
spivGood morning00:01
LeoNerdabentley: OK... could you suggest a better one?00:01
pooliespiv, igc call now00:01
abentleyalready did: Graph.is_ancestor or Graph.heads.00:02
LeoNerdYes, but I don't know anything of bzrlib. That sounds like an abstract data set sort of thing... how do I hook that up?00:03
LeoNerdPerhaps you could rewrite my ancestor_of() function?00:03
LeoNerdHmm.. OK.. I'll try that out00:04
abentleyusing heads is actually better, because it will tell you which one is the ancestor or else tell you that they are diverged with one call.00:05
abentleyIf you get two results for a heads call, they are diverged.  If you get one head, it is the descendant of the other.00:06
LeoNerdFrom what "heads" call..?00:07
LeoNerdBut surely each branch individually will only have one head?00:08
LeoNerdWhich is surely just the last_revision ID?00:08
abentleyGraphs represent the revision graph of the repository.00:09
abentleyThey have no direct relationship to the branch.00:09
LeoNerdYes. But we're comparing two branches here, each with its own repository. (I hope - the point should be they're on different machines)00:09
LeoNerdThe idea is I put this in cron.daily between my two machines, to keep my repo. backed up00:09
abentleyGraphs may also represent the combined revision graph of two repositories.00:10
LeoNerdAh. See, I hadn't got that bit00:10
abentleyYou just do branch.repository.get_graph(other_branch.repository)00:10
LeoNerdRight. and that's the combined one?00:10
LeoNerdI suppose symmetrically, so it doesn't matter which I really call00:11
abentleyThis is true, but there are performance implications.00:12
abentleyother_branch should be the remote branch, if possible.00:13
LeoNerdHm. I may play with that tomorrow instead in fact.. it's getting quite late00:16
pooliebeuno: hello?00:26
beunopoolie, morning  :)00:27
lifelesspoolie: did you put that sketch-of-a-debconf-talk together and I missed it ?00:27
poolielifeless: no, it never got to the top of my queue :/00:28
lifelessI have a design problem00:51
lifelessI think I'm being overly generic00:51
lifelessactually, I'm wrong, I'm not. It was just the order I was writing a test in.00:52
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
Noiaok, I've installed bzr on my ubuntu server02:30
Noiahow to I interact with it from my mac?02:30
bob2install bzr on your mac02:31
Noiaohai bob202:33
NoiaI'm trying to set up a repo system on one of my servers and its the first time I'm using bzr and  I wouldn't say I'm too accustomed to working with things like this (except tortoise SVN)02:35
Noiaok so I have bzr on my mac and my server...how do I set up the repo on the server and sync them ?02:36
poolieNoia: did you read http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html ?02:38
NoiaI read the really skinny guid02:39
poolieso, basically02:43
poolieuse bzr push, pull and merge to move changes between your mac and your server02:43
NoiaI need to do something like this though right?02:44
Noiabzr branch sftp://bill@mary-laptop/cool-repo/cool-trunk02:45
bob2to initially branch it onto your machine, yes02:46
Noiado I need to set up anything specific on the server side or does it just use the file system?02:48
poolieNoia: if you use sftp it will just use the filesystem02:49
poolieif you use bzr+ssh you need to install bzr on the server, but no more02:49
rollyand ssh :)02:50
NoiaI've got bzr on the server02:50
NoiaI just don't get this thing though >.<02:50
NoiaI've used CVS and SVN before but SVN was through tortoise, so I'd hadly say it was difficult, and CVS was some years ago now02:51
Noiaso I'm getting quite confused >.>02:51
bob2which bit don't you get?02:52
abentleyNoia: Repositories are not a central concept in Bazaar.  They provide a space optimization, but they are not a necessary step.02:53
Noiagetting the workflow going seems awefully complex02:53
Noiaabentley, yea thats sort of different02:53
abentleyIt seems like you are expecting to do more than you actually have to.02:53
bob2so, you have a branch on a remote server.  "bzr branch sftp://blah" creates a branch of that on your local machine.  you update your local branch with remote changes with "bzr pull", you push changes back with "bzr push"02:54
Noiasince I'm running bzr on the server, would it be preferable to run bzr through ssh rather than sftp ?02:55
NoiaI suppose that might yield better user control since you can spec it against the ssh login02:56
foomyes, it'll be faster too, since it'll use the "smart server"02:57
Noiaalright, how do I set that up?02:57
bob2is 'bzr' in your PATH on the server?  ie does "ssh host bzr version" work?02:58
Noiaif I ssh in and type bzr version then it works yes03:02
bob2you can probably just use bzr+ssh:// instead of sftp:// then03:03
Noiaso er....how? lol03:03
bob2bzr branch bzr+ssh://blah/blah03:04
Noiaerror, not a branch03:07
lifelessNoia: what exact path are you using, if I may ask ?03:10
NoiaI'm using /repo/noia03:11
Noiarepo is 0777 noia is chown to noia, the user I'm sshing into03:11
lifelessyou're not using ~ in there at all ?03:11
lifelessok, thats weird03:11
NoiaI saw the bug :)03:11
lifelessand sftp works ?03:11
Noianot tried sftp03:11
Noiabut I can ssh in, it asks for password so03:12
spivAnd "bzr ... bzr+ssh://..." asks for a password too?03:12
lifelesshave you created a branch?03:12
lifeless(repositories are not branches, they contain branches)03:12
Noiaspiv, yes it asks for a password03:12
Noialifeless, er...no?03:13
NoiaI've only run bzr branch bzr+ssh://....03:13
lifelessthen it is unsurprising that you get NotABranch :P03:13
Noiaalright, what am I doing wrong >.<03:13
spivNoia: "bzr branch" makes a copy of a branch, it doesn't create one.03:14
spivNoia: so if you don't have a branch yet, it'll give the "not a branch" error :)03:15
Noiadurr -_-03:15
spiv"bzr init" makes a branch03:15
NoiaBranched 0 revision(s).03:16
NoiaIt wont work! waaaaaah03:29
Noiaso I've got my remote repo, and I've branched to it, and I've got my local repo and I've init'd them both, and when I use bzr commit, it asks for server side password, but it doesn't push any data. When I run bzr push, it says theres no location specified to push to03:30
Noiadid I miss something?03:30
lifelessit sounds like you want to work like cvs03:30
lifelessor sv03:30
lifelessto do that03:30
lifelessjust do 'bzr checkout bzr+ssh://host/repo/noia/branch localpath'03:30
lifelesscd localpath03:31
lifelessdo stuff03:31
lifelessbzr commit03:31
lifelessbut that said, what do you mean 'it doesn't push any data' ?03:31
NoiaCommitting to: bzr+ssh://noia@nodetoad.com:2200/repo/noia/03:32
Noiabzr: ERROR: no changes to commit. use --unchanged to commit anyhow03:32
bob2you need to make some changes before there is any point committing...03:32
NoiaI've added folders and files >.>03:33
bob2as in "bzr add filename filename folder"?  does "bzr status" show them as "A"(dded)?03:33
lifelesswe have quickstart documentation; you might find that useful to read :P03:35
jdobrienwith a sweet printable reference card (PDF)03:36
NoiaI suspect I've bound this wrong >.>03:37
bob2if you used bzr checkout, then it is already correctly bound to the branch you checked out03:38
lifelessNoia: what does 'bzr st' show ?03:40
Noia  noia/03:40
NoiaI'm pretty certain I've done it wrong03:41
Noiahow do I unbind and remove all bzr info on a specific folder etc03:42
bob2Noia: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/mini-tutorial/index.html03:42
Noiajust scrap this first thing and start again >.>03:42
lifelessNoia: rm -rf :P03:43
Noiaso is it just the .bzr folder ?03:43
lifelessroughly :P03:43
Noiaoh dear god vim03:46
NoiaI'm stuck in vim >.<03:46
pooliedid you escape?03:48
spivNoia: a prompt for a commit message, I guess? :)03:48
poolieremember :qa!03:48
NoiaI escaped03:48
fullermdOnce you get into ex mode, it's easy   :p03:48
Noiabzr: ERROR: Could not start any editor.03:49
Noiawell atleast its progress03:49
jdobriennoia: you're not alone03:55
Noiaok...now were getting somewhere03:59
Noiadah, conflict >.<04:04
lifelessis there a grue ?04:25
fullermdDunno.  How do you light the lantern?04:25
lifelessuse matches04:26
fullermdCrap.  I dropped the matches so I could pick up this gem...04:26
lifelessdrop gem04:26
lifelessget matches04:27
lifelessuse matches04:27
lifelessis there a grue ?04:27
fullermdAS&$+++   NO CARRIER04:27
jdobrieni don't touch RPG...MajorMudd nearly ended my marriage04:30
rockstar_Sounds like a problem with dependencies04:31
fullermdI think you can script around that with a good client.04:32
rockstar_Actually, my wife library is pretty stable.  Requires little maintenance04:33
Noianow I have a truly epic system :D04:33
rockstar_It also supports me writing stupid code that never goes anywhere.04:35
* Noia reads up and realises hes taken a step back into the past04:35
lifelesspoolie: transaction backout patch sent04:36
jmlI just noticed that 'bzr st' on my project has gone down from 1+ seconds to about 0.5 seconds between 1.3 and bzr.dev.05:00
jmlwell done guys05:00
ubotuNew bug: #62904 in bzr "merge from bundle should allow revision specification" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6290406:07
ubotuNew bug: #62905 in bzr "smart server is noisy on disconnection" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6290506:07
ubotuNew bug: #77753 in bzr "bzr break-lock should take --local argument" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7775306:11
ubotuNew bug: #86917 in bzr "option help text grammar is inconsistent" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8691706:11
ubotuNew bug: #86919 in bzr "transport shouldn't indirect through control_files" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8691906:11
pooliejml: yay06:17
ubotuNew bug: #208017 in bzr "bzr error message for http 500 series error codes is invalid" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20801706:26
ubotuNew bug: #201907 in bzr "bzr crashed with NoSuchFile in _translate_error()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20190706:31
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
ubotuNew bug: #218575 in bzr "Rebase fails when the remote and local repositories have not diverged and the local repository is behind the remote repository." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21857511:05
=== mario_ is now known as pygi
=== TFKyle_ is now known as TFKyle
nekohayoping james_w, is there an ETA on bzr being able to merge rich-root-pack branches into a regular pack-0.92?13:23
james_wnekohayo: no idea I'm afraid.13:23
nekohayoweeks? months? :)13:24
james_wthere's a growing number of duplicates of that bug.13:24
nekohayoyeah I saw that13:24
james_wI would hope before 1.4, but that's not long now.13:24
nekohayois there a roadmap?13:25
james_wnot that I know of.13:25
james_wreleases are monthly13:25
jelmernekohayo: rich root pack branches will never be mergeable into 0.92 branches13:25
jelmernekohayo: however, a future default format in bzr will support merging rich root branches13:26
nekohayojelmer: ah!13:26
nekohayoI thought for a second that it would never be possible to merge svn stuff into bzr13:27
jelmernekohayo: You can also upgrade "regular" bzr branches to the rich root format already13:27
james_wjelmer: that's true, but the bug in question is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/17787413:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177874 in bzr "upgrading to rich-root-pack fails" [Critical,Confirmed]13:27
nekohayothen when is that new format planned to be in use as the default?13:29
james_wnekohayo: hopefully we'll have one for 1.513:33
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igcnight all15:44
=== doko_ is now known as doko
nexus10Is there any viable way to use bzr as a front end to a git repo?16:50
jelmernexus10: not yet16:52
nexus10jelmer: ok, ta. Anything on the horizon? Git is just such an .... 'interesting' piece of kit16:55
james_wnexus10: https://launchpad.net/bzr-git16:56
james_wit's still a work in progress16:56
nexus10james_w: thanks, saw that -- that's the most likely project to get this working?16:56
james_wyes, I think so.16:57
james_wbzr-fastimport may also help somehow16:57
nexus10I really need full roundtrip16:58
nexus10jelmer, james_w: thanks a lot -- I'll monitor that project16:58
=== mario_ is now known as pygi
tolstoyAnyone have a recommendation for a web based BZR browser you can install in your public_html (for instance) folder?17:34
asabiltolstoy: loggerhead ?17:38
tolstoyasabil: Looking at it right now, actually!  Alas, their example server is down.17:39
james_wbazaar-webserve is the alternative17:39
tolstoyHm. Loggerhead hasn't seen much development in the past two years.17:39
james_wthat's loggerhead17:39
tolstoybazaar-webserve is the one used by launchpad?17:40
tolstoyjames_w: Thanks for the link!17:40
james_wnope, they use loggerhead17:40
tolstoyBTW, I'm trying to get my company to move from cvs to bzr, rather than to svn, but it's a hard sell!17:40
tolstoyMy company uses Atlassian tools (sp?) and so there's a bit of an issue there, too.  I'm still hoping, though.17:41
=== BasicMac is now known as BasicOSX
tolstoyHm. Logger head doesn't seem set up to visualize a directory tree of many, many branches.17:53
=== kiko__ is now known as kiko
vimes656While working in a branch I realize that the changes I'm doing should be branched out, how do I branch out with uncommited changes?18:22
beunovimes656, I belive you can do bzr branch --uncommited18:23
beunobut I'm not 100% sure18:23
LarstiQmerge --uncommitted perhaps18:23
beunoah, that's it, merge18:24
vimes656LarstiQ: then I have to create first an empty branch and merge the one I was working on, right?18:29
LarstiQvimes656: I'd cd ..; bzr branch -r -1 previous new; cd new; bzr merge --uncommitted ../previous18:30
vimes656LarstiQ: that will work, thanks18:30
LarstiQvimes656: and then revert in previous. Alternatively (for example if you don't have loads of object files), just mv the current tree to a new name, and bzr branch -r new previous18:31
vimes656LarstiQ: yeah, that's better in my case, thanks a lot18:32
vimes656bzr is great, BTW18:32
vimes656the more I work with it the more I like it18:33
=== asak_ is now known as asak
plexqI'm getting an error running bzr: ImportError: cannot import name RevisionInfo20:22
lukscheck the full traceback from ~/.bzr.log20:23
=== doko_ is now known as doko
mwwhoa, bzr status got way faster since the last time i tried it against a large tree20:31
mwnice work20:31
mwcommit too20:32
plexqfixed it20:34
abentleyplexq: what was it?20:36
plexqbad install21:20
plexqI re-installed all the files in site-packages/bzr and it worked fine21:20
plexqis there anything like gitk for bzr?21:20
abentleyplexq: Yes, bzrk in the bzr-gtk plugin.21:21
plexqthats awesome21:21
abentleyActually, I guess it's called "viz" now.21:21
plexqhmm I can't get olive-gtk to run21:40
plexqit says I don't have libglib.dll or somesuch21:40
plexqbut gtk2.0 is in site-packages21:40
plexqand I have gtk installed21:40
mw.dll? :)21:44
mwrunning on windows?21:44
mwi'd like to help, but i wouldn't know where to start, sorry21:45
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
jammorning igc, up early?23:00
igcjam: I've been starting this early most of the week - just haven't been on IRC this early :-)23:01
jamlifeless: just as a pack repo data point, doing 'bzr log -r 10' grabs revision_history to evaluate the '-r 10'23:02
jamlifeless: there are 3374 calls to iter_reverse_revision_history23:03
jamwhich generates 3373 calls to get_parent_map()23:03
jamwhich generates 6758 calls to "iter_entries()"23:03
jamwhich generates 30411 calls to index:459(iter_entries)23:03
jamI'm guessing the 3373 => 6758 is because the second call has to finish out the generator and then get StopIteration raised23:04
jamAnd then I'm guessing the 6758 => 30411 is because of pack misses23:04
jamThat repo currently has 17 packs23:05
jamwell, it has 17 files in 'packs' there are only 13 entries in 'pack-names'23:06
jamit is: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/trunk/23:06
jamnot sure why there are 4 'cruft' packs.23:06
lifelessjam: iter_entries - is this a fully packed repo?23:13
jamlifeless: no23:13
jamit is the launchpad mirror of bzr.dev trunk23:13
lifelessnot sure what would lead to cruft packs23:14
lifelessanyhow, I do think we should get instrumentation like I discussed in my mail in place where it is missing23:14
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
pooliegood morning23:58

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