
asacScottK: anyway, i wanted to do the update tomorrow00:00
ScottKasac: FIne with me, just wanted to make sure it wasn't missed.00:01
asacyep. just wanted to answer your initial question: yes, before release.00:01
pochuScottK: uploaded00:07
ScottKpochu: THanks.00:07
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freakabcdhi all05:00
freakabcdcould someone tell me why the install/live dvd is only 3.7GiB ? theres 700MiB of space left which can be used to put more useful software05:02
Flannelfreakabcd: Looking at older versions, its fluxuated up to 4.2GiB, so I imagine at some point a standard set of packages were chosen, and they want to be consistent (so that you can upgrade a DVD release completely with a DVD)05:12
freakabcdnot a good enough reason for leave out 700 megs of space05:13
Flannelwell, in 7.10 its only 50005:13
freakabcdreally, some stuff from universe or multiverse could be included05:13
FlannelNo, because its not officially supported05:13
freakabcdstill quite a bit of space05:13
freakabcdoh man, this officially supported thing kinda gets me going crazy sometimes.05:14
freakabcdi guess someone `unofficially' will need to add packages and make a dvd that eats up all the space :(05:14
FlannelThis theory (not the universe bit) is just that.  And only based off of the DVD sizes for the releases.05:14
FlannelSo, I encourage you to still find someone who actually knows, as I'm curious05:15
freakabcdi'm typing the bug report05:15
freakabcdis inkscape in main?05:15
freakabcdor universe?05:15
StevenK% rmadison -u ubuntu -s hardy inkscape05:16
StevenK  inkscape | 0.46-0ubuntu2 |         hardy | source, amd64, i386, powerpc05:16
freakabcdok, why not give blender in main too then?05:16
freakabcdsince its a very small package compared to inkscape and is a package that does 3d05:16
freakabcdi'm not saying blender should be included, just saying that there could be more packages in the dvd05:17
Flannelfreakabcd: inkscape is installed by default, so it has to be main.05:17
FlannelEr, hmm, maybe its not.  I suppose its been a while since Ive had a default install.05:17
freakabcdFlannel, look above at what StevenK said^^ inkscape is in main05:18
Flannelfreakabcd: right, but that doesnt mean its installed by default (it's not), but if it were, main is necessary.05:18
freakabcdumm.. wait a moment.05:19
FlannelIts not even on the alt CD05:19
freakabcdis all of main on the dvd?05:19
freakabcdor even most of it?05:19
Flanneloh, I'm looking at the desktop .list file, of course its not05:19
Flannelinkscape isn't even on the alternate CD05:20
freakabcdwell, maybe including inkscape on the dvd is something that could be done.05:21
freakabcdwas a simple example: we have gimp on the dvd. that does image manipulation. we could include inkscape(if it isn;t already) which does vectors. and possibly blender which does 3d05:22
FlannelAlt CD != DVD.  Inkscape is on the DVD.  Blender isn't.  But blender is in universe, so that's one reason why not.05:22
freakabcdnow the major graphics suites are all on the dvd05:22
freakabcdblender is gpl, no?05:22
Flannelfreakabcd: Which is why its in universe, not multiverse05:22
freakabcdi'm not going to stress myself as to why blender is not included, but i want more packages included in the dvd05:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218505 in ubuntu "install/live DVD is *not* full" [Undecided,New]05:25
dholbachgood morning06:36
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gpocentekdholbach: my membership in ubuntu-dev is about to expire, can you renew it or should I done something else?08:34
dholbachgpocentek: let it expire - as long as you're in motu and/or ubuntu-core-dev all is good08:35
dholbachgpocentek: in the end we want ubuntu-dev just to contain those two teams08:35
* dholbach hugs gpocentek08:35
gpocentekubuntu-motu is expiring too, but not core-dev08:35
dholbachgpocentek: I think you should be able to renew your membership in motu08:36
gpocentekah right08:36
gpocentekI only read the ubuntu-dev mail :)08:36
dholbachgpocentek: how are you doing otherwise? how is life in france?08:37
gpocentekdholbach: all good, just a little tired but hollidays are approaching ;)08:38
dholbachgpocentek: nice - what are you going to do in the holidays?08:38
gpocentekdholbach: near Bergerac in the south of France, far from Paris, internet and computers08:39
dholbachnice... enjoy your holidays! :)08:40
gpocentekthanks :)08:40
Fujitsu\sh: LIES! Our top priority *must* be importing new crack!!11ONE09:42
FujitsuWe like drive-by uploads.09:42
\shFujitsu, ok09:46
\shFujitsu, do you want me to upload the whole cpan archive minus the packages already in debian/ubuntu? ,-)10:29
Fujitsu\sh: Yes please.10:30
Amaranth\sh: All gems too10:31
FujitsuAnd the bits of PyPI that aren't already.10:32
FujitsuEspecially the dead stuff.10:32
coolbhavi how to sync a package into ubuntu? and upload it to my PPA? Please anyone help....10:44
\shFujitsu, ok..starting now ,-)10:45
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coolbhavi\sh : From where should we run the MoM tool? I m in the src directory of extracted tarball please help11:22
james_wcoolbhavi: MoM can be accessed at merges.ubuntu.com, there is no need to run it locally.11:23
coolbhavijames_w thanks I m trying to merge few debian packages to ubuntu.. How to use MoM to achieve that..? Please help because I am keen to learn packaging..11:25
james_wcoolbhavi: first, we're not in merging time at the moment, so you won't really be able to get any uploaded.11:27
james_wcoolbhavi: it would be fantastic if you could help out with this list: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/11:27
james_wsome of the fixes might require a merge, but they might need something else11:28
* coolbhavi clicks11:28
james_wI'd be happy to talk you through merging at a later date, but with one week to go until hardy is released I hope you can understand that we want to focus our time there.11:28
james_wand any help you can give to make hardy a great release will be hugely appreciated11:29
coolbhaviOK.... Sorry for asking wrong question at the wrong time... Once 8.10 starts I will be into it both hands and ask you guys a lot of questions... I m interested in motu ing now... And I m trying to arrange a release party at my college here in bangalore... james_w thanks again11:32
james_wcoolbhavi: a release party would be cool, I'd like to join you there.11:34
pochucoolbhavi: there will be a merge session in OpenWeek by nxvl, have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Prep11:34
james_wand there's no need to apologise, there will be loads of merges to do starting in may/june11:34
coolbhavi:) Thanks guys...... I have assigned myself a bug to upgrade jtr but it wasnt accepted... So Will be up with it during next month again...11:36
coolbhavipochu : thanks for the info.... In which channel its going to be held?11:54
james_wcoolbhavi: #ubuntu-classroom11:56
james_wthere will be announcements about open week soo11:56
james_wsoon, sorry11:56
coolbhavijames_w thanks11:57
Hub441which version should i put into the changelog of $myprog 1.0.0 ? atm there is no package for debian and ubuntu12:25
mok0Hub441: 1.0.0-0ubuntu112:28
james_wHub441: if it is targeted for Debian then 1.0.0-112:28
Hub441it's a kde based programm so it will be limited to the current ubuntu-version? => 1.0.0-0ubuntu112:29
mok0Hub441: what do you mean "bound"?12:30
mok0Hub441: what do you mean "limited", sorry12:30
Hub441mok0: i won't be able to use the same binary package on gutsy and the current debian (sid?) ?12:31
mok0Hub441: right, but it can be compiled on those systems12:31
Hub441mok0: so ther must be two different binary packages, right?12:32
mok0Hub441: ... provided that the same development environment exists, which is not true for kde412:32
mok0Hub441: that's right, they must go in separate repositories12:32
Hub441ok but i could use the same dsc files? or at least the files in $myprog-src/debian/ ?12:33
mok0Hub441: ... of course you can create a statically linked binary which will run everywhere, but hardly no one does that12:34
mok0Hub441: most apps make use of versioned shared libraries, which is why you need to compile a special binary for every distro12:35
Hub441hmm so do i have to rename the src-file and directory too? myprog_1.0.0-0ubuntu1.tar.gz?12:36
mok0Hub441: no12:37
james_wHub441: use myprog_1.0.0-1 and compile the source package in both environments to get two different binary packages.12:37
mok0Hub441: why don't you start with one machine, and then it will become clear to you12:37
Hub441at the moment, i don't inted to cover more than one distro since i don't have any other dev-setup (not even a VM) ;)12:38
mok0Hub441: no problem you can set up a virtual building system in 5 minutes12:38
Hub441just wanted to be sure to do everything right12:38
mok0Hub441: you were right to ask :-)12:39
Hub441mok0: dial-up user: s/minutes/hours/12:39
mok0Hub441: yikes12:39
* mok0 wondes if you can create a pbuilder based on an installation CD12:40
\shhmmm...what happend to the qt frontend of bacula-client?12:40
\shah there12:40
Hub441just tried to run "sudo pbuilder build kradview_1.0.0-0ubuntu1.dsc" but it's missing base.tgz so i did a "sudo pbuild create" but this one tells me my distribution is hardy o_O12:47
Hub441and i'm sure i'm running gutsy12:48
james_wthere's a --distribution switch12:49
james_wyou may also find pbuilder-dist in the ubuntu-dev-tools package useful.12:49
mok0Hub441: base.tgz is just a tar-ball containing a minimal system. You can have a hardy one, a gutsy one, a sid one, but you need to give them different names. That's where pbuilder-dist comes in handy12:51
Hub441indeed, how much do i have to download? actually there is no progressbar (dial-up...)12:52
mlindHub441: are you using pbuilder from gutsy-backports?12:53
Hub441mlind: yes12:54
mlindHub441: it seems that pbuilderrc in gutsy-backports has DISTRIBUTION=hardy :/12:54
mlindHub441: you'll need to change it from /etc/pbuilderrc or from your local ~/.pbuilderrc12:55
mlindjdong: ^^12:56
Hub441mlind: you're right! is it sufficient to have that single line in .pbuilderrc?12:56
pochuthat's probably intended12:56
pochuHub441: do you want it for a personal backport or for getting it in the archive at some point?12:56
pochuif the latter, you want to build it with the development release12:57
mlindpochu: you mean gutsy-backports having DISTRIBUTION=hardy ?12:57
Hub441pochu: what? the package i'm working on? just want to figure out how to build debian/ubuntu packages.12:58
mlindHub441: yes, placing DISTRIBUTION=gutsy in ~/.pbuilderrc overrides the default value. (unless it's a version which is affected by bug which prevents sourcing ~/.pbuilderrc)13:00
Hub441I'll work on that later since the downloads for base.tgz don't seem to be dial-up conform ;)13:01
pochumlind: yes.13:02
pochumlind: so that people running the latest stable can continue with development (we also backport lintian and other stuff for the same reason)13:03
pochuand debootstrap...13:03
mlindpochu: I'm not sure if I understood correctly, but I don't mean distribution in debian/control13:04
mlindpochu: but in /etc/pbuilderrc13:04
pochumlind: I know13:04
pochu(and distribution in debian/changelog will have gutsy-backports (: )13:04
mlindpochu: well doesn't make sense to me if I want to get the lastest pbuilder from gutsy-backports and suddenly it wants to build packages for wrong distribution.13:06
pochumlind: why would you want to use pbuilder from gutsy-backports and not from gutsy?13:08
mlindpochu: backports usually have newer stuff, bugs fixed etc. ?13:08
pochubug fixes should go to -updates. and I don't think you should use development tools from -backports unless you are going to develop for the development version...13:09
pochubut I may be wrong... so let's jdong answer you :)13:10
pochualso, I don't think people should enable -backports and install everything from there, but rather only install what they really want, but that may be just me13:11
bigoncould a motu-release manager have a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-python/+bug/21860613:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218606 in telepathy-python "Crasher (prevents sugar from running)" [Medium,New]13:13
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mlindpochu: I bet I'm just confusing things :)13:14
jdahlin_Is there a tutorial available somewhere on how to setup an automated pbuilder which will trigger a build as soon as I do an upload?13:44
Hobbsee ...surely that's backwards.13:46
\shjdahlin_, dinstall is what you want (or mini-dinstall)13:46
\shjdahlin_, but locally, you don't need any upload actually...13:47
jdahlin_\sh: I'm planning to setup a couple of vms for each distribution I support13:47
jdahlin_upload in the dput sense, could be a local copy, ftp or whatever13:47
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\shjdahlin_, well, i wrote a simple script which runs in an endless loop and checks whenever a source package was uploaded via ftp/webdav in a directory and then called sbuild13:52
jdahlin_\sh: sounds more like what I'd need, do you have that script available somewhere?13:54
\shjdahlin_, undocumented sure..it consists actually of one shell script and one perl script13:55
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\shjdahlin_, you can get it from http://archive.linux-server.org/build/ and change it or improve it :)13:57
jdahlin_\sh: thanks13:58
* Hobbsee bashes ScottK with the cluebat.14:14
HobbseeScottK: i'd say "here's your sign" on the mail too, but i'm unsure if you would get the reference.14:16
\shwe should switch to scrum management14:17
Hobbseethen again, another major part of the problem is if our new contributors are going away, are our regulars likely to do so as well, but stay for a longer timeframe?14:19
Hobbseethose who aren't paid to continue with it, at least.14:19
Hobbseeand how do we then cope with all the packages that are in ubuntu, not in debian, and very few people who are likely interested in them, who aren't being paid to work on other sections14:21
cody-somervilleHobbsee, Ahh... you do have a way with words, eh? :P14:23
Hobbseecody-somerville: hmm?14:23
Hobbseecody-somerville: i work in customer service.  of course i do.14:23
* cody-somerville just read your e-mail re: Scott.14:23
Hobbseehaha :)14:23
Hobbseethere's a fine line between what can be said in an email which will be archived forever, and what i'd *like* to say.14:24
Hobbseecody-somerville: that's the toned down, third version email.14:24
* cody-somerville fears receiving a private e-mail from Hobbsee when she is angry.14:25
Hobbseecody-somerville: i don't write mails when angry.14:25
Hobbseecody-somerville: actually, as a rule, i don't tend to *get* angry.14:25
cody-somervilles/angry/<insert appropriate word here>14:25
Hobbseeannoyed, yes.  angry?  no.14:25
Hobbsee"tell it like it is", yes, definetly14:25
Hobbseewhich people seem to like mistaking for anger.14:25
elmargol:/ somehow I can not change the MIRROR for my pbuilder :(14:26
Hobbseeelmargol: how are you trying to change it?  in the config file?14:26
Hobbseeelmargol: did you run pbuilder-update --override-config ?14:26
broonieelmargol: Changes in pbuilderrc won't affect currently extant chroots by default14:26
elmargolthx i try the override thing14:27
Hobbseeelmargol: you need to do that for any config changes in your pbuilderrc, fyi14:27
Hobbseedholbach: ping?14:28
dholbachHobbsee: pong14:29
elmargolHobbsee, thx this helps14:29
elmargolbroonie, thank you too14:29
elmargolFAX is a pain in the ass :(14:37
elmargolwhy do people use this crap? :(14:37
jdahlin_I can't really get mini-dinstall --batch to work, it complains about override entry's (both source & binary)15:29
jdahlin_Is there anything obvious that I'm missing?15:29
azeemjdahlin_: any reason you use mini-dinstall?15:29
azeemI'm not sure it's really maintained, mabye somebody picked it up though15:29
jdahlin_azeem: is there anything I should use instead of that?15:30
jdahlin_I'm mostly following this tutorial here; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto15:30
jdahlin_that error doesn't seem to be printed by mini-dinstall itself15:31
azeemjdahlin_: hrm, I think mini-dinstall is overblown just for local packages in pbuilder15:34
azeemunless you need it all the time, for lots of packages15:34
azeemjust a local directory and dpkg-scanpackages should be fine, but I don't use pbuilder myself15:34
\shazeem, the idea is, upload a source package to dir and start a pbuilder to build the source package...15:35
azeem\sh: well, it's under the "Building With Local Packages" paragraph15:35
\shazeem, yes...but it means: upload binary packages to use as local package repository for building other packages15:37
\shwhat jdahlin_ wants is a poor men's buildserver15:37
azeemI'm not sure what jdahlin_ wants15:37
jdahlin_yes, a local, simple buildserver15:37
jdahlin_I'd happily use launchpad's ppa if I could15:38
\shjdahlin_, check my scripts and improve them..it's the easiest way to achieve your goal15:38
\shjdahlin_, shell script just checks for .dsc files, and creates a .lock file for that...it pushes then the .dsc file to the perl script and this perl script actually needs to parse the .dsc file , if all necessary files are there, then start pbuilder/sbuild to build those packages15:39
jdahlin_\sh: why sbuild instead of pbuilder btw?15:39
\shjdahlin_, well, because sbuild is that what the debian/ubuntu buildds are using15:39
jdahlin_\sh: I have no real need to have an identical environment right now, pbuilder seemed easier to setup15:40
\shjdahlin_, change sbuild to pbuilder15:43
\shjdahlin_, you just need to sudo pbuilder build <.dsc filename>15:44
\shinstead of sbuild (sbuild doesn't need sudo root rights)15:44
\shjdahlin_, take care, that sudo pbuilder doesn't ask for a password actually...15:47
\shajmitch, dude, where is best to work in NZ for a german IT pro?15:55
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RainCT\sh: btw, nice mail (that one about the priorities) :)16:15
\shRainCT, it was just to clean up my head...16:20
emgent\sh: heya :)16:20
\shactually, during the last hour, I watched Ken Schwab @Google HQ talking about SCRUM Management...that was quite nice, and gave me some ideas16:21
\shhey emgent16:22
AstralJava\sh: That sounds interesting, any leftovers? ie. anything saved of it?16:24
\shAstralJava, http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-723014439619102501116:24
\shAstralJava, a little bit of advice, download the video in mp4 format...much better quality and more reliable then watching the flv stream16:25
\shKen Schwaber it's his name actually16:25
\shdamn typing errors16:25
AstralJava\sh: Thanks for the tip.16:30
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\shAstralJava, very informative...actually we are working with scrum management right now in our company here...and the results are amazing...much better then in other companies I worked before16:34
AstralJavaYeah my company utilizes scrum a lot too, it's why I want to understand more of it.16:36
\shAstralJava, I think the central statement of Ken about scrum is : "SCRUM works with idiots..idiots don't know anything...and they are producing crap, but with scrum, they are producing high quality crap in less time, which is good" ... a good laugh :)16:39
Hobbseejames_w: shot down your idea too, sorry.16:48
Hobbseehere's your beverage of choice.  please drink it, and come up with a better idea.16:48
james_wHobbsee: I don't support the idea16:48
Hobbseejames_w: right.  So i just shot down the perceived idea, that you don't support, more.16:49
james_w:-) thanks16:49
Hobbseebut you can have a large drink anyway.  *hands it over*16:49
\shHobbsee, revu.tauware.de -> redirect to: http://build.opensuse.org/ ? ;)16:50
Hobbsee\sh: hahaha16:51
Hobbsee\sh: now, i've not seen anyone propose that yet.16:51
Hobbsee\sh: but i hear that does do debian packages16:51
\shHobbsee, of course .. they produce from one spec file, one tar.gz debian dir and one source file at least a couple of packages for different rpm distros and debian packages for debian and ubuntu ;-)16:52
\shdepends what they are supporting nowadays...16:52
Hobbseeyeah, great.16:52
Hobbseethat's *just* what we want in ubuntu16:52
\shHobbsee, -EDONTWORKLIKETHATERROR...the buildservice of opensuse is opensource16:52
\shHobbsee, and funny that it's a mixture of RoR + perl (the dependency calculator for rpm packages and deb packages...) + python16:53
\shHobbsee, psst..I'm telling you a secret: they are calculating the binary .deb deps with a patched rpm software ;)16:54
\shcreating apt and yum and whathaveyou package repositories on the fly...16:55
* Yagisan watches debtorrent eat up 500MB of ram and wonders if installing it was such as good idea17:02
megabyte405I used dpatch-edit-patch to create a dpatch, which worked, and so did a dpkg-buildpackage, but now trying to do a dpkg-buildpackage -S it says failed when de-applying.  Any ideas on where to look for the problem?17:39
james_wmegabyte405: what was the failure?17:40
megabyte405james_w: It just says failed - I tried a couple things to try to get an actual message, but all I have is "failed" on the patch i just added17:41
megabyte405$ dpatch deapply-all17:43
megabyte405reverting patch 50_backport_svn from ./ ... failed.17:43
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RainCTjdong: ping. I've the deluge-torrent update ready (yesterday I didn't finish as I had to download the build dependencies xD).18:40
jdongRainCT: was there anything eventful involved other than a uupdate?18:44
jdongRainCT: if you feel that no packaging changes were intrusive you have my go-ahead :)18:46
RainCTjdong: it has no watch file / get-orig-source rule, but I just took the source tarball from upstream's website and it worked fine without changes. I slightly modified the .desktop file (it's in debian/), but that doesn't count as intrusive, or?18:47
jdongRainCT: that sounds reasonable to me.18:49
RainCTjdong: (that's the changelog: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63552/plain/)18:50
jdongRainCT: looks good to me18:50
]-[afranckeRcan i speak spanish?18:51
RainCT]-[afranckeR: the channel is English only, but if there's some word you don't know I can translate it18:52
]-[afranckeRsorry my english18:52
RainCTjdong: cool, can you ack the bug report pls?18:52
RainCTbug 21818218:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218182 in deluge-torrent "deluge-torrent: new upstream version" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21818218:53
Kl4mStill nagios2 in hardy :( I guess a backport will be out. Nagios 3 was released April 1st18:57
zulKl4m: eventually maybe..19:00
zulKl4m:  if it hits ibex then it can probbaly be requested19:01
jdongRainCT: commented19:03
RainCTok, uploading :)19:06
RainCTbtw, in which package are the tty's?19:06
slytherincmat: hello19:45
cmatI'm interested in packaging some software, is this to correct place to ask?19:45
slytherincmat: Check the 'Contributing' link in channel topic19:46
cmatThank you.19:46
DktrKranzgeser, I was looking at python-omniorb2, have you any clue about the remaining changes ("Build for current Python version only") given that there's a solution for debian 400490?19:46
ubotuDebian bug 400490 in python-omniorb2 "python-omniorb2: FTBFS: file movelist missing" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/40049019:46
DktrKranzI don't know if it's related, though.19:47
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awmcclainIf I'm testing a package, there's no easy way to test apt-get using a local file, is there?19:49
cmatIs checkinstall a good tool for creating *.edb packages?19:49
jeromegcmat: no19:50
jeromegcmat: it's a "good" tool for testing quickly an application19:50
jeromegcmat: but it creates packages that suck19:50
geserDktrKranz: I remember the package but I don't remember anymore the reason behind this change19:54
geserDktrKranz: you might better ask doko about it as he introduced this change19:54
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geserDktrKranz: looking at the PTS for python-omniorb2 I see it got removed from unstable and testing19:56
cmatThank you for the information. I'll stick with the guide.19:57
geserah, the source package name changed19:58
DktrKranzgeser, thanks. I'll ask him.19:59
=== doko_ is now known as doko
=== vark is now known as kadvar
zorglu_i got a weirdo question. i got a .deb working on all debian based, i would like to port it for .rpm. i got the .rpm built but seek answer for fedora specific questions. like where is the /usr/share/autostart in fc, or update.rc etc... anybody knows a channel similar to #ubuntu-motu but for fedora ?21:11
jdahlin_zorglu_: you'd probably better of asking that kind of question on #fedora-devel21:12
zorglu_jdahlin_: i tried but they just ignored me :) i had to try here21:13
zorglu_jdahlin_: too bad. thanks :)21:13
jdongI think our guesses on how rpm works are like checkinstall-ish or dh_make && debuild ;-)21:13
jdongupdate-rc.d should be "chkconfig" if it hasn't changed since the 90's21:14
ScottKHobbsee: No, I wouldn't have gotten the reference.  I agree having to upload a binary is no guarantee of much of anything, but it would at least let us run lintian on the binary too and let us know it built somehow, somewhere.  All that's a step up from where we are now.21:43
ScottKPersonally I'm a lot less worried about making it easier for contributors than I am conserving reviewer time and interest.21:44
=== janito_ is now known as Lamego
ScottKnorsetto: Would you please give me an ack to upload Bug #218893 after I get done testing?  It's got one very small feature that will actually help supportability.22:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218893 in dkim-milter "New upstream release (almost all bug fixes) - dkim-milter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21889322:14
norsettoscottk: I thought you acked your own uploads?22:14
ScottKFFe needs 222:15
norsettoscottk: the AllowSHA1Only is also a new feature I guess22:18
ScottKnorsetto: Perhaps.  I think of it as a bug it didn't do that all along.22:20
ScottKnorsetto: I'm thinking produces signatures that can't be decrypted is a bug.22:21
ScottKIf you want me to list that as an additional feature, I will.22:21
norsettoscottk: looks good to me, I trust you know it better than me anyhow22:21
ScottKThanks.  Please mark an ack in the bug if you haven't.22:22
norsettoscottk: done22:22
ScottKThanks again.22:22
norsettoscottk: my pleasure22:23
=== pgquiles__ is now known as pgquiles
pochuanyone with amd64 and epiphany out there could see if `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9b5 epiphany` makes ephy segfault?23:08
albert23pochu: if you read the logs: Yes, epiphany crashed on amd6423:18
norsettonight folks23:56

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