
virtualroadsideany thoughts on how to detect whether an app is running inside of UME or not?03:17
pteaguei'm guessing it'd be possible to run ubuntu-mobile under a vm?03:31
virtualroadsiderun it well? eh03:36
virtualroadsideyou can run it in a window on your desktop03:36
dholbachgood morning06:36
=== asac_ is now known as asac
mbomanI installed the UME stuff on my Ubuntu 7.10 laptop, and the mobile gui looks great. However, the standard Gnome has become ugly and almost unusable as it is missing checkboxes etc. Is there any way to run both the UME gui and standard gnome side-by-side (as different users)?08:26
mbomanI am running this on my Everex Cloudbook, a C7-M powered device with a 7" display with the resolution of 800x480 pixels08:27
prpplaguedavidm__: hey, just a note, when you get back from CELF, TinCanTools will ship you a clear tube case for your Nail_Board14:13
mbomanI installed the UME stuff on my Ubuntu 7.10 laptop, and the mobile gui looks great. However, the standard Gnome has become ugly and almost unusable as it is missing checkboxes etc. Is there any way to run both the UME gui and standard gnome side-by-side (as different users)? I am running this on my Everex Cloudbook, a C7-M powered device with a 7" display with the resolution of 800x480 pixels, and want to be able to 14:14
agoliveiramboman: The problem is that the window manager used on UME (matchbox) assumes a few different things like the applications will run fullscreen for instance and the applications are not usually designed to work on such different resolution so running a standard Gnome/GTK application on UME mostly works but you will encounter problems with useability.14:30
mbomani mean that I have 2 different system accounts14:32
mbomanone for the UME stuff14:32
mbomanone for Gnome stuff14:32
mbomanUME stuff gets a 'mobile' user that auto-login to the system etc..14:32
mbomanthen the other one is for more personalized usage14:32
agoliveir1mboman: Ah, never tried this but you may indeed encounter problems as they share a few gconf keys IIRC. They weren't designed to work together.14:33
mbomanI'll try it out when I get back home14:34
=== agoliveir1 is now known as agoliveira
inkynoobHas anyone put Ubuntu Mobile on an eeePC? I'm googleing, but haven't found anything conclusive14:54
* Hobbsee wonders what the case is with realplayer15:01
agoliveirainkynoob: It should work out of box except for a few things like the wifi. You will probably be able to use a kernel from ubuntu-eee project on it.15:02
agoliveirainkynoob: But I wouldn't recomend due the lack of touchscreen.15:02
inkynoobThere's touchscreen kits, if Ubuntu Mobile looks like it'll work, I'd be very happy to install one :-)15:03
inkynoobI installed ubuntu-mobile from the gutsy repositories, should I be running Hardy insteady? 15:04
Hobbseeoh, headdesk.15:05
Hobbseeis Brian Thomason here?15:06
* Hobbsee ponders giving a comprehensive list of why this package appears to be E, B & W, or just rejecting it outright.15:09
agoliveirainkynoob: Yes and remember that UME is currently a moving target. Lot's of things are changing and fast.15:10
agoliveirainkynoob: and, BTW, we apreciate any bug reports you may add, thank you very much :)15:10
* Hobbsee is told it's a partner thing. never mind15:16
inkynoobThanks agoliveira, I'll try it out. I don't need stable, I just need something almost stable :-) I'll report any bugs I find15:21
agoliveirainkynoob: UME is mostly stable, there's no big crashes around as it's mostly based on already stable software. You may find more things like applications that don't start due some missing configuration file, weird interface glitches, etc.15:22
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smagounlool: any idea why alsa-base and alsa-utils aren't installed in your team's builds? Were they deliberately removed?16:46
loolsmagoun: I don't think they were, let me check16:58
loolsmagoun: They were not excluded in the seeds at least16:59
loolMeeting in one minute16:59
loolsmagoun: if you discover how they are pulled on your side, I'm happy to mirror that otherwise i'll pull them via the seeds with a comment on why they are needed17:00
MootBotMeeting started at 18:00. The chair is lool.17:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:00
loolHi everybody; hope you're warm for the meeting!17:00
loolAllow me to start with last weeks actions17:00
agoliveiraIt's just 20°C right now but warm enough :)17:00
loolagoliveira: Good enough :)17:01
lool[topic] #17:01
lool[topic] rustyl_ to assign ppa packages updates for the new tarball based release process [cted as blocked by lool last week and the week before that...][cted][cted]17:01
MootBotNew Topic:  # 17:01
MootBotNew Topic:  rustyl_ to assign ppa packages updates for the new tarball based release process [cted as blocked by lool last week and the week before that...][cted][cted] 17:01
loolrustyl__: So I think yoy assigned remaining updates to inuka_desk, is that correct?17:01
loolOn that front, I have to send you the minutes from yesterday's meeting17:01
rustyl__lool, yes17:01
loolCool, so closing this17:01
lool(NB: The target date for the updates would be 20th / 22th the latest to be in the 24th build)17:02
loolMoving on to next topic then17:02
lool[topic] bspencer to list i18n status for Moblin project[cted][cted] 17:02
MootBotNew Topic:  bspencer to list i18n status for Moblin project[cted][cted]  17:02
bspencerI've worked on that17:02
bspencerpolled all parties17:02
bspencer there are still 2-3 projects needing attention17:02
loolCool; could you report on your findings? :)17:02
loolbspencer: Could you list them on a wiki page?  What's the plan for these modules?17:02
bspencernamely:  mobile-basic-flash.  Minimal dialogs (e.g. "Starting X app")17:02
bspencermarquee also (clock?)17:03
bspenceryes.  I'll put them on a wiki page17:03
loolOk; anything else on the top of your head?17:03
bspencerapplets, FF, and moblin-media should be done (per their owners)17:03
bspencerone note about FF17:03
bspencercarl explained to me how l10n pkgs would need to be tweaked17:04
bspencerbasically, MIDbrowser  is i18n, but the existing FF l10n pkgs won't work as-is17:04
loolasac probably has a very good idea of this17:04
bspencerthey need to have a wrapper installer pkg17:04
bspencerthat unpacks the originally, tweaks the ID, then installs them.17:04
loolbspencer: Could you discuss this topic with asac and cwong?17:04
bspencerI think this is asac's idea.  Yes.  I'll talk to them.17:05
loolasac has been recently working on the langpacks for firefox with the help of davidm, and I'm sure it wont be too hard to reuse this work for midbrowser17:05
bspenceryes, right.  Reuse, just not completely free.17:05
loolbspencer: Thanks; I guess this will all go to the wiki page; perhaps the one with the langpacks info is the one that makes sense, otherwise a moblin i18n status page is nice17:06
loolbspencer: Do you want an action on it?17:06
bspencerlool, ok.    I love action items17:06
loolI guess you can easy do that immediately after the meeting, so not sure you need an explicit action17:06
bspencerlool, doesn't hurt17:06
loolBut then it would be the occasion to strike it in two minutes17:06
lool[action] (bspencer) document status of i18n of moblin modules on Ubuntu wiki; needs discussion with asac and cwong for FF17:07
MootBotACTION received:  (bspencer) document status of i18n of moblin modules on Ubuntu wiki; needs discussion with asac and cwong for FF 17:07
lool[topic] GrueMaster file a bug on helix build missing alsa support17:07
MootBotNew Topic:  GrueMaster file a bug on helix build missing alsa support 17:07
loolGrueMaster: What's the bug id?17:07
ToddBrandtlool: what's the latest version of nm-applet in hardy? We have a few emergency bugs to fix in it and I need to pull the latest17:07
GrueMasterI'll have to look it up17:07
* ToddBrandt oops, didn't know the meeting started already17:07
bspencerToddBrandt, lool  is on fire.  Lookout.17:08
loolGrueMaster: Just open the list of bugs you filed on launchpad17:08
GrueMasterOk, the bug is 21524217:09
GrueMasterSorry, had browser issues.17:09
lool<disappears-from-meeting> ToddBrandt: dpkg -S nm-applet => network-manager-gnome => rmadison network-manager-gnome </back-to-meeting>17:09
loolGrueMaster: Thanks17:09
* ToddBrandt thanks17:09
loolGrueMaster: I'm not exactly sure this is what we really want to fix17:09
GrueMasterOk.  What's your reasoning?17:10
loolGrueMaster: I guess our toplevel target is "getting sound working in helix", and the ideal way would be to use its alsa support -- do you agree?17:10
loolGrueMaster: In this case, I think we should change the way we build helix to enable alsa17:10
GrueMasterThis is true, but there are still other applications that use OSS.17:10
loolif this fails, we should consider OSS, or if we have other requirements17:10
loolGrueMaster: In our builds?  If they do, they should depend on it, and we shouldn't have to pull it manually17:11
GrueMasterFor example, say an end user wants wine support.17:11
loolGrueMaster: helix could also be changed to pull it (depend on it)17:11
agoliveiraIs OSS is a good idea? Could introduce a series of blockings on the sound device17:11
loolGrueMaster: wine depends on libasound2; that lets me think it would suppor talsa17:11
GrueMasterThere are a lot of applications that depend on oss outside of ume.17:12
loolGrueMaster: And that we don't package and care about?17:12
* agoliveira thinks those should die and quick!17:12
GrueMasterAs to wine, it must be fairly new.17:12
loolGrueMaster: Perhaps we should list a couple in some place and set this an explicit goal for UME then firs17:13
lool"Support OSS for non packaged random apps that users will install"17:13
GrueMasterThe point is that we should be providing a stable base, and alsa-base doesn't take much room for the support it provides.17:13
loolBut just starting with the fact that these aren't packaged (or improperly) and not distributed by us lets me think we shouldn't care as our top priority17:14
GrueMasterAlso, I think the alsa power management tools are in alsa-base.17:14
loolThat's a much more motivating rationale for using more space in the builds :)17:14
GrueMasterMore space?  We're now kuibbling over a few K.17:15
loolGrueMaster: So could you either change the bug report into two bug reports; one asking for alsa support in helix builds and one asking for alsa-base to be directly included for $rationale?17:15
GrueMasteralsa-base has mainly a modprobe.conf file.17:15
loolGrueMaster: Do you agree that the two things are good and useful and that we can prioritize / discuss / implement them separately?17:17
loolGrueMaster: Do you mind if I task you with the filing of the second bug and the update of the first?  :)17:17
GrueMasterSo, what you're asking me to do is file a separate bug for helix, then conjure up a justification for alsa-base, which is only a few K?  Is this correct?17:18
loolGrueMaster: That's about it; concerning alsa what matters is that we have some good understanding of why we pull it so that anyone can look it up17:18
loolIf it helps save power, I'm all for it17:19
GrueMasterThat would be nice to know.  Why was it pulled in the first place?17:19
loolGrueMaster: Probably as a dependency of something which moved to alsa now17:19
loolBut I don't really know, I would have to dig in old stuff to find out17:19
loolGrueMaster: If that makes sense to you, I propose a couple of action items for this (IMO fast) bug work; fine with you?17:20
GrueMasterI'm still fuzzy on the whole debian/ubuntu packaging dependancy thing.17:20
loolGrueMaster: Well I think packages which only work with OSS and not alsa should depend on OSS, that's clear17:20
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away
loolConcerning support of non-packaged software, that's not something I know are in our current goals, but if it's something desirable we could discuss this17:21
loolBut trying to guess what might be useful is a slippery slope, so it needs discussion, motivations etc.17:21
loolOk, let's go for the actions then17:21
agoliveiralool: as in now (for imediate release) or for next release?17:22
lool[action] (GrueMaster) update #215242 to request enabling of alsa in helix builds (or a dependency on oss support in alsa)17:22
MootBotACTION received:  (GrueMaster) update #215242 to request enabling of alsa in helix builds (or a dependency on oss support in alsa) 17:22
* agoliveira means discussing at UDS as in "next".17:22
lool[action] (GrueMaster) file new bug requesting addition of alsa-base to the seeds with the rationale of the power management features it provides17:23
MootBotACTION received:  (GrueMaster) file new bug requesting addition of alsa-base to the seeds with the rationale of the power management features it provides 17:23
loolGrueMaster: TIA17:23
loolagoliveira: I think we should try having such discussions with "high level goals" for the images at UDSes, but then easy topics/goals/features not eating up too much time and consensual in nature can be added in the middle of our dev / release cycles IMO17:24
loolGrueMaster: Thanks in advance :)17:24
=== robr___ is now known as robr
loolOk; I don't any additional action from last week17:24
loolI'm moving to the current items now17:24
lool[topic] Plans for Intel regarding UDS. agoliveira. 17:25
MootBotNew Topic:  Plans for Intel regarding UDS. agoliveira.  17:25
loolI think this says it all17:25
agoliveiraWell, self explanatory: is there any yet?17:25
loolWho from Intel is scheduled to come yet? :)17:25
loolbspencer, GrueMaster, rustyl__, ToddBrandt, inuka_desk17:26
rustyl__i don't have an answer yet... a request is going through managment17:26
loolrustyl__: Cool; do you have an idea when we can expect to know who will come?17:26
loolIt's also a good time to submit topics if you didn't already17:26
agoliveirathe sooner the better17:27
rustyl__i really don't know17:27
rustyl__i'm not the decision maker on this17:27
loolrustyl__: Ok; please tell us as soon as you know so that we can plan beer t-shirts and the like17:27
rustyl__the Canonical/Intel rep is working this17:27
agoliveirarustyl__: But you can post your ideas anyway, just in case.17:27
loolOh and action items naturally17:27
loolEveryone loves action items17:27
* agoliveira usually runs from them :)17:28
loolOk; anything else to discuss in today's meeting?17:28
* agoliveira is ok17:28
ToddBrandtloo: one thing17:28
ToddBrandtthe hardy ppa and the dependency problems17:28
loolToddBrandt: Go ahead17:28
loolToddBrandt: Oh right17:28
loolToddBrandt: I was on leave when your message arrived, I resumed work yesterday and saw that this was fixed, but kept it in my TODO to discuss it with you17:29
ToddBrandtThere seem to be alot of conflicts with hildon-desktop and telepathy, can we make sure everyone knows that when they upload to the PPA to upload all the dependecy upgrades first17:29
GrueMasterI sincerely doubt I'll be going anywhere.17:29
loolToddBrandt: I'm happy to have a one to one to tell you the secret technique we share to fix these issues17:29
loolJust don't tell anyone17:29
ToddBrandtheh, ok17:29
loolGrueMaster: Prague!  In May!  If management doesn't allow it, take some holidays and join!17:30
GrueMasterNeed $$$17:30
GrueMasterOtherwise I'd love to.17:30
loolHmm starting a night job wont work I guess17:31
loolToddBrandt: Let's have this next week together; on IRC or phone as you like17:31
* agoliveira whishes it was a little closer and not in wedding's aniversary :(17:31
GrueMasterI already have one.  Plus I'm working on getting my degree.17:31
ToddBrandtsounds good, let's do IRC next week around wednesday ish17:31
lool[action] (ToddBrandt and lool) workshop on solving dependency issues in ppa17:31
MootBotACTION received:  (ToddBrandt and lool) workshop on solving dependency issues in ppa 17:31
loolGrueMaster: Ah, poor you17:31
loolGrueMaster: Join us over the phone then; there should be some setup for remote attendance17:32
loolLesser quality, but doable17:32
loolOk; I'm about to close the meeting17:32
GrueMasterYea, but the beer isn't as good.  :P17:32
loolAnything else needing attention?17:32
agoliveiraGrueMaster: We can aways get some from Belgium :)17:32
GrueMasterStill outside of my commute range.17:33
loolOkely, then I'll close the meeting; I wish you all a nice day17:33
MootBotMeeting finished at 18:33.17:33
loolToddBrandt: Could you send me an email with your preferred dates for next week?  I /think/ sometime Tuesday would be good; I'm going to be on the east coast17:33
ToddBrandtlool: will do, thanks17:34
* lool &17:34
mawhalenlool: I lost my link to the minutes and never can find the darn things off UME launchpad, can you please send me the link17:42
=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2
ToddBrandtasac: do you have the bandwidth to accept some patches to the 0.6.6 network-manager-applet package for hardy?17:57
smagounlool: re: alsa. We noticed alsa-base and alsa-utils are no longer included in our builds after we resynced with hardy+ppa. We thought you or StevenK might have removed it from the seed for some reason.18:16
loolsmagoun: From a quick look at the log, I don't see any message mentionning alsa18:36
loolsmagoun: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.hardy/18:36
loolbzr log mobile | grep -i alsa18:36
smagounlool: right, but StevenK deployed a new seed for the PPA18:37
loolsmagoun: Oh18:37
loolsmagoun: Don't see recently modified seeds at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile nor https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk18:38
loolhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile/+archive?field.name_filter=ubuntu-meta&field.status_filter=published says some stuff was added18:39
smagounlool: I think the seed is here for some reason: http://people.ubuntu.com/~stevenk/mobile/seeds/18:39
loolIt must be pulling from somewhere, I wonder where18:39
loolsmagoun: Anyway, it wouldn't be a removal from your pov, would it?18:40
loolHmm unless it was dropped somewhere else than mobile18:40
looldesktop: * gstreamer0.10-alsa18:41
loolmobile: * gstreamer0.10-alsa18:41
loolIs all I see in the normal seeds, so it doesn't look like it was pulled until now18:41
loolsmagoun: I suspect $random_package was pulling it indirectly; if you have an old image, you could check the rdeps of the package perhaps?18:41
smagounlool: yes, it is a removal. We had alsa-base and alsa-utils in our image until we synced with hardy+ppa on 14April. I'm trying to figure out where it wend18:41
loolsmagoun: Tell me if you find out more :)18:46
asacToddBrandt: what kind of patch is that?18:48
ToddBrandtasac: three bug fixes18:48
ToddBrandtone to asdd a moko scroller to the AP list, and two to fix some behavioral issues18:48
asacmy bandwidth is fully utilized ;) for today and probably tomorrow. ... if those issues are really important and the patches are not that intrusive i can take a look if we can get an exception for that18:49
ToddBrandtasac: ok, thanks18:49
asacToddBrandt: how intrusive are those patches?18:49
asacdoesn't really sound like its a single line patch18:50
ToddBrandtasac: one other question, I have created a hardy project root with the latest hardy ppa snapshot and the network-manager-applet package has a couple errors in it. Have you seen that?18:50
ToddBrandtasac: yea, the moko will be an added library and include and about a paragraph of moko insertion18:50
ToddBrandtasac: the other two should be just a few lines hopefully18:50
asacToddBrandt: can't we push those changes to hardy ppa and intrepid?18:51
asaci plan to do that for the risky changes i have for xulrunner+midbrowser as well18:51
ToddBrandtasac: well, my plan is to build from the 0.6.6 latest, then push a version to the hardy ppa temporarily, then send you the patches for inclusion18:51
pmcgowanbspencer, thanks for the response19:30
bspencerhope it helps19:30
pmcgowanbspencer, is there a possibility of enabling and disabling moko scrolling on a per application basis?19:30
bspencerper application?  or within an application?19:31
bspencerI /wish/ that it was the default for all apps, that would be cool.19:31
bspencerbut actually each app has to do extra work to get it.  So yes to your question.19:31
pmcgowanI see, so in photo viewer I could not enable it19:32
pmcgowanor only enable when zoomed19:32
bspencerright.  that is how we would want it to work.  To disable moko when not zoomed somehow.19:32
pmcgowanbut you think that is tricky19:32
bspencerjust unknown.  The window gets added to a moko parent widget.  You probably don't want to reparent the window every time the user zooms in/out19:33
bspencerseems cleaner to have moko understand the gesture itself, since it is already interpreting the mousemove events.19:33
bspenceralthough that is overloading moko, which is designed for scrolling19:34
pmcgowanhmmm, thinking19:35
bspencerone option is add a patch to moko that forwards moues events when it isn't using them for panning (width/height of content <= width/height of screen).  Then have another component do the gestures.19:35
pmcgowanright then we could just set a mode somehow?19:36
bspenceryes, or moko just auto-knows19:36
bspencerif no scroll bars needed, it switches19:36
pmcgowanno scrolling to do, pass it through19:37
bspencerthen there is the question of bouncing on the edge.19:37
bspencerwhen you get to the edge of content currently, it kind of bounces it back19:37
bspencerbut when I recall, I don't think that bouncing works if there are no scroll bars.   Only when there is -- like at the end of a list.19:37
pmcgowanbut it knows there is more content than fits the window19:38
bspenceryes.  So I think that strategy we just mentioned would work.19:38
pmcgowanok, so when can you bang that out :-)19:39
bspenceras soon as mawhalen gives me the nod19:39
pmcgowandarn, was just on the phone with her19:39
mawhalenbspencer: pmcgowan ?19:39
bspencerha!  well she's been running the feature request through many meetings here.19:40
mawhalenI haven't read the thread19:40
pmcgowanbspencer, has it all worked out19:40
bspencermawhalen, np.  Just read pmcgowan's last few lines.19:40
bspencerstarting with "ok, so when can you bang that out"19:40
mawhalenbspencer: do I need to talk to Terence?  8)19:40
mawhalenno - really - do I need to do something here?19:40
bspencermawhalen,   we were trying to scope what the work would be for gestures19:41
bspenceryour favorite subject19:41
mawhalenbspencer: I just saw the word gestures...19:41
bspencerthat's the extent of the discussion.19:41
mawhalenbspencer: you can always scope it19:41
bspencerpmcgowan, just throw bfiller on it.  We accept patches19:42
pmcgowanbspencer, given we have the old code, seems like we could restore it in a resaonably short time?19:42
pmcgowanbfiller took 4 days off, the nerve19:42
bspencerpmcgowan, not so easy.    The old code conflicts with moko.  And it has no rotate support19:42
pmcgowanit did have rotate support?19:43
bspencerI don't think so.  Just left/right.    Maybe I'm wrong, I didn't spend much time on it -- just found the place we removed it.19:44
pmcgowanno, I used it, worked great19:44
pmcgowanthats why customers liked it19:44
pmcgowanwell seems like a change to photoviewer to restore the code, and a change to moko to pass through events if no scrolling is needed19:44
pmcgowanis it easy to identify the old code in the tree, or can you extract and send the relevant file to me?19:45
pmcgowanmawhalen, or can you assign an engineer to do what I just wrote?19:46
bspencerpmcgowan, I can point you to the date when the code was removed.  anyone can pull the code from the git repository19:48
bspencerpraj, 19:48
pmcgowanbspencer, mawhalen is not answering my staffing request19:49
bspencerpmcgowan, she's a talented program manager19:50
bspencerI can get you the info you need to get the gesture code from git, Yes.19:50
bspencervia praj.19:50
bspencerpraj-laptop, 19:50
pmcgowanbspencer, who works on the moko stuff for you?19:51
bspencerfrank li has done all that work.  PRC guy19:51
pmcgowanso can he make the change to conditionally not consume the events?19:52
bspencerpmcgowan, you still need to work with mawhalen.  Everyone is working on other things.  :-\   But he /could/ do that, if he were given that to do, yes.19:54
mawhalenbspencer: pmcgowan talking to folks in my cube - 19:54
mawhalenwe do not have por to do gestures19:54
pmcgowanthat darn por again19:55
pmcgowanwho do I have to bribe?19:55
mawhalenpmcgowan: i've had many an internal conversation19:55
mawhalenbribe craig19:55
pmcgowanhe doesnt code19:55
pmcgowanmawhalen, so are you saying its out of your hands, is there someone I should escalate to?19:56
pmcgowanmawhalen, I think its less than a day of work19:56
mawhalenyes, that is what I was trying to say19:56
mawhalenpmcgowan: not what I hear, don't always trust Bob19:56
pmcgowanwe just simplified the design :-)19:57
mawhalenactually - a really good starting point would be for someone to make use cases19:57
mawhaleni don't want any ambigious requirements19:57
pmcgowanmawhalen, what it used to do is the use case, it was fine19:58
mawhalenreally - out of my hands and I have a meeting in 2 minutes in another building, so must take off...19:58
pmcgowanok, later19:58
mawhalenyou'll have to keep talking to bspencer 19:58
=== doko_ is now known as doko

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