41
crimsunxtknight: it is installed and enabled by default.06:41
crimsunDanaG: that's not just PA's fault; it's also libgnome.06:41
penanyone using splashy?06:42
taconeI had to reboot and gnome was barely *working*. So I apt-getted ubuntu-destkop, and adjusted where I could.06:42
DanaGTry this: use two sound cards; put media-player app on second card.  Now shut down for the night and start again, without the second card, and start playing music.06:42
xtknightcrimsun,  it just seems like extra overhead to me.  is there an advantage to it?06:42
DanaGReinsert the second card -- the stream doesn't move.06:42
xtknightat least from a user's perspective06:42
crimsunxtknight: realtime migration of sound streams across audio devices (independent of local/remote), per-stream volume control06:42
xtknightcrimsun, does hardy implement these features on the UI level?06:43
crimsunxtknight: yes, rather poorly06:43
xtknightoh you have to install that padsp or w/e it is dont you?06:44
crimsunxtknight: no, you simply install pavucontrol06:44
xtknightapparently ALSA works along with pulseaudio now?  audacious here is using alsa and it's working fine06:44
crimsunxtknight: the controls are way suboptimal, which is one reason they're not included by default06:44
crimsunxtknight: PA relinquishes the device after inactivity.06:45
crimsunyou can also forcibly accomplish that with `pasuspender -- someapp'.06:45
crimsunDanaG: I think I've explained - PA fails to account for saved sink/source states having disappeared across sessions06:46
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crimsunDanaG: pavucontrol also fails to properly update any callbacks to /set/ the sink/source states06:46
xtknightapparently my pulseaudio isnt enabled by default06:47
xtknightaudacious wont output w/ pulseaudio plugin hmm06:47
xtknightinit.d/pulseaudio is started06:47
crimsunxtknight: if you 1) don't have pulseaudio-esound-compat and pulseaudio, or 2) don't have "Enable software sound mixing" enabled in System> Preferences> Sound, it won't be enabled.06:48
xtknightcrdlb,  so then it wouldnt be enabled by default for most people, right?06:48
crimsunxtknight: also, we don't use the initscript on -desktop.  It's disabled by default for reasons documented in README.Debian.06:48
xtknightsorry .. crimsun ^06:48
xtknightor am i justlucky to have HW mixing available06:48
xtknightwell anyways i satisfy those three criteria, it doesnt work here06:49
xtknightthe daemon doesn't appear to be started06:49
crimsunxtknight: if you have hardware pcm multiopen (which is different to HW mixing, BTW!), the server feature is kinda moot06:50
xtknightya i'm pretty confused, everyone's having trouble with pulseaudio and stuff and i dont even see traces of mine being started yet06:50
crimsunxtknight: so give me the real output06:51
xtknightwell "pavucontrol" gives me "E: shm.c: shm_open() failed: Permission denied"06:51
macogwxtknight: try with sudo?06:52
xtknighteliminates that problem, then it stops with (pavucontrol:29323): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_main_quit: assertion `main_loops != NULL' failed06:52
crimsunI don't think I've made it clear: unless you're running an LTSP server (ala Edubuntu), DO NOT use the system-wide mode.06:53
crimsunthat means DON'T enable pulseaudio via the initscript.06:53
xtknightdidnt think i should use sudo anyway but just tested06:53
xtknighti type pulseaudio this is what happens http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/06:53
crimsunthe only supported method for hardy is per-user GNOME session06:54
eklofyay, finally my "no-internets-after-resume-from-sleep-issue" is fixed in the latest updates !! Nice.06:54
xtknightif i'm not suppoesd to type that i'm not sure what debug messages you want06:54
crimsunwhich means that it's invoked via ESD compatibility06:54
crimsunxtknight: I presume you actually meant another URL.06:54
xtknightcrimsun, woops my bad http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62997/06:55
xtknightaudacious works now06:55
xtknightbecause pulseaudio is actually running.06:55
swubooWhat is pulseaudio, out of curiosity?06:56
xtknightdespite those errors, but anyway pulseaudio wasnt started by default06:56
crimsunif you're testing in a VM, it can be all sorts of broken.06:56
xtknightcrimsun, oh no that's some other crap06:56
xtknighthost hardy amd64 here06:56
xtknighti mean not running linux in vm06:56
xtknightok i guess my question is why the pulseaudio scripts didn't start my pulseaudio by default, and should i file a bug forit?06:57
crimsunxtknight: ok, so use the lsof command from above.06:57
crimsunxtknight: /etc/init.d/pulseaudio is a red herring for you.  You're supposed to use esd compatibility.06:58
xtknightcrimsun, i had that enabled before i tried init.d06:58
pen_is usplash themes compatible with splashy?06:58
xtknightsorry which lsof command?06:58
Cts|359So, any chance that somebody here has been able to get Icecast and IDJC to play nice on hardy?06:59
jscinozis it just me or is totem's DVB support horribly broken>07:00
crimsunxtknight: sudo lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*07:00
crimsunxtknight: gconftool --get /desktop/gnome/sound/enable_esd07:00
xtknightcrimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62998/07:01
xtknight(this is after running 'pulseaudio' manually)07:01
crimsunxtknight: dpkg -l pulseaudio-esound-compat|grep ^ii07:02
xtknightii  pulseaudio-esound-compat                   0.9.10-1ubuntu1                                    PulseAudio ESD compatibility layer07:02
crimsunxtknight: please reproduce it with a new user who is in the audio group07:04
xtknightcrimsun, ok he doens't need to be admin does he?07:04
xtknightcrimsun, i don't see an "audio" group in Manage Groups.  is that a problem?07:06
echinosanyone else having problems with gnome-settings-daemon failing?07:07
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xtknightcrimsun, seems to work on my new acct07:09
xtknightwell god knows what i messed up w/ the old one, gvfs doesnt work either.  i had migrated my home directory (note: tried to)07:10
ZoemHi, I'm trying to find an easy way to configure my mouse button actions, any suggestions?07:12
xtknightZoem, like the side buttons?07:12
Zoemright now, it's acting like an extra mouse1 except in firefox07:12
xtknightunless something changed and i didn't notice, you'll probably have to edit xorg.conf and stuff07:13
Zoemwell, it's recognized, so I think my xorg.conf is ok07:13
ZoemI'm looking to change the behaviours07:13
xtknightZoem, what mouse model?07:13
Zoemlogitech g507:13
xtknightsame here07:14
Fritzel`how can I enable ssh or telnet to my machine?07:14
xtknighti haven't done anything w/ mine yet07:14
ZoemFritzel`, start an ssh (telnet is not recomended) server07:14
xtknightZoem, anyway you can type xev, i think the ones that show output in xev do not require xorg modification.  at least two of my buttons aren't picked up by xev, though07:14
Fritzel`ok I guess what I'm asking is what is one called?07:15
Zoemxev doesn't get the side to side scroll07:15
xtknightFritzel`, openssh-server07:15
Fritzel`thank you07:15
xtknightand then goto system->Admin->Services turn on openssh07:15
Zoemsorry, couldn't remember off the top of my head07:15
xtknightZoem, ya it doesnt get the speed adjuster or the button below tha teither07:15
Fritzel`that's alrigth I appreciate the answer none the less07:15
xtknightthe + and - buttons07:15
xtknighti dont know if you still have to use evdev07:16
Zoemxtknight, well, I am happy with the hardware resolutions, but I would like to use my back button for something usefull07:16
Fritzel`openssh-server is not in the repos (or does adept not show all the repos? I've had something show up on the console but not in adept before)07:16
xtknightZoem, eh yeah i dont really know the "standard" answer for that one07:16
xtknightZoem, if it's not picked up in xev i think you need to edit xorg, unless you dont care about those buttons07:17
Fritzel`and that seems to be the case this time too07:17
xtknight!info openssh-server07:17
ubotuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 245 kB, installed size 652 kB07:17
xtknightwell it's in main07:17
Fritzel`yeah I see that07:17
Zoempackage name openssh-server07:18
xtknightFritzel`, have you tried the various logitech g5 guides for prev. versions of ubuntu, on HardY07:18
Fritzel`it installed via apt-get do you happen to know why something wouldn't show up in adept but would with apt-get? they pull from the same repo's right?07:18
Zoemin metapackage ssh07:18
xtknightmeant above msg for Zoem07:18
ethana2have they fixed evolution data server yet?07:18
Fritzel`no worries07:18
xtknightFritzel`, adept may be like add/remove apps... a terse version of the full thing07:18
ethana2It keeps going all 100% cpu07:18
ethana2on all our machines07:18
ethana2No one in my family uses anything but webmail07:18
Zoemxtknight, all the ones I have seen go up to getting buttons recognized, not changing behaviour07:19
xtknightZoem, yeah..hmm.07:19
ethana2on my dual seat, I try to keep one user always logged out07:19
ethana2just because of evolution07:19
xtknightZoem, so for instance is the thing you wnat to do something listed in gnome-keybinding-properties?07:19
xtknightor a command to run?07:19
xtknightthen you can probably map it easy07:19
xtknightif it's "go back in FF" i dont know how to do that.07:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173833 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "evdev mouse fails on hardy: cannot open input pEvdev" [Medium,Fix released]07:20
Zoemxtknight, I actually want it to have a context dependant behaviour, like a back button should07:20
xtknightZoem, what does back do in anything except IE?07:20
xtknighton windows that is07:20
Zoemlol, good point07:21
Zoemmostly, I want to have it as a back button in opera07:21
xtknighti think it might do something useless in explorer that misinterprets it or something07:21
xtknightbut yeah07:21
xtknightnice to work in both ff+opera.  sadly i dont know if that's possible07:21
xtknightseems like GNOME would have a standard "back" function07:22
xtknighti dont think side scroll is implemented whatsoever07:22
Zoemthis seems like a perenial problem, too. Mice have always been a pain07:22
xtknightit's a pretty sorry state of affairs07:22
xtknightwhich is why i had no answer for you07:22
DanaGhorizontal scroll is implemented..... but by default, Firefox interprets it as "back"07:22
xtknightas much as it sounded like i was probing you to annoy you, i just have no answer :p07:22
DanaGand "forward"07:22
Zoemlol, it's ok xtknight07:23
Zoemfirefox works ok07:23
xtknightwell i dont think side scroll itself is implemented,,, (0xaa->move scrollbar left, 0xbb->move scrollbar right)07:23
xtknightthere's nothing07:23
xtknightno infratructure07:23
Zoemexcept that it's super unstable07:23
Zoembtw, you guys rock07:24
xtknightevdev crashed everytime i tried it07:24
xtknightbrought my whole system down lol07:24
DanaGLovely:  "Remove all of evdev_brain.c and all callers."07:24
Zoemthe official opera channel hasn't answered my query from 25 min ago07:24
DanaGWhat the heck were they thinking... removing essentially ALL configurability!07:24
xtknightright people, right time07:25
DanaGAArgh,  WHY>07:25
ubotuDebian bug 443292 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "Mouse: cannot open input pEvdev" [Important,Open]07:25
ethana2my kodac c433 isn't showing up07:25
xtknight> Just like programs interpret buttons 4 and 5 as vertical scrolling,07:26
xtknight> they interpret 6 and 7 as the horizontal scrollers. GTK, mozilla,07:26
xtknight> galeon, and firefox all go by this principal07:26
ethana2Anybody having problems with digital cameras?07:26
xtknightZoem, so i guess i get from that you need to map the horiz scroll has buttons 6 and 7?07:26
xtknightdonno if that works07:26
Zoemxtknight, I think this my be an opera issue, because it's not putting any of my mouse configurations into effect07:27
xtknightZoem, well horiz scroll doesnt work in FF either does it?07:27
Zoemethana2, I've not seen any problems with cameras07:27
xtknightmine doesn't07:27
Zoemxtknight, I honestly don't know, because I almost never see any side scrolling07:28
xtknightZoem, http://nablasquared.wordpress.com/2007/12/31/logitech-g5-refresh-xorg-and-firefox/07:28
Zoemethana2, it might be that the new mount is not showing up, though. I have had problems like that on my phone07:28
xtknightOption “HWHEELRelativeAxisButtons” “7 6″07:28
xtknightmust be evdev only07:28
ethana2Zoem: yes.07:28
ethana2Zoem: that's it07:29
ethana2lsusb shows it07:29
xtknightethana2, does f-spot show the camera?07:29
ethana2I'll check07:29
Zoemin which case, open places->Computer and hit the reload button07:29
xtknightthe new mount seems like it was slapped on07:29
xtknightwhole windows open when you double clikc in a file chooser, etc07:30
ethana2'could not claim the usb device'07:30
ethana2f-spot saw it alright07:30
xtknighthmm permissions?07:30
ethana2dual seat rig.07:31
ethana2permissions are my bane07:31
xtknightso own the file usinga group and put the two users in a group07:31
ethana2gksu nautilus doesn't see it07:31
Zoemooh, this is new07:31
ethana2refresh does nothing07:31
Zoemmy camera is not showing up now either07:31
ethana2two machines now07:31
xtknightwel let me check mine :p07:31
xtknightdidnt even try07:32
ethana2at my house07:32
ethana2yours is three07:32
ethana2i can check my third07:32
ethana2but I already know what to expect07:32
Zoemfspot sees it and can't open it, either07:32
ethana2can't claim the usb device07:32
xtknightwoohoo for regressions07:32
ethana2this a gvfs move thing?07:33
ethana2...or is this more recent than that?07:33
Zoembut now it sees my phone very easily07:33
xtknighti plugged in my camera, absolutely nothing pops up07:34
xtknightgutsy used to tell me , do you want to import your photos?07:34
ethana2xtknight: when did you ..07:34
ethana2has anyone here used a camera with hardy yet?07:34
xtknightjust 5 secs ago07:34
xtknightethana2, f-spot gets mine07:34
ZoemI used it about a week ago07:34
ethana2xtknight: what brand?07:35
xtknightkodak DX453007:35
Zoemdid not show the mount at first, after represh it worked fine07:35
ethana2Kodak EasyShare C433 here07:35
xtknighti dont know.  im on a really new user acct right now07:35
xtknightmaybe default user acct has issues or something07:35
ZoemI have an intel pocket camera from 2001, if it's a driver issue, it's a pretty major one07:35
xtknighttype "groups"07:35
Zoem(like they lost all camera drivers at all)07:35
xtknightworks with: andy3 adm dialout fax cdrom floppy tape audio dip video plugdev scanner fuse07:36
pen_is usplash themes compatible with splashy?07:36
ethana2ethan adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin admin pulse-access sambashare07:36
pen_is usplash themes compatible with splashy?07:36
DanaGThey're quite extremely different.07:36
Zoemcamera thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=457462407:38
xtknightthere was a good hal mount debug cmd, can't find it07:38
ethana2by the way07:38
ethana2brother printers have gpl drivers07:38
ethana2...and they don't Just Work in my case07:38
ethana2DCP-7020 is actually just a scanner and a HL-125007:39
ethana2it tries to use the DCP-7025 driver07:39
ethana2....which is completely and totally different07:39
xtknightwell there was some insane (no pun intended) scanner regression too07:39
ethana2..the scanner has a gpl driver too07:39
ethana2doesn't Just Work either07:39
xtknightnow the question is, why does f-spot work for me and not you?07:41
Black_Magicanyone know if hydra works with Hardy or not i compiled from source and i typed hydra in term it just returns the terminal xhydra works but if i press start i get errors so that doesnt work btw my reason is i have a couple servers that id like to test security on so if you can help please do07:41
Zoemoh, camera workaround07:41
Zoemethana2, if you go to the launchpad bug on this issue, it lists two workarounds to get it to work again07:42
Zoemthat bug is at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/20647007:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 206470 in udev "udev - wrong permissions in udev rules for usb camera (dup-of: 189506)" [Undecided,New]07:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 189506 in gphoto2 "Normal user can't access USB camera Error (-53: 'Could not claim the USB device')" [Undecided,Fix released]07:42
xtknightfix released supposedly?07:43
ethana2Zoem: k..07:43
Zoemlol, don't believe it until your camera works :P07:43
xtknightmake sure you apt-get update and everything07:43
ethana2oh no07:43
xtknightdpkg -s libgphoto2-2|grep Version07:43
ethana2..it says to replace something in this file07:43
ethana2that does not exist.07:43
xtknightethana2, what's the above cmd say07:44
ethana2but I do see SUBSYSTEMS=="usb",GROUP="plugdev"07:44
ethana2ok, running07:44
xtknightubuntu6 should have the fix07:44
ethana2Version: 2.4.0-8ubuntu607:44
xtknightSystem/Preferences/Removable Drives and Media/Digital Camera you can get autoplay to work at least07:45
Black_MagicDoes Anyone Know?07:45
ethana2yarr, I told it to run nautilus when I connect a camera07:46
ethana2...and it doesn't07:46
ZoemBlack_Magic, you tried building it from source?07:46
xtknightethana2, try sudo /etc/init.d/udev reload && sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart07:46
Black_MagicZoem: Thats what i did >.>07:46
xtknightthen unplug, replug camera07:46
Zoemthen I would assume it doesn't work as of now07:46
Black_MagicZoem: Do you have a Package or source i got the one i used from the site i can tell you the errors07:46
ethana2loading drivers...07:47
ethana2plugging back in...07:47
ZoemBlack_Magic, what kind of errors?07:47
ethana2gahh, still not seeing it07:47
Black_MagicFrom xhydra hydra command doesnt work :/07:47
xtknightethana2, type lsusb, determine Bus xxx Device yyy.  then type cd ls -l /deb/bus/usb/xxx/yyy and report it07:48
xtknighttype ls -l /dev/bus/usb/xxx/yyy   i mean07:48
ZoemBlack_Magic, what is error message?07:48
Black_MagicZoem: Pastebining it07:48
xtknighthell, my camera was set as root and it's fine. crw-rw-r--+ 1 root root 189, 516 2008-04-13 02:48 /dev/bus/usb/005/00507:49
Black_MagicZoem: http://pastebin.com/f7551d3f907:49
ethana2Sorry, now I'm confused07:50
ethana2..but I found the device07:50
xtknightls -l /dev/bus/usb/003/00707:50
ethana2is that an -l?07:50
ethana2ok, yeah07:50
ZoemBlack_Magic, that's a build error?07:50
ethana2crw-rw-r-- 1 root root 189, 262 2008-04-12 22:47 00707:50
ethana2I was already in the directory07:51
xtknightstrange yours is - mine is +07:51
Black_MagicZoem: No thats from running xhydra and then going to press the start button07:51
xtknightdont even know what that means07:51
xtknightrather mine has an extra +07:51
Black_Magicit gives me that ALWAYS no matter how many times i recompile07:51
ZoemBlack_Magic, I am not familiar with the source of hydra, but it looks like you have faulty source07:52
Black_MagicZoem: Also the hydra file is an empty text file is that what its sopposed to be?07:52
Black_MagicZoem: Would you happen to have one?07:52
ZoemBlack_Magic, lol, I don't use script kiddie stuff, sorry07:52
Black_MagicZoem: Not script kiddie07:52
Black_Magicits really a terminal thing07:53
Black_Magicbut they added a GUI i really only use the terminal one but it doesnt work :/07:53
* saltedlight hi. anyone know why ubuntu 8.04 identify ATA hard drives as SATA ?!? on every system ?!? is this a known bug or what?07:53
Black_Magichydra just returns the thing...07:53
xtknightsaltedlight, it's expected behavior since Feisty or gutsy i think07:53
Zoemlol, I'm not saying you are, but this app certainly is. You can't really test security by brute force password cracking07:53
xtknightsaltedlight,  it's called libata07:53
crimsunand it's intentional.07:53
Flannelsaltedlight: It's been that way since edgy (or feisty)07:54
Black_MagicZoem: Yea You can if you can get into your system why cant someone else?07:54
HorizonXPman, why are the repos all messed up? I haven't been able to install updates for like 2 days now07:54
Zoemanyway, this looks like a faulty build or incomplete configure/make/install process. You should get new source and try again Black_Magic07:54
Black_MagicZoem: Ive gotten about 36 new sources....none of witch worked but all were from THC-Hydra site07:55
Zoemperhaps from the thc-hydra project page, which offers a precompiled .deb07:55
xtknighti wonder how i get back the old gutsy behavior that asked me if i wanted to import photos automatically07:55
Black_MagicZoem: Just source07:56
* ethana2 runs updates07:56
Zoemxtknight, it seems like we are all trying to get some old gutsy behaviour back07:56
xtknightZoem, lol i should just be glad my camera even works07:56
ethana2you should.07:58
ZoemBlack_Magic, it looks like you are missing dictionaries07:58
ethana2My dual seat is always giving me wierd permission problems07:58
=== dr_tbm is now known as eth01
* saltedlight after dist-upgrade ubuntu is not booting because I/O on SDA witch should be HDA and if i boot on the old kernel (found on grub menu) is ok... anyone know how to fix that? 07:58
Black_MagicZoem: I already made my Dictionaries....07:59
Zoemwell, dunno07:59
bennyf11hello having issues with wifi08:00
bennyf11can anyone assist08:00
penwhat is the best boot splash?08:00
Zoembennyf11, what is problem?08:00
Black_MagicZoem: Even if i do set a diffrent stuff i get that i have the libssh 11 thing someone else had that probem the libssh solved theres but not mines08:00
penusplash or splashy?08:00
Black_Magicbecause i installed it already08:00
bennyf11zoem ive just upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04, having issues with wifi08:00
ZoemBlack_Magic, sorry, I am not really familiar with hydra, so, I can't really tell08:01
Black_MagicOk Then08:01
Black_Magicthx for help anyways BTW if you didnt know about the program you didnt have to try and help ;)08:02
Zoembennyf11, what kind of issues?08:02
ZoemBlack_Magic, if it was just a build issue I prolly could have helped08:02
Black_MagicSecond ill recompile and then give you output ;)08:03
Black_Magicjust incase :P08:03
Zoembennyf11, issues like you can't see wireless networks, and you are not aquiring ip addresses from the ones you put in manually?08:04
bennyf11i cannot find my wireless router08:05
bennyf11its not anywhere08:05
xtknightwhat bugs are on the docket for fixing by time of release?08:05
Zoembennyf11, do you know the essid?08:05
xtknightbennyf11, what wireless adapter08:05
bennyf11i know essid08:05
frarocoI have a External HD and I conect it to my laptop it Mounted on X name but when I turn off and turn on the computer it mounted on X_ and each time I turn on the computer it mounted with _ more at name. what I have to do?08:05
Black_MagicZoem: http://pastebin.com/f131c003508:05
xtknightiwscan list08:05
bennyf11wireless adapter is broadcom 431108:06
xtknightah that uses b43 and ssb08:06
xtknightso modules load i assume tho..  lsmod |grep b4308:06
ZoemBlack_Magic, other than it seems really short, I don't see any problems08:07
bennyf11rephrase, my wireless adaptor is the issue.08:07
Black_MagicYea.....it has an error (ignored) thing in it tho08:07
xtknightBlack_Magic, install libssh-2-dev08:08
xtknightunless you d/l libssh11 already08:08
xtknightmight want only .1108:08
Black_Magicxtknight: i thought hydra only worked with .1108:08
xtknightno idea never even heard of it08:08
Black_Magiclibssh-2-dev isnt backwards compatible with .1108:08
Ayabaraafter using Hardware Drivers to add the nVidia drivers and rebooting, I'm stuck in low graphics mode. I have a Dell XPS M1530 with a GeForce 8600M GT card. Anyone else with this card here?08:08
Zoemxtknight, remote dictionary passed password cracker08:08
Black_Magicacctually its mostly for local08:09
xtknightbennyf11, type sudo lshw -class network  and pastebin please08:09
owen1i mouted a folder on my server using dfs but it's gone after restart. any ideas?08:11
Black_MagicOoh the make was short because i forgot to make clean08:11
bennyf11  *-network08:11
bennyf11       description: Network controller08:11
bennyf11       product: BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI08:11
bennyf11       vendor: Broadcom Corporation08:11
bennyf11       physical id: 008:11
bennyf11       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.008:11
Ayabaramy xorg.conf when I'm stuck in low graphics mode: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63002/. would be nice if someone could take a look :-)08:11
bennyf11       version: 0208:11
bennyf11       width: 64 bits08:12
bennyf11       clock: 33MHz08:12
bennyf11       capabilities: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list08:12
bennyf11       configuration: driver=b43-pci-bridge latency=0 module=ssb08:12
bennyf11  *-network08:12
lachlan_hello i just updated to hardy beta any my PC freezes when i use firefox has anybody else had this problem?08:12
bennyf11       description: Ethernet interface08:12
bennyf11       product: RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+08:12
bennyf11       vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.08:12
xtknight!pastebin| bennyf11 please use this next time08:12
bennyf11       physical id: 108:12
ubotubennyf11 please use this next time: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:12
bennyf11       bus info: pci@0000:02:01.008:12
bennyf11       logical name: eth108:12
bennyf11       version: 1008:12
bennyf11       serial: 00:1b:38:3c:ea:3a08:12
bennyf11       size: 100MB/s08:12
bennyf11       capacity: 100MB/s08:12
bennyf11       width: 32 bits08:12
bennyf11       clock: 33MHz08:12
bennyf11       capabilities: pm bus_master cap_list ethernet physical tp mii 10bt 10bt-fd 100bt 100bt-fd autonegotiation08:12
bennyf11       configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=8139too driverversion=0.9.28 duplex=full ip= latency=64 link=yes maxlatency=64 mingnt=32 module=8139too multicast=yes port=MII speed=100MB/s08:12
bennyf11sorry...... Im new to the IRC08:12
xtknightanyway i think your b43 is detected08:13
xtknightbennyf11, so pastebin "iwlist scan" please08:13
bennyf11however i cannot connect to my wifi network08:13
ZoemAyabara, what kind of video card do you have?08:13
AyabaraZoem: nVidia GeForce 8600M GT08:14
xtknightbennyf11, pastebin "sudo iwconfig eth1 up"08:15
xtknightmay be wrong cmd i can't really remember08:15
bennyf11xtknight, error with command08:15
xtknighttry ifconfig08:15
ZoemAyabara, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63005/ look at the moniter and screen sections08:16
x1250bennyf11: does wifi-radar works? try it and see if it detects something08:16
x1250aptitude search wifi-radar08:16
ZoemAyabara, are you using official nvidia driver?08:16
xtknightAyabara, should probably run   gksu nvidia-settings and use it there08:16
ZoemI was just going to suggest that08:16
xtknightnot all monitors use same modelines08:17
Zoemscreen section was the important part08:17
xtknightmy brand new one doesnt even use general timing, but nvidia should detect it from your monitor.08:17
AyabaraZoem: yes. I have tried both enabling it with "Hardware Drivers", and downloading from nVidia's site and installing08:17
bennyf11x1250: wifi not work08:17
xtknightbennyf11, what does "sudo ifconfig eth1 up" do08:17
bennyf11no output08:18
xtknightbennyf11, and subsequently, "sudo dhclient eth1" ?08:18
AyabaraZoem, xtknight: so.. install it again, and run 'gksu nvidia-settings' before I reboot?08:18
xtknightAyabara, no reboot just run gksu nvidia-settings08:18
ZoemAyabara, just run that now08:18
xtknightsee if you can change res, etc08:18
xtknightif so, press save to x config after applying it08:18
xtknightbennyf11, so your net is up?08:18
Ayabaraxtknight, Zoem: even if I'm not using the nVidia driver atm? I reverted to the default xorg.conf08:19
bennyf11i am currently using net through ethernet cable08:19
xtknightAyabara, please install nvidia,restart X,run gksu nvidia-settings08:19
bennyf11i need wireless funcitionality08:19
xtknightbennyf11, oh i see so eth1 is your wired?08:19
DanaG!find r818x08:19
ubotuNo packages matching 'r818x' could be found08:19
bennyf11must be08:19
Ayabaraxtknight: on it08:19
DanaG!find r818x*.ko08:19
ubotuNo packages matching 'r818x*.ko' could be found08:19
Black_MagicYou guys make me sound evil thats exactly why i delayed asking for help here >.....08:19
DanaG!find rtl818008:19
ubotuNo packages matching 'rtl8180' could be found08:19
xtknightbennyf11, ya well i dont see an interface for your other one08:20
Zoemoh, I didn't want to make him sound evil. just pathetic08:20
Zoemthat's what, 2 line script to do local password crack testing?08:20
bennyf11how do i install itnerface for other one08:20
xtknightbennyf11, it might be broken08:20
xtknightbennyf11, pastebin "dmesg" please08:21
xtknightbennyf11, and i also need the output of lsmod|grep ssb   and    lsmod |grep b4308:21
TomWok, quick question: i am not getting any proper system sounds, only hardware beeps... is this a known problem?08:22
xtknight TomW  not a known problem for the rest of us , at least08:22
xtknightwhat kind of system sounds do you mean?08:22
TomWwell i just got a new email08:22
TomWand it made a system beep.. every message.. all errors08:23
xtknightbennyf11, yes look at Sonics Silicon Backplane output.  looks like a crash to me08:23
xtknightTomW, type asoundconf lits08:23
xtknightasoundconf list08:23
xtknightdo you have any sound cards enabled?08:23
TomWyeah, Intel08:24
bennyf11so.... huh???? its a hardware issue08:24
xtknightbennyf11, it's a problem with the current kernel not supporting your hardware, but not a problem with your hardware probably08:24
TomWmusic works though...08:24
DanaGasoundconf set-pulseaudio08:25
xtknightTomW, system->preferences->sound, do you have sound mixing enabled?08:25
xtknightsoftware sound mixing esd08:25
xtknightbennyf11, try to find bugs on launchpad about it?08:25
Ayabarahmm. nvidia-settings was not automatically installed. is that normal?08:25
xtknight!launchpad | bennyf1108:25
ubotubennyf11: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/08:25
xtknightAyabara,  sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings08:25
bicyclistThere is a new beta nvidia driver out ! But still no brightness control for my sony vaio FZ31J08:26
Ayabaraxtknight: already there :-)08:26
DanaGnew nvidia beta?  Link me to their page about it.08:26
Zoembicyclist, I know, I have a 9600 gt, only way I can get drivers :)08:26
TomW@xtknight they are all set to autodetect.. what do you mean software sound mixing esd?08:26
bicyclistBut they still have no fix for the brightness problem08:27
xtknightTomW, second tab08:27
TomWits on08:27
bennyf11xtknight, why would it work on 7.10??08:27
xtknightbennyf11, i would report the bug on launchpad08:27
ZoemDanaG, http://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us08:27
xtknightbennyf11, because hardy deprecated the bcm43xx /fwcutter driver08:27
xtknight# replaced by b43 and ssb.08:27
xtknightblacklist bcm43xx08:27
xtknightand the new ones aren't up to par i guess?08:28
TomW@xtknight worked it i think - unchecked system beep lol08:28
xtknightTomW, ah hha hmm08:28
bicyclistThanx Zoem, you where faster than me ;)08:28
AyabaraZoem, xtknight: when I start nvidia settings it says "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver ... run nvidia-xconfig as root and restart X server". I did that and still get the warning.08:28
DanaGHmm, no changes relevant to 7600 series.08:28
TomW@xtknight cheers anyway :)08:28
xtknightAyabara, lsmod|grep nvidia08:28
xtknightand dmesg|grep nvidia08:29
Ayabaraxtknight: nvidia               3934028  008:29
Ayabaraagpgart                34760  2 nvidia,intel_agp08:29
xtknightok please dont paste too much if dmesg spits out a lot :)08:29
xtknightAyabara, and    grep nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:29
Ayabaraxtknight: I've been burned before :-)08:29
Zoembicyclist, I told you, I live by those. have to re08:29
Ayabaradmesg says : nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.08:29
xtknightya that's ok08:29
Zoembicyclist, re-install every kernel update, too ;)08:30
Ayabaraxorg.conf gives two lines : Driver "nvidia" with  Modes "nvidia-auto-select"08:31
DanaGLook in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common to disable nvidia08:31
AyabaraZoem, xtknight, but.. wouldn't the active one be "failsafe" since I'm in low-graphics mode?08:31
xtknightAyabara, eh are you?08:31
xtknightnot sure when .failsafe is invoked exactly08:32
ZoemI would just go for the official nvidia drivers. but I like things easy rather than kosher :/08:32
xtknightcat /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep xorg.conf08:32
xtknightfind out08:32
Ayabaraxtknight: yes, after installing the nvidia driver I can get nowhere but low graphics mode08:32
AyabaraZoem: the official drivers gave the same result :-/08:32
AyabaraDanaG: was your latest advice for me?08:33
ZoemAyabara, you ran the binary from the nvidia web page?08:33
xtknightAyabara,  cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep xorg.conf08:33
TomWalso, is transmission just a torrent client?08:33
xtknightTomW, yup08:33
Ayabaraxtknight: using failsafe08:33
xtknightAyabara, o thats a problem08:33
Ayabaraxtknight: a tiny one :-)08:34
xtknightwell maybe you need the latest beta nvidia ;)08:34
xtknightfor 8600Mobile?08:34
DanaGAyabara: yes -- that's what you need to do to prevent the boot scripts from trampling on the manually-installed nvidia.08:34
xtknightAyabara,  oh well it says 8600 is supported by 169.12.  i'd just use the hardware manager in ubuntu to install drivers, then.08:35
Ayabaraxtknight: that's the one I used with the same result. Enabling with "Restricted Drivers" in Gutsy worked, and it worked in Hardy after my dist-upgrade. Yesterday I had to reinstall Hardy, and here I am.08:35
xtknightAyabara, didnt restricted drivers do it for hardy?08:36
xtknighti mean the hardware driver manager in administration08:36
xtknightif not then i don't know what's up08:37
Ayabaraxtknight: no, but like I said exactly the same happens when I install the latest beta from nvidia08:37
ZoemAyabara, after you install the beta from nvidia, do you have it auto-configure your xorg.conf?08:37
bennyf11xtknight, ist there any way to run the bcm43xx /fwcutter08:37
xtknightAyabara, hopefully you don't have that borked nvidia update08:37
xtknightbennyf11, on hardy, i dont believe so.  might find some guide though08:38
xtknightAyabara, one sec08:38
xtknightit was a kernel problem rather08:38
xtknightbug 21577808:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 215778 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "2.6.24-16.30 kernel update - nvidia module fails to load" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21577808:38
AyabaraZoem: yes, but it doesn't configure much.08:38
DanaGI still haven't installed the nvidia-glx-new update that's "in the pipe"08:39
DanaGNo changelog.  Therefore, I won't install it.08:39
ZoemI won't install any driver that doesn't explicitly support my card08:39
xtknightZoem, what do you mean?08:40
DanaGIt's not like the Windows drivers, where you need laptopvideo2go.com.08:40
Zoemxtknight, nvidia 9600 gt isn't in official drivers yet08:40
xtknightZoem, oh it's in betas only yaeh08:41
xtknightand probably wont be in ubuntu ever08:41
xtknighthardy ever, rather08:41
Zoemxtknight, the beta's for linux are 100x better than the official for windows, so I'm happy :)08:41
xtknightZoem, haha ya08:41
xtknightZoem, the control panel on windows sucks08:41
Zoemxtknight, lol, the way the card crashes after ~1 hour of gameplay sucks08:42
Zoemscreen blacks, fans max speed, nvidia refuses to acknowledge there is a problem08:42
Ayabaraxtknight: so the solution is to use an older kernel or try the ones from the nvidia site again?08:42
xtknightwell i gotta take off08:42
Ayabaraxtknight: thanks for helping08:42
xtknightAyabara, basically reinstall your current kernel08:42
xtknightAyabara, or download hardy release when it comes out, and it wont have that problem for SURE08:42
xtknighti mean not the linux-ubuntu-modules issue that an update caused the other day08:43
xtknightcant guarnatee your nvidia will work08:43
Ayabaraok. my next Q now is of course: how do I reinstall my current kernel?08:44
xtknightAyabara, sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-`uname -r`08:44
xtknightand later, "sudo update-initramfs -u -k `uname -r`" and then "sudo update-grub"08:45
xtknighthopefully thatll do it.08:45
Ayabaraxtknight: thanks. I'll try it. if it doesn't work, I'll go back to the default xorg.conf and wait a few days08:45
DanaGHmm, seems like the only new changes in the -16 kernel are mostly virtio stuff.08:45
xtknightthen reboot, then type "sudo depmod -a" for safety, and then attempt hardware manager08:45
xtknightor "vitrio" as he conveniently misspells it in the changelog08:46
xtknightconvenient for kvm though08:46
lachlan_hello is anybody else having firefox problems?08:47
xtknightwhat kind08:48
lachlan_when i loogin to nything my pc freezes08:48
Lynourelachlan_: happily problemsless here08:48
lachlan_same problem occurs in Konqurer08:48
xtknightlachlan_, do you have amd64?08:48
lachlan_this is the 32bit version on a Q6600 intel08:49
xtknightlachlan_, so just opening firefox makes it freeze?08:49
DanaG  * UBUNTU: SAUCE: mmc: Increase power_up deleay to fix TI readers08:50
DanaGWhat is this Sauce it speaks of?  It makes me hungry.08:50
lachlan_no logging in to anything does so myspace or launchpad08:50
xtknightlachlan_, do you use kde?08:50
lachlan_nah gnome08:50
xtknighti was going to say, try clearing your cache, or maybe the password wallet in GNOME is messed up08:50
lachlan_i use some KDE apps08:50
DanaGcan't say I know what virtio is.08:51
lachlan_well im entering the passwords and user names manually08:51
xtknightlachlan_, wow so same thing happins in konqeuror?08:51
xtknighti mean thats' pretty much a wallet problem of some kind.  konqueror doesnt use firefox at all08:52
xtknightor maybe some https issue, who knows08:52
lachlan_i will just check if its only logging in08:52
xtknightlachlan_, sorry man i gotta go08:52
Lynourextknight: konqueror uses kwallet... Or does it use gnome wallet on Gnome?08:53
xtknightno clue08:53
xtknightgrasping for straws08:53
Ayabaraxtknight, Zoem: and there it is :-D08:54
Ayabarathanks for helping08:54
LynoureUnfortunately my first hunch would be some password-sending spyware, but my guesses tend to start at the nasty end08:54
Zoemlol, it was xtknight08:54
AyabaraZoem: I agree he laid the final touch :-)08:55
saurabhi updated hardy using the package manager at night and now compiz won't start, please help08:55
Zoemsaurabh, can you pastebin your xorg.conf?08:56
* DanaG goes to bed now.08:56
Zoemnighn DanaG :)08:56
saurabhZoem:  just a minute08:57
TychoQuadhi guys, quick question, when 8.04 final comes out, will I be upgraded to the final release, or will i be moved to the beta of the next release?08:57
Lynourelachlan_: does the freeze just continue, or does is go away on it's own?08:57
saurabhZoem: here is my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m5353f44008:59
Ayabara#join #ubuntu-effects08:59
lachlan_hey. i just found out that it happens when ever i go to a website09:00
TomWdamn, now another problem.. vlc won't play anything09:00
TomWbut it used to09:00
Zoemsaurabh, do to system->administration->hardware drivers and tell me if you see anything there09:00
ZoemTomW, vlc wont' play anything?!?09:01
danageanybody know the bug where the mount directories under /media/ are not removed and you get (Name)_ and (Name)__ and (Name)___ and so forth?09:01
ZoemTomW, that's like, the sun not shining or something09:01
TychoQuaddanage: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/10184509:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 101845 in hal "Automounted Volumes mount points change" [High,In progress]09:01
saurabhZoem: if I try to start the effects, i lose the window decorations09:01
TomWyes i know...09:01
danageTychoQuad: THANK YOU09:02
DrUnKnMuNkYdoes anyone here use synergy for keyboard/mouse sharing between 2 computers? i'm having lots of trouble with lag with mine currently09:02
Zoemsaurabh, ah, you get the effects up ok then?09:02
danageok, and another one: my bluetooth mouse disconnect after X minutes09:02
saurabhZoem: no effects at all,09:02
owen1how to access trash form command line?09:02
TychoQuadDrUnKnMuNkY, yes I do, and so does 2 friends, one is having problems like you just described, so sorry, don't know :P09:02
TomWthat was the output log for vlc: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63010/09:03
Zoemsaurabh, hmmm, well, we can adress the window decorations easy09:03
Zoemsaurabh, sudo apt-get install emerald09:03
Zoememerald --replace09:03
saurabhZoem: did that and tried to start effects again but to no avail09:03
Zoemhmmm ok09:03
Zoemwhat kind of vid card do you have?09:03
TychoQuadanyone know if my hardy will go final when it's released, or will it become the beta of the next release?09:04
saurabhZoem:  Intel GMA 95009:04
LynoureTychoQuad: hardy will stay hardy09:04
Fritzel`does anyone know why my cursor won't stay visible when moving over random windows?09:04
DrUnKnMuNkYTychoQuad, what setup are you using currently for synergy?09:04
david what benefit would I get using emerald over standard?09:04
LynoureTychoQuad: it's not like the Debian unstable in that respect. :)09:04
Zoemsaurabh, interesting... I'll have to google real quick :)09:04
saurabhZoem: direct rendering is enabled and glxgears gives me around 95009:04
TychoQuadthanks Lynoure09:04
Zoemsaurabh, that makes it easier...09:05
TychoQuadDrUnKnMuNkY, just the one off apt, along with the instructions on their site to make it work on startup09:05
DrUnKnMuNkYTychoQuad, between a bunch of linux machines or are there any windows machines in tehre? i'm just trying to pin down what could be causing my problem09:05
TychoQuadin all situations i've seen it used, windows is host, linux is client09:06
DrUnKnMuNkYme too so I guess that's not the problem. Thanks09:06
TychoQuadsorry i couldn't help more09:07
TomW@Zoem, solved it - i had spaces in the path09:07
ZoemTomW, lol, that's good :)09:07
TychoQuadanyone know where I'd go for kismet support?09:07
Zoemsaurabh, please paste lsmod | grep intel09:09
LynoureTychoQuad: #kismet, if it exists, if not, their project page might list another irc channel/forum09:10
Fritzel`does anyone else have a missing pointer on some windows?09:10
voxi seem to have an issue with anything that requires su within gnome.  anytime i click on, say, Synaptic, it says "starting Administrative Application" on the taskbar, then after a few seconds it goes away and nothing happens.09:11
saurabhlsmod |grep intel output is here http://pastebin.com/m16e54d4f09:11
DanaGHeh, I always end up force-quitting firefox, since it's too slow at exiting.09:11
TychoQuadvox, i have that whenever i try to launch kismet, however it affects ALL applications after i attempt to launch it, and i have to hard reset09:12
Davo_Dinkumwhat's hardy's current support for power management? my laptop didnt shut down when the battery went flat, it just lost power09:12
voxTychoQuad: same09:12
saurabhZoem: lsmod |grep intel output is here http://pastebin.com/m16e54d4f09:12
david8.04 robbed me of the ability to use desktop effects:/09:13
Zoemsaurabh, it looks like your drivers are installed, so I'm looking for what else it could be09:13
TychoQuadgood to know it's a hardy bug then. lets try and find it on launchpad09:13
Lynouredavid: some cards are blacklisted for compiz, I think (I don't use compiz myself, kwin4 effects work nicely for me)09:14
Davo_Dinkumhow can i make it shut down safely when my laptop battery goes flat?09:15
angharadI've just installed the hardy beta, but I'm running into problems with the BBC iplayer (which relies on flash). Other flash sites work ok (e.g. youtube), but iplayer site produces garbled sound. Anyone run into a similar issue? Is it just a problem with the latest flash?09:16
angharadin fact youtube will hang firefox after I go and try the iplayer site, but if i restart firefox youtube works ok09:16
TychoQuadvox, do you have a launchpad account?09:18
Zoemsaurabh, try sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel09:18
saurabhZoem: let me do that09:19
davidLynoure: then my card got blacklisted from 7.10 -> 8.0409:19
saurabhZoem: xserver-xorg-video-intel is already the newest version.09:20
Davo_Dinkumno one knows?09:20
davidtry power management09:20
Zoemsaurabh, ok, we can try to reconfigure the xserver with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:21
Zoemsaurabh, you may need to stop the gdm to do this, and you will need to restart x afterwords09:21
Lynouredavid: Which card you have?09:21
saurabhZoem: i will do that now09:21
davidsome ATI mobile M909:21
saurabhZoem: will Ctrl-Backspace be enough to restart both Gdm and XServer?09:22
Lynouredavid: many of ati's laptop cards did...09:22
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »09:22
saurabhZoem: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace09:22
Lynoureno, not that one... oh well.09:22
rohanwill ubuntu 8.04 be released with firefox3 beta as the default firefox?09:22
Zoemsaurabh, that will restart the xserver, but gdm must be manual stopped and started09:22
saurabhZoem: how do i manually stop gdm09:23
Zoemsaurabh, i usually killall it, and you can start it with sudo gdm09:23
saurabhZoem: ok09:23
TychoQuadrohan, looks like yes. possibly RC1 if that comes out in time09:23
ayllusomeone can help me whit synce09:23
Zoemsaurabh, if you do stop the gdm, you should do it from a tty terminal, since you will lose all windows while it is down09:24
saurabhZoem: it is asking if it can use the Kernel framebuffer device09:24
rohanTychoQuad: is it nice to have a LTS release with beta browser as default? :o09:24
Zoemsaurabh, I would go with defaults in most cases09:24
TychoQuadnormally i would say no, but these builds of firefox are lightyears ahead of firefox209:25
Fritzel`is there anyway to get google toolbar to work on firefox 3b5? I realize this is sort of off topic, but I figured I'd ask in case anyone knows09:25
davidgoogle toolbar :B09:25
ZoemFritzel`, firefox is yuck :P or, sorry, I don't know :)09:25
davidZoem: lynx ftw?09:26
HorizonXPso I just found a bug in gcalculator09:26
saurabhZoem: i reconfigured the x-server and i am about to kill gdm and xserver, how can i kill the xserver09:26
HorizonXPwondering if other people can reproduce it?09:26
Zoemdavid, lol <3 lynx. but I use opera09:26
Zoemsaurabh, if you kill gdm, xserver goes with it :)09:26
rohanTychoQuad: ahead in what way?09:26
TychoQuadfeatures, stability, platform intergration, rendering speed and accuracy09:27
HorizonXPopen gcalc, try doing a huge sum of numbers09:27
HorizonXPlike 5.64+3.62+14.68+....09:27
HorizonXPI just used my bank statement :)09:28
Zoemwhat is the problem?09:28
HorizonXPdo it for a large amount, like 20 items, so that the display starts to scroll09:28
coz_guys a couple of questions...I cannot get the nvidia driver 9755  to install on hardy is this because of x11/xcb?  and also  what the heck is breaking compiz fusion plugins from last update?09:28
HorizonXPwhen you hit enter, the display is just blank09:28
ZoemHorizonXP, no idea. add a launchpad on it :)09:28
HorizonXPif you do copy, and paste into a text editor, you see the answer09:28
compwiz18you're right :)09:28
HorizonXPcan you try it for me?09:29
HorizonXPit could be just me09:29
compwiz18I did09:29
HorizonXPoh nice09:29
compwiz18no answer09:29
HorizonXPI found a bug!09:29
davidthe calculation is too complex for linux09:29
TychoQuadanyone not able to launch applications after starting kismet?09:29
davidyou need a windows 98 machine or higher to do that HorizonXP09:29
HorizonXPcompwiz18: go Edit->Copy, and paste into another program, you'll see the answer there. so it is getting calculated09:30
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents09:30
compwiz18HorizonXP: yeah, I suspect the box doesn't scroll back or something09:30
Zoemcoz_, is that the most recent driver?09:30
HorizonXPtime to file a bug09:30
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:30
ayllusomeone can help me whit synce09:31
ayllui want to copy files to my ipaq09:31
compwiz18on the upside, this is the first ubuntu release that installed all the restricted drivers without any command line help :)09:31
coz_Zoem, no it is not it is an older driver  but the best for this one nvidia card fx570009:31
saurabhZoem: i ultimately restarted the machine, it still doesnt start09:31
Zoemsaurabh, can you repaste xorg.conf pls?09:31
aylluuse envyng, and check xorg09:31
Zoemcoz_, perhaps it is part of nvidia-glx-legacy now?09:32
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »09:32
TychoQuadayllu, try http://www.synce.org/moin/SynceChat09:32
davidayllu: sync or just copy files09:32
coz_Zoem,  no it isnt  and I never use glx i always manually install from nvidia however in hardy this driver refuses to install09:32
Zoemcoz_, I wouldn't know about that, I need to use the 173.0x beta :/09:33
ayllujust copy files, i install, synce but nautiles cant sopurt it09:33
davidif copying files is the goal, then it's much easier to just use a cardreader ayllu09:33
saurabhZoem: new xorg.conf is here http://pastebin.com/m5ba00f1009:33
coz_Zoem, yeah I understand   however even though the 100.xx and up install fine on hardy they do not fair well with my video card on this system09:34
aylluthe think is, hardy has upgrade from gnomevfs to gvfs, so nautilus cant supourt syce09:34
daviddid you ever manage to sync properly prior to hardy?09:35
Zoemsaurabh, how badly do you want this? feel like manually editing your xorg.conf?09:35
Zoemcoz_, sorry, I don't know what to do about that? maybe try envy?09:35
coz_Zoem, no I dont use envy  thanks09:36
parthiblsHi....NEED SOME HELP!......Trying to setup Hardy on a new desktop.......Everything is fine except the on-board LAN on the NVidia GeForce 6100 / nForce 430 isn't working09:36
ayllui install the backports for hardy, but i seen ist dosnt a upgrade, o maybe is a bug, because, i can do all, also installing programs but not copy files09:36
parthiblsany SUGGESTIONS??09:36
Zoemcoz_, well, maybe the beta then? I dunno, sorry :/09:36
coz_Zoem,  no thats ok I was just wondering if anyone knew why that particular driver would not install on hardy09:37
ZoemIdentifier "Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device"09:37
ZoemDriver "i810"09:37
ZoemBusID "PCI:0:2:0"09:37
ZoemOption "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps"09:37
ZoemI cut/paste fail :(09:38
HorizonXPcompwiz18: bug report 21668909:39
voxi seem to have an issue with anything that requires su within gnome.  anytime i click on, say, Synaptic, it says "starting Administrative Application" on the taskbar, then after a few seconds it goes away and nothing happens.09:39
aylluI can not  explore the divace, but synce-tryicon i can install a program. so i think there is soomething arrund to fix it, to que synce work whit nautilus, i read many post on then net and i think im alone whit that problem09:39
saurabhZoem: well, i used to do that in feisty and gutsy, but what i dont understand is why it doesnt work, if it doesnt work here, there will be a lot of people without this09:39
DrUnKnMuNkYTychoQuad, found a fix for Synergy you can pass on to your friend. Found in the forums that running it as root fixes the problem. For me it's working so far as root.09:40
bazhangvox use sudo not su09:40
TychoQuadthanks DrUnKnMuNkY, will be sure to let him know09:40
Zoemsaurabh, what I am seeing is that your xorg.conf is not being configured for any kind of graphics adapter at all. This prolly has to do with some changes to the driver managers or to xserver09:41
TychoQuadbazhang, i have the same problem using sudo and kismet09:41
DrUnKnMuNkYvox, try using gksudo if you're not running the app from a terminal09:41
Zoemsaurabh, there have been a few instances of things getting worse rather than betten :(09:41
parthiblsanybody got NVidia GeForce 6100 / nForce 430 On-board LAN working??09:43
voxDrUnKnMuNkY: tried that aswell, makes no difference09:44
voxbazhang: sorry, gksu/gksudo09:44
TychoQuadsame, continues to cause no applications to start09:44
bazhangvox are you running as root?09:45
voxbazhang: no, im logged into gnome as a user09:45
bazhangvox what is the app you wish to use sudo/gksudo on?09:45
saurabhZoem: from what i know, the new xorg auto configures everything but here is the output of compiz --replace http://pastebin.com/m7498587709:45
TychoQuadbazhang, i get the same problem as vox only with kismet09:46
HorizonXPhey, is anyone noticing freezes with compiz and nvidia cards? like, randomly? and the system mouse still works, just graphics doesn't?09:46
TychoQuadI believe he was attempting to start synaptic09:46
voxbazhang: er anything? Synaptic/Network/Printing/System Log/etc09:46
bazhangvox sounds odd; how long has this been happening?09:47
parthiblsanybody got NVidia GeForce 6100 / nForce 430 On-board LAN working??09:47
voxbazhang: since i dist-upgraded to hardy from gutsy about 3 weeks ago09:47
TychoQuadbazhang, same09:47
Zoemsaurabh, that actually looks like you do not have the driver installed... lemme look into that09:48
bazhangvox you have no ability to update or upgrade for three weeks?09:48
voxi know how to use apt09:48
voxbut this is a problem with gksu/gksudo09:48
david11 days left :)09:48
bazhangvox so your dpkg is broken? no updates at all?09:48
voxwhich affects /alot/ of things09:48
voxgksu/gksudo doesnt work properly.09:49
davidwonder how many updates us betausers will get to achieve 8.04 LTS stable09:49
david(on day 0)09:49
bazhangdavid about 700-800 or more ;]09:49
Gnine!bug | vox09:49
ubotuvox: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:49
davidbazhang: :D09:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about brightness - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:50
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:50
Zoemsaurabh, you have intel 965 video card?09:50
Fritzel`does anyon else not have busy pointers?09:51
voxmmm it's listed09:51
TychoQuadwhat's the bug number vox?09:52
bazhangbug #5517209:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 55172 in gksu "gksu dies on first run" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5517209:52
saurabhZoem: its an Intel GMA 95009:53
Zoemsaurabh, ok, can you do lspci and look for lines with "VGA compatible controller:" pls09:54
saurabhZoem: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)09:56
Zoemsaurabh, ok, I finally got my head out of my a** and found something that could be useful:)09:58
Zoemsaurabh, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=253856&highlight=AIGLX09:58
sailaway85hi all09:59
Zoemsaurabh, although, that is a bit dated...10:00
Zoemsaurabh, if that can't help then I'm all out, sorry :(10:00
saurabhZoem: u tried hard man, thanks! i will read it and try and tell you if it worked10:01
saurabhZoem: brb10:01
Zoemsaurabh, oh, I need to go sleep, so I have to call it a night10:02
Zoemsaurabh, good luck10:02
Fritzel`does anyone who uses any mouse pointer theme except for KDE classic have invisible "busy" and "working in background" pointers?10:03
LynoureFritzel`: I seem to use DMZ white, and those two work fine for me10:05
LynoureFritzel`: I don't even seem to have "KDE classic" as a cursor theme option...10:05
tapasanyone else experience gnome-appearance-properties eating 100% cpu even after closing it?10:06
tapas[it continues until i kill the process manually]10:06
Fritzel`Lynoure: -nod- I installed probably about 30 additional pointer thems just to get away from KDE classic (it's ugly) and every single one of them have a missing busy and working in the background pointer10:06
tapasit has been so for me for quite a while, but never really used gnome10:06
Fritzel`except for KDE classic10:07
LynoureFritzel`: tried this one I am using yet?10:07
Fritzel`is it in the repos?10:07
Fritzel`I don't have it10:07
LynoureFritzel`: no idea...10:07
_bthi, i need to report a bug but don't really know what package to file against. its to do with a USB volume not being unmounted properly on shutdown , because it is being shared by samba. any ideas?10:07
Fritzel`installing it now10:08
TychoQuad_bt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/101845 volumes aren't being dismounted on shutdown at all atm10:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 101845 in hal "Automounted Volumes mount points change" [High,In progress]10:08
Fritzel`no those too are invislbe10:09
LynoureFritzel`: hmm, or is kde classic the one labeled "System theme" - "Do not change curson theme"?10:09
Fritzel`here it's called KDE Classic10:09
LynoureFritzel`: interesting. Maybe me upgrading from Gutsy made it different for me...10:09
Fritzel`"KDE Classic" "The default cursor theme in KDE 2 and 3"10:10
Fritzel`Lynoure: that could be I installed fresh10:10
LynoureFritzel`: all themes I have seem happily have 6 different states10:10
Fritzel`has anyone else done a fresh install of hardy KDE4?10:11
_btTychoQuad: thanks, that looks like the one.10:11
TychoQuadyour welcome10:11
parthiblsanybody got NVidia GeForce 6100 / nForce 430 On-board LAN working on Haardy??10:12
LynoureFritzel`: oh,  kde4! You did not mention that earlier...10:12
LynoureFritzel`: What I said about mine only applies to my kde3.5.9, have not tried that on kde410:12
Fritzel`Lynoure: -nod-10:12
Fritzel`well I don't want to report it till I can get a confirmed second case?10:13
Fritzel`er -?10:13
_btTychoQuad: that probably should have been fixed before now10:13
TychoQuad_bt, no kidding, but it hasn't been. It's been annoying the hell out of me, right next to kismet locking up the system10:14
_btTychoQuad: ouch10:14
Fritzel`what package is SystemSettings in on kde4? I want to reinstallit10:14
x0xcan anyone tell me how to make text mode colorful?10:14
LynoureFritzel`: It's ok to report a bug regardless. It will show as unconfirmed until someone confirms it, anyway10:14
Fritzel`or how can I find that out myself10:14
_btTychoQuad: i think i might have a slight variation on that bug. because samba is sharing the volume, its not being unmounted either. which causes it to be checked on bootup, etc.10:15
LynoureFritzel`: but if you are patient and wait a bit, I could switch to kde4 to try.10:15
Fritzel`I've got time though I may not be awake more often, if you do, I'd appreciate a /msg with what you find10:15
Fritzel`more often = much longer,10:15
Fritzel`maybe I'm more tired than I thought ^^10:15
LynoureFritzel`: (or you could ask on #kubuntu-kde4, which might have someone else awake)10:15
Fritzel`good idea10:16
LynoureFritzel`: sleep and away logging = goodness10:16
x0xcan anyone tell me how to make bash colorful?10:17
tapasx0x: search for $PS110:18
x0xtapas thanks10:18
x0xnow i dont know where to put it10:19
tapasx0x: i guess you mean the prompt right?10:19
tapashave a look into ~/.bashr10:19
x0xnothing is here :S10:20
tapasok, great all kde apps stopped working.. hmm10:20
Fritzel`ok that may not have been the best thing I've ever done10:20
x0x ~/.bashrc it is10:20
Fritzel`removed systemsettings so I could reinstall it clean and now systemsettings is a blank sheet ><10:20
tapasx0x: yep10:20
Lynourex0x: colorful how?10:21
Fritzel`what's the proper package for installing systemsettings-kde4?10:21
x0x   PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\$10:21
x0xdo i have to edit it?10:21
x0xLynoure ???10:21
tanneri hate trying to get vmware to work with ubuntu :-\10:21
Lynourex0x: what do you want to be in colour, the prompt or something else?10:21
parthiblsanybody got NVidia GeForce 6100 / nForce 430 On-board LAN working??10:21
tapasi hate that gnome looks so sweet, but my whole system does sstrange things since i use it ;)10:21
x0xLynoure everything :D10:22
mat__hello all... im trying to downgrade a version of wine...10:23
Lynourex0x: that's a tall order.. look for a colour switch in all the little programs you use, and make an alias for using it10:23
mat__is there a howto? somewhere?10:23
Fritzelphew, ok got my systemsettings back10:23
Jaymacis there no realplayer package for hardy anymore (apart from ubuntu-restricted-extras perhaps?) the BBC iplayer radio is terrible quality with the real codec i have10:23
x0xLynoure umm any examples?10:24
Lynourex0x: e.g. alias ls='ls --color=auto'10:24
FritzelOi! and it worked too yay I've got busy pointers10:24
LynoureFritzel: :)10:25
x0xLynoure ok thanks. how do i add color to promot ?10:25
mat__anyone? for a howto downgrading wine?10:26
rinaldi_hi im trying to mount my sony walkman connected to usb. It appears as a usb drive but when I click on it it says "unable to mount partition" anyone had this problem?10:26
Lynourex0x: I think I'll look up a howto for you for that, as I have no idea whether you want every word in rainbow color or what10:27
FritzelI wonder if that would work for my flickering taskbar10:27
Fritzelunfortunatly I have no idea what package that would be in10:27
bazhangmat__: best bet is #winehq10:28
x0xLynoure rainbow color :D10:28
Lynourex0x: http://networking.ringofsaturn.com/Unix/Bash-prompts.php or http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/howtos/Bash-Prompt/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO-12.html for more advanced examples10:28
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:29
Lynourex0x: hmm, actually http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/x329.html is probably clearest10:29
x0xi am confoused10:31
x0xok lamme see10:31
mat__bazhang i guess what i was looking for is the package system to have a downgrade available10:31
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
bazhangmat__: downgrading is very risky unless you really know what you are doing10:32
x0xLynoure i am still confused :s10:32
x0xLynoure can you edit one for me?10:32
mat__im just trying to downgrade one program...10:33
bazhangmat__: that may depend on other programs..10:33
Lynourex0x: Sorry, there is a limit to things I do for free for strangers on a Sunday morning :)10:33
Lynourex0x: But it's learnable, you can learn it too (I rarely use colour codes in the prompt myself)10:34
x0xLynoure can you pastebin your ~/.bashrc?10:35
Lynourex0x: there is absolutely nothing special in there currently... What are you looking for?10:36
bicyclistSomebody heard any news about the mount problem with external drives ?10:37
bicyclistI still have unused directories left and my drives are mounted with more and more __ at the end.10:37
GaterWanna be AN IRCOP? ---> http://crazyk.sytes.net/ http://crazyk.sytes.net/ http://crazyk.sytes.net/10:40
bazhangthat is annoying10:42
x0xmight be virus10:43
bbernieDoes anyone know how to edit the right-click menu, when right clicking the desktop [using gnome]10:45
TrolletI have some problem to connect to Internet with DHCP with my Ubuntu Hardy. Help anyone?10:57
DarphBoboafter installing updates i'm having trouble with playing movies.. totem have two scrollers.. and doesn't respond to keyboard shortcuts10:58
DarphBobonobody here?11:02
tarelerulzwow DarphBobo that is lame .11:02
jochmenDSwhat is the release date?11:02
LynoureTrollet: you could pastebin the output of   sudo dhclient11:02
Trolletsure hang on11:03
pwuertzthe gtk window decorator seems to be gone11:03
DarphBobotarelerulz, ?11:04
tarelerulzWell, I feel you on updating and stuff don't seem to work right11:05
tarelerulzI updated to Ubuntu 8.04 and sound works ,but some feature don't work right like I can't see properties on .mkv I ripped11:06
TrolletLynoure: where shall i pastbin it?11:06
LynoureTrollet: any pastebin service you like, just post the resulting url to the channel11:09
andre_Hello =) Anyone knows how i add a key on a usb pendrive to my existing crypttab using passphrase, and only use the passphrase as a fallback? :)11:09
TrolletLynoure: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63027/11:11
DarphBobojust checked with old kernel, still same problem11:12
DarphBoboweird, works fine now after i tried mplayer and totem in terminal.. now the gui works fine11:18
TrolletLynoure: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63030/11:20
LynoureTrollet: oh, sorry for the delay...11:27
LynoureTrollet: that's the result of   sudo dhclient  ? Really?11:27
LynoureTrollet: looks like   ifconfig11:28
TrolletLynoure: there is two of them, the first is dhclient and the second is ifconfig -a11:28
LynoureTrollet: oh, missed the first11:30
LynoureTrollet: do you know the ip address of your dhcp server? Do you use a firewall between it and you?11:31
TrolletLynoure: i have a router11:32
jagggywhen will hardy be fully released?11:32
TrolletLynoure: The same router as the connection I use for this chat.11:32
jussio1membrive: its quite stable, but there still are bugs of course11:32
jussio1jagggy: 24th11:32
LynoureTrollet: and it is the dhcp server, or the dhcp server is behind it?11:33
membrivejussi01, I am thinking about upgrade from gutsy, but I am scared xD11:33
jussio1membrive: its only 2 weeks away, why not wait11:33
TrolletLynoure: the dhcp-server is the router11:33
LynoureTrollet: if it is supposed to serve dhcp, do check it's settings. Might have run out of pool or just not to serve that mac address11:33
membrivejussi01, thats is true11:34
membriveI will wait I think11:34
TrolletLynoure: I think the problem is that the Ubuntu computer is some kind of DHCP-server as well as the router and they are in a conflict.11:34
TrolletLynoure: the router seems to work ok.11:35
LynoureTrollet: have you set it to be dhcp server? It will not become one on it's own from the default install11:35
=== jussio1 changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1 "Home of the Hardy Heron" | Please make sure you know how to administer an Ubuntu system (including broken dependencies), and how to fix it when it breaks, before installing Hardy | Help test LTS upgrade: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSUpgradesHowto | Beta Rel. Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta | Release date 24th April
TrolletLynoure: hmm i don't think so i just used the gnome tool do activate wired connection and dhcp11:36
membrivejussi01, LTS upgrade works for kubuntu too?11:36
jussio1membrive: apparently :)11:38
membriveok xD11:38
LynoureTrollet: tell me a bit more about the network. You said the same router serves some other computer as well? (My main recommendation is still to check the router dhcpserver settings, would not be the first time the ip pool for dhcp is just 1 or 2, or mac based)11:39
TrolletLynoure: 1 or 2, or mac based?11:46
TrolletLynoure: DHCP server is activated to the LAN network11:53
LynoureTrollet: and how large ip pool does it have? any MAC settings?11:53
LynoureTrollet: sometimes dhcp servers in routers just pass onward the one public address they get.11:54
TrolletLynoure:  Starting IP Address Ending IP Address Lease Time 1 WEEK11:54
LynoureTrollet: do you have firewall installed on your ubuntu? If not, next step would probably be tcpdump to see what gets sent out by dhclient. That's a bit fiddly.11:56
jaffarkelshacdoes anyone have crashes with firefox when on youtube11:57
TrolletLynoure: ok i give it a try, brb11:57
=== blue-frog_ is now known as blue-frog
TrolletLynoure: i use default settings on Hardy11:58
tarelerulzDo any of you rip movies ? if so what do you use ?12:08
TheInfinitytarelerulz: HandBrake12:10
tarelerulzDoes hand break do .mkv12:11
TrolletLynoure: Thanks for all help, need to do other work now...12:11
TheInfinitydont know12:12
TheInfinityit makes excellent mpeg4 videos ;)12:13
LynoureTrollet: I hope it gets sorted out for you at some point.12:13
boritekhello, i have no 3d in hardy. Jockey-gtk's list is empty.12:13
boritekalthough ATI driver is installed12:14
tarelerulzTheInfinity: I just went to the handgrake site and it says linux command line . No gui version . is it in the repository for ubuntu12:14
TheInfinityoh damn wrong channel - in osx you have a excellent gui ;)12:14
TrolletLynoure: =)12:15
DanaGOh yeah, random note about DHCP:12:15
DanaGI once had a Netgear router that simply REFUSED to give my computer an IP address.12:15
tarelerulzThat like as it can be if did not want a gui I would just use mencoder and call it good.12:16
boritekcan u help me, how i could make ATI driver turn on again?12:16
DanaGThe only solution was either to restart the router every damn time I wanted to connect, or replace the router.  For the sake of my sanity, I decided to go with the latter -- and then while I was at it, I got a dd-wrt-able one.12:16
tarelerulzDanaG that is lame. I have a router that don't work the my system good12:17
DanaGI could also manually set my system to my reserved ip and THEN do dhclient:12:17
tarelerulzLike I use  a lot of torrent and it does not tcp/udp all in the same part for portfowarding .12:17
DanaGsudo dhclient eth0 & sleep 2 && sudo ifconfig eth0
DanaGIf you're looking for a replacement router, get one of the recommended ones from the dd-wrt wiki.12:18
DanaGOh yeah, the only Linux distro I ever saw the router work consistently with was SuSE -- it has an "Always Request Broadcast Response" option for the DHCP client.  I don't have a clue what that option actually meant, or lead to in config files.12:19
Steven1Hi I was just in #ubuntu and no one was able to help me. I had my ATI X850 working pretty well in Gutsy but now that I upgraded to Hardy it's not working. Any ideas on what I can do to fix it?12:30
SeveasSteven1, did you manually install drivers?12:31
magnetron!patience Steven112:32
magnetron!patience | Steven112:32
ubotuSteven1: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:32
Steven1No Seveas. I used the restricted drivers. Then I found a page and tried to install fsx-whatever and that didn't do it either.12:33
Steven1Sorry didn't see the tab flash red.12:33
Steven1The thing is I don't get why it would work in Gutsy with restricted drivers but not so in Hardy.12:35
Dr_willisCould be some bug with the new drivers, but i found the restricted drivers tool to be a little flakey under hardy for me. I had to manually load my nvidia card drivers.12:36
Steven1Hmm...I saw something about envy. Is that any good? Also how do I get it and use it if so?12:36
tarelerulzSo, when is Ubuntu 8.04 coming out in stable from?12:36
dns5328th or 26th something like that12:37
Steven1It works. But the ATI functionality apparently is still lacking.12:37
Dr_willis'when its done'12:37
tarelerulzSo far I like Ubuntu 8.04 . I like the fact they updated the alsa to version that works for my sound system.12:38
Steven1I'm still in my first hours of using it. But can't seem to get the other resolutions working with my cards restricted drivers.12:39
Steven1It also can't detect what monitor I'm using either.12:39
daekdroomtarelerulz: Ubuntu 8.04 doesn't use alsa12:39
tarelerulzdaekdroom:  what does it use then?12:39
daekdroomALSA programs still work with alsa, but it's pulseaudio by default.12:40
tarelerulzWhat is pulseudio ?12:40
daekdroomIt's an audio server like alsa.12:40
daekdroomI think. xD12:40
ubotuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions12:40
tarelerulzWell, all I know if the sound worked out of the box.  I had to use backport to get the sound working and I had to install alsa .15 for my other system to get the sound12:42
binarical-appwhen i : apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, only a partial system upgrade is possible.... how is a full upgrade possible. perspectivly, is the partial upgrade a question of outdated packages?12:44
magnetronbinarical-app: what is the error message you get?12:44
tarelerulzI am just asking ,but have you guys every had  different program work for install to install ? It seem everytime I install Ubuntu some stuff work and some stuff don't. and I use the same version too.12:44
binarical-app: not all upgrades are "installable" , continue with a partial upgrade?......something liket hat12:45
binarical-appthat is the comment of the ui upgrader. via cli, apt-get quits12:46
magnetronbinarical-app: does it say which package fails?12:46
elmargoldpkg-shlibdeps: failure: no dependency information found for /usr/lib/libmicrohttpd.so.4 <- any ideas?12:47
binarical-appmagnetron: no, it simply chooses which packages to upgrade and which ones not to12:47
binarical-appi thought of useing the force upgrade option, however dont want to break my system12:47
binarical-appanyway i have to go now, ill be back later on12:48
binarical-appthanks guys12:48
tarelerulzI would like to say I all like the fact that volume control for the main volume work for my headset . in Ubuntu 7.10 I had to find the headset volume to control that.  Not need to do that anymore if great change for me .12:59
magentaxhello. i have trouble running the newest kernels in 8.04 (rev. -15,-16). I get "BUG: unable to handle kernel dereference at virtual address 0000001" at the stage 'loading drivers'. I have to hit strg+alt+del to continue.12:59
magentaxFull dmesg trace is here: http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~kaempfer/oops.txt13:00
magentaxnow it only lets me boot in rescue mode and i have only readaccess to my disk13:00
Dr_willisHmm.. Heres a ubuntu based disrto. thats. err.. not free..13:09
Dr_willisIm thinking theres some legal issues with what the guy is doing. even if it is only $113:09
jaffarkelshachow do i stop flv files in cache from deleting itself13:11
jaffarkelshacthis is firefox13:11
DavieyDr_willis: you can charge to download.. even RMS states that13:11
davidjaffarkelshac: ##firefox?13:11
Dr_willisDaviey,  it just seems odd how they word it.. BUT upon reading farther down.. after april 18th it will be free...13:11
Dr_willisI was checking to see if they still had the source avail.. but looks like they are going to release it for free.. just grying to get some $$ from people that cant wait i guess.13:12
jaffarkelshacis that a channel david13:12
DavieyDr_willis: not sure it's on topic for here tho13:12
davidjaffarkelshac: I don't know :)13:12
Dr_willisYet another Ubuntu variant. :)13:12
Dr_willisWe may need ideas from it for Ubuntu+213:13
ere4sijaffarkelshac: I use youtube-dl.py for that13:14
Dr_willisTheres several firefox extensions for dloading video from those video sites as well.13:14
=== blue-frog__ is now known as blue-frog
clustyany chance the LEDs will work again with the iwl drivers?13:47
ArelisHey! The topic no longer says hardy isn't safe on production machines! So is it safe for me to install now?13:47
clustyseems the kernel is frozen but bug is still there13:47
clustyArelis, i suggest waiting another 2 weeks13:48
Arelisno way, hardy supports my tablet.13:48
clustyjust 2 days ago the compiz got buggered13:48
Arelisi don't care for compiz13:48
IdleOneArelis: it is still beta13:48
IdleOnebut yeah you can install now if you like13:49
Arelisand use it without it breaking?13:49
clustyit rarly breaks fully13:49
clustyjust annoying from time to time13:49
daekdroomsome days ago they broke ff13:50
clustythat is nuissance :D13:50
clustyalways have 2 windows managers and 2 browsers13:50
^^MAg^^Hi, any chances to get upgraded webkit in hardy?13:50
clustyi am glad compiz broke13:50
NET||abuseI'm bord of playing the same old game every day, I need to learn a new game, have to choose between django and rails... hmmm13:51
clustyi tried out kde cause of it :D13:51
clustycame a long way since kde313:51
Arelisclusty: kde4 is actually usable now?13:51
daekdroomI didn't like KDE 4. KDE 3 looks good but I didn't adapt into it.13:51
clustyArelis, looks great13:51
clustymore osX ish13:51
clustyLED any1?13:52
andre_Hello =) Anyone knows how i add a key on a usb pendrive to my existing crypttab using passphrase, and only use the passphrase as a fallback? :)13:55
jaffarkelshaccan i stop cache deletion in firefox,13:56
franz1789does anyone used correctly envyng? it always gives me some error13:58
bicyclistfranz1789 yes worked for me.13:58
bicyclistbut now i installed the latest beta driver myself.13:58
franz1789bicyclist, the fact is that I cannot do the m-a build fglrx13:59
franz1789it always give me errors13:59
franz1789it says it cannot find the makefile13:59
franz1789I make clean the kernel, I reinstalled it, I don't know what to do13:59
bicyclisthmm i used it with nvidia and as i understand you try an ati driver ?13:59
franz1789sorry, yes14:00
cosminb82how can I find out which version of the uvc module is installed in hardy?14:00
franz1789I made m-a prepare m-a update and m-a build fglrx but it always fails14:00
franz1789well, gonna try with the help of the ati installer14:02
franz1789but it's strange, it always worked for me14:02
mydoghaswormsSince upgrading to 8.04 Beta, I have no sound, and it seems like the system does not detect my sound cards. Where do I start looking?14:04
Lynouremydoghasworms: I probably cannot help you (I'm on Kubuntu, no pulseaudio there), but which sound card?14:08
=== dns_ is now known as dns53
mydoghaswormsLynoure: C-Media and an Intel which is on the motherboard.14:14
cosminb82I have an Asus X55sv laptop, with chicony webcam, video is upside down... how do I fix it?14:16
cosminb82are there any special module parameters to do this?14:16
echinosanyone else having problems with gnome-settings-daemon failing?14:18
oupado I need to open some ports, like 80 & 3000 somewhere in HArdy? if so, where?14:29
TwoDHey all! I get a kernel panic when trying to recheck torrent files on one of my harddisks in µTorrent. It always hangs at the same % and then programs degrade until freeze and blinking numlock. Last time I notices the degrade (such as µT freeze, systray programs freeze...) I did a normal reboot but got this error: http://pastebin.com/m3cfbfec514:29
oupaI am not able to ping my 'localhost' since upgrading to Hardy. Any ideas?14:30
oupaor come to that:-(14:31
Lynouremydoghasworms: do you happen to know the specific intel chip? lspci might list it14:32
jaffarkelshaccan i stop cache deletion in firefox,14:32
crimsunTwoD: i.e., hardware errors.14:34
crimsunoupa: is lo actually up?  Is it "unfirewalled"?14:35
jaffarkelshaccan i stop cache deletion in firefox,14:36
TwoDcrimsun, yes but where? I'm guessing a hdd?14:36
blekosdoes anybody know if the problem with iwl driver has been solved?14:36
TwoDIt mentions mcelog, would that program tell me more?14:37
crimsunTwoD: could be, or the controller.  See smartmontools.14:37
TwoDwhat's that?14:37
crimsunand mcelog is in the mcelog package.14:38
palmacan anyone help me get my laptop resolution working?14:38
crimsunthey're both packages, TwoD.14:38
crimsuninstall them; use them.14:38
TwoDYes I know that.... but what do they do..14:38
crimsunTwoD: they help you diagnose problems.14:39
oupaany ideas why I can't access localhost please?14:39
TwoDI figured that much yes, but how do I use them? Sorry for all the newbie questions, but I've never run into a kernel panic before..14:40
TwoDNvm... I'll just rtfm...14:40
blekosdoes anybody know if the problem with iwl driver (wireless) has been solved?14:41
protonchrisblekos: which problem?  Works fine here with WPA214:41
blekoswith 3945 intel newtork card14:42
blekosthere was a bug14:42
crimsunTwoD: sorry, I'm just very busy ATM14:42
blekosthe switched from prop. to free14:42
TwoDcrimsun, np.14:42
KenSentMeFlashplugin-nonfree is installed, but i can't load any flash movies in firefox 3. Know problem or a simple solution for this?14:42
dns53have you restarted firefox?14:43
TwoDKenSentMe, I've got the same problems. I used gnash instead. Worked better but with far from all movies.14:43
Areliswhere has ccsm gone?14:44
Arelishow do i customize compiz?14:44
KenSentMedns53, the problem occurs for a few days/week now14:44
TwoDAnd I can't seem to get back to ff2 in Hardy, not even by explicitly running firefox-2 after re-installing it. (which feels kinda dumb as ff3 crashes constantly)14:44
KenSentMeTwoD, does gnash support flash9 stuff?14:45
protonchrisArelis: IIRC, the name changed.  Try installing simple-ccsm14:45
TwoDI think so, not all maybe. Check the description in synaptic14:45
dns53well you could try apt-get --reinstall install app14:45
Arelisprotonchris: thanks14:45
crimsunTwoD: for smartmontools, try `sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda'14:46
KrimZonsuccessfully ported my wubi to an actual partition \o/14:46
KenSentMedns53, that helped, thanks14:47
KenSentMeTwoD, reinstall flashpulgin-nonfree works14:47
TwoDok thanks! btw, mcelog dumps info to stdout according to what I read, and then removes it from the log. How do I dump to a file instead?14:47
TwoDKenSentMe, it does? I'll try that later then14:48
crimsunTwoD: use shell redirection, >14:48
TwoDWhy are linux things sometimes so easy while you expect them to be harder simply because it "shouldn't" be so easy??14:50
=== bjwebb is now known as benbot
Arelisthis livecd hasn't crashed yet. WITH compiz.14:50
oupacan anybody suggest where I can go to get help with my problem connecting to localhost?14:51
ArelisGutsy does.14:51
=== benbot is now known as bjwebb
protonchrisoupa: is the localhost interface up?  Is it firewalled?  crimsun asked you this before.  We were wating for answers.14:52
oupaprotonchris:sorry, I miised the previous message14:54
protonchrisoupa: np14:54
oupayes, the interface is up and I have access to the Internet14:55
oupaI haven't installed a firewall, I just upgraded from gutsy14:55
oupaI have apache running on port 80 and mongrel on port 3000 but can't access either14:56
oupaI can't ping localhost or or
protonchrisoupa: well you probably have multiple interfaces.  type 'ifconfig -a' and tell us the status of the lo interface.14:57
linkinxphey guys which one is the command for COpy?14:58
oupalo        Link encap:Local Loopback14:58
oupa          LOOPBACK  MTU:16436  Metric:114:58
aguitelis anyway to downgrade from hardy to gutsy ?14:59
blekosafter the beta version were any updates released  till today?14:59
daekdroomWay too many.14:59
daekdroomMore than 200Mb, I think.14:59
protonchrisoupa: try running 'sudo ifup lo' in a terminal15:00
blekoshmm interesting, hope they solved the problem with wpa. That is the only reason keeping me from upgrading15:00
rvallesalsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: No such file or directory15:00
rvallesanybody familiar with this?15:00
blekosy do u want to downrade?15:01
daekdroomThat happens to me when I start a wine application :15:01
aguitelhardy sucks with me15:01
oupaIgnoring unknown interface lo=lo.15:01
protonchrisoupa: what is in your /etc/network/interfaces file?15:02
linkinxphow i get Root in Graphic mode ?15:02
rvallesalsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: No such file or directory. Anybody familiar with this?15:02
jaffarkelshaci am getting rather pissed of with ubuntu, my problem does not have a fix,15:02
oupaauto lo15:02
protonchrisoupa: is that it for lo?15:02
oupathat's it period!15:03
protonchrisoupa: try adding 'iface lo inet loopback' on the line below 'auto lo'15:03
protonchrisoupa: then run 'sudo ifup lo' in a terminal15:04
rvallesprotonchris: this shouldn't be needed15:04
rvallesdefinitivelly a bug that interfaces got broken15:04
linkinxpHow i copy a folder using Root privileges?15:05
oupaprotonchris: that's got it, thanks.15:05
oupalinkinxp: start nautilus with sudo>15:06
daekdroomor gksu15:07
daekdroomyou can use cp command too15:07
protonchrisrvalles: I agree.15:07
rvallesI'm scared that things are like this15:08
rvalleswith the release so close15:08
rvallesI had to add "auto eth0" on mine15:08
rvalles(there's a bug on the launchpad on that)15:08
rvallesbut the whole brockenness with audio is far worse imho15:09
crimsunrvalles: run the alsa-info.sh script, then tell us the url15:10
protonchrisoupa: You should consider submitting a bug on launchpad.15:10
linkinxpoupa:  "D thanks15:11
palmaDoes anyone know how I can get my laptop to display a widescreen resolution?15:13
rvallescrimsun: let me check15:13
rvallescrimsun: where's that script?15:13
protonchrisoupa: the title of the bug could be something as simple as "iface lo inet loopback missing from /etc/network/interfaces after an upgrade from gutsy to hardy"15:13
crimsunrvalles: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems15:13
omarWhere can I get gtkmozembed?15:14
rvallescrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/98360215:17
crimsunrvalles: start by removing the options snd-hda-intel model=3stack from /etc/modprobe.d/*, then reboot.15:18
rvallescrimsun: I put that one there myself15:20
crimsunrvalles: yes, comment it out or remove the line.15:20
rvallescrimsun: no mixer either way15:21
rvallesbut well, I'll comment it and reboot as you ask me15:21
rvallesthen regenerate the alsa-test thingy again15:21
rvallesok rebooting15:21
jaffarkelshacis anyone having problems with firefox not playing flash videos15:22
rvallesjaffarkelshac: which flash plugin do you have?15:23
jaffarkelshacshockwave flash15:24
rvallescrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/98360915:24
rvallescrimsun: still no traces of a mixer, btw.15:24
jaffarkelshaci am trying to download ie6 for my ubuntu, firefox is not meeting my needs15:25
crimsunrvalles: yes, I know.  Give me a sec to look at the codec info.15:26
rvallescrimsun: thanks, btw15:26
rvallescrimsun: The real problem I'm having is that I need the mic to work (for videoconference). There's some mixers in gnome but those are pulseaudio's and don't seem to help.15:27
rvallessoundtracker (sample editor -> monitor) and audacity just crash or are really slow to start capturing (and seem to capture nothing anyways) when I try to do so.15:29
palmacan anyone help me get my laptop resolution working properly - I imaging it will mean editing my xorg.conf file, but the one I have is completely different to the ones that ive seen before...15:29
crimsunrvalles: did 3stack work in gutsy?15:29
rvallescrimsun: this is a clean hardy; I never got to try 3stack on gutsy... alsamixer showed mixers there, at least, but they weren't be useful.15:30
crimsunrvalles: ok, good.  Your hardware info isn't in the source code at all, which means it's no surprise that it doesn't work.15:30
rvallesit's an alc861, iirc15:31
Jack_Sparrow!find alsa15:31
crimsunrvalles: not just that, but it's a newer revision of the ALC861.15:31
ubotuFound: alsa-base, alsa-utils, gstreamer0.10-alsa, libesd-alsa0, libpt-1.10.10-plugins-alsa (and 38 others)15:31
palmaif anyone is interested they can see my xorg.conf here: http://pastebin.com/f6dbc567a15:31
rvallescrimsun: I tried 3stack because that was also alc861... no luck I guess15:32
rvalles(without 3stack or anything) I at least got to see mixers (even if I couldn't manage to capture from mic) in hardy.15:33
NET||abuseIf i wanted to image a vista drive from botting up a livecd, what tool can I use to do the imaging?15:33
NET||abusei don't want to do a raw read of the whole drive, just the used parts15:34
crimsunrvalles: 3stack is not a close match for your pin configuration15:34
rvallesanyways, is there anything I can try to do?15:34
crimsunsure, if you're comfortable reading data sheets and programming15:34
rvalleslaptop is an (already 2yr old or so) fujitsu-siemens amilo pa1510.15:34
crimsunthis site is so slow; it's taking forever to pull the data sheet.15:35
Laizeroxhallo... simple answer to simple question required :) do i need to install release over beta on hardy if i install beta now?15:35
flutefluteLaizerok: if you keep updating you will end up with hardy final15:36
crimsunLaizerox: no, you can use update-manager.15:36
crimsunor aptitude/apt-get/dselect/synaptic/adept/whatever15:36
NET||abuseSo anyone know what utility I should use to image a vista drive from an ubntu livecd?15:36
Laizeroxthank anyway then i go dl an burn :)15:36
protonchrisLaizerox: keep in mind that it is a beta.  don't expect everything to be perfect.15:37
yaccStupid question: How do I turn on "nodeadkeys" with a graphical tool in Ubuntu?15:37
Laizeroxprotonchris i know what is beta :)15:37
LynoureNET||abuse: there is almost too many to choose from... What's your end goal for the image?15:37
Laizeroxi just never had to update ubuntu version itself :)15:37
protonchrisLaizerox: you would be surprised by the number of people who expect it to work perfectly.15:38
Laizeroxprotonchris i don't expect ;)15:38
protonchrisLaizerox: wise15:38
Laizeroxjust to help some debbugin :P15:38
NET||abuseLynoure, just that the used 40GB of the 120GB partition is the sole content of the img file15:38
NET||abuseLynoure, so, a simple way, the simpler to do the better15:39
Laizerox:D one problem i forgot which one i did install :D15:41
Laizeroxguees not x6415:41
wjlroeHi - after upgrading to Hardy, the at daemon fails to start, in syslog is this 'atd[9203]: Cannot change to /var/spool/cron/atjobs: Permission denied' - so the post-install script for at fails15:46
palmaDoes anyone know how to get my laptop to display a widescreen resolution?15:48
genieHello all15:49
LynoureNET||abuse: what filesystem is Vista? NTFS? ntfsclone might be the best, then...15:49
palmavista is ntfs15:49
rvallescrimsun: I'm getting that (linked from their alc861 pages) tho I have no idea what it is or if it'll be of any use15:49
crimsunrvalles: it won't, I've already looked.15:50
crimsunrvalles: we need to create a new stanza for your hardware.15:50
yaccnodeadkeys, anyone?15:50
genieI just fix a new monitor to my PC and it's all Icons and tool bars shown too big15:50
crimsunyacc: a gui method?  In what env?15:50
geniehow to fix this in 8.4?15:50
crimsunyacc: (if you /really/ don't want to use setxkbmap, that is)15:51
protonchrisgenie: is the resolution correct?15:52
yacccrimsun: found it. Adding a new keyboard layout and removing the default one wasn't that intuitive to me ;)15:52
genieit was ok with old monitor15:52
geniebut now when I change the monitor was not correct15:52
yacccrimsun: I most certainly can do it the old way, but I'm trying to be a good user, not fooling around with all kinds of settings manually ;)15:53
Sergeant_Ponycool, that last set of updates fixed all my issues :)15:53
protonchrisgenie: did you try System>Preferences>Screen Resolution ?15:53
palmai cant get my laptop screen to show the correct resolution...15:53
genieand I cannot find the correct regulation when i open it from System/Administration/Screen Resolution15:53
genieprotonchris, yes I did15:53
genieprotonchris, I checked xorg.conf under /etc/X11 I cannot find resolution  under the file15:55
genieprotonchris, is 8.4 use different way now? for X11?15:55
rvallescrimsun: that tarball readme lists ALC861 an ALC861VD as supported... if mine isn't one of those, what do I have?15:55
protonchrisgenie: yes, it is different.  xorg.con is only used to override the detected settings.15:56
genieprotonchris, how to fix it now?15:57
crimsunrvalles: not at all models of the 861 are supported.15:57
protonchrisgenie: well, if you know the resolution that you want.  you could add it to the xorg.conf15:57
crimsunrvalles: your specific SSID isn't, for instance.15:58
rvallescrimsun: ok15:58
genieprotonchris, what is the format?15:58
crimsunback in a bit15:58
rvallescrimsun: btw, I take you're a devel in alsa :?15:58
genieprotonchris, and there is no new way to detect the resolution?15:59
protonchrisgenie: take a look at http://www.x.org/archive/X11R6.8.0/doc/xorg.conf.5.html15:59
protonchrisgenie: you could try running the xrandr command from a terminal.16:00
taconehas anyone experienced complete freezes ? (power key shutdown required)16:00
lamalexDoes anyone know if Synaptic has an API or anything? I know this isn't the right Channel but I'm not sure which one I would ask in16:01
genieprotonchris, xrandr16:01
genieprotonchris, I will try it now16:01
palmaxrandr doesnt give me the correct results - tells me the max res my widescreen can handle is 800x600...16:02
genieprotonchris, it's show only 320x240 and 640x48016:04
protonchrisgenie: hmm, not sure.  hang around.  someone else might know.16:04
genieprotonchris, thank for your help16:05
protonchrisgenie: sorry, I wasn't much help.  manually setting the resolution in xorg.conf might work.16:05
protonchrisgenie: that is what I would try.16:05
martallilamalex: Synaptic is gtk (#ubuntu) but also is essentially just a front end for apt-get and dpkg16:06
genieprotonchris, thanks but I need to know the new way16:06
martallilamalex: woops - thought I was in #kubuntu lol16:06
lamalexmartalli: haha :)16:06
lamalexthe 2nd half was still valid16:07
lamalexyeah, I know it's just a front end but i was hoping it would have an easy api so I could do more complex stuff without having to reinvent the wheel16:07
geniehello all, to to correct screen resolution in 8.4? xrandr can detect only 320x240 and 640x480 :(16:07
geniehow can I fix it?16:08
palmayou're not alone - xrandr only tells me 640x480 and 800x600 and i have a widescreen...16:10
Davo_Dinkumhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#head-67666d36d8817d73fd99580965c3d11c865a8bc1 how do i do step 1?16:11
Davo_Dinkumedit xorg.conf?16:11
genieDavo_Dinkum, but xorg.conf not used now in 8.416:12
Davo_Dinkumreally? then what does it use?16:12
Davo_Dinkumso how do i enable the software channel?16:13
protonchrisDavo_Dinkum: look under System>Administration>Software Sources16:13
protonchrisDavo_Dinkum: xorg.conf is not used for this.16:14
Malicis it safe to upgrade to hardy?16:14
Davo_Dinkumoh it's Software Propeties16:14
Malicor should i better wait?16:14
protonchrisDavo_Dinkum: ooh, yeah it might be.  I am not sure what it is called in dapper16:15
Davo_Dinkumyeah it is. seems the name was changed for some reason16:15
protonchrisMalic: it is currently beta.  So things will probably be broken.  If you are comfortable with fixing things and submitting bugs, then go for it.16:15
theunixgeekI accidentally deleted my Wine menu (Ubuntu) and I'm trying to get it back with wine /usr/lib/wine/winemenubuilder.exe.so but nothing's happening.16:15
geniehello all, any body know how to fix 8.4 resolution ? I just change my monitor and lost my good resolution16:18
Davo_Dinkumok that didnt work. i ticked all the boxes16:18
protonchrisDavo_Dinkum: ok.  What happened?16:19
Davo_Dinkumnothing. i ran update manager -d and i dont get an offer to upgrade to hardy16:20
Davo_Dinkumgksu "update-manager -d" rather16:20
Davo_Dinkumany ideas?16:22
protonchrisDavo_Dinkum: when you hit the check button, where there any updates at all?16:23
TwoDKenSentMe, still there? You said earlier that reinstalling flashplugin-nonfree worked. I just tried that, but youtube still tells me to download the plugin...16:23
Davo_Dinkum307 updates. im slowly thinking that i need to install these updates first...16:23
protonchrisDavo_Dinkum: yes, you probably do.16:24
protonchrisDavo_Dinkum: keep in mind that hardy is beta and you are bound to run into problems.16:24
tech0007not much updates today?16:24
Davo_Dinkumof course. im only doing this for testing purposes16:25
dotechscrollkeeper-update 100% cpu16:25
dotechwhats up with that?16:25
protonchristech0007: weekend16:25
tech0007protonchris: ok, did apt-get clean a few minutes ago16:25
tech0007anyone use wondershaper?16:26
TwoDAnyone who knows what to do about a damaged hdd? I don't know how serious it is, but here's the log of smartctl -a http://pastebin.com/d53a3f75616:28
tech0007TwoD: chk w/ ur pc vendor if its under warranty16:29
TwoDWell... that won't help much if I can't read the data on it...16:29
palmadoes anyone know how i can get my laptop to use a widescreen resolution?16:32
Davo_Dinkumdoes the video card support it?16:33
palmamy video card is a nvidia 9500 and i can get a widescreen resolution under windows16:33
derspanksterpalma: what is the native resolution of your laptop?16:34
dotechpalma: have you tried System->Preferences->Screen Resolution?16:34
derspanksterpalma: same as mine, ditto to what dotech said16:34
palmayes - all it lists is 800x600 and 640x48016:35
davidpalma: then you need to edit your settings16:35
derspanksterpalma: you'll need to reconfigure xserver16:35
davidgoogle for wrong resolution etc16:35
palmaand when i try to manually change the monitor type and res it ends up resetting itself16:35
sawyer_hey everyone16:35
dotechpalma: what graphics driver are you using? does it support higher than 800x600?16:36
sawyer_i have problem with hard heron while trying to install an nvidia 8600GT graphics card16:36
palmai tried manually specifing the settings in xorg.conf but that didnt work16:36
davidpalma: you're going to have to manually edit vertical and horizontal values etc16:36
sawyer_i wanted to remove the nvidia completely but when i want to remove nvidia-kernel-common, it wants to remove my linux16:36
palmaim just using the standard free nvidia driver nv16:36
sawyer_when i load the ubuntu with the new DVI, it crashes the kernel several times before even loading xorg16:37
palmacant use the official nvidia driver since they havent even release one for windows yet16:37
derspanksterpalma: you cannot run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?16:37
palmaalready tried that - just give me the exact same xorg.conf i already have16:38
palmatried everything i could find using google...16:38
Davo_Dinkumdid you restart xorg?16:38
derspanksterpalma: did you try to make changes?16:38
sawyer_nvidia is evil. why can't i remove it completely? :(16:39
TwoDderspankster, what exactly does dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg do? Every time I've been asked to run that, it has erased everything I've worked so hard to get right in xorg.conf and replaced it with some standard garbage which makes my screens unusable... :(16:39
palmai did restart xorg after each change i tried to make16:39
dotechwhat sources repository do you use to get dbgsym packages?16:39
Davo_Dinkumyou should make backups TwoD16:39
palmai even went as far as manually editing my xorg.conf16:40
dotechi found this from a 2006 letter: deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/ddebs edgy main universe16:40
TwoDDavo_Dinkum, of course I have backups, and I have to use them each time dpkg-something's been run...16:40
dotechlooks like pkg-create-dbgsym is all i need16:41
derspanksterTwoD: you can modify xserver settings by running it, resoltion, keyboard, mice, etc.16:41
sawyer_sorry for bugging, but can anyone tell me why aptitude/apt-get wants to remove linux when i want to remove the nvidia kernel?16:41
TwoDderspankster, I know that, but what I meant was that what does it do to get everything wrong? lol16:42
derspankster TwoD: I've not had that issue but then again I've not run it in Hardy Beta since I did an upgrade from Gutsy on this laptop.16:43
dotechthere is no hardy-updates, hardy-proposed, hardy-security yet, correct?16:44
TwoDI've not dared run it in Hardy. When I upgraded from Gutsy it cleared my xorg.conf, and reinstalled my gfx drivers and whatnot. Took me a while to get the drivers back in and then I just replaced xorg.conf with the backup I know works for my dual monitor setup. So far I've had no use for the "improved dual monitor support" as it doesn't even detect my screens, let alone allow me to use anything other than "clone" on a single resolution.16:47
TwoDReinstalled nvidia's utility, which was removed in upgrade, which is the only way for me to configure both my monitors..16:47
dotechi run 3 monitors in hardy with 2 7600gt nvidia cards16:48
dotechi'm still using xinerama though, i need to switch to RandR if it supports 3 monitors16:49
TwoDI've got a 7800gtx, the "monitor resolution settings" window just shows me a single screen at 3200x1200, clone is ticked, "Detect displays" doesn't do anything... I would LOVE getting monitor rotation to work on my 24"... would like to use it when coding...16:50
dotechTwoD: my center monitor is rotated16:50
dotechthe 2 on the sides are 1680x1050, center is 1050x168016:51
TwoDDid Gutsy detect those monitors on install?16:51
dotechneither did Hardy, i am running that now16:51
daviddotech: awesome :)16:51
TwoDok, same here16:51
dotechI had to install nvidia-settings and then tweak the xorg.conf a bit afterwards16:51
dotechbut it works16:51
TwoDSame here. But I can't rotate screens in there, can I?16:52
dotechyes you can16:52
palmawouldnt know what to do with 3 monitors...16:52
dotechdo you have Xinerama on or off?16:52
dotechi know how to do it with Xinerama, not sure how it works with RandR yet16:52
palmaanyway i still have to get the first one working properly....16:52
dotechpalma it sounds like your graphics driver doesn't support higher than that16:53
TwoDIt's "0" in xorg.conf I mean...16:53
palmai use the nv drive on my desktop and that runs at 1280*102416:53
dotechTwoD: hmm, i'd have to learn how to do it with RandR then, i got it working with Xinerama and haven't tried RandR yet16:54
TwoDis it Xinerama which forces you to run separate x instances?16:54
dotechTwoD: it was as simple as adding this line under the Device section bound to my center screen, Option "Rotate" "left"16:54
dotechTwoD: yea Xinerama are separate X instances, i do have them all shared as 1 desktop in GNOME though16:55
TwoDOh, I might try that. But I'd really like to be able to rotate it without having to modify xorg.conf as I don't want to restart between watching movies and coding..16:55
dotechand i can drag windows across them like normal16:55
TwoDHow do you do that??16:56
dotechi had to edit xorg.conf to get the rotate16:56
dotechbut that was a simple change16:56
TwoDnot rotate, shared desktop I mean16:56
dotechah, Xinerama does it automatically16:56
dotechit lets GNOME work with the multiple X screens as if they were 1 big one16:57
TwoDLast time I tried that I couldn't move windows across screens, and all panels were cpied..16:57
dotechthats what happened when i tried "separate X" without Xinerama16:57
TwoDI'm using TwinView to do that now.16:57
dotechyea twinview worked for 2 of my monitors, then teh third had its own desktop16:57
TwoDWhere did you find the options to do that?16:58
dotechso i ended up turning on xinerama which created the single desktop across all 316:58
dotechTwoD: do you have "nvidia-settings" ?16:58
dotechin there i just set up 3 separate displays with Xinerama on16:58
dotechthen tweaked xorg.conf slightly16:58
dotechnvidia-settings handled setting all the resolutions and devices up properly16:59
TwoDI've only got 1 screen thater now16:59
dotechin xorg.conf i slightly modified the position of one of the screens and rotate16:59
dotechyou have to click the "write xorg" button16:59
dotechalso you have to run the app using sudo so it can write to /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:00
dotechin the "X Server Display Configuration" tab i have "Enable Xinerama" checked, and each screen configured as "Separate X screen" 1680x1050 Auto on all of them17:01
dotechafter that you can edit xorg.conf to rotate them17:01
TwoDI don't have "Enable Xinerama"17:01
dotechyou don't have that option below the Layout window?17:01
RatshellHowdy everyone, how are you all doing today?17:02
TwoDNo, I think I had it in earlier versions tho. There's the "Configure" button which pops up a window with three choices. "Disabled, Separate X Screen (requires X restart), TwinView"17:02
TwoDTwinView being checked...17:02
dotechinteresting, just above the "Display" and "X Screen" tabs I have Enable Xinerama17:02
TwoDNothing here17:03
RatshellTwoD your trying to enable Xinerama I take it?17:03
dotechTwoD: do you still have Xinerama installed?17:03
TwoDRatshell, yes, with sharing a single desktop.17:03
TwoDDoes upgrading to Hardy remove it?17:03
RatshellTwoD, not sure how you are with editing xorg.conf, but thats how I did it using this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=177362417:04
dotechTwoD: i think i had it by default, but i didn't do an upgrade17:04
dotechlibxinerama1 is what you would need, check that you still have it17:04
dotechRatshell: have you tried using RandR?17:05
=== nemik_ is now known as nemik
TwoDdotech, It's already the latest version17:05
dotechTwoD: strange that the nvidia-settings doesn't give you that option, maybe its because you enabled twinview?17:06
TwoDWHat's the diff between TwinView and Xinerama? Why even have two choises in the first place if one doesn't work?17:06
dotechTwoD: yea thats what causes it17:07
TwoDWell... TwinView does work, just not as good as it could..17:07
dotechTwoD: i just tried making 2 of my displays twinview and the third disabled, xinerama option goes away17:07
TwoDOk, so I should go with "Separate X screens" instead?17:07
dotechTwoD: twinview technically is better if you only have 2 displays in the same orientation, it allows the GPU to drive a single 3d buffer across both displays17:08
Ratshelldotech, umm i have no idea what RandR is, but I don't have two displays anymore.17:08
dotechTwoD: assuming you want high performance from games17:08
dotechRatshell: it's the successor to Xinerama17:08
TwoDYes, but I'd never need two displays for games as that's just... incredibly annoying?17:08
dotechallows dynamic changes to the X server such as resolutions17:08
dotechwithout restarting X17:08
dotechTwoD: i know xinerama will do what you want, i'm pretty sure RandR will too17:09
dotechbut you can start with Xinerama since I know how to get it working17:09
TwoDWell, I've got TwinView working, cept for rotation (and dynamically changing resolutions simply craps up everything when resolution is changed by say a game...)17:10
TwoDI can live with it for now, I'm running HDD Smart diagnostics so I really don't want to reboot now..17:10
dotechTwoD: if you want to try to get RandR working that will fix your resolution changing problems and rotation17:10
spiderfirehow come you dont have to defrag in linux?17:11
dotechi have no idea how though :)17:11
TwoDhow does RandR relate to Xinerama and TwinView?17:11
dotechRandR is the successor to Xinerama, allows a single desktop and dynamic changes to the X server17:11
dotechrotation, resolution, you name it17:11
TwoDspiderfire, http://geekblog.oneandoneis2.org/index.php/2006/08/17/why_doesn_t_linux_need_defragmenting17:12
cyclonutRandR kinda rocks17:12
dotechthe only downside to RandR that i found out is that it doesn't seem to handle 3 monitors yet17:12
TwoDdotech, I though that was TwinView? There are two successors?17:12
dotechTwoD: twinview is a proprietary nvidia thing17:12
dotechit tricks the x server into thinking you have 1 larger display17:12
TwoDSo much I've understood yes17:12
dotechso Xinerama is the tried and true, albeit a bit outdated because it doesn't allow dynamic changes which most laptops require (projectors, etc)17:13
hubuntuIs there an entry/profile for ebox automated installation in Hardy as there is one for LAMP in Gutsy?17:13
hubuntuat the server install17:14
palmagot my resolution working17:14
dotechpalma: what was wrong?17:14
TwoDAnd you can use virtual resolutions so when the x server says "800x600" you actually disable say your left monitor (which is widescreen) and only use the right one which is 4:3, but at 3200x1200 you stretch the desktop across both...17:14
palmajust had to install and run the nvidia-xconfig tool17:14
TwoD^My understanding of TwinView17:14
dotechpalma: ah so it was the driver?17:15
Ratshellpalma, what kind of graphics card you got?17:15
hubuntuanyone teste ubuntu hardy server beta17:15
palma512 nvidia 950017:15
TwoDhubuntu, I'm on it now..17:15
tomd123if I find something strange in firefox, should I report it here or to #firefox?17:15
dotechTwoD: twinview is really only necessary if you need high performance for a single application spanning across your displays17:15
TwoDno wait, you said server...17:15
tomd123actually nvm :P, this is totally unrelated to ubuntu17:16
Ratshellwho here is running compiz-fusion in Ubuntu Hardy Heron?17:16
palmai think that the problem was the driver wasnt configured correctly17:16
TwoDdotech, ok, but it was the only thing I got working without separate instances of X before..17:16
TwoDRatshell, I am17:16
tomd123Ratshell: I did, I turned it off though17:16
dotechTwoD: yea, its easy to get it going, i guess it has that going for it too haha17:16
Ratshelltom123, why did you turn it off?17:16
RatshellTwoD, you like it?17:16
palmanow i need to fix my trackpad up - the scrolling on it doesnt work now and it did before17:16
tomd123Ratshell: it slowed my computer down, I have a laptop w/ shared memory though :(, that might explain the slowing down part17:17
TwoDRatshell, what I like most of it is that I don't notice it, most of it feels very natural when comparing to the same features in Vista17:17
palmaill see if i can find what section of the old xorg.conf it was in and see if i can convince it to work again...17:17
davidwth. network icon in tray is gone on wife's computer?17:17
RatshellTwoD, same here I like the 3d cube part, the negative and the zoom, the rest is just a bonus, but i did turn off the wobbly windows those things got on my nerves17:18
Ratshelltomd123, umm you might just wanna tweak with the settings, cause it shouldn't slow you down that much by default compiz-fusion seems to slow my system down to till i got in there and disabled random stuff that i didn't need running17:18
TwoDRatshell, Love the Alt+Tab extras and the miniature versions of your app in the taskbar. Not to mention the "zoom out overview" of your desktops with Win+E17:18
RatshellTwoD, oh yeah expose :) thats cool17:19
davidand for some reason nm-applet won't start...?17:19
TwoDRatshell, wobbly windows should be banned lol17:19
RatshellWhats up with that mouse pointer button thing windows key + k, lol that would get on my nerves17:19
dotechi have a 12 sided cube ;)17:19
tomd123Ratshell: I don't really like the fancy graphics, I'm the kind of guy that loves enlightenment, the wm :P17:19
dotechi just want a responsive and predictable UI, thats all i ask for17:20
Ratshelltom123, ahh nice nice, i am not big on the fancy either i just like a little bling here and there and my eyes are getting old so this zoom feature helps, and negative helps when i have a headache :)17:20
dotechnot one that ignores 20% of my clicks for no apparent reason17:20
TwoDRatshell, got nothing on Win+K, I'm using only parts of the features, the one that actually help working with the desktop. Not the crap like raindrops or drawing fire lol17:20
TwoD12 sided cube?? now there's a logic nut to crack...17:20
tomd123Ratshell: I will turn on the graphics once in a while when people use it :P to impress17:20
dotechits a hypercube17:20
RatshellTwoD, if you go to the advanced desktop settings and enable show mouse then hit super + k, you will see what i am talking about17:21
Ratshelltom123, if you can't impress your friends with linux you got some weird friends :)17:21
TwoD4 dimensions on your desktop? That's pretty cool lol17:21
tomd123Ratshell: no, they just like shiny things17:21
Ratshelltom123, kind of like a crow is attracted to shiny metallic objects ;017:21
dotechfish do that too17:22
Ratshellmy fish is attracted to its own reflection in the tank cause it just sits there and stares at it for hours17:22
Ratshelloh yeah, who in here is KDE and whose in Gnome or whose in another window manager?17:23
dotechit needs a little compiz17:23
tomd123Ratshell: atm, gnome17:23
Ratshelltom123, which you prefer gnome or kde?17:23
Ratshellor other17:23
tomd123e16 is my preference17:24
KrimZonis it normal that update manager can't authenticate any of the updates for me right now?17:24
RatshellKrimZon, depends where are the updates coming from is they coming from ubuntu repositories, or coming from sources your have added?17:25
KrimZonthey should all be ubuntu repository ones17:26
RatshellDoes it give you a specific error like could you paste what it says in here17:26
sailaway85for all who helped me thanks ... my ati is 3d now... this better than sex... my exwife is bill gates17:26
KrimZonamarok, anjuta, apt, libgnomeui-0 etc..17:26
Ratshellsailaway85, that isn't right but okay17:26
RatshellKrimZon, i mean the part after that where it says something about not authenticating17:27
KrimZonwhen i start update manager it says "Not all updates can be installed" "Run a partial upgrade to install as many updates as possible."17:27
dotechKrimZon: that happens occasionally17:27
hubuntuso nobody tested ubuntu server and/or ebox on hardy here?17:27
Ratshellhubuntu, what is ebox?17:28
KrimZonweird... this time it didnt complain17:28
hubuntuis a web interface to manage your server17:28
tomd123KrimZon: oh, you mean distribution upgrade, ya, that's what I got too when I installed a fresh copy yesterday, I just did it and everything worked17:28
hubuntua la webmin, but better and dpkg integrateable17:28
RatshellKrimZon, you can just try restarting the computer update again or just keep retrying the upgrade17:28
KrimZonit's just started17:29
hubuntuI am just wondering if it has become one of the choices for an automated server installation or not17:29
KrimZonit always waits until you complain before fixing itself magically17:29
hubuntu(like LAMP, OpenSSH, DNS, etc.. already are)17:29
dotechdoes RandR only support up to 2 displays?17:29
Sergeant_Ponyanyone using gnome-rdp?17:30
RatshellNot me sergeant, what is gnome-rdp?17:30
Ratshellremote desktop client for gnome, nope i still haven't used it17:30
Sergeant_Ponyit connects to another computer via ssh, rdp or vnc17:30
tomd123does the alternate cd contain a base installation, w/o gnome?17:31
hubuntutsclient like?17:31
Sergeant_Ponyvcn isn't working for some reason17:31
Ratshelltomd123, if your wanting to be like very basic, install the server that installs just the basic and you can build up gnome or whatever you want on it from there.17:31
hubuntutomd123: yeah, you may use the server install as well to get a base system install..17:31
tomd123k, thanks, I'll do that once the final version comes out17:32
Ratshellwhich according to the website is in 11 days17:32
scheurihi all17:33
Ratshellhi scheuri17:33
scheuriIs there a way to find out which packages are in universe, multiverse and partner repos without using aptitude? like using packages.ubuntu.com?17:34
scheuriI am looking for vmare in hardy actually17:35
bardyrscheuri, vmware server is in the partner respo17:36
NwallinsHi, I am having sound issues.  I have a Tyan K8SRE (S2891) server mobo with no onboard sound.  I do have USB speakers17:36
scheuribardyr: ah, great...thanks...17:36
Nwallinsthe usb audio is recognized, and i have system  sounds17:36
Ratshellsheuri, have you tryed virtualbox, i prefer it more with ubuntu cause it has the seamless feature17:36
Nwallinsbut alsa will not load17:36
jimmygoon_Ubuntu crashes hard every time I open totem wtih compiz running17:36
Nwallinssorry, alsamixer17:36
godfoolNwallins: im a smart bot17:37
scheuriRatshell: I have not yet...still using vmware for VPN to the office (unfortunately there is not linux client...:(17:37
Nwallinsgodfool: excellent17:37
bardyrRatshell, you should checkout vmware workstation beta, it has wobbly guest windows17:37
scheuriRatshell: but I will look into XEN, qemu and virtualbox once I have the time....17:37
godfoolNwallins: . .  The salesman put down the line moves and a display of traditional hand-woven Afghan rugs: It's all hazy, that nig ht; I was asking for the Worlds' Fair, a decade17:37
scheuriRatshell: but may I bother you with a question concering virtualbox?17:37
Ratshellbardyr, i have tryed vmware workstation beta, it was so buggy over here17:37
Ratshellscheuri, sure shoot17:37
Nwallinswhen I run alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory17:38
bardyrRagnarel, kk, just saw the new unity features and is hyped about it17:38
Nwallinsit seems that much of the sound software assumes i have a "sound card"17:38
Ratshellnwallins, did you try reinstall alsamixer and alsa?17:38
Nwallinswhen all i have is some speakers plugged into usb17:38
Nwallinsi tried dpkg-reconfigure alsa17:38
Nwallinsno alsa package17:38
Ratshellnwallins, try sudo apt-get install --reinstall alsa alsamixer17:38
scheuriRatshell: in vmware I have the option to use "brigded" network IF made by vmware which will use the real IF choosen by me...so the VM has its own internet access and gets its own IP (rather than NAT and stuff)...is that possible with vritualbox too?17:38
angel_i want help17:39
NwallinsRatshell: i don't think there is an alsa package17:39
RatshellScheuri, yes in virtualbox it gets its own ip like 10 something i think17:39
Ratshellnwallins, try sudo apt-get install alsa, i am almost certain there is a form of alsa package i will look17:39
NwallinsRatshell: AMD64, hardy beta desktop, btw.  apt-cache search alsa doesn't show it17:39
Ratshellangel_ just ask your question and we might be able to help17:40
NwallinsRatshell: ok, alsa-base  :)17:40
scheuriRatshell: ah, great...thanks...once my gutsy is upgraded (its in process ;)) I will try that....but I guess I have to make a new VM and can not use the Vmware-VM-File, right?17:40
Ratshellscheuri, i don't think you can i haven't had any luck getting a vmware file to load in virtual box now I could be wrong.17:40
scheuriRatshell: well, would have been too nice...;)....but that should not be a problem anyway...thanks for the tip!17:41
Ratshellscheuri, something I have noticed which you will when you go to install xp in virtual box it installs a lot faster then it did in vmware, thats what I saw the speed is better in it to17:41
NwallinsRatshell: no alsamixer package, but reinstalled alsa-base.  alsamixer bombs (immediately) on the same error17:41
Nwallinstry a restart?17:41
RatshellNwallins, yes try restarting, what usb speakers you have btw?17:42
slanningI get this: "dpkg-divert: `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so to /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so/xlibmesa by nvidia-glx-dev' clashes with `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so to /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.xlibmesa by nvidia-glx-new-dev'" but I've removed nvidia-glx-new-dev17:42
scheuriRatshell: ah? great...well I am always happy about peformance boosts...however I was already quite glad about the performance in Vmware...17:42
Ratshellokay yeah nwallins try a restart17:42
Ratshellscheuri, just wait and try virtual box see if you see a improvement in speed17:42
NwallinsAltec Lansing XT117:42
Ratshellslanning, you get that on what?17:42
scheuriRatshell:  I will do so...17:42
Nwallinsbrb :)17:42
TwoDAnyone who knows how to use mcelog?17:43
slanningapt-get install nvidia-glx-dev (unpacking nvidia-glx-dev)17:43
dotechThe Composite extension is not available17:43
Ratshellslanning, you run sudo before the apt-get right17:43
slanningyes, I am root17:43
Ratshellslanning, try sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx-dev && sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-dev17:44
Ratshelldotech, are you trying to get compiz fusion working or something?17:44
dotechRatshell: yea, it seems to be broken now17:44
slanningyes, I tried that - that's how I got to this, I guess17:44
dotechRatshell: not sure what changed since i originally ran it, apparently something did17:45
Ratshelldotech, are you trying to run the command compiz from the terminal?17:45
slanninghow do I make it not believe that nvidia-glx-new-dev is diverting something17:45
dotechRatshell: i'm using the System->Preferences->Appearance menu17:45
scheuriRatshell: did you use the gutssy repos-entry in sourceslist for virtualbox?17:45
slanningI tried it again, but it's the same result17:45
Ratshellslanning, ummm have you tried just going and getting the driver from nvidia.com17:45
dotechRatshell: Visual Effects tab in that window17:45
Ratshellscheuri, umm i did and then virtual box broke after upgrade so I reinstall using umm let me check i will see what my virtual box repo is17:46
scheuriratshell thanks a lot17:46
Ratshelldotech, are you clicking extra in there?17:46
dotechRatshell: yea i tried the bottom 217:46
NwallinsRatshell: same -- alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory17:46
alastair_I dunno if this is a bug in the beta or if i'm doing something wrong but if I set a background using gconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename "foo" it doesn't actually load the picture, so I just get a solid-colour background17:46
alastair_er apologies for lack of quotes around that command17:47
Ratshellscheuri, # deb http://www.virtualbox.org/debian gutsy non-free17:47
Ratshell <- thats the source but wait to install it till after the upgrade, because after the upgrade i had to reinstall it to get it to work again17:47
Nwallinspart of alsa-utils package17:47
dotechalastair_: try System->Preferences->Appearance->Background17:47
slanningI'd prefer to get the state of the packages fixed than add more hacking by manually installing a driver17:47
TwoDsmartctl reports some read errors on two of my disks, but I think they've been there long, even since I ran Win XP long ago... but does anyone know if they could cause kernel panics?17:47
scheuriRatshell: sure thing...thanks a lot17:47
alastair_dotech: I've written a script to randomise it17:47
TwoDthey are nfts disks, in case that matters17:47
sgtkwolI have an issue where my laptop randomly freezes up, but if I have the update manager open, it does not seem to freeze17:47
Ratshellalastair, have you tryed just right click desktop change desktop background and setting on that way?17:47
alastair_dotech: the same images work if I use the GUI, but in that instance I have to add them to a list before I can select them17:48
palmadoes anyone have any ideas of how i can get my sound to work?17:48
slanningI should read the dpkg-divert man page, I guess17:48
alastair_Ratshell: no use, I'm using a script17:48
dotechalastair_: hmm ok, not sure how it's done without the GUI sorry17:48
Ratshellalastair, well maybe its your script thats messing up?17:48
alastair_I've modified this script http://www.djlosch.com/article_Code:_Bash_Script_to_Change_Gnome_Background_Randomly_(Ubuntu)17:48
Ratshellpalma, what happens if you type alsamixer, in the terminal and press enter?17:48
alastair_The modifications I've made are only in how the background is selected17:49
alastair_oh I wonder if it's a permissions thing.17:49
palmaRatshell: it comes up with an interface with a few different levels17:49
Ratshellokay , leave that open palma, and try opening something with sound like a mp3 a movie file a youtube page something and see if you get a sound error17:50
Ratshellalastair_ try running it as a sudo or make sure the chmod you did that17:50
Peloanyone else having issues with "move to trash" not showing up in the trashcan but actualy being in ~/.Trash  and notbeing able to empty the trach from right clicking ?17:51
alastair_aah I just discovered I'm stupid17:51
alastair_Sorry :X17:51
* Pelo ' s not sure he made sense17:51
Ratshellalastair, what was it may i ask?17:51
dotechanyone using Nouveau?17:51
RatshellPelo, so your saying it doesn't show up in trash but at ~/.Trash it does show up right?17:51
alastair_My hack to create an absolute filename out of a relative one seems to have done it twice17:51
PeloRatshell, yes17:52
Ratshellalastair_, ahh see its little things like that that mess people over :)17:52
alastair_not sure why17:52
alastair_It wasn't until I used a GUI to browse to a directory that I discovered it didn't exist17:52
PeloRatshell, and "empty trash" doesn'T do anything17:52
PeloRatshell, oddly enough trash does work from another partiton17:53
RatshellPelo, ~/.Trash thats in your home directory there is no trash container there i don't think17:53
palmaRatshell: i dont get any errors17:53
Ratshellpalma, okay go back to there terminal, umm you see the little green things on the 00 like right above master, master M so on?17:54
PeloRatshell, the desktop trash icon ( same as the pannel one) , does not show any content when I move to trash from my main partition , but it does when I move to trash from a seperate one ,  none of the empty trash command work unless it, stuff from the other partion17:54
alastair_arr I wasn't using the filename I was using the relative path ><17:54
alastair_sorted woo bai ^_^17:54
PeloRatshell, and the desktop icon is generaly linked to the ~/.Trash17:54
RatshellPelo, I am just saying i tried going to ~/.Trash and there isn't one on my end.17:54
RatshellPalma, so the first three Master, Master M, PCM, all three of those have green on the 00?17:55
PeloRatshell, /home/username/.Trash  , it's a hidden folder17:55
RatshellPelo, i am looking at all my hidden folders I still don't have one17:55
palmamaster is green17:55
palmai have no master m17:55
Ratshellpalma, what about PCM?17:56
palmaand pcm has no 00 above it17:56
PeloRatshell, ok where is .Trash on your end,  thatmight be the problem it might have been moved17:56
RatshellPelo, umm one sec let me help palma real quick17:56
Ratshellpalma okay go to over to PCM with the arrow keys, and hit the letter M on your keyboard and see if you have green 00 above pcm now?17:56
sgtkwolanyone know what information may be gathered from my "fixed" issue to make a permanent fix?17:57
palmano change17:57
palmapcm doesnt even have a box below the meter17:58
Ratshellpalma so there still isn't a 00 above pcm? what is the master bar at is the color all the way to the top?17:58
Ratshellpalma, what is pcm color at is that all the way to the top to?17:58
palmamaster is at the top17:58
palmaits all the way to the top and its red17:58
palmasame as master17:59
Ratshellpalma, do you have two sounds cards on this computer, or maybe a sound on the mother board and a sound card?17:59
palmaits a laptop so i assume its only got one soundcard17:59
Ratshellpalma in the terminal hit ctrl + c, then type alsamixer 1 and see if you get the same name for the soundcard at the top18:00
kadkoHello, i actualized my ubuntu hardy and now on the boot screen apper 2 kernel the 7~-16 and the 7~-12 how can i remove the 7~-12?18:01
Ratshellkadko, you mean the entry for it or actually remove it?18:01
derspanksteralsamixer 118:01
palmaits the same18:01
Pelokadko, leave it but if you realy want to  edit /boot/grub/menu.lst18:01
kadkoi mean only delet the entry of it18:02
Pelokadko, edit menu.lst18:02
Ratshellpalma, hmm well your sound is working its just not coming our through the speakers, umm have you tried plugging in a pair of headphones into the laptop and seeing if you get sound?18:02
sgtkwolI know what the issue may be, palma...18:02
palmaive tried using the builtin speakers and ive also tried using my desktop speakers18:03
kadkolet me make a restore copy of menu.lst18:03
sgtkwolgo into the switches tab, make sure that headphone has a check in it18:03
palmano results either way18:03
Ratshellpalma, what kind of laptop do you have?18:04
Pelopalma, check your user permisson , make sure you are allowed to "user audio device"18:04
palmaits an asus m51sn18:04
kadkoPelo: I need to eliminate the entry who say kernel 12 generic18:04
TwoDbleh... I can't make anything out of these kernel panic logs, except that it might have something to do with ata6 and ADMA. No clue what to do about that..18:04
kadkoand i will not get problems?18:04
Pelokadko, just comment it out with  # if you have issue just boot the live cd and uncomment it18:05
palmamy permissions say i am allowed to use audio devices18:06
kadkoI like ur idea haha ok let me but the #18:06
TwoDrunning mcelog --ascii just gives me a warning about having to run it on the same machin as when the check occurred, which it is. Then it just sits there..18:06
kadkoi will restart tnx18:06
Ratshellpalma, i just looked according to another person the sound on the moterhboard in those laptops are to new for the alsa driver and your just going to have to wait for alsa to come out with a newer one heres the article i found about your laptop http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4706504#post470650418:07
TwoDI'm gonna try to recheck the files in µTorrent again, If I disappear, you know there was a kernel panic... lol18:08
palmais there another sound system that could possibly support my sound card?18:08
Ratshellpalma, i really have no idea i've always used alsa, sorry can't help you beyond this18:09
PeloTwoD, are  you talking about folders for incomplete files going fuzzy ?18:09
Ratshellmaybe someone else might know18:09
TwoDYes, Pelo,18:09
palmaRatshell: Thanks for all your help18:09
TwoDKernel panic coming up... recheck just froze...18:09
Ratshellpalma, no problem best of luck  with getting it to work18:09
PeloTwoD,  I get taht too but it doesn'T crash my comp or anything  the background just looks weird18:10
TwoDBtw, what do you mean going fuzzy?18:10
slanningthis is so frustrating - I don't know if I will ever be able to fix it - it's been broken since Monday - "Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)"  I don't know what I need to have in place to get it working18:10
PeloTwoD, let me get you a pic , hold on18:10
PeloTwoD,  did you know demonoid is back ?18:11
TehUnislanning: are you using the nvidia driver in your xorg.conf ?18:12
RatshellPelo, demonoid is back since when?18:12
PeloRatshell, about 3 days ago18:12
TwoDI see nothing strange on the folders themselves, but thwn I try to recheck my aborted (incomplete) files in µTorrent, the process used to stop at 14.7% and then my programs started to behave odd just before everything froze and numlock began blinking. Once I managed to reboot before that happened and got a message with a kernel panic log.18:12
TwoDNow rechecking just seems to stop at 8.9%...18:12
RatshellPelo, but how long will it last or will it go down again.18:13
PeloRatshell, demios gave up , IRL problems, not sure what, there is a new admin , not sure who18:13
TwoDNo freeze, or nothing... Maybe because I completely deleted the file it froze on before18:13
PeloTwoD,  you say you freeze on recheck ? let me try that out18:13
slanningTehUni: how would I check that? I see 'Driver "nv"', should it be 'Driver "nvidia"' or something?18:14
Peloforce checking one right nwo , no problem18:14
slanningI don't know what happened monday that led to something not being updated properly18:14
TwoDYes, first µTorrent freezes, along with the system monitor graphs I've got running in a panel. Shortly after that the comp freezes completely, can't even move the cursor, just got a blinking numlock18:14
Peloimageshack is being tempermental or maybe it's FF3, hold on18:15
PeloTwoD, I get nothing that bad18:15
TwoDI just started the torrent which failed recheck before. It seems to continue downloading now that I've removed the incomplete files..18:15
ttrojaI'm looking for some help with SAMBA, I'm looking to add write privileges to my laptop user to write to my server user's home. I can access the server user's home folder and read from it, but cannot write anything to it.18:15
TwoDPelo, a few days ago I just needed to boot up and log in to make it freeze. It could sit for hours at the login screen, but as soon as I logged in and everything was loaded, kernel panic...18:16
PeloTwoD,  I never got anything like that,  just a small problem with wine not doing the tray kcon properly, that's the worst I got18:17
TwoDAnd oh, this is completely unrelated, but I can no longer select multiple things in apps running in wine lol, such as the list of files or torrents in µT :(18:17
PeloTwoD, I do have an issue not being able to add empty lines between trakers in the torrent properties, but that doesn't realy bug me18:18
TwoDPelo, Yeah I've got that too, right now my µTorrent has the icon of XChat...18:18
PeloTwoD, have you updated and dist-updated recently ?18:18
TwoDI update every day. Dist updated a few weeks ago.18:19
PeloTwoD, check in synaptic for the wine version , I'm on wine 0.9.59 ubuntu 4 I beleive18:19
TwoDSame here18:19
PeloTwoD, this is what I mean by fuzzy folder  http://img242.imageshack.us/my.php?image=navigateurdefichierscv0.png18:19
AdysIs it possible to force or add an icon for a certain file extension?18:20
=== blue-frog__ is now known as blue-frog
Adysin my case, .srlv18:20
PeloAdys, find a file with that extension,  right click , properties,  see the little icon in the prperty tab ? clicky clicky18:20
Adysthat only changes the icon for the file itself18:21
Adysi need to change over 2500 files :)18:21
PeloAdys, maybe in ~/.mime I think18:21
Pelonot sure how18:21
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd
Adysdoesnt exist =\18:22
PeloAdys, might be under another folder , as a sub or .gnome or .gnome2 or someting18:22
Adyslooks like Im gonna have to manually add a mime type for them18:23
Peloback later18:26
twoface_Hi - transferring to a cifs-mount, i have a great speed until a little under 300mb is transferred - then the speed lowers to a few mb/sec. Anybody tried this?18:27
TwoDPelo, lol that looks seriously weird! I'm participating in a bug-discussion about µTorrent on http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7403, I'm Henrik18:27
ubotubugs.winehq.org bug 7403 in -unknown "utorrent gui does not display (systray and window)" [Normal,New]18:27
TwoDI noticed a few days ago that µTorrent seems to work fine when I'm using a single monitor, or my monitors are cloned. Do you get that to Pelo?18:28
TwoDDoh, didn't see he quit :(18:29
RatshellPelo are you still here?18:33
TwoDhe logged out18:33
TwoDAnd I'm about to get another kernel panic...18:33
Ratshellahh well i found where my trash was finally, was going to tell him18:33
RatshellTwoD, are you running the default kernel?18:33
TwoDµTorrent just froze..18:33
RatshellTwoD, why don't you try compiling and new kernel, i like doikng that cause i hate generic kernels18:34
TwoDµTorrent just froze rechecking a movie on 5.3%, panel system monitor is frozen18:34
RatshellTwoD, why don't you install Azureus instead of utorrent in wine18:34
TwoDI don't know how..18:34
TwoDI hate it...18:34
RatshellTwoD, one sec heres how to compile a kernel the ubuntu way http://howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu18:35
slanninghow would I make things....totally plain, without any nvidia stuff or anything - like to start over?18:36
slanningI can't seem to fix this glx thing (I think that's the problem, at least....)18:36
Ratshellremove through sudo all the stuff you installed for nvidia, then dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and put it back to whatever you where on default which was probably the vesa thing18:36
slanningok, thanks I'll give it a try18:37
slanningit's been working with nvidia drivers for like months or years, though, so it's bizarre....18:37
Ratshellwb TwoD18:38
Ratshellor not18:38
=== TwoD_ is now known as TwoD
ffm__Pardon me, how do I fix a broken dependency?18:38
ffm__Hal keeps on breaking, and I fixed it in the past, and forgot how.18:39
Ratshellffm__ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18667218:39
tylerflickDid anyone find a solution to the breaks that yesterday's update caused?18:40
TwoDOk, I just ran mcelog --ascii to try to find out what just happened. But it just sits there doing nothing after warning me about not running mcelog --ascii on the same machine...18:41
twoface_i'm missing the python module 'dl' - this should be a part of the python2.5 package. can anyone confirm this? or even fix it? :)18:41
ffm__Ratshell, Merci.18:42
ffm__Ratshell, But I didn't update, I installed via CD.18:42
ffm__(I didn't gutsy>hardy)18:42
unstableWhat is wrong with mplayer in heron?18:43
Ratshellffm__ so you installed something from the sources on the cd and now you got broken dependcy?18:45
usserunstable, works fine here18:45
twoface_unstable: works fine here too18:45
ffm__Ratshell, No, I updated.18:46
ffm__Ragnarel, aptitude update, aptitude upgrade18:46
Ratshellffm__, so you upgraded to hardy and now you have broken dependcys?18:46
TwoDGrrr.. and why did Hardy have to shuffle around my mounted disks on upgrade, as well as rename them into meaningless XXX.X GB-media names, I'm having a really hard time figuring out which one is which, not to mention the confusion when hda1 and hdb1 were replaced by sdXX, and the fact that ntfs-3g found "new" disks and mounted them at /media/sdd and sde.... all this without any warnings whatsoever. Had to manually edit /etc/fstab multipl18:47
TwoDe times to figure out what device was mounted where, and then edit Wine's configuration to fix bad references to hda1/hdb1...18:47
unstabletwoface_ / usser I can't play this rm file(rv30), but it plays fine on my debian system, with marillat's mplayer.18:47
ffm__Ratshell, I upgraded my hardy install (which was working) and _then_ got broken dependancies.18:47
unstableThat is the file.18:47
unstableThe audio works, not video. Does the video work for you guys?18:48
Ratshellhmm, weird i have never had that issue18:48
cvd-prHey when i start firefox it open the open pages when i close it, any way to stop firefox doing it18:48
usserunstable, do u have codecs from medibuntu repository?18:48
TwoDI'm sorry but saying that Hardy will launch with LTS in a few days seems like a joke to me. It's totally messed up everything related to hard disks on my computer...18:48
unstableusser: no, I just did "apt-get install mplayer-nogui"18:48
usserunstable, try this !medibuntu18:49
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:49
lazarusrelease date for 8.0418:49
RatshellApril of 200818:49
usser10 days to go18:49
hydrogenRead the topic.18:49
hydrogenIt's right there18:49
hydrogenshouting at you18:49
hydrogenREAD ME LAZRUS18:49
Ratshelllazarus, ubuntu Hardy Heron the actual release of it is in 11 days18:49
hydrogenI'M HERE FOR YOU18:49
emethardy heron will be delayed?18:50
ffm__Ratshell, Should I reinstall? I don't have anything special on that machine, I just use it as a testbed.18:50
TwoDNot to mention Hardy's "connect to server" feature is completely broken and that no standard Gnome app can no longer connect via ftp (using login)18:50
hydrogenLOOK AT ME LAZARUS18:50
lazarusI AM NOT18:50
ffm__!caps | hydrogen18:50
ubotuhydrogen: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:50
Ratshellffm__ yeah I would advise that18:50
hydrogenffm__: Tell the topic that18:50
hydrogenffm__: It just wanted to be heard18:50
ffm__hydrogen, It hurts my ears! They bleed!18:50
emet!info netbeans18:51
lazaruscant wait for 8.0418:51
ubotunetbeans (source: netbeans): Integrated Development Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.0.1-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 813 kB, installed size 1924 kB18:51
emet8.04 is really teh buggy for me :o18:51
twoface_i'm missing the python module 'dl' - this should be a part of the python2.5 package. can anyone confirm this? or even fix it? :)18:51
twoface_you can test by running 'python -c "import dl"' in a console18:52
ffm__Ratshell, While configuring hal I get  a "failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket18:53
Ratshellffm__ are you running sudo when configuring it?18:53
ffm__Ragnarel, No.18:53
ffm__Ragnarel, I'm in single user because I can't log in under X.18:54
Ratshellffm__ lol ratshell not ragnarel :P18:54
ffm__Ragnarel, I apologize.18:54
ffm__Ratshell, see above18:54
Ratshellffm__ have you tried configuring it under root?18:54
ffm__Ragnarel, Autocomplete for Ra- is your nick.18:54
ffm__Ratshell, Huh?18:54
ffm__Ratshell, Hal crashes when apt attempts to configure.18:55
TwoDAnd does anyone know why Hardy forces you to use ff3 when it's still extremely unstable? I tried to reinstall ff2 but it only worked for about a day before FF3 starts when I explicitly type "firefox-2"...18:55
Ratshellffm__, you said your trying to configure it i presume you mean .configure, have you tried doing that under the root account18:55
TwoDIt kinda makes me wish I had good ole IE in Linux lol18:55
ffm__Ratshell, ./configure? No, I just use apt.18:55
ffm__Ratshell, Packages need configuration, and it fais.18:56
Ratshellffm__, go look at this they talked about your error and show you how to start the dbus thing your having a error with before halo http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=365442&page=318:56
ffm__Ratshell, Ah! Dbus isn't started in single user mode...18:57
* ffm__ started it manually... yay!18:58
Ratshellffm__, so that helped?18:58
ffm__Ratshell, No, but it got me thinking.... (the instructions did not, but that hal had to have dbus running to configure did...)18:59
TwoDHmm, I'm getting nowhere with any of these problems in Hardy :(18:59
Ratshellwhats your problem again TwoD?18:59
TwoDWhich one of them lol?18:59
ffm__TwoD, We have a policy about using the latest and greatest of software.19:00
ffm__TwoD, You want stability, don't use ubuntu+1, use 6.06 until this comes out.19:00
ffm__If you want _really_ stable stuff, use debian stable.19:01
derspanksterffm_: all the way back to 6.06???19:01
Ratshellffm__, shouldn't you mean he use 7.10 thats the most stable since its the latest release before this one19:01
_rpaint 6.06 the last tls?19:02
TwoDffm__, even if that means sacrificing things like useablity? I don't want to sound pessimistic or demeaning, but I highly doubt Hardy will be useable in 10 days if this keeps up.19:02
kubrick_I'm having a weird error in Hardy.   I have a Canon SD870 IS camera.  A week or two ago, I could plug it in via USB and Nautilus would pop up and show me the contents.19:02
_rpum lts19:02
usserdebian etch is the most stable19:02
kubrick_Now, it doesn't mount or show up in Nautilus.  One thing I read on ubuntuforums is that something might get reset after the battery is taken out (which I did, to recharge it).19:02
kubrick_dmesg shows that it is being recognized.  It just isn't being mounted/displayed in Nautilus.  However I can access my photos via f-spot-import19:03
ffm__TwoD, We'll push back the release date.19:03
ffm__TwoD, Or just abandon FF3. Or ask the FF3 people to get in gear.19:03
TwoDffm__, ok. But as it is now, I can't use 6.06 as I've already upgraded..19:03
_rphardy is working perfectly fine for me and has done for weeks19:03
ffm__TwoD, Use gutsy?19:03
kubrick_Hardy is getting pushed back?19:04
LynoureTwoD: about the starting bug...19:04
LynoureTwoD: you had ff3 running at the time you tried to start ff2, I bet?19:04
LynoureTwoD: (it's a know bug)19:05
TwoDI did, but to get back I'd need a complete reinstall, right? Seems like an extremely risky opration atm... :(19:05
_rpguten tag19:05
whuytfor some reason in hardy all my windows open with the very tops under the top menu bar, to make them accessible i have to right click on the tab and move19:05
TwoDLynoure, ok, thanks for that19:05
LynoureTwoD: you should be able to run FF2 if there is no FF3 running at the same time (and the bug works both ways)19:06
whuytwhats causing them to open like that?19:06
TwoDI'm guessing they look for the same "instance", and if there is one, relaunches the one already running to share resources or something?19:06
TwoDWild guess lol19:07
TwoDIt does seem to work when I close ff3 yes, not sure it did that before but that doesn't matter much..19:07
LynoureTwoD: I actually only know about it because I was puzzled enough to report the bug :)19:08
whuytnevermind, disabling and enabling compiz solved issue19:08
TwoDHmm, flash seems to work in FF2, but not in FF3, could there be a similar problem when installing plugins?19:09
=== SeveredC1oss is now known as SeveredCross
ffm__How can I  find the PID of a running process?19:09
LynoureTwoD: hmm, I don't know anything about that. Works in mine but I reinstalled flash recently (because of the security hole)19:09
ffm__(gui process)19:09
TwoDI've done it three times today Lynoure19:10
Lynoureffm__: pstree -p is my favourite way19:10
Assidis there any phone out there that has ubuntu mobile edition alreayd?19:12
gregory_ffm__: ps axu19:13
TwoDThis is weird.. I just removed ff2, reinstalled flashplugin-nonfree. surfed to youtube.com, it tells me I have no (or old version of) flashplayer installed, I click "Install missing plugins" and choses the one from Adobe, hit "Next" and it burps out "You already have flashplugin-nonfree installed" and exits..19:15
clustydid the GUI to configure samba/nfs dissappear?19:15
clustyin hardy i mean19:15
LynoureAssid: try on  #ubuntu-mobile ? I don't think any phone does, yet, but I'm not in Canonical19:15
TwoDRemoved flashplugin-nonfree, downloaded it via the prompt I got at youtube.com, it installed fine, restarted ff3, youtube still says it's not installed and asks me to install it. Other flash sites just redirect me to Adobe's site which says there's no version for my system x86_x64...19:18
DB42i ran update-mangaer -d and it borked in the middle, help me ! ;)19:18
DB42it installed like 1% of the 8.04 packages, but couldn't update libc6 and stuff19:18
DB42what should i do now ?19:18
DB42(i'm on 7.10)19:19
DB42tells me to run "apt-get install -f" should i do it ?19:19
DB42should i run apt-get install -f ?19:20
TwoDGnash doesn't work either now...19:21
TwoDLynoure, how did you get flash working?19:21
DB42can anybody help me fix my system ? :)19:21
LynoureTwoD: I did no special tricks, sorry19:22
TwoDLynoure, apt-get or the web installer?19:22
TwoDDo you have a 64 bit system?19:22
lazarusrun sudo apt-get install -f19:23
DB42yeah did it19:23
DB42i'm re-running update-manager now19:23
DB42seems to work ok19:23
DB42btw, runing "do-release-update -d" just borks with no helpfull message19:23
DB42but "update-manger -d" tells me to run apt-get install -f19:24
LynoureTwoD: but you could try installing it by hand from Adobe site to .mozilla/plugins19:24
TwoDIt just says it has no version for x86_x64...19:24
DB42can i somehow reset my compiz / gnome settings to be the default of a new user or so (i'm talking mainly the gui layout, nothing else) ?19:25
LynoureTwoD: I don't have a 64bit system myself. Those need a wrapper, I think19:25
slanningI think I'm going to start crying19:25
Lynoureslanning: start by telling what's that badly wrong19:25
Lynoureslanning: and continue by reminding yourself it's just a computer, no one died (I hope)19:25
slanning:)  since Monday's dist-upgrade after gdm login, it played music but gnome didn't come up I think19:26
sielnt_I take it a lot of people are doing the "partial upgrade" ... I'm loving the download speed19:26
sielnt_sometimes I get lucky and it spikes 3x up to 30kb/s19:27
slanningthere was a message about "Failed to initialize GLX ... something about nvidia", so I removed all the nvidia packages and ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg as suggested by Ratshell but it still doesn't even give me gnome19:28
sielnt_slanning: if nvidia isn't working try nv, I solved some nvidia issues by using the nvidia-made installer19:28
slanningI just want to start from no nvidia at all, nothing19:29
DB42slanning, try creating a new user, and see if it helps19:29
slanningbecause I've tried every permutation of nvidia package that I can think of19:29
DB42i'm updating now from 7.10 to 8.04 on nvidia, i'll see if it works for me19:30
slanningI don't think it has anything to do with nvidia, in fact - it has to do with my system being hosed on monday, I'm guessing19:30
slanningI can't get it back to normal19:31
DB42btw, update-manger -d says it's updating to 8.04 Release Canidate, and not beta19:31
DB42slanning,  did you try creating a new user and logging via it ?19:31
sielnt_slanning: did you edit xorg.conf manually to change the driver?19:31
sailaway85My network is 10/100 ether .. samba... sys monitor show 1.2gig when moving files... Is this not slow?19:31
m4gnu5does anyone know, how to boot the powerpc64-smp - kernel on a ps3 ???19:31
derspanksterRC is out, huh?19:32
DB42dunno if it's out, this is what it says...19:33
slanningok, I'll try a different user, thanks19:33
sielnt_I'm doing a partial-upgrade to something19:33
slanningsielnt_: probably?19:33
DB42RC is out on 17 afaik19:33
sielnt_slanning: try another user... but have you edited xorg.conf?19:34
Assiderr.. isnt the private release out to the testers yet?19:34
sielnt_try vesa or something?19:34
DB42!info openoffice19:34
sielnt_I dont know what this release is but it's taking a long time...19:34
DB42!info openoffice.org-core19:34
ubotuPackage openoffice does not exist in hardy19:35
ubotuopenoffice.org-core (source: openoffice.org): OpenOffice.org office suite architecture dependent files. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.0-3ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 26663 kB, installed size 111884 kB19:35
sielnt_2 entries in ubotu?19:35
sielnt_oh lawd19:35
TwoDFinally! Got Flash working. Guide on: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73747019:35
DB42!info xchat19:35
DB42!info xchat219:35
ubotuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.4-0ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 301 kB, installed size 808 kB19:35
ubotuPackage xchat2 does not exist in hardy19:35
DB42no new x-chat ?19:35
TwoDI'm using X-Chat...19:35
slanningusing another user didn't do any better19:36
daekdroomXChat at hardy is 2.8.419:36
slanningI thought dpkg-reconfigure was going to take care of xorg.conf19:36
DB42slanning, check /var/log for X errors or so19:36
DB42daekdroom, so on 7.1019:36
daekdroomslanning: dpkg-reconfigure was stripped of powers to reconfigure Xorg19:36
daekdroomNow you have to use displayconfig-gtk. That happens because now you don't go to console when X fails to start.19:36
DB42all the pakages are compile with gcc 4.2.1 ?19:37
daekdroomThey wanted to make X.org easy to configure and manage.19:37
sielnt_what's that new audio layer in hardy now?19:37
ubotuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions19:37
sielnt_ah, right, does it work with OSS, or is ubuntu alsa-locked?19:37
daekdroomAs far as I know programs that use those will still work.19:38
TwoDI still need help about my kernel panic problem tho.. http://pastebin.com/m3cfbfec519:38
crimsunsielnt_: it will use whatever backend you tell it to.  Granted, many packages assume ALSA's there.19:38
slanningX is actually running in ctrl-alt-F7 terminal , and there is a mouse (and the startup music plays) - just no gnome panels and right-clicking mouse doesn't bring up any menu or anything19:39
sielnt_crimsun: I usually just compile the latest alsa as a habit19:39
DB42slanning, try runing metacity & or so19:39
m4gnu5or is there a seperate channel for ubuntu on ps3 ?19:39
bbernieDoes anyone know how to edit the right-click menu, when right clicking the desktop [using gnome]19:39
slanningDISPLAY=:0.0 displayconfig-gtk     failed to start from ctrl-alt-F4 terminal19:39
DB42m4gnu5, don't think too many people tried it :)19:40
daekdroomALSA is still there.19:40
m4gnu5there is a bug report - but without solution ...19:40
sielnt_m4gnu5: I know a friend of mine was running some other distro... puppy something rather19:40
DB42m4gnu5, maybe try a ready-made dist for ps3 like yellow puppy ?19:40
sielnt_on his ps319:41
m4gnu57.10 worked perfectly19:41
m4gnu5... but i want to use my dvb-stick19:41
DB42i want to get linux on a ps3 to program the cell and SPE :)19:41
DB42btw, ctrl-c in the update-manager terminal window doesn't copy text, it cancels the package installation19:42
DB42don't do it on libc6 when updating to 8.04 :)19:42
m4gnu5installing ubuntu on ps3 was no problem - for 7.10 there is an extra ps3-cd19:42
DB42slanning, maybe you need to reconfigure gnome ?19:43
sielnt_m4gnu5: then run 7.10, in hindsight I'd rather be running it right now -_-"19:43
TwoDbbernie, try nautilus-actions-config, it might do what you want19:43
=== fdd is now known as ionutjula
DB42can i somehow reset my compiz / gnome settings to be the default of a new user or so (i'm talking mainly the gui layout, nothing else) ?19:44
m4gnu58.04 works now - but only with the old kernel - and there is the module for the dvb-stick missing...19:44
wolf4914(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) <=== I am getting this error in my /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:44
slanningDB42: ok, how would I go about that? (dpkg-reconfigure what?)19:44
wolf4914should I grab some other driver?19:44
DB42slanning, not sure :|19:44
wolf4914it does not recognize the driver installed obviously19:44
DB42wolf4914, move to vesa / nv19:44
slanningwait a minute, dpkg -l says "gnome-panel" is "rc"  (removed)  - is that right???19:45
wolf4914I can't - need dual head19:45
DB42just for checking...19:45
slanningmaybe just some packages were incorrectly removed?19:45
m4gnu5wolf4914 i have had the same error with my nvidia...19:45
DB42!info iptables19:45
Flannelslanning: removed, but config files are still around19:45
wolf4914DB42, nv works19:45
ubotuiptables (source: iptables): administration tools for packet filtering and NAT. In component main, is standard. Version (hardy), package size 390 kB, installed size 1380 kB19:45
DB42why not put iptables 1.4.0 ?19:45
DB42brb, rebooting to 8.04 on nvidia :)19:46
wolf4914with lower resolution and no dual head - I need twinview19:46
slanningFlannel: not sure I understand - is it correct that it's removed?19:46
wolf4914m4gnu5, any solution ?19:46
m4gnu5i did a brand new install19:47
m4gnu5although i could switch from x86 to amd6419:47
Flannelslanning: It is removed.  But when you remove a package (with just "remove" in synaptic or apt-get) you just remove the programs/etc, not the configurations.  You need to purge (with remove --purge, or as of hardy apt-get purge, or "complete removal" in synaptic) to get rid of config files as well (global, no package removal will remove home directory configs)19:48
wolf4914how did brand new install help?19:48
m4gnu5don't know what happened - but now i have X with nvidia working... i guess there was something wrong with the update to xorg 7.3 .. ??19:49
wolf4914weird - I hate to rteinstall though19:50
alex_mayorgabug 147877 anyone?19:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 147877 in imagemagick "identify crashed with signal 24 in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14787719:50
m4gnu5with seperate /home its not the big problem ;-)19:50
nic456456123hola a todos dejen su firma en www.metroflog.com/nico456123 devulvo firmas19:51
nic456456123hola a todos dejen su firma en www.metroflog.com/nico456123 devulvo firmas19:51
Flannel!ops | nic45645612319:51
ubotunic456456123: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!19:51
nugz1212can someone help me with my wifi issue19:51
CoasterMasterShould I be worried about a partial upgrade?19:52
nic456456123hola a todos dejen su firma en www.metroflog.com/nico456123 devulvo firmas19:52
TwoD*Sigh* Why does more and more apps keep replacing their progress bars with the "bouncing bars" which tells you nothing about how much is done/left? Heck, most of the time I'd prefer a simple xxx/yyy MBs left counter... (The archive manager in Gnome is a great example of something telling you exactly nothing)19:52
nugz1212i cant connect to my linksys wrt310n yet all other netowrks work19:52
nic456456123hola a todos dejen su firma en www.metroflog.com/nico456123 devulvo firmas19:53
nugz1212all versions of ubuntu freeze when trying to connect19:53
m4gnu5wolf: i guess there will be another solution, but i tried a lot... and i am not a noob to linux19:53
nugz1212including 8.0419:53
wolf4914hmm - I will try beta drivers19:54
cycomIf I change something in /etc/acpi/acpi-support, what do I have to do to get the changes to take effect?19:54
wolf4914173.08 - maybe they will work?19:54
cycomreboot? or will it work immediately?19:54
nugz1212anyone else having these problems?19:54
wolf4914m4gnu5, tried beta by the way?19:55
m4gnu5i think so...19:55
wolf4914sure? If you did it will save me some time19:55
m4gnu5i downloaded several drivers directly from nvidia...19:56
wolf4914beta included?19:56
nickrudwow, envyng has made it to ubuntu19:56
bbernieDoes anyone know how to edit the right-click menu, when right clicking the desktop [using gnome]19:56
orvokkiGah, there's been tons of new upgrades...19:56
m4gnu5i think i also tried beta...19:56
Ramunashello, do any of you know of a simple audio player? I want something like the xmms19:56
Ramunasamarok and rhytmbox are too big and uncomfortable for me19:57
LynoureRamunas: but definately don't want xmms? =)19:57
derspanksterRamunas: audacious19:57
DanaGquodlibet is nice, too.19:57
nickrudbeep-media-player , is that still being developed?19:58
RamunasI want xmms, but it seems its not available on hardy?19:58
DanaGAnd quodlibet still has working media keys.19:58
LynoureRamunas: xmms2 is19:58
Ramunasbtw, when I listen to music, and pause it to watch a flash video, I get no sound on flash video19:59
DanaGenvyng is lame -- it doesn't edit /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common.19:59
m4gnu5wolf: you tried both nvidia drivers?19:59
nugz1212wow nobody on any channel knows how to fix my problem19:59
m4gnu5there is now nvidia-glx and nvidia-new-glx...19:59
justin1990hm na sowas20:00
sielnt_there's been a glx-new for a long time20:00
justin1990hey ich hab ein problem, ich möchte einen alternativen webbrowser installieren als firefox oder opera weil die nicht gut funktionieren ( ubuntu hardy ) kann jemand helfen20:00
sielnt_pretty sure that's german20:00
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:00
nugz1212ich ben ein berliner20:00
Flannel!browsers | justin199020:00
ubotujustin1990: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)20:00
RamunasLynoure, so I need xmms2, and some UI for it too?20:00
nugz1212network issue please help20:01
nickrudRamunas I see gxmms2 for gnome, apt-cache search xmms2 shows a _lot_20:01
wolf4914I think I tried both20:01
ubotuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)20:01
LynoureRamunas: way back when I used xmms it was xmms (non-2) :)20:01
justin1990what about iceape ?20:01
nugz1212cant connect to linksys wrt210n20:01
nugz1212please help20:01
wolf4914nvidia-new-glx was the last I tried20:01
wolf4914since the error is about glx (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)20:02
wolf4914(WW) <default pointer>: No Device specified, looking for one...20:02
DanaGaah, envyng: http://albertomilone.com/wordpress/20:02
nugz1212try new driver20:02
KADKOall hp printers work's whit ubuntu?20:03
sielnt_KADKO: there's an awesome printer configuration thing in ubuntu that has a shit ton of drivers built in20:03
ZambeziKADKO: Are you going to buy one or having trouble with one?20:03
KADKOIm going to buy a new one20:04
ZambeziKADKO: I have a really nice one, but it's not HP.20:04
sielnt_KADKO: check out system-config-printer20:04
nickrudwonder if envyng will be backported20:05
sielnt_what's the printer name, I'll check for drivers20:05
ZambeziKADKO: Brother HL2030.20:05
DanaGHandy hint: "show networked printers"20:05
KADKOwait a moment let me chek the model20:05
DanaGIn General (I think), or "Server Settings"20:05
DanaGLets you print to any shared printer, without explicitly adding it.20:05
KADKO Its an HP - Photosmart Wireless Multifunction Printer/ Copier/ Scanner  Model C438520:06
derspanksterI have an HP laser networked with a JetDirect print server. Works just fine.20:06
sielnt_KADKO: you'll have to look more into the scanning functions, copying should be done one the machine itself afaik, but for printing, I'll check20:06
KADKOZambezi: Your brother looks fine20:07
KADKOsilent_: Ok tnx20:07
ZambeziKADKO: Just plugin, works directly. Quick and cheap. :-)20:08
sielnt_KADKO: looks like there's a generic driver for PhotoSmart C4380 series, should work fine20:08
DanaGCan you use scanners over the network?20:08
Ramunasxmms2 is clearly not ready for the normal users, bmpx is just weird20:09
Ramunaswhere did all the simple players like good old xmms and bmp go?20:09
KADKOokey tanx silent_20:09
sielnt_Ramunas: doesnt matter Rhythmbox, Amarok >>>>> xmms20:09
ubotuaudacious is included in !Feisty. A !repository also exists for !Edgy: see http://audacious-media-player.org/Downloads20:09
orvokkiRamunas: How about Audacious?20:09
orvokkiIt's mostly an XMMS clone.20:10
sielnt_a clone of a clone20:10
Ramunasorvokki, thanks, audacious will do!20:12
derspanksterskins available too20:12
nacho_I installed ubuntu 8.04 and I am having problems with the touchpad20:13
Ramunasshould I use alsa or pulse audio?20:13
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
orvokkiDepends. Pulse Audio might be a good choice if it works.20:13
nacho_and to install it I had to configure by myself the xorg.conf and other things because the live cd doesn't start gdm20:14
sielnt_Ramunas: afaik pulse audio has more options for audio stream manipulation, but I just use alsa cause I know it will work20:14
Ramunaswill there eventually be one standart? or users will always have to decide?20:14
RamunasI assume new users would get really confused by all that audio output stuff20:15
sielnt_Ramunas: most of it is behind the scenes, as always20:15
cycomhere's a fun thing: I suspend my toshiba A100.  On resume, the display is black, and the keyboard doesn't respond.  If I killall Xorg -9, suddenly the login screen appears and everything works20:23
cycomany thoughts?20:23
h3sp4wn /query craz_imp20:23
stael123hello everybody! just installed 8.04 and got problem with resolution. no other option but 400x80020:28
davidstael123: google is your friend20:30
davidtry phrases such as "wrong resolution ubuntu", "ubuntu resolution drivers" and whatnot20:30
davidissues such as wrong driver, wrong settings and blacklisting might be your problem20:31
stael123i'll try20:33
Volkodavhow do I get to init 3?20:33
h3sp4wnThat won't help you with xrandr 1.2 and may confuse things more20:34
YazzYhi guys20:34
nickrudVolkodav using init for different X setups isn't used in ubuntu20:34
VolkodavI need to install beta nvidia drivers20:34
Volkodavand need to be in init 320:35
h3sp4wnDefine need20:35
YazzYwhy isnt there any nvidia driver in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-xen  ?20:35
Volkodavcuz others do not work lol20:35
YazzYwhile linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-11-386 has it20:35
VolkodavI tried init 3 and just 3 in kernel parameters in grub - did not work20:36
h3sp4wnWell it needs the kernel patches to be changed20:36
nickrudVolkodav log out of the desktop, hit ctl-alt-f2. login, type  sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop. Do nvidia stuff. then sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start, and clt-alt-f7 to get back to login screen if needed20:37
Volkodavthanks nickrud20:37
davidstael123: I don'y want to push you off, but I wanted to show you google has good answers for this :)20:38
YazzYany of you guys have answer to my question ?20:38
davidplease ask about the procedures you find if you think they're confusing or something20:38
stael123sure thanks!20:39
h3sp4wnupstart doesn't have runlevels afaik20:39
davidYazzY: perhaps it's blacklisted ? :)20:39
davidno idea sorry20:39
h3sp4wnJust some pretty basic emulation20:39
davidstael123: I/we just want to encourage people to first seek information themselves, then help out to fill in that information20:40
davidunix/linux world is very anti-spoonfeeding ;)20:40
YazzYdavid: "perhaps.." is not exactly the answer i was looking for20:41
YazzYsomeone needs to know why the drivers were not included for xen20:41
davidYazzY: don't expect the spanish inquisition20:41
Zambezidavid: The Ubuntuspirit is to help out, not recommend Google.20:42
nickrudYazzY probably because the dev's don't intend to provide opengl support in xen20:42
YazzYnickrud: it was included in former versions20:42
hischildZambezi, we can't help everyone when google has the answer for them20:42
davidZambezi: ofcourse, but we help people by recommending google for trivial answers20:42
nickrud!google (at least give some search terms)20:42
nickrud!google | someone (at least give some search terms)20:43
ubotusomeone (at least give some search terms): google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux20:43
Zambezihischild, david: Okay, here's an exception. :-)20:43
hischildZambezi, i haven't followed the entire discussion. But i have recommended google more then once with a reason =)20:44
davidatleast we're not as rude as the common linux-channels :P20:44
h3sp4wnThat also doesn't take into account the general lack of detail in most Ubuntu documentation20:44
nickrudgoogles ok, just as long as it's not done with the jfgi attitude. Offering search terms helps a lot20:44
davidfew times have I been among as unhelpful people as in random linux and unix channels20:45
Zambezihischild: I usally don't in #ubuntu-se, #ubuntu. But this isn't a good channel asking basic questions.20:45
hischildZambezi, ubuntu-se?20:45
hischildnickrud, jfgi?20:45
nickrudhischild  just F***** google it20:45
hischildnickrud, i see20:45
ZambeziUbuntupeople are way more friendlier than Unixpeople. :-)20:46
hischildZambezi, if you wish to help people, it doesn't help to be rude :-)20:46
nickrudif you want to show off your chops, being rude is mandatory :)20:46
LynoureIt's easy to feel unappriciated when people who cannot bother to even _try_ to search for a solution expect you to do that for them. But it's nothing a little vacation won't cure.20:47
binarical-appalso be clear..... and straight..... a nice big paragraph of information usually helps more then short outbursts20:47
* nickrud remembers when he started, didn't have a clue about terminology to search for. 20:47
Lynourenickrud: trying and not finding is a whole different from not trying...20:48
* binarical-app wonders if torwalds ever is in here20:48
* nickrud went down the wrong road many times with misleading/bad pages.20:48
davidnickrud: yeah, helping with google searchwords is a good help20:48
davidI often link searcresults20:48
sielnt_did the hardy repos just die?20:49
nickrudI also, then answer questions about what they don't know on the page. Can get a lot done that way20:49
h3sp4wnThere is far too much stuff that is just not the best or even a clean way to do stuff thats recommended in google20:49
davidand sometimes outdated methods20:50
davidirrelevant and irreversible20:50
sielnt_guize did hardy repos die?20:50
h3sp4wnHow can someone be expected to decided that20:50
LynoureAnother frustrating thing is users that won't use a solution, no reason given why, it's just not what they expected so they just refuse a fix20:50
ZambeziI had the same problem in the beginning (terms and things - finding the answers, asking questions correct).20:50
nickrudLynoure oh, don't get me started about that ;-P20:50
davidh3sp4wn: personally I tell them to come back with questions regarding the information20:50
Lynourenickrud: feel free to, maybe in /msg, if it is good for you to vent :)20:51
davidI've wrecked countless *nix installations in the beginning20:52
david*my early days20:52
davidmostly just because I got no help :/20:52
ZambeziAnd another problem here. If an experienced user have a problem we can ask him what to do and he most likely know how to do it. But noobs don't... And then it's back to square one.20:53
nickrudI did a bunch of lfs's to begin with, just because I needed to have stuff to google and learn20:53
sielnt_I'm getting 111 Connection refused from the repositories20:53
binarical-appim having some trouble with my apple dvd rom burner, it keeps spitting out blank dvds20:53
nickrudsielnt_ must be your mirror, mine are fine20:53
davidsielnt_: try different mirrors?20:53
Zambezisielnt_: No error here.20:54
sielnt_I restarted in the middle of a dist-upgrade :(20:54
sielnt_it was only downloading packages though, so it shouldn't have caused any problems20:54
davidadmin - sources - download from - other - find best20:54
david(if you didn't know)20:54
daekdroomsielnt_: you should just restart it then.20:54
CoasterMastercan I get Hardy DVDs from anywhere?20:55
sielnt_I did, its 111'ing from the repos : /20:55
davidCoasterMaster: yes20:55
sielnt_I'll try another repository20:55
binarical-appcan anyone help me with my dvd rom ?20:55
davidwell, not now :P20:55
davidbinarical-app:  what's up?20:55
daekdroomCoasterMaster: you can't get Hardy DVDs, only CDs and not right now.20:55
binarical-appmy apple dvd burner spits out blank dvds20:56
daviddaekdroom: won't hardy exist as DVD?20:56
ZambeziCoasterMaster: Why won't CD work?20:56
dooglusbinarical-app: I can't burn DVDs either20:56
daekdroomdavid: Ubuntu always been distribuited as CD, as far as I know.20:56
CoasterMasterZambezi: oh they will I was just curious20:56
daviddaekdroom: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/purchase20:56
ZambeziCoasterMaster: I know I saw Feisty on DVD awhile ago.20:56
* dooglus tries hard to pretend http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/hardy-dvd-i386.iso doesn't exist20:56
binarical-appyeah, i have a game id like to try out, but the game is larger then 700mb so i have to use a dvd20:56
daekdroomdavid: I never knew about that o.o20:57
daekdroomNvm, I know that page :p20:57
daviddunno what it features :P20:57
binarical-appi would actually be happy to install the game without having to use a dvd20:57
h3sp4wnIts not that hard to make a usbstick with a bootable ubuntu on it20:57
binarical-appcan i mount an iso image and install it from there via wine=?20:57
daekdroomA installed Ubuntu if you have a 4GB usbstick :D20:57
h3sp4wnWhy would you want it installed20:58
davidbinarical-app: did you check out your DVD firmware?20:58
daekdroomBecause that thing of using the LiveCD is too slow.20:58
davidis this a laptop burner?20:58
sielnt_I have a 32 gb flash stick20:58
Zambezibinarical-app: What will you install?20:58
h3sp4wnYou can just change the image however you want20:58
binarical-appfor work and stuff if you dont want your boss to know your peeping on the system20:58
Zambezisielnt_: Damn you. I want that too. :-)20:58
sielnt_Zambezi: had it for a while. Thank you black market.20:58
binarical-appits called diablo 2 ..... it should run on wine20:58
daekdroomYou can mount the iso in linux and install via wine.20:59
davidbinarical-app: is it a laptop DVD burner or stationary?20:59
daekdroomThat's easy to do, actually.20:59
Zambezisielnt_: It's like 200-250 euro here.20:59
DB42i moved to 8.0420:59
binarical-appits built into my macbook20:59
binarical-apphow do i do that daekdroom21:00
DB42a. "screen resolution" doesn't work b. adding a new user any trying to login in X doesn't work c. I can't set my sound system to work on my other sound card( i could in 7.10)21:00
sielnt_Zambezi: go to China, they'll be around 10 bucks21:00
davidnvm :B21:00
daekdroombinarical-app: mkdir /mnt/iso and then mount (isohere).iso /mnt/iso/ -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop021:00
daekdroomit'll be at the folder /mnt/iso21:00
Zambezibinarical-app: Not to be rude, but you these questions can be asked in #ubuntu too.21:00
[diablo]guys, is anyone experiencing problems booting any kernel higher that patch 14 please? .... I have an AMD 2600 box that won't boot 15 or 1621:01
daekdroomZambezi: I don't think he read the topic before installing Hardy :p21:01
DB42any ideas ?21:01
binarical-appyes, i think that is an option as well, thank you for the help21:01
davidDB42: that's a lot of stuff gone wrong21:01
binarical-appi am also experiancing trouble with my sound.... sound works out of the box, however when i plug my phones in, there is no sound21:01
Zambezidaekdroom: Me neither. And do you know what I think? If you're new to Linux, you're new to IRC too.21:01
DB42mainly on why doesn't the correct sound card ...21:01
DB42david: yeap21:02
h3sp4wnbinarical-app: What do you expect to happen21:02
daviddo both soundcards work?21:02
DB42there was another problem when booting / where it told me it couldn't find something and startup stoped, but pressing ctrl-d made it resume21:02
h3sp4wnor want to happen21:02
daviddmesg etc21:02
sielnt_binarical-app: have you played around in the alsa mixer?21:02
daekdroomZambezi: Hahaha. I first installed Linux at 7.10 RC, and I still don't know all basic comands for console and their parameters.21:02
DB42david: good call, nop21:02
DB42[ 2833.378456] ALSA /build/buildd/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-2.6.24/debian/build/build-386/sound/alsa-driver/usb/usbaudio.c:1289: 2:1:4: cannot set freq 55010 to ep 0x421:03
davidhardy uses pulseaudio btw21:03
DB42the problem seems more low level21:03
davidnot sure how/if that affects you21:03
binarical-appa bit sielnt_ to no avail. id be happy to use my m audio for sound externally , however firefox dosnt let sound run thru the external21:03
daekdroomALSA is still there.21:03
DB42thats my driver and it isn't loaded21:03
sielnt_hardy CAN use pulseaudio21:03
Zambezidaekdroom: I installed Breezy and learned all the basic commands. I still prefer console before GUI.21:03
davidsielnt_: I was under the impression pulse is default?21:03
DB42any ideas why my usb audio driver isn't working ?21:03
daekdroomZambezi: I don't like console but I deal with it when needed.21:04
sielnt_david: I compile alsa and use it, cause I'm hardcore like that21:04
davidok :)21:04
h3sp4wnfreq is usually a multiple of 100021:04
orvokkisielnt_: It is very hard to prevent Ubuntu Hardy to prevent from using Pulse Audio though.21:04
DB42h3sp4wn, i just upgraded 7.10 to 8.0421:04
Zambezidaekdroom: I run irssi, rtorrent, nano and all that.21:04
DB42it worked in 7.10 perfectly..21:04
h3sp4wnI have managed to get it working21:04
DB42didn't touch any config21:04
davidDB42: support might not be there21:04
daviddriver might also be blacklisted21:04
h3sp4wn(With OSS4 now - still trying to get it working nicely)21:05
davidthis is the downside of betausage21:05
daekdroomZambezi: I don't know how to use nano, but I use vi when I'm stuck in shell.21:05
DB42david: it's a absic usb audio21:05
Zambezidavid: My sound is disabled since three-four kernels.21:05
orvokkiRC will be out on 17th already. \o/21:05
Zambezidaekdroom: I tried vim, but hate it.21:05
davidI'm semi-lucky with my laptop hardware21:05
binarical-appsielnt_: how can i compile alsa ?21:06
DB42who cares, to many problems with this beta...21:06
DanaGI'm also semi-lucky.21:06
DB42a. "screen resolution" doesn't work b. adding a new user any trying to login in X doesn't work c. I can't set my sound system to work on my other sound card( i could in 7.10) <-- any ideas ?21:06
DanaGBrightness control works.  Hotkey display switching works!  Suspend works (2/3 of the time).21:06
daekdroomZambezi: All I know to do is how to switch it to instert mode and then switch back to quit saving the file :p21:06
h3sp4wnThe only environment I have seen that works well with xrandr 1.2 is e1721:06
davidbinarical-app: that's non-trivial I'm afraid, investigaing other solutions might be a better idea21:06
h3sp4wndunno of any others thus far21:06
Amaranthh3sp4wn: err, gnome works just fine21:06
ZambeziDB42: And you thought you'll get a smooth ride when upgrading?21:06
davidbut for shitz, giggles and learning - it's win :)21:06
Amaranthh3sp4wn: we even have a nice gui for it21:07
cycomgrrr.  I still can't get suspend-resume working on my A100.  ATI drivers, etc.  seems this has been a problem since, oh, I dunno, 2005? XD21:07
binarical-apptrivial or not, it will fix most of my sound problems21:07
DB42Zambezi,  no i am hoping for solutions so we can all benefit frmo it21:07
davidbinarical-app: might :;)21:07
binarical-appwhats the worst that could happen21:07
davidin linux you never know what's behind the bump21:07
binarical-appyeah your right21:07
binarical-appstill sourcing it would be great21:08
DB42Apr 13 22:52:05 zibra kernel: [ 3440.384655] gnome-display-p[10316]: segfault at 00000004 eip 0804ecbd esp bfdabf00 error 421:08
h3sp4wnAmaranth: Doesn't work in a remotely sane way on my thinkpad21:08
Amaranthworst that could happen is it could overwrite your MBR and flash your BIOS with a rick astley song21:08
davidthings that seem simple have a tendency to get insane and jump in your face21:08
davidAmaranth: :D21:08
Amaranthh3sp4wn: how do you mean? if e17 works gnome works21:08
DB42is there a channel for reporting problems in 8.04 ? :)21:08
AmaranthDB42: launchpad.net21:08
xtknightDB42, here ;)21:08
* binarical-app thinks david is getting giddy21:08
h3sp4wnAmaranth: e17 acts normally by default21:08
DB42xtknight, welp i've reported, anybody need more info ? :)21:09
orvokkiAmaranth: BIOS can't play sound files though, EFI can. :)21:09
xtknightDB42, what bug # ?21:09
h3sp4wnthe same screen is scaled appropriately according to the device when its cloned21:09
DB421, 2 and 3 :)21:09
DB42didn't look for existing bugs21:09
ZambeziWow. I've never seen +1 so active before. ;-)21:09
xtknightsometimes when you clone, the smaller resolution is just displayed in "absolute" on the monitor (cropped)21:09
xtknightor in my case, it's all corrupted21:10
DB42so, anybody got any idea how to fix usbaudio module ?21:10
sielnt_orvokki: know what else the BIOS can't do? it can't give you up, or let you down, or run around and hurt you.21:10
davidsigh.. time to sleep very soon :/21:10
Amaranththe only bug in 'gnome' i can think of with randr 1.2 is compiz not handling clone mode very well when one monitor has a different resolution21:11
davidDB42: you might be without luck here on hardy beta21:11
Amaranthbut that is fixed21:11
binarical-appfor some reason id still like a bit of help with my dvd rom, if any one knows about macbook dvd roms.....running hardy heron?21:11
DB42why ? isn't this hardy beta channel ? :)21:11
ZambeziDB42: It is.21:11
davidyes, but most here are as clueless about what works an doesn't21:11
xtknightDB42, so what's the issue?21:11
xtknightyour audio doesnt work?21:11
DB42my usb audio isn't loaded21:12
xtknighttype "asoundconf list" and see if your adapter is listed21:12
DB42and dmesg says21:12
h3sp4wnAmaranth: Well does it use thinkpad-acpi ? (If X is not involved then that works perfectly also)21:12
binarical-appxtknight: my dvd rom keeps spitting out blank dvds21:12
DB42[ 2833.378456] ALSA /build/buildd/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-2.6.24/debian/build/build-386/sound/alsa-driver/usb/usbaudio.c:1289: 2:1:4: cannot set freq 55010 to ep 0x421:12
DB42and then usbaudio isn't loaded in lsmod21:12
Amaranthh3sp4wn: that's a kernel thing, not a DE thing21:12
davidbinarical-app: what type of burner is it?21:13
h3sp4wnAmaranth: Yes but there is no reason X should have a different interface21:13
DB42xtknight, nop, cause no module is loaded21:13
Amaranthoops, gotta go21:13
binarical-appdavid : where can i find that information21:13
xtknightDB42, did it used to work?21:13
davidbinarical-app: laptop or stationary computer21:14
binarical-appmac book core 221:14
DB42xtknight, in 7.10 yes21:14
DB42i just moved to 8.04 and i got this21:14
Konamok, I think we should really considerate about shipping Firefox in beta as the default web browser un the next LTS21:15
Konamright now is crashing with at least 50% of every youtube page I opened..21:16
davidbinarical-app: dmesg | grep cd-rom21:16
alastair2Is there a way of turning desktop effects down when running a fullscreen openGL app, i.e. wine?21:16
davidno sorry21:16
Konamnot to mention is in beta FFS!21:16
davidbinarical-app: dmesg | grep driver21:16
xtknightDB42, please pastebin "sudo lsusb -v"21:16
daviddo you see "Uniform CD-ROM driver" ?21:17
david(just curious)21:17
alastair2Or indeed a way of not having the opengl application crash when I change desktop due to the cube popping up?21:17
KADKOthe awn curves work's in hardy?21:17
binarical-appworking on it:P21:17
DanaGawn doesn't have any plugins in the Hardy package.21:17
kirkunitTrying a clean install from the Hardy beta cd on an AMD64 box. The partition doesn't detect my internal drive. Can anyone help?21:18
xtknightDB42, and complete dmesg pastebin please21:18
owen1i mounted a local folder to a server folder via DFS but after reboot it's gone. any ideas?21:18
davidbinarical-app: dmesg | grep CD-ROM might show you stuff too21:18
kirkunitpartition +editor21:18
DB42any prefered pastebin?21:18
davidshould see sthn like scsi 1:0:0:0 etc21:18
xtknight!pastebin | DB4221:18
ubotuDB42: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:18
DanaGHow do I get bash to ignore duplicate history?21:18
binarical-appdavid: i think now i know why it spit out my dvds .... MATSHITA CD-RW  CW-822121:19
davidyou need moar DVDRWs21:19
binarical-appthanks david ..... i shall remeber this forever and ever21:19
sielnt_binarical-app: bahahahahahahhhahhahah FAIL21:19
davidnow now :B21:20
tclineksanybody install cdemu? i'm having issues inserting the vhba module after installing it21:20
DB42dmesg http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63106/ | lsusb http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63107/21:20
DB42if anybody can check those and figure out why usbaudio isn't loading :)21:20
histoWow cpu hogging on new version for some reason.21:20
histoAnyone else noticed increased cpu usage with firefox 3?21:21
owen1i monted a folder with the mount command (mount home/yuka/shared) but after reboot it's gone. how do i keep it?21:21
bean-ohhas anyone had success getting hamachi working in hardy?21:22
sielnt_histo: thanks for the tip, evolution is raping my second core21:22
DB42how do i search bugs in launchpad ?21:22
alcohecaHi running kdevelop on Hardy is giving me lots of grief. crashes with project files, that have just been created. It's as if there's cached data somewhere causing trouble.  I'm using Gnome and have just installed the dependencies of Kdevelop and no more.21:23
DanaGbean-oh: does it just exit silently when you run 'hamachi' ?21:23
DanaGIf so, install 'upx' and run 'sudo upx -d `which hamachi`'21:23
DanaGHamachi comes as a "packed" executable by default; upx will unpack it.21:23
david!google DB42 usb audio site:launchpad.net21:24
bean-ohDanaG, good tip, let me try that.21:24
alastair2Is there a setting I can toggle in wine so that wow doesn't crash if I change cube face? I figure something is causing it to stop rendering but I don't get an error21:24
davidDB42: ^ that part after your nickname :)21:25
wolf4914173.08 drivers show the API mismatch21:25
wolf4914darn it21:25
sielnt_is anyone else's evolution-data-server-2.22 taking up 100% on their cpu?21:25
DB42david: no builtni search ?21:25
DB42xtknight, seen it ?21:25
h3sp4wnsielnt_: Thats been happening to me for a few months - average once a day21:25
alcohecano bugs, and no questions that are relevant21:26
davidDB42: dunno, I hate sitesearch engines by default ;)21:26
xtknightDB42, yeah i dont even knwo what that message means.  what audio adapter do you have?21:26
davidespecially on forums etc21:26
davidsielnt_: yes21:26
sielnt_h3sp4wn: it's annoying cause I'm heavily overclocked and I don't want to rape my cpu21:26
xtknightDB42, there's a search on launchpad21:26
DB42microsoft sound system21:26
davidthat's known apparently (evolution datablabla)21:26
xtknightwhat is that?21:26
h3sp4wnsielnt_: But incidently it only happens on one box21:26
DB42some usb quality speakers microsoft used to sell..21:26
sielnt_h3sp4wn: it only happens on one core as well21:26
xtknightDB42, file a bug and note that it's a regression from gutsy, i guess21:27
h3sp4wnSo it could be some config related thing is different but I dunno21:27
DB42i dont like logging on21:27
xtknightDB42, and please post output of "sudo modprobe -v usbaudio"21:27
sielnt_I might just purge evolution, I don't use it, I tried opening it once and it crashed... it's pretty much useless atm21:27
davidnow I'm off to bed, 22:26 and I'm going up 05:00 :P21:27
davidI think I should try to sleep hehe21:28
DB42FATAL: Module usbaudio not found21:28
sielnt_anyone know of some nice desktop widget-like system monitors? Just something that will run transparent over my background without any buttons or anything21:29
xtknightDB42, snd-usb-audio21:29
xtknight!info gdesklets | sielnt_21:29
ubotusielnt_: gdesklets (source: gdesklets): Architecture for desktop applets. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.36-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2756 kB, installed size 5728 kB21:29
sielnt_ergh... gdesklets...21:29
xtknightwhat were you expecting?21:30
davidthe spanish inquisition!!!121:30
|DuReX|mmm :( MythTV does weird21:30
DB42xtknight, how do i see the alsa list again?21:30
holomodussielnt_: http://compiz.org/Desktop_Screenlets21:30
xtknightDB42, alsa list?21:30
xtknightasoundconf list21:30
sielnt_I love telemarketers: "CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE WON A CAR! ..just send us your credit card number..."21:30
xtknightDB42, but i want your dmesg after typing modprobe -v snd-usb-audio21:30
DB42actually it's loaded already21:31
Marceroanyone has an idea, why nvidia driver and kernel 16 doesn't work together at my laptop21:31
|DuReX|i'm warching mythtv, and suddenly it locks .. :s21:31
xtknightMarcero, amd64>?21:31
|DuReX|well it just stops playing21:31
|DuReX|any id's ?21:31
DB42and already in use21:31
bean-ohDanaG, oh thanks a lot, that fixed the issue right away.21:31
xtknightwell this was a problem, dont know if it applies to 32bit , bug21:31
bean-ohDanaG, was wrestling with that one for a while21:31
xtknightbug 21577821:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 215778 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "2.6.24-16.30 kernel update - nvidia module fails to load" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21577821:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about upx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:32
DanaGHmm, somebody should add a factoid about hamachi and upx.21:32
DanaGEither that, or the Hamachi people shouldn't pack their executable!21:32
sielnt_holomodus: on a similar topic, how do I get that customize button in my appearances tab beside extra?21:32
sielnt_I can never remember how21:32
DB42nm, gtg, bye21:32
xtknightsielnt_, install  python-compizconfig ccsm21:32
sielnt_right, I have ccsm, didnt know the other one21:33
sielnt_thanks xtknight21:33
histoMaybe some of these updates will help21:33
KADKOWhat's the program for create GTK 2.x themes and save it?21:33
DanaGOh hey, is it possible to apply an LFE crossover in PulseAudio?21:34
Marcerohm i tried to reinstall kernel 1621:34
Marcerobut doesnt help :/21:35
DB42crimsun, there is a log here of the problem21:35
DB42altough no solution21:35
DanaGhttp://www.mobygames.com/attribute/sheet/attributeId,78/p,2/  -- heh, "The Windows Sound System was a sound card put out by (guess who?) Microsoft as an optimal sound card for Windows 3.1 multimedia applications. It was not compatible with any other DOS-supported "standard" sound card, so additional code was needed by DOS games to support it."21:36
DanaGHow much latency do ladspa plugins usually make?  Can PulseAudio run stuff through ladspa?21:37
christozHey everybody..!a friend of mine has resolution problems with his "Hardy" he uses an nvidia fx5600 card with a 17 inches monitor...what i'm asking is how should his xorg.conf file be...21:37
christoz i can pastebin his xorg.file if you want21:37
DanaGI want to apply a lowpass filter to my sub and a highpass filter to the other channels.21:37
DB42!info audiopulse21:37
ubotuPackage audiopulse does not exist in hardy21:38
DB42crimsun, here ?21:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ladspa - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:38
crimsunDB42: yes, please be patient.  I'm taking a while to load the pastebin entries.21:38
Pirate_Hunteris hardy compatible with wine? Can someone say that wine is fully functional in hardy?21:39
DanaGcrimsun: what time zone are you in?  It seems like you're often in IRC when I'm here, even when it's late at night (I'm in Pacific time zone).21:39
crimsunDanaG: currently EST, but it varies from week to week.21:39
crimsunwell, EDT..21:40
DanaGAah, you're a traveler?  Cool (that can be a good thing or a bad thing).21:40
Pirate_HunterCan someone tell me if wine is working a-o.k in hardy or is there any issues i should be aware off?21:41
x1250Pirate_Hunter: does it work for you?21:43
DB42wine seems to be ok, but didn't check it too much21:43
DB42ok, opened a bug for the usb audio21:43
DB42now any ideas for my other problems ?21:44
Pirate_Hunterx1250: i dont know cause i havent installed it yet but than i want to know if there are any issues i should be aware before installing wine21:44
DB42a. new users can't login to X and b. screen resolution isn't working21:44
Pirate_HunterDB42: thanx if audio is what you found so far im ok with that21:44
rommei've just upgraded and now screen brightness changes about three or four times when i press the key21:44
Pirate_HunterDB42: sorry but could you retype your question if i cna help ill help21:44
rommeit looks like multiple events are generated21:45
thompaim having a new wirless problem, nm-applet dissapears21:45
DB42those stuff aren't working for me21:45
DB42when i click system -> preferences -> screen resolution it doesn't load up21:45
Pirate_Hunterromme: hasnt happened to me21:45
thompaif i do modprobe ath_pci i can bring up wireless atheros, but then nm closes21:46
thompahow do i get nm-applet back?21:46
Jaymacthompa: does your internet drop? or stay up?21:46
DB42crimsun, i need to go soon, and lead ?21:47
DanaGWine doesn't do surround sound.21:47
DanaGAnd Wine seems to get keys stuck, quite aggravatingly.21:47
Pirate_HunterDB42: what are you trying to do and hardware resolution that sued to be  in system>admin has been moved to applications>other you have to enable it21:47
crimsunDB42: you need a quirk21:47
Pirate_Huntergoing to make tea21:48
DB42which quirk ?21:48
crimsunDB42: for your endpoint descriptor21:48
DB42i dont have aplications-> other, and the "screen resolution" isn't in admin it's in perferences21:48
DB42crimsun, does it involve compiling ?21:48
DB42i didn't need no quirk in 2.6.22 in 7.1021:48
crimsunDB42: because I patched it in21:49
DB42so will you patch it in for the 8.04 release as well?21:50
crimsunDB42: and yes, it involves adding an entry to usbquirks.h.21:50
thompaJaymac: my internet stops21:50
christozHey everybody..!a friend of mine has resolution problems with his "Hardy" he uses an nvidia fx5600 card with a 17 inches monitor...what i'm asking is how should his xorg.conf file be...21:50
christoz i can pastebin his xorg.file if you want21:50
crimsunDB42: it's not straightforward; I'll need to troubleshoot with you later.21:50
DB42crimsun, ok, can you corspond on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/216952 ?21:51
DB42cause i need to go now21:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 216952 in ubuntu "Microsoft Sound System 80 not working in hardy beta" [Undecided,New]21:51
thompaJaymac: to get atheros to work , i have disable both hardware devices , make madwifi with patch, that worked before21:51
christozActually he can't change resolution from 640x480 and above21:51
crimsunDB42: sure, I'll look tonight.21:51
DB42any ideas on my other problem ?21:51
thompaJaymac: in -14 it was not a problem21:51
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crimsunDB42: I haven't read it, and I only cared for audio.21:52
christozon his system->administration there is no app for changing his monitor21:52
thompaif i type nm-applet nothing happens21:52
=== bluefoxx_ is now known as bluefoxx
sielnt_the workspaces applet isn't letting me have more than 1 workspace21:53
thompanevermind now its back, it dissapears as soon as i do modprobe ath_pci and then connect21:53
thompaits almost impossible to manually fix this the more fixes are done to it21:54
thompaacer_acpi and atheros on some models wont work with those hardware drivers21:55
sielnt_anyone here running compiz have more than 1 workspace?21:56
thompadoes anyone else have to disable ahreros hal and atheros wireless in hardware drivers to get it to work?21:56
sielnt_thompa: I usually use ndiswrapper for atheros21:56
kromonosubuntu seems too freeze randomly since kernel 2.6.2421:56
h3sp4wnI am using stock madwifi xor ath5k depending on mod21:57
thompakromonos: for me i got acpi problem i think, kernel related, and it breaks wireless switch21:57
thompah3sp4wn: ath5k does that work?21:57
h3sp4wnthompa: It works for channels 1-1121:58
h3sp4wn(Maybe more depending on which card)21:58
h3sp4wnBut my IBM one won't have any of it21:58
thompah3sp4wn: i have a 5006eg atheros, also known mistakingly as 500721:58
rommehad anyone there experienced laptop panel brightness issues?21:59
overridexmy numpad is moving my mouse cursor instead of being a numpad... anyone know how to turn this off?21:59
h3sp4wnromme: Only when X and gnome is involved21:59
thompah3sp4wn: ath5k is backported right from -25 kernel?21:59
Pelocan someone check for ~/.Trash see if they still have one ?21:59
h3sp4wnthompa: There is a tarball on inteliwireless - with quite good instructions of how to use it22:00
taconePelo: trash was moved22:00
Pelotacone, where to ?22:01
asouzi got a 8.04 problem22:01
Pelotacone, thanks22:01
asouztop only shows 3277mb ram22:01
taconePelo: do you still see your files in the trash bin, right ?22:01
Pelotacone,  no22:02
asouz64bit version22:02
thompah3sp4wn: what is your wireless card?22:02
taconePelo: they released 2 updates22:02
h3sp4wnIts an OEM IBM branded a/b/g22:02
Pelotacone,  hence my quesion,  I know the stuff still gets put in ~/.Trash but it doesn't show up i the trashbin and' I can't "empty trashcan"22:02
asouzh3sp4wn, can you look in "lspci"22:03
taconePelo: did you do all the updates ?22:03
thompah3sp4wn: mine will only work with a patched madwifi 5006ek22:03
thompaand no 64 bit support22:03
taconePelo: with an update they moved the trashbin to move to the new location22:03
h3sp4wnIts AR5212 afaik22:03
taconePelo: with the 2nd, they moved all the files.22:03
thompah3sp4wn: but now because of some latest "fix" it wont come up22:03
asouzh3sp4wn,  i got 2 wireless cards in my computer, i can sell you one :-)22:03
Pelotacone, I'm uptodate but this may have to do with some tweaking I did a while back to get utorrent to delete to trashcan22:03
thompah3sp4wn: well this is a laptop22:04
Pelotacone,  when were those update ? cause I'm chcking now and there are some updates avaialbe22:04
thompamy issue is acer_acpi22:04
h3sp4wnasouz: And then it wouldn't even work22:04
taconePelo: if you're not up to date, then update. if you're not update I'd just delete it manually22:04
h3sp4wnThe wireless card is pretty good actually22:04
taconePelo: they were update happening some days ago.22:04
thompah3sp4wn: acer_acpi controls the wireless switch somehow22:04
asouzso my problem is , ubuntu only show 3277mb ram , 64 bit 8.0422:05
Pelotacone, i was uptodate this morning , re-updating now, there is stuff avaialble,  let me try it out22:05
taconePelo: I'd delete files manually, if you don't need them anymore.22:05
taconePelo: ok22:05
Pelotacone, deleted,22:05
Pelotacone, do you know if here is a way to list the symlink that point to a specific folder ?22:05
taconePelo: sorry, I don't :)22:06
usserasouz, are u sure its 64? what does uname -m say?22:06
Pelothe only update is the gnome-user-guide , thats's probably not what I'M looking for22:06
asouzusser, Linux chris-desktop 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 12:47:45 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:06
h3sp4wnasouz: And the bios definately sees it all right ?22:07
usserasouz, hm bummer. Never heard of anything like that22:07
asouzusser,  i got 8 gb installed , it shows in bios22:07
usserasouz, 8gb on sticks?22:07
usserasouz, try removing one see if it detects properly22:07
asouzusser, 4 modules @ 2gb each22:07
usserasouz, oh so bring it down to 4gb22:08
usserasouz, see if it sees it22:08
Pelotacone, lol,  ./local/share/Trash was the folder I replaced with a symlink way back when22:08
asouzusser,  that would be difficult , because its not easy to access ..22:08
taconeso everything's fine now22:08
asouzusser,  but if its the only possibility22:08
usserasouz, well i dunno what else to suggest22:08
asouzhighmem=true or something ?22:08
usserasouz, run memtest but its gonna take a long time22:08
usserasouz, nah no such thing as far as i know22:09
asouzah great , its on the install cd right22:09
usserasouz, it should be on your hdd as well22:09
xtknightasouz, cat /proc/mtrr  out of curiosity?22:09
nohelpherei wish I knew what the issue was22:09
usserasouz, just ESC into grub when computer boots22:09
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE22:09
asouzxtknight, : hope i can paste 3 lines : reg00: base=0x00000000 (   0MB), size=2048MB: write-back, count=122:10
asouzreg01: base=0x80000000 (2048MB), size=1024MB: write-back, count=122:10
asouzreg02: base=0xc0000000 (3072MB), size= 256MB: write-back, count=122:10
pagan0nehey, i just got 888.04 up and running on the desktop, i imported my home from a old 7.10 install manually, and now i cant kdesu anything....22:10
asouz thats 3277 excaT22:10
asouzlooks like a kernel prob, perhaps i'll compile one myself22:11
thompawhat the alternative to network manager cause it dont work?22:11
xtknightasouz, pastebin  sudo lshw -class memory22:11
Pelotacone, still no work but at least now I'm sending to the correct folder22:12
taconePelo: create an empy file with a special name, then delete it, then locate it to know where it goes22:13
thompanow network manager comes back up, mind of its own i guess or slow22:13
pagan0neand sudo wont work now either...22:13
thompapagan0ne: hows sudo not work?22:14
Pelotacone, that part is fine now ,  I delete to ~/.local/share/Trash no problem , but it won't let me "empty trash" and it doesn't show in the trashbin on the dektop22:14
Agrajag-g'day, after doing a dist-upgrade last week some time, apt-get operations are segfaulting. http://www.pastebin.ca/984032 - not sure how to resolve this?22:14
pagan0nethompa, if i kdesu adept_manager, or try sudo adept_manager from konsole it asks for the password, then the program fails to launch, fails same way on all programs i try22:15
AzaThtif I where to update to hardy on my hp tx1270es, what would I expect?22:15
kane77AzaTht, probably 8.0422:16
asouzxtknight, argh i am looking for the pastebin command , dont know the package name22:16
ubotuasouz: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:16
xtknight!info pastebinit | asouz22:16
Pelotacone, ok half way there,  the desktop icon just does not update properly but and neither do the "empty trash" feature,   it updates if I open the trashbin by double clicking on it , maybe a rebootwould fix this by updating everyting but I'm gonna say I 'm good for now22:16
ubotuasouz: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 84 kB22:16
AzaThtkane77: hehe, I meant, does anything that has been confirmed to work in gusty, not working in hardy22:17
pagan0nethompa, while importing my home directory a issue caused me to log into as root, and set root a password in konsole ie sudo su, passwd ...22:17
kane77AzaTht, ;) generally hardy seems more stable and nicer than gutsy...22:17
kane77(for me)22:17
taconePelo: nice :)22:18
Pelotacone, i'm restarting nautilus, maybe that will take care of it22:18
kane77for instance I couldn't get suspend and hibernate to work with gutsy, in hardy it works out of the box...22:18
AzaThtI'll try 8.04 and hope for the best ツ22:18
Pelotacone,  that did it22:18
PeloAzaTht, you are deluding yourseilf22:19
usserkane77, same here suspend works like a charm22:19
asouzxtknight, http://pastebin.com/f5c7b44922:19
kane77!worksforme | AzaTht22:19
ubotuAzaTht: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/22:19
r00723r0Hi, my video card drivers are messed up. Namely, I can't modprobe nvidia.22:20
xtknightasouz, uname -a22:20
AzaThtkane77: I'm using sid/experimental on this box, and it wfm22:20
kane77AzaTht, just so that you wouldn't sue me later :D22:20
r00723r0Any recommendations?22:20
Wibble-Ah hah - maybe I should have asked on here...22:20
asouzxtknight, http://pastebin.com/f70dcfe8722:20
Pelor00723r0, not sure the kernel supports nividia yet but I might be wrong22:20
kane77usser, yes it is great to have suspend working...22:20
r00723r0... The kernel doesn't support nvidia?22:20
AzaThtkane77: it's for my laptop, I never used it as it was running vista22:20
r00723r0That's so weird.22:20
xtknightasouz, sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online"22:20
xtknightasouz, i am not sure why CPU1 is offline22:21
Wibble-I've recently installed a new SATA DVD burner and Hardy at the same time.  Trying to burn a DVD using "growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/scd0 ." used to work with my EIDE burner and 7.10, but now does not produce DVD player compatible DVD's with the SATA burner and 8.04.  Is there something I need to be doing differently?22:21
r00723r0FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia22:21
asouzxtknight,  lshw says 8gb , did you see it ?22:21
r00723r0^^ That's what it prints out.22:21
xtknightasouz, yes.  but two of your cpus are "off".  why?22:21
r00723r0I have no clue what that means, as this is the first time 've ever seen anything like it.22:21
xtknightasouz, esems weird.  but it would be nice to have a "dmesg" as well22:21
pagan0nethompa, any ideas?22:21
LycusAnyone have a guide for getting Flash/32-bit firefox to run on AMD64 Hardy?22:21
PeloWibble-, "finish" the dvd afterburning22:22
asouzsudo echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online22:22
asouzbash: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online: Permission denied22:22
Wibble-Lycus: there are guides for gutsy - do the same thing with hardy then do a link to the old plugins directory22:22
xtknightasouz, please use the command i posted22:22
Tuv0kLycus, yeah, just run synaptic and install it22:22
xtknight sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online"22:22
asouzxtknight,  dont know , but htop looks like they have 1-2% load22:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flash-nonfree - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:22
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:22
xtknightasouz,  unfortunately when you run wtihout sh-c, only echo gets sudo'd22:22
Wibble-Lycus: The only diff is that you have to ln -s with /usr/lib/firefox to /usr/lib/firefox-plugins22:22
LycusWibble-: o_O22:22
Wibble-Tuv0k: they won't work on 64-bit though, will they22:23
Tuv0kyes they will22:23
usserasouz, xtknight so what was the problem with memory?22:23
Wibble-odd - they didn't work for me...22:23
xtknightusser, haven't found out yet22:23
Wibble-Anyway, Lycus, try what Tuv0k suggested first - and if that doesn't work, I can explain what I did yesturday ;)22:23
r00723r0Can anyone help?22:23
Pirate_Hunterim trying to voip but the mic is quiet low and can be heard properly of course im also doing it from vbox running xp but that shouldnt be a problem, however how do i get good sound on mic?22:23
Tuv0k!Restricted |Lycus22:24
ubotuLycus: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:24
asouzusser,  top and htop only show 3277 mb, but lshw shows 8gb and bios too22:24
r00723r0Nobody knows?22:24
LycusWibble-: All right, will try that out once I get my updates done.22:24
xtknightyeah lshw is more or less of a dump of the bios, while /proc/mtrr and friends show what the kernel sees22:24
Lycusr00723r0: what are you on about?22:24
asouzxtknight, great to know22:25
Wibble-r00723r0: Guess not ;)  I believe there is an nvidia channel somewhere22:25
r00723r0Lycus: I can't modprobe nvidia.22:25
Tuv0k64bit is so not even an issue any longer22:25
r00723r0FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia22:25
r00723r0^^ What it prints out.22:25
LycusTuv0k: Good to know.22:25
xtknightasouz, were you able to turn on cpu1?22:25
Pirate_Hunterhow do i get microphone working in hardy i,e, actually picking my voice properly and loud22:25
xtknightasouz,  also given you have a quadcore i dont know why there isn't a cpu3.  it seems like your bios may be trouble (if you haven't flashed you may try this)22:25
Wibble-Tuv0k: why is that? flash-nonfree is only 32-bit - how can it work on 64-bit without nspluginwrapper?22:25
Tuv0kLycus, check out the 64bit forums on ubuntuforums to see for yourself22:25
xtknightunless it works on windows22:25
* Wibble- goes to read the forums as well.22:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:26
asouzxtknight, cpu1 is still marked as unclaimed after echoing to /proc , but it is running @ htop22:26
r00723r0This is retarded.22:26
pagan0nethompa, sorry, closed the wrong konsole session :^22:26
KromonosUbuntu did complete freezes since update to kernel 2.6.24-1522:26
Kromonoswhat happend?22:27
pagan0nethompa, if you come up with any ideas could you pm me, im gonna be afk for a bit... food22:27
Tuv0kWibble-, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWF22:27
xtknightasouz, full post of dmesg please?22:27
asouzxtknight, http://pastebin.com/f549f09922:27
Tuv0kLycus, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476924 if you must22:28
LycusTuv0k: Will that work for Hardy?22:29
xtknightasouz, it says allocating pci resources at 3392 MB22:29
Tuv0kI've had flash working on my 64bit box longer than I can remember22:29
asouzxtknight,  i think its an "old" intel southbridge which should be supported by the kernel already, i think its ICH622:29
xtknighti got 4 GB/64bit and my pci alloc starts at 358422:30
Wibble-I should say that guide did not work for me on 64bit hardy22:30
Tuv0keven have flash with pulse audio on my 64bit Hardy22:30
xtknightyet i show 3962 total memory22:30
Tuv0kAny guide I cared to use, worked for me22:30
asouzi dont understand , it remaps above the pci area , i thought22:30
Tuv0kvarious users, various results22:31
xtknightasouz, i thuoght so too.22:31
asouzxtknight,  i can compile a kernel quickly22:31
xtknightasouz, if you do, try enable highmem 64gb support22:31
asouzxtknight, enabling some highmem features perhaps22:31
Tuv0kbut with Hardy, everything you need is in the repos22:31
overridexmy numpad is moving my mouse cursor instead of being a numpad... anyone know how to turn this off?22:32
xtknightasouz, seems like some acpi problems #22:32
xtknight[   23.232126] ACPI Warning (tbutils-0217): Incorrect checksum in table [OEMB] -  C0, should be B1 [20070126]22:32
Tuv0kHardy Heron sudo apt-get-install flashplugin-nonfree right there on the page22:33
xtknightasouz, i also notice your Policy Mode is DMA32.  mine is "Normal" ???22:33
Adysis it a reasonable idea to remove ubuntu-docs if i never use the help files, or does it contain more than just that?22:34
asouzxtknight, dma32 is bad22:34
xtknightasouz, anyway i gotta go but i'd be interested to hear if you have a solution later.  #linux might have some clue22:34
Wibble-Tuv0k: I'm just trying to understand what I might have done wrong.  Did your set-up install the firefox plugins in /usr/lib/firefox-plugins ? My hardy reads them from there (perhaps its a later beta of FF3?) yet the standard scripts install the plugin in /usr/lib/firefox so I needed to do an additional symlink to get it working22:35
niccois this channel for kubuntu+1 too?22:35
Adysyes nicco22:36
Tuv0kWibble-, I'm not able to login to my 64bit box, but I had to do nothing extra. Not one thing, no ln -s nothing22:36
Wibble-fair enough22:36
Tuv0kthat was with any browser I chose to use22:37
Tuv0kbut then again, my 64bit box has not had a clean install in about three version of ubuntu22:37
Tuv0kI don't clean install22:37
Tuv0kI did have to remove ndiswrapper as it was no longer required22:37
cycomanyone else experiencing a hang of Xorg after resume from suspend?22:38
Tuv0kI don't clean install22:38
Tuv0kcycom, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial&hs=wHp&q=hang+of+Xorg+after+resume+from+suspend%3F&btnG=Search22:39
Tuv0kcycom, search google first22:39
Tuv0kfirst hit22:39
Tuv0kbug 4362522:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 43625 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15 "Restarting Xorg after suspend causes system to hang." [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4362522:39
niccoJust installed kubuntu on a laptop. Added restricted-extras and nvidia-glx, but i can't have my nvidia card recognized. What to do or to look for?22:40
Tuv0knicco, enable the glx driver22:40
cycomTuv0k: I was googling for 100% CPU usage rather than suspend :/22:40
Agrajag-g'day, after doing a upgrade last week some time, apt-get operations are segfaulting. http://www.pastebin.ca/984032 - not sure how to resolve this?22:40
Tuv0kcycom, I googled your question as asked here22:41
niccoTuv0k: how do I do it? I can't remember having done this on previous releases22:41
cycomTuv0k: I was just saying that I made a mistake.22:41
Tuv0kI know, I was just saying how to avoid one22:42
Wibble-nicco: Go to System -> Administration, hardware drivers22:43
niccook Wibble-  thanks22:43
Tuv0knicco, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia22:44
niccothanks Tuv0k22:44
Tuv0knicco, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual22:45
cycomhrm, that bug seems to be that it hangs on LOGOUT after suspend to ram as well22:45
Pirate_Hunterhas anyone done voip through hardy if they have how did they improve mic?22:45
cycommine hangs as soon as I try to resume...22:46
LycusWould it be possible to install 32-bit Ubuntu to a flash drive from 64-bit ubuntu?22:47
VorbotePirate_Hunter: that depends very much on your hardware and the channels it provides. Some experimentation (and judicious use of a search engine) will go a long way.22:48
sourcemakerhow can I change the kicker layout like apple?22:48
Lycusthe flashplugin-nonfree packaged worked fine for me in amd64 btw22:48
AboSamoorhow can i fix the problem with iwlwifi , iwl3945 driver ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/18547022:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185470 in linux "iwl3945 not functioning : microcode error" [Unknown,In progress]22:48
Tuv0kLycus, dunno why you would want to ? But no22:48
LycusTuv0k: To have a portable linux.22:48
Tuv0kLycus, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/22:49
Pirate_HunterVorbote: hmm I have messed around with settings to try and improve my sound and eliminate echo on the other end22:53
Pirate_HunterVorbote: i have managed to minimise it but it seems then other end says there is noise, i dont know if it is the network or me22:53
AzaThtnvidia-kernel-common spits out a warning that update-modules should not be used22:56
CoasterMasterwhere can I get the daily ISOs for Hardy?22:56
pagan0neanyone have any ideas on why my kdesu and my sudo both dont work? they ask for a password, and dont run the program without any error message22:57
CoasterMasterwait found it, I don't know why I didn't see the link22:57
vistakillerpaganOne is work to me fine22:59
vistakilleri think is now kdesudo22:59
pagan0nevistakiller, i know it works fine for you, but it doesnt work at all for me, i was trying to import my old home directory from another drive for 7.10, and  su'ed to root, passwd changed root's password, and thats when it stopped working..23:00
pagan0nevistakiller, kdesudo doesnt work for me either23:01
Tuv0kthere are no "daily" ISOs23:01
Tuv0kas there are no daily betas23:01
KilleroidTuv0k: sure, there are23:02
Killeroiddaily builds23:02
Tuv0kthats just silly23:03
Killeroidnot really23:03
Tuv0kI stand corrected23:03
Tuv0kseems a waste of time23:03
Tuv0kupdates are a cmd string away23:03
RAOFTuv0k: But you can't test the installer from an update :)23:04
Tuv0kaye, the installer23:04
Tuv0kI don't use the installer , my bag23:04
AzaThtTuv0k: you might not always have direct net access to the computer23:05
Killeroidthat too23:05
Tuv0khave not seen the installer in a long time23:05
Tuv0kLast time I used an installer was a xubuntu alt cd, and it did not even work23:06
* Tuv0k daily isos...23:08
AzaThtTuv0k: yes?23:08
Tuv0kJust still puzzles me is all23:09
nicconvidia graphics driver now enabled and seems to work, but it seems that it can't recognize my screen size!  Had to reboot in safe graphics mode in order to come here again23:09
AzaThtI still remember when I got warcraft 2 on 39 1.44 discs23:09
Tuv0knicco, there is a screen resolution app, and always nvidia-xconfig23:09
mio_will xubuntu be lts or just ubuntu?23:10
niccoTuv0k: if you mean the one in system settings it only sees a 800x600 screen, while it is 1400x80023:10
willieI have a problem installing Hardy on a Sun Blade 100 -- no keybd option for sun6 usb -- is this the best place to ask?23:10
Tuv0kmio_, its still ubuntu23:10
pagan0nehrm, still perplexed asto why sudo, kdesu, and kdesudo ask for a password but wont launch the program23:11
Tuv0kmio_, it will be lts as well23:11
Tuv0kmio_, check the website23:11
Tuv0kwillie, yes23:11
AzaThtyou'll have to ask on #ubuntu+1+sun+blade++10023:11
boolkaI installed 8.04 on my laptop which is connected to tv through Svideo cable. When I press power button on laptop and function + svideo out, i see the pic on tv. When it all loads up to the screen where im asked to enter user and pass, it turns of and i see image only on laptop, and cant get it to show anything on tv after that. How can this be fixed?23:12
willieOK what keybd option should I choose cos sun5 gives weird and not so wonderful results23:12
DanaGTry other random keyboards, perhaps.23:13
DanaGModel settings, not physical keyboards, I mean.23:15
Tuv0kmio_, drect your queries to the channel not me23:15
Tuv0kthis way you can get group correction23:16
willieI have to - the sun6 is the only usb kybd I have23:16
Tuv0kmio_, if its 8.04 its LTS dude, no matter the first letter in the ubuntu variant23:16
Tuv0kwell, I'm wrong again!23:17
mio_so kubuntu is no lts?23:17
Tuv0kit was decided by Canonical that Kubuntu 8.04 would not be a Long Term Support (LTS) release.23:17
mio_and my question was how they technically do that23:17
mio_just dont release kde related updates or what?23:18
Tuv0kthey just don't answer the phone when you mention K23:18
williecos KDE4 is not ready for primetime23:18
williein their eyes23:18
willieand I believe them23:18
Tuv0kmio_, https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Beta/Kubuntu23:18
mio_but kubuntu uses the same kernel upgrades as ubuntu?23:18
mio_so there will be like 3 years kernel updaets even for kubuntu23:19
Tuv0kif you love KDE that much, I'd choose another distro, just my .0223:19
Tuv0kmio_, join #kubuntu23:19
mio_there is no other distro with apt23:19
Tuv0kplenty other apt based distros23:20
RAOFmio_: Apart from _Debian_ (and other Debian derived distros).23:20
Tuv0ktry http://www.distrowatch23:20
mio_debian is outdated23:20
Tuv0khow cute23:20
mio_and opensuse and zypper and yum are slow23:20
Daisuke_Laptopdebian is what?23:20
Daisuke_Laptopmio_: do your research and get back to us.23:20
mio_debian testing does not include kde23:21
fade_hey I was wondering if anyone could help?23:21
mio_nor does etch23:21
Tuv0k!ask |fade_23:21
ubotufade_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:21
mio_there is just kubuntu23:21
Daisuke_Laptopthat's because debian is on a longer release schedule23:21
mio_1,5 years23:21
mio_i know23:21
Daisuke_Laptopit's designed for stability, NOT bleeding edge.23:21
fade_I have a problem when I have a full screen application and then it goes to a window and I can't do anything alt-tab doesnt work or anything can anyone help me?23:22
Daisuke_Laptophence, no kde423:22
Tuv0kmio_, http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/kde4.html23:22
mio_thats why i choose kubuntu23:22
Tuv0kmio_, does google service your area? :-P23:22
Daisuke_Laptopokay, that's cool, but don't spread misinformation about other distros23:22
mio_tuv0k kde 4 is in experimental23:22
mio_that is not what i want to have23:22
mio_too unstable?23:22
Tuv0kthen stop asking about it23:22
Daisuke_Laptopso use kubuntu, no one is stopping you23:22
Daisuke_Laptopkde4 is unstable anyway23:22
mio_then dont say there are other good apt distros with kde423:23
* Tuv0k cheese n rice23:23
Daisuke_Laptoperr...  no one said there was23:23
Daisuke_Laptopit was only said that there are other distros23:23
mio_of course there are other distros23:24
Daisuke_Laptopso where's the issue?23:24
* Tuv0k this kid is approaching troll status23:24
Daisuke_Laptopyou aren't making a damn bit of sense here.  say what you're trying to say already23:24
Lycushooray for bugs...23:26
DanaGIs there any way to get ntfs-3g to stop repeatedly load-cycling my external hard drive?23:26
Lycuslogin window fails to start on hardy beta 64bit23:26
Lycusgdmsetup, more specifically23:27
Tuv0kLycus, join #ubuntu-bugs23:29
KilleroidLycus: just noticed that on hardy beta i68623:34
LycusKilleroid: it loaded-up for me eventually23:36
Lycusjust... took a bit23:36
Daisuke_Laptopi think i'm going to give up and just do a fresh install of hardy when it goes final23:36
KilleroidLycus: yeah, it loads up after 5 minutes23:37
jessica_lillyhow is hardy doing now last time i tryed it there was still quite a few bugs23:37
AdysHey, can anyone who's done a full update recently try opening synaptic and ordering all packages by Ubuntu support (second column) ?23:37
Adysit should freeze synaptic23:37
Adysat least here it does23:37
jessica_lillyi beleve there is a fix to the synaptic freezing isnt there im sure i read it on a site someware23:38
Adysa fix? this is happening only since yesterday top :P23:39
jessica_lillysynaptic is only freezing sins yesterday i dnt know i just know its been happerning to a lot of peopel23:40
Tuv0khad no idea synaptic was freezing23:48
Tuv0kthere will always be bugs, so long as there are ppl to file them23:48
kromonosafter an upgrade yesterday, I have problems with total freezes23:49
jessica_lillyive hird of that as well23:49
kromonossystem is running with x 2 minutes23:49
kromonosthan it freeze total23:49
Tuv0kmy systems run flawlessly23:49
kromonosbevore I upgraded kernel yesterday there were no problems23:49
Tuv0kalthough xmms2d has been acting weird23:50
kromonoshow can I downgrade kernel?23:50
Tuv0kkromonos, reboot and choose the kernel you were using23:50
kromonosyes, but there are just 2.6.22 and the "new" 2.6.2423:51
kromonosbut I saw, that it was just e recompiled update from 2.6.2423:51
kromonosupdated from 2.6.24-xy to 2.6.24-1523:51
Tuv0kI told you how23:51
Tuv0kjust choose the kernel you prefer from the grub  menu23:52
recon69kromonos: at boot up you should be able to select the kernel you boot with23:52
sparr_are there supported upgrade methods that do not involve a GUI?23:52
kromonosTuv0k: no way to boot with older version from 2.6.24?23:53
Pirate_Hunter_if i installed my dsl on hd using frugal install will my programs be remembered in /tmp or do i have to save them elsewhere or will they be in hda2?23:55
histoAny reason firefox would be laggy scrolling in hardy vs. gutsy?23:55
=== ttroja_ is now known as ttroja
Pirate_Hunter_histo firefox 3 is doing good here not laggy i like it even knowing i miss soem of my old extensions23:56
histoI was running compiz fusion in gutsy with all kinds of extra effects etc... but in hardy with just normal settings its really crappy.23:56
histoLike if I try to scroll its all jittery.  Almost like if you have an nvidia card using the nv drivers.23:56
Pirate_Hunter_histo if your running compiz with many effects it will slow down the pc and also ff that probably explains the laginess23:56
histoI'm not now this is just a fresh install haven't played with anything.23:57
histoI noticed the latest update of ff atleast helped with it sucking 100% cpu all the time.23:57
recon69histo: have you enabled the drivers for you graphics card?23:58
histoI have an intel 91523:59
Tuv0kit amazes me how there are such issues. I can't be lucky?23:59

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