
seb128pochu: looking for something to do? ;-) the nemiver upstream asked if ubuntu could update to the current version, that should be easy enough, I tried the current debian version and it builds and works correctly on hardy00:10
seb128upgrading to current would be nice, maybe building using libgtkhex and the new libgtksourceviewmm too as debian do now00:11
pochuMaintainer: Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach@ubuntu.com>00:12
pochuoh :)00:12
* pochu looks at it anyway ;-)00:12
seb128anyway, enough for me today00:13
Nafallonight seb128 :-)00:13
pochuyes, good night :)00:14
pochuhi Nafallo00:14
seb128'night guys00:14
Nafallohi pochu :-)00:15
seb128see you tomorrow00:15
Nafalloseb128: sure. come to London :-)00:15
pochucan I go too? :)00:15
seb128Nafallo: see you on IRC rather ;-)00:15
Nafallocan't see why not :-)00:15
seb128I've enough to do without travelling00:15
Nafalloseb128: hehe. wfm :-)00:15
dholbachgood morning06:36
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dejurenguys, anyone aware of what's happening with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtksourceview/+bug/52975 ?07:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 52975 in gtksourceview "gedit freeze when browsing a file" [Medium,Confirmed]07:38
seb128good morning08:20
dejurenseb128: gm. I have a question for you...08:22
dejurenseb128: do you know the status of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtksourceview/+bug/52975 ?08:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 52975 in gtksourceview "gedit freeze when browsing a file" [Medium,Confirmed]08:23
seb128dejuren: nobody seems to be working on this one if that's the question08:25
dejurenseb128: OK, the answer is fair, but the bad news are we may escalate this08:26
dejurenour customer come with this today08:28
dholbachhi seb12808:33
seb128hey dholbach08:34
pittiseb128: btw, did you notice that gnome-screensaver does not accept passwords after resuming from suspend/hibernate? happens on both my boxes, so I don't think it's a local configuration error09:09
pittiseb128: that's something I want to look at next week, unless you know something about that already?09:10
seb128pitti: I didn't notice, maybe ted has an idea he's looking at gnome-screensaver nowadays09:11
seb128hey pochu09:17
pochumorning seb12809:17
pochuseb128: regarding nemiver... that will need a freeze exception and I'm not sure it will be granted.09:18
seb128pochu: I'm granting it09:18
seb128pochu: I'm the one doing the GNOMish exceptions09:18
seb128hate hate xulrunner09:21
pochuseb128: oh, cool then :-)09:22
pittiseb128: xulrunner?09:22
seb128pitti: xul1.9, epiphany keeps crashing on closing09:23
seb128or hanging with no ui displayed09:23
seb128which means clicking on urls just stops working09:23
seb128I'm considering installing xul1.8 and rebuilding epiphany with it09:24
seb128anyway nothing important everybody uses firefox nowadays anyway ;-)09:24
pittior webkit :)09:26
seb128right, that's for next cycle though09:26
crevettethanks for pushing nemiver seb12809:27
seb128hey crevette09:27
pochuhi crevette09:27
crevettehi pochu09:27
seb128pochu: do you think you could work on bug #153572 too?09:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 153572 in gthumb "Merge 2.10.8-1 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15357209:29
pochuseb128: yes. I'll do that today09:32
seb128pochu: thanks!09:33
pochuor I could get Tormod working on it... "Personally, if I knew, I would have worked on this earlier, but now with Hardy frozen, I am not gonna do that merge if I am not sure my work will be accepted into Hardy."09:34
seb128either way having the update available today would be nice so it can still be considered for hardy09:36
pochuseb128: there's nemiver 0.5.2 upstream (debian has 0.5.1), I'll update to that one too which fixes an infinite loop09:43
seb128pochu: right, thanks09:43
* ajmitch is saddened to hear seb128 say that epiphany is having problems09:53
seb128ajmitch: it's not that bad, mainly crashing when closing09:54
seb128I guess I'm the only one opening and closing it all the time rather than adding tabs09:54
* ajmitch tends to leave it open for a few weeks if possible09:56
* Amaranth tends to use firefox ;)09:58
Amaranthmvo: crap, i completely forgot to commit that rotate bug fix10:16
Amaranthdone now10:16
mvoAmaranth: cool, thanks10:17
Amaranthi was waiting to see if a fix for the a11y stuff would come and then forgot the whole thing10:18
mvoit seems like the a11y stuff is settled now, but its a bit more than the initial small patch (orca changed are needed as well, right?) - do you think its still feasible to try it for 8.04 ? or is 8.04.1 better?10:21
mvoI guess we should put it into the compiz ppa10:21
pochuseb128: could you ACK bug 215146?10:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 215146 in nemiver "[hardy] nemiver needs a version boost" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21514610:21
seb128pochu: just upload10:22
pochuok, uploading10:23
Amaranthmvo: i don't think the a11y stuff should go into hardy at all at this point10:26
Amaranthmaybe 8.04.1 but only if it really works, last i heard it didn't read the first title when you hit alt-tab10:27
seb128pitti: ^ nemiver in universe got freeze exception approval if you want to accept the new version just uploaded10:27
pittiseb128: done10:28
seb128thanks pochu too ;-)10:29
pochuno probs :)10:29
mvoAmaranth: ok, oh well, the first patch looked so encouraging (small, straightforward) :)10:29
Amaranthsmall, straightforward, incredibly hacky :)10:29
mvoheh :)10:30
Amaranthfor 8.10 i'm sure we'll have a switcher that actually uses gtk10:30
AmaranthI turned iXce on to the idea but if i thought it had a chance of getting accepted I'd probably do it10:30
* mvo nods10:38
kwwiiseb128: I updated the human theme to include the change for the compiz bug since it seems like it fixes it for everyone13:03
kwwiidholbach: if you want to look into that, I also commited my changes to bzr13:03
kwwiiseb128, dholbach: wait on those changes a bit, I might as well fix it in murrine as well13:33
kwwiierm, forget that comment :p13:34
dholbachkwwii: so the changes are all good now?13:36
kwwiidholbach: yes13:37
dholbachkwwii: can you make it (LP: #99508)?13:38
dholbachonly that way the bug will get closed automatically13:38
kwwiidholbach: yepp, one second13:38
kwwiidholbach: I get that wrong every time I do it :p13:39
kwwiidholbach: should be correct now13:40
dholbachkwwii: thanks a lot13:40
kwwiidholbach: sorry for screwing up, I'll try to remember that in the future13:41
dholbachkwwii: don't worry13:41
dholbachuploaded :)13:41
pochuseb128: how would you feel if I propose a gtk-vnc new upstream release (0.3.4 to 0.3.5)? It's recommended by Jonh (upstream) and fixes some important bugs in vinagre (bug 206227, bug 207205, bug 212504). There's only API additions (no API removals), and soren has told me he's ok as long as it doesn't break his libvirt stuff. Do you think we should try to get it in or is it too risky?13:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207205 in gtk-vnc "vinagre crashed with SIGSEGV in memcpy()" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20720513:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 212504 in gtk-vnc "vinagre gets colors wrong viewing macosx desktop on powerpc machine" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21250413:53
pochubug 20622713:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 206227 in gtk-vnc "vinagre fails to connect" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20622713:54
seb128pochu: ask pitti maybe, it's not really high risk since that's only vinagre which is using it on the CD, but hardy-updates would be alright too13:54
pochupitti: ^ :)13:55
pochusadly i didn't notice that was released on April 6th...13:55
pochulunch, bbl13:56
mpt"Your laptop will not sleep when you shut the lid because a running program has prevented this."14:34
mptgnome-power-manager is just too damn chatty14:34
andreasnis that new in 2,22?14:39
mptI don't know, but it might be, because I don't see any Google results for the phrase :-)14:54
jcastrompt: I've noticed the desktop in general getting too chatty with notifications lately.15:22
jcastrompt: I think it would be a good idea to review notifications during UDS or something15:22
mptjcastro, register it and propose it :-)15:25
jcastrogood idea15:26
mvoasac: do you have a opinion on #185209 ? is this something we need to milestone?15:29
seb128bug #18520915:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185209 in network-manager "[hardy] Manually Configuring Network Causes Massive, Unreversable, Failure" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18520915:29
andreasnjcastro: speaking of notifications, have you managed to figure out how to actually close banshee when you lose it?15:36
andreasnit keeps existing in the notification area and keep on playing15:36
andreasnin 1.0 alpha 3 that is15:37
jcastroandreasn: that's a design decision15:38
jcastroand then it tells you "Banshee hasn't quit, click here" in a notification on top of that.15:39
andreasnthat's just the first time, right?15:39
andreasnhum, it is kind of weird...15:41
andreasnbut it's not that big of a issue, I just recall it was possible to disable it when it was a plugin/extension and wondered if it had moved somewhere else15:42
seb128use rhythmbox rather ;-)15:42
jcastroeveryone abuses the notification area. :(15:43
andreasnrmbox is just as icky when it comes to doing weird stuff in the notification area15:43
andreasnbut thanks anyway :)15:43
andreasnmpt: http://blogs.gnome.org/hughsie/2008/04/17/223/ <- something for you?16:17
kwwiiseb128: is it too late to update the gdm theme package?17:04
seb128kwwii: ask pitti, I'm not doing approvals and I'm not sure what they will approve between rc and hardy17:07
crevettehey guys, form me f-sport crashes each time I want to close it; do you have the same issue ?17:17
seb128crevette: yes17:18
seb128crevette: bug #19949617:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199496 in gtk-sharp2 "Tomboy.exe crashed with SIGSEGV in exit()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19949617:18
seb128(wrongly closed)17:18
crevetteah okay17:19
seb128slomo did upload a fix but that's not enough17:19
seb128you are welcome17:19
crevetteI'm in the process to upload 40MB of backtrace17:19
seb128due to that one?17:19
crevettehey no photo apps is trigered when my camera is used in MTP mode17:24
crevettepr 17 18:16:21 mushroom kernel: [  556.338025] f-spot[6630]: segfault at b6aca490 eip b6aca490 esp bfcbad8c error 417:25
crevetteah at least it tries17:25
mptandreasn, commented (awaiting moderation)17:27
seb128crevette: g-v-m should be used again since this week, did you update yesterday or today?17:28
crevetteit's not   problem I switched back to USB17:28
seb128see you later17:39
andreasnmpt: thanks!17:56
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slomopedro_: ok, which is the new bugreport for the gtk#-crash-on-exit? :)18:54
slomopedro_: i have the real fix now18:54
pochubug #19949618:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199496 in gtk-sharp2 "Tomboy.exe crashed with SIGSEGV in exit()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19949618:55
pochuhey slomo :)18:55
slomohi :)18:55
slomopochu: where can i upload this? directly to main or what's the current status of things?18:56
pochuslomo: yes, to main, but it will need approval from ubuntu-release (e.g. pitti or slangasek)19:04
pochuslomo: you can upload it, the queue is on manual right now19:04
=== Ari_ is now known as Ari-x

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