
j1mcis anyone from the doc team around?05:37
LaserJockI am05:42
LaserJocknot sure if I'm any help05:42
j1mchey LaserJock - just trying to figure out the translate script05:43
j1mcnot the script itself, really, just where i'm supposed to put it, and where i'm supposed to put the untarred po files05:43
LaserJockyou usually want <doc>/po/ for the .pos05:44
* j1mc looks05:45
LaserJockyou want the translate script in xubuntu/05:46
j1mcnot sure if i've done it correctly... i got a bunch of these, "mkdir: cannot create directory `xubuntu-docs-index-sv.po': File exists"05:50
LaserJockyou have to rename the .po files05:51
LaserJockto <lang code>.po05:51
j1mcnot manually, right?05:52
j1mcthere's hundreds of them05:52
j1mcthere are hundreds of them  :)05:53
LaserJockso for that one I would do:   for file in *.po; do mv $file `cat $file | cut -d "-" -f 4`; done;05:53
j1mchm... no luck.05:55
j1mci think i'll give it a go tomorrow05:55
j1mci'm pretty tired right now.05:55
j1mcthanks for your help, though, LaserJock05:55
j1mc:)  have a good night05:55
ubotuNew bug: #216642 in ubuntu-docs (main) ""About this document" section could be shared across the ubuntu-docs templates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21664206:41
mdkedamn, gnome-user-docs translations are riddled with errors too15:03
mdkeoh great, the brazilian translators just make up new tags15:06
LaserJockmdke: :(16:25
LaserJockI only had to fix 2 things for edubuntu-docs16:26
mdkeLaserJock: the breakage comes from upstream it seems16:27
LaserJockreally? stink16:29
mdkeLaserJock: do you fancy doing another upload for me? gnome-user-docs is ready16:46
mdkerevision 72816:46
LaserJockk, gimme a bit16:47
mdkeLaserJock: thanks a lot. Otherwise no worries, I will put it in the queue for -main-sponsors16:51
LaserJockno problem16:53
LaserJocknice that I can actually be of use sometimes ;-)16:53
LaserJockmdke: geeze, g-u-d take some time to build :-)17:23
mdkeLaserJock: takes about 5 minutes here... but xml2po is fairly intensive so it will take a while on a slow machine I think17:29
LaserJockhmm, seemed longer here17:29
LaserJockin any case, I'm about half way through uploading it17:30
mdkeLaserJock: awesome, thanks a lot17:31
LaserJockI didn't ask slangasek or other release manager about it though17:32
LaserJockso if we seem him around we should ask ;-)17:33
mdkeLaserJock: don't they get it in some kind of queue too?17:39
LaserJockbecause the archive is frozen *all* uploads have to be manually approved17:41
LaserJockthat's why I can "upload first, ask later"17:41
LaserJockwithin reason of course17:41
* mdke nods17:42
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ubotuNew bug: #216982 in ubuntu-docs (main) "Ubuntu firefox start page not translated into Ukrainian (uk)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21698223:06

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