
Condoulotest me01:27
LjLhas been in -read-topic for so long (and tested so many times) he really ought to know how it works01:58
ubotuIn ubotu, xim said: !foo is foo04:51
AmaranthMez: aww, stupor doesn't have the same PS1 as torpor did10:38
Amaranthdo you happen to have that one so i can steal it? :)10:38
MezAmaranth, ?? what shell?10:38
Amaranthi dunno, whatever you gave me10:38
* Mez logs into torpor10:38
Mezwas it the prompt with the path on the right?10:38
Amaranththe path was on a line above the prompt10:39
Amaranthoh, maybe it was on the right, now that i think about it10:39
Mezwas on the right10:39
Amaranthok, i don't want your layout either :P10:39
* Mez sets your shell up the same way as it was on torpor10:40
Amaranthtoo long :P10:40
Mezhehe... but when it's on the right, if your string goes over it, then it dissapears10:40
Amaranthyes, that sucks too :P10:40
Mezwell, Amaranth you now have the same shell as you do on torpor ;)11:05
Mezfeel free to modify your .zshrc11:05
Amaranthmy .bashrc now has this:11:06
AmaranthPS1="\n\[\033[01;29m\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;29m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\n\$ "11:06
Amaranthi barely know what it means :P11:06
Mezdoes that look how you want it though11:09
Amaranthyeah, it's pretty much perfect11:22
Amaranth$ 11:22
Myrttichickflicks <313:09
Myrttigreat way to unwind13:09
Seeker`Myrtti: The lack of plot bothers me13:15
Myrttithat's why I pick the ones that have a plot13:15
Seeker`isn't a chickflick with plot an oxymoron?13:19
Myrttinot in the fifties13:19
Myrttithey didn't have modern type of chickflicks then13:19
Myrttinow watching: Sidney Pollack - Sabrina13:20
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)13:55
hischildan informational question: why do the floodbots set those 3 modes on #ubuntu every so many minutes and at the same time? and what do they stand for?13:56
Mezit's when we have an issue, adn they protect the channel13:57
jussio1!modes | hischild13:58
ubotuhischild: There are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml13:58
* Hobbsee warns of an impending eagles, tomorrow13:58
Hobbseeeagles<string of numbers>13:58
Mezis that meant to mean something to me13:59
hischildjussio1, thank you. And may i ask why the bots are fighting?14:00
ubotuerUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (labcom_ lol)14:01
stdinwe have a lot of @ic8001.upco.es it seems14:01
HobbseeMez: he's been making the rounds in #kubuntu-devel14:02
HobbseeMez: so, no, just leave him alone, and say that he won't be unbanned in the foreseable future.14:02
Mezstdin, dealing14:03
* jussi01 wonders if mez is dealing cards, or something else :P14:05
Mezjussi01, did you not see that smooth action ?14:05
LjLand an issue there was, if i am to judge on their bitchings about clones14:07
Mezthey wouldnt speak english ;)14:07
LjLprobably a school as usual14:11
KmosHi! I would like to request to be unbanned from Ubuntu channels.. maybe Hobbsee can take some decision on that.14:26
HobbseeKmos: why would you like to be unbanned?14:27
* Hobbsee can, and will, take a decision on that (to clarify)14:27
KmosHobbsee: I want to be free to talk, if needed14:27
HobbseeKmos: you were asked not to contribute to ubuntu development.  How is your request here today consistent with that?14:28
KmosHobbsee: contribute to ubuntu development isn't the same to be free to talk14:28
Kmosit doesn't mean i need to talk about development14:29
HobbseeYou talking rubbish in there is offtopic.14:29
Hobbseeyou talking about on topic stuff there is talking about development.14:29
HobbseeI fail to see how letting you do either is helpful, and/or consistant with what youv'e been asked to do.14:29
HobbseeDo you?14:30
Kmosok.. it's your decision, you won't change it14:31
Kmosthanks anyway14:31
ikoniaanyone awake to sort ted` from advertising his irc server in #ubuntu channels14:42
Hobbseeikonia: what's the address?14:43
Hobbseehm, seems gone14:43
ikoniahe's still online14:43
ikonialooks like a bot14:43
Hobbsee[23:44] [Error] ted`: No such nick/channel.14:43
ikoniajust ogne14:44
ikoniaTed` [n=dsae@athedsl-276047.home.otenet.gr14:44
* Hobbsee assume that !staff might want to deal wiht that14:45
ikoniafelt a bit harsh !staffing after 2 spams14:45
ikoniayour guys call14:46
Hobbseewe'll see if he comes back14:47
LjLwell he also spammed ##linux and #gentoo so14:47
ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary,  I could use a bit of your time :)14:47
christelthanks for heads up, klined :)14:48
Hobbseeah ha!  christel is in the land of the living.14:48
jdongwhoa cool, christel is here :)14:51
* jdong waves14:51
christelshe is 14:51
christel(both alive and here)14:51
Hobbseechristel: are there any public output of the resolution of the freenode staff meeting?15:01
christelno, freenode staff meetings are a rather internal affair :)15:05
christeland i suspect, not very interesting if you're not staff 15:06
christelhiya ompaul 15:06
Hobbseechristel: thought htere might have been some resolution w.r.t. the user "emma"15:12
christelshe wasnt discussed at the staff meeting15:15
christeldiscussing individual users arent quite what theyre for :)15:15
Hobbseewell, i was assuming there was bits on what was actually spam, etc.15:18
LjLjoin the testnet if you want to play with the floodbots, they've been changed a little (partly to work better with the new services)15:41
jussio1Seeker`: did you notget the notice?17:22
jussio1ok, Im out for a bit. 17:25
Seeker`jussio1: thanks17:43
Seeker`-17:30:11- ~s~ Irssi: Starting query in freenode with aySenurr1117:43
Seeker`-17:30:11- aySenurr11: owNeR ßaßa Saat 18:32 ||||||||||||||||||| Rekor Current Local Users: 79 Max: 7917:43
Seeker`they are in #ubuntu17:43
SeveasSeeker`, should that one be kicked?18:13
Seeker`Seveas: I think so18:15
Seeker`Seveas: Thanks18:17
Seeker`when is release-party being opened?19:11
ikoniahopefully never19:12
Seeker`ikonia: :P19:13
PriceChildikonia: :O19:13
PriceChildThere's gotta be a release party.19:13
ikonialittle help with crazy talk in #ubuntu please. 19:22
* PriceChild looks in19:23
PriceChildikonia: i don't think asking him to cut the message down was the best19:26
ikoniait was poilite, he's posting it every few minutes19:26
ikoniait floods the screen19:26
ikoniaI know I'm not on a massive terminal on irssi , but it's just ramble "synaptic won't remove the menu items" would do 19:26
PriceChildBut I wonder if it contains a set of chuck norris facts?19:39
ikoniahave you seen the google chuck norris trick ?19:41
Seveaswas nice :)19:41
ikoniaI loved that19:43
ikoniafirst thing in ages that really made me chuckle19:43
ikoniadoes ubuntu use wheel for su - $user ?19:45
ikoniaSt0ry1d check out his host in #ubuntu19:46
ikoniaanyone on St0ry1d and his i.want.to.fuck.your.mom.nu host ?19:54
jdongwhat does the .nu mean?19:54
jdongcouldn't he get a better TLD to finish his sentence?19:54
jdongseriously, if you want to do a v ulgar joke do it right....19:55
jussi01Im going to forward him here19:55
jdongikonia: I don't think Ubuntu uses wheel for su-ablility19:55
ikoniaI didn't think so, but I've not got a box to hand to check19:56
St0ry1d??why am i here ? :o20:01
jussi01St0ry1d: your hostname is not suitable for #ubuntu20:01
St0ry1dahh sry 20:02
St0ry1di forgot i put it as my host20:02
jussi01St0ry1d: would you mind changing it?20:02
St0ry1dnot at all20:03
jussi01St0ry1d: ok, great, as soon as I see its changed, Ill lift the ban. 20:03
ikoniatoo slow20:04
ubotuIn #ubuntu-np, boka said: ubotu: np is The Nepali Ubuntu Local Community is on #ubuntu-np - https://wiki.ubuntu.com.org20:16
bokacould someone please change np?20:16
ubotuThe Nepali Ubuntu Local Community is on #ubuntu-np - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NepalTeam20:16
bokaThe Nepali Ubuntu Local Community is on #ubuntu-np - https://wiki.ubuntu.org.np ?20:17
PriceChildboka: https://wiki.ubuntu.org.np/ doesn't exist20:17
bokaPriceChild: http://wiki.ubuntu.org.np 20:17
PriceChildneither does ubuntu.np20:17
bokaPriceChild: tia20:18
PriceChildsilly s20:18
bokaPriceChild: thanks :-)20:18
bokaPriceChild: The Nepali Ubuntu Local Community is on #ubuntu-np - http://wiki.ubuntu.org.np20:19
PriceChildjussio1: https vs http20:19
jussio1heh, now I undersatand :P20:19
PriceChild!np is <reply> The Nepali Ubuntu Local Community is in #ubuntu-np - Also see: http://wiki.ubuntu.org.np20:20
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, PriceChild said: !np is <reply> The Nepali Ubuntu Local Community is in #ubuntu-np - Also see: http://wiki.ubuntu.org.np20:20
PriceChild!np is <reply> The Nepali Ubuntu Local Community is in #ubuntu-np - Also see: http://wiki.ubuntu.org.np20:20
ubotuBut np already means something else!20:20
PriceChild!no np is <reply> The Nepali Ubuntu Local Community is in #ubuntu-np - Also see: http://wiki.ubuntu.org.np20:20
ubotuI'll remember that PriceChild20:20
ubotuThe Nepali Ubuntu Local Community is in #ubuntu-np - Also see: http://wiki.ubuntu.org.np20:20
bokacool PriceChild!20:20
bokaPriceChild: where do i ask for ubuntu-nepal cloak?20:30
PriceChildboka: we only give out ubuntu/member cloaks /msg ubotu member )20:31
bokaoh.. cool PriceChild20:31
bokaPriceChild: in our loco, we require member to sign the CoC in LP. i've already got one. 20:33
PriceChildboka: that gives you the 'ubuntero' status. 'ubuntu member' is slightly different. ( /msg ubotu member ) for more info.20:35
=== boka is now known as bokey
bokeyPriceChild: right.. going through it ;)20:37
bokeyPriceChild: i manage ubuntu-np LOCO which is not approved yet20:39
bokeywhich is one of the requirement20:39
bokey1. leadership of LoCo teams20:39
bokey2. signed CoC20:39
bokey3. manage /NepalTeam page20:39
bokey4. manage LP membership and maybe soon to be localisation projects20:40
bokeyso are these enoough qualifications PriceChild? :p20:40
bokeywhere can i head for ubuntu council meeting?20:41
PriceChildbokey: If you could give evidence of your leadership, like photos of install days and things, and have people supporting you at the meeting then you'd have a great chance.20:41
bokeyPriceChild: ahh20:41
PriceChildbokey: the page gives you a link to the agenda page, and they are in #ubuntu-meeting. I think the process will change sometime soon though.20:42
bokeyPriceChild: ahh20:42
Seeker`hmm, I cant decide whether two people in -uk are actually the same person or not22:11
mneptoks/-uk/my head/22:22
Seeker`mneptok: that too22:23
Seeker`mneptok: I must be getting old - The younger members of some IRC channels get quite annoying22:24
mneptokSeeker`: stay off my lawn. AND TURN THAT MUSIC DOWN!22:24
Seeker`Kids these days...22:24
Seeker`When I was younger...22:25
Seeker`There should be some sort of turing test before peple are allowed on IRC22:26
Seeker`but instead of checking whether they can successfully imitate a human, it checks whether they can...oh wait...it is a Turing test we need22:27
SeveasSeeker`, #ubuntu would be a quarter of its current size if we did that22:39
Seveas(and I'm being optimistic about the human race here)22:40
bokeyPriceChild: oh and forgot to mention, we are also getting the first NP ubuntu mirror up soon! :-)22:41
mneptokbokey: this is not the place to apply for Ubuntu membership22:41
bokeymneptok: i am not applying for it dude. i am telling PriceChild about it :p22:42
Seeker`Seveas: I'm not sure that that is a problem22:43
bokeyi am human. want some turing test? 22:43
bokeyi can smile. :D22:43
bokeycan anyone smile? 22:43
bokeysee ya all22:47
PriceChildIts all good.22:56
Seeker`PriceChild: what is?22:56
Seeker`likely story22:57
PriceChildmeh :/22:57
mneptokSaul Goode?23:10

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