
emonkeyLjL, thank you for your Memo unfortunately I was not used to read them because I got not a hell of a lot messages. I think know I should have done all required things. Thank you very much for poking me about that and please feel free to contact me again if there are any questions.07:57
mhzchilehi you all15:08
mhzchileI have my nick (mhz) cloaked by Moin developers. However, the last 7 days I have tried to log to IRC and I have to do it using a diff nick (mhzchile) because someone is using "mhz". Anyways, I would like to have "mhz" (only mhz) cloaked by Ubuntu. Is that possible?15:10
* mhzchile is Ubuntu Memeber15:10
mhzchilewell, mhz is :)15:11
LjLmhzchile, you can get your nickname even if it's in use15:13
LjLmhz can be cloaked if you're an ubuntu member, but i don't think it's possible to keep the moinmoin cloak too on it15:13
ubotuOn IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>15:15
mhzchileLjL: thx. Indeed, I understand I'd be giving up the Moin cloak, np. Regarding the other person using mhz, I pong him 30 mins ago, still no answer15:16
Picimhzchile: see ubotu's message above.15:16
LjLthen ghost them, it won't be the end of the world15:16
mhzchileubotu: great. I was just waiting for a pong but yes...it's been too long now15:16
LjLthey've been notified, after all, that the nickname they chose was already taken15:16
* mhzchile ghosting then15:17
=== mhzchile is now known as mhz
LjLmhz, please give me your Launchpad address, and make sure that you have an alternate nickname set up and linked to mhz, and an email address stored in NickServ (detailed instructions at  http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration )15:17
mhzLjL: thx, I will15:19
mhzin the meantime...which is the prefered policy? I gotta do something else now, so, should I change my nich to 'mhz_brb' or change status, or do nothing?15:21
=== mhz is now known as mhzchile
=== mhzchile is now known as mhz
LjL!away | mhz15:35
ubotumhz: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines»15:35
mhzexcellent policy (that's why I asked)15:36
[NikO]LjL, hi, perhaps this sort of message should be notice to the nick targeted ?15:37
LjLhm? not sure what you mean there15:37
[NikO]that s like flood chan i mean15:38
[NikO]when bot answer with big text on the channel15:38
LjL!away > [NikO]    ([NikO], see the private message from Ubotu)15:38
LjLif this had been #ubuntu, i'd have done it like this15:38
[NikO]better :)15:38
LjL!tell ljl about away15:39
LjLalso works15:39
LjLPriceChild, could you ubuntu/member/ cloak mhz please?15:39
* PriceChild checks15:39
PriceChildmhz: do you want the ubuntu one instead of your moinmoin one?15:40
mhzyes, please, PriceChild (with some sorrow on the heart though...snif)15:42
PriceChildmhz: did you just register mhzchile?15:42
mhzyes, as alternate nick15:42
PriceChildmhz: you should link them /msg nickserv link mhzchile password15:43
PriceChildmhz: you already have an alternate nick btw, but you can have more than one if you want.15:43
mhzPriceChild: done15:44
PriceChildmhz: done15:45
mhzPriceChild: thanks a lot!15:46
* jpatrick wonders why ubuntu/member/moinmoin.fan.mhz couldn't have been done15:52
erUSULjpatrick: hi! is botijo still M.I.A. ? ;P15:54
jpatrickerUSUL: meh..15:57
=== emonkey-t is now known as emonkey
=== Mez is now known as fishfinder
=== fishfinder is now known as Mez
=== mh2 is now known as mhz

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