
crimsunkristofernathan: it works fine here in gutsy and hardy (though much better in the latter)00:44
kristofernathani needed to use ndiswrapper00:46
kristofernathani was using fwcutter00:46
crimsunI use the native driver00:51
kristofernathanmaybe yours is magic00:55
crimsun...no; it's a bcm4311 rev0101:30
crimsun(I have a dv6205us)01:30
kristofernathanfinally got everything running smoothly.  anyone have problems with the screen flickering in and out?  i'm using a laptop with geforce go 7000 series03:10
SeanyDhello all12:27
SeanyDI have a support ?12:27
SeanyDI just installed kubuntu 8.04 on my toshiba a75 laptop12:28
SeanyDand it ran for couple days but today when I tried to restart, it said something about media drive failure, and now it won't boot12:29
SeanyDwhen I press the power button I get a 1 second shot, sometimes I'll hear the hdd start up, but it only lasts at most 2 secs12:30
SeanyDany ideas?12:30
hubuntuhello... I have a contact at Zepto who could be up to let me test some machines with Ubuntu. I'm thnking of finding an automatized way to do this (using the Live CD, shoot some script, test what works and what does not , get on to the next machine). this guys sell computers originally build by Compal (same as System76, and many other Laptop "manufacturers"/re-branders)13:51
hubuntuwould you recommend using the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingDataScraper ?13:51
hubuntuI mean is there some script that I could Use in order to grab the machines specs or will a lshw do the trick?13:52
hubuntua dumpp of lshw...13:52
simirahubuntu: try talking to Matthew Garret14:16
hubuntuSimira: I'll give it a shoot. Thanks14:24
hubuntusimira: og om du kan/vil/har tid/orker ikke glem mailen ang kommentaren på wikien. Det er greit også om du glemmer den, bare så det er sagt. R14:26
simirahubuntu: jeg har lagt inn en kommentar. Når er det du skal opp på møte?14:28
simira(let's keep it in en, when are you going through the community meeting to become an ubuntu member?)14:28
hubuntuthe thing I was up the 15th, but the changed the way they approve members...14:35
hubuntuso I think i'm hopefully up the 6th of may, but it's done by the regional teams14:35
simirahm, ok?14:36
simiraso you're up by Ubuntu-no LoCo? :P14:36
simirawe'll have to have a meeting, then :P14:36
hubuntuI do not really know, as part of both the ubuntu-no and ubuntu-ec (as contact member) I guess booth count ;)14:37
hubuntubut I dunno which team (Americas or Europe/Asia/Africa9 will take the "test"14:38
hubuntuwill see14:40
hubuntuAny activities planned for hardy?14:40
hubuntuThanks for the comment simira, I read it first now :)14:47
simiradidn't you start to organize a releaseparty/installfest?15:10
simiraI've heard nothing since the post on forum.ubuntu.no15:11
hubuntuI did take contact with some people, but we got a big NO from  everybody15:28
hubuntupeople is very active here in Norwya (think of Translations and FLOSS use in general) but there is not much of a community, beyond the virtual one and well the InstallFest which are very good once in a while, inded15:29
pihhanwhat can i do if my sony vaio does not hibernate using shutdown and platoform?17:36
pihhanis there some way to debug process of hibernation and reason of failure?17:37
pihhandoes exist support for brighness settings keys not set by ACPI?17:48
pihhanie brightness keys produce normal keycodes, not acpi events?17:48
pihhanis there better place for my questions?17:50

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