
nealmcbDeeps: absolutely.  nice link.  But I'm suggesting he'll get better help in a linux router-oriented channel.00:00
user1you mean its possible?00:00
user1Deeps by what application?00:00
Deepsuser1: read lartc.org, all the different tools you'll need are explained there.00:00
user1oh i got it.00:01
user1Deeps btw, what are you favorit?00:01
Stevensomeone can help me restoring lilo from a rescuecd, i can chroot to the old system00:02
nealmcbuser1: i.e.  #lartc on irc.oftc.net00:02
Tuv0kkeep fishing00:02
user1tough, i had a gui in mind00:04
blueyedklogd from Hardy hangs in a OpenVZ container.. e.g. during upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy, but also when only installing it in a Gutsy container.00:21
The-Kernelhow do i start sysklogd?00:59
The-Kernelmy logging isn't running.00:59
owhNow if this actually works I will be well pleased.01:06
* owh is now using an N95 to connect :-)01:08
owhHmm, I suppose that means I don't have any excuses not to attend meetings either :-)01:12
mathiazkirkland: re your ubuntu search page01:25
mathiazkirkland: I wouldn't use your default index page on p.u.c01:26
mathiazkirkland: if you start publishing this url and it proves to be a good idea, it'll move somewhere else - and then you won't be able to redirect to the new page01:27
mathiazkirkland: so I'd suggest to use something like p.u.c/~kirkland/ubuntu-search.html or something similar01:27
=== Tuv0k is now known as darthanubis
blueyedopenvz is really nice for (linux) virtualisation.. just in case you did not know already.. :)01:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openvz - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:59
AnimortisCan anyone help me understand why my password isn't working on an ftp file server I set up?02:11
AnimortisI assume my server's user I set up should be the one I log in with, but it fails to let me log in.02:12
AnimortisIf that's not enough detail... I can explain more if someone asks.02:15
AnimortisHow about this question: Why would an FTP server refuse to initiate the LIST command for a client?02:37
ScottKmathiaz: FWIW, I'm about to do the mail server test for the current candidate.02:43
mathiazScottK: excellent !02:43
mathiazScottK: do you test more than what is written in the testcase ?02:44
ScottKI'll set the default mail server task, run the tests and then convert it to the configuration I use and continue to use it.02:44
ScottKmathiaz: I've had sever servers running Hardy for ~2 weeks now with no significant issues.  I'm confident postfix is solid.02:45
ScottKmathiaz: If you have something specific you want tested, let me know.02:46
mathiazScottK: seems good to me.02:46
mathiazScottK: I don't really have other configuration to tests.02:46
mathiazScottK: the testcase described in the wiki page is simple02:46
mathiazScottK: so I was wondering if you had other ideas about things to be tested.02:47
mathiazScottK: OTOH it may be more complicated as there can be lots of different setup02:47
ScottKFor the default install it'd be good to look in /var/log/mail.* and report any unusual events logged.02:48
ScottKI'm still using cyrus-sasl2.  I know that works.02:48
bam287I am setting up a server.  having problems accessing ftp from xp box.  Gon over vsftpd.conf. changed what i thought i needed to but03:37
bam287i still can only acsess server anonymousely03:38
bam287i created a new user to see what i could get03:38
bam287will not let me connect03:39
bam287any ideas?03:39
owhTurn on logging and check the logs03:39
kirklandmathiaz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kirkland/search.html03:41
kirklandmathiaz: and http://people.ubuntu.com/~kirkland/03:41
mathiazkirkland: awesome - I'd also add an explicity sentence on how to report bug/feature request and so on03:42
mathiazkirkland: I'd just point it to your email address for now03:42
* owh requests a coffee making facility.03:43
kirklandmathiaz: sure, will probably do that tomorrow03:43
kirklandI'll add a few lines about the motivation, etc.03:43
mathiazkirkland: I'd use @ubuntu.com as it's hosted on p.u.c (but that's a minor point - I'm picky)03:43
kirklandmathiaz: :-)03:43
kirklandmathiaz: i'm happy you're pleased with it as is03:43
kirklandmathiaz: i half expected criticism :-)03:43
kirklandmathiaz: I found a way to dump xml source code from the Google gadget03:44
kirklandmathiaz: so I was thinking I'd start a Launchpad project for it03:44
kirklandmathiaz: what do you think?03:45
mathiazkirkland: why not - it seems that there isn't a lot of code yet03:45
owhIf it helps others expand on it, that is always a good thing.03:46
kirklandmathiaz: not really...  just an index.html and the xml that describes the particulars of the Google Search mechanism03:46
mathiazkirkland: I'd start by just leaving your email adress to leave suggestion03:46
kirklandmathiaz: well my email address is on http://people.ubuntu.com/~kirkland/search.html03:46
kirklandThis Google Custom Search is maintained by Dustin Kirkland"03:46
mathiazkirkland: right03:46
kirklandmathiaz: i can switch from gmail -> ubuntu.com03:46
mathiazkirkland: that's enough I think03:46
kirklandmathiaz: done.03:47
mathiazkirkland: it's true that sharing the code is usefull and recommended - but in this case it's really not a lot of code03:47
kirklandmathiaz: its not a lot, but i'm thinking there could be a license that we should choose for it03:47
owhGo to bed!03:47
mathiazkirkland: I think that's awesome03:47
kirklandmathiaz: b/c, goobuntu.com could redo their search using it03:48
kirklandand add the ads03:48
kirklandwhereas i think we'd like to be ad free03:48
owhYour eyelids are getting heavy...03:49
kirklandg'night ;-)03:50
jibwnI'd like to set up my first RAID with a pile of 300G IDE drives I have laying around. Are there any IDE specific issues I need to be aware of that I haven't seen?05:16
LucutiousGreetings!  I just installed Ubuntu Server version 7.10, however it did not prompt me for a root password.  How do I set / retrieve / change the root password?05:43
LucutiousI can log in as the user I made, mike, but I can't even add myself to the sudo list as I don't have and wasn't prompted for the root password05:44
ScottKLucutious: You should be in the sudo list already05:45
ScottKJust sudo $whatever and use your password.05:46
LucutiousHow can I view the sudo list to verify?05:46
ScottKJust use it and see.05:46
* ScottK goes to bed.05:46
LucutiousScottK, if you're still there, it's not working05:50
Lucutious#set passwd root ---> passwd: You may not view or modify password information for root.05:52
Lucutious$set passwd root ---> passwd: You may not view or modify password information for root.05:52
Lucutiousand if I try...05:52
sommerLucutious: if you do sudo passwd you'll be able to login as root05:52
Lucutiousset passwd root --->  It prompts for the password for mike, and then says "mike is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported."05:53
sommeris that the user you setup during install?05:53
Lucutioushence why I'm so confused and flustered05:54
sommeryou'll need to boot into recovery mode in taht case and set the password, or add the "mike" user to /etc/sudoers05:54
LucutiousSommer thanks06:08
tengulrewhy I got Hash Sum mismatch when I using apt-get update06:16
sommerLucutious: np06:41
J-_I'm having a really rough time with mod+rewrite in dapper, and .htaccess. I do sudo "apache2 -l" and it doesn't list the mod_rewrite module. But when I "a2enmod rewrite" it says it's enabled. I'm not sure what to put in my .htaccess file, I've tried many things, and it hasn't worked. Someone please help me.07:48
_rubenJ-_: you did restart your apache?07:49
_rubenhmm .. dont have any dapper boxes, so cant check07:50
J-_I'll ask in #ubuntu, see if I get a response07:52
_rubeninteresting .. it *seems* that with hardy jeos, the login prompt actually appears *after* all startup scripts ran .. then again, its a rather basic install: not many services to start08:09
nijabagood morning08:39
nijaba_ruben: I belive that all hardy version now have the login prompt displayed once all services have started on tty1.  One can still login immediately on tty2, 3 etc... though08:41
_rubennijaba: ic, i wasnt complaining though, i was kinda 'surprised' that this "cosmetic bug" got fixed :-)08:42
nijaba_ruben: a hard fight ;)08:42
_rubenhmm .. wonder if there's an 'easy' way to roll ia32 compat libs yourself .. missing some 32bits libs to run the vmware's mui on 64bits host08:46
_rubendamn .. tried to work around it by using some symlink-foo .. but it craps out on libdb08:51
_ruben/usr/lib/vmware-mui/apache/bin/httpd.vmware: /usr/lib32/libdb.so.3: version `GLIBC_2.0' not found (required by /usr/lib/vmware-mui/apache/bin/httpd.vmware)08:51
juliuxLD_PRELOAD=/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 /usr/lib/vmware-mui/apache/bin/httpd.vmware shoudl help08:53
_rubenlets try that08:58
juliuxor try LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libdb.so.308:59
juliuxif that also not works search for ypir libdb.so.3 and give the path from that to the LD_PRELOAD09:00
_rubendoesnt work .. libdb.so.3 is a symlink i just made, pointing to libdb-4.3.so09:01
_rubenwhcih is the only libdb i could find in ia32-libs09:01
* _ruben sometimes hates 64bits09:01
_rubenseems i need a ia32 variant of the libdb1-compat package09:11
daeronhi there!10:21
daeronI have a problem with vsftpd10:21
daeronI can't see anything online10:21
daeronsome ideas?10:21
bipanybody currently working with vmware server here ?10:45
creAtionbip: yeah I have vmware server running11:33
_rubennijaba: i doubt the "cleaner" boot process will be backported to say gutsy gibbon? (talking about the services starting after the login prompt is shown)11:59
_rubenman .. my connection to nl.archive.ubuntu.com is really crappy lately .. probably applies to the internet pipe here in general, but only noticing it with mass downloads from archive13:38
* delcoyote hi13:43
_rubenJeeves_ / henkjan : any known problems on your side? im guessing its my side crapping out, but just curious ;-)13:48
Jeeves__ruben: Define 'problems'13:49
_rubendebmirror is giving me "Transfer truncated: only 2487018 out of 2891236 bytes received" every now and then13:49
Jeeves__ruben: What's the ip you're coming from?13:49
_rubenhappened twice now .. could very well be my side .. pipe's been acting up lately13:50
_rubentho http wasnt really affected untill now13:50
Jeeves_You're using ftp13:51
_rubenam not13:52
Jeeves_Why not rsync?13:52
_rubenrsync and ftp gave problems earlier .. connection stalls .. http did work fine untill today i decided to mirror uni and multiverse as well (had only main before)13:53
_rubencan give rsync a try again, to see if that seems more stable now13:53
_rubenJeeves_: running in rsync mode now, lets see if it'll hold :)13:56
Jeeves__ruben: Ack14:03
_rubenhmm .. so far so good14:18
sommerjdstrand: in the rules files used by ufw is there a way to add an "include" statement referencing another file?14:49
jdstrandsommer: no14:50
sommerah, thanks14:50
jdstrandjdstrand: these are simple iptables-restore/iptables-save type files14:50
jdstrandsommer: ^14:50
sommerjdstrand: I see, I was just wondering, and couldn't find anything specific regarding that on the interwebs14:51
* faulkes- yawns15:19
sommermathiaz: hello, I just was wondering if a "install everything" test should be added to the iso qa list?15:46
mathiazsommer: you mean install all the tasks or install all the packages shipped on the -server iso ?15:57
sommermathiaz: all the tasks... I was thinking of that bug in gutsy that didn't add the user to sudo on install16:01
sommermathiaz: didn't that only show up when installing all the tasks?  I may be mis-remembering16:01
mathiazsommer: the specific bug was triggered when you'd install mail-server, and leave postfix unconfigured16:02
mathiazsommer: we've never hit this bug because we'd always configure postfix when we install it...16:02
sommermathiaz: oh right, I remember now... so that doesn't have anything to do with all tasks :)16:03
mathiazsommer: yes16:03
mathiazsommer: but I agree that install every package on the cd would be interesting to do16:03
mathiazsommer: there may be some conflict though16:03
mathiazsommer: exim and postfix may be both shipped on the cd16:04
LucutiousGreetings!  I know it's not direct Ubuntu-server support, but if anyone has a moment or 2 I'm having issues with my proftpd16:05
sommermathiaz: gotcha, I think the current tests are good, just wanted to double check about that bug16:05
sommerthanks mathiaz16:05
mathiazsommer: well - you can try to install a mail-server task and then leave postfix unconfigured (I think it's the default choice)16:05
sommermathiaz: cool, I'll give it a quick test16:07
sommerLucutious: what's your issue?16:07
Lucutioussommer:  I can't get it to start.  It says to check my configuration, but honestly I don't know quite what to look for16:07
LucutiousLooking at the website for it, but it's not giving me clues as I understand16:08
sommerLucutious: are thare eny errors in /var/log/syslog or /var/log/daemon.log pertaining to proftpd?16:08
Lucutiouslet me look16:08
=== dantaliz1ng is now known as dantalizing
Lucutioussommer:  no, not that I can see, and doing a search of "proftpd" yielded nothing as well.16:11
LucutiousWhen I boot the machine it does give one line:16:12
LucutiousProFTPd warning: cannot start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode.  Check your configuration.16:13
Lucutiousand after typing that, I think I see it.  I need to set it to be standalone i think16:13
sommerLucutious: probably worth trying :)16:13
sommerLucutious: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure proftpd... should give you a dialog to change it16:15
Lucutiousawesome, thanks I'll try that16:15
Lucutioussommer:  Well, it started!  the machine is actively refusing sonnections on port 21 still, though, so Hmm16:21
sommerLucutious: are there any errors?  do you have a firewall configued to block the port?16:22
Lucutioussommer to be honest, i don't know where to look for errors.  this is day 2 of using ubunto, or any non-windows os.  I don't believe I have any firewall on the machine right this moment.  that was gonig to be configured next16:23
Lucutiousthe error I gave was the one my ftp client gave me, that the machine was actively refusing connections16:23
sommerLucutious: ah, most services will log errors to /var/log/syslog, so that's the best place to check first16:24
Lucutiousok let me look there16:24
sommerLucutious: also, did you modify /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf?16:25
Lucutioussommer: no errors found, and again i did a search for "proftpd"16:26
Lucutioussommer:  well no, i didn't.  Something tells me, however, that as you mentioned it I probably should have :-)16:26
Lucutiouslet me look at that file16:26
sommerLucutious: I installed proftpd and didn't need to change the config any, you might search for "ftp" in /var/log/syslog and make sure there isn't anything16:27
LucutiousI make no misrepresentation, I'm completely out of my element, but I surely appreciate you helping me.16:27
sommerLucutious: np16:27
sommerLucutious: you can also make sure proftpd is running by: ps -ef | grep ftp16:28
sommerit should return information about the proftpd process16:28
Lucutiousok, searched for ftp in syslog and it returned nothing, and when I used that command, it returned:16:29
Lucutiousroot     4344  4311  0  11:28  tty1   00:00:00 grep ftp16:29
sommerLucutious: that means that proftpd isn't actually running... try sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start16:30
LucutiousHmm this seems odd to me16:32
LucutiousI staretd it via your command, and it returned:  ProFTPd is started from inetd/xinetd.16:32
LucutiousThen i re-typed the ps -ef | grep ftp, but gave me same thing as before16:32
Lucutioussommer may I /msg you for a private question?16:36
* nealmcb chuckles at the server team minutes16:36
sommerLucutious: sure16:36
Lucutioussommer: did you see the /msg?16:41
sommerLucutious: nope, have you registered your nick with freenode?16:43
Lucutiousno, that's probably why, huh16:44
Lucutiouslemme do that16:44
sommerLucutious: I was just thinking... do you have to use proftpd?16:44
sommerLucutious: another ftp server I've used is vsftpd16:44
LucutiousNo I don't ahve to use any specific one16:44
Lucutiousthe simpler the better, in my case, until I learn this thing yet16:44
sommerLucutious: you can find a quick guide for vsftpd here: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html16:45
sommerI think vsftpd is simpler, runs as it's own service, instead of the xinetd option16:45
\shsommer, proftpd runs as standalone service, too, means without inetd16:46
\shsommer, you have to configure it, though16:47
sommer\sh: ya, but I think for a newcomer it may be less confusing to use vsftpd, but then again maybe not :)16:47
LucutiousIs there anything I need to do to un-install proftpd?16:48
\shapt-get remove --purge proftpd?16:48
Lucutioussommer Yay it seems to be working!  Minor issue, however lol - I need to setup users, and if I read this right I need to setup a user for the system, it can't just be a user for ftp?  or am I terrible confused17:03
sommerLucutious: the ftp user should be setup, but the default vsftpd config only allows system users access17:06
sommerLucutious: are you wanting to share files with the Internet or just to your local LAN?17:06
sommerbasically you need to decide what kind of access permissions you need :)17:07
LucutiousJust the local lan.  I think using FTP is more secure than just giving my smf forums 777 access to all, so I need to create a user for my smf forums so it can change the files it needs to change17:07
LucutiousMaybe some day I'll get into opening it up for everyone, but not today17:08
sommerLucutious: ah, yep that should work, you can user the useradd utility to create the user, then just configure your forum to use it17:09
Lucutioussudo /etc/useradd <-- guessing?17:09
sommerLucutious: woops, I meant adduser :(... sudo adduser should get you there17:11
sommerthough I think there is a useradd... heh17:11
sommeryep, so either one17:11
Lucutioussommer Awesome!  this os working out awesome17:24
sommerLucutious: cool, glad to hear it :-)17:27
Lucutiouslol it's always something.  I need to tweak permissions for the user I created.  Right now it cannot write to any file.  I think I enabled it in vsftpd.conf but i'll recheck.  Is there user settings I might need to tweak somewhere?17:30
LucutiousAlternatively, I could just grant php permissions to create a directory and write to it, but I'm unsure how to do that as well17:32
sommerLucutious: does the use have a home directory?  /home/user_name? if not sudo mkdir /home/user_name17:32
Lucutiouswell i made it's home directory the /var/www directory, as it's only going to be used by smf17:33
sommerLucutious: ah, then you'll want to edit the user's entry in /etc/passwd to reflect that17:34
sommerLucutious: or you can use the usermod command17:34
Lucutiousat least, I made it that in webmin, but when I log in it dumps me in the /var directory so i bed i did something wrong or it saved wrong17:35
Lucutiousi'll try that usermod command17:35
LucutiousYa still dumps me in the /var one17:36
sommerLucutious: maybe restart vsftpd?17:38
Lucutiousgood idea17:39
Lucutiousok, restarted and it's still doingthe same dumb thing17:41
Lucutiousbut even that's ok, easy to work around17:41
Lucutiousnow I'm being told that PHP doens't have permission to create a directory and/or write files /sigh17:42
sommerdoes the ftp user have rights to the directory?  ls -l /var will tell you17:42
sommerthe php thing is probably because the www-data user needs rights to the directory as well17:43
Lucutiousok ls -l /var spit out a binch of stuff, going down to the www dir it says:17:44
Lucutiousdrwxr-xr-x  8  root  root  4096  2008-14-17  10:25 www17:45
sommertry chown www-data.yourftpuser /var/www, you might need to add the -R switch which will adjust subdirectories as well17:48
faulkes-if he's trying to write there, wouldn't he need to chmod g+w them as well?17:50
Lucutiousg and w, those are write and change permissions, right?17:54
sommeryes, that too... thanks faulkes :)17:54
faulkes-g+w sets the directory/file to allow group members to write17:54
Lucutiousahh cool17:54
Lucutioussuchhappy times, and I learned a lot, too18:14
LucutiousI think I just have one more thing to do, but that might be a pain so I wanna get the rest setup first18:15
Lucutioussendmail ><18:16
Tuv0kI forget the proper way to clean out old scripts from /etc/init.d/?18:18
Tuv0kthe program is not installed18:20
sommernijaba: hello, I was just thinking that a good whitepaper topic may be likewise-open integration with AD19:32
mvohi! it would be great if someone could check http://paste.ubuntu.com/7316/ I got those in a big dapper->hardy upgrade test19:44
infinitymvo: I think that's a case of non-conffile -> conffile promotion.19:45
ScottKmathiaz: mail server test on yesterday's daily went well.  No issues with the CD.  I edited the test procedure to better match what the CD presents.21:38
mathiazScottK: awesome ! thanks21:40
duiuCan ubuntu-server be used to run a RAID server without having a monitor connected to it?21:50
duiuany extra config required for no-monitor?21:51
Deepsnope, once you're installed, make sure openssh-server is installed, and just ssh to the machine and configure like that21:52
ScottKYou'll want SSH so you can connect remotely.21:52
duiuand it'll start all the samba services without having to ssh everytime after I install them?21:53
Deepsif correctly configured (which it is by default apon installing samba), yes21:53
duiuI've been tinkering with FreeNAS but haven't really been a major fan, so this should be better.21:54
Deepsthis is much bigger and requires you to configure everything manually,21:55
duiuI know21:55
duiubut FreeNAS is really annoying21:55
Deepsin what way?21:55
duiuanything un-default is a major PITA to set up21:56
Deepsin what way?21:56
duiuit just doesn't work well21:56
Deepsfair enough21:56
duiuI had to leave all my SAMBA shares to be password free b/c it kept locking me out21:57
AnimortisAnyone familiar with FTP servers? Having trouble when my server gets to the LIST command...22:06
ScottKleonel: Are you up for some clamav updates?23:05
ScottKleonel: Debian's updates due to 0.93 are out.  I've just asked to have the latest sync'ed for Hardy.23:06
leonelScottK:  don't know what happened  to  21350023:07
leoneland  bug #21736123:08
ubotuBug 217361 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/217361 is private23:08
leonelfor  bug #217361   I'm already working  on the patch23:09
ubotuBug 217361 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/217361 is private23:09
leonelbut since  there are 2  bug reports for clamav     don't know how to proceed with the  lattest23:09
ScottKI'm going to backport Hardy -> Dapper and then see about getting that pushed into updates.23:09
leonelor merge both in 1 diff23:09
ScottKAsk jdstrand how he wants you to proceed.23:10
leonelScottK:  OK I'll do23:10
leonelScottK:  I've made  a deb for 0.93  based on  your  0.92.1 deb   enabling the rar libs  that for my servers23:12
ScottKleonel: 0.93 will be rather more complicated due to the soname change in libclamav, a bunch of config option changes, and an incompatible on disk database format.  I'm working on it.23:13
leonelScottK: yes I saw that  but as I only use clamav  with clamsmtp   the soname change didn't affected my setup23:13
leonelbut will be for  the  backport23:14
ScottKRight.  Should work for you, but for the distro it's a major pain.23:14
leoneland as allways   if you need  help    .. just press F1    ..23:14
leonelScottK:  haha if I can help to test  just let me know  and I'll make tine23:14
ajmitchScottK: sounds like some minor changes, a week before release23:15
ajmitchBut you have to accept the pain of the update at some point, I guess23:16
ScottKajmitch: We're passing on 0.93 for Hardy.  To hard.  I do want to make sure our package has all the security fixes though.23:18
ScottKI'm going to try and get it into hardy-backports at the release.23:18
ajmitchWhich means updating about 20 other packages in backports again?23:21
ScottKleonel: I just marked your bub a dupe of bug 217256 since it was filed first.23:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 217256 in clamav "ClamAV Upack Processing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21725623:33
ScottKGotta run.23:33

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