
jyujinhey channel00:19
jyujinwould any of you guys happen to be mr. scott james remnant?00:20
jyujini was gonna try to get dave's proposal from last october back to life :D00:20
thomjyujin: scott -> Keybuk 08:19
jyujinthom: thanks10:33
jyujinKeybuk: PING :)10:34
Keybukjyujin: hello21:31
jyujinKeybuk: hey there. I was gonna try and ping the lot of us for that bootstrap programme meeting kinda thingy that dave (zarzycki, from launchd) proposed last october, since i kinda liked the idea but never heard of anything actually coming of it.21:43
jyujinroy (marples, openrc) would tag along too, and i was trying to talk ismaell from initng into it as well21:44
jyujinoh yeah, excuse my manners, i'm magnus from einit21:44
Keybukwhere/when were you thinking of holding it?21:48
jyujinheh, thats the tricky thing. i'm pretty sure we're all quite scattered around the place, but i was thinking that coming together in some irc channel would be a good start, wouldnt it? i was hoping we could get something arranged this month on a weekend maybe21:50
jyujinthat way none of us needs to make any travel arrangements and we could probably still work out some commonalities that we should all stick to ;)21:51
Keybukweekends are normally bad for me21:51
jyujinheh, i assumed as much judging from the time you came online today :)21:52
KeybukLinux stuff is my day job, so I tend to be around 1000-2000 UTC weekdays21:53
jyujinheh, medical image analysis here, and my boss doesn't really appreciate me hanging out on irc, but i'm sure i could arrange something... we could all just join a chan anyway couldnt we?21:54
jyujini'm sure we can find some time to sit together ;)21:54
Keybukyeah, I'm sure we'll find something21:54
jyujinsweet... ill go reg a chan then. what about #bootstrap?21:55
Keybuk#init ?21:56
jyujinmhh seems to be some kind of freenode channel21:57
jyujinKeybuk: looks like ismaell likes the chan name as well ;)22:32

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