
greg-gbdmurray: should cosmetic (nothing is broken, not adding a new feature) bugs be set to Low (and not wishlist, since it isn't a new feature)?  Is so, should I add that to the wiki for bugs/importance?00:20
bdmurraygreg-g: Do you have an example?  I'm have a hard time thinking of one00:22
greg-gbug 21843600:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218436 in meta-gnome2 "untidy layout in gnome system monitor summary (system) tab [cosmetic only]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21843600:24
greg-ga very nit-picky bug.  and I use the word "nit-picky" in a nice way :)00:25
bdmurrayThat's great!  I love how people draw in screenshots.00:25
greg-g:) me too, I do it sometimes myself :)00:26
greg-gand yeah, that bug would definitely go upstream00:26
bdmurrayBack to your original question, yes that sounds like a perfect example of a low priority bug.  I think string-fix bugs should be low too.00:27
greg-gis that "important" enough of a condition to add it to the importance wiki page?00:27
greg-gie: add "Cosmetic/Usability issues that do not limit functionality" to Low00:30
bdmurrayYes, I think more examples can't hurt. moderate impact and core application are quite subjective00:31
greg-gcool, and that wording clear and accurate?00:31
bdmurrayYes, that sounds good to me00:33
* greg-g changes it00:33
bdmurrayHave you seen any iso-testing bugs at all?00:34
greg-gthere was one recently that I didn't completely read since it was about the size of a stephen king novel00:35
greg-gwell, nevermind, it was about the old beta build, not an up to date iso build00:36
greg-gso, no, I have not00:38
bdmurraylol - stephen king00:39
* greg-g thinks he gets paid per page00:40
bdmurraysome of them can be found at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/report00:40
bdmurraythose are the most recent ones which I'm trying to go through now00:41
greg-gahh, yeah, I forgot that the qa site is pretty thurough00:41
bdmurrayyeah, its nice that it has counts on comments, subscribers and duplicates00:42
greg-gI like it.  the more I learn about the tools used in ubuntu development the more I am impressed.  Of course, I don't use them all that much (if any, other than LP) so I can't make a full analysis, but they seem nice.00:43
greg-gie: the qa site and revu00:44
crimsunbug 21590400:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 215904 in openldap2.3 "Assertion error in io.c:234: ber_flush2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21590400:48
bdmurraycrimsun: hi00:48
crimsunbdmurray: hi00:50
bdmurraycrimsun: do you have a moment? well maybe 200:51
bdmurraybug 204345 is about setting the default sound card for pulseaudio, is there a way to do that using a GUI tool?00:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204345 in pulseaudio "[hardy] [amd64] system sounds and flash sound output are redirected to the wrong sound card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20434500:53
crimsunbdmurray: pavucontrol00:53
crimsunbdmurray: unfortunately it does not immediately take effect, because pulseaudio does not currently have a callback to reparse the gconf value00:53
crimsun(the setting takes effect on the next time the stream is started, which is normally the next time the app is restarted)00:54
bdmurraythat's not on the Live CD though is it?00:54
crimsunno, the tools are all in the universe component.00:55
bdmurrayhmmm, that seems weird to me00:55
crimsunOTOH, one can use `pacmd' in the pulseaudio-utils package, which is in main.00:55
crimsunI made some changes earlier that basically pull in all of the tools if you install one of the others00:56
crimsunthe main one is really padevchooser00:56
crimsunit's a horrible UI mess, however00:56
bdmurraythat leads well into question 2! is there a way to better name output devices?00:57
crimsunmeaning PulseAudio sinks or ALSA sinks?00:58
bdmurrayPulseAudio sinks I believe00:59
crimsunthose are pretty much lifted from what hal exposes00:59
crimsunso, no, not that I know of, and not easily.01:00
bdmurrayDo you know anything about Creative X-Fi sound card support? the alsa bug doesn't have any recent information01:02
crimsuncurrently for ALSA, only the ca0106-driven models are supported01:03
crimsuncurrently Creative offers an x86_64 one that covers all models using the ALSA API01:03
crimsuncurrently for OSSv4.1, all ALSA-supported ones (ca0106) and then a minimal new more are supported01:04
crimsunnote that given asac's changes to flashplugin-nonfree, a user cannot use pavucontrol (by default) to select the PulseAudio sink01:06
crimsunthe user will need to use `asoundconf set-default-card', a command line utility in the alsa-utils package, to do so01:06
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crimsun(...or a user may use my Qt 3/4 or Toby's GTK 2 frontends for asoundconf)01:08
bdmurrayhow does flashplugin-nonfree affect it?01:10
crimsun(i.e., https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~motu/asoundconf-ui/trunk and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~tsmithe/asoundconf-ui/trunk, respectively)01:10
crimsunwith libflashsupport installed, a user can select the default output sink in PA for a Flash output01:11
crimsunhowever, libflashsupport was demoted to Suggests instead of Depends01:11
crimsuntherefore, by default, a dist-upgrade will not pull in the PA compat layer for the non-Free Flash plugin, but PA will be installed by default01:12
crimsunpresuming a user had GNOME's "Enable software sound mixing" enabled in System> Preferences> Sound, a user will experience the issue that I described01:12
crimsun(note that I concur with the move to demote libflashsupport to Suggests)01:13
bdmurrayokay, I think I understand now01:14
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psyke83Hi, I realize that we're very close to release, but how do I get more attention for a last-minute bugfix? I have attached patches for the Murrine and Ubuntulooks engine to fix a cosmetic issue in Firefox, can it be included? It's at bug 19592901:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 195929 in gtk2-engines-murrine "Cosmetic bug: rectangular white outline surrounding rounded buttons" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19592901:47
psyke83that status "fix committed" is misleading, it was fixed upstream but ubuntu's version was not01:48
psyke83I'm also running Fedora rawhide and noticed that the Nodoka engine has this fix included01:49
bdmurraypsyke83: I'm looking at it02:01
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sykeI just attached my lspci output to bug 19755802:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197558 in linux "ssb module breaks BCM4328 with ndiswrapper (regression from 2.6.24-10)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19755802:39
sykewhich is still broken for me, as of today02:39
sykeam getting real nervous it won't be fixed before release ;(02:39
danagehi! anybody here know bluez03:12
danageand wants to help triage a bug i have03:13
sykedunno him, but what's the bug?03:31
danageanybody here want to help me triaging a bug in bluetooth (bluez)03:54
saivanndanage  : perhaps that I can help03:59
saivanndanage : Also if you want to confirm this bug, I found a pretty interesting one : bug #21848904:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218489 in openoffice.org "X freeze when switching between OpenOffice and Firefox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21848904:00
saivannDoes somebody want to confirm that freezing bug?04:01
bdmurraysaivann: I'll give it a shot04:05
saivannbdmurray : looks like compiz eat all the CPU, but does not crash04:05
saivannbdmurray : thanks04:05
saivannThis bug might be reported against compiz too04:06
saivannbdmurray : I'm actually connected through ssh to my remote machine and I see that compiz progressively eat more and more CPU, so I'm waiting to see if it finally crash, it's 87% now04:07
greg-gsaivann: switching via alt-tab?04:10
bdmurrayand which effects too?04:11
greg-git isn't crashing here04:11
greg-gor freezing04:11
bdmurrayI'm using "Hollywood got nothing" w/ intel and I'm not having an issue04:11
saivanngreg-g : not alt-tab, just with the mouse04:12
saivannmmh, might be specific to some plugin..04:12
greg-gbdmurray: you're using what?04:12
greg-gsaivann: either way, no freeze04:12
saivannbdmurray or greg-g : Did you use the attached file and waited for openoffice toolbox to appear?04:13
bdmurraygreg-g: The "Hollywood got nothing" profile04:13
saivannmy laptop actually use the default "extra" effects with compiz04:13
greg-gsaivann: yeah, supplied file and with both the toolbox in the menu bar, and the toolbox in its own window04:14
saivannReally?? Strange, I can reproduce that behavior on my two computers here, my laptop is freshly installed and has only xchat-gnome installed outside of the default packages04:15
saivannand did you switch between windows by clicking on each windows simultaneously on the bottom of the screen while the toolbox in its own window was open?04:16
saivannHardy beta, BTW04:17
saivannmy other computer is fully up to date04:17
bdmurrayI tried every switcher and had no problems like you are talking about04:21
saivannWhen I tried to get a backtrace, OpenOffice exited normally, by itself without any strace, and compiz started to eat CPU slowly04:21
Nic1hi there, i think i'm experiencing a bug and i'd need some help on how to post it04:21
saivannbdmurray : Mmh, strange, well thanks for the time you took..04:22
Nic1i have a sony vaio VGN-N250FH, and i'm having this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/191137 (i say this because maybe it's related), i start the system on battery power and then connect it...04:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 191137 in linux "[Hardy] ACPI Embedded Controller (EC) stops boot when kernel boot 'quiet' option is enabled" [High,In progress]04:22
bdmurrayAnything to play with Hollywood got nothing!04:22
Nic1the problem is that my battery life is 50% less than in feisty!04:23
Nic1(it just lives for an hour or so...)04:23
Nic1anyone knows if this bug is related to the battery life?04:23
bdmurrayNic1: that bug is about not being able to boot last time I looked at it.  Is that your issue?04:24
saivannNic1 : This bug seems to be already in hands of developers.. That's what I see so far04:24
Nic1yes, i know... i just mentioned it, because maybe it's related to my other problem :) :VV04:25
Nic1the problem is that my battery life is 50% less than in feisty!04:25
Nic1is there an open bug for this? or any suggestions on how can i find more information on this?04:26
bdmurrayWhat kind of testing have you done?04:26
saivannbdmurray greg-g : I just reproduced the bug on another computer with Intel graphic card, perhaps that we're just misunderstanding, do you know a program that can record video with the screen so I can show the exact steps?04:26
bdmurraysaivann: istanbul04:27
bdmurrayIt's fantastic for creating screencasts of bugs!04:27
saivannbdmurray : Well, I will try it now :)04:28
bdmurrayI'm excited to see it.04:28
greg-gNic1: <bdmurray> What kind of testing have you done?04:30
Nic1greg-g: no tests, as i was looking guidance here :) what can i do for testing? i just know that battery life is much less than a few days ago when i was using feisty04:33
saivannbdmurray : It's uploading, I did it with metacity because it's the only way to stay alife :) Notice that each time that I click on the Firefox window, the window does not come up but looks like it's minimized. With Compiz enabled, everything freeze except the mouse at this point04:39
saivannbdmurray : It's in the bug report04:40
bdmurraysaivann: you did that with istanbul?04:42
saivannbdmurray : Yes, istanbul is great04:42
bdmurraythe file you uploaded has no extension04:42
saivannbdmurray you should be able to open it with totem04:43
saivannbdmurray : it's a ogg04:43
bdmurrayright, that's the default format for istanbul but I don't think it actually adds a '.ogg' bit so it wasn't watchable w/in a firefox tab04:44
saivannbdmurray : Oh sorry, I missed the extension, are you able to download it?04:45
bdmurraysure, I'm watching it04:45
saivannI'll remember istanbul :) It's been a while that was wondering if such program exist04:46
bdmurrayI've been meaning to write something up about it04:46
bdmurrayI think it can help w/ language and communication issues too04:47
saivannbdmurray : Yes, this kind of tool can be really helpful in many cases04:47
greg-gand screenshots with drawing in them!04:50
bdmurraysaivann: what is that sun logo in your oo splash?04:50
saivannbdmurray : Update to the latest openoffice.org in Hardy, I just saw it too04:51
greg-gNic1: sorry, almost forgot.  So, best thing would be to search Launchpad concerning battery life and your laptop, if you can't find anything, report a bug and follow the "filing a bug report" from this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI04:52
bdmurrayOkay, I'm updating then.04:52
greg-gyeah, I was wondering about that change04:52
saivannbdmurray : I remember that we had to do a SRU because of the ubuntu logo with gutsy so we might want to prevent it this time :)04:52
greg-gsaivann: to change it TO the ubuntu logo?04:53
bdmurrayI'm looking into it04:54
saivanngreg-g : To remove the ubuntu logo from the openoffice splash04:54
greg-gsaivann: oh, gotcha04:54
* greg-g was confused04:54
saivanngreg-g : So it might be the same idea with sun logo :)04:54
saivanngreg-g : No matter, I'm native french and I'm sure that I do a lot of mistakes when I speak in english..04:54
bdmurrayIt was intentional04:55
greg-gno, not with how you said it.  I just forgot that happened.04:55
saivannbdmurray : According to the changelog, it fixes bug #199193 but this bug was just about wrong openoffice.org version. I don't see explanation in the changelogs for the sun logo, but the upstream splash might now have this logo04:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199193 in openoffice.org "[Ubuntu] [hardy] openoffice splash shows incorrect version in hardy" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19919304:59
saivanngreg-g : Ha :)05:00
greg-guh oh, a "please try again" on LP05:01
saivannSometime LP is overloaded..05:01
greg-git was just the edge server05:02
saivannbdmurray : Did you have more success with my little video or still unable to reproduce the bug?05:02
bdmurraysaivann: well, I had to update openoffice05:03
bdmurrayI'm testing again now. ;)05:03
saivannbdmurray : Oh yeah, ok :)05:03
greg-gI just did too (it was just from -ubuntu2 to -ubuntu3) but still I can't reproduce it05:04
bdmurraygreg-g: ubuntu3? what mirror are you using?  I have ubuntu505:04
saivannWell, I reproduce it with both openoffice latest version and openoffice version from Hardy Beta.05:04
greg-gbdmurray: oh, yeah, ubuntu5, I looked at the version a while ago when it first told me to update, remembered wrong :)05:06
bdmurrayOkay, I've been unable to recreate it05:08
saivannWell... that's awful.. sorry for the lost time05:09
bdmurrayIt's not that lost!  We learned about istanbul.05:09
saivannBTW, OpenOffice 2.4.0 does have a Sun logo in splash screen under windows05:10
saivannHehe, I'm happy about this, of course05:10
saivannI'm just wondering why all computers freeze here, maybe that's a regional specific bug? :)05:10
bdmurrayIf you go to Help -> About there is some, I think, new stuff there05:10
bdmurrayMaybe it is a French thing? ;)05:11
saivannbdmurray : could have be the problem, but my laptop is using english :)05:11
saivannI wonder if I can reproduce it from the LiveCD05:12
bdmurrayThe dailies are still pretty hot off the presses. ;)05:12
saivannhehe, well I'm waiting for the RC05:13
bdmurrayIf all goes well they will be the RC05:14
saivannBTW, each ubuntu release include incredibly huge amount of work, it's like a treasure05:14
JohnPhysanyone in here help manage the inkscape package in ubuntu?05:16
bdmurrayJohnPhys: kees does but I don't think he is around at the moment05:16
keesJohnPhys: hola.  normally I'd be out, but what's up?05:18
JohnPhyskees:  I'm wondering if the fix/patch for Bug #195052 (inkscape not rendering latex in hardy) has any shot at being included in the final release.  The bug was apparently not tagged as affecting ubuntu, though I just changed that.05:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 195052 in inkscape "Latex formula does not work on Ubuntu Hardy" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19505205:20
keesJohnPhys: probably not -- we're very late in the release cycle, but I will read it more closely tomorrow and see if it can be snuck in.05:22
JohnPhyskees:  Thanks for your effort/time.  It looks like it's just a patch against one of those python scripts (eqntexsomething.py), so I think it would be low risk, but you would know better than I.05:23
* greg-g sleeps05:26
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hrlranyone around?  :)09:27
pochuI guess many people09:28
hrlrhey pochu!  Were you able to figure out that Logger problem in Emesene?09:30
pochuhrlr: unfortunately I didn't. Upstream couldn't reproduce it but I could using svn...09:33
pochuI'll look another look at that in the future09:33
hrlrThat's unfortunate.  No errors or anything.09:34
pochuyeah, and I don't know SQL...09:35
pochuhrlr: i've opened the logs for a contact and it's up to the latest word he told me!09:38
pochu5 days ago09:38
pochuhrlr: could you check it?09:38
hrlrAre you running the latest svn?09:39
hrlrpochu: I just tested on the latest svn and I'm still having the same results.09:44
hrlrpochu: The db is being written to but the client can't read.09:44
pochuhrlr: no, the Ubuntu package09:55
pochuthese conversation is five days old though09:56
hrlrno change.09:57
hrlrJust attempted in both svn and the Hardy package09:58
hrlrCleared out the old config as well09:58
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pochuhrlr: even if you close emesene and reopen it?10:05
hrlrI get "No logs were found for xxxxxxxx@hotmail.com".10:07
pochuhow do you open them?10:08
hrlrI right click on the contact and left click "View Conversation Log".10:11
pochuno idea then... will have to look closer, but not now10:12
pochuthanks for looking10:12
hrlrno problem!  Thanks!  :)10:18
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askan1 The shutdown dialog does not show when pressing the shutdownbutton, is that a known bug?16:14
james_waskan1: it works here, is there anything else that may be relevant?16:15
askan1 james_w: it is compizrelated..it shows with compiz of16:16
james_waskan1: I'm running compiz, you should have a look at your settings.16:17
james_wit may well be a plugin.16:17
askan1james_w: I will, are you using the "extrasettings"16:18
james_wwhat are they?16:18
askan1 james_w: hm..in the desktopeffectsdialog16:18
james_wI'm running custom I think.16:19
james_wdoes anyone know the command to run to get that dialog up?16:20
askan1 james_w: just rightclick your desktop and select to change your wallpaper16:20
james_waskan1: I thought this was an issue with the shutdown dialog16:23
askan1james_w: aa yes misunderstood you16:24
james_wah, ok16:24
bdmurraysaivann: ping16:28
bdmurrayjames_w: Did you say you have compiz running?17:09
james_wbdmurray: yup17:10
bdmurrayDo you have the Cube setup or something else?17:10
james_wyeah, the cube17:11
james_wI can change it if you like17:11
bdmurrayNo, that's great.17:11
bdmurrayIf I hold Ctrl+Alt and try to go to the top of the cube I get logged out of gnome.17:11
james_wyou meam grabbing the desktop?17:13
bdmurrayright, with the pointer17:13
james_whmm, I'm still here...17:13
james_wlet me check another machine17:14
james_wnope, that's fine as well17:14
saivannbdmurray : pong17:48
bdmurraysaivann: are you familiar with bug 150930 at all?  Some said they ran into again, possibly after upgrading their comment is vague and uninformative.17:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 150930 in ubiquity "Black screen, and bad usplash.conf after installation" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15093017:50
saivannbdmurray : Yes I marked so much duplicates of this bug. Let me take a look..17:51
bdmurrayIt isn't clear to me whether or not that bug will be resolved when upgrading.17:52
saivannbdmurray : IMO, it is not fixed when upgrading, especially that since Hardy use xrandr 1.3, it's very tricky for usplash to get values from X to put in /etc/usplash.conf17:55
saivannbdmurray : Commented17:59
bdmurraysaivann: thanks!18:00
saivann;) thanks for finding this out18:02
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jarlathHi. I've never done any bug squashing before, or used launchpad much. Could someone confirm my findings before I change the status of a bug?20:27
jarlathI believe that this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/21882020:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218820 in ubuntu "8.04 fails to boot with kernel 2.6.24-15 or 2.6.24-16" [Undecided,New]20:27
jarlathis a dupe of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/21635320:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 216353 in linux "2.6.24 Kernel boot hangs on disk read ( ldm_validate_partition_table() )" [High,Triaged]20:27
secretlondonas it doesn't affect everybvody you need to check that the hardware is the same20:28
secretlondonor anything else that they might have in common, that other users don't have20:29
secretlondonas it could have more than one cause20:29
bdmurrayalso in bug 216353 they say -14 does not work while they say it does in 21882020:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 216353 in linux "2.6.24 Kernel boot hangs on disk read ( ldm_validate_partition_table() )" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21635320:30
secretlondonit's more obvious with things like "audio doesn't work" that it could have multiple causes20:30
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bdmurraygetting the person in bug 218820 to boot w/o usplash would be quite helpful20:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218820 in ubuntu "8.04 fails to boot with kernel 2.6.24-15 or 2.6.24-16" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21882020:30
jarlathI'll ask. Thanks.20:32
bdmurrayThank you for helping out!20:32
jarlathMy absolute pleasure. Thanks for an amazing OS!20:33
jarlathI'd appreciate some input on this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/21883121:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218831 in ubuntu "Firefox install on Kubuntu 8.04 wants to download 116 MB of archives" [Undecided,New]21:01
jarlathIt seems more like a complaint than a bug?21:01
jarlathAnd if it is to be treated as a bug, whos area is it?21:01
greg-gok, impatient person question: how long does apport usually take to get to a "needs-amd64-retrace" bug?21:02
greg-gjarlath: that actually is a bug, because you shouldn't have to download openoffice to run firefox21:02
greg-gI remember there being some lauguage-pack dependency issues last week or so, I wonder what LiveCD is being used21:03
greg-gI would file it under firefox-3 for now, can always change it later as more information is discovered21:04
bdmurraygreg-g: it is possible for the retracer to hang sometimes, how long has it been?21:06
greg-gbdmurray: hour and 20 minutes ago21:10
greg-gI told you I'm impatient :)21:11
bdmurrayheh, I'll see if anyone w/ the right super powers is around21:11
greg-goh, no worries, i was just wondering if there was some "if it takes longer than X amount of time, contact your representative" :)21:12
jarlathOkay guys, thanks. I'll put it down as affecting Firefox.21:19
bdmurraygreg-g: the retracer is off at the moment21:22
greg-gbdmurray: ahh, thanks for the info.  And really, no rush on anything from my end.21:23
jarlathThe reporter used the command 'apt-get firefox' for this bug to occur, but firefox 3 is what was offered for installation. Would I choose firefox or firefox3 package here?21:24
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bdmurrayIt'd be good to know which Live CD they noticed this with21:27
_max_id like to report what i concider a bug22:56
_max_in the installer (both alternate and regular) there is no way to force gpt label.22:57
_max_i tried booting with the normal installer, entering console, changing to gpt using parted, creating partitions using the gui, and its still gpt all the way until i click [install]22:57
_max_then it changes it back to friggin msdos, and my remaining 4tb are useless22:57
secretlondon_max_, then report it, the bugtracker is launchpad22:58
mrooneyIs there a page describing how to use milestones?23:09
mrooneyie, when it is appropriate to set them?23:10
bdmurraymrooney: this late in the release cycle we are very conservative with them23:16
mrooneybdmurray: that makes sense. Is it then true conversely that it is fair to liberally set Intrepid milestones for bugs that appear as if they should be addressed by then?23:19
mrooneyI was just wondering if there is a page that explains what sorts of bugs are candidates for milestones and then as you addressed when to mark it as such23:20
bdmurrayMilestones are useful for the release manager and the release team and as I understand it they are drafting some guidelines.  However, it might be a wee bit. ;)23:21
mrooneyahh okay, so I should stay away from them for now?23:23
mrooneyand not just for now as in Hardy but, in general23:24
bdmurrayThat sounds safest for now, the list is rather cluttered23:27
SnakeArtHi. I think that there could be a bug in kernel 2.6.22-14-generic which makes unable to create wacom device in /dev/input/ . Is there any way to solve that problem?23:33
secretlondonSnakeArt, we can't take support requests here (they belong on #ubuntu+1). if you think there is a bug please report it on launchpad23:37
SnakeArtsecretlondon: I see, but this channel is my last hope. I need to configure wacom bamboo one on gutsy, but required wacom file in /dev/input/ is missing. If You know anything about that problem, give me a note where to look for it.,please.23:40
secretlondonoh this is gutsy?>23:40
secretlondonwe really can't do support here, this is where we do bug triaging. launchpad answers may be a good place though23:41
SnakeArtsecretlondon: Yes, 2.6.22-14-generic on amd64. I try with launchpad.23:42
bdmurraySnakeArt: The people in ubuntu-x might have more information.  It sounds familiar.23:42
SnakeArtbdmurray: Thank you. I will take a look there,too.23:42
bdmurraymaybe one of these23:43
SnakeArtbdmurray: Thanks again. I will no longer bother You. I'll check your link.23:45
SnakeArtCU all.23:45
bdmurraysecretlondon: Do you think providing some support is okay here or has it caused problems in the past?23:49

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