
psyke83hi kwwii, are you there?01:59
DanaGOOh, wiki now has a transparent-background SVG.  Sweet.02:01
DanaGRandom observation.02:01
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
RwLcreating a usplash theme for the first time... anyone have a good reference on how to reposition and/or alter the progress bar?15:38
andreasnkwwii: ping15:39
andreasnkwwii: I sent RwL here as I thought you might be more up to date than me on usplash stuff15:40
_MMA_The Usplash stuff is black-magic. Documentation great at all. Best person to ask is tonic-pushcart or troy_s.15:58
bersacekwwii: hi16:27
bersacekwwii: can you merge humanlist ?16:27
DanaGHmm, I've found the wallpaper I'll probably use: the one linked to just above the "gdm theme" preview.16:56
DanaGOddly enough, there's no explicit mention of that wallpaper itself.16:56
kwwiiandreasn, RwL: there is very little good documentation16:59
kwwiiRwL: I can help with creating the right kind of theme17:00
andreasnyeah, I thought so as well... I wish I had written down how I last did it17:00
andreasnnow it's all gone17:01
kwwiiit is not that hard if you know what not to do ;-)17:01
kwwiibersace: not sure, it might be too late for me to update anything17:03
RwLkwwii: thanks... yeah, all I really want to do at this point is move the progress bar down a bit to accommodate a design that was handed off to me to build.17:10
RwLbut I'm actually failing to create a test version too...17:12
RwLI run this... gcc -Os -g -I/usr/include/bogl -fPIC -c usplash-artwork.c -o usplash-artwork.o17:12
RwLgcc -shared -Wl,-soname,usplash-artwork.so usplash-artwork.o -o yourimage-splash.so17:12
RwLand I get this:17:13
RwLusplash-artwork.c:1: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'has'17:14
DanaGCool, so you are changing the usplash theme?  Sweet.17:14
_MMA_andreasn: hehe http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3038/2405289552_fdef210458.jpg?v=017:19
kwwiiRwL: hrm, not too much experience with building the theme17:25
RwLno sweat. Just learned that that c compiler error was because I used pngtobogl (supports 16 colors) instead of pngtousplash (supports 256), apparently17:26
savvaskwwii: do you know who should I poke for this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/human-theme/+bug/15093817:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 150938 in human-theme "Screen resolution problems at login screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:27
_MMA_savvas: That has nothing to do with the theme and should be removed from the art team.17:29
kwwiisavvas: yeah, the gdm maintainer I guess17:30
kwwiior X maintainer17:30
_MMA_If anything that Xorg is out of wack. WHo puts in a modline that's hirer than the res of their monitor?17:30
savvasok thanks17:30
kwwiisorry I couldn't be of more help17:31
savvas_MMA_: this is my xorg: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13415250/xorg.conf17:31
* _MMA_ looks17:31
savvasor at least was, i cleared those sections, like Section "monitor" #  etc17:31
_MMA_savvas: And the gdm is displayed at a higher res than yout monitor does?17:32
savvasi think it's lower17:32
savvasit has hidden the options such as shutdown or restart17:32
savvasi took two pics with my mobile: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13415263/login-window-screenshots.zip17:33
_MMA_Ill look at your screenshots. But Im gonna say this is most likely gonna be an X issue.17:33
kwwiiseems like a problem specific to nvidia cards (again)17:33
savvasok, i'll remove the art team while you do that :)17:34
_MMA_savvas: If this is Hardy, backup you config, and deleate the xorg.conf.17:34
_MMA_Let the new X do all the magic.17:35
kwwiisavvas: did you try removing the virtual resolution only?17:35
_MMA_See what happens.17:35
savvaskwwii: did that, didn't help :\17:35
savvasi'll try what _MMA_ said17:35
savvasgimme a minute17:35
savvaskwwii is right, looks like it's nvidia17:42
savvasi did what _MMA_ said, it showed up fine, i think it was using the nv driver17:42
savvasthen I switched it using screens and graphics and autodetected the monitor, set resolution 1152x864, logged off, and it showed the problem again17:43
_MMA_savvas: Did you try by *just* setting the driver to "nvidia"?17:46
_MMA_Don't set the screen res.17:46
savvasmmm give me one more minute then :)17:47
savvas_MMA_: through screens and graphics?17:48
savvas$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:49
savvascat: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory17:49
_MMA_kwwii: Boo... https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2008-April/003888.html re: Bug 21174017:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 211740 in ubuntu-gdm-themes "Hardy: Ubuntu login screen art has brightnes increased" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21174017:49
_MMA_kwwii: Smack 'em.17:49
_MMA_savvas: Ill post a base xorg for you.17:49
savvasdpkg-reconfigure won't do? :\17:50
_MMA_Well, should.17:50
savvasok wait17:50
_MMA_Didnt know how much you knew. ;)17:50
_MMA_Try this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6354717:51
_MMA_I get nothing from your link.17:52
savvasah well never mind, i'll use yours17:52
savvasthey look the same17:52
savvasjust the driver line17:52
_MMA_That should surely narrow it down to the driver.17:53
savvasokay, it shows ok17:54
savvasthe options at the lower corner of the screen is shown now17:54
_MMA_So if it shows fine, it's most likely your config.17:54
_MMA_So please report the findings to the bug and kwwii can get someone to close it.17:56
DanaGOh yeah, this usplash theme you're compiling... do you have a screenshot anywhere?18:01
andreasn_MMA_: glad you like it. It was quite a success at the costume party18:02
DanaGOh yeah, something odd....18:02
_MMA_andreasn: Seeexxxy. :P18:02
DanaGI just ran gdmflexiserver --xnest, and the login theme started at the original small size of the window.18:02
DanaGI then moved the window and it expanded -- but the theme did not!18:03
DanaGSo something is definitely odd there.18:03
savvasI used nvidia-settings and now it's ok18:04
_MMA_savvas: Cool.18:04
kwwiiDanaG: that is the normal behavior, nothing to freak out about18:05
DanaGIt used to be the other way around:18:05
DanaGThe window would start small, but the theme would start large.18:05
savvas_MMA_: thanks for your time :) I'll go post the results right away18:05
_MMA_DanaG: Things change.18:06
DanaGHow do you specify resolution for gdmflexiserver in xnest, anyway?18:06
DanaGSo they've just changed the normal behavior?  That works for me.  I just wasn't expecting it.18:06
kwwiiif it still uses xnest there is a variable you can define18:06
_MMA_DanaG: Dont know. Time to look up some documenttion maybe?18:06
kwwiiit was using xephyr on my machine18:07
DanaGSame here.18:07
kwwiigoogle it and there is a forum page about xnest and other info18:07
kwwiiif it uses xephyr why are you asking about xnest?18:07
DanaGOh, I made a mistake there.18:07
kwwiias for xephyr I have no idea how to define the resolution18:08
kwwiiand I have looked and asked people18:08
DanaGxephyr itself has a resolution parameter, but it seems gdmflexiserver doesn't expose it.18:12
savvaswell.. another day, another problem resolved :P18:16
* _MMA_ tinkers with GIMP 2.5.19:34
RwLhappy: i got my custom usplash screen and GDM theme finished up. But how come, after login, it goes to a ubuntu-standard orange/brown screen before it loads my desktop wallpaper? Any way to change that? I set a different background color via Login Window preferences...21:30
_MMA_RwL: You have to be sure to purge the old one.21:37
_MMA_1 sec.21:37
_MMA_RwL: Oh no wait. I miss-read.21:37
_MMA_Tou mean the background color. That's a Gutsy bug.21:38
RwL_MMA_:  Thanks! Got any links to info on the bug? I'll need to show it to someone else :^p21:45
_MMA_No. I just know its gone in Hardy.21:45
_MMA_It was a GDM bug.21:45
RwLok, thanks again!21:45

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