
cjwatsonwhat are you in, if not in the live CD environment?00:00
cjwatsonI think I'm confused00:00
agoubiquity --automatic00:00
agono desktop00:00
agoI simply started xterm and was playing off that00:00
agotz in ubiquity defaults to NY00:02
agoah but it otherwise it works!!!00:02
agoso it must be the preseed file00:03
agoI did not use it at all00:03
agotring live desktop + preseeding00:04
cjwatsonreproduced, hacking00:05
agoyes when I preseed things go wrong even when layoutcode & co are commented00:07
agoI can change wubi code while you hack to comment out locale/layoutcode/variantcode and add them as boot parameters00:13
cjwatson        if not 'UBIQUITY_AUTOMATIC' in os.environ:00:13
cjwatson            self.db.fset('console-setup/layout', 'seen', 'false')00:13
cjwatson            self.db.fset('console-setup/variant', 'seen', 'false')00:13
cjwatsonevand: why was that again?00:13
cjwatsonthat's what's causing this ...00:14
cjwatsonago: please do that regardless00:14
agowill do00:14
cjwatsonago: there's still a ubiquity bug to fix here, but we definitely won't be able to make it work with the preseed file approach to those parameters00:14
agoif it works with boot params it's perfectly ok00:15
agohmm what do I do with rev 488 (updated metalink url)? shall I revert that?00:23
agocjwatson do you think this edit will go in rc or not?00:23
cjwatsonwhich edit?00:23
agomoving layoutcode from preseed to boot args00:24
cjwatsonI don't know the up-to-the-minute state of CD builds, ask Steve00:25
mario_limonciellsorry i haven't followed entirely, but just saw the tail end of your conversation.  as it stands, are keyboard layouts still not working through the preseed then?00:27
cjwatsonspecifically and only with automatic-ubiquity00:27
mario_limonciellah i see00:27
cjwatsonit's actually a change from gutsy which was part of the early automation work00:27
cjwatsonneed to figure out with Evan whether we still need it00:28
mario_limonciellwell additionally for noninteractive mode though, since the console setup script in casper runs before the preseed (and the console setup script doesn't read from the preseed), they don't take effect immediately on that terminal00:28
mario_limonciellunless chosen and seeded on the command line00:28
cjwatsonmario_limonciell: like I said, can't fix it (for hardy) for the terminal00:28
mario_limoncielloh it's not critical00:29
mario_limonciellnot a big deal00:29
mario_limonciellas long as the resultant system ends up right00:29
cjwatsonit's harder than that, even if you put it on the kernel command line, casper's console script can't change the keymap because usplash is running00:29
cjwatsonusplash puts the console into KD_GRAPHICS mode and you can't change the keymap when it's in that state00:29
cjwatsonit's all rather a pain00:29
mario_limoncielloh yuck.00:30
cjwatsonI think it'd take effect once console-setup has run from within ubiquity, though00:30
agohave to rectify my previous statement, booting into live cd (not automatic-ubiquity) works whether you use custom-installation or not00:31
agook the above changes will be post-rc FYI00:44
cjwatsonso this is really pretty horrible00:53
cjwatsonubiquity has to allow console-setup/layout to have its seen flag set to true because otherwise automation fails (the question gets asked)00:54
cjwatsonbut if console-setup/layout is seen then console-setup.config never puts the value from console-setup/layoutcode in place00:54
cjwatsonI do want to know how come it's marked seen in the first place though00:56
cjwatsonhmm! it's marked seen in the squashfs00:57
cjwatsonI bet that isn't helping00:58
cjwatsonok, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7245/ is what I'm thinking of for the moment01:10
agoevand pushed wubi rev 48901:30
agodidn't really test it, cannot keep my eyes open anymore, won't be in rc anyway01:30
CIA-19ubiquity: cjwatson * r2665 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/console_setup.py):01:32
CIA-19ubiquity: * Fix console-setup seen flag handling; console-setup/layout and01:32
CIA-19ubiquity:  console-setup/variant need to be marked unseen even in automatic mode so01:32
CIA-19ubiquity:  that they get their defaults set correctly, so use a different method to01:32
CIA-19ubiquity:  avoid displaying the question in preseeded installations (LP: #188492).01:32
cjwatsonago: happy birthday01:32
agoah that is the 20th of April01:32
cjwatsonheh, timing01:32
agobut thanks anyway01:33
agoin advance for the present01:33
cjwatsonI had no idea :)01:33
agonight and thanks again01:41
evanddear lord, what happened in here02:54
* evand reads scrollback02:54
evandah, looks reasonable.  Thanks for taking care of that, cjwatson.02:58
cjwatsonevand: your partman-base patch looks right. The grep over /proc/swaps is maybe a little general - perhaps 'grep "^$device[0-9]"'? - but over-generality isn't actually harmful here03:05
cjwatsonevand: if you've tested that, go ahead and commit/upload at your leisure03:07
cjwatsonI've marked the bug release-critical03:07
evandoh, in case you somehow end up at /dev/sdaa?03:07
cjwatsonyeah, something like that03:08
cjwatsonhmm, except RAID devices get p0 etc. on the end03:08
cjwatsonso perhaps it's better to ignore me and take the hit of occasionally swapoffing something unnecessarily03:08
cjwatsonmost people will never notice03:09
evandheh, fair enough.03:09
evandok, will test one last time to be extra sure and then upload03:09
cjwatsonnot for RC now, I guess03:10
evandwe could try, but slangasek knows where to find our addresses :)03:11
CIA-19ubiquity: cjwatson * r2666 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog partman/check.d/03partition_too_small):03:11
CIA-19ubiquity: * Fix partition_too_small check only to warn about partitions not marked03:11
CIA-19ubiquity:  as "do not use" and marked for use with a filesystem.03:11
cjwatson^-- I haven't actually found a bug report identifiably due to that yet, but I think it makes sense - double-check?03:11
evandwhat's the difference between acting_filesystem and use_filesystem?03:14
cjwatsonerr, I always have to look it up03:14
cjwatsonone moment03:15
cjwatsonok, use_filesystem means that the method requires the partition to have a file system attached to it (as opposed to swap or don't use or whatever)03:19
cjwatsonacting_filesystem says which filesystem should be used03:19
cjwatsonuse_filesystem has an interaction with preseeded partitioning methods03:20
cjwatsoni.e. it's actually set in partman-auto recipes03:20
cjwatsonI think in this case testing presence of acting_filesystem and use_filesystem would be equivalent03:20
evandok, I just noticed that we're using both, use in finish.d and acting in check.d.03:22
cjwatsonthough actually, I'm not entirely sure of that. I think it's possible to have use_filesystem but not having selected an actual filesystem to use03:22
evanderr nevermind03:22
evandI'm looking at two completely different bits of code.03:23
cjwatsonfeels sort of like an error condition but I'd have to stare at it some more03:23
cjwatson218391 is impressive03:24
cjwatson/dev/sda11 on /target type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)03:24
cjwatson/dev/sda10 on /target type ext3 (rw)03:24
cjwatson/dev/sda7 on /target type reiserfs (rw)03:24
cjwatson/dev/sda8 on /target type ext3 (rw)03:24
cjwatson/dev/sda9 on /target type ext3 (rw)03:24
cjwatsonI notice also:03:25
cjwatson/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/zoommap.py:333: DeprecationWarning: integer argument expected, got float03:25
cjwatson  self.big_pixbuf = self.pixbuf.scale_simple(w * 4.5, h * 4.5, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)03:25
cjwatsonmaybe int() needed there03:25
cjwatsonI really wish something in the partman log mentioned mountpoints03:26
CIA-19ubiquity: cjwatson * r2667 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog partman/check.d/03partition_too_small): also make sure that partition_too_small skips free space 'partitions'03:30
cjwatsonI think I'll investigate 218391 tomorrow; need sleep now03:32
evandyeah, I can imagine.03:32
evandthe partman-base change works by the way, uploading now.03:32
cjwatsongreat, thanks03:33
cjwatsonevand: did somebody notify ubuntu-doc of the KDE resize widget changes (bug 215131)?03:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 215131 in ubiquity "resize widget changes for clarity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21513103:34
CIA-19partman-base: evand * r86 partman-base.ubuntu/ (debian/changelog lib/base.sh):03:35
CIA-19partman-base: * Disable swap on all the swap partitions for the device being03:35
CIA-19partman-base:  changed, rather than just the ones that will exist after03:35
CIA-19partman-base:  partitioning (LP: #218394).03:35
cjwatsonhope I was right to close 21513103:37
evandI think so03:39
CIA-19partman-base: evand * r87 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 114ubuntu503:40
greearb_cjwatson, can you remind me where to edit to change what gets put on the live-cd desktop?  In particular, interested in the 'install now' option.06:53
greearb_nevermind, found it I believe07:10
_rubenis there a complete list of 'd-i directives' and similar which can be used as boot parameter during install and/or in a preseed file?09:54
_rubenincluding stuff like specifying a custom (local) install mirror09:55
cjwatson_ruben: the installation guide is the best source for that10:38
_rubencjwatson: hmm.. couldnt find a very detailed list there, guess i'll have to go look a bit more closely10:40
cjwatsonpreseeding appendix. it's got lots of stuff10:44
_rubenhmm .. seems the 7.04 info is more extensive than 7.1010:47
cjwatsonyou mean on help.ubuntu.com?10:50
cjwatsonthere have been some delays in getting the installation guide published there, so it isn't up yet; use the installation-guide-i386 (etc.) package in the archive10:51
_rubenah, yes10:52
_rubenhelp.ubuntu.com is what i was looking at10:52
_rubenhmm ... gutsy's install guide is versioned 20070319ubuntu2 .. sounds rather 'feisty'10:53
cjwatsonthe bit at the start is just the version of the Debian guide that it's based on10:55
CIA-19casper: cjwatson * r504 casper/ (debian/changelog scripts/casper-bottom/10adduser):11:00
CIA-19casper: * Ensure that the live CD user's Desktop directory is owned by them, not11:00
CIA-19casper:  by root (LP: #218576).11:00
_rubencjwatson: ah11:01
davmor2do we have any Migration-Assistant devs here?12:55
cjwatsondavmor2: evand is the guy12:55
cjwatson(US/Eastern time)12:55
stgraberdavmor2: well, US eastern should soon be awake :)13:21
davmor2evand: hello I got issues with M_A14:03
davmor2evand: Should M-A on 64bit transfer details for 32bit XP?14:04
evandit should, yes14:07
davmor2evand: it isn't even registering that there is another OS and yet 32bit has work flawlessly I just checked14:08
davmor2evand: I reinstall xp and re-run the test what logs do you need or is it just running the install with --debug?14:10
evandrun ubiquity in --debug mode and attach /var/log/syslog and /var/log/installer/debug to a new bug14:14
davmor2evand: Np's I'll ping you with the number once it's up :)14:16
davmor2evand: daft question I got the live cd booted up now.  Is it the log files of the installed system or the running live one?14:40
evandthe live one, though if the install completes successfully the same log files can be grabed from /var/log/installer/{syslog,debug} as it copies them to the target system at the end of the install.14:42
davmor2evand: yes it installs fine just M-A not working.14:44
davmor2evand: installing. about 15 minutes-ish14:48
xivulonevand not sure if you followed yesterday discussion, but basically wubi 490 is up14:52
xivulonto address layoutcode issues, I also added automation_failure_command14:53
xivulonshould go in after rc14:55
davmor2wubi is displaying no backdrop on Kubuntu-KDE4 but is strangely showing a ubiquity window behind the installing system window :)15:01
evandxivulon: ok15:04
evanddavmor2: curious, can you file a bug for that with a screenshot?15:05
evandxivulon: I'm not sure automation_failure_command is a good idea in the case of wubi.  A failure in automation does not necessarily constitute a unrecoverable failure.15:06
evandbut that's of course your perogative.15:06
davmor2evand: no to screenshot I'll see if kubuntu does the same. It's before the system loads15:08
xivulonevand ok will comment it out, it's only one line in the preseed template15:11
xivulonfeel free to do it yourself data\preseed.lupin15:12
xivulonwubi downloader won't run until metalinks are in place of course15:12
davmor2evand: there's no debug log in /var/log/installer/  there's casper.log, initial-status.gz, partman, syslog and version.  I've already uploaded syslog.15:15
evandhrm, and you ran the installer with --debug?15:16
davmor2evand: yes there is a debug in /var/log/15:16
evandno, that's for the kernel15:18
evandcould I trouble you to run the installer again and grab the debug log before it reboots?  I'll have to see if this wasn't just a fluke and the debug log stopped getting copied out.15:19
davmor2evand: where is it likely to be on the livecd I'll run it again until it gets to the confirmation piont that should be enough shouldn't it?15:20
evand /var/log/installer/debug15:20
evandit should show up as soon as you start ubiquity with --debug15:20
davmor2bug 218673 if you want to view the syslog while you wait :)15:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218673 in ubuntu "64bit Migration-Assistant can't see XP" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21867315:21
davmor2evand debug should be up now15:32
davmor2evand: is that okay for you need to do more tests?15:39
evandshould be good for the initial look over15:49
evandI'll let you know if I figure out what's causing this or need more information15:49
davmor2evand: it looks like it's listed just not showing in the menu if you need a screenshot of what I get I'll do you one after rc is out when I got more time okay15:50
evanddavmor2: so the only difference between your two installs was the architecture on the installer CD?15:59
davmor2evand: yes 32bit work 63bit fails15:59
evandand just to clarify, you used imaging software or something similar to put both install attempts at the same starting point.  That is, both systems had the same or roughly the same filesystem from the start.16:00
davmor2evand: Yes I use partimage to refresh xp each time.  This gives me XP with bookmarks email all setup so M-A has something to import.16:02
evandok, thanks16:03
davmor2evand: Also your right about login for messenger there are no details apart from a random encrypted file I found.  I am guessing that is the thing that attaches to windows live and announces your system is online.16:07
evandhrm, what's the path to the file?16:07
evandas that's more than I've found16:07
davmor2I'll see if I can find it again I think it's in a random sub folder assigned  to live rather than messenger but I'll post you the path again after rc is out.16:09
evandok, thanks16:10
davmor2evand: here is a photo of that kde4 install screen http://picasaweb.google.com/davmor2/UbuntuScreenshots/photo#519023590714801163416:27
davmor2evand: obviously no shiney light though ;)17:12
davmor2evand: it's the same with Kubuntu too17:15
evandso that's all you see?  You never see an install window, or does it appear in front of that?17:15
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away
=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2
davmor2evand: ping19:05
evanddavmor2: pong19:08
davmor2evand: is there no wubi on the dvd images?19:09
evanddavmor2: correct, we removed it as it takes far too long and uses too much space19:09
evanddavmor2: umenu however, should show up without the wubi option19:09
evandotherwise that's a bug in umenu that needs to be reported19:09
mario_limonciellit takes too long because of processing all the language packages at the end?19:09
mario_limonciellor just the copy process19:09
davmor2evand: no there is nothing booting in XP at all19:10
evandbecause it tries to turn an entire DVD into an ISO19:10
mario_limoncielloh i see19:10
evanddavmor2: curious, there's no umenu.exe and autorun file on the root of the DVD?19:10
davmor2I'll double check but I don't think so19:11
davmor2evand: md5sum/cdromupgrade/README.diskdefines/ubuntu the rest are folders19:12
evandah, I see the problem19:13
xivulonI am double checking stuff and I noticed that /host gets mounted with the following options:19:13
davmor2evand: What's the problem?19:14
xivulonIt is my understanding that it will make /host rw to everyone19:14
xivulonisn't that a security concern?19:14
evanddavmor2: I accidentally made it so that umenu is only included on the cd builds if we're not building a dvd19:14
evandfixing now19:14
xivuloncjwatson, evand let me know what you think of the above19:14
davmor2evand: so does that mean that we'll have winfoss on the dvd or just the info files?19:16
evandxivulon: I'm not overly concerned about that, but perhaps cjwatson will disagree.19:17
stgraberevand: when has wubi been removed from the DVD ?19:17
evanddavmor2: it'll have umenu and wubi19:17
evanderr just umenu19:17
evandbranch nick: cdimage.public19:18
evandtimestamp: Tue 2008-04-01 10:54:46 -040019:18
evandmessage: Don't install Wubi to the DVD.  It takes too long to make an ISO of the DVD and uses too much space.19:18
evandstgraber: ^19:18
stgraberevand: next time you do that kind of change (especially to DVD) can you please send me or the ubuntu-qa ML a mail so we know we need to update the testcases in the tracker ?19:20
stgrabernow it's too late to remove the Wubi testcase for final testing :(19:20
evandah, sorry about that.19:23
bdmurrayevand: have you seen xivulon recently?22:23
evandbdmurray: no.  He's usually quick to reply to email though.22:27
bdmurrayokay, do you know off hand where to find the Wubi-installer log?22:31
evandsomething like that22:32
bdmurrayjust in case I haven't said it before I hate vista22:38
stgraberbdmurray: even Windows users do :)22:52
xivulonbdmurray, re 204128, does wubi jam after that or can you resume somehow23:18
bdmurrayxivulon: I've tried it 2x now.  One time it said complete and ejected the disk then hung and Windows hung too.  I forcibly rebooted and was in a bad state.23:19
bdmurrayxivulon: The second time the I was able to forcibly quit Wubi, reboot and install.23:20
xivulonit's a strange issue because from the log it appears that all my code gets executed.23:23
xivulonis this only with CD or also with ISO?23:23
bdmurrayxivulon: I've only tested with a CD.  I have a log from rev487 too but it ends the same way23:24
xivulon...installation successful...23:24
xivulonI am doing a build with some more logging23:30
xivulonbdmurray, can you pls try http://wubi-installer.org/devel/minefield/Wubi-8.04-beta-rev491.exe23:39
xivulonand this one: http://wubi-installer.org/devel/minefield/Wubi-8.04-beta-rev491-nsis234.exe23:41
bdmurrayxivulon: okay, just download and execute those files?23:50
xivulonyes with the cd in the tray23:50

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