
pochutacone: best is to ask questions here or in the mailing list... but if you want a mentor, ask for one in ubuntu-motu-mentors@l.u.c00:55
pochutacone: to get started look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted00:55
taconeok, pochu, thank you00:56
pochuno problem, and welcome :-)00:57
taconepochu: one thing not so clear to me, is how to really start00:58
taconeI mean, reading the wiki, you are supposed to already have contributed something.00:58
taconeam I wrong ?00:58
crimsunto ask for a mentor?  You do not have to have contributed, no.00:59
taconenice, I'll try to get one then :)00:59
jdongScottK: what'd you say was up with clamav 0.93? is that the release we are handling as a pre-backport?01:14
bddebianHeya gang01:54
crimsunbddebian: 'lo.02:03
crimsunbddebian: thanks for the trang fix-build, BTW.02:03
bddebianHeya crimsun02:03
bddebianAh, NP02:03
=== zachy is now known as zakame
CyberMattmiddle of the night for me04:15
jdongsuperm1: <humor> what do you think about ipod-touch-convenience using -o Ciphers=arcfour?</humor>04:20
superm1jdong, could you even come up with a justifiable argument for that :)04:22
jdongsuperm1: 2.2x transfer throughput for syncing?04:23
superm1i think you hit limitations on wireless BW...04:23
jdongwhich is a big deal loading up a 8GiB video collection04:23
jdongsuperm1: actually no the ARM core in these things is disappointingly short when it comes to SSH :(04:24
jdongtop shows sshd pegging04:24
jdongmaybe that means I need to go dropbear instead of openssh04:24
superm1what we really need is samba or nfs ported to it04:24
superm1although maybe a ftp daemon would suffice too04:24
jdongsuperm1: well surely arcfour is still more secure than FTP ;-)04:25
jdongwhat we *really* need is to rev engineer the USB protocol.04:25
* superm1 doesn't want to know about the government secrets that jdong passes over ssh to his ipod touch04:26
superm1if I even knew where to start on reverse engineering a protocol, i'd be all game for that04:26
jdongsuperm1: I think transmitting songs in cleartext fits some RIAA "making available" argument? :D04:26
jdongand considering how anally supportive MIT is of the RIAA I don't take any chances.04:26
superm1i'd anticipate the easiest way to capture the packets is via vmware or a similar VM04:27
superm1and a packet capture layer on linux04:28
jdongsuperm1: meh Windows makes it even easier, there's a nice stack of USB snooping tools for Windows that hooks into the kernel layer already04:28
jdongsuperm1: and iTunes has a Windows port :)04:28
jdongor we could use DTrace on OS X oh wait that's locked down....04:28
superm1well then why hasn't anyone done this?04:28
jdongsuperm1: I'm not sure if anyone has. Certainly I don't think jailbreaking is an appropriate solution to syncing the Touches with Linux04:29
superm1well in fairness, everyone i know that has one has only purchased it for the purpose to jailbreak it...04:29
jdongsuperm1: well I didn't originally but I eventually had to.04:30
superm1"had to"?04:30
jdongsuperm1: I was fine living with what Apple gave me until the $20 apps update nonsense, and syncing it with Ubuntu04:30
superm1really?  i couldn't use this w/o the last.fm client on there04:31
jdongsuperm1: and then I got into a brief period of trying to hack around the insides of the iPod Touch only to figure out that this game's no fun with Apple's antagonism04:31
jdongsuperm1: I use my iTouch primarily as a video watching platform. The thing is amazing -- it decodes desktop-resolution hi-res H.264 without skipping a beat04:31
superm1use handbrake for the transcoding normally?04:32
jdongactually I use an uncastrated ffmpeg mostly04:34
superm1woah.  crazy talk04:34
jdongbecause I was unhappy with handbrake's lack of input options.04:34
jdongbut for DVDs yes I'll use handbrake04:34
superm1someone on my team put together a nice transcoding post recording job for myth to bring stuff to h264, but i haven't started to use it because i think i'd prefer to watch it on my LCD tv04:35
jdongI'm working on converting my ffmpeg scripts to a mencoder+faac+x264-bin backend04:35
jdongthat way it can be usable with multiverse out of the box04:35
jdongbecause it seems like ffmpeg is headed in the opposite direction here in Ubuntu04:35
superm1yeah so i've noticed04:36
jdongit's a shame because my preliminary research shows I'll be off into about 6 commands and fifos everywhere04:37
jdongmostly this comes from reverse-engineering handbrake's backend.04:37
jdongkinda silly they don't directly use mencoder/mplayer as the frontend too04:38
emgentheya people04:38
jdongsince they already utilize it in the backend (or have the bindings to do so)04:38
superm1why don't you just clean up handbrake and add functionality there?04:38
superm1jdong, have you done some driver development in the past trying to get this reverse engineered, or just playing messenger?04:48
jdongsuperm1: I've not worked with the iPod Touch but I have had experience reveng'ing other USB peripherals on Windows04:49
jdongsuperm1: unfrotuantely my TODO list is very huge04:49
superm1jdong, you might have tickled my fancy for something to work on during the plane ride to UDS...04:49
jdongsuperm1: and for the above question, the handbrake input-frontend is quite silly, complex, and MPEG2-specific and I didn't find it very worthwhile to use it as a base :(04:49
superm1jdong, care to point me at some starting points?04:49
jdongsuperm1: sorry need to head out at the moment04:50
StevenKI think the first item is 'learn to spell unfortunately'04:50
StevenKjdong: ^04:50
jdongthere's something called usbsnoop or something liek that for Windows04:50
jdongStevenK: making fun of my typing skills? :P04:50
ajmitchStevenK: harsh04:50
superm1i'll start out reading the USB specs I suppose :)04:50
StevenKjdong: And your spelling skills04:50
jdongStevenK: lol I'm using a laptop keyboard ;-)04:50
jdongAND gnome-terminal *STILL* doesn't have spellcheck04:51
jdongdespite my NUMEROUS whiny e-mails to ubuntu-devel-discuss about my KEYBOARD.04:51
StevenKIt would have been ironic if I'd mispelled it.04:51
jdong</bad impression>04:51
StevenK</Ziggy> ?04:51
=== Frogzoo_ is now known as frogzoo
asomethingHey! I've got a question. What is the process for trying to get an exception package in main at this point? Seahorse Bug #215729 has a patch attached that resolves a fairly important bug. I've tested and confirm that it work as well as created a debdiff for it.05:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 215729 in seahorse "Seahorse fails to import keys" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21572905:28
asomethingI've only seen info on getting exceptions for universe packages05:29
Hobbseeasomething: slangasek was looking into that, as was LaserJock05:30
asomethingok, glad to know it's being looked at. I've attached a debdiff to the report and which I've built in pbuilder and installed with no issue :)05:32
LaserJockasomething: I already uploaded it once :-)05:39
LaserJockI'm trying to make sure slangasek will approve it this time ;-)05:41
asomethingLaserJock: thanks for working on it! I wasn't sure if it was on any ones radar as the bug report didn't have any thing but the patch attempts in its comments05:41
Hobbseeslangasek: how does the patch get fixed, so it does get approved?06:04
slangasekHobbsee: per the discussion on #ubuntu-devel, the question right now is whether someone is sure that there are no memory leaks in the new code06:06
Hobbseeslangasek: hm, sorry, missed the other discussion06:07
Hobbseeslangasek: do we have good C people here who know how to check?06:07
slangasekwell, I know how to check06:07
slangasekso if it comes down to me, then the ETA is probably 2h :)06:07
asomethingslangasek: i'm currently running the patched version, if there is any way i can help, let me know06:11
slangasekasomething: sorry, at this stage of the freeze I'm really after making sure that it's reviewed by someone who's a) core-dev, b) able to confirm that there aren't any memory leaks06:14
asomethingslangasek: np, definitely understand06:15
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RAOFasomething: I'm not terribly familiar with glib's types, but that patch declares a (gchar *) and then mallocs enough space for 11 char (not gchar) and assingnes with a (char *) cast.  Either it doesn't matter, and it's just stylistically ugly, or it does matter and it'll (hopefully) segfault on some strange arch.06:25
RAOF...Except the existing code does something similar, so maybe that's standard glib practice that I just find strange :)06:28
=== asac_ is now known as asac
elemjayLatest Google Tech Talk on the future of Linux: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4A6ImflixL807:18
awmcclainIf I'm packaging a perl module, all the dependencies would be most appropriately listed under build-depends-indep, since the perl module has not architecture-specific binaries, correct?07:31
RAOFawmcclain: It's actually a little bit more subtle than that.07:32
awmcclainRAOF: Howso?07:34
RAOFawmcclain: I should dig up the policy document.  Basically, b-d-i are guaranteed to be installed for binary-indep:, b-d are guaranteed for clean: etc.07:35
awmcclainRAOF:  http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html bottom of page07:36
awmcclainRAOF: I'm confused because for the deb files created by dh-make-perl, the build-arch, build-indep and build install targets are all conflated.07:38
awmcclainSo I don't have a clear example of what the differences are.07:39
RAOFRight.  So basically, everything should be in b-d-i *except* for stuff required to run clean (that would be debhelper, dpatch, etc).07:41
awmcclainThank you RAOF07:42
awmcclainMy attempt to patch one package has ballooned into 6 custom dependency packages, so I'm trying to wrap my head around a lot of concepts.07:42
protonchrisTheMuso: I noticed that you changed Bug 216308 from Fix commited back to confirmed?  Did you run into issues with the updated package?07:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 216308 in glom "Glom crashes when adding record" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21630807:57
LaserJockoh fortran how I hate you, let me count the ways08:21
LaserJockdo i=1, infinity08:21
LaserJockwrite (*,*) 'I hate you'08:22
dholbachgood morning08:52
gesergood morning09:28
harrisonyj #ubuntu-devel09:34
elmargolis there a lecture or somoething how to use bazaar to manage a debian package?10:04
elmargolhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BzrMaintainerHowto is not very detailed10:04
StevenKCould I convince someone from motu-release to look at bug 18115010:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 181150 in moko "[FFe] moko contains a shared library with no soname/dev package handling" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18115010:33
AnAntHello, what should I put in Vcs-Bzr ? the whole path for the package or just the branch path ?10:33
AnAntthe bzr branch has several pacakges10:34
AnAntthe bzr branch is http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntume.team/ubuntume-artwork/hardy10:36
AnAntthe bzr branch is http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntume.team/ubuntume-artwork/trunk10:36
AnAntthere are several folders in this branch, each branch is for a package10:36
AnAntthere are several folders in this branch, each folder is for a package10:36
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jscinozPPA is being screwy again..11:07
jscinozpackage failing to build, but the logs are indicating it completed successfully.11:07
cprovjscinoz: buildlog url ?11:08
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dokois revu.tauware.de down?12:26
james_wdoko: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2008-April/003599.html12:28
dokonice, so no glassfish for hardy12:29
james_wdoko: sistpoty may be able to extract the package for you, I'm not sure.12:30
james_wLaney: hi, are you around?13:02
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Laneyjames_w: Am now, what's up?13:32
protonchrisTheMuso: Nevermind.  It looks like it just went through thanks.14:00
soren a14:03
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sistpoty|workhi folks14:34
emgenthi sistpoty|work :)14:34
sistpoty|workhi emgent14:34
elmargolI'm searching users who can provide some feedback on some packages I created for feisty. https://launchpad.net/~teamgnunet/+archive  (gnunet is an anonymous filesharing network)15:05
elmargol-feisty +hardy15:05
Hobbseeanyone interested in dealing with rsync?15:09
StevenK"dealing with" ?15:09
Hobbseenew upstream release, outstanding cves, it looks like15:10
* persia grumbles about upstream failing to modify copyright attribution or include licensing information in files when they have changed >90% of the content15:11
\shHobbsee, rsync is main?15:12
Hobbsee\sh: oh, so it is15:12
Hobbsee\sh: you could deal with it anyway15:22
\shHobbsee, grmpf ;) well, actually I need a stable hardy...so I'll check when I'm home...15:23
\shHobbsee, team to subscribe for main? ubuntu-release?15:24
=== solarion is now known as Solarion
=== siretart changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | We're in FinalFreeze, see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-April/000418.html and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FinalFreeze and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureFreeze | please check rc bug fixes in debian not having entered ubuntu yet: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ | REVU is currently down for maintenance
NafalloI thought I saw a topic change somewhere :-)16:45
* sistpoty|work heads home... cya17:16
emgentheya \sh :)18:34
\shhey emgent18:35
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promaghello guys19:05
promag$ apt-get install dpxis-app-base19:05
promagThe following packages have unmet dependencies:19:05
promag  dpxis-app-base: Depends: dpxis-plugins-base but it is not going to be installed19:05
promaghow can I FORCE dpxis-plugins-base installation automatically?19:06
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pochupromag: that package doesn't exist (anymore)19:11
pochuwell, it has never been in Ubuntu according to packages.ubuntu.com so wrong channel19:12
emgentDktrKranz: heya :D19:39
DktrKranzhey emgent19:40
emgentthanks for cacti19:40
DktrKranzyou're welcome :)19:40
DktrKranzI didn't want to have a SRU around ;)19:41
sebnerDktrKranz: heya :)19:50
DktrKranzaloha sebner19:50
cbx33hey all20:14
cbx33howz it going20:14
cbx33long time :p20:14
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keescan a motu-release person look at bug 216132?  I'd like to get a refpolicy bug-fix upload exception.20:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 216132 in refpolicy "SELinux breaks CUPS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21613220:59
stanipochu, ScottK: I've attached a debdiff to fix Bug #215714. Could one of you take care it gets uploaded?21:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 215714 in phatch "The path for python extensions should reflect the 2.0 api" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21571421:04
staniPOX_: Do not apply this patch to Debian. I will prepare phatch-0.1.4 which handles this issue in a better way.21:05
norsettokees: its acked21:10
* proppy hugs norsetto21:17
=== SinTux is now known as Syntux
norsettoproppy: heya!21:17
proppynorsetto: howdy ?21:17
norsettoproppy: goodie goodie, and you?21:17
keesnorsetto: okay, thanks.21:18
proppynorsetto: nice nice, gnometheming :)21:18
norsettoproppy: booh :-) time to convert to the Dark (read Blue) Side ;-)21:19
proppy? :)21:19
proppynot sure I'm getting it21:20
proppynorsetto: aaah understood21:20
proppyblue means kde :) ?21:20
pochustani: I'm on it, thanks for the patch :)21:20
norsettoproppy: indeed21:20
proppythis one was hard21:20
proppynorsetto: you're like yoda to me21:21
norsettoproppy: may the farce be with you ;-)21:21
stanipochu: thanks21:22
proppyhaha, you're such a frenchmen21:22
norsettoproppy: what can I do .. I spent the last 5 days in France ....21:23
proppysad that we never met there !21:23
proppynancy is too far21:23
norsettoproppy: was in Nice this time21:23
sebnernorsetto: we have to convert you back to the brown folks ^^21:26
norsettosebner: vade retro satana!21:26
sebnernorsetto: latin?21:27
RainCTasac: hey, anything new about the adblock-plus bug?21:27
norsettosebner: yes21:27
sebnernorsetto: Please translate ^21:28
* proppy wonders if xfce is the "mouse" force21:28
norsettosebner: go away satan! (or whatever the devil is called nowadays)21:28
pochuScottK: ACK to upload phatch, bug 215714? sistpoty approved it but I don't think the phatch task was there at that moment, so he approved nautilus-python... but after that we need to upload phatch too21:29
sebnernorsetto: gnome rulez :P21:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 215714 in phatch "The path for python extensions should reflect the 2.0 api" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21571421:29
RainCTasac: uhm.. reading bugmail right now. so taht was a problem in xulrunner?21:29
RainCTomg, we are losing norsetto, bring him back! :)21:30
asacRainCT: yeah ;)21:30
asacthe upstream bug is linked in the bug report21:31
RainCTasac: ok, cool :)21:31
asacRainCT: but that problem was rather old afaict21:31
norsettorainCT: a BIG loss (I'm above the 100 kg now :-()21:31
asacwe just didn't notice because we didn't ship that extension i guess21:31
asacand ignored bugs about it21:31
asacso another good thing to get these things in packages21:31
pochuScottK: it's broken right now due to the change in nautilus-python and I've verified Stani's debdiff is correct (and it's really small, a one line fix to change the path)21:32
crimsunanyone from MOTU-R willing to approve https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/trang/+bug/141447/comments/14 ?21:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 141447 in trang "trang segfaults on gutsy (x86 and AMD64)" [Medium,Fix committed]21:34
bersacewhy isn't  gnome-scan updated to 0.6 ? :/21:38
bersacerelease march the 10th !21:38
bersacesee you later21:39
stanipochu: Is ScottK around?21:47
pochustani: doesn't look like :) but he will answer when he's back, don't worry21:48
pochustani: I'll ask in the bug report too, just in case21:48
pochuas there are 4 more members in that team :)21:48
pochuactually I think norsetto is one... norsetto ^21:49
pochu22:32 <     pochu> ScottK: it's broken right now due to the change in nautilus-python and I've verified Stani's debdiff is correct (and it's really small, a one line fix to change the path)21:49
pochubug 21571421:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 215714 in phatch "The path for python extensions should reflect the 2.0 api" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21571421:49
pochunorsetto: we need a motu-release ACK for phatch too21:50
stanipochu: yes I saw, maybe it is good to tell him that this bug has been reported in the first place because of Phatch21:50
pochusistpoty approved nautilus-python and now the phatch extension won't work unless we apply stani's fix21:50
norsettopochu: ok, I'll check it asap21:50
pochuI'm waiting to press enter :)21:50
pochuemilio@saturno:~/tmp$ dput phatch_0.1.3-1ubuntu2_source.changes21:50
stanipochu: haha, I wish I could press it for you21:51
pochuhmm, actually that wouldn't have worked... ubuntu  isn't my default in /etc/dput.cf :)21:51
stanipochu: can you help me to fix this issue better for PAPT with build-depends and pkg-config?21:52
pochustani: well, actually I could upload it and wait for an ack since the queue is set to manual and thus uploads need to be manually accepted, but I'll wait and get an ACK first :)21:53
stanipochu: so I can make POX_ happy too21:53
stanipochu: I mean for debian not for ubuntu21:53
pochustani: sure. "pkg-config --variable=pythondir nautilus-python" is the command you need21:53
norsettopochu: bug number?21:53
pochunorsetto: bug 21571421:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 215714 in phatch "The path for python extensions should reflect the 2.0 api" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21571421:54
pochuthe diff is a one liner21:54
norsettopochu: kind of difficult for motu-release to ack if you don't subscribe ....21:54
pochuah, sorry21:55
pochunorsetto: ScottK knows the package so I was expecting him to ACK it, but he isn't around so... :)21:55
norsettopochu: you tested this?22:00
pochunorsetto: yes22:00
norsettopochu: yes, with success I guess ...22:01
pochuI've verified that a) the nautilus-python update broke it, and b) that this debdiff fixed it22:01
pochuof course22:01
norsettopochu, stani: ok, looks good to me, go ahead22:01
staninorsetto: thanks22:02
norsettopochu: de nada22:02
pochuthank you norsetto22:02
staninorsetto: obrigado22:03
norsettostani: maag niet uit ...22:03
pochustani: Successfully uploaded packages.22:06
staninorsetto: haha, quite good22:06
staninorsetto: but should be "maak niet uit" (maag = stomach)22:06
stanipochu: thanks!22:07
norsettostani: yes, but its funnier this way ;-)22:07
staninorsetto: that is for sure!22:07
stanipochu: I don't understand why the package is called python-nautilus but pkg-config uses nautilus-python22:11
stanipochu: also the changelog mentions nautilus-python22:12
stanipochu: so what is the difference between python-nautilus and nautilus-python?22:12
norsettocrimsun: I have no idea what -findirect-dispatch does, but I guess you tested this with success?22:14
crimsunnorsetto: yes.  It's taken from the Debian change by Barry.22:15
norsettocrimsun: I see, perhaps you should mention it in the changelog? Do we also need the -O2 -g in there?22:15
stanipochu: other question do I have to add pkg-config to build-depends as well?22:15
crimsunnorsetto: yes, because I didn't wish to patch Makefile, which is more cumbersome, as well.22:16
norsettocrimsun: ok, but perhaps we should then do something similar to what we do for the CFLAGS22:17
norsettocrimsun: for the optimisation flag I mean22:18
crimsunsure, I'll rediff.22:18
crimsunnorsetto: updated debdiff attached, thanks.22:26
sebnergn8 folks :)22:30
eddyMulI'm trying to patch git-core- in hardy with from my PPA. somehow, synaptic doesn't see the ~ppa1 as an upgrade. What can I do other than "force version"?22:31
crimsunthat's because 2~ is lower than 222:32
eddyMulcrimsun: ah. I will bump the version, then. thanx!22:33
crimsuncf. http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/footnotes.html#f3322:34
eddyMulcrimsun: so, will be ok?22:36
crimsunthat sorts higher than, however.22:37
crimsuntry or something22:38
eddyMulcrimsun: there have been a "back and forth" wiki changes in the PPAQuickStart page22:38
eddyMulabout what should be used for appending, '~' or '+'....22:38
eddyMulcurrently, it says '~'....22:38
crimsunin this case I presume you prefer whatever's in your ppa22:39
eddyMulcrimsun: your assumption is correct.22:39
eddyMulcrimsun: so I should use +ppa instead of ~ppa, then?22:39
crimsunso your target needs to be versioned higher than what's currently in hardy and simultaneously lower than an SRU/security update.22:40
eddyMulcrimsun: yes.22:41
crimsunfor /this/ instance, I would use '+' instead of '~'.22:41
=== siretart changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | We're in FinalFreeze, see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-April/000418.html and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FinalFreeze and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureFreeze | please check rc bug fixes in debian not having entered ubuntu yet: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/
norsettocrimsun: have you built this in a ppa? Trying to build it locally just trashes my hd to death22:55
eddyMulcrimsun: I got it. Just /this/ instance.   :)22:57
crimsunnorsetto: I've tried twice to build it locally.  I gave up after, each time, it ate through all RAM and swap.  I finally got work permission to build it on a machine there.  It eats about 6 GB.22:59
norsettocrimsun: right, god bless java ....23:01
norsettocrimsun: ok, go on with that bloated thing23:03
crimsunnorsetto: to be clear, is that an "ok to upload" for #141447?23:06
norsettocrimsun: roger23:06
pochustani: nautilus-python is the source package (and upstream name), so that's why the changelog (which uses the package name) and pkgconfig (which is from upstream) have nautilus-python23:36
pochustani: the Debian/Ubuntu binary package is called python-nautilus though, as the Python Policy says Python modules should be prefixed with python-23:37
stanipochu: ok, so it is changed because of debian policy?23:37
stanipochu: ok23:37
pochustani: for pkg-config, yes, add it if you are going to use it23:37
staniI've added: pkg-config and python-nautilus to build-depends without minimum version requirements as I would now know which ones23:38
pochuno need for a minimun version yet23:39
staniwould not know23:39
staniso I have phatch 0.1.4 ready for debian ;-)23:40
staniI've sent an email to POX_ cc to you as well about it23:40
pochugreat. maybe in 2 years I'm able to sponsor it ;-)23:41
pochustani: you missed commas in your change to debian/control23:45
stanipochu: thanks for reviewing, I'll add them now23:46
stanipochu: done23:47
pochustani: thanks. btw you should document every change in debian/changelog23:51
stanipochu: ok, I will later, I really have to go now23:52

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