
Jazzvaasac, after I finish this, I'll send e-mail to Ubuntu QA contacts to update fields in the table for their extensions...00:05
asacwe should definitly hi-jack launchpad plugin and rename that00:07
JazzvaRename it? Why? :)00:07
asacits not a plugin after all and contributes to the already existing confusion about plugin / extensions :)00:08
asacits not even a real extension00:08
JazzvaRight ... :)00:08
asacjust a collection of searchplugins ;)00:08
asacanother word in the game00:08
asacthat is unrelated :)00:08
JazzvaYep, it can be added easily ... but it's still useful :)00:08
asacyeah. maybe one should review whats in there as well :)00:09
Jazzvapeople/team, bugs, package, specs, support search :)00:09
asacif its called ff-launchpad or ff-launchpad-integration it definitly has to be more useful than now ,)00:09
Jazzva(I have it installed)00:09
JazzvaWell, we should also add ubuntu package search (or is it added by default in FF?)...00:10
JazzvaIt is the most useful in my expirience00:10
asacJazzva: package search is already in the searchplugin list by default00:11
asacbut i am not sure if that is really useful for the standard end-user00:12
JazzvaOk... I couldn't remember if it was there, or I added it :)00:12
JazzvaIt could be moved over to ff-launchpad (or something else)00:12
asacif so it should read "Ubuntu Software Search" as normal users don't really know what packages are i guess00:12
JazzvaWell, they could still be confused with the page :)00:15
asacof course the implementation needs to change00:15
JazzvaWell, there is an option to move it to ff-lp or whatever, and to leave AddRemove/Synaptic to normal users :)00:16
Jazzvaasac, what was the deal last night about mozilla-noscript? FF3 compat or not? I forgot :)...00:43
JazzvaAnd I need to add torbutton-extension.desktop file to a-i-d, and that's it :)00:43
Jazzvaasac, pushed app-install-data http://code.launchpad.net/~jazzva/app-install-data-ubuntu/ubuntu.mozilla-extensions . Torbutton is working with bumped maxVersion and corrected install dirs. I'm off to sleep, so I'll finish that tomorrow.02:32
JazzvaThat would be it for app-install-data... Only thing left is to update mozilla-imagezoom and mozgest's depends, to include Thunderbird (I think both work with it, will test tomorrow)02:33
JazzvaAnd I will send e-mail to QA contacts now to ask if they can update fields for their extensions on wiki page :)02:34
JazzvaGood night, all :)02:34
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacJazzva: noscript is ffox 3 compat09:06
asacJazzva: yesterday it also turned out that imagenuke is ffox3 compatible09:25
asacJazzva: i reuploaded it with the proper install hooks for ffox3 ... so we should adapt app-install-data too i guess09:25
asacbug 16299309:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 162993 in ia32-libs "ia32-libs missing 32-bit gnome libraries needed for gtk stock icons" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16299309:32
Jazzvaasac, done :)10:17
asacJazzva: cool ;)10:21
asacnukeimage promoted?10:21
Jazzvayep ... added x-...-ff10:22
fta2mozilla bug 40922710:28
ubotuMozilla bug 409227 in SVG "Multiple images within a <g> tag do not display properly when setting opacity value" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40922710:28
JazzvaOff to school ... See you later11:34
mlindasac,fta: if you're planning to upload newer firefox-2 for Hardy, so you mind checking bug #218594 ?13:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218594 in firefox "firefox-2 install symlinks against wrong nss" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21859413:03
Volansfta: Hi, I have a question for you about the wiki page for firefox3 extension13:09
asacVolans: what info do you need?13:10
asacmlind: maybe provide a patch?13:11
VolansHi asac :) I have updated the wiki page following the Saša mail and I have proposed to link the source package name to the LP page13:11
Volansbut Saša tell me to ask fta in order to know if this can be confusing for his script13:12
mlindasac: okay13:12
asacVolans: ah ok13:13
asacVolans: the idea is good ... but coordinate with fta indeed ;)13:13
Volansok, I'm waiting for him13:14
asacmlind: as it looks now i will prepare the hardy update in about 8 hours or so :)13:32
asacso stiill some time to help me with that patch ;)13:32
mlindasac: i'll attach one in a moment13:35
asacmlind: mayb even use the bzr branch and do the change there :)13:36
asacbut bug + diff is ok13:36
mlindasac: brz is for people with higher education than me ;)13:37
mlindasac: so if bug + diff is okay, I'd go with that13:37
* asac off for a few13:45
jetsaredimasac: fyi - firebug is still listing the older version in the svn repo15:08
mlindasac: attached a debdiff in bug #218594. thanks for the new version btw.15:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218594 in firefox "firefox-2 install symlinks against wrong nss" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21859415:25
Volansfta: ping19:00
* Volans dinner time... come back later19:23
asachi fta20:30
ftaasac, did you do ?20:31
asacfta: i _am_20:32
asacthe dapper package is already uploaded20:32
asacwhich is usually the most painful thing20:33
ftai wanted to do sm but it's not out yet20:33
asacfta: i think kaie asked about that today in #seamonkey20:35
ftatoo bad the lastest google earth is broken in hardy: http://google-latlong.blogspot.com/2008/04/3d-buildings-galore.html20:38
asaci didn't even know that it works on linux at all ;)20:40
ftaasac, we have googleearth-package, which creates a deb from the non-free binary tarball20:45
ftai've told you that when i've made the firefox-minefield deb creator in mozilla-devscripts20:46
asacok, i think i remember vaguely now20:47
Volansfta: I have updated the wiki page following the Saša mail and I have proposed to link the source package name to the LP page, but Saša tell me to ask you in order to know if this can be a problem for ypur script20:50
ftaVolans, hm, there's no showstopper on my side, if your change makes sense, i'll update my script :)20:52
ftahere, it makes sense. please proceed, i'll update my side accordingly20:53
VolansI don't know what your script have to do, but I think that can be useful to have the direct link to the source package on LP on the source package name20:53
VolansI have do this for my extension20:53
Volansyou can see here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions , Ubuntu-it Menu on the first table20:54
ftaif you change the format, please try to di it for the whole table so it's consistent20:55
Mirvasac: note https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/218848 - I'm asking for help from mozilla.fi folks, but the problem is definitely ubuntu-spefic and fi_FI specific20:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218848 in firefox "XML error when going to site needing certificate exception when using fi_FI.UTF-8" [Undecided,New]20:57
Volansfta: ok, I will adjust the table20:58
asacMirv: can you reproduce?21:05
asacoh you reported ;)21:06
Mirvasac: it's my bug... not a problem in upstream, but in our version. diff is hard to do since the po file usage makes stuff different, but we're trying. have to see tomorrow probably in more detail.21:06
asacMirv: please looks at the addons dialog21:06
asacdo you see lang packs for both: xul + ffox?21:06
Mirvasac: yes. everything else has worked without problems, but it would sound like a typo or something somewhere, but not spotting such in Rosetta in the ubuntu-specific changes done21:08
Volansfta: for mozgest wich of the two packages I have to link? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+search?text=mozgest21:13
Mirvasac: I'll try to debug it more tomorrow and find the problem causing it21:14
ftaVolans, usually, the one that has the exact name in the wiki21:16
Volansok fta, can I fix some source packages names where the binary instead of the source is inserted?21:27
ftai need the soource everywhere, so yes21:27
Volansfta: done, I have changed all the tables before the Obsolete list section...21:36
ftano impact on my script. excellent :)21:42
Volansgood :)21:44
VolansI hope this can be useful21:45
asacMirv: ill try to reproduce21:47
asacthat is serious enough to justify immediate action imo21:47
Volansasac: can I help you in some way, maybe trying to reproduce this bug?21:54
asacMirv: how can i reproduce?21:56
asacVolans: sure, but i think we need info from Mirv on a testcase21:56
asacits https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/21884821:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218848 in firefox "XML error when going to site needing certificate exception when using fi_FI.UTF-8" [Undecided,New]21:56
asacMirv: ok i think i have an idea22:16
Volansasac: can be an encodig problem on the dtd files that is not correctly utf-8?22:24
asacno it looka likE a bug in C code :(22:24
Volansand it appears only in FI locale??? quite strange...22:28
asacit appears in de locale as well22:28
asacO_APPEND appears to not do what its supposed to22:30
asacbut somehow i can't believe it ;)22:30
asaci have to first smoke a cigarette and get some distance :)22:31
Volansahaha :)22:32
asacnot good ;) ... i know :)22:32
asacVolans: do you know C?22:32
Volansyes, I know it but I'm not expert22:33
ftaasac, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/lang.png22:34
asacfta: yeah22:34
asacthats intentional22:34
asacas you run something that broke strings we cannot provide a better maxVersion now22:35
asace.g. once we get RC1 i will open up maxVersion in the langpacks22:35
asacbut maybe ill wait for final to be sure22:35
asacyou never know :)22:35
asacfta: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/rosetta/po2xpi22:37
asaccould you take a look at the src/main.c file and see if you see any file open that doesn't APPEND ?22:37
asacVolans: ^^ maybe you too ;)22:38
Volansok I will take a look :)22:38
Volansasac: previously ypu refer to  O_APPEND on line 547?22:41
asacyeah ... that should be right22:42
asacthere is also OPEN_FLAGS ... that has O_APPEND as well22:42
asacbut that looks right to me22:42
Volansthere are only 3 open functions, 2 with  OPEN_FLAGS and the last with O_APPEND22:43
asacyeah ... damn22:43
asacmost likely its in runpo2xpi then22:43
asaci carefully prefill files there with ENTITY.*SYSTEM things22:43
asacbut those are missing in the result22:43
asaceither the targetpath is wrong or something else is going bad :)22:43
asaci hoped it was a missing APPEND in the bloody C code22:44
asacrunpo2xpi is not less bloody though :;(22:44
Volansmaybe adding some debug output can be helpful22:44
Volansasac: you are sure that can't be a problem of the dtd file?22:48
asacwell ... at lest this bug has to go before we can tell22:48
asacbut given that everything else works i am pretty sure its the missing SYSTEM entities in the .dtd files22:49
asaci think i found the bug :)22:50
asacbut now i am confused ;)22:51
Volansconfused why it works for the other locales?23:00
ftaasac, hm, another commit with bug id.. "Set version to NSS 3.12.1 Beta on NSS trunk. Note: NSS 3.12.0 RTM will be delivered from NSS_3_12_0_BRANCH."23:04
asacVolans: no :) ... confused why it still doesn't work ;)23:16
asacVolans: if you look at chrome://global/content/netError.xhtml23:17
asacyou get the %netErrorDTD; thing23:17
asacbut if you look into that file its chrome://global/locale/netError.dtd that it tries to open23:18
asacthat works23:18
asace.g. opening that in location bar23:18
VolansI'm looking, but not sure to understand the problem...23:23
asacme neither ;)23:24
asaconce i understand it ill have the fix quick i guess ;)23:24
asacfor whatever reason the XML parser cannot resolve the netError.dtd from what i can see23:26
VolansI see only two things, the SYSTEM instead of PUBLIC, but if the chrome://global/locale/global.dtd is resolved correctly why the first not? Maybe changing the order of the three?23:29
asacVolans: i am actually not sure if the parser gets that far23:29
asacif it breaks it will probably stop parsing and never see that entity23:30
VolansI see that in global.dtd the only line is: <!ENTITY locale.dir "ltr">23:30
Volansmaybe we have to define this before the other23:30
Volansunless FF do not know the locale dir?23:30
asacthe xhtml is not locale specific, so every locale does it in that order23:32
asacmaybe its an entity resolver bug that cannot look in extensions ;) ... but i am pretty sure that this mechanism is also used elsewhere23:34
asacthough not really often23:34
asacor rather in "different jars" :)23:35
asacwell but thats wrong it does look in different jars the official extensions as well23:36
Volansasac: I'm trying to find the securityOverride.linkText entity in the dtd file... but not found in the en-US.jar archive, where I have to search?23:40
asacVolans: ?23:41
asacthere are two en-US.jar23:41
asacxulrunner-1.9 and firefox-3.023:41
Volansoh yes... I'm searching in the wrong one :)23:41
asacVolans: ok at least the " are not escaped23:50
asac<!ENTITY deniedPortAccess.longDesc """">23:50
asacthats in browser/locale/netError.dtd23:50
asacok lets escape " :)23:50
Volansin en-US I have <!ENTITY deniedPortAccess.longDesc "">23:52
asacthat will definitly make the parser die ;)23:53

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