
=== tgm4883_laptop_ is now known as tgm4883_laptop
=== Tuv0k is now known as darthanubis
Seeker`is there a specific key that will quit mythfrontend?01:55
darthanubisSeeker`, you can program one02:07
darthanubisits an excercise I have avoided though02:08
darthanubisyou can program your remotes power button to do the trick, by using mythtv-setup02:09
Seeker`ah, cool02:11
Seeker`managed to steal someone script to start a new instace if one isn't already running, or to kill any existing ones02:21
superm1hit esc and pick exit?02:21
a1fawhats uppppppp02:22
ahaveis there a reason why the program guide will slow down between channels? I am using schedules direct and have already downloaded 2weeks of showings..02:23
a1fahow often do you guys upgrade 8.04?02:24
a1fait seems like new shit comes up every day02:25
superm1well bugs keep getting fixed :)02:25
a1faso far, i like it02:25
abarbacciaanyone use a HVR 1300/1600/1800?02:40
=== rhpot1992 is now known as rhpot1991
bob-linuxhas anyone had the new beta act as if it is its first boot every time it starts up03:21
superm1bob-linux, if you installed VNC during installer03:26
superm1there was a big bug with it03:26
superm1reinstall without VNC and activate it after you do the updates03:26
bob-linuxo ok03:26
superm1fyi its fixed in the RC which is coming out in a day or two03:27
superm1so if you can hold off until the weekend you can install from that03:27
superm1and avoid doing many many updates03:27
bob-linuxill get the rc in a few days then03:28
^Willie^hi there09:15
^Willie^what release of your cd`s do work ?09:15
^Willie^i get an unreadable kernel dump right afther hitting enter to boot the cd or install and i did expect an livecd not install09:15
directhex|bspthis is on your k6?09:17
^Willie^no p4 2.4Ghz 533fsb system09:18
^Willie^i did expect it whas i386 so must not be an problem at k609:19
^Willie^mythbuntu-7.10-i386.iso  <-09:19
directhex|bspought to work09:20
^Willie^jup i did not expect something else..09:20
^Willie^will try mythknoppix then .. thnx for whasting time09:20
directhex|bspknoppmyth, and without a bug report bugs are rather hard to fix. also, there's 8.04 beta cds available09:23
directhex|bspgenerally speaking, a nasty kernel dump on boot signifies some problem with your hardware, but without some actual detail, that's merely conjecture09:24
^Willie^yes and your not helping me why this fuck cd is not booting and start arguing about the damn k6 notice from yesterday09:25
^Willie^don`t understand me wrong i did expect mythbuntu like kbuntu09:25
^Willie^there is no hardware failure  !!09:25
^Willie^posible your kernels can`t handle systems with multiple video cards ..09:25
directhex|bspyou think "it no worky :'(" is sufficient to diagnose an issue?09:26
^Willie^how if i can`t ssh the box and the mem drump is only mem addresses without any word detail on a 24x24 console09:26
^Willie^did replace the sis onboard for an ati 9200 already did not fic anything09:26
directhex|bspat what stage? how far does it go? which cd? did you check the md5sum before burning it?09:26
^Willie^afther hitting enter in the boot loader09:26
directhex|bspbefore or after installation?09:26
^Willie^how must i know .. i told you RIGHT afther the BOOTLOADER09:27
^Willie^what more detail do you wana know that i do not get on my screen ?09:27
^Willie^gentoo debian and suse live cd`s never crash at that box nor the others nor the damn k6 crap09:28
^Willie^i did know ubuntu sucks but this is rediculous09:28
directhex|bspare you getting a kernel dump booting from the cd itself, or from the hard disk?09:28
^Willie^looks like it isnt an live cd but iunstall cd09:28
^Willie^fucking cd09:28
directhex|bspright. isolinux then.09:29
^Willie^no hd in the system and won`t be .. live cd must be able to run without disk09:29
directhex|bsphow quickly does the kernel dump appear? instantly?09:29
^Willie^within 5 sec09:30
^Willie^asus p4sp-mx board with p4 2.4Ghz intel cpu ..09:30
^Willie^and yes it is an sis chipset supported by the mosth distro`s don`t go tell me that is the problem09:30
directhex|bspyou verified that your cd downloaded & burnt correctly, by verifying the md5sum?09:31
^Willie^yes k3b do that09:31
directhex|bsphow much RAM does the machine have?09:32
^Willie^512mb ddr ram09:33
^Willie^new enuf ?09:33
directhex|bspenough for the cd to work, in theory, yes.09:34
directhex|bspi'm not finding any reports of problems with the ubuntu kernels and that motherboard or chipset. have you tried the 8.04 beta cd?09:34
^Willie^nope whas not the first release that come on my screen as current and must work..09:36
directhex|bsphave you booted any other *buntu 7.10 discs on that pc, such as kubuntu or ubuntu?09:37
^Willie^i hate debian thats why i use gentoo ..09:39
^Willie^why would i ever use ubuntu then if i compile my own distro`s ?09:40
directhex|bspso why are you here?09:40
^Willie^nice freevo live cd show me an nice kernel dump afther loading smp on an p4 that must not be an problem ..09:42
^Willie^i did expect that cd to work like kbuntu did last year09:42
directhex|bspwas that kubuntu 7.10?09:44
^Willie^how must i know it is 12 months ago09:45
^Willie^the part that i as user whas able to manage the root password whas not ok to me09:45
^Willie^posible your mythbuntu cd is compiled with the wrong compiler useflags09:47
^Willie^-mtune / -march09:47
^Willie^# -mcpu=<cpu-type> means optimize code for the particular type of CPU without09:48
^Willie^# breaking compatibility with other CPUs.09:48
^Willie^-march will break09:48
directhex|bsp1) it's not my cd, 2) there should be nothing missing for use on a pentium 4 (but there would be on a k6, hence mentioning it) 3) mythbuntu uses the same kernel as every *buntu, hence REPEATEDLY checking whether another cd with the same kernel works09:48
^Willie^only diff i notice the all crash afther smp stuff so the are compiled with -march and not -mtune so don`t call it i386 then09:49
^Willie^gentoo live cd works fine even the desktop area09:49
directhex|bspi386 is used as the name for historic reasons. you're right that it will not work on a 386 cpu.09:51
^Willie^not even on i586 i guess09:52
^Willie^do the ppl who make those cd`s know what the are doing anyway ?09:52
directhex|bsp586 with CMOV (which is most chips)09:52
directhex|bspthey know what they're doing more than you. you seem to understand little about the meaning of the compiler flags you wave about, nor how the cds are made09:53
^Willie^directhex|bsp: start reading the gentoo setup manual please and stfu09:53
^Willie^stage1 btw09:53
directhex|bspyou have absolutely no desire to fix your problems or find a solution, as evidenced by your refusal to try and find a solution - you just want to bitch09:53
^Willie^and own livecd builds that work09:53
sebrockwill we se mythbuntu at the same time Hardy is released?11:17
manos21Hi. I'm trying to setup mythtv but I'm getting the message "cannot login to database"12:51
KeithamusHey guys, I'm trying to install a Nova T 500 PCI, on a fresh 8.04 mythbuntu installation, but Im a bit of a noob at all of this, wondering if anyone can help.17:55
nubarHi I have been trying to get Linux MCE running for too long with no avail and was interested in mythbuntu as a replacement but I have a few questions18:14
nubarFirst I was wondering with the diskless frontend, If I would be able to use my PVR tuner cards that are in my HTPC?18:15
nubarI mean can the diskless image be built so that I can record with the hardware in my HTPC?18:16
tgm4883_laptopnubar, I would think yes, but let me check with the dev on that18:17
nubarAlso is there any definative documentation for setting up the diskless images on mythbuntu?  I realize that 8.04 is still in Beta...18:18
tgm4883_laptopIIRC, it's pretty straight forward.  There is a thread about it on the forum too.  It's in the testing sticky18:19
nubarI will check out the thread in my spare time.  In the meantime I am going to try MCE one more time before 8.04's official release.  I will leave this window open throughout the day is anyone comes up with an answer to hardware support with the diskless images.  Thanks18:22
nubarOh yeah, I have one more question....18:23
nubarI was wondering if anyone has had any luck using an ipod touch as a remote for mythbuntu?18:24
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, ^^18:24
rhpot1991_laptopnubar: you can try doing it with mythweb, it has a remote page in there18:42
rhpot1991_laptopwe have a blueprint open to make a fancy app to use an iPhon/iPod touch as a remote, so maybe that will come along in the future18:43
nubarThanks again for the help.  I am excited to see how mythbuntu progresses since it seems to be closer aligned to ubuntu--->greater end user support than MCE...18:49
Stemming78can someone help me with configuring my wireless device?  Have a DIR-655 that is unstable (WPA2) and need to disable security.19:09
cosmic_hi @ all19:09
Stemming78Not sure how to configure /etc/network/interfaces19:10
cosmic_what do you wanna now about it ?19:10
Stemming78Trying to configure /etc/network/interfaces without security...19:11
cosmic_what do you mean with : without security ? , sorry my english isent that good19:11
Stemming78yah! no security....   Have a router that is showing errors (wireless) and think WPA or WPA2 may be the problem19:12
Stemming78Disable WEP, WPA, and WPA219:13
Stemming78Hence, and open connection without any encryption19:13
cosmic_could you paste me your /etc/network/interfaces ?19:13
sebrockis mythbuntu 8.04 expected to be released at the same time Ubuntu 8.04?19:14
cosmic_do you have dhcp ?19:19
Stemming78Router is handing out DHCP19:23
cosmic_mom plz19:25
Stemming78cosmic_: back in 10 minutes19:25
cosmic_Stemming78: Did you try something like this ? : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7315/19:27
rwn_hallo laga19:29
rwn_haste kurz zeit19:29
rwn_has anyone the problem with HAL Error, Kernel 14,15,16, no  Network, Backend and so on, sorry for my bad English19:33
lagarwn_: am besten machst du ein update auf die aktuellsten versionen der pakete19:35
rwn_mythbuntu 8.04 run´s only with kernel 1219:35
lagarwn_: update everything to the latest version19:35
rwn_hab ich doch19:35
rwn_alles auf dem neuseten stand19:35
rwn_denke doch19:35
rwn_heute kamm nicht s mehr19:36
lagainklusive linux-ubuntu-modules und linux-restricted-modules?19:36
rwn_was soll ich machen19:36
rwn_er bietet mir nichts mehr an19:36
rwn_mit dem 12er läuft es auch fast  perfekt19:37
lagarwn_: das schon gesehen? https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/21571319:39
rwn_jetzt schon19:41
rwn_aber ich habe deisen chip nicht19:42
rwn_nova s-plus19:42
rwn_also cx8819:42
lagakönnte ja trotzdem was damit zu tun haben19:43
rwn_könnte, das ich davon nicht viel verstehe, snd_pcm19:43
rwn_das mault er eventuell an19:43
rwn_blacklistet hilft auch nicht19:44
rwn_oder ich weiss nicht wie?19:44
laganaja, ich habe keine logs von dir gesehen, also kann ich das nicht beurteilen. am besten meldest du einen bug19:44
rwn_toll melde einen bug mit der Sprache di du nicht kannst19:44
rwn_für mich liegt es eindeutig am kernel19:45
rwn_zumal es mit dem 16er rt auch geht, bis auf das Video19:45
lagadein english wird wohl reichen für einen einfachen bug report?19:46
rwn_vielleicht, nur das Halproblem ist ja bekannt19:48
lagaja, aber du behauptest ja es läge an etwas anderem..19:48
rwn_genauso wie das problem noch mit dem theme withglass besteht19:48
rwn_ich behaupte gar nichts, kann ich ja auch nicht, sind nur feststellungen19:49
rwn_da ich anfanger bion19:49
lagaund es war letzten endes kein problem mit HAL, sondern im kernel19:49
rwn_naja der 12er läuft und der 16 rt auch ohne hal problem19:50
cosmic_is there anyone who uses zsnens on mythbuntu 64 bit ?19:52
cosmic_cu @ all20:37
laganubar: you asked about diskless? yeah, it's possible to run a backend on a diskless client, although it's completely untested. make sure your recordings directory ison an NFS share or on a hard disk, though21:44
bobcallawayI have a problem with my hauppauge card can anyone help me?22:22
Seeker`bobcallaway: what problems?22:28
thoraxebleh so the remote is working (i think because i disabled blaster) and i finally hook it up to the tv, update the ati driver so i can use tv out... and now as soon as i enter live tv it freezes23:46

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