
DPicanybody have anything to put on our agenda for the next meeting? 02:26
boredandbloggingDPic: probably need to keep encouraging LoCos to share flyers and posters03:29
FlannelDPic: California came up with some neat CD sleeves.  We're almost ready to release them for general consumption03:33
FlannelSpeaking of, what are the *actual* official colors of each flavor?03:34
Flannelsince, the wiki lists conflict for Ubuntu anyway03:35
Flannelthe wiki being this page : 03:42
Flannelthen the Ubuntu Palette (png/svg) vs the Hex colors above it03:43
tonyyarussoSay, does anyone know of a good starter guide to using Gobby?06:33
BHSPitMonkeyman gobby08:14
BHSPitMonkeyFlannel, better asked in #ubuntu-artwork08:15
Mirvboredandblogging: any news on the plans on having the press release multi-lingually published at ubuntu.com? I'd guess you already have a few translations back.10:39
Mirv(mine included)10:46
=== _Czessi is now known as Czessi
magicfabboredandblogging, ping - re: press releases15:25
magicfabboredandblogging, I'd like to have access to translate adapt them for release in QC, Canada (french) and Colombia (spanish), two teams I am the contact for.15:26
magicfabbeuno, cody-somerville ^15:26
cody-somervillemagicfab, I was going to get a friend of mine to do the French Canada but I haven't had a chance to send it to him yet so I'll send it to you.15:27
magicfabcody-somerville, k15:27
cody-somervillemagicfab, Can't you get it internally? I thought you worked for Canonical.15:27
magicfabcody-somerville, no. If I told you why I'd have to kill you :)15:28
magicfabAnd I specially can't do this while "on the job"15:28
* magicfab turns on the strobe light on his community hat15:28
magicfab(and yes I work at C.)15:29
magicfabwhen/how will we know when it can be released ?15:30
cody-somervilleThe embargo is lifted on the 22nd15:30
cody-somervillemagicfab, I'm at work so it'll be a few moments before I can sendi t15:31
magicfab:) do you also have the spanish or I need to bug beuno ?15:31
hubuntuI want to approach a laptop (Compal branding) manufacturer here in Scandinavia to see options for them to either distribute the PCs with Ubuntu or at least test the machines with the system and put the info on the laptop testing team15:32
hubuntuI have a contact inside the company (have sold many before as I worked as a reseller) and we explored the option for 2 years ago15:33
hubuntuThey had their own distro (zeptix) for like 3-4 years ago15:33
magicfabhubuntu, are you trying to convince them to actually certify the machines formally ?15:33
hubuntuI don't think they are up to using money on it at the certification level15:34
cody-somervillemagicfab, What do you mean the spanish one?15:34
hubuntubut they sure are up to offer an option..15:34
magicfabcody-somerville, spanish press release15:34
hubuntuThey sell computers today with Windows and the "No OS" option15:34
cody-somervillemagicfab, I don't have the Spanish translation no.15:34
magicfabhubuntu, you can show them http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/ for examples of other manufacturers going through that. as that list grows I imagine people will refer to it when buying.15:35
magicfabhubuntu, the LaptopTestingTeam content is badly outdated15:35
hubuntuI know15:35
magicfabhubuntu, but the templates there are the next best thing to actual formal certification.15:35
hubuntuok, so If I approach to them (either as an entusiast or as a business card holder) I should recommend certification?15:36
hubuntuhave some prices available15:36
magicfabhubuntu, are doing business with them or just being a nice community member ? :)15:37
hubuntuI am not sure quite right at the moment15:38
hubuntuIt depends on what they want/need15:39
hubuntuI'm always up for business, but I put my community role first when it comes to Ubuntu15:39
magicfabIf they express interest you could let them know about Canonical's formal certification, get that information first. 15:39
magicfabYou can also propose yourself to do the LaptopTeamTesting stuff, I guess.15:39
hubuntuI mean they have serious GNU/Linux interest15:40
hubuntuthey even had zeptix!15:40
magicfabJust makre sure they don't confuse your offer (community or business) with Canonical's15:40
hubunturthat's the idea15:40
hubuntuI want to approach to them and do the Laptoptesting thing for free15:40
magicfabAs far a using the Ubuntu trademark, if you are an Ubuntu member you can use it. Just always make sure they understand YOU are not Ubuntu by yourself :D15:41
hubuntuand If something else arises, well then I give them Mark's email ;)15:41
magicfabTake a good read of this: http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/hardwareprogramme15:41
hubuntuI have15:41
hubuntuI', thinkking of how to combine both roles, but It all depends on what they want15:41
magicfabThen you know Mark is not handling that ;)15:42
hubuntuI know, I'm just kidding15:42
hubuntuI gave them CDs when Dapper came out15:43
hubuntuThey did some testing, but then the company got sold...15:43
hubuntuNow the company is been sold back to the original stakeholders and we'll see what happens ;)15:43
magicfabbe careful when offering things for free (like work). Companies often think it's worthless and may get used to it.15:44
hubuntuI know this guys and they know I work as a consultant, but they also know I'm very entusiastic about Ubuntu15:45
hubuntuSo they are up for selling some more machines, and that's good15:45
hubuntuand I'm up to make ubuntu grow, just because I can ;)15:46
magicfabWhat is the community like in Scandinavia ?15:46
hubuntuthat's good too, right?15:46
hubuntuVery active15:46
magicfabsure, although certificaiton is just one part - they will probably have to support that, which means training their staff on it. Or paying someone to support that.15:47
hubuntubut ina strange way...15:47
hubuntuyeah, I see the company I work for as the support partner If the question arises, but before that Time we will of course have become partners15:47
magicfabfrom Ecuador ? 15:48
hubuntuwith Canonical15:48
hubuntuI live in Oslo ;)15:48
magicfabI am confused - I thought you lived in Ecuador15:48
hubuntuI am the contact member for ubuntu-ec15:48
hubuntubut live in Oslo15:48
hubuntuit's a networked world, you know ;)15:49
magicfabI know. I am the contact for Ubuntu-co. and I live in Montreal, Canada. We should start a support group.15:49
hubuntupretty much like you & ubuntu-co15:49
magicfabOh, sometimes there are big voids of disconnected people, you know :)15:50
hubuntuI will take contact with these guys and let you know15:50
hubuntuNow I have some FLISOL organizing to do15:50
magicfabI have a router to un-brick :)15:52
magicfabsee you around15:52
hubuntuhas anyone here by any chance contact (as in I can call him) with carl or other System76 people?16:10
hubuntuIreally need to get in contact and buy some stickers from them16:10
MenZahubuntu: http://system76.com/article_info.php?articles_id=2416:11
hubuntuthanks MenZa !16:21
FlannelAnyone have a rough estimate of the amount of programs in Ubuntu repos?19:38
beunoFlannel, IIRC, it should be around ~30k19:39
Flannelbeuno: there are only 25K packages19:39
beunoFlannel, well, there you go19:40
Flannelbeuno: packages include libraries, etc19:40

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