
_boikhutso_amenado: thanks i will google for that>00:00
nousmore : when I cd to theses directories, it display "Home Folder/90GB Média" as the folder name00:00
alex-weejnous: please file a bug00:00
freezerburnalex-weej: thanks how do I uninstall Gnash?00:00
alex-weejfreezerburn: apt-get remove gnash00:00
Gary_inNYCwell since it's out there any suggestions?00:01
freebirdlokpest: don't understand what you are getting at?00:01
nousalex-weej: it doesn't seem to be a bug for me, it just looks as a config to do00:01
Steelapplewhere i can find step-by-step manual how to set up to wifi network with wpa-psk and dhcp?00:01
alex-weejnous: are the volumes listed in your /etc/fstab ?00:01
alex-weejnous: and how are you mounting them?00:01
nousalex-weej : yes00:01
amenado!wifidocs | Steelapple00:02
user_1how about changing the kernel IO-scheduler00:02
ubotuSteelapple: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:02
user_1have to check00:02
plessoI wanted to ask a general question. I'm checking what I think I already know, but - there is no version of shockwave available for linux, is there?00:02
* Steelapple slaps ubotu around a bit with a large trout00:02
alex-weejplesso: no00:02
Jordan_U@lart Steelapple00:03
alex-weejplesso: there are ways to use wine and the windows plugin but i think they're sold by codeweavers00:03
Steelapplethat link didnt help me =(00:03
alex-weejplesso: however, if you're desperate, install "wine", and download Firefox for Windows and install it via Wine00:03
nousplesso : do you mean shockwave flash player ? shockwave has been bought by adobe : you may want to search for adobe flash player00:03
timelostis https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AWStats?highlight=%28awstats%29 still current?00:03
alex-weejplesso: that has let me play isketch for the last few years00:03
alex-weejnous: no, shockwave != flash00:03
SNuxollnous: shockwave != flash00:03
duelbootI'm sure this is an old question, but I can't get compiz to work...have nvidia card...have installed restricted driver as initially required...now I get the error "Desktop effects could not be enabled"...help please00:03
timelostit's the documentation for awstats and has some strange commands in it00:03
omaralex-weej: I couldnt find anything related to DM options00:03
testecletesin my experience, running FF through wine was extremely slow00:04
duelbootoh Gusty Gibon00:04
alex-weejomar: did you find default-x-display-manager?00:04
freezerburnalex-weej: http://pastebin.com/d225fa2da00:04
unop__IdleOne, try this out - let me know if it works - http://pastebin.com/m480edd2100:04
alex-weejomar: on the list on the left?00:04
SNuxollthere is a firefox-plugin that lets you run WIN32 plugins via wine00:04
plessoalex-weej yeah I currently use wine to run the shockwave for Opera but I just wondered why Adobe have never got around to porting?00:04
freezerburnI get this when trying the apt-get remove00:04
omarbtw I got the program from the repos00:04
alex-weejfreezerburn: you need superuser privileges to manage packages, hence you need to run commands like that with "sudo" if you're an unprivileged user00:04
user_1Gary_inNYC: try looking at this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/io-schedulers-strangeness-630079/?highlight=scheduler00:05
Chetichow do I shut down X? I want to install nvidia drivers00:05
alex-weejfreezerburn: sudo apt-get ...00:05
SNuxollwho is wondering about shockwave again?00:05
plessoSNuxoll isa there? That would have been a much neater solution than mine - that'll teach me to try to sort things out for myself :)00:05
testecletesSNuxoll: do you know what that plugin is called?00:05
SNuxollplesso: see above00:05
SNuxolltestecletes: see above as well00:05
Gary_inNYCkk, reading it now00:05
alex-weejplesso: i think it's because shockwave is dead00:05
alex-weejplesso: adobe are pushing Flash and AIR now00:05
freezerburnalex-weej: did do sudo00:05
alex-weejfreezerburn: do you have another package manager open?00:05
ganastasiouanyone knows any link to setup ubuntu to router?00:05
plessoalex-weej yeah I don't see it so much now but it is still common on kids education sites00:06
alex-weejomar: ok hold on let me see00:06
unop__Chetic, sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop  # replace stop with start to start X again00:06
omarok thanks a lot man00:06
freezerburnalex-weej: *smacks face*00:06
SNuxollwhe are you arguing that these two people don't need shockwave?  they obviously need it if they are asking for it00:06
Gary_inNYCmessing around with the kernel io scheduler is beyond my paygrade tbh, but i'll give a shot whatever documentation available00:06
IdleOneunop_: how do i execute that script?00:06
alex-weejSNuxoll: i'm answering the question why adobe haven't ported it.00:07
Jadoanybody speaks italian ?00:07
algyz!it | Jado00:07
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!00:07
ubotuJado: please see above00:07
plessowhat is that win32 plugin called SNuxoll?00:07
lokpestfreebird: [00:58:46] <lokpest> hi, anyone has sugestions on compiling a video out of 1 picture and one mp300:07
SNuxollalex-weej: they could have ported shockwave years ago, thy are just too lazy00:07
SNuxollplesso: it's called mozplugger, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave00:07
plessoIs it a standard firefox addon?00:07
unop__IdleOne, save the file somewhere, say ~/wpset.sh  then make it executable and run it.  chmod +X ~/wpset.sh; ~/wpset.sh00:07
alex-weejtrust me, they can't even build a 64 bit version of their flash player00:07
plessoSNuxoll thanks00:07
alex-weejthey don't have the resources to port shockwave00:07
SNuxollplesso: it's a standard mozilla plugin00:07
ganastasiouHelp plz someone telle how to setup router to ubuntu!!!!!!!00:07
SNuxollplesso: will work in almost any browser00:07
ganastasiouneed a link00:07
Starnestommyganastasiou: that depends on your router00:07
testecletesdarn, i don't see where it is00:08
IndyGunFreakganastasiou: well, there's like 40 quadrillion different models of routes out there00:08
lokpestSNuxoll: lazy? I think the word you're looking for is evil00:08
amenadoganastasiou-> can you describe the network layout you like to have?00:08
ganastasiouneed a bgp router00:08
* IndyGunFreak sighs and gives up00:08
Jadois anyone speaking italian ? (nobody on ubutun-it ...)00:08
alex-weejomar: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm00:08
SNuxolllokpest: eh, no one really uses shockwave anymore, so I can't blame them00:08
ganastasioua guide so i can setup00:08
SNuxolllokpest: at least there is a solution for thase that DO need it :P00:08
GInganastasiou: any idea what a bgp router is?00:08
_boikhutso_Jado: there is an italian chanell00:09
J0K0hello how can i connect to another server whithout the IRC menu ?00:09
mrignsI'm looking for this particular gtk and icon themes: http://imgnow.de/uploads/screen254png.png00:09
ganastasiouif i know?00:09
mrignsdoes anyone know it?00:09
charles|64hey anyone play americas army?00:09
omarand for this to take effect I gotta restart X right?00:09
plessoSNuxoll I will bear that in mind - I've got most of the audio I need to work with mplayer but you never know there might be something mplayer won't play - although I can't actually see anything - mplayer is astonishing!00:09
GInganastasiou: yea00:09
amenadoganastasiou-> i assume you have used google to look for these topics?00:09
ganastasiouyes i used google00:09
_boikhutso_Jado: !it00:09
ganastasioubut nothing its clear if u dont have seen it again00:09
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!00:09
SNuxollplesso: eh, mplayer hates me, I use VLC when totem either can't play a file, or when it plays it slower than molasses00:09
ganastasioui used to have Mikrotik00:09
ganastasioubut i prefer ubuntu know00:09
ganastasiouGIn bgp is routing protocol fir wireless00:10
omaralex-weej: thanks a lot man!00:10
lokpestgaaah, man mplayer is huuuuuuuuge :/00:10
amenadoganastasiou-> your own private network?00:10
ganastasiouyes my metropolitan network00:10
unopganastasiou, BGP for wireless at home? what?00:10
ganastasiouno for a metropolitan network00:10
plessoSNuxoll I used to use VLC on windows, but it does have trouble dealing with Real Media and mplayer seems to handle them fine - it could load a bit faster though - you're right there!00:10
ganastasioui want to change from Mikrotik to ubuntu router00:11
ganastasiouand need to know how00:11
SNuxollplesso: I've never had to play real-media, so I don't have that issue00:11
IdleOnehmmm unop getting error00:11
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unopIdleOne, what's the error?00:11
alex-weejif you need to use crappy real, just bite the bullet and install realplayer00:11
IdleOneunop: sudo  chmod +X ~/wpset.sh; ~/wpset.sh00:12
IdleOnebash: /home/idleone/wpset.sh: Permission denied00:12
ganastasiouhas anyone tried sth like this?00:12
unopIdleOne, small x there00:12
TelnetMantaIs it pretty easy to move an ubuntu installation to new but similar hardware without actualy reinstalling00:12
unopchmod +x ..00:12
IndyGunFreakTelnetManta: yeah, it easy to move.. question si wether it will wrk00:12
TelnetMantadont I just have to reconfig gdm?00:12
TelnetMantaIndyGunFreak: of course... lol, that was my question00:13
unopTelnetManta, you'd need to reconfigure the linux-image-* package00:13
IdleOneunop: well my background changed but to ubuntu brown ;/00:13
IndyGunFreakTelnetManta: was just clarifying..lol00:13
unopIdleOne, brown?00:13
ganastasiouNoone can help me?00:13
IdleOneunop: yeah the ubuntu default brown background00:13
amenadoganastasiou-> maybe you could look into Zebra or quagga00:13
plessoalex-weej I suppose you could play it with Real Alternative too, under wine - as a new user I could spend all day just choosing which program to use, but I'm pretty sure there a serious outstanding vulnerabilities with Real Player at the moment, but that might only apply to windows users, I don't know for sure.00:14
amenadoganastasiou-> not many of us run a metropolitan network size network00:14
ganastasioui don run the whole network00:14
sielnt_Hey guys, I'm stupid, can some one remind me what packages I need to the the compiz settings manager into the gnome appearance thing? I have ccsm and gnome-compiz-manager packages installed.00:14
plessomy grammar was really bad there sorry about that00:14
IndyGunFreakamenado: lmao00:14
ganastasiouim part of this00:14
rootyHi, since my reinstall, ubuntu isn't recognizing funny characters, what do I have to install please?00:15
TotemWhen I compile this: http://rafb.net/p/XVJ69w60.html I get these errors: http://rafb.net/p/P3J5wg35.html00:15
Totemoh, nvm00:15
unopIdleOne, the thing is i don't run gnome so i can't really test this out very well - the file is downloaded ok but there's a problem in the gcontool's ability to set the wallpaper :)00:15
charles|64anyone play americas army00:15
unopIdleOne, let me see what i can fnd00:15
IdleOneunop: can you make it so that script downloads the pictures to the Pictures folder and uses that to change the background?00:15
amitprakashSeveas, persistent doesnt retain kernel drivers does it?00:16
LainyIs there a tool to find the x and y position on my desktop? (I'm trying to position fbpager to the bottom right corner of my dekstop) Thanks.00:16
ganastasiouthnx for the help00:16
Gary_inNYClooks like i have a lot of reading to do... well thx for the info00:16
IdleOneunop: yes I see the file was downloaded to /home/idleone but not being used to set background00:16
amenadoLainy-> xev perhaps?00:16
Lainyamenado: Thanks!00:17
unopIdleOne, this script works on the basis that there is only one picture in the directory at one time00:17
apatheti1how can i save any data to another media, cdrom/usb in recovery mode? I cannot access my network, nor USB, nor CDROM?00:17
unopIdleOne, gimme two seconds00:17
Dr_willisapatheti1,  depening on how the usb drive is mounted - you may need to accessit as root.. or remount it so users can access it.00:17
amenadoapatheti1-> you dont have network access when in recovery mode? maybe you can try to enable it?00:17
IdleOneunop: so it downloads the file and the next day it would delete the old file and use new file?00:17
mtc267chshello, can someone help me with a audio problem?00:18
apatheti1amenado: How do i enable it? If i gointo "network" using X it says "You do not have..." yet it says im root00:18
apatheti1but just to be sure, i ran sudo su00:18
apatheti1but i still coujld not do it00:18
azukimtc267chs: just ask00:19
amenadoapatheti1-> if you do ifup eth0 and then check ip a    do you get an ip address?00:19
Lainyamenado: Is there an easier way to position fbpager to the bottom right corner without specifying its x and y positions. Also, how do I find the maximum x and y dimensions of my desktop? Thanks.00:19
mtc267chsi just installed ubuntu yesterday, and i don't get anysound00:20
sorush20hi can anyone help with mozplugger00:20
apatheti1i cannot check while using the cable on this computer:\00:20
Lainyxev seems like it will be a lot of trial and error00:20
SNuxoll!ask | sorush2000:20
ubotusorush20: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:20
freezerburnalex-weej: http://pastebin.com/d59b48acb  I tried installing it but it said I don't have libgtk but from the looks of things I do have it00:20
amenadoLainy-> i dont know how to set them yet.. try  xdpyinfo, xwininfo  and xrandr  commands00:20
sorush20I need to setup mozplugger how do I go about doing this please00:20
Lainyamenado: Alright, thanks.00:21
wuxiawhhy does kvm crash when I try to boot a ubuntu-7.10-server-i386.iso cd?00:21
SNuxollsorush20: what do you need to set up?00:21
CheticI just installed the nvidia drivers... can anyone tell me why the screen goes black when I try to use them?00:21
sorush20all the extension with mozplugger.. dose anyone here have a mozplugger configuration file I can use00:21
Steelapplehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo don't understand how to set up it... maybe someone can help me?00:21
alex-weejfreezerburn: swfdec, not swf-player00:21
plessomtc267chs have you looked in your sound settings and done the tests? Also you should be able to see if your s/c has been recognised00:21
sorush20that has been setup to use with vlc and openoffice00:21
SNuxollsorush20: that's not helpful, what exactly are you needing mozplugger for?00:21
sorush20opening different file formats with firefox00:22
alex-weejfreezerburn: you want the package swfdec-mozilla00:22
plessomtc267chs do you know the make of your soundcard?00:22
freezerburnalex-weej: Do I need certian repos for that, I tried it but no joy00:22
apatheti1can i mount a fat32 drive? because it says "unknown filesyustem fat33"00:22
amenadoSteelapple-> read through it, and ask specific questions if you need clarification rather than asking for hand holding step by step00:22
alex-weejfreezerburn: try swfdec-mozilla00:22
SNuxollsorush20: WHAT formats?00:22
sorush20mms, mpeg00:22
alex-weejfreezerburn: it's in Universe, btw00:22
SNuxollsorush20: you don't need mozplugger to do that00:22
azukiapatheti1: yes, you can do so by right-clicking the drive and clicking MOUNT...00:22
unop_IdleOne, try this out - it should work, if it does, uncomment the last line and change the directory to your Pictures folder so a copy is saved there - http://pastebin.com/m5c0fdadc00:23
apatheti1azuki: not in recovery mode00:23
mtc267chsproblem: no sound00:23
* Pelo 's got grub-gfxboot up and running , wow purty 00:23
sorush20I want to open mms link with vlc not totem, how do I do that than SNuxoll00:23
azukiapatheti1: have you entered it in the /etc/fstab?00:23
Pelo!sound > mtc267chs solution check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu00:23
unop_IdleOne, err, also take echo off of the last-but-one line00:23
amenadoapatheti1-> if you do ifup eth0 and then check ip a    do you get an ip address?  <-- you got an ip address yet?00:23
SNuxollsorush20: I assume you are using firefox?00:23
apatheti1amenado: i cannot check while online here, i will unplug and check now00:24
Cheticcan someone PLEASE help me use these nvidia drivers_00:24
Steelapplei write ifconfig eth1 essid ultranet, so i connect to my wifi network. But how to write WPA-PSK i don't understand00:24
SNuxollSteelapple: why aren't you just using network-manager?00:24
sorush20SNuxoll: yes00:24
Steelapplei can't install it00:24
amenadoSteelapple-> do you need to use encrypted WPA-PSK? can you 1st try making sure things work without encryption?00:25
=== veynom is now known as darklordveynom
=== darklordveynom is now known as DarkLordVeynom
apatheti2That says its ignoring "unknown interface eth0" which is wierd00:25
jothami think i did something wrong with my ipchains, any idea why i can't connect to one of my subnets? sendto in send_ip_packet: sendto(5, packet, 44, 0,, 16) => Operation not permitted00:25
amenado!who | apatheti100:25
ubotuapatheti1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:25
rootyHi, since my reinstall, ubuntu isn't recognizing funny characters, what do I have to install please?00:25
Steelapplehow to connect to wifi without encryption and with WPE, i know00:26
kitty13kittyrecognizing funny characters, what do you mean?00:26
SNuxollsorush20: open Firefox's preferences00:26
alex-weejfreezerburn: how's it working out?00:26
Steelapplenow i need to connect with wpa-psk...00:26
amenadojotham->  yes thats a firewall stopping you00:26
Cheticoh god these drivers are shit00:26
IdleOneunop: that worked now this script will update daily?00:26
|Dreams|jotham: try sudo sento in send etc00:26
kitty13kittySteelapple, if you have wireless tools package, try "iwlist iface scanning"00:26
unop_IdleOne, you'll need to make a cron job to run this daily00:26
jotham|Dreams|: sorry?00:27
IdleOneunop_: will do thanks00:27
kitty13kittysteelapple, if it returns a network mode (the one you're looking for) just 'iwconfig iface essid="blah"' then use your normal network configurations00:27
amenadoSteelapple-> what part you dont understand on that guide?  you are editing the /etc/network/interfaces file yes?00:27
unop_IdleOne, :)00:27
SNuxollsorush20: err, sorry, was reading the wrong guide00:28
SNuxollsorush20: type about:config in the location bar00:28
=== DarkLordVeynom is now known as darklordvenom
sorush20SNuxoll: then what00:28
SNuxollsorush20: right click anywhere and select "new"00:29
SNuxollsorush20: new -> string00:29
iceswordhello,good morning00:29
danand_rooty - what funny characters...00:29
sorush20can I have the link to the guide00:29
SNuxollsorush20: name it network.protocol-handler.app.mms00:29
SNuxollsorush20: http://chim0.blogspot.com/2006/04/associate-mms-links-with-mplayer-in.html00:29
=== icesword is now known as MR
SNuxollsorush20: substitute the mplayer command with vlc00:30
=== MR is now known as MRproblem
IdleOneunop_: 00 */2 * * * /home/idleone/wpset.sh will this work? every 2 minutes I know00:30
jking_that will go every two hours00:30
unop_IdleOne, IIRC, that's every two hours00:30
jking_*/2 * * * *00:31
rootydanand_ Anything with an accent,anything that is non-standard00:31
unop_IdleOne, but that looks alright tho00:31
SteelappleI only edit wpa_supplicant00:31
IdleOneunop_: yeah every 2 hours00:31
sorush20SNuxoll: that is what mozplugger is for it plugs any file for any use , what if there are hundreds of file types , I'm not going to do it manually like this everytime00:31
azukiapatheti: what is exectly the type of hardware?00:32
danand_rooty - you need to enable the required locales - see example at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62975/. Hope that helps....00:33
LainyCould someone help explain this to me: "fbpager.nextWorkspaceButton: 4" What is this button 4? In some other commands, I understand that button 1 1 means using the mouse to left-click twice. Thanks.00:33
rootydanand_ Thanks! am looking00:33
IdleOneunop_: thank you very much for doing this :)00:33
unop_IdleOne, yw :) i'm going to update the forum post with the changes00:34
zcat[1]Lainy: buttons 4 and 5 are mousewheel up/down00:34
Lainyzcat[1]: Thank you very much!00:34
danand_rooty - you may get away with steps 1 & 2 of that...00:35
CorbinFoxDoes anyone here know how I can change the functions on the buttons on my Wacom tablet's pen stylus?  Right now the Right Click function is on the wrong button for my liking00:36
amenadoSteelapple-> you have created your passphrase with  wpa_passphrase ?00:36
freezerburnseems a whole load of gutsy repos arn't working, is this common anyone?00:38
Pelofreezerburn, it happens , patience00:39
OrbixxCan someone please advise me as to netbooting with PXE, DHCP and TFTP?00:40
CheticHow do I change from ntsc to pal on my nvidia tv-out?00:40
LewenchI have installed VMware on my laptop. I wanted to know if there was a way i get get my wireless to work for my linux (ubuntu) but setup my ethernet to work on VMware00:40
freezerburnalex-weej: Got it in but still get the message I need flash player installed.  Do I need to reboot?00:41
IndyGunFreakfreezerburn: you shouldn't have to restart, maybe restart firefox.00:41
PeloLewench, ask in #vmware00:41
LewenchPelo, I did.00:42
IndyGunFreakfreezerburn: and all my gutsy repos are working fine00:42
Jordan_ULewench, There most certainly is a way, how exactly to do it I don't know :)00:42
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rootydanand_ Hi, I can't type the first line into the terminal, it generates an error. Can you tell me exactly what I type?00:42
alex-weejfreezerburn: no...00:42
freezerburnalex-weej: http://pastebin.com/d7050e0c300:43
VorboteLewench: It is not easy, you'll have to set both interfaces by hand. Network Manager (the version in Ubuntu) is not happy managing two network interfaces at once.00:43
LewenchVorbote, I see, well then time for some major research =)00:44
alex-weejfreezerburn: it should just work, can do ls -al /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so00:44
VorboteLewench: the vmware forums are the best place to find someone who can help you out.00:44
danand_rooty - no... that first line is the locale you need to add to the file /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local. You need to find out the locale you need to correctly display the characters you want and add it to that file. after that you probably only need to do step 2 to update the locales on your system to be able to correctly display them.00:46
jothami suspect the ethernet card has HIV00:46
jothammy iptables looks right00:46
freezerburnalex-weej: I get back no such file or dir00:46
LewenchVorbote, Ok thanks. Btw do you know how to remove the system beep from ubuntu? Its really annoying.00:47
sorush20has anyone here got mozplugger working for them?00:47
alex-weejfreezerburn: ok sec00:47
alex-weejfreezerburn: is there anything in that folder?00:47
alex-weejfreezerburn: basically, that path should point to /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin, which should in turn point to swfdec00:48
danand_Lewench - system -> prefs -> sound & system beep tab00:48
codycachow do i make oprea faster00:48
Dr_willisLewench,  'xset b 0 0 0 ' does it for a lot of apps also.00:48
alex-weejfreezerburn: though check about:plugins in your browser to see if it's listed00:48
Lewenchdanand_, Great thanks.00:48
alex-weejfreezerburn: also, what version of ubuntu?00:48
alex-weejok, things may be a little different to me as i'm on hardy :S00:49
danand_Lewench - that beep is annoying :)00:49
Lewenchdanand_, It drives me crazy.00:49
feranci have a staples relay 4gb usb stick that doesn't work in ubuntu 7.04 or 7.10 or knoppix 5. it does work with an older 2.4 kernel though on a knoppix distro. any suggestions?00:50
freezerburnalex-weej: in about:plugins what am I looking for? anything with flash in the description?00:50
danand_Lewench - backspace == beep, autocomplete(tab)==beep, everything==beep :D00:50
alex-weejfreezerburn: a heading "Shockwave Flash" :)00:51
Dr_willisdanand_,  the terminal and some apps may have their own beep settings also.00:51
alex-weejfreezerburn: handlers for application/x-shockwave-flash00:51
rootydanand_ Thanks for your help. I'm sorry I have to go. I will read the logs and hopefully (won't be back). Thanks again.00:51
danand_rooty - np... hope you get sorted...00:51
ferancany suggestion for how to get a usb staples relay stick working? it is 4gb. non-standard (windows it has an emulated cdrom).00:52
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freezerburnalex-weej: I see windows media player plug-in 10, Divx Web PLayer, Quicktime Plug-in, totem, but nothing with that handler00:52
alex-weejfreezerburn: grr ok basically you have /usr/lib/swfdec-mozilla/libswfdecmozilla.so right?00:53
IdleOneunop_: this may be a dumb question but I should set the screensaver to blank screen correct?00:53
alex-weejfreezerburn: you need to make that load some how. maybe try copying it into your ~/.mozilla/plugins folder00:53
unop_IdleOne, I blank the screen but don't use a screensaver .. if you're asking me what you should do, well, that depends on what your comp. does really, i find screensavers to be resource hogs and can't use them00:54
* Fezzler 00:54
freezerburnalex-weej: don't see /usr/lib/swfdec-mozilla00:54
PeloIdleOne, did you manage to get the nasa image stuff working ?00:54
Pelofreezerburn, what are you tring to do , install flash ?00:55
NemesisDhi all. i'm getting a "failed to initialize hal" error every time i start ubuntu. i can't run serpentine because of it. anyone know why that is? (using gutsy)00:55
freezerburnPelo: Ja I mean yah00:55
FezzlerHow do I install Flash for Firefox?00:55
alex-weejfreezerburn: dpkg -L swfdec-mozilla00:55
Pelo!flash | freezerburn00:55
IdleOnePelo: yes with unop_ 's help00:55
ubotufreezerburn: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:55
alex-weejfreezerburn: dpkg-query i mean00:55
PeloNemesisD, hal is the thing that handles the storage hardware , run the error msg in the forum search and see how they sugest to fix it ,  www.ubuntuforums.org00:56
* Pelo is cold 00:56
* IdleOne sets fire to Pelo's chair00:57
freezerburnalex-weej: http://pastebin.com/d1709750100:57
* Pelo thanks IdleOne for the help00:57
IdleOnePelo: anytime00:57
mtc267chshelp, no sound. when i type in "alsamixer" in terminal, i get "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device"00:57
mtc267chsplease help00:58
* Pelo writes down IdleOne 's name on this little list he has 00:58
IdleOnewooohooo I made to Pelo's list00:58
alex-weejfreezerburn: what version is that? (dpkg-query --status swfdec-mozilla)00:58
Pelomtc267chs, do you see a volume icon in the top pannel ?00:58
IndyGunFreakIdleOne: you may not want to be on "the list".. lol, did you ever see tha tsouth park episode?.lol00:58
mtc267chsyes, it has a red "x" on it00:58
NemesisDPelo, ARGH, i bet i know what it is. My friend suggested i change CONCURRENCY to shell rather than none in /etc/init.d/rc because its supposed to speed up multicore system boot times00:58
IndyGunFreakIdleOne: classic00:58
PeloIndyGunFreak, hush00:58
MFenalthough i am not normally a flash user or developer, i find myself very much wanting to use sIFR (the font rendering widget).  sifr requres me to open and edit the distributed .fla file.  .. . . ... . does anyone know a good application to edit a (hopefully extremely basic) .fla file in ubuntu?00:59
IndyGunFreakPelo: lol00:59
freezerburnalex-weej: http://pastebin.com/df78ed9700:59
MFenso far i've tried synfig studio and it doesn't seem to open .fla files00:59
mtc267chsand it's not muted00:59
Pelomtc267chs, in menu > system > admin > user check that your username has permission to use sound devices00:59
MFeni know that there are applications that will let me save or export flash.. but i need to actually edit an .fla file since that is how sifr is distributed01:00
MFenany ideas?01:00
freezerburnalex-weej: Captian Random Package installer at your service :)01:00
mtc267chsyes, "use audio devices" box is checked01:01
PeloMFen, there is an app in the forum that can convert flash media to mpg and such so you can edit it , and then you can probably use the same app to convert back woudl that help01:01
alex-weejfreezerburn: 0.5.1... hmm01:01
Pelo!sound > mtc267chs check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu01:01
deurytecan some one assist me?, im on ubuntu 7.10, i cant play dvd's, i just need scripts to install lib's or such as to enable vlc to play dvd's...thanks01:01
Pelomtc267chs, proceed with the instuctions from ubotu then01:01
alex-weejfreezerburn: yeah basically just copy the .so into your .mozilla/plugins folder to cheat it01:01
MFenPelo: very doubtful. it's basically just a script container that houses a .ttf.  it's NOT a movie clip01:01
PeloMFen, the app in the forum is called  convertit ,  www.ubuntuforums.org01:01
alex-weejfreezerburn: god knows why it's not working, i don't have a gutsy machine to test it on01:01
PeloMFen, nvm then01:02
NemesisDanyone know about the CONCURRENCY=shell trick for multicore processors? I bet this is whats causing hal to fail but I don't know why, i have a dual core cpu01:02
MFenPelo: thanks anyway01:02
Jordan_UMFen, What does the swf do and what do you want to change?01:02
freezerburnalex-weej: Sorry I don't understand how to copy the .so01:02
PeloNemesisD, undo it and you'll see01:02
alex-weejfreezerburn: cp source destination01:02
NemesisDPelo, but then i don't get dual core goodness :(01:02
Joesephhello, once upon a time my speakers worked, now they do not. they work on my xp.  I have gone through the list at  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 with no avail.  anyone have any advice?01:02
Pelofreezerburn, sudo cp /path/source.so  /destination/path/01:03
MFenJordan_U: it's a fla, not a swf.  it's this: http://www.mikeindustries.com/blog/sifr/01:03
alex-weejfreezerburn: your destination is ~/.mozilla/plugins01:03
PeloNemesisD, for diagnostic purposes01:03
mtc267chsi went to volume control>file>change device, there was only one option: " HDA Intel (Alsa mixer)"01:03
alex-weejfreezerburn: better make that folder first01:03
Pelomtc267chs, that is the one you should be using then01:03
NemesisDfair enough, going to reboot in a minute and see if that did it01:03
presto1hey guys i just installed 8.04 beta and was updating but was informed that i could only do a partial upgrade apparently somethings could not be upgraded is this kosher01:03
MFensifr is a font container, so you can use any font for headlines on the web without worrying about browsers having the right font installed01:04
mtc267chso, but still no sound01:04
Pelomtc267chs, open synaptic, search for alsa , make sure that everyting constaining the words alsa and mixer is installed01:04
IdleOneIndyGunFreak: south park is not one of the shows I enjoy. Hanna Montana! I watch /me has a little girl who controls the remote01:04
Joesephanyone want to help with my sound problem?01:04
gfetcoHello everybody :D01:04
IdleOne!hi | gfetco01:04
ubotugfetco: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:04
IndyGunFreakIdleOne: well its definitely not a show you should watch around little ones, but there's some funny adult humor in them if you ever have time to watch it.01:05
gfetcoI can try //Joseph01:05
Pelopresto1, a partial upgrade is what you get when you run the beta,  it's like a major update but much deeper, but not like a complete distribution upgrade01:05
IndyGunFreakIdleOne: i get pretty angry when people let their kids watch it, its definitely not for kids01:05
Peloand presto1 , for hardy talk go to #ubuntu+101:05
rancehow do I get the UUID value for /etc/fstab for a new drive I just added?01:05
freezerburnalex-weej: http://pastebin.com/df82e25301:05
IdleOneIndyGunFreak: I have watched it. just dont enjoy it. the voices they use are annoying to me and make me change the channel01:05
PeloIndyGunFreak, what's not for kids ?01:05
presto1ok thanks for the info pelo01:05
IndyGunFreakPelo: south park..01:06
freezerburnalex-weej: please excuse my noobness, thanks for your help so far01:06
SNuxollrance: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/01:06
IndyGunFreakIdleOne: oh ok.. its not for everyone, i just find the humor they use on there quite comical.01:06
Joesephanyone want to help me with my sound card, I followed the complete guide- no avail01:06
IdleOnenot to mention I am Canadian and took offence to the song :/01:06
gfetcoDoes anyone know where I can get some friends that uses ( C & C++ programmers or gamers? )01:06
PeloIndyGunFreak, presonnaly I think you have a mental age of 5 to enjoy that show01:06
alex-weejfreezerburn: you're meant to be copying the file /usr/lib/swfdec-mozilla/etc..... into your home folder under ~/.mozilla/plugins01:06
alex-weejfreezerburn: two problems, one you used /path/source.so which was an example01:06
ranceSNuxoll: ty01:06
SNuxollrance: no problem :)01:06
IndyGunFreakPelo: lol, i'm just a big kid inside..lol.. i like the shows that really make fun of current events, etc.01:06
alex-weejfreezerburn: two, you used sudo, which means your copy in your home dir will be owned by root. that's bad.01:06
PeloJoeseph, look in menu > system > admin > users , make sure your user has permission to use the audio device01:07
IndyGunFreakits a funny show... and its been on 12 seasons, so i'm not th eonly one who thinks so..lol01:07
alex-weejfreezerburn: just making sure you're learning, but here's the magic:01:07
tesmarhey, if I have ssh setup to only accept PUBLIC KEY, can I then setup proftpd to use passwds?01:07
JoesephPelo: it shows me on there01:07
alex-weejfreezerburn: cp /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libswfdecmozilla.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/libswfdecmozilla.so01:07
PeloI just donT' like the way they push christianity on everyone , for pet's sake how many times can Kenny get resurected ?01:08
tesmarb/c I installed SSH as ONLY PK, but then proftpd is not accepting connections01:08
tesmarany ideas?01:08
IndyGunFreakPelo: uh, they don't push christianity, quite the opposite actually01:08
ranceSNuxoll: oops, that doesnt work, dont have entries for the new disk, just for the existing ones01:08
alex-weejfreezerburn: you might need to "mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins" first01:08
IdleOnewhy do I have a robots.txt and robots.txt.1 in my home folder?01:08
tesmarit os ver port2101:08
PeloJoeseph, you need to select your username and click properties,  make sure audio devices is checked01:08
PeloIndyGunFreak, ... look up sarcasm01:08
alex-weejIdleOne: wget likes to put .1 on the end of stuff. been doing that lately?01:08
IndyGunFreakPelo: sorry, ear ache today, my sarcasm detector is disabled today.. :)01:09
JoesephPelo: Audio is checked01:09
IdleOnealex-weej: but what does robot.txt have to do with wget?01:09
PeloJoeseph, you have the volume icon in the top pannel ?01:09
tesmarany ideas, guys?01:09
freezerburnalex-weej: Ok, so I created the dir and did the cp, time for a test?01:09
alex-weejIdleOne: nothing, some script may have downloaded it01:09
JoesephPelo: ... hm no I don't01:09
SNuxollrance: really?01:09
alex-weejfreezerburn: yes, restart your mozilla browser01:09
ranceyup, really01:09
PeloJoeseph, ok , there is an issue right there01:10
PeloJoeseph, open a terminal type lspci , check if you see your soundcard01:10
SNuxollrance: hrm, is it already formatted with ext2/xfs/etc, and what kind of disk is it?01:10
JoesephPelo: I have- I do01:10
male16canIs anybody here using x-chat GNOME?01:10
alex-weejfreezerburn: also, have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras? you'll need that for the flash video codec that is used on youtube01:10
SNuxollmale16can: I use irssi01:10
IndyGunFreakmale16can: only the slow kids01:10
IndyGunFreakthey're the ones facing the corner01:10
IndyGunFreakmale16can: why?01:10
male16canhow do i change which server i am using?01:10
PeloJoeseph, sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer01:11
male16canis what i want to know01:11
IndyGunFreakmale16can: not sure on xchat-gnome, its been light years since i used it... i might have it on my PC though, hang on01:11
Pelomale16can, check in the file menu01:11
freezerburnalex-weej: don't think so yet about the restricted-extras.  I don't get the message anymore but I am getting a grey box with two white boxes where the player is suppoed to be01:11
male16canok i see it01:11
ranceSNuxoll: its a regular ide drive in a "interchangable cage" mount configuration, I skipped it on kubuntu initial setup, I ran qtparted, and ext2fs -j and mounted the drive manually01:11
IndyGunFreakmale16can: isn't it IRC menu then connect?01:11
rancenow just need to add to /etc/fstab01:12
JoesephPelo: done01:12
male16canyeah it is01:12
PeloJoeseph, any icon T?01:12
IndyGunFreakmale16can: ok, so choose a server and connect to it.01:12
SNuxollrance: hrm, you could try looking in the other /dev/disk/by-* folders01:12
alex-weejfreezerburn: swfdec has a click-to-play behaviour. try clicking it. i suspect you will need the codecs though for youtube.01:12
JoesephPelo: I still see no icon01:12
JoesephPelo: I'm using xfce01:12
ranceI think I have to reboot to get those populated01:12
male16canIndyGunFreak: thanks a bunch01:12
ranceSNuxoll: btw, I did already, no help there either01:13
PeloJoeseph, try asking in #xubuntu then , they probably know better,  I don't know how t navigate you around in it01:13
IndyGunFreakmale16can: np01:13
SNuxollrance: hrm, is it already mounted?01:13
danand_rance - you could try sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart ...01:13
SNuxollrance: ^ good idea01:13
ranceyes, its already mounted01:13
dmsupermanso, does anyone know how the contents of a cd might just _disappear_ ?01:13
JoesephPelo: But then again, it doesn't work in the gnome desktop enviroment either, I'll switch really quick...01:13
* Pelo is only half paying attention 01:13
dmsupermani was trying to browse the cd, and now one of the folders "doesn't exist" according to the browser01:14
SNuxollrance: no, if you restart udev it'll remake device nodes01:14
PeloJoeseph, open a terminal and type alsamixer , is a sound device specified ( top part) , are the sliders up and unmuted ?01:14
SNuxollrance: meaning it'll show up in /dev/disks/by-*01:14
Pelodmsuperman, what cd ?01:14
dmsupermanmy windows cd01:15
dmsupermani was browsing it before i left01:15
dmsupermanleft the window open01:15
dmsupermancame back 4 hours later01:15
dmsupermanand one of the folders no longer exists01:15
Pelodmsuperman, damaged cd possibly,  poorly burned is also a possibility01:15
Pelo!hi | gfetco01:15
ubotugfetco: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:15
freezerburnalex-weej: It brought up the first few frames of the video but freezes the browser then I need to force quit01:16
ranceok,. will try it01:16
dmsupermanPelo: How could it be fine before but not now? Plus, I've used this CD for months01:16
Pelodmsuperman, no idea01:16
krimNot really Ubuntu but, anyone know how to stay logged in to a site that logs you out automatically after some time?01:16
gfetcoWazap? thanks does anyone wanna have some fun I am pritty bored can't someone show me some fun stuff with Ubuntu please reply fast01:16
dmsupermankrim, edit the cookies if it uses cookies. if it's sessions, not really01:16
dmsupermankrim, make the cookie expiration date years in the future01:16
rancethat did it, thanks01:17
alex-weejfreezerburn: that's a shame. i'm wondering whether it's the codecs on PPC or whether its swfdec. 0.6 is out in hardy archives but it may backport nicely. do you want me to help you try or just go back to gnash?01:17
IdleOnegfetco: there are hundreds of games in the ubuntu repos try installing some and have fun01:17
krimdmsuperman: Thanks for the tip01:17
Pelogfetco, go to www.ubuntuforums.org and do a search for gfxboot01:17
kongoveI  like supertux01:17
gfetcoHow can I msg people? xD01:18
* Pelo tried penguin racer the other day and got seasick01:18
dmsupermankrim, no problem. not sure how easy it is with firefox's cookie manager, but a wonderful extension to help is "Add n edit cookies"01:18
Pelogfetco, you need to be registered01:18
gfetcoThanks pelo thanks idleone01:18
freezerburnalex-weej: do you think reinstalling gnash might help fix the button nav bars?01:18
act1v8How do I convert a sequence of PNGs into a movie with ffmpeg or something like ffmpeg?01:18
gfetcoPelo can you help me register, please? Sorry for bothering you xD01:18
megacryptohi all, hoping to find some help with getting iMON PAD + LCD to work on kubuntu 7.1001:18
freezerburnalex-weej: sure, I've got time to burn01:19
Peloact1v8, you could maybe try with avidemux01:19
Pelo!register > gfetco check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu01:19
act1v8Pelo: Let me see :)01:19
Pelomegacrypto, imon pad ?01:19
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.01:19
gfetco!register > gfetco01:19
jumpkic1can someone tell me what the point of using a journalled ext3 filesystem is, if ubuntu is going to do an e2fsck every 30 mounts?01:19
megacryptoPelo: its a remote control01:19
freezerburnalex-weej: I really appreciate your time helping me through this01:20
gfetcoIs Pelo a robot?01:20
Pelogfetco, that's jsut a trigger to send you instructions01:20
SNuxolljumpkic1: it does a e2fsk every 30 mounts because you can't guarantee that journaling will always be perfect01:20
iwksehi, i'm trying  to install some deb packages, the ubuntu-languages ones in hurdy but installation fails due to dependency errors. Any help?01:20
* Pelo prefers the term android 01:20
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.01:20
dmsupermanI just tried to eject my CD, and it said a program prevented it from being ejected. How can I determine which program, and how can I unlock it?01:20
Peloiwkse, ask in #ubuntu+101:20
SNuxolljumpkic1: EXT3 still suffers from many of EXT2's issues, that's why I use XFS (though it's broken in hardy, grrr)01:20
iwksePelo: thanks01:21
Pelodmsuperman, sudo umount -f /path/01:21
Jordan_USNuxoll, Broken in what way?01:21
jumpkic1SNuxoll: I was just going to ask why we don't just use something like XFS instead01:21
gfetcoAm I registered now?01:21
jumpkic1broken, huh01:21
Dr_willisdmsuperman,  lsof /dev/cdrom   might give a clue also. Close allapps you dont need. :) is one idea also01:21
alex-weejfreezerburn: sorry was just playing some GTA on Wine hehe01:21
SNuxollJordan_U: broken as in massive data loss on reboot broken01:21
Pelogfetco, we don'T know if you are registered01:21
alex-weejfreezerburn: ok if you download this file...:01:21
SNuxolljumpkic1: heh01:21
Jordan_USNuxoll, ouch01:21
Pelogfetco, yes you are registered01:22
SNuxollJordan_U: yeah, it sucks, I miss my XFS, especially ACL's01:22
jumpkic1SNuxoll: oh shizzle, that does sound pretty bad01:22
cheeseHello, I'm having a bit of a problem where Totem is playing all videos in black and white. Any fix?01:22
Pelogfetco, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel01:22
SNuxolljumpkic1, Jordan_U: it's the fault of the new kernel in hardy, fixed one bug in XFS and brought up another01:22
alex-weejfreezerburn: you're using "ppc" right?01:22
freezerburnalex-weej: I got GTA IV reserved, can't wait to get it01:22
Pelocheese, check in preferences,  play around with the settings on the second tab01:22
=== Virot is now known as wavy
alex-weejfreezerburn: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/powerpc/swfdec-mozilla/download01:22
gfetcoPelo why don't you allow private chat?01:22
SNuxolljumpkic1, Jordan_U: issue was, the previous bug was less likely to cause data loss than the new one ;(01:22
gfetcoAnd are you a "bot"?01:23
Jordan_USNuxoll, Can you give me a link to the bug report?01:23
freezerburnalex-weej: I think it's PPC but it's really on a Playstation 301:23
alex-weejfreezerburn: that comes from http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/utils/swfdec-mozilla01:23
MarupaIs there any way to prepend data to multiple files of one extension type in a directory?01:23
Pelogfetco, because ppl have a tendency to send me private messages without asking and it gets pretty annoying01:23
SNuxollJordan_U: ugh, if you give me a few minutes to dig it out01:23
dmsupermanPelo, re-inserting the disk brings the folders back up :s01:23
alex-weejfreezerburn: the download links for packages are at the bottom, see?01:23
Pelodmsuperman, super01:23
cheesePelo, there we go. Thanks - for some reason the saturation was tiny.01:23
cheesePelo, as in, non existent. :P01:23
freezerburnalex-weej: ja01:23
Jordan_USNuxoll, I can find it, I was just hoping you had it saved somewhere01:23
alex-weejfreezerburn: when you download the "deb" package, you should just be able to double click it to install it. if it says you need other packages, you can get them from the same page01:23
Pelocheese, always start with the simple stuff01:24
SNuxollJordan_U: no, I just got pissed and switched to ext3 ;(01:24
gfetcoPelo you there?01:24
alex-weejfreezerburn: you will probably need libswfdec-0.6-90 too, it's linked01:24
Pelogfetco, yes I am here01:24
SNuxollJordan_U: I should have commented on the bug, but I didn't01:24
gfetcoIs there any screenshots for the games you sent me?01:24
alex-weejfreezerburn: if it needs you to install more than just libswfdec, check with me first01:24
gfetcoWhat game is your favourite?01:24
act1v8Pelo: I have lot's of PNGs, am I supposed to insert them by hand01:24
Pelogfetco, I didn't send you a game, gfxboot is a way to cange the boot menu around so it looks nicer , I don,t game01:25
freezerburnalex-weej: Package installer says Error:Dependency is not satisfiable: libc601:25
Pelogfetco, there are many games in add/remove in the application menu you can try them all free of charge01:25
gfetcoBut they are too simple I wanna play some 3d MMORPG or RPG games01:26
fuhrealdoes anyone know any software to capture video via usb?01:26
alex-weejfreezerburn: that's bad news, you really don't wanna be messing upgrading those kinds of packages01:26
Pelo!games | gfetco01:26
ubotugfetco: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php01:26
freezerburnalex-weej: like death and devistation bad news?01:27
alex-weejfreezerburn: well i wouldn't go that far :p01:27
theRealballchalkhey guys how can i upgrade to another apache from source and know if it will replace the old one? i don't want 2 copies01:27
dmsupermanso, how much a chance do you guys think i have of installing the windows version of guitar hero iii?01:27
Dr_willistheRealballchalk,  remove the old one first01:27
alex-weejfreezerburn: if you're up for it, hardy is pretty stable by now -- they're more or less frozen for release now so it's as good as it's going to get before release day01:27
dmsupermanalso, what's a good app for editing isos? like poweriso for windows01:27
theRealballchalkDr_willis i c01:27
alex-weejfreezerburn: but in any event, file bugs against gnash if youtube doesn't render properly!01:28
Dr_willisdmsuperman,  ive heard of kiso, but it depends on what you want to do i guess.01:28
Dr_willisdmsuperman,  ive never had the need to 'edit' a .iso file.01:28
freezerburnalex-weej: sounds like a plan.  Is it a hard plan?01:28
dmsupermanDr_willis: open the iso and delete a folder off it, simple01:28
gfetcoPelo isn't there more the 2 rpg games? And all of them are Sci-Fi01:28
dmsupermanDr_willis: the iso is too big and when i overburn i lose important info ;)01:28
gfetcoDoes anyone know any RPG Fantasy games like Final Fantasy?01:28
Dr_willisdmsuperman,  just a data iso? not bootable?01:29
Pelogfetco, go to  www.digg.com , do a search for linux game , there are several articles with lists of games in there01:29
dmsupermanDr_willis: no, it's bootable01:29
KenSentMeHow can i check if a certain port is for people to connect to my teamspeak server?01:29
Dr_willisgfetco,  you could alwyas install some of hte emulatorrs and play Final Fantasy01:29
Dr_willisTheres also the Ultima4 clone in the repos. I think its in there01:29
Joesephpelo: I switched to gnome: can you still help me?01:29
Kamus_H_Zwischsorry for Zwisch_Bot01:29
Kamus_H_Zwischit is crazy01:29
Kamus_H_Zwischal done01:30
Kamus_H_Zwischbye bye01:30
PeloJoeseph, check in menu > system > prefs > sound , see if all  theevents have alsa or automatic listed01:30
gfetcoDR Willis do you know where I could download a PS2 emulator to play the newest Final Fantasy games if you could help me I would appreciate it very much.01:30
alex-weejfreezerburn: no it's pretty painless. as long as you haven't messed with anything too deep in your system, the upgrade should do it all for you01:30
alex-weejfreezerburn: i don't know what you had to do to get ppcubuntu installed on a ps301:30
redhookKenSentMe: maybe the config file? try reading the install documentation01:30
freezerburnok, this install is only about a week old01:30
PeloJoeseph, it's not a question of me not wanting to helP , I have very limited knowledge of hardware issues,01:31
* Pelo tries his best but that is never enough01:31
gfetcoDoes anyone know where to get a Working PS2 Emulator for Linux?01:31
JoesephPelo: okay: everything is auto-detect except sound capture, which is ALSA01:31
alex-weejfreezerburn: well you have 2 options, one is to upgrade using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades01:31
dmsupermanDr_willis: found one called ISO Master, checking it out01:32
KenSentMeredhook, i meant, how can i check if the system is actually listening on the port, but i found out i could use nmap for that01:32
Pelo!sound | Joeseph did you try this ?01:32
ubotuJoeseph did you try this ?: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:32
alex-weejfreezerburn: the other is to download the hardy ISO and start fresh, but if you've set lots of things up obviously you'll be less keen on that :)01:32
Intangirwhats the package for compiz settings?01:32
=== ajmorris|AFK is now known as ajmorris
Intangirand swapping out which effects are which01:32
Intangirand configuring hotkeys01:32
PeloIntangir, search for compiz in synaptic01:32
gfetcoDoes anyone know where I can get PS2 Emulator for Ubuntu?01:32
wavyIntangir: compiz-settings-manager01:32
Pelogfetco, google01:33
gfetcoI have only found for Windows01:33
Jordan_Ufreezerburn, I don't know why you are upgrading to hardy but you might not want to do it right now as the most recent kernel update seems to be causing problems for some people01:33
Pelogfetco, try in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.org01:33
gfetcoand I cannot use wine to open it gets buggy01:33
alex-weejpsxemu works well for ps101:34
alex-weejbut never tried ps201:34
alex-weej(psxemu apparently can do ps2, given a BIOS)01:34
gfetcoSorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.01:34
jking_Gran Turismo 201:34
* jking_ misses GT201:34
* alex-weej heart GT4 :D01:34
gfetcoPelo! Help I cannot find01:34
gfetcoSorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.01:34
* jking_ can't wait for GT5 :P01:35
Pelogfetco, alex-weej just suggested psxemu google for it01:35
alex-weejJordan_U: problems for some people... on amd64. right?01:35
alex-weejJordan_U: like myself. even.01:35
Jordan_Ualex-weej, I am having problems on x8601:35
gfetcopsxemu is the playstation 1 its not the second01:35
freezerburnJordan_U: like big problems?01:36
Pelogfetco, read up , someone said it alsow worked for ps301:36
alex-weejgfetco: maybe i'm thinking of psX01:36
alex-weejgfetco: http://psxemulator.gazaxian.com/01:36
gfetcoAlex-Weej your the best thank you01:36
alex-weejgfetco: no promises! they can barely emulate ps1 properly let alone ps2!01:37
Joesephpelo:thanks for the help01:37
freezerburnalex-weej: Failed to fetch http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/hardy/Release Unable to find expected entry  partner/binary-powerpc/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)01:37
PeloJoeseph, did it work ?01:37
Joesephahhhh why is my computer acting so slow>...?01:37
jking_it is tired01:38
freezerburnalex-weej: guess I should just download the ISO and burn it then01:38
Pelogfetco, language01:38
branstroI use http://deb.wapper.ru/nginx/Packages for my nginx install (don't want to have to build it myself) - but it says:01:38
branstroThe following packages have unmet dependencies:01:38
branstro  nginx: Depends: libssl0.9.7 which is a virtual package.01:38
gfetcoOh sorry Pelo it won01:38
Jordan_Ufreezerburn, I am having fairly large problems, I have been able to solve most of them but if you are new you might now ( but the next and previous kernel versions are probably fine )01:38
gfetcowont happend again01:38
alex-weejfreezerburn: you could give it a go if you want! i don't know how you define "fun" :)01:38
gfetcopSX readme file: "pSX emulates the Sony Playstation 1"01:38
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Dr_willisgfetco,  a quick google found http://www.pcsx2.net/01:39
Six0rGah.. dri01:39
Pelobranstro, still do a search in synaptic for libssl01:39
freezerburnalex-weej: fun is usually up at 2AM gripping tightly to a problem till it's fixed01:39
Six0rfriend ofmine jusf smashed my machine..01:39
Jordan_USix0r, friend?01:40
PeloSix0r, nice freind01:40
branstroPelo: hm, libssl0.9.8 is installed01:40
Pelobranstro, also look for a related -dev01:40
redhookthats what happens when you knock up his dog01:40
branstroPelo: libssl-dev is installed01:40
alex-weejfreezerburn: i don't know what your expectations are for an open source flash player -- swfdec targets youtube playback specifically (and a handful of other common uses of Flash) but it's still a long way off complete coverage of the Flash spec01:41
Pelobranstro, that's all I had for you01:41
branstroPelo: this is for nginx: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21), libpcre3 (>= 4.5), libssl0.9.7, zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1)01:41
alex-weejunfortunately if you're on anything other than x86 or amd64, adobe have left you out in the cold01:41
branstroCan I change the dependencies?01:41
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alex-weejand the spec isn't open, that's why it's such a bugger!01:41
branstroWhy would it be for *only* 0.9.7?01:41
Pelobranstro, not that I know off01:41
acuhow can I make the Broadcom wifi turn on at boot ?01:41
branstrosigh, this sucks01:42
Pelobranstro, usualy,  it's for  * or greater01:42
dmsupermanholy crap. Windows XP Installing in a virtual machine, it estimated 39 minutes to install. Just finished in less than 7 8-)01:42
Pelobranstro, look for a channel or a forum for the app itself ,see what they have to say01:42
freezerburnalex-weej: just trying to make this ps3 a enjoyable expreience to friends that come over and would like to experiment with linux01:42
rathelI have a simple question, How do you print out the full directory to a file? I mean I'm sitting in a directory where a file is at I want to > to another file, but I forget how to, pwd prints the working directory without the file. If that at all makes since.. lol01:42
Pelodmsuperman, I don'T beleiive it01:42
freezerburnalex-weej: I have this feeling that my updates and broken repos are tied to my network connection some how.  It's got a Exclimation point on it but I've got internet01:43
gfetcoPlease help I am new to Ubuntu and to Linux. How come I have to download source when downloading for Linux and Binaries when download for Windows... Why can't I get Binary for Linux when I want to download a Project? for example ( pcsx2 )01:43
Pelorathel, try ls > filename that might out put a text file with the content, not sure it if work s01:43
alex-weejfreezerburn: i wouldn't think a bad connection would corrupt your packaging system01:44
alex-weejgfetco: because there are about 1000 linux's01:44
Pelogfetco, not all developper make binaries for linux, it is their choice01:44
Peloalex-weej, only about 30001:44
gfetcoah thanks alex now i see01:44
dmsupermanPelo, believe it 8-)01:44
alex-weejonly 1 order of magnitude out now01:44
gfetcoHow can I compile a project?01:44
cirkithi, is this laptop decent for ubuntu? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683414644401:44
alex-weej!compile > gfetco01:45
* alex-weej fails01:45
gfetcowith kdedevelop?01:45
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)01:45
Pelogfetco, read this  http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/01:45
dmsupermanPelo, the cd is an iso on my external hard drive, and it's installing over eSATA to my internal SATA drive01:45
alex-weej!compile | gfetco01:45
ubotugfetco: please see above01:45
Dr_willisgfetco,  you might want to start with some simpiuler source to compile. That pcsx2 may be a bit rough. :)01:45
Peloalex-weej,  > will send the trigget responce to a private window , you didn't fail01:45
gfetcoIn windows01:45
gfetcoI justed used dev-c++ when i programmed01:45
Pelodmsuperman, cheater01:45
unopgfetco, ubuntu provides both source and binary versions of different packages01:45
gfetcoLinux is completly diffrent "gcc source -o dest" and such things01:46
dmsupermanPelo, psh, hardly01:46
alex-weejgfetco: dev-c++ is an IDE. you don't need to mess with an IDE to build wares01:46
Pelounop, he's talking about a source from a website01:46
dirkg3nt1yunignore leaves01:46
rathelPelo, That's not what men, sorry for not making it clearer, I want the entire directory listing up to the file like /home/user/folder/file.txt and to do that >> to a file.01:46
alex-weejgfetco: actually you just need to run "make" :)01:46
gfetcoYes I know Devcpp is an ide01:46
dmsupermanso, i've been asking for like 3 days in #amarok but nobody is ever in there. How can I make it so double clicking something in the collection panel on the left plays it, rather than adds it to the playlist?01:46
unopPelo, is he? it's not immediately apparent when reading his question ..01:46
alex-weejgfetco: no, "make" is a tool you have on your system for "making" stuff01:47
Pelorathel, sorry I don'T understand01:47
alex-weejgfetco: in the source tree, there are "Makefile"s that tell "make" how to build it01:47
Pelounop, we've been at this for a while, it's ongoing01:47
gfetcoThen how can I link it?01:47
gfetcoWhats the parameters for make?01:47
unopPelo, ahh right .. ;)01:47
alex-weejgfetco: so it's usually just a case of ./configure --whatever-options-you-want-(or-not); make; sudo make install01:47
dmsupermangfetco, almost any command has a --help argument to give you a quick idea of how it works01:48
alex-weejgfetco: if you install the package "build-essential", download the tarball you want01:48
bosanachello people i have installed wine but when i open the game High Grow with Wine i can't open it so whats the problem how i can play that game can somebody help me please?01:48
Pelorathel,   the command "ls" will list the content of the folder, ifyou want to see what is in a file you need to open that file,  if it is a text file  use gedit , or nano ,   nano /path/filename01:48
gfetcoI have build-essentials01:48
alex-weejgfetco: ok, extract the archive you downloaded with the source01:48
Pelobosanac, ask in #winehq01:48
dmsupermangfetco, and if not ,you can usually do "man COMMAND" to read a full manual entry01:48
gfetcoAldready done01:48
alex-weejopen a terminal, cd /path/to/extracted/source01:48
gfetcowait 2 sec01:49
Peloalex-weej, typing cd and then dragdropping the source folder in the terminal also works , fyi01:49
gfetcoI am in the source folder now01:49
gfetcoin the terminal01:49
alex-weejgfetco: now is there a readme? :)01:50
gfetcooh thanks I didnt know the drag dropping part01:50
dmsupermanso nobody knows how to double-click-to-play in amarok?01:50
rathelPelo, I know, I give up, I'll just do the entire directory listing to the file by hand,I was hoping for something easier. but It's fine.01:50
gfetcoOh no there is no readme what to do?01:50
Pelodmsuperman, right click , select propeties , open with tab,  add amarok , make it the default01:51
dmsupermanPelo, i meant inside amarok, normally double clicking a song adds it to the playlist rather than plays it01:51
alex-weejgfetco: sec01:51
Dr_willisgfetco,   pcsx2-0.9.4/ has a big old INSTALL doc to read.01:52
Pelorathel,  open a terminal,   cd to the folder you want  type ls > content.txt ,  then type nano conten.txt01:52
gfetcoDr Willis ah thanks I found it now01:53
gfetcoSo many files01:53
Dr_willis9 files is many?01:53
Dr_willisI think you got a LOOOOOOOOOONG night ahead ofyou01:53
belkinhelp2hello all01:53
gfetcoin the source folder01:53
belkinhelp2I switched the drives01:53
gfetcoI didnt see the docs folder01:53
PeloDr_willis, of cource 9 is many,. you need to use both hands01:53
belkinhelp2and to my pleasant surprise....it worked!01:53
rathelPelo, Yeah I did it this way pwd >> ~/file.txt && ls >> ~/file.txt and combined them in vim. lol I suck.01:53
Dr_willispcsx2-0.9.4(.004 Mb)$ ls --> bin/  build.sh  INSTALL  pcsx2/  plugins/  test.bat  test.cfg  test_readme.txt  test.sh01:54
belkinhelp2theres just one thing though....im using an open source video driver01:54
belkinhelp2theres a warning about installing the proprietary driver from Nvidia01:54
vasilisaPCSX is trying to find my input device at /dev/js01, even though i told it to enable keyboard... hwats the /dev/ for keyboards? :(01:54
* Dr_willis waits till gfetco realizes he has to go track down a ps2 bios file.01:54
Jordan_Urathel, You can get the output of commands directly  into vim with ":r!<command>01:54
Dr_willisgfetco,  how beefy  a machine do you have?01:54
belkinhelp2has anyone here had problems using proprietary drivers on Ubuntu?01:54
eisenhowerhey how do i access a for example external harddrive via terminal?01:55
gfetcoI have a good computer...01:55
sielnt_eisenhower: cd to the mount point01:55
danbhfivebelkinhelp2: no problems here01:55
Siph0ndo see which wireless driver i am using, what command would i use? modprobe -l lists all the drivers in use? or just all the drivers possible?01:55
eisenhowerlike   cd 'mount point' ?01:55
Pelobelkinhelp2,  no problems as such, just a philosophical differece of opinion01:55
eisenhowerwould that be like sda2 or something like that?01:55
rathelJordan_U, Cool, but that wasn't really going to help me was I was trying to do, but it's fine now I did it the long way. lol01:55
sielnt_eisenhower: no, that's the device. the mount point is where you mount it01:55
tarelerulzI can't seem to see the properties on my movie I ripped into .mkv files ? What could be up01:56
belkinhelp2the warning tells me that unless i install the proprietary driver i will be unable to use 3d aceleration01:56
Kargarian1978Maybe somone knows how to solve this issue.  I am trying to get Mythtv towwork with ubuntu.  I have everything working except X displaying on the TV though a pvr350 card.  I have tried all the tutorials etc and still no luck.  The only time X does display on the TV is during shut down of Ubuntu.  Any ideas?01:56
sielnt_why do people here ask so many redundant questions? these things can be answered with a simple google search in less time than it would take some one to explain it01:56
IndyGunFreaksielnt_: because we enjoy redundancy01:56
vasilisaIn my case, i just spent half an hour asking google01:56
coopsterI'm having a very weird issue.  I messed up my install, and I've re-installed.  I apparently re-installed from a 64-bit installation cd onto a 32-bit machine.  Now, all my apt-get fetches are the x86_64 versions.  how can I change that01:56
Pelobelkinhelp2, that possibloy means that the open source driver does not support opengl01:56
eisenhowersielnt: like /media/ blah blah? its auto mounting so i'm not totally sure01:57
belkinhelp2Pelo....how would i find out if there is an open source driver for my card?01:57
Pelobelkinhelp2, why not just use the restricted driver listed in menu > system > admin > restricted drivers01:57
eisenhowerSielnt: thanks got it. you were a great help01:57
belkinhelp2ill just take a gamble and install the proprietary driver and see what happens01:57
danbhfivecoopster: you could check your sources.list file maybe?01:57
CorbinFoxis there a way to update alsa to the version that is in 8.04 from 7.10?01:57
rathelJordan_U, How good are you with vim? I kind of like but I have another question. lol01:57
ponygirlI'm looking how to dounload movies.01:58
PeloCorbinFox, I wouldn't01:58
danbhfivecoopster: I'm not sure though01:58
IndyGunFreakCorbinFox: you could, but why do you need to?01:58
Jordan_Urathel, What's the question?01:58
belkinhelp2Pelo...doing that now01:58
danbhfiveCorbinFox: 8.04 IS the updated version of alsa for 7.1001:58
Peloponygirl, try frostwire,org, that 's all you'll get in here01:58
coopsterdanbhfive: I've looked, all the servers are normal, no mention of amd64 or the like01:58
CorbinFoxIndyGunFreak: because it appears that the version used in 8.04 actually works for my sound card completely01:58
IndyGunFreakCorbinFox: well, 8.04 is only 2 weeks away, i'd just hold out if i were you.01:59
rathelJordan_U, I am using visual mode to copy and paste, any way I can paste in to a new line without hitting o and then pushing esc to get out of inserting text? lol Just to remove 1 step.01:59
IndyGunFreakor upgrade and embrace the horror of using a beta..lol01:59
ponygirlWell, I want to stay on ubuntu01:59
AdrianStraysI need some help with Kalarm, can anyone assist me?01:59
danbhfivecoopster: you sure you dont want to just get the correct the cd?01:59
PeloCorbinFox, if you're 1337 enough you can upgrade to hardy, it's stabler then it was 3 days ago01:59
belkinhelp2hmmm....says i need to restart system...i thought that was just a windows thing!01:59
guivaraj'ai un probl?me au nniveau de mes pages web01:59
guivaraquand je lance une page qui comtients des flash02:00
IndyGunFreak!l33t | Pelo hehe02:00
SNuxollPelo: please don't suggest people upgrade to hardy02:00
ubotuPelo hehe: 1337 i5 n1gh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.02:00
KenSentMeWhat is the best way to run a command at boot time under a certain user?02:00
Pelobelkinhelp2, the video driver needs tobe integratedin the kernel or someting02:00
sielnt_guivara: There's a reason we're all speaking english02:00
Ceferinoi undertund u_U02:00
guivaracette dernier me demande d'installer le plugin02:00
belkinhelp2brb...hope this works02:00
guivaracomment faire02:00
CorbinFoxpelo: i actually just downloaded the beta disk for hardy so i am thinking of trying it02:00
IndyGunFreakSNuxoll: i think Pelo gets a reprieve he doesn't give out bad advice02:00
sielnt_guivara: English - The natural language of the human.02:00
Ceferinobueno bueno.... quien habla español xD02:00
SNuxoll!es | Ceferino02:00
ubotuCeferino: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:00
guivaraah sorry02:00
Jordan_Urathel, Paste from the clipboard or 'put' from the buffer?02:00
IndyGunFreakSNuxoll: do you know what paxil is?02:01
PeloSNuxoll, I would like to point out that I said "if" he was 1337 enough , emplying that it's not for the new user02:01
CorbinFoxit apparently doesn't have any good drivers for my vid card tho.  there are none listed in the restricted drivers function02:01
Ceferinookey :)02:01
guivarabut i can't speak english02:01
RatshellCould someone help me is there anyway in ubuntu, to use my desktop as a webcam so I could like stream it to someone live?02:01
IndyGunFreakyou clearly can't tell when people are kidding is can you?02:01
x_hi everyone, hope I don't disturb... I'm looking for a channel about electronics, where could I find that? by the way, I am looking for the meaning of "stray pickups"...02:01
rathelJordan_U, buffer. Sorry. lol Still new.02:01
J-Unityo can sum1 show me how to install folding@home sum1 did a long time ago but i forgot and i now have a new install02:01
SNuxollPelo: if you are leet enough to upgrade to hardy you'd already be running the beta P02:01
c0LdIf gnome's screensaver turns itself on while I'm on a different TTY or x server it freezes my screen when I go back to it and I'm forced to reboot (can't even go back to a tty to crash gnome :/), is there anything I can do to fix this without just disabling the sceensaver altogether?02:01
CorbinFoxso i wont be able to do any compiz/ANYTHING I REALLY want to do02:01
SNuxollIndyGunFreak: nope02:01
PeloCorbinFox, do a dist-upgrade after you upgraded from the disk  there have been several changes02:01
IndyGunFreakSNuxoll: you should take one02:01
SNuxoll!properenglish | J-Unit02:01
ubotuJ-Unit: English is a language with rules, grammar, and correct spellings.  Please don't abuse it with AIM-speak and misspelling common words because you are lazy or just being stupid.02:01
xxxx443354i need a tool where i can surf the web with a proxy... that will up date its self with the lastest proxys with out me needing to put proxys in,,,02:02
CorbinFoxpelo: how would i do that?02:02
PeloSNuxoll, I am running the beta btw02:02
Jordan_Urathel, I am not sure what you mean then, you wouldn't be in insert mode after a put ( I am probably misinterpreting what you asked )02:02
magnetronxxxx443354: use Tor.02:02
DaZxxxx443354: tor02:02
SNuxollPelo: I am too02:02
kitchexxxx443354: sounds liek tor but tor is not secure02:02
SNuxollPelo: been using hardy since Alpha 5 :)02:02
kitchexxxx443354: but most proxies are not anyways02:02
xxxx443354what  tor do?02:02
magnetronkitche: in that case, NO proxy is secure02:02
PeloCorbinFox, just sudo apt-get dist-upgrade but donT, do it unless you understand that beta is not fully fixed yet and there are still issues02:02
xxxx443354i just need to hide my ip02:02
kitchemagnetron: I just said that but some proxies are VPN and such :)02:03
J-UnitSNuxoll, y is proper english a rule??? the whole point of "AIM-speak" is to make it easier to type a bunch of text..02:03
PeloSNuxoll, I'm not that 1337,  I 'm mearly 133502:03
rathelJordan_U, Well, I am after I hit 'o' to open a new line, than I have to esc again and then use put. I was asking any way I can do that without going into insert mode when putting into a new line.02:03
SNuxollJ-Unit: because it becomes impossible to read, and makes you look like you don't care about getting help02:03
Jordan_UPelo, Even for the beta it is better to use do-release-upgrade or update-manager02:03
tarelerulzponygirl , I would get a bit torrent client and start looking for torrent site .  If you want movies and I would get  iplist which is an ip blocking program  too02:03
CorbinFoxPelo: i understand where beta is atm, and honestly if I can get my sound fixed and my vid card working (and apparently beta also has madwifi for my atheros wifi card built it or something that tricked me into thinking it either way) then i dont really care.  i think i'll try it02:03
magnetronkitche: a VPN proxy isn't more secure than a TOR proxy, since the proxy still would have the possibility to spy on you02:04
SNuxollJ-Unit: when ppl are tlkin' like this all teh time 2 u, it gets rly hard 2 read and respond 2 ur questions02:04
J-UnitSNuxoll, how is that not understandable??? even ppl who've never used instant messaging can realize sum1=someone02:04
PeloJordan_U, I was telling him what to do after he upgraded from the disk he downloaded to make sure he gets all the latest02:04
magnetronxxxx443354: https://www.torproject.org/02:04
RatshellCan someone help me use my linux desktop as a webcam ?02:04
MGS88I tried to run compiz fusion on Gutsy Gibbonand I change the xorg.conf then when I rebootgutsy and put the user name they give me thismessage: ubuntu run in safe mode... and I try to run ubuntu several times but I can’t because the message open before x windownot:I put this code:- "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"in recovery mode and I do right steps but it didn’t work02:04
J-UnitSNuxoll, thats an annoying rule in my opinion...02:04
SNuxoll!hi | guivara, smev8102:04
ubotuguivara, smev81: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:04
Pelosalut guivara  il y a un canal en francais #ubuntu-fr02:05
IndyGunFreakPelo: you know french to?02:05
IndyGunFreakyour very diverse02:05
Jordan_UPelo, Ahh, sorry02:05
DarkSpirit221Hi, how can I listen to online radios? It has only support for media player, etc... Is there a solution?02:05
PeloIndyGunFreak, ;-)02:05
guivaraok thank you02:05
IndyGunFreakPelo: oh ok..02:05
J-UnitSNuxoll, anyway would u no how to help me? u do realize folding@home is like free donation for helpingt ppl with diseases, right? So help :)02:05
SNuxollJ-Unit: I find it annoying when people don't take the extra time to spell out 'you', or 'to/too', you only emphasize either your lack of skills in the English language, or you laziness02:05
smev81How can i link two directories (ntfs /mnt/backup/music to /home/user/music)02:05
guivarafor your help because i can't speak  english02:05
Dr_willisDarkSpirit221,  theres a great many web-radio and other radio streams that work with linux.02:06
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slaytanicJ-Unit: It's really hard for people to help you out if they can't understand you. Type properly and you'll probably find more people interested in helping you.02:06
DarkSpirit221Dr_willis: What do you mean?02:06
MGS88I tried to run compiz fusion on Gutsy Gibbonand I change the xorg.conf then when I rebootgutsy and put the user name they give me thismessage: ubuntu run in safe mode... and I try to run ubuntu several times but I can’t because the message open before x windownot:I put this code:- "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"in recovery mode and I do right steps but it didn’t work02:06
magnetronDarkSpirit221: if you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package, you'll be able to listen to most radio streams in the "windows media" format02:06
Peloguivara,  tape  /join #ubuntu-fr02:06
Jordan_Urathel, lowercase 'p' should paste on a new line by default, are you using capital 'P' ?02:06
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PeloMGS88, what did you change in xorg.conf the first time around ?02:06
J-UnitSNuxoll, slaytanic, k, ill make an effort..02:07
Dr_willisDarkSpirit221,  what do YOU mean? I know of several 'radio' streams i can listen to  under ubuntu/linux.02:07
danbhfiveMGS88: what driver are you using?02:07
DarkSpirit221magnetron: I'll try that right away02:07
rathelJordan_U, No, it actually puts where my cursor is.02:07
J-UnitCan someone please help me install folding@home? I downloadedFAH504-Linux.exe and it's on my desktop. I have installed it before with instructions so, no, this is not a windows executable.02:07
IndyGunFreakJ-Unit: lol02:08
J-UnitIndyGunFreak, ?02:08
Jordan_Urathel, That is odd, I just tried it and it puts on a new line for me, you don't have caps lock on?02:08
smartguyzunable to play DVD's02:08
dmsupermanHoly crap, has anybody used Seamless integration with VirtualBox?02:08
IndyGunFreak!dvd | smartguyz02:08
ubotusmartguyz: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:08
c0LdIf gnome's screensaver turns itself on while I'm on a different TTY or x server it freezes my screen when I go back to it and I'm forced to reboot (can't even go back to a tty to crash gnome :/), is there anything I can do to fix this without just disabling the sceensaver altogether?02:08
rathelJordan_U, No.02:08
Pelodmsuperman, no idea wht that is , maybe ask in #vbox02:08
smartguyzhelp please02:08
IndyGunFreaksmartguyz: see above and follow the instructions for libdvdcss202:09
rathelJordan_U, I mean I am sure, it's not on.lol02:09
Pelo!dvd > smartguyz  check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu02:09
dmsupermanPelo, I'm using it right now. you can integrate xp or vista right into your ubuntu. right now, i've got a 100% ubuntu desktop, but IE6 running natively in XP02:09
dmsupermanthe windows pop out and become part of your normal desktop02:09
danbhfiveJ-Unit: just run the file02:09
dmsupermanthis is amazing02:09
Pelodmsuperman, sounds interesting , wonder if you can do that while running your "installed" guest os02:10
Jordan_Urathel, What does capital 'P' do for you?02:10
* Pelo starts with a capital P 02:10
IndyGunFreakpelo : i'd have never guessed02:10
dmsupermanPelo, that's what it is. I installed XP, installed a virtualbox driver in my guest xp, and now all my windows integrate with ubuntu02:10
rathelJordan_U, I don't see a difference. lol02:11
danbhfiveJ-Unit: I suggest creating a separate folder for it also02:11
dmsupermananybody have a good music library/playback alternative to winamp? beside amarok?02:11
SNuxolldmsuperman: quod libet02:11
Pelodmsuperman, not what I mean,  I didnT' install xp in vmware , I setup vmware to run the xp installed on my hdd as dualboot inside the virtual machine , ie I can work in it from ubuntu, or I can boot it , it's the same OS02:12
DG19075dmsuperman: VLC02:12
SNuxolldmsuperman: install it via sudo apt-get install quodlibet* (installs some plugins this way)02:12
J-Unitdanbhfive, k, omg that was so easy...last time i did it all with commands...anyway i had to cd to directory and use ./FAH504-Linux.exe to run it (in case others wanna do it)02:12
dmsupermanDG19075, VLC is just playback, i wanted library too :P02:12
* Pelo should realy get back to watching "The messenger" it does require some focus 02:12
Jordan_Urathel, Ahh, my mistake, I usually put after doing a 'yy' and that puts a newline in the buffer :)02:12
DG19075ahh, I see....02:12
dmsupermanPelo, that's sweet, do you know if virtualbox can do that?02:12
Dr_willisPelo,  problem with that way is that xp will constantly be seeing it running on a different 'machine' and may want to reconfigure drivers, each time it changes machinesm and possiblly reactivate the activation stuff in windows.02:12
J-Unitdanbhfive, and initially i had the bunch of files on desktop and then made the folder ;)02:13
Dr_willisPelo,  ive neer had that work very well for me. :(02:13
belkinhelp2oh my god....I dont know why i didnt try Linux sooner....this is completely awesome02:13
Pelodmsuperman, no I don't know but I don't know why I couldn't off hand, you'd hvae to check02:13
dmsupermanSNuxoll, "It's designed around the idea that you know how to organize your music better than we do." sounds interesting :P02:13
danbhfiveJ-Unit: ya, kinda tricks ya  :p02:13
IndyGunFreakbelkinhelp2: lol, wait till you have a problem then yur'e gonna say, "WHY DID I EVER DO THIS".. lol :)02:13
belkinhelp2has anyone here tried to put an OS from one PC into another one with a different chipset_02:13
Dr_willisPelo,  i think the free virtual box - dosent have that feature.02:13
SNuxolldmsuperman: it's great, and has a killer UI02:13
IndyGunFreakbelkinhelp2: i'm sure people have tried.02:13
rathelJordan_U, Ah, so It's 'yy' and than 'p'? It works that way, Thanks.02:14
SNuxolldmsuperman: it can rename files based on their tags, or get tags based on file names02:14
ltcabralhey ppl... i made 2 C programs, client and server, using sockets. They work in my university but not working in my computer... function accept() gives me error when client tries to connect to the server... can anyone help me configure linux to let it connect??02:14
danbhfivebelkinhelp2: I think I have done what you are saying02:14
Jordan_Urathel, np02:14
SNuxolldserban: http://www.snuxoll.com/sites/default/files/Screenshot.png quodlibet is featured in this screenshot of mine02:14
PeloDr_willis,  itworks farly well for me but I hardly use it , it's vmware-server , it needs the vmware utils thiingy for drivers,  would you like me to dcc you the guide I followed ?02:14
belkinhelp2Yeah, i can remember many times reinstalling windows because it couldnt figure out it had new hardware02:14
Jordan_Urathel, In case you don't know, 'yy' will yank ( copy ) the entire line02:14
belkinhelp2ive have never experienced this before....linux is awesome...i feel like ive been the brunt of a cosmic joke02:14
Dr_willisPelo,  vmware can do it. :) i dont think vbox can, the next release of vmware is supposed to have a similer 'transparent' feature that lets the windows apps appesar on the linux desktop also.02:15
J-Unitwats the second part of the 1024x... res on non widescreen screens?02:15
rathelJordan_U, Okay. :)02:15
belkinhelp2i think windows worked once from an intel chipset to another intel chipset....but that was ONE time!02:15
PeloDr_willis,  do you know if that version will be available for ubuntu ?02:15
Dr_willisPelo,  i saw some guides on a ubuntu training page the other day. but i will kepe my xp in its own virtual machine/file. :) for easy backups for now.02:15
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Dr_willisPelo,  I imagine it will. but proberly in backports.02:15
PeloJ-Unit, 1024x76902:15
christozhello how can i  mount my Motorola RAZR Vri into my filesystem?02:15
IndyGunFreakbelkinhelp2: its not a very good idea, any reason why you can't just clean install on the other PC?02:15
belkinhelp2Did i mention that I am completely in awe here at 5am my time_02:15
PeloJ-Unit, 768 sorry02:16
bart__how to re-connect automatic internt using pppoe02:16
belkinhelp2IndyGunFreak...why reinstall if it works_02:16
christozcause it doesn't ,automatically02:16
J-UnitPelo, 768*?02:16
belkinhelp2the only adjustment I had to make was the video card driver02:16
arooniis there a chan for ubuntu server?02:16
IndyGunFreakbelkinhelp2: no, you asked about putting it on another machine02:16
Pelobelkinhelp2, have some coffee wake up , you'll be less impressed02:16
ltcabralhey ppl... i made 2 C programs, client and server, using sockets. They work in my university but not working in my computer... function accept() gives me error when client tries to connect to the server... can anyone help me configure linux to let it connect??02:16
PeloJ-Unit, you asked about 1024x768 no ?02:16
belkinhelp2IndyGunFreak...im already on the other machine with the old Ubuntu OS02:17
IndyGunFreakoh ok02:17
arooniwhats a better server distro?  ubuntu || debian etch?02:17
SNuxollarooni: both are about the same02:17
Peloltcabral, that might be a question for ##linux02:17
IndyGunFreakarooni: they're about the same.. provided you know how to use them both02:17
SNuxollarooni: I prefer Ubuntu's kernel patches personally02:17
belkinhelp2I would have fresh installed on a RAID with two 36BG Raptors....but 10k rpm was just too damn noisy02:17
Kohlrakum... uh... i don't know how to say this but the sigmatel may work more than stated...02:17
ltcabralhm... k02:17
belkinhelp2this old 60GB 7200rpm Seagate is bearable02:18
J-UnitPelo, ya bcuz i have a 1600x1200 wallpaper and i have a old laptop and want to use gimp to make it 1024x76802:18
belkinhelp2well...not really...it has a high pitched wine to it02:18
SNuxollJ-Unit: why do you want to resize it?02:18
c0LdIf gnome's screensaver turns itself on while I'm on a different TTY or x server it freezes my screen when I go back to it and I'm forced to reboot (can't even go back to a tty to crash gnome :/), is there anything I can do to fix this without just disabling the sceensaver altogether?02:18
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SNuxollJ-Unit: gnome and KDE will automatically shrink it for you02:18
belkinhelp2any thing in Ubuntu to make HDs less noisy?02:18
J-UnitSNuxoll, oooo ya its tru02:18
KohlrakI noticed that it doesn't work with recorder but for some reason the SigmaTel (soundcard) is working in teamspeak02:18
J-UnitSNuxoll, i feel stupid :(02:18
Peloc0Ld, try searching in www.ubuntuforums.org02:18
bart__how to re-connect automatic internt using pppoe02:18
SNuxollJ-Unit: we all have to learn somehow :)02:19
KohlrakSnuxoll: i think HD sound is more or less because of the hardware itself02:19
PeloSNuxoll, but it uses a little more memory,  a very little more02:19
belkinhelp2I think ill go for some legal stimulant...coffee02:19
FotoPhocusmmmm coffee02:19
J-UnitSNuxoll, well i did no it its just i havent thot it thru...but thanks for telling me02:19
SNuxollPelo: extra MB or so depending I guess02:19
SNuxollJ-Unit: no problem02:19
Peloif I have coffe at this time I 'll be here for another 5hrs02:19
freezerburnalex-weej: why can't I use adobe's player?02:19
IndyGunFreakprobably cuz you don't have installed correctly02:20
Kohlrakfreezerburn, you on 64bit?02:20
alex-weejfreezerburn: they don't have one for PPC02:20
J-UnitSNuxoll, Well, I did know it's just that I haven't thought it through, but thanks for telling me.* im sry for my quick ways..02:20
alex-weejfreezerburn: only intel 32-bit architecture02:20
Kohlrakyea, 64 doesn't even work02:20
alex-weejfreezerburn: they don't even have a 64 bit one, not even on windows02:20
SNuxollJ-Unit: 'tis OK, you live, you learn (to think things through in this case), you move on02:20
freezerburnalex-weej: oh.. So how do I uninstall what we did and go back to gnash?02:21
alex-weejwe have to use nasty hacks to make the 32bit version work in a 64 bit browser02:21
J-UnitSNuxoll, anyway, next question ;)02:21
J-UnitIs it easy to learn to compile because the only thing stopping me from going to 64-bit is my modem driver.02:21
alex-weejfreezerburn: just open .mozilla/plugins in your file browser02:21
IndyGunFreakJ-Unit: it can be pretty frustrating02:21
alex-weejand delete the SO02:21
alex-weejthen apt-get install gnash02:21
SNuxollJ-Unit: compiling is usually easy02:21
Sam827_how do i create a .sh script?02:21
IndyGunFreakadobe doesn't work on PPC?  i didn't know that02:21
StarnestommySam827_: open it with a text editor02:22
SNuxollJ-Unit: finding the dependencies you need is the hardest part, other than that it's just ./configure && make && sudo make install02:22
MGS88Pelo--> I do the steps on ubuntu forums02:22
zcat[1]compiling is often easy; ./configure && make && sudo make install --- except when it's not easy :-)02:22
FotoPhocusanyone know when the final FF3 is coming out?02:22
freezerburnalex-weej: where was that exactly again?02:22
J-UnitSNuxoll, i wont need depencies for a driver, right?02:22
zcat[1]!b-e | J-Unit02:22
ubotuJ-Unit: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:22
SNuxollJ-Unit: you'll need to install the build-essential package, after that you should be good02:22
PeloMGS88, what steps ? sorry , there are a lot of ppl here I donT' remembe what I told you02:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tasksel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:22
Sam827_Starnestommy: I want to CREATE one? do i just type in wat i want i.e. chmod blah blah and then save as a .sh?02:22
SNuxollSam827_: not quite02:23
MGS88no thanks02:23
StarnestommySam827_: yes, although the first line should be this: #!/bin/sh02:23
Sam827_Starnestommy: sorry didnt mean to put ?02:23
freezerburnalex-weej: So if I wanted to watch videos at www.anime6.org it wouldn't be possible cause gnash is pretty much only youtube?02:23
Sam827_Starnestommy: ok thanks02:23
dnyydoes ubuntu 7.10 not have tempwatch?02:24
Sam827_Starnestommy: does that change the PATH, cuz i was wonderin how to do that02:24
DarkSpirit221magnetron: Well, this thing just says "stopped" in the web player...02:24
StarnestommySam827_: it has the same path setting that almost everything else has02:24
bazhangFotoPhocus: june02:24
Sam827_Starnestommy: Well than how do you add  a folder to your path, because mwany things have asked me to do it and i dont know ho02:25
bazhangdnyy for laptops? you might try lm-sensors02:25
MRproblempelo,if i unselect desktop option and select xubuntu option in tasksel,will that auto remove ubuntu-desktop and install xubuntu-desktop?02:26
J-UnitSNuxoll, i have that package installed, so all I need is to 1)cd to directory, 2) type "./configure" and then 3) type "make" then 4)sudo make install  ?02:26
MRproblemPelo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel02:26
StarnestommySam827_: PATH=/path/to/folder:$PATH02:26
Sam827_Starnestommy: ty02:26
SNuxollJ-Unit: yup :)02:26
PeloMRproblem, I don' t beleive it will remove ubuntu-desktop,  what are you tring to do ?02:26
MRproblemPelo, remove ubuntu-desktop and install xubuntu-desktop02:27
dnyybazhang: alright, checking it out :]02:27
freezerburnhow do I get to .mozilla/plugins?02:27
bazhangMRproblem: if you want to remove all of gnome then see the end of this link: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome02:27
PeloMRproblem, ok sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ,  that will install xubuntu, give me a mintue to find the command you need to remvoe ubuntu02:28
mtc267chshelp: after i login, i clicked on the "volume control" icon and it gave me this message: "The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured.02:28
mtc267chsYou can remove the volume control from the panel by right-clicking the speaker icon on the panel and selecting "Remove From Panel" from the menu." i get no sound02:28
DarkSpirit221magnetron so, know of anything?02:28
J-UnitSNuxoll, o no....one big problem, i need to be on 64-bit OS and im on 32-bit :@02:28
CorbinFoxPelo: what was that upgrade command again?02:28
alex-weejfreezerburn: yahoo video doesn't work in swfdec either02:28
PeloMRproblem, just do what bazhang sugeested02:28
J-Unitcan someone using 64-bit compile something for me, it should be rely easy?...02:28
MRproblempelo,thx,and bazhang02:28
freezerburnalex-weej: I don't understand what you mean by .mozilla/plugins02:29
alex-weejfreezerburn: inside your home directory02:29
PeloCorbinFox, that command is juust for after you have upgraded to get the very latest packages availabe, since the beta is always getting updated, do not use it to upgrade from gutsy to hardy   ,   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:29
mc-georgeHi, could some one recommend me a video encoding program that will use my quad core computer?02:29
alex-weejfreezerburn: if you're using nautilus (GNOME), press Ctrl+H to see Hidden files (.files)02:30
[1]DrPoodlecan anyone here help out with a grub error 22?02:30
mc-georgeHi, could some one recommend me a video encoding program that will use my quad core computer?02:30
bazhang[1]DrPoodle: what is the exact error? no hard drive found or somesuch?02:30
SNuxollmc-george: ffmpeg02:30
[1]DrPoodlebazhang, it just says error 22 on boot02:30
Pelo[1]DrPoodle,  22 : No such partition02:31
Pelo    This error is returned if a partition is requested in the device part of a device- or full file name which isn't on the selected disk.02:31
_D0netshey guys im having some problems with the firefox 3.5 beta in ubuntu 7.10, it all centers around my downloads02:31
freezerburnalex-weej: thanks! didn't know how to do hidden show.  Ok, I'm in that directory02:31
_D0netswhen i try to open my m3u's from jinzora, firefox crashes02:31
bazhang[1]DrPoodle: and have you checked what that error is?02:31
SNuxollDG19075: the beta in 7.10 is out of date02:31
_D0netsbut i just tried download a docx file and nothing happened02:31
mtc267chsno sound, message  : "The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured." please help!02:31
Pelo[1]DrPoodle, do you know what partiton ubuntu is installed on ?02:31
[1]DrPoodlewell I have two harddrives02:31
freezerburnalex-weej: so just delete it I guess?02:31
mc-georgesnuxoll: can it create menus, chapters, and use 4 cores?02:31
_D0netswhen i go to tools > download, it doesnt pop up02:31
[1]DrPoodleon one I have ubuntu installed, and the other has xp02:32
_D0netsso i think something is arong with the ability to download anything at all in firefox02:32
Pelo[1]DrPoodle, meet me in #grub02:32
SNuxollmc-george: uhm, ffmpeg is just an encoding app, doesn't do the DVD stuff, I use DVDauthor for that myself, but both apps are CLI based and may not be what you are looking for02:32
bazhang_D0nets: this is gutsy or hardy?02:32
alex-weejfreezerburn: yeah, you copied it out of somewhere else anyway02:32
Flannel_D0nets: #firefox on irc.mozilla.org is probably the best place to look, they can help you with firefox bugs02:32
mc-georgesnuxoll: ok, I tried running convertxtodvd under wine, but it didn't work02:32
main_-- help anyone been able to compile gnome scan .6 on 7.10 or .52 for that matter both won't compile  it is looking for sane (can't find it eventhough it's instaled)02:33
wabiDyou think that will use 4 cores well?02:33
SNuxollmc-george: heh, well my toolchain for making DVD's is kinda convulted02:33
bazhangmtc267chs: have you tried the obvious step of installing the gstreamer plugins via synaptic?02:33
mc-georgesnuxoll: ok02:33
_D0netsok thanks flannel02:33
_D0netsbazhang this is gutsy02:33
SNuxollmc-george: ffmpeg -i file.mp4 -target ntsc-dvd -sameq file.mpg, which I then make a dvdauthor xml file for which makes a DVD VIDEO_TS structure02:34
FastZso I successfully installed Hardy beta 4 on a 10 year old HP Pavilion running a 500Mhz Intel Celeron CPU with 128Mb of RAM today...rather impressed02:34
photoshopgeekHey guys, I have a problem... I dual boot gutsy and windows.  My problem is that since I have used my external harddrive on gusty, windows can't see it.  Any suggestions?02:34
SNuxollmc-george: it's advanced and allows for massive customization, but is not for the average user02:34
bazhangmtc267chs: which ones are you missing still?02:34
Intangirhow do i change the window decoration when im using compiz02:34
mc-georgesnuxoll: ok, thanks for your help02:34
IndyGunFreakphotoshopgeek: yes, get the data off of it and back it up.02:34
=== [1]DrPoodle is now known as DrPoodle2
SNuxollmc-george: no problem02:34
_D0netsintangir what window decoration02:34
_D0netsif you mean the border02:34
crdlbIndyGunFreak: that depends on whether you have emerald installed02:34
_D0netsgo to system preferences appearance02:34
mtc267chsi have all of them as far as i can tell02:35
IndyGunFreakcrdlb: lol, what would backing up a drive have to do w/ emerald?02:35
BravewolfIs there a way to show ALL the bugreports reported by an user in Launchpad, included the resolved bugs?02:35
SNuxollBravewolf: yeah02:35
IndyGunFreakcrdlb: oh nevermind, i see what happened..02:35
BravewolfSNuxoll: how?02:35
bazhangFastZ: nice work; please share it with the folks in #ubuntu+102:35
photoshopgeekindy:  that's where I keep everything.  I want to be able to use it for both os's02:35
SNuxollBravewolf: bugs.launchpad.net/~user, http://bugs.launchpad.net/~snuxoll is my bug page02:35
crdlbIndyGunFreak: oopsthat was for Intangir02:35
IndyGunFreakcrdlb: yeah, i realized that, np02:36
IndyGunFreakphotoshopgeek: well, it dosn't make sense youc an see it under linux, and not XP02:36
crdlbIntangir: do you have emerald installed?02:36
cellofellowa friend has a Canon MF5770 and it just plain has ZERO *NIX/CUPS support. Any reasonable way to use Windows print drivers in Linux? Virtualization is the only thing I can think of.02:36
BravewolfSNuxoll: in that way the bug tagged "Fix Release" wasn't shown02:37
SNuxollBravewolf: if you go into advanced search you can search by bug status02:37
photoshopgeekindy:  I know... in gutsy it's fine.  in windows it looks like it loads the drivers ok, but I can't find it in "my computer".   The thing is I can see it in my device manager02:37
SNuxollBravewolf: meanining you can tell it to look for fixed bugs02:38
IdleOnecellofellow: google turboprint not free but may be worth it for your friend02:38
cellofellowtried that02:38
BravewolfSNuxoll: thanks02:38
KohlrakIs there any way to get sound recorder or other programs to use OSS instead of ALSA?02:38
cellofellowno MF-series printers in TurboPrint.02:38
Dr_willisCanon is a brand i wont be buying any time soon. :(02:38
freezerburnalex-weej: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62982/  is it normal to get those errors on universe, restricted and multiverse?02:38
IdleOneDr_willis: ditto02:38
cellofellowToo bad he already bought it and isn't interested in a new printer from a respectable name like Epson or HP.02:39
SNuxollBravewolf: no problem02:39
Intangircrdlb: i just installed stock 7.1002:39
Intangirwith the desktop effects02:39
danbhfivefreezerburn: why dont you use the standard repos?02:39
MRproblemstill curious does tasksel works fine for ubuntu02:39
crdlbIntangir: then you can change all the themes in the same place as normal: System > Preferences > Appearance02:39
cellofellowKohlrak: Audacity can use ALSA. Audoir (spelling?) uses JACK.02:39
alex-weejfreezerburn: no02:40
cellofellowSo, only possibility is Windows in VBox and USB enabled?02:40
cellofellowAnd cups-pdf?02:40
photoshopgeekindy: and in my admin options I can see the drive, but there isn't a drive letter assigned to it and I can't change it.  I've tried it on two different laptops with xp and vista to no avail...  gotta figure this out...02:41
markos__ /msg ubotu etiquette02:41
smartguyzhow do I load codecs to play DVD's02:41
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:41
cellofellow!medibuntu | smartguyz02:41
ubotusmartguyz: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:41
freezerburnalex-weej: I haven't changed the repos at all except for erasing that # to enable the extra repos02:41
cmwt if I do sudo sdparm --clear STANDBY on Seagate Freeagent, is the change "permanent" until I change it to something else ?02:42
alex-weejfreezerburn: not sure man, could be the ports server is dodgy (i don't use it, i use amd64)02:42
_D0netsis anyone on irc.mozilla.org?02:42
matissei want to make a package of nspluginwrapper. what option should I use in dh_make ?02:43
matisse"Type of package: single binary, multiple binary, library, kernel module or cdbs?"02:43
_D0netsi need someone to pm me so i can join #firefox, pidigin doesnt open a window to join channels02:43
Dr_willis_D0nets,  i recall using /join #firefox in pidgin befor02:43
_D0netsyea i know that02:43
cellofellowmatisse: probably best to ask in #ubuntu-devel02:43
_D0netsbut it will join on this server02:43
_D0netsnot the one i just added02:43
_D0netsdoes that make sense?02:44
matissecellofellow: thx02:44
_D0netslike im connected to the esrver, but theres no windows from that server open02:44
_D0netsso i cant /join #firefox02:44
cellofellow_D0nets: Buddies +> Join a Chat I think.02:44
Dr_willis_D0nets,  Hmm never noticed.. I dont use pidgin for irc.. it rather sucks for irc. :)02:44
_D0netsyour right, i just dont need any scripts, and using pidgin for all saves on resources02:44
Dr_willisi think cellofellow  has the answer. :) how did ya  get here in the first place.. :)02:44
_D0netsnice than cellofellow02:45
Bob_A_Bowiehow can I view my SPD settings02:45
Bob_A_BowieSPD - the memory timings02:46
Bob_A_Bowiethe ones embedded on the chip02:46
cellofellowmaybe it's in /proc/ ?02:46
cellofellowcat /proc/meminfo02:47
YuriQExperiencing a pretty weird X/GDM crash: is anyone running the latest ATI drivers on dual monitors + Compiz?02:47
Bob_A_Bowielet me see02:47
YuriQthe proprietary drivers that is02:47
photoshopdesigng Hey guys, I have a problem... I dual boot gutsy and windows.  My problem is that since I have used my external harddrive on gusty, windows can't see it.  Any suggestions?02:47
Jordan_Uphotoshopdesigng, What file system is your external drive?02:49
matissehow do I find out which package sources a choosen ?02:50
arvind_khadriphotoshopdesigng, windows cant detect linux drives02:51
photoshopdesigngjordan:  it's showing vfat02:51
twistedbeatfreekhey everyone im having troubles making my 2nd hard drive work i have a ata ultra 66 pci card02:52
photoshopdesigngarvind:  all my data is from windows.  I've put some additional data on there from linux, but I want to be able to use it for both os's02:52
Jordan_Uphotoshopdesigng, I don't see how using the drive in Linux would prevent windows from seeing it02:52
photoshopdesigngjordan:  I know that's what I've been thinking...  it sucks, cause I can't even copy my music collection to my other windows computers02:54
cellofellowphotoshopdesigng: back it up and format maybe.02:54
photoshopdesigngIt's my largest drive.  I would have to buy a new harddrive and back it up with ubuntu.  I think I would probably have the same problem...02:55
johannixhello, was wondering if there was a way to view images in a folder in modified order instead of filename order. when viewing images off Nautilus, "Eye of Gnome" comes up and regardless of my settings always goes through the settings in filename alphabetical order.02:55
matissewell, i don't understand this. There are multiverse and universe package source added in /etc/apt/sources.list but I still dont find anything. Is it because I have a 32-bit system ?02:56
sveakexmatisse: uncomment?02:56
cellofellowjohannix: just right click the Nautilus window and arrange by Modification Date.02:56
MrKeunerhi, does vino log connection(attempts)?02:57
matisse<jdong> nspluginwrapper | | gutsy/multiverse | source, amd6402:57
rajahnwhat is the ubuntu wikipedia website02:57
johannixcellofellow: when i do that it modifies the order of the items in Nautilus02:58
rajahnsveakex thanx02:58
sveakexrajahn: yw02:58
johannixcellofellow: but when i bring up Eye Of Gnome it goes to alphabetical...02:58
rajahnsveakex thats not the site it something else but I know it has a .org03:00
TheKiNGHello, I have my volume turned up at MAX and i cant hear a thing, whats the cause? (Running 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon Ubuntu)03:00
MRproblemguys,i want to know about this,you kow when you run apt-get install something,it will download from web and put in in /apt/cache .somewhere,now i have the alternate cd,i extract all these things to my disk,then how do i link it with that dir,to make apt-get use /hardy cd /pool/ directly03:00
beastyis there a alternative for *applets* in kde ?03:00
NasraTheKing: maybe is muted ....check it out03:01
PeloNasra,  he left , very quickly03:01
Nasraoh lol..03:01
=== stratus_ is now known as stratus-home
NasraPelo ...how you doing?03:01
PeloNasra, a bit bored , consideing going to bed03:01
sveakexrajahn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ is correct.03:02
NasraPelo....the night just starting...grab a beer....enjoy Ubuntu Hardy 8.0403:02
gfetcoI have a simple question how do you mount a *.iso file in Terminal?03:02
Jordan_U!iso | gfetco03:03
ubotugfetco: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:03
PeloNasra, I got bored a few days ago and upgraded,  I will never ever ever do an os beta again03:03
Jordan_UPelo, :)03:03
PeloJordan_U, are you laughing at me ?03:03
NasraPelo....it's for the Guru at this stage.....I just wait for the Original one ....coming soon !!!03:03
Peloactualy I do enjoy gnome 2.22 a lot03:04
sveakexdoes anybody know how to remove the alt + e keybinding in the gnome terminal?03:04
PeloNasra, I wouldn't have done alpha but I figured less then two weeks from release was pretty safe03:04
proteusHmm, anyone had luck building firefox under Gutsy?  I keep getting Xt errors (undefined) even though I have the proper -dev libs installed. Any ideas?03:05
Pelosveakex, check in current profile under edit03:05
crdlbsveakex: edit > keyboard shortcuts03:05
crdlbsveakex: and "disable all menu access keys"03:05
sveakexcrdlb: ty03:05
sveakexi saw03:05
sveakexPelo: ty03:05
NasraPelo: well you learning like everybody else in here including myself...you know ....I am new to LInux Ubuntu03:05
FloodBot1sveakex: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:05
PeloNasra, I'm not , that's the point03:05
Pelonot new03:06
sveakexFloodBot1: :(03:06
NasraPelo: really?03:06
Nasrahow have you with distro linux?03:06
PeloNasra, I've been around for a couple of years now03:06
NasraI mean Ubuntu03:06
Nasraholy cow....03:06
PeloNasra, try asking again03:06
sveakexNasra: what's up?03:06
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
smartguyzmovie player still not working03:06
NasraI am forced to learn linux ...03:07
Nasraso I can run a program....03:07
cirkitanyone think this laptop will run ubuntu well http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683414644403:07
tushydhelp! I installed pulseaudio in gutsy and now flash content doesn't have any sound03:07
proteusSweet, Linus is finally using a gun?03:07
Pelosmartguyz, dvd ?  sudo apt-get remvoe totem-gstreamer && sudo apt-get intall totem-xine03:07
PeloNasra, you'll enjoy it03:07
proteusI told him that a 9mm was way more convincing than "viral advertising"03:08
Nasrayes...I am enjoying already...03:08
Nasrait's free ....03:08
Nasraeverything.....like in Windows...I spent alot of money...03:08
Nasrabut here I will donate once in a while...03:08
proteusSyphilis is free, that doesn't mean you'd enjoy it.03:08
PeloNasra, I donate my time , here03:09
Nasraor at least help needed ppls here to improve it03:09
Peloit's like doing time but I get to sleep in my own bed03:09
tushydanyone? Flash audio in pulseaudio?03:09
NasraPelo: that is good but myself still learning...03:09
PeloNasra, so are we all03:09
proteusHi ColdBeer.  How's the Dell coming?03:09
ColdBeeri need a program that will tell me who is on my lan, can anyone recomend anything?03:09
* Pelo learned someting new this week, never ever ever do a beta OS 03:10
NasraPelo: are you spanish speaking?03:10
PeloNasra, no03:10
ColdBeeri need a program that will tell me who is on my lan, can anyone recomend anything? good03:10
ColdBeerproteus how did u know?03:10
PeloColdBeer, ask a little less often03:10
NasraPelo: okay...just asking ....cause of your nick03:10
MGS88Pelo--> i change this http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=6972&highlight=ati (I m sorry for delay)03:10
proteusPelo: Oddly enough, doing $2 hookers is a bad idea as well.03:10
PeloMGS88, waht is that ?03:10
Nasrapelo: be right back03:10
ColdBeerpelo what r u talkin about?03:10
proteusColdBeer: Your ident.03:10
jumpkic1can someone point me at a dock to explain what the newest retardediness is for nvidia restricted kernel modules in hardy?  I just updated and there is no longer nvidia.ko, but rather 3 directories full of .o files under /lib/linux-restricted-modules/2.6.24-16-generic/nvidia_new ...03:10
MRproblemwhere does apt-get put the packages in ?03:10
ColdBeerwhat about my ident03:11
proteusit's dell :)03:11
ColdBeerhow do u know03:11
jumpkic1jumpkick: a dock... hah...  a document03:11
ColdBeerubuntu 8.0 rocks03:11
proteuswell, this amazing little program called bitchx shows me peoples idents when they join the channel :)03:11
tushydanyone know how to check what flash version I have running?03:11
Pelojumpkic1, ask in #ubuntu+103:11
ColdBeerwireless hardware recognition kicks ass03:11
ltcabralhey ppl im using C sockets to connect to myself but when i run the client to connect to the server, the server closes. It works in my university, so im guessing its my linux configurations that arent allowing the connection. can anyone help me?03:11
PeloMGS88, I can't help you with that , I don't know anything about ati drivers03:12
MGS88this a subject for how to install compiz fusion on ati03:12
PeloMGS88,you don'T need to install compiz in gutsy it is already there , you jsut need to enable aiglx I beleive,   better ask in #compiz-fusion03:13
ColdBeeri need a program that will tell me who is on my lan, can anyone recomend anything? good03:13
MRproblemwhere does apt-get put the packages in ?03:13
karlNYwhat's the name of the package to upload/post our error messages from command-line?03:13
PeloColdBeer, try asking in #networking they might know03:13
proteusHmm, anyone had luck building firefox under Gutsy?  I keep getting Xt errors (undefined) even though I have the proper -dev libs installed. Any ideas?03:13
MGS88Pelo--> thanks anyway you are the best03:14
crimsunproteus: pastebin the error.03:14
PeloMRproblem, /var/cache/apt I beleive03:14
karlNYcrimsun: THANKS!03:14
MRproblemPelo, thanks03:14
Peloyou heard it here folks I am "the best"03:14
crimsunkarlNY: ?03:14
Intangirwhen i press backspace in nautilus it beeps at me03:14
Intangira system beep03:14
Intangirhow do i turn that shito ff03:15
FloodBot1Intangir: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:15
Flannel!language | Intangir03:15
ubotuIntangir: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:15
PeloIntangir, menu >system > prefs> sound03:15
climatewarriordoes anyone know of a program/script that can tell me in what programming languange something is written in?03:15
karlNYcrimsun: I was asking for the name of pastebinit - and you happened to say the name in another conversation - you unwittingly answered my question - w00t w00t!03:15
LjLclimatewarrior: something *compiled*?03:15
IntangirPelo: thx03:15
Flannelclimatewarrior: For scripting, just open it and look at the source (usually the first line will tell you).  Compiled stuff... no, not really.03:15
climatewarriorno, souce code03:15
smartguyzpelo thanks for the info on BETA OS03:15
croposhello people :)03:16
karlNYclimatewarrior: run "file -i FILENAME" at command line03:16
LjLclimatewarrior: tried "file <filename>"?03:16
Pelosmartguyz, ? I donT think i recommended the beta to you did I ?03:16
ColdBeerhi pelo03:16
ColdBeerwhat r u doing?03:16
PeloColdBeer, stuff03:16
climatewarriori will check with file03:16
proteusSeriously, I read "what r u wearing?"03:16
ColdBeerpelo r u in america?03:16
sveakexproteus: lol03:16
Peloproteus, none of your business03:16
PeloColdBeer, yes03:17
* ritalin drinks ColdBeer 03:17
=== david__ is now known as brian---
tushydhow can I update my flash in ubuntu?03:18
ColdBeerhi ritalin03:18
ColdBeerritalin r u using ubuntu 8.0?03:18
FlannelColdBeer: #ubuntu-offtopic is the place for social conversation, #ubuntu is for support only.03:18
Pelotushyd, I just dl it from the adobe site , extract and manualy copy the .so file over to the two location whre it needs to be03:18
climatewarriorthe output isnt helpful enough. gabriel@gabriel-laptop:~$ file -i jaime.cpp03:18
climatewarriorjaime.cpp: text/x-c; charset=us-ascii03:18
ColdBeerFlannel im sorry dude03:18
PeloFlannel, stop nagging03:18
proteusHmm, anyone had luck building firefox under Gutsy?  I keep getting Xt errors (undefined) even though I have the proper -dev libs installed. http://pastebin.com/m320867b5  Any ideas?03:19
tushydPelo, thanks03:19
smartguyzyou told me to do this  sudo apt-get remvoe totem-gstreamer && sudo apt-get intall totem-xine still not working though....03:19
ColdBeerFlannel chill out03:19
climatewarriorI know that is c++ the problem is i have to examine tousands of files03:19
Pelosmartguyz, that's nothing to do with the beta03:19
ColdBeerPelo , r u using the new beta?03:19
pnglHi I'm moving ubuntu from a partitioned disk to a new computer, but now I'm afraid to delete the old partition. What will happen to grub? Will my windows still boot?03:19
Pelosmartguyz, did you follow both command syou need in for p;laing hte dvd ,  there is an extra one mentonned in the guide that doesn't work at firstr you need to search for hte package to find it03:20
PeloColdBeer, yes03:20
ColdBeerits cool03:20
ColdBeerpelo its cool03:20
Ashfire908I'm having a odd issue. My computer has trouble forking new (but only some, usally forked by gnome-panel or the program is GUI-based) processes, but this doesn't happen when in recovery mode (except when it fully boots after exiting the root shell) or when i have the computer connected to the internet (the connection is via the network, not directly connected)03:20
Crshmanhi all, is there a commandline app to rename (and put them into the proper directories) mp3 files based on their tags?03:20
nickrudpngl if you remove the old partition, grub won't boot. You'll need to fix the mbr to boot windows, ##windows can help with that (fixmbr and the like)03:21
smartguyzpelo: smartguyz@magman:~$   sudo apt-get remvoe totem-gstreamer && sudo apt-get intall totem-xine03:21
smartguyzE: Invalid operation remvoe03:21
rajahnsveakex i'm sorry its another site I guess03:22
proteustry remove03:22
proteusnot remvoe03:22
nickrudsmartguyz misspelled remove03:22
Crshmanhi all, is there a commandline app to rename (and put them into the proper directories) mp3 files based on their tags?03:22
sveakexrajahn: hm ok03:22
Crshman(just resending incase the first time it didn't get sent...having internet woes)03:22
Ashfire908smartguyz, apt-get doesn't have spell check :)03:22
proteusCrshman: likely over 100, try freshmeat.net and sourceforge :)03:22
Pelosmartguyz, sudo apt-get remove totem-gstreamer && sudo apt-get install totem-xine , sorry for the typo03:22
Crshmanoh man03:22
Crshmani totally forgot about FM03:22
Ashfire908smartguyz, you misspelled install as well03:22
nickrudCrshman apt-cache search mp3 rename lists mp3rename (for sure it does what you want) and a few others03:23
ColdBeerwhats the command to view the password file, is it vdsw?03:23
croposmy cdrom drive wont read cd any more, maby to old and used to much :P i want to try another distro, any one have a tip about partition the disk? tryed to use gparted, but i use my entire disk allready for this distro ubuntu... need to edit my disk så i can use grub to boot up i new cd iso for installing new system... anyone have a tip?03:23
PeloAshfire908, nickrud those were my typos03:23
nickrudPelo yeah, I saw a lot in another line of yours :)03:23
Pelonickrud, my fingers were cold03:23
croposcan't partiton a disk that gparted running on03:23
Peloand my dog hate my homework03:24
proteuscropos: try live cd's, after getting a new CD drive at your friendly neighborhood Circuit City03:24
* nickrud is sweating in 80 degree weather03:24
Ashfire908Pelo, i know...03:24
Pelocropos, you can't partiton a live partiton , ou need to boot the live cd03:24
Pelonickrud,  wehre are you from ?03:24
nickrudPelo Los Angeles03:24
Ashfire908Pelo, oh sorry i misread you message... nvm03:24
proteusnickrud: I feel you.  I'm in central florida haha03:24
croposPelo: i see, fuck i hate my cdrom drive now03:24
Pelonickrud, we had snow earlier03:24
FlannelColdBeer: You can't get passwords from the password file (or shadow either), if that's what you're trying to accomplish.  And you shouldn't need to modify the password file by hand anyway, what are you trying to accomplish?03:25
smartguyzpelo: smartguyz@magman:~$ sudo apt-get remove totem-gstreamer && sudo apt-get intall totem-xine03:25
smartguyzReading package lists... Done03:25
smartguyzBuilding dependency tree03:25
smartguyzReading state information... Done03:25
smartguyzPackage totem-gstreamer is not installed, so not removed03:25
FloodBot1smartguyz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:25
smartguyz0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:25
proteuscropos: Dude, you can get a dvd burner for like 50 bucks at CC now... no point in being upset.03:25
proteussmartguyz != smart guy03:25
inazadsomeone here already spoofed his own computer on a LAN ?03:26
dmsupermanand a SATA dvd burner, with litescribe and dual layer burning even03:26
dmsupermani got one03:26
nickrudsmartguyz then run the stuff after the && , it stopped there because the first failed (thats what && does, 'if the previous succeeds, do the following')03:26
dmsupermanfrom newegg03:26
Pelosmartguyz, I made a few typos in that line, sorry , it was my mistake03:26
ColdBeerGlannel, i want to see where the pw's are sotred i thought the command was vdsw03:26
ritalinColdBeer: i dont know :/03:26
ritalinhow can i tell03:26
BreakageI'm having trouble with a theme showing up in xfce user interface settings. I just wont show up it's placed in /usr/share/themes like the rest of my gtk themes. Can someone help?03:27
ColdBeersomething of that nature03:27
croposproteus: yes, for sure. but a have only one laptop. i must send it back to store and then a have nothing for a while when i wait03:27
J-Uniti tried compiling and got error can sum1 help?03:27
smartguyzpelo! sudo apt-get intall totem-xine ?03:27
proteuscropos: oohhhhh... just get an external03:27
proteuscropos: :)03:27
FlannelColdBeer: cat /etc/passwd is the password file, but /etc/shadow is where the hashes are stored.03:28
croposproteus: yes, thinking about that...03:28
crdlbBreakage: is the directory structure in this form?: /usr/share/themes/THEME_NAME/gtk-2.0/gtkrc03:28
nickrudsmartguyz   sudo apt-get install totem-xine03:28
Pelosmartguyz, sudo apt-get install totem-xine03:28
ColdBeerFlannel, is there a command that shows me all of the user account and their ownership?03:29
FlannelColdBeer: their ownership?03:29
smartguyzpelo! smartguyz@magman:~$  sudo apt-get install totem-xine03:29
smartguyzReading package lists... Done03:29
smartguyzBuilding dependency tree03:29
smartguyzReading state information... Done03:29
smartguyztotem-xine is already the newest version.03:29
FloodBot1smartguyz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:29
smartguyz0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:29
ColdBeeruser groups03:29
J-Unitis there pastebin but for images like .png for example?03:29
tgelterI have set up wake-on-lan to work if I send the magic packet to my desktop machine while connected to the LAN. The same desktop is in the DMZ, but if I send the packet to the ip that the router is on with the MAC of the desktop, it doesn't get through, any ideas?03:29
Pelosmartguyz, ok now try playing a dvd03:29
Breakagecrdlb: yeah, I this is strange I also have the required engines installed. even though it would show up without them.03:29
proteuscropos: http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/LG-External-DVD-Drive-GSA-E40L/sem/rpsm/oid/185288/catOid/-17223/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do03:29
mindguru08smartguyz: hey03:30
alex-weejtgelter: what kind of packet?03:30
pnglnickrud: thanks03:30
KilleroidJ-Unit: just upload to an image host03:30
proteusJ-Unit: yeah, it's called imageshack.us03:30
FlannelColdBeer: user groups are different than the files owned by a user.  Usergroups would be found (either by looking in the group file (cat /etc/group) or by 'group [username]' which is much more readable.03:30
tgelteralex-weej: the "magic" packet that's sent for wake on lan..I'm using the wakeonlan tool to send it03:30
tgelteralex-weej: I don't know more than that (whether it's tcp/udp, etc.)03:31
smartguyzpelo! Totem could not play 'dvd:/'. there is no plugin to handle this movie...03:31
IndyGunFreak!dvd | smartguyz i told you this earlier03:31
ubotusmartguyz i told you this earlier: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:31
alex-weejthe magic packet is just your MAC address repeated a few times, but it's encapsulated in some kind of IP payload which you obviously need to guarantee gets through your router DMZ03:31
Odd-rationalesmartguyz: try this "sudo apt-get install libdvdread3 libxine1-ffmpeg && sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh"03:32
alex-weejtgelter: wireshark shows nothing when the computer is on, right?03:32
Odd-rationalesmartguyz: then try again03:32
Pelosmartguyz, sudo apt-get remove totem-gstreamer , if you haven'T done it already03:32
tgelteralex-weej: yeah, it's getting stopped at the router03:32
smartguyzpelo! ok thank you will do that again...03:32
Pelosmartguyz, then follow the instructions you will get from ubotu in a private windows03:32
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx03:32
crdlbBreakage: I dunno then, make sure you have read permission and double-check that the gtkrc is in exactly the right place03:32
Pelo!dvd > smartguyz check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu03:32
Odd-rationalePelo: apt will remove totem-gstreamer if you install totem-xine03:32
tgelteralex-weej: I assume that the router just doesn't know to forward it along or something03:33
Odd-rationalesmartguyz: try this "sudo apt-get install totem-xine libdvdread3 libxine1-ffmpeg && sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh"03:33
PeloOdd-rationale, it should but I'm warry of it , after I ugraded to hardy I had both03:33
Odd-rationalePelo: he's using hardy?03:33
PeloOdd-rationale, nice line03:33
PeloOdd-rationale,  no I was just covering my basis03:33
PeloOdd-rationale,  I'm getting tired03:34
alex-weejtgelter: have you tried sending the magic packet directly to the system from inside your LAN?03:34
Odd-rationalePelo: oh ok. you can do the rest. I need to go take a shower....03:34
RAdamsHi. I added a network share to my fstab, but now I can't boot if I'm not connected to the internet. Is there a way I can edit the boot line or something to ignore that fstab entry?03:34
dmsupermananyone have a clue what kind of idea i can expect in the way of performance for games in an xp vm using virtualbot?03:34
PeloOdd-rationale, that line pretty much covered it03:34
tgelteralex-weej: yeah, it works if I'm inside the LAN03:34
Odd-rationalePelo: hopefully.03:34
dmsupermani've got a pretty decent rig going, and if i give the vm a gig of ram will it be playable on some of the lighter games?03:34
Breakagecrdlb: ok, this is strange i have read permission. just tryed putting another theme i backed up in the same place and it got picked up. i've also rechecked that the theme is in the correct place about 5+ times, and this theme also works for other people.03:34
Odd-rationalesmartguyz: did it work?03:35
RAdamsdmsuperman: virtualbox does not have an accellerated graphics driver that can handle games using directX03:35
Pelodmsuperman, no way to tell depends on the game requirements and the resources allocated to vbox03:35
alex-weejtgelter: and that's just a unicast UDP/IP packet right?03:35
dmsupermanRAdams, are there any virtualization programs that can? or do i have to do a full dual boot to do it?03:35
tgelteralex-weej: wikipedia says: "The Magic Packet is a broadcast frame containing anywhere within its payload 6 bytes of ones FF FF FF FF FF FF followed by sixteen repetitions of the target computer's MAC address, possibly followed by a four or six byte password."03:35
RAdamsdmsuperman: none can really do that. virtualization with full accelerated graphic support is a ways away yet03:36
alex-weejtgelter: yeah, so can you send UDP packets in from outside your LAN via the NAT into the DMZ and into your computer?03:36
alex-weejif not, your NAT DMZ isn't working properly03:36
RAdamsI added a network share to my fstab, but now I can't boot if I'm not connected to the internet. Is there a way I can edit the boot line or something to ignore that fstab entry?03:36
tgelteralex-weej: I don't know...I have the computer in the DMZ set up as a webserver, and that doesn't have any problems, but that's TCP...03:37
dmsupermanRAdams, darn, spose i'll have to setup dual boot after all :(03:37
alex-weejRAdams: boot recovery mode?03:37
alex-weejtgelter: OK, try a TCP packet then03:37
tenpaiyomiIs there some way with which I can troubleshoot a postfix/mysql/courier setup I have?  I have verified that the mailboxes I have setup are getting mails, I just cannot log in remotely03:37
PeloRAdams, I think you can add noauto to the line so it doesn't mount if it is not there03:38
chalcednywhat's the command to show what version of ubuntu im running?03:38
RAdamsalex-weej how do I do that?03:38
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases03:38
cafuegoRAdams: Add 'noauto' to the options column for that share in fstab03:38
tgelteralex-weej: wakeonlan only uses udp packets, I suppose I'll need a different app then03:38
Pelothat't not waht I had03:38
RAdamspelo: I'm aware of that, but i can't get to my fstab at all right now03:38
PeloRAdams, boot the live cd03:38
alex-weejtgelter: hm that's a shame, maybe you could try and find out if UDP is actually working in your DMZ instead03:39
chalcednyPelo: hi :)03:39
cafuegoRAdams: Boot with 'init=/bin/bash', mount / as read-write, make the change, reboot03:39
Pelohello chalcedny03:39
RAdamspelo: I don't have the live cd03:39
PeloRAdams, recovery mode ?03:39
RAdamspelo: recover mode doesn't boot03:39
Peloalternate cd ?03:39
chalcednyPelo: i forgot how to tell what version of ubuntu i have?03:39
tgelteralex-weej: know of a quick way to test?03:39
cafuegoRAdams: Boot with 'init=/bin/bash', mount / as read-write, make the change, reboot03:39
godfoolalex-weej: im a smart bot03:39
wubrgamerhey guys, how do I set azureus to stop seeding after it finishes downloading? I don't like to leech, but i'd like to be able to at times...(I DO seed at night, it's just that I like being able to do it only when I TELL it to seed)03:40
pokerfacepenguinPelo: uname -a for kernel version03:40
RAdamscafuego: trying that now03:40
chalcednypokerfacepenguin: ty03:40
Pelochalcedny, you can check in menu >  system < adnim > system monitor  , on the first tab03:40
cafuegothere is no try, it just works :-)03:40
ltcabralhey guys is there any C irc channel around here?03:40
Pelopokerfacepenguin, we want the ubuntu release and it's uname -r for the kernel03:40
alex-weejtgelter: pondering that myself03:40
chalcednyty Pelo :)03:41
cafuegoltcabral: Like say #c?03:41
Starnestommyltcabral: ##C03:41
Pelowubrgamer, ask in #azureus-support03:41
tgelteralex-weej: The magic packet is a UDP broadcast packet03:41
ltcabralwhats the diff between #c and ##c lol03:42
alex-weejtgelter: ah, so not unicast03:42
pokerfacepenguinPelo: you mean you want to know whether you have gnome or kde, or do you want to know gutsy or hardy?03:42
Starnestommyltcabral: #c is a redirect to ##c03:42
tgelteralex-weej: and this document I just found continues: "Note that routers are usually configured to drop directed broadcast packets"03:42
lordleemochalcedny: lsb_release -a03:42
Pelopokerfacepenguin, gusty or hardy03:42
ltcabralok thx03:42
alex-weejtgelter: yeah, so you can make it unicast instead right?03:42
pokerfacepenguinPelo: cat your /etc/sources.list file, it will tell you03:42
Pelopokerfacepenguin, it's not me that neeaded to know it was chalcedny , there is a release - something command but I nevder remember03:42
alex-weejtgelter: http://gsd.di.uminho.pt/jpo/software/wakeonlan/mini-howto/wolpython.txt03:43
Pelopokerfacepenguin, you can also see it listed in the system monitor applet03:43
alex-weejtgelter: try fudging that to send unicast to your router and maybe the NAT will route it to your PC03:43
pokerfacepenguinPelo: i meant /etc/apt/sources.list03:43
Pelopokerfacepenguin, I know03:43
chalcednyty lordleemo :)03:43
alex-weejtgelter: it doesn't have to be broadcast, you see03:43
tgelteralex-weej: http://www.broadbandreports.com/forum/remark,1182684103:43
chalcednyconfirmed this is feisty03:44
Pelolordleemo, had it03:44
tgelteralex-weej: that is my router that this guy mentions, so apparently it's possible w/ the multicast packet03:44
=== c is now known as Charitwo
alex-weejtgelter: i think he's suggesting that the DMZ is your .25503:44
ltcabrali gota register something to speak in ##c?03:44
alex-weejtgelter: i don't think you really want that, but i guess it does the job03:44
tgelteralex-weej: but I don't know what he means "to make the private address a broadcast"03:44
Pelo!register > ltcabral check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu03:45
alex-weejtgelter: if your LAN is 192.168.0.*, there is a broadcast address at
tgelteralex-weej: oh, so he made *his* pc the *.*.*.25503:45
alex-weejno, on the DMZ setting03:45
alex-weejhe chose a.b.c.255 instead of a.b.c.10 or whatever his computer is03:46
speaker219Hello. I have a question. i'm on an ubuntu 7.10 system, and the window borders are set up so the maximize/minimize/restore buttons are in the top left, instead of the top right. I don't rmemeber how i changed this, but i would like to restore it back to normal. does anyone know how to do this? thanks03:46
Pelook I'M out, g'night folks03:46
alex-weejtgelter: i think that's what he means anyway03:46
tgelteralex-weej: interesting...is there any reason why I would *not* want that to be the case for my machine?03:46
alex-weejtgelter: actually, i don't think he's even using DMZ...03:46
alex-weejtgelter: do you have this setting then?03:46
tgelteralex-weej: to what setting do you refer?03:47
speaker219Hello. I have a question. i'm on an ubuntu 7.10 system, and the window borders are set up so the maximize/minimize/restore buttons are in the top left, instead of the top right. I don't rmemeber how i changed this, but i would like to restore it back to normal. does anyone know how to do this? thanks03:47
dmsuperman!patience | speaker21903:47
ubotuspeaker219: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:47
kindofabuzzwhat's the link to search repos online?03:47
premdoes ASROCK 845 chipset motherboard support ubuntu03:47
Flannelkindofabuzz: packages.ubuntu.com03:47
speaker219kindofabuzz, http://packages.ubuntu.com03:47
speaker219arg, too late03:47
alex-weejtgelter: Subnet Directed Broadcasts03:47
tgelterspeaker219: check "system - preferences -appearance" look at the theme section, then customize and change your window borders03:48
KenshiHey guys, i was told that Hardy Heron would fix that firefox slowdown problem that happens when compiz is enabled.03:48
tgelteralex-weej: I'll look03:48
speaker219tgelter, I already looked there.03:49
KenshiWell it doesn't. I've tried the open ATI driver, but the problem was just the same03:49
tgelterspeaker219: look harder, it's really there where you'll change it03:49
nickrudKenshi #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+103:49
alex-weejtgelter: it isn't03:49
Kenshioh nice03:49
alex-weejspeaker219, tgelter: gconf03:49
tgelteralex-weej: yeah, I don't see it03:49
alex-weejspeaker219, tgelter: /apps/metacity/general/button_layout03:50
alex-weejin gconf03:50
kindofabuzzhow do i get the actual repo line i'd plug in to get something. basically i wanna put FF 3b5 on gutsy using hardy repos, possible?03:50
alex-weejkindofabuzz: PAIN03:50
speaker219thanks a LOT alex-weej03:50
speaker219I really appreciate it03:50
alex-weejspeaker219: np03:50
nickrudkindofabuzz big pain. Look up apt-pinning if you really wanna go that route03:51
kindofabuzzoh is it?03:51
Flannelkindofabuzz: Or just wait a few weeks for Hardy to come out03:51
alex-weejprem_: i dont THIN SO03:51
kindofabuzzwell i just want 3b5, alot of fixex since 3b4, and i wanna "install" it, not just run it from a folder03:51
alex-weejkindofabuzz: you have 3b4 on gutsy?03:52
kindofabuzzalex-weej, yeah03:52
tgelteralex-weej: well, I'll take a look into it a bit more, thanks for the help03:52
kindofabuzzit's in the repos03:52
alex-weejand why not lather, rinse, repeat?03:52
alex-weejoh ok03:52
alex-weejkindofabuzz: in backports?03:52
l0wi love natalie03:52
kindofabuzzbut there lol03:52
RAdamscafuego: I don't understand how to do what you suggested. I thought I did, but that didn't work. Can you explain how to boot with init=/bin/bash?03:52
alex-weejtgelter: no probs, good luck. WOL has always been a bit of a black art!03:52
godfoolRAdams: im a smart bot03:52
alex-weejkindofabuzz: if it's there, rest assured 3b5 will be there soon03:53
alex-weejjust wait03:53
godfoolalex-weej: im a smart bot03:53
kindofabuzzi ned it now! =)03:53
alex-weejgodfool: STFU03:53
godfoolalex-weej: Is there something weird in the very idea that xhtml was a work of art and expensive possession.  The man said, "that you can add "contrib non-free" to that little twenty-dollar check good, and frankly I don't mirror in miniature the gap between the various places to test them all the music, aged in the sense of horror.03:53
godfoolBloodbath coming beyond all compare03:53
* b0x beats alex-weej03:53
jordo2323I have a 1GB USB Flash drive and am trying to copy a file to it. Ubuntu is telling me that it is out of space, but I see no files on it in Nautilus or in /media/disk. ANy ideas?03:53
nickrudRAdams who are you?03:53
RAdamssomeone with chops ban godfool03:53
jordo2323No hidden either03:54
kindofabuzzKira will get him03:54
godfoolRAdams: im a smart bot03:54
RAdamsnickrud: ?03:54
nickrudRAdams wrong nick ;)03:54
RAdamsnickrud thanks :)03:54
cafuegoRAdams: You hit 'e' on the normal boot line in grub. Then remove 'quiet splash' and add 'init=/bin/bash'03:55
RAdamscafuego: thank you :)03:55
cafuegoRAdams: That will boot right into a root shell (kinda like DOS). THEN...03:55
mbenthi i've actually got a question about using the sed command. I need to replace a whole lot of strings in multiple files in multiple directories. I've found sed 's/FINDSTRING/REPLACESTRING/g' but, The string that im trying to replace has the / character in it. How can I get around that?03:56
cafuegoRAdams: You need to mount / read-write, so you can edit fstab. 'mount -n -o remount,rw /'. Now edit fstab, adding noauto. Remoutn as read-only, 'mount -n o rmount,ro /' and reboot (just hit the reset switch)03:56
jordo2323_I have a 1GB USB Flash drive and am trying to copy a file to it. Ubuntu is telling me that it is out of space, but I see no files on it in Nautilus or in /media/disk. ANy ideas?03:56
kindofabuzzwill gutsy ever go to Gnome 2.22?03:57
nickrudjordo2323 ls -a /media/disk, check for hidden files03:57
nickrudkindofabuzz no03:57
RAdamscafuego: thanks03:57
kindofabuzzwell that sux03:57
jordo2323nickrud: I already did....nothing03:57
nickrudkindofabuzz ubuntu is on the same release schedule as gnome, for a reason03:57
jordo2323nickrud: Can I format a USB disk in Ubuntu?03:57
jthomasHello all!03:58
jthomasHello all!03:58
nickrudjordo2323 yes, cfdisk will do it:   sudo cfdisk /dev/sd<whatever>03:58
jthomasI was just wondering what a good DE was for Ubuntu?03:58
jthomasI'm using Hardy from an ubuntu minimal install.03:58
jthomasShould I just do ubuntu-desktop or what? I'm hoping for something different.03:58
smartguyzyou there03:58
jordo2323_nickrud: No permission to write?03:59
globeis there a way to completely uninstall the graphic front end from xubuntu?03:59
nickrudjthomas fluxbox, icewm, xubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop ...03:59
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jthomasnickrud, hopefully something small. 160kb/s connection. =(03:59
kindofabuzzglbesudo apt-get --purge remove xubuntu-desktop03:59
nickrudjordo2323   sudo cfdisk says no write ?03:59
jordo2323_nickrud: yeah03:59
jordo2323_nickrud: weird!03:59
nickrudjthomas fluxbox (and don't you ever call 160 small, I ran debian unstable over 3k ;)03:59
MrKeunercan I log vino connections(attempts)?04:00
jthomasnickrud, I used to have a 700kb/s connection. it IS slow.04:00
Flanneljthomas: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome04:00
jthomasFlannel, is that w/o all the ubuntu tweaks?04:00
Flanneljthomas: No, sorry.  I thought you were doing something else.04:00
nickrudjordo2323 why it would be not writeable from root I don't know offhand, but it would explain why you can't write.04:00
Flanneljthomas: Just install a DE.  If you have an alternate CD, you can install from the stuff on the disk.04:01
jthomasFlannel, I have a Gutsy cd. =P04:01
naknomikI have a Keyboard Layout indicator and also SCIM running, and both seem to have their own settings. I don't want SCIM, how do I disable it?04:01
jthomasI'm running 64-bit Ubuntu Hardy./04:01
jthomasGoing to install CNR, so maybe I should just go ubuntu-desktop.04:01
fidelioany expert on CUPS installations?04:01
nickrudjthomas if you need more hardy help, #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+1 .04:01
Flanneljthomas: Depending on where you live, you could try contacting your LoCo team and seeing if they can't help with some media.  And, you probably don't want CNR04:01
jthomasthanks all.04:02
jordo2323_nickrud: I had to go to a Windows box, format it and then bring it back :(04:02
jthomasFlannel, I DO want CNR.04:02
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jthomasflannel, wait until the redesigned cnr.com is out. =)04:02
jthomasits beautiful. lol04:02
naknomikEven if I right click on SCIM in notification area and exit SCIM it starts right back.04:02
jthomaswell, i guess im just going ubuntu-desktop, thanks all. its only a 400mb download.04:02
nickrudnaknomik try looking in system->prefs->sessions, see if it's set to restart in the middle tab04:03
fidelioany guru on CUPS installation?04:04
RAdamscafuego: that caused the machine to reboot itself...04:04
tenpaiyomiIs there some way possible to find where in my user authentication for imap it's failing?  The user itself is found, it's just that the authentication is not working04:04
cafuegoRAdams: what? booting with init=/bin/bash?04:04
RAdamscafuego: yes04:05
naknomiknickrud: nothing there.04:05
cafuegoRAdams: that's not right. not right at all.04:05
RAdamscafuego: I changed "quiet" to "init=/bin/bash" and the machine just rebooted X__X04:05
nickrudnaknomik not sure then. Generally that's where gnome tracks stuff it wants to restart.04:05
cafuegoRAdams: Did you hit 'b' after editing that line?04:05
AdrianStraysI've tried two different alarm programs, and neither of them have worked properly. Every time I restart my computer, the programs don't autoload, therefore they don't notify me.  How can I fix this?04:06
RAdamscafuego: yes04:06
nickrudAdrianStrays you can add them to system->prefs->session , first tab04:06
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speaker219#sp219 :D04:07
RAdamscafuego: any suggestions? I can boot into Windows (that's what I'm in now), but that messed up fstab entry is preventing a linux boot04:08
nickrudRAdams just editing /etc/fstab? You could use a live cd, or install the ext2 driver from fs-driver.org and edit it with notepad in windows04:09
abdorezahi all04:10
nickrud'allow, abdoreza04:11
abdorezanickrud: I am irani04:11
BuckWildhey guys04:11
BuckWildif I upgrade to the new ubuntu beta04:11
BuckWildwill I be able to upgrade to the final normally through the update manager when it's released?04:12
FlannelBuckWild: yes, but hardy questions are in #ubuntu+1 for now04:12
BuckWildthat's the only real question I had, thanks =P04:12
goosewhere can I find some good login window skins?04:12
nickrudabdoreza welcome then. You might be interested in #ubuntu-ir , the persian channel04:13
abdorezaI understand04:13
nickrudabdoreza don't have to leave, though ;)04:13
cdecarloany xfce users?04:13
abdorezanickrud: what?04:14
Zirodaycdecarlo: what is your question?04:14
nickrudabdoreza just welcome :)04:14
pedroalguem fala brasilero?!?04:14
jarrettgreenHey all. I'm having trouble finding a good reference point for setting up a CalDAV server on my ubuntu box. Anybody have one running? I can't even really find a god name or two of some good servers04:14
nickrud!br | pedro04:14
ubotupedro: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.04:14
cdecarloZiroday: I accidentally killed the panels, do you know the command to start them up again?04:14
pedrocomo entro no ubuntu br?04:15
Zirodayjarrettgreen: I am not sure about CalDAV, but I know on my debian box I had to load the dav modules for apache to create a webdav share. I then jut published my calendar to the share04:15
theRealballchalkofftopic http://xahlee.org/UnixResource_dir/tux_gletu_cipni.html04:15
nickrudpedro     /join #ubuntu-br04:15
goosewhere can I find some good login window skins?04:15
nickrudgoose art.gnome.org , gnome-look.org. look for gdm themes04:16
Devyll hello all. I need to reconfigure grup since my linux is not booting anymore. I have a bootable knoppix cd and I need to get into my ubuntu lnx. can you guys tell me how ? there was a tutorial but I can't seem to find it. Also a friend told me once how can I do it. (take control of my shell using a bootable cd) . it was something with mount bla bla ... and chmod -x ..bla bla04:16
cdecarloStroganoff: thanks!04:16
cdecarloguess I need to learn the ps columns better04:16
jarrettgreenZiroday - I have webdav up and running - but a good CalDav server will let my entire shop use one calenedar, instead of simply storing a published calendar - right?04:16
jarrettgreenA group subscription calendar is what I'm looking for.04:17
Zirodayjarrettgreen: not sure, as I said I just publish my calendar to webdav and then access it with phpicalendar04:17
jarrettgreenhmmm. I'll look up phpIcalendar04:17
abdorezanickrud: thanks04:17
Zirodayjarrettgreen: you could use google calendar, or yahoo calendar04:17
jarrettgreenI've thoght of that. But I've got this pretty ubuntu box up and running :)04:18
jarrettgreenWe are a design firm, so all macs, and with iCal we can have a group cal that everyone can read/write/and have access too04:18
=== KnifeHat_ is now known as KnifeHat
nickrudDevyll https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-bf0ad184b84304b51996a11111a1901667529a8004:20
Zirodayjarrettgreen: nice, well you can try publishing the calendar to your webdav and if taht does not work then go around trying to work out how to use caldav04:20
jarrettgreenZiroday - I'll test it out. But I don't know if that's the funcationalty I'm looking for. I'm really surprised at the lack of CalDAV implementation for *nix. At least what I"m finding.04:21
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
LSGWhat's the command to delete a folder in a terminal?04:22
FlannelLSG: rmdir04:22
StarnestommyLSG: 'rmdir folder' if it's empty or 'rm -rf folder' if it isn't04:22
Ashfire908LSG rmdir for a blank or rm -R to recursivly delete a directory04:22
kindofabuzzi wonder if wine ever fixed the battlenet thing04:23
LSGFlannel, Starnestommy, Ashfire908: Thanks!04:23
=== ryan__ is now known as goalieca
verohi there04:27
Zirodayvero: Hi04:28
veroi got a little question about compiz04:28
Zirodayvero: yes....04:28
veroi finally got it to work on my hd3650 but now the top part of every window (like the minimize, close icon) are gone04:29
verolike i can't grab a window to move it04:29
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
Zirodayvero: do you mean the entire window borders which are orange under a default install?04:30
Joesep1anyone know much about sound cards?04:30
Joesep1mine is not working04:30
Ziroday!ask | Joesep104:30
ubotuJoesep1: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:30
Joesep1stupid working of answers04:30
Joesep1I was just on earlier and no one knew about them04:30
Zirodayvero: okay give me a minute, you may also want to try #compiz-fusion04:30
ZirodayJoesep1: we need to know what model of soundcard, version of ubuntu and the exact issue04:31
ltcabralhey ppl, i was listening to music in xmms and i closed it, and now looks like that my sound card is blocked cuz i cant hear sounds in youtube and xmms gives me error when i reopen it04:31
w7hai... the rocknya ahmad dany ?04:31
veroi'm trying right away but if you can stick to my problem!!!!04:31
Zirodayvero: sorry?04:31
ltcabralhow can i fix that without restarting?04:32
Zirodayvero: in a terminal type emerald --replace04:32
Joesep1Ziroday: is that enough info?04:33
fade_anyone can help with joysticks?04:33
fade_or game pads?04:33
verothat wasn't a big deal04:33
verothanks a lot04:33
verohey Ziroday04:33
Intangiri have two soundcards, how do i control which one is named which? by alsa? and by oss04:33
veroit's gone again... will i have to do that every time....04:34
veroas soon as i close the terminal they're gone04:34
vero<Ziroday> as soon as i close the terminal the bar disapear too.......04:35
Joesep1Is posting a link to a post on a forum arlight too?04:37
FlannelJoesep1: of course04:37
Joesep1just wait now?04:37
IndyGunFreakFlannel: watch it be to the computer help section on playboy.com..lol04:38
megacryptohi all .. can anyone help me with setting up lirc04:39
williamshows there04:39
nickrudvero what command did Ziroday give you?04:40
EruaranI think there's an error on the pricing of Ubuntu CD's on the website04:40
Joesep1did Ziroday leave? anyone else willing to help my soundcard issue?04:41
=== Nith is now known as nith
FlannelEruaran: Whys that?  What error?04:41
EruaranOh sorry... I misread it... its a 32 pack... I thought it was a single04:41
* nickrud wondered who would bite04:41
FlannelEruaran: A single is done through shipit, and those are free.04:42
EruaranHaven't had coffee yet04:42
EruaranI will buy a 32 pack methinks04:43
veromickrud emerald --replace04:43
nickrudvero do   alt-f2  emerald --replace04:43
EruaranWhen people buy XP systems I'm going to start including Ubuntu CD's in the pack04:43
IndyGunFreakEruaran: oh i'm sure that would make Redmond very happy04:44
tarelerulzDoes any im client support file transfer with yahoo ?04:44
FlannelEruaran: You should get in touch with your LoCo team, see if they can help in any way.04:44
EruaranIndyGunFreak: Any complaints and I'll just say, "oh ? really ? I wonder how that got in there..."04:44
gooodycan ubuntu gutsy detect external hard drives larger than 120GB?04:45
IndyGunFreakgooody: mine is 500gigs, and it detected it fine04:45
FlannelEruaran: or v.v. as the case may be.  #ubuntu-au if you don't already know.04:45
KeithWeissharcan you add the download link for ubuntu to getright pro via web access at
veronickrud yep that seems to work04:45
gooodyIndyGunFreak: ok, thanks.04:46
KeithWeissharclick on tools04:46
EruaranI didn't know04:46
Joesep1I'll ask again, it's been a reasonable amount of time.... anyone know how to fix my currently soundless in ubuntu soundcard04:46
TravisCarricoare there any licensing issues if i want to use the default ubuntu network icon in my open source program?04:46
Joesep1it plays in xp fine04:46
IndyGunFreakJoesep1: what type of card?04:46
veroso now question number 204:46
benanzoTravisCarrico: all ubuntu artwork is CC04:46
benanzocreative commons04:46
Joesep1IndyGunFreak: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75358404:46
FlannelEruaran: LoCo teams are a great resource, and will be interested in hearing about it if nothing else.04:46
verohow to activate my hdmi output (HD3650)04:46
TravisCarricocool, thanks04:47
EruaranI'm not familiar with LoCo teams04:47
fade_no one can help me?04:47
IndyGunFreak!intelhda | Joesep104:48
ubotuJoesep1: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto04:48
Eruaranhi fade_04:48
EruaranI wasnt here when you asked your question04:49
fade_just I am trying to calibrate my joystick04:49
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verohey guys, i can't get my tv outpu to work, Ati HD3650 DVI-to-HDMI dongle04:49
fade_the axis -1 127 center and -004:49
Joesep1IndyGunFreak: it worked once upon a time in ubuntu, so I will look at this guide...04:49
fade_and it keeps to the left and up04:49
fade_but wont go down or right04:49
fade_any ideas?04:49
Eruaranfade_: first thing I'd do is see if there's any software in the repositories for it04:50
fade_yeah tried joystick04:50
fade_the pack04:50
Eruaranno go ?04:50
fade_no go :(04:50
EruaranWhat kind of joystick is it ?04:50
verohey guys, i can't get my tv outpu to work, Ati HD3650 DVI-to-HDMI dongle -- anybody have a hints04:50
jchroostedHi, I'm having a strange issue. I did an apt-get install headers build-essential and a few other packaged. And during the apt-get it said something liek "may need to rerun lilo" is passing. But, to my surprise, when I booted grub can no longer find my kernel.04:51
jchroostedSo I booted up a livecd, and once again I was surprised. I have no vmlinuz in /boot . Which my menu.lst is pointing to.04:52
verohey guys, i can't get my tv outpu to work, Ati HD3650 DVI-to-HDMI dongle -- anybody have a hints04:52
jchroostedThis had to happen after the apt-get because I had restarted right before this.04:52
amenadojchroosted-> nothing in your /boot nor /  ?04:52
jchroostedI have things in both, but no vmlinuz04:52
jchroostedthat grub is pointing to04:53
Joesep1IndyGunFreak: This looks like its for setting up a new sound card: is this the page I should really be looking at?04:53
verohey guys, i can't get my tv outpu to work, Ati HD3650 DVI-to-HDMI dongle -- anybody have a hints04:53
jchroostedIm in a chroot right now.04:53
jchroostedroot@bt:/# ls /boot | grep -i vmlinuz04:53
jchroostedhowever my grub folders , etc are still there04:53
IndyGunFreakif you ahve an intel HDA sound device, yes.. intel HDA and Gutsy had issues.. but they work great in Hardy04:53
verohey guys, i can't get my tv outpu to work, Ati HD3650 DVI-to-HDMI dongle -- anybody have a hints--- my tv is not showing in the screen manager04:53
jchroostednothing in / either04:53
FreakyFR\ join #hoodpackers04:54
tenpaiyomiCan somebody assist me in debugging postfix and smtpd in the fact that it's not authenticating, it seems04:54
jchroostedkernel          /vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic04:54
jchroostedthats what my menu.lst shows04:54
jchroostedWhy would an apt-get remove this?04:54
amenadojchroosted-> can you paste what you have in /boot ?04:55
jchroostedkernel          /vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic04:55
jchroostedroot@bt:/# ls /boot04:55
jchroostedgrub  lost+found  memtest86+.bin04:55
Joesep1IndyGunFreaK: I get stuck at sudo cp ~downloads/alsa* .04:55
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IndyGunFreakJoesep1: you might want to wait for hardy04:55
jchroostedI was apt getting the packaged to build modules. headers, build-essential, and automake1.904:56
jchroostedthat is all04:56
Joesep1It says the directory does not exist, do I need to create it, or is it part of another problem04:56
Joesep1IndyGunFreak: When is hardy coming out?04:56
IndyGunFreakyes, you need to create it.04:56
jchroostedit had to get strange initram dependecies and such as well04:56
amenadojchroosted-> thats pretty odd..04:56
IndyGunFreakit shoudla told you that in a previous step.04:56
IndyGunFreakJoesep1: 2 weeks04:56
jchroostedodd, its a disaster04:56
amenadojchroosted-> you are booted off of your liveCD now?04:56
jchroostedim willing to reinstall or rebuild the kernel04:56
nixnoobhow can i rename a single file using the command line?04:57
jchroostedmanually or automatically04:57
jchroostedI just wonder if that is the only problem04:57
Joesep1IndyGunFreak: I've had this problem for like.... 2 months.... I think I'll wait 2 weeks.... I haven't switched from a previous version....  is it easy to do?04:57
amenadojchroosted-> and you expect your /boot to be same in liveCd as you have when you booted off of hard disk?04:57
jchroostedamenada, I mounted /dev/hda1 to /mnt/hda3/boot04:57
jchroostedso yes, I do04:57
amenadojchroosted-> without telling me the details i would not know..04:57
amenado!who | jchroosted04:58
ubotujchroosted: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:58
jchroostedYou are doubting me, not helping04:58
speaker219DEMONOID IS BACK04:58
veroHey guys, is the Hardy Beta is working good? should i try it or ill just bug myself more?!?!?!?!04:58
xxxx443354lets say i put something in the trash... and delete it... is it gone for ever?04:58
amenadojchroosted-> i have to doubt you, you have not told me the whole story, im guessing04:58
Eruaran11 days to go...04:58
jchroostedI've told you everything I know04:58
xxxx443354how do i pass word protech a folder?04:59
amenadojchroosted-> i dont even follow you, you mounted /dev/hda1 to /mnt/hda3/boot ? what the heck is that?04:59
nickrudxxxx443354 if you delete it from the trash, yes gone forever04:59
jchroostedamenada, if you dont know what that means you cannot help me04:59
xxxx443354no hacker or fbi can get it?04:59
jchroostedI mounted my boot as boot on hda3, and then entered a chroot. Its fairly simple05:00
nickrudjchroosted just a heads up: amenado is a very experienced helper here05:00
ExtravertWill Ubuntu 8.04 have the newest Kernel?05:00
amenadojchroosted-> i will stop because of your attitude..if you can only be honest of what you are saying05:00
jchroostedI am being honest.05:00
jchroostedI entered a chroot05:00
jchroostedHow hard is it05:00
amenadojchroosted-> lets step back..and i asked you to put my nick on your responses,05:01
jchroostedThis livecd client doesnt have tab complete, please forgive me05:01
jchroostedBare with me here05:01
amenadojchroosted-> okay, now i want to understand what  you have done since you booted off of liveCD ?05:01
patbamhi, trying to figure out if this is a bug: http://ruphus.com/stash/mynavthingieisborken.png when i updated recently that nav thing got smaller (no longer legible). but i don't know if i've just configured it wrong or there's a bug05:02
jchroostedmont /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda305:02
jchroostedmount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda3/boot05:02
jchroostedchroot /mnt/hda3 /bin/bash05:02
jchroostedand im in my system05:02
jchroostedthen I did ls /05:02
jchroostedand ls /boot05:02
amenadojchroosted-> once more, please put the my nick in front of your responses05:02
jchroostedchecked my menu.lst05:02
jchroostedits pointing at a file that doesnt exist05:02
mattiasvero di you get help ?05:03
Joesep1hey quick question.... I've got the  xfce desktop enviroment.... it sounds like a silly question, but will the new ubuntu also be installed even when I'm using xfce?05:03
nickrudJoesep1 if you use the update manager, yes. It'll even update your xfce05:03
nathan__I have a quick question. I cannot find my network sharing control panel05:03
Joesep1nickrud: thanks! I do use the update manager05:04
amenadojchroosted-> your /boot is which partition on the hard disk?05:04
jchroostedplease stop doubting me05:04
AnzaI just installed the newest version of amsn, and it seems to be working well, but it doesnt have a tray icon, so, when I send it to the tray it just disappears, and when the window is active it shows a little white box instead the icon, can anybody help me to get the tray icon to appear and to work??05:04
ltcabralhow can i register to ##c?05:04
amenado!who | jchroosted05:04
ubotujchroosted: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:04
jchroostedamenado: I enerted a chroot on my system that failed, lets assume I got that far on my own powers and abilities05:04
nickrudjchroosted he's not doubting you, he's ensuring he understands what you are doing/saying so he can give good help. If he's not sure about stuff, he;ll ask. Dont take it personally05:05
jchroostedAnd Ive already said twice, where I am.05:05
jchroostedYet here we are.05:05
amenadojchroosted-> you are getting frustrated and taking it on me.. am meticolous on my steps..05:05
zmhow can i install a net tv?05:05
ltcabralhey ppl how can i register to be able to speak in ##c??05:06
nickrud!register | ltcabral05:06
ubotultcabral: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.05:06
nathan__I cannot figure out how to access my window's shares05:06
Cpudan80ltcabral: FYI about ##C --- only ask stuff in there if you are really stuck and have read the manual05:06
Cpudan80ltcabral: They dont like newb questions at all -- somewhat unfortunate05:07
jchroostedWhat can cause vmlinuz to disappear, that's all I need to know. Would it involve initram?05:07
nickrudCpudan80 do you knw a beginner channel?05:07
nathan__Can anyone help me?\05:07
jchroostedOr any packages that cause you to rerun grub, etc.05:07
Cpudan80nickrud: Not specifically for C05:07
ltcabralCpudan80: well they were very nice to me last time.. and it wasnt that noob question... :)05:07
Cpudan80nickrud: C isn't for beginners anyway :-)05:07
nickrudjchroosted it wasn't updated. just point it at a kernel. Besides, those aren't used in the ubuntu boot process anyway05:08
nickrudCpudan80 everyone is a beginner in C at some point ;p05:08
jchroostednickrud: I no longer have a kernel05:08
amenadojchroosted-> it does not, am guessing you are looking at the wrong partition05:08
Cpudan80ltcabral: They yelled at me for asking something about a thread, and then came to the conclusion that I didnt know structs or points05:08
illDecree_anyone got a min to help a noob?05:08
Cpudan80Nevermind the fact that I use C every day05:08
amenadojchroosted-> can we do this differently? just boot off of liveCd and dont do any chroot ing05:08
nickrudjchroosted no kernel in /boot at all?   sudo apt-get install linux-generic , should pull in a kernel & other goodies05:08
ltcabralCpudan80: oh well... maybe google should be always our first option :)05:09
freeflyer57(tags cannot be changed) any help? please05:09
overthetopif i download Ubuntu 7.10 and install it, will it be a simple update to 8.04 or will i need to do another download and new install of 8.04?05:09
jchroostedamenado: /dev/hda3              73G   50G   20G  72% /mnt/hda305:09
jchroosted/dev/hda1              37M   11M   25M  30% /mnt/hda3/boot05:09
Cpudan80ltcabral: True05:09
jchroostedhda1 is boot, hda2 is swap, hda3 is root05:09
nickrudoverthetop you'll do an update in place, no reinstall necessary05:09
Cpudan80overthetop: sudo apt-get upgrade05:09
jchroostedamenado: this is not a chroot issue05:09
jchroostedamenado: grus is throwing error 15, file not found05:09
nickrudoverthetop s/update/dist upgrade/05:10
jchroostedamenado: grub is pointing at a file that no longer exist05:10
Cpudan80overthetop: The auto-updater thing will let you know when you can download the new version05:10
overthetopThanks nickrud and cpudan8005:10
hti_proany ideas why a user would not be able to play audio but root can05:10
ltcabralbtw im getting error with my bind() when using sockets ->  bind: Address already in use. maybe someone knows how can i close this open connection? i already restarted the computer and it didnt work05:10
amenadojchroosted-> okay you have your way of resolving things, am trying to assist you of the familiar ways i know of, but since you insist your way, am stepping back05:10
jchroostedamenado: with all that overwhelming evidence, I think its BLATANTLY obvious the problem is not chroot05:10
Cpudan80ltcabral: What address are you binding to?05:10
ltcabralCpudan80: localhost05:10
jchroostedamenado: I just showed you proof its not the chroot05:10
Cpudan80ltcabral: What port05:10
nickrud!attitude | jchroosted05:10
ubotujchroosted: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:10
jchroostedamenado: step back because you cannot help05:10
b4l74z4rwhen you delete a file in nautilus or in the terminal, is the corresponding preview/thumbnail file automatically deleted with it?05:10
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ltcabralCpudan80: it was working few minutes ago... then i got this error.... i open server and when i open client it gives me the error05:11
jchroostedthis room is so wrapped up in rules and regulations it has forgotten that sometimes the user knows where he is in the universe05:11
amenadojchroosted-> you are frustrated, thats okay, its you that suffers.05:11
jchroostedforgive me for not suffering an idiot05:11
jchroostedfuck toy05:12
jchroostedand fuck you all05:12
Cpudan80oh lord05:12
IndyGunFreaki guess he wasn't happy with the support he received for the price..lol05:12
Cpudan80They come in and ask for help.... then say that05:12
amenadooh well, there are people that go over the edge..05:12
patbamhi, trying to figure out if this is a bug: http://ruphus.com/stash/mynavthingieisborken.png when i updated recently that nav thing got smaller (no longer legible). but i don't know if i've just configured it wrong or there's a bug05:12
nickrudno, he expected someone to read his mind05:12
IndyGunFreakamenado: of course there are05:12
Cpudan80nickrud: sudo apt-get install crystal-ball ?05:12
illDecree_anyone wanna help out a NON-asshole?05:12
IndyGunFreaknickrud: i thought that was a requirement for ops?05:13
IndyGunFreakeveryone who needs it, "/join #mindreading101"05:13
nathan__Can i get some help?05:13
* nickrud crystal balls nothing, learned his lesson long ago05:13
bastid_raZorillDecree_; do ask your question.. someone will have an answer05:13
ltcabralCpudan80: so any idea?05:13
nickrudnathan__ ask away, maybe the right person will be around to answer05:13
Cpudan80ltcabral: Not really ---- you aren't binding multiple times are you?05:14
nathan__Well I need to acess the network shares05:14
Cpudan80ltcabral: Sometimes if the program does not end cleanly, you get those bind errors05:14
nathan__But it dissapeared05:14
nickrudoh, gnome network browsing. I wish I understood it05:14
tocmo0nlordwhen i try to drag and drop a file into /var/www/ i get the error You do not have permissions to write to this folder05:15
illDecree_alright, im a complete noob, that really wants to switch, have read every doc, but cannot seem to figure out simple stuff. i just freshly installed kubuntu 7.04.  i need to get my graphics, wifi, and dial up modem working, but cannot figure out any after a week of research. im wanting to start w/the graphics, but have no idea where to really begin05:15
nathan__I tried "gksu shares-admin" and it popped up asking me to enter my password. I did that and nothing.05:15
bruenigwhere in the home directory are .desktop files creates / copied by alacarte?05:15
ExtravertAfter I install a Kernel, will I be able to revert it if a problem arises during a boot up?05:15
nickrudbruenig .local/share/applications iirc05:15
Cpudan80illDecree_: Well Ubuntu should come up with a restricted driver thing -- enable gfx, wifi and modem05:15
ltcabralCpudan80: ya i know.. i know most cases that this problem can happen but not how to fix it :T05:16
nickrudillDecree_ what video card? I'll take a shot at that05:16
gooodywhat's the best video converter for ubuntu gutsy? video converter for psp.05:16
illDecree_cpudan80.... how/where?   (dont mean to sound like an idiot, but if i can get a start, i can probably make good progress...05:16
tuxusnathan: how about opening nautilus, and entering network:/// in the browser?05:16
Cpudan80illDecree_: Ehhh well in the regular Ubuntu (gnome) it's under System Admin05:17
ltcabralCpudan80: nop... just 1 client... i think its because i closed to server before closing the client... anyways not even a restart fixed it05:17
illDecree_im in KDE05:17
Cpudan80illDecree_: ehhh hang on05:17
nathan__Well yes that is all and well, but I need to be able to designate files on my computer to be shared with other windows computers.05:17
illDecree_k, btw, TY!!! i really appreciate any help i can get05:17
nathan__And the only way I know how to do that is with the shared folders control panel05:17
nickrudillDecree_ ok, open a terminal (apps->acces->terminal,  and type   gksudo restricted-manager   , you should get a window05:17
Cpudan80illDecree_: Open a terminal and do05:17
Cpudan80exactly what nickrud said :-)05:18
nickrudCpudan80 all yours, I've got a good book waiting :)05:18
Cpudan80C ya nickrud05:18
tuxusnathan_: may I suggest you learn how to set permissions from the commandline?05:18
illDecree_*"the program 'gksudo' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get instal gksu"05:19
nathan__Can you elaborate?05:19
=== elmer_ is now known as elmer
illDecree_i do not have a 'net connection on here yet05:19
ExtravertDoes anyone know which Kernel is required for the 9th gen Nvidia drivers?05:19
elmerWhat is a good temperature monitor for Linux?05:19
gooodywhat's the best video converter for ubuntu gutsy? video converter for psp.05:20
Cpudan80illDecree_: just type sudo instead05:20
Cpudan80illDecree_: Ideally you would use gksudo... but for one time...05:20
nathan__tuxus can you please tell me what you mean.05:20
tuxusnathan_:secondly: I'm not so sure you can simply share files with windows boxes....  That's what for example Samba is for05:20
tuxusnathan_: have you shared files before with windows computers?05:21
illDecree_it asked for a p/w, i entered it, and it comes up w/ "sudo: restricted: command not found"05:21
nathan__Yes... and I was using samba, but network shares as a frontend05:21
nathan__It worked fine until today05:21
Cpudan80illDecree_: sudo restricted-manager ---- is that what you typed?05:22
tuxusnathan_: ah - I think you'll have to join a samba channel to ask for help05:22
Cpudan80!samba | nathan__05:22
ubotunathan__: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.05:22
Cpudan80illDecree_: k05:23
illDecree_yeah...i tried again, no luck05:23
tuxusnathan_: irc.freenode.net #samba05:23
Cpudan80illDecree_: Look in system settings, advanced tab05:23
nathan__@tuxus Ok, well thanks. Maybe this is my own little punishment for using the beta of ubuntu. I will defanatly check out other ways to configure samba.05:23
Cpudan80illDecree_: I dont use KDE --- had to ask the kubuntu channel05:23
illDecree_yeah, i went in there a few hours ago, and got nothing but useless "im too good" stuff,   i hate that...05:24
tuxusnathan_: the only other way I suggest is you look for a standard config on the 'Net and copy it to your config file, and start over05:24
tocmo0nlordwhen i try to drag and drop a file into /var/www/ i get the error You do not have permissions to write to this folder05:24
wersis it just me or are kde themes really lighter than most gnome themes?05:24
Cpudan80illDecree_: From within the advanced tab you should see the restricted driver thing05:25
Cpudan80fire it up05:25
tuxustocmo0nlord: what would you want to copy there?05:25
tocmo0nlordsmfuzion.exe file05:25
tocmo0nlordso i can transfer it online05:25
nathan__Tuxus: I think I just figured it out. After I upgraded to 8.04 it appears that I forgot to install smbfs05:25
illDecree_advanced tab of what?05:25
illDecree_of konsole?05:25
Cpudan80illDecree_: It's under system settings05:25
tuxusnathan_: If life were so easy...  lol05:25
nathan__tuxus: I know what you mean05:26
nathan__ps. do you know how to get those blasted dashes out of my nickname05:26
MrKeunercan I log vino connections(attempts)?05:26
nathan__they dont show up under the preferences05:26
Cpudan80illDecree_: System settings should be an option from the menu05:26
tuxustocmo0nlord: an *.exe file for Linux???05:26
illDecree_k, lemme check... brb05:26
tocmo0nlordits not for linux05:26
tocmo0nlordim not running it05:26
iceswordCpudan80, hi,a little amazed to see you here05:27
Cpudan80tocmo0nlord: You should just stick it in public_html of your home directory05:27
tuxusnathan: dunno... I just pick any ol' name and join  :)05:27
MrKeunertuxus: there are exe files for linux as well05:27
MrKeunertuxus: mono binaries05:27
AdrianStraysI need some help (again). I have a tendency to leave the volume control really high, so when I turn it on, the boot noise is really loud. I'd like to make it so whenever I turn on my computer it starts the volume at a specific level.  Someone gave me the code :amixer -c 0 cset numid=2 50% but it didn't work. Help?05:28
illDecree_ok, im in system settings, but nothing about restricted driver manager...05:28
tuxus"mono binaries"  never too old to learn...05:28
tocmo0nlordi tohught that was the public one05:28
Cpudan80illDecree_: Did you hit advanced?05:29
Cpudan80illDecree_: should be a tab05:29
illDecree_im looking for what i can find05:29
illDecree_yeah, im in advanced05:29
harushimohello quick question05:29
harushimoI'm trying to mount my digital camera manually05:29
Cpudan80illDecree_: you should really use gnome05:29
nathan__ 05:29
Cpudan80kde sucks05:29
* Cpudan80 ducks05:29
harushimoI want to know what were the camera is getting mounted05:29
harushimohow would I find that05:29
AdrianStraysI need some help (again). I have a tendency to leave the volume control really high, so when I turn it on, the boot noise is really loud. I'd like to make it so whenever I turn on my computer it starts the volume at a specific level.  Someone gave me the code :amixer -c 0 cset numid=2 50% but it didn't work. Help?05:30
tuxusharushimo: does an icon show up on the desktop?05:30
iceswordharushimo, attach it,set it to usb read mode,try sudo mount -a05:30
nathansoz 05:30
* zcode` thows a dart at Cpudan80 05:30
titis_semampirhai max05:30
harushimoiceword: set what to usb mode05:31
illDecree_haha,, i really want to use gnome, but i can't make as much sense of it as KDE... when ur new, you tend to take a side quickly... ya know?05:31
harushimotuxus: the camera icon doesn't show up05:31
illDecree_i really know i should use gnome, but i think its the interface that irritates me the most05:31
kadkoHello i get a problem while ubuntu hardy load in normal mode, when i chose to start that SO i get a msg like Kernel Panic Unable to loading on root (0,0) what can i do?05:31
nathansozI have a one more question.05:31
illDecree_i've played w/live distros for years, and all were KDE, so i guess thats where it comes from05:31
iceswordharushimo, your camera05:31
bastid_raZor!hardy | kadko05:31
ubotukadko: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu05:31
tuxusharushimo: for myself, I simply use a cardreader....05:32
Cpudan80illDecree_: do this on a terminal05:32
Cpudan80illDecree_: sudo apt-get install restricted-manager05:32
harushimotuxus: I agree05:33
illDecree_can i do that w/out an internet connection?05:33
harushimotuxus: I don't have one at the moment05:33
AdrianStraysI need some help (again). I have a tendency to leave the volume control really high, so when I turn it on, the boot noise is really loud. I'd like to make it so whenever I turn on my computer it starts the volume at a specific level.  Someone gave me the code :amixer -c 0 cset numid=2 50% but it didn't work. Help?05:33
Cpudan80illDecree_: make sure the disk is in05:33
Cpudan80illDecree_: That one (hopefully) is on the disk05:33
tuxusharushimo: plug the camera in, and in a terminal issue: dmesg05:33
tuxusis the camera detected?05:33
harushimotuxus: dmesg what?05:34
tuxussimply type "dmesg" in a terminal after you plug the cam in05:34
harushimoI did05:34
illDecree_k, i got an error... im guessing that when it says "E: Couldn't find package" it is refering to "E:" as a cd drive like MS would?05:34
Cpudan80illDecree_: It might be called hardware drivers in the advanced thing05:34
donspauldinghow do I get one ubuntu installation to reinstall its version of grub over another ubuntu installation on a separate partition of the same machine?05:34
titis_semampirsend my email at  .... tije.tije@yahoo.co.id05:34
tuxusharushimo: in the output, do you see anything usb-related to your cam?05:35
globeanyone have any experience with restarting an upstart script from inside a cron-triggered bash script?05:35
compaqr4000Anyone else here with a Compaq R4000 that is a big a pain in the but to get working with Linux?  From wireless, to random keyboard issues, to fan to overheating?05:35
Cpudan80illDecree_: must not be on the disk05:35
illDecree_i just popped in the disk, gonna try it again05:35
titis_semampirhai byan05:35
MrKeuner!ops titis_semampir is annoying05:35
illDecree_cpudan80_: same error05:36
Cpudan80illDecree_: Go back into the system thing and look for hardware drivers05:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:36
Cpudan80illDecree_: Still under the advanced tab05:36
titis_semampirmad.... rahmad ?05:36
nickrudtitis_semampir please stop05:37
tuxusharushimo: what's the url?05:37
titis_semampirhai..... Mr.keuner,.... i'm indonesian ?...how about you05:37
Cpudan80nickrud: ^^05:37
harushimoin two seconds05:37
harushimoI'm typing it right now05:37
illDecree_Cpudan80_: all i have in the advanced tab of System settings is: disk and file systems, system services, login manager, windows apps, audio encoding, KDE resources, service manager, and session manager05:37
titis_semampirnickrud please go head ?!!!! stop from here05:38
nickrudtitis_semampir #ubuntu-id is the indonesian channel, you might try that one05:38
Cpudan80illDecree_: Dont know what to tell you05:38
harushimotuxus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62992/05:38
Cpudan80illDecree_: You really need the restricted driver thing05:39
titis_semampirnickrud ...what do you want ? !!!05:39
nickrudtitis_semampir this is a support channel, not for general chatting05:39
illDecree_........ :-/    i kinda figured....05:39
nickrudtitis_semampir you can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic05:40
illDecree_well man, i really, REALLY appreciate your help!!!05:40
tuxusharushimo: cool, so it's detected at least. Now read your fstab... terminal and enter cat /etc/fstab  I recommend you make the terminal full-screen05:40
Cpudan80illDecree_: Once you get that thing, you should be able to easily enable the 3rd party drivers05:41
compaqr4000Anyone else with a fan/heat problem on their laptop that could help here?05:41
Cpudan80illDecree_: If you start back over with regular ubuntu you'll prob have better luck --- gnome is nice --- you'll get used to it :-)05:42
iceswordnickrud, hello.brother05:42
nickrudicesword good evening!05:42
illDecree_alright, so can ya give me a basic rundown on it? i enable 3rd party drivers, identify my chipset, get the driver, and go from there, right? how would i identify my chipset?05:42
joshua /msg ubotu etiquette05:42
Cpudan80illDecree_: All you do is check a box - it's that easy ;-)05:43
illDecree_thats nice!!! alright05:43
Cpudan80illDecree_: It asks you like "You have an <ATI Mobility Radeon...> to use the restricted driver - check this box"05:44
Cpudan80And I am sorry if you actually have an ati mobility radeon05:44
Cpudan80Which have the worst *nix support of any card out there practically05:44
* nickrud has mobility radeon ;(05:44
illDecree_you would laugh at me if i told you what im actually running this on...05:44
* Extravert just bought an Nvidia 9600 GT05:45
Cpudan80illDecree_: Oh really?05:45
illDecree_Cpudan80_: check PM05:46
Cpudan80I saw it05:46
illDecree_dont laugh!!!05:46
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illDecree_i bought it from a friend for $75, put 2 gigs ram in it, and decided it would be good for learning linux05:47
compaqr4000how about any xpress200 owners out there that have enabled compiz and would like to offer a how to?05:47
tuxusharushim: don't help too much... what is the make/model of your camera?05:47
* cdecarlo has a mobility radeon with an even worse Dell 5100 wrapped around it05:47
Cpudan80illDecree_: That's not so bad05:47
icechunkIs it possible to start a GUI in a PXE-boot environment?05:47
Cpudan80illDecree_: That thing has specs similar to my laptop05:47
Cpudan80My processor is better though05:47
Cpudan80And I've got a bigger HDD05:48
tuxusicechunk: elaborate....05:48
Cpudan80illDecree_: Yeah, T42 -- 1.7 GHz M w/ 1 GB RAM & 70 GB HDD05:48
illDecree_im not too upset w/it, 2 gigs ram really sets it off, but i am not happy w/the fact that i cannot seem to find a CPU upgrade for it05:48
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nickrudcompaqr4000 wait for hardy, you will have zero issues05:48
compaqr4000nickrud, I'm in hardy05:49
Cpudan80illDecree_: The 40 GB HD is a bit small05:49
cdecarlonickrud: that's quite the statement05:49
icechunktuxus: for example, I would like to have a terminal that grabs a boot image from the Ubuntu server and boots into a GUI- where users could type in a username and password and use it. They wouldn't have a clue that an OS wasn't installed at all.05:49
tuxusnickrud: would you like another foot?  lol05:49
Dan_Eevening all....05:49
nickrudcompaqr4000 system->admin->restricted drivers enable it and reboot. I've had zero problems with my express 200 and compiz ;p05:49
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compaqr4000nickrud, it worked in 7.10......now, restricted drivers just don't work05:49
illDecree_Cpudan: yeah, the HDD is getting an upgrade soon, at least is SATA though...05:49
tuxusicechunk: that's been around for a loooooong time  ..... LTSP....05:50
icechunktuxus, that was my initial understanding05:50
icechunkIn fact, I setup a test environment using virtual machines05:50
nickrudcompaqr4000 hrm. What happens, 'don't work' is zero use in troubleshooting.05:50
Dan_ECan't get the RAM on my g/f's laptop to cooperate05:50
AdrianStraysI need some help (again). I have a tendency to leave the volume control really high, so when I turn it on, the boot noise is really loud. I'd like to make it so whenever I turn on my computer it starts the volume at a specific level.  Someone gave me the code :amixer -c 0 cset numid=2 50% but it didn't work. Help?05:50
tuxusicechunk: I guess I'm not understanding the prob?05:50
nickrudAdrianStrays did you add that to /etc/rc.local ?05:51
compaqr4000nickrud, when selecting System...Administration....Hardware Drivers nothing happens at all.05:51
compaqr4000nickrud, I click and that is it.05:51
nickrudcompaqr4000 nothing happens at all... you mean no window opens?05:51
icechunktuxus: Let me elaborate further :P  When I boot my PXE client, it finds everything fine and boots into a terminal. It has a prompt: (initramfs). And I can type in "Linux" commands05:51
icechunkbut only certain commands05:51
AdrianStraysnickrud, I was told to try it in terminal first, and if it worked, then to add it to /etc/rc.local05:51
nickrudcompaqr4000 anyway, I saw something about that on #ubuntu+1 , ask there05:52
compaqr4000nickrud, nope, nothing05:52
tuxusicechunk: sounds like your "clients" are not yet added to the LTSP server?05:52
compaqr4000nickrud, I tried and that is why I'm here05:52
nickrudcompaqr4000 no hardy answers here until release, sorry05:52
icechunktuxus, I haven't read anything about that at all while doing the tutorials (I've been reading through 3) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThinClientHowto05:53
compaqr4000nickrud, ok, thanks.05:53
tuxusicechunk: Ubuntu server edition 7.10 makes an LTSP setup really easy05:53
AdrianStraysnickrud, I was told to try it in terminal first, and if it worked, then to add it to /etc/rc.local05:53
nickrudAdrianStrays refreshing my amixer memory, a sec05:53
icechunktuxus: Correct. to clarify, I'm using Ubuntu 7 i386 Server05:54
LainIwakuraHello, how do I allow X user to be able to write in /var/www/test without sudo access?05:55
tuxusicechunk: I'd have to research that a bit further as well.05:55
MrGnuIs there a way to install ubuntu o05:55
MrGnuOn eeepc, using a mem card05:56
zcat[1]LainIwakura: sudo chmod a+rw /var/www/test05:56
icechunktuxus, Thanks. With the info you gave me, I'll see what I can do as well05:56
crdlbLainIwakura: you add that user to the group that owns /var/www/test and make sure that it has group write permission05:56
LainIwakurazcat[1]: Thank you05:56
LainIwakuracrdlb: How would I do that?05:56
nickrudAdrianStrays try  amixer sset Master 10%05:56
AdrianStraysNickrud, WOW it worked! Thanks, I've been waiting for that for weeks05:57
AdrianStraysNickrud, okay, hold on let me see if I can add it05:58
tuxusicechunk: read this entire thread: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-users/2007-October/002300.html05:58
tuxusicechunk: looks like a solution has been found?05:58
icechunkThanks *reading*05:58
LainIwakurazcat[1]: Is it safe if I do that to a /var/www/test folder? This is viewable on the web but it only contains a stat.html file I would like to update periodically. Thanks.05:58
nickrudAdrianStrays rc.local should set it before the login screen starts, but let me know if it doesn't05:59
AdrianStraysnickrud, should it look like this:05:59
AdrianStrays#!/bin/sh -e05:59
AdrianStrays# rc.local05:59
AdrianStrays# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.05:59
FloodBot3AdrianStrays: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:59
zcat[1]LainIwakura: nobody on the web will be able to write to it, but any user on your computer will ... the other way to do this might be 'sudo chown user /var/www/test' then only that user will have access06:00
nickrudAdrianStrays just put that one line above exit 006:00
LainIwakurazcat[1]: Okay great. Thanks for your help.06:00
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.06:01
nickrudAdrianStrays you should have voice again06:03
AdrianStraysNickrud, sorry06:03
AdrianStraysNickrud, I'll restart and get back to you06:03
cchildsomeone just hacked my linux website (not fully developed), and put some crazy music on it, please someone listen to it  and tell me what language it is.: http://www.cygnitec.com06:04
Zirodaycchild: this is a support channel, strictly for ubuntu support not for deciphering songs06:05
icechunkcchild, why, with all that just happened to you, do you want to know THAT kind of information?06:06
AdrianStraysNickrud, it worked! Thank you soo much06:06
cchildicechunk, i figured why not go to a channel with users from all over the world and see if someone recongnizes the language06:07
sielnt_cchild, ahahahah06:07
Ziroday!ubuntu | cchild06:07
ubotucchild: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com06:07
cchildis there a postnuke, joomla channel06:09
icechunkcchild, here's your offending URL: http://classyt.com/_notes/Xjalanan.swf06:09
bullgard4cchild: Questions should be appended with a question mark.06:10
cchildbullgard4: stop being petty?06:10
cchildthanks icechunk06:11
icechunkcchild, http://www.jalanan.org/ It might be related to that06:11
cchildahah, icechunk, i think this may be it. thanks, though i know this was not related my ubuntu system support, but i figure i can count a the knowledge of the folks here.06:13
AdrianStraysOkay, I have another problem. In openoffice.org the spell check does not catch spelling errors, at all. Even when I purposefully misspell words.  Help?06:14
=== icesword is now known as kekexili
icechunkcchild, that link seems to be related to a porn site in some manner.06:14
Anzamy tray icons disappeared06:14
Anzanow I can't send anything to the tray06:14
kekexilihow do you mean06:14
StarnestommyAnza: is the notification applet in the panel anywhere?06:15
Anzawhat notification applet?06:15
cchildis there a content manager channel06:15
welcome8Enter text here...06:16
icechunkNot sure. What kind of content are you looking to manage?06:16
Anzaif I click on the X of a program, for example Nicotine, it gives me the option to send to tray or close, and if I say send to tray it just disappears06:16
welcome8062706440633064406270645 06390644064a0643064506:16
nickrudwelcome8 is that intentional?06:16
AnzaI think I deleted it by mistake but dunno how to put them back06:16
tenpaiyomiDoes anybody here have experience with Postfix, Sasl, SMTP, and Mysql?  Regardless of what I do, it doesn't act as if it's using mysql06:16
nickrudAnza try right clicking the panel, and adding the notification area back06:16
StarnestommyAnza: right-click on the panel, select 'add to panel', go to 'utilities', select 'notification area', then click 'add'06:16
cchildicechunk, clearly i wont be using joomla, because it has been compromised. postnuke channel06:16
icechunkcchild, lol06:17
amenadotenpaiyomi-> what do you mean act as if its not using mysql?  is it supposed to? do you know what data is supposed to be stored on mysql?06:18
icechunkcchild, it appears that whoever hacked your site has hacked other sites as well06:18
Anzathank you! it worked06:18
Anzabut I ended doing it because I was wondering why the newest amsn version doesnt show any icon06:18
AdrianStraysOh wait. I have a new problem.  I tried to make it so my clock syncronizes with the internet time servers.  It said I had to intstall Ntp or something.  In the process it told me that "the configuration file was modified by you or by a script). An updated version is shipped in this package. If you want to keep your current version say 'keep'. Yadayadayada what do I do?06:18
nickrudicechunk cchild this isn't exactly direct ubuntu support, could you take it to offtopic please06:19
speaker219#sp219 :D06:19
tenpaiyomiamenado: I have postfix setup to with the users and domains stored in a mysql database, which it uses for authentication.  I have Sasl setup to where (from what I understand with my configurations) it's supposed to be using mysql, however no matter -what- I do, the authentication fails.06:19
Anzathere is just a little white box instead the icon06:19
nickrudAdrianStrays use the new one06:19
icechunknickrud, sure06:19
Anzadoes anybody knows why? or how to fix it?06:19
AdrianStraysNickrud, thanks06:19
cchildclearly the server which is linux has nothing to do with it. The joomla program which is written in php was clearly not coded for security06:19
levanderI want to look at the source code for a package but have never really messed around with source debs.  Is there a tutorial or something I can look at?06:19
icechunkcchild, are you getting my messages?06:19
nickrud!packaging | levander this should get you started06:20
ubotulevander this should get you started: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports06:20
amenadotenpaiyomi-> you know which database that postfix uses right? can you manually query it and see if the data is there? off course using the correct account to access mysql06:20
cchildicechunk, subtle message or actual?06:20
tenpaiyomiamenado: I know which database it is using.  I am using that same database and user schema for the IMAP authentication06:20
icechunkcchild: I have no clue. Obviously you haven't gotten them though. Don't worry about it.06:21
nickrudicechunk if you were pming, cchild needs to register. Or, you could both just join #icechunk ;)06:21
amenadotenpaiyomi-> does postfix have a config file to indicate it has to use mysql? or pam module? or /etc/passwd ?06:22
wildwobbyHelp me!06:22
jerbearhow do i install pulse audio before hardy releases?06:22
levandernickrud: What about some kind of doc.'s that describe Ubuntu's guidelines for releasing security and other updates?  I've always wondered how the developers decide what to release via updates and what to release just when the next distribution comes out.06:22
tenpaiyomiamenado: within the /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf I have the information as per the ubuntu wiki06:22
[chr0n0s]any idea why i am getting these messages [  394.445511] ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR }06:22
[chr0n0s][  394.445624] ata1.00: error: { UNC } . detailed output at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62995/06:22
illDecree_does anyone have a command to figure out the driver required for my graphics?06:22
nickrudlevander not that I've seen. I do know that generally it's serious bug fixes and security06:23
nickrudwildwobby please don't advertise here06:23
bastid_raZorillDecree_; lspci will tell you which card you have and you can go from there.06:23
cchildthe command to register is something linke "/msg nickserv register mypassword"?06:23
levandernickrud: Yeah, it's probably just that general and doesn't need a guide.06:23
Starnestommycchild: that's it without the quotes06:23
amenadotenpaiyomi-> i have not installed it myself, however, what does the instructions says, or the config should be what type of authentication?06:23
nickrudillDecree_ lspci | grep -i vga will tell you your graphics card/chip06:24
patbamhi, trying to figure out if this is a bug: http://ruphus.com/stash/mynavthingieisborken.png when i updated recently that nav thing got smaller (no longer legible). but i don't know if i've just configured it wrong or there's a bug06:24
thundr3hello kongove06:24
illDecree_nickrud: i tried that.... it doesn't seem to come up.... not sure why06:24
kongoveDo you use eva?06:25
nickrudillDecree_ are you sure you're typing it correctly? try copy and paste ->    lspci | grep -i vga    <--06:25
illDecree_nvm... brb06:25
bastid_raZornickrud; that sure narrows it down.. i should makes notes of the wonderful uses of grep06:25
illDecree_ok that last one worked...06:26
illDecree_but, it doesn't tell me anything more than i already knew...06:26
nickrudillDecree_ so, what was it?06:26
tenpaiyomiamenado: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixCompleteVirtualMailSystemHowto#head-3f67bf992b535d41df608093741c2445e4ed1d1f06:26
cchildStarnestommy, i did the command and it brough a window with the password i typed in: " register mypassword" where do i go from here?06:26
illDecree_nickrud: honestly, im a noob, and am having one hell of a time getting the graphics working...06:26
yacper<kongove>:I think eva's not good working these days06:26
illDecree_it comes up w/ " unichrome pro IGP rev 01 "06:26
cafuegoBuffer I/O error on device sdc4, logical block 128368 attempt to access beyond end of device06:27
nickrudillDecree_ are you getting any graphics? And it's really hard to give advice without info ... oh, that piece of ...06:27
* cafuego thinks that would be filed under "not good"06:27
daymohanyone know which package has the /lib/firmware stuff in it? I accidently deleted mine :*)06:27
Starnestommycchild: you may need to do it again06:27
illDecree_yeah, its not a greap laptop... its just one i decided to try to learn linux on06:27
robbiehey every one06:28
cchildStarnestommy, from the new window or this one?06:28
thundr3cafuego, No, that doesn't sound very good.  Does it happen often?06:28
Starnestommycchild: try that oen06:28
illDecree_yeah, im getting graphics in 4:3, but its widescreen... im getting "VESA" for the graphics, and "Plug n play" for the monitor...06:28
cchildStarnestommy, how would i log in?06:28
nickrudillDecree_ does it have a chip type listed in that vga line?06:28
amenadotenpaiyomi-> reading that link and just looking for authentication, you have modified this  /etc/courier/authmysqlrc  ?06:29
Starnestommycchild: I found the problem.  Someone else already registered your current nick06:29
cchildStarnestommy, it was me but i forgot the pwd06:29
amenadotenpaiyomi-> or is it the SMTP authentication you are using?06:29
illDecree_all i get from begining to end is " 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA technologies, Inc. Unichrome pro IGP (rev 01)06:29
Starnestommycchild: you could use a different nick or ask a freenode staff member in #freenode to reset it06:30
nickrudillDecree_ ok, I think you need the xserver-xorg-video-unichrome  package. And it's only available from the net06:30
tenpaiyomiamendo: It's SMTP authentication I am trying to use.06:30
cafuegothundr3: Just started happening on boot with a new kernel; that's a swap partition btw. I have had a few crashes and I was blaming the sil680 pata card I had... but perhaps I need to blame the disk.06:30
cchildStarnestommy, how would i log in, i may remember the pwd06:30
Starnestommycchild: /msg nickserv identify password06:30
cchild /msg nickserv identify l1357906:31
amenadotenpaiyomi-> it is near the very end, you have both those files? smtpd.conf and /etc/postfix/main.cf  ?06:31
illDecree_nickrud:  thats the prob... i have no net connection... the modem isn't installed either, niether is the wifi... and the 10/100 is broken06:31
illDecree_does this mean im screwed?06:31
Starnestommycchild: without the space before the /06:31
nickrudillDecree_ or it may be the xserver-xorg-video-via06:31
tenpaiyomiamenado: Yes06:31
Starnestommycchild: and also, /msg nickserv help set password06:31
nickrudillDecree_ then you need to concentrate on wifi. And I"m pretty clueless about wireless. What does    lspci | grep -i wlan  say?06:32
amenadotenpaiyomi-> exact options for sender and recepient  per that link?06:32
* nickrud thinks cafuego has ulterior designs06:32
thundr3cafuego, that sounds like it might be the case, but I'm really not knowledgeable enough to really troubleshoot further.  I'm sure someone else in here has more expertise than I do.06:32
=== macd_ is now known as macd
illDecree_that showed up in just LSPCI.... i get "broadcom BCM4318 airforce one 54g rev 206:33
tenpaiyomiamenado: Those options, as well as about 10 different configuration types.  I've been at this for about 6 hours now06:33
cafuegothundr3: oh, I expect i do, just pasted it to complain, really.06:33
sailaway85Hi Im back06:33
illDecree_i tried like hell to get NDISWRAPPER working.... its not in the machine, or the disk, and when i tried to d/l it and install it, i kept getting errors...06:33
DOOM_NXgood morning06:34
cchild Starnestommy, am just going to register a new id06:34
cafuegothundr3: The other partition on that disk is part of a raid 95) array so i need to take it out, check the whole disk, then re-add it. Just don't know that i can be bothered today.06:34
icechunkoyy... forgot to compile the linux client with the Ubuntu GUI06:34
yacper<illDecree_>:NDISWRAPPER is not working with my box too:)06:34
thundr3cafuego, in that case, sorry to hear your disk or card may or may not be failing :)06:35
icechunktuxus: It's working 100% correctly now. :D06:35
sailaway85Its been a journey getting ubuntu to work but I have a network and 3d graphics and it only took a month.06:35
illDecree_my plan, basically was to mess around w/this version until the new one comes out in two weeks, but so far, i have managed to get NOTHING working......06:35
VikDAkinGHi I have a question, When i tried installing Xubuntu on my system I always get an error saying something like BIOS bug APIO not connected or something06:35
illDecree_u think im better off waiting to see what the new version brings?06:35
VikDAkinGDoes anyone know how to fix that?06:36
daymohdoesn't matter... i just reinstalled all the packages i had installed that had "linux-modules" and "linux-image"...06:36
amenadotenpaiyomi-> thats fairly normal setting up a complicated mail server and database authentications..takes a while to get setup06:36
tenpaiyomiamenado: I got about 90% of the configuration done in roughly 30 minutes.  The other 5 1/2 hours have been trying to get mysql SMTP authentication working06:36
nickrudillDecree_ yeah, it's gonna be hard to get that running without the 10/100 working. Thats how I set up my laptop wireless, bootstrap with wired06:36
cafuegothundr3: heh - it 's ok. Pretty old 80GB disk.. and I have a handful of spares here.06:36
VikDAkinGThis is so frustrating lol and I'm running out of CD-R discs dangit06:36
daymohvikdaking: what's the exact error message?06:37
illDecree_the prob is, if i put in a 10/100 pc card, im gonna have the same thing to deal w/ getting that card working... ya know??06:37
VikDAkinGUhh idk sorry it goes by to fast06:38
daymohin the console? do youhave X installed at all?06:38
amenadotenpaiyomi-> i find it odd that pam module is not mentioned on that link.. now adays most secure systems uses pam modules, and this link does not make a mention of it..06:38
nickrudillDecree_ no, wired is simple, nearly every card driver is already in the kernel06:38
daymohit's a bit tricky trying to work out what the problem is if you don't have the error message....06:38
VikDAkinGI am just trying to install it for the first time06:38
tenpaiyomiamenado: I'm going through one right now which is making mention of pam06:38
daymohso press shift + pgup to see what the error messages are06:38
VikDAkinGand i did the Memtest just fine and when i went into check for CD errors it said i had 1 error. But i ran the installation anyways06:39
VikDAkinGoh ok thanks daymoh06:39
illDecree_even a PC card nic?06:39
VikDAkinGIll try that and if no luck ill come back06:39
amenadotenpaiyomi-> that link you provided to me didnt seem to indicate pam is mentioned at all..06:39
nickrudillDecree_ oh, pccard. hm. Nothing like trying :)06:40
amenadotenpaiyomi-> you have a different link you are following?06:40
tenpaiyomiamenado: http://www.marlow.dk/site.php/tech/postfix06:40
illDecree_oh well... im gonna give it a rest for the night...06:40
illDecree_thanks for the help!06:41
nickrudillDecree_ but you're gonna run into similar issues with any ubuntu install, wireless anyway06:41
amenadotenpaiyomi-> but is that tied in to that wiki tutorial you pasted earlier?06:41
tenpaiyomiamenado: Not at all06:41
nickrudillDecree_ and especially with that one since you need to get the firmware for it from somewhere, probably the net06:41
yacper<illDecree_>:maybe you should search your graphic card manufacturer's page for a driver,compile and install that06:41
illDecree_yeah....    if i can get the modem and graphics fixed, i would have nothing else to work on   :-D06:41
illDecree_so, wifi would be the next project06:41
amenadotenpaiyomi-> okay, so this other link you have that mentions pam, you already have implimented or still deciding if you should or not?06:42
yacper <illDecree_>:I mean use your current working box to download it,and transfer that to your ubuntu machine06:43
illDecree_yeah, thats what i have been trying, just transfering everything from the XP box to the linux box w/a flashdrive06:44
tenpaiyomiamenado: Well, I read a bit past that to the postfix 2.x version and smtp auth with sasl.  The only problem is that when I telnet into localhost and issue a ehlo command, the available auths are all default (250-AUTH=PLAIN NTLM LOGIN DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5)  The only ones I have configured are sql plain and login.  It acts as if it's not even reading the conf file06:44
salt2I am noob to linux and have a question.06:45
salt2how would i start a process in the background, so even if i closed the terminal, it would continue to run? like the "run an application" applet for gnome-panel except in a terminal06:46
noob13salt, use "screen"06:46
NullNamesalt: cron06:46
n2diysalt2: command &06:46
lukehikerhello every06:46
daymohsalt2: stick a '&' at the end06:46
daymohsalt2: like, "xeyes&"06:46
lukehikerhello everyone06:46
lukehikeri am a beginner, and i do have some silly questions to ask06:47
NullNamelukehiker: that's okay06:47
lukehikeris here anyone free ?06:47
NullNameof course06:47
lukehikerthank you06:47
noob13depending on your question :P06:47
salt2i tried that. what i did was open gnome-terminal and type compiz & . it worked, but when i closed out the terminal, it stopped06:47
NullNameThis entire server is free.06:47
lukehikerall right06:47
arvind_khadriare there any apps to covert wma to mp306:48
lukehikerhow to become a super user?06:48
noob13sudo su?06:48
lukehikersudo -i?06:48
salt2sudo -s06:48
lukehikerit really works06:48
salt2or just su06:48
lukehikerok, let me tell you more06:48
amenadotenpaiyomi-> dont know if you have to launch postfix and smtp with special options for it to use sasl ..sorry this is much much deeper than what i have done before06:48
NullNamelukehiker:what distro of linux are you using?06:48
tenpaiyomiamenado: Alright, well, thank you for your help06:49
lukehikeri am installing a software, and it promotes that i should become a root first06:49
Starnestommylukehiker: run 'sudo program'06:49
Starnestommywhere 'program' is the program's name06:49
* pedrosanta thinks Ubuntu is so so cool!06:49
=== salt2 is now known as speaker219
lukehikerok, let me try it first06:50
lukehikerthanks everyone!06:50
JohnM_NullName, maybe ubuntu?06:50
pedrosantabye lukehiker06:50
NullNamelukehiker: You are usually asked to create a super user password06:50
NullNamewhen you installing06:50
amenadotenpaiyomi-> anyhow, id clue in myself to pam related topic there, pam-mysql plugin and such..activate a very verbose logging to on your postfix06:50
NullNamewith ubuntu your superuser password is the same as your normal user.06:50
NullNamewhat up?06:52
lukehikerI know how to become a super user06:52
NullNameJohnM: LOL sorry I thought I was in another channel..hahah that was a really dumb question.06:52
lukehikerbut the program asked me to log on as a super user06:52
tenpaiyomiamenado: pam-mysql is for postfix 1.x.  postfix 2.x and libsasl2 have sql support.  The only problem is I just can't get it to actually USE it06:52
lukehikeris it the same thing?06:52
Symmetriaerrr, does anyone have any idea why if I set net.ipv6.bindv6only=1 apache ceases to function on v4 at all06:53
NullNamelukehiker: using sudo is basically the same thing06:53
icechunkyou are only binding to ipv6 addresses I assume...06:53
miyakoSymmetria: just a guess, but I would thing "bindv6only" means that it will only bind to ipv6 addresses06:53
NullNamelukehiker:  Don't worry about logging in as the superuser ever06:53
StarnestommySymmetria: because that says 'bind v6 only' with the word 'only' in it06:53
lukehikerbut how to?06:54
NullNamelukehiker:  Just use sudo06:54
Symmetriaerrr miyako that is supposed to ensure that v4 cant communicate with v6 sockets06:54
Symmetriaits not supposed to mean that v4 stops working :p06:54
amenadotenpaiyomi-> what is your pwcheck_method: ?06:54
tenpaiyomiamenado: pwcheck_method: auxprop06:54
lukehikeri just want to log on as a super user temporarily06:54
miyakoSymmetria: well, I did say it was just a guess, I've no idea really, never done much with ipv606:54
* Symmetria goes looking06:55
NullNamelukehiker: I think once that I added a root account with ubuntu...but it messed things up06:55
miyakolukehiker: sudo -i will give you a login shell as root06:55
amenadotenpaiyomi-> dont know if this should be  pwcheck_method: saslauthd per the http://www.starbridge.org/spip/spip.php?article106:55
lukehikerok, thank you06:55
=== the is now known as thejiji
Symmetriathing is binding ALL v4 to the v6 sockets for some reason its wierd06:56
lukehikeryou know, i install the software in the terminal shell, but when asked to click the I Agree button, it do not appears06:56
lukehikeri could not find the button06:56
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miyakolukehiker: gui apps don't play well with sudo sometimes, you might try launching it with gtksudo or gnomesu or kdesu if you're using kde06:57
lukehikeri am using ubuntu06:57
Symmetriaaha, there we go06:58
Randocalare driver releases from ATI and Nvidia generally pretty far apart? Or do they release new drivers relatively frequently?06:58
lukehikerdoes anyone use ANSYS?06:58
tenpaiyomiamenado: no change.  And it still shows every single auth option, even though I only have 3 enabled.06:58
Symmetriaroot@virtsys:/etc/apache2# netstat -na |grep -c ESTAB06:59
Symmetriamuch better06:59
miyakoRandocal: generally beta drivers every 3 or 4 months, and then stable releases ever 4 to 6 months, sometimes sooner; but that's for nvidia's releases, ubuntu seems to be really slow about getting the newest drivers in the repositories06:59
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.07:00
RandocalI used Envy to put in ATI drivers on my system, and it seemed to go well07:00
michael__any advice for a tv tuner?07:00
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »07:00
RandocalJust kinda curious how long those drivers are going to be "current"07:00
=== michael__ is now known as M_dugger
timsandtomsHow do I burn an .iso?07:00
RyanPriorRandocal: It's usually better to use the Restricted Drivers manager, which leverages Ubuntu's package system to keep your drivers current.07:00
RyanPriortimsandtoms: Use the CD burner, but choose to burn to a file rather than a disk.07:01
RandocalI couldn't get compiz working with the version that was in the repositories07:01
M_duggerRandocal, which card you using?07:01
RyanPriortimsandtoms: Unless you mean you have an ISO and you want to burn it to a CD, in which case you right click and select "Open with CD/DVD Creator".07:01
timsandtomsRyanPrior: Thanks... I actually just realized I could right click it >.> Haha, I remember before I had to come here, and as I didn't remember what was told... I figured I needed help again =]07:01
miyakoKeep in mind that a big cluster-frak between non-repository nvidia drivers, the restricted manager, and failsafe X  is what made me switch away from ubuntu, so I strongly don't recommend installing non-repository drivers under ubuntu07:01
RandocalX1600 Pro07:01
RyanPriortimsandtoms: We'll tell you as many times as you need. =D07:02
timsandtomsRyanPrior: ;) I bet you'll regret saying that, but thanks =]07:02
AdrianStraysSo here is my problem.  Kalarm didn't start automatically on login, so I added it to the start up list.  The only problem is that it opens the window, rather than just starting it up in the tray.  How can I change it so it just starts in the tray, like the network manager, rather than as the physical window07:02
lukehikermiyako: Which OS are you using now?07:02
miyakolukehiker: slackware07:02
RandocalAm I really heading down an ugly path by using Envy to shoehorn newer drivers in? Should I reverse what i've done with Envy and just use the repository drivers?07:03
lukehikeranother linux distribution?07:03
miyakolukehiker: yeah07:03
RyanPriorAdrianStrays: read the man page and figure out which option will make it start in the background.07:03
Intangirhow do i make it not show all my mounts on my desktop07:03
Intangiri even moved it out of the /media directory07:03
lukehikerwhat do you usually use it do?07:03
RyanPriorIntangir: You use gconf-editor.07:03
Intangirand it sstill showing it07:03
IntangirRyanPrior: then look where?07:04
AdrianStraysRyanPrior, huh?07:04
lukehikermiyako: what do you usually use slackware to do?07:04
RyanPriorIntangir: Apps -> Nautilus -> Desktop -> volumes_visible07:04
IntangirRyanPrior: k thx07:04
RyanPriorAdrianStrays: There ought to be a flag that tells the program to start it the background, and it will be documented in the man pages.07:05
miyakolukehiker: just normal stuff I suppose, irc, im, web, email, movies, games, code07:05
lukehikerthat's cool07:05
M_duggerRadocal: ATI sucks, the only way I got any of their stuff to work was by using the open source driver07:05
AdrianStraysRyan prior, where are they located?07:05
RyanPriorAdrianStrays: There's a convenient program for viewing them called "man", which searches for them and displays them. Just open a terminal and type "man kalarm" (without the quotes)07:06
RyanPriorAdrianStrays: You can then use the up & down keys to scroll, and q to quit back to the terminal.07:06
M_duggerAnyone have luck with tv tuners in linux? IF so what do you recommend?07:06
RandocalI'm pretty new to all this, just recently moved from WinXP. Do the open source drivers give pretty good performance? As well, how would I go about installing them?07:07
miyakoM_dugger: Hauppage WinTV cards are well supported (dispite their name)07:07
RyanPriorM_dugger: you might want to check the MythTV forums, lots of people who use Linux with TV tuners post there.07:07
M_duggerHaha, that's what I've read elsewhere.07:07
RandocalI had a geforce fx5700 in this PC, but it's shared between 3 users, and with compiz enabled, we were getting "blank" login screens when switching from one user to another.07:07
RandocalSO i swapped in this ATI card07:07
RyanPriorRandocal: Most of the time drivers are pre-installed and you have nothing to do. In the case of non-free drivers (like the proprietary ones for Nvidia cards), there is a Restricted Drivers Manager which finds and installs the correct driver for you.07:08
M_duggerRando: They are installed automatically when you install Ubuntu, or should be. It's enabling the ATI ones that's hard. To do it just disable the restricted ones07:08
RyanPriorRandocal: The open source drivers for graphics cards do not give good performance, but some of them provide some acceleration on some cards.07:09
=== andy3 is now known as xtknight
M_duggerRandocal, that's because X doesn't like loading 2 instances at the same time. Mine at home has no trouble but it varies. In general nVidia is way better07:09
RandocalRyanPrior: So the open source driver is simply the default driver that is installed and running before I selected to install the restricted driver.07:09
AdrianStraysRyanPrior, none of these options seem to be the one I'm looking for. The only one that is close is "display system tray icon"07:10
RyanPriorRandocal: either it's the open source driver, or it's no driver, before you install the proprietary one.07:10
M_duggerit's the open source07:10
RyanPriorRandocal: The proprietary drivers are unfortunately required for gaming and decent 3D acceleration ATM.07:10
RyanPriorAdrianStrays: I would look myself, but I don't have any KDE apps.07:11
RandocalI would like to have compiz enabled, and have the ability to switch between users without hitting that blank window bug, I've been happy with Nvidia for a long while (as a WinXP user) and wouldn't mind staying with them, but their driver was giving me troubles07:11
M_duggeryes, that's why I prefer nvidia because they support linux. What sort of FPS do you get running GLXGEARS on the restricted vs. open source?07:11
gogetaM_dugger ati does now to but its kinda new07:12
decaywhere do i go to set the short cut to make the window roll up to the title bar?07:12
gogetaM_dugger when amd bought it they promised better linux support07:12
miyakowhen it comes to linux video card support, you can't beat intel07:12
RandocalAre you guys familiar with this blank login page bug that I"m describing? Is that something that is prone to only a few specific Nvidia cards?07:12
miyakotheir cards are kinda crappy, but are plenty for running compiz and older games07:12
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:12
gogetamiyako to bad intels suck07:13
bobbyhello ! i have a problem : the first time I press the shutdown shortcut, the screen freezes and the window opens with a delay of 15-20 seconds ! any idea on how to fix this?07:13
M_duggerI know that as well, they kinda shuffled their feet for awhile and a $50 purchase of an nvidia one was so much easier07:13
M_duggerRando, were u using the restricted when this bug happened?07:13
M_duggerhow is ATI's support now?07:13
RandocalM_dugger: yes, i was07:13
gogetaM_dugge my 9200 oss drivers rock07:14
RyanPriorAdrianStrays: I found the man page and looked at it, it really looks like the flag which makes it start in the background isn't documented.07:14
=== undefined is now known as Idanbd
Idanbdhello :P07:14
M_duggerI'm not sure then, one way would be to set up something to kill compiz on one user before logging out. I'm not expert but search google for it and you will find tons of info07:14
AdrianStraysRyanPrior, thanks for looking that up. Do you have any idea what I should do then? Is there another channel I might be able to check?07:14
IdanbdI have an issue with Hardy Beta07:15
RandocalI went directly from whatever Ubuntu installed with to the restricted drivers. With the "default" driver, I wasn't even able to select the native resolution of my LCD if I recall correctly.07:15
gogeta M_dugge the command compiz-replace would do the trick there07:15
RyanPriorAdrianStrays: You could check in a KDE channel, or in #kubuntu07:15
gogeta M_dugge swap it out back to 2d07:15
RandocalAlways disabling compiz before logging out isn't a very good option for me, it will very frequently be forgotten, and the other 2 users are relatively novice, so the extra steps won't go over well.07:16
IdanbdThis didn't happen in Gutsy: after restarting, when trying to switch keyboard layout (from USA to Isr) the keyboard binding just don't work. I have to go into the keyboard layout preferences each time and re-check the binding options07:16
gogetaRandoca you add the script on logout07:16
gogetaRandoca automate it07:16
Idanbdnote that the binding are checked, but i have to re-check them07:17
Idanbdany ideas?07:17
RyanPriorRandocal: Compiz is screwy with my system as well, so I use compositing Metacity instead. Perhaps that would work for you?07:17
gogetaRandoca you can also not use compiz lol07:17
RandocalI've never heard/read anything about compisiting metacity, how similar are the effects?07:18
RandocalYeah, disabling compiz is an option, but as a new convert to Linux, the "wow factor" of compiz is pretty nice07:18
M_duggeryes, compiz is screwy. The idea is that you automate the logout script and put it in effect for everything. Which nvidia card?07:18
gogetaRandoca it gets old07:18
Idanbdcompiz could use some anti-aliasing too :/07:19
RyanPriorRandocal: You get previews of windows in alt+tab, window drop shadows, fade in/out on minimize, that's about it.07:19
gogetaRandoca being im running a 128gb card wile runs it well can lag if i tax on other 3d apps07:19
gogetaRandoca so u turn mine off07:19
Idanbdanyone knows anything about my issue above?07:19
phaeanyone can lead me to how i can boot an iso image from a flash drive07:19
phaeor perhaps a separate partition?07:19
RandocalM_dugger: I have an Fx5700 but it's not installed right now, I have an ATI X1600 in this system at the moment07:20
gogetaphae burn iso on a cdr07:20
nxusrphae is that possible?07:20
ltcabralanyone knows how can i finish a bind() connection?? i tried EVERYTHING and it still says the address im using to connect client/server is in use!!!07:20
phaei'm pretty sure it is07:20
gogetaphae www.pendrivelinux.com07:21
nxusrboos iso?07:21
RyanPriorltcabral: Perhaps a question for ##linux07:21
gogetalots of guids on that07:21
Idanbdso does anyone have any idea why keyboard layout switching fails after a restart under hardy?07:21
nxusr  boot*07:21
iceswordonce you have grub>.you can do everything07:21
phaei was just there, but i think i accidentally closed it out, now that i remember...07:21
Starnestommyltcabral: kill the process that's using the socket that already bound it07:21
Idanbdwell i guess noone has any ideas :/07:22
Starnestommys/already bound it/bound it/07:22
Idanbdmaybe it'll fix in the next distro07:22
pajamianphae: there's loads of guides for installing a bootable live ubuntu on a flash drive, google is your friend.07:22
phaeah, yeah, no, i was talking about a specific iso that i have07:22
M_duggerhmm.. I have an fx5500 in my desktop right now and it shows no problems with Fedora 8 on it. It was pretty much plug and play for me, sorry you're having trouble.07:22
phaeit's not linux, see07:23
gogetaphae i gave him the site aruldy lol07:23
gogetaphae not linux?07:23
phaeno, i meant, pendrivelinux is to install linux on a flash drive07:23
M_duggerGood news is, I believe the next xServer is supposed to be fixed so that Compiz doesn't break your machine.07:23
gogetaphae thers guids on botting a iso as well07:23
phaethere is?, maybe i should look harder..07:24
gogetaphae booting lol07:24
ltcabralStarnestommy: tried... even restarting computer and connection didnt work07:24
bullgard4Kaffeine offers 5 operating modes. But an option is missing to view DVB-T. How to configure Kaffeine so that it offers me that option too?07:24
RyanPriorM_dugger: haha. Always fixes in the pipeline.07:24
Starnestommyltcabral: try changing the port07:24
phaeand this would be for ANY bootable iso?07:24
nxusrphae, i don't know how an iso would be bootable07:24
RyanPriorbullgard4: Probably a question for #kubuntu - we mostly use Gnome apps in here.07:24
phaeit's an OS installation iso07:24
M_duggerof course, WAY upstream!07:25
bullgard4RyanPrior: Do you know about what you are talking?07:25
gogetaphae its something along the lines of just extracting the iso on the drive and making it bootable07:25
Idanbdphae i think you would want to burn the iso using a burning application07:25
Idanbdand i think it'll already be bootable by default07:25
phaeit's dvd-size, but i have no way of getting to a dvd+r right now07:25
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pajamianphae: if you get grub on the stick then you can set up a menu item to boot to any image file, look at how memtest86 boots for an example.07:25
VikDAkinGomg i dont understand this BIOS..07:26
RyanPriorbullgard4: If you get somebody in here who nkows about Kaffeine, that will be fine - but I'm warning you that people who focus on KDE tend to hang out in #kubuntu more than this channel.07:26
VikDAkinGMy BIOS seems differnt than everyone elses07:26
IdanbdVikDAKinG: then don't touch it XD07:26
gogetapajamian hes talking abought a direct boot no grub07:26
t1n0m3nVikDAkinG: What motherboard?07:26
phaei wouldn't mind using grub07:26
VikDAkinGI need to because else i keep getting this error, and on ubuntu forums it says i need to do something in BIOS to fix it07:26
phaei just had doubts, however, because07:27
VikDAkinGumm well I have a pheonix BIOS07:27
gogetaphae the guide on embedded dsl would work on any iso07:27
phaethen wouldn't i need to point to the kernel of the OS?07:27
phaeoh ok07:27
bullgard4RyanPrior: Right. Thank you.07:27
gogetaphae all your doing in that guide is extracting the iso and making the drive bootable07:27
phaealright... and this would work for non-linux OS's as well?07:28
RyanPriorphae: Perhaps, but it's mostly designed for this particular Linux boot mechanism.07:28
Idanbdhow would i go to find what all key-binding do? like a full list of the commands07:28
phaei mean, i'll do it ON linux, but the OS of the iso is not linux07:28
VikDAkinGBut I just dont see where ACPI Configuration is inside Advanced Menu07:28
pajamianphae: you can boot any "bootable" image using grub.07:28
gogetaphae as long as the drives partation is flaged as bootable i dont see why not07:28
marlunIs it possible to access you mobile phone (nokia) on ubuntu? I've put it into an USB but nothing happend.07:28
gogetaworst case it failes lol07:29
VikDAkinGIs it possible that I dont have full access to the BIOS or something?07:29
phaei think i have enough leads to keep me entertained, lol07:29
RyanPrior!nokia | marlun07:29
ubotumarlun: Guides for smartphones and portable devices can be found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/07:29
marlunRyanPrior: thanks07:29
Idanbdmarlun try looking for a driver, otherwise it's a slim chance07:29
t1n0m3nVikDAkinG: It would help if you would let us in on either your motherboard manufacturer or your PC Manufacturer07:30
pajamianphaedru1: just look at a regular menu.lst file and see the lines where it sets up the menu entry for memtest86.  I'm not positive, but I think if you use those lines modified with the drive and path to the bootable iso image it should just fire off whatever is on the iso.07:30
VikDAkinGOk, my PC is by Compaq07:30
pajamianheh, nm, then07:30
t1n0m3nVikDAkinG: Model?07:30
pajamianVikDAkinG: Compaq is just wierd.07:30
VikDAkinGmy BIOS Supplier is Phoenix BIOS07:30
VikDAkinGIs that what you wanted to know?07:31
VikDAkinGI even went into the BIOS menu but problem is I dont see the same menus and stuff they tell me to tweak07:31
VikDAkinGseems like noone else is having this problem so either im doing something wrong or IDK lol07:32
pajamianVikDAkinG: I've installed ubuntu onto one or two presarios, I don't recall having to tweak any of the bios settings to do so.07:32
VikDAkinGI need to disable ACPI for HPET support07:33
blaggutsy is letting me read past the end of an array: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63000/  (password is "student")   before segfaulting.   Is this bad?07:33
VikDAkinGbecause i was getting an error and the forums says that is how you fix it07:33
VikDAkinGBut i cant find anywhere that says anything about ACPI or such07:34
pajamianVikDAkinG: sorry, I don't know about that, I've simply installed it and it worked.  I don't have a presario here so I can't tell you where to look either.07:34
Cpudan80blag: that isn't gutsy's fault07:34
ltcabralStarnestommy, changing the port allows the client to connect to the server, but the server wont receive any message from the client. That was not happening before either07:34
blagCpudan80: ?07:34
VikDAkinGoh ok dangit. thanks anyways07:35
Cpudan80blag: When you do bad things in Java, Java slaps your hand07:35
=== honeypot is now known as ronnie
Cpudan80When you do bad things in perl, perl fixes it and gives you some nice hot chocolates07:35
M_duggerwhen you do bad things in java, java slaps your computer07:35
VikDAkinGThe main problem is i dont freaking know how to reload winXP either.. i seriously think im doing something wrong07:35
Cpudan80When you do bad things in C/C++07:35
VikDAkinGIs it possible to have limited access to your BIOS?07:35
blagi think when you do anything in java, java slaps your computer07:35
Cpudan80C/C++ says "Oh my god - I hope he knows what he is doing"07:35
t1n0m3nVikDAkinG: What is the Model number of your presario07:36
VikDAkinGumm gimme 1 sec07:36
pajamianVikDAkinG: anything is possible, also there were lots of different computers under the "presario" name.07:36
blagCpudan80: Okay, but shouldn't the memory space of a different program be protected from being read by my program?07:36
Cpudan80blag: Nope07:37
VikDAkinGpresario M200007:37
Cpudan80blag: Stack-smashing/buffer attacks rely on this fact07:37
blagCpudan80: right, so why doesn't the OS disallow it?07:38
Cpudan80because that's not the OS job blag07:38
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Cpudan80blag: normally you wouldn't program the thing to access memory you havent worked with07:39
t1n0m3nVikDAkinG: What is the error that you are getting?07:39
Cpudan80blag: this is why you have to be especially careful when reading in data from the user07:40
VikDAkinGMP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC07:40
VikDAkinGIts on the ubuntu forums aswell alot of people seem to have that error07:40
iMac600hmm, anyone know how to change the user's screen resolution from a terminal command?07:40
iMac600simple q, really.07:40
blagCpudan80: true, but I reading in command line flags, and if somebody enters in "-vvf", i want to parse both v's and the f into variables in my program07:40
VikDAkinGbut i cant find anything like what they ask to change in my computer's BIOS07:40
c0LdI've got a nifty DVD player for WinXP that'll play videos fullscreen but transparent so that I can continue working. Are there any Totem plugins or alternative players with similar functionality?07:40
pajamianiMac600: xrandr -s 800x60007:40
iMac600thank you07:41
t1n0m3nVikDAkinG: From what I read, your BIOS is not ACPI compliant07:41
halhorn11Can anyone help me with a strange wired network issue?07:41
VikDAkinGreally? o..07:41
VikDAkinGthen wtf does that mean07:41
t1n0m3nVikDAkinG: And the recommendation is to append "noacpi" in the Grub entry07:41
Cpudan80blag: ok.... so you just do a string comparison07:41
freezerburnHey guys I'm trying to update gnash from 0.8.1 to 0.8.2 by downloading it from here http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnash/0.8.2/ problem is I've only installed things by using apt-get in the past so I don't know what to do with these files.  If someone could guide me step for step I'd appreciate and learn from it07:42
VikDAkinGsorry can you explain that please07:42
lonejackI've a problem with a web cam. I know that for somebody that web cam work fine over ubuntu but not for me. is there a developer so kind to help me to understand why? On my pc I obtain a behavior (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4700766#post4700766) on the other we have another(http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4704344#post4704344). please, can someone help me? Thank you, lonejack07:42
t1n0m3nVikDAkinG: sec07:42
blagCpudan80: but then I have to think of every possible combination of strings that can be entered... and not just parse options individually...07:42
pajamianfreezerburn: why do you want to update gnash that way?  why not just wait for the new version from the repos?07:42
VikDAkinGok sure07:42
blagCpudan80: is that how its normally done then?07:42
Cpudan80blag: C gives you an argv array and an argc value (length of the argv array)07:43
Cpudan80blag: just run through the argv array and do a string comparison on the thing to see if it is vvf or whatever07:43
iMac600ok... and how would one boot it directly into say, a text mode console07:44
t1n0m3nVikDAkinG: Have you tried the suggestions on this thread?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19135507:44
iMac600since it's stuck in 320x240 for some reason now, I can't use the GUI.07:44
freezerburnpajamian: well some of my ppc repos seem to be broken and I don't know if that's cause I'm running ubuntu on a ps3 or what other issues.  The gnash I have installed has some bugs in it but the new release has the fix so I can view flash videos on youtube with a proper nav bar cause mine is currently scrambled with buttons on top of buttons.07:44
t1n0m3nVikDAkinG: Specifically post #307:45
pajamianiMac600: you can get a text console with Ctrl-Alt-F1, you can switch back to the GUI interface with Ctrl-Alt-F707:45
blagCpudan80: right, but they could also enter "vfv" or "fvv" and I would want it to do the same thing.  if I'm understanding you correctly, as the number of flags increases, the total number of permutations increases as well, and i would have to make cases for all permutations.07:45
iMac600ahh, I see07:45
iMac600ok... xrandr -s 800x60007:46
iMac600"can't open display"07:46
pajamianiMac600: or whatever res you want in place of 800x60007:46
blagblag: i hope i'm making sense.07:46
iMac600and sudo doesn't seem to help there07:47
Cpudan80blag: You're designing the program -- so why not just do07:47
pajamianiMac600: no, it won't because you're in a text console.07:47
Cpudan80./executable -v -v -f or something07:47
Cpudan80don't do -vvf07:47
halhorn11Can anyone help me with a weird wired network issue? I can get a dhcp address from my router with dhclient, but cannot use the net (firefox, torrents), cannot ping google, cannot even ping the router.07:47
Cpudan80just make single letter args07:47
pajamianiMac600: you can edit your xorg.conf file from the text console and fix it, though.07:47
Cpudan80avoid the -vvf thing07:48
blagCpudan80: i guess ill have to, but it just kind of bugs me that i cant combine arguments then...07:48
Cpudan80blag: normally programs which accept multi char args (ex. tar -czvf) treat each character as a specific flag07:49
halhorn11When in roaming mode, the connection info given by rightclicking the network manager tray icon seems all normal. When set to DHCP mode, no result at all07:49
Cpudan80blag: maybe you can do that too somehow?07:49
iMac600may have found something on the forums07:49
iMac600ah, I see07:49
iMac600or not. Ah well. *edits Xorg.conf*07:50
pajamian!compile | freezerburn07:50
ubotufreezerburn: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)07:50
pajamianiMac600: there's also a command you can use to reset the xorg.conf to the default, I don't know it off the top of my head, but someone here can probably tell you.07:51
iMac600I see07:51
pajamianiMac600: you may also find a backup xorg.conf that will work with older settings (read, before you messed them up)07:52
iMac600well, I haven't edited anything yet, it just booted to 320x240.07:52
iMac600but i'll try and find a way to change it anyway07:53
starscallinghow long ago was pfifo banned07:53
halhorn11Can anyone help me with a weird wired network issue? I can get a dhcp address from my router with dhclient, but cannot use the net (firefox, torrents), cannot ping google, cannot even ping the router. When in roaming mode, the connection info given by rightclicking the network manager tray icon seems all normal. When set to DHCP mode, no result at all.07:53
* saltedlight hi. anyone know why ubuntu 8.04 identify ATA hard drives as SATA ?!? on every system ?!? is this a known bug or what?07:53
gogetaiMac600 dpkg-reconfigure-xerver-xorg07:53
starscallingit just is doing normalized stuffs07:53
starscallingso its all sda07:54
=== asswipes is now known as twocarlo
pajamianhalhorn11: try restarting networking on your computer: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart07:54
blagCpudan80: nevermind, i just figured it out.  I just convert every argument into a string and then decompose the string.  thanks for your help!07:54
buzzsawi would like to setup my linux box as a firewall and also forward internet to the rest of my network but dont remember how07:55
Cpudan80blag: no problem07:55
buzzsawcould some one point me in the right direction?07:55
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pajamian!iptables | buzzsaw07:55
ubotubuzzsaw: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:55
decayi installed LAMP. i type in localhost in firefox and it works.....but where is the www root folder?07:56
pajamian!ics | buzzsaw07:56
ubotubuzzsaw: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php07:56
buzzsawpajamian thanks :-)07:56
buzzsawthat is a usefull bot :-)07:57
pajamianbuzzsaw: yep07:57
decaythat bot knows what's up07:57
halhorn11pajamian: It seemed to work, except that my connection seems to be eth1 and I have no eth0 on my computer. IT attempted to stop and start firestarter,. which both failed due to lack of eth0 connection. Else, seemed to bind eth1 to perfectly07:58
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Thomamvtcananyone pls help me07:58
* saltedlight after dist-upgrade ubuntu is not booting because I/O on SDA witch should be HDA and if i boot on the old kernel (found on grub menu) is ok... anyone know how to fix that? 07:58
decaywhere is my www root folder?07:59
Muted316um m hello people......i am a total noob towards ubuntu... I need a favour i understand this is anoying for you ppl when get asked sh*t like this.But my sound doesnt work and ive tried everything....im running a Hp pavilion dv9640ca laptop with an intel sound card....please i need help07:59
Flanneldecay: /var/www07:59
pajamianhalhorn11: that's interesting, I honestly don't know why it owuld see it at eth1 instead of eth0.07:59
terminalis there any software through which i can accelerate my downloading rate07:59
Thomamvtcan anyone pls help me in connecting my modem in bridge mod07:59
buzzsawwill using the instructions from the internet connection sharing start up every time i reset my linux box?07:59
pajamian!sound | Muted316 (try these suggestions first, then ask again if you are still having problems)08:00
ubotuMuted316 (try these suggestions first, then ask again if you are still having problems): If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:00
halhorn11pajamian: It's done this kind of thing before, so I don't think it's my new hardware [just installed new mobo, proc, etc]08:00
terminalis there any software through which i can accelerate my downloading rate08:00
gogetaterminal get a faster connection08:00
pajamianhalhorn11: does your new motherboard have a built in nic, and are you using a nic card instead?08:01
decayFlannel: thanks08:01
terminalgogeta yeah08:01
halhorn11Can anyone help me with a weird wired network issue? I can get a dhcp address from my router with dhclient, but cannot use the net (firefox, torrents), cannot ping google, cannot even ping the router. When in roaming mode, the connection info given by rightclicking the network manager tray icon seems all normal. When set to DHCP mode, no result at all. [Extra note: the adaptor is 1Gbit, the network is 100Mbit]. It seems that my 08:02
pajamianterminal: the fasterfox extension to firefox may help, but be warned that using it can lead to problems with webmasters not liking you very well.08:02
halhorn11Can anyone help me with a weird wired network issue? I can get a dhcp address from my router with dhclient, but cannot use the net (firefox, torrents), cannot ping google, cannot even ping the router. When in roaming mode, the connection info given by rightclicking the network manager tray icon seems all normal. When set to DHCP mode, no result at all. [Extra note: the adaptor is 1Gbit, the network is 100Mbit]. It seems that my 08:03
halhorn11[Sorry for flood]08:03
pajamianhalhorn11: your extra note got cut off, and there is no need to repeat your question.08:03
halhorn11I know, pajamian, I accidentally hit ctrl-c enter on a reflex08:03
pajamianhalhorn11: ok08:04
terminalpajamian i want increase the speed of download08:04
iMac600ok, reset the Xorg.conf08:04
iMac600and it's still at 320x240.08:04
iMac600...why, I do now know.08:04
pajamianterminal: http://fasterfox.mozdev.org/08:04
terminalpajamian u dont understand m what i want 2 know08:05
frarocoI have a External HD and I conect it to my laptop it Mounted on X name but when I turn off and turn on the computer it mounted on X_ and each time I turn on the computer it mounted with _ more at name. what I have to do?08:06
Muted316anyone i please need help getting my sound card working i have read at least 50 online posts i cant get any of them to work08:06
freezerburnman.. wish I wasn't such a nub in ubuntu.. is there like a lab book with linux lab somewhere?08:06
lonejackdoes somebody know where can I submit a problem to the developers. Thank you,08:06
terminalpajamian i m naot asking abt faster firefox i want 2 increaseing my downloading rate08:06
VikDAkinGNope that didnt work08:06
VikDAkinGi still have no clue where everyone sees all that stuff08:06
VikDAkinGi saw some of that code stuff in GRUb menu but nothing that looks like what they wrote08:07
Muted316so no one can help me with fixing my sound card08:08
iMac600so the problem isn't the selection of resolutions08:09
iMac600I need to know how to change the currently active resolution from terminal, and xrandr doesn't work.08:09
halhorn11Can anyone help me with a weird wired network issue? I can get a dhcp address from my router with dhclient, but cannot use the net (firefox, torrents), cannot ping google, cannot even ping the router. When in roaming mode, the connection info given by rightclicking the network manager tray icon seems all normal. When set to DHCP mode, no result at all.08:09
halhorn11 [Extra note: the adaptor is 1Gbit, the network is 100Mbit]. It seems that my primary and only network interface is detected as eth1, not eth0. I am getting ping: sendmsg: operation not permitted when I do local pings, and unknwon host when pinging net sites.08:09
pajamianterminal: as someone already said, you need a faster internet connection, then.08:10
Muted316anyone please help me08:10
valchersI have problem with user, I edit /etc/passwd file user /bin/bash to /bin/false, but then when I connect with this user count to ftp on connected, but thet disconect, why and what I need change, then this works?08:10
terminalpajamian after increasing connection my downloading rate will increase08:11
ktulu77I'm looking for a programm which list the programs using the network08:12
valchersI have problem with user, I edit /etc/passwd file user /bin/bash to /bin/false, but then when I connect with this user count to ftp on connected, but thet disconect, why and what I need change, then this works?08:13
valchersI have problem with user, I edit /etc/passwd file user /bin/bash to /bin/false, but then when I connect with this user to ftp on connected, but thet disconect, why?08:14
Don_MiguelMuted316, you HAVE been helped ... Pajamian responded to you quickly08:14
owen1i mounted a folder on my server using dfs but it's gone after restart. any ideas?08:14
trippssso any realtime RT kernel/audio experts here?08:18
Muted316ummmm,,,Has anyone else encountered sound troubles that seems impossible to fix no matter how many tutorials you try08:19
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iMac600nevermind, this command fixed it- DISPLAY=:0 xrandr -s 1024x76808:20
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buzzsawhum i seem to be having a problem :-S08:20
buzzsawi knew it seemed to easy08:21
bullgard4Kaffeine offers 5 operating modes. But an option is missing to view DVB-T. How to configure Kaffeine so that it offers me that option too?08:21
buzzsawthe tutorial shows how to setup outgoing internet but not incomming :-)08:22
decayFlannel: where was apache2 installed?08:23
ds_I need help, I just louded Gutsy fresh on to my AMD64 and I need to figure out how to get it working with internet08:23
ds_so Ican update08:23
ds_Will somebody help08:23
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decaywith what ds_08:23
mads-what is the difference between visuals and visions?08:24
Starnestommyds_: what kind of networking card?08:24
ds_ I need help, I just louded Gutsy fresh on to my AMD64 and I need to figure out how to get it working with internet08:24
Muted316um m hello people......i am a total noob towards ubuntu... I need a favour i understand this is anoying for you ppl when get asked sh*t like this.But my sound doesnt work and ive tried everything....im running a Hp pavilion dv9640ca laptop with an intel sound card....please i need help08:24
trippssi'm using a PREEMPT RT kernel I compiled and using the PAM rlimits method of setting RT limits. How do I set the RT prio of programs such that I don't have to use chrt after the fact?08:24
ds_A Legacy08:24
decaymads-: visuals = visually appealing / disturbing. nice graphics, ugly people. vision = seeing08:24
ds_starnes  - a legacy08:24
Starnestommyds_: a legacy what?08:25
lachlan__can somebody please tell me how to get gnome back to its defualt settings?08:25
ds_Is there something I can check in ubuntu for that info08:25
kajewhat does it mean when a directory has a bunch of question marks where the 'd', owner, group, size, etc...?08:25
Starnestommyds_: try 'sudo lshw -C net'08:25
thedonvaughnlachlan__: rm -rf .config .gnome* .gtk* and re start X ?08:26
thedonvaughnlachlan__: oh and .gconf* i guess08:26
kajeand the color of the text that says the directory name is bright red?08:26
=== gaurdro|away is now known as gaurdro
lachlan__are you sure that wont delete gnome and send me back to cli?08:26
Muted316anyone i please need help getting my sound card working i have read at least 50 online posts i cant get any of them to work08:26
ds_Maybe a B.02.10 Legacy08:27
ds_it's an onboard08:27
ds_No, that's the the thing you told me to type...'08:28
Starnestommyds_: I don't know anything about that type of networking card08:29
ds_It's not B.02 or w/e that is the lshw debug info08:30
ds_What should I do to get the drivers for it then08:30
ds_or to get online...for any card08:30
nikolamHi how do i compile kernel - Ubuntu way - and to get exactly the same kernel as current in 7.10 , but with a little patch, regarding hardware I use?08:31
k3nt2How come I'm only able to chose 1 resolution and refresh rate? The other modes are in the xorg.conf but they don't appear System->Administration->Screen Resolution08:31
=== dubb1 is now known as dubbydubby
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver-xorg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:32
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:32
ds_I need help with getting a computer online08:34
ds_fresh install gutsy08:34
ds_it's for my friend08:34
ds_his card is onboard (to the mobo)08:35
ds_and we're not sure...what it is?08:35
yoshoethernet, no?08:35
yoshowhat what is?08:35
ds_of high speed card08:35
yoshoah. driver problem?08:36
ds_for starters08:36
ds_not sure how to really 'start'08:36
ds_I'm just trying to help him08:36
ds_his compis setup beside mine08:36
=== dubbydubby is now known as dubby
decayi try to restart apache and i get this: apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}08:37
ds_Whatcha think08:37
yoshohmm..I'm trying to remember08:38
yoshoI'm not on my main comp right now08:38
buzzsawwhat would be best?    setting my linux box to assign the dynamic ip or letting my wireless router do that work?08:38
ds_know anyone who would know?08:38
hylinuxhi, how to mount a exteral storage device ( usb 2.0) on ubuntu 7.10?08:40
hylinuxI pastes the log to here:08:40
yoshobugger. he's not online08:40
ds_Anyone else know how to get this Gutsy running with DSL08:41
ds_fresh install08:41
dubbyhey anyone, in the network tools system tool, what program is the back end of the port scanner?08:41
yoshobuzzsaw: set the linux box to let it use DHCP, and make sure the router has DHCP enabled08:41
tenpaiyomiI need some help, about to pull my hair out.  I have postfix setup, and am attempting to use sasl for authentication, however no matter WHAT I do, it never seems to read my sasl conf08:41
hylinuxwhy I can't pastes the content to paste.buuntu.nl.org?08:43
iceswordabout to pull my hair out,so interesting saying,ahh,i am sorry08:43
Starnestommyhylinux: isn't it paste.ubuntu-nl.org ?08:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:44
lachlan_arghhh i upgraded to hardy and now  my web browesers wont work08:45
hylinuxStarnestommy: could you give me a hand?  I have a issue:  I can't use my external storage device on my ubuntu 7.10.08:45
Starnestommylachlan_: you might want to ask #ubuntu+1 for help with hardy08:45
=== HelpMe is now known as AdrianCa
ds_I still am trying to figure how to get a fresh install online :S08:46
yoshods_: does the nic display in network?08:47
yosho(network settings)08:47
ds_under host name08:48
ds_it does08:48
yoshois it plugged in and everything?08:48
ds_shoudl it work from the start08:48
yoshoare other computers plugged in to the router?08:48
yosho(I believe so)08:49
ds_it was unplugged DURING the install08:49
ds_because it was freezing at Tomboy 85%08:49
yoshohm, it should still be fine08:49
kajewhat does it mean when a directory has a bunch of question marks where the 'd', owner, group, size, etc...? The text color of the directory name is bright red too08:49
yoshocheck your xorg.conf and see what it says about the router08:49
ds_how do i check it08:50
ds_you mean on his comp right08:50
yoshoshould be under /etc/x11/xorg.conf08:50
Starnestommyyosho: what does xorg.conf have to do with a networking card?08:51
yoshowell, he could make sure it was in there08:51
yoshoit's kinda..roundabout, though08:51
ds_how in more detail do I reach it08:51
yoshowell, actually08:52
yoshoit shows up in the network settings, right?08:52
yoshois it set to roaming or somesuch?08:52
ds_roaming is enabled08:53
ds_under the connections white box08:53
dtamascan anybody configure dell wireless 1390 lan minicard?08:53
ds_should it roam or not ?08:53
dtamasfor a wep wifi08:54
dtamasof a link?08:56
DrUnKnMuNkYdoes anyone here use synergy for keyboard/mouse sharing between 2 computers? i'm having lots of trouble with lag with mine currently08:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lmap - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:00
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:00
cute_bettongwhats the command to reconfigure xserver?09:00
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TankadoHello, i am using xubuntu and i was messing with the top bar where i have all the proggrams listed and it some how gone how can i restore that top bar?09:01
yoshohey. is mr. klitzke here?09:01
NullNameTankado: Yes you can....09:01
owen1how to access trash form command line?09:01
NullNameYou need to type xfce4-panel09:01
Tankadohow can i have a command line now?09:02
NullNamealt f209:02
NullNamethn type xfce4-panel09:02
Hinatacute_bettong: is it possible? sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:03
Tankadonothing happend, i do see the panel object but it got into little square in the top left side of the screen09:03
NullNametry right clicking on the panel09:03
NullNameand add items09:03
NullNameyou probably have to add an applications menu09:04
yoshothat would be useful, haha09:04
Tankadohumm i dont have an "application menu" option.. :(09:04
HinataIs it normal that my Firefox 3 beta 5 un ubuntu 8.04 is in english while my default language is japanese?09:05
owen1how to access trash form command line?09:05
NullNameTankado:  right click and select "add new item"09:05
Starnestommyowen1: try this: cd ~/.Trash09:05
NullNamethen add "xfce menu"09:05
yoshohinata: try looking for the 日本語 firefox on their website09:06
xet7Hinata: install language pack: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/nightly/3.0b5-candidates/rc2/linux-xpi/09:06
Tankadook i see the xfce menu now but its not what i had before its a big button with x and a mouse on it :)09:06
yoshooh, that works too09:06
[M]MikkelHi .. I need help howto i get access to my users?? .. I has FTP Server -> /home/hlds <- i will giv it access so i can upload amxmodx?09:07
owen1Starnestommy: didn't work...09:07
NullNameTankado: Yea that happened to me as well.  I had the same problem you did.09:07
Hinatayosho: but the one installed by default doesn't get the language of your system like all other programs?09:07
NullNameYou can create sessions in xfce4.09:07
Starnestommyowen1: did you use an uppercase T?09:07
yoshohinata: firefox is strange in that regard. try the language pack xe7 mentioned09:07
mrmiggidudeHello, everyone.09:07
yoshohello mrmiggidude09:08
Hinataok  thank you yosho ^^09:08
owen1Starnestommy: yes09:08
TankadoNullName : i found the problem i hide that panel behin the bottem panel i managed to restore it now, thanks09:08
yosho^_^;;; it was really xe709:08
[M]MikkelHi all .. Howto can i giv Access on Termainal .. evt? chown -R ?? to my Login on FTP Client? its chown -R ?09:08
NullNameTankado: no problem. Glad to help.09:09
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
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lartza_How could I fix the problem with desktop effects and fullscreen programs?09:11
bazhanglartza_: which fullscreen programs09:11
JizzoWhat was the command again in the terminal to see your mount points?09:11
lartza_Battle For Wesnoth and openttd for example09:12
StarnestommyJizzo: mount -l ?09:12
JizzoStarnestommy:  Thank you.09:12
lartza_found some forum post but that doesnt help09:12
bazhanglartza_: you want to disable compiz while you play? that is the best choice09:12
lartza_I know thats one way09:13
angharadI've just installed the hardy beta, but I'm running into problems with the BBC iplayer (which relies on flash). Other flash sites work ok (e.g. youtube), but iplayer site produces garbled sound. Anyone run into a similar issue? Is it just a problem with the latest flash?09:13
lartza_Is it only when compiz in ubuntu or does it happen with other distros?09:13
bazhanglartza_: why do you need compiz while you play fullscreen?09:13
bazhangangharad: #ubuntu+1 please09:13
lartza_well i dont but then i should enable and disable and enable and disable again09:13
bazhanglartza_: ah typing alt f2 is too much hassle?09:14
lartza_you mean...09:14
lartza_alt f2?09:15
lartza_how do i do and what with alt+f2?09:16
sp219_BRB Need to reboot! [amsg]09:17
bazhanglartza_: yes?09:17
lartza_What should i run with alt f2?09:17
Parsec300lartza_, if you type ALT+f2 you enter a terminal09:17
lartza_execute a program09:18
lartza_ctrl alt f2 is to term09:18
lartza_and then i do what in the terminal?09:18
iceswordPRESS ALT+F209:18
lartza_i dont know what to execute in alt f2?09:19
maihemHi all09:20
iceswordtype your name there,run,lol09:20
yoshomaihem: hi, what's up?09:20
maihemlartza_: Hi, I'm new to your conversation, what are you trying to do?09:20
cute_bettonghow do i enable 32bit compatability?09:20
maihemyosho: just chillin', killin'09:21
bazhangcute_bettong: you running 64bit ubuntu?09:21
maihemcute_bettong: install ia32-libs09:21
lartza_maihem, well I was trying to fix problem with desktop effects and fullscreen prog, then bazhang tole me to take compiz off when i use fullscreen, then i said i need to enable and disable them over again, then he said pressing alt+f2 is a hazzle? then i said what should i run in alt+f209:22
Davo_Dinkumwhat's hardy's current support for power management? my laptop didnt shut down when the battery went flat, it just lost power09:22
Davo_Dinkumhardy being ubuntu hardy. it's a thinkpad R3209:22
Davo_Dinkumhow can i make it shut down safely when my laptop battery goes flat?09:22
maihemlartza_: that's a bizarre conversation and no mistake :)09:23
crdlblartza_: compiz has an option to enable fullscreen support for buggy apps like wine that don't actually set the fullscreen hint09:23
crdlblartza_: in ccsm, Workarounds > Legacy fullscreen support09:23
cute_bettonghow do i enable 32bit mode in 64bit ubuntu?09:23
cute_bettongi need the comapatbility09:23
lartza_cute_bettong sudo apt-get install ia32libs?09:23
maihemcute_bettong: install ia32-libs. There isn't a 32 bit mode, you just run 32 bit proggies in the presence of the correct libraries. ia32-libs has a number of common libraries to make most 32-bit commercial linux stuff just work09:24
bazhanglartza_: alt f2 compiz --replace to start compiz; alt f2 metacity --replace to turn it off09:24
vikDavo_Dinkum: Not certain about hardy, but have you tried looking in power preferences?09:24
lartza_io cant find the fullscreen support, where is it categotized09:25
lartza_im not using english but the categories are in english09:25
gotamaHi! The motherboard of my pc is GA-MA69VM-S2. How can I create a bootable floppy disk for this motherboard? I've tried gpxe-0.9.3-r8169.dsk without any result. Help please.09:26
bazhangHardy discussion in #ubuntu+1 folks thanks09:26
LogicalDash.uanai mi na kakne lenu sipna09:26
crdlblartza_: type 'workarounds' into the filter09:26
Flanneldecay: Apache2 is installed all over the place, like most *nix stuff.  The config files are /etc/apache2/ most of the stuff you'll be changing is in /etc/apache2/sites-available09:26
bullgard4Kaffeine offers 5 operating modes. But an option is missing to view DVB-T. How to configure Kaffeine so that it offers me that option too?09:27
lartza_i have fullscreen support enabled :(09:27
lartza_and wine does work in fullscreen, wesnoth and openttd wont09:27
bazhangthen turn off compiz lartza_09:27
lartza_that worked like it did earlier, thx for all09:28
user1hello all09:32
parthiblsHi....NEED SOME HELP!......Trying to setup Hardy on a new desktop.......Everything is fine except the on-board LAN on the NVidia GeForce 6100 / nForce 430 isn't working09:33
parthiblsANY SUGGESTIONS09:33
icesword! caps > parthibls09:34
Flannelparthibls: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy support, thanks.09:34
ulanjoin test09:35
parthiblsoh sorry tnx.......first time here :)09:35
Flannelparthibls: No problem.  Since Hardy is beta software, the support is in its own channel.  Once its final, itll be back here09:36
gurpreethow can i install the restricted packages to add mp3 and video support in my newly installed kubuntu?09:37
gurpreeti dont know the names of restricted packages09:37
Flannel!restricted | gurpreet09:38
ubotugurpreet: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:38
pajamiangurpreet: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:38
gurpreetFlannel, bazhang, pajamian thank you friends :)09:39
pajamiangurpreet: you may also want to install w32codecs and libdvdcss2 from medibuntu09:39
[M]MikkelHow can i Upload Files from FTP to FTP Server?? .. I get error? i has not access to Upload on FTP Server??:S09:39
gurpreetpajamian, medibuntu?09:39
pajamian!medibuntu | gurpreet09:39
ubotugurpreet: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org09:40
bazhangubotu lag09:40
ubotuYou have lag, I don't have lag09:40
parthiblsi read around on the forums.......seems to be a more generic problem.....not specific to hardy09:40
parthiblsHi....NEED SOME HELP!......Trying to setup Ubuntu on a new desktop.......Everything is fine except the on-board LAN on the NVidia GeForce 6100 / nForce 430 isn't working09:40
parthiblssorry abt the repost.......i don't think it's a hardy problem09:41
bazhang!hardy | parthibls09:41
ubotuparthibls: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu09:41
[M]Mikkel!ftp | [M]Mikkel09:42
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:42
gurpreetone more problem, i am able to ping websites from konsole. but i am not able to open websites in konqueror. i am directly connected to internet (no proxy). any suggestions?09:42
maiaHello. I've been running Ruby 1.8.6 on Ubuntu 6.06 for quite a while, and now apt-get wats to "upgrade" ruby to 1.8.4. A "which ruby" shows I only have one ruby installed.09:43
maiaIs it suggested to tell apt to ignore ruby for now (and if yes, how do I do that including all dependecies I might not be aware of)?09:44
Seveasubotu2, ping09:44
vikparthibls: LAN works fine on my nForce board in gutsy. try channel #ubuntu+109:44
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:45
bazhangdecay: please /msg ubotu for fun if you wish09:46
parthiblsvik: tnx......wat driver r u using?09:48
gurpreetone more problem, i am able to ping websites from konsole. but i am not able to open websites in konqueror. i am directly connected to internet (no proxy). any suggestions?09:48
vikparthibls: whatever installed by default09:48
vikparthibls: forcedeth I think09:49
gurpreeti am using new installed kubuntu, so i didn't changed any setting09:50
bazhanggurpreet: what does firefox do?09:50
maiaanyone able to help me with the apt question I posted a few min ago (aka telling it to not "upgrade" a ruby installation)09:51
parthiblsvik: forcedeth on mine too......btw the lan port light is on without connecting the cable.......is that normal?09:51
gurpreetbazhang, firefox isnt installed. so i am using konqueror. firefox doesnt install by default in kubuntu i suppose09:51
bazhanggurpreet: ah right I forgot; using firefox on kubuntu here and no issues; want to give it a try and make sure it is not konqueror but something like dns instead?09:51
gurpreetbazhang, yeah i first thought abt dns thing, but if i can ping google.com successfully then dns must be alright. going to install firefox.09:52
vikparthibls: probably not09:53
bazhangparthibls: hardy is quite different; you should take discussion there thanks09:54
parthiblsvik: any ideas wat might be wrong?09:54
maiaokay, noone here is able to help with an apt question. any suggestions on where to ask instead?09:55
decaybazhang: sorry. its because my wirelesss is terrible.09:55
fade_umm I've been trying to run quake wars09:55
fade_which is all sweet09:55
fade_and like sometimes09:55
fade_it goes to a window09:55
FloodBot2fade_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:55
fade_ umm I've been trying to run quake wars which is all sweet and like sometimes it goes in to a window and I can't do anything after that except Ctrl-Alt-Backspace09:57
fade_you know why it would do that?09:57
gurpreetbazhang, yeah internet is working fine on firefox, but not on konqueror09:57
Ceiling_CatVery simple question: I'm trying to print from the command line. I need to do lpr -P<printer name> file.pdf <-- I need a list of valid printers09:58
Ceiling_Catwhat's the command to list all system printer names?09:58
=== acke_n is now known as acke
gregory_Ceiling_Cat: lpstat -a10:03
guardia-hey im trying to install ubuntu and i think i need a bigger hard drive10:04
guardia-i heard theres some thing with ubuntu if you have bigger than a 5 Tb hard drive it wont work.. is this true10:04
bazhanggurpreet: have you cleared out the history of konqueror etc, made sure it is not set to use proxy etc? glad to hear you at least have some internet if not your preferred one10:05
magnetronguardia-: i've never seen a 5 TB hard drive for sale10:05
Flannelguardia-: ext3 tops out at 32TB for a single volume10:05
gurpreetbazhang, no i have checked konqueror's settings10:05
bazhangguardia-: you work at lawrence livermore labs?10:05
gurpreetbazhang, no my preferred one is firefox indeed. i was using konqueror coz i didnt had firefox that time10:06
guardia-huh no?10:06
yugiohjcjguardia-, with ubuntu server 7.10 you just need a 500Mb hard drive10:06
guardia-ill get one10:06
bazhanggurpreet: then you will like the next release with FF3 ;]10:06
gurpreetbazhang, yes i am using that on my office machine10:07
gurpreetbazhang,  i like its new address bar10:07
guardia-how many megabytes is that... or is that multi-bytes or whatever10:07
bazhangguardia-: you might try in #hardware10:07
guardia-k thx10:08
guardia-hey bazhang, nobody is responding in there10:09
bazhangguardia-: PM?10:10
guardia-yeah shoot10:10
buzzsawi have ubuntu server eduition installed, i installed ubuntu-desktop not x is starting on boot    how can i disable that?10:10
bazhangbuzzsaw: you want to start in a console? can you not choose that from session?10:11
bo-dickis it a good idea to defragment the ubuntu drive sometimes?10:11
bazhangbo-dick: what file system you using? ext3?10:11
buzzsawbuzhang what do you mean from session?10:12
bo-dickbazhang: i think so10:12
bazhangbo-dick: then not necessary10:12
bo-dickbazhang: but it could be ext210:12
bazhangbuzzsaw: you are starting with desktop and want to start from console? is that right?10:12
parthiblsanybody got NVidia GeForce 6100 / nForce 430 On-board LAN working??.........help needed desperately!10:12
x0xcan anyone tell me how to make ssh colorful?10:12
buzzsawyes i want it to start to just console as it will not have a monitor attached to it10:13
magnetrondoes network-manager allow me to connect via bluetooth/GPRS?10:13
bo-dickbazhang: how do i determine?10:13
buzzsawi just have the desktop there for incase ;-)10:13
bazhangparthibls: there is a reason that there is a seperate channel for Hardy; and it is not because the admins are big meanies--it is a different system and answers you get here may likely bork your system there10:13
x0xcan anyone tell me how to make text mode colorful?10:13
bazhangbo-dick: what does the command mount show?10:14
* delcoyote hi10:15
bo-dickbazhang: http://pastebin.com/m473d1ab710:15
bazhangbo-dick: that would be ext3 then right?10:16
bo-dickbazhang: yup10:16
avi_mecan I put multiple commands in test commands, somthing like : [[ -n $3 ]] && { t="\-$2" ; echo ok } || t=$2 ?10:17
gregory_x0x: ssh transmitts colors, if there are no color, that sending station provides no colors10:17
shadowmancerHey all10:18
bo-dickext3 must be a fancy file system10:18
shadowmanceri am having a really weird issue with my hard drive10:18
bo-dickmaking sure files don't get fragmented10:18
echo_miragehow to install the full set of unicode symbols in ubuntu symbol-table ?10:19
shadowmancerits reading i am using 68 Gb of a 70Gb (which should be 80Gb) when my home directory only takes up 14Gb and Ubuntu's Disk Usage Analyzer says the same10:20
parthiblsbazhang: k tnx........sorry10:21
bazhangparthibls: no one wants the two channels to merge more than me--only 13 days to go ;]10:21
pk_vexmy wireless card can detect access points, but when i try to connect to one with parameters I know that works, it fails.  any ideas?10:22
=== root____ is now known as ^root^
bazhangpk_vex: what wifi point? is it wep/wpa etc and are you using networkmanager or command line10:23
shadowmancerpk_vex: are you using gutsy or feisty?10:25
shadowmancerpk_vex: i have been having that same issue with Gutsy since i updated, and haven't found an answer so far10:26
pk_vexi hate to say this, but i'm actually using puppy linux10:26
pk_vexi ddin't know wherelese to ask :(10:26
bazhanghaha talk about offtopic10:26
pk_vexthere's no one in #puppylinux at the moment10:26
pk_vexbut it's wep10:26
pk_vexand it uses some network manager10:26
bazhangdoes puppy use bash?10:27
pk_vexer, u mean the command line thingy?10:28
shadowmanceryep thats what he means10:28
pk_vexit does10:29
pk_vexthough i'm not sure what kind of features are limited since it's a minimalisitc distro10:29
bazhangpk_vex: how about getting the livecd at www.ubuntu.com/download and then we can troubleshoot? ;]10:29
echo_mirageno log-off or shutdown sounds are played. is this problem known? gnome, gutsy10:30
shadowmancerhahaha propaganda much10:30
bazhangat least pretend pk_vex; otherwise some admin will kick us both ;]10:31
shadowmancerso just curious anyone had any misreading of hard drive usage10:32
Squirmi cant get my wireless card to work10:32
pk_vexbazhang, you blew the cap a little too early :)10:32
bazhangSquirm: this is gutsy? what card10:32
maianext attempt with my question: how do I tell apt-get to ignore/hold a package? apt seems to ignore a "aptitude hold <packagename>"10:32
Squirmim on feisty, SMC wireless PCI adapter10:33
pk_vexbazhang, in your opinion, if my wireless card can detect access points, then there is a really good chance that it'd be able to connect to it aiy?10:33
bazhangSquirm: you have the chipset for that card?10:33
Squirmbazhang: it worked on Windows XP10:34
bazhangpk_vex: close to golden10:34
andre_how may i find my usb disk uuid? like /dev/disk/by-uuid/ ? :)10:34
pk_vexk, i'll give it another shot10:35
shadowmancerpk_vex: i disagree, i am having the same issue with gutsy and i am using an intel wireless10:35
trtr3434hello, i have problem when login to ubuntu. It says that no serving host were found. can help me?10:35
prince_jammysandre_:  or 'blkid'10:35
bazhangandre_: you can /msg ubotu blkid10:35
andre_thanks :)10:35
guardia-trtr what is the problem?10:36
bazhangshadowmancer: intel? what card10:36
GegSpbHi everybody! Who can speak on russian?10:37
Squirmbazhang: any idea what i can do?10:37
LupoBluAlfaWEEEEEE CIAO ROMaaaa10:37
d00mazGegSpb, i might10:38
bazhang!ru | GegSpb10:38
ubotuGegSpb: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:38
bazhang!it | LupoBluAlfa10:38
ubotuLupoBluAlfa: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:38
shadowmancerbazhang: intel(R) PRO/wireless 394510:38
d00maz!lt | d00maz10:38
LupoBluAlfaNONO IO STO QUI10:38
bazhangshadowmancer: you have the linux-restricted-modules installed?10:38
gregory_trtr3434: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25114210:38
bazhangLupoBluAlfa: please stop10:39
HardeHEllo. Any Emesene-users? I'm having a problem logging in10:39
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:39
d00mazhey how do ppl install nvidia drivers ? i installed them too,but they work like shit,640x480 50hz is a max :|10:39
bazhanglanguage please d00maz10:39
GaterWanna be AN IRCOP? ---> http://crazyk.sytes.net/ http://crazyk.sytes.net/ http://crazyk.sytes.net/10:40
FloodBot2Gater: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:40
d00mazbazhang, huh ?10:40
bazhang!language | d00maz10:40
ubotud00maz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:40
d00mazim sorry10:41
d00mazdidnt mean to swear10:41
d00mazanyone else having problems with nvidia drivers besides me ?10:42
bazhangSquirm: could you report the chipset please?10:43
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
bberniedoes anyone know how to change the right-click menu when I right click the desktop, I am using 8.0410:43
NullNamed00maz: yes I've had many problems with nvidia10:43
NullNameit is the best though10:43
NullNamefor linux10:43
bazhanghardy discussion in #ubuntu+1 thanks bbernie10:43
d00mazNullName, did you fix those drivers ?10:43
Squirmbazhang: where would i find the chipset?10:44
Ax-Axisn't there a easy way to convert flac to mp3 WITHOUT loosing all tags?10:44
d00maznvidia geforce fx 520010:44
jochmenDSdid you google?10:44
bazhangSquirm: are you running the system right now? can you access the terminal currently?10:44
d00mazi installed them thru envy10:44
d00mazthru automatix10:44
Squirmbazhang: yes10:44
NullNamed00maz: yes...but they didn't work perfectly..I couldn't use the double monitor feature10:44
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »10:44
ubotuAutomatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »10:44
bazhangd00maz: automatix AND envy?10:45
NullNamed00mazL you know worked great for me....installing envy in text mode10:45
GegSpbБлин, вылетает Kopete :-(10:45
NullNameor rather using envy in text mode10:45
guardia- Блин, вылетае10:45
NullNamethe nvdia card didn't work10:45
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:45
d00mazi wonder why were having so much trouble with those drivers10:45
NullNamerahter I meant...graphics didn't work10:46
d00mazi mean i installed them manually too10:46
shadowmancerwell seeing as everyone here is really busy my problems can wait10:46
d00mazworks on 640x480 50 hz max10:46
bazhangSquirm: this is an internal pci card or an external usb dongle or what10:46
NullNamed00maz: It's most likely the card10:46
jochmenDSedit xorg.conf and select nv then start anew10:46
shadowmancertake care everyone, i have POSIX to figure out ... yay me10:46
Squirmbazhang: internal pci10:46
bazhangshadowmancer: I asked if you had the modules installed; you did not reply10:46
NullNamed00maz: you can also try different linux distros10:46
d00mazjochmenDS, im using nv10:46
shadowmancerbazhang: i said i did10:46
Squirmbazhang: an SMC wireless PCI adapter(SMCWPCI-G) 802.11g10:46
d00mazNullName, but i like ubuntu10:46
NullNamed00maz:  I do as well. But you should try just using live disks....10:47
bazhangshadowmancer: you need to preface answers with a nick otherwise they get lost; what does ifconfig show three entries or only two10:47
QuintinHey, virtualbox is causing my host to hang10:47
QuintinI'm using linux-rt kernel image10:47
Quintinany ideas?10:47
NullNameremember when you installed ubuntu?  When you booted to the CD it had a fully functioning OS10:47
jochmenDSor reconfigure your xserver10:48
d00mazNullName, yeah i know10:48
NullNametry downloading other live disks...just so you can see if the card works10:48
d00mazi have a slackware live cd10:48
NullNameopen suse has given me better luck with nvidia10:48
ChousukeQuintin: tried not using linux-rt?10:48
NullNamebut I don't use the distro other than for testing10:48
QuintinChousuke: no.  I want linux-rt =)10:48
ChousukeQuintin: well I suggest you try without it.10:48
d00mazwell i dont game or anything,so the drivers aren't that inportant10:48
ChousukeQuintin: that way, you'd at least have an idea where the problem is.10:49
Ax-Axisn't there a easy way to convert flac to mp3 WITHOUT loosing all tags?10:49
jochmenDSwhat was the command to reconfihure x?10:49
NullNameknoppix-std is a pretty has worked wonders with video cards as well10:49
shadowmancerbazhang: it shows three, and it picks up all the access points that aren't hidden, and further more when i try to connect to them and check using nm-tool it says i am connected but i can't access anything on the net, let alone even ping something like google10:49
NullNamewhen ubuntu did not.10:49
QuintinChousuke: well I've read of similar issues with linux-rt, so I'm pretty sure it's my kernel10:49
d00mazdid ubuntu always had these problems ?10:49
bazhangshadowmancer: have you tried using the command line?10:49
QuintinjochmenDS: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:49
NullNamesorry got to go10:50
NullNametake care10:50
bazhangd00maz: when you use automatix and envy you are really in bad shape--may as well reinstall10:50
d00mazi did10:50
ChousukeQuintin: well you could always try compiling a new kernel and see if that fixes things.10:50
shadowmancerbazhang: i don't know how to connect via the command line10:50
QuintinChousuke: orrrrrrr not.10:51
jochmenDSdOOmaz did you try that commad toreconfigure10:51
bazhangshadowmancer: is the wifi hotspot open/wpa/wep10:51
ChousukeQuintin: well then, you'll have to figure out some other way to fix things :P10:51
Squirmbazhang: i have an SMC wireless PCI adapter(SMCWPCI-G) 802.11g10:51
d00mazjochmenDS, yup10:51
d00mazdidnt work10:51
QuintinChousuke: http://www.virtualbox.de/ticket/737 eg10:52
=== master_o1_master is now known as master_of_master
bazhanghang on a second Squirm10:52
shadowmancerbazhang: well i have tried all of them on my home router, from open to wpa, and none of them get through, then i tried at my uni which is wpa enterprise and when i had feisty i could connect but when i went to gutsy i couldn't10:52
jochmenDSdOOmaz wait for hardy10:53
d00mazoh you mean 8.04?10:53
bazhangshadowmancer: and lspci correctly identifies that card?10:53
ChousukeQuintin: right. so you need a new kernel.10:53
shadowmancerbazhang: lspci, is that a command call?10:53
bazhangshadowmancer: in the terminal it is a command yes10:53
QuintinChousuke: I'm using the version that that guy says fixed his problems.10:54
soumyaseep1985Hi everybody10:54
ChousukeQuintin: right.10:54
bazhang!cn | robson10:54
uboturobson: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:54
bazhangrobson: /j #ubuntu-cn10:55
soumyaseep1985hi abhay10:55
ChousukeQuintin: reopen the bug then10:55
ubuntucan someone tell me how i can see the name of m hard drive in THIS FORMAT: (hdx,x)10:55
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
shadowmancerbazhang: how do i know if its identified it correctly, it says all the details that are correct if thats how i deem its correct10:55
bazhangshadowmancer: should say intel 394510:56
soumyaseep1985how can i see the list of available rooms?10:56
Abhayhi soumya10:56
bazhang!irc | soumyaseep198510:56
ubotusoumyaseep1985: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines10:56
soumyaseep1985looks like u r from india10:56
Abhayya i am from india bangalore you10:57
tarelerulzhave any of you sent file over yahoo networks to the windows client for it ?10:57
soumyaseep1985me too,koramangala10:57
prince_jammysubuntu:  i think the first set of numbers goes like (0=a 1=b 2=c, etc) and the second set is ( 0=1, 1=2, etc ) so hd0,0 is hda110:57
shadowmancerbazhang: it says thats my network controller10:57
Abhayohh  working or student10:57
soumyaseep1985i work in ibm10:58
bartmonHey! I have a corrupt file, /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/www-browser. Can someone pastebin their own for me?10:58
bazhangshadowmancer: can you set your home router to open to test this out?10:58
soumyaseep1985actually i'm a new ubuntu user10:58
Abhayok i am from lnt embedded systems10:58
Abhayya tell me ur doubt10:58
ubuntuand what would be sda1?10:59
ubuntuor simply sda?10:59
Abhayi think you are guy??10:59
soumyaseep1985in my terminal some commands r not working10:59
ikoniasoumyaseep1985: which ones10:59
soumyaseep1985say dpkg10:59
ikoniasoumyaseep1985: what error do they give you10:59
ikoniajochmenDS: worked10:59
shadowmancerbazhang: i have tried it, and it says i am connected in nm-tool giving me all the details, saying i have an IP address and gateway and all the details that suggest its connected but no net access10:59
Abhayplease give detailed explanation of error11:00
prince_jammysubuntu: my windows partition (sda1) is listed in menu.lst as hd0,0.  my ubuntu (sda2) is listed as hd0,111:00
ubuntubut i've set the grub-root-partition to (hd0,0)11:00
shadowmancerbazhang: i cannot figure it out at all, because it says i am connected, it says i have all the info i need, though it won't give me net access11:00
jochmenDSworking on nintendo ds irc chat ;}11:00
ikoniaprince_jammys: thats wrong11:00
ubuntuand grub returns erro 15 that the partition cannot be found :/11:00
prince_jammysikonia: how so?11:00
ikoniaprince_jammys: sda1 = hd0 sdb1 = hd111:00
bazhangokay shadowmancer; this may take a while and I have to grab a bite to eat; will be happy to help when I return--or others may step in but that is the best supported card in linux/ubuntu (have it myself) and there is no doubt that we can get it working11:00
ikoniaprince_jammys: actually, I've just re-read11:01
ikoniaprince_jammys: you're correct11:01
ikoniaprince_jammys: my mistake11:01
Chetic_What do I do if Firefox doesn't start? No error messages just loading followed by.. nothing11:01
ikoniaChetic_: ps -ef | grep firefox see if any are already running - kill them all then try again11:01
ikoniaChetic_: are you using firefox 2 provided by ubuntu11:01
shadowmancerbazhang: i think i might split actually, i got to do an assignment on POSIX which is horrible since i have no clue on how to do it and i need to read 4 weeks of lecture notes11:02
Chetic_ikonia: I'm using 3.011:02
ikoniaChetic_: where did you get 3 from11:02
meowludoI am having some problems installing WINE. I have never used terminal before and i am not sure if i am typing the commands in correctly (since it isn;t doing much)11:02
bartmonikonia: It's in the repos11:02
ikoniabartmon: thats not what I asked11:02
Chetic_ikonia: beta11:02
ikoniabartmon: 3.0 is NOT in the repo11:02
ikoniaChetic_: I didn't ask that11:02
ikoniaChetic_: I asked "where did you get it"11:02
Chetic_ikonia: It was installed when I installed Ubuntu11:02
soumyaseep1985it says invalid operation dpkg11:03
soumyaseep1985sorry 4 being late11:03
ikoniaChetic_: your using ubuntu 8.04 beta release, please join #ubuntu+1 for support11:03
bartmonikonia: Sure there is. I have it under firefox-granparadiso11:03
ikoniasoumyaseep1985: no problem, can you please show the full error message in a pastebin please and post the pastebin url to us11:03
ikoniabartmon:  - no, firefox 3.0 does not exist yet, only beta releases.11:03
Abhaythat is not installed i guess11:03
Falcon846the beta is still worth getting11:04
ikoniaFalcon846: thats a matter of opinion11:04
soumyaseep1985then how to install this?11:04
ikoniasoumyaseep1985: you don't need to install anyting11:04
soumyaseep1985i tried sudo apt-get11:04
Chetic_ikonia: I only need to learn how to kill it now though..11:04
ikonia!pastebin > soumyaseep198511:04
d00mazmeowludo, just sudo apt-get install wine11:04
Falcon846of course.11:04
bartmonikonia: I know they are beta releases. But you can install that beta by installing firefox-granparadiso. GranParadiso is the codename for FF3. But you probably knew that.11:04
pnitram Hello. Can somone please help. i cannot access directory /opt11:04
ikoniaChetic_: your using ubuntu 8.04 beta, this is still a beta product and in early life support in #ubuntu+111:04
meowludoThanks d00maz11:04
d00mazno problem11:05
Abhayya use apt-get install dpkg11:05
ikoniabartmon I know you can install the beta release, I never said you could PLEASE read the questions I asked, I asked "where did HE install it from" and What version11:05
pnitramroot@martin-desktop:/# cd /opt11:05
pnitram bash: cd: /opt: Not a directory11:05
jochmenDSwhen is the release date11:05
ikoniapnitram: 1.) why are you root 2.) there is no /opt directory on your system11:05
d00mazpnitram, do not use root11:05
d00mazuse sudo11:05
ikoniapnitram: looks like /opt is a file11:05
pnitramryeing to install xampp11:06
meowludod00maz - u r 1337n35511:06
ikonia!leet > meowludo11:06
jochmenDShardy release date is it known?11:06
ikoniajochmenDS: end of the month11:06
Abhay24th april11:06
d00mazjochmenDS, 11 days from now11:06
Falcon846my live cd boot reaches three bars and then gets stuck. could anybody help me out?11:07
soumyaseep1985and one more thing....i cannot telnet to local host11:07
ikoniaFalcon846: how long is it stuck for, what version of ubuntu11:07
ikoniasoumyaseep1985: telnet daemon is not running by default11:07
pnitramthe file opt is 57 MB and gzip. I think im supose to extract files there?11:08
soumyaseep1985it shows  connection refused11:08
ikoniapnitram: /opt should NOT be a file11:08
Abhayya start telnet servicce11:08
ikoniasoumyaseep1985: because he telnet daemon is not running as I've just told you11:08
pnitramikonia: how do i fix?11:08
soumyaseep1985what sud i do then11:08
bartmonHey! I have a corrupt file, /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/www-browser. Can someone pastebin their own for me?11:08
ikoniapnitram: move that file out to a different name, mkdir /opt11:08
Quintinsoumyaseep1985: why do you want telnet???11:08
ikoniasoumyaseep1985: install and start telnet, or use ssh11:08
pnitram:D thx11:08
pnitrami'll try11:09
d00mazssh is better11:09
d00mazi think11:09
Abhaysudo /etc/init.g/telnetd start11:09
Falcon846ikonia: its 7.10 and i have left it for hours and still no progress. i rebooted and removed quiet, it says loading hardware drivers11:09
soumyaseep1985even ssh isnt working11:09
ikoniabartmon: that file shouldn't matter11:09
ikoniaFalcon846: have you got any unusual hardware11:09
Abhaybefore that u should start the service11:09
ikoniasoumyaseep1985: you need to install the package openssh-server11:09
bartmonikonia: I get errors when updating lynx, says this file is corrupt.11:09
ikoniaAbhay: it's not installed via default11:09
Quintinbartmon: http://pastebin.ca/98339211:09
Falcon846a tv card?11:10
ikoniabartmon: ahh, ok,11:10
d00mazis there anyone who uses geforce fx 5200 ?11:10
ikoniad00maz: many people have done11:10
ikoniaFalcon846: nothing mega there.11:10
Falcon846yes i do11:10
d00mazwell i have lots of problems with the drivers11:10
d00mazwell 1 big one11:10
Abhaymine is hardy and it's there i usually upgrade by net11:10
ikoniad00maz: which drivers are you using11:10
ikoniaAbhay: hardy is not supported in here, so people in here shouldn't be using hardy11:11
ikoniaAbhay: upgrades upgrade what you have installed11:11
ikoniadocta_v: why are you using those11:11
ikoniad00maz: why are you not using the correct ubuntu packaged drivers11:11
ikonia!nvidia > d00maz11:11
ikoniad00maz: check the link/info from ubotu11:11
d00mazill try11:12
heymrwhat can I do with the ogv dils generated by recordmydesktop?11:12
bartmonQuintin: Thanks, now i can upgrade! :D11:12
Melonhow is from Poland?11:12
Abhaydistro upgrade11:12
ikoniaheymr: play them ?11:12
Falcon846ikonia: i cant think of any unusual things in my pc11:12
heymrikonia: with what?11:13
bartmonikonia: instead of > try using | (pipe) when directing ubotu to someone11:13
ikoniaFalcon846: for some reason hardware detection is hanging11:13
jochmenDSogg voebis theora is video usw totem11:13
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:13
LollinopiLhi everyone, how can I install the file msxml3.msi through ubuntu ? ? ? ? ?11:13
ikoniabartmon: no, that floods the channel when they don't need to see it11:13
ikonia!goodbotuse > bartmon11:13
d00maztadas@tadas-desktop:~$ lspci | grep -i nvidia11:13
d00maz01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1)11:13
ikoniabartmon: check out those guidlines11:13
bartmonikonia: oh, i see...11:13
ikoniad00maz: why show us that ?11:13
heymrwhat can I do with the ogv files generated by recordmydesktop? how can I edit them?11:14
d00mazwhich drivers should i use ?11:14
d00mazlegacy ? new ?11:14
ikoniad00maz: you've not read the link I sent you11:14
Falcon846ikonia: should i try removing my dodgey tv card?11:14
LollinopiLhi everyone, how can I install the file msxml3.msi through ubuntu ? ? ? ? ?11:14
nagyvHello, could someone help me with a LaTeX? I never had this problem before. Just would like to include a png image, and compile the file with pdflatex. Finally, instead of the image I get the path 'in the image'. I've uploaded it here: http://vikti.educomm.hu/node/311:14
ikoniaFalcon846: it may not hurt, but it shoulnd't be a problem11:14
Squirmbazhang: remember me?11:14
ikoniaLollinopiL: thats a windows file11:14
d00mazLollinopiL, you need wine11:15
LollinopiLi've got Wine d0011:15
ikoniaLollinopiL: then join #winehq11:15
matteo1990Hi all11:15
d00mazwine /path/to/file/msxml3.msi11:15
LollinopiLyeah d00 I try11:15
matteo1990i am preety new to irc may someone heelp me plz? :)11:15
ikoniamatteo1990: what is the question11:16
BactaHi I'm trying to update to the Ubuntu 8.10 beta and am running into problems. First question: Is there anyway I can burn the ISO onto a DVD? I have no CD-Rs11:16
heymrfileswhat program can edit ogv files of convert them...?11:16
ikoniaBacta: there is no 8.10 release11:16
ikoniaBacta: cd images work on dvd's11:16
ikoniaBacta: it's just a tad wasteful11:16
bartmonLollinopiL: Hm, that installs on the linux distro not in any windows installatiuon you might have.11:16
BactaNero is being a bitch about it11:16
heymrhow can I convert OGV files? or edit them?11:16
ikoniaBacta: thats not #ubuntu's issue11:16
bartmonheymr: mencoder is a swiss army knife for transcoding11:17
LollinopiLwine: could not load L"Z:\\home\\lollo\\Desktop\\msxml3.msi": Bad EXE format for11:17
LollinopiLlollo@lollo-desktop:~$ fixme:spoolsv:serv_main (0 (nil))11:17
LollinopiLerr:service:service_get_status service protocol error - failed to read pipe r = 0  count = 0!11:17
heymrbartmon: oky11:17
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.11:17
LollinopiLuh sorry ... however, this is the error11:17
BactaIf you want more Linux users it is11:17
StevethepirateSorry, meant #wine11:17
jochmenDSuse ffmpeg to convert ogg11:17
bartmonheymr: But it's acommand line app. For editing files I found avidemux to be excellent11:17
ikoniaBacta: no it's not, we don't support nero11:17
Bactawell how can I burn my ISO?11:17
ikoniaBacta: if you have problems with nero join a nero support list/forum11:17
ikoniaBacta: burn on linux or windows11:18
LollinopiLwine doesn't read the msi , but only the exe files i suppose11:18
jochmenDSor media-convert on the web11:18
foibleshas anyone here ever installed truecombat: elite on linux?11:18
matteo1990i just need some basic infos, first of all how to PM? :D11:18
bartmonfoibles: Yes11:18
foiblesbartmon, how did you do it?11:18
heymrbartmon: its fine, gmencoder11:18
ikoniamatteo1990: join #freenode for irc support11:18
foiblesi installed enemyterritory11:18
bartmonheymr: excellent, haven't seen that GUI yet11:18
foiblesnow i have a tc:elite .zip and im trying to figure what to do with it11:19
ikoniaBacta: burn iso's on windows or linux11:19
foiblescan't seem to find any instructions11:19
bartmonfoibles: I just followed instructions, are you sure there aren't any in the zip?11:19
Bactaok now we're getting somewhere. thanks for NOTHING11:19
heymrbartmon: oh wait, uses transcode...11:19
ikoniaBacta: ?11:19
foiblesbartmon, the readme doesn't mention instrutctions for linux11:19
ikoniaBacta: burning cd's ono windows or linux ?11:20
Falcon846ikonia: a guy was helping me out yesterday. he had to leave, so he told me i should mention my cd was ordered from shipit11:20
BactaOn Windows11:20
ikoniaBacta: if you want help you need to give us info11:20
LollinopiLok i've found a exe version of the file ^.^11:20
ikoniaBacta: ok, ##windows will provide you help with windows applications11:20
BactaI found Nero has a DVD option, I was using the CD option11:20
bartmonfoibles: I think it's the same, it's just extracting those files somewhere within the enemy territory folder11:20
ikoniaFalcon846: should be ok11:20
ikoniaFalcon846: you could always try re-downloading the cd your self and burning it11:20
foiblesbartmon, did you use the enemyterritory ico to run it?11:21
Falcon846hmm... yeah it works properly on my other pc. is it possible to install without the live cd?11:21
bartmonfoibles: Bo, i created a new shortcut11:22
ikoniaFalcon846: not really, if it works on the other PC then it's not a problem with the CD, its the hardware in your current PC11:22
bartmonfoibles: that should read no11:22
Falcon846yeah, i will narrow it down eventually.11:23
achandrashekarokay..i know im probably off here..but Linus is right...OSX does suck...and what takes me minutes to setup with the PPC installer....is so much better than the damn DMG files... thank you ubuntu for solving the stupidity.11:23
achandrashekari spent 3 hours now dealing with dmg files..11:23
rommehow do i update a package with dpkg?11:23
SquirmI have an SMC wireless PCI adapter(SMCWPCI-G) 802.11g on feisty, i cant get it to work11:24
bartmonfoibles: Try this channel: irc://irc.quakenet.org/tc:elite11:24
foiblesbartmon, i figured it out11:25
bartmonfoibles: Great!11:25
Falcon846ikonia: i removed my gfx card and it worked11:27
Falcon846nvidia 520011:27
ikoniaFalcon846: wow11:28
=== deepak is now known as deepak_
Falcon846ikonia: will i11:29
Falcon846hav problems once i install11:29
Falcon846with my gfx card11:30
ikoniaFalcon846 shlould'nt do11:30
The_Druid-anyone could help me with a busybox stucking problem?11:30
Falcon846ikonia: thanks alot man. by the way do u recommend me using the 32 bit or 64 bit edition11:31
soumyadeep1985is it possible to join this room by a webbrowser?11:31
SquirmI have an SMC wireless PCI adapter(SMCWPCI-G) 802.11g on feisty, i cant get it to work11:32
pnitramCannot rename opt. I get this error::/# rename opt opt311:33
pnitramBareword "opt" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1.11:33
pnitramcan annyone help?11:33
Falcon846does anyone here use the 64 bit edition?11:33
The_Druid-and can't get it to work11:34
ikoniaFalcon846: I use the 64 bit release.11:35
Bactahow can I upgrade to 7.10? I'm getting error messages saying my sources are bad11:36
Falcon846do u recommend it over the 32 bit? i am worried about compatibility issues11:36
ikoniaBacta: I hope you have a better attitude with you this time11:36
ikoniaFalcon846: depends what your wanting to do11:36
ikoniaBacta: what version are you currently running11:37
Bactaikonia: No I've got a bad taste after that. It plain doesn't work and I've been told why11:37
Falcon846i am a programmer and graphic designer11:37
ikoniaBacta: I mean a better attitude towards people in here rather than "fine - thanks for nothing !"11:37
Bactathe update thing tells me I can upgrade to 7.1011:37
ikoniayou can upgrade to 7.1011:37
Bactabut it gives me an error when I try11:37
ikonia!upgrade > bacta11:37
BactaI'm trying to reproduce it right now11:37
pnitramikonia: :/# rename opt opt311:38
pnitramBareword "opt" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1.11:38
pnitram any idea?11:38
ikoniaBacta: check the URL out that ubotu sent you, it guides you through upgrade11:38
ikoniapnitram: what are you doing ????11:38
pnitramrenmaing opt as you said:D11:38
Falcon846i am also worried about how my celeron d will handle it11:38
Ademani have flashplugin-nonfree installed, but firefox-3.0 beta won't recognize it (gutsy backports i believe)11:38
ikoniapnitram: please run "file /opt"11:38
ikoniaFalcon846: is it 64 bit compatible ?11:39
ikoniaAdeman: it's a beta11:39
pnitramok. thx. I'll try11:39
Falcon846yes, it has a 64 bit structure11:39
ikoniaAdeman: as I recall it's paths are different (/opt ?)11:39
Ademanikonia: ooh, alright, i'll check that out11:39
matteo1990anyone is using aircrack with inel 3946 a/b/g?11:39
Falcon846will i still be able to run 32 bit apps11:39
ikoniaFalcon846: well, it shouldn't have a problem running it, but it's performance won't be as good as a non-celeron chip11:40
pnitramikonia: I get "/opt: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Mon Feb 11 09:24:23 200811:40
ikoniaFalcon846: no, you'd need a 32bit compatability environment to run 32bit apps11:40
ikoniapnitram: ok, so "sudo mv /opt /opt.zip_file.gz"11:40
SquirmI have an SMC wireless PCI adapter(SMCWPCI-G) 802.11g on feisty, i cant get it to work11:40
matteo1990i have problem with packet injection but i have heard that now is possible to resolve it11:41
Falcon846ikonia: ok. anyhow thanks again11:41
ikoniaFalcon846: welcome11:41
pnitramikonia: Oyeaaa!!! Thx U!!!!11:41
ikoniapnitram: welcome, please do "sudo mkdir /opt" to stop further problems11:41
pnitrammkdir as root does the same?11:42
ikoniapnitram: ?? why are you root11:42
ikoniapnitram: you should NOT be root11:42
pnitramdon't konow. Always is :p11:42
pnitramNot good?11:42
ikoniapnitram: ubuntu does not make you root by default11:42
ikoniapnitram: how are you becoming root ?11:43
pnitrammint linux11:43
ikoniapnitram: mint linux is not supported here11:43
ikoniapnitram: please join a mint linux support area11:43
PupenoHow do I access a shared folder from another computer?11:45
tarelerulzDo most new computer support booting from a usb drive ?11:45
ikoniaPupeno: how is it shared ?11:45
JizzoDoes xmms2 have a GUI? or do you need to install the orignal xmms?11:45
ikoniatarelerulz: mostly11:45
ikoniaJizzo: xmms2 is more a server side11:45
Jizzoikonia: Thanks11:45
Pupenoikonia: System->Admin->Shared folders11:46
ikoniaPupeno: thats is you want to share a folder11:46
ikoniaPupeno: you said access an already shared folder11:46
The_Druid-ikonia: any idea on what i have done wrong there, while installing?11:46
Pupenoikonia: well, I already shared it. How do I access it from another computer?11:46
ikoniaPupeno: how did you share it, as samba ?11:47
ikoniaPupeno: what OS is the other computer running11:47
Pupenoikonia: I'm not using Samba, no Windows here, two Ubuntu workstations.11:47
SquirmI have an SMC wireless PCI adapter(SMCWPCI-G) 802.11g on feisty, i cant get it to work. any help?11:49
ikoniaPupeno: so how did you share it?11:49
ikoniaPupeno: NFS ?11:49
Pupenoikonia: yes, that's what system->admin->shared folders says.11:49
ikoniaPupeno: ok, so on your client, just mount it as an NFS export11:50
j0nrCan anyone help me? I have very slow wireless access to my NAS. Someone said to edit fstab, but mine doesn't look like theirs?11:50
ikoniaj0nr: fstab is nothing to do with the speed of access11:50
ikoniaj0nr: your fstab should not look like other peoples11:50
tarelerulzI have all ways found samba hard to use ? is nfs hard to set up ?11:50
ikoniatarelerulz: no more/less than samba11:50
Pupenoikonia: I know how to do it at that level, I could even just use sftp, but I expected there to be an easy way that my wife can do it (otherwise doesn't make much sense to make it easy to share it in the first place).11:51
ikoniaPupeno: you know how to do it at what level ?11:51
ikoniaPupeno: set it to auto mount ?11:51
Pupenoikonia: let me rephrase.11:52
ikoniaplease do11:52
PupenoHow can my wife access a (Ubuntu/NFS) shared folder from his Ubuntu box? My wife doesn't know what a shell is.11:52
tarelerulzThe reason I ask ikonia is   windows never seem to work with out need user name .  Just the normal share part .  and so many option11:52
ikoniaPupeno: setup auto mount11:52
ikoniaPupeno: or hardcode it into her fstab11:53
ikoniatarelerulz: any remote service will need username authentication11:53
Pupenoikonia: ok, it's impossible for her. Thanks.11:53
ikoniatarelerulz: NFS is no different11:53
ikoniaPupeno: YOU setup auto mount11:53
ikoniaPupeno: it's not impossible at all11:53
ikoniaPupeno: she can use the "connect to" menu11:53
Pupenoikonia: you are missing the point, but no problem.11:54
ikoniaPupeno: I'm not11:54
j0nrum not sure what to add ... where do i start finding problems with wireless nas speed11:54
ikoniaPupeno: she doesn't know what a shell is, she's very basic11:54
ikoniaPupeno: so use the connect to gui11:54
Pupenoikonia: the connect gui doesn't offer any way to find my computer.11:54
SquirmI have an SMC wireless PCI adapter(SMCWPCI-G) 802.11g on feisty, i cant get it to work. any help?11:54
ikoniaPupeno: type in the computer name11:54
ikoniaPupeno: use network manager to browse (assuming you have set your computer up)11:54
Pupenoikonia: what type of service.11:54
ikoniaPupeno: nfs11:55
tarelerulzlogin name and passwords make since for over the internet and big place where you don't know eveny one ,but for you lan in your house they do not.  I have share file a lot and windows never need user name or password .  I really don't see why it is so hard to set samba up like that11:55
Pupenoikonia: NFS is not on the list of types of services.11:55
ikoniaPupeno: then instlal nfs on her machine11:55
j0nrum not sure what to add ... where do i start finding problems with wireless nas speed11:55
ikoniatarelerulz: yes you did need usernames/password on windows - thats just handled by domain logins11:56
Serg_penguinhi ! i just installed phpMyAdmin and dunno how to make Apache see it ! please give me a clue what manuals to read !11:56
ikoniaSerg_penguin: how did you install myphpadmin, the ubuntu package or from myphpadmin directly11:56
Serg_penguinikonia: thru GUI package manager11:57
tarelerulzIkonia , I have shared a lot of files and never need to put in user name or password to get at the share from other windows computer.11:57
ikoniaSerg_penguin: ok, so go to "http://localhost/myphpadmin"11:57
ikoniatarelerulz: then you have always set it to be an open share with read/write access for the world11:57
mib_hn2f2mf0can someone point in in the direction of a good guide for going from XP to ubuntu?11:57
xalewcikhow to uninstal "Advanced desktop efects" ?11:57
ikoniamib_hn2f2mf0: I'm not aware of any11:57
ikoniaxalewcik: just disable it11:58
Serg_penguinikonia: 404 ! just http://localhost/ sees only "apache2-default" directory11:58
xalewciki want to reainstal it11:58
=== blue-frog_ is now known as blue-frog
ikoniaSerg_penguin: I said http://localhost/myphpadmin"11:58
ikoniaxalewcik: why ?11:58
ikoniamib_hn2f2mf0: yes really11:58
mib_hn2f2mf0oh :(11:58
ikoniamib_hn2f2mf0: I'm sure if you read the forums you'll find lots of peoples views on the move though11:58
Serg_penguinikonia: i tried this first, surely !11:59
Serg_penguinikonia: now http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ revealed login form11:59
ikoniaSerg_penguin: I don't know if you did11:59
mib_hn2f2mf0no instructions on how to install ubuntu at all?11:59
ikoniamib_hn2f2mf0: put in cdrom, boot it, click install11:59
ikoniamib_hn2f2mf0: there you go11:59
tarelerulzI am sure that is what I did ,but I have never really sence that option l  just told it to share and everything just worked. with samba I have never seen it work that easy. I had to monkey with it for hours to get it to work at all . Most the time windows never say it. Plus reading samba site is not helpful. a lot of great option ,but nothing for a basic share type like windows would set up11:59
ikoniatarelerulz: yes there is12:00
mib_hn2f2mf0and do I have to do stuff with portions?12:00
ikoniatarelerulz: takes 30 seconds to setup12:00
ikoniamib_hn2f2mf0: depends how you want to partition12:00
pjvwhat's a good email client to use?12:00
ikoniapjv: your call, thuderbird, evoluction, kmail etc12:00
xalewcikikonia: u can say how to uninstal that settings? :) i will instal it again :)12:00
pjvahh evolution thank you12:01
ikoniaxalewcik: why do you want to re-install it12:01
xalewcikbecause he's cracked, and i don't now how to say it in eng lang :)12:02
=== ubotu2` is now known as ubotu2
ikoniaxalewcik: what ???12:02
xalewcikthen i trie to change settings, nothing happends12:02
tarelerulzikonia , I guess your smarter person then I am or you know a lot about network.  I never read anything about setting up samba to share with windows and That is one of the main use for it . I got windows to see it ,but it needs a user name and password .  How would one set it up for not need either of those12:02
ikoniaxalewcik: ok - so why do you need to re-install that12:02
xalewcikit's like blocked12:02
ikoniatarelerulz: set the share to be open12:02
ikoniaxalewcik: blocked ??? again that is no reason to re-install it12:03
HowbagHey! Anyone knows if the beta edition of Hardy is updated? i.e. is the beta avalieable now, the same as the beta availeable three weeks ago?12:03
Howbagavaliable* i guess :p12:03
gfetcohelp how to clear a dvd rw and burn a .iso file to it?12:03
xalewcikthen i go to settings > preference > i click button "reset to defaults", but nothing happends :(12:03
ikoniaHowbag: it's updated daily12:03
ikoniaHowbag: hourly sometimes12:04
Howbaggfetco, use k3b12:04
Howbagikonia, thanks!12:04
ikoniaHowbag: it's constantly moving12:04
gfetcothanks howbag bue everyone UBUNTU OWNZ12:04
deepak_Hi Contributing to Ubuntu /How to .12:04
ikoniadeepak_: what do you want to contribute12:04
deepak_can anyone please let me know12:04
mitecan anyone tell me how to install QT on Ubuntu 7.10?12:05
Howbagdeepak_, there is a link to "contribute" on ubuntu.com12:05
deepak_ikonia, i do work with Debian and maintains packages there.12:05
ikoniadeepak_: ok, same thing, make packages submit them12:05
ikoniamite, open synaptic and search for QT then click install12:05
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deepak_Howbag, yes i have read all the info ,But picture is not clear12:05
kelvin911hi how to make the new opening window not starting at the bottom of the screen?12:05
tarelerulzI am not trying to sound dumb ,but never gotten share with samba working that easy.  The gui for gnome never seem to do what it said.  I found out recent that  it don't tell  samba to broadcast the name of the share.  Linux pick it up and found it ,but windows never did .  Maybe it is better now ,but the last time I try that . I spent day and maybe week on it could not find much of anything on what I wanted to do . Most the stuff meant editing the confi12:06
toshibaany one can help me?12:06
Howbagdeepak_, allright, well then i don't know more.. I even hassle with the translating page12:06
ikoniatoshiba: what is the problem12:06
miteikonia: but there are several files with QT there. How do i know which to install?12:06
toshibai've a little problem with kubuntu 7.1012:06
ikoniadeepak_: what part are you nost sure about12:06
ikoniamite: depends what QT components you want12:06
deepak_ikonia, you can see this https://launchpad.net/~apenguinlinux12:07
toshibait try to install mp3 codec when i try to open a mp312:07
miteikonia:I have never installed QT and want to give it  a try.12:07
ikoniadeepak_: yes I can see that12:07
miteikonia: which ones are required?12:07
Ax-Axisn't there a easy way to convert flac to mp3 WITHOUT loosing all tags?12:07
ikoniamite: give it a "try" ?? it's a graphics library12:07
toshibabut it says that the installation is ok12:07
ikoniamite: well, a graphics frame work12:08
toshibai restart the program12:08
deepak_ikonia, the packages which i do maintain at Debian i want to do the same here12:08
ikoniadeepak_: are they already maintained here ?12:08
=== aaaaa is now known as jiangjun
toshibaand il start again to reinstall codec12:08
jiangjunI first12:09
kamenwhat's your name12:09
deepak_yes but most of them not updated12:09
jiangjunI first use opera12:09
ikoniatoshiba: yes ?12:09
deepak_ikonia, yes but most of them not updated12:09
ikoniadeepak_: speak to the maintainer fist then12:09
miteikonia: I've selected : qt4-designer,qt4-dev-tools, qt4-doc,qt4-qtcnofig. Are these enough?12:09
ikoniadeepak_: they may not be updated for a reson12:09
ikoniamite: enough for what ?12:09
kamendo you speak english12:09
toshibai've tried to explaing my proplem - ikonia12:09
ikoniakamen: the channel is english12:09
kelvin911anyone know how to make new program window not starting at the bottom of the screen?12:09
ikoniatoshiba: sounds like you've not got the right code12:09
jiangjunkamen, are you talk to me?12:09
ikoniatoshiba: sounds like you've not got the right codec12:09
miteikonia: to install it properly12:09
deepak_ikonia, is there any perl or ruby group in ubuntu?12:10
ikoniamite: to install what though, what do you want to do with it12:10
ikoniadeepak_: don't know about groups12:10
jiangjunI'm chinese, My english is poor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12:10
tarelerulztoshiba, get smplayer and that should fix all your woes .  totem does ok ,but it don't play back wmv .avi and so on as well. It will do 95% of most stuff with all the plugin ,but for the 5% you need something like smplayer , vlc12:10
miteikonia:to write c++ code with QT12:10
mad_max02how can I update open office to 2.4.0 ???12:10
ikoniamite: ok, so you want to use the framwork, so you'll want the -devel or devl packages12:10
toshibathanks to all12:10
ikoniamad_max02: if its not available in the ubuntu repo's you don't12:11
Ax-Axhow can i check what is being started on boot?12:11
kamenpppoe problem12:11
deepak_ikonia, or where i can see that which packages needs help like wnpp in Debian ,12:11
theunixgeekI think they should create a tarball of all past Ubuntu wallpapers, including testing ones.12:12
Theo_is it possible to play music on a ubuntu server?12:12
ikoniadeepak_: speak to the mainterins, join #ubuntu-motu and ask around12:12
theunixgeekTheo_: I think there's something called mplayer or something similar. hold on.12:12
jiangjunwhat software for download eMule file on the ubuntu£¿12:12
b4l74z4rdoes anyone know of a mp3 script for konversation that is compatible with rhythmbox?12:12
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.12:13
theunixgeekTheo_: sudo apt-get install mplayer :)12:13
theunixgeekTheo_: (no smiley face)12:13
jiangjunwhat software for download eMule file on the ubuntu£¿12:13
pere_Hi! a problem! I have just instaled ubuntu studio, and the network icon from the task bar, is not going, and I can't conect wireless with wifi from networkk manager12:13
jiangjunwhat software for download eMule file on the ubuntu£¿12:13
Theo_ok and this will play music at the server?12:13
miteikonia: I'll install: qt4-designer,qt4-dev-tools, qt4-doc,qt4-qtcnofig. Is that it?12:13
pere_what cona I do?12:13
theunixgeek!repeat | jiangjun12:13
ubotujiangjun: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:13
ikoniamite: seems a reasonable place to start12:13
miteikonia: ok, thanks12:14
theunixgeekTheo_: it plays music from the command line if that's what you mean. Or do you want the server to broadcast music? anyway, #ubuntu-server might be of greater help12:14
Theo_i want it from the CLI12:14
Theo_I will try it out12:14
AMDX2Hi i'm wondering why is it so hard to install drivers...in Ubuntu? If its really a windows alternative...why do we still need to type in commands to install a driver?12:14
Theo_will i have to install drivers or did that happen when the server was set up?12:15
theunixgeekTheo_: yeah, so try mplayer first to see if it fits your needs12:15
theunixgeekTheo_: it happens during setup12:15
gregory_AMDX2: its because your manufacturer doesnt provide drivers12:15
theunixgeekwhat's with floodbot today?12:16
StevethepirateIt's it's time of the month12:16
AMDX2gregory_ - but then once a driver is written......its very easy to deploy it in windows...but in ubuntu its a pain..cuz i need to download this and that and type in commands..12:16
Seveastheunixgeek, it's detecting anomalies12:16
AMDX2Im using Compaq Presario v300012:16
AMDX2and my Wireless isnt working..12:16
musictotoAMDX2: ubuntu is linux, linux is command line... (if your manufacturer doesn't provide the drivers, you have to use the commandline12:16
ikoniaAMDX2: is there a reason your telling us this ?12:17
SeveasAMDX2, not really -- I didn't have to install any driver on this laptop. Only if manufacturers don't cooperate odd actions are needed, but most of them can now be done in the gui.12:17
SeveasAMDX2, which piece of hardware is giving you trouble?12:17
AMDX2WIFI - broadcom wireless12:17
AMDX2Broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter12:17
SeveasAMDX2, system -> admin -> restricted drivers12:17
gregory_AMDX2: with recent hardware you have a delay until the driver is included into the kernel12:18
Seveasworks for *most* broadcom but not all. broadcom is the worst hardware manufacturer when it comes to linux support12:18
SeveasAMDX2, it would be very easy for Ubuntu to make broadcom cards work out of the box. But they don't allow us to12:19
gregory_AMDX2: and again thats to be fixed by the manufacturer so that release date of hardware and software drivers is the same day12:19
pecisk_afaik in Hardy Driver Manager will get firmware by itself for Broadcom12:19
AMDX2but this isnt really a new pcs of hardware..12:19
AMDX2v3000 is pretty old already...12:20
AMDX2and im using the 8.04 ubuntu12:20
cjzjm100Hi guys!I had used the command:tar -N '2008/04/13' -zcvf test1.tar.gz   .   to package some files. there are some files modified before 2008/04/13 in the  currently directory,but why they are in the test1.tar.gz too?12:20
ajasjdasdsaHi, I would like to know the procentage of 5/10 via bash. I tried 'expr 5 / 10' but that equals 0, since it's rounding down. How can I solve this?12:21
AMDX2no im just wondering.....why there cant be just simple packages (of drivers) which we can download...and install?? I mean if...writing command lines..can make it work...why cant all those lines be put under a batch file or something?12:21
pajamianAMDX2: the broadcom drivers for Linux have been created by careful reverse engineering.  Broadcom didn't give any help at all, and also they are not perfect so not all chipsets work with them but if yours doesn't there is another way to get it to work with something called ndiswrapper12:21
berenthas anyone used flex 3 module  as a apache2 module on ubuntu and has succeeded?12:21
magnetron!anyone | berent12:22
ubotuberent: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:22
Dr_willisAMDX2,  i do keep my own 'scripts' that set up my linux system/new installs how i like :)12:22
AMDX2<Dr_willis>  - I am sure u do...becuz ur a pro12:22
Dr_willisWireless drivers are getting to be such a disaster. its the winmodem fiasco all over again.12:22
AMDX2but i guess ur aware tht..Ubuntu is promoting...its OS with a tagline called12:22
berenthow to use flex 3 module  as a apache2 module on ubuntu and succeed?12:22
AMDX2Linux for humans12:22
SeveasDr_willis, only broadcom still sucks, isn't it?12:23
AMDX2and they are  also promoting..12:23
Dr_willisAMDX2,  tell that to the hardware makers.. they are the ones not supporting linux.12:23
Seveasor are there other crap ones?12:23
Dr_willisSeveas,  ive given up on wireless  basicially. :) i ran wires. given the # of questions i see a day in here about wireless drivers.. seems the latest sound card chipsets in laptops are also a top 10 issue now a days as well.12:23
AMDX2but then its bad for ubuntu isnt it?12:23
berentmagnetron - please answer now12:23
pajamianAMDX2: it is, and Ubuntu goes a great deal towards making Linux as user friendly as possible, but without the cooperation of hardware manufacturers it is difficult to impossible to create proper drivers.  The miracle is that there is broadcomm support at all.12:24
Dr_willisAMDX2,  also avoid canon brand printers.. or at least do some research befor expecting to buy one that works with linux/cups.12:24
pajamianI recommend Brother for a printer12:24
SeveasDr_willis, I run wireless exclusively, 2 desktops and 4 laptops. Several different chipsets12:24
Dr_willisThe 'linux' kernel is also not just the responsibility of 'ubuntu' :)12:24
AMDX2well right now the wireless is the only thing thts giving me trouble...becuz lately i am SOO sick and tired of Xp tht i have decided to switch to12:25
pajamianthey have Linux drivers for all their printers and they are GPL12:25
gregory_AMDX2: things are changing, but some companies are just more then reluctant to contribute to the linux system12:25
Dr_willisSeveas,  you must have a lot better lucn then i did. I will admit. I havent tried any of the newer cards out in the last year. :)12:25
magnetronberent: i only answer questions i know the answer too, so does the rest of us in here12:25
SeveasDr_willis, these are all older, marvell broadcom atheros and intel12:25
AMDX2Does wine has any limitation? Can i run ALL windows programs in ubuntu?12:25
magnetron!wine | AMDX212:25
ubotuAMDX2: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.12:25
SeveasAMDX2, wine has a database of compatibility info12:26
Steven1Ok my current problem is getting the new version of Ubuntu working with my ATI X850 card. Gutsy was working Hardy isn't. Any ideas?12:26
Seveas!appdb | AMDX212:26
ubotuAMDX2: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org12:26
Dr_willisSeveas,  last cards i had.. the wife would turn on the microwave and it killed the network. :)  Then i ran in to some cards that had the same 'name' by linksys.. with radicially different chipsets. heh.  Talk about confusing.12:26
SeveasDr_willis, lol :)12:26
Dr_willisWine has a great deal of limitations. :)12:26
Seveasjiangjun, english please12:26
jiangjunseveas ,are you chinses?12:26
Seveasjiangjun, no12:26
pajamianAMDX2: WINE doesn't work with all windows programs and of those that it does work with most have various levels of bugs.  Always check the App DB to see if your program is known to work and what kinds of tweaks you have to do to make it work.12:26
Seveas!cn | jiangjun12:26
ubotujiangjun: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:26
AMDX2so will...running a virtual machine ..solve my problem? (cuz unfortunately i will still need to run some windows based programs)12:27
Steven1Ok my current problem is getting the new version of Ubuntu working with my ATI X850 card. Gutsy was working Hardy isn't. Any ideas?12:27
gregory_AMDX2: a full vm, yes12:27
jiangjunubotu, ÄÄÀïÓÐ ÖÐÎÄchat°¡£¿£¿12:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chat°¡£¿£¿ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:27
AMDX2gregory_  whats a full vm?12:27
thanhlong12dare you vietnamese12:27
jiangjunubotu are you chinese??12:27
gregory_AMDX2: full hardware emulation, wine is only software emulation12:27
AMDX2i want to run ubuntu as my primary os...and inside ubuntu I want to have full WINDOWS Xp12:28
magnetronjiangjun: ubotu is a chat robot12:28
AMDX2so what VM do u suggest?12:28
AMDX2there are few types i suppose12:28
Dr_willisAMDX2,  the details as to what will work best.. depends on the programs you want to run.12:28
SeveasAMDX2, I like vmware server12:28
thanhlong12dvietnamese or japanese12:28
pajamian!virtual | AMDX212:28
ubotuAMDX2: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications12:28
Seveas!jp | thanhlong12d12:28
ubotuthanhlong12d: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい12:28
Steven1Anyone please explain to me how to get my ATI X850 working with Hardy?12:28
AMDX2Seveas - yes i think thats the most popular one12:28
Theo_why can i only hear static when i play sound on mplayer through cli (mplayer /home/username/music/file.aiff)?12:28
jussio1Steven1: please try #ubuntu+112:29
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers12:29
jiangjunwhere are china UBUNTU chat room??12:29
jussio1!cn | jiangjun12:29
ubotujiangjun: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:29
Seveasjiangjun, #ubuntu-cn12:29
magnetronjiangjun: #ubuntu-cn12:29
ubotuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox12:29
=== melly is now known as [[cWe_tRZadiztt_
AMDX2is there any complete ebook of ubuntu? in pdf format12:30
AMDX2something like a complete reference12:30
SeveasAMDX2, there are some pdfs on help.ubuntu.com12:30
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Dr_willis!training | AMDX212:31
ubotuAMDX2: A desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training12:31
theunixgeekDoes anyone have the Edgy Eft beta wallpaper?12:31
Steven1No one is talking in #ubuntu+1. Can someone help me get my ATI X850 working in 'Hardy'?12:31
theunixgeekSteven1: have you tried google yet?12:32
AMDX2Thanks every1...You all have been really helpful12:32
AMDX2I do have one last question... and that is..12:32
Dr_willisSteven1,  you just said the same about this channel in #ubuntu+1 :)12:32
AMDX2Windows has the option to search for drivers online (auto)12:32
Steven1theunixgeek: Yes actially. Numerous outdated articles to do with Gutsy or earlier distros.12:32
AMDX2do we have anything like tht in ubuntu12:32
ShiroUsagiHello, can somebody here help me set up file sharing between two computers on Gutsy? I have samba set up, and it worked at some point, but now I get "The folder contents could not be displayed" error.12:32
Dr_willisAMDX2,  linux dosent use 'drivers' in the same sence that windows does.12:33
AMDX2Say....broadcomm decides...to make the driver....can ubuntu...find it for me?12:33
Dr_willisAMDX2,  most drivers are kernel modules, or X add ons. if broadcom wanted to make a linux driver. they would put out kernel source for a module that could be compiled/loaded by the kernel.12:33
magnetronAMDX2: as soon as the driver is made, it will be included in ubuntu.12:33
Dr_willisif they GPL'd  the source. it would be included by default12:33
Dr_willisSo there would be no need to go 'get' it :)12:33
pajamianAMDX2: if broadcomm decides to be nice all of a sudden and say a year down the road there's a nice proper driver out for broadcomm devices then ubuntu will have it once it's been properly tested and vetted for bugs, etc.12:34
Theo_how do i make a shell script wait for 5 seconds and then continue?12:34
rhandykhow do i set up my "canon smartbase pc1270d" laser printer in linux?12:34
fraggedHey guys! Whats the correct procedure for tunneling with ssh? remotehost has vnc running on localhost:5900 and I want to forward it to my local computer 'ssh -L localhost:5900:remotehost:5900' returns the same information as 'ssh --help12:34
gregory_AMDX2: no, if bc decides to be in the game, all problems are solved12:34
rhandykthere is no driver associated with it12:34
fraggedrhandyk, I think google knows the answer12:34
Dr_willisTheo_,  the 'sleep' command can do that.12:35
madyogiTheo_: sleep 512:35
Theo_ok thank you very much12:35
AMDX2and is this true -- http://www.overfl0w.com/2007/10/30/uhmm-ubuntu-may-be-killing-your-laptops-hard-drive/12:35
magnetronAMDX2: when i got my wireless network card, i specifically looked for cards that would work in linux12:35
rhandykfragged: i googled with no luck12:35
azazel6667i've tried googling this but can't seem to get far... anyone got any links/info regarding filesystems mounted by loopback causing hangs under heavy IO under ubuntu?12:35
jiangyou ren ma?12:36
azazel6667running kernel:  2.6.22-14-generic12:36
AMDX2magnetron - i have no choice...its built in (laptop)...and i never intended to use ubuntu..i have windows...but now im planning to switch12:36
Dr_willisThere are rather cheap USB, or pcmcia wireless cards out. :)12:36
Dr_williseven the mini pci cards in most laptops are replaceable..   But some laptops wont let theirs be changed. sadly.12:37
jiangare you use opera?????12:37
fx|RabBiti have beent rying kde4 but i have been getting these tons of "package could not be authenticated" errors, waht do i do against that?12:37
jussio1fx|RabBit: #kubuntu-kde4 for kde4 support :) but you dont need to worry about those12:38
gregory_AMDX2: for this specific case it is true in the sense, that hardware degrades faster. but thats a very specific combination of hardware. we are talking about 0.000001 percent. and after all this can happen with windows as well12:38
pajamianAMDX2: as I said before, there is more than one way to skin this cat, you can use ndiswrapper if all else fails.12:38
fx|RabBitjussio1: ah, k, thanks12:38
rhandyklinux sucks in printer support12:38
pajamianAMDX2: ndiswrapper allows you to use the windows version of a wireless driver.12:39
rhandykthere is no linux driver for my laser printer12:39
AMDX2pajamian - thats gr8...how can i do that?12:39
pajamian!ndiswrapper | AMDX212:39
ubotuAMDX2: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:39
heymrhey my gnome-power-manager displays the power for BAT1 i want it to show BAT012:39
piero_what's your printer rhandyk12:39
rhandyk "canon smartbase pc1270d"12:40
pajamianAMDX2: keep in mind that I only recommend that to people who already have non-linux compatible wireless adapters and only as long as a decent Linux driver is not available.12:40
rhandykpiero_:  "canon smartbase pc1270d"12:40
AMDX2ok..but since...by default my wireless card doesnt work..so is it fair to assume tht no decent linux driver isnt available now?12:41
piero_Is that a multifunction device rhandyk?12:42
pajamianAMDX2: you have checked for restricted drivers, right?12:42
pajamianAMDX2: I mean just make sure you'12:42
AMDX2the funny part is i have a wireless on/off switch... with a LED..12:42
heymrit shows BAT0 correctly when I click on the applet, but I want it to jus show by default12:42
AMDX2and even...if...its...On ..the light says its off12:42
AMDX2pajamian - ok..12:42
pajamianAMDX2: you've checked all the other possibilities.  It will work better with a proper Linux driver but it will at least work with ndiswrapper.12:42
rhandykpiero_: i don't know, it only prints and faxes12:42
rhandykpiero_: it's a laser printer and fax machine12:43
AMDX2we should complain to broadcomm...abt their limited linux support12:44
pajamianrhandyk: usually if it's a printer and fax then it's also a scanner and digital copier.12:44
AMDX2they should provide driver...for linux machines12:44
rhandykpajamian: no, it's not a scanner12:44
pajamianAMDX2: please do, if enough people complain maybe they'll listen.12:44
rhandykpajamian: only print and fax12:44
AMDX2is it that hard for them to release a driver...for a different...OS??12:44
heymrthe gnome-power-maneger-applet shows BAT1, I want it to show BAT012:44
pajamianAMDX2: they won't even release specs so that we can write the driver for them.12:45
rhandykdamn canon retards12:45
Seveasrhandyk, watch the tongue please12:45
AMDX2alright i'll try ur way12:45
rhandykSeveas: go to hell12:45
pajamianAMDX2: good luck12:45
Aleranhaha. gj seveas12:46
heymran error with the gnome-power-manager displaying the wrong BAT?12:46
pajamianheh, real smart, let's cuss at a channel op who was just being polite and trying to help and see where it gets us today, heh.12:47
pjvwhere do i put my alias in bashrc or in bash_profile?12:48
heymran error with the gnome-power-manager displaying the wrong BAT?12:48
Seveaspjv, ~/.bashrc12:48
Theo_how do I start a program (eg. a game server) as a different user?12:48
StarnestommyTheo_: sudo -u username program12:49
Dr_willisTheo_,  sudo command is one way12:49
kelvin911hi how to run another linux distro inside ubuntu?12:49
Theo_if my session is ended will the program still be running?12:49
gregory_kelvin911: use a virtual machine12:50
Starnestommykelvin911: use a virtual machine like qemu or virtualbox12:50
Starnestommyor kvm12:50
azazel6667Theo_: su -c "/bin/bar" username12:50
kelvin911gemu or virtualbox?12:50
azazel6667Theo_: perhaps12:50
kelvin911which one has the best performance?12:50
fade_Sometimes full screen programs go into a windows12:50
fade_and I can't do anything12:50
kelvin911or can i install it on other parition?12:50
fade_you know why that happens12:50
pjvi would like a program to execute at startup of X, like yakuake, would it be ideal to put it in .xinitrc. with the line exec yakuake&;12:50
Starnestommykelvin911: I've found kvm faster, but virtualbox is a lot easier12:51
fade_or how I can get out of it I can't seem to12:51
kelvin911easier ?12:51
kelvin911is there a tutorial on internet?12:51
gregory_kelvin911: if you isntall it onto a different partition, you cannot tun them in the same moment12:51
kelvin911with screenshot and detail instructions?12:51
Starnestommykelvin911: for virtualbox, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox12:52
archmanhow to see network traffic via cli?12:52
kelvin911if i install another linux on my logical drive will it destroy the bootloader?12:52
Ax-Axhow can i remove users?12:52
Seveasarchman, bwm or iptraf12:52
d00mazdid older ubuntu distros have the same nvidia driver problems ?12:52
StarnestommyAx-Ax: deluser12:53
SeveasAx-Ax, system -> admin -> users and groups12:53
archmanSeveaz: need to install...which you recommend?12:53
fade_am i invisible :(12:53
Starnestommykelvin911: it might if you're not careful12:53
Starnestommyfade_: maybe12:53
soumyadeepany body can tell me how to install a software?12:54
kelvin911Starnestommy: so what do i need to watch out if i want to install another linux12:54
Seveassoumyadeep, which software?12:54
d00mazdid 7.04 ubuntu had the same nvidia driver problem ?12:54
Starnestommykelvin911: anything about partitioning or installing the bootloader12:54
fade_go into add/remove programs12:54
soumyadeepseveas i downloaded a real player12:54
fade_or system administation synapitc12:54
kelvin911i want to install this http://meos.sourceforge.net/12:54
soumyadeepthe file is wih a .bin extn12:54
kelvin911should i try it out in virtual machine first?12:55
Seveassoumyadeep, throw that out again. The standard ubuntu media players can play realmedia files if you install the proper codecs12:55
Seveas!codecs | soumyadeep12:55
ubotusoumyadeep: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:55
kelvin911wiki says this E/OS can run any application http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E/OS12:56
soumyadeepnow i am typing sudo apt-get install12:56
soumyadeepthey couldnot find the package12:56
kelvin911run dos, unix, osx, bsd, any app on the desktop12:56
soumyadeepactually i am looking for mozila plugin12:57
d00mazdid 7.04 ubuntu had the same nvidia driver problem ?12:57
berenthow to use flex 3 module  as a apache2 module on ubuntu and succeed?12:57
pajamiansoumyadeep: the defautl ubuntu install comes with a totem plugin for mozilla / firefox which will play nearly any format as long as you have the correct codecs installed.12:58
soumyadeepseveas i am looking for mozila plug in12:58
soumyadeepi downloaded it12:58
Seveassoumyadeep, pajamian just gave you the answer :)12:58
pajamiansoumyadeep: also there are other players plugins available if you don't like totem12:59
aorkwa/msg ubotu etiquette12:59
soumyadeeppajamian  i cant see all contents of websites12:59
administ1atorhello, i have a question about nic's in ubuntu could anyone help me?13:00
pajamiansoumyadeep: ok, try this, then: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras13:00
Seveas!anyone | administ1ator13:00
ubotuadminist1ator: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:00
cosminb82hi guys... just installed 8.04 on an asus x55sv laptop... everything works fine after a few tweaks, except the webcam, which is upside down; on a forum it said I should issue the following command: echo 1 > sys/class/video4linux/video0/vflip, but this file doesn't exist... is there a way to make it flip? (actually rotate)13:00
skillzi have 4 computers connected to my router at home, and i would like to monitor the bandwidth used for each machine, is there a way of doing this, with only installing something on my primary machine?13:00
Seveascosminb82, you're missing a /13:01
pajamiansoumyadeep: that will get most stuff you need, if you want to get the rest of the proprietary codecs then get w32codecs from medibuntu.13:01
Seveasecho 1 > /sys/class/video4linux/video0/vflip13:01
pajamian!medibuntu | soumyadeep13:01
ubotusoumyadeep: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:01
pjvi'm trying to have guake start up when i log in, how can i make this so?13:01
cosminb82I know, typo :)13:01
administ1atorMy nic isnt working is their a way to chech this13:01
cosminb82but the file still doesn't exist, I browsed with mc in there, no file...13:01
administ1atorI type ifconfig -a I see my nic their..13:01
michelehello, I can't get totem-gstreamer in hardy to display the subtitles for my avis, am I overlooking something? (please don't tell me to switch player, I know I can do that :)13:01
soumyadeepokk,thanx  pajamiah13:01
Starnestommyadminist1ator: what kind of nic is it?13:01
administ1atorA pci card 100mbit13:02
cosminb82seveas: did you have the same prob too?13:02
administ1atorStarnestommy: A pci card 100mbit13:02
bobbob1016Quick question, I have a csv file it is sorted by date but I want to reverse the order.  What would be the easiest way to do that?13:02
Starnestommyadminist1ator: does your network use DHCP?13:02
skillzi have 4 computers connected to my router at home, and i would like to monitor the bandwidth used for each machine, is there a way of doing this, with only installing something on my primary machine?13:02
pajamiansoumyadeep: oh and you'll also need gstreamer0.10-pitfdll for the w32codecs to work with totem13:02
rhineheart_mhello.. If I will have 2 ethernet cards in my machine (ubuntu server) is it possible to make the it as DHCP server?13:02
administ1atorStarnestommy: No I have set a static Ip13:03
michelebobbob1016: load it in OOo or gnumeric, reverse and save again13:03
Starnestommyadminist1ator: what happens when you run 'ping -c 4 google.com' ?13:03
=== michele is now known as michele_
bobbob1016michele, I tried OOo, and I couldn't find a "reverse" option, I'll try gnumeric13:03
gregory_bobbob1016: use "sort"13:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glibc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:04
administ1atorStarnestommy: It isnt connected to the internet, it has a ip off and connected to
manawenuzI'm working on a server which unfortunately doesn't have Static IP address , so i want to write a script that reports the ip address of server to me every few hours , ex, by mailing it to me every 3-4 hours , the thing that have came to my mind was to use crontab -e write a script which sends me the output of w3m which would be something like w3m http://www.revealmyip.com/ > ip , the thing is that , i don't know how to send it via mail , can anyone help ?13:04
cosminb82it seems like most asus laptops have their webcam upside down...13:04
skillzi have 4 computers connected to my router at home, and i would like to monitor the bandwidth used for each machine, is there a way of doing this, with only installing something on my primary machine?13:04
fx|RabBitcan someone explain to me wjat glibc is/does?13:04
Starnestommyfx|RabBit: it's the GNU C Library. All programs that you have that were written in C require some sort of C library to work.13:05
cosminb82fx|RabBit: more info on http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/13:05
bobbob1016gregory_, Looking for that now13:05
administ1atorStarnestommy: All the ip settings are correct, the ubuntu system has 2 nics. ETH0 and ETH2, ETH0 says UP broadcast Running multicast (this nic is working fine). But ETH2 only says Broadcast Multicast13:06
manawenuzI'm working on a server which unfortunately doesn't have Static IP address , so i want to write a script that reports the ip address of server to me every few hours , ex, by mailing it to me every 3-4 hours , the thing that have came to my mind was to use crontab -e write a script which sends me the output of w3m which would be something like w3m http://www.revealmyip.com/ > ip , the thing is that , i don't know how to send it via mail , can anyone help ?13:06
Seveasmanawenuz, why not install a dyndns client?13:06
fx|RabBitStarnestommy: so that means its a very integral part of the os and exchang it will cause all sorts of sideeffex?13:06
Starnestommyfx|RabBit: yes13:06
fx|RabBitcosminb82: thx m813:06
manawenuzSeveas: that's a great idea , but does it have linux client ????13:06
Seveasmanawenuz, yes13:06
cosminb82manawenuz: I have the same issue at home, dyndns is a good choice13:06
manawenuzSeveas: i didn't know :)13:06
fx|RabBitStarnestommy: i see thanx m813:06
manawenuzSeveas: unfortunately it is filtered in my country :(13:07
Seveasmanawenuz, you want the ddclient package13:07
administ1atorStarnestommy: All the ip settings are correct, the ubuntu system has 2 nics. ETH0 and ETH2, ETH0 says UP broadcast Running multicast (this nic is working fine). But ETH2 only says Broadcast Multicast13:07
Seveasmanawenuz, ah -- you can also use swaks to send the mail13:07
manawenuzSeveas: i would be more than greatful13:07
pajamianmanawenuz: man mail13:07
Seveaspajamian, works only with a local MX13:07
Starnestommyadminist1ator: is eth0 the one with the IP settings?13:07
Seveaswhich is overkill for this13:07
manawenuzSeveas: i prefer to use dyndns13:08
pajamianSeveas: good point13:08
administ1atorStarnestommy: No ETH0 has DHCP activated ETH2 Has Static IP13:08
manawenuzSeveas: can you send me the package ?13:08
pajamianSeveas: I'm used to doing that on servers which tend to have sendmail or equivelent installed anyways.13:08
Starnestommyadminist1ator: and you want to just use eth2?13:08
Seveaspajamian, can't you reach ir.archive.ubuntu.com?13:08
Seveaserr, manawenuz --^13:09
elusifcan you configure av programs on linux to scan your other paritions and drives for windows viruses?13:09
administ1atorStarnestommy: ETH0 is connected to the router (who offers DHCP) (connects on ETH0) on ETH2 a Switch is being connected and several clients13:09
administ1atorStarnestommy: This machine will be a firewall/router13:09
pajamian!info clamav | elusif13:10
Seveasadminist1ator, you'll need to set a static address then13:10
ubotuelusif: clamav (source: clamav): antivirus scanner for Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.91.2-3ubuntu2.3 (gutsy), package size 856 kB, installed size 1284 kB13:10
Starnestommyadminist1ator: I don't know anything about running a router13:10
elusifpajaman ty13:10
pajamianok, I'm off, goodnight13:10
BactaHi Wine is stopping me from updating to Ubuntu 7.1013:10
bobbob1016gregory_, michele_, Thanks, I got it, Data->Sort13:10
Seveasg'night pajamian13:10
administ1atorStarnestommy: But the problem is I cant get my client working with another client13:10
Bacta"Failed to fetch http://wine.lowvoice.nl.....13:10
BactaI get three messages like that13:11
administ1atorSeveas: It is static, but somehow it doens't work13:11
SeveasBacta, remove that repository from your sources.list then13:11
Bactahow can I get at my sources list?13:11
SeveasBacta, same way as how you added that repository13:11
Bactai don't know how I did13:11
StarnestommyBacta: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list13:11
Bactathanks Star :)13:11
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: what does ifconfig say, do you HAVE an ip adress on that interface?13:12
administ1atorfx|RabBit: Yes13:12
skillzHI can anyone help me? im trying to monitor Bandwidth on my router which has 4 connected computers on it, 2 via Cable, a 2 via Wireless.. is there a program taht will help me view the bandwidth usage of each machine on my netowrk????13:12
manawenuzSeveas: i wonder which one should i use , sendmail or mail , and what should i do to install mail , should i install mailx ???13:12
administ1atorfx|RabBit: eth2 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:BF:60:87:BB13:12
administ1atorinet addr: Bcast: Mask:
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: are you able to ping anything?13:12
administ1atorBROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:113:12
administ1atorfx|RabBit: No:(13:12
Seveasmanawenuz, neither of them all, use swaks -- then you don't need a local mailserver13:12
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: is it a ipv6 network?13:12
administ1atorfx|RabBit: no13:12
Moryddwhere does network-admin keep its config files (where it retains previous settings?)13:13
manawenuzSeveas: ty :)13:13
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: the above line is the MAC adress of yout eth2 not the ip?13:13
administ1atorfx|RabBit: inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
fx|RabBitah kk13:13
skillzHI can anyone help me? im trying to monitor Bandwidth on my router which has 4 connected computers on it, 2 via Cable, a 2 via Wireless.. is there a program taht will help me view the bandwidth usage of each machine on my netowrk????13:14
fx|RabBitare the other clients that you are trying to reach also in the subnet?13:14
administ1atorfx|RabBit: But how can I see if that nic is fully working13:14
meowludoHi everyone! I am trying to install the game 'diablo'. Is this possible? I keep getting the error message "no suitable application" - I have installed WINE but it didn't make much difference. Any help would be much apprecited.13:14
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: we are on it m8;)13:14
legend2440skillz: ntop in synaptic13:14
administ1atorfx|RabBit: I have more clients but not configured in 192 range13:14
skillzlegend2440: whats ntop and synaptic?13:15
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: there you go thats your problem13:15
Dr_willismeowludo,  check the wine app database.13:15
administ1atorfx|RabBit: thanx for your time13:15
Dr_willis!appdb | meowludo13:15
ubotumeowludo: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org13:15
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: np!13:15
administ1atorfx|RabBit: I have only 1 client13:15
administ1atorfx|RabBit: with the ip
administ1atorconnected via a switch to this ubuntu system13:15
meowludothanks for that Dr willis!13:15
fx|RabBitthat one client must be in an ip net that starts with 192.168.013:15
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: uhuh ok13:16
administ1atorfx|RabBit: it is it has the ip only 1 client connected to the switch that is connected to this ubuntu system13:16
skillzhow do i know if i have synaptic installed, where can i find it?13:16
legend2440skillz:in ubuntu system>administration>synaptic look for package ntop13:16
administ1atorfx|RabBit: I could hook up more clients if you think that would help?13:16
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: does the other client have a fiorewwall?13:16
administ1atorfx|RabBit: I have shut them all down.13:16
shadowmancerhi guys, i have a question a bit off topic but can't find any better channels to approach with this question13:17
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: have you tryed it yet with another client?13:17
shadowmancerits on POSIX13:17
skillzlegend2440: thanks13:17
administ1atorfx|RabBit: Going right on it, give me 2 min.13:17
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: can you ping your router from the clientside?13:17
shadowmancerits more to do with c really but POSIX and c13:17
shadowmanceranybody that could offer me some assistance if it isn't too much trouble13:18
administ1atorfx|RabBit: yes i can ping the router from the client side (eth0 is that)13:19
administ1atorfx|RabBit: I have given another client ip address but this isnt working either13:19
fx|RabBitin that case you can reach the router from the client but not the client from the router?13:19
iceswordadminist1ator, no administrator in linux.lol and don't use it13:20
manawenuzSeveas: it says : *** MX Routing not available: requires Net::DNS.  Using localhost as mail server13:20
manawenuz=== Trying localhost:25...13:20
manawenuz*** Error connecting to localhost:25:13:20
manawenuz***     IO::Socket::INET: connect: Connection refused13:20
Seveasmanawenuz, install the libnet-dns-perl package13:20
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.13:21
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.13:21
administ1atorfx|RabBit: this is how its connected router --> to eth0 and ETH2 to -- client (eth0 and ETH2 are in the same system13:21
manawenuzSeveas: godbless you :) , does it need any configuration ??13:21
Seveasmanawenuz, none13:21
administ1atorfx|RabBit: this is a link of my ifconfig -a http://gathering.tweakers.net/forum/list_messages/128735313:22
HardeHow can I open my Outlook pst-files in Ubuntu?13:22
cosminb82how can I create the file /sys/class/video4linux/video0/vflip, if it doesn't exist yet? sudo echo 1 > ... doesn't work13:22
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: k, sec pls13:22
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
LebLinuxHello, when will the latest version of  aMSN be updated into Gutsy repo?13:23
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: do you by any chance happe to use firestarter?13:23
unopcosminb82, that doesn't look like a file a user would/should create .. it's probably brought about by some kernel driver - you should look into whether that particular application is installed properly13:23
cosminb82i see...13:24
administ1atorfx|RabBit: yes13:24
administ1atorfx|RabBit: Eventhough its shut down right now13:24
administ1atorfx|RabBit: please say this problem can be solved..13:24
shadowmancerno POSIX programmers here :(13:25
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: in that case have a look at the settings in firestarter13:25
administ1atori did a iptables -F13:25
administ1atorand iptables is down right now13:25
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: you need to implement network adress translation in there for the whole thing to owkr13:25
administ1atoris their anyway i could check this13:25
unopHarde, Evolution and Thunderbird can handle pst files but evolution is installed by default - have a look at this http://www.csmaccath.com/evolution13:25
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fx|RabBitadminist1ator: humm that gets weird..13:25
administ1atorfx|RabBit: only to ping from client to client no nat would be needed i think right?13:26
Hardeunop: Thanks, I'll have a look on that13:26
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: whithin the same network basically not...13:27
administ1atorfx|RabBit: Because they are both in a /24 ( subnet13:27
sguruhi guys i have problem. i get following error when i tried to install lmule on my dell laptop "configure: error: libexpat not found"13:27
magentaxis there an easy way to restore all files in /etc/modprobe.d back to the maintainer's version?13:27
Moryddwhere does network-admin keep its config files (where it retains previous settings?)13:28
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: yeah i saw that..13:28
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: answer the query pls13:28
unop_administ1ator, it's not a recommended to have two interfaces in the same subnet and accomplish some kind of routing between the two subnets13:28
sguruhi guys i have problem. i get following error when i tried to install lmule on my dell laptop "configure: error: libexpat not found"13:28
administ1atorunop_: 1 nic is in a /8 the other is in a /2413:28
LebLinuxsguru: search for libexpat and install it13:28
administ1atorfx|RabBit: which query?13:29
fx|RabBitunop_: his eth0 is in a dirfferent one:
unop_administ1ator, fx|RabBit so whats this "they are both in a /24 ( subnet" then?13:29
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: look at your tabs m8 i yust wrote you a private notice13:29
sgurui used locate command and found it in /usr/lib13:29
fx|RabBitunop_: the client and the router m8;)13:29
administ1atorfx|RabBit: lol still kinda newb in this linux13:29
LebLinuxsguru: what ubuntu release?13:29
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: go for the red tab you can do it:)13:30
egoleowhat is wrong with gutsy sguru13:30
sguruhi guys i have problem. i get following error when i tried to install lmule on my dell laptop "configure: error: libexpat not found"13:30
administ1atorfx|RabBit: whah red tab where did that thing go13:30
egoleoi thought someone said search for that and install13:31
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: i have been writing to you in private...13:31
unop_administ1ator, so are you trying to get host in 10/8 to ping one in 192.168.0/24 ?13:31
egoleohave u tried using synaptic to search13:31
administ1atorunop_: no have 2 clients in the /24 but they just cant ping each other13:31
fx|RabBitunop_: no hes trying to ping one of the hosts in from the router13:31
sgurui find the libexpat in various directories like /var/lib /usr/lib even then should i be installed?13:32
egoleoi said use synaptic13:32
administ1atorfx|RabBit: im still searching for your private message13:32
legend2440sguru: lmule is old and no longer maintained maybe amule in synaptic would be better13:32
egoleoand search and try to install to see13:32
unop_administ1ator, does arp resolve IP to MAC addresses in that segment?13:32
sguruoh ok i will try amule13:32
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: ok lets do it the other way arround; search my name in the userlist and doulbeclick it13:33
ToznoshioQ: How can I extract sound in mp3 format from a video file? (Gutsy)13:33
administ1atorunop_: I will check13:33
egoleo<Toznoshio> use mencoder13:33
administ1atorfx|RabBit: I dont have a userlist I think13:33
LebLinuxHello, when will the latest version of  aMSN be updated into Gutsy repo?13:33
Toznoshioegoleo: ok, thanks, I'll try that13:33
mmm4m5mhelp: I have this problem: When I run iselect (terminal tool using curses) once - everything is ok. But in bash script, when I run it twice something get wrong. I have to run "reset" to reset my terminal settings. How to understand what is wrong? Where to read about it? How to fix it without using "reset"?13:33
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: gosh are you on bitchX or what? :D13:33
administ1atorfx|RabBit: I use some kind of shell irc13:34
administ1atorfx|RabBit: forgot the name:$13:34
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: hehehe ooohk m813:34
administ1atorhow do I start a private message with you?13:34
administ1atorsomeothernick: Rawi13:34
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: what happens if you type /query fx|RabBit?13:35
smartguyzwhere can I LIN DVD13:35
administ1atordid that:D13:35
smartguyzwhere can I get LIN DVD13:35
administ1atorwhat happend to our private chat?13:35
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: i can recommend licq or pidgin13:35
=== ubuntu is now known as ExalleR
unop_mmm4m5m, curses applications are not really meant to be run from within scripts .. if you launch one instance, it needs to be closed before another can function properly.13:36
administ1atorthe query thing worked13:36
administ1atorfx|RabBit: but i am only talking to myself in there13:36
fx|RabBitadminist1ator: i was gonna say so cos i got nothing *g*13:36
mmm4m5munop_: first instance is closed. There is nothing about run background process from script. Only after that I run iselect for second time.13:37
smartguyzneed a dvd player for ubuntu that works out of the box....13:37
ExalleRI've just bought a new computer and wanted to install Ubuntu 7.10.. everything goes well until I reboot. then it shows me GRUB error 18..  But the mainboard is brand new so there shouldnt be a problem there.. is there anything wrong with my BOIS perhaps?13:37
smartguyzadmin you there?13:37
unop_mmm4m5m, are you sure the first process is definitely not running when you launch the second?13:37
smartguyzchat me13:38
BactaExallerR: You're f*cked13:38
ExalleRI know13:38
administratorfx|RabBit: I fucked things up again13:38
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:38
bo-dickwhere should i store python scripts?13:38
fx|RabBitadministrator: that is so much a reason why i think commandline irc clients are overrated :D13:38
bo-dickyoutube-dl appears to be a python script13:39
unop_administrator, fx|RabBit, are you both registered on freenode? pm's wont work otherwise13:39
bo-dicki tried to use synaptic but that version i got was too old13:39
fx|RabBitunop_: ahaaaaa thanx for the hint m813:39
fx|RabBitadministrator: i am basically registered13:39
k1dugarhello, I want to mount my 2gb usb disk as swap on boot. can someone help me from fdisk to fsck13:39
unop_bo-dick, you can store a script anywhere, just as long as it is executable .. but best in /usr/local/bin/13:39
administratorunop_: fx|RabBit I'm not registerd i think13:40
unop_!register | administrator13:40
ubotuadministrator: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.13:40
mmm4m5munop_: check it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63043/    apart of everything else, you can clearly see 2 separate lines where I call iselect. I am just thinking. I have 2 options - to read what "reset" do. To run iselect in another way (like cat file | iselect) - maybe it will be better.13:40
=== administrator is now known as battler
bo-dickunop: do you know what file extention it should have?13:40
battlerfx|RabBit: unop_ it worked13:40
unop_bo-dick, file extensions are not important on unix .. just that the script is executable13:40
fx|RabBitbattler: uh what?13:40
battlerfx|RabBit: ubotu and now We can start a private chat?13:41
fx|RabBitbattler: == administration?13:41
TwoDHey all! I was in here a few days ago about seemingly random kernel panics after going from Gutsy to Hardy (everything froze, blinking numlock). I've got some more info now. It happens each time I try to recheck my downloaded torrent files in µTorrent. THe torrent always stops recheck at the same %, programs gradually stop responding until kernel panic. Last time I rebooted before kernel panic occured, and got an error message, which I tr13:41
TwoDanscripted onto paper. It specifically says "this is not a software problem" and also mentiones, "Ata6: EH in ADMA mode", "notifier error"  "mcelog --ascii", "Kernel Panic - not syncing: Machine Check" and "Machine Check Exception: 4 bank 4". I've got no clue what to do next...13:41
battlerfx|RabBit: unop_ battler is my new nick13:41
bo-dickunop_: how do i make it executable, now it has html extention13:41
fx|RabBitbattler: ok lets go then,  do /j #battler13:41
unop_bo-dick, it it has a .html extension, it's probably not a script .. verify that it is indeed a script, open it up13:42
k1dugarcan someone help me out to mount my 2gb usb disk as swap on boot.13:42
bo-dickunop_: this is contents, http://pastebin.com/m603f4f2213:42
mmm4m5munop_: when I run iselect in different way... old: iselect <file     new: cat file | iselect     This problem gone. If you give me directions, I will read more.13:43
unop_mmm4m5m, try and verify that the fist process of iselect isnt running -- use ps or something13:43
fx|RabBitbattler: still dont work huh?13:43
battlerfx|RabBit: did that:D13:43
chsmrshi folks. i have a problem with my gnome desktop on gutsy. everytime i reboot i get the error message "There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon". and my desktop setting are messed up and i chant' change anything.... any help?13:43
unop_mmm4m5m, thing is i don't know much about iselect to know what that does really :) i just know that curses applications are painful to deal with in scripts13:43
fx|RabBitbattler: it does work you're in the chnnel13:43
fx|RabBitnow write to me gg13:43
battlerfx|RabBit: does this message says anything to you : SIOCSIFFLAGS: Device or resource busy13:44
battlerFailed to bring up eth2.13:44
meowlud1Hi again :) I am just wondering  if i type "sudo get-app directx" if that will install directx?13:44
Starnestommymeowlud1: there is no package for directx in the repositories13:45
mmm4m5munop_: ok, but looks like this is iselect purpose (interactive tool for terminal). Without script, I do not need iselect (better to use cat or something)13:45
unop_bo-dick, ok, thats a python script alright, this ought to do.   sudo cp /path/to/this/file /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl;  sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl13:45
bo-dickunop_: thanks13:46
unop_mmm4m5m, what are you using iselect here for exactly? maybe there is an easier solution13:46
meowlud1ok starnestommy... i i wanted to install direct x to run diablo that is now installed how would i go about doing it. i am running the game using wine13:46
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manawenuzSeveas: sorry for bothering this much , what's wrong in this script ???13:46
manawenuzcat ~/ip.txt | swaks -s smtp.gmail.com -tls -au siavashpresent@gmail.com -ap ****** -t -g -t siavash.sameni@gmail.com -ah --header "Subject: IP" -p 46513:46
mmm4m5munop_: my custom terminal application. list some files, allow me easy to select and do other things. anyway, do not bother. I have to learn more.13:48
bigben_hi, how can I tell if my hdd is dying? I've been getting cannot write to disk errors recently...13:48
unop_manawenuz, there's probably a better way to attach that file rather than using cat and the pipe.13:48
manawenuzunop_: gimme a solution :D ,i can use --attach as well , but what's the difference ???13:49
manawenuzunop_: it doesn't send anything for me :D13:49
hingwahhi all, I try to boot with ubuntu live cd 7.10, but it get many I/O buffer error about sr0, trying the CD Integrity error check give me 10 error, but the CD work fine on another computer (no error for dd if=/dev/cdrom of=tmp.img), will it be driver problem or hardware problem??13:49
unop_mmm4m5m, hmm, i would list the files (from an array) using echo or something similar. and read an array index from the user using 'read'13:49
Theo_how do i know if i have alsa? (i installed ubuntu gutsy server)13:49
TwoDAnyone who knows how to read Kernel panic errors? http://pastebin.com/m3cfbfec513:50
unop_manawenuz, the difference isn't all that much, but by using a pipe you are launching two processes, cat and swaks .. without the pipe, you are only launching one13:50
Moryddwhere does network-admin keep its config files (where it retains previous settings?)13:50
manawenuzunop_: this server is 99.99% of the times idle :D13:50
mulambohey can somone help me with installing a driver"/???13:51
manawenuzunop_: that's not my issue , help me with my issue please :D13:51
mulamboi dont understand the installation instructions that came with it13:51
bo-dickdoes linux have a counterpart for the "wav" format?13:51
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mulamboits drving me insane13:51
Starnestommymulambo: what driver?13:52
mulamboits called adm 821113:52
mulambofor my laptops wireless card13:52
Chousukebo-dick: yeah. wav.13:52
digitalspaghettidoes anyone know the status of HDApatcher?  I've got a Dell laptop and when i plug in my headphones, i still get sound out of the speakers13:52
unop_manawenuz, but i don't know enough about swaks to say for certain what the problem might be .. but i would cut this command down to it's simplest form and debug that way13:52
mulamboi believe i have the files i need just dont get the instructions at all....13:52
Chousukebo-dick: I think the traditional unix audio format is aiff, but no-one uses that :/13:52
k1dugarhello, how can I mount my usb disk as swap???13:52
unop_bo-dick, wav files are not exclusive to any platform,  all you need is the proper audio codec to play wav files13:53
manawenuzunop_: there's not such of a problem , i want to send an attachment via a scrip in contrab13:53
manawenuzunop_: that's all13:53
mulamboStarnestommy: you there?13:53
bo-dicki'm about to convert mp4 to wav13:54
Starnestommymulambo: I don't know anything about that driver13:54
unop_manawenuz, if you are putting this command in a cron job, it might be better if you used a wrapper script to rule out problems -- especially if you are using pipes that way13:54
TwoDanyone who's used mcelog?13:54
bo-dickcan't see that vlc has any audio extract tool13:54
mulamboStarnestommy alright so im a noob to this and i just installed ubuntu 7.10  and it seems ok but i cant do anything beyond what it already comes with13:55
manawenuzunop_: you know what ??? , i just want a solution for a server to report it's ip to me frequently , do you any suggestions beside dyndns ???13:55
mulamboso its back to xp for me :(13:55
TwoDFound a site which says it decodes machine check events, and that all distros should run it as a cron job regulary. Guess what, Ubuntu doesn't even have it installed by default ;P13:55
TwoDmulambo, what do you want to do?13:56
mulamboinstall a driver for my pcmcia card13:56
rezimulambo: what in xp do you need?13:56
mulamboi found a .bz2 file which i believe contains the driver13:56
=== magical is now known as PEDROCARMONA
mulamboi really want my flippin wireless card to work in ubuntu13:57
jaffarkelshaccan i stop cache deletion in firefox, i am using ie7 in box just to save my streamed video13:57
mulamboand i am too much of a noob to follow the criptic instructions that came with it13:57
unop_manawenuz, you want to find out what your external IP address is? is that it?13:57
unop_jaffarkelshac, if i understand it right, firefox's cache is only cleared when it is needed i.e. it has run out of space .. or has been manually cleared13:59
cosminb82how can I find out which version of the uvc module is installed in hardy?13:59
azukimy window decorations sometimes just dissapear..13:59
manawenuzunop_: wait13:59
unop_cosminb82, please take this question to #ubuntu+113:59
manawenuzunop_: please13:59
TwoDmulambo, could you point us to the instructions and the part you don't understand? We've all been newbies once hehe. And yes, some instructions for Linux can be crypting, but I find that's mostly because we assume it to be Windows. :(13:59
azukiis there a way to reset it without having to restart compiz, or logging out ?13:59
unop_manawenuz, ok13:59
mulambothats where i got the driver files from14:00
manawenuzunop_: it looks something like this w3m http://www.revealmyip.com/ > ~/ip.txt && mail -s ip.txt siavash.sameni@gmail.com < ~/ip.txt14:00
mulamboyeah i figure once i get the hang of it should be no problem14:00
jaffarkelshacunop_, i increased the cache to 1G, when the file finishes steaming (104mb) it is immediately deleted, normally i like to save the flvs14:00
manawenuzunop_: w3m http://www.revealmyip.com/ > ~/ip.txt && mail -s ip.txt siavash.sameni@gmail.com < ~/ip.txt14:00
manawenuzunop_: i don't know why doesn't it working14:00
TwoDmulambo, which file(s) did you get from that page?14:01
mulambothe very bottom one14:02
mulamboi figure its the newest version14:02
TwoDHmm, I sorted it by date... hang on..14:02
mulamboi think so date 2006011114:03
kakooniahey, im trying to install a cursor theme, but it keeps changing my icons theme instead, where can i find the library of the cursor themes?14:03
unop_manawenuz, well, i use something along these lines.  wget -q www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp -O - | mail -s "Server IP" myemail@somewhere.com14:04
unop_manawenuz, i'd suggest you try sending a simple test message first to see whether the mail is actually being sent properly before doing complex commands14:05
kestazwhy i not see software sources in hardy beta ?14:05
kestazor restricted drivers manager ?14:05
TwoDmulambo, do you have the packages listed as prerequisities in the INSTALL file?14:05
fieteis there any difference in upgrading now and in upgrading when the release is out?14:05
manawenuzunop_: it seems like that my computer's mailserver isn't working14:06
mulambolol where do i get those?14:06
kakooniahey, im trying to install a cursor theme, but it keeps changing my icons theme instead, where can i find the library of the cursor themes?14:06
mulambofrom add/remove???14:06
TwoDwell, you can install them using the Synaptic package manager, which is a GUI frontend for the command line program apt-get.14:07
mulamboor the synaptic package manager??14:07
mulambook im gonna try that14:07
=== retno is now known as dhikun
TwoDIf you don't find them all just type "sudo apt-get install packagename1 packagename2" into a terminal. It will make sure you have them all, and they are the latest version.14:08
mulamboi have module-init-tools package14:08
TwoDYou probably have gcc too as it's the compiler which comes with most linux distros14:09
mulamboyeah i got it14:09
mulamboim running ubuntu 7.1014:09
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TwoDok, this next one is a bit tricky as I don't know much about kernel modules, but maybe someone else can help. We need to check if the kernel has the "generic ieee80211 code" and it must be configured for kbuild.14:10
oupaI have just installed Hardy on my system and am now unable to connect to 'localhost'. I have mongrel running on port 3000 and Apache on port 80, but if I try to connect from Firefox I just get a 'connetcting message. any ideas?14:10
kakooniahey, im trying to install a cursor theme, but it keeps changing my icons theme instead, where can i find the library of the cursor themes?14:10
mulambook where can i check that14:11
TwoDI think that's the support code for wireless cards, as ieee80211 is the wireless networiking stack, and I do believe ubuntu has this.14:12
manawenuzhow do i change my user's default email ????14:12
mulamboalright i believe it would have it built in14:13
brutalisQuestion: In 32-bit server 7.10, my computer hangs during boot at "Running local boot scripts (/ets/rc.local)". The script says "exit 0". The odd thing is that I can press enter, log into the server and it behaves perfectly normal. Any suggestions?14:13
TwoDI think we can assume that with the rest of the stuff too, now let's compile the driver.14:13
Nasrahow do I change screen resolution on my desktop?14:14
mulambosweet lets do this14:14
gregory_Nasra: preferences -> screen resolution14:15
TwoDI don't want to actually do this on my own machine, as I don't need the driver, but you should start a terminal and cd to the directory of the unpacked files.14:15
Moryddwhere does network-admin keep its config files (where it retains previous settings?)14:15
Nasragregory: my screen font too small to read...14:15
Jack_SparrowNasra, gregory_ 's suggestion will work assuming you have your video card/driver and monitor correctly setup14:16
Nasraneed to improve it14:16
TwoDThen type "make install"14:16
NasraNVIDIA GeForce on it14:16
mulamboalrigght can you tell me the command to right its on my desktop14:16
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:17
mulamboi dont know how to use these terminals14:17
Shydemulambo: are you sure you need to install that driver? I think ubuntu comes with an ADM8211 driver14:17
echinosanyone else having problems with gnome-settings-daemon failing?14:18
mulambooh yeah so  how do i acitivate it14:18
NasraJack_Sparrow: I have a NVIDIA Geforece 6150SE...how do I check if it's okay?14:18
mulamboi put the card in and nothing happens i have to connect thought the cat514:18
kamenpppoe time out stop14:18
Jack_SparrowNasra, Are you running gutsy?14:18
oupaI have just installed Hardy on my system and am now unable to connect to 'localhost'. I have mongrel running on port 3000 and Apache on port 80, but if I try to connect from a browser I just get a 'connecting' message and eventually a timeout. any ideas?14:18
Nasrajack_Sparrow: yes14:18
Jack_SparrowNasra, system..admin..restricted driver manager14:18
TwoDmulambo, to get to your desktop in a terminal, type "cd ~/Desktop"14:18
mulambohow bout that just like dos14:19
NasraJack_Sparrow: just install it ...no need to configure it or something like that?14:19
TwoDYes it's similar, but you can do much more from the terminal in linux than dos hehe14:20
kamenmy pppoe connction is time out stoped14:20
Jack_SparrowNasra, start by enabling it in that section.. correct14:20
JMAsked this question on Mandriva forums/irc but no joy yet - Trying to install 2008.1 on Dell Dimension E520 (ATI X1300 graphics). Triple booting (Vista/Ubuntu/Mandriva). ISO downloaded and burned to CD, boot from CD, starts booting OK and I end up with a black screen (orange/yellow text) with message "Cannot Display This Video Mode" ... "Optimum resolution 1280x1024 60 Hz". Anyone any ideas how to14:20
JMget Mandriva installed?14:20
kamenpls help14:21
Jack_SparrowNasra, If your monitor v/h etc is not identified you will need to do more aftger that14:21
TwoDhmm, I just noticed I do have an adm8211 driver installed, like Shyde said. You can check by typing "modprobe -l | grep 8211"14:21
mulamboTwoD: so i dont think im able to go to desktop14:21
NasraJack_Sparrow: I get a message that says: NVIDIA accelerated graphic driver: enabled in use14:21
oupammm. I'm trying to ping 'http://localhost' or '' and get address not found. Any ideas? Please?14:22
Jack_SparrowNasra, that is a good thing14:22
b4l74z4rhow can i check which color depth my screen is set too?14:22
gregory_JM: we focus on ubuntu only, sorry14:22
Nasraso now what is next to change the fonts on my screen?14:22
Jack_SparrowNasra, now try to set your supported screen res as gregory_ suggested earlier14:22
mulambofor me entering that commnd modprobe -l | grep 821114:22
mulambodoes nothing14:23
Nasrajack_Sparrow: thanks and let you know of update....14:23
Nasrathanks gregory as well...14:23
Jack_SparrowNasra, Higher resolutions will give smaller fonts and icons..14:23
TwoDI get a line saying "/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/adm8211.ko"14:24
TwoDMeaning that the module is installed.14:24
NasraJack Sparrow : what will be  a good number for my desktop 19 in14:24
Jack_SparrowNasra, but those can be adjusted manually to soimething you are comfortable with14:24
Jack_SparrowNasra, generic res is 1024x76814:24
oupado I need to open some ports, like 80 & 3000 somewhere in HArdy? if so, where?14:24
Jack_Sparrow!hardy > oupa14:25
azukiI am having troubly emulating does, anyone here who knows how to get a good emulation (which runs properly) ?.. in dosemu there is no way of setting your speed, and dosbox is just slow14:25
Nasraaha....that is what I am trying to do and does not want to stay....14:25
azukiemulating DOS14:25
ExlaxWhat's up all14:25
azukiExlax: I am trying to run a dos-emulation :)14:25
Nasrajack Sparrow: that is very simple....14:25
Jack_SparrowNasra, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit                 (Provide Pastebin link in channel)14:25
oupajack_sparrow: ?14:26
TwoDmulambo, did you type "~/Desktop" exactly like that? Remember that Linux is case sensitive on directory and filenames.14:26
Shyde^mulambo: can you run "uname -r" in the terminal please?14:26
Jack_Sparrowoupa, I was saying you are in the wrong channel for Hardy questions14:26
oupajack_sparrow: ok, sorry, it was a bit cryptic for me. where should I go?14:27
Jack_Sparrowoupa, cryptic... /j #Ubuntu+114:27
Shyde^mulambo, TwoD: I'm reading that driver was added to the kernel in version 2.6.2414:28
dragonbyteHow do I get postfix/procmail to deliver to maildir?14:28
Nasrajack_Sparrow: just change it what is was advised and a big difference.........now too big....need to do some small changes...oh lol......14:28
dragonbyteHow do I get postfix/procmail to deliver to maildir?14:28
Nasrajack_sparrow also gonna install the paste-in14:28
Jack_SparrowNasra, At least you know how to do it..14:28
dragonbyteall my mail is going to /var/mail/user14:28
Jack_SparrowNasra, that is a cool program for the people that are here to help you14:29
Nasrajack_Sparrow : you guys are great at least you understand newbies' concerns14:29
oupajack_sparrow: thanks14:29
dragonbyteactually...maybe more specifically...what process moves delivered mail from /var/mail/user to /home/user/.maildir?14:30
palmaCan anyone help me getting my laptops widescreen resolution working?14:30
Nasrajack_Sparrow : I think am able to go from here....thanks again....14:30
TwoDShuyd, he's in 7.10 and I'm in 8.04, Is 2.6.24 used in 7.10?14:30
=== mulambo is now known as mulambo187
Jack_SparrowNasra, See you again sometime14:30
Shyde^don't think so, I'm in 8.04 too14:30
Jack_Sparrowpalma, What video card ?  or is this a laptop14:31
TwoDok, let's try to compile it then14:31
mulambo187alright im back14:31
TwoDmulambo187, did you get to your Desktop folder?14:31
Nasrajack_Sparrow: working on the changes....okay14:32
unop_dragonbyte, it's the delivery agent that delivers mail to a user's inbox -- where those inboxes are acutally located on the filesystem (~/Mail vs /var/mail/user) depends on the MDA's configuration14:32
jaffarkelshachow can i use usb drive in vbox14:32
palmaits a laptop with a 512 nvidia 950014:32
Ar-PharazonHi, adept manager doesn't work. It just sits on "Waiting for headers (0%)" when I apply changes.Can you guys think of a reason why?14:32
Falcon846Hi, i need to configure a file but i need to cd to it in terminal. i hav no idea how to use cd, could somebody help me out?14:32
mulambo187and i typed in make install and i got a bunch of erros14:32
unop_dragonbyte, there should be something in the postfix documentation on this14:32
StarnestommyFalcon846: cd /path/to/directory14:32
TwoDIf you put the driver in a dir directly under Desktop, type cd and the dir name, like "cd adm8211"14:33
Jack_Sparrowpalma, IN terminal type       sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit                 (Provide Pastebin link in channel)14:33
TwoDthen type "make install"14:33
mulambo187yeah thats actually what i did14:33
josef_lo :)14:33
TwoDok, look for error messages during compilation14:33
dragonbyteunop_: i added the home_mailbox=.maildir/ and restarted but it doesn't seem to be doing anything14:34
palmahere: http://pastebin.com/f6dbc567a14:34
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Falcon846so is the cd's default, desktop?14:35
mulambo187adm8211_hw.c:2396: error: ‘struct sk_buff’ has no member named ‘mac’14:35
TwoDCould anyone confirm if we need to put the driver into the source tree as well? Isn't that just for when actually compiling it into the kernel or am I mistaken?14:35
mulambo187getting about 5 like that14:35
ExlaxThis might be a stupid question, it probably is, but how do you zip stuff through the terminal in ubuntu? :x14:35
Jack_Sparrowpalma, by chance are you running Hardy?14:35
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu14:35
jaffarkelshachow can i use usb drive in vbox14:36
sivel27hello all14:36
madyogisivel27: hello14:36
Scunizijaffarkelshac, you coud check on #vbox if nobody here knows14:37
sivel27i have a asus mobo with integrated video (6150) and all of the sudden the video went "Dead" on me , i.e running /2 low resolution?14:37
=== administrator is now known as battler
unop_dragonbyte, hmm, time to log in the postfix logs then, maybe something there can provide clues as to whats going on .. on a side note, it might be better to write that directive as 'home_mailbox = .maildir/'14:37
battlerfx|RabBit: you here?14:38
lusiusi have a keyboard problem, im using sv-lat1 and can't get the gameconsolebutton to wokrk, ( the one above tab )14:38
mulambo187running in the gui it seems to opend the make install in geedit14:38
lusiusin-game that is14:38
lusiusall games the same14:38
unop_Exlax, have you looked in the zip manpage ?14:38
lusiusnexuiz, qw, quake14:39
fx|RabBitbattler: yeah sure14:39
ExlaxYeah, i found it, i'm just retarded. Thanks. :D14:39
fx|RabBitbattler:  /j #battler14:39
battlerfx|RabBit: how do i join you again14:39
jaffarkelshacits a ghost town in there Scunizi14:39
battlerfx|RabBit: ahhh thanx14:39
fx|RabBithehehe np14:39
Scunizijaffarkelshac, probaby all sleeping.. lots of them are in different time zones.14:40
Scunizijaffarkelshac, stay logged into that channel and maybe someone will wake up and reply.. however your question wasn't overly specific14:41
Scunizijaffarkelshac, someone answered you.. did you get it.?14:42
jaffarkelshaci thought it was, i want to transfer files from my vbox xp coz i am running out of disk space Scunizi14:42
TwoDmulambo187, that seems to be a error (typo perhaps) in the code, not something related to how you install it. Yes, opening the install files will run gedit because they are really just text scripts.14:42
sivel27anyone? ive tried nvidia-glx, and envy14:42
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »14:44
LebLinuxif I install libc6 from hardy on Gutsy would I break my system?14:44
sivel27i know that,and i uninstalled it, as it did nothing14:44
MrGnu!Dual booting14:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dual booting - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:44
Starnestommysivel27: envy probably caused more problems14:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sli - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:45
unop_LebLinux, it might, that depends on whether the lic6 package (or its depends) conflict with existing packages on the system .. it is not recommended you do that though14:45
sivel27since i installed it through apt, is it safe to assume that doing and apt-get remove will totally get rid of envy?14:47
b4l74z4rhow can i check which color depth my screen is set too?14:47
linkinxpsivel27:  i think its bette to use aptitude14:47
Starnestommysivel27: envy is unsupported and I've heard of users needing to reinstall to fix problems caused by it14:47
ubersoldatsivel27: use purge better than remove14:47
sivel27i was hoping that wasnt said14:47
LebLinuxunop_: I wanted to install a package , and i did it and it worked, but now when I ran update-manager it gave me an error that I should run apt-get -f install, when I ran it, it gave me alot of packages including packages of thw wm to be removed, I choosed No14:48
Scunizisivel27, use apt... apt in ... apt out14:49
Jack_SparrowScunizi, he is gone14:49
MrGnu!Sweaty Jackal14:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sweaty jackal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:50
Jack_SparrowScunizi, and if he installed envy with apt-get.. I would love to see his source list14:50
unop_LebLinux, i'm not surprised you've got that problem now - it's not wise to cross-install packages14:50
Jack_SparrowMrGnu, Did you have a support question14:50
LebLinuxunop_: so I'll remove the package that required the libc6 from hardy and install the gutsy one?14:50
ScuniziJack_Sparrow, just realized that.. is it currently true that apt and aptitude function pretty much the same?  Also don't each maintain their own database of what's in the system?14:51
HysteriaHey guys14:51
MrGnuActually , working on trying to get linux back, so far nthing s working14:52
MrGnuThanks to rhe Vista virus14:52
Jack_SparrowScunizi, Our version of apt works like aptitude.. I dont know about a sep database for each14:52
Hysteriathought id give Ubuntu a lil try, should I download the normal one or the 64bit version, ive got an Intel Q660014:52
unop_LebLinux, have you got any hardy sources in your /etc/apt/sources.list ?  if so, remove them first and run this.  sudo aptitude install libc6=2.6.1-1ubuntu1014:52
unop_LebLinux, and then run. sudo aptitude install -f14:52
ScuniziHysteria, normal one..14:53
LebLinuxno, unop_ I installed libc6 from the package manager website.14:53
Jack_SparrowMrGnu, Start by telling people the error you are getting14:53
unop_LebLinux, ok, run those two commands then14:53
MrGnuError 17, cannt mount14:53
HysteriaScunizi: that'll work fine with my quadcore yeh?14:53
cubexombiis anyone in here familiar with xrandr not powering on the second display?14:53
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ScuniziHysteria, do you have tools on your system to burn an image?  should work with a quad.14:54
Jack_SparrowMrGnu, grub error... are you running livecd now?14:54
unop_!info libc614:54
ubotulibc6 (source: glibc): GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.6.1-1ubuntu10 (gutsy), package size 4085 kB, installed size 10120 kB14:54
HysteriaUmm yep ive got imgburn and Complex Evolution14:54
jack_spratthey i got a question: l in synaptic im only able to install an old version of ndiswrapper from the ubuntu cd (v1.43), even after updating the replository lists that is still the only ndiswrapper I can install. So why cant i install a newer version (1.52 is current), or just install any version from the repositories rather than from online????14:55
ScuniziHysteria, good.. so many don't know the difference between an image and data14:55
cubexombiI've got a laptop I'm trying to dualhead but it boots to the external display but X loads on the Laptops LCD, my monitor goes into standby and won't come back14:55
Spaz1331I have a Compaq Presario V6042ca (intel) and when I first installed 6.10 the sound worked, but somewhere along the way it stopped (tho sounds still works in Vista).  Any pointers?14:55
LebLinuxunop_: I can't remove libc614:55
Hysteriahehe :) im quite experienced but a complete nub to linux, thought id give it a whirl over the school holidays14:55
Jack_Sparrowjack_spratt, the repo will seldom have the latest, but it will have one that is tested and working.14:55
jack_sprattsparrow: ok thats fine, but why can i only install it from the CD??14:56
unop_LebLinux, use the !pastebin (don't paste in here) and let's have a look at what you see there14:56
jack_sprattsparrow: why isnt there any ndiswrapper iin the repositories??14:56
linkinxphow i get sudo visually? i mean i want to copy a foler to usr/shares/themes and i dont have permission to do so14:56
Jack_Sparrowjack_spratt, you need to edit your software sources and uncheck the cd option.. system admin software sources14:56
MrGnuJackSparrow its in grub editting has been difficuly.... Although Gutsy is n anothererhard drive, vista longhorn interferes14:56
jack_sprattsparrow: ah, ok great14:57
cubexombino love for xrandr today?14:57
MrGnuI used easy bcd14:57
b4l74z4ri have a problem with firefox; when i browse back to the previous page, it doesn't remember where in the page i were so i have to scroll back down again from the top14:57
jack_sprattsparrow: do you know if the cd takes priiority as a source over the repos if both are ticked? that would explain this odd situation14:57
Jack_SparrowMrGnu, Sorry cant help with that problem14:57
ScuniziHysteria, you'll either be hooked or you'll throw it back.. there is a new learning curve.. sometimes steep when working at the command line.. if you're use to dos then linux command line won't seem so scary.. If you just want to use they gui and programs .. easy.. occational tweeks at the command line.14:57
unop_jack_spratt, the CD is preferred if the repos have the same version number14:58
Jack_SparrowJack_Sparrow, yes it will look for the cd if you have it enabled.. a pain really14:58
MrGnuIts ok Jack, I appreciate the try though14:58
HysteriaHeya Scunizi pm14:58
ScuniziHysteria, k14:58
jack_sprattunop: so do you recon that the repos only have v1.43 of ndiswrapper then?14:58
Chetic_How do I make a launcher that launches it's application from a certain directory? (In this case I want wine to start something that requires resources from the same dir)14:58
unop_jack_spratt, yes, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ndiswrapper&suite=gutsy14:59
Jack_Sparrow!info ndiswrapper14:59
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in gutsy14:59
jack_sprattunop: ok thanks14:59
unop_!info ndiswrapper-common14:59
ubotundiswrapper-common (source: ndiswrapper): Common scripts required to use the utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.43-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 18 kB, installed size 104 kB14:59
Jack_Sparrow!find ndiswrapper14:59
ubotuFound: linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-386, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-generic, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-server, ndiswrapper-common, ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 (and 3 others)14:59
Spaz1331<<-- has an Audio Problem.... I have a Compaq Presario V6042ca (intel) and when I first installed 6.10 the sound worked, but somewhere along the way it stopped (tho sounds still works in Vista).  Any pointers?14:59
Jack_Sparrowunop_, thanks14:59
ScuniziHysteria, are you registered? can't pm without registering.14:59
Hysteriaohhh nope im not registered15:00
ScuniziHysteria, ask away here..15:00
LebLinuxunop_: http://pastebin.com/m742c6a3915:00
jack_sprattthanks guys :)15:00
Hysteriaso the iso image comes with live cs included in it yeh?15:00
ScuniziHysteria, yes15:00
Jack_SparrowSpaz1331, /join #alsa15:00
unop_LebLinux, thats not what i asked you to run tho :)15:01
=== brutalis is now known as propelhat
Spaz1331roger, thanks Jack_Sparrow15:01
HysteriaIm only 17, know quite a bit about computers and windows but a complete nub to Linux, thought it would be something fun to do over school holidays15:01
unop_LebLinux, sudo aptitude install libc6=2.6.1-1ubuntu10; sudo aptitude install -f15:01
ScuniziHysteria, add 30 years and you have my age.. I was/am a "power" windows user but switched 3 years ago..15:02
HysteriaScunizi, ahh ok :) i got reccomended Ubuntu or OpenSUS, but i rly cbf downloading both haha15:02
Hysteriaslow net here in Australia15:02
LebLinuxunop_: alright.15:02
LebLinuxunop_: Am am downgrading libc615:03
level09how do I remove sendmail ?15:03
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unop_level09, sendmail the command or sendmail the package/mail server?15:04
level09unop_: the package/mail server15:04
ScuniziHysteria, what time is it there.?  about midnight?15:04
unop_level09, sudo aptitude remove sendmail15:04
level09I tried installing it with apt-get install sendmail but got errors15:04
Hysteria10:04PM mate15:04
HysteriaEastern Australia would be midnight, im Western Aus15:04
ScuniziHysteria, sun is just rising here in Calif.15:05
comphey, i want to put ubuntu on my moms computer but she uses quicken. is there a progam she can use that uses quicken files?15:05
compgnucash will use quicken files?15:05
level09so I installed Lamp on Ubuntu gutsy, how Do I get my emails to be sent ? do I have to install a mail package ?15:05
Jack_Sparrowcomp, You can just give her quicken using vbox or wine or15:05
compsee, the problem is i don't have a valid copy of windows xp and i refuse to support microsoft by buying  another copy15:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about appsdb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:06
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org15:06
HysteriaScunizi, ahh, got quite a few Cali's in the channel I op in, #alienarena on efnet15:07
Jack_Sparrowcomp, wine does not require xp15:07
ScuniziHysteria, how can you tell?15:08
compmymom is so bad with comp. i don't think she will know how to use it15:08
HysteriaScunizi, the ip's plus i know just about everyone in the chan15:08
LebLinuxunop_: thank you, it works!15:08
Jack_Sparrowcomp, You need to try it before you say that..15:08
alastor666salut l'irc :)15:09
unop_LebLinux, well, now - i can tell you, it's ok to maintain a mixed-system, just as long as you know what you are doing :)15:09
ScuniziHysteria, ah...15:09
LebLinuxunop_: the trick was in aptitude? could it work with the libc6 that I've installed from hardy?15:10
ScuniziHysteria, that must be the openarena channel.. hard to do that here with almost 1300 people :)15:10
LebLinuxunop_: because when it asked me to remove all these packages I was surprised!15:10
HysteriaYeah Alien Arena's Channel is smaller then this haha, impossible to get to know everyone here :)15:11
Jack_SparrowLebLinux, meta-packages ...15:11
ScuniziHysteria, is it also on freenode?15:11
Hysterianope Efnet15:11
unop__LebLinux, you've have to understand how the packages from the different suites fit in with other packages .. conflicts arise when updated native packages realize that an alien package has been installed.15:12
lorenzo_hi, my Data and XP partitions have disappeared from nautilus and desktop view in Ubuntu gutsy. I havent done anything unusual, i dont understand. I only used Office, Firefox and Rhythmbox on gutsy, then Office, Indesign and aTunes in XP yesterday. But i do that all the time, then this happened. I dont get it.15:12
unop__LebLinux, and apt-get could have been used there instead of aptitude .. but aptitude probably works better in these circumstances, it handles conflicts in a better way15:13
LebLinuxunop__: I agree.15:13
LebLinuxOh thats why, unop__ do you recommend using aptitude more often then apt ? or just when conflicts arrises?15:13
Jack_SparrowTHere are fewer differences with Ubuntu's apt and aptitude than with other distros.15:14
omarwhere can I get gtkmozembed?15:14
unop__LebLinux, aptitude can be used instead of apt-get .. but by default it installs recommended packages too .. and that can lead to some degree of bloat15:14
CozzyWizzyi sent file to bluetooth where file go not find15:14
unop__LebLinux, i use apt-get to install, aptitude to remove/purge packages15:15
LebLinuxalright, I'll do the same, thank you.15:15
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unop__lorenzo_, have you tried logging out and logging back in?15:18
lorenzo_unop_, yes, i have even restarted gutsy altogether15:18
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serge4can't install an debian package , package manager says that dependency is not satisfiable: libc615:19
duffbeeranyone know why when i uninstalled gnash and flashplayer-nonfree and then re-added flashplayer-nonfree, audacity got messed up?  i already removed audacity, i just don't know if i should reinstall it or try another one? i tried jokosher ... it's too complicated for my needs. :)15:19
serge4i use gutsy, try to install the latest rtorrent15:19
unopserge4, not recommended you do that15:20
serge4with debian package15:20
amenadolorenzo_-> is the ntfs partition mounted at all? you only see some directories and not others?15:20
serge4unop, what15:20
serge4very bad that cannot upgrade libc6 in gutsy to the last version :( need hardy15:21
lorenzo_amenado, no, they are not mounted, i dont see them anywhere. In media i only have empty folders15:21
unopserge4, try and install debian packages on ubuntu .. packages are not generally cross-compatible across these two distros15:21
amenadolorenzo_-> then perhaps you need to mount it so it can be seen?15:21
serge4unop :D15:21
serge4unop, maybe.15:21
lorenzo_amenado: how do i do it? ubuntu has always mounted them automatically15:22
unopserge4, not maybe, definitely , don't even try it15:22
serge4unop, i will try then to compile rtorrent from source.15:22
serge4unop, ok15:22
amenadolorenzo_-> which drive and partition -- do you know?15:22
lorenzo_amenado, would you tell me how to mount them, or link me a for-dummies guide please?15:22
unopserge4, if you want the latest libc6, install from source .. or have a browse on the PPA repos to see if anyone has already done this15:22
lorenzo_no i do not know15:22
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unoplorenzo_, try restarting the gnome-volume-manager15:23
amenadolorenzo_-> okay let do it manually if you like15:23
shingalatedDoes anyone know why php would stop working after reconfiguring apache2 to use virtual hosts with a couple of separate sites?15:23
flutefluteserge4: what is wrong with the version in the repo?15:23
serge4PPA repos15:23
serge4what is this15:23
lorenzo_unop_, how do i restart that?15:23
unoplorenzo_, killall gnome-volume-manager && gnome-volume-manager15:23
amenadolorenzo_-> to find out what drive and partitions are possibly mountable, you do  sudo  fdisk -l15:23
gooodyanybody here use ubuntu for java programming jobs?15:23
serge4fluteflute, don't know15:23
flutefluteserge4: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=rtorrent15:23
CozzyWizzyhowto make bluetooth deafult save path15:24
lorenzo_amenado, ok i can see the Ntfs partitions from there15:25
sheikpunkhello friends15:25
sheikpunki have a problem...15:26
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:26
BactaAny screenshots of the new theme for 8.10?15:26
sheikpunki trying install ubuntu on notebook with phoenix bios... and not show graphic interface15:26
amenadolorenzo_-> okay, now you can use the suggested too gnome-volume-manager or another manual step..your call15:26
Jack_Sparrowsheikpunk, Gutsy or hardy?15:27
sheikpunkGutsy and Hardy15:27
skenmyHey all, I have a 64-bit compatible processor, should I use the AMD64 build of Ubuntu or wil that cause me to not be able to use 32-bit programs?15:27
flutefluteBacta: no15:27
lorenzo_amenado, i am running gnome-volume-manager but nothing happens15:27
amenadolorenzo_-> the gnome-volume-manager dont see it mounted?15:28
Jack_Sparrowsheikpunk, Gutsy ...  Problems installing from Livecd... At start or install screen, press F6 and remove splash and quiet,  if that does not work do it again but now also add noapic acpi=off before the -- on the command line15:28
lorenzo_amenado: nope15:28
kamenpls help15:28
shingalatedWhy would an index.php on an apache server not automatically display but work when browsed to specifically works fine15:29
amenadolorenzo_-> okay, per the results of sudo fdisk -l  which partition was your ntfs ?15:29
kamenmy problem is pppoe time out15:29
kamenpls help15:29
sheikpunkJack_Sparrow: im try15:29
jribshingalated: clear your browser's cache15:29
amenadokamen-> time out? during setup time?15:29
shingalatedjrib: I tried that15:29
lorenzo_amenado, sda1 and sda615:29
kamenppoe stop15:30
jribshingalated: what /does/ happen?  It displays the php source code/15:30
kamenpppoe stop automatic in any time15:30
kamenstarted in restart ubuntu15:30
amenadolorenzo_-> you can try   mount -t ntfs-3g  /dev/sda1  /mnt      to mount it, and then do an ls -la /mnt to see if it got mounted15:30
shingalatedjrib: it was working fine until I set up multipl sites through virtual hoss. No it doesn't display source it shows the directory contents.  Would you like to see my config?15:30
OpenGuruHi. Does any one know how to extract a movie clip from film15:30
lorenzo_amenado, ok i will try15:31
kamenpoff dsl-provider no worked15:31
hpI have a problem with installing flash player15:31
jribshingalated: sure, but I don't know much about apache config.  You may want to try #apache as well15:31
lorenzo_it says, Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action:15:31
amenadokamen-> what are you using now to get into the internet? same adsl modem/router?15:31
OpenGuruhp, did u try synaptic ?15:31
shingalatedjrib: http://www.hottards.info/paste.html15:31
lorenzo_amenado, it says, Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action:15:32
kamenpppoe protocol15:32
Karger1978hello Has anyone ever seen this error with a dvd/cdrom drive15:32
OpenGurulorenzo_, can u show us this output.. sudo cat /etc/mtab15:32
unoplorenzo_, looks like when you used windows, the filesystem wasnt properly unmounted .. you can use ntfsfix on that device15:32
amenadolorenzo_-> it looks like you did not shutdown in XP properly, so you may have to boot to XP and then shutdown your system properly15:32
Karger1978[59624.100289] hda: tray open15:32
Karger1978[59624.100653] hda: error code: 0x70  sense_key: 0x02  asc: 0x30  ascq: 0x0015:32
Karger1978[59624.100657] end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 102815:32
hpOpenGuru: no, i tried it only with firefox, and java was a problem, too.15:33
OpenGurulorenzo_, hey did u do the hibernate ?15:33
tobyHow do I make my application icons appear in the panel window list? Now I only have ".." in the list items so you have to hover to determine what they are. Icons?15:33
lorenzo_amenado: yeah i will try to boot into XP and restart again15:33
OpenGuruhp, which version of firefox ?15:33
hpI have ubuntu 7.10 desktop edition15:33
Laizeroxhey i got a simple question :P... if i install hardy beta now i can install release after it over?15:33
amenadokamen-> what are you using now to get into the internet? same adsl modem/router?15:33
lorenzo_OpenGuru, hybernate? no15:33
LjL!hardy > Laizerox    (Laizerox, see the private message from Ubotu)15:33
jribshingalated: tried changing DirectoryIndex to index.php instead?15:33
OpenGuruLaizerox, no need to reinstall15:33
=== amenado is now known as amenado_afk
OpenGuruLaizerox, it will do the auto update to latest version15:34
MrGnure boot issue: Bios trick does not work.... Seems that longhorn infiltratated both sata and the one ide harddrive.  i a  m resolving this issue TODAY!15:34
Laizeroxthanks anyway :P15:34
OpenGurulorenzo_, ntfs volumes won't mount if u do the hibernate..15:34
Laizeroxi re-ask :D15:34
hpthe built-in version of firefox whick is in ubuntu 7.10, i think 2.0115:34
Laizeroxon ubuntu+1 _D15:34
jribshingalated: or just append it to the line15:34
lorenzo_amenado, unop, OpenGuru: thanks guys, I'll restart and see if shutting down XP properly solves it. if not, you'll come bother you again :) thanks a lot for your help15:34
lorenzo_OpenGuru: i didnt do the hibernate, thanks15:35
Armadais there a way to select stereo-mix (aka What U Hear) as the input device?15:35
OpenGuruhp, try this in command line sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree15:35
OpenGurulorenzo_, best of luck :)15:35
hpwill it also work for opera?15:35
shingalatedjrib: thanks adding index.php to that line worked.15:36
OpenGuruhp, should work..15:36
hpwill it also work on ubuntu 8.04?15:36
OpenGuruhp, yes. why ?15:36
kamenpls help my pppoe connection is stop automatic any time commands to start now not working15:37
hpI want to update to 8.04 and maybe buy a 64bit machine15:37
twoface_Hi - I'm running hardy, and when copying file to a cifs-mount, the first ~300mb copies over fast, but then the speed suddenly changes to a few mb/sec. Anybody experienced this?15:38
OpenGuruhp, well.. fresh install is recommended.. than upgrade..15:38
tobyHow do I make application icons appear in window list items in panels?15:38
unop!hardy | twoface_   (see private message from ubotu)15:38
ubotutwoface_   (see private message from ubotu): Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:38
OpenGuruhp, i am not sure if it is possible to upgrade a 32 bit os to  64bit.. one..15:38
Hiashey guys15:39
hpOpenGuru: I said I'm goung to buy a 64bit machine15:39
OpenGuruhp, cool.. congrats..15:39
kamenpls help15:40
OpenGurukamen, ?15:40
hpOpenGuru: they are not expensive here in europe :)15:40
kamenmy pppoe connection15:40
kamenis stoped any time15:40
OpenGuruhp, well I already have one ;) They rock :)15:40
lorenzo_amenado, unop, Openguru, hi, i restarted again and the partitions are back. thanks a lot, i need this pc to work and you made my day with your kind advice. have a good day15:40
kamencommands to start not working15:40
hpinter or amd?15:40
HiasQ?: When i'm trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 via Live CD on my Vaio notebook, it shows the start screen, but when i select run or install ubuntu i get that sound, then my screen turns off and on couple times and nothing happens15:41
Armadais there a way to select stereo-mix (aka What U Hear) as the input device?15:41
OpenGurulorenzo_, you are welcome :)15:41
martynHi guys - can someone tell me what the 'switch' --sm-disable on the end of the nm-applet does? I have looked for a man page but none exists (at least on my system). Cheers.15:41
OpenGuruhp, Intel core2duo15:42
ArmadaHias: If the Live CD fails to start use the Alternate CD (text based install)15:42
OpenGurukamen, hey whether your router/modem supports dialing ?15:42
Hiasthx Armada, gonna try15:42
OpenGuruhp, did u try that command ?15:42
hpyes, it works :)15:43
sheikpunkJack_Sparrow: not worked15:43
hpOpenGuru: will amd athlon 64 x2 5000+ work well with 8.04 64bit?15:43
sheikpunkJack_Sparrow: on try gnome init... crash.15:43
amenado_afkHias-> sometimes you have to wait long enuff..like maybe 5 to 10 mins..it is probing your system15:43
OpenGuruhp, yes.. it will15:43
=== amenado_afk is now known as amenado
Hiaswhat can be the problem that the live CD doesn't work? if i use safe gfx mode, i only get something that ooks like a grafic bug15:44
kamenmy router support dialing15:44
amenadoHias-> how long have you waited?15:44
hpOpenGuru: even with 8600GT and 2gb RAM?15:44
Jack_Sparrowhias...  Problems installing from Livecd... At start or install screen, press F6 and remove splash and quiet,  if that does not work do it again but now also add noapic acpi=off before the -- on the command line15:44
Hiaswell, i waited for about 10 minutes15:44
OpenGuruhp, Athlon platform is very mature one.. it should work well..15:44
OpenGurukamen, why dont you try dialing from there ?15:44
amenadoHias okay, maybe you have to use the alternatecd then15:44
Jack_Sparrowsheikpunk, there are may other options you can try, I canlist them, but it is better to google up your hardware to find the right combination or use the alt-text install cd15:45
wjlroeHi - after upgrading to Hardy, the at daemon fails to start, in syslog is this 'atd[9203]: Cannot change to /var/spool/cron/atjobs: Permission denied' - so the post-install script for at fails15:45
Jack_Sparrow!hardy > wjlroe15:45
kamenfrom where15:45
OpenGuruhp, well.. 8600gt will work.. and 2gb ram should be of no problem.. which mobo u r purchasing ?15:45
sheikpunkJack_Sparrow: ok15:45
wjlroeJack_Sparrow: sorry, just read that,15:45
OpenGurukamen, well.. my router always has the default ip so if I do i can connect to my router and setup a dialter there..15:46
hpI'm not sure, is sli better for linux?15:46
OpenGuruhp, u gonna purchase 2 gpu ?15:46
hplater maybe15:47
kamenproblem is in connection settings15:47
amenadokamen has it worked before?15:47
_moro_bana_is there a difference between 32 and 64-bit in performance15:47
OpenGuruhp, sli in linux is not as scalable as in Windows. Its nVidia driver problem.. but it will work..15:47
_moro_bana_VPN; is that for me?15:47
amenado!who | kamen15:48
kamenunder linux is problem pppoe15:48
ubotukamen: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:48
OpenGuru_moro_bana_, yes..15:48
TailsLinuxiirc most packages are built at 32 and 6415:48
=== acke_n is now known as acke
hpOpenGuru: then I can buy without sli and save money for same performance15:48
OpenGuru_moro_bana, 64bit cpu has more registers and uses new technique for function call.. there is definitely performance improvement15:48
amenadohp what do you intend to use your system for?15:48
kamenunder linux is problem with pppoe15:48
_moro_bana_OpenGuru: could you please elaborate a bit on that15:49
VPN_moro_bana_, yes15:49
hpamenado: blender and games15:49
woland__amd64 supports lot's more RAM too without horrible PAE hacks15:49
OpenGuruhp, if u r using mainly for linux.. however 2moro nvidia driver performance may improve.. like it happened with ATI15:49
pokerfacepenguin_moro_bana_: and 64bit sees all 4gigs of my ram15:49
amenadohp a nice supported graphic system will be nice, dont know about sli though, its too new15:49
hpis there a noticable difference between 512 mb 8600GT and 1024mb 8600GT?15:49
OpenGurupokerfacepenguin, even 32 bit can.. u just need the proper kernel15:50
ArmadaHias: If the Live CD fails to start use the Alternate CD (text based install)15:50
pokerfacepenguinOpenGuru: yeah, but the pae hacks...yuck15:50
Armadais there a way to select stereo-mix (aka What U Hear) as the input device?15:50
_moro_bana_pokerfacepenguin; that means higher pricision so to say. how much ram on 32-bit15:50
OpenGurupokerfacepenguin, yeah .. u r right!15:50
pokerfacepenguin_moro_bana_: it showed around 3 point something 32 bit before the kernel hack15:51
jribHeatedUnderwear: this channel is for ubuntu support, please stay on-topic15:51
OpenGuruhp, more VRam is always good.. however there won't be major differences.. as it is limited by the bandwidth and VRAM memory speed15:51
HeatedUnderwearoups sorry I thought this was for medical issues15:52
jribHeatedUnderwear: go to your doctor15:52
_moro_bana_pokerfacepenguin: i see15:52
pokerfacepenguinhp: yes, the ram isn't really a big deal at that level, but the math crunching is15:52
HeatedUnderwearbut on the topic of ubuntu support15:52
HeatedUnderwearI ran a live cd and now my windows is gone15:52
woland__trolls smell funny15:53
OpenGuruhp, why are you not going for 8600GTS ?15:53
=== amenado is now known as wuzie-funtosee
OpenGuruany one here know how to cut a clip from movie ?15:54
kamen!OpenGuru tell me15:54
* twoface_ ubotu tell me15:54
Romnetåñòü ðóññêèå?15:55
OpenGurukamen, what is your routers ip ?15:55
pokerfacepenguinOpenGuru: you could use gtkrecord and play the movie....ugly hack, but it would work15:55
kamen!OpenGuru LOCAL ot Internet15:55
OpenGurugtkrecord, thanks..15:56
pokerfacepenguinOpenGuru: its an ugly hack, but it could be done15:56
OpenGurutry this.. open firefox and do
OpenGurupokerfacepenguin, thanks.. any such thing possible with mecoder ? there is a endpos option available!15:56
kamenno information15:57
twoface_Seveas: did you find a solution to the missing 'dl'-module from hardy?15:57
OpenGuruhttp:// is the address of the router or your ethernet card ?15:57
kamenEthernet Vard15:58
OpenGurukamen, try this
pokerfacepenguinOpenGuru: not sure about that with mencoder15:58
vinoocan anybody help me with intel graphics card and widescreen?15:58
OpenGurupokerfacepenguin, thanks15:58
kamenno connection15:59
kamenno information15:59
kamenproblem is in pppoe connection15:59
HeatedUnderwearI booted off of a live cd and started the installation process but never told ubuntu to install and now my windows is gone16:00
OpenGurukamen, actually each router has its own default ip address.. if u remember it, u can connect to it. and make router to do the pppoe connection...16:00
woland__is dhcpcd disabled on the router?16:00
pokerfacepenguinOpenGuru: looking at the man page, it did say it had crop capabilities16:00
pokerfacepenguinOpenGuru: mencoder that is16:00
OpenGurupokerfacepenguin, crop is different .. it is changing the video window..16:01
woland__if not, broadcast for an IP, then check route -n16:01
kamenrouter is actualized16:01
kamensettings is good16:01
OpenGurukamen, which is your router ? i mean brand and model16:01
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Silversurferhi @ll16:02
theunixgeekI accidentally deleted my Wine menu (Ubuntu) and I'm trying to get it back with wine /usr/lib/wine/winemenubuilder.exe.so but nothing's happening.16:02
kamenmodel 3com16:02
kamenrouter is good problem is the connection settings16:02
kamenpppoe is stoped automatic in 1-2h16:03
NasraJack_Sparrow: how do I install the paste-in again....sorry got disconnected?16:03
Silversurferweiß jemand von euch wie ich eine chatfunktion (grabben ) kann ?? da für linux kein chat button da ist16:04
hpis there a noticable difference between 512 mb 8600GT and 1024mb 8600GT?16:05
void^!de | Silversurfer16:05
ubotuSilversurfer: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:05
[1]TrIsHi Anyone here used geubuntu please?16:08
omarGuys where can I get gtkmozembed?16:08
pokerfacepenguinOpenGuru: have you seen this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-rip-dvd-and-edit-dvd-movie.html16:09
Malicis it safe to upgrade to hardy beta?16:11
Nasrawhat is the quickest way to install the paste-in in my system?16:11
scottyLMalic: Go to #ubuntu+116:12
arstanjhi all, any recommendation on a screenshot taking app?16:12
SeaPhorWhat would be the best way to access my home PC (Ubuntu 7.10) from my work (XP) to access files, remote desktop or something else?16:12
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=== ubersoldat_ is now known as ubersoldat
Davo_Dinkumhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#head-67666d36d8817d73fd99580965c3d11c865a8bc1 how do i do step 1?16:13
theunixgeekarstanj: how about the printscreen key on your keyboard? ;)16:13
theunixgeekI accidentally deleted my Wine menu (Ubuntu) and I'm trying to get it back with wine /usr/lib/wine/winemenubuilder.exe.so but nothing's happening.16:13
theunixgeek(sorry for the repeat, but I thought I'd need it)16:13
gustavoplease, I have a Notebook Gateway , and I cannot use the microphone. I read several pages, tried everyone but couldn find the issue. Perhaps Ubuntu is not finding the "address" of the microphone. has anyone already experienced that?16:13
PriceChildgustavo: start alsamixer, and check it isn't muted16:15
elsinuxhello im tryng to install nvidia drivers to my ubuntu edgy, any help i need to compile with the headers but i cant find libc616:17
PriceChildelsinux: sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)16:17
Scunizielsinux, edgy?  wow.. dude the best thing you can do is start upgrading..16:17
scottyLI am using Gutsy Desktop and I cannot connect to the internet16:17
Scunizi!upgrade | elsinux16:17
ubotuelsinux: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes16:17
scottyLI am hard wired to the router16:17
guardianhow can i add a permanent mount using sshfs so that it's accessible throught the command line ? /etc/fstab ???16:18
unop__elsinux, you can do this. sudo aptitude install build-essential libc6-de16:18
unop__elsinux, err. sudo aptitude install build-essential libc6-dev16:18
elsinuxso its better to upgrade first ?? how can i do that with less pain posible? :)16:18
Scunizi!upgrade | elsinux16:19
ubotuelsinux: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes16:19
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=== Cturtle_ is now known as Cturtle
theunixgeekelsinux: did you sudo apt-get install build-essential16:19
unop__elsinux, you don't need to upgrade .. it's better if you do tho16:19
gustavoPriceChild, I have already tried that16:19
gustavoand acctually, I tried to stop the OSS server too16:20
Scunizielsinux, after upgrading to Feisty.. go to Gutsy.. at that point you won't have to compile the nvidia drivers..  and in 2 weeks Hardy will be out16:20
arstanjtheunixgeek: yeah, i need like more sophisticated one16:20
elsinuxok i did sudo aptitude install build-essential libc6-dev16:20
elsinuxi need to learn how to compile drivers in the kernel :p some day16:21
cegopaivaBoa tarde galera.16:22
elsinuxnow it is downgrading a lot of things :116:22
hpis it a good 'server'? http://www.tecstore.net/product_info.php?cPath=0_33_34_105&products_id=4353216:22
arstanjtheunixgeek: like taking screenshots of selected areas,commenting right away, selection of export formats etc. basically you can do it with imagemagick but better have GUI app16:22
gustavoplease, I have a Notebook Gateway , and I cannot use the microphone. I read several pages, tried everyone but couldn find the issue. Perhaps Ubuntu is not finding the "address" of the microphone. has anyone already experienced that?16:22
cegopaivais there someone brazilian here?16:22
jrib!br | cegopaiva16:23
ubotucegopaiva: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:23
elsinuxtengo miedo tengo miedo (it has finished now ... should y try to ron the Nvidi indtaller now?)16:23
gustavocegopaiva sim16:23
cegopaivafala aí gustavo16:23
jribelsinux: you don't need to compile anything to install nvidia drivers.  Why aren't you using the restrticted driver manager?16:23
unop_elsinux, try it out16:24
elsinuxok im going to darkest side of the console .....16:24
PriceChildgustavo: so how do you know it isn't working?16:24
elsinuxhope see ya soon16:24
scottyLProblem: My Gutsy Desktop is wired to the router, yet I am unable to get any internet16:26
smartguyzgot the Compiz fusion working, how do I fill in the top and bottom of the cube....16:26
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scottyLAlso, wireless isn't working either16:27
sysrplhi all16:28
sysrpli am trying to install mono 1.9 and am having issues ... could someone maybe help me?16:28
smartguyzcan anyone help me with the Cube top and Bottom16:29
unop_sysrpl, what are the issues?16:29
setancan help me free shell16:29
sysrpli was following the instructions at http://xyzzyxyzzy.net/2008/03/27/installing-mono-19/ ... and during the build of libgdiplus i got this error -> /libtiff.so: undefined reference to `jpeg_reset_huff_decode'16:29
kubahi there!16:29
xtevenDoes anyone here use SWAT w/ Samba?16:30
smartguyzhow do I configure for top and bottom of the cube...?16:30
kubawow.... rush hour16:30
sysrplunop_: any idas? :(16:30
scheurihi all....16:31
sysrplmaybe someone has better instructions?16:31
kubajust wondering if I have an issue which Ive extensivly googled whether someone would answer...16:31
elsinux:( it started to build the kernell then got a error16:31
elsinuxi have error.log16:31
kubaIts about an external soundcard...16:32
kubaaw c;mon...16:33
scheuriI have a problem with sounds after upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10...it always says that the "audio is not available: device is busy ()" (in german: "audio ausgang nicht verfügbar: gerät ist belegt ()"...its an Intel ICH8 82801H audio chip (according to lspci)...in 7.04 it worked...16:33
kubaill be grateful?16:33
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:33
scheuriI have a problem with sounds after upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10...it always says that the "audio is not available: device is busy ()" (in german: "audio ausgang nicht verfügbar: gerät ist belegt ()"...its an Intel ICH8 82801H audio chip (according to lspci)...in 7.04 it worked...anyone able to show me how I may fix this?16:35
scheuri(that is a proper question, sorry)16:35
PzyBorG_Hi, has anyone had any problems with configuring SB audigy cards in Ubuntu? i cant seem to get it to load the correct module properly, but it works fine when i boot into the live cd.16:35
Ax-Axwhere can i add things to crontab?16:35
elsinuxin the nvidia-installer log I got:  make[3]: *** [/home/elsinux/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nvidia16:35
elsinux   .o] Error 116:35
elsinux   make[2]: *** [_module_/home/elsinux/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1/usr/src/n16:35
elsinux   v] Error 216:35
elsinux   NVIDIA: left KBUILD.16:35
elsinux   nvidia.ko failed to build!16:36
FloodBot1elsinux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:36
scheuriAx-Ax: you may use the command "crontab -e" in the CLI16:36
sliptteesUbuntu dapper installed on my computer with only a "ethernet" added another soon after "ethernet" but it was not inserted in the file iftab, someone can help me to add it in this file? Or don't need to add a line of new "ethernet" in this file?16:37
scheuriAx-Ax: with that command you are able to add entries to crontab for that specifiv user16:37
Ax-Axscheuri: how can i edit it afterwards?16:37
scottyL I cannot connect to the internet via my router16:37
scottyLI am connected by wire to Gutsy Desktop16:37
scheuriAx-Ax: again, with the command "crontab -e" you can add, edit, delete...16:37
scottyLThis is.... preplexing16:37
DarkSpirit221How can I install cursors?16:37
godzirraHeya folks.16:38
Ax-Axscheuri: oh16:38
godzirraanyone know how you can change screen brightness on a laptop?16:38
godzirraMine is very dark compared to windows.16:38
shachafgodzirra: Perhaps there's a button on the keyboard to do it?16:38
DarkSpirit221godzirra: Fn+F* (Brightness up)16:38
kubaright on: have the 7.10 ubuntu on a laptop, sound from the internal soundcard works fine- i hear well in the speakers. However earphone jack is shot so i use an external sound card to listen via earphone. The external card is recognized  yet when i swithc to it via the option in gnome volume control the sound STILL goes via speakers, internal soundcard. How do I make the sound go throgh the external card? (speedlink usb mini)16:38
scheuriAx-Ax: However, I must admit that for specific stuff (run by root/by the system) you may add a script to the folder "/etc/cron.daily" for daily usage16:38
shachafgodzirra: Otherwise maybe in /proc.16:38
scheuriAx-Ax: it really depends on what you want to do16:39
godzirrashachaf: duh..  Thanks. :)16:39
elsinuxwith nvidia instaler i got http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63072/16:39
godzirraThat was my dee de dee question of the day.16:39
DarkSpirit221So, can someone help me? How do I install cursors?16:39
godzirraMuch better.16:39
Ax-Axscheuri: okay16:39
* PzyBorG_ feels better that he's not the only one having audio problems on 7.10.16:39
SynapseattackAnyone here ever use an encrypted file system and know a way to auto mount it without a USB key?16:39
=== usser_ is now known as usser
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cursors - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:39
scheuriPzyBorG_: no, you arent...:)...bad thing is...it struck my after upgrading from 7.04...;)16:39
sliptteesUbuntu dapper installed on my computer with only a "ethernet" added another soon after "ethernet" but it was not inserted in the file iftab, someone can help me to add it in this file? Or don't need to add a line of new "ethernet" in this file?16:39
scheurislipttees: I am afraid I do not understand what the specific issue is...16:40
unopSynapseattack, you don't need a USB dongle to mount encrypted filesystems16:41
unop!truecrypt > Synapseattack  (see private message from ubotu)16:41
dudeeee34i am back yet again16:41
PzyBorG_it's strange how it works perfectly when i boot into the livecd, but when i boot into the hdd installation, it doesn't detect it, also lists as the module being used by "1" in the livecd, and "0" in the hdd installation, even after i started it with modprobe, got no errors either.16:41
kubaHey people! I will be needing earphones!16:41
dudeeee34any one here using ubuntu wireless16:41
gustavoPriceChild> gustavo: so how do you know it isn't working?         Because it crashes the record application each time I use that. In addition, SKYPE cannot find the device16:41
scheuriPzyBorG_: what sound chip are you using?16:41
scheuriPzyBorG_: and what module are you talking about?16:42
PriceChildgustavo: that doesn't say the mic isn't working... that says something is crashing the record application. start it in a terminal and read the output/pastebin it16:42
tgelterdudeee34: don't ask if anyone uses something, ask the question you have about it16:42
SynapseattackThanks Unop, I'm looking it up now.16:42
scheuridudeeee34: yes, I use 7.10 on my laptop using wireless connection to my router16:42
dudeeee34well i am new to ubuntu16:42
dudeeee34and i want to know some things about it16:43
dudeeee34basic info16:43
PzyBorG_sb0570 SB audigy Value, module:ca010616:43
dudeeee34where can i find this16:43
PriceChild!ubuntu | dudeeee3416:43
ubotududeeee34: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com16:43
sliptteesscheuri: in livecd session, my onboard ethernet set up eth1 :S and offboard set up eth0, then, I installed dapper without offboard ethernet, after install ubuntu, put new ethernet, and /etc/iftab don't have line this ethernet it is normal ?16:43
elsinuxShoul I use gksu "update-manager -c" to upgrade my linux system after my envidia installer show me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63072/    ?16:43
=== edanepool is now known as rouet
elsinux Should I use gksu "update-manager -c" to upgrade my linux system after my envidia installer show me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63072/    ?16:44
Ax-Axscheuri: does sudo crontab -e work?16:44
sliptteesexample eth0 mac 00:ed:03:fa:fd:10 arp 116:44
tgelterI'm looking to get wake-on-wan working, wake-on-lan is set up and functional, but if I send the magic packet from outside my LAN, it's getting dropped/improperly forwarded by my router. Any suggests?16:44
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scheurislipttees: I must admit that I do not know....but what does "lspci" say?16:44
scheuriAx-Ax: if you want to use user-specific crontabs...you do not need the sudo...16:44
sliptteesscheuri: show me two ethernet Via Onboard and Intel Pro 10/100 Offboard16:45
goosehow can I change the theme of my entire system?16:45
gooseI want to change the colors to darker ones16:45
scheurislipttees: hm, so lspci SEES actually THREE ethernet interfaces, is that correct?16:45
elsinux Should I use gksu "update-manager -c" to upgrade my linux system after my envidia installer show me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63072/    ?16:46
user__Hello all, here is a question, if I am able to get UBUNTU up and running with Vista, and I have past Ubuntu installations on hardrive, shouldI not be able to get those past installations loaded using grub from the newly installed UbUNTU or at least get the formed accounts migrated using the migration tool16:46
sliptteesscheuri: don't understand16:46
scheurislipttees: may I ask where you from?16:46
scheuriI have a problem with sounds after upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10...it always says that the "audio is not available: device is busy ()" (in german: "audio ausgang nicht verfügbar: gerät ist belegt ()"...its an Intel ICH8 82801H audio chip (according to lspci)...in 7.04 it worked...anyone able to show me how I may fix this?16:46
unoptgelter, what kind of router is this?16:46
sliptteesscheuri: pt-br16:46
gustavoPriceChild -- the most important one is ::  0:00:16.862380000  7272 0x805e408 LOG               GST_PADS gstpad.c:4147:gst_pad_send_event:<src:proxypad1> event had no source, setting pad as event source16:46
kwtmI want a Bash script that generates text based on a listing of files.  It says something like "for FILENAME in $@; do ls $FILENAME | some_sed_or_awk_command; done".  But when I run 'myscript *,txt', it says "There's no file called '*.txt'."  Why doesn't bash autoconvert my '*.txt' into 'file1.txt file2.txt' etc.?16:46
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:46
elsinuxIm in mexico city o_O )))16:46
tgelterunop: D-link DI-62416:46
txetxuanyone speaks spanish????16:47
scheurislipttees: maybe you find some help there with using your own laguage...I am sorry I do not speak portueges16:47
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:47
sliptteesscheuri: enable repos backports and, install backports modules solved you ploblem16:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu+sp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:47
elsinux Should I use gksu "update-manager -c" to upgrade my linux system after my envidia installer show me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63072/    ?16:47
sliptteesscheuri: no problem :-)16:47
txetxuok sorry16:47
goosehow can I change ubuntu's "skin" to use darker colors?16:47
unoptgelter, i don't know if this will be possible with your router, unless you can run some type of script on it that can be called to wake up the machine in the LAN16:48
scheurislipttees: I have gutsy backports ON...is that the problem?16:48
omarGuys where can I get gtkmozembed?16:48
BSG75is there a way to make it so all dialog box open where my cursor is? or at least in the middle of the screen?16:48
sliptteesscheuri: HDA intel issue16:48
tgelterunop: is that because most routers drop multicast udp packets?16:48
scheurislipttees: do you know WHAT has HDA intel issues? Alsa? the Kernel?16:48
sliptteescompile alsa 1.15 or install backports modules16:49
scheuriomar: did you search with aptitude or adept?16:49
tgelterunop: I have a web-based adminstration tool available on port 8080 coming from the router, but I don't see any way that I could run a script using it16:49
cubexombianybody familiar with any issues involving xrandr and dual heads, I've got a laptop thats not playing so nice. I can enable it, without errors but my external monitor won't turn back on.16:49
elsinuxnow im doing a Upgrade with distribution opgrade to version 6.1016:49
cubexombior hardy and older ati mobility chipsets16:49
Ax-Axscheuri: how should that script you mentioned look like? (for root things hourly)16:49
omarscheuri: Yeah I tried to do "sudo apt-get install gtkmozembed", but it didn't find it.16:49
unoptgelter, iirc, WOL sends a magic layer-2 frame to a broadcast address (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff) -- and it's kinda impossible to send layer-2 traffic to a remote destination over the internet16:50
PzyBorG_scheuri: did you get the card and module info? and any idea what's happening? :)16:50
elsinuxok the upgrade was complete i'm rebooting, hope see U soon16:50
WujcioLPlease test my package avaible in repository: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/wujciol/ubuntu hardy main16:50
scheuriPzyBorG_: no, sorry....did you paste anything on pastebin?16:50
tgelterunop: the idea I had was for the packet to be sent to broadcast and therefor be sent to all connected devices16:50
scheuriomar: try "aptitude search [yoursearchwortorpartsofit]"16:51
ricaneliteas anyone here played or know how to install Quake Wars?16:51
PzyBorG_nope, i just pasted it in the room, was only a small line, i'll paste again16:51
unopkwtm, have you tried quoting $@ .. "$@"16:51
scheuriAx-Ax: you can not do anything HOURLY...only daily, weekly and monthly using a script put in the folders "/etc/cron.daily|weekly|montly"...if you wand hourly you need to edit with "crontab -e"16:51
unoptgelter, right, thats how WOL works anyway, but you can't send broadcast traffic over the internet16:52
sliptteesscheuri: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller16:52
omarscheuri: I tried it now and it gave no results at all.16:52
PzyBorG_scheuri: sb0570 SB audigy Value, module:ca010616:52
scheurislipttees: thousand thanks!16:52
tgelterunop: ah, I didn't know that. so what are you suggesting I try?16:52
scheuriPzyBorG_: what happens if you reload that module on the installed version?16:52
sliptteesscheuri: ;-)16:52
eaxHello :) I just installed Ubuntu Gutsy on a HP 530, it works flawlessly :D Only problem so far is that when I plug in headphones it doesn't recognize them and simply plays through the speakers :S Any ideas?16:53
Ax-Axscheuri: but the directory /etc/cron.hourly/ ?16:53
tgelterunop: or what do people usually try if they want to wake up a machine over WAN? just log into a local machine to the one they want to wake up and send the magic packet from there?16:53
PzyBorG_it just goes to the next prompt, like it loaded successfully16:53
unoptgelter, my router is actually a linux machine, and i've set it upto run a script whenever i access a particular URL on it's webserver, the script then wakes up computer(s)16:53
PzyBorG_no errors16:53
kwtmunop: I hadn't learned that one before... will try.  Thanks.16:53
scheuriAx-Ax: there is such a directory?16:53
* slipttees using hardy and dapper :D16:53
Ax-Axscheuri: i have one, not added it myself16:53
unopkwtm, it would be better if you put your script in a pastebin and showed it to us .. but i have a hunch it might be "$@"16:54
kwtmtgelter: What I do is let my router be accessible by ssh, and then I connect to the router and tell it to Wake-On-LAN my main machine.16:54
tgelterunop: yeah, I've thought of doing that, though it'd be nice if I could just have the router up as I don't have an extra machine and the point of wake-on-wan (in my case) would be to wake up the desktop when I need to access it16:54
kwtmOkay.  Umm... ubotu: !pastebin16:54
kwtmubotu: !pastebin16:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:54
eaxHello :) I just installed Ubuntu Gutsy on a HP 530, it works flawlessly :D Only problem so far is that when I plug in headphones it doesn't recognize them and simply plays through the speakers :S Any ideas?16:55
scheuriAx-Ax: ah, very well...then its just a bash-script you may add there...either a script that does everything by itself you want it to do OR you put a script in it which STARTS the script which does everything you want to do16:55
unoptgelter, yea, it kind is a limitation of SOHO routers ..16:55
Ax-Axscheuri: if i have a sudoed crontab, will it run root then?16:56
elsinuxHello every body, im tring to install the good drivers for my envidia aceleration card, i ve found the restrict drivers and tried to instal in festy, didnt work, so i upgraded, what shoul i do now??16:56
tgelterunop: define SOHO please16:56
unoptgelter, small office and home16:56
tgelterunop: thanks16:56
tgelterunop: and thanks for clearing up the muddy water for me16:56
scheuriAx-Ax: I would guess so, but I can not say for sure...if you run it in the folders mentioned earlier...it will run as root16:57
Ax-Axscheuri: folders?16:57
kwtmunop: It's at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63074/16:57
scheuriAx-Ax: if you use a script and put it in one of the folders then you do NOT need to change a crontab...it will be done anyway16:57
* PzyBorG_ tries not to pull his hair out.16:58
Ax-Axscheuri: i suck at scripting16:58
scheurislipttees: does that problem exist on hardy? or is hardy okay?16:58
scheuriAx-Ax: me too actually...:)16:58
* PzyBorG_ thinks of going back to debian or slack.16:58
scheuriAx-Ax: what do you want to do hourly anyway if I may ask16:58
sliptteesscheuri: in hardy this hda-intel issue it solved16:59
Ax-Axscheuri: i added @hourly /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate time.nist.gov to sudo crontab -e16:59
scheuriPzyBorG_: Debian is fine too...I must however admit that Ubuntu is better for desktops...still...:)16:59
allanhey every116:59
sliptteesscheuri: hardy 11 days to go :-)16:59
scheuriAx-Ax: uuhhmmm....is that necessary? I mean...ntpdate should do that automatically anyway? maybe you only need to tell ntpdate to use that specific timeserver17:00
Ax-Axscheuri: my ntp socket doesn't do anything at all17:00
scheurislipttees: ah well...I am really thinking of upgrading RIGHT NOW....:)17:00
PzyBorG_true, i've had no problems with ubuntu in the past, it's just this new soundcard for some reason17:01
sliptteesscheuri: muahahahhhaa17:01
CarinArrhey, does anyone have ubuntu running on their ps3?17:01
scheuriAx-Ax: what happens if you say the following line in CLI "ntpdate time.nist.gov" or "sudo ntpdate time.nist.gov"?17:01
sliptteesscheuri: about hardy join #ubuntu+117:01
scheurislipttees: I have two machines on hardy already....:)17:01
theexecutorhi guys...I've got problem installing flash plugin on xubuntu gutsy. I wanna install the official plugin but mz firefox does not use it after installing via it's extension manager17:01
=== bbyever is now known as bby
Ax-Axscheuri: 13 Apr 17:51:54 ntpdate[5645]: adjust time server offset -0.011131 sec17:02
sliptteesscheuri: rene@ubuntu:~$ uname -a17:02
sliptteesLinux ubuntu 2.6.24-16-386 #1 Thu Apr 10 12:50:06 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux17:02
unopkwtm, sorry, went offline for a bit, if you did that pastebin, can you post the link again please?17:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ps3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:02
scheuriAx-Ax: well, that should do the trick...as far as I know ntpdate now knows that timeserver and will use it regularly17:02
=== bby is now known as bbyever
scheurislipttees: :)....I really should do that17:03
Ax-Axscheuri: i don't know if it does that17:03
kwtmunop: Oh, good, since I had to make a correction.  Now it's at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63075/17:03
scheuriAx-Ax: well, how fast does your time on the machine go wrong? ;)17:03
_moro_bana_CarinArr; did you check the documentation?17:03
my_hazwhere does sun-java6-bin install its binary too? i already had installed jre1.417:03
Ax-Axscheuri: ps aux shows nothing with ntp17:03
jribmy_haz: why do you need to know?17:04
DarkSpirit221!find xmms17:04
ubotuFound: gaim-xmms-remote, gkrellxmms2, gxmms2, libaudio-xmmsclient-perl, libxmms-perl (and 123 others)17:04
_moro_bana_CarinArr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_317:04
DarkSpirit221!find bmp17:04
gustavohey, does anybody know the reason Ubuntu cannot recognize Memory Stick Duo addapter????17:04
ubotuFound: libmpcdec-dev, libmpcdec3, libmpfr-dev, libmpfr1ldbl, netpbm (and 33 others)17:04
scheuriAx-Ax: ah, wait...it wont...this is not a "server service"....or do you want to use that machine as time server as well?17:05
sliptteesscheuri: Use the hardy since version alfa317:05
DarkSpirit221How can I download XMMS?17:05
my_hazjrib: because i have both versions, i need to get a java version high enough to run freenet/frost17:06
DarkSpirit221!find xmms17:06
ubotuFound: gaim-xmms-remote, gkrellxmms2, gxmms2, libaudio-xmmsclient-perl, libxmms-perl (and 123 others)17:06
Ax-Axscheuri: i want it to correct the clock regulary.. and not cli update it all the time17:06
jrib!multijava | my_haz17:06
ubotumy_haz: To set which java version/implementation is to be used as default, use sudo update-java-alternatives17:06
gustavoDoes anybody know the reason Ubuntu cannot recognize Memory Stick Duo addapter???? (ps it recognizes a SD card)17:06
unopkwtm, i don't see anything wrong with that .. although i would write the for loop like this.   for ARG; do something with $ARG; done17:06
jribmy_haz: better to ask that question then :)17:06
scheuriAx-Ax: as I said...it should now (at least at every boot...)17:06
unopkwtm, perhaps it's the way you are calling the script .. how are you doing that exactly?17:07
Camuflagehello, i can't delete the icons that i have in my desktop, it seems that i only have access to read and not to write17:07
kwtmunop: I run it from bash command line. E.g. I type "html_index *.txt *.asc".  Should I be putting "source" or a dot in front?17:07
usserCamuflage, icons for devices?17:08
Ax-Axscheuri: well, i'll notice if it does.. and flame you if doesn't :P17:08
Camuflageusser icons from text files or things like that17:08
scheuriAx-Ax: heh...okay...;)17:08
my_hazjrib, ubotu, thanks that was helpful17:08
scheuriAx-Ax: in the meanwhile I recommend "man ntpdate"...it surely will tell there17:09
unopkwtm, err no .. no source or .  - i made two corrections here. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63078/17:09
Ax-Axscheuri: ok :)17:09
gustavohey, does anybody know the reason Ubuntu cannot recognize Memory Stick Duo addapter???? (ps it read/write on SD card )17:09
scheurislipttees: upgrading now...;)17:10
kwtmunop: I see you've changed "do :" to "do17:10
sliptteesscheuri: :-)17:10
unopkwtm, right, i don't know why you put the : there17:10
usserCamuflage, hm are u sure? this should fix it sudo chown -R `whoami`:`whoami` ~/Desktop17:10
usserCamuflage, after that chmod -R o+w ~/Desktop17:11
zxc`guys some problems w/ alsa. I've an intel card working w/ intel_hda driver in feisty. Updating to hardy the audio doesn't work well and sometimes songs loop. Is this a note matter?17:11
coldhakI can't unmount my cdrom because it is "busy", how do I tell why it's still busy? any way to tell what program is using it?17:11
Camuflageusser done17:11
kwtmunop: I see you've changed "do :" to "do".  I just put "do :" (as in: "do nothing") just as a habit since I don't want the "do" to be on an actual command line.  (If I put "for SOMETHING; do Command1; Command2; done" and then later I edit the file to reverse the order of the commands, I have to re-edit the do.  So I say "for SOMETHING; do nothing much; Command1; Command2".17:11
Camuflageknow i can delete files and rename etc17:11
scheuricoldhak: maybe there is still a window (nautilus?) open that points to the CDROM...close that and try again17:11
usserCamuflage, after that u+w in the last command sorry17:12
kwtmunop: But the other change is from "for ARG in $@" to "for ARG".  Will bash know that ARG means cmd line arguments?  Is "ARG" a keyword that I didn't know about?17:12
amenadocoldhak man lsof, then fuser -km /dev/devicehere17:12
scheuricoldhak: this also happens if you open the CLI and you are still in the folders of the CDROM17:12
usserCamuflage, u should be able to delete them17:12
ronandiim on Openoffice 2.4 and I get this werid thing where my line gets cut off, and some orange thing is next to the line17:12
Camuflageusser yes it's working thanks17:12
usserCamuflage, no problem17:12
Camuflagelet me see if i can make firefox working also17:12
coldhaknope, terminals aren't in it, no windows in it either17:12
ader10Is it possible to change mounted partitions? I want to install windows along with my current linux installation but I'm unable to find out how to shrink my current partition.17:12
ronandiscreenshot: http://i32.tinypic.com/2620eqf.png17:12
coldhakit appears to be done. problem solved itself. thanks.17:13
unopkwtm, if you use a for loop with respect to $@; bash sees these two as equivalent.   for i in $@; do .. ; done   for i; do ..; done17:13
ader10actually nevermind... I'm a retard, I have a live cd right here and that'll let me change this partition :P17:13
unopkwtm, its not the variable name you use but how $@ is magical with respect to for17:13
kwtmunop: I'm sorry.  I think I solved the problem.  I had incorrectly interpreted the output.  Sorry for troubling you.17:14
kwtmIt turns out that I tested with *txt, but in that particular directory, "*.txt" does not correspond with any file.17:14
kwtmunop: It turns out that I tested with *txt, but in that particular directory, "*.txt" does not correspond with any file.  That's why "*txt" didn't convert into anything.17:14
unopkwtm, you might want to turn nullglobs on then.  put this line on top of the script.   shopt -s nullglob17:14
unopkwtm, err actually, you need nullglobs turn on in the shell, not the script, sorry17:15
kwtmunop: instead of starting the script with "#!/bin/bash", might I use "#!/bin/bash --nullglobs" or something like that? (Not sure if that option exists.)17:16
unopkwtm, if you want to do that within a script, you need 'shopt -s nullglobs' on a line of its own17:17
Camuflageusser i can't open a folder named .mozilla "permission denied" and with that i can't get firefox working :|17:17
unopkwtm, line #2 perhaps17:17
usserCamuflage, in your home directory?17:17
Nasrajack_Sparrow: are you around?17:17
Ayabarais it possible to make the panels transparent?17:17
Camuflageusser yes17:17
usserCamuflage, how did that happen did u create a new user or copied home folder over from somewhere else?17:18
kwtmunop: really!?  There are script commands to set the bash options from within the script?  Wow, all the things I don't know.... :)17:18
unopkwtm, sorry, nullglob not nullglobs.   shopt -s nullglob17:18
usserAyabara, ehm yes17:18
UbuntongI need help getting Desktop Effects on an ATI HD 3850 video card.17:18
NasraCan any1 tell me how to install the paste-in in here?17:18
Camuflageusser i've use a home in another partion, i've installed suse to try and then installed xubuntu17:18
usserAyabara, right click properties->background style slider17:19
Camuflagesince i moved to xubuntu things got this errors17:19
unopkwtm, sure, many of these options are controlled by the bash builtin shopt .. see 'help shopt'  and the bash manpage17:19
pure`eigenVectorI'm trying to upgrade my xfsprogs from 2.9.0 to 2.9.7... Synaptec Package Manager only shows me 2.9.0... is there a way I can tell Synaptec Package Manager to get the 2.9.7 version for me?17:19
usserCamuflage, ah i see, well u should have probably created the user with the same name in xubuntu17:19
Ayabarausser: hmm. that obvious, eh? thanks :-)17:19
kwtmunop: While I've got you, any command to extract the pathname from a filename?  Kinda like "basename", but from "/home/mylogin/frog.txt", I want "/home/mylogin", and not "frog.txt".  If nothing occurs to you, that's fine.17:19
Camuflageusser in the permissions it says "owner: 1001"17:20
=== sven is now known as brainy84
unopkwtm, dirname ?17:20
usserCamuflage, well in ubuntu first user gets uid 100017:21
unopkwtm, also.  foo="/etc/bar"; dirname="${foo%/*}"; echo $dirname17:21
usserCamuflage, i dunno try changing owner of the home directory but if u do suse wont work17:21
=== acke_n is now known as acke
Camuflagebut how do i change the owner id to mine of that folder?17:21
unopCamuflage, with chown17:22
usserCamuflage, its chmod -R `whoami`:`whoami` /path/to/folder17:22
unopCamuflage, chown -R $USER:$USER /path/to/folder17:22
usserCamuflage, sudo chmod rather17:22
usserCamuflage, arrrg chown rather17:22
usserCamuflage, sorry17:22
unopusser, why use `whoami` like that ? you have the variable $USER already17:22
usserunop, yea u17:23
usserunop, you're right i just never knew about $USER17:23
unopusser, rather than execute one command, you've executed three :)17:23
unopprocess rather17:23
Camuflage$user or $camuflage?17:24
usserunop, gotta put those multicores to use :P17:24
usserCamuflage, its $USER17:24
unopCamuflage, mind the case .. it's $USER not $user17:24
JKeller1068Hello all.  Has anyone had any issues running 3ds Max (on the software driver) in a winxp virtualbox setup?  (i've asked over at the vbox irc, but it seems to be zzz over there, any help would be greatly appreciated).17:24
scheuriCamuflage: capital letters!17:24
usserunop, see thats the reason for whoami :)17:24
usserits all lowercase17:25
unopusser, useless use of whoami :)17:25
Bennonight all17:25
Francescodoes anybody know how I can upload a file to a page using POST from command-line?17:25
RAdamsHi. I installed Ubuntu recently, but GRUB wouldn't install after repeated attempts, so I just installed LILO. Now I want to switch to GRUB from LILO. How do I do that?17:25
DarkSpirit221What program can I use to convert .ogg files in .wav?17:25
Camuflagenow it's working finally!!! thanks usser17:26
unopDarkSpirit221, ffmpeg or mencoder17:26
DarkSpirit221!find mencoder17:26
ubotuFound: mencoder17:26
DarkSpirit221!find ffmpeg17:26
ubotuFound: ffmpeg, ffmpeg2theora, gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg, libxine1-ffmpeg, moc-ffmpeg-plugin17:26
usserCamuflage, no problem, but if u still have suse that uses same home it wont work with it17:26
Camuflageno, i've deleted suse, that SO sucks17:26
unopDarkSpirit221, please query ubotu privately so as not to spam the room :)17:26
Camuflagei was just testing new flavors17:27
DarkSpirit221unop: Ok, sorry17:27
usserCamuflage, exactly suse is no good17:27
kwtmunop: Sorry to bug you again.  WHile I've got you: I've got the "for ARG" loop cycling on filenames with spaces.  E.g. if the result of "*.jpg" is "Two Words.jpg", then it executes once for ARG="Two" and again for ARG="Words.jpg".  I recall there's an option to use "\0" instead of space as the delimiter.  I know I can use "ls -0" or something like that to generate a list of filenames separated by NUL.  How do I get the bash "for"17:27
kwtmloop to act on that?17:27
Camuflagethat yast is too freeking slow :|17:27
usserCamuflage, yep its the main reason i dumped suse too17:28
Camuflagei've tried also arch17:28
eike_Hi there17:28
Camuflagewell i didn't spend to much time, felt the need of a package manager, one that i could point and click lol17:29
mboman_I got problem with initramfs-tools. I get error when I try generate a new initrd17:29
unopkwtm, errm, it shouldnt do that with whitespaces ..  and never ever parse the output of ls, it's just not worth the headaches17:29
=== chsmrs is now known as fish-guts
AliTarihiHi, Everyone... has anyone tried NVidia 173.08* beta driver?17:29
unopkwtm, let me run your script and test it out .. gimme a second17:29
McFauliHi there17:30
fish-gutsmy desktop doesn't work anymore. gnome panel is fine, nautilus is fine, but i can't drag anything to my desktop. any ideas?17:30
McFauliI have a question to you guys17:31
nickrudfish-guts try alt-f2 killall nautilus if you haven't logged out and back in (nautilus will restart)17:31
dtoljMcFauli: what is it?17:31
McFaulihow an I install the same nice boot loader on my notebook as it is on the ubuntu live disk?17:31
fish-gutsnautilus: no process killed17:32
gustavoMcFauli - I have to reconfigure the login package17:32
dtoljMcFauli: grub? you mean to install Ubuntu on your laptop it will install grub automatically17:32
nickrudfish-guts gconf-tool /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop , make sure that is checked17:33
McFauliyes ... but it only insatalled the text based grub ... :-(17:33
unopkwtm, hmm, i don't see any whitespace splits happening here - but i do see a problem though .. your html href's need properly escaped uri's tho17:33
=== chsmrs is now known as fish-guts
gustavodtolj, I had the same issuie and it doews not work. I hadto reconfigure that package. but I do not remember the name of : )17:33
fish-gutsnickrud, thanks a lot, after relogin it works now. thanks17:33
naphelgehi gang i am wondering if there is a hardware compatability list for gutsy?17:33
nickrudfish-guts next time, alt-f2 nautilus should restart the desktop again17:33
fish-gutsokay :D17:34
unopkwtm, what i mean is you'll get something like.  "file:////foo bar.jpg"  .. and some browsers will have a problem with this17:34
Muhammad_SaadHello, Can someone tell me which command to use to generate xorg.conf file automatically?17:34
nickrud!hardware | naphelge (probably not complete)17:34
ubotunaphelge (probably not complete): For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:34
lunaticgalhi, im newbie currently using ubuntu gutsy. got one question...17:34
lunaticgalmy wireless connection keep on and off.. my another comp wil have no problem with using window.17:34
dtoljgustavo: are you talking about GRUB boot loader?17:34
lunaticgalit will be due to ubuntu??17:34
DPicwill someone look at this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AnythingNew?action=edit no new pages can be created on the ubuntu wiki17:34
unopMuhammad_Saad, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg17:34
DPicdoes anybody know what's up with the wiki?17:34
gustavodtolj no17:35
angel_i want to help17:35
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:35
naphelge!hardware | naphelge17:35
mboman_Building cpio /tmp/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic.new initramfs usage: gzip [-cdfhlLnNtvV19] [-S suffix] [file ...]17:35
nickrud!participate | angel_17:36
ubotuangel_: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate17:36
Muhammad_Saadunop: What does the command dexconf do? Should I use it?17:37
nickrud#ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+1 AaronMT17:37
lunaticgalmy connection turning on and off but working well with windows.17:37
lunaticgalcurrently using ubuntu gutsy17:37
unopMuhammad_Saad, dexconf?? never heard of it?17:37
unopMuhammad_Saad, do you mean debconf?17:38
angel_im new, i want help17:38
Muhammad_Saadunop: I found this command with the help of apropos with the keyword xorg.conf.17:38
unopMuhammad_Saad, then no17:39
lunaticgalany help?17:39
Muhammad_Saadunop: What is this "no" for? Does it mean I should not use it?17:39
unopMuhammad_Saad, you don't just run random commands and expect your system to "do what you mean" -- you'll probably just make matters worse doing that17:39
unopMuhammad_Saad, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg # just this17:40
naphelgei hate to ask in such a large room... but any recomendations for wireless usb dongle works pretty much straight out of the box for gutsy?17:40
user__Hello all, here is a question, if I am able to get UBUNTU up and running with Vista, and I have past Ubuntu installations on hardrive, shouldI not be able to get those past installations loaded using grub from the newly installed UbUNTU or at least get the formed accounts migrated using the migration tool17:41
MaDeXHiya guys17:41
unop!wifi | naphelge - have a look through the supported wireless hardware17:42
ubotunaphelge - have a look through the supported wireless hardware: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:42
MaDeXI'm trying to enable my nvidia drivers17:42
nickruduser_ the new ubuntu install should find all the old ones and add them to the grub boot list17:42
naphelge!wifi | naphelge17:42
Alex_Ihello. when I was installing, I tried to put my real region (LT), but appears it can only be as GMT+3, so I avoided that, and set Austria, which had GMT +2, so now my Ubuntu downloads packages from Austria servers :P, how can I change region to LT ? :(17:43
unopnaphelge, ubotu does not repeat unnecessarily17:43
miojo fkjbvc17:43
miojovcxnvjc nknoçxcv17:43
Muhammad_Saadunop: The file /usr/bin/dexconf is part of the package x11-common.  By reading the manual page, It seems like this is what I am looking for. Can you take a look at the manual for me?17:44
mosibfuah now we can talk?17:44
kamenUbuntu is the best OS in the WORLD17:44
unopMuhammad_Saad, no thanks - you asked how to (re)generate a xorg.conf and i told you how17:45
Nasrahello ...need to findout what to do to install the paste-in application in here/17:45
Muhammad_Saadunop: OK, thanks for the help. (Please do not get mad. :) )17:46
kamenhowto install dc++ help17:46
nickrudMuhammad_Saad dexconf is more limited than dpkg-reconfigure , and is depreciated17:47
Mike_KirkCameronhi all .who use qmail on ubuntu 7.10 server ?17:48
Muhammad_Saadnickrud: What are the differences?17:48
thannoykamen: for my own, I used to use "valknut 0.3.8", but not sure it was easy to find it, to compile it (0.3.7 was in the repository maybe). Another DC client was growing up, named dcgui17:48
RAdamsI need to install GRUB. I installed the grub package, but it did not put a stage1 and stage2 into boot. However, I see those files in /usr/lib/grub/i386pc. What do I do?17:49
lunaticgalconnection went on and off. can fix it?17:49
nickrudMuhammad_Saad dexconf doesn't read stuff on your machine reliably, where the dpkg-reconfigure does17:49
Muhammad_Saadnickrud: Can you explain it a little bit further?17:49
VikDAkinGcan someone give me a download link for GRUB legacy?17:49
Mike_KirkCameroni need to install qmail on ubuntu 7.10 server .who can help me?17:49
RAdamsMike_KirkCameron: #ubuntu-server17:50
NasraHi, can you post a link to how to do the paste in?17:50
thannoythannoy: but "DC++" is the name of a windows software used to connect to DirectConnect servers, so you will not find "DC++" on linux, just others DC clients17:50
nickrudMuhammad_Saad no, you're welcome to look it up further yourself. dpkg-reconfigure is recommended for that reason (and more I'm sure I'm not aware of) by the ubuntu X packagers17:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:50
AdysIs it possible to force or add an icon for a certain file extension?17:51
RAdamsI need to install GRUB. I installed the grub package, but it did not put a stage1 and stage2 into boot. However, I see those files in /usr/lib/grub/i386pc. What do I do?17:51
amenadoRAdams-> copy them over to your /boot/grub/ dir17:51
VikDAkinGcan someone give me a download link for GRUB legacy?17:52
nickrudMuhammad_Saad but briefly, dpkg-reconfigure is the preferred method of handling the predefined options for _all_ ubuntu packages. you can install configure-debian, that's a front end to all possible dpkg-reconfigure calls for installed packages17:52
RAdamsamenado: just the files "stage1" and "stage2"? The others seem to be for xfs, reiser, etc which I don't have on this system. So I just need the main stage1 and 2, right?17:52
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:52
tyranosdo i need the package xserver-xgl ??what is it needed for ??17:52
Muhammad_Saadnickrud: Thanks.17:53
tushydcan anyone help with pulseaudio? I can't get flash 9 to have sound. I tried installing the libflashsupport but to no avail17:53
eaxHello :) I just installed Ubuntu Gutsy on a HP 530, it works flawlessly :D Only problem so far is that when I plug in headphones it doesn't recognize them and simply plays through the speakers :S Any ideas?17:53
nickrudtyranos it allows older nvidia and current ati cards run compiz in gutsy17:53
amenadoRAdams-> which ever file system you will support ..wont hurt to copy all those files, they are small anyways17:53
kleingeisthi, is it possibly to use my mouse (a logitech mx 1000) directly over my notebook's bluetooth adapter? so i could leave the logitech receiver at home when working outside17:53
amenadoVikDAkinG-> what do you mean by grub legacy?17:53
tushydkleingeist, are you sure your logitech mouse uses bluetooth?17:54
tyranosnickrud, ok i have compiz running on a geforce fx 5700 , does xserver-xgl make it faster or i dont need it at all17:54
kleingeisttushyd: dead sure17:54
nickrudtyranos no, you don't need xserver-xgl. Probably would make it slower ;)17:54
tyranosok thx17:54
tushydkleingeist, then I don't see why it wouldn't be possible :)17:55
user__Hello all, here is a question, if I am able to get UBUNTU up and running with Vista, and I have past Ubuntu installations on hardrive, shouldI not be able to get those past installations loaded using grub from the newly installed UbUNTU or at least get the formed accounts migrated using the migration tool17:55
nickruduser_ the new ubuntu install should find all the old ones and add them to the grub boot list17:55
kleingeisttushyd: well, the question is: are there drivers?17:55
nickruduser__ see above, I didn't get enough underscores ;)17:55
amenadouser_-> what? you want to use vista bootloader to boot ubuntu?17:55
VikDAkinGomg where do i download grub? everything people tell me come up as server not found17:56
user__aat this pont NickRUd, whichever works better17:56
user__at this point17:56
amenadoVikDAkinG-> wait a minute, you have an installed ubuntu or another linux distro?17:56
user__NickRud, Xp is installed first, then I have Windows Vista, i would like to install ubuntu 64 if possible17:57
nickruduser__ I've done that very thing many times, had multiple linuxes and a windows all booting from grub. The latest linux install controlled the grub boot stuff, but it always found all the linux os's17:57
nickruduser__ you can do that for sure.17:57
RAdamsamenado: I copied the files over and ran grub, then "find /boot/grub/stage1", but it said file not found. It's there, though....17:58
=== branstro is now known as branstrom
amenadouser__-> the tendency for grub is to put the latest linux it installed at the top as the default to boot from, modify your menu.lst  per your desire of priority os to boot17:58
amenadoRAdams-> lets step back a sec, what did you do first? are you booted off of a liveCD ?17:59
ghisWhat's the differents between Feisty and Gutsy?17:59
RAdamsamenado, in the system. Do I have to do this from my grub floppy?17:59
amenadoRAdams-> i dont know what you have done, give me a bit of a story what you did okay? booted from where? a liveCD?18:00
RAdamsamenado: this is a fresh ubuntu install. GRUB wouldn't install from the alt install cd after several tries, so I installed LILO. Now I want to switch to GRUB. So I installed the grub package, and made a grub boot floppy, but I've been running these commands from the freshly installed system. Do they have to be run from the boot floppy?18:01
Mike_KirkCameronwho can install qmail on ubuntu 7.10?18:02
RAdamsMike_KirkCameron: #ubuntu-server will be able to best help yoou with that18:02
amenadoRAdams okay, now we have established your baseline, you can run grub from the installed system..18:02
jimboSRhow do u get YM to work on irc18:02
RAdamsamenado: yes18:02
J-Unithow do you download & install moblock-nq?18:02
amenadoRAdams, you are root now or you used sudo?18:02
RAdamsamenado: sudo. Should I use root?18:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moblock-nq - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:03
amenadoRAdams, its okay, now type  fdisk -l  and tell me what you have18:03
=== omar is now known as TuxPWNZ
RAdamsamenado: /dev/sda1 is /boot, /dev/sda2 is swap, /dev/sda3 is /18:04
kleingeistthe mx1000 does not support bluetooth18:04
dmsupermandoes anybody know how to connect my host computer to my guest OS computer's network in virtualbox? i basically just want to be able to have them on the same network, or even just for a virtual network to be created and just the host and guest can communicate over it18:04
kleingeistbut there is another version bundled with a keyboard that supports bluetooth18:05
RAdamsdmsuperman: you need the non-open version of virtualbox. See virtualbox.org18:05
dmsupermanRAdams, thanks :D18:05
aina_link to DC++ Linux client: http://linuxdcpp.berlios.de/articles.php?um=index18:05
amenadoRAdams okay, and you have the sda1 and sda3 mounted?18:05
RAdamsamenado: yes, it's the system I'm running from right now18:06
amenadoRAdams okay you can copy the files in /usr/lib/grub/i386pc to your /boot/grub18:06
RAdamsamenado: already done18:07
gregory_J-Unit: http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net/ it says they have debian and also ubuntu packages18:07
amenadoRAdams-> run  grub18:07
dashii amendo18:07
jibwnI'm trying to make an nfs share of my /data folder which has multiple drives mounted on /data/music /data/video etc... I can access the /data folder and everything in it but nothing on any of the drives mounted under it. Any ideas how to get this to work?18:07
RAdamsamenado: done18:07
amenadoRAdams->  find /boot/grub/menu.lst    does it find it?18:07
RAdamsamenado: no. and there is not menu.lst in my /boot/grub folder when I check manually18:08
BizMan2008hey guys im having an issue using vnc through ssh18:08
OrbixxAttempting to install/live boot Ubuntu. Tried normal and safe graphics mode. x64 system, using x64 iso. It appears it is loading, but I am getting no output on my monitor. Core 2 Duo E6600, nVidia 8800GTX, suggestions?18:08
Joraycan anyone help me get dvd playback on my computer?18:08
J-Unitgregory_, i do sudo gedit /etc/apps.list or something wat was it exactly that i have to add the lines to?18:08
BizMan2008i can ssh no problem, and when iu vnc it says connecvtion estabnlished and stops there18:08
amenadoRAdams its okay, we will create it if not there...18:08
BizMan2008i can vnc without ssh on my local network so i know x11vnc is working as  server18:08
BizMan2008any ideas?18:08
amenadoRAdams now within grub prompt,  type   root  (   and press tab to autocomplete  what do you get?18:09
nownotwhen i load the live cd all it is is a small square in the middle. how do i make it full screen?18:09
Chameleonрусские есть?18:09
RAdamsamenado: "possible disks are: hd0 hd1"18:09
RAdamschameleon: #ubuntu-cz18:09
gregory_J-Unit: the file is /etc/apt/sources.list, check the first line at the webpage after "grab the packages!"18:10
RAdamschameleon #ubuntu-ru18:10
amenadoRAdams-> complete it to look like    root (hd0,0)18:10
ttrojaI'm looking for a way to plug my camera into my laptop and have the pictures be stored on a SMB share that's hosted on another computer right away, is there a way to do that?18:10
J-Unitgregory_, lol, i always miss things :(...thx18:10
RAdamsamenado: done18:11
gregory_J-Unit: the layout is not perfect18:11
amenadoRAdams  it escapes me for the moment, but I think you  type   set  or if not type help and look for the command set18:11
TailsLinuxyes even in hardy the layout is still somewhat confusing18:11
RAdamsamenado: setup?18:12
amenadoRAdams-> setup  (hd0,0)18:12
Joraycan anyone help?18:12
gregory_TailsLinux: sorry, i meant the layout of the mentioned webpage, not file hierarchy as i understand your point18:12
u-foka# Appears as TIKI18:13
amenadoRAdams   did it say about completed or installed grub?18:13
TailsLinuxoh ok18:13
RAdamsamenado: http://pastebin.org/2947118:13
amenadoRAdams okay type quit18:13
u-foka(#G010E210M1) hy!18:13
Sinnermanon the default ubuntu setup with gnome up and running, is it possible to have a specific set of icons belong to just one desktop rather than all the icons appearing on every desktop? compiz is enabled.18:13
ltcabralhey ppl... how can i kill a connection that is LISTEN according to netstat???18:13
RAdamsamenado: done18:13
ttrojaI'm looking for some help with SAMBA, I'm looking to add write privileges to my laptop user to write to my server user's home. I can access the server user's home folder and read from it, but cannot write anything to it.18:13
Mannyepiphany seems to crash somewhere inside xulrunner since I upgraded to hardy18:13
dmsupermanRAdams, I added their sources to my sources.list, do you know the name of the non-free package?18:13
J-Unitgregory_, does it download 1 .deb file?18:13
Mannyis this a known issue?18:14
Mannyit does not even come up18:14
amenadoRAdams and then  edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and see if this satisfies your boot priorities18:14
RAdamsdmsuperman: apt-cache search virtualbox18:14
jadderhello every one18:14
amenadoBizMan2008-> hang there for a few..18:14
BizMan2008 nyone here vbnc through ssh18:14
BizMan2008amenado, ok thanks18:14
RAdamsamenado: there's no menu.lst. Make from scratch?18:14
gregory_J-Unit: i dont know, its possible that the packagers use more then 1 package (modularity, layers,..)18:14
gregory_jadder: welcome18:15
amenadoRAdams no?  let me think for a few i am so forgetful..18:15
ltcabralhey ppl... how can i kill a connection that is LISTEN according to netstat??18:15
J-Unitgregory_, is it possible to sudp apt-get them to a folder on the desktop insted of its usual location?18:15
donpeyotewhat kind of encoding is this? when an "á" its equal to \u00E118:15
amenadoRAdams i thought setup would have created it, per the paste you have done18:15
RAdamsamenado: so did I!18:16
gregory_ltcabral: do you know if the program, which opened the connection, still runs?18:16
jibwnI'm trying to make an nfs share of my /data folder which has multiple drives mounted on /data/music /data/video etc... I can access the /data folder and everything in it but nothing on any of the drives mounted under it. Any ideas how to get this to work?18:16
amenadoRAdams :  Running "install /grub/stage1 (hd0,0) /grub/stage2 p /grub/menu.lst "... succe18:16
amenadoeded and nothing created eh?18:16
RAdamsamenado: yes sir18:16
gregory_J-Unit: theres a command that downloads only and does not install the package, check man apt-get yourself. if you dont succeed by yourself ask18:16
amenadoRAdams let try to create it manually,  grub-install --root-directory=/boot  /dev/sda118:17
gregory_J-Unit: man apt-get18:17
jadderhello gregory_18:17
jaddermy brother name is gregory_ too18:17
^vincy^Ciao a tutti!!!18:17
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:18
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:18
gregory_^vincy^: ciao #ubuntu-it18:18
RAdamsamenado: I did that. still no menu.lst18:18
ltcabralgregory_, no it doest.. i stoped it with ctrl+z18:19
ltcabralgregory_, its my own client/server applications using sockets18:19
gregory_ltcabral: is it a problem to have it still listed as open connection?18:19
amenadoRAdams do you have a /boot/grub/device.map? what is its content?18:19
JorayHello ya'll, I have been trying to get dvd playback so that I may watch my movies on my computer... I tried to download the .deb package for libdvdcss, with no success.  How shoul I dgo about installing it?18:20
=== blue-frog__ is now known as blue-frog
RAdamsamenado: http://pastebin.org/2947218:20
ltcabralgregory_, yes because i need to run the applications again but they say the address is already in use18:20
BSG75anyone know how to get plugins working under opera?18:21
amenadoRAdams that seems to  look okay18:21
sveinungGot a problem; Desktop effects could not be enabled - have ATI Radeon X 1600 Pro - what can I do to enable desktop?18:21
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd
amenadoRAdams can you paste the contents of your /boot and /boot/grub  please18:22
gregory_ltcabral: you might close the connection by changing the ctrl-d call. after all you have the power as programmer. or for restart of the programm assign new ports18:22
RAdamsamenado: http://pastebin.org/2947318:23
amenadoBizMan2008-> okay, can you ssh in like    ssh -C -X -l username xx.xx.xx.xx18:23
earthlingis there a way to monitor bandwidth on the LAN in linux. you not being the DNS?18:24
BizMan2008im ssh from windows using putty18:24
BizMan2008i can ssh in with putty no problem18:24
BizMan2008amenado, i just cant vnc, it says connection initialised and dosnt get any farther18:24
amenadoRAdams-> remove this /boot/grub/stage2_eltorito18:24
BizMan2008but i can vnc from windows to linux on m home network18:24
BizMan2008without ssh18:24
RAdamsamenado: done18:25
ltcabralgregory_, i cant assign new ports while this problem is occuring... for some reason the client messages wont arrive in host18:25
amenadoBizMan2008-> but direct vnc is not secure..and maybe someone already was monitoring your link, so they can get into your home pc18:25
sveinunganybody;  Got a problem; Desktop effects could not be enabled - have ATI Radeon X 1600 Pro - what can I do to enable desktop?18:25
BizMan2008BizMan2008, i doubt it18:25
amenadoRAdams-> lets re run grub again18:25
BizMan2008amenado, u can only ssh in with private key18:25
BizMan2008and password18:25
ltcabralgregory_, is it possible to kill anything using an specific port?18:25
figueirasregister ?18:26
amenadoBizMan2008-> i think i advised you of choosing the :0 on the location of putty port forwarding right?18:26
figueirasregister/ ?18:26
RAdamsamenado: running18:26
BizMan2008yea but i dont have to do that for any of my other machines18:26
BizMan2008it just this one linux box18:26
amenadoRAdams  find /boot/grub/menu.lst   anything?18:26
gregory_everything is possible as root. for that question you might ask in #ubuntu-server. should be an easy question for them18:26
RAdamsamenado: nope18:26
BizMan2008amenado, and they are all setup the same18:26
amenadoBizMan2008-> let me think for a few more...18:27
RAdamsamenado: ok thanks18:27
BizMan2008so its definately someting with the ssh i think, i just dont know what18:27
amenadoRAdams  find /boot/grub/stage1   anything?18:27
gregory_ltcabral: everything is possible as root. for that question you might ask in #ubuntu-server. should be an easy question for them18:27
RAdamsamenado: yes! finally! (hd0,0)18:28
fumonQuery, I have a Linksys wmp 300N wifi card in my desktop and lspci shows: "Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43XG (rev 01)" however my restricted drivers did not attempt to install it. Any suggestions?18:28
dudeeee34can anyone help me with my problem18:28
amenadoBizMan2008-> i also suggesting this link..  http://souptonuts.sourceforge.net/sshtips.htm  ..try the steps here, and see if you can get on your home pc with vnc18:29
dmsupermandoes anybody know how i can remove virtualbox? the closed one requires that i remove the other first, but sudo apt-get remove virtualbox says it's not install when it clearly is18:29
dudeeee34where can i get good apps for ubuntu?18:29
dudeeee34like beryl18:29
gregory_earthling: you might try bmon. i just found it when browsing in "add/remove software"18:29
dudeeee34and stuff18:29
amenadoRAdams but you are still missing the /boot/grub/menu.lst ?18:29
dmsupermandudeeee34, apt-get18:29
Sinnermandudeeee34: most applications you will need/want are already in the ubuntu repositories.18:29
dudeeee34i want beryl18:29
dudeeee34but i cant install it18:29
amenado!enter | dudeeee3418:30
ubotududeeee34: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:30
Sinnermandudeeee34: you can go system -> administration -> synaptic package manager.18:30
BritGuyHey all, does anyone know if there is a good way to un-install Ubuntu Linux?18:30
ltcabralgregory_, ok thx18:30
DJonesdudeeee34: which version of ubuntu do you have?18:30
amenadoBritGuy-> and you are left with what?18:30
steph_CalimeroHi all :)18:30
Sinnermandudeeee34: beryl has been discontinued; compiz-fusion which has succeeded it is installed by default on a regular gutsy install.18:30
RAdamsamenado: no menu.lst18:30
=== steph_Calimero is now known as Steph33560
DJones!beryl | dudeeee3418:30
ubotududeeee34: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz18:30
BenalexBritGuy: it depends how you did install it18:30
earthlinggregory_ : will it detect the traffic that does not go through my computer18:30
amenadoRAdams you can create that manually ..go ahead and do it18:31
fumondudeeee34: Look at private message, I'll help you with drivers and such.18:31
dudeeee34ok found it18:31
gregory_earthling: i dont know, sorry, you might install it and read the documentation18:31
BritGuyBenalex - I have installed Ubuntu to a seperate parition using grub, put I have had difficulty uninstalling grub in the past18:31
Steph33560little question about mounting : why mtab does not list the same lines as the ones in fstab ?18:31
earthlinggregory_ : k18:32
VikDAkinG_Can someone please tell me where to download GRUB18:32
BenalexBritGuy: you mean right now you are dual booting your computer using grub??18:32
amenadoRAdams if you get stuck here is a very good link   http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm18:32
BritGuyBelalex - That's correct18:32
Quintinv7.10 is .. gutsy ??18:32
Squirmbazhang: ?18:32
Steph33560Quintin, yes18:32
BenalexVikDAkinG: grub is included in ubuntu Repos18:32
TailsLinuxQuintin: correct18:33
fumonCan someone help me figure out why Ubuntu is not identifying my Linksys WMP 300N card which is Broadcom BCM43XG?18:33
Steph33560Please, would you tell me why fstab is not used when booting ?18:33
amenadofumon-> bcm43xx chips are infamous chips for being hard to make work..18:33
Squirmi have a wireless smc pci adapter. chipset 8185. i cant get it connected. any help?18:33
gregory_ubotu: !broadcom | fumon18:33
dma315Hey, I just plugged in a widescreen monitor, I was wondering if I could get some help configuring the widescreen display in Ubuntu18:33
ubotufumon: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx18:33
amenadoSteph33560-> how did you verify that?18:33
xxxx443354when does ubuntu come out?18:33
gregory_xxxx443354: check ubuntu.com, it has a counter18:34
xxxx443354don't see it anymore18:34
Quintindma315: what video card?18:34
Steph33560amenado, mtab does not lists same lines than fstab18:34
hischild!hardy | xxxx44335418:34
ubotuxxxx443354: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:34
BenalexBritGuy: althoug grub won't do any harm to your computer now you can uninstall it using MBRFix utility http://www.sysint.no/nedlasting/mbrfix.htm18:34
dma315lemme check18:34
ffm__Hi, I'm having an issue with bluetooth. I have a kensignton 33348 USB dongle, and, while it is detected (bluetooth applet doesn't start up) I am unable to connect to devices (it can see them)  and other devices cannot see me. Any ideas?18:34
Quintindma315: do you have binary drivers installed?   system > admin > restricted drivers manager18:35
Steph33560amenado, in mtab :  fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096 0 018:35
fumonubotu: Yes I've seen that but my restricted drivers aren't picking up the card like the desktop installation says. Should I automatically just use the offline method?18:35
Quintindma315: after that, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in terminal18:35
ffm__fumon, Ubotu is a bot.18:35
amenadoSteph33560-> what does your   cat /proc/mounts   shows?18:35
hischild!bluetooth | ffm__18:35
ubotuffm__: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup18:35
Steph33560amenado, in fstab ntfs        defaults,umask=007,gid=46,locale=fr_FR.utf8 0 118:35
dma315Quintin, yeah I have Restricted Driver for my card18:35
ffm__hischild, I've read that.18:35
crazyawesomeI can't compile a c++ program, i do #gcc files.cpp and it says that it cannot find cclplus18:35
VikDAkinG_Benalex: I dont understand, when i tried installing Xubuntu it didnt work because I need GRUB18:35
BritGuyBenalex - Yeah in the past I have just removed the partition from the drive but I am left with the Grub boot menu, it doesn't break anything just a pain to still have it there after I have uninstalled. Does this utility get rid of the menu.18:35
gregory_crazyawesome: apt-get install build-essentials18:35
Steph33560amenado, mounts says " fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other 0 0"18:35
Quintindma315: with monitor plugged in, do that command18:35
Steph33560amenado, how change it ?18:36
VikDAkinG_Is there like a tutorial to downloading Xubuntu somewhere ffs18:36
dma315Quintin: okay done18:36
fumonffm__: Question stands.18:36
amenadoSteph33560-> what shows up in  /proc/mounts  is what the kernel mounts for you18:36
Quintindma315: follow the prompts....18:36
crazyawesomecouldn't find package18:36
BenalexBritGuy: yeah this utility will remove grub and restore your bootrecord to widows.... READ THE GUIDE CAREFULLY AND ROUGHLLY18:36
ffm__fumon, You can try it.18:36
Steph33560amenado, so the kernel does not mounts what I want !18:36
amenadoSteph33560-> i have a hard time reading those one liners you are pasting, can you paste them in pastebin?18:36
ffm__Benalex, Please don't use caps.18:37
dmsupermananybody know where the amarok config files are at?18:37
Quintindma315: if you dont' know the right answer, just hit enter.  or tab then enter18:37
dma315should I use the vesa?18:37
Steph33560amenado, sure, i'm going to do this now18:37
amenadoSteph33560-> actually paste your  /etc/fstab too18:37
Squirmi have a wireless smc pci adapter. chipset 8185. i cant get it connected. any help?18:37
Benalexffm__: sorry...18:37
dmsupermanffm__, the use of caps when you're trying to emphasize making a point are acceptable, it's yelling that's bad18:37
ffm__Benalex, np/18:37
ffm__dmsuperman, Isn't that what _emphasis_ and /italics/ are for?18:38
ffm__dmsuperman, Not to mention *bold*18:38
BritGuyBenalex - will be sure to read check it out, Linux usually breaks even after you read the docs, so I'll give it a fighting chance18:38
Steph33560amenado, see http://pastebin.com/d2135b8da18:38
dmsupermanffm__, I agree, with singular words, but it's hard to see the emphasis placed with _a longer phrase than a single words_18:39
dmsupermanffm__, it just seems like randomly places underscores then, to me at least18:39
dmsupermanffm__, so i can understand the usage of caps18:39
guardia-http://digg.com/2008_us_elections/Obama_under_fire_restates_that_some_voters_are_bitter <- anyone feel like digging? ;)18:39
crazyawesomecan't compile with gcc18:39
dma315Quintin: I got this18:39
dma315david@DMa-Ubuntu:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in terminal18:39
dma315xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration18:39
dma315   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2008041313391518:39
dma315Package `in' is not installed and no info is available.18:39
amenadoSteph33560-> your  /etc/mtab could have been stale info18:39
BenalexBritGuy: it is very simple... one command and you will be happy... do you have Windows CD?18:40
nownotive been trying to load live now for 30 min and no gui or nothing ...... any help?18:40
dmsupermandoes anybody know where amarok config files are at?18:40
nownotim on a inspiron 110018:40
Steph33560amenado, how can i change this ?18:40
hischilddmsuperman,  .kde/share/apps/amarok/18:40
dmsupermanhischild, thanks :d18:40
amenadoSteph33560-> actually paste your  /etc/fstab please18:41
BritGuyBenalex - "Do i have a windows CD" lol, Hey if i could at least log into my router I would be happy with Linux lol18:41
Steph33560amenado, http://pastebin.com/m6e26de2318:41
BenalexBritGuy: Good Luck18:42
Steph33560amenado, for /proc/mounts it's her http://pastebin.com/d41466cd118:42
Steph33560amenado, s/her/here18:42
amenadoSteph33560-> i dont use ntfs so can you verify if your /etc/fstab filesytem type should be  ntfs or ntfs-3g ?18:42
BritGuyBenalex - Well I tried for 2 and a half hours tryin everything under the sun, hence ditching linux18:43
Steph33560amenado, well i've got something in gconf-editor : system/storage/default options/ntfs there is a fstype_override set to ntfs-3g18:44
amenadoBritGuy-> what exactly is the problem you are having with ? not able to get into your router?18:44
Steph33560amenado, so I think ntfs-3g is always used18:44
amenadoSteph33560-> as i have said, am not too sure about the use of ntfs as I dont have it, just kind of google around to verify that indeed you cna use that ntfs instead of ntfs-3g18:45
BritGuyAmenado - I just can't ping out to any IP address on the network, but I have an IP address assigned manually, correct driver for my NIC etc, so i'm at a bit of a loss with it all18:45
d1gitalhey all, i need to copy all files of a certain type from one directory to another, including subdirectories, maintaining directory structure.  how do i go about this?18:45
amenadoBritGuy-> well lets start with you kindly describing your network layout? then please paste in pastebin your  ifconfig; iwconfig; cat /etc/resolv.conf and route -n  results..so i can give you some suggestions18:46
lazarushi all18:46
Steph33560amenado, i've just installed ntfs-config. When remounting, it seems ok18:47
dmsupermanwhenever i do a sudo apt-get update to update my lists, i have some lists at the bottom that say "W: GPG error: http://www.virtualbox.org xandros4.0-xn Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 390EC3FF927CCC73". Is there a way to suppress these errors?18:47
Steph33560amenado, now i reboot to see it's ok18:47
Steph33560amenado, back in a minute18:47
lazaruswhat is the release date for 8.0418:47
LycusCan someone help me get Ubuntu running using bootpart and XP's bootloader? I have a peculiar setup, and I think it's going to be the only way to get everything running without hosing everything.18:47
BenalexBritGuy: I suggest you to follow amenado instructions, since uninstalling Linux, you r losing a very good chance to stepup ur life18:47
Lycuslazarus: its' like, 11 days or so18:48
amenadoSteph33560-> per this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009  they are using ntfs-3g18:48
BritGuyamenado - You must like a challenge, i'll give u that i been here before and done most of this and everyone was totally confused why it wouldn't work18:48
jussio1lazarus: please go to #ubuntu+1 and read the topic :)18:48
amenadoBritGuy-> well, i have assisted lots, and find out that its the mere bad cabling...cat5 is bad or loose connections18:48
LycusAnyone at all familiar with bootpart and XP's boot loader?18:48
rhawkhello, can someone plse tell me what I am doing wrong in this SQL statement? 'INSERT INTO user VALUES ("'+edit2.text+'",0,0)'18:48
dmsupermanrhawk, wrong place, but reverse your single and double quotes18:49
BritGuyIt can't be bad cabling, I wired all the patch cables myself and they have been tested on a cable tester18:49
rhawkI have my double quotes first....already18:49
dmsupermanrhawk, depends on your db, but most database use single quotes for values, not double18:49
gregory_rhawk: try to use \ before " and '18:49
amenadoBritGuy-> i trust you, but sometimes connection gets loose, didnt snap properly..you know the drill18:50
dmsupermanrhawk, so use the single quote around the value, and the " to escape out18:50
BritGuyBenalex - I will give it a shot, I'd be happy to scrap Windows off as must as the next Linux advocate18:50
dmsuperman"INSERT INTO user VALEUS ('" + edit2.text + "', 0, 0)"18:50
dmsupermanlike that18:50
amenadoBritGuy-> work with me if you like, not much you can lose, other than your time and mine :P18:50
linkinxp_is there any game like Worms?18:50
dmsupermanrhawk, but in the future, this is #ubuntu, for ubuntu support. sql questions belong in another channel ;)18:50
amenadoRAdams i gather you were able to create the menu.lst ?18:51
andashlinkinxp_: lierox or something like that, atleast somewhat similar18:51
dmsupermanlinkinxp, if it's a game that exists, there's another one with the same idea18:51
rhawksorry dmsuperman. my apologies18:51
RolcolHow much minimal memory is needed just for the Ubuntu installation itself?18:51
dmsupermanrhawk, no problems :D18:51
gregory_linkinxp_: you may check yourself in in "add/remove software"18:51
Steph33560amenado, modprobe -l fuse >  fuse.ko18:51
BritGuyOk but I think we can safely rule out an hardware related pobs as the networking all works fine under dare I say it "Windows"18:51
amenadoRolcol-> try  256Meg18:51
amenadoBritGuy okay, not making any judgement as to which is at fault...lets get it going okay? paste the requested info18:52
alex-weejanyone managed to build ath5k?18:52
alex-weejfor, say, a macbook pro18:52
linkinxp_andash:  gregory_ thanks let me check18:53
BritGuyAmenado - Thanks for your help, do you have a URL for the pastebin site?18:53
amenado!pastebin | BritGuy18:53
ubotuBritGuy: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:53
millertime_018hey EVERYONE! THIS GOES for everyone, I just found something pretty interesting with ubuntu18:53
BritGuyHow did u make it do that?18:53
stemount^millertime_018, what is it18:53
_rpmillertime_018: ?18:54
amenadoBritGuy-> i typed    !pastebin | BritGuy18:54
millertime_018If you want to know how to hack ive got a CHM file18:54
Benalex!pastebin | Benalex18:54
Lycuscan anyone help me try to boot  Ubuntu using XP's bootloader please?18:54
_rpum no18:54
BritGuySorry, i'm having a blonde moment18:54
millertime_018that is an entire book18:54
millertime_018it also helps with understanding ubuntu18:54
_rpgo away18:54
arrowHas anyone used a program to encrypt their files?18:55
amenadomillertime_018-> you tried it yet?18:55
_rpscared off18:55
amenadoarrow->  try   openssl des3 -salt -in  your.file.txt  -out  file.des318:56
arrowthx amendo18:56
Benalex_rp: may be hacked by someone who shared the book withem18:56
_rpyeah, was my thinking18:56
rawbsay I have a machine that has been upgraded from a previous version (e.g. 6.06) to a current version (e.g. 7.10). is there a way to find out which previous version the current version was upgraded from? (i.e, tell me 6.06)18:57
d1gitalhey all, i need to copy all files of a certain type from one directory to another, including subdirectories, maintaining directory structure.  how do i go about this?18:57
amenadoarrow since you did not ask how to decrypt it back, good luck...hehehe18:58
arrowamendo, are there any encryption programs with a gui?18:58
frost_d1gital, use find18:58
DJonesrawb: Normally, upgrades only work one version at a time, so it should be from 7.04 to 7.1018:58
amenadoarrow proly there are, i just have not looked for them18:58
arrowthx amenado18:59
amenadorawb-> maybe your clue is in /boot  look at your vmlinuz and initrd versions?18:59
frost_d1gital, like "find musicdirectory -iname "*.mp3" -exec cp {} copylocation \;"18:59
mboman_arrow: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-truecrypt-on-ubuntu-edgy/19:00
amenadoSteph33560-> worked?19:00
steph33560amenado, :(19:00
habernetwhen i put in a dvd to try to play on totem movie player, it says an error has occured that it could not read from the source...what do i do to watch dvd's?19:01
d1gitalfrost: i didnt know find could be used for this. Thanks.19:01
steph33560amenado, why can "modprobe -l fuse" gives fuse.ko ?19:01
arrowthx mboman19:01
rommeif i try the beta now, how much will i have to redownload when a release is out?19:01
=== self_up is now known as shit_burger
DJones!final | romme19:01
uboturomme: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:01
StephenHi all :)19:01
amenadosteph33560-> its not loaded?19:01
=== Stephen is now known as omnomnomynous
rawbamenado: this is on a VPS and there's no /boot19:01
madducka friend of mine wants to install ubuntu in a second partition but we don't have any CD-ROM drive or USB stick19:02
madducki know there's a way to install Ubuntu with an .exe file19:02
SeveredC1ossmadduck: Wubi.19:02
madduckbut wubi-installer.org does *not* look like it.19:02
steph33560amenado, it's in /etc/modules but modprobe -l fuse gives a ".ko" to the module name19:02
d1gitalso once i get 20 gigs of music across m network.. (ughh) how do i get it to play on gutsy.. apparently libxine-extracodecs no longer works?19:02
madduckSeveredC1oss: doesn't that install Ubuntu in a file?19:02
SeveredC1ossI thought it could do it on a partition too, but I may be wrong.19:02
amenadorawb what is a VPS? am weak on acronyms19:02
SeveredC1ossd1gital: What player are you using?19:02
erUSUL!wubi | madduck19:02
ubotumadduck: wubi is Wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi-installer.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it is included in hardy 8.04 beta CD and will be in the final release)19:02
SeveredC1ossVirtual Private Server19:03
mboman_i have problem with initramfs-tools. I am getting a gzip error (how to use gzip syntax) when I try to update the initrd image19:03
d1gitalPreferably Exaile or Rhythmbox19:03
amenadosteph33560-> same on mine, it gives the result of same command with xxxx.ko19:03
SeveredC1ossd1gital: You're gonna need ubuntu-restricted-extras probably.19:03
SeveredC1ossThat'll get you Java and Flash too.19:03
SeveredC1ossIf you don't want Java or Flash, I think it's gonna be gstreamer-plugins-ugly.19:03
SeveredC1ossBut I'm not sure.19:04
steph33560amenado, strange, isn't it ?19:04
SeveredC1ossIt's supposed to.19:04
creatorcan anyone help me with a samba issue?19:04
SeveredC1ossModules are named module.ko or module.o.19:04
amenadosteph33560-> nope, i never thought of it as such19:04
whuytwhats the hardy channel?19:04
SeveredC1osswhuyt: #ubuntu+119:04
omnomnomynouscan anyone help me with a drive not being able to mount anymore? i don't know what happened to it :(19:04
whuytthanks severed!19:04
amenadorawb sorry, did i suggest something to you about being in /boot ?19:04
gregory_creator: try #ubuntu-server19:04
steph33560amenado, the thing I do not understand is why fstab is not used at boot ....19:04
amenadosteph33560-> am sure it is used19:05
MohammadBoozaryi looking a ekiga user for testing this pleaase gave me a youre ekiga account or ip19:05
omnomnomynousno one? :(19:05
SeveredC1ossomnomnomynous: What error messages are you getting?19:05
alex-weejanyone know if using rsync -ax is a reasonable way to move your installation from one partition to another?19:05
dmsupermanAlright, with Ubuntu, is it like a standard methodology for hotkeys? I windows, if you wanted to set a hotkey, you just click in the text box, and hit the key combo. In many Ubuntu apps, however, it appears you have to type them in. That's almost fine, but I'm not quite sure how to type certain keys. <Control><Super>Space doesn't work, for example, where <Control><Super>z does. I guess my specific question is, how can I make a h19:05
dmsupermanotkey in Exaile that is <Control><Super><Space>?19:05
amenadosteph33560-> is the issue -- you are not able to get to the directory?19:06
redinHow Do I Uninstall .package?19:06
steph33560amenado, which directory ?19:06
matsdpkg --help19:06
SeveredC1ossUh, I think you might need <Control><Super><Space> but don't quote me.19:06
omnomnomynousmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdd1,     missing codepage or helper program, or other error      in some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so19:06
SeveredC1ossredin: .package? That's an odd format.19:06
SeveredC1ossomnomnomynous: Okay, what's the filesystem on there?19:06
dmsupermanSeveredC1oss, that's what I put, see?19:06
amenadosteph33560-> i dont know, im trying to understand what your issue is, about fstab, what exactly is the problem?19:06
dmsupermanSeveredC1oss, I even tried just <Control><Super>Space19:06
SeveredC1ossAnd it didn't work?19:06
omnomnomynousi think i need to retain ownership over the drive. because it's stuck in write only mode.19:06
dmsupermanSeveredC1oss, right19:07
omnomnomynousas far as permissions go.19:07
SeveredC1ossdmsuperman: You may not be able to use space there, but I'm not sure.19:07
steph33560amenado, in fstab, my disk is described as ntfs using a specific locale19:07
SeveredC1ossomnomnomynous: Well, you have a bigger problem if you'r egetting that error above19:07
steph33560amenado, in mtab and procs, its description is not the same !19:07
SeveredC1ossomnomnomynous: What filesystem do you think is on there?19:07
dmsupermanSeveredC1oss, In amarok I could use Ctrl + Win + space, so i don't think that's it19:07
SeveredC1ossBecause that message above basically says "hey, I couldn't find the filesystem you thought you had here."19:07
goldsniperhi all :)19:07
amenadosteph33560-> now, I trust /procs entry the most../etc/mtab could be stale,19:07
omnomnomynousi've been running this ubuntu box for months, without incident. i was copying files to the drive and then i couldn't connect to it. so i restarted the ubuntu box and it would moint19:08
* Angeltronix is listening to Aguanta el metal by Tmoli on Por delante y por detras [Amarok]19:08
steph33560amenado, sure, but it's the same question : why /proc/mounts does not lookis like fstab ?19:08
redinSeveredC1oss, No, it's not19:08
amenadosteph33560-> forgetting the description for a moment, is the access to such partitions prohibited?19:08
omnomnomynousthe drive was working great (ext3 filesystem i believe) until that day.19:08
SeveredC1ossredin: Eh?19:08
omnomnomynouswhat should i do to troubleshoot?19:08
redinSeveredC1oss, brazil?19:08
BenalexBritGuy: finished your blonde moment?? ;)19:08
steph33560amenado, no I don't thnik so since manual mounting works19:08
SeveredC1ossNo, US.19:09
SeveredC1ossAlso, my nick is wrong.19:09
=== SeveredC1oss is now known as SeveredCross
amenadosteph33560-> then I would not worrry about it,  :P19:09
steph33560amenado, lol19:09
steph33560amenado, it's boring to have do to umount -af / mount -a to see some directories !19:09
amenadosteph33560-> only if your access is inhibited, then I would worry, accessable, then play with it19:09
redinSeveredCross, I installed a game .package, but i have no space on HD anymore, now i don't know how to unninstall19:09
goldsniperi need help with wireless, i cannot  connect. My Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02) can detect the network but fail to connect, setting static ip also dont work.19:10
SeveredCrossredin: Ah. You're gonna have to figure out where it puts its file and remove them by hand.19:10
BritGuyBenalex - Blond moment over lol, Amenado - I have pasted my network config onto pastebin, every one will now laugh at me coz I've made a glaring obvious mistake lol19:10
amenadogoldsniper-> your own AP?19:10
goldsniperI can connect wifi at my workp[lace and home...19:10
SeveredCrossgoldsniper: Open a terminal and type "tail -f /var/log/daemon.log > daemon.txt", then try to connect to the AP via NetworkManager.19:10
steph33560amenado, then I say in a different way : with my locale, I can access the disk and my directories. without the locale, the directories does not appear19:10
sveinung Hope you can help me out here as I got a problem I am not able to overcome; Desktop effects could not be enabled - The Graphic card I have installed is a ATI Radeon X 1600 Pro, card should be more than good enough to run the cube\desctop - what can I do to enable the desktop - is there an drive update that I will need to run?19:10
amenadoBritGuy-> we can not laff..we dont see where you pasted it... :P19:10
redinSeveredCross, how do I remove by hand?19:10
BenalexBritGuy: let me guess , you didn't copt the link... right??19:11
SeveredCrossgoldsniper: After you've done that and once NetworkManager fails to connect, hit Ctrl-C on the terminal and pastebin the output in daemon.txt.19:11
SeveredCrossredin: Uh, open a terminal and use the rm command.19:11
SeveredCrossIt might've gone into /usr/games/, check there.19:11
BritGuySorry my bad! lol19:11
goldsniperuh uh severedcross, im using wicd right now... how?19:11
BritGuyNo i put it in a new tab in Opera, dead technical me lol19:12
redinSeveredCross, thank's very much :D19:12
lazarusavg wont update19:12
sadielHello there. I'm trying to modify the users and groups properties, but the changes I make do not stick up (qhen I open the groups ans users dialog the changes are gone) Should I run some sudo command?19:13
omnomnomynousanyone have any info on how to troubleshoot my hard drive issue? :( i'm missing so much stuff!19:13
goldsniperit connect well on dhcp when im using tplink AP at home and Aztech and Linksys at work this morning19:13
lazarusnot enough user prevliges19:13
goldsniperim trying to connect to allied telesyn at-apr16 right now at a hotel19:14
BritGuyamenado - Gettin worried now, are you making a long list of all the mistakes I've made lol19:14
sadiellazarus, was that for me?19:14
goldsnipershould i uninstall wicd because i think it is about the AP ?19:15
goldsniperhow to check...19:15
amenadoBritGuy-> no, i have to step out for a few...19:15
omnomnomynousno dice, eh?19:15
BritGuyhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63088/ , someone give me a clue lol19:15
lazarushelp please19:15
alex-weejanyone know if it's possible to write an ISO9660 file system image (.iso) to a disk partition and boot it via grub chainloader?19:16
amenadoBritGuy-> okay, lets start pinging.. ping localhost   tell me the results19:16
d1gita1frost: that didn't maintain directory structure *cries19:16
MetalRandomistIn GNOME, how do I set windows so that it does not show the contents while resizing the window?  In XFCE, there's an option in it's "Windows" control panel to turn that on and off, but it's not there in GNOME's.19:16
goldsniper:-( any ideas? i just want to check if the ap is the problem?19:16
sadielwhat are you trying to do, Lazarus? What's the prob?19:16
Benalexamenado: hurry up man we are loosing him:)19:16
lazaruscant update avg19:17
amenadoBritGuy->  ping ? any status?19:17
sadiellazarus, sorry, what was "avg"?19:17
JuhazMetalRandomist, gconf-editor, /apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources19:17
lazarusanti virus19:17
BritGuyamenado - I'm just gonna install Opera on my Vista box (Huhhhh!!) so i don't av to keep re-booting, and yes Vista is even worse than XP lol19:17
goldsniperi can connect through wired though..... weird19:17
amenadoBritGuy->  ping ? any status?19:17
sadiellazarus, why would  you need an antivirus in ubuntu?19:18
lazaruswhy not19:18
sadielthere are no virus in linux, lazarus, as far as I know...19:18
amenadoBritGuy-> while you are in windows, copy and paste similar info from   ipconfig /all   ;  netstat -ran  so we can compare..19:19
clydewhats the easiest way to get firefox to install shockwave flash in ubuntu19:19
Rasuogen.sudo apt-get install flashplayer i think19:19
user__!wiki Flashplayer19:19
sadielclyde, u mean a flash viewer? the easiest way would be just to visit youtube and click on the "install missing plugins" button19:20
clydesadiel that is exactly what im looking for  thank you19:20
goldsniperany ideas guys?19:20
matsgoldsniper: on what?19:21
goldsnipermats : my wifi19:21
sadielwhat would be the command for starting the users and groups dialog from the terminal?19:21
BritGuyamenado - I've tacked the ipconfig stuff onto the end of my first pastebin entry - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63088/19:21
knexxanyone can help me?19:22
goldsniperit can not connect to an AP (Allied Telesyn) but can connect to TP-Link, Linksys and Aztech AP19:22
GekoneHi all.19:22
sadielwhats the prob, knexx?19:22
knexxi just installed xchat, but i cant get it to turn on19:22
knexxi got this error, error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:22
goldsniperim connected through wired to the AP right now19:22
matsknexx: apt-cache search libssl.so.619:23
GekoneHow can i do for this problem: http://www.giorgio87.com/firefox.ogg ?19:23
amenadoBritGuy-> nope, didnt get appended19:23
knexxwait, i am a serious linux noob, so i dont get what apt-cache search means19:24
erUSULknexx: how did you installed xchat?19:24
clydehello. i have a sound blaster audigy which works great without any problems at fresh install of ubuntu 7.10.  unfortunatly on my 6th computer with an audigy card in it, i get no sound but it detects my card? what should i do?19:24
=== Rasuogen is now known as rasuogen|away
knexxchange the rpm to a deb and install?19:24
BritGuyamenado - Try again, having another blonde moment - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63093/19:24
amenadogoldsniper-> what is the problem again? your client will not associate to an AP? is it your AP?19:24
elliotjhugAny ideas on how to print to multiple printers at once from cups?19:24
goldsniperamenado , its a hotel ap19:24
goldsnipersadly i can connect using winxp19:25
goldsniperbut can not using ubuntu19:25
amenadoBritGuy-> so when you are in windows you get ip addr but when you use ubuntu you get ?19:26
goldsniperi dont understand ... itwas okay at home.. and work19:26
knexxso... is it something wrong with me installing it?19:26
amenadogoldsniper-> these are encrypted AP? or in the clear?19:26
erUSULknexx: !!!o_O !!19:26
knexxerr, i mean, was there something wrong while i was installing it?19:26
erUSUL!alien | knexx19:26
ubotuknexx: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)19:26
erUSUL!Software | knexx19:26
ubotuknexx: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents19:26
lazarusneed temp access to root folder19:26
berwhich is new  version  ubuntu19:26
amenadolazarus-> use sudo ls -la19:27
knexxi already got alien19:27
amenadolazarus-> use sudo ls -la /19:27
erUSULknexx: a simple aplications>Add Remove mark xchat would have save your day19:27
knexxand i did change the rpm to a deb19:27
BritGuyamenado - Yes i get 0.3 under windows because it is assigned via the routers DHCP, but Linux could not recieve an IP address fromt he DHCP so I configured it manually19:27
lazarussudo command19:27
erUSULknexx: (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) <<< did you miss this ??19:27
goldsniperAmenado, not encrypt19:27
knexxgehh, i have to mark it everytime?19:28
erUSULknexx: please go read the documentation i and ubotu linked19:28
dryrotcan Macs/Ubuntu/Windows all read/write from the same NTFS partition ?19:28
amenadoBritGuy->  can you get back to ubuntu and try to acquire an ip address via dchp, using the command  dhclient eth019:28
IndyGunFreakdryrot: linux and windows can, i don't know about mac19:28
BritGuyamenado - Will give this a shot19:29
knexxsigh, meh, thx19:29
berits diferent19:29
goldsniperAmenado it is freely available, and on my windows part, my laptop can easily connect19:29
bereigther   so19:29
amenadogoldsniper-> can you even detect the hotel essid via the comman  iwconfig wlan0 scan   assuming your nic is wlan019:29
goldsniperyes, i can19:29
berbut  linux  is robusstness19:29
goldsniperi can detect all essid19:29
amenado!who | goldsniper19:30
ubotugoldsniper: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:30
goldsniperAmenado, sorry19:30
goldsniperAmenado,--> i can detect all essid19:30
dmsupermanhow can i open and edit the metacity options area?19:30
amenadogoldsniper-> then try   iwconfig  wlan0 essid  xxxx    xxxx is the essid of the hotel AP19:30
amenadoto associate19:30
amenadogoldsniper-> then type  dhclient wlan0 to get an ip addr19:31
goldsniperAmenado,, wait a sec19:32
amenadogoldsniper-> hurry up, the ribs in the grill is burning.. :p19:33
Ar-PharazonHello, I'm running kubuntu 7.10 and I need to copy files to winxp over ethernet. Can someone please help?19:34
matsAr-Pharazon: use samba?19:35
goldsniperIntel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)19:35
goldsniperAmenado --> DHCPREQUEST on wlan0_rename to port 6719:35
amenadogoldsniper-> use pastebin to paste19:35
goldsniperAmenado --> DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0_rename to port 67 interval 719:35
amenadoAr-Pharazon-> you can use scp or ftp19:36
goldsniperAmenado -. pastebin?19:36
Ar-Pharazonmats: That's the part I need help with.19:36
amenado!pastebin | goldsniper19:36
ubotugoldsniper: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:36
kakoonia!sound mixer19:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sound mixer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:36
pete[r]hi everyone. I have a problem with my video driver. After installing (and futer uninstalling) compiz package (and, hence, xserver-xgl) my vidoe driver seems to work unefficiently. Maybe, now i am using another implementation of opengl?19:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sound-mixer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:36
DPiccan somebody please help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=470959519:37
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goldsniperThere is already a pid file /var/run/dhclient.pid with pid 2193919:37
amenadoDPic description please, or summary of the problem19:37
goldsniperkilled old client process, removed PID file19:37
goldsniperInternet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.0.619:37
goldsniperCopyright 2004-2007 Internet Systems Consortium.19:37
goldsniperAll rights reserved.19:37
goldsniperFor info, please visit http://www.isc.org/sw/dhcp/19:37
Ar-Pharazonamenado: I can use what?19:37
DPicamenado: the wiki is broken. see link- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=470959519:38
DPicno new pages can be created19:38
mats*goldsniper!*@* you ment to set?19:38
amenadoDPic description please, or summary of the problem19:38
kakooniacan someone tell me which good gnome sound-mixer available?19:38
BritGuyamenado - I tried the dhclient eth0 and it returns "No DHCP offers recieved"19:39
DPicamenado: no new pages can be created on the wiki19:39
crsnhi all, just trying to install ubuntu 7.10 from iso image,livecd is damaged but it brings me to gnome desktop, I mounted the ISO into /media/iso, how can I tell the installer to get data from there?19:39
OrbixxAttempting to install/live boot Ubuntu. Tried normal and safe graphics mode. x64 system, using x64 iso. It appears it is loading, but I am getting no output on my monitor. Core 2 Duo E6600, nVidia 8800GTX, suggestions?19:39
amenadoBritGuy->  ping ? any status?19:39
DPicWhen trying to edit a new page on the wiki you get "A problem occurred in a Python script."19:39
dmsupermananybody know how i can configure metacity?19:39
BritGuyamenado - Yes pingoing the loopback replies19:40
crdlbdmsuperman: what exactly do you want to configure?19:40
dmsupermancrdlb, the global hotkeys in it19:40
amenadoBritGuy->  ping  localhost ? any status?19:40
crdlbdmsuperman: System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts ?19:40
BritGuyamenado - localhost also replies19:40
DPicthe wiki has been broken for at least a whole day and teams can't create new meeting pages or anything19:41
amenadoBritGuy-> what is the current ip addres if any?19:41
dmsupermancrdlb, no, the metacity one. that's only for some shortcuts, there's a panel which handles all the metacity ones19:41
lucas2Hi. does anybody know how to upgrade a dapper server box to hardy?    sudo do-release-upgrade -d, tells me there is no new release...19:41
crdlbdmsuperman: all the metacity shortcuts are in there, except for the custom command bindings (for which you must use gconf-editor)19:41
amenadoDPic-> pasting to wiki is done via HTTP protocol no? you are not using a client on your pc to paste do you?19:42
LycusHow can I figure-out what /dev/hdXY my /boot sector is in for Linux?19:42
dmsupermancrdlb, that was it, gconf-editor. thanks :D19:42
newbieuuis there any way to make the top panel transparent  ?19:42
amenadoLycus-> try to use grub, and let it find it via command like  root (   then press tab19:42
BritGuyamenado - have no ip address for eth0 but have an emergy 169 address for eth0:avah19:42
Lycusamenado: I can't use GRUB.19:42
kindofabuzznewbieuu, right click it, properties19:42
LycusIn the Ubuntu LiveCD atm19:42
DPicamenado: what? i'm just using firefox19:43
gauchoWhich tool I can use to quick report a bug on ettercap ?19:43
amenadoBritGuy-> this is the same exact interface you use in windows right?19:43
rob42How do I get an application to launch at the login screen (Ubuntu 8.04 beta)? I'm using a Tablet PC and need CellWriter to launch so I can log in!19:43
amenadoLycus why not?19:43
nugz1212anyone else hacing problems with the linksys wrt310n router like me? My ubuntu keeps freezing when i try to connect to it but will connect to other networks fine19:43
BritGuyamenado -yep19:43
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amenadoDPic yes, you use firefox, but to paste its HTTP post behind it19:43
Lycusamenado: Too long to explain, do you know how to do it outside of GRUB or not19:43
amenadoLycus-> too long to explain? paste it in a pastebin to explain clearly19:44
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:44
dmsupermancrdlb, do you know how i can have it refresh the commands, so it begins accepting them? I have one set, but it's not running when i hit the hotkey19:44
nugz1212guess im the only onw19:44
DPicamenado: i don't know what that means. all i know is that new pages can't be created on the wiki. when you go to a page that doesn't exist and click the link to edit it-- it returns an error19:45
rvallesjust got a phone call from my sister: her ubuntu won't bood19:45
DPicthere is no way to create a new page on the wiki19:45
amenadoDPic-> are you sure the web site hosting the wiki has the wiki application running for you to post?19:45
rvallesshe described me the problem by phone and apparently it's just that fsck found errors19:45
crdlbdmsuperman: it's instant; are you sure you're actually using metacity?19:45
Lycusamenado: Nevermind. I don't want to use grub, my setup is particular and quirky, I just need to know what the device /boot is on so I can use XP's bootloader to boot into it.19:45
gauchohow can I report a bug on 7.1?19:45
OrbixxAttempting to install/live boot Ubuntu. Tried normal and safe graphics mode. x64 system, using x64 iso. It appears it is loading, but I am getting no output on my monitor. Core 2 Duo E6600, nVidia 8800GTX, suggestions?19:45
rvallesand she then got confronted with a root prompt :/19:45
dmsupermancrdlb, I'm using exaile, which uses metacity19:45
DPicamenado: we're talking about the ubuntu wiki19:45
rvallesso I had to tell her by phone how to call fsck by hand19:45
newbieuukindofabuzz , but then the menu bar is not becoming transparent19:45
dmsupermancrdlb, It's a simple hotkey, <Control><Super>z and it executes exaile -p19:45
crdlbdmsuperman: err, what?19:45
rvallesmajor pain in the ass19:45
amenadoDPic does not matter, there is a webapp on the server to accept your POST.. get it?19:46
DJones!bugs | gaucho19:46
ubotugaucho: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:46
crdlbdmsuperman: what does exaile have to do with your window manager?19:46
rvallesHow do we expect a normal person to handle this? why doesn't ubuntu do things differently?19:46
dmsupermancrdlb, the global hotkeys19:46
dmsupermancrdlb, it uses metacity to handle them19:46
kindofabuzznewbieuu, did you even look in the properties?  there is a slider to make it transperatn or opaque19:46
rvallesJust got a phone call from my sister: her ubuntu won't boot. she described me the problem it's just that fsck found errors How do we expect a normal person to handle this? why doesn't ubuntu do things differently?19:46
DPicamenado: but before any changes are made, you get an error. the error comes when you view the edit page of a new page19:46
amenadoLycus you can try to mount it in linux and inspect it19:46
nugz1212i need help connecting to my linksys wrt310n via wireless, all drivers and installed porperly, yet it freezes when it tries to connect19:46
* Orbixx is feeling ignored.19:46
crdlbdmsuperman: is metacity actually running?19:46
dmsupermancrdlb, i have it so it's "<Control><Super>z" and that executes "exaile -p". It doesn't execute that. If I type "exaile -p" in commandline it works19:47
dmsupermancrdlb, How can I tell?19:47
rvallesJust got a phone call from my sister: her ubuntu won't boot. she described me the problem it's just that fsck found errors, and she then got confronted with a root prompt. How do we expect a normal person to handle this? Why doesn't ubuntu do things differently?19:47
crdlbdmsuperman: are you using compiz?19:47
rvallesonelined :)19:47
amenadoDPic you are not getting me, the wiki application running on that server might be down or not taking any new inputs, thats why you can not view nor PST19:47
crdlbdmsuperman: ok, what does 'pgrep metacity' output?19:47
DPicamenado: so then it's jsut a matter of time? it has been down for at least a day19:47
BritGuyamenado - Do you have any idea on the DHCP thing?19:47
amenadorvalles-> its not different than windows that uses chkdisk19:48
nugz1212i need to get this problem fixed soon19:48
AmyRoseAre there any image viewers for GNOME that support animation?19:48
Stroganoffwhere can i set that the module snd-es18xx gets loaded automatically so i dont have to run modprobe every time?19:48
amenadoDPic yes, its a matter of time for the sysadmin to be aware and fix it19:48
* Orbixx is desperately trying to install Ubuntu.19:48
DPicamenado: do you happen to know who admisn the wiki?19:48
rvallesamenado: ...19:48
rvallesamenado: why would I care what windows does?19:48
asathoorOrbixx >>  what is the problem?19:48
amenadoBritGuy-> you have answered my question? same nic right when used in windows?19:49
dmsupermancrdlb, it outputs nothing, but I'm pretty sure it's running because <Control><Alt>c runs terminal and that's working19:49
nugz1212need help with wireless19:49
caldo_de_canahow do I detect which wifi device I have?19:49
BritGuyamenado - Yeah sorry same NIC and works under Windows19:49
obst_I need help, I want something like a autostart folder on windows19:49
caldo_de_canalspci and lsusb don't show any devices that look like wifi adapters, but it is enabled on BIOS19:49
crdlbdmsuperman: clearly it's not, are you using gnome?19:49
amenadoDPic-> dont know which wiki page you are posting to..maybe there are info on it? look around?19:49
Orbixxasathoor: My desktop shows the boot options screen for the CD, but when I select to install it, the monitor goes blank, but the optical drive sounds like it's doing something.19:49
OrbixxSo I'm assuming it's a graphics issue.19:49
OrbixxI just don't know what.19:49
dmsupermancrdlb, aye19:49
OrbixxI've tried safe graphics mode.19:49
OrbixxNo joy.19:49
DPicamenado: any page on the entire wiki19:50
amenadorvalles then why are you comparing ubuntu to windows?19:50
asathoorOrbixx >> is it a 64-bit system?19:50
nugz1212can someone help me with my network issue19:50
DPicamenado: any page that hasn't been created yet can't be created19:50
OrbixxI'm using an AMD64 ISO.19:50
amenadoDPic-> you have to realize web sites are hosted and managed by sysadmins, knowing which one or who manage them is a daunting task sometimes.19:50
crdlbdmsuperman: please pastebin the output of:  ps ax | egrep '(compiz|xfwm|kwin|box)'19:50
asathoorOrbixx >> then you need the 64-bit version of ubuntu19:50
nugz1212cant connect to linksys wrt310n19:51
OrbixxI have the 64 bit version.19:51
asathoorOrbixx >> hmmm...19:51
nugz1212yet all drivers are setup correctly19:51
OrbixxThat's what I'm using.19:51
OrbixxNot the i386 one.19:51
amenadoDPic-> i dont think all wiki pages are hosted in one site, so you have to dig up more info  or just wait19:51
nugz1212ubuntu freezes and hangs when trying to get ip19:51
OrbixxYes, strange, it is.19:51
dmsupermancrdlb, http://pastebin.com/m5763ea5a19:51
xtevenCan someone point me to a good website explaining users/groups/permissions management on Ubuntu Server Edition (command line interface)?19:51
crdlbdmsuperman: you are using compiz19:51
dmsupermancrdlb, don't you have to enable that purposely?19:52
amenadorvalles-> we can assist your sister, or you..19:52
crdlbdmsuperman: nope19:52
hubuntuyou can use ebox to manage users and permissions with LDAP19:52
dmsupermancrdlb, oh, i feel retarded now hah19:52
hubuntuor just use chmod chown command to achieve the same thing, asin other distores/*nix systems xteven19:53
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GermanShitsPortoI need help19:53
GermanShitsPortoHello all, here is a question, if I am able to get UBUNTU up and running with Vista, and I have past Ubuntu installations on hardrive, shouldI not be able to get those past installations loaded using grub from the newly installed UbUNTU or at least get the formed accounts migrated using the migration tool19:53
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amenadoBritGuy-> as you are aware am responding to many... am surprised that your ethernet card is not getting an ip addres... type this   sudo  lspci  and paste the result please..19:53
xtevenhubuntu, alright....19:53
rvallesamenado: I did as much in my own19:54
dmsupermancrdlb, is there something i have to do to make this command run?19:54
RAdamswhat;s the command to make grub write an updated menu.lst, like it does when it first installs?19:54
BritGuyxteven - Look up chown and chmod in a shell by doing "man -k chown" etc19:54
asathoororbixx >> perhaps you should edit xorg.conf19:54
amenadoGermanShitsPorto-> sorry i didnt follow what you just said..you want to access the previous linux installed on your system?19:54
berbut ubuntu is powerfulll19:54
crdlbdmsuperman: if you haven't modified compiz's settings backend, setting the command in metacity's settings is supposed to work19:54
rvallesamenado: told her to type fsck.ext3 -y /dev/hda4 and wait for it to finish, then press control d19:54
amenadorvalles so everything is resolve okay now?19:54
rvallesamenado: that should be good enough19:55
xlriutHello, can someone recommend a text processor that can accomplish the following? I have a irc log file with the current format: "nickname >> msg" (without the quotes). I need to replace all of that to this format: "<nickname> msg" (without the quotes). A text processor who can handle wildcards / patterns like that.. Thanks for any help.19:55
asathoororbixx >> set the graphics driver to vesa19:55
crdlbdmsuperman: but since it isn't, install ccsm (compizconfig-settings-manager)19:55
rvallesamenado: I hope so.19:55
GermanShitsPortoyes, I am tryingto get acess ameado to my former Ubuntu19:55
Orbixxasathoor: Where would I find that on the ISO?19:55
RyanPriorMy mouse is going bad and when I middle-click, it sends multiple signals rather than just one middle-click. Is there a way I could filter out additional consecutive clicks in software?19:55
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:55
newbieuui cant change the visual effects setting to custom : it automatically becomes extra after i close the window19:55
GermanShitsPortoProblem is amenado is that i cannot seem to get access to it19:55
GermanShitsPortoI installed vista last night19:55
xtevenBritGuy, what about user management stuff.. like moving users from group to group... and listing all current groups, adding and removing groups?19:55
GermanShitsPortoAnd now its gone19:55
dmsupermancrdlb, installed19:55
GermanShitsPortoI was on ubuntu gutsy, but I wanted to upgrade to 64 bit19:55
amenadoGermanShitsPorto-> what OS do you have on that system? any linux ?19:55
RAdamsamenado: hi, it's the guy with the grub problem here. I had to leave for a bit, but I'm back at it. Isn't there a command to make grub create an updated menu.lst, like it does when you first install it?19:56
asathoororbixx >> no, on the installation. If ubuntu is indeed installed it might just be the wrong driver...19:56
GermanShitsPortoYes, Ubuntu Gutsy adnado and Vista and  Xp19:56
GermanShitsPortoBut gutsy does not shw up and I see a nother boot loader19:56
nugz1212Im having a problem connecting to my linksys wrt310n, ubuntu freezes when connecting but works fine on other networks, anyone got a solution?19:56
Orbixxasathoor: This is during installation.19:56
lucas2is 'do-release-upgrade' the recommended way to upgrade a server?19:56
OrbixxAre there any known issues with nVidia 8800GTX cards?19:56
wesolekhello guys :) I am having problem with my wireless configuration on my ubuntu. I messed up badly the /etc/networks/interfaces file and I don't have a backup of it. Can anybody help me out?19:56
amenadoRAdams  http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm  lots of help here19:56
nugz1212using wmp300n card with ndiswrapper driver installed19:56
PaulMooneyI have a question19:56
Ar-PharazonCan anyone please help me connect winxp and kubuntu 7.10 with ethernet?19:56
xtevenhubuntu, what about user management stuff.. like moving users from group to group... and listing all current groups, adding and removing groups?19:56
PaulMooneydoes anyone use rtorrent?19:57
matteo_changserv list *aircrack*19:57
PaulMooneyknow how to use rtorrent?  how to do selective download files in the same torrent?19:57
RAdamsamenado: i saw that, but I was thinking of the ubuntu (or maybe debian) specific command... ive done it before...19:57
amenadoGermanShitsPorto-> can you boot  that linux?19:57
GermanShitsPortoAny help is greatly appreciate, no I  cannot amenado19:57
crdlbdmsuperman: ok, go to System > Prefs > Advanced Desktop Effects Settings: General Options > Commands19:57
amenadoRAdams-> grub-install usually does it for me19:57
asathoororbixx >> try alt+ctrl+f319:57
GermanShitsPortoIt is nt even seen, and it looks like Ubuntuloader has been replaced19:57
OrbixxWhat does that do?19:58
OrbixxVESA mode?19:58
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amenadoGermanShitsPorto-> do you have the liveCD? can you try to use the livecd to boot?19:58
BritGuyxteven -I think the command for adding, listing, removing groups is just "group", u can get help on the command by doing group --help19:58
asathoororbixx >> it will get you out of X and into a terminal session19:58
dmsupermancrdlb, and add my commands there?19:58
matteo_i am having problem with packet injection with a intel 3946 a/d/g, anyone may HELP me? :)19:58
Orbixxso I can edit xord19:58
crdlbPaulMooney: just enter the view mode for that torrent and go to the file list, and press space bar on each file you don't want19:58
* nugz1212 is screwed19:58
xtevenBritGuy, thank ya19:58
crdlbdmsuperman: yeah19:58
PaulMooneycrdlb, I will try that!19:58
dmsupermancrdlb, where do i set the hotkey for it?19:58
PaulMooneycrdlb: I think I forgot how to do that ...19:58
nugz1212im guessing nobody knows how to fix my problem19:59
hubuntuxteven ebox should do the trick, try it, it's in universe since gutsy19:59
asathoororbixx >> and alt+ctrl+f7 will get u back to the x session19:59
wesolekcan anybody help me out setting up my interfaces file? I messed it up badly without a backup19:59
amenadoBritGuy-> you can go ahead and try to set a static ip address  and then lets start pinging to troubleshoot19:59
omnomnomynoushey guys i really need some hard drive help badly19:59
amenadowesolek you can google for ubuntu+interfaces  network19:59
Flannelxteven: adduser [user] [group] will add a user to a group.  Groups just lists.  (group user).19:59
asathoorhave to go - good luck orbixx ... :)19:59
xtevenhubuntu, is it cmd line interface?19:59
omnomnomynousif it's at all possible :(19:59
PaulMooneycrdlb: It worked!  Thanks!19:59
Orbixxasathoor: Thanks for the help.19:59
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qcjnhi, i can't make mp3 in sound juicer, when i edit it in the preference it's there, and when i restart it i don't have access to it ?19:59
wesolekamenado, I've tried that but nothing worked20:00
GermanShitsPortoI can do that , can you give me a sec and I LL FIND IT20:00
BritGuyamenado - Is there a way to set an IP address through the command line or am I ok to do this throught the UI20:00
amenadowesolek nothing worked? which tutorial you used?20:00
ffm__Hi, I'm having an issue with bluetooth. I have a kensignton 33348 USB dongle, and, while it is detected (bluetooth applet doesn't start up) I am unable to connect to devices (it can see them)  and other devices cannot see me. Any ideas? (Works in hardy_20:00
=== graver is now known as GraveR
NW2190Hi, does anyone know how to install multi-disk games in Cedega?20:00
dmsupermancrdlb, nevermind, found it. thanks for all your help :D20:00
amenadoBritGuy-> you can use a command line like so I dont always remember off hand though20:01
amenadothe exact syntax20:01
wesolekamendo several, I've spent aver 3 hrs trying to get my ubuntu online... no luck20:01
BritGuyamenado - I bet google will no :) lol20:01
amenadoBritGuy-> yes, i have to google to remember it :P20:02
Companyone seen a problem with ndiswrapper and 8.0?20:02
amenadowesolek paste me the link you were following and lets go over it20:02
wesolekamenado https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo20:03
wesolekamenado, this is the last one I tried20:03
amenadowesolek and the interfaces file you put together does not work? paste your interfaces file contents20:04
hubuntuxteven, ebox is web based :)20:04
wesolekamenado, now my interface files is really poor20:04
amenadowesolek it dont matter, lets see what you got, am assuming you did follow those tutorials20:05
xtevenhubuntu, ahh ok i'll the basics first20:05
wesolekauto lo iface lo inet loopback20:05
amenado!pastebin | wesolek20:05
BritGuyamenado - i have set to a static IP address now20:05
GermanShitsPortook now  ill need to log off, but now what?20:05
ubotuwesolek: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:05
wesolekamenado, ok20:05
amenadoBritGuy-> what address did you use?20:05
BritGuyamenado - used
amenadoBritGuy->  now  ping
BritGuyamenado - We have a reply, but i bet i can't connect to the router, checking now...20:06
amenadoGermanShitsPorto-> are you on the liveCD ?20:06
amenadoBritGuy->  now  ping   status?20:07
ZambeziAnyone here with chanop? I would like to ask a question in PM. I spoke about it yesterday with Seveas, but now I came up with an idea.20:07
wesolekamenado http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63096/20:08
BritGuyamenado - No reply from 0.1 which is my router and tried to login via 0.1 through a web browser to double check it just wasn't responding to pings20:08
hischildZambezi, you can ask the question in the channel. If you can tell a reason for wanting to PM, i'm listening.20:08
ramoneurdoes anyone know how to ignore ALL JOINS PARTS and QUITS in irssi? ive already read the help, and the pricks in #irssi wont help me20:08
amenadoBritGuy-> when you switch between windows and ubuntu, do you move any cabling? or remove any intefaces on your box?20:08
hischild!language | ramoneur20:08
uboturamoneur: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:09
BritGuyamenado - No nothing is changed20:09
Zambezihischild: Reason for PM is don't want to draw attention.20:09
amenadowesolek this is for a wireless?20:09
* Pelo is on his second bad movie in a row, this is not a good day 20:09
wesolekamenado correct20:09
hischildZambezi, you don't draw attention when asking here.20:09
* hischild wonders what movie Pelo is watching20:09
ramoneurok sry but seriously can anyone help me? the pepople fro irssi wasnt nice to me..20:09
BritGuyamenado - literal restart in windows and hit Ubuntu at the GRUB menu when it restarts20:09
Flannelramoneur: http://irssi.org/documentation/tips fourth tip from the top20:09
ramoneurbut ive read the help and dont understand20:09
Zambezihischild: It a "sensitive" topic.20:09
amenadowesolek you didnt follow the tutorials then, it gave a sample, and you have xxxx as essid? is that the correct essid of your AP ?20:10
hischildZambezi, ok pm me what it's about. I'm not saying i can help but we will see, ok?20:10
wesolekamenado, I do have a proper name and the key entered20:10
amenadoBritGuy-> lets try this,    lshw -C network and paste that in pastebin please20:10
wesolekamenado I just didn't retype it in the paste site20:11
amenadowesolek not from what you pasted20:11
SisyphusINCwhy are torrents really slow under ubuntu but fast under windows on the same machine and network?20:11
timo1teocan anyone help me turn off my firewall so my limewire can work20:11
PeloSisyphusINC, check you settings,   I found the revers to be true20:11
wesolekamenado, I need to retype everything as ubuntu is on a different computer20:11
Pelotimo1teo, unless you actualy activated the firewall there is none working20:11
amenadowesolek also try to connect in the clear first before fooling around with encrypted connection20:12
timo1teoit might be the school's network20:12
timo1teothey blocked limewire on campus20:12
stampoitaliano86lecce merda ale20:12
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wesolekamenado, ok, that will disconnect me from here though... brb20:12
stampoitaliano86lecce merda20:12
amenadoBritGuy-> lets try this,    lshw -C network and paste that in pastebin please  <-- just a repeat incase you missed20:12
rephi there! where's python-samba (or samba-python)? in ubuntu gutsy? i am googling for half an hour now...20:13
Pelotimo1teo, if it is the schools's network there isn'T much you can do about it20:13
timo1teoyeah i know :(20:13
* ubutom ubotu test20:13
amenadorep what are you looking for exactly?20:13
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
repamenado: for the apt-package python-samba20:13
repwhich are bindings to samba for use in python20:13
amenado!info python-samba20:14
theRealballchalkguys how can i find if whether my new lib plugin is being found and used by totem?20:14
repdebian-etch has got this package and if i remember correctly feisty did too - but gutsy does not20:14
ubotuPackage python-samba does not exist in gutsy20:14
=== matteo_ is now known as matteo1990
sp219I have configured my wireless card to work with Ndiswrapper. It works fine, the only problem is that when i boot the computer, the internet does not work until i go to the network-admin application, and change the IP Configuration to static, and then back to DHCP again. The connection does *NOT* work until i cycle this option. This is just a minor annoyance, but still... can anyone help?20:15
amenadosp219-> try ifdown wlan0; ifup wlan020:15
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obst_can I put a script in ~/.config/autostart to execute it every time the computer boots up?20:15
Flannelrep: Feisty does have it, and it appears gutsy does not.  I don't know why though.20:16
yrthamenado, still no connection20:16
repjup - that's why i am asking here :) i am wondering, too20:16
yrthamenado, it's me wesolek20:16
amenadoyrth who are you? what was your last nick?20:16
Peloobst_, you can try it  but usualy you put lanchers in there  , you can put your scripit in ~/.bin and put a launcher for it in ~/.config/autostart20:16
omnomnomynousI have an unmountable hard drive. it's a 500 gig with ext3 file system. gparted found it  and can see it properly. partition is /dev/hdd120:16
omnomnomynousit simply won't mount.20:16
sp219amenado, for some reason the connection is called eth1, i'll try just substituting it20:17
yrthamenado, just restarting the whole system, maybe that will help20:17
amenadoyrth-> if you can not connect using unencrpted, lets work on that first..20:17
omnomnomynousbut gparted is showing that it's got 55 gigs of free space20:17
omnomnomynouswhich means the files are still there20:17
omnomnomynousany troubleshooting i can do to get it to mount?20:17
Peloomnomnomynous, ddi you run fsck on it ?20:17
yrthamenado, ok - makes sense20:17
abuyazancan i record what i am playing on my ubuntu from video ?20:17
omnomnomynouslemme run it again.20:17
omnomnomynouscommand ?:)20:17
Flannelrep: Try asking in #ubuntu-devel20:18
Peloomnomnomynous, sudo fsck /dev/partitons20:18
abuyazanif there is a program that records what i am playing on my machine20:18
sp219amenado, I just did it and that works. should i just make a shell script that does that on boot>20:18
sp219? *20:18
repFlannel: will do thx20:18
amenadoabuyan yes, look into wink20:18
omnomnomynousi'm on the live cd20:18
Peloabuyazan, playing as in game , music , video , work ?20:18
loveрусские есть? О.о20:18
omnomnomynouswould that not give the right output?20:18
amenadosp219 yes you can, and put it somewhere in /etc/network/ifup.d20:18
loveja ja20:19
Peloomnomnomynous, wut ?20:19
abuyazanPelo, yes20:19
yrthamenado, ok ubuntu is back on20:19
Peloabuyazan, try recordmydesktop20:19
amenadoyrth-> you are connected using wireless now?20:19
sp219amenado, i just looked, /etc/network/ifup.d is empty20:19
ubutom!gr > love20:19
Flannelrep: Ah, I found it.  The upstream releases were sporatic : http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/01/29/%23ubuntu-devel.html (search for python-samba and read the next few lines)20:19
omnomnomynousit gave me this message: the superblock could not be read or does not decribe the correct ext2 filesystem, etc etc20:19
BritGuyamenado - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63099/ , I have posted the results of the lshw command20:19
yrthamenado, yes20:19
amenadosp219-> then put the script on that dir20:19
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abuyazanPelo, i will thanksk20:19
Peloomnomnomynous, then I would assume there is a problem with the partition20:20
amenadoyrth hang on, am assisting another..20:20
sp219wait amenado, sorry, so just put the ifup & down commands in the ifup.d file in /etc/network and save it, and that's it?20:20
yrthamenado, ok20:20
omnomnomynouswell, i came to that conclusion.20:20
omnomnomynoushow can i fix that.20:20
ScatterBraincan anyone help me recover data from a disk with a bad partition table?20:20
Peloomnomnomynous, man fsck there is an option to autofix, I don'T remember what it is offhand, try that first , but if that dioesn't work I'm affraid you might have to make a clean partiton, I hope you donT' have loads of unbackup data on it20:21
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lovez-Z-z-Z-z-z-z.... /etc20:21
amenadosp219-> make it a script then put the script file on that dir20:21
omnomnomynousi have everything on it.20:21
Peloomnomnomynous, ScatterBrain you might also try ask in in ##linux they might know better20:21
omnomnomynousbut that doesn't make sense20:21
omnomnomynousgparted knows how much is full and how much is empty20:21
omnomnomynousso it knows the contents20:22
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sp219wait, amenado, /etc/network/ifup.d should be a directory or a file20:22
omnomnomynouswhy can there just be a way to rebuild the partition table?20:22
amenadoBritGuy-> thats the results of  lshw -C network?20:22
Peloomnomnomynous, no it just know wehre there is stuff and where there isn'T stuff, it has no idea about actual content20:22
sp219oh amenado, i think you mean /etc/network/if-up.d/20:22
sp219that one is a dir20:22
amenadosp219-> yes a directory, so you put your script there20:22
Dragon|Laptopneed help please?20:22
Dragon|LaptopI can't seem to make my wireless go20:22
repFlannel: thanks again - i'll build from source20:22
Dragon|Laptopcan anyone assist?20:22
BritGuyamenado - Well i had to a bit of giggery pokerry to get it to work20:22
omnomnomynoussame difference.20:22
Pelo!wifi | Dragon|Laptop20:22
ubotuDragon|Laptop: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:22
omnomnomynousit's not like the data isn't on the drive.20:22
Dragon|Laptopam I online again?20:22
omnomnomynousthere's got to be a way to rebuild it.20:22
amenadoBritGuy->  i was expecting a non xml text... can you retry without those xml tags, kind of throws me off20:23
Dragon|LaptopI accidently pulled my wired connection out20:23
Peloomnomnomynous, try asking in ##linux but I don'T have much hope, rebulding the partiton table usualy involves making new partitons, which whipes the data20:23
PeloDragon|Laptop, I gave you instructions for wifi a minute ago pay attention20:24
amenadoBritGuy->  never mind, i think i can make sense out of it20:24
Pelo!wifi | Dragon|Laptop20:24
ubotuDragon|Laptop: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:24
amenadoBritGuy-> try   sudo  mii-tool and paste me the one liner result20:24
stael123hello everybody! i have problem with resolution on 8.0420:24
BritGuyamenado - Ok but so far does anything look un-normal?20:24
Pelostael123, ask in #ubuntu+120:25
amenadoBritGuy-> dont seem like it, dont know what driver your VIA ethernet card uses though20:25
ubotuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore20:25
BritGuyamenado - I can tell you which one it uses20:25
abuyazanPelo, sorry but what i asked about it is to record the voice of the video not capture the desktop20:25
sp219what is with those flood bots -.- :p20:25
Peloabuyazan, I didn't see your reply on that,  sorry, there is a souind recorder maybe you can set it to loop the audio output but I have no idea20:26
skenmyEvening all. Fresh install of Gutsy, can't get sound to work on my Audigy2 card, it works out of my USB Phone (which uses OSS, sound card uses ALSA). The card is detected by alsa and everything in alsamixer is up.20:26
abuyazanok thanks Pelo20:27
BritGuyamenado - The device shows up as Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102 [Rhine-II] (rev 74)20:27
Peloskenmy, check in menu > system > prefs > sounds , see if you can select the output device20:27
amenadoBritGuy-> try   sudo  mii-tool and paste me the one liner result20:27
skenmyPleo - yes I can :)20:27
BritGuyamenado - The driver used is: /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/net/via-rhine.ko20:28
skenmyPelo - as in, I can select it in the bottom dropdown20:28
Zambezihischild: I'm speaking to a fellow chanop of you so case solved. :-)20:28
BritGuyamenado -Ok back in a mo, they don't make this shit easy20:28
Peloskenmy, does your second card work when you do that ?20:28
spectrorhello all, what is the french chan please ?20:29
nickrudspectror #ubuntu-fr20:29
spectrorthank you :)20:29
Peloskenmy, then for the part about try to select which "sound event" works with which card20:29
amenadoyrth were we at again?20:29
skenmyPelo - If I select "ALSA" I don't get a test tone, with OSS I do.20:30
WHYWINDOWSSUCKSI am just here to ask one question. Say my name and then answer20:30
yrthamenado no encription, wireless still not working20:30
ice109can someone tell me what appending << to cli command does?20:30
amenadoyrth which wifi chip do you have?20:30
ice109in bash20:30
Peloskenmy, I beleive you should have an alsa for easch sound device , but I might be wrong I only have the one sound card20:30
lordleemoWHYWINDOWSSUCKS: i personally dua boot go to #offtopic m820:31
Yazan`Hey guys, i came here before a month and my problem was my DSL modem(speedtouch - thomson) wont connect to the internet while i'm running on ubuntu, but it does on windows.20:31
yrthamenado, how can I get that info?20:31
skenmyPelo - there is only one "ALSA" option20:31
melupakanHi, any help. i have Ubuntu 7.10 Cd, i boot the cd and try to install it,but after i enter *Start Or Install Ubuntu* the screen just blank.. and it's still the same if i enter in safe graphic mode. any help please? tq20:31
ice109can someone tell me what appending << to in bash does?20:31
Yazan`so yesterday, i called my isp company and they told me that it wont work on linux20:31
amenadoice109-> means append to a file20:31
Yazan`and that i need to get a router20:31
skenmybut it appears I have three devices trying to use it20:31
ice109amenado what about <<20:31
Peloskenmy, maybe try searching the forum for dual audiocard or similar keywords  www.ubuntuforums.org20:31
skenmysure thing20:31
Yazan`but before i do get a router, people told me that my isp company are stupid and that i need to search more about my problem20:31
SoulBladewhats the best way to have something like synergyc run at startup (before login)20:32
Yazan`anyways, i decided to ask on the ubuntu forums20:32
amenadoice109-> oops means bitshifting20:32
jussi01!bum | SoulBlade20:32
amenadoYazan now did you research your problem?20:32
ubotuSoulBlade: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:32
tylerflickI want to resize my Ubuntu partition with the live cd and gparted. Is this possible?20:32
amenadoyrth lshw20:33
PeloYazan`, not sure what it is that was not workgin but ubutnu can use any intenet connnection , even moreso if you have a router, there is no reason whylinux can'T work with your internet20:33
SoulBladesweet thanks20:33
amenadoyrth  lshw -C network20:33
ice109amenado how i send commands directly to program that runs in bash?20:33
ice109for example gnuplot20:33
rvallesamenado: success... fsck finished, she pressed C-d, it rebooted and he got her gdm login20:33
amenadoice109-> i dont follow you, you want to send commands to a program? or you meant a signal?20:33
owen1do i need to convert avi to different format if i want to watch it on tv with dvd?20:34
rvallesamenado: it's too bad she needed me at all, tho. I'll go to sleep now, and file a bug tomorrow :P20:34
amenadorvalles congrats, your sister will be happier20:34
ice109amenado commands20:34
admin_Hey guys, I'm trying to load a game disk (specifically GTA:Vice City, then emulator under wine), but if I put the disk in the drive, it'll spin for a bit, but nothng ever comes up. I tried other disks, and they're mounted and shown. Any idea?20:34
yrthamenado, and what are you interested in? there is a lot to type :(20:34
rvallesamenado: if anything, she's now scared of linux and the commandline20:34
Peloowen1, if you want to use it in a standard stand alone player you probably need to alto some newer dvd players can support divx I beleive,20:34
azukiadmin_: did you try it from the terminal? (wine setup.exe)20:34
amenadoice109 can you explain a lil bit? a command like what? for the other program to do what?20:34
Peloowen1, try devede ,it encodes movies into dvd format you can then burn to a dvd20:35
amenadorvalles she should not, lets her come to this channel20:35
TheMusicGuy'ello, I have a question about Ubuntu's network manager...20:35
amenadorvalles we'll take care of her20:35
Pelothejust ask it20:35
Yazan`Pelo: i have DSL modem(speedtouch - brand=thomson), it's a USB.  On my windows, my internet works perfectly, but because you cannot run .exe files on ubuntu, i couldn't connect my internet. I have searched the forums and found some tutorials, but they all won't work.20:35
PeloTheMusicGuy, just ask it20:35
melupakanHi, any help. i have Ubuntu 7.10 Cd, i boot the cd and try to install it,but after i enter *Start Or Install Ubuntu* the screen just blank.. and it's still the same if i enter in safe graphic mode. any help please? tq20:35
ice109amenado when i type $:gnuplot , a gnuplot cli launches wherein i can type things like ;plot "file.txt"20:35
TheMusicGuywell, its kind of hard to explain20:35
PeloYazan`, what does this .exe file to ?20:36
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daekdroomYazan`: I've that modem and it works.20:36
owen1Pelo: i am not sure i understand u. what u r saying is that divx is only supported in new players?20:36
daekdroomand you don't have to install the windows driver.20:36
Oziil y a des français ?20:36
ice109amenado how can type in something like $:gnuplot << plot "file.txt"20:36
Yazan`daekdroom: It won't work any other way20:36
ubutom!fr > Ozi20:36
amenadoice109-> when you type gnuplot, and you get that response, you are still within gnuplot and not outside of it20:36
Yazan`daekdroom: Please provide me with a tutorial.20:36
daekdroomYazan`: It won't work using windows driver because linux don't support windows driver in any way.20:36
tylerflickmelupakan: Download the 'alternate cd image' and run that. Or try the Graphic alternate on the startup menu20:36
TheMusicGuyAfter I input the credentials and whatever I need to access my home network, it works fine and I can connect within about 10 second.20:36
Ozi!fr > Ozi20:36
ice109amenado yes20:36
amenadoice109-> try  gnuplot  < file.txt20:36
yrthamenado, wireless doesn't give me product nor vendor, but it's a netgear PCMCIA card in my laptop... nothing new cos' my laptop is also old20:37
daekdroomYazan`: Except ndiswrapper, but that's other thing :p. Anyway, I'll send you the page I used and some complemental info.20:37
TheMusicGuybut after I close and re-open the network manager, the credentials listed change.20:37
Yazan`daekdroom: Thanks man. If it worked, i'll give you a BIG kiss.20:37
Peloowen1, some new stand alone dvd players that you plug into your tv can play .avi files encoded in divx, but not all , if you realy want to make sure you can use a program that will convert your avi files into the proper /rebular dvd format and burn those to a dvd just like the dvd's you get from the movie rental place20:37
dudeeee34i am a new linux user and have made the switch20:37
dudeeee34from windows20:37
Pelodudeeee34, welcome to the madhouse20:37
amenadoyrth-> kindly google for such card and ubuntu am sure you are not the first person having troubles with it20:37
dudeeee34lol thankyou20:38
TheMusicGuyI have a WPA2 connection with a a password of a certain length (say, X number of stars in the password field)20:38
dudeeee34how can i connect to my router wirelessly?20:38
dudeeee34i have a compaq laptop20:38
PeloTheMusicGuy, try making it one line , easier to folloow20:38
Yazan`Pelo: Why can't linux lag/crash??  I mean windows do.20:38
daekdroomYazan`: You don't need to give me a kiss. http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/ubuntu/index.html . But it doesn't connect at startup, you'll have to run br2684ctl (the same as in the script that's there, with sudo) and pppoeconf nas020:38
Pelo!wifi | dudeeee34 try this frist20:38
ubotududeeee34 try this frist: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:38
dudeeee34ah k20:38
amenadoYazan`-> off course ubuntu does too..but not as often20:38
PeloYazan`, I don't know what you mean20:38
dudeeee34ill see what i can find20:39
owen1Pelo: i think you didn't complete your sentence. let me guess, i need devede.20:39
dudeeee34and do i need a wireless card? because my wireless is built in the laptop20:39
daekdroomthen you don't20:39
Yazan`daekdroom: God damnit. You just gave me a tutorial that i have used before and it wouldn't work.20:39
BritGuyamenado - I tried the mii-tool command but everything was taking 30 odd seconds to come up, basically negotiate 100mbps, and connection working20:39
dudeeee34oh k20:39
Peloowen1, devede is in the repos it will let you make dvds like in the stores more or less, with a littme menu and stuff, it's very nice20:39
daekdroomYazan`: At when'd it fail?20:39
owen1Pelo: cool. thanks20:40
Yazan`daekdroom: At the end, it requires me to reboot the pc, and that's when everything is lost. Nothing is saved20:40
yrthamenado, it worked fine last time I was using this laptop (august last year) then after such a long time I decided to use it again, but meanwhile I changed my security to WPA (from WEP) and this is where I messed it up, trying to fix it.20:40
amenadoBritGuy 30 secs to get a response? thats weird, maybe your driver is not fully supported in linux/ubuntu?20:40
Yazan`daekdroom: All the work I've been doing from the tutorial just disappears, like I haven't done anything.20:40
dudeeee34now what is a vpn connection?20:41
BritGuyamenado - No i mean like very long pause at the desktop before any icons displayed, then 4 clicks on the shell icon to get a windows up etc.20:41
daekdroomYazan`: Are you doing it at LiveCD or an install?!20:41
Yazan`daekdroom: Live CD20:41
daekdroomYazan`: Nothing is saved at LiveCD...20:41
TheMusicGuyFirst, I set the credentials for connecting to my network with the Network Manager (credentials are WPA2 with password xxxxxxxxxx) then close the box. Later, when I open the settings box again, the encryption has changed to regular WPA and the password is much longer, like xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.20:41
amenadoyrth-> its been a while since i have used a pmcia card, basically a two step process, the card adapter gets enabled then the wifi card itself20:41
daekdroomYou can't blame the tutorial :p20:41
elmerGuys, I'm having a problem with my networked printer20:41
elmerfull write-up at that link20:42
Yazan`daekdroom: But I need to test if my internet works. Otherwise when i install it and need help, I won't have internet to connect to and ask people.20:42
PeloTheMusicGuy, if noone here can help you , try researching it in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org20:42
amenadoBritGuy-> you were doing this on gui?  i was asking you to type it...gui are normally slow20:42
TheMusicGuyPelo: I have no idea what to look for.20:42
daekdroomYanzan`: Er.. You can keep more than 1 system at the same computer.20:42
amenadoYazan`-> it is working now, as you can chat with us..yes?20:42
PeloTheMusicGuy, wpa , password,  general keywords relating to yoru problem20:43
daekdroomamenado: He's not using the LiveCD right now.20:43
BritGuyamenado - Well it boots straight into Gnome, could use KDE but that would just be even slower20:43
Yazan`amenado: I am on windows.20:43
yrthamenado, I am sure that everything is enabled (I think so) all I did was changed the interface file, I remember it used to have some sort of additional connection called robus (or something like that)20:43
Yazan`daekdroom: How?20:43
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu20:43
FlyerfyeDoes anyone know why I have to re-configure my display options each time I start ubuntu?20:43
amenadoBritGuy-> no, command line is much quicker..20:43
daekdroomYazan`: You just can :D. You can have Windows and Linux at the same computer. You'll just have to choose which system to use everytime you boot20:43
BritGuyubotu - Consider all linux software to be of beta standatrd20:43
Yazan`daekdroom: Yes, I do that. But to boot into linux, I would need a CD.20:44
IndyGunFreakBritGuy: lol, thats a good one.20:44
daekdroomYazan`: But you should also pay attention to don't delete windows when you partionate your HD.20:44
PeloFlyerfye, display options as in waht ? screen resolution ? wallpaper ? what ?20:44
amenadoYazan`-> okay, then go ahead and buy an AP/router20:44
daekdroomYazan`: How so?20:44
gidnawhy Can't I burn DVD's copy with K3b?20:44
amenadoyrth,  go ahead and google for ubuntu+pmcia20:44
daekdroomYazan`: You can divide your HD, you CAN KEEP LINUX AND WINDOWS without a boot image.20:44
Pelogidna, try starting k3b as root20:44
IndyGunFreakgidna: you burning movies or files,  or what?20:44
gidnadata dvd20:45
yrthamenado, ok :)20:45
weltalldoes anyone know a file undelete application for fat on linux?20:45
gidnaever a fatal error occured..20:45
IndyGunFreakPelo: he shouldnt need to be root.20:45
BritGuyamenado - screw this 5 hours to get a network connection, load of crap20:45
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
gidnaif this is not a good softaware Do you know a better program?20:45
PeloIndyGunFreak, I couldn'T copy the gusty dvd iso until I started gnomebaker as root ,  not sure why20:45
amenadoBritGuy-> i agree, am out of here too..20:45
TheMusicGuypelo: thank you20:45
Yazan`daekdroom: So, if I restart the computer now, and when it gives me an option to choose between windows and ubuntu and i choose ubuntu(keep in mind that I'm not having the CD in the CDRom) will it work?20:45
IndyGunFreakPelo: really?.. that makes no sense at all, iv'e done it many tiems w/o being root.20:46
daekdroomYazan`: If you install Ubuntu first, yes >.>20:46
daekdroomYou need Ubuntu installed in your HD, then you can do that.20:46
Yazan`daekdroom: I installed it from the wubi-install thing20:46
Lukeluis: hey20:46
dma315Hey, I'm trying to configure my new monitor to run on a widescreen resolution but the options are not available, can somebody help me?20:46
PeloIndyGunFreak, I don'T mean burning the iso , I mean making a copy of the dvd I already had,20:46
daekdroomYazan`: Hm. I never used wubi.20:46
IndyGunFreakPelo: ya i know20:46
gidnaso what have I to do?20:46
Yazan`daekdroom: You mean i need to install like on the C:/D: ?20:47
BritGuyamenado - I wouldn't mind but i'm not what u'd call a novice,i'm a programmer20:47
FlyerfyePelo: Display options as in screen configuration so far as screen resolution and video card20:47
jullei've heard that its possible to change the splash screen during boot, so that i still have the status bar, and underneath i can see what its doing (informational text) ?20:47
IndyGunFreakhmm, well, time for lunch, be back in a bit.20:47
Pelodma315, ediit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file ,  add the extra resolutions you need20:47
daekdroomYazan`: No. You'll divide your HD, Linux will see his space and windows', windows won't detect Linux part, tho.20:47
PeloFlyerfye, you're not running live cd are you ?20:47
benanzowhen using sudo is there a way to pass the password as a command line option rather than interactively?20:47
FlyerfyePelo: Basically the same stuff that comes up when you go to System, Adminisration, Screen and Graphics20:47
FlyerfyePelo: Nope, been running ubuntu for a few months now20:47
=== LINUSTORVALDS is now known as Goodbye
daekdroomYazan`: That thing can be done at the Ubuntu installer, if you do it right and defragment your windows HD before.20:47
PeloFlyerfye, what video card ?20:48
FlyerfyePelo: Nvidia 6800 GM20:48
PeloFlyerfye, are you using the restricted driver ?20:48
FlyerfyePelo: I think it has something to do with me deleting (but making a copy of) the xorg.conf driver a while back in an effort to get my s-video working, I restored the xorg file but this still happens, and no I am not running a restricted driver20:49
=== tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
admin_azuki: that didn't seem to work :/, for the disk thing20:49
Yazan`daekdroom: So, I insert the ubuntu CD, install ubuntu, but not the full install because it may delete my windows and then restart the computer and choose ubuntu from the two options and then apply that tutorial?20:49
dudeeee34my ubuntu did delete my windows20:50
dudeeee34now i have nothing20:50
PeloFlyerfye, what driver are you running the binary ? if that's the case i dont, know if there is anything you cn do about it , try the restriced, see what happens,  best of luck ,  you can also try researching the problem in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org20:50
PeloFlyerfye, or you can maybe try  nvidia-settings20:50
Peloif ou haven't alread20:50
cucumbersushiProblem with Firefox in 6.06: I type firefox in terminal, and i get this : /opt/firefox/run-mozilla.sh: line 131:  5777 Segmentation fault      "$prog" ${1+"$@"}20:50
Yazan`dudeeee34: I'm scared that would happen to me too :(20:50
dudeeee34it is bad20:50
dudeeee34i cant get my network20:51
dudeeee34i miss my vista but20:51
dudeeee34ill have to live with this20:51
malickdma315, edit  the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add the resolutions you want.20:51
Yazan`dudeeee34: You don't actually have anything to worry about, you do have internet. Any help can be provided on on-line. But for me, i cannot connect.20:51
Pelolater folks20:51
XB23hey guys, something keeps giving 100% cpu usage when i use htop ... but it dosent indicate any processes20:51
XB23any ides?20:52
dudeeee34i cant connect wirelessly20:52
dudeeee34i want to do this but i am not good at setting things up20:52
dudeeee34i only have basic knowladge of computer20:52
Yazan`dudeeee34: There is a tutorial that you follow and it tells you how to do it.20:52
dudeeee34in windows i just push a button but here20:52
dudeeee34where is this tutorial?20:52
v4m21Hi guys, I want to run a machine on my Lan with out any display monitor, but I am getting fatal server error "No screens found"20:52
dtoljXB23: what happens when you type top?20:53
v4m21How to fix this ?20:53
v4m21I would like to control that machine using vnc.20:53
Yazan`dudeeee34: http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=3928347120:53
cucumbersushiI try to open Firefox in terminal and it give me Segmentation Fault? what to do? thanks20:53
dtoljcucumbersushi: what version of ffx are you using?20:54
owen1how to unmount ipod from terminal??20:54
dtoljowen1: umount <devicive folder>20:54
cucumbersushiowen1 you can type mount to see whats mounted and then use umount20:54
dtoljcucumbersushi: try upgrading your ffx20:54
owen1cucumbersushi: dtolj : thanks!20:54
cucumbersushidtolj you mean downloading version 3?20:55
dma315I just edited my Xorg file and I want it restored, how would I do that?20:55
dtoljcucumbersushi: well no whats the latest version from the repo?20:56
jullei've heard that its possible to change the splash screen during boot, so that i still have the status bar, and underneath i can see what its doing (informational text) ?20:56
CygokuI folks.  Is there any command to force an application to render it's video or 3D using X11 ?!?!20:56
kindofabuzzdoes xfce use gtk?20:56
owen1cucumbersushi: dtolj : umount: /media/OREN GOLAN_: device is busy20:57
dtoljowen1: use -f to force umount20:57
FlyerfyeDoes anyone know how to get s-video to work?20:57
owen1dtolj: cool20:57
cucumbersushidtolj i actually just dl'ed firefox from the website .. when i tried using synaptic, it didnt work... lemme check what it says20:57
crdlbkindofabuzz: yes20:57
malickdma315, you edit the file using VI?20:57
dma315malick: I typed dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:58
dma315and went through the options20:58
dtoljkindofabuzz: it can run gtk based apps, but does not really on it.20:58
advwhich is a nagios alternative?20:58
dma315and it ended up changing all my previous configurations20:58
CygokuIs there any command to force an application to render it's video or 3D using X11 ?!?!20:58
dtoljdma315: thats what the command is suppose to do!20:59
dma315Yeah, can it be reversed?20:59
dma315Does it back stuff up?20:59
ritalinanyway to disable gdm so i get a console login?20:59
dtoljCygoku: how do you mean exactly?20:59
crdlbdtolj: xfce is written in gtk21:00
dtoljcrdlb: is it? thats news to me :)21:00
XB23its really weird, all of a sudden the cpu just drops back to normal again21:00
Cygokudtolj : Like I can choose between X11, or Xv (stuff like that), to render the video in MPLAYER, I was wondering if there is any command I can use to force an application to do the same that does not let me change that in the option menu,21:01
dtoljXB23: what were you running ? maybe its a scheduled background process21:01
CygokuLike SDLMAME too.21:01
kindofabuzzritalin, take gdm out of services21:01
nabcoreHow do I pass a vga=x parameter to the kernel without messing up grub's automagic kernels list?21:01
barjomanhi everyone21:02
barjomani need some help with ubuntu server edition21:02
kindofabuzzthen to start it when needed just do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start21:02
dtoljnabcore: just append the string in grub kernel line21:02
dma315Is there anyway to reverse the settings of changing xorg?21:02
Evil-MoBoanyone know of anything besides that tweaked on on crack gparted? for paritioning21:02
cucumbersushidtolj I tried using synaptic to install firefox and it wont let me bc it 'could not mark all packages for installation/upgrade"  bc of unresolvable dependencies... "Depends: iceweasel but it is not going to be installed" thanks21:02
RoAkSoAxbarjoman, ask your question, if someone know the answer he will help you21:03
dtoljEvil-MoBo: Hey Gparted is good tool!21:03
barjomani'm new to ubuntu21:03
Evil-MoBodtolj it never works for me21:03
ColdBeerhi guys21:03
ColdBeerFlannel hello21:03
draginxxI'm trying to install libc6-dev but its giving me the following error: The following packages have unmet dependencies:21:03
draginxx  libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.6.1-1ubuntu10) but 2.7-5ubuntu2 is to be installed21:03
ColdBeerPelo hi21:03
barjomanjust installed, but cannot get it to start, or at least am not doing domething correctly21:03
ColdBeerWhats up guys21:03
danandhi all - need some help with a sed command. need to change: [exec] (GCalcTool) {/usr/bin/gcalctool} </usr/share/pixmaps/gcalctool.xpm> to [exec] (GCalcTool) {/usr/bin/gcalctool} <> - ie get rid of all the text inside the <> characters. Anyone help?21:03
dtoljcucumbersushi: iceweasel is another browser based on ffx, it should not depend on it, try doing a REgresh of your repo.21:03
Jack_Sparrowdma315, look for a backup in the same directory.. is usually makes one wilt a long dated extension21:03
Evil-MoBook let me re phrase my question is there anything besides gparted i can use to increase my swap?21:03
Yazan`wow, look at these liars. http://www.thomson.net/GlobalEnglish/Products/dsl-modems-gateways/residential_wired/thomson_st330/Pages/default.aspx : It won't work on linux but they say it does.21:03
barjomanon startup, a bunch of things load, but stop at "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)21:04
FlyerfyeDoes anyone know how to get s-video to work?21:04
ColdBeerHey i need a program that will show me the ip addresses of the cpu on my network?, can anyone recomend anything for ubuntu?21:04
barjomandon't know if i should leave it or press enter and login21:04
dtoljEvil-MoBo: what error do you get?21:04
cucumbersushidtolj thanks! btw how to do a Regresh of repo?21:04
Jack_Sparrowdraginxx, what did you change in your sources... and are you running gutsy or hardy21:04
Evil-MoBonone all the options in gparted don't work on my system they wont let me edit anything21:04
RoAkSoAxbarjoman, press enter and log in21:04
draginxxJack_Sparrow, I'm not sure what i changed my sources too :| I think its default21:05
draginxxand 7.1021:05
barjomannow what?21:05
dtoljEvil-MoBo: run it as root21:05
barjomanhow do I get to a graphical interface...you know, desktop and all21:05
blbrownI just update my sun jdk, what is that command for ubuntu to use this version of java;  like package-update-source or something21:05
dtoljEvil-MoBo: run it from console so you can see the STDOUT dump21:05
Jack_Sparrowdraginxx, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)21:05
RoAkSoAxbarjoman, server edition does not have desktop21:05
dtoljbarjoman: startx21:06
barjomani should have thought so21:06
ColdBeerHey i need a program that will show me the ip addresses of the cpu on my network?, can anyone recomend anything for ubuntu?21:06
barjomanbetter start with regular ubuntu first then21:06
dudeeee34man linux is wicked hard to opperate21:06
draginxxlol pastebinit...didnt know they had that :P21:06
barjomanstartx does not work dtolj21:06
Meshezabeelwhat happened to ca.archive.ubuntu.com?21:06
DJonesEvil-MoBo: are you booting from a livcecd to use gparted? From memory, it won't change settings for mounted partitions21:06
riffedhi, can someone tell me how to which version of Ubuntu server is install21:06
Evil-MoBono DJones21:06
zumbi_is there a channel for ubuntu on ps3? somebody knows how to setup wireles on ps3?21:06
barjomanstartx tells me to install package xinit21:06
Evil-MoBoi have ubuntu installed directly on me pc21:06
dudeeee34i have ubuntu on my laptop21:06
RoAkSoAxbarjoman, yep, start with desktop edition :) other thing you could do is to install desktop manually: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop21:07
dudeeee34but i have to keep it connected by a wire21:07
zumbi_i have ubuntu on my ps321:07
Jack_Sparrowdraginxx, You used automatix...  that is the start of your troubles21:07
dudeeee34because wireless is hard21:07
dudeeee34to setup21:07
barjomantells me that I'm not in the sudoers file21:07
dtoljbarjoman: then you dont have X window manager installed install it first21:07
draginxxJack_Sparrow, apt-get install automatix?21:07
DJonesEvil-MoBo: try running gparted from a livecd, if you use the version in an installed ubuntu, that can't modify a mounted partition, if you use a livecd, the partitin can be unmounted so that changes can be made21:07
draginxxI used to have that heh alrighty21:07
Jack_Sparrowdraginxx, No...  automatix is a bad bad thing you did21:08
owen1i mounted a local folder to a server folder via fds but after reboot it's gone. any ideas?21:08
draginxxoh :21:08
fbcI shared out a directory through the SHARED folders tools on IFS. How do I connect to it from another ubuntu machine on the same network?21:08
kitchedraginxx: automaitx is not even around really21:08
draginxxHow do I undo it?21:08
dtolj!automatic | Jack_Sparrow21:08
Evil-MoBoi have ran it as root dtolj and still nuffin i dunno if im doing any thing wrong or what is there another tool besides gparted i can use21:08
dma315How do I put in my back up copy of the xorg file21:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automatic - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:08
ubotuAutomatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »21:08
dma315it won't let me rename or replace it21:08
Jack_Sparrowdtolj, I am aware of what it is21:08
owen1fbc: is it dfs?21:08
draginxxthat info wouldve been nice21:08
fbcowen1, NFS21:08
draginxxthree months ago :p21:08
fbcowen1, I did not install samba21:09
blbrownI am remoting into another ubuntu server, does anyone know how I can get the arrow keys to work properly.  Right now I just get,  ^[[   etc21:09
Jack_Sparrowdraginxx, we have been telling people not to use or try it fro way longer than that21:09
dtoljEvil-MoBo: I dont know of any other tools, there might be some for KDE but i usually use gnome, you can try running cfdisk from terminal21:09
owen1fbc: sudo mount home/yuka/shared21:09
draginxxJack_Sparrow, I installed itlike..my frirst week :p21:09
draginxxanyways that inst the problem21:09
draginxxthe new problem is..21:09
draginxxhow do I fix automatix's mess ups?21:09
draginxxor my mess up that had automatix mes up my machine? :p21:10
owen1fbc: make sure u have nfs-common on the client machine21:10
barjomandtolj: how do i install the X windows manager?21:10
hischild!enter | draginxx21:10
ubotudraginxx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:10
fbcowen1, is there not a gui builting that automatically desicovers servers and things like that.  like windows?21:10
dtoljbarjoman: it was suggested earlier21:10
draginxxk, I wondt do it anymore, it was an old habit, but yeah how do I clean up what automatix left behind?21:10
owen1fbc: r u talking about vnc or something similar?21:10
Jack_Sparrowdraginxx, If it was something easy to fix or that we could do for you we would not have been so dead set against it.  Once you add repos you screw up your revisions and everything gets messed up giving you the problem you have now trying to upgrade that file21:11
barjomanit tells me to install xinit21:11
dtoljfbc: nautilus21:11
fbcowen1, no I'm talking about network neighborhood..21:11
fbcdtolj, yeah something built in..21:11
draginxxJack_Sparrow, ....so reformat? :P21:11
elmerHey, how do I use a GNOME icon theme that I got off of gnome-look.org?21:11
owen1fbc: i am using DFS to share a folder with my home network machines.21:11
Jack_Sparrowdraginxx, wait two weeks and get hardy...  or setup hardy as dual boot21:11
dtoljfbc: it usually does a good job at discovering networked machines21:12
owen1fbc: it's not GUI, as far as i know.21:12
draginxxMan, how could osmething like that mess everything up...heh..there's no "default" mode?21:12
solar_george<elmer> open the appearence settings and drag the tarball into the window21:12
elmersolar_george, thanks, trying that now21:12
Jack_Sparrowdraginxx, you can remove the non-std repos, and apt-get update and try again.. but it seldom works21:12
benolee@anyone: True or false -- if I install the 8.04 public beta, I can easily upgrade without having to re-download the final ISO, re-burn, and re-install. ?21:12
RAdamsamenado: I'm close to having my grub issues fixed. I've made my menu.lst, it worked a few times, but when update-grub ran, then grub couldn't find the menu.lst. Now whenever I try the command configfile /path/to/menu.lst, it says "not found" even though it's there. The permissions on the file are the same as everything else in there. Ideas?21:13
owen1i mounted a local folder to a server folder via DFS but after reboot it's gone. any ideas?21:13
timo1teoguys i'm having this problem when i try to install vmware "VMware Player cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)"21:13
RAdamsbenolee: reasonably true21:13
Konamok, I think we should really considerate about shipping Firefox in beta as the default web browser un the next LTS21:13
pcglueanyone know a gigabit pci express nic that works with gutsy out of the box?21:13
timo1teoi can't really find a fix for this message online21:13
solar_george<benolee> you will have a lot of downloads though21:13
arnathi accidently deleted a file with "sudo rm" which should NOT have been deleted, how can i recover it? (i'm on ext3)21:14
benoleeRAdams and solar_george: Thanks!21:14
murlidharcan the frequency of the monitor be set manually?21:14
RAdamsdoes anyone know what to do when grub can't see your menu.lst?21:14
Jack_Sparrowarnath, the short answer.. if it isnt in /root/.Trash you wont recover it21:14
daekdroomarnath: What was the file?21:14
fbcdtolj, If nautolus discovers it, where would it be.. I'm waiting for the server to appear under network servers...21:14
arnathdaekdroom: a .css file21:14
barjomanthanks for the help everyone...will be back later21:15
murlidharRAdams, reconfiguring the grub might be a good option21:15
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:15
daekdroomarnath: You can't recover it if it isn't in /root/.Trash :x21:15
murlidharRAdams, have u created a menu.lst manually ?21:15
jullewouldn't it be cool with the knoppix boot screen (mean when it searches for hardware etc) on ubuntu ?21:15
arnathdaekdroom: there isn't even a .Trash in /root it seems :(21:15
fbcdtolj, installed it with sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap21:15
skenmyHey all, continuing on my problem from earlier, I now have only one sound card in use on the system. However, there is still no sound coming out of the speakers, not even with a test tone. Any ideas?21:15
RAdamsmurlidhar: reconfiguring how? and yes, manually created jacksparrow: i've read that info, it doesn't help in this case.21:15
ColdBeerHey i need a program that will show me the ip addresses of the cpu on my network?, can anyone recomend anything for ubuntu?21:15
owen1i mounted a local folder to a server folder via DFS but after reboot it's gone. any ideas?21:16
daekdroomarnath: Did you check the .Trash of the folder the .css was in?21:16
Yazan`http://steve-parker.org/speedtouchconf/script.shtml <<< Run the script AS ROOT << What does he mean by that?21:16
murlidharRAdams, so did u cross check the path of menu.lst21:16
Joesephquick question: what's the ~ in a folder location mean?21:16
RAdamsmurlidhar: I'm not sure what you mean21:16
Jack_SparrowJoeseph, /home/$USER/21:16
solar_george<Joeseph> your home folder21:16
ColdBeerjulle - knopis sux21:16
ColdBeerjulle - knopix sux21:16
Joesephthank yoy21:17
Yazan`http://steve-parker.org/speedtouchconf/script.shtml <<< Run the script AS ROOT << What does he mean by that?21:17
blbrownhow do I set bash as the shell for a user21:17
arnathdaekdroom: not there :(21:17
ritalinteh y021:17
ritalini needs halp21:17
timo1teoi'm receiving this message when it try to install vmware21:17
timo1teoVMware Player cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)21:17
ritalinubuntu keeps overriding my xorg.conf21:17
timo1teoi can't find a fix to this online21:17
ritalinhow can i fix this?21:17
kitcheblbrown: umm it sort of asks you when you make the user which shell to use but by default it uses bash21:17
daekdroomarnath: You can't recover it :(21:17
ColdBeerbldrown-- use the terminal21:17
arnathdaekdroom: o crap :(21:17
murlidharRAdams, did u put the menu.lst in /boot/grub/21:17
danandhi all - anyone know how to change: text </some/path/blah> to: text <> with sed or similar?21:17
ColdBeeryour welcome21:17
Jack_Sparrowritalin, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)21:17
daekdroomarnath: did you try to use the "locate" command to see if it's still somewhere?21:18
Yazan`daekdroom: After i boot into ubuntu, i need to install it so my stuff get saved?21:18
ColdBeerdanand yes u need help?21:18
blbrownkitche, I am installing on an ubuntu server and adding the user.  I forgot to set his shell, I remember it was something in the etc directory21:18
RAdamsmurlidhar: yes, and if I use the grub command configfile hd(0,0)/boot/grub/ and hit tab, I can see all the other text files in here, but not my menu.lst21:18
daekdroomYazan`: Yes. You get to that black screen with the logo. Select the first option and click Install on the desktop.21:18
kitcheblbrown: well ther is but you don't touch that file21:18
daekdroomYazan`: But you should be careful because it might destroy your Windows.21:18
blbrownkitche, so I guess, I can't set the shell then21:18
kitcheblbrown: you just have to usermod the user21:18
ColdBeerwindows sux21:18
timo1teoso if i'm getting this message when i try to install vmware "VMware Player cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)"  is there no way around it?21:19
Yazan`ColdBeer: I have all my important things there.21:19
draginxxWill the 8.04 beta be able to upgrade to stable with ease? Or would I have to re-install to stable?21:19
ColdBeeryazan hi21:19
danandColdBeer - yes. I've got a big file full of text as stated above. I need a sed command or similar to alter the contents of the file21:19
murlidharRAdams,  cd /boot/grub/21:19
RAdamstimo1teo: you're installing the wrong vmware player for your architecture. You might be installing the 64-bit version. Whats the package name?21:19
Yazan`daekdroom: I can't install on the D: ?? :P21:19
ritalinJack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.com/m4e72de6921:19
ColdBeerhey whats the shortcut to lock the screen when im leaving my desk?21:19
|MaDeX|Hi guys, im having problems with the playback of movies etc, it may be to do with the nvdia drivers - refresh rates , also the decoding isnt 100%21:19
ritalinServerFlags is the part you wanna pay attention too21:19
murlidharRAdams, then ls  and then see if the file is present21:20
ritalini did it correct21:20
travisatColdBeer: ctrl-alt-L I think21:20
RAdamsmurlidhar: yes its there21:20
daekdroomYazan`: You can overwite D:, but Linux WON'T refer it at D:, be careful.21:20
ubutomYazan`, my advice, don't do it, backup everything and then you can try what you want to try, otherwise just don't do it, because data loss hurts ;-)21:20
ritalinfrom googling though i found out ubuntu overrides dps settings somehow21:20
ColdBeerdanand- use vi , are u familiar with it?21:20
KADKOany one know if awn curves work on hardy?21:20
ritalini need to stop it from doing so21:20
daekdroomYazan`: And I'd recommend D: to be like atleast 5GB21:20
Yazan`daekdroom: It's over than 10GB21:20
ColdBeertravisat --thanks :)21:20
murlidharRAdams, so u mean u grub is not working ?21:20
Jack_Sparrowritalin, You have not set any screen resolutions in that xorg..21:20
daekdroomYazan`: Install in it and be happy :D21:20
murlidharRAdams, sudo grub21:21
danandColdBeer - not really - i use nano mostly.... will vi help me do what i want to do?21:21
ColdBeerHey i need a program that will show me the ip addresses of the cpu on my network?, can anyone recomend anything for ubuntu?21:21
ubotuThe Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages21:21
Yazan`daekdroom: I won't lose my windows?21:21
daekdroomYazan`: At the installer, at 4th step. You'll have to select the last option.21:21
ColdBeeru need a txt editor?21:21
ritalindo i need too?21:21
RAdamsmurlidhar: I mean when I boot my computer, I have to put in the kernel options and everything myself, it never reads the menu.lst21:21
daekdroomYazan`: No.21:21
RAdamsmurlidhar: I'm in grub21:21
=== luke_ is now known as Coggz
Jack_Sparrowritalin, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg (to just set res) If you get locked out Select vesa as your video card and 1024 max res.  Use tab or enter to accept all other defaults21:21
Yazan`daekdroom: Ok. Thanks. I'll go try it now.21:21
daekdroomYazan`: But you've to know what you're doing. So you'll really install it in D: (Btw, windows won't see D: after it)21:21
daekdroomYazan`: Wait!21:21
murlidharRAdams, then ur grub is not installed properly21:21
Yazan`daekdroom: ?21:21
ubutomi didnt say anything atall....21:22
daekdroomYazan`: At the installer, at the point where it partitions your system, you shouldn't use the standard option it gives.21:22
achadwickNew ies4linux .deb, if anyone wants to test: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4709938#post470984121:22
RAdamsmurlidhar: it was reading the menu.lst before I ran grub-update....21:22
owen1i monted a folder with the mount command (mount home/yuka/shared) but after reboot it's gone. how do i keep it?21:22
RAdamsmurlidhar: what do you recommend21:22
daekdroomYazan`: The last option is the one you should use. You should also know how to manage that.21:22
achadwick(now slightly less crufty and beta, hopefully)21:22
murlidharRAdams, why don't u reinstall the grub?21:22
RAdamsowen1: add it to fstab21:22
|MaDeX|whens the new "final" edition of ubuntu out?21:22
Jack_Sparrowachadwick, Please not in here.. and FYI  the people in winehq  will not help you if you run that script21:22
RAdamsmurlidhar: do I need to do anything else besides removing the package and re-installing it?21:22
daekdroomYazan`: It'll be the partition with the less space. then delete it and replace it with a SWAP partition that has double size of your RAM. Put the remaining in a EXT3 or ReseiFS21:22
CygokuIs there any command to force an application to render it's video or 3D using X11 ?!?!  Like I can choose between X11, or Xv (stuff like that), to render the video in MPLAYER, I was wondering if there is any command I can use to force an application to do the same that does not let me change that in the option menu,21:22
owen1RAdams: what should i add, this line?21:23
murlidharRAdams, i mean configure it again21:23
white_eaglemy computer detects 1 other monitor and I don't have other one connected21:23
kitcheCygoku: the application must support it21:23
white_eaglehow can I delete it from the configuration21:23
achadwickJack_Sparrow, which channel do you recommend? Understand that I made that .deb and I'm not asking for support, just testers.21:23
RAdamsowen1: "man fstab"21:23
RAdamsmurlidhar: you mean the root and setup statements?21:23
antonskyhi guys, do i have to compile a kernel module for using cisco vpn under gutsy?21:23
Jack_Sparrowachadwick, See the people in #WInehq ...this is NOT the place to ask for testers.. thanks..21:23
owen1RAdams: cool. thanks21:23
murlidharRAdams, yes21:24
daekdroomYazan`: (I suppose D: is smaller than C:). Put the partition that isn't the swap as /. But ----->don't <---- tick "Format" in the biggest partition. It's windows, if you do that you'll lose it.21:24
murlidharRAdams, find /boot/grub/stage121:24
achadwickI'll not be going to #winehq because this is unrelated to WINE, but thanks anyway.21:24
RAdamsmurlidhar: then root (hd0,0) [thats what was returned from find stage1], then setup(hd0), right?21:25
Jack_Sparrowachadwick, This is not to get ie to run under wine in linux?21:25
white_eagleguys I don't have another monitor connected and the computer detects it21:25
Yazan`daekdroom: Actually, they're both the same size. But I the D: directory has more free space right now.21:25
achadwickJack_Sparrow, no.21:25
murlidharRAdams, right21:25
daekdroomYazan`: That's a big problem :/21:25
fbchow do I make ubuntu ask me what servers do I want to load again?21:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:25
murlidharRAdams, so it does it say succeeded?21:25
daekdroomYazan`: Hm. In the LiveCD. Go to the folder navigator and check  how the system sees the D:.21:25
abrakadabrhi! can anybody help me to install ispconfig on server ubuntu?21:26
Jack_Sparrowachadwick, There is a "Terrible" script by that name..  you might want to look into that or change the name.. what does your script do?21:26
RAdamsmurlidhar: it's done, succeeded. so now i should be able to find /boot/grub/menu.lst right?21:26
daekdroomYazan`: It'll be something like /media/sda2. memorize which is it, so you won't overwrite windows.21:26
dmsuperman!ot | dmsuperman21:26
murlidharRAdams, just restart it u should be having a working grub21:26
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:26
RAdamsmurlidhar: trying now... brb21:27
skenmyMy sound card is unmuted, all channels are up in alsamixer, and it is the only sound card on the system, however I can get no sound from it. Any help would be appreciated :)21:27
abrakadabrCan anybody help me to install ispconfig on server ubuntu?21:27
skenmyIt's an Audigy 2 ZS (snd-emu10k1)21:27
aolausI'm having trouble getting my monitor to 1440x900 resolution21:27
gregory_abrakadabr: just install and if it doesnt work ask in #ubuntu-server21:27
aolausthis is a second monitor, primary screen is my laptop21:27
fbchow do I make ubuntu ask me what servers I want to load again?21:28
stefg!fixres | aolaus21:28
ubotuaolaus: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto21:28
aolausstefg: thank you21:28
=== mehteenager is now known as MrObvious
Yazan`daekdroom: Are you sure that /media directory exists? Where in the CD? in E:\bin?21:28
abrakadabri'm nub at ubuntu and don't understand how to install it at all21:28
stefg!install | abrakadabr21:29
ubotuabrakadabr: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:29
christozdoes anybody here uses nvidia fx 5200?21:29
dmsupermanso obviously kubuntu comes with kde, but is there anything different about installing kubuntu vs installing ubuntu and then installing kde?21:29
Monobi!install | abrakadabr21:29
daekdroomYazan`: Linux don't see the filesystem as Windows do. There WON'T be C: and D:21:29
achadwickJack_Sparrow: It runs the ies4linux installer in a controlled fashion, rather like a number of other 3rd-party installer packages. No, it doesn't contain IE. Which script do you think is the "Terrible" one? Do you mean the rather well-maintained upstream code at http://www.tatanka.com.br/21:29
christozsorry fx560021:29
daekdroomYazan`: So you have to check how Linux sees D: to overwrite it.21:29
timo1teohow do i figure out my cpu information in gutsy21:29
hischildtimo1teo, cat /proc/cpuinfo21:29
timo1teowhats the terminal command21:29
timo1teothank you21:29
Jack_Sparrowachadwick, That is the one I am talking about.. have you ever asked the people in WInehq about it..21:29
Yazan`daekdroom: But I have tons of stuff on the D:. Will it delete it? haha..21:29
dmsupermanYazan`, all of your drives, everywhere, and devices, will be located somewhere in the / folders21:30
daekdroomYazan`: Yes it will >.>21:30
christozi'd like someone to pastebin his xorg.conf file21:30
dmsupermanYazan`, it's basically a single folder, and from their you usually have /media/sdXY21:30
abrakadabrI download ispconfig, write it on cd. Put cd in to my computer with server ubunte21:30
murlidharaolaus, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:30
daekdroomYazan`: Except if you know how to divide it, but that's something risky if you don't now how to manage it.21:30
fbchow do I make ubuntu ask me what servers I want to load again?21:30
abrakadabrand what to do next i don't now21:30
daekdroomYazan`: I recommend moving everything from D: to C: if possible :p21:30
dmsupermanYazan`, For example, in windows I had my C, D, and E drives. In Linux, I have /, /media/sdd2, and /media/sda121:30
Jack_Sparrowachadwick, They dislike ies4linux so much it is specifically named in their topic as unsupported and they will NOT help you if you have run it.21:30
stefg!info bum | fbc21:30
ubotufbc: bum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.10-1 (gutsy), package size 82 kB, installed size 532 kB21:30
abrakadabrhow to copy it from cd to home directory?21:31
ritalinstill no DPS Jack_Sparrow21:31
Prefixwhat app would you advise for converting ogg formats recorded using 'gtk record my desktop' to an avi?21:31
fbcstefg, I don't understand what bum has to do with my problem.21:32
achadwickJack_Sparrow, given that they didn't make it, that's understandable. Jut I shall ask.21:32
mnemohow can I encrypt a single file using a symmetric crypto algorithm with a specified password?21:32
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow, what's wrong with ies4linux?21:32
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman, See the topic of #WInehq or ask them...21:33
Yazan`daekdroom: Oh my god, this is so confusing. I mean if any data were lost, I would be really owned by my family haha...anyways, thanks for wasting your time trying to help me. This process will NOT work as this way, as long as i want my windows, it will never work.  I will wait when i get a laptop(not sure) and then try it.  This way will never work, especially when I have the gayest isp company you could think of.21:33
stefgfbc: you want to configure which services are run at startup, if i got you right. bum will let you configure it , ina nice graphical way21:33
Yazan`Anyways, thanks for all the help, i will try and install ubuntu on somewhere else IF  i had the chance.21:33
sachaeldoes anyone know a program that displays battery info in the systray? I'm not using gnome/kde21:34
Coggzanyone here use Sphinx - I need some help21:34
christozHey Jack_Sparrow a friend of mine has resolution problems with his "Hardy" he uses an nvidia fx5600 card with a 17 inches monitor...what i'm asking is how should his xorg.conf file be...21:35
murlidharsachael,  apt-cache search battery21:35
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow, nobody seems to be their and the topic only says they don't support it. i'm just curious as to what's wrong with it, having never personally used it21:35
christozJack_Sparrow i can pastebin his xorg.file if you want21:36
Jack_Sparrowchristoz, HArdy and gutsy xorg are entirely different.. please see #Ubuntu+1 for hardy xorg info21:36
riffedHey.. can anyone help me figure out which version of Ubuntu is installed on a server I just inherited..21:36
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell21:36
RAdamsmurlidhar: yeah, still boots straight to a grub prompt. it just can't see my menu.lst...21:36
sachaelmurlidhar, thanks, but the thing is that I'm not using Ubuntu, it was a general linux question ;)21:36
riffedOutput of uname Linux ns1.commercegarden.com 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 07:42:25 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux21:36
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman, They consider it on the same level as we did/do automatix...21:36
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman, I see it is kind of slow in there today.. but be patient..21:37
stefgriffed: that's gutsy, but not updated to current21:37
fbcstefg, the first time I ran shared folders it asked if I wanted to install samba and nfs, and I unchecked nfs.. I opened up symaptic and ununstalled samba thinking it would now ask me again , but it has not.. how do I get that to work?21:37
KADKOWhats the program for create GTK 2.xx themes?21:37
murlidharsachael, this channel is related to ubuntu21:37
Pirate_HunterRAdams: if youre trying to locate where the file menu.lst is just type locate in shell and the filename21:37
achadwickPoor them. It should be rather clean, and not mess up any existing WINE installs. I can see why they might not want to get hundreds of support requests about it though.21:37
murlidharRAdams, can u pastebin ur menu.lst21:37
sachaelmurlidhar, I am aware of that, but it is also the biggest linux channel on freenode21:37
flotopocoalguien habla español?21:37
riffedstefg !Thanks..21:38
DJones!es | flotopoco21:38
ubotuflotopoco: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:38
murlidharsachael, which distro are u using?21:38
apexcolHi, I wish to find a real network expert here21:38
Pirate_Hunterfbc: just install ntfs/samba from terminal21:38
sachaelmurlidhar, gentoo, but that is irrelevant, i could reboot in ubuntu, and ask the same question21:38
timo1teoanyone here get zune to work on gutsy21:38
OrbixxDear #ubuntu, I am on the verge of killing myself. I cannot figure this out for the life of me - and it is not limited to one version of Ubuntu. Upon Live boot, or installation, my screen will go blank, tried safe graphics, changing resolution - you name it. No dice. Suggestions?21:38
murlidharsachael, just asking for helping u .21:39
RAdamsmurlidhar: I think I just fixed it. rebooting to find out, then I'll tell you what happened21:39
white_eagleOrbixx, tried waiting  a bit for the system to load?21:39
Jack_Sparrowsachael, You can look into lmsensors or such.. there are tools for that.. but fairly inaccurate21:39
IndyGunFreakOrbixx: i dont' think thats a reason to kill yourself.21:39
white_eagleOrbixx, a bit = 4-5 mins21:39
Orbixxwhite_eagle: Yes, still nothing.21:39
stefgfbc: sudo apt.get install samba21:39
Coggzanyone here use Sphinx - I need some help21:39
OrbixxIndyGunFreak: Another method of getting a reply.21:39
white_eagleOrbixx, do you install it on a laptop?21:39
stefgfbc: sudo apt-get install samba rather21:39
Orbixxwhite_eagle: Desktop.21:39
IndyGunFreakOrbixx: i know, i was being sarcastic.. are you by chance using an ATI dual head card?21:39
OrbixxMy system is a Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 64 bit proc. nVidia 8800GTX.21:39
white_eagleOrbixx, then sorry, I don't know how to help21:39
Orbixx4GB ram.21:40
abrakadabrmaybe someone can tell me step-by-step how to install ispconfig?21:40
OrbixxCustom built.21:40
white_eagleOrbixx, have you used the 64 bit version?21:40
IndyGunFreaktry the 32bit21:40
murlidharsachael, are u using gnome ?21:40
sachaelmurlidhar, no, I'm using fluxbox with gtk apps21:40
advwhat network monitoring software do you guys use?21:40
IndyGunFreakOrbixx: have you tried the 32bit?21:40
OrbixxTry the 32 bit?21:40
OrbixxI saw no reason to.21:40
apexcolI have a 1Gb lan card but it only has a 100 mbps setting, how can I fix it to 1Gb?21:41
IndyGunFreakOrbixx: that would be my suggestion.. 64bit support is very shaky under Ubuntu21:41
murlidharsachael, i am not sure but google xbatt and xbattbar21:41
OrbixxIndyGunFreak: Mmm, ok - thanks.21:41
OrbixxIndyGunFreak: I can hear my optical drive whirring and reading tracks from the disc whilst my screen is blank.21:41
stefgadv: wireshark and etherape21:41
OrbixxAnd I hear it accessing my disks too.21:41
white_eaglecan I ask a question connected to xorg in here?21:41
nickrudOrbixx after 2-3 minutes try ctl-alt-f2 , see if you get a terminal. If not, try rebooting, try hitting escape when you see something about grub and choosing the recovery mode boot.21:41
Jack_SparrowOrbixx, the nvidia8800 need some tweaking and drivers from nvidia21:42
IndyGunFreakOrbixx: well, something isn't right... i woudl suggest tryin the 32bit disk and see if it works, its less hassle than 64bit anyways21:42
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: ah, so it may not even work w/ 32bit?21:42
white_eaglemy computer detects 1 other monitor, and i don't have any other monitor connected to my pc, oand I want to remove it permamently from my configuration, here is my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63111/21:42
apexcolI have a 1Gb Realtek lan card but it only has a 100 mbps setting, how can I fix it to 1Gb?21:42
OrbixxJack_Sparrow: How could I possibly tweak it, and get drivers from nVidia when I can't even boot?21:42
fbcHow do you make 'shares-admin' ask you what network services you'd like to install?21:42
Jack_SparrowOrbixx, We try to get people to run 32bit until they become familiar with ubuntu before going 64..21:42
Jack_SparrowOrbixx, vesa mode...21:43
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: so would he still have this issue in 32bit?21:43
OrbixxJack_Sparrow: I administer Linux servers.21:43
OrbixxI've never used Linux as a destkop OS.21:43
DJonesIndyGunFreak: re Orbixx i wonder whether the problem is the 8800gtx graphics, I thought I'd seen mention here that it was a difficult card to get set up21:43
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak, yes21:43
pharohhey if i develop all my apps in linux...will they work on windows?say i make all my C,python and all programs using ubuntu.will they work?21:43
Jack_SparrowOrbixx, are you trying to boot the livecd?21:43
IndyGunFreakDJones: i seem to remember that also.21:43
murlidharsachael, lm-batmon       ibam21:43
apexcolI have a 1Gb Realtek lan card but it only has a 100 mbps setting, how can I fix it to 1Gb?21:43
IndyGunFreak!alternate | Orbixx21:43
ubotuOrbixx: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal21:43
unoppharoh, it really depends on whether you program around platform specifics21:44
sachaelmurlidhar, thank you! I will check them out.21:44
nickrudpharoh if you use os agnostic functions, mostly21:44
Jack_SparrowOrbixx, one sec..21:44
OrbixxThanks IndyGunFreak.21:44
dma315Hey, I have a serious problem with my network manager, it does not display wireless, wired, or anything and I can't get onto the inernet21:44
Jack_SparrowOrbixx, At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"21:44
stefgapexcol: usually the NIC configures itself depending on what speed the port on the other side of the cable supports. so i'd guess the router is only 100 mbps.21:44
bluefoxxare there any daap capable programs for win98?itunes is null and winamp doesnt install at all21:44
Itakuis anyone good woth vmware workstation?21:44
Itakucuz i need help with it21:44
* Orbixx notes all this down.21:45
unoppharoh, python scripts can be run on both linux and windows (and whatever else) but python scripts that require linux files, libraries, etc won't work on windows21:45
OrbixxMuch obliged fellas.21:45
OrbixxI'll try your suggestions out.21:45
Jack_SparrowOrbixx, I have a bigger list of command line options for troublesome hardware if you want it21:45
pharohunop: okay, in this world we live in,most pipo use windows,would someone make it in the IT industry if he were full time linux user?21:45
RAdamsmurlidhar: grub created a boot/grub inside /boot, because /boot is it's own partition. it did that because I kept referencing /boot/* instead of just /21:46
OrbixxJack_Sparrow: I'd love to have it, thanks.21:46
RAdamsmurlidhar: it works now21:46
Jack_SparrowOrbixx, noapic acpi=off, pci=irqroute, xmodule=vesa, vga=normal, vga=771, vga=791, pci=irqroute, framebuffer=false, ide=nodma, nomce, pnpbios=off, xdrvr=vesa, res=800x600, apm=off,pci=noapci, nolapic, all_generic_ide, nolapic, pci=assign-busses, pci=irqpoll, pci=biosirq, pnpbios=off, hpet=disable21:46
RAdamsmurlidhar: thanks for your help21:46
LstHorizon22what does the phrase "during call tear-down" mean?21:46
murlidharRAdams, good to hear that it works21:46
unoppharoh, it depends if you wanted to get into the parts of the industry that incorporate linux into their infrastructures or not -- and plenty of them do21:46
dma315Hey, I have a serious problem with my network manager, it does not display wireless, wired, or anything and I can't get onto the internet21:46
AzaThtI've problem getting my huawei e220 to work all the time; anyone that might have some ideas how to solve it?21:47
pharohunop: oh..whew!well then i guess its gudbye windows for me:)21:47
bluefoxxanyone know of a daap music player for win98? other than itunes or winamp, which i cant use21:47
OrbixxFor Windows 98?21:48
OrbixxYou're asking that in #ubuntu?21:48
stefgbluefoxx: win support is next door21:48
dma315Can anybody help?21:48
bluefoxxyes win98. i made a gaming box -. -21:48
benanzoBut even they won't support Win9821:48
unoppharoh, if you were looking to make a career move - i'd say it'd be wise to learn the more popular technologies for the forseeable future (and continue to do so as long as you were in the industry) and not depend on one particular technology to be dominant always - that'd be foolish21:48
AzaThtbluefoxx: probably wrong channel21:48
OrbixxNo one supports w98.21:48
Jack_Sparrowdma315, Provide your network hardware info to get a better response to your questions21:48
ubutombluefoxx: vlc21:49
OrbixxJack_Sparrow: Much obliged for the help, mate.21:49
AzaThtanyone has an huawei e220 and made it work?21:49
Jack_Sparrownp.. let me know if it does or does not work.. feedback helps all of us21:49
dma315I don't think its a hardware problem, it worked 20 minutes ago21:49
OrbixxWill do.21:49
bluefoxxubutom: there a guid on it? i tried using it to stream music from one pc to another21:49
fbcHow do you make 'shares-admin' ask you what network services you'd like to install?21:49
nickrudDang Jack_Sparrow thats a long list21:49
dma315The only thing I did different was roll back my xorg file and reboot, which should have nothing to do with my internet connection21:50
=== LstHorizon22 is now known as BrightEyes`
fbcIs there anyone here good with ubuntu networking?21:50
Jack_SparrowHowdy Nickrud...  My vacation was awesome21:50
pharohunop: the more popular being....?coz the way i see it,with the announcement that linux is unhackable,plus the open source software privilages,i think it'll dominate pretty soon.21:50
ubutomvlc has a gui, yes, or do you mean guide? bluefoxx21:50
nickrudJack_Sparrow good to hear21:50
unopfbc, the only two services i know that shares-admin controls are nfs and samba .. and it should warn you if you were trying to enable a samba share and samba wasn't installed - nfs is almost always available21:50
bluefoxxubotum: i mean a guide on connecting to a daap network music sjare with vlc. i can stream videos, but music doesnt work >. >21:51
dmsupermanwhy is it that some of my apps keep turning to this mode where there's just a tiny little square window open with the app's icon in it, and that hides and show the main window? the little window gets annoying. so far, it's only been apps that minimize/close to systray21:51
=== Orbixx2 is now known as Orbixx
fbcunop, Yeah, but I deselected vfs the first time I ran it,,, how do I go back and check it off??21:51
fbcunop, I meant nfs21:51
=== matt64- is now known as erle-
unoppharoh, i wouldn't like to make predictions about the position of linux in 5 years - yes, it's getting to be quite popular, but will it take up a significant percentage of the market then only remains to be seen.21:52
fbcunop, I tried going to synaptic and ununstalling samba and nfs thinking it would be forced to ask me agian, but it didn't.. how do I get it to ask me again?21:52
OrbixxWhat are the different Ubuntu channels?21:52
pcglueAnyone know a gigabit pci express nic that'll work with gutsy out of the box?21:53
stefg!irc | Orbixx21:53
ubotuOrbixx: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines21:53
Jack_SparrowOrbixx, too many to list here.. anything specific you need21:53
ubutombluefoxx, I found this through google: http://getittogether.sourceforge.net/21:53
=== bluefoxx_ is now known as bluefoxx
bluefoxxother computer's chat client sucks >>21:53
gNewPowerHi, can somebody confirm to me that the Ubuntu DVD  contains all the packages from ubuntu, kubuntu, edubuntu, xubuntu, etc.21:53
abrakadabrhow to copy file from cd to home dirictory?21:54
pharohunop: oh well.anyway,i'm learning programming on windows in college en i practice at home on ubuntu..so i guess i'll just stick to both OS's but be more dominant in linux.21:54
unopfbc, i don't use gnome - so i am not sure, but given that shares-admin only works around two file sharing services, it's just easier to install them rather than count on shares-admin prompting for them.21:54
pharohunop:here in india,they advise that you must know linux21:54
bluefoxxubutom: thanks21:54
Jack_SparrowgNewPower, The repositories cover over 4 dvd's so not everything will be on one dvd.. the basics yes..21:54
=== damaltor_ is now known as damaltor
abrakadabrhow to copy file from cd to home dirictory throught terminal?21:55
gNewPowerJack_Sparrow: thanks.21:55
AzaThtI have only one /dev/ttyUSB021:55
AzaThtnot three21:55
unoppharoh, knowing linux is an advantage sure, only knowing linux might not be enough, get what i mean? :)21:55
AzaThtthough it has worked some times, but usually not21:55
pharohunop:yeap..i understand:)21:56
abrakadabrhow to copy file from cd to home dirictory throught terminal?21:56
damaltorabrakadabr: with "cp [from-path] [to-path]21:56
Odd-rationaleabrakadabr: cp /media/cdrom/file ~/21:56
stefg!cli | abrakadabr21:56
ubotuabrakadabr: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:56
AzaThtand /var/log/messages identifies it as GSM modem (1-port)21:56
abrakadabri'll try21:56
theunixgeekHow do I run Wine in 256 color mode?21:56
chetnicki just bought a new 64 bit machine, i am wondering should i install 64 bit version of ubuntu or should i stay with 32bit?21:57
damaltortheunixgeek: try to run "winecfg" and configure it21:57
AzaThtdoes anyone has a clue what I should do?21:57
theunixgeekdamaltor: there's nothing there about colors :(21:57
stefgchetnick: if you're not planning of stuffing more than 3,6 G of ram into it 32 bt is more convinient21:57
damaltortheunixgeek: just a sec21:57
pcglueI have a 400GB HD that's failing.  I want to copy the contents over to a 500GB HD so it's a duplicate.  Can I use dd even though the sizes are not the same?21:57
Jack_Sparrowpcglue, yes21:58
Jack_Sparrowbbl  Play nice..  Nickrud.. see you tomorrow...21:58
chetnickstefg: i have right now 2GB i am planing to upgrade to 4GB ... Doesnt 32bit version support 4gb of RAM?21:58
abrakadabrroot@server1:/cdrom# cp /media/cdrom/ISPConfig-2.2.22.tar.gz ~/21:58
abrakadabrcp: cannot stat `/media/cdrom/ISPConfig-2.2.22.tar.gz': No such file or directory21:58
stefgpcglue: yes, if you don't mind wasting the surplus space. you'll have an exact copy of the filesystem (as opposed to partition)21:58
abrakadabrbut it is on cd...21:58
MaDeXHi guys, does nvdia driver only supports 50hz on plug and play montiors/tv?21:59
Jack_Sparrowchetnick, yes 4 gig but not all is available for programs...21:59
navilonwhat command can i use to test the speed of my hard drives21:59
chetnickok Thanks ...21:59
theRealballchalkhey anyone got and is using totem?21:59
unopnavilon, hdparm, see the hdparm manpage on how to accomplish this21:59
navilonunop: thanks!!22:00
theRealballchalki can't get libdvdcss to work22:00
pcgluestefg,  if I don't want to waste the space, will cp (making sure all permissions stay the same) work?22:00
Odd-rationaleabrakadabr: use tab to make sure you complete the line correctly. e.g. cp /media/cdr<TAB>/ISP<TAB>22:00
unopabrakadabr, is your cdrom mounted ?22:00
SlantDoes anyone know of a tool that allows me to filter / process individual messages in a mailbox?22:00
abrakadabrunop, yes22:00
Jack_Sparrowpcglue, dd wont waste the space man dd or I can give you a link22:00
SlantSomething like how you can use fetchmail on an external IMAP and run it through a filter.22:00
unoppcglue, you'll need to use cp -a if you use cp22:00
damaltortheunixgeek: hmmm i thoughgt i was sure.. but there doesnt seem to be an option like that. what is the reason for running something in 256 colors?22:00
tim167hello, i try to make a partition on a disk with gparted, but when it starts creating it the disk automatically mounts and then gparted says it cant create a partition ...what should i do ?22:00
pcglueJack_Sparrow, would you send me the link please?22:01
unopabrakadabr, see what Odd-rationale just said ..22:01
F3d0rA_has Ubuntu 8.4 out of beta yet?22:01
theunixgeekdamaltor: an old game :P22:01
theunixgeekF3d0rA_: no22:01
damaltortheunixgeek: what dows happen when you just run it?22:01
andi5tim167: does gparted allow you to umount it again?22:01
pcglueI wasn't sure if the partitions need to be the same size or not, and what will happen to the extra space on the bigger HD.22:01
stefgchetnick: 32 bit can only access 4 GB with a trick called PAE, so 64 bit is advisable for lots of ram. but you'll have trouble with things like flash and some codecs on 64 bit, meaning that you'll have  32bit compatible libs on the system then, too22:01
Itakui get an error with vmware how do i fix it22:01
abrakadabrunop, what is 0dd-rationale?22:01
Itakuits some buffer userif.c error22:01
MaDeXtheunixgeek: let me know what you got like 10 mins spare, I need to ask a few things :D22:01
F3d0rA_so there looking at a few more weeks?22:02
theunixgeekMaDeX: ok22:02
AzaThtasking again, anyone that could help me with my hsdpa usb modem?22:02
theunixgeekdamaltor: it says it can only run in 256 color mode22:02
tim167andi5: not really, it gives an error22:02
Odd-rationaleabrakadabr: me22:02
unopabrakadabr, <Odd-rationale> abrakadabr: use tab to make sure you complete the line correctly. e.g. cp /media/cdr<TAB>/ISP<TAB>22:02
stefg!backup | pcglue22:02
ubotupcglue: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning22:02
unopabrakadabr, he's a person :)22:02
kitcheF3d0rA_: #ubuntu+1 they would know there more then here22:02
theunixgeekF3d0rA_: 11 days22:02
bluefoxx"getittogether.exe caused a undefined fault in kernel modual...explorer.exe has caused an undefined error in..."22:02
F3d0rA_kewl thanks again22:02
* nickrud has wondered about Odd-rationale 22:02
Jack_Sparrowpcglue, dd wont waste the space man dd or I can give you a link          http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Dd22:03
AzaThtbluefoxx: still wrong channel I believe22:03
chetnickstefg: thats what i wanted to know ... i heard about some issues with 64bit OS when it comes to drivers, flash, codecs etc ... just wanted somebody to confirm that ...22:03
theunixgeekMaDeX: what do you need to ask?22:03
pcgluestefg, Jack_Sparrow, thanks22:03
Jack_Sparrowchetnick, yes starting with 32 bit will make the learning curve easier.22:03
damaltortheunixgeek: thats weird. i dont have any ideas but setting X to 256 colors wich doesnt make the thing nicer.. you could try to use "wineconsole" instead of "wine", wineconsole was made for some dos progs22:03
MaDeXcare for a priv chat so i dont spam here :D22:03
Jack_Sparrowpcglue, np22:03
abrakadabrhow can i see what files are on cd? maybe my PC don't see them...22:03
kitchepcglue: the extra space will just be there but if your doing byte by byte then the partitions will most likely needt o be the same size such as in doing a hard drive copy instead of like a directory22:04
fbcunop, OK I've create the export configuration and started up both the nfs.common and nfs-kenel-server daemons.. Do they automatically advertise the service on the network for other ubuntu machines running nautilus to discover?22:04
theunixgeekdamaltor: I'll look at that22:04
damaltortheunixgeek: ok.. good luck22:04
theunixgeekdamaltor: still doesn't work22:04
Odd-rationaleabrakadabr: "cd /media/cdrom && ls"22:05
tim167andi5: gparted can unmount it,and then shows it as if the partition is made, but i cant write anything on it and it contains a file named "lost and found", wierd...22:05
Odd-rationaleabrakadabr: or just "ls /media/cdrom"22:05
damaltortheunixgeek: thats bad.. then i dont have any ideas sorry22:06
andi5tim167: did you boot from the gparted cd or is that not necessary on your computer?22:06
abrakadabrroot@server1:/media/cdrom# cd /media/cdrom && ls22:06
abrakadabrroot@server1:/media/cdrom# cd /media/cdrom && ls22:06
abrakadabrroot@server1:/media/cdrom# ls /media/cdrom22:06
FloodBot2abrakadabr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:06
FloodBot2abrakadabr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:06
Odd-rationaleabrakadabr: then you cd must not be mounted...22:06
tim167andi5: its an external USB disk that i am trying to format with a ext3 partition22:07
unopfbc, errm, i don't think so - you'll need to get the nfs clients to mount directories from the nfs server - nautilus does this (but there's no auto discovery) as does mount and other utilities22:07
r00723r0Hi, I'm having issues with my graphics drivers.22:07
abrakadabri use a small-cd, maybe it works only with normal?22:07
r00723r0Namely I cannot modprobe nvidia.22:07
r00723r0Any suggestions?22:07
ikoniar00723r0: what happens when you tried to mobprobe22:07
tim167andi5:  i dont know if i should boot from a gparded CD...should i ?22:07
AzaThtr00723r0: updated kernel reecently?22:07
andi5tim167: ok, i see... is that really a file named "lost+found" or rather a directory?22:08
r00723r0AzaTht: seems to be the case. ikonia, wait a bit.22:08
r00723r0Error running install command for nvidia.22:08
r00723r0Is what it shits out.22:08
andi5tim167: no, probably not in case of a usb device, unless you booted from it22:08
ikoniar00723r0: watch the language22:08
abrakadabri use a small-cd, maybe it works only with normal?22:08
r00723r0ikonia: sorry.22:08
AzaThtinstall command?22:08
r00723r0AzaTht: I know, I've never seen this before either.22:08
tim167andi5: a directory,but with a red [x] icon22:08
andi5tim167: what does "sudo touch $mountpoint/somename" do?22:09
lovehandlesHello there, I've got a fresh Gutsy install here, and I've just added a second HD (/dev/hdb) to my system. I have partitioned and formatted it ext3 and i've added it to my fstab. When it's mounted it puts a "new volume" icon on the desktop. Is there a way to have it mounted and not showing on my desktop?22:09
ikonialovehandles: you need to use gconf2 to edit a gnome setting to remove that22:09
ikonialovehandles: the exact setting is not on the tip of my tongue22:10
r00723r0ikonia, AzaTht: any recommendations?22:10
tim167 andi5: it creates the file test.txt22:10
ikonialovehandles: if you want to change the label of the disk you'll get a "nicer" desktop icon22:10
AzaThtr00723r0: sadly, none22:10
r00723r0AzaTht: understood.22:10
lovehandlesThat might be good enough for now22:10
ikoniar00723r0: I'm still waiting to see the error message when you try to modprobe22:10
r00723r0ikonia: I just showed you it.22:10
MaDeXubuntu hates nvidia :(22:10
stefg!fstab | lovehandles22:10
ubotulovehandles: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:10
r00723r0Error running install command for nvidia.22:10
AzaThtI my self is trying to get help here (without any sucess I might add)22:10
andi5tim167: that sounds like a permission problem, caused by improper mounting, rather than gparted's mistake :)22:10
ikoniar00723r0: thats not an error message22:10
ikoniar00723r0: what command are you using22:10
r00723r0ikonia: "sudo modprobe nvidia".22:10
tim167andi5: the mounting is automatic22:11
r00723r0Want me to exec -o it?22:11
nohelpherefloodbot is repeating itslf22:11
r00723r0FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia22:11
ikoniar00723r0: is the error in another language and your translating it ?22:11
r00723r0That's directly from the output.22:11
ikoniar00723r0: how did you install the nvidia module ?22:11
r00723r0ikonia: nvidia-glx-new from Synaptic.22:11
r00723r0This is the first time I've seen something like this as well.22:11
xtevenHow do I list the numerical representation of the permissions a file/folder ?22:12
ikoniar00723r0: and your running gusty22:12
r00723r0No, Hardy.22:12
ikoniaxteven: you don't22:12
ikoniar00723r0: ok, that explains it, join #ubuntu+122:12
r00723r0Roger, soldier.22:12
xtevenikonia, so it's impossible to list the numerical value?22:12
ikoniar00723r0: that error message is "new"22:12
ikoniaxteven: I'm not aware of a tool22:12
stefglovehandles: everything in /media gets a desktop icon, because it's considered as a removable medium. put it somewhre else (/mnt) and write an /etc/fstab entry for it22:12
MaDeXanyone able to help me?22:12
maynardexcuse i have deleted the directory of the desktop... how i can come back?22:12
lovehandlesi have an fstab entry that mounts it at /storage22:13
ikoniaMaDeX: if you ask a question22:13
pirattrevhow do u get your own personal channel listed on the main channels list?22:13
Danish989hi everyone22:13
lovehandlesand when i umount /storage the icon dissapears22:13
MaDeXikonia: I have22:13
ikoniamaynard: is it in the trash bin ?22:13
ikoniaMaDeX: I've not sen it22:13
andi5tim167: hm... i am not sure then... maybe it is still mounted by gparted?22:13
ikoniamaynard: pull it out of the trash can then22:13
stefglovehandles: try a reboot, if fstab is set up. hal/dbus might be confused22:13
lovehandlesok, I will try that. Thank you stefg22:13
saikobeemaynard: mkdir ~/Desktop22:13
maynardbut the desktop directory is changed22:14
Danish989I have a quick question: I want to isntall ubuntu on a partition with fat32 file system, which install option should I choose from the ubuntu install partioner, so that my existing data doesn't get removed and ubuntu creates a ext3 partition for itself without touching any other data on that disk?22:14
MaDeXI have issues with the nvidia, running kubuntu movies /refresh rate is fine, however I want ubuntu, getting codecs not running well, and 50hz refresh (running media pc on 42" tv)22:14
ikoniaMaDeX: none of that makes any sense22:14
fbcunop, when I try to mount the nfs from my laptop I get a timeout error. If there anyway I can check if there is somthing in my iptables files?22:14
ikoniaMaDeX: ubuntu is the same as kubuntu in terms of codec packages22:15
tim167andi5: no, thats not the case, i closed gparted, i see a volume in my filebrowser, but i cant write on it22:15
MaDeXmaybe its the nvidia drivers22:15
ikoniaMaDeX: how can getting codecs not be "going well"22:15
MaDeXits the drivers ikonia22:15
ikoniaMaDeX: the nvidia driver will be the same in gnome/kde22:15
ayif it ungoes well!22:15
maynardis possibile change the desktop directory?22:15
ayimpossible is nothing22:15
andi5tim167: can you umount it from the filebrowser?  if not, try "sudo umount $mountpoint"... then unplug and plug the device... maybe that helps, i do not know :)22:15
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:15
MaDeXikonia: well its saying 50hz on ubuntu, and I can get 60 with kubuntu22:16
Danish989can someone answer a quick installation question please?22:16
maynarday: do you know how?22:16
MaDeXikonia: movie playback is laggy, and doesnt look detailed enough22:16
aywell no, but i think i could google it22:16
andi5Danish989: you do want to install into the fat32 formatted partition or not?  i think that makes no sense at all, just make sure you have enough space for linux on its own22:16
tim167andi5: hmm i tried but no, actually i dont need a partition to dd a disk, do i ?22:16
aybut its my way of seeing things, nothing is impossible22:16
ikoniaMaDeX: is xorg using the nvida driver on both, do you have compiz running on both, what are teh differences other than the desktop22:16
unopfbc, if you have iptables enabled, disable it for the moment so you can verify that nfs is working, because your nfs problem could also lie elsewhere -- anyway, for nfs to work, port 111 and 2049 (tcp) need to be open22:17
Danish989I do want to install into the fat32 formatted partition22:17
monofueli'm getting issues with my wireless pci card. it's a realtek 8185, the support page says the card was confirmed to work with 2 previous version of ubuntu, but i can't get connected to my home network to go online.22:17
ikoniaandi5: you won't be able to install onto a fat partition22:17
Danish989but doesnt ubuntu format the space into ext3?22:17
MaDeXikonia: its hard to explain i think it could be totem then22:17
Danish989and when it does that, does that mean the whole drive will be erased?22:17
ikoniaDanish989: you won't be able to install ubuntu onto a fat32 partition22:17
andi5tim167: you can dd into files or raw devices... no need to create a file system22:17
Wibble-I've recently installed a new SATA DVD burner and trying to burn a DVD using "growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/scd0 ." used to work with my EIDE burner on Ubuntu 7.10, but now does not produce DVD player compatible DVD's with the SATA burner on Ubuntu 8.04.  Is there something I need to be doing differently?22:17
ikoniaandi5: no you can't22:17
andi5ikonia: i cannot what? :-)22:18
fbcunop, how do you do that?22:18
ikoniaandi5: dd'ing the files onto raw devices will not work as an installtion method22:18
Danish989do I need to use Gparted to first resize the partition?22:18
MaDeXikonia:  I also have a second pc, where the I have nvidia 8800 gts, the setup cd runs, but when i select try, the screen goes blank22:18
xeerdoes Ubuntu have any DLNA support? aka, streaming audio/video to PS3/XBox360?22:18
aymaynard: what exactly do you want to do?22:18
tim167andi5: i have a crashed disk and i want to try dd-ing it to this new one...ok i'll try it...was the command this : dd -if /dev/olddisk -of /dev/newdisk ? or do i need to add more stuff ?22:18
unopfbc, i don't remember these iptables commands at the top of my head .. but please do !google, you'll find something.22:18
aybecause you can bind a folder to desktop22:18
owen1how to do right click with keyboard?22:19
andi5ikonia: i did not know anyone was trying to use that as an installation method22:19
ikoniaandi5: Danish989 appears to be, unless you where not talking to him22:19
tim167andi5: i had all that in memo's but they are on the trashed disk ... :/22:19
MaDeXI think ill go back to kubuntu22:19
andi5tim167: dd if=/dev/olddisk of=/dev/newdisk bs=4k (or whatever blocksize you prefer), there are also count or offset, but i guess you do notneed them22:19
andashhello, my dvd-burner have suddenly stopped working. it worked perfectly until a few days ago. it can read but not burn in any way, what may be the cause?22:20
Danish989Ok, here's my question re-phrased : if I resize using the partition, how should I resize it? On the partition 7.51 GB is free and I have 1GB of ram on the computer ... how should I resize the partitions for ubuntu? Including space for a swap partition?22:20
ikoniaandash: faulty drive ?22:20
ikoniaDanish989: your call, it's personal taste22:21
andashikonia: well thats a possibility but i dont think so..22:21
tim167andi5: ok, so bs=4k is good to recover data from a broken disk ?, also do you know anything about what i can do with the image afterwards ? are there tools to recover the actual files from it ?22:21
ikoniaandash: try it from the livecd ?22:21
arcticpenguin380DOES the alt cd install faster than the live cd?22:21
unopDanish989, 6.5G for / and 1 for swap ..22:21
Danish989but what would you recommend, ikonia?22:21
ayDanish989: just try 1.5gb swap and aut rest22:21
xeerdoes Ubuntu have any DLNA support? aka, streaming audio/video to PS3/XBox360?22:21
andashah, good idea. ill do that then22:21
ikoniaarcticpenguin380: it will do as there is no gui running in memory22:21
andi5tim167: fortunately i have never had the pleasure to have a broken disk, so no, i am sorry22:21
ayI have.. :(22:22
tim167andi5, ok no problem22:22
stercorI'm looking for a window manager that I used a long time ago.  It had 6 panels, all with nothing in them.  When one panel was full, I could switch to a new, blank panel.  MUCH better than getting the same icons on a new panel.22:22
Danish989ok thanks for everything :)22:22
aynp :)22:22
monofueli'm getting issues with my wireless pci card. it's a realtek 8185, the support page says the card was confirmed to work with 2 previous version of ubuntu, but i can't get connected to my home network to go online.22:22
kitche umm sounds like twm stercor maybe unless you mean by panels a new desktop22:23
stercorkitche: thanks, I'll go nose around.22:23
andi5kitche: is not metacity the one with only 4 panels? ;-)22:23
maynarday: I have to change the directory of the desktop because i deleted the director /home/user/desktop...22:23
theexecutorhi guys...I've got a problem running flash plugin...I normaly install it via Firefox' xtension manager, but that flash things doesn's work. Could u help me pls??22:24
kitchedepends what he means by panels22:24
maynarday: and the desktop directory is changed in /home/user/22:24
azexian 22:24
miotheexecutor: try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree22:24
gatestoneI would have resizex my Windows partition with PartitionMagic but it failed. Any other suggestions, with Linux tools?22:25
theexecutorokay, but it'll follow the same process as via firefox or not??22:25
miotheoretically yes22:25
miowhat version of ubuntu do you use?22:25
tylerflickgatestone: Use the live ubuntu cd and run gnome partitioner22:25
theexecutorI've got xubuntu gutsy22:26
sidelilexcuse me how can I ssh to a computer behind a router?22:26
mio32 or 64 bit?22:26
theexecutorsry 3222:26
miowhat is the error message the installation gives you?22:26
tylerflickgatestone: You cannot resize a partition from the same hard drive you are running an OS on. Hence the need to run Gparted from the live cd.22:26
andi5sidelil: forward port 22 from your router to your computer,... (or even change port 22 to some other, not well-known number)22:27
AshexLuck be with me, fsck failed on my laptop22:27
Ashexis manual check fsck -p /dev/sda3?22:27
theexecutorthat's that problem..no error does appear..it simply doesn't run22:27
miodid you try to remove it and to reinstall it?22:27
sidelilandi5, and then? When I've forwarded the port, should i ssh to the internet address of the router?22:28
Ashexnevermind, running it now22:28
aymaynard:  pardon my ignorance, but why can't you re-create the directory?22:28
Ashexit's been awhile since I've had this happen :/22:28
andi5sidelil:  sure22:28
azexian  22:28
theexecutorno...I'll try it...thx22:28
miosudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree :-)22:28
theexecutorsudo prompts it's installed in the newest vs22:28
sidelilandi5, just the internet address, nothing else like the local address of the computer in the LAN?22:28
maynarday: i re-create the directory but the desktop directory is changed...22:28
theexecutori know thx:D22:29
miothen enter about:plugins in firefox :-)22:29
mioand check whether flash is listed or not22:29
andi5sidelil: that is the part of information you tell your router beforehand: "if something wants to talk with you on port 22, rather redirect it to blaa"22:29
JothDual desktops is working on my login screen, but not after I actually login; is it possible that when I login, it's using a different xorg.conf file?22:29
sidelilandi5, ah, ok cool. Thanks.22:29
bharadwajwhile I was trying to customise my live CD I don't remember wht I did but while deleting the one file I get it is read only file..now I am unable to delete it..anyhelp would be grate..22:30
theexecutorwould lsmod work??22:30
aymaynard: oh and since you deleted it your desktop is set to /home/user/.. hmm then I dont know really but you couldn't be the first with this problem22:30
ayI shalt investigate22:30
=== Liamm is now known as Liam
theexecutoror better q...would lsmod list that plugin??22:30
miodont know22:30
maynarday: thanks22:31
miobut firefox should list it22:31
=== Liam is now known as Liamm
maynarday: i too22:31
miootherwise it will probably not work22:31
navilonwhen running a file system check, what does "10.5% non-contiguous" mean22:31
andi5maynard: there is a magical gconf key, somewhere in /desktop, i think... just use gconf-editor and search for desktop :)22:31
sangpraboHi, all. I've downloaded javadoc from sun's site, copy it into /tmp and extract it with synaptic. But, in NetBeans 6.0, when I want to include it as the javadoc (using Library Manager) and input the URL (/usr/share/doc/j2sdk1.4/1.4.2/jdk/api ), nothing happens. What should I do?22:31
azexian 22:31
FlyerfyeAnyone know how to get S-video to work22:32
miotheexecutor i misunderstood you, lsmod just lists kernel modules and no browser plugins...22:32
andi5sangprabo: do not use /tmp and that directory is typically used for temporary storage... some distros (ubuntu? i do not know) clear that directory at each boot22:33
theexecutorno plugins r installed said firefox...so I'll try to sudo again??22:33
mioremove and install again22:33
miobut before do a sudo apt-get update22:33
jessidhello I am using moto4lin and everything goes right but when i press the connect button, i cant see the files sotred in th phone. My phone is a supported device....when i run p2ktest it shows a biiiig list, what could it be????22:33
miothan check in firefox about:plugins whether it is installed or not22:33
HooplahDoes anyone know how to get rid of terminal "logs">22:33
sangpraboandi5: I don't boot my PC22:33
kitcheandi5: if you notice he said /usr/share/doc/ he only used /tmp for temporary storage like you said22:33
andi5theexecutor: out of curiosity, did you check the url "about:plugins"?22:34
FlannelHooplah: which logs?22:34
HooplahLike, the previous commands I've used.22:34
sangpraboandi5: after I've copied the file, I went to synaptyc22:34
FlannelHooplah: that's ~/.bash_history22:34
theexecutorchecked...not installed22:34
Hooplahokay. and doing rm -fr should do the trick?22:34
andi5kitche: oops, i did not read the synaptic part, i assume he extracted it right there22:34
kitchesangprabo: if you compiled the program then why are you using synaptic?22:34
FlannelHooplah: No.  just rm.  no -r and no -f22:34
theexecutorinstalling now:)22:34
milesdHi, everybody. I'm trying to run the Gutsy livecd/installer but I can't get it to boot. when I take the "silent splash" keywords out of the boot parameters I can see it get as far as starting hald, I get an "ok" and then the box hangs22:35
azexian 22:35
sangprabokitche: I mean I used sudo apt-get (again)22:35
gatestoneI googleds  ntfsresize, But I can't find it in the Ubuntu packages?22:35
milesdacpi=off didn't help much, either... Has anybody else run into this?22:35
chetnicktry no apic22:35
sangprabokitche: I am using sudo apt-get autoremove, and it automatically solved the problem, but I still have a problem with NetBeans22:35
gatestoneok, ntfsresize in in ntfsprogs. Found it with Synaptic, thoug aptitude search gave nothing.22:36
Adysis it a reasonable idea to remove ubuntu-docs if i never use the help files, or does it contain more than just that?22:36
J-Unitis there any software for ubuntu that allows me to contruct stem and leaf plots and box and wisker plots?22:37
theexecutorman look at this22:37
theexecutordownload done.22:37
=== mio is now known as mio_
theexecutormd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz22:38
mio_old problem:P22:38
ODBexcuse me but hm... the official page @ubuntu.com about ATI cards deals with video only but i have a ATI-IXP southbridge HD-audio and modem and can't get it to work even if i follow the Comprehensive Sound Problem Solutions Guide ?22:38
theexecutorThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.22:38
mio_executor do the apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree again22:38
theexecutorwhere's the problem??22:38
mio_there is an update of flash22:38
mio_and the deb package checks the download size of the old version22:39
mio_so there is an mismatch22:39
azexian 22:39
millertime_018how do i install beryl22:39
aymaynard: found something perhaps similar to your problem22:39
=== chryss_ is now known as chryss
arcanistherogueI'm having trouble unmounting my cdrom drive22:40
aymaynard: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34160722:40
andi5_Q: when `apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree` fetches the adobe code, why does not it download a signed md5sum from ubuntu servers as well?22:40
aylast post22:40
dmsupermandoes anybody know how i can add a second right-click option for mp3s to enqueue a song? I know it's dependent on the program, so I guess my overall question is: How can I add a second command to the right-click menu for mp3's?22:40
mio_exetor try that package http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10761023/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2_i386.deb22:40
Wibble-arcanistherogue: Just explain why22:40
theexecutork, I've removed it...what now??22:40
mio_check above22:40
mio_i think that you can install it with this graphical deb tool22:41
arcanistherogueI put in my UT2004 cd 1 and when I got in the installation script running it asked to put the second cd in.  I couldnt unmount it from the command line as root nor by right clicking on my desktop icon, I closed out of hte installer but it still says that an application is using my cdrom drive22:41
gfetcoCan someone help me I have Pcsx22:41
arcanistherogueall I'm using now is: xchat, pidgin, firefox, terminal, banshee22:41
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.22:41
arcanistherogueand I already tried closing banshee to see if that was the problem but it didn't fix anything22:41
gfetcoI have pcsx2 installed and it aint working the plugins doesnt show up and I have the bios!22:42
dmsupermanarcanistherogue, unmount the drive22:42
millertime_018HEY does anyone know how to install Beryl?22:42
Flannelmillertime_018: What version of Ubuntu are you using?22:42
dmsupermanumount -f /PATH/TO/CDROm i believe22:42
aymillertime_018: isn't that autoinstalled?22:42
Pelomillertime_018, you don'T need to anymore it's pre-instaled ,  just turn on the destkop effects22:42
arcanistheroguedmsuperman, I tried but it says that it cannot be unmounted22:42
dmsupermanuse the -f parameter to force it22:42
Flannelmillertime_018: Then you don't have beryl, you have compiz-fusion, and yeah, its already installed.22:42
arcanistheroguewhat does the -f do22:42
aymillertime_018: yep :)22:42
millertime_018well how do i do that22:42
ay-f force22:42
Pelomillertime_018, also it is beryl got merged back with compiz and is now called compiz-fusion22:43
gfetcoCan someone help me with pcsx2 emulator?22:43
arcanistherogueI got the same error :/22:43
pharohhey how can i read an html compiled file?22:43
millertime_018how do i turn on the effects then22:43
Pelomillertime_018, menu > system > prefs > appearance  last tab22:43
gfetcoPharoh, open it in a webbrowser22:43
andi5_pharoh: you mean a chm?22:43
aysystem preferences apperance22:43
gfetcoCan someone help me with pcsx2 emulator?22:43
pharohandi5_: yeap..that's the one22:43
ayto millertime_01822:43
millertime_018sorry i didnt get that22:43
arcanistheroguethe umount -f didn't work, it still says the device is busy22:43
millertime_018menu, system22:43
gfetcoCan someone help me with pcsx2 emulator?22:44
ayhm okay22:44
Pelogfetco, they have a forum you might want to look into22:44
millertime_018how do i turn on desktop effects22:44
aymillertime_018: I get Applications - Places - System at the top of my screen22:44
gfetcoPelo I have aldready looked but I couldnt find the answer...22:44
Pelomillertime_018, right click the dekstop,  change wall paper,  last tab on that dialog box22:44
theexecutorit is installing22:44
mio_great :-)22:44
=== LeGreffi3R_ is now known as LeGreffi3R
gatestonentfsresize is doing it for me right now! I cross my hands and I wait... !!!!22:45
gfetcoCan someone help me with pcsx2 emulator the plugins aint showing on the configurations!!22:45
theexecutorman same problem22:45
ayPelo: lol great shortcut :) somehow I didn't know that!22:45
Pelogatestone, way to jinx yourself22:45
millertime_018it says that desktop effects could not be enabled22:45
theexecutormismatch again22:45
Pelomillertime_018,  what video card do you hve ?22:45
millertime_018i have a chipset22:45
andi5_pharoh: maybe GnoCHM, kchmviewer  or xchm  (please note that that is only result of a quick'n'dirty google search)22:45
Pelomillertime_018, ...22:45
gfetcoDoes anyone know any fun games that are multiplayer that I can play against my friends which runs Windows22:46
aymillertime_018: using nvidia you need their prpr.. propier.. proprie.. whatervern thei closed drivers22:46
Pelogfetco, quake22:46
millertime_018where do i get that?22:46
ayyeah quake IS fun22:46
millertime_018so i'm using a generic driver?22:46
gfetcoQuake is old really old22:46
bobber205_I have a flash drive full of files that I need to copy over to my mounted hard disk (linux FS)22:46
Pelomillertime_018, start with checking in the admin menu under restricted drivers22:46
aymillertime_018: do you have a nvidia-graphics card?22:46
bobber205_I can see the files on both the flash drive and the HD, but I cannot copy any files to the HD22:47
aygfecto so am I!22:47
gatestonePelo and others, BTW I don't suggest doing ntfsresize (or similar, if your Linux partition is low on disk space. I started this process now because my Linux programs started to silently crash due low disk space..22:47
gfetcoI wanted to play Warsow but my screen wont let it play22:47
bobber205_why? I DESPERATELY need to22:47
millertime_018idk... hold on just a sec. well i have an aspire 592022:47
theexecutormio did u see??22:47
millertime_018and where is the admin menu?22:47
gfetco"gfetco so am i"?22:47
mio_they released yet another update22:47
gatestone...but I deleted some files (du / | sort -n is nice) first22:47
bobber205_I have the LiveCD how do I get to a terminal session?!22:48
arcanistheroguehttp://pastebin.com/m5e7d91b3 see I keep getting the error22:48
arcanistherogueIt won't let me unmount the drive even with the -f22:48
bobber205_I need to change some permissions to copy files to the right places22:48
Pelobobber205_, same place on the ubuntu website,  just check the alternate cd box below the download buton22:48
theexecutork...thanks for your time spending in helping me:D22:48
andi5_bobber205_: choose the terminal from applications > utilities (i think)22:48
bobber205_I do not see that22:48
bobber205_I think the resolution is too big or something22:48
Pelobobber205_, copy with sudo ,   sudo cp /source  /destination22:48
UBUNTUJAY123i got a question is xubuntu better than ubuntu22:49
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:49
andi5_bobber205_: alt-f2 gnome-terminal?  (if that is what you are asking for)22:49
arcanistherogueis xfce better than gnome?  ask yourself that22:49
maynarday: thanks a lot. i try to reboot22:49
UBUNTUJAY123my friend said xubuntu runs alot faster22:49
PeloUBUNTUJAY123, it runs a lighter desktop , but I donT hink it is as user freindly22:49
Pelomillertime_018, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel22:49
aymaynard: good luck!22:49
bobber205_andi5_: did not work22:49
arcanistherogueyeah, what pelo said22:49
millertime_018whats up with private chat?22:49
gfetcoHow can I get a cooler boot screen? and the Knoppix sounds from system startup? It goes something like this "Sequence Startup" or something xD.. I want some cool boot like console that says what is loading instead of just a dull loading screen22:49
aybut xubuntu is quite cute22:49
LjL!pm | millertime_01822:50
ubotumillertime_018: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.22:50
Pelomillertime_018, yuou are not registred,  and I block /msg nayway22:50
UBUNTUJAY123i have been running ubuntu for a long while havent ever try xubuntu22:50
arcanistheroguehow does one change the splash screen on startup22:50
arcanistherogueand how does one change the default dm from kdm back to gdm22:50
Pelo!theme | arcanistherogue last link22:50
ubotuarcanistherogue last link: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy22:50
millertime_018i have a chipset pelo, and im in the restricted drivers menu22:50
LjLarcanistherogue: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm22:50
nickrud!usplash arcanistherogue22:50
Pelomillertime_018, what chipset is it ?22:50
gfetcoHow can I get a cooler boot screen? and the Knoppix sounds from system startup? It goes something like this "Sequence Startup" or something xD.. I want some cool boot like console that says what is loading instead of just a dull loading screen22:50
millertime_018it says the following drivers are in use: intel wireless22:50
nickrud!usplash |  arcanistherogue  always forget the pipe22:50
ubotuarcanistherogue  always forget the pipe: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork22:50
bobber205_so again how do I get a terminal session? or change the res so that I can click on something to do so?22:50
Pelomillertime_018, forget the restricted manager for now , what is yor video chipset ?22:51
andi5_bobber205_: i have no clue, but maybe your virtual screen size is bigger than the physical one? try moving the mouse to the right or lower edge of your screen22:51
UBUNTUJAY123i ahve 2.0 cpu 512 ram and 80 gig hd22:51
mio_theexecutor do you know how to uninstall firefox extensions?22:51
arcanistheroguethanks a lot guys22:51
nickrudbobber205_ alt-f2 , and type  gnome-terminal22:51
LjLbobber205_: if you can't reach or use the GUI mode, try ctrl+alt+f2 to reach a textmode terminal22:51
bobber205_seems ok but I do not see any menu at the top or bottom22:51
PeloUBUNTUJAY123, you can run ubunt with gnome no problem22:51
UBUNTUJAY123i know i have been for a while22:51
theexecutorit can be done via firefox xtension mgr i think22:51
gfetcoPelo, whats the webpage to where I can change my boot?22:51
bobber205_everykey I think might be alt doesn't work. Ihave a mac keyboard22:52
mio_can you uninstall the ubuntu extension?22:52
Pelogfetco, just read up22:52
UBUNTUJAY123i have been running ubuntu scen to 5.04 came out22:52
aygfecto www.google.com/linux ?:)22:52
JammedCiscoI disabled KDE using command "sudo update-rc.d -f kdm remove", How do I enable it back?22:52
andi5_LjL: is there any reason to choose the second console?  is ctrl-alt-f1 occupied by something different?22:52
nickrudbobber205_ ah, sorry I don't know the alt key on mac boards22:52
millertime_018is "mobile GM965/GL960 intergrated graphics contoller" it?22:52
bobber205_where are my disks mounted?22:52
LjLandi5_: shouldn't be, it may have some cruft on the screen about GRUB and booting, that's all22:52
gfetcodamn isnt their a way to disable people leaving the room and such? it gives me a headache22:52
arcanistherogueuh I dont have a System > Administration > Login Window22:53
nickrudbobber205_  df -h , lists your partitions, and where they are mounted22:53
mio_after that you shold be able to just visit youtube.com and download it automatically22:53
arcanistherogueI'm on 7.10 and I don't see hte option22:53
andi5_LjL: ok, thanks22:53
Pelomillertime_018,  what company is taht , intel, nvidia, ati ?22:53
theexecutorman this is cool...it doesn't have it installed22:53
nickrudarcanistherogue install gdmsetup22:53
gfetcohow can I remove greentext?22:53
_Silhouette_Hello...I am trying to load ubuntu from an external HD using EasyBCD....I don't know what the bootloader path is, though, or if I have grub installed properly. How can I tell?22:53
gfetcoI dont want to know if someone is entering the chat or not22:53
Pelomillertime_018, then you probably don'T need a driver,  I think you probably just need to install xgl or some such but I am no expert, try asking in #compiz they will know waht you need22:54
nickrudgfetco what chat client are you using?22:54
Pelogfetco, what irc client are you using ?22:54
mio_firefox has no ubuntu extension?22:54
oontrawhat's the best way to backup my emails from thunderbird and import them to a newer ubuntu?22:54
oontrai copied .mozilla-thunderbird and thought i could just drop it in /home/user but that doesn't seem to work :/22:54
gfetcoI am using Pidgin Pelo22:54
andi5_oontra: just make a backup and let the updated thunderbird import it itself, i supose22:54
Pelogfetco, ask the ppl in #pidgin how to hide the join /part messages22:54
theexecutorubuntu xtension?? It does...no flash22:55
gfetcothank you22:55
asathoorcan i use ubuntu on my palm m505?22:55
Pelo!flash | theexecutor22:55
ubotutheexecutor: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:55
theexecutoreven in about:plugins22:55
Odd-rationalegfetco: right-click the pidgin icon in the tray and go to plugins. you will find it there.22:55
Peloasathoor, I think there is a mobile version but I am not sure,  maybe google or check in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org22:55
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:55
oontraandi5: yeah but how do i make that backup?22:55
Pelo_Silhouette_, when nmo one answers you just repeat periodicaly ,  this is a busy channel we miss some22:56
andi5_oontra: i do not use thunderbird by myself, i guess it stores its configuration and hopefully mail as well in ~/.thunderbird or ~/.mozilla/thunderbird22:56
theexecutorubotu: thx...22:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thx... - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:56
asathoorPelo >> thanx, I have googled though... but i will try these forums22:56
mio_ubotu is a bot :P22:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot :p - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:56
FlyerfyeAnyone know how to get S-video to work22:57
mio_but nice of you to talk to him executor22:57
PeloFlyerfye, nvidia card ? you need the propriatarty driver I beleve22:57
Odd-rationale!thanks | theexecutor22:57
ubotutheexecutor: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:57
Flyerfyeoh hey Pelo22:57
FlyerfyeI fixed it22:57
PeloFlyerfye, fixed what ? sorry busy place , no memory22:57
andi5_theexecutor: command not found ;-)22:57
theexecutorlol i didn't know that:D22:58
gfetcoPelo, I think they are dead in the #pidgin channel or maybe they dont have any fingers xD22:58
Odd-rationalegfetco: right-click the pidgin icon in the tray and go to plugins. you will find it there.22:58
FlyerfyePelo, I fixed the problem with ubuntu not recognizing my driver on startup22:58
theexecutorbut he is so kind:D22:58
Pelogfetco, not all channels are as busy as this one22:58
J-Unitis there any software that allows me to do graphs for math hw?22:58
FlyerfyePelo: I used this sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh22:58
PeloFlyerfye, ah , ok22:58
_Silhouette_Hello...I am trying to load ubuntu from an external HD using EasyBCD....I don't know what the bootloader path is, though, or if I have grub installed properly. How can I tell?22:58
FlyerfyePelo: ya but for S-video I have a nvidia driver as well as an S-video port22:59
andi5_J-Unit: have you tried gnumeric?22:59
gfetcoThanks odd-rational22:59
Pelo_Silhouette_, are you booting from the interenal drive or from the external ?22:59
Odd-rationalegfetco: np22:59
mouseboyxis open dns working for everyone?22:59
FlyerfyePelo: I also have the cable but I dont know how to get the setting to allow me to use all that to show the contents of my laptop to screen22:59
andi5_J-Unit: or what sort of graphs do you want to plot? .. maybe a real function plotter program?22:59
J-Unitandi5_, numeric spreadsheet?22:59
Odd-rationalemouseboyx: working for me...22:59
PeloFlyerfye, check in the totem prefs , there is a tvout setting maybe that is all you need23:00
theexecutormio: so i have to uninstall ubuntu extension??23:00
mio_it could work23:00
cannonhey guys, what packages do I need to add to play movies, like avi, xvid, etc?23:00
J-Unitandi5_, i want stem and leaf plots most importantly and also box and whisker plots23:00
gfetcoPelo: You gave me a great site of the Ubuntu Boot Screen when I asked you what fun I can do in Ubuntu can't you try to remember it?23:00
Odd-rationalecannon: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:00
gfetcoPlease (A)23:00
theexecutorand run sudo install again??23:00
Pelocannon, open synaptic search for gstreamer0.10 and install everythng you see23:00
mio_then you just visit youtube23:00
mio_and firefox should downlaod flash to its home dir23:01
cannonk, pelo23:01
theexecutork..thx...I'll try that23:01
Pelogfetco, hold on that 's for gtxboot23:01
dmsupermanI have KTorrent. I go to the file tab, and try to open an mp3. It says that the link is malformed, and it's pointing to amarok to open it with. I used to have amarok, but I have exaile now. I've changed it from amarok to exaile in my Preferred Applications, what else do I have to do to make KTorrent follow this new command?23:01
n0dlok. I have created a variable with the string NAME="Aquabats,The". Im trying to get awk to search for the string via this command awk -F':' "/$NAME/"'{print $0}' mp3list. However its not printing anything out. When i set the variable to just Aquabats it works correctly. How would i get special characters such as , to be parsed?23:01
gfetcoShould i search for gtxboot?23:01
Pelogfetco, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208855&highlight=gfxboot&page=2223:01
_Silhouette_Hello...I am trying to load ubuntu from an external HD using EasyBCD....I don't know what the bootloader path is, though, or if I have grub installed properly. How can I tell?23:01
FlyerfyePelo: Ill brb, checking if it works23:01
theexecutorit's got some problem with that??23:02
Pelo_Silhouette_, are you booting from the interenal drive or from the external ?23:02
gfetcoThanks Pelo your a great man or woman xD23:02
djnmis anyone using the weather.pl script and having problems with the 5 day forcast?23:02
theexecutori mean flashplugin with ffox xtension23:02
* Pelo is the spirit of the internet 23:02
mio_flashplugin got updated again23:02
mio_and ubuntu does not update its packages every 2 days23:02
mio_so you could just wait a week or so and then installation would work flawlessly23:03
gfetcoThe great spirit of the internet?23:03
Pelodjnm, is that part of conky screenlets , gdesklets ?23:03
_Silhouette_Pelo: I would assume the internal, although ubuntu is on the external hard drive23:03
mio_they normally release updated packages23:03
gfetcoI doubt internet has a spirit23:03
MagoonDwhen I use tsclient to rdp to a xp machine in full screen mode I can only get back to my ubuntu desktop if I disconnect, how can I switch back and forth without disconnecting?23:03
ayyou saying pelo is dead?23:03
Pelo_Silhouette_, if you can , try booting from the external , supossing ubuntu was completely installed on the external grub incluede23:03
J-Unitandi5_, im making decent stem and leaf with tomboy anyway...if u no of any good app tell me tho :)23:03
dmsupermanMagoon: Try alt + tab? or does windows capture that?23:04
Pelogfetco, go and read some Gibson23:04
andi5_J-Unit: that is not my favorite topic, but have you tried those r packages, like r-gnome?23:04
MagoonDdmsuperman, let me try that brb23:04
_Silhouette_Pelo: I don't know if grub was installed. I used the alternate CD install, live didn't work23:04
* Pelo never told anyone to go and read Gibson , he must realy hate gfetco 23:04
Pelo_Silhouette_, grub is always installed,23:04
J-Unitandi5_, no, ill try that as soon as my terminal is done doing wat it is currently doing23:05
_Silhouette_Pelo: EasyBCD's bootloader path mentions a \NST\nst_grub.mbr , which I don't see on the HD.23:05
MagoonDdmsuperman, windows captures alt + tab23:05
gfetcoWhat is gibson?23:05
Pelo_Silhouette_, just to recap here can you actualy boot ubuntu or not ? what exactly is the issue ?23:05
_Silhouette_Pelo: Ubuntu shows on the vista bootloader, but I can't boot into ubuntu23:05
=== acke_n is now known as acke
dmsupermanMagoonD, what about Winkey + Tab? I'm not sure if that's enabled by default in ubuntu, but it switches for me23:05
_Silhouette_Pelo: I'm using EasyBCD23:05
Pelogfetco, and author or ciberpunk novels, realhy bad lit23:05
theexecutormio thanks a lot it's working!! Now I can view all that beatiful blinking anoying ads:D23:05
MagoonDdmsuperman, my keyboard doesn't have winkey23:06
mio_give noscript and adblock plus a try23:06
mio_but no problem23:06
andi5_theexecutor: have fun while clicking them :)23:06
aynoscript <323:06
gfetcoWell you cant be mad at me for saying internet has a spirit23:06
Odd-rationale_Silhouette_: a fool-proof method of installing ubuntu to external hdd is to remove all other drives (internal) and install ubuntu as normal. that way, grub will automatically be installed in the correct location.23:06
gfetcoIts just numbers23:06
theexecutoryeah i know...adblock is my favourite:) just a joke23:06
gfetcowell bye23:06
_Silhouette_odd-rationale: it's a laptop23:06
Pelo_Silhouette_, that's when you boot from the internal hdd I assume,  try booting from the exxternal, see what happens,  I can't realy help you much,  I don'T know about bdc and about vista bootloader23:06
djnmPelo: no its a perl script i got off the forums23:06
mio_okay :)23:07
Odd-rationale_Silhouette_: sure. same thing...23:07
thenetduckCan some one help me with a question about upgrading my Ubuntu machine?23:07
dmsupermanMagoonD, then I'm not sure, I'm not familiar with the client. I know that Windows RDP client has a little bar across the top that allows you to minimize and close, but I think that's part of the client not the server23:07
_Silhouette_Pelo: i can't find a folder \nst\ or a nst_grub.mbr file23:07
Pelodjnm, but is it that script that displays weather info in conky is the question23:07
aythenetduck perhaps :) asl your question and we'll do our best23:07
MagoonDok thx23:07
andi5_ay: i doubt we will be able though :)23:07
Pelo_Silhouette_,  I dont think those aer folder you can access ,but I might bewrong23:07
_Silhouette_odd-rationale: ubuntu is already installed to external drive. I just need to boot it23:07
djnmPelo: yeah23:07
ayandi5_: true.. so we have pelo!23:07
Pelo_Silhouette_, I'll stop now I'm realy not able to hlep you23:07
Pelodjnm, try asking in #conky then23:08
willieCan someone point me at the correct forum to enquire about 8.04 on sparc?  Thank you    I have a problem specifying the keyboard -- no option for sun6 usb23:08
djnmPelo: k23:08
andi5_willie: #ubuntu+1 is a good starting point, i suppose23:08
thenetduckay, Ok, I would like to install the new Hardy Heron edition of Ubuntu but I want to have it installed and working for a long time. My question is, if I install the beta version, when the official release comes out will it just be a couple of updates?23:08
Peloay, if you realy knew how little I know you'd  be very very disapointed23:08
RAdamsDoes anyone know why I can't see the mp3 option I created in rhythmbox under the music tab? I'm trying to set it as my preferred option. I set it to "active" when editing its profile, but it isn't a preferred format option23:08
ayPelo: and thus I don't know!23:09
thenetduckay, or will it be a full OS upgrade from beta to whatever23:09
_Silhouette_odd-rationale: do you have any suggestions? what is this \nst\ folder?23:09
andi5_ay: do not trash our deep trust in you :)23:09
aythenetduck: that one I don't know, so I hope one of our fellow knowers do!23:09
andi5_sorry, Pelo i mean23:09
Teo-i have lenovo 3000 and some keys are not working like / ?  help pls..23:09
nickrudthenetduck you'll see a bunch of updates between now and then, but no os upgrade23:09
willieandi5_: thank you23:09
ayandi5_: hehe :D The force is strong in this one23:09
_Silhouette_Pelo: where is the .mbr usually on Ubuntu?23:09
Pelothenetduck, if you install the beta , when it comes out officaly you will just get updated, , but I would wait for the official , it's got several little bugs left to fix23:09
Odd-rationale_Silhouette_: dunno what is /nst. can your laptop boot from usb?23:09
_Silhouette_odd-rationale: yes23:10
_Silhouette_odd-rationale: at least the bios says it can23:10
Odd-rationale_Silhouette_: how are you trying to boot it right now?23:10
Pelo_Silhouette_, no idea23:10
_Silhouette_odd-rationale: easyBCD, via vista bootloader23:10
_Silhouette_odd-rationale: it can't find the nst_grub.mbr file, and neither can I23:10
thenetduckPelo, will it just be a cleaner install if I wait?23:10
nickrud_Silhouette_ the mbr? usually on the first sector of the drive23:11
Odd-rationale_Silhouette_: you need to install grub on the external hdd.23:11
Pelothenetduck, yes , much cleaner, only 11 days,  be patient23:11
_Silhouette_nickrud: where is that? I can't find it23:11
_Silhouette_odd-rationale: did it do that when I installed ubuntu?23:11
Odd-rationale_Silhouette_: the easybcd disk should not be needed.23:11
boolkaI installed 8.04 on my laptop which is connected to tv through Svideo cable. When I press power button on laptop and function + svideo out, i see the pic on tv. When it all loads up to the screen where im asked to enter user and pass, it turns of and i see image only on laptop, and cant get it to show anything on tv after that. How can this be fixed?23:11
Odd-rationale_Silhouette_: probably not...23:11
Peloboolka, you need to ask in #ubuntu+123:11
_Silhouette_odd-rationale: how do I install grub to the external drive, then?23:12
thenetduckPelo, :/  .... my firefox doesn't work and I can't seem to get it working... so that's whats pushing me to install the new os23:12
nickrud_Silhouette_ I don't think I've ever seen an nst_grub.mbr on a standard ubuntu install, sounds like something windows would use in it's loader23:12
GIn_can u use berul themes with compiz?23:12
boolkaPelo thanks, whats the ubuntu+1 channel?23:12
andi5_time to reveal my secret blocker glibc bug... :-)23:12
Odd-rationale_Silhouette_: what do you have running on you laptop? vista?23:12
aythenetduck: whats up with firefox?23:12
Pelothenetduck, what is it that is not working in FF  FF itself or some part of it ?23:12
zcat[1]GIn_: you can use emerald, yes..23:12
aythenetduck: tried to installed the FF beta?23:12
Peloboolka, #ubuntu+123:12
nickrud_Silhouette_ how did you install to this external drive?23:12
wesoleknickrud can you help me with my wireless?23:12
* zcat[1] is using emerald with compiz-fusion now..23:12
FlyerfyePelo: I dled nv-tv and I think it will work, ill try it out when I get home and report back23:12
nickrudwesolek heh. I know jack about wireless23:12
boolkaPelo is that channel specifically for 8,04?23:13
Pelonickrud,  wireless has no jack that,s the point23:13
aywhoops daughter awoke, brb23:13
nickrudPelo is Punchy today :)23:13
wesoleknickrud, oh I see... I just remember you helped me last time23:13
Peloboolka, it,s the channel for the "next" version , we'Re the official one , we'Re still doig 7.1023:13
boolkaah thanks23:13
thenetduckay, pelo ya I installed FF 3 successfully but wanted to switch back to reg. So I downloaded the reg release and deleted my /usr/bin/firefox (the beta one) and replaced it with the reg folder.23:13
zcat[1]ten more days?23:13
andi5_boah, that is rather old... would be interesting how many percent of the folks here upgraded already23:14
dtoljzcat[1]: until what?23:14
* zcat[1] upgraded already :)23:14
thenetduckay, Pelo the problem is, when I type "firefox" in the terminal, it says there is no /usr/bin/firefox but there is!23:14
Pelothenetduck, delete it again , and reisntall FF 2.o freom the repositories23:14
CorbinFoxCan anyone recommend a laptop that works with 7.10 without issue?  I'm looking for a 17" screen if possible.  If there is a forum post that I am failing to find then feel free to yell at me23:14
thenetduckPelo, tried that... doesn't work23:14
nickrudthenetduck bet that's a directory, not a file.23:14
jj3666it's standard in HH which plenty are already running23:14
ODBdoes anyone know what could cause the sound device to fail although i followed this guide here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544923:14
PeloCorbinFox, check out the dell website or the system76 one23:14
dtoljCorbinFox: asus eee23:14
ODBits strange since i have the device listed under hardware and23:15
nickrudthenetduck ls -ld /usr/bin/firefox , what do you get back?23:15
zcat[1]dtolj: which model of the asus has a 17" screen?!23:15
CorbinFoxI am looking to dualboot tho, and I don't think the eee is 17" screen :P23:15
jj3666system76 has been good to me so far23:15
PeloODB, do ou get an error msg ?23:15
ODBit "should" be working23:15
andi5_nickrud: does -d work on non-directories, like files?23:15
nickrudandi5_ yes23:15
thenetducknickrud, drwxr-xr-x 13 tikiman tikiman 4096 2008-03-26 21:33 /usr/bin/firefox/23:15
ODBPelo not really23:15
jj3666quick question: any others having trouble with restricted driver manager in HH?23:16
thenetducknickrud, my user name is really tikiman :)23:16
andi5_nickrud: cool...23:16
DraconicusHey there. I couldn't help but notice that a lot of packages that were in Feisty have disappeared from Gutsy...23:16
jj3666and nvidia 6xxx in particular23:16
DraconicusSuch as qjackctl23:16
nickrudthenetduck sure enough, it's a directory. delete that directory and all it's contents, then  reinstall firefox from the repos23:16
PeloODB, check in admin > users , make sure you have permission to use the audio devices23:16
DraconicusOof. Why do I bother coming in here? :|23:16
thenetducknickrud, ok will update one second23:16
wildwobbyHey guys, when I try to use firefox 3, this happens: Carol,23:16
wildwobbyWhat were you thinking? It is frustrating to me when I see someone so23:16
wildwobbyinvolved in children's education who act so stupidly. Quit your job,23:16
wildwobbyyou suck at it.23:16
FloodBot1wildwobby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:16
ayjj3666: dunno about HH but I always have problems with my GT6600 it seems :)23:16
nickrudDraconicus and your question is?23:17
PeloDraconicus, same reason nickrud and I do , you have no life23:17
wesolekanybody knows a bit about wireless on pcmcia?23:17
wildwobbythat, sorry23:17
DraconicusPelo: Well put23:17
zcat[1]rofl at mispaste23:17
Pelo!ops | wildur23:17
ubotuwildur: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!23:17
nickrudPelo hope wildur is understanding ;)23:17
andi5_Draconicus: i do not understand... http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/qjackctl23:17
GIn_zcat[1]: do I need to install another stuff beside emerald to use its themes?23:18
DraconicusI see qjackctl here http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/sound/qjackctl - I have universe repositories enabled. Where is the package in apt?23:18
Pelonickrud, if he wasn'T asking for it before well tell him it was a freebee23:18
Draconicusandi5_: See my previous input23:18
ODBpelo yeah23:18
zcat[1]GIn_: no.23:18
PeloGIn_, not realy , you need to intall themes howver23:18
ODBi even enabled sound devices for root23:18
ODBjust now didn't change anything23:18
andi5_Draconicus: just for confirmation, does /etc/apt/sources.list show universe for gutsy or feistsy?23:18
GIn_I have installed a theme, but I don't any how I can apply it :\23:19
Draconicusandi5_: Yes, of course.23:19
Pelo!sound | ODB did you reveiew this ?23:19
ubotuODB did you reveiew this ?: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:19
zcat[1]GIn_: just install emerald package then alt-F2 and type 'emerald --replace' in the box23:19
Draconicusandi5_: Oh, sorry. Lemme check23:19
RAdamsI need to restore rhythmbox back to ALL of its default settings. I tried doing a "complete removal" with synaptic and re-installing, but this didn't work. suggestions?23:19
LjLwof: Konversation here.23:19
ODBlet me check23:19
nickrudRAdams  gconf-tool --recursive-unset  /apps/rhythmbox23:19
GIn_zcat[1]: thanks, worked23:19
ayRAdams: does rhythmbox have any settingsfiles stored in you /home/user/?23:20
wofNO means of conversation, just browsing23:20
LjLwof: Konversation. the IRC client. i thought you wanted to know since you VERSION'd me.23:20
wofoh dear...23:20
wofbitchx-1.1-final freebsd 6.3-stable(corp) cypress.1.0k stock23:20
nickrudRAdams also, delete ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox23:20
LjLwof, are you versioning everyone in the channel or something?23:20
RAdamsnickrud: there is no "gconf-tool"23:20
tim167hi, i am trying to dd a damaged disk onto a new one, it starts the copying but after a while it stops and doesnt finish, what can i do ? thanks23:20
nickrudRAdams sorry, typo: gconftool23:21
Draconicusandi5_: Gutsy23:21
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nickrudRAdams always mix that one up with gconf-editor23:21
|Porschewould anybody know why if a setup a firewall startup script with update-rc.d the script blocks all the traffic, but if i mounted manually after i log in it works with no problem?23:21
andi5_Draconicus: you could also check the files in /var/lib/apt/lists, i think23:21
wofljl, Forgive me ... I just do it so often on EFNet without anyone caring ... its hard for me to forget can't do it on other nets that easy :p23:21
ay|Porsche: does it perhaps block anything nonroot?23:21
wofboredom really23:21
LjLwof: well, please don't do it here :)23:22
elmerI give up. I can't find a download for ruby-gtk223:22
thenetducknickrud, hey it worked but I haded to install it with aptitude also, for some reason it isntalled firefox beta 523:22
wofljl, not allowed on freenode?23:22
elmerAnybody know where to get ruby-gtk2?23:22
tim167can i tell dd to skip bad sectors ?23:22
Pelowof please don't23:22
nickrudthenetduck are you on hardy?23:22
RAdamsnickrud: that worked, but didn't reset what I was hoping. You know the profiles for perferred formats under "music" tab? I want to reset those, and add a new one.23:22
thenetducknickrud, nope23:22
andi5_elmer: sudo apt-get install ruby-gnome2?23:22
Peloelmer, have you searched in the repos ?23:23
|Porschewhat do i have to change so that it would allow nonroot traffic through?23:23
elmerandi5_, O RLY? It's not ruby-gtk2?23:23
elmerthat may be my problem23:23
nickrudthenetduck that's odd it did that .. Do you have backports enabled?23:23
thenetducknickrud, that is weird23:23
ODBpelo yeah i checked the SoundTroubleshootingSolutionsGuide23:23
unop_I have backups of my old internet explorer bookmarks from a few years ago -  a folder containing .url files, any way i can import these into firefox?23:23
fade_I have a problem when I have a full screen application and then it goes to a window and I can't do anything alt-tab doesnt work or anything can anyone help me?23:23
thenetducknickrud, what are backports23:23
PeloODB, that's all I have for you23:23
andi5_elmer: libgtk2-ruby1.823:24
ay|Porsche: I don't know, but I just know sometimes running things at boot/log-in(I really don't know which) could result in running as root23:24
elmerandi5_, Oh, OK.23:24
nickrudRAdams not sure what you mean there. You can delete ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox as well, maybe it's in the database23:24
ODBit's listed when i do aplay -l and lspci -v23:24
Draconicusandi5_: All clear.23:24
ay|Porsche: learnt from my many days hacking away with DSL :D23:24
tim167if i get input/output error from dd, how can i tell it to skip that sector ? thanks23:24
nickrudthenetduck a repo that includes newer stuff than was available on release, the only place that firefox 3 would be23:24
RAdamsnickrud: tried that. What I mean is under Edit --> Preferences --> Music --> Preferred Format23:24
|Porscheok well thanks for the pointer, i will go investigate23:24
Pelolater folks23:25
andi5_tim167: stop it there and restart with an offset on input and output23:25
elmerthanks andi5_ !23:25
thenetducknickrud, oh my software sources are all gusty23:25
ay|Porsche: Do so, glhf :)23:25
thenetducknickrud, i just checked that23:25
|Porschethanks you do the same ;)23:25
nickrudthenetduck look for gutsy-backports23:25
GIn_zcat[1]: how do I set it back to compiz?23:26
kyncanitim167: conv=noerror, or use gddrescue23:26
nickrudRAdams that's not rhythmbox, try  gconf-editor /apps/sound-juicer , you might find it in there23:26
sveakexhey, if i were to install a beta version of ubuntu 8.0423:26
sveakexcould i update it to the released version later?23:26
zero88how do you force quit in FluxBox?23:26
RAdamsnickrud: the preferences set through rhythmbox depend on soundjuicer?23:26
aysveakex think so, but it's due in 11 days23:26
Pici!final > sveakex (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)23:26
andi5_zero88: killall fluxbox ;-)23:26
tim167kyncani thanks ill try gddrescure23:27
Picisveakex: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.23:27
nickrudRAdams rhythmbox uses sound juicer for ripping iirc23:27
ayzero88: killing fluxbox?23:27
MrStitchHoochie Mama! That's a lotta people......23:27
RAdamsnickrud: makes sense thanks23:27
zero88ay andi5_  i jsut want to kill a specific process23:27
thenetducknickrud, nope but I have two other ones... one for my Miro player and nother for KDE4 from launchpad I am going to disable the kde one (don't eve use kde anyway) update and try again23:27
andi5_zero88: then check ps faux output and kill the correct pid :)23:27
Draconicusandi5_: Could you maybe send me your clean sources.list file? I think there must be something wrong with mine. It's been hand-modified and auto-updated since Dapper. It could be full of weirdness.23:27
ayzero88: do this, open terminal ps aux | grep "you APP"23:27
nickrudthenetduck stop23:28
aykill "pid"23:28
zero88andi5_, sorry how do i do that23:28
tim167kyncani: would it be harmful to interrupt dd while it is copying ?23:28
thenetducknickrud, ok23:28
zero88ay ty23:28
MrStitchhmmm... am I gunna have to take a number to ask a question? ;)23:28
nickrudthenetduck you can determine the repo with   apt-cache policy firefox23:28
ayMrStitch: nope ;)23:28
andi5_Draconicus: you modified those files? ... hm, remove them all and issue "sudo apt-get update"23:28
ayTho I'm outta here for now, the wife commands me23:28
zero88ay what if ur not sure of the name of the process?23:28
MrStitchWell then... here we go....23:28
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:28
Draconicusandi5_: Only sources.list, to add a few back when you had to do it that way. Some eye candy repos.23:28
andi5_Draconicus: oops, sources.list, i am sorry, it is late23:28
aythen you could type "top"23:28
ayand se if its in there23:29
elmeranybody know a way to install ruby-gettext?23:29
ayI think23:29
kyncanitim167: nope, and i prefer to use gddrescue than dd with conv=noerror, but that's just me23:29
zero88ay i think top is for power usage23:29
andi5_Draconicus: i cannot send you anything because i am not at linux right now... but does the gui add the repos when after you moved the file away?23:29
nickrudDraconicus don't know what all you have there, but if they were for dapper, you'll almost certainly want to remove them23:29
ayzero88: oh I just took a guess you needed to kill the most consuming process23:29
ayyou could typ ps aux23:29
ayand scroll through it23:29
zero88ay thanls23:30
tim167kyncani: ok, i apt-get installed gddrescue, but still gddrescue gives "command not found", where is the program ?23:30
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nickrudor feisty or any other not matching your current release, Draconicus23:30
Draconicusnickrud: No no no, just the format. The distro name has been changed to Edgy and Feisty and then to Gutsy through the respective upgrades. I started with Dapper, though.23:30
andi5_tim167: you could test by issueing "dpkg -L gddrescue"23:30
nickrudDraconicus format is the same, just the names have changed ;)23:30
kyncanitim167: it's called ddrescue i think, and check the manpage23:30
viatorwhats a easy to use video editing application my daughter could use to edit videos before placing them on you-tube?23:30
Draconicusnickrud: Tell that to the five entries that no longer work. :P23:31
meroueni wanna expose exposition for open src and especially linux ,  do you know where can i find some docs explaining open source and linux , why linux  ?23:31
Draconicusnickrud: I think I was in a beta at one point. My memory's not so good.23:31
viatorshe is 823:31
merouenwhy should use linux23:31
nickrudDraconicus put your copy up on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org23:31
thenetducknickrud, It said it installed firefox 2.023:31
thenetducknickrud, i am going to restart my comptuer23:31
Odd-rationaleviator: kdenlive would be my fisrt choice. LiVeS would be another (www.getdeb.net)23:31
nickrudthenetduck type   ls -l $(which firefox)23:31
Tigerplugmerouen - you'll never know until you try. Ubuntu is the way to go if you are thinking about it!23:31
thenetducksee if that helps23:31
tim167andi5_: kyncani: ok thanks, checking ...23:31
thenetducknickrud,  ok23:31
andi5_viator: cannot you use that reformatting step as security layer?23:31
kyncanitim167: np :)23:31
meroueni know23:31
mrpocketshey guys23:32
node357viator, http://www.linux.com/feature/5845823:32
Tigerplughey mrpockets23:32
thenetducklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 2008-04-13 16:20 /usr/bin/firefox -> ../lib/firefox/firefox23:32
mrpocketsso i've got a scanner that is plugged into my soundcard line-in port.23:32
thenetduck     nickrud23:32
merouen<Tigerplug>: some docs23:32
mrpocketsand i want to stream it23:32
mrpocketshow? :-X23:32
Tigerplugmerouen - well what are your needs in an OS?23:32
merouenthis the good question23:33
nickrudthenetduck then you should be running the firefox 2, I don't see how you're getting the beta. Unless the launcher points elsewhere;  exit all firefox windows, do ps -A | grep firefox to be sure it's not running, then type   /usr/bin/firefox23:33
merouenyou wanna help me after all23:33
RobC269Could anyone offer a suggestion here? I've been using Linux for a short time, however only used Live CDs until now, such as Slax. I would like to install Ubuntu in a seperate parition to dual boot, as Windows Xp is totally busted so I can't load it (recovery console won't even let me fix >.> damned MS..) but my files are still intact - and that is how I would like them to remain. HOWEVER - the problem is I am now at the (manual) parition page of the insta23:33
nickrudRobC269 are you using the live desktop?23:34
MrStitchI've acquired an old server from a friend. Cute little machine... It's got an Intel board, 1ghz processor, on-board SCSI, two 17gig 10k rpm IBM drives, and the usual other small peripherals. I'm trying to install Ubuntu, but it keeps giving errors, and the error I get will depend on changes I make in the bios while trouble shooting. At first, I figured maybe Ubuntu wasn't able to read/write through the on-board scsi controller. But then I ditched the scsi23:34
MacBook0621-07I turns out that the antana cannector on my wireless card is freid so i need to  save up and grab a new one off of  newegg or something.23:34
thenetduckyup still firefox beta23:35
Draconicusnickrud: Here's the monstrosity: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63119/   Looking back, I'm not even sure where some of those lines came from.23:35
thenetducknickrud, i will restart23:35
nickrudRobC269 you should use the partition editor to resize the ntfs partition, so you have some empty space to install to23:35
jessica_lillydose firefox beta work now i found it crashed with me all the time is it any better ?23:35
Andropovhi people.. I'm having problems with my screen resolution.. I configured my 19 LCD monitor with a 140x900 res, but there are two black stripes on the sides... what can I do?23:36
Andropov1440.. :P23:36
RobC269Is that not what I have open now? (step 4 of 7) or is that in one of the menus?23:36
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RobC269im using irc through laptop, installing on desktop23:37
nickrudRobC269 not sure, I don't have that disk at hand.23:37
nickrudRobC269 but you should see something similar to http://howtoforge.com/partitioning_with_gparted23:37
viatorwhat should my defauld video format be i know us is ntsc23:38
viatorbut there are so many odd choices23:38
RobC269ah i think I've found what you mean - in one of the system submenus23:38
viatorfor kdenlive23:38
RAdamsIs anyone using rhythmbox to rip their cds? I'm having an issue selecting the correct default format23:39
wesolekhow to use console to set up a wireless network connection?23:39
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nickrudRAdams are you trying to use mp3?23:39
RAdamsnickrud: yes, but any profile I create doesn't show up in the list23:40
nickrudRAdams you did the steps at the bottom of the preferences section of sound-juicer help?23:40
MrStitchIsn't there a command to disable the showing of who joined and left on irc?23:40
Odd-rationalewesolek: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68449523:40
diogofmTem alguem23:41
Draconicusviator: What are your choices?23:41
diogofmDo you speak english?23:41
RAdamsnickrud: yes23:42
Draconicusnickrud: Did I miss ya?23:42
Playloadsalut a tous23:42
wesolekOdd-rationale, thanks... I will follow the steps23:42
RAdamsdiogofm: #ubuntu-es23:42
nickrudRAdams hm, I just tried in rhythmbox, not hooking up there23:42
Odd-rationalewesolek: np23:42
diogofmno debian-br23:43
RAdamsnickrud: weird, eh? If you create a profile and set it "active" it still isn't in the output format list23:43
thenetducknickrud, well a restart didn't work23:43
sharperguyis there a shortcut to open the deskbar23:44
zoidberghey guys, I was looking for jobs at the ubuntu website but the email addresses i think are wrong...i keep getting undelivearble mail messages instead23:44
zoidbergdoes anyone know whats going on?23:44
nickrudRAdams yes, I see that23:44
nickrudDraconicus yes, you did. Or, I got sidetracked and missed it23:44
nickrudDraconicus found it23:44
Draconicusnickrud: Ah. Good. Have a look at the mess. :P23:45
nickrudDraconicus first look, you do not want   'web'  on any line23:45
zoidberghey guys, I was looking for jobs at the ubuntu website but the email addresses i think are wrong...i keep getting undelivearble mail messages instead23:45
zoidbergdoes anyone know whats going on?23:45
Draconicusnickrud: 'kay. What does 'web' indicate? I don't remember where I got that.23:46
nickrudDraconicus no freaking clue, except that it's not right :)23:46
Draconicusnickrud: Hehe. Alright. :P23:46
Draconicusnickrud: That line near the bottom is crazy. I have no clue where it came from. It's like an attempt at an all-in-one repo line.23:47
RobC269partition editor isnt opening, I've told it to open thru system menu about 5 times now - should I just restart Ubuntu?23:47
RobC269seems to be going pretty slow with the installation prog running23:48
KilleroidRobC269: sudo gparted23:48
nickrudRobC269 erm, installation going already? too late for gparted23:48
jorgerosaHello all23:49
nickrudDraconicus the proposed? that's a well formed line, you can collect each component from each resource into one line like that.23:49
RobC269no - its not actually installing, just at step 4, the bit where u handle partitions - so Im presuming it hasn't done anything at all yet23:49
nickrudDraconicus except for the  'web', of course23:49
dmsupermanOk, I have a question. Sometimes, when I mouse over my window buttons (minimize, maximize/restore, and close) while a window is maximized, this little grey bar pops over the entire titlebar. Once I move my mouse off it and back, it disappears, but it bugs me. You can see a screenshot at http://dmsuperman.com/ss.png23:50
Draconicusnickrud: Huh. I did always wonder about that. Is it reundant at all? I can't really look right now.23:50
dmsupermanAny clues what causes that?23:50
tim167i am trying ddrescue to recover a disk, it stalls at 3215MB, no error messages, is there anything i can do ?23:50
RAdamsdmsuperman: it's a bug in compiz-fusion23:50
dmsupermanRAdams, darn :(23:51
dmsupermanRAdams, but thanks :D23:51
nickrudDraconicus no. There's the primary archive, and the security archive, the updates archive, the backports archive, and proposed archive. Each have main, restricted, universe and mulitiverse , although the archive might not have something in all the componenbts23:51
jorgerosaHello all, just to annouce isoocer development has started, we hope you like it. --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74742623:51
=== oren is now known as owen1
talashHi all. There is a problem I have with installation of tethereal. I do apt-get install of tethereal and it seems to be installed; however running the command 'tethereal' results in an error message saying that the command is not found. i am on 7.1023:52
Draconicusnickrud: Gotcha. I always only hada vague understanding of what these apt lines mean. You've really cleared it up for me. I remember back on breezy I would add "universe multiverse" to every line, back before Synaptic got all sophisticated and took the fun out of it. :P23:52
talashwhat can I do?23:52
talashand which directory is it supposed to be installed in if it is not in the path?23:54
zoidbergdoes anyone know how u could get a job with ubuntu?23:54
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=== vrc_test2 is now known as _boto
HooplahDoes anyone know how to download files from password protected sites with wget?23:54
Hooplah(I have a password to the site)23:55
StarnestommyHooplah: wget --user username --password pass http://sitename/filename23:55
Picizoidberg: A paid job?23:55
jorgerosaok, must go back to work, cya guys.23:55
nickrudDraconicus oh, you do not know how happy I was when they got all that taken care of. I got _tired_ of fixing sources ;)23:55
Pici!canonical | zoidberg23:55
ubotuzoidberg: Canonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/23:55
Pici!contribute | also zoidberg23:55
ubotualso zoidberg: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate23:55
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=== oren is now known as owen1
zoidbergPici, i tried the website but i can't find any job sections...i went to the ubuntu site and there is a list of current openeings but the contact email is wrong23:56
Draconicusnickrud: Hehee23:56
Picizoidberg: http://www.canonical.com/aboutus/employment and http://www.ubuntu.com/employment23:57
kk502i want to make a local apt repository in our college from which others can d/l or update  easily without wasting internet b/w23:58
wesolekOdd-rationale, I don't think this is going very well... I don't know what drivers I've got23:58
kk502what say?23:58
elmerGuys, my networked printer isn't working. Full story here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=471104223:58
Odd-rationalewesolek: I would love to help you. but I really only got 2 min...23:58
thedonvaughnkk502: apt-mirror is your best bet. google it.  many examples/tutorials and how-tos23:58
nickrudkk502 look into apt-mirror23:58
wesolekOdd-rationale, I understand, thank anyway for your time :)23:59
kk502nickrud: thanks ill try n return back23:59
zoidbergPici, when i sent job applications to the email address hr@canonical.com, i get a mailer daemon message thing...something is wrong wiht the email address and i don't know who to tell or complain too since i really want a few jobs that are offered23:59
Odd-rationalewesolek: what's the output of "lspci | grep Network"23:59
nickrudkk502 I only set one up as a learning tool, so if it's not working I'll not be the best help ;)23:59

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