
wesolekOdd-rationale, it didn't return anything00:00
kk502nickrud :)00:00
boolka2how do i install flash plugin for firefox?00:00
Odd-rationalewesolek: pastebin the output of "ifconfig"00:00
thedonvaughnboolka2: aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree00:01
nickrudboolka  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree00:01
wesolekOdd-rationale, did I mention that my wireless card is on pcmcia?00:01
Picizoidberg: I'm not sure what to tell you then. You could always try forwarding the mailer daemon message to webmaster@canonical.com00:01
* nickrud has to learn to type faster00:01
Odd-rationalewesolek: hmm. ok00:01
wesolekOdd-rationale, it will take me a long time to retype it in pastebin00:01
dmsupermanIs there a way to have both vertically and horizontally spanning virtual desktops?00:02
wesolekOdd-rationale, and I guess you need to run soon00:02
Odd-rationalewesolek: copy+paste00:02
wesolekOdd-rationale, ubuntu isn't on-line yet00:02
wesolekthat's what I'm trying to do00:02
nickrudwesolek can't you wire it up? That will make your life much easier00:02
dmsupermanso I can have essentially 4 virtual workspaces? 2 by 2?00:03
nickrudwesolek just for the config stuff, seriously.00:03
Odd-rationalewesolek: oh. ok. how many interfaces showed up? and what were there names? lo, eth0, etc.?00:03
mrpocketssomeone wanna give me a hand with installing icecast from source00:03
thedonvaughndmsuperman: if you are running compiz, you can sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager and add your desktops there.  If you are not running compiz, you should be able to right click on gnome's pager and change the desktops there as well.00:03
Odd-rationalewesolek: ?00:04
dmsupermanthedonvaughn, I am, but when I change both horizontal virtual size and vertical virtual size to 2, it resets the virtual to 1 or the horizontal to 1, so it will only let me have one of them be higher than 100:04
Danish989hi everyone00:04
jdsbluedevlhi, does anyone know how to concatenate rar files that all have extention .rar rather than .r01, .ro2, etc.?00:04
wesolekOdd-rationale, eth0, etho:avan, lo, vmnet1, vmnet8, wifi0, wlan0 and wlan0:ava00:04
Danish989here's an installation question:  I just resized one of my hard disks and now there's free space and I want to install ubuntu on that. Which installation method do I have to choose?00:05
thedonvaughndmsuperman: wierd.  I run compiz, also in debian at the moment.  Works fine for me.00:05
Odd-rationalewesolek: is this a laptop or desktop?00:05
Draconicusnickrud: Ignoring the extras, how's this look? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63120/00:05
wesolekOdd-rationale, both wlan0 and wifi0 have the same mac address00:05
MrStitchhow do I tell irc that I don't want to see the joins and leaves from a channel?00:05
thedonvaughndmsuperman: you running compiz?00:05
MeatGrinderMrStitch, depends on your client00:05
wesolekOdd-rationale - laptop, but like a desktop00:05
thedonvaughnMrStitch: depends on the client00:05
wesolekodd-rationale, poor mobility with this old laptop00:05
dmsupermanthedonvaughn, yeah. figured it out, i had to up the number of desktops. wonder why they would make you manually input a number that would be derived from the other 2 settings :S00:05
MeatGrinderjdsbluedevl, did you try opening one?00:05
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thedonvaughndmsuperman: cool00:06
MrStitchthedonvaughn: I'm using Gaim... came with Ubuntu00:06
jdsbluedevlMeatGrinder: nvm, apparently unrar e "first file" concatenates them all00:07
Odd-rationalewesolek: so all you have is the command line and you want to connect to the internet through your wireless?00:07
MeatGrinderjdsbluedevl, yup :)00:07
dmsupermanthedonvaughn, I've got dual monitor, and now a 2 by 2 grid of workspaces. That's 8 virtual monitors. I'm sure it'll be easy to lose windows now :P00:07
MeatGrinderjdsbluedevl, rars can be annoying like that00:07
Draconicusnickrud: I know it's just fine, but I thought I'd give you a treat and show you a nice, clean sources.list for a change00:08
Odd-rationalewesolek: could you describe your situation again?00:08
dmsupermanthedonvaughn, do you know if it's possible to set a delay on switching viewports when putting my mouse to the edge? like, I want it so if my mouse just brushes the edge for a quick second it won't switch viewports, i have to hold it there for half a second or something00:08
Saint`DiaWhen is the next release coming out?00:08
RobC269i got gpartition thing working..I found out the problem - the NTFS partition had "inconsistencies" and needed chkdisk run on Windows to fix it..which is broken -.- ..I have no problem accessing and mounting it on Slax, so I'm kinda puzzled as to why Ubuntu is giving me this error :/00:08
Draconicusnickrud: Huh. Can I put universe and multiverse on bugfixes? Do they even count for that repo?00:08
mic21I connect my computer to a server using sftp (with "connect to server" in ubuntu 8.04) and I don't have the permissions to download files and even for write but I can browse it ... it's very strange because if I connect with ssh in a terminal it's ok ...00:09
wesolekOdd-rationale, I've got the graphic interface... I mean everything worked fine till august last year, when I stopped using it. meanwhile I changed my wireless security from WEP to WPA and when I turned my ubunto on today (for the first time since aug) it didn't connect. So I tried to fix it and ended up messing up my interface file really bad00:09
thedonvaughndmsuperman: honestly not sure on that.  would be useful i suppose tho00:09
thedonvaughnSaint`Dia: www.ubuntu.com will tell you that.00:09
Danish989here's an installation question:  I just resized one of my hard disks and now there's free space and I want to install ubuntu on that. Which installation method do I have to choose?00:09
ScottONanskiHas anyone heard of a program called Magicpart, or something similar? It's a an ISO for partitioning hdd's,00:09
DraconicusScottONanski: Partition magic?00:10
Alex6692Hi, when i press Mercury Messenger, Which i have just installed, It wont load it, does anyone have any ideas?00:10
MeatGrinderDanish989, just run livecd, click install, and pick the partition00:10
wesolekodd-rationale, I even tried to connect to a non-secured network and nothing00:10
Danish989if I use guided installation, wont that just install ubuntu on my primary hard disk? where windows is currently installed? I want to install ubuntu on the free space on my other hard disk00:10
thedonvaughnDanish989: what do you mean method?  desktop, server, and alternative?00:10
ScottONanskiDrac> No, it's OSS.00:10
Danish989thedonvaughn: desktop00:10
thenetduckI am having a problem loading firefox. I can run : /usr/bin/firefox/./firefox and it will run fine, but I can't seem to get it to run when I just type "firefox" in the terminal, which I need so my links run properly. How can I fix this?00:10
thedonvaughnDanish989: oh i'd use manual.  give yourself a swap 2x your ram and you should be good.00:10
thedonvaughni forget the options ubuntu has00:11
thedonvaughnDanish989: i suppose guided with available free space would be safe if that's an option, i forget.00:11
Danish989do I have to choose space for the swap partition manually?00:11
Alex6692Hi, when i press Mercury Messenger, Which i have just installed, It wont load it, does anyone have any ideas?00:11
ScottONanskiAh, it's called Parted Magic. :)00:11
thedonvaughnDanish989: yes.  manual you do the partitioning yourself.00:11
dmsupermanyeah, at least with vertical workspaces, because i have a habit of "slamming' my cursor at the top or bottom of the window to access the taskbar or close/minimize buttons00:11
magicrobotmonkeydoes anyone use hulu.com with hardy and the flashplugin-nonfree thats in the repo?00:11
Danish989scottonanski: why dont you just use Gparted already in ubuntu?00:11
Odd-rationalewesolek: try removing all other lines in your interfaces file except the followings: http://paste.stgraber.org/240700:11
Danish989thedonvaughn: I have to create a partition on the free space, right?00:12
wesolekodd-rationale, I just installed wpa_supplicant and tried to do it this way, no luck, the terminal is hanging now00:12
ScottONanskiDanish>> This is a way better program, but I need to part from boot cd.00:12
MeatGrinderDanish989, you can boot the livecd and use gpartition00:12
thedonvaughnDanish989: correct.  you'll need a swap and a root (/) a minimum.00:12
Alex6692Hi, when i press Mercury Messenger, Which i have just installed, It wont load it, does anyone have any ideas?00:12
MrStitchGaim doesn't support the option I suppose.... any ideas for a better IRC client?00:12
thedonvaughnMrStitch: irssi00:12
MeatGrinderMrStitch, xchat00:12
ij_kaufmanhi all.  i've never used any linux OS before, and what i'm actually hoping to do is not so much use it, but install it for the purpose of donating two old computers with a clean, fresh OS free of all the junk that i accumulated over the years.  in addition, i'm hoping/expecting for all data/files to be wiped off the box.  would that be the case?  is there a way to install ubuntu in such a way that it just reformats everythi00:12
ij_kaufmanlready gotten everything off of both boxes that I need, so wiping it clean will not delete anything i need to get back.00:12
wesolekodd-rationale, ok, and then what?00:13
Odd-rationalewesolek: restart your networking.00:13
kee9260hello.  am looking for some help for a know-nothing i know who is not me, but is trying to get going with linux puppy00:13
MrStitchirssi or xchat..... which one would be fairly easy for a newb to grasp00:13
thedonvaughnij_kaufman: if you just install over your windows partitions on your hdd, you'll accomplish just that.00:13
ScottONanskiParted Magic is an awesome program. I was very impressed with it the first time.00:13
Saint`DiaHow do I check which version of ubuntu I got?00:13
DraconicusI think we've lost nickrud ...00:13
StarnestommyMrStitch: xchat is easier, but I've found irssi to be more flexible00:14
belkinhelp2Anyone here have experience running Ubuntu on a ramdisk?00:14
StarnestommySaint`Dia: lsb_release -a00:14
MrStitchthanks, I'll be right back with that then....00:14
ij_kaufmanthedonvaughn, can u walk me through that, and or, point me to where i can follow such steps?00:14
wesolekok done00:14
MeatGrinderMrStitch, probably xchat to start00:14
kee9260i want to be able to run a program i downloaded into XP in linux puppy00:14
wesolekodd-rationale ok done00:14
Saint`Diaok, got gutsy.00:14
kee9260and grab my music files and access them through puppy00:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ramdisk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:14
Saint`DiaWhen's the next release coming out?00:14
thedonvaughnij_kaufman: all you got to do is download an ubuntu iso,  burn it.  put it in your pc, boot it up and install it.  Just chooose the option to use the entire hard drive when it asks.00:15
StarnestommySaint`Dia: I think it's on the 24th00:15
Odd-rationalewesolek: try cconnecting with network-manager00:15
Danish989thedonvaughn: how do I create a swap?00:15
thedonvaughnSaint`Dia: ubuntu.com has that information, for the second time.  right on the index.00:15
wesolekodd-rationale ok00:15
DraconicusStarnestommy: Of this month? Already? Wow.00:15
ij_kaufmanawesome.  that you sooo much, thedonvaughn00:15
wesolekodd-ratiionale, it won't start the network-manager00:16
thedonvaughnDanish989: create a partition, and for the type "physical space for swap' or something to that nature.00:16
Saint`Diathedonvaughn: Well, I'm on dialup, you know linuxant's pay modem drivers, and I'm not paying for crap. So 'm limited to 14K, much easier to ask in IRC, know what I mean?00:16
thedonvaughnDanish989: this is all covered in the installation documents by the way.00:16
MacFlecknoeanyone know where i can find an irc room on assembly?00:16
Odd-rationalewesolek: you have the networkmanager applet in the tray?00:16
StarnestommyMacFlecknoe: maybe ##asm00:16
MacFlecknoeill try thanks00:17
wesolekodd-rationale, yes, in the task bar00:17
Danish989ok thanks a lot00:17
wesolekodd-rationale, I will reboot it now, it should be fine after the reboot00:17
Odd-rationalewesolek: what happens if you click it? can you see available networks?00:17
Odd-rationalewesolek: sure. reboot fixes a lot of things sometimes... :)00:18
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MrStitchOdd.... am I in the correct place?00:19
wesolekodd-rationale, yes I can see available networks now00:20
pukekoMem:    450880k total,   446380k used,     4500k free, is that healthy ?00:20
ShpookIs there a utility or script to batch create thumbnails from images?00:21
M3TVFhow do I configure an AX25 port to use my soundcard00:21
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reya276 I need some help mounting my external hard drive, for some reason I can't access it. Can anyone help? Please00:21
MrStitchBy default... Xchat isn't suppose to show all the users in a channel?00:21
FlashbackAnyone happen to know anything about xawtv4 for Ubuntu?00:22
StarnestommyMrStitch: it is, but you can right-click on a channel's tab and uncheck 'show join/part messages'00:22
achandrashekarreya276: what do you see when you type dmesg ?00:22
Alex6691What do i type in terminal to download Java?00:22
dmsupermandoes anybody know a way using compiz and multiple workspaces that i can alt + tab and have it flip through all the windows open in all workspaces, then switch to the workspace that window is on?00:22
reya276a bunch of stuff00:23
ShpookIf GIMP had batch options I'd be in heaven.00:23
Odd-rationalewesolek: can you connect to your network?00:23
reya276achandrashekar:  no that great at discerning this stuff00:23
M3TVF how do I configure an AX25 port to use my soundcard00:23
MacFlecknoeanyone here know assembly? i have a real simply question and it seems the assembly channels are all dead00:23
Alex6691What do i type in Terminal to download Java?00:23
dmsupermanAlex6691, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre00:23
Alex6691Thank you.00:23
dmsupermanor java500:23
thedonvaughnAlex6691: you can always sudo aptitude search <keyword>  in this case java.  And it's sun-java6-bin or sun-java6-jre00:24
MrStitchStarnestommy: Danke!00:24
reya276achandrashekar:  I can pastebin it for you00:24
wesolekodd-rationale, nope but right now I am running on WPA, maybe that's why00:24
Alex6691Thanks :)!00:24
achandrashekardmsuperman: are you referring to ctrl+alt+<down arrow key> ?00:24
Odd-rationalewesolek: I am connected to a wpa network right now.00:24
MrStitchahhh... it already feels cleaner in here. :000:24
FlashbackIf not xawtv4, what's anyone using to watch DVB tv, that isn't Mythtv?00:24
wesolekodd-rationale, let me just try something (a tutorial) and I will get back to you in few minutes00:24
Odd-rationalewesolek: ok00:25
Alex6691It says Java has no installation cadidate.00:25
M3TVF how do I configure an AX25 port to use my soundcard00:25
FlashbackAlex: Use synaptic. Search for Java.00:25
wesolekodd-rationale, trying this right now http://www.debianadmin.com/enable-wpa-wireless-access-point-in-ubuntu-linux.html00:25
Danish989what is the difference between a primary partition and a logical partition?00:26
dmsupermanachandrashekar, for me that switches vertically between my workspaces. I have a 2x2 grid of them00:26
Danish989should I choose primary or logical? location for the new partition: beginning or end? and what about mount point?00:26
achandrashekardmsuperman: you'll need to switch it to four desktops with compiz if you wish it to rotate..00:27
reya276achandrashekar: take a look http://www.pastebin.org/2956400:27
magnetronDanish989: it's only possible to boot from a primary partition00:27
FlashbackA primary partition is the first four partitions. After that, logical must be used. It's a hold over for the way things have always been done. Use either, it doesn't matter.00:27
dmsupermanachandrashekar, no no. that's not what i meant. I want to be able to alt + tab between windows, and have it show _all_ the windows on _all_ the workspaces00:27
dmsupermanachandrashekar, so when I select a window on another workspace, it will automatically switch to that window in that workspace00:27
Danish989if I want to have the boot option between xp and ubuntu, I should use primary partition then?00:28
FlashbackAnyone here at all watching tv on their workstation? Something in a digital card perhaps?00:28
Danish989and what goes in the ''mount point'' ?00:28
achandrashekardmsuperman: ive been able to do that..(or so from what i understand that you are asking) with the ctrl-alt-down arrow key00:28
dmsupermanachandrashekar, all the ctrl + alt + down keys do it switch to other workspaces00:29
Alex6691It says i have to install it though Terminal, so what do i type in terminal because sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre didnt work.00:29
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:29
wesolekodd-rationale, no luck again00:29
thedonvaughnDanish989: mount point is where you mount the partition.  For root you put "/".  for swap it won't have one.   Btw I'd just choose logical.  And you can boot from logical.00:29
dmsupermanachandrashekar, I want to switch between window focus. the normal way of doing that is alt + tab00:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xawtv4 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:29
dmsupermanachandrashekar, but that only switches between the windows in my current workspace00:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xawtv - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:29
dmsupermanachandrashekar, i want to switch between windows in all my workspaces00:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about klear - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:30
Alex6691: It says i have to install it though Terminal, so what do i type in terminal because sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre didnt work.00:30
Odd-rationalewesolek: you can see you network but can't connect to it?00:30
thedonvaughnAlex6691: make sure your /etc/apt/sources.list is in order and sudo apt-get update00:30
MrStitchIs Ubuntu subject to the same malware, spyware, and viruses that windows based users get stuck with?00:30
Alex6691What do you mean? o_o00:30
thedonvaughnMrStitch: nope.00:30
achandrashekarreya276: if you go open a console, and then cd to /media00:31
wesolekodd-rationale, yes I can see my network00:31
NasraI have a question what do I put/write on the syntax part when using pastebin?00:31
achandrashekarreya276: do you see anything there that shows the drive has been mounted?00:31
MrStitchthedonvaugn: Is that because it's written in a different language?00:31
reya276achandrashekar: the drive is being read by the system, but form some reason it does not allows me to access it, so I can't mounted or it does not auto mount the drive so therefor I can't access it.00:31
wesolekodd-rationale, but when I click on it, I don't even have an option for wpa, only wep00:31
Alex6691: It says i have to install it though Terminal, so what do i type in terminal because sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre didnt work.00:31
gerroMrStitch: if you use wine or windows virtualized it still can get viruses, and it is prone to them if you dualboot with windows00:31
thedonvaughnMrStitch: nope because it's compiled for a different platform.  Usually it's a windows .exe executable.  That means nothing to linux.00:31
TheMusicGuyhello, I know that RhythmBox uses Gstreamer for its audio support, but I can't find any gstreamer plugins for tracked music formats...(still looking though)...does anyone know of a way to get RhythmBox to play these formats, such as XM, MOD, S3M, IT, etc. ?00:31
gerroMrStitch: virtualized as on the windows part00:31
thedonvaughnMrStitch: gerro is right.. I suppose you could run a windows virus using wine (wine is a windows emulator which does run windows .exe executables)00:32
wesolekodd-rationale, the only place I can see wap option is when I want to create a new network, but that (after putting all the appropirate info) doesn't work either00:32
reya276achandrashekar: Also when I try to mount it, I get a message that says I have no access to do so yet, I'm the admin for the system00:32
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dmsupermanMrStitch, generally, linux distros are exempt from viruses because A: it's written to be a more secure OS. Windows users generally want it to "just work", and by enabling things to "just work" a lot of things become automated, allowing viruses to slip by.00:32
mannytuI think the Sun has updated their JRE....00:32
achandrashekarreya276: are you first sudo su ?00:32
MrStitchSo.... right now when I boot up my computer, I have the option to choose winblows or Ubuntu... in this scenario, you're saying my computer is still technically a p.o.s.?00:32
dmsupermanMrStitch, and B: because there are _far_ more windows users than linux users, so it's just more profitable for hackers/spammers to go after the windows base00:33
achandrashekarreya276: then im wondering if you have to create an entry in fstab for the device00:33
Alex6691: It says i have to install it though Terminal, so what do i type in terminal because sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre didnt work.00:33
cheesypieceshi, any idea why i can't start the login settings manager? it starts to start up but then nothing happens00:33
dmsupermanMrStitch, Plus, linux users are more likely to know a lot more about what's going on in their system than windows users, so hackers and spammers generally don't bother00:33
gerroMrStitch: it would have to be one huge exploit for it to somehow write to the ext3 partition if your windows side gets jacked00:33
achandrashekarreya276: i ran into this a bit a go...and i had to do a google search to mount a device .00:33
reya276achandrashekar: yes I am00:34
NasraI have question for someone nice .....00:34
NasraI have a question what do I put/write on the syntax part when using pastebin?00:34
dmsupermangerro: or if you're like one of the many people who dual boot, windows will be able toe write to the ext3 partition using a driver you would install for just that purpose00:34
MrStitchI see... so, since Ubuntu is on it's own partition, then there is no problem?00:34
Odd-rationalewesolek: well, i'm out of ideas. sorry. I coundn't help more...00:34
achandrashekarreya276: i remember creating a directory in /media ...then I had to create an entry in fstab....then went about mounting from that point on.00:34
water_fouli've been able to tune my hdtv card with mplayer but i wanted to do it with kaffeine, can someone help me?00:34
gerrodmsuperman: exactly but you can use different file systems so that complicates the matter00:34
Danish989location for the new partition: beginning or end?00:34
dmsupermanMrStitch, unless you're allowed windows to see/write to the ubuntu partition, then booting into windows is very unlikely to touch your ubuntu partition in any way00:34
gerroMrStitch: pretty much none, just hope if windows goes down it don't take ubuntu with it00:35
reya276right but how do you mount it00:35
water_foulkaffeine wont scan for channels but is there a way i can use a channels.conf file?00:35
Alex6691Right so what do i type in terminal to install Java?00:35
dmsupermanreya: have you tried running that command as sudo?00:35
MrStitchGerro - ROFL.... isn't that the case ALL the time... taking everything with it..hahahha00:35
dmsupermanAlex6691, "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre" should do it00:35
water_foulkaffeine wont scan for channels but is there a way i can use a channels.conf file?00:35
reya276achandrashekar: the thing is I don't want to loose the existing files on that drive00:36
dmsupermanMrStitch, not with linux, it's exempt to windows asshattery00:36
achandrashekarreya276: like this ---in fstab -> /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 vfat defaults 0 000:36
reya276achandrashekar: what is the command to mount the drive00:36
dmsupermanreya276, have you tried running the mount command with sudo?00:36
Alex6691dmsuperman: it says this : Package sun-java6-jre has no installation candidate00:36
gerroMrStitch: oh and if you decide to do something crazy like I dunno delete random files in ubuntu, just watch out if your other partition is mounted there you might wipe it :/00:36
wesolekodd-rationale... maybe crazy quastion, can you pls check this link for me http://paste.stgraber.org/2407 I am just not sure if there should be spaces after -D and after -c in the 3rd line of the WPA point 200:36
dmsupermanAlex6691, "sudo apt-get update"00:36
sparr_whats the easiest way to get files from a windows vista pc to an ubuntu pc?00:36
reya276dmsuperman: what is the commands?00:36
gerroMrStitch: that's /media00:36
sparr_over the network, no sneakernet!00:36
achandrashekarreya276: what that does is creates the ability to manually mount it - take a look here http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/manual-mount-external-usb-hard-drive-in-ubuntu-519463/00:36
dmsupermanreya276, I don't remember off the top of my head00:36
Alex6691Thanks im updatin now.00:36
water_foulkaffeine wont scan for channels but is there a way i can use a channels.conf file?00:37
MrStitchNot sure if my winblows can see the linux part... haven't checked that out yet. However, I see that Ubuntu does have access to the windows partition.... I've already grabbed all my MP3's00:37
thedonvaughnAlex6691: heh i told you that about 10 minutes ago. ;)00:37
wesolekodd-rationale, where it says: connect via command line in the WPA Connection - WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK section00:37
dmsupermanAlex6691, no problem. after you update your lists, run the install java command again and you should be good to go00:37
Danish989thedonvaughn: what is ''location for new partition'' ?? should I choose begining or end?00:37
thedonvaughnDanish989: beginning00:37
dmsupermanthedonvaughn, it's a proven fact that people in irc channels either don't hear or just don't listen :P00:37
Alex6691thedonvaughn: sorry i didnt see :P00:37
achandrashekarreya276: it would look like this : /dev/sdc1 /media/FOO vfat defaults 0 000:37
thedonvaughnAlex6691: yah i'm just bustin your chops :)00:37
dmsupermanachandrashekar, that's the fstab entry, i think he's trying to do the commandline00:37
water_foulkaffeine wont scan for channels but is there a way i can use a channels.conf file?00:38
thedonvaughndmsuperman: yup00:38
Odd-rationalewesolek: wrong link? I don't see what you're asking..00:38
Danish989thedonvaughn: thanks a lot!00:38
achandrashekarreya276: then i think you still need to create the directory in /media no?00:38
dmsupermanreya276, are you trying to edit the fstab or mount it commandline?00:38
wesolekodd-rationale http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=684495 it's less than a half way down00:38
achandrashekardmsuperman: ahh...im off  today with what people are "really" asking... not enough coffee...00:38
water_foulkaffeine wont scan for channels but is there a way i can use a channels.conf file?00:38
dmsuperman!patience | water_foul00:39
ubotuwater_foul: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:39
MrStitchSounds like I found the holy grail then... er... at least I'm on the right path. Now, I need to figure out how to install it on this other computer as a stand alone Ubuntu machine00:39
JulolidineIf anyone is a networking expert, I have kind of a bizarre problem.  My wireless network card stopped "scanning" and can't see any networks anymore.00:39
Alex6691Thanks, Java is installing now :D!00:39
dmsupermanMrStitch, easy as pie. Insert LiveCD, choose install from the live desktop, and then when you get to partition just choose the guided method00:39
dmsupermanAlex6691, no problem :D00:39
reya276dmsuperman: the entry for the drive is already in fstab as I was able to access the drive a couple of days ago00:40
dmsupermanreya276, but you get permissions errors trying to access the drive?00:40
achandrashekarAnyone pretty good with ldap? --i have a server that is running very slow with ldap queries..and i need to determine if the database is hosed..any ideas?00:40
reya276dmsuperman: # /dev/sdc100:40
reya276UUID=FBAE-335E                            /media/My_Book  vfat    defaults  0    200:40
dmsupermanreya276, what's the entry in fstab look like?00:40
dmsupermanreya276, remove the #00:40
MrStitchdmsuperman: Yeah, I did that with this computer, but having trouble getting there. I'm trying to do it right now so I can relay the exact error message I'm getting.... for some reason the darn comp doesn't want to boot from the CD00:40
dmsupermanreya276, that comments out the line, so it's ignored :P00:40
Odd-rationalewesolek: in that line. there should be no space after -D and -i e.g. -ieth100:40
dmsupermanreya276, then run "sudo umount -a && mount -a" and it'll re-read the fstab00:41
ZemusHey, what's the command to reveal uptime?00:41
dmsupermanMrStitch, open bios and make sure your boot order has the cd first00:41
FlannelZemus: uptime00:41
dmsupermanZemus, uptime00:41
buzzsawi am a bit stumped    i just reinstalled   ubuntu-server   but... for some reason its not picking up that i am connected to my modem00:41
ZemusThanks. :P00:41
buzzsawcable modem that is00:41
achandrashekardmsuperman: indeed! the #00:41
reya276achandrashekar: yes I get the permissions error and in the media folder I see a bunch of "My Book" entries each with an "_" appendend to it  for each time I used to access it00:41
wesolekodd-rationale, thanks!00:41
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer00:41
advwhich backup tool should i use?00:41
MrStitchdid that... looking in the bios for other clues... it's a bit different, and I'll get to that in a bit00:41
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dmsupermanreya276, remove the #00:42
buzzsawhow might i go about setting up the comptuer to connect to the internet?00:42
achandrashekarreya276: is the # present in fstab?00:42
achandrashekardmsuperman: has it right if that is the case. .00:42
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reya276dmsuperman: oh man that command just unmonted my other drives and now it says they are busy and won't mount them00:43
reya276dmsuperman: umount: /: device is busy00:43
dmsupermanreya276, the command will unmount whatever drives it can. any busy drives it will say it couldn't unmount then, which is fine00:43
pukeko..ok another question -- (box in question is an ubuntu dapper) --- cron.hourly/daily/weekly vs crontab -- i can not get scripts to run via crontab, its not a path, perms or syntax thing i'm pretty much sure, stuff from crontab/s just wont run! any pointers ?00:43
dmsupermanreya276, then mount -a to remount and unmounted drives00:43
dmsupermanreya276, "sudo mount -a"00:43
=== _boto2 is now known as _boto
reya276dmsuperman: oh look what I got after that last command "mount: mount point /media/My_Book does not exist"00:46
dmsupermanreya276, create the folder My_Book in /media00:46
dmsupermanreya276, "sudo mkdir /media/My_Book"00:46
ohnoesmilkHm. Does anyone know how to get wifi to work on Ubuntu 7.1 (explaining in noob instructions)?00:46
MrStitchHere we go... I should have the message in 30 seconds or so00:46
dmsupermanohnoesmilk, it's usually pretty self-explanatory. if not, then google your paricular wifi card + "ubuntu" and you will usually get a good guide00:46
Julolidine If anyone is a networking expert, I have kind of a bizarre problem.  After a restart, my wireless network card stopped "scanning" and can't see any networks anymore.00:46
dmsupermanohnoesmilk, a lot of wifi cards work out-of-box, and you just have to go into the networks panel and enable / configure them as usual00:46
Julolidineiwlist scan yields     eth1      No scan results00:46
pukekoohnoesmilk:check the chipset your card uses00:46
reya276dmsuperman: oh but now all the directories are locked00:47
dmsupermanreya276, the directories in your mounted drive?00:47
nortyQuestion: Im trying to organize my music and I want to fix all the (IDE?) tags or whatever they are called, i try to right click on the file and edit like in windows but it doesn't let me, does anyone know how i can do this?00:48
reya276dmsuperman: yes, I want all the directories in that drive to be accessible to anyone who logs in to this PC00:48
reya276dmsuperman: as my wife access this PC too00:48
imaginativeonewould someone help me to connect my ubuntu pc to my Windows pc?00:48
errordeveloperhow to install ubuntu in chroot? without a cdrom ..00:48
LakeI set up a samba file server on a P3 500MHz 256MB box and sometimes I am under the impression that the transfer speed between server and other machines could be faster if the box was better. Is it just an illusion or is my box a discernable bottleneck ?00:49
dmsupermanit's probably part of your fstab entry00:49
dmsupermani don't remember the exact command00:49
magicrobotmonkeynorty: sudo apt-get install easytag00:49
imaginativeonehow do I set up a samba server?00:49
MrStitchOk, here we go - [   243.330499] ata1: port failed to respond (30 secs, Status 0xd0)00:49
dmsupermanbut instead of defaults, it should be "defaults,umask=0000" or _something_ like that. i don't think it's umask, but it's something like that00:49
dmsupermananybody else remember what it is?00:49
imaginativeoneup til now...samba !@#$ing sucks00:49
yaccLake: the only thing that will be slowing you down is potentially your disc subsystem.00:49
magicrobotmonkeyimaginativeone: if you right click on a folder, is ther ea sharing options option?00:49
MrStitchThen, right after that, it keeps giving all kinds of other error messages.... odd tho, cause I thought I told it to install to the scsi drives, but it's trying for the ata drive?00:50
imaginativeonein windows?00:50
yaccLake: On the hardware you describe it's probably some old slow PATA setup.00:50
Lakeyacc: what do you mean by 'disc subsystem' ?00:50
reya276yes it was umask07700:50
Lakeyacc: oh yes it is !00:50
magicrobotmonkeyimaginativeone: no, in ubuntu00:50
dmsupermanreya276, make it 000, umask is the reverse of ubuntu perms00:50
yaccLake: Basically, you should verify that you have at least DMA support for your IDE controller/disc.00:50
dmsupermanreya276, the numbers are what operations to disallow00:50
Lakeyacc: so it's not the cpu itself, it's the PATA00:50
dmsupermanreya276, i'm almost 100% sure at least00:50
yaccLake: hdparm should tell you tht.00:50
magicrobotmonkeyimaginativeone: but if you have a shared folder in windows and its on the same network as ubuntu, you should be able to browse to it00:51
achandrashekarbattle for wesnoth!...lol00:51
yaccLake: IDE/ATA comes in a number of levels of "hellness".00:51
imaginativeonemagicrobotmonkey: where do I look for that?00:51
Lakeyacc: less is better ?00:51
reya276dmsuperman: ok it used to have umask=07700:51
dmsupermanreya276, yeah, it should be either umask=0007 or umask=0000, depending on how you want it.00:52
dmsupermanreya276, but 0007 should be fine for local users00:52
dmsupermanreya276, then once you edit it, remount the drives00:52
reya276dmsuperman: ah ok then00:52
yaccLake: well, run hdparm -d /dev/hda <= that will tell if your hardware at least uses DMA.00:52
dmsupermanreya276, "sudo umount -a" " sudo mount -a"00:52
Lakeyacc: all right, one second00:52
UBUNTUJAY123whats the edit command in xubuntu00:53
reya276dmsuperman: I got an error "[mntent]: line 12 in /etc/fstab is bad"00:53
UBUNTUJAY123gedit dont work00:53
FlannelUBUNTUJAY123: mousepad00:53
yaccLake: and you should probably check first the docs if hdparm -d does not destroy your hardware :-P (no it does not, but sometimes there are joksters around :-p)00:53
dmsupermanpost that line00:53
reya276dmsuperman: I'll post the whole fstab file00:55
dmsupermanpastebin it00:55
UBUNTUJAY123it still didnt work00:55
Lakeyacc: whats the command used to bring up connected drives ?00:55
dmsupermanUBUNTUJAY123, try vim or nano00:55
dmsupermanUBUNTUJAY123, they're command line editors00:55
yaccLake: I remember once when a colleague and me were quite irritated by the "root" at a customers installation, and while waiting for the email round trip painted out ways to make that stupid MSCE execute rm -Rf without us being implicated by the email.00:56
yaccLake: connected drives?00:56
imaginativeonehow do I connect to windows?00:56
dmsupermanimaginativeone, what do you mean "connect"00:56
reya276dmsuperman: http://www.pastebin.org/2956800:56
Lakeyacc: well I want to list the drives that buntu sees00:56
n2diyLake: mount00:56
imaginativeonedmsuperman: I would like to transfer files to/from my XP machine00:57
kindofabuzzawn manager just dissappears when i opne it00:57
dmsupermanimaginativeone, install samba, and then you can just setup network shares00:57
Lakeyacc: /dev/sdb5, thats all I get returned00:57
imaginativeonedmsuperman: that is WORK00:57
imaginativeonesamba is damn near impossible for a newbie00:58
dmsupermanimaginativeone, ?00:58
dmsupermanimaginativeone, it's _cake_ to use00:58
reya276dmsuperman: did you see the pastebin link00:58
Lakeyacc: I am thinking rm -R isn't a nice thing to do :P00:58
imaginativeonekinda like a Ferrari00:58
dmsupermanthere's a quick little gui, you choose which folders to share, and whether to allow write access or not00:58
imaginativeonecake to use, but I'll be damned if I figure out the basics00:58
Lakeimaginativeone: it's not that hard ! I am a newbie and it worked :P00:59
dmsupermanreya276, i'm not sure what the <pass> field is for, what is it? i always use 0...00:59
imaginativeonecool...is there a guide?00:59
dmsupermanimaginativeone, like i said, choose folders to share, choose if they should be allowed write access, click save00:59
Lakeimaginativeone: just edit the smb.conf file and thats the most of it00:59
imaginativeoneand don't tell me O'Reilly00:59
reya276dmsuperman: oh I do not know anything about this00:59
Lakeimaginativeone: or use the GUI dmsuperman says, its even better :)00:59
dmsupermanreya276, try 0, it's always worked for me and even the guide i was reading said they don't know what it's for and to just use 0 :P00:59
imaginativeonewhere is that gui?00:59
nortymagicrobotmonkey, thanks01:00
dmsupermanimaginativeone, System -> Administration -> Shared Folders01:00
reya276dmsuperman: put 0 where in umask?01:00
achandrashekarwhile..we're at it... what is the "preferred" methodology of sharing folders between linux boxes? nfs?samba? or ssh-keys then a mount of some sort?01:00
ncburnzyou can use SWAT or Webmin to set up Samba.  Not too bad01:00
dmsupermanreya276, as the last field, where it's 2 right now01:00
Lakeyacc: so any ideas on what to do when the output I got it /dev/sdb5:01:00
reya276dmsuperman: oh ok01:00
Shadow420hey I have made a guide I need someone to look it over its for dual booting windows/ubuntu01:01
dsmith_if I upgrade from7.10 to 8.04 do I have to reinstall the upgrade?01:01
dmsupermandoes anybody know if it'll be a problem to install windows xp into my empty ntfs partition on the same hard drive as my currently installed ubuntu? I know I'll have to re-install grub, but will that be the only problem?01:01
imaginativeoneyou guys rock01:02
imaginativeoneit is installing samba for me??01:02
dmsupermanimaginativeone, it's what we're here for 8-)01:02
dmsupermanimaginativeone, yup, quick and easy01:02
dmsupermanShadow420, where's that guide at?01:02
reya276dmsuperman: that 0 thing got rid of the error output but I still can't access the drive01:03
Shadow420dmsuperman II have it on my desktop I haven't submitted it yet01:03
dmsupermanreya276, looking, i didn't even notice. you never changed your umask. make it umask=000701:03
reya276dmsuperman: it says that the only one who has acess is root01:03
dmsupermanreya276, that will give everybody on your local machine access01:04
dmsupermanShadow420, upload it :D01:04
MrStitchin regards to stability.... is Ubuntu more stable than windows?01:04
Shadow420dmsuperman do you want me to pastebin it?01:04
dmsupermanMrStitch, definitely01:04
lekremyelsewhi everyone, my friend burned me a data CD but my computer thinks that it is an audio CD, wut do i do?01:04
dmsupermanShadow420, sure, however you want01:04
reya276dmsuperman: I did that but I still get this "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "My_Book"01:04
Shadow420it still needs to be edited and simplified for real new people to dual-booting01:05
yaccLake: What output? Beside you should probably be running it on /dev/sdb :-P01:05
eriscohow can I get thumbnails for .PSD images to show up, like they do for most other formats?01:05
dmsupermanreya276, 1: Upload your current /etc/fstab, as it is right this second, to pastebin01:05
imaginativeoneOMG...you guys REALLY rock01:05
MrStitchWhat if a buddy gives me a cd, or flash drive with some files on it.... like an Excel spreadsheet, mp3's, etc.... will Ubuntu know what to do with that data?01:05
yaccLake: *shucks* hdparm does not know about DMA on SCSI devices :(01:05
Defunctushey hey01:06
dmsupermanimaginativeone, no problem :D01:06
imaginativeoneMrStitch: yes01:06
Shadow420hmm it's not sending01:06
dmsupermanMrStitch, sure01:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:06
dmsupermanShadow420, It wouldn't let me accept01:06
imaginativeonecan I share my DVD writer?01:06
dmsupermanyacc, isn't DMA for IDE drives?01:06
lekremyelsewhai all01:06
reya276dmsuperman: http://www.pastebin.org/2957201:06
Shadow420dmsuperman I will paste bin it01:06
dmsupermanimaginativeone, that I'm not sure, I haven't tried. I'm not sure it would be a great idea, it would probably be pretty slow01:06
style23I can't play dvds01:07
dmsupermanreya276, did you remount?01:07
dmsuperman!dvd | style2301:07
ubotustyle23: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:07
reya276dmsuperman: yes01:07
yaccdmsuperman: yes, but you get SCSI devices out of IDE devices nowadays.01:07
tim167i have a damaged disk, when i insert it (USB) it gets mounted automatically, and then i can not unmount it anymore ("cannot eject") how do i prevent it from mounting automatically ? i just want to run  ddrescue on it, it doesnt have to be mounted for that... thanks01:07
FelipeMoraleshi friend01:07
ds_I really need help setting up a my network card/internet for 7.10 fresh install...I can't update without it :P01:07
dmsupermanreya276, then I haven't got a clue what the problem is, you'll have to wait for someone more knowledgeable :(01:07
Shadow420dmsuperman http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63122/01:07
Danish989how do I make a swap partition?01:08
dmsupermanDanish989, the installer for ubuntu will help you make it, if you're installing it. i'm not sure how after the fact though01:08
Julolidine If anyone is a networking expert, I have kind of a bizarre problem.  After a restart, my wireless network card stopped "scanning" and can't see any networks anymore.01:08
Julolidineiwlist scan yields     eth1      No scan results01:08
PeloDanish989, you'll need to boot the live cd to do it , you can't do it on a running hard drive01:08
MrStitchAre there any web-browser-based viruses/malware/spyware that I would be vulnerable to??01:08
dmsupermanShadow420, alright, first off that first sentence is quite possibly the longest run-on sentence i've ever seen in my life :P01:08
eriscohow can I get psd files to show up as thumbnails in nautilus?01:09
Danish989I did boot the live cd, and im installing ubuntu right now, I made a new partition and mounted it at "/" and I have 509MB left, how do I put that in a swap partition?01:09
dmsupermanMrStitch, It's dumb to say that you'll be invincible, but it's very unlikely01:09
achandrashekarJulolidine: I know this a stupidly obvious question..but you didnt accidently bump into the wireless network switch present on many laptops did you?01:09
dmsupermanDanish989, create a new partition in that space, and choose type swap01:09
Shadow420dmsuperman well english wasn't my best subject in school01:09
dmsupermanfor the filesystem i mean, choose swap01:09
Julolidineachandrashekar, there isn't a network switch on the laptop01:10
achandrashekarJulolidine: k..had to ask.. :)01:10
ds_Someone help?  With 7.10 fresh install getting internet to work01:10
Danish989I cant choose swap it just says primary and logic, no swap01:10
ds_I don't know how to get the network card going01:10
MrStitchdmsuperman, I agree, that nothing is impossible. I'm just trying to get the basics here. I understand that ANYTHING is possible.01:10
Pelods_, was kind of internet ?01:10
PzyBorGHi, does anyone know how to generate a /var/lib/alsa/asound.state file with the ubuntu live cd? i need it to replace the one on my hdd installation, since audio only works with the live cd, and not the full installation.01:10
ds_DSL..I know the internet works01:10
ds_just...fresh install on this other comp01:10
Pelods_, you have your password and username ?01:10
ds_for the internet service yes01:11
Shadow420dmsuperman well this is a way to bypass the use of a system rescue cd or using windows CD to fix the MBR01:11
owen1can someone send me a message to test beeping?01:11
ds_Through Centurytel01:11
Pelods_, tourter or directly conected to the dsl model ?01:11
dmsupermanMrStitch, but yeah, more than likely you'll never run into any sort of malware. I've never heard of any at least. Mac got it's first major malware/spyware/virus a few months ago, and i haven't heard of anything for linux yet01:11
* PzyBorG is hoping that will fix my audio problem.01:11
MrStitchWhat about Javascript based baddies.... Java is suppose to be a cross-platform kind of thing, isn't it? Would I be at risk of those?01:11
Pelods_, open a terminal windows and type sudo pppoeconf01:11
reya276dmsuperman: I was missing this "gid=46" and now I can read/write the files on the drive01:11
dmsupermanShadow420, you realize that many people don't have floppies?01:11
dmsupermanreya276, congrats :D01:12
reya276dmsuperman: thanks01:12
dmsupermanreya276, no problems01:12
Shadow420MrStitch I wouldn't worry to much01:12
owen1can someone send me a message please? i am testing it?01:12
ds_I typed the command01:12
eriscohow can I get psd files to show up as thumbnails in nautilus?01:12
Shadow420dmsuperman well when I get my new computer it will have a floppy drive01:12
MrStitchwow... so, for the most part - I'm about 95-99% guarded against the usual junk out there?01:12
littlepinkdotNeed a little help customizing a script, how can I change http://www.wiki.dreamhost.com/index.php/CURL any of those to allow me to enter the URL rather than having it fixed in the .php?01:12
ds_Eth0, Eth1, Eth0 : avah01:13
dmsupermanYou're lucky. my new mobo that's coming in 2 days doesn't even have a floppy header01:13
dmsupermanMrStitch, pretty much01:13
MrStitchThanks... and darn... I got that same dang error message again.01:13
Draconicusnickrud: Sorry, I must have missed your comment earlier about my sources.list01:13
dmsupermanlittlepinkdot, using mod_rewrite in apache will accomplish that01:13
Pelods_, let it pick it01:13
BizMan2008amenado, hey ive narrowed my vnc probelm to ssh01:14
nickrudDraconicus was away for a while, did you paste a new version01:14
BizMan2008i just dont know what in it would cause this01:14
PeloMrStitch, what's the error msg ?01:14
Shadow420dmsuperman well once I figure out the proper way to make a personal grub CD then I will make a guide for that01:14
dmsupermanlittlepinkdot, try like RewriteEngine on01:14
dmsupermanRewriteRule ^(.+?)$ index.php?args=$101:14
dmsupermanin your .htaccess01:14
ScuniziMrStitch, one of your primary protections is not being in Administrator mode like most windows users.. also "bugs" have to understand your system to do things.. they like windows.01:15
MrStitchata1 failed to respond. gunna switch something in the bios and see if I can get a different message.01:15
littlepinkdotdmsuperman, how exactly does that help me?01:15
* Pelo reads what dmsuperman just typed and his jaw drops 01:15
BizMan2008hey guys im trying to vnc through ssh,(from putty to my linux box), i have no problem on other machines iwth the same setup, but on my one machine in particular, i cant connect through vnc, it tells me connection initialized and then it stops01:15
dmsupermanlittlepinkdot, that will redirect all requests to a folder to index.php?args=WHATEVER01:15
BizMan2008ive narrowed it down to it being something with my ssh, putty settings are ok and so are vnc01:15
BizMan2008but what in ssh would cause me not to connect01:16
dmsupermanyourhost.com/ASDF/CHEESE will load index.php?args=ASDF/CHEESE01:16
dmsupermanthen you could explode on /01:16
zooplehey, has anyone else had problems with Java stuff on the web freezing up?01:16
dmsupermanand get each part01:16
dmsupermanPelo: simple regular expressions :P01:16
littlepinkdotdmsuperman, heh not what I wanted to accomplish, thanks though.01:16
Pelozoople, with flash stuff but not java01:16
dmsupermanlittlepinkdot, oh, thought you were after pretty urls01:16
Pelods_, ?01:16
zoopleah ok Pelo, my flash is fine01:16
ds_I said it scanned 3 intercaees, but the concentrator did not respond01:16
dmsupermanzoople, no, java works fine for me01:16
ds_But it is connected01:16
zooplelike, youtube it totally ok..but when i go to a java based chatroom, its really really slow and sometimes have to force quit01:17
ds_both computers (this and his ) are to the same gateway01:17
dmsupermanzoople, try making sure you have the latest java. go to the java website and get the latest jre01:17
Peloyou are connected to the net ? you can surf ? be happy01:17
zooplewhat version of java and browser u using?01:17
Shadow420dmsuperman so until then this for people who have computers with a floppy drive01:17
littlepinkdotdmsuperman, after making a script utilizing cURL to download files directly to the server01:17
Pelods_, are youusing a bridge modem or a router/modem ? with two comps connecetd to it ?01:17
Pelods_, put my nick in the same line as the rest01:17
dmsupermanShadow420, well for that purpose it works :D01:18
Pelods_, basicaly the command I gave you was for a bridge modem , ei one that only does the connecting and can only have one comp on it.01:18
ds_Pelo It's a centurytel modem with a USB output as well as an ether port...this comp is using Ether, his is connected to the USB01:18
MrStitchScunizi, is this why every time I try to access the system in Ubuntu, it asks for a password? I mean... as part of the protection?01:19
ScuniziMrStitch, yes..01:19
ds_How do I install USB drivers with CD?01:19
Pelods_, ah,  not sure how that works, I think it's a bridge modem and you can'T realy have two comps on it at once,  even if therer are technicaly two connectors,  you'll need a router01:19
MrStitcharg... same error again: ata1: port failed to respond (30 secs, Status 0xd0)01:20
Pelods_, try looking up the modem's model in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org01:20
ds_Pelo it shoudl work...This comp is dual boot Kubuntu/XP, his was XP...it worked well when I was either and his was XP...so if my comp can work - How can he install USB drivers if he has the CD01:21
MrStitchWell.... anyways. I can't seem to get the same error I had before, but I'll monkey with it when I get back. My girls wanna go for a walk... gotta do the 'dad' thing, ya know. ;)01:21
ds_Pelo I forgot how to 'run' a CD for it's drivers01:21
Pelods_, does his cd have drivers for linux on it ?01:21
dmsupermanMrStitch, psh, tell them to go get on the internet and learn more about ubuntu01:22
Lokii-i just triboot setup a xp/vista/kubuntu01:22
MrStitchgood idea... they'll probably fix it before I will01:22
Lakeyacc: well thanks anyways then ! even with DMA, I am pretty sure that the combination of 550MHz along with PATA connection as well as the fact that it's streaming over a cheap 40$ D-link router helps the slow speed01:22
* PzyBorG wonders if anyone knows how to generate a /var/lib/alsa/asound.state file with the ubuntu live cd.01:22
ds_Pelo yes01:22
Pelods_, put the cd in , copy the linux driver over to the desktop ,  see if there is a Read me file in it to tell you how to install01:23
PeloPzyBorG, doesn the live cd make one ?01:23
MrStitchOh man... now it's saying: SQUASHFS error: sb_bread failed reading block blah blah blah blah blah01:23
PzyBorGpelo: nope01:23
MrStitchack.... ok... I'm going now. hahahha01:23
biabiausing ubuntu with xfce desktop, can anyone recommend a better xterm client than X Terminal Emulator 0.2.601:24
Pelobiabia, how about xterm itself ?01:24
PzyBorGthere's one on the hdd installation, but not when i use the live cd, and i need it to get my audio working, since it only works with the live cd, and i've tried pretty much everything i can think of and find.01:24
usserbiabia, well there eterm01:24
Draconicusnickrud: Yeah. Here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63120/   Nice 'n' clean. :P01:25
usserbiabia, but its pretty much the same01:25
biabiaok and ok01:25
style23still won't play dvd... sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh - tells me command not found01:25
nickrudDraconicus ohhh YEAH! Haven't seen one that clean in a while01:25
PeloPzyBorG, type alsamixer in ther terminal and see what device it is using , best I can suggest01:25
PzyBorG-please- someone help, it's driving me insane!!01:25
usser!medibunt | style2301:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about medibunt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:25
usser!medibuntu | style2301:25
ubotustyle23: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:25
Draconicusstyle23: Wouldn't be in the docs01:25
usserstyle23, install it from there01:26
PzyBorGtried that, didn't work - but thanks anyway. :)01:26
* Pelo pushes PzyBorG over the edge01:26
Draconicusnickrud: Hehe. Right to the point, eh? Look good now?01:26
nickrudDraconicus but you might want to add universe and multiverse to -updates01:26
nickrudDraconicus yeah, easy to read, very nice01:26
Draconicusnickrud: I asked that earlier. was wondering. Gonna re-order the jumbled ones too, not that they matter.01:26
* PzyBorG sticks his middle finger up @ pelo, & takes the 'thanks' back..01:26
christozWhat is HTTP cache cleaner running on my system every 5 min?01:27
Scunizichristoz, do you have apache installed?01:27
mrkeishiiwhats up01:28
ltcabralhey ppl.. is there any irc channel for talking about latex?01:28
christozScunizi yes but have apache turned off already01:28
christozScunizi this is weird01:28
Draconicusnickrud: Updated perfectly.01:28
Starnestommyltcabral: #latex ?01:28
Peloltcabral, have you tried #latex or myabe one with the name of a latex editor ?01:28
Draconicusnickrud: was giving bad repos before. Dunno why.01:28
Scunizichristoz, are you sure it's off?  sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop01:29
smokeythemani need some help as well if anyone is available01:29
dmsupermanDraconicus, I'm in awe of your sources.list01:29
Pelosmokeytheman, state the issue ifsomeone can they will try and help01:29
Draconicusdmsuperman: ...Really? -.o01:29
nickrudDraconicus not sure, without context01:29
mrkeishiihow do you add the AWN Dock?01:29
Draconicusnickrud: Yeah. I didn't pay attention enough. Whatever it was, it's fixed now. :P01:29
Scunizimrkeishii, sudo apt-get install awn01:29
dmsupermanDraconicus, yeah, mine's just this long ass list that I can't find crap in haha01:29
PeloDraconicus, we're in private voting on pinning it to the wall it,s so pretty01:29
ltcabralthx ill try those01:30
christozScunizi it's apache2ctl  stop actually but yes it's surely off01:30
Scunizimrkeishii, applications/accessories/avant window manager.01:30
DraconicusPelo: Ha.01:30
boumawell done, ubuntu is really easy to install, configure(only needed to change to the closed nvidia driver), and use. im seriously impressed :D01:30
Draconicusnickrud: Well, this is a great success. I now have some 40 jack-related packages instead of the measly handful I found before. Much better.01:30
Scunizichristoz, what's the ctl on the end.. I don't remember that.. but it's been a while.01:30
mrkeishiiits say01:30
Pelobouma, we'll pass it on01:30
mrkeishiicould not find packages01:31
christozScunizi by this command i can start and and stop apache from any path01:31
Pelomrkeishii, use synaptic, do a search for keywords01:31
Schiz0|SDWhy is the mplayer version in Gusty (With the gusty-updates repo enabled) so old? It's using mplayer version 1.0r1, which was released in 2006. A newerversion was released in 2007. Is there a easy we to get the updated version?01:31
mrkeishiiI just want to install AWN Dock01:31
smokeythemanwhenever i try to install, uninstall or do anything with synaptic i get a jde error01:31
Scunizichristoz, without the /etc/yada/yada?01:31
mrkeishiibut the problem is that I use the  sudo apt-get install awn01:32
Pelomrkeishii, do a search on google there is a special repos for ubuntu for it01:32
mrkeishiibut it says that there is no packages01:32
christozScunizi yes01:32
christozScunizi without01:32
mrkeishiibut i have a hard time installing them01:32
ussermrkeishii, sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator01:32
ussermrkeishii, np01:32
Pelousser, beat me to it01:32
sexcopterhi, i have found a bunch of files in ~/.local/share/Trash which look like files I deleted (or thought were deleted) a long while back. Can anyone explain what they're doing there, and if I can just delete them from here?01:32
usserPelo, hehe01:33
Scunizichristoz, ok.. sorry I don't have an answer.. maybe over at #ubuntu-server01:33
mrkeishiican't Usser01:33
nickrudsexcopter you can rm -r ~/.local/share/Trash/*01:33
mrkeishiinot working01:33
Pelosexcopter, wine uses that folder to delete to ,  leave it there in hardy it,s gonna be the default trash can,  you can delete the content however01:33
christoznp... thanks Scunizi01:33
Pelomrkeishii, google01:34
usser!not working01:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about not working - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:34
dmsupermansexcopter, they're in your Trash01:34
Draconicusnickrud: Dare I compact and uncomment those mysterious eye-candy sources? I plan on fixing Beryl up soon.01:34
Pelomrkeishii, google for avant window navigator ubuntu01:34
dmsupermansexcopter, because you deleted them there :P01:34
ussermrkeishii, oh are u running gutsy?01:34
dmsupermansexcopter, so you can just empty your trash, or delete them from there01:34
sexcopterPelo: understood, thanks a lot01:34
ussermrkeishii, sorry its not in the repos in gutsy01:34
nickrudDraconicus beryl is dead, compiz-fusion is it's replacement, comes by default with gutsy01:34
mrkeishiiokay usser thanks though01:34
Pelodmsuperman, the default trash in gusty and before is  ~/.Trash ,01:35
ussermrkeishii, u'll have to get from someplace else01:35
sexcopterdmsuperman: I don't think it's linked with my trash in the bottom right corner, but Pelo's response explains that01:35
dmsupermansexcopter, Pelo, ah01:35
Pelosexcopter, you use wine ?01:35
Draconicusnickrud: I know, but fusion is a lot heavier on the resources and my poor old computer can't handle some of its nifty features. Disabling them doesn't make them go away - it only stops their graphical stuff.01:35
style23Draconicus how to you active decryption01:35
mic21__hi, I use "Connect to server ..." to connect a SSH server and I can't acces a directory with "drwxrws---" permissions. The user is member of the group and with scp there are no problems.01:35
boumain synaptic, what does the ubuntu icon mean, when next to a package ? does that mean its a recommended version ?01:35
sexcopterPelo: yeah, and a lot of the files are from utorrent, which runs under wine, so it makes sense01:35
nickrudDraconicus beryl at your own risk then01:35
sexcopterPelo: I deleted them :)01:35
smokeytheman whenever i try to install, uninstall or do anything with synaptic i get a jde error01:36
xikohi. I need help to configure grub to acess my 2nd sata HD with windows. Can anyone help me?01:36
Pelosexcopter, same thing I did,  I'M a ut use to01:36
Draconicusnickrud: Heh. I'm only having some trouble getting it to play nice with the latest emerald. Borders aren't showing up despite proper configuration...01:36
Starnestommybouma: I think it means that it's in the main repository and is officially supported01:36
PzyBorGhmm, does anyone know how to change the # a module is used by?01:36
Pelosexcopter, did you fix the "theme" in ut ?01:36
style23how do you active dvd decryption?01:36
* PzyBorG needs to try change one from zero to one.01:36
Killeroidstyle23: libdvdcss201:36
Draconicusnickrud: Beryl runs like a dream on my Feisty laptop with a slow P4 and a GeForce 2 Go. :P01:36
Pelo!dvd | style2301:36
ubotustyle23: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:36
jrib!dvd > style23 (read the private message from ubotu)01:36
sexcopterPelo: not sure what you mean. what is/was wrong with the theme?01:36
style23I have that installed01:36
usserstyle23, just follow the guide on medibuntu.org01:36
sexcopterPelo: all I know is the system tray icon is temperamental01:37
nickrudDraconicus I skipped beryl myself, too buggy for me.01:37
style23usser I did01:37
Draconicusnickrud: Heh. Are you using an ATI card or something? :P    Works beautifully for me.01:37
style23still totem says its missing a plugin.. should I restart x01:37
Jack_Sparrowsmokeytheman, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)01:37
Pelosexcopter, by default , wine aps look like win95 , I can tell you how to make them match your theme01:37
xikohi. I need help to configure grub to acess my 2nd sata HD with windows. Can anyone help me?01:37
nickrudDraconicus you cracked my box ??!!01:37
usserstyle23, did this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#head-57a5050d451985de1b87ea87a3ccc1a4895e57d301:37
jribstyle23: reinsert the dvd01:37
Trick|Mobilehey guys,whats the best program for virtualiaztion w/ ubuntu as the host? virtual,qemu,etc?01:37
Trick|Mobilevmware server?01:38
mrkeishiiany answers in installing AWN for 7.1001:38
sexcopterPelo: thanks, but I'm not that bothered. I don't have a lot of time right now.01:38
Draconicusnickrud: Bwuh? :P01:38
Pelosexcopter, about the tray icon , hve you updated wine to the latest  0.9.58 ? the tray stuff works pretty well since about .0.9.5001:38
JangariIs there a way I can configure the system to startup after a combination of keyboard events?01:38
StarnestommyTrick|Mobile: I normally use kvm, but virtualbox is easier to use and has more features01:38
JangariI have a machine with no power switch01:38
Pelosexcopter,  I can just send you my file, it matches human and basic clearlook01:38
DraconicusJangari: Start up? Heh. Are you on a Mac?01:38
mark[oz]what is the lightest weight ubuntu version out?01:38
Jangarimeh, whatever your non-proprietary term is01:39
nickrudJangari that would have to be done in bios01:39
style23jrib i'm hearing audio but no picture01:39
* PzyBorG would say virtualbox aswell.01:39
Scunizimark[oz], xubuntui01:39
ussermrkeishii, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=581620 take a look here01:39
DG19075Pelo:I'd love that file for Wine as well. Default looks so drab...01:39
Jangariokay, nickrud, so it is possible then01:39
Scunizimark[oz], * xubuntu or server.. server has no gui01:39
Trick|Mobileok thanks Starnestommy01:39
boumaStarnestommy: also, lets say i mark gfortran-4.2 for install and it wants several other packages too, if/when i remove gfortran how can i know which other packages to remove to get back to the previous state ?01:39
PeloJangari, some mobo can let you specify actions for suspend power keys on keyboard01:39
DraconicusJangari: No, I mean, that's a very silly thing to expect Ubuntu to do, seeing as Ubuntu is not running until it's on.01:39
smokeythemandavid@annabelle:~$ sudo  apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebini01:39
smokeythemanReading package lists... Done01:39
smokeythemanBuilding dependency tree01:39
smokeythemanReading state information... Done01:39
smokeythemanThe following NEW packages will be installed:01:39
FloodBot2smokeytheman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:39
smokeytheman  pastebinit01:39
nickrudJangari if you have no power switch, I would hope your bios provides some way to turn it on :)01:39
Scunizimark[oz], np.. got an older machine?01:39
sexcopterPelo: errr, I have version 1.7.7...01:39
PeloDG19075, hold on01:39
usserboubbin, sudo apt-get autoremove01:39
xikoguys. Ive got trouble configuring grub. Can anyone help me please?01:39
Jangariat the moment i'm hotwiring the power switch's motherboard adapter01:40
usserboubbin, gets rid of unneeded dependencies01:40
Pelosexcopter, www.winhq.org get the repos and upgrade man01:40
Jangaribut that isn't sustainable01:40
boumausser: was that for me ?01:40
Pelosexcopter, that's the utorrent version I qwas talkinga bout wine01:40
=== calux is now known as caluchin
mark[oz]Scunizi, nah at work I have to use windows.. so I want to vm ubuntu.. but ubuntu is slow as hell and I thought maybe there was a stripped down version of gnome I could use, e.g. ubuntu-lite01:40
DraconicusJangari: ...Wha? Sustai... stop making up terminology and learn what you're talking about!01:40
usserbouma, whops yea01:40
mark[oz]but I'll give xfce another try01:40
Jangariit's a naked mobo going in an arcade game table01:40
mrkeishiithanks again usser01:40
ussermrkeishii, no problem01:41
sexcopteroh, I'm on 0.9.45, because of warcraft which is broken after .4501:41
PeloDG19075, accept the file and put it in ~/.wine01:41
Jangarii ripped off the power switch from the motherboard without realising01:41
boumausser: thanks, so autoremove, does that also need the package name01:41
DraconicusJangari: This is not a hardware channel. We can't help you here.01:41
Scunizimark[oz], we're you using the live cd?.. vm is much faster01:41
usserbouma, nope01:41
Jangarialright, no worries then'01:41
DG19075got it, thanks!01:41
DraconicusJangari: Try #hardware :P01:41
Pelosexcopter, it's likely fixed by now , upgrade in confidence01:41
=== marcos__ is now known as daekdroom
PeloDG19075, you'll need to restart wine01:41
Jack_SparrowJangari, are you making a mame machine?01:41
Jangariyes Jack_Sparrow01:41
Jangarirestoring an old donkey kong table01:42
DraconicusJack_Sparrow: Holy crap. How did you guess that?01:42
sexcopterPelo: I just tried .58, and hosting games doesn't work still (and same for other people too) :(01:42
Jack_SparrowJangari, gimme a minute. I can help01:42
Pelosexcopter, ok then01:42
smokeythemanJack_sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63123/01:42
mark[oz]Scunizi, I was vm... I've been using ubuntu for since badger... I get it all.. I was hoping someone would know of a gnome-lite version..01:42
Jangaribut i'll have to splash out on a new mobo anyway, my old laptop one won't fit01:42
style23jrib at this site https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.htm #2 tells you to activate DVD decryption when I copy and paste that command in the terminal. I get command not found01:42
JangariminiITX look like they'll do the job alright01:42
Scunizimark[oz], you could try gebuntu.. it uses enlightenment01:43
mark[oz]thanks I'll check it out01:43
Pelosexcopter, I would enquire about that network game thing in #winehq,  it seems a rather big thing to leave unfixed since 0.9.4701:43
Kill_Xhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/216891 <-- could anyone test if this one is present in < 8.04 ?01:43
Odd-rationaleScunizi: I beleive it has been renamed to openGEU01:43
Jack_Sparrowsmokeytheman, are you running gutsy.. have you added any repos manually...01:43
Kill_Xwould be great :)01:43
Jangariwhen is heron out?01:44
PeloKill_X,  ask in #ubuntu+101:44
smokeythemanim on 7.1001:44
PeloJangari, 2401:44
Jangariten whole days?01:44
smokeythemani have added repos manually01:44
ScuniziOdd-rationale, ah.. ok.. didn't know that.. mark[oz] did you catch that?01:44
sexcopterPelo: I've read some comments online, it's subtle and I am sure they know about it and are working on it01:44
Pelosmokeytheman, you re in the correct palce01:44
Kill_XPelo: I need to know if that "bug" is present in 7.10 or earlier01:44
shulmanI'm having a problem with video freezing/dying when I play more then one video at a time. The video on the whole screen either freezes or turns bright green. I can only get rid of it by restarting Xorg. Can someone help diagnose the issue?01:44
Jack_SparrowJangari,  /join #Jack_Sparrow so we do not disrupt the room01:44
mark[oz]yep thanks guys01:44
ussersexcopter, the bug's been there for 2 months almost01:44
mrkeishiiI got IT01:45
Jack_Sparrowsmokeytheman, you will need to pastebin the source.list manuallyh01:45
xikohi. I need help to configure grub to acess my 2nd sata HD with windows. Can anyone help me?01:45
Peloxiko, meet me in #grub01:46
Kill_Xhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/216891 <-- might someone please test that one? :)01:46
xikoPelo: tx01:47
smokeythemanJack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63124/01:48
samzillaneed a quick solution, i need to run a make command to compile a giant C++ project01:48
samzillawhat C++ compiler can i install easily w/ like an apt-get01:48
samzillai used cygwin on windows01:48
samzillabut now i just want to use linux01:48
shulmansamzilla - try gcc++01:49
samzillaneed a quick n esay one, im using server edition01:49
samzillawhat is the command for gcc++01:49
samzilladownload for it?01:49
raviyo, anyone here?01:49
ravinormally there's a lot more talk than this01:50
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)01:50
samzillai just need a C++ compiler that has everying?01:50
LeGreffi3Rsamzilla> gcc is fine01:50
LeGreffi3Rgcc++ doesn't exist01:51
patrickvaI'm having a hard time gettin ubuntu installation to run01:51
samzillaok ill try it i guess!01:51
patrickvai installed a new Nvidia card and i keep getting errors with ubuntu installation mode01:51
patrickvaanyone familiar with this problem?01:51
shulmanSorry... gcc++ is a seperate package elsewhere. gcc works fine in ubuntu for c++01:51
iceswordpatrickva, /msg ubotu drxx01:52
iceswordpatrickva, /msg ubotu nvidia01:52
patrickvaum okay..01:52
raviugh... gcc... don't you get that?01:52
LeGreffi3Rshulman> it doesn't there are no separate "gcc++"01:52
imaginativeonehow do I make ubuntu available to windows?01:53
LeGreffi3Rall for C, C++, (every C style), fortran, are in gcc01:53
raviimaginativeone: do you mean your hard drive contents?01:53
raviimaginativeone: go to places > computer01:53
raviimaginativeone: do you see your drives there?01:53
raviimaginativeone: just double click and it should auto mount01:53
Peloimaginativeone, goto www.digg.com  and do a search for linux partion windows there are a few areticles about it01:53
LeGreffi3Rimaginativeone> google for "ext3 windows driver"01:54
Peloravi, the other way around01:54
raviah, ok :P01:54
ravimy bad01:54
boumacould someone tell me the package for the workspaces switcher. i want to just update this package to hopefully fix a drawing bug, where it looks like its only counting to n-1 instead of n, and drawing the mini workspaces in half of the allocated space01:54
shulmanLeGreffi3R -- SOrry, I was mistaken. Looks like gcc can handle c++01:54
boumathe gnome workspaces switcher01:54
imaginativeonethe permissions could not be changed01:54
Pelobouma, its part of gnome pannel , I don'T think it there is an idividual packge for it01:55
raviimaginativeone: they will be ignored01:55
shulmanLeGreffi3R: g++ might be a good thing to try as well.01:55
raviimaginativeone: in windows, if you're trying to access files from Ubuntu in Windows01:55
ravias a general note, I must say that sharing an NTFS drive between Ubuntu and Windows is much better as ntfs-3g driver is in much better shape than the ext2fs driver for Windows01:56
* Pelo wondesr why he can't /ignore floodbot 01:57
SoulBlademy apologies.. i got disconnected before i could copy what the bot said... someone was kind enough to ask it how to add something simple to ubuntu's startup - i want to start synergyc before login01:57
SoulBladecan someone please issue the trigger again ?01:57
LeGreffi3Rshulman> they will produce the same code.01:57
LeGreffi3Rshulman> i even think gcc depends on g++01:58
shulmanLeGreffi3R: OK.01:58
PeloSoulBlade,  trigger for what ?%01:59
dmsuperman!startup ?01:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about startup ? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:59
ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot01:59
boumaPelo: how do i just do the gnome-panel, i tried, sudo apt-get upgrade gnome-panel, but it wants to upgrade about 200 packages01:59
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto01:59
SoulBladeah i think that's the one01:59
patrickvaOkay, I copied down the error information01:59
dmsupermanno problems :D01:59
ravibouma: what the hell are you doing?01:59
imaginativeonedo I need to log off?01:59
Pelobouma, not sure ,02:00
raviPelo: nice way of putting it :)02:00
dmsupermanimaginativeone, are you using samba to share now?02:00
Pelobouma, check in synaptic, there might be a package for panel aps,02:00
TwinXbouma; apt-get install --reinstall gnome-panel  might work02:00
dmsupermanimaginativeone, was this to share between linux and windows on the same pc?02:00
boumaravi: i want to just upgrade gnome panel, cause it has a drawing bug, im on a slow wimax and have limited quota so want to wait till i get the other packages from another fast conn in a few days time02:01
imaginativeonethe former02:01
imaginativeoneI want to save my iTunes downloads on my much larger linux pc02:01
dmsupermanimaginativeone, did you specify on the linux computer that it should have write access?02:01
ravibouma: ah, ok.. you can try the reinstall trick by TwinX but you can't really do much if the rest of the stuff is prerequisites02:01
imaginativeonetried, but rejected by ubuntu02:02
dmsupermanSo the shared folder in Ubuntu does have the write permission checked then02:03
* Pelo wonders why , since OSX is based on BSD, can't itune be simply ported to linux 02:03
raviPelo: hahaha02:03
* ravi laughs at the thought of Apple being open02:03
dmsupermanPelo you're funny02:03
Peloravi, could just be a binary02:04
imrookIs anyone here familiar with MythTV on Ubuntu?02:04
CahanPelo, because of Cocoa02:04
ravicocoaaaaaaaaa puffs02:04
dmsupermanPelo, Apple only ported it to windows so they could get into the huge windows user base with the iPod and online music sales02:04
dmsupermanPelo, They make good products, but they're just as silly as Microsoft02:04
Cahanand because Apple are strongly against any sort of open standards, they are worse than Microsoft in that regard02:05
Jack_SparrowDraconicus, Lucky guess....  bbl.. gotta start dinner.. I got him well on his way with that game box02:05
Pelodmsuperman,  I don,t think they are good but they are pretty02:05
dmsupermanHas anybody ever used notepad++ in windows?02:05
Cahanyes dmsuperman02:05
ravidmsuperman: yep02:05
dmsupermanCahan, do you know a good linux alternative?02:05
dmsupermanI tried bluefish but it just doesn't have the same features as notepad++02:05
reya276dmsuperman: do you have any idea how I can uninstall a compiled driver02:05
Cahandmsuperman, geany02:05
Pelodmsuperman, you no like gedit ?02:05
bruenigdmsuperman: vim02:05
dmsupermanPelo, lol02:05
Cahandmsuperman, or kate02:06
ravidmacnutt: if you don't want to move, you can go with notepad++ in Wine02:06
bruenigubuntu is a good alternative to linux if that is what you meant by linux alternative02:06
nickrudemacs, best of all02:06
dmsupermanbruenig, I need a mouse for my editing02:06
Pelodmsuperman, stop laughing at me and look in the menues02:06
ravidmsuperman: sorry, look at above message for dmacnutt02:06
nickrudbruenig you are funny ;)02:06
Pelobruenig, go back to #archlinux , we told you to stop trolling in here02:06
dmsupermanPelo, does it have tabs, syntax highlighting, collapsible code blocks, regular expression find and replace?02:06
bruenigPelo: you know I love ubuntu, come on02:06
dmsupermanPelo, and as far as apple products, they aren't good for you or I but for the people they're designed for, they're fantastic02:07
Pelodmsuperman,  yes on tabs, yes on syntax and replace, not sure about the other one02:07
dmsupermanCahan, thanks for the suggestions I'll try those out02:07
raviPelo: I like my iPhone just fine02:07
* nickrud is sad that many people now think of ubuntu as linux, even though he loves ubuntu02:07
brueniggenay has these first three, not sure about regex search and replace02:07
dmsupermanPelo, reg exp find / replace, and collapsible code blocks?02:07
Pelobruenig, I saw you trolling on diggs in the ubuntu threads as well,02:07
* bruenig is happy ubuntu is a vacuum for such people02:07
Cahannickrud, I feel the same about mIRC and IRC02:07
hyphenanyone want to answer a dual boot question?02:07
dmsupermanPelo, collapsible blocks aren't necessary but regexp is02:07
bruenighyphen: I do02:08
Pelodmsuperman, thjere is a find replace , but I don'T know about the collapsable thing , have a look02:08
Pelodmsuperman,  I'M not a coder02:08
ravibruenig: poor boy.. go run your ./configure make make installs all night if you would like :)02:08
goodspeedhow many buntu we have now?02:08
reya276Pelo: can you help me solve an issue, I'm having, I followed these (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4253232&postcount=133) steps to compile and install these drivers for my wacom tablet but I realize that I do not need them, can you show me how to undo this?02:09
bruenigravi: ? arch is binary02:09
Pelogoodspeed, 6 I think02:09
bruenighyphen: you had a question?02:09
dmsupermanPelo, wow, I assumed that since it was the default editor it wouldn't have all these features02:09
hyphenok cool... 2 drives... primary with winxp second with ubuntu. I need to dual boot these two operating systems without reinstalling anything and with MINIMAL changes made to the winxp drive. What is the best coarse of action?02:09
ravibruenig: heheh.. for 4 progs?02:09
dmsupermanPelo, pretty nice :D02:09
mosnobruenig: assuming the package your after is actually packaged!02:09
bruenighyphen: you already have ubuntu installed on the second drive?02:09
patrickvaDoes anyone know why my Ubuntu goes to a BusyBox mode when I click to install it on the Splash screen?02:09
reya276Pelo: I went into the Hardy (Ubuntu+1) but they won't help me02:09
Pelogoodspeed, hold on , let me cound  u k x e , that is 4,  blue, flux, that makes 6, CE SE, that's 8,  studio 9 ,02:09
dmsupermanholy CRAP is this a lot better than i thought02:10
ShpookI'm trying to design a site locally, but only need Javascript, no PHP or databases. I thought the browser handled JS parsing, but Firefox won't run any JS locally. Is there an easy way to solve this?02:10
patrickvaI get this error02:10
Peloreya276, what was the issue ?02:10
dmsupermanPelo, yet again I love you :P02:10
* Pelo forgives dmsuperman for doudting him 02:10
reya276Pelo: I need to remove a wacom compiled driver02:10
dmsupermanPelo, doubting*02:10
bruenigmosno: ?02:10
* Pelo does not forgive the spelling correction 02:11
patrickva[132.633717] revalidation failed (errno=-5)02:11
reya276Pelo: due to this my wacom does not work properly02:11
patrickvaThat's what I get02:11
patrickvaSo can anyone help me out?02:11
Peloreya276, ouch, that's a bit over my head02:11
hyphenwould using ntldr be the best attack?02:11
Peloreya276, jsut removing the module from modprobe doesn't do it ?02:11
bruenigmosno: how many packages minus -devs, -headers, and metapackages do you suppose you have?02:11
reya276Pelo: how do I do that?02:11
hyphenLOL Pelo02:11
dmsupermanbut holy crap is that pink font annoying02:11
imrookhyphen: You need to install a bootloader.  Have you done that before?02:11
Pelohyphen, ?02:11
hyphenno but I can try02:12
imrookhyphen: NTLDR or Grub are probably your best bets02:12
Peloreya276, hyphen does not agree, he probabaly knows better ten I do02:12
hyphenPelo... the nonforgivness of the spelling correctioon02:12
patrickvaDoes anyone know why my Ubuntu goes to a BusyBox mode when I click to install it on the Splash screen?02:12
Pelohyphen, ah02:12
patrickvaI get this error02:12
patrickva[132.633717] revalidation failed (errno=-5)02:12
hyphenI know nothing02:12
dmsupermanhyphen, just install grub, point it at your ubuntu and xp partitions, and you're set02:12
nixnoobcan someone help me use git?  im totally lost...02:12
hyphenso winxp on the primary wont cause issues?02:13
ShpookAnyone know if I need to install LAMP to run Javascript locally?02:13
imrooknixnoob: Git has a steep learning curve.  What do you want to do?02:13
Peloreya276,  lsmod  to see the module list, find the one you need to remove,  and then sudo modprobe -r  modulename  ( man modprobe for the corect option I'M not sure -r is the right one )02:13
imrookhyphen: They are one separate drives correct?02:13
hyphenim pretty sure grub in installed on the secondary already...02:13
dmsupermanhyphen, no.02:13
* Pelo lost track of what it was doing 02:13
nixnoobimrook, i just want to be able to download libusb-1.0 from git and compile it for myself.... i kno how to compile but not how to get it from git?02:13
hyphen2 seperate drives... NOT partitions02:13
* bruenig lost track of what Pelo was doing02:13
dmsupermanhyphen, I just install GRUB to my MBR and point it at each02:14
hyphenok so mbr on primary winxp drive02:14
bruenighyphen: what dmsuperman said, install grub, edit menu.lst02:14
Pelowho wanted help with GIT ? there is a #git channel02:14
imrookhyphen: If you're going to use NTLDR, you'll need GRUB installed on your /boot partition and configure Win to chainload to GRUB.02:14
CorbinFoxis there a boot command that turns off one of my cores?02:14
imaginativeonecan I change the owner of my entire ubuntu machine?02:14
FrancescoTell me please powerful two-panel file manage with many features, like Total Commander for Windows.02:14
hyphengot ya\02:14
nixnoobimrook, heres the website where it tells the git repo but if i do git-fetch it says its not a git repo.... http://libusb.wiki.sourceforge.net/page/diff/Libusb1.0?v=14410902:14
PeloFrancesco, what ?02:14
hyphenI did read an article about that but it was so outdated02:14
bruenigFrancesco: midnight commander02:14
Orbixx|MobTrying to enable broadcom firmware. It says the software source for the package bcm43xx-fwcutter is not enabled. Advice?02:14
imrooknixnoob: You'll use git clone git://someurl somedir02:14
dmsupermanhyphen, just google "ubuntu livecd grub"02:15
PeloCorbinFox, try researching that in the forum www.ubuntutorums.org02:15
hyphenok i'll look into that, thank you guys02:15
dmsupermani think the first result should set you straight for installing it, and pointing it to your ubuntu02:15
hyphenoh so I can do it from a live cd?02:15
scottyLShpook: Javascript isn't a part of L(ynux)A(pache)M(ySQL)P(HP)02:15
hyphenway cool02:15
bruenigP doesn't necessary mean PHP02:15
dmsupermanhyphen, then just edit menu.lst and add a record for xp02:15
FrancescoHow about GUI file manager?02:15
CorbinFoxPelo: fine, make me not be lazy :P02:15
hyphenok sweet thank you02:15
scottyLbruenig: OK... P(ython) :)02:15
reya276ok that removed the wacom module02:16
bruenigFrancesco: not with that kind of power02:16
reya276Pelo: ok that removed the wacom module02:16
PeloFrancesco, check in add/remove , you'll be surprised what is available02:16
nixnoobimrook, you are the man thanks02:16
Peloreya276, ;-)02:16
Orbixx|MobTrying to enable broadcom firmware. It says the software source for the package bcm43xx-fwcutter is not enabled. Advice?02:16
bruenigI think the assumption is if you are using gui, you are not interested in such confusing things as features02:16
dmsupermanscottyL, Javascript is in the Apache portion. It serves up HTML pages, which can include JavaScript and CSS02:16
ShpookscottyL: That I knew, but someone else suggested it to me. I figured that since the browser is what parses JS, then it should work locally.02:16
Peloreya276, I think there is away to blacklist it so it doesn't get readded when you boot again ,  check in the manpage for modprobe02:16
imrookHas anyone used MythTV's nuvexport?02:16
dmsupermanscottyL, and of course PHP to help edit your HTML pages, but the common factor is Apache02:17
Peloimrook, I think there is a mythtv channel02:17
bruenigare there any rules on ctcping in here? I am interested to see what irc clients people are using02:17
scottyLdmsuperman: Wlel, that's what I get for trying to address questions :)02:17
Danish989I have a big problem .. I just installed ubuntu and now when my computer starts it says Loading Grub Error 2202:17
Danish989and then it just stops there .. what do I do??02:17
* CoasterMaster doesn't know the rules about ctcping, but he is using Xchat02:17
imaginativeonehow do I get access to the permissions?02:17
Pelobruenig, yes the rule is donT02:17
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:18
Pelobruenig, LjL banned someone for it eariler02:18
dmsupermanscottyL, heh, just sticking my head into places it doesn't belong. I'm a web programmer, so I always feel the need to butt into web scripting convos haha02:18
nomicaldanish you may be running hardware not compatible with hubuntu02:18
imrookPelo: Yes there is, but my problem seems to be specific to Ubuntu.  Some progs that are distributed with MythTV source appear to be missing from the mythtv-common Ubuntu package.  I'm wondering if there's another package I need to install to get them.  I think that puts my issue firmly in Ubuntu territory.02:18
bruenighmm it does mention ctcps, odd02:18
Danish989I'm on from the ubuntu live cd right now02:18
=== nomical is now known as nomi1
MrStitchHere's a timeless question: I got some win games that I wanna play on my ubuntu box..... is that possible?02:18
reya276Pelo: Thanks, I will remove the wacom tools from synaptics and see if I can then re-install the repo ones02:18
Peloimrook, there are mythtv repos for ubuntu I beleive,02:18
dmsupermanimaginativeone, in the same Shared Folders panel, there's a checkbox for write access02:18
bruenig!wine | MrStitch02:19
ubotuMrStitch: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.02:19
Pelo!mythtv | reya27602:19
ubotureya276: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV02:19
CoasterMasterMrStitch: It is indeed possible with wine02:19
nomi1mrstich there are dos emulators and windows emulators the windows emulator is called 'wine'02:19
Danish989I installed ubuntu on this computer and I was already running windows xp, I wanted a dual boot system, but now the first thing I get is "Loading GRUB Error 22" and nothing happens after that .. what is the matter?02:19
dmsupermanDanish989, It's pointing to the wrong partition02:19
LjLbruenig, a CTCP alerts you (with sounds, etc) on a few client, doing it to the channel is frowned upon, sorry02:19
imrookPelo: Yeah, I've already been there with no luck.02:19
MrStitchapplication compatibility? such as....?02:19
bruenigoh are there beeps involved?02:19
Danish989dmsuperman, what do I do?02:19
dmsupermanDanish989, your menu.lst needs to point to your Ubuntu partition, and it's currently not02:19
CoasterMasterMrStitch, it lets you run Windows programs under Linux02:19
Danish989ok so what do I do?02:20
Peloimrook, did you do a search in the repos using synaptic ?02:20
Orbixx|MobTrying to enable broadcom firmware. It says the software source for the package bcm43xx-fwcutter is not enabled. Advice?02:20
CoasterMasterMrStitch, I have RollerCoaster Tycoon and SimCity 4 running in wine and it works pretty well02:20
dmsupermanDanish989, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435102:20
nomi1mrstich try it02:20
bruenigOrbixx|Mob: edit /etc/apt/sources.list, enable the sources02:20
dmsupermanDanish989, Follow those directions02:20
nomi1most things work fine02:20
imrookPelo:I used apt02:20
Orbixx|MobNot on a working internet connection.02:20
MrStitchIs it pretty stable, or is it kind of hit 'n miss on some games?02:20
Orbixx|MobAs wireless is down.02:20
TheComradeDoes anyone know of a technique I could use where I could tag open windows with a shortcut so I could quickly switch between apps by going ctrl-alt-1, ctrl-alt-2, etc?02:20
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org02:20
dmsupermanMrStitch, games are almost always not going to work02:20
CoasterMasterMrStitch, depends on the game, but the Wine website has a list of programs that work and don't work02:20
Peloimrook, do you have a gui , try with synaptic it wiill just make the search easier, you can install with apt after if you want02:20
imrookPelo: trying right now02:21
bruenigTheComrade: not in gnome, the only wms that have that sort of feature that I know of are tiling window managers like dwm, awesome, xmonad, etc.02:21
Danish989dmsuperman, thanks!02:21
MrStitchIs it the direct X thing that's causing problems?02:21
dmsupermanDanish989, no problem :D02:21
dmsupermanMrStitch, amongst other thing02:21
MrStitchi see02:21
dmsupermanMrStitch, It's hard to get a windows program running in ubuntu to begin with, but as the programs get larger and larger and more and more complicated, the less likely they are to run in wine02:22
Hysteriaheya dudes. burning iso to cd now oooooo excited haha02:22
TheComradebruenig: Thanks.  I just find it really bizarre that this sort of thing doesn't exist.02:22
MrStitchAnd I suppose the game would have to be completely re-written in order for it to work02:22
PeloMrStitch, the wine ppl need to retro engineer windows basicaly , it's takes a lot of efffort02:22
dmsupermanMrStitch, things as simple as notepad++ even have their quirks02:22
bruenigTheComrade: it is gnome, that is to be expected02:22
dmsupermanMrStitch, generally, yes02:22
CoasterMasterI got SimCity 4 working in wine and it runs pretty well aside from a few graphical glitches02:22
dmsupermanPelo, do you know how I can change the colors of the syntax highlighting in gedit?02:22
dmsupermanPelo, hot pink is not a very attractive color to look at :P02:22
ravidmsuperman: check the menu02:23
TheComradebruenig: I would settle if even the normal task switcher would not re-order the window order02:23
CoasterMasterdmsuperman, Edit -> Preferences -> Fonts & Colors02:23
MrStitchI see. So there just needs to be more support. How many Ubuntu users do you think are out there?02:23
Pelodmsuperman, no sorry , but it does colour code for several languages02:23
bruenigTheComrade: use another window manager, problem solved02:23
CoasterMasterMrStitch, it's a tough thing to write.....and they've been writing it for almost 15 years02:23
Pelodmsuperman, check in menu > display > coloration02:23
dmsupermanCoasterMaster, Is there a way to edit each color and font for every part of the syntax? or do i just get to use the color packs?02:23
Jack_Sparrowguys can we move the wine / discussion to the #Ubuntu-offtopic room02:24
TheComradebruenig: That will be what I'll have to do, though in that case I'll probably go back to Gentoo, if I'm going to lose the easy eye candy anyway.02:24
dmsupermanOr even to #winehq02:24
CoasterMasterdmsuperman, there's a way to load custom schemes so I'd imagine there's a way to do it02:24
PeloJack_Sparrow, no we cannot ,sorry you'll have to move the rest to #ubuntu-offtopic yourself02:24
nomi1i thought games used like DOS4GW02:24
nomi1booted off the disk02:24
nomi1nothing to do with windows02:25
MrStitchJack: Actually, it pertained here.... for my purposes. I'm just now learning more about Ubuntu, and I'm literally on day 2 with the software.02:25
bruenigTheComrade: good diea02:25
dmsupermanCoasterMaster, Alright, I'll look where it keeps it's default themes for reference. Thanks :D02:25
Jack_SparrowPelo, behave.02:25
dmsupermanPelo, lol02:25
CoasterMasterdmsuperman, you might want to check out https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit/+question/14370 as well02:25
bruenigTheComrade: if you like binary packages though, should give arch a shot02:25
Jack_SparrowMrStitch, understood.  but you are not asking for help getting it to work or for help with a specific problem02:25
dmsupermanI want to know why it is that floodbot gets to constantly flood the channel without kicking itself02:25
* Pelo has downloaded and watch 4 crappy movies today he's not in a mood 02:25
dmsupermanstop flooding floodbot!02:25
bruenigPelo: theft?!?02:26
GatestoneHow do I install vmware for Gutsy?02:26
Pelobruenig, yes02:26
dmsupermanPelo, Check out American Daze. It's on Netflix Instant View02:26
* bruenig is disappointed in hair02:26
PeloGatestone,  check in add remove  there is vmware-server02:26
hyphenok one more quick one. I have grub installed. And looking at the menu.lst there is no entry for windows and ubuntu is listed as hd0,0 so that means ubuntu is on my primary, correct? and I had it reversed02:26
nomi1gatestone theres probably a README on the disk02:26
* dmsuperman thinks back to the private convo Pelo and I had yesterday02:26
MrStitchpoint taken, was asking for other information while I was re-creating the problems I'm having. Computer doesn't reboot in 2 seconds ya know. hahaha02:26
* Pelo hangs his head in shame 02:26
* dmsuperman wonders what kind of role model says one thing and does another :P02:26
* bruenig thinks back to the private convo dmsuperman and Pelo had yesterday02:26
dmsupermanbruenig, wtf you weren't even there02:26
TheComradebruenig: I will check it out. Thanksya.02:26
* bruenig realizes that he wasn't even there02:27
* Pelo wonders why he ever gave up @ , it would come in realy usefull right abut now02:27
* ravi realizes there are too many of these messages02:27
bruenigwhat is this role modelling thign? does ubuntu have some irc big brother program?02:27
* dmsuperman wonders why everybody is wondering outloud02:27
* MeatGrinder realizes he doesn't know what the h*ll they're talking about02:27
* mosno speaks in the 3rd person for no good reason02:27
* dmsuperman jumps up and down, just to keep the trend going02:27
bruenigPelo: you should have passed it off to me for some good justice02:27
hyphenAm I correct in saying hd0,0 is the primary drive? <--- total noob02:28
Jack_Sparrowobviously someone spiked the punch at this party02:28
* bruenig is very even handed with the hat02:28
* Pelo gives bruenig a cookie02:28
* ravi gonna go check some xkcd02:28
dmsupermanC-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!!02:28
Jack_Sparrowhyphen, yes02:28
imaginativeonedamn I'm so close02:28
TheComradeoh Lord, that game bit.02:28
* MeatGrinder is reminded he needs a beer...02:28
MrStitcharg... same problem as before. problem accessing ata1 (whatever that is), then a bunch of garbage, then it tells me unable to determine aperture size and failed File system check. I'm guessing the hardware is just too old to work on Ubuntu.... thoughts?02:28
imaginativeonehow can I buy ubuntu support?02:28
JDSBlueDevlhi, can anyone tell me how stable the Hardy beta is?02:28
nomi1why would you want to imaginativeone02:28
dmsupermanimaginativeone, paypal money directly to dmsuperman@gmail.com02:28
GatestoneCan I install Centos.iso to the vmware player, or do I need the vmware-server to install things from install diks images?02:28
JDSBlueDevlas in, if I upgrade now, is it going to work fine?02:29
danbhfiveJDSBlueDevl: it may, it may not02:29
MeatGrinderimaginativeone, buy support?02:29
bruenig!ot | JDSBlueDevl02:29
ChaosParserJDSBlueDevl: Nope.02:29
ubotuJDSBlueDevl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:29
Jack_SparrowMrStitch, HAve you tried some of the command line modifiers to get the live cd to boot02:29
imaginativeoneso I can connect my file without so much hassle02:29
PeloMrStitch, ata1 would be a hard drive , do you have an old one on that comp ?02:29
icesworddmsuperman, lol02:29
nomi1forums are better for questions you need to sit on02:29
stercorHow do I start up a new window manager?  Like, put it into the startup procedure?02:29
MeatGrinderimaginativeone, it's free here!02:29
bruenigstercor: excellent freaking question02:29
Peloimaginativeone, don'T upgrade , wait for it02:29
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu02:29
bruenighow does one do this I always wondered02:29
dmsupermanPelo, he wasn't even planning on it. he wants to just use samba :P02:29
danbhfiveJDSBlueDevl: calling hardy beta can be a bit deceptive, since serious problems CAN arise02:29
imaginativeoneI'm just trying to see my ubuntu machine from windows02:29
Pelostercor, it shoud have been added to gdm you can select it when you log in02:30
Jack_Sparrowstercor, install one and where you login you can select between them or set a default02:30
bruenigubuntu doesn't do the .xinitrc fun, so how do you do this stuff02:30
imaginativeoneit's not working - and now the icon has disappeared02:30
MrStitchJack and Pelo: I don't know ANY commands. I'm a linux virgin. hahahah, and I don't have an ata hard drive installed. I have an on-board scsi system with two IBM scsi drives.02:30
* ravi was floored by the IBM Power5 specs02:30
bruenigMrStitch: `dir` shows the context of the current directory02:30
MeatGrindergood luck with scsi, i still can't get ubuntu to recognize my adaptec card with cheetahs02:30
junkieHey, does anyone else dual boot osx with ubuntu?02:30
Jack_SparrowMrStitch, At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"02:30
ubotuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview02:31
MrStitchActually, i HAD an ata in there when I was troubleshooting.... but disconnected it about an hour ago.02:31
PeloMrStitch, I 'm not 100% sure but I think ata is what they call scsi now ,  it is having difficulties readign one of them02:31
MeatGrinderPelo, ata is not scsi02:31
PeloMrStitch, is that ata still listed in the bios ? that might be why you get the message it can't find it02:31
stercorPelo, Jack_Sparrow: I compiled twm and xdm; much to my disappointment they didn't just magically appear on the bootup menu/screen. :-(02:31
MrStitchPelo... that's beyond crazy. I'm a linux newb, not an idiot. hahahah02:31
charles|64_hey guys how do i check if my dvd rom drive is working right? in ubuntu. I can boot from it just fine but when i put a disk in nothing detects or happens02:31
PeloMrStitch, also check in fstab if it is liste dthere02:32
Francescowhere does apt-get cache archives?02:32
junkieI resized one of my partitions and ever since then I haven't been able to boot into linux, it's like my macbook doesn't see it.02:32
AmyRoseHow do I get Rhythmbox to stop prompting me to install the codecs? I already installed them using that dialog02:32
* bruenig thinks that ubuntu should move to a user-drive .xinitrc setup for window managers02:32
Pelostercor, then don't appear you have to check in the session menu on the loggin screen,   restart x and check02:32
firstohitI am upgrading from Gutsy to Heron right now, will I lose any of my programs that I installed?02:32
AmyRoseIn fact, I'm even listening to an MP3 file right now and it's still prompting me to install the codec02:33
charles|64_hey guys how do i check if my dvd rom drive is working right? in ubuntu. I can boot from it just fine but when i put a disk in nothing detects or happens02:33
Pelobruenig, you should be in #ubuntu-devel02:33
Orbixx|MobScrewed up the resolution. Can't see a thing. Suggestions?02:33
bruenigfirstohit: discrete releases are notably sketchy, so just cross your fingers really02:33
dmsupermanfirstohit, no02:33
Jack_Sparrowstercor, you did check under option where you login right02:33
Pelofirstohit, vmware no longer works for me but the rest is fine02:33
danbhfivefirstohit: You shouldn't02:33
dmsupermanfirstohit, but don't plan on them staying there :P02:33
Jack_SparrowOrbixx|Mob, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg (to just set res) If you get locked out Select vesa as your video card and 1024 max res.  Use tab or enter to accept all other defaults02:33
dmsupermanOrbixx|Mob, "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"02:33
Orbixx|MobScrewed up the resolution. Can't see a thing. Suggestions?02:34
firstohiti.i I have VMwareWorksttion and Wine and Compiz and Crossover , will those change?02:34
MrStitchok, first off. Lets get to a command prompt to do these things. First, I have the disc in the cd drive, then I power it up and it boots from the cd. The Ubuntu screen pops up and asks if I want to install, and some other things. Where should I go from here?02:34
Jack_SparrowMrStitch, F602:34
dmsuperman!patience | Orbixx|Mob read these and also dmsuperman's and Jack_Sparrow's02:34
ubotuOrbixx|Mob read these and also dmsuperman's and Jack_Sparrow's: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:34
bruenigfirstohit: these are non repo programs?02:34
PeloOrbixx|Mob, screwed up how ?02:34
firstohitso will they be affected?02:34
firstohitWhat do you mean non repo ?02:34
Orbixx|MobHow do i boot into command line?02:34
dmsupermanfirstohit, They shouldn't be affected, but as with all things beta it's possible02:34
dmsupermanOrbixx|Mob, Ctrl Alt F102:35
Jack_SparrowOrbixx|Mob, recovery mode from grub menu02:35
PeloOrbixx|Mob, on boot, right after the bios stuff hit the esc key,  that will  get you the grub menu, select the recovery mode,02:35
charles|64_hey guys how do i check if my dvd rom drive is working right? in ubuntu. I can boot from it just fine but when i put a disk in nothing detects or happens02:35
bruenigfirstohit: it is certainly possible that you will have problems, the discrete release model has systemic problems with moving between releases due to the jump. You could have incompatible library versions, you could have other problems. There is no way to safeguard.02:35
firstohitOk will this is April isn't time to upgrade. Will there be a smother upgrade soon, should I wait or do it now?02:35
bruenighas nothing to do with "beta" has to do with the clumsy model02:35
Pelocharles|64_, do you see it in places > computer ?02:36
dmsupermanfirstohit, wait til it's actually released, and even then i like to wait at least a few weeks to see if their are any major problems02:36
imaginativeoneplease help02:36
Jack_Sparrowcharles|64_, did you burn the iso as a single file or as a disk image02:36
dmsupermanfirstohit, usually if there are major problems there will be a massive outrage, then it will be fixed, then it's good to upgrade safely02:36
* Pelo thinks dmsuperman is trying to become the new Pelo02:36
Peloimaginativeone, what with ?02:36
dmsupermanPelo, why do you say that?02:36
dmsupermanPelo, because I'm trying to help?02:37
stercorshutting down and restarting xdm didn't do anything new.02:37
firstohitOk, how can I know when is time to upgrade?02:37
bruenigpoor blippy solutions02:37
dmsupermanfirstohit, read my message :P02:37
Pelodmsuperman, help , waiting before upgradeing,  ets02:37
=== wicked_ is now known as sudobash
stercorfirstohit: two weeks after the release date.  You can always tell the pioneers.  They're the ones with arrows in their backs.02:37
dmsupermanPelo, heh, it's just common sense for the upgrading02:37
Pelobruenig, be nice02:37
dmsupermanPelo, it's why I still haven't upgraded my windows box to vista, nor will I with XP being continued until beyond release of Windows 702:38
bruenigfirstohit: look, the problem is with the model. Discrete releases will always be dangerous. Some will tell you not to take to hit and destruction and let others do it, but even then, the model is always sketchy. Whether you do it now or later, discrete release is discrete release, so I would just go for it especially if there is something in the new release that you can't access.02:38
firstohitI will wait, I am not in hurry everything is working now, How do I know about the release?02:38
charles|64_hey guys how do i check if my dvd rom drive is working right? in ubuntu. I can boot from it just fine but when i put a disk in nothing detects or happens02:38
MrStitchOk, I pressed F6, and I still have all my options, but this little line of text popped up at the bottom right of the sreen. It says: Boot Options :casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz quiet splash--02:38
con-manso its on discrete release right now?02:38
dmsupermanfirstohit, I'm sure you could just watch ubuntu.com02:38
Pelocharles|64_, can you see a dvd drive listed in  Places > computer ?02:38
imaginativeonePelo, I need help with seeing ubuntu from windows02:39
Peloimaginativeone, hold on02:39
danbhfiveimaginativeone: is this samba?02:39
dmsuperman!samba | imaginativeone02:39
bruenigcon-man: it has always been on discrete release.02:39
ubotuimaginativeone: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:39
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:39
philidoxdoes anyone have any knowledge on ubuntu mobile?02:39
imaginativeonedanbhfive: yes02:39
=== dmsuperman is now known as dmsuperman[orang
MEtaLpREsdoes anyone know if adobe plans on fixing flash player at some point so it stops crashing firefox?  i just got a flash player update a couple days ago but it didnt fix the problem02:39
sudobashimagineativeone TCP/IP is the same for windows and NIX02:40
danbhfiveimaginativeone: http://www.europe.eclipse.co.uk/Ubuntu/Ubuntu-on-win-network.htm   you can try this site02:40
Peloimaginativeone, http://www.howtoforge.com/access-linux-partitions-from-windows02:40
MrStitchno ideas?02:40
rpj8Hey, for whatever reason, a friend of mine wants to change the side the scroll bars around on (vertical scrollbars) in gtk. I guess because he's a lefty. Is there an easy line one can put into their .gtkrc.mine to switch them up?02:40
rpj8are on*02:40
firstohitwell, the reason I like to upgrade is because I want to install latest 169.12 nvidia driver from the 100 driver. I want to use envy to do it, but Envy says I shouls uninstall the driver before upgrading but Envy NG is for heron is does not require uninstalling,02:41
dmsuperman[orangfirstohit, you could always copy your whole drive to a virtualbox drive, and upgrade in there02:41
dmsuperman[orangand see how it goes02:41
GzzrtSo are we allowed to ask support questions here?02:41
bruenig!envy | firstohit02:41
usserfirstohit, envy is not a good idea02:41
ubotufirstohit: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »02:41
dmsuperman[orang!ask Gzzrt02:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask gzzrt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:41
=== mpalatnik is now known as migm
Danish989dmsuperman, that didnt work, now I get this error : GRUB Loading stage1.5.02:41
Danish989GRUB loading, please wait...02:41
Danish989Error 2202:41
=== migm is now known as migm07
bruenigfirstohit: more dangerous than jumping to the next release is using envy02:41
Gzzrt!ask ntfs partitions02:41
* Pelo will break the fingers of then next person to trigger the bot 02:41
dmsuperman[orangDanish989, that means your menu.lst is still not pointing to the right drive. do you by chance have SATA drives?02:42
n8tuserDanish989--> do you have stage1_5 files in /boot/grub?02:42
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE02:42
bruenigno regard02:42
Pelo!ntfs > Gzzrt check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu02:42
charles|64_hey guys how do i check if my dvd rom drive is working right? in ubuntu. I can boot from it just fine but when i put a disk in nothing detects or happens02:42
Danish989dmsuperman: yes I do have SATA drives02:42
Pelocharles|64_, do you pay attention ?02:42
firstohithow much am I missing I have the 100.14.19 and latest is 169.12?02:42
dmsuperman[orangDanish989, and do you have 2 of them?02:42
dmsuperman[orangDanish989, at least?02:42
Danish989yes, 2 of them02:42
firstohitmy card is GeForce 6200 A-LE02:43
charles|64_Pelo: what did i miss?02:43
Danish989dmsuperman[orang: yes, I have two, how did you know that?02:43
dmsuperman[orangDanish989, heh, exact same problem as I do. according to BIOS, my system drive and storage drives are reversed, with System being second and Storage being first.02:43
Nasrajack_Sparrow: how do I use Ubuntu pastebin ...to paste some text in the channel of in another word ...that part where it says Syntax: what do I choose in there so I can paste in....02:43
TyrHi folks02:43
linkinxpi had to turn Gnome in safemode, cause when i go in normal mode my screen goes gray and i cant see the windows02:43
Pelocharles|64_, check in the places menu under  my computer, do you see a cd drive listed there02:43
dmsuperman[orangDanish989, In your menu.lst, change it from hd1,X to hd0,X02:43
Danish989dmsuperman, were you able to fix it?02:43
dmsuperman[orangfor the entries02:43
charles|64_pelo no02:43
IdleOneNasra: use text02:43
GzzrtDoes hardy heron still require you to mount partitions before you can read them?  I know that you need to, but if they show up in the file manager, shouldn't I be able to access them?02:43
MrStitchok, I just went ahead typed 'dir' and it looks like it started initializing the installation. Will undoubtedly encounter the same problem.02:44
Danish989dmsuperman, can you give me the link to that thread again please? oh, and if possible, IM me private?02:44
firstohitHow long before I can use the 169.12 driver safely?02:44
Pelocharles|64_, look in menu > system > prefs > hardware info ,  see if you can locate your cd/dvd drive in there02:44
bruenigfirstohit: you can use it now if you want02:44
NasraIdleOne: so use text ...okay ....then paste it...correct?02:44
bruenigfirstohit: I am using the latest nvidia driver, no problems02:44
charles|64_pelo yes it in there02:45
=== dmsuperman[orang is now known as dmsuperman
IdleOneNasra: yes paste whatever in the box then click paste at the bottom then give us the url?02:45
TyrCan anyone help me with the graphic effects in ubuntu?02:45
* Hysteria is to scared to put ubuntu iso into dvd drive and reboot computer02:45
rpj8!ask | Tyr02:45
dmsupermanfirstohit, I'm using the 169.12 driver right now02:45
ubotuTyr: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:45
dmsupermanHysteria, DO IT02:45
firstohitso, should I go a head and install the latest nvidia driver on Gutsy for GeForce 6200 A-LE?02:45
IdleOneHysteria: why?02:45
Pelocharles|64_, ok so it is seen ,  check in menu > system > prefs > removable media, there are actons to be done when a cd is incerted02:45
Danish989dmsuperman? help? :(02:45
rpj8firstohit: If you want to yeah.02:46
bruenigfirstohit: if you want to, what is this sillyness, this is linux, it is your computer, do what you want02:46
dmsupermanDanish989, see your tab, i'm talking to you in it :P02:46
firstohitDo I use the instruction from Nvidia website, bassically?02:46
HysteriaIdleOne: first time ever going to use linux02:46
rpj8bruenig: Howdy02:46
bruenigrpj8: hey02:46
IdleOneHysteria: worst that will happen is the pc explodes :)02:46
dmsupermanDanish989, I've already PM'ed you, open that tab02:46
Danish989dmsuperman, lol, I'm not getting any messages there :/02:46
dmsupermanthen we'll just talk here02:46
NasraIdleOne: use the URL.....what you url ..you talking about....I thought the whole idea was to paste it..in the channel...please elaborate thanks...02:46
dmsupermanalright, are you on a livecd?02:46
IdleOneHysteria: best that can happen is your eyes will be open :)02:46
PeloIdleOne, did you manage to get that nasa image thing working ?02:46
Danish989dmsuperman, im using pidgen right now, and somehow I can't see your pm's in that tab because I pm'ed you too and I dont think you got those either02:46
firstohitI am asking because the Nvidia driver is going to compile a kernel etc and I wasn't sure if my card GeForce 6200 A-LE will work ?02:47
IdleOnePelo: yes02:47
charles|64_Pelo: for blank media nautilus --no-desktop burn:02:47
HysteriaIdleOne: hehe ok ill give it a shot02:47
bruenigHysteria: I wouldn't do it if you don't need to. There is no reason to change just for change sakes.02:47
dmsupermanDanish989, are you on a LiveCD?02:47
tarelerulzI am trying to install the yahoo messager for Linux and it keeps saying I don't have libglib1.2 .  and I looked it up and synaptic says I do have it.  The dev verion debug .  So I am lost as to what I would do to get it ? so I will see those02:47
Tyrok ok, The prob is rather simple i cant start the "window effects", altough i installed the restricted driver02:47
Pelocharles|64_, or start music and such ,02:47
HysteriaBruenig: im bored and its the school holidays02:47
Danish989dmsuperman, yes I am02:47
dmsupermantarelerulz, just install Pidgin, it's a much better client ;)02:47
charles|64_pelo yup02:47
IdleOneNasra: the web address at the top after you click paste02:47
dmsupermanDanish989, open up your menu.lst in gedit, using the command "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"02:47
danbhfiveTyr: did you use the restricted drivers manager?02:48
bruenigHysteria: ok, hopefully you don't mess up02:48
tarelerulzDo the version I am trying to install have voice chat ? or is no different then pidgin?02:48
Pelocharles|64_, try this ,   put a dvd in ,  open a terminal ,   sudo mkdir /media/cd1 && sudo mount /dev/cdrom0 /media/cd102:48
MrStitcharg... yup, same problem as before02:48
firstohitI am going to try to go ahead and download the latest nvidia driver from nvidia.com and install it, I will have to close x and go from there. Well Ilose my GNOME and compiz settings?02:48
dmsupermanfirstohit, you can use the 169.12 driver, i'm using it. don't get it using the restricted driver manager though, it's not the latest and in fact causes problems (at least for my card)02:48
dmsupermanfirstohit, no02:49
charles|64_Pelo: mount: special device /dev/cdrom0 does not exist02:49
firstohitok how?02:49
NasraIdleOne: never used it before.....let me try a text in here...02:49
dmsupermanfirstohit, from the nvidia.com website, like you thought02:49
Danish989dmsuperman, I did, and that file is empty02:49
bruenigfirstohit: if it fails, you won't even be able to start the graphics02:49
dmsupermanDanish989, that's odd.02:49
bruenigso be prepared for that02:49
Pelocharles  sudo /dev/scd0 /meida/cd102:49
MrStitchbuffer i/o errors, can't read from ata1, squashfs error, error loading shared libraries, failed file system check02:49
Pelocharles|64_,   sudo mount /dev/scd0 /meida/cd102:49
dmsupermanPelo, From the livecd, it's /boot/grub/menu.lst right?02:49
BSG75anyone know how add plugin to opera?02:49
bruenigopera has plugins?02:49
Pelodmsuperman, what ?02:49
BSG75bruenig: it no play video :(02:50
TyrYes everything is activated, i installed even the Nvidia software via envy. Can the prob be that i have 2 cards with 2 displays?02:50
bruenigTyr: the problem could be that you used envy02:50
dmsupermanPelo, on a LiveCD, is the computer's menu.list at /boot/grub/menu.lst?02:50
IdleOne!envy | Tyr02:50
ubotuTyr: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »02:50
bruenigTyr: we do not support hackish third party python vomit02:50
Pelodmsuperman, if from the live cd ,  you'll have to navigate to the /boot on the hdd , and not the one in the filesystem02:50
firstohitIs there instructions for installing the new 169.12 nvidia driver from NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1 in Gutsy?02:50
dmsupermanPelo, oh yeah, duh02:50
dmsupermanDanish989, alright, open a terminal02:50
bruenigwell we support all of those things, just not "third party"02:50
charles|64_pelo mount: mount point /meida/cd1 does not exist02:50
firstohitwill upgrading to Heron now better or can I still upgrade to heron later?02:51
dmsupermanDanish989, and type "cd /media"02:51
Danish989dmsuperman, okie, opened a terminal02:51
MrStitchit wants me to repair the file system manually. Something tells me that Ubuntu can't physically get to the hard drive(s).02:51
dmsupermanDanish989, then "dir"02:51
imaginativeoneis there a gui for folder ownership?02:51
dmsupermanDanish989, and tell me all the "sdXX" it gives you02:51
Pelocharles|64_,  sudo mkdir /media/cd1 sorry02:51
TyrBut i had the same prob without it.02:51
MrStitchIt wants me to either do a control-d or press enter for a maintenance thingy02:51
owen1how to embedd subtitles in .avi?02:51
Danish989dmsuperman, after going nto cd /media I sent the ''dir'' command but it didn't do anything02:51
Peloowen1, http://www.howtoforge.com/access-linux-partitions-from-windows02:52
firstohitWill the driver NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1 give me better performance than  100.14.19repo ?02:52
Peloowen1, sorry wrong link02:52
charles|64_Pelo: the file exists but same error02:52
owen1Pelo: sure...02:52
Peloowen1, http://gnome-subtitles.sourceforge.net/02:52
repleyhi all, i have a strange output with: 'file -i ./favicon.ico' (for example http://www.ubuntu-it.org/favicon.ico), i obtain 'application/octet-stream' instead of 'image/x-icon'. it's normal?02:52
dmsupermanDanish989, try "ls -la"02:52
Pelocharles|64_,  can you pastebin your /etc/fstab file please02:52
charles|64_hang on02:52
dmsupermanPelo, where does the LiveCD mount the local filesystem to by default?02:53
TyrWell i guess that was it then.02:53
MrStitchouch... cntrl D launched it into insanity with too much stuff flying by. It finally stopped at "User not known to the underlying authentication module"02:53
firstohitI want to try to upgrade and I have made a backup using simple backup, if I can't start x can I still restore my system from comman?02:53
MrStitchwhat the heck does that mean?02:53
charles|64_Pelo: the dvd just poped up It just took forever?02:53
Danish989dmsuperman, that worked, it gave me a list, what did you want me to tell you?02:53
Pelodmsuperman, the local filesystem ? do you mean the one on the hdd ?  should be monted as disk or disk1 on the desktp02:53
dmsupermanDanish989, everything that starts with "sd"02:53
dmsupermanPelo, thanks :d02:54
Danish989dmsuperman, there's nothing here that starts with sd, only dr or - rw02:54
dmsupermanDanish989, the files are on the rightside02:54
Pelodmsuperman, check under  places it migth be listed but not mounted yet02:54
dmsupermanDanish989, probably highlighted in green02:54
charles|64_its working now what the hell02:54
GzzrtHow do I turn off the status (join \ quit, etc) messages in xchat.02:54
bruenigright click on the tab02:54
Pelocharles|64_, might be a bit defective,  try another one , it might also be the burner that is old and borky02:54
Danish989dmsuperman, the files are hightlighted with lightblue, and still no file starting with an sd02:55
PeloGzzrt, see the channel tab ? rigth click on it02:55
Gzzrtgot it, thank you02:55
charles|64_Pelo: the burner is two weeks old lol02:55
bruenigin irssi it is /ignore -channels #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS02:55
dmsupermanDanish989, probably highlighted in green02:55
bruenigprobably works for xchat too02:55
dmsupermanDanish989, sorry, accidently pasted. Give me a pastebin of everything it gave you, including your command02:55
Pelocharles|64_, well I can trade you for mine if you want, it's a year old it's been thoroughly tested :-)02:55
GzzrtI also managed to figure how to access some of my windows drives.  There seems be some problem with one of my partitions, but I'm suspecting because I'm using Wubi and it's installed in that partition02:56
Danish989dmsuperman, im a complete linux Newb, can you tell me how to give you a pastebin?02:56
dmsuperman!pastebin | Danish98902:56
charles|64_Pelo: lol and pastebin coming at you http://pastebin.com/mca4d38902:56
firstohitIf I upgrade to latest Nvidia driver, can I upgrade to Heron later when it is released?02:56
dmsupermanDanish989, go to http://pastebin.com and paste it02:56
ubotuDanish989: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:56
dmsupermanubotu, you're slow02:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about you're slow - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:56
bruenig!give dmsuperman thanks02:57
* mindframe gives dmsuperman the Win2k Buglist02:57
* FooAtari gives dmsuperman a boy scout02:57
jayQuestion - I need a program that can query and return information on my HDD's. Something to give me block.device id's and what not. Any suggestions?02:57
Pelocharles|64_, did you edit that file yourself at some point ?02:57
Nasra!pastebin \ idleOne02:57
bruenig!thanks | dmsuperman02:57
ubotudmsuperman: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:57
charles|64_Pelo: yes I added my NAS mounts and then commented them out why?02:57
dmsupermanhaha, i believe i just got owned by like 5 people at once02:57
danny_I have ubuntu 8.04 beta.  No sound in Firefox when i go to anything on the internet .  When I go to system/preference/sound.  on the devices tab, sytems  tests work.... but on the sounds tab none of the systems sounds work. when I play games like ioqake.. I DO have sound....02:58
Danish989dmsuperman, this pastebin thing is pretty cool .. here ; http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63135/02:58
daekdroomdanny_ No sound in what? Flash stuff?02:58
Pelocharles|64_,  the /dev/hda and fd0 at the two lines form the bottom look odd to me but I 'm not expert , I 'm gonna give you a loine to ad see if that does anything for you02:58
dmsupermanDanish989, you forgot the /. "cd /media"02:58
danny_yup and start up sounds.. and stuf02:58
Pelocharles|64_,   /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0  , then remount with  mount -a02:58
dmsupermanDanish989, and then "ls -la"02:58
danny_flash and start up sounds..02:59
danny_I can get music to play and in games like quake I have sound02:59
Pelocharles|64_, actualy forget that , just change t he /dev/hda for /dev/scd0  in the cdrom0 line02:59
danny_but no internet sounds and no start up sounds...02:59
daekdroomdanny_: Are you sure you've installed adobe flash, not gnash?02:59
firstohitdmsuperman did you install the Nvidia driver using the nvidia wizard with no problems? what is your card?02:59
Danish989dmsuperman, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63136/02:59
danny_let me ceck on the flash part02:59
maynards-girlwhat is a good program for a checkbook?03:00
dmsupermanfirstohit, yeah, and a 7900 GS KO by EVGA03:00
boum1ive been searching the forums. i want to install the intel fortran compiler, ive seen advice to run sudo aptitude install build-essential, is this correct ?03:00
danny_I havr flash installed03:00
charles|64_Pelo: done03:00
Nasradmsuperman: same boat here...stranded with what seems to be simple is giving problem.....I wrote a text pasted in so now what where did it go or else what should I with it?03:00
firstohitOk, I have 6200 A-LE I am going to try it.03:00
Pelocharles|64_, sudo mount -a to reload fstab03:00
charles|64_Pelo: no dice03:00
daekdroomdanny_: flashplugin-nonfree package or gnash?03:00
dmsupermanDanish989, are there are any "disk" shortcuts on your desktop?03:00
charles|64_Pelo: ill brb03:01
firstohitdmsuperman was it worth it?03:01
danny_daekdroom:  i do have flash installed03:01
ttrojaWhen Hardy Heron comes out can one upgrade their system via a command rather than reinstalling?03:01
dmsupermanNasra, I got it installed no probs03:01
Flannelttroja: yes03:01
Pelottroja, yes03:01
dmsupermanfirstohit, considering before it I wasn't able to even get my video working properly, absolutely :P03:01
fishHello folkds03:01
Danish989dmsuperman, no there arent03:01
tarelerulzDanny I would go with the none-free version of flash player.  gnash has nothing ,but error when I try to use it03:01
Nasrasmsuperman: what you got installed....don't get (complete newbie)....thanks03:01
firstohitdmsuperman Do you have gutsy ?03:01
Danish989dmsuperman, the only shorcuts on desktop are examples and install becaus im on from the live cd03:01
dmsupermanfirstohit, aye03:01
ttrojaFlannel, okay, thanks, I thought so since you can do it so easily while it's still in development but I wasn't sure. Thank you very much.03:01
danny_let me check in synaptic and see which one i have installed03:02
dmsupermanDanish989, what about in the Places shortcut at the top, any links to any of your disks?03:02
dmsupermanDanish989, Beside "filesystem"03:02
danny_I have this one installed flashplugin-nonfree package03:02
firstohitdmsuperman when new release will the driver still be there ? I mean heron03:02
dmsupermanfirstohit, it should be, I don't see why it wouldn't03:02
Danish989dmsuperman, no there are no shortcuts to disks in places03:03
Pelodanny_,  there is a newer one from adobe check on their website, dl the tarball and copy the .so file over in the two locaition where it is already on your hdd03:03
dmsupermanfirstohit, but I'm going to make a virtual machine with an exact copy of my current one and test before i upgrade03:03
dmsupermanDanish989, Go to Places -> Computer, and what's in there?03:03
danny_pelo.  has that been an issue?  so i need the new flash one?03:03
firstohitdmsuperman I am going to try it then. I will have to boot to recover mode from command and run the wizard. is that right ?03:03
fishHey is this a support channel?03:03
imaginativeonedo I have to add the windows account to access ubuntu?03:04
Starnestommyfish: yes03:04
firstohitdmsuperman how can I make a backup incase I can't get back?03:04
dmsupermanPelo, Any clue why it won't let me change the label of one of my partitions? it's ext3, and stuck as sdb2, where all my other partitions let me have things like "Media" or "Documents03:04
Danish989dmsuperman, there is Floppy Drive, CD Rom Drive, CD-RW/DVD Rom Dive, 14.0 GB Volume, 19.5 GB Volume, 30.1 GB Volume, My 2 SATA hard disks and "filesystem''03:04
dmsupermanfirstohit, no need to reboot, you can run it live03:04
tarelerulzHas empathy with voice chat been add to Ubuntu's repository ?  I got the one from the ppa ,but  Ubuntu keeps wanting to install empathy in the updates? I don't want to miss me empathy up03:04
marc_so del moyo dask per kin reich alta mata fordosamer?03:04
Pelodanny_, I've had  problem with sound in flash way back ,  I'm not sure the the nonfree package in he repos gets updated a lot,  I don'T have that problem with the latest or the last two latesst ,so I recommend it03:04
bruenigawesome is a window manager03:04
dmsupermanDanish989, go into whichever of those is your partition with Ubuntu on it03:04
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dmsupermanfirstohit, You'll have to reboot afterward. And as far as backing up, that I'm not sure03:05
imaginativeonecan I turn samba off?  remove it?03:05
fishI am wanting to move my Ubuntu Installation from one HD to a New HD, can I  just move it somehow or am i going to need to do an uninstall/re-install?03:05
firstohitdmsuperman I did sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1.run I got  You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before03:05
linkinxpmy windows dont have borders!!!!!03:05
Pelodmsuperman, that's a mount ppoint,  unmount it ,and remount it to a new mountpoint with the name you want03:05
mpalatnikhi i'm trying to running vncserver and i've been having the grey screen problem03:05
mpalatniki finally got the point where im getting a terminal window upon connecting03:05
danny_the same version in the repos is the same version on flash websight...03:05
mpalatnikbut no more03:05
dmsupermanfirstohit, Just kill X and do it from a TTY03:05
brueniglinkinxp: neither do mine03:05
mpalatnikcan someone help?03:05
CJS3141Can someone please point me to an online tutorial of linux variables used when executing a program? What I mean is commands like "gimp %U" or "inkscape %F". What parameters do those variables pass to the program?03:05
firstohitdmsuperman how ?03:05
Danish989dmsuperman, okie done03:06
danny_pelo  the same version in the repos is the same version on flash websight...03:06
wilHi, I have a problem with firefox on ubuntu... All flash movies happen on the top layer so menus are not visible, it is annoying the hell out of me... I am posting it here as I do not get this issue on firefox on windows or mac, so it must be ubuntu specific, is there any advice?03:06
PeloCJS3141, just a filename03:06
dmsupermanfirstohit, run "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop" then just run it from the commandline it should give you. if it doesn't give you one, Ctrl Alt F1 will bring one up03:06
elmerhow would I go about killing the default windows manager to start wmii?03:06
linkinxpmy windows dont have borders!!!!! how i fix this????03:06
Pelodanny_, I don,t know then03:06
mpalatnikCJS3141, http://lowfatlinux.com/linux-script-variables.html03:06
imaginativeonejesus christ I HATE linux03:06
dmsupermanDanish989, you found your ubuntu partition? What's the location it gives you?03:06
firstohitdmsuperman kiil x and run wizard then reboot?03:06
brueniglinkinxp: oh you want borders?03:06
dmsuperman!patience | linkinxp03:06
ubotulinkinxp: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:06
Peloimaginativeone, don'T use it then , no one is forcing you03:06
elmerlinkinxp, make sure the windows decoration setting is on in Compiz Advanced Settings03:06
danny_pelo. thanks for the try though03:06
fishlinkinxp, mine dont have borders either03:06
CJS3141mpalatnik: Thanks much--I'll check it out now. :-)03:06
dmsupermanfirstohit, yeah, i'm not even sure you have to reboot, but I know I did03:06
Danish989dmsuperman, how can I be sure its the ubuntu partition? I took a guess because I resized the partition to 30 Gigs before installing ubuntu the location is disk-203:06
fishlinkinxp, i think that they way its supposeto be03:07
Pelolinkinxp, change the theme03:07
=== mpalatnik is now known as migm07
bruenigdoes anyone else not use borders on their windows?03:07
dmsupermanimaginativeone, it's not for everybody, it takes some work to manage but it's doen that way on purpose, so you can custom tailor it to your every need03:07
firstohitdmsuperman I am going to try it now, actually it is sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:07
fishanyone knwo about moving an installation from hd to hd?03:07
firstohitdmsuperman I will be back, maybe03:07
dmsupermanDanish989, it should have the normal folders of ubuntu03:07
charles|64_Pelo: back03:07
Pelocharles|64_, and ?03:07
danbhfive!clone | fish here is a start03:07
ubotufish here is a start: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate03:07
dmsupermanfirstohit, I just put in ? because I wasn't sure which one you were using03:07
imaginativeone(10:06:44 PM) Pelo: imaginativeone, don'T use it then , no one is forcing you << why M$ will ALWAYS win (just ask Oracle)03:08
Danish989dmsuperman, it has folders like 'bin' and 'boot' and 'cdrom' and two files called 'initrd.img' and 'vmlinuz'03:08
charles|64_Pelo: nothing03:08
gatoHi, I need some help with my toshiba u305 and bluetooth03:08
Peloimaginativeone, what problem are you having now ?03:08
imaginativeonesame problem03:08
bruenig!show xdm03:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about show xdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:08
danbhfivefish, I think everything else that you would need to copy is in your /home03:08
Pelocharles|64_, pastebin your new fstab please03:08
firstohitdmsuperman look for me I will be back03:08
fishwouldnt that require me installing ununtu on the new hd first?03:08
dmsupermanimaginativeone, MS only wins for the people who want it to "just work". Those of us who want it to work perfectly how we want it, however, are quite happy with it03:08
firstohitdmsuperman bye03:08
imaginativeonethe desktop server is not accessible03:08
Danish989dmsuperman, im sure its my ubuntu partition because my sata hard disks dont get mounted on the livecd and the other two discs are my other partitions03:08
dmsupermanDanish989, as long as that's not "Filesystem" then it should be good03:08
elmerhow would I go about killing the default windows manager to start wmii?03:09
Danish989dmsuperman, i'm pretty sure it's not ''filesystem''03:09
dmsupermanDanish989, Alright, what's the path it says then?03:09
hansengelHi, I have a question about apt-get:03:09
hansengelI'm trying to install the 'giggle' package, and it has a dependency on 'git-core'. The problem is this: I have Git built from source on my machine, so if I installed from a package there would be big problems. Is there some way I can force apt-get to ignore dependencies and only install what I request?03:09
charles|64_Pelo: http://pastebin.com/m6501b2c203:09
bruenigelmer: killall whatever ;wmii03:09
imaginativeonedmsuperman: you seem to be making the same mistake my HS educators made...03:09
Danish989dmsuperman, it just says disk-203:09
danny_I have ubuntu 8.04 beta.  No sound in Firefox when i go to anything on the internet .  When I go to system/preference/sound.  on the devices tab, sytems  tests work.... but on the sounds tab none of the systems sounds work. when I play games like ioqake.. I DO have sound.... Adobe flash (latest version) is installed. not Gnash..03:09
imaginativeoneyou're forgetting to mention MONEY03:09
imaginativeonemy kids won't get any medical care without it03:09
dmsupermanDanish989, click the little icon that looks like paper with a pencil on it, it'll tell you the actual location03:09
gogetadmsuperman lol i was abought to yell untill i read the second half03:10
gatoHi, I need some help with my toshiba satellite u305 and bluetooth03:10
Danish989dmsuperman, it's /media/disk-203:10
Pelocharles|64_, I hate to say this but try reboot03:10
imaginativeoneM$ clearly understands that people need to get the job done for money03:10
gogetadmsuperman isnt windows works when it fells like it03:10
dmsupermanimaginativeone, You don't make money with Windows OR Linux, so how does that make anything03:10
charles|64_Pelo: brb03:10
Peloimaginativeone, is this a recent installation of ubuntu ?03:10
jdonmoyerhello, lvm problems here after hardy beta upgrade.  Anyone able to help?03:10
dmsupermangogeta, heh, yeah03:10
fishdanbhfive, wouldnt that require me installing ununtu on the new hd first?03:10
imaginativeonePelo: about a month...03:11
Flanneljdonmoyer: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy support03:11
dmsupermanDanish989, alright, then "sudo gedit /media/disk-2/boot/grub/menu.lst"03:11
Peloimaginativeone, and it was wokring before ?03:11
danbhfivefish: yeah03:11
jdonmoyerthanks flannel03:11
fishthen how do I remove the install on mycurrent hd?03:11
imaginativeonePelo: no.  I just learned about Samba today03:11
Peloimaginativeone, boot the live cd,  copy your /home folder to a seperate partion and reinstall ubuntu03:11
Danish989dmsuperman, should I make a pastebin of that?03:11
dmsupermanimaginativeone, I make more money with linux, actually. I'm definately more productive with it, and since my job depends on the internet and on computers in general (I'm a programmer) that's a huge thing03:11
dmsupermanDanish989, sure03:12
imaginativeonePelo: thanks03:12
owen1Pelo: gnome-subtitles is buggy with 8.04. any other app/idea?03:12
Peloimaginativeone, your trying to get samba to wrok ? this is an all other things we all thougth you were trying to get your wndows intall to read the ubuntu hdd , now the same thing03:12
gogetadmsuperman kinda offtopic03:12
imaginativeonedmsuperman: that's cool for you and like the 150 in the world who can say that03:12
Peloowen1, that's all I have,  remember that it's generaly hardy that is bugy at this point not the apps on it03:12
dmsupermangogeta, he was saying how MS is better and somehow was bringing up money03:12
owen1Pelo: someone told me about this:  transcode -i MichaelClayton.avi -x mplayer="-sub MichaelClayton.srt" -o outputfile.avi -y xvid   but it made the fonts huge.03:13
imaginativeonethe 1000s of us that have to eat too...well...03:13
dmsupermanimaginativeone, of the top 10 fastest growing jobs in america, mine and related jobs make up a good portion of them03:13
bruenigthat a new discrete release is buggy indicates there is some system problem in the distro03:13
Danish989imaginativeone, I'm confused .. what are you doing in an ubuntu room?03:13
gogetadmsuperman linux admin jobs are growing fast03:13
Peloowen1, man transcode and look at the options available you can probably specify the size of the font to use03:13
eigmawhich package provides /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8 (dpkg -S says 'not found') and how can I get the en_US.iso-8859-1?03:13
imaginativeoneDanish989: trying to get some help with Ubuntu03:13
owen1Pelo: man. r u part of canonical? thanks a lot.03:13
dmsupermanDanish989, alright, there's 3 lines, 131, 142, and 137 that reference (hd2,4)03:14
Danish989imaginativeone, no offence but I don't think comparing ubuntu with any other os will actually help03:14
Peloimaginativeone, right now you are trying to get help with samba I beleive , you ahve two machines and you are trying to get thtem to communicate is that correct ?03:14
Danish989dmsuperman, and in linux newb language, that means?03:14
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imaginativeonePelo: yes03:14
gatoIt's not working03:14
gogetaimaginativeone ubuntu03:14
dmsupermanDanish989, The first bit is the drive, the second is the partition. So, drive 2, and partition 4.03:14
Peloimaginativeone, well startwith taht ,  do you have shared folders in your windows machine ?03:14
dmsupermanDanish989, look at lines 131, 142, and 13703:14
Danish989dmsuperman, so that makes it (hd2,4) . the location I have to set grub to?03:15
imaginativeonePelo: yes03:15
stwange_hey, I installed mailutils and tried this but it doesn't work: echo testing | mail -s Blah myemail@gmail.com (no error log, just doesn't deliver)03:15
Peloimaginativeone, haveyou installed samba on ubuntu ?03:15
imaginativeoneI can access them from ubuntu03:15
gogetaimaginativeone go give him a slackware install and watch him compare windows then lol03:15
Orbixx|MobHow do i change my resolution to one that is not listed?03:15
imaginativeonePelo: yes03:15
elmerhow would I go about killing the default windows manager to start wmii?03:15
Danish989dmsuperman, that is what I did by following the instructions on the thread you sent to me before, but it didn't seem to work :/03:15
dmsupermanDanish989, Currently, GRUB is trying to boot from (hd2,4), according to those lines. We need to play with it to figure out where it is really located. I wasn't able to find a sure-fire way of determining it, but I switched it from hd(1,5) for mine to (hd0,5) and it worked03:15
Peloimaginativeone, ok half way there,  have you autorzied samba accept connections from yur windows machine ?03:15
fishAnyone: How do i remove my ubuntu installation? How do i uninstall my current ubuntu install?, I am currently using Ubuntu 7 and Fedora 8 and I am wanting to remove them both03:16
dmsupermanDanish989, Those instructions get you installed, then since we have SATA drives and the BIOS gets confused, we'll have to do a little bit of trying03:16
gogetaelmer go to session03:16
Danish989dmsuperman, make a suggestion?03:16
dmsupermanDanish989, do you have another PC with internet?03:16
gogetaelmer at the login screen03:16
Peloelmer, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:16
birge-localOrbixx: are you comfortable editing a configuration file?03:16
stwange_fish, why not just delete the partition?03:16
elmergogeta, OK03:16
imaginativeonePelo: yes, but...perhaps not (since ubuntu is not accepting connections from my windows machine)03:16
fishwhat about my bootloader?03:16
Danish989dmsuperman, give me a list of locations that I should try in succession until one works, and I'll boot into live cd until it works ... or is there another way of checkign without actually restarting the computer?03:16
Danish989dmsuperman, that's the problem, I do not have another pc with internet03:17
dmsupermanDanish989, Yes, there is. Do you have another PC?03:17
elmerPelo, I did that and I got stuck and running "wmii" did not work03:17
dmsupermanDanish989, alright, then03:17
elmerI will try gogeta's idea03:17
dmsupermanDanish989, When you boot up, you'll have your grub. With that grub, you have the list of OSes03:17
elmerbrb maybe03:17
Peloimaginativeone, I would review that part , I am not ffamiliar with samba, you can try asking for more help on this in #samba , and leave the money and bitching out of it03:17
dmsupermanDanish989, Highlight the first one, and hit "e"03:17
Danish989dmsuperman, the problem is I'm not getting the list of OSes either03:17
birge-localok, first, make a backup copy of /etc/X11/xorg.conf. (name it something like xorg.conf.back or something.)03:17
Danish989dmsuperman, it just starts loading GRUB and goes into that error03:17
imaginativeonePelo: cool beans...thanks for helping03:17
charles|64Pelo: ok that froze my system as soon as it loaded fstab03:17
dmsupermanDanish989, either way, try hitting e03:18
stwange_fish - (might want to confirm this first, but:) edit file /boot/grub/menu.lst and delete the lines for the entry.03:18
MrStitchHey, I just tried to open a MS Office 2007 spreadsheet file, and now my Open Office is complete scrambled. Is it crashed, or do I just need to reboot Ubuntu?03:18
dmsupermanDanish989, and from there, you can hit "e" again on the first line it should give you03:18
Danish989dmsuperman, even if I'm stuck on the error?03:18
Some_PersonThis may sound absurd, but could I order free ubuntu 5.10 live cds somehow? 5.10 was my favorite ubuntu version, and i want to use it for one day, just for nostalgia. My dialshit stops me from downloading it, and my dad used the live instead of the install cds on my mousetrap car (unlike my requests) so im screwed. Please help me see 5.10 again for a day.03:18
dmsupermanDanish989, not entirely sure03:18
dmsupermanDanish989, Oh yeah, duh03:18
dmsupermanDanish989, Alright, from bootup here's what you do03:18
Pelocharles|64, is it ok now ? maybe the /dev/scd0 is not the good devtree for your dvd player03:18
fishstwange: what about my bootloader? I am using the BL that i believe is used by Ubuntu, because when i installed fedora 8 i had a blue screen bootloader and after installing Ubuntu i got a black screen and now Fedora is Under "Other Operating Systems" in the loader menu03:18
dmsupermanDanish989, Hit escape after it boots. That will give you the list of OSes03:18
Lifeisfunnywhen a beta version is put out, are there updates posted for it ?03:18
dmsupermanDanish989, From there, highlight the first one, and hit "e"03:18
fishstwange: ok03:18
charles|64Pelo: not sure i commented that line out to get it to boot03:18
fishstwange: I will check that03:19
birge-localOrbixx: now, open the file (using sudo) with your favorite editor and look to see if you can find a section called "Screen"03:19
dmsupermanDanish989, Then, the first line should say something about (hd2,4), hit "e" again03:19
rx4thHello --please excuse me.  I would like to upgrade my MotoQ from Verizon from Windows Mobile Version 5.0 to 6.1.  Would somebody be able to point me in the right direction for this?03:19
birge-localhopefully there will only be one.03:19
Orbixx|MobOk. I'm there.03:19
Pelocharles|64, go back in hardaware info , find your dvd drive again,   check in the tabs for it and find the /dev thing for it , use that in the fstab instead fo /dev/scd003:19
Some_PersonCan anyone tell me how to fulfill my request?03:19
Orbixx|MobOnly one.03:19
dmsupermanDanish989, From there, you can just edit the line with your keyboard, backspace, and try replacing 2 with different numbers until it boots Ubuntu03:19
boum1does anyone know of a way to calibrate the rgb gamma for xwindows ?, similar to the nvidia wizard under xp ??03:19
PeloSome_Person, you are not being ignored , restate your problem03:19
dmsupermanDanish989, After you edit it, save it and hit "b" to try to boot to it03:19
Some_PersonThis may sound absurd, but could I order free ubuntu 5.10 live cds somehow? 5.10 was my favorite ubuntu version, and i want to use it for one day, just for nostalgia. My dialshit stops me from downloading it, and my dad used the live instead of the install cds on my mousetrap car (unlike my requests) so im screwed. Please help me see 5.10 again for a day.03:19
birge-localgood. there should be a list of "modes" with either one or a series of elements like "640x480"03:19
dmsupermanDanish989, You might want to write these directions down03:19
Orbixx|MobNo list of modes. That's my problem.03:20
evilbughey,would i have any problems putting ubuntu on a vista laptop?03:20
birge-localyou can just add another resolution to the list.03:20
gogetaSome_Person newer versions walk all over 5.1003:20
birge-localahh. that is a problem.03:20
Some_Persongogeta: i know, but thats not the point03:20
* MrStitch is a ghost03:20
Danish989dmsuperman, so what I do is hit escape so it gives me the list of OSes .. from there, press ''e'' so it opens up that grub thingy .. and then over there, I can just use my keyboard to change the value of 2 into other numbers, and try them all out until ubuntu finally decides to boot?03:20
PeloSome_Person, you can download it from the servers on the www.ubuntu.com site03:20
stwange_you shouldn't do evilbug, but always backup anything you can't afford to lose03:20
Some_Personpelo: not on dialshit03:20
gogetaSome_Person welcome to the club03:20
Pici!language | |03:20
Danish989dmsuperman, are you sure hitting escape will get me to the list of OSes?03:20
ubotu|: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:20
dmsupermanDanish989, So, quick version. From bootup, "escape" "e" "e", try replacing 2 with 0, then 1, and so on. Change 2, hit enter, and hit b to try to boot03:21
PeloSome_Person, youcan try and ordr it from shipit , also on the www.ubuntu.com site,03:21
gogetaSome_Person wardrive on a laptop frind wifi dl it03:21
dmsupermanDanish989, yes03:21
Some_Personpelo: shipit only give you 7.1003:21
biabiacan someone point me to a guide that explains "sudo -s"  "sudo -"  "su" or which command(s) are proper to use to gain a root prompt03:21
MrStitchhow about now?03:21
evilbugstwange_- it would be a brand new one,nothing to backup.i just thought of the possiblity of having issues just like with downgrading from vista to xp,some bios issues maybe.03:21
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.03:21
Some_Persongogeta: i have no laptop03:21
birge-localso, the format is like this: within the "Screen" Section, add SubSection "Display" <return> Modes "1440x900" <return> EndSubSection03:22
PeloSome_Person, I'M sure there is a contact email on the website whre you can inquire , this shouldn't be very hard and I am sure they will be glad to get rid of hold stock03:22
dmsupermanbiabia, no problem03:22
stwange_evilbug, you said from vista to ubuntu?03:22
birge-localbut of course use whatever resolution it is you're trying to add.03:22
gogetaSome_Person some areas have free city wide wifi maybe youll luvkout03:22
birge-localhopefully that will work.03:22
MrStitchdmsuperman, can you see my text, or did I screw something up?03:22
Some_Persongogeta: i have no laptop03:22
birge-localyou'll have to log out and log back in to restart X11, though.03:22
dmsupermanMrStitch, I can see you now03:22
evilbugstwange_- yes.03:22
stwange_sorry I misunderstood evilbug03:22
dmsupermanMrStitch, did you PM me?03:22
Saint`DiaWhat's a good firewall for ubuntu? Like, an interactive one.03:22
gogetaSome_Person wifi pc steal nabers connection03:22
Some_Persongogeta: i have no fruggin wifi03:23
birge-localif it breaks everything, do you know how to use one of the tty terminals to restore your xorg.conf backup?03:23
MrStitchdmsuperman, i left earlier and used the 'away' command. Do I need to issue another command to show that I'm back?03:23
evilbugstwange_- thanks!03:23
stwange_stwange_, no you shouldn't have issues, although check the license when you buy it - I've heard that some acer laptops encrypt the bios so you can only access it if vista is installed03:23
firstohitdmsuperman hey I am back but I have some problem03:23
stwange_sorry, evilbug, not stwange_ - see above :)03:23
usserSaint`Dia, firestarter is pretty good03:23
MrStitchdmsuperman, been asking questions and not the faintest reply... hahahaha03:23
dmsupermanMrStitch, I'm pretty sure away only changes your status, it shouldn't affect your ability to message03:23
Danish989dmsuperman, I'm going to try that out now, thanks a lot .. I'll be back in a bit with either good news or bad news03:24
dmsupermanfirstohit, what happened?03:24
dmsupermanDanish989, alright03:24
Orbixx|MobHow do i logout without ing the interface.03:24
firstohitdmsuperman resolution is missed up and when I run nvidia-settings I get error You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.03:24
Saint`Diausser: I'm using firestarter, but it does'nt seem very interactive, you would think, this being linux, it would have an awesome firewall with port options and the works.03:24
MrStitchdmsuperman, ok then... it's just me. ;)03:24
dmsupermanMrStitch, messaging "???" probably isn't a good way to see if people can see your text haha03:24
Some_Personpelo: who would i contact?03:24
Orbixx|MobThe current resolution is bigger than my monitor, and i can't see the right side of the desktop.03:24
birge-localOrbixx: you can't. :-( welcome to the fun of using a graphical user interface developed in the 1980s.03:24
amenadoSaint`Dia-> interactive? you want a firewall tool to be interactive?03:24
dmsupermanfirstohit, "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg-bak/xorg.conf"03:25
PeloSome_Person, isnT there some customer service or some general information email ?03:25
xiaocaohow to remove the package03:25
usserSaint`Dia, but its linux and it does have an awesome firewall - iptables its just nobody bothers to write a nice gui for it03:25
dmsupermanfirstohit, "sudo nvidia-xconfig"03:25
Saint`Diaamenado: Yeah, something like some of the programs that windows has.03:25
dmsupermanfirstohit, "sudo nvidia-settings"03:25
dmsupermanfirstohit, and if it still gives you an error, reboot and try again03:25
Some_Personpelo: not that i know of03:25
usserSaint`Dia, just how customizable u want the firewall to be03:25
birge-localOrbixx: when you go to the display setting control panel, it doesn't offer a smaller resolution?03:25
xiaocaoplease tell me03:25
MrStitchdmsuperman, good point. Say, do you know anything about open office? I just tried to open a 2007 excel spreadsheet file and my whole open office software is messed up... scrambled. Reboot, or do I re-install the open office?03:25
FructoseDoes Ubuntu have any software packages that do the same thing as DBAN (without having to boot from them)?03:26
amenadoSaint`Dia-> im not sure how much interactivity you would like...can you not use command line? or that is too challenging for you?03:26
CJS3141If I open a media file by right-clicking on the file and choosing "open with MediaInfo" (I added it to the menu), it opens MediaInfo but not the file: the executable path is: /usr/bin/mediainfo_gui %f. So which %variable should I be using to make it work?03:26
Pelousser, iptable is not a firewall it's the cli userspace for netfilter , netfilter is the firewall,  firestarter is just a gui for the same03:26
dmsupermanMrStitch, There are some problems with opening Office 2007 files in OO.o03:26
Orbixx|MobAh. I did it.03:26
dmsupermanMrStitch, I used to be a huge OO.o fan until 2007 of MS Office came out03:26
PeloSome_Person, didyou check the contact email on the ubuntu website ?03:26
usserSaint`Dia, try guarddog03:26
birge-localOrbixx: excellent. what did you end up doing?03:26
dmsupermanMrStitch, Office 2007 is the first good product they've put out03:26
Saint`Diausser: I should be able to filter port information, and I should be able to see IP's connecting to my PC in realtime. It is not that command line is challenging, but will all the awesome gui options, you'd think that something as significant as a firewall would have it's share of programs.03:27
dmsupermanMrStitch, So I just run a VM of windows XP and use Office 2007 with that :P03:27
Some_Personpelo: they are in categories, and none fit my needs03:27
Orbixx|MobThere was another spot to logout on the gui i could see.03:27
PeloSome_Person, show03:27
PeloSome_Person, let me have a look03:27
Orbixx|MobXorg  to have hung.03:27
FructoseDoes Ubuntu have anything to securely delete partitions?03:27
Saint`Diawill = with^ in my last post.03:28
MrStitchdmsuperman, sounds like a good fix. However, the file is from a friend, and I don't personally have Office 2007. Maybe I should just reboot and see if it clears up?03:28
charles|64Pelo: not seeing it ill try a few other things thanks though03:28
birge-localdamn. i take it you have gotten the graphics card to work at that resolution when running another OS?03:28
firstohitdmsuperman still getting it, gott reoot03:28
amenadoSaint`Dia-> once you learned iptables, you can make rules to log or display each ip's connecting realtime03:28
firstohitdmsuperman be back03:28
aimchangersnitch: poo should support office 200703:29
Saint`Diaamenado: I guess I will study Iptables.03:29
PeloSome_Person, ask there mailto:info@shipit.ubuntu.com03:29
dmsupermanMrStitch, you could try that. Also, ask him to save it as a 97/2000 or 2003 format, and that will more than likely clear it up03:29
MrStitchI'll be back03:30
=== Jadder_antonio is now known as jadder
cirkitmy new laptop gets here this week which has a 3945 intel pro wireless ABG card in it ... is this supported in Ubuntu?03:30
alphakampSaint `Dia: there are other solutions to Iptables, just open up synaptic and search firewall03:30
Orbixx|MobIt worked. But the resolution hasn't taken effect.03:30
lindenle Hi I am trying  to follow the example at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeamlessVirtualization03:30
lindenlebut nothing is *seamless*03:31
aimchangercirkit... almost anything is supported by ubuntu03:31
zerohey, is there any version of ubuntu i can install w/o a cd drive, like fluxbuntu or somthing similar and really light03:31
Pelolindenle, that may depend on your cmputer's capacity03:31
birge-localwhat if you try the display resolution control panel? does it now give you the option of setting the resolution you added to xorg.conf?03:31
cirkitaimchanger: ok03:31
lindenlePelo: Why i get the full rdesktop just fine03:31
Pelo!install > zero  check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu03:31
iceswordere4si, hi.03:32
birge-localdamn. i'm afraid i've exausted my meager knowledge. i'm sorry i couldn't help you. hopefully somebody else here might be able to.03:32
zeroPelo, thanks03:32
ace12345cirkit: I've been having some trouble getting the 3945 abg to work, but it seems like it should work eventually03:32
ere4siicesword: g'day :)03:32
dmsupermanPelo, I just want to re-iterate that I love you. There's probably only one _minor_ thing I would change in gedit, then it would be the perfect editor03:32
Orbixx|MobThanks anyway.03:32
aimchangerjust search the forums for it03:32
Pelodmsuperman, tell me and I'll see what I can do but you'll have to compile the source I am not making you a deb packge03:33
* Pelo is kidding of course 03:33
dmsupermanPelo, It's even better than notepad++, except it doesn't have code collapsing, and there's one tiny little thing in n++ I love, where the horizontal scrollbar only goes as far as any of the currently text needs03:33
dmsupermanPelo, :O03:33
dmsupermanPelo, do you know what I mean though?03:33
Orbixx|MobDoes anyone know how to start a wireless connection? It's configured, just not startin.03:34
techqbertis kpresenter any better than open office impress?03:34
Pelodmsuperman, about the scroll bar ? yes,  can't you turn off text wrapping ?03:34
ace12345cirkit: only advice I'd give is to switch to the iwl3945 module and blacklist ipw3945, the rest should be ok...03:34
cirkitace12345: ahhh will keep that in mind :)03:34
IdleOnePelo: how do I change ownership of a file in my home folder?03:35
ani1IdleOne: chown03:35
dmsupermanPelo. Yeah, that's fine, only what I mean is that like, if a line only goes out to column 150, then the scrollbar only goes that far. If a line goes out to column 400, and that line is currently being viewed, then the horizontal scrollbar gets longer. this is just a little stupid feature, don't worry about it03:35
Pelodmsuperman, check in gedit > menu > edit > prefs > first tab ,03:35
dmsupermanPelo, but I'd really love code expanding03:35
ace12345obixx: should be able to do an ifup on it, e.g. ifup eth1 or ifup wlan0, if it's all configured...03:35
IdleOneani1: chown /path/to/file username?03:35
firstohitdmsuperman still getting the error You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.03:35
Pelodmsuperman, check the pluggin tab in the prefs03:36
ani1IdleOne: chown group:user filename  man chown :)03:36
Orbixx|MobAnyone know how to bring03:36
dmsupermanfirstohit, You ran all 3 of those commands I gave you?03:36
Intangiris there an easy way to switch back andforth between metacity and compiz in ubuntu? like via a notification icon03:36
dmsupermanPelo, yeah it's not in there03:36
Intangiri used to have one on a much older version of beryl03:36
dmsupermanPelo, I've checked03:36
Intangirbut i dont know what it is now03:37
Orbixx|MobAnd if ifup says my interface is already configured?03:37
firstohitdmsuperman let me give it antoher try, I keep getting the message upon boot about the low resolution and I like to cancel it because it does not loook right, it does not show my card or the right resolution03:37
aimchangertangir... you cud trya launcher or bash script03:37
Danish989dmsuperman, it didn't work .. after booting it directly took me to that error screen and I tried pressing esc as soon as the computer loaded (even repeatedly) but it didn't take me to the OS choice screen .. and pressing E at the error screen didn't work either03:37
Pelodmsuperman, hold on , checking www.gedit.org to see if there is any pluggins that you can add03:37
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install /msg ubotu java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider /msg ubotu FrostWire as an alternative.03:37
ani1Intangir:  you could probaly metacity --replace .. also you could write a bash script for compiz --replace and metacity to switch back and forth03:37
dmsupermanfirstohit, that's because it hasn't been configured yet, just click continue03:37
ace12345orbixx: hmm yeah i hate all this wireless config... try doing an ifdown on it first - ifdown wlan0 or whatever?03:38
ace12345i dunno :s03:38
spork969how to i open a read-only file as administrator? i have a slide show that somebody made and burnt, onto a cd and for some reason its read only, but i need to edit it...03:38
IdleOneani1: thanks03:38
Pelodmsuperman,  I don't see anyting,  looks like you'll have to take it as is03:38
dmsupermanfirstohit, it'll bring it up in low-settings mode. backup your xorg.conf, and run nvidia-xconfig as root, then try nvidia-settings03:38
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dmsupermanPelo, darn :(03:38
firstohitdmsuperman more annoying is I can't see the nvidia logo at boot because of the tyy did not exit properly how can I get rid of it and verify which driver I am using?03:38
Danish989dmsuperman, I even tried coming on #ubuntu from my ps3 .. lol .. but apparently I need java 1.4x for that chat to work so I couldnt and had to boot from live cd again03:38
bosanacpeople somebody knows some program for Linux to download mp3 music? ( program like bearshare or something like that ? )03:38
nickrudspork969 copy it to your home dir (or desktop)  and edit it from there03:39
Pelobosanac, www.frostwire.org03:39
dmsupermanPelo, can you help Danish989 out with getting into the grub menu at boot?03:39
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire03:39
PeloDanish989, you donT' see the grub menu when you boot your computer ?03:39
dmsupermanPelo,  I thought it was just Escape but he wasn't able to get it figured out. He needs to edit the commands from the grub menu so he can test it out and figure out which one is his working ubuntu partition03:40
Danish989pelo, no, it starts loading grub (stage 1.5) and then gets an error 2203:40
ani1I have a Belkin 7050 using rt73 driver the device is recognized but it cannot scan for new networks the modules are loaded correctly as rebooting shows my wlan0 with correct iwconfig output. I have wifi-radar and kwifimanager both of which will not show new devices. Kwifimanager is flaky and sometimes displays our neighbors router but not often. I have tried sudo iwlist wlan0 scan but it...03:40
ani1...never pulls results any way to scan for wifi networks for the rt73 usb devices?03:40
PeloDanish989, it's not finding your ubuntu partion and the /boot/grub folder on it ,  the easiets way I know to fix that is to get the super grub cd and use that to tell it where it is03:41
firstohitdmsuperman how can I get rid of the tyy at boot ?03:41
PeloDanish989, hold on I 'm gettin hyou a link03:41
dmsupermanfirstohit, Try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start ?03:41
bosanacHello people i am running Linux Ubuntu 7.10 and can somebody tell me how to install FrostWire on my pc ?03:41
dmsupermanPelo, he already did that03:41
amenadoani1-> what kind of output you get when you do  iwconfig wlan0 scan  ?03:41
spork969thanks nickrud03:41
dmsupermanPelo, he's got the same problem I do03:42
Pelodmsuperman, what ?03:42
spork969how do i change the background of a slideshow to a solid color?03:42
dmsupermanPelo, the live cd told me hd1,5, but my bios has my SATA drives backwards, and i actually had to boot to hd0,503:42
ani1amenado: no scan results03:42
Pelosigh  dmsuperman Danish989 meet me in #grub03:42
robbysmithis anyone familiar with mythbuntu?03:42
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P03:43
dmsupermanPelo, I've already gotten it figured out for me, or do you want me there to help with him?03:43
amenadoani1-> and that interface is up?  if it is up, do you have a longer antenna?03:43
Pelodmsuperman, well it might help, I'm a bit tired and I need some background and this channel is just too busy I can't deal with agrub problem in here03:43
firstohitdmsuperman ok let me try to reboot, what should I do with the low resolution thing, should I cancel or click ok with whatever it offers?03:43
PeloDanish989, join me in grub03:44
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Danish981pelo, I don't see the Grub menu03:44
dmsupermanfirstohit, Just click continue, it's not going to let you see it in high res until you configure using nvidia-settings03:44
PeloDanish981, type /join #grub03:44
Danish981pelo, it says Grub Loading Stage 1.5 and then just goes into this Error 2203:44
ani1:\ bad connection03:44
dmsupermanDanish981, join #grub03:44
Danish981oh, I didn't know grub had it's own room03:44
dmsupermanPelo and I are in there03:44
firstohitdmsuperman ok I have an older copy of the xor.conf file I will try using it now03:45
robbysmithis anyone familiar with mythtv?03:45
firstohitdmsuperman I will beeot03:45
ani1!ask | robbysmith03:45
uboturobbysmith: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:45
robbysmithok, here goes03:45
Nithafter running for a while in ubuntu, my computer makes a wining noise until I shut it down for a few seconds03:45
ani1any ideas on why no wireless networks are found after correct driver is installed, through kwifimanager or wifi-radar?03:46
robbysmithcan someone walk me through connecting to a backend with a remote frontend on mythtv (mythbuntu)?03:46
NithI think it's the fan, is there any way to resolve this without shutting down?03:46
gregcha117so, my sound is busted on ubuntu, but it works fine on the livecd anyway i can take the sound information from the livecd and replace it on my current ubuntu install because i cant figure out why its not working03:46
ani1!mythtv | robbysmith   if you just need general information look here03:46
uboturobbysmith   if you just need general information look here: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV03:46
bosanacHello people i am running Linux Ubuntu 7.10 and can somebody tell me how to install FrostWire on my pc ?03:46
Jordan_U!frostwire | bosanac03:47
ubotubosanac: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire03:47
ani1gregcha117: have you checked alsamixer to make sure its not muted?03:47
gregcha117ani1: yep03:47
Jordan_UNith, Could be simply that your computer is getting hot and that is causing the fans to turn on, try under clocking the CPU with the CPU frequency applet03:47
efirewickDoes anyone know of any customer database software for ubuntu?03:48
gregcha117ani1: my sound has been missing for a while and it seems to be recognized properly by the sound settings and alsamixer but yet i get no sound, i booted from a livecd i downloaded and it works on this but not on my actual install03:48
gregcha117id rather not have to reinstall it completely03:48
ani1!alsa | gregcha117  check here if you havent already03:48
ubotugregcha117  check here if you havent already: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:48
NithJordan_U: I'll try underclocking but it only takes a few seconds for the sound to stop and then I start back up and it works without any problem03:49
robbysmithis your livecd newer than your installed distro?03:49
firstohitdmsuperman same message You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.03:49
firstohitdmsuperman and Compiz is not working03:49
Jordan_UNith, it may then be that you will only have to underclock the CPU for a few seconds03:49
firstohitdmsuperman What is solution ? how can I find out if the nvidia driver is working ?03:50
NithI've underclocked it, now we'll give it a few03:50
Jordan_UNith, To be clear, I mean to use the CPU frequency applet to change the frequency in software03:50
ani1I have a Belkin 7050 using rt73 driver the device is recognized but it cannot scan for new networks the modules are loaded correctly as rebooting shows my wlan0 with correct iwconfig output. I have wifi-radar and kwifimanager both of which will not show new AP's. Kwifimanager is flaky and sometimes displays our neighbors router but not often and its never displayed any of the 3 routers in...03:50
* Nith nods, I just chagned it from 1.7 to 0.603:50
ani1...our house that the windows machine finds :\. I have tried sudo iwlist wlan0 scan but it never pulls results any way to scan for wifi networks for the rt73 usb devices or wireless tricks to get this working?03:50
owen1how to change the fonts size when using transcode to embedd subs into an .avi?03:51
efirewickani1: I don't know if it will help, but I had to assign my card to eth0 to get it to work properly.03:52
HaibaraAii'm running linuxmint right now and trying to get on wifi but there is no  "connect to other wireless network"  option. does anyone have any idea how to get that option to show up?03:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iwconfig - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:53
alekaI am using the current Firefox[] package from the ubuntu Repos on Gutsy... Firefox has been terribly slow and eats up a lot of CPU if I have 2 or more tabs open (can't even switch tabs while the new tab is loading). I do not have compiz enabled... is there a know issue with this? What can I do to improve FF performance?03:53
amenadoani1-> how did you verify that rt73 module is loaded?03:54
travisataleka: do you have any plugins for firefox installed?03:54
loufoquealeka: try using firefox in safe mode and see if you encounter the same problems03:55
loufoquealeka: if you don't, then something is wrong with your profile03:55
loufoquepossibly your extensions03:55
ddifguys,rise,use swiftfox,lol03:55
ere4siswiftfox isn't open source03:55
ani1amenado: dmesg | grep rt73 && lshw03:55
efirewickDoes anyone know of any customer database software for ubuntu?03:56
friedtofuisnt there another? swiftweasel that is opensource03:56
ani1aleka: theirs firefox tweaks you can make with about:config like disabling ipv6 amongst may other things  http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=8GZ&q=firefox+tweaks&btnG=Search03:56
usserefirewick, what do you mean?03:56
IndyGunFreakddif: swift fox isn't that much different from firefox... but FF is free03:56
ddifhaha,i like swiftfox03:56
alekatravisat: Only active Add-on I can think of is Adblock Plus03:56
usserefirewick, if u have somebody who knows a bit of sql u can use mysql or postgresql03:56
friedtofuiceweasel / or icecat is more "free" haha03:57
firstohitdmsuperman I have nvidia-glx-new I am now instlling nvidia-glx03:57
travisataleka: oh well, that doesn't have any problem at least for me,  The only problems with cpu I have ever had came from plugins03:57
spork969i made a button in my presentation. how do i go about making that button make a text box appear?03:57
efirewickusser, thanks I'll look into it.03:57
Niththere's been no change in this noise -.-03:57
usserefirewick, or u can use openoffice base tool similar to access03:58
Nithanyone know how in software to stop and start the fan?03:58
Nithas in an applet or command to do it?03:58
alekaYeah, even trying to switch between open/loaded tabs makes the cpu jump up to 85%+ >.. wonder if the anti-phising feature makes FF slow03:59
boumais there a way to do a rgb gamma calibration under linux (ubuntu) the same way as the nvidia wizard does under xp ?03:59
efirewickusser, I didn't know if anyone has made specific software or not. I've never used sql03:59
usserefirewick, try openoffice base first its easy and to a large extend self explanatory much like MS access04:00
efirewickI am currently using openoffice, I was just looking for something a bit more complex and configurable.04:01
robbysmithsurely bouma i think it depends on driver04:01
CapaHDoes anyone here know an "easy" way to take a harddrive partition that is lets say 30 gigabytes, but only has 10 gigabytes used -- and create an image of JUST the 10 used gigabytes ?04:01
CapaHsomething like dd if=/dev/ad0 of=/file.img  but where /dev/ad0 is only the 10 used gigabytes04:02
robbysmithresulting image will be less than 10gb04:02
cynyris there a way to set each X screen to have a seperate background with gnome?04:02
ddif!backup | CapaH04:02
ubotuCapaH: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning04:02
efirewickusser, It just seems that you search on it and windows has hundreds of programs. but I have not found 1 for ubuntu...04:02
CapaHrobbysmith: Well just piping through gzip will achieve a -- less than 10 gig storage space, but my goal is to --- basically obtain just a disk image of the 10 gigabytes itself04:03
efirewickusser, I just can't stand to use windows for anything important...04:03
CapaHI think the only way to do this (that I know of) is to create a 10 gig file, newfs it, mount it as a virtual drive, and copy the 10 gigs to it (gzippd perhaps)04:03
ScuniziI suddenly find myself as "another one"!.. I've just installed server then ubu desktop on top and need to get my wireless working.. lspci reports Atheros AR5212/AR5213 Multiprotocol rev 01.. Any help?04:03
fishcan someone point me to s a good ISO burner for linux?04:03
Scunizifish k3b'04:03
CapaHfish: Ubuntu has one built in - - just right click an iso and 'write to disk'04:03
cynyrfish: or the one built into gnome04:04
usserefirewick, mysql would be your best bet but you'll have to spend some time configuring and learning it04:04
cynyrCapaH: dd and bzip is probably your best bet if you need a disk image04:05
HaibaraAiRolling Star3:09YUIRolling StarRock371/6/2008 7:45 PM04:05
HaibaraAier. wrong thing.04:05
fishScunizi, CapaH, and cynyr, thank you... I was thinking about k3b before I asked, I just wanted someone else to recommend it, thanks04:06
cynyrfish: i haven't used it recently, but it was ok last time i used it04:07
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usserefirewick, i usually use phpmyadmin to do configuration tasks and something like mysql-navigator for client04:07
ddifpen, hiya04:07
penddif: hi04:08
efirewickusser, is it pretty stable?04:08
ani1!info mysql-navigator > efirewick04:09
ani1mysql is stable yes04:09
usserefirewick, what mysql? well yea lots of companies use it04:09
fishAnyone: does k3b require a kde?... I started thinking about that when i realized it started with a k...lmao......?04:09
fishi use gnome04:09
efirewickusser, good, thanks.04:09
usserfish, kde libraries04:09
ani1no it was built for kde but you dont have to install it04:09
usserfish, not kde itself04:09
usserefirewick, np04:10
cynyrfish: your best bet then is to just use the iso burner built in to "gnome"04:11
ScuniziI've found that I need to install the restricted-drivers modules to enable wireless (I think)  however the system recommends linux-restricted-modules-<kernel #> - server.. there isn't a package with -server at the end.. :/04:11
IndyGunFreakfish: gnomebaker is pertty good, thats wha ti use.04:11
buzzsawwhen i did    sudo echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward i am getting a premission denied04:11
IndyGunFreak!info gnomebaker | fish04:11
ubotufish: gnomebaker (source: gnomebaker): application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2-2 (gutsy), package size 996 kB, installed size 2972 kB04:11
ddifhehehe,so quiet today04:13
fishI am using the Write to disc option in the context menu in gnome04:13
buzzsawi am trying to make it less quiet but not working ;-)04:14
Scuniziso what's the difference between packages ending in -generic and -386?04:14
IdleOneone your insurance provider will pay for the other is on you ?04:15
IdleOneguess you need to be in the US to get that joke04:15
c0Ldis there any way to force nautilus to NOT use a .trash folder for usb keys?04:15
firstohitdmsuperman I was not succesful installing the new driver, I am back to older driver but compix does not work I get Desktop effects could not be enabled04:16
firstohitdmsuperman any suggestions?04:16
CloudFXwhat app can i use to take over for microsoft publisher?04:17
spork969is there ANY way for me to change a text box or image to a button that makes something on the page appear?04:17
amdma2003does anyone know if the new ubuntu 8.04 have better support for atheros wireless cards?04:17
IndyGunFreakCloudFX: http://linuxappfinder.com/alternatives04:18
ScuniziCloudFX, you can use Openoffice Draw which does pretty good and has great output or if you need a full on multipage pagemaker type program Scribus04:18
CloudFXamdma2003: go to #ubuntu+1 for hardy support04:18
amdma2003ok thanks04:18
ani1I have a Belkin 7050 using rt73 driver the device is recognized but it cannot scan for new networks the modules are loaded correctly as rebooting shows my wlan0 with correct iwconfig output and dmesg | grep rt73 along with lshw show that the driver is loaded. I have wifi-radar and kwifimanager both of which will not show new AP's. Kwifimanager is flaky and sometimes displays our neighbors...04:19
ani1...router but not often and its never displayed any of the 3 routers in our house that the windows machine finds :\. I have tried sudo iwlist wlan0 scan but it never pulls results any way to scan for wifi networks for the rt73 usb devices or wireless tricks to get this working?04:19
ZeltaI think I have just the guide for you, ani104:19
c0Ldis there any way to force nautilus to NOT use a .trash folder for usb keys?04:20
Scuniziani1, wifi-radar?04:21
ani1its a gui prog for setting up wifi networks04:21
lee__hey all!04:21
Zeltaani1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56354704:21
IdleOneunop__: evening. I have a curious issue with that script you wrote for me. some of the image is cut off and it seems to be displayed in reverse on my desktop http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/566/wpsetscreenshotni6.png04:22
meatpuppethi, after live Cd boot screen, everything goes totally black for a few moments, then it loads the desktop.... is this a bad sign?? I cannot see the text on the screen durring shutdown too... i want to install it , is it safe? TIA04:22
Scuniziani1, sorry I was mentioning wifi radar but then I saw your previous post that you already had it..04:22
Scunizimeatpuppet, no..04:22
Scunizimeatpuppet, the live cd takes a little while to set itself up..04:22
Julolidine If anyone is a networking expert, I have kind of a bizarre problem.  After a restart, my wireless network card stopped "scanning" and can't see any networks anymore.04:23
Julolidineiwlist scan yields     eth1      No scan results04:23
ani1hmm Zelta  i would prefer not to taint my kernel with ndiswrapper seeings how the linux driver is loaded correctly but i suppose i could give it a whirl thanks04:23
meatpuppetok thanks :)04:23
cynyris there a way to set each X screen to have a seperate background with gnome?04:24
puttersonIn xoscope I am getting "sound ioctl Bad file descriptor" is there any way I can get it to work?04:24
polysiliconHi my synaptics touchpad was functioning properly, but today it is not responding. I checked the /dev/input/mice file, it is not outputting anything when use touchpad.. how to debug this problem?04:26
Draconicuspolysilicon: How are you checking it? Have you reconfigured X recently?04:27
DraconicusIf it was working when you reconfigured X, and you've only restarted since then, you likely disabled it accidentally.04:27
polysiliconno I tried. cat /dev/input/mice04:27
polysiliconno output to console04:27
Draconicuspolysilicon: Ah.04:27
DraconicusWell then...04:27
cynyrpolysilicon: update the kernel recently?04:28
Draconicuspolysilicon:  Yeah, that's bad. Done anything funny in the kernel? Removed any software?04:28
polysiliconnothing like that, no system modification04:28
titanhello everyone04:28
f0rmati wan't to run ubuntu on my laptop but it is slow booting up and shutting down :( it also has problems shutting down the same as with my desktop and goes to ctrl + alt + F1 screen and then just shows console output of the shutdown :S04:28
polysiliconI even tried Knoppix Live CD04:28
Draconicusf0rmat: Welcome to Linux. :\04:28
polysiliconits showing device synaptics, but touchpad doesn't wotk04:29
f0rmati use ubuntu all the time on my desktop for my servers04:29
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:29
cynyrf0rmat: does it still shutdown correctly?04:30
JulolidineKnoppix didn't work?04:30
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu04:30
cynyrpolysilicon: disable it in the bios?04:30
f0rmatalso i can't get wireless to work so i have had to use windows :( the drivers for my wireless work with it and yes it shuts down but it's really slow both ways and kicks up a major fuss saying everything is failing04:30
dmsupermanfirstohit, sorry, was helping somebody in #grub.04:30
efirewickusser, have you heard of the LAMP install for 7.1004:30
dmsupermanfirstohit, I honestly don't know, like I said it worked for me but I wasn't able to get it working _until_ i upgraded04:31
Guest03I am looking for somebody who can help me upgrade my moto q w/ windows mobile 5.0 to windows mobile 6.104:32
lee_go some where else most likely04:32
geniiGuest03: ##windows please04:32
=== charles__ is now known as charles|64
charles|64Pelo: you still around?04:33
LycusI have a working ubuntu install and can apt-get etc. but I get unable to initialize frontend: Dialog errors from debconf when apt-get using. Do I just install ubuntu-standard?04:33
Pelocharles|64, yes ?04:33
charles|64Pelo: ok so i did a clean re-install (i had other reasons to do it) and the cdrom will auto mount the install cd and detect packages but still wont for a blank one04:34
nickrudLycus try installing the package   dialog04:34
Pelocharles|64, it mounts data cd rigth away ?04:34
usserefirewick, yea sure thats how its usually done04:35
charles|64Pelo: yup04:35
=== Guest03 is now known as rx4th
Pelocharles|64, but when you put in a blank cd nothing happens, ok , can you still burn to it using gnomebaker ?04:36
CloudFXhi what apps are there similar to microsoft publisher that have templates for newletters, brochures, etc..04:36
bullgard4What is the value of the DVB-T data stream data rate?04:36
Pelocharles|64, are you suer you have burner and not jsut a reader ?04:36
charles|64Pelo: its a dvd cd burner lightscribe04:36
efirewickusser, good, thank you.04:36
williamPelo: this is _Silhouette_. I´m in Ubuntu now04:37
Pelowilliam, congrats04:37
usserefirewick, no problem so u decided to go with it?04:37
williamPelo: the trackpad is killing me, though :P04:37
williamPelo: ps I booted via usb04:37
IdleOnebullgard4: I might wrong but I believe a question like that might be better answered in #ubuntustudio04:38
williamPelo: I am looking in xorg.conf like some people suggested but see nothing about synaptics or touchpad04:38
Pelowilliam, I'm sorry I've been on a roll tonight helpign a lot of ppl I don't remember you issue04:38
williamPelo: but I do see something about a stylus?04:38
bullgard4IdleOne: Ah, that's an idea. I will give it a try. Thank you.04:38
IdleOnebullgard4: because they use audio/video software and such they should be able to answer04:39
IdleOnebullgard4: np04:39
bullgard4IdleOne: yes, indeed.04:39
efirewickusser, yeah, I am going to give it a try. I hope it is easy to add/edit, because my wife is the one entering and locating customers...04:40
ubotuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad04:40
Pelowilliam, read up  abit04:41
Pelonickrud, are you around ?04:41
charles|64Pelo: did you get back to me i was on the other system trying to figure this out04:41
nickrudpelo yes04:41
williamPelo: where?04:41
Pelonickrud, you have a server window opened in yoru chat client right ?04:41
Pelo!touchpad | william04:41
ubotuwilliam: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad04:41
nickrudPelo yes04:41
efirewickusser, I am just worried about the interface. I haven't seen any screen shots or anything about it yet, just info about the install so far.04:42
Pelonickrud, all my /notice to you go there04:42
nickrudPelo no, they come up in channel04:42
Peloah ok so you are just ignoring me04:42
nickrudPelo oh, bad me. I"m on the computer but xchat's on another desktop, and I have a sound that notifies me of a channel highlight. Notices don't04:43
charles|64Pelo: does it matter that im running 64bit?04:43
Pelonickrud,  tsok04:43
Pelocharles|64, not for this I dont, think , but it migth have to do with it being a lightscribe,  look it up in the forum ,  itmight need some special handling04:44
IdleOneirc joke: how does a person in need of attention get it on irc? /notcie me :P04:44
IdleOnedarn typos04:44
charles|64Pelo: kool thanks04:44
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patrickva I keep getting redistribution errors and BusyBox when I'm trying to install Ubuntu04:45
CloudFXhow can i get my built in memory card reader to work?04:45
patrickvaCan someone help me out?04:45
Pelopatrickva, what is the issue ?04:47
nickrudPelo no, no, no. Just saying that you're doing a damn good job, don't sweat the ones you can't catch.04:47
patrickva I keep getting redistribution errors and BusyBox when I'm trying to install Ubuntu from the splash screen.04:48
shadow420hey nickrud04:48
nickrudshadow420 hi04:48
Pelopatrickva, try the alternate install cd , it is less fussy about hardware and such04:48
jimlayHow can do you get a list of the devices showing up in the nautilus "Comptur" view on the cli?04:49
patrickvaWhere can I get the alternative install cd?04:49
IdleOnepatrickva: you can also try using all_generic_ide as a parameter04:49
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!04:49
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patrickvaWhich one is the alternative?04:49
patrickvafrom http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com/04:49
IdleOnepatrickva: hold on a sec04:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about request - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:50
Pelopatrickva, there is a a text based installer cd that usualy does a better job at installing without any fuss,   you can get it from the www.ubuntu.com site same as the live cd, but you check the alternate cd box below the download button04:50
patrickvaI don't know how to do text based installers..04:50
IdleOnehttp://nl.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/ubuntu-7.10-alternate-i386.iso patrickva  here you go04:50
Danish989dmsuperman, still here?04:50
IdleOnepatrickva: it is simple you will see04:50
patrickvak, thanks idle04:50
shadow420Pelo I used the live CD to install to install ubuntu and I had no problems04:50
Peloshadow420, some ppl do , some hardware configurations are just a little more problematic a live cd is  a very demanding envirommenent04:51
hamedany body here?04:52
=== foka__ is now known as foka_
patrickvaI tried LiveCD already04:52
dmsupermanDanish989, yeah, but if Pelo couldn't get it going then I'm likely not gonna be much more help :s04:52
hamedok hi to all04:52
Pelodmsuperman, don't underestimate yourself,  or overestimate me04:52
shadow420pelo I have an old p3 1GHz with 512MB of Ram Old Graphics and sound card and it had no problems04:53
IdleOneshadow420: usualy older machines work well with ubuntu04:53
Peloshadow420, GOOD FOR YOU NOW PISSOFF04:53
patrickvaBut the newer ones dont04:53
IdleOnePelo: lmao :/04:54
dmsupermanPelo, nonsense. Just because you can't sit there and recompile your kernel doesn't mean you're a n00b. Not as experience as some of the others, sure, but we all have to start somewhere04:54
jimlayAnyone use nautilus?04:54
dmsupermanPelo, and trust me, I've only used linux for a week haha04:54
dmsupermanPelo, so yeh, you're more likely to get it going. I ran out of suggestions before we even got into #grub04:54
efirewickusser, is there anywhere I can read about how to configure/use this LAMP stuff? I am reading about how to install it on the internet, But I would like to learn more about it before I install it, and I can't find any other info about it...04:54
h00k_jimlay: sure, I do04:54
Pelodmsuperman, see the special colour my last msg was , that's becaue it was private04:54
shadow420pelo I am sure I can get it to work with my uncles P4 2Ghz 2GB of Ram Decent Graphics card and sound04:54
jimlayDo you understand where the items in the "computer" view come from?04:55
IdleOne!lamp | efirewick04:55
ubotuefirewick: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:55
shadow420pelo these are Dells04:55
Peloshadow420, if yuou know how to get ubuntu live cd to install on patrickva 's computer wiithout issue by all means have a crack at it04:55
dmsupermanPelo, see, even more of a reason i'm a noob. I didn't even know that haha04:56
premwhich is the easiest version of linux for a beginner04:56
dmsupermanPelo, how do you even private message04:56
dmsupermanprem, you're probably in the right channel04:56
fedex1993How can i reinstall firefox on hardy ?04:56
h00k_fedex1993: sudo apt-get remove firefox04:56
h00k_fedex1993: sudo apt-get install firefox04:56
dmsupermanfedex1993, "sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox" "sudo apt-get install firefox"04:56
=== SVI is now known as DBO
geniiprem: Ubuntu and other variations are generally considered best for new users04:56
h00k_or purge, as well ;)04:56
BalthHey guys, how do I downgrade wine to a lower version?04:57
premu say ubuntu is easy to learn for a beginner04:57
shadow420pelo I just have to use a personal Grub Floppy to boot linux until I can get grub to boot from windows bootloader04:57
shadow420Balth why would u need to do that?04:57
BalthBecause it would seem a game I play broke with the new version.04:57
h00k_jimlay: "computer:///" shows your mounted drives04:57
shadow420Balth just send them an e-mail to tell them that a game stopped working with the new version04:58
exophonixquelqun pourai me guider pas a pas pour metre une image de font a grub svp :(04:59
cpk1Balth: uninstall the one from the repos and then get the .deb of the older version from winehq04:59
h00k_Balth: also. there's software called CrossOver Games that specialize in making games work in a linux environment04:59
shadow420patrickva are you still there?04:59
cpk1Balth: you will also need to make sure you dont upgrade to the new version of wine on accident until you want to04:59
cpk1h00k_: wine is basically the same as crossover but free04:59
BalthOk thanks.05:00
h00k_cpk1: well, they modify it specifically to get certain games to work05:00
arunkaleHello all05:00
supriehello all05:00
arunkalehello suprie05:00
shadow420well as soon they have all of the popular games to work they will have them all working05:00
supriei have a problem with my wifi05:00
cpk1iirc crossover is geared more towards productivity applications while cedega is more game oriented05:00
supriesometime it doesn't caught any wifi signal05:01
h00k_I have CrossOver Office for productivity05:01
h00k_I like OneNote200305:01
Danish989dmsuperman, remember what you said about bios not getting it right and you had to take a guess at correctly fixing grub?05:01
suprieim using atheros chipset05:01
suprieand using ndiswrapper to make it worked05:01
Jordan_Usuprie, system -> administration -> restricted driver manager didn't work?05:02
supriesometimes it worked05:02
gideanhow do I kill pppoe?05:02
supriebut sometimes it didn't worked at all05:02
gideanneed to configure it but it says its already running05:03
nickrudgidean sudo poff should take it down05:03
jimlayh00k_, thanks. do you know how to list that at the cli? Where is nautilus getting thil list from?05:03
gideankill gives me "no process killed"05:03
nickrudgidean yeah, pon/poff is the way to start stop pppoe05:04
lindenleamyone have seamless mode working with virtualbox?05:04
LiMaOlindenle ➡ it works here. lemme double check once again05:05
shadow420pelo these are Dell Computers what I have heard are the hardest ones to get a Dual Boot to work with Windows/linux05:05
Peloshadow420, why are you telilng me this ?05:05
dmsupermanshadow420, it doesn't really matter what brand the computer is05:06
patrickvashadow420, it's easy.05:06
patrickvaNot hard at all with Dell Computers.05:06
h00k_jimlay: It might be taking it from fstab, and maybe searching /media as well05:06
Pelodmsuperman, wereen't you talking about seamless in vbox yesterday ?05:06
dmsupermanshadow420, I've never heard of a Dell computer that doesn't allow you to change boot order, and that's really all you need so you can install ubuntu05:06
dmsupermanPelo, yeah, it's so awesome05:06
millertime_018hey, if i installed limewire on my linux and its not in the add/remove how do i get it off?05:06
Pelodmsuperman, let me introduce you to lindenle05:07
dmsupermanPelo, I still haven't rebooted since installing the closed source one, which should allow me to network guest and host OS05:07
geniimillertime_018: You installed how?05:07
PifferMost Dell computers support F12, which gives you the boot order list upon startup05:07
dmsupermanlindenle, I do05:07
gnychisdoes anyone know what version of madwifi is pre-installed with ubuntu?05:07
millertime_018from the internet. like downloaded it05:07
millertime_018from limewire.com05:07
h00k_Sometimes DELL used DELETE, F1, or F2 as well.05:07
shadow420dmsuperman thats one thing I will not do is change the boot order in bios05:07
Pelognychis, you'd have to look it up in synaptic , the package manager in the admin menu05:07
Pifferand I've not run into any Dell computers over the last...7-8 years that did not allow you to change boot order...05:07
dmsupermanshadow420, erm, any reason for that?05:08
lindenledmsuperman: I think I may have just figured it out05:08
h00k_Piffer: you are right - they all do.  They pretty much have to05:08
dmsupermanlindenle, all you have to do is go into the seamless button from the vbox window, tell it to download the iso, mount it to cd05:08
shadow420dmsuperman I am confused alittle05:08
h00k_bed.  back later.  Peace.05:08
Pelomillertime_018, you an remove it from synaptic in the admin menu05:08
dmsupermanlindenle, then inside windows vm, install it, reboot, and choose Seamless integration from the vbox window and it should work05:08
efirewickidleone, thanks, that was a lot of good info. not too much on how it works though, just mainly install notes...05:08
millertime_018how do i do that? system>...?05:08
CapaHI just mounted a new harddrive that is type ntfs --- I am surprised that simply right clicking it doesn't present a "format disk" option, so I am wondering wehre I go to find that05:08
shadow420dmsuperman well I am trying to get grub to boot from windows boot loader05:08
PifferYou have to go faaaaar back in time to find a BIOS that did not allow you to change that, and then you'll probably have a DIN keyboard plug as well :-) hehe05:09
kelvin911how to send custom smiley gif in pidgin?05:09
lindenledmsuperman: yes, how do i enable seamless with the VBManager?05:09
dmsupermanlindenle, it does force the windows taskbar overtop of your main taskbar, but I either just hide it or unlock it and move it to 1 side05:09
Pelomillertime_018, menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager,   use the search button, type limewire   it will show up in hte list ,  see the green button,  right lick  uninstall05:09
dmsupermanlindenle, from the vbox window with your guest OS, from the main menu, there's a button for Enable seamless mode05:09
htmljunkieso mack are you in here?05:09
PifferWe're WAY many people in this chan...1200 +    :-) Ubuntu rules05:09
dmsupermanlindenle, or something to that effect, it's in the first menu05:09
gidean/usr/bin/poff: No pppd is running.  None stopped. but when I run pppeoconf it says somethinf is already running?05:09
lindenledmsuperman: also it looks terrible ... I mean without the windows....05:09
CapaHWhere do you go to format a disk?05:10
nickrudgidean try sudo killall pppd05:10
dmsupermanmillertime_018 i suggest frostwire instead05:10
rullieCapaH, fdisk05:10
Danish989dpsuperman, help!05:10
dmsupermanlindenle, what do you mean?05:10
dmsupermanDanish989, what happened now?05:10
CapaHrullie: There is no simple gui way?05:10
gideanwill try ..05:10
CapaHI mean I can always use newfs etc but -- thought there was a simpler 'clickable' way05:10
nickrudgidean if that doesn't work, give the exact error message it gives05:11
lindenledmsuperman: I want to start it this way : VBoxVRDP -startvm "winXP"05:11
htmljunkiethere is a simple way05:11
htmljunkieuse a live cd05:11
shadow420dmsuperman when I try to load file ubuntu.bin or bootsect.lnx all I get is GRUB and frezzes05:11
htmljunkieif you want to reformat the drive05:11
djikjust a quick question: does hardy install from windows but onto an xfs partition?05:11
CapaHhtmljunkie: It is an external drive05:11
rullieCapaH, why do you assume having button means simpler?05:12
Robinsonhey, through SSH, can I send my ubuntu system into hibernation and then wake it up through ssh again?05:12
LSGdjik: Go to #Ubuntu+1 for question concerning Hardy05:12
CapaHrullie: I don't -- but I like to know the full featureset I have available with Ubuntu05:12
rullieRobinson, no05:12
nickrudRobinson if it's hibernating, it's not listening to anything05:12
dmsupermanlindenle, you mean start your vbox from the commandline? i'm not sure how, i usually just open vbox, start the os, then close the vbox window and turn on seamless05:12
dmsupermanshadow420, that's over my head, sorry05:13
PifferRobinson: Only via another system and WoL... which I guess spells 'No'  :-(05:13
rullieCapaH, with gnome, you mean :)05:13
shadow420dmsuperman and I used sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/home/username/Desktop/ubuntu.bin bs=512 count=105:13
CapaHyes with gnome05:13
CapaHcorrect :)05:13
RobinsonPiffer: no indeed, its an old old p3 system05:13
lindenledmsuperman: and what about it looking bad?05:13
gideanneed to run pppoeconf but when I do I get:  Sorry, I scanned 1 interface, but the Access             │05:13
gidean          │ Concentrator of your provider did not respond. Please    │05:13
gidean          │ check your network and modem cables. Another reason      │05:13
gidean          │ for the scan failure may also be another running pppoe   │05:13
gidean          │ process which controls the modem.05:13
=== bbuuzz is now known as buzzsaw
FloodBot3gidean: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:13
Robinsonem, is there a similar state to hibernation where fans are off and hd is off also ?05:13
boumarobbysmith, yeah true. i guess i just need a good image/guide to do the calibration with05:13
PifferWonder if you can setup a modem and do a wake on dial... but that would suck, cause who has phone lines these days? heh05:14
nickrudgidean ah,  if ps -A | grep  ppp doesn't come back with anything, then it's the first reason in the error message05:14
buzzsawi have tried https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/firewall-configuration.html many times over and i cant seem to get masquerading to work :-(05:14
shadow420dmsuperman do you have an Idea how I can get windows to boot grub?05:14
gideantrying to get my father online....over the phone... :(05:15
dmsupermanlindenle, it doesn't look bad to me. Of course, the XP windows don't match the ubuntu theme, but you could always patch your windows uxtheme.dll and find a similar theme05:15
gideanhe loves ubuntu....'cept right now :)05:15
eddyqwI'm looking for help with updating, I keep getting an error "bzip2: Data integrity error when decompressing." when I run 'apt-get update' (on the gutsy/main package, if that makes any difference)05:15
dmsupermanshadow420, no, i did it the other way05:15
geniigidean: Welcome to the wonderful world of IT support05:15
dmsupermanshadow420, i have grub boot windows05:15
hamedwhat means "cyber man"05:15
nickrudgidean you might find it easier to let the modem handle the connection, try pointing the browser at , 1.1, 0.254, 1.254 and see if you can configure the modem directly.05:15
lindenledmsuperman: looks like 8 colors to me...05:15
gideanLOL I'm IT lmao05:15
Peloshadow420, weren't you the one I fixed it for earlier?05:15
dmsupermangidean, just give up haha05:15
dmsupermanlindenle, even with seamless turned off?05:16
lee_Hello one and all05:16
shadow420dmsuperman I have went that way and windows gave me sh** fits about it05:16
dmsupermanshadow420, I just installed Ubuntu first, then installed windows, then re-wrote grub and chainloaded to windows XP05:16
shadow420pelo no I don't think so05:16
gideanconfigure the modem?05:16
dmsupermanPelo, there was another shadow but it was Shadow and then some numbers05:17
Robinsonsoooooo, no wannabe-hibernation state that still leaves which can awoken from ssh ?05:17
dmsupermanshadow420, that also lets me hibernate windows, since it goes to grub first and won't force me to resume my hibernation05:17
lindenledmsuperman: changed it back to 32 bit and it looks  ok05:17
DBautellmaybe look into wake on LAN, but I know nothing05:17
CapaHIf I want to format a disk to be useful in a variety of platforms such as Open/FreeBSD - Linux - etc -- what is the best format to use? ext3 ? ufs ?05:17
gideando what to the modem?05:17
Pelodmsuperman, ah, so many shadows05:17
dmsupermanlindenle, 16bit you mean? er, 24bit, one of the 205:17
dmsupermanPelo, heh, yeah05:17
lindenledmsuperman how do i move the taskbar?05:18
dmsupermanso, has anybody gotten the Kate tab bar extension to work?05:18
dmsupermanlindenle, right click the taskbar, disable Lock taskbar05:18
shadow420dmsuperman well I don't use hybernation and windows I use it more often than linux05:18
lindenledmsuperman:  did that now?05:18
dmsupermanlindenle, then just drag it somewhere else. I have dual monitor, so I like to just put it on the top of my right monitor, but i'm not sure what you'd like05:18
nickrudgidean yes, most pppoe modems can give you a dhcp addres.  Make sure the file /etc/network/interfaces has the two lines:   auto eth0  <newline> iface eth0 inet dhcp  , then run sudo ifup eth0 . then if you get an inet address in ifconfig , eth0 stanza, you can talk to the modem05:18
lindenlecan i put it on the left?05:19
eddyqwI'm looking for help with updating, I keep getting an error "bzip2: Data integrity error when decompressing." after it downloads the gutsy/main package (this is using 'apt-get update')05:19
dmsupermanshadow420, regardless, i find it easier just to install grub and chainload windows xp05:19
shadow420dmsuperman I use linux to play some games and other project05:19
arvind_khadriCapaH, i thik ufs05:19
gooodywhat is the recommended java IDE for ubuntu gutsy?05:19
mosnogooody: eclipse?05:19
dmsupermanespecially since windows xp is more likely to get reinstalled, so when i do that i can just re-fix grub. it's more of a pain to get windows bootloader reinstalled and booting to grub for me05:19
dmsupermanshadow420, I have switched to linux full-time now, windows is only for games and some windows only apps i need for work05:20
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shadow420dmsuperman well I am looking the other way so when windows does need to be reinstalled all I have to do is add the line to the bootloader then I get linux back05:21
SeaPhordmsuperman: what games do you play?05:21
Tiramsi have a ATI card and i've been forced to use Hardy Heron, but I want to switch to Gutsy.  Is there a way to repackage the ISO so that the proper graphics drivers are in the livecd?05:21
dmsupermanshadow420, I personally would find it easier to reinstall grub, all you have to do is run grub, root (hdX,Y), setup (hdX)05:21
dmsupermanshadow420, otherwise you have to re-find the ubuntu.bin file again don't you?05:21
dmsupermanSeaPhor, Assassin's Creed lately, UT3, COD4, Supreme Commander05:22
LiMaOdmsuperman ➡ get a playstation 2 and an xbox 360. then you will have one more reason to get rid of windows05:22
shadow420dmsuperman I keep a copy on my external HD05:22
cwall0868noob messing around w/AIGLX on a 64bit followed the walk through rebooted and was prompted system was crashing..... selected diff option and loaded fine any help?05:22
lindenledmsuperman: Can i make x-paste work with it?05:22
dmsupermanLiMaO, no, not a console fan. I don't care that windows is on my system, I just use ubuntu primarily. Plus, Supreme commander isn't on console :P05:23
shadow420which Windows/Ubuntu can read and write too05:23
dmsupermanlindenle, you man a clipboard that works between guest and host?05:23
SeaPhordmsuperman: was asking because most of the games i want to play actually play better in Ubuntu linux, Delta force, star Wars, City of Heroes, etx05:23
dmsupermanlindenle, it's just a normal option, i think it was even enabled by default05:24
buzzsawyou should try crossfire ;-)   fun linux baised game :-005:24
dmsupermanSeaPhor, yeh, the games i play are pretty demanding and i highly doubt they'll work too well in linux05:24
CapaHHow do I format as ufs ? there is no such thing as mkfs.ufs ?05:24
dmsupermanSeaPhor, Oh yeah, and Halo, Halo 2, and Crysis05:24
SeaPhordmsuperman: have you tried Cedega?05:24
dmsupermanSeaPhor, This machine was really built to game, but I use it as a heavy workstation for photoshop and cinema4d work too05:25
kelvin911cedega, wine, which one is good?05:25
dmsupermanSeaPhor, no, what genre is it?05:25
LiMaOdmsuperman ➡ the only game i've ever missed on windows is age of empires. oh man i used to love that05:25
Peddycan anyone tell me where the image file for the Volume icon that pops up when I hit the keyboard volume button is?05:25
dmsupermanLiMaO, I couldn't go without my Supreme Commander, that's the most epic of all epic RTS games05:25
SeaPhordmsuperman: Cedega is like Wine,,, only better, for latest games05:25
lindenledmsuperman: does not seem to work for me...05:26
gnychiswhat packages contains the madwifi modules in ubuntu? I can't determine it... it seems as though linux-restricted-modules contains ath_hal but not ath_pci for example05:26
cwall0868is xgl compiz worth the time it takes to set it up on 64bit?05:26
dmsupermanlindenle, I think there's an option for it somewhere. i don't have it open, and I can't open yet until I reboot so I can't look for you05:26
dmsupermanSeaPhor, _really_05:26
cwall0868or should i just say f it05:26
dmsupermanSeaPhor, Is there a compatibility list?05:27
kelvin911is cedega only for games?05:27
dmsupermanSeaPhor, I'd LOVE to at least get guitar hero working on ubuntu05:27
kelvin911what about windows app?05:27
dmsupermanthen I could survive without booting into windows for days at a time05:27
CapaHcwall0868: Compiz is pretty much worth it period :)05:27
SeaPhordmsuperman: ooooooohhhhh yeah,,, 1 sec05:27
cwall0868can u help me then05:27
kelvin911is guitar hero for the gays?05:27
CapaHdmsuperman: Get virtualbox if wine wont do it05:27
kelvin911did u watch southpark?05:28
LiMaOPre-Order Supreme Commander 360 - We're thrilled to announce that Supreme Commander for the Xbox 360 is now available for pre-order.05:28
SeaPhordmsuperman: http://games.cedega.com/gamesdb/05:28
CapaHcwall0868: Even if you have a 64 bit proc, install 32 bit Ubuntu -- and Compiz is enabled anyways out of the box05:28
LiMaOdmsuperman ➡ good news at their site ;) it's a pity you're not into consoles heh05:28
Pelog'night folks05:28
kelvin911how does virtual box work?05:28
LiMaOkelvin911 ➡ very well05:28
cwall0868thats all i needed to know05:28
kelvin911can i install winxp?05:28
CapaHIt allows you to create a virtual machine to run multiple OS simultaneously05:28
LiMaOkelvin911 ➡ sure you can05:28
kelvin911or can i just use the one already installed in c:\?05:28
dmsupermanLiMaO, it couldn't ever possibly measure up, the sheer automation and management skills require a keyboard05:28
dmsupermanHOLY CRAP05:28
SeaPhordmsuperman: PM me if you want mor info05:29
dmsupermanSeaPhor, I love you, that list has Supreme Commander05:29
dmsupermanAND forged alliance05:29
dmsupermansadly, no guitar hero05:29
kelvin911LiMaO: can i run everything in virtual box if i have xp installed there?05:29
CapaHyou can but it would make no sense05:29
dmsupermankelvin911, everything but games05:29
CapaHjust run the stuff that you are forced to05:29
LiMaOkelvin911 ➡ well, virtualbox will not be able to run 3d games inside your xp installation05:30
cwall0868so why bother offering 64bit? you dont need to get to indepth05:30
CapaHLiMaO: Hmm are you sure?  I have heard otherwise05:30
kelvin911then there is no point installing it then05:30
kelvin911the only thing xp is there for me is game05:30
dmsupermanit definitely won't, CapaH05:30
CapaHkelvin911: What games?05:30
dmsupermankelvin911, then there's really no point05:30
CapaHeh do a dual boot then05:30
kelvin911winning eleven, PES405:30
kelvin911doom3, quake405:31
LiMaOkelvin911 ➡ as i said a few minutes ago, get a playstation 2 and an xbox 360. avoid the ps3. you will be much happier05:31
dmsupermanalright, don't want to be a total hypocrite but we should probably get back onto topic05:31
CapaHdoom3/quake4 will work I am quite sure in Wine -- check the list05:31
jwoah12I just edited some values in xorg.conf, how  do I reboot Xwin so I can see the changes, without rebooting the whole OS?05:31
kelvin911no money05:31
Robinsonwhat is the difference between sleep and hibernate ??05:31
dmsupermanthen again I really have no say in the matter, just sayin is all05:31
LiMaOkelvin911 ➡ doom 3 has a native linux version05:31
dmsupermanjwoah12, Ctrl + Alt + Backspace05:31
kernfreakLiMa0, whay not ps3.I love it05:31
dmsupermanjwoah12, and if that doesn't show the changes, then "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"05:31
calcRobinson: sleep just puts the system into temporary low power mode, hibernate writes memory to disk and turns off entirely05:31
kelvin911i have doom3 and quake4 but the cdkey i got doesnt work in linux05:31
gideannot working...cant getinto modem05:32
calcRobinson: sleep more or less turns off everything but memory (and maybe a few other things)05:32
LiMaOkernfreak ➡ not too many titles, slow in sports games. that's what i've heard... never played any title on it myself.05:32
Robinsoncalc: does sleep shutdown fans and hard drive and only leave RAM and CPU ?05:32
kernfreakNOT TRUE05:32
kelvin911i installed rtcw with wine its awesome05:32
kernfreaksrry bout the caps05:32
geniigidean: Is it some usb dsl/cable modem?05:32
calcRobinson: i think sleep even turns off the cpu, or at least puts it in a very low power mode, yea05:32
Danish989can anyone tell me how to uninstall ubuntu?05:32
kernfreakI even have Ubuntu on my ps305:32
gideandsl modem05:32
calcRobinson: with hibernate the system is completely off, you can remove the battery, etc05:32
DBautellDanish989, install something else over it05:33
Danish989I wanted to try installing ubuntu on my ps305:33
ddifDanish989, hahahah,why05:33
Danish989but first i wanted to check on my pc, and now look what happened05:33
Robinsoncalc:  okay cool thanks... do you have any idea if it watched network packets while in sleep ?05:33
kelvin911how does ubuntu running in ps3?05:33
geniigidean: OK, dsl but is it connected to computer by usb/ethernet/wireless/other?05:33
patrickvaWho gave me that ubuntu alternative iso link before?05:33
kelvin911is it good?05:33
patrickvaI lost the link05:33
Danish989I don't even see the OS choice menu and GRUB gets Error 22 each time it tries to load05:33
dmsupermanLiMaO, is cedega in the repos?05:33
calcRobinson: i think you can set your system to do so, depending on the bios05:33
Danish989Grub Loading Stage 1.5 .. Error 2205:33
|LiMaO|dmsuperman ➡ no, not cedega.. just wine05:33
lindenledmsuperman: Suppose there is no way to integrate it with kicker...i.e. for task switcher...05:33
dmsuperman|LiMaO|, oh05:33
Robinsoncalc: hum I guess you're reffering to Wake on Lan05:33
SeaPhordmsuperman: no not in repos05:33
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|LiMaO|damn, ctrl+alt+backspace killed my actual x, not the virtualbox one05:34
kernfreakyou can install another os on ps3 kelvin91105:34
dmsupermanlindenle, highly doubt it, but seamless has only been included in the latest release05:34
patrickvaWho gave me that ubuntu alternative iso link before?05:34
patrickvaI need the link again05:34
Danish989patrickva, why dont you just download via Torrents?05:34
Cpudan80|LiMaO|: Thats what it's supposed to do?05:34
Robinsoncalc: which my old system would't dream of having ...but it would be cool if it watched network packets, it would be the next best thing to Wake-on-Lan05:34
dmsupermanlindenle, i'm sure those types of things will be added in later versions05:34
geniigidean: OK. Does it have a web interface?05:34
calcRobinson: sorta, its probably the same overall, wake on lan can also turn on a completely 'off' system, as long as the nic has power05:34
kelvin911why do u wanna install linux in ps3?05:34
dmsuperman|LiMaO|, heh, what did you expect?05:34
Danish989that's how I downloaded it, patricckva, using torrents it was a lot faster05:34
ddifwhat is ps305:34
tr-33how can i identify myself on this irc network?05:34
dmsupermankelvin911, because that's what linux geeks do05:34
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gideanlike this: my father moved...when he hooked up his modem it worked (7.10) but the net was cut off eventually...he called, it was reinstated but now it wont work...modem is on (green lights) but the box won't connect to the net05:35
dmsupermankelvin911, nobody knows why, it's a phenomena05:35
Danish989ddif : Ps3 is Playstation 305:35
calckelvin911: its a cheap computer for tv05:35
|LiMaO|dmsuperman ➡ i was so immersed on the virtualbox that i forgot of the actual system running it lol05:35
Starnestommy!register | tr-3305:35
ubotutr-33: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.05:35
lindenledmsuperman: Stupid netflix !!!!!05:35
patrickvaWell do you have the torrent file?05:35
gideannot sure I'm afraid....att modem05:35
lindenledmsuperman: i hate windows05:35
* calc is actually going to install linux on ps3 when i get some spare time as well05:35
dmsupermanlindenle, why?05:35
ddiftr-33, /msg nickserv identify **05:35
cwall0868ok sorry 1 more thing then im leaving..... anyone running moblock? does it do what it says it does? or is it garbage?05:35
dmsupermanlindenle, why at netflix, obviously why for hating windows hah05:35
kelvin911how big is the hd in ps3?05:35
tr-33ddif, thanks.05:35
kernfreakmine is 60gb05:35
|LiMaO|kelvin911 ➡ there are different versions of it05:35
Danish989can anyone tell me what to do? Grub keeps getting Error 22 while it tries to load stage 1.5 and I can't even get into windows xp05:35
calckelvin911: 40/60/80 depending on model05:35
lindenledmsuperman: Cuz i need windows to watch the instant stuff05:35
patrickvaDanish989 do you have the torrent file?05:35
kelvin911how much is ps3?05:36
kernfreakyou can put any sata in it05:36
dmsupermanlindenle, yup, i have to as well05:36
calckelvin911: ubuntu takes ~ 2gb so plenty of space05:36
calckelvin911: $400 same as a low end bluray player05:36
lindenledmsuperman: them and mlb.com05:36
dmsupermanlindenle, you could always try running ies4linux, does that play netflix?05:36
geniigidean: OK. Because if it's in "bridged" mode then you need the pppoeconf to make computer do the auth. If it's in "router" mode then you need to go into it's web interface and have it do the auth05:36
lindenledmsuperman: no idea05:36
kelvin911can u get the 3d desktop on ps3 too?05:36
dmsuperman|LiMaO|, aw, cedega costs money :'(05:36
calckelvin911: no idea05:36
geniigidean: For the web interface modem and computer need IPs that can talk to each other05:36
lindenledmsuperman: but this is pretty slick too05:36
gideangenii: thanks so much...05:36
SeaPhorcedega costs $5 a month05:37
dmsupermanlindenle, yeh05:37
* calc wants to use firefox from his 61" 1080P tv05:37
gideanIts a 2wire modem....gonna google for the ip05:37
kelvin911cedega is not free?05:37
patrickvanvm i got it05:37
Peddycan anyone please tell me where the image file for the Volume icon that pops up when I hit the keyboard volume button is?05:37
SeaPhorcedega costs $5 a month05:37
gideanand thank you nickrud05:37
Danish989can anyone help me? Grub doesnt load, it goes into an error .. can anyone tell me what command to put in the terminal so the windows xp loader loads instead of grub and i can get into windows?05:37
kelvin911is cedega somthing like wine?05:37
|LiMaO|dmsuperman ➡ you may not need cedega. wine may be enough to satisfy your gaming needs05:37
Robinsonthanks anyways calc ! :)05:37
gideanstill havn't solved but I REALLY appreciate the help05:37
kelvin911how can they charge u money once u installed?05:38
dmsupermanDanish989, from windows recovery console, type "fixboot" and "fixmbr" and that'll restore windows bootloader05:38
ddifPeddy, /usr/share/app?not sure?05:38
timsandtomsIs there a way to automatically remove a phrase from the filenames of a big group of files?05:38
SperMiteI was wondering. I just ordered a new harddrive, a 250gb seagate. should i give /home its own partition ?05:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about icon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:38
Danish989dmsuperman, cant I use some command in the terminal? how do I get into the windows recovery console, anyway?05:38
dmsuperman|LiMaO|, I highly doubt it for a big complicated game like SupCom. I've run into little bugs with simple apps like notepad++05:38
calckelvin911: updates05:38
Peddyddif: that directory does not exist :O05:38
DBautellSperMite, yes05:38
calckelvin911: cedega is the kind of program where you want the updates05:38
dmsupermanDanish989, terminal is for ubuntu, there's no way to install the windows bootloader with ubuntu :s05:38
Danish989isn't there someway I can just make ubuntu go away, and make Grub go away?05:38
kelvin911why calc?05:39
Danish989and go back to using Windows xp?05:39
cpk1dmsuperman: have you looked up the game you want to play on winehq?05:39
=== |LiMaO| is now known as LiMaO
SeaPhorcedega costs $5 a month by your choice after the initial first $5, i still pay because i like the product and the support i get and the DB updates05:39
kelvin911it will expire?05:39
calckelvin911: i'm pretty sure you can get most of cedega for free just not the parts that are licensed from eg macrovision, etc05:39
ddifPeddy, then it is /usr/share/application/,not sure,go and see05:39
Peddyddif: oh, sorry. Browsing ;)05:39
calckelvin911: they update it to work with newer games, to work better with older games, etc05:39
dmsupermancpk1, no, not yet. i've got a bad taste in my mouth for wine since trying to run simple apps like uTorrent (which was designed specifically for wine, btw) and notepad++05:39
cpk1I dont like to use cedega on principle05:39
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dmsupermancpk1, so i've just been running a seamless vbox05:40
calckelvin911: ask SeaPhor for details, i don't play games, i just know about what they do05:40
kelvin911i guess $5 a month isnt that bad05:40
cpk1doesnt wine come with notepad?05:40
Danish989dmsuperman, if I just format the ubuntu partition, will that remove ubuntu?05:40
TechnovikingDanish989: search for the fixmbr on google05:40
LiMaOdmsuperman ➡ how long have you been away of wine?! i use undercoverxp, photoshop, dvdshrink and some other windows apps just fine with cedega... never had a single problem with it05:40
kelvin911big mac crappy meal cost more than $505:40
geniiDanish989: You get into windows recovery console by booting the windows cdrom and choosing to boot into the windows recovery console. From there is where you isue the commands like fixboot or fixmbr or so on, I'm sure they can assist far more with this in ##windows channel05:40
calckelvin911: its the price of a coke in london ;-)05:40
goldsniperhow to connect to a 'B' only wifi access point?05:40
c0Ld'w' reports that I have 6 bash terminals running when I only have one + X (2), is that normal? =/05:40
dmsupermankelvin911, for you, maybe, but $5 a month to play games i already own and could just reboot into windows to play isn't cool for me05:40
kelvin9115 bucks for a coke?05:40
dmsupermanLiMaO, 3 days ago05:40
Jordan_Ucpk1, notepad++ is an open source programmers text editor05:40
calcand as i found out today its cheaper than the cost of 12oz coke in Prague airport05:40
dmsupermanDanish989, sure05:40
calckelvin911: ~ $4 from what i recall05:40
CorbinFoxcalc: so £1.50, or about $918.72 :P05:41
geniiDanish989: If you format the ubuntu partition the boot manager will not be affected05:41
phuzionThe taskbar at the top right corner of my screen has remnants of an icon from wine that I had open earlier.  Is there a way to restart the taskbar or something so it cleans up?05:41
Danish989genii: so that means my computer will still continue to try to boot Grub?05:41
dmsupermanLiMaO, neither app would run properly 3 days ago, so i've just got my seamless vbox. i like it more anyway, wine (even with a good skin) makes the windows look so terribly ugly and hard to read :P05:41
calcCorbinFox: iirc the cokes when i was there were ~  £2 each05:41
geniiDanish989: Yes05:41
kelvin911how does grub work?05:41
goldsnipermy intel 3945ABG can connect to G wifi router but cannot connect to 'B' access point wifi05:41
dmsupermanDanish989, like i said, windows recovery console, "fixboot" "fixmbr"05:41
geniiDanish989: The fix has been exlained to you05:41
kelvin911is it in the c:\ ?05:41
CorbinFoxprice when up since i went there a few summers ago then :P05:41
dmsuperman!grub | kelvin91105:41
ubotukelvin911: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:41
calcand they wanted 60 Cz per coke in the prague airport this morning05:41
elphiashow do i get 32 bit apps to work in 64bit ubuntu?05:42
* calc is back in houston now, where cokes are cheap and free refills... are free ;-)05:42
Jordan_Ugenii, Danish989 If you are using grub and you remove your Ubuntu partition grub will no longer work, even to boot another OS05:42
DBautellelphias, multilib05:42
kelvin911what if for some reason grub is gone, how to fix it?05:42
LiMaOdmsuperman ➡ i think you have a problem i used to have a long time ago.. when fonts and windows were ugly as hell within wine apps...05:42
elphiasDBautell: what is the command for that or just search synaptic?05:42
DBautellelphias, one second05:42
geniiJordan_U: Actually, yes if he used / for /boot that is correct05:42
kelvin911like if i can only boot in winxp how to fix the boot so i can choose the bootup screen again?05:42
SeaPhorcalc: im in rosenberg!05:42
Jordan_Ugenii, That is the default configuration in Ubuntu05:43
dmsupermanLiMaO, yeah, but that's only a minor problem. the main problem was that uTorrent, designed for use in Wine, wouldn't even work well, so I'm just avoiding it05:43
dmsupermanLiMaO, I've found plenty of good alternatives anyway05:43
calcSeaPhor: ah cool, i'm near willowbrook05:43
goldsniperanyone? any ideas why i can connect to 'G' wifi AP but can not to 'B' wifi AP?05:43
jwoah12So I only made changes to the touchpad section of xorg.conf, and then did ctrl alt backspace, and not its running in low graphics mode and can't detect my display05:43
LiMaOdmsuperman ➡ dude, uTorrent works perfectly in here.. better than Transmission05:43
dmsupermanLiMaO, KTorrent is a decent alternative to uTorrent, and Kate is an even better alternative to Notepad++05:43
Peddyddif: not there, any other suggestions?05:43
Jordan_U!grub | kelvin91105:43
ubotukelvin911: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:43
calci was in Prague for the GoOOCon meeting05:43
dmsupermanLiMaO, no clue why I don't then :s05:43
DBautellelphias, looks like apt-get multilib, but it's been a while since I set mine up05:43
Danish989jordan_u so I will be stuck without an operating system booting?05:43
SeaPhorcalc: no idea, lol- just moved here05:43
calcSeaPhor: do you know where I-45 and FM1960 is?05:44
LiMaOdmsuperman ➡ let me show you a screenshot, just a second05:44
geniiDanish989: To replace the grub boot manager, it needs to be overwritten with a new Windows one. This is done as previously explained by booting to Windows CD, selecting Recovery Console and then issuing the commands fixboot and fixmbr.05:44
Jordan_UDanish989, If you do not make another /boot partition or install another bootloader, yes05:44
calcSeaPhor: north of downtown05:44
kelvin911when u do sudo grub in liveCd whats the password?05:44
SeaPhorcalc: yep i work at HP05:44
dmsupermanLiMaO, it's not looks. a lot of buttons are unresponsive until i click twice05:44
Jordan_Ukelvin911, It shouldn't ask for a password05:44
elphiasnope v.v05:44
Danish989ok so do I first fix the boot problem or format the partition?05:44
calcSeaPhor: ah i used to work for HP, so i probably live about 5mi from where you work05:44
geniikelvin911: There isn't one05:44
calcSeaPhor: if you work off of SH24905:45
dmsupermanLiMaO, I'll take a look though, where's the compatability list for wine? I'm not seeing it right on the front of the site05:45
elphiasgoggleng the issue i came acrost something that requires your to force05:45
Jordan_UDanish989, What problem are you having exactly?05:45
kelvin911hey i have a question is it good idea to have root password and my normal user password the same?05:45
elphiasthat dosen't sound right to me...why should you have to -force something to work? o.o05:45
SeaPhorcalc: yep just before louetta05:45
Danish989when I start my computer, Grub starts loading stage 1.5 and then it gets an Error 2205:45
elphiasthere has to be a way to get 32bit apps to work in 64bit ubuntu05:45
Danish989and after that , nothing happens at all ..05:45
Jordan_Ukelvin911, You should not have a root password, just use sudo05:45
calcSeaPhor: i worked there until ~ june 2007 when i started working for Canonical05:45
dmsupermankelvin911, you don't really have a root password05:45
kelvin911i mean in ubuntu now liveCD05:45
calcSeaPhor: looks like a really long drive from rosenberg though05:45
dmsupermankelvin911, same thing05:46
SeaPhorcalc: any chance you're hiring?05:46
Jordan_U!root | kelvin91105:46
LiMaOdmsuperman ➡ http://appdb.winehq.org/05:46
ubotukelvin911: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:46
dmsupermankelvin911, still, just use sudo, and you don't ever really need root05:46
calcSeaPhor: they always are :) http://www.ubuntu.com/employment05:46
kelvin911i think i did set a password for root05:46
calcSeaPhor: most positions are work from home05:46
SeaPhorcalc: yes, it is for the lousy amount that the recruiter is paying05:46
kelvin911for some reason i set a password for root05:46
DBautellelphias, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins#head-80c70f72e09f16a22241fdfa70c2cb373ee48d7005:47
dmsupermanLiMaO, yeh, none of the games I want are suppored by wine05:47
DBautellit ia32-libs and such05:47
timsandtomsIs there a way to automatically remove a phrase from the filenames of a big group of files? Say, getting rid of the D20 from the beginning my .pdfs in my D&D folder?05:47
Danish989jordan_u do I format the ubuntu partition first or fix the booting problem?05:47
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AliRezaTaleghanihello,  i have assined an alias , on my NIC, but the "Firestarter" don't detect it!  what should i do05:48
dmsupermanah, nvm05:48
dmsupermanit has supcom05:48
trollboyI'm mounting a share as ssh:// in nautilus, is there any media players that can see that?05:48
trollboyExaile doesn't see it05:48
dmsupermanLiMaO, it has guitar hero, not even cedega has that :D05:48
* gkg like siftin.com05:48
DBautellI'm probably remembering multilib from when I had time for gentoo05:48
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> assigned an alias to your nic? how?05:48
LiMaOdmsuperman ➡ http://img236.imageshack.us/img236/1561/screenshotxs0.png05:49
Danish989dmsuperman, a little help please? do I format the ubuntu partition first or fix the booting problem?05:49
dmsupermanLiMaO, nevermind, everybody is saying it doesn't work05:49
dmsupermanDanish989, format, then fix05:49
kelvin911anyone heard of E/OS?05:49
dmsupermanLiMaO, yeah, like i said it's a problem with responsiveness of the interface05:50
LiMaOdmsuperman ➡ what version of ubuntu are you running?05:50
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: as a second IP adress! yep it is possible  "sudo ifconfig eth0:0 up"05:50
jwoah12Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode and can't detect my display correctly, how can I fix this?05:50
dmsupermanLiMaO, gutsy05:50
supriejwoah12, try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:50
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:51
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> and what is the problem?05:51
jmpespxoreaxthis is an mdadm question - I absentmindedly tried to execute 'mkfs.ext2' while the array was building, but quickly terminated mkfs when it started to write the inode tables. am I screwed? should I overwrite the hard drives with zeros and try mdadm --create again?05:51
brunotorresHi all, I've installed the ATI drivers on my gutsy installation. I use two monitors, one 19in wide and the other is 17, both LCD. The first one is 1440x900 and the other is 1280x1024. They're working fine, except for I can't initialize compiz. Could anyone help me with this?05:51
dmsupermanLiMaO, yeah, none of the games are really playable. the games i usually play are barely even playable in windows as it is, haha05:51
DBautellcute_bettong, did you catch that link?05:52
kelvin911dmsuperman: what games are they?05:52
kelvin911old dos games?05:52
amenadojmpespxoreax-> seems to make sense, restart over05:52
sudobashis there a way to mount fatx partitions in ubuntu 7.10... I will have to upgrade the mount binary correct?05:52
kernfreakbrunotorres , install xgl05:52
cute_bettongdbautell yes i did thank you05:52
kelvin911i wonder if i can play rollercoaster in ubuntu with wine05:52
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: now, i want to share internet, on that , but the firestater don't show it,   i can use iptable , but want run it with firestater!   ((i did it one time before))05:52
DBautellno problem05:52
dmsupermankelvin911, haha, no. Guitar Hero III, Supreme Commander, Crysis, and Assassin's Creed05:52
LiMaOdmsuperman ➡ lol.. guess you'll have to live with windows for a while then =P05:52
jmpespxoreaxamenado: ok thanks05:52
dmsupermanLiMaO, like I said, it's really no big deal to dual boot.05:52
kelvin911dmsuperman: never heard of those games05:53
kernfreakbrunotorres , install xgl, and compiz manager, and it should work05:53
dmsupermankelvin911, _really_?05:53
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> what is the ip address of the parent interface?05:53
dmsupermankelvin911, they're all very popular games05:53
brunotorresxserver-xgl? (sorry if it's a stupid question)05:53
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kelvin911i am still playing et regularly05:53
brunotorresok, i'm gonna try05:53
AliRezaTaleghanii now they are not in the same rang!05:53
LiMaOdmsuperman ➡ do you have the guitar?05:54
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> and the alias ip address?05:54
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: 85.198.48.XX i now they are not in the same rang!05:54
Calicoanyone have a solution for the HDC drive not ready for command error I'm getting when I try to boot the live cd?05:54
sudobashhow do you add filetypes to mount?05:54
sudobashlike fatx05:54
dmsupermanLiMaO, of course ;)05:54
kindofabuzzsudobash, man mount05:54
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> can you paste your  sudo iptables -n -vL ?05:55
kelvin911anyone plays winning eleven here?05:55
kelvin911or pro evolution soccer thats how they call it in europe05:55
LiMaOdmsuperman ➡ i've tried that game on the ps2 once.. no guitar, on the gamepad.. and it was just impossible.. but i have dance dance revolution supernova 2 and two dancing mats.. my wife and i really enjoy jumping on that thing05:56
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63142/05:56
kelvin911still playing dancing game?05:57
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: it dose not have any rule, cos firestarter dosn't detect my alias now!05:57
kelvin911that was like 10 years ago05:57
LiMaOkelvin911 ➡ it's still lots of fun =D05:57
sudobashkindofabuzz fatx is not a standard fs.... ubuntu mount doesnt support it is there a way to change that?05:57
dmsupermanLiMaO, meh, it's no where near as fun on the controller. the guitar is _so_ much fun though. Until I removed windows, I played at least once a day05:57
Calicono love on my error question?05:58
CalicoHDC drive not ready for command05:58
LiMaOkelvin911 ➡ i just didn't buy an xbox 360 yet because i couldn't find dance mats for it05:58
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> what do want done? share the connection? what ip address domain will your client sharing this will have?05:59
dmsupermanLiMaO, sweet, Frets on Fire is for Linux05:59
dmsupermanLiMaO, it's a freeware alternative to guitar hero :D05:59
shadow420I found this grub4dos how good is this05:59
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: they will be in the range of 192.168.1.X05:59
LiMaOdmsuperman ➡ you see.. i can bet you'll leave that dual boot thing in a while ;)06:00
spellingeveryone leave ubuntu for fedora. it is the shit. excuse me but how do i install mp3 support in fedora and amarok? thank you06:00
kelvin911is fedora good?06:00
CalicoWell, atleast fedora installs...06:01
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> okay,  cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward  and let me know the result06:01
spellingkelvin911 trust me it is easy and best06:01
dmsupermanit's always been good06:01
dmsupermanbut it's a bit harder to manage06:01
kelvin911which distro has the most users?06:01
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: it is equal to 106:01
kelvin911i wonder06:01
geniikelvin911: According to distrowatch it's this distribution06:01
nickruddistro wars are totally offtopic ;)06:02
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> do you have a client now? can they ping your
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geniinickrud: Yes I agree06:02
dmsupermannickrud, we haven't been ontopic for about an hour06:02
Odd-rationalekelvin911: checking the number of people in respective channels (#ubuntu and #fedora) will give you a slight idea...06:02
nickruddmsuperman you sorta tried, once ;p06:02
newbieuuHey, i installed nVidia drivers , now when i try to change the "visual effects" custom , i get the error message "desktop effects could not be enabled"06:02
dmsupermannickrud, i know, but suddenly nobody could hear me when i said we should get on topic haha06:02
kelvin911fedora is seocnd most popular?06:03
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AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: yep, i am useing it, not just ping , :)  but SSH samba filehsare , all them are Okey06:03
kelvin911what about red hat, mandrake?06:03
Odd-rationaleIt is all about choice.06:03
kelvin911are they dead?06:03
rockysynerg1Right now on my laptop, I installed ubuntu 7.10. Because my bank only support Windows IE. I do not want to install Ubuntu again, Is that doable I install IE as the secondary OS?06:03
dmsupermanOdd-rationale, exactly right06:03
dmsupermankelvin911, none of them are dead06:03
dmsupermankelvin911, it's not a battle like windows06:03
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> whats the content of  /etc/resolv.conf of those client?06:03
dmsupermankelvin911, if you make a distro that even a single person likes, you've succeeded06:03
goldsnipe1why im signed out just now?06:03
dmsupermankelvin911, it's about customizing to your own likes, rather than following the crowd06:03
brunotorreskernfreak, I installed both xgl and compiz manager and now compiz works, but on the second monitor I have just a blank screen. I can see the mouse pointer on it if I move it there, but nothing else06:04
nickrudrockysynerg1 not sure what you're asking, you want to keep ubuntu and install windows again?06:04
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: i use OpenDNS (
Odd-rationalekelvin911: my suggestion is to try a distro that seems to interest you. You will learn a lot. Decide for yourself. don't just listen to anyone who says that one distro is the best06:04
dmsupermanbrunotorres, can you move windows over there? perhaps you just have a black wallpaper06:04
brunotorresI also don't have two monitors on system -> preferences -> screen resolution06:04
Odd-rationalekelvin911: hint: virtualbox helps too...06:04
rockysynerg1nickrud: you are right.06:04
kelvin911i try mandrake 3 years ago, didnt like it06:04
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> the client can ping that address ?06:04
kelvin911now i try ubuntu, wow its so nice06:04
newbieuucan someone please help me ?06:05
kelvin911maybe i am lazy i dont wanna type so many commands and ubuntu is for dummy like me06:05
dmsupermankelvin911, yeah...i'll agree there. generally, no distro is "bad" but i _really_ didn't like mandrake/mandriva06:05
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: no :) this is the problme06:05
nickrudrockysynerg1 you can make some space on the drive with gparted , and then install windows there. You'll have to fix grub, see the next link for a howto06:05
supriehow to set mode master on atheros based chipset06:05
brunotorresdmsuperman no. If i move a window to the right it appears just at the left on the same monitor06:05
nickrud!grub | rockysynerg106:05
uboturockysynerg1: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:05
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> now can you paste the result of  route -n   of this client?06:05
kelvin911anyone try E/OS?06:05
kelvin911it said it can run any system apps on it.06:06
brunotorresi didn't change anything on xorg.conf06:06
nickrud!ask | newbieuu06:06
ubotunewbieuu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:06
dmsupermanyou guys have kept me from finishing my work for hours now, i'm leaving you :P06:06
CalicoI like Gentoo's package management, like to try Ubuntu, but apparently it hates my computer06:06
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: 1 minute :) yep06:06
geniisuprie: man iwconfig06:06
brunotorresshould I?06:06
suprielike this ? sudo iwconfig ath0 mode master06:06
suprieit said, invalid argument06:07
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63143/06:07
nickrudnewbieuu if you've already asked and not got an answer, repeat the complete question about every 4-5 minutes, someone will probably come in that knows the answer06:07
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goldsnipe1anyone, please help, i need to connect to wifi access point. I can connect at home... a ' G' wifi router, but can't connect to 'B' wifi router06:07
dmsuperman[afk]stupid nick length limit06:07
kelvin911hello?  i guess no one knows E/OS here?06:07
dmsuperman[afk]!patience | kelvin91106:07
ubotukelvin911: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:07
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amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> well for one, if the clients are going to use your eth0:0  then their gateway must be not
newbieuu, i installed nVidia drivers , now when i try to change the "visual effects" custom , i get the error message "desktop effects could not be enabled" . before i was getting all the effects except the cube06:08
SteelemaxI always hated weddings because all the grandmas would always poke me and say "You're next". They stopped when I started doing it to them at funerals.06:08
rockysynerg1nickrud & ubotu: Thank you for your help!06:09
Steelemaxthat was random06:09
Steelemaxpenis kissing a butterfly with bitchtits06:09
brunotorresthe cursor I see on the second monitor is that one that looks like an X, as if there's no window manager running06:09
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: :) yep, sorry cos, it was my wrong at first reply,   1.1 is my DSL modem, whith is now just a bridge,  1.2 is the NAT server i have :)06:09
nickrud!language | Steelemax06:09
ubotuSteelemax: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:09
bazhang_Steelemax: please stop06:09
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> can you translate that to real address, i dont want to guess wrong info06:10
CalicoAny attempts to boot Ubuntu installation media, result in a soft lock, the message "HDC drive not ready for command" being spammed at me, and a drop into a very basic shell, any help or suggestions would be lovely06:10
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goldsnipe1anyone, please help, i need to connect to wifi access point. I can connect at home... a ' G' wifi router, but can't connect to 'B' wifi router06:11
evilbugwould there be any side-effect if i try to install the newest graphics driver for my geforce 4 mx?06:11
bazhang_Calico: this is all media? the live cd, alternate cd, minimal cd, wubi, unetbootin etc06:11
goldsnipe1im using network manager06:11
nickrudCalico boot the disk, hit F6 and try some of those kernel options it lists, start with all_ide_generic (or the one similar)06:11
dmsuperman[afk]guys, what's the default permissions on /usr/share?06:11
Calicook, I'll try it, I've tried noprobe, nodma, cdrom, etc for hdc but no dice so far06:12
nickruddmsuperman[afk]   755 , owned by root:root06:12
dmsuperman[afk]nickrud, thanks :D06:12
bazhang_goldsnipe1: is this B an open wifi spot? wep/wpa/wpa2 or what06:12
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goldsnipe1bazhang_ --> yes it is, no wep, so do the G06:13
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goldsnipe1bazhang_ --> open wifi06:13
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: OKey?!06:13
bazhang_goldsnipe1: open up a terminal and try sudo dhclient (interfacenamehere)06:13
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amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> can you translate that to real address, i dont want to guess wrong info..what is the ip addreses?06:14
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: i give u my real adress, on PM06:14
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AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: didn't u saw?06:14
kelvin911what is nautilus?06:14
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> i can not accept pm's06:14
evilbugdisplay manager06:14
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AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: OK, w806:15
Danish989dmsuperman, can you tell me one last time how you fixed your problem? because I think we're having the same thing, I need to experiment with different numbers like you did and try that before I completely wipe out ubuntu06:15
bazhang_kelvin911: file manager06:15
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> so nope i have not seen it..just paste it in pastebin06:15
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63144/06:15
kelvin911how to make the new open windows not opening at the bottom of the screen?06:15
brunotorreswell, it seems pretty difficult. I didn't find an answer for that anywhere06:15
bazhang_kelvin911: this is using compiz?06:16
kelvin911because i am running awn dock, sometimes the OK, Canel button is block by the dock06:16
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> and the  85.198.48.x is on eth0  ?06:16
bazhang_Steelemax: please take it elsewhere thanks06:16
kelvin911yes i am using compiz06:16
kelvin911and awn'06:16
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AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: yep06:16
Steelemaxbazhang, what did i do06:16
bazhang_kelvin911: there should be a setting for that in ccsm06:16
Steelemaxi said "test"06:17
bazhang_!ot | Steelemax06:17
ubotuSteelemax: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:17
kelvin911whats ccsm?06:17
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> try this  sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE06:17
bazhang_advanced desktop effects/settings manager kelvin91106:17
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> then ping www.yahoo.com from your client06:17
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AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: :D06:18
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> result?06:18
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: :D :D :D , i don't know, how it get work06:18
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: :-*06:18
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> responding?06:19
AliRezaTaleghanithis is the last job i did,   yep let me say06:19
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado:         name Ethernet alias LAN card06:19
kelvin911bazhang: i cant find it06:20
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> come again? what does that mean?06:20
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado:this is the last thing i add to my interface config, and restart network, :)06:20
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: i mean, is this line important on "/etc/network/interfaces"  cos i dodn't use it befor!06:20
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amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> i still did not get a confirmation, you were able to ping www.yahoo.com from client?06:21
bazhangkelvin911: advanced desktop effects settings? should be in your menu there--poke around a bit, unless you do not have it installed that is06:21
gideanppoe problem....modem was set to pppoa06:21
gideanthanks very very much to all who helped!!!!!!!!!06:21
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: yep ,  all are okey, ping ing, and surffing the web :)06:21
bazhangif not kelvin911 then sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager06:22
kelvin911bazhang: but which one will cahnge that setting?06:22
kelvin911bazhang: i have compiz installed06:22
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: tnx, for ur help  :-*06:22
amenadoAliRezaTaleghani-> okay..you're welcome..06:22
kelvin911bazhang: but which one will make new open window not stick to the bottom?06:22
bazhangkelvin911: best bet is to ask in #compiz-fusion06:22
AliRezaTaleghaniamenado: :) tnx06:22
kelvin911i ask but people there dotn help06:23
fortruthhi, gays. I meet a problem in synaptic:when i open it with non-su,it can search directly,but when with su, it doesn't work. can any one know how fix it.06:24
bazhangfortruth: best to use sudo and not su; also apt-cache search in the terminal is more efficient--with gui apps use gksudo as well06:25
gaurdrofortruth,  synaptic requires root priviledges to install packages.06:25
gaurdrorun it as root06:25
FlabobI need a little help06:26
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fortruthyes ,i know! to install need root, but in root it can't locate the package when i press key06:26
bazhangfortruth: what package06:27
nickrudfortruth    try:   gksu synaptic06:27
fortruthbut in non-root it can locate.!06:27
fortruthgksu synapic the same to any root synaptic.!06:28
bazhangfortruth: what package06:28
xpointfortruth, /usr/sbin/synaptic06:28
iadu /msg NickServ IDENTIFY roxana06:28
bazhangiadu: best to leave no space before /06:28
fortruthwhat i means when i press s,  it don't locate at the s***** packages06:28
* nickrud runs to reidentify06:28
meatpuppetDo I need a special kernel to take advantage of my core 2 duo quad core processor?06:29
jefffromhellwhat is the command that opens a gui version of sudo?06:29
FlabobOh, nevermind, restarting fixed it06:29
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bazhangmeatpuppet: the generic will do06:29
meatpuppetok bazhang , thank you06:29
xpointiadu, thanks for the password in public :-)06:30
bazhangfortruth: if you give a sensical answer then folks can help: what package please06:30
nickrudfortruth you mean, when you don't run as root, when you press 's' it jumps to packages that start with s ? It doesn't do that here in either06:30
bazhangjefffromhell: I think you mean gksu/gksudo06:31
fortruthbazhang: any package else! synaptic don't lcoate at root.06:31
jefffromhellthanks bazhang06:31
bazhangfortruth: give me an example package06:31
fortruth<nickrud> yes ,that 's  my means.!06:31
jefffromhellcan i put that in front of an applications launch command so that it will ask fro the pass when i launch it?06:32
levanderhas arstechnica.com stopped responding for everyone, or just me?06:32
bazhangjefffromhell: yes for gui apps06:32
bazhangnp ;]06:32
levandercan someone check, i've been wondering if i have problems with my local network config06:32
ubutomlevander, its dead for me too06:33
jefffromhellbazhang, for example gksudo virtualbox is all i need?06:33
levanderubutom: cool thanks06:33
bazhangjefffromhell: no need to run virtual box as anything other than user if I recall correctly06:33
bidgethey can anyone give me a hand with some wine games?06:33
bidgetI've got starcraft installed and Im just wondering how I would run it in a window06:34
levanderubutom: That happens to me with Ars.  I'll be in the middle of reading something I clicked on a couple of minutes ago.  Then I'll click on another link which won't come up.  About five minutes later Ars starts responding again.  But, apparently it's a server issue and has nothing to do with my machine.06:34
corrosioneso far so good..no crashing or freezes06:34
jefffromhellbazhang, everytime i try to run it as user, i tells me i dont have acess to the virtual box kernel or something06:34
ubutomlevander, i just pinged it and got no response06:35
robbysmithi am seeking help with mythtv06:35
bazhangjefffromhell: then you need to install it I believe06:35
robbysmithon mythbuntu06:35
bidgetanybody know how to make a wine app run in a window?06:35
bazhang#ubuntu-mythtv would be the best bet robbysmith06:35
levanderubutom: Yeah, thanks for checking.  I'm sure it's just the server.  I'm starting to think I'm imagining my network problems and have just been using several servers lately that are having problems.06:35
jefffromhellbazhang, shouldnt it be installed since i install virtualbox06:36
bidgetanybody know how to make a wine app run in a window?06:36
levanderbidget: That's the normal way wine runs apps.06:36
bazhangjefffromhell: that would be logical yes, not sure that it is though06:36
bidgetall of the stuff Ive installed runs fullscreen06:36
jefffromhelli mean, with sudo, it does work06:36
ubutomlevander, I know that problem, the first thing one thinks about is: "aaah, my network is broken again..." ;-)06:36
fortruthbazhang: sorry, may be i have wrong diecribe. no any package have wrong. just the synaptic doesn't jump the the packages start with which i press06:37
bullgard4What is the service that provides the GNOME 'Service' System > Administration > Services > (Service Settings) > 'Audio settings management (alsa-utils)'?06:37
bazhangfortruth: sounds like you want some function that does not exist in synaptic06:37
levanderbidget: I've only done it one time.  But, all I did was "wine install.exe" and then "win appname.exe" and I got the appname program up in a window on my Ubuntu desktop.06:37
bidgetI see06:37
bidgetI'll see if google has the answer :D06:38
bidgetthanks though06:38
levanderbullgard4: Go into System -> Preferences -> Main Menu and see what program that menu item launches.  Then "dpkg -S <full path to program>".  That's what I do.06:38
fortruthit's not new function what i want. may be mistake of synaptic06:38
fortruthbazhang is a android?06:39
bazhanggood luck with your issue fortruth06:39
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
timsandtomsIs there a way to automatically remove a phrase from the filenames of a big group of files? I have a bunch of files named D20_Blahblahblah.pdf, I wanna remove the D20.06:43
amenadouse sed06:43
timsandtomsamenado: Was that directed at me?06:44
* iadu bye all06:45
Danish989I'm trying to use grub-install on a disk, but it says permission denied, can anyone tell me what the problem is?06:45
bullgard4levander: I have done "System -> Preferences -> Main Menu" The Main Menu opened. I do not understand what do you mean by "and see what program that menu item launches." Simply calling the Main Menu does not launch any other program. Please explain.06:45
patrickvawell i installed ubuntu, but i think I installed GRUB on the wrong partition06:46
timsandtomsamenado: What's sed? Is it something Ubuntu comes with, or do I hafta go install it?06:46
patrickvaI get Error 206:46
amenadoDanish989-> are you root?06:46
MoLE_Danish989: are you running grub-install as root?06:46
patrickvaWhich partition does GRUB go on?06:46
Danish989amenado: how do I find that out?06:46
amenadotimsandtoms-> its installed06:46
Danish989amenado: Im on the liveCD06:46
akatsukihello, i just buy a lcd monitor.. .and i want to use with my laptop.. i buy a vga cable and i cant see any image of ubuntu!06:46
amenadoDanish989-> is your prompt ending in #  ?06:46
akatsukican someone help me please06:46
shadow420patrickva depends on what are u trying to do06:46
timsandtomsamenado: How do I use it?06:46
patrickvaI'm trying to boot into Ubuntu06:47
patrickvaWhat else?06:47
amenadoDanish989-> sudo -s06:47
bazhangakatsuki: you hot plugged it or started up with it?06:47
MoLE_Danish989: you need to preface the grub-install command with sudo06:47
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.06:47
=== bbuuzz is now known as buzzsaw
ubutompatrickva, do you have an usb-disk attached?06:47
akatsukibazhang i start it with06:47
patrickvaI made a swap partition, root partition, and a boot partition i guess?06:47
patrickvaI do actually06:47
ubutomremove it06:47
shadow420patrickva GRUB needs a home are you going to install it to the MBR or what06:47
amenadotimsandtoms-> write a for loop and inside you replace D20_ with blank06:48
patrickvaUh, I dont thikn I can06:48
patrickvaCause it wanted to wrtie GRUB to the Windows hard drive06:48
patrickvaI'm using 2 hard drives06:48
bidgetis anyone in here using xchat-gnome?06:48
mrpocketsso cry about it06:48
patrickvaI didnt think that was the right drive06:48
bazhangakatsuki: can your card handle it? do you have your lcd properly connected? have you checked the monitor/display preferences in ubuntu?06:48
ubutompatrickva, when i leave my usb hd attached, grub gives me an error too, because i think it tries to boot from the usb hd06:48
mrpocketsbidget, i am06:48
patrickvaAh ok06:48
patrickvaWEll I'll try that06:48
bidgetmrpockets: how do i connect to 2 networks at once?06:49
patrickvaBut which partition is it supposed to be installed to?06:49
patrickvaDoes anyone know?06:49
mrpocketsbidget,  XChat > New > Server tab06:49
akatsukii had not.. how can i check the monitor display preferences in ubuntu?06:49
shadow420patrickva well if you have a floppy disk I would try making a grub boot disk06:49
ubutomprimary hard disk partition normally paradon06:49
bidgetmrpockets: thanks man06:49
timsandtomsamenado: I really dont know much about Linux... How do I do that? :(06:49
ubutompatrickva, sry06:49
kexp903I'm currently having some problems with Usplash06:49
patrickvaThe boot, root or swap?06:49
geniipatrickva: as ubutom says, the MBR of the pimary hard drive.06:49
bidgetmrpockets: ehh... wait a sec... where sis the XChat button???06:49
patrickvauh okay06:49
patrickvaIs the MBR the boot partition?06:50
patrickvaYeah thanks kex06:50
mrpocketsupper toolbar, far left06:50
amenadotimsandtoms-> well you have to learn how to write a script, or else do it one a time to remove that D20_ infront06:50
mrpocketswhat version you running?06:50
geniipatrickva: Yes, MBR= Master boot record.06:50
bidgetmrpockets: ummm... 0.1806:50
patrickvaI know that..06:50
timsandtomsamenado: Ah, dang... It'll probably just be quicker to rename em all individually. Thanks for the help06:50
geniipatrickva: From ubuntu the drive is normally called sda06:50
mrpocketsyou should upgrade...06:50
mrpocketsa year ago06:50
amenadotimsandtoms-> that the same in windows, writing a script to automate things you'd like done06:50
bidgetmrpockets: my bar at the top shows: IRC, Edit, Network, Discussion, Go, Help06:50
bullgard4What is the service that provides the GNOME 'Service' System > Administration > Services > (Service Settings) > 'Audio settings management (alsa-utils)'?06:51
geniipatrickva: On some linux the drive will be hda     but they are same thing06:51
bidgetmrpockets: oh where do i upgrade? I figured if it was an old version it would update automatically06:51
bullgard4bidget: There is a difference between 'update' and 'upgrade'.06:52
bidgetmrpockets: I went to the website and 0.18 is the newest version lol06:52
evilbugwhen the stable 8.04 comes out how would it be better to upgrade: fresh install or through update manager?06:52
geniipatrickva: The important thing to remember is don't put it on a subpartition like sda1 or such. Just sda06:52
bidgetbullgard4: oh... I see...06:52
bidgetbut upgrade to what?06:52
bidgetis xchat-gnome a shitty irc client?06:52
bazhangevilbug your choice ask the folks in #ubuntu+1 for more opinions ;]06:52
shadow420patrickva well right now windows has first rights to boot first but when we install grub to the MBR or the master HD grub will run then you can chainload windows06:52
bazhanglanguage please bidget06:52
evilbugbazhang- thanks.06:52
bidgetoh sorry06:53
evilbugbidget- i like xchat.06:53
mrpocketsi like it ALSO06:53
* buzzsaw likes xchat too06:53
bullgard4bidget: I will refrain to talk to you if you are using street language as 'shitty'.06:53
evilbugbidget- i use xchat aqua on OSX.06:53
bidgethmm I see06:53
shadow420patrickva it's alot of techno lingo sorry06:53
bidgetIm using ubuntu though, not osx lol06:53
evilbugit's the same program...06:53
buzzsawme too :-)     xchat aqua for os x is nice      however i wish it did spellcheck :-)06:54
evilbugand i like the gnome/windows interface more than the osx one.06:54
seanieb64buzzsaw, I use colloquy06:54
evilbugit does.06:54
seanieb64I kinda like it...06:54
buzzsawi cant get it to work :)06:54
bidgetwould xchat aqua be in the package manager thing?06:54
evilbugbuzzsaw you just have to set it for spellcheck.06:54
shadow420I use mIRC on windows and Xchat on Ubuntu06:54
seanieb64thought this was the mac chat, sorries06:54
bidgetyeah xchat was a little complicated so I got xchat-gnome instead06:54
seanieb64or BitchX if you wanna use the command line06:55
evilbugbidget- package manager?06:55
bidgetyeah isnt that what its called evilbug06:55
bidgetohh no wait I had bitchx before but that was the command line one so I ditched that and got xchat-gnome06:55
evilbugbidget- i installed mine via terminal.06:55
bidgetevilbug: what do I have to type?06:56
evilbugbuzzsaw- you want to enable spellcheck in xchat?06:56
shadow420evilbug bidget you mean synaptic?06:56
buzzsawyes :-)06:56
bazhangirssi is worth a look as well06:56
bidgetsynaptic package manager yes06:56
evilbugbidget- i mean apt-get.i used> sudo apt-get install xchat06:56
shadow420evilbug thats correct06:56
evilbugbuzzsaw- go to Preferences>Input Box>Enable Spellcheck06:57
bidgetis it command line based06:57
bidgetcause Im not so.. fluent...06:57
evilbugbidget- no,it has an interface.06:57
bidgetoh right on06:57
bidgetok well I just installed it so hold on I'll exit this one06:57
=== ePax is now known as epax
evilbugbuzzsaw- did you get it?06:58
evilbugInput Box is under Interface06:58
buzzsawah it does work06:59
evilbugtold ya.06:59
=== bidget_ is now known as Bidget
evilbugBidget- welcome back.06:59
pclynchcan i create a "sleep timer" for shutdown/hibernate options?06:59
dmsupermancan anybody hear me?06:59
pclynchdmsuperman... yes06:59
evilbugdmsuperman- "hear" you? :)07:00
Bidgetalrighty so.... what do I have to do to get onto another server? xchat->new->server tab?07:00
kalowanyone here ????07:00
dmsupermanpclynch, well it just said network manager encountered an error and couldn't continue, i was wondering it disconnected me07:00
kalowI would like to fuck a woman up her pussy07:00
evilbugBidget- you can have it connect to servers on startup.07:00
kalowany women in here?07:00
kalowI wanna fuck a woman07:00
stdin!ops | kalow07:01
Bidgetthats great man07:01
ubotukalow: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!07:01
Bidgetok so...07:01
dmsupermani don't see how that was offtopic07:01
pclynchcan i create a "sleep timer" for shutdown/hibernate options?07:01
evilbugBidget- are you ubuntu-only?07:02
buzzsawi think it was just a bit off topic07:02
Bidgetevilbug, what do I have to do to get it to connect on startup?07:02
mrpocketspclynch, kalarm07:02
Bidgetevilbug, I have ubuntu and windows xp on this machine07:02
dmsupermanonly in #ubuntu...people are here asking questions for 10 minutes and get no response. one guy start spamming, then 3 people jump on it :P07:02
evilbugBidget- don't remember,haven't had to mess with it in months.let me see if i can figure that out.07:02
pclynchmrpockets : what is kalarm?07:02
Bidgetevilbug, ok07:02
Bidgetevilbug, I'll see if I can find out where to go too haha07:02
=== TheFrugalGeek is now known as MattRyam
evilbuggo to Server List07:03
evilbugFile>Server List that's what it is for me.07:03
UbuntuNewBieHelp me07:03
mrpocketspclynch, disregard. I'm baked...07:03
UbuntuNewBieIm new on Ubuntu07:03
pokerfacepenguinpclynch: you can pass parameters to the shutdown command as well07:03
evilbugi'm in osx btw...07:03
UbuntuNewBieI was install OS Ubuntu07:03
dmsupermanevilbug, i'm so sorry.07:03
UbuntuNewBieI want to install Cpanel hosting on Ubuntu07:03
dmsupermanevilbug, did you lose a bet?07:03
UbuntuNewBieWho can help me to install...07:03
Bidgetevilbug, well it should be pretty similar though it's the same program right07:03
buzzsawevilbug thanks i just never was able to get it to work before dont know why07:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cpanel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:03
pclynchpokerfacepenguin : how and what would that do?07:03
evilbugdmsuperman- what are you talking about?07:04
=== MattRyam is now known as MattRyan
dmsupermanUbuntuNewBie, try cPanel's website07:04
evilbugbuzzsaw- no worries.07:04
pokerfacepenguinpclynch: the sudo shutdown -r now shuts your computer down now....you can pass different parameters to shut down at a certain time, etc07:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cpanel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:04
evilbugBidget- yes,similar.07:04
pokerfacepenguinpclynch: i guess i should say that restarts it07:04
pokerfacepenguinpclynch: sudo shutdown -h now halts it07:05
buzzsawnow if getting my masquerading to work was that easy :-) i would be set ;-)07:05
evilbugbuzzsaw- :)07:05
evilbugBidget- still there?07:05
Bidgetevilbug, yep07:05
UbuntuNewBieThank u anyway07:05
bazhangdmsuperman: people give answers if they know them; as far as 'spam' this a family channel and that talk is never welcome here07:05
BidgetUbuntuNewBie, I would help you but I am quite new as well07:05
newbieuui installed nVidia drivers , now when i try to change the "visual effects" custom , i get the error message "desktop effects could not be enabled" . before i was getting all the effects except the cube . Can someone help me ?07:05
evilbugBidget- just highlight a server and click on Show Details.on Connection Options make sure Connect On Startup is checked.07:05
evilbugthat's all you need.07:06
Bidgetevilbug, k we'll see how it goes :D07:06
BailieI am running Ubuntu on VirtualBox in Windows and testing Wine. Ubuntu is kinda slow as compared to Windows *inside* VirtualBox and Wine is superslow. Anything I can do abou it?07:06
evilbugBailie- try it on another machine and NOT in VM07:06
dmsupermanbazhang, what are you on about?07:06
evilbugBailie- if it's still slow,then it'll be slow.07:06
bazhangnewbieuu: what does cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf say the driver is?07:06
dmsupermanbazhang, oh, that like 5 minutes ago07:07
evilbugBailie- what are you trying to run in wine?07:07
Bailieevilbug: I have Windows and Ubuntu INSIDE VM, Windows is faster, why?07:07
dmsupermanbazhang, i was merely making a humorous comment at how everybody jumped at him07:07
dmsupermanbazhang, nothing trying to downplay anybody in here, i've done my fair share of helping myself :s07:07
evilbugBailie- oh...no clue,not good with VM's.07:07
Bidgetalright so anyway... anyone have any experience installing games with wine? I'm having a few performance issues, wondering what I can do to make it better07:07
evilbugBailie- maybe an anomaly.07:07
bullgard4What is the service that provides the GNOME 'Service' System > Administration > Services > (Service Settings) > 'Audio settings management (alsa-utils)'?07:08
dmsupermanevilbug, VirtualBox is so easy, plus seamless integration is great07:08
evilbugBidget- you can't really make Wine faster.07:08
Bidgetevilbug, I was afraid of that07:08
evilbugdmsuperman- i don't like VM,never will.07:08
bazhangBailie: you might consider wubi if you want an easier way of doing that07:08
Bidgetevilbug, it just sucks how on the wine website they list steam as having "platinum compatibility" or whatever, but the games still only run at 20fps hahaha07:08
evilbugBidget- just use windows for gaming,that's what i do.07:08
benanz1When using sudo is there a way to pass the password on the command line rather than interactively?07:08
Flannelbenanz1: No07:09
Bidgetevilbug, yeah, it's looking like thats what I'll have to do07:09
buzzsawi installed ubuntu-server and just did a apt-get install ubuntu-destkop     however i dont want it to auto start x every time how can i disable that?07:09
damo22benanz1: gksudo = gui sudo07:09
BailieI was thinking...in windows I disabled all special effects. And Ubuntu has more effects than windows originally did. Any way to disable ALL those effects?07:09
bazhangBailie: sure set them to none07:09
evilbugBidget- i wish every os would do gaming as well as win,then i could ditch it and be free of dumb issues that not even microsoft can fix or figure out.07:10
Bailiebazhang: Where's that?07:10
Bidgetevilbug, I agree 100% man07:10
benanz1I am writing a GUI app on the iPhone but need to call sudo -- can't figure out how to get the password without supplying it on the command line07:10
bazhangBailie: in appearances07:10
Flannelbenanz1: You need to a) sudo the app, or b) tweak sudoers.  a is probably your better bet I guess.  It really depends on what you're doing.07:11
Flannelbenanz1: Or, prompt the user.07:11
buzzsawjust play linux biased games :-)07:11
evilbugBidget- i love it when i read/ear about microsoft execs having macs and not touching windows,ever.07:11
buzzsawi have been playing crossfire for YEARS and find it great07:11
evilbugbuzzsaw- what's wrong with you???07:11
evilbugbuzzsaw- linux based games??????????????????07:12
buzzsawwhat do you mean whats wrong with me?07:12
benanz1well, can't prompt the user or sudo the app since both require interactively putting in the password and there's not gksudo-like facility for iPhone yet.07:12
evilbugBidget- what steam games do you have?07:12
evilbugbuzzsaw- busting your chops.07:13
tds5016can somoene help me get dual montiors configured?07:13
spellingwhat is a linux distro that is like a game?07:13
* evilbug can't help.07:13
bazhangtds5016: as dualhead or xinerama?07:13
tds5016:-/. no worries.07:13
evilbugspelling- like a game?07:13
buzzsawhum... broken x :-(07:14
tds5016bazhang what's the difference?07:14
troubledcrys about a bitflip bug07:14
Bidgetevilbug, tf2, css, hl2, dod:s07:14
Bidgetevilbug, and all of the older hl1 mods as well07:14
tds5016bazhang, aka, I don't know where to start.07:14
zcat[1]spelling: linuxgames live DVD ?07:14
evilbugBidget- i have all the hl1 stuff,the source games,and the orange box.07:14
bazhangtds5016: one stretches a picture across two monitors; the other has two distinct desktops07:14
kernfreakthere is a distro like a game?07:14
zcat[1]there are a few gamer-oriented distros07:15
Bidgetevilbug, cool07:15
buzzsawi get    errors where encounterd while processing     acpid; acpi-support; powermanagment-interface; ubuntu-desktop :-(07:15
tds5016I am using an ati driver too, btw.07:15
bazhangtds5016: you can /msg ubotu xinerama or /msg ubotu dualhead for more info and links07:15
evilbugspelling- http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/gaming-games-multimedia-entertainment/54309-game-distro-live-cd-w-doom.html07:15
tds5016.msg ubotu xinerama07:15
Joe_CoThey, is there any way to determine the video driver i'm currently using? And no, i don't mean in the xorg.conf. I need to see if it's loading a different driver than it's supposed to07:16
trollboywhat's a good mp3 player for gnome that will see nautilus's ssh:// mounts?07:16
bazhangtds5016: with a / not a .07:16
trollboyrhythmbox won't work07:16
tds5016put that together..07:16
evilbugBidget- how do you like xchat?07:16
tds5016some typos just so happen to make you look dumb :-).07:16
Bidgetevilbug, it's great07:16
Bidgetdefinitely an upgrade from xchat-gnome haha07:17
evilbugtds5016- have you tried xmms?07:17
bazhangspelling: see mib live games distro07:17
tds5016is there a way to configure dual monitors with a gui?07:17
BidgetI just instantly sprung on the one with -gnome cause I knew it would have a gui07:17
BailieWhat is apt-proxy?07:17
tds5016I am just asking, because I am going to be switching to and from dual monitors to only a single monitor often.07:17
evilbugBidget- a console based irc client would be confusin as hell.07:17
spellingzcat[1] where can i find linux games live dvd07:17
ExlaxQuestion from a linux noob, is there any disadvantage to installing KDE on ubuntu instead of installing Kubuntu?07:17
Bidgetevilbug, yeah well I had installed bitchx first but it was completely textbased07:18
bazhangspelling: search for mib live distro--or go to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks07:18
bazhangExlax: well there will be redundant apps of course07:18
ExlaxRedundant apps?07:18
zcat[1]spelling: http://live.linux-gamers.net/07:19
ExlaxThis is all new terminology to me.07:19
bazhangExlax: two apps that do the same thing07:19
evilbugBidget- i prefer a gui on most things.07:19
evilbugBidget- ESPECIALLY on a irc client...07:19
buzzsawgurr time to restart install process :-(07:19
tds5016anyone know if I can have a gui on this?07:19
bazhangtds5016: gui on what?07:20
Bidgetevilbug, yeah it's definitely a lot easier, the command line is ok for some stuff but... not everything haha07:20
=== uki__ is now known as laela_cute
sluimersI have a new monitor (samsung lcdtv LW20M21CP) for my computer and Ubuntu seems to have problems with that as in I can no longer get into gnome.. I'm in the terminal looking at xorg.conf, when I try dpkg-reconfigure I get a error inderting battery /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/drivers/acpi/battery.ko NO SUCH DEVICE error.. what to do?07:20
Exlaxbazhang: if i don't like it, can i remove KDE and the redundant apps without 9 million terminal commands?07:20
=== Adlai_ is now known as Adlai
tds5016bazhang, setting up multiple monitors.07:20
tds5016I don't want to have to reconfigure my xorg.conf every time I want to plug the second monitor in :-)07:21
bazhangExlax: you can /msg ubotu puregnome for the two or so commands you need to do for that07:21
evilbugBidget- how's your full screen video in ubuntu?07:21
Jordan_Usluimers, What command are you running exactly?07:21
bazhangtds5016: did you even read the links?07:21
ExlaxThanks much, bazhang.07:21
tds5016that link?07:21
NeoGeo64hello all i will be upgrading from windows xp to ubuntu 8.04 soon07:21
NeoGeo64no vista for me07:21
sluimerssudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg07:22
bazhangNeoGeo64: there is an upgrade path for that?07:22
Bidgetevilbug, what exactly do you mean?07:22
NeoGeo64ill probably dual boot07:22
NeoGeo64keep xp for whatever07:22
bazhangjust joking NeoGeo64, sorry07:22
dwatson_neogeo just run windows xp inside a virtual machine if you have to07:22
bullgard4What is the service that provides the GNOME 'Service' System > Administration > Services > (Service Settings) > 'Audio settings management (alsa-utils)'?07:22
NeoGeo64do i need samba to share files between two ubuntu machines07:22
dwatson_NeoGeo64, no you can use nfs or even scp07:23
spellingwhat is the best music player07:23
evilbugBidget- when i run fullscreen video off of anything (youtube,vlc player,etc.) the bottom half of the screen has a short delay.07:23
bazhangNeoGeo64: depends on you; many using network shares like nfs07:23
bullgard4NeoGeo64: Yes. But there is an alternative.07:23
Jordan_U!best | spelling07:23
ubotuspelling: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:23
bazhang!amarok | spelling07:24
ubotuspelling: Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok07:24
Bidgetevilbug, I havent actually tested any media yet... anyone know a good winamp-type clone for linux?07:24
evilbugBidget- xmms07:24
mosnoBidget: audacious?07:24
evilbugBidget- that's the exact purpose of XMMS.07:24
bazhangxmms is still under development?07:25
Bidgetevilbug, ok cool07:25
mosnoi thought projects like audacious and beep set out to replace XMMS07:25
evilbugbazhang- it's actually official and stable.07:25
evilbugthe only media player i use in ubuntu is VLC,i don't use ubuntu that much though...07:26
bazhangdoes vlc use sql for its db?07:27
evilbugbazhang- i don't know technical details about it.07:27
evilbugit just does what i needed to in the 3 main os's.07:27
Peddycan someone please tell me the directory where theme buttons etc are stored?07:28
evilbugBidget- try VLC and see if you like it> sudo apt-get install vlc07:29
Bidgetevilbug, vlc is great for video but I'd prefer something more like winamp for audio07:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about luks - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:29
Peddycan someone please tell me where theme icons etc are stored?07:30
evilbugBidget- that's fine.like i said,i don't use ubuntu much so i don't even play media for myself in it.07:30
evilbugBidget- why don't you try Add/Remove Programs and look for media players in that list?07:31
evilbugBidget- then you can really see which one you like better.07:31
dmsupermanBidget, totally agreed. I tried amarok, it was too buggy07:32
=== Sinn3rman is now known as Sinnerman
dmsupermanBidget, but I've got Exaile now07:32
dmsupermanBidget, haven't used it a ton, but so far it's exactly what I want07:33
dmsupermanBidget, check it out07:33
evilbugdmsuperman- exaile looks nice,a sort of itunes-ish feel to it.07:33
evilbughelpfromu- hey.07:34
Bidgetdmsuperman, ok thanks man07:34
evilbugi wish kde wouldn't be so buggy on my machines :( i've only had bad experiences with it so far.07:34
MrDoughey, this is my first time using IRC, I have a ubuntu issue, but is it cool if i just butt in or should i wait07:34
helpfromuim still having a problem with the SHUTDOWN icon cuz i cant see all(logout,switch user,hibernate and etc is there except for shutdown icon, how can i solve this anyone pls? im using 7.1007:34
cjzjm100Hi guys!I want to use the command:":n1、n2s/word1/word2/g" in vim,how can i input the "、"  in english?07:35
evilbugMrDoug- ask whatever it is you need to ask.07:35
evilbugMrDoug- that's how things go around here parts.07:35
dmsupermanevilbug, no, definitely not. I hate iTunes, even if it would run smoothly in windows.07:36
dmsupermanevilbug, It's more like Windows Media Player 1007:36
dmsupermanwhich was my favorite07:37
evilbugdmsuperman- the screenshot i saw made me think of itunes/songbird.07:37
dmsupermani love the huge tree view of artists expanding to albums expanding to songs07:37
MoLE_dmsuperman I think a little piece of me just died with that remark.07:37
dmsupermanevilbug, iTunes has that 4 panel layout of artist, album, song and playlist07:37
evilbugdmsuperman- i quit liking wmp 4 years ago.07:37
dmsupermanMoLE_, that's how i like it, shut up :P07:37
dmsupermanevilbug, I only liked it for the treeview, it's terrible for actual playback07:38
MoLE_lol ;-P  he likes the pain of making tea07:38
dmsupermanevilbug, but for managing, it's good07:38
dmsupermanfoobar2000 is the best media player though, once you can find a good functional skin for it07:38
evilbugdmsuperman- i actually use itunes in osx and winamp in windows.vlc in both for playback.07:38
dmsupermanevilbug, try foobar, with a decent skin it's amazing07:38
dmsupermanevilbug, and not just because of eyecandy, skins make up functionality07:39
=== epax is now known as ePax
MoLE_I think we're moving offtopic here - perhaps move to #ubuntu-offtopic07:39
evilbugdmsuperman- i actually don't mind itunes in osx.so far i've had no trouble with it and it sounds good.i've tried foobar before and didn't like it much.07:39
bazhangfoobar for ubuntu?07:39
MoLE_MrDoug: ask your question07:39
dmsupermanbazhang, i wish, i doubt it07:39
reloophi guys. im on ubuntu 8.04 x86_64. i have installed fglrx driver. fglrxinfo says: OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT. But im not able to activate the desktop effects. :(07:39
evilbugdmsuperman- i just want to install it and play media,not look for skins and whatnot...07:39
spellingbunshe and listen both of them can't play mp3 how can i install mp3 on them07:40
arstanjis everydns.net down?07:40
bazhangthen take it elsewhere please07:40
MoLE_reloop: does glxgears work?07:40
bazhangspelling: this is gutsy07:40
BailieI disabled effects in appearance-style-effects, but there still windows animation effects and mouse cursor effects, how do I disable those?07:40
evilbugreloop- ati isn't very linux-friendly.07:40
zcat[1]!info non-free-codecs evilbug07:40
ubotuPackage non-free-codecs does not exist in gutsy07:40
MoLE_yes sorry Hardy questions to #ubuntu+1 please07:40
dmsupermanevilbug, agreed, and it's why i steered clear at first, but then i found a skin that had some good panels in it and so i just tried it out, and loved it07:40
zcat[1]!info w32codecs07:41
ubotuPackage w32codecs does not exist in gutsy07:41
dmsupermanevilbug, but back to the topic07:41
reloopMole: yes, 31061 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6212.085 FPS07:41
dmsupermanor rather, sleep07:41
bazhangBailie: try alt f2 metacity --replace07:41
zcat[1]!codecs | evilbug07:41
ubotuevilbug: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:41
reloopevilbug, i know. but i have to deal with it now :)07:41
evilbugzcat[1]- i'm not having codec issues.the other guy is.07:41
zcat[1]sorry... someone asked how to play mp307:41
=== NewNick is now known as mr_doug
MoLE_reloop: at risk of angering the channelops - this is usually a composite extension issue.  You may need to tweak your xorg.conf manually.07:42
evilbugspelling- just install the non-free codecs like zcat[1] said.07:42
Bailiebazhang: it says "could not run the specified command"07:42
dmsupermanzcat[1], calm down with the factoids, haha. "did somebody say MP3?! !mp3 !codecs !whocares-its-a-factoid"07:42
mr_dougsry bout that, i got disconnetced for some reason and then my nickname didnt work07:42
bazhangspelling: install ubuntu-restricted-extras for gnome gutsy gibbon 7.1007:42
zcat[1]in hardy the package is called 'non-free-codecs' :)07:42
evilbugspelling- via apt-get07:43
zcat[1]ten days? nine now?07:43
dmsupermanwhy change the name of the package? if it's the same thing, the only thing that accomplishes is people having to memorize a new name :S07:43
bazhangdmsuperman: are you familiar with the code of conduct around here?07:43
reloopmole i already added section "Composite". is there a guide i could have a look?07:43
zcat[1]dmsuperman: It's a metapackage.. you can still install gstreamer-codecs-bad or whatever the real package is called07:44
dmsupermanzcat[1], ah07:44
zcat[1]but the rest of us with aging memories can easily remember 'non-free-codecs'07:44
xpkillerhow can i repair my external hdd like on xp with chkdsk?07:44
shysterHaving problems connecting a logitech bluetooth mouse and keyboard.  Can anybody help?07:44
xpkillerhow can i repair my external hdd like on xp with chkdsk?07:44
=== Atomic is now known as Atomix_UE
Jordan_Uxpkiller, fsck07:45
=== Atomix_UE is now known as Atomic_UE
zcat[1]shyster: if it's the same as mine; dissable the bluetooth, unplug it, plug it back in. It behaves as a plain ordinary USB keyboard and mouse07:45
shysteri'll try that,  thanks a lot07:46
bazhangbailie this is gutsy gibbon 7.10?07:46
doolzshyster: yo07:46
mr_doughelp.... im trying to install ubuntu but after i press "start or install ubuntu" and the loading bar fills, my moitor says No Signal and dies07:46
mr_dougim using ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso07:47
zcat[1]mr_doug: there's a save vga option I think..07:47
zcat[1]*safe, not save..07:47
Jordan_Umr_doug, Have you tried safe graphics mode?07:47
bazhangmr_doug: how long do you let it run before aborting the process07:47
spellingevilbug how would banshee and listen recognise no-free codec is installed? is no-free codec requires money?07:47
mr_dougno, i tried changing the resolution but not safe mode07:47
mr_dougummm, i let it run until the CD stops spinning07:48
bazhangspelling:  ubuntu-restricted-extras is the package to install and no money is required07:48
zcat[1]spelling: most programs in ubuntu use the same 'gstreamer' framework to figure out media ...07:48
zcat[1]spelling: and 'non-Free' just means source isn't available, not that you need to pay anything07:48
Jordan_Umr_doug, There is an option when you boot for safe graphics mode, try it07:48
mr_dougwhat will safe VGA mode do07:48
mr_dougkk brb thanks07:49
xpkillerJordan_U: how do i know witch dev is my external?this my first time on ubuntu i normaly does be on kubuntu07:49
simplexiobut its not "legal" in every country,07:49
Jordan_Umr_doug, It will use generic work everywhere drivers and safe 800x600 resolution07:49
evilbugspelling- it's just called non-free but you don't have to pay for them.07:49
zcat[1]yes, non-free also means that the codecs may be covered by patents or other restrictions in some countries07:50
evilbugspelling- all you have to do is install them and you're done.07:50
Jordan_Uxpkiller, "sudo fdisk -l" or if you have it mounted somewhere run "mount" with no arguments07:50
bazhangspelling: this is gutsy or hardy07:50
evilbugBidget- still with us?07:50
simplexioi think that no-free is ok, in every country which dosent allow software patents07:50
ConexionI was wondering... is there a reason I can't set my panel to stay on the bottom? I go to the properties and change the position, but it just switches back.07:52
evilbugConexion- that's weird :( no clue though.07:52
evilbugit should stay...07:52
xpkillerJordan_U: so i do fsck/hdd1?07:52
bazhangConexion: this is gutsy gibbon? gnome or kde (or other)07:52
Conexionbazhang: Gutsy Gibbon Gnome07:53
bazhangConexion: you wish to have only one panel? reset them to the default, or what is your end goal here07:54
Conexionbazhang: I just wish to have one panel for now, and have it on the bottom07:54
bazhangConexion: the default gnome panel or the awn panel/dock07:54
ojk007can someone help me regarding dual monitors on an 8800GTX on Gusty07:55
ConexionI'm just using the default bazhang07:55
xpkillerJordan_U: so do i enter the command fsck/hdd1?07:55
evilbugi want to get the following for my grandfather who is not computer savvy but don't want to spend $1000+ for a mac,what do you think? > http://www.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/inspnnb_1525?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&~oid=us~en~29~linux_3~~07:55
bazhangConexion: and how are you setting them? via configuring the desktop or other method07:55
evilbugi'm thinking since dell created drivers for stuff,he shouldn't have trouble with whatever when i'm not around to fix it.07:56
spellingevilbug what is the best video player and please no vlc07:56
bazhangojk007: you want a shared desktop between the two or two distinct desktops07:56
spellingwhat is the best video player and please no vlc07:56
Ragespelling: try smplayer07:56
Jordan_Uxpkiller, fsck /dev/hdd107:56
simplexiospelling: mplayer :)07:57
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:57
evilbugspelling- MPlayer tends to be popular07:57
Conexionbazhang: Well, I originally had the default setup. Then I got rid of the top panel, customized the bottom one via the properties menu (right clicking)... then I added a few different things using Add To Panel (Right Click) and then, I restarted later... and now it's stuck on top07:57
Ragesmplayer is just mplayer with a better GUI for people who like GUIs07:57
MoLE_reloop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58074807:57
xpkillerJordan_U:  Error 2 while executing fsck.ntfs for /dev/hdd107:58
mr_doug(reg: moniter dies while installing ubuntu)  ok, i tried the safe graphics mode and had the same problem07:58
bazhangConexion: my guess would be to reset the panels and begin again you can /msg ubotu resetpanels for the command to do that07:58
xpkillerJordan_U:  fsck.ntfs: not found07:58
Jordan_Uxpkiller, Linux cannot fix ntfs partitions07:58
spellingRage i like smplayer but no xine or mplayer07:58
xpkillerJordan_U: its in fat3207:58
RAdamsHas anyone here see sound-juicer forget your format profiles? I can't access any mp3 profiles, and if I make a new one, it isn't selectable as an "output format" even after I check the "active" box07:59
simplexiome likes mplayer. i havent found way to get keys work in vls like they do in vlc, easy fast forward etc..07:59
Jordan_Uxpkiller, can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" ?07:59
evilbugspelling- i personally like vlc since it's simple and it's played everything i've thrown at it so far,i haven't ventured much with media players ESPECIALLY out of the OSX and Windows range.07:59
Conexionbazhang:  alright :) thanks. I'll try that07:59
thenetduckif I compressed 36gbs of computer information including music, movies, docs programs etc... about how many gbs would it end up as if I used tar.bz2 ?????07:59
thenetduckis there some kind of calc for that?07:59
simplexioevilbug: mplayer work in windows too07:59
spellingevilbug vlc is poor gui07:59
spellingvlc look like a shithole in the ass08:00
Jordan_Uthenetduck, music and video won't compress much since they are usually already compressed08:00
evilbugspelling- all i need are the main controls and a volume bar.08:00
spellingso does ubuntu08:00
bazhangspelling: you have heard many options so please try them out and watch the language08:00
evilbugspelling- so why are you using it?08:00
thenetduckJordan_U, it would be more than 4gb wouldn't it? because I did a system back up compressing and my file is only 4gb big08:00
simplexiospelling: where you need gui ?. usuallu when i look videos i just klick video file press F for full screen,08:00
thenetduckJordan_U, I am worried I am missing something ....08:00
bazhangspelling: this is not a polling channel thanks08:00
spellingevilbug so you admit it does look like it08:00
evilbugsimplexio- i know that,but i stuck with it just because...08:01
evilbugspelling- it doesn't look bad,it's just simple.08:01
RAdamsevilbug: do not feed the troll >.>08:01
mr_dougwhen i click "install ubunu" and the loading bar fills, my monitor says "No Signal" and dies.  I tried using a dif resolution, and safe graphics mode with no luck.  any other ideas08:01
evilbugRAdams- :) don't worry,i can handle myself.08:01
spellinghey what is a good headphone model or manufacturer and a good webcam company. i am about to buy some08:01
bazhang!ot | spelling08:02
ubotuspelling: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:02
thenetduckJordan_U, doh I am so stupid! FAT32 only supports 4gb files... I need to back up to a larger media! duh......08:02
RAdamsHas anyone here see sound-juicer forget your format profiles? I can't access any mp3 profiles, and if I make a new one, it isn't selectable as an "output format" even after I check the "active" box08:02
zcat[1]spelling: perhaps you would prefer beep-media-player, it's completely themable with winamp skins iirc...08:02
Jordan_Uthenetduck, :)08:02
simplexiothenetduck: split helps08:02
* zcat[1] thinks spelling looks like a troll08:02
bazhangI agree08:02
* RAdams agrees with zcat[1]08:02
evilbugzcat[1]- :) a tiny one with big ears?08:02
thenetducksimplexio, you mean building smaller files? or is there a program called split08:03
simplexiothenetduck: there is program called split, you can also man dump08:03
evilbugsimplexio- man dump =D08:04
zcat[1]I prefer my media players to be stable and reliable.. I really do not need something that looks 'fancy' -- I'd rather it matches everything else on my desktop.. or more often sits almost invisible in my tray08:04
thenetducksimplexio, thanks!08:04
mr_dougHELP :'(08:04
mr_dougwhen i click "install ubunu" and the loading bar fills, my monitor says "No Signal" and dies.  I tried using a dif resolution, and safe graphics mode with no luck.  any other ideas08:04
zcat[1]mr_doug: what video card do you use?08:05
evilbugmr_doug- maybe ubuntu is not for you.08:05
Starnestommymr_doug: try waiting a few minutes and see what happens08:05
mr_dougATI X130008:05
RAdamsmr_doug: telling us what graphics card you use would be helpful08:05
bazhangmr_doug: try with the boot params acpi=off and remove quiet so you can see the errors08:05
evilbugmr_doug- ati :( ungood for linux.08:05
mr_dougorly ATI no good ?08:05
evilbugmr_doug- not friendly for linux.08:05
mr_dougand how do i add boot param08:05
mr_dougi am really pissed at windows and would really like linux08:06
mr_dougbut i am a n00b08:06
mr_dougnever used it b408:06
evilbugwhat issues have you had with windows?08:06
mr_dougall of them :) lol08:06
babyeaterim trying to install 8.04 beta and i keep getting a wireless error repeating on boot-up and i cant even get to the live desktop.08:07
Jordan_U!hardy | babyeater08:07
ubotubabyeater: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu08:07
xpkillerJordan_U:  sudo fdisk -l is not showing my external hdd08:07
evilbugmr_doug- i've installed ubuntu 7.10 on my mac with an ati x1600 with no video issues.08:07
babyeatersays b43-phy0 ERROR08:07
* zcat[1] comments that people who have many problems in windows often have just as many problems in ubuntu because they are 'fiddlers' and cause those problems..08:07
mr_doughmmm, well it works fine until after that loading bar fills08:08
evilbugmr_doug- i don't know what the problem with yours is.maybe it's like me and kde,every machine i've ran it on so far doesn't work for me :(08:08
evilbugmr_doug- indifferent of it being a crap comp or a high-end machine.08:08
mr_dougevilbug- how do i add boot paramaters08:09
* evilbug not that good with linux... X(08:09
xpkillerJordan_U:  sudo fdisk -l is not showing my external hdd08:09
Jordan_Uxpkiller, Are you sure that /dev/hdd1 is the correct drive/partition ?08:09
=== LL00 is now known as Chiku
mr_dougevilbug- another guy told me to add acpi=off what will this do08:09
nxusrmy blacklist is not working because the modules still gets loaded08:10
RageTrash in nautilus shows me that I've got two directories in my trash, both of them are shown to contain directories that I do not have permission to read. Now, I tried checking .Trash in my home directory as well as the .Trash-sukarn (sukarn is my user name) in the only other partition I have on my computer. Both are shown to be empty by nautilus as well as by ls in terminal. Clicking Empty Trash in nautilus does not delete these directories as I (somehow)08:10
Rageappear to not have the permission for it but "Empty Trash" does not give any error either. It just seems to fail. Any ideas what I might do?08:10
xpkillerJordan_U: i dont know but normaly its in fat32 my hdd but im not seing it08:10
evilbugmr_doug- i'm really not good with linux,have just been using it for a month (rarely though).08:10
mr_dougevilbug- o i c08:10
evilbugmr_doug- try #kubuntu08:10
meowludoi am running ubuntu 7.04. I am using wine to run a game (diablo II) and it says that there is a critical error loading direct draw. I have had a look through some forums but am having a bit of trouble knowing where continue trouble shooting. Any Ideas?08:11
evilbugmr_doug- maybe they can help you.kubuntu is Ubuntu but with kde instead of gnome.so it's the same thing really.08:11
mr_dougevilbug- even though im not using kubuntu?08:11
bazhangthe issue is the same no need for that channel; mr_doug have you tried the alternate install cd?08:11
Izziis there anyway to re-route keyboard input over a network to another machine?08:11
xpkillerJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/m1a49051f08:11
mr_dougo i c08:11
simplexioRage: sudo rm ~/.Trash/* -rf , use with caution08:11
mr_dougall- thank you :)08:11
evilbugmr_doug- sure.08:11
gluonmanI am trying to send a video to my friend who is using Windows XP and I have Linux ubuntu. I have to compress the files into an archive in order for them to fit in an e-mail, but can my newly made tar.gz be usable at all on her computer?08:12
shysterAnybody know how to get 5.1 with my soundblaster audigy card08:12
simplexioIzzi: ?08:12
evilbuggluonman- yes.she can download 7zip for free and extract it with that.08:12
Ragesimplexio: rm: cannot remove `/home/sukarn/.Trash/*': No such file or directory08:12
gluonmanevilbug, thank you.08:12
nxusrcan someone help with blacklisted modules that still loads?08:12
bazhangIzzi: you mean a keylogger?08:12
simplexioRage: hmm. does it make Trash for every oartition ..08:12
aygluonman: I think even winrar can handle tgz08:12
evilbugay- it didn't work for me when i used it.08:13
Jordan_Uxpkiller, I don't know how else to find your drive, but try as a stab in the dark "fdisk /dev/sda1"08:13
gluonmanay, but if she has the basic unzipping program that Windows comes with, she should be fine, right?08:13
Ragesimplexio: yes, that has been what I've experienced with ubuntu. It seems to make a .Trash-sukarn directory in every partition, but the only partitions I have are /, /home, swap and /media/storage08:13
evilbuggluonman- not from my experience.7zip will handle anything thoughl.08:13
simplexioRage: for me it has created into ntfs partiotion .Trash-username directory08:13
ayevilbug: you sure? Cause I'm pretty sure I once dled tgz and un"zipped" winth winrar08:14
gluonmanevilbug, how will she download 7zip? I'm not that familiar with Windows.08:14
zcat[1]gluonman: might be easiest for you to install 'zip' -- it's in the repos I think08:14
ayyeah 7zip is nice08:14
IzziI found what I am looking for08:14
evilbuggluonman- one sec.08:14
Izzithanks bazhang and simplexio08:14
gluonmanzcat[1], I'll look for zip in the repos and see what I can find.08:14
Jordan_Ugluonman, You can make it a regular zip file rather than a tarred gzipped file08:14
zcat[1]gluonman: if she googles 7zip the first result should be the right place08:14
evilbuggluonman- http://www.7-zip.org/08:14
evilbugjust give her that link.08:14
gluonmanJordan_U, how do you make a zip file in Linux?08:15
meowludodoes anyone have experience ith wine?08:15
Ragesimplexio: sukarn@Rage:~$ sudo rm /media/storage/.Trash*/* gives - rm: cannot remove `/media/storage/.Trash*/*': No such file or directory08:15
newbieuubazhang , sorry i was away . in xorg.conf file the driver is "nvidia"08:15
gluonmanevilbug, I guess making a zip file, if I can, would be better than instructing her to download something, because she frankly sucks at computers.08:15
Jordan_Ugluonman, In nautilus ( gnome ) right click it :)08:15
ayWinRAR supports the following features:08:15
evilbugmeowludo- i do a little bit,tried to install steam but didn't get it to work :)08:15
ay* Complete support for RAR and ZIP archives, and unpacking of ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7z and Z archives. Future versions of WinRAR are planned to include 7z creation.[1]08:15
gluonmanevilbug, I had to teach her how to restart.08:15
* zcat[1] has given up on wine and moved onto the vodka..08:15
gluonmanJordan_U, thank you.08:15
ayso perhaps it doesn't take care of tgz :)08:15
evilbuggluonman- :) but just zipping won't make the file smaller.08:15
Jordan_Ugluonman, np08:15
Jordan_Uevilbug, What do you mean?08:16
gluonmanevilbug, doesn't it compress the files?08:16
simplexioRage: you could use find / -name "program that sould be in Trash"08:16
bazhangtar and gz are tgz correct ay?08:16
simplexioRage: or find / | grep fileintrash08:16
evilbugJordan_U- it makes a file into a .zip but it doesn't actually resize it to something smaller.08:16
patrickvaOkay, so I got Ubuntu installed, however, when I'm trying to log in, it automatically logs me out and says there might be an installation problem since my session lasted less than 10 seconds08:16
zcat[1].tar.gz is the same as .tgz  -- and .tar.bz2 is the same as .tbz08:16
patrickvaDoes anyone know the deal?08:16
ayevilbug: I think he needs it zipped to be able to send through msn08:17
Jordan_Uevilbug, That's surprising, you sure you aren't thinking of tar?08:17
gluonmanevilbug, it doesn't make it smaller, but it compresses it, right?08:17
evilbuggluonman- correct.08:17
ayevilbug: or maybe I'm yet again totally wrong08:17
bazhangcompress does not = make smaller?08:17
evilbugJordan_U- i'm sure. .rar can compress though.08:17
gluonmanevilbug, so that's fine. I don't need to shrink it, just be able to e-mail it.08:17
patrickvaOkay, so I got Ubuntu installed, however, when I'm trying to log in, it automatically logs me out and says there might be an installation problem since my session lasted less than 10 seconds08:17
evilbuggluonman- k.08:17
Jordan_Uevilbug, It compresses for me08:17
patrickvaWhat's the deal?08:17
evilbugay- you can send anyhting through any messenger app.08:17
simplexiopatrickva: check logs08:18
zcat[1]patrickva: if it booted the live CD ok, I'd say you messed up the install somehow08:18
evilbugJordan_U- it never did for me.08:18
patrickvaI used the alternative install cd08:18
ayevilbug: yes but you can't accept .avis straight out of the box in LIVE Messenger evilbug08:18
patrickvaCheck what logs?08:18
evilbugay- .avis?never heard of it.]08:18
Jordan_Uevilbug, I think you must be mistaking .zip and .tar08:18
zcat[1]patrickva: ahhh.. well, alt-F1 and log in there .. then you can check the logs08:18
evilbugJordan_U- nope.08:18
bazhangevilbug: indeed you are mistaken08:18
ayevilbug: mkay its a videclip format08:18
aypretty common08:18
evilbugJordan_U- i've never ".tar-ed" that much anyway.08:19
patrickvaWell, what should I look for in these logs?08:19
evilbugay- gotcha08:19
patrickvaI'm a first-time installer08:19
dfgasughh, how do you get a processor to stop freq scaling?08:19
patrickvaSo I have no idea what's going on08:19
Ragesimplexio: thanks a lot. that showed me that it was in "/home/sukarn/.local/share/Trash/files/"08:19
Jordan_Udfgas, You can use the frequency scaling applet08:19
ayevilbug: nor can you recieve .exe's08:19
nxusrcan someone help with a module (bcm43xx) that i blacklisted but loads on boot?08:19
aysince they are totally dangerous according to MS08:20
evilbugay- throug msn mess?08:20
ayLive Messenger08:20
foibleshas anyone here used openbox?08:20
simplexionxusr: rmmod08:20
patrickvaAnd when I try to view the log, nothing shows up.08:20
foibleshow do you add startup programs for it08:20
bazhangfoibles: aye08:20
ayAt least that was the dealio last time I used it08:20
foiblesim having a hell of a time finding out how08:20
simplexionxusr: assuming that you can go and remove it08:20
evilbugJordan_U- , bahzang- .zip never compressed anything for me,if anything it made it a bit larger.08:20
bazhangevilbug: your linux experience seems a bit limited then08:21
nxusrsimplexio, i have do rmmod and also blacklisted it but it still loads08:21
evilbugay- i don't use live messenger X( what i use,you can send anything.08:21
simplexioevilbug: it dosent compress videos, but make txt file with 0 and say tha again08:21
aywhat I use you can't send any files nor recieve any files08:21
patrickvaCan anyone help me out?08:21
zcat[1]Going to try loading a bunch of educational games in wine tomorrow.. anyone want to place bets on how many will actually work? :)08:21
evilbugbazhang- i've set it to compress but it never did...so i switched over to .rar's and whatnot.08:21
evilbugay- what are you using?08:22
simplexiopatrickva: go console, and cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:22
bazhangpatrickva: this is the live cd? have you considered using the alternate cd08:22
htpc1100 Hi, i following the guide on the page http://stacktrace.org/index_html/200600912lirc-imon-the-debian-way to get lirc going, but I get stuck after stopping the deamons, can someone help me please? I just need to know what my "YourRemotesLIRCKernelModule" is, or how I would be able to find that out. FYI, I tried @ the #lirc channel first, but noone answered there and @ the #debian channel I got a sermon about not writing "plz" inste08:22
htpc1100ad of spelling it out.08:22
patrickvaI used the alternative cd08:22
n3urogodanyone know if windows mobile / pocket pc sync support has been enhanced for 8.04?08:22
patrickvaI said that before.08:22
zcat[1]going by my current trach record, '0' is a fairly safe bet..08:22
dfgasJordan_U, figured it out08:22
bazhanghtpc this is on ubuntu?08:22
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
* evilbug says "good night" to all of you.08:23
bazhangpatrickva: and what were the errors you got using the alternate cd08:23
aylol good night :)08:23
bazhanghtpc1100: why ask in the debian channel then?08:23
ayI say good morning :D08:23
patrickvathe session lasted less than 10 seconds error08:23
patrickvaIt gives me a choice to view the error file08:23
patrickvabut nothing appears08:24
ayBut I'm off to lay some flooring08:24
DustanAre there any network security professionals present?08:24
* zcat[1] wonders if perhaps 'error: no space on /' might have been reported during the install08:24
bazhangDustan: please ask your question08:24
bazhangpatrickva: the session? on the alternate cd there is no session08:25
Hermanonhello , when i try to build some driver i get this error : error: linux/config.h: No such file or directory , where can i find config.h ?08:25
htpc1100Because i've had the experience that many things work alike in both distris08:25
patrickvaEh, I installed Ubuntu from the alternate cd08:25
patrickvaAnd I get into the log screen08:25
zcat[1]bazhang: they got through the install, they can't log into the freshly installed desktop08:25
patrickvaThat's it.08:25
bazhangthanks zcat[1]08:26
patrickvaWhat zcat[1] said08:26
htpc1100and I was sent menay times from here to there by others... so I tried there first this time08:26
bazhangpatrickva: try booting in safe mode and report the errors you get08:26
zcat[1]patrickva: not sure if the install allows this, but the only time I've ver had that kind of login problem was when there was no free space in /home08:26
patrickvaShould I use the failsafe terminal?08:26
zcat[1]patrickva: alf-F1 and you shoulf be able to log into the text terminal08:27
bazhanghtpc1100: please pastebin your sources.list thanks08:27
zcat[1]then df -h and make sure nothing is 100% used08:27
patrickvaWhat's the command to get the errors in terminal?08:27
bazhangDustan: you should probably take that to #ubuntu-offtopic08:27
patrickvaWhat if something is 100% used?08:28
zcat[1]less .Xsession.errors or something, I can't recall08:28
zubuhow can i instal linux on a symbian device?08:28
bazhangzubu which device08:28
zcat[1].. of course if there's no space in /home, it can't even log that as an error because there's no space to create the file08:28
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:28
zubuany kinda mobile08:28
patrickvathat's probably it zcat[1]08:28
patrickvaBecause I saw no file08:28
patrickvaor error reporting08:28
patrickvaeven though there was an error08:28
zcat[1]so what does df -h say?08:29
newbieuui installed nVidia drivers , now when i try to change the "visual effects" to custom , i get the error message "desktop effects could not be enabled" . before i was getting all the effects except the cube . in the xorg.conf file the driver is "nvidia"08:29
patrickvaI have to reboot08:29
patrickvaIll see though08:29
bazhangzubu without some specificity we cant offer much help here08:29
patrickvaill brb08:29
bazhangnewbieuu: how were the drivers installed08:29
Jordan_Unewbieuu, The cube is not enabled  by default, that was a compiz preference , not a driver problem, now you DO seem to have a driver problem though :)08:31
zububazhang: symbian 6 devices.like the usual nokia phones08:31
fat_ratis kraken (botnet) any danger for ubuntu (linux) users?08:31
zubucoz. i thought that if ipod can have linux why cant mobile phones have too!!08:31
bazhangfat_rat: depends on how secure your usage is; do you login as root? do you have a weak password?08:31
Bailiedoes apt-get retrieve the same packages both in KDE and Gnome?08:31
zcat[1]gvfs-fuse-daemon       18G   17G  749M  96% /home/zcat/.gvfs  -- What is this?08:31
JaccoHany xen users on gutsy here?08:32
bazhangBailie: aye08:32
JaccoHim having stability issues.. kernel oopses/crashes08:32
zsiavas2a configuration manual says "adding the all-ones  to your /etc/hosts file:" but my question is how can make it. when I add if to that file nothing would happen,any post or prefix needs ?to configure dhcp server08:32
zcat[1]Oh.. gvfs , yeah.. I remember now :)08:32
patrickvaOkay, so my boot partition /dev/sdb2 is being used 100%08:32
patrickvaAll 2 GBs of it08:32
bazhangthat cant be good08:33
patrickvaDoes this mean anything?08:33
DOOM_NXgood morning :)08:33
newbieuufirst i enabled the Nvidia graphics driver in the restricted drivers , but i did not get the cube effect , so i downloaded the file and installed it following this guide http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_169.12.html08:33
zcat[1]hmmm.. you generally dont need a seperate /boot .. and yes, being 100% used is probably bad08:33
patrickvaWhat can I do about it?08:33
bazhangzubu have you tried anything or are you just wanting to chat about it08:33
patrickvaI used the guided partitioner from the alternate cd by the way08:33
zcat[1]how much space did you allow for all of linux and how did you partiton it?08:34
bazhanga 2GB boot?08:34
patrickvaI put it on a 1TB drive.08:34
twocarlo_ just wanting to chat about it i gues08:34
zcat[1]guided partitoner seems to have a bug then!08:34
patrickva997GBs is the primary08:34
patrickva2Gbs is the boot08:34
patrickvaAnd a little less is the swap08:34
bazhangtwocarlo_: this is not a chat channel; #ubuntu-offtopic is for chat08:34
JaccoHyikes.. 2GB is too small for the /boot?08:34
patrickvaI guess08:34
biabiaim not sure whats wrong, my usb drive has no files on it, but here is the df info for it08:35
bazhangtoo big08:35
biabiaFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on08:35
biabia/dev/sdb1              3991136        32   3991104   1% /media/disk-208:35
JaccoHwhat the heck is on there?08:35
patrickvaUh okay.08:35
patrickvaSo what can I do?08:35
JaccoHmy /boot is 100Meg08:35
zcat[1]kinda sounds like the installer got confused and tried to put the whole isntall into /boot08:35
bazhang100MB is more than enough08:35
damo22my /boot is 250mb08:35
patrickvaI'm about to give up on this08:35
JaccoHpatrick.. can you check whats on there?08:36
Sturmehwhats the problem patrickva08:36
bazhangpatrickva: you might want to do a bit of reading before you reinstall08:36
patrickvaI shouldnt have even had to use the alternate cd08:36
patrickvathe full cd didnt work08:36
Sturmehthe problem? i just came in soz08:36
patrickvait gave me problems08:36
bazhangindeed; ubuntu should have all drivers free or not--sadly software patents do not allow that08:37
Sturmehdamn hardy herron still won't work ottb with my 8800GT08:37
zcat[1]Sturmeh: you're kidding? damn!08:37
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for help with hardy Sturmeh08:37
Sturmehyea i'm ok still on gutsy08:38
zcat[1]was counting on hardy to fix that for another guy I help...08:38
Sturmehusing win atm tho08:38
Sturmehmaybe the release will fix it zcat[1]?08:38
zcat[1]at the moment he has to rerun the nvidia installer every time there's a kernel update08:38
Sturmehyea same08:38
Sturmehhasn't been one for a while thank god08:38
bazhangif you use envy then that is needed08:38
kksm19820117Greetings, all. I am trying to pick a distro for my father's box - a PIII - 600MHz, 64MB SDRAM machine. I have a AMD 2000XP+, 512 MB DDR box and it ran the standard Ubuntu install so sluggishly that I ended up installing a command line install and adding Fluxbox to it. I won't have access to the internet while I am at my Dad's, and I think he needs something like KDE which will look familiar. Will KUbuntu 7.10 do the job for him?08:38
zcat[1]Sturmeh: well, it might.. not counting on it if they were going to fix it they'd have done that already I thought08:39
Sturmehi use the offical nvidia driver install08:39
Jordan_USturmeh, zcat[1] The current kernel is having problems with restricted drivers across the board, it may be fixed in the next kernel update ( or the previous version )08:39
Sturmehlol i know08:39
zcat[1]nooooo envy! bad!08:39
Sturmehgood to hear Jordan_U08:39
bazhangkksm19820117: not enough ram for kubuntu08:39
Sturmehuse xubuntu08:39
* zcat[1] refuses to use envy or automatix or other horrible hacks.. I'll devise my own horrible hacks thanks, at least that way I know how to fix them when they break!08:40
bazhangxubuntu wont run on that little either08:40
Sturmehautomatix is a joke08:40
Sturmehenvy is useful, but it's quite easy to do it manually08:40
zububazhang:i have heard about ubuntu mobile edition but they are based on very heavy machines.i was considering linux on mobile phones which donot have powerful processors and RAM.08:40
kksm19820117bazhang: I should look at another distro then? Any recommendations?08:40
simplexiokksm19820117: you can use apt-get to just get all install files to harddrive08:40
bazhangzubu that is really not part of the /topic here unless you have tried something and need help fixing it08:41
simplexiokksm19820117: apt-get -d08:41
zcat[1]ubuntu is not a small distro... even xubuntu is still pretty heavy08:41
Sturmehhe needs something like KDE ( to make it look like windows i suppose? )08:41
Sturmehzcat[1] ma rig can handle it :P08:41
kksm19820117Sturmeh: Yes. Dad is petrified of digital novelty. :\08:42
bazhangkksm19820117: www.distrowatch.com has a plethora of choices for tiny installs08:42
Sturmehkksm19820117 the worst thing about the past generations08:42
zcat[1]well, so can mine.. but no way I'd try to put it on any phone (do they make phones with a 2GHz CPU and a half-gig of ram?)08:42
Sturmehlawl phone08:42
Sturmehhow bout eepc?08:42
zubui will step on my research.could you please suggest me where to start!08:42
bazhangyeah they call it the eeepc08:42
zcat[1]not sure it'd be the best distro for an eeepc even...08:43
Sturmehbut if u want compiz fusion08:43
bazhangzubu no idea really; symbian are plenty good--you might check www.digg.com08:43
wangfghow to config wlan08:43
zubuok thanx.08:43
Sturmehi gave up with wlan ages ago08:43
zcat[1]can the eeepc's video handle that? cool if it can!08:43
Sturmehand ran a wire08:43
zubui'll post you if i get any kindaa lead on this topic.08:43
bazhangwangfg: which card?08:43
Hermanonhello , when i try to build some driver i get this error : error: linux/config.h: No such file or directory , whats the problem with u guys , any thing wrong with my question , why no body cares about it ?08:44
wangfgbazhang: i use ibm thinkpad x3108:44
zcat[1]!b-e Hermanon08:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about b-e hermanon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:44
zcat[1]!b-e | Hermanon08:44
ubotuHermanon: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)08:44
gregoryHermanon: you need to install linux kernel header package08:44
wangfgbazhang: how can i know the card type?08:44
bazhangwangfg: you have the computer there in front of you with ubuntu running?08:45
zcat[1]I think b-e includes kernel headers too...08:45
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)08:45
tbwenuhh i can't run ubuntu... can anyone help me?08:45
wangfgbazhang: yes, i use hardy now with only terminal with x08:45
bazhangtbwen: we need much more info thanks08:46
Hermanonthanks guys08:46
wangfgbazhang: without, sorry08:46
tbwenok so i've burnt the ISO, i have it on CD08:46
tbwenmy PC will boot the cd but when it run ubuntu/try to intall it, my moniter reads no connection08:46
bazhangwangfg: this is really better asked in #ubuntu+1 ; try lspci and pastebin the output for them there08:46
fishhello good people08:46
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:47
wangfgbazhang: i know,but it seem nothing with hard to do08:47
fishWell I successfully moved my Ub install to my new hd+08:47
bazhangwangfg: feel free to ask wherever; but if people find out it is Hardy they will !hardy you ;]08:48
tbwenanyone know why no VGA output to my moniter on ubuntu? I can't see anything i do once i start ubuntu up08:48
Sturmehtbwen what gfx card do u have?08:48
tbwennvidia 8600GTS08:48
Sturmehyou trying to boot gutsy gibbon?08:48
tbweni'm sorry, don't know what you mean08:49
Sturmehwhat version of ubuntu are you trying to load08:49
tbweni'm kinda new to linux/unix/anything out of windows stuff08:49
bazhangtbwen chinese?08:49
tbwennot the beta08:49
fishanyone here good with nvida driver issues?, When i try to boot with my GeForce 6 series the machine freezes during the very early stages of the boot process and I have to do a hard reset to get the computer to respond08:49
fishthis is after making changes to nv in the display settings08:49
tbwenenglish but i know ping ying if needed...08:49
Sturmehtbwen try boot in safe graphics mode08:49
tbwentried it08:49
wica_how can I setup my network?08:50
Sturmehubuntu doesn't work with the 8 series08:50
wangfgbazhang: it is bcm4306 802.11b/g08:50
Sturmehi mean08:50
tbweni've ran ubuntu before on a 5200 but my new 8600gts not working08:50
Sturmehyea i know08:50
tbwen:( that explains then08:50
Sturmehi have 8800gt08:50
Sturmehand when i boot cd it doesn't work08:50
Sturmehso i had to use safe graphics mode08:50
Sturmehto install08:50
tbwenmy safe graphics won't work either though08:50
Sturmehhave you tried 7.10 ?08:50
bazhangwangfg: I believe you need to /msg ubotu broadcom for info and links for that to get going08:50
wangfgbazhang: what does it mean !hardy :)08:50
tbweni believe i have the lastest stable ub08:51
meowlud1hi all :) how would i go about upgrading to version 9.5 of wine? i am currently running version 9.33. Also, does anyone know how i add the 'restricted extras' package?08:51
tbweni d/l and burnt today08:51
fishanyone here good with nvida driver issues?08:51
Sturmehdid u check the disc?08:51
bazhangwangfg: /msg ubotu hardy and find out ;]08:51
Sturmehfish maybe08:51
bazhangfish sounds like a bad iso or a bad burn frankly and not a driver issue; best to check the md5 sum and reburn at lower speed if it matches08:52
tbwenok yeah i've got 7.10 ub08:52
tbwen64bit version08:52
tbwen... core 2 duo is a 64bit, right?08:52
fishyou mean my install cd was burned incorrectly?08:53
bazhangtbwen can be; no need though really08:53
wangfgbazhang: th08:53
bazhangfish that is always the first suspect in cases like this08:53
tbwenso should i get the x86 intead?08:53
bazhangtbwen: how much ram you got?08:53
tbwen2gb @800mhertz08:53
Sturmehc2d is capable of 64bit yes08:54
Sturmehbut try x86 if you have it on hand08:54
fishlol this is madness, i have install this OS 2 times today...lol08:54
Sturmehfish whats the problem?08:54
fishI used Fedora Core 8 and had the same problem08:54
meowlud1hi all :) how would i go about upgrading to version 9.5 of wine? i am currently running version 9.33. Also, does anyone know how i add the 'restricted extras' package? I am running ubuntu version 7.04. If anyone knows a shortcut in terminal it would be much appreciated.08:54
wangfgbazhang: thanks, it gives a link...08:54
fishWhen i try to boot with my GeForce 6 series the machine freezes during the very early stages of the boot process and I have to do a hard reset to get the computer to respond08:54
bazhangtbwen: save yourself the headache and use the 32bit; I have 64bit machine and it works great08:54
drumlineI noticed on 7.10 that the eth1 interface is not in the /etc/network/interfaces file.  Where did it go?08:54
bazhangwangfg: best to read the broadcom link then ;]08:54
gregory!software | meowlud108:55
ubotumeowlud1: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents08:55
meowlud1thanks gregory!08:55
drumline!ubotu interfaces08:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about interfaces - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:55
tbwenis there anything for nvidia 8 series workaround?08:55
bazhangfish you matched the md5 sum?08:55
wangfgbazhang: ok, it seems complecated08:56
tbwenmy ub will run just nothing on screen; ctrl+alt+del restarts and mouse/keyboards all have LEDs lit08:56
fishin fact, i had this problem using the live cd for Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Fedora8, openSUSE, and PCLinuxOS2007... same problem08:56
arstanjHi, how to check which services running at which runlevel? Is there a list command? update-rc.d add/remove only so far08:56
Sturmehtbwen search teh forums08:56
bazhangfish you did or did not match the md5 sum08:56
Sturmehtheres alot of material08:56
Sturmehtbwen have you tried alt.cd?08:56
fishi have no idea what that is08:56
fishso i dont know(think) i did08:57
tbwensturmeh, what's alt.cd?08:57
samiDoes anyone know any application for starting a slideshow from CLI?08:57
Sturmehalternate cd installation08:57
Sturmehlets u install without booting live cd ubuntu08:57
jangasami, fbi08:57
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:57
bazhangsee above fish08:57
samijanga, fbi?08:57
DJones!alternate | tbwen08:57
ubotutbwen: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal08:57
Sturmehfish when you boot your cd, pick the "check cd" option08:57
tbwenwell i want to install ub to HD perm.08:57
fishoh yeah,08:57
gregorysami: you can start openoffice presentation from commandline with a filename08:57
fishI did that08:58
samijanga, i dont want to start a framebuffer slideshow.08:58
samigregory, Too heavy08:58
tbwenoh... so i got the wrong UB08:58
jangasami, fbi -a starts framebuffer slideshow08:58
LSD|Ninjatbwen: both the alternat and desktop CDs let you do that08:58
Sturmeh!uboto alternate08:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uboto alternate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:58
samijanga, i don't want framebuffer.08:58
fishI did that the very 1st time i burned it and tried to load the cd and it said it was fine08:58
tbwenso on boot optons, should i go to OEM install?08:58
Sturmehis that an option?08:59
tbwenis that the text one?08:59
jangabut you cant display images in cli without it?08:59
LSD|NinjaSturmeh: has been for a while iirc08:59
bazhangfish did you test the disk? during initial boot?08:59
tbwenis the OEM install the text only version in the live CD boot options?09:00
arstanjHi, how to check which services running at which runlevel? Is there a list command? update-rc.d add/remove only so far09:00
Sturmehhy LSD|Ninja09:00
Wayne^R2anybody know how to have a video file playing as a desktop background?09:00
LSD|NinjaWayne^R2: VLC I think does that09:00
bullgard4What is the service that is provided by the GNOME 'Service' System > Administration > Services > (Service Settings) > 'Audio settings management (alsa-utils)' to the operating system or user?09:00
Sturmehtbwen not sure, i thought you had to use the alternate cd iso09:00
LSD|Ninjabullgard4: that probably handles saving and loading mixer levels09:01
wangfgbazhang: sorry, the hardy wiki pages is not there yet09:01
tbwenok thanks everyone. i'm going to try OEM install and if that doesn't work i'll get the alt.cd09:01
bazhangwangfg: thus all the more reason to ask in the hardy channel09:01
wangfgbazhang: you are right09:02
bullgard4LSD|Ninja: When I switch off this 'Service' I still can save and load mixer levels.09:02
bazhangten more days then we can all unite09:02
gregoryarstanj: seems there is no command. you have to browse manually in the filesystem09:02
fishbazhang, yes09:02
arstanjgregory: thanks man, its good to have sth like chkconfig in redhat/fedora09:03
bazhangfish yes? not sure what you are referring to09:03
fish<bazhang>fish did you test the disk? during initial boot09:03
fishbazhang, yes09:03
Wayne^R2anybody know how to have a video file playing as a desktop background or have something like windows "active desktop" with a webpage as the desktop?09:03
bazhangfish how about removing quiet and adding acpi=off to the boot parameters09:04
LSD|NinjaWayne^R2: VLC I think does that09:04
bazhangWayne^R2: using compiz? iirc you can set it there09:04
Wayne^R2bazhang: LSD|Ninja: compiz yes, vlc does it in windows, not sure about gnome/compiz09:04
JaccoHis there a way to use apt to upgrade from 32bit to 64bit?09:05
MithsirHi! I get this error when compiling a program (KiCAD): "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lSM". But there is a /usr/lib/libSM.so.6 on my system. What am I missing?09:05
bazhangneed a really good gpu though ;]09:05
ocshi. i can't disable eth2: tried with gui, ifconfig eth2 down and ifdown eth2 .... what should i do?09:05
fishbazhang, how would I do that?, Sorry, I am not that experienced with linux as of yet.09:05
Hermanoni install the packege linux-libc-dev , i still get that config.h is not there ?09:05
gregoryarstanj: ubuntu, based on debian, doesnt have this sort of tool on purpose. for the people who want to tinker more09:05
bazhangJaccoH: no sadly09:05
arstanjgregory: I found this useful sysv-rc-conf09:06
fishbazhang, if it helps, I am ery comfortable in Terminal09:06
pawancan madriva be installed on top of ubuntu09:07
bazhangfish this will be a dual boot? you might consider wubi ; otherwise you need to get into the grub menu and edit it09:07
bazhangpawan on top of? or dual boot09:07
pawandual boot09:07
bazhangyes pawan09:07
fishbazhang, Well, I am fasing out fedora, I will be sticking with Ubuntu and eventually fedora will be completely removed from my system... Actually all I need to do is copy a few files from the file system to this files system.09:08
Sturmehlol fish09:09
Sturmehany 8 series problems with fedora?09:09
bazhangfish if you remove quiet then we can see the exact errors you are getting09:09
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.09:10
fishbazhang, and I have to do that in the GRUB boot loader using "e"09:10
bazhangfish yes ;]09:10
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fishbazhang, lol, ok, im understanding... what parameters should i use?09:11
fishSturmeh, you mean FC8 or GeForce 8 series?09:11
bazhangfish try acpi=off remove quiet, and is this an ide or sata drive?09:12
bazhangfish then try all_generic_ide as well09:12
Sturmehma 8800GT09:12
Sturmehand ur 8600 GS09:12
Sturmehgeforce ofcause09:12
buzzsawhow do i tell my eth1 to always have the address of ?    it seems every time i restart i have to sudo ifconfig eth1
fishbazhang, I will try that, thank you09:13
simplexiobuzzsaw: static ip address in that net config gui09:13
fishSturmeh, I dont have an 8 series... I have a 6 seeries09:13
buzzsawno gui :-)09:14
buzzsawi have ubuntu-server09:14
simplexiobuzzsaw: /etc/network/interfaces is conf file i think09:14
void^buzzsaw: man interfaces09:14
ompaulbuzzsaw, system administration network -- you will need the gateway address  .1 or .254 are usually gateways I prefer to have the machines in the +50 range (and I don't use .1.*  ;-))09:14
simplexiobuzzsaw: attleast ther i did my conf and it works09:14
Feral_KidI have been banging my head trying to get Ubuntu 7.10 working nicely with my atheros card. It is a mini-pci AR5212/AR5213 card, and although it connects to the AP, the connection is real flakey... Even when sitting directly under the AP... Any pointers?09:15
fishSturmeh, and yes, i had problems in FC8 with my 6 series, i had it narrowed down to a driver issue there but decided to go exclusivly with ubuntu so I am kind of restarting my search for assistance09:15
bazhangfish I have to go out for a little while; I will be back in about 90 mins if you still need help also /msg ubotu bootoptions can give more info as well09:15
fishbazhang, Alrighty, thank you bazhang09:15
bazhang!yay | fish09:15
ubotufish: Glad you made it! :-)09:15
bullgard4What is the service that is provided by the GNOME 'Service' System > Administration > Services > (Service Settings) > 'Audio settings management (alsa-utils)' to the operating system or user?09:16
tsukasaheres an odd question for ya, how do you wake a computer up from monitor powersavings via ssh09:16
fishlmao, i just got that uBOTu... lol09:16
fishok im gonna go try this09:16
tocmo0nlordwhats the tty1 2 3 4 5 6 7 for ?09:17
gregoryFeral_Kid: you already tried the info in !atheros ?09:17
Jordan_Utocmo0nlord, Convenience09:17
gregory!atheros | Feral_Kid09:17
ubotuFeral_Kid: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:17
simplexiotsukasa: dont remember it for sure but /proc/acpi/wakeup could be one09:17
tocmo0nlordwhats the idea of it tho ? having diff terminals in 1 pc ?09:17
Jordan_Utocmo0nlord, Each one doing different things09:18
gregorytocmo0nlord: its a set of consoles to keep things sorted (back in the old days without X and stuff)09:18
simplexioand for people who didnt know what screen is09:18
tocmo0nlordtty7 is where the x screen is ?09:18
Jordan_Utocmo0nlord, Usually, yes09:18
tocmo0nlordwhat is tty1 for ?09:19
tocmo0nlordis it like the admin site of it ?09:19
Jordan_Utocmo0nlord, Having a terminal separate from X09:19
konaHi - Anyone here use remote desktop client Hamachi - If so ... - Could use some info on how to install09:20
konaCan't locate in Synaptics09:20
jjh2ohello everyone, i've just installed songbird and i cant find it to open, where would i find it?09:21
Feral_Kidgregory: Yes, I did everything except build the latest version of madwifi...09:21
gregorykona: you already tried remote desktop client packaged for ubuntu. check in add/remove software09:22
gregorykona: you already tried remote desktop client packaged for ubuntu? check in add/remove software09:22
unoptocmo0nlord, it comes about from the days when unix was really multi-user .. different people logged into the same computer but from different terminals - today, it allows you to have multiple sessions09:23
tocmo0nlordif my x gets frozen ive gone in tty1 remove lock and start x again on tty1 but its still running on tty7 how could would i go on about this issue ?09:23
bbuuzzsweet after working all day it finally works :-)09:23
bbuuzzthank you every one :-)09:23
konagregory: not as yet - the Hamachi was highly recommended by a fellow I spoke with in Kona - Hawaii while on vaction. Said it works real well and likes it allot....09:23
gregoryjjh2o: is songbird an ubuntu package?09:24
=== bbuuzz is now known as buzzsaw
ShiroUsagiHi, could anyone here help me with samba on Gutsy?09:24
tocmo0nlordi want to fix or restart x on tty7 not start a new one on tty109:24
unoptocmo0nlord, the terminal X chooses is hardcoded in a script, it's normal09:24
ompaultocmo0nlord, that is the default - why do you think that it is starting on tty109:24
simplexiotocmo0nlord: kill X and then you go tty7, in ubuntu X restarts automatically if its killed09:25
Jordan_Utocmo0nlord, Why don't you just kill X? GDM will respawn it09:25
gregorykona: i understand. however chances are better for getting ubuntu-support if you could use the ubuntu substitute09:25
tocmo0nlordhow can i kill x ?09:25
gregoryShiroUsagi: try #ubuntu-server09:25
rinaldi_hi, when i play some fullscreen games I still see the menu bars at the top and bottom of my screen. anyone know how to fix it? compiz is off09:25
ompaultocmo0nlord, several ways - one is    CTRL ALT Backspace09:25
simplexiotocmo0nlord: but if you dont wat it to respawn you /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:25
konagregory: running install of the latest Ubuntu beta 8.409:25
ShiroUsagigregory, thanks09:25
tocmo0nlordlet me try09:25
Jordan_Utocmo0nlord, ctrl+alt+backspace or if it's really locked up alt+sysrq+k09:25
gregorykona: great, welcome to the club09:26
Jordan_U!hardy | kona09:26
ubotukona: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu09:26
tocmo0nlordwould this also work if it was frozen ?09:26
* Jizzo waves09:27
konagregory ok - wouldn't hurt to install both - can always settle on one I like - and uninstall other later - thanks for tip  :o)09:27
Jordan_Utocmo0nlord, alt+sysrq+k should do it, if not alt+sysrq+r then alt+sysrq+k will definitely do it09:27
tocmo0nlordsysrq ?09:27
Jordan_Utocmo0nlord, it's usually the same key as printscreen09:28
tocmo0nlordi see it now lol09:28
konaubotu: yea - couldn't remember name of release - but that's it by golly - lik'n it allot - very nice - found my USB WiFi stick w/no problems - it's smooth sailing so far....09:29
konaubotu: So need to be in #ubuntu+1 channel - correct? Sorry if in wrong support channel...09:30
fishHello again folks09:31
konaWhat release's or version's of Ubuntu does this channel support????09:32
fishcan someone please scroll up and get the  boot parameters that bazhang gave me?, I thought I had them copied but i guess it didnt happen09:32
fishits something like acpi=off quiet something09:33
JPSmanDoes anyone here rock the Electric Sheep screensaver?09:33
fishi dont use screensavers09:34
NemykalAnybody got an ASUS Striker II Formula Motherboard?09:34
JPSmanfish: This one is unique, have you heard of it?09:34
JPSmanfish: it torrent fractal animations to your computer.  Thing is these fractals are calculated by - get this - anyone viewing the screen saver09:35
gregorykona: 7.10 and older09:35
gregorykona: ubotu is a *bot*09:35
JPSmanSo I am using xchat - can someone tell me what the red line represents?09:37
ubutomApr 14 10:12:39 <bazhang>       fish then try all_generic_ide as well09:38
NemykalJPSman, I think it shows where the most recent message was at the time you opened the Xchat window09:38
konagregory: Thanks finally figured that out - <grin> silly me - thanks09:38
JPSmannemykal: due to lag?09:39
fishwoah ubutom, lol i didnt think anyone would actually look for it... but what i need is actually abovce that09:39
Morten_How do I change my network-identity? -- For instance to "morten-ubuntu"?09:39
charles035hi I am looking for a full Turn-key Linux Platform for Windows-Centric Businesses with gui09:40
Morten_So a system admin would see my computer showing up as "morten-unbuntu"09:40
ubutomfish: here you go :-)09:40
ubutomApr 14 10:09:47 <bazhang>       fish if you remove quiet then we can see the exact errors you are getting09:40
ubutomApr 14 10:10:21 <fish>  bazhang, and I have to do that in the GRUB boot loader using "e"09:40
ubutomApr 14 10:10:32 <bazhang>       fish yes ;]09:40
ubutomApr 14 10:11:35 <fish>  bazhang, lol, ok, im understanding... what parameters should i use?09:40
ubutomApr 14 10:12:09 <bazhang>       fish try acpi=off remove quiet, and is this an ide or sata drive?09:40
FloodBot2ubutom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:40
ubutomApr 14 10:12:39 <bazhang>       fish then try all_generic_ide as well09:40
unopMorten_, do you mean your computer name/hostname?09:40
charles035for servers09:40
ompaul!paste | ubutom09:40
ubotuubutom: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:40
konagregory: have the other channel of /ubuntu#1 - Hardy Heron support open now - Thanks - really liking ubuntu - was using PCLOS 2007 for about 9 mos. - this is a good change - little different then KDE but it's nice - seems more solid, etc.09:40
gregorycharles035: what sort of bussinesses?09:40
fishoh youre awesome ubuntom09:41
fishthank you09:41
Morten_unop, think its my hostname09:41
unop!hostname | Morten_  (see private message from ubotu)09:41
ubotuMorten_  (see private message from ubotu): Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab09:41
simplexioMorten_: do you those names which are visible in windows network shares ?09:41
unopbahh ..09:41
gregorykona: what matters most about linux is choice. just find your way09:41
konagregory: yep - that's it what ever works and gets the job done - right/09:42
charles035I am looking to buy a full gui for our servers09:42
fishwell, i really appreciate that ubutom, thank you for getting that for me09:42
Morten_simplexio, im not quite sure, the system admin just said that we had to make our laptops identify-able on the network09:42
ShiroUsagiAre there any other network ways of file sharing between two Gutsy machines except samba and ftp/http?09:42
fishi am gonna go try it now09:42
gregorycharles035: what sort of servers?09:42
Morten_thx unop09:42
ubutomnp fish  :-)09:43
unopShiroUsagi, nfs09:43
unopShiroUsagi, ssh / scp09:43
simplexioMorten_: i mean hostname dosent show before somone tryis to log in example with ssh09:43
charles035we are looking at ubuntu in france as for the usa09:43
Morten_simplexio, ohh ok, then it might not be hostname i have to change..09:43
charles035right now we are running red hat09:44
ShiroUsagiunop, Thanks, will nfs be available and browsable via "Network"?09:44
unop_charles035, maybe you need to be more specific about the GUI environment you are after.09:44
Hermanonhi , who to install the kernel-headers package i tried : linux-libc-dev , i've also tried sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 linux-headers-$(uname -r)09:44
gregorycharles035: well you have to determine what you need. for server questions also try #ubuntu-server09:44
peter77is there a utility to break ubuntu login passwords similar to ophcrack?09:45
simplexioMorten_: probably the right asnwer is install samba and define wins / netbios name09:45
charles035we hybride network we server back end and frond end windows09:45
simplexioMorten_: not really sure which one it is09:45
Morten_simplexio, okay thx, ill look in to it :)09:45
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.09:46
charles035we want to reselle it for all new server09:46
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu09:46
simplexiopeter77: yes. there is password carackers, but no idea how ophcrack works09:46
unop_ShiroUsagi, browsable - i don't think so, you'll need to know what nfs exports a server is exporting and mount them accordingly -- and nautilus handles nfs mounts, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo09:46
CaptainMorganshucks... I thought it due out on 14th.. not the 24th.. bah09:46
simplexiopeter77: problem is thought that you cant get that secret password to crack without root right :)09:46
Hermanon hi , how to install the kernel-headers package i tried : linux-libc-dev , i've also tried sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 linux-headers-$(uname -r)09:46
peter77simplexio, what tool would you recommend to crack a linux users password?09:47
ShiroUsagiunop_, Thanks a lot!09:47
charles035with ldap gui, samba, full raoming profile in worksration ,email intergreted09:47
simplexiopeter77: i dont use, loong time ago there was crackerjack, but it was loooong time ago09:47
gregorycharles035: i suggest you find out yourself on the web. this is the wrong channel for that, sorry.09:48
unop_Hermanon, sudo aptitude install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)  # should give you all you need09:48
unop_Hermanon, if you are still facing trouble, tell us exactly what you are facing. errors, behaviour, etc09:49
charles035I am sorry you are rigt09:49
gregorycharles035: we cannot do bussiness consulting here, sorry09:49
charles035I tryed online can't find yet09:50
JPSmanHow would one network two ubuntu's together using a CAT5 cable?09:50
unop_JPSman, the cable needs to be a cross-over cable09:50
peter77simplexio, hmm I have a feeling its going to be a lot harder to crack unix passwords than windows :-)09:50
gregorycharles035: its very easy to find the information on google09:50
unop_JPSman, then it's just a matter of assigning IP addresses to both machines09:51
unop_charles035, you are looking for an RHEL server09:51
Hermanonunop_ ,i need the config.h file , i am compiling a kernel module ,it tells me the config.h is missing09:51
Hiashey guys09:51
unop_charles035, it has all the tools you need09:51
Hiasanyone got an intel 965 gfx?09:52
Hiasdon't get it to work09:52
unop_Hermanon, that's very vague, please use a !pastebin ( do not paste in here ) and show us what you have there09:52
atywhat kind of hw raid card would you recommend for ubuntu server?09:52
atywhich is really hardware09:52
charles035can we chat beside here09:52
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unop_charles035, what's wrong with chatting in here?09:53
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:53
scrimple101hello, does anyone know what app will open .rar files?09:53
charles035everyone is telling me can't do it for business09:53
unop_!info rar | scrimple10109:54
ubotuscrimple101: rar (source: rar): Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.7b1-2 (gutsy), package size 494 kB, installed size 1012 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)09:54
unop_!info unrar | scrimple10109:54
ubotuscrimple101: unrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.7.3-1.1 (gutsy), package size 94 kB, installed size 232 kB09:54
ompaulgregory, please don't suggest to people to use google, by all means answer their question with a link you find there if you know it to be right09:54
scrimple101run that by me again just the app name09:54
scrimple101is that unrar?09:55
ompaulcharles035, put the info unop_ asked for on a pastebin and give unop_ the url ;-)09:55
hyperstreamhhey guys09:55
charles035I need management server gui09:56
hyperstreamive basicly installed 7.10 done the updates- did the restricted nvidia drivers09:56
hyperstreamand i have 2 dual monitors when using scrrens and graphics to set it up09:56
hyperstreami can located the monitor modles09:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:56
unop_charles035, the thing is most servers don't need GUIs because they aren't machines you sit at like with desktops -- ubuntu servers can serve windows machines quite well (especially your requirements) -- although it doesn't give you the microsoft-windows-gui-like-tools to administer the server, afaik, only RHEL and SLED have those tools09:56
charles035were do send my info and how09:56
knightWse@hyperstream : check out howtoforge , they just posted a howto on your problem09:57
hyperstreambut on my Default screen the resolution is huge yet my screen only displays a section of it, and by moving my mouse around the edge orf my scrren it then scrools over the Default's viewing space09:57
hyperstreamit also seems interlaced09:57
buggmasterhow i get rid of x from running09:57
hyperstreamgiwtifirge >09:57
hyperstreamhow to forge ?09:57
unop_buggmaster, stop X from starting at all ?09:58
Hermanonunop_ ,sorry i didn't understand whats !pastebin09:58
JPSmanunop_: how can I send files from one to the other?09:58
hyperstreamknightWse,  i dont follow mmate09:58
buggmasteri can kill it, just comes right back09:58
LSD|Ninjabuggmaster: install from a server CD :P09:58
buggmasteri did, i read a wrong doc that installed desktop on server :/09:58
unop_Hermanon, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org < go here09:58
buggmasterpissed me off big time, let me tell you09:58
unop_JPSman, be a little more specific please09:58
charles035I am in the link09:59
unop_buggmaster, do you want to remove all the gnome packages? or leave them be and just have a non-GUI enabled system?09:59
knightWse@hyperstream : On howtoforge,com there is an article giving you detailed instructions on how to set it up right10:00
buggmasteranything that will give me my resources back, i dont need gui, all i use is remote command line10:00
ompaulbuggmaster, sudo apt-get install rcconf and use that program to "turn off gdm" and then do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop << sorted10:00
unop_buggmaster, sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults stop10:00
ompaulunop_, remind me to bring my brain ;-)10:01
unop_buggmaster, that'll stop if from starting at bootup .. but to kill it immediately too.  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:01
unop_ompaul, nothing wrong with rcconf :)10:01
buggmasterthat update-rc.d thing spit back problems.. sec10:02
buggmasterupdate-rc.d: error: codenumber must be a number between 0 and 9910:02
buggmaster7.10 if that matters10:02
Hermanonunop_,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63149/plain/10:02
unop_buggmaster, hmm, maybe i got it wrong.  try this. sudo update-rc.d gdm stop 20 1-510:04
iQ-Zer0unop_,  wats that ?10:04
buggmasterupdate-rc.d: error: expected runlevel [0-9S] (did you forget "." ?)10:05
Hermanon unop_,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63149/plain/     i've pasted what i get here10:05
unop_Hermanon, hmm, are you trying to compile a kernel ?10:06
tim167whats a good calendar software ?10:06
unop_buggmaster, try the last command with a . appended10:06
ubutomevolution i guess, am not using it tho, tim16710:06
unop_iQ-Zer0, whats what?10:06
buggmasterappedned to who?10:06
kelvin911is there VNC server in ubuntu?10:07
gregorytim167: try evolution10:07
Hermanon unop_,  i am trying to compile a kernel module: a modem driver10:07
tim167ubutom: i used to use sunbird, but its still icky to install, looking for a better solution, also is it possible to sync to google calendar ?10:07
buggmasteri found this10:08
buggmastersudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:08
buggmasterstops it10:08
tim167gregory: i thought evolution an email client in the first place ?10:08
buggmasternow how to remove it, ill delete the file if i have too lol10:08
LSD|NinjaEvo does have the advantage of being a part of the Ubuntu base but it's probably a bit heavy if all you want is a Calendar...10:08
unop_Hermanon, ok, there might be things you need to do before running make - see the README and/or INSTALL files in the source directory10:08
gregorytim167: yes, but also calendar, just start it up and see if if suits your needs10:08
unop_buggmaster, bahh, sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove10:08
ubutomtim167, dunno about syncing, but in case of sunbird, there is an addon for thunderbird too, its called lightning. will be integrated in thunderbird soon10:09
buzzsawwith a default LAMP install were would i find the directory for my apache server?10:09
bluecakeif firefox's form box, it shows my previous search entries, how to auto complete that, so i don't have to type the whole thing again?10:09
tim167ok thanks guys, ill look into evolution ...10:09
kelvin911which VNC server should i use in ubuntu?10:09
Hermanon3.  INSTALLATION10:10
Hermanon   1. root access10:10
Hermanon   2. bash shell to run install scripts10:10
Hermanon   3. an Intel536ep modem10:10
FloodBot2Hermanon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:10
Hermanonsorry i didn't mean to flood10:10
unop_Hermanon, please don't do that - you just used a pastebin10:11
ubutomwelcome to the club Hermanon :-)10:11
hyperstreamXlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0". -- when i run xrandr -q10:11
ubutomI wanted to msg someone earlier and flooded the channel :-/10:11
unop_charles035, i really think you need to read something about red hat enterprise linux - http://www.redhat.com/rhel10:11
Hermanon unop_  ,http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63154/ here is my readme.txt file10:12
iceswordHermanon, wht's up dude10:14
charles035I talk to redhat for waht need it the say they do want to deal Microsoft at all10:14
charles035we need hypride server10:14
charles035I love too use Ubuntu or redhat10:15
unopcharles035, hybrid server? is that what you mean?10:15
hyperstreamXlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0". -- when i run xrandr -q ?10:15
unopcharles035, describe this hybrid server exactly. what is it, what will it do. what will it run, etc?10:15
charles035back end linux front end windows with all ldap10:16
puppetmastermy nvidia driver crashed when I upgraded from 7.10 to 8.0410:16
puppetmasterI can't use Envy. So, what should I do?10:16
Hermanonunop_  ,http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63154/ here is a part of  my readme.txt file10:16
Bollingermy syslog kern.log and messages are 3.2GB each. Can I just delete them, or should I make them rollover then delete them?10:16
unopcharles035, red hat does that fine - although they will not give you support for the windows part of your infrastructure and they'll be less than willing to support you where you linux servers work together with windows ones -- but everything you just described, RHEL does10:17
gregoryBollinger: they are log files. if you dont need anymore you can del them10:17
Bollingergregory: ok thanks.10:17
puppetmasterSo. what should I do guys? Is there an Envy for Hardy 8.04 ?10:19
charles035We need support we need gui we want get rig of microsoft server may even the fron dend too  if can10:19
unopHermanon, from what i can see, the makefile requires these two files - /boot/vmlinuz.autoconf.h and /boot/vmlinuz.version.h - but these are not standard and not part of any ubuntu/debian package - you might like to scour forums for more on how to get this compiled on debian/ubuntu10:20
ubutompuppetmaster, why dont you install the driver manually?10:20
puppetmasterI did installed the restricted drivers10:20
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »10:20
puppetmasterbut it's not fully function10:21
Hermanonthanks  unop10:21
puppetmasterit hasn't got the resolution 1024×76810:21
puppetmasterand it has crashed my emerald10:21
jerknextdoor_can anyone help me with mounting an external in 7.10?10:21
charles035The Xandros Management Console (xMC) for ubuntu or red hat server10:22
Sinnermanjerknextdoor_: what are you mounting?10:23
bullgard4What is the service that is provided by the GNOME 'Service' System > Administration > Services > (Service Settings) > 'Audio settings management (alsa-utils)' to the operating system or user?10:24
knightWseI would like to run an script in my crontab , but how do i do that ?10:25
void^bullgard4: see /etc/init.d/alsa-utils - saves/restores audio volume/mixer levels10:25
knightWsedo i just say 1 0 0 0  root /home/scripts/script.sh10:25
knightWseor do i need to formulate it differently10:25
JPSmanuh - im just trying to get a file from one ubuntu computer to another over a network cable10:26
vladi_I have two cards: eth0 (dhcp assigns ip) and eth1. eth1 has a static ip.10:27
ichinpogs1hi guys10:27
=== shyster is now known as shyster317
ichinpogs1hi guys can you help me how kopete webcam works i only got blue image insted of my face show wing in the web cam...10:28
ichinpogs1hi guys can you help me how kopete webcam works i only got blue image insted of my face show wing in the web cam...10:28
FloodBot2ichinpogs1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:28
vladi_ /etc/network/interfaces has lines has iface eth1 inet static and address but after reboot there's no ip address attached to eth110:28
unopKnight488, that cronjob is invalid if you are to use that job as a non-root user .. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron#Usage10:28
unopvladi_, does the file also have "auto eth1" enabled?10:29
bullgard4void^: Excellent! Now I understand. Up to now I was misled because  the identifier 'alsa-utils' has two different meanings. --  Thank you very much.10:30
vladi_I don't see:cat /etc/network/interfaces10:30
vladi_auto lo10:30
vladi_iface lo inet loopback10:30
vladi_iface dsl-provider inet ppp10:30
vladi_pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up # line maintained by pppoeconf10:30
FloodBot2vladi_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:30
vladi_provider dsl-provider10:30
unop!paste | vladi_10:30
ubotuvladi_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:30
hyperstreamknightWse, that howto didnt work10:32
iceswordso other partition edit tools for linux?10:32
vladi_:-) sorry10:32
hyperstreamas in followed it step for step- no results10:32
kameleonnnmhi, i need simple web server with gui cofiguration for my ubuntu desktop10:32
iQ-Zer0i am having trouble configuring cups.. the windows users cant see my printer :S10:32
tim167trying to use Evolution, created account with correct info for pop mail enter correct password...etc, but i get "Unable to connect to POP server" can anyone help ?10:33
ubutomkameleonnnm, try XAMPP10:33
tim167it does work with Thunderbird with exactly the same info10:34
kameleonnnmthx, i will10:34
vladi_unop, eth1 with no ip after reboot. I'll try to add auto eth1 to it. I hope It'll help.10:35
unop_vladi_, if "auto eht1" does not exist, eth1 is not brought up and as a consequence won't have an ip address10:35
iceswordso other partition  tools for linux?10:35
unop_icesword, fdisk, cfdisk, sfdisk10:36
iceswordunop_, naaa,thx,10:36
unop_icesword, naaa? looking for something pretty and dysfunctional? :)10:37
icesworddon't know if they will manage windows and linux well,thx10:37
tim167Evolution doesnt have the "port" setting for my pop mail, like thunderbird does, how can i set this ?10:37
void^icesword: they manage partitions. partitions don't care about operating systems.10:37
unop_icesword, what are you looking to do really? resize paritions or just create them?10:39
unop_tim167, does your pop server listen on a non-standard port, if not evolution chooses the right default (110)10:39
buzzsawi did an    apt-get install ubuntu-desktop but i dont want x to start every time how do i stop it?10:40
unop_buzzsaw,  sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove10:40
buzzsawthanks :-)10:40
erUSULtim167: server:port ?10:40
unop_buzzsaw, also. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:41
bullgard4Using the mc built-in file viewer, how can I copy a string of displayed text into the clipboard?10:41
unop_bullgard4, i dont think mc interacts with the x and gnome clipboards10:41
bullgard4unop_: I see.10:42
void^bullgard4: mc is a console application, right? it would depend on your terminal then.10:42
spiderfireis there a console pdf reader?10:42
iceswordunop_, some friends asked me for help,he want to resize partition,he uses windows,and he said he doesn't want to use pirated warez,that's all thing10:42
bullgard4void^: Let it depend on my terminal. I use to operate my mc in a Gnome terminal.10:42
Pirate_Hunterinsta conky supposed to run constantly? it seems if i have programs open it doesnt update constantly its laggy i would say, how can i fix this when its meant to update every 1.5 scs10:43
gregoryspiderfire: no, pdf is graphics designed10:43
gregoryspiderfire: you can still use10:43
Pirate_Hunter!gparted | icesword10:43
ubotuicesword: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/10:43
gregoryspiderfire: a tool, which extracts the text info out of the pdf and view that on the console10:43
void^bullgard4: it probably has a keyboard shortcut for copy&paste stuff, just check the menu. you just can't do things like selecting multiple pages of text and copying it at once.10:44
iceswordPirate_Hunter, thx,sir10:44
tim167erUSUL: unop_: nm , my bad, i entered just my name for 'username' instead of my email address, it would be less confusing if it asked for 'email address' instead of 'user name'....10:44
Pirate_Hunterinstaconky supposed to run constantly? it seems if i have programs open it doesnt update constantly its laggy i would say, how can i fix this when its meant to update every 1.5 scs?10:45
Pirate_Hunterdam morning spelling10:45
vladi_unop_: thank you. It did! I've read a dozen howtos about internet sharing I could find. None mentioned it. It worked but until rebooting...you're clever :-)10:46
Pirate_Hunter*inst conky supposed to run constantly? it seems if i have programs open it doesnt update constantly its laggy i would say, how can i fix this when its meant to update every 1.5 scs?10:46
awmcclainUg. I've screwed up my pgp signing: I've created a public/private key, but I've somehow screwed up my passphrase. How do I delete the key from my keyring?10:46
bullgard4void^: Let me re-read mc's manpage and check.10:46
=== KenSentMe_ is now known as KenSentMe
un0pvladi_, :)10:47
void^bullgard4: i meant gnome-terminal's menu/shortcut10:47
kevin7kalI have a strange intermittent problem.  Sometimes after a restart and login to the gnome desktop the font size of my kde apps are very very very small.10:48
kevin7kalI try qtconfig-qt4, though I can change them their, I only see a small difference10:48
kevin7kalany ideas on how this can be fixed?10:49
bullgard4void^: Ah!10:49
jerknextdoor_anyone install gimp 2.5 yet?10:49
compwiz18Anyone have any idea why the rear USB ports on my computer work fine, while a hub plugged into a rear port doesn't work well with mass storage devices (ie, they have read errors) and also the front usb ports have the same problem?10:50
Zirodaycompwiz18: because they do not have enough power10:51
compwiz18Ziroday: even though it is a powered hub? I'd agree - when I googled the error, that seemed to be the common conclusion, but I'm not sure...10:51
goranso this is where you ask for help when youre a noob?10:51
Pirate_Hunterinst conky supposed to run constantly? it seems if i have programs open it doesnt update constantly its laggy i would say, how can i fix this when its meant to update every 1.5 scs?10:51
compwiz18Ziroday: so I guess my point is, is there a way to provide more power to them?10:52
jerknextdoor_goran: depends on how noob you are.  but yes.10:52
goranwell im no stranger to computers in general but in terms of ubuntu i only have a few hours under my belt10:52
Zirodaycompwiz18: providing more power to the usb ports is very difficult and will probably be a hardware fix instead of software10:52
compwiz18Ziroday: I understand that: why would a powered USB hub not have enough power though?10:53
jerknextdoor_goran:  well, what are you looking for maybe i can help.  if not i'm sure someone can10:53
Zirodaycompwiz18: not sure :), is the power external or from another usb port?10:53
un0pcompwiz18, the hub could be malfunctioning10:53
compwiz18Ziroday: external, as in a power block10:53
goranwell im looking to figure out how to install Football Manager08 - but i have two little more crucial issues with my screen and my external usb drive10:53
cphamis there anyone can help me with grub problem?10:54
koootor your power supply may not be large enough to support everything in your computer.10:54
Zirodayask | cpham10:54
compwiz18un0p: perhaps, although the printer that is plugged into it works fine...10:54
cphami have install XP10:54
compwiz18although it does have its own power10:54
icesworduse the trigger10:54
cphamand then install Ubuntu10:54
jerknextdoor_goran:  external drives i cant help you with.  i'm having a similar problem the last few days with an external not mounting...(even though it will any other day).10:54
un0pcompwiz18, are the mass storage devices self-powering too?10:54
cphambut only gone through the first step10:55
compwiz18un0p: one is, one is a thumb drive10:55
cphamafter that it only boot to Windows Xp10:55
un0pcompwiz18, and both don't work?10:55
cphamso i decided to install grub to MBR10:55
hyperstreamany tips on how to get Dual Monitors working successfully with each monitor having its own resolution and having it as a Addition to the current MAIN SCREEN desktop ? (NVIDIA)10:55
cphamand now it stop booting to anything10:55
compwiz18un0p: correct10:55
compwiz18un0p: although, some days they work better then others :/10:55
buzzsawhow do i make it were when i do apt-get install    it does not try to pull from the cd?10:55
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead10:55
icesword!grub > cpham10:55
un0pcompwiz18, do the devices work fine without the hub?10:56
goranjerknextdoor_: well how about the installation of FM08 - so i can at least keep busy while I find the solution to the other probs.10:56
jerknextdoor_goran:  and there seems to be a decent amount of football manager 08 install stuff in the forums.10:56
buzzsawmy computer is in the other room   and i wont want to have to run back and forth to put the cd in10:56
compwiz18un0p: yeah, the thumb drive works perfectly when plugged in the back, and I get read errors in dmesg when its plugged in the front or in the hub10:56
jerknextdoor_goran:  i'm not familiar with the program so i don tknow much about it.  what's the problem you're having?10:56
un0pcompwiz18, how about the other mass storage device?10:56
koootpotentially a bad usb port.10:57
compwiz18un0p: same thing, read errors when plugged in the front or the hub10:57
compwiz18un0p: altough now the thumb drive appears to be working fine when plugged in the front...10:57
cphamicesword: i have two hard drive, Ubuntu and XP in sdb, would it matter?10:58
un0pcompwiz18, i'd say you have a problem with both your hub and the front ports - did you assemble this pc?10:58
cphamicesword: the sda just empty at the moment10:58
goranjerknextdoor_: i have an alcohol image (mdf/mds file) and am kinda clueless about how i install the game itself. i've seen some software for converting the mds/mdf to iso but i cant really get that to work either10:58
compwiz18un0p: yep :)10:58
compwiz18probably my fault somewhere :P10:58
ubutomcompwiz18, the manual of my motherboard says that i cant use 2 of the rear usb-ports if i connect them with the frontpanel, for example.10:58
koootdid the front usb come in seperate wires, such as power, etc.  Or did it just come as one plug.10:59
un0pcompwiz18, well, i'd make sure that the USB ports are connected upto the motherboard properly10:59
compwiz18un0p: yeah, although now it seems to be working :/10:59
compwiz18although I did unplug the hub10:59
koootbecause if they are seperate wires one can get placed wrong.10:59
compwiz18maybe it doesn't like the hub or something?10:59
lordleemogoran: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3637536&postcount=3910:59
=== cpk1_ is now known as cpk1
compwiz18kooot: I think its just one plug10:59
koootyeah, I figured if its newer.11:00
goranlordleemo: thanks. ill try this right away11:00
un0pcompwiz18, well, thing is, device could still work despite the ports being connected up wrong, especially the connections for power11:00
lordleemogoran: your welcome i dont use it myself but the link looks ok11:00
koootMight want to try the hub on the back usb ports, and if it doesn't work then, I think you have narrowed down your problem11:01
compwiz18alright, I'll pop the case off and try a different usb header or something11:01
compwiz18kooot: the hub is plugged into the back ports ;)11:01
koootthen I will just shut up.  haha11:01
compwiz18I wonder if the hub is the problem11:02
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me with conky?11:02
compwiz18having unplugged the hub, everything is working fine...11:02
compwiz18I plugged the hub in and things went south11:03
compwiz18device descriptor read/64, error -11011:04
compwiz18this is a good discovery11:05
Pirate_Huntercna someone help me get conky working11:05
compwiz18Pirate_Hunter: what exactly isn't working about it?11:06
* compwiz18 runs off to find another USB cable to try with the hub11:06
GpalcoGuys, anyone ever used The11:06
GpalcoGuys, anyone ever used The Launcher Applet ???11:06
compwiz18Gpalco: the gnome panel one?11:07
hyperstreamive followed two guides for nvidia twinview both failing to work, or even show the logo at the login screenm the only way i had success in achiving what i wanted was with the screens and graphics option within ubuntu admin section: Only issue is, my MAIN monitor is running at the right resolution but seem ZOOMED IN, as i move my mouse it moves the ZOOM around my main desktop, any idea's ?11:07
gregoryGpalco: !ask11:07
compwiz18!ask | Gpalco11:07
ubotuGpalco: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:07
gregory!ask | Gpalco11:07
csabawhat's the name of that console chat application, where i write something like "chat" to talk with another person on the local network, over console?11:07
Pirate_Huntercompwiz18: conky doesnt update frequently when i have programs running, if i keep everything closed conky gives me real time update instead of interval update which is laggy11:08
Pirate_Huntercompwiz18: how can i fix this?11:08
Gpalcocompwiz18,  The Launcher Applet http://www.alte.ru/thelauncher/  YES Right. I cannot add it to the PANNEL !11:08
Laibschjoin #ubuntu-de11:08
gregorycsaba: maybe "talk"?11:09
csabahmm talk is not installed by default, i need sudo privileges... is there something that is installed?11:09
nationdemonHello, I've tried the ubuntu live cd and it works fine on two pcs the third crashes on starting hald or if i use noapic kerneloption (during boot) it kernel panics on bluetooth. no bluethooth installed, no option found on bios. mobo: asus k8v se deluxe, bios is up2date (tried several versions), any idea?11:10
compwiz18csaba: if you aren't too picky, you can use netcat, I think11:10
nationdemonand it happend with gutsy and hardy ...11:10
compwiz18you'll have to be clever though :)11:10
gregorycsaba: your sudo password == user password11:10
Gpalcocompwiz18,  I installed it as an applet and it is in the applets folder, It is NOT on the list and I cannot add it to the PANNEL11:10
Gpalcogregory, compwiz18,  I installed it as an applet and it is in the applets folder, It is NOT on the list and  cannot add it to the PANNEL11:11
compwiz18Gpalco: where is the applets folder?11:11
rsmith16384can anyone tell me if its possible to run virtualbox on hardy?11:11
Gpalcogregory, compwiz18, /usr/lib/gnome-applets11:11
Pirate_Hunterrsmith16384, hi11:11
gregoryrsmith16384: its possible11:11
Pirate_HunterGpalco, yes it is ive done it11:11
compwiz18Gpalco: did you run the install.py file in the tar.gz file?11:12
rsmith16384do you think i would have any problems running freenas virtualized?11:12
Pirate_Hunterrsmith16384: dont know try it and find out11:12
Gpalcogregory, compwiz18, Yes I did. And it even asked for password in the process11:12
rsmith16384i went to the virtualbox download page and i dont see a version for hardy11:13
rsmith16384does that mean i will need to compile it myself and if so will i loose usb function?11:13
GpalcoPirate_Hunter, gregory, I installed it as an applet and it is in the applets folder, It is NOT on the list and  cannot add it to the PANNEL11:13
rsmith16384cause of the liscensing?11:13
Pirate_Hunterrsmith16384: of course you wont it still beta but you cna run it cause i have just choose linux kernel 2.6 and install11:14
rsmith16384do you have usb?11:14
gregoryrsmith16384: vb OSE comes prepackaged in the hardy rsoftware stack11:14
rsmith16384my raid vols are external usb11:14
GpalcoPirate_Hunter, gregory, compwiz18, is there kind of regestrar of gnome-applets ?11:14
ubuntu--newbieHallo Guys. I jusy installed Ubuntu 8.04 and my wireless card (broadcom) doesn't seem to work. Any help would be appreciated.11:15
Pirate_HunterGpalco: sorry could you tell me your problem since compwiz was helping you if i cna help ill di so11:15
DRebellionubuntu--newbie, /join #ubuntu+111:15
gregory!bc « ubuntu--newbie11:15
gregory!bc | ubuntu--newbie11:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:15
erUSUL!broadcom | ubuntu--newbie11:15
ubotuubuntu--newbie: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx11:15
Pirate_Hunterubuntu--newbie: go to #ubuntu+111:15
Varkarsmith16384, http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/virtualbox#11:15
DRebellion!help > gregory11:15
* Antti !weather, !kernel, !sysinfo, !sms11:15
Varkarsmith16384, http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/virtualbox11:15
rsmith16384cool thanks11:15
Varkarsmith16384, its already in the repos for hardy11:16
rsmith16384from what i undersand ose wont allow my usb to work11:17
Pirate_HunterVarka: but he was getting it from the site as .deb it shouldn't make a different as long as he gets the latest version there11:17
ubuntu--newbieno one seem to reply me in #ubuntu+111:17
DRebellionubuntu--newbie, that's no excuse for asking about hardy in here11:17
GpalcoPirate_Hunter, I installed The Launcher Applet as a gnome-applet and it is in the applets folder (/usr/lib/gnome-applets), but It is NOT on the list of available applets and thus I cannot add it to the PANNEL. Have you managed to add it to the pannel. What did you do?11:18
rsmith16384guess i just have to burn up 230watts until they make the binary for hardy11:18
ubuntu--newbiewell i am not asking abt hardy in particular...I knw there is some hardware incompatibilty...with broadcom cards..11:18
ubuntu--newbieSo i am looking for help..11:18
ubuntu--newbiei am new to ubuntu11:18
ubuntu--newbieJust switched from XP11:18
rsmith16384congrats newbie11:19
=== f0rmat_ is now known as f0rmat
VarkaPirate_Hunter, as long as there isnt any particular need for another (newer) version, first look should always be at the repo version11:19
ubuntu--newbieand btw There is nothing called "restrictured driver manager" under my System> admin11:20
alastair_hullo. I'm trying to use sftp from a perl script because the Net::SFTP module doesn't work. man sftp says I can use "-b -" to specify a batchfile as read from stdin, but it doesn't specify the format of it. I can create a batchfile with one command per line but it'd be easier to just concatenate a string for the system call...11:20
Pirate_Hunterthis is absured something keeps killing my net connection and i dont know what, how do i go about finding out which app is stopping me from browsing the net "yet xchat still works"?11:20
Pirate_HunterVarka: true that true that11:20
alastair_So my question is what should this look like?11:20
f0rmati was just wondering whether anyone here knows how i could get my NetGear WG111T usb 2.0 adapter to work on ubuntu the driver disk i got contains only .exe's no .inf's11:20
rsmith16384pirat something on port 80?11:21
ubuntu--newbieWhy dont I see any "Restrictred Driver Manager"?11:21
Pirate_HunterGpalco: i'm not sure i understand what youve done and i cant browse the net at the moment since i need to figure out whats stoping my browsers from surfing11:21
iceswordcpham_, you problem fixed?11:21
Pirate_Hunterrsmith16384: hmmmm :/11:21
rsmith16384try going to a page that uses different port11:22
ikoniaubuntu--newbie: what version of ubuntu are you using11:22
rsmith16384i can provide one on port 16384 if you cant find one11:22
ubuntu--newbiei have something called driver manager11:22
ubuntu--newbieis it the same?11:22
ikoniaubuntu--newbie: 1.) it's a beta release 2.) it's disscussed in the channel #ubuntu+1 3.) are you using any hardware that needs restricted drivers11:23
ubuntu--newbieukonia -- I think so. I am use Broadcomm wireless card11:23
Pirate_Hunterso no one knows how to identify what might cause browsers from going online o_0?11:23
ubuntu--newbieand it doesnt work11:23
ikoniaubuntu--newbie: join #ubuntu+111:23
ikoniaPriceChild: whats the question ?11:23
ikoniaPriceChild: sorry11:23
GpalcoPirate_Hunter, from your post I read that you installed and used The Launcher Applet as a gnome-applet. Is it right ?11:23
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: whats the question11:23
ubuntu--newbieIkonia - i did ..but no one is replying11:23
nationdemonThere to ask questions about the live/install-cd?11:24
ikoniaubuntu--newbie: then wait in there for a response11:24
ubuntu--newbieits empty11:24
ikoniaubuntu--newbie: it's not empty11:24
rsmith16384pirate im going to get you one brb11:24
ubuntu--newbiei mean -- there are people but they arent active i suppose11:24
ikoniaubuntu--newbie: then wait in there for them to be active11:24
ikoniaubuntu--newbie: that is the channel for hardy11:24
ubuntu--newbieand this one is for?11:24
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: can you give a quick summary of the problem ?11:24
ikoniaubuntu--newbie: ubuntu stable releases11:25
ikoniaubuntu--newbie: just FYI: the beta releases are not meant for "new linux users"11:25
Pirate_HunterGpalco, ikonia: nope i just have something in ubuntu that seems to be killing my net connection :/ xchat still works but my browsers dont, transmission doesnt and it is annoying me, i thought it was a glitch but it isnt11:25
rsmith16384pirat try that11:25
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: ok, so some applications are working on the net, others are not ?11:25
ubuntu--newbieikonia = but after 10 days..it will no longer be beta...am i right? So does things really change in 10 days:?11:25
ikoniaubuntu--newbie: they can do11:26
maskhi folks11:26
ikoniaubuntu--newbie: the last release they did11:26
ikoniamask: hello11:26
rsmith16384that uses different port11:26
ubuntu--newbieso it it like constantly changing?11:26
ikoniaubuntu--newbie: yes11:26
ubuntu--newbieoh i didnt know that11:26
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead11:26
ubuntu--newbieso after 10 days...if i can connect to the internet..will my version get all those new updates automatically?11:27
maskim looking for a software that can compare two source code files and can show the differences in ubuntu, can anyone suggest me one11:27
ikoniaubuntu--newbie: should o11:27
Pirate_Hunterikonia: yeha xchat is but browsers arent11:27
ikoniamask: "diff", man diff11:27
rsmith16384pirate any luck with http://voidmain.is-a-geek.net:81/11:27
xpointmask, diff -u file1 file2 | less11:27
masklet me check11:27
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: how about core OS functions, like an nslookup, ping, traceroute etc etc11:27
f0rmatok can anyone tell me where i can find a utility that will allow me to scan for networks11:28
ubuntu--newbieWill it be possible to install...Vmware and install XP inside ubuntu to get the...Wireless working>11:28
Pirate_Hunterikonia: how do i go about checking those since i have never used them11:28
ikoniaubuntu--newbie: inside ubunut ? no11:28
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: ok, from a shell do a few domain lookups, "nslookup domain.com"11:28
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: then try pinging a few hosts "ping www.domain.com"11:28
ubuntu--newbieikonia = yes I mean using virtual machine11:28
ikoniaubuntu--newbie: not if its not working on the ubuntu host11:29
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: then traceroute a few boxes "traceroute www.domain.com"11:29
ubuntu--newbieikonia - ic11:29
noob123456can anyone assit with RAID setup ?11:29
ikonianoob123456: what's up11:29
ubuntu--newbiethanks...i'll see if i get any help abt my card from the other room11:29
Pirate_Hunterikonia: traceroute isnt installed11:30
rsmith16384noob software or hardware>11:30
noob123456got mdadm to create array, but only show 700GB in the dev11:30
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: ok, nslookup and ping will do11:30
ikonianoob123456: ok, how many device, how big etc11:30
noob123456got 4 x 1TB disks11:30
noob123456should get 2.8 TB in raid 5 ?11:30
rsmith16384how much that set you back>11:30
ikonianoob123456: please paste /cat/proc/mdstat11:30
noob123456I dint pay, its for the company I work for11:30
Pirate_Hunterikonia: ping came as unknown host nslookup came as ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached11:31
rsmith16384sounds about right11:31
noob123456ikonia, dont understand11:31
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: there is the problem11:31
ikonianoob123456: type "cat /proc/mdstat" and paste the output into a pastebin11:31
Pirate_Hunterikonia, o_0 what is the problem?11:31
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: please show me the file /etc/resolv.conf11:31
noob123456ikonia:  Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]11:32
noob123456md0 : active raid5 sdd[3] sdc[2] sdb[1] sda[0]11:32
noob123456      2930287488 blocks level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] [UUUU]11:32
noob123456      [====>................]  resync = 22.0% (215181348/976762496) finish=260.7min speed=48670K/sec11:32
noob123456      11:32
FloodBot2noob123456: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:32
noob123456unused devices: <none>11:32
Pirate_Hunterikonia, sorry cnat use pastebin going to do it here - ### BEGIN INFO11:32
Pirate_Hunter# Modified_by:  NetworkManager11:32
Pirate_Hunter# Process:      /usr/bin/NetworkManager11:32
Pirate_Hunter# Process_id:   496511:32
FloodBot2Pirate_Hunter: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:32
ikonianoob123456: it's still building the array11:32
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: one moment, we got flooded11:32
rsmith16384i tried softraid with debian once, i remember having to format them as software raid, and mounting them as loopback devices11:32
ikonianoob123456: I said use the pastebin11:33
noob123456so will it display the full disk space once it has built ?11:33
ikoniarsmith16384: his array is still building thats why11:33
ikonianoob123456: how do you know it's only showing 70011:33
ikonianoob123456: what have you done to show this ?11:33
Pirate_Hunterikonia: seems like ban has been lifted11:33
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: one moment, and I'll move to you11:33
noob123456gimme a sec11:33
noob123456ikonia: output of mdadm --detail :11:34
ikonianoob123456: ok, thats good, so you've not tried to put a file system on it11:34
noob123456        Version : 00.90.0311:34
noob123456  Creation Time : Mon Apr 14 11:18:18 200811:34
noob123456     Raid Level : raid511:34
noob123456     Array Size : 2930287488 (2794.54 GiB 3000.61 GB)11:34
noob123456  Used Dev Size : 976762496 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)11:34
FloodBot2noob123456: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:34
noob123456   Raid Devices : 411:34
ikonianoob123456: why do you keep flooding11:35
ikonianoob123456: thats the 3rd time I've asked you to use the pastebin11:35
Pirate_Hunter!pastebin | noob12345611:35
ubotunoob123456: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:35
Sturmehpastebin noob!11:35
IsotropicSpinhey all, if i get the Hardy Heron beta, do i have reinstall the whole thing or is there an "Update to beta" option?11:35
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: lets get to you, I appriciate you can't use the pastebin so would you like to pm me your file11:35
compwiz18so it would appear that a bad USB cable is responsible for the hub of USB death11:35
rsmith16384i didnt know what pastebin was until now11:35
bazhangIsotropicSpin: youcan update11:35
rsmith16384comp dinna know that was possible thanks for heads up11:36
Pirate_Hunterikonia: you mean DCC or just compy & paste the contents of the file?11:36
ikonianoob123456: for reference, you can't respond to me as you've been muted, you need to wait for flood bot to unmute you11:36
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: cut and paste will be fine11:36
ikonianoob123456: ok, your unmuted.11:36
IsotropicSpinbazhang: thanks! Do you know how long that will take once i have the cd in my drive? if its less than 20 mins i will do it!11:36
ikonianoob123456: do you understand the problem now ?11:36
compwiz18IsotropicSpin: you can update - gksudo update-manager -d, if I remember11:36
bazhangPirate_Hunter: can you install software? if so you might try cat and piping the file to pastebinit11:36
noob123456lolz, IRC makes me dizzy11:36
compwiz18IsotropicSpin: how fast is your computer?11:36
julle_Is there any reported issues installing Ubunu Hardy beta under Microsoft Vista?11:36
julle_via Wubi11:36
akatsukihello.. i have a sad problem:(11:36
maskthanks xpoint and iknoia11:37
bazhanghardy discussion in #ubuntu+1 IsotropicSpin meet you there11:37
IsotropicSpinAMD 64 dual core i forget which11:37
noob123456thanks for the help ikonia, will wait for array to rebuild and come back11:37
compwiz18oops, sorry bazhang :)11:37
=== Daverocks_ is now known as Daverocks
reel_!info mediatomb11:37
ubotuPackage mediatomb does not exist in gutsy11:37
rsmith16384if im usin hardy and i go from single to multicore will anything bad happen?11:37
akatsukii just buy a lcd monitor and a vga cable to connect my laptop.. well... ubuntu is not detecting it.. why ?11:37
bazhangcompwiz18: makes no matter to me ;]11:37
IsotropicSpincompwiz18: AMD 64 dual core i forget whic11:37
akatsukino image appear in my monitor11:37
rsmith16384akat, refresh different sounds like11:38
rsmith16384what about bootup?11:38
compwiz18IsotropicSpin: lets move it to #ubuntu+1 ;)11:38
rsmith16384do you at least see that?11:38
ikoniarsmith16384: you've seen 3 people in this channel be told hardy is in #ubuntu+111:38
akatsukirsmith what do you mean with sound like?11:38
akatsukii dont understand11:38
rsmith16384ikon, i see a room called ubuntu, like they did11:39
rsmith16384aka, when you boot do you at least see text?11:39
akatsuki i just buy a lcd monitor and a vga cable to connect my laptop.. well... ubuntu is not detecting it.. why ? i mean no image appear in my monitor...11:39
akatsukirsmith.. no i cant see anything11:39
ikoniarsmith16384: join #ubuntu+111:39
akatsukino image appear in my monitor11:39
pawancan we install mandriva with ubuntu11:40
ikoniarsmith16384: thats the correct place to discuss11:40
rsmith16384sounds like you should verify the monitor on a diff pc11:40
ikoniapawan: use mandriva install media11:40
bazhangpawan yes insert the cd and it will detect ubuntu then done; more info in #mandriva11:40
pawani have mandriva power pack11:40
akatsukiwell no sound no image appear11:41
rsmith16384bad monitor or cable if you cant even see the bios11:41
ikoniapawan: great11:41
akatsukiits just not detecint it11:41
bazhangpawan go to that channel for more help11:41
akatsukii already try it with vista.. i have dual boot11:41
akatsukiand its working11:41
pawancan we have three distros of linux in one system11:41
akatsukiubuntuu doesnt have the drivers i guess11:41
akatsukiwhere i can i download?11:41
pawanviz mint mandriva and ubuntu11:41
rsmith16384so you have no scree when you turn on the computer but it works once your in vista?11:41
void^pawan: yes.11:42
bazhangpawan sure but the others need lvm after you use the primaries11:42
pawanand also winxp and 2003 server11:42
akatsukithe image start as soon as i enter my password to start vista11:42
akatsukibut when i click ubuntu nothing appear11:42
bazhangpawan that would be in ##windows11:43
rsmith16384aka when you turn on the computer (flip the switch) do you see anything at all?11:43
akatsukiif you want i try agtain if i see11:43
akatsukisomething but i dont thinkn so11:43
pawancurrently i have ubuntu winxp and win2003 installed in my system11:43
pawanit is working fine11:43
rsmith16384any monitor should show the bios screen at boot11:44
ikoniapawan: what is your question ?11:44
akatsukilet me11:44
akatsukidouble check11:44
DeFihi all11:44
pawannow i want to also install mandriva and linux mint keeping my exiting installation11:44
pawancan it be done or it may crash11:44
bazhangpawan can be done but you should ask in #mandriva and #linuxmint thanks11:45
rsmith16384is it safe to tell people that ANY monitor should display bios screen at boot?11:45
rsmith16384i can think of no exceptions11:45
rsmith16384except maybee in the case of a tv out i suppose11:45
ikoniapawan: ok, you'll need a seperate boot partition and a good understanding of grub11:46
akatsukino anything appear11:46
akatsukiim back11:46
akatsukino bios11:46
akatsukino nothing11:46
pawanhow to create seperate boot partition11:46
ikoniapawan: use the partitioner tools with the distro you are using11:47
pawanusing ubuntu11:47
werswhat app edits compiz's settings? :)11:47
ikoniapawan: ok, so use the tools11:47
rsmith16384is this hdmi or dvi?11:47
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.11:47
azukiwers: advanced desktep effect settings11:48
akatsukirsmith is not hdmi or dmi.. its vga11:48
akatsukimy laptop only support vga11:48
rsmith16384all the more reason for it to show the bios screen at boot11:48
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:48
rsmith16384check the monitor settings11:48
dotechcompiz only works with RandR?11:48
wersazuki, iwant to tweak more11:48
rsmith16384try to reset to default11:48
DeFiim trying to find a simple way to boot an iso from a usb flash drive using some bootloader, can anyone help?11:48
wersany other app?11:48
akatsukirsmith where?11:48
rsmith16384on the monitor11:49
rsmith16384is there no buttons?11:49
rsmith16384no menu?11:49
akatsukibut what you want me to move11:49
azukiwers : or as a package --> compizconfig-settings-manager11:49
rsmith16384look for a reset setting11:49
azukiwers: plenty of tweaking to do there..11:49
ubutomakatsuki, does you laptop have a key labeled fn?11:49
rsmith16384ALL vga monitors shouls show bios screen i can think of no exception11:49
wersthanks azuki11:49
ikoniarsmith16384: some laptops dont11:50
ikoniarsmith16384: some laptops have extenal vga disabled untili you enable it in bios or with function keys11:50
rsmith16384aka is this a laptop?11:50
ubutomakatsuki, try hitting fn and search on your f-keys for a display11:50
ikoniarsmith16384: he said laptop about 4 times11:50
rsmith16384ok ill stop trying to help11:50
rsmith16384obviously im not as informed as ikonia11:51
ubutomakatsuki, with my laptop i have to enable the outbound vga via fn and F10 for example11:51
ikoniarsmith16384: not at all, it's easy to miss11:51
ikoniarsmith16384: stick with it11:51
DeFican someone atleast tell me where i can ask for help?11:51
ikoniaDeFi: what's up11:51
DeFiI'm trying to find a simple way to boot an iso from a usb flash drive using some bootloader11:52
ikoniaDeFi: hthats not simple11:52
ikoniathats not simple11:52
rsmith16384aka, sounds like you should look for LCD/CRT function keys11:52
DeFiwell i need a way11:52
rsmith16384once you get it to display bios screen,11:52
rsmith16384it should work with ubuintu11:52
rsmith16384so id do this,11:52
rsmith16384turn it on,11:53
DeFicause cdshell can boot from an iso, but cdshell cannot run on a usb flash drive11:53
rsmith16384wait about 3 secs11:53
rsmith16384press pause11:53
rsmith16384then try the function keys11:53
ubutom!enter rsmith1638411:53
rsmith16384until it appears11:53
ikoniaDeFi: thats reasonable, but it's not an easy task11:53
ikoniaDeFi: I don't think grub can handle booting ISO's11:53
ikoniaDeFi: you'd need to uncompress it on the fly11:53
DeFino, it cant11:53
rsmith16384ubot, whats that mean?11:54
DeFihow would uncompressing it help?11:54
ikoniaDeFi: because grub could read it as a file system11:54
DeFicdshell can only use the ISO9660 file system11:55
ikoniaDeFi: then this is nothing to do with ubuntu11:56
akatsukii click fn + every f...11:56
akatsukistill nto working11:56
akatsukiand fn + f10 nothing appears11:56
akatsukinothing happen11:56
DeFiikonia: thats why i asked if you could tell me where i could ask for help with this :/11:56
rsmith16384aka, in that case, id now try this,11:56
rsmith16384hook up the other monitor11:56
ikoniaDeFi: no idea, again nothing to do with ubuntu11:57
rsmith16384get in the bios,11:57
rsmith16384look for display options in there11:57
akatsukidisplay options and then what11:57
rsmith16384but if another monitor was working fine before i dont see what could be changeable except the settings on the display itself11:58
DeFiikonia: i thought someone here could just point me in the right direction after reading http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/1652/11:58
pjvwhat's a good irc client to use besides xchat11:58
DeFioh well11:58
DeFithanks anyway11:58
therion_how I can influence the hintstyle for fonts in Qt4? i'm using Ubuntu feisty...11:58
akatsukithere was no other monitor working11:58
rsmith16384you did reset the monitor to defaults right?11:58
akatsukiis the first time i hook a monitor and its working with vista11:58
akatsukibut not with ubuntu11:58
ikoniaDeFi: bye11:58
akatsukithats it11:58
rsmith16384ok, then proceed with looking in bios11:58
akatsukino i didnt see any default option11:58
gregorypjv: sudo apt-get install irssi, quite different from xchat, but nevertheless interesting11:59
pusoicafehi guys do we have some guides for internet connection sharing in ubuntu?11:59
ikoniapusoicafe: few on https://help.ubuntu.com11:59
pusoicafeok gonna go there11:59
pjvhmm interesting is good, i'll give it a go. thank you gregory11:59
ricaneliteis there a way when I plug-in my ipod it will open up Banshee instead of Music Player?12:00
therion_how i can enable antialiasing in qt4 fonts?12:01
rsmith16384how long does it usually take for a distro thats in beta to become stable?12:04
jussi01rsmith16384: it depends on the distro12:04
MaRTiDoReHow can i connect to irc-hispano?12:05
rsmith16384at the risk of pissing people off, how long do you think it will be before hardy is stable?12:05
rsmith16384mart, your on an open source chat server12:06
MaRTiDoRe /server irc.irc-hispano.org12:06
rsmith16384youll need to connect to a server that has that channel12:06
jussi01rsmith16384: please go read the topic in #ubuntu+112:06
MaRTiDoRe /connect irc.irc-hispano.org12:06
ricanelitersmith16384, depends on the distro, Ubuntu is really good in getting the Distro running good and usually very fast12:07
ricanelitersmith16384, well less than a week i think Hardy will be ready and will be pretty much stable12:07
rsmith16384good, i hate to revert to an older version just to get 1 app to work, ive devoted so much time and energy12:08
marlunWhat package do I need to install to get the mysql development files?12:09
gregoryricanelite: i have an answer for the ipod question12:09
MaRTiDoReim so lost12:09
MaRTiDoRewhere i am?12:09
MaRTiDoRewhis server is this?12:10
MaRTiDoRei want to go to irc-hispano :(12:10
rsmith16384mart, your connected to freenode, you want to connect to the server having the channel your talking about instead of freenode12:10
fraggedmartidore try /join irc-hispano12:10
fraggedyou might need /quit first12:10
MaRTiDoRe /server irc.irc-hispano.org12:10
Elishi there12:11
rsmith16384mart when you start this chat program your using now,12:11
rsmith16384do you see the word "freenode" anywhere?12:11
MaRTiDoRewhere is the console to type the commands?12:11
Pirate_Hunterikonia, can you help me understand conky refresh rate as its not real time even if i set it up to 1second refresh rate, its like once i open programs conky stops refreshing in real time12:12
rsmith16384the chanserv tab if thats a channel on this server12:12
gregorycgose: #ubuntu-cn12:12
gregorycqt: #ubuntu-cn12:12
gregorycgose: sorry12:12
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: what are you monitoring with it12:13
rsmith16384when you start this chat program, do you see the word freenode anywhere?12:13
MaRTiDoRemmhh i'll take a look12:13
compwiz18!cn | Xia0TuZ12:13
ubotuXia0TuZ: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:13
zooboxif I want to use rsync, if I understand right, I have to start a rsync-daemon?12:13
compwiz18zoobox: you don't *have* to, depending on how you want to use rsync12:14
zooboxcompwiz18: aha12:14
rsmith16384im building a pxe image for ubuntu, can anyone tell me how long my clients will take to boot it?12:15
rsmith16384taking an hour to dl the packages and im getting worried12:15
zooboxcompwiz18: if I just wanty use it like I otherwise whould use rcp ?12:15
soumyade1phi everybody12:16
zooboxhi soumyade1p12:16
soumyade1pi cant execute the ff command,i tried sudo apt-get install ff, but it tells could not find the package12:17
soumyade1pmy system is up to date12:17
Pirate_Hunterikonia: what do you mean what am i monitoring it with? ive got conky on desktop and its slow my bars dont move contant like they are suppsoed to12:17
Pirate_Hunterikonia: I really didnt get your question12:17
rsmith16384pirate your browser workin now?12:17
zooboxwhat is ff ?12:17
Pirate_Hunterrsmith16384: yup had no dns server :/12:18
rsmith16384shouldve guess that12:18
soumyade1pzoobox its for finding any file in your system12:18
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: what are you using conky to monitor12:18
rsmith16384i ruled that out since you were able to connect to irc.freenode12:18
rsmith16384maybee it was cached12:18
ikoniarsmith16384: marlunthe ubuntu connection does it on ip12:19
soumyade1pzoobox can u help with the same?12:19
zooboxperhaps ff is in the package findutils ?12:19
rsmith16384"does it"?12:20
soumyade1pzoobox so what should i ddo ,i am a new user12:20
Pirate_Hunterikonia: oh simple stuff cpu, net upstream&downstream, my hds, inbound&outbound connections as well as logging which i dont understand :(12:21
rsmith16384how did you guys get to be so good with nix OSes?12:22
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: this may sound silly but are you running from a livecd or a disk based install ?12:22
rsmith16384on your own or with school?12:22
bazhangPirate_Hunter: you read the definitive tutorial on conky for ubuntu yet?12:22
gregoryrsmith16384: just using it, to solve real world problems.12:23
Pirate_Hunterikonia: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2iqecdu&s=3 yeha this is how it looks and im runnign from disk, 0_o running form livecd is madness if disk is this slow12:23
zooboxsoumyade1p: sorry, I haven't used ff myself so I don't know. perhaps you can use the command locate instead?12:23
rsmith16384that pretty much my strategy too12:24
rsmith16384i have a long way to go it seems12:24
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: try reducing the time to say 10 seconds, does it manage to keep in sync then ?12:24
rsmith16384drivers was holding me back for a long time, but now thats not as much of a problem12:25
rsmith16384i still dont know how to install a driver from the prompt12:25
Pirate_Hunterikonia: the default conky.cof i sued had 3.0 seconds delay ive moved from 1s to 1.15 but yeah will try 10s12:25
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: just for interest sake12:25
simplexiorsmith16384: modprobe drivername12:25
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: there was an old senario with nagios that had tests that took longer than 1 second to execute, where backlogging the refresh12:26
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: I'm thinking something simialr for you with conky ?12:26
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: refresh every second is quite extreme12:26
rsmith16384simple, wots that do?12:26
soumyade1pthanx zoobox,i can do with locate12:26
Picisoumyade1p: also check out find.12:26
Pirate_Hunterikonia: true the problem is that when i close all programs conky refreshes in real time which is weird since i have plenty of ram and i aint running anything xtreme but will test it out when im about to log off12:27
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: certainly worth checking12:28
ikoniaPriceChild: could be things like redraw times12:28
ikoniaPriceChild: sorry12:28
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: redraw times for example12:28
rsmith16384pxe test hopefully see you all again soon12:28
Pirate_Hunterikonia: ok will do so hmm  just got an email to check my credit scoring for free nice12:29
zubuhow can i acess my windows files from linux12:30
speedhunt3rhey i am trying to fix a dependency issue by using apt-get -f install but i get an error... "error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libawn0_0.2.1-0ubuntu1~gutsy1_amd64.deb (--unpack):12:30
speedhunt3r trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libawn.so.0.0.1', which is also in package libawn-bzr12:30
speedhunt3rErrors were encountered while processing:12:30
speedhunt3r /var/cache/apt/archives/libawn0_0.2.1-0ubuntu1~gutsy1_amd64.deb12:30
speedhunt3rE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" how do i fix this?12:30
FloodBot2speedhunt3r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:30
zubuearlier it was showing on my desktop12:30
speedhunt3rarg, sorry for flooding.12:31
zububut now it is not12:31
zubuit is loaded on sda212:31
erUSUL!ntfs | zubu12:31
ubotuzubu: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE12:31
zubuactually earlier it was showing on my desktop12:32
zububut now suddenly it is not therre12:32
Pirate_Hunternever understood this, if it is free why do i get charged £6.99 at the end of the free period 0_o?12:33
gregoryPirate_Hunter: thats actually the trick to lure people12:34
Pirate_Huntergregory: yeah but it seems to waste about 3min of my time everytime i see it, its so hard not to click on it12:34
Filled-VoidBefore I try upgradingt o Heron I would like to know the amount of daa I have to have transffered from the internet. Is there a way I can see how much I have to download before I actually do it ?12:35
Dr_willisFilled-Void,  it will proberly be over 500mb.  depending on what you got installed now.12:36
chronographerHi all. I have a new samsung 226BW and I can't get nvidia drivers working. I currently have nv drivers with full 1680x1050 resolution, but if I change xorg to nvidia I get blurry screen. Any ideas?12:36
blinkizHow can I see how many memory slots is occupied in my laptop?12:36
Filled-VoidDr_willis, Can I cancel once I start the process? and If I have to reboot due to a power outage or anythign else does it resume its downloads from rpevious location?12:37
iceswordfree ----->less /proc/meminfo12:37
Dr_willischronographer,  my 226bw works fine here. NO issues at all with it.12:37
chronographerhey filled void, change all gutsy's to hardy's in sources.list and go apt-get update. don't go apt-get upgrade12:37
chronographerwith nvidia?12:37
chronographerfilled void: yes12:37
chronographerany chance you could post your sorg.conf somewhere?12:38
Dr_willisFilled-Void,  stopomng the upgrade is propberly not a good idea.   it can resume the downloads.. but once it starts installing packages..  let it install them12:38
Dr_willischronographer,  You using dvi or vga conector?12:38
chronographerdvi caused black outs12:38
chronographerflashing black on the screen with movement, although compiz worked, using vga now with full res, no compiz12:39
imaginativeonewould someone help me set up samba?12:39
Dr_willisblackouts? Sounds like you got some issues somewhere.. DVI  would be much clearer then VGA12:39
chronographerI have an oldish 5600 FX12:39
Filled-VoidDr_willis, Ah ok thanks :) and may if the command chronographer  mentioned apt-get upgrade is the right way or should I change all the repositories to heron and then do an update?12:40
Dr_willischronographer, Hmm.. could be some quirk with the card.12:40
chronographerso blackouts are like, I move a window and screen drops to black.. few seconds comes bak.. then drops again, gives me a headache!12:40
Dr_willisimaginativeone,  install the samba and samba-doc packages yet?12:40
doolzI have a logitech elite keyboard/mouse that I'm trying to pair up, the mouse works fine but I can't get past the passphrase....12:40
Dr_willischronographer,  try some other live cd's see if the issue affexts them also. could be a nvidia driver bug with  that specific card12:41
Evil-MoBohey guys n gals, i got a question for u or can you point me to the channel that can help me i need a bandwidth monitor that would work on monitoring the bandwidth for remote sites from your computer and i need it to work with ubuntu/debian anyone know the awnser to this?12:41
ChaosTheory^Where can I download the bcm4328 driver from?12:41
chronographerok sounds like a plan... I have everything set up on this install though! I guess if the hardy CD works, I can upgrade to that hopefully...12:41
chronographerThanks for your advice all12:42
Evil-MoBoubot? u here12:43
Evil-MoBoubotu or ubotu2? you there12:43
gregoryEvil-MoBo: try #debian12:43
ompaulEvil-MoBo, apt-cache search bandwidth | grep monitor  << something there might help you -- on each of the boxes you want to run it on12:44
Evil-MoBoso basicaly try useing synaptic or the package manager before coming in here ompaul? jk12:45
Evil-MoBoisnt hardy supposed to come out this month?12:46
ompaulEvil-MoBo, well there are many choices you should evaluate your options based on your criteria and this might help you do so (no jk)12:46
PiciEvil-MoBo: 24th.12:46
bullgard4man mcedit: "Please note that the mouse support in the terminal doesn’t share the clipboard with mcedit." How can I copy a piece of text to the clipboard?12:47
Evil-MoBoyes ompaul i know this i appriciate your help i think u mean sudo apt-get bandwidth monitor it might auto search it12:47
kphamHi all12:47
Evil-MoBo<<skitzomindz on youtube i made the apt-get tutorial from my website dimx-gfx12:47
ompaulEvil-MoBo, no I meant what I typed12:48
kphamis there a way to shared the sound between Ubuntu Host & VirtualBox?12:48
ikoniabullgard4: gpm can do cut and paste out of the box12:48
Medved I am going to upgrade from 32bit to 64bit gutsy on a dell XPS m1330 with 4 gig of RAM.  Will there be any problems?12:48
Evil-MoBobut ok ompaul im still learning ubuntu12:48
Evil-MoBothanks for that cmd12:48
aioobedoes anyone know how to set up an adhoc network with knetworkmanager?12:48
ikoniaMedved: yes, you can't upgrade12:48
ikoniaMedved: you should do a clean install12:48
doolzI have a wireless logitech elite keyboard/mouse that I'm trying to pair up, the mouse works fine but I can't get past the passphrase....12:48
MedvedThank you ikonia.12:49
aioobedoes anyone know how to set up an adhoc network with knetworkmanager?12:49
bullgard4ikonia: gpm = General Purpose Mouse Interface?12:49
ikoniaMedved: there is also a problem with the webcam drivers as I recall12:49
ikoniabullgard4: thats it12:49
Evil-MoBosearch apt-get on youtube you will find my video12:49
Evil-MoBoapt-get or dimx-gfx12:49
happy_tuxdoolz; maybe a locale setting?12:49
Evil-MoBoto search it12:49
MedvedI don't have a web cam.  But thank you.  Are there other issues I should be aware of?12:49
=== ronnie is now known as honeypot
Evil-MoBoyou might like it u just gave me a new apt-get cmd to add to it ompaul12:50
kphamHi guys, is there a way to shared the sound between Ubuntu Host & VirtualBox?12:50
ompaul!offtopic  | Evil-MoBo (yabber in -offtopic ;-))12:50
ubotuEvil-MoBo (yabber in -offtopic ;-)): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:50
doolzhappy_tux: It sees the keyboard, just can't get pass the passphrase screen12:50
Evil-MoBook sorry ubotu12:51
gfetcoHello, is their any good webdesign program or do I have to use notepad to make webdesigns?12:51
Pici!html | gfetco12:51
ubotugfetco: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/12:51
gfetcoI know HTML I just wonder if their is some simple editor which allowes me to change positions of images and stuff like that easily12:52
scaporgfetco: just read the whole text12:52
Picigfetco: I understand you know html, but the bot just gave you a nice list of editors to use.12:52
gfetcoWhich of the edits you gave me is the best?12:53
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:53
scaporgfetco: that's subjective12:53
ZeroA4gfetco, Kompozer, BlueFish, Quanta...12:53
happy_tuxgfecto, VI12:53
Piciubotu: thanks12:53
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:53
gfetcoIs pelo also a bot?12:53
Picigfetco: no, pelo is a person.12:54
welshdudeI have a question about networks12:54
Dr_williswelshdude,  thats a large topic. :)12:54
gfetcoWell thanks again guys u are really making ubuntu worth having cuz u help out really fast12:55
lartza_Why does firefox sometimes detect sites to ISO-8859-1 when they are UTF-8? I have set defualt encoding to UTF-8 but the autodetect overruns it. Some sites work and some not.12:55
Dr_willisgfetco,  what editor i use.. depends on what i am doing. :)12:55
Dr_willisgfetco,  it pays to learn vi and learn it well.. i also like fte12:55
gfetcoDR Willis, I want to move around images so I can skip the CSS part I hate the CSS part12:56
=== dngr- is now known as dngr
gfetcoWhich one should I use then?12:56
Dr_willisgfetco,  no idea. i dont mess with html much.12:56
welshdudeI live in a shared house with 5 people who all run diffrent versions of windows, XP, Vista ect. I have set up a good network and we share and stream files between us all, I want to install ubuntu on my pc, will I have any problems using my existing network12:56
DistroJockeylartza_: my Firefox Autodetect is Off, and was by default I assume (as I have not changed it)12:57
ChaosTheory_I've got my proper resolution settings to work, but each time I restart the settings go back to 800x600. How do I make 1280x800 automatically start on reboot?12:57
gfetcoOh.. It just sounded like you were using html :D12:57
lartza_where is the seting?12:57
lartza_I have it off too!12:57
ZeroA4lartza_, sites must tell with charset they use... some sites are not well configured and tells the browser the wrong charset12:57
Dr_williswelshdude,  linux can see/access windows 'smb' shared folders just fine. and windows can access shared filders on the linux box with samba.12:57
lartza_IT happens with nucleus blog12:57
DistroJockeylartza_: View menu, Character Encoding12:57
Dr_willisgfetco,  a little bit of xml(uml?)  for some cfigs is mess with in that area.12:58
DistroJockeylartza_: then Auto Detect = Off12:58
welshdudeand it will autodetect the network and will have no problems12:58
lartza_Yea, it was disabled12:58
lartza_Now i tried enabling, but no effect12:58
Jizzowelshdude: You have to make sure that samba is installed ofcourse. Not sure if it comes with the standard installation.12:58
lartza_But it wont use the UTF-8 I have set default.12:59
tim167how can i install ubuntu from a usb cdrom ?12:59
Dr_williswelshdude,  you will want to install the 'samba' and 'samba-doc' packages. samba for the sharing. and samba-doc so you have the html books to read  to learn how to use samba.12:59
ompaul!install | tim16712:59
ubotutim167: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:59
welshdudeok thanks13:00
lartza_I could try changing encoding of nucleus index pages13:00
BailieHow do I install VBoxLinuxAdditions.run ?13:00
DistroJockeylartza_: in FF, if you do   about:config   in the address bar, and then type   charset   in the filter, does it look ok?13:00
rshamа кто нить по роусски тут говорит?13:01
ompaul!ru | rsham13:01
ubotursham: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:01
lartza_For me, yes13:01
Jizzorsham: Type /j #ubuntu-ru13:02
DistroJockeylartza_: k, out of ideas, sorry13:02
lartza_Ok, thx13:02
BailieThe extension .run means a script13:02
Bailiehow do I run that script?13:02
Bailieit must be a shell script13:03
tim167how do i install ubuntu without a CD and without using windows ? these instructions http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html are how to do it on windows but i dont have/want that!13:03
ompaulBailie, not always - type "file foo.run" or whatever you are looking at, and you might get a surprise13:03
lartza_changed accepted charsets to UTF-8 and it encodes sites still in diff formats13:03
tim167my laptop CDROM is broken, it cannot boot from external cdrom, how do i install ubuntu on it ?13:04
Dr_willisbash foo.run   even :) in some cases13:04
lartza_Maybe I shuold stay in Opera...13:05
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate13:05
tim167Dr_willis: these instructions http://tinyurl.com/3exghs require windows!13:05
ompaul!install | tim16713:05
ubotutim167: please see above13:05
Bailiehow do I go to my CD rom path in terminal?13:05
DistroJockeyBailie: if it is not already executable, you can   chmod +x script.name.run   and try   ./script.name.run13:05
DRebellion_Bailie, /cdrom13:06
lartza_Aww... Same problem with opera13:06
Dr_willistim167,  i dont have them memorized  :) check the forums i guess..  ive heard of people installing from iso files on usb drives.13:06
Dr_willisnetwork installs i hear are handy also. but take some work to set up13:07
Picitim167: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation lists a number of ways to install without using a CD.13:07
bazhangtim167: do you have system currently on that computer? xp/linux what13:07
tim167bazhang: yes but i want to erase that, there is a madriva variant on it now, can i install starting from that ?13:09
bazhangtim167: is this computer on a lan with other computers?13:14
jpastoreIs there a program similar to acrobat professional where I can highlight parts of a PDF and drop in comments? I don't need full editing ...13:16
tim167bazhang: no, it has a network card though13:16
jpastorePDFEdit seems a little complex and the documentation is difficult to follow13:16
iceswordjpastore, what about inkscape13:16
icesword!info inkscape13:17
ubotuinkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.45.1-1ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 10495 kB, installed size 45936 kB13:17
jpastoreicesword, I'll give it a shot. I just saw a link in the forums13:17
icesword!info pdfedit13:17
ubotupdfedit (source: pdfedit): Editor for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-1 (gutsy), package size 2776 kB, installed size 7532 kB13:17
jpastoreicesword, did you see this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75278513:19
iceswordjpastore, what is it13:19
Morten_hey, ive got a quick question.. When I exec uptime, there is 3 number (load average) but how come its possible to get over 1.00 (100%) ?13:19
bazhangtim167: can you get internet on that machine?13:19
jpastoreicesword, forum post discussing a commercial app vs inkscape stating inkscape only manages 1 page at a time and is not adequate13:20
KajaMorten_, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_(computing)13:20
void^Morten_: it isn't a percentage.13:20
PiciMorten_: Check the uptime manpage. It has to do with how many processes are currently in a running state, not what percentage of the cpu you are using.13:20
TerrasqueMorten_: I've had over 500 in load once :) 500 processes all trying to use 100% cpu13:20
iceswordjpastore, so you mean inkscape won't work,i saw on their someday,they said it can edit pdf13:21
iceswordon their site13:21
Morten_ahh ok, thx alot for your answers :D13:21
bazhangtim167: if you can get internet on that machine then you should go with unetbootin: details here--> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42754013:21
nathan_Hi, how do you start a console application with alacarte? I tried: gksudo gnome-terminal -e "applicationname" but it fails as in the terminal closes immediately13:22
jpastoreicesword, welll I'm compiling now...I'll let you in a few and probably post the results on the forum so other people can either use it or ignore it without having to deal with this....13:22
iceswordjpastore, yaaa,nice,why not download binary13:23
wi9li4mi have /home/myuser mounted on the desktop instead of /home/myuser/Desktop13:24
tim167 bazhang: ok thanks, but i managed to boot it from a usb cdrom drive after all, it was just not called cdrom, but it had some wierd name....13:25
jpastorewell I saw a 32bit .deb but I'm running x86_64...and it's complaining about compiling saying I'm missing libpng13:25
Hysteriaheya guys, just about to put in ubuntu disc, anything i should know before installing?13:26
Hysteriaim a complete linux nub13:26
iceswordjpastore, i see.13:26
lostincyberspacehave fun with the live cd first13:27
Hysteriayeh i had a little go today in that safe graphics mode13:28
Blackkattneed some serius help with installing ubuntu on a raid array13:28
Hysteriaseems cool13:28
Blackkattgot the errors tar'ed need someone to look at them13:28
Hysteriaim just a little confused with creating 3 partitions etc, thatll all be covered in the installation yeh?13:28
icesword!find libpng13:28
ubotuFound: libpng-sixlegs-java, libpngwriter0-dev, libpngwriter0c2, libpng12-0, libpng12-dev (and 1 others)13:28
SturmehHysteria you need one for swap13:28
Sturmehand one to 3 more if u want13:29
white_eaglenot that important question, but is there any other game that can be played in the terminal, except moon-buggy?13:29
DistroJockeyHysteria: yeah, should be, just make sure you have a backup13:29
IdleOneHysteria: ummm not exactly.13:29
Sturmehwhite_eagle try cmatrix13:29
Sturmeh(22:28:18) (Hysteria) im just a little confused with creating 3 partitions etc, thatll all be covered in the installation yeh?13:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nethack - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:29
Sturmehtry to know what ur doing before u go to install it13:29
IdleOneHysteria: you could just let the installer do it's thing13:29
Sturmehlol nethack13:29
jattgreat game13:30
Sturmehi don't trust the installer13:30
Sturmehdon't trust it!13:30
Sturmehmanual unless u like it eating ur paritions13:30
HysteriaIdleOne, ive already got XP on here :)13:30
white_eaglenah, not nethack :)13:30
DistroJockeythat's why you should do a backup ;)13:30
white_eagleI know that game13:30
SturmehHysteria do you have unallocated space13:30
icesword!info nethack13:30
ubotuPackage nethack does not exist in gutsy13:30
Blackkatt!info raid13:30
ubotuPackage raid does not exist in gutsy13:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nethack-gnome - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:30
white_eagle!info nethack-gnome13:30
ubotunethack-gnome (source: nethack): Text-based/Gnome overhead view D&D-style adventure game. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.3-10.1ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 937 kB, installed size 2040 kB13:30
Sturmehpm Hysteria13:31
jatt!info nethack-console13:31
IdleOneHysteria: honeslty i am not the best at partitioning issues as I have not yet completly figured it out myself13:31
ubotunethack-console (source: nethack): Text-based overhead view D&D-style adventure game. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.3-10.1ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 812 kB, installed size 1724 kB13:31
white_eaglecmatrix isn't a game13:31
jatteverything is alright13:31
HysteriaSturmeh, im not registered cant see ur PM13:31
Sturmehah right13:31
Sturmehthen put up with this flooding :P13:31
Blackkattlisten, i want to start using ubuntu instead of crappy windows but i'll also like performence so some help with installing ubuntu on raid arrays plz13:31
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:31
IdleOne!register | Hysteria13:31
ubotuHysteria: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.13:31
Sturmehdo you have unallocated space Hysteria ?13:31
DistroJockeyHysteria: do you wish to dual boot with Windows?13:32
Sturmehof cause he does13:32
Hysteriayes DistroJockey13:32
Sturmehhe has xp13:32
SturmehHysteria do you have unallocated space on your hdd?13:32
Hysterianaw hes just clarifying Sturmeh :)13:32
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate13:32
BlackkattDistroJockey:  yes i would like that, but also useing raid :p13:32
Sturmehgoddamn ! commands!13:32
IdleOne!ohmy | Sturmeh13:33
ubotuSturmeh: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:33
Pirate_Hunterinst there a gnome music player with music search facility? so i dont have to scroll all thew ay to find my prefered songs?13:33
DistroJockeyBlackkatt: not tried raid yet, that's on my todo list13:33
SturmehPirate_Hunter try exaile13:33
BlackkattDistroJockey:  hmm ok :S13:33
Sturmehit has search13:33
redDEADPirate_Hunter, exhaile13:34
Pirate_HunterSturmeh: is that gnome and does it have what im looking for?13:34
IdleOnePirate_Hunter: rhythmbox exaile and most of all the apps do13:34
fougis 8.04 a LTS edition of ubuntu?13:34
Blackkattcan anyone guide me to a channel that gives support on howto :P in this case install ubuntu on raid arrays? with fakeraid witch seems to be the right way to do it13:34
IdleOnefoug: yes13:34
redDEADfoug, YES!13:34
Sturmehprobably Pirate_Hunter13:34
Pirate_HunterredDEAD: i guess it does since you recommended it as well13:34
HysteriaDistrojockey, ive read the graphical installation guide but theres no screenies of creating the partitions for swap, home and ,13:34
fougIdleOne: redDEAD: awesome, how long will it be supported for?13:34
IdleOnePirate_Hunter: rhythmbox does13:34
Sturmehif you don't mind using a kde music player, amarok is also good13:35
redDEADPirate_Hunter, yeah ehaile grown leaps13:35
IdleOnefoug: if All goes well another 40 years :) but atleast 313:35
fougIdleOne: haha, allright cool thanks13:35
Pirate_HunterIdleOne, I dont think rhythmbox has since i cnat find it I had to scroll to the song i wanted13:35
redDEADanyone know how to stop rhythmbox from starting everytime I plug in my ipod in Hardy?13:35
Pirate_HunterIdleOne, if it does could you tell me where it is13:35
IdleOnePirate_Hunter: I am looking at it right now. above the list of songs there is a search box13:35
Blackkattanyone familjer with installing Ubuntu on raid arrays plz msg me.13:36
SturmehredDEAD its under application prefrences or something13:36
DistroJockeyHysteria: probably best to have XP as the 1st partition, then a 2GB or so swap partition, then Ubuntu / (root) as the rest (ext3)  IMO13:36
=== svolpe_gerrath is now known as svolpe
Sturmehyea Hysteria do you or don't you have any unallocated space?13:36
Sturmeh( answer with my nick )13:37
Hysteriai dont know what that means Sturmeh13:37
redDEADSturmeh, I changed my preffered media application to Amarok but it still opens rhythmbox13:37
Hysteriasturmeh, ive just got XP on here13:37
Pirate_HunterIdleOne: omg youre right im blind wtf, this aint for real... but serious i can't believe i missed that i guess its my dark theme :(. Thanx13:37
legend2440redDEAD: got to system>preferences>removeable drives>multimedia13:37
Sturmehgah it helps to actually be on ubuntu13:37
IdleOnePirate_Hunter: np :)13:37
SturmehredDEAD look around ubuntu prefrences and such for something that is like "default apps"13:37
redDEADHysteria, I think he wants to know if you have some open space on your hard drive13:37
HysteriaSturmeh, ive got a 500 gig HD so plenty of space13:38
Sturmehyea Hysteria if there is any space that isn't part of the windows partition13:38
HysteriaReDEAD, thankyou for your simplified wording haha13:38
IdleOnethat means is only using about 480gig 20 is more then enough for ubuntu13:38
SturmehHysteria, when I install Windows, i leave 20GB or something for anything else.13:38
Sturmehinstead of giving the whole hdd to one partition13:39
SLSI am running suse 32 bit with 4 GIG of ram... it sees all of it. does ubuntu have a bismp kernel too?13:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bismp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:39
redDEADlegend2440, it no longer has the option for mp3 players13:39
RainMakesMeWetredDEAD: there may be a plugin to disable in rhythmbox13:39
redDEADlegend2440, i think it was moved, ive been looking for it for a couple of weeks13:39
shadowmancerhey, i know this is seriously off topic, but i am wondering if anyone here knows POSIX13:39
SturmehredDEAD moved in hardy?13:39
bazhangSLS: you need the 64bit version of ubuntu for that13:40
DistroJockeyHysteria: How big is your C: drive?13:40
redDEADSturmeh, its no longer in removable drives, been there since dapper13:40
Sturmehyea DistroJockey good one13:40
HysteriaDistroJockey, ive got 346gb free space13:40
IdleOneSturmeh: when I was a kid one time at the dinner table I said " Fudge " and my father got very upset at me for cursing. basicaly told me a rose by another name still smells sweet ( but not so nice like ) using abrbreviations to curse is just as bad as cursing. please watch your language13:40
DistroJockeysettle ;)13:40
Sturmehits' all one partiton then i guess13:41
SLSbazhang, 64 bit is cool but there is so much that just does not work.13:41
SturmehDistroJockey you got any idea on how to "shrink" a partiton properly?13:41
DistroJockeyHysteria: so I can pretty much assume it's all one big NTFS partition using the whole drive13:41
SLSbazhang, you can even install acroread13:41
bazhangSLS: you can see most of that 4gb with the 32bit and a lot less hassle as well13:41
DistroJockeyHysteria:  Sturmeh: defrag first13:41
HysteriaDistroJockey: Yeah i think so when i built the computer i just installed XP, didnt touch anything to do with partitioning13:42
IdleOneDistroJockey: most likely that is what it is as windows just uses everything13:42
Sturmehgood idea DistroJockey13:42
SLSbazhang, will it not limit itself to 3 G?13:42
Sturmehbut how safe is it to reccomend shrinking partitons to say... people like Hysteria?13:42
Sturmehwell Hysteria you up for reinstalling xp?13:42
bazhangSLS: three and some change iirc, closer to 3.513:43
DistroJockeySturmeh: that's why I said backup first :)13:43
legend2440redDEAD: it moved to Edit / Preferences / Media in Nautilus.13:43
Sturmehlawl DistroJockey13:43
IdleOneSturmeh: as safe as installing the latest windows "OS"13:43
Sturmeh(22:41:43) (DistroJockey) Hysteria: Sturmeh: defrag first13:43
Sturmehyou said defrag first!13:43
HysteriaSturmeh, no not right now :) im a student so rly need ma computer13:43
SLSbazhang, ok13:43
DistroJockeygo back aways ;P13:43
Sturmehwell try wubi then Hysteria13:43
Sturmehcuz nothing you can do is "fail-safe"13:43
IdleOne!wubi | Hysteria13:43
Sturmehunless you do a full backup13:43
ubotuHysteria: wubi is Wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi-installer.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it is included in hardy 8.04 beta CD and will be in the final release)13:43
Sturmehand try stuff13:43
Sturmehta IdleOne13:43
Hysteriawtf is Wubi13:44
IdleOneSturmeh: good idea .13:44
SturmehHysteria look at msg from ubotu13:44
Sturmehexplains it13:44
bazhangHysteria: read the links13:44
Sturmehit's basicly ubuntu without separate partitions, installs on a windows partition.13:45
DistroJockeySturmeh: (22:29:05) DistroJockey: Hysteria: yeah, should be, just make sure you have a backup13:45
redDEADlegend2440, it worked thanks alot13:45
zumbi_hello, my ubuntu instal stops configuring APT, saying that Release file is not available, is there a way to bypas that?13:45
Sturmehunplug the internet13:46
Sturmehbefore u install13:46
Sturmehor whislt that's happening13:46
Sturmehit eventually times out13:46
FloodBot2Sturmeh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:46
zumbi_Sturmeh: it is a ps3 install13:46
Sturmehno internet?13:46
HysteriaI really can not be stuffed haha, didnt realise it would be this difficult13:47
zumbi_Sturmeh: at first i did not have internet, but now i have internet, i got same error13:47
Sturmehah well the error is solved on pc by removing the net connection, or waiting13:47
DistroJockeyHysteria: It's not if you have a backup, as you should have :)13:47
zumbi_i have setup network on F1 screen, but i guess F7 screen is somehow borked13:47
wersis gnome with openbox really faster than gnome using metacity? :)13:47
bazhangHysteria: if wubi is too hard then not sure what to say; that is as easy as any install gets (of any OS)13:47
SturmehDistroJockey I never backup, I just spread my stuff ... :P13:47
DistroJockeyheh, me too13:48
Sturmehbut Hysteria you are missing out on Compiz Fusion!13:48
albahraniyhi all13:49
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:49
Sturmehdamn raid13:49
biabiaok, anyone know how I set bios password in ubuntu13:50
Sturmehpassword on grub biabia?13:50
biabiaalready set13:50
DistroJockeyHysteria: copy all important (do not want to lose stuff) from the HDD you are installing to and then give it a go. But if you can wait 10 days, get Hardy when it's released and install that. Maybe read up on it inbetween :)13:50
Sturmehbios password has nothing to do with ubuntu13:50
Picibiabia: you'd need to set that in your BIOS.13:50
biabiaIve never messed with BIOS really13:51
SturmehDistroJockey, got any idea when shipit will allow orders for hardy?13:51
Quiz_MasterDistroJockey: Hardy is releasing in 10 days ?13:51
Sturmehbiabia just press DEL or what it asks for when you boot pc13:51
Quiz_Masteryes when shipit will allow?13:51
Sturmehand look for "supervisor password"13:51
HysteriaDistroJockey, hmmm 10 days? the whole point of getting this was to have a muck around on my 14 day school holidays :(13:51
SturmehHysteria use gutsy then13:51
biabiaSturmeh: ok13:51
DistroJockeythat's what  http://www.ubuntu.com/  says13:51
DistroJockeySturmeh: they say soon after release :)13:52
Sturmehi just want to pre-order disc's by shipit13:52
Sturmehthey let my order gutsy a week in advance13:52
Sturmehmaybe then13:52
DistroJockeySturmeh: that would be cool13:52
biabiatheres no need to set root password on ubuntu right13:52
Sturmehi mean it DOES take 5 weeks to send13:52
biabiaits better unset?13:52
zumbi_can i install ubuntu from a text mode term? how? what is the command?13:52
Quiz_Masterbiabia: Yes13:52
Sturmehbiabia why you putting passwords?13:53
IdleOnebiabia: root has no password in ubuntu use your user password13:53
DistroJockeyHysteria: got a spare hard drive lying around?13:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about textinstall - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:53
bazhangzumbi_: for the ps3? iirc there is a special version of ubuntu for that--if not the alternate cd does text install13:53
IdleOne!root | biabia13:53
ubotubiabia: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:53
Pici!alternate | Sturmeh13:53
ubotuSturmeh: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal13:53
Sturmehi tried that before13:53
biabiawell i have had pc's stolen before, and if they steal this one I want to make it as difficult as possible for them to use it. I think the people who stole it were not very computer smart, just crackheads13:53
Sturmehthe bot hates me13:53
zumbi_bazhang: yes - i'm just trying to save time to download, i have the desktop CD13:54
Sturmeh!alternate | zumbi_13:54
ubotuzumbi_: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal13:54
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:54
biabiai am familiar with enabling the root password in ubuntu but i have re-disabled it since there is no need to have it enabled13:54
IdleOnebiabia: well use good passwords and perhaps not leave your computers where people can take them from you13:54
Sturmehbut biabia putting a password won't get your pc back13:55
Sturmehnor will it protect your data from theft13:55
biabiathe computer was in my house13:55
zumbi_anyway, i'm already downloading alternate CD13:55
xet7biabia: then use full disk encryption that is option in alternate CD install13:55
biabiaxet7: is it possible to encrypt an exisiting install13:56
Sturmehlol xet7 still won't get his pc back13:56
biabiano it was 3 years ago13:56
biabiai am not trying to get my pc back nor will comments referring to it agitate me13:57
Sturmehyou said...13:57
IdleOnebiabia: your issue here is not passwords or pc security. it is home security and we cannot help you with that :/13:57
Sturmeh(22:53:41) (biabia) well i have had pc's stolen before, and if they steal this one I want to make it as difficult as possible for them to use it. I think the people who stole it were not very computer smart, just crackheads13:57
Sturmehafter they steal it13:57
ChaosTheory-Anyone know how to use Texmaker?13:57
Sturmehwhat use is all that stuff?13:57
xet7biabia: haven't tried if it's possible, and that option is during install of ubuntu alternate cd13:57
Sturmehthey aren't giving it back13:57
Sturmehall that security is to prevent DATA theft, not PC theft13:58
IdleOneSturmeh: issues is mute13:58
xet7biabia: use lock cables?13:58
biabiano they wont give it back but i will have the satisfaction knowing they couldnt sell it13:58
Sturmehhuh IdleOne?13:58
biabiaor use it13:58
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:58
Sturmehbiabia they could just take it to comptuer technician13:59
Sturmeheven I could remove the procections you want13:59
IdleOneSturmeh: we cant help him with this. it is not an Ubuntu or any distro issue it is a personal issue about home security I can sell him a alarm system but that probably would not help anyway so why mention it :)13:59
Sturmehso true13:59
Sturmehanyway i'm off13:59
psykowhi everybosy14:01
ElArDque ha pasado?14:01
IdleOne!es | ElArD14:02
ubotuElArD: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.14:02
Quiz_Masterhakuna matata ..alazajira.. hocus pokus14:02
IdleOnehello psykow14:02
ChaosTheory-It's not updating the code when I do "viewpdf" with evince?14:02
ChaosTheory-In Texmaker.14:02
ElArDubotu: ok14:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:02
jimwhimpeycan someone please say my name, I just need an example of high lighting for a screenshot14:02
jimwhimpeythanks =)14:03
Quiz_Masterjimwhimpey: How is this ?14:03
jimwhimpeynow I'll just wait for the rest of the screen to fill14:03
psykowi have a question14:03
IdleOneask it14:03
Quiz_MasterI can fill it with my stupid jokes if u want14:03
psykowi need borland c (i'll run it under wine or something) where do i get it?14:04
ikoniapsykow: you buy it from a shop14:04
jimwhimpeyand there we go, thanks #ubuntu!14:04
ikoniapsykow: that question is nothing to do with ubuntu14:04
Quiz_Masterthats spam14:05
IdleOneikonia: but this is linux and we believe in free software! so where can we get propietary software for free should be a question we can answer because as you well know linux users are all hackers !!! hmmm psykow pay for it like a good citizen would do14:06
IdleOneikonia: sarcasm does not translate well i know14:06
ChaosTheory-Anyone here use Texmaker?14:06
unop__"linux users are all hackers" ?14:07
IdleOneunop__: heheh14:07
heymrunop__: crackers14:07
unop__heymr, really?14:07
bazhangmy msn is broke hlp plz 10x14:08
ikoniaIdleOne: I got it14:08
Pici!offtopic | heymr unop__14:08
ubotuheymr unop__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:08
IdleOneunop__: was sarcasm14:08
IdleOnePici: my bad i started it14:08
IdleOnebazhang: use pidgin ^5 :P14:09
Juhazborland is actually giving out those old versions of the C compiler for free (without the IDE), it's hardly on-topic on this channel, though.14:09
bazhangIdleOne: just trying to disprove the linux users are hackers ;]14:10
Juhazbazhang, it was a joke14:10
IdleOnebazhang: I know hence the ^5 lol14:10
Quiz_MasterWhy u need borland when GCC is there14:10
nathan_anyone good with the gnome menu and how to invoke a console root app?14:10
IdleOnepsykow: why do you need borland anyhow14:10
Quiz_MasterAnd even if u need an IDE Ajunta is very good14:11
ompaulnathan_, gksu ProGramName14:11
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DistroJockeyQuiz_Master:  I was gonna ask that but didn't wanna be OT ;)14:11
nathan_ompaul, tried that and failed14:11
ompaulnathan_, then you ain;t got the program name right14:11
nathan_I do, I use the name in a terminal and it works like a charm14:12
IdleOnenathan_: what app?14:12
espereguanyone knows a good howto on using squid to cache for apt-get??14:12
nathan_IdleOne, self-written console app with console output14:13
=== Lamego_ is now known as Lamego
gregoryesperegu: are you bound to squid or could also setup your own ftp-mirror-server?14:13
IdleOnenathan_: ahh14:13
nathan_I changed the gnome-terminal profile already so it doesn't close the window after the app finishes, but no good14:14
Lamegoesperegu, there are speficic apt proxies/cachers, they are probably a better option for apt caching14:14
esperegugregory: I would like to keep it very simple.14:14
cdecarlohi, I'm looking for a good pulseaudio how to, know where I can find one?14:14
=== unop__ is now known as unop
DistroJockeyesperegu: man apt-cache14:14
Lamegoesperegu, try apt-cacher14:14
espereguLamego: Yes I used that. but It would be nice to have it more transperant14:14
bazhangcdecarlo: for gutsy?14:14
cdecarlobazhang: nope, feisty14:15
s_any software for ubuntu where i can chat and view web cam in msn14:15
bazhangfeisty has pulseaudio?14:15
cdecarloit can14:15
maxttorčo že14:15
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!14:15
Lamegoesperegu, I believe it is more efficient to use apt-cacher over squid, the setup is easy, and you just need to change the base urls14:15
espereguI used apt-cache before I think. but did not like to have to change all the lines in sources list14:16
sorsisI\m trying to reinstall grub as bootloader after installing windows on my comp. how do i do it_14:16
IdleOne!fixgrub | sorsis14:16
ubotusorsis: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:16
s_any software for ubuntu where i can chat and view web cam in msn14:16
ubotuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete14:16
gregoryesperegu: if you make an equation and ask whats faster and easier i would not be sure ending with squid14:17
esperegugregory: well. for another location they also need normal caching. so then it would make one solution instead of 214:17
ubotuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions14:18
esperegugregory: I did not find the apt-cache very convenient on my laptop. have to change the lines all the time14:18
s_any program like msn where i can view webcam14:19
gregoryesperegu: up to you14:19
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s_any help14:20
=== tiara is now known as bat0s4i
Stroganoff!ask | s_14:20
ubotus_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:20
bazhangs_: pidgin or kopete14:20
Quiz_Mastertry running msn live messanger using vine14:20
Stroganoffs_ amsn supports msn webcams14:21
Stroganoffits in the repos14:21
legend2440!msn | s_14:21
ubotus_: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete14:21
Quiz_Masterbazhang: Pidgin and Kopete doesnt supportt WebCam chat14:21
s_i cant view webcam in amsn14:21
azukilegend2440: pidgeon doesn't support webcam14:21
Stroganoffyou should, s_14:21
RainMakesMeWetkopete uses chat14:21
RainMakesMeWet*web cam chat14:21
angasulewe need to mirror ubuntu's repos for an install fest but I can't find any guide to doing it, help please?14:22
s_i cant c mu bros cam14:22
bazhangskype beta then14:22
bazhangangasule: you can do that though will need around 45GB14:22
angasulebazhang: yes, I know14:22
bazhangTwinX: human language please14:23
IdleOne!info falcon14:23
ubotuPackage falcon does not exist in gutsy14:23
bazhangangasule: I think hischild did it; you can ask him14:23
s_what is the name of soft where u can play with ur icons14:23
bazhang!info apt-mirror14:23
ubotuapt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.4-5ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 11 kB, installed size 120 kB14:23
TwinXbazhang; I spoiled my drink, and trying to save my keyboard :)14:24
bazhangangasule: apt-mirror might be what you want14:24
gregoryTwinX: one can see that from the sequence of keys :-)14:24
angasuleyes, I have found a good link about it14:24
bazhangTwinX: ;]14:24
s_what is the name of soft where u can play with ur icons14:25
tim167how do i remove a message rule in Evolution ?14:26
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
IdleOneangasule: http://apt-mirror.sourceforge.net/14:26
bazhangs_: are you thinking of second life?14:26
s_why did u do s;th wronh to u14:27
Picis_: english please.14:27
bazhangs_: could you please specify what software app you mean more clearly?14:27
IdleOnePici: install universal-translator package14:28
s_i saw that icons can move in some wired way14:28
s_so i dont know the application name14:28
s_thats why im asking14:28
bazhangs_: like in a dock?14:28
s_thats righht14:28
bazhangavant-window-navigator s_14:29
xytissorry to disturb, but where can i find a place to report a bug in Ubuntu 8.04?14:29
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:29
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-avant-window-navgator-in-ubuntu-gutsy-gibbon.html s_14:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bug-buddy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bugbuddy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:30
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu14:30
unop_TwinX, ask a question to the room.14:30
unop_TwinX, or query ubotu in private if you are playing with the bot.14:30
bazhangTwinX: as unop_ says; /msg ubotu keyword for fun if you wish14:31
TwinXhey others do that to14:32
PiciAnd we say the same thing to them as well.14:32
TwinXhmm ok14:32
gregoryTwinX: yes, they /msg, so you dont notice it ;-)14:32
grumbelHow do I 'unmount/ungrab' a USB device, i.e. I have a device that gets grabbed by the normal HID driver and I want to free it from it so that I can use it with libusb?14:32
_kevin_i upgraded to gutsy and installed a kernel module (speakup). now the speakup module is installed into the old kernel ( i think) and i can't get it to install to the new one which i believe is Reinstalling the module doesn't help, and the source for it is in /usr/src14:33
bazhangTwinX: I always keep a query open with ubotu14:33
Picibazhang: Me too.14:33
DJonesTwinX: YOu can also use Ubotu's web interface, that might be better than needing to query ubotu in irc, the web interface will bring up more hits http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu14:33
bazhangPici: I think you have them all memorized ;]14:33
* delcoyote hi14:33
tim167how do i delete a message filter in Evolution mail program ?14:33
xytisAnother question, if you're using Ubuntu, have you ever discovered strange screen flashing while typing something out of buffer reach? eg. pressing right arrow when you're at the most right char in the line?14:34
=== edanepool is now known as rouet
tim167i installed ubuntu on my laptop but i have a black screen, i hear sounds so the system works...what do i do ?14:35
Picixytis: Its called the visual beep.14:35
bazhangtim167: this is gutsy? what is the filter14:35
tim167bazhang: 7.10, i did ctrl+alt+f1, and now i see terminal but with VERY big letters14:36
compwiz18tim167: you have a large screen.14:36
xytiswell, the point is that visual beep should flash only the window you're in, right?14:36
bazhangtim167: was this something other than your question about evolution then?14:37
harveydrm -rf |  find . -name ".svn"14:37
tim167compwiz18: i cant even see what i type until i tap ENTER several times to scroll i up into the visible part14:37
harveydwould that delete all .svn folders from under where its ran?14:37
_kevin_how do i make the kernel module install to the new kernel instead of the old one? I even completely removed the old kernel14:37
compwiz18tim167: then you are also using vga with said very large screen14:37
xytisbut in my case the whole screen refreshes, AND any kind of beep is disabled.14:37
Piciharveyd: no.14:37
tim167bazhang: yes the evolutiion question is: how to delete a filter14:37
jribharveyd: no ,it would give you an error14:37
Quiz_Masterharveyd: yes i guess14:37
blinkizAm looking for a rss program that can give me news directly on my Desktop. Anyone know a good program for this? Am using Compiz.14:37
Quiz_Mastergot it14:37
Piciblinkiz: Theres probably a screenlet for it.14:38
compwiz18depending on your shell, you can also rm -rf **/.svn14:38
bazhangtim167: which filter? the spam filter?14:38
Pici!screenlet | blinkiz14:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screenlet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:38
tim167compwiz18: why? i didnt ask that...i had ubuntu running on it before...now this, how to fix it ? thanks14:38
harveydjrib: can you expand on that no? :P14:38
Pici!screenlets | blinkiz14:38
ubotublinkiz: Screenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have !Compiz Fusion, !Beryl, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/14:38
blinkizPici, yeah, I now about screenlets. Nice tip14:38
Pici!screenlet is <alias> screenlets14:38
tim167bazhang: no just message filters14:38
ubotuI'll remember that, Pici14:38
makiolois best find . -name ".svn" | xargs rm14:39
compwiz18tim167: press ctrl+alt+f714:39
DJonesPici: Do you mind a quick pm about a factoid?14:39
PiciDJones: I don't, but you could always just suggest it to the bot if you wish.14:39
tim167compwiz18: yes then i get the black screen, no text, no prompt...14:39
bazhanghttp://www.go-evolution.org/Filters tim16714:39
jribharveyd: what makiolo said will work if you have no directories with spaces, but you need to do rm -r, not rm14:40
BizMan2008hey what anyone know what setting in ssh would cause there bing problems when trying to vnc through putty from a windows machine ot linux?14:40
harveydfind . -name ".svn" | xargs rm -rf gave me14:41
harveydxargs: unmatched single quote; by default quotes are special to xargs unless you use the -0 option14:41
Piciblinkiz: what kind of problems?14:41
tim167bazhang: thanks, it says go to tools>filters, but i dont have that...14:41
blinkizPici, No problem here14:41
Piciblinkiz: arg, tab complete mishap, sorry about that.14:41
PiciBizMan2008: What kind of problems?14:41
blinkizPici, :-)14:41
bazhangSelect the filter to be deleted and click on remove and then OK. tim16714:41
jribharveyd: so you have weird names.  Do: find -name .svn -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r14:42
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:42
tim167bazhang: how do i select the filter to be deleted, where can i see them ?14:42
BizMan2008Pici: well basicially that i cant vnc in :), it will say connection initilized but not go any further14:42
BizMan2008i have no problem with any other machine si have this setup with14:42
BizMan2008and i have not done anything differently14:42
BizMan2008i have determined its ssh because, i can vnc in locally no problem, and again, i can vnc through ssh on my other machines no problem14:43
harveydlots of wierd names14:43
harveydits my music folder thats ~60GB that at some point though was a good idea to keep in svn14:43
BizMan2008Pici: i just set up another linux box from scratch, and i want to do some work here rom my job, but this boggles my mind, i dont know whats not working right here14:44
tim167how can i see filters in Evolution mail client ?14:44
harveydbut that command just sits and doesnt do anything, the print0 has all the paths with no spaces between them14:44
jribharveyd: huh?14:44
tim167ook nm, sorry for the noise, found Evolution Edit>Message filters14:45
harveydactually, ig might be working, just slowly, sorry14:45
BizMan2008Pici: any ideas?14:45
PiciBizMan2008: Are you sure that the tunnel is working properly at all? i.e, can you tunnel browser traffic through it?14:46
BizMan2008i dunno14:46
BizMan2008i just know how to ssh in and use vnc :)14:46
BizMan2008how can i tunnel broswer traffic ythrough it14:46
PiciBizMan2008: Are you just vnc-ing to the same address that you are ssh'ed into?14:47
cheesypieceshi guys, does anyone have any experience with desklets? i've just downloaded it from synaptic but i have no idea what to do now14:47
BizMan2008local address14:47
amedxcheesypieces, i like gdesklets14:48
BizMan2008Pici: and the ## is like a foward for port 590014:48
BizMan2008this way i dont have open that port on my router14:48
ikoniacheesypieces: if you've installed them via synaptic - they are alreayd installed14:48
tovareHi all, How do I make a samba share readable/writable by all without authentication?  I'm trying to get Microsoft SQL to backup to a share.14:49
miroslav_hledat cesky ubuntu?14:49
ikoniatovare: use the anonymous user14:49
ikoniatovare: or "nobody" user14:49
cheesypiecesikonia: i know i have them installed, i just don't know how to run them14:49
ikoniacheesypieces: isnt it a case of just launching gdesklets and selecting which ones you want ?14:50
miroslav_česky hledám!14:51
tovareikonia: in the shared admin, there's no way to set user permissions.14:51
ikoniatovare: thats handled at the file system14:51
PiciBizMan2008: Are you sure its listening on 5900 and not 5901?14:51
miroslav_to je síla14:51
jpatrick!cz | miroslav_14:51
ubotumiroslav_: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.14:51
tovarechown nobody?14:51
BizMan2008pici 100%14:51
ikoniatovare: if that is the user your anonymous link is connected to14:51
rsc___hey guys. can anyone suggest a nice Alarm clock program?14:51
ikoniarsc___: cron ?14:51
PiciBizMan2008: The only other thing I can think of is that iptables is blocking it.14:51
zumbi_does somebody know howto boot manually the minimal ubuntu CD?14:52
BizMan2008pici: how can i check that14:52
rsc___ikonia, cron doesn't quite have a snooze function, or an indicator of how long it is till it alarms, or a nice gui... I'm looking for something easy to use. :)14:52
tovareikonia: Microsoft SQL isn't a user, it's something special, something evil and hidden.14:52
ikoniazumbi_: what minimal cd ?14:52
cheesypieceshmm it keeps telling me there aren't controls available. any ideas?14:52
IdleOneI installed screenlets but dont see how I enabled screenlets. any help?14:52
ikoniatovare: no, but it must connect as a user to a share14:53
harveydjrib: worked perfectly, cheers14:53
ikoniatovare: from that point of view its just a user14:53
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:53
tim167i installed ubuntu, i get a black screen (NOT terminal, black, no text) and when going into terminal the letters are so big i cannot see the prompt where i should type14:53
rsc___IdleOne, go run the screenlets manager :)14:53
jribharveyd: no problem14:53
rsc___IdleOne, alt+f2 and type in "screenlets-manager"14:53
IdleOnersc___: thanks14:53
ikoniatim167: change your boot line to "vga=ask" and select a better framebuffer resolutoin14:53
PiciBizMan2008: I'm not really sure, perhaps iptables -L.  I usually use firestarter to manager it.14:54
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tim167ikonia: ok, how ?14:55
tim167ikonia: i mean "change boot line" is too cryptical for me sorry14:55
stuneedshelphello @all14:55
ikoniatim167: boot into grub - hit "e" for edit mode and add vga=ask to the boot line14:55
BizMan2008Pici: http://pastebin.com/m25588d54 thats the output14:55
BizMan2008doesnt look like anyhting14:56
tim167ikonia, thanks i will try14:56
tovareikonia: here's my log http://pastebin.com/d578c55b2   it looks like it's trying to create groups, not users.14:56
stuneedshelpi have a problem with zattoo i can dont delete the apps date... but i am root14:56
* mauro-bls buenas14:56
alx54hi everyone.. "according to mtab this drive is already mounted" but i still cannot access my data, anyone know why this happens?14:57
tim167 ikonia: do you mean add a new line with vga=ask in it ?14:57
PiciBizMan2008: Hrm. Are you sure that the vnc server is running? try: sudo netstat -tanp | less14:57
jribalx54: what filesystem?14:57
Mactaylorwill i see a speedboost with 64BIT?14:58
PiciBizMan2008: You're looking for vnc or perhaps vino14:58
alx54jrib should i pastebin something?14:58
jribalx54: where is it mounted?  what permissions are on the mount point?14:58
ikoniaMactaylor: probably not14:59
alx54it is mounted in /media/Drivename and i just set chmod 777 on it14:59
alx54jrib it is mounted in /media/Drivename and i just set chmod 777 on it14:59
sam__hi guys, how can i automount a drive on boot?14:59
jribalx54: what is the output of 'ls -ld /media/Drivename'?14:59
ikoniaalx54: what happens when you cd /media/drivename14:59
ikoniasam__: put it in your fstab14:59
sam__ikonia, how?14:59
Mactayloris 64bit a pain to set up?14:59
ikoniasam__: edit the file fstab14:59
ikoniaMactaylor: not really no14:59
monzieHi all15:00
monzieI am using Ubuntu 7.10 AMD7415:00
monzieIt seems the fluxbox package is broken15:00
sam__ok, what exactly do i put in my fstab folder?15:00
monzieCan someone help me with this15:00
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amedxmonzie, ???15:00
monzieamedx, please have a look at the pastebin15:01
amedxmonzie, ok15:01
jribmonzie: pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list and the output of 'apt-cache policy fluxbox libimlib2 libc6'15:01
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ikoniasam__: it's not a folder its a file in the /etc/ directoy, have a look and it should be quite straight forward what you need15:01
monziejrib, sources.list http://pastebin.ca/98466415:02
b4l74z4ris gthumb open source?15:02
sam__ok, it seems i need a uuid, a default mountpoint ect15:02
cheesypieceshi guys, do you know the difference between gdesklets and screenlets?15:02
alx54alx@alx:~$ sudo ls -ld /media/Eigenschaften15:02
alx54drwxrwxrwx 15 root root 4096 2008-04-10 19:12 /media/Eigenschaften15:02
ikoniasam__: thats right15:02
amedxmonzie, system>administration>synaptic search broken packages15:02
sam__ok, how can i find the uuid15:02
ikoniacheesypieces: 2 different engines15:02
AchothWhen I press ctrl+alt+F1 in the hope of getting a command line, all I get is a flashing underscore on the top and I can't write anything. What could the problem be? X-server (ctrl+alt+F7) works fine15:02
rsc___cheesypieces, they're just different widget engines. they have different widget formats, they work differently...15:03
alx54jrib i can cd to the path /media/Eigenschaften no error message15:03
monziejrib, 'apt-cache policy fluxbox.... " http://pastebin.ca/98466515:03
sam__so, how exactly do i find a drive uuid?15:03
jribalx54: k, so what doesn't work exactly?15:03
ikoniasam__ blkid15:03
cheesypiecesok, well i've now installed them both, and i'm not keen on gdesklets, but i can't find how to use screenlets15:03
gregoryb4l74z4r: yes, its GPL15:03
srbakercan someone tell me what program the purple face icon is for in that link?15:03
ikoniasrbaker: why have you posted this15:03
tim167i have to add 'vga=ask' to the grub boot line...what is the boot line ? i hit 'ESC', then 'e', then im not shure where exactly to add the "vga=ask"...15:04
arvind_khadriAchoth, after that press Alt+F115:04
srbakeri want to know what program the purple icon represetns15:04
monzieamedx, no packages are broken15:04
ikoniasrbaker: it could be anything15:04
amedxmonzie, are u sure?15:04
rsc___cheesypieces, run the screenlets manager. press alt+f2 and type in screenlets-manager15:04
b4l74z4rgregory, but why isn't it possible to change its behaviour so that one can use the mouse wheel to zoom images?15:04
Achotharvind_khadri: Nothing happens15:04
amedxmonzie, check it out again!!!15:04
gregoryb4l74z4r: sorry, i have no exp with this program15:05
jribalx54: notice that the 777 permissions apply only to /media/Eigenschaften, not the stuff under it15:05
tim167i added it after the line starting with 'kernel', i think...but nothing changed, still black blank screen when booting and ridiculously large letters in ctrl+alt+f1 terminal15:05
arvind_khadriAchoth, hmm well i dont know anything about it15:05
monzieamedx, yeah15:05
ikoniatim167: show me the line you changed15:05
ikoniatim167: and show me how you changed it15:05
sam__what options do i want on the automounted drive?15:05
monzieamedx, says no broken packages15:05
cheesypiecesrsc___: thats great, thanks15:05
ikoniasam__: none15:06
ikoniasam__: just use default15:06
amedxmonzie, mmm15:06
alx54jrib wasnt thers something like chmod 777 * or so to apply it to subfolders?15:06
Achotharvind_khadri: It's very weird, that the X-server works but not the CLI is fundamentally insane15:06
amedxmonzie, try again install fluxbox15:06
jribalx54: are you sure that is what you want?15:06
tim167ikonia, i tried adding vga=ask after the line starting with kernel /boot/vmlinuz... but now on reboot i see its gone again...15:06
alx54yes, im the only user of this pc15:06
sam__done editing, so it should automount whenever i boot now?15:06
alx54jrib yes, im the only user of this pc15:06
arvind_khadriAchoth, why do you want that terminal15:07
tim167ikonia, sorry i cant copy paste the line...15:07
ikoniatim167: thas interesting so that's being ignored15:07
monzieamedx, http://imagebin.ca/view/dRX3eXM.html15:07
sam__my fstab has this line in it now #/dev/sdb115:07
sam__UUID=c1f0af8f-b514-48a1-b3c0-c4d2d786d7da /media/sparedrive ext3 defaults 015:07
sam__will that automount?15:07
ikoniatim167: it should ask you for display option15:07
jribalx54: sudo chmod -R 777 /media/Eigenschaften   (if you apply this to the wrong place, your install will be broken)15:07
ikoniasam__: yes15:07
monzieamedx, no the install is not happening , same error.15:07
sam__when its mounted who will have permissions to edit it?15:07
Achotharvind_khadri: Sometimes it's more efficient, and it's nice not having lots of terminals on the desktop15:07
alx54jrib its a storage drive, should be safe to do that right?15:08
ikoniasam__: mount it and set the permissions your want15:08
jribmonzie: run 'sudo apt-get update' and try installing libimlib215:08
tim167ikonia TAB-autocompleting after vg says 'unrecognized device string'15:08
sam__will those be saved?15:08
jribalx54: yes15:08
ikoniait's a kernel parameter, it won't tab complete15:08
ikoniasam__: yes15:08
amedxmonzie, apt-get update15:08
harsh1How to check which program is trying to access my Internet connection in Ubuntu 7.10?15:08
ikoniaharsh1: tcpdump ?15:08
arvind_khadriAchoth, how do I come back from there if i log into it15:08
amedxharsh1, in U router15:09
Achotharvind_khadri: ctrl+alt+F715:09
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harsh1ikonia: I am sorry, I could't understand what you were trying to tell?15:09
arvind_khadriAchoth, the thing works fine for me15:09
ikoniaharsh1: use tcpdump on snoop on your network interface, ntop may even tell you15:09
Achotharvind_khadri: It should for me too :/15:10
amedxmonzie, what happend?15:10
monzieamedx, imlib2 installed15:10
monzieamedx, waiting for fluxbox to install15:10
amedxmonzie, ok15:10
harsh1ikonia: Thanks, does it has an GUI interface or do I have to use commands, in order to use it.15:10
arvind_khadriAchoth, hmm well there must be something thats not proper at your end....i think the best place to ask this would be mailing list or the ubuntu forums15:11
ikoniano gui15:11
monzieamedx, yup done :)15:11
arvind_khadriAchoth, which ubuntu do you use?15:11
amedxmonzie, ;)15:11
monzieamedx, jrib thanks a lot . Soln was ( apt-get install imlib2 + apt-get install fluxbox ) . Dont know why i had to do it one after another though15:11
Achotharvind_khadri: You're right, I've asked 3 times here now, no answer yet. I use Ubuntu 7.1015:11
alx54jrib just another question if u dont mind... since this is an internal drive, i want it to mount on startup, but that didnt work with this line in fstab "/dev/hdb1 /media/Eigenschaften ext3 rw,defaults,umask=0000 0 2"15:11
jribmonzie: the real solution was probably just the apt-get update15:11
BizMan2008Pici: its definatley running, like i said i can vnc in locally without ssh15:12
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).15:12
alx54jrib and when i replaced /dev.. with the UUID it also didnt work15:12
efirewickI installed apache, mysql, and php. I have found enough info on installation but none on how to configure and use. Does anyone no of any documentation how I can learn to use this software?15:12
jribalx54: ext3 does not use the umask option15:12
arvind_khadriAchoth, did you try the ubuntu official forum,google, and yeah try www.linuxforums.org too15:12
rsc___you cant chmod 777 * on /media/Eigenschaften (or wherever)15:12
alx54aah, so just leave it out jrib?15:12
rsc___oops nevermind15:12
jribalx54: "defaults" should work fine15:12
slowlearnerefirewick do you what these softwares are for?15:12
alx54ok jrib, thanks alot!15:13
Achotharvind_khadri: Yep, no hits, this is on ordinary problem15:13
rsc___seems like actually you can15:13
arvind_khadriAchoth, people wont answer if they dont know the answer15:13
Achotharvind_khadri: Well, of course15:13
efirewickslowlearner, I am trying to set up a customer database.15:13
arvind_khadriAchoth, i too am finding it wierd,dont have high hopes that it would get solved :( but jus try linuxforums15:13
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Achotharvind_khadri: That I shall, thanks15:14
slowlearnerefirewick have you successfully installed them?15:14
arvind_khadriAchoth, you are welcome15:14
hubuntuany spanish speaking ubunteros help please reviewing the server presentation (updated for Hardy) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EcuadorTeam/MaterialPOP/Presentaciones#head-3f7f2147988eff452698e2fe6e2290e1e897278a - feedback by uploading revisions on the wiki or sendign me an email: hubuntu@gmail.com15:14
hubuntuthanx in advance15:14
Sturmehiz bak!15:15
SturmehHysteria still around?15:16
efirewickslowlearner; yes, but I have no idea how to use them, and I have searched for info and found none...15:16
Matrikzquick n00b question15:16
Sturmehjust ask15:16
siqhi i've installed network-manager-pptp and the associated packages that go with it, but the vpn client isn't showing up in the network icon15:16
slowlearnerefirewick apache is your webserver15:16
jamiejacksonwhere are ubuntu's "bookmarks" kept? i want to know how to edit/delete them15:16
Matrikzwhat do i need to do to use putty to get into my ubuntu box?15:16
slowlearnerefirewick try http://localhost on your computer, if something shows up, apache is successfully installed15:17
efirewickslowlearner; I can log into the test page from any of my computers to the server.15:17
Sturmehjamiejackson what do you mean by ubuntu bookmarks15:17
troythetechguyLast night I was playing with nmap, and discovered my lap top running Ubuntu has port 25 open.  I understand this is the SMTP port, but I did not open it.  Is this normal?15:17
jamiejacksonSturmeh: Places >> Bookmarks15:17
arvind_khadriMatrikz, whats putty15:17
jamiejacksonputty's an ssh client15:18
Matrikzssh for windows15:18
LollinopiLi everyone!! how can I see and edit the partitions with ubuntu ?15:18
lutz_join #midori15:18
monzieI am having problems with the nginx package:15:18
SturmehLollinopiL use gpart, included in the ubuntu live cd15:18
CromagLollinopiL: gparted will help you i think.15:18
hansjdhi there guys... i was thinking if anyone can tell me how to install the kernel source files?15:18
ubotuGParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/15:18
slowlearnerefirewick php is your programming language, go to php.net for more info15:18
Sturmehwhoops yea, gparted not gpart15:18
siqhi i've installed network-manager-pptp and the associated packages that go with it, but the vpn client isn't showing up in the network icon near the clock, anyone know how to fix this?15:18
LollinopiLStu gpart is only avaible with the live cd ?15:18
LollinopiLwhy ? ?15:19
jamiejacksonLollinopiL: it's in the distro too15:19
BizMan2008Pici: vnc15:19
SturmehLollinopiL you can apt-get gparted15:19
efirewickslowlearner; That helps. Thank you.15:19
jamiejacksonLollinopiL: applications >> system tools >> qtparted15:19
jamiejacksonthat's what i've got, anyway15:19
Sturmehuse add/remove programs in the first menu LollinopiL15:19
SturmehGparted should be a ubuntu standard app.15:20
crazytalk2i am using linux :D15:20
* crazytalk2 cheers15:20
Sturmehgood on you crazytalk215:20
LollinopiLsudo apt-get install gparted15:20
Sturmehnot sure on that one15:20
efirewickslowlearner; Oh, it's written close to html...15:20
shishirm1hi guys suggest something for download management which will gel with firefox and continue to stopped download and stuff... some thing like DAP15:20
arvind_khadrishishirm1, bit-torrent15:21
shishirm1i meant "continue stopped downloads from where they were stopped15:21
SturmehDown them all?15:21
Sturmehresuming downloaded files is highly dependant on whether the server you are downloading from supports it or not shishirm115:21
monzieamedx, http://pastebin.ca/98468915:21
Sturmehit helps for links to be direct for this, also shishirm115:22
jamiejacksonwhere are ubuntu's "bookmarks" kept? i want to know how to edit/delete them15:22
amedxmonzie, wait a moment please!!!15:22
shishirm1arvind_khadri: it doesnt gel with firefox and i am talking usual file download or http download or ftp download not torrents15:22
Moryddwhen running apt I'm getting "E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/http could not be found."15:22
Sturmehjamiejackson no idea15:22
Sturmehi just use firefox15:22
slowlearnershishirm1 gwget15:22
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gregoryhansjd: run this and then install the package with apt-get: apt-cache search linux kernel headers | grep `uname -r`15:23
Moryddthere is nothing at all in /usr/lib/apt/methods/15:23
LollinopiLi'm doing the backup .... and sometimes it stops in VD1 - BEGINNER.00015:23
LollinopiL for som minutes ... is it normal ?15:23
hansjdgregory, thanx15:23
e1mer!info apt-mirror15:23
ubotuapt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.4-5ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 11 kB, installed size 120 kB15:23
jamiejacksonSturmeh: you use firefox bookmarks for file system resources?15:23
shishirm1Sturmeh: the firefox manager resumes downloading if stopped abruptly?15:23
harsh1My Network usage always reports, I am uploading 217 kb/s and I am receiving 391 Kb/s (varies evry time), even if my computer is idle in Ubuntu 7.10?15:23
stjepancan I somehow limit speed of my network interface?15:23
gregoryhansjd: take care, these are ` and not '15:23
Sturmehjamiejackson i would if i had no other idea :P15:23
Sturmehah you mean places15:23
arvind_khadrishishirm1, try d4x15:24
hansjdgregory, copy paste :D15:24
jamiejacksonSturmeh: well, Places >> Bookmarks, anyway15:24
Sturmehharsh1 is this "Local Network" or "Internet" usage?15:24
=== crazytalk2 is now known as daire
Sturmehgot no idea jamiejackson ( as to where they are stored )15:24
shishirm1arvind_khadri: what is tat?15:24
hansjdgregory, and if i want it i just use apt-get instead?15:24
slowlearnertat - turn arount time?15:25
lartza_Could someone help me on problem with nucleus?15:25
arvind_khadrishishirm1, its a download manager then "freeloader" is also there15:25
lartza_I can't get finnish characters to work.15:25
dairei just installed 7.04 and my update manager is downloading 200 updates, will this update the os as well as, or just certain applications?15:25
slowlearnerlartza_ that's a cms15:25
gregoryhansjd: c+p the output from apt-cache to apt-get15:25
lartza_I know15:25
lartza_Well a blog15:25
shishirm1freeloader is too plain.. i tried some probs with it too.. starts downloading into tmp folder if i restart by mistake the download goes waste15:25
slowlearnerlartza_ I suggest you go to their support page15:26
gregoryhansjd: only until the first space - after "-" is package description and not name anymore15:26
itguruI have an internal email server which has been setup, but it seems that mail delivered from this system gets classed as SPAM with google. I have a static IP, if I add this IP to our DNS, will this then prevent our mail being classed as spam?15:26
lartza_slowlearner: I already posted to forums, but answers there are not so frequent15:26
arvind_khadrishishirm1, try dx415:26
lartza_I have experience from that15:26
harsh1Sturmeh: I am chcking this in System Monitor utility in Resources Tab.15:26
efirewickHello, I am new to php, and was wondering if there are any pre-made database sources available for download.15:26
Sturmehharsh1 do you have a home network?15:27
jribdaire: 7.04 stays 7.04 unless you tell it you want to upgrade to a newer version explicitly15:27
Picidaire: Its just updating applications and perhaps the kernel, but only within your release.15:27
harsh1Sturmeh: No15:27
gregoryefirewick: try #php15:27
hansjdgregory, i just get this...15:27
hansjdhansjd@hansjd-ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get linux-headers-2.6.24-12-generic15:27
hansjdE: Invalid operation linux-headers-2.6.24-12-generic15:27
shishirm1arvind_khadri: does it have a site or something?15:27
efirewickgregory: thanks15:27
Jack_Sparrowhansjd, apt-get install15:27
shishirm1arvind_khadri: i wanna see it first b4 i try it15:27
arvind_khadrishishirm1, nope i dont know jus apt-get it15:27
Jizzoso you need to redownload the install CD if you wanna upgrade from 7.10 to 8.xx in 10 days?15:28
Sturmehharsh1 check your isp usage and make sure you haven't been using "alot" or anything, it's probably local throughput.15:28
hansjdah... stupid me... kinda new to ubuntu15:28
shishirm1arvind_khadri: cant play with my ubuntu installation its got some project stuff15:28
hansjdor linux15:28
* jochmenDS background15:28
Picihansjd: 2.6.24 is not in Gutsy.15:28
dairejrib/pici: ty, i will look into updating to a new version, i wasn't able to download and burn a fresh cd15:28
Sturmehharsh1 i take you aren't downloading updates or anything when you are "idle"15:28
jrib!upgrade > daire (read the private message from ubotu)15:28
stjepananyone knows, how can I limit my network speed?15:29
gullstadHello. How can I create a user whit limited disc-space?15:29
harsh1Sturmeh: No, none of the programs that uses Internet like Torrent clients etc are running.15:29
efirewickgregory: Are you talking about the chat room #php?15:29
slowlearnerefirewick what are you actually looking for?15:29
Sturmehharsh1 disconnect your internet cables for a moment and see if the activity stops, and if anything produces an error etc.15:30
Sturmehharsh1 and then come back ofcause15:30
gregorygullstad: you need to use "diskquota". have a first look here f.e. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45335815:30
harsh1Sturmeh: ok, but one question before disconnecting.15:30
Sturmehas many as you like harsh115:31
ishbibenobcam someone tell me how to extract a tar.gz file as root15:31
slowlearnersudo tar -zxvf file.tar.gz15:31
efirewickslowlearner: Sorry, wrong window... I was trying to type in #php, and I am reading about it on another computer... Got mixed up...15:31
Sturmehthats the one15:31
harsh1Sturmeh: What information will be displayed in the System Monitor->Resources(Tab)->Network History->(Received, sent)?15:32
leeping2008Hey there .. At my job, I usually have many emacs windows open, and I wish the buttons on the taskbar would actually display the text file that emacs is editing.  Anyone know how to do this?15:32
Moryddwhen running apt I'm getting "E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/http could not be found."15:32
Moryddthere is nothing at all in /usr/lib/apt/methods/15:32
slowlearnerharsh1, if you click you can see for yourself15:33
Sturmehgoogle the error Morydd refrain from repeating it here15:33
Sturmehharsh1 not sure what you mean, it logs network activity.15:33
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crazytalk_/who crazytalk_15:33
riotkittiewe're telling people to google now?15:34
Sturmehu google errors15:34
Sturmehit's very unlikely someone in here has encountered the same error message and remembers it15:34
Sturmehif they have they would have said it already15:34
MoryddSturmeh: I have googled the error and did not find information that helped, hence asking here. And since I did not get a response I thought it may have gotten lost in the backscroll.15:34
harsh1Sturmeh: I was asking this question because this is the place where it is showing Sent=317 Kb/s and received=117 kb/s, is this normal?15:34
jpatrick!it | zacccisco15:34
ubotuzacccisco: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:34
gregoryleeping2008: hmm, emacs is not in ubuntu default, before having to wait here for a longer time try #emacs15:35
Sturmehcan someone confirm what harsh1 is asking, I am not currently on ubuntu15:35
Jack_SparrowMorydd, HAve you added your own sources?15:35
BlinnyI'm running an updated Hardy Beta right now, with 8GB RAM. Unfortunately, after a recent kernel update (to 2.6.24-16-generic) my kernel is only seeing 3GB. I had understood that Ubuntu was no longer separating 32 and 64-bit kernels, hence the -generic. What do I need to fix so that I boot into the 64-bit kernel?15:35
PiciBlinny: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.15:35
spellingwhat are the green/blue distros other than suse/fedora15:35
amenadoharsh1-> are you downloading or transferring files at the moment? or maybe streaming videos ?15:35
Jack_Sparrow!hardy > Blinny15:35
BlinnyCool. Thanks folks.15:35
SturmehMorydd hope you find a solution, i find ubuntu forums very helpful.15:35
MoryddJack_Sparrow: only restricted/universe/multiverse15:36
spellingwhat are the green/blue distros other than suse/fedora15:36
slowlearnerharsh1 thats normal15:36
leeping2008Thanks, gregory15:36
Jack_SparrowMorydd, what is the command you are giving that generates that error15:36
Picispelling: I dont know what you are asking, but it sounds like it has nothing to do with Ubuntu.15:36
Picispelling: Perhaps try ##linux15:36
harsh1amenado: No, this is the scenario that happens everytime and no windows are opened in any of my 4 Desktops.15:37
MoryddJack_Sparrow: apt-get update15:37
Jack_SparrowMorydd, please run this for me..  sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)15:37
macusercanadahi all - I need help - I had edubuntu running on an old clamshell iBook - I installed the beta of full ubuntu 8.04 last night and now I have no mouse movement either by USB mouse or the trackpad - any ideas?15:38
Sturmehspelling what are you asking?15:38
spellingPici haha your distro is a yellow15:38
spellingSturme i need a distro with green or blue theme15:38
welshdudeVery stupid question, I have a 2nd hard drive with all my important stuff stored on it, when after I install Ubuntu, will it have no probems reading the files on it as it was orignaly formated by windows. i think thats fat32 by defult15:38
slowlearnerharsh1 it's telling you that you are currently connected to a network because you are transferring and receiving data15:38
spellingas default15:38
twoface_welshdude: no problem15:38
slowlearnerspelling fedore15:38
amenadoharsh1-> then I say its not normal to have 300+ kb/s15:38
Jack_Sparrowwelshdude, not a problem15:38
slowlearnerspelling fedora is blue by default15:39
spellingslowlearner what else15:39
jochmenDSyou can make it look any colour you want themes gnome15:39
amenadoharsh1-> try to use    lsof -i   to show what sockets you have opened15:39
MoryddJack_Sparrow: http://pastoid.com/ha15:39
Jack_Sparrowmacusercanada, Please ask in #Ubuntu+115:39
slowlearnerspelling kubuntu i think is blue too15:39
spellingslowlearner hate kubuntu15:40
jochmenDSor black theme15:40
Picispelling, slowlearner: Please take this discussion elsewhere, it has nothing to do with Ubuntu, perhaps #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux if they tolerate it there.15:40
sinthey, i got an intel 3945 card and i tried ipw3945 as well as iwl driver and i can't get anything to work. it shows a connection with ifconfig but i can't ping anything. anyone have an idea?15:40
nyiguI've just made my first package, a simple installer wrapper around Oracle's SQL developer.  Feedback welcome re http://blog.kizoom.com/2008/04/packaging-oracle-sql-developer-for.html15:40
harsh1amenado: I did it, shall I post the output, its 2 or 3 line?15:40
hischildsint, your target is refusing ping?15:40
amenadosint-> is your client associated with the AP? it has an ip address?15:40
sintamenado: ya ifconfig shows an ipadress15:41
amenadoharsh1-> nope, you try to figure it out ifyou do have that connectivity, i dont know what you got running15:41
amenadosint-> is your client associated with the AP?15:41
sinthischild: how do you mean refusing? all packages are lost15:41
Jack_SparrowMorydd, nothing jumps out at me there.  have you edited out sources you have used in the past..15:41
hischildsint, what are you trying to ping?15:42
sintamenado: how to find out?15:42
sinthischild: my APs ip15:42
sintor google15:42
sintboth not working15:42
amenadosint iwconfig wlan015:42
MoryddJack_Sparrow: no. I'm just getting used to ubuntu from debian, so I haven't started experimenting yet. :)15:42
Jack_SparrowMorydd, what have you installed manually?15:43
hischildsint, can you access internet at all? like the AP's site? does your AP block pings?15:44
* tovare finally just purchased an external harddrive instead of trying to get Microsoft SQL to write to a samba share.15:44
MoryddJack_Sparrow: several things from .deb files.15:45
Jack_SparrowMorydd, was this a feisty install you upgraded to gutsy?15:45
harsh1amenado: ok, only one command is being displayed below "Command" column and its "Pidgin", its the program that I am using to communicate with you.15:45
MoryddJack_Sparrow: yes.15:45
Jack_SparrowMorydd, Ok, one of those debs is what is messing you up..15:45
sintamenado, hischild: just a second i've switched back to ipw3945 driver and its not finding anything now15:45
amenadoharsh1-> i assume then thats the one that takes up that bandwidth15:46
harsh1amenado: another line tells its "k.freenode.net:ircd (ESTABLISHED)"15:46
MoryddJack_Sparrow: Is there a simple way to hunt through them, or am I likely going to have to uninstall each and test for the broken one?15:46
mysterycoolOk so I downloaded Google Earth and it's a .bin. How can I install it?15:47
noodlesgcmysterycool type ./<.bin file>15:47
sintamenado: i got no wlan0 its named as eth115:47
mysterycoolty :D15:47
Jack_SparrowMorydd, no easy way to do it..15:47
sorsisi would like to start using 8.02. any HOWTO available?15:47
MoryddThat's what I was afraid of. Thanks for the help.15:47
sinthischild: the system has no internet at all. i am on a second computer15:47
Jack_SparrowMorydd, SOunds like you used a deb from debian repo that was not available in ubuntu.. (for a reason)15:48
amenadosint then use iwconfig eth115:48
gregorysorsis: are you stuck somewhere?15:48
dmsuperman_'lo everybody15:48
jochmenDSis there an limit to how many can enter this ubuntu irc channel?15:49
sorsisgregory: what should i do for sources list?15:49
sintamenado: i can't paste the output since its on the laptop. but it shows some data about the wificard but it says: unassociated15:49
mysterycoolroot@user-desktop:~/Desktop/softs# ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin15:50
mysterycoolbash: ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin: Permission denied15:50
ikoniajochmenDS: join #ubuntu-irc for irc dicussion/qestions15:50
sorsisgregory: what is release name of 8.0215:50
ikoniamysterycool: change the permissions15:50
dairei installed ubuntu about an hour ago and it will not power down after i try to restart or shut it down. i get the black ubuntu screen with the progress bar for a second and then there is no progress bar and nothing happens15:50
ikoniamysterycool: make it executable by your user15:50
mysterycoolikonia: i am through root...15:50
ikoniamysterycool: man chown and man chmod15:50
gregory!hardy > sorsis15:50
sintamendO: but it shows the essid and the frequency from the AP and stuff15:50
ikoniamysterycool: your shouldn't be root15:50
ikoniamysterycool: being root doesn't make a file executable15:50
=== fatsh is now known as fatshitcat
jochmenDSright klick and edit permissions15:51
sintbut it says encryption key: off .. the AP in encrypted with wpa215:51
hischildmysterycool, chmod +x <.bin file>15:51
tomoyuki28jpHow I can make my grub not to ask me to select a which version of kernel to boot?15:51
amenadosint sure you can make a copy and paste it, but you didnt seem to think it is important...anyhow..if its un-associated then try to get it to associate15:51
slowlearnermysterycool cmod +x file15:51
harsh1amenado: Thanks for your help, time and patience, I will run this command and check whenever required, bye for now and thanks once again.15:51
dmsuperman_tomoyuki28jp: there's an option in your /boot/grub/menu.lst toward the top15:51
amenadotomoyuki28jp-> look into man grub  the option default15:51
sintamenado: how?15:51
tomoyuki28jpdmsuperman_: amenado:  Thanks for your info.  I will take a look at it.15:52
amenadosint to make a copy? look at your other computer copy it over to this working one, type it letter by letter?15:52
Jack_Sparrowtomoyuki28jp, edit grub menu and remove all but the option you want15:52
ikoniatomoyuki28jp: change the timeout to 015:52
dmsuperman_tomoyuki28jp: no problem15:52
ikoniatomoyuki28jp: or use the noask option15:52
dmsuperman_Jack_Sparrow: the default option is better, because then you can still have the options should you choose to go into recovery mode :)15:53
dmsuperman_does anybody know if it's possible to open one of my currently open tty's with ssh?15:53
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman_, agreed.15:53
ikoniadmsuperman_: no15:53
bhsxhow can i really tell if my ati drivers are being used?  i cant seem to get compiz to work... and gl screensavers are only getting like 13FPS (i have an ati x300)15:53
ikoniadmsuperman_: screen would be the only tool to allow that15:54
sintamenado: just a second, i will plug a cable in there15:54
dmsuperman_ikonia: what's screen?15:55
castabrancaEnter text here...15:55
slowlearnersudo apt-get install screen15:55
Pici!screen | dmsuperman_15:56
ubotudmsuperman_: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen15:56
ikoniaslowlearner "what's screen" does not warrent an answer of apt-get install screen15:56
tim167trying to install from desktop CD, hangs at ubuntu logo + progression bar, after selecting start or install...help!15:57
Jack_Sparrowtim167, At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"15:58
tim167tried to install with alternate CD but then get black screen on boot into OS, no terminal, no prompt15:58
Sturmehtim167 press ALT+F1 and read errors15:58
slowlearneralt+f1 will do (i think)15:59
tim167ok thanks...trying with quiet and splash removed...15:59
Jack_Sparrowtim167, at least withthat you can see where it hangs or what the error is15:59
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tim167Jack_Sparrow: it hangs at ACPI PCI Interrupt16:00
Jack_Sparrowtim167, add those other options16:00
tim167 Jack_Sparrow: ok...16:00
MrFawkesUh, hi there. I'm trying to set up epiphany as the default browser on xubuntu. I did it in galternatives and xfce preferred applications, but when I click on links in, say, synaptic, I still get firefox. Any ideas?16:00
balle_i have a fear of using the restricted drivers of my grafix card nvidia go 6600 couse last time i installed it it messed up m system big time, so is there an way i can make a backup of my driver settings and load them during reboot in GRUB?16:00
simmerzI've got two screens and running compiz-fusion. one screen is bigger than the other and so I've had to specify a virtual desktop size. on the smaller screen, when i click below the desktop (by mistake, normally) X resets itself. any ideas?16:01
=== cyris is now known as cyris|
Sturmehballe_ do you know how to set your graphics driver as vesa in the case of error?16:01
Jack_Sparrowballe_, make a copy of your xorg.conf ....16:01
Sturmehaight there we go16:01
Jack_Sparrowballe_, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg (to just set res) If you get locked out Select vesa as your video card and 1024 max res.  Use tab or enter to accept all other defaults16:01
=== ay is now known as ay^
SturmehMrFawkes try prefrences default applications16:02
Sturmehwtf botnet?16:02
sintamenado: http://rafb.net/p/V9TL2n34.html16:02
MrFawkesSturmeh: er, preferences where?16:02
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!16:03
sintamenado: this is the output16:03
Sturmehnot sure.16:03
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.16:03
mike-ekimis there a way to launch an application and tell it which DBus configuration file to use?16:03
MrFawkesI probably did it then. Just different name.16:03
SturmehJack_Sparrow can you tell MrFawkes where you can change the default internet browser?16:03
SturmehI'm not currently on ubuntu.16:04
Jack_Sparrowsystem...pref...preferd applications16:04
Sturmehthat's the one MrFawkes16:04
SturmehMrFawkes got it? System > Prefrences > Prefered Applications16:04
sintamenado: this looks like a working connection to me, but i cant ping16:05
Sturmehgoddamn botnets16:05
balle_i have a fear of using the restricted drivers of my grafix card nvidia go 6600 couse last time i installed it it messed up m system big time, so is there an way i can make a backup of my driver settings and load them during reboot in GRUB?16:05
Sturmehno balle_ the drivers are loaded by X16:05
MrFawkesI have no pref under system. I have preferred aplications in settings, and it's epiphany there.16:05
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!16:05
MrFawkesStill didn't help.16:05
Jack_Sparrowballe_, Write down the command I gave earlier, make a copy of your xorg and go for it..16:05
SturmehSorry MrFawkes can't help myself.16:05
Jack_Sparrowballe_, cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/Desktop/Jacks-Notes/xorg.conf.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)16:06
Jack_Sparrowballe_, with your won path of course16:06
Sturmehjacks-notes lol16:06
Sturmehofcausse we all have that foldr on our desktop16:06
amenadosint unassociated  ESSID:"AP"  <-- not associated yet16:08
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!16:08
ubotuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.16:08
sintamenado: how to associated it?16:09
yokhello botnet16:09
Sturmehyou know him yok?16:09
amenadosint try commands like ifdown eth0; ifup eth016:10
yokSturmeh  Botnet  hi16:10
Sturmehshh u16:10
ghostnob one quick question: I'm seting up WIndows server 2003 in addition to my ubuntu server at home, should they both have the same domain names but different hostname? (2) Will they not confilct? Ubuntu is going to be used for my web development database server and other backups and windows is going to be used for my main back ups and antivirus scan for each file I back up on it.16:10
yokSturmeh Botnel and i am to work  you to want ?16:11
amenadoghostnob-> they wont be up at same time?16:11
dmsuperman_ghostnob: it's really up to you16:11
Sturmehyok off-topic16:11
yokSturmeh    ssh  yes16:11
Sturmehi said shh not ssh...16:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about graphics - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:12
yokyes   datacentir16:12
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto16:12
yokSturmeh   yes   datacentir16:12
dmsuperman_!ot | yok16:12
ubotuyok: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:12
MezSturmeh, yok, please take your offtopic conversation elsewhere16:12
yokSturmeh   you msn ?16:12
Sturmehnothing to talk about...16:13
dairejack_Sparrow: how did you know it was my res? :)16:13
Jack_Sparrowdaire, lucky guess16:13
dairety :D16:13
yokSturmeh  msn admin@askkenti.com16:13
dairei bet my cool new linux desktop will look great with the proper res16:13
RandocalBy chance does anyone know if installing and configuring fuppes to communicate with an xbox 360 is a halfway smooth process?16:13
ghostnob one quick question: I'm seting up WIndows server 2003 in addition to my ubuntu server at home, should they both have the same domain names but different hostname? (2) Will they not confilct? Ubuntu is going to be used for my web development database server and other backups and windows is going to be used for my main back ups and antivirus scan for each file I back up on it.16:13
dmsuperman_ghostnob your answer has been answered above16:14
Jack_Sparrowghostnob, try #Ubuntu-server16:14
yokSturmeh   you msn ?16:14
ghostnobok... sorry I was doing something and not fully paying attention to the lobby16:14
Mez!repear | yok16:14
Sturmehno yok, leave me alone16:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repear - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:14
Piciyok: Stop.16:15
yokSturmeh i am ssh  present ?16:15
zackymc_ki have a problem with window border problems16:16
Sturmehgo zackymc_k16:16
Odd-rationalezackymc_k: using compiz?16:16
zackymc_kwell i have no window borders16:16
zackymc_kyes i am16:16
gullstadHello. I was wondering if there was a way to limit a users discspace. (Got disconected so didnt see the last anserw is there was any)16:16
Sturmehlawl compiz ftw16:16
Odd-rationalezackymc_k: did you install emerad?16:16
sintamenado: it keeps to be unassociated for whatever reason16:16
zackymc_ki havent16:17
Sturmehwell install emerald16:17
Sturmehit's nice16:17
Odd-rationalezackymc_k: sudo apt-get install emerald16:17
unopgullstad, sure, you can use  disk quotas16:17
=== nagappan_ is now known as nagappan
lesshastehow can I let people ssh into my computer? I see  /usr/bin/ssh-agent x-session-manager when I do ps auwx|grep ssh16:18
gullstadunop: Mind asking he how, or send me in the direction of an "How to"? :P16:18
sintlesshaste: install ssh-server and start it with /etc/init.d/ssh16:18
slowlearnerlesshaste sure if they have ssh client16:19
dairewoah the cube and wobble desktop effects are sick!16:19
lesshastesint: oh ok.. what is the process I saw?16:19
Sturmehyea they are daire16:19
unopgullstad, !google "disk quotas" on linux.  www.debianadmin.com/implement-and-manage-disk-quotas-in-linux.html16:19
balle_Well... just decided to install drivers without thinking twice, it didnt mess up my sys. but it made my resolution messed up and no matter what settings i try to pick it just messes up the screen with a black gridded one with nothing on... an help is greatly appreciated16:19
Mezyok, what are you on about ?16:19
Sturmehzackymc_k sudo apt-get emerald16:19
Mezyok, I dont understand what you're trying to say ?16:19
Odd-rationaleSturmeh: + install16:20
Sturmehcheck synaptic16:20
Sturmehyea keep forgetting16:20
sintlesshaste: not sure, but i had the same problem when i was trying this once too. ssh is just a client in ubuntu and you have to install the server yourself16:20
lesshastesint: openssh-server?16:20
Sturmehsudo apt-get install emerald16:20
=== Jaymac1 is now known as Jaymac
lesshastesint: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start ?16:20
* N3bunel saluta16:20
Mezyok, can I help you at all ?16:21
zackymc_ki still have no borders16:21
Odd-rationalezackymc_k: then do alt+f2 and type16:21
Sturmehdid you install it?16:21
Odd-rationalezackymc_k: emerald --replace16:21
balle_Well... just decided to install drivers without thinking twice, it didnt mess up my sys. but it made my resolution messed up and no matter what settings i try to pick it just messes up the screen with a black gridded one with nothing on... an help is greatly appreciated16:21
dairei entered in the following lines to terminal and i'm supposed to get a config dialogue asking if i want to autodetect the hardware but instead it's asking me to pick one16:21
dairesudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.custom md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf |sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:21
daire Drivers are typically named for the video card or chipset manufacturer, or for a specific model or family of           │16:22
daire │ chipsets.                                                                                                              │16:22
daire │                                                                                                                        │16:22
daire │ X server driver:16:22
FloodBot2daire: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:22
=== _spiderz is now known as spiderz
Sturmehgotta love people saying sorry to a bot16:22
skenmyHey all - i'm practically tearing my hair out trying to get sound to work in Gutsy, but no such luck so far. It's the only sound card that Ubuntu is detecting as usable, but no sound is coming out of the speakers. There are no errors being thrown at me by amaroK, aplay, or anything similar. Anyone have *any* ideas? I'm using a Creative Audigy ZS 2.16:23
Odd-rationale!sorry | daire16:23
ubotudaire: It's ok, I can't stay mad at you.16:23
balle_is there any way to find out manufactura and model of my labtop screen in ubuntu?16:24
newTruth_UKDUMB question: I have lost my menu in vim (gvim) how do I get it to re-appear ?16:25
balle_Well... just decided to install drivers without thinking twice, it didnt mess up my sys. but it made my resolution messed up and no matter what settings i try to pick it just messes up the screen with a black gridded one with nothing on... an help is greatly appreciated16:25
SynapseAttackAnyone have a good site to read up on getting Ubuntu Server to use Trusted Platform Module (TPM)?16:25
ikoniaballe_ drivers for what16:26
balle_ikonia: my gfx card16:26
ikoniaballe_: which drivers ?16:26
balle_ikonia: the restricted drivers for the nvidia 6600go for my labtop16:27
sintamenado: i'm using an old wificard now. sux! but it works with madwifi out of the box and i have to go to work now. thanks for you help! i will try it later again16:28
ikoniaballe_: and what have you done to fix this issue16:28
newTruth_UKDUMB question: I have lost my menu bar in vim (gvim) how do I get it to re-appear ?16:29
balle_ikonia: i have tried testing every possible resolution and screen setting, nothing happens but an error test screen of black with white grid in it16:29
yokhi is there any one to work with me by botnet16:30
ikoniaballe_: ok, what have you done so far to fix this16:30
yokhi is there any one to work with me by botnet16:30
yokhi is there any one to work with me by botnet16:30
FloodBot2yok: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:30
balle_ikonia: well.. nothing because i don't really know what to do...16:30
ikonia!nvidia > balle16:30
ikoniaballe_: check the link from ubotu16:30
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:31
dairethe unbuntu res guide says that when i enter in the commands - sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.custom md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf |sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - to terminal i'm supposed to get a box asking if i want it to autodetect my video hardware but instead i get it asking me to select the x server driver. there is no auto detect option16:32
gfetcoHi does anyone know where to get a Virtual Boot program?16:33
tgillespi1hi all, is gccxml working for anyone?16:34
cheesypieceshi guys, does anyone have any idea why i can now only see one workspace? i've just installed avm16:34
balle_ikonia: should i reboot?16:34
ikoniaballe_: why ?16:35
ikoniaballe_: where did that document ubotu sent through say reboot16:35
balle_ikonia: it says i need to restart the x server...16:36
ikoniaballe_: ctrl+alt+del will do that16:36
balle_ikonia: it didnt.. but it did tell me to restart xserver through logging out or something16:36
|Debian|how would i go about checking how much space i have left through terminal ?16:36
ikoniaballe_: "or something" try READING the info16:36
ikonia|Debian|: are you using debian or ubuntu ?16:36
unop_|Debian|, df16:37
gfetcoWhere to geet a virtual boot?16:37
balle_ikonia: sry To start using the driver you will need to logout and select Restart X Server from the menu, or press Alt+E16:37
|Debian|ubunu ... don't see why it makes a differencwe16:37
balle_ikonia: alt+E does nothing16:37
ikoniaballe_: ctrl+alt+del16:37
Piciikonia: backspace ;)16:38
gfetcoDoes anyone know where to get a virtual booter? I have no Diskett on my computer :(16:38
balle_ikonia: yea, already tried that i'm afraid, should i log out also or just press ctrl+alt+del and then cancel?16:38
ikoniaballe_: it will kill your session so it doesn't matter16:38
cheesypieceshi guys, i can't get awm to work - nothing happens when i click on the awm icon under applications - any ideas?16:39
ikoniacheesypieces: try launching it from the command line for better output16:40
noodlesgccheesypieces compiz must be running16:40
ikoniacheesypieces: check what the icon is linked to in terms of launching16:40
gfetcoIkonia, if something buggs how can I terminate it? I always have to pull out the cable so the power goes off if a prgram buggs... :(16:40
cheesypiecesnoodlesgc: compiz is running, does that stop it?16:40
tifinehow to create a zip file on command16:40
amee2kwhy do i keep getting unauthenticated updates? is this normal?16:40
ikoniagfetco: can you give me an example16:40
balle_ikonia: it just comes up with the log off/hibernate etc. menu that you get from pressing the green dude in the top right corner..16:41
ikoniatifine: man zip16:41
gfetcoworld of warcraft16:41
noodlesgccheesypieces no, awn requires compiz to be running16:41
ikoniaballe_: ok, restart then16:41
ikoniagfetco: killing wine should kill that16:41
gfetcogets bugged and i cant do anything16:41
noodlesgcamee2k you mean that ubuntu automatically installed updates?16:41
larmehtifine: do you explicitly need a zip file or is tar.gz ok too?16:41
ikoniagfetco: can you still move the mouse / open terminals etc16:41
gfetcoi cant move the mouse16:41
cheesypiecesnoodlesgc: is there a way to check if its running or not?16:41
ikoniagfetco: ahhh so your machine dies, restart is the only way then16:41
gfetcoi cant even open terminal16:41
tifinelarmeh, no zip file only16:42
gfetcoit doesnt die16:42
ikoniatifine: man zip16:42
noodlesgccheesypieces system->preferences->Appearence->Visual effects16:42
ikoniagfetco: ok "hangs"16:42
gfetcoi just cant open programs and everything goes slow16:42
|Debian|anyone know of a nice lightwieght irc client ?16:42
ikonia|Debian|: irssi, bitchx ?16:42
amee2knoodlesgc i mean when that little "updates available" icon in the tray area appears and i click it and then install the updates, i get a warning like "unable to authenticate packages. do you want to install"16:42
tifineikonia, that is a nice answer :P16:42
ikoniagfetco: if your machine hangs you'll have to restart16:42
ikoniatifine: no problem16:42
gfetcoits to laggy to even use force quit16:42
gregory|Debian|: irssi16:42
amee2kunfortunately i just hit "install anyway" so i can't make a screenshot until the next update16:43
ikoniagfetco: I'll say it again "you'll have to restart"16:43
gfetcobut but but !16:43
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AndrewmI'm having trouble getting on the internet, My local ISP is COX using a cable modem.. help16:43
ikoniagfetco: but what ?16:43
ikoniaAndrewm: you are on the internet now ?16:43
gfetcoCant I make a batch that closes Wine16:43
tifineikonia, yes u assholee16:43
gfetcoand then make a hotkey to it?16:43
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:43
ShaffoxDoes anyone know a linux software program to put music files on your apple ipod ?16:43
ikoniatifine: thats totally uncalled for16:43
Andrewmikonia, I'm at work now16:44
ikoniatifine: I gave you a very good response16:44
noodlesgcShaffox gtkpod16:44
ikoniaAndrewm: ahhh16:44
Seamuswould anyone care to lend me a hand with iptables port forwarding in ubuntu 6.06?16:44
ikoniagfetco: how can you use a hot key if your machine is hung ?16:44
gregoryShaffox: someone with an ipod mentioned the program "banshee" in this channel16:44
gfetcoBecause I can move my mouse a little bit16:44
gfetcoIt justs laggs16:44
gfetcoAnd if I wait 5-8 minutes it stoppes lagging16:44
ikoniagfetco: do something that gets the pid for wow / wine the kill -9 it in a script16:44
noodlesgcamee2k it means that you are using community maintained software, its pretty normal16:45
ikoniagfetco: sounds like your machine is under resourced16:45
Seamusin the prerouting table I have this: DNAT       tcp  --  anywhere           tcp dpt:3389 to:
ikoniaSeamus: /join #netfilter or #iptables16:45
AndrewmPerhaps it's an LMHOSTS thing?16:45
ikoniaAndrewm: unix boxes don't use lmhosts16:45
gfetcoDoes anyone know how to get the PID for wine?16:45
ikoniagfetco: ps -ef | Grep wine16:45
ikoniagrep wine16:45
amee2knoodlesgc: erm, ssh is community maintained?16:46
Andrewmikonia: NetBios over TCP/IP ?16:46
amee2kor rsync?16:46
ikoniaAndrewm: ????? ?what, is this an ubuntu box your trying to connect to the internet ?16:46
ikoniaamee2k: you should not get unauthenticated updates16:46
Andrewmikonia, I have the directions for winxp.16:46
ikoniaamee2k: there is a problem16:46
noodlesgcamee2k ok something is out of whack16:46
ikoniaAndrewm: yes, but your not using winxp ?16:46
Andrewmikonia: no16:46
ikoniaAndrewm: ok, so throw the winxp instructions in the bin16:46
debian_bitch x in the terminal16:46
amee2kokay. how can i find out what i did wrong?16:47
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ikoniaamee2k: you may have done nothing, the serve may have had a problem16:47
balle_ubuntu is unable to detect my gfx card and my screen.. any way to make it detect?16:47
=== |DebianZ is now known as |Debian|
Andrewmikonia: do you mean paste bin? I16:47
ikoniaballe_: what are you doing to make it detect16:47
amee2kikonia: then i shouldn't be the only one having this problem, right?16:47
ikoniaAndrewm: no - I mean the instructions for windows XP are of no use to you on an ubuntu box16:47
ikoniaamee2k: no, and from time to time I've seen it16:47
balle_ikonia: i have tried to use the detect screen options and enabling the drivers, not helping..16:48
ikoniaballe_: do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and repond to the questions16:48
|Debian|now i need a lightwight browser16:48
|Debian|any ideas ?16:48
asdrubalHow do I assign a UUID to a partition/filesystem?16:48
amee2kdoes it disappear on its own, or is there anything i can do? like updating some public key or something16:48
Andrewmiknoia: yes, but the data of various network settings are all there16:49
asdrubalI know how to generate a uuid16:49
asdrubalbut so what16:49
gfetcoIkonia, what do you mean by ps -ef | Grep wine?16:49
balle_ikonia: have done that before, did not enable the drivers sadly, is there no other options?16:49
gfetcothen I mean the Grep wine part16:49
ikoniagfetco the shell command of "ps -ef | grep wine" will give you the pid16:49
amee2k|Debian|: epiphany is nice ... or links2 or CLI16:49
ikoniaballe_: is the nvidia module loaded16:49
ikoniaasdrubal: you don't assign one16:49
ikoniaasdrubal: they are system assigned16:49
HowbagHello (:16:49
asdrubalikonia wrong16:49
ikoniaasdrubal: oh, then how do you assign one16:49
gfetcois grep the variable?16:49
asdrubalikonia ok fine, so how do I determine what the UUID is?16:50
ikoniagfetco: no, a command16:50
ikoniaasdrubal: blkid16:50
gfetcowhere is the variable?16:50
asdrubalikonia k thanks16:50
Picigfetco: what variable?16:50
ikoniagfetco: there isn't one16:50
balle_ikonia: in the screens and graphics under graphic cards it says nvidia 6 series, so i guess so16:50
gfetcoShouldnt i put the pid in a variable then kill var16:50
crazytalki am going to reinstall ubuntu and someone recommended using a 20gb /, 2 gb swap and the rest in home16:50
ikoniaballe_: I'm going to stop helping you now as you don't listen to a THING I'm saying, I ask questions and you respond with random answers.16:50
Picigfetco: But you dont know what the pid is yet.16:50
crazytalkhe said this is good for reinstalls, can someone tell me how to do this?16:51
gfetcobut the pid is diffrent frome time to time?16:51
ikoniagfetco: you get the pid from the command I gav eyou16:51
ikoniagfetco: as I've told you 3 times now16:51
Picigfetco: Yes. its the process id.16:51
gfetcoi can write ps -u georgij then i can find the pid from there16:51
Moryddis there a place I can download individual files from ubuntu .deb packages?16:51
ikoniagfetco: NO16:51
ikoniagfetco: ps -ef | grep wine16:51
balle_ikonia: allright man...16:52
ikoniagfetco: or ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep wine16:52
Andrewmikonia: enable "Automatic metric" ?16:52
balle_anybody knows what the nvidia module is and how to enable it?16:52
ikoniagfetco: I'm giving you the EXACT commands so how can you tell me it's "easier" your way when you don't know what your doing16:52
gregoryMorydd: no16:52
ikoniaAndrewm: please stop saying random things to me16:52
gfetcoBut I found the pid to the wine with my way of doing it16:52
gfetcoso what did i do wrong?16:52
ikoniagfetco: do what you want16:52
gregoryMorydd: still you can apt-get the file without installation and then look whats inside16:52
ikoniagfetco: but if your doing that, stop asking how16:53
Moryddgregory: it's apt that's broken :)16:53
ikoniagfetco: best way to get ignored16:53
Andrewmikonia: thanks for the help16:53
Moryddthe files in /etc/lib/apt/methods/ are missing.16:53
hischildgfetco, if you request help from any of us, please follow the advice given. If you refuse to do what we tell you, we cannot and eventually will not help you out.16:53
hischild!lol | gfetco16:53
ubotugfetco: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.16:53
gregoryMorydd: so the installation layer is broken and you cant reinstall apt?16:54
balle_anybody knows what the nvidia module is and how to enable it? and what it does16:54
gfetcoOmg, it says I cannot use Omg or LOL!! omfg loool!16:54
ikoniaballe_: read the link ubotu sent you16:54
Moryddgregory: seems that way.16:55
gfetcoI thought Linux was about being free...16:55
gregoryMorydd: interesting, maybe you still have the files in the trashbin?16:55
jellesudo apt-get install nvidia-glx16:55
ikoniagfetco: it is - but that has no relevance to your attitude16:56
|Debian|anyone know of any lightwieght browsers ?16:56
jelleor check the restricted drivers for nvidia driver support16:56
ay^gfetco: oh yeah16:56
gregorygfetco: and in democrary not everybody is nudist.. ;-)16:56
ay^free NOT te read omg and lool every 3 seconds16:56
jellelightbrowser -> FF3 or opera16:56
|Debian|jelle ... no a lightwieght browser ... not FF16:56
gfetcoFreedom equals you can do whatever you want :)16:56
ikonia!offtopic > gfetco16:56
gregorygfetco: as long you dont piss off other people16:57
ikonia|Debian|: they all have an overhead16:57
balle_ikonia: did not recive a link in this session of IRC, but i catch your drift16:57
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:57
jelledebian -> gnome's defualt browser16:57
ikonia|Debian|: text based tools like lynx may hhelp16:57
Mez!ohmy | gregory16:57
ubotugregory: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:57
NoZzLeSo here's the deal, I do web development out of my home and I've been running various version of MSDOS and Windows for many years now.  I've been slowly teaching myself how to run linux as a desktop for over a year now using vms and I've switched over to ubuntu completely now.  Been running it exclusively for a year and I'm pleased.16:57
swubooLight browsers?  Lynx, if you're really serious about the lightness thing.16:57
gregoryMez: yes16:57
ikoniaballe__: if you did not recive the link - why did you say 3 times you'd read the document I sent you16:57
ay^elinks is what I use on a regular basis16:57
|Debian|ikonia: not looking for a text based ... just something simple16:57
jellebrowser for you www.gnome.org/projects/epiphany/16:58
gfetcoBut I dont understand why they are making such a big deal for me saying something like "Lol, Omg" espacially when I didnt say it until they told me not to say it...16:58
balle__ikonia: i rebooted my computer.. irc session ends, well.. least on my pc16:58
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:58
jelledillo is pretty fast en light debian16:58
ikoniagfetco: this is totally offtopic - you said it as soon as you where told not to say it. If this discussion is not for this channel, this channel is for support queries only16:58
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gfetcoHELP: Which browser is the best? The one Ubuntu is using or Konqueror?16:59
Mez!ot | gfetco16:59
ubotugfetco: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:59
PriceChild!best | gfetco16:59
ubotugfetco: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:59
ikoniagfetco: thats personal opinion16:59
OllieHey, if I install ubuntu onto a CD, how do I boot ubuntu off the CD without harming my Windows installation?16:59
NoZzLeI even have Photoshop, thumbsplus, and forte agent running under crossover.  After trying various flavors of *nix I run ubuntu and imo ubuntu is just about ready for primetime.  That's the end of my rant.16:59
Mezthats the one I was looking for PriceChild :)16:59
ikoniaOllie: you can't really install onto a cd16:59
X-ploI'm triying to install a package but I have got broken pipe this is my output if someone can check it out http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7011/17:00
u-foka# Appears as TIKI17:00
gfetcoWhy cant people answer simple questions? XD IS there a chat channel please?17:00
swubooOllie:  ikonia's right, that doesn't actually work quite like that, but you *can* make a LiveCD.  If you boot off the LiveCD, it won't do anything to your Windows install unless you ask it to.17:00
OllieBut I download the ISO and burn to CD, what is that actually doing?17:00
hischildgfetco, #ubuntu-offtopic is what you're talking about.17:00
ikoniaOllie ahh ok, thats made a live cd and install source17:01
OllieAwesome, cheers swuboo and ikonia17:01
jellei cant install x-chat systray  anyone nows this problem?17:01
ikoniaOllie: burn the ISO onto the cDrom then boot from it17:01
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:01
NoZzLegfetco:  i prefer firefox (or swiftfox)...but for the best support and answers I go to ubuntu forums on the web.17:01
OllieTo boot from the CD, do I just pop it in and it will come up with the option?17:01
swubooOllie:  Assuming the CD is above the hard drive in your BIOS boot order, yes.17:01
ikoniaOllie: if your bios is set to boot from cd, sure17:01
Mez!botabuse | gfetco17:02
ubotugfetco: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.17:02
OllieCheers, I am downloading it now, will pop back here in about an hour after I have downloaded and tried to boot :P17:02
swubooOllie:  If the optical drive is the first boot device, the CD will boot into Ubuntu, storing what it needs in RAM.  It won't write to your hard drive unless you ask it to, there's an install icon for that purpose.17:02
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gfetco(18.01.24) murlidhar: !offtopic17:02
gfetcoBut but he did it17:02
Mezgfetco, yes, so you've no need to repeat surely ?17:03
Ollieswuboo: What will happen if I install a program whilest running Ubuntu?17:03
gfetcoBut everyone is blaming me17:03
murlidhargfetco, just wanted to know the channel name that's why i typed that17:03
ikoniagfetco: ok - go already17:03
swubooOllie:  Depending, as I recall, it downloads the package off the internet and stores it in memory.  Obviously, you'll find yourself limited by your available RAM.17:03
Mez!repeat | gfetco17:04
ubotugfetco: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:04
swubooOllie:  Assuming the package isn't on the CD already, of course.  If it is on the CD, it just loads it into RAM as necessary.17:04
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:04
Ollieswuboo: Say I downloaded OpenOffice (just an example, you probably can't) and I install it, will it put it on HDD?17:04
swubooOllie:  No, not unless you install Ubuntu onto your hard drive first.17:05
dairefor reinstalls i want to create sep partitions. 20 gig /, 2 gig swap and the rest in home. should the 20 gig / be primary or logical, is it at the beginning or end, and what should it be used as? eg ext317:05
Ollieswuboo: Where will it install it, onto RAM?17:05
dairei'm in the live cd atm17:05
swubooOllie:  I think the CD already has OpenOffice on it, but I could be wrong.  If it does, the CD will just load it into RAM.17:05
Ollieswuboo: Don't understand, but I'm sure I will later17:05
swubooOllie:  If it helps by way of example, a friend of mine set up his mother with a computer with a LiveCD and no HDD at all.17:06
Ollieswuboo:Ooooo, insteresting, cheers mate17:06
swubooOllie:  Cheers.  You'll see how it works.17:06
Ollieswuboo: Cya after a clean (hopefully) install and boot!17:07
OllieBye guys!17:07
balle_there really isnt much help for ubuntu 7.10 in the !nividia link..17:08
ikoniaballe_ there is tons17:08
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter17:09
balle_ikonia: not really in the binary howtwo.. (i would post dir link but it's very long)17:09
X-plo I'm triying to install a package but I have got broken pipe this is my output if someone can check it out http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7011/17:09
ikoniaballe_: yes, its' exactly the same in 7.04 as 7.1017:09
ikoniaballe_: so the guide is very good17:09
balle_ikonia: thx!17:09
puppetmasterhey everyone.. how to make ubuntu mount a hdd I just connected while pc is working??17:11
asdrubalikonia how come my hpfsplus partition doesn't show up in blkid17:11
dairefor reinstalls i want to create sep partitions. 20 gig /, 2 gig swap and the rest in home. should the 20 gig /, 2 gig swap and home be primary or logical, at the beginning or end, and apart from swap what should the other 2 parts be used as? eg ext317:11
asdrubalikonia err hfsplus17:11
puppetmasterin windows xp I just connect the hardware and make scan for plug and play17:12
ikoniaasdrubal: don't you need the kernel module inserted to see the pardtition17:12
puppetmasterso is there anything like that in ubuntu17:12
balle_ikonia: i see that my card is supported, and i have set the drivers to be the ones used, and enabled the restricted drivers on my gfx card, but it still wont work, you said something about a nvidia module?17:13
=== re1 is now known as redr
ikoniaballe_: yes you need to see if it's running17:13
ikoniaballe_: or see if it's loaded to be more exact17:13
redrcan someone help me?17:13
ikoniaredr: hi17:14
Bailiewhere's the trash configuration?17:14
balle_ikonia:  and how do i do that?17:14
sls_does anyone know what a *.udeb is?17:14
redri login on my ubuntu machine remotely using ssh17:14
balle_ikonia: lscip?17:14
ikoniawhat ?17:14
balle_ikonia: lsmod for me?17:14
ikoniaballe_: yes17:14
redri want to keep running some commands even after loggin off17:14
ikoniaredr: ok, yes17:14
sls_does anyone know what a *.udeb is? -- anyone?17:15
asdrubalikonia yeah I have hfsplus kernel module17:15
ikoniaredr: nohup and & or screen is your friend17:15
gregoryBailie: what exactly do you want to change?17:15
ikoniaasdrubal: thats odd and blkid doesn't show anything ?17:15
asdrubalikonia nope.17:15
asdrubalikonia also weird is I can't mount it rw17:15
redri want to download something big files17:15
Bailiegregory: I want to disable trash17:15
asdrubalikonia I recently install hackintosh on it17:15
balle_ikonia: i got something nvidia  but it says it's used by 017:15
redrso i want to use wget or something17:15
ikoniaasdrubal: I didn't think HFS was write supported (I don't knw)17:15
John_PriestDoes anyone know of a program that could allow me to easily set up an keyboard macro to press a single key at a timed interval17:15
ikoniaredr: nohup and & or screen is still your friend17:16
asdrubalI like ubuntu alot better than OSX17:16
sls_does anyone know what a *.udeb is? -- anyone? really?17:16
redrwont it disconnet if i logout?17:16
hischildsls_, checked www.filext.com ?17:16
gregoryBailie: open nautilus: edit -> preferences: behaviour: Trash17:17
daireor reinstalls i want to create sep partitions. 20 gig /, 2 gig swap and the rest in home. should the 20 gig / be primary or logical, is it at the beginning or end, and what should it be used as? eg fat3217:17
Bailiegregory: Thank You17:17
Picisls_: try file yourfile.udeb17:17
hischilddaire, you should create them ext3 and not use fat32. If you have 4 or less partitions, create them all primary. Start them all at the beginning. Any more questions?17:17
dairety and stanby while i try please17:18
ikoniaredr: ughhhhh I've just told you nohup and backgrounding the job with & or using the screen application will resolve that17:18
redrthanks ikonia17:18
|Debian|anyone know why gaim just randomly shuts it's self off ... every now and then ?17:18
SlartJohn_Priest: a simple bash script would perhaps work.. if you only knew how to "create" a keypress using the terminal..17:18
ikonia|Debian|: never seen it do that17:18
Slart|Debian|: gaim? or pidgin?17:18
ikonia|Debian|: what version of ubuntu are you using ?17:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about udeb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:19
aimchangerupgrade son17:19
sls_udebs are microdebs, "regular debian packages that are not policy compliant. They are used by the new debian-installer project, to build up the actual system that then installs debian." -- thus spake Joey Hess, the great debian genius17:19
ikonia|Debian|: never seen it behave like that17:19
|Debian|the new versions won't work on my PPC17:19
ikonia|Debian|: ahhh your on ppc17:19
FloodBot2aimchanger: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:19
balle_ikonia: i got something nvidia  but it says it's used by 017:20
Slart|Debian|: the LTS versions work on ppc? or they just abandoned it after 6.10 ?17:20
tylerIs this the ubuntu IRC chat?17:20
Slarttyler: yes, it is17:20
tylerI was curious I was wondering how I would run EXE files?17:20
ikoniatyler: only thorugh wine17:21
dairehischild: i tried to put them under the one partition table, sda1 set as use: swap, sda2 20gb = ext3 but when i tried to make the rest into a part asnd selected ext3 it said i could not put the end before the start17:21
Slarttyler: linux doesn't natively run exe files.. they use another system.. you can use wine or a !vm to run windows binaries though17:21
tylerI just installed Ubuntu Linux so what's wine?17:21
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.17:21
aimchangersearch the universe repo for wine in synaptic17:21
ompaul!prefix | aimchanger17:21
ubotuaimchanger: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:21
aimchangerin administration17:22
aimchangerhaha sorry I'm on my iPod17:22
tylerSo where would I find wine?17:22
hischilddaire, then the error is probably like it said, you can't put the end before the start.17:22
ompaul!wine | tyler17:22
ubotutyler: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.17:22
dairehischild: what does that mean?17:22
aimchangerTyler:search google fora howto17:23
dairewhere have i tried to put 'the end before the start'?17:23
|Debian|tyler: apt-cache search wine17:23
tylerAlso I was wondering about that 3D cube effect where would I find that?17:23
|Debian|tyler .. waste of ram17:23
dairetyler: desktop effects17:23
tylerI got 4GB of ram.17:23
aimchangertyler: in terminal type. Sufi apt-get install wine17:23
ompaulaimchanger, please do not suggest to someone here to use google, find them a url or else search the bot - it has a couple of thousand factoids not all of them serious17:23
balle_anybody knows how to check if your nvidia module is loaded and if not how to load it?17:23
tylerMy processor is quad core it's over clocked to 6.36ghz17:24
Moryddhow can I determine which version of ubuntu I'm running?17:24
tylerMorydd wouldn't you find out from which one you installed?17:24
bastid_raZortyler; that sounds insane.. do applications open before you click them?17:24
tyleror downloaded.17:24
tylerYes my applications do open fast.17:24
swubootyler:  Look into compiz fusion, the Advanced Desktop Effects Settings lets you play around a lot with the exact settings for the cube and so forth.17:24
ompaulMorydd, on the command line type "lsb-release -a"17:25
tylerWhere's that?17:25
tylerI am not so professional with the navigation yet.17:25
tushydcan't get pulseaudio working with Flash player 9 non-free. can anyone help? I installed the experimental .so file on the pulseaudio site but to no avail17:25
balle_anybody knows how to check if your nvidia module is loaded and if not how to load it?17:25
swubootyler:  Synaptic.  Just search for compiz.17:26
=== \etc\bin is now known as e1mer
Slartballe_: lsmod lists your modules..17:26
tylerWhich tab would help me find synaptic17:26
Slarttyler: synaptic is in System, Administration17:26
tylerFound it17:26
tylercompiz ok let me find it17:26
balle_Slart: yes, and it does list nvidia but with 0 users and another nvidia,intel agp  but i still can't use my gfx card sadly17:27
tushydis anyone here knowledgeable in pulseaudio?17:27
tylerOk I see cairo-clock / compiz / compiz-bcop17:27
dairehischild: i think when you try to create a partition with unbuntu 7.04 live cd larger than 200gb you that error, 'you can't put the end before the start'17:28
tylerand so forth is it compiz that I install?17:28
tylerIt says it's installed now what?17:28
laurohi there!17:28
hischilddaire, what are you using to create the partitions? perhaps you could try to use a partitioner like gparted or qtparted17:28
laurois there anyone who can help me? how can I play mp3???17:29
swubootyler:  There should be a package called compiz-fusion-plugins-extra and another called compiz-fusion-plugins-main.17:29
IdleOne!mp3 | lauro17:30
ubotulauro: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:30
tushydlauro, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP317:30
Slartballe_: hmm.. odd.. Nvidia usually works without much problems..17:30
tylerI see it17:30
swubootyler:  You'll want those too.17:30
tylerSlart if it helps I am running 8800gt nvidia it works17:30
dairehischild:  i was trying to use the manual partitioner on the ubuntu live cd installer, i will try use something different17:30
tylerOk I installed them or mark to install17:30
tylerHow do I officially install them?17:31
IdleOnetyler: now click apply17:31
cykahey peeps17:31
cykawhats teh line needed to updaate everything17:31
tylerOk got it17:31
cykaor whats a good program to search for for an update manager17:31
tushydcyka, sudo apt-get update, is that what you're taking about17:31
tylerSo when I install them all what do I do?17:31
IdleOnecyka: I think you want sudo apt-get safe-upgrade17:31
cykaprobably tushyd17:31
swubootyler:  I think you probably also want libcompizconfig0.17:31
rajiv_nairhello al17:32
balle_Slart: yea, and i have been having nothing but... maybe because it's a labtop?17:32
cykathanks IdleOne17:32
swubootyler:  Once all those are installed, under System, Preferences, there should be a new option called, "Advanced Desktop Settings Manager"17:32
NasraI have a question, why when I go into webpage the letters are so small to read .....I have to use the Ctrl ++ all the time to increase the font-size ...is there a way to fix this ....so when I open a webpage  the font size are correct?17:32
lauroyeah, but how can I install gstreamer?17:32
Slartballe_: might be.. laptops can be weird17:32
swubootyler:  Tweak that to your heart's content.  You can adjust things like the distance the cube recedes when you rotate it, how transparent it becomes, the exact key/mouse bindings, etc. etc.17:32
tylerThis is in desktop thingy?17:33
rajiv_nairlauro: install ubuntu-restricted-extras from synaptic17:33
rajiv_nairthat should give you everything17:33
swubootyler:  I'm not sure I understand quite what you mean by desktop thingy.17:33
gregoryNasra: you can set a bigger default font in your browser settings17:33
tylervisual effects?17:33
tushydlauro try synaptec17:33
tylerI see it17:33
Nasragregory: thanks alot...should I save it ...right?17:33
swubootyler:  Sure, I guess.17:34
cykaIdleOne: it says invalid operation "safe-upgrade"17:34
tylerI see alot of effect17:34
tylerand I found the cube17:34
tylerso how I use the cube?17:34
bart2008trying to install upgrade for cupsys, and have this problem --> dpkg: error processing cupsys (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 117:34
swubootyler:  Set up cube rotation.17:35
bart2008who can help me?17:35
tylerI did17:35
tylerI enabled it17:35
Stroganoffbart2008 there should be more error messages17:35
rajiv_nairtyler: hold ctrl+alt then click and drag17:35
bart2008Setting up cupsys (1.3.2-1ubuntu7.6) ...17:36
bart2008Reloading AppArmor profiles  Skipping profile /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.cupsd.dpkg-old17:36
bart2008: Warning.17:36
bart2008usage: update-rc.d [-n] [-f] <basename> remove17:36
bart2008       update-rc.d [-n] <basename> defaults [NN | sNN kNN]17:36
FloodBot2bart2008: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:36
bart2008       update-rc.d [-n] <basename> start|stop NN runlvl [runlvl] [...] .17:36
tylerTHIS IS INSANE17:36
FloodBot2tyler: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:36
tylerOh, sorry.17:36
tylerNow about that wine.17:36
swubootyler:  If you're using the Advanced Desktop Effects Settings thing I told you to, you can adjust a huge amount of things involving how the cube works.17:36
tylerHow do I find the download?17:36
rajiv_nairsudo apt-get install wine17:36
jvm_hi. 'uptime' prints out how long the system was actually running. how can i determine when it was last time completely restarted, not just hibernated?17:37
erwrweisn't there wine in application list?17:37
tylerhttp://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list17:37
tyleris that the link?17:37
atleftyler: http://www.wine-doors.org/wordpress/ try that one, installs a lot more then just wine17:37
tylerto the 7.10 download?17:37
rajiv_nairwhy use that link17:37
swubootyler:  Just search for 'wine' in Synaptic.17:37
rajiv_nairdownload using synaptic or via apt-get17:37
tylerThis is linux right?17:38
rajiv_nairGNU/Linux ;)17:38
tylerI just got into it.17:38
bart2008it seems like was installed, but something is wrong with post-installation of cupsys17:38
swubootyler:  Well, if it's not Linux, I have no idea how we just managed to set up Desktop Effects for you.17:38
tylerDoes this include anti virus?17:38
erwrwehow can I use mac apps on ubuntu 7.10?17:38
kernfreakactually GNU, and linux are seperate17:38
jvm_i believe 'uptime' at my debian system printed the time since last reboot (even if the computer did not run in the time between, because it was hibernated), and 'uptime' at my ubuntu system prints the time the system was actually running (so hibernation time is not included)17:38
laurohow can I install gstreamer17:39
gregoryjvm_: grep "Kernel command line" /var/log/messages17:39
bart2008Stroganoff, do you know what it could be?17:39
bart2008maybe something wrong with apparmor17:39
rajiv_nairtyler: if you are new to GNU/Linux make sure you read the following articles17:39
rajiv_nairtyler: http://www.zenwalk.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1617:40
rajiv_nairthat one too17:40
tushydlauro, did you try synaptic?17:40
tylerI've read alot about this just ubunto made it seem like a new OS17:40
erwrweis there a way to use mac apps on ubuntu?17:40
Picirajiv_nair: Do you have a support question?17:40
swubooGah, let's not get into a GNU versus Linux discussion.17:40
swubootyler:  No, I don't believe there's any antivirus installed by default.17:40
tylerErwrwe I think you should use that parrelel17:40
ShiroUsagiHi, I`ll greatly appreciate if anyone could help me with my file-sharing disaster. I gave up on samba and currently am setting up nfs, it even worked until I rebooted the client-machine... No configuration changes have been made on the server side.17:41
tylerWould AVG work?17:41
bart2008how can I solve the following problem: dpkg: error processing cupsys (--configure)17:41
bart2008it was upgraded by synaptic17:41
gregoryShiroUsagi: try #ubuntu-server17:42
erwrwemac on am2 cpu?17:42
atleftyler: you do not need antivirus, but if you want if try clamwin17:42
ShiroUsagigregory, It`s a slumber channel, I`ve been there earlier today, no luck.17:42
jvm_gregory, in my messages log file is nothing but "-- MARK --", "syslogd 1.4.1#21ubuntu3: restart." which seems to happen even if the computer is not rebooted, and "gnome-power-manager: (jvm) Resuming computer". no other messages in there, not even in the older log files.17:43
gregoryShiroUsagi: ah ok thanks for the info about channel state17:43
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Stroganoffbart2008: sudo dpkg-reconfigure cupsys17:43
jamaicanbishopI got rid of OSE like you guys said reconfigued me permissions and everthing works17:43
bart2008let me try17:43
jamaicanbishopits a beautiful thing when a plan comes together17:43
tylerWell does this OS get viruses?17:43
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rajiv_nairtyler: yes..there are/maybe viruses17:44
Matrikz(tyler): not near as many as windows17:44
rajiv_nairtyler: but fewer in no. when compared to microsoft windows and rate of spreading is also very low17:44
Matrikzand it is extremely rare when linux will get a virus17:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about galeon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:44
bart2008Stroganoff: this is the result --> /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: cupsys is broken or not fully installed17:44
tylerOk it's just my T3 ISP calls me alot and tells me I got trogan.worms and ETC17:44
tylerIRC.WORM ones to.17:44
Matrikzthat you can get17:45
gregoryjvm_: sorry need to reask. you want to know when the computer was really restarted?17:45
jvm_gregory, yes.17:45
Matrikzdon't click on unknown urls posted in irc channels or pms17:45
ShiroUsagigregory, I don`t mean to be picky, but it seems that developers are not on today. Your irony is a bit unfitting.17:45
jvm_gregory, at the moment i can only see how long i actually used it.17:45
bart2008what do I have to do?17:45
Stroganoffbart2008 this is the only error?17:45
gregoryShiroUsagi: there was no irony. i am nonnative. nobodys perfect17:45
Stroganoff!pastebin | bart200817:45
ubotubart2008: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:45
bart2008yes, this is the only error17:45
erwrweis there nothing like wine to use mac apps?17:46
Stroganoffsudo apt-get reinstall cupsys17:46
ikoniaShiroUsagi: whats the question17:46
ShiroUsagigregory, My bad, than, sorry. This NFS/SMB stuff sucks blood out of me.17:46
ShiroUsagiikonia, I can`t mount an nfs share.17:46
rajiv_naircan nautilus handle nfs shares?17:46
ikoniaShiroUsagi: ok, whats the problem/error17:46
ShiroUsagiikonia, It worked earlier today, before reboot, now I get the "timed out" error17:47
ShiroUsagiikonia, The client reboot, not the server17:47
rajiv_nairkonqueror gets kio_slaves to handle nfs://17:47
ikoniaShiroUsagi: is the nfs server still running, is the client service now running17:47
gregoryjvm_: this gives the last time i booted up. grep "Kernel command line" /var/log/messages . still you have to manually do the math. i dont know which tool that would be, sorry.17:47
rajiv_nairnautilus handles smb:// but no nfs17:47
ShiroUsagiikonia, Everything`s up and running on the server side.17:48
ShiroUsagiikonia, There were no changes made.17:48
jvm_gregory, this command returns nothing here.17:48
ikoniaShiroUsagi: what about the client17:48
ShiroUsagiikonia, Just a reboot.17:48
bart2008Stroganoff: cupsys: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 117:48
ShiroUsagiikonia, And this error now/17:48
ikoniaShiroUsagi: I didn't ask that17:48
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ikoniaShiroUsagi: I asked if the NFS client was running17:49
ShiroUsagiikonia, Ah, yes.17:49
Stroganoffbart2008: sudo apt-get remove cupsys17:49
gregoryjvm_: ok, then you might try to find an unambigious string via "dmesg" for your system. it prints the kernel messages when your system boots up17:49
ikoniaShiroUsagi: ok, so what mount command are you using and whats the error17:50
bart2008Stroganoff, it will remove other packages, like ubuntu-desktop, for example17:50
jvm_gregory, do dmesg logs contain any timestamps?17:50
gregoryjvm_: no, but dmesg gets monitored also in /var/log/messages. you would have then use the string analogously in the grep command i gave earlier17:51
bart2008is that correct?17:51
ShiroUsagiikonia, The one that worked before... sudo mount /home/myshare17:51
ikoniaShiroUsagi: can you do that from the server local host17:51
gregoryjvm_: wait i am not sure17:52
jvm_gregory, dmesg contains a lot more messages here than the messages log file does.17:52
bart2008maybe it is a bug with cupsys...17:52
gregoryjvm_: what i said should be true17:52
binarical-apphi nikin17:53
jvm_gregory, thanks for your help. but it does not seem to apply to this computer. all messages log files here contain only a few hundred lines17:53
gregoryjvm_: dmesg only records the last time you booted up, /var/log/messages has a longer history (can be days or weeks)17:53
ShiroUsagiikonia, same error "mount.nfs: mount to NFS server '' failed: timed out, retrying"17:53
binarical-apphow can we help you nikin17:54
ikoniaShiroUsagi: ok, so your server is having an issue17:54
ikoniaShiroUsagi: if you can't mount it locally, try stopping the NFS server and restarting it, (not reboot) then check for errors17:54
ShiroUsagiikonia, But that, I believe is because I didn`t add localhost to exports, isn`t it?17:54
nikinI have a computer with SSD and i want to do some graphics work and need some swap... i have an extern all HDD connected throug usb.. and i want to temporarly  allocate a 2 Gig Swap file on that... how can i do that?17:54
ikoniaShiroUsagi: your not using local host, your using 192.blah17:55
jvm_gregory, i can't find any messages similiar to those dmesg returns in /var/log/messages17:55
ShiroUsagiikonia, Well, I did that a couple of times already with no visible errors.17:55
tylerIs there a setting to stop the screen from switching when mouse is in corner?17:55
jvm_gregory, either i am an idiot or my system behaves somehow different.17:55
ikoniaShiroUsagi: what does the logs say17:55
binarical-appnikin: imo , i think you should reallocate some of your files to the external and make your swap partiton on the internal, you may need to make the external bootable17:56
Slarttyler: there is.. it's a bindable shortcut.. I don't know where exactly.. but there is a tab for *all* bindings17:56
nikinbinarical : i cant use SSD Solid State Disk to swap... becouse it will bur it out in less than a month17:57
mouweny a quelqun17:57
nikinand as i have an ASUS eee17:57
puppetmasterhey anybody17:57
Slart!fr | mouwen17:57
nikinits only 4 Gig17:57
ubotumouwen: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.17:57
jvm_gregory, do you know where i should look for some shell script only executed at startup time, so i can put a "date >> ~jvm/.boottimes" there?17:57
puppetmasterHow to make ubuntu to Identify a hard disk while working on it????17:57
jellethere is a special ubuntu version for asus eeepc17:57
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ikoniapuppetmaster: what do you mean ?17:57
Slartjvm_: there are the rc.d scripts.. you'll have to find info on them by yourself.. or just take a look /etc/rc.d/ I think17:58
nikinjelle: i use that17:58
puppetmasteri mean I'm working now on ubuntu17:58
jelleok sorry nikin17:58
puppetmasterthen i connected a hard disk while I'm talking to u17:58
jvm_thank you Slart.17:58
ikoniapuppetmaster: ok, so what do you want done17:58
puppetmasterso the partitions didn't show17:58
Slartjvm_: you're welcome17:58
nikinjelle : pp :) but i have to work on 14000x4000 images.. and i need a lot of MEM/Swap to do that17:58
binarical-appnikin: if your computer is slow the perhaps you dont need all that much swap space, +250m should be enough, if you still need more go for +512. if yous till want to make the swp on the external you will have to make it bootable17:59
puppetmasteri want to make the partition show up and I don't want to restart17:59
ikoniapuppetmaster: what does the syslog say, did it detect the partitions17:59
ikoniapuppetmaster: what sort of disk is it ide/sata/usb ?17:59
puppetmasterit didnt detect the hard disk in the first place17:59
puppetmasterso how do I make it detect it17:59
ikoniapuppetmaster: what type of disk is it ?17:59
mouwenment sa va17:59
ikoniapuppetmaster: ide is not hot plugable17:59
puppetmasterhow come18:00
tyleris there a way to add more then 2 desktop views?18:00
puppetmasterin xp I just plug it18:00
jellesudo fdisk /dev/sda or hda18:00
nikinbinarical: it is not on the size... it will kill my SSD in a month.. and thats not cheap... i9 can make the xternal HDD bootable if it is a must.. but i would like to use swap file.. not swap partition18:00
puppetmasterand make scan for plug and play devices18:00
jvm_tyler, right click on the pager and click preferences.18:00
ikoniapuppetmaster: ok, I'll rephrase that dbus is not looking on the ide channels18:00
ikoniapuppetmaster: what file systems are on this disk ?18:00
binarical-app tyler: right click on the desktops , to preferances , add more desktops.18:00
h4wkAfternoon guys, just built my new rig. Installed ubuntu - However its not picking up my gfx card (Getting to install restricted drivers) How can i force this?18:00
puppetmasterand reiserfs18:00
mouwenest ce qu'il y a quelq'un qui parle français18:00
ikoniah4wk: install the restricted drivers18:00
MasterShrak!fr | mouwen18:01
ubotumouwen: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.18:01
Slartmouwen: type /join #ubuntu-fr18:01
ikoniapuppetmaster: plug it in and reboot - lets see if it can see the disk at all ?18:01
h4wkikonia Sorry how do you mean reinstall?18:01
MatBoywhat package do I need to use sudo /etc/init.d/mysql reset-password ?18:01
puppetmasterit will man18:01
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info18:01
ikoniah4wk: install (not re-install) the restricted drivers18:01
puppetmasterdude i know it will after the rebot18:01
puppetmasterreboot and my question was I don't want to do that18:01
ikoniapuppetmaster: ok18:01
=== thannoy_ is now known as thannoy
h4wkikonia its coming up there is no restrice drivers18:02
puppetmasterand I was searching for a replacement18:02
ikoniapuppetmaster: well, clearly something is wrong so without a reboot we can't progress18:02
puppetmasterso thanks anyway18:02
ikoniah4wk: what card is it18:02
ShiroUsagiikonia, found something like "nfsd[8696]: nfssvc: Setting version failed: errno 16 (Device or resource busy)"18:02
puppetmasterI hope developer work on that18:02
puppetmastercuz I have to stop downloading18:02
ikoniaShiroUsagi: ok, so its not looking good18:02
=== Jayrod is now known as Server404
ikoniaShiroUsagi: are ou in the mount point your trying to mount18:02
binarical-appnikin: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/334618:03
ShiroUsagiikonia, Yes, I am18:03
h4wkikonia Nvidea 8600gt 256mb18:03
ikoniaShiroUsagi: thats why it can't mount18:03
ikoniaShiroUsagi: your in the directory it wants to mount18:03
chester_mHi...somebody uses Hardy Heron (8.04)?18:03
ikoniah4wk: dpkg -l | grep nvidia pastebin the output of that18:03
ikoniachester_m: everyone in #ubuntu+118:03
Slart!hardy | chester_m18:03
ubotuchester_m: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:03
white_eaglewhere can I configure xcompmgr after installing?18:03
ikoniawhite_eagle: launch it18:04
white_eagleikonia: yes18:04
balle_anybody knows anything about nvidia 6600 go and labtops? it does seem to be not computing a bit i'm afraid.  i have enabled the drivers all fine, but ubuntu cannot detected the gfx card and screen on startup18:04
white_eagleikonia: I already launched it18:04
ikoniawhite_eagle: launch it18:04
ikoniawhite_eagle: click the icon then18:04
ShiroUsagiikonia, Oh, that was it!18:04
white_eagleon what icon18:04
ikoniaballe_: it can detect it18:04
ikoniaballe_: it's just not configured18:04
ikoniaShiroUsagi: easy fix ;)18:04
white_eaglei activated it using  xcompmgr -c -f -n18:05
balle_ikonia: how can i configure it then?18:05
white_eagleikonia: can it be configured or not?18:05
ikoniaballe_: I'm not wasting my time going through this again with you, but you'll get better advice if you give people correct information, it is not "not detected" it's not configured18:05
ikoniawhite_eagle: should be an icon on the task bar that you can use18:05
dairehischild: i successfully got around the live cd partition install bug by creating them with the gparted live cd - ty for your input18:06
ShiroUsagiikonia, Thank you very much for your help! :) Yes, it looks easy once you get a hold onto it, but "People are strange, when you`re a stranger". :) Thanks again!18:06
gullstadIs it possible to install two seperate versions of torrentflux on one server. Don't know were to ask this, but it's legale files been share, but I want to share from two diffrent homefolders.18:06
ikoniaShiroUsagi: don't be a stranger happy to help18:06
balle_ikonia: well.. i have tried to configure it, and ubuntu says on startup that i can't detect both screen and gfx card18:06
white_eagleikonia: there isn't one18:06
ikoniagullstad: yes18:06
ShiroUsagiikonia, I meant a stranger to the system. :)18:07
binarical-appgullstad: make two users....18:07
ikoniaShiroUsagi: still happy to help18:07
dairei am trying to install the root file system on a 20 gb partition but i am getting the error 'no root file system is defined, please correct this from the partitioning menu' - a thread about this error said to ask in this irc channel18:07
h4wkikonia pastebin.com/m6381b2b918:07
ikoniadaire: you need to set a partition to be / in the partition tool in the installer18:07
gullstadbinarical-app: I did, but how can i use two diffrent homefolders as torrentflux "root"?18:07
ikoniah4wk: thats great, the module is in pace18:07
honeypotexcuse, is someone know what command should i use to know my bettery condition18:07
ikoniagullstad: just untar it into 2 different places18:08
h4wkikonia: so its ok?18:08
ikoniagullstad: then tell apache to look in 2 place18:08
hischilddaire, you're welcome18:08
ikoniah4wk: grep -i nvidai /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:08
hischildikonia, s/nvidai/nvidia ;-)18:08
Slarthoneypot: hmm.. I think there's a file somewhere under /proc.. hang on.. let me look18:08
ikoniahischild: thanks18:08
gullstadikonia: They are getting information from eatchother it looks. It's torrentflux-b4rt by the way.18:08
ikoniah4wk: did you see the typo18:08
daireikonia: ty i just discovered that and i set my other part to /home, ty :D18:08
tylerI got wine but is says the file is not safe when I try to execute an EXE file type.18:08
honeypotSlart: oh.. thanks18:08
ikoniagullstad: they shouldn't get any information off each other if they are in seperate location and usin 2 different databases18:09
white_eagletyler: right click, run with wine18:09
white_eagleon the file18:09
binarical-appgullstad: try and give the floders other names then "home" since other wise they will conflict, edit their accessablity in /etc/groups18:09
white_eagleikonia: there isn't an icon in the taskbar18:09
zxc`I guys I encountered some problems w/ audio using snd_hda intel18:09
ikoniawhite_eagle: yes I heard you18:09
ikoniagullstad: are they using 2 different databases, or sets of tables18:09
zxc`looking on launchpad I saw that this is a note bug but i didn't find a solution18:09
zxc`I'm using hardy beta.18:09
h4wkikonia: pastebin.com/m2757a7e018:10
gullstadikonia: Databases.. Right :P Damnit. I didnt get the setup wizard on the other installation. Only the 1st.18:10
ikonia!hardy > zxc`18:10
Jack_Sparrowzxc`, Fixing sound.. download this: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa/raw-file/tip/alsa-info.sh  #and run the script as Normal User... with this command: bash ./alsa-info.sh  ... then go to http://en.pastebin.ca/906336 and answer those questions ..  then  /join #Alsa and provide them with your question and a link to the uploaded file.18:10
ikoniagullstad: there you go they are sharing the same database18:10
atlefzxc`: !hardy18:10
Slarthoneypot: I haven't got a laptop here atm.. but check in /proc/acpi/battery.. or just in /proc/acpi18:10
atlef!hardy | zxc`:18:10
ubotuzxc`:: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:10
gullstadikonia: Yeh, but how did the fresh install get information from the old database?18:10
honeypotSlart: ok.. i will try it, thanks18:10
ikoniah4wk: I think we see th eproblem18:10
ikoniagullstad: default database name18:10
Slarthoneypot: you're welcome18:11
tylerWould games work with Ubunto like maplestory Warrock and ETC?18:11
ikoniah4wk: please grep -i nv /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:11
white_eagle!wine | tyler18:11
ubotutyler: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.18:11
MasterShraktyler i know warrock doesnt work with wine18:11
gullstadikonia: Oki, do you have any idea how to make a new database for the second installation?18:11
ikoniagullstad: mysql is your friend18:11
jvm_thank you gregory. good day.18:11
DeadLy_sphey, hello :)18:11
gullstadikonia: Well. Right now it's my enemy.18:11
ikoniagullstad: so you need to get teh schemea and create a new one18:12
ikoniatyler: yes, mysql18:12
tylerAre you suing web based?18:12
h4wkikonia: pastebin.com/m1a4e25ca18:12
Slarttyler: some games work nicely.. some games work but run slower than a windows machine would run them.. most games don't run at all18:12
tylerOr program based.18:12
ikoniatyler: what ?18:12
ikoniatyler: what are you talking about ?18:12
gullstadikonia: I'll try. I will probly be back in a cupple of minutes :P18:12
tylerYour asking about MySQL right?18:12
ikoniaHanzZ: we have a winner18:12
ikoniatyler: no18:12
Pici!who | tyler18:12
ubotutyler: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:12
Slarttyler: check out the application database to see how specific games work.. appdb.winehq.org18:12
DeadLy_spplease, anyone plays or know the game Regnum??? Have problems with ubuntu :((((( autoclose my client game when i've a bit played18:12
ikoniatyler: I've just recommended someone to use mysql18:12
DeadLy_spwhere can i info it???18:13
tylerBecause I use MySQL to run my Games off my Dedicated server.18:13
Slarttyler: huh? you use mysql to run games? what kind of games might that be?18:13
ikoniah4wk: your xorg is set to use the nv driver, not the nvidia driver, to fix this do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" answer the questions but make sure you select the nvidia driver, not the nv18:14
rycolethe mysql games, ofcourse.18:14
tylerWell I wrote a few games in C++.18:14
psychopaxI need linux or gnome wallpapers on cyrilian18:14
psychopaxwhere can I find it18:14
tylerYou not able to make characters without data being inputed into the queries18:14
MasterShrak!themes | psychopax18:14
ubotupsychopax: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:14
Slarttyler: ah.. thought you were running doom 3 on your database.. now that would be cool =)18:14
siqi'm having problems with a pptp vpn, anyone good at troubleshooting them?18:14
h4wkikonia its only giving me nv not nvda in the list18:15
jelledoes anyone has runned Call of Duty 4 with wine??18:15
psychopaxIl try18:15
ikoniah4wk: ok, so "sudo modprobe nvidia"18:15
Slart!appdb | jelle18:15
ubotujelle: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org18:15
ikoniah4wk: the nvidia driver is not loaded18:15
tylerI can also make emulators so I can copy games server files and rewrite them with a hex editor so I can host private servers.18:15
livingdaylightgmail notifier is good for one account. Anyone know of another client that can manage multiple accounts?18:16
=== Aragon^ is now known as Aragon
jellemsn client?18:16
ikonialivingdaylight: most biffs can only do one account18:16
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org18:16
deniqueHi. I'm having a small problem with compiling / installing / running vlc manually; specifically, the system can't find libvlc.so.0. I have confirmed the file exists in /usr/local/lib/18:16
binarical-applivingdaylight: gmail uses pop and imap forwarding , they intigrate well into any mail program18:16
ikoniadenique: vlc is in the ubuntu repo's you don't need to compile it18:17
jellei know  ubotu but maybe somebody did try it18:17
ikoniabinarical-app: qmail notifier is not an mta18:17
AskHLHello.  What is the preferred way to automatically add a route on startup while retaining otherwise automatic behaviour? (i.e. without enabling 'manual configuration' in the applet)18:17
dairei can't wait to put ubuntu on a western digital raptor, it'll be a screamer18:17
|Lee|If I need to install a Linux driver for a USB device, could I just paste it on to a CD then retrieve it on Ubuntu server?18:17
binarical-appikonia: thanks18:17
ikonia!offtopic > daire18:17
h4wkikonia: note loading nvidia module; not used in /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:18
livingdaylightbinarical-app, yes, but i prefer to have a notifier sitting in panel and alerting me as mail comes and then going into a browser rather than use thunderbird or evolution18:18
ikoniah4wk: thats fine18:18
deniqueikonia: I can't get dts passthrough working with the repository version. I have read that the latest source version fixes that.18:18
ikoniah4wk: now do the other command18:18
Jack_Sparrow|Lee|, Is it a linux driver or a windows driver you want to use under linux18:18
node357jelle, according to what I found in Google, COD4 may work in WINE.. try it18:18
Orbixx#ubuntu: Does anyone know if Ubuntu supports TV cards natively?18:18
ikoniadenique: I suggest you check before wasting any more time18:18
DavieyOrbixx: many, yes18:18
node357jelle, http://wine-review.blogspot.com/2007/10/call-of-duty-4-works-in-wine.html18:18
ikoniaOrbixx: it supports the cards that are in the kernel that all the other distros support18:18
h4wkikonia: nope still on appreaing on the list18:18
|Lee|Jack_Sparrow: The one on the CD for my Linksys WUSB54G wireless usb adapter is Windows, but the Ralink website has linux drivers.18:18
OrbixxHow would one get started, then?18:18
ikoniah4wk: does lsmod | grep -i nvidia show anything18:19
binarical-applivingdaylight: i understand18:19
duryhi there all :)18:19
h4wkikonia no18:19
kyncanidenique: have you considered using hardy, it may have the version you want ? Anyway, for your .so pb, have you ldconfig'ed ?18:19
ikoniah4wk: ok, so its not loaded18:19
deniqueikonia: I read the bug list and it appears to be fixed in the latest version. I just need to know why the system can't find that library. Do I need to specify the path in some evironmental variable or something?18:19
ikoniah4wk: try modprobe nvidia again ang see what the output says18:19
Jack_Sparrow!wireless > |Lee|18:19
h4wkikonia: still not loading18:20
ikoniadenique: either the LD path is wrong or the libary is not on the system18:20
siq /part18:20
ikoniah4wk: what does it say18:20
livingdaylightbinarical-app, i'm now running gmail notifier x 2 - seems to work18:20
h4wkikonia not loading nvidia module; not used in /etc/X11/xorg.cong18:20
|Lee|Jack_Sparrow: Don't !wireless me, it won't work, I need this to get on-line.. The point is, could I put the driver on a blank CD (Not burn, just copy and paste) and then cd /dev/cdrom and install the driver from there?18:20
binarical-applivingdaylight: cool, its nice to know that it works18:20
MmmPiGooddoes anyone have wizardpen_drv.so for ubuntu gutsy? the link on the howto is dead18:20
ikoniah4wk: thats annoying18:20
deniqueikonia: It exists, so it must be the path. I will look into ldconfig. Thankyou.18:21
ikoniah4wk: sudo modprobe nvidia18:21
h4wkikonia, ill bbl i have dinner18:21
ikoniah4wk: ok18:21
livingdaylightbinarical-app, yea, thought you should know... its not an elegant solution but it works :)18:21
Jack_Sparrow!attitude > |Lee|18:21
duryin my gnome desktop you all know that there two panels one in the top and the other one in the bottom... accidently I delete the bottom one. how can I recover18:21
OrbixxHow would one get his TV card working in Ubuntu?18:22
hischild!tv | Orbixx18:22
ubotuOrbixx: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out18:22
agonyhi. or selam18:22
MmmPiGoodgah! the link works again, nvm18:22
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).18:22
|Lee|Jack_Sparrow: Instead of abusing the bot, answer the question ..18:22
ikonia|Lee|: drop the attitude if you want help18:22
Jack_Sparrow|Lee|, No it wont work..  adjust your attitude18:22
hischild|Lee|, instead of arguing, listen to the bot.18:22
duryikonia: do you know that?18:22
|Lee|Why won't it Jack_Sparrow?18:22
kyncanidury: right-click on the remaining panel and look for a "add new panel" ? (maybe, kde user here)18:23
ikoniadury: do I know what ?18:23
durybottom panel18:23
agonyvay anasýný ya hu18:23
ikoniadury: what about it ?18:23
=== agony is now known as ErkekAdam
duryikonia: to recover the bottom panel18:23
Tex-Twilis there an option for "scp" to skip existing files ?18:23
deniqueikonia: ldconfig -v fixed it, thanks.18:23
binarical-app|Lee|: what is your question18:23
ikoniadury: you've lost your bottom pannel and you want to get it back ?18:24
duryikonia: yeah18:24
binarical-app|Lee|: what is "it"18:24
ikoniadury: no idea18:24
|Lee|binarical-app: Can I copy and paste a linux driver to a CD, then cd /dev/cdrom and install it from there.18:24
MasterShrak|Lee| you wouldnt cd /dev/cdrom, youd have to mount it, but yes the idea you have will work18:24
ikonia|Lee|: it will depend on the driver and it's dependencies18:24
binarical-app|Lee|: please tell us more about what you are trying to accomplish18:25
ikonia|Lee|: what is the driver for ?18:25
gregoryErkekAdam: maybe this can be of help to you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#head-729211ea4fb3c5b535d3d8a533dbc007c8dbce1418:25
MasterShrak|Lee| if the driver is online, wget would work, save you a cd :)18:25
|Lee|ikonia: Linksys WUSB54G v4 wireless usb network adapter18:25
|Lee|MasterShrak: It is on-line, but I need the driver to get the box on-line :P18:25
ikonia|Lee|: what type of driver is it a linux one, a windows one, what linux kernel is it built against ?18:25
ErkekAdamgregory thx bro18:25
gullstadikonia: Hello. They are now two databases, but they are still extanging information.18:25
gullstadikonia: Somehow :P18:26
ikoniagullstad: have you configured one of the other machines to use the second database ? how did you build a new database ?18:26
binarical-app|Lee|: i think that a whole cd is a waste for one driver , perhaps what you should look into is : madwifi or : ndiswrapper18:26
ikoniagullstad: other clients sorry18:26
gullstadikonia: I ran the setup.php on the fresh installation18:26
ikoniabinarical-app: how is madwifi or ndiswrapper going to help if he doesn't have a driver ?18:26
|Lee|binarical-app: How can I install those without internet?...18:26
ErkekAdami wanna free irvcd shell ?18:27
ikonia|Lee|: ignore that18:27
OllieHow do I boot Ubuntu from a Live-CD when it doesn't boot by default?18:27
ikonia|Lee|: what type of driver is it a linux one, a windows one, what linux kernel is it built against ?18:27
gullstadOllie: Go into your BIOS and change your BOOT-sequence. HDD is probly 1st.18:28
duryhey guys how do I get back the bottom pannel18:28
|Lee|ikonia: http://www.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Linux.html It's one of those, that's all I'm sure about. :P18:28
binarical-app|Lee|: madwifi is built from source therefore no "connection" is nessecary if you already have the source code to extract. please print out a how to before you reboot and begin18:28
ikoniagullstad: try connecting to both databases18:28
gregoryErkekAdam: what is a afree irvcd shell?18:28
simplexio|Lee|: yes you can move files to another computer just burning them into cd18:28
Olliegullstad: IS that only way?18:28
gullstadOllie: Probly.18:28
Jack_Sparrowdury, You need to click on the top panel and add a new one18:28
simplexio|Lee|: but i dont understand why to even ask it18:28
gullstadikonia: WHat do you mean?18:28
OllieAnyone else know a different way to boot Ubuntu from Live-CD, without changing BOIS?18:28
h4wkikonia, im back18:28
LegendreQuick question.. I've got a laptop with the Atheros 52** wifi chipset.. where do I find the madwifi package for it??18:29
binarical-app|Lee|: ndiswrapper uses the windows driver you (may have on a windows partition) if you are runing windows right now then using ndiswrapper will work well for you.18:29
ChaosParserOllie: Try pressing F12 at boot.  A lot of BIOS have a one time boot menu.18:29
gullstadOllie: No. It's easy.18:29
Legendreis it apt-gettable or do I have to compile it?18:29
h4wkOllie normally f12 to get into boot menu18:29
SlartOllie: well.. there's all kinds of settings to change how it loads etc.. noacpi and such18:29
OllieI know how to18:29
ikonia|Lee|: depending on which driver you use, it will depend on how it works, some drivers support 2.6.24 others stop at 2.6.2118:29
OllieJust I wanted to know if any easier way18:29
ikoniabinarical-app: but he'll still need to put ndiswrapper on a CD to burn it !3~18:29
mrslow__Hi, can anyone help with some driver problems on a 5 year old Sony laptop with Ubuntu 7.0418:29
OllieAnd I think it is actually F2 for my BIOS18:29
ikoniagullstad: so you created the database using the setup.php ?18:30
jelleor Dell18:30
ikoniagullstad: did you call the databases difference names ?18:30
OllieSo, I change the boot settings to boot from DVD Drive by default and Seconday is hard drive/18:30
ChaosParsermrslow_: We won't know till we know what the problem is. :-p18:30
gullstadikonia: Yes.18:30
gullstadikonia: Same MySQL user though.18:30
binarical-app|Lee|: please use mad wifi. it will make your life alot easyer. the application itself isnt very large, you can put it on a usb stick if you want18:30
ikoniagullstad: that shouldn't be a problem. Connect to both databases, and check the config files, make sure they are both using the different databases.18:31
duryJack_Sparrow: got it18:31
mrslow__haha, the laptop has a scroll wheel by the latch and trackpad, just wondering if there would be drivers for it18:31
gullstadikonia: Sec.18:31
ikoniabinarical-app: why are you being so awkward18:31
ikoniabinarical-app: he said he can only use a cd18:31
duryJack_Sparrow: thanks18:31
OllieAlright, going to try changing BOIS, can I totally much up my computer by doing it?18:31
ikoniabinarical-app: what is the difference of putting a driver or madwifi on a cdrom18:31
Jack_Sparrowdury, add whatever you need back into it..18:31
gullstadikonia: Yup. Two databases whit diffrent name. Built exactly the same.18:31
binarical-appim sorry ikonia, i was only trying to help18:31
ChaosParsermrslow_: Model?18:32
ikoniabinarical-app: your just making nonsense comments18:32
|Lee|Is build-essential installed on Ubuntu server by default?18:32
ikoniabinarical-app: and you did with the qmail issue18:32
ikonia|Lee|: no18:32
Ollieslart:Can I do anything wrong by changing BOIS?18:32
h4wk|Lee| no18:32
mrslow__ChaosParser: PCG-GRS515SP18:32
duryJack_Sparrow: that's what I'm doing18:32
|Lee|ikonia: What about linux-headers-'uname -r'?18:32
ikonia|Lee|: no18:32
Jack_SparrowOllie, NOt as long as you are only changing the boot sequence18:32
gullstadikonia: Exept the other (new one) is smaller. As expected. So they are not cloned.18:32
ikoniagullstad: ok, so what is the location of the two different torrent flux installs ?18:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fakeroot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:32
SlartOllie: not if you use the regular BIOS setup thingy.. well. you don't want to click around just to try things out.. but changing boot order won't mess things up18:32
duryJack_Sparrow: the trash18:33
finekwhat is fakeroot?18:33
OllieOk, cheers guys!18:33
gullstadikonia: /var/www/torrentflux and /var/www/mgwtorrent18:33
|Lee|ikonia: Damn, I'll need to get those and another package on to it, but then I found a tutorial on the Ubuntu forums ikonia.18:33
|Lee|I gotta go18:33
OllieHopefully see you, when I in Ubuntu!!18:33
SlartOllie: and there's usually a "Reset to defaults" option somewhere in there18:33
binarical-appikonia: there are simple ways to do things, as well as complicated ones. it really is a matter of opinion18:33
OllieOh right, ta!18:33
duryJack_Sparrow: the four different desktops18:33
gullstadikonia: Think server reboot could have done it?18:34
ikoniabinarical-app but what you are suggesting was no easier than putting a precompiled driver that is MEANT for linux on a cd, than putting a madwifi package on a cd that is not MEANT for linux18:34
ikoniagullstad: nah18:34
ikoniagullstad: it looks like they are still using the sambe db18:34
ikoniagullstad: how did you do the 2 installs ?18:34
duryand to show the desktop18:34
Jack_Sparrowdury, THey are named something odd,, task or desktop switcher.. one sec18:34
h4wkikonia, still coming up with Not loading nvidia module; note used in /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:34
ikoniah4wk: sudo modprobe nvidia ?18:34
siqI'm having a problem with pptp VPN, I need help so i can do work, can anyone help?18:34
gullstadikonia: One of them I installed a long time ago, but basiblt I just moved the html folder into a suited /var/www/folder and ran the setup.php on both.18:35
h4wkikonia thats what im doing18:35
ChaosParsermrslow_: Try to use it a few times, then grab the output of cat /proc/bus/input/devices18:35
binarical-appikonia: in the short term, yes you are correct, however in my personal experiance using ndiswrapper was alot more of a headache , then madwifi is.18:35
ikoniagullstad: thats why they are seeing the same18:35
ikoniagullstad: they are still using the same db18:35
gullstadikonia: I figured it out. Server is worki'n fine. Just a STUPID misstake by me :p18:35
ikoniabinarical-app: he was using NEITHER !18:36
finekwhat is fakeroot and when can i use it?18:36
Jack_Sparrowdury, window selector          or            workspace switcher18:36
binarical-appikonia: that really is a matter of opinion, and i here by drop the subject18:36
ikoniagullstad: what was it ?18:36
Jack_Sparrowdury, the last is show desktop18:36
ikoniabinarical-app: he didn't want to use madwifi or ndiswapper18:36
gullstadikonia: They are oki. But my web-browser stored one of them in cache and since they are form the same server he interperated both as one.18:36
durygot it18:36
gullstadikonia: Just cleared cache :)18:36
mrslow__ChaosParser: ok, I'm fairly new to the whole Linux scene but I'm a confident PC user ;) how do i go about that?18:36
ikoniagullstad: ahhhhhh18:36
ikoniagullstad: good call18:36
ikoniagullstad: well found18:36
kotka_zlaserver irc.omega.bg18:36
durygot it all thanks18:37
gullstadikonia: Thanks. You been at good help. I love you :)18:37
ChaosParsermrslow_: Open a terminal, type cat /proc/bus/input/devices and press enter18:37
finekkotka_zla, nie spamuj ;D18:37
ChaosParsermrslow_: Then post the output in pastebin18:37
mrslow__aha, that easy18:37
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:37
Jack_Sparrowdury.. just dont do it again. :)18:37
gullstadikonia: I'll problt be back though. Since I tend to mess things up :)18:38
ikoniagullstad: don't worry, every one makes mistakes18:38
h4wkikonia: Still getting the same error and using sudo modprobe nvidia18:39
gullstadikonia: Not like mine :P My last install i managed to make all accounts whitout root prevliges :P18:39
ikoniah4wk: sudo insmod nvidia.ko18:39
h4wkikonia no such file or dir18:40
ikoniah4wk: you'll have to go into /lib/$kernel/modules18:40
mrslow__ChaosParser: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63205/18:40
ikoniaK4k: then I think it's "nvidia" under that18:40
mrslow__sorry it took me a while18:40
ikoniah4wk: or maybe video18:40
ikoniah4wk: /lib/modules/$kernel sorry18:41
kusanagi_hi, i have no sound... i tried vlc and totem... the thing is... ive got sound in webpages... but not in movies... ive got the volume up and all the codecs ( i think vlc even have theirs owns codecs built-in) ... since ive got sound in webs.. i assume it has to be a stupid thing... but im super noob... anyhelp?18:41
ikoniah4wk: then video or nvidia I can't remember18:41
h4wkikonia but there is a nvidia dir18:42
ikoniah4wk: ahh18:42
ikoniah4wk: ooooh look in both18:42
ikoniah4wk: is there a nvidia.ko in either/both18:42
h4wkikonia; no there isnt18:42
ikoniah4wk: thats ood18:42
ikoniah4wk: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new18:42
dtsmy firefox doesn't start anymore. I reinstalled it in synaptic and deleted my .mozilla directory. What else could i do to reset it?18:43
duryJack_Sparrow: somebody else did it18:43
noodlesgcdts open a terminal and type firefox and tell us what error message you get18:44
h4wkikonia: done.. modprobe now?18:44
ikoniah4wk: what happened ?18:44
ikoniah4wk: after the apt-get18:44
h4wkikonia: it installed18:45
murlidharkusanagi_, does sound work in youtube18:45
ikoniah4wk: oooh something must have happened on the re-install18:45
ikoniah4wk: if you reboot now it should sort it's self out18:45
h4wkso bak in the reconfig18:45
kusanagi_yes murlidhar18:45
duryJack_Sparrow:: really appreciate your support :)18:45
duryJack_Sparrow:: believe me18:45
h4wkikonia: its just booting up18:46
dtsnoodlesgc: i did "firefox -safe-mode" and an initial screen came up asking me what to do and i clicked reset to defaults,etc. Then it asked me to restore session or to start new and i clicked new session. Then nothing happens18:46
noodlesgcdts try sudo dpkg-reconfigure firefox18:46
dtsnoodlesgc: now it's just hanging there, no firefox opening18:46
murlidharkusanagi_, u said u had volumes up .  in the application . or in the volume tray?18:46
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto18:46
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:46
QuickGoldIf I'm moving my Ubuntu web server and I want to have it reflect the new IP address it receives, what setting(s) do I need to change (using CLI)?18:47
BizMan2008anyone know of any ssh settings that would cause a vnc connection through putty to never fully connect?18:47
simplexiokusanagi_: in terminal type amixer, and set volumes up from there, and i mean every volume up, wouldnt be first time that its problem18:47
kusanagi_murlidhar,  both... even the spekers18:47
mrslow__ChaosParser: did you get the pastebin?18:48
kusanagi_i did it simplexio ... evn the mic18:48
=== Double_D is now known as Sergeant_Pony
dtsnoodlesgc: no luck18:48
murlidharkusanagi_, strange18:48
kusanagi_i set up both alsa and oss18:48
noodlesgcdts open gnome-terminal and look for any firefox processes and kill them18:49
noodlesgcdts i meant gnome-system-monitor18:49
murlidharkusanagi_, i dunno but there might a command to reset the whole sound settings18:49
dtsnoodlesgc: did that already, restarted too18:49
unopQuickGold, it's hard to know what you really want from that question there.18:49
unopQuickGold, you want to know how to change/set an IP address using the CLI?18:50
murlidharkusanagi_, did it suddenly stopped working18:50
noodlesgcdts is this the firefox from the repositories? are you on Hardy or Gutsy?18:50
kusanagi_no, it never worked on vlc18:50
kusanagi_and i cannot select any device in the program either murlidhar18:50
QuickGoldunop: The box will automatically get the IP address.  What I guess I'm asking, is there something I need to change so my web server will respond to the new IP address instead of the previous IP address?18:50
h4wkMany thanks all working :D <318:51
kusanagi_is there any larger ubuntu faq explaining mor ubuntu basics things than the official faq?18:51
murlidharkusanagi_, are u able to change the devices18:51
dtsnoodlesgc: yea it is, i'm on gutsy18:51
kusanagi_mmm how to change the devices?18:51
murlidharkusanagi_, alsa mixers to oss mixers18:51
dtsnoodlesgc: heh, just instaled firefox318:51
hischildkusanagi_, google for the ubuntu training wiki18:51
dtsi gues that works well enough18:51
unopQuickGold, well, that really depends on how you configured apache - and servers really shouldn't have IP addresses that are variable, it's best to assign them static ones18:51
h4wkikonia: oh shit i did reconfig now all i get when i restatt is a no signal18:51
kusanagi_i think i only can select the drivers sets from the try but anything else murlidhar18:51
h4wkon my monitor18:51
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes18:51
kusanagi_i tried both murlidhar18:52
noodlesgcdts, so firefox3 from the repository?18:52
Teo-how can i add more workspaces on ubuntu 7.10 ??18:52
ubotucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm18:52
tylerIs there anyway to make the taskbar look diffrent?18:52
dtsnoodlesgc: yea18:52
menakcmanwhich is the channel for help on algorithms ?18:52
noodlesgcdts, i dont know what could be wrong, i dont have FF318:53
dtsnoodlesgc: i had firefox 2 before, that was the broken one.18:53
dtsnoodlesgc: now i'm just using 3 because it works :-/18:53
murlidharkusanagi_, from the sound tray icon . click open volume control and then click file18:53
noodlesgcdts oh18:53
kusanagi_i only see some phyton trainir hischild18:53
noodlesgcmenakcman in  what language?18:53
hischildkusanagi_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training18:54
noodlesgcmenakcman try joining #c18:54
unopmenakcman,  #c and ##algorithms18:54
backslashHi all18:54
backslashI would like to share my current Desktop with a friend. Which VNC would I use for that? Real, Tight, normal... Can I just install them using apt ?18:55
tylerIs there anyway to make the bottum and top taskbar look any better or change how it looks18:55
kusanagi_i changed the device in the tray options murlidhar... its the same :S18:55
Teo-how can i add more workspaces on ubuntu 7.10 ??18:55
* MmmPiGood needs help getting a Genius MousePen 8x6 working under ubuntu gutsy18:55
noodlesgcTeo- do you have a workspaces applet any of your applets?18:55
tylerTeo: right click a work space and hit properties.18:55
simplexiobackslash: i think default install allready has done it18:56
murlidharkusanagi_, sorry i outta ideas18:56
tylerTeo: then set it.18:56
simplexiobackslash: system->preferences->remote desktop, you only need vnc client which is tsclient ot vncviewer18:56
kusanagi_tahnks hischild ill study that :)18:56
MmmPiGoodhelp with wizardpen driver?18:57
Teo-noodlesgc, i have awn toolbar and i cant change the number of workspaces:S18:57
tylerTeo: My bad Hit preferences and then set columns to more then 1 or less.18:57
backslashsimplexio: oh really? Oh cool... But how does it work then, do users logon have a own desktop or can they watch me doing stuff ?18:57
kusanagi_thanks murlidhar ... i think it has to be some stupid thing... but i dont know what18:57
backslashsimplexio: I'd just like to show some things18:57
simplexiobackslash: that is used for desktop sharing ..18:57
kusanagi_murlidhar, ,   thank you for trying.... ill keep reading the trainer till sumthing comes up18:58
backslashsimplexio: ? Yes desktop sharing... Is that remote desktop here?18:58
murlidharkusanagi_, no probs18:58
backslashsimplexio: Can I just say screen 0 and he can see and control the same as I'm working on?18:58
hischildkusanagi_, you're welcome18:58
verypinguHow does it work this chat?18:58
cristi1990how do i change the owner of a file?18:58
simplexiobackslash: urmm. it there where desktop is shared ;)18:58
murlidharverypingu, ???18:58
Lamegocristi1990, man chown18:58
backslashsimplexio: what? sorry ^^18:59
noodlesgcverypingu just ask a question and someone should try to help you18:59
mazafdoes any one know if basket note has a spell checking feature ?18:59
cristi1990Lamego: can u give me parameters too? chown what?18:59
juannicolashow can I recover the default folders of postgres with dpkg?18:59
Lamegocricket_, please read the manual it provides a better description, man chown :)18:59
MmmPiGoodso i've followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TabletSetupWizardpen verbatim, but the tablet is not showing up in 'xinput list'. help?18:59
frogletevince renders black and white scans without antialiasing. Is there a workaround? example: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~randy/Evince.png18:59
simplexiobackslash: probably.. he just start vncviewer yourdesktop:0 ... then you accpet connection and he can just watch or other way around19:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pie - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:00
hischildlegend2440, please don't try out commands in the public channel.19:00
fangoriouswhat's the best way to have something run at boot as a regular user?19:01
backslashsimplexio: okay, thank you very much bro!19:01
noodlesgcfangorious add it in system->preferences->sessions19:01
frogletor, how do i get firefox and other apps to use kpdf instead of evince?19:02
fangoriousnoodlesgc: wouldn't that just cover something launching when they log into gnome? I need it to run when the system boots19:02
MasterShrakfangorious add your command to /etc/rc.local (i think thats what it is in ubuntu)19:02
MmmPiGoodMasterShrak: isn't that run as root though?19:02
fangoriousMasterShrak: won't that run it as root then?19:02
MasterShrakyes, i was not aware that it didnt need to be, how about: su -c <command> <user>19:03
unopsudo better19:03
unopsudo -u user COMMAND19:03
hischildMasterShrak, isn't it the other way around? sudo su -c user command?19:03
murlidharfroglet, in firefox go to edit>preferences>applications19:03
unopfangorious, you can use a cronjob - with the @reboot directive19:04
frogletmurlidhar: ok, and how about when i double click in nautilus?19:04
combohi, can someone tell me how can i logout so i can change session from fluxbox to KDE ??19:04
MmmPiGoodone last probe for anyone that knows something about wizardpen...19:04
fangoriousunop: ah! I knew there was something like that, just couldn't remember the details. Thanks19:04
tylerCan I get msn on Ubuntu like 9.0?19:05
Pelocombo, ctrl alt backspace should do it19:05
noodlesgccombo System->Quit... ?19:05
DJonestyler: Use Pidgin for msn, that seems to be what most people use19:05
legend2440froglet: right click pdf file properties>open with19:05
Pelotyler-_, you can use amsn , it is in the repos I beleive19:05
jochmenDSor amsn19:05
Pelo!amsn > tyler-_19:05
murlidharfroglet, right click on the pdf file , select properties then "open with"19:05
MasterShrakPelo wrong nick :P19:06
Pelosigh ....19:06
frogletmurlidhar: cool, thanks!19:06
unicumi just set up an ubuntu 7.10 which, thanx to alternate install, came out of the box with lilo. if i update to hardy now, will it stay lilo or change to grub?19:06
murlidharfroglet, mention not :)19:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qbase - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:06
AlphaOmegahow do i know if ubuntu is seeing my on-board firewire port?19:07
* Pelo thinks ppl who just put random caracters at the end and beginning of their nick should be hung drawn and quartered, not sure what quartered is but I hope it is slow and painfull19:07
noodlesgcunicum should stay lilo19:07
MasterShraklol @ Pelo19:07
PeloAlphaOmega,  you can try and look in  hardware info , in the prefs menu19:07
kakooniaanyone knows a paralel program for Qbase?19:07
MasterShrakAlphaOmega plug something into it and type dmesg19:07
unicumnoodlesgc i got a "should" in #ubuntu+1 as well.. although i'd really prefer a "will" ^^19:07
TailsLinuxmaybe people should be fdisked too19:08
evilbugi have a really old pc and i want to salvage some stuff off of the hdd,how would i do that? it's an IDE drive,'98 compaq presario desktop.19:08
Pelokakoonia, search for qbase in the repos19:08
juannicolashow can i restore postgresql in ubuntu with dpkg?19:08
AlphaOmegaMasterShrak: what do i grep for?19:08
MasterShrakAlphaOmega just look at the end of the output19:08
kakooniapelo, Thanks.19:08
frogletevilbug: take the hdd out, attach it via a usb enclosure19:08
jelleevilbug use a screwdriver and just disconnect de hd19:08
Peloevilbug,  might want to give puppy linux live cd a try , it's very very very light , perfect for old pc19:08
noodlesgcunicum, well you dont have the grub package from the repo, so it probably wont just install it for fun19:08
kakooniapelo, i looked for it, nothing came up, what do you mean by repositories? i look in the Synaptic pkg-man..19:09
unicumnoodlesgc: sound's fair, thx19:09
Pelokakoonia, synaptic is a front end , it uses the repositories for installing and searching19:10
kakooniaPelo, so should i look for it there?19:10
Pelokakoonia, google and the www.ubuntuforums.org would be your next stop then , or a qbase channel if  you can find one19:10
backslashsimplexio: Its me again, but just one question: Is there a good tutorial about VNC in general, installation and configuration in console, without X / gnome ?19:10
kakooniaPelo, ok, thanks budd.19:11
trappistI've just tried to install update-manager-core on a dapper server, and there doesn't seem to be any such package.  any ideas why?19:11
ratpk :D19:11
MmmPiGoodhaving problems with xorg input devices. help?19:11
* Pelo is so bored he's getting ready to mod his case 19:11
PeloMmmPiGood, what device ?19:11
sweetsinsei cant get firefox to "open with" correctly19:12
sweetsinsefirefox 3 is not respecting the mimetypes19:12
Pelosweetsinse, what kind of file , what app ?19:12
sweetsinseany file any app19:12
* backslash (@pelo) has just finished his glowing caseground (acrylplate & LEDs)19:12
sweetsinsethe list is blank19:12
Pelosweetsinse, are you in gutsy or in hardy ?19:12
MmmPiGoodPelo: Genius MousePen 8x6 "UC-LOGIC Tablet WP8060U"19:12
sweetsinsebut we'll say gutsy :)19:12
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Pelobackslash, I just want to add air-holes in the front for some extra fans19:13
sweetsinsei looked at /etc/mime.types19:13
backslashah okay19:13
PeloMmmPiGood, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport  and www.ubuntuforums.org19:13
siqanyone good with troubleshooting vpn issues?19:13
backslashPelo: I've cut my case's top to install a 120mm-fan ;)19:13
sweetsinseand ~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list19:13
backslashPelo: that's really cool and makes the whole thing cool.. anyway cya19:14
Pelobackslash, I tend to keep it low key anyway,   the only real mod I would be likely to do would be to arrage the hardaware inside a drawer19:14
murlidharlol @ Pelo19:14
* Pelo hates it when ppl speak and run 19:14
anthonyPelo: I've thought of the same thing - computer in a cabinet.  Wood, of course.19:14
Pelomurlidhar, why ?19:14
sweetsinseideas?  anyone else runing firefox 319:15
murlidharPelo, this is the second instance19:15
Peloanthony, I just thinks it takes too much room on the floor underneath my drafting table19:15
noodlesgcsweetsinse you could try in #firefox19:15
Pelosweetsinse, I do but it works fine for me ,  in hardy19:15
sweetsinsei have hardy too19:15
sweetsinsebut i use xfce on both19:15
sweetsinsei have read that the applications list uses gnome-vfs19:16
Pelosweetsinse, try asking in #ubuntu+1 you are more likely to find someone wiith experience of FF3 problem19:16
* Pelo grabs a pcs of paper and starts toying with the notion of making a drawer for the computer hardware 19:17
siqi need help with a vpn problem19:17
sweetsinsepelo are you runnig gnome19:18
juannicolasCan someone help me with how to restore postgres common files with dpkg? beacuse when doing the apt-gte install postgresql is not creating the /etc/postgresql folder19:18
Pelosweetsinse, yes19:18
anthonyPelo: The layout of components and such is standardized, correct?  (ATX, etc.)19:18
SARKOque pasa my pplz19:18
Lamegojuannicolas, sudo apt-get remove --purge package19:18
siqI'm connecting to a pptp vpn, everything authenticates fine but the ip changes don't reflect on my nic, and I can't connect to the network I need to vpn to access..someone please help19:19
Lamegothat should remove the conf files, and they should be installed with a reinstall19:19
baffleI have noticed a strange bug on my laptop (IBM T42) Hardy installation. "hald-addon-input" consumes all CPU and makes the system really sluggish until I kill it. Looking at strace outputs, it seems to fail polling one of the /dev/input/event1, wich seems to point to ../../devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input1/event1 .. Is this a known bug?19:19
noodlesgc!hardy | baffle19:19
ubotubaffle: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu19:19
gullstadHow can I display the size of a folder in MB in therminal?19:19
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:19
juannicolasLamego so, how do I installed it again19:19
Lamegojuannicolas, sudo apt-get install package19:20
Lamegogullstad, man du19:20
Peloanthony,  well I would need to orient the mobo so the plugs that usualy come out at the back of a case come out on the side of a drawer,  ( takinginto account the desk I'm using) and toward the bac,  the rest would be to put the cd/dvd toward the front for access , and there should be room enough around the cpu to provide good air flow19:20
anthonyPelo: right19:20
=== z5yan_ is now known as z5yan
nixnoobdoes anyone have any experience using libusb-1.0?19:21
arunkalei can run a local server with both python and php, right?19:21
Lamegoarunkale, yes19:22
arunkaleLamego: thanks.. how do i go about doing that? Python is already installed, but do I need to do anything more to get it to work with Apache/MySQL? Sorry if that's a noob question19:22
fyreofchaos13Can somebody help me? I'm having issues with installing TinTin++...19:23
anthonyarunkale: yeah, they're just modules to apache, which can be simultaneously enabled.  The settings for apache will determine which to use for different file types.19:23
Lamegoarunkale, I have never used python for web development19:23
Lamegohave you installed mod_python ?19:23
arunkaleLamego: nope, not installed anything yet.. just want to know the details before I install stuff19:23
Lamegoarunkale, install mod python and check it's documentation, http://www.modpython.org/live/current/doc-html/19:25
juannicolasLamego  i did the apt-get install postgresql and goes fine, but when entering to the /etc/ folder there should be a postgresql folder and is not19:25
mikebotHas anyone here ever used webhttrack in ubuntu?19:25
Lamegojuannicolas, you must be installing the wrong package, I guess you want the -server package19:26
|Lee|Ok, I plugged in my ethernet cord, but Ubuntu server isn't detecting it, what do I do now?19:26
frontenanyone used maya unlimited 2008 here on ubuntu ?19:26
arunkaledo i have to install anything else to use mysql with python?19:26
|Lee|ikonia: You here?19:27
juannicolasLamego i'm following this tutorial on how to install Request Tracker i nubuntu http://www.ubuntugeek.com/request-trackerrt-ticketing-system-for-your-support-group.html19:27
PriceChildarunkale: python-mysqldb might be useful19:27
PriceChild!info python-mysql | arunkale19:27
ubotuarunkale: Package python-mysql does not exist in gutsy19:27
PriceChild!info python-mysqldb | arunkale19:27
ubotuarunkale: python-mysqldb (source: python-mysqldb): A Python interface to MySQL. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.2-3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 92 kB, installed size 332 kB19:27
|Lee|Ok, I plugged in my ethernet cord, but Ubuntu server isn't detecting it, what do I do now? <- PriceChild, can you help?19:27
Lamegoarunkale, python-mysqldb19:27
PriceChild|Lee|: how do you know it isn't?19:27
arunkaleLamego: thanks! really appreciate it19:28
arunkalethanks PriceChild19:28
Lamegojuannicolas, I don't use postgres, sorry19:28
|Lee|PriceChild: ifconfig only showed the local loopback, and ping www.google.com is an unknown host.19:28
jaekdo the xine-plugin or mozilla-plugin-vlc packages work for anyone on hoary? about:plugins doesn't show them after i installed them19:28
juannicolasOk, but the only thing I need is how to restore the common files of19:28
PriceChild|Lee|: do you know what the network manager is? near the clock?19:28
cdecarlo|Lee|: have you tried ifconfig up19:28
|Lee|PriceChild: It's Ubuntu server, there is no Gnome/KDE :P19:28
|Lee|cdecarlo: No, I'll brb (I hate it when it's accrossed the hall..19:29
Lamegojuannicolas, you don't need to restore files, you just need to do a plain install19:29
|Lee|cdecarlo: Device not found.19:29
PriceChild|Lee|: right ok. and you are sure that the ethernet card doesn't appear in ifconfig? lspci and put that ina  pastebin please?19:30
Lamegojuannicolas, first remove your current install: sudo apt-get remove --purge postgresql*19:30
arunkaledo you recommend that i install apache, etc. via the command line or synaptic? or does it not really matter?19:30
|Lee|How can I do that when it's a different computer without internet, PriceChild?..19:30
ompaul|Lee|, do ifconfig -a and see what it says does it tell you have more than one ethernet or does it seen any cards at all .. this is the first step .. when you see it has only one you type sudo  dhclient and then you work out if it gave you one19:30
cdecarlo|Lee|: what does lspci give you lspci | grep Ethernet19:30
* Neo_Tech is away (Off Dulu,Istirahat...)19:31
juannicolasdone, this time remove more files, *19:31
|Lee|cdecarlo: It shows an ethernet thing19:31
J311YF15Hhey anyone good in wine?19:31
t1n0m3nNo, but I am good with vodka19:32
|Lee|Haha t1n0m3n :P19:32
FrozenballHow silly of you :p19:32
J311YF15Hvodka don't rule,try moka19:32
t1n0m3nActually, I have used it...  Got wow running, not sure that qualifies as "good"19:32
noodlesgcmonster is better than alcohol19:32
ompaul|Lee|, go to #ubuntu-server and try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/  for more ideas19:33
juannicolasYes, Lamego thx19:33
|Lee|cdecarlo: Should I ifconfig -a and sudo dhclient?19:33
achadwick#join #n81019:33
J311YF15Hanyone ran tiberium wars in wine?19:33
juannicolasthe part I was missing was the * after the pagk name19:33
|Lee|Or ompaul?19:33
ompaul|Lee|, go to #ubuntu-server and try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/  for more ideas19:33
|Lee|ompaul: I haven't tried your idea yet, should I?19:33
t1n0m3nNot I19:33
brunnercan I use rsync on shared hosting?19:33
|Lee|Fine ompaul, I'll go try it.19:34
ompaul|Lee|, do sudo dhclient but that is only a temp solution then head onto other things19:34
arunkaledo you guys know any themes for ubuntu that are more polished than human?19:34
=== warren_ is now known as WarrenDumX
chester_mubuntu is closing my p2p port19:34
noodlesgcarunkale art.gnome.org19:34
juannicolaswhat is FQDN?19:34
chester_mit's open on router19:34
chester_manyone knows the problem?19:34
cdecarlo|Lee|: sounds like a plan19:34
Fabrice__search croatian people who speak french thanks19:34
anthonyjuannicolas: fully qualified domain name19:34
noodlesgcjuannicolas fully qualified domain name19:34
arunkalenoodlesgc: i know that site :) i just wanted your recommendations/opinions19:34
juannicolasoh.. THX!19:34
|Lee|haha ompaul It worked thanks <319:35
bakaтут есть кто19:35
mazafdoes any one know if basket note has a spell checking feature ?19:35
anthonybrunner: you'll have to ask your host.19:35
noodlesgcarunkale try the glossy theme19:35
brunnerI don't suppose anyone knows the specifics of Pair Networks?19:35
AndycasssIs there a ubuntu theme for win? I hate that fancy aero theme for vista19:36
bakaпомогите настроить карту ATI 960019:36
brunnerhmm, for rsync the deamon only has to be running on one end, right?19:36
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:36
StroganoffAndycasss: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/27940418/ use this with classic theme19:36
HymnToLifebrunner: you can even rsync without the rsync daemon19:37
HymnToLifeusing FTP, SSH, or whatever19:37
brunnerso as long as srync is installed on the server, I can run a deamon on my backup server19:37
t1n0m3nbrunner: sorry, I don't use hosted stuff19:37
brunnerHymnToLife: really?19:37
HymnToLifebut yeah, it you want to use it, it only needs to be running one one end19:37
levander`arunkale: I love SolidSlate Modified, Buuf icons from deviant art, and "Ubuntu Dark Pack" for wallpaper.  First time I've every had a desktop I really like the way it looked.19:38
brunnerso I do need a dreamon on one end, yes?19:38
=== levander` is now known as levander
HymnToLifesome kind of daemon, yes19:38
HymnToLifebut not necessarily the rsync one19:38
HellowBonsoir tout le monde19:38
HymnToLife!fr [ Hellow19:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fr [ hellow - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:38
arunkalelevander`: nice, thanks for sharing.. i'll just see what that looks like19:38
HymnToLife!fr | Hellow19:38
ubotuHellow: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.19:38
levanderarunkale: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/SolidSlate+Modified?content=4496319:39
levanderarunkale: That's not a great pic.  Solid Slate Modified is basically all the stuff on the borders of the window.  Like the close, minimize, maximize buttons.19:40
djmitcheISTM a default Ubuntu 6.10 install has both star and gnu tar installed, but that /bin/gnutar is not gnutar, it's star.  Is this a bug or a feature?19:40
djmitche(or am I totally off base)19:40
||Lee|Now I need some browser :x19:40
arunkalelevander: i'm guessing it's an emerald theme?19:40
levanderdjmitche: That'd be a bug, but unless 6.10 is LTS, nobody's gonna care.19:40
levanderarunkale: Yeah, I never bothered using the compiz stuff till I found that theme.19:41
||Lee|Long term support, djmitche .19:41
djmitcheah, ok, tx19:41
arunkalelevander: compiz doesn't really work on my computer19:41
levanderarunkale: That's some african skins, one of which is elephant, that I use as a GDM greeter.  arunkale I'll PM you the themes I use.19:41
levanderarunkale: That sux.19:41
cdecarlo|Lee|: do you have another workstation that you can ssh into the server with19:41
sachaeldoes anyone know this program pack - contains programs called "dates", "sync", tasks"?19:41
anthonysachael: can you be more specific?19:42
tyler_dmy vpn connection to pptp gives me the error upon connection: Could not start the VPN connection 'WORK' due to a connection error.19:42
tyler_dVPN Connection failed19:42
arunkalelevander: yup.. i have a new nvidia graphics card, but it doesn't work properly, so yeah19:42
cdecarlo|Lee|: then you can do all the nice pretty things on the workstation and the command line stuff through the ssh'd session19:42
levanderarunkale: Basically, for window themes, I like all the "slate" variants.  Slate is basically a rip off of the Windows border themes, but I tell you, I hate Microsoft, but border themes is the one thing they did that I really like.19:42
levanderarunkale: Did you get the nvidia driver installed okay?19:42
sachaelanthony, gtk programs called "dates", "tasks", "sync" from a company, i think they are not in the repos, the company that makes them has a green hand as a logo19:43
|Lee|cdecarlo: I'm not sure, if it's plugged in to my dads wired internet, and I'm on wireless, can I ssh into it?19:43
giggseyHow can I setup dual monitors on my Hardy?19:43
anthony!hardy | giggsey19:43
ubotugiggsey: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu19:43
levanderarunkale: There are many slate variants that aren't emerald, but I didn't like any of those as much.  But, I did like them.19:43
arunkalelevander: yup, the driver has installed properly, but i can't get compiz to work well.. it's not a huge deal, but yeah, it's a little irritating19:44
pit_can eanyone could help me with wireless netwotrk19:44
crdlbsachael: OpenedHand19:44
levanderarunkale: Just search on art.gnome.org for slate, and you'll find a bunch of them.19:44
levanderarunkale: What's wrong with compiz on your box?  The nvidia driver should be the only hardware specific thing.19:44
sachaelcrdlb, that's it! thank you.19:44
pit_I'm trying to crate an AP but my laptop can't see any network I'm trying to crate within UBUNTU19:44
arunkalelevander: black screens, etc. the usual problems19:45
levanderpit_: Are you trying to connect the laptop wirelessly?19:45
|Lee|cdecarlo: You here?19:45
cdecarlo|Lee|: sure, you can19:45
arunkalei have an amd processor, if that makes a difference19:45
pit_i would like to ...19:45
pit_UBUJNTU has internet by wire19:45
levanderarunkale: I've never heard of those...  Maybe just cause I never had them, I never had to google for it.  Maybe it'll work better for you in Hardy??19:45
cdecarloinstall a ssh server on the server an ssh client on the workstation19:45
levanderarunkale: AMD shouldn't make a difference.19:46
pit_lavander: and I want to create the AP19:46
arunkalelevander:  yeah, maybe it will :)19:46
|Lee|Damn it cdecarlo, I'd have to stop my gnome installation in the middle, but if I can ssh into it .. :D19:46
cdecarlo|Lee|: are the machines on the same local network19:46
cvd-prThere a away to make ubuntu shutdown after downloading and installing the updates?19:46
cdecarloare you building X?19:46
levanderpit_: I don't even know what an AP is that you would create inside of Ubuntu.  I've always just connected to the wireless router, which is it's own independent piece of hardware.19:47
levanderpit_: You have a wireless router?19:47
anthonycvd-pr: on a command line there is, but I'm not sure if there's a GUI method yet.19:47
Stroganoffanthony: gshutdown19:47
RavenkinCan someone help me?  Installed Hardy, have dual monitors and while updating went to so application that looked like it worked dual monitors, rebooted my computer and now the resoluations are completely messed up and I can't open screen resolution in system.19:47
|Lee|cdecarlo: I sudo apt-get installing kde now, and it has ssh installed and running .. I can ssh into it from there, but not from workstation.19:47
anthonyStroganoff: Nice.19:48
JS__i have gnome "nm-applet" question -- anyone can help?19:48
pit_lavander: no I do not have wireless router, I'm trying to create one with UBUNTU :)19:48
anthony!hardy | Ravenkin19:48
ubotuRavenkin: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu19:48
linkinxphey i wonder whats the max amount of ram supported by Ubuntu?19:48
SisyphusINCdoes anyone know how to record video on linux with a logitech quickcam pro?19:49
cdecarlo|Lee|:  you have an ssh server running on the server?19:49
anthonylinkinxp: That's limited by your processor architecture, not OS.19:49
levanderarunkale: You getting these PM's?19:49
|Lee|cdecarlo: Nevermind, got it, had to ssh instead of localhost, because I'm on .103 instead of .10519:49
SisyphusINCits a webcam19:49
cvd-prx64 4gb ++19:49
levanderarunkale: Here are the GDM themese I use: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Africa+GDM+Themes?content=6756219:49
linkinxpanthony:  mmmm Pentium Dual core ? 4 gb?19:49
JS__i accidently double-clicked the "nm-applet" file and now have a duplicate in my system tray.  anyone know how to remove one of the two?19:50
FrozenballIs Ubuntu 8.04 stable enough?19:50
FrozenballI'm too lazy to wait 10 more days19:50
linkinxpFrozenball:  yes19:50
levanderarunkale: You getting these PM's?19:50
linkinxpfor me yes19:50
anthonylinkinxp: If it's 32-bit, yes.  64 should be "more than you need"  :P19:50
anthony!hardy | Frozenball19:50
ubotuFrozenball: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu19:50
linkinxpanthony:  32 :)19:50
backgenhey does anyone have any experience with the wallpaper changer "drapes"?19:51
backgenI can't seem to get it to add pictures that i want it to use as my wallpapers19:51
JS__gnome question19:52
JS__nm-applet question19:52
JS__can anyone help?19:52
JS__or point me to another conference19:52
levanderJS__: just ask19:52
JS__ok. tnx.  i accidently double-clicked on the "nm-applet" file and added a duplicate applet to my sys tray.  can you suggest how i remove one of the two?19:53
backgenanyone know how i can get the applications "drapes" to accept my image files?19:53
levanderJS__: have you tried right clicking on one of them and seeing if there's a delete option?19:53
JS__yes. no delete19:54
JS__or remove19:54
dudeeee34i need help setting up my usb camera19:54
SiftinDotComHello, I am migrating to ubuntu, is there any equivalent of debootstrap on ubuntu?19:54
levanderJS__: what is the nm-applet?19:54
dudeeee34the software was originaly for windows but i wana see if it works on linux19:54
JS__it is the gnome network software19:55
JS__network manager19:55
SlartJS__: have you tried killing the applet using kill?19:55
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:55
levanderJS__: yeah, but Slart said19:55
SlartJS__: there's bound to be two applet processes19:55
* SiftinDotCom uses chroot very frequently and would like to find out how easy it is to setup ubuntu in chroot19:55
JS__not sure what to do19:55
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:55
dudeeee34can anyone help me?19:56
dudeeee34set up my usb camera19:56
Slart JS__ : try running this in a terminal, "ps -A | grep -i nm"19:56
JS__ok. what will this do?19:56
SlartJS__: you'll hopefully see two lines, or more, with the process id's in the first column19:56
* SiftinDotCom uses chroot very frequently and would like to find out how easy it is to setup ubuntu in chroot19:56
SlartJS__: ps lists running processes19:56
arunkaledo i need to install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql to use php with mysql19:56
unicumanyone here who's using lilo?19:56
abhinaydudeeee34, the camera software automatically gets opened when you connect your camera through USB19:57
SlartJS__: grep filters them.. only showing lines containing "nm"19:57
abhinaydudeeee34, doesn't it ?19:57
dudeeee34the camera was desinged for windows19:57
dudeeee34idk if it will work here19:57
unicumi just did a dist-upgrade, but for some reason i'm being booted into the old dist. why?19:57
abhinaydudeeee34, which camera model you are using ?19:57
JS__should it take a minute to finish process?19:57
* SiftinDotCom uses chroot very frequently and would like to find out how easy it is to setup ubuntu in chroot19:57
StroganoffSiftinDotCom: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/hppa/linux-upgrade.html19:57
d1gitalwierd problem guys:  my panel won't load up unless i switch to another vt and killall gnome-panel   What's the matter?19:57
SlartJS__: no, it should return instantly19:58
SiftinDotComthanks Stroganoff19:58
SlartJS__: no typos?.. you didn't type the " I hope19:58
JS__ok. i have two columns of info19:59
JS__line one:19:59
SlartJS__: don't paste it here19:59
SiftinDotComlooks like it has debian's utility intact even with same name:debootstrap. gr819:59
dudeeee34my internet disconnected19:59
ssni got problems with ubuntu debootstrap19:59
SlartJS__: the first column is numbers.. right? that's the process id, then there might be a ? , then there's total running time.. then there's the name of th eprocess20:00
ssnW: Failure trying to run: chroot /mnt/ubuntu mount -t proc proc /proc20:00
bakaпомогите плиз решить проблему видяхой20:00
dudeeee34can anyone help me with my usb camera?20:00
SlartJS__: do you have two processes named nm-applet?20:00
dudeeee34im trying to set up a dynex usb camera20:00
SiftinDotComdudeeee34, you need to have either sources of that driver to recompile on your ubuntu box or you will need to get the rpm from your camera manufacturere20:00
ssnchroot -t doesnt work with the modern knoppix version20:00
dudeeee34i have the cd for it20:00
backgenhey guys, i'm trying to choose a port for Azureus...which port is usually good for this sort of thing?20:00
dudeeee34i plug it in it turns on20:00
SlartJS__: ok.. type kill 12345 .. but change 12345 to the process id of one of the nm-applets20:00
dudeeee34i just want a program for it20:00
JS__first number is 5132; second is 515420:01
SiftinDotComdudeeee34, that program is called driver20:01
dudeeee34a program that allows me to use usb recording20:01
SlartJS__: then type kill 513220:01
SlartJS__: it doesn't really matter which one you kill20:01
dudeeee34ah k then20:01
JS__ok. i will type kill 513220:01
SlartJS__: and then press enter.. did the tray icon go away?20:01
backgenhey can anyone give me an Incoming TCP Listen Port that is usually Open? I'm configuring my Bit-Torrent20:01
JS__it worked!20:01
SiftinDotComdudeeee34, please cal ur camera manufacturer to find out linux driver/application support20:01
Slartbackgen: there are no ports that are "usually" open.. if there is, they are probably already being used20:02
JS__now, do you think it will last or will i need to do this again with each restart?20:02
SlartJS__: depends on why there was two applets in the first place20:02
backgenSlart: well then what should i do?20:02
Slartbackgen: pick one at random and then make sure it's open20:02
d1gitalweird problem guys:  my panel won't load up unless i switch to another vt and killall gnome-panel   What's the matter?20:03
JS__ok.  thank you both for your help!! bye.20:03
backgenSlart: ah ok...well then whats a good random port number?20:03
SlartJS__: you might have run the applet twice.. you might be starting it twice when you login.. it's hard to tell which one it is20:03
grafthi, what are my options for editing an EPS file?20:03
bobgillHow do I start Ubuntu with no X server ? Just CLI login20:03
Slartbackgen: 12345... very random.. I used many dices20:03
graftactually just for cropping/resizing an EPS file20:03
backgenSlart: lol20:04
backgenlol nope it says it's closed20:04
d1gitalopen it20:04
Slartbackgen: then open it..20:04
backgenhow do i open it?20:04
d1gitalbackgen are you behind a router20:04
Espionagecan anyone help me pick some broken packages? I've found them using synaptic20:04
graftbobgill: you could define a new runlevel20:05
zrnHi. I'm trying to debug an epiphany extension, can anybody point me in the right direction?20:05
backgeni'm not sure...probably...i'm connecting via rez connection in my univeristy20:05
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d1gital"no im in front of it" lol20:05
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d1gitalthen yes you are and no you cant reconfigure their router...20:05
arunkaledo i need to install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql to use php with mysql20:05
backgenshoot...so how do i find an open port?20:05
gregoryzrn: does it crash?20:05
bobgillgraft: what do you mean? Or could I just disable GDM and that would boot into a text login ?20:05
zrnit just doesnt work20:05
backgeni mean this should work since Azureus works fine on my Windows20:06
Slartbackgen: well.. the night is young.. keep trying.. only 65535 to go =)20:06
pgentoo_Hi, I have a supermicro board with a AIC9410 SAS/SATA controller onboard.  I'm unable to get this working (with SATA drives) on my Gentoo Xen system currently.  I'm wondering what the newest Xen Dom0 capable kernel ubuntu currently provides, and if the libsas module have working SATA support now in that version.  If so i may wnat to move my Dom0 over to ubuntu.20:06
zrnand im trying to find the offending function20:06
naelHi would anybody be able to help me with getting screen resolution right on a HP laptop with an other external monitor?20:06
graftbobgill: how permanent do you want this situation to be? is this just a one-off thing?20:06
JyZyXELwhy can't i read the files on my CD20:06
JyZyXELi can only list them20:06
JyZyXELbut when i try read them they are all empty20:06
SlartJyZyXEL: you forgot to put it in the drive.. it's still on the bedroom floor20:06
JyZyXELnuh uh20:06
JyZyXELits on the drive and mounted20:06
SlartJyZyXEL: bad burn?20:06
d1gitalbackgen: thing is, there might be open ports, but they have to be forwarded to your computer, so basically without being a 1337 h4x0r and reconfiguring the school router, it aint happening20:06
JyZyXELno it worked last time20:06
JyZyXELits a prefectly good burn20:07
naelmaybe he has the permisions wrong20:07
graftbobgill: if so, you can just, say, write 'exit 0' as the first line of /etc/init.d/gdm20:07
SlartJyZyXEL: bad cd drive?20:07
bobgillgraft: well actually i want to run fsck on my root, that's the goal. just realized no X server isn't going to do it20:07
JyZyXELno it worked20:07
JyZyXELpermissions are wrong?20:07
JyZyXELit could be that20:07
JyZyXELdr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 2007-05-30 16:5120:07
graftbobgill: oh ah.. there's a way to reboot to get it to do that, hold on20:07
JyZyXELits wrong?20:07
Slarthmm.. is file size restricted by permissions?20:07
graftbobgill: shutdown -F20:07
SlartJyZyXEL: no error messages in dmesg or syslog?20:08
d1gitalweird problem guys:  my panel won't load up unless i switch to another vt and killall gnome-panel   What's the matter?20:08
bobgillgraft: ahh, thanks!20:08
graftbobgill: np20:08
JyZyXELBuffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 144261520:08
graftanyone help me out? I want to crop an .eps file down a bit20:08
JyZyXELattempt to access beyond end of device20:08
SlartJyZyXEL: a scratch on the cd?20:08
SlartJyZyXEL: tried remounting it?20:08
JyZyXELtried countless times20:09
JyZyXELnow its stuck20:09
JyZyXELlsof | grep cdrom20:10
JyZyXELlsof: WARNING: can't stat() ext3 file system /dev/.static/dev20:10
JyZyXEL      Output information may be incomplete.20:10
JyZyXELthat is just plain wrong20:10
JyZyXELlsof works20:10
JyZyXELwhen i pipe it to grep it doesn't20:10
JyZyXELor something20:10
linkinxpwhere you install fonts/20:10
JyZyXELactually no20:11
JyZyXELthats the sterr prolly20:11
JyZyXELwell i guess the disc is broken then20:11
ay^why does it say #ubuntu-unregged next to #ubuntu when I'm here? :]20:12
d1gitalweird problem guys:  my panel won't load up unless i switch to another vt and killall gnome-panel   What's the matter?  it also doesnt load nm-applet..20:12
ay^I just did the whole nickserv-registering process20:12
backslashIs there a god tutorial about configuring apache and ubuntu to have for each user a subdomain, web-data in the home folder, maybe with bash scripts ? With all permissions and so on... Would be awesome!20:12
sinboxwhat is the command to find out what application might be using my soundcard20:14
arno-thi all. my gdmgreetre resoltuion is wrong, but the Xres is OK. Any idea how to adjust that?20:14
arno-tgdmgreeter :)20:14
pauldooin #gobuntu20:14
graftbackslash: i don't think apache can do that by default... you could set up virtual hosts on a per-user basis, or auto-gen config files, but i dunno if it will just do it automagically20:15
graftbackslash: but i could be wrong, you should read here: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_userdir.html#userdir20:16
FAJALOUi have an intellimouse 3.0a, and i have followed the guide to make it work on http://epologetics.org/ubuntuhowto.php#intellimouse  but my two side buttons still don't seem to work20:16
graftbackslash: in fact i thinki am wrong and you can just do UserDir http://*.foo.com/20:16
backslashgraft: Okay, im gonna have a look at that... But the whole folder permissions system, and that every user has his data with his permissions in his home folder?20:17
graftbackslash: oh wait, but that'll just redirect.... hrm.20:17
d1gitalweird problem guys:  my panel won't load up unless i switch to another vt and killall gnome-panel   What's the matter?20:17
backslashJust so I could create users with their own filders20:17
graftbackslash: well, apache does that by default, in ~/public_html20:17
FAJALOUany thoughts20:17
graftbackslash: which you can access with like http://foo.com/~backslash20:18
backslashYea.. Didn't know that, which is why im looking for an apache tutorial or something20:18
Itakumy ubuntu says /dev/dsp is busy(the sound driver) i get this error alot how do i fix it?20:18
graftbackslash: JFGI20:18
FAJALOUi have an intellimouse 3.0a, and i have followed the guide to make it work on http://epologetics.org/ubuntuhowto.php#intellimouse  but my two side buttons still don't seem to work20:18
graftItaku: stop running a sound server, would be my guess20:18
graftItaku: also why are you using /dev/dsp?20:18
backslashgraft: okay...20:19
JyZyXELgraphical tool for displaying information about your computer?20:19
Itakugraft: i never set anything20:19
arunkalei just installed phpmyadmin, but i have no idea where it got installed20:19
Itakugraft: how do i stop using the sound server?20:19
FAJALOUi have an intellimouse 3.0a, and i have followed the guide to make it work on http://epologetics.org/ubuntuhowto.php#intellimouse  but my two side buttons still don't seem to work20:19
arunkalei can't access it at http://localhost/phpmyadmin20:19
graftItaku: are you using gnome?20:20
graftItaku: in that case i'm not sure... i guess you need to configure your sound system to use ALSA instead of OSS20:21
Ar-PharazonHi, I need to send files from kubuntu to winxp over ethernet. Can anyone help?20:21
ay^Ar-Pharazon: ftp?20:21
blinkizAm having problem burning a dvd with Brasero. It says I don't have space for the image on the DVD. The dvd needs 4028MB. The disk is on 4.7GB. What todo?20:21
Itakui have nvidia20:21
graftAr-Pharazon: Winscp320:21
Itakuand im using ALSA20:21
Ar-Pharazonay^: Ftp?20:22
graftItaku: nvidia meaning your video card? If you're using ALSA you shouldn't be getting reports about /dev/dsp20:22
ay^Ar-Pharazon: yeah, set up a FTP-server on the XP-can and send your files to it20:22
LegionXblinkiz: normal DVD-R only have 4.25G space20:22
Itakugraft: well thats what i assume cuz VMWare is yelling at me about that20:22
graftAr-Pharazon: just get winscp and use that to connect to ubuntu... much easier than setting up an FTP server on the windows side20:22
blinkizLegionX, Okay, lets say its on 4.25. Why can't i burn the image?20:23
Ar-Pharazonay^: How do I set it up and how do I send them afterwards?20:23
Ar-Pharazongraft: What's winscp?20:23
ay^Ar-Pharazon: perhaps the winscp-idea is easier20:23
LegionXblinkiz: are you just burning the iso on a data-dvd or are you burning it as an image?20:23
ay^but if you still wish to know I could help setting one up20:23
_Mickcan anyone help with a netinstall?20:23
Itakugraft: my sound doesnt work for some reason though you know how to fix it?20:23
blinkizLegionX, Like an image. Pressing the big image button i basero20:24
=== chalcedny is now known as chalcedony
FAJALOUi have an intellimouse 3.0a, and i have followed the guide to make it work on http://epologetics.org/ubuntuhowto.php#intellimouse  but my two side buttons still don't seem to work20:24
Ar-Pharazonay^: Well, I do have to make it to a psychology experiment tomorrow morning, it won't take very long will it?20:24
neil_Hi could somebody please help me get screen resolution right on a HP laptop with an external monitor?20:24
graftAr-Pharazon: it's a free SCP client for windows... it lets you copy files from any machine you can connect to via SSH (i.e., an ubuntu machine)20:24
ay^well it shouldn't take too long20:24
_Micki'm getting bad archive mirror all the time20:24
ay^but still winscp is easier20:24
ganastasiou_has anyone install netgear ma311 with hostap drivers?20:24
ay^I think20:24
ompaul!buttons | FAJALOU (this one should work better)20:24
ubotuFAJALOU (this one should work better): Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto20:24
LegionXblinkiz: does it recognize the DVD-R with the correct ammount of free space?20:24
ay^or.. its basically the same thing20:24
ay^Ar-Pharazon: But google winscp and install20:25
FAJALOUompaul thanks20:25
graftItaku: what exactly is going on? you're running vmware?20:25
iurihi there, my wireless netowking is not working20:25
iurihow do i set it up?20:25
Itakugraft: it didnt work before i set up vmware20:25
Itakugraft: it happens alot20:25
graftItaku: with what application?20:25
Itakugraft: just no sound comes out when i play a music20:25
d1gitalweird problem guys:  my panel won't load up unless i switch to another vt and killall gnome-panel   What's the matter?20:25
Ar-Pharazongraft: Ok, so what do I do after installing winscp?20:26
Itakuand ive done alsamixer and all20:26
ganastasiou_has anyone install netgear ma311 with hostap drivers?20:26
blinkizLegionX, Brasero says 4.4 GB free on DVD disc20:26
iurihow to install my wireless network on ubuntu?20:26
ay^Ar-Pharazon: you type scp username@Xpcans-adress.here20:26
ay^and it connects20:26
Itakuwoah wait nvm sound works20:26
_Mickany way to check if network is working from the installer?20:26
natalisushkaHi people, how can I know from command line for how long my computer was on?20:27
ay^natalisushka: uptime20:27
LegionXblinkiz: well.. i guess it just can't count then. haven't really met the same situation20:27
Starnestommynatalisushka: uptime20:27
graftAr-Pharazon: run winscp from your windows machine, and use it to connect to your ubuntu machine20:27
natalisushka<Starnestommy>: Thanks :) Is there another gui way?20:27
zishanhi everyone, anyone know where to learn all the linux commands???20:27
ay^zishan: google.com20:27
Ar-Pharazongraft: ok let me try that20:27
daekdroomit's impossible to learn all em.20:27
Itakuzishan: try command help20:27
blinkizLegionX, Okay, another solution to burn dvd image maybe? It was a console tool named mkisofs something...20:27
graftblinkiz: k3b?20:28
VSpikeI have a bunch of mail files in mime format in my spool.  How can I use the command line to extract the attachments?20:28
zishani am using windows xp right now, but want to change to ubuntu20:28
neil_Hi could somebody please help me get screen resolution right on a HP laptop with an external monitor?20:29
ay^zishan: there is more to linux and ubuntu than commands at this time20:29
WildChild7hello guys. How can I set up my linux so the only way user can login is through command line like: startx ?20:29
LegionXblinkiz: i think that just makes the iso.. not sure if it burns too20:29
ay^zishan: even tho commandline computing is surely very effective20:29
ay^zishan: but to get things up'n'running you shouldnät need to know all commands20:29
knoppix_alguien habla español20:29
ompaul!es | knoppix_20:29
ay^zishan: you could either google or ask in here as you play along with the OS20:29
ubotuknoppix_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:29
graftWildChild7: don't run a desktop manager like gdm20:29
WildChild7graft: how can I do that ?20:30
graftWildChild7: apt-get remove gdm, maybe. though that might try to uninstall all of gnome20:30
arunkalehow do i uninstall an app completely? i want to uninstall phpmyadmin properly and re-install it. apparently apt-get remove wasn't good enough20:30
zishanok... do you know if all the windows programs work in ubuntu20:30
Starnestommyarunkale: apt-get remove --purge packagename20:30
zishanlike visual studio 200820:30
Ubuntu--NewbieHow can I increase the number of Virtual Desktop? Current I have 2...But I have seen people using 420:30
VSpikeWildChild7: try update-rc.d -f gdm remove20:30
arunkaleStarnestommy: thanks20:30
graftzishan: are you for real? or is this just some lame trolling?20:30
Slartzishan: they don't.. not even close20:30
lopinHey, guys...  I just came back to my computer, and it said that someone was trying to use VNC to view my desktop?  Could I be in trouble?20:30
ay^zishan: well most of them dont, but there are very many good/better programs in linux doing the same/almost the same thing20:31
WildChild7VSpike: graft, i can't uninstall all gnome apps :D20:31
blinkizLegionX, growisofs was the command I was looking for20:31
ay^zishan: which app are you thinking of?20:31
d1gitalzishan: i doubt VS works in nix.. it uses a load of windows libraries though you could give wine a try...20:31
graftWildChild7: does apt-get remove gdm try to uninstall all of gnome?20:31
LegionXblinkiz: yeah, i just figured that too :)20:31
VSpikeWildChild7: my command just removes gdm form the startup programs20:31
zishanso, it is possible to program c#.net in ubuntu?20:31
neil_Ubuntu--Newbie, just rigt click on the desktop switcher and change the setting from propertys20:31
d1gitalyou can use Mono20:31
VSpikeWildChild7: it doesn't remove it from the system20:31
Slartzishan: there's always mono20:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mono - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:32
zishanwhat is mono?20:32
VSpikezishan: you can run VS in a virtual machine if you need to ... i do.20:32
Ubuntu--NewbieThanks! that was easy20:32
graftWildChild7: yeah VSpike's way is better20:32
boolkaHow come when I connect my laptop to lcd monitor via VGA cable it works. But when I use a VGA to RCA/svideo converter cable, it dont work? Do i have to modify the x.org file?20:32
Slartzishan: linux implementation of .net, afaik20:32
zishanok, thank you very much20:32
neil_Ubuntu--Newbie, no problem20:32
Ubuntu--NewbieVSpike - how much ram did you dedicate to your VM?20:32
Ubuntu--NewbieVSpike - VS needs a lot of ram i suppose20:33
d1gitalweird problem guys:  my panel won't load up unless i switch to another vt and killall gnome-panel   What's the matter?20:33
mrkeishiihow do i get Envyng core for Gutsy?20:33
Slartmrkeishii: envyng? what is that?20:33
Ar-Pharazongraft: Ok, so I installed winscp ut what's the hostname supposed to be?20:33
VSpikeUbuntu--Newbie: base RAM is set at 768MB (guest is XP) and it seems pretty snappy20:33
graftAr-Pharazon: you tell me dude... it's your machine20:33
_Lee_For some reason, Ubuntu says it can't read from the CD, is there a cause for this?20:33
mrkeishiisome driver20:33
mrkeishiiI need this program to use on Wine20:33
Ubuntu--NewbieVSPike - are you using VirtualBox?20:33
Slartmrkeishii: same thing as envy? then don't.. try !envy20:34
VSpikeUbuntu--Newbie: yeah20:34
arunkalegot it to work, phpmyadmin works fine now :)20:34
gabrieltomateI have a problem with my Broadcom wireless when upgrade the kernel 2.6.24-12 to 2.6.24-16. (BROADCOM wlan mini-PCI (rev 02)), Anybody could save me?20:34
zishananyone know where to download the full version of ubuntu with all the updates (dvd), i only find the cd in www.ubuntu.com20:34
graftAr-Pharazon: where is your buntu machine located? on the same LAN?20:34
mrkeishiihow do i get envy20:34
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »20:34
mrkeishiihow do i get envy20:34
Ar-Pharazongraft: I don't have a LAN. Just a crossover cat5.20:34
ay^you marry a good looking girl20:34
Slartmrkeishii: you do not need it.. we do not support it20:34
ay^I did..20:34
Starnestommymrkeishii: trust me, you don't want to use envy20:34
mrkeishiiso how do i play games on wine?20:34
graftAr-Pharazon: erm... well do you know how to set a static IP address?20:35
zishananyone know where to get the dvd version of ubuntu?? i only see the cd version20:35
Slartmrkeishii: you install wine.. and a graphics driver with 3d acceleration20:35
Ubuntu--Newbiemrkeishii - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/wine20:35
Stroganoffmrkeishii: http://appdb.winehq.org/20:35
Ar-Pharazongraft: I think it's already static for my winxp pc.20:35
Slartmrkeishii: wine is installed using synaptic.. drivers can be installed using restricted drivers manager20:35
gabrieltomateI have a problem with my Broadcom wireless when upgrade the kernel 2.6.24-12 to 2.6.24-16. (BROADCOM wlan mini-PCI (rev 02)), Anybody could save me? Work on 2.6.24-12 but dont on 2.6.24-16...20:35
ubotuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.20:35
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:36
zishananyone know where to download the full version of ubuntu with all the updates (dvd), i only find the cd in www.ubuntu.com20:36
Slartmrkeishii: it's on the ubuntu site.. but it's kind of out-of-the-way.. do you want the torrent?20:36
graftAr-Pharazon: what exactly is that crossover cable doing?20:36
rockstar_Can anyone suggest a way to install firefox 2 extensions in firefox 3 beta (packaged with hardy)?20:36
daireupgrading from 7.04 to 7.10 changed the preferences menu 'desktop effects' too _______________20:36
Lamegozishan, http://nginyang.uvt.nl/20:36
dairefill in the blanks please20:36
mrkeishiii already got the program20:37
dairei'm trying to bring up cube20:37
zishanok thnks everyone20:37
Ar-Pharazongraft: What do you mean? Nothing, currently. I'd like it to carry my stuff from my laptop to the pc.20:37
Lamego!scm | daire20:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about scm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:37
Ubuntu--Newbieyes I want to do that too....My Google Toolbar doesn't work in Firefox 320:37
dairelamego: ty20:37
Starnestommydaire: look in system > preferences > appearance20:37
menakcmancan I connect to a machine running Vista remotely ?20:37
menakcmanRDP ??20:37
Lamegosorry, i dont remember the factoid20:37
mitk0kHi guys, can anyone tell me how to play DVD movie in VOB format and load subtitles ?20:37
Lamegomenakcman, yes, using the rdp client20:37
dairechecked there already Starnestommy20:38
graftAr-Pharazon: okay... so neither your laptop nor your PC has any network connection right now?20:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about scm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:38
Ubuntu--NewbieI am looking for a Cisco VPN client for Ubuntu anyone knows where can I get one20:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lmms - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:38
=== LegionX is now known as nichlas
Slartzishan: here are the dvd's http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors bottom of page20:38
zishanok thanks everyone20:38
gregory!DVD > mitk0k20:38
peterpotI manually edited the touchpad section of my xorg.conf, restarted x server, and now ubuntu can't detect my screen and I have crappy resolution...20:38
dairelamego: ubotu doesn't know about scm20:38
zishani am definately trashing windows xp and installing ubuntu20:38
zishani hate win xp20:39
Ar-Pharazongraft: Sort of. The laptop was dual boot, the other OS is vista. I used to be able to share files between vista and xp, but I can't boot into vista anymore.20:39
menakcman@Lamego so what all do I need to give ?20:39
Lamegodaire, I dont remember the name, it's a compiz config manager20:39
Ubuntu--NewbieI am looking for a Cisco VPN client for Ubuntu anyone knows where can I get one20:39
graftAr-Pharazon: okay... so presumably your laptop has a wireless connection20:39
mitk0kanyone ?20:39
dairelamego: so it has been removed from ubuntu?20:39
Lamegodaire, no, it waws not20:40
VSpikeUbuntu--Newbie: kvpnc ?20:40
Ar-Pharazongraft: It does, yes.20:40
gregoryUbuntu--Newbie: try vpnc20:40
dairelamego: but it's no longer in the options20:40
Ar-Pharazongraft: The winxp pc doesn't have wireless though.20:40
ader10Is there a way to automatically update the grub menu? I installed windows and overwrote the mbr with grub but am not sure how to easily get windows on the list20:40
Ubuntu--Newbiecan i get these from the add/remove?20:40
Lamegodaire, try installing gnome-compiz-manager, or ask in #compiz20:40
menakcmanI  cannot connect using RDP , it is timing out20:40
graftAr-Pharazon: is the PC connected to the Net at all? presumably it is since it could talk to your laptop before...20:40
_Lee_What's wrong with this command? sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh20:40
BizMan2008anyone know of any ssh settings that would cause a vnc connection through putty to never fully connect?20:40
dairei have visual aeffects in appearance set to extra but it doesn't let me customize them.20:40
dairelamego: will do - ty20:41
amenadoader10-> did you read your menu.lst? i believe there are blurbs there on getting a windows entry20:41
_Lee_What's wrong with this command? sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh20:41
Ar-Pharazongraft: Er... Just to make sure we don't misunderstand each other, how is internet relevant?20:41
_Lee_What's wrong with this command? sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh ...20:41
ader10amenado: yes. I saved it and tried sudo update-grub but windows doesn't show on the kernel list20:41
Ar-Pharazongraft: They both connect to the internet through a wireless router.20:41
VSpikeader10: you could try sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub20:41
ompaul!repeat | _Lee_20:41
ubotu_Lee_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:41
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion20:41
J-a-k-ehi all any ideas why I get better sound in winxp, is it just a creative sound card support issue in ubuntu20:41
Lamegoops, i was missing one c20:42
mitk0kgregory, I can play the DVD file ( vob ) but I cannot load/choose subtitles20:42
graftAr-Pharazon: so... you do have a LAN, in other words20:42
zorglu_q. for VoIP, there is skype/ekiga... and what is the third big one ? i dont remember the name20:42
graftAr-Pharazon: what's your laptop's IP address?20:42
_Lee_What's wrong with this command? sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh ... PLEASE HELP.20:42
menakcmanI am on a LAN . I still cannot RDP :(20:42
danand__Lee_ - try sudo ./usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh20:42
SlartJ-a-k-e: could be.. what soundcard are you using?20:42
amenadoader10-> look at the file carefully, there are blurbs on how to add windows entries, they are commented out20:42
Ar-Pharazongraft: Well... Yeah. Kind of. I can't share files over *that* LAN though.20:42
danand__Lee_ - note the dot at the beginning...20:42
krannyHow can i make Greasemokey script work for firefox in linux20:42
graftAr-Pharazon: why can't you share files over it?20:43
_Lee_danand_: Still not a command it says.20:43
ader10amenado: I know...20:43
graftAr-Pharazon: if both machines are talking to the same router, they can almost certainly talk to each other20:43
Slart_Lee_: drop the "PLEASE HELP" stuff.. that file may not be executable.. i'd use "sudo sh /usr/share.....blablabla"20:43
amenadoBizMan2008-> on your putty client, is Enable X forwarding  checked?   X display location :0  ?20:43
_Mickso, anyone can help with netinstall?20:43
krannyActually i need to edit a text file to change the signature20:43
ay^_Lee_: do the file have execute permission?20:43
ay^_Lee_: or user with that file20:43
_Lee_sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh20:43
amenadoader10 so uncomment those and modify to get a windows entry20:43
ader10amenado: All I have to do is save that and it will work on the reboot? Nothing else?20:43
_Lee_sh: Can't open /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh20:43
Flare183Is it possible to get mouse trails on Ubuntu?20:44
Slart_Lee_: does the file exist?20:44
amenadoader10 commented directives will not be acted on, you have to uncomment the entries20:44
Ar-Pharazongraft: Well, that LAN (192.168.1.*) only has the router and the laptop. The pc is connected to the router by a cat5.20:44
_Lee_Slart, it should, I installed libdvdread3 ..20:44
danand__Lee_  - sudo ./usr/share.... see the dot before /usr20:44
Slart_Lee_: remember.. Linux is case sensitive..  Examples and examples isn't the same folder20:44
J-a-k-eSlart: it's a creative x-fi xtreme audio card20:44
ader10amenado: ... After I finish editing the file and save it, do I have to do anything else?20:44
ay^Ar-Pharazon: but they should be able to communicate via the router20:44
YuriQhow do I edit the list of entries in GRUB Boot menu?20:44
Ar-Pharazongraft: When I shared files between them I used 192.168.4.*, the pc was 4.1 and the laptop was 4.220:44
Slart_Lee_: use <tab> to autocomplete folders and files20:44
ay^Ar-Pharazon: I have the same set-up20:44
amenadoader10-> reboot?20:44
graftAr-Pharazon: they're probably still on the same LAN, i would guess20:45
Flare183YuriQ: /etc/grub/ or something like that20:45
chalcedonycan someone tell me about doing backups onto a different part of my own drive? i tried zipping my home directory, but it errors at the end because i keep using the computer while it's zipping. .. how to fix that?20:45
amenadoYuriQ-> use vim or nano as root20:45
Ar-Pharazonay^: Really? I thought the router was only good for internet access unless everyone has a wireless adapter.20:45
SlartJ-a-k-e: the x-fi isn't well supported in linux.. creative isn't playing nice with the other kids in the playground20:45
Flare183YuriQ: i know that the file is in the /etc folder20:45
ader10amenado: I seem to recall having to do something like update-grub, but it looks like that's not needed. Thank you!20:45
Ar-Pharazongraft: So how do I share files over the router?20:45
graftAr-Pharazon: well, just plug the ubuntu laptop's IP in as the hostname for winscp20:45
YuriQis there a graphical configuration utility for that?20:45
graftAr-Pharazon: it should prompt you for your ubuntu username and password, and then you'll be all set20:46
ay^Ar-Pharazon: no, I have wlan from my uber-1337 laptop and a wired connection to my stationary, and I amd ssh:ing from my laptop to stationairy as we speak20:46
Flare183!who > YuriQ (You talking to me?)20:46
Slart_Lee_: the path to that file is wrong.. mine is in /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/ .. not in examples etc20:46
Flare183!hi | tyler_20:46
_Lee_Slart: Don't blame me, blame https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html20:46
YuriQ@Flare183 sure20:46
tyler_I was curious about the taskbar is it changable?20:47
Itakuis it possible to login to GNOME as root?20:47
Slart_Lee_: I didn't blame anyone.. I just informed you20:47
Itakulike anyway in the world20:47
ubotutyler_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:47
danand__Lee_ - sudo ./usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh :)20:47
SlartItaku: yes.. but it isn't recommended, good for you, needed or safe20:47
Ar-Pharazongraft: So the window asks me for hostname, username and pass, the username and pass should be my ubuntu logins, is that right?20:47
ay^Itaku: well, it shouldnät be a problem if you got root access20:47
Flare183YuriQ: ok, gedit I guess20:47
Slartdanand_: drop the first dot20:47
ItakuSlart: i want to how do i?20:47
ay^Ar-Pharazon: yep!20:47
BizMan2008amenado: i dont need it set for any other linux box i have enabled vnc through ssh20:47
graftAr-Pharazon: yeah20:47
BizMan2008even when i add it though, it still doesnt work20:48
danand__Lee_ - sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh :)20:48
Flare183How do I get mouse trails on Ubuntu?20:48
d1gitalwhat compiz packages does gutsy come preinstalled with.. i uninstalled them to fix some problems and now i cant get it back20:48
geoyohello everyone! i downloaded adobe flash player, but i cannot install it, it says "archive type not supported" when i double-click the .RPM file. can anyone help me?20:48
_Lee_danand_: You lose, I did it already ..20:48
amenadoBizMan2008-> you keep insisting you dont have to, but does it work?20:48
danand__Lee_ - :P20:48
Ar-Pharazongraft: It says "connection failed". The details are "connection failed".20:48
crdlbd1gital: compiz20:48
chalcedonydoes anyone have a url for how to back up your stuff to a different section of your own drive please?20:48
graftItaku: why do you want to? It's almost always a bad idea20:48
Flare183!rpm | geoyo20:48
ubotugeoyo: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)20:48
gregorygeoyo: choose *tar.gz from the webpage20:48
ay^chalcedony: you could tar it20:48
SlartItaku: there is a switch somewhere.. gconf-editor perhaps .. I can't remember.. but you have been warned.. I'll taunt you if you come back with a broken install.. =)20:48
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash20:48
graftAr-Pharazon: can you ping the laptop from your windows machine?20:48
Itakugraft: im really lazy and im too lazy to use sudo and then time in my huge pass20:48
Itakui know all the warnings20:49
chalcedonyay^: yes .. i need step by step commands?20:49
SlartItaku: then ask us how to fix that instead20:49
tyler_Chalcedony if you have 2 harddrives try putting them all the important files on to it.20:49
Ar-Pharazongraft: Yeah.20:49
Itakumy responsibility blablabla20:49
SlartItaku: you can open a root shell if you want20:49
tyler_On to 1*20:49
Itakunaw i want root gnome20:49
Itakucan you just tell me?20:49
graftItaku: if you're lazy, you can just disable passwords, or open a root shell, or give yourself a long time before your sudo tickets run out, etc.20:49
tyler_Does anyone here know how to change my taskbar theme?20:49
Lamego!sudoroot | Itaku20:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sudoroot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:49
graftAr-Pharazon: are you running ssh on the ubuntu machine?20:49
chalcedonytyler-_: um yeah maybe .. i'd have to go outside and find a computer that has  working drive to salvage i guess.20:49
Lamego!rootsudo | Itaku20:49
ubotuItaku: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.20:49
ay^chalcedony: mkay well you could make a list of all the files, and then tell tar to tar those files20:50
SlartItaku: I don't know where exactly.. there is a switch somewhere .. something like "allow root to login to gnome".. it's enabled by default20:50
geoyogregory thanks, i have downloaded it, how can i install it now?20:50
Ar-Pharazongraft: Not as far as I know.20:50
chalcedonyay^: thousands20:50
d1gitalItaku log in as root from terminal and startx20:50
graftAr-Pharazon: well, you should probably do that first :)20:50
SlartItaku: might be in the login window preferences20:50
tyler_Chalcedony: you can also buy thumbdrives maybe burn some CD but that may be a hassle.20:50
OltreIrc`27323Hello?Are there Italian?Contact me!Please20:50
Itakuill look for it20:50
Ar-Pharazongraft: Er... How do I it, then?20:50
ay^chalcedony: mkay, you could tell it which folders20:50
Starnestommy!it | OltreIrc`2732320:50
ubotuOltreIrc`27323: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!20:50
Lamego!it | OltreIrc`2732320:50
Slart!it | OltreIrc`2732320:50
J-a-k-eSlart: that stinks, I'm something of an audio nut so will have to stay in winxp for now it seems. I know someone who has a m-audio card should be able to borrow it for an hour or so, m-audio even have linux drivers on their site.20:50
Boohbahdon't hurt the bot!20:50
Flare183hehe rush to the it20:51
SlartJ-a-k-e: yes.. it's very annoying.. email creative and tell them what you think.. seems they get a lot of fan-mail these days =)20:51
ay^chalcedony: say you wanted your homedir backed-up youd just tell tar to tar that dir and all files in it would get tared as well20:51
Oddarhello people, how do I use a patch-file20:51
gregorygeoyo: right click on the file and extract it.20:51
VSpikenow that's why I love linux.  Someone sent me a whole bunch of photos, one per email, all encoded as winmail.dat files.  Luckily I can use uudeview + tnef + a bit of bash to process the whole lot in one go straight from my spool and dump the files to my photos directory.20:51
chalcedonyay^: tyler-_ what i need is the step by step commands to back it up to another part of the same drive , tarring fist.. it's my home directory that has to be baked up before i upgrade to gutsy20:51
LamegoOddar, man patch20:52
tyler_Creative sound cards are not to die for I think they make sound, sound like shit.20:52
tyler_I bought one and it really sucked.20:52
jussio1!ohmy | tyler_20:52
ubotutyler_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:52
Flare183!language > tyler_20:52
Oddarlamego: yeah but the rest? im patching the kernel20:52
BizMan2008amenado:  yes it works on other machines20:52
tyler_My bad.20:52
gregoryOddar: is it a source code patch file?20:52
BizMan2008i have 2 othe rlinux boxes20:52
BizMan2008works fine20:52
BizMan2008its just htis one20:52
BizMan2008so its machine specific20:52
FloodBot2BizMan2008: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:52
Ar-Pharazongraft: Err... About the ssh...20:52
Flare183!enter > BizMan200820:52
chalcedonytyler-_: don't go anywhere, i appreciate your help20:52
LamegoOddar, man patch tells you all you need to know about patching itself :)20:53
Flare183dang it20:53
ay^tar -cvf /home/youname/ /the/location/for/backup/filename_of_backup.tar20:53
Lamegobetter tar -czvf (z for compressed)20:53
tyler_Anyone know anything about changing theme of those bars at top and bottum?20:53
ay^if you want that20:53
amenadoBizMan2008-> on the subject ubuntu box, can you try  do a local ssh login with X forwarding?20:53
Oddarlamego: thnx :)20:53
ay^chalcedony: tar -czvf /home/youname/ /the/location/for/backup/filename_of_backup.tar20:54
graftAr-Pharazon: about it?20:54
graftAr-Pharazon: oh, how to start it... um try sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start20:54
ay^there, left out the nick :) bad misstake in this chan20:54
LamegoTyczek, those are called "panels"20:54
J-a-k-eSlart:  haha yes I'm not surprised especially after the daniel_k incident20:54
ay^lol! chalcedony that was wrong20:54
Ar-Pharazongraft: sudo: /etc/init.d/ssh: command not found20:54
ay^its the other way around20:54
daireshould i use adobe flash or gnash swf for video in firefox?20:54
LamegoAr-Pharazon, you dont have the ssh server installed20:55
gregorydaire: first try gnash20:55
Lamegodaire, adobe flash20:55
SlartJ-a-k-e: yup.. I agree totally.. but this is bordering on !offtopic20:55
geoyogregory ok i have extracted it, what to do now? i'm sorry, i am a beginner20:55
chalcedonyay^: can i message you to show you my actual command?20:55
ay^chalcedony: sure, I think20:55
Slartdaire: adobe if you want it to work =)20:55
graftAr-Pharazon: err, odd. sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client20:55
gregorygeoyo: you have a new folder, open it, and start the installer program20:55
LamegoAr-Pharazon, sudo apt-get install openssh-server20:55
dairethis is new to me, and also cool, being presented with multiple options for plugin downloads20:55
juannicolasHi, I'm getting this problem when installing postgresql - http://pastebin.com/d6e4e41020:56
Slartdaire: gnash is a great initiative.. I wish them all well.. but it's got a bit to go20:56
dairek ty20:56
gregorySlart: whats the overall opinion in this channel? gnash or adobe? just asking, new here by myself20:57
virtigoHello, I hope to find someone who can help me with setting up internet on ubuntu20:57
geoyogregory thanks, it works now :) cool20:57
Ar-Pharazongraft, is this the right output:20:57
Ar-Pharazonarpharazon@Azat-Laptop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start20:57
Ar-Pharazon * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd                             [ OK ]20:57
FloodBot2Ar-Pharazon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:57
Lamegojuannicolas, which ubuntu version are you using ?20:57
Slartgregory: I think most people use adobe's flash20:57
gregorySlart: ok20:57
graftAr-Pharazon: yep, that's right... try again with the winscp thing20:57
Slartgregory: but I'm just guessing of course.. might be just me20:57
Lamegojuannicolas, sudo apt-get install -f20:58
juannicolassame error20:58
Ar-Pharazongraft: Connection failed again.20:58
TyczekLamego, ?20:58
virtigoIm not even sure how to tell if drivers are installed for the eithernet controller, and if not how to install them20:58
dairei can't get over how smooth this os is running20:59
gregorySlart: no me too, i just dont want to interfere with ubuntu packages if not neccesary20:59
dairesorry offtopic20:59
Slartgregory: interfere? adobes flash is available as a package..20:59
Slart!info flashplugin-nonfree | gregory20:59
ubotugregory: flashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 17 kB, installed size 156 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)20:59
juannicolasLamego, same error output20:59
amenadoBizMan2008-> have you tried yet? locally ssh login with X forwarding on that specific unbuntu?20:59
Lamegotry to remove the erroneous packages21:00
daireflashplugin-nonfree is taking a long time to install21:00
ichigoHi. I'm having problems setting my apache to resolve 2 sites on the same ip with different ports. http://apache.pastebin.ca/985085 there's my vhost configuration21:00
ichigoAny ideas ?21:00
Slartdaire: define "long time".. minutes? hours? days?21:00
Ar-Pharazongraft: I'm setting FTP as file protocol instead of SFTP, that can't be the problem can it?21:00
Lamegoichigo, try ##windows21:01
daireslart: 5 minutes21:01
sharperguyis there a package i can install to protect me somehow from ACK DoS attacks?21:01
graftAr-Pharazon: yep, that's the problem.21:01
WildChild7ok.. now that I'm in the x, how can I go out of x with a command line ? stopx ?21:01
Slartdaire: it might download something from adobe's site.. that could be what's taking time21:01
Ar-Pharazongraft: But the other ones ak for a private key file21:01
Ar-Pharazongraft: ask, I mean, not ak21:02
daireslart: it failed to install and is now trying to recover21:02
Oddarwhere is the linux kernel located?21:02
StarnestommyOddar: usually /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)21:03
Slartdaire: well.. you might have better luck tomorrow21:03
JSKHi, where can I enter a WPA2 Pre Shared key?21:03
LamegoOddar, you need to get it: sudo apt-get install linux-source21:03
BizMan2008amenado: yes i have tried to no avial21:03
graftAr-Pharazon: um. when do they ask for a private key?21:03
LamegoI believe you mean the linux kernel source21:03
daireSlart: is this because adobe don't really give a shit about linux users?21:03
daireit's trying a different ftp site now21:03
jussio1!ohmy | daire21:03
ubotudaire: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:03
EspenAOHi all, I have a question regarding a ubuntu installation... I'm not familiar using Linux (just a little FYI), but I have a laptop I want to remove XP on (which is installed now), but I don't have any cdrom, USB, nor any other removable media (except for a external harddrive which is empty). Does anyone if this is possible at all?21:03
tyler_!oh | tyler21:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oh - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:03
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amenadoBizMan2008-> that meant your local ubuntu does not allow X forwarding21:04
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Slartdaire: I try not to judge to quickly.. but there might be some truth in what you say21:04
WildChild7Anyone? I've automatically logged in by startx& and now I'm in a gdm... how can I stop x with command line ?21:04
djGentooI have a problem with networking21:04
EspenAOcould I just download the files and "install" it from xp?21:04
Ar-Pharazongraft: Well there was a field for it in the winscp window... Oh crap I feel really stupid now. It works anyway.21:04
djGentooWireless, IPW3945, E1505N21:04
=== nanomalefico is now known as epifanio
davetarmacHi all, i've got a VPN going with my works machine, but they run on Mac and I can't get access to the network drives from ubuntu - can anyone help?21:04
LamegoWildChild7, killall -9 X21:05
djGentooNetworkManager keeps trying and failing to connect over and over again21:05
amenadoWildChild7-> you are autologgedin via startx? how was that possible? to even run startx if you are not logged on?21:05
danand_WildChild7 - sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop?21:05
Oddarlamego: what do you meen? when i've installed ubuntu, isnt the kernel already installed?21:05
djGentooCan anyone help? Ubuntu 7.04.21:05
graftAr-Pharazon: all good now?21:05
Ar-Pharazongraft: It appears to work alright, thank you very much for the help21:05
ConexionI'm trying to close VLC media player... I hit exit on it... and the music is still playing... I tried to find the process to kill it, but it doesn't see the process and music keeps playing21:05
graftAr-Pharazon: sorry it was such a headache after all21:05
BizMan2008amenado: well i can vnc locally21:05
LamegoOddar, yes, but your question was about patching a kernel, patches are applied to sources, not to kernel binaries21:05
WildChild7danand_: I've tryed but gdm is there..21:05
BizMan2008amenado: its through ssh, only on that particular machine, i have the issue21:06
juannicolasroot@QOS:/etc# dpkg-reconfigure postgresql-7.421:06
WildChild7Amaranth: I'm remotely..21:06
hw00djohnhey, how do i kill a process in Ubuntu21:06
juannicolas /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: postgresql-7.4 is broken or not fully installed21:06
OddarLamego: ok so i need the linux-source to patch it21:06
graftLamego: well, you COULD have a binary patch, it's just not usual21:06
Lamegohw00djohn, kill pid21:06
djGentoohw00djohn: use kill or killall21:06
hw00djohnfirefox froze so i xkill'd it, but now i cant restart firefox21:06
djGentooanyone have an answer for my issue?21:06
amenadoBizMan2008-> am not sure if your command is correct, what is the exact command you type to ssh in locally  with X forwarding?21:06
Ar-Pharazongraft: meh, no problem. I'm just happy to finally have a way to backup my stuff... Stupid vista tricked me into locking myself out of the os.21:06
Conexionhw00djohn: in terminal - 'ps' to get the process ID then 'kill ID'21:06
djGentoohw00djohn: try this:21:06
Lamegograft, sure you could, but you dot not have :)21:06
hw00djohnokay, thank you21:06
djGentookillall firefox-bin21:06
djGentoothat should do it21:06
OddarLamego: even so, when i use apt-get to install linux-source... where would it be located?21:07
grafti prefer pkill21:07
graftpkill -9 -f firefox21:07
LamegoOddar, /usr/src/linux (if i still remember)21:07
daireSlart: is there a way to kill the applying changes synaptics window? i've tried just closing it and firefox already prompted me to force quit21:07
danand_kill -9 $(pidof firefox-bin) :)21:07
djGentooHe's gone.21:07
BizMan2008amenado: well i ahve not ssh'd from a linux to linux machine, just windows to linux, using putty21:08
djGentooAnyways, can anyone help me?21:08
danand_killed him :)21:08
djGentooI have an issue with NetworkManager on Feisty.21:08
=== zak is now known as zakke
amenadoBizMan2008-> well you didnt even do what I asked you to do...21:08
Slartdaire: hmm.. run xkill in a terminal and click on the window you want to kill21:08
BizMan2008amenado: then i misunderstood u21:08
ConexionI'm trying to close VLC media player... I hit exit on it... and the music is still playing... I tried to find the process to kill it, but it doesn't see the process and music keeps playing - Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy)21:08
BizMan2008amenado: can i ssh in and do what you need me ot do, i am at work21:08
djGentooI take that as a no?21:08
EspenAOdoes anyone know how to get ubuntu installed without any cdrom, usb, or whatever... got a thinkpad lite here...21:08
graftdanand_: pkill is superior to pidof and killall in that it can match substrings, so you need not have the exact name of the binary21:09
daireslart: cool ty, that was painless21:09
amenadoBizMan2008-> where is this ubuntu box?21:09
graftdjGentoo: maybe if you stated your issue, people could help?21:09
Slart graft, danand_ and pkill supports autocompleting using <tab> =)21:09
danand_graft - just wanted to give another kill command :)21:09
gregoryCorbinFox: in a console type: ps axu | grep vlc. what is the processid of vlc?21:09
djGentooI said there's an issue with NetworkManager, and that it tries and fails to connect over and over21:09
LamegoEspenAO, you need to have an external media to boot somwhoe21:09
ConexionI'm trying to close VLC media player... I hit exit on it... and the music is still playing... I tried to find the process to kill it, but it doesn't see the process and music keeps playing - Ubuntu 7.10.....anybody?21:09
gregoryConexion: in a console type: ps axu | grep vlc. what is the processid of vlc?21:09
graftSlart: it does? not my pkill... :(21:09
davetarmacHi all, i've got a VPN going with my works machine, but they run on Mac and I can't get access to the network drives from ubuntu - can anyone help?21:10
amenadoEspenAO-> two ways, if you already have linux on it, and if your ethernet supports  pxe booting21:10
danand_graft - that could also be dangerous though....21:10
gregoryCorbinFox: sorry21:10
LamegoConexion, ps -ef | grep vlc21:10
graftSlart: maybe my shell isn't cool enough21:10
chimpIf you install software using sudo make install, is there an automated way to remove it?21:10
BizMan2008amenado: at home21:10
BizMan2008i am at work21:10
Slartchimp: sudo make uninstall21:10
daireSlart: when i try to get gnash swf player now it tells me This usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) already running. Please close that application first.21:10
chimpi should have tried that21:10
graftdanand_: eh, kill is always a little dangerous... that just makes it more fun, in my opinion21:10
amenadoBizMan2008-> when you get home later, try to ssh locally with X forwarding21:10
Conexiongregory: It lists 1755 and 263521:10
chimpfeel stupid now21:10
Slartgraft: hmm.. odd.. afaik mine has always done that.. running gutsy21:10
djGentoograft: so nothing?21:10
Lamegochimp, use checkinstall make install, so that the software get's installed like a package, you can remove it later21:10
BizMan2008how do i do that sir21:10
CorbinFoxgregory: aheh, no worries21:10
BizMan2008what command amenado21:10
gregorynow type kill -9 175521:10
chimpi see lamega21:11
EspenAOamenado: got xp installed on it now ? so i was curious if there were any way to maybe partition my HD, then install it on there from windows... not sure, though21:11
csaisyo i have a question... how can i open the windows files while im using ubuntu? i mean how can i explore the windows partitions?21:11
Lamegochimp, most makefiles do not provide an uninstall rule21:11
grafterr, sorry, djGentoo - is it with all APs, or just one in particular?21:11
EspenAOamenado: sorry, no questionmark there after now21:11
Slartdaire: hmm.. I'd just try logging off and on again... or rebooting.. you could kill the processes.. but it might be easier to just restart21:11
daireslart: will do ty21:11
djGentooOnly one, but it's the only one I have a key for21:11
amenadoBizMan2008-> or if you have access to a linux box now, use your putty to log in with X forwarding and then attemp to log on to your home via ssh with X forwarding also21:11
danand_graft - :)21:11
ay^csais: they should be available to you in /media/21:11
djGentooAll the rest are protected and inaccessible.21:11
Conexiongregory: Lamego: That worked, awesome... now, what does grep do?21:11
graftdjGentoo: but it can scan fine, anyway...21:11
djGentoograft: Yes.21:11
Dinastycsais> go to Places->Computer21:11
LamegoConexion, man grep21:11
graftdjGentoo: and running dhcp by hand doesn't do it?21:12
BizMan2008amenaado: no, nothing here at work21:12
amenadoEspenAO-> maybe you can use windows bootloader, i have not tried myself, please google for it..21:12
djGentoograft: Haven't tried it...21:12
BizMan2008what command do i type in the terminal21:12
EspenAOamenado: thanks, appreciate it21:12
amenadoBizMan2008-> then try it when you get home later..21:12
_Rambaldi_what command will untar a bunch of tar.gz for me, tar xzvf *.gz does not work21:12
djGentoodhcpcd eth2?21:12
gregoryConexion: it takes the output from the ps command (| builds a pipe) and searches for the pattern string: "vlc"21:12
Slart!doesntwork | _Rambaldi_21:12
ay^Conexion:  is displays lines that match you criteria21:12
ubotu_Rambaldi_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:12
BizMan2008amenado: ok what do i type in, ive only used putty through windows21:12
davetarmaci've got a VPN going with my works machine, but they run on Mac and I can't get access to the network drives from ubuntu - can anyone help?21:13
csaisthanks dinasty21:13
_Rambaldi_what was that for Slart21:13
ConexionThanks everyone :)21:13
Slart_Rambaldi_: there must be some kind of error message?21:13
amenadoBizMan2008-> you have not used your ubuntu box yet? only windows stuff? then may I suggest learning linux a little bit via tutorials?21:13
ceckohi all, will I remain bootable after resizing /boot?21:13
djGentoo_Rambaldi_: try this: for i in *.tar.gz; do tar -zxvf $i; done21:13
graftdjGentoo: over here it's dhcbd for some reason... but whatever runs your ship21:13
cecko(my partitions go in this order: /boot /windowz  "/"  /home)21:13
BizMan2008amenado: no i have used ubuntu for well over a year now21:13
djGentooI'll try it and be back, thanks for the hint.21:13
BizMan2008ive never used ssh linux to linux21:13
graftdjGentoo: oh mine runs through dbus, how irritating21:13
LamegoBizMan2008, if you need X11 forwarding, ssh -X host21:14
djGentoograft: Your dhcpd or NetworkManager?21:14
graftdjGentoo: my dhcpd21:14
amenadoBizMan2008->  in command line  ssh -X localhost21:14
Slart_Rambaldi_: I just meant that "doesn't work" isn't really a good description.. are there error messages in syslog? do you get any output in the terminal? does the computer reboot?21:14
dikdusthi on lts (6.06) Is there a way to apt-get new kernels ?21:14
graftdjGentoo: but, networkmanager is also part of that whole dbus tangle21:14
tyler_I need help my sound went off It was working like 5 minutes ago it's all pluged in everything.21:14
BizMan2008ok now i use private key to get in21:14
chimpIf you mess up an install is there a way to reset all its settings/configs files etc without reinstalling the os?21:14
Lamegodikdust, no, you would get into troubles21:14
BizMan2008how would i include that21:14
Lamegochimp, for a particular package, yes, remove it with --purge and reinstall it21:15
graftdjGentoo: you could (a) kill dbus and (b) download dhclient, etc., and go the old-fashioned route, see if that works21:15
chimpLamego: i mean more generally21:15
Slartchimp: I don't think there is a "reset everything to default" button.. what did you mess up?21:15
LamegoBizMan2008, you dont need a private key to login21:15
Lamegochimp, no21:15
Moofius"virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory"21:15
graftdjennewe: dhcp3-client is still in the repository21:15
Dinastydikdust, to play with other kernels, you cant use apt-get, unless you write a install script for it21:15
dikdustLamego, I mean, if I want to exclude bug fixes I need to recompile myself , there aren't a rep21:15
YuriQI have really ugly Bold fonts in my Firefox, especially in GMail - they are extremely thick, and letters are squished together21:15
BizMan2008Lamego: how is that? thats how i set it up21:15
graftdjennewe: never mind that, that was for djGentoo, who apparently died21:15
Lamegodikdust, yes, you will need to build it yourself21:15
dikdustok thanks Dinasty and Lamego21:15
YuriQI've followed a lot of the tutorials on ubuntuforums21:15
SlartYuriQ: perhaps you don't have the ms fonts installed?21:16
dikdustI guess I can wain for next lts :P21:16
LamegoBiohazard, hum ? the sshd is setup to request for a private key ?21:16
chimpIs ubuntu server, not so messed up but im trying to get vlc 0.9 compiled with ffmpeg compiled using swscale, i messed it up and have given up, but it made compiling vlc normally impossible for some reason21:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mstcorefonts - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:16
dikdustthan upgrade21:16
cchildcan someone help with this bootup warning? " modprobe: WARNING: Error inserting padlock_sha"21:16
Lamegoi meant bizman21:16
YuriQSo, once I have them installed - what are the Firefox settings that I have to do?21:16
Jack_Sparrowslart  two tt's21:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefonts - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:17
tyler_Can anyone help????21:17
noob13with what?21:17
tyler_I just lost all my sound21:17
Jack_Sparrow!find msttcorefonts21:17
ubotuFound: msttcorefonts21:17
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer21:17
tyler_It was all working 2 seconds ago21:17
dikdustfor the damned ati hd 2600 I need to run "sudo dkms remove -m fglrx -v 8.471 --all" .. Is there any other method to "clean" kernel ?21:17
SlartYuriQ: try running this in a terminal, "sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts".. then restart firefox and try again21:17
SlartThanks, Jack_Sparrow21:18
Jack_Sparrowtyler_, what did you run or install just before things changed21:18
noob13tyler_: perhaps u unplugged your speakers or turned your volume down?21:18
Jack_SparrowSlart,  np21:18
tyler_All is pluged in21:18
tyler_all I recall installing was21:18
cchildcan someone help with this bootup warning: " modprobe: WARNING: Error inserting padlock_sha" ?21:18
tyler_some python21:18
daireSlart: now i get the error E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.  and it tells me to report it, my firefox windows are all frozen again21:18
Slartdaire: then do that.. "sudo dpkg --configure -a"21:19
Slartdaire:  =)21:19
menakcmanhow to connect to a remote desktop running Vista ??21:19
dikdustor reenable restricted drivers but I guess there isn't on 6.0621:19
daireoh i did, but i didn't know i had to put sudo in21:19
roicohi... should i install the 64-bit or the 32-bit version?21:19
daire(i haven't learned what commands do yet:)21:19
graftroico: do you have a 64-bit machine?21:19
YuriQI jsut ran apt-get install msttcorefonts21:19
graftroico: then i guess there's some benefit in installing the 64-bit version, eh21:19
tyler_If it helps I'm running 86x21:19
YuriQit came back with: Couldn't get cwd: No such file or directory21:20
Ar-Pharazongraft: Err... There's a problem, namely this is kinda slow.21:20
Jack_Sparrowtyler_, you need to be more specific21:20
graftAr-Pharazon: how slow?21:20
mad_max02I cant play a video file with mplayer32 anymore21:20
daireSlart: it's asking me for the sude password for my account, but i haven't set a sudo one and it won't take my regular password21:20
Jack_Sparrowtyler_, was is stuff from our repos or from outside sources21:20
mad_max02it says "Option [gnome-mplayer] needs a parameter at line 421:20
Ar-Pharazongraft: Like, about a week to send over all of my stuff. Literally a week.21:20
tyler_My sound was playing fine then when I was playing chess I wanted 3D chess so I looked for some python updates21:20
Slartdaire: check caps lock and typos21:20
graftAr-Pharazon: rate? kb/s?21:20
dikdust64bit version gives many problems21:20
laurier57hi, I just installed 4gb of ram on an abix ip35 pro and bios is seeing 4, but xubuntu gutsy is only seeing 3.29gb. is there a pae kernel or ???21:20
tyler_The stuff was from that updater.21:20
Slartdaire: sudo password is your user password.. the same one you use to log in21:21
menakcmanhow do I connect to a remote desktop running Vista ??21:21
roicodikdust, what problems?21:21
daireit's doing stuff21:21
dikdustroico, limited software, wine doesn't run properly21:21
cchildcan someone help with this bootup warning: " modprobe: WARNING: Error inserting padlock_sha" ?  blacklist did not work21:21
Ar-Pharazongraft: The ethernet card is 10 Mbps, but it went back and forth between 30 and 40 kb/s21:21
BizMan2008yeah is 64 bit still not stablke enough, or have stable enough packages to warrent using?21:21
Lamegoroico, apart from wine, I didn't had any issues with 64 bits21:22
dikdustBizMan2008, I have tried it on 6.0621:22
Slartcchild: have you googled for that error message? there seems to be some threads about it in the forums21:22
dikdustand wine for me is a must21:22
Jack_Sparrowtyler_, I am involved with another issue atm.. try to find out what exactly you installed before you had the problem..  and if any of your repos are not-official repos21:22
Lamego64 bits is stable !!!21:22
BizMan2008dikdust: what do u tihink21:22
tyler_It was openGL21:22
roicookay... i don't think i need wine, at least not now21:22
SlartBizMan2008: 64bit is stable.. but some things are just not available21:22
tyler_Python I installed21:22
BizMan2008causei have a core duo machine, with 4gigs21:22
cchildslart, yes21:22
Ar-Pharazongraft: my other ethernet card is 100 mbps though21:22
BizMan2008that i use for my server at home21:22
BizMan2008buti have 32bit ubuntu instlaled21:23
dikdustI can't remember but apart wine I haved other problems21:23
daireslart: we have adobe flash :)21:23
Slartdaire: yay.. success =)21:23
cchildslart google was opt # 1 but the proposed solution did not work21:23
graftAr-Pharazon: that's definitely not right...21:23
tyler_Is there a backup from last restart.21:23
graftAr-Pharazon: the ethernet shouldn't be the limiting factor, the wireless connection should be21:23
dikdustI think that kernel updates should be inclued in ubuntu lts21:24
Slartcchild: well.. I can't help you any further.. I just saw that there were some threads about it...21:24
dikdustalmost security bug21:24
Lamego!ot | dikdust21:24
ubotudikdust: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:24
graftAr-Pharazon: do you normally have issues with your wirelss being slow?21:24
dikdustLamego, ubotu sorry :P21:25
cchildslar, yes there is a thread and it points to another which i have tried21:25
Ar-Pharazongraft: No but my ISP gives me 100 kb/s anyway.21:25
roicoLamego, what about flash and java?21:25
mad_max02Can anyone help me with 32bit mplayer ???  I cant play a video file with mplayer32 anymore. it says "Option [gnome-mplayer] needs a parameter at line 421:25
graftAr-Pharazon: ow. is your wireless 802.11b or 802.11g?21:26
BizMan2008if im only using my box to surf web, download, listne to music, burn stuff, watch videos... is it worth to get 64 bit ubuntu?21:26
Lamegoroico, both work fine for me21:26
BizMan2008also, do the 32bit programs work on it?21:26
csaiscan anyone tell me where can i find some tutorials for coding? for beginners, im totally new at it21:26
roicoLamego, okay, great...21:26
SlartLamego: you can use Java applets in firefox on 64bit?21:26
graftcsais: amazon.com21:26
cchildthanks anyways21:26
Ar-Pharazongraft: it says "Mixed (11b+11g)"21:26
Lamegoroico, you can setup a 32bits chroot in case you need a 32 bits app21:26
tyler_I may reinstall ubunto21:27
davetarmaci've got a VPN going with my works machine, but they run on Mac and I can't get access to the network drives from ubuntu - can anyone help?21:27
graftAr-Pharazon: nein, that's how your router is set up... what does your laptop do?21:27
eaxCan anyone tell me how to make ACPI see my laptop battery, I'm running Feisty (7,04) on an Acer TravelMate 431021:27
graftAr-Pharazon: /sbin/iwconfig should tell you21:27
graftAr-Pharazon: it shoudl also tell you the expected bitrate21:27
Ar-Pharazongraft: 11g21:27
csaisthanks graft but i don0t want to buy a book i just want some tutorials  where i can get started21:27
Ar-Pharazongraft: And that's 54 Mb/s21:27
graftcsais: a book is your best bet, really21:28
csaisoh thank you, which one do u suggest?21:28
Ar-Pharazongraft: Wouldn't it be easier/faster to do this over the ethernet cards and not involve the router?21:28
graftcsais: been years since i read one, but the one i used was 20 years old - "The C programming language", by Dennis Ritchie +  Brian Kernighan21:29
csaisight i'll look for it, thanks21:29
LamegoSlart, to be honest I am not sure, I said it is ok as in I didn't found any problems with java enabled pages21:29
graftAr-Pharazon: you have to involve the router somehow, but you could plug your laptop into the router via your crossover cable and avoid the wireless21:29
mohbanais it possible to reduce my monitor brightness from with ubuntu (not using the buttons on the monitor)?21:29
SlartLamego: hang on.. lemme find an url to try21:29
_Rambaldi_is there channel for themes?21:30
Lamego!themes | _Rambaldi_21:30
ubotu_Rambaldi_: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy21:30
eaxCan anyone tell me how to make ACPI see my laptop battery, I'm running Feisty (7,04) on an Acer TravelMate 431021:30
djGentooI checked, and my system doesn't have dhcpd, dhcpcd, or anything like that.21:30
Ar-Pharazongraft: I'd have to pull my pc out of it for that. The pc doesn't have wireless at all, except through the router.21:30
csaisgraft: another question, which is the best way to get used to linux?, reading, forums, tutorial, or just use it21:30
graftAr-Pharazon: your router only has one wire port?21:30
Ar-Pharazongraft: Yeah21:31
graftcsais: just use it21:31
graftAr-Pharazon: hm. well, i'd buy a switch in any case, they're only like $2021:31
noodlesgccsais experience is the best21:31
dan1eljoin #ubuntu-de21:31
graftAr-Pharazon: as for your connectivity issue... difficult to say.21:31
csaisok thanks21:32
graftAr-Pharazon: run this on your lappy, see how it does: http://www.bandwidthplace.com/21:32
Michael88is there a way to make a NTFS HDD to ext3 without loseing the data on it???21:32
mohbanais it possible to reduce my monitor brightness from with ubuntu (not using the buttons on the monitor)?21:32
SlartLamego: try this url, http://tempus.sp.se/applet/Paron_swe_2.html   it's a computer clock accuracy applet.. doesn't work for me21:33
Michael88!info format21:34
ubotuPackage format does not exist in gutsy21:34
graftAr-Pharazon: actually that one sucks, try this cnet one: http://reviews.cnet.com/7004-7254_7-0.html21:34
LamegoSlart, doesn't work for me neither :(21:34
Slartmohbana: yes.. if your monitor supports it.. search for i2 something.. i2c perhaps21:34
SlartLamego: hrmpf.. to bad.. got my hopes up for a while =)21:34
Ar-Pharazongraft: So, um...21:34
mohbanaSlart, sorry i am confused21:35
YuriQif I modify .fonts.conf21:35
YuriQhow soon are the changes in effect?21:35
Slartmohbana: it's a protocol for controlling your monitor from your computer.. and you can get info from the monitor too21:35
Distraughtcan someone help me?21:35
omnz0rDistraught: with what?21:36
Stroganoffecho -n 100 > /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness21:36
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:36
Ar-Pharazongraft: Sorry I dropped from the server... Yes only 1 port on router. So?21:36
Distraughti "lost" a partition21:36
YuriQDistraught: what's the issue?21:36
Distraughti tried everything21:36
Distraughtnothing worked21:36
YuriQDistraught: give much greater detail21:36
dubbyhey anyone, what is ubufox, how does it differ from firefox, and why does my synaptic update want to install it?21:36
Slartmohbana: there is an applet for the gnome-panel.. "monitor profile switcher" that can do it21:36
YuriQwhat are the partitions originally, what tools did you use, etc.21:36
tokeihi everybody... is there anyone who is using latex-make? i get a "no rule to make target" error and the manual isn't helping... :/21:37
StroganoffDistraught: http://btjunkie.org/torrent/Ultimate-Recovery-CD-2008-52in1-AIO/4333199f4c630cc55a519067f25b9f178eb38e8fac0421:37
Distraughti have an 80 GB HDD and i was installing ubuntu. I was in a hurry so i chose automated install21:37
graftAr-Pharazon: well, so you have two options if you want a wired connection: (1) figure out how to setup your laptop with a static ip and wire it directly to your PC, or (b) buy a switch for $2021:37
Distraughtmy seconf partition was lost21:37
LamegoDistraught, was lost, how ?21:37
Distraughti can;t get it21:37
Ar-Pharazongraft: 1 doesn't sound so bad.21:38
Distraughtgpart gparted testdisk21:38
Distraughtnothing worked21:38
Distraughtmy HDD is shown as 40 GB21:38
YuriQdude, stop panicking, first of all, and talk slowly. how big were the partitions initially?21:38
Distraught2 partitions of 40GB each21:39
Lamegoalso explaining how they were "lost" could be helpfull21:39
YuriQwhat filesystems on each?21:39
Ar-Pharazongraft: So how do I set up a static IP?21:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about a - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:39
graftAr-Pharazon: potentially it isn't... the rough outline is: write down the IPs of both machines, set them both up with the same static IP, then wire them together and repeat your SCP thing21:39
Distraughtlamego i was installing ubuntu and setup failed21:39
graftAr-Pharazon: in linux you can probably right-click on network manager and do it...21:40
YuriQso, currently, you are in ubuntu - your HDD is what device?21:40
chester_manyone knows how can i define a display size in VBoX?21:40
YuriQis it SATA? PATA?21:40
graftAr-Pharazon: on windows i'm not sure, you'll have to crawl around in the system settings thing, but it shouldn't be too hard21:40
LamegoDistraught, the ubuntu install does not delete partitions unless you tell him to do so :)21:40
Distraughti tried to install again i did it and my hdd is not shown21:40
mad_max02Can anyone help me with 32bit mplayer ???  I cant play a video file with mplayer32 anymore. it says "Option [gnome-mplayer] needs a parameter at line 421:40
djGentoograft: Nope, dhcdbd didn't help at all.21:40
LamegoDistraught, you are refering to 2 partitions on a single disk, or 2 disks ?21:40
Distraught2 partitions21:40
djGentooI ran it as root and as a normal user21:40
djGentooand neither had any effect21:40
Distraughti don;t care where the data is i just need my capacity ( got a backup)21:41
Ar-Pharazongraft: The IP for windows stays at so I'm guessing it's already static.21:41
Distraughtany deas?21:41
LamegoDistraught, if you dont care about yourt data you just need to create the second partition21:41
YuriQtype in "df" and paste it in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21:41
graftAr-Pharazon: no, just your router consistently assigns it the same IP21:41
graftAr-Pharazon: it almost certainly uses DHCP21:41
djGentoograft: No ideas?21:41
LamegoDistraught, sudo fdisk -l21:41
Distraughtlamego you didn;t get it there is no other partition no unpartitional space anything21:42
Ar-Pharazongraft: It's static or the other ethernet card too.21:42
Distraughtsoz nothing.onlu 40 gb21:42
Ar-Pharazongraft: I can ping both ways over the crossover now, btw21:42
LamegoDistraught, sudo fdisk -l21:42
graftdjGentoo: nein, other than googling your card for similar reports21:42
djGentoograft: :(21:42
Lamegoand post it on pastebin21:42
MoofiusHow to enable universe/multiverse repositories?21:42
Pelicanyeah mycelium21:42
graftAr-Pharazon: you have two cards in that thing?21:42
Distraughti allready tried that21:42
Lamego!repos | Moofius21:43
ubotuMoofius: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories21:43
LamegoDistraught, grrr, do it and pastebin it21:43
graftAr-Pharazon: in the PC i mean?21:43
Lamegoif you want help, provide the required info please21:43
* chalcedony smiles21:43
Moofiusin the console that is :P21:43
Distraughtlamego http://pastebin.com/m76bd5c0521:43
LamegoMoofius, sudo nado /etc/apt/sources.lst21:44
mad_max02Can anyone help me with 32bit mplayer ???  I cant play a video file with mplayer32 anymore. it says "Option [gnome-mplayer] needs a parameter at line 4". What should I do ??21:44
chester_mwhere i can find the addons to virtualbox'21:44
LamegoDistraught, the linux kernel is identifying that disk with a 40 GB capacity21:44
Ar-Pharazongraft: yep21:44
chester_mthere are no on repos21:44
tokeiMoofius: run "sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list" and remove the comments from the respective lines...21:44
Distraughtlamego that;s what i am saying but my disk is 40GB (any idea how to fix this?)21:45
Distraughtlamego that;s what i am saying but my disk is 80GB (any idea how to fix this?)21:45
Jack_SparrowMoofius, you can also go to system..admin..software sources and enable them there21:45
MoofiusJack_Sparrow: not from ssh ;)21:45
Ar-Pharazongraft: I think I got winscp to work over the crossover.21:45
Angela_Smithhi all, What do we use to configure compiz? is it the gnome-compiz-manager? or is there something better I should use? TIA :)21:46
=== chryss_ is now known as chryss
LamegoDistraught, have you checked your bios options for the disk config ? I remember that were some options that could affect the disk size detection, on older bios21:46
Ar-Pharazongraft: it says "1,494 Kib/s"21:46
Pelicanswiftfox / firefox crashes like its going out of style21:46
graftAr-Pharazon: nice21:46
Moofius"FATAL -> Failed to fork."21:46
Moofiusfrom apt-get21:46
Lamegoduring boot does the BIOS properly reports the disk size ?21:46
Distraughtlamego i never checked bios (siemens notebook) because it does't allow any config21:46
LamegoDistraught, well, does it report the disk size at boot ?21:47
Ar-Pharazongraft: That's 1.5 MB/sec, correct?21:47
Jack_SparrowPelican, How did you install flash/gnash and what addons did you put in.. is this ff3 or the ff supplied with ubuntu21:47
Distraughtlamego no it only shows that i have a hard disk ( no size)21:47
LamegoDistraught, I am not aware of any x86 PC from this century without some kind of BIOS config :P21:47
Distraughtlamego my english is bad sorry21:47
LamegoDistraught, btw, you mentioned you did a Ubuntu install, so why the only listed partition is NTFS ?21:48
=== monobi is now known as Monobi
Lamegowhy is21:49
almostdvswill somebody please tell me what it is that keeps renaming my windows partition    e.g.  /media/disk/...  to /media/disk-2/..21:49
Distraughti'm running live cd now and i tried many ways to get my capacity back .. it's formated ( i told you i don't care about the data)21:49
Pelicangnash was synaptic installed firefox 2m jack sparrow21:49
graftAr-Pharazon: maybe, dunno what they mean by Kib21:49
Distraughtlamego i'm running live cd now and i tried many ways to get my capacity back .. it's formated ( i told you i don't care about the data)21:50
Jack_SparrowDistraught, start from the bios...21:50
LamegoDistraught, your issue is not Ubuntu related, since you have windows installed you can also check from it that your disk size is 40 GB, if you do have a physical 80GB disk you probably have a misconfiguration at the BIOS level21:50
Distraughti can't do any configs there21:50
OsirysI need help21:50
ay^graft: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kibibit21:50
Lamegoor, your BIOS does not support such a larger disk (which also happens with very old BIOSes)21:51
OsirysI have to add a new user in my system, and then connnect within with ssh21:51
Lamegoosimoveit, man adduser21:51
Lamegoops, Osirys21:51
Osirysaduser than?21:51
Pelicangoddamnit i am a good drummer21:51
Lamegoosimoveit, man adduser, it provides a detailed help21:51
almostdvswill somebody please tell me what it is that keeps renaming my windows partition  e.g. /media/disk/... to /media/disk-2/..21:52
Distraughtlamego do you think if i update the bios maybe fix the problem?21:52
graftay^: if only people adhered so nicely to conventions21:52
LamegoDistraught, eventually yes21:52
Distraughtlet's try...21:52
erUSUL|enter | Osirys21:53
erUSUL!enter | Osirys21:53
ubotuOsirys: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:53
Distraughti'll be back ether to say thnx either to try something else21:53
almostdvswill somebody please tell me what it is that keeps renaming my windows partition  e.g. /media/disk/... to /media/disk-2/..21:53
the-killerHello how to recover grub21:53
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:53
LamegoDistraught, you will need to recreate your partitions21:54
almostdvscan somebody tell me how to remove older kernels?21:55
Lamego(in case your disk gets properly recognized)21:55
Distraughtlamego i don;t care about the data i've got backups on a fileserver21:55
the-killeri have slackware and windows and ubuntu installed and when i had update slackware kernel i have a kernel panic when i boot with slax so i need to rebuild grub anyone can help pliz ?21:55
Distraughtlamego i just want the capacity back21:55
Lamegoalmostdvs, sudo apt-get remove linux-image-version21:55
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:56
jaffarkelshacalmostdvs, i get that name issue as well did you get a fix for it? the /media/....21:56
almostdvsLamego: will that get rid of all the older kernels21:56
Lamegothe-killer, follow the ubotu instructions21:56
Lamegoalmostdvs, no, you need to specify the older kernels21:57
cdxhow are you21:57
almostdvsso "linux-image-version" is a variable21:57
Lamegoalmostdvs, dpkg -l linux-image*21:58
almostdvsyour losin me...21:58
Lamegoalmostdvs, yes, I mean, linux-image-version, where version is one of the installed versions21:58
chalcedonydoes anyone have a recommendation for a regular low-priced dvd burner that i can buy locally?21:58
Lamegothe dpkg command allows you to list all the kernel packages, ii means installed21:59
chalcedonywe have bought two sony dvd burners.. both don't work21:59
jordsmy asus works well....21:59
almostdvsLamego: can you give me a sample line21:59
chalcedonyjords: ty22:00
Lamegoalmostdvs, sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic22:00
tawtwhat do you guys use to burn .iso ?22:02
ubotuTo burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto22:02
SlartI use brasero22:02
the-killeri need only to re apply grub <Lamego>22:02
the-killeri cant find that on site22:02
Lamegothe-killer, you just need to chroot into yor root dir, and grub-install, yes, that is described on the grub how to22:03
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:03
zero__hey if i install the beta, will i be able to upgrade to the stable when it comes out?22:04
Lamegozero__, yes, but for hardy, gor to #ubuntu+122:04
Slartzero__: yes22:04
BrightEyes`hello. how does the ext3 file system work?22:06
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org22:06
StroganoffBrightEyes`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext322:06
BrightEyes`Lamego which is the best filesystem supported from linux?22:06
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:06
LamegoI would keep with ext322:06
zero__gettin no help in there, how to upgrade to beta?22:07
Lamegozero__, keep asking there, here we don't use it22:07
Lamegoand reading the topic is always a good start when joining a channel22:08
jorgenptI'm running amarok and it's using 96% on a dualcore 2GHz. When I search in the media lib the music stutters. Can someone recommend a lightweightish mediaplayer with a medialib?22:08
BrightEyes`i didnt know that the ext3 filesystem need defragmentation. why is that? doesnt the filesystem moves the data blocks so they will all be near to their familiar?22:08
Lamego!defrag | BrightEyes`22:08
ubotuBrightEyes`: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this. A package "defrag" is available in !Universe, however its use is not safe, and is generally not needed.22:08
bofeI'm interested in setting up a static IP address for my Gutsy box. I need to be able to do this from the command line. Any ideas?22:08
almostdvsLamego:  does vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic sound like an appropriate kernel name;   i just don't want to eff up my stuff22:09
Lamegobofe, you just need to edit /etc/network/interfaces22:09
bofeLamego: I'm in that file. I'm not sure what to put in for "broadcast" or "network"22:09
iclebytebofe, sudo ifconfig eth0 192.168.100.x netmask broadcast up22:09
Lamegobofe, those specific values depend on your network config22:09
Steven1I'm still having problems getting a working display driver for my card and monitor. Any ideas?22:10
Lamegoif you have other computers already configured, or dchp, check their config22:10
BSG75to install 64 ubuntu on an intel machine .. do I use the amd64 iso?22:10
Lamegoalmostdvs, linux-image-blah-blah, sounds, the vmlinuz is the kernel file, not the package name22:11
bofeLamego: Okay. I want the IP to be -- the router IP is It's connected to the network right now via DHCP.22:11
BSG75grr let me ask that again .. to install 64bit ver of ubuntu do I use the amd64 iso?22:11
Steven1Anyone know how to get my ATI Radeo x850 card drivers working and also my monitor as well.22:11
Lamegogw is the
LamegoBSG75, yes22:11
BSG75Lamego: thanks .. they should really consider renaming that iso from amd64 to just 64bit22:12
BSG75it's bloody confusing22:12
Lamegobofe, if it's connected with dchp right now, just check the config with: ifconfig22:12
Benderhow do you set up a network bridge from wlan0 to eth022:12
LamegoBSG75, and you should read how is it called AMD64 :P22:12
BSG75Lamego: you a funny man :) .. I am reading now and realizing how stupid my question was22:13
Steven1I've tried everything I can think of but can't get my video card and monitor to work higher than 800x600 at 24-bit.22:13
BSG75Lamego: but I still stand by my comment of changing the name from amd64 to just 64 :)22:13
jorgenptWhen I search in the media lib under Amarok on a dualcore 2GHz, the music stutters. Can someone recommend a lightweightish mediaplayer with a medialib?22:13
Benderhow do you set up a network bridge from wlan0 to eth0?22:13
Steven1jorgenpt: Doesn't xmms have a media lib?22:14
LamegoBender, I guess you mean routing ? since both are on different nets ?22:14
bofeLamego: I've got the ifconfig output here. http://pastebin.ca/985216 I set broadcast, but I still am not sure what to put for "network".22:14
jorgenptSteven1: Does it?22:14
Benderto make my xbox work on it22:14
Lamegoor maybe its bridging :P22:14
Benderand yes22:14
Steven1jorgenpt: I think so. It's pretty much a clone of winamp.22:14
jorgenptI only think it had a playlist?22:14
ay^Steven1: i think it doesnt22:15
BSG75bender: are you trying to give your xbox ip via dhcp?22:15
Steven1jorgen: Well nevermind then. Still a cool player though.22:15
ay^It has playlist, but the medialibrary i think is missing22:15
BSG75do you have a dhcp server running?22:15
Quentin`Hey there :)22:15
BSG75bender: if not .. google ubuntu dhcp server howto22:15
Steven1So anyone help me get my display working?22:15
Charlie_Steigerhey uhh can anyone tell me how to configure my sound card on ubuntu 7.10?22:15
BSG75bender: there is a good wiki on the ubuntu wiki22:16
Lamegobofe, there is no "network" field22:16
lazarusi am not happy22:16
almostdvshow do i restart and shut down from terminal22:16
ay^Steven1: I presume you have all the drivers needet working22:16
Steven1Me either lazarus. I upgraded to Hardy, and now my graphics don't work right.22:16
ay^almostdvs: reboot22:16
BSG75bender: it's pretty easy to follow .. holler if you get it all up and running and need a hand then :)22:16
Lamegoface eth0 inet static address blahblah netmask blahblah gateway blahblah22:16
harveydhad a slight problem installing the hardy heron beta, when I login to the normal session, it accepts the password, starts loading, the goes back to the login screen22:16
Charlie_Steigercan someone PLEASE help me!22:16
ay^or, 'sudo reboot' perhaps22:16
doodleCan someone help me?  When i boot up my xubuntu 7.10 laptop, i sign in, adn then i just get a mouse icon and an orange screen.  It started up fine before but when i tried to uninstall a few programs, it froze.  When i rebooted, this is what happened.  I tried starting up with failsafe, but same thing happens.22:16
lazarussecond hdd screwed22:17
Lamegobofe, netstat -r22:17
efirewickHello. Is there a way to reinstall/repair 7.10 from the live cd? I un-installed LAMP and it took half the os with it...22:17
Steven1ay^: Yeah I have the restricted drivers on and they don't work. I also have fsxlg or whatever it's called and they don't work either for some reason.22:17
magicrobotmonkeyanyone seen this: sudo: unable to resolve host lappy68622:17
harveydit does the same from the live cd, says "user ubuntu will login in 10 seconds" then gets stuck in a loop22:17
thenetduckIs there any reason to wait to install Hardy Heron Beta vs installing it in 10 days?22:17
bofeLamego: Do you want me to pastebin the output?22:17
magicrobotmonkeywhere lappy686 is my hostname22:17
BSG75thenetducks: I am installing now :)22:17
Lamegoefirewick, yes, assuming apt-get is working on the target system22:17
harveydif I choose a gnome failsafe session, it works fine22:17
ay^thenetduck: yes improvements will be done in 10 days22:17
Lamegobofe, well, do you still have doubts ?22:17
bofeLamego: I'm gonna go for it. Thank you so much for your help.22:18
drzedhi there22:18
ay^Steven1: hmm then I have little to add..22:18
BSG75ay^: won't we get that anyway via apt?22:18
lazarushow do you check disks for bad sectors in ubuntu22:18
Lamegobofe, ifconfig provides, ip, netmask, broadcast22:18
efirewickLamego: maybe. I'll check22:18
drzedwhich kernel version is incl in ubuntu v. 6.10?22:18
Lamegonetstat -r provides the default gw, which is your router ip22:18
ay^BSG75: well.. yes, but I was told yesterday it was better to wait for the real deal22:18
BSG75ay^: but of couse22:18
Steven1ay^: Damn. I've been working on it for about two days now since I upgraded to Hardy and still no joy.22:18
BSG75ay^: managing expectations is a hard thing :)22:19
ay^Because of the things thats getting improved ><22:19
hyperstream7.10 is called by what name?22:19
thenetduckBSG75, yarrr...22:19
hyperstreamgutsy ?22:19
efirewickLamego: yeah, it is.22:19
Lamegohypercity, yes22:19
ay^You know.. the improvements..? :(22:19
doodleCan someone help me real quick?22:19
erUSULdrzed: 6.10 ?? iirc 2.6.1722:19
BSG75thenetduck: just remember it's BETA.. as in .. might have issue ... not a weapon to bash ubuntu :P22:19
Lamegoefirewick, so yes, you can boot from a live, or use the recovery option (from the alternate cd)22:20
BSG75I am installing the 64bit ver22:20
ay^Steven1: whats your gf-card?22:20
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:20
Lamegowith the live cd you will need to, mount the root part, chroot to it, install/fix whatever you need22:20
thenetduckBSG75, well I think I can live with Beta for 10 days22:20
BSG75then again I like women .. so I am self abusive by nature :)22:20
BSG75thenetduck: you got it bud :)22:20
ay^BSG75: :D22:20
ay^BSG75: hell I even married one of those22:20
efirewickLamego: If I boot from the live, how do I repair ubuntu?22:20
harveydwas just impatient22:20
BSG75ay^: 13 years.. I haven't been right ... but I am very happy ... so I am told :)22:21
thenetduckBSG75, its going to be the same system if I install beta and upgrade as a system that I just did a clean install right?22:21
drzederUSUL: tjx22:21
harveydgot a new hd today and couldnt wait the 10 days :P22:21
ay^BSG75:  :]]22:21
erUSULdrzed: no problem22:21
BSG75thenetduck: usually you just get the changes .. you won't even know .. it's like an apt upgrade22:21
Lamegoefirewick, list your partitions with : sudo fdisk -l22:21
thenetduckBSG75, most excellent22:21
Lamegoefirewick, then mount it with mount /partion /at_some_path22:21
doodleI need help: My system boots to let me log in, but when i log in to last session, all i get is a mouse icon with an orange screen and nothing else.  If i boot up in failsafe gnome, i get the same problem.  But if i boot up using an xfce session, it works.  I'm using xubuntu 7.1022:21
lazarusneed to check for bad sector on a disk how do i?22:21
DeadLy_spwine problem :((((((((((((22:21
bofeLamego: worked great. Thanks!22:21
DeadLy_sphave big big big fonts i think on wine, and i cant config22:22
Lamegoefirewick, then chroot to it, so you can run the install "from it", chroot /at_some_path22:22
erUSULlazarus: man badblocks ;)22:22
BSG75pssst.. there ubuntu folks are pretty clever .. but don't tell them though :)22:22
Lamegoefirewick, then you should be able to apt-get install whatever you need inside the chroot22:22
khamaeldoes ubuntu support login via fingerprint?22:22
BSG75the intertubes may not be big enough for their heads then ;)22:22
Charlie_Steigercan anyone help me configure my sound card?22:22
Lamegolazarus, badblocks disk22:22
efirewickLamego: How can I tell what I need?22:22
Charlie_Steigeri have no sound, please help22:22
ay^my internets can never be too small!22:23
erUSULlazarus: but it is better to use the "fsck -c " option22:23
Lamegoefirewick, reinstaller whatever you miss ? ubuntu-minimal ? ubuntu-desktop ?22:23
Lamegoubuntu-minimal provides you the minimal ser of packages, would be a good start22:23
graftkhamael: http://www.novell.com/communities/node/3093/biometric-fingerprint-scan22:23
swatTXok how come i can't gksudo into anything?22:24
NeoGeo64novell sux22:24
Varkakhamael, with the sensors in thinkpads it works afaik, dont know what else drivers exist22:24
almostdvsjaffarkelshac: are you on hardy?22:25
mpkichehas anyone got evolution rss 0.0.8 working successfully?22:25
jaffarkelshaci am almostdvs22:25
graftkhamael: hmm seems like libfprint and pam-fprint are already in ubuntu22:25
jaffarkelshacwhy almostdvs22:25
efirewickLamego: I used tasksel to install lamp, then I used it to un-install it, that's when it took a lot of stuff that ubuntu needs... So I am still not sure of what all it is missing.22:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pam-fprint - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:25
almostdvsjaffarkelshac: you had the same problem as me...22:25
graftkhamael: oh wait, needs-packaging, never mind... not there yet22:25
daireis there a reason irssi can't be installed from the ubuntu add/remove application applet?22:25
lazarusi need new disk22:25
jaffarkelshacoh that, the previous mount points are not deleted so a new one is made, almostdvs22:26
civixierI want to install ubuntu from an external hard drive to a laptop (no cds involved), is there any way to use the ISO i just downloaded from the ubuntu web site?22:26
mneptokdaire: most users would want a graphical client22:26
jaffarkelshacif its a fixed drive, then make an entry in fstab or delete the previous mount points in /media almostdvs22:26
dairety mneptok22:27
mneptokdaire: Synaptic always has it22:27
almostdvsjaffarkelshac: ok i was gonna tell you... /media method22:27
Odd-rationale!install | civixier22:27
ubotucivixier: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:27
almostdvsjaffarkelshac: what is fstab?22:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about colors - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:27
civixierthank you22:27
jaffarkelshacfstab is a file the list of dev to be mounted when ubuntu starts up22:27
cbx33hey guys if I have more than one sound card, how do I tell it which one I want the default to be?22:28
YuriQok - so, in "Appearance" I can modify all the default fonts22:28
almostdvsjaffarkelshac: will that make it so it doesn't get renamed again?22:28
YuriQbut I can't modify colors22:28
YuriQ(default gnome install of Ubuntu)22:28
jaffarkelshacyes, it will keep that mount point, almostdvs, is this drive removable? or fixed22:28
YuriQwhere can I modify the color of text?22:28
almostdvsjaffarkelshac: fixed22:28
linux_erohow I can change the wallpaper with gconftool-2 ??22:29
magicrobotmonkeynote to self, when sudo cant resolve your hostname because upgrading f*ed your /etc/hosts, gksudo still works22:29
zaxiuscan you make terminal windows and tabs automatically set the title to the hostname you're on?22:29
Steven1teamcobra: Ok I downloaded the 64-bit version. Will it still work since it says it detected my architecture is 32-bit?22:29
sagredoYO! Whilst in the command line, when I enter a long string of characters, how can I instantly jump to the very front of the line?22:29
nickrudsagredo  ctl-a should do it22:29
ToznoshioI just found this screenshot, and I like the desktop theme very much, but what is it called? http://home.insightbb.com/~tristan.smith/ew.jpg22:30
sagredoYES nickrud you are the man22:30
tapasugh ooimpress says:22:30
almostdvsthe home button...22:30
tapasno suitable windowing system found, exiting.22:30
zaxiussagredo, home and end work for me22:30
jaffarkelshacyou need to unmount the drive and delete all the mount points in /media almostdvs22:30
tapasugh web search shows no results..22:30
AnimortisCan anyone link me with a fairly straightforward ProFTPd manual for a novice linux user?22:30
almostdvsjaffarkelshac: i did22:30
sagredozaxius: also very useful, thank you my friend22:30
nickrudYuriQ you would need to either modify the theme, or add a ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file, and add it there.22:30
BSG75tapas: what are you trying to do?22:31
jaffarkelshacclick on it to mount again and add the entry in fstab, sudo gedit /etc/fstab22:31
linux_eroplease I need help how I can chage the wallpaper with gconftool-2 ?22:31
tapasBSG75: starting ooimpress (openoffice.org presentation program)22:31
BSG75linux_ero: you want to change desktop wallpaper?? right click on desktop browse to pic and viola22:32
jorgenptSuggestions for lightweightish mediaplayers that support a media lib? (Not amarok or rhythmbox)22:32
almostdvsjaffarkelshac: what would the entry be??   i'm not too into coding22:32
tapasBSG75: it always exits with that error message22:32
marko-_-guys i have a problem.. i downloaded a torrent file and opened it directly in the bittorent program... now i closed the aplication and in bittorent you always must load the torrent file again to star downloadaing but i don't know where the file is right now... any suggestions?22:32
Jack_Sparrow!gksudo > jaffarkelshac22:32
jaffarkelshacoh yeah Jack_Sparrow22:33
BSG75sec checking your link22:33
linux_eroBSG75 I need a script for chage wallpaper because I need gconftool-222:33
efirewickIs there anyway to install ubuntu over itself without erasing everything? Or have it repair itself?22:33
jaffarkelshacalmostdvs, you need to know the dev name, ie sda1, sda2...22:33
Jack_Sparrowmarko-_-, look un your username folder22:33
almostdvsjaffarkelshac: i'm too lazy right now, if it renames i'll just do the workaround22:33
nathan_How do you invoke a command with a new shell so it doesn't freeze up? Example: "user@host$ konsole/gnome-terminal/whateverterminal -e uname"22:33
almostdvsthanks anywayse22:33
Jack_Sparrowefirewick, no22:33
YuriQnickrud - the specific thing that I am trying to do is modify the color of the monospaced font22:34
marko-_-Jack_Sparrow, it's not there... you know when you download a file with firefox you can save it to the disk or open it directly in a program...22:34
Jack_Sparrowefirewick, see /msg ubotu clone22:34
sparkybeanmarko: recent documents?22:34
efirewickJack_Sparrow, thanks22:34
YuriQthe theme editing settings do not have that color (when I go into Appearance - Theme)22:34
marko-_-where is that sparkybean ?22:34
Jack_Sparrowmarko-_-, you can try to find or locate it in term, but it may be in tmp22:34
marko-_-i searched in tmp22:34
marko-_-didn't find it...22:34
sparkybeanunder places22:34
nickrudYuriQ that's a pretty detailed thing, I can only point you at http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials/GtkThemes , you might find the info you need there22:35
dairehow can i add an application i have installed via apt-get to my applications menu?22:35
sparkybeanin the main menu bar22:35
dairety got iy22:35
BSG75tapas: I think you just install libstartup-notification0  you know how to do apt-get install right?22:35
YuriQnickrud: any graphical utility that you know of?22:36
marko-_-oh well i just downloaded the file again... thank's anyway22:37
nickrudYuriQ none. Not even sure you can specify by font in theming22:37
BSG75linux_ero: try this link http://www.djlosch.com/article_Code:_Bash_Script_to_Change_Gnome_Background_Randomly_(Ubuntu)22:37
Lifeisfunnydoes anyone have the name fo the file to install that holds the scripts in nautilus?22:37
BSG75sorrry bit slow tonight .. god bless the man or woman who discovered scotch :)22:37
daireplease tell me the command to launch and app in terminal22:39
nickrudYuriQ but possibly, if you're trying to alter the appearance of a specific widget (and are targeting the font itself) consider targeting the widget, then you most certainly can control the font22:39
chalcedonydaire: type the name22:39
tapasis there a way to find out whether a directory contains files not provided by some package?22:39
daireit works when i type the name in terminalk manually22:39
chalcedonydaire: it should work yes22:39
BSG75tapas: can you rephrase?22:39
dairebut i've added irssi to my application menu and it doesn't work from there even though it displays the icon22:39
chalcedonyhow can i list the directories / subdirectoies in my home partition (if i said that sensibly?)22:40
BSG75daire: which <command name> to find out where it is22:40
dairei set it to launch through the command 'irssi'22:40
BSG75daire: do.. which irssi22:40
tapasBSG75: i want to check whether there's maybe some leftover files in /usr/lib/openoffice/22:40
BSG75it will give u the path22:40
dairek i'm going to change the command in the menu from irssi to /usr/bin/irssi22:41
tapasBSG75: libstartup-notification0 is already the newest version.22:41
nickrudchalcedony ls -R $HOME22:41
BSG75tapas: hmm are you trying to run from command line?22:42
tapasBSG75: yes22:42
BSG75tapas: figured so :)22:42
tapaslet's see, maybe it runs in a vnc session ;)22:42
LGKeizhey.. for some reason my cam turn on light is on, but I dont have anything using the cam.22:42
LGKeizhow can I turn it off22:42
BSG75tapas: you ssh'd in??22:42
tapasmaybe it's some xorg issue22:43
BSG75tapas: you need to set your terminal use your current screen22:43
tapasBSG75: i can start xterms, etc, just fine22:43
tapasBSG75: i use linux for more than 10 years now ;D22:43
chalcedonynickrud: ty22:43
dairei just needed to change the type to: application in terminal22:44
dairety for the help.22:44
tapasBSG75: let's just assume we checked all the obvious things ;)22:44
BSG75tapas: good idea22:44
Dgro  I've made it to the internet 5 weeks ago,  I will now confess I can't figure out plugins and downloads...Help22:44
elementhi guys22:44
BSG75tapas: I know what is wrong .. I just can't remember the commands to set screen to pump through current display22:44
elementanyone knows how configure kismet?22:44
BSG75tapas: I blame the scotch22:45
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tapasBSG75: you mean setting the DISPLAY variable?22:45
DgroHi, Element22:45
elementsu Dgro22:45
BSG75tapas: yes22:45
tapasBSG75: i count that under obvious22:45
tapaslike i said my xsetup is just fine..22:46
tapasi trr22:46
BSG75tapas: set it to :022:46
hwildeDISPLAY=myip:0 <command here>22:46
elementi need to configure my Kismet!!22:46
tapastry to run ooimpress locally on my ubuntu machine22:46
tapasall other x apps work just fine22:46
BSG75tapas: :(22:46
tapasDISPLAY is set correctly22:46
tapaslet's skip the obvious stuff22:46
BSG75tapas: sec thinking22:46
hwildeis your xhost denying the forwarding?  you have to ssh -X22:46
kindofabuzzelement, try wireshark, and in the repos, works great22:46
zedster_I keep having my wifi drop out and my terminal stops working, I can shift-f1 to ttyl1 login and than type a command but nothing happens and no new prompt comes up22:47
zedster_any ideas?22:47
elementkindofabuzz: i will try wireshark , is a wifi sniff too?22:47
chalcedonykindofabuzz: wireshark didn't work for me with Xchat22:47
zedster_chalcedony: do you have an intel card ?22:48
kindofabuzzelement, not usre, has alot of options.  if you mean sniff as in will it track the wireless, yes22:48
chalcedonyzedster_: i don't think so22:48
zedster_chalcedony: aka a centrino platform?22:48
tawtwhen i go to update manager, i get this message  "Could not download all repository indexes"  what do i need to do?22:48
kindofabuzzchalcedony, what do you mean? what does wireshark have to do with xchat?22:48
elementkindofabuzz: i have wireshark installed right now but i think this program doenst know my wic22:48
chalcedonyzedster_: kindofabuzz i was trying to get it to show packets to and from irc22:48
BSG75tapas: sorry I can't think of any reason for it to do that if every other oo product is working fine and we eleminate all the obivious stuff and the boss wants me off her laptop :(22:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about movieplayer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:49
kindofabuzzchalcedony, it will show every packet, well it should22:49
zedster_chalcedony: your running it as root?22:49
chalcedonyzedster_: kindofabuzz i also found the gui difficult it wont' let you copy from it22:49
BSG75tapas: but I will think about it while I do whatever it is her highness wants me to do22:49
hyperstreamwhats a decent movie player guys- one that allows me to switch between sound cards without using a terminal ?22:49
zedster_chalcedony: no but it will let you save it in formats that other programs can use22:49
zedster_hyperstream: vlc might22:49
tapasthe other oo apps don't work either22:50
kindofabuzzchalcedony, did you try running it as root?22:50
chalcedonyzedster_: maybe i will let you help me set it up after i figure out how to make a backup on here. yes i have it as root22:50
zedster_tapas: do they crash?22:50
tapasthat's their output22:50
=== qcode is now known as vcode
ShdwShinobiHow can I change my screen resolution to something other than what's listed in the System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution menu?22:50
zedster_tapas: run a sudo apt-get build-dep openoffice* is all I can think of22:51
daireis there general consensus on the best torrent app for linux?22:51
erUSULShdwShinobi: system>Admin>Graphics and Screen22:51
zedster_tapas: also remove the open office gtk files and ubuntu open office gui files they suck22:51
erUSUL!best | daire22:51
ubotudaire: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:51
erUSUL!torrent | daire22:51
ubotudaire: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P22:51
tapasmaybe it's got to do with kde22:52
erUSULdaire: btw my personal choice is deluge22:52
ubotuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information22:52
crdlbdaire: rtorrent, deluge, or ktorrent; for console, gnome, and kde, respectively22:52
dairety ty22:52
ShdwShinobierUSUL: When I do that, it messes everything up. I'm trying to run two screens at different resolutions. I can get them to run, but one screen is smaller and is running at a higher resolution22:52
kindofabuzzclaire all in preferance, i really like deluge, but alot of trakers won't support it(private ones), azerus, i don't even know what they did with the newversion, i really like ktorrent, closest to uTorrent22:52
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer22:52
zedster_does anyone else have their wifi drop out and then their terminal stop working?22:52
erUSULShdwShinobi: sorry no familiar with dual head set ups...22:52
erUSUL!xinerama | ShdwShinobi22:53
ubotuShdwShinobi: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead22:53
kindofabuzzchalcedony, i see my irc packets22:53
hwildezedster_, did you install all the updates22:53
zedster_hwilde: yes22:53
jwoah12I manually edited the mouse section of my xorg.conf, and now my screen resolution is off.  I tried resetting it using dpkg-reconfigure, but it won't work.  How can I fix this?22:53
hwilde!fixres | jwoah1222:54
ubotujwoah12: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto22:54
zedster_hwilde: Its if the computer has running for a while, wifi freezes and terminal stops working, I can't open a terminal in f7 and in one of the ttyls I can type one command than nothing22:54
ShdwShinobierUSUL, the thing is... it's working just fine, I can get ubuntu to display on two screens. However, it's displaying at 3360x1050 when I need something like 2960x1050 to accommodate the smaller monitor. I can't find an option to manually set the screen resolution22:54
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:55
hwildezedster_, there are tons of bug reports... google  "network manager stops working"  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/20997022:55
chalcedonykindofabuzz: wow.. ok and if someone flooded you, you could tell?22:55
ExploDoes anyone know of any apps that allow the system speaker to go off at a certian time?22:55
ShdwShinobiIf I could get 2960x1050 to appear in the Screen Resolution window, it'd work just fine22:55
hwildeShdwShinobi, sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:55
jugheadjwoah12, a while back I had res problems; I ended up editing xorg.conf and deleting all of the resultions except the one I wanted.22:55
chalcedonykindofabuzz: i didn't mean that in a bad way.. the reason i wanted it is because some lamers target me22:56
kindofabuzzchalcedony, i dunno.  i don't get flodded22:56
hwildechalcedony, iptables22:56
hwilde!iptables | chalcedony22:56
ShdwShinobihwilde, I have the listed resolution (2960x1050) in my xorg.conf ( http://pastebin.com/maac4d0f ) but it seems to ignore the listing.22:56
ubotuchalcedony: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).22:56
hwildeShdwShinobi, delete all the other ones22:56
hwildeShdwShinobi, (make a backup first)22:57
kindofabuzzchalcedony, if you installed it from the repos you hsould have a menu item that says wireshard (as root)22:57
chalcedonyhwilde: my son has access to iptables .. i don't22:57
hwildechalcedony, sudo22:57
zedster_hwilde: what explains terminal not working?22:58
daireshouldn't my dvd drive's properties tell me what letter label is assigned to it?22:58
neilHow do i restart x?22:58
hwildezedster_, cpu going to 10022:58
Exploneil: ctrl-alt-backspace22:58
chalcedonykindofabuzz: i *do* show both the wireshark i made the mistake of trying to install not as root .. and the good one as root.22:59
zedster_hwilde: nope, I have the monitor running, under 130 f* and well under full load22:59
hwildezedster_, irq conflict with the keyboard22:59
=== dubby is now known as dubby[afk]
ubuntu-supporteraye aye ubuntu friends23:00
ShdwShinobihwilde, I just deleted the other Modes from the xorg and restarted x, but it still doesn't give me the option to go to 2960x1050. It does however give me the option to go to 3360x105023:00
noushello, I need help to report a bug (first time for me)23:00
hwildeShdwShinobi, that is messed up man.  it should use whatevery ou hardcode into xorg.conf23:00
ubuntu-supporterShdwShinobi, DPMS?23:01
ShdwShinobiI know, which is why I'm so confused.23:01
noushello, I need help to report a bug (first time for me)23:01
LifeisfunnyI just installed the applet for the nautilus scripts and can't find it,  would anyone know where it would be located?23:01
hwilde!bug | nous23:01
ubotunous: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:01
tylerHey I forgot what file it was but what file do I download for 3D cube?23:01
hwildeLifeisfunny, do you know the locate command?23:01
Lifeisfunnyhwilde, nope23:02
hwildeLifeisfunny, run "sudo updatedb"  then type in "locate whateverfileyouarelookingforhere"23:02
hwilde!locate | Lifeisfunny23:02
ubotuLifeisfunny: locate is a command-line file search utility. To make sure its cache is up to date run: sudo updatedb23:02
ShdwShinobiUh, ubuntu-supporter I don't think so23:02
ubuntu-supporterLifeisfunny, go for synaptic search for package and have a look at the preferenceres, there youll find a "installed files" tab23:02
avrFreak2Anyone in here experienced with dual-booting Ubuntu & Vista?23:03
tylerAnyone here no the file I need for the custom effect ?23:03
avrFreak2it doesn't appear to be possible23:03
tylerAVR just split the partition23:04
noushwilde : thanks, but let me explain after last hardy update, I found my system unusable at reboot : gdm doesn"t start, I can use <ctl>+<alt>+<F1> to have a tty, but only to find that my /home fs is not mounted (xfs) and that sudo does't work : I'm not sure what attachements to add to this bug23:04
neilHey guys, one last question - How do i change my computer name23:04
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NW2190Hey, Does anyone know how to install a windows game on wine that uses multiple install games?23:04
avrFreak2tyler: Can't. The Vista partition shrinker won't shinrk it more than 787 Mbytes, even though there are 165 GB free...I can;t get gparted to run on the system )-:23:04
ExploNW2190: by games, i assume you mean disks?23:04
ShdwShinobiubuntu-supporter, yeah... it's DPMS23:04
peterpotI think it may be a problem with my monitor settings since it just says "Generic monitor" and can't detect what kind I have.  I have a dell latitude d620 with an AU Optronics LCD screen model B141PW01.  I can't find any info online about the horizsync or vertrefresh23:05
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NW2190Explo: ya sorry23:05
ShdwShinobiWould you have any idea how I could fix the problem of my screen resolution not appearing even though it's in the xorg?23:05
hwildenous, does /etc/event.d/tty1 exist?23:05
ExploNW2190: googling, stand by. =)23:05
thannoy__neil: by diting /etc/hostname I think23:05
tylerWell when you install vista you have a choice to setup a partition you can set vista up to have 20gb of space and then make new partition with left over space.23:05
afewnips-o-ubuntShdwShinobi, uncomment the DDC DPMS options and lines23:05
=== _robilive is now known as robilive
_schism_good evening all23:06
avrFreak2Tyler:   Vista came preinstalled on this hardware23:06
ExploNW2190: check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51280323:06
tylerOh so you havn't reformatted yet?23:06
neilthannoy__: Thankyou - i did see that file didnt know weather i could edit or not :P23:06
moj0risingHi! has anyone else had trouble getting the kernel headers from the repositories in hardy?23:06
avrFreak2Can't reformat.   Have hundrds of gigs of data and apps with no practical way to back them up23:06
moj0risingWhen I try "sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`"...23:07
noushwilde : no. why would you want an init script for a console ?23:07
yeas_i want to associate my www.domain.com with my static ip23:07
moj0rising...I get the error: E: Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.24-15-generic23:07
yeas_how to do23:07
tyleravrFreak2 : I'm not 100% sure on how to set partitions limits maybe google it perhaps you may find your soloution.23:07
ShdwShinobiafewnips-o-ubunt, I have no idea what you mean... this is my xorg http://pastebin.com/m50a5dfed23:07
hwildeyeas_, google dynamic dns23:07
avrFreak2tyler:  none of the "solutions" I have found WORK23:07
NW2190Explo: ah thanks I'll try that.23:07
nickrudmoj0rising that's hardy, ask about it in #ubuntu+123:07
hwildeavrFreak2, just use gparted it's almost foolproof23:07
Lifeisfunnyhwilde, thanks for the help, I found it with that help you gave me  :)23:07
moj0risingcool, thanks nickrud23:08
LifeisfunnyI guess I have to build a menu entry23:08
tyleravrFreak2 : let me search google.23:08
afewnips-o-ubuntShdwShinobi, try setting DPMS to false23:09
avrFreak2I found a 55 page tutorial at APCMAG that claimed to be newly updated and specificallyb for Vista and Ubuntu.   Unfortunately, the very fiurst thing they told you to do isn't POSSIBLE on Vista )-:23:09
tylerThat may help.23:09
_schism_Is there a channel for wubi by anychance?23:09
noushwilde : no. why would you want an init script for a console ?23:10
avrFreak2tyler:    yeah.  That doesn't work23:10
ShdwShinobiafewnips-o-ubunt, setting DPMS to false didn't work23:10
YuriQI am finding that my fixed width font in Gnome is too light23:11
stalker314314my h.264 playback is jerky (but machine itself is good). problem appears in totem, vlc and mplayer, anyone have idea?23:11
YuriQ"Courier New" 1023:11
tyleravrFreak2 : maybe there is a way you can share C drive?23:11
afewnips-o-ubuntShdwShinobi, pastebin your Xorg.0.log23:11
avrFreak2"share" the C: drive?    *HUH*?23:11
hwildenous, that is waht makes it23:11
tyleravrFreak2 : I mean would it be possible to put Ubuntu on the same drive as vista?23:11
YuriQIt's as if my fixed width is using some kind of grayish color, and the rest of the fonts are using black. Except not - because the GTK setup is actually black for all of them23:12
avrFreak2tyler:   how?23:12
Explotyler: same drive, yes, same partition: no23:12
tyleravrFreak2 : they aren't the same windows so diffrent folders. I'm not sure how but maybe.23:12
YuriQ(I have Subpixel Smoothing enabled on LCD, but I'ved tried turning it off, and that hasn't changed anything)23:12
YuriQnot really sure what to do23:12
ShdwShinobiafewnips-o-ubunt, http://pastebin.com/m1c81e72f23:13
HowitzerHi, i'm having a small problem regarding a mounted FAT32 partition (did during installation, is in /etc/fstab). It's owner is root and it's group is plugdev. However, it's my data partition and as a user, i wish to have full access over it so how do i do this? (I've tried chmod but this doesn't do anything and chown is refused because i don't have rights, even though i do it as full root!)23:13
avrFreak2man, let me tell you guys, do *NOT* let *ANYONE* bullshit you ito payinf for Vista. It is the most unbelievable pile of *SHIT* ever produced in Redmond, a town known fo producing SHIT23:13
ExploHowitzer: sudo chmod 777 *drivenamehere*23:13
tyleravrFreak2 : Vista has so many problems.23:13
ExploHowitzer: wait, nevermind. *facepalm*23:14
HowitzerExplo, why nvm?23:14
tyleravrFreak2 : I refuse to use vista I have never tried it nor will I ever. Microsoft has ruined vista and I will only use XP or XP 64x23:14
avrFreak2Vista doesn't "have" problems, Tyler, Vista *IS* the problem23:14
ExploHowitzer: You said chmod didn't work already :)23:15
tyleravrFreak2 : true.23:15
Howitzerooh yeah23:15
avrFreak2XP won't be available much longer, dude23:15
Howitzerthought you said chown :p23:15
ExploHowitzer: Unless you did something other than chmod 77723:15
Howitzeri tried chmod o=rwx23:15
tyleravrFreak2 : yes it will microsoft can't close a product if they are charging people 200$ for it.23:15
AaronMTanyone on an dell inspiron 1501?23:15
Anghelikwant someone talking in spanish23:15
hwildeHowitzer, you need to unmount and remount it.23:15
tyleravrFreak2 : microsoft has been sued for that.23:15
hwildeHowitzer, what is the /dev/name and /mountdir23:15
avrFreak2Tyler: they have alreadybannopunced that XP will be EOLed as of December, 200823:16
mneptokavrFreak2: please try to describe Windows with a bit less profanity, hmm?23:16
Howitzer/dev/hda2, /media/documents23:16
avrFreak2mneptok: *WHY*?23:16
Lifeisfunnywell, I thought I was getting ready to have fun but I deceived myself, I'm not.23:16
hwildeHowitzer, sudo umount /dev/hda223:16
mneptok!language > avrFreak223:16
YuriQTrying again: Ubuntu makes my monospace font wayy too light.23:16
tyleravrFreak2 : They won't I can almost 100% that because no one is buying vista and XP is one of their best selling products.23:16
hwildeHowitzer, sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hda2 /media/windows23:16
Anghelikwant someone talking in spanish23:16
avrFreak2They have announced it23:16
hwilde!offtopic | tyler avrFreak223:17
ubotutyler avrFreak2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:17
mneptok!es > Anghelik23:17
hwilde!es | Anghelik23:17
ubotuAnghelik: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:17
ExploavrFreak2: They did the same with w2k. It's still running.23:17
tyler! shut up | hwilde23:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shut up - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:17
acee12345is there a way to install ubuntu from a thumb drive?23:17
hwilde!usb | acee1234523:17
ubotuacee12345: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:17
avrFreak2Explo:  they have already forbidden the sale of *ANY* machine with anything *BUT* Vista on it,if you buy it with Windows on it23:17
hwilde!offtopic | avrFreak223:17
ubotuavrFreak2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:17
ExploavrFreak2: Hmm, last time I checked, Dell still sold machines with XP on them.23:18
mneptoktyler: be nice, or begone.23:18
lildevilHey guys, anybody know how to get ndiswrapper working from right off the cd?23:18
tylerStop then mneptok23:18
lildevilthe only way I have to get to my network, is via a wireless usb23:18
dmakalskyHi, I hope this question isn't too offtopic... I need some platform independent way of recording web-browsing sessions (including cursor)23:18
bsratis there a sourceforge channel in freenode23:18
avrFreak2hwilde: MORON.  I ***ASKED*** a direct Ubuntu question, got one response from someone who cannot help23:18
hwilde!attitude | avrFreak223:19
ubotuavrFreak2: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:19
afewnips-o-ubuntShdwShinobi, according to your log none of the screens support the resolution u set23:19
mrkeishiihow do you access /etc/apt/sources.list23:19
tyleravrFreak2 : Microsoft is being sued for selling product 200$ and it's going out when vista is only 300$+23:19
Explodmakalsky: A hardware keylogger would track keys, but IDK about the cursor23:19
mneptokavrFreak2: name-calling isn't much better than profanity.23:19
hwildemrkeishii, through synaptic, edit the respositories23:19
hwilde!offtopic | tyler23:19
ubotutyler: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:19
hwildemrkeishii, synaptic, settings, repositories23:19
Howitzerit's saying hda2 is not mounted23:19
mrkeishiiokay thanks23:20
Howitzerbut i'm very sure it's hda2 i'm talking about23:20
hwildeHowitzer, sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hda2 /media/whatever23:20
ExploHowitzer: try sudo mount hda223:20
ShdwShinobiafewnips-o-ubunt, I have two monitors that have no problem running at 3360x1050, but the second monitor can only do 1280 pixels, so I'd like to shorten it. Is there no way to make two monitors run at a different resolution?23:20
mrkeishiiidk now23:20
tylerExplo would you know anything about 3D cube effect?23:20
avrFreak2hwilde:    a typical moron, aren;t you?23:20
hwilde!dualhead | ShdwShinobi23:20
ubotuShdwShinobi: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama23:20
hwilde!ops avrFreak223:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops avrfreak2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:20
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!23:20
YuriQUbuntu makes my monospace font wayy too light, and no settings in "Appearance" make it crisper23:20
Explotyler: I got it working before, i might remember something about it23:20
mrkeishiiI typed /etc/apt/sources.list in the terminal but now it won't pop up23:21
tylerwhich file is it that I download?23:21
lildevilI have the ubuntu server 7.10 installed, and I'm trying to do some masquerading with my wireless card23:21
mrkeishiihow do i open it up in the terminal23:21
hwildemrkeishii, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list23:21
Explotyler: It's already installed. hold on, i'll see how to edit settings23:21
bon_hi all23:21
lildevilBut, I can't seem to get ndiswrapper to install successfully, because of whatever reasons23:21
tylerNo it's a file you add23:21
tylerwhich adds a custom effects23:21
hwildelildevil, i've tried to get ndiswrapper to work, but I have found it easier to buy a supported card23:21
tylerin your desktop.23:21
Howitzerthe device is busy23:22
Explotyler: The software for the cube is installed by default, but it's hidden from you23:22
hwildeHowitzer, you need to unmount it first and close all the nautilus windows that might be browsing23:22
MonobiAny application to block traffic on certain ports, besides IPtables ?23:22
tylerTime to play hide and seek?23:22
hwilde!cube | tyler23:22
ubotutyler: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »23:22
lildevilhwilde: I've used ndiswrapper multiple times before, with 90 percent success.. it's just it wasn't installed with the server iso23:22
tylerI REMEMBER23:22
tylerI needed that23:22
FloodBot2tyler: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:22
Howitzerhwilde, done that23:22
Pirate_Hunterhow cna i run my music/music apps from teminal (shell)?23:22
YuriQis there a special channel for desktop UI questions?23:23
Howitzerstill busy23:23
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion23:23
lildevilPirate_Hunter: use mpg12323:23
DRebellionPirate_Hunter, use mplayer23:23
bsratis there a sorceforge irc in freenode?23:23
MonobiAny application to block traffic on certain ports, besides IPtables ?23:23
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).23:24
Pirate_HunterDRebellion: mpg123 what kind of app is that and do i need a server for it23:24
ExploMonobi: I think firestarter would work23:24
hwildeMonobi, by default ports aren't even open...23:24
lildevilMonobi: why block them? Why not just cancel the service running that port?23:24
Howitzerhow can it be busy with anything, noone except root can write to it23:24
Jack_SparrowMonobi, yes23:24
Monobilildevil, er, for a shell server to block IRC.23:24
ExploMonobi: sudo apt-get install firestarter23:24
DRebellionPirate_Hunter, forget mpg123. just sudo apt-get install mplayer . then mplayer filename23:24
hwildeHowitzer, sudo umount /dev/hda223:24
Pirate_Hunterlildevil:mpg123 what kind of app is that and do i need a server for it23:24
MonobiI'm talking about outgoing ports23:24
lildevilPirate_Hunter: no, you don't. it's a console based mp3 player23:25
hwildeMonobi, parental control:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22629823:25
Howitzerroot@sousuke:/home/sagara# sudo umount /dev/hda123:25
Howitzerumount: /media/documents: device is busy23:25
Howitzerumount: /media/documents: device is busy23:25
Howitzer(i was mistaken, it was hda1)23:25
lildevilHowitzer: you currently using that directory?23:25
Pirate_HunterDrebellion: I dont want mplayer i want to be able to run all my msuic from shell i wanted to use mpd but i'm finding it hard cause i think i need a server23:25
tylerHow do I get gadgets up in this B****23:25
hwildeHowitzer, take it out of /etc/fstab and reboot.  then try to mount it manually23:25
tylerPress Control alt Backspace to load a cool feature.23:26
DRebellionPirate_Hunter, you want a command line music player, right?23:26
hwildePirate_Hunter, mplayer-nogui23:26
Jack_Sparrowtyler, DOnt do that..23:26
Howitzeri'll write down the commands then23:26
Chousuketyler: don't give bad advice.23:26
hwildePirate_Hunter, xmmsctrl23:26
ExploBad idea tyler23:26
kduboisis there a way to md5sum or sha1sum a directory?23:26
Jack_Sparrowmneptok, You beat me to it23:26
Pirate_Hunterlildevil: i want to run my music from shell i need something like mpd but simpler to sue if such thing is possible but also powerful23:26
hwildePirate_Hunter, xmmsctrl23:27
lildevilso anybody have a clue on how to download all the dependencies needed for ndiswrapper/utils to get it working on a networkless server?23:27
hwildePirate_Hunter, mplayer-nogui23:27
Pirate_HunterDRebellion: yup music thorugh cli what programs are available to do so23:27
afewnips-o-ubuntShdwShinobi, there is a way, you have to define another "Screen" Section with settings for the second screen, but thats complicated, i see if there is that dirty old file where i succeeded an example xorg.conf23:27
tarelerulzI download empathy from the ppa and it has voice with gtalk in it.  My distro updates have empathy in it and I wanted to know how you tell where an upgrade is coming from? I don't want to update and mess up empathy23:27
Pirate_Hunterhwilde: thanx will check it out what other apps are there for cli23:27
lildevilPirate_Hunter: you would be running it from shell, Or unless you're asking for software to broadcast, and then I would suggest shoutcast23:27
hwildelildevil, did you google this?  there are plenty of tutorials23:27
dairei am trying to enable the multiverse repository but the guide on your webiste is for ubuntu 6.10 and talks about system > admin > software properties23:27
ay^lildevil: download somewhere else and put it on a usb-thingie23:27
DRebellionPirate_Hunter, mplayer23:27
kduboismneptok: thanks for kicking tyler...23:27
Howitzerthanks guys!!23:28
Howitzeri'll be back later23:28
Eltornadohello anyone can help me to activate the sencode vga out on my laptop ?23:28
ExploYeah, he was getting annoying23:28
BarryToemandaire: now it is sys -> admin -> software sources23:28
lildevilhwilde: yes I did. And that's why I'm asking, because none of those tutorials tell me how to get it without a working network.23:28
Jack_Sparrowdaire, What distro ar eyou using?23:28
ShdwShinobiafewnips-o-ubunt, I believe, if my memory serves me right, that I had it working before I got XGL and Compiz. I was just about to reinstall ubuntu and see if that was the case23:28
hwildelildevil, ohhhhhh without a networrrrrk    riiight.   that would be tough.  go to another computer and download the .debs I guess :/23:28
ubotuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers23:29
macogwlildevil: ndiswrapper is on the install cd23:29
afewnips-o-ubuntShdwShinobi, gee, what config file does Xgl use?23:29
lildevilmacogw: but the ndiswrapper-utils isn't23:29
macogwlildevil: just go to system -> administration -> software sources with teh CD in the drive and add the CD as a source.  then install it from there23:29
ShdwShinobiafewnips-o-ubunt, it should use the xorg...23:29
Pirate_HunterDRebellion: mplayer doesnt have a music library that is very annoying there must be soemthing that has a music library and run from cli havent checked xmmsctrl yet but im sure it doesnt organsie my music files23:29
daireBarryToeman: i tried that already and it does resemble the guide for enabling multiverse23:29
macogwlildevil: oh.23:29
kduboisis there a way to do a checksum of a directory?23:29
daireJack_Sparrow: 7.1023:29
kduboisor rather the contents of the directory23:29
lildevilmacogw: the server version doesn't have an os23:29
lildevilerrmm GUI23:30
mneptokkdubois: tar it and checksum that.23:30
Jack_Sparrowdaire, system..admin..software sources will do it23:30
m1lkc0wUbuntu 8.04 here. Gnome does not seem to load ~.Xresources on startup. I have some modifications for emacs in there. When I start emacs from the Panel, resources are not read. When I start it from the gnome-terminal, resources *are* read. Any ideas?23:30
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu23:30
hwildem1lkc0w,   /join #ubuntu+123:30
kduboismneptok: i was afraid of that... i guess its time to whip out some bash-fu...23:30
m1lkc0whwilde: Thanks23:30
dannyboylawlesshey my rhythmbox just moved all of my media into my trash... so now i need to get them back to their appropriot folders... is there a restor button of some sort??23:30
hwildekdubois, you could use the du command I guess23:30
hwildekdubois, or just ls -l > output  and diff the outputs23:31
lildevilI want my old celeron 2 computer to be my wireless router23:31
hwildelildevil, just drop the $50 on a linksys man23:31
d1gitalis it possible to run multiple media players, or multiple instances of a media player, each on its own sound card?23:31
kduboishwilde, yes, those might help out too. thanks for the ideas!23:31
biabiawhere is the theme chooser in xubuntu?23:31
zax1hello there, i am trying to link my 2 routers Access points so that the one can pick the other and extend the range. can some one help me out ? i have a sagem 2504 sky modem/router/AP and a netgear dg834 modem/router/AP , i am limited to using the sagem as the modem ( and therefor the 'master' AP).    the netgear can be set to WDS so i can tell it to refer all traffic to the sagem AP - but...23:31
zax1...any machine connected to the netgear (the extending AP) cant connect to the internet or even ping the sagem router.  i set it all to network - the sagem(modem) AP acts as dhcp from to and the netgear acts as a dhcp server from to .  netgear is and sagem is   ... the main point(i think) is that...23:31
hwildekdubois, or you could diff -q each file23:31
zax1...i cant find any settings for WDS(wireless distobution service ) on the sagem AP.   any idea on how i can get it to work ?23:31
lildevilhwilde: I do have one. A dlink router @ the neighbors house23:32
goodhabitHello guys. Advice me please, how I can see cpu temp on ubuntu?23:32
lildevilshe's letting me use the net connection23:32
lildevilwhich I have running through that little machine using xp23:32
lildevilbut I don't want xp on it23:32
hwildezax1, you should google openwrt23:32
lildevilI want an ubuntu server23:32
dannyboylawlessi had my media files from a maze of folders put into my trash.. is there a way to restore them???23:32
Explogoodhabit: gkrellm is a good app for monitoring23:32
travisatgoodhabit: install lmsensors and sensors-applet,  run sensors-detect and put the applet on your panel23:32
kduboisdannyboylawless: check ~/.Trash23:32
d1gitallildevil: running a server off your neighbor's wifi. Jerk. lol23:32
lildevilthe lil xp machine is what is hosting my internet for my eMac23:32
Ergo^im looking for some soluton to controll UDP traffic - something like trickle maybe ?23:33
lildevild1gital: I pay for it23:33
dannyboylawlesskdubois, they are there i just don't want to move thousands of files back to a network of folders23:33
d1gitalhaha thats ok then haha23:33
lildevilhalf of it anyways23:33
d1gitaloops haha overdose..23:33
keithb_Hi folks, wondering if I can get some help figuring out why a startup script isn't running. I copied it to /init.d, permissions allow it to be executed, and used "update-rc.d my-init.sh defaults"23:33
lildevilso yeah.. I wanna run ubuntu instead of windows xp23:33
Daisuke_Idod1gital, too many hahas is the sign of a deranged mind23:33
kduboisdannyboylawless: i get what you're saying now, im wading through a media-filesystem quagmire too...23:33
lildeviland I have the server already installed. It's just ndiswrapper doesn't wanna work23:34
daireJack_Sparrow: i am in system > admin > software sources > but the 6.04 guide for adding multiverse wants me to add a channel and i don't see any option like that23:34
d1gitalyeah... i caught it tho23:34
lildevilbecause it's saying that it's not installed23:34
VeN0mizerI'd feel no guilt running a server on my neighbors wifi :) especially if they are older and just use it to look up recipes :P not like they'd notice *shrugs*23:34
lildeviland  I've already tried to add the cd as a source cd23:34
zax1hwilde its a sky broadband they have their own WAN settings wrt will wipe it out n i wont be connected nymore23:34
ay^lildevil:  so cant you download the files in xp and then boot in to ubuntu and do the rest?23:34
maynards-girlwhat application can convert a flv to mp3?23:34
hwildezax1, good luck then :/23:34
_Rambaldi_you know how ie7 saves all files streamed in temporary internet folder, what browser saves like that. firefox deletes its files immediately even with cache at 1Gb23:34
afewnips-o-ubuntShdwShinobi, dirty, but it worked to get the beamer working http://pastebin.com/m16ce2cc023:34
Jack_Sparrowdaire, dont you see a checkbox to add multiverse23:34
zax1thanks though23:34
lildevilVeN0mizer: I wouldn't :).. If i had it my way, I'd make my whole neighborhood bridge their net23:35
kduboisdannyboylawless: i would guess that there is no way to reliably reconstruct the filesystem, but dont take  my word as gospel...23:35
Explohey, what app is considered the best for playing music and managing the library?23:35
d1gitalis it possible to run multiple instances of a media player each on its own sound card?23:35
BarryToemandaire: check the box: "Software restricted by copyright or legal issues" under the Ubuntu Software tab23:35
ShdwShinobimaynards-girl, are you trying to convert a video off of youtube to a mp3 or from some other source?23:35
dannyboylawlesskdubois, thanks23:35
VeN0mizeranyone else notice their ubuntu gradually getting slower as time goes on? I reinstalled it like a week ago and it's back up to speed, but gradually slowing down again...they say a defrag is not needed on linux machines...but something is going on :(23:35
_Rambaldi_I prefer banshee Explo23:35
maynards-girlshdwshinobi, yes23:35
dannyboylawlessdoes anyone know of a way to restore a file from trash to its original location??23:35
lildevilVeN0mizer: Too much cache?23:35
daireJack_Sparrow: ty23:35
kduboisd1gital: how good are you with alsa? ;-) the guys in #alsa might help better with that...23:35
Daisuke_Idomove it there23:35
VeN0mizercache? how might one clear this?23:36
dannyboylawlessDaisuke_Ido (i think your talking to me), move it where?  I don't know where it came from23:36
ShdwShinobimaynards-girl, try this: listentoyoutube.com23:36
Jack_SparrowVeN0mizer, I have never seen that happen...  what all have you added or installed23:36
d1gitalkdubois i'll try over there, thanks23:36
VeN0mizernothing...once I get my system up and running, the only thing I add are updates :/23:36
VeN0mizerit stays fast after I add all my software, and about a month later it's crawling slow for some reason23:37
dmsupermandoes anybody know how i can refresh my preferred applications? I changed it from amarok to exaile but when I try to open an mp3 from within ktorrent it still tries to open it with amarok23:37
Jack_SparrowVeN0mizer, really odd.  you didnt add any repos or anything else..23:37
Daisuke_Idodannyboylawless, no idea then23:37
VeN0mizerwindows did the exact same thing on this laptop...could be a hardware issue23:37
Angel_of_Doomhi people,can enyone explane to me how to install appliations?23:37
maynards-girlshdwshinobi, is there an application or something, and not a url thing?23:37
BarryToemanmaynards-girl: ffmpeg can do this, ffmpeg -i yourinputfile.flv -o outputfile.mp323:37
VeN0mizerrepos...only like virtualbox sources for updates if that's what you mean?23:37
Jack_SparrowVeN0mizer, from a terminal  what does lsb_release -a show23:37
dmsupermanVeN0mizer, not necessarily,windows does that anyway23:37
theunixgeekWhat's the default Firefox homepage?23:37
VeN0mizerlol true superman ;)23:37
dmsupermantheunixgeek, google23:38
BarryToemanmaynards-girl: whoops....wrong.  omit the "-o"23:38
Siph0nCan anyone look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63230/ and tell me which line is my wireless card? Its an internal wireless card for my Gateway laptop. I am 99% Sure it is using the RTL8187 driver. Thanks!23:38
VeN0mizerlemme check mr sparrow23:38
maynards-girlthanks barrytoeman23:38
kduboistheunixgeek: if you compile from source, i think its blank23:38
theunixgeekdmsuperman: I mean, for Ubuntu23:38
theunixgeekkdubois: after the Ubuntu install is done :)23:38
dmsupermantheunixgeek, oh yeah, that welcome to ubuntu thing23:38
dmsupermantheunixgeek, it's on your localhost23:38
dmsupermantheunixgeek, i don't know the location offhand23:38
Jack_SparrowVeN0mizer, from a terminal    type     sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)23:38
VeN0mizerI'm using hardy, but keep in mind this happened with gutsy. I reinstalled gutsy 3 times and hardy twice, and they get slower :( on my desktop this does not occur23:38
theunixgeekdmsuperman: that's what I'm looking for, and Google isn't helping me23:38
BarryToemanmaynards-girl: you can also control bitrate, etc, but the defaults might work for you.23:39
Howitzeri haven't got it mounted in fstab now23:39
Howitzeris there a next step?23:39
Jack_SparrowVeN0mizer, It isnt normal.. it has to be a repo you are adding that is adding something23:39
kduboisHowitzer: remind us of what youre trying to do?23:39
keithb_pinging again--can anyone help out diagnosing why a startup script isn't running?23:40
Jack_Sparrowkeithb_, is it trying to do something as root/sudo?23:41
BarryToemanmaynards-girl: if the version of ffmpeg in ubuntu isn't compiled with mp3 support then read the "Fixing ffmpeg on Ubuntu" at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/iPodVideoEncoding23:41
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow, what's that pastebinit do?23:41
keithb_Jack_Sparrow: yes23:41
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman, helps new users upload to the pastebin..  run it.. and it gives you a link23:42
benanzocan I use gpg with specifying a recipient or using a local key?  example can I just arbitrarily encrypt a file with a password23:42
dannyboylawlessis there anyway of restoring files in your trash to the origional location if I don't know where they came from??23:42
Jack_Sparrowkeithb_, that is were the problem is..  I cant help you with it.. any notes I had on that are on a different compouter23:42
VeN0mizerdid you get my PM with the link Jack?23:42
Jack_Sparrowyea..  looking now23:43
keithb_Jack_Sparrow: do you know what user boot scripts run as?23:43
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow, cool. quick question, what does it mean to "pipe some text"?23:43
d1gitalback on my audio question (the guys in #alsa were little help) is it possible using multiple users and multiple xconfigs or something?23:43
VeN0mizerchannels the output of a program to the input of another23:43
mmm4m5mI have one cosmetic problem :). I did open one huge file in gedit. Then I hit page-down key and release it after 1 min. Now I am still waiting gedit to scroll down page by page. What can I do (except wait or kill gedit)?23:44
VeN0mizerfor instance "output | input"23:44
dmsupermanmmm4m5m, waits, or kill gedit23:44
dmsupermanmmm4m5m, ::P23:44
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman, take the oputput of one command and sent it to another file or program23:44
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow, using > ?23:44
VeN0mizerdmsuperman using |23:44
dmsupermancool =D23:44
Jack_SparrowVeN0mizer, You need to be asking in ubuntu+1 but I dont see where you added sources, did you remove them before posting23:45
VeN0mizerI think > works for windows...not sure about linux? I'll try :P23:45
Strangeletwhat command could I use to convert a load of files in a directory from uppercase to lowercase?23:45
maynards-girlBarryToeman: thank you23:45
Ergo^can anyone point me to some tool for UDP traffic shaping? trickle is only for TCP :(23:45
BarryToemanmaynards-girl: i am so smrt.23:45
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman, here is a wild one.. run this..     sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit23:45
VeN0mizerJack, I had virtualbox sources on gutsy, but other than that, none on hardy, I just used the repo version of virtualbox23:45
BarryToemandannyboylawless: i don't think so.  you can in KDE, but the Gnome trash just moves them into ~/.Trash23:46
Jack_SparrowVeN0mizer, I have never seen the death spiral in ubuntu... only in windows23:46
benanzoStrangelet: tr23:47
VeN0mizerit's gotta be this laptop, I'm cursed with a broadcom wireless card, and the bcm43xx causes random lockups on gutsy, and a useless X server on hardy :P23:47
patrickvaIf I'm doing an Ubuntu installation with an alternative cd, how much space should I give the boot partition?23:47
VeN0mizerand ndiswrapper doesn't work right on hardy without a patch as of now23:47
d1gitalim using ndiswrapper on hardy and its not giving me trouble... is it a miracle or something?23:47
joe1patrickkva: do two partitions, one for home and one for root23:47
user1what are the default ports for ktorrent?      port:       and udp tracker port:    ?23:48
VeN0mizernah, it's my broadcom card23:48
joe1d1gital: you must have patched it.....it's not working without patching23:48
BarryToemanpatrickva: 100MB should be plenty23:48
patrickvaOkay..well I'm doing this with a 1TB drive23:48
joe1100 MB? what....23:48
VeN0mizeryeah there was a .sh file someone released for it...it may just be for broadcom or something23:48
patrickvaAnd the last time I did it it gave the boot partition 2GBs23:48
joe1Patrick: 5 gigs for / and 20 gigs for /home23:48
biabiawhere is the theme chooser in xubuntu?23:48
d1gitaltehe.. erm im not running hardy im running gutsy NEVERMIND lol23:49
BarryToemanpatrickva: but I don't think you really need a boot partition unless you're using other file systems like JFS or XFS23:49
Siph0nCan anyone look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63230/ and tell me which line is my wireless card? Its an internal wireless card for my Gateway laptop. I am 99% Sure it is using the RTL8187 driver. Thanks!23:49
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow, oddly, that give me a permissions error about /home/dmsuperman/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt23:49
VeN0mizerI hope the final version wont require a ghetto patch to work with ndiswrapper ;( I get rigging stuff with duct tape so to speak23:49
joe1they'll fix it23:49
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman, let me run it.. one sec23:49
Howitzer_has anyone said anything to me?, because of lag(?), nothing came in -_-23:49
VeN0mizerget = hate*23:49
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman, interesting.. it just worked here23:50
benanzoStrangelet: cd somedir/ ; for FILE in * ; do mv "${FILE}" "$(echo ${FILE} | tr [[:upper:]] [[:lower:]])" ; done23:50
user1what are the default ports for ktorrent?      port:       and udp tracker port:    ?23:50
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman, did you make any changes to the command23:50
BarryToemanpatrickva: ext2 would be fine for /boot23:50
dmsupermanbash: /home/dmsuperman/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt: Permission denied23:50
hyperstreamSiph0n, none of them look like a wireless card to me23:51
kduboisuser1: use tcpdump or wireshark when that program is on. you will be able to find out23:51
joe1Siph0n: what model gateway?23:51
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow, I removed the first bit installing pastebinit, since i've already installed it23:51
joe1yeah that's what I just saw ;)23:51
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman, did you paste it into a terminal just as I gave it..23:51
joe1none of those are wireless adapters23:51
evilbugwhat's going on dmsuperman23:51
amenadoSiph0n-> you can narrow it down  lshw -C network23:51
dmsupermanevilbug, no clue, seems i don't have permission to write a file to my own desktop haha23:51
Siph0njoe1, MT671123:51
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman, it will bounce if it is already installed and not hurt anything23:51
Jack_Sparrowsudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit23:51
dmsupermancp: cannot create regular file `/home/dmsuperman/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt': Permission denied23:52
evilbugdmsuperman- then kick it or something :D23:52
dmsupermanevilbug, haha23:52
evilbugdmsuperman- it seemed to work for me.23:52
hyperstreami have dual monitors and when i try to play quake4 and so forth its spread half on 1 screen half on another how can  i get it to isolate to one side?\23:52
evilbugdmsuperman- but then _IT_ didn't work...hmm...no clue why.23:52
VeN0mizerI wonder something...If I was to build and sell "ubuntu computers", would there be anything special I'd need to do legally? like include some kind of license agreement from ubuntu? or just ship it as is? or what?23:53
r00723r0Is there any coherent way to make a complete xorg.conf automatically?23:53
user1kdubois ok. what are those. firewalls?23:53
dmsupermandrwxr-xr-x is the permissions on my desktop folder23:53
Siph0namenado, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63234/ is the address with lshw -C network23:53
joe1lol that model is one of those like $500 laptops isn't it....23:53
Siph0njoe1, correct.... i believe i paid 499.99 for it lol23:53
joe1....cheap is never good with electronics23:53
joe1it's worth paying $1000 for a nice system23:53
joe1that will last a three times longer23:53
joe1and make you happier along the way23:53
ZeltaI have ubuntu and windows XP dual booted, using GRUB as a boot manager.  Ubuntu is located on one HD (D:) and windows the other one (C:).  if I reinstall windows how can I make it so I am able to use GRUB to either select windows or ubuntu?23:54
dmsupermanjoel, $1000 is outrageous. that's why laptops fail. You can build an excellent PC for less than $50023:54
joe1for a laptop, $1000 is reasonable23:54
user1kdubois  i have cable. it was working before . now it is not23:54
joe1for a solid machine23:54
dmsupermanZelta, just reinstall grub from the lviecd afterward23:54
joe1if you want a desktop, yeah $500 could do23:54
kduboisuser1: they are packet sniffers. they keep a copy of every packet going out/coming in so you can look at them. you should be able to see what port traffic is going to.23:54
Howitzer_joe1, but if you go cheap on some parts, you can go "wild" on others23:54
dmsupermanjoel, but for a computer in general, $1000 is for a highend23:54
Siph0njoe1, the wireless works, out of the box, ..... I just want to learn more about it lol...... and I do have a netgear wireless card also..... but i unplugged it23:54
Zeltadmsuperman: sudo apt-get install grub...?23:54
joe1lol high end!23:54
joe1a grand high end23:54
user1kdubois ok23:54
Zeltaerr, reinstall*23:54
user1kdubois thx!23:54
dmsupermanjoel, obviously you only buy computers, don't build them23:55
dmsupermanjoel, you can build a very nice pc for a grand, easy23:55
joe1I have built them in the past, I don't have the time for it any more23:55
Siph0neverything works on the this laptop, perfectly :) but i am just confused on what chipset the wireless card uses....23:55
joe1yes for sure, not a laptop though23:55
dmsupermanjoel, of course you can always go DUAL SLI 9800 GTX and CORE 2 EXTREME and be stupid23:55
Howitzer_i can't get the ownership on my data partition right23:55
SisyphusINCim trying to setup ubuntu with a usb drive but i get the following when executing "sudo ./isotostick.sh ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso  /dev/sdb1" :./isotostick.sh [--reset-mbr] [--noverify] <isopath> <usbstick device>"23:55
kduboisalso, user1: ubuntu in no way affects your cable router23:55
SisyphusINCany ideas?23:55
dmsupermanjoel, i don't count laptops, for the same price you paid for your laptop you can easily get twice the performance23:55
BarryToemanSiph0n: you can try the commands "lspci" and "lshw" to get system info.23:56
joe1Sisyphus: I've set it up that way23:56
dmsupermanZelta, google "ubuntu livecd grub", the first result is a good tutorial23:56
dmsupermanZelta, it's on ubuntuforums.org23:56
dmsupermanZelta, no problems23:56
CorbinFoxI am having a problem where the desktop freezes for a split second to a second every little bit.  there is sometihng logged in the Xorg log but I don't know how to figure out what is going on.  any help?23:56
Howitzer_i do "chmod 777 /media/documents/*" and i still can't do anything, i cant use chown because then i get 'operation not permitted'23:56
Siph0nBarryToeman, I have done both commands... I still dont know which chipset my wireless uses....23:56
user1kdubois i think the cable guys have stoped p2p apps?23:56
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VeN0mizersuperman, I used to build computers, but after buying a laptop I dunno if I'll ever go back to a desktop since I don't do any gaming anymore :P23:56
joe1exactly, I don't game either23:56
joe1I need functionality and mobility23:56
Siph0nBarryToeman, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63234/ is the output of both commands23:56
joe1and something that will last a long time23:57
user1kdubois is there any hting i can do from my side. use a 80  port?23:57
VeN0mizerjoe1 I agree, I LOVE being able to browse the web when I take a crap, or go on vacation...it's nice :)23:57
joe1I paid $2200 for a laptop four years ago, broke three months before end of warranty (four year warranty) they gave me an upgrade for free23:57
dmsupermanVeN0mizer, I hate laptops. Outrageous double cost aside, the heat issues as well as general lack of power are an issue for me23:57
joe1that's why I love Dell23:57
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:57
afewnips-o-ubuntSisyphusINC, what i succeeded once: dd=bootfloppy.IMG of=/dev/sda1(128Meg USBSTICK)23:57
kduboisuser1: im confused. you say your cable modem isnt working, yet i can still talk to you.23:57
peter77when I plug in a pair of headphones into the jack the speakers don't mute on my laptop, this is very annoying, is there a fix?23:57
joe1Peter: it's a toshiba right?23:58
user1kdubois modem is fine. ktorrent is not downloading23:58
VeN0mizersuperman, that's why you shop for the "back to school" deals ;) and modern ones don't overheat if they are designed properly, and alienware makes pretty powerful laptops I think?23:58
dmsupermanpeter77, not usually, it's usually up to the hardware, whether or not they use the headphone as an interupt or a secondary out23:58
mneptokpeter77: that issue is solved for most audio chipsets in Hardy23:58
BarryToemanSiph0n: how odd.  lspci doesn't even show it23:58
VeN0mizersuperman but I have a friend who's the same way, she HATES laptops lol23:58
joe1sisyphus: you still there?23:58
dmsupermanVeN0mizer, Alienware doesn't even exist in my mind. There's no way in hell I'll pay double or even triple the cost of a laptop, which is already double what it's worth. And back to school specials mean you have to rely on a certain time of year.23:58
Siph0nBarryToeman, yet it does work, cause i am online with it lol.... ok.... I guess I dont have to know what chipset it uses... was just curious,... also if i should be using a different driver than the rtl8187 one23:59
VeN0mizerI just like the portability I think :/...after a week of wardriving like a script kiddie, that got old though I must admit23:59
mneptokVeN0mizer / dmsuperman: please move this conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic23:59
dmsupermanmneptok, sure thing :)23:59
Howitzer_can anyone help me with my permissions problem?23:59
VeN0mizermneptok yes sir ;)23:59
mneptok"sir" is my father.23:59
peter77mneptok, I might download the live cd and take a look but I am unable to risk my systems stability atm due to coursework23:59

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