
ken_thanks genii00:00
geniiken_: Hopefully enough there to get you on right track00:00
beenergenii you know how i get my partition mounted im getting this error hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 100000:01
geniibeener: Sorry, I have not enough time to help you right now00:01
beeneralright thanks anyways00:03
dwidmannthe hardy installer has one change that is horrible :(00:03
beeneris there a simple way of geting through this00:04
geniibeener: May help: http://languor.us/hal-storage-fixed-mount-refused-uid-100000:07
lovreback. tried xfce. First impression: tooo few options... Not much i could change about look and feel... Im looking for something "different".. any idea?00:09
geniilovre: PErhaps fluxbox00:10
Jucatowhat kind of "different" are you looking for?00:10
beenerdont go for flux00:10
lovrebeener: why not?00:10
Jucatolet him. it's his choice whether to try or not :)00:11
lovreJucato: i need something efficient, yet a little different. And maybe somewhat lighter..00:12
beenerwell i have it running on a crap desktop and it just doesnt work so great00:12
lovredunno, maybe im just spoiled :S00:12
beenerthe menu useing the left click never updates yo9u have to mount manualy00:12
JucatoEfficient? Different? Light? KDE with a completely different theme  and less stuff installed :)00:13
lovrebeener: do you have another idea?00:13
lovreJucato: yea, i suppose  you are right :))00:14
lovrebrb, trying out the fluxbox.. Be back in a min00:14
JucatoI don't get the need for something "light" unless you're running on a P1 with 64 MB RAM :)00:14
sparr_lovre: there are MANY window managers, and a major consideration is how much work youre willing to do to make it work the way you want00:14
Jucato(someone has run Kubuntu on a P2 with less than 512B)00:14
sparr_danbm nussed gun00:14
geniiJucato: I'm running it on a p2 400 with 3.2Gb hd and 128Mb of ram00:15
Jucatogenii: 128MB is less than 512MB right? :P00:15
geniiJucato: Considerably less, yes :)00:16
user1 using linux,i have some friends sharing my internet. i have 30k vacant and 3 friends. is there a way that i define the combine band limit for 3 users combined as 30 k . not 10k for each. that way if 2 are  online they can share 15k each. and if all 3 are online. they will be spreaded 10k each in managed behaviour. any way.i have a dlink switch. and in futer i may take a fourth one and give him a dedicated 20k limit alone. so i need control?00:17
user1by wondershaper or ebox. or any other, what i have in mind is 30k for 3 users. if all are online 10k is given to each. if 2 are online 15k to each. 1 then 30k to him. and other 4th user gets 20k seperat dedi bandwidth.. how can i do it?00:17
lovrecan i startx in more than one virtual terminal?00:20
geniilovre: Yes00:20
lovregenii: how, i get an error00:20
geniilovre: You need to specify :1  since :0 is in use00:20
lovregenii: startx 1 ?00:21
geniilovre: Don't omit the colon. eg:    startx :100:21
lovregenii: ill try, thank you00:21
beener... i screwed something up00:21
beeneri cant get into any programs that arnt already up00:22
lovregenii: it says: server is allready for display 0. i did "starx :1", with a space..00:23
beeneri tried to setup the drive to be mounted in the home folder and now i cant open anything00:23
beenernot even the terminal00:23
beenerwhat should i do00:23
geniilovre: Give me a minute or two, I'm swamped in other channels here00:23
beenersayin its bee mal formatid00:24
lovregenii: its ok, i figured it out. it was: "startx -- :1"00:24
geniilovre: startx -- :1    Yes :) I forgot the --00:26
geniibeener: It says what?00:26
lovregenii: it runs xfce. Can i specify to run some other wm, like kde?00:26
beenersay the other partion is mal formated00:27
lovregenii: and when i switch back to this vt, the other one crashes00:27
_ZeuZ_!reduce memory usage00:28
_ZeuZ_@reduce memory usage00:29
beenerwhat should i do?00:29
geniilovre: You can put any options there you could put into an .Xsession  or .xinitrc file, yes. so startx -- :1 & startkde &                           or so00:30
Jucatostartkde should bring up X00:31
Jucatoer no.. sorry00:31
Jucatowrong one :P00:31
beenernothing else will open up00:31
geniibeener: Frankly, that doesn't look hopeful to recover from. It looks like you may have just done something to your / partition00:32
beenerbut i set it to the /home which is on a totaly difrent partition00:32
beenerwell im going to boot up a live cd and delet the partition. maybe that will fix it00:33
geniibeener: What were the EXACT steps you took that caused this to happen? In order00:33
beenersystem settings00:33
beenerthen the disk and file system00:33
beenerthen went into the admin mode and set the new partition to auto enable then set it to mount to /home/beener/beener drive 200:34
beenerthen it screwed up00:34
geniiThe GUI diskmounter occasionally has some hiccup and inserts arbitrary code into fstab. If possible let us see whats in that file, put it onto the pastebin website and give the url here00:35
geniibeener:The GUI diskmounter occasionally has some hiccup and inserts arbitrary code into fstab. If possible let us see whats in that file, put it onto the pastebin website and give the url here00:35
beenerill try to find it out00:36
geniibeener: The file /etc/fstab contents00:36
beenermaybe i can use firefox00:37
beenersence it still open00:37
geniibeener: You mounted whatever to your home directory of /home/beener     So: sudo umount /home beener                         and then remove that line from in the /etc/fstab by: alt-f2 kdesu kate /etc/fstab00:41
beenerhow i cant get into thte terminal00:41
beenerthis is a reach can firefox dothis?00:41
geniibeener: ctrl-alt-f1   then do the commandline stuff. eg: sudo umount /home/beener                      then back to X by: alt-f700:42
geniiYou'll need to login there, use your normal login/pass00:43
* genii sips his beer and waits for the next small emergency00:44
beeneris it alt f7 or ctrl alt f700:44
geniibeener: Either will work but you only need alt-f7 from commandline to gui, from gui to commandline you require the ctrl with the alt-f100:44
harmentalhey guys..how can i make self-contained presentations with OOo?00:45
ubotua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org00:46
geniiharmental: Use the Impress ("Powerpoint") part?00:47
* genii hands Jucato a coffee00:47
beenerand genii  sudo umount /home beener00:48
beenershould that have a /00:48
geniibeener: sudo umount /home/beener                    yes. DON'T un-mount /home    !!00:49
harmentalgenii: there is no such option as far as i know...00:50
harmental(at least not in OOo)00:50
beenerbeener is the one that has been there from the begining the other place i mounted was beener drive 2 < it shouldnt be this one (just wanting to not mess up things)00:50
corporealsteve ballmer scares me.00:51
geniiharmental: I suggest getting into internals of Impress with the folks in #users.openoffice.org as suggested by Jucato00:51
harmentalgenii and Jucato: no response there....00:52
geniibeener: Any users home directory is like:  /home/theirname       and not just /home         you mounted something to the "root" of your home directory (/home/beener) which is why things stopped working. You didn't mount it to /home/beener/some-subdir-name  as you perhaps intended00:53
beeneric ok00:53
beenerill go through with it then00:53
beenerer says its busy00:58
geniibeener: then use: sudo umount -f /home/beener00:59
beenerok thanks01:00
beenerstill no go01:00
beenersay device or resource busy01:00
geniibeener: Then do the other step of alt-f2 kdesu kate /etc/fstab    and remove that /home/beener line. Save the file. Then reboot (softly if possible)01:01
beenerwithout gui or no?01:02
geniibeener: With01:02
godkasanyone know where mplayer seeks its plugin directory?01:03
beenercant opent he kate programe01:04
beenervi should work right?01:04
beenerin without gui01:04
Daisuke_Idosince vi is the work of satan, i have to recommend nano for a simple edit such as that01:05
geniibeener: OK, if you have a konsole open or so, use: sudo nano /etc/fstab     or vi  or the commandline editor of your choice with admin privelege (sudo) If no Konsole do the ctrl-alt-f1 and from there01:05
godkas:p i almost always use kwrite lol01:06
godkas? tuerets?01:06
bittinemacs =) emacs =) emacs =)01:06
epimethit happens whenever I hear the word "vi" :-)01:07
geniibah editor warz01:07
beenerhow do i exit and save01:07
beenerin vi01:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qw' - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:08
Kingflakeis EXT4 in ubuntu?01:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qw - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:08
geniibeener:    !qw      yes01:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext4 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:08
geniiKingflake: No, it is not01:08
Alucard_Hellsingi need help with internet sharing. i have a kubuntu machine  a win machine, and xbox 360. i want to share my internet connectin with the other two machine but i have altell dialup and i dont know how to share the connection with kubunut01:11
Alucard_Hellsingi could share it with my win but my internet dialer went down on that machine so it si no good01:12
beeneralright finaly got it to be able to save01:14
beenerrestarting now01:14
geniibeener: If it refuses to let you from KDE  go to ctrl-alt-f1 again and do: sudo reboot01:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nspluginviewer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:18
beener_thank you genii01:19
beener_alright ... now to try to mount again...01:19
geniibeener_: Now you know why not to use /home/yourname as a mount point ;)01:19
beener_lol thank you01:20
beener_so we would be the best place to mount to?01:20
geniibeener_: Tradition is make a dir under /media or /mnt and then use that01:20
geniibeener_: /media is likely good since you can brose it from file browser normally01:21
beener_so like put /media/beener201:21
geniibeener_: Yes01:21
geniiI need to take a small trip to pick up a paycheque. So will be unresponsive and /away for maybe 15 minutes01:22
chronos_How can I get the sun jre?01:22
bragoo08chronos: google java01:23
chronos_Well, I've got the package off the site, I just don't know where to install it to01:24
_ZeuZ_what-s vbesave ?01:24
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.01:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vbesave - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:25
gttwhat port do i need to unblock so that cups can print?01:25
Super_BQhow do I install ident ?01:27
Super_BQfor my irc - everytime it comes up no ident when I connect from my windows box through the kubuntu box01:27
jhutchinsSuper_BQ: You trying to get ident.d working for IRC?01:28
beener_thanks genii all fixed01:29
jhutchinsSuper_BQ: Not worth the effort.01:29
_ZeuZ_used - buffer - cached = memory that's actually being used, right?01:29
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will01hey does anyone think i would have problems installing kubuntu on a 4 gig cf card?01:44
FFForevercan i convert a kubuntu install into a server install (remove kde and all of that stuff)01:45
epimethFFForever: sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop01:48
* nonewmsgs has discovered the hard way that hardy really _is_ a beta01:49
geniiFFForever: Log out of KDE. Then ctrl-alt-f1    then: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop          then:sudo apt-get install tasksel     then: sudo apt-get remove --purge kubuntu-desktop                 then: sudo tasksel            from there select LAMP install01:49
geniiepimeth: Thats one of gthe steps, yes :)01:49
FFForevergenii no monitor :)01:50
geniiFFForever: You're in by vnc or so?01:50
FFForeverssh :)01:50
_ZeuZ_how can I remove a no-longer-used kernel?01:51
FFForeverits good to keep 1 spare kernel.....01:51
_ZeuZ_along, of course, of his headers, modules, and all that parafernalie...01:52
epimethgenii: way to show me up01:52
geniiFFForever:  then: sudo apt-get install tasksel     then: sudo tasksel            from there select LAMP install      after it finishes the stopping kdm/removal of kubuntu-desktop01:52
_ZeuZ_FFForever, yes, but I've got like, 5? not counting the ones from Debian...01:52
geniiepimeth: I was typing all that before you replied, nothing personal01:52
will01does anyone see a problem with installing kubuntu to a 4 gig cf card/01:52
geniiwill01: Not if your computer supports boot from there01:53
epimethgenii: I know :-)01:53
FFForevergenii, know why i can mount a cifs dir, but i cannot browse it via samba even if i unmount it01:53
geniiFFForever: Not offhand01:53
jontecI'm trying to mount a drive with sudo, but I want to be able to view the volume without having to be root... what options do I need for my mount command?01:53
FFForevercould it be because it is the second network card on the system?01:54
geniijontec: something like -o user           or -o users01:54
nonewmsgsjontec a normal mount should work?  if not adjust the fsck file01:55
nonewmsgsand if you need any help im here01:55
robfwhen ya change window effects settings and it bunges everything up,  how exactly can I fix this?01:55
robfit says "in 10 seconds we'll >>>" do something but then after bout 10 seconds it doesn't revert so not sure wth its doing =  I have to clear my users .kde4/  directory to remove the settings I changed01:56
jontecgenii, nonewmsgs: I tried the users option before, but it says that I "do not have enough permissions to read" it... I just tried it again, but to no avail01:56
jontec(after unmounting)01:56
nonewmsgssudo kate /etc/fsck01:57
geniijontec: eg:   sudo mount -o users /dev/whatever /mountpoint                        and /mountpoint must be somewhere the user has access, like /media/somename  or /home/theirname/subdirectory01:58
nonewmsgsfstab i mean01:58
nonewmsgsedit your fstab so the last line looks like this:01:59
smeg0lany one from denmark in here ?01:59
nonewmsgs /dev/hdb1 /home/william/newdrive1 ext3 rw,defaults,uid=1000 0 001:59
nonewmsgsadjusting ext3 with whatever and the mountpoint ;)01:59
nonewmsgsand the drive02:00
geniinonewmsgs: You're making several unbased assumptions02:00
robfis there a way to make kongueror NOT gimme that annoying start up screen and just start in say,  google or about:blank02:01
geniinonewmsgs: eg: it's ext3, he's using user of uid 1000, he needs write access02:01
jontecgenii: that's exactly what I tried :( and /mountpoint is owned by the user, not root02:01
jontecnonewmsgs: changing the fstab does what?02:02
robfjontec: makes it mount there?02:02
jontecnonewmsgs: are those the defaults for a mount, or do these get mounted at startup02:02
jontecrobf: yeah, I can read it as root02:02
robfthey mount at startup if automount is set true02:02
robfif not than they're just the directories mount point for mount /mount/point02:03
robfjontec: and permissions that are being read?02:03
geniijontec: The fstab holds sort of hints about how to mount some devices. They can have an fstab entry be not be automounted at boot for instance but just specify filesystem or so on02:03
robfjontec: if you have files on ext3,  and they're owned by a uid / group outside your current user (except root)   then simply you have no perms02:03
jontecrobf: I'll specify, this is ntfs, so my windows drive...02:04
robfhave root simply do a chgrp  and recursively apply a group setting to the who drive,  add user to group,  solved02:04
robfntfs is bad news ;p02:04
geniijontec: What robf suggests is likely the case here, that the mounted contents are not owned/accessible to the username normally anyhow02:05
robfit has weird permisions,  half time ignored,  half time obliged... makes for wonky workings02:05
robfjontec:  example of my previous mention,     I ,  robf as a user,  once came across a cd of mine,    owner of files,  robf...02:05
robfjontec: however this robf was uid different than mine ;p  cos was from another system ...doh02:05
robfso couldn't do anything with em ,  was really annoying02:06
jontecthis is a reinstall of kubuntu, and I've never had problems with it before :( But on the reinstall System Settings has been weird, so I'm just doing it from the commandline because I don't feel like trying to get it to work02:06
robfroot copied them over set me as owner and was good to go02:06
robfjontec: reinstall + wipe?  or reinstall with existing files still in place... not sure if kubuntu supports such or not,   not really up on the distro specifics02:06
jontecrobf: okay, so how do I get the files set for my uid or any for that matter02:06
robfjontec: well,  chown and chgrp =)02:07
jontecrobf: I wiped my linux partition and reinstalled02:07
robfwait this is for ntfs though ya?02:07
jontecrobf: yeah, I'm on kubuntu, trying to mount my windows drive which is ntfs02:07
robfntfs permissions are a strange lil kitten02:07
geniiouch, chmod/chown on ntfs is .... messy... to say the least02:07
robfnot even sure how nix handles them,  if at all02:07
robfyeah don't ch anything02:08
robfgenii: mess?  nah,   work?  also no02:08
robfmay do strange tings..02:08
robfnever tried tbh02:08
robflemme mount up a ntfs partition realy quick if I got one hold a moment02:08
geniijontec: Whats the mount line yer currently trying?02:08
robfdrwxrwx--- 1 root plugdev     0 2008-04-12 23:28 Blue Oyster Cult02:09
robflook at owner of who mounted drive02:09
robfgenii:  I simply mount as root02:09
robfmount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/point02:10
robfits usually smart enough02:10
robfnow jontec which user is responsible for mounting?02:10
robfor better yet02:10
robftry this02:10
geniijontec: If I have dev and mountpoint I'll give an fstab line02:10
robfmake your user member of plugdev ;p02:10
jontecgenii: I'm just using mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /home/jontec/windows02:10
geniirobf: That sometimes works also02:10
jontecgive or take a couple of options02:10
jontecgenii: err... with sudo02:10
robfjontec: problem is this02:11
geniijontec: OK, so:   /dev/hda1 /home/jontec/windows ntfs ro,dmask=0222,fmask=0333 0 002:11
robfjontec:  it's mounted as root owner,   plugdev group02:11
robfjontec: type this as user "groups"02:11
robfdo you see plugdev?02:11
geniijontec: Add to /etc/fstab (with admin privelege)    then: mount ~/windows02:12
geniiInteresting. hda and not sda02:12
robfgenii:  still seems he'll have permission issues if he is not member of the group,  this needs to be ensured....02:13
robfor maybe I'm confused as to his problem,02:13
jontecexcellent, guys, that worked02:13
robfwhat was his problem :p  now I'm confused =)02:13
geniirobf: The dmask and fmask cover the user group stuff02:13
robfah ok02:14
robfdidn't see that02:14
robfwas on diff line ;p02:14
robfby default seems it mounts as plugdev,  which my default user has a member of this group anyhow02:14
robfso I have no permission problems it seems02:14
jontecgenii: what exactly did that line do in fstab?02:16
robfso with konqureor  (usually I just use FF :p )   but I wish for it to not start with stupid "into" page,  just go into  google02:16
robfeven though i set this as home page it loads that annoying intro crap =\02:16
robfjontec: set the masks for readabiltiy/execut02:16
robfjontec: man umask02:17
robfsame idea02:17
robfonly for file / directory02:17
geniijontec: It mounts readonly with the directory mask and file mask write settings such that regular users can write to it02:17
geniiread/write to it02:17
robfer man mount heh not umask ><02:18
jontecrobf, genii: okay, gracias, this should actually be better than I had it setup on my last installtion... my primary user had access, so I had to use kdesu to view the files as another user02:18
robfjontec: also,  by default,  if you just make a user to be in group plugdev ntfs mounts ought be ok from the begining02:19
robfI think also this gives them ability to mount such devices02:19
prince_jammysi'm not seeing how those mask settings would allow writing02:19
jontecrobf: :( my user does belong to the plugdev group...02:20
robfjontec: ah02:20
robfno idea why it would work normally does for me =p02:20
robfbut you should be ok now02:20
robfgenii has you right02:20
jontecalright, thanks again02:20
geniijontec: You running older Kubuntu? hda1 seems to me from before 7.0402:21
jontecgenii: I'm using 7.04, actually02:21
prince_jammysdo you intend to be able to write to the partition?02:21
geniijontec: Ah, OK. I think then the change would be from that to 7.10, they are all now sdX and not hdX02:21
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nosrednaekimgenii: even here on hardy, I still get hda's02:23
geniinosrednaekim: Interesting. I imagine for base device of CD/DVD02:23
robfeh hda = pata sda = sata02:23
nosrednaekimgenii: nope, its my hard drive02:24
robfide vs sata ;p02:24
robfi have one hda and sdb/sda02:24
nosrednaekimI have hda1,2,3,4,5,6,7.,8 :)02:24
robftwo serial ata and one IDE paralelle ata02:24
robfthough parallel is better way to spell02:24
geniiMy sata is currently in compatability mode so conceivably should be hdX but it's sdX02:24
geniiI guess somewhere in the kernel driver for hd controller it decides which name if scsi layer is needed02:25
bobwwwwwыыыыыыыы есть кто живой?02:36
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke02:36
sparr_why would my shell be interpreting (which is to say, sending to perl) the single quote (') character as \xE2 instead of \x27 ?02:36
geniisparr_: They may know intricate details of that in ##bash02:37
sparr_genii: but it could be a konsole problem02:39
geniisparr_: Does it behave differently from a console you get from ctrl-alt-f1 ?02:40
sparr_genii: yes02:41
sparr_thanks for asking02:41
sparr_now i think its certainly a konsole problem  :)02:41
geniisparr_: Likely then. As for the fix/reason I don't have a clue. Perhaps file a bug on launchpad (or search for an already filed one)02:43
epsilomHI, in this moment I update to 8.04 from 7.10, but the download packages is very very slow, why?02:47
geniiepsilom: They are doing much work on those servers, the release candidate is coming out tomorrow. So it's just overloaded02:47
epsilommmmm ok02:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ps3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:18
DarkShinigamiSomeone told me that K/Ubuntu has a version for the PlayStation 3. Is this true?03:19
geniiDarkShinigami: Yes, it's true03:20
DarkShinigamigenii: Thanks. Where would I find this information?03:20
will00how easy would it be to configure konqueror to only allow one specific website?03:21
geniiDarkShinigami: This may get you started http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34311303:21
DarkShinigamiwill00: I recall something about setting it up as a "kiosk". This was a few years ago, but should still be relevant.03:22
will00yea i was lookin at that stuff, but does kiosk have that option in it?03:22
bittinhi bruce__03:26
bruce__I am new to linux and have a question03:27
bittinask it then =)03:27
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:27
ximspeaking of... in kde4, how does one turn off ALL SOUND NOTIFICATIONS in one go?03:28
bruce__sometimes programs jam. Is there a way to close them down without logging out of linux first03:28
ximi loved that option in kde3.5x03:28
Odd-rationalebruce__: you can open ksystemguard and kill the process there.03:29
bittinand to open that u press ctrl + escape03:29
Odd-rationalebruce__: or you can do it a terminal like: killall konqueror03:29
geniibruce__: You can also forcibly kill them usually by: ctrl-alt-esc then put the big X on the offending/lockedup app03:30
Odd-rationaleyeah but be careful you don't click the desktop by accident...03:30
geniiOdd-rationale: Heh, yes. I've done this03:30
bruce__if you do can you reboot and get your desktop back?03:31
Odd-rationalebruce__: alt+f2 and type in "kdesktop" should work03:31
ximor hit ctrl+alt+backspace to restart X03:31
xim(only in a pinch!)03:32
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bruce__thanks I will try it.03:35
ximbut seriously, the only way i've found in kde4 to turn off all sound notifications is by turning off sound for notifications (which means they're still loading and also that I can't just allow 1 sound only etc). before kde4, i could always just hit 'disable all sounds' then enable the couple i actually need. I've seen this problem mentioned all over in lame reviews like http://eikke.com/kde4-reviewed/ w/o any solution so that's why i'm03:36
ximasking here. Anyone a brave kde4 soul?03:36
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geniixim: Apparently not03:44
xim:( Thanks for the confirmation at least.03:44
geniixim: You may find some if they are to be had, in #kubuntu-kde403:44
ximah, thanks a lot03:45
ximper curiousity, if you had to guess where / how would you look for the settings file for these prefs? I'm assuming it's a plain text file somewhere03:46
ximi'm new to this, but am blindly assuming that :)03:46
geniino idea03:48
ximCool. Thanks just the same of course. :)03:48
pramodI want to enable write permission on Kubuntu... can anyone please help me?03:56
geniipramod: What is it you are requiring writing access to?03:56
pramodI got Windows as welll03:57
Super_BQugh. still battling with Samba03:57
geniiSuper_BQ: Kaj?03:57
pramodso i want to copy a file from the Kubuntu local partition to the Windows partition...03:57
Super_BQgenii: sorry?03:58
Super_BQgenii: for some reason my Windows box won't login into my Samba Kubuntu box03:58
geniiSuper_BQ: Another user with that name and Samba struggles earlier on03:58
Super_BQperhaps that was me :)03:58
geniiAnd exact same issue it seems03:58
geniipramod: What is the partition name of the ntfs (or fat/vfat) ?03:59
Super_BQI had it going by changing the smb.conf file line from user to share03:59
ximSuper_BQ:Does your password/username have weird characters in it? ie !@#$%^&*(>?03:59
Super_BQit's a password/dbase issue it hink03:59
Super_BQxim: yes if you say an underscore is unusual03:59
pramodit is ntfs itself...03:59
pramodwell it is an ntfs partition itself...03:59
Super_BQbut it use to work before I did the upgrade04:00
ximsadly, i found no workaround other than changing my pass04:00
geniipramod: eg: is it called /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdx9     etc etc04:00
pramodno fat file system...04:00
ximit also had a similar character04:00
pramodah wait04:00
Super_BQi'll try a different pass04:00
ximit's worth a go, though i still don't understand why that isn't fixed. I had a ' and an _ in my password. Removing that allowed login, YMMV.04:01
Super_BQhah and when I try on my windows box to click on the shared shortcut, it rejects new password04:02
Super_BQI think that's because I have to ALSO change the Ubuntu user password to the same as the smbpasswd one?04:03
geniipramod: OK. First in Konsole: umount /media/hdb1    then in Kubuntu: alt-f2        then: kdesu kate /etc/fstab                  then add the line:  /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 ntfs ro,dmask=0222,fmask=0333 0 0                          if another line there contains anywhere in it hdb1 put a # at the start of that line. Save the file. Then again in Konsole: sudo mount /media/hdb104:03
geniipramod: You may need sudo umount /media/hdb1         in that first command04:04
pramodok i try it...04:04
geniiSuper_BQ: I need to leave soon, just want to see finish pramod's situation. Otherwise I would try to help more.04:06
geniipramod: Let me know the result, success or not04:07
Super_BQwould be easier if someone could just login my box and fix04:07
pramodwell thanks04:08
pramodit copies the program....04:08
pramodi mean it copies the file....04:09
geniipramod: Good :)04:09
genii/parting is such sweet sorrow :)04:09
pramodbut i also get a message:04:09
pramod"Could not change permissions for04:09
pramod/media/hdb1/Win Documents/My Music/Hindi/MP3/3wh2(www.songs.pk).mp3"04:09
ximi might be way off, but that's what I've used in the past to mount ntfs04:11
ximin any case, if you have permissions problems, try starting your file manager w/ root permissions and giving your username (ie pramod) write access?04:12
ximkdesu konqueror /media/hdb1/Win Documents/My Music/Hindi/MP3/04:13
Super_BQmaybe remove and reinstall samba?04:14
ximdoubt that'll help04:15
ximi still advise changing login credentials04:15
Super_BQyou mean the smb.credential file?04:16
ximmore generally, i mean changing u:/p: to avoid certain characters04:17
Super_BQi did that04:17
Super_BQno dice04:17
ximoh, sorry04:17
Super_BQperhaps I should add a new user04:17
ximhonestly, idk04:17
ximcouldn't hurt04:17
ximif you did, i'd be curious what happens04:18
ximie, logging in with new U:Peter P:pass from windows does what? etc04:18
toyo|deskhello all04:22
toyo|deskI have a 64bit kubuntu install and I was wondering what packages I need to install to get the 32bit libogg.so.0 libvorbis.so.0 and libtheora.so.004:23
Super_BQwhen I create a new account, I still have to command line type smbpasswd -L -a (new account name) ?04:23
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Super_BQor does it auto do it in Samba?04:23
Jucato!es | anais04:25
ubotuanais: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.04:25
cparkerAre there separate Kubuntu repos, or does Kubuntu just install everything from ubuntu.org?04:25
ximNo entiendo. No hablo español04:25
TaminQuick question: I'm under the impression I can upgrade straight from 6.10 to 8.04, simply by following the normal rules (changing 'edgy' in /etc/apt/sources.list to 'hardy' and running the apt-get commands). Is there any reason this won't work?04:26
ximSuper_BQ:not sure. to be honest, I use ssh or ftp almost exclusively. Else, zeroconf:// to access things.04:26
TaminAfter I had started upgrading from 6.06 to 6.10, I realized there was built-in support for a straight 6.06 -> 8.04 upgrade, but by then it was too late04:27
Super_BQok I think I might of fixed it04:30
Super_BQbrb - need to reboot04:30
bishop_whatsupp xim04:33
bishop_i need sum cool icons any body good any ideas04:34
ximbeat me to it jucato ;)04:35
toyo|deskwhy do the ia32-libs not include libogg.so.004:35
* toyo|desk dosent understand04:36
bishop_thank you!04:36
ximgg:kde icons04:36
Jucato!changethemes | bishop_, for your theming guide04:36
ubotubishop_, for your theming guide: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes04:36
bishop_thankz ubotu04:37
Odd-rationale!thanks | bishop_04:39
ubotubishop_: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)04:39
TaminAnyone know if I can perform said upgrade? I was already planning on upgrading piecemeal, but if I can do it all at once...04:39
bishop_=/ lol04:39
toyo|deskanyone know how I can get that libogg.so.0 installed?04:40
toyo|deskin 32bit04:40
xim!thanks | xim04:41
ximwhoa, that's nifty04:41
toyo|desk!ia32-libs | toyo|desk04:42
ximthe bot even scolded me! schweet!04:42
ximyeah, sorry about your ogg problem04:42
Odd-rationale!helpersnack | xim04:42
ubotuxim: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!04:42
toyo|deskit dosent know about ia32-libs04:43
ximhot damn, i think i'm in love04:43
xim!cyber | xim04:43
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:44
ximyeah, i was just browsing that actually04:44
ximthat's extremely handy04:44
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ubotuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.04:48
Danish989Hi all!05:11
Danish989I installed ubuntu and grub loader gets an error 22 on stage 1.5 and I've been told it's because I have 2 SATA hard disks and Grub Loader isn't pointing the loader at the right direction because of that05:12
Danish989does anyone know if I'll have the same problems with kubuntu?05:12
edoceoIs the the beta channel or .... ?05:20
Danish989edoceo: beta for hardy heron you mean?05:21
Odd-rationaleedoceo: no. beta channel is #ubuntu+105:21
Danish989edoceo: try #ubuntu+105:21
Odd-rationaleedoceo: kde4 channel in #kubuntu-kde405:21
micha__how do i install the kubuntu resticted driver manager in systemsettings05:21
Danish989can you help me, odd-rationale?05:21
Danish989I installed ubuntu and grub loader gets an error 22 on stage 1.5 and I've been told it's because I have 2 SATA hard disks and Grub Loader isn't pointing the loader at the right direction because of that05:21
Odd-rationaleDanish989: I don't think so. sorry.05:22
Danish989okie, thanks anyway05:22
Odd-rationaleDanish989: you might try reinstalling grub on the correct device05:22
Danish989Odd-rationale: I did try, but I'm a linux noob and lets just say that didn't work out too well05:22
micha__how do i install the kubuntu resticted driver manager in systemsettings05:23
micha__sudo apt-get install restricted-manage did install but the manager isn't in system settings05:23
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
micha__somebody know how the package name for the restricted manager05:29
Daisuke_Idoanother day, amarok still peeves me05:36
* Daisuke_Ido is tempted to jump ship for exaile :D05:36
Odd-rationaleI wonder if exaile will mimic amarok 205:38
bragoo08Amorok isn't realy the best player05:39
hydrogenOdd-rationale: I'm sure if it doesn't, another player will be created that does05:41
Odd-rationalehydrogen: i thought so too05:41
hydrogenbecause everyone knows its much better to spend ones time reinventing the wheel05:41
Odd-rationalebragoo08: what do you like?05:41
bragoo08I use both mplayer and RealPlayer!05:42
Daisuke_Idoyou can't possibly be serious05:43
Daisuke_Idomplayer, cool.  but realplayer?05:43
Odd-rationalebragoo08: so you really don't use a music management software?05:43
shadowboxhow can I my mouse to stop 'pasting' when I click the wheel?05:43
vaioi need help05:43
Daisuke_Idoshadowbox, afaik, that's built into X itself, so not the easiest thing to disable05:43
bragoo08Odd-rationale: Nope!05:44
vaiocan anybody helo me out05:44
Daisuke_Idovaio, don't we all...05:44
Daisuke_Idojust ask your question.05:44
vaioThis is Eggdrop's GNU configure script.05:44
vaioIt's going to run a bunch of tests to hopefully make your compile05:44
vaiowork without much twiddling.05:44
vaiochecking for gcc... gcc05:44
vaiochecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables05:44
vaioSee `config.log' for more details.05:44
vaioThis is Eggdrop's GNU configure script.05:44
vaioIt's going to run a bunch of tests to hopefully make your compile05:44
vaiowork without much twiddling.05:44
vaiochecking for gcc... gcc05:44
Daisuke_Idodon't flood05:44
vaiochecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables05:44
vaioSee `config.log' for more details.05:44
vaiotheres my problem05:44
linux3ranone with a TV conected into PC?05:44
shadowboxthats kind of a sucky thing to have for defalt05:44
vaiodont mean too05:44
Odd-rationale!paste | vaio05:44
Daisuke_Idoand go install build-essential05:44
ubotuvaio: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:44
vaioso how do i paste it05:45
linux3ranone with a TV conected into PC?05:45
vaiobut i aready did05:45
Daisuke_Ido!eggdrop | vaio05:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eggdrop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:45
hydrogenwhy don't you just install the "eggdrop" package?05:45
Daisuke_Ido!info eggdrop | vaio05:45
ubotuvaio: eggdrop (source: eggdrop): Advanced IRC Robot. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.18-1.1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 464 kB, installed size 1144 kB05:45
Daisuke_Idothere we go05:45
vaioso wat do i need to do?05:45
vaiochecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables05:45
vaioSee `config.log' for more details.05:46
vaiothis seem to be the problem05:46
Daisuke_Idojust told you05:46
vaioi can seem to configure05:46
Daisuke_Idosudo apt-get install build-essential05:46
Daisuke_Idojust sudo apt-get install eggdrop and skip all the problems there.05:46
Daisuke_Idothere's no sense in compiling something that's in the repositories05:46
vaiookie i try05:47
shadowboxlinux3r: no but I seen one today that had tv runing on their monitor05:47
shadowboxlinux3r: it looked pretty good05:47
linux3rshadowbox: when i run a movie with kaffeine it doesnt appear centered05:48
linux3rwhen i run with mplayer it appears fine05:48
shadowboxdid you uninstall and then reinstall kaffeine?05:49
shadowboxif not I would try it first05:49
vaioi seem like i have a new problem05:50
vaioE: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource ly unavailable)05:50
vaioE: Unable to lock the download directory05:50
vaiowat does that mean05:50
linux3rshadowbox: i even rebuild it05:50
Daisuke_Idodo you have adept open?05:51
* Daisuke_Ido weeps05:51
shadowboxhmm, the picture goes past the frame of kaffeine?05:51
Daisuke_Ido!aptfix | vaio05:51
ubotuvaio: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »05:51
linux3rshadowbox: in fullscreen the image is reduced in the 2/3 left of the TV screen and 1/3 of TV scrren stays in black05:52
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lakakakai need help with my internet conection06:22
lakakakaplease help!!!06:22
Jimmy1hey what do i type in terminal to get update on nvidia card ?06:34
bragoo08What install package do i use to play mp3's on Amorok?06:37
Jucato!nvidia | Jimmy106:37
ubotuJimmy1: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:37
Jucatobragoo08: libxine1-ffmpeg06:37
bragoo08jucato: I tried that, it won't install. message says it's old06:38
Jucatothat would be weird...06:40
Jimmy1how do update packet manger06:40
Jimmy1there is a driver that i know is in there when it get updated but i dont know how to do it06:40
Jucato"sudo apt-get update" will try to check if there are updates available06:40
bragoo08jucato: done that, update dosn't work either!06:41
Jucatobragoo08: fresh install?06:42
bragoo08jucato: not again. I just did that last night!06:43
Jucatobragoo08: no. I'm asking you if it's a fresh install06:43
bragoo08jucato: yep yep06:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:44
Jimmy1Hmm its not there ! i did it yesterday but today i reinstalled kububtu and when i do update it doesnt find it ! the file that i need is "Nvidia glx new" or something like that06:44
Jucatobragoo08: hm.. are you able to install any other package Add/Remove or Adept?06:44
bragoo08jimmy1: have you enabled "universe" repos.06:45
Jimmy1how do you do that ?06:45
Jucatono. nvidia drivers are in restricted, not universe06:45
bragoo08jimmy1: sorry, i meant "restricted drivers".06:45
Jimmy1but when i check the box to use the nvidia card it wants me to install the nvidia glx new driver06:46
Jimmy1i had it yesterday but yesterday posed a whole lot of other problems06:46
Jimmy1The software source for the package06:47
Jimmy1is not enabled.06:47
bragoo08jimmy1: are you doing it in Admistrator Mode?06:48
bragoo08jimmy1: my nvidia-glx-new installed automatically when i clicked "enable"!06:49
Jimmy1yeh when i click enable it says what i pasted above06:50
Jimmy1yesterday someone told me to type in something in terminal and it updated it and everythying was there including nvidia settings or something06:51
bragoo08jimmy1: in terminal, type "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new" that should do it!06:53
Jimmy1Package nvidia-glx-new is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:54
Jimmy1This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or06:54
Jimmy1is only available from another source06:54
Jimmy1E: Package nvidia-glx-new has no installation candidate06:54
Daisuke_Idocan you pastebin your sources.list?06:54
bragoo08jimmy1: in adept manager, update repositories, enable "restricted"06:55
Jimmy1that sound farmiliar06:56
Jimmy1ok i cant find restricted06:58
Jimmy1where is it again sorry !06:58
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:58
Jimmy1Hmm im having trouble07:01
jussi01Jimmy1: where are you looking?07:02
Jimmy1apt manager07:03
jussi01Jimmy1: close everything, got to, kmenu - system - adept - adept menu( top left corner) - manage repositories07:03
KetrelI just reinstalled kubuntu, and I just installed Compiz Fusion, in CCSM, the icons are all missing, anyone know what's up there?07:05
Jimmy1yeh i have clicked that but i cant find ( update repositories, enable "restricted")07:05
bragoo08jimmy1: click "manage repositories"07:06
Jimmy1done that07:06
Jimmy1i cant find that restricted thing you where saying07:07
Jimmy1its not there07:07
bragoo08jimmy1: now click "proprietory drivers for devices (restricted)"07:07
bragoo08now close07:08
Jimmy1its trying to load stuff now07:09
bragoo08jimmy1: your list should update and the nvidia drivers should be now listed07:09
Jimmy1its got it now :D07:09
Jimmy1thanks guys07:09
bragoo08jimmy1: Hooray up she rises!07:09
bragoo08no prob07:10
NyadHi. I have kde3.5.8 if I want to upgrade to 3.5.9 is it safe to just type  sudo apt-get install kde07:13
Nyadlike will the upgrade keep all my other stuff working?07:14
bragoo08nyad: as far as i know, yes07:14
JucatoNyad: 1. You'll have to add the special repo for KDE 3.5.9. 2. It will only upgrade KDE packages and packages that it might depend on07:14
Jucatosee http://kubuntu.org for instructions07:14
Nyadok. Now a new kernel has been released. I want to upgrade to it but how?07:15
Nyadwithout waiting for hardy07:15
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages07:16
Jucatorelease from kernel.org? you'll have to compile it yourself if you don't want to upgrade to Hardy (and Hardy might not even have the latest latest)07:16
jussi01Nyad: hardy is 1 week away, you sure you cant wait?07:17
Nyadwell I'd like to know for the future :)  thanks Jucato07:18
jimmy1hey im back07:19
jimmy1i rebooted my computer and the screens resolution is very large07:19
jussi01jimmy1: how did it go?07:19
jimmy1im in system settings07:19
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:19
jimmy1but there is no adjustment on the size beyond what it has07:20
KetrelI have a problem with the Guidance Power Manager. It works fine as a try icon, but when I try to load it so I could make a change, it locks up.07:41
Ketrel(This is on a Vaio laptop)07:41
test_how to fix adept?08:18
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »08:18
test_thank you08:18
b4l74z4ris it possible to make the media script in konversation work with rhythmbox?08:31
jussi01b4l74z4r: I dont think so. :/08:31
KetrelI installed compiz fusion and it's autostarting. How can I make it not do that?08:32
jussi01b4l74z4r: it is, but you would need to recompile it iirc08:32
jussi01Ketrel: turn it off before shutting down?08:33
Jucatojussi01: recompile what?08:33
KetrelI didn't, but I don't recall it doing this on my first install. Is there any way to say don't autostart, because I do want to start it manually.08:33
jussio1Jucato: konversation, isnt that /media thing compiled in?08:34
Jucatoof course not :)08:34
Jucatoit's just a bash script in /usr/share/apps/konversation/scripts/08:34
jussio1Jucato: ok then. you learn something new everyday :)08:35
jussio1b4l74z4r: ^^08:35
Jucatob4l74z4r: if you can figure out how to make rhythmbox spit out information from a command (like using dbus), and cut that text up into pieces or something, you're very much able to customize that script for your purposes08:36
Ketrelany idea how to stop it?08:36
jimhey guys08:37
jimjust wondering if any1 can help me change me screens resolution08:37
jussio1Ketrel: system settings - advanced - session manager08:38
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:38
jimi dont have a sessions manager08:38
jussio1jim: that was for Ketrel, not for you ;)08:39
Ketreljussi01: thanks, I that's what's different.08:40
jimi am in monitor and display settings and the max setting i can go to is 640 x 48008:40
KetrelI forgot to set it to use fresh sessions when I restarted :)08:40
jussio1jim: you were here earlier, correct?08:40
jimyeh the computer crashed08:40
jimwith the setting someone gave me08:41
jussio1jim: did you read the link I posted then?08:41
jimthe computer crashed so i didnt see08:41
jussio1!fixres | jim08:41
ubotujim: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:41
jimahh yeh i did that and it crashed08:42
bragoo08jim: have you selected the correct monitor in the monitor settings?08:44
bragoo08jim: if you only have "plug and play" selected, then that is quite possibly the problem!08:45
KetrelFinal question for the night, I have some wep secured networks, and I can't get knetworkmanager to autoconnect to them. (the info is stored), but it only connects to non-wep secured ones. There any way to get it to auto-connect to the wep ones?08:45
jimahhhggrr this is hard08:48
jimhow do i know what is the correct monitor settings ?08:48
jimi dont think i selected a plug and play i have only selected the nvidia thingy08:49
bragoo08jim: click "configure" next monitor.08:49
bragoo08jim: you will see a list box, under the list box you will see a button "select"08:50
bragoo08jim: click this button, and your monitor will show in the list if it has been auto detected.08:50
bragoo08jim: if not select it manually from the list that says "manufactures"08:51
jimcomputer administrator > monitor and display !08:52
jimis that where your talking about08:52
bragoo08jim: yes thats the 108:52
bragoo08jim: sorry, i thought you were there already!08:53
jimdo i click seccond screen ?08:53
bragoo08jim: NO NO NO NO!08:54
patohi, is it possible to set up synaptic like default package manager?08:54
bragoo08jim: just the 1 you are using, (if you only have one monitor)08:54
jimthere is nothing there on monitor08:55
jimi dont think i have the monitor thing08:55
bragoo08jim: are you in admin mode08:55
bragoo08jim: BRB08:55
jimthere is something there that shows screen size but it wont move about the lowest point08:57
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Israelllbeautiful channel08:58
jimit is beautiful08:59
Tm_Tjim: he's gone already08:59
jimGee linux is hard09:01
jimso can any1 els take off from where bagoon left ?09:01
bragoo08jim: i'm back09:02
bragoo08had to get rid of tele-marketers!09:03
jimyeh they where calling me for a cheap holiday too09:03
bragoo08on the phone09:03
jimwhat country ?09:03
jerknextdoorget on the no call list...come on.09:03
jimwhat state09:03
jimi was from there for 27 years09:04
jimthen i had to go to act :(09:04
bragoo08you got to be kidding me09:04
jimblackburn south09:04
jimnext to boxhill09:04
bragoo08ferntree gully09:04
jimi miss victoria09:04
jimim coming back next year i think09:04
jimcanberra is SOOOO boooooooooooring but my gf is from here so i gotta stay till she finishes off her law degree09:05
jimlove going to stkilda chapel street lygon and crown09:05
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:05
jimsorry tmt09:05
bragoo08got carried away!09:06
jimwhere were we09:06
bragoo08that damn monitor!09:06
jimscreen size09:06
jimi cant change resolution in the settings but its set to the lowest09:06
jim640 x 48009:07
bragoo08jim: are you able to click the "configure" button for monitor?09:07
bragoo08jim: it's at the tab "hardware"09:07
jimmonitor 1 plug and play09:08
jimprimary 109:08
bragoo08jim: in the list box select "manufacturers"09:09
jimno can do09:09
bragoo08jim: then find the manufacturer of your monitor and model/type09:09
jimthere is only primary 1 and secondary 109:09
bragoo08jim: now that is bloody odd!09:10
DarkriftXwhenever i try apt-get it asks for my cdrom, how do i make it just use the internet instead? i checked my sources.list and there were no file:// entries and i didnt see cdrom in there09:10
jimyeh yesterday i didnt have "monitor" and i reinstalled linux and then it decided to aprear09:11
DarkriftXnvm, found it09:11
jerknextdoorDark:  check your repositories.  by default it might have cdrom selected09:11
DarkriftXit was first line and i didnt see it09:11
bragoo08jim: just a tic i'm switching to the Linux machine. I'm on the windows machine at the moment!09:12
jerknextdoorDark:  spent probably 20 minutes the first time that happened to me with fedora.09:12
Greeneryhow do i archive a folder into zip format?09:14
* jim shrugs09:17
* bragoo08 is back again09:18
jimand go Carlton09:19
bragoo08jim: in monitor >> configure, there should be 3 choices in the list box, Generic, Manufacturers and Plug 'n' Play09:21
bragoo08go tigers09:22
jimthere is only 2 to select from09:22
jimplug and play and unknown09:23
jerknextdoorGreenery:  zip -r <folder name> <folder name>09:23
bragoo08jim: can you expand "unknown"?09:23
jimits just a title09:23
jimsame as plug and play09:24
jerknextdoorgreenery:  ubuntu forums has plenty of questions about it.  but also just "man zip" in terminal will help also.09:24
bragoo08jim: have you clicked "detect monitor" ?09:24
Greeneryjerknextdoor: thanks, i got it now09:25
jimthere is no option for this09:25
jimand how did you guys get 8th on the ladder09:26
jimu cheated09:26
bragoo08buggered if i know! lol09:26
jerknextdoorjim:  i got into the room after you asked your initial question.  i think you're having a similar probem that i had to deal with a while back.  if you aren't getting anywhere let me know.09:27
bragoo08jim: that sounds like a good offer!09:27
jimif you can help please do09:27
bragoo08jim: from jerknextdoor09:27
jerknextdoorwell, what was the initial problem.  i missed that when i joined into tonight.09:28
jerknextdoor(i cant promise anything it just sounded simliar to something i had a while back)09:28
jimfirstly i enabled my nvida card and it needed to be rebooted ! once it has been rebooted the screen is oversized ! now most of the options i have been given to do dont apear on my computer for some reason09:29
jerknextdooralright so basically you're screen isn't the right size by default and you aren't give the option to go to the right resolution in the prefs?09:30
jimif i disable the nvidia 3d card then i wont be able to use compiz ! thats the main reason y i am wanting to use the nvidia card09:30
jerknextdooralright....well, have you tried editing your xorg.conf?09:30
jimthere is a bar which SHOULD move over to the right and change my resolution but it wont move09:30
jimwhat do i type to do this09:30
jerknextdooralright give me one sec to look it up...09:30
jerknextdooralright it might be a minute, i have to go grab something.  haha.09:31
jimlol np09:31
jim(n=jim@ <-- is that me ?09:32
jerknextdoorjim:  in terminal type "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"09:35
jerknextdoorwithout quotes09:35
jimsudo: gedit: command not found09:36
bragoo08thats what i get aswell09:36
jerknextdoorwtf.  alright give me a  minute i have to restart kubuntu in regular kde.09:36
jerknextdoorwhat version are you running (not that it should change it...but maybe)09:37
jerknextdooralright...i've had a beer so i might have typed that wrong.  let me try it myself again.  haha09:38
jimVB ?09:38
jerknextdoorvb?  vbox?09:38
jimoh its beer09:38
bragoo08jim: "sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf"09:38
jimVictoria bitter09:38
jimyeh that worked09:39
jimnow what do i do09:39
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jerknextdoorweird.  the gedit worked fine for me.  oh well you need to go down to09:40
jerknextdoorSection "screen"09:40
jerknextdoorand then in each one of the    SubSection "Display"09:41
jerknextdooryou need to type where it says "Modes"  and then it has resolutions.  you need to add your resolution to each of those09:41
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jerknextdoorso if you're res is "1280x800"  the modes line should read "Modes [tab]  "1280x800" "1024x768" 800x600" "640x480"09:43
jerknextdoorin each one of the SubSection "Display" lines09:43
jerknextdoorjim:  if you're not following me let me know.  i can be more specific.09:44
ganastasiou_hi all09:44
ganastasiou_i have a problem with keyboard layout09:44
ganastasiou_how i can put another language?09:45
jerknextdoorganastasiou_:  what's the problem?09:45
ganastasiou_and how to put a specific shotcut to change?09:45
ganastasiou_i have from default alt+ctrl+k09:46
ganastasiou_but i cannot change back09:46
jerknextdooroh you should be able to change that in your keyboard pref pane.09:47
ganastasiou_i know that but in kde i have to make some changes to put a specific shotcut to change between 2 layout09:48
ganastasiou_anyone can help me?09:48
jerknextdoorbrb.  i'm booting into normal kubuntu so this is easier.09:48
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Jimmmy1sorry i gotta go09:52
Jimmmy1tell jerkguy that ill be back another time09:52
bragoo08see ya'09:52
Jimmmy1thanks for help so far09:52
jerknextdoorall:  sorry my computer just decided to explode crap at me (apparently when i went to restart i hadnt restarted since my last update....um yeah)09:57
jerknextdoorJim:  you get anywhere with what i suggested?09:59
jerknextdoorganastasious_:  i'm still working on you.09:59
jerknextdooros x just did something i've never seen so i'm a bit concerned.  haha10:00
ganastasiou_ok im w8ing bro10:00
eagles0513875jerknextdoor: what did it do10:02
jerknextdoor_whoever just asked what happened with me and os x ask me again in #kubuntu-offtopic (i just rebooted so my irc shut down and i didnt see you name)10:05
thykosay, where can i get an iso of 8.04 with KDE4? (the remix)10:06
jerknextdoor_ganastasiou_:    what language do you want to change it to?10:07
ds187thyko: you mean this? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-kde4/releases/hardy/beta/10:08
jerknextdoor_ganastasiou_:    https://help.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html  that link should help10:09
thykods187: yah, thanks10:09
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories10:11
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jerknextdoorganastasiou_:    any help at all?10:16
jerknextdoorjim:  any luck?10:16
linuxconfigguys...my network card stoped working in hardy... module is installed it is recognized by system but it just can not ping outide the box... any ideas?10:18
ganastasiou_thnx jerk for your help10:19
jerknextdoorganastasiou_:    did it work?10:19
ganastasiou_trying to configure it now10:19
jerknextdoorgood.  i've never had to redo that so if it doesnt work let me know if i'm still around.  it will be usefull in the future i'm sure.10:20
eagles0513875linuxconfig: bene having that issue intermittently as well usually i reset my modem and switch and it works then10:20
ds187linuxconfig: is there an ip-adress assigned? and the proper routes set? I had a similar problem after installing hardy and had to assign an adress and the proper routes manually10:21
linuxconfigeagles0513875: no I'm sure that my modem is fine..I have to add my old card to so can can even make this talk10:21
linuxconfigds187: everything is fine.,..10:21
linuxconfigI have had the same problme with other linuxdistros..only feisty worked not problem...10:22
linuxconfigits 1Gb nvidia card...10:22
eagles0513875linuxconfig: thats ur graphics we r talking bout ur network card10:23
eagles0513875but nice card none the less10:23
jerknextdoornvida modem?10:23
linuxconfigeagles0513875: Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP55 Ethernet (rev a2)10:24
linuxconfigand this is the problem...its not fully supported with hardy...as I said feisty worked..10:24
eagles0513875linuxconfig: so nforce4 chipset10:25
linuxconfigthe module for that card is loaded...: forcedeth10:26
eagles0513875have u filed a bug cuz i have an nforce for chipset i think with that same card not sure the revision and it works on gutsy10:26
jerknextdoorlinuxconfig:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/136836    does that help?10:26
eagles0513875linuxconfig: do u have the same issue on gutsy10:26
linuxconfigeagles0513875: I have a hardy...10:26
eagles0513875linuxconfig: clean install or upgrade from the previous version10:27
linuxconfigthis is a beta version...now I can not even open browser..10:27
linuxconfigeagles0513875: clena install..10:27
linuxconfigeagles0513875: and its updated ..10:27
eagles0513875did u restart ur computer to boot with the latest kernel10:27
linuxconfigeagles0513875: gve my one second..I will lookup that link...10:28
linuxconfigeagles0513875: It di not work right from the beginning..10:28
linuxconfigeagles0513875: however, festy works always..:-)10:28
linuxconfigeagles0513875: one sec..10:28
eagles0513875linuxconfig: u duel booting with vista by any chance10:28
linuxconfigeagles0513875: I do XP but that is not a issue..why?10:29
linuxconfigeagles0513875: in vista both cards work...10:29
eagles0513875linuxconfig: if it was vista u would have to install kubuntu first then  vista10:29
linuxconfigeagles0513875: NO VISTA PELASE :-))10:30
eagles0513875linuxconfig: u having an internet issue and a video issue10:30
eagles0513875linuxconfig: on this old thing no windows period here10:30
linuxconfigeagles0513875: one sec...need to restart X10:30
eagles0513875linuxconfig: ok10:30
ganastasiouback i made it work10:33
ganastasioujerknextdoor r u here?10:34
linuxconfigeagles0513875: dude ?10:34
linuxconfigeagles0513875: you are the best...it works.. :-)10:34
jerknextdooryes i am.10:34
linuxconfigeagles0513875: happy as never before :-)10:34
jerknextdoorganastasious:  so everything is good now?10:35
ganastasioui made with other way10:35
ganastasiounot yours10:35
ganastasiouu wanna know?10:35
ActionParsni1hey all10:36
jerknextdooryeah id be happy to know for future reference.10:37
eagles0513875linuxconfig: what u do10:37
patohi, is it possible to set up synaptic like default package manager?  Thank u :)10:38
linuxconfigeagles0513875: dude are you tehre?10:38
eagles0513875linuxconfig: im here lol10:39
ActionParsni1pato: just use it instead of the others10:39
linuxconfigeagles0513875: it works...you have saved my day.. :-))10:39
eagles0513875linuxconfig: what did u do10:39
linuxconfigeagles0513875: thanks...10:39
linuxconfigeagles0513875:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/13683610:39
eagles0513875linuxconfig: also make sure u run updates daily things r constantly being fixed10:39
eagles0513875linuxconfig: ahhhh ok no prob dude10:39
linuxconfigeagles0513875: that is what I'm doing also dist-upgrade10:40
eagles0513875linuxconfig: kool good luck if u encounter any bugs report them to launchpad.net10:41
darxhi when I try to install 'kjscmd' under kubuntu hardy, quite a few packages are being marked for removal. can someone confirm this please10:41
linuxconfigeagles0513875: if I want to submit a bug how do I know to which package it it realted to? it always asks me that at the beginning..?10:41
linuxconfigeagles0513875: that is exactly wath to do...10:42
eagles0513875linuxconfig: is it a particular program10:42
linuxconfigeagles0513875: I do not have a bug to report yet...I'm just asking for the future reference..10:43
eagles0513875for instance where it says package search for instance firefox 2.1.4 for ex and it will display a list and choose the particular pkg10:44
linuxconfigeagles0513875: I alwasy got stuck there..beacause I did no know to which package the problem is related to..10:44
eagles0513875linuxconfig: if u dont know what the pkg is thats ok but make sure to give enough description as to whats causing ur issue so that someone can attempts to recreate the issue10:45
linuxconfigeagles0513875: no problem I give it another try...thanks again..10:46
a_c_mok here is the situation, i'm getting anew computer for my new flat, i want to install kubuntu64 ( i have the disk ), but i also want a few choice apps (wireshark and airodump-ng), but that computer will be without net connection for a few weeks... is there any way i can download the .debs (and supporting debs) ? (using kubuntu32 atm)10:46
jerknextdoora_c_m:  you should just be able to download them from the repositories or the developers and then put them on a disk.10:47
ActionParsni1a_c_m: indeed but if your system does not have the dependancys the apps wont work. I am unsure how to backup the deps too but im sure someone caninput here :)10:48
ActionParsni1can input*10:48
a_c_mjerknextdoor: yeah, i was hoping i guess for a way to see what the dependices are and grab them too10:48
jerknextdooroh...yeah.  i cant help you there.  i'm sure it's faily simple but ive never dealt with tit so i'm not sure.10:49
patoActionParsni1: I'm using it. But how can i set up to control update with synaptic? If updates of package is availlable, adept will warn u. I change it for synaptic. I hope, u understand me :D10:49
ActionParsni1pato: i dontknow about that, sorry. I always use apt-get10:51
ActionParsni1pato: so much easier10:51
ActionParsni1pato: I got a script called updatenow which runs: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get clean;10:52
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patoActionParsni1: OK, thank u for your interest, but i know about sudo apt-get update, upgrade etc. I talk about icon in system tray. If updates are availlable, adept will start and it will warn u by icon in system tray. If I can not change it, how can i remove this icon from system tray? sorry for my english :D11:00
ActionParsni1pato: just disable it but you will have to manualy install and check for updates11:01
patoActionParsni1: How can i disable it? Is it secure for me? I know, lama question :D11:07
ActionParsni1pato: right click it and see what you find, not sure tbh11:09
funcrushI usually edit text files on kate and save. But when I save them, the input method is selected XIM by default, so I can't type anything before select scim. How can I fix this problem?11:10
patook, thank u so much, i will look for that. Have a nice day :)11:11
darxI'm having dependency troubles trying to instal 'kjscmd' can someone confirm this please? I'm on kubuntu hardy11:11
bolderhi catweazle ... super11:30
bolderhallo erstmal an alle11:31
a_c_mWooo new computer arrived...11:41
a_c_mfull of vista and crapware11:41
a_c_mi've been using linux to long... i think im coming out in a rash! crapware lots!11:42
Jucatoktc: hm?11:43
Jucatowhat are you trying to do?11:43
ktci try to connect to a certain person to chat with him11:43
Jucatonot in here11:44
ktcno he is on an other11:44
ktci m sorry but my english is not very good11:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about be - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:44
Jucatohm.. ok..11:44
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:54
eagles0513875Jucato: is that what u were looking for11:54
Jucatoeagles0513875: belgian is not deutsche :)11:54
llutzvery true11:55
eagles0513875lol my bad thought that might have been a typo11:55
icewatermanhm, there is a bug in kgpg, sorting with size of the keylength sorts 768 before 409612:06
icewatermansorting by12:06
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Hub441started packaging for kubuntu/debian some days a go and due to this good howto (https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PackagingGuide/Complete) everything works fine so far, but i'm a bit confused about version names12:21
Hub441so the original version of $myprog is 1.0.0 so what should i put into the changelog? 1.0.0 1.0.0-0 1.0.0-1 1.0.0-0ubuntu0 etc.12:22
JucatoHub441: that depends on whether it's been touched in Debian first or touched in Ubuntu first... try asking for guidance in #ubuntu-motu12:23
Hub441afaik there is no package for $myprog atm12:23
Hub441join #ubuntu-motu12:24
Hub441whops :)12:24
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:39
ganastasiouhi anyone knows how to add emotics from chat conversation to kopete?12:51
ganastasiounone has kopete?12:53
bbm4n__i have12:54
bbm4n__i think the add emoticon function does not work well in kopete12:55
ganastasiouwhich msn client should i use?12:55
bbm4n__i have tried pidgin12:55
bbm4n__but its not as feature rich as kopete12:56
[ifr0g]how do i make us of a serial port ?12:56
ganastasiouhave u tried emesene?12:56
ganastasiouu dont use emoticons?12:58
bbm4n__i use the default ones12:59
ganastasioui see12:59
ganastasiounoone else has emoticons with kopete?12:59
bbm4n__and there is a way to add emoticon packs or something12:59
Hub441ganastasiou: did you search kde-look.org?12:59
bbm4n__this is like emoticon collections12:59
ganastasioui want to add emoticons that were sent to me13:00
ganastasiounow only the defaults13:00
ganastasioui heard about a patch13:02
ganastasioubut i dont know how to patch it13:02
bbm4n_well if you open kopete with sudo or something like this you'll be able to save them13:04
bbm4n_but i am not sure how you can use them13:04
ganastasioubbman ellhnas?13:04
ganastasiouto eida apo ton provider sou13:05
JucatoEnglish only in here please13:05
ganastasiouyeah sorry my fault13:06
ganastasioubbm4n do u listen music from e-radio?13:08
bbm4n_i used to13:10
ganastasiouwith konqueror?13:11
bbm4n_ganastasiou with firefox13:11
ganastasiouok isee13:11
bbm4n_ganastasiou but in linux most e-radio stations are using media-player streaming13:11
bbm4n_ganastasiou and i haven't figured out if they work through linux13:12
bbm4n_ganastasiou i mean if there is a firefox plugin or something for it13:12
ganastasiouim new in kubuntu13:13
ganastasiouin ubuntu there was a plugin13:13
bbm4n_ganastasiou maybe you mean the plugin for restricted codecs or something?13:13
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bbm4n_ganastasiou the one you use for mp3 dvd, blablabla13:14
ganastasiouno mozilla plugin13:14
bbm4n_oh, i see13:14
bbm4n_if it works in ubuntu it should work in kubuntu also13:15
ganastasioui think so now im trying it13:15
bbm4n_what was the plugins name?13:15
Jimmmy1Hey all13:18
Jimmmy1Does any1 know how to edit that confx thingy and change the screens resolution  ?13:18
ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes13:18
Jimmmy1that one sounds good13:19
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:19
Jimmmy1ahh :S i tried that one and my computer crashed13:20
bbm4n_something a little bit irrelevant, is there any program to configure your mouse yet?13:20
bbm4n_i mean like 5 button mouse13:20
ganastasiousudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer13:21
ganastasiougive this bbm4n and u r ready13:21
bbm4n_ganastasiou ok thanx :)13:21
Jimmmy1hmm no luck yet13:23
Jimmmy1any1 know what i should do to edit the resolution in the confx13:23
Jucatokdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:24
Jimmmy1ok im in the edit bit now13:25
Jimmmy1what do i change, chase my image on the screen is oversized13:25
Jimmmy1cause it doesnt work in the monitor setting thing13:26
Jucatobtw, did you try using the other command earlier? the one that will give you choices of resolutions?13:26
Jucato(sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh)13:26
Jimmmy1i tried that once and my computer crashed so im not too game in trying it again13:27
Jucatowon't be any different than you manually editing the file. of course, you should always create backups of the file first13:28
Jimmmy1debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable13:28
ganastasiouanyone knows how to show to desktop icons for my computer trash and default icons?13:39
IppatsuManganastasiou: right click on desktop -> link to location (URL) -> Choose a file name (e.g.: "trashcan") and use as url: trash:/ -> click "Ok"13:41
Jimmmy1This resolution this is driving me nuttzz13:41
Jimmmy1isnt there a easy way of fixing it13:41
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jonathan__i currently try to install code::block for c++-programming.13:57
jonathan__but after klicking the .deb- File the Installer says that the "dependencys are not satisfiable"...13:58
jussio1jonathan__: what exactly are you trying to install? which package?13:58
jonathan__there are 4 debs. the first one says that the second is missing, the second that it needs the third and the third needs an other package (libwxgtk) thats already installed. The fourth deb-File is only a plugin that cant be installed without the main-programm installed (first deb)13:59
jonathan__i downloaded the debs manually14:00
Jimmy1my video card FINALLY works :D14:00
Jimmy1All i wanna do now is put compiz on for that spinning box thingy (yeh i know small things amuses small minds)14:00
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion14:01
Alp`when will there be a stable version of kde 4?14:03
IppatsuManjonathan__: install debs using dpkg -i packagename.deb (don't worry about errors), then run sudo apt-get -f install or sudo aptitude -f install , check that the output makes sense and confirm to install missing dependencies14:03
Jimmy1is 7.10 fiest or gutsy  ?14:04
jussi01Alp`: Id imagine at 4.1 in about august. also, kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde414:04
jussi01Jimmy1: gutsy14:04
Jimmy1ahh thanks14:04
Alp`jussi01:  august... wow. thanks14:04
jonathan__thank you, it seems to work but i found a better ide by searching the web; eclipse14:04
jonathan__but thanks anyway!!14:05
JucatoAlp`: 4.0 is already a stable release. next release is 4.1 in late July or early August14:05
Alp`Jucato: it is stable? many people say it is very unstable14:05
Alp`i didnt try it for myself14:05
Jucatomost people say "unstable" when they mean "incomplete"14:05
Jimmy1is this bad14:06
Jimmy1E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)14:06
Jimmy1E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?14:06
jussio1no, not bad14:06
greyghostAlp , I have been using 4.0 for a while ... works good for me.14:06
Jucatowhat command are you runnig Jimmy1?14:06
Jimmy1i did that sudo update thingy14:06
jussio1Jimmy1: do you have adept open?14:06
Jimmy1and that was the last thing that got posted14:06
Alp`Jucato: what's incomplete in 4.0?14:06
Alp`greyghost: good to hear14:06
* jussio1 pokes Alp`over to #kubuntu-kde4 :)14:06
JucatoAlp`: Plasma basically has things still missing14:06
Jimmy1i think i closed it when i was running the sudo thingy14:06
Jucatoeverything else is great14:07
jussio1!aptfix | Jimmy114:07
ubotuJimmy1: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »14:07
Jucatooh and KDE PIM14:07
Jimmy1should i try it again14:07
Jimmy1oh wow it worked14:08
Jimmy1:) thanks14:08
Jimmy1i selected this14:12
Jimmy1sudo apt-get install  compiz compizconfig-settings-manager  compiz-kde compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra  emerald librsvg2-common14:12
Jimmy1and it replied14:12
Jimmy1The following packages have unmet dependencies:14:12
Jimmy1  compiz-kde: Depends: compiz-plugins (= 1:0.6.0+git20071008-0ubuntu1.1) but it is not going to be installed14:12
Jimmy1              Depends: libcompizconfig-backend-kconfig but it is not going to be installed14:13
Jimmy1E: Broken packages14:13
IppatsuMan!paste | Jimmy114:13
ubotuJimmy1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)14:13
Jimmy1jim@Linux:~$ sudo apt-get install  compiz compizconfig-settings-manager  compiz-kde compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra  emerald librsvg2-common14:13
Jimmy1Reading package lists... Done14:13
Jimmy1Building dependency tree14:13
Jimmy1Reading state information... Done14:13
Jimmy1Package compiz-fusion-plugins-main is not available, but is referred to by another package.14:13
Jimmy1This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or14:13
Jimmy1is only available from another source14:13
Jimmy1E: Package compiz-fusion-plugins-main has no installation candidate14:13
Jimmy1what happend ?14:13
Jimmy1ahh woops14:13
Jimmy1whats the solution to this14:14
JucatoJimmy1: next time you paste multiple lines like that, I'm afraid I will have to silence you for a while14:14
Jimmy1oh ok sorry14:14
jussi01!paste | Jimmy114:14
ubotuJimmy1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)14:14
Jimmy1patsuman already did it14:14
Jimmy1ok this is my problem14:18
Jimmy1http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63509/ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63509/14:19
Jimmy1what do i do14:19
=== rwilliams is now known as Drodd
ahmedhi i have some sheets files in fat partition i have to edit them from time to time but when i do this i get message says document read only i want to have full access to them how is that14:26
* Jimmy1 shrugs14:28
Jimmy1mabie ask someone from those help forums14:28
JucatoJimmy1: didn't you go ask in #compiz-fusion ?14:29
Jimmy1they still working on it14:29
Jimmy1nice ppl they are14:29
Jimmy1he left14:30
Jimmy1mabie he went to that help forum i told him about14:30
* Jimmy1 is very helpfull14:30
Jimmy1can any1 help me with compix14:34
Jucatoany1 would be in #compiz-fusion Jimmy114:35
Jimmy1whats break mean in the apt14:36
Jimmy1Break install in red14:36
Jimmy1compiz ppl are nice14:37
Jucatoin Adept?14:39
Jucatoit can mean many different things. Use apt-get from Konsole to find out why14:40
Jucato(yeah it's annoying that way...)14:40
Jimmy1ok ill try14:40
ahmedhi i want to sdit some sheet files on fat partition i get document is read only message how to solve this14:44
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE14:47
llutzahmed: ^^14:47
ahmedyes the partitiion is vfat14:47
ahmedican se the file but cannt edit them14:48
llutzahmed: read what ubotu said14:48
ahmedi have some document in vfat  partition i try to edit them i get message the document is read only what i ahve to do14:49
ds187llutz: he doesn't want to read14:52
llutzbad luck14:53
=== alx_ is now known as alx1
* Jimmy1 can read14:57
=== holymoly is now known as holycow
tdnHow do I connect to a Windows Terminal Server from Kubuntu?15:10
ahmedhi again here is what in my fsatb iwant to have full access for all file inn my partitions  and auto mount them when startup if there is something wrong tell me15:13
ahmedproc /proc proc defaults 0 015:13
ahmed# Entry for /dev/sda3 :15:13
ahmedUUID=b96cf92e-5758-4959-9bf9-4fe05564c0cd / ext3 nouser,defaults,errors=remount-ro,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 115:13
ahmed# Entry for /dev/ !! UNKNOW DEVICE !! :15:13
ahmedUUID=9AECC1EFECC1C5AB /media/sda1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 115:13
ahmed# Entry for /dev/sda2 :15:13
ahmedUUID=88ed7e6a-c849-42a7-a9e1-4213e295d84f none swap sw 0 015:13
ahmed/dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,atime,noauto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 015:13
ahmed/dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto user,atime,noauto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 015:13
Jucato!flood | ahmed15:13
ubotuahmed: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)15:13
ahmed/dev/sda1 /media/Server\040D ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 015:13
ahmed/dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 auto nouser,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 015:13
ahmed/dev/sdb5 /media/sdb5 auto nouser,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 015:13
ahmed/dev/sdb6 /media/sdb6 auto nouser,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 015:13
ahmed/dev/sdb7 /media/sdb7 auto nouser,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 015:13
ahmed/dev/sda1 /media/sda1 auto nouser,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 015:13
ahmedsorry i didnt know it will hung15:14
Jucatoeither way, do NOT paste long lines of text here15:14
ahmedsorry everybody i didnt know15:14
Jucatonow you do ;)15:14
ahmedok anyone now could help15:15
ahmedi want to edit files in any partition but i cannt look at  fstab file i posted it up15:18
ahmedthis line in fstab means auto mount and full access for read and write is this rght??15:22
ahmed    /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 auto nouser,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 015:22
mardi_soiri run compiz but no decoration15:23
mardi_soirsome one how to solve this ?15:23
Jucatomardi_soir: have you tried #compiz-fusion ?15:24
mardi_soirnot yet15:24
Jucatoahmed: if that's your FAT32 drive, I think there are options missing...15:25
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE15:25
Jucatoyou might want to see that guide15:25
=== luigi is now known as luigix
wesleyIs it possible to plit a external hd in 2 and then all files to part 2 and then connect them ?15:27
ahmedi cannt edit some files there i get message says document is read only15:27
ahmedjucato i cannt edit some files there i get message says document is read only15:28
Jucatoahmed: how are you trying to edit it?15:29
ahmedits sheet file i opoen it with open office and tried to add some numbers i got that mesaage15:30
Jucatoahmed: hm.. what's your native language by the way?15:31
Jucatoahmed: and you don't edit that file with open office15:31
Jucato"kdesu kate /etc/fstab"15:31
ahmedi write this file in english but im arabic15:31
ganastasiou_hi i wannot unmount a disk sth like hal-mtab error15:32
ubotuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa15:32
ahmedok i opened fstab15:32
ganastasiou_anyone know how to fix it?15:32
flibbertygibbithey guys, any hints for getting adobe flash working in konqueror in gutsy?15:32
ahmednoone in arabic channel15:34
user1how can i download websites or a page and further linked pages on it?15:37
ganastasiou_why i cannot umount any disk without console?15:41
ganastasiou_hal mtab error15:42
ubuntuOY VEY KUBUNTU!15:43
=== ubuntu is now known as JewishMartian
JewishMartianok i installed kubuntu15:43
JewishMartiannow when i reboot15:43
JewishMartianit says grub loading15:44
JewishMartianthen error 215:44
JewishMartianany ideas what happened/15:44
JewishMartiani have been working so hard to get linux working becuase i hate winblows15:44
JewishMartiananyone here15:45
BluesKajJewishMartian, do you still have windows ?15:46
user1--19:48:46--  http://inspircd.org/wiki/modules15:49
user1           => `inspircd.org/wiki/modules'15:49
user1Resolving inspircd.org...
user1Connecting to inspircd.org||:80... connected.15:49
user1HTTP request sent, awaiting response...         .E115:49
user1its stuck there15:49
jussi01!paste | user115:49
ubotuuser1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)15:49
BluesKajJewishMartian, this may help, alt+F2, type ' kdesudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst ' , check the line which has 'hiddenmenu' and make sure there's a # in front (it's called commenting out). that should make the bootloader show the boot menu.15:51
=== alan_ is now known as alan__
=== alan__ is now known as init_alan
Jimmy1would you like some help ?16:04
init_alanhi Jimmy1, what's up16:05
ganastasiou_what's the hal-mtab?16:05
* Jimmy1 looks around to find someone to help 16:05
Jimmy1loading the gun to shoot myself cause i still cant figure out linux16:06
init_alanI need some help with JLex and Cup, somebody knows about it?16:06
BluesKajJimmy1, give us a hint ...what's the prob16:07
Jimmy1hahah nah its all good16:07
Jimmy1its 1am16:07
Jimmy1but i tell ya what im VERY SLOWLY learning16:08
BluesKajwell, you threaten to shoot yopurself , seems kinda serious to me :)16:08
Jimmy1yesterday i was sooooofrustrated that i deleted linux and attempted to go back to windows16:08
Jimmy1but the keygen wasnt working so i went back to linux16:08
init_alanI think is good have both systems16:09
init_alanbut, that depends of everyone16:10
Jimmy1yeh i cant run half the things i need with linux16:10
Jimmy1it sofar has taken me 1.5 days to get the display working properly with my nvidia card16:10
init_alanyeah, making video cards it's a headache16:11
Jimmy1so its not the most user friendly program onthe market unfortunetly but im trying to think outside the box thats why im still using it16:11
init_alanJimmy1, which part of the world you are?16:13
init_alanwuau, you are so far16:13
init_alanI am in Guatemala16:13
Jimmy1really  ! i dont even know where that is16:13
init_alanIt's in central America16:14
Jimmy1hahah my guess was gunna be south america16:14
BluesKajyou guys don't study geography in OZ ?16:14
Jimmy1yeh but i forget things quickly ! im just a bricklayer16:14
init_alanDo you know where is Guatemala, BluesKaj?16:15
Jimmy1the day will come when linux will be userfriendly16:15
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!16:15
BluesKajthat's no excuse16:15
Jimmy1hahah sorry jussio116:15
BluesKajjust southeast of mexico16:16
init_alanok, good16:16
init_alanyou just see it on internet, right now16:16
=== iaguis is now known as ArTo
BluesKajyeah, jussio1 , there 's so much going on in here today ...we must keep a tight reign16:17
Jimmy1need help arto16:17
jussio1!opabuse | BluesKaj16:17
ubotuBluesKaj: Leave the ops alone!16:17
ganastasiou_anyone know how to remove mtab?16:17
* Jimmy1 shrugs16:17
stdinremove mtab? it's dynamic16:17
ArToi installed kde4 and now in kde3 when i run an application with alt+f2 i get kde4 applications instead kde3 ones16:17
ArTodo you know how to solve this?16:18
BluesKajwell, I do jave a clue cuz I have a map on the wall here  init_alan16:18
init_alanhaha, ok I believe you16:19
init_alanwhere are you BluesKaj16:19
stdinArTo: the kde4 one will start if there's a kde4 and a kde3 one installed, use the KMenu to start the KDE3 one or use the full path in the run dialog16:20
BluesKajinit_alan, Canada16:22
init_alanok, you are more closer to me16:22
Jimmy1hello Canada16:22
Jimmy1i always wanted to go there16:23
init_alanthat's a great country16:23
init_alannow I remember, I got a friend there16:23
Jimmy1yeh if i wasnt in oz there would have been a high chance i would have been in Canada16:23
Jimmy1i think Canada would be better than america16:24
rabindra_how do i shut down kpf? it's continuously running and i don't any way to stop it16:24
delta-demonhello from russia (and sorry my english). I'm have just installed kubuntu 7.10 on my laptop with gprs modem. i've configured kppp to access gprs. and... kopete is working, ping any website is ok... but konquror can't show me anything! after site' favicon is loaded, interaction with any site interrupts with error. can you help me? in conferences with my native language no one can't...16:24
init_alanJimmy1 lives under the rocks, due to high temperature, haha16:24
Jimmy1im from the coldest part of australia16:25
init_alanis there a coldest part?16:25
Jimmy1hahaha YES16:25
init_alanlooks like all the country is very hot16:25
Jimmy1Canberra, melbourne Tasmania16:25
Jimmy1South Australia16:25
Jimmy1only perth Queensland Northern teretory is hot16:26
Jimmy1how ever you spell it16:26
init_alanand the girls there, are hot too?16:26
Jimmy1hahah yeh they aint bad16:26
Jimmy1same as any other country ! good and bad16:27
Jimmy1YAY my computer is updated16:27
Jimmy1now i can continue16:27
Jimmy1ah no still going16:28
init_alanwhat time is there? here are the nine a.m.16:28
Jimmy1i should be in bed now16:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about feierabend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:30
Jimmy1like at 103016:30
init_alanand what are you doing up?16:30
openSeahi, all! does anyone know why WEBMIN is not in the reps? is it a license problem?? and is there a good alternative?16:30
Jimmy1trying to get compiz working16:30
tzdhow do i get kmail to open up automatically when i press a "mailto:" link please?16:31
Jimmy1i dunno16:31
jussio1Jimmy1 and init_alan: please take the offtopic chatter to #kubuntu-offtopic16:31
Jimmy1Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :(16:31
Jimmy1but i liek it here16:31
llutzopenSea: webmin is a security-risk, that's why most distros don't have it in their repos16:31
Jimmy1every1 is soo nice warm and inviting16:31
Jimmy1there is no one in there and its quiet in there16:32
openSeallutz, how so?16:32
BluesKajtzd, make kmail your default email client in system settings/default applications for starters16:32
tzdBluesKaj: done that16:32
BluesKajok , what app are you using to launch the email client ?16:33
llutztzd: firefox? add a "user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.mailto", "kmail");"   to your user.js16:33
tzdBluesKaj: im using kontact. llutz: yes im on FF. I'll try that, thanks!16:34
openSeallutz: guys at #ubuntu suggested ebox, but i think it's gnome based. is there any k-alternative to webmin?16:34
llutzopenSea: i don't know, and i don't see any need for a tool like that16:35
ArTostdin: ok, thanx16:35
openSeallutz: maybe you're right, but right now i don't have an immediate need for my klamav, and i'd like to have it stop loading at startup. but i don't know how to do it, and thought webmin would give me access to startup applications on/off control.16:36
llutzopenSea: update-rc.d    maybe helps you16:37
=== bbm4n is now known as backinblack
=== backinblack is now known as mentolitses
tzdllutz: creating and editing the "user.js" solved my issue. Thanks a lot for your help!16:43
Jimmy1no chatting in here init alan16:43
init_alanwhy not16:43
* Jimmy1 tells init off16:43
lup0shouldn't the release candidate come today?16:46
openSeallutz: checked update-rc.d, but don't know what to look for in it for klamav...16:49
llutzopenSea: i don't know klamav. It's a service started at boottime from /etc/init.d  or it that a userspace-app started when opening kde-session?16:50
rabindrahey does anyone know about how to close kpf, it's continuously running in the background.16:50
=== hydrogen is now known as Negrodyh
KetrelI have some wep secured networks, and I can't get knetworkmanager to autoconnect to them. (the info is stored), but it only connects to non-wep secured ones. There any way to get it to auto-connect to the wep ones?16:57
=== kde-devel is now known as spiroo
=== Negrodyh is now known as Idrogeno
benklop_where do i go to discuss a possible bug in 8.04?17:15
llutzbenklop_:  #kubuntu+117:16
jussio1benklop_: #ubuntu+117:16
flipstarkewl 2.6.25 stable is out!17:17
metalstryker_is there a good news reader(like grabbit or newsbin for windows) on kubuntu?17:20
jussio1metalstryker_: akregator does rss, is that what you are after?17:21
llutzmetalstryker_: knode17:21
metalstryker_not rss.17:21
metalstryker_i am looking to download newsgroups17:21
jussio1oh, yeah, there is, but ireally dont remember it17:22
* a_c_m is installing Kubuntu64 on his new shiny quad core beast !!17:24
anabaindoes anybody know why netboot stuff for amd64 from ubuntu archives does not install a 64bits kernel?17:30
spirooHow do I remove a user on xsession?17:30
anabainnot in gutsy neither in hardy17:31
spirooa_c_m: You does not need a Quad core for that ;)17:31
a_c_mneed and want ;) 2 totally different thigns17:32
a_c_mpartitioning and installing now17:32
anabainbtw, I'm running a quad core17:32
a_c_mgot a 1tb of storage :)17:32
a_c_mwas fighting with vista all this morning getting the crapware off and getting it into a useable state17:33
anabaina_c_m, I only could install hardy, but not 64bits version, though I fetched the correct stuff... weird!17:33
JoshOvkia_c_m: is it possible to get it working to a useable state?;)17:34
spirooNo it is not17:35
spirooVista sucks and Kubuntu rocks, that is how it is ,)17:35
JoshOvkiXP was always a good OS17:36
spirooNo it wasnt17:37
anabaindoes anybody run a true 64bits amd system? if so, which kernel package are you using, please?17:37
spirooJust to make it clear for evryone. Windows and Gates sucks .d17:37
flipstaranabain: x86_64 its covered by generic kernel17:38
JoshOvkispiroo: if it wasnt that good why was it such a success and still is a sucess17:38
anabainflipstar, do you mean that the generic kernel installed runs my system in 64bits mode? how can I check?17:39
spirooJoshOvki: Because people does not have a choice when they buy a PC? .D17:39
spirooIt is Windows or nothing .D17:40
JoshOvkispiroo: Dell?17:40
spirooWho want Dell.17:41
JoshOvkispiroo: Windows XP has been alot more successfull than Vista, people where more keen to swap over it XP than vista.17:41
a_c_mi want to install xfs as my root file system17:41
Idrogenospiroo: off topic.17:41
IdrogenoJoshOvki: off topic17:41
JoshOvkispiroo: alot of people or they would be out of bussiness?17:41
a_c_mthe installer warms me about needing to use lilo instead of grub17:41
JoshOvkiIdrogeno: i am in offtopic too17:41
a_c_mwhich i'm fine with17:41
a_c_mbut i dont get an17:42
Idrogenothen don't talk about it here.17:42
a_c_moption to install it17:42
a_c_mcan anyone help?17:42
JoshOvkiIdrogeno: well its rather boring talking about it to myself, because i totaly agree with myself17:42
BluesKajanabain, I tried 64bit kubuntu 7.10 , but it wouldn't run some apps unless i used the ia32-libs so I just switched back to 32 bit to save tha hassle .There's no perceptible difference in speed IMO.17:43
spirooI think it is a huge change with 64-bit :)17:43
spirooYou just have to use a lof of RAM ;)17:43
spirooQuite a shame I still use an Prescott 3.0GHz HT still :D Core 2 soon ;)17:44
a_c_manyone? lilo install with the installer?17:44
coloniawhy kubunto 7.04 take soooo many ram resourses17:45
BluesKaj!ia32-libs | anabain17:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ia32-libs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:45
flipstarthe 32bit kernel can also deal with up to 64gb when it right configured17:45
spirooa_c_m: What is wrong?17:45
a_c_mspiroo: i want to create my / with xfs17:45
a_c_mthe installer warms me grub doesnt like it and that i should use lilo17:46
a_c_mbut i dont get an option anywhere to install lilo17:46
a_c_mso i'm confused17:46
a_c_mand stuck17:46
a_c_mi do get the option not to install any bootloader...17:46
flipstara_c_m: maybe you have to install lilo outside the installer17:47
spirooI am not sure what xfs is? :P17:47
KetrelIs there any way to get a graphical GRUB?17:47
flipstaror just choose a supported filesystem for grub17:47
llutza_c_m: create a small /boot partition with ext317:48
spirooKetrel: I guess not. But I think they are wroking on it for grub 2 migration.17:48
=== zizzfizzix is now known as polikarp
Ketrelspiroo: ok thanks :)17:48
a_c_mllutz: humm i might do that... how big does it need to be?17:48
flipstarabout 100-200mb17:48
=== polikarp is now known as zizzfizzix
llutza_c_m: mine is 25MB17:48
a_c_mllutz: 100 should be fine then :)17:49
llutz du -sh /boot17:49
llutz18M     /boot17:49
flipstarbut than you only can have 1 kernel installed at the same time17:49
llutzi only need 1 kernel17:49
flipstari've currently 417:49
flipstarnow i'm going to install the fifth..17:51
llutzflipstar: strange hobbies you have :)17:52
spirooHow do I remove an user in kubuntu?17:52
flipstarit was torvalds that released the 2.6.25!17:52
spiroollutz: Thanks, and while I am still asking. How do I change usergroup for a certain user. I wanna give it root access.17:53
* flipstar rebooting17:53
spirooHow do I use usermod?17:54
llutzman usermod17:54
spirooyes, but what syntax to change usergroup, or add to a certain account?17:55
llutzspiroo: reading man-pages helps a lot17:57
llutzbluestime, time to go17:57
* flipstar back :)18:01
adasdHi. I want to rip a DVD video to an mpeg format. I have opened K3b and selected the option but I am lost. How do I rip it to the mpeg format and save on my harddrive?18:03
adasdoh wait I just fount the help18:04
LopinDoes anyone know a way I can recover the Directory Structure of a damaged hard disk?18:08
doktoreashello everybody18:08
doktoreasanyone upgrading to beta, has firebug working?18:09
=== sparr_ is now known as sparr
LopinI moved all of my music to an external drive, and dropped it half way through the transfer back...18:09
flipstar!recover | Lopin18:09
ubotuLopin: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although a method that might work in some cases is described at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html18:09
madexnew kubuntu out yet?18:10
LopinI just need a directory structure, that way I can figure out what I need to redownload...18:10
flipstarmadex: soon18:10
madexkk cheers flipstar18:10
LopinAnd, it's NTFS format...18:10
flipstarmadex: RC is already out..if you want to test.. http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all18:11
LopinThose links don't help me...18:14
a_c_mcool installed and now updateing18:18
a_c_mloads of updates!!18:18
kde-develHow do I change ownership of a directory?18:23
flipstarkde-devel: with konqueror >right click>properties>permissions18:25
FFForeverwhy is google earth so slow in linux?18:26
flipstarFFForever: maybe no 3d acceleration installed ?18:27
FFForeverhow do i check?18:27
flipstartype <glxinfo |grep -i direct> in a shell18:27
FFForeverDirect Rendering: Yes18:28
KetrelMy monitor turns off after a set ammount of time even though I have it unchecked18:28
flipstarFFForever: how did you installed google earth ?18:28
FFForeversudo ./google-earth....bin :)18:29
flipstarbetter use the ubuntu installer ..18:29
kde-develflipstar: Yes, but I cannot change if I am not a owner of the directory :D I need it to be manually done in temrinal ;)18:29
FFForeveri downloaded it from google?18:29
flipstarmaybe its make a differents18:29
flipstarFFForever: install googleearth-package or so18:29
flipstarthe run make-googleearth-package18:30
flipstarkde-devel: just run the browser as root <kdesu konqueror>18:30
flipstarkde-devel: if you need it in a shell see <man chown> or so18:31
kde-develflipstar: Sorry I am using Kde4 :D18:31
flipstarkde-devel: visit #kubuntu-kde4 then :)18:32
=== sdfgdh is now known as Nyad
kde-develWill do ;)18:33
NyadHello. I want to rip my DVD movie into an mpeg format. I checked the docs and they appeared to have information on it but they only told me how to burn to a DVD. I want to write it onto my harddrive. please can you help me18:33
DarkriftXquestion, every time i plug in my pda (usb) my wifi disconnects and it tries to connect to eth2 (the pda) and i lose internet. How can i make this stop happening18:33
* combo bedzie później ;P18:33
Moo_Can someone help me to get kubuntu(gutsy) to find Topfield?18:34
flipstarNyad: maybe use acidrip or so18:35
flipstarDarkriftX: sounds like a bug..18:36
DarkriftXid say so lol18:36
Nyadis it not possible with k3b? flipstar?18:36
DarkriftXis there a way to make it so my wifi is always enabled?18:36
DarkriftXthat sucks when i cant plug something in without losing internet (lots of stuff running that needs internet)18:36
flipstarNyad: maybe it is..i just don't know how18:37
Nyadok tnx18:38
W8TAHdid they take IRC out of kopete 0.5.0?????18:46
sh4rm4is there an application firewall for kubuntu ?18:51
rabindraany download accelerator or manager with resume supported for kubuntu?18:51
erdem_any there install rpm for kubuntu_?18:52
sh4rm4erdem_: there is a converter for rpm -> deb available18:53
sh4rm4dunno its name though18:53
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)18:53
erdem_hmmm okey18:53
Odd-rationaleerdem_: what did you want to install?18:54
erdem_I want to install Flash player18:54
rabindradoes anyone know about any download manager?18:54
Odd-rationaleerdem_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree18:54
Odd-rationalerabindra: I use kget18:55
rabindraOdd-rationale: does it support resume?18:57
Odd-rationalerabindra: It should. but doesn't always. in my experience...18:57
rabindraOdd-rationale: anything better than that?18:57
Odd-rationalerabindra: not that I know of. kget is probably the best. the problem could be user error, not kget itself :P18:59
Nyadis there any disadvantage to installing something with the konsole as opposed to installing with the GUI?18:59
rickestNyad: not at all18:59
rickestNyad: most GUIs simply call the console version to do what they do anyway, practically identical19:00
Nyadah, kwl. but if I install things with the GUI then I can see what I have installed so its easier to remove packages19:01
flipstarapt-get of corse also shows whats going to install19:02
flipstarand its easier to copy there19:02
loveруские есть? О.о19:05
jcfp!ru | love19:06
ubotulove: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:06
Ax-Axhow can i edit what's being started by kinit?19:07
loveubotu, на кой мне помощ =)19:11
TrelDoes anyone here have any issues with the power manager?19:12
loveтут чё.. хелп деск? О.о19:13
loveThis channel for help?19:13
Ax-Axlove: if you can ask in english, yes :)19:14
loveNo, I can't sak in english =)19:15
lovegood night :-)19:15
WerenerdIs there anyone on here using Kmail that can tell me how to have it download all emails from the server and not just the new ones?19:17
jcfpAx-Ax: with 'started by kinit' you just mean the system services?19:22
phoenix3051can anyone suggest why with kernel "2.6.22-14" kubuntu runs fine but when they are upgraded to "2.6.22-15" or "2.6.22-16" it doesn't boot pass the intial "blue bar" kubuntu screen?19:22
Ax-Axjcfp: yes19:22
phoenix3051opps should have said runing the latest version of 8.0419:23
Ax-Axjcfp: like kgameportd and such19:24
jcfpAx-Ax: if those are kernel threads than it's a matter of whether certain hardware is present and the associated kernel modules are loaded19:25
jcfpsome of that may be configurable via boot parameters, or disabling certain modules19:26
Ax-Axjcfp: but i don't want it to run, i don't even use kde19:26
jcfpAx-Ax: kernel threads are part of the core of the operating system - not a graphical interface like kde19:27
jcfp"k" doesn't always refer to kde ;)19:28
Ax-Axwhy not? :P19:28
sobczykhi, will the final version of hardy have pulseaudio, because I have problems with multiplexing the sound (old config files) ?19:28
Ax-Axwhat does pulseaudio do btw19:29
sobczykit's a sound server19:29
sobczykin userspace19:29
Ax-Axlike esd and jack?19:30
sobczykyes, like jack19:31
flipstarsobczyk: yes, it already has pulse19:31
sobczykthough the pulse package isn't used19:31
sobczykI have to install it manually?19:32
Ax-Axwhat does pulse do specifically?19:32
sobczykquite handy, I've been using it in gutsy. The only ploblem was skype and some games (like enemy territory)19:33
harmentalguys is there any howto for using external projectors?19:35
FrauHansenO.o just got my first "complete freeze" :( hope this won't happen again since it seems to be a well known problem19:37
FrauHansenharmental: maybe this one helps: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dual_Monitors19:39
sobczykbesides I have problem with shutting down (reseting)  KDE the screen turns black, and I can't switch to the terminal, the only solution is sysrq+E19:40
TrelWhen I try to use guidance-power-manager, it pretty much locks up, is there any known cause fix or alternative?19:42
Trelhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=558978 <---- same exact problem, but that thread got no answers19:44
Centaur5Which directory would I purge to delete all the settings in Kontact?  I already tried .kde/share/apps/kmail19:47
fat-headif i have a 64bit version of kubuntu can i still install 32bit drivers ?19:48
fat-headif i also have 32bit libs ?19:48
fat-headanyone ?19:48
JKIcemanhi there, I have a little problem here. I have a card reader and usb hub from revoltec and everytime i put a mc in there it says permission denied but in the build in reader of my laptop it works, any solutions?19:49
stdindrivers? no19:49
vitalguien esta hai19:50
|Dreams|does imgburn work in virtual box with setting the laybreak manually19:51
fat-headque quieres ?19:51
jussi01!es |vit19:51
ubotuvit: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:51
fat-headyo hablo espanol :P19:51
vithola primera ves q uso esto19:52
BluesKaj|Dreams|, whynot just tru k3b in kubuntu ?19:52
jussi01vit: only english in here please19:52
|Dreams|because i need to set the layerbreak manually is that possible with a dl dvd?19:53
fat-headif i have 64bit kubuntu with 32bit libs installed can i install 32bit drivers for hardware ?19:54
stdinfat-head: you can't use 32bit drivers on a 64bit kernel, no19:54
fat-headthnx for clearing that up19:56
fat-headstdin: are 64bit kubuntu preinstalled drivers as efficient and bug free as the same preinstalled drivers but in 32bit ?19:57
stdindepends on the driver, but for most yes19:57
fat-headstdin thnx19:58
phoenix3051Has anyone had any problems with 8.04 not booting with kernels 2.6.24-15 or -16 ?19:58
fat-headi have been told many times that 64bit versions of oses are not as stable as 32bit versions is this true ? and do 32bit libs allow use of 32bit apps 100% ?19:59
stdinfat-head: 64bit apps are newer, so may have more bugs but you can run 32bit apps with the 32bit libs yes20:00
rickestfat-head: I don't stability is as much a problem as availability; i.e., no flash player for 64 = no youtube.  you can set up a 32-bit chroot, I think that's what most people do20:00
SlimeyPetefat-head: 64-bit kubuntu is generally stable20:00
SlimeyPetebut yes, there are more bugs, particularly in the drivers20:00
ScorpKinghi stdin. long time no see :)20:01
stdinScorpKing: I've been lurking ;)20:01
ScorpKingstdin: hehe. been working. :)20:01
ScorpKinghow do i disable passwords for samba?20:02
stdinwell, I lurk while I work20:02
* ScorpKing summons genii..20:02
stdinsecurity = user -> security = share20:02
stdinin /etc/samba/smb.conf20:03
ScorpKingah ok. thanks :)20:03
ScorpKingi have it on user now. will change it20:03
ScorpKingwelcome ubuntu :)20:04
=== ubuntu is now known as svend-ev
svend-evhi there20:07
ScorpKingis there a way to move the configuration from vmware-server to vmware-player so networking works the same in player as it does in server?20:08
stdinnot sure, it'll have all the config files in /etc/vmware-(something) depending on the install, copy+paste+hope20:10
ScorpKingit's in /etc/vmware/ but not all files are the same. guess i'll have to go through them all20:11
stdinScorpKing: it'll be the vmnet?/ dirs20:12
NyadHi how do I remap my keyboard layout so I can change it?20:12
TeslaTonyI disabled my wifi card and can't remember how to re-enable it20:12
ScorpKingstdin: yes. 1 & 820:12
ScorpKingTeslaTony: where did you disble it?20:14
TeslaTonyScorpKing: I think I did it through Knetwork Manager20:15
ScorpKingTeslaTony: i don't have it running but if you right click on knetworkmanager there should be an option "enable wireless"20:16
mactaylorhow big should / be?20:17
heathI increased my compiz desktop to 2 and can't figure out how to get back to my 1st desktop... can anyone help me?20:17
ScorpKingmactaylor: smaller than 7GB gives problems. 15GB is a good size depending on how big your disk is20:17
mactaylorhow does under 7GB give problems? fragmentation?20:18
ScorpKingheath: <ctrl>+<f1> maybe?20:18
ScorpKingmactaylor: it gets too small if you install a lot of stuff20:18
TeslaTonySkorpking: Oh, no, wireless IS enabled. I disabled my PCI-E card because Madwifi has some issues with it, and I switched back to using my USB adapter, but now I want access to that card again20:19
heathScorpKing: That puts me on 1 of the 2nd desktop20:19
heathI need to get back to 1 and the 1st desktop20:19
ScorpKingheath: ah ok. i see. no idea then20:19
heathhow can I quit compiz and get back to normal20:20
ScorpKingheath: press <alt>+<f2> and run kwin --replace20:20
ScorpKingTeslaTony: it might be disabled in /etc/network/interfaces20:20
heathlol... it still keeps my on the second desktop20:21
ler_hydrahello all, anyone have an idea why adobe's acrobat reader is always the default program to open pdf's, even if I change the settings in konqueror (and set KPDF as default), pdfs will still open with acrobat, and the setting in konqueror's options is lost20:21
TeslaTonyScorpKing: I think you're right. Thanks20:21
ScorpKingheath: hehe. in kcontrol maybe?20:21
ScorpKingler_hydra: it will still be in kcontrol20:22
heathhow can I add a panel...20:22
heaththat way I can click back to the first 420:22
ScorpKingheath: right click on the panel. the options are there20:23
heath... the panel is on the first desktop... this is great20:23
ler_hydraI've changed the setting, it doesn't stick, adobe's acrobat always is at the top of the list when I open the settings panel20:23
ScorpKingheath: you have two monitors?20:23
heathI have tons of things open on the first desktop and can't get back there20:23
heathno just one20:23
ScorpKingheath: i'm a little confused. is all of this on tty7?20:24
harmentalFrauHansen: thanks!!20:24
heathyeah... I was runing compiz with 4 workspace and 1 desktop... I changed it to 2 desktop and that gave me 8 workspaces20:25
heathI click on the 5th workspace and that took me to desktop 2 where nothing is20:25
heathI know it sounds crazy...20:25
ScorpKingand now you're back at 4 desktops after you ran kwin --replace?20:25
ScorpKingheath: indeed.. ;)20:26
heathI ran kwin and it did not bring my panel back20:26
heath1 empty desktop20:26
ScorpKingi see an option in kcontrol for multiple desktops under desktop20:26
ScorpKing<ctrl>+<f1/2/3/4> will switch between the desktops if i understand your problem correctly20:28
heathThink of desktop 1 as 1234 and desktop 2 as 567820:28
NyadHi how do I remap my keyboard layout so I can change it?20:28
heathI am on 5 and can't get back to 420:29
ScorpKingheath: ah. i wonder how you managed that.. ;)20:29
heathOnly me....20:29
level1hi is the hardy rc going to be released today?20:29
ScorpKingheath: <ctrl>+<alt>+<f7/89> ?20:30
metalstryker_does anyone know how to get a Logitech Quick Cam Pro 9000 to work with Kubuntu20:31
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:31
ScorpKingmaybe there's something there ^20:32
metalstryker_thanks, ill check it out20:32
metalstryker_i found my webcam in the list.. it is compatible.. but i have no idea how to get it to run or intall drivers for it, thats what i need help with20:34
Nyaddoes anyone know how I can switch to a different keyboard layout?20:34
ubotuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts20:35
dwidmann/var/lib/apt/lists + /var/cache/apt/archives + nfs could be interesting20:36
heathI am going to have to kill it..... peace out20:36
dwidmanngood luck with the murdering heath20:36
ScorpKinghehe dwidmann :)20:37
dwidmannhehe, how's it going ScorpKing20:37
ScorpKingdwidmann: great thanks :)20:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:38
dwidmannSo I can make it so I only have to update apt and download the packages once to upgrade multiple computers :) Nice.20:39
Nicker_does doctor phil have an irc channel?20:39
dwidmannNicker_: probably not on freenode.20:39
wesleyshould today not the rc get released20:40
ere4si!hardy | wesley20:40
ubotuwesley: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu20:40
dwidmannwesley: I don't quite get what you're saying, perhaps if you rearrange the words :s20:40
wesleyi mean the realese candidate it should be released today ???20:41
dwidmannIt might get released today, whether it should or not could be an entirely different question20:42
wesleyow yeah because there nothing on the ftp servers20:44
ScorpKingdwidmann: also look at apt-move and apt-cache ;)20:45
dwidmannScorpKing: apt-move?20:45
ScorpKingdwidmann: that's what i use. i have about 7 computers to keep up to date20:46
dwidmannScorpKing: one sec, gonna check it out20:47
ScorpKingdwidmann: i'm looking for a link. one sec20:47
dwidmannI've got four computers to keep up to date, but two are i386 and the other two are x86_6420:47
ScorpKingdwidmann: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptMoveHowto20:47
dwidmannScorpKing: so that method uses a CD to do it?20:49
dwidmannScorpKing: faster for me to use NFS probably ...20:49
ScorpKingdwidmann: yeah but scip that part20:49
Redhammer_the_Olshort questoin, I am a gnome user with kde4 on top20:49
Redhammer_the_Olnow my kde icons are never all there (not just gnome prgs but for loads of kde stuff) so how do I fix that20:50
ScorpKingdwidmann: pm me you email address and i'll email you my scripts and instructions20:50
eagles0513875any idea bout this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63564/20:55
eagles0513875trying to install for testing and bug fixing issues but its not letting me20:56
=== user__ is now known as Ulyssus
KetrelOk, I was having problems with the power manager that came with Kubuntu, the python one (it would work on the tray, but if I opened it to configure, it would lock up), so I installed kpowermanager.21:09
KetrelI have two questions, is there any way to get the python one to work right (I liked it better) and kpowermanager does not seem to affect the brightness even when it should, is there any way to fix that?21:10
* combo bedzie później ;P21:10
Ketrel(Sorry, I mean kpowersave)21:11
eagles0513875!pl | combo21:11
ubotucombo: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl21:11
jcfpeagles0513875: what version of kubuntu do you use?21:14
eagles0513875jcfp: hardy beta im helping test and bug fix21:15
eagles051387564 bit btw21:15
flaviosalve a tutti21:16
flaviodovrei chiedervi una informazione21:17
jcfpeagles0513875: you might find more help for that error you in #ubuntu+1 then21:17
jcfp!it | flavio21:17
ubotuflavio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:17
eagles0513875jcfp: thanks21:18
Ulyssushey guys, im running kubuntu 7.10 and i have problems using flashplayer in konqueror. it is installed via the package from adobe.com and it's working in firefox but not in konqueror =/ although i can find it in about:plugins21:21
johnsenhave you tried to look up some guides on how to get it working in konq?21:23
Ulyssussure =)21:23
johnsenmight try http://linuxlab.dk/tipsntricks/flash-konqueror21:23
NyadIm in the screen to edit my keyboard layout. but how do I create a custom one?21:24
ScorpKingUlyssus: copy the plugin from the firefox plugin directory to the plugin directory of konqueror or set konqueror to scan the firefox plugin directory for new plugins. it should work either way21:25
* combo powrócił ;P21:25
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl21:25
eagles0513875combo: ?21:25
comboeagles0513875: ? :D21:26
comboeagles0513875: hi ;P21:26
eagles0513875english or not lol21:26
combooh sorry ;P21:26
comboi'm sitting on many canals also non-english21:26
combowill change that ;P21:26
eagles0513875combo: what language u nativley speak21:27
comboeagles0513875: polish ;P21:27
comboeagles0513875: i've just forgotten to change that communicats ;P21:27
eagles0513875!pl | combo21:27
ubotucombo: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl21:27
eagles0513875combo: if u prefer to speak in polish that channel is for ya bud21:28
comboeagles0513875: o yes, i know. i also use polish canal but this one is bettter i think ;P21:28
comboeagles0513875: i prefer ENG ;P21:28
NyadIm in the screen to edit my keyboard layout. but how do I create a custom one?21:28
eagles0513875combo: oh well my humble apologies21:29
metalstryker_in Kubuntu where do you go to change mouse options... im new sorry for the stupid question, lol21:29
UlyssusScorpKing: I dont know why but in "configure konqueror" I dont find the point "plugins" oO.21:29
comboeagles0513875: thanks for info, anyway ;)21:29
eagles0513875combo: no problem21:30
Nyadfor text we have pastebins. what do we use for sharing files temporarily21:40
_ZeuZ_I need to log into a kosumi router ( i have the user and password) but from a command line browser, any way yo do it? tried lynx, wont work...21:42
beeneranyone know how to get the xbox live vision camera workin21:43
beenerive tried alot21:43
beenernuthing is working cept makeing it slow21:43
eagles0513875where is teh gpg key stored cuz i would like to back it up and email it to myself21:43
SlimeyPeteeagles0513875: in your gpg keyring, usually21:44
eagles0513875SlimeyPete: so the secring21:44
beenerand after folowing the insall instructions i now get a bookmark error21:44
SlimeyPeteeagles0513875: I can't remember the export commands but there's a howto at http://dewinter.com/gnupg_howto/english/GPGMiniHowto.html21:45
eagles0513875SlimeyPete: just wanna know what file so i can email it to myself as an email attachment21:45
SlimeyPeteeagles0513875: see http://irtfweb.ifa.hawaii.edu/~lockhart/gpg/gpg-cs.html21:46
SlimeyPete"to export a public key" and/or "to export a private key"21:46
Nyadfor text we have pastebins. what do we use for sharing files temporarily21:50
Odd-rationaleNyad: there's an image bin21:50
NyadI want to paste a tarball21:50
eagles0513875Nyad: cant21:51
eagles0513875at least not that i know of21:51
Odd-rationaleNyad: if you have a forum account you can add it as an attchment to a post and give us the link...21:52
Nyadok thanks, nice idea21:52
Odd-rationalehttp://ubuntuforums.org that is21:52
drifwhat's going on? second time (atleast when I move/delete 5-10Gigs stuff and gain just few gigs if any..21:56
NyadI found rapidshare.com21:56
GerritHi, I'm trying to install python-matplotlib, but there is an "error processing python-tz", "subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1", and then various errors with packets depending on this one (http://pastebin.ca/988752); how do I solve or workaround this problem?22:12
Ahmuckhi.  does kubutu have auto-detect hardware?22:15
joeyadamsDepends on what kind of hardware you're referring to.  Generally speaking, yes22:15
joeyadamsIt autodetects USB, video cards, sound cards, etc.22:16
joeyadamsAlthough for some reason, the KDE setup wizard makes you manually select a printer (though I've seen it autodetect a printer before).22:16
ronan_il y a des francais ici svp ?22:17
joeyadamsGerrit> Try apt-get remove python-tz, then apt-get install python-tz to see if that corrects the problem22:18
jcfp!fr | ronan_22:18
uboturonan_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.22:18
joeyadamsIt might be a good idea to remove (or back up) the /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pytz folder22:18
KetrelTwo questions, when I locked my session, the screensaver would come on, that stopped, how can I get it back? Also, I think alt+tab is behaving differently, is there anything that could've changed that?22:19
joeyadamsKetrel> Compiz screws that up22:20
Gerritjoeyadams: it doesn't... but it does give some hint, apparently there is some file already and it doesn't like that22:20
joeyadamsMaybe moving that folder out to somewhere where the installer won't find it will help.22:21
joeyadamsKetrel> Look in your ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc22:21
Gerritwith this information I solved my problem.22:21
joeyadamsKetrel> there might be an AltTabStyle=CDE or so22:22
joeyadamsGet rid of that or comment it out with a #22:22
joeyadamsthen restart kwin by issuing kwin --replace22:22
Ketrelkk, checking now22:22
Ketreljoeyadams, thanks, that line was there22:23
Ketrelis that what compiz screws with?22:23
joeyadamsAs for the screensaver, I'm not sure about that.  Maybe reenabling your screensaver by right clicking on the desktop and following dialogs will turn it back on.22:23
joeyadamsEvery time you start compiz, it will do that again.22:23
Ketrel(screensaver was fixed by restarting X)22:24
joeyadamsokay :)22:24
Ketrelas far as the thing compiz messes with, is there a way to have it not do that?22:24
joeyadamsI tried locking my ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc one time, but compiz complains and can't be configured correctly if you do.22:25
joeyadamsI just simply run the fix every time.22:26
joeyadamsI guess you could make a quickie script that seds it out22:26
joeyadamsor greps22:26
Ketrelok, I'll mess with that in a while :)22:27
joeyadamse.g.:  grep -v 'Alt.*CDE' ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc > ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc_temp ; cp ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc_temp ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc ; kwin --replace22:27
joeyadamsI read up on regular expressions a few days ago, and I'm glad I did :)22:28
joeyadamsYou could also simply cp a backup kwinrc to the folder, but that will destroy any new settings you make after making the backup.22:30
vasilisaHow come ever siince i installed glx, my wmv movies have a green bar along the top and are lower quality in both kaffeine and VLC???22:30
joeyadamsvasilisa> You mean a compositing window manager like Compiz?  glx is the OpenGL implementation stack on the X windows system (or something like that :) ).22:31
vasilisajoeyadams: Well I had to install glx in order to make compiz work....22:32
joeyadamsvasilisa> Does using a non-compositing window manager like kwin or metacity cause the video problem?22:35
adz21cjoeyadams: but its likely compiz is the one causing problems not glx, since i doubt glz is involved in video rendering22:35
adz21cwrong person22:35
vasilisacan i log in somehow in metacity and see? ever since i installed glx it loads that forcifully when i log in22:36
joeyadamsmetacity --replace (or, in KDE, kwin --replace)22:37
joeyadamsmetacity is the GNOME display manager.22:37
joeyadamsI mean window manager22:37
vasilisaooh neat command.22:38
vasilisaDidnt fix the vids22:38
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vasilisaokay that failed...22:41
vasilisaafter it failed to fix the videos, i also crashed22:41
vasilisawhat was i using before i apt-get installed xgl...22:41
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joeyadamsvasilisa> You can apt-get remove xgl.  The packages won't have to be redownloaded if you want to use them because they are kept in /var/cache/apt/archives22:44
joeyadamsAfter doing that, you may want to kill your X server.  A good way to do this is to properly log out of KDE/GNOME, then Ctrl+Alt+F1, log in, get root, and killall Xorg22:45
joeyadamsThen, the X server will start up right away22:45
joeyadamsYou could just killall Xorg from your window manager, but it's not friendly to the window manager.22:45
vasilisaoi. ok22:45
vasilisathanks im going to try22:46
vasilisaYAY it worked22:50
vasilisathanks a bunch22:50
vasilisaim not fond of xgl, it made fonts small , etc. i need to find some other way to use compiz22:51
Nyadwhat file must I edit to disable my capslock key?22:54
nosrednaekimvasilisa: ati card on gutsy?22:54
vasilisanosrednaekim:  Yes, ati on gutsy22:59
nosrednaekimvasilisa: I'd say wait 8 days and just install hardy23:00
nosrednaekimwhich should have aiglx with ati23:00
vasilisanosrednaekim: k xD23:00
nosrednaekimor you can install it now... its fairly stable23:00
Nyadwhat file must I edit to disable my capslock key?23:00
Nyadquiet isn't it23:15
PeterFAAfter using synaptic to install fonts, do I need to restart anything for the new fonts to be usable?23:21
Nyadthe apps themselves must be restarted to take effect23:22
Nyadbut a full system reboot couldn't hurt :)23:23
Nyadbut its not necessary23:23
Jucatoat most only X is needed to be restarted23:23
boldercan i get kubuntu as live-CD ?23:25
PeterFAI've got a billion fonts now :)23:26
nosrednaekimbolder: certainly23:27
Dr_willisThe kubuntu 'desktop' cd is a live cd.23:28
bolderok thx23:32
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matt_just burning the newest 8.04 kubuntu "3.5" edition...just wondering...when it is officially released, that being 8.04, i'll be able to just "update" the the "official" version, right?23:36
Dr_willismatt_,  of course. thats a primary feature of the apt-get system23:36
matt_Dr_willis: thank you.23:37
matt_Dr_willis: now enough of this terminal talking and cli image downloading and burning. gotta love links and cdrecord though, they are lifesavers23:37
matt_Dr_willis: thanks, and later.23:37
feierfoxplease recomment a pic-viewer23:41
Nyadfeierfox: gwenview23:43
feierfoxok, thanks23:44
feierfoxone other in an other channel recommented it too23:44
matt__Dr_willis: so umm..after trying to boot from the cd...i get the "kubuntu" status bar (blue bar back and forth), and then i get me a "built in shell=ash type help for a list of commands". what is wrong23:45
feierfoxwhat is the less RAM i could have to use a Desktop in Linux?23:48
Odd-rationale6a mb23:48
SlimeyPeteyou can get by with 64-128MB but you should have 25623:48
matt__Dr_willis: hey...after i asked you about the shell=ash...did you reply, i had to leave...23:48
NickPrestafeierfox, you probably want a minimum of 256.23:48
Daisuke_Laptopi was able to have a pretty snappy xubuntu desktop on a celeron 600 with 192mb ram23:49
Daisuke_Laptopbut i would definitely recommend at least 25623:49
matt__so is there a channel for 8.04?23:50
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu23:50
feierfoxcould you recommend a distro with really weak hardware-need?23:50
Odd-rationalefeierfox: puppy linux or dsl23:50
Daisuke_Laptophow weak are you talking?23:50
Daisuke_Laptopyeah, i would say DSL, i've never used puppy linux23:50
Daisuke_Laptopdamn small linux23:50
NickPrestafeierfox, DSL. Anything using Fluxbox/XFCE/some other minimal WM.23:50
NyadI changed my xmodmap file. How do I get it to take effect?23:50
feierfoxDSL or Puppy?23:51
Odd-rationalefeierfox: I like puppy better than dsl.23:51
Daisuke_Laptopfeierfox: perhaps it would be easier to ask...  how much ram do you have?23:51
feierfoxthanks / danke !23:51
Odd-rationalebut dsl is a bit smaller. ~50mb. puppy is ~70mb23:51
NyadOdd-rationale:   I changed my xmodmap file. How do I get it to take effect?23:52
feierfoxthanks anyway, i will check out puppy!23:52
SlimeyPetefeierfox: also check out Vector23:52
Odd-rationaleNyad: dunno...23:52
matt__when trying to kubuntu 8.04 live cd...it takes me straight to a terminal after selecting (try kubuntu) and it says something to the effect of "built in shell=ash type help for a list of commands". any ideas?23:53
Odd-rationalematt__: did you check the md5sums?23:54
matt__Odd-rationale: no i didn't...i'm operating soley from a cli, i don't know how to.23:55
Odd-rationalematt__: check the md5sum of the iso before burning to cd.23:55
matt__Odd-rationale: right now i'm using links to download the kde4 beta live cd, i'll try it...i'll check the md5 sum if you'll show me how23:56
Odd-rationalematt__: can I see the link?23:56
matt__Odd-rationale: *thinks how to copy and paste in terminal without a mouse...23:56
NickPrestamatt__, in a terminal: cat hardy_md5_sum.txt && md5sum hardy_cd.iso23:57
matt__NickPresta: ok....so where do i get the actuall md5 sum?23:57
Odd-rationalematt__: I must of gotten lost somewhere... are you on the livecd right now?23:58
matt__NickPresta: wait..md5sums...23:58
matt__Odd-rationale: no, i'm on my installed system that is so screwed up.23:58
NickPrestamatt__, yep :)23:58
Odd-rationalematt__: so on your installed system you only have terminal?23:58
matt__Odd-rationale: not true, but it's all that works...right now.23:58
Odd-rationalematt__: so the iso file is on the installed system?23:59
matt__Odd-rationale: umm....yes23:59
Odd-rationalematt__: try "md5sum /pathtoiso"23:59

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