
raboofsay some package (alsa-plugins) wants to be in main, but also has some dependencies in universe (libjack)00:14
raboofas I understand, the common solution is to make the alsa-plugins source package provide 2 binary packages: 1 for in main (which depends on jack), 1 for in universe (which doesn't depend on jack)00:14
TheMusoraboof: Its not that easy.00:14
TheMusoraboof: Jack's source has to be in main also.00:15
slangasekspecifically, alsa-plugins source has to be in main, and it probably build-depends on libjack-dev, so libjack-dev has to be in main, so jack source has to be in main00:15
rabooflast time I was here I was told that it's okay for source packages in main to have build dependencies in universe, as long as the binary packages that go into main depend only on binary packages in main00:15
raboofthat's not right then?00:16
slangasekit's not, no00:16
slangasekI'm afraid whoever told you that was mistaken00:16
raboof(or I misunderstood him, but I believe it was quite explicit ;) )00:17
cjwatsonyeah, that sounds like somebody being quite confused00:17
cjwatsonI can understand why they came to that conclusion, but it isn't correct; when packages in main are built, they're given an /etc/apt/sources.list in the build chroot that contains only main00:17
cjwatsonnow, it *is* possible for a source package in main to build binary packages in universe00:18
cjwatsonprovided that it doesn't need any build-dependencies over and above what's in main to do so00:18
cjwatsonsometimes this does make sense and does happen00:18
raboofso if I want to have an alsa-plugin-jack, I should lobby for the jack-audio-connection-kit being included back into main00:19
raboof(which may or may not be easier by proposing that the resulting jack binary packages still go to universe)00:20
_MMA_raboof: I was there for that chat and cjwatson is correct.00:20
_MMA_raboof: I will hopefully be able to get JACK back in Main for Intrepid to help with packages like you are asking for.00:21
cjwatsonraboof: at least one of the binary packages would have to go in main - can't have a source package in main that builds *only* binary packages in universe and nothing else00:22
cjwatsonif nothing else, build-dependencies are declared on binary packages, not on source packages00:22
_MMA_raboof: Work will be needed on this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportJACK Please add anything you can.00:22
raboofcjwatson: uh, yeah, right :)00:23
raboofobviously :)00:23
raboof_MMA_: what's Intrepid? what are you doing to get jack back in main?00:24
raboofwhere should I look for information as to why jack was demoted from main? I guess we need to fix whatever cause that before proposing to put jack back in main :)00:25
_MMA_raboof: Don't worry then. I'll be working on it.00:25
ograraboof, intrepid == 8.1000:26
raboofah, right :)00:26
cjwatsonAFAIK jack-audio-connection-kit has never been in main00:26
cjwatsonexcept perhaps in very early releases00:26
TheMusoYeah it was in main very early on.00:26
cjwatsonyou may find some early changelogs that refer to it00:26
cjwatsonbut it's before we kept track of things in any other way00:27
ograthe alsa thing needs sorting though ... we should ask upstream if the source of th plugins could be separated00:27
krux0is it possible to grep two words simultaneously?00:30
TheMusokrux0: If you mean one word after another, then grep "words here" would work. So just put them in quotes.00:30
cjwatsonor grep oneword | grep otherword00:31
krux0two seperate words ....im looking for two diff words coming from a pipe i want it to filter both and show me the lines containing them00:31
cjwatsonor egrep 'oneword|otherword'00:31
cjwatsondepending on whether you want AND or OR00:32
krux0i got it... this doesn't make sense to me but: grep 'foo|bar|baz' seems to filter foo, bar and baz. I thought '|' was "or" when it came to logic00:36
krux0for grep it seems to be used as AND00:37
cjwatsonyou're thinking of it wrongly00:37
cjwatsonthat pattern matches any string that matches any of 'foo', 'bar', or 'baz'00:37
cjwatsonand therefore returns all lines containing 'foo', all lines containing 'bar', and all lines containing 'baz' - but the pattern matching is the level at which the OR-ness applies00:38
Caesarslangasek: do you have any thoughts on #215904 ?00:40
slangasekCaesar: well, "eew" comes to mind00:42
slangasekCaesar: backtrace would help00:42
Caesarslangasek: there's more info in the related Debian bug00:47
CaesarWe're working on a backtrace at the moment, it's currently a bit non-deterministic00:47
slangasekCaesar: hmm.  would help if that bug were actually assigned to the openldap2.3 package in Debian, I think00:47
slangasekah, looks like there is a backtrace00:48
slangasekis NTLM a common denominator here?00:48
Caesarslangasek: we don't use NTLM00:48
Caesarat least we shouldn't be00:48
CaesarWhere would that be coming into play?00:49
slangasekdunno - it shows up in that evolution-exchange backtrace, so it could've been some NTLM-specific breakage00:49
slangasekOTOH, the two assertions could be completely unrelated bugs00:49
Caesarslangasek: I mean how can I check we're not accidentally using it here? Is that a PAM thing or an NSS thing?00:49
slangasekprobably a SASL config thing00:50
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slangasekasac: is 195013 still applicable to firefox, or do we have the necessary langpacks in the archive now?02:13
ograslangasek, 3am here ... he's probably asleep ... but there was a lot discussion in here about ff and langs today02:16
slangasekogra: yes, I'm anticipating a delayed response :-)02:16
slangasekI'm asking because this bug is currently listed as a caveat on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/RC, so wanted to check that it still applies02:17
ograhmm, since when is my shell command history written inside of chroots ...02:21
Caesarogra: when you bind mount your home directory in there?02:24
mathiazslangasek: are you planning to rebuild the ubuntu-server iso for rc ?02:24
ScottKmathiaz: Earlier he said not.02:24
slangasekmathiaz: no, TTBOMK the one that's there is already viable; do you know anything to the contrary?02:25
ograCaesar, no, as root in / of the chroot ...02:26
ograi suddenly can browse a command histroy even if i exit and re-enter ... i'm pretty sure that wasnt the case before02:26
ograthats just evil02:29
ograroot@ceron:/# ls -al home/02:29
ogratotal 402:29
ogradrwxr-xr-x  3 root root   17 Apr 17 00:33 .02:29
ogradrwxr-xr-x 20 root root 4096 Apr 17 01:24 ..02:29
ogradrwxr-xr-x  3 root root   40 Apr 17 01:26 ogra02:29
ograthats a fresh chroot, i definately didnt create a user or homedir for ogra02:30
slangasekand you're sure it's not bind-mounted?02:31
ogradid chroot change or is that a sudo vs environment fallout ?02:31
ograthere is nothing that wuld bnd mount it02:32
ograand i re-checked as well02:32
ograit created /home/ogra/.bash_history02:32
slangaseksuperm1: I see you've milestoned bug #218262 and uploaded a new mythbuntu-diskless; are you wanting this in advance of RC?02:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218262 in mythbuntu-diskless "various failures in mythbuntu-diskless-client-builder.postinst on alt disk" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21826202:32
superm1slangasek, yes laga needs it for the alt disk02:32
ogra... which contains all my root commands i just executed ... phew, thats weird02:33
slangaseksuperm1: ok, accepted; if one of you happen to be in a position to watch for the binaries to be installed, I can reroll the alternates02:34
slangaseksigh, who came up with the brilliant idea to bind shift-ctrl-w to 'close terminal', anyway02:35
superm1slangasek, yeahc providing its made before i go to bed, i can check02:35
superm1and laga will be up right about when i go to bed02:35
slangaseksuperm1: hmm, unless you're on a weird virtual timezone right now, shouldn't take nearly that long to get built :)02:35
superm1still CST, just wasn't sure if we were behind some other stuff in  the queue02:36
slangasekqueue should be rather desolate right now02:36
superm1ok i'll keep an eye then02:37
cjwatsonogra: HOME is probably still set to /home/ogra despite sudo chroot02:43
ogracjwatson, well, it was as well in gutsy or some weeks ago when i last time did manual work inside chroots but it never bothered to create a homedir or .bash_history until now02:48
ograi usually delete /root/.bash_history at the end of my work if i do something manual in a chroot i want to squash up02:49
ograthats why i noticed it first place02:50
sykeI attached my lspci output to bug 19755802:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197558 in linux "ssb module breaks BCM4328 with ndiswrapper (regression from 2.6.24-10)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19755802:51
* _MMA_ is trying to cope with that ATM as well. :P02:54
* _MMA_ just says F-it and buys this: http://cgi.ebay.com/New-Intel-Pro-Wireless-2200-Mini-PCI-802-11g-MiniPCI-I1_W0QQitemZ200214729388QQihZ010QQcategoryZ101281QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem02:58
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superm1slangasek, laga, the binary for mythbuntu-diskless ended up clearing an hour ago if you can re-roll the mythbuntu alt disk04:02
ion_asac: Does it actually look like we might get nspluginwrapper for x86 for hardy?04:04
JohnPhysApologies if this is not the correct channel, but is it still possible for the fix to Bug #195052 to be included in hardy even though it's in final freeze?  As far as I can tell, the patch only affects the latex rendering effect in inkscape (which is currently broken), so I think it would be a low-risk patch.05:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 195052 in inkscape "Latex formula does not work on Ubuntu Hardy" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19505205:02
ScottKJohnPhys: That's not actually even a bug against the Ubuntu package right now, so I'd say the odds are very low.05:06
* ScottK gives bad news and heads off to bed ...05:07
ScottKIt's filed against upstream and in Fedora, but not here.05:07
JohnPhysScottK:  thanks for the info, how does one file it against hte ubuntu package?  File a new bug and mark as a duplicate of that one?05:07
ScottKNo.  Use also affects (IIRC).05:08
* ScottK really goes to bed ...05:08
JohnPhysok, thank you05:08
slangaseksuperm1: mythbuntu alternate rebuilding05:18
bdmurrayslangasek: somebody brought up bug 195929 to me05:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 195929 in gtk2-engines-murrine "Cosmetic bug: rectangular white outline surrounding rounded buttons" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19592905:38
bdmurrayslangasek: it's fixed upstream and has a small patch afaict05:39
slangasekhmm, "fix committed" is wrong here, yes?05:40
bdmurrayI think for that task it might be right05:40
bdmurraysee comment 505:41
ScottKslangasek: Not according to the Launchpad developers who decide all this stuff.  If it's anywhere publically available, it's Fix committed according to them.05:41
slangasekthere's no Ubuntu bzr branch for that package though05:41
slangasekScottK: ... erm05:41
slangasekok, would be nice if that were applied consistently then05:41
* ScottK recalls a long Launchpad blog post last year where it was explained how we were using the system wrong.05:42
slangasekScottK: well, it seems counterproductive to me to label distro-specific tasks as 'fix committed' when we have the capability of opening upstream tasks separately05:42
bdmurrayslangasek: Where did you hear about Fix Committed = Ubuntu bzr branch?05:43
slangasekbdmurray: I am intrigued that the fix appears to involve /dropping/ a firefox workaround from the theme05:43
ScottKslangasek: I agree, but since I'm not a LP developer, clearly I don't know how to use the system properly.05:43
slangasekbdmurray: either on IRC, or picked up by osmosis through how I've seen LP used05:43
bdmurrayslangasek: Okay, I'm back to it shouldn't be Fix Committed since it isn't an upstream task05:44
ScottKhttp://news.launchpad.net/general/of-bugs-and-statuses - OK, it's not quite a broad as I'd remembered.05:45
ScottKslangasek: ^^^ supports your position.05:45
* ScottK goes to bed.05:46
LaserJockI was told  Fix Committed = fixed somewhere05:47
LaserJockI think that's a common #ubuntu-desktop way of doing it05:47
bdmurrayI think it is important to take each task into account when looking at the status.05:47
bdmurrayslangasek: I think that fix was for Firefox 2 but I'm not certain05:48
LaserJockbdmurray: what do you think Fix Committed should be used for?05:48
slangasekbdmurray: yes, that's what I gather from the bug log.  anyway, it looks suitable to me for a post-RC fix, but needs someone (not me) to take on doing the actual upload05:49
bdmurrayLaserJock: If it is about an Ubuntu package then fix committed to that package, not upstream.  If the bug is upstream there should be an upstream task / affects line reflecting that.05:50
LaserJockbdmurray: but my concern that it is misleading to have the Ubuntu task as Fix Committed when nothing has been done in Ubuntu05:52
LaserJock*is that05:52
bdmurrayLaserJock: I think we are on the same page here.  I flipped bug 195929 to Triaged and it really should have an upstream task open and that should be Fix Committed.05:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 195929 in firefox "Cosmetic bug: rectangular white outline surrounding rounded buttons" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19592905:53
LaserJockbdmurray: but like the desktop team makes the Ubuntu task Fix Committed if the upstream task is Fix Released, that's what I'm talking about05:54
bdmurrayLaserJock: okay, I haven't seen that personally but will check with them if you like05:55
slangasekLaserJock: hey, btw, bug #215729 - the patch did have a memory leak... :)05:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 215729 in seahorse "Seahorse fails to import keys" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21572905:56
LaserJockbdmurray: well, I don't care too much. I just find a lot of inconsistency on what statuses are used for05:56
LaserJockbdmurray: like the great Incomplete debate05:56
LaserJockslangasek: darn, I had a suspicion05:57
slangasekLaserJock: fixed patch is in the bug now, if you're interested in comparing05:57
slangasekbut from your valgrind output, this probably isn't the /only/ memory leak either... :)05:57
ScottKWell I've seen firefox bugs flipped to In Progress because they'd been REPORTED upstream.05:58
ScottKWho knows.05:58
slangasekheh, twitch05:59
LaserJockslangasek: yeah, I noticed from my valgrind input a slight increase in leaked memory, but I didn't know if that was due to the patch or just random leakage05:59
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Hobbseeslangasek: you should really make sure, at UDS, that you have a debate with kiko, and mdz, and anyone else interested, on hwo to use launchpad statuses.  It's very enlightening.06:16
slangasekhmm :)06:23
Mirvin case there are any ppc folks around, openoffice.org-voikko would need a binary-only upload. bug #218503.06:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218503 in openoffice.org-voikko "[hardy] openoffice.org-voikko has unmet dependencies on PowerPC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21850306:24
Mirvrebuild, that is06:24
StevenKIt may just need a giveback06:24
LaserJockHobbsee: hmm, did we do that in Sevilla?06:25
HobbseeLaserJock: i certainly did.  I think you were there too.06:25
HobbseeLaserJock: it was over lunch - far left hand corner of the room, looking from the lifts.  Same day as the sign next to a plate of meat saying "not vegitarian"06:26
LaserJockyeah, I vaguely remember a lunch06:26
* Hobbsee recalls going "yeah, ah, no shit!"06:26
LaserJocknot nearly as bad as Paris06:26
LaserJockI remember people wondering why all the "Vegitarian" cards at dinner had a pig on them06:27
LaserJockand Jeff Bailey sending his plate back I think 3 times to get something vegan06:28
LaserJock"no, mash potatoes with bacon is not vegan"06:28
* slangasek grins. Dining in a foreign country with Jeff is fun.06:30
slangasekvegan food at DebConf 4 in Brazil:  oh, rice and beans, that should work, except you put *ham* in it, good job.06:31
LaserJockyeah, you gotta watch the beans06:32
dholbachgood morning06:36
emgentoops, loop :P06:37
Hobbseemorning dholbach06:37
dholbachhi Hobbsee, hey emgent06:37
LaserJockhi dholbach06:38
dholbachhiya LaserJock06:38
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emgentdholbach: When you have time see query, Thanks.07:01
superm1slangasek, the resultant build should have been 20080417 right?  It looks like the old udeb was still used?  That's weird - it was available from a.u.c at the time i mentioned it to you...07:20
slangaseksuperm1: hmmmm. well, I confess that I didn't double-check that before triggering the build07:23
slangasekshould I try again?07:23
superm1yeah I guess.07:23
superm10.8 of another of the debs is definitely showing up from apt-cache policy07:24
superm1so i assume the udeb should have been there too07:24
slangasekoh, this is in universe, grrrrr07:24
superm1is that the problem?07:24
slangasekthe mirror syncing stuff fails royally for the derivs that build out of universe07:24
superm1so it needs manual prodding or what not?07:25
superm1that is rather annoying.  sorry :S07:25
slangasekah, heh, this is a nice bug07:28
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slangasek... where by "nice" I mean "oh argh, I need to rebuild the ubuntu and kubuntu dailies as well"07:30
superm1they shouldn't be touching anything in universe though should they?07:32
superm1oh, so unrelated bug that will require their rebuildings07:33
slangasekit turns out there's a bug in build-image-set wrt mirror handling that one can trigger quite nicely if one, er, hard-kills some previous daily builds07:33
slangasekwhich affected all of the above07:33
superm1oh well it sounds like that bug is there just for entertainment value then07:34
slangasekit's a "surely no one with access to this would be mad enough to force-kill a daily job and break this semaphore, nope"07:35
slangasek... bug07:36
superm1you can't just reset the semaphore?07:36
slangaseknow that I've noticed it's there, absolutely ;)07:36
superm1ah the joys of file locking and data sharing07:38
dholbachcould it be that 20080417 is broken?07:39
slangasekdholbach: yes, the whole day is broken, I confirm this ;)07:39
dholbachamd64-alternate in this case - it's sitting at "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place"07:39
slangasekmmm, that's news to me07:40
slangasekI've just rerolled 20080417.1 anyway, can you rsync that and give it a try?07:40
dholbachslangasek: will do07:40
slangasek/shouldn't/ be any changes that affect this, but then, that shouldn't have been broken in the first place :P07:41
munckfishIf I have 256mb of RAM how much memory should I expect to see reported by "free -m" on the hardy live CD?07:42
munckfishcurrently it reports 86mb07:42
slangasekmunckfish: "little enough that you can't run ubiquity"07:43
slangaseksuperm1: so thanks for pointing this out, that could've been quite messy otherwise :)07:44
munckfishso that sounds about right?07:44
slangasekmunckfish: honestly, I don't know, I just know that 256 isn't enough to run the installer to completion07:45
superm1slangasek, no prob.  will ours be behind the other dailies, in parallel, or who'es up next then?  (I'm debating bed now or wait/test)07:45
munckfishslangasek: thx07:45
slangaseksuperm1: behind; the whole series will only take another 10 minutes to finish though07:46
superm1alright, i'll stick around then07:46
munckfishha kernel just killed bash out from under me :D just as I was about to try and enable swap! haha. PS3 needs more memory07:52
superm1munckfish, if you aren't booted into only-ubiquity mode, i would recommend doing so on the ps307:53
Ngeven in gutsy you have to kill a lot of stuff so ubiquity will run to completion on a ps307:55
munckfishwell, I'm trying to debug and X crash07:55
munckfishbut also having only 1 PS3 I'm trying to keep my stable gutsy install07:56
munckfisharound till I'm sure I won't need to rebuild things on it again07:56
munckfish*an X crash07:56
munckfishdoesn't seem to have any swap setup auto, I'm trying to mount that now, see if that eases things07:57
munckfishAlt+SysRq+e just took me down to a shell again luckily07:57
TheMusomunckfish: Is it true that you can only use 10GB for Linux?07:59
munckfishTheMuso: you can either use 10GB for linux or 10GB for sony08:00
munckfishyou take your pick08:00
munckfishbut no custom partition sizes08:00
superm1but external hard drives are still usable08:00
superm1for storing stuff08:00
munckfishoh sure08:00
munckfishwhat's the correct way to re init the normal run level?08:01
munckfishNow I've added swap I want to fake a restart (cause I don't have time for a real restart)08:01
munckfish(work time is looming)08:02
slangaseksuperm1: mythbuntu 20080417.1 done, should be visible from cdimage shortly if it's not already there08:02
pittiGood morning08:02
* slangasek waves to pitti08:02
StevenKMorning pitti08:02
pittiCD testing o'clock, I suppose?08:02
davmor2slangasek: how are all the iso's doing?08:04
slangasekdavmor2: well, aside from having to do a last-minute respin of the alternates and DVDs because the last batch built from an out-of-date mirror, pretty good08:05
slangasekand the alternates are all updated again anyway, with the DVDs to follow shortly08:05
davmor2slangasek: cool :) downloading :)08:06
superm1hey laga08:09
superm1new alternate just finished generating with that udeb08:09
dholbachslangasek: 20080417.1 looks better08:38
slangasekdholbach: ah, good, then I can pretend the failure never happened and ask no questions ;)08:41
pittiargh, the current ubiquity TZ selector got much worse than the one from beta08:48
pittievand: ^ is that still considered a bug, or is the current one considered 'final'?08:48
slangasekdefine "worse"?08:48
pittiit's utterly hard to pick a city, since the moment you move the cursor, the map slides away under you08:49
stgraberit should only slide when your mouse hit one a corner IIRC08:49
slangasekthat's what I understood was /supposed/ to be going on08:51
seb128didn't try today's image yet, but on the 20080415 image the tz selector was not usuable for me, it zoomed on the wrong region and scrolled in a non correct way08:52
* slangasek tests, and gets sane behavior from the package in the archive...08:54
slangasekpitti: which image?08:54
pittislangasek: amd64 desktop Ubuntu08:54
pittitesting i386 desktop now08:54
slangasekpitti: image date?08:55
pitticjwatson: hm, bug 218549 looks like a recent (small) regression08:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218549 in rescue "Choosing "Reboot" in rescue menu jumps to main menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21854908:58
asacion_: no ... that was a typo ... i ment intrepid09:04
ion_asac: Alright09:07
pochusoren: hi. I'd appreciate your input in bug 206227 when you have some time. thanks09:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 206227 in gtk-vnc "vinagre fails to connect" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20622709:17
calchow can you determine which entry in ~/.ssh/known_hosts to delete for an ip?09:17
calci thought it used to stick the ip address in that file09:17
sorencalc: ssh-keygen -F09:17
sorencalc: It's hashed now a days.09:18
sorenWEll, actually.09:18
calcah ok09:18
sorencalc: ssh-keygen -R host_to_remove09:18
soren-F just finds it.09:18
calcsoren: thanks! :)09:21
lagacjwatson: i've just tried today's daily for mythbuntu and the tasks still don't work. i get "task mythbuntu-frontend not found", for example. here's the diff i committed last night: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/ubuntu-seeds/mythbuntu.hardy/revision/110509:22
pittievand, slangasek: it seems that, depending on whether I boot at an even or odd second, the scroll area of the TZ widget changes; last boot I had something like a 20 pixel border, now almost all of the widget triggers scrolling09:31
pochuAnyone knows if Tormod Volden is on IRC?09:37
stgraberpochu: he isn't09:38
stgraberpochu: his nick is "tormod"09:38
pochustgraber: ok, thanks09:39
pochustgraber: congratulations for your Europe Council membership :)09:39
stgraberpochu: thanks09:39
pittiScottK, Hobbsee: does Jani have motu-release delegated power for xubuntu? (bug 217697 and bug 217702 have no ack, but are in unapproved)09:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 217697 in sugar-chat-activity "Please include Chat-35" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21769709:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 217702 in sugar-read-activity "Please include Read-45" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21770209:43
Hobbseepitti: erm.  unsure.  i *think* so09:43
* Hobbsee checks the mail09:44
Hobbseepitti: cody-somerville does, not jani09:45
pittiHobbsee: ok, thanks; I'll sub m-r and ask09:45
Hobbseebug 21813309:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218133 in sun-java6 "UVF exception for hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21813309:48
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Tonio_anyone here using a macbook ?09:54
Tonio_my battery monitor stopped working a few days ago (2 or 3)....09:54
Tonio_I tried installing old hal-info package but that didn't help....09:54
Tonio_is that known problem or should I report the bug ?09:54
Tonio_hum right that bug 21507409:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 215074 in linux "macbook battery info not readable, appears empty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21507409:55
davmor2mvo: Dapper -> Hardy with all the lang pack went fine.  :)  However,  I found another minor bug.   I changed the backdrop in Dapper to the ubuntu tree.  Once the system upgrade had finished I just had a black (or maybe dark brown) Backdrop.  I know it's a right click to change it but I thought I'd let you know.09:57
mvodavmor2: no picture in the background anymore, just a dark color?09:59
davmor2mvo: basically yes.  You don't get the heron just darkness.  I think it maybe that I changed from the default background and it isn't in hardy so there was nothing to display10:00
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davmor2mvo: I asked heno just to double check if he gets chance10:02
mvodavmor2: is that in a VM or on real HW? (just curious, may not be releated to the problem)10:02
davmor2mvo: I only really test on real hardware :)10:03
henoI'm starting a test soon, just need to install some more random packages10:03
sorenCould a release team member please give kvm a gentle nudge through the unapproved queue?10:09
davmor2mvo: do you need anything off this system before I drop XP on for wubi tests?10:13
mvodavmor2: is it running compiz when you see the black background?10:15
mvodavmor2: what happens if you restart metacity (metacity --replace) ?10:16
pittiasac: m-f-locale-all> IMHO the depends should be language-pack-CURLANG, not language-support; mind if I reject this and you fix that?10:22
davmor2mvo: still black#10:22
asacpitti: it was that way before10:22
asaci just try to cure things right now10:22
pittiasac: ah, wait; seems I misinterpreted the idea of the chagne10:23
asacpitti:  i didn't change anything ... only the order10:23
pittiasac: those are not supposed to become transitional packages for language-pack for ffox 310:23
pittibut meant to be used for ffox210:23
asacpitti: the bug is that when you upgrade from gutsy with langpacks you automatically get ffox 210:23
pittimakes sense then10:23
asacthats because of the order10:23
asac(i hope) :)10:24
pittiwell, if you already have l-support-XX installed, it shouldn't matter10:24
pittisince the | is satisfied10:24
asacpitti: i think after the upgrade they should be autoremovable in best case10:24
asacpitti: it mattered10:24
asacpitti: at least it was in the log10:24
pittiif you don't have it installed (because you don't want it), then now you'll get l-support instead of ffox210:24
asacdavmor2: ^^10:25
pittiso, not sure what is better10:25
asacdidn't you install the complete language suppor thing when testing?10:25
asacdavmor2: ?10:25
davmor2asac: last nights that completed this morning yes only FF3 is now installed :)10:26
asacdavmor2: my question is if you installed the complete language support when testing10:26
asacdavmor2: or just the locale- packages?10:26
davmor2asac I used sudo apt-get install language*10:27
asacdavmor2: what is language?10:27
asacdavmor2: please give me a concrete example ;)10:28
asacpitti: oh it was accepted now ;/10:30
asacpitti: roll back?10:30
pittiasac: what was accepted?10:30
asacpitti: the package ;)10:30
pittiasac: firefox-locale? ugh, wasn't me10:30
asac-> -release10:31
davmor2asac: that is enough to install all the language package in the ubuntu repos.  All the packages in dapper start language-pack-"whatever language"(-base)10:31
asacmaybe we should have this conversation there :)10:31
pittiasac: well, I don't mind much, it's fine10:31
asacpitti: ^^10:31
Mirvat least currently there's a problem that if one opens language support in hardy after upgrade, the application recommends installing mozilla-firefox-en-gb and mozilla-firefox-locale-my-locale. dunno if it's a problem of the tool or package dependencies?10:31
asacpitti: he had the language stuff installed  ... and got ffox 2 still10:31
pittiasac: davmor2 only mentioned having -pack installed; davmor2, please confirm?10:32
asacok ... lets better not get distracted by this now ;) ... i have a ffox security update to do while we are releasing :)10:33
davmor2pitti: language* pulls in the packs and the base and any files as dependancies10:33
pittidavmor2: I mean, you did not have language-support-XX installed10:33
pittidavmor2: otherwise this wouldn't have happened, since teh alternate dependency would have been satisfied10:33
davmor2pitti: hang on10:34
davmor2pitti: yes all the support too10:34
pittithat would be a bug in apt then, but I cannot believe that we wouldn't have noticed that until now10:35
davmor2pitti: anything with language at the beginning10:35
asacdavmor2: what was the bug id again? :)10:36
asacwe have all the logs in there10:36
asacmaybe we should open an apt bug for that until we know for sure10:36
davmor2bug 21787610:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 217876 in ubuntu "Firefox 2 remains in gusty -> hardy upgrade when lang-packs are installed" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21787610:37
davmor2asac is that the right one?10:38
davmor2that was the one done with 3 or 4 language packs if memory serves10:39
davmor2asac: pitti: do you want me to upload my latest logs before I kill it?10:40
pittidavmor2: sure, would be nice to have them on the bug, just as a reference10:40
pittidavmor2: thank you!10:40
davmor2pitti: uploading10:44
dholbachdoes anybody get "Could not stat /dev/sda1 --- No such file or directory" using ubiquity (use whole disk)?10:45
dholbachall I have here is /dev/sda{,5,7}10:46
davmor2pitti: logs are up now10:46
davmor2killing it now :)10:47
mvopitti: what is the right way to reload the policykit config after a upgrade?10:48
pittimvo: hm, I don't think you explicitly need to, it should have inotify magic10:50
pittimvo: let me confirm that10:50
pittimvo: at least changes to /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf get effective immediately10:50
pitti     - drop /var/lib/PolicyKit/reload and rely on inotify to detect10:51
pitti     changes to10:51
pitti       - /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf10:51
pitti       - Policy files in /usr/share/PolicyKit/policy10:51
pitti       - privileges in /var/lib/PolicyKit and /var/run/PolicyKit10:51
pittimvo: ^ so if it's just those files (which I assume), live is good10:51
seb128mvo: what is the issue?10:52
mvoseb128: still #6345010:52
seb128mvo: walters replied after you closed IRC yesterday btw, he said that doing a dbus reload is not a good idea10:52
mvoit hangs for me on gutsy->hardy10:52
seb128mvo: the old dbus is running and the new config is on disk, and they is no real way to get that working10:53
mvoseb128: we do a dbus force-reload in the hal.postinst10:53
seb128mvo: people should just reboot after upgrade or accept small glitches, there is no real way around it10:54
sjoerdmvo, seb128: dbus reload is jsut a config file reload, not a daemon restart10:56
seb128sjoerd: well, the old dbus doesn't like the new config format apparently10:57
* sjoerd didn't know anything changed in the config format10:57
seb128so maybe that's something else, see current comment on bug #6345010:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 63450 in acpid "acpid install fails (because of hal running)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6345010:57
lagaany chance of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/210748 getting fixed for hardy, btw?10:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 210748 in hal "hal can't upgrade in chroot: polkit-auth call in postinst fails" [Undecided,New]10:58
mvoyeah, I'm currently mostly guessing, but I see the hang pretty consistently10:58
sorenkvm and libvirt in unapproved queue... Could someone please give them a shove? They fix bug 218204, bug 213991, and 1/3 of bug 218574 and possibly others I haven't spotted.10:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218204 in kvm "kvm crash when clicking on pause" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21820410:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 213991 in libvirt "libvirt should allow for 'model' of nic" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21399110:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218574 in virtinst "Virtio devices from libvirt" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21857410:59
* soren -> lunch11:00
cjwatsonsoren: are these fixes release-critical? that would require respinning server CDs at the moment11:00
cjwatsonand the DVD11:00
cjwatsonsoren: otherwise, post-RC11:00
Keybuktkamppeter: hey, you around?11:01
mvosjoerd: if you have a idea about the bug, I'm very open for suggestions, it is posslbe that its a bad ordering of unpack/configure during the upgrade, e.g. that hal is unpacked, but not configured yet when acpid.postinst runs11:02
pittimvo: simple hack would be to add a dependency to acpid?11:03
sjoerdmvo: hmmm, iirc we (=debian and i assume ubuntu) have a patch that prevents hal to open /proc/acpi/event11:03
sjoerdlemme doublecheck11:03
mvopitti: a hal dependency? I'm not sure that people would like that11:03
pittisjoerd: yes, if /usr/sbin/acpid exists we don't open it11:04
sjoerdbut that doesn't help on acpid install ofcourse11:05
* pitti personally blames soren for bug 218583 :-)11:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218583 in linux "KVM oops in kvm_vm_ioctl_get_dirty_log" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21858311:09
* pitti hugs soren11:09
seb128is openoffice supposed to be translated after selecting a language in the language selector?11:11
cjwatsonassuming it then went and downloaded language-support-* ...11:12
seb128it downloaded 15 packages but I didn't look at the detail11:12
seb128let me check11:12
seb128language-support-fr is installed11:13
seb128and openoffice-l10n-fr too11:13
seb128but openoffice is still all english11:13
cjwatsonlaga: I'll look into it, thanks11:15
cjwatsonseb128: you don't need to log out and log back in to get a different $LANG or something?11:15
seb128cjwatson: I did restart the session11:17
seb128cjwatson: I'm looking at how well hardy is french translated11:17
seb128so I usually boot the cd, go to the language selector, select french and restart the session11:18
seb128everything is translated correctly out of openoffice11:19
sorencjwatson: I thought we delayed RC till Friday so that we could actually get more stuff fixed before then?11:19
seb128but I'm not sure how the openoffice translations work11:19
sorenpitti: You know... It's not entirely impossible :)11:20
sorenpitti: Which graphics driver are you using?11:20
sorenpitti: Oh, we already covered that, didn't we? It was cirrus?11:20
pittisoren: cirrus inside, intel outside11:20
sorenIn that case, it's *probably* not my fault. I did some work on the vmwarevga emulation, actually dealing with the dirty page tracking and such, so you had me scared there for a second :)11:21
pittiI got it about four times in a row now, always when doing partitioning11:21
pittisoren: nevermind for now, but I reported it just in case it is useful for someone11:22
pittisoren: since you have the exact same machine, you might get it as well :)11:23
cjwatsonsoren: we delayed it in order to actually be able to test it, since we knew we weren't going to have testable images until last night11:24
cjwatsonsoren: changes at this point will push it out even further11:24
sorencjwatson: Ah, ok.11:25
sorencjwatson: I'm not sure how to respond to the question about whether it's release critical... I think it *is* release critical, but I'm not sure if I think it should delay the RC release.11:26
soren...but your question implied those two things to be equivalent.11:26
cjwatsonsoren: I meant RC-critical, sorry11:29
sorenOh! Yes, that makes more sense. :)11:29
cjwatsonas in, do we need to respin RC-candidate images for this11:29
* cjwatson finally figures out how to make the Edubuntu CD health check mails shut up11:29
pittimvo: argh, we need to drop the mozilla-firefox-locale-* special case from the language selector11:31
pittimvo: I suppose it also has a special case for openoffice-*?11:31
heno*** General ISO testing Ping! *** The images on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/all are on track to be released as RC. Please help test them!11:32
pittimvo: can we please replace this with language-support-translations-*?11:32
henosee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures for details and join #ubuntu-testing to coordinate11:32
pittimvo: I filed that as bug 218588 and assigned that to you; is that ok?11:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218588 in language-selector "use language-support-translations-* instead of special cases" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21858811:35
cjwatsondear Col, pointing rsync at the directory that has a previous copy of the image you want rather than the one that doesn't will probably make it go faster, love Col11:42
pittiogra: sigh, bug 203954 is still there :/11:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203954 in ltsp "amd64 server installation has wrong default dhcpd.conf (s/i386/amd64/)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20395411:49
tkamppeterKeybuk, hi11:57
Keybuktkamppeter: been having some problems with my printer, it just doesn't work under hardy11:58
Keybukbug #21721511:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 217215 in hplip "HP LJ 1018 regression in hardy" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21721511:58
Keybuksomeone on that bug who sounds authorative says we need hplip 2.8.411:58
Keybukis he on upstream "must have latest version or I won't talk to you" syndrome11:59
Keybukor is it genuinely likely to be fixed11:59
ograpitti, yes, on purpose, i onder if i just skip that setp on amd64 in two years of ltsp i met exactly one user who used amd64 clients12:02
mvopitti: I have a look now12:02
pittiogra: well, I think it isn't hard to fix in intrepid12:02
pittiogra: I guess it should be optimized for creating an i386 chroot on an amd64 server12:03
ograpitti, while it would solve the config file change it breaks for all users wanting to use i386 client on amd6412:03
ograpitti, right12:03
ograintrepid will get a network check ad if network is up ltsp-client-builder will offer an i86 root12:03
pittiogra: right, was just going to ask about that; this would be great12:03
ograbut thats nothing for hardy ... i either disable it completely or leave it as is (which means a long standing documented situation)12:04
pittiogra: in hardy it's primarily a documentation issue IMHO12:05
ograin gutsy and feisty as well :)12:05
pittithere's nothing that tells me what to do to create an i386 chroot12:05
ograoh, i read documented :)12:05
pittiwell, I guess with some googleing/forum lookup I'd find out quickly enough12:05
ograwell, i should probably add anoter note to the installer telling you about it12:06
ogragrr ...12:07
ograwhy cant i set values in sysfs from an initscript ?12:07
pittiogra: apt-get install sysfstools12:07
pittiogra: then you can12:07
ograhmm, dont we have that in by default ?12:07
* ogra waits for the cmpc to boot12:08
pittino, we don't12:08
tkamppeterkeybuk, Aaron is from HP and he is watching Ubuntu bug reports on HPLIP.12:20
tkamppeterKeybuk, when he is sure that the shown problem is fixed by 2.8.4, he should send us a patch.12:21
Keybuktkamppeter: though I should probably mention now that I've set the printer up without hplip (direct usb) and it's still breaking on hardy12:23
Keybukany idea on that?12:23
* ogra curses about /sys 12:33
ograamitk, is there any other way to enable the persistence than to echo a 1 to the /sys path ?12:46
ograi seem not to be able to write to that value from an initscript (and sysfsutils doesnt offer me teh value)12:46
ograintrestingly if i cal the script manually after boot all is fine :/12:47
ograprobably someone else has an idea before i waste even more time for a damned three liner  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7278/12:49
TheMusoI noticed earlier that slangasek was talking about somethign to do with issues with mirroring universe bits when previous builds have been failed. He then re-spun mythbuntu disks. I'm just wondering if UbuntuStudio needs the same treatment, if so, if someone could take care of it, that would be much appreciated, thanks.12:49
_MMA_TheMuso: slangasek mentioned that Studio probably wont need to be. I *thought* it was some OO.o issue and therefore won't effect us. But would be best to let him chime in I guess.12:53
TheMuso_MMA_: Ok it can wait then, as I won't have time tonight to test them, well, not if I want a sane amount of sleep.12:53
davmor2evand: PING12:53
TheMusoAfter having a few late nights, I do want that. :p12:53
cjwatson_MMA_: OOo was something else; this bit was due to slangasek killing build processes and forgetting to clean up a bit of debris :)12:55
_MMA_Ahh.... :)12:55
smarterConsoleKit sessions are stopped when DBUS is restarted, this prevent applications from using the "at_console" policies(like changing cpu frequency), I've found this bug with Kubuntu and guidance-power-manager, can someone confirm?12:56
smarterpitti: ^12:58
amitkogra: no other way at the moment. With 2.6.25, persist will become default.12:59
ograamitk, ok, then i'll dig further to get the echo working ...13:00
amitkogra: putting it in rc.local should be enought AFAICT13:02
amitkogra: with a fixed path even, since the USB HDD shouldn't be moving around13:03
ograamitk, well, it seems to not get permission to write while run from the initscript ... though running it through sudo works13:03
ograthe instaler offers to install to any blockdevice it finds ... so i need to catch the whole first bus (where all usb ports can have disks)13:03
ograoh !13:04
ograhmm, it works13:04
* ogra wonders whats wrong with "echo 1 >$file >>/var/log/syslog 2>&1;" vs "echo 1 >$file"13:06
ograoh, hmm13:07
pittismarter: yes, confirmed; dbus restart> just don't do that, please13:07
* ogra blushes 13:07
smarterpitti: dbus is restarted on upgrade, no?13:07
pittismarter: no, since upstream does not support that13:08
smarterokay, thanks13:08
pittidebian does, we don't (since it breaks too much)13:08
ograsmarter, it shows a reboot notification in ubuntu so it gets restarted during next boot ...13:08
ograbut doesnt restart itself13:09
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
mvopitti, sjoerd: could you please check my comments 29 and 30 on bug #63450 - what is your opinion on this?13:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 63450 in acpid "acpid install fails (because of hal running)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6345013:26
sjoerdmvo: i'd say either 1) or have acpi restart hal if it's running13:29
mvosjoerd: trouble is that its not safe to just restart hal - I have a testcase where on upgrade hal is unpacked but not configured yet when acpid.postinst is run. then hal restart hangs forever (for some reason that I don't know)13:30
sjoerdthe ``if it's running'' part is important there :)13:30
sjoerdbut yeah that might be a bit tricky indeed13:30
mvohm, I missed the "is running" bit :) let me check that out13:31
sjoerdmvo: adding a status command to the hal init script would be fine by me btw (like for example postfix has)13:32
hcoalwhen shutting down, Ubuntu doesn't actually switch off at the end, it just stays on the Ubuntu splash screen and I have to switch the PC off by the switch.  Restarting works fine, could this be a power managenet setting in my bios?13:32
hcoalwhoops, wrong channel... sorry.13:34
cody-somervillepitti, What were the bugs requiring an ack?13:37
pitticody-somerville: bug 217697 and bug 21770213:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 217697 in sugar-chat-activity "Please include Chat-35" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21769713:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 217702 in sugar-read-activity "Please include Read-45" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21770213:38
cody-somervilleThats not Xubuntu. Thats Jani's OLPC project.13:39
pittiI sub'ed motu-release, so they should ack it13:39
mvopitti: I attached a patch on bug #218588 could you have a quick look at it?13:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218588 in language-selector "use language-support-translations-* instead of special cases" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21858813:39
pittimvo: will that take care of installing language-support-translations-*? or is that handled anyway by checking the dependencies of language-support-*?13:41
mvopitti: its a hard dependency on langugae-support-$foo - if that one is not instaleld (langauge-support-$foo) then the language is not shown as installed in the langauge-selector gui13:43
pittimvo: ah; but it won't offer you to install missing bits if you have language-pack-*, but not -support? (e. g. you did a networkless install)13:43
mvopitti: I need to double check, but I think in this case l-s considers the language as not installed in its gui13:45
mvopitti: this could be changed of course13:46
pittimvo: otherwise it looks fine to me13:50
pittimvo: 63450> replied in the bug13:51
=== janito_ is now known as Lamego
KeybukMacSlow: #ubuntu-meeting13:59
mvopitti: just checked, it does not tell you about the missing langauge-support-$lang packages. that is trivial to add though if that is what we want. I think in the past the idea behind not showing it was that langauge-support-$lang tended to be pretty huge14:03
pittimvo: right; I think we should leave it like it is for now14:03
pittimvo: well, maybe you should just change the special case for OO.o to l-support-translations-*14:04
* mvo nods14:04
pittimvo: that would keep existing behaviour14:04
pittiand drop the ffox special case14:04
evanddholbach: re could not stat /dev/sda1> that was fixed and uploaded last night, but didn't make it into the RC.14:04
pittimvo: or move firefox to firefox-214:04
pittimvo: ^ even better IMHO14:04
dholbachevand: excellent - I'm happy to hear that - let me know once it has landed and I should test it14:04
stgraberogra: anything in particular you want to be tested for LTSP ? Standard setup boots correctly here14:05
mvopitti: right, that makes sense, same as openoffice.org for thunderbird I assume?14:05
pittimvo: right14:05
dholbachevand: you can mark bug 218578 as a duplicate then14:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218578 in ubiquity "Could not stat /dev/sda1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21857814:05
evandpitti: what's the screen resolution on the machine where you're having trouble with the tz widget?14:06
ograstgraber, well, only the standards should be fine ... play around a bit if you want to and try to break it :)14:06
pittievand: 800x600, and 1280x800 (the latter is slightly better)14:06
stgraberogra: bah, even sound works at first try ... not funny :)14:07
evandpitti: and it moves the widget no matter where the cursor is on the map?14:08
pittievand: the window where it isn't moved is extremely small14:08
seb128the map autozooming thing is really confusing and zoom and unzoom quickly and on wrong place14:08
ograstgraber, gah, file a but "ltsp unbreakable" :P14:09
evandpitti: ok, I can widen that area (and shrink the areas that trigger movement)14:10
pittievand: maybe you can do it relative to the widget size?14:10
stgraberogra: I tried one of those 7-in-1 card reader, and guess what ? It worked ... :) /me goes to LP filing a "LTSP is unbreakable" bug14:10
evandseb128: can you elaborate?  I'm not sure I understand what you mean by zoom and unzoom quickly and on wrong place?14:11
* ogra hugs amitk 14:11
pittievand: the scrolling border is extremely big in those small resolutions14:11
evandpitti: indeed, that's a good idea.  Thanks14:11
seb128evand: well, it zooms at soon as the mouse cursor enter the map area14:11
pittievand: thank you!14:11
ograamitk, all working, the 20080417.1 has the proper modifications (just pushing up to the server)14:11
seb128evand: which means if the cursor enter on the left it zooms on america for example before getting a chance to go to europe14:11
seb128evand: and I tend to move too quickly the mouse on the right to do fast scrolling which makes it unzoom14:12
seb128evand: too quickly = the cursor goes out of the map area14:12
seb128and it unzoom automatically14:12
evandseb128: so a delay on zooming and unzooming would fix the problem for you? (I'm pretty sure the former exists, but perhaps it's not long enough)14:13
seb128evand: the zooming when entering the widget takes one second right, but it zooms wrongly14:14
seb128if I put my cursor over the french area it zooms in a way which doesn't display france at all14:15
seb128evand: and yes, a delay before zooming out would be nice14:15
seb128evand: it's easy to move the cursor too far and to be out of the widget14:16
evandseb128: ok, sounds reasonable.14:16
evandthanks for the input14:16
seb128you are welcome14:17
seb128maybe increase the zoom in delay would be better14:17
seb128I don't manage to go on my area before having the zoom kicking14:17
seb128and since I'm not on target yet it zoom on the wrong location14:18
evandI'll play around with it and try to find a more reasonable value.14:18
seb128maybe that's just me being slow or something if other people have no issue with it though ;-)14:19
mptevand, is it 0.5 seconds at the moment?14:21
* mpt downloads a new daily image to try it14:22
stgraberogra: I found a bug !!!14:23
ograwhat is it ?14:23
stgraberogra: edubuntu add-on CD, it tried to download khelpcenter14:23
ograhmm, i didnt have that on a completely non networked install14:24
stgraberogra: oh, it's because the one we have on the addon CD is obsolete14:24
ogradid you have a net connection during install (and have package lists updated from teh server)14:24
stgraberogra: we ship ubuntu6 and it's trying to get ubuntu714:24
stgraberogra: yes, my package list is up to date14:25
ograneeds a rebuild then i guess14:25
stgraberogra: indeed14:25
evandmpt: yes, it is and input welcome.  We had to switch to a different style map as the previous iteration moved too quickly (bug 195159)14:25
stgraberslangasek: ^14:26
* amitk hugs ogra back :)14:26
* mpt discovers a bug in the Nautilus disc burner thingy14:26
cjwatsonevand: maybe a longer zoom plus the ability to click to force zoom would work14:28
mvopitti: language-selector fix is upload14:28
cjwatsonevand: longer delay, I mean14:28
ograstgraber, i suspect he's no tup yet14:28
ogra*not up14:29
cjwatsonevand: or maybe we should revert to the gutsy widget with a bit of extra code to resize the image to something smaller, if that's going to be too hard14:29
cjwatson(context: the zoom map from gutsy was replaced with a new implementation largely in order to make the widget smaller. However there were other ways to do the same thing and it ought not to have been necessary to completely change the UI at the same time.)14:30
stgraberogra: hmm, right 6:30am or something in his timezone. Who else can trigger a CD rebuild ?14:30
cjwatsonstgraber: #ubuntu-relase14:30
cjwatsonerr, #ubuntu-release14:30
ograstgraber, worst case i can do it myself, but i dont want to step on peoples toes14:31
evandcjwatson: I think we're close enough that we don't have to revert to the old widget, though I'm obviously biased and wouldn't mind being told to do otherwise.14:32
xhakercjwatson: i've installed todays daily-live, i find that the map should not zoom out when you click14:32
xhakeralso, there were some nautilus windows still popping out.. var/lib/os-prober14:33
seb128xhaker: the nautilus fix has been uploaded but not accepted14:33
stgrabercody-somerville: How's Xubuntu ISO testing going ? I only see half of Xubuntu desktop i386 tested yet.14:37
cody-somervillestgraber, I'm begging for more testers now :)14:39
* ogra pokes a11y for using popunder windows14:39
cjwatsonxhaker: your comment is unclear; are you saying that it zooms out and shouldn't, or that it doesn't zoom out and should?14:40
elmargolKennt jemand einen guten WYSIWYG html editor für linux? (nicht kompozer) oder einen für windows der gut mit wine funktioniert?14:41
stgrabercody-somerville: ok :) #ubuntu-testing may be a good place to find more testers and having someone from Xubuntu would probably help for bug reporting/triaging/fixing14:41
elmargoloh wrong channel14:41
xhakersorry cjwatson if i was vague. the map zooms in when you hover over it. and it is zooming out when you click your location. i think it'd be better not to zoom out on click14:42
cjwatsonit should only zoom out when you move the mouse out of the map area ...14:44
cjwatsonI see no code there to zoom out on click14:44
xhakerit is zooming out on click though14:45
xhakerubuntu-restricted-extras is lacking depends on icedtea-gcjwebplugin for the i386 arch14:49
xhakerit's a dependency on most archs14:50
Hobbseenow that's interesting.14:50
xhakerHobbsee: ping14:50
xhakerhah, didn't see your msg before. it's interesting yes, i think i didn't look carefuly when the package was uploaded14:52
xhakeri386 lost it somehow14:52
Hobbseeso, which do we want it on, out of i386, hppa, lpia and ppc?14:53
Hobbseeyeah, i'd say that was a bad sed line or something14:53
xhakeri think that is all we need. +amd6414:55
xhakermaybe ask doko if sparc and ia64 should have it too14:55
Hobbseethey already have it14:55
Hobbseedoes hppa have it, i wonder...14:56
Hobbseeooh, gnome do actually works for that14:56
xhakercurrently.. amd64, ia64 and sparc14:56
Hobbseeyeah, i can see that14:57
Hobbseeyeah, they do14:57
Hobbseexhaker: fixed, thanks14:58
* Hobbsee assumes realplay is ubuntu mobile stuff?14:59
xhakerHobbsee np15:00
Hobbseewrong versioning, at least.15:00
doko_xhaker: why should it be in restricted at all?15:02
* ogra doesnt get that either15:04
slytherinright, it is in universe.15:04
Hobbseeogra: because it's morphed into a package full of useful bits and pieces, which includes java, and at least in some cases, the free verison was said to work better.15:04
ograand its GPL15:04
Hobbseefeel free to NMU15:04
lagacjwatson: had a chance to look at the mythbuntu seeds?15:05
xhakerdoko_: i was under the impression openjdk was still in multiverse? and debian was also making a fuss about it?15:05
cjwatsonlaga: I have some idea of what the problem might be but no thoughts on how to fix it yet. Sorry, quite busy15:07
lagacjwatson: i understand.15:07
cjwatsonlaga: briefly, the reason it doesn't do anything is that all the packages in frontend are also in desktop, and you've labelled the frontend seed as inheriting from desktop, which means that the frontend seed is in fact empty15:08
cjwatsonlaga: perhaps you should consider making desktop inherit from frontend rather than the other way round15:08
cjwatsonlaga: (and unfortunately tasksel doesn't know how to follow inter-task dependencies properly at the moment)15:08
pittimvo: thanks! *hug*15:09
Hobbseepitti: requirement of multiverse is that it has to be redistributable, right?15:09
pittiHobbsee: correct; and reasonably DP conformant15:09
Hobbseepitti: good.  Then i can reject this canonical piece of crack, which clearly hasn't been through any form of QA at all.15:10
Hobbseeunless i've very much gotten what the licence says wrong.15:10
cjwatsonwhat package is this?15:11
Hobbseecjwatson: realplayer15:11
Hobbseecjwatson: looks to be a mobile package.15:11
* Hobbsee got suspicious looking at the version number, so decided to take a closer look15:11
cjwatsonis that the realplay package targeted at partner (not multiverse)/15:11
cjwatsonthat's the only thing matching 'real' I see in the queue15:11
doko_xhaker: openjdk-6 is in universe15:12
cjwatsonnote that partner ends up on archive.canonical.com not archive.ubuntu.com15:12
cjwatsonHobbsee: ^--15:12
doko_hmm, no sound on a MacBook Pro (amd64)15:12
Hobbseecjwatson: oh, curse the LP UI.15:13
Hobbseecjwatson: there's no indication of it being in partner at all.15:13
Hobbseeer, realplay, yes15:13
cjwatsonplease do pass on your QA concerns to the uploader though15:13
cjwatsonHobbsee: you can see it from the .changes file, for the record15:14
cjwatsonI agree that it's not terribly obvious; the queue redesign I've seen would make it obvious15:14
Hobbseecjwatson: ahh.  missed that the first 3 times of checking it.15:14
Hobbseeyeah, it should do15:14
Hobbseecjwatson: if they're within the realms of parther, and all sorts of shady stuff there, then i'm inclined to leave it alone15:14
Hobbseeinteresting choice of standards version and such, though15:14
xhakerdoko_: yeah, i see now. so should it be removed from restricted-extras in your opinion?15:15
doko_at least it's not "restricted", it's free to be in universe15:15
xhakerdoko_: that'd probably mean getting sun-java6-plugin there again15:15
* Hobbsee cries. loudly.15:16
Hobbseethis is some of the more interesting packaging iv'e seen in a while.15:16
xhakeranother bug: gdmsetup takes ages to open from the menus atleast15:17
xhakeri think i've seen this happen before.. and it happened to be a dbus thing15:17
seb128there is several bugs or comments about that on launchpad15:18
seb128but nobody provided useful informations yet15:18
cjwatsonHobbsee: well, "leave it alone" is one thing, but it really is useful to pass on any concerns you've already developed in the time you've spent looking at it15:19
cjwatson(not asking you to spend any more time on it, but since you already have ...)15:19
xhakerseb128: bug number? i'll try to extract something15:19
Hobbseecjwatson: i'm looking at this reimplemenation of dpatch, and going....yeah...15:19
seb128xhaker: not sure, I think most submitter comment on different bugs15:20
seb128let me look15:20
cjwatsonit's not all that pretty, but on the other hand there doesn't seem anything actively wrong with that code15:21
Hobbseecjwatson: the whole lack of licencing text that it says will be in the current directory, mentioend from debian/copyright is interesting, too.15:21
* Hobbsee isn't quite sure which i'ts under, either15:21
Hobbseeindeed.  but why not use dpatch directly?15:21
ograseb128, i can confirm that here15:21
cjwatsonfor the record, a similar package is already in feisty-commercial15:21
seb128ogra: so you volunteer to fix the issue? ;-)15:22
ograseb128, if someone adds 2 extra hours to the 24 this day has :P15:22
ograseb128, it sems to not come up at all atm, i see it in the processlist though15:23
seb128ogra: switch your clock to utc now and you are on track ;-)15:23
cjwatsondebian/copyright is an interesting issue in partner; the fact of a package being there indicates an active relationship with the software provider, so by presumption it's distributable; however that doesn't mean that the copyright file shouldn't be kept correct15:23
xhakeror just travel west really fast15:23
xhakerogra, it takes some time but eventually pops up when you least expect15:24
Hobbseecjwatson: i think i'm just becoming more and more glad i don't deal with partner stuff, without the rulesheet on what is and isn't OK.15:24
ograoh, there it is15:24
seb128xhaker: I think people were commenting on the bug about the warning displayed on the command line and which was something different and has been closed15:24
ograthat took about 4 munites15:24
xhakerogra: now try that again.. it will popup instantly15:24
slytherinogra: your keyboard seems to be broken15:24
seb128ogra: the comments stated 1 minutes15:24
seb128and it seems to be only on the first run15:25
seb128really a weird bug15:25
ograseb128, i confirmed it at 16:22 above where it was already MIA for a minute osr so15:25
\shseb128, actually it takes longer when you wait for it and clicking on the same app entry 5 times in a row15:25
ograit came up at 16:2415:25
ograso at least 3 min15:25
seb128ogra: see, time starts moving slowly for you, you will get your extra hours to debug this today ;-)15:26
ograanyway, to long :)15:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202716 in gdm "Login Window in the System menu, takes a long time to appear. (dup-of: 199942)" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199942 in libgnomeui "Error messages when starting gdmsetup" [Low,Fix released]15:26
xhakerfound this15:26
xhakerthe first one15:26
seb128right, people got confused by the libgnomeui warnings15:27
seb128you can reopen it15:27
ograit opens instantly the second time like xhaker says15:27
elmoare there any known issues with the RC hanging after keyboard layout part of ubiquity?15:28
elmoor RC candidate or whatever it is :)15:28
jdstrandelmo: could it be bug #217815 ?15:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 217815 in partman-crypto "When selecting LVM Crypt, erase never ends" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21781515:31
elmojdstrand: doubtful, I didn't get anything on screen after selecting next in keyboard layout15:31
jdstrandelmo: I don't know if you're using seeds or anything15:31
elmoi.e. never go tthe chance to select lvm or lvm crypt15:31
* jdstrand nods15:31
ograxhaker, are you on a normal ubuntu or is that xubuntu ?15:31
cjwatsonjdstrand: that bug is not applicable to ubiquity15:31
* elmo face stabs the vaio and tries again15:32
xhakerogra:  fresh gnome install from today15:32
cjwatsonxhaker: I can't reproduce your comment about the zoom map. For me (current Ubuntu desktop i386), it only zooms out when I leave the map area. Are you using Kubuntu by any chance?15:32
ograxhaker, ah, i thought it could be something with the linked config file we use in xubuntu and edubuntu15:33
xhakeri'll have to try again, but it certainly did zoom out. live sesssion, not ubiquity only. with compiz enabled15:34
xhakerogra:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus-glib/+bug/7124815:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 71248 in dbus-glib "Applications using dbus hang when ran with sudo" [High,Fix released]15:34
xhakernvm the description15:34
ogradid you try the workaround ?15:36
cjwatsonxhaker: compiz might be a relevant difference, I suppose; live session vs. ubiquity only won't matter15:36
xhakerogra: not yet, but i remember that it workedwhen i saw that bug15:36
* xhaker brb. reproducing .> bugs15:37
cjwatsonelmo: is the machine in general still working? i.e. not a kernel hang?15:37
elmocjwatson: well the  screen blank/saver eventually kicked in15:38
elmocjwatson: but, keyboard/mouse wasn't responsive15:38
elmocjwatson: it had been on, for like 5 hours, in Live CD mode, doing a backup to external HD first.  it's possible the CDROM drive just got bored and lost it15:38
cjwatsonelmo: I'd like /var/log/syslog and /var/log/partman please15:39
cjwatsonkeyboard/mouse not responsive might make that a problem15:39
cjwatsonsorry, I misread15:39
cjwatsonsounds like not an installer bug, quite possibly a bug lower down though15:40
cjwatsonunless you selected something unusual at the keyboard layout stage?15:40
elmocjwatson: nah, just UK15:40
elmoI'll retry from live cd proper.  doing it from 'install ubuntu now' got further15:40
jdstrandcjwatson: are there other odd hangs reported that you know of with the alternate or server iso?  I am doing server iso testing in kvm, and it was just sitting there at 'Detecting cdrom' until I gave some keyboard input15:44
cjwatsonjdstrand: I've heard reports of that kind of thing, yes, but haven't encountered them myself. If you can try to figure out what's going on (since you can reproduce it) I'd much appreciate it.15:47
jdstrandcjwatson: this is my 3rd iso test, and it hung in different places... :/15:48
xhakercjwatson: it is indeed compiz messing with mouve events. with compiz disable no zoom ou takes place. i could not test the ubiquity only install, it bailed out to initramfs15:51
xhakermaybe because i am using an usbdisk15:51
xhakerogra: no luck testing gdm, after a reboot it starts normally. i think the hang only happens the very first time then15:52
xhakerogra: maybe the first time it runs something gets written to /root15:52
xhakerand the runs after dont stall since they find the data promptly15:53
* pitti creates https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbiquityEncryptedFilesystems as a permanent documentation for the hackery he just did15:56
=== doko_ is now known as doko
dokois the lack of the gij runtime on the CD done by intent?16:00
mvocjwatson: should update-manager automatically transition the sparc users on upgrade to ports.ubuntu.com ?16:05
kirklandevand: ping, retesting kubuntu oem16:12
evandkirkland: pong16:12
kirklandevand: Bug #217884 appears fixed16:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 217884 in oem-config "Kubuntu OEM failure on second boot" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21788416:12
kirklandevand: it boots into a graphical "Choose your language, etc."16:13
kirklandevand: however, graphics on that screen are kinda ugly16:13
evandcan you elaborate or link to a screenshot?16:13
kirklandevand: like it didn't detect my monitor properly16:13
kirklandevand: can't screen shot at this point, but I take a picture with a digital camera ;-)16:14
evandok :)16:14
kirklandevand: looks like a bad xconfig possibly16:15
emgenthello people16:16
kirklandevand: http://ubuntu.dustinkirkland.com/IMG_0936.JPG16:16
evandhrm, the resolution looks ok, but I'm not sure why it's not painting the entire background image there.16:17
evandRiddell: ^ any ideas?16:17
evandoh, it is getting cut off a bit thoguh16:17
kirklandevand: bug worthy, you think?16:27
evandkirkland: for tracking it yes, though I obviously don't think it's a blocker16:28
kirklandevand: right, it seems functional, just kinda ugly :-)16:29
jcastroI just tried it and mine looks fine, but it's in a vm16:30
kirklandevand: whoa...  as i move the arrow keys up and down, scrolling through the other languages, it repaints the screen all blue, but the dialog box kinda jumps all over the screen16:36
sorencjwatson: Any reason why you didn't comment on stgraber's guess about entropy starvation in bug 217815?16:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 217815 in linux "When selecting LVM Crypt, erase never ends" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21781516:38
sorenpitti: Does  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/21858316:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218583 in linux "KVM oops in kvm_vm_ioctl_get_dirty_log" [Undecided,New]16:40
sorenpitti: ...happen consistently?16:40
pittisoren: from the moment when it happened the first time, I can't do a single ubiquity install (in kvm) any more without it happening16:41
pittisoren: although it happens on different times, but all around partitioning16:41
sorenpitti: Interesting.16:41
pittisoren: I'm beginning to suspect that the disk image file got broken16:41
sorenpitti: I'm assuming you've not rebooted in between?16:41
pittisoren: I rebooted after every oops16:41
sorener... ok.16:41
sorenCan you upload the disk image somewhere?16:42
pittiafter an oops I cannot even cleanly shut down kvm16:42
pittisoren: erm, no... it's 5 GB!16:42
sorenHow did it get that large if you didn't even get to install anything in it?16:42
pittisoren: (1) I did several succesful installations into it before, and (2) I just created it as a 5 GB image file16:42
sorenHow much does it compress to?16:43
cody-somervillecjwatson, will you add me to the ubuntu-cdimage team please?16:43
pittisoren: I can try to fill it with zeros and check if it still crashes, and also to create a fresh image16:43
pittiand compare whether the crashes happen with that16:43
pittisoren: if it still crashes after (mostly) zero'ing it out, I'll send it to you16:44
sorenCan you keep a copy of it around (in its current form)?16:44
pittisoren: I'll just remove all files and create a single huge file on the fs which contains only 0 byts16:44
pittisoren: sure16:44
sorenI might be interested in getting you to test things.16:44
cjwatsonsoren: because that's not the problem - it's happening elsewhere than in just the crypto case16:46
cjwatsonsoren: as Quentin already said16:46
cjwatsoncody-somerville: no, you can't commit to that branch, it's a read-only mirror of the primary copy which is on the cdimage master build machine16:46
sorencjwatson: Oh, ok.16:46
cjwatsoncody-somerville: I'm happy to merge for you16:47
Riddellkirkland, evand: not sure, I noticed that on a KDE 4 OEM install but not on a KDE 3 one, and jcastro didn't see it on a KDE 4 install.  so it seems a bit random16:47
kirklandRiddell: also, if i move around, highlighting different language, a long slow repaint happens16:48
ograseb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7298/ i also have a gvfs running for root as well as a session dbus16:48
kirklandRiddell: with the dialog jumping around each time, presumably due to the changing size of the translated text on the left16:49
ograsmells like it starts halsf a session16:49
Riddellkirkland: ho hum, report as bugs then please16:49
kirklandRiddell: it's like those fields on the left should be in a fixed with table/widget/whatever-in-kde-world :-)16:49
kirklandRiddell: Bug #21872716:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218727 in oem-config "Kubuntu OEM Config Screen on Second Boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21872716:49
cjwatsonI don't think that's new; I remember seeing it ages ago16:50
cjwatsonat least the ugly display16:50
kirklandcjwatson: you're speaking to me or ogra?16:50
cjwatsonkirkland: you16:50
cjwatsonIIRC it was graphics-card-dependent or something annoying like that16:50
cjwatsonbut this is just vague memory16:50
kirklandcjwatson: i thought it might be X config related16:50
kirklandfwiw, this is an nvidia chipset with a 22" wide display LCD16:51
kirklandI'll add that to the bug16:51
Riddellcjwatson: we had it before when it wasn't loading the background image (because the filename had changed) but I fixed that16:51
cjwatsonRiddell: this was way old, like when Anirudh first did that new UI16:52
ograseb128, hmm, i even have a trackerd running as root16:54
ograseb128, i'm scared !16:56
\shogra, where? yesterdays daily of hardy didn't have trackerd actually enabled...16:57
ogra\sh, no, i have tracker running on purpose16:57
* laga hugs slangasek for delaying the RC16:57
\shon a sitenote...please add lvm2 package to the installation when d-i parted determines that the user has lvm devices16:58
ograbut thats still no reason to start it for root if i run gksu gdmsetup16:58
xhakerogra: thats some wierd *removed*16:58
ograxhaker, can you confirm that ?16:58
xhakerye, i noticed the trackerd created folders some minutes ago17:00
xhakerthe .gvfs permissions are ok?17:00
xhakerwhat does ??? mean?17:01
cjwatson\sh: it adds it if you actually configure lvm17:03
\shcjwatson, and what about already configured LVM devices? :) I have a 500G HD configured as one LVM device ;) d-i recognizes it, but it didn't add the lvm2 parts to the installation...17:03
jwendellpochu, you also need to backport that vinagre patch I pointed out, in order to debug gtk-vnc 0.3.517:04
\shcjwatson, but I don't think it's critical17:04
cjwatsonpresumably you wanted them mounted somewhere, which would involve stepping into "Configure the Logical Volume Manager" at least briefly ...17:05
cjwatson./choose_partition/lvm/do_option:587:   apt-install lvm217:05
\shcjwatson, actually on it are snapshots which I use for sbuild ;) so no, I don#t wanted them to be mounted on startup17:06
elmois it possible to rerun the migration assistant after install?17:06
ograxhaker, that only means the user ogra cant read it ... gvfsd should be started at all for root17:07
seb128ogra: what?17:07
seb128ogra: what did you run?17:07
ograseb128, running gksu gdmsetup17:07
ograthat starts a session bus for root and gvfsd at least17:07
ograi go tracker installed so that gets started as well17:08
ograit also mouts /root/.gvfs for root17:08
ograseb128, and apparently xhaker sees that as well17:09
seb128ogra: and that's an issue?17:11
ograit fills /root with dirs for one17:11
seb128ogra: gdmsetup has filechooser widget and the default backend is gio, so gvfs gets started17:11
seb128ogra: the reply to that is to stop running graphical programs under sudo17:12
seb128and to switch to policykit17:12
seb128but that's not for hardy17:12
ograyeah, i understand17:12
ograwell, but i guess one of the three services that start causes the delay17:13
* ogra removes tracker for a start and tries again17:13
ograseb128, yup, its tracker17:19
seb128ogra: weird17:19
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away
ograwell, it explains the delay, and also why it starts instantly the second time17:21
ion_davmor2: Eh17:21
seb128ogra: but why tracker should be that slow to start?17:23
ograogra@osiris:~$ time gksu gdmsetup17:23
ograogra@osiris:~$ time gksu gdmsetup17:23
ografirst one is with tracker installed17:23
ograseb128, well, it builds its initial DB i think17:23
seb128well you said only the first run has the issue17:23
seb128so the second one is not revelant, is it?17:23
ograthe second one is without tracker installed17:24
seb128ogra: we disable indexing and watching so it should not be doing anything and the app should not be blocking on the indexing anyway17:24
seb128ogra: otherwise you would not be able to start applications for a week if you have datas ;-)17:24
ograprobably that applies not to root ?17:24
seb128that should17:24
seb128I patched the sources to change the default options17:25
seb128run the tracker gui under sudo17:25
jamiemcc_ogra: you should not run tracker as root17:25
ograjamiemcc_, tell that to gdmsetup :P17:25
jamiemcc_ogra~: you should not log into gnome as root either :)17:26
seb128he doesn't17:26
seb128he run a gtk software using sudo17:26
ograjamiemcc_, i run gksu gdmsetup17:26
seb128that's likely the recently used thing in the fileselector dialog17:26
jamiemcc_ahh yes17:26
ograyeah, it creates a file17:26
seb128not the recently used one17:26
seb128rather the search for files thing there17:27
ograwell, gksu tracker-search-tool starts instantly17:29
ogra(sorry, cleaning up /root takes a while for every test)17:29
ograoh, it doesnt start dbus, gvfs or trackerd17:30
ograbut creates the .gnome an .gconf dirs17:30
pittiheno: FYI: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/1500/4717:32
seb128ogra: weird, would be worth trying using an another application using filechoosed widgets17:34
seb128ogra: maybe sudo gtk-demo17:34
seb128ogra: I'll give it a try later17:34
ogragksu nautilus --no-desktop ?17:35
seb128I'm not sure nautilus uses filechooser widgets17:35
ograand it doesnt like to be started that way17:35
jamiemcc_ogra gksu gedit and then open a text file17:35
henopitti: looks good, thanks17:37
ograseb128, gtk-demo works fine17:37
seb128ogra: ok, I've to go now, no real idea, and not sure why it does it only once and not again after that, I'll have a look later17:38
ograif i stumble over something i'll ping17:39
Keybukpitti: apport is catching valgrind segfaults again17:39
seb128ogra: ok, thanks17:39
pittiKeybuk: you mean valgrind itself segfaults?17:40
Keybukpitti: yes17:40
=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2
pittievand: indeed, it seems to behave much better when installing on my desktop (1280x1024); is the widget bigger in this case?17:53
evandpitti: yes17:54
pittievand: BTW, I noticed that ubiquity started to actually be usable at 800x600; didn't do that in the past, great!17:54
slangasekTheMuso: UbuntuStudio shouldn't have needed a respin because we didn't change anything in the archive after the last UbuntuStudio build that should be critical to those images, AFAICS17:54
evandpitti: indeed, that's a side effect of the new timezone widget17:54
_MMA_slangasek: Yeah. He and I chatted. We should be good to go.17:56
slangasekstgraber, ogra: ah, it didn't occur to me that edubuntu add-on would've also been impacted by the KDE packages that were accepted; I can respin if you think there's time for testing the new images afterwards, otherwise I would just ship as-is17:57
ogradone already :)17:57
ogra(i can triger builds myself)17:57
ograheh, thats nice, edubuntu-desktop depends on exactly 100 ackages on the addon cd now18:00
megabyte405hey, I'm having a problem with finishing up the AbiWord package here.  I created a patch with dpatch-edit-patch, and it built fine with a dpkg-buildpackage but now that I just want to roll a src package I'm getting that unapplying this latest patch failed, with no further detail18:02
cjwatsonpitti: I noticed that you (and possibly other people) said earlier that you had /dev/sda{,5,7} or some such18:12
cjwatsonpitti: was that set up by auto-resize? it's supposed to always ensure a primary partition after autopartitioning18:13
lamontpitti: any plans to roll the fix for debian bug 364446 et al into dapper-security/et al postgresql-8.1?18:17
ubotuDebian bug 364446 in postgresql-8.1 "postgresql-8.1: upgrade fails if server is not running" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/36444618:17
infinitylamont: The bug claims to have been fixed in psql-common_50, and dapper has 53...18:22
lamontinfinity: postgresql-8.1_8.1.11-0ubuntu0.6.06.1 has an init.d that fails if stop fails, so a non-running daemon kills the upgrade.18:28
davmor2What would cause a dvd-rw to randomly not become available anymore?18:30
infinitylamont: Yeah, the init script should fail, AFAICT, it's the scrpit calling it that shouldn't.18:34
infinitylamont: At least, if I'm reading changelogs right.18:34
lamontpolicy says that init.d/foo stop when foo is not running --> success18:34
infinitylamont: Well, there's that too, I didn't mean "should" as in policy, but "should" as in "that's how it seems to have been working back then, and the caller was papering over it".18:35
lamontah, ok18:35
jdstrandcjwatson: I don't have a reliable test case, but I do seem to get frequent random hangs with the iso from http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/info/1523. it will hang until a keyboard event is found. This is using virt-manager and kvm with x86_64, 256 RAM (max and used), 4000MB non-preallocated disk.  everything else is the default18:36
pitticjwatson: yes, by combined 'entire disk' (which puts swap into an extended partition) and then autoresize; NB that I did have /dev/sda1 physically, but the node in /dev was missing18:36
jdstrandcjwatson: oh, and 2 vcpus18:37
jdstrandcjwatson: I asked others in #server to try this configuration out too18:37
pittilamont: what infinity says; the postinst should ideally ignore a failed init.d stop18:38
lamontpitti: this is preinst18:38
lamontsee also policy18:38
infinitylamont: prerm, even, if it's the same as the bug you linked to...18:39
lamontinfinity: uh... didn't look, smacked it around, and such18:39
pittilamont: hm; on a closer look this can't have been fixed in p-common alone, since the preinst etc. are owned by p-8.X; I'll have a deeper look18:41
pittias soon as my workstation finished reinstalling (yay CD test day)18:42
lamontpitti: I just ran into it upgrading a machine which has 7.4 and 8.1 installed (don't ask).. 8.1 of course, doesn't run, but it's installed.18:42
pochujwendell: what do we need to debug?18:45
jwendellpochu, everything18:46
jwendellpochu, the first thing I ask on a bug report is the debug output18:46
pochujwendell: but apport is disabled on stable releases, so it's probably better to use that patch for Intrepid18:48
pochujwendell: does the vinagre patch add a --debug option or will it show the debug output always?18:48
jwendellpochu, add a --gtk-vnc-debug option18:50
cjwatsonjdstrand: Ben reckons it's probably a kernel interrupt generation issue, and I reassigned the bugs that way18:52
pochujwendell: ok. anyway I haven't got an approval for gtk-vnc yet, and I want to test it further before subscribing ubuntu-release to the bug report...18:52
pochujwendell: and the vinagre change would need to be approved by the release team too, providing they approve the gtk-vnc one first18:53
pochuanyway the one fixing bugs is gtk-vnc... I don't think it's that important to add a debug option to vinagre18:54
pochujwendell: but we will update to GNOME 2.22.2 so if you get that upstream we will get it ;)18:54
jdstrandcjwatson: is there a different bug than the lvm+encrypt bug?18:55
cjwatsonjdstrand: hard to say for sure but I think it's the same18:56
jdstrandcjwatson: my feeling was that it was easier to trigger with lvm+encrypt for some reason18:57
jdstrandcjwatson: so yeah, I agree18:57
dendrobates-cjwatson: we have not been able to reproduce these d-i hangs in any real hw, at this point.19:00
cjwatsondendrobates-: ok. but a bug reporter did.19:01
dendrobates-cjwatson: I'm not sure he had the exact same issue.  He don't believe he indicate that a key press or mouse click restarted things.19:02
cjwatsonhe did, I believe19:02
cjwatsondendrobates-: bug 217849: "Once I hit any key, drive activity picks up again and things carry on"19:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 217849 in linux "Hardy 64-bit beta and nightly alternate installation stalls" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21784919:03
cjwatson"The behavior is most pronounced if choosing the whole drive encryption option, though it also exists elsewhere"19:03
slomoso, i have a patch for #199496 that really fixes the issue now... shall i just go ahead and upload?19:03
cjwatsonslomo: in general, if you think something's appropriate for release, go ahead and upload; the worst that can happen is that the release team rejects it19:04
cjwatsonwow, wotta lotta dups19:04
slomook, sounds good19:05
cjwatsonno explanation in that bug of why it was reopened/19:05
slomocjwatson: well, the bug still exists in many applications but not all19:06
slomothere were some new dupes19:06
mario_limonciellhey slomo you pinged me the other day, but i never caught up with you.  what'd you need?19:07
slomomario_limonciell: can't remember anymore, sorry :/19:07
mario_limoncielloh okay :)19:07
cjwatsondendrobates-: hmm, just reproduced it myself in kvm/i386 too19:09
* mvo wonders if anyone had success with qemu-sparc ?19:11
slangasekslomo: hi, why is bug #199496 reopened?19:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199496 in gtk-sharp2 "Tomboy.exe crashed with SIGSEGV in exit()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19949619:14
slomoslangasek: because of new duplicates and because it's only fixed for some applications... new fix uploaded already, this time fixing all apps19:16
slangasekslomo: ok19:18
dendrobates-cjwatson:  It is very easy to reproduce in kvm, however I could not reproduce it with an image of 1GB or smaller.19:19
=== ryu2 is now known as ryu
pitti23063 root      39  19 69196 3144 2360 D  0.7  0.1   0:00.18 trackerd19:25
pittiugh, what the heck?19:25
pittiI thought we disabled tracker by default nowadays? and why is it running as root?19:26
stgraberpitti: I also noticed that here, happens usually after doing a sudo on a gnome tool IIRC19:26
pittiargh, and it's unkillable19:27
pittistgraber: it started when I ran "sudo gdmsetup"19:27
pittijamiemcc_: ^ any idea about this?19:28
jamiemcc_pitti: it appears the file chooser is activating trackerd via dbus19:28
ograpitti, i debugged that for some hours with seb today19:29
ograpitti, its the filechooser from the gui wanting to have recent documents in place, seb knows about it19:29
pittiogra: ah, thanks; that started gvfs for root as well, indeed19:30
ograi dont think we get around gvfsd here as i understood19:31
ogra(which is a bit odd, it puts stuff into /root and keeps it mounted as well )19:31
jdongthe random mounting thing is quite annoying19:32
jdongI had to restore quite a bit of data after nuking an account the other day that had gvfs mounts dangling :(19:33
compbraincan make-kpkg be convinced to produce a source package instead of a binary package?20:12
cjwatsondoes anyone here have a G5 PowerMac/20:16
cjwatsoncompbrain: could you help me out with a few commands? I'm looking at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4733940 and wondering if we can fix the fans thing easily20:21
cjwatsoncompbrain: firstly, 'lsmod | grep therm'20:22
cjwatsoncompbrain: (I'm assuming you're running hardy?)20:22
compbrainactually, looks like my officemate put osx back on it.. doh!20:29
compbrainsorry :/20:29
cjwatsoncompbrain: argh, no chance to boot with a live CD?20:29
jwendellpochu, it IS important to have debug stuff in vinagre20:30
jwendellpochu, otherwise, I can't help Ubuntu20:30
=== doko_ is now known as doko
compbraincjwatson: hang on, ill see what I can do20:31
jwendellpochu, in the bug comment, I said "IMHO", I just said my opinion. Ubuntu is free to accept or not20:31
jwendellI just want the best for Ubuntu...20:31
cjwatsoncompbrain: the other thing I need is 'sudo tar czvf device-tree.tar.gz /proc/device-tree' and then device-tree.tar.gz put somewhere I can see20:32
compbraincjwatson: will do, may take a few minutes...20:34
compbrainat least 30 to get the damn iso...20:35
cjwatsoncompbrain: ok, thanks20:37
cjwatsoncompbrain: I'd also like to know if you get lots of fan noise20:38
jdongwhooooooo!!!! go ubuntu devs!!!!20:39
jdongor not that kind of fan noise?20:39
cjwatsonnot so much :)20:40
cjwatsoncompbrain: instead of grep therm, egrep 'therm|wind'20:45
lagacjwatson: re our conversation a few hours ago about the seeds/tasks: is this what you had in mind? http://www.pastebin.ca/988663 (context attached)20:51
dokoon two out of three cd boots/installs my keyboard doesn't work. that's annoying20:52
cjwatsonlaga: I think something like that ought to help, though you'd also have to take desktop out of the {frontend,backend-{master,slave}} seeds20:53
cjwatsonboth Task-Seeds and the package entry20:53
cjwatsonI don't think it's workable to have those automatically load a desktop in hardy, unfortunately20:53
lagacjwatson: that'll mean the desktop wont be installed, right?20:53
lagacjwatson: by "take desktop out of the seeds", you mean that i need to remove "* mythbuntu-desktop", right?20:55
cjwatsonlaga: yeah, that's what I meant20:59
cjwatsonlaga: I just don't have the time to fix up tasksel :-(20:59
lagacjwatson: i guess i could duplicate mythbuntu-desktop inside  {frontend,backend-{master,slave}}21:01
pittiasac: ah, I just tested the brand new langpack-o-matic built langpacks; firefox stuff seems to be good21:02
pochujwendell: I know. and I want to help Vinagre. But we first need gtk-vnc, and the comments in the bug I opened don't look very promising...21:02
cjwatsonlaga: hmm, actually, give me a minute, there might be a possible cdimage workaround here without those seed changes21:02
* laga lights another candle in his cjwatson shrine21:03
cjwatsonlaga: I'm thinking of something gross and wrong like http://paste.ubuntu.com/7324/21:06
lagacjwatson: let's try it. :)21:06
cjwatsonlaga: is it correct for mythbuntu-frontend to be in the desktop? that means all backends get the frontend too21:10
slangasekthe backends install a desktop?21:12
cjwatsonslangasek: that too ...21:13
cjwatsoncjwatson@antimony:~$ grep '^apport ' mythbuntu-test/tasks/hardy/tasks.i386      apport mythbuntu-desktop21:13
cjwatsonapport mythbuntu-backend-master21:13
cjwatsonapport mythbuntu-backend-slave21:13
cjwatsonapport mythbuntu-frontend21:13
cjwatsonthis looks about right given the input data21:13
jwendellpochu, yes, that's why I need debug stuff in vinagre, in order to know what's going on21:22
jwendellpochu, but clearly mac's vnc server is breaking the RFB protocol...21:23
pochujwendell: ok, I'm gonna upload it to my ppa too... I'm worried about the libvirt comments, though21:24
pochujwendell: I'll ask him to paste the debug output from vinagre21:24
lagacjwatson: sorry, was afk for a while. i fail to see how the frontend is included into desktop, maybe you can show me21:28
cjwatsonlaga: mythtv-theme-mythbuntu is seeded and depends on mythtv-frontend21:32
cjwatsonlaga: how about slangasek's question of whether backends should install a desktop at all/21:32
lagayeah, they should.21:33
lagaso only mythtv-theme-mythbuntu needs to go i guess21:33
cjwatson lver21:33
cjwatsonmove to the frontend package maybe21:33
cjwatsonsorry, tired and losing typing skills21:33
lagayeah, good call21:33
lagano worries21:33
cjwatsonok, I'll commit the bad-and-wrong cdimage hack for now21:34
lagahum, the other mythtv themes in desktop are recommends21:35
lagai assume i dont have to take them out21:36
lagacjwatson: and the patch for STRUCTURE isn't needed anymore21:36
cjwatsonlaga: correct21:38
cjwatsonlaga: don't know about the other themes, unfortunately germinate only (easily) shows me the first one21:38
compbraincjwatson: booting and info coming21:38
cjwatsonlaga: check reverse-dependencies of mythtv-frontend21:38
compbrainare the openvz patches going to make it into hardy-release, given the broken state of affairs21:39
lagacjwatson: hum, apt-cache rdepends also lists mythtv-themes21:39
cjwatsonlaga: it's probably not a showstopper if the backends install a frontend too?21:41
cjwatsongiven they're installing a desktop21:41
lagatrue. it doesn't exactly work as advertised, but it's less broken than the current state21:42
lagai need to talk superm1 how shuffling things around will affect our live disk.21:42
cjwatsonso how about I rebuild for you now and you can see how it looks?21:42
lagathe themes probably should live in 'common'.21:42
lagacjwatson: the alt disk? i'd like to sneak in one preseed change, if you dont mind waiting a few minutes21:42
mario_limoncielllaga, as long as the metapackages are available 'mythbuntu-desktop' and 'mythbuntu-live' nothing will break.  i wasn't moving the live disk to tasks until you sorted this stuff out21:43
lagamario_limonciell: nothing will break if mythtv-theme-mythbuntu isn't available anymore?21:43
mario_limonciellwhy would that disappear ?21:44
mario_limoncielli didnt follow everything21:44
lagamario_limonciell: basically, mythtv-theme-mythbuntu pulls in mythtv-frontend in the desktop task21:45
lagamario_limonciell: it'd be good to get rid of that, but we live with that for the RC21:45
davmor2doko: ping21:46
dokodavmor2: just ask21:47
davmor2doko: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/1543/233 here you failed it but on whole disk install you passed it both have the same message which is right?21:48
dokohmm, I should change that21:48
mario_limoncielllaga, well we won't update the meta package if it comes down to it21:54
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davmor2doko: Just thought I'd let you know :)21:58
compbraincjwatson: the latest iso doesnt get very far.22:05
compbrainAfter the loader I get a white flash, and then the monitor shuts off.22:06
lagacjwatson: can you sync rev 1299 from mythbuntu-debiancd before building the alternate disk? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Emythbuntu/debian-cd/mythbuntu-debiancd/22:10
bokeyi needed linux-source-2.6.24 but my apt can't seem to find it. even packages.ubuntu.com doesn't say it's available? am i looking in the right place?22:10
bokeyhardy's main universe restricted points to .22 latest22:11
lagabokey: apt-cache show linux-source-2.6.24?22:11
Nafallobokey: you want tot run an apt-get update I'd say.22:11
bokeylaga: nothing22:12
bokeyNafallo: i did22:12
lagathen your mirror is out of date22:12
Nafallolaga: not really. hardy never had .22 ;-)22:12
bokeylaga: Nafallo sorry dudes :-) was pointing to gutsy in my hardy.list in sources.list.d22:13
bokeydid surmandal_ just leave?22:13
bokeyfrom this channel?22:13
lagaNafallo: i think hardy had .22 back in the day?22:14
bokeylaga: gutsy runs on .2222:14
bokeylaga: i had it wrong in hardy.list22:15
bokeyall good now22:15
bokeyfor some reason my kvirc's fu'ed up22:15
bokeyshows surmandal_ msg'ed me from this channel22:15
cjwatsoncompbrain: err, try live video=ofonly ?22:16
compbraincjwatson: no dice22:17
bokey.24's sweet22:17
bewstHi; I've been working desperately on trying to sort out https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/+bug/121653 for the past few days, and I just wanted to check whether such a long issue is likely to get attention from the devs?22:17
bokeyrunning like a charm22:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121653 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 "[gutsy] fglrx breaks over suspend/resume" [Wishlist,Confirmed]22:17
cjwatsoncompbrain: damn22:17
cjwatsoncompbrain: stuck, then22:17
Nafallolaga: doubt it.22:18
cjwatsonhardy did have .22 for a while, due to inheriting from gutsy22:18
bokeyahh.. i see22:18
Nafallocjwatson: baah. now you need to come to the London releaseparty and get beer :-D22:19
bokeyNafallo: dude, i'd come to london if you send me a ticket one way for beer party22:19
bokeyNafallo: when i get there, i'll buy you a beer in exchange22:19
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.22:20
bokeyok guys.. thanks for the help.. see ya around!!! :-))) bye Nafallo & laga22:20
cjwatsonNafallo: for some reason, my wife often seems to be keen to see me right after release, after I've nearly ignored her for two weeks22:22
Nafallocjwatson: like I said last time, bring her with :-)22:22
bewstReally am desperate to get #121653 addressed before the release and have made valiant debugging efforts.  Am I pinging the wrong place?22:25
ScottKbewst: You might have more luck in #ubuntu-kernel.  Dunno.22:26
bewstScottK: thanks; enjoy the beer22:26
cjwatsonlaga: merged, image building22:26
lagacjwatson: great, thanks22:29
asacpitti: still on?22:34
emgentkees: upstream released all fix for CVE-2007-6013, can i work to fix wordpress in ubuntu ?22:52
ubotuWordpress 1.5 through 2.3.1 uses cookie values based on the MD5 hash of a password MD5 hash, which allows attackers to bypass authentication by obtaining the MD5 hash from the user database, then generating the authentication cookie from that hash. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-6013)22:52
crimsunasac: I've tested http://pastebin.ca/988804 as a workaround for Flash+PulseAudio+ALSA22:52
_max_id like to report what i concider a bug22:52
_max_in the installer (both alternate and regular) there is no way to force gpt label.22:53
_max_i tried booting with the normal installer, entering console, changing to gpt using parted, creating partitions using the gui, and its still gpt all the way until i click [install]22:53
keesemgent: yeah, sure, go for it22:53
_max_then it changes it back to friggin msdos, and my remaining 4tb are useless22:53
emgentok thanks kees22:53
crimsunasac: in summary, it allows Flash (which uses ALSA's "default" virtual device") to use ALSA concurrently with PulseAudio, so there's no fallout from losing libflashsupport aside from being unable to migrate the Flash stream (or changing its volume)22:53
crimsunasac: this change also unbreaks dist-upgrades where users have selected ALSA in non-GSt-based apps22:56
crimsun(back later, meeting)22:56
cjwatson_max_: changing to gpt with parted won't help, at least not if you do so after the partitioner's started up. Try starting the installer in expert mode; then when you ask to create a new partition table it should let you select the label type.22:57
cjwatson_max_: (and, for this, use the alternate install CD)22:58
cjwatson_max_: curious that it doesn't default to gpt on such a large disk though22:58
_max_im friggin amazed aswell!22:58
cjwatsonI believe it's meant to22:58
_max_thing is if i fire up parted, change to gpt, select "manual" for disc partitioning, then do my partitions, go on to [install] but dont press it22:59
asaccrimsun: you sure that this alone is enough?22:59
_max_just back to console, its still gpt and has gpt partitions!22:59
cjwatsonpartitioning isn't committed until you hit install22:59
asaccrimsun: whats your rational :)?22:59
cjwatsonthere is definitely code in partman-partitioning to use gpt for a new disk label if it's >2TB23:00
_max_well im running a 3ware 9500s-12, with a raid5, linux detects it as 5000GB23:01
cjwatson_max_: starting up parted in the middle of things is only likely to introduce confusion, FWIW23:01
cjwatsondon't do that :)23:01
cjwatsonI'll see if I can construct something to reproduce your problem once I'm done with my current round of testing23:02
_max_well iv done it the "normal" iv spent two days solid on this so im trying desperate sollutions23:02
cjwatson_max_: you should report this as a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+filebug, if you haven't already23:02
cjwatsonyou were lucky that I happened to be around; IRC is not a good medium for reporting bugs23:02
_max_will do, if you need any probing results or whatever im around with this nick :)23:02
_max_*grumble* ubuntu -really- needs a unified login database.23:04
_max_i think i have registered on atleast 3 different ubuntu websites sofar23:04
cjwatsonLaunchpad's growing towards that (see OpenID implementation)23:04
cjwatsonat this point it's mostly a matter of gluing them all together)23:04
_max_that "brainstorm" forum was worth the register though.23:05
_max_excellent idea23:05
stgraber_max_: brainstorm and the ISO tracker share the same user DB and we are planning integration with LP using OpenID in the (near) future23:06
cjwatsonI don't have any multi-TB disks around to test with, but I'll hack up the installer to reduce the threshold at which it selects GPT23:06
cjwatson_max_: please attach /var/log/syslog and /var/log/partman from the running installer to any bug you file; if you've already completed installation, attach /var/log/installer/syslog and /var/log/installer/partman23:07
_max_its installing alternate atm, when i get it online il attach the files :)23:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218918 in ubiquity "ubuntu 8.04 wont use gpt for 2tb+ devices" [Undecided,New]23:09
_max_is the bug atm.23:09
_max_hah, i like that bot :)23:10
TheMusoslangasek: No problem, wasn't sure.23:11
_max_cjwatson, may i ask where you are located?23:13
cjwatson_max_: England23:14
_max_not too far, been trying to get ahold of some people that are "involved" with ubuntu for a computer festival.23:15
_max_i tried emailing canonical's pr department but noones answering :(23:15
_max_do you have a email addy i could send a short mail to describing the festival, maybe you would like to attend or if not might know someone that would like to? (as sort of an exhibiter/promoter for ubuntu)23:17
cjwatson_max_: http://www.canonical.com/aboutus/contactus says that pr@ is only for "enquiries from legitimate media outlets. No other enquiries can be replied to"23:20
cjwatson_max_: I'd suggest the relevant local community team, who are usually best placed for this kind of thing and can involve Canonical if appropriate; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList23:21
_max_okey i got gpt working, this is what i did: booted regular cd, -> console -> parted -> mklabel gpt -> quit23:22
_max_reboot -> alternate cd -> normal setup -> grub failed -> installed lilo23:22
_max_okey, well if your interested in comming to sweden in the end of november, the event is called dreamhack, with ~10.000 participants in the LAN, and a few more thousand visitors :)23:23
_max_im trying to organize a seperate linux area where distro's can motivate people to use linux, and tell them more about what their distro can do.23:24
_max_sweden loco was only 2 ppl =/23:24
cjwatson_max_: it would have been more useful to test whether it worked with the expert mode suggestion I gave23:37
cjwatsonthat would at least have eliminated one possible mode of failure23:37
_max_cjwatson; if i have time monday il try re-install it :) its my media center and im having folks over during the weekend for a Matrix marathon :P23:40
_max_im goin to bed now :) thanks cjwatson for the help.23:42
megabyte405__There, source package for abiword-2.6.2-0ubuntu1 (ready to upload) has been uploaded to my PPA23:42
LaserJockmegabyte405__: \o/23:48
megabyte405__LaserJock: my thoughts exactly :)  Now we just need an uploader to see that I updated the bug, and everyone will become happy in a short period of time23:48
ograslangasek, would you be very resistant to get the fix in bug 218231 in after RC ?23:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218231 in ltspfs "ltspfs in hardy doesnt work with LDM_DIRECTX=True set in lts.conf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21823123:52
ogra(LDM_DIRECTX is not on by default but the most used featue in ltsp5, users will complain if their usb keys ad floppies stop working, so i'd love to get that regression fixed)23:53

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