
MatthewMetzgerkirkland: around?00:27
MatthewMetzgeranyone awake here? I'd like to chat about how ubuntu server handles memory.02:12
nijabaMatthewMetzger: hello02:12
MatthewMetzgerhi nijaba :)02:12
nijabaMatthewMetzger: I have read our report02:12
nijabaYourMomsHero, even02:12
nijaba"you", even (stupid autocopletion)02:12
nijabado you have cron jobs active on yor server?02:13
MatthewMetzgerokay. I'm specifically wondering if "sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches" is okay to run to clear the caches.02:13
nijabawhat is mysql doing?  Is it polled by someone?02:14
MatthewMetzgerYes, I have a few cron jobs set up. Nothing changed, though02:14
MatthewMetzgermysql is running. It is being used as a database for our library server (Koha). I'm going to do an upgrade of Koha later tonight (alpha to beta).02:14
MatthewMetzgerWhat do you mean by "polled"?02:15
nijabaMatthewMetzger: I don't think dropping the cache is a good idea with mysql running02:15
nijabapolled: receive request on a regular basis02:15
nijabacan you try stopping mysql and see if cache continues on growing?02:15
MatthewMetzgerno polling. The database is used infrequently (students don't search for books often).02:16
nijabaMatthewMetzger: so right now, no student uses it?02:16
MatthewMetzgerI can stop mysql, but only over the weekend.02:16
MatthewMetzgeractually, yes. The service is used every day, but it just doesn't have much traffic.02:16
nijabajust to see, that's the first thing that comes to my mind to try isolate the problem02:16
MatthewMetzgerI understand and agree.02:17
nijabaat the rate the problem occurs, you should see the difference quite fast02:17
MatthewMetzgeris having large amounts of memory cached normal? I don't recall seeing this on my other ubuntu installs.02:18
nijabaI am going to bed quite soon, but leave me a message here, I do read logs when highlighted02:18
nijabaMatthewMetzger: yes, it can be, if it never goes to swap.02:19
nijabacache is good: it is data you do not go fetch to the disk02:19
MatthewMetzgernijaba: thanks. I understand better now.02:19
MatthewMetzgerhave a good night :)02:19
nijabathanks, have a good whatever for your tz02:20
MatthewMetzgerAmerican/Central/Chicago time zone02:23
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* saltedlight hi. anyone know why ubuntu 8.04 identify ATA hard drives as SATA ?!? on every system ?!? is this a known bug or what?07:53
* saltedlight after dist-upgrade ubuntu is not booting because I/O on SDA witch should be HDA and if i boot on the old kernel (found on grub menu) is ok... anyone know how to fix that? 07:58
* delcoyote hi10:15
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rhineheart_mfew days from now and hardy will be released. any update?12:31
rhineheart_mhello.. what's the purpose of DHCP server in ubuntu?13:01
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rhineheart_manybody here uses ipcop?14:01
hubuntuIs an entry/profile for ebox automated installation in Hardy as there is one for LAMP in Gutsy?17:12
hubuntuI'm writing a presentation for ubuntu server17:12
hubuntucome on it's the second day I come around and NOBODY answers:  I am just wondering if it has become one of the choices for an automated server installation or not (like LAMP, OpenSSh, etc...)17:30
Deepsno idea, check the documentation on the website, or download the beta iso and check it out17:31
Deepsif you're doing a presentation on the latest ubuntu, screenshots are a useful tool, you probably want to virtualize the current release to take good snapshots from17:32
hubuntuI know, but I must finish the basics for tomorrow and there is a lot to cover. The presentation ewill be hold the 26th sp by that time I will have screenshots :)17:32
hubuntuthanks for the advice17:33
Deepsgood luck17:33
Deepssuerte ;)17:33
hubuntuThe more I write, the better I realize Ubuntu is in the server ;) Una vez terminada espero la presenten en varias ciudades en el FLISOL17:33
Deepsk guay17:34
hubuntutu sabes bastante del servidor verdad?`Puedes darmela revisando antes de entregar manana?17:35
hubuntuosea el lado técnico17:35
Deepsnop, lo siento, tengo un monton d trabajo pa hacer todavia17:35
Deepsestoy tomando un kitkat;)17:36
hubuntuok, en todo caso estará en el wiki del FLISOL y Ub untu si alguién en tu LoCo tiene oprtunidad antes del 2617:36
hubuntume voy a seguir17:36
hubuntuUbuntu cola?17:36
Deepsun descanso ;)17:36
Deepscomo las publicidades,17:36
Deepsy no se nada de mi loco17:37
Deepscreo q hay un monton de gente de kubuntu aqui en canarias17:37
Deepspero no tengo nidea17:37
hubuntuestoy en contacto con la gente en ubuntu-es. Suerte con lo que estés haciendo ;)17:38
Deepsah no, estoy trabajando con algo de mi empleo17:38
Deepsnada d ubuntu17:39
Deepsbueno, ya sigo17:39
Deepssuerte con su presentacion17:39
AlexC_hey all,17:53
AlexC_I've got very high memory usage on my server, and it is not even doing a lot, it is using 780mb :S. 'top' just mostly shows Apache, Dovecot, and Postfix17:54
AlexC_wondering how I can locate the source of the excessive memory usage?17:54
Mike_KirkCameroni need install qmail on ubuntu 7.10 server ,who can help me?17:54
Mike_KirkCameroni need install qmail on ubuntu 7.10 server ,who can help me?17:55
AlexC_Mike_KirkCameron, I think people heard you the first time, about 1 min ago ...17:55
faulkes-AlexC: ps aux17:56
faulkes-the VSZ/RSS values will tell you what is using up the most memory17:57
AlexC_VSZ? I don't see that17:58
AlexC_ah, yes I do17:58
Mike_KirkCameronwho can help me?17:58
Mike_KirkCameroninstall qmail doc .17:58
AlexC_faulkes-, hum ... shall I pastebin the output of that for you to talk a look?17:59
Mike_KirkCameronevery body?18:04
faulkes-AlexC: certainly, I have a few moments18:06
faulkes-Mike: Never installed qmail on ubuntu, is there a particular reason you need it vs. postfix?18:06
AlexC_faulkes-, http://paste2.org/p/20439 - I'm running Apache2 with SuEXEC and fastcgid, with php-cgi if that is of any relevance18:07
Mike_KirkCameroni see18:08
Mike_KirkCameroni see18:08
faulkes-the biggest usage I see there is apache2 and yes, I would say that suexec and fastcgi have relevance18:11
AlexC_they shouldn't be using *that* much memory though, surely?18:12
faulkes-how much memory does the box have? and have you checked the 'free' command to see how much is being used by buffers or swap?18:12
faulkes-AlexC: it's using around 250+mb, there are any number of possible reasons why, especially if you have users ;)18:12
AlexC_faulkes-, it has 784mb (or something like that) however it is burstable to 1.5gb (this is a VPS)18:12
AlexC_free shows: 'Mem:       1572864     827696     745168          0          0          0' and using no swap18:12
AlexC_faulkes-, well, the site is really not being used that much - it's nothing major18:13
faulkes-I don't trust "burstable" ram ;)18:13
faulkes-however, it would appear that you have just under half your ram in buffers, which is normal18:13
AlexC_same, which is why I'm trying to find the cause of this18:13
AlexC_what exactly does that mean?18:14
faulkes-the system takes free ram and will use it to speed things up via buffers18:14
AlexC_and, are you sure? there is a '0' under Buffers18:14
faulkes-oh, wait18:14
faulkes-yeah, sorry, was reading incorrectly18:15
faulkes-still, half of your ram is free then18:15
faulkes-although why it hasn't used any of it for buffers is beyond me18:15
faulkes-I would start by looking at your apache / php configuration18:15
AlexC_mm, but that other half is going into my burstable =\18:15
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ltcabralhow can i kill an open connection that is LISTEN in netstat18:30
Nafalloltcabral: shut the daemon18:31
ltcabralNafallo, hm... how can i do that?18:33
ltcabralu mean the application?18:33
Nafalloexcept I define those words different I might mean what you said.18:34
ltcabrali stoped the app with ctrl+z18:35
Nafallothat's pause surely18:35
ltcabralya i noticed it after i did it :)18:36
ltcabralhow can i stop it then?18:36
ltcabralooh thx :)18:37
daeronhy guys18:42
daeronthere's somebody from italy?18:42
Nafallo#ubuntu-it is probably from there.18:43
jibwnI'm trying to make an nfs share of my /data folder which has multiple drives mounted on /data/music /data/video etc... I can access the /data folder but nothing on any of the drives mounted under it. I've tried the nohide but it didn't work. Any ideas how to get this going?18:43
biczdaeron: yes18:43
daeronI have some problems with vsftpd, I can't see anything after login18:55
daeronsomoe ideas?18:55
sommerdaeron: have you checked permissions?19:00
daeronon yeah19:03
daeronthis is my cfg file19:03
faulkes-please use pastebin for config files19:03
daeronftpd_banner=Welcome to blah FTP service.19:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:04
daeronoh, excuse me19:04
faulkes-no worries19:04
faulkes-pastebin is just easier for everyone to look at and follow19:04
daeron 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16listen=YES anonymous_enable=YES local_enable=YES write_enable=YES anon_upload_enable=YES anon_mkdir_write_enable=YES dirmessage_enable=YES xferlog_enable=YES connect_from_port_20=YES chown_uploads=YES chown_username=daeron ftpd_banner=Welcome to blah FTP service. secure_chroot_dir=/var/run/vsftpd pam_service_name=vsftpd rsa_cert_file=/etc/ssl/certs/vsftpd.pem anon_root=/home/ftp19:05
creatorhey can someone help me wiht a samba issue?19:05
faulkes-jibwn: if server1:/data has all the music/video stuff mounted the client1:/data should be able to see, turning off nohide shouldn't matter19:05
faulkes-jibwn: I would check that nfs is properly reaching the server (/var/log/{syslog,messages}) and that there is no firewall/iptables issues occuring19:06
daeronE' stata richiesta una sessione di messaggi musicali. Fare clic sull'icona MM per accettare.19:06
creatori am trying to create a user account in samba but when ever i do that it tells me creator@myserver:~$ sudo smbpasswd -a georg19:06
creator[sudo] password for creator:19:06
creatorNew SMB password:19:06
creatorRetype new SMB password:19:06
creatorFailed to modify password entry for user georg19:06
faulkes-creator: check permissions on the smbpasswd file (yes, even if you are root/sudo this can be an issue)19:07
creatorhow do i do that19:08
faulkes-although, it is entirely possible you retyped the password wrong the second time19:08
creator<< noob sauce19:08
creatorhaha tried it 5 or 6 times ... dont think i miss typed that often19:08
sommerdaeron: can you not see the files when connecting as an actual user or when connecting anonymously?19:08
daeroni don't need to configure users19:09
creatorfaulkes: how do i check the permission on that file?19:10
faulkes-creator: I don't recall the exact path to the smbpasswd file, man smbpasswd should tell you the default or /etc/samba/smb.conf19:10
faulkes-however, you would then ls -l to see that the file has the w bit set for the owner19:10
sommerdaeron: and are there files in /home/ftp?19:11
jibwnthanks, faulkes-  I just found the issue. I hadn't gotten around to adding the drives in fstab yet, they were manually mounted. After adding them it works.19:11
daeronyes of course;)19:11
creatordamn neith the man nor conf tell me where its at19:12
creatorfaulkes: I think this is what Im looking for19:15
creatorcreator@myserver:~$ /etc/samba/smbusers ls -l19:16
creator-bash: /etc/samba/smbusers: Permission denied19:16
creatorfaulkes: creator@myserver:~$ sudo ls -l /etc/samba/smbusers19:17
creator-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 23 2008-04-13 13:52 /etc/samba/smbusers19:17
sommerdaeron: are there any errors in /var/log/vsftpd.log ?19:17
daeronthis is the log19:19
daeronit worked today, but now it doesn't work anymore19:20
stwangehey, how do I enable gateway ports on gutsy? I checked /etc/ssh/sshd_config but it wasn't there, I tried adding it and /etc/init.d/ssh restart but I still can't connect from outside the localhost19:23
stwangeit's not in /etc/ssh/ssh_config either19:24
Deepswhat did you add to your /etc/ssh/sshd_config?19:24
Deepsby default it listens on all interfaces on port 2219:24
Deepsand nothing needs to be added19:24
stwangeI'm trying to tunnel, and I need GatewayPorts to be set to yes for it to listen on anything other than localhost:someport (different from the port 22 for ssh access)19:25
Deepsoh, for when tunnelling19:26
Deepswhat kind of tunnel are you doing, local or remote?19:26
stwangeremote, reverse19:26
Deepsyeah that i dont know19:27
Deepsi usually do a second local tunnel on the remote machine19:27
Deepswith -g19:27
stwangeman sshd_config says to set GatewayPorts to yes, but it's not there19:27
Deepsadd GatewayPorts yes, restart your ssh server, and reconnect19:28
Deepsfrom what i can see in the man page anyway19:28
stwangedo you know how to restart sshd? I tried /etc/init.d/sshd restart but it said no such file or directory. I tried /etc/init.d/ssh restart but it didn't make a difference19:29
Deepsroot@router:~# /etc/init.d/ssh restart * Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd                           [ OK ]19:29
Deepsthen you need to reconnect your ssh session19:29
Deepswith your tunnelling19:29
stwangeyeah sorry about that19:31
Deepsjust tried it, looks like it works19:31
stwangeI'd restarted ssh, but forgot I had to reconnect the tunnel :)19:31
Deepsmight wanna use client-specified19:31
Deepsrather than yes19:31
Deepsand then on remote tunnels you specify -g on the ones you want globally visible19:32
Deeps(like you would with local tunnels)19:32
stwangethanks for the help mate19:35
stwangeoffhand, I don't suppose you know what the disable repositories are on a clean ubuntu install? I need to add them with just bash19:36
Deepsno vi?19:37
=== blue-frog__ is now known as blue-frog
Deepscat /etc/apt/sources.list | (more|less|most|head -n|tail -n)19:38
stwangeyeah but they aren't commented out19:38
stwangeI'll check my other install and see what they were19:38
Deepsyou can then see what it is through that19:38
Deepsgrep http /etc/apt/sources.list19:38
stwangeI got them from my other box :) thanks anyway19:40
ScatterBrainNeed help recovering a failed drive.20:11
MatBoyhey guys ! when I have /home as a software raid1 using ext3, is it easy to switch this one to LVM ?21:32
abrakadabrhi! can anybody help me to install ispconfig?21:36
abrakadabranybody hear me?21:37
stwangehey.... I modified apache2 for vhosts and messed it up, I've tried using aptitude to purge it, but reinstalling I still get connection refused21:41
stwangeI got it :) thanks anyway21:43
stiv2koops, bad way to start a question21:57
stiv2kok I have this mysqld_safe process that runs indefinitely, and it consumes 100% CPU all the time.... it's lagging my server, what is it doing and why is it running all the time?21:58
stiv2k22429 root      25   0  1752  368  344 R 90.4  0.1  14956:41 mysqld_safe21:58
Nafallomysqladmin status21:58
Nafallomysqladmin proc21:58
Nafallothat should give you somewhere to start.21:58
stiv2kmysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed21:59
stiv2kerror: 'Access denied for user 'steve'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'21:59
stwangestiv2k mysqladmin -p22:01
stwangewill prompt you for a password22:01
stwangeok can anyone give me a hand with lamp on ubuntu 7.10? I have apache2, php5 and libapache2-mod-php5 installed, but the .php in my /var/www/ is asking to be downloaded:
sommerstwange: did you restart apache?22:16
symtabhow do i restart the network?22:27
symtab/etc/init.d/network restart doesnt work22:27
sommersymtab: did you try sudo /etc/init.d/network restart ?22:28
symtabtrying now22:30
symtabwhen running ifconfig you have like like this23:40
symtabwhat does this mean?23:40
JaxxMaxx_transmit queue length.23:41
JaxxMaxx_obscure networking setting, probably best left alone?23:41
symtabthe thing is23:41
symtabi have 2 servers23:41
symtabboth in the same network23:41
symtabone is .2823:41
symtabone .2923:41
symtab.28 works23:41
symtaband both servers have 2 network cards (internal and external)23:42
symtabon the one that works both network cards have txqueuelen: 100023:42
symtabon the one that doesnt work23:42
symtabthe external network card has txqueuelen: 10023:42
symtabcould this be the reason why it doesnt work?23:42
Deepshighly unlikely23:42
symtabi'm sure the settings (ip, netmask, gateway) are correct23:42
Deepsthe only instance i've ever fiddled the txqueuelen is when i was dealing with a gbit link and wanted to improve performance23:43
Deepsare you sure that there's a link between the 2 nics that dont appear to be working?23:44
Deepsare link lights on?23:44
symtabinternally they work23:44
symtabbut one of the server doesnt work externally23:44
symtabit doesnt have a internet connection23:44
symtabit should have, but it doesnt work23:45
Deepsok, so you have 2 network cards, one on an internal network, the other on an external network?23:45
symtabon both servers23:45
symtablet me explain again23:45
symtabi have 2 servers23:45
Deepsand not, 1 internal network card, and one external (eg usb) network card23:45
symtabeach server has 2 network cards23:45
symtabserver 1 = A23:45
symtabserver 2 = B23:45
symtabA and B are connected internally in a network ( and this works23:46
symtabA also is connected to the internet through the other cable23:46
symtabB is not connected to the internet, because it doesnt work23:46
symtabi dont know to explain better :(23:47
Deepsthe external cable from server B, does it plug into a switch? another computer?23:47
Deepsare there any lights on either that NIC on server B or wherever it's plugged into to indicate that there is actually a link?23:48
symtabboth external cables from both servers are plugged in a switch23:48
symtabyeah the light is is blinking23:48
Deepsdo both A and B have different IPs on their external interfaces?23:49
Deepsbtw, this notiation: is wrong23:49
Deepsas it would be interpretted as ip/netmask23:49
symtabi know its wrong..i just wanted to say that the servers are also connected in a internal network23:49
symtabi'm not the best networking expert :(23:49
symtabas you can see23:49
Deepsuse a + sign, use a comma, and yes, thats why i'm teaching as we go along :)23:50
Deepscan server A ping the external gateway?23:50
Deepscan server B?23:50
symtaband server B cant ping the gateway23:50
Deepsdo you control the gateway?23:51
symtabno i dont, but i can speak with the person who does23:51
Deepsis it possible that the gateway has filtering on it, to restrict access to specific IPs or MAC addresses?23:51
symtablet me ask23:51
JaxxMaxx_have them ping your server B external IP from the gateway23:51
symtabhmm, seems like the admin is not there23:53
symtabif i try this23:53
Deepsalternatively, unplug server a from the external switch, assign it's IP to server B, spoof server A's external interface's MAC address onto server B23:53
Deepsand then retry23:53
symtabget the cable from the server that is working and plug it in the server that is not working23:53
symtabshould this work?23:53
symtabof course reconfigure the ip23:53
Deepsifconfig externalinterface down23:53
symtabi know how to use ifconfig (or at least i think i know :-)23:54
Deepsifconfig externalinterface inet <ip> netmask <netmask> hw ether <mac address of server a's external interface>23:54
Deepsifconfig externalinterface inet <ip> netmask <netmask> hw ether <mac address of server a's external interface> up23:54
symtabi will try this23:54
Deepsmake sure both are unplugged when you do the configuration23:55
Deepsplug in the cable once it's done23:55
Deepsit might be worth noting the original MAC of the interface23:55
symtabso what i did23:59
symtabi assigned server's A ip to server B (also reconfigured the gateway)23:59

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