
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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[LP]MaxTyThi all. anybody know when Ubuntu Mobile will be released?07:23
[LP]MaxTyTAnd will it be supported on device SonyEricsson Xeria X1?07:24
=== [LP]MaxTyT is now known as [LP]MaxTaM
=== Hobbsee is now known as shinymonster
=== shinymonster is now known as Hobbsee
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persiahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded lists the Kohjinsha SH6 as a target platform.  Would the SH8 do as well, or ought it really be an SH6?14:36
Assidis there any phones available at present that have ubuntu mobile ?19:16
Assidgenerically priced ones19:16
persiaAssid: While there are devices that are both capable of running Ubuntu Mobile, and capable of handling voice calls over conventional distributed base station networks, this is not a current default configuration of any available equipment, and such equipment typically requires user assembly from multiple suppliers.19:45
Assidhrmm ok19:45
Assidwish there was19:46
Assidim tired of people showing off the iphone19:46

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