
yuriyRiddell: i can "nominate for release" but i don't think i can milestone, so it's certainly not anyone who can edit bugs00:33
Riddellyuriy: maybe it's core-dev members then00:33
Riddellor motu00:33
yuriythat would make sense00:33
Riddellin usual launchpad manor, there's no way to find out who has permissions on something00:34
yuriystill beats bugzilla. at least most of the time it tells you what you can and can't do00:34
* yuriy had to ask about kde bugzilla00:35
awen_nixternal: here you go00:37
apacheloggeroh c'mon that can't be true -.-00:39
apacheloggerkdebase-runtime-data also has a kde3 package as alternative dep00:39
apacheloggeryuriy: there you have the cause of that languageselector issue00:39
awen_apachelogger: that's no fun trick to pull up the hat this late00:41
apacheloggerI have to get up in 4 hours00:41
apacheloggergoing to bed doesn't make all that much sense I guess :S00:42
apacheloggerI know who is sleeping tomorrow afternoon00:42
apacheloggerbah, on friday I have a test in politics00:42
apacheloggerthat load of tests seem to be never ending -.-00:43
* awen_ just realised that he too is getting up in 4 hours00:43
apacheloggerwe just shouldn't do meetings that late00:44
awen_apachelogger: is there any other way to get the language selector working do you think?00:44
awen_apachelogger: right ... damn time differences :)00:45
apacheloggerawen_: just install [01:39:10] <apachelogger> oh c'mon that can't be true -.-00:45
apachelogger[01:39:14] <apachelogger> http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/kdebase-runtime-data00:45
* apachelogger kicks quasel00:45
apacheloggerawen_: install kdebase-runtime-data-common00:45
awen_apachelogger: but that isn't installed as deafault, right?00:46
apacheloggerapparently not00:46
awen_apachelogger: it is only 3 mb in size unpackad ... so that one just needs to fit the cd00:47
* awen_ can obviously not spell anymore00:48
apacheloggerawen_: there is a bug00:48
apacheloggerI really don't understand kdebase-runtime00:49
apacheloggerI will have to check the whole control file00:49
apacheloggersomething is awfully wrong there00:49
* awen_ haven't ventured that deep into the magics of kde yet00:50
apacheloggerit's a packaging issue ;-)00:50
awen_then i'm game again :P00:51
nixternalhis english is...not good .... he is from the US00:56
nixternalgahahahaha, that is the funniest thing I have ever read to date!00:56
nixternalthanks awen_ for the screeny00:57
awen_nixternal: you're welcome00:58
awen_nixternal: how are the RC notes coming out (= do you have a draft up already?)00:58
nixternalhaven't even started them yet01:03
awen_okay ... i'll try to find them sometime tomorrow then01:06
CheGuevaranot reaaly great english01:42
awen_CheGuevara: nah ... could be better01:50
awen_must be time to get to bed now ... goodnight everyone02:04
nixternalRiddell && ScottK && the rest of you that wanted a reminder :)02:44
nixternallook up ^^ :)02:44
nosrednaekimnixternal: haha.... "KDE is pleased to grace us with.....02:48
ScottKnixternal: I think "Handful of laptops" is rather pessimistic for power-manager.02:49
ScottKnixternal: Mind if I change it?02:50
JontheEchidnaShouldn't that be "This latest release, version 4.0.3"?02:52
JontheEchidnaand isn't Amarok shipped, rather than 1.4.8?02:57
ScottKYou are correct for Amarok: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+publishinghistory03:04
Hobbseehey Tm_T04:13
nixternalScottK: ya fix it if you haven't...all I did was copy and paste Beta04:47
nixternalto busy tonight04:47
ScottKnixternal: Fixed it.04:49
ScottKAt least the guidance bit.04:49
Seregamorning, friends!05:33
yuriynight, Serega05:54
HobbseeRiddell: he's got a pretty bad connection - he's not going to be much use for testing, FYI.06:23
* Hobbsee originally picked him up for testing for gutsy06:24
Hobbseeif, in the event, that he *can* get an image downloaded in the time required, and get it tested before the images go out, then he may be helpful06:24
* Jucato snickers :)06:24
Hobbseethe may, because he still may require a stack of hand holding to figure out if bits actually work.06:25
Jucatoheh I remember my early days :)06:25
yao_ziyuani think hardy's "times new roman" font has a not very good spacing06:34
yao_ziyuanfor example,06:35
yao_ziyuanmy firefox displays this web page in times new roman: http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/multimedia/2008/04/gallery_plasma06:35
yao_ziyuanit's like some spacings are too narrow while some others too wide06:35
yao_ziyuani think this times font is not mature06:35
yao_ziyuanor maybe i just should get used to it...06:36
* Jucato takes a glance at Hobbsee06:36
HobbseeJucato: yeah, well.06:37
Hobbseethat guy stilll has a clue, even if he hasn't learnt yet about where he should put things so that htey are effective.06:38
Jucatodoes Ubuntu have a new Times New Roman font? :)06:38
Hobbseefunny thing is, i think he's got msttcorefonts there, for it to be times new roman.06:38
Hobbseei really doubt it - that's a MS font.06:38
Jucatodefinitely... but he didn't stick around long enough to be educated...06:39
Jucatothough I doubt he'll listen :)06:39
Hobbseeah well06:39
Hobbseejust send him to microsoft to go and patch the fonts there06:39
Jucatohahah :)06:39
Jucatowanna bet he'll say that this bug is the only bug that Ubuntu should work on? :D06:39
* eagles0513875 away06:46
Jucato!away | eagles051387506:46
ubotueagles0513875: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines»06:46
Jucatooops.. it wasn't a public auto away :)06:47
HobbseeJucato: he's not that bad.06:56
JucatoHobbsee: if you say so :)07:01
jussi01argh, why do people always have to be building edgy lang packs in the ppa's? :/07:13
jussi01I just have 1 litttle package to be built... :/07:14
stdinjussi01: heh, they always seem to do that at the worse possible time. so far just about every KDE4 release for instance07:17
jussi01stdin: why do they do it? I mean, really :/07:17
JucatoIt's a konspiracy, I tell you!07:18
stdinwhy? I don't know. ask pitti I guess07:18
Jucatohe's part of the konspiracy! hush...07:18
* Jucato grins devilishly07:19
* jussi01 sighs... BUILDING i386 build of language-pack-is 1:6.10+20080409 in ubuntu edgy RELEASE [ubuntu-langpack] (AUTO) - 29 waiting07:24
stdin16 language packs so, ~16 mins (3 mins per package/3 buildds) and then 10 other packages :)07:27
stdinI'd guess you have at least an hour to wait07:28
stdinand that's if one buildd doesn't break in the meantime07:28
=== hunger_t_ is now known as hunger
* jussi01 cries07:30
jussi01stdin: how did you know it was 16 lang packs?07:31
stdinI've checked that page more times that I've checked my own homepage by now...07:32
\shapachelogger, re: Icons -> yesterday I reinstalled a machine with yesterdays ubuntu daily iso..installed kubuntu-kde4-desktop...removed all .kde* dirs from $HOME...and voila menu icons...so I think it's a problem installing kde3 at the same time, or doing a dist-upgrade from gutsy with kde3 + installing kde4 afterwards.07:32
mhbhi folks08:02
jussi01morning mhb08:02
Tm_THobbsee: I was wondering if I should be in our -kde4 group in launchpad08:06
HobbseeTm_T: you can if you like08:44
HobbseeJucato: which package?08:44
Tm_THobbsee: heh, I will then thanks, should get prepared for 4.1 happiness08:45
Hobbseeis anyone subscribed to the mailing list so far?08:45
Tm_TI haven't, though, I haven't been in home much lately08:46
Hobbseeoh well, we'll see what happens.08:54
HobbseeRiddell: can you accept both invitations please?08:54
sahin_hHi! I have only two choices in the screensaver configuration in hardy when I use KDE4.08:56
sahin_hThe two choices: Blank screen and Random.08:56
sahin_hIs it a known bug?08:56
sahin_hIn KDE3 everything is normal. I have the usual screensaver selections.08:57
RiddellHobbsee: what will they do?08:58
HobbseeRiddell: join kubuntu-kde4-members08:58
Riddellsahin_h: I suspect that proves how many people care about screensavers these days08:58
sahin_hRiddell: Well, I'm using screensaver to lock my computer. I have funny colleagues. You know. ;-)09:00
Hobbseesahin_h: blank?09:00
sahin_hHobbsee: Yes, blank is a possible option. However I prefer the clock screensaver.09:01
sahin_hHobbsee: And screensaver just works when I used KDE 4.0.2 on hardy.09:02
sahin_hIs it time to fill a bugreport on lp?09:03
Hobbseesahin_h: do you have kscreensaver-kde4 installed?09:05
sahin_hNevermind. Problem solved.09:05
sahin_hHobbsee: Yes, you're right!09:05
Hobbseesahin_h: thought so.09:05
sahin_hHobbsee: aptitude install kscreensaver-kde4 solved the problem.09:05
sahin_hHobbsee: However I think kubuntu-kde4-desktop package has to depends on kscreensaver-kde409:06
JucatoHobbsee: what package?09:11
HobbseeJucato: enocontext.09:12
Jucato<Hobbsee> Jucato: which package? <-- I meant your question :)09:12
Jucatoor did you mistake me for jussi01 again? :)09:13
Jucatoor jussio109:13
Hobbseejussi01: was the one that was supposed to be fore09:13
Hobbseedamn tab.09:13
* Jucato just loves when that happens :)09:13
Jucatocan't wait for the day when someone gives me credit for jussi01/jussio1's work :)09:14
* Hobbsee looks up his LP page, finds his ppa09:15
* Jucato wonders if LP is just slow for him, or slow in general...09:16
Hobbseemeh.  his build is already done09:16
* Hobbsee can boost the priority of individual packages, for ppa09:16
Jucatois there anything you *can't* do? :D09:17
Hobbseea lot.09:17
Hobbseethere's still a whole bunch of stuff not implemented thru LP09:18
Jucatobut you can poke a lot too heheh :)09:18
* Jucato hugs Hobbsee09:18
Hobbseeand i don't work fro canonical, so...09:18
Hobbseehehe, indee.d09:18
Jucatoindee.d... in the tradition of init.d and profile.d :D09:18
Jucatolol sorry :)09:18
davmor2Riddell: everything relatively stable cd wise?09:19
Riddelldavmor2: I believe so09:20
Riddell20080417.1 for alternates, 20080417 for desktops09:20
sahin_hI filled a bug against kubuntu-kde4-desktop. How can I mark it as a wish? This bug isn't so serious.09:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218552 in kubuntu-kde4-meta "kubuntu-kde4-desktop dependency on kscreensaver-kde4" [Undecided,New]09:20
davmor2cool :)09:20
* Hobbsee wonders how big the kde4 images are anyway, and if htey're pushed for space09:22
JucatoHobbsee: 1024x768?09:23
Jucatooh wait.. different kind of image :/09:23
Hobbseebits accepted.  yay09:51
eagles0513875can anyone confirm bug #21854709:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218547 in firefox-3.0 "firefox 3 doesnt know how to open downloaded files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21854709:57
eagles0513875Hobbsee: morning09:57
eagles0513875bug #218547 actually is confirmed09:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218547 in firefox-3.0 "firefox 3 doesnt know how to open downloaded files" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21854710:00
eagles0513875i would be willing to work on this bug but im guessing one needs firefox knowledge10:00
windowsloggereagles0513875: hey10:02
eagles0513875windowslogger: sup10:02
windowsloggerwe were talking yesterday about how long it took you to get the kdebase bugs fixed with the result that we don't think you should do _bug fixing_ just now10:03
windowsloggerI think you and me were talking about 6 hours to get these small patches created10:03
eagles0513875windowslogger: apachelogger is the one who created the bug im new to this world here10:04
windowsloggereagles0513875: therefore I highly recommend you should start off with testing10:04
windowsloggerwindowslogger = apachelogger10:04
eagles0513875windowslogger: oh10:04
windowsloggereagles0513875: I know that you are new ;-)10:04
eagles0513875windowslogger: didnt realize that u were one in the same lol10:05
eagles0513875now i do10:05
windowslogger!u | eagles051387510:05
ubotueagles0513875: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..10:05
* eagles0513875 bangs head on desk10:05
windowsloggereagles0513875: currently we need a lot of ISO testing for hardy, so I recommend you talk to Riddell on how to get get started with it10:06
eagles0513875windowslogger: ok10:06
eagles0513875whats the pbuilder environment for is that for testing10:06
windowsloggerno, building packages10:06
windowsloggerwhich leads to another thing10:06
SeregaCD images for testing should be taken from here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20080417/   right?10:07
RiddellSerega: yep10:07
RiddellSerega: or daily/ or kubuntu-kde4/10:08
Riddellor dvd/10:08
eagles0513875windowslogger: that answers my question about iso testing10:08
eagles0513875Riddell: what exactly needs to be tested on the iso10:08
Riddelleagles0513875: installing it10:08
davmor2Riddell: Or all Like me :)10:08
eagles0513875Riddell: ok lol10:08
Riddellyou can also follow https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Cases/KubuntuDesktop10:08
Riddelland https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Cases/KubuntuKDE4Desktop10:09
eagles0513875question and this is probably a really noobish question how does one test the bug fixes that they work on10:10
Riddellby running the app and seeing if the issue has been fixed10:10
* Serega believes today is a perfect day to install hardy to the laptop :)10:10
eagles0513875how does one install the updated pkg10:11
Riddelleagles0513875: google it!10:11
apacheloggerha, there went the collection10:15
apacheloggereagles0513875: the other thing is - please try to only ask questions when you can't find the answers using wiki.ubunt/help.ubuntu/google.com10:15
apacheloggereagles0513875: otherwise you keep developers busy with answering questions about stuff which is well documented anyway10:16
apacheloggerand therfore slow down development10:16
eagles0513875apachelogger: ok10:16
eagles0513875sry to all for all my stupid questions10:16
apacheloggereagles0513875: well, it's better to ask questions than to stay unknowing, but since most common stuff in ubuntu development is documented somewhere certain questions are just pointless10:18
eagles0513875apachelogger: ok i got ya. i got a question i just confirmed a firefox3 bug to be able to fix it would u need to have a decent knowledge about firefoc10:19
apacheloggereagles0513875: I wouldn't go for it then, but rather provide information as those who know about firefox request them10:20
eagles0513875apachelogger: ok10:21
apacheloggerin genearl I recommend you to do some work on bugs, try to reproduce them, if you do, mark them as confirmed, if information gets requested, provide it etc.10:21
apacheloggerI think you can get a fairly good knowledge about ubuntu and the ubuntu development processes10:21
apacheloggerthis way you can support the developers with useful information in order to fix bugs more efficiant10:22
eagles0513875apachelogger: ok thats what im doing i think what got me on that kde bug was the deadline and not having sufficient time to test it before uploading but in the future i will test before i release10:22
apacheloggereagles0513875: you also didn't work accurate enough, there were at least 50% of all the debdiffs rejected either because the changelog was wrong or you had backup files in the diff10:24
eagles0513875apachelogger: i fixed it to where kate doesnt save them any more10:24
apacheloggerbut I think that requires training, and working on bugs is probably a good oportunity to do so10:24
apacheloggereagles0513875: yeah, still you should review anything before uploading10:25
eagles0513875apachelogger: i will considering i have been at it for a vry short time i have committed alot of new things to memory10:25
apacheloggeryes, but you are not just now ready to fix bugs in my opinion10:27
apacheloggerthese patches take about 5 minutes when you know all that stuff and you really had to start at the very bottom10:27
apacheloggerNightrose: http://www.haklambach.at/U6/Berichte/07_08/20080416_maturapraesentation/images/IMG_0361.jpg10:31
Nightroseapachelogger: woahhhhh10:31
Nightroselooking good in a suit :P10:32
eagles0513875apachelogger: who were u presenting to10:32
apachelogger!u | eagles051387510:32
ubotueagles0513875: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..10:32
Riddelllooks like a funeral :)10:32
apacheloggerRiddell: even with a lota business event... i.e. quite similar ;-)10:33
Nightrose*lol* Riddell10:33
apacheloggers/business event/business people10:33
Nightroseapachelogger: what did you talk about?10:33
apacheloggerNightrose: the linux migration project we did for that MIVA thingy10:34
eagles0513875apachelogger: kool10:34
Nightroseapachelogger: ah awesome10:34
d-milleris the kubuntu wallpaper still cc2.5 by-nc-sa, or was an alternative license arranged with its author?10:34
apacheloggerNightrose: our tutor (left hand side) is tha coolest http://www.haklambach.at/U6/Berichte/07_08/20080416_maturapraesentation/images/IMG_0456.jpg :D10:37
eagles0513875im hoping to start doing kubuntu presentations to these big electronic stores to provide support for machines sold10:37
Nightroseapachelogger: hehe10:38
Riddelld-miller: I'm pretty sure stefans got another licence for it10:38
Nightroseeagles0513875: you should get a good knowledge about Kubuntu before doing that or they will kick you out really soon for waisting their time ;-)10:39
eagles0513875Nightrose: probably not a bad idea at least i can start putting a presentation together10:40
d-millerRiddell: ok either way the copyright file in k-d-s still mentions the vladstudio one10:40
Nightroseright :) and if it is good it can be used by others as well10:40
Nightroseapachelogger: hihi @ http://www.haklambach.at/U6/Berichte/07_08/20080416_maturapraesentation/pages/IMG_0451.htm <- typical Alex style ;-)10:54
apacheloggerNightrose: he said like 300 times 'nun'10:55
apachelogger"und nun kann man foobar"10:55
smarter_ScottK: around?11:29
mok0Ever since one of the recent upgrades, many of the icons in my KDE4 menu have disappeard11:52
mok0could it be some cache thing?11:55
Riddellwouldn't think so11:56
Riddellkde doesn't have an icon cache11:56
mok0It's not all icons, it's mainly the ones that expand11:56
mok0Hmm, I can't even change icon theme... the progress bar just goes to 90% and then start over... until I cancel12:01
eagles0513875Riddell: is the meeting you are having for everyone or particular people12:04
Riddelleagles0513875: kubuntu meetings are for anyone, but we don't have one planned12:05
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Test RC Candidates
eagles0513875i just got an email saying there was one in 30 min12:05
eagles0513875from the mailing list12:05
Jucatothat happened 12 hours ago12:05
Riddellthen the mailing list is being slow12:06
RiddellI sent that last night12:06
* Nightrose got that mail last night12:08
RiddellNew Kubuntu Desktop CDs up 20080417.112:08
eagles0513875Nightrose: i think there is something screwey with my isp12:11
Nightrosemight be :)12:11
* Nightrose would love to test isos but can't :( - really hope my connection gets fixed tomorrow12:12
smarterI think I've found a bug in PolicyKit with guidance-power-manager12:16
smarterstep 1: launch gpm, make sure that you can change cpu frequency12:16
smarterstep 2: do "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart", restart gpm12:16
smarteryou cannot change cpu frequency anymore12:17
smarterIf I prevent gpm from catching the errors, I see this: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.CPUFreq.org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.PermissionDeniedByPolicy: org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.cpufreq no <-- (action, result)12:18
eagles0513875and i just found another bug12:19
eagles0513875i just installed gpm and i cant even launch it12:19
Jucatosure you installed guidance-power-manager and not gpm?12:20
Jucato!info gpm12:20
ubotugpm (source: gpm): General Purpose Mouse Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19.6-25 (gutsy), package size 372 kB, installed size 708 kB12:20
eagles0513875has anyone else had it in amarok 1.4.9 where they would be listening then all of a sudden it randomly cuts off saying the play list is finished when its not. the only way to get back to listening to the stream would be to rebuffer. or other scnairon on one particular stream last night out of the blue it would change songs but i would not be getting any audio coming through on this end. it would still be streaming but no audio12:24
eagles0513875coming through. then again to remedy the situation i would have to rebuffer the stream12:24
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: morning12:29
JontheEchidnaGood morning12:29
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: u listen to streams much on amarok cuz i seem to be having this particular issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/21860712:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218607 in amarok "amarok 1.4.9 cut audio streams" [Undecided,New]12:30
JontheEchidnaNo, I don't.12:31
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: i am not sure if its a connectivity issue or an amarok bug12:31
* Nightrose slaps eagles0513875 12:32
* eagles0513875 gives self a black eye12:32
Nightroseand yes it might be a problem with the stream or your connection12:32
Nightroseplease try other strems and see if it still happens12:32
eagles0513875even a shoutcast stream it happened already today12:32
eagles0513875even on the cool streams it does the same thing but 2nd issue happens only on this particular stream but not on any others12:33
smarterhipothesis: PolicyKit doesn't work, unless DBUS is restarted and then guidance-power-manager doesn't know how to interact with PolicyKit12:35
eagles0513875is this ok to be packaged https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/21857112:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218571 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] GHC6 STM" [Undecided,New]12:45
smarterIt looks like consolekit sessions are stopped when dbus is restarted12:49
smarter(check with ck-list-sessions)12:49
JontheEchidnaI have a debdiff to fix bug 21855213:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218552 in kubuntu-kde4-meta "kubuntu-kde4-desktop dependency on kscreensaver-kde4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21855213:01
JontheEchidnaWho should I poke when I have things such as bugfixes? Or, I suppose, what is the normal way to make known that I have made a patch?13:02
stdinJontheEchidna: upload it to the bug report13:13
JontheEchidnaoh, good13:13
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
stdinJontheEchidna: can you set the bug to confirmed then? and I think it should recommend kscreensaver-kde4, not depend13:15
JontheEchidnaI set it to recommend on kscreensaver-kde4, I believe13:15
JontheEchidnaUnless I'm horribly mistaken13:16
stdinoh, so you did ;)13:16
stdinthen just prod Riddell13:17
apacheloggereagles0513875: that don't ask 'silly questions' also applies also to issues you might have - #kubuntu or #kubuntu-kde4 is the channel of choice... same for pasting bugs you just reported13:20
apachelogger!u | eagles051387513:20
ubotueagles0513875: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..13:20
JontheEchidnaI have to be going now, see you guys later.13:28
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I have a fix for bug 218552, so obligatory *poke*13:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218552 in kubuntu-kde4-meta "kubuntu-kde4-desktop dependency on kscreensaver-kde4" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21855213:28
=== JontheEchidna is now known as jtechidna|away
JucatoLive long and prosper! \\//,13:41
smarterScottK: I've modified a bit the powermanager patch to handle hal/dbus restarts: http://smarter.free.fr/pkg/kde-guidance_0.8.0svn20080103-0ubuntu16.debdiff13:41
* Hobbsee reads backscroll, cringes.13:41
Hobbseefor the love of all things nice and fluffy.13:42
Hobbseeeagles0513875: if you ask another stupid question, that you could have easily googled and gotten an answer for, i'm banning you from here too, because you're disrupting development.13:42
HobbseeAlso see what apachelogger told you earlier.13:43
apacheloggeroh, Hobbsee is here13:43
apacheloggerHobbsee: hey :)13:43
Hobbseeheya apachelogger13:43
Jucatooh Hobbsee is here? O.o13:43
Hobbseeapachelogger: yeah, was watching tv13:43
* Jucato hides13:43
Hobbseeapachelogger: any objections?13:43
apacheloggerHobbsee: nope13:44
Hobbseeapachelogger: or go now?13:45
Hobbseeguess i'd better wait a little bit, at least.13:45
apacheloggerHobbsee: give him a chance13:45
apacheloggereagles0513875: you really should restrain a bit in what you say in here13:46
Hobbseeapachelogger: he's been told that before, it hasn't stopped him previously.13:46
apacheloggerexisting bans is not a good condition really13:46
Hobbseeapachelogger: eparse?13:48
apacheloggerHobbsee: what does eparse mean?13:48
Hobbseeapachelogger: "i don't understand" - it actually means "error parsing"13:49
Hobbseeor "error in parse"13:49
Jucatogeek :P13:49
Hobbseelike ENOJUCATO means that there's an error that Jucato isn't here13:49
Hobbseei pikced it up from #u-d a long time ago, i'm afraid13:50
Jucatolol! so that's what that meant :)13:50
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Jucatoerror in laughing out loud13:50
Jucato(means either you choked or coughed or fell of your chair, in which case you're roflmao'ing)13:50
apacheloggerHobbsee: I just wanted to make clear that eagles0513875 is having a higher risk of getting banned than someone who is not already banned in other ubuntu channel's13:51
apacheloggerconsidering banning happens for a reason13:51
Hobbseeapachelogger: indeed.13:51
* apachelogger would actually do it in a random way13:51
Hobbseeapachelogger: well, actually - if he put this into any development channels, he'd get the boot pretty quickly.13:51
Hobbseeapachelogger: but here, he gets less chances, as he's already had his chances back in june and july last year, got banned, has shown up in here, and has still shown no real signs of improvement (excluding hitting on me)13:52
Hobbseeapachelogger: the fact that he has bans in other channels is irrelevant - but the fact that he has been banned previously, and shows no sign of improvement, does.13:52
Hobbseeif that makes sense.13:53
apacheloggerHobbsee: it does, though for me, as someone who just tries to work here, an existing ban would increase the probably I ask for a ban13:54
Hobbseeapachelogger: true13:57
Riddellglad to see the kde 4 CD does have icons in the apps menu, mok0 and \sh must be imagining it :)14:18
\shRiddell, it's really a glitch when a) upgrading from gutsy+kde3 or kde3+kde4 somewhat installed at the same time14:19
\shRiddell, on a clean hardy with kde3 isntalled then kde4 I actually don't see the menu icons at all (the app icons are there)14:19
\shRiddell, even with removing all ~/.kde* dirs/files14:21
HobbseeRiddell: how big are our kde4 cds?14:22
Riddellabout 6 inches :)14:22
HobbseeRiddell: size-wize, re adding kscreensaver-kde4 to them14:28
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Riddellabout 700MB14:41
HobbseeRiddell: hmm.14:42
nixternalhahaha, about 6 inches....that was a good one14:53
seele6 inches huh?14:53
Jucatothat can be (mis)interpreted in soooo many ways14:53
nixternalseele: not over at Nationals stadium this morning?14:53
seelenixternal: ugh.. no way.  my friends are trying to get me to go to a Pirates/Nationals game this weekend14:54
nixternalhey, Nationals have a chance against the Pirates14:54
Jucatoseele: I get to see your glasses everytime I run Akregator 4 btw :)14:54
seelenixternal: i made the mistake of scheduling a meeting in town the same day of the papal mass :p14:54
Riddellkwwii: doing any test installs today?14:55
nixternalmy brother got skybox tickets for the cubs game last night but I didn't go...kickin' myself for not going now14:55
seelenixternal: i'm from pittsburgh, so i would be going to watch the pirates get their asses kicked14:55
nixternalwhat is it about the DC area and people from Pittsburgh? when I was stationed there, everyone in my command was a Pittsburgh fan14:55
nixternalis Pittsburgh that bad people would move to DC?14:56
bentob0xwill 2.6.25 be in 8.04?14:56
nixternaldon't think so14:56
bentob0xor is it waaaay too short :)14:56
seelenixternal: rockville is the #3 relocation city for pittsburghers, i think somewhere in virginia is #8 and gaithersburg is #1114:56
nixternalnot enough time I don't think14:56
nixternalseele: wow, didn't know that14:57
seelenixternal: there was a mass exodus in the 70s because the steel industry collapsed14:57
nixternalahh, that makes sense14:57
bentob0xchances for an update to 2.6.25 within how many months you think?14:57
seelenixternal: now it has the problem of creating a sustainable tech industry.. all of the talent is leaving the city14:57
nixternalI wonder if some went into the mining business then in VA and northern MD14:57
nixternalbentob0x: probably as soon as the Intrepid repos open it will get upgraded there...wouldn't count on it getting upgraded in Hardy any time soon if at all14:58
nixternalbut I don't follow the kernel development, so that is just a guess or my opinion really14:58
seelenixternal: i think most of the DC transplants are college graduates14:58
nixternalmy cousin lived in Pittsburgh as a computer programmer, but the jobs left, so he became a truck driver, and makes way more money now14:59
nixternalya, never saw that one coming at all14:59
nixternalI am guessing my x-wife and daughter made it to Nationals stadium for Mass15:00
seeleyeah.. the trains were a mess15:01
nixternalcan't get a hold of them at all...and my x is greek orthodox but loves the pope15:01
nixternalthe trains are always a mess..or at least they were in the 90s15:01
seelerush hour always.. but my meeting was at 230 and it was a mess :)15:01
nixternaljeesh, I used to drive from southern md (south of waldorf) up to FNMA on Wisconsin in DC (just outside Chevy Chase)...talk about a fun drive15:02
seeleoh ew15:02
seelehow long did that take?15:02
nixternalthe funny thing is though, that was more than 40 miles one way, and it always took about an hour to get to work15:03
seelewow, that's not bad15:03
nixternalI live 20 miles from the city here in Chicago, and it takes anywhere between 1 to 2 hours15:03
seelei've come back from meetings in NoVa back to Gaithersburg (~20 miles) and its taken over an hour15:03
nixternalya, I stayed off of the highways...especially the beltway15:04
nixternalonly time I got on the beltway is when I worked in Crystal City across the street from the Pentagon15:04
seelewhen are you back in MD? youre still in chicago, right?15:05
nixternalI will probably come out for a week or so after my daughter finishes school15:06
nixternalhaven't made up my mind 100% if I am going to move there right away just yet15:06
eagles0513875is amarok2 alpha need testing15:12
Hobbsee...all of it needs testing.  That's why it's a development release.15:20
kwwiiRiddell: if the iso's are ready I can try one out15:33
Riddellkwwii: certainly are, fill in whichever gaps you want on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all15:34
Riddelljcastro: you tried OEM install on the kde 4 CD?  did you see drawing errors on the background of the OEM user setup app?15:50
jcastroRiddell: no I didn't, I can check again though15:51
Riddelljcastro: don't worry, it's not important15:51
RiddellI can test it other ways15:51
nixternaljcastro: got the bbq warmed up yet :)15:53
nixternaljcastro: Gabriel isn't going to make it, seems he is still not feeling well15:53
jcastronixternal: nope, testing kubuntu ISOs, it'll be warm by the time you get here though.15:53
nixternalmaybe I can get Jeff to leave at 1 so we get there around 715:54
nixternalI think you have met Jeff before as well, possibly last week at LUG Radio Live15:54
jcastronixternal: it's a trap, in the guise of a BBQ - I'm actually going to conscript everyone to test ISOs. heh.15:54
nixternalI know Jeff tests ISOs all of the time...he always complains to me about something :)15:55
jcastroI am ready this time, bumped up to 4gb for vm goodness15:56
nixternalI just keep wiping my one desktop all of the time15:57
nixternalthe hard drive is going to give up one of these days though15:57
jjesseis it the current daily that is the candidate?15:57
nixternalI think that is how I have killed drives int he past15:57
nixternalI think you can grab the link to the iso there....I am packing for Michigan :)15:58
nixternaljjesse: you should come up to Penguicon15:58
jjessewould love to if i had time15:58
jcastroRiddell: oh, I triggered something, failed to create filesystem on OEM install15:58
nixternaljcastro: are you using vbox?15:59
nixternalusing a static drive size or the growing type?15:59
jcastrogrowing type15:59
nixternalthat could be the problem15:59
jcastroshould I be using the static type?15:59
nixternalI blogged about that a month or so back15:59
jcastrolooking, thanks15:59
nixternalI use the static type because I have had that same issue in the past15:59
nixternalbut usually, if it creates the file on a regular install, you would think it would do the same for oem16:00
jcastroyeah it worked on the non-oem ones16:00
nixternalmy main problem was always with grub though but I had seen the 'failed to create filesystem' with it16:00
nixternaljcastro: truth be told, I think Gabriel got scared knowing he would be riding with KDE'ites :)16:03
nixternalhaha, didn't want us dropping him off in Gary..that is to funny16:03
jcastroI think he got sick @ LRL16:03
nixternalya, that's what he said...he got a sore throat16:03
nixternalI woke up in Michigan on Saturday with a sore throat that about took me out16:03
stdincan someone test something for me in kde4, try "kdesudo <anything>" from a term but enter the wrong pass, does kdesudo actually exit?16:14
* nixternal tests16:14
nixternalWe'll all be murdered in our beds!16:14
nixternalYou'll starve!16:15
nixternalThere must be cure for it!16:15
nixternalsudo: 3 incorrect password attempts16:15
nixternalafter 3 attempts it exited16:15
stdinis that kdesudo kde3 or kde4, kde4 one don't output anything for me16:15
nixternalkde 416:15
* nixternal checks16:15
nixternalinstalling kde4 version now16:16
stdinheh :p16:16
stdinalso, I noticed that kdesudo always returns 0, so there's no way to check for successful execution of a command16:16
txwikingerDid anything in X break (forwarded X over ssh)16:17
nixternalmine quit stdin16:17
nixternalafter 3 attempts16:18
stdinhmm, mine seems to just hang16:18
nixternalit does if I hit cancel16:18
nixternaljust noticed that16:19
nixternalwhich kdesudo shows /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kdesudo16:19
nixternalbut when I run kdesudo kwrite foo it pops up the kde3 version16:20
stdinyeah, that's actually a sudo issue16:20
stdinsudo seems to use a fixed path16:20
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\shRiddell, why it's not possible to resize the kde4 panel to small or tiny and have a usable panel after that? the icons are not shrinking with the panel actually..16:36
Nightrose\sh: there seem to be rendering problems with some applets in smaller sizes16:38
Nightroseseems to happen for everyone16:38
\shNightrose, hmmm...I thought at least the icons were now in svg mode..and they should scale up/down properly16:39
apachelogger\sh: no, they use png by default... still icon != icon, eventually everything on the desktop is a plasmoid or containment16:44
* \sh makes a mindnote: present kde4 in default mode and don't change anything, it could fail ;) 16:45
* apachelogger agrees16:46
Nightrose\sh: hehe I will stop you from changing anything I know will break :P16:47
Nightroseand I tried a lot so far ;-)16:47
jjesseinterseting in my vm no matter how many times i click on install nothing happens16:52
jjesseon the daily-live labeled current16:52
jjessehaving problems from the command line or rom KRunner running ubiquity-kdeui16:55
jjesseanyone else?16:57
* jjesse heads to luanch16:59
jjessei can call ubiquity via the command ubiquity in KRunner, but not ubiquity-kdeui as the iccon refers to16:59
Artemis_Fowlat last...the feature I have been working on for over a week is at last ready.16:59
jjesseonce again htis is on the daily-live\current16:59
* Artemis_Fowl does the happy dance ;-)16:59
Riddelljjesse: what output in /var/log/system and /var/log/installer/debug?17:00
yuriysomebody confirm bug 218722?17:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218722 in kdebase "Kubuntu 8.04 - Kde Trash Applet - No empty Menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21872217:01
jjesseRiddell: when i click on the install icon?17:06
jjesseRiddell: here is the pastebin of /var/log/installer/debug17:08
jjesseRiddell: no file for /var/log/system17:09
RiddellArtemis_Fowl: restore grub?17:10
Riddelljjesse: nothing very interesting there17:11
Artemis_FowlRiddell: yep. install/restore grub17:11
jjessei can't find the command ubiquity-kdeui17:11
Riddelljjesse: the command is ubiquity17:11
jjessecalling the command works but not from the icon17:12
Riddelljjesse: how about "ubiquity kde_ui"17:17
jjessecalling that from either the command line or krunner works correctly17:18
jjessebut i can't get the about kubuntu desktop icon to load either17:18
nixternaljcastro: is Adam Israel going to be at your place tonight?17:20
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jjesseanyone else running the current daily-live in a vm and not being able to launch any of the icons on the dstkop?17:21
smarterScottK: ping17:24
Riddelljjesse: jcastro was17:25
Riddelland it works fine for me on raw hardware17:25
jjessemust be me :)17:25
Riddelljjesse: what happens running "ubiquity kde_ui" from a console?17:27
jjesseRiddell: the installer launches and i can install17:27
Riddellmost peculiar17:28
jjessethat's what i thought, must be my own system or something17:29
jjessei can blame the host operating system ;)17:29
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jcastrojjesse: all the icons and widgets and all that stuff is working for me so far.17:54
jjessejcastro: hrmm must be something weird for me17:54
jjessei'm using the daily-live/current iso for kde417:55
jcastroI am using 20080417.117:55
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jjessei just downloaded current, i can redownload it17:56
jjessefor kde4 or kde3?17:56
jcastrolet me add a bunch of custom icons to the desktop and see if I can break something17:56
Riddelljjesse: check the md5sum, no need to redownload17:58
jcastroall the desktop and panel icons seem to work as intended for me17:58
jcastroI get the cool animations too. :D17:59
jjessemaybe i got it screwed up or something17:59
jcastroI'm on i386 btw17:59
jjesseme 218:02
apacheloggerRiddell: do motus get a discount at the canonical store?18:12
Riddellapachelogger: not that I know of18:18
apacheloggertoo bad :(18:19
Riddellapachelogger: what would you buy?18:20
apacheloggerRiddell: couple of stuff, most important the new backpack :)18:21
Riddellhmm, bug 175909 looks basty18:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175909 in kde-systemsettings "Administrator button fails to work in kde-settings and kcontrol" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17590918:24
RiddellTonio_: know anything about that?18:24
nixternalapachelogger: ya, I like that new backpack myself18:25
Tonio_Riddell: gutsy probably :)18:25
Tonio_Riddell: nonewdcop causing problems, fixed on hardy18:25
Riddellpeople are reporting it now18:26
RiddellI'll test when I next have a KDE 3 desktop running18:26
apacheloggernixternal: a bit expensive compared to the same version without branding (120 usd vs. 60)18:26
Tonio_Riddell: that's live session issue since newdcop isn't working somehow18:27
Tonio_Riddell: only on live cd I presume right ?18:27
Tonio_Riddell: the problem is that I can't test the livecd...... won't work on a mac18:27
nixternalalrighty, heading out for my road trip and geek weekend...see you all during the week18:27
nixternaljcastro's house or bust!  see ya between 19:00 and 20:00 jcastro :)18:28
Tonio_Riddell: but I know what is the problem exctly, that just cause the dcop env variable isn't exported or some reason18:28
jcastronixternal: cheers!18:28
apacheloggerapprently I should have kept nixternal busier :P18:29
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, can you please take a look at http://aplg.kollide.net/kubuntu/kdebase-runtime/kdebase-runtime_4.0.3-0ubuntu3.debdiff18:29
Tonio_Riddell: a simple : kdesudo --nonewdcop -c "kcmshell kcmfontinst" should give you the trick18:32
Tonio_Riddell: sorry or not beeing able to test, but no more PC here......18:32
Riddellapachelogger: seems all good18:34
apacheloggerRiddell: thanks18:34
mhbgood evening19:00
yuriyBug 204144 is pretty important if true19:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204144 in kde4libs "kde4 doesn't utilize mutiple available CPU cores" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20414419:19
jjessegood evening mhb19:20
apacheloggeryuriy: I, for one, don't think that is a KDE 4 issue19:21
apacheloggermaybe KDM19:22
apacheloggerwhich would be really no surprise IMO19:22
RiddellTonio_: it's broken on installed KDE 3 systems too :(19:22
Tonio_Riddell: hu ????????????19:22
Tonio_Riddell: works for me19:22
yuriyapachelogger: it's probably not, but nasty nonetheless19:22
apacheloggeryuriy: also it might as well be that the reporter uses kdm3 actually19:23
apacheloggerwhich would explain everything, since that thing defenitely had no threading support at all19:23
Riddellyuriy: I can't recreate bug bug 21872219:23
Tonio_Riddell: I can't reproduce.....19:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218722 in kdebase "Kubuntu 8.04 - Kde Trash Applet - No empty Menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21872219:23
yuriyapachelogger: well the problem isn't threading but that other processes should be using the other cpu if one is at 100%19:23
Tonio_Riddell: if the bug is there for all new installations, then it is higly critical19:23
Tonio_Riddell: hum............... I can try the desktop cd in virtualbox eventually19:24
dinosaur-ruscan anybody update man page in nvclock package? it's way too outdated ATM...19:24
apacheloggeryuriy: well, talk to upstream about that19:24
yuriyand i'm concerned because i've rarely seen my total cpu usage over 100% so it might be an actual problem19:24
apacheloggerthey will probably tell you it's a underlying issue, which is of course possible ;-)19:24
Tonio_Riddell: can you reproduce on your laptop ?19:24
Tonio_Riddell: admin mode with systemsettings just works for me19:24
yuriyapachelogger: the last comment is interesting19:24
yuriyOne thing I did notice though, is that both cores are utilized when I set concurrency to 'shell' in /etc/init.d/rc, but that causes HAL to stop working.19:25
mhbyuriy: in GNOME it works?19:25
yuriymhb: i don't know, i haven't done that much research19:25
apacheloggerI've got the same problem with Hardy RC, running GNOME. Hardware is an AMD Athlon X2 5600+ with 3 GB RAM.19:25
apacheloggerapparently not19:25
mhbyuriy: it may be a kernel bug, I havent seen my other core go 100% either for some time19:25
RiddellTonio_: yes I can reproduce19:25
Tonio_Riddell: downloading the iso, I'll try to reproduce...... wierd issue anyway19:25
Tonio_Riddell: weird.......19:26
Tonio_Riddell: I have absolutly no problem19:26
mhband I dont use KDE4 at all, KDE3 apps sometimes19:26
Tonio_Riddell: what about kdesudo --nonewdcop -c "kcmshell kcmfontinst"19:26
Tonio_Riddell: does this work for you ?19:27
Tonio_works for me19:27
mhbso, did you have a good meeting yesterday? Sorry for not coming... I have taken a quick look at the logs, you did not decide much it seemed to me19:27
Tonio_Riddell: I'll try to fix that one quick....... but I need to find a way to reproduce first....19:27
Tonio_mhb, apachelogger: what about you ? is going admin mode with kde3/kdesudo works ?19:28
mhbTonio_: I can't test right now, will try it later today19:28
RiddellTonio_: I need to go out for an hour19:29
smarterTonio_: works for me19:30
Tonio_Riddell: kk19:30
apacheloggeryuriy, mhb: underlying issue19:30
Tonio_smarter: weird....... seems to be completly random......19:30
apacheloggeryuriy, mhb: seems to work for me19:30
smarterTonio_: using the "administrator mode" button right?19:30
mhbapachelogger: the 2 cores?19:30
Tonio_smarter: yep19:31
apacheloggermhb: yes19:31
mhbapachelogger: hmm, nice19:31
* yuriy is looking for a similar kernel bug report19:36
* yuriy also just booted an Ubuntu Hardy cd19:36
yuriylooks so nice :)19:36
apacheloggerrunning one cat on urandom19:37
mhbyuriy: hmm, are you using a different KDE than I do? :-)19:38
yuriymhb: probably, but hmm?19:39
mhbyuriy: I can't really say KDE looks nice.19:39
mhbI'm being brutally honest, though.19:39
yuriywow Ubuntu (gnome) dims the laptop screen when idle for a minute. nice.19:39
yuriymhb: i can, but i was talking about gnome19:39
mhbthat looks better, no doubt.19:39
mhbapachelogger: yes, OS X looks nice by default :o)19:40
apacheloggerthey have that auto-dimming for ages :P19:40
mhbapachelogger: in KDE4, everything is so freaking huge, they really waste a lot of space in oxygen widgets19:41
mhbapachelogger: your screenshot reminded me of that :o)19:41
yuriymhb: hmm i'd have to agree with you there. oxygen is a little big in some places19:41
apacheloggerwhich is the reason one should use a bigger screen -.-19:41
yuriyand the 5 pixel line on top of the plasma panel is a total waste of space19:42
yuriyanyways, offtopic19:42
mhbnot really19:42
yuriymhb: you're planning to redesign the widget style for Hardy?19:42
Tonio_I'm pretty sure this is not a kdesudo bug but a kcmshell one.....19:42
Tonio_it doesn't find the module.....19:43
mhbyuriy: good question, the summer holidays are quite long19:43
Tonio_can someone reproduce that kdesudo/systemsettings bug ?19:43
apacheloggerTonio_: which bug?19:43
Tonio_apachelogger: admin mode doesn't work in systemsettings19:43
Tonio_apachelogger: looks like broken with all new installations and live cd19:43
apacheloggerI think I looked at it19:43
Tonio_apachelogger: I think the issue is not kdesudo19:43
apacheloggerit is some sycoca issue19:43
Tonio_apachelogger: yep19:44
apacheloggereither sycoca is not accessible19:44
apacheloggernot built19:44
apacheloggeror broken19:44
Tonio_not built as we use the root account19:44
apacheloggernow, if I could run hardy in a vbox...19:44
Tonio_so kcmshell reports the module is not existing19:44
apacheloggerTonio_: why didn't it do that before? Oo19:44
Tonio_apachelogger: kde changed somehow19:44
Tonio_apachelogger: the weird thing is that it works for some people.........19:45
apacheloggerTonio_: easy workaround would be to invoke kbuildsycoca in kdesudo I guess19:45
Tonio_I suspect some xdg changes, something like this19:45
Tonio_apachelogger: kbuildsyscoca is invoked19:45
Tonio_but the database is empty19:45
Tonio_kcmshell doesn't find the module19:45
* apachelogger grabs all VMsoftwares he can find and tries to find one which runs hardy19:46
Tonio_maybe we have this issue for a long time but as kdesudo previously used the user's env, we didn't notice19:46
apacheloggerblueyed: didn't you want to fix vbox btw?19:46
Tonio_apachelogger: if we can confirm this, this is juste critical19:46
Tonio_we can't release with that bug in it19:46
Tonio_apachelogger: this is exactly the same bug as the empty kcontrol19:47
Tonio_apachelogger: already seen that one ?19:47
Tonio_broken syscoca19:47
Tonio_apachelogger: sometimes on some computers, kcontrol is just empty19:47
mhbTonio_: I have seen you promoting Pardus configuration tools in the meeting yesterday, are you testing it?19:47
* apachelogger notes that the possability this issue is introduced by one of our patche is fairly high19:47
Tonio_I'm pretty sure that if we can reproduce the bug, then "kdesudo kcontrol" will end up empty19:48
Tonio_mhb: yes19:48
mhbnow I have unlimited bandwidth (finally), I have to take a look at them too before UDS19:48
Tonio_% kdesudo "kcmshell --list"                                                                                                                                      [1.89 2.13 - 40% 1%]19:49
Tonio_mkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root19:49
Tonio_kbuildsycoca running...19:49
Tonio_Reusing existing ksycoca19:49
Tonio_apachelogger: if non existing syscoca, then ksyscoca is called19:49
Tonio_apachelogger: so that's not our problem19:49
Tonio_apachelogger: our problem is that ksyscoca doesn't parse kcm modules for some reason19:49
apacheloggerTonio_: are you sure it's just kcm modules?19:49
Tonio_apachelogger: afaik, yes19:50
apacheloggerthere might be something19:50
Tonio_apachelogger: but it could be everything19:50
apacheloggeris anyone with gutsy around?19:50
Tonio_that would be nice, probably easier to fix :)19:50
fdovingwhat is the problem?19:50
fdovingcould it be related to X-auth?19:50
Tonio_fdoving: nope19:51
apacheloggerI think the desktop files changed19:51
apacheloggereither that or KDE 4 got improved19:51
fdovingi think the xauth part (if it hasn't changed since i hacked it), is error prone.19:51
Tonio_fdoving: it changed19:51
apacheloggerbecause in 4.0.0 I noticed kde 4 threw all the kcm modules in lost'n'found19:51
Tonio_fdoving: but I can reproduce the issue with xauth + and sudo -H19:52
Tonio_that's not kubuntu related19:52
Tonio_apachelogger: YEAH !!! that the one19:52
Tonio_apachelogger: sometimes this happens with kde3 too19:52
* apachelogger download the live cd19:52
Tonio_I suggest we look at that19:53
Tonio_this is commonly known issue19:53
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fdovingTonio_: thinking about the XDG_DATA_DIRS ?19:57
Tonio_fdoving: yep19:58
Tonio_fdoving: now the question is : why does it work for me when I don't have this env variable...19:58
Tonio_fdoving: and why doesn't it work for riddell19:58
fdovinghow do you test?19:58
apacheloggerTonio_: this var is not necessary19:58
Tonio_fdoving: atm I'm trying to download the iso to reproduce :)19:59
Tonio_apachelogger: users reported it fixed the issue for them19:59
fdovingthe kde4 livecd right?19:59
fdovingi have it running in virtualbox.19:59
apacheloggerthen something broke within xdg or kde19:59
Tonio_then I suspect the issue could be due to kstandarddirs19:59
Tonio_fdoving: am I wrong ?19:59
Tonio_fdoving: kde319:59
fdovingi don't use that anymore :)19:59
Tonio_fdoving: hehe20:00
fdovingkstandarddirs haven't changed in kde3, has it?20:00
Tonio_fdoving: I don't think so20:00
apacheloggerme neither20:00
Tonio_fdoving: but if the ENV variable doesn't exist, then kstandarddirs is used right ?20:00
fdovingour kde4 is patched to use ~/.kde4 by default, instead of ~/.kde, that's the only think i'm aware of.20:00
apacheloggermaybe it's caused by some change in the xdg stuff in /etc20:00
fdovingTonio_: not for XDG, is it? not sure. i'm not into this.20:00
eagles0513875hey guys20:01
fdovingso, i need the kde3 livecd. tonio_ got a link?20:01
Tonio_fdoving: then the question : why can explain the fct it works for me and not riddell ?20:01
Tonio_fdoving: cdimage.ubuntu.com20:01
Tonio_kubuntu and daily20:01
Tonio_about 1h download20:01
Tonio_but that's super critical issue so it deserves an hour :)20:01
Tonio_eating and then I'll test20:01
Tonio_fdoving: hopefully you can help, and Riddell's back20:01
fdovingif the swedish mirror is up2date i can get it pretty quick i think.20:02
apacheloggerTonio_: how would kstandards explain why it is working for you but not Riddell?20:02
fdovingTonio_: does this issue have a bug-number?20:02
fdovingTonio_: daily-live & current, right?20:02
Tonio_fdoving: yep bug  17590920:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175909 in kde-systemsettings "Administrator button fails to work in kde-settings and kcontrol" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17590920:04
Tonio_fdoving: yep current20:04
Tonio_fdoving: but in fact when you can think of a kdesudo isue, if you start kdesudo kcontrol, you see it is empty20:04
Tonio_so it doesn't work coz it can't find the kcm module, due to empty yscoca20:05
Tonio_I know this issue for a while, but was never able to find out a workarround20:05
fdovingworks for me in my installed hardy.20:05
Tonio_fdoving: that's the problem, randomly fails20:11
fdovingwell, the whole administration mode-button is removed from kde4-trunks systemsettings.20:11
fdovingTonio_: from the kde4 livecd, i installed kde-systemsettings, and i could just fine access the kdm config-module both as root an non-root20:22
Tonio_systemsettings version 3 ?20:24
fdoving /usr/bin/systemsettings20:24
fdoving80% on the kde3 livecd. i'll have a look at that too.20:26
Riddell /win 1520:38
RiddellTonio_: kdesudo --nonewdcop -c "kcmshell kcmfontinst"20:42
Riddellkcmshell (kdelibs): WARNING: Could not find module 'kcmfontinst'.20:42
apacheloggerworks for me20:42
Riddellapachelogger: KDE 3?20:43
Tonio_Riddell: yeah, that's not a kdesdo bug but a kde one20:43
Tonio_Riddell: bad syscoca20:43
Tonio_Riddell: what if you do a "sudo -H kbuildsuscoca" ?20:44
Tonio_kbuildsyscoca, sorry20:44
apacheloggerTonio_: well, shouldn't kdesudo invoke kbuildsycoa?20:44
Tonio_apachelogger: it does when no database is available20:44
RiddellTonio_: now it works20:44
Tonio_Riddell: for some reason the initial syscoca is invalid.......20:45
apacheloggerTonio_: I think kdesudo doesn't invoke it if it can't access the dcopserver20:45
Tonio_Riddell: hard to say what is going wrong...20:45
Tonio_Riddell: but that has nothing to do with kdesudo20:45
Tonio_Riddell: this is the empty kcontrol back20:45
Tonio_Riddell: same effect, probably same cause20:45
Tonio_Riddell: why and when would that initial syscoca generate for user root ?20:46
* apachelogger starts the livecd again20:46
Tonio_apachelogger: weird issue no ? ;)20:46
Tonio_Riddell: we'll have hard time with that one ;)20:46
apacheloggerhardy time20:47
RiddellTonio_: it works with the old kdesu20:48
apacheloggerRiddell: how did you break ksycoca again?20:48
apacheloggeruh ah eh20:49
apacheloggerTonio_: I really think this a kdesudo issue20:49
apacheloggercaused by dcop20:49
etretyakRiddell: hey! do we need this bug #207380 fixed for kde4?20:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207380 in kubuntu-kde4-meta "[hardy-KDE4]Cannot access ntfs partition" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20738020:49
eagles0513875this is quite interesting im trying to install the gnome desktop so that i can test gnome based bugs and i am unable to i keep getting this message http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63564/20:49
Tonio_apachelogger: I can reproduce the issue easilly without kdesudo20:49
Tonio_apache just perform this :20:49
Tonio_xauth + && sudo -H kcontrol20:50
Tonio_if you have the kdesudo issue, you'll end up with an empty kcontrol20:50
apacheloggerwill not work20:50
apacheloggerthere is no sycoca20:50
apacheloggerand kdesudo doesn't generate one20:50
Tonio_true that20:50
apacheloggerbecause it can't contact dcop20:50
apacheloggertherefore it doesn't invoke kbuildsycoca even though there is no sycoca20:50
Tonio_apachelogger: DCOPSERVER env variable exists20:50
apacheloggerTonio_: just start the livecd20:50
apacheloggeropen a konsole20:51
Tonio_I'll do20:51
apacheloggerrun the cmd Riddell pasted earlier20:51
Tonio_once downloaded :)20:51
apacheloggeryou will get the same output20:51
Tonio_apachelogger: I know I gave him the command :)20:51
apacheloggerand no kbuildsycoca gets generated20:51
apacheloggerTonio_: yeah, but the problem is not that the initial sycoca is broken or something20:51
apacheloggerkdesudo just doesn't generate it20:51
Tonio_apachelogger: then the problem is with the env variable20:51
Tonio_apachelogger: when I kill my dcop server and start a new one, and delete everything, I can see kdesudo starting a kbuildsyscoca20:52
Tonio_well got it20:52
Tonio_I know what's wrong :)20:52
Tonio_that's so stupid !!!!!!20:52
Tonio_lemme try to explain :20:53
Tonio_hum no, that was too simple..............20:53
Tonio_sorry ;)20:53
apacheloggerpfft :P20:53
Tonio_in fact if you use kdesudo whatever it'll work with systemsettings20:54
Tonio_cause the siscoca is build20:54
Tonio_the problem is that with --nonewdcop it won't run kbuildsyscoca20:54
Tonio_apachelogger, Riddell, what can be the cause of this ?20:55
Riddellmm hmm20:55
Tonio_bah value ?20:55
Tonio_Riddell: if you kdesudo env20:55
Tonio_is the DCOPSERVER variable the good one ?20:55
apacheloggerTonio_: when I start the cd20:56
apacheloggeropen konsole20:56
apacheloggerrun kdesudo foobar20:56
apacheloggerit drops out a most awesome error message20:56
Riddellwhich does exist20:56
apacheloggerwhen I run kdesudo roobar again20:56
apacheloggerit works20:56
Tonio_apachelogger: 94% :)20:57
Tonio_apachelogger: there is something wrong initially20:57
Tonio_Riddell: weird.....20:58
Tonio_Riddell: maybe not running kbuildsyscoca when dcop server already exists is a wanted purpose no ?20:58
Tonio_Riddell: the problem is that kde considers that when you have a dcop server, syscoca is generated20:58
Tonio_Riddell: the problem is that we are using room profile with user's dcop20:59
Tonio_dcop considers the users syscoca is generated20:59
Tonio_Riddell: does that make sense ?20:59
Tonio_Riddell: at least for me it does :)20:59
Tonio_Riddell: root profile and user's dcopserver is a nonsense for kde21:00
Riddelllittle about kdesu stuff makes sense21:00
Tonio_but when you run kdesudo whatever, then no existing dcop, then new dcop is started, according to root21:00
Tonio_so good dcopserver + good profile + no syscoca = kbuildsyscoca ran21:01
Tonio_hum, I can workarround this by simple starting kbuildsyscoca only for newdcop21:01
Tonio_Riddell: is that acceptable workarround ?21:01
eagles0513875has anyone else tried to use the sudo apt-get install command to install gnome21:08
RiddellTonio_: if it works, sure21:11
fdovingTonio_: do you mean, only for --nonewdcop? isn't that what's beeing used in systemsettings?21:12
Tonio_fdoving: yes21:12
Tonio_fdoving: this is the only case where the problem appears21:12
Tonio_and only before you use kdesudo normally21:12
fdovingTonio_: fine with me, i'll test if you make 386.debs to test with.21:13
Tonio_should be ready toonight, but don't know when :) I have another bug to fix first21:15
Tonio_fdoving: this one is weird :)21:16
eagles0513875has anyone seen this before cuz im having trouble installing gnome21:29
Riddellthis isn't a gnome channel21:30
mhbRiddell: should I still test any CDs?21:35
mhbis it useful at the moment?21:35
ScottKsmarter: Pong21:39
smarterhey ScottK21:39
smarterScottK: I've modified a bit the powermanager patch to handle hal/dbus restarts: http://smarter.free.fr/pkg/kde-guidance_0.8.0svn20080103-0ubuntu16.debdiff21:39
ScottKsmarter: Thanks.  I'd ask for Riddell's view on if we should do another upload post-RC.21:41
davmor2Riddell: ping21:42
Riddellhi davmor221:47
Riddellmhb: yes please21:47
davmor2Riddell: kde4 restricted driver message displays about 2/3's of the way up the screen21:48
ScottKRiddell: Any thoughts on smarter's change to give guidance power manager better resilience against hal/dbus restarts ^^^?21:50
smartermy patch now doesn't handle dbus restart at all, since that's not supported by dbus and can lead to various issue21:51
smarterit checks if HAL is running before attempting to reconnect, if it's not running, guidance will displays the "battery has been removed" message, so that the user know something is wrong21:52
Tonio_Riddell: bug 209831 requires both kdesudo and dolphin to be patched (won't work with original kdesu aswell)21:55
Tonio_Riddell: dolphin uploaded and kdesudo patched, now working on the ksyscoca thing21:56
davmor2Riddell: that's about the only major issue I can find21:57
RiddellScottK: i can't really tell from looking at ot, if it works then great22:01
blueyedapachelogger: what's broken about vbox?22:01
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.22:03
ScottKsmarter: How about a ppa upload (put ~ppa1 on the end of the revision) and we do some testing.  No upload until after RC is out anyway.22:03
smarterScottK: uploading to http://ppa.launchpad.net/smarter right now22:04
Tonio_Riddell: my theory is confirmed for the nonewdcop and kbuildsyscoca22:09
Tonio_exporting the dcopserver env blocks the kbuildsyscoca from running22:09
Tonio_damned stupid22:09
Riddellquelle bizarre22:14
Tonio_Riddell: that's not bizarre :)22:25
Tonio_Riddell: kbuildsycoca is started by kded22:25
Tonio_when you do a normal kdesudo konqueror, kded is started before the command22:25
Tonio_with --nonewdcop -> no kded -> no monitoring -> no kbuildsycoca22:26
Tonio_that perfectly makes sense :)22:26
Tonio_now the question is how to properly run the kbuildsycoca and another command inside one command....... pretty ugly way to do...;22:26
Tonio_Riddell: I'm pretty sure there is an env variable to export or something to iverride this properly22:28
Tonio_kdesu --nonewdcop exports the syscoca database :)22:29
Tonio_here is the trick :)22:29
Tonio_I just have to grab the code and put it in kdesudo and it'll be okay :)22:30
Tonio_we just have to do the same way than with ICEAUTHORITY22:30
Tonio_it'll now work on gentoo, I finally found it hehe :)22:31
Tonio_kcontrol was broken on gentoo for long, and the package maintainer expected a fix :)22:31
* Tonio_ is happy22:31
Tonio_apachelogger: ping ?22:31
RiddellTonio_: top stuff22:42
RiddellTonio_: but what changed from gutsy or whenever this wasn't broken?22:43
Tonio_Riddell: I think this was always broken22:43
=== pgquiles__ is now known as pgquiles
Tonio_Riddell: just that if you run for example adept the before systemsettings, then systemsettings will work forever22:43
Tonio_Riddell: and with gutsy it was different, as kdesudo was using the user's env and home directory22:44
Tonio_Riddell: we only switched to root env after gutsy was released22:44
Tonio_Riddell: 2 month after I'd say22:44
Tonio_Riddell: that's why the issue wasn't there on gutsy22:45
Tonio_sudo was used instead of sudo -H22:45
Riddellmm, right22:45
smarterwhy did we switch?22:48
Tonio_Riddell: to avoid upstream version exception, I'm pushing 2 patches and will release a new kdesudo tomorrow, kde322:48
Tonio_I'll have to checkout of this is to be done for kde4 version22:48
Tonio_Riddell: does ksycoca still exist in kde4 ?22:48
smarterTonio_: we have kbuildsycoca422:49
smarterTonio_: why did we switch to root env?22:49
Tonio_Riddell: concerning bug 207380, the solution is really simple :)22:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207380 in kubuntu-kde4-meta "[hardy-KDE4]Cannot access ntfs partition" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20738022:50
Tonio_Riddell: the fix is simple, ntfs support requires a dbus policy file to be installed22:51
Tonio_Riddell: that's done via kubuntu-default-settings22:51
Tonio_Riddell: I suspect we should do the same for the kubuntu-kde4-settings22:51
Tonio_Riddell: although that should probably be ubuntu defaults, not a kubuntu specific setting right ?22:51
smarterTonio_: we don't have a kubuntu-kde4-settings22:52
smartereverything is in kubuntu-default-settings22:52
Tonio_smarter: we switched to root profile cause working with root UID in the user's home directory makes config files unwritable to the user22:52
Tonio_smarter: ah ? well then it should work......22:52
smarterthe file is /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/hal-policy-ntfs-config-write-policy.fdi right?22:53
Tonio_smarter: yep22:54
Tonio_smarter: it is copied in the good folder via postinst script22:54
Tonio_if [ ! -e /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor ]; then22:55
Tonio_ln -s /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/hal-policy-ntfs-config-write-policy.fdi \22:55
Tonio_/usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/home/20-ntfs-config-write-policy.fdi || \22:55
Tonio_could be a kde4 bug but I doubt22:55
smarterI don't have a /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/home/20-ntfs-config-write-policy.fdi22:56
nosrednaekimuhh oh, I don't know how to fix this one.... whats a rosetta template?22:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218829 in desktop-effects-kde "No i18n for desktop-effects-kde" [Undecided,New]22:56
Tonio_smarter: hu ?22:58
Tonio_smarter: I don't too...... wtf ????22:58
Tonio_smarter: okay I'll fix that one after I'm done with kdesudo22:59
Tonio_smarter: pfffffffffffffffffff23:00
Tonio_ [ ! -e /u23:00
smarter                if [ ! -e /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor ]; then23:00
Tonio_the test is invalid.......23:00
smarteryes :)23:00
Tonio_stupid of me.........23:00
smarter'night everybody23:00
Tonio_okay let's fix :)23:00
Tonio_night :)23:00
Riddellnosrednaekim: it needs to use xgettext to create a .pot file23:02
Riddelland gettext needs to have that .pot name bound with gettext.bind or whatever it is23:03
nosrednaekimRiddell: ok, i'll go look at another python program to figure out how to do that23:05
Tonio_Riddell: I'll upload a kdesudo and kds in a few minutes23:09
Tonio_along with dolphin$23:09
Tonio_Riddell: see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/17835123:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178351 in kdebase "failed to mount ntfs user disk with kiomedia" [Undecided,Fix released]23:25
Tonio_Riddell: looks like the same bug appears with kde423:26
Tonio_see bug 20738023:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207380 in kubuntu-kde4-meta "[hardy-KDE4]Cannot access ntfs partition" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20738023:26
Tonio_Riddell: systemsettings works on the live cd :)23:35
Tonio_pretty cool ;)23:35
Tonio_Riddell: this ntfs issue is annoying too.... I'll test tomorro at work.... we have ntfs hard drives :)23:37
CheGuevarai can confirm that issue23:37
CheGuevaraneeds to be fixed in solid same way as kde3s bits were patched23:37
RiddellTonio_: looks like you just uploaded a fix23:38
Tonio_Riddell: yes but no :)23:39
Tonio_Riddell: that would just enable write support by default23:39
Tonio_what ubuntu does too23:39
Tonio_Riddell: that won't fix the mounting process23:39
Riddell"yes but no" that's such a tonio phrase23:39
Tonio_CheGuevara: also, looks like other distros are patching hal directly for yes23:39
Tonio_Riddell:  :)23:39
CheGuevarathats an option23:39
CheGuevarabut can that actually happen this late in cycle23:40
Tonio_Riddell: I uploaded the polishing, but not the basic fix :)23:40
Tonio_CheGuevara: true that23:40
CheGuevarabut we can  still patch kde23:40
Tonio_CheGuevara: also, ubuntu doesn't seem to have the problem, so let's go with ke4 patch :)23:40
Tonio_CheGuevara: the problem is that I have absolutly no idea of where in kde4 to look at for this23:40
Tonio_CheGuevara: I never even looked at kde4 code23:41
Tonio_Riddell: will you have time for eventually port the kde3 patch (30 lines) to kde4 ?23:41
Tonio_I'm not sure the codebase is different for this :)23:41
CheGuevarasomeone said its not too different23:42
RiddellTonio_: I beleve iRon was talking about it earlier23:42
Riddellexcept I can't remember his new nick23:42
Tonio_hehe :)23:42
Tonio_CheGuevara: grabbing kdebase-kde4 code23:43
CheGuevaralooking at svn :P23:43
Tonio_I promissed myself not to touch at kde4 before hardy is released.....23:43
CheGuevarayou can make an exception :P23:44
Riddell20:49 < etretyak> Riddell: hey! do we need this bug #207380 fixed for kde4?23:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207380 in kubuntu-kde4-meta "[hardy-KDE4]Cannot access ntfs partition" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20738023:44
RiddellTonio_: there you go, e-mail him23:44
Tonio_Riddell: yep23:44
Tonio_Riddell: that's iRon ??????,23:44
CheGuevarashould be somehwere here23:45
Tonio_Riddell: etrayak....... eugène, who wrote the first patch :)23:46
Tonio_Riddell: nice I'll ping him with the reminder of his previous fix :)23:46
Tonio_Riddell: where the hell have gone email addresses on launchpad ?23:52
Tonio_I don't see it23:52
CheGuevaraEmail:   No public address provided.23:53
CheGuevaramay be not23:53
Tonio_hum that changed......23:53
Riddelletretyak@gma il.com23:53
Tonio_Riddell: thanks23:54
Tonio_Riddell: email are now hidden on launchpad ?23:54
CheGuevaraif you choose to23:54
Tonio_CheGuevara: hum ok23:55

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