
waw31I have a quick question I couldnt find an answer with google00:00
waw31lately aptitude is asking me the pass twice00:00
nickrudRyanPrior,  sudo netstat -tlpn , will show you what program is listening to what ports00:00
Orbixxnickrud: Ok, thanks for looking.00:00
waw31the second one on building tag database00:00
waw31is that normal? first time I see it is with 8.0400:00
RyanPriornickrud: Hmm, it's called dnsmasq00:01
nickrudRyanPrior, that's an app that provides a nat for a local network00:01
RyanPriornickrud: I don't remember installing it - what might be running it?00:01
Ki11ab33zhow do i uninstall hellanzb?00:02
jthackerdnsmasq is a DNS / DHCP server, i don't think it does nat00:02
QwexerI can not get f-spot to start, I tried to load it in terminal and got this msg... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63475/00:02
Enul3243can someone please tell me how to install an icon pack for ubuntu 7.10?00:02
nickrudjthacker, I think you're right, I'm mixing it up with ipmasq (usually used together, or conflicting?) been a while since I used it00:03
nickrudEnul3243, you should be able to simply drag it onto the window that opens from system->prefs->appearance, then hit the customize button on the themes tab to change it00:04
SnakeAr2genii: I have no ideas, what about You?00:04
s2  00:05
geniiSnakeAr2: Yes, I did, eg: SnakeArt: The current idea I'm having is to make a symlink of /dev/input/tablet     to /dev/bus/usb/001/007               since this is the actual physical location it's at.  If this seems to work we can make a new udev rule for it in the symlinks section (hopefully)00:05
smithey93how can i setup mysql5 to work with lightpd and install phpmyadmin?00:05
dmsupermanHow can I play a DVD with 5.1 surround?00:05
SnakeAr2genii: You're great. Thanx. I try it now, so disconnecting and see You after a while...00:07
geniiSnakeAr2: The symlink will not survive a reboot00:08
unlink_how can i upgrade to hardy using a special repository?00:08
smithey93how can i setup mysql5 to work with lightpd and install phpmyadmin?00:08
nickrudunlink_, #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release00:08
unlink_nickrud: thanks00:08
geniiunlink_: Upgrade instructions to Hardy should be available on the usual page after official release date (April 24)00:09
Ki11ab33zwhat editor does ubuntu use by default?00:10
Ki11ab33zin terminal mode00:10
Ki11ab33zuse vi?00:10
docgnomenano i think00:10
Kris08Hi again.00:10
Kris08Could somebody tell me how to dual boot?00:10
Ki11ab33zhow can i switch this to vi?00:10
smithey93i dont really like vi, nano is easyer to use i think00:10
docgnomebut vim is installed00:10
demonsporkI have an adaptec AHA-2940 scsi controller card with 2 scsi2 drives plugged into, and the correct driver is loaded, but the ubuntu livecd isn't showing them as available hard drives. How do I access them to install a system on?00:10
docgnomeKi11ab33z: the EDITOR variable in bash00:11
SnakeAr2genii: hmm, I see. I've found that I have no /dev/bus/usb/001/007. I've found that 007 file in /dev/usb/002/ .I made a link to it and called it wacom. Maybe it should work?00:11
honkytokehey.. i want to be able to make my programs, but where to start?00:11
hyperstreamWhen i boot my ubuntu up the only way i can get wireless working is if i go to Sys > Admin > Networks and reenter the password and click ok, then it configures it, here is what dmesg says if i IFdown wlan0 and IFup wlan0 or after a boot when it attempts too itself: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63476/00:11
hyperstreamhow can i make this work when i boot?00:12
=== unop__ is now known as unop
sparr_Ki11ab33z: update-alternatives --config editor00:12
Flannelhonkytoke: What sort of programs?00:12
geniiSnakeAr2: PErhaps, this is what we are hoping00:12
hyperstreamit saves the stuff to /etc/network/interfaces i believe00:12
honkytokeeverything :P00:12
Flannelhonkytoke: I meant what language00:12
geniiKi11ab33z: Also: sudo update-alternatives --config   then choose whatever one you want to be the default00:12
hyperstreambut perhaps its not giving the router the right password, or saving the right password hence having to reenter the password00:12
witakrHey yall00:12
swatTXI get the following error when trying to open a terminal, "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal" ... what'd i screw up now?00:13
geniisparr_: Sorry didn't see your earlier reply on same00:13
SnakeAr2genii: but You said that it may not survive the reboot. What we can do in such situation?00:13
hyperstreamhey unop  :) care to help me ?  i got ubuntu working on the laptop, i had to go into a config file and change vesa stating changing from true to false00:13
honkytokeFlannel: thats what i want to know, im fresh m8, i dont know anything about it00:13
AuctionedllamaHi everyone00:13
bittinHello Auctionedllama00:14
AuctionedllamaI have a question actually00:14
geniiSnakeAr2: I explained this already, eg: " If this seems to work we can make a new udev rule for it in the symlinks section (hopefully)"00:14
bittinAuctionedllama: !ask00:14
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:14
Flannelhonkytoke: Ah, I see.  Well, its probably a good idea to take it to #ubuntu-offtopic then, we'll be able to give you more detailed help for this sort of thing there.00:14
AuctionedllamaI just installed ubuntu studio recently00:14
Auctionedllama!ask I just installed ubuntu studio recently, and got my ATI card working a few minutes ago, but I can't get compiz to work.. when i enable it the screen goes white00:14
honkytokeFlannel: oh, ok :) didnt know about that00:14
Enul3243I'm having problems with my firewire card and i need help please00:14
AuctionedllamaAny help by chance?00:15
SnakeAr2genii: OK. So it's time to reboot and see what happend... CU for a while.00:15
AuctionedllamaI know you probably get bombarded by questions all day though xD00:15
ulalalshusaHello, When i try to upgrade my Ubuntu to Ubuntu 7.04 in the upgrade manager I get the following message: Autentication failed00:15
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, glxinfo|grep Direct00:15
AuctionedllamaNo idea what that is, sorry00:16
Optimus558 days00:16
Auctionedllamarather new to linux00:16
smithey93how can i copy files in terminal, without it replacing files00:16
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, just making sure you have the proper drivers00:16
AuctionedllamaI do00:16
AuctionedllamaI got envy00:16
genii<sigh> Perhaps I'm not explaining clearly or so00:16
Kris08Could someone tell me how to dual boot?00:16
Auctionedllamaand I could never get the right resolution until now, so I'm sure I got it00:16
freewillyi can paste it00:16
unophyperstream, whats up?00:16
gNewPowerHi, how can I get the UUID of my swap partition (I need to edit /etc/fstab and enter a new swap UUID)?00:16
Optimus55Kris08: what you want to dual boot with?00:17
witakrCan some one help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63477/00:17
AuctionedllamaChuymax, I know this is a complete noob question00:17
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, Alt+F2, type: gnome-terminal<enter>, a terminal opens, type: glxinfo|grep Direct00:17
user1 using linux,i have some friends sharing my internet. i have 30k vacant and 3 friends. is there a way that i define the combine band limit for 3 users combined as 30 k . not 10k for each. that way if 2 are  online they can share 15k each. and if all 3 are online. they will be spreaded 10k each in managed behaviour. any way.i have a dlink switch. and in futer i may take a fourth one and give him a dedicated 20k limit alone. so i need control?00:17
user1by wondershaper or ebox. or any other, what i have in mind is 30k for 3 users. if all are online 10k is given to each. if 2 are online 15k to each. 1 then 30k to him. and other 4th user gets 20k seperat dedi bandwidth.. how can i do it?tEE!00:17
hyperstreamUnop not much mate ill repaste00:17
Kris08But I'm already using Ubuntu00:17
smithey93how can i copy files in terminal, without it replacing files00:17
hyperstreamWhen i boot my ubuntu up the only way i can get wireless working is if i go to Sys > Admin > Networks and reenter the password and click ok, then it configures it, here is what dmesg says if i IFdown wlan0 and IFup wlan0 or after a boot when it attempts too itself: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63476/00:17
laughzillaheya folks :)  i'm trying to import to ubuntu from a digital camera:  Canon IXY 800 IS  ... the auto-importer does not seem to recognize the camera and when i try to select the camera from the catalog, i don't see that one listed. anyone know which driver i should use instead?  :)  thanks.00:17
hyperstreamhow can i make this work when i boot?00:17
Auctionedllamathanks mate00:17
AuctionedllamaI'll try that00:17
hyperstreamit saves the stuff to /etc/network/interfaces i believe00:17
hyperstreamhey unop  :) care to help me ?  i got ubuntu working on the laptop, i had to go into a config file and change vesa stating changing from true to false00:17
Enul3243my firewire card isnt working can someone please help me?00:17
Optimus55Kris08: you already have vista installed right?00:17
Stevensomeone can help em restore lilo from a chrooted shell?00:18
swatTXI get the following error when trying to open a terminal, "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal" ... what'd i screw up now?00:18
witakrVista? I thought this was a Ubuntu LINUX room00:18
Kris08I have Ubuntu installed00:18
Kris08And need to dual boot with Vista00:18
AuctionedllamaChuy.. what is that line inbetween the words?00:18
Auctionedllamaglxinfo|grep Direct00:18
Optimus55Kris08: hmm okay. i was going to paste a guide i used but that was for if you had vista first00:19
witakrCan some one help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63477/ regarding my problem with getting  DVDs to play.00:19
Ki11ab33zcan someone help me figure this out? http://pastebin.com/d7f02675300:19
unophyperstream, pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file00:19
ulalalshusaHello, When i try to upgrade my Ubuntu to Ubuntu 7.04 in the upgrade manager I get the following message: Autentication failed00:20
hyperstreamunop:  sure i second bud00:20
freewillydual boot http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63479/00:20
Optimus55Kris08: if you have ubuntu, just create a new partition and install vista on that using the vista dvd. once that's done you'll have to reinstall grub to access your ubuntu again00:20
chuy_maxuser1, maybe you want a bandwidth limiting router?00:20
WDXCan anyone direct me to a site to a howto on ldap authentication? I need to completely do away with flat file auth.00:20
AuctionedllamaHey chuy00:21
AuctionedllamaI tried that command00:21
Auctionedllamato no success00:21
chuy_maxuser1, or maybe you cant get a modified firmware for it00:21
hyperstreamunop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63480/00:21
Kris08Which one do I do?00:21
AlexG1for some reason when I try to apt-get install it trys to use cd-rom how do I fix this?00:21
BarryToemansmithey93: cp -i original /new/location00:21
witakrIs there anyone here who is ABLE to help me with my DVD problem00:22
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, then you don't have the proper drivers I guess00:22
WDXAlexG1: modify /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the cdrom line00:22
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, no output?00:22
AlexG1thansk WDX00:22
user1Chui firmware?00:22
geniiAlexG1: Specify in Add/Remove not to use the cd00:22
smithey93BarryToeman: thanks mate00:22
Auctionedllamaya, no output or anything00:22
AuctionedllamaCrap, how can I get the right drivers then mate/00:22
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, check which one you are using00:22
AuctionedllamaI assumed I did, I ran Envy, and my resolution never worked until afterwards00:22
AuctionedllamaCheck which one what? Check which driver?00:23
AlexG1genii: WDX's way worked00:23
chuy_maxAuctionedllama type this in terminal: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf|grep Driver00:23
geniiAlexG1: Either's good :)00:23
hyperstreamunop: i use Sys>Admin>Network to configure the wlan0 interface. to get it working i have to wipe out the wpa password and reenter it to make it work00:23
* avriette haaaaaaaaaaaaates computers00:23
WDXAlexG1: Genii's way works as well, his is just gui based.00:23
Auctionedllamawant me to copy and pasta it?00:23
SeaPhorAlexG1: did you have internet access during installation, just a question, i had to fix that for a friend and am working on a better way then the way I did it00:23
Auctionedllama        Driver          "kbd"00:23
Auctionedllama        Driver          "mouse"00:23
Auctionedllama        Driver          "wacom"00:23
Auctionedllama        Driver          "wacom"00:23
Auctionedllama        Driver          "wacom"00:23
FloodBot2Auctionedllama: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:23
Auctionedllama        Driver          "fglrx"00:23
Kris08freewilly, How do I do what you linked?00:24
smithey93cp -avr - what does the -avr part of that mean?00:24
Auctionedllamamy bad00:24
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, lol00:24
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, pm?00:24
AlexG1SeaPhor: I do believe it detected my wifi during install00:24
AlexG1if not wifi it was lan cable00:24
laughzilla:s  .... anyone know about importing from canon ixy 800 IS to ubuntu ??00:25
WDXsmithy: a is archive r is recursive v is verbal -- man cp and find out about other options00:25
tom____freenx vs vnc? What do you recommend? I've heard freenx is a lot faster. I'd like to be able to access a desktop through an ssh tunnel. how hard would that be to do in freenx? should I just stay with vnc?00:25
Auctionedllamachuy, accept the Pm thingy00:25
SeaPhorAlexG1: Thanks! :-)) that would eliminate the first question,,, Thanks again00:25
phoenix24How can I clean my /var/logs directory ?00:26
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, I guess you have to register at freenode, aren't you registered?00:26
phoenix24flush all /var/logs ?00:26
Auctionedllamamy bad00:26
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, use pastebin then00:26
AuctionedllamaI did00:26
freewillyhey..put it in /boot/grub/grub.conf & adjust it to your needs00:26
Auctionedllamatheres link00:26
SnakeArtgenii: I'm here again.  Just as You said: our link in /dev/input/ disappear. Now what next?00:26
AlexG1Next question is that when I go to compile stuff it gives me a lot of errors about the shell not being bash how do I fix this?00:26
TwinX!who | Auctionedllama00:26
WDXphoenix24: Y would you want to? but if it is just individual logs, you can echo '' > /var/log/log.name00:26
ubotuAuctionedllama: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:26
freewillyit's for 2 physical disks00:26
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, you are using fglrx, so you have to have direct rendering00:27
witakrCan some one PLEASE help me with my DVD problem? Please?00:27
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:27
geniiSnakeArt: When you made the symlink and then reloaded X, did the tablet work as it was supposed to?00:27
tom____no thoughts on freenx vs vnc?00:27
AuctionedllamaHow do I get that? and how do I use the !tab thing00:27
BarryToemantom____: another option is X forwarding: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_X-forwarding00:27
WDXAnyone got a howto on moving to LDAP Auth entirely? I would like to get rid of file auth00:27
AuctionedllamaSorry, I usually use MIRC00:27
geniiSnakeArt: If you didn't do this yet, try again00:27
Auctionedllama!tab chuy_max00:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tab chuy_max - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:27
AlexG1so does anyone know how to change the shell to BASH?00:27
Auctionedllamaeek D00:27
phoenix24WDX: I'm running low on HDD capacity, and logs are in over GB's now. (trying to make some space)00:27
SnakeArtgenii: I haven't try that, but I will.00:28
N3wbieferLinuxmy opengl isn't working..I need to install latest nvida drivers..anyone?00:28
hyperstreamunop: its almost as if the password isnt being encrypted into interfaces properly?00:28
tom____BarryToeman: doesn't x forwarding require that linux be your client as well?00:28
Auctionedllama!chuy_max hi00:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chuy_max hi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:28
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, can you run other 3D apps?00:28
WDXphoenix24: the above command will work, but make sure you backup everything you may need first. and stay away from the non human readable logs.00:28
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, tremulous00:29
amenadoAlexG1-> you have tried  /bin/bash  ?00:29
AuctionedllamaMmhm get me a link, I'll try00:29
BarryToemantom____: yes, i assumed you were linux-linux00:29
witakrTremulous Is wierd00:29
phoenix24WDX: does any tool exist for cleaning up the logs ?00:29
BarryToemantom____: and it isn't really a whole "desktop" view like VNC/NX00:29
hyperstreamN3wbieferLinux: Sytem > Admin > Restricted Drivers00:29
dmsupermanHow can I playback my DVD using my full 5.1 surround sound?00:29
tom____BarryToeman: wish I was :-) unfortunately some tools I need don't have a linux alternative.00:29
witakrCan some one PLEASE help me with my DVD problem? PREEEEETTTYYYYY Pleeeeeeease?00:29
WDXphoenix24: use aptitude to look for a log ratation00:29
chuy_maxwitakr, its fun, I burnt my Ati video card and is the only game I can play with my crappy integrated card00:29
tom____BarryToeman: is nx faster than vnc? any downsides to it?00:29
Auctionedllamauhm chuy, I can't seem to find it00:30
witakrchuy_max: yeah, i like it too.. its just wierd though00:30
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, tremulous is a game, you can get it in synaptic00:30
Auctionedllamadownloading now, found it00:30
witakrAuctionedllama: or Add/Remove00:30
tom____what's the difference between sudo and gksudo?00:30
AuctionedllamaYa found it00:30
WDXphoenix24: apt-get install  lograte -- should be a straightforward config00:31
Auctionedllamaalso, off topic, but is there a photoshop for Ubuntu?00:31
FlannelAuctionedllama: GIMP00:31
WDXphoenix24: s/lograte/logrotate/00:31
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, GIMP, installed by ubuntu cd by default00:31
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, you should have it if you installed the standard CD00:31
Auctionedllamalemme look at this00:31
witakrFlannel: HA!, GIMP is great! but it isnt at the level of Photoshop00:31
phoenix24WDX: thanks I'm looking into it.00:31
AuctionedllamaI installed studio, and yes I have it00:31
CapaHHow difficult is it to take 20 gigs off of /usr and give it to /var ?00:31
Auctionedllamaalso, brb tremolous is installing, don't logoff chuy :P00:32
chuy_maxtom____, gksudo is graphical, sudo is not00:32
MrPeepers310hey, ubuntu can see my webcam but whenever i try to use it with canorama it tells me that it's not connected when it's actually built into the laptop!00:32
tom____chuy_max: ah..thanks :-)00:32
fortytwoqt vs gtk2 vs wxwidgets... gtk2's window redraw methods seem very very slow on my system when resizing widgets compared to qt, wx widgets... is this normal?00:32
BarryToemantom____: I believe with NX windows can only act as the client, and not the server00:32
witakrchuy_max: can you help me with my DVD issue?00:32
chuy_maxwitakr, what's the prob?00:33
tom____BarryToeman: that's fine.  I'd never want windows as a server if I could avoid it :-p yuck!00:33
MrPeepers310hey, ubuntu can see my webcam but whenever i try to use it with canorama it tells me that it's not connected when it's actually built into the laptop!00:33
hyperstreamunop:  you there bud?00:33
BarryToemantom____: I mean you can't nx from linux (client) to windows (host or server).00:34
tom____BarryToeman: I know. i want to nx from windows to ubutu00:34
FlannelCapaH: ext3 has no problem moving the end of the partition, the beginning sometimes causes problems (well, always is more complicated, lots of times is doable)00:35
BarryToemantom____: just give it a try then and see what you like: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX00:35
MrStitchWhere can I find scsi drivers for linux/Ubuntu00:35
Kris08Could someone tell me how to use this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63479/ please?00:36
chuy_maxwitakr, I think wget is downloading an html file00:36
dryrotis there 64 bit xen server for 64 bit ubuntu ?00:36
tom____BarryToeman: alright..thanks :-)00:36
FlannelCapaH: Assuming youre not on LVM this is.  Since, on LVM it's super easy.  But, you'll need to boot to a liveCD and then use Gparted (thats easiest, you could use others)00:36
smithey93hey guys, is there any other sort of dock appart from awn? because i only want 2 launch programs from it, no minimise them into it00:37
chuy_maxwitakr, can you get the gpg file from the website?, or skip that step?00:37
s2im trying to get ubuntu to boot from the live cd onto my laptop but it doesnt seem to be working. Ive gone into the BIOS and told the computer to boot from the cd, but it insists on starting up in windows. Ive read on the help forums that the way around this is to get smartbootmanager on a floppy but my laptop can only have a cd drive OR a floppy drive in it at one time, does anyone know a way around this?00:37
rycolehey all. when trying to ./configure the apache portable runtime with the mysql flag enabled, does anyone know why it'd say "checking for mysql_init in -lmysqlclient_r... no00:38
witakri just tried and it redirected me to the main site page00:38
MrPeepers310hey, ubuntu can see my webcam but whenever i try to use it with canorama it tells me that it's not connected when it's actually built into the laptop!00:38
witakrchuy_max: ^00:38
pitr256s2, can you view the cdrom contents in windows?00:38
rycoleeverything before it says ok. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63483/00:38
smithey93s2: are you wanting to install ubuntu or just use the live disk00:38
dmsupermanHow can I downgrade Firefox to instead of the currently install
SnakeArtgenii: And still nothing00:38
bazhangs2: this is for a dual boot? you might consider unetbootin or wubi then00:39
s2install ubuntu00:39
witakrdmsuperman: do a clean install of
s2no dual boot, im trying to get a fresh start with this comp.00:39
smithey93s2: download the alternate disk, its a hell of a lot easyer00:39
s2ill try that00:39
dmsupermanwitakr, where can I get from?00:39
Auctionedllamahey chuy00:40
smithey93s2: go for it:), if not, tell it not to boot from the harddrive an only from the cd if its possible on your bios00:40
AuctionedllamaTremulous is almost done00:40
Auctionedllamaalso how do I do that !tab chat thing?00:40
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, tab chat thing?, huh?00:40
MrPeepers310hey everytime i try to run my webcam i get an error saying "could not connect to video device (/dev/video0). Please check connection."00:40
AuctionedllamaYour chat is appearing in red, how do I do that?00:40
Kris08Could someone tell me how to use this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63479/ please?.00:41
StaticSignalAnyone ever have one of those problems that fix themselves as soon as you log onto#ubuntu? I just had one. Thanks for being there, everyone, and seeya round.00:41
s2aha! ubuntu doesnt work, but xubuntu does, i guess this laptop was older than i remember00:41
geniiSnakeArt: OK, out of ideas at this point then, sorry00:41
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, you just put a nick in the line00:41
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, this is red00:41
witakrdmsuperman: not sure, thats a release from 2 updates ago so im not sure where you would find it. you may just have to google it. Mozilla is currently distributing
chuy_maxAuctionedlla, this is not00:41
MrPeepers310hey everytime i try to run my webcam i get an error saying "could not connect to video device (/dev/video0). Please check connection."00:42
kristofernathani changed my video card driver, reboot and now it wont load.  how should i edit the command line to return to my original video driver?00:42
witakrchuy_max: you know of another way to get my DVDs to play?00:42
dmsupermanwitakr, How can I tell if the one in the repos is the latest one00:42
chuy_maxkristofernathan, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:43
witakrdmsuperman:  it should tsay
Auctionedllamachuy_max- hi00:43
chuy_maxkristofernathan, or modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf by h and00:43
Auctionedllamawell game finished, brb00:43
FloodBot2Auctionedllama: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:43
AuctionedllamaUhm, game won't run00:43
pdxkidHi all - 64bit memory problem here that i can't sort out with the forums, google, wiki or my brain00:43
AuctionedllamaI double click, and it goes black, then back to desktop00:44
AuctionedllamaSo.. completely wrong drivers?00:44
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, then your driver is not properly configured00:44
AuctionedllamaOk, now what?00:44
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, its an ATI right?00:44
SnakeArtgenii: Shame, but thanx anyway. You really helped me a lot, and for a first time I had such good response and help from irc. You're the best:)00:44
FloodBot2Auctionedllama: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:44
pdxkid4 gig's of ram in a new Dell Vostro PC00:44
chuy_max!ati | Auctionedllama00:44
ubotuAuctionedllama: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:44
AuctionedllamaYa, chuy00:45
pdxkiduname -all ->Linux <username>2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 02:46:46 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:45
witakrAuctionedllama: carefull, making quick entries like that is making the floodbot think youre flooding.. carefull00:45
pdxkidi'm running 64bit Gutsy 7.1000:45
pdxkidyet it only see's 3.2 gig's of RAM00:45
LjLwell no, making quick entries like that is abusing the Enter key, plain and simple00:45
geniiSnakeArt: Glad to assist as I could00:45
pdxkid$ cat /proc/meminfo00:45
pdxkidMemTotal:      3354908 kB00:45
pdxkidMemFree:         55592 kB00:45
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:45
Starnestommypdxkid: what is the output of 'uname -m'?00:45
AuctionedllamaI tried that restricted driver manager thing, and last time my screen was black, and I had to go into configure xserver and set it back to vesa and junk00:45
chuy_maxwitakr, I don't remember what I did to make DVDs play, I just installed a bunch of packages, and codecs00:45
AuctionedllamaIt won't happen this time?00:45
MrPeepers310hey everytime i try to run my webcam i get an error saying "could not connect to video device (/dev/video0). Please check connection."00:45
MrPeepers310hey everytime i try to run my webcam i get an error saying "could not connect to video device (/dev/video0). Please check connection."00:45
harmentalhey guys..how can i make self-contained presentations with OOo?00:45
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, what model?00:46
miketoshchuy_max, restricted drivers?00:46
chuy_maxthat's what you are using right now?, or are you using the integrated00:46
pdxkidI went in the bios as well, it is very very basic bios...all i can really set is boot order, time, etc.00:46
AuctionedllamaI am not sure00:46
Auctionedllamathe x1650 is installed00:46
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs00:47
AuctionedllamaI usually can't get my widescreen resolution without my GFX00:47
Auctionedllamaand I have it00:47
AuctionedllamaI am confuzzled00:47
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, ehrm, which video card are you using, the ati one, or the integrated one in the motherboard00:47
AuctionedllamaHow od I check?00:47
AuctionedllamaI added drivers for the ATI one00:47
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, I remember when I had an ati that it wouldnt work00:47
AuctionedllamaI think the ATI one00:47
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se00:47
AuctionedllamaWell I saw people got it to work with an ATI00:47
AuctionedllamaI'm pretty sure I'm using the ATI00:47
witakrmiketosh: I went there and got an error... thats why i am looking for an alternaative00:47
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, sorry, your monitor is connected to where?00:47
pdxkidfirst 64bit machine, not sure why ubuntu 64bit doesn't want to see all the memory.00:47
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
AuctionedllamaO, its connected to the card00:47
Auctionedllamaya I'm using the card ATM00:47
pdxkidvista 64bit did (mind you, i formatted that off ASAP)00:47
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, oh ok, I remember using an ati and ubuntu not recognizing the port00:48
Auctionedllamao, ok00:48
Auctionedllamaya I'm passed that00:48
biabiain bash, is there a limit to the number of commands that can be piped together00:48
kristofernathanchuy_max, when i enter that command line and press b, the computer restarts and boots and the same problem persists00:48
AuctionedllamaShould I try to run Envy again..00:48
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, no00:48
AuctionedllamaOr do you want my xorg.conf?00:48
chuy_maxthose scripts suck usually00:48
geniibiabia: Not one you're likely to reach00:48
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, follow the instructions ubotu told you00:49
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:49
Auctionedllamalast time I black screened00:49
Auctionedllamabut ok.00:49
Auctionedllamacause I followed this00:49
Auctionedllamabut ok00:49
FloodBot2Auctionedllama: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:49
chuy_maxkristofernathan, what driver are you selecting?00:49
chuy_maxkristofernathan, did you tried vesa?00:50
debianis there an avi player for ubuntu ?00:50
kristofernathani dont really have an option to select a driver00:50
chuy_maxdebian, totem plays avi files00:50
chuy_maxkristofernathan, huh?, you should00:50
kristofernathanit wont boot00:50
biabiagenii, ok00:50
debianchuy_max i need somthing else00:50
chuy_maxdebian, search in the repositories: movie player00:50
kristofernathanso i entered sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in the command line like you said, pressed b and it restarted and had the same problem00:50
chuy_maxkristofernathan, didn't it take you to a menu?00:51
debianalot of the movie players don't play avi00:51
smithey93can i format a drive to ntfs in gparted?00:51
chuy_maxdebian, most should, having the proper codecs00:51
ussersmithey93, no00:51
chuy_maxdebian, including totem00:51
ussersmithey93, ntfs is not supported00:51
smithey93usser: is it possible to in ubuntu?00:51
zjbOh look, a non sequitur!00:51
ussersmithey93, i dont think its possible in any OS other than windows00:51
smithey93usser: thanks, that means a trip into windoze xp :(00:52
smithey93usser: is fat32?00:52
=== Joeb454 is now known as ajmorris
kristofernathanchuy_max: i was editing the boot lines00:52
kristofernathanif i go to command line and enter, it just says "error 27: unrecognized command"00:53
Moldadorhi, someone knows what is that application to edit a lot image files at same time?00:53
=== ajmorris is now known as Joeb454
ussersmithey93, fat32 sure00:53
chuy_maxkristofernathan, that's not a terminal, that's grub00:53
bittinsmithey93: are u born 93?00:53
chuy_maxkristofernathan, you have to boot ubuntu for the command I gave you to work00:53
kristofernathansorry, this is my first time withl inux00:53
AuctionedllamaIt crapped out... I restarted and it couldn't connect to some Gnome thing00:53
kristofernathani can't boot because the video card wont work00:53
chuy_maxkristofernathan, can you boot ubuntu?00:53
Auctionedllamaand I my themes are all screwed up00:53
bittin 00:53
kristofernathani changed the video driver and now it wont boot00:54
Auctionedllamachuy, you get that?00:54
chuy_maxkristofernathan, boot it, and then try CTRL ALT F100:54
mohbanacan you get compiz to run if i am running ubuntu from vmware?00:54
scorch_does an1 have and MCI laptop?00:54
chuy_maxkristofernathan, you should enter to console mode00:54
Moldadorhi, someone knows what is that application to edit a lot image files at same time? please /query Moldador00:54
Auctionedllamachuy_max- you get that?00:54
dmsupermanHow can I make it so when I have a full-screen video playing, it displays even over my gnome-panel00:54
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, yea00:54
AuctionedllamaDid you get the last of my messages?00:54
=== MidgetARG is now known as MidgetSpy
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, yeah00:54
Auctionedllamachuy_max- so what do I do?00:54
kristofernathanchuy_max: console mode did not work either00:55
scorch_does an1 have ubantu on a laptop and have the problem where the screen dims when its in AC power?00:55
Auctionedllamachuy_max- if I click appearance it says Unable to start gnome-settings-daemon00:55
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, maybe restarting works, someway, I've had that trouble at least twice00:55
kristofernathanit was working just fine untill i changed the video driver00:55
Auctionedllamachuy_max- so try restarting one more time?00:55
jasonjohnsonhow do I mount a drive so as to have it read/write for all users? what are the actual options I send "mount"?00:55
adam_need some basic help00:56
chuy_maxkristofernathan, can you get to console mode?00:56
Auctionedllamachuy_max- so try restarting?00:56
kristofernathanchuy_max: no00:56
adam_want to install new theme on my gnome frontend00:56
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, yeah, I guess, or change video driver00:56
adam_i have gnarley gnome00:56
kristofernathanchuy_max: i boot and press ctrl + alt + f1 and nothing happens00:56
Auctionedllamachuy_max- kk brb00:56
chuy_maxkristofernathan, why not?, mmm boot something that says recovery mode00:56
chuy_maxkristofernathan, restart, and select Kernel bla bla RECOVERY MODE00:57
chuy_maxor something along those lines00:57
adam_can someone help me with theme installation?00:57
McJesterat the terminal, what command do I use to upgrade from xubuntu to  unbuntu?00:57
Daisuke_Idowhat is this new thing with recommending a restart?  did i step into an alternate dimension?00:57
kristofernathanwhen i boot using recovery mode, it stops at 0.512000] ..TIMER: vector=0x31 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-100:57
mohbanacan you get compiz to run if i am running ubuntu from vmware?00:58
Daisuke_IdoMcJester, sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop00:58
SeaPhorkristofernathan: do you hear the drums at any point, like it loaded without display?00:58
kristofernathanSeaPhor: no nothing. it actually freezes. i can't even get a response from the num lock key.00:58
McJesterthanks daiskue, I knew it was apt-get something00:59
bazhangmohbana: not likely00:59
mohbanabazhang, any particular reason why?00:59
warriorforgodjoin #nomachine00:59
bazhangmohbana: no 3d driver support00:59
dmsupermanI can't get firefox to load up, and I'm trying to install firefox What alternative browser can I use to find it, or can anybody send me a direct link to the install package for ?00:59
N3wbieferLinuxI need help installing NVIDIA drivers to get opengl to work properly00:59
Auctionedllamachuy_max- Hey uh, I restarted, my desktop is normal, but I still can't run games or do effects or anything01:00
Auctionedllamachuy_max- where can I get other drivers to try?01:00
WDXHow can i make ubuntu treat vi as vim? even with an alias, it still run vim in vi compat mode.01:00
kristofernathani really wish i didnt change the video card.  now i broke it.01:00
SeaPhorN3wbieferLinux: what Ubuntu version dou have01:01
SeaPhorN3wbieferLinux: what Ubuntu version do you have01:01
hyperstreamDoes anyone know how to get my Laptops : build in mouse pad and its 2 buttons working instead of a usb mouse??01:01
McJesterDaisuke, is it a different command if I am using a powerbook G4?01:01
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:01
kristofernathanSeaPhor: any suggestions?01:01
theunixgeekI have Ubuntu installed on my computer right now. If I installed Windows XP on a partition, would I still be able to boot from Ubuntu easily?01:02
Amelie22someone told me that ubuntu is made especially for blackpeople, is that true ?01:02
g3nocide`I'm running 7.10 on an acer laptop with a broadcom wireless card. every time i start up i need to go into the network manager, retype the network key for my wpa network, and then it will connect. it will not auto connect on start up. anyone know of a script or something i can use to auto up this when ubuntu starts???01:02
Kevin`theunixgeek: no, you would have to repair grub01:02
Daisuke_IdoMcJester, shouldn't be, should be exactly the same01:02
hyperstreamtheunixgeek:  i think you have to rework grub01:02
SeaPhorkristofernathan: sorry not any that havent been covered,,, will it boot off of the live cd?01:02
hyperstreamcaues xp puts its on 'bootloader' on the hdd01:02
bazhangtheunixgeek: you would need to do some grub fiddling then yes you could get both to boot easily01:02
kristofernathanSeaPhor: no, i had to install using the text01:03
bazhangAmelie22: not here01:03
Amelie22what /?01:03
McJesterDaisuke, it says I need 0B of archives01:03
bazhangAmelie22: stop it now01:03
hyperstreamkristofernathan: did you have the: * Saving VESA State... issue?01:03
Amelie22stop what ?01:03
Amelie22i am asking a question01:03
brunnerwhat program can I use to get a terminal with my modem?01:03
Amelie22are you racist ?01:03
iceswordbazhang, so early,good morning.01:04
Amelie22do you have a problem with blackpeople ?01:04
kristofernathanhyperstream: no i changed my video card because it was flickering in and out here and there and when i rebooted ubuntu wouldnt boot01:04
bazhanghello icesword01:04
brunnerI mean, how do I just get raw access to my modem at /dev/ttyACM0?01:04
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, did you try the wiki? (the link ubotu gave you), you should properly install your drivers following that guide, did you stuck on some point?01:04
SeaPhorkristofernathan: look here and see if anything looks like it might help,,, http://www.wood-bee-co.com/woodbeeco/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=3601:04
Auctionedllamachuy_max- you there?01:04
brunnerI'm looking for something more basic than minicom01:04
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, was AFK, read above01:04
theunixgeekAmelie22: well, its name is of African origin, if that's what you mean01:04
Amelie22yes i know01:05
hyperstreamkristofernathan: have you tried selecting the kernel you want to boot into and pushing E, then E again and taking Splash and Quiet off and then hit enter then B to boot the kernel with the newly modified Boot command? so you can see what exactly happens01:05
Auctionedllamachuy_max- all it said to do was to go to restricted drivers manager and isntall01:05
theunixgeekAmelie22: Ubuntu is made for all to use :)01:05
Amelie22but what about the design/ergonomy01:05
Amelie22maybe the person lied to me ...01:05
theunixgeekAmelie22: better than Windows01:05
Auctionedllamachuy_max- I did so, and restarted twice, and no difference01:05
hyperstreamDoes anyone know how to get my Laptops : build in mouse pad and its 2 buttons working instead of a usb mouse??01:05
bazhang!ot | Amelie2201:05
ubotuAmelie22: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:05
Auctionedllamachuy_max- and it says they're activated01:05
Kris08Could someone tell me how to use this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63479/ please?01:05
Amelie22he told me that ubuntu was designed especially for blackpeople01:05
Auctionedllamachuy_max- also I am dualbooting windows, so could the drivers be crossing over?01:05
Amelie22ah thanks ill ask in offtopic01:05
theunixgeekAmelie22: I agree with bazhang - that is not a support question ;)01:05
* Daisuke_Ido sniffs the air01:05
theunixgeekwhat's the best emulator for Ubuntu?01:06
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, no, that's not possible01:06
bazhangready to call ops on amerie2201:06
Auctionedllamachuy_max- alright01:06
LjLtheunixgeek: emulator of what?01:06
hyperstreamDoes Wacom have anything to do with my laptops mouse pad ??01:06
theunixgeekLjL: Windows01:06
LjL(and what's "best"?)01:06
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, that's odd01:06
Daisuke_Idosmell a bridge...  something lurking underneath...01:06
Auctionedllamachuy_max- I saw a download link for a driver on ATI's website but its a .run and I don't know how to run it01:06
theunixgeekLjL: one that can get me up to a 1200 x 1024 resolution, has network connectivity, and sound.01:06
witakrCan someone please help me figure out why i get this error when trying to activate DVD decryption?.... sudo: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh: command not found\01:06
Daisuke_Idotheunixgeek, wine.01:06
LjLtheunixgeek: ah, so it's a PC emulator you're talking about.01:06
chuy_maxtheunixgeek, there is no such thing as windows emulator (WINE=wine is not an emulator)01:07
Daisuke_Idoor virtualbox01:07
chuy_maxtheunixgeek, you can use an x86 emulator and install windows, or emulate the windows api with wine01:07
theunixgeekDaisuke_Ido: Wine doesn't support the software I want to run01:07
bazhangwitakr: you have libdvdread and libdvdcss installed?01:07
theunixgeekchuy_max: well, a PC emulator01:07
witakryes, i was following this:01:07
theunixgeekchuy_max: that can emulate Windows01:07
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:07
theunixgeekthat's what I meant ;)01:07
chuy_maxtheunixgeek, qemu01:07
Starnestommywitakr: run it as 'sudo sh /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh'01:07
LjLtheunixgeek, vmware, virtualbox, qemu, bochs. roughly in order of speed.01:07
ubotuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad01:07
theunixgeekLjL: I like that list; thanks01:08
Kris08Could someone tell me how to use this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63479/ please?01:08
Auctionedllamachuy_max- how do I run a .run?01:08
LjLtheunixgeek: also, /msg ubotu best01:08
witakrStarnestommy: OK, I will try that but that means there is a correctio needed on that info page...01:08
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, ./file.run01:08
bazhangKris08: some background info please first01:08
dmsupermanWhat's a gnome browser beside firefox? anybody?01:08
kristofernathanokay i got logged in by adding vga=771 to the kernal line01:08
LjL!browsers > dmsuperman    (dmsuperman, see the private message from Ubotu)01:08
Auctionedllamachuy_max- so it should be in terminal01:08
Auctionedllamachuy_max- ./ati-driver-installer-8-4-x86.x86_6401:09
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, yeah, but following the instructions you should have downloaded the same thing (automatically I guess, I don't quite remember)01:09
witakrStarnestommy: OK, I get this error now: sudo: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh: command not found01:09
SeaPhorkristofernathan: cool,01:09
Auctionedllamachuy_max- all the instructions said were to click one button in administrator so..01:09
witakrStarnestommy: wait, thats not the error01:09
LjLdmsuperman: to begin with, Firefox is not a GNOME browser, it's just a browser that uses GTK. anyway, these are GNOME browsers: epiphany-browser, galeon. and these are browsers mostly using GTK: midori, dillo, edbrowse, kazehakase01:09
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, hey man, did you loaded the fglrx module?01:10
witakrStarnestommy: here is the correct error: sh: Can't open /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh01:10
SeaPhorkristofernathan: now you may need to re-config the xorg.conf01:10
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, sudo modprobe fglrx or something like that?01:10
Auctionedllamachuy_max- wait give me that wiki link again?01:10
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, I think this one is what you need: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI01:10
dmsupermanLjL, I just needed any browser that would run in gnome, I'm trying to get firefox because there's an obnoxious bug in .13 and .14, and in trying to reinstall it I somehow broke it, so I needed something else to find it until then01:10
Auctionedllamachuy_max- woa lemme try these.. the last ones were different01:10
Auctionedllamachuy_max- I have studio.. is that like gutsy or what?01:11
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, it is a X1600 right?01:11
LjLdmsuperman, for that matter, KDE browsers run in GNOME too...01:11
Auctionedllamachuy_max- and yes, is studio like feisty or gutsy?01:11
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, yeah, it should be01:11
g3nocide`I'm running 7.10 on an acer laptop with a broadcom wireless card. every time i start up i need to go into the network manager, retype the network key for my wpa network, and then it will connect. it will not auto connect on start up. anyone know of a script or something i can use to auto up this when ubuntu starts???01:11
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, dunno, that depends on which one you installed01:11
LjLdmsuperman: anyway, try epiphany-browser, midori or kazehakase, i'd say01:11
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, remember if it is 7.04 or 7.10?01:12
hyperstreamg3nocide`:  just solved that 5 mins ago get wicd01:12
Auctionedllamachuy_max- I installed studip01:12
dmsupermanLjL, oh, alright. I thought it mattered01:12
hyperstreamg3nocide`: forget network  manager01:12
ArtSo, anyone have experience with Wallpapoz?01:12
Auctionedllamachuy_max- aww crap.. lemme check01:12
g3nocide`hyperstream: available via synaptic ?01:12
LjLdmsuperman: it matters, in that installing a KDE browser will result in getting a ton of KDE libraries installed, too.01:12
bazhangArt: using compiz?01:12
hyperstreamg3nocide`: let me get you ubuntu guide01:12
SeaPhorkristofernathan: do you know how to reconfig video drivers?01:12
Artbazhang, yeah, I am01:12
Kris07I'm sorry01:12
hyperstreamg3nocide`:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=527488&highlight=wicd01:13
g3nocide`hyperstream: thanks, pm me the link if you can01:13
Auctionedllamachuy_max- how do I check?01:13
hyperstreamtoo me hours01:13
Kris07I lagged out and didn't get anything since my explanation01:13
dmsupermanLjL, oh. thanks :D01:13
g3nocide`sweet, thanks01:13
bazhangArt: there should be an option in compiz to use movies etc as background01:13
hyperstreamg3nocide`:  you know anything about touchpads ?01:13
Artbazhang, I'm using it to get a different wallpaper for each of my 4 workspaces01:13
bazhangArt: or to have different bg's on different desktops01:14
Artit works, but it is very laggy when switching01:14
Auctionedllamachuy_max- i think its 7.10 sao01:14
hyperstreamunop: fixed it with wicd instead of network manager01:14
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, System -> about ubuntu01:14
Kris07So, does anyone know how to use this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63479/ ?01:14
ArtI'm not sure how people get it to be simply the different wallpapers per workspace, rather than having them switch all the time01:14
bazhangwallpapoz may not still be maintained Art; not sure about that though01:14
Auctionedllamachuy_max- k its 7.1001:14
hyperstreamunop:  do you have any experience getting touchpads working? ive tried many sites etc01:14
=== voici is now known as wonderworld
chuy_maxAuctionedllama, thats gutsy01:14
bazhangKris07: some background info first please01:15
Artbazhang, I think it is, but I'm not sure, I got it via apt-get01:15
Auctionedllamachuy_max- kk folliwing driver instructions, I'll ask if I need help, thanks!01:15
unophyperstream, hmm, seen !touchpad ?01:15
Kris07bazhang, I want to dual boot Vista with Ubuntu already installed. I asked earlier and a user gave me this link, but I don't know what to do with it.01:15
hellmitrehyperstream: what machine are you running on?01:16
hyperstreamunop: sure have i enable it and gui applications to configure it say the xorg.conf needs to have the line to enable it, yet its already there01:16
hyperstreamhellmitre:  its a MSI notebook01:16
bazhangKris07: then install vista and fix grub afterwards /msg ubotu grub for the link01:16
hyperstreamhellmitre: m610 i believe01:16
ArtAs an aside, I'm not sure that my Gusty installation recognizes the existance of my aux battery01:17
hyperstreamhellmitre:  Micro-star International01:17
hellmitrehave you tried out the qsynaptics program or modifying your xorg.conf file?01:17
unophyperstream, hmm, i'm not really sure - you could try reconfiguring xorg to see if that helps.   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg01:18
adam_can someone help me with playing dvds in mplayer?01:18
hyperstreamhellmitre: all the q/g synaptics say i need to enable it in the xorg.conf ive followed the !touchpad link to enable it01:18
hyperstreamunop:  unplug usb mouse while i do this yes?01:18
hellmitreSHMConfig "on"?01:19
bazhangadam_: please describe the errors you are getting; is this gutsy01:19
unophyperstream, you don't need to do that01:19
hellmitreadam_: you might want to try installing libdvdcss2 and VLC01:19
hyperstreamhellmitre:  yes, and gsy application said i needed: SHMConfig "true"01:19
adam_bazhang, yes, gutsy, i have installed libdvdcss2, and i am getting screensaver control () error01:19
ArtDoes Gutsy have any problems recognizing auxillary batteries?01:19
hyperstreamhellmitre: Option "SHMConfig" "on"01:19
hellmitrethat's in the Synaptics touchpad section?01:20
Aval0nanyon in here ever gotten an spdif signal from an intel HD audio pin header?01:20
bazhangadam_: have you tried other players? vlc as hellmitre suggested?01:20
chronos_How can I grab the sun jre for my hardy computer?01:20
adam_bazhang, i have not tried vlc01:20
hellmitreit's a great video player01:20
adam_bazhang, is it better than mplayer?01:20
bazhangchronos_: please ask in hardy channel01:20
hellmitrehell, media player: it'll play about anything you can throw in it01:20
unophyperstream, let's have a look at your xorg.conf file01:21
ArtDoes Gutsy have any problems recognizing auxillary batteries? I'm using a Dell Latitude D630 (atg), and I don't think that Ubuntu is accessing my aux battery01:21
hyperstreamhellmitre: its in the: Section "InputDevice" with the Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad"01:21
hyperstreamalright ill upload it brb01:21
adam_hellmitre, sorry, i do have vlc installed, but havent tried it.. i will now01:22
mc-georgehello, I'm having a great deal of trouble setting up my wireless router, could some one please help me?01:22
CyberaiHas anyone gotten a sata drive to recognize?01:22
Kris07bazhang, Thanks.01:22
bazhangmc-george: use a browser to connect to it01:22
hellmitreadam_: have you installed the libdvdcss libraries and libdvdread?01:22
hyperstreamunop: hellmitre : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63484/01:22
mc-georgebazhang: its not recognizing the wifi card01:23
SeaPhorhow do i install vlc?01:23
mc-georgebazhang: so I can only used the wired01:23
NetEchoHi I'm working on an Acer Aspire laptop with a busted screen, if I hook up an external monitor to it the BIOS and Windows XP Safe mode display on that monitor but not windows xp non-safe mode.. I was wondering if Ubuntu would accomodate the external monitor from Install and post install01:23
bazhangmc-george: router or computer?01:23
mc-georgebazhang: computer01:23
adam_hellmitre, vlc is the shizzle.. thanks01:23
hellmitrehyperstream: you need to tab over the SHMConfig and following parts so it fits in line with the other stuff01:23
hellmitreadam_: you're welcome01:23
bazhangmc-george: what chipset on that wifi card01:24
hyperstreamhellmitre: brb giving that a shot- ctrl alt backspace, or full reboot?01:24
mc-georgebazhang: TRENDnet TEW-444UB01:24
hellmitresimply restart X01:24
hellmitrectrl alt del01:24
adam_now i need help with my audio i think01:24
adam_hellmitre, is it usual for the sound to be low in vlc?01:24
NetEchodoes anyone know if ubuntu install supports dual monitor and external monitors?01:24
unoperrdil, ctrl+alt+backspace - hyperstream01:24
IsABi remember there was a file you could edit to configure custom windows at predefined positions/sizes to start once you start X, anyone can point me to the right direction? (using xfce if that matters)01:25
hellmitreyeah, you can turn it up with the little half-orange (in human theme) bar01:25
hellmitrethat's the volume01:25
hellmitreyou can actually get it louder than is probably good for your speakers at full volumes01:25
bazhangmc-george: that would be the brand and model; we need the actual chipset such as broadcom etc what does lspci say about that card? just the one line not all of lspci thanks01:25
brunnerI don't suppose anyone here has experience with communicating with GSM phones through a serial port, eh?01:25
adam_hellmitre, its really quiet on my lappy01:26
mc-georgebazhang: I can't find it01:26
tds5016hey. can someone tell me the biggest changes from 7.10 to .04?01:26
ArtDoes Gutsy have any problems recognizing auxillary batteries? I'm using a Dell Latitude D630 (atg), and I don't think that Ubuntu is accessing my aux battery01:26
bazhangtds5016: there are plenty of links on the web for that01:26
tds5016bazhang, I've been looking, and haven't seen a changelog.01:27
sudobashhow do i tell chmod to allow write access for a single specific user and not to a whole group?01:27
bazhangmc-george: this is usb or pcmcia card or what01:27
rycolehey all. does anyone know which ubuntu package contains apr_dbd_mysql.so, so i can use "DBDriver mysql" in my apache config?01:27
mc-georgebazhang: usb01:27
Sivikanyone here use servercp?01:27
bazhangmc-george: then lsusb01:27
Starnestommysudobash: chmod u+w file01:27
sudobashwhere do you tell it which user you are specifying?01:28
mc-georgebazhang: Bus 002 Device 003: ID 157e:3007  is the only non kb/mouse one01:28
bazhangtds5016: arstechnica has one01:28
tds5016bazhang link?01:28
unopsudobash, you need to use chown first - chown $USER file; chmod u+w file01:28
Starnestommysudobash: change the user with 'chown username filename'01:28
hyperstreamunop:  hellmitre : i have tried both of these options: "on" and "true" with no results, error message: GSynaptics couldn't initialize: You have to set 'SHMConfig 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use Gsynaptics01:28
bazhangwww.arstechnica.com tds501601:28
SeaPhorkristofernathan: you still there? you do know you will have to either edit xorg (best way) or edit boot menu ie,,, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:28
tds5016I was lookin' for a direct link. haha.01:28
adam_bazhang, can you help me with my volume?01:28
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about servercp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:29
unophyperstream, can you paste your new xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:29
hyperstreamunop:  sure give me 2 secs mate01:29
CondouloI have a question. I am having to reinstall Windows.... and well I have a certain issue, I dual-boot with Ubuntu, so it will probably destroy GRUB or something along the lines of that.... so would I just have to find a way to reinstall GRUB afterwards or what01:29
g3nocide`hyperstream: i grabbed wicd via synaptic, i try to /etc/init.d/wicd start and it doesnt stay running, any ideas?01:29
Condouloor would I have to reinstall Ubuntu01:29
mc-georgebazhang: any idea?01:30
unophyperstream, you can do this for ease.   sudo aptitude install pastebinit;  cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit  # and give us the link it returns01:30
StarnestommyCondoulo: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows01:30
hyperstreamg3nocide`:  i just followed the site, i grabbed the package, and went to Apps Internet Wicd set it up and rebooted to test, worked fine here01:30
hyperstreamunop:  oooo very nice01:30
g3nocide`that wont run for me when i click that menu item01:31
bazhanglooking now mc-george01:31
g3nocide`i get nada01:31
mc-georgebazhang: thanks01:31
Dephenomhow can i stop my wireless from crashing on me after an hour or so? i have had to reset three times tonight already because my wireless connection crashes, i have looked everywhere i can think of on the Ubuntu wiki and nothing remotley close to my problem is on there01:31
tds5016firefox 3 still gonna be the default?01:31
Sivikyes tds501601:31
amenadoDephenom-> your wireless card is? which chip does it uses?01:32
SivikDephenom: is it a bcm43xx?01:32
Dephenoma lspci shows 06:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)01:32
SivikDephenom: ok01:32
bazhangmc-george: what does ifconfig show; two entries (eth0, lo) or three01:32
hyperstreamunop:  just reading synaptics cannot locate the hardware thanks to the info in the .log01:32
SeaPhorDephenom: what encryption does it use?01:33
hyperstreamunop: ill upload it now01:33
amenadoDephenom-> does the wireless card have a sleep mode feature? ie when not in use for so many minutes, it hibernates?01:33
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tds5016sivik will firefox 3 even be stable by that point?01:33
Dephenomamenado, not a clue its bundled with the sono viao, all i know is it shuts down when my screensaver is on and nothing but a reboot of the entire laptop will bring it back01:34
mc-georgebazhang: just those 201:34
harry000hi guyes01:35
mikeeone questo01:35
DephenomSeaPhor, WEP01:35
scorch_does system 76 fixes work in 64 but version?01:35
Sivikdo you have an issue harry000?01:35
hyperstreamunop: blah im getting wireless issues again01:35
Sivikhyperstream: wireless card?01:35
mikeesmb. a graphical slic client for hardy workin?01:36
SeaPhorDephenom: what brand is it, have you checked bios settings?, HP has many settings in bios for wlan/wwan/lan01:36
Sivikhp is probably a broadcom01:36
harry000I have a general question about performance of Ubuntu. I have installed Ubuntu since 2 years now. I have never got good performace from Ubuntu (or any Linux). Its always been little slugish.01:36
harry000is it just my computer....?01:36
hyperstreamSivik: built into laptop i believe01:36
scorch_harry: yes01:36
Sivikhyperstream: what does lspci tell you?01:37
harry000I have hp dv5000 with ati radean 200m01:37
DephenomSeaPhor, its a Sony Viao, ill check the bios on next reboot01:37
harry000graphics card..01:37
hyperstreamSivik: gets errors like: Wlan0: RX non-wep frame, but expected encryption01:37
chuy_maxharry000, linux can even run on an ipod01:37
Sivikharry000, don't ever expect 3d drivers for that card01:37
chuy_maxharry000, so your issue may be graphical desktop01:37
harry000i think, it will be because of driver issue with graphics card01:37
Sivikhyperstream, what wireless card?01:37
kindofabuzzwhen i go to places then my home folder or Desktop folder it uses Thunar.  Open from anywhere else it uses nautilus. where is that setting?01:37
bazhangharry000: that is a really old video card01:37
SeaPhorharry000: I have 3x performance on my Ubuntu partition, I hate booting into windows now01:37
hyperstreamSivik:  RaLink RT2500 802.11g cardbud/minipci (rev 01)01:37
hyperstreamSivik:  im thinking of using ndiswrapper:/01:38
Sivikhyperstream, you probably have to use ndiswrapper for that01:38
shyster317How can I get my soundblaster audigy to play in 5.1?01:38
hyperstreamSivik: it works every now and then01:38
Sivikhyperstream, i'm trying to get my desktop's pci ralink to work and the only way it will is via ndiswrapper01:38
harry000so, it is defintely the graphics card...01:38
hyperstreamSivik: i had this working using wext01:38
Sivikharry000: you have to set xorg.conf to vesa to get in the first time01:38
Sivikhyperstream, i have never used that01:38
amenadoDephenom-> yeah thats the weak point right now of ubuntu, hibernation...so try not to get it into screensaver mode..01:39
hyperstreamSivik: where do i locate the driver in the windows folder?01:39
AlabamaHit Was wondering if someone could tell me what is the best Torrent program to use......that has the feel of uTorrnet...Im using kTorrent but it works badly......01:39
hyperstreamunop:  sorry mate trying to get the laptop back online01:39
SivikAlabamaHit, best is in the eyes of the person, just look for one and try it01:39
StroganoffAlabamaHit: Transmission01:39
mc-georgebazhang: you still there?01:39
harry000no, ubuntu 7.10 automatically installs the drivers (restricted one)..01:39
Dephenomamenado, kinda hard when you leave it on all the time ;) but ill check the bios01:40
harry000i never had isssue with instalation or drivers.. its is just the sluggish performace..01:40
tds5016can someone tell me if a version of java ships with ubuntu 8.0401:40
tds5016and if so, whcih?01:40
harry000i think the card is not very well supported...01:40
Sivikharry000, thats because its a ati and ati and linux don't work well together01:40
harry000also.. i do get 3d acceleration too.... with relativerly okayish performace...01:40
Stroganoffharry000: if this isnt fast enough you have some problems: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74163101:40
=== jd_ is now known as linuxpoet
twistageHow hard is it to upgrade to Hardy when it is released?01:41
bazhangmc-george: you still there? that card requires the firmware to be loaded in order for the card to be recognized before ndiswrapper can do its work; here is a link how to do that---> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=2863896#post286389601:42
Stroganofftwistage just use the upgrade manager. its easy. if you are using envy for graphics drivers, you have to uninstall them first01:42
harry000thanks guys...01:42
AlabamaHitWith Wine do the programs run as good (same) as if they where in Windows?01:42
mc-georgebazhang: thanks01:42
twistageAlabamaHit: Not really01:42
kindofabuzzwhat is ubuntu Terminal Emulator?  saw it as a choice in prefered apps01:43
twistageAlabamaHit: Its hit and miss, some work really well, while others dont01:43
harry000i will still stick with ubuntu... because... it is getting so good with every release...01:43
StroganoffAlabamaHit many programs run as fast as on windows in most aspects. have you tried "Transmission" (bittorrent)01:43
AlabamaHitStroganoff: nope fixing to try it now :)01:43
aubracHow do I  rebuild the xorg.conf that was generated during installation?01:44
harry000AlabamaHit: Wine is not an emulator. It provides the libraries that windows program needs to run.01:44
Starnestommyaubrac: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:44
harry000so, in most cases, the perormance will be as good as running windows....01:45
harry000AlabamaHit: see this: http://wiki.winehq.org/BenchMark-0.9.501:45
twistageIs there usually a lot of trouble with things breaking upon new distro releases?01:45
bazhangtwistage: you have a support question or just want to chat01:46
twistagebazhang: Im just curious01:46
Stroganofftwistage usually there's not much trouble01:46
Jackxhiya everyone01:46
Fag00tNo, that's what I said.01:46
Jackxhey I have a question01:46
=== twistage is now known as Twistage
Jackxis there a 64 bit for intel processors regular server ubuntu version?01:47
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:47
AlabamaHitsorry for all the questions just new to linux..just over a week now :)01:47
aubracStarnestommy: Thank you. That worked once I unplugged my second monitor and rebooted. Otherwise it just asked questions about my keyboard and wrote an nearly empty file.01:47
bazhangJackx: yes sure01:48
AlabamaHitAlso how can i mirror my linux? i have it set up great and dont want to lose this is this possibel? i tried Remaster but it failed redicoulsly...v7.10 im using01:48
Fag00tKJulian: Press Alt+F401:48
TwistageAnyone ever have problems with Gnome not loading correctly upon boot? It seems like once every 10 boots Gnome freaks out and doesn't load my settings01:48
Jackxbecause whenever I download the intel + amd 64 bit version01:48
Jackxi get the file01:48
Jackxand for some reason01:48
FloodBot2Jackx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:48
Jackxwhenever I try to load it01:48
bazhangx86_64 is the one you want Jackx01:48
noble-Twistage: yeah I have that problem now and then01:49
Jackxcould you maybe point me at a link please?01:49
Jackxi have been looking for it for a while now01:49
bazhangAlabamaHit: you want to clone it? to have it be ready to copy to another box; what is your goal in this could you clarify please01:49
mc-georgebazhang, now the light on the card goes on, but I tried with just wireless and it doesn't work01:50
tailsfanhow long does it usually take to compile a kernel?01:50
Ki11ab33zwhats a good gui torrent downloader?01:50
Ki11ab33zfor ubuntu01:50
iceswordtailsfan, depends ?how fast is cpu01:50
tailsfan1.6 Ghz01:50
LjL!good > Ki11ab33z    (Ki11ab33z, see the private message from Ubotu)01:50
bazhangmc-george: you need to load two modules in ndiswrapper per the instructions01:50
tailsfanProcessor = CPU?01:50
hyperstreamKi11ab33z: azureus01:50
tailsfanazureus I think kinda loads slow01:51
mc-georgebazhang, I did everything in the guide you linked me to01:51
AlabamaHitbazhang: I want to be able to if(when) I crash this install to be able to reinstall the same way it is now with the updates and programs...and look (theme layout) if possible.01:51
hyperstreamtailsfan: depends on your system :) and whats 2-3 seoncds?01:51
iceswordtailsfan, hmm,i would say it is not fast,may take an hour or so01:51
bazhangAlabamaHit: best bet would be to have a seperate /home partition then01:51
tailsfanbecause I have to make my own custom kernel for thsi tutorial I'm following01:52
nonewmsgsKi11ab33z: i like ktorrent01:52
TwistageAnyone know a solution to broken hibernation/suspend modes. In Vista I could hibernate for long periods of time without my laptop dying and in Gutsy it'll last maybe an hour at most.01:52
iceswordtailsfan, hmm,just do it....01:52
tailsfanI am now as I type01:52
AlabamaHitned to reboot be right back01:53
DevBugim look for a professional graphical interface based on visual of windows xp01:53
DevBugany suggestions?01:53
iceswordtailsfan, yeah,01:53
g3nocide`hyperstream: this is the error im getting from the wicd.log01:53
g3nocide`dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Connection ":1.52" is not allowed to own the service "org.wicd.daemon" due to security policies in the configuration file01:53
bazhangDevBug: a linux distro? or what; please clarify01:53
mohadibDevBug "professional"?01:53
tailsfanbut is this normal? for when I try to do "iwconfig wlan0 (Nintendo Wi-FI USB Connector/Ralink 2570 USB Device) mode monitor" I get a "Device or Resource Busy" message,?01:54
DevBugthe best visual solution implements visual of windows xp in linux01:54
bazhangDevBug: linux xp01:54
DevBugindependent of window manager (kde, gnome, xfce)01:54
tailsfanI would do the tutorial on Windows, but I don't have the right USB Device01:54
DevBugbazhang,  what official site?01:55
hyperstreamg3nocide`: not sure sorry01:55
bazhangDevBug: please note that linux xp is not supported here; search for yourself please01:55
tailsfanlinux xp kinda stinks01:55
tailsfanyou're paying for something that should be fore01:55
huggybeersAre there any internal modems that will work with ubuntu01:55
g3nocide`hyperstream:  do you know where teh config file lives?01:55
mc-georgebazhang, what should I do now?01:55
bazhangtailsfan: let him find out for himself ;]01:55
DevBugi believe this is wrong seen around here, but I would views on the best ways of implementing01:55
bazhangDevBug: that is not supported here so please take it elsewhere thanks01:56
ari_stressmorning all01:56
computermeshdoes anyone know how to alphabetize a column in an open office spreadsheet?01:56
DevBugim interest em development the solution based on ubuntu 8.04 implements xp visual01:56
AlabamaHitbazhang: Now what was you saying would be best for me to do to be able to re-install the system the way it is?01:56
hyperstreamunop:  ok: http://paste.stgraber.org/253801:56
bazhangDevBug: gnome-look.org has what you want then01:56
DevBugok bazhang01:57
tailsfanI can't wait till Hardy's Release, I'll be ordering the day it's released :D01:57
Dephenomcomputermesh, same as you would in an Excel spreadsheet01:57
FloodBot2DevBug: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:57
computermeshDephenom, I've never used an excel spreadsheet. Sorry.01:57
bazhangAlabamaHit: if you have a seperate home partition then if your system gets borked then just fresh reinstall and all your settings etc are saved01:57
AlabamaHitbazhang: is therer a link to that cause i really dont understand01:58
TwistageDoes anyone know if there is a fix to incorporate redirected direct rendering for Intel graphics?01:59
SeaPhorAlabamaHit: do a google with "ubuntu seperate home partition" in the search01:59
Dephenomcomputermesh, there should be a button on the toolbar with "a -> z" or "z -> a" highlight the data you want sorted and click one of them01:59
computermeshDephenom, thank you. I will take a peek and see if I can find it.01:59
* tailsfan wishes that certain are not so complicated and long01:59
SeaPhorAlabamaHit: or pm me and ill give you a link01:59
tailsfancertain things*02:00
OrbixxStill having trouble finding a solution for: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75723402:00
bazhangAlabamaHit: sorry; when you first install, normally you just have the swap partition and then the / (or root) partitions; if you have also a /home partition then the stuff the OS uses (in / ) can be replaced without having to reformat your settings, saved data, files etc.02:00
computermeshDephenom, thank's I found it. Appreciate your help.02:00
Dephenomcomputermesh, no probs02:00
unophyperstream, all i can think of is the touchpad isnt a synaptic touchpad - what does lspci/lshw say about this device?02:01
pharohhey,at 10.27 in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CgqWlX_GsI,what's that?and how can i do that?02:01
AlabamaHitbazhang:  i have a  home dir.02:02
chuy_maxhi, is it possible to instruct grub to boot automatically to a specified kernel just once?, that's so I can make a script that reads something like: restart to windows, restart to kernel 2.6, etc.02:02
hwyshangwu hao02:02
tailsfanyou mean something like OpenSUSE?02:03
bazhangAlabamaHit: as do we all; but it needs to be on a seperate partition to be safe from reformatting; bit of a difference there02:03
bazhang!cn | hwy02:03
ubotuhwy: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:03
inxanechuy_max:  dunno if that is possible in grub, but if you are booting linux first, you could write a script that modifies your menu.lst file upon boot02:04
hyperstreamunop:  let me upload02:04
AlabamaHitbazhang: you mean on a complete different hard drive?02:04
samikan jemand deutsch02:04
inxaneGirl:  IRCing as root is stupid02:04
SeaPhorAlabamaHit: i just sent you a link02:04
bazhangAlabamaHit: not really; just a seperate partition of the hard drive02:04
ionI wanna a software the same as corel draw there is any ?02:05
ethan961it is assking to be hacked, running IRC as root, Girl02:05
ferbyboyim trying to bridge my ethernet port to my wireless card is there a way to do this simply?02:05
chuy_maxinxane, sounds complicated02:05
Orbixxferbyboy: Probably not, ha ha.02:05
iceswordwho is root02:05
inxanechuy_max:  why would you want to do that anyway?02:05
inxaneicesword:  Girl was02:06
witakralllllrighty!, got my DVDs playing... but I had to use VLC instead of the totem and xine... i like vlc better anyway02:06
ferbyboyim trying to connect my xbox360 to my pc, my pc uses the wireless card..i did this in vista and it worked great until some crap happened dont konw what went wrong02:06
bazhangion: how does this relate to ubuntu support?02:06
chuy_maxinxane, I want to have scripts that say: Restart to windows, restart to kernel 2.6.x, restart to 2.4.x, and so on02:06
ionbazhang: something that runs in ubuntu02:06
ferbyboyall i had to do was highlight both and click bridge conection... now i heard linux is better than windows so im wondering whats the catch with this..could this help or is windows a god in this catagory?02:06
hyperstreamunop:  nothing at all to indicate a touchpad02:06
NW2190Hi I just made a presentation in open office and used custom fonts in it. Is there a way to somehow make the fonts work on a windows computer?02:07
chuy_maxinxane, if you boot windows, for instance, that will not work just once, since windows will not modify menu.lst02:07
bazhangion what does corel draw linux alternative return for you in a popular search engine of your choice?02:07
tailsfanferbyboy, that is strange, because on Vista, I just use ICS on Vista fir my Xbox 360 Connection02:07
ferbyboyme 202:08
ionbazhang: what ?02:08
ferbyboyit worked fine until i restarted my computer02:08
ferbyboyand its vista messing up on the bridge02:08
carl1410Trying to get an XP machine to use my printer but don't seem to be getting it.  I've tried
inxanechuy_max:  dunno what you would want that for...02:08
carl1410But not working... Any clues?02:08
ferbyboyi didnt touch nothing and everyhting was working fine until i booted it up and now its all messed up....the bridge is the problem02:08
ionbazhang: I have gimp but I don't know how to used it..02:08
bazhangion just suggesting some search terms for you to use02:09
tailsfanthe only prob I have is that for whenever I wanna watch videos and all, I have to set my connections to pirvate02:09
chuy_maxinxane, I just googled, I want exactly this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-347094.html02:09
ionbazhang: right.02:09
chuy_maxinxane, you'll find the reason there02:09
carl1410 I've tried
carl1410Still not working... Any clues?02:09
SeaPhorcarl1410: 1-no port specified, 2 is it shared and network available?02:10
TwistageDoes Gutsy allowed for connection bridging out of the box?02:10
tailsfanTwistage no02:10
inxanechuy_max:  did you read the first reply from kwilliam?02:10
chuy_maxinxane, yeah02:11
inxanechuy_max:  i think that might be your only solution02:11
SeaPhorcarl1410: does your printer have its own ip address, or is it shared from your pc?02:11
RenegadeY2K8home do you open a .run?02:11
inxanechuy_max:  a batch file and a script02:11
chuy_maxinxane, unfortunately, sounds dangerous02:11
chuy_maxinxane, it would be a kick ass feature in grub02:11
chuy_maxinxane, I've screwed ext partitions by reading writing constantly using ext2ifs driver02:12
=== Johnson is now known as obf213
RenegadeY2K8i need help02:12
inxanechuy_max: no clue then02:13
ionbazhang: cheers man I sorted02:13
AutoMatriXhi folks, can someone tell me how to login to my speedtouch modem with telnet, entering the username and password on the same command-line ?02:13
bazhangRenegadeY2K8: a question or description of your issue would be helpful02:14
kindofabuzztelnet <ip> <name> <pass>? did you try that?02:14
kindofabuzzAutoMatriX, you can probably just type the ip into a browser too02:15
carl1410 SeaPhor: Did not select Share Printers  Thanks, I got it.02:15
AutoMatriXkindofabuzz, I'll retry02:15
AutoMatriXkindofabuzz, that's just the start ... i want a dump of my incoming phonecalls to a textfile .... got may powerfailiures here02:15
geniiAutoMatriX: telnet does not have a mechanism for automatic password insertion02:15
SeaPhorcarl1410: :-))02:16
AutoMatriXgenii, thanks, that keeps me from searching .... any idea how to solve that ?02:16
inxaneAutoMatriX:  for VoIP calls?02:17
inxaneAutoMatriX:  also, the modem would have to have some type of tcpdump for that to work02:18
AutoMatriXinxane, let's say that I want an automatic dump of my incoming voip calls in an asii file02:18
spydezCan anyone give me some help on the trackerd daemon? Specifically, why is it using 3.1 gigs of ram?02:18
geniiAutoMatriX: No,the closest you can get without password insertion is just something like: telnet -l username -p port IP/Name         and then hope you get a prompt for pasword02:19
AutoMatriXinxane, it can be done by hand, but I always have to enter username and pwd,02:19
inxaneAutoMatriX:  are you using ekiga or something?02:19
geniiAutoMatriX: Although some browsers support syntax also of:      telnet://username:password@IP-or-Name:port02:20
AutoMatriXinxane, no that speedtouch (a 716 V5) has a built-in voip/wlan/router/modem02:20
Daisuke_Idoi need to install synchronet bbs02:20
Daisuke_Idoi miss legend of the red dragon02:20
SeaPhorhelp on this please; my printer printed fine for a while, now it just doesn't print or prints out a blank page, if i reboot into my windoz partition it prints fine?02:21
Ki11ab33zi always loose windows02:21
Ki11ab33zhow do i find other desktops again?02:21
dekwhen i execute a makefile I get this error: "-bash: /usr/bin/make: cannot execute a binary file" how can I fix it? (I don't have root access)02:21
fnordistusdek "sudo"02:22
dekfnordistus: I dont have root access02:22
hyperstreamdek: talk to the system administrator?02:23
SeaPhordek: sudo <comand>02:23
LjLdek: are you sure the makefile isn't borked?02:23
GatestoneHow do I transfer files with my Nokia N70 bluetooth phone?02:23
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup02:23
dekLjL: i made the makefile myself, it works in my Ubuntu but I am trying to compile it in a virtual machine with Slackware :P02:24
Daisuke_Idolooks like synchronet might be gone :(02:24
AutoMatriXgenii, nothing of mentioned works :(02:25
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup02:25
LjLdek, does "make" alone without any makefile even work? (i suppose not, which means the problem is with the make executable itself)02:26
* Antti !weather, !kernel, !sysinfo, !sms02:26
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:26
Gatestoneicesword, that page stop at establishin connection. I can even use it as a modem. but syncing my pictures and installing software, basicxally what Nokia PC suite does, how do I do that?02:27
dekLjL: yeah, it doesnt work02:27
iceswordGatestone, it works for me02:28
geniiAutoMatriX: The Unix telnet has an -a option perhaps try thatt02:28
AlabamaHitwhy do when you have 2 torrents going and one is donwloading and one is uploadign does the Downloading one Stall....I have Never seen that before02:29
AutoMatriXgenii, thanks, but, no, that does not turn out right either :(02:30
ryanakcaIs there a command line utility that can append 5 seconds of silence to a sound file?02:30
AuctionedllamaAnyone here?02:30
edjuwebsite has quicktime media.  i think vlc will play mov files, , but the media look for plugins.  which file can i edit to have vlc play these plugins?02:31
AuctionedllamaYa, so anyways, I was in here earlier and ma trying to get my ATI card to work, and I ran a ton of installations and debugs and everything.. and I can't get it to play 3d games or use compiz, and the command says I'm still connected to mesa.. any help would be fantastic02:31
RandocalIf I have made changes to my /etc/exports file, is there a way for me to make those changes active without having to restart the NFS service?02:31
LjLryanakca, should be doable with sox02:32
AlabamaHitanyone good with torrent software?02:32
LjLryanakca: "man sox", search for "concatenate" and "silence"02:32
Auctionedllamacan anyone help me?02:32
IndyGunFreakwhat is there to be good with?02:32
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:32
linuxpoetanybody at MySQLCon?02:32
IndyGunFreakyou either open a port, or don't open a port.02:32
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PeloAuctionedllama, restate your issue I just came in02:32
AuctionedllamaYa, so anyways, I was in here earlier and ma trying to get my ATI card to work, and I ran a ton of installations and debugs and everything.. and I can't get it to play 3d games or use compiz, and the command says I'm still connected to mesa.. any help would be fantastic02:33
PeloAuctionedllama,  I assume there is no restricted driver for your card ?02:33
AuctionedllamaI followed the main tut, which didn't work, which lead a secondary, and a third, and then back to the second one and after 2 hours everything, I got no where02:33
AuctionedllamaNo.. ther eis02:33
PeloAuctionedllama, ???02:33
AuctionedllamaAlso.. in the midst of everything I can't access my restricted driver thing now02:33
Auctionedllamait says I'm missing a module02:34
PeloAuctionedllama, lovely,  how old is this installation of ubuntu ?02:34
Auctionedllama7.10 studio02:34
Auctionedllama7.10 Ubuntu studio02:34
PeloAuctionedllama, how long ago did you install it ?02:34
Auctionedllama2 days ago02:34
PeloAuctionedllama, clean install it , it will take you 30 min and then you can start with a clean slate to install the resteicted drvier and get the proper 3d support02:35
Auctionedllamaformat the whole thing?02:35
b1n0rynot sure if this is an ubuntu or a gnome question, but how do i make my fonts not look like crap?02:36
AuctionedllamaOh man, it took forever to get the screen even working, but ok02:36
PeloAuctionedllama, put your /home folder on a seperate partiton,  that way you won'T need to format the whole thing,  well actualy the first time around you'll need to but from now on you won'T need to02:36
AuctionedllamaOk, can you give me the link to the tut to start out with02:36
Auctionedllamaso just format my partition?02:36
LjLb1n0ry: that's not really a valid question to begin with... "look like crap" is pretty subjective, and i have no idea what you'd mean.02:36
Auctionedllamaand save the home folder?02:36
sparr_why would my shell be interpreting (which is to say, sending to perl) the single quote (') character as \xE2 instead of \x27 ?02:36
PeloAuctionedllama, does the live cd work for you ?02:37
b1n0rythey seem to be a bit fuzzy, maybe "bulky" is a better word, and many websites look like i'm trying to read them through one of those stupid magnifier lens things... almost like the DLP "rainbow effect"02:37
Auctionedllamanot sure if its live02:37
Acoustykwhat is a good iso mounter for ubuntu02:37
Auctionedllamaall I kn w is, it installed so02:37
LjL!enter | Auctionedllama02:37
ubotuAuctionedllama: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:37
LjL!mountiso | Acoustyk02:37
ubotuAcoustyk: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » or use the "gmountiso" package - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.02:37
LjLAuctionedllama, please DO stop using enter as punctuation02:37
Auctionedllamasoz my bad02:37
AuctionedllamaOk, ok, so your saying to save my home folder, and to format my whole linux partitiona dn restart all over correct?02:38
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=== M_roma is now known as M_Roma
b1n0ryi'm used to the 'crisp' fonts from windoze, i guess. these all look a bit cartoony or something... i dunno, hard to describe02:38
PeloAuctionedllama, boot the live cd,  goto the system admin menu , gnome partiton editor,  resize your current ubuntu partion down to about 10 gig , make a new ext3 parttition in the unallocated space and that will be your /home ,  mount your old ubunt partion, and your new /home partion , copy the whole /home folder to it ,  then start the installer,  and when asked select manual pattitioning,  you can tell it where everyting goes02:39
LjLb1n0ry, it might help if you select "full" hinting rather than "medium" hinting, although i'm not sure where that's set up in GNOME, as i use KDE. or it's possible that you have an LCD but are using CRT antialiasing, or vice versa02:39
gaspipe1hey people02:39
PeloAuctionedllama, you'll be keeping your /swap partiton , you'll need taht02:39
mohadibdo you have a bunch of files in /home you want to save?02:39
ryanakcaLjL: back, sorry, thanks ;D02:39
Auctionedllamaok, my linux partition is already 9 gigs02:40
AuctionedllamaI can't make it any smaller02:40
AuctionedllamaAlso, there is nothing worth keeping in home02:40
Acoustykok is there an easier noob iso mounter?02:40
AuctionedllamaI'll just format my whole partition, and get rid of it02:40
mohadibAuctionedllama then just format02:40
mohadiband start over02:40
Acoustyki just tried the -o loop terminal thing and it didnt work02:40
PeloLjL, rigth click desktopl  , chagne wall paper , font tab , for the hinting bit02:40
Auctionedllamaok, gonna format everything I guess..02:40
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:41
PeloAcoustyk, got an error msg ?02:41
LjLPelo: *change wallpaper*? you aren't joking?02:41
b1n0ryLjL there's settings for 'monochrome' 'best contrast' 'best shapes' and 'subpixel smoothing (lcd)' - subpixel smoothing looks the 'best' - i guess...02:41
PeloLjL, it starts the whole appearance dialog of gnome02:41
AuctionedllamaCan someone give me a link to the driver installation tut?02:41
kevarmI'm new to linux and I just need help in setting up the newest version of Java...I'm having a bit of a problem02:41
Acoustykit just lists the usage of the command02:41
AuctionedllamaHey, can someone give me a link to the ATI driver isntallation?02:41
Acoustyklike if I asked for help02:41
Auctionedllamaso when I'm done formatting I don't have to search02:41
LjLb1n0ry: if you're on an LCD, i guess. i'm not sure what the others actually mean, it's probably full/medium/slight hinting in more confusing words...02:41
solexious[Q] How can i list files over a certan size in a folder?02:41
PeloLjL,  sys > prefs > appearance gets you to the same dialog02:41
AlabamaHitDont Envy do it?02:41
AuctionedllamaAlabama are you asking me thhat?02:42
dmsupermanThere is a big lack of support for hotkeys and text replacement with really customizable solutions in linux, and I know PHP, so I'm going to program one. I haven't, however, worked with Linux very long to know much about programming for it. Is there a guide on how to do it? I don't have a problem with the PHP, it's things like where would I store the php script, how can i make it so it executes everytime, where would I store con02:42
dmsupermanfiguration files, etc.02:42
PeloAuctionedllama, dont, start with the binary ,  just start with the restricted driver in the system admin menu02:42
AuctionedllamaWell I thought it did, but its not working02:42
AlabamaHitI thought that Envy Installed the lastest driver for you.02:42
PeloAuctionedllama, then come back here02:42
NW2190Hi, I'm thinking of learning some type of C to work more on linux apps.  Should I learn C, C#, or C++ or does it even matter?02:42
b1n0ryLjL i'm tempted to try kde. everything i'm reading says gnome uses gtk+ to render fonts, which generally look like crap. not sure, i guess pro font designers don't like gtk+ or something.02:42
Acoustykiso mounter with a GUI?02:42
Auctionedllamaso format the restricted driver? I am very confused ATM D;02:42
PeloAcoustyk, google cdemu02:42
LjLb1n0ry, that makes no sense, freetype is used by both gnome and kde.02:43
b1n0rykde, on the other hand, uses qt for rendering which i've been told is 'slightly' better02:43
NetEcho_I just installed Ubuntu on a laptop02:43
Acoustykthanks i bunch02:43
NetEcho_the laptop has 2 wifi cards.. the internal one and the PCMCIA one02:43
PeloAuctionedllama, start by clean installing ubuntu,  then come back here,  and we'll walk you through the rest , do not install anything extra until you'Ve come back02:43
NetEcho_the PCMCIA one is a SMC card that I have gotten working with an atheros driver before but ubuntu keeps defaulting to the internal wifi card and its causing issues02:43
Auctionedllamadont leave pelo02:43
AlabamaHitPelo: can I pm you?02:44
NetEcho_how do I fix this?02:44
b1n0ryweird thing is, like firefox on linux vs. windows - windows sites are readable, linux i have to sit there and tweak it to get it to actually look right. same browser, same website, different os...02:44
PeloAuctionedllama, you have an hour02:44
gaspipe1anyone know how to turn off the "logging" in when you start ubuntu?02:44
PeloNetEcho_, black list your internal card module in modprobe02:44
NetEcho_and how do I do that?02:44
b1n0ryi get half a headache reading websites right now. i'll check in ##gnome02:44
dmsupermanb1n0ry, I know what you're saying, a lot of the fonts (even after installing the msttfcorefonts package) still look screwed, and I even set the font to the same default that it is in windows02:44
NetEcho_I don't even know the internal card its not even my laptop02:44
LjLb1n0ry: different fonts, too. you can get the Microsoft fonts on Ubuntu if you want - although they'll still not look exactly the same as on Windows (and can look pretty bad if you have the wrong hinting style selected)02:44
LjL!fonts > b1n0ry    (b1n0ry, see the private message from Ubotu)02:44
Pelogaspipe1, menu > system > adim < login screen,  3rd tab I think02:45
kevarmI'm new to linux and I just need help in setting up the newest version of Java...I'm having a bit of a problem02:45
LjLdmsuperman, try full hinting.02:45
NetEcho_Pelo,  how do I do this?02:45
Pelokevarm, what's the current issue02:45
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dmsupermanLjL, full hinting?02:45
LjLdmsuperman: see discussion above...02:45
PeloNetEcho_,   open a terminal ,  type lsmod  locate the module for your internal wifi in there,  make a note of it ,  then type  sudo modprobe -r  modulename  that will remove it from the list02:46
b1n0ryty LjL02:46
NetEcho_will it remove it permanently?02:46
=== Adlai_ is now known as Adlai
gaspipe1Pelo: "disable multible logins for a single user"?02:46
PeloNetEcho_,  it should,  if not   man modprobe , see what options exist to permenantly do it02:46
Pelogaspipe1, yes,  , you'll need to select which users logs inautomaticaly form the drop down list02:47
edanielMy mouse cursor just started intermittently jumping towards the top of the screen.  It happens usually when something is loading or starting, and when I click links in FF.  When loading my Google homepage, it will jump, over and over again until it hits the top of the screen.  It's maddening.02:47
pitr256NetEcho, the module is loaded on boot up from the file /etc/modules02:48
Pelogaspipe1, scratch that ,  5th tab,   secutiry,    activate automatic login02:48
dmsupermanThere is a big lack of support for hotkeys and text replacement with really customizable solutions in linux, and I know PHP, so I'm going to program one. I haven't, however, worked with Linux very long to know much about programming for it. Is there a guide on how to do it? I don't have a problem with the PHP, it's things like where would I store the php script, how can i make it so it executes everytime, where would I store con02:48
dmsupermanfiguration files, etc.02:48
NetEcho_Pelo, I think both wireless cards use the atheros drivers02:48
NetEcho_cause I only see atheros in there but the external card is not active02:48
LjL!files | dmsuperman02:48
ubotudmsuperman: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview02:48
PeloNetEcho_, isnT' there a listing that looks like the model number for your card in there ?02:48
PeloNetEcho_, or ... can you disable your internal card from the bios ?02:49
NetEcho_Pelo,  nada the closest to wifi drivers I see in there is ath_pci and ath_hal02:49
NetEcho_pelo I can try but its a very limited bios02:49
NetEcho_gimme a min02:49
b1n0ryLjL thanks, i found this too http://howtoforge.com/sharp_fonts_gnome02:49
gaspipe1Pelo: not sure if it worked but I guess I will see next time I boot up02:49
Pelogaspipe1, you did notice my second advice right ?  abut the 5th tab ?02:50
dmsupermanLjL, I've seen that, and I'm thinking that I would install my script to /opt/MYSCRIPT/script.php then config in ~/.MYSCRIPT.conf or some such thing, but I was just wondering if there was some guide for common practices _like_ that02:50
gaspipe1ahh no02:50
pitr256NetEcho, if it's a laptop, you should be able to turn off the internal card using a function key or a button. What kind of laptop is it?02:50
gaspipe1Pelo: no srry02:50
Pelogaspipe1, scratch that ,  5th tab,   secutiry,    activate automatic login02:50
gaspipe1Pelo: ok TY!02:50
Pelogaspipe1, and put back the other one02:50
kevarmPelo, Well...I downloaded the java file from their website...and when I go to open it I get the msg: Could not open the file /home/kevarm/Desktop/jre-6u5-linux-i586.bin. gedit has not been able to detect the character coding. Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file. Select a character coding from the menu and try again.02:50
Pelokevarm, what exactly is this  file ?02:51
gaspipe1Pelo: will do thanks!!02:51
pitr256NetEcho,  if it's a laptop, you should be able to turn off the internal card using a function key or a button. What kind of laptop is it?02:51
NetEcho_Pelo,  nah the bios doesn't let me dissable any hardware, only allows to put a password on and change boot order02:51
NetEcho_pitr256, Acer Aspire 368002:51
PeloNetEcho_, in the chipset section usualy02:51
NetEcho_very limited pos02:51
IdleOnekevarm: what is wrong with the java in the repos?02:51
LjLdmsuperman: not sure. anyway i don't get the lack of hotkeys thing02:52
kevarmPelo, It's the java file i downloaded from java.com. http://java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=en&host=java.com It's the one labeled: Linux (self-extracting file)02:52
NetEcho_Pelo,  there is Information, Main Security Boot and Exit its nothing like a standard bios either02:52
pstangcjdkevarm: its a binary you need to execute it not open it with an editor02:52
PeloNetEcho_,  no bios is that limited,  dig deeper02:52
Pelokevarm, why are you not installing java from the repos ?02:52
NetEcho_Pelo, trust me this one is. I've never once on any system in the hundreds of machines I've worked with found a bios this limited02:52
PeloNetEcho_, main,  look for a section abot chipset02:52
kevarmI just installed Linux and am not familiar with it...what is the repos?02:52
dmsupermanLjL, I used an app called AutoHotKeys on windows. It had it's own scripting language, and allowed you to do pretty much any sort of keycombination, action, or window manipulation by defining either hotstrings (by typing X, it backspaces and types Y) or hotkeys (key combos)02:53
IdleOne!repos | kevarm02:53
ubotukevarm: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:53
PeloNetEcho_, ok then ,  well you'll hve to figure it out on your own cause I don't know  try here www.ubuntuforums.org02:53
IdleOne!java > kevarm look for a tab from ubotu  and follow the instructions02:53
pitr256NetEcho_, you want to diable the internal wireless card?02:53
DrXhow do you auto mount a remote Windows share when Ubuntu starts up?02:53
NetEcho_forums will probably take too long. as I've said its not myh laptop02:53
kevarmIdleOne, Thanks, I'll check it out.02:54
dmsupermanLjL, I've researched it, and everybody is in agreement that the support (or lack thereof ) in linux for apps like these is virtually nonexistant. I found a single app that had very limited text replacement capabilities, but that's the extent of it. I'm a programmer, so my general solution to something like this is to write my own :D02:54
NetEcho_pitr256, yea cause it has issues connecting to the building wifi for tenants yet my card works fine02:54
linkinxpwhats the name for wireless in devices????02:54
IdleOneNetEcho: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66926702:54
Pelokevarm, open menu >system > admin > software sources,     check all th boxes in the 1st and 3rd tab,  reload and then  open synaptic , in the admin menu, search for java02:54
=== osxdude|overhere is now known as osxdude|lappy
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IdleOneNetEcho: that is a different model but might help you02:54
* Pelo is typing too slow tonight, even IdleOne can give advice faster then he can 02:54
IdleOnelol hey! that sounds like a insult almost sorta kinda02:55
NetEcho_IdleOne,  I hope it works02:55
NetEcho_probably uses the same driver02:55
linkinxphow i list my hardware???02:55
IdleOneNetEcho: read it over couple times before you start entering commands02:55
Pelolinkinxp, system > prefs> hardware info02:55
linkinxpPelo:  trough console i need to know the name of the device i forgot wireless device02:55
NetEcho_IdleOne,  it looks like it wants me to completely re-install the drivers02:55
Pelolinkinxp,  try lspci02:56
LjLdmsuperman: uhm, i don't quite see how you could do that with PHP to be honest. how would you send keystroke or mouse movements from PHP...? i'd look at things like "xmacro". besides, "Linux" doesn't mean anything... i'm on KDE, and KDE offers configurable hotkeys or mouse gestures for many things, including "input actions" which can instruct KDE programs to do basically anything (keyboard input, etc).02:56
LjLnot sure about GNOME.02:56
NetEcho_its odd I can connect to a wireless B network but the usual Wireless G network that works a lot better I can't with her internal card02:56
gaspipe1where should I go to learn how to use/install WINE for ubuntu?02:56
IdleOneNetEcho: it wants you to remove what you got and use what driver they used. make sure that you have the same chipset /model card as they do02:56
IdleOne!wine | gaspipe102:57
ubotugaspipe1: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.02:57
linkinxpPelo:  nop i need the name its Wlan0?02:57
sjovangaspipe1: www.winehq.com02:57
NetEcho_thats not the card we want to use tho02:57
NetEcho_thats the card we want to disable02:57
IdleOnegaspipe1: #winehq and search for wine in Synaptic package manager02:57
dmsupermanLjL, sure they all have their own little hotkey support, but it's very limited. what I liked about autohotkey is that pretty much anything you wanted to set as a trigger, or for the action of that trigger, was possible. and I do mean linux, I'd rather not make it dependent on the window manager02:57
NetEcho_I have a PCMCIA SMC Wifi card02:57
gaspipe1IdleOne: TY!02:57
Pelolinkinxp, not sure then02:57
dmsupermanLjL, also, I can do it with PHP and C or C++02:57
Orbixx_I accidentally set a password for my root account (used to servers), before discovering the ways of sudo on Ubuntu.02:57
IdleOneNetEcho: I dont know about that sorry02:57
Orbixx_How do I have it back to how it was?02:58
gaspipe1sjovan: TY02:58
dmsupermanLjL, I'm much more familiar with PHP, so I'd write essentially the whole thing in that, with the exception of the keystroke manager in C or C++ (which i'm far less familiar with)02:58
edanielMy mouse cursor keeps jumping up towards the top of the screen.  I don't have a touchpad, it's a thinkpad with the little joystick in the keyboard.  It worked fine a week ago, and I have had Ubuntu on this machine for almost a year. Any ideas on how I can run this down?02:58
* Pelo says : "fine , let IdleOne handle the channel tonight ... "02:58
NetEcho_does Ubuntu have a non-command line hardware manager section sorta like windows?02:58
IdleOnePelo: no no you I will back yu up :)02:58
psirlyon my laptop the screen is all covered properly with the background but the not the taskbar, it's sized as if i had no widescreen02:58
IdleOne Pelo I'll try english now02:58
* IdleOne will back up Pelo 02:58
sjovangaspipe1: btw... sudo apt-get install wine <--- should do the installing bit :)02:58
Peloedaniel, I'm did you do any special setup to get your mouse working ?02:59
linkinxpPelo:  it was wlan002:59
NetEcho_found it02:59
b1n0ryLjL i found the hinting thing too02:59
dmsupermanPelo, haha02:59
instabinI have a canon mx700 printer/scanner/fax hooked up on my network but i cannot get ubuntu to connect to it.02:59
edanielNo, Pelo, it worked with a clean install, no problems.02:59
LjLdmsuperman, if you mean "Linux" in general, then exclude any mouse input emulation for a start, because that's clearly impossible, given how any different GUI will use mouse input differently. as for the rest... i think you'll have a hard time writing a keystroke catcher that works universally, with or without X.02:59
SeaPhorso no one can help me with my wireless issue, or my printer issue,,, how about this, can anyone tell me how to set up my Ubuntu 7.10 machine to be a FTP server as well, just for me and a few friends?02:59
LjLdmsuperman: closest might be the "lkl" package02:59
=== M_Roma is now known as Mroma
psirlyon my laptop the screen is all covered properly with the background but the not the taskbar, it's sized as if i had no widescreen03:00
Peloedaniel, hmm,   when you say jump to the top,  can you be a little more detailed ?03:00
psirlyi figured i might tell you guys that03:00
gaspipe1sjovan: ty that worked :)03:00
IdleOne!ftp | SeaPhor03:00
ubotuSeaPhor: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd03:00
dmsupermanLjL, I wasn't planning on adding mouse support, it isn't in autohotkey and that's what i'm pretty much basing this on03:00
SeaPhorthats clients,,,???03:00
Pelopsirly, try restarting x it might reset it ,  crtl alt backspace03:00
LjLdmsuperman: i'm still unsure how you'd do the keylogging03:01
IdleOneSeaPhor: read the entire line please03:01
sjovangaspipe1: oh shit... nvm. that's a really old version! i'll finde you a tut on how to get the new version. just rememberd it. btw ---> sudo apt-get autoremove wine --purge <--- will remove it03:01
=== dusty- is now known as dusty
psirlyit does that from start up03:01
dmsupermanLjL, the other app I was talking about that had the limited support did basically the same thing, only with python, so I'll see if I can use that source from him03:01
psirlyeven live cd too i believe03:01
IdleOneSeaPhor: !FTPd the d is for deamon ( server )03:01
psirlyi think it's a known issue03:01
psirlyi just oculdn't find it in the bug database03:01
Pelopsirly, oh, hold on,  type gconf-editor, goto  /apps/panel,  look under general I think I beleive I've seen a windescreen option there03:02
Pelopsirly, no garanties03:02
dmsupermanLjL, but his used a seperate C or C++ file that caught all the keys, and I tried it out it works perfectly03:02
SeaPhorIdleOne: i have tried that and cant make it work, i am still a n00b BTW03:02
gaspipe1sjovan: dam u'r good the people in #winehq just said that03:02
edanielSure, it will skip up, I would guess about 50 pixels at a time intermittently, usually during a page load, or file transfer.  It moves left by 4-5 pixels as well.  It will repeat this until it gets to the top of the screen, and eventually the top left corner.  The more stuff happening, the faster it goes.  Like loading the Google home page makes it hit the top really fast.  Copying a file will make it jump once, but only sometimes.03:02
sjovangaspipe1: here is the instructions... http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb03:02
Orbixx_I accidentally set a password for my root account (used to servers), before discovering the ways of sudo on Ubuntu.03:02
Orbixx_How do I have it back to how it was?03:02
LjLdmsuperman: that's interesting, the only keylogger that's in the repositories (lkl) i haven't even been able to use.03:03
Ntemisplease help me out03:03
NetEcho_yea its most definatly running the AR2413 802.11bg NIC when I have a SMC 802.11 EzConnect G SMCWCB-G card03:03
NetEcho_both of them run on the Atheros Driver03:03
Peloedaniel, you don'T mean it move in a choppy fashion,  it jsut moves on it's own without you touching it ?03:03
gaspipe1sjovan: ty again03:03
PeloNtemis, we can'T we don'T knwo the problem you are having03:03
dmsupermanLjL, the source wasn't in the repository, it was pretty much just a snippet that somebody else wrote for him03:03
sjovangaspipe1: np :)03:03
edanielPelo: correct, it moves on it's own03:03
Ntemisi have removed the nvidia drivers and restarted the pc using the onboard gfx card via unichrome pro03:04
Ntemisno go03:04
Peloedaniel, before it started misbehaving , did you do an update or someting ?03:04
Orbixx_Pelo: I've still had no joy with my problem. Got a thread here now, I'm hoping someone knows. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75723403:04
Ntemissystem is on command line03:04
Ntemisno desktop03:04
IdleOneSeaPhor: try this http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-vsftpd-ftp-service-server/ btw google is your best friend :)03:04
psirlyso ijust came to bitch about the widescreen not detecting properly on my intel965 and how my rt2570 isn't supported by default through usb03:04
Ntemisi tried edit the etc/x11/xorg.cong but complains no x gedit btw03:05
cpotts454Anybody had any experience with gnucash online banking?03:05
dmsupermanLjL, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67575103:05
IdleOnepsirly: bitching is done in #ubuntu-offtopic03:05
dmsupermanLjL, that's his03:05
sjovangaspipe1: after you have followed the instructions, then you can do ---> sudo apt-get install wine <--- :) remember to do sudo apt-get autoremove wine --purge <--- first (just to be shure)03:05
PeloNtemis, put the nvidia card back in ,  then from the command line , type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ,  select the vesa driver when askied, and leave the rest on default unless you absolutely know better,  then come back here03:05
edanielPelo: I usually update whenever the icon shows up.  This may have happened after the last one, but I don't remember what that was.  I did install a program from the repos, but I have removed that trying to fix this.03:05
psirlylater guys03:05
SeaPhorIdleOne: yeah i know, right next to the ubuntu forums :-))03:05
dmsupermanEither that or I'll have to learn Python...it shouldn't be too hard once you know one scripting language03:05
Ntemisi dont have the nvidia card. it was sold03:05
dmsupermanLjL, and just extend his03:05
IdleOneSeaPhor: yup and of course #ubuntu :)03:05
Peloedaniel, hmm,  I have no idea,  I thought I might but I don'T , try searching in the forum there might be an answer in there www.ubuntuforums.org03:05
Ntemispelo what is next03:06
PeloNtemis, , same procedure  but just let it scan for a driver automaticaly first03:06
edanielPelo: yeah, i looked there, not a lot of info, maybe I'll post.  Can you tell me how I check what the last update was?03:06
NemesisWhat's the easiest and lightest software I can use to set up a one-page, internal web server on my router?03:06
branstromHow can I get libssl0.9.7 on Ubuntu gutsy? The packages on http://deb.wapper.ru/nginx/ depend on it.03:06
Peloedaniel, ....    /var/log/dpkg.log might five you some info03:07
Cpudan80How can I install the java runtime environment?03:07
Orbixx_Cpudan80: www.sun.com03:07
Cpudan80The package offered up by ubuntu is the wrong version03:07
geniiNemesis: thttpd03:07
branstromNemesis: nginx is really good03:07
PeloOrbixx_,  no03:07
decaywhere is mysql installed?03:07
Ntemisso when my system is at the bash because it cannot boot i write sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?03:07
edanielPelo: thank you very much for your help!03:07
PeloCpudan80,  enable the estra repos and install it from synaptic03:07
NemesisThanks guys03:07
FlannelNemesis: If its literally one page, you can get by without a proper webserver, just with a simple script.  But that's certainly not easiest.03:07
hylinuxdecay: the database is /var/lib/mysql03:07
hylinuxsome command is /usr/03:07
Cpudan80Pelo: Estra?03:07
PeloCpudan80,  menu > system > admin > software sources ,  check all the boxes on the 1st and 3rd tab , then reload03:08
SeaPhorIdleOne: OK i've installed a bunch of other stuff trying to get a ftp server working,,, this one looks promising,,, how do i get rid of the others?03:08
hylinuxstart the mysql: use /etc/init.d/mysql start03:08
IdleOnebranstrom: install libssl-dev  or libssl0.9.803:08
Ntemis so when my system is at the bash because it cannot boot i write sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?03:08
NemesisFlannel: Really? You think it would just be easiest to do a server, because it literally is one page, hah.03:08
LjLdmsuperman: hah, uses (or at least used at the time of the first posting) xmacro...03:08
Cpudan80Pelo: Right - but what is the package?03:08
Ntemisand this will solve my problems?03:08
PeloCpudan80, then open menu > system > admin > synaptic pacakge manager,   search for java,  find sun-java6-jre , -bin , -plugin03:08
branstromIdleOne: the packages seem to demand exactly 0.9.7 though03:08
IdleOneSeaPhor: depending how you install the other apps. but leave them for now as they probably have similar dependencies and you can remove the other apps later03:09
Cpudan80Pelo: I have all those03:09
Cpudan80Pelo: they are pitifully old03:09
FlannelNemesis: I think it'd be easiest to just use a server, yes, since it'd be "install a package, put page in", but if I were to write one, I'd just have something that serves that text on port 80 regardless of what is asked for (well, that page + headers and such).  It'll get the job done ;)  But yeah, go with a real server.03:09
gaspipe1anyone have any luck with haveing thier ubuntu look like leopard? or is this not the type of Q you ask in here?03:09
IdleOnebranstrom: then have them update the packages03:09
dmsupermanI don't think it does anymore03:09
Ntemishave to go03:09
PeloCpudan80, 6 is the most recent03:09
Ntemisthanks for the help though03:09
cpotts454Anybody had any experience with gnucash online banking? I have it installed, and working, now I am starting to get an error message.03:09
dmsupermanLjL, although I could be totally wrong :P03:09
Cpudan80Pelo: somehow I've gotten an old version in there03:10
Pelocpotts454, you'd probably have to look for a gnucash channel03:10
Cpudan80maybe I should uninstall it all?03:10
PeloCpudan80, what version of ubuntu do you have ?03:10
branstromIdleOne: :/ mhm03:10
Cpudan80Pelo: gutsy03:10
PeloCpudan80, what do you mean by old ?03:10
Cpudan80Pelo: The jdk versions and jre versions dont match03:10
IdleOnebranstrom: try the -dev package it should work03:10
Cpudan80one is 1.4 the other is 1.5403:10
kristofernathanfinally got everything running smoothly.  anyone have problems with the screen flickering in and out?  i'm using a laptop with geforce go 7000 series03:10
PeloCpudan80, I told you how to eanble the extra repos to get java 603:10
* Pelo sighs deeply03:11
Cpudan80Pelo: I have those enabled!03:11
AlabamaHitTorrents are going to drive me INsane03:11
PeloCpudan80,  then you should be able to get java 1.6 ffrom the backport repos03:11
PeloAlabamaHit, what's wrong ?03:11
IdleOneCpudan80: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre03:11
Cpudan80Pelo: It says I have it03:11
AlabamaHitcant find a program that will let em be conncatible or let more than one action take place at a time03:11
PeloCpudan80,  then you have the most recent03:11
AlabamaHitone of the torrents Stalled.03:11
Cpudan80Pelo: well clearly something is wrong03:11
Cpudan80Pelo: the versions should match03:11
PeloAlabamaHit, deluge torent03:11
AlabamaHitPelo: is that a program?03:12
geniiCpudan80: What does: java -version         report03:12
PeloCpudan80, not you might be looking at package versions,  those donT' hve to match,  their just fixes and such03:12
b1n0ryLjL: following the instructions on that site and with the package you recommended, my desktop looks PHENOMENALLY better! thanks!03:12
LjLwell dmsuperman, as far as files placement goes, if your intention is to make it packageable, then the main executable should be in /usr/bin, any ancillary scripts the user is not supposed to ever call directly would probably be in /usr/lib, and likely you'd want the configuration file as ~/blah.conf. i don't think there's much else to it really03:12
PeloAlabamaHit, a torent program03:12
branstromIdleOne: The following packages have unmet dependencies: nginx: Depends: libssl0.9.7 which is a virtual package.03:12
branstrom(and I do have libssl-dev)03:12
darksidedelayueHello I have a sony vaoi fz160e and I wish to make my webcam work with ekiga03:12
edanielAlabamaHit: You can install Deluge from the Applications menu03:13
Cpudan80Pelo: Let me remove all my java stuff and go from square 103:13
dmsupermanLjL, cool, thanks :D03:13
feditoCpudan80: hello, try sudo update-alternatives --config java03:13
LjLb1n0ry: as i said at the beginning... matter of tastes :) i really dislike that thin Tahoma03:13
Cpudan80Somehow I have the 5.0 versions too03:13
feditothis should show the available versions and let you pick one03:13
Cpudan80I figure if I clear it all out... that'll work better03:13
NemesisUhh, this is kind of a stupid question, but i just installed thttpd under terminal and I have no idea where the hell it went?03:13
IdleOnebranstrom: what version of ubuntu?03:13
LjLNemesis: dpkg -L thttpd03:14
b1n0ryexactly, Nemesis03:14
b1n0rythat's where it went03:14
kevarmPelo, ok...so after I search for java in the synaptic package manager I can install any of the packages it lists? It listed like 100+ packages03:14
branstromIdleOne: gutsy03:14
LjLNemesis: (why do you care where it "went", anyway? it's a service, so you need to start it with something like « sudo invoke-rc.d thttpd start »)03:14
Pelokevarm, look for sun-java6-jre , -bin ,  -plugin , those are all the ones you need03:14
AlabamaHitPelo: trying it now03:14
feditoCpudan80: try update-alternatives as I told you. you can pick the right one there03:14
Cpudan80fedito: alrgihty03:14
IdleOnebranstrom: libssl0.9.7 is in fiesty repos http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/libssl0.9.7 might help you or might not :/03:15
sayerskevarm, That is because it lists ALL packages, not one's preselected for users, so sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin and if you want java dev sun-java6-dev03:15
NemesisLjL: Didn't realize it was just a service.03:15
sayersI mean jdk*03:15
AlabamaHitPelo: Do you know of a good program to make a backup of my INstallation? so i dont have to install updates and programs again and maybe keep the theme?03:15
LjLNemesis, uh... it's a web server. what else can it be?03:15
NemesisLjL: Well, I figured there might be some sort of interface?03:15
branstromIdleOne: is it safe to add the feisty universe repo in a gutsy install?03:15
branstromand is it the right way to solve this? :/03:15
IdleOnebranstrom: mmmm well it cant be good03:16
PeloAlabamaHit, just put your /home on a seperate partitions, all your settings and data are in there,  and you do want to install the updates when they come but ..03:16
Pelo!backup | AlabamaHit03:16
ubotuAlabamaHit: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning03:16
IdleOnebranstrom: the right way would be for the package maintainer of what you are trying to install to update the package.03:16
Cpudan80Pelo: The version on the compiler still doesnt match the jre version03:16
LjLNemesis: no, a web server is a web server. UNIX programs tend to do one thing and just one. it's possible that there are interfaces (aka front-ends) for it around, although given it's not an extremely popular web server, i doubt it. if you need to configure it, you'll probably want to edit a file in /etc (do type « dpkg -L thttpd », anyway)03:16
branstromI should probably just get them to update the packages, but I'm too lazy. Lazy got me searching for a package in the first place, I don't want to build with each new version03:16
NemesisLjL: Thanks03:17
ptn107its probably a bad thing to have ubuntu hardy and debian lenny share the same home folder right?03:17
PeloCpudan80, is java actualy giving you any problems or are you just looking to fix something that is already working ?03:17
Cpudan80Pelo: oh nevermind - got it03:17
Cpudan80Pelo: no it was actually not working03:17
* Pelo goes back to doing his stuff 03:17
Cpudan80I had to do update the alternatives to java603:18
malociteso VERY sorry about that03:18
IdleOnebranstrom: give it a shot but dont add the fiesty repo just download the package from http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/libssl0.9.7 and the sudo dpkg -i package-name.deb03:18
malociteI hit paste, and boom, lots of crap03:18
branstromIdleOne: ah that would work of course03:18
malociteI am trying to write a very simple little program that will tell me what an episode name is from a file name.... can someone tell me a good irc room that I can go to talk about stuff like that?  I'm sure thats too specific for the main ubuntu room03:19
noble-malocite: #bash might be useful for that if you're writing in bash03:19
prince_jammysmalocite: what's the file name?03:20
SmegzorI'm having trouble with the filezilla client putting files in wrong folders randomly.  What other gui ftp clients are there?03:20
Randocalare the items in my "places" menu dynamically created? I'm seeing items in there that I didn't put there03:20
gNewPowercould somebody please explain this line (output form a mount command) to me: /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)?  what's this about errors remounting the partition in read only03:20
PeloRandocal, removable drivers will appear in it when you put them in the cdrom or plug them in03:21
branstrommalocite: depends on what you're writing it in03:21
PeloRandocal, and folders that you bookmark03:21
malocitebranstrom: Hmm... I don't know :)  maybe perl?03:21
AuctionedllamaHey ALL03:21
RandocalHow do I bookmark a folder? Maybe I've done this unintentionally03:21
Auctionedllamaback again from a fresh install.. now I was promised I would be walked through installing my GFX card03:22
PeloAuctionedllama, welcome back03:22
prince_jammysmalocite: sounds simple enough for bash to do on its own03:22
gaspipe1sjovan: i fallowed the link.. installed it and updated it03:22
malociteAuctionedllama: its not a radeon 9000 is it? :)03:22
branstrombut I shouldn't talk, I'll leave it to the more experienced nerds :)03:22
AuctionedllamaI don't have a lot of time pelo lets hurry :P and no its a ati x165003:22
PeloAuctionedllama, ok go into menu > system > admin > restricted drivers ,  see if there is anything there that wants to be installed03:22
malociteprince_jammys: Hmm... can I pm you for a moment?03:22
prince_jammysmalocite: sure03:22
funkjaDoes anyone know of a way to brute force a file encrypted with OpenPGP?03:23
millertime_018how come the compiz-fusion channel isn't working?03:23
PeloLjL, which is hte opengl packag for ati cards ?  fglx or that aiglx thig ?03:23
Pelomillertime_018, try #compiz03:23
Auctionedllamaya pelo03:23
Auctionedllamait says a driver is not in use03:23
IdleOnemillertime_018: what do you mean?03:23
PeloAuctionedllama, it's intalling ?03:23
Auctionedllamajust sitting there03:23
PeloAuctionedllama, use it then03:23
millertime_018i got on it and NO ONE is messageing03:24
Auctionedllamaits downloading now pelo03:24
Ashfire908ok, my system for some reason feels it's nessary to look up it's hostname (dns) when forking some applications... how do i shut this off?03:24
ColdBeerHello Good People03:24
IdleOnemillertime_018: they are not talking is all. ask a question perhaps someone will help. if not be patient03:24
branstromIdleOne: any downside to having both libssl0.9.7 and libssl0.9.8 installed?03:25
branstromit worked though03:25
IdleOneheya ColdBeer03:25
millertime_018WHAT? a hundred something users... weren't talking on yours either?03:25
AuctionedllamaI installed the driver mate03:25
Auctionedllamanow what?03:25
AuctionedllamaIt wants me to reboot03:25
IdleOnebranstrom: apps that require newer version may get fussy ?? not certain to tell you the truth03:25
FloodBot2Auctionedllama: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:25
PeloAuctionedllama, restart X ,   crtl alt backspace , then come back03:25
IdleOneAuctionedllama: reboot :)03:25
branstromIdleOne: nginx is installing, so seems to be working so far...03:26
Ashfire908this has been causing tempoary hanging during starting programs when i'm not online and it's driving me nuts.03:26
branstromthanks for the tip03:26
IdleOnebranstrom: glad I could help . Disclaimer: if my advice breaks your system it was given with no implied or expressed usabilty .... and all that legal stuff :)03:26
ColdBeerhey is anyone good with froups and ownership commands?03:27
branstromIdleOne: sure :)03:27
AuctionedllamaNow what?03:27
IdleOneColdBeer: man chown03:27
LjLPelo: fglrx is the proprietary driver, including opengl support03:27
AuctionedllamaPelo- now what?03:27
IdleOne!enter | Auctionedllama03:28
ubotuAuctionedllama: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:28
PeloLjL, thanks,  is it in the repos ?03:28
PeloAuctionedllama, hold on03:28
darksidedelayueHello, I need help with my webcam so that it can work with Ekiga. I've installed Ricoh webcam drivers. I am running ubuntu ver 7.10 on a sony vaio vgn-fz160e03:28
Auctionedllamalol, I am in a hurry, pelo03:28
LjLPelo, nowadays it gets installed by default03:28
LjL!ati > Pelo    (Pelo, see the private message from Ubotu)03:28
PeloAuctionedllama, you should be done apparently03:28
geniiColdBeer: What is it you are trying to do that requires group and ownership commands to be used?03:28
megatog615Anyone here with a hauppauge ir blaster remote?03:28
AuctionedllamaPelo- and thats it?03:28
PeloAuctionedllama, and if you are to busy to get help , wait until you have time03:29
PeloAuctionedllama, q you needed your ati card working ? that's it03:29
PeloLjL, you fail03:29
IdleOneLjL: second to late :/03:29
LjLi'm not late, just reiterating03:30
LjLthe bot has told him to stop a number of times already, i sent him !enter some ten minutes ago...03:30
harriseldondarksidedelayue: is this a built-in webcam or a usb?03:30
darksidedelayuebuilt in03:30
PeloLjL,  that's fine for glx with the binary  but does it come standard with the restricted driver ?03:30
LjLPelo: it *is* the restricted driver03:30
PeloLjL, this timeyou sent the enter to yourself03:30
Coolguy64537quick question, i have a compaq presario f500 series, f558us to be exact, ant it has the conexant audio chipset, ive lookedfor days but cant find drivers03:30
anathematichow do i sync the time on my ubuntu server to be correct? (it's about 20 minutes out atm)03:30
ColdBeergenii how do i add a group from the command line?03:30
Pelothanks LjL this ati/nvidia stuff is like chinese to me03:31
Coolguy64537how can i get drivers03:31
harriseldondarksidedelayue: did you do anything after installing the ricoh driver?03:31
PeloCoolguy64537, is your sound working ?03:31
IdleOne!ntp | anathematic03:31
ubotuanathematic: Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)03:31
darksidedelayueharriseldon: no I did not03:31
geniiColdBeer: That doesn't answer my question to you :) But regardless: sudo groupadd <groupname>03:31
LjLColdBeer: add a group? as in, create a new grou?03:31
Pelo!sound | Coolguy64537 start with this ,most hardware is coverd in the kernel you probably donT' need any extra,03:32
ubotuCoolguy64537 start with this ,most hardware is coverd in the kernel you probably donT' need any extra,: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:32
IdleOne!ot | Itaku03:32
ubotuItaku: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:32
ColdBeergenni how do i delete a group from the bash prompt?03:32
PeloItaku, less enthousiasm please03:32
Ashfire908ok, my system for some reason feels it's nessary to look up it's hostname (dns) when forking some applications... how do i shut this off?03:32
Itakudude this is huge03:32
Itakunot good03:32
geniiColdBeer: That doesn't answer my question to you :) But regardless: sudo groupdel <groupname>03:32
Itakui cant access my email now03:33
AuctionedllamaPelo- how do I install compiz or whatever its called and how do I get a 1400x900 resolution?03:33
PeloAshfire908, try looking it up in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.rog03:33
jahurocan anyone please give me help with installing peer guardian? i tried following tutorials but i keep stuffing up somehow :(03:33
AlabamaHitPelo: how do i get connectable with Deluge03:33
harriseldondarksidedelayue: first thing is to make sure that the driver is loaded. I am trying to find a graphical way to do it. How familiar are you with the command line?03:33
Coolguy64537pelo: ive done all that b4 still nothin03:33
ColdBeergenni what question pal?03:33
sdakakINSTALL UBUNTU OVER LAN: I am trying to install ubuntu in one of my machines which doesn't have a cd-rom drive via another networked machine. Will a desktop-iso work or will only alternate-iso have to be called?03:33
ColdBeergenni what question?03:33
geniiColdBeer: What is it you are trying to do that requires group and ownership commands to be used?03:34
jahurocan anyone please give me help with installing peer guardian? i tried following tutorials but i keep stuffing up somehow :(03:34
IdleOne!install | sdakak03:34
ubotusdakak: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:34
PeloAuctionedllama, if the resolutions you need is not listed in the resolution dialog , open the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and add the extra resolution you need manualy,   and you can enable compiz by  enableing the destkop effect in menu > system > prefs > appearance,   last tab03:34
sdakakIdleOne: I am coming from there.03:34
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Auctionedllamayes, pelo for compiz it says its not installed, and whta is the command inside terminal to open the xorg?03:34
PeloAlabamaHit, you shoud be connectable form the get go, unless your behind some shool firewall or soetning,  try asking in #deluge03:34
darksidedelayueharriseldon: I am a beginner03:35
PeloAuctionedllama,  gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:35
PeloAuctionedllama, for conpiz not installed or not available ?03:35
Coolguy64537auctionedllama: you can install compiz using synaptic pacage manager, search compiz settings manager in synaptic03:35
jahurocan someone please help me with installing peer guardian03:35
jahuroi think ive installed it, but i get errors when i try to run it03:35
IdleOnesdakak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:36
Auctionedllamait says not installed03:36
PeloCoolguy64537, try looking up your audio chipset in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport or in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org , maybe you 'll find someting there03:36
Coolguy64537auctionedllama: sorry, search compizsettingsmanager,   as one word03:36
Auctionedllamaok cool03:36
ColdBeergenni - im sorry thats non of your business, but thanks for your help03:36
Coolguy64537pelo: tried that lol03:36
harriseldondarksidedelayue: let's try this to see if webcam is available. System->Preferences->Multimedia Systems Selector. Then choose video tab03:36
PeloCoolguy64537, you're screwed then03:37
Auctionedllamacoolguy64537- ya that didn't work03:37
ColdBeerhi Pelo03:37
IdleOne!ccsm | Auctionedllama03:37
ubotuAuctionedllama: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion03:37
PeloCoolguy64537,  google for the linux driver project  they were looking for hardware to build drivers for ,  you can recommend your card ( I'm serious )03:37
Pelohello ColdBeer03:37
Coolguy64537pelo: LOL AT THAT, knew that a while ago, just checking again03:37
harriseldondarksidedelayue: Once on the video tab look at Default Input. Is it available or greyed out. If it is available, try the test button.03:37
jahurocan someone please help me?03:38
Pelojahuro,  you do not need peergardian in linux,03:38
gogetaPelo shure you do03:38
Auctionedllamaman, I hope I can get this working03:38
PeloJuharo noone needs peer gardian  period03:38
ColdBeerPelo do u know of a good irc program i can run from the bash terminal?03:38
Auctionedllamado I need to change any settings in my xorg.conf for my card or can I leave it alone?03:38
gogetaColdBee bitchx03:39
PeloColdBeer, look in add/remove there are several03:39
dryrothow do i make xen work in gutsy / hardy ?03:39
IdleOnejahuro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9579303:39
jahurowhy dont i need guardian in linux?03:39
Pelojahuro, peergardian does little more then block ip and website with virus on them , linux is not vulmrenable to those virus to begin with03:39
dmsupermanColdBeer, irssi is my favorite03:40
darksidedelayueharriseldom: Multimedia System Selector is not part of my drop-box for preferences03:40
gogetasee i go name 1 and you make a list03:40
IdleOnePelo: with the popularity of ubuntu growing might not be a bad idea03:40
PeloAuctionedllama, leave the setting alone just add the extra resoluton y ou need  further down ,03:40
geniiColdBeer:  Frankly it matters not to me, the reason for asking on my part is that to create steps to accomplish a goal, knowing what the goal is makes it somewhat easier to lay out a set of steps towards it. Also there may be some entirely more appropriate way than using the commands you asked about.03:40
dmsupermanPeerGuardian doesn't do anything, even on windows03:40
gogetaPelo pg blocks more then websites03:40
dmsupermanAnd not only that, there's been several occasions where it's blocked legitimate websites from me03:41
Pelogogeta, you tell him how to then03:41
hanophix33can anyone tell me why flash video is very "framey"03:41
dmsupermanPelo, it's just an IP blacklist, essentially03:41
gogetaPelo the linux version is in the fourms thers also one calleed moblock that uses iptables03:41
tailsfanThe Kernel complied successfully03:41
Pelodmsuperman, I'm well aware of what it does03:41
gogetaPelo its great if your using frostwire03:41
tailsfanbut now i hate that I can't use Wireless Multiboot03:42
l23twireWOW holy crap.. the new firefox update fucked up so badly it made me use ie..03:42
gogetaPelo but for gt safepeer for azures has the same effect03:42
Peloanyone have an ubuntu related queston ?03:42
ColdBeergenii - u r right i was just joking - im just learning how to navigate around bash03:42
ColdBeerthanks genii03:42
jahuroi only got 1 problem with ubuntu03:42
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:42
jahuroit freezes at random times03:42
AlabamaHitPelo: do you think we need Firestarter installed?03:42
jahuroand ctrl alt backspace wont work03:42
ColdBeeru saved me from having to look it up03:42
geniiColdBeer: No problem. Have fun and don't trash your box :)03:42
dmsupermanl23twire, did you have the random location bar bug? with favicons and location bar not refreshing?03:42
ColdBeeru have to trash to learn03:43
ColdBeerpart of it03:43
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geniiColdBeer: Yes, this is sometimes true03:43
PeloAlabamaHit, firestarter is only a gui front end for   iptable and iptable is just the cli userspace fro the actual firewall "netfiter"  it's not as big an issue as in windows,03:43
hanophix33does anyone else have a problem with flash movies?03:43
PeloAlabamaHit, netfilder and iptables are already installed btw03:43
dmsupermanPelo, well you said it blocks websites with viruses on them, and while it may block some with websites on them, it's just a giant database, so to say that it does so is sort of like false advertisement, because it doesn't do specifically that, it only just so happens that that's a side effect03:43
ColdBeerpeople are too scared to trash it up, u have to make mistakes to learn,03:44
dmsupermanPelo, just the way you worded it made it seem like it's an antivirus, so i wasn't sure if you really knew03:44
AlabamaHitI was told that Firestart was keeping my torrent from being connectable...is that possible if its not really doing anything but making it easier to manage the firewall? i have not changed antying in it.03:44
l23twiredmsuperman i was trying to update my website.. that never happen before.. on firefox.. then i see an update pops up.. restart your firefox..03:45
Pelohanophix33, several ppl have reported issues with youtube showing greyboxes with sound,  I haven't experienced it myself03:45
IdleOne!ohmy | l23twire03:45
ubotul23twire: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:45
PeloAlabamaHit, the firewall in ubuntu is not enabled by default , unless you have made some rules that shoudlnT, be the problem ,03:46
PeloAlabamaHit, are you on a school network ?03:46
darksidedelayueharriseldon: Multimedia System Selector is not part of my drop-box for preferences03:46
hanophix33pelo:  i am getting a very 'framey' video, slow especially when fast actions are in the video03:46
NemesisAnyone good with thttpd? I installed and it's not seeing my index file or anything for that matter in the directory listing03:46
Pelohanophix33, I get tat too occasionnaly,  not sure why03:46
Pelohanophix33, thas' all I can realy tellyou about it , you are not alone at this point, I don't know anymore03:47
harriseldondarksidedelayue: are you using ubuntu (gnome desktop), kubuntu (kde desktop), or xubuntu (xfce desktop)?03:47
hanophix33pelo: bandwidth maybe?03:47
Pelook i'm done for tonight , g'night folks03:47
Pelohanophix33, possibly03:48
darksidedelayueharriseldon: I am using gnome desktop03:48
l23twiresee http://www.l33twire.net/ i support ubuntu!! i even have ubuntu logo there :D03:48
Ashfire908ok, my system for some reason feels it's nessary to look up it's hostname (dns) when forking some applications... how do i shut this off? (i'm in the process of searching the forums.)03:48
harriseldondarksidedelayue: you are looking at the top gnome menu correct? otherwise you can type alt-f2 for run dialog and type gstreamer-properties then hit enter.03:48
darksidedelayueharriseldon: I was looking, I typed it the dialog03:49
MikeyBoyAnyone here can help with Dual Boot?03:50
AlabamaHitCrap the guy that was helping me left :(03:50
dave11!dual boot03:50
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:50
darksidedelayueharriseldon: now what should I do?03:50
AlabamaHitDo you need Firewall Enabled?03:51
harriseldondarksidedelayue: did the run dialog work for you? Are you in the multimedia systems selector?03:51
darksidedelayueharriseldon: the run dialog worked, I am in the multimedia system selector03:51
MikeyBoyYEs, I've read the Help File, but my question is't covered there.03:51
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:52
harriseldondarksidedelayue: good, choose the video tab and under default input, try the test button.03:52
LDS_Trooperanyone able to help with an issue trying to get Ubuntu 7.10 to interact with a Sansa MP3 Player?03:53
sCOTTohey guys - there is a server loading on my ubuntu laptop which is taking fore ever to load and then failing - it is called YP SERVER - can someone tell me how to kill it? i want to uninstall what ever it is!03:53
MikeyBoyOK, I'm not partioning a drive in a PC I have 2 drives. Can I still install Ubuntu on the 2nd & Dual Boot wit Windows?03:53
sjovanAlabamaHit: why would you enable it?03:53
LDS_TrooperI did it once through Gnomad2 but it just does not see the "jukebox"03:53
AlabamaHitsjovan: Linux for a week I have no Idea what I'm doing or need to do.......03:53
AlabamaHitI'm completely lost03:53
darksidedelayueharriseldon: It is testing. There is also a window that popped up from it which has a many color vertical rainbow-like design with a black/white thing in the right corner like you get on the tv03:53
geniiMikeyBoy: The short answer is yes. The long anwer is more complicated03:53
nonewmsgsAlabamaHit: what's up03:54
harriseldondarksidedelayue: that means it is not working yet. What do you see for plugin and device?03:54
CyberaiI'm trying to move my system from my old 80GB HD to a new 400GB HD. I partitioned the drive and marked the proper partition as bootable. But when I try to boot off it I get stuck at "Verifying DMI pool data". I tried turning off the CPU internal and external cache, but no luck. Can anyone suggest a solution?03:54
kittykittyMikeyBoy, yes you can03:54
sjovanAlabamaHit: okay... anyways. like som other guy said. by default the firewall in ubuntu doesn't block any ports. if this is a torrent issue, then maby you need to portforward your router03:54
nonewmsgsAlabamaHit: azurus is supposedly quite good at getting through anyway03:54
nonewmsgssCOTTo: xkill?03:55
decayi type 'mysql' in console and get this: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO), anyone know why?03:55
hyperstream[TOUCHPAD] hello yes Synaptics Touchpad is reporting no touchpad related stuff detected or/and no repeater device -- in windows its listed as a ps2 / serial mouse- how can i fix this so i can use my laptop touchpad >03:55
daveuxCan anyone help me get a midi file to play?03:56
usserdecay, mmm not root password set?03:56
sCOTTononewmsgs: what ix xkill? ps: it is when the OS is loading - not inside xwindows03:56
decayusser: i didn't set a root password. should be blank03:56
nonewmsgssCOTTo: i am not sure then.03:56
sCOTToill google it :)03:57
Ashfire908found the issue to the resolving of the hostname, /etc/hostname and the /etc/hosts entry did not match. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29662503:57
darksidedelayueharriseldon: for plugin I see... autodetect, X windows system (no Xv), X Windows system (X11/Xshm/xv), cusom for Device... nothing when autodetech is in the plugin or when X windows system (no xv). but when X windows system (X11/Xshm/Xv) is selcted the device drop box shows default and intel (r) textured video... when custom is selcted there is no dropbox for device as there is none for when autdetech or windows (no xv) 03:57
usserdecay, i think it wont let you access it unless you actually set it03:57
MikeyBoyWill it give me the option of choosing the drive on install?03:57
sebas891hi folks, anyone playing with beta of 8.04 ? :)  I"m trying to get it working on a titanium / ppc. not an easy task.03:57
usserdecay, so something like that would do mysqladmin -u root password <my_password>03:57
kittykittyCyberai, did you install a bootloader on the drive after you partitioned it?03:58
decayusser: since? i always connect with username 'root' and pw blank03:58
decaysince when*03:58
usserdecay, just a guess. i'm probably wrong03:59
kittykittyMikeyBoy, if you have empty (unallocated) space, you can just choose it during the partitioning step of the setup03:59
LDS_TrooperHow do I get nomad2 to recognize the mp3 player plugged into my USB?03:59
sebas891some people here have interes in ubuntu on ppc ?03:59
hyperstream[TOUCHPAD] hello yes Synaptics Touchpad is reporting no touchpad related stuff detected or/and no repeater device -- in windows its listed as a ps2 / serial mouse- how can i fix this so i can use my laptop touchpad >04:00
harriseldondarksidedelayue: we need to verify that the driver is loaded. I cannot think of a non-command line way to do it. Are you willing to try some commands on the command line. I will step you through it.04:00
NemesisAnyone know why THTTPD, won't find my index.html, or any file in the root directory for some reason?04:00
pushpopanyone know who makes really high quality laptop bags/ backpacks?04:00
darksidedelayueharriseldon: Ok, I'll try my best04:00
MikeyBoy<kittykitty> The space is on a second drive, will I get the option on install of Ubuntu to use the 2nd drive or will it try to partition my C:/ drive?04:00
Cyberaikittykitty, no. since the source drive was a single partition I used dd to move the data from drive A to drive B, including the bootloader (grub)04:00
gerrybarheya, i have a small problem. i just finished installing but i cannot access the menu editor on a regular user. when i try to open it (using gnome, by the way) nothing happens. but when i log into root, i can04:01
Odd-rationalepushpop: you can buy one at the Canonical shop with an ubuntu logo on it!04:01
harriseldondarksidedelayue: first is to launch the terminal: Applications->Accessories->Terminal. When you get the $ prompt let me know.04:01
gerrybar idont know what else i may be prevented from doing, so how can i try to fix this?04:01
AlabamaHithow do i see the computers IP im on? like the ipconfig in windows?04:01
darksidedelayueharriseldon: terminal launched, I see the Root@rayne-laptop:-$ line04:01
usserAlabamaHit, ifconfig04:02
AlabamaHitusser: thanks04:02
usserAlabamaHit, np04:02
Odd-rationalepushpop: https://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=16&osCsid=86ad5b268a4842e9924f5d89cecec7cd pretty expensive though04:02
harriseldondarksidedelayue: ok we are going to link 2 commands together. The first is lsmod to list the loaded modules and the second is grep to filter the results. type lsmod | grep -i ricoh04:02
witakrHello good people!04:02
witakrAnybody know anythig about the VLC media player??04:03
dmsupermanAlabamaHit, ifconfig04:03
Cpudan80witakr: what about it?04:03
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dmsupermanAlabamaHit, woops, way too slow04:03
amenadoAshfire908-> curious as to what you had in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname before you made the corrections?04:04
gerrybarheya, i have a small problem. i just finished installing but i cannot access the menu editor on a regular user. when i try to open it (using gnome, by the way) nothing happens. but when i log into root, i can. how can i fix this?04:04
AuctionedllamaHey, back again04:04
harriseldondarksidedelayue: the driver may be called r5u870 instead. If you do not find ricoh, we can try lsmod | grep -i r5u87004:04
iNutshellgerrybar: try "sudo chown -r `whoami` ~/.local" on your reguler user04:04
sjovan!ask | witakr04:04
ubotuwitakr: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:04
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs04:04
dmsupermanwitakr, I'm not _too_ familiar, but i've used it and get hte basic idea. what are you wodnering about?04:04
diagonanyone got some good starting points on why I can't hear any sound now that I've reinstalled fluxbuntu? sound should work, it has before04:04
=== erwin is now known as slowlearner
witakrCpudan80: Well, How do i get the player to remember my settings? I adjust the brightness an gamma a such because the desaults are WAAAAAAAYYYY off but when I stop the movie and close the player then restart the player the settings are returned to default04:04
dmsuperman!sound > diagon04:05
witakrsry yall, i was typing04:05
Cpudan80witakr: that's the kind of questions for #videolan (the people who make it)04:05
AuctionedllamaHi all, basically, I have reinstalled ubuntu studio 4 times trying to get my ATI card to support 3d games and compiz. I have tried almost every debug/installation tut there is, and the output command on software always says its still Mesa.. Any help would be, well, appreciated04:05
Ashfire908amenado, in network-admin i had set the domain to something then unset it, the hosts entry had hampe-study.HAMPE which conflicted with the /etc/hostname of hampe-study04:05
AlabamaHitI cant get ANY torrent software to be connectible I know the for sure 100% the port is open on my router and I have Completelyl UNinstalled Firestarter04:05
Auctionedllamacan anyon help me with that?04:05
AlabamaHitbut everytime i test poert says its colosed04:05
LogicalDashAlabamaHit, is the port *forwarded* to your computer?04:06
slowlearnerhi what what software do i need to use to apply theme to the panel? can emerald do this?04:06
usserAuctionedllama, did u try using ubuntu's restricted manager?04:06
amenadoAshfire908-> am not sure why the entry of is even necessary..it should not be there04:06
AlabamaHitLogicalDash: I have ran ifcong and checked to make sure it was the right IP04:06
darksidedelayueharriseldon: $ Ismod|grep -i ricoh04:06
darksidedelayuebash: Ismod: command not found04:06
darksidedelayuerayne@rayne-laptop:~$ lsmod | grep -i ricoh04:06
darksidedelayuerayne@rayne-laptop:~$ lsmod | grep -i r5u87004:06
darksidedelayuer5u870                 71748  004:06
FloodBot2darksidedelayue: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:06
darksidedelayuevideo_buf              26244  1 r5u87004:06
Auctionedllamano, no idea what that is, please elaborate04:06
gerrybarinuteshell it says c-r is an invalid option04:06
decayusser: it's k :) thanks for the help anyways!04:06
sjovanAlabamaHit: sound like a portforwarding issue. anyways... firestarter is just a GUI. it doesn't close any ports as long as you don't tell it to do so04:07
Auctionedllamaare you referring to restricted drivers manager?04:07
harriseldondarksidedelayue: it is an L -- think list modules or lsmod for short04:07
AuctionedllamaBecause if so, its the first thing I tried04:07
usserAuctionedllama, restricted manager is a piece of software that helps u install necessary drivers04:07
gerrybarim not exactly using ubuntu though :P arch linux, any clue what i should sub it with?04:07
iNutshellgerrybar: sorray, is -R04:07
AlabamaHitsjovan: been told that just wantedto make sure it wasnt that :)04:07
darksidedelayueharriseldon: A list did pop up, what information do you want from it? sorry for the copy/paste04:07
slowlearnerhi what what software do i need to use to apply theme to the panel? can emerald do this?04:07
Ashfire908amenado, it resolves when the hostname is looked up... my computer hangs at various points when the entry is not correct and i'm not connected to the internet (it hangs for about 20 sec)04:07
gerrybarinutshell ok done, didn't report anything back though, and still unable to open the edit menu04:07
AlabamaHitis there something other special i should be typing in the Application section on Port Forwarding? Im useing Remote in it.04:08
harriseldondarksidedelayue: that is why I had 2 commands. You can the use | "pipe" character to send the output of one command to another. It is usually above the enter key. try lsmod | grep -i r5u87004:08
sjovanAlabamaHit: yes, you have to specify what ports that need to be open and direct them to your local IP04:09
amenadoAshfire908-> i do not believe one must have a entry in /etc/hosts04:09
harriseldondarksidedelayue: both commands should be entered on the same command line separated by the | character04:09
amenadoAshfire908-> as a test, remove or comment out that entry in /etc/hosts04:10
darksidedelayueharriseldon: I copy/paste into the termianl the lsmod | grep -i r5u870 command, now another list is up04:10
iNutshellgerrybar: try "alacarte " from term ..04:10
harriseldondarksidedelayue: do you see any results? It should not be blank04:10
darksidedelayueharriseldon: I do see the results04:11
slowlearnerhi what what software do i need to use to apply theme to the panel? can emerald do this?04:11
sjovanAlabamaHit: and this is not done in linux. this you have to do on your router. connect to your rooter by typeing the gateway ip.04:11
gerrybarinutshell alacarte opens, but it wont save changes. it doesnt even seem to be alacarte that opens though, just the regular gnome editor because the one that i open with root is exactly the same, and about says its the regular gnome editor04:11
sjovanAlabamaHit: in firefox, opera or something04:11
spork969how do i do a file search by file type?04:12
harriseldondarksidedelayue: that is good sign. It seems like the driver is loaded. next we will see if the video device is available. type ls /dev/video0  (ls is for list, so it starts with L and that is a zero at the end.)04:12
slowlearnerspork969: locate *.type04:13
AlabamaHitsjovan: its not that the port is right., I have done this hundreds of times in windows and no problem.......look at this....http://s1.screenshots.cc/upload/343ca85c.png04:13
iNutshellgerrybar: ?04:13
Ashfire908amenado, it appears to not matter if it's commented out or not when fixed, but i will have to wait till i'm offline to do a full test...04:13
darksidedelayueharriseldon: no such file or directory04:13
amenadospork969-> find . -type f -iname '*.mp3' -print004:13
spork969slowlearner, thanks. also, love the name04:13
AlabamaHitAnd i have ran ifconfig to confuirm that 101 is this computer.04:13
spork969amenado, thanks04:13
Ashfire908amenado, i'm planning on sending in a bug report though04:13
slowlearnerspork969: :D04:13
amenadoAshfire908-> okay04:14
sjovanAlabamaHit: and you are shure that's still your ip and that's the port your torrentclient wants to use?04:14
gerrybarinuteshell: alacarte opens, but it wont save changes. it doesnt even seem to be alacarte that opens though, just the regular gnome editor because the one that i open with root is exactly the same, and about says its the regular gnome editor04:14
spork969slowlearner, amenado, is there a way for me to compile all these files together?04:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:16
Ashfire908amenado, you know what package network-admin is in?04:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3d - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:16
amenadospork969-> what do you mean by compile?04:16
AlabamaHitsjovan: http://s1.screenshots.cc/upload/fc4666d7.png04:16
eckeranyone running hardy?04:16
amenadoAshfire908-> not off hand,04:16
Starnestommyecker: the people in #ubuntu+1 are04:16
phaedrus_I'm trying to instal ubuntu for  dual boot with vista, cd starts up and upon selecting the install option the computer restarts and the process repeats itself...any ideas?04:16
LDS_Trooperwas afk04:16
LDS_TrooperHow do I get nomad2 to recognize the mp3 player plugged into my USB?04:16
spork969amenado, like lets say i have a bunch of mp3s stored all over my hard disk. how would i put all these in one folder?04:16
amenadoAshfire908-> try dpkg -L  command  or was it -S ?04:17
nickruddpkg -S04:17
iNutshellgerrybar: maybe someone else can help you ...04:17
sjovanAlabamaHit: btw... www.pastebin.com is a nice place to copy -- paste text :) what about the port on the torrent prog?04:17
gogetaspork969 mv *.mp3 /wherever04:17
nickrudAshfire908 do  dpkg -S $(which network-admin)04:17
amenadospork969-> find . -type f -iname '*.mp3' -print0 |xargs mv {} /new/dir  ;  something like this04:17
linkinxphow u extract a multivolume rar in ubuntu like .rar .001 .002 .003?04:18
slowlearnerspork969: cp `locate *.type` folder04:18
harriseldondarksidedelayue: can you copy and the paste the output of lsusb (list usb) at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and paste the url?04:18
sjovanlinkinxp: just open the first one... just the same way as in windows04:18
gerrybarinutshell: appreciate the effort04:18
gogetaslowlearner cp would copy em ok but mv would move em04:18
amenadospork969-> change . to /04:18
hyperstreamhow can i add 3d open gl kinda stuff to my laptop SiS -- in windows it can run World of Warcraft04:18
amenadogogeta and he has to find them first04:18
AlabamaHitsjovan: http://s1.screenshots.cc/upload/343ca85c.png04:18
nickrudslowlearner problem with that one, is it searches the whole drive, but . searches from current dir (but I see that's what's wanted ;)04:18
gogetaamenado not if he does it on the root of like drive04:19
phaedrus_I'm trying to instal ubuntu for dual boot with vista, cd starts up and upon selecting the install option the computer restarts and the process repeats itself...any ideas?04:19
AlabamaHitsjovan: thats is the pic. from my torrent program showing thats the port im telling it to use. ANd also thanks for all this help :004:19
slowlearnergogeta: might wanna cp first before deleting the files04:19
gogeta slowlearner good point04:19
darksidedelayueharriseldon: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63487/04:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about psmouse - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:20
slowlearnerhi what what software do i need to use to apply theme to the panel? can emerald do this?04:20
gaspipe1anyone know the name of that app that will close a window/program if it stops responding/crashes?04:20
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto04:20
spork969slowlearner "cannot stat 'locate *.m4p': no such file or directory"04:20
amenadogaspipe1-> kill04:20
linkinxpsjovan: i got it i needed to install a rar pkg thanks :)04:20
harriseldondarsidedelayue: can you also paste the output of lsusb? I want to see what usb devices are detected. Even though the webcam is built-in, it is a usb device.04:21
sjovanAlabamaHit: hehe... didn't help much. hmmm... have you tryed with another port? have you tested that port on http://www.canyouseeme.org/?04:21
gaspipe1amenado: ty04:21
gogetaspork969 dont you mean mp4?04:21
slowlearnergogeta: good question04:21
spork969gogeta, no m4p is protected version of m4a04:21
nickrudhyperstream slowlearner panels are handled by the general gtk theme; you can add some mods to ~/.gtkrc-2.0 to override them. Like set the font white, when I have a transparent panel on a dark background04:21
darksidedelayueharriseldon: sorry, I read that too fast. I certintly will04:21
nickrudhyperstream sorry04:21
AlabamaHitsjovan: tested with 4 different ports 3 different progreams and teeted with the torrent program itself04:21
Ashfire908amenado, bug's already reported, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/7234104:21
spork969gogeta, which is itunes purchased music04:21
slowlearnernickrud: thanks, will take a look at it04:22
amenadoAshfire908-> okay, anyhow i find that odd to use
darksidedelayueharriseldon: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63488/04:22
gaspipe1amenado: i don't think thats it... u get it from add/remove?04:22
sjovanAlabamaHit: but have you tested the port on http://www.canyouseeme.org/ ? because if the port is a sucsess there, then it's a issue on your computer04:22
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nickrudslowlearner art.gnome.org has some stuff about gtk-themes, will get you started04:22
phaedrus005I'm trying to instal ubuntu for dual boot with vista, cd starts up and upon selecting the install option the computer restarts and the process repeats itself...any ideas?04:22
AlabamaHitsjovan: tested at your site04:23
harriseldondarksidedelayue: Bus 006 Device 002: ID 05ca:1837 Ricoh Co., Ltd is your webcam. This is a good sign.04:23
amenadogaspipe1-> man kill    an example usage  kill -15 `pidof apache2`04:23
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gaspipe1amenado: oww i had a program that did it, had an icon force quit something like that04:23
hanophix33whats the best window decorator?04:23
gogetaspork969 oh from a ipod tons of folders your gonna need to use locate04:23
amenadogaspipe1-> well probably kill is the command behind it..anyhow its easy to remember, KILL  :P04:24
sjovanAlabamaHit: dude... then it's your router. try to open up a low ranged port on 8xxx or something and try again04:24
Mrfodoes anybody know of a simple commandline torrent tracker? im writing a small torrent client and I need to do some testing04:24
spork969gogeta, yeah, i can find the files, just not copy and paste them04:24
hanophix33anyone have emerald theme manager?04:24
gogetaind . -type f -iname '*.mp3' -print0 |xargs mv {} /new/dir04:24
chelzany good guide out there on setting up a wiki on my ubuntu for personal note-taking? (ideally setup as to not accept non-localhost connections)04:24
nickrudgaspipe1   alt-f2 xkill , click the window. Useful for gui's04:24
sjovanAlabamaHit: or ofcourse the firewall, if you have tamperd with anything :)04:25
nickrudhanophix33 yes04:25
gogetaopps cut off a letter04:25
slowlearnerhanophix33: i just installed one... what do you wanna know?04:25
gogetafind . -type f -iname '*.mp3' -print0 |xargs mv {} /new/dir04:25
hanophix33where do i get theme manager?04:25
gogetaand i would change mv to cp04:25
AlabamaHitsjovan: no i have not. and i have uninstalle the only program i used with it and not computer. I use that same port on Windows with utorrent on this coomputer and not a problem. but will try a nother port04:25
nickrudhanophix33 install emerald , theme manager comes with it. In the prefs menu04:26
harriseldondarksidedelayue: can you try sudo modprobe r5u870 (let me explain first since sudo is very powerful). modprobe will attempt to load a driver. r5u870 is the driver. So this command means super user do (sudo) load driver (modprobe) driver name (r5u870). Tell me the results.04:26
slowlearnerhanophix33: system->preferences->emerald theme manager04:26
spork969gogeta, "mv: target 'What' is not a directory04:27
gogetayou need to kake the dir first04:27
spork969gogeta, i did04:27
slowlearnerspork969: make dir first04:27
spork969slowlearner, i did04:27
harriseldondarksidedelayue: at the password prompt, re-enter your password to verify that you understand that you are going to run a command as a super user (all powerfull)04:27
spork969gogeta, slowlearner, ~/Desktop/m4p04:28
RenatoSilvahow do you pronounce synaptic?04:28
spork969RenatoSilva, sin-app-tick04:28
mogwaisuper user - able to ruin a complete system with a misplaced rm!04:28
AlabamaHitsjovan: nope didnt work. tried 8011 and no go04:28
AlabamaHitfirewall has to be blocking it04:28
gogetafind . -type f -iname '*.mp3' -print0 |xargs cp {} /home/yourlogin/mp404:29
gogetatry that04:29
twoshadetodwhat is the name of the time-applet? to call it from the command line?04:29
gogetamake the dir in home04:29
twoshadetodit's lke a countdown/eggtimer thing04:29
RenatoSilvaspork969: hum, and how is that? :?04:29
nickrudAlabamaHit you can be certain that the linux firewall won't be blocking if you type   sudo iptables -F  , that flushes all the rules.  sudo iptables -L  wil list them04:29
juannicolasHello, how can i turn off the autonegotiation from a nic?04:29
slowlearnerspork969: can you cp file.m4p folder with no problems?04:30
spork969RenatoSilva, english is weird...04:30
darksidedelayueharriseldon: I put in the command, but nothing is happening..04:30
juannicolasfound it04:30
spork969slowlearner, hold on04:30
gogetaslowlearner he whent at desktop wrong but im to lazy to type all that04:30
hanophix33nickrud: got emerald installed, how do i execute a theme04:30
twoshadetodis there a text file that tells all the applets/programs you have on your "task bar"?04:30
gogetaslowlearner just use home04:30
nickrudhanophix33 pick one, then   alt-f2   emerald --replace  .04:31
AlabamaHitnickrud: would flushing them be bad? or is that to just make them Default like when you first insatll?04:31
spork969slowlearner, yeah, no problem with an image file04:31
harriseldondarksidedelayue: now type dmesg (this will list the system log on the screen. Check the last lines to see if the webcam driver was loaded correctly)04:31
hanophix33ahhh nice04:31
sjovanAlabamaHit: yeah, sounds like it, but this is really wierd cause like i said. ubuntu don't block anything by default.04:31
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slowlearnerspork969: bout with the m4p?04:31
AlabamaHitSo flushing will put back to Defualt just incase Firestarter changed somethign?04:31
cruddpuppetAnyone know how to delete keyrings? I've set one two years ago for a service that I thought I would never use, but alas, I require it now.04:32
nickrudAlabamaHit I don't run a firewall on my laptop since I run no services that listen to the net and need stateful protection04:32
nickrudAlabamaHit yes04:32
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lrkrhi, I'm looking to purchase a wireless router for a house i'm moving into, and I'm wondering if, in general, the routers that say they work w/ linux, actually DO04:32
darksidedelayueharrisoldon: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63489/ this came up04:32
gogetalrkr wired04:32
RenatoSilvaspork969: sin (of breaking God's laws) + ap (like in 'cap') + teek???04:32
nickrudlrkr wireless is wireless, the issue will be the chip that linux is using directly04:32
cruddpuppetAnyone know how to delete keyrings? I've set one two years ago for a service that I thought I would never use, but alas, I require it now.04:33
spork969RenatoSilva, yes, yes, tick as in the little bug or the sound a watch makes04:33
gogetalrkr wireless + linux = hell04:33
RenatoSilvasin (of breaking God's laws) + ap (like in 'cap') + teek??? This is the right pronounce of synaptic?04:33
darksidedelayueharriseldon: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63489/ this came up when i typed the command04:33
lrkrnickrud: okay, that's pretty much what i figured. First time doing this though, so I thought i'd check04:33
geniilrkr: It depends by what "working with linux means" If able to rout linux computers, all of em will. If to run linux itself on the router, different issue04:33
sjovanlrkr: doesn't every router works with linux? the router doesn't care what system you run as long as it has a ip to give (if i'm not mistakeing that is)04:33
nickrudRenatoSilva yes, with accent on the middle syllable04:33
gogetasjovan yea but alot of your nics whont work04:34
lrkrgenii: na, not looking to install linux onto the router, at least not the one i'm looking at04:34
cruddpuppetAny one know how to delete Keyrings?04:34
slowlearnerRenatoSilva: not teek,  tick04:34
gogetasjovan wireless cards are soo flaky04:34
l23twirei had a wireless card.. take took me weeks to hack it and put up some codes.. that jesus crist.. idk how i am alive because i almost killed my self..04:34
geniilrkr: Then I wouldn't worry much04:34
harriseldondarksidedelayue: dmesg only holds the last few lines of the log, unfortunately we are too late to capture the results. try ls /dev/video0 to see if the video device is present now.04:34
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RenatoSilvaspork969: humm, really nice, thanks!04:34
lrkrsjovan: yeah, that's what I thought, i'm just a bit paranoid about effectively setting it up04:34
sjovangogeta: well, wireless card is another issue :)04:35
lrkrgenii: okay, good:) thanks04:35
cruddpuppetAnyone know how to delete keyrings? I've set one two years ago for a service that I thought I would never use, but alas, I require it now.04:35
gogetasjovan burns down the linksys building 8-)04:35
cruddpuppet(Please reply, this is urgent...)04:35
darksidedelayueharriseldon: no such file or directory04:35
gogetacruddpuppet you can just refresh it04:36
cruddpuppetWhat do you mean "refresh"...?04:36
gogetacruddpuppet run the keyring commands again04:36
sjovanlrkr: all of common routers has a html settup. all you need to do is to type the localgateway adress in firefox to edit the router settings04:36
RenatoSilvaspork969: English is really weird04:36
cruddpuppetgogeta:  I am not using the command line, if that is what you believe. I04:36
harriseldondarksidedelayue: let me think a bit. I will get back to you ...04:37
spork969slowlearner, yeah i can move a single m4p file with no problems04:37
slowlearnerRenatoSilva: you don't seem to be having problems with it04:37
spork969its just when im trying to do it with all of them04:37
RenatoSilvaslowlearner: tick, like in 'it'?04:37
darksidedelayueharriseldon: ok, thank you04:37
gogetacruddpuppet it should just repalce the old one04:37
nickrudRenatoSilva no it's not, it's perfect :)  /me stops with off topic, gotta practice for next week04:37
amenadol23twire-> was it bcm43xx chip wireless?  <wink>04:37
lrkrsjovan: excellent. sorry for the stupid question, i've just never had to work w/ anything wireless before.04:37
sudobashhey why are restricted users able to cd to / and /root04:37
cruddpuppetYou mean add a new keyring to replace it?04:37
slowlearnerRenatoSilva: yes04:37
gogetacruddpuppet why not04:37
nickrudsudobash restricted? you mean non admin?04:37
sjovanlrkr: np :) anyways... wireless do suck teh balls.04:38
sudobashyes ssh users non admin..04:38
cruddpuppetgogeta: It does not work.04:38
gogetacruddpuppet :-(04:38
AlabamaHitthat got it :)04:38
nickrudsudobash because the dirs' are listed as readable by all. The ones that matter, like /etc/sudoers don't have read permissions04:38
sjovanAlabamaHit: goodie :D04:38
amenadolrkr-> if you have toyed with radios, and cell fones, those are wireless  :P04:38
AlabamaHitI just had to restart the computer after i cleaard it04:38
lrkrsjovan: yeah, honestly I prefer a wired network, but it's a 3 story house w/ 5 people in it and a cable connection on the third floor:(04:38
AlabamaHitFirestarter must have done something04:39
AlabamaHitor i did and didnt mean to.04:39
lrkramenado: i actually haven't, at least not from a configuration pov04:39
sudobashbut why are they able to go in other users files04:39
sudobashin /home04:39
gogetacruddpuppet knothing a 50ft cable and a drill bit cant fix04:39
gogetasjovan hehe04:39
cruddpuppetgogeta: That's the problem. I'm trying to switch to wireless...04:39
harriseldoncrudpupet: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=943443&postcount=704:39
sjovanword @ gogeta04:39
AlabamaHitsjovan: Do you think it was Firestarter or me by accident? Cauae I really want a firewall on my computer.04:39
RenatoSilvathank you everybody04:39
twoshadetod and is wher is the text file for your gnomepanel? like programs on it?04:40
twoshadetod quicklaunch types04:40
cruddpuppetThanks, harriseldon. I'll look into it.04:40
sudobashhow can i prevent ssh users form view other users files? chmod -rwx04:40
amenadoAlabamaHit-> you have been at this problem for a while, what was the issue?04:40
slowlearnerspork969: what did `(backtick) '(single qoute) which did you use?04:40
RenatoSilvawhat's the Shuttleworth's nick?04:40
sudobashor i use the chmod numbers04:40
slowlearnerspork969: `(backtick) '(single qoute) which did you use?04:40
Flannelsudobash: Set up user permissions appropriately (so users can't read other users home directories)04:40
AlabamaHitTorrent wasn't connectible...Firewall was blocking it04:40
sjovanAlabamaHit: you really don't need a firewall in linux. anyways... can't really help you there. have never played with firestarter? have you googeld how to firestarter ubuntu maby?04:40
nickrudsudobash because that's the default. The default creation I don't remember where you change it04:41
spork969slowlearner, single quote04:41
slowlearnerspork969: use backtick04:41
amenadoAlabamaHit-> ah okay, is it fixed now?04:41
AlabamaHitYup :)04:41
cvd-prhey there04:41
nickrudRenatoSilva sabdfl04:41
amenadoAlabamaHit-> cool, persistence does pays off..04:41
gogetacruddpuppet oh wireless04:41
gogeta http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19493  waaa04:41
prince_jammysspork969: what are you trying to do?04:42
cruddpuppetCurrently, my internet speed is disgustingly slow... worse than dial-up...04:42
RenatoSilvanickrud: oh thanks, that's it, I just can't remember what does it mean04:42
AlabamaHitSo ububntu the firewall is NOT enabled?04:42
FlannelAlabamaHit: Its enabled, it just doesn't do anything by default.04:42
sudobashflannel how do you do that?04:42
amenadosudobash-> you have a umask , look at those too04:42
nickrudsudobash you change UMASK in /etc/login.defs , that would change it for any new users04:42
spork969slowlearner, i get really weird errors like "cannot stat 'Free'" and cannot stat 'Bird'04:43
gogetacruddpuppet have you tryed gnome-keyring-manager04:43
amenadoAlabamaHit-> it is enabled, just that the rule is empty and default is allow04:43
* jullie tImes GO tO HOme04:43
amenadoor rather ACCEPT04:43
prince_jammysspork969: what are you trying to do?04:43
AlabamaHitso really like there aint a firewall there, lol04:43
spork969slowlearner, do i use backtick in the beginning or end or both?04:43
cruddpuppetgogeta: That is the command that takes me straight to the GUI version, which is what I am using.04:43
slowlearnerspork969: that's because of the filenames having spaces in them or other chars04:43
nickrudAlabamaHit no, it's there just defaults to allow all04:44
sudobash# 027, or even 077, could be considered better for privacy04:44
sudobash# There is no One True Answer here : each sysadmin must make up his/her04:44
sudobash# mind.04:44
gogetaif its pissing you off that bad delete it04:44
Ashfire908Does anyone here have experience with setting up a gstreamer pipeline?04:44
cruddpuppetI can't even select it.04:44
sudobash022 is what it is on now04:44
prince_jammysspork969: you don't use backticks at all04:44
spork969prince_jammys, i have a bunch of songs purchased from itunes when i had windows. i want to move them all to one folder04:44
nickrudsudobash that's the one :)04:44
RenatoSilvawhy does the exact same package from Gutsy's apt cache moved to Feisty's cache doesn't work? i.e., apt tries to download again even if the exact same package is there :(04:44
gogetarm ~/.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring04:44
spork969slowlearner, well now what?04:44
cparkerDoes anybody know if there are separate Kubuntu repos, or does Kubuntu just install everything from ubuntu.org?04:44
prince_jammysspork969: are they all the same extension?04:44
AlabamaHiti understand that its there but what i mean if it allows evertying then its like its not there.........04:44
spork969prince_jammys, yes04:44
cruddpuppetgogeta: ...Thank you so very much.04:45
slowlearnerspork969: give me a moment.. let's see if i can figure this out04:45
prince_jammysspork969: are there any files of that extension you DONT want to move?04:45
amenadopeople do not forget to clear your  .thumbnails  directory...can be embarassing...04:45
sudobashis there a way to re initiate it or will it do it by itself.. or do i have to restart?04:45
Flannelcparker: No, Ubuntu (distro) has everything in the same repos.  They're all identical at that level.04:45
spork969prince_jammys, no04:45
nickrudsudobash no, that's for new users04:45
danagecan someone help me with getting a usb stick bootable? i want to put an iso on it and install ubuntu from there04:45
prince_jammysspork969: move or copy? and what's the extension?04:45
cparkerFlannel: Thanks. I didn't know if I should change my sources.list when installing kubuntu-desktop04:45
spork969prince_jammys, copy and .m4p04:45
amenadodanage you are running linux now?04:45
danageit boots fine, but the problem is that the 16MB boot.img.gz seems to use the whole 1gb04:46
danageamenado: yes04:46
josh_Does anyone know where a good site is to DL decent linux games?04:46
Flannelcparker: The only difference in the flavors is the default GUI; you can have any/all installed at once, etc.  Nope just install it (and if you want to remove ubuntu, theres a website iwth a nice and easy command, let me know)04:46
hyperstream[TOUCHPAD] hello yes Synaptics Touchpad is reporting no touchpad related stuff detected or/and no repeater device -- in windows its listed as a ps2 / serial mouse- how can i fix this so i can use my laptop touchpad >04:46
prince_jammysspork969: cp *.mp4 detinationdir04:46
amenadodanage you can also boot from your hard disk, you specify which directory that .iso resides..04:46
gogetaprince_jammys wev done that for him no go04:46
gogetaprince_jammys even tryed it using fnd04:46
nickrudjosh_ aptitude search ~sgames , list many good ones04:46
AlabamaHitOk next question :) is there somethin like disk cleanup on windows for Ubuntu? So i can clean up the computer? or do i need that?04:46
cparkerFlannel: I might want to remove the GNOME desktop at some point. I'd appreciate seeing the site so I can at least bookmark it.04:46
danageamenado: this computer has no operating system on the hdd and no cdrom/dvd04:47
prince_jammysno way04:47
spork969prince_jammys, nope04:47
prince_jammysare you in the directory? echo *.mp404:47
harriseldondarksidedelayue: Last attempt is to reboot. I hate to recommend that. Can you try that? It will force coldplug (search for usb devices at startup) to find the webcam and load the driver. Sign-in again to IRC when it is done and let me know.04:47
danageamenado: i am trying to create a usb stick from which to install ubuntu04:47
niuqubuntu's grub can load solaris?04:47
amenadodanage so how is that computer booting now?04:47
danageamenado: it is not04:47
Flannelcparker: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde  make sure you get the right one for your Ubuntu version04:47
gogetaprince_jammy i think its from a ipod abought 5 mil folders with .m4p04:47
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Odd-rationaleAlabamaHit: there is kleansweep. but only reccomended for users that know what their doing. really it is not really needed04:47
amenadodanage ahh okay04:47
decayhow do i open port 22 so i can ssh from work?04:47
spork969prince_jammys, yeah im in the home directory, im looking for files in the music directory which is in the home directory04:47
harriseldondanage: did you search online for doing PXE (network) boot?04:48
amenadodecay-> describe your network layout please ..04:48
Odd-rationale!ssh | decay04:48
ubotudecay: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/04:48
AlabamaHitOdd-rationale: Does it clean itslelf? Cause i noticed when i save something it makes a backup of that file automatically makeing 2 of every file i save........do the backups delete automatically?04:48
nickruddecay install openssh-server, make sure the port is forwared thru your router, and you're good to go04:48
prince_jammysspork969: what happens when you type 'echo *.mp4'04:48
danagedo you know why boot.img.gz uses all the space on the usb sticK? harriseldon the stick boots, but i want to put the iso on there too, and there is no room04:48
darksidedelayueharriseldon: Ok, I'll restart my computer BRB04:48
Ashfire908Does anyone here have experience with setting up a gstreamer pipeline? i want to convert the audio in a mpeg4 file and not touch the video.04:48
spork969prince_jammys, "*,m4p"04:49
danageharriseldon: it is a 1gb stick! it should fit04:49
decaynickrud: isn't there a file where i set to open port22 or not?04:49
prince_jammysspork969: ls04:49
gogetadanage but a bigger stick, use a cdrw04:49
nickruddecay it's open by default on the ssh server04:49
Odd-rationaleAlabamaHit: no the backups do not remove automatically. kleansweep will find backup files and delete them though...04:49
prince_jammysspork969: type ls and see if they are there04:49
danagegogeta: stick 1gb, no drives in computer04:49
decaynickrud: and how do i close it then?04:49
spork969prince_jammys, "5 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W"04:49
gogetadanage stop being cheap and but a cd drive04:49
gogetadanage under 10$04:50
nickruddecay close it? stop the server is easiest.04:50
harriseldondanage: did you check to see what it taking up all of the space?04:50
prince_jammysspork969: there are no mp4s in the directory you're in04:50
decaynickrud: thanks. although i just installed openssh-server, i just use ssh to connect to it, right?04:50
prince_jammysspork969: are they in subdirectories?04:50
danageharriseldon: how do i check? it is one partition in the size of 1 gig04:50
Odd-rationaledecay: ssh client is installed by defualt in ubuntu. ssh server is not04:51
danagezcat boot.img.gz > /dev/sdb1 made it that way04:51
darksidedelayueharriseldon: Ok, now what?04:51
AlabamaHitOdd-rationale: Thanks04:51
spork969prince_jammys, yes subdirectories04:51
Odd-rationaleAlabamaHit: np04:51
Ongakuok, I´m having some giant problem...I just installed this on a new computer...and it won´t load in regular mode..it just goes completely black and does nothing...so I have to go into recovery mode and use the gdm start command to get it to work...what´s up?04:51
ezack420can i op04:51
prince_jammysspork969: ah04:51
gogetadanage ubuntu plus usb isnt gonna run very fast04:51
gogetadanage its not made for it04:51
cparkerFlannel: Thank you very much.04:51
afallenhopeI have an issue with modprobe lol.04:51
bprif i upgrade to Hardy by running: update-manager --devel-release04:51
harriseldondarksidedelayue: try the multimedia systems selector again. alt-f2 followed by gstreamer-properties04:51
linkinxpin what folder are the software that i install???04:51
danagegogeta: i am only trying to install from usb. it has a hard drive04:51
bprwill i be stuck on the development branch after heron is released?04:52
afallenhopewhen I type modprobe b43 it just freeses04:52
Ongakuit´s a 32 bit version of 7.04 if that matters....on a dual core processor on a VIA board04:52
danagebpr: npo04:52
afallenhopeI'm running the newest release04:52
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nickruddecay I apologize, the server doesn't listen to the net by default. edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config , find the line with ListenAddress and uncomment it04:52
decayOdd-rationale: thanks. i guess what i was getting at, is openssh and ssh the same thing?04:52
ezack420modprobe b4304:52
darksidedelayueharriseldon: Same thing as before04:52
Odd-rationaleOngaku: on a normal boot, can you go to ctrl+alt+f2 and log in there?04:52
bprdanage: thanks04:52
Odd-rationaledecay: ssh is the protocal.04:52
prince_jammysspork969: this::  find . -name '*.mp4' -exec cp {} destinationdir \;04:52
gogetadanage well 1gb probly isnt big enough04:52
Ongakuodd-rationale: it doesn´t do anything...it just goes black04:52
decaynickrud: great. so i can just commend out Port 22 line and it should be safe right? (after restart)04:53
afallenhopesudo modprobe b43 is what I type04:53
Ongakuodd-rationale: i have no idea what it could be,,,its weird04:53
danagegogeta: yes it is04:53
Odd-rationaleOngaku: even in ctr+altf2?04:53
nickruddecay yes you can do that.04:53
josh_Can Someone direct me to a P2P prog for ubuntu...Please04:53
Ongakuodd-rationale: yeah04:53
decaynickrud: but you suggest just stopping the ssh server? okie dokie04:53
gogetadanage well then i would say format it flage it bootable and extrack the iso on it\04:53
sudobashUMASK didnt work... unless it needs a restart04:53
harriseldondarksidedelayue: I am at a loss. What was the laptop model? maybe I can search online.04:53
Odd-rationaleOngaku: how about in ctrl+alt+f804:53
amenadodecay you can then test locally..ie  ssh localhost04:53
danagegogeta: ok never mind. this isn't helping. thank you04:53
nickruddecay although you might want to check the ipv6 stuff, I find my memory is faulty. Time to refresh04:54
Ongakuodd-rationale: just goes black so i go to recovery mode and type /etc/indit.d/gdm start and it loads everything right04:54
prince_jammysspork969: exactly as is with that punctuation and the dot between find and -name04:54
amenadosudobash you can set it now, and the try to touch a file see if the effect is immediate04:54
spork969prince_jammys, im changing the file extension and the destination directory hold on a sec04:54
Ongakuodd rationale: i have not tried that but idk it just goes black and nothing is there i can´t ctrl alt delete or backspace or anything04:54
decayamenado: oh sweet. thanks.04:54
=== Art is now known as ArtII
=== ArtII is now known as ArtL
Odd-rationaleOngaku: have you tried?04:55
josh_can someone answer my question?04:55
hyperstreamjosh_:  limewire?04:55
ArtLHey, I've got a quick question04:55
spork969prince_jammys, you are a hero. it worked perfectly. thank you04:55
harriseldondanage: did you look here http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/04:55
josh_that works on linux?04:55
prince_jammysspork969: no problem04:55
hyperstreamjosh_:  google04:55
joshhuntIve gota  quick question, why would i want to compile my own kernel?04:55
gogetadanage well if you cant figure out what i said04:55
decayjosh_: maybe through wine04:55
Ongakuodd-rationale: nothing has worked so far, i have no clue lol04:55
hyperstreamdecay: no there is a linux port04:55
hyperstreamdecay:  its  a java based application04:55
ArtLDoes Ubuntu have trouble recognizing aux batteries?04:56
amenadojoshhunt-> to customize to your needs or add special needs items04:56
josh_alright thank  you very much....One more have you heard of FireStarter?04:56
Odd-rationaleOngaku: are you on another machine right now?04:56
ArtLMy Latitude D630 aux battery doesn't seem to be used in Ubuntu, only the primary04:56
hyperstreamjosh_:  no but im sure if you google it for linux support you'll find out if it can run or not04:56
josh_thats just the linux firwall right04:56
joshhuntamenado: I see. What 'features' could i add, and what would i customise?04:56
josh_alright think you04:56
amenadojosh_-> a front end to the iptables netfilter04:56
nickrudjoshhunt to enable some experimental stuff, maybe change the latency, only include the stuff for your hardware (speeds up booting slightly) , for fun04:56
Ongakuodd-rationale: the only thing I did different on my install was add pci=noacpi before i installed because the help said it helps VIA boards...and when I didn´t put that command it wouldn´t work04:57
joshhuntoh ok, thanks!04:57
gogetaharriseldon all he needs is bartpe or simple flage and extract it04:57
Ongakuodd-rationale: no im on recovery mode04:57
gogetaharriseldon should boot the install cd direct04:57
MrGnuI hope you can help me. I used vista disk mangement to create a partition.  It unallocated 69 gigs.  I am now in the partiton portion of Ubuntu 64   install.  Problem  is that its stating whole disk when you attempt to select the drive AND it keeps picking the drive that is other than thw vista partition.  Can you help me? Can I just go with what ubuntu selcted for the drive, or should I go on and select the drive that vista partitioned fo04:57
gogetaharriseldon i did that w puppy befor04:57
sudobashUMASK           07704:58
darksidedelayueharriseldon: It's a sony vaio, VGN-FZ160E (http://www.amazon.com/Sony-VGN-FZ160E-Laptop-Processor-Premium/dp/B000Q3UOZ2)04:58
amenadojoshhunt-> you can compile a kernel that only plays video or multi-media, after boot..04:58
harriseldondarksidedelayue: I will search online and let you know what I find out04:58
sudobashand i could still read all dir including /root and other /home dir04:58
darksidedelayueharriseldon: thank you very much04:58
Odd-rationaleOngaku: did you check the dmesg ?04:58
ArtLAnyone? Please?04:58
joshhuntamenado: i see...04:58
Ongakuodd-rationale: i´m kind of a newb so i don´t know what that is heh04:59
Ongakuodd-rationale: never had problems before i installed on my new computer04:59
DILconfigured a LAMP server last evening and was able to use phpmyadmin ok; now when i try to open links it is telling me that XXX is a script ot XXX is a phtml file what am i missing04:59
nickrudsudobash that is for _new_ users, and only affects stuff that gets created by those users, like home Won't affect current users. And still won't stop users from reading any open file04:59
ArtLAt all? Please?04:59
Ongakuodd-rationale: my old system was a dell with a pentium 4 in it lol05:00
nickrud!ask  | ArtL05:00
ubotuArtL: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:00
Odd-rationaleOngaku: try "dmesg | less" in a terminal and scroll to the end and see if there are any suspicious warnings...05:00
Ongakuodd-rationale: ok one second05:00
ArtLMy Latitude D630 aux battery doesn't seem to be used in Ubuntu, only the primary. Does Ubuntu have a known problem with auxillary batteries? My Vista install doesn't have the same problem05:00
ArtLSorry, I'm a bit new to IRC ethics05:00
slowlearnerspork969: is your issue solved?05:01
gogetanickrud sudo sandwith05:01
sudobashi created a new user05:01
spork969slowlearner, yes, thanks for all your help05:01
Ongakuodd-rationale: lol there´s alot of stuff on this05:01
hyperstream[TOUCHPAD] hello yes Synaptics Touchpad is reporting no touchpad related stuff detected or/and no repeater device -- in windows its listed as a ps2 / serial mouse- how can i fix this so i can use my laptop touchpad >05:01
sudobashand ssh and still can read directories05:01
Ongakuodd-rationale: do you want me to pastebin it?05:01
sudobashactually i deleted a user and re created him05:01
nickrudsudobash umask is about _creating_ stuff, not reading05:02
Odd-rationaleOngaku: sure05:02
decaywhats a program as light as gedit, but has options ot make text bold, color, etc (openoffice is too heavy)05:02
nickrudsudobash if you have that new user create a file, you'll see it's readable only by him05:02
slowlearnerspork969: np, learned something myself..also found the solution to it just now05:02
sudobashwell i want a way to restrict viewing of other /home user directories05:02
Odd-rationaledecay: a good lightweight word processesor is abiword05:02
harriseldondarksidedelayue: I may have found something! let me read first and try to understand. I will let you know.05:03
DILconfigured a LAMP server last evening and was able to use phpmyadmin ok; now when i try to open links it is telling me that XXX is a script or the link to phpmyadmin is a phtml file what am i missing05:03
nickrudsudobash anything created by that user will not be readable by anyone but him and people with admin privs05:03
fcoexist a realtime MIDI synthesizer for ubuntu?05:03
Odd-rationaledecay: gedit is more like a simple text editor. like notepad05:03
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nickrudOdd-rationale not really true anymore, with the plugins available it's a pretty powerful editor05:03
crdlbdecay: abiword?05:03
decayOdd-rationale: i know. and i just googled abiword, too heavy05:03
decaydont need all the fancy, just color and text05:04
MrGnuAny advice?05:04
Peddycan someone please help me? I can only suspend Gutsy once, the second time the screen just goes black when resuming with a cursor. Any ideas?05:04
Ongakuodd-rationale: uh lol wont let me select all05:04
Danish989Hi, all05:04
darksidedelayueharriseldon: ok05:04
sudobashshould i use 027 or 077 and is there a way to prevent users from viewing current home files?05:04
metalstrykerOk... so i just installed Ubuntu... ive NEVER used it b4, dont know a single thing... is there a chat room on this server that will help me learn ?05:04
Danish989metalstryker: yes, this is the chatroom05:04
nickrudmetalstryker your're in it.05:04
nickrud!training | metalstryker A good place to start05:04
ubotumetalstryker A good place to start: A desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training05:04
sudobashhere metalstryker05:04
gogetametalstryker lol05:04
Odd-rationalenickrud: yeah. i know. just trying to make a distinction between a wordprocessor and a text editor05:04
Danish989metalstryker: there is a website with a lot of help for new ubuntu users and covers a lot of things05:05
Danish989metalstryker: do you want me to look for it for you?05:05
nickrudOdd-rationale didn't read back far enough, crdlb's response put me in context ;)05:05
Odd-rationaleOngaku: install pastebinit: sudo apt-get install pastebinit05:05
DILsarcasm mmm05:05
Ongakuodd-rationale: ok05:05
metalstrykerMy first main question... I have dual monitors... ive been looking around and dont see an option to extend the monitors so both work together05:05
Odd-rationaleOngaku: then "dmesg | pastebinit"05:06
ArtLMy Latitude D630 aux battery doesn't seem to be used in Ubuntu, only the primary. Does Ubuntu have a known problem with auxillary batteries? My Vista install doesn't have the same problem05:06
metalstrykerany website would be nice. lol.05:06
Danish989metalstryker: it has a walkthrough of a lot of things you might be wondering about (terminals, commands, gnome, kde)05:06
gogetaI can explain the code. "sudo" means "superuser do" and essentially (in Linux/Unix) makes the computer do whatever you tell it to. Like delete all your data. (Oh, noes!)05:06
Danish989metalstryker : here you go;  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/05:06
nickrud!dualmonitor metalstryker05:06
nickrud!dualmonitor | metalstryker05:06
ubotumetalstryker: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama05:06
Ongakuodd-rationale: ok05:06
Danish989I'm a linux newb too, and that website helped a lot05:06
hyperstreamI have a laptop that has a touchpad, which is installed in windows as a MS PS/2 mouse --- in linux in my 'Device Manager' its down the bottum as: 'Microsoft PS/2-Style Mouse' how do i get this to work, as i believe it is the link to my Laptops TouchPAD_ - been on this issue for hours now,05:07
metalstrykerthanks everyone.. lol. i know it can be a pain dealing with noobs sometimes05:07
nickrudmetalstryker yeah, psychocats has a lot of good stuff05:07
nickrudmetalstryker there are no noobs, only future developers here ;)05:07
gogetahyperstream plug it in?05:07
Ongakuodd-rationale: it loaded it up i gues05:07
DILeven the "pros" will have one now and then05:07
K4kdoes anyone here use enlightenment 16?05:07
Odd-rationaleOngaku: did you do "dmesg | pastebinit"? where's the url?05:08
Danish989metalstryker: I haven't even gotten myself on ubuntu yet, but sometimes I just like coming here for a chat and to learn more :)05:08
K4kI'm trying to figure out how I can start conky when I login without having acommand prompt open and running conky &05:08
hyperstreamgogeta: its built into the laptop just below the BUILT IN keyboard, its a square pad with 2 buttoms below it, its like a MOUSE system built into the laptop ?? it should be hardwired in yes?05:08
nickrudK4k add it to system->prefs->sessions startup tab05:08
MrGnuAny ideas on the partition issue that I m having?05:08
Ongakuodd-rationale:  http://paste.stgraber.org05:08
gogetahyperstream or a tuchpad05:08
gogetahyperstream oh05:08
K4knickrud, I'm not using gnome05:08
gogetahyperstream you said ps205:08
Odd-rationaleOngaku: is that what it gave you?05:09
nickrudK4k then how you do it depends on what you're running05:09
Ongakuodd-rationale: yeah05:09
metalstrykerill be back in a lil , i got alot of website reading to do. thanks all.05:09
hyperstreamgogeta:  it comes up as a ps2 in linux and windows-  works in windows but not in linux05:09
K4knickrud, because the way you're telling me to do it will set it to start with gnome only IIRC, I run E16 so I don't think that method willw ork05:09
hyperstreamsynaptics doesnt relise its a device, nor does it in windows05:09
nickrudK4k how are you starting enlightenment? with startx?05:09
Ongakuodd-rationale: what´s that mean?05:09
gogetahyperstream do you have a ps2 connected?05:09
K4knickrud, no, gdm05:10
hyperstreamgogeta:  synaptics doesnt relise its a device, nor does it in windows | it thinks its a ps/2 mouse plugged in, no i have a usb mouse05:10
Odd-rationaleOngaku: hmm. try again. that doesn't seem right. do "dmesg | pastebinit" (with out the quotes) and paste the resulting url05:10
K4knickrud, does that method of setting startup programs set them to start with gdm?05:10
gogetahyperstream some usb will show ub as ps205:10
nickrudK4k look in ~/.enlightenment, there's probably a dir or file called startup or similar. Haven't run enlightenment for years, but I think I remember one05:10
gogetahyperstream uses the same driver05:10
K4knickrud, thanks05:10
harriseldondarksidedelayue: I am looking at http://wiki.mediati.org/Support I am wondering if this would cause ekiga not to work ( Application doesn't support webcam section).05:11
Ongakuodd-rationale: usage: /usr/bin/pastebinit [filename|-] [URL]05:11
OngakuDefault pastebin: http://paste.stgraber.org05:11
OngakuVersion: 0.605:11
nickrudK4k you've almost convinced me to install it. Sliding desktops seduced me into linux ;)05:11
hyperstreamgogeta: ive unplugged it and had al ook at hardware in linux- it still remains, in windows i unplugged it, the usb mouse was under: USB intelloptical Mouse and ms ps/2 mouse was still listed05:11
Sharp12Does anyone know how to connect to a linux box remotely?05:11
darksidedelayueharriseldon: What do I use in replace of ekiga then? I really wish to be able to use my webcam05:11
gogetahyperstream my usb mouse shows up as a genrec ps2 soo05:12
pitr256Sharp12, if the box has sshd, then you can ssh to it05:12
Ongakuodd-rationale: it´s 7.04 if that matters, i had some huge issues upgrading and I had to reinstall my old CD05:12
Odd-rationaleOngaku: nvm. just do "dmesg > dmesg.txt && gedit dmesg.txt" copy and paste from there and pastebin the result.05:12
Danish989The kubuntu room is really quiet05:12
Ongakuodd-rationale: ok05:13
gogetahyperstream but that normaly the defuly driver if linux cant tell what it is and most of the time it works out05:13
Danish989how come all the traffic is in the ubuntu room? the kubuntu room is like, all sshhh05:13
Odd-rationaleOngaku: hopefully 8.04 will fix your problem...05:13
nickrudDanish989 all the cool folks hang out here05:13
Danish989does this mean people prefer ubuntu over kubuntu?05:13
Danish989it sure seems that way .. and yeah, I agree with you nickrud ;)05:13
hyperstreamgogeta: well in /dev/input i have: event1 which runs my keyboard- it also has event2 3 4 right up to 8, and mouse0 and mouse105:13
sudobashchmod 70005:14
gogetahyperstream so it sees it05:14
Ongakuodd-rationale: http://pastebin.com/m337db2d3 and yeah...I gotta get 64 bit too I guess I don´t know if that is causing any conflictions cos i have a AMD X205:14
harriseldondarksidedelayue: what do you want to do with it? If you want to do video chat, you can try skype 2. It is better supported by non-Linux users. Otherwise I am at a loss at how to get it working. Sorry. I purchased a cheap kinamax usb webcam from tigerdirect and it works.05:14
CreationistHow do I use a .png file for a launcher's icon?05:14
hyperstreamgogeta: i believe so i just dont know how to tell which one is which and how to enable it in the xorg05:14
Sharp12pitr256 : How do I ssh to it from windows?05:15
nickrudCreationist right click the launcher, and click the image of the icon05:15
pitr256Sharp12, use putty05:15
gogetahyperstream well removing the externel should switch to the tughpad05:15
Danish989I'm having problems with Grub Loader because I installed ubuntu on a SATA hard disk :/05:15
Danish989get an Error 22 each time on boot ...05:15
Creationistnickrud: It doesn't list the PNG files when browsing for an icon.05:15
hyperstreamgogeta: its currently looking at /dev/input/mice for my usb mouse, can i copy and paste this change the Identifier and change the /dev/input line and restart X ?05:15
hyperstreamgogeta: it doesnt05:15
Creationistnickrud: I thought I'd just save it to SVG with Gimp, but apparently Gimp doesn't support that filetype.05:15
nickrudCreationist that's not right, nearly all icons are either svg or png already05:15
Ongakuodd-rationale: oh i found this in it...if you haven´t gone that far [drm:via_mem_alloc] *ERROR* Attempt to allocate from uninitialized memory manager.05:15
amenadoDanish989-> that has not been resolve yet eh?05:16
nickrudCreationist inkscape is the svg creator05:16
darksidedelayueharriseldon: I did not know skype worked with linux. I just wish to do simple video/voice chat with people who are mainly mac/vista/xp users05:16
gogetahyperstream yes you can change the dev input line to point to another mouse05:16
gogetahyperstream like mouse105:16
hyperstreamgogeta: tyvm brb05:16
gogetaand restart and see05:16
Creationistnickrud: Well, I don't know what to tell you, but it will not let me select a PNG file as the icon.05:16
Danish989amenado: nope ... maybe I'll just reinstall ubuntu on another HDD and wipe it out from the SATA hard disk05:16
nickrudCreationist where's the launcher, panel, desktop, menu?05:17
Danish989amenado: and if I still encouter the same problem, then I'll worry about pointing grub in the right direction05:17
ArtLMy Latitude D630 aux battery doesn't seem to be used in Ubuntu, only the primary. Does Ubuntu have a known problem with auxillary batteries? My Vista install doesn't have the same problem05:17
amenadoDanish989-> good luck05:17
Danish989Amenado:  Thank You :)05:17
Odd-rationaleOngaku: ok i really don't know what's wrong. my suggestion would be to boot normally, then go to ctrl+alt+f2. there, you will find a text login. see if you can login there...05:17
gogetadarksidedelayue skype is multiplatform05:17
gogetadarksidedelayue and a 3rd party yahoo client supports that stuff as well05:17
nixinwinhow do you clear konsole history?05:17
Creationistnickrud: I've tried both the menu and panel.  ANd typing in the filename gives me the most hilarious error message: "error accessing 'file:///home/nrossin/LuxDelux/LuxIcon.png': File exists"05:17
Ongakuodd-rationale: ok I will try that...I´ll brb05:17
Sharp12pitr256 : you the man!!! now I hope I can find the username and password to it!05:17
hyperstreamgogeta: do i need to reboot or just restart x?05:18
Creationistnickrud: So, it can't be accessed because it exists? lol05:18
gogetahyperstream restarting x should work05:18
Odd-rationalenixinwin: rm bash_history05:18
gogetahyperstream but be ready if it doesent like it05:18
harriseldondarksidedelayue: try skype then. Check the repositories first for version 2.0. That version supports video. skype even has an ubuntu download.05:18
hyperstreamgogeta: got backed up already :)05:18
nixinwinthanks, Odd-rationale05:18
hyperstreamgogeta: is wacom anything to do with touchpad?05:18
Odd-rationalenixinwin: .bash_history05:18
Odd-rationalenixinwin: I forgot the "."05:18
gogetahyperstreammaybe not a laptop pro05:18
darksidedelayueharriseldon: http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/ So, I just download this and I will be able to do video+voice chat?05:19
hyperstreamgogeta: i have a listing for wacom with ident as cursor05:19
nickrudCreationist ah, I almost forgot. When you navigate to the directory, hit ok. You will get a selection window05:19
Creationistah :)05:19
nixinwinOdd-rationale, where is the .bash_history located?05:19
pitr256Sharp12, what do you mean?05:19
nickrudCreationist I remember going round and round on that years ago, had forgot how deceptive it is05:19
gogetahyperstream yea seems like it is05:20
Odd-rationalenixinwin: ~05:20
drantin~/.bash_history ?05:20
Creationistnickrud: That did it.  How foolish is that?05:20
Prez00this is odd, i go to certain web sites that can resize my firefox window... is there anyway I can prevent that?05:20
gogetaWacom tablets are notable for their use with a patented cordless, battery-free, and pressure-sensitive stylus (an on-screen writing pen)05:20
nixinwinthanks again05:20
hyperstreamgogeta: well mouse1 is my usb, and mouse0 is nothing -05:20
harriseldondarksidedelayue: I cannot guarantee that it will work. You will have a better chance of connecting to windows and mac users with skype anyway. Be sure to choose the Ubuntu 7.04 version05:20
darksidedelayueharriseldon: Ok I'll try this. Thank you for your help. Have a nice evening05:20
hyperstreamgogeta: how can i verify if wacom could be my touchpad?05:20
harriseldondarksidedelayue: you too. Sorry I could not get it working for you.05:20
gogetahyperstream try enabling it05:20
americandoes anyone know where i can get specific help with Thinkpads and Ubuntu aside from thinkwiki?05:20
Creationistnickrud: Thank you.05:20
americani followed their directions but i'm still having problems with suspend/hibernate05:21
Prez00american: what problem u have with tp?05:21
nickrudCreationist no problem. I hadn't changed one on a panel in quite a while, forgot that crappy interface05:21
americanwhen i try to suspend it goes black except for the blinking cursor and does not suspend05:21
Prez00american: oh, not an expert there, my X61 just worked with hibernation out of the box..05:21
americanthen i have to hold down power till the laptop turns off05:21
gaspipe1night all!!05:21
pulpfictionis there any command line wav player i can simply do "program /path/to/wav" on the console?05:21
Prez00american: what tp?05:21
nickrudamerican do you have the restricted fglrx video driver installed?05:22
Sharp12what are some default logins for linux?05:22
Danish989sharp12: default logins?05:22
americanyup.  T60.  I had to do the whole live cd, install fglrx, install ubuntu, and reinstall fglrx again05:22
Danish989american: original name05:22
nickrudamerican aha! the fgrlx driver will not work with suspend in gutsy. It does work in hardy, however.05:23
americanthere's no fix available yet???05:23
Sharp12Danish989 : Does it come with some default passwords...like admin admin05:23
Jonstahello everyone05:23
pitr256Sharp12, no05:23
gogetahyperstream that is your tuchpad05:23
nickrudamerican yes, using the driver from ati's site. But heck, just wait for what, 7 days?05:23
americani was using hardy too....i guess i will switch back again05:23
nickrudamerican you'll not be sorry, trust me :)05:23
americanis hardy stable being released in 7 days?05:23
gogetahyperstream it looks like its realy /dev/input/event405:24
littlepinkdotHow can I get a script to do this (example): "script start config1" ? Right now I have this: http://pastebin.ca/98800805:24
hyperstreamgogeta: woohoo- so i just disable all of synaptics and work with wacom?05:24
gogetahyperstream well at least we know thats the pad05:24
hyperstreamgogeta: i just tried even4 on the configured mouse section, just froze my laptop when i did ctrl + alt + F105:24
gogetahyperstream getting it to work05:24
afallenhopeis there an issue with ubuntu 8.04? I get Segmentation Fault: when I type rmmod b4305:25
gogetahyperstream outch05:25
Sharp12pitr256 : like when it is first setup is there a default username and password?05:25
hyperstreamgogeta: how did you find that out?05:25
americando y'all recommend i just hold onto 7.10 until hardy stable is released?05:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wacom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:25
nickrudafallenhope #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+105:25
gogetahyperstream google05:25
beginwebguihow to enable x11 vncserver05:25
hyperstreamgogeta:  what keywords? i was havn a look earlyer05:25
beginwebguihow to enable x11 vncserver?05:25
americantrying to figure out what's the best way to upgrade to heron stable05:25
FlannelSharp12: your username and password is setup during the install, when it prompts you.05:25
pitr256Sharp12, no. Don't you have an account on the machine in question?05:25
nickrudamerican ask in #ubuntu+1 , they'll point you at upgrade instructions05:26
gogetahyperstream: http://coronin.us/wp/2007/08/diy-space/wacom-touchpad-and-faint/05:26
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
gogetaseeems to be even4 we whant05:26
beginwebguihow to use the same display using vnc.. like port 005:26
Sharp12pitr256 : it was setup by someone else and I can't seem to get in.05:26
gogetahyperstream: or dev inpuit05:27
beginwebguix11 vncserver05:27
harriseldonpulpfiction: I know aplay works part of the alsa-utils package05:27
pitr256Sharp12, do you have the machine in front of you?05:27
nickrud!patience | beginwebgui05:27
ubotubeginwebgui: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:27
pulpfictionharriseldon: good, it worked :)05:27
gogetagogeta: that little pad seems to have alot of hiding places05:27
nickrudbeginwebgui ah, not quite the one I wanted, seems harsh. Ask every 5 minutes or so, the complete question (I don't use vnc at all, so am no help)05:28
Sharp12pitr256 :  not at this moment...but I'm remote into a windows box which is on the same network as the linux server.05:28
taime1when i use ssh, i can run x11vnc without a password, but when i run x11vnc -usepw, it tells me it cannot open the display. this does not happen locally. what gives?05:28
beginwebguinickrud: any alternative you used to share your desktop.05:28
ArtLHey folks, I've got a question about Compiz Fusion/Wallpapoz/Workspaces. I have my desktop to have 4 workspaces, arranged on the cube. My end goal is to have one unique desktop and set of icons per workspace. So far, I've gotten Wallpapoz to switch my wallpaper when I rotate around the cube, but it's laggy, and doesn't offer any option for icons. Ideas?05:28
FlannelSharp12: That wont do you any good.  If you don't know a user/pass, the only way to re-set it is physical access05:28
nickrudbeginwebgui I don't share it :)05:28
hyperstreamgogeta: this is going to be  a nasty challenge05:28
pitr256Sharp12, the only way to gain access is to have a user account05:29
beginwebguinickrud :D05:29
gogetahyperstream yea they make both tablet pcs and tuchpads05:29
gogetahyperstream you suppport is all jumbled05:29
Sharp12Flannel : How do I reset it when I have physical access?05:29
hyperstreamgogeta: ok so next question, does wacom work with synaptics or its either 1 or the other ?05:29
gogetahyperstream one and the same05:30
hyperstreamgogeta: thats confuses me ?05:30
harriseldonbeginwebgui: If found this script (run at session startup in system-preferences-sessions). I never tested it out though. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63490/05:30
Johnsonfugg my ubuntu is broken05:30
Johnsonwhen is the new one coming out05:31
FlannelSharp12: reboot to the recovery console and re-set the password to your user05:31
Odd-rationaleJohnson: on the 24th05:31
ArtLHey folks, I've got a question about Compiz Fusion/Wallpapoz/Workspaces. I have my desktop to have 4 workspaces, arranged on the cube. My end goal is to have one unique desktop and set of icons per workspace. So far, I've gotten Wallpapoz to switch my wallpaper when I rotate around the cube, but it's laggy, and doesn't offer any option for icons. Ideas?05:31
Johnsonthank god. this version has been terrible05:31
Odd-rationaleJohnson: did _you_ break it? ;)05:31
pitr256Flannel, kind of hard to do remote05:31
gogetaSynaptics Touchpad uses wacom drivers05:31
Flannelpitr256: indeed.  He asked for physical instructions05:32
pitr256Flannel, ah my bad05:32
JohnsonOdd-rationale, maybe updates did, but the number of times ive had to restart X, then have no fo my applets load, or restart firefox is exponential05:32
hyperstreamgogeta:  oooo05:32
gogetahyperstream oh thers a enable key05:32
Sharp12Flannel : is there a certain key to press when it's booting?05:32
gogetafn +f705:32
FlannelSharp12: No, just choose recovery console at the GRUB menu05:32
afallenhopeomg omg omg omg!!! where's the "any key" I'm lost!05:32
* afallenhope lol kidding05:33
Sharp12I just want to change the time on the stupid time!05:33
Johnsonhey my desktop isn't show up any ideas?05:33
nickrudSharp12 if you don't see a menu on boot, hit escape when it says grub 1.5 on the screen05:33
FlannelSharp12: You want to do what?05:33
beginwebguiharriseldon: i didn't found x11vnc command in my version of ubuntu.05:33
Johnsoni have done cntrl alt backspace to just have a bunch of applet loading errors and no desktop?05:33
hyperstreamgogeta: where?05:33
Sharp12sorry...I just need to change the system time05:33
harriseldonbeginwebgui: I tried it out a long time ago. I will have to search online again for what I did.05:33
gogetahyperstream just say try enabling it with that key combo05:34
lartza_How can I convert FLV for ipod? "ffmpeg -i FILE_NAME.flv -ar 22050 NEW_FILE_NAME.mp4"?05:34
hyperstreamgogeta:  i think i was reading up and some systems have a enable key05:34
FlannelSharp12: Are you sure?  System time should be set to UTC, with user timezones setting the time people see.  You dont need to be an admin to change your timezone05:34
gogetahyperstream not utch info on these not working in ubuntu05:34
harriseldonbeginwebgui: I think I used this forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45565&highlight=remote+desktop05:34
beginwebguiharriseldon: thanks05:35
Sharp12Flannel : not sure what the issue is...but when I create a new file on the server it says 1hr 50mins faster then actual time.05:35
gogetahyperstream they seem pretty well supported05:35
gogetahyperstream strange05:35
karllenz87hey im unable to get my mini dvi out to work05:35
FlannelSharp12: You need to have the admin of the server set up ntpd05:36
lartza_How can I convert FLV for ipod? "ffmpeg -i FILE_NAME.flv -ar 22050 NEW_FILE_NAME.mp4"?05:36
Flannel!repeat | lartza_05:36
ubotulartza_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:36
beginwebguiharriseldon: i am talking about "built-in Remote Desktop".. is there any command line for this.05:36
gogetahyperstream if anything thers alot of info on turning it off05:36
ArtLHey folks, I've got a question about Compiz Fusion/Wallpapoz/Workspaces. I have my desktop to have 4 workspaces, arranged on the cube. My end goal is to have one unique desktop and set of icons per workspace. So far, I've gotten Wallpapoz to switch my wallpaper when I rotate around the cube, but it's laggy, and doesn't offer any option for icons. Ideas?05:36
lartza_Flannel: I was seeking wiki and I have got answers on repeat.05:37
pitr256Sharp12, so you have a user account on the server?05:37
harriseldonwhat are you trying to do beginwebgui? Do you want to remote enable your current desktop so that you can access it remotely?05:37
gogetahyperstream hear it is05:37
gogetasynclient TouchpadOff=005:37
talcite_hey guys, If I wanted to start deviating from the main ubuntu packages and everything, where would be a good place to get a guide?05:37
beginwebguiharriseldon: yes05:37
Sharp12pitr256 : I can connect to files on the server through windows. so I must have an account05:37
nickrudlarzmaybe this?05:37
gogetahyperstream that will turn it on05:38
talcite_i.e. I'm tired of waiting 6 months for updated packages05:38
nickrudlarzmaybe this? http://www.wikihow.com/Convert-a-Flash-Video-File-(.flv)-to-MP4-with-FFMpeg :)05:38
beginwebguiharriseldon: i do not have access to machine physically :(05:38
karllenz87were is the subsection "disply" in the xorg file05:38
talcite_specifically, does apt-get have the ability to track source packages?05:38
harriseldonbeginwebgui: you want to connect to another machine? How is the other machine sharing the desktop?05:38
hyperstreamgogeta: i think im on to something here brb 10 mins dont go away! :D05:38
lartza_nickrud: Notice my post. I pasted the code said in there, because I'm not rally sure about it.05:39
harriseldonlartza_ did you look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/iPodVideoEncoding05:39
nickrudlartza_ doing that command is not going to break anything05:39
nickrudlartza_ so give it a shot :)05:39
beginwebguiharriseldon: i can access them through regular ssh.. but with different port from :1 :2.....05:39
lartza_harriseldon: There was no method for flv05:39
harriseldonlartza_ the input file does not matter. The encoding options are on the output05:40
lartza_harriseldon: Oh! So I can replace the place where avi should be with flv? THank you05:41
harriseldonlartza_ yes try that05:41
gogetahyperstream i found alot of info on it05:41
gogetahyperstream diggin google is your frend05:41
harriseldonbeginwebgui did you look into X11 forwarding?05:41
hyperstreamgogeta:  well i can get all the tablets loaded now in wacom by pointing it all at mouse005:42
harriseldonbeginwegui this should allow you to run x apps through the ssh session, but display them on your local x. They would appear as normal windows, just hosted remotely05:42
Sharp12pitr256 : I can connect to files on the server through windows. so I must have an account correct?05:43
gogetahyperstream does it work05:43
hyperstreamgogeta: but in saying that synaptic unloads before wacom kicks in due to it not finding anything05:43
hyperstreamgogeta: ill upload a pastebin05:43
kristofernathandoes linux have widgets?05:43
gogetahyperstream yea set it back to defult05:43
talcite_is there any way to customize a ubuntu install?05:43
pitr256Sharp12, yes05:43
talcite_I don't want to wait 6 months for updates to the repos05:43
gogetahyperstream you have a enable command05:43
hyperstreamgogeta: well the thing is default is /dev/input/wacom05:43
hyperstreamgogeta:  wacom doesnt exist, but mouse0/1 and event1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 does05:44
pitr256Sharp12, but it could be a generic user account for all the samba "Windows" shares05:44
hyperstreamgogeta:  so its gotta be one of them surely05:44
amenadois the playing of movie .mov  done in apache or is it in the browser? I cant remember if I just set a mime type in apache or i have to modify and add the codec in the client side05:44
ArtLHey folks, I've got a question about Compiz Fusion/Wallpapoz/Workspaces. I have my desktop to have 4 workspaces, arranged on the cube. My end goal is to have one unique desktop and set of icons per workspace. So far, I've gotten Wallpapoz to switch my wallpaper when I rotate around the cube, but it's laggy, and doesn't offer any option for icons. Ideas?05:44
pitr256Sharp12, it might not have rights to remotely login to the server using ssh05:44
gogetahyperstream well we need that sys program running05:44
nickrudtalcite_ that's the ubuntu release model. If you want more recent packages, you might want to investigate debian unstable or fedora05:44
harriseldontalcite_ backports or 3rd party repositories can be used for some apps. It depend on what you want updated that is not part of the standard repositories05:45
gogetahyperstream at least we knoe it loads05:45
hyperstreamgogeta:  you cant start that synclient thingo without having synaptic running with SHMConfig running, you cant have it running if it doesnt pick up the wacom?05:45
talcite_nickrud: I run gentoo on my laptop, but that's a bit too much customization... It took me a month to compile everything05:45
nickrudtalcite_ yeah, you would want something in the middle ;)05:45
beginwebguiharriseldon: i think i have to vino..05:45
gogetahyperstream yea i dont think so05:46
Sharp12pitr256 : so should I just use the recovery concole? Is that my only hope?05:46
taime1What Gives? i can run x11vnc from terminal emulator, but not from tty or through ssh.05:46
talcite_nickrud: so there's no way to track if I compiled a newer package from source?05:46
gogetahyperstream becides you whant your other one working to05:46
hyperstreamgogeta:  i tried: synclient TouchpadOff=0  results: Cant access shared memory area, SHMConfig disabled?05:46
nickrudtalcite_ yes, you can use checkinstall , or learn some basic packaging skills. and as harriseldon said, some stuff gets put into 3d party repos. Quality varies wildly05:46
hyperstreamgogeta: and ive been at that stage basicly means gotta get synaptic running05:46
gogetahyperstream defult comfig?05:46
hyperstreamyes its defaul now05:47
talcite_oh... packaging... of course05:47
pitr256Sharp12, if you can get physical access to the server in question, then yes the recovery console is your only hope05:47
talcite_nickrud: any good place to learn packaging skills?05:47
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports05:47
gogetahyperstream probly gotta restart x to get synaptic running05:47
hyperstreamgogeta: ive restarted everytime i changfed xorg05:47
Sharp12pitr256 : okay...thanks for your help...I'll try it.05:47
gogetahyperstream try it as sudo?05:47
talcite_nickrud: great. Thanks alot05:48
taime1does anyone know why i can run a command from terminal emulator, but not from tty or over ssh?05:48
hyperstreamand just did it then, errors: no such file or directory: /dev/input/wacom05:48
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging05:48
pitr256Sharp12, good luck05:48
harriseldontaimel did you look at the man page? I see some tips here http://linux.die.net/man/1/x11vnc05:48
hyperstreamls -la /dev/input shows mouse0/1 events1/2/3/4/5/6/7/805:48
gogetahyperstream humm05:48
* nickrud wonders if he just let loose a danger storm, or the next great developer :)05:48
taime1harriseldon:  today is the first day this has happened.05:48
gogetapastbin your xorg config05:49
hyperstreamgogeta: aparently05:49
talcite_nickrud: would it be safe to say I break upgrade compatibility by building and installing my own packages?05:49
harriseldondid you get some kind of error taimel? that may help to figure out what is going wrong05:49
hyperstreamgogeta:  sometimes wacom gets named as events05:49
hyperstreamgogeta: gotta change all occurances thru the event id's :(05:49
taime1harriseldon: no error at all.. its so strange05:50
gogetahyperstream well05:50
gogetahyperstream you might be mission a option05:50
nickrudtalcite_ not if you version your stuff correctly, so the ubuntu releases are considered more recent than yours. It's covered in detail in the packaging docs05:50
gogetahyperstream past the config and il take a look05:50
talcite_ah. Great05:50
talcite_Hmm... does anyone happen to know what ubuntu uses to interface with apc UPSes?05:51
nickrudtalcite_ the trick will be making sure your packages use any ubuntu patches to the original tar.gz05:51
talcite_nickrud: hmm. I see. I'll have to look more into that. Maybe I'll submit my changes back to the repos =D05:51
hyperstreamgogeta:  brb toilet them we get cracken05:51
=== PmDematagoda_ is now known as PmDematagoda
nickrudtalcite_ apcupsd , -cgi , -doc05:52
gogetanickrud >:o05:52
beginwebguiharriseldon: i tried to use X11 forwarding but got some errors05:53
harriseldonbeginwebgui I have never got it working myself. Sorry I cannot help you. maybe someone else can.05:53
Odd-rationalebeginwebgui: you read the howto already?05:54
Odd-rationale!ssh | beginwebgui05:54
ubotubeginwebgui: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/05:54
beginwebguii tried to use X11 forwarding but got some errors (client in windows)05:54
beginwebguiyes i am using putty05:55
Odd-rationalebeginwebgui: ahh. that is because the windows client doesn't have a xserver05:55
punzadai never found a good x11 forwarding client in windows, everyone i've used has been laggy or displayed incorrectly05:55
hyperstreamgogeta: ok back let me install pastebinit05:55
gogetahyperstream lol05:55
beginwebguiOdd-rationale:no thats mean it won't work.05:56
_Silhouette__Hello...I am trying to join a wireless lan, but when I select it, and enter in the WEP password, it just says "waiting for network key," and keeps asking me for the password. Afterward, I can't connect to the internet without rebooting (IM programs mention a "switchboard error"). How to fix?05:56
lartza_I'm going to translate gbrainy, but how do I create the po file?05:56
Odd-rationalebeginwebgui: you need to have an xserver on the windows machine. otherwise, it won't work.05:57
=== _Silhouette__ is now known as _Silhouette_
lartza_How do you create a po file?05:58
nickrudlartza_ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TranslatingUbuntu , and #ubuntu-translators will get you going05:58
starscallingconsider me on duty for a bit05:59
menlohhi all....  any advice for how to get past a hang in the installer at console-setup?  this is on a Dell Inspiron 530.     TIA05:59
lartza_wiki didn't help05:59
starscallingmenloh: devine console-setup05:59
tengulrewhy can not setting the password of root when install a new system?05:59
starscallingtengulre: we dont use root05:59
starscallingwe use sudo05:59
pitr256beginwebgui, have you checked out cygwin?06:00
starscallingso: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart06:00
starscallingfor instance06:00
starscallingbut you can set it if you really want afterwards... but its less secure06:00
starscalling!sudo | pitr25606:00
ubotupitr256: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.06:00
lartza_nickrud: there is only like 10 ppl besides me on the tranlators channel06:00
beginwebguipitr256: yes that could be another option06:00
nickrudlartza_ so ask them. And the links on that wiki page will get you started.06:01
starscallingmenloh: it starts setting up and then freezes?06:01
starscallingdoes it get into the setup? if so haw far?06:01
dmsupermanHow can I specify how the window will be when an application opens? For instance, I want XChat to always open maximized, at position 0,0, on workspace 2. Is this possible?06:01
pitr256beginwebgui, are you just trying to get a remote X application on a Windows box?06:01
starscallingmight try acpi=off noacpi in the line: push f6, backspace past quiet and silent if its there, then put that in06:01
tengulrestarscalling: but I want to using root.06:01
tengulrehow to do ?06:01
starscallingtengulre: sudo su -06:01
nickrudtengulre  sudo -i , never sudo su06:01
hyperstreamgogeta: http://paste.stgraber.org/2542 ive tried all the events and all the mouse0 and mouse 1, mouse0 and mouse 1 give the WORKING wacom entrys at the bottom of the log that is at the pastebin06:01
starscallingthen put in user pass and vua la ^^06:02
menlohstarscali:  is that a boot option I can pass?    yes, it just freezes at console-setup.06:02
starscallingor sudo passwd06:02
hyperstreamgogeta:   ill just pastebin the conf now06:02
kristofernathandoes linux have widgets?06:02
starscallingwhich will set root06:02
AdrianStraysI'm trying to install this game, and I downloaded the installer. Its .sh and I Have no idea what to do with it06:02
beginwebguipitr256: yes.. in some sense.. i am using vnc for now06:02
_Silhouette_can anyone help me with my wireless problem?06:02
AdrianStraysHow do I install it06:02
starscallingmenloh: ok when you go to boot from the cd and it boots06:02
starscallingrather than just pushing enter to boot into the cd, push f6.06:02
hyperstreamgogeta: http://paste.stgraber.org/2543 - the conf06:02
pitr256beginwebgui, check out nomachine. excellent over ssh06:02
starscallingend should look like: quiet --06:02
starscallingdelete that bit and put the acpi options i said06:02
nickrudAdrianStrays usually it's cd /path/to/file && chmod +x <file> && ./<file>06:03
beginwebguiharriseldon: damn!.. i just enable vncserver on some other port :2 (5902).. .. and login to that.. enable "remote deskto" .. presto!!!..06:03
starscallingif that does not work add noprobe06:03
menlohstars:  np.   one sec.  i'll  pass it irqpoll acpi=off noacpi06:03
beginwebguipitr256: oh .. nomachine.. i need to look at it then.06:03
tengulreI have a problem, I want change the apt source.lst in my country image, how to do?06:03
hyperstreamgogeta: Option    "Device"  "/dev/input/mouse0" by default config is: Option    "Device"  "/dev/input/wacom"06:03
starscallingnickrud: sudo chmod +x /path/to/file && ./path/to/file06:03
starscallingif its in a root owned spot...06:03
lartza_nickrud: They are not helping. The wiki is for ubuntu tranlating which happens on launchpad :(06:03
starscallingif not skip the sudo06:03
gogetahyperstream 3 mouse006:04
starscallinghyperstream: laptop?06:04
pitr256beginwebgui, easy install, free for non-commercial use. not too hard to connect to it once you've done it twice. ;-)06:04
hyperstreamstarscalling: yes big issues getting touchpad/wacom going06:04
nickrudtengulre system->admin->software sources,  download from06:04
gogetastarscalling yep trying to make his tuchpad work06:04
lartza_should i just copy and reaname en_GB.po?06:04
hyperstreamgogeta: yes06:04
nickrudstarscalling not likely he downloaded to a root owned location ;)06:04
tengulrenickrud: I have not desktop env, I using console.06:04
starscallingnickrud: didnt see the whole thing, but i make my own scripts and move em to /usr/bin all the time06:05
nickrudtengulre sudoedit /etc/apt/sources.list , prepend <countrycode>. to archive.ubuntu.com , except for the security repos06:05
beginwebguipitr256: :)06:05
dmsupermanIn gnome, how can I specify how a window will open? Like, how can I make a launcher that opens a window maximized, on screen 1, on workspace 2?06:05
gogetahyperstream looks like the Synaptics Touchpad is pointing to the wrong spot06:05
starscallingemr == emerald --replace ; cpr == compiz --replace && emerald --replace ; etc :>06:05
Jorda1what is the command for deleting a file im using ubuntu server 7.1006:05
hyperstreamgogeta:  how does one change that?06:05
ubotuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad06:05
Odd-rationaleJorda1: rm06:06
hyperstreamstarscalling: been there06:06
gogetahyperstream mouse0 looks like your tuchpad06:06
Jorda1just rm ok thanks06:06
Odd-rationaleJorda1: for more info, see "man rm"06:06
nickrudstarscalling he has a wacom touchpad apparently, I've kept my mouth shut since I've never used one06:06
pitr256beginwebgui, the nomachine client can be installed using sudo apt-get install nxclient on Ubuntu06:06
hyperstreamgogeta: so change the device under the synaptic section to it ?06:06
_Silhouette_Noone can help me?06:07
pitr256beginwebgui, not sure about nxserver or nxnode... I just download from nomachine website06:07
starscalling_Silhouette_: with?06:07
witakrhey folks, can someone tell me how  I make my VLC media player my default player when i insert a DVD? I want it to replace totem and have VLC start when the DVD is inserted06:07
gogetahyperstream Option    "Device"    "/dev/psaux" probly should be "/dev/input/mouse006:07
_Silhouette_starscalling: Hello...I am trying to join a wireless lan, but when I select it, and enter in the WEP password, it just says "waiting for network key," and keeps asking me for the password. Afterward, I can't connect to the internet without rebooting (IM programs mention a "switchboard error"). How to fix?06:07
tengulrenickrud: I using  sed -i 's/us./cn./gi' source.list,06:07
nickruddmsuperman for metacity, install devilspie . for compiz, enable window placement and set it there06:07
starscallingswitchboard error is usually just no net...06:07
tengulreand then I running 'apt-get update', I got Hash Sum mismatch06:08
starscallinggimme secs, what wireless card / driver solution are you using?06:08
nickrudtengulre I'm not much with sed, but even I can understand that one. Seems right06:08
slowlearnerhelp, why can't i install the build-essential package?06:08
hyperstreamgogeta: i just tried mouse0 and mouse1 , still unable to detect06:08
nickrud!gutsysources | slowlearner06:08
tengulrewhy I got Hash Sum mismatch?06:08
ubotuslowlearner: gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).06:09
tengulreis that have error in my mirror?06:09
slowlearnerthanks nixeagle06:09
AdrianStraysnickrud, I entered that comand in, and it asks me if I want to create a /root/bin, but it keeps repeating that choice and I can't say y or n06:09
slowlearnerthanks nickrud06:09
hyperstreamgogeta: ill go through the events now?06:09
gogetahyperstream man06:09
starscalling_Silhouette_: gimme secs, what wireless card / driver solution are you using?06:09
nickrudAdrianStrays what are you installing? That's suspect06:09
AdrianStraysVendetta Online.  Its a game06:10
lartza_Hi! I'm getting this error with ffmpeg: "Unknown codec 'libfaac'"06:10
nickrudAdrianStrays hm. I woudn't run it with sudo06:10
_Silhouette_starscalling: Linksys wireless-G Broadband Router model WRT54G06:10
_Silhouette_starscalling: iwconfig posted http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4731173#post473117306:10
gogetahyperstream no idea man06:10
gogetahyperstream thats one pain in the but06:11
nickrudAdrianStrays I'm extremely leery of sh files from the net. I never install them with sudo if I can help it06:11
hyperstreamgogeta: yes it is06:11
AdrianStraysIt says "read 70 arg count"06:11
dmsupermannickrud, Where it says "Positioned Windows" what do I put?06:11
nickrudheh. No clue06:11
car1584hi! I need search the sources files the Kernel Linux, please which the path where I look this files?06:11
AdrianStraysWhere would you like to create Vendetta Exectuable <path> read: 70: arg count06:12
starscallinghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3390679&postcount=2 _Silhouette_ try that06:12
AdrianStraysNickrud, its a really popular game06:12
gogetahyperstream i say if none can figure it out bugzilla it06:12
nickruddmsuperman probably some X window property, a sec while I try to remember how to get those properties06:12
nickrudAdrianStrays I've never tried installing it so I'm not familiar with its install paradigm06:12
gogetahyperstream might be a driver issue06:13
hyperstreamgogeta: :(06:13
gogetahyperstream forcing it shoulda did the trick06:13
gogetahyperstream close but no sagar06:13
dmsupermannickrud, I've found a page, I'm just trying to figure it out. It's showing me window matching, I think I can manage that. Just a quick question, say I wanted a window on workspace that's on the top right in a 2 x 2 grid, maximized at position 0,0, would I add both a record for the viewport and position for that window?06:13
witakrCan someone tell me how  I make my VLC media player my default player when i insert a DVD? I want it to replace totem and have VLC start when the DVD is inserted06:13
bid1hi folks06:13
gogetahyperstream laptops are not my field thow06:14
car1584Any person should tell me where is the path of sources files Kernel Linux?06:14
hyperstreamgogeta: do i want to turn the touchpad on or off?06:14
hyperstreamon i take it?06:14
lartza_How can I install libavcodec0d?06:14
hyperstreami havnt added the turn on option to the conf :/06:14
Daisuke_Idowitakr, system > preferences > removable drives and media06:14
menlohstars:  we're now scanning the mirror...  mucho thx.06:14
nickruddmsuperman yes06:14
bid1Is there a file which is processed whilie X is startet, so that i can change the Value of LC_TIME (and some others)?06:14
dmsupermannickrud, thanks :D06:14
_Silhouette_starscalling: my /interfaces file already looks like that06:15
gogetahyperstream on06:15
nickruddmsuperman did your page use xprop, out of curiosity06:15
gogetahyperstream 0 = on06:15
starscallinglartza_: apt-cache search libavcodec06:15
dmsupermannickrud yes06:15
nickrudYes! memory is not dead yet :)06:15
starscalling_Silhouette_: are you trying to conect via the wireless manager in the tray or via the other one?06:16
starscallingsystem>admin>network [network-admin package]06:16
lartza_well, it didnt work06:16
_Silhouette_starscalling: network-admin program with drop-down menu from tray06:16
starscallinglartza_: you dont see it there?06:16
starscallingyou need medubuntu06:16
lartza_not there06:16
bid1again: Is there a file which is processed whilie X is startet, so that i can change the Value of LC_TIME (and some others)???06:16
nickrudlartza_ that command would find you the package name to use sudo apt-get install on06:16
lartza_i have06:16
starscalling!medubuntu | lartza_06:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about medubuntu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:16
lartza_i have medibuntu06:16
starscalling!medibuntu | lartza_06:16
ubotulartza_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org06:16
lartza_i have it06:17
starscallingfree and non-free or whatnot?06:17
lartza_ill check06:17
nickrudlartza_ it's libavcodec1d now06:17
witakrDaisuke_Ido, Thank you06:17
lartza_nickrud: well then the problem is somewhere else in ffmpeg06:18
dmsupermannickrud, the only thing now is how can I make it start maximized? there doesn't seem to be an option for that06:18
lartza_Hi! I'm getting this error with ffmpeg: "Unknown codec 'libfaac'"06:18
bid1Is there a file which is processed whilie X is startet, so that i can change the Value of LC_TIME (and some others)?06:18
starscallinglartza_: apt-cache search w32codecs06:18
nickrudlartza_ and I'm on hardy, so ignore me. Forgot for a sec06:18
starscallinglibfaac0 etc06:18
_Silhouette_starscalling: I am connected to internet fine from this computer, I just can't get it to connect to my router (wireless lan)06:18
starscalling_Silhouette_: i get that06:19
nickruddmsuperman usually the app remembers it's size when it reloads. Mostly, sometimes06:19
starscallingi['m asking when you try to get it to connect to that router are you clicking on the wireless icon by the tray?06:19
lartza_i hve medibuntu free and non-free06:19
lartza_should i install w32codecs?06:20
nickrudbid1 for ubuntu/gnome?06:20
lartza_to get libavcodec0d06:20
dmsupermannickrud, haha, all but exaile and ktorrent seem to06:20
Daisuke_Idowitakr, you're welcome, glad i could actually answer a question for a change rather than just ask them :)06:20
_Silhouette_starscaling: yes06:20
fhello everyone06:20
witakrDaisuke_Ido, lol, i know how you feel06:20
_Silhouette_starscalling: yes06:21
witakrDaisuke_Ido, actually, maybe you can help me again?06:21
fhey guys, I'm new to ubuntu and I'm not sure if I want that or a BSD OS06:21
nickrudDaisuke_Ido seen you answer many questions, don't sell yourself short06:21
fwhat do you recomend?06:21
menlohstars:  reboot into newly installed env hung   :(    on the blank line immediately after  * Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)               [ OK ]06:21
witakrDaisuke_Ido, I know this isnt the videolan channel but they are all dead in there and NO ONE is talking but I have a VLC issue.. you know VLC?06:22
Daisuke_Idof, you're asking a biased pool06:22
starscallingmenloh: no big deal06:22
starscallingyou got it to install eh :>06:22
nickrudf the people in #ubuntu-offtopic discuss that stuff, sometimes. This is the wrong channel for asking that question. (see Daisuke_Ido :)06:22
starscallingnow when you are booting, just push escape to get into and edit the grub line, and put whichever bit you needed to before.06:22
starscallingeither that acpi=off noacpi ; or the noprobe06:22
Daisuke_Idowitakr, i know a little, i'll see what i can do06:22
menlohwill do.06:22
starscallingwhen your booted let me know06:22
starscallingsaschahl: i gotta ask is that a vhost?06:23
starscallingthe 2001: bit?06:23
dmsupermannickrud, I've got dual monitor, each @ 1280 x 1024. Putting in 1380 for the X doesn't put it on the right monitor, how can I do that?06:23
starscallingor are you actually one of the few thats on ipv6 early adaptor06:23
nickruddmsuperman not sure about dual monitors, never ran one06:23
starscallingduals are easy06:23
witakrDaisuke_Ido, well, the default contrast and brightness and gamma settings are way off and i cant get my changes to be saved when i close and restart the VLC player, you know how I can make my changes apply everytime I play a movie?06:23
bid1nickrud: gnome/ubuntu is correct06:24
_Silhouette_starscalling: any idea how to fix?06:24
starscallingdmsuperman: whats your poison, hardware wise06:24
witakri just want my setting to be retained06:24
hyperstreamis there anyway to see which event1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 is link to what type of hardware? IE mouse/keyboard06:24
dmsupermanstarscalling, i'm trying to get Compiz window placing to work with dual monitor06:24
starscalling_Silhouette_: still looking...06:24
nickrudbid1 you can create the file ~/.gnomerc , and put it there. gnome specific but it works nicely for stuff like that06:24
dvhAny AWK wizards online?06:24
dmsupermanstarscalling, and I've got a nVidia 7900GS KO with latest drivers06:24
starscallingdmsuperman: ah that only works on active monitor06:24
bid1is there also a global file ?06:24
dmsupermanstarscalling, darn.06:24
Daisuke_Idowitakr, that i'm completely lost on06:24
starscallingyou could get it going but then you need xinerama, and that makes things maximize to both06:25
Daisuke_Idoi only really use it for quick-previewing video06:25
arquebusI got a 8800gtx for my computer and now I cant boot the ubuntu live cd neither v7 or v8, is there anything I can do to fix this?06:25
starscallingask in #compiz-fusion, perhaps they have a better solution06:25
dmsupermanstarscalling, yeah, i'm happy with my current setup06:25
starscallingand if you find it TELL ME :>06:25
witakrDaisuke_Ido, Alrighty then06:25
witakrDaisuke_Ido, thanks anyway06:25
witakrDaisuke_Ido, sorry to steal... or ruin your thunder..lol06:26
dmsupermanstarscalling, alright06:26
Daisuke_Idoheh, no worries06:26
tehquicknessIs there a way to get bcm43xx working under Ubuntu 8.04??06:26
starscallingif you normally have to restart: try opening terminal after setting it, and do: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart06:27
Daisuke_Idotehquickness, you might want to ask in #ubuntu+106:27
starscalling[if it normally autoworks after you try to set it manually]06:27
dmsupermanstarscalling, I don't see that happening though, the channel is _dead_06:27
tehquicknessDaisuke_Ido:  What is ubuntu+1?06:28
tehquicknessDaisuke_Ido: nvm I got it06:28
starscallingdmsuperman: state problem, and idle06:28
benanzowhat makes it so when my regular user creates directories in their home those directories are owned by root and not the user that created it?06:28
_Silhouette_starscaling: okay, but I still can't connect to the router :(06:28
menlohstars:  my bad.  :-)   the login prompt was appearing before the boot messages were done.  all is lovely.06:28
dmsupermanstarscalling, That's what I've done06:28
starscallingyeah i see it06:29
dmsupermanstarscalling, what about moving windows between monitors? I've got Ctrl + Win + Arrows to switch viewports, and Ctrl + Alt + Arrows to switch viewport taking current app with me, but is there a way to just move between monitors? Like, so I could just hit Ctrl + Right and throw the current app on the other window?06:29
starscalling_Silhouette_: if you put in the stuff, then reboot you get into the router that way right?06:29
menlohstars:  can I easily get the install cd out of the sources.list by commenting a line or two?06:30
nickrudbenanzo that would only make sense if the user did sudo mkdir06:30
_Silhouette_starscalling: I try to connect, I put in the password, but it keeps asking me for the password. I have yet to connect to the router.06:30
starscallingyou just went from 4 to 1 :>06:30
starscallinggoes across cube nicely too06:30
starscalling_Silhouette_: hrmz06:30
benanzoI think it is something with umask06:30
Daisuke_Ido_Silhouette_, wep?06:30
benanzoI don't know06:30
CoasterMasterhow do I get the menu back in Xchat?06:30
_Silhouette_daisuke_ido: yes06:30
Daisuke_Idowhat WEP are you using?06:31
benanzomkdir $HOME/Testdir06:31
hyperstream_Silhouette_: wireless?06:31
starscallingDaisuke_Ido: ive an inkling that it might be to do with hex vs askii06:31
_Silhouette_hyperstream: yes06:31
Daisuke_IdoStarnestommy, same.06:31
nickrudbenanzo umask only affects what permissions are given, not owner06:31
hyperstream_Silhouette_: you got issues with starting up , you have to manually connect?06:31
starscallingive gotten stuff like that to work by doing manually in terminal at times....06:31
dmsupermanstarscalling, doesn't do anything, I probably overwrote it or it's not enabled. Which plugin does that?06:31
_Silhouette_hyperstream: I can't connect period.06:31
Daisuke_Ido_Silhouette_, 10 digit wep key?06:31
_Silhouette_Daisuke_Ido: um...I think it's more.06:31
pwuertzanyone got a broken compiz too?06:31
starscallingdmsuperman: try it wtih ctrl+super+shift+arrow or swap ctrl for alt06:32
nickrudpwuertz define broken06:32
Daisuke_Idopwuertz, you really need to define "broken"06:32
_Silhouette_Daisuke_Ido: yes, 2606:32
hyperstream_Silhouette_: try to connect then pastebin what dmesg is saying about your wireless06:32
dmsupermanstarscalling, nothing involving any combination of ctrl, alt, shift, and super06:32
pwuertzyou would have noticed ^^06:32
Daisuke_Ido_Silhouette_, that would be 128-bit hex, i think06:32
dmsupermanstarscalling, all of them do nothing06:32
_Silhouette_Daisuke_Ido: yes, it is06:32
ubotugutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).06:33
_Silhouette_hyperstream: It says "Waiting for network key" when I hover over the icon06:33
_Silhouette_hyperstream: then I can't connect06:33
pwuertzon my hardy / intel system... compiz is fine... on my hardy / nvidia system, compiz doesn't do anything at all... its like a system without window-manager06:33
starscallingplugin put has options you can config06:33
Daisuke_Idowindow manager or window decorator?06:33
starscallingbut let me find where it is by default06:33
nickrudpwuertz #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+106:33
hyperstream_Silhouette_: what does dmesg from a terminal, and how are you configuring the wireless adapter? networks in Sys>Admin> ?06:33
pwuertzthought this was +1, sorry ^^06:34
pclynchhow do i know the actual size of an archive and not the size uncompressed?06:34
Daisuke_Idowonder if it's close enough to release to justify upgrading to hardy on here...06:34
nickrudpwuertz nothing like my dropping into it, and telling them to ask their question in +1. Done that more than once ;)06:34
Daisuke_Idoalready upgraded on the laptop (and what a nightmare it's been)06:34
starscallingthat one is a carry over from gnome06:34
nickrudDaisuke_Ido wait for the rc, friday06:35
_Silhouette_hyperstream: http://pastebin.com/m123f58f5 (dmesg)06:35
philip_hello guys06:35
starscallingapplications > system tools > configuration editor06:35
nickrudDaisuke_Ido and check for/file bugs left and right as you see them.06:35
starscallingapps > metacity > global keybindings06:35
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  says your Auth'd06:35
Daisuke_Idoseems the networking-after-resume is fixed, but now after i resume i have to ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to my x session (but yes, that's a hardy issue)06:36
philip_can anyone help me out? is there a way that ubuntu will be also a sharepoint server?06:36
_Silhouette_hyperstream: so what's the problem?06:36
menlohstars:  that was too easy.  i wonder why Lenny was giving me such a problem -- I had used similar boot options for it.  mucho thx.   tomorrow == OpenVPN!    gn06:37
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  pastebin ifconfig06:37
cvd-prHow can i  resume in wget?06:38
hyperstreamcvd-pr: man wget06:38
_Silhouette_hyperstream: http://pastebin.com/m2e316f7f06:39
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  its connected? does the router have internet access to it ? can you ping google.com ?06:39
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
_Silhouette_hyperstream: I am connected to internet, but not to router.06:40
ace_suares_Silhouette_: hi06:40
hyperstream_Silhouette_: so you can ping google, but you cannot ping your router?06:40
_Silhouette_ace_suares: hi06:40
witakrAnyone here know VLC?06:40
_Silhouette_hyperstream: my router is working, I just can't connect to it.06:40
starscallingwitakr: mm?06:40
hyperstreamAnyone here delt with Wacom + Synaptic?06:41
_Silhouette_hyperstream: from this computer. I am connected to it via my XP desktop.06:41
witakrstarscalling, mm? whats that mean?06:41
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  ping your router06:41
_Silhouette_hyperstream: how?06:41
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  what is the results?06:41
ace_suares_Silhouette_: is your linux box connected to xp ?06:41
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  ping i think06:41
ace_suares_Silhouette_: and xp tp router ?06:42
hyperstream_Silhouette_: what ever your router's IP is06:42
phreckhow do i make something usable from the default shell prompt, instead of having to navigate to the folder and then running it06:43
ace_suaresphreck: you need it in yoru PATH06:43
starscallinghyperstream: / .0.1 is most common06:43
nekostarer sorry06:44
witakrAnyone here know VLC?06:44
Starnestommywitakr: what about it?06:44
nekostarwhat cha need in it06:44
_Silhouette_ace_suares: no, my linux is not connected to xp06:44
hyperstreamstarscalling:  his static ip is 192.168.101.*06:44
phreckace_suares,  how do i put it there06:44
hyperstreamstarscalling: DHCP *06:44
witakrwell, the default contrast and brightness and gamma settings are way off and i cant get my changes to be saved when i close and restart the VLC player, you know how I can make my changes apply everytime I play a movie?06:44
nekostar_Silhouette_ do you have an xp machine that can connect?06:44
Sinisteris there anything thats good at getting rid of dups in amarok ?06:44
ace_suares_Silhouette_: your linux is connected to router ??06:44
nekostarhyperstream ah06:44
JoeyJoeJohow can I install mythtv .21? right now my computer wants to install the older .20.2 version06:45
_Silhouette_hyperstream: ping is successful06:45
_Silhouette_ace_suares: no, I'm trying to06:45
nekostarwitakr try smplayer fyi06:45
ace_suares_Silhouette_:  is the cable connected ?06:45
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  your connected to your router then06:45
_Silhouette_nekostar: yes, I can. I can connect on this computer too under vista. I am just having trouble on ubuntu06:45
twoshadetodwhen you load a cue up is there  a limit to the extra resources taken? like a percent it tops out at?06:45
ace_suares_Silhouette_: looks silly but tell me how it is connected06:45
_Silhouette_hyperstream: no, I'm connected to the apartment's internet06:45
witakrfor DVDs?06:46
_Silhouette_ace_suares: I am running ubuntu off a laptop06:46
masnet05kopi tubruk06:46
ace_suares_Silhouette_: you are using wireless ??????06:46
_Silhouette_ace_suares: my XP desktop is connected wirelessly06:46
nickrudwitakr you can edit ~/.vlc/vlcrc06:46
_Silhouette_hyperstream: I don't know why I can't connect to my router06:46
nekostarnickrud lol06:46
nickrudwitakr it's very well documented ;)06:47
ace_suares_Silhouette_: how is your laptop connected, with wireless or wire06:47
witakrbut I dont know where those files are... in my home dir?06:47
nekostarwas gonna mention going to prefs, clicking advanced box, video > filters > image adjust06:47
_Silhouette_ace_suares: it's connected wirelessly to my apartment's internet06:47
nickrudwitakr yes, ~ is shorthand for your home dir06:47
nekostarif you cant see hidden folders in there push ctrl+h06:47
nickrudwitakr and the period at the beginning means it's a hidden file06:47
ace_suares_Silhouette_: is your router the wireless internet ?06:48
_Silhouette_ace_suares: no.06:48
ace_suares_Silhouette_: or are you talking about another router ?06:48
_Silhouette_ace_suares: My router is connected to the internet that I am connected to, but I am not connected to my router.06:48
ace_suares_Silhouette_: is it a wireless router ?06:48
_Silhouette_ace_suares: yes. linksys wrt54g06:49
ace_suares_Silhouette_: so you are trying to connect the laptop to the wrt54g, and the wrt54g is connected to the appartements internet ?06:49
_Silhouette_ace_suares: exactly.06:50
ace_suares_Silhouette_: if you go to terminal and type 'ip addr' what do you see ?06:50
shonenis there a way for me to force ubuntu to install in text mode when I have the normal (not alternate) install cd?06:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:50
ace_suaresshonen: all !06:51
witakrnekostar, nickrud, I tried SMplayer and I get the exact same picture... maybe there is a issue with Ub?06:51
_Silhouette_ace_suares: not sure if I want to paste this to internet06:51
shonenwhat do you mean, ace_suares?06:51
nickrudwitakr could be compiz, try  alt-f2 metacity --replace and try the movie again06:51
ace_suares_Silhouette_: okay, sorry then! Maybe next time!06:51
philip_is ubuntu linux can also be a sharepoint server? anyone try this before?06:52
ace_suaresshonen: you asked: anyone. I answered all ;-)06:52
shonenclever. you know the answer to my question?06:52
_Silhouette_ace_suares: what do you need to know?06:52
ace_suaresshonen: no, i don't tjhink tjhat's possible. UYo uneed the alternate cd.06:53
hyperstream_Silhouette_: you are connected to your wireless router06:53
ace_suares_Silhouette_: the output of 'ip addr'.06:53
philip_yes daisuke06:53
witakrnickrud, ok, did that, no change06:53
ace_suares_Silhouette_: you can fake the numbers if you want but there should be only private ip's.06:53
Daisuke_Idoperhaps i should have clarified that...  what is sharepoint?06:53
_Silhouette_ace_suares: how can I tell the difference?06:53
Sinisteris there a good mp3 player that gets rid of dups ?06:54
ace_suares_Silhouette_: search google for 'private ip address'. ? 192.168.x.x, or 10.x.x.x is private06:54
hyperstream_Silhouette_: just to let you know we can see your CURRENT internet(wan) ipaddress: [_Silhouette_] (n=chatzill@24-117-238-232.cpe.cableone.net): _Silhouette_06:54
ace_suareshyperstream: just trying to help. hope I am not in your way...06:54
hyperstreamace_suares: he has already pastebin'd ifconfig06:54
_Silhouette_meh, might as well...06:54
hyperstreamace_suares: nono go right ahead man :)06:54
philip_Daisuke i mean in sharepoint 2007 which is microsoft products, i there a way that ubuntu linux can adopt same features?06:55
ace_suareshyperstream: hehe that's right :-))))06:55
shoneni was afraid of that. oh well06:55
hyperstreamace_suares: his pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m2e316f7f06:55
hyperstreaminet addr:
ace_suareshyperstream: swell !06:55
ace_suares_Silhouette_: now go to terminal and do06:55
_Silhouette_ace_suares: http://pastebin.com/d3b6d2eeb06:55
ace_suares_Silhouette_:  'ping
hyperstreamace_suares: its a ping success, he thinks he isnt connected but he is lol06:56
_Silhouette_ace_suares: ping successful06:56
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  YOU are CONNECTED to your WIRELESS ROUTER06:56
ace_suares_Silhouette_: so you ARE connected to the router06:56
_Silhouette_hyperstream: why does it show me connected to the apartments and not my router, then?06:56
ace_suareshyperstream: ROTFL06:56
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  that makes not sense06:56
hyperstream_Silhouette_: no*06:56
ace_suares_Silhouette_: now go to terminal and type 'route -n'06:56
_Silhouette_hyperstream: I am just saying what it shows on network-admin06:57
ace_suaresgive us output in pastebin06:57
hyperstream_Silhouette_: network-admin where? on the router interface? be more descriptive,06:57
_Silhouette_ace_suares: http://pastebin.com/m72c1319506:57
ace_suareshyperstream: I think in the GUI ?06:57
witakrnickrud, ?06:57
_Silhouette_hyperstream: the program in the bar06:57
ace_suares_Silhouette_: looks perfect06:58
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  ROTF- the program in which bar?06:58
ace_suaresnow try 'ping www.ubuntu.com'06:58
_Silhouette_hyperstream: taskbar06:58
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  are you trying to look at your other computer that is on the network(connected to the same router)06:58
ace_suaresyou shoudl see: PING www.ubuntu.com ( 56(84) bytes of data06:58
_Silhouette_ace_suares: 64 bytes from magnesium.canonical.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=46 time=165 ms06:59
ace_suareshyperstream: The Terminal Bar ?06:59
philip_never mind i think no one knows about this yet for linux to have alternative applications for sharepoint 2007 microsoft products for linux based06:59
ace_suares_Silhouette_: so you have DNS (resolving) and you should be able to use internet on your laptop06:59
_Silhouette_hyperstream: no, although I wouldn't know how06:59
proximohi there, im kinda puzzled to why ubuntu gives me poorer performance when running WoW in wine that PCLOS, id love to turn over to ubuntu but WoW is one of those things i do frequently and i just cant play with lag. any ideas what may be causing this ?06:59
_Silhouette_ace_suares: of course I have internet on my laptop. I just need to be connected to the network through my router, not THEIR router. You say I am, but I need to see my network.07:00
_Silhouette_ace_suares: the GUI says I'm connected to theirs.07:00
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  your connected to your wireless router and your wireless router is ocnnected to the ineternet, you have internet access07:00
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  ooo now i understand07:00
ace_suares_Silhouette_: very confusing07:00
_Silhouette_hyperstream: It's not the internet access, it's MY router vs. THEIR router.07:00
ace_suares_Silhouette_: you have TWO routers (yours and theirs ?)07:01
_Silhouette_ace_suares: exactly.07:01
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  now i understand07:01
_Silhouette_sorry for not being clear :)07:01
ace_suares_Silhouette_: pfff...07:01
* ace_suares forgives _Silhouette_07:01
hyperstream_Silhouette_: hehe- ok whats the SSID of there network and yours?07:01
ace_suares_Silhouette_: in the gui, can you see BOTH routers if you scan for netwroks ?07:02
_Silhouette_ace_suares: yes, I see both in the GUI. I can't connect to mine though. It says "waiting for network key" and starts to mess with my connection07:02
bazziebis there a download manager for Ubuntu?07:02
_Silhouette_hyperstream: I don't know their SSID. mine is "sigler"07:02
sjovanbazzieb: what do you mean by download manager?07:03
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  ok so you need to enter in a network key most likely wep ?07:03
ace_suares_Silhouette_: what keys/security is your router using ? Look in the xp box to know07:03
bazziebwell kinda like DAP?07:03
_Silhouette_hyperstream: the name is "Academy1", maybe that's the SSID07:03
_Silhouette_hyperstream: yes my key is WEP-12807:03
hyperstream_Silhouette_: ASCII or HEX?07:03
_Silhouette_26 characters07:03
_Silhouette_hyperstream: Hex, I think...?07:03
_Silhouette_hyperstream: 26 chars, letter/number combo07:04
ace_suares_Silhouette_: I can't help you anymore... not to good in wireless where keys involved... sorry !07:04
_Silhouette_ace_suares: thanks for trying07:04
sjovanbazzieb: sorry, but i don't know what DAP is... anyways, time for bed07:04
sjovangood night every one07:04
noob2000I have a question about ssh X forwarding07:04
ace_suares_Silhouette_: good luck !07:04
noob2000I remember stumbling across this before, can't remember how I solved it07:04
noob2000I have a new Ubuntu server box07:05
_Silhouette_hyperstream: any ideas?07:05
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  ok now does it ask you to enter in a password?07:05
ace_suares_Silhouette_: in network-admin07:05
ace_suares_Silhouette_: you have roaming mode on or off ?07:05
_Silhouette_hyperstream: Yes. I put it in, "waiting for network key" and then it times out I guess, breaks the connection, and asks me for the key still07:05
magnetron!ask | noob200007:05
ubotunoob2000: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:05
_Silhouette_ace_suares: on07:05
proximoanyone got tips on performance of WoW in wine ?07:06
proximo(im getting lag)07:06
ace_suaresnoob2000: yes !?07:06
ace_suares_Silhouette_: turn it off07:06
hyperstream_Silhouette_: what do you have selected atm wep hex or ascii as you security key type ?07:06
_Silhouette_hyperstream: I had hex selected07:06
magnetronproximo: there's a page on wowwiki concerning linux/wine07:06
FujisanGosox are you miffed?07:06
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  try it with ascii and enteri nthe same password07:06
ace_suares_Silhouette_: forget that about roaming mode. I just don't know. Sorry !!!!07:06
_Silhouette_hyperstream: k07:06
ace_suaresnoob2000: what's the problem ? ssh -X host application07:07
noob2000ssh -X to a new ubuntu server (7.10) box doesn't seem to set a $DISPLAY env var for the new session. I do have X11Forwarding yes in the sshd config, and I have a display on the client. Any ideas? (ubotu - sorry, won't happen again)07:07
proximomagnetron: thanks, tried those, its the settings i use when running PCLOS and there they work fine. in ubuntu get lag for some reason07:07
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:07
magnetronproximo: remember to use opengl.07:07
FujisanOops wrong channel i have a question how do i install the gnome dictionary applet on kubuntu?07:07
proximomagnetron: yeah ive edited the config.wtf07:07
Fujisani want to have the gnome dictionary applet07:08
Fujisanin Kubuntu07:08
Fujisanhelp me please07:08
foiblesbreak it to me straight07:08
proximomagnetron: if thats what u meant ?07:08
foibleswhats the easiest way to get e17 onto ubuntu?07:08
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE07:08
foiblesive been using it in misc licecds, seen screens and tried it07:08
ace_suaresnoob2000: ssh -X host gnome-session07:08
foiblesit is awesome07:08
hyperstreamAny Ubuntu GURU's about who know about wacom / synaptic ?07:08
foiblesbut how do i get it, its not in the repos, my googling gives me little solace07:08
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:09
noob2000ace_suares: didn't get that07:09
_Silhouette_hyperstream: said something about password to access default keyring?07:09
ace_suaresnoob2000: how are you connecting to the new host ?07:09
Leeuwand try #ubuntu channel07:09
proximofoibles: there are ubuntu based distros running E1707:09
noob2000ace_suares: ssh -X <my host IP>07:09
magnetronLeeuw: this IS the #ubuntu channel07:09
ace_suaresLeeuw: we are in ubuntu07:09
foiblesproximo, i know07:09
joshcan anyone tell me why my backround freeze's when i run linux it usually doesnt do it when i let my comp set for like 15-20 mins but if i jump on it and start searchin it does the backround only does it not my mouse07:09
foiblesbut my current ubuntu install is quite solid07:09
foiblesi dont want to reinstall to something else07:09
ace_suaresnoob2000: you can't just do that; you need to specify WHAT you want on the host07:09
Leeuwwhoops, wrong tab, sorry, I was watching #debian at the same time...07:10
Fujisanproximo was that for me i first installed gnome and later kde both on kubuntu so let me rephrase my question.How do i start a gnome dictionary applet in ubuntu running in de k environment session when i clearly have the gnome environment also installed but not running ?07:10
ace_suaresnoob2000: try ssh -X <youripaddress> xclock07:10
noob2000ace_suares: not if you want a shell session with $DISPLAY set.07:10
ace_suaresnoob2000: shoudl give you an xclock on your screen.07:10
ace_suaresnoob2000: a shell sssion ?07:10
noob2000ace_suares: I'm not that of a noob... for instance: ssh -X host set | grep DISP doesn't yield anything either.07:11
magnetronnoob2000: make sure you are using a capital X07:11
ace_suaresnoob2000: i get this : PING www.ubuntu.com ( 56(84) bytes of data07:11
proximoFujisan: no idea, just thought id point you in the right direction if it was help on kubuntu you wanted =)07:11
ace_suaresnoob2000: sorry.07:11
joshNobody knows?07:11
ace_suaresnoob2000: localhost:10.007:11
FujisanOh ok07:11
proximoFujisan: sorry for not being of more help ><07:11
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  hmm 1 sec07:11
ace_suaresnoob2000: ssh -X somehost07:11
noob2000ace_suares: yes - the problem is that my sshd doesn't start the session with a proper DISPLAY. it works for other hosts I configured in the past, I just don't seem to remember what I did to solve this07:12
ace_suaresnoob2000: me@host:~$ echo $DISPLAY07:12
ace_suaresnoob2000: me@host:~$ localhost:10.007:12
noob2000ace_suares: same for me07:12
noob2000ace_suares: but not on the host through ssh -X07:13
ace_suaresnoob2000: I don't understand it enough,. I always used it with the name of an app, like ssh -X host firefox-bin07:13
noob2000ace_suares: nevermind - ssh can be used for a shell session (in fact, that was its original intent)07:14
ace_suaresnoob2000: but it works nice, if I start up xclock, i get it on my screen.07:14
noob2000ace_suares: but it's the same problem. if DISPLAY isn't set for the session, it won't be set for particular commands, either07:14
ace_suaresnoob2000: yeah i just dodn't know it worked als with -X.07:14
scriptdevilis it possible to create a shortcut to a directory using ln ?07:14
hyperstream_Silhouette_:  not sure sorry07:15
ace_suaresnoob2000: so what is your DISPLAY in that shell then ?07:15
=== oren is now known as owen1
darkbishop i have a question.i got a tape drive.but the problem is.. when i type "mt status" it said /dev/tape: no such device.can anyone gimme some guide...07:15
ace_suaresnoob2000: mine is localhost:10.0 so it works quite well (but i am connecting to a dapper box).07:16
magnetrondarkbishop: do you know if your tape drive is supported i linux?07:16
balle_i need some help getting sound out of my pc, music and stuff will play fine on the labtop speakers, but if i send it through the jack output nothing comes out, does anybody have an idea as to why this is happening?07:16
ace_suaresscriptdevil: ln -ds realdirectory fakedirectory07:16
owen1i loose my keyboard layout after restart. anyone?07:16
scriptdevilace_suares: thanks07:17
darkbishopmagnetron:im sure it supported since it came with my box and the os in it07:17
Fujisanproximo was that for me i first installed gnome and later kde both on kubuntu so let me rephrase my question.How do i start a gnome dictionary applet in ubuntu running in de k environment session when i clearly have the gnome environment also installed but not running ? < Rerun ersatz proximus for anyone...07:17
ace_suaresnoob2000: so what is DISPALY set to ?07:17
magnetrondarkbishop: in that case, i would try to get in contact with the company that sold me the equipment07:18
bazziebhas anyone here used ARIA download manager?07:19
darkdeeperso can anyone gimme couple of pointer regarding the tape drive?07:19
noob2000ok, I got it - didn't have xauth installed...07:19
ace_suaresnoob2000: cool07:20
ace_suaresdarkdeeper: what tape drive ?07:20
darkdeeperace_suares:im using hp storageworks DAT40 tape drive.but eveytime i try to mount it using "mt" it said /dev/tape: no such device.07:21
darkdeeperso how do i wanna findout if the tape drive is detected or not.07:22
Starnestommydarkdeeper: try sudo lshw -C tape07:22
darkdeeperStarnestommy:i cant find the command lshw07:23
darkdeeperStarnestommy:i cant find the command "lshw"07:23
Starnestommydarkdeeper: run 'sudo apt-get install lshw' then 'sudo lshw -C storage'07:24
=== pierre_ is now known as babbe
Fujisanproximo was that for me i first installed gnome and later kde both on kubuntu so let me rephrase my question.How do i start a gnome dictionary applet in ubuntu running in de k environment session when i clearly have the gnome environment also installed but not running ? < Rerunx2 ersatz proximus for anyone... please i need a good dictionary that saves previous queries any recommendations?07:26
Peddycan anyone help me? I am running gutsy and I am only able to suspend once, the second time its unable to resume. :O07:27
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-women - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:28
Peddyhehe I was just checking whether I'd timed out or not, that's why I did !ubuntu07:28
Fujisanhanalulu phreck aloha07:28
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases07:28
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2107:29
Peddyso can anyone help me? ^^07:29
powertoo108could somebody say my nick, i want to check to see if my client is highlighting the text on nick matches07:29
Peddypowertoo108, sorry no07:29
scriptdevilpowertoo108: :D07:29
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu07:30
owen1i love irsssi07:31
starscallingLinux goku 2.6.24-16-generic - Cpu0: Intel 2400MHz Cpu1: Intel 2400MHz Cpu2: Intel 2400MHz Cpu3: Intel 2400MHz; /: 9.2G(f=4.5G); /home: 412G(f=374G); /media/sda5: 4.6G(f=2.2G); /media/sda6: 9.2G(f=8.5G); /media/750gig: 688G(f=102G); Up: 14:12; Users: 2; Load: 0.19;07:31
Peddyanyone having any problems suspending in Gutsy?07:31
phreckFujisan, aloha.07:32
friendlyshow can you find out if the hard drive in a server is scsi/sata ?   without root access?07:33
ace_suaresfriendlys: open the box  and take out the drive and read the label ?07:34
* ace_suares is being silly. Sorry !07:34
ace_suaresfriendlys: ide = hda, hdb etc scsi/sata is sda sdb etc07:35
ace_suaresfriendlys: try 'df' and see what it says07:35
_rubenwith recent kernels both (s)ata and scsi will show up as scsi devices (/dev/sdX) .. they use the same drivers these days07:36
_rubendmesg probably gives a hint on the type tho07:36
Intangiri ran ubuntu 6... something for years07:40
DrDerekanyone know of a web design channel?07:41
DrDerekat least php help07:41
Intangiri rrecently upgraded to 7.1007:41
Intangirit keeps locking up07:41
Intangirlike for 20-30 seconds at a time07:41
Intangironce or twice an hour07:41
Intangiri dont know what is causing it07:41
Intangirbut its causing serious problems07:41
FloodBot2Intangir: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:41
IntangirDrDerek: #php probably has php help07:44
beginwebguii get an eroor Could not find user database '/var/lib/slocate/slocate.db':  Permission denied.... (i mistype chown -R in /)07:46
TonisiusWow, LOTS of users07:48
Daisuke_IdoTonisius, it's a little slow right now07:48
TonisiusQuestion: How do I go about formatting a VIRTUAL DRIVE that a Dell Precision 690 workstation created into a RAID drive?07:48
TonisiusError:  "The ext3 file system craetion in partition #1 of SCSI10(1,0,0) (sdb) failed."07:49
Fujisanproximo was that for me i first installed gnome and later kde both on kubuntu so let me rephrase my question.How do i start a gnome dictionary applet in ubuntu running in de k environment session when i clearly have the gnome environment also installed but not running ? < Rerunx2 ersatz proximus for anyone... please i need a good dictionary that saves previous queries any recommendations?07:50
TonisiusSCSI10:  318.0 GB Dell VIRTUAL DISK07:50
ihanciogluHello , I would like to install ubuntu 8.04 Release candidate. What is the current status? Is there any link to download it?07:51
bprI just upgraded to hardy, but the upgrade died when configuring my initrd (because my boot partition was too small)07:51
ubotuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.07:51
TonisiusDaisuke_Ido: I see what happens when a distro goes public and semi commercial07:51
bpranyways, everything is working, but the upgrade didn't get to do the "clean up" step07:51
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!07:51
hyperstreamAny Ubuntu GURU's about who know about wacom / synaptic ?07:52
bprdoes anyone know how to get it to do the "clean up" step?07:52
MrKeunerhi all, is there a way to log vino connections?07:52
Tonisiuswell, guess I'll go back to the drawing board for now07:52
Intangirhow can i tell the last things run?07:52
Intangiri want to know what is causing this extreme lockup07:52
J-_I'm having a really rough time with mod_rewrite in dapper(server), and .htaccess. I do sudo "apache2 -l" and it doesn't list the mod_rewrite module. But when I "a2enmod rewrite" it says it's enabled. I'm not sure what to put in my .htaccess file, I've tried many things, and it hasn't worked.07:53
Intangirbut by the time i finally manage to get system monitor stuff up, its done07:53
Intangirso how do i tell what ran? i checked most of the logs in /var/log07:53
Intangirand i dont see anything new at all07:53
Daisuke_IdoTonisius, not sure what you mean about that, if no one has answered your question, it means no one here at the moment knows.  i did tell you it was slow.07:53
J-_What can I do to make it work?07:53
TonisiusDaisuke_Ido: I was looking at how many people had questions, that's about all I meant by what I said07:54
yao_ziyua1how do i access a normal user's trash directory as root?07:54
ace_suaresIntangir: do you use nvidia ?07:54
yao_ziyua1there is a file in the user yaoziyuan's trash:/// that yaoziyuan doesn't have permission to delete07:54
yao_ziyua1but as root i can't find yaoziyuan's trash07:54
pibbI think its /home/user/.trash07:55
yao_ziyua1pibb: it says not found07:55
Daisuke_IdoTonisius, sorry, that was a vague statement that would be easy to take either way.07:55
starscallinghttp://www.happypenguin.org/list?sort=approved_date  O: game list for linux hehe07:55
Daisuke_Idotry /home/user/.Trash07:55
Daisuke_Idocase sensitivity's a bummer07:56
Intangirace_suares: ya07:56
yao_ziyua1Daisuke_Ido: also not found07:56
Intangirace_suares: is nvidia causing the lockups?07:57
Tonisiusyao_ziyua1: explore the /home/user/ of your choice, there usually is a .trash folder in the user's directory07:57
earlmredyao_ziyua1: /home/user/Desktop/.Trash .trash07:57
Tonisius/home/yao_ziyua1/ maybe?07:57
Tonisiusyao_ziyua1: hope you are replacing the 'user' portion of the location07:57
Daisuke_Idoyao_ziyua1, you are replacing "user" with "yaoziyuan" right?07:57
yao_ziyua1there are .transmission and .trigger07:58
yao_ziyua1but not .trash07:58
yao_ziyua1also no .Trash07:58
Daisuke_Idokde or gnome?07:58
yao_ziyua1Daisuke_Ido: yes, /home/yaoziyuan07:58
Tonisiushave you done a 'locate'?07:58
balle_i need some help getting sound out of my pc, music and stuff will play fine on the labtop speakers, but if i send it through the jack output nothing comes out, does anybody have an idea as to why this is happening?07:58
Tonisiuslocate trash  or locate Trash ?07:58
yao_ziyua1Daisuke_Ido: ubuntu 8.04, Nautilus07:58
Daisuke_Idoi can't imagine them changing the location of the trash...07:59
Daisuke_Idobut maybe07:59
ace_suaresIntangir: probably. Go to www.launchpad.net, make an account, search for bugs relating to nvidia and freeze or lockups...07:59
yao_ziyua1maybe these are relevant:07:59
yao_ziyua1that line is wrong07:59
Daisuke_Idoyao_ziyua1, you could try asking in #ubuntu+1, it just seems very odd that there is no trash :\07:59
pibbmaybe they just deleted their trash folder =\07:59
Fujisan!urban rsi07:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about urban rsi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rsi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:00
Daisuke_Idothat's possible, i suppose08:00
yao_ziyua1as yaoziyuan,08:00
yao_ziyua1the trash is at trash:///08:00
yao_ziyua1and i can see the junk there08:00
yao_ziyua1but how do i delete it as root?08:00
Daisuke_Idoah ha08:01
Daisuke_Idoyao_ziyua1, that's a meta-trash, so to speak08:01
Daisuke_Idoright click it, check its properties, it will tell you where the file is actually located08:01
Daisuke_Idothen you can delete it from the command line08:01
darkdeepercan someone tell me how do i mount a tape drive...08:02
yao_ziyua1Daisuke_Ido: it says: Location: trash:///08:02
pibbright click on something in the trash08:03
Daisuke_Idonamely, right click on the thing that you can't delete as your normal user08:03
saskoDoes anyone know of a simple to install bandwith monitor, preferably a GUI that sits in the systray? I don't want to spend hours compiling or messing with settings and libraries.08:03
Daisuke_Idosasko, almost nothing in ubuntu requires compiling anymore08:04
Daisuke_Idohow about something for the panel?08:04
yao_ziyua1pibb: i did08:04
yao_ziyua1pibb: the right-click Properties dialog box still uses trash:/// as a relative path to refer to its location08:04
saskoThanks Daisuke. For the panel would be great, but i want a log file to be written.08:05
Tonisiusso far I'm still trying to install Ubuntu, but I guess the trash has changed a lot in the last 3 years...08:05
Tonisiusor 2 years..08:05
Tonisiusgod, it's been a while08:05
balle_i need some help getting sound out of my pc, music and stuff will play fine on the labtop speakers, but if i send it through the jack output nothing comes out, does anybody have an idea as to why this is happening?08:05
Tonisiusgoogle is being my friend at the moment08:05
yao_ziyua1as yaoziyuan, Nautilus says there is junk in trash:///08:05
yao_ziyua1as root, Nautilus says there is nothing in trash:///08:06
punzadasasko, right click the bar, add to panel, choose system monitor, right click the new monitor on your bar, choose perferences, change it to network and close it08:06
Tonisiustrash is relative to each user..08:06
Daisuke_Idosasko, netmon-applet - GNOME2 Network Load Applet08:06
DacvakHi guys.08:06
yao_ziyua1but why as root i can't find /home/yaoziyuan/.trash or .Trash?08:06
Tonisiusyao_ziyua1: have you checked your mount folder?  I remember that things:/// were related to /mount/things08:06
Tonisiusmaybe a link is locaed in your /mount/trash for that user?08:07
Tonisiusyao_ziyua1: and when is the last time you ran an updatedb for your locate database?08:07
DacvakIn my opinion, the best part of Ubuntu for me was the ability to zoom in fluidly using ctrl+wheel. Does anyone know if this is possible (even through some software) in Windows?08:07
Tonisiusmaybe the 'locate' is searching old locations08:07
balle_i need some help getting sound out of my pc, music and stuff will play fine on the labtop speakers, but if i send it through the jack output nothing comes out, does anybody have an idea as to why this is happening?08:07
TonisiusDacvak: disability assistance in Windows08:08
yao_ziyua1Tonisius: i never run updatedb08:08
Tonisiusyao_ziyua1: run it this time as root08:08
Tonisiusor sudo, sorry08:08
figueromxsomebody here speak spanish?08:08
yao_ziyua1where is /mount?08:08
yao_ziyua1or /mnt?08:08
magnetronballe_: sounds like an ACPI issue, you may need to enable the jack output manually in the sound mixer08:08
DacvakTonisius, that only enables a small portion of the screen to be zoomed in. I want my entire screen to zoom.08:08
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.08:09
balle_magnetron: would that be the sudo alsa?08:09
littlepinkdotAny freenode staff members online? /stats p shows nothing...08:09
=== bandit is now known as banditul
magnetronballe_: no. the sound mixer, double click the speaker icon in the corner08:09
Tonisiusyao_ziyua1: maybe, I'm not familiar with the newer schemes for Ubuntu,08:10
saskoRats! After running:  apt-get install  netmon-applet iget this: Setting up netmon-applet (0.4-11ubuntu1) gconftool-2: symbol lookup error: gconftool-2: undefined symbol: g_option_context_set_translation_domain08:10
yao_ziyua1where is /mount/trash?08:10
balle_magnetron: and i've tried to solve this problem for DAYS! following links and guides and stuff lige that... THANK YOU!08:10
yao_ziyua1i can't find a directory called /mount or /mnt08:11
Tonisiusyao_ziyua1: guess I'm of no help, I tried =[08:11
Tonisiushave you tried google for any of this?08:11
yao_ziyua1so, normally, if you want to access yaoziyuan's trash as root,08:11
yao_ziyua1you type:08:11
yao_ziyua1sudo nautilus08:12
yao_ziyua1then go to /home/yaoziyuan/.trash?08:12
FastZanyone in here have a DSL internet connection? if so, what brand of wireless gateway are you using if any?08:12
JACK-BAUERalguien que me ayude a montar un dominio08:12
Tonisiusyao_ziyua1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50959608:12
FastZactually, maybe i will ask that over in #ubuntu-offtopic since it has nothing to do with ubuntu08:13
JACK-BAUERalguien que me ayude a montar un dominio08:13
littlepinkdotAny freenode staff members online? /stats p shows nothing...08:13
Tonisiusque es un dominio?08:15
Tonisiusmount a domain?08:15
Tonisiusno puedes decir que quieres hacer en Ingles?08:15
hyperstreamAny Ubuntu GURU's about who know about wacom / synaptic ?08:18
PeterParkerSubZehey can anyone here help me with a resolution problem08:19
miliahello all. I'm experiencing some troubles with nvidia drivers (hoho). 7.10, geforce 8400M G.08:19
miliaI used 'envy' but got the same results as when i installed the nvidia drivers manually.08:20
yao_ziyua1probem solved08:20
PeterParkerSubZeI'm running an nvidia geforce fx5700 on ubuntu gutsy gibbon08:20
yao_ziyua1the junk turned out to be in /home/yaoziyuan/.local/share/Trash/files/08:20
yao_ziyua1by the way, how do i updatedb the locate database?08:20
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: mehehe, welcome to the club of geforce :P08:20
PeterParkerSubZeI'm having resolution problems... do I need to do something with xorg.conf08:20
PeterParkerSubZelol thanks dude08:20
PeterParkerSubZei guess08:21
PeterParkerSubZeIt's the only reason why I might go back to windows08:21
R00T_anyone have any idea how well 8.04 beta will self-upgrade to 8.04 stable? i cant wait 7 whole days08:21
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: i fixed the resolution problem, but then , that was only by using 'vesa' drivers, and no 3d accel:/08:21
Tonisiusyao_ziyua1: what did you end up doing?08:21
Tonisiusyao_ziyua1: in case I ever come across it? was it on that page I sent you?08:21
yao_ziyua1Tonisius: i locate trash08:21
Tonisiusyao_ziyua1: did you do an updatedb?08:21
yao_ziyua1Tonisius: o no,08:21
Tonisiusbut you searched for trash already, and you didn't find it..08:22
PeterParkerSubZemilia:how did you do it08:22
yao_ziyua1Tonisius: i locate the junk's filename08:22
Peddyanyone having any problems suspending in Gutsy?08:22
PeterParkerSubZeI guess I could do without the 3d acceleration08:22
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: i configured xorg.conf from console, typing uh.. lemme see08:22
Tonisiusah, that should have been done to begin with, guess I would have done that first...08:22
yao_ziyua1i have another question:08:22
yao_ziyua1my alltray doesn't seem to work under gnome08:22
Tonisiusask, I may be useless, but I get things done08:22
yao_ziyua1alltray "thunderbird" from command line works08:22
R00T_anyone have any idea how well 8.04 beta will self-upgrade to 8.04 stable? i cant wait 7 whole days08:22
Tonisiushmm, must be some sort ow desktop widget,08:23
Tonisiussorry, can't help08:23
yao_ziyua1but putting it in a Quick Launch shortcut won't work08:23
PeterParkerSubZeoh 8.04 is out in a week?08:23
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:23
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in console08:23
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: and select vesa drivers08:23
twocarlo8.04 would be great08:23
R00T_that counter @ ubuntu.com isnt counting to a persons birthday PeterParkerSubZe08:24
JACK-BAUERalguien que me ayude a montar un dominio08:24
ere4siyao_ziyua1: seen this - http://alltray.sourceforge.net/faq.html08:24
[[thufir]]I installed video download 2.0, an add-on for firefox, and am youtube.com but don't see an option to download the video...08:24
PeterParkerSubZemilia: it says that it must be run as root08:24
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: if it turns out 640x480 again when X starts, it'll show you a window where you can change the resolution. Pick up the one appropriate to your screen, and choose again vesa drivers.08:24
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: yeah, try 'sudo' before the same command08:24
R00T_thats a firefox problem [[thufir]] irc.mozilla.org/firefox08:25
b4l74z4ris it possible to make the media script in konversation work with rhythmbox?08:25
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: with that you'll run it as root while being in your user account08:25
PeterParkerSubZeThere's one final page with an      <OK>08:26
miliai wonder what keep messing with my geforce 8400M G in ubuntu 710 :/08:26
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: ok, try 'ok'08:27
thorim looking for a program environment similar to M$ .NET for C08:27
PeterParkerSubZemilia: It won't let me click it08:27
PeterParkerSubZemilia:It looks like it's just text08:27
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: i thought you where on console?08:27
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: press tab and then return08:27
gregorythor: you want an ide or a library?08:27
miliaor better yet try using the arrows up, down to move it08:28
PeterParkerSubZemilia:good to go now Im in another screen08:28
thorgregory: i guess an ide08:28
PeterParkerSubZemilia:It says PCI08:28
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: wait, i'll rerun it to be with ya08:28
PeterParkerSubZemilia:configuring xserver-org08:28
gregorythor: what programming language?08:28
PeterParkerSubZemilia: sure thing08:29
thorgregory: well im used to VB, but id like to start with some C i suppose or python08:29
loumalinsalut la chan08:29
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: press ok again08:30
zupbhi, ubunters :) anybody used local irc server iacd on Ubuntu?08:30
gregorythor: what is your goal? you have to do a project?08:30
PeterParkerSubZemilia:It's asking for the amount of memory kb to be used by the video card08:30
thorgregory: no, just something to learn. eventually i want to be able to help in the development of ubuntu itself :)08:31
jxwusssss up guys08:31
=== R00T_ is now known as roflcake
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: continue pressing ok and yes, i wouldnt change anything , just to make it work with vesa08:31
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: just let it choose for you atm :P08:31
gregorythor: thats great. you know many people will tell you this and that about programming languages. i suggest take python ;-) for an ide just browse the repos via add/remove software.08:32
JACK-BAUERalguien que me ayude a montar un dominio08:32
JACK-BAUERmontar un dns08:32
Tonisiusok, yay.. found out why I couldn't format it08:32
thorgregory: thx, ill check it out right now, any suggestions before i get started? What should i look for08:33
gregoryJACK-BAUER: espanol?08:33
[[thufir]]how do I install GStreamer ffmpeg video plugin ?08:33
Tonisiussomehow I managed to click on the drive before installing, and it automatically mounted it... damn08:33
peepsalotanyone know if there is a way to copy thunderbird settings from one computer to another, and import them somehow08:33
Tonisiusgregory: he's ignoring everyone, I replied to him in Spanish, and no response...08:34
[[thufir]]peepsalot: the .thunderbird folder?08:34
gregorythor: nothing special. solve real world problems. never only read a book or tutorial. best resources are: introduction and then tasks. do the tasks before reading the answer. introductions with tasks never can be really helpful for learning some practical thing like programming08:34
n00bTonisius what is the matter then08:34
gregoryTonisius: his a bot?08:34
peepsalot[[thufir]], yeah08:34
TonisiusMaybe, that's why08:34
gregorythor: correction: introductions with_out_ tasks08:35
gregoryJACK-BAUER: /join #ubuntu-es08:35
thorgregory: gotcha, thx for the insight08:35
mahymotherfucker your stile08:35
TonisiusJACK-BAUER: http://mx.search.yahoo.com/search?p=Instalar+DNS+Ubuntu&fr=yfp-t-340&toggle=1&cop=&ei=UTF-8&rd=r108:35
Tonisiusaqui esta un link para installar DNS en tu servidor de Ubuntu08:36
h0axI'm using VLC and come accross with this error : libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable.08:36
h0axlibdvdread: Can't stat v08:36
JACK-BAUERdejame verlo08:36
PeterParkerSubZemilia:Ok it's asking me to keep the resolutions I want ... is selecting them with the spacebar keeping them or is it counterintuitive and deleting them08:36
_max_anyone know why parted would refuse to create a 4th partition larger than 580gb when i have 5000gb free?08:36
PeterParkerSubZemilia:Thanks for all your help by the way08:36
mohammad99hi every on08:36
TonisiusJACK-BAUER: tienen todo los recursos en espanol, Ubuntu es internacional, y tienen soporte en todos los idiomas08:36
gregoryTonisius: he made it to the es room ;-)08:37
Tonisiusel lugar para ayuda aqui es:08:37
Tonisiuswas about to tell him about the mx room08:37
Orbixx__max_: My guess is because that's a HUGE number.08:37
xukunI have a print screen but I would like to put a text under it. Its possible to do that?08:37
gregoryTonisius: ah i see08:37
Tonisius#ubuntu-mx is so small... too bad08:38
twocarlono prob PeterParkerSubZe your always welcome08:38
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: everything ok?08:38
miliasoz, i had probs with X :P08:38
_max_Orbixx_ usually works fine, im wondering if its because its labeled msdos and not gpt.08:38
PeterParkerSubZemilia:it's asking for me to chose the best resolution and refresh rate08:38
mohammad99how i can play game with tar.bz2 in linux08:39
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: can you go back and choose 'simple' ?08:39
_max_tar.bz2 is a compression format08:39
_max_not a game08:39
Tonisiusgregory: where is the es room?08:39
_max_first you need to remove the compression by running "bunzip <filename>"08:39
PeterParkerSubZemilia:sure how08:39
_max_then untar it.08:39
Camshopproyou must decompress it08:39
Tonisiusgregory: nvm, found it08:40
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: what's your screensize ?08:40
coincoin169i have nerver searched the internet for that but i would know if it is possible to load balance traffic from my LAN to multiple internet connections08:40
gregoryTonisius: this might be of help to you. it lists all ubuntu channels. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#head-729211ea4fb3c5b535d3d8a533dbc007c8dbce1408:40
PeterParkerSubZemilia:I a real newb with linux... I just got it. My screen is a 17inch widescreen   on an hp zd7000 laptop08:40
PeterParkerSubZemilia: (correction) I'm08:41
=== mhayes is now known as rockstar77
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: its ok, i'm a noob too in many ways08:41
miliaPeterParkerSubZe: hmm, try 1280x102408:42
h0axlibdvdread: Can't stat v08:42
Orbixx_Does anyone know what to install to enable dvd playback?08:42
h0axI'm using VLC and come accross with this error : libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable.08:42
nuccohi, how do I add my graphics card to the compiz whitelist?08:42
h0axlibdvdread: Can't stat v08:42
Tonisiusgregory: very helpful08:42
saschahlstarscalling: sorry, missed your question from 7:22. :-P The 2001: is not a vhost, it's an IPv6 connection without a reverse DNS.08:42
gregory!dvd | Orbixx_08:42
ubotuOrbixx_: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:42
n00binstall cedega for DVD and its best results08:43
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org08:43
nuccoh0ax: w64codecs in medibuntu seems to be incomplete...08:43
BlackmoreWorkHi. How can I check which package a certain file (f.i /usr/bin/blabla) belongs to?08:44
PeterParkerSubZemilia:I went back and did everything over. Now it's just asking me for the color depth08:44
PeterParkerSubZemilia:I chose the simple option08:44
h0axI need something that plays VCD's .... VLC won't08:44
saschahlBlackmoreWork: dpkg -S file, IIRC08:45
PeterParkerSubZemilia:24 seems to be the best08:45
xukunok I will say different this time. I have a .png image but I could like to put a text beside or under the image how can I do that?08:45
BlackmoreWorksaschahl: Thanks :)08:46
nuccoanyone knows how to get compiz to work on my intel 965 card in gutsy?08:46
nuccoit works in fedora 808:46
banditulhow can i update a program like linuxdc++ to latest version ?08:47
xukunI always see those howto on internet with images and text. That what I want to write. so please help me on the way08:47
bid2Hi all08:48
gregoryxukun: are you creating webpages?08:48
pibbuse gimp?08:49
bid2Does anyone know where the "gnome-language-selector" is setting the Language?08:49
xukungregory, no just a text file with .png images08:49
ere4sixukun: that's html08:50
xukunere4si, how can I make that without any know how of html?08:51
ere4sixukun: you can;t - and it only works in a browser e.g. firefox08:52
=== gunblade_ is now known as GunbladeIV
gregoryxukun: you have to learn basics of html. you can do it in 2 hours. start now and then you are finished soon :-)08:52
GunbladeIVsurprisingly new kernel upgrade fail to load login screen on my laptop08:52
xukunere4si, gregory thanks guys08:53
julle_I am trying to connect to an Airport router from my ubuntu box, but it refuses. on mac and windows it works fine but in ubuntu i cant connect?08:53
Twim4GunbladeIV> you need to reinstal you graphic driver08:53
GunbladeIVTwim4: just a blank black screen.. and i'm using ATI08:54
debianDoes apache2 come installed on ubuntu ?08:54
DJones!lamp | debian08:54
ubotudebian: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:54
GunbladeIVTwim4: do i need to reinstall the driver?08:54
Twim4<GunbladeIV> ALT + F2 ?08:54
ere4sixukun: http://www.tizag.com/ - is a good guide08:54
Twim4<GunbladeIV> or CTRL + ALT + F2 ?08:54
Twim4what does it do?08:54
GunbladeIVTwim4: i need to press ctrl alt f4 on boot usplash in order to proceed08:55
GunbladeIVbut when it come to login screen ,, everything just blank into black screen08:55
Twim4<GunbladeIV> what kernel version?08:55
GunbladeIV2.6.24-16-generic i guess08:55
xukunere4si, I will start right away08:56
GunbladeIVTwim4: i upgrade using hardy.py script08:56
ere4sixukun: good luck :)08:56
GunbladeIVTwim4: downloaded from ubuntuforums.org08:56
bXii've installed hardy last night but my fonts in firefox are screwed :/08:57
GunbladeIVTwim4: b43 isnt loaded is a normal things i found out from error message, but the blank screen did surprise me a lil bit.08:57
debianI don't have taskel on 6.10 .. is there a way i can install it ?08:57
DJonesbXi: The best place for queries about Hardy until its released is in #ubuntu+1, they're the ones who have been testing it and is the best place for support08:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about taskel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:57
Twim4GunbladeIV try to start your OS in single mode08:59
GunbladeIVTwim4: i did uninstall the kernel just now :( .. plan to wait until hardy full release, and asked for official cd then..09:00
GunbladeIVTwim4: then i'll fresh install everything.09:01
Twim4the best solution +)09:01
debiandebian@debain:~$ sudo apt-get install apache209:01
debianE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct09:01
debiani get this problem ?09:01
GunbladeIVTwim4: but i wonder what is the problem, maybe i didnt upgrade xorg as well .09:01
GunbladeIVdebian: have you run sudo dpkg --configure -a?09:02
GunbladeIVdebian: have you run sudo dpkg--configure -a?09:02
GunbladeIVi think it will fix the error09:02
debianme too09:02
Twim4GunbladeIV are you using ubuntu 7.10?09:02
GunbladeIVyup Twim4 .. currently on gutsy gibbon
xukunwhat is a good yet simple html editor for linux?09:06
saskotry bluefish09:06
DJones!html | xukun: I use Kompozer,09:07
ubotuxukun: I use Kompozer,: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/09:07
KennethPxukun: Some good reading here also: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25660409:08
Twim4what about kate, gedit ? =))09:08
xukunDJones, KennethP thanks both09:08
julle_Is there anyone who knows that todo, to connect to an airport router for wireless access to the internet?09:08
arooni-mobilewhats a good alarm clock program for ubuntu?09:10
alvini need help09:11
powertool08any irssi users here? I want to highlight the entire line, not only my nick when somebody says it09:12
alvin i have a problem in add remove programs09:12
alvinE: /var/cache/apt/archives/icedtea-java7-bin_7~b21-1.4+20071007-0ubuntu6_i386.deb: files list file for package `screensaver-default-images' contains empty filename09:12
ligemegetI don't know who's responsible for Planet-Ubuntu, but if he/she is in here, then please add http://planet.ubuntu-dk.org/ to the Ubuntu Solar system as 'Planet Ubuntu Danmark'09:12
debianhow do i find out my current ip on ubuntu ?09:13
debianin terminal09:13
DJonespowertool08: I use a hilight window for that, have a look at http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi about 3/4's of the way down there's a section on how to set up a hilight window which appears at the top of irssi09:13
debiansh*t yeah09:14
debiandamn man . i'm so asleep09:14
powertool08DJones: thanks09:14
DJonespowertool08: it creates a split screen showing any messages that have been hilighted09:14
icesworddebian, ip addr09:14
alvini cannot add/remove programs09:14
alvinAn error occured09:15
alvinThe following details are provided09:15
alvinE: /var/cache/apt/archives/icedtea-java7-bin_7~b21-1.4+20071007-0ubuntu6_i386.deb: files list file for package `screensaver-default-images' contains empty filename09:15
powertool08DJones: sometimes on one window where i have all the server stuff it says Act: # what is that for?09:15
=== alvin is now known as alvin``
balle_i am trying to connect an external monitor to my labtop so that i can use 2 screens at the same time, but when i connect it, it just shows the same image as my main screen, even though i have already set it as a secondary monitor to the right, any thoughts?09:16
DJonespowertool08: I've only been using it for about a week myself, but this looks as though it answers your question - Under the FAQ section number 4 http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/Irssi_Tutorial09:18
balle_i am trying to connect an external monitor to my labtop so that i can use 2 screens at the same time, but when i connect it, it just shows the same image as my main screen, even though i have already set it as a secondary monitor to the right, any thoughts?09:18
debianalvin``: sup ?09:23
vgermrkhi td09:24
arooni-mobilewhats a good alarm clock program for ubuntu?09:24
debianlol. never eard that one before09:25
vfourhow do I disable password in tightvncserver?09:29
dougskoarooni-mobile: https://launchpad.net/wyrd09:30
vfourso that I could view VNC without a password in private network09:30
dougskoarooni-mobile: this is actually better http://pessimization.com/software/wyrd/09:30
* N3bunel saluta09:33
XB23why would you want to09:34
XB23thats a security risk09:34
KartiHi all, is there an easy way to add emails in evolution to message filters rather than just copying their emails? Many thanks for any help or pointers ;)09:34
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases09:35
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2109:35
Extravertcan someone assist me? I need to fix my sound09:35
crazytalkya but i want to scan windows files from ubuntu09:35
* crazytalk cheers at ubotu09:36
iceswordcrazytalk, hmmm09:36
crazytalksomebody mentioned a scanner a few days ago with a name not unlike 'chavmav'09:37
DistroJockeyclamav ?09:37
XB23lol chavman09:37
crazytalkty DistroJockey09:38
XB23clamav is anti virus09:38
XB23probably what you want09:38
iceswordcrazytalk, nod3209:38
crazytalkya somebody said i could scan windows files with it09:38
XB23i think clamav is ported for windows09:38
crazytalkiceword ty09:38
XB23but runs better in a win environment09:39
crazytalkya not a big fan of the win enviornment :)09:39
crazytalkwant to do it from ubuntu09:39
iceswordthen just try nod32,it is business one09:39
crazytalkiceword: any reason i can't scan with clamav and nod3209:39
melodiehello all09:40
melodiedoes someone has experience with "Gobby collaborative editor" application ?09:41
mamazihi there09:41
melodiehi mamazi09:42
melodiehi Zerloch09:42
mamaziim so noob in ubuntu09:42
melodieI was going to say nobody talks here09:42
mamaziand im tryin to add a new system call09:42
=== sparklingshrew is now known as shinygerbil
mamazianyone can help me out plz?09:42
melodiemamazi, good luck, I don't known what a system call is09:42
melodieand I'm not such a newbie09:43
iceswordsystem call,no idea09:43
Zerlochit's fun to smoke marijuana09:43
melodiemamazi, would you say what is your goal maybe ?09:43
melodiedoes someone has experience with "Gobby collaborative editor" application ?09:43
melodieno idea what it is, and it's in my menus09:44
mamazik, i changed unistd.h and i need to change syscall_table.s09:44
ArelisI have a tablet. A wacom bamboo fun. And I got it working under Ubuntu. I've played nexuiz with it (with a keyboard along the side), and it played pretty well. But how do i "multiply" the buttons i can use on the bamboo, like can be done on gamepads? Example: You hold one button down, it switches all the other buttons to a "shift" state, so that all the other buttons do different actions now.09:44
mamaziwhich must be : /linux/arch/i386/kernel/syscall_table.S09:45
mamazibut there is not such file in the folder!!!09:45
Willizarhow can i update my 7.04 to 7.10 with out formating the hard09:46
Willizarwith the live cd of 7.1009:46
pt08powertool08: testing hilight script09:50
chris42050707hey whats the name of the off topic room?09:50
DJones!ot | chris420509:52
ubotuchris4205: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:52
ArelisI have a tablet. A wacom bamboo fun. And I got it working under Ubuntu. I've played nexuiz with it (with a keyboard along the side), and it played pretty well. But how do i "multiply" the buttons i can use on the bamboo, like can be done on gamepads? Example: You hold one button down, it switches all the other buttons to a "shift" state, so that all the other buttons do different actions now. How do i do this?09:52
crazytalkicesword: i think they want me to pay for nod 3209:53
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:53
iceswordcrazytalk, then just try it for free09:53
iceswordcrazytalk, usually 30 days09:53
crazytalki will i will09:54
crazytalkthing is i don't even have windows installed, i just want to scan some questionable files i downloaded to use under wine (i know it's very unlikely they will infect wine). i will have vista again at some point in the future for dx1009:54
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mamaziis there any help in here? or its just a place for spamin?09:55
DJonesmamazi: its just a bit quiet at the minute, you might have to try again a bit later on09:56
damo22mamazi: what is the problem09:57
mamazii cannot find syscall_table.S file in Ubuntu09:58
mamazii have to change that for adding new system call!09:58
damo22mamazi: sorry no idea09:59
mamaziok thanx09:59
melodieWillizar, I can at least answer to that : did someone answer to you yet ?09:59
gregory_mamazi: /join #ubuntu-kernel09:59
mamazithanx gregory09:59
DJonesmamazi: there's a mention of it on ubuntuforums that somebody edited theirs, they found it in arch/i386/kernel/syscall_table.S: Does that help at all?10:00
melodieWillizar, you open Synaptic, go to menu Configuration repositories and in the write tab you can add CDrom10:00
mysticdarkhackanyone here know how to resize the bootup and quit splash screen when it to big?10:01
melodieDJones, mamazi what is the need for changing a syscall ?10:02
melodieor that one ?10:02
dexemuops sorry10:02
melodielol dexem10:02
DJonesmamazi: Possibly /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/kernel/syscall_table.S10:02
DJonesmelodie: I've no idea10:02
melodieDJones, weird isn't he ? mamazi : you're weird indeed.10:03
mamazithere is not such file called syscall_table.S10:03
melodiemamazi, when it works, don't fix it !  ;)10:04
gregory_melodie: nothing is weird with linux. its a system, where you can change everything10:04
melodiegregory_, I said mamazi is weird, not Linux10:04
melodiealthough... :D10:04
mamazii have to add something Melodie10:05
gregory_melodie: i guess you found him weird because of his question. otherwise you would have to know him personally10:05
melodiemamazi, wouldn't it be better if you said directly what your aim is ? what do you want do add ?10:05
jorisslobI am trying to connect to a network printer that has an ip address and a http://lpd.xxx.xxx:631/printers/xxxx name what is the best way to connect to this? I think printing in the network requires an username and password here10:05
melodiegregory_, because we don't know yet why he needs doing that (add or change a syscall)10:06
mamazimelodie: i want to add a simple function like addition (int,int) to system call10:06
jorisslobI tried every combination I could think of in the Printer configuration screen, but no luck printing a test page yet10:06
melodiewho knows if the method he wants to use is the best and most easy ?10:06
gregory_melodie: i understand ;-)10:06
GunbladeIVTwim4: on new kernel10:07
GunbladeIVTwim4: figure out the solution.. revert my ATI to use vesa10:07
melodiemamazi, did you ever read the "smart questions" text of E.S.Raymond ?10:07
mamaziits an assignment and i have spent like 4 hours to find it, but seems impossible :(10:07
[Archon]is there any issue with SATA DVD drives?10:07
Twim4nice one10:07
GunbladeIVTwim4: not a big deal if i dont have 3d desktop as i'm using fluxbox10:07
thykosay, where can i get an iso of Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE4? (the remix)10:07
mamazino Melodie!10:07
melodiemamazi, ok wait a sec10:07
Twim4does the ati driver not suppert by 2.6.24 kernel version?10:08
DJonesthyko: Try asking in #ubuntu+1, they should be able to direct you to the beta version you need10:09
ArelisHow do i make a mouse button (in this case, a button on my tablet) a modifier button that, when pressed, changes all the other buttons on the tablet to something else, and when released, restores their state?10:09
DracoZAhello, my new installation starts booting up and then I just get a flashing curser in the top right with a black screen, any ideas ?10:09
vfourXB23: I would like to disable the tightvncserver password because I use it only in a private network (2 machines) and I have taken care about the security10:09
gregory_thyko: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=kubuntu+download+iso+8.04&btnG=Google-Suche&meta= .  trying to brush up your googling skills may also be an option for you10:09
guja_nebeskaI've made only swap and / partitions. I wan't to change some options, but shell doesn't recognize my root password? I type su -, and it won't log me as root. Where's the problem, and can I change somehow that passwd?10:09
guja_nebeskaThank you.10:09
melodiemamazi, two links for you coming,  stay tuned :10:10
FloodBot2melodie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:10
melodiethks FloodBot2 but that's just a hyperlink !10:10
DracoZAbad floodbot!10:11
DJonesguja_nebeska: did you set a root password? Normally when you use sudo etc, the password it needs is yuor user password10:11
melodieDracoZA, :p10:11
guja_nebeskaDJones, how to set root passwd?10:11
guja_nebeskaI type my user pass.10:11
melodiemamazi, did you get it ?10:11
guja_nebeskaBut it won't.10:11
DracoZAAnyone help me with my flashing curser on startup pls ?10:11
melodiemamazi, did you catch the two links I've thrown to you ? :D10:11
mamaziyes melodie, thanx :D10:11
melodieok mamazi !  :P10:12
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nickrudmelodie tow many lines, too fast. FloodBots are unforgiving :)10:12
DJones!root | guja_nebeska, Root isn't configured, see this info which should help you,10:12
ubotuguja_nebeska, Root isn't configured, see this info which should help you,: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:12
DracoZAmethinks melody tows too many lines too!10:13
melodienickrud, yes, I could have gone to tinyurl.com, I'll do that next time10:13
GunbladeIVactually who is using b43 wifi driver?10:13
nickrudmelodie it wasn't the length of lines, but number10:13
GunbladeIVwhy do i have a lot of interface?10:13
debiansudo passwd root ?10:13
melodienickrud, yes, but the link is huge, so...10:13
* DracoZA needs some basic help please :)10:14
nickrudDracoZA when does the flashing cursor appear, after the loading screen or right away?10:14
DracoZAafter loading screen goes all the way10:14
melodieI have to reboot, see you !10:14
nickrudDracoZA what type of video chip do you have?10:14
DracoZAim 99% sure it actualy boots into Ubuntu10:14
DracoZAnickrud its an MSI motherboard10:15
DracoZAonboard vga10:15
nickrudDracoZA  did the live cd work?10:15
DracoZAI only have a text install cd atm10:16
nickrudDracoZA ok. Do you know what kind of onboard vga it is?10:16
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DracoZAnickrud checking10:18
muibecould someone please explain how i get my wireless card to work with windows drivers? I did visited page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NdiswrapperOnAMD64 but it was quite odd.. they talked about debian folder that i saw no where in ndiswrapper folder10:19
DracoZAnickrud Geforce 6100 apparently10:19
muibeI've got amd64 ubuntu10:19
debianmuibe: it's easy10:19
debianyou just use the .ini file10:19
debiantype ndiswrapper in your terminal10:20
debianand it will ask for the .ini10:20
gavin_after playing a dvd on my notebook, the cd tray will not open. I get a message that some other app is using it how do i get it open10:20
debiantry using another app to open it10:21
debianlike an audio player or something10:21
nickrudDracoZA hm. That's supposed to be a well supported chip, usually that problem is something to do with video. You can try booting into the recovery mode, and when you get the command line enter:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg . Choose the vesa driver, and a reasonable screen resolution. When done, type exit and see if you get a desktop10:22
DracoZAnickrud gonna try that now. thx10:22
gavin_debian_ will do thanks. I cannot print PDF docs from evince as well. It worked for 10 pages but wont anymore.10:22
nickrudgavin_ lsof | grep /dev/cdrom should give you an idea about what program is holding the dvd10:23
rootmanI think that u can try this too, ps ax | grep dvd10:25
gavin_nickrud_ Thanks a million10:25
rootmanAnd then kill the pid10:25
rootmanin other terminal10:26
gavin_rootman_ thanks10:27
nickrudis it always this quiet this time zone?10:27
DracoZAnickrud I get a message ...overwriting possibly customised cinfiguration... then back to prompt10:27
gavin_cheers everyone10:28
nickrudDracoZA that's right. It backs up the original, and creats a new one. If you did ls /etc/X11 you should see two10:28
nickrudDracoZA two xorg.conf* that is10:28
DarkSpirit221I don't know if this is the right place to ask but, what's the best program to run windows games on ubuntu? Is it really Wine?10:29
cderhow to use the --purge commamd?10:29
DJonesnickrud: yes, normally quiet until about 11am uk time10:29
nickrudDarkSpirit221 wine, or cedega or crossover office (the last two are wine on steroids)10:29
cdernickrud: woo its been 2 years10:30
DarkSpirit221nickrud: The last 2 are free?10:30
nickrudcder   sudo apt-get remover --purge10:30
nickrudcder   sudo apt-get remove --purge10:30
DracoZAnickrud it worked without the -phigh10:30
cderi was bliis nick i remeber you in your office10:30
nickrudDracoZA it works both ways, without -phigh it asks fewer questions. But anyway, type exit and lets see ;)10:31
cdernickrud:you had a broken nose i think10:31
DracoZAclap clap it worked10:31
nickrudcder hey. (why does everyone change nicks)10:31
artnayis there any way to remove "Secure remote connection" option from GDM's sessions? gdmsetup doesn't seem to provide any options and gdm.conf doesn't even mention it. should recompile GDM's package or is there a hack around?10:32
barliam I connected to you?10:32
artnaysetting up 8.04 GDM10:32
nickrudDracoZA now, try system->admin->restricted manager, and get the accelerated restricted one10:32
nickrudcder not recently ;)10:32
DracoZAk thanks nickrud10:32
DarkSpirit221How can I check my current nVidia driver version?10:32
gnahhCan anyone help me get a brother MFC-685cw connected?  Thanks in advance10:32
nickrudbarli yep, we see you10:32
MrStitchnickrud, do you ever sleep man?10:32
gnahhPrinter bth10:32
nickrudMrStitch insomnia tonight.10:33
cdernickrud: hows it going still in same place?10:33
MrStitchnickrud, same here.....10:33
leeneexDarkSpirit221, gxlinfo10:33
nickrudMrStitch I swear, I was just asking if it's always thsi quiet :)10:33
nickrudcder yep, LA10:33
barliI dont understand what IRC is...10:33
MrStitchbarli, you're looking at it10:34
joshhuntHellllllloooo eveyone10:34
nickrudbarli it's Internet Relay Chat , came way before instant messaging and the like10:34
DarkSpirit221leeneex: bash: gxlinfo: command not found10:34
nickrudbarli  ircsearch.com can teach you a lot10:34
barlithere so many person here...10:34
joshhuntI have just installed bitlebee according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Bitlbee. Now when i try to connect to my server, i get a server not found problem10:34
cdernickrud: loking forward to week today?\10:34
barlithat's right?10:34
MrStitchnickrud, I remember waaaaay back in the day using IRC. I thought the traffic would've slowed down by now..... apparently not.10:35
DarkSpirit221nickrud: do you know what's the latest cedega version?10:35
nickrudcder no :)10:35
leeneexhow do you defeat irq opression10:35
nickrudDarkSpirit221 no, I use windows in a vm rather than wine10:35
brandon__I just tried to install 64-bit ubuntu10:36
ActionParsni1hey all10:36
DracoZAnickrud heres a question, I have two pretty similair but not quite identical pc's both MSI, I want to be able to take the hard drive and move it with Ubuntu between the two machine. Is there a way around having to use dpkg-reconfigure every time ?10:36
joshhunthow can i fix this. I am connecting to it via massiveatom.com...10:36
brandon__is it normal to get this from uname -a ?10:36
cdernickrud: clue hh10:36
nickrudbarli and this is one of the most active lists10:36
DarkSpirit221nickrud: oh, ok10:36
ArelisWould anyone like to help me with my issue?10:36
barlican we talk to the mIRC..?10:36
brandon__Linux DIABLO 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 21:45:15 GMT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:36
cderor is it a week tomorrow?10:36
sbingnerbarli, talk to the mIRC... the rest of your computer doesn't care.10:36
nickrudcder 24th10:36
ActionParsni1DracoZA: you could make a different boot for each system10:36
DracoZAArelis we can help with your Ubuntu issues only :)10:36
leeneexhow do you defeat irq deliberate opression of my wifi?10:36
consfearacybrandon__, yes10:37
nickrudbarli many irc clients are available, that's a popular one10:37
twocarlofor cedega questions [#cedega]10:37
cdernickrud: then its a wek today newelease10:37
erwinhi, how should i instruct dpkg to leave fallback to previous config?10:37
brandon__consfearacy, so this is actually 64 bit?  why does it say generic10:37
joshhuntbarli: mibbit.com XD10:37
nickrudBrandon_ you succeeded10:37
DracoZAActionParsni1 how complicated is it ?10:37
nickrudbrandon__ it's the x86_64 that matters10:37
consfearacybrandon__, see it says x86_64 ...10:37
barlimy friend use mIRC in windows..10:37
brandon__when I do uname -r specifically, I get "2.6.22-14-generic"10:37
sbingnerBrandon_, *smack*10:37
erwinhi, how should i instruct dpkg to fallback to previous config and leave unconfigured packages?10:38
GunbladeIVi'm having trouble with my b43 Twigathy10:38
ActionParsni1DracoZA: quite but doable, alternatively you could dual boot 2 systems but mount home to the same partition on both boots10:38
GunbladeIVi'm having trouble with my b43 Twim410:38
ArelisDracoZA: it is an Ubuntu issue10:38
FloodBot2leeneex: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:38
barlican I talk to him as the same time I use my Xchat>..?10:38
nickruderwin you mean, default to your altered config?10:38
Yasuohelo, i have 2 monitors running as one Desktop: 1920x1200 and 1280x800. When i run mplayer on fullscreen in the second Screen, is grows to 1280x1200 - how can i tell mplayer to use 1280x800 as fullscreen size?10:38
GunbladeIVmy rate only 1mb10:38
erwinnickrud: yes10:38
GunbladeIVand i got a lot of interface10:38
sbingnerBrandon_, uname -m = arch10:38
GunbladeIVanyone can help me on b43 driver?10:38
erwinnickrud: i tried installing this software.. and messed up things10:38
GunbladeIVi got wlan0 , wmaster010:38
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brandon__sbingner, ?10:38
artnaythis is really "the wrong way" to disable it but chmod -x /usr/lib/gdm/gdm-ssh-session seems better than recompiling GDM :-) any better way to disable GDM's "Secure remote connection" option?10:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about b43 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:38
nickruderwin what's messed up?10:39
Willizarhow can i update my 7.04 to 7.10 with out formating the hard10:39
DracoZAActionParsni1 k i'll see what I can learn on that one thx10:39
erwinnickrud: now i cant  apt-get  anymore10:39
Willizarwith the live cd of 7.1010:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 2007 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:39
brandon__sbingner, I'll try that10:39
nickruderwin ah.   sudo apt-get -f install , if that doesn't fix it, put the complete output on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org10:39
brandon__hmm, ok10:39
erwinnickrud: i can't do that.. it will remove the whole system..10:39
brandon__it just threw me for a loop when I saw that.  I thought immediately that the cd doesn't install the kernel I expected it to10:39
DracoZAWillizar get another hard drive, its risk free :)10:39
ActionParsni1DracoZA: you could just buy a new hdd and have a usb storage for your files which goes between instead of the OS10:40
nickrud!upgrade | Willizar10:40
ubotuWillizar: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:40
brandon__next question, what kernel / version of ubuntu would be best to run on a intel core 2 duo?10:40
Willizarlet me see10:40
CrazytomIs anyone good with printers?10:40
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:40
Twim4GunbladeIV try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63363510:40
nickrudbrandon__ generic10:40
brandon__meaning, optimized best for intel core 2 duo10:40
DracoZAActionParsni1 it's actually being used in a call centre environment for support purposes but the pc specs differ ever so slightly10:40
nickrudbrandon__ the generic auto tunes to the processor10:40
GunbladeIVlook to it Twim4 .. give me 5 min10:41
gregory!ask | Crazytom10:41
ubotuCrazytom: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:41
ActionParsni1DracoZA: I see10:41
brandon__nothing more specific? like how there is SMP for SMP athlon cards.. ?10:41
erwinnickrud: i'll paste what it says when i try to issue that command10:41
barlinickrud... how ever... thank you very much for the information..10:41
brandon__K8, whatever that stuff is...10:41
cdernickrud: when i do sudo apt-get remove --purge nameofpackage says can;t find package purge10:41
nickrudbrandon__ if you look at your uname -a, you'll see you have smp10:41
Crazytomgregory, I already asked the question.  I was trying to politely ask it again.10:41
nickrudcder that's very odd:    sudo apt-get remove --purge    , copy and paste that then add the package name10:42
ActionParsni1cder: sudo apt-get remove packagename; sudo apt-get autoremove10:42
brandon__Yeah, I thought that was an error or something.  I thought SMP was for athlon cards10:42
erwinnickrud: i thinked it worked now.. last time i tried its telling me to remove about 777mb, that's like my full installation10:42
CrazytomCan anyone help me get a brother mfc-685cw connected via wifi10:42
nickrudActionParsni1 that doesn't purge (remove config files)10:42
brandon__so there's nothing more optimized for core 2 duo?10:42
GunbladeIVTwim4: nope.. no info...10:42
ActionParsni1nickrud: oic10:43
ActionParsni1brandon_ if you want it optomised then compile your own kernel10:43
iceswordnickrud, hello, good evening.10:43
ActionParsni1hi icesword10:43
Willizarnickrud: i wanna upgrade from a cd not to down load it10:43
iceswordActionParsni1, hmm, nice,10:43
cderActionParsni1: no i want to remove the config file also remove does not do that10:43
nickrudbrandon__ you misunderstand:  it has many modules available, and tunes itself. You no longer need to compile kernels to optimize different chips and processors10:44
icesword!apt-cdrom | willizar10:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-cdrom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:44
nickrudWillizar is it a text install cd? (alternate)10:44
DistroJockeycder: sudo apt-get purge <packagename>10:44
Willizarlive nickrud10:44
nickrudicesword howdy!10:44
Twim4<GunbladeIV> did you try this packege http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=30328&d=1177147133 ?10:44
brandon__ActionParsni1, nickrud, so action's suggestion wouldn't give a faster result (compiling it myself)?10:44
joshhuntHow can i find out what programs are running on what port?10:45
nickrudWillizar you can't use a live cd to upgrade 7.04 to 7.10, you would have to reinstall for that10:45
ActionParsni1cder:  sudo dpkg --purge appname (?)10:45
Twim4<joshhunt> netstat -tulpen10:45
x0xNeed help of this error :direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)10:45
linxehbrandon__: you wont notice any difference whatsoever10:45
Willizarnickrud: i cant upgrade from the internet to10:45
nickrudbrandon__ you could change the latency, but I didn't notice anything special10:45
GunbladeIVTwim4: i did successfully load the b43 driver.. infact i'm using it now to connect to internet, but somehow, the speed only set at 1MB(rate).  Plus i got interface such as "wlan0" and "wmaster0" when i do "ifconfig"10:45
Willizarnickrud: can i upgrade from 7.04 to 8.0410:46
nickrudWillizar the only cd you can upgrade with is the alternate. Live requires a reinstall10:46
brandon__ActionParsni1, nickrud, linxeh, well that's good enough for me.  I'll stick with this.  Thanks so much for all the help!  I was highly confused for a second10:46
nickrudWillizar no, not without stopping briefly at 7.10 :)10:46
Cheesypieceshi guys, i'm looking for a way to enable/disable the desktop wall feature on compiz without having to go through the main compiz manager program, do you know what the command or whatever for this would be?10:46
ActionParsni1GunbladeIV: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/617210:46
Willizarlol nickrud10:46
brandon__now back to putting my files back on here.   & getting all the rest of my software configured.   peace guys10:47
ActionParsni1brandon_ peace out bro10:47
GunbladeIVthanks ActionParsni110:47
GunbladeIVwill try the method in launchpad10:47
Willizarnickrud: if i d/l the 7.10 can you help me with the installin'10:47
muibewell, i got tired of problematising and entered aptitude install ndiswrapper --with-recommends10:47
arvind_khadrihey how do i do a ram test???10:48
arvind_khadrinickrud, the answer you gave was so obvious ....10:48
muibeand now i should decide whether i should use xp-64bit or vista-64bit -driver in http://www.atheros.cz/10:48
gregoryCrazytom: do you already have a net connection to the brother. f.e. can you ping it?10:48
muibein this amd64-ubuntu10:49
ActionParsni1arvind_khadri: boot to your cd and from the first menu you should be able to find it10:49
arvind_khadriActionParsni1, a live cd??10:49
nickrudarvind_khadri ? All linux questions are obvious ;p10:49
GunbladeIVnot helping ActionParsni1 .. no solution for my problem.. since the problem is cant connect to AP.. (i can connect to AP) .. just i need to remove wmaster0 and set rate at 54MB10:50
arvind_khadrinickrud, the one you answered one the ubuntu mailing list for the crashing yelp10:50
arvind_khadrinickrud, and i never knew you were there10:50
arvind_khadriActionParsni1, ???10:51
nickrudarvind_khadri ah, I rush through that in the mornings at work. It gets my brain functioning10:51
arvind_khadrinickrud, :)10:51
ubotuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org10:52
arvind_khadrinickrud, well how do i perform a ram test10:52
nickrudarvind_khadri reboot, and choose memtest. If you don't see a grub menu at boot, hit escape when it says something about grub 1.510:52
arvind_khadrinickrud, thanks10:53
MGS88hi I have installed ubuntu and when I choose it on boot loader it’s take me this ERROR 17:cannot mount this partion.10:53
cdernickrud: thanks its ok now10:53
GunbladeIVerm. seems like no one have any issue with b4310:54
GunbladeIVonly i do..10:54
ActionParsni1MGS88: can you give us a pastebin of your grub.conf10:55
GunbladeIVerm.. its ok.. i'll try solve it on myself and tell the outcome if any method does solve my problem10:55
GunbladeIVthanks to Twim4 and ActionParsni1 for your response10:55
nickrudGunbladeIV b43? #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release,  /j #ubuntu+110:55
MGS88how can I do that10:55
ActionParsni1GunbladeIV: sorry man, gl10:55
ActionParsni1MGS88: boot to the live cd and copy / paste the boot config10:56
Crazytomgregory, yes i can ping it.  Thanks10:56
MGS88ActionParsni1-->  thanks I will back10:57
gregoryCrazytom: ok, now: system -> administration -> printing10:57
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Crazytomgregory, there.10:58
gregoryCrazytom: ok, i am following the information from http://solutions.brother.com/linux/sol/printer/linux/cups_network.html . however: the ubuntu program you are now in is a different frontend. the core still works the same. this means: now: click on the new printer icon.10:59
Crazytomgregory, done11:01
sandraaaacan someone help me to install awn thx in advance11:02
gregoryit didnt find a printer automatically i guess. so you select "LPD/LPR Host or Printer" from "Devices". If you cant find it its my fault, because i am on the beta for next release now.11:02
ActionParsni1sandraaaa: you need compiz11:02
sandraaaahi action11:03
Crazytomgregory, it found the printer, but i wants to know what kind it is but it's not listed11:03
ActionParsni1werd sandraaaa11:03
sandraaaai think i have that installed11:03
gregoryCrazytom: you mean it lists a bunch of brothers but not yours?11:03
DJones!awn | sandraaaa11:04
ubotusandraaaa: awn is <Reply> Avant Window Navigator, is a dock-like navigation bar for the linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/  Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy11:04
ActionParsni1sandraaaa: you'll need http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38598111:04
DOOM_NXhow do i measure write and read speed of my usb stick under ubuntu?11:06
Crazytomgregory, that's correct11:06
DOOM_NXany way?11:06
Crazytomgregory, i tried to print a test page and the printer says receiving data but it's not doing anything.  (couple of minutes)11:07
LamegoDOOM_NX, hdparm -t device11:07
gregoryCrazytom: then you need a PPD file of your printer. it seems to a fairly new one on the market, so ubuntu doesnt have it by default yet. can i ask you to search for the ppd file on the brother website and then check back?11:07
DOOM_NXLamego, it only measures READ speed, i need write speed as well11:07
LamegoDOOM_NX, time dd11:08
Lamegoyou should expect a similar rate11:08
DOOM_NXLamego, i don't get u :/11:08
Lamegoif it is an USB2.0, about 20 MB/s11:09
Lamegodoofus123, man dd11:09
DOOM_NXusb2.0 8GB11:09
Lamegoyou can use dd for direct disk write, and time, to count the time spend on the command11:09
zeroHey, if i got a PPC ubuntu pc going, would Cedega work on it?11:09
Lamegoanyway, like I said, unless your device is broken, you should expect similar rates11:09
DOOM_NXwhat would be a complete command for that?11:09
LamegoDOOM_NX, time dd if=/dev/zero of=/your_usn_path/file_1GB bs=1m count=1k11:11
Lamegoerm usn=usb11:11
DOOM_NXlet me try Lamego11:13
DOOM_NX/dev/zero, what would this be?11:13
roffe__just as much as I love ubuntu, I sometimes just CANNOT get software to execute!11:14
Cheesypieceshi guys, i'm looking for a way to enable/disable the desktop wall feature on compiz without having to go through the main compiz manager program, do you know what the command or whatever for this would be?11:14
TRC2908anyone think they can help me get access to my maxtor ehd which i cant since i recently loaded ubuntu11:15
roffe__is it ntfs?11:16
roffe__trc.. is the harddrive ntfs?11:17
TRC2908iv had it previulsy working on windows11:17
TRC2908how do i check:?11:17
roffe__you just want access to the files on that drive, right? even if there's only windows files on it, right?11:18
TRC2908yeh, theres photos etc - ive got everything backed up to it11:18
DOOM_NXi get: dd: invalid number `1m'11:18
sandraaaaive installed awn is there any guide how to play with it11:19
roffe__your hdd is probably formatted with ntfs which is a filesystem linux doesn't run out of the box11:19
roffe__but there's software that enables it to run.. I'll see if I can find it for you11:20
TRC2908cheers roffe11:20
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DistroJockey!awn | Heyya, try here:  sandraaaa11:23
ubotuHeyya, try here:  sandraaaa: awn is <Reply> Avant Window Navigator, is a dock-like navigation bar for the linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/  Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy11:23
roffe__trc I can't remember how to write interminal now, but do you know how to use syanptic?11:23
DistroJockeyTRC2908, roffe__:  Ubuntu should be able to read NTFS fine out of the box11:23
roffe__should it? I had to enable it11:24
DistroJockeyroffe__: read only or read/write?11:24
ArelisWould anyone like to help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75765611:24
luke_Yo all!11:24
roffe__I gotno access until I installed ntfs-3g11:25
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roffe__neither read nor write11:25
DistroJockeyTRC2908: can you pastebin the output of the following two commands please?11:25
DistroJockeyroffe__: ahh11:25
DistroJockeyTRC2908:   sudo fdisk -l11:25
alvinwhat is the problem of this error message11:25
DistroJockeyTRC2908: mount11:25
alvinE: /var/cache/apt/archives/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.124.0ubuntu1~gutsy1_i386.deb: files list file for package `screensaver-default-images' contains empty filename11:25
DistroJockey!pastebin | TRC290811:26
ubotuTRC2908: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:26
TRC2908here it comes distroJ11:26
TRC2908sudo fdisk -l11:26
TRC2908Disk /dev/hda: 40.0 GB, 40060403712 bytes11:27
TRC2908255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4870 cylinders11:27
TRC2908Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes11:27
TRC2908   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System11:27
TRC2908/dev/hda1   *           1        4694    37704523+  83  Linux11:27
FloodBot2TRC2908: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:27
TRC2908/dev/hda2            4695        4870     1413720    5  Extended11:27
DistroJockeyTRC2908: see the pastebin link please11:27
=== alvin is now known as alvin``
TRC2908wheres the paste link?11:28
DistroJockeyTRC2908:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:28
DistroJockeyTRC2908: once you submit, copy what's in the address bar and send it here11:28
Crazytomgregory, no dice11:29
gregoryCrazytom: ok11:29
DistroJockeyalvin``:  you could maybe try:  sudo apt-get clean11:29
TRC2908is the syntax IRC logs?11:30
DistroJockeyalvin``: thank me if it works ;)11:30
CrazytomI need to find a copy of brmfc685cw.ppd11:30
lespatI wanted to ask a really quick question about the coming upgrade - I'm a new Linux user and I've been using Gutsy since it arrived and I'm happy with it, but I want to know what happens in a week's time - what I mean is will aptitude automatically move me up to 8.04 or will it leave the choince to me, or will I have to do a fresh install? There may be a fourth option but if so it hasn't occured to me :)11:30
DistroJockeyTRC2908: I use text11:30
lespatDistroJockey that's a clever nick11:31
DistroJockeylespat: whick bit? ;)11:32
alvin``Distrojockey doesn't work11:32
spiderHi everyone11:32
lespati took it as someone who moves around distros?11:32
alvin``i guess the problem is when i install the vmware server11:32
Lamegolespat, you can disto upgrade at that time or keep the current version11:33
DistroJockeylespat: yeah I do, but really like Ubuntu :)11:33
lespatDistroJockey same here - I haved tried others but none are as good all round11:33
DistroJockeylespat: nods11:33
lespatFedora boots faster, but selinux is pain11:34
DistroJockeyTRC2908: can't see any NTFS in that list11:34
lespatUbuntu gets the balance right11:34
jsoftOk so whats the normal way of disabling/enabling a service (eg, apache) from starting on boot?11:34
alvin``i issued this command11:34
alvin``sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`11:34
lespatLamego that's good - I really like the way gutsy works and I would like to keep it that way on my main machine11:34
DistroJockeyalvin``: not seen that before, the clean was my only hunch, sorry11:35
constrictoranyone know an equivalent to business contact manager for outlook but for linux11:35
icesword!info sysv-rc-conf | jsoft11:35
ubotujsoft: sysv-rc-conf (source: sysv-rc-conf): SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99-6 (gutsy), package size 23 kB, installed size 104 kB11:35
lespaticesword doesn't Evolution do enough for you?11:35
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flirtmaus19Ich eine 19 järige sexgeile Maus brauch jetzt dringend was geiles.Hab sogar meine Webcam angemacht und sitze nackt davor: http://www.mandy.bz11:36
iceswordlespat, pardon?11:36
roffe__Does any one know how to get the ines emulator to execute on ubuntu?11:36
figuringouti was wondering if there was a way in ktorrent to schedule torrents in a queue. The next one is downloaded only after the previous one completes11:36
TRC2908yeh, none of that seems to relate to my ehd11:36
DistroJockeyTRC2908: you have the NTFS/windows drive connected atm?11:36
lespaticesword well Evolution does a lot of what Outlook does!11:36
lespatIt does enough for me but my needs are few :)11:36
iceswordlespat, yes, thanks11:36
TRC2908there are refs to it in "dmesg" - shall i past that?11:36
knaaaHi, how can i connect to a windows share from linux? Somebody has a link because ...11:36
knaaai have backuped all my files and i want to change to linux, but i dont want to use dvds ..11:37
knaaaplease help me!11:37
DistroJockeyTRC2908: yeah, please11:37
iceswordknaaa, samba, nfs11:37
luke_knaaa: Samba11:37
DistroJockeyTRC2908: starting suspect the NTFS drive was not shutdown cleanly11:37
lespatknaaa well that way a round just worked for me in ubuntu11:37
Lamegoknaaa, just go to the menu, Places -> Connect to server11:37
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.11:37
lespatI needed to install samba to share the other way around11:37
lespatand I liked smbconfig to make using samaba easier11:38
roffe__samba is pre-installed, isn't it?11:38
knaaaok, do i have to install samba on persons B windows machine?11:39
DistroJockeyroffe__: samba client is, not the server though11:39
iceswordknaaa, install it on linux one11:39
roffe__ahh, fair enough!11:39
TRC2908DJ I may not have disconnected it properly when i loaded ubuntu11:40
gregoryCrazytom: the file should be inside this archive, download it, do not install it, but use "mc" (sudo apt-get install mc) on the commandline to have a peek into the archive http://www.brother.com/cgi-bin/agreement/agreement.cgi?dlfile=http://solutions.brother.com/Library/sol/printer/linux/rpmfiles/lpr_debian/mfc685cwlpr-1.0.1-1.i386.deb&lang=English_lpr11:40
knaaaYO TY11:40
DistroJockeyTRC2908: *nods* If you can boot back into windows and shutdown cleanly, it will work better11:40
edemkrimeaplease help me with my printer cannon pixma ip 1200 no modules11:41
icesword!print | edemkrimea11:42
ubotuedemkrimea: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:42
Areliswould you guys please stop ignoring my question?11:42
iceswordthe channel is busy11:42
lespatArelis I didn't see it sorry11:42
DistroJockeyI didn't see any either11:43
Arelis:) no problem, sorry for the hassle11:43
roffe__I'm there with you, Arelis :)11:43
ArelisWould anyone like to help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=757656 <-- it's about using a tablet as a gaming device11:43
alvin``i  guess this is the problem11:43
TRC2908i thin ki wiped windows when i loaded ubuntu  - but later i took the ehd into work and plugged it in (but didnt actually downlead the software to get it working) - I merely used the "safe to remove usb" button11:43
alvin``E: Must specify at least one package to fetch source for11:44
alvin``E: Must specify at least one package to fetch source for11:44
gregoryCrazytom: hmm, theres no PPD inside. still the package is the software you should use. its worth installing it, though this package was not packaged for ubuntu specifically11:44
DistroJockeyArelis: that's going to be a small % of people11:44
alvin``how to fix that11:44
DistroJockeyTRC2908: if you only have the one HDD then yep, windows is gone11:44
ArelisDistroJockey: I think it's about the same as using a mouse button for that purpose, or using a key on the keyboard to switch keys around11:44
roffe__when I download software that's for "linux".. how can I know it'll work with ubuntu or not?11:45
DistroJockeyArelis: I'll look at the post when I can. Unless you want to say the problem here11:46
edemkrimeathanks.another problem- when configuring usb-modem via wvdial konqueror does not connect why11:46
lespatroffe__ well you should get most of what you need from the repository11:46
Lamegoroffe__, if you are new to Ubuntu, you should keep with the software from the repositories11:46
TRC2908DJ : well i can reload the cds - im not worried about that - would prefer to get the ehd working on ubuntu - i'll take your advice and get it going on anotherpc and then shut it down properly11:46
damo22roffe__: because ubuntu is based on debian, you can usually get the required libs to compile whatever you want from src11:46
Lamegodamo22, that is not something specific to debian, you can build from source on any distro type :)11:47
DistroJockeyTRC2908: you have 2 hard drives?11:47
lespatlespat I have installed some stuff from bin and source but it was hard work to be honest :(11:47
damo22lamego: i know11:47
roffe__hehe.. 3 answers :) yeah, but I want to leasrn how to install without the repositories, as I need software not in there11:47
mRSeriihellow, i have intel core due 2 t5250, which iso of ubuntu to download, amd64 or x86 intel?11:47
Lamegoroffe__, you should read some tutorial on how to build from source11:47
lespatdamo22 as anewbies what I found difficult was knowing which libraries you need11:48
DistroJockeyTRC2908: one with your current Ubuntu install and another with windows?11:48
lespatAnd they seemed to doffer even between desktops on occasion11:48
roffe__so if the source is for Linux, that should work for all distros when compiled?11:48
gregory!compile | roffe__11:48
uboturoffe__: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:48
damo22lespat: usually ./configure script will let you know what you need11:48
roffe__thanks I'll read it asap!11:48
lespatXfce needed things that Gnome didn't etc11:48
LamegomRSerii, your choise, the only drawback of 64bits is there are a few components not available for 64 bits11:48
ArelisDistroJockey: that's no problem to me11:49
lespatYeah I'm getting to grips with it now but I'm thinking for roffe it can be frustrating11:49
ArelisI have gotten my Wacom Bamboo Fun (which is a USB tablet, made by Wacom) to work with Ubuntu (using this guide), and i've done some gaming with it in Nexuiz (which is a First-person shooter). While not it's intended use, it's pretty fun. However, i still had to use my keyboard while gaming with it. So i came up with an idea to have one button (or more) on that tablet act as a "modifier key" that switches around all the other buttons on the tab11:49
DistroJockeyArelis: I took a look, no idea sorry11:49
lespatHaving said that I found this room late so I struggled with Google :)11:49
TRC2908DJ : yeh Ubuntu is install on the PC hardrive (40GB hard drive) and the portable 100 GB maxtor mini III11:50
ArelisDistroJockey: okay11:50
DistroJockeyTRC2908: ahh, *nods*11:50
ArelisDoes anybody have any ideas on my question?11:50
DistroJockeyArelis: as I said, what you are doing, may not be that common, give it some time11:51
ArelisDistroJockey: okau11:51
lespatroffe__ actually Ubuntu has a really large repository - I only really needed one app that wasn't there11:51
pipsqeekbuild from source then11:51
pipsqeekapt-get install build-essential11:51
GatestoneIs there a command in Nautilus like "open shell here"?11:51
roffe__yeah, Lespat... It's really frustrating sometimes.. I'm getting fairly used to it, but it takes quite some time... Ok, but the one I'm installing(trying) wasn't, so no go :)11:52
lespatGatestone You mean the way Xfce does - yeah I really like that - I don;'t Gnome does that11:52
lespatEnlightenment does11:52
lespatIt seems to have the main advantages of G and Xfce11:52
sandraaaaany extra plugins for awn11:53
lespatroffe__ I just read lots on google11:53
DistroJockeyTRC2908: someone else may know a safe way to get the data from an uncleanly dismounted NTFS drive without sticking it in a Windows box and safely removing it. (I don't yet)11:54
TRC2908DJ I appreciate your help anyway11:54
DistroJockeyTRC2908: you're welcome11:54
edemkrimeais ntfs-3g safe working with11:55
starscallingedemkrimea: yeah for the most part :>11:55
starscallingthere are some wierd bugs but ive never lost data11:55
Dr_willisedemkrimea,  the ntfs-3g site has lots of documention on how they verify its 'safty' and stability.11:55
lespatwhat is  ntfs-3g - some phone sharing app?11:55
Dr_willis!ntfs-3g | lespat11:56
ubotulespat: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:56
HellBoundi am geting some problem while installing ubuntu 7.1011:56
lespatI never went to partitioning route so I'm completely ignorant of that whole area :(11:56
edemkrimeathanks a lot that solves a lot of problems11:56
arvind_khadriHellBound, what kind of problem11:57
jimcooncatlespat, an ntfs partition is a type Windows uses11:57
TRC2908there are some things like the "dmesg and the Device Manager which identify this ehd but seems I've gotta go back to windows and safely remove it - i have at least figured out how to access this channel today11:57
HellBoundim trying to install ubuntu desktop 7.10 but when eva i boot from cd i got error msg bios age(1906) fails cutoff (2000) acpi=forced is requiredto enable acpi then the busybox load wat to do now11:57
lespatjimcooncat yeah I know - but but my win2k was Fat32 so i never came across the issue11:58
ikoniaHellBound: you need to add the line acpi=forced to the boot line of the live cd11:58
ikoniaHellBound: this is done by pressing F6 at boot time and appending that line11:58
DistroJockeyArelis: google gave me this, may help:  http://www.nabble.com/short-howto-for-wacom-bamboo-fun-on-ubuntu-7.10-gutsy-to14142265.html11:58
ArelisDistroJockey: It's not that my tablet doesn't work.11:58
lespatjimcooncat I was going to say that's the funny thing about Linux - most of us only learn in a straight line in the direction we need to go - but i suppose we all do that in the rest of lives too LOL11:59
ceccHi,welcome to use Puppy Linux11:59
DistroJockeyArelis: have you read that link?11:59
ArelisDistroJockey: woops, should have. sorry, i'll judge after i read that11:59
roffe__btw, as I asked before, will every linux source work with any distros once compiled?11:59
ikoniacecc: this is #ubuntu support, not puppy upport11:59
ceccPuppy 398 is very nice.11:59
ikoniaroffe__: no11:59
jimcooncatlespat: look around more, it's a big big world :-)11:59
ikonia!offtopic > cecc12:00
HellBoundwhich one i need to setup first xp or ubuntu i wan to keep both operating system12:00
Dr_willisroffe__,  in theory if its standarized code- yes.  but it depends on the code and programs12:00
ikoniaHellBound: XP is the best order first12:00
DistroJockeyArelis: see right down near the end :)12:00
ricaneliteI only have Ubuntu Gusty installed on my machine, but my finance needs Windows Installed to use certain things for her school. Is it possible I could install Windows Vista on the machine without it effecting my Ubuntu OS? Because I know if I will install Windows Vista and then Ubuntu linux it will partition right.12:00
roffe__ok...I have to know it's for debian I guess12:00
sandraaaaany extra plugins for awn12:00
HellBoundxp is already installed12:00
ceccOh,sorry. Have a good time.12:00
ikoniaricanelite: it will remove the boot loader, you just need to re-apply grub post XP install12:00
HellBounddo i need to partion the harddrive if i wan to setup ubuntu12:01
Lamegoricanelite, you can reinstall grub after installing windows vista12:01
ikonia!grub > ricanelite12:01
Lamego!grub | ricanelite12:01
uboturicanelite: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:01
DistroJockeysandraaaa: http://wiki.awn-project.org/Plugins12:01
ikoniaricanelite: check the info from ubotu12:01
Dr_willisricanelite,  get a 2nd hard drive. Unplug linux hd, install  plug in xp drive.. install xp to it.. :) plug linux back in. set up grub to boot windows hd. :) is how i did it last week12:01
ikoniaHellBound: if you have no spare space, yes12:01
edemkrimeais there any software for ubuntu like tequilla cat bookreader (it makes java from txt for phone)12:01
ricaneliteum really12:01
ricanelitethanks Dr.Willis for that advice.12:01
Lamegoricanelite, also you should try running that windows app over wine12:01
ciacon_Hi guys... I would like to download all files on this site:  http://dewy.fem.tu-ilmenau.de/CCC/24C3/matroska/       how can I do that withouth manually downloading them all??12:01
lespatI have to eat back later12:01
=== ciacon_ is now known as ciacon__
Lamegoor if you have a XP license, running it from vmware or virtualbox12:02
=== ciacon__ is now known as ciacon
ikoniaciacon_: thats nothing to do with ubuntu12:02
Davo_DinkumCan the nv driver will do 1920x1200? I'm planning to build a mythtv box.12:02
HellBoundi wan to install it on C drive Xp is installed on E drive and 7 GB free space on C drive12:02
arvind_kHellBound, what kind of problem12:02
ArelisDistroJockey: thanks. :)12:02
Lamegociacon, using wget -R12:02
ikoniaDavo_Dinkum: the nv driver (in my view) is not appropriate for hi res TV12:02
DistroJockeyArelis: you're welcome :)12:02
avriettedarksidedelayue: that's the idea... it works for me, anyways.12:02
Davo_DinkumBut will it do that resolution?12:02
arvind_kHellBound, go for the manual partition12:02
HellBoundno im totally new in linux environment thas why facing so much trouble12:02
ikoniaDavo_Dinkum: depends on the card and the monitor12:03
avrietteoh, my. that was in scrollback. sorry.12:03
roffe__could anyone tell if any of the releases of ines on this page will work with ubuntu? http://fms.komkon.org/iNES/12:03
Davo_Dinkum24" LCD that does 1920x1200 natively and an nvidia 6xxx series card12:03
ricaneliteyeah it does not work. I was also thinking of using Virtualbox which I have installed and running Windows Vista. But it does not run all that fast.12:03
Davo_DinkumPCI express12:03
Dr_willisroffe__,  there are/were some nes emulators in the repos at one time.12:03
ikoniaDavo_Dinkum: it totally depends12:03
ricaneliteI might show her, but she is the type of person that does not want to learn anything, LOL12:03
HellBoundok im going to setup ubuntu now if i face any problem  i will ask u guys again12:03
roffe__yeah, but I specifically need ines12:04
arvind_kHellBound, sure12:04
ikoniaDavo_Dinkum: that card and the monitor12:04
HellBoundthx for helping me12:04
Lamegoroffe__, I dont know about INES, but there are NES emulators working on Ubuntu,12:04
Davo_Dinkumis there a website for the nv driver?12:04
ikoniaDavo_Dinkum: xorg12:04
ikoniaDavo_Dinkum: x.org12:04
roffe__yeah, I know, but Ines is what I need :)12:04
ubuntu_I have installed ubuntu and when I choose it its take me this ERROR 17:cannot mount this partition12:04
roffe__"iNES 3.0 Linux (RedHat) binaries for 80x86" this is the closest bet, you think it'd work?12:05
ikoniaroffe__: no12:05
roffe__Ok, then that's why it refuses to do anything12:06
roffe__"iNES 0.5 Linux binaries for 80x86 (A.OUT)" maybe this one?12:06
ikoniaroffe__: no12:06
roffe__Ok, there's none left... no ines for me :(12:06
ikoniaroffe__: but try it,12:06
roffe__already have, but I thought I was doing something wrong12:07
arvind_kubuntu_,did you re-compile the kernel after installation12:07
ikoniaroffe__: probably won't work12:07
Dr_willisroffe__,  try it and see.  how did you run it? did it give an error... ect...12:07
ikoniaarvind_k: he's just installed it12:07
ikoniaarvind_k: he can't fix a grub error, do you think he's recompiled his kernel.....12:07
DistroJockeyubuntu_: you have a linux live cd handy?12:07
arvind_kikonia, are you following him12:07
sdakakI am trying to install ubuntu over network. I have got dhcp server running and my client machine does get an ip from it. Then the client machine looks for the file /pxelinux.0 or something and then just sits there.12:07
arvind_kikonia, well he didnt mention grub error :)12:08
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ikoniaarvind_k: yes, he installed ubuntu and now he's got a grub error/syslog start up error about not being able to mount a partition12:08
McJerrywhen I type 'date' my system reports correct time. I have two cron jobs running that output text files, the files are stamped with a creation date exactly one hour ahead. What do I need to do to sync the system time with the cron job file creation time?12:08
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Dr_willisroffe__,  that version does not run propelry on this ubuntu box.  looks like its a bust.12:08
roffe__Dr_willis: If I didn't do anything wrong it couldn't accept the command ines -help12:08
roffe__ok.. thanks for helping!12:08
arvind_kikonia, shall i help him12:08
Dr_willis ./ines   -help12:08
Mad-Freakyhi all12:09
ikoniaarvind_k: if you want.12:09
Dr_willisWhat a lovely error message that is.12:09
sdakakikonia: Can you please look over my problem?12:09
Mad-Freakysmall problem12:09
arvind_kikonia i would love to12:09
Mad-Freakywhen im doing "clamscan --version" i get "clamscan: error while loading shared libraries: libclamav.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"12:09
ikoniaDr_willis: looks like a very early glibc dependeny12:09
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arvind_kubuntu_ you around??12:09
LamegoMcJerry, cron is managed by the  system clock already12:09
ikoniaMad-Freaky: your missing a libaray12:09
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ricaneliteis SATA 3.0Gb/s are SATA II?12:09
ikoniasdakak: what's up ?12:09
arvind_kikonia, seems like he is gone12:09
sdakakikonia: I am trying to install ubuntu over network. I have got dhcp server running and my client machine does get an ip from it. Then the client machine looks for the file /pxelinux.0 or something and then just sits there.12:10
MGS88i change my name ubuntu>MGS8812:10
Mad-Freakyjeah i know that thx but i cannot install it12:10
ikoniasdakak: have you setup the pexeboot daemon and the pexe image to boot it ?12:10
McJerrylamego: what would cause the described behavior then? why are the files being created with times one hour ahead of system time yet the cron jobs are running as scheduled?12:10
arvind_kMGS88, were you the one having the grub errror12:10
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hcoalcan mutt or any other text-based email client connect to a microsoft exchange mailbox?12:10
ikoniahcoal: no12:10
Mad-Freakyi have to mention im a pretty noob at ubuntu12:10
sdakakI have tried following many howtos I am stuck. Please tell me how to check that.12:10
pheriod_anyone tried 8.04 LTS?12:11
ikoniapheriod_: everyone in #ubuntu+112:11
sdakakikonia: ^12:11
ikoniasdakak: which how to are you following12:11
LamegoMcJerry, are those fast processes ? any change they could take 1h to run ?12:11
tunaI'm having a weird problem with apache. I have a php file that starts with <? header("Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8") ?>, but when I load it from apache, it says Content-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1. How can i debug this?12:11
ikoniatuna: join #apache12:11
bullgard4Can you recommend a comprehensive listing of the Gutsy changes towards Feisty?12:11
MGS88arvind_k -->what you mean?12:11
ikoniatuna: bottom line if php is not installed/configrued on your server12:11
LamegoMcJerry, did you by any chance override the user TZ by setting the TZ environment variable ?12:11
ikoniabullgard4: change log12:11
tunaikonia: php certainly works, I have been working with dynamic pages all day.12:12
arvind_kMGS88, there was a guy here having problem with his grub,his name was ubuntu thought it was you12:12
Lamegobullgard4, read the gutsy release notes ?12:12
MGS88yes he is me12:12
ikoniabullgard4: there is a quick summary http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/releasenotes/71012:12
ikoniatuna: ok - so off to #apache then12:13
sdakakikonia: this one http://mywheel.net/blog/index.php/ubuntu-network-install/12:13
arvind_kMGS88, ok so boot from your live cd and mount the partition where you installed ubuntu12:13
ikoniasdakak: thats a VERY old how to, it's referencing ubuntu 5.1012:13
AuctionedllamaHey can someone get me the command to edit xorg.conf inside of terminal12:14
AuctionedllamaI forget it, lol12:14
LamegoAuctionedllama, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:14
arvind_kMGS88, then chroot onto the mounted partition and say grub-install /dev/hda (assuming the drives are hda)12:14
ikoniaAuctionedllama: sudo $editor /etc/X11.xorg.conf12:14
DistroJockeyAuctionedllama:  sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:14
Auctionedllamathanks mates12:14
MGS88how <Im beginner>12:14
arvind_kMGS88, get a pen and paper and write down these commands12:15
sdakakikonia: Can you suggest a better one.12:15
Mad-Freakyikonia: jeah i know that thx but i cannot install it12:15
MGS88thanks <arvind_k>12:15
ikoniasdakak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot?action=show&redirect=PXEInstall12:15
ikoniaMad-Freaky: know about what sorry ?12:15
arvind_kMGS88, where did you install ubuntu by the way12:15
ikoniasdakak: also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer?highlight=%28pxe%2912:16
McJerryLamego: these are fast processes, the run immediately. How can I check the TZ variable for the current user?12:16
Mad-Freakywhen im doing "clamscan --version" i get "clamscan: error while loading shared libraries: libclamav.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"12:16
Mad-Freakyyou said missing a library12:16
LamegoMcJerry, echo $TZ12:16
ikoniaMad-Freaky yes, your missing shared libraries12:16
bullgard4ikonia: Excuse me. I made a typing error. I should have written: "Can you recommend a comprehensive listing of the Gutsy changes towards Hardy?"12:16
arvind_kAuctionedllama, use gksu for editing12:16
Mad-Freakyikonia: jeah i know that thx but i cannot install it12:16
ikoniabullgard4: same thing, change log12:16
ikoniaMad-Freaky how did you install clamav ?12:16
Mad-Freakyfrom console12:16
arvind_kikonia DistroJockey arent we supposed to use gksu for editing xorg12:16
ikoniaMad-Freaky: then the library should be installed, you must have deleted it12:17
ikoniaarvind_k: only with graphical editors12:17
Mad-Freakyhow do i re-install it12:17
arvind_kikonia, you mean with gedit??12:17
ikoniaMad-Freaky: apt-get remove12:17
ikoniaarvind_k: no - I mean with any X11 based editor12:17
McJerryLamego: echo $TZ yields blank, nothing is set12:17
DistroJockeyArelis: you still there?12:17
ikoniabullgard4: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta/12:17
LamegoMcJerry, ok, i am out of suggestions :(12:17
McJerryLamego: no problem, thanks for the input12:18
ricanelitedoes amarok download podcasts?12:18
bullgard4ikonia: Thank you.12:18
Mad-Freakyikonia: i get "no such pakket" (freely translated)12:18
ikoniaMad-Freaky: than you've not named the package correcly12:18
ikoniaMad-Freaky: dpkg -l | grep -i clam (see what the package is called)12:19
ArelisDistroJockey: yes12:19
hcoalricanelite: yes it does, check under playlists12:19
ikoniaMad-Freaky: thats not a package name, thats a library12:19
ArelisDistroJockey: you helped me further. I think i can fit the final piece of the puzzle by installing a program that switches keys around when you press a certain key. Because in nexuiz, modifier keys don't work12:20
DistroJockeyArelis: nice :)12:20
ArelisDistroJockey: In Nexuiz, modifier keys are just regarded as normal keys12:21
DistroJockeyArelis: was just about to reply to your post, and just to help others. Add details if you like and mark as solved maybe?12:21
DistroJockeyArelis: I know nothing about tablets :)12:22
roffe__what does ./ really do?12:23
DistroJockeyroffe__: current directory12:23
roffe__yeah, but like the guy did earlier ./ines to execute the program12:24
roffe__sry, for being unclear12:24
ricaneliteamarok is not seeing my ipod and Banshee is12:24
DistroJockeyroffe__: means ines would need to be in the current directory, is needed at times12:25
ArelisDistroJockey: what i wrote in the topic: I got a bit further by examining the xsetwacom and wacomcpl tools. Seems you can bind custom keybindings to a key. So you can bind one to a modifier key (such as alt), and then have them behave differently when you hold that key. Problem is, nexuiz (and most other games) use modifier keys as normal keys, so when you, for example, want to assign that modifier key + button1 in nexuiz, it thinks you want t12:25
roffe__ok.. thanks!12:25
mjaniszis there any ncurses-like interface with c++ bindings?12:25
Dr_willisroffe__,  for security reasons the 'current directory' is not in the default PATH of executables. Like it is under windows/dos12:25
DistroJockeyroffe__: np,  pwd   will print the current working directory (for reference) :)12:26
roffe__there's probably a good reason for that... lame people like me =)12:26
DistroJockeyArelis: ahh12:27
roffe__thanks... All the info I can get... love it :)12:27
gregorymjanisz: try a devel channel12:27
AuctionedllamaHey guys12:27
DistroJockeyroffe__: :)12:27
ArelisDistroJockey: so do you know the solution to -THAT- one?12:27
mjaniszgregory: that would be #ubuntu-devel?12:27
DistroJockeyArelis: nope sorry, not even know what nexuiz is yet :)12:28
ArelisDistroJockey: it's a first person shooter game.12:28
AuctionedllamaI have a question, I installed ATI drivers and I go to run catalayist center and it says that it can't run.. also I try to run aticonfig --initial in terminal and it can't write to xorg.conf.. it says bad descriptor.. please help here guys12:28
gregorymjanisz: no, its not for application development12:28
Mad-Freakyikonia: thx got it12:28
DistroJockeyArelis: thought as much, but nope, sorry12:28
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gregorymjanisz: how about google: ncurses c++ binding12:29
mjaniszthat gives me ndk-xx, but it doesnt seem to be any working revision12:30
mjaniszlatest rev is 0.0.1alpha312:30
mjanisztherefore i'd like to find something ncurses-like, has to display a simple menu12:31
gregorymjanisz: changes are not good in this channel12:31
gregorymjanisz: s/changes/chances12:33
AuctionedllamaI have a question, I installed ATI drivers and I go to run catalayist center and it says that it can't run.. also I try to run aticonfig --initial in terminal and it can't write to xorg.conf.. it says bad descriptor.. please help here guys12:33
DistroJockeyMGS88: wb12:35
MGS88its not work12:36
DistroJockeyMGS88: the drive?12:36
szbalintHello. Has anyone experience with a dell d830 laptop's suspend problems or would know who to turn to in this matter?12:37
bazhangszbalint: suspend is the holy grail of linux; if you get it you are golden--many have given up the quest12:38
szbalintyeah true12:38
szbalintI'm very close though12:38
MGS88<DistroJockey>I not fund the drive12:38
helpmehi i have a problem rescuing my data described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=fdb5c9817b6c0e981166c20e5dc3518f&p=4730577#post4730577 if someone can help....?12:39
szbalintresume sometimes works, sometimes dies with a blank screen & unresponsive keyboard & 'LINU' written in the top left corner12:39
arvind_kbazhang, :) i can suspend :)12:39
arvind_kMGS88, from the live cd run fdisk -l12:39
MGS88I m on live cd12:40
arvind_kMGS88, run the command fdisk -l12:40
Dr_willissudo may or may not be needed. :) normal install/system its needed.. live cd..  Not sure12:41
szbalintso I've been wondering whether anyone encountered this particular sympthom, 'LINU' looks strangely familiar12:41
Dr_willisi never use hibernate/suspend12:41
MGS88arvind_k--> then12:41
arvind_kMGS88, and paste the output in pastebin12:41
bazhanghmm linu... nah doesn't ring a bell12:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:41
arvind_k!paste > MGS8812:41
MGS88what is pastebin12:42
Dr_willispastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel.12:43
bazhangMGS88: a way to avoid getting kicked ;]12:43
szbalintoh well, thanks anyway12:43
grom358hey can I have a computer with one physical network device act as a router (I have a hub)?12:44
bazhanghelpme: please descirbe the issue a bit here thanks12:45
grom358I've seen servers with eth0:0 and eth0:1 at work. Any pointers on how you can setup such a thing?12:45
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matkaryohow to use compiz?12:45
bazhanginstall the 3d drivers for your cards and then install ccsm matkaryo12:46
DistroJockey!compiz matkaryo12:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compiz matkaryo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:46
Dr_willisenable it.. enjoy the wiggly windows...12:46
DistroJockey!compiz | matkaryo12:46
ubotumatkaryo: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion12:46
Dr_willisthe wife made me disable the wiggly windows for her.. it made her queezy:)12:47
grom358also.. can you use a machine that already has ubuntu updates to update another ubuntu machine?12:47
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bazhanggrom358: you have the computer connected by ethernet and it also has a wifi device that you want to use as a hotspot? something like that? please describe with some exactitude what you have in mind12:48
moyaI don't have /etc/bash_completion in hardy, how can I have it again ?12:48
arvind_kgrom358, that would be difficult12:48
manos21Hi. I'm trying to setup mythtv but I'm getting the message "CANNOT LOGIN TO DATABASE?" Any idea?12:48
DRebellionmoya, /join #hardy+1 for hardy discussion please12:48
Dr_willisgrom358,  if you have a network of ubutnu machines. it may be worth wile to set up a 'caching server' for the updates. they are stored in /var/cache/apt/ if you wanted to copy them to a dofferent machine you could do that.12:48
DRebellionmoya, /join #ubuntu+1 for hardy discussion please sorry12:48
grom358bazhang: actually I don't have wifi setup on this network. So I would only be using the 1 ethernet device12:48
Dr_willisgrom358,  ive copied /var/cache/apt/ from one machine to other machines befor.12:48
bazhangmanos21: have you asked in #ubuntu-mythtv yet? they really rock in that regard12:49
bazhanggrom358: and how would the other computers be connected?12:49
grom358Dr_willis: yeah I'm trying ubuntu out atm. Just wondering in case I decide to replace gentoo with ubuntu12:49
grom358Dr_willis: got ubuntu on a VMware install12:49
manos21bazhan: Thanks. I'll try that12:49
grom358bazhang: I got all the computers connect to hub. The ADSL modem also connects to the hub. The modem has DHCP server and currently acts as the gateway. But I've been having some network problems and I want to monitor all incoming/outgoing traffic12:50
grom358bazhang: so what you think?12:52
scientist_363\j #linuxac12:53
scientist_363\j # linuxac12:53
bazhanggrom358: ah act as router; I was immediately thinking of an ad hoc connection device--likely can be done let me check the forums for a sec12:55
grom358yeah.. so I have it be the router to see all traffic right?12:56
grom358in other words, there no way to listen to other machines traffic?12:56
bazhanggrom358: the links I get are for the computer to act as a wireless hub; not sure what to do in your case--you want to shape traffic or somesuch?12:58
orpheesalut francis12:58
Andrew``hi all....12:58
grom358bazhang: well I have seen virtual ethernet devices (eg. eth0:0 eth0:1) setup before.. but I know jack about that.12:59
grom358bazhang: I want to be able to run ntop or wireshark and make sure there is no spyware or virus using up bandwidth12:59
helpmebazhang: First i had problem with grub "error 17" but after several tries didn't work...So i tried Super grub disk ,didn't work either... After a while (by mymistake) i started playing around with the option of the S.G.D and ithink i've done it worse..i dont have windows installed only ubuntu but because of playing around some thing might not be what it looks like...a guy on irs told me that i'm missing a partition starting at block 1and ending a13:00
grom358or background process for that matter13:00
bazhanggrom358: you said you saw it at work; any reason not to ask the engineers there how they do it?13:00
dashdanwconnect irc.tddirc.net13:00
Andrew``am currently using XP/Suse. I am getting sick of suse and have been recommended ubuntu. I have just been given a 500gig Ext HDD and was wondering how I can use the external with both windows and linux?13:00
grom358no.. other then humiliation13:01
bazhangAndrew``: you want to replace ms-suse? or just keep the former and replace the latter with ubuntu13:02
misc__hello... how do I know what package a certain file on my system belongs to?13:02
AusmosisHi... Just wondering if anyone might know why I am unable top access google all of a sudden??.. This started yesterday and google is the only webpage I cannot access. I'm using Gutsy13:02
jattdpkg -S13:02
Andrew``I really want to replace suse with ubuntu13:02
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misc__jatt: thanks13:02
DistroJockeygrom358: this may help maybe? :  http://www.netkit.org/faq.html13:02
bazhanggrom358: there are some networking wizards who come in here in a while (couple of hours) they would be the ones to ask13:02
DistroJockeygrom358: specifically  tap  references13:03
bazhangAndrew``: you want to shift both to the external drive or use it as a shared drive13:03
idefixsAusmosis, what's the error?13:03
Ausmosisidefixs, it simply says "Firefox can't find the server at www.google.com."13:04
Andrew``bazhang:  I want to share it :)13:04
Yazan`What the hell?? which guide will I choose?: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/internet/C/connect.html  I have a USB DSL modem that uses PPoE...?13:04
idefixsAusmosis, have you tried other google URLs, like www.google.uk or alike13:05
Yazan`The PPoE or USB modem?13:05
bazhangAndrew``: then stick in the ubuntu disk, format the suse partition, install to it and you are good to go13:05
Ausmosisidefixs, my other computers don't have an issue so my router is fine.13:05
DistroJockeyYazan`: USB ADSL first, but may aswell look at both13:05
miclenthis that italian ?13:05
Ausmosishaven't tried the uk versions but the au version does the same thing13:05
idefixsAusmosis, not saying it's your router. could be a DNS setup problem on your box13:06
bazhangmiclen: you wish the italian ubuntu channel?13:06
OrbixxWhat is the best codec for playback of x264 video files?13:06
Andrew``bazhang:  I understand that.. what I want to know is.. how do I format the external so it isuable by both OS's13:06
idefixsAusmosis, ok13:06
Ausmosisjust tried uk and get the same response :(13:06
Ausmosisreally strange as this only started yesterday as well. Prior to that I had no issues.13:07
bazhangAndrew``: what format is it now? ubuntu can read and write to ntfs drives13:07
MGS88arvind_k are you there13:07
arvind_kMGS88, yeah vey much13:07
idefixsAusmosis, can you check whether you are using the same nameserver as the other PCs?13:07
AusmosisI also tried using Galeon and getting the same error.13:07
arvind_kMGS88, did you patebin the output13:07
grom358also is there any ex-gentoo users here?13:08
bazhanggrom358: we all are ;]13:08
Ausmosisgrom358, yes I had gentoo for 4 years13:08
DistroJockeyAusmosis: what do you get it you   ping google.com  ?13:08
grom358cause I'm starting to think compiling everything is not worth the (small?) performance increase13:09
LainyCould someone recommend a GUI application where I can (1) specify a list of file paths, (2) save these file paths, and (3) with the click of a "Backup Now" button copy all of these files to a specified directory? Thanks.13:09
AusmosisDistroJockey, pinging google is fine :)13:09
DJonesbazhang: You speak for yourself, I've never used Gentoo, although I did use Slackware for my 1st 6 months of linux experience :)13:09
bazhangDJones: just kidding; my bad ;]13:09
DistroJockeyAusmosis: what IP number does it give?13:09
MGS88do you can go to room13:09
arvind_kbazhang, well yeah me too i started right off with ubuntu13:09
Ausmosisgrom358, I got sick of the compiling and to be honest I feel the speed with Ubuntu is even better than gentoo13:09
DJonesbazhang: I guessed that :)13:10
bazhangjust getting the offtopic out of my system before release week ;]13:10
jane_weidlinAusmosis: would you consider that 4 years glorious with linux13:10
idefixsAusmosis, same as i get - DNS is fine13:10
DistroJockeyAusmosis: nods, not the hosts file then I guess13:10
Andrew``bazhang:  I have no idea.. only got it tonight13:11
Andrew``I guess maybe windsows13:11
arvind_kMGS88, have you registered yourself13:11
idefixsAusmosis, try
linuxcbonthats google13:11
grom358bazhang: my other option is to use my brother's windows box as the router cause it has 2 network devices13:11
Yazan`Anyone knows a solution for my problem can help me here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75719113:11
Andrew``also, is there a list of what programs come with ubuntu?13:11
Ausmosisidefixs, using the ip address works. wtf!!!13:11
bazhanggrom358: all the more compelling reason to get your situation fixed here13:12
linuxcbonmaybe you didnt set your dns ?13:12
AusmosisThis is getting more confusing.13:12
idefixslinuxcbon, apparently he/she did13:12
bazhangAndrew``: it is a long list; unless you mean by default13:12
MGS88arvid_k-->what you mean13:12
Andrew``bazhang:  what comes on the CD/DVD?13:13
helpmebazhang: any hope?13:13
grom358actually what I would really like is to have some sort of QoS so I can give certain packets higher priority13:13
savor21Hi. I have a pctv 310e tv tuner and I'm frustrated as long as  I cannot find any drivers for linux. Is thera any possibility to make it?13:13
idefixsAusmosis, try googling for google and click a link with google.com in it...13:13
Ausmosisjane_weidlin, Considering I been using linux since 1995... the 4 years were torture lol... well actually it was fun but I now need more time to do real stuff instead of tweaking my systems13:13
arvind_kMGS88, i sent you a PM....well get yourself registered .... jus type /msg nickserv register <password>13:14
arvind_kMGS88, do that in the server window not here :)13:14
bazhangAndrew``: if you dont know then the external drive is likely either fat32 or ntfs; and as far as the cd/dvd there is big difference--best to run the live cd and see for yourself--way too much to paste here ;]13:14
Ausmosisidefixs, just tried that and end result is the same error again13:14
Ausmosisstrange how the IP works yet nameserver doesn't13:15
Andrew``bazhang:  is there not a www link to the list?13:15
idefixsAusmosis, then i have no clue what this problem is. a workaround: make a bookmark to the IP13:15
bazhanggrom358: sounds like traffic shaping13:15
Ausmosisyeah thats what I am going to do for now :)13:15
bazhangAndrew``: never thought to find out when I could just boot the livecd ;]13:15
linuxcbonyou have dhcp ? what is your  /etc/resolv.conf13:15
LainyCould someone recommend a GUI application where I can (1) specify a list of file paths, (2) save these file paths, and (3) with the click of a "Backup Now" button copy all of these files to a specified directory? Thanks.13:16
Ausmosislinuxcbon, you talking to me?13:16
grom358bazhang: yeah.. I would like to setup that. But my immediate goal is to monitor the traffic so I can check for spyware/viruses/ or background downloading13:16
linuxcbonyes aus13:16
A_I_does someone know a place where I can find a .deb for clamav-0.93 ?13:16
AusmosisLet me check now13:16
IdleOne!info clamav13:16
ubotuclamav (source: clamav): antivirus scanner for Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.91.2-3ubuntu2.3 (gutsy), package size 856 kB, installed size 1284 kB13:16
bazhanghelpme: though you did provide some important info what was the messing around you did with the super grub disk? that was not entirely clear13:17
arvind_kA_I you can install it through apt-get / synaptic13:18
A_I_0.93 ?13:18
Ausmosislinuxcbon, Entries include my router and this PC
Ausmosisnothing else13:18
linuxcbonit should include dns servers, for ex nameserver
IdleOneA_I_: there is probably not a package for the latest/greatest version but that is not always the best anyway. use the package in the repos13:19
linuxcbonit shouldnt include your pc13:19
arvind_kA_I 0.9113:19
helpmebazhang: i think i just "testing" the other options too...13:20
A_I_IdleOne the problem is that the earlier version have a security hole13:20
IdleOneA_I_: Ubuntu 8.04 hardy Heron has version 0.9213:20
Ausmosislinuxcbon, nameserver nameserver
bazhanggrom358: seems like wondershaper and frogfoot are tools you should look into13:20
linuxcbononly router should be enough13:21
A_I_yes but only 0.93 has the fixe13:21
Lainywhat is a good bakcup utility where can i specify individual files to backup13:21
idefixsAusmosis, sounds weird however works correctly with ping.13:21
DistroJockeyA_I_:  well, you could get it from here:  http://www.clamav.org/download/13:21
fjfalconhello all, i have problem. When watching video sometomes this bug is looks to from any videoplayer - www.fjfalcon.ru/video.png . After restaring x server all is working great... How to fix this noisy bug?13:21
AusmosisWell I am baffled as well...13:21
bazhanghelpme: you did not commit any of these changes? you sure about that?13:21
grom358oh that eth0:0 thing I was talking about.. Just found its called IP aliasing13:22
Ausmosislinuxcbon, the entries are generated automatically by NetworkManager13:22
DistroJockeygrom358: ahh :)13:23
linuxcbontry:  route add -net default gw netmask
helpmebazhang: yes i also tried the other options the i wasn't actually needed....(stupid me) but i just want the email passwords13:23
AusmosisI assume is the DHCP IP address that is being assigned to me by my ISP.13:23
A_I_unfortunately clamav.org doesn't propose an uptodate package and I would have prefer to follow ubuntu's packages rather than building one myself13:24
Sturmehwe giving out free ip's now?13:24
DistroJockeyA_I_: nods13:24
b4l74z4rhow do i check which version of flash i have?13:24
linuxcbonso did u try ?13:25
gregoryA_I_: ubuntu is not so much focused on the server yet, how about running another distro in a vm. i could imagine that probs with fixes for server software could pop up in the future too13:25
hcoalb4l74z4r: could you check the version in synaptic?13:25
IdleOneAusmosis: is your IP13:26
Ausmosislinuxcbon, yep and it's telling me the file exists13:26
linuxcbonroute add -net default gw netmask
b4l74z4rok, i seem to have flash version 9,0,124,0 installed, does anyone know which version preceded it?13:28
arvind_kA_I did you try www.getdeb.net13:28
arvind_kA_I did you try www.getdeb.net13:31
lartza_amsn keeps disconnecting me like every 2 mins and wont login back after I click cancel and login13:32
MGS88arvid_k --> where can I put the /msg nickserv register <your-password>13:33
lartza_amsn keeps disconnecting me like every 2 mins and wont login back before I click cancel and login13:33
arvind_kMGS88, in the tab where freenode is there onto your left had side13:34
leandroolá alguém poderia me ajudar com a instalação do emesene?13:34
fevelI have a problem13:36
AarizWhat's wrong?13:36
MGS88arvind_k--> I do /msg MGS88 register <MY PASS>13:36
fevelI changed the swap disk and now ubuntu doesnt recognize any swap13:36
rick_What is the best media player for high definition videos?13:36
fevelsystem monitor says 0 of 0 bytes for swap13:36
Aarizmodify your /etc/fstab13:36
rick_I'm trying to play 1080p here and it's staggering along. My hardware is good enough to support it.13:36
arvind_kMGS88, its /msg nickserv register <password>13:37
arvind_kMGS88, after that do /msg nickserv identify <password>13:37
Aarizfevel: Hello13:37
fevelAariz,  I dont know how to edit this file13:38
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:38
MGS88arvind_k--> oh thanks very  much13:38
arvind_kMGS88, thats ok13:38
fevelAariz,  it doesnt say anything about swap13:38
Aarizfevel: I have a other way.13:38
arvind_kfevel, did you create a swap??13:38
fevelAariz, # /dev/mmcblk0p113:39
fevelUUID=e9cf92a0-b3b9-40ef-aa58-fd0f80d3f040 none            swap    sw              0       013:39
fevelarvind_k,  yes13:39
arvind_kfevel then modify your fstab and mtab13:39
DistroJockeyfevel:  sudo swapon -a   (enables all swap partitions13:39
Aarizfevel: add "swapon /dev/xxx" in /etc/rc.local13:39
cemci'm trying to download a nightly build with rsync, but i'm getting errors like 'connection unexpectedly closed'13:40
=== alvin is now known as shaddy
Lainyi installed sbackup but I can't run it. i get this problem a lot. that is, if install a program, how do i know its program name with which ican run it? i'm trying to run sbackup but i'm using fluxbox so i don't have an admin menu13:43
* delcoyote hi13:43
=== shaddy is now known as shishio
Flyzoolahi guys, I have a question regarding root. I have files on a removable drive which are read only/ About a week ago, I was looking for ways to access those files and found a command that allows me to use root but in fileview form (as in not in the terminal) and I deleted those files which I needed gone. Now I didn't realize that ubuntu had a hidden trash folder, and I needed those files gone, now when I realized this i tried to get back into t13:44
=== ser is now known as kazabubu
ToznoshioWhat is the channel for Ubuntu Open Week?13:44
aubadeFlyzoola: ~/.local/share/Trash (in 2.22 anyhow) or ~/.Trash.13:45
AarizLainy: You can look up look over which program include in package.13:45
FlyzoolaToznoshio: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:45
wildmanhello there, my system (Ubuntu 7.10 x86 version) has 4GB of RAM, but 'only' 3.2GB are 'used' (displayed by "free" command as total mem), is installing the x86_64 version the only way one can make full usage of the 4GB?13:45
LainyAariz: How do I look that up? Thanks.13:45
DistroJockeyLainy: that's a pretty common problem, and I think that the main program filename should be listed in the package description13:45
brandon__yeesh... I have a fresh install of Gutsy13:46
nevemgreetings! I need some help - cannot set widescreen resolution on my laptop (ubuntu 7.10)13:46
LainyDistroJockey: apt-cache show sbackup?13:46
brandon__I'm on a T60.  my gigabit network card is not being recognized13:46
Flyzoolaaubade: was that the command to gain the root access or does it just empty the trashbin13:46
DistroJockeyLainy: never really tried sorry13:47
AarizLainy: System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager.13:47
Lainythat's odd still can't find the name13:47
=== theseus is now known as bonhoffer
shishiohi guys hihihih13:48
landmannFlyzoola: run "sudo rm /home/username/.Trash/*"13:48
brandon__It is an Intel gigabit card, came with the T60.  Gutsy isn't seeing it at all.  I'm not finding anything in google about this problem either.13:48
landmannwhere username = the actual username.13:48
aubadeFlyzoola: Oh, just where user trash is stored if you were using Nautilus as root, or whichever user.13:48
AarizLainy: Find you installed package, View properties.13:48
aubadeYou message kind of cut off so I guessed. X)13:49
brandon__Actually, I see a lot of articles via google about the network card appearing sometimes, and disappearing other times, but it has never shown once on this install so far13:49
Aarizfevel: How's it going?13:49
Flyzoolalandmann: is without the /*? or is that just a wildcard?13:50
WerdnaFlyzoola: wildcard13:50
fevelAariz,  I got swap going by doing sudo swapon /dev/sda313:50
DistroJockeyAariz: good tip about the properties, cheers13:50
fevelbut now my fstab is all wrong13:50
fevelwhat used to be a data drive (sda3) is now swap13:51
fevelhow can I recreate the fstab?13:51
Lainysorry my computer crashed while trying to sun sbackupd13:51
Lainydid someone suggest how to run it?13:51
AarizDistroJockey: :)13:51
Lainyah nvm13:52
LainyI found it13:52
DistroJockeyAariz: The main comand file/s are still not that obvious though13:52
brandon__Anyone know why the gigabit ethernet card on a T60 would not be detected in Gutsy Gibbon?13:53
legend2440fevel: type sudo fdisk -l in terminal and see which partition should be swap?13:53
Flyzoolacan I use the command "sudo rm /media/disk/.Trash-root" to delete the folder? or do I need to go further into the directory to remove?13:53
DistroJockeyAariz: e.g. I did a  sudo apt-get install clamav  and then did  man clamav  , no man found :(13:54
fevellegend2440,  I already know ...its /dev/sda313:54
shanepardueIf one of my mounts from /etc/fstab crashed..how can I run fstab to mount them all again without rebooting?13:54
hischildFlyzoola, use the -R option with that as well if the folder isn't empty.13:54
hischildshanepardue, sudo mount -a13:54
shanepardueHmm..I did that, but it isn'13:55
shaneparduet mounting for some reason13:55
hischildshanepardue, any errors?13:55
hischildshanepardue, what does mount give you when you type mount?13:55
AarizDistroJockey: Maybe, that package doesn13:55
IdleOneDistroJockey: install clamtk ( GUI )13:56
HellBoundubuntu not installing on my system wat to do now13:56
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.13:56
kjdxHello I have a problem13:56
sergiu14hello, I want to access a GtkWiget  ( a entry field ) , from a button signal function ( eg. button clicked) , but the entry filed is declared in the main window form, which is not seen from the button signal. How can I connect them?13:56
=== janito_ is now known as Lamego
kjdxI put on a server ubuntu irc server but do not know how to defend from attack dos13:57
Flyzoolahischild: what do you mean? there's folders (but they're read only) in the .Trash-root folder. That's what i need to get rid of. How do I type in the command? "sudo rm -r /media/disk/.Trash-root"?13:57
DistroJockeyIdleOne: I'm ok, but I'm thinking of how new users may struggle a bit. Thanks though, will take a look :)13:57
labcomno me funciona el ubuntu AGHHHHH13:57
HellBoundi need help pls someone help me13:57
fevellegend2440,  Is there a way I can rebuild my fstab?13:57
labcomi can help u13:57
neve1hello there once again! I would like to ask you for some help with my widescreen resolution problem13:58
brandon__Alright, anyone know where I can find the latest ubuntu driver for intel gigabit network cards?13:58
gregorysergiu14: wrong channel, try #gnome and then ask for gnome-programming channel13:58
kjdxWhat I could do or if you have a link for me to be able to understand how to set the server to prevent these attacks?13:58
brandon__02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82573L Gigabit Ethernet Controller13:58
hischildFlyzoola, that'd be correct yes13:58
IdleOneDistroJockey: yeah the GUI should be a depend of the clamav package but up to MOTU13:58
sergiu14ok gregory13:59
labcom_q peñazo de claseeeee13:59
DistroJockeyIdleOne: can't even see it in Synaptic, looking at it now13:59
kjdxYou can solve this problem?13:59
labcom_jugamos a paella?13:59
practicas_como se juega?¿13:59
Mezamacias, ping13:59
kloerilabcom_, practicas_: please speak english in here13:59
legend2440fevel: do you have something like fstab.bak in /etc?13:59
IdleOneDistroJockey: apt-cache search clamav it should be listed13:59
jussi01!es | practicas_13:59
ubotupracticas_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.14:00
DistroJockeyIdleOne: my bad, I was searching for clamav ;P14:00
practicas_speak english??? why??14:00
labcom_pues cada uno es un alimento diferente y cuando se nombra hay que levantarse14:00
shanepardueSo "mount -a" should mount everything in my fstab?14:00
shanepardueeven nfs shares14:00
practicas_jaja, yo no se si me voy a levantar aqui al ladito de este hombre eeeeh14:00
jussi01!en | practicas_14:00
lolere un fistro pecadorl!14:00
labcom_unos arroz14:00
labcom_otros gambas14:00
labcom_otros verduras14:00
kloeripracticas_: this is an english speaking channel14:00
=== neve1 is now known as widescreenhelppl
ubotupracticas_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat14:00
fevellegend2440,  no14:00
labcom_que infancia más triste!14:00
erUSUL!ops | labcom_ lol14:01
ubotulabcom_ lol: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!14:01
labcom_no jugabais a eso en el cole?14:01
practicas_yo no tronco14:01
erUSULkloeri: practicas_ too, please14:01
legend2440!paste | fevel (can you pasrebin your fstab?)14:01
MezerUSUL, already done14:01
ubotufevel (can you pasrebin your fstab?): pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:01
* erUSUL thankfull14:01
polysiliconwhich software can be used for capturing videos from webcam???14:02
erUSULMez: i saw it when i hitted enter ;)14:02
kjdxPlease help me a link where I can understand how defend from attack my dos irc server know someone give me some help?14:02
OllieHcan someone help me with the problems im getting when i try to install ubuntu?14:02
PrefixHow do I install font files?14:03
Lamegokjdx, irc server is a very specific piece of software, nothing that most of us can help with, read your software documentation14:03
HellBoundhello i need help plz help14:03
widescreenhelpplneed help with widescreen resolution problem14:03
OllieHneed help with this error: An error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices. The resize operation is aborted.14:04
HellBoundubuntu installation problem14:04
Flyzoolathe command "sudo rm -r /media/disk/.Trash-root" didn't work when removing the files. This is what the terminal tells me 'rm: cannot remove /media/disk/.Trash-root/file': read only file system14:05
erUSUL!font |  Prefix14:05
HellBoundno one here who can help me14:05
erUSUL!ask | HellBound14:05
ubotuPrefix: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer14:05
ubotuHellBound: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:05
koma_how to transfer documents between two os in vbox please?14:06
Prefixty erUSIL14:06
thomasI would like to report a bug with the default calculator in Ubuntu 8.04 beta when the thousands separators are turned on. What happens is I end up with multiple separators in a row between numbers.14:07
HellBoundubuntu not installing on my system14:07
HellBoundubuntu 7.1014:07
erUSUL!bugs | thomas14:07
ubotuthomas: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:07
Flyzoolawhich command do I use now? or what is the command to get root access on the file browser?14:07
widescreenhelpplis anyone available for some discussion about my widescreen resolution problem?14:07
erUSULHellBound: any specific error? can you describe what and how is failing?14:08
sdakakWould a desktop installation cd work with tftp or do I only need the alternate cd?14:08
DracoZAwhat screen is it widescreenhelppl ?14:08
HellBoundno error14:08
OllieHWhen I use the live cd to try and shrink my windows partition I get this error: "Resize operation Failure14:08
OllieHan error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices.14:08
OllieHThe resize operation is aborted." This happens on both my internal and external harddrive, i am currently defragging my internal as it is very very fragmented, so i suspect thats the problem, but my external isnt fragmented at all, and it is nearly completely on the "left" of the disk and I still get the error14:08
koma_can sb hear me14:08
erUSULFlyzoola: if the filesystem is read only not even root can delete the files14:08
HellBoundjust busy box opens and do something and then hangs14:08
widescreenhelppl1280x800 lcd14:08
DracoZAlaptop ?14:08
thomaserUSUL: I'll report it there. Thank you.14:08
sdakakikonia: there?14:09
widescreenhelpplhave i965 video card14:09
DracoZAwhats the problem widescreenhelppl ?14:09
sdakakerUSUL: ikonia: Would a desktop installation cd work with tftp or do I only need the alternate cd?14:09
legend2440HellBound: have you tried alternative cd? sometimes that works when livecd won't14:09
widescreenhelpplthe highest available resolution is 1024x768@3014:09
HellBoundwhere i will find alternative cd14:09
widescreenhelppli mean the highest offered by ubuntu14:10
DracoZAwidescreenhelppl have you checked that the resolution you want is in xorg.conf ?14:10
widescreenhelpplyes it is14:10
HellBoundi downloaded the iso file from ubuntu site and burn it on cd14:10
erUSULFlyzoola: you have to remount it rw (sudo mount -o rw,remount /mount/point )14:10
FlyzoolaerUSUL: so there's no way to get rid of files on a removable drive that's got a hidden trash bin in it? Surely there must be a way to delete the files, I mean, I was able to do it before with that command (as in send read-only file to hidden trash bin) but now I can't find it. I'm pretty certain that that could fix it14:10
erUSUL!alternate | HellBound14:10
ubotuHellBound: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal14:11
DracoZAwidescreenhelppl have you run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?14:11
Ongakuhi how to do run a .sh file/14:11
widescreenhelpplyes, many times14:11
jatt./sh file14:11
erUSULFlyzoola: as i said you first have to munt the fs read write14:11
LamegoOngaku, sh file.sh14:11
=== Lacrymol1gy is now known as Lacrymology
Alp`is there a way to get a list of all installed programs? i plan to install ubuntu 8 instead of upgrading, because my system performance is very low at the moment14:11
Ongakulamego: ok thank you14:11
LjL!cloning > Alp`    (Alp`, see the private message from Ubotu)14:11
legend2440HellBound: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download there is a box to check for alternative cd14:11
Lamegoto run it with /.file, it must be set executable, chmod u+x file14:11
Ongakulamego: cannot open14:11
DracoZAwidescreenhelppl sorry then this newbie cant help more than that, I have 7.10 running on a few laptops with no problems, all Acers14:12
Ongakulamego: oh ok14:12
Alp`LjL: thanks alot14:12
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning14:12
helderhow can I open a .qrp (quickreport for delphi) file in ubuntu ?14:12
widescreenhelpplDracoZA thanks anyway14:12
LjLAlp`: if you're changing versions, you should probably not follow that factoid to the letter (as replicating the exact packages selection you had will likely get you in trouble). but anyway, that command gives you the list you want14:12
arvind_kany idea where can i find a linker for a ALP to work14:12
OllieHAnyone? D:14:13
FlyzoolaerUSUL: what exactly does that mean. And is the directory you gave me just "X" (meaning I have to replace it with my own [sudo mount -o rw,remount /media/disk/   ?]) or is it the one I need to do it for?14:13
OllieHWhen I use the live cd to try and shrink my windows partition I get this error: "Resize operation Failure an error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices.14:13
OllieH<OllieH> The resize operation is aborted." This happens on both my internal and external harddrive, i am currently defragging my internal as it is very very fragmented, so i suspect thats the problem, but my external isnt fragmented at all, and it is nearly completely on the "left" of the disk and I still get the erro14:13
erUSULFlyzoola: sudo mount -o rw,remount /media/disk/ <<< that's it yes14:13
DracoZAAny ideas why I am getting: Failed to modify password entry for user username error whenever I use smbpasswd -a username ?14:14
HellBoundif i upgrade my bios then my lice cd will work14:16
ikoniaDracoZA: can it talk to the samba backend ?14:16
FlyzoolaerUSUL: ok, so I typed in that command, what exactly did it do? and can i type in sudo rm -r /media/disk/.Trash-root now   ?14:16
sdakakikonia: will the tftp method work with a desktop live cd or do i only need the alternate cd?14:17
erUSULFlyzoola: it remounted (hopefully) the filesystem read write you have to be able to write to delete files (you can not delete on a cdrom; can you?)14:17
ikoniasdakak: should work with any pxe image you create14:17
erUSULFlyzoola: if that failed we have to find out why the filesystem is mounted read only14:17
DracoZA ikonia I can only seem to run the command on users already created14:18
PrefixHellbound, whats when does the livecd hang?14:18
FlyzoolaerUSUL: what do you mean remove from cdrom? I am trying to delete from a mass storage device.14:18
ikoniaDracoZA: ahhh so this is on a new user14:18
acomacoMy cron keeps on sending me messages even tough i removed my email address..14:18
koma_anybody there14:18
erUSULFlyzoola: it was just an example of a clearly read only filesystem14:19
DracoZAikonia yup, do I have to add the user via users and groups first, I just want to give them remote access14:19
ikoniaDracoZA: the password does not relate to real unix users and groups14:19
arvind_kany idea where can i find a linker for a ALP to work ....14:20
DracoZAikonia *confused look* how would I go about creating a remote access user then ?14:20
ikoniaarvind_k: ld is the linker14:20
demonsporkI am trying to use the mkraid command, but it doesn't seem to exist on my ubuntu system, what do I use in place of it?14:21
FlyzoolaerUSUL: ok, so now it's telling me it can't find the deirectory?14:21
ikoniaDracoZA: I'm not quite understanding, you do need to have a matching unix account for the samba account14:21
arvind_kikonia, so with nasm i create the .obj's and link them with ld??? and then how do i debug??14:21
ikoniaDracoZA: but the samba password does not link to the unix password14:21
erUSULFlyzoola: can you see it (ls /media/disk/* )14:21
DracoZAikonia ok that answers my question, the user has to be created and then smbpasswd -a... correct ?14:21
ikoniaDracoZA: yes14:22
ikoniaarvind_k: its' assembl14:22
ikoniaarvind_k: its' assembly14:22
DracoZAikonia thanks14:22
DracoZAikonia will an unprivileged account work fine ?14:22
arvind_kikonia, yeah ...14:22
ikoniaarvind_k: you don't have to use a linker, but if you really want to then you can use ld14:22
sdakakikonia: while following that guide, I can't start my dhcp server. It says "fail"14:22
Alp`LjL: yes, i dont plan to replicate all packages, but the list is very useful14:22
ikoniaDracoZA: you'll need to be root and run it14:22
FlyzoolaerUSUL: yes I can, which is why I find it weird that the terminal can't14:22
ikoniasdakak: what does the log say14:23
ToznoshioQ: My ISP is filtering incoming SSH at the protocol level, what options do I have in Gutsy to defeat that? Maybe tunneling within some other protocol, I guess ... but I'm lacking ideas14:23
arvind_kikonia,well in MASM we use a linker14:23
ikoniaarvind_k: try using ld14:23
erUSULFlyzoola: check again you havent' made a typo14:23
sdakakikonia: where will i find it?14:23
ikoniaToznoshio: ssh is what you use to tunnel14:23
arvind_kikonia, sure14:23
=== MattJ_ is now known as MattJ
DracoZAikonia sorry I meant the new user, for remote can they be unprivileged14:23
ikoniasdakak: /var/log/messages14:23
arvind_kikonia, thanks14:23
ikoniaarvind_k: not a problem (I'm basic with assembly - so I'm not going to be too much use)14:23
sdakakikonia: Oh it's huge.14:23
ikoniaDracoZA: totally14:23
DracoZAthx again14:24
Toznoshioikonia, yes but nobody can get to my SSH server from the internet is my point14:24
ikoniasdakak: so look through it for stuff relating to dhcp14:24
arvind_kikonia, do you know any channerl around for the help by the way14:24
ikoniaToznoshio: so speak to your isp14:24
ikoniaarvind_k: no idea of the top of my head14:24
arvind_kikonia, :) i like that subject14:24
arvind_kany channel around for ALP14:24
ikoniaarvind_k: again no idea, this isn't the best place to ask14:25
ggeecko_is there a way i can make aterm always on top14:25
FlyzoolaerUSUL: ok, I think I got it. Now i have another question, i tried transfering a folder to the removable drive and it's telling me that I don't have permission to write to that folder. How do I copy the file over??14:26
=== Pullarotta is now known as Pullarotta^
sdakakikonia: I can't find anything useful.14:26
sdakakikonia: it doesn't talk about any failure with dhcpd14:26
erUSULFlyzoola: can you paste the output of "cat /proc/mounts" on a pastebin ??14:26
ikoniasdakak: restart dhcp then look at the bottom of the log14:27
LjLAlp`: a thing you'd possibly find useful would be also to only list those packages which aren't installed as dependencies of other packages. « deborphan -a » should achieve that14:27
erUSUL!paste | Flyzoola14:27
ubotuFlyzoola: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:27
gregoryggeecko_: right click on the window title  then choose stay on top14:27
LjL(should, not necessarily does...)14:27
ggeecko_gregory: it is borderless14:27
Flyzoolaso type in cat/proc/mounts?14:27
=== zo0mguy is now known as Crypto
sdakakit doesn't say anything useful just Apr 17 18:57:48 demo-laptop dhcpd: Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server V3.0.514:28
sdakakApr 17 18:57:48 demo-laptop dhcpd: Copyright 2004-2006 Internet Systems Consortium. and more.14:28
=== Crypto is now known as zo0mguy
siMNare all you guys using irc from linux?14:29
sdakakikonia: ^14:29
ikoniasdakak: does ps -ef | grep dhcpd show it as running ?14:29
erUSULFlyzoola: yep14:29
gregorysiMN: why you ask ?14:29
sdakakyes, but if i try to start and stop it then both steps say fail.14:29
ikoniasdakak: does ps -ef | grep dhcpd show it as running yes/no ?14:30
sdakakikonia: yes14:30
ikoniasdakak: ok - so it's running and the problem is the init script doesn't know about it14:30
sdakakikonia: when i say /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start|stop both steps say fail.14:30
sdakakikonia: would a reboot work?14:30
ikoniasdakak: yes, because they don't know it's running, dhcpd-server is just a script14:30
ikoniasdakak: a reboot should put it back to a known status14:31
SpydonDoes the swap partition help to do so the partitions doesnt get fragmented?14:31
sdakakikonia: let me try.14:31
ikoniaSpydon: no14:31
erUSULSpydon: no14:31
LamegoSpydon, swap has nothing to do with fragmentation14:31
Alp`LjL: thx14:31
SpydonLamego, ok thx14:31
Lamego!defrag | Spydon14:31
ubotuSpydon: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this. A package "defrag" is available in !Universe, however its use is not safe, and is generally not needed.14:31
user1i want to host my website my self. what do i need to iiinstall to make my pc as webserver ?14:32
gregoryuser1: apache214:32
Lamegouser1, apache2 or any other web server available on the repositories14:32
ikoniauser1: apache, you also need valid dns setup and an ISP that will allow you to host a website, although your performance will be quite poor14:32
Lamegoit depends on your needs14:32
user1gregorah apache2 is the latest version?14:32
user1ikonia why it will be poor14:33
gregoryuser1: what ikonia said is very important14:33
ikoniauser1: because you'd be on a home DSL connection, that is not a good setup for webhost14:33
user1Lamego what choices for web server apps do i have and what is better14:33
user1ikonia you mean slow spped?14:33
ikoniauser1: what is better is your personal preference, what you need, only you can asnwer that14:33
ikoniauser1: yes, speed will be slow, and potentially persistant connections will be unstable14:34
user1ikonia i need great veriety of features14:34
ikoniauser1: you may also get into trouble and "kicked" off your ISP14:34
erUSULuser1: apache; cherokee, lighttp etc...14:34
ikoniauser1: be specific14:34
ikoniauser1: you will also need a static IP address14:34
user1ikonia 'i need an app that has most features'14:34
Lamegonot really, he can use a dynamic dns service14:35
ikoniauser1: your not making any sense14:35
user1ikonia dyndns.com can take care of ips14:35
user1ikonia web stats, customisation, etc.14:35
gregoryuser1: what is your background with computers? whats your experience?14:35
b4l74z4ri installed flash from a tar.gz file, how do i uninstall it?14:35
ikoniauser1: "customisation" is not a requirment, what technologies do you require for your website14:35
user1ikonia "featurefull app" is the word14:35
ikoniab4l74z4r: rm it14:35
ikoniauser1: that is not a requirment14:35
powertool08ikonia: isn't that sort of webserver setup sufficient for a low hit page where only you and maybe a few (~20 or less) use it?14:36
arvind_kikonia, ld is the linker :)14:36
user1ikonia i need all suport for future upgrading. e.g php cgi asp14:36
ikoniauser1: I want a recipe, I like a wide varity of food and want something that is full of relevant food14:36
=== RichardL is now known as rml
b4l74z4rikonia, i don't know where it is14:36
ikoniauser1: that is not a webserver14:36
ikoniab4l74z4r: then your screwed14:36
ikoniab4l74z4r: next time use the package manager14:36
ikoniauser1: go away, thank about what technologies your website will require then we can map out the packages14:36
ikoniauser1: also firstly, contact your isp and make sure you are allowed to host a website on it14:37
user1ikonia i am a newbie14:37
user1ikonia isp have no problme14:37
ikoniauser1: that doesn't' change anything I've just said14:37
user1ikonia what points should i consider to look at then14:37
user1ikonia what could be my requirments14:37
ikoniauser1: all the points I've listed14:37
user1ikonia what could be my requirments14:38
ikoniauser1: I don't know your requirments, only YOU know YOUR requirments14:38
legend2440b4l74z4r: is there a read or install file in the gz file that says where it is going to install flash?14:38
b4l74z4rlegend2440, no, there was no readme file14:38
Lainydoes anyone know of a program that can allow me to save multiple file paths and copy them into another directory with the click of a button? thanks.14:39
user1ikonia ok.14:39
jribb4l74z4r: check ~/.mozilla/plugins/ and /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ for a libflashplayer.so file.  Before deleting, check that 'flashplugin-nonfree' is indeed not installed.  If you can't find libflashplayer.so, run 'sudo updatedb && locate libflashplayer.so'14:39
=== _elemental is now known as mentals_Way
* Ted` http://ircx.forum0.info/ <--- plz register :) thanx14:39
user1ikonia i have talked this before too here. just need to see what you have to say about it :   using linux,i have some friends sharing my internet. i have 30k vacant and 3 friends. is there a way that i define the combine band limit for 3 users combined as 30 k . not 10k for each. that way if 2 are  online they can share 15k each. and if all 3 are online. they will be spreaded 10k each in managed behaviour. any way.i have a dlink switch. and in futer i may tak14:39
user1by wondershaper or ebox. or any other, what i have in mind is 30k for 3 users. if all are online 10k is given to each. if 2 are online 15k to each. 1 then 30k to him. and other 4th user gets 20k seperat dedi bandwidth.. how can i do it?14:39
Ted`http://ircx.forum0.info/ <--- plz register :) thanx14:39
Twim4Lainy ))))14:40
Ted`http://ircx.forum0.info/ <--- plz register :) thanx14:40
=== mentals_Way is now known as _elemental
erUSULLainy: a panned file browser like midnight commander14:40
jribTed`: don't advertise here14:40
ikoniauser1: what you are asking for would be better by purchasing a router with traffic shaping built in14:40
Twim4midnight commander is a terminal program or?14:40
ikoniaTwim4: curses14:40
user1ikonia i want to use my pc as router14:41
ikoniauser1: you would be much better off with a hardware solution14:41
Twim4ikonia what do u mean?14:41
CoasterMasteruser1, if you really want to attempt this, you can check out m0n0wall, but it can be a pain to get everything up and running14:41
erUSULTwim4: yep14:42
ikoniaTwim4: its an ncurses app14:42
user1ikonia ok but how can i do it with an app14:42
Twim4erUSUL Lainy wants to do this with mouse on one click14:42
erUSULuser1: dedicated to only routing?? then use something like ipcop or zeroshell or untangle14:42
ikoniauser1: you would need a qos iptables setup, a router solution for a home setup would be more approrpiate14:43
user1CoasterMaster monowall is an app or firewal?14:43
LainyTwim4: yeah and to be able to save all the file paths..sbackup backups the files into a zip file (which I can't even extract), so that isn't helpful14:43
erUSULTwim4: weel i do not even understand exactly what he wants14:43
user1erUSUL hm ya14:43
legend2440b4l74z4r: is this the file you used to install? install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz14:43
CoasterMasteruser1, it's a firewall + router app for FreeBSD, it's pretty damn advanced (and I don't know if you can use the computer for things other than a firewall when using it), the website is here http://m0n0.ch/wall/14:44
LainyerUSUL: i'd like to specify several file paths and to copy all these files into a directory.. and to be able to save this action so in the future, i can hit a "Backup now" button to copy all those specified files automatically14:44
sertachi  can anybody help me about instaling wus-300 driver to 7.1014:44
user1CoasterMaster ok.14:44
erUSULLainy: make a script that backups those files and call it from terminal or via a launcher14:45
Lainylol if i could script14:45
Lainyi will give it a try, thanks14:45
user1CoasterMaster ikonia erUSUL , what the easy to setup things, qos with ip tables. or monowall or pcop or zeroshell or untangle ? which one i should go with?14:45
chris062689Are there any SNES emulators in the repos that go through the command line?14:45
LjLchris062689: zsnes14:45
chris062689ok thanks.14:46
mosoliAlguem porai ???14:46
mosoliagleu mdo Brasil14:46
erUSULuser1: ipcop zeroshell and untangle all provide web based configuration interface similar of the ones found on comercial routers14:46
Lamego!br | mosoli14:46
ubotumosoli: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:46
mosoliAlgum brazuca porai ?14:46
erUSULuser1: to configure and monitor the router function14:46
erUSUL!br | mosoli14:46
Alp`would you recommend to upgrade ubuntu 7 to 8, or to make a fresh install (my home folder is on a seperate partition)?14:47
user1erUSUL ic.14:48
user1CoasterMaster ikonia erUSUL , what apps are used most for such things?14:49
m3333how do u get a Gnome or KDE enviroment running on Ubuntu Server?14:49
erUSULuser1: what things? routing?14:49
user1CoasterMaster ikonia erUSUL , i would go for a most used one maybe, for good suport in future14:49
Lainy!zh | wangdw20114:49
ubotuwangdw201: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:49
erUSUL!cn | wangdw20114:49
ikoniauser1: iptables, but for you I STRONLGY recommend buying a hardware router with this solution built in14:49
user1erUSUL ya14:49
user1ikonia hm14:49
shandyjoin #django14:49
erUSULuser1: routing is done mainly by the kernel itself14:49
user1CoasterMaster ikonia erUSUL , i saw monowall, screenshot looks impresive14:50
CoasterMasteruser1, yeah a hardware router definitely is the best solution...yeah m0n0wall is very powerful, but kind of a pain to configure14:50
user1erUSUL ic14:50
ikoniauser1: monowall is a firewall14:50
bazhangm3333: just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop14:50
CoasterMasterbut it also works as a router14:50
user1ikonia it will do it?14:50
ikoniaCoasterMaster: I don't think it can link into qos modules though14:50
ikoniaCoasterMaster: don't quote me on that though14:50
user1ikonia the routing i mean14:51
b4l74z4ri had to downgrade the latest flash to 0.9.48 in order to get hardware acceleration in fullscreen youtube14:51
ikoniauser1: yes it can basic routing14:51
user1ikonia which hardware you recomend?14:51
Flyzoolahow do I get permission to write to a folder? Does anybody know the command to get root access in the file browser? it was a sudo, I believe14:51
user1ikonia no i mean will it do what i want?14:51
ikoniauser1: I don't think so14:52
bazhanggksu/gksudo Flyzoola14:52
seasurfgksudo nautilus ?14:52
user1CoasterMaster         ikonia thinks monowall wont do the combined band limit thing.. true?14:52
ikoniaCoasterMaster: what doing you ask a monowall support group, this conversation really isn't anything to do with ubuntu14:53
bazhangseasurf: for gui apps aye14:53
gregorywangdw201: /join #ubuntu-cn14:54
seasurf<bazhang> o. its the only one i know. ^^14:54
bazhangwangdw201: this is ubuntu support channel; please join #ubuntu-cn14:54
legend2440Flyzoola: gksudo nautilus14:54
Flyzoolabazhang: how do I open up the file browser from there? what do I type in program? I typed in "file browser" and terminal said "ERROR: cannot open `browser' (No such file or directory)14:54
user1CoasterMaster         monowall wont do the combined band limit thing.. true?14:54
user1ikonia which hardware you recomend?14:55
ikoniauser1: again, I don't have a recommendation, shop around. This isn't really anything to do with ubuntu14:55
seasurf<Flyzoola> type "gksudo nautilus" in terminal. but becareful of what u edit...14:55
bazhangFlyzoola: gnome file browser name is nautilus14:55
user1ikonia which hardware router will do the combine ip band limit?14:55
Flyzoolathank you guys! :D14:55
m3333bazhang, late reply but doesn't that just install an entire ubuntu desktop system?14:56
ikoniauser1 am I not making myself clear to you ? I don't have a recommendation, and your questions are nothing to do with ubuntu14:56
m3333bazhang, or is it just the GUI enviroment?14:56
user1ikonia ok14:56
bazhangm3333: that would be the full desktop aye14:56
nickthorleyhi all - I am quite new to ubuntu - i currently have 7.10 installed which I know is non lts - do I consider 8.04 an upgrade or is it a separate product being lts and hence I need to wait for 8.10 or do people upgrade from 7.10 - 8.04 and then onto 8.10 later?14:57
m3333bazhang, is there anyway to keep the server and just install a GUI over top then?14:57
gregorywangdw201: 类型对键盘 /join #ubuntu-cn14:57
bazhangm3333: sure that will do it14:57
user1erUSUL , which one of these will to the combined band limit?  qos with ip tables. or pcop or zeroshell or untangle ?14:57
user1CoasterMaster       you there?14:57
ikoniauser1: again, this is nothing to do with ubuntu14:57
user1ikonia it has to do with ubuntu apps14:58
powertool08how do i uninstall wine programs they aren't .msi? should i rm -rf /M$_app_folder or is there a better way?14:58
punzadanickthorley, you can upgrade to 8.04 if you'd like fright from 7.10 but i'd recommend a fresh install14:58
erUSULuser1: check their websites they all have a features page14:58
ikoniauser1: no it doesn't14:58
m3333bazhang, but will that install like OpenOffice and all the stuff that comes with the usual desktop os?14:58
user1ikonia dont answer then :)14:58
ikoniauser1: don't ask14:58
erUSULpowertool08: Apps>Wine>Uninstall wine software14:58
bazhanguser1: get the asus W something or other it does all that you can search for it on asustek site; otherwise head to ##hardware as it is offtopic here thanks14:58
ikoniauser1: go to the proper place and research the correcct information14:58
user1ikonia iam getting conversations.14:58
user1ikonia ok14:59
ikoniauser1: if you have specific questions around the configuration of these applications on ubuntu then this channel is the perfect place.14:59
user1bazhang ok.14:59
user1ikonia iam asking , are those apps configurable for the task iam saying.14:59
hischildtorrentflux can be considered to be safe enough to be deployed over the internet?14:59
ikoniauser1: and you've been told that answer14:59
nickthorleypunzada: is it an upgrade though or is it a different product - should you either stay on .10 releases or .4 releases and not mix the two?14:59
bazhangm3333: you want just a gui? does it have to be gnome/kde? there are others as well you know14:59
ikoniahischild: deployed ?14:59
ikoniahischild: it runs on a local machine15:00
powertool08erUSUL: i'm using kubuntu, do you know where it would be with kde?15:00
ikoniahischild: that local machine NEEDS internet conneciton15:00
punzadanickthorley, doesn't matter regardless, you can go either way15:00
m3333bazhang, nope just something that means i dont have to interface with the commandline asmuch15:00
user1erUSUL if have recomeneded most of them, you would have been knowing what they can do15:00
punzadafor best support, always try to stick with the newest stable release15:00
punzadathat's my advice15:00
user1ikonia its a yes?15:00
hischildikonia, i'm using it local and haven't forwarded port 80 on the internet. What i would like to know is if it's safe to forward that one as well so i can control it via the internet.15:00
ikoniauser1: please stop asking15:00
user_1Hello, I am desperately trying to fix my sshd server, it suddenly stopped working with no apparent reason, it is not a router/port forwarding issue since I tried with another computer on my network and it works.. I uninstalled sshd, removed its configuration files, installed it again, the port 22 is opened, I don't know where to look anymore..15:00
user1ikonia k15:01
ikoniahischild: it's as save as your connection15:01
nickthorleypunzada: i am still unsure - is the natural update from 7.10 8.10?15:01
bazhangm3333: what ever you install can be removed if it is too bloated you know you might want to try fluxbox or xfce for very lightweight15:01
seasurf<nickthorley> u can go from 7.10 to 8.04 naturally15:01
Lamegouser_1, have you tried to ssh locally ?15:01
user_1yes and it works15:01
erUSULpowertool08: no; sorry launch from terminal... "wine uninstaller"15:01
ManicFodderi can second fluxbox15:01
punzada(waht seasurf said)15:01
hischildikonia, ok i' shall rephrase. Are there known security holes in it.15:01
ikoniahischild: is't as "safe" as your connection, eg: http/https username/pass strong15:01
Lamegouser1, so it is not an sshd issue15:01
user_1Lamego: no in fact today it doesn't work sorry15:01
powertool08erUSUL: will do, thanks15:01
Flyzoola>:/ why does it say that my removable drive is read-only?15:02
m3333bazhang, fluxbox or xfce?15:02
Lamegouser_1, have you tried ssh localhost ?15:02
ikoniaFlyzoola: mounted with read only options ?15:02
m3333bazhang, explain15:02
hischildikonia, the passwords from my user are strong enough.15:02
bazhangm3333: those are both window managers15:02
nickthorleyseasurf: is that a path most people do?  I presumed that the .04 releases were mainly for servers being lts and the .10 releases were for workstations so hence I thought I would normally wait for 8.10 but I wasnt sure how it went - I am used to fedora when you just get the latest version as it comes out and centos their server version is separate15:02
ikoniahischild: ok, so it's that safe then, I always use it with ssl though15:02
user_1Lamego: yes, today, since I added an iptables rule for opening port 22, it says ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused15:02
Flyzoolaikonia: all I did was plug it in etc. is there a way to mount so that I still edit the files?15:02
ikoniaFlyzoola: what file system is on it ?15:02
Lamegonickthorley, you are wrong15:02
m3333bazhang, easy to use? and contain a file navigator and a textpad app?15:03
Flyzoolaikonia: what do you mean? it's the directory is /media/disk-115:03
seasurf<nickthorley> well... i was using 7.10, then now i'm on the 8.10 beta, and loving it. hm.. it s a natural move15:03
bazhangm3333: xfce much more so; fluxbox requires a bit of fiddling15:03
hischildikonia, so it's also accessible via another port? or so i have to change something else for it?15:03
Lamegouser_, then your issue is with the iptables config, by default all ports are open, if the problem is after using iptables, you probably blocked15:03
ikoniaFlyzoola: no, what file system ext3/fat/ntfs is on the disk15:03
nickthorleylemego: ok so most people who are on 7.10 will be installing 8.04 when it is released then15:03
LamegoI am not an iptables expert, sorry :P15:03
user_1Lamego: but when I type ssh (my IP adress), it works..15:03
Lamegonickthorley, yes15:03
ikoniahischild: the interface is web site, so http or https15:03
Flyzoolaikonia I don't know:/ is there a way to check?15:04
m3333bazhang, im guesing apt-get install xfce to use xfce?15:04
ikoniauser_1: your file wall is the proble,15:04
bazhangnickthorley: if they choose to upgrade then that is the next step yes15:04
Lamegouser_1, presunably you blocked incoming connections to
bowen0507Hi, when i use "ifconfig" i get two devices eth0 and eth0:avh, I need eth0 to have the IP address, but it goes to eth0:avh, how do I stop this?15:04
Ayabarais there any legal way to play drm'ed wmv's on linux?15:04
hischildikonia, ok so if i use port 443 instead of 80 it'll also work. Correct?15:04
ikoniaFlyzoola: you must know what file system you formated the disk with15:04
m3333Ayabara, install windows :p15:04
m3333Ayabara, kidding15:04
ikoniahischild: if your webserver is set up to host https15:04
Ayabaram3333: :-)15:04
seasurf<nickthorley> i wouldn't consider the 04's and 10's to be separate.. does that help?15:04
cassiopieahi there15:04
ikoniaAyabara: no - as thats the point of drm15:04
legend2440Flyzoola: sudo fdis -l in terminal15:04
hischildikonia, alright, that'll do just fine. Thank you for your help.15:04
legend2440Flyzoola: sudo fdisk -l in terminal15:04
ikonialegend2440: thats not going to show a file system15:05
ikoniahischild: no problem15:05
bazhangm3333: not sure about the very minimum; normally one does xubuntu-desktop but that might be more than you want15:05
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels15:05
user_1ikonia, Lamego, how to unblock incoming connections to localhost?15:05
ubotuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC15:05
ikoniauser_1: localhost is working, it's your public connection that you've blocked15:05
Lamego!iptables | user_115:05
ubotuuser_1: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).15:05
nickthorleyseasurf: yes it does thanks - so .04 is really a steping block to 8.10 then basically but obviously it will be supported for longer - so really the choice is to stay on the lts and have longer release cycles or keep updating every time a .04 or .10 comes out to stay the most upto date15:05
Flyzoolalegend2440, what infomation do I need from that command??15:06
ikonianickthorley: no, 8.04 nd 8.10 are totally seperate releases15:06
ikoniaFlyzoola: none, that command will not help you15:06
nickthorleyikonia: thats what I thought but am I not being told different by the others - I am confused15:06
seasurf<nickthorley> yes. for me.. the 10 is very stable, and i usually get help from the forums n irc so - no worries so far =)15:07
Flyzoolaikonia, hmm well. I must be ntfs15:07
ikoniaFlyzoola: why must it be ?15:07
legend2440Flyzoola: ikonia is right is doesn't show filesystem info. is this a usb hdd?15:07
bazhangnickthorley: next release is lts, 8.10 is not; simple15:07
ompaulnickthorley, how about the release date is year month therefore they are seperate15:07
Lamegonickthorley, erm, each release is a tottaly different release, there is no specific relation with the release month15:07
Flyzoolaikonia: because as far as I know that's what my computer is15:07
ikoniaFlyzoola: ok, so you need to use ntfs-3 to mount it read/write15:08
ikonia!ntfs-3g > Flyzoola15:08
ikoniaFlyzoola: check the link from ubotu15:08
nickthorleyok thanks all - sorry for stupid questions just trying to get into the ubuntu file release cycle from redhat/fedora's15:08
seasurf<nickthorley> don't worry.. just upgrade =D heh.15:08
ikoniaseasurf: thats not always sage advise from an lts release.15:08
nickthorleyseasurf: i dont see the point though i may as well just move to version 8.10 and miss out 8.0415:09
seasurf<ikonia> that's true.15:09
ikonianickthorley: 8.04 is a different kettle of fish, they are different releases, not sequential like fedora15:09
bazhangsee you in six months nickthorley15:09
ikoniaFlyzoola: what /15:09
spepshey guys i cannot play vbr mp3 in a good way with player that use gstreamer, i get a bumpy sound. PLEASE HELP15:10
FlyzoolaI got no link *sorry for double line*15:10
CoasterMaster8.04 is really nice15:10
Lamegonickthorley, and what do you expect to gain from skipping 8.04 ?15:10
ikonia!ntfs-3g | Flyzoola15:10
ubotuFlyzoola: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions15:10
nickthorleyno will here before then -15:10
Flyzoolaikonia: thank you :D15:10
nickthorleylamego: well if i install 8.04 then 8.10 comes out I will be installing too regularly wont i -15:10
ikonianickthorley: it's a 6 month release cycle - the same as fedora, your comment makes no sense15:11
bazhangnickthorley: how about taking this to #ubuntu-offtopic15:11
nickthorleyis anyone happy for me to pm them to thrash this out so i properly understand it?15:12
Lamegonickthorley, if you want to keep a "stable" (old) system, you should install 8.04 since it's an LTS release (supported for 3 years)15:12
ompaulnickthorley, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic15:12
ikonianickthorley: join #ubuntu-offtopic15:12
Lamegoif tou want to have am updated system, then you should upgrade at earch release15:12
Lamegoubuntu release schedule is ot :) ?15:12
ikoniaLamego: for support15:12
Lamegothis is support :)15:13
azBonjour !!15:13
az ya t'il un serveur de chat français ?15:13
jrib!fr | az15:13
ubotuaz: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:13
ikonia!fr | az15:13
adobongkangkonghi ! will ubuntu provide torrent for their new release?15:16
sdakakikonia: A restart doesn't help with the dhtp3-server. even now when I say 'start|stop' it says fail.15:16
jribadobongkangkong: yes15:16
bazhangadobongkangkong: transmission15:16
ikoniasdakak: please paste in the channel the output of "ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep dhcpd"15:16
sdakakikonia: no output15:17
adobongkangkong<bazhang> : i meant torrent files and trackers for the new ubuntu release ( hardy heron )15:17
ikoniasdakak: so it's not running15:17
sdakakbut; de@demo-laptop:~$ ps -ef | grep dhcpd15:17
sdakakde       10094  9829  0 19:47 pts/0    00:00:00 grep dhcpd15:17
orochi_Hi :> I have a strange issue when desktop effects are enabled (using an NVidia Geforce 8600 video card)...in games where I have altered the brightness settings, when desktop effects are enabled, those settings are overridden and the screen is dark. :< Has anyone else seen this?15:17
sdakakadobongkangkong: yes they do it every time.15:17
ikoniasdakak: so run the start script and then look in /var/log/messages at the bottom for what happens15:18
bazhangadobongkangkong: yes; hardy discussion is best done in #ubuntu+1 thanks15:18
AdvoWorkhi there, I need to be able to run some windows only software from ubuntu. Whats the best way to do this?15:18
adobongkangkong<AdvoWork> install wine15:18
saminthemiddleAdvoWork: wine15:18
sdakakikonia: i can't start it it says fail.15:18
jribAdvoWork: you can try wine.  Other possibilities are crossover office and cedega15:18
bazhangAdvoWork: which software15:18
LeeuwAdvoWork: Use Wine15:18
adobongkangkong<AdvoWork> and winetricks15:18
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.15:18
nathan_what packets include linux/wireless.h and are there different version for that?15:19
ikoniasdakak: I know that, thats why I said run the start script and then look at the bottom of the log file /var/log/messages for error info15:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:19
ikonianathan_: kernel keaders15:19
user_1I solved my problem with Firestarter, by enabling all incoming connections to ssh's port15:19
nathan_hmm .. and if I get compiling errors with the wireless.h, is there another one I can use?15:19
sdakakikonia: Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server V3.0.515:19
sdakakApr 17 19:48:38 demo-laptop dhcpd: Copyright 2004-2006 Internet Systems Consortium.15:19
sdakakApr 17 19:48:38 demo-laptop dhcpd: All rights reserved.15:19
ikoniauser_1: of course you will, we told you the firewall was blocking it15:19
AdvoWorkdoes wine allow use of tons of different software, the software is comment sniper for one15:20
sdakakikonia: and more stuff in plain english about the software license and all. nothing about errors15:20
ikoniasdakak: are you running the /etc/init.d scripts as sudo ?15:20
sdakakikonia: yes15:20
ikoniasdakak: sudo dhcpd15:20
AdvoWorkand i may have wine installed, any ideas how I can test that?15:20
bazhangAdvoWork: what is comment sniper15:20
ikoniasdakak: see what it says15:20
ikoniaAdvoWork: look in the package manager to see if it's installed15:20
AdvoWorkbazhang specialist software for finding blogs15:20
sdakakikonia: command not foundd15:20
LeeuwAdvoWork: lots an' lots; see the application database for details15:20
LeeuwAdvoWork:  !wine15:21
ikoniasdakak: sudo /usr/sbin/dhcpd15:21
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.15:21
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org15:21
bazhangAdvoWork: you can check the appdb; /msg ubotu appdb15:21
sdakakikonia: it is dhpd3 there, it runs without any fail messages.15:21
nathan_Can someone tell me how to fix this: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/190270/ ?15:22
sdakakde@demo-laptop:~$ ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep dhcpd15:22
adobongkangkong<AdvoWork> not all software works in wine but you can query in appdb but if you really want for your sotware to work because it's important that it should work why not use EMUs like Virtualbox15:22
sdakakde@demo-laptop:~$ ps -ef | grep dhcpd15:22
sdakakde       10269  9829  0 19:52 pts/0    00:00:00 grep dhcpd15:22
ikoniasdakak: so now ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep dhcp shows it as running ?15:22
sdakakikonia: ^15:22
ikoniasdakak: it's not running then15:22
bazhangnathan_: could you give a brief description please?15:23
sdakakikonia: but dhcpd is running. what was that?15:23
ikoniasdakak: thats it trying to run15:23
nathan_bazhang, trying to compile a wifi application that requires linux/wireless.h and compiling fails at that point15:23
AdvoWorkhmm, it appears the software I want to use isnt on the apps database, so what does that mean, I cant do it?15:23
bazhangnathan_: this is gutsy or hardy15:23
w0nderI updated ubuntu and now my sound doesn't work15:24
jribAdvoWork: it means no one has tried and added their results (you can be the first :))15:24
nathan_I asked in #ubuntu+1 too, but I was not sure if its hardy-related15:24
ikoniasdakak: start dhcpd with -d option15:24
sdakakikonia: hm. I have cleared all the custom edits to /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf  and /etc/dhcp.conf15:24
dundeehi people15:24
ikoniasdakak: why do you have 2 config files ?15:24
dundeedoes anyone know why installation of git doesnt work?15:25
sdakakikonia: they were there by default. the /etc/dhcp.conf is empty15:25
b4l74z4rit seems that the latest hardy updates has resolved the problems with tearing in totem when compiz is enabled15:25
ikoniadundee: what is the error you get15:25
ikoniab4l74z4r: hardy chat in #ubuntu+1 please.15:26
AdvoWorkjrib but is that easy to do though? or do i have to do loads of messing about15:26
ikoniasdakak: ok, so start dhcpd with -d option15:26
dundeerunit caused some error15:26
jrib!wine > AdvoWork (read the private message from ubotu)15:26
ikoniadundee: thats not really reporting the error15:26
dundeerunit is not configured...15:26
jribAdvoWork: you just run 'wine whatever.exe'15:26
dundeeikonia: like this :)15:26
ikoniadundee: is runit installed ?15:27
sdakakikonia: what is the difference between dhcpd3 and dhcdbd?15:27
Krisket<= looking for advice on backing up to a secure remote windows server15:27
dundeeprobably yes15:27
ikoniasdakak: ones a daemon, the other is a database15:27
ikoniadundee: what do you mean "probably" ?15:27
sdakakikonia: i can't start it from anywhere. should i go to /sbin and do it?15:27
ikoniadundee: it is or it isn't15:27
dundeebut is says that is not configured15:27
ikoniasdakak: what do you mean you can't start it ? how where you starting it before15:27
ikoniadundee: look in the package manager to see if it is installed15:27
dundeeikonia: synaptic says yes15:28
adobongkangkong<AdvoWork> are u trying to run a customized application?15:28
ikoniadundee: ok, thats a good start15:28
JoeyJoeJohow can I install mythtv .21? right now my computer wants to install the older .20.2 version15:28
ikoniaJoeyJoeJo: thats all that available in the repo15:28
dundeeikonia: :)15:28
sdakakikonia: I couldn't start the db daemon sorry.15:28
dundeeikonia: the error is: package runit is not configured yet15:28
ikoniasdakak: what are you doing that ?15:28
ikoniadundee: sudo dpkg-reconfigure runit ?15:29
sdakakikonia: i am getting confused by all the dhc* names.15:29
ikoniadundee: assuming it has a config interface15:29
dundeeikonia: i will try15:29
sdakakikonia: i should start the dhcpd3 right?15:30
ikoniasdakak: yes15:30
ikoniasdakak: -d too please.15:30
sdakakikonia: starting it normally and with -d has no change in effect.15:30
dundeeikonia: runit is damaged or not fully installed15:30
dundeeikonia:  seems like some bug in package installer15:30
sdakakikonia: /var/log/messages and the terminal both display the license of the dhcp server and such.. no errors.15:30
ikoniadundee: not good15:30
ikoniasdakak: and your doing dhcpd3 -d  ?15:30
JoeyJoeJoikonia: is there a testing or unstable repo that does have mythtv.21?15:31
sdakakikonia: yes15:31
ikoniaJoeyJoeJo: not that I'm aware of15:31
bazhangJoeyJoeJo: have you asked in #ubuntu-mythtv yet?15:31
javaJakeHow would I tell Firefox to use a particular folder for its profile data, instead of .mozilla?15:31
flibbertygibbithey guys, any hints for getting adobe flash working in konqueror in gutsy?15:31
ikoniasdakak: something is very wrong then as -d should display debugging info15:32
sdakakikonia: I got something "No subnet declaration for eth1 (
sdakak** Ignoring requests on eth1.  If this is not what15:32
sdakak   you want, please write a subnet declaration15:32
sdakak   in your dhcpd.conf file for the network segment15:32
sdakak   to which interface eth1 is attached. **15:32
FloodBot2sdakak: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:32
dundeeikonia: should I post it to bug list?15:32
ikoniadundee: seems a good call15:32
ikoniasdakak: where did all that info come from ?15:32
dundeeikonia: ok, thanks for help15:33
sdakakikonia: -d option.15:33
bazhangflibbertygibbit: have you read the !flash factoid yet?15:33
ikoniasdakak: so your decleration for eth1 is messed up15:33
JoeyJoeJobazhang: I didn't know there was such a channel. I'll check it out now15:33
Ax-Axhow do i mount (cli) something to being acessable for all users?15:34
ikoniaAx-Ax: mount it and chown it to be read/write whatever for the world15:35
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:35
flibbertygibbitthanls bazhang15:35
sdakakikonia: how do i set it correctly15:35
ikoniasdakak: pastebin your config file15:35
bazhangflibbertygibbit: seems that some adobe update may have broken it for konqueror of late; might want to stick with firefox until it is fixed (great nickname by the way)15:36
user1how can i download websites or a page and further linked pages on it?15:36
ikoniauser1: wget -r15:37
bazhangflibbertygibbit: this is from the kubuntu-users mailing list today15:37
user1ikonia whats that?15:37
flibbertygibbitbazhang: ah rightio, was gonna try http://mikearthur.co.uk/2007/12/konqueror-with-latest-adobe-flash-howto/ but apt-get source kmplayer pulls in 0.9.4 instead of 0.1015:37
ikoniauser1: a command15:37
BVBBQcan someone walk me through installing new graphics card driver?15:38
bazhanglists.ubuntu.com/ if you ever care to check them out flibbertygibbit15:38
user1ikonia -r,  --recursive          specify recursive download.15:38
user1ikonia i need one step only15:38
ikoniauser1 read the man page then there is a --level style option too15:39
_chi. where are the c manpages?15:39
ayoehello, how are you15:39
ikonia_c: is is a poramming language, so no man pages are availalbe15:39
ikonia_c: some of the api's are available as man pages though15:39
jrib_c: install the manpages-dev package15:40
bazhangBVBBQ: which card? normally one would use the restricted drivers manager for that15:40
archmanis it secure to erase /var/cache/apt/archives/  ?15:40
BVBBQbazhang, i have a Radeon, but the driver isn't working properly.15:41
bazhangarchman: better to purge then erase as that is an important directory15:41
nathan_bazhang, do you have an idea how to fix my wireless.h problem?15:41
archmanbazhang: i need to apt-get purge?15:41
sdakakikonia: this is the original config file with no edits, the one that I am using http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63524/15:42
bazhangBVBBQ: which exact model of ati please15:42
user1ikonia i did wget -r-k-l 1 inspircd.org/wiki/modules   . but its not corect i think. whats the corect pattern15:42
dmacnuttwhat does debian use such and old autofs version!!15:42
archmanbazhang: it will remove packages if i apt-get purge...15:42
anton___hello can somebody help me with this error: http://rafb.net/p/6jHLX735.html15:43
BVBBQbazhang, its a radeon X130015:43
anton___i installed google earth 4.3 beta15:43
bazhangarchman: not purge in that sense15:43
archmanbazhang: i see, i need apt-get clean15:43
ikoniasdakak: got to pop out, but that config is way off15:43
archmanbazhang: right?15:43
bazhangarchman: exactly15:43
ikoniasdakak: you need to setup your lease/pools and config the intefaces15:43
archmanbazhang: thanks!15:44
bazhangBVBBQ: what do you mean by not working properly?15:44
BVBBQbazhang, i get only 640X480 and there are horizontal lines across the screen.15:44
Caiusciao a tutti15:45
BVBBQbazhang, im using the generic driver at the moment which works better but i still cant get better than 800 x 40015:45
bazhang!it | Caius15:45
ubotuCaius: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:45
Daemonushi all, could someone help me to fix OpenGL Direct Rendering please?15:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about autofs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:46
archmanbazhang: is there any folder of that type (which stores files and information, but they aren't really needed for system to work)?15:46
neXyonwith which software am I able to cut such videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epRjN9EkYY4 ?15:46
bazhangnathan_: what is the wireless model? ie chipset; and was this not a hardy problem? best to ask in that channel thanks15:46
LjL!msgthebot > dmacnutt    (dmacnutt, see the private message from Ubotu)15:46
Daemonushi all, could someone help me to fix OpenGL Direct Rendering please?15:46
nathan_bazhang, its an atheros chipset and in the hardy channel no one knew about it15:46
bazhangBVBBQ: this is gutsy? and you have the restricted drivers in use and enabled?15:47
BVBBQi can enable them again but it'll mean trying to fix the problem in 640 48015:47
dmsuperma1Hi all.15:47
Daemonuscould someone help me to fix OpenGL Direct Rendering please?15:48
lordleemoarchman: are you trying to delete cached packages?15:48
metalstrykerhello all, i have a quick question15:48
archmanlordleemo: yeah, and all the files not really needed to keep the system running smoothly...15:48
BVBBQthen you should chase after it metalstryker15:49
lordleemoarchman: synaptics settings preferences files  and hit delete cached package files15:49
Daemonuscould someone help me to fix OpenGL Direct Rendering please?15:49
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
metalstrykerI installed Ubuntu..and it installed Gnome, so i just ran the command line to install Kubuntu, and when i get to the login screen i see the new Kubuntu login screen,but when the desktop loads, its the same Gnome theme and screen.15:49
user1wget -r -k -l 1 inspircd.org/wiki/modules15:49
user1--19:48:46--  http://inspircd.org/wiki/modules15:49
user1           => `inspircd.org/wiki/modules'15:49
user1Resolving inspircd.org...
user1Connecting to inspircd.org||:80... connected.15:49
user1HTTP request sent, awaiting response...15:49
FloodBot2user1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:49
user1its stuck here..15:49
CoasterMasterWhat's that built in vim tutorial (that's really just a text file)?15:50
Daemonuscan someone help me to fix OpenGL Direct Rendering please?15:51
archmanlordleemo: thanks!15:51
niaI installed urxvt but there is no man urxvt. Is there a way to reinstall the man page? THanks.15:51
=== nia is now known as Lainy
lordleemoarchman: your welcome . you can delete history etc using that ok15:51
archmanlordleemo: is there anything that could be removed that i don't know about? Except temp internet files.15:52
Daemonuscan someone help me to fix OpenGL Direct Rendering please?15:52
BVBBQbazhang, redownloading the restricted driver now. maybe that'll help15:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pondering - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iwlwifi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:53
lordleemoarchman: only delete files no longer available . im sure it wont15:53
Daemonuscan someone help me to fix OpenGL Direct Rendering please?15:53
archmanlordleemo: i set it to remove packs after installation...15:54
legend2440archman: here are ways to clean up unneeded files http://www.ubuntugeek.com/cleaning-up-all-unnecessary-junk-files-in-ubuntu.html15:54
archmanlegend2440: tnx!15:54
lordleemoarchman: thats fine15:54
Daemonuscan someone help me to fix OpenGL Direct Rendering please?15:54
BVBBQdoes anyone by any chance know a way i can completely reinstall ubuntu without losing all my music and such?15:55
LadyNikonBVBBQ: you should back up your stuff even if you find a way to do it15:55
BVBBQLadyNikon, i dont have a backup drive and one of the many problems with my current system is that it refuses to recognise my cd drive15:56
LjLBVBBQ: next time consider having a separate partition for /home, perhaps15:56
BVBBQLjL, well, when i first started using ubuntu i was a complete novice. now im a bit smarter15:57
LjLBVBBQ: well, while it's certainly possible (at least using the alternate cd) to reinstall while keeping files, it's definitely something where one can mess up easily.15:58
BVBBQhmm, for that i would need to cd.15:58
BVBBQof which i cannot burn without the computer recognizing the drive.15:58
BVBBQsuch is life15:58
LjLBVBBQ: well, why do you want to reinstall ubuntu, anyway?15:59
BVBBQbecause my kernel is FUBARed and is just generally crippled16:00
LjLBVBBQ: caused by what?16:00
BVBBQLjL, a now ex girlfriend16:00
LjLBVBBQ: ok, what happened specifically though?16:00
yao_ziyuanis it really true that a linux filesystem does not need defragmentation?16:01
BVBBQLjL, im not sure how she did it. but ubuntu doesnt recognize my cd drive, the graphics card drivers arent working properly, its now slow as hell, etc etc16:01
DFMI'm trying to get my work deploy an Ubuntu server however they are scared of the CLI and I am not good enough to make it look easy. Their fear is what if I leave? No one will know what to do with it.16:01
yao_ziyuani have switched to kubuntu for 2 months but i'm still not used to this fact16:01
bazhangyao_ziyuan: ext3 yes16:01
DJones!defrag | yao_ziyuan16:01
ubotuyao_ziyuan: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this. A package "defrag" is available in !Universe, however its use is not safe, and is generally not needed.16:01
DFMAny recommendations on a GUI for the server?16:02
FrozenballReiserFS <316:02
bazhangDFM: you can choose gnome or kde; there are others as well16:02
FrozenballDunno why the ext3 is still default16:02
BVBBQso there wouldnt by any chance be some highly risky method of wiping out my os and reinstalling it without a cd16:03
MGS88hi can I Edit files on ubuntu already installed by live CD16:03
LainyI installed urxvt but there is no man urxvt. How do I install it? Thanks.16:03
DFMI figured as much but if I choose one won't they load all the extra stuff that I don't need?16:04
bazhangBVBBQ: how much do you have to back up data-wise16:04
BVBBQbazhang, were looking at about 60 gigs of music16:04
LjLBVBBQ: i'd recommend 1) making sure your /etc/apt/sources.list is sane (pastebin if you want) - 2) reinstalling the packages "ubuntu-desktop" and "linux" - 3) installing the package "debsums", and running "sudo debsums -s g", which will list files that don't correspond to what should be in their package (pastebin output if unclear)16:04
bazhangDFM: I thought the concern was with the co workers not being able to use cli? if you mean open office or other stuff just remove it16:04
=== mojo__ is now known as mojo
BVBBQLjL, that's a start.16:05
FreduardoLainy: try man rxvt-unicode or something like that16:05
DFMThat is the concern and I know I can remove packages. I myself just want to install the minimum needed to setup and configure it then make changes as needed.16:06
dvhGood morning. Am I in the right place for an AWK question?16:06
bazhangDFM: well only you can tell what that 'minimal' threshold is16:06
dvhTrying to strip VT220 control characters from a session capture.16:06
DFMWould you recommend installing the actual server and then use synaptic to install gnome?16:07
dvhParticularly, this sequence: ESC[xx;xxH16:07
dvhWhere xx is either a 1 or 2 digit number16:08
bazhangDFM: you might want to look at the series the perfect server done on all the major distros; search terms: ubuntu gutsy perfect server16:08
LjLDFM: consider using aptitude to install gnome, as its unused dependencies handling is more tested than apt's16:08
MGS88 is I can Edit files on ubuntu installed  by live CD16:08
mojoWell my / partition on ubuntu studio 7.10 install just crapped itself.  would not boot, claiming sync errors and kernel panick attmepting to load libc6.so or some such.  Great timing too, as I was just fixing to back up the package list and /etc after reading about it yesterday. Figures.  Well, fsck "fixed" the part (ext3), but it still won't boot.  QUESTION:  How do I get a package list off that installation?  I am booted to an older ins16:08
mojotall (7.04, regular ubuntu).  Also, if it matters, the crapped root was amd64 arch, and the old one was i386.16:08
OllieHHi, if my windows partition is fragmented, and im trying to resize it to a smaller size, will the new partition for linux manage to take up free space if it is fragmented, or does all the freespace have to be in one place?16:09
bazhangOllieH: needs to be contiguous16:09
DFMaptitude install gnome-desktop?16:09
Daemonuscan someone help me to fix OpenGL Direct Rendering please?16:09
LjLDFM: that would be gnome-desktop-environment16:10
LjLDFM: (by the way, how would you "install the actual server" and *then* use *synaptic*...? synaptic without a GUI? :P)16:10
nevemhello, would like to ask for some help - i cannot set correct resolution for my widescreen lcd16:10
OllieHthought so.. thats probably the problem then.... how do I get the free space contiguous, because I keep defragging on windows and it doesnt seem to help the free space, but the files become defragged which I guess is what its meant to do16:10
DFMwell duh16:10
* mojo hangs head in dread16:11
DFMdidn't think that through did i? lol16:11
DJonesOllieH: when you defrag, try getting hold of the demo version of "perfectdisk 8" or something similar, that can be set to defrag properly and to consolidate free space, however, take a backup regardless, windows defrag doesn't consolidate the free space16:11
LjLDFM: you might need to install Xorg separately, besides16:11
komputeshow can I change my tmp dir to another disk?16:11
OllieHokay thanks16:11
DFMX is where I have had problems in the past. I'm afraid I won't be able to get Xorg installed and configured for the gui to work16:12
komputesI'm running out od disk space and I would like to temporarily make another disk my /tmp for a while, and then change it back16:12
MGS88nevem--> go system>preferences>screen resolution16:13
ubuntutengo un problema16:13
bazhangubuntu espanol?16:14
ubuntusi espa;ol16:14
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:14
bazhangubuntu /j #ubuntu-es gracias16:14
LjLkomputes: just mount the other disk on /tmp (and hope no files in /tmp are being used ;)16:15
MGS88is I can Edit files on ubuntu installed  by live CD16:15
Zoke_it's posible to install a driver ati-driver-installer-8.41.7-x86.x86_64 in laptop with Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7300 @ 2.00GHz16:15
nevemhello again! would like to ask for some help - cannot set correct resolution for widescreen lcd16:15
LjLDFM: nowadays it should be the package "xorg", i think, that gives you a working x16:15
LjL(or x-window-system which only depends on xorg anyway)16:15
DFM? For ease of use would it be easier to just install Ubuntu desktop, remove what i don't want then configure the services I need?16:15
MGS88 nevem--> go system>preferences>screen resolution16:16
BVBBQLjL, noob question, how do i reinstall16:16
bazhangDFM: always best to listen to LjL16:16
LjLDFM: depends. if there's many things that you don't won't, that might end up being a lengthy process16:16
LjLBVBBQ: uh - you mean generally speaking? you boot from the CD and install, just as you did the first time16:16
BVBBQcant boot from the cd as i dont have one16:16
BVBBQlost it somewhere16:16
nevemMGS88 the needed resolution is not available16:16
LjLBVBBQ: err, then you don't reinstall16:16
LjLBVBBQ: have you tried following the steps i gave you? i don't think reinstalling is necessary16:17
echelon_hi! how do i get rid of package dependency in UBUNTU??16:17
BVBBQLjL, i checked the sources list, nothing but the standard stuff.16:17
LjLechelon_: elaborate16:17
tunaso, i installed hardy. And now all mp3's play reaylly bad. The sound scratcheds and skips. Anyone know the reason? ogg plays fine16:17
DFMThats why I am having a problem deciding. I want to install a server and I can't learn if always try to find an easier way.16:17
bazhangechelon_: get rid of? please clarify16:17
LjLBVBBQ: ah you have security and updates enabled for all components? (main restricted universe multiverse)16:17
MGS88<nevem>I stop here (ask some pro)16:17
bazhangtuna #ubuntu+1 please16:18
BVBBQLjL, yep.16:18
LjLBVBBQ: ok, what about debsums?16:18
BVBBQLjL, havent gotten to that. installing now16:18
echelon_to make it stop telling me to install such and such packages before i installing the intended package16:18
DFMI don't really need a LAMP. Is having a LAMP out of the box the only advantage to installing the server?16:18
bazhangechelon_: that sounds like the recipe for a really broken system16:19
LjLechelon_, if a package has dependencies, it means it needs those dependencies.16:19
echelon_are there source builds for deb packages?16:19
MGS88 <nevem> are you install your video card ?16:19
LjLDFM: not if you don't need LAMP.16:19
echelon_like rpm src builds?16:19
BVBBQLjL, says that the package G is not installed16:19
BananobotI'm running Ubuntu Gutsy Server. Today I did an `apt-get update`/`apt-get upgrade` (which upgraded apache, php, linux-headers, and some other stuff) and I restarted my system. Now, Apache doesn't seem to start up. `sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start` gives me an "OK" with no errors, but the website gives a "connection refused" (even when browsing localhost) and when I try `sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart` or `stop` it says "httpd (no pid file) not runn16:19
LjLBVBBQ: ?16:20
nevemmy video card is fine - i think16:20
BVBBQrylan@rylan-desktop:~$ sudo debsums -s gdebsums: package g is not installed16:20
LjLBVBBQ: debsums -s -g16:20
echelon_like srpm for debs??16:20
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nevemMGS88: have i965, is detected and the correct driver is applied16:20
DFMSo if I don't need LAMP I just need basic file and print sharing I should install a desktop version for ease of use?16:21
LjL!source > echelon_    (echelon_, see the private message from Ubotu)16:21
BVBBQLjL, debsums running16:21
ZatoichiinoWitam, czy mógł by mi ktoś polecić kamerkę internetową do 100, tak abym z nią nie walczył pod ubuntu ??16:21
echelon_LjL: i know how to get a package source.. i meant a source build file?16:22
echelon_you know source rpms?16:22
LjLDFM, there's nothing you "should" do. it depends on your goals. "for ease of use", yes, a desktop version is obviously easier to use. but earlier you were saying your goal was to have something minimal. you need to decide yourself16:22
nevemNeed help, the situation: i965 video card, 1280x800@60 lcd screen, the highest resolution ubuntu offers is 1024x768 for some reason - any idea?16:22
LjLechelon_: no16:22
LainyCould someone explain what the a and b mean in this color config:"rgb:90/a0/b0"16:23
LainyI thought there could only be numbers in RGB format.16:23
Hammer89anyone have any idea why locking my screen locks my computer up every other try or so?16:23
LjLLainy: that's probably hexadecimal16:23
bazhangnevem: what about sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg did you try that? answer the default when you dont know16:23
LainyLjL: THanks.16:23
DFMI agree that I need to make the decision. I'm just trying to get an understanding of the benefits of installing the server. I appreciate your input.16:23
nevembazhang: did that, no luck16:24
LjLDFM, the Server Edition (not to be confused with installing a "server" package selection from the alternate CD) has a different kernel. of course nothing stops you, i guess, from installing that kernel on the desktop edition (but then nothing stops you from installing "ubuntu-desktop" on the server edition)16:24
bazhangnevem: how about pastebinning your xorg.conf16:24
LjL!minimal > DFM    (DFM, see the private message from Ubotu) this is something that might come in handy, anyway, if you don't want to download N different CD's while still not sure what to use16:24
DFMthanks LjL16:25
||bassi thought RC1 was supposed to be today16:25
dmsuperma1!andLinux > dmsuperman16:25
nevembazhang: please explain pastebinning... do not understand the word16:25
dmsuperma1!pastebin | nevem16:25
ubotunevem: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:25
LjLDFM: remember that even with no GUI, you can just install irssi and join this channel, and ask how to get Xorg running.16:25
MGS88 <nevem>try  Administration>Screens and Graphics16:25
bazhang||bass: tomorrow and discussed in #ubuntu+116:25
niuq_ /msg nickserv link niuq niuq16:25
BananobotI'm running Ubuntu Gutsy Server. Today I did an `apt-get update`/`upgrade` (which upgraded apache, php, linux-headers, and some other stuff) and I rebooted. Now, Apache doesn't seem to start up. `sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start` gives me an "OK" with no errors, but the process doesn't seem to be running. When I try `sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart` or `stop` it says "httpd (no pid file) not running" Any ideas?16:26
||bassmoved back to tomorrow? what a drag16:26
openSeahi, all! does anyone know why WEBMIN is not in the reps? is it a license problem??16:26
LjLniuq_: change it (and i wouldn't recommend using the same password as the nickname)16:26
bazhangebox is the ubuntu way openSea16:26
niuq_LjL: ok16:26
LjL!identify > niuq_    (niuq_, see the private message from Ubotu)16:26
pihhanBananobot: look into /var/log/apache2/error.log or what is its name and see reason, why it did terminate16:26
mojoBananobot: ps aux |grep apache show anything?16:27
niuq_LjL: thank you :)16:27
Bananobot[Thu Apr 17 07:38:14 2008] [error] (9)Bad file descriptor: apr_socket_accept: (client socket)16:27
LjLniuq_: change it...16:28
Bananobotmojo: Aside from the "grep apache" command, no16:28
nevembazhang: here is my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63532/16:28
niuq_LjL: i am :)16:28
vladhi people16:28
BVBBQLjL, damn got a lot of things in there. no idea what im looking for.16:28
vladi got a question16:28
vladok i got ati sapphire x1550 +  ubuntu 7.10 i installed the restricted drivers automatic when i try to put better visual effects it says "the composite extension is not available", im a new in linux and i dont know what to do16:28
LjLBVBBQ: then pastebin.16:29
niuq_LjL: done :)16:29
BVBBQLjL, http://pastebin.com/d279622c16:29
boris_ive got a simple problem. ive added Dwell Click panel applet to my panel, now i cant use it or remove it16:29
fjfalcon7 days to hour X =)16:29
mojoBananobot: well that tells you no apache process is presently running.  But I am not sure if it is going to show if you have no connects.  I am not sure but i think apache2 gets launched by another daemon when an incoming connection comes, iirc16:30
LjLBVBBQ: ok, start by typing « sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic linux-image-2.6.22-14-386 »16:30
mojoBananobot: o/c you tried connecting locally ( or http://localhost) to no avail?16:30
pihhanmojo: no, that is wrong, apache2 is normal daemon with many threads16:30
bazhangnevem: how did you install driver? there seems to be a problem with your modelines what about sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg16:31
mojopihhan: okay, well i couldn't remember.  maybe it is proftpd that does it that way16:31
vladcan someone help me with at problem?16:31
crazytalki had to download an old version of wine-0.9.58 instead of the latest to correct a warcraft bug. i now have the dir sitting on my desktop, how do i install it?16:31
crazytalki think it is the source code16:31
pihhanBananobot: check logs at /var/log/apache2, check apache -S, if it wont report configuration file error16:31
BVBBQLjL,  oh yeah i forgot to mention. i cant even use the newest kernel of ubuntu. just doesnt startup on my comp16:31
nevembazhang: did that but i try again and post the results again16:31
pihhanapache2 -S for apache 2 :)16:31
tattershas the  release candidate been released yet for hardy?16:32
SkalleHello everyone. For some reason my desktop manager won't run, when I start the computer I first see the "ubuntu" screen with the progress bar, but then it enters text-mode. I am running irssi from terminal right now. Anyone have any idea why graphic mode won't work?(gutsy)16:32
bazhangnevem: how did you install the driver16:32
mojoAnyone know how to get a package list off a borked / install?  The drive had errors and now won't boot, though it was "fixed" with fsck and is mountable when booting another partiton as root.16:32
LjLBVBBQ: that would be 2.6.22-14?16:32
bazhangtatters: #ubuntu+1 please16:32
Leeuwvlad: just ask the question, don't ask to ask; someone will see it if they know they' ll answer16:32
pihhanSkalle: we dont know, but you can read something about it in /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:32
jugheadSkalle, there is a log file somewhere you can check16:33
WildChild7hello there. I use kde and when I try to add .mkv file into new data dvd project with k3b, which is bigger than 4gb I get message: It is not possible to add files bigger than 4,0 GB  How can I add files bigger than 4gb in k3b ?16:33
BVBBQLjL, im using one that is 2 versions old.16:33
LjLmojo: cat /var/lib/dpkg/status | grep "install ok" -B 1 | grep Package16:33
LjLBVBBQ: well, that 2.6.22-14 doesn't work is not surprising, given the modules are broken. the command i gave you above might fix it16:33
OllieHDo I choose SMARTPlacement or consolidate free space?16:33
BVBBQLjL,  well thats a pretty good start to things then.16:33
bazhangOllieH: for what program16:34
pihhanmojo: dpkg-query -W might report installed packages, but i believe there is some better way i never tried16:34
mojoLjL: Thanks...  is that giving me the same list as that dpkg-list (or whatever) command?  a list I can use to re-config a new install to the same packages?16:34
BVBBQLjL,  might not have to wipe the computer afterall.16:34
vladi got ati x1550 pro with restricted drivers intalled when i try to put normal or extra visual effects it says the composite extension is not available how can i fix that16:34
OllieHbazhang: PerfectDisk 200816:34
BXCracerhi everyone. i want to ask one question. I have a pixelview playtv pro and when i load bttv with card=37 everything seems to work but there's no IR device in /proc/bus/input/devices, but if i load it with other option for example card=50 IR device appears in /proc/bus/input/devices but there's no sound or video is only black and white. what sould i do ?16:34
Skallethanks, I'll check the log file, I have to go but I'll be back later....16:34
scaporHi.  I found the webpage fro 8.04 RC but the download links point to the beta iso's.  Are the RC iso's not yet uplaoded ?16:34
bazhangOllieH: that is linux or windows?16:35
mojopihhan: yeah, the dpkg-query thing i know works on your active installation, but i hope to extract the list from a error-recovered/non-bootable linux root partiton (not active root)16:35
crazytalki had to download an old version of wine-0.9.58 instead of the latest to correct a warcraft bug. i now have the dir sitting on my desktop, how do i install it?16:35
BXCracerCan anyone help me ?16:35
pihhanmojo: you can always use chroot /your/broken/system and do commands there16:35
LjLBVBBQ: now type also the following command16:35
LjLBVBBQ: sudo apt-get --reinstall install acetoneiso2 at base-files bc binutils binutils-static bogofilter bzip2 dc dosfstools easycam ed frostwire g++ gaim gij gnupg gpgv initscripts iproute klogd lastfm libaudio2 libbz2-1.0 libbz2-dev libdb4.2 libdb4.3 libdb4.4 libdb4.5 libfontconfig1 libgdbm3 libglib2.0-cil libgnomevfs2-common libgsm1 libgstreamer0.10-0 libhal1 libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libncursesw5 libvte-common linux-image-2.6.17-10-generic linux-image-2.16:35
OllieHbazhang: windows :P im doing it to get enough contiguous space for a linux partition xD16:35
LjL6.17-11-generic linux-image-2.6.17-12-generic mawk mime-support module-init-tools mono-runtime ncurses-base ncurses-bin netbase openoffice.org-l10n-en-us openoffice.org-style-default python-dev rsync startup-tasks strace sun-java5-plugin sysklogd sysv-rc sysvutils16:35
mojopihhan: oh really?16:36
bazhangOllieH: then take it to ##windows please thanks16:36
LjLBVBBQ: (uhm, bit long). that will fix the packages that debsums lists are broken. then run debsums -s -g again to check for the packages that it couldn't find before.16:36
mojopihhan: thing that might hold that up is the "broken" is amd64 arch, and i am running i386 arch for the "recovery"16:36
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legend2440vlad: in terminal gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf at very bottom of xorg file check  Option    "Composite" "Enable" make sure it is enabled16:36
BVBBQLjL, thanks, im still waiting for the download. im in china and internet here is terrible16:36
LjLBVBBQ: if it complains that some packages are not available, then remove such packages from the command16:37
pihhanmojo: dont know, try it and see what happens16:37
LjLBVBBQ: it will take a while.16:37
LoPMXhow can I look up m ubuntu architecture? is it 32 or 64 bit?16:37
BVBBQLjL, i have plenty of time16:37
Leeuwvlad, tommm' s answer was probably right, but is dangerous to edit xorg.conf, easy to break things; do some google 'ing on ATI and XORG, do some study, see if you understand and try from there, if there's no better answer here; but keep trying, someone might know better solution.16:37
LjLLoPMX: uname -m16:37
nevembazhang: my reconfigured xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63537/16:37
vladthx Leeuw16:38
LoPMXLjL: thank you16:38
Leeuwvlad: :-D16:38
bazhangnevem: that has the resolution you need correct? how did you install the drivers (third time asking this question)16:39
humboltohow to import my evolution contacts into thunderbird?16:40
tbenitaHi, anybody knows if kernel 2.6.25 is planned for Hardy final ?16:41
ikoniatbenita: it's not16:41
nevembazhang: installing drivers? did not install anything...16:41
bazhangI give up redirecting16:41
ikoniabazhang: I hear you16:41
tbenitathx ikonia16:42
bazhanglet the mods sort em out ;]16:42
bazhangnevem: that is the res you wanted correct?16:42
timtom1how do you get interface in wireshark?16:42
nevemthat is it16:42
ikoniatimtom1: thats the loop back16:42
peda_hello, i got one problem... i am new at ubuntu and installed tvtime to watch tv with my analog tv card.. i get the channels and also see the "video", but i don't hear any sound! how do i activate line-in so i can hear it?!16:43
bazhangnevem: so is it that res now? or only in xorg16:43
skarfacetimtom1: go to capture and pick lo16:43
ZaxxonHey there,  I was wondering how I can get Firefox 3 beta five running on my computer?  I checked the package manager, but didn't see it there.16:43
timtom1lo is not there on selection.16:43
edemkrimeaanybody from ukraine16:44
LjLpeda_: from the system mixer, i guess16:44
LjL!ua | edemkrimea16:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ua - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:44
LjLhmpf... edemkrimea, #ubuntu-ua16:44
bazhangZaxxon: either get it from firefox site or wait a week and get in next release16:44
peda_yeah, i activated everything there, but i still dont hear a thing16:44
ZaxxonI'm just not clear on how installing programs on Ubuntu :(16:44
ikoniaZaxxon: then you don't16:44
timtom1skarface: lo is not showing up on wireshark selection.16:44
ikoniaZaxxon: if it's not in the package manager you - wait until it is16:44
nevembazhang: only in xorg - i mean its a little bit stupid, because i have 1024x768 windows but i can see a 1280x800 background if you understand what i mean (on the left side and the bottom there are no windows etc, only the background...16:45
stroganoffZaxxon: http://getswiftfox.com/deb.htm16:45
skarfacetimtom1: sorry16:45
nevembazhang: and the highest available resolution in the settings is 1024x768@3016:45
ikoniastroganoff: don't push that sort of stuff out16:45
dmsuperma1Zaxxon: most apps have INSTALL files to tell you how, but a lot of them are in packages16:45
legend2440Zaxxon: do you have gutsy-backports checked in repo settings?16:45
SnakeArtHi, everyone!16:45
ikonialegend2440: it's not in it16:45
Bananobotmojo: I checked http://localhost/ in lynx and got a connection refused.16:46
ZaxxonI don't think I'm running Gutsy.. I think I'm running Feisty16:46
bazhangnevem: you rebooted?16:46
skarfacetimtom1: are you running wireshark as root?16:46
peda_can someone help me with my tv-card problem?16:46
ikoniaBananobot so there is nothing running on localhost16:46
Bananobotpihhan: Nothing out of the ordinary in the Apache log files. It thinks it started up correctly16:46
ZaxxonLegend2440:  I'm not sure how to do that.16:46
nevembazhang: not now... but i did this reconfiguration many times... can try again if you mean16:46
bazhangZaxxon: what does lsb_release -a say16:47
ikoniaZaxxon: it's not available to you16:47
timtom1wireshark select any device, I get promiscuous mode not supported on the "any" device.  anyone know what this about?16:47
legend2440Zaxxon:  sorry i thought you were usig gutsy16:47
SnakeArtIs there anyone who may help me with configuration of Wacom Bamboo One with Gutsy?16:47
skarfacetimtom1: are you running it as root?16:47
ZaxxonOkay, so I need Gutsy?16:47
timtom1skarface: I am running it as root.16:47
ikoniaZaxxon: it's not in gutsy either16:47
timtom1skarface: my eth0 works, but only other selection I have is "any"16:48
legend2440ikonia: its in my synaptic as firefox-3.016:48
ikonialegend2440: thats not beta 516:48
skarfacetimtom1: sounds like you don't have lo set in your network settings.16:48
Zaxxondo you guys actually type out the name?  Or is there a way to hotkey it in?16:49
magnetron!helpersnack | ikonia16:49
ubotuikonia: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!16:49
LainyI installed urxvt but it did not come with a man urxvt. How do I install this? Thanks.16:49
magnetronZaxxon: You can type the first letters of the name, then hit the <tab> key16:49
timtom1skarface, under network->hosts, I have
ikoniamagnetron: thank you16:49
=== Kedavra is now known as Ked_MSSupport
MGS88  is I can Edit files on ubuntu installed  by live CD16:49
bazhangZaxxon: tab completion; type three letters or so then tab16:49
mojoBananobot: someone was saying that it was a regular daemon anyway, so it should've showed up in your ps aux | grep apache command.16:50
Zaxxonbazhang: cool thanks16:50
bazhangMGS88: what files16:50
SnakeArtAnyone knows how to get a missing file in /dev/input/ ?16:50
skarfacetimtom1: what's in your /etc/network/interfaces file?16:50
Zaxxonthat made life easier16:50
ikoniaSnakeArt: restart udeb16:50
MGS88boot grub16:50
Zaxxonis anyone running the new Ubuntu?16:50
peda_how do i get sound from my tv-card with TVtime?16:50
ikoniamstrobert: boot grub for what16:50
ikoniaZaxxon: everyone in the channel #ubuntu+116:50
w0nderI updated my system and now my sound doesn't work :(16:51
legend2440Zaxxon: they are in hardy channel #ubuntu+116:51
MGS88bazhang: grub files16:51
Bananobotmojo: Nope. Apache thinks it is starting up, but it actually isn't running.16:51
Zaxxonany word on how it works?16:51
BananobotThis problem just started today after the updates16:51
ikoniaZaxxon: it's a beta16:51
timtom1skarface, I have this #iface lo inet loopback, should I uncomment it and restart the network?16:51
SnakeArtikonia: maybe it's silly, but how to do that? Reset the system? I've already did it, but nothing changed. I still have no wacom device in /dev/input/ .16:51
Bananobot(My last update was probably a few weeks ago)16:52
skarfacetimtom1: probably ;)16:52
Zaxxonit's being released next week though, isn't it?16:52
ikoniaSnakeArt: what device are you expecting in /dev/input16:52
bazhangMGS88: you need to fix grub?16:52
FlannelZaxxon: yes, which is why support isn't in here yet.16:52
ikoniaZaxxon: thats teh current release date yes16:52
timtom1how do you restart the network in ubuntu?16:52
skarfacetimtom1: /etc/init.d/network restart16:53
medhati want to get vsftpd work16:53
medhatany one can guid me through configurations16:53
MGS88bazhang: yeah16:53
SnakeArtikonia: I'm trying to make working Wacom Bamboo One in my Gutsy. I need to have /dev/input/wacom .16:53
ikoniamedhat: the config file is plane english, what part is not clear16:53
ZaxxonI'm thinking of doing away with Windows here soon...  Right now I'm running Ubuntu on my old Powerbook, which kinda sucks because of the lack of support and compatibility16:53
bazhang!fixgrub > MGS88 read the message from the bot please16:53
ikoniaSnakeArt: the output of dmesg for detecting the wacom device16:54
Sakeanyboey here used hamachi with ubuntu server?16:54
linux__alieni want to play with the kernel and hence i want to have virtualization software installed in Ubuntu. I tried qemu but does not work and even Virtualbox is not working properly16:54
MGS88bazhang: thanks16:54
ikonialinux__alien: works fine16:54
linux__alienhas someone tried Virtulization ?16:54
linux__alienikonia, which one is working fine ? qemu?16:55
monomaniacpatMy hard drive is making a terrible grinding noise. What diagnostic tools are available for ubuntu 7.10?16:55
skarfacevirtualbox and vmware work fine for me, linux__alien16:55
bazhanglinux__alien: many have yes; vmware-server may be faster but virtualbox is not too shabby either16:55
ikonialinux__alien: qemu with kvm works16:55
medhati dont know its just not wokring hanging in begining ftp transaction16:55
peda_anyone has an idea how i get sound from my tv card?16:55
Sakelinux__alien: I'm using vmware, it's awesome, better than virtualbox16:55
nevembazhang: did the reboot... nothing changed - some more info: when i change the screen type it offers me lots of resolutions e.g. 1280X800, but after reboot 1024x768 is the highest i can choose... and that is what i get...16:55
monomaniacpat!hard drive16:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hard drive - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:55
SnakeArtikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63539/16:56
bazhangnevem: change the screen type? what do you mean by that16:56
linux__alieni want to play with the networking subsystem of Linux kernel and hence need virtulization which one should i use . Qemu or VMware?16:56
Zaxxonthanks for the info guys, later16:56
skarfacelinux__alien: vmware16:56
monomaniacpatWhat hard drive diagnostic tools are available for gutsy?16:56
aseeonwhats the name of the package i need to install to choose my own compiz effects ?16:56
bazhangccsm aseeon16:57
ikoniaSnakeArt: what version of ubuntu are you running ?16:57
nevembazhang: monitor model, like 1280x800 lcd (by default i always get plug&play...)16:57
aseeonbazhang, thx16:57
bazhang!ccsm > aseeon read the message from the bot please16:57
Jorl17Hello, I need some help in getting sound to correctly work in Ubuntu hardy, if someone could help me i'd be thanked16:57
skarfaceJorl17: #ubuntu+116:58
SnakeArtikonia: Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 2.6.22-14-generic on AMD6416:58
Jorl17ah taht's it, i knew i had written that down somewhre, thanks16:58
ikoniaSnakeArt: ok, so the kernel sees the device, now check the udev rules16:58
ikoniaSnakeArt: thats a good start though16:58
=== leandro is now known as dunk_k7
legend2440monomaniacpat: smartmontools checks SMART hard drives for problems16:59
ikoniaSnakeArt: also check if the wacom modeul is loaded witih lsmod16:59
timtom1skarface, it worked.  Thanks.17:00
linux__alienikonia, i tried qemu launcher and qemuemulator but i get the initramfs after i boot with the Ubuntu 7.10 CD17:00
linux__alienikonia, can you tell me what i will have to do17:00
ikonialinux__alien: sorry no17:00
linux__alienikonia, then how did you install it ?17:00
WildChild7where in k3b can I enable overburn ?17:01
SnakeArtikonia: I've already did it yesterday when I was talking with genii here at channel. But You can look at it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63540/17:01
monomaniacpatlegend2440: thanks17:01
ikonialinux__alien: all my virtual machines are installed from cd or from a local repo17:01
ikoniaSnakeArt: apologies, I have to leave now17:01
linux__alienikonia, exactly i also want the same17:01
peda_hi, can anyone help me with my tv card? there is no sound coming out!17:02
linux__alienikonia, i ve the 7.10 CD17:02
linux__alienwith me i want my virtual machines to be installed from the CD that i ve17:02
linux__alieni ve the 7.10 cd with me17:02
bazhanglinux__alien: just the iso (no cd) will do fine17:03
linux__alienbazhang, it boots from the CD i select the install Ubuntu from CD and then i get the initramfs prompt17:03
godzirraHowdy folks...17:04
linux__alienam using qemulator17:04
bazhangvbox linux__alien?17:04
peda_mh, why don't i get any answer? someone! please help!17:04
godzirraI'm using the newest beta but I can't seem to find an xvnc viewer...  anyone have suggestions as to which I can use?17:04
bazhangah never tried that linux__alien17:04
boris_ive got a simple problem. ive added Dwell Click panel applet to my panel, now i cant use it or remove it17:04
DOOM_NXwhat port does "Remote Desktop" use?17:04
boris_it's grayed out17:04
nevembazhang: any other idea for my case?17:05
SnakeArtpeda_: There are many people here, patience.17:05
=== peda_ is now known as WrOnKeR
bazhangpeda_: likely no one knows the answer17:05
WrOnKeRmh, k17:05
DOOM_NXhelp please :(17:06
bazhangnevem: no restricted drivers for that card?17:06
SnakeArtpeda_: What do You want to know? Maybe I could help17:06
WrOnKeRok, this is my problem:17:06
zangetsuwenas algun irc con interfaz buena para ubuntu17:06
WrOnKeRi got a tv card installed and try to watch tv with TVtime, i see the picture but there is no sound coming out17:07
Flannel!br | zangetsu17:07
ubotuzangetsu: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:07
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:07
zangetsusi soy español como voy a usar el portugues o el otro17:07
vandal2 can anyone give me their opinion on a php/mysql error?17:08
K3nt2ahi esta :P17:08
=== WrOnKeR is now known as peda_
linux__alienwhat would be the difference between the Release Candidate and the final build17:08
=== peda_ is now known as _peda_
_peda_i got a tv card installed and try to watch tv with TVtime, i see the picture but there is no sound coming out17:08
linux__alienit would be almost the same as the final right?17:08
skarfacelinux__alien: very little. some time to fix a few more bugs.17:08
LeeuwWrOnKeR: probably you have to connect audio-out from tv-card to line-in on soundcard with cable; did you ?17:08
SnakeArtWrOnKeR: Have You checked configuration of sound server in TVtime? I haven't used that, but there should be something like that. Check also the settings of mixer, take a look at what input and output you have active and what is the sound level on each.17:09
=== _peda_ is now known as WrOnKeR
linux__alienskarface, that means can i download the release candidate and install it in my system ?17:10
bazhangnevem: have you tried enabling desktop effects with that card?17:10
WrOnKeRLeeuw: Yes, i did17:10
linux__alienskarface, i ve a laptop which i use daily17:10
linux__alienfor my work17:10
Leeuwthen is line volume on mixer open ?17:10
skarfacelinux__alien: you can, but I wouldn't use it on a system you really need17:10
vandal2Warning:  mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'www-data'@'localhost' (using password: NO) -- anyone have any ideas how to correct this?17:10
nevembazhang: wont work17:11
bazhangnevem: please elaborate17:11
skarfacevandal2: what is causing that? drupal?17:11
SnakeArtWrOnKeR: And how is it going? Any progress?17:11
WrOnKeRsec, had to help my father17:12
bazhangnevem: do you have xserver-xorg installed?17:12
vandal2skarface: im using php and mysql with apache17:12
WrOnKeRInput source is : Line17:12
WrOnKeRand everything is activated17:12
skarfacevandal2: right... well you could fix that by adding www-data to the mysql users with no password, but it looks like bad coding to me.17:13
elhoiri am unable to install java in my AMD 64 bits17:13
elhoirhow can i do that?17:13
WrOnKeRand on full volume17:13
CJS3141Is anybody here familiar with using the "smartctl" command to help diagnose a SMART enabled hard drive?17:13
SnakeArtHave anyone any experience with wacom Bamboo One with Gutsy. This hell-machine is refusing to cooperate:)17:13
nevembazhang: yes17:13
WrOnKeRbut still no sound... sec, i'll be back in 2 mins17:13
jrib!java > elhoir (read the private message from ubotu)17:13
vandal2i added www-data to the list with no password then i got the error "cannot connect to DB". Is not my script, ill carry on and try another. Cheers17:14
crazytalkplease tell me if i delete /home/crazytalk/.wine/ after uninstalling it from applications > add/remove will it delete all the wine settings so i can do a fresh install?17:14
skarfaceis your script me thinks17:14
Flannelvandal2: Its a MySQL password/access thing, you've gotta login to MySQL and create your users (and give them privs and stuff)17:14
vvdhello, i just debootstrapped hardy but it wont boot. kernel initializes haw and just when normally init begins its work, nothing happens. any ideas?17:14
unopvandal2, you need to add a user to the mysql database named www-data with a password as defined in your php script17:14
bazhangnevem: well I have to go good luck with getting that fixed--you might want to outline what you did to the next person who helps you--here are a couple of links explaining why that 'wont work' as you said: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=356057217:15
Flannelvandal2: or another username, it need not be www-data, because you login with an arbitrary user/pass combo17:15
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=580731 and here nevem17:15
vandal2unop, flannel and skarface - im just going to go and double check the script etc Cheers for the help17:16
nevemthanks bazhang17:16
SnakeArtAnybody have working Wacom Bamboo tablet with Gutsy?17:16
WrOnKeRso, i've got everything activated in Alsa mixer and on full volume, Input Source is "Line", there is a cable between the line-out of the tv-card and the line-in of the soundcard, but still no sound!17:17
babowhen i connect to a wireless connection with ubuntu, the connection is ridiculoulsy slow 12.1kb, when it try it with windows on the same computer, the connection is fine.17:17
babowhat's up with ubuntu ?17:17
MGS88hi I want to reinstall grub by live cd but it cant mount select partition17:17
legend2440WrOnKeR: can you try to see if you get sound from tv card using headphones. if you do then the problem is not with card but settings in tvtime or alsa or your sound card17:17
WrOnKeRyes, i get sound!17:18
mojoLjL:  thnks for the help.  I made a list with the command you said, and made another list using a different method:  dpkg --get-selections --admindir=/media/Ubuntu\ Studio\ AM/var/lib/dpkg |grep -v deinstall >amd64.list17:18
LeeuwWrOnKeR: then try the suggestion way back from snake-something, configure sound-server in options, don't ask me how though... ;-)17:18
SnakeArtikonia: Are You there?17:19
mojoLjL: the second way should let me dpkg --set-selections using the text file as input, and then use deselect to install them17:19
crazytalkcan i manually edit my applications bar?17:20
SnakeArtLeeuw: SnakeArt, if You please:)17:20
crazytalkto remove a dir with dead shortcuts inside it?17:20
magnetroncrazytalk: right click it and choose "edit"17:20
vvdhello, i just debootstrapped hardy but it wont boot. kernel initializes the hardware and just when normally init normally begins its work, nothing happens. any ideas?17:20
Leeuwyeah, snakeart...17:20
crazytalkmagnetron: i don't get anythhing when i right click the dir17:20
legend2440WrOnKeR: so if you plug speakers directly into line out on tv card you get sound?17:20
LeeuwSnakeArt: can you tell him/her how ?17:21
whitekidneyanyone know a good DVD player for ubuntu?17:21
magnetron!hardy > vvd17:21
crazytalkmagnetron: i don't want to edit the props of the shortcuts, i want to remove the entire wine dir. i have already physically removed it from my home dir17:21
mojowhitekidney: i tend to use vlc 99% of the time17:21
whitekidneyvlc doesnt work, it crashes.17:21
magnetroncrazytalk: right click the menu title "applications"17:21
LoPMXHow can I install MySQL from Gutsy in Edgy via apt-get?17:21
whitekidneyit locks up when i load /media/dvdrom017:21
SnakeArtLeeuw: Yeah.17:21
MGS88hi I want to reinstall grub by live cd but it cant mount selected partition17:21
magnetronwhitekidney: totem.17:21
whitekidneysudo apt-get totem ?17:21
crazytalkmagnetron: tyvm :)17:21
magnetronwhitekidney: no, it's installed by default17:22
mojowhitekidney: on any dvd or just that one?  or does it crash always?  vlc is very stable for me, and my brother who uses the windows release17:22
legend2440WrOnKeR:  and you can hear mp3's or other sound files if you play them on computer?17:22
WrOnKeRyes, i do17:22
vandal2LoPMX: go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/apacheMySQLPP17:22
whitekidneymojo : it always crashes, it works in windows, but aint working in linux.17:22
crazytalkmagnetron: is it possible to delete a dir in edit or can i only just disable showing them?17:22
babowhen i connect to a wireless connection with ubuntu, the connection is ridiculoulsy slow 12.1kb, when it try it with windows on the same computer, the connection is fine. It worked fine on ubuntu on the same laptop yesterday. I tried to connect to wireless at a supermarket, the connection was crap, now i bring the laptop home and i get the same issue ...17:22
whitekidneymagnetron : how do i open dvd's with totem?17:22
vandal2LoPMX: url should end SQLPHP17:23
legend2440WrOnKeR: what brand tv out card?17:23
babocan anyone think of what might be the issue ?17:23
LoPMXyeah got it17:23
magnetron!dvd | whitekidney17:23
ubotuwhitekidney: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs17:23
mojowhitekidney: ugh.  tried in totem or mplayer?  have libdecssv2 or whatever it's called (library to de-CSS (content scramble system) the drive.17:23
crazytalkmagnetron: right click on delte on each dir does nothing17:23
MGS88I want to reinstall grub by live cd but it cant mount selected partition17:23
LeeuwWrOnKeR: you can also try KDE-tv, maybe that will work, is a more elaborate program with wizards and stuff; worth a try...17:24
magnetronwhitekidney: due to some crazy laws in USA, ubuntu cannot ship dvd support by default. ubotu gave you some info about how to install it manually17:24
LoPMXvandal2: Ok cool, but I know how to install MySQL, but on edgy i get version 5.0.24, and I would like to install newer package from gutsy - 5.0.4517:24
WrOnKeRhmm k, but i also tried xawtv, didn't work neither17:25
harveydwhat application supports importing photos17:25
UstasWnot sure17:25
harveydfrom a camera connected to usb17:25
SnakeArtWrOnKeR: Go to gnome-volume-control. You should see some sliders named mic, surround, etc. (don't know your sound configuration and type of soundcard). You should enable all with full volume up, and then disable one by one until You will hear silence. That's the simpliest way.17:25
magnetronharveyd: f-spot17:25
harveydf-spot is being crappy with me17:25
CJS3141Anybody familiar with using the "smartctl" command?17:26
WrOnKeRhow do i find the gnome-volume-control? double click on the little speaker symbol?17:26
crazytalkmagnetron: the wine dir no longer shows up on my application bar, but it's still in the edit application bar applet. it will not let me delete the dirs and programs, only uncheck them to stop them showing. is there a workaround?17:26
crazytalkmagnetron: it has gone, i had to restart edit app menu a few times, tyvm17:27
MGS88pleas any one: I want to reinstall grub by live cd but it cant mount selected partition17:27
SnakeArtWrOnKeR: Try it, or You can simply type in terminal gnome-volume-control. Try both.17:27
* crazytalk cheers and loves ubuntu again17:27
magnetroncrazytalk: when you uninstalled it with synaptic, you should choose "uninstall completely". that will remove all settings and similar17:28
whitekidneymagnetron : i cant make it work, how come ?17:28
whitekidneyive installed all the codecs, but i still miss some.17:28
magnetronwhitekidney: you need to follow the instructions carefuly, including installing the libdvdcss3 package. it's not in the ubuntu repositories17:28
WrOnKeReverything is activated, but still don't hear sound17:28
whitekidneyoh snap.17:28
whitekidneyim new to linux17:29
SnakeArtBTW: Is there someone with working Bamboo tablet with Gutsy here?17:29
magnetronwhitekidney: it's the american laws that imposes this requirement17:29
crazytalkmagnetron: i didn't have that option because i uninstalled via applications menu add/remove. i am learning that the synaptic package manager is a much better utility17:29
legend2440WrOnKeR: go to system>preferences>sound and under devices tab see sound playback and select oss and see if that helps17:30
magnetronwhitekidney: the easiest way to solve this problem is to add the medibuntu repository. however, this is not legal inside USA17:30
harveydhow has ubuntu managed to screw up photo importing completely17:30
magnetron!medibuntu | whitekidney17:30
harveydit was working perfectly in gutsy17:30
ubotuwhitekidney: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:30
spzattits me whitekidney, mirc just ran off somewhere, had to start a new session17:30
spzattokay, so..17:30
MGS88re message: hi I want to reinstall grub by live cd but it cant mount selected partition17:31
SnakeArtWrOnKeR: At this point i have no idea what could be wrong. I have a feeling that it could be something wrong with your card, but let's try what legend2440 suggested.17:31
spzattcan you just like.. give me the command to run it within the terminal?17:31
anabaindoes anybody know why netboot stuff for amd64 from ubuntu archives does not install a 64bits kernel (not in gutsy nor in hardy; moreover, in gutsy the installer hangs)?17:32
boritek could you tell me please how can i track xchat's logs with tracker? The files are in a hidden directory in .xchat2/xchatlogs. I added this directory to the watchlist but it doesnt track the files there17:32
MGS884th re message:  I want to reinstall grub by live cd but it cant mount selected partition17:33
shaunpart dingdingding17:33
crazytalkmagnetron: i am in /home/crazytalk/Desktop/wine-0.9.58 because i need to install this previous version of wine. as instructed by the readme file i input ./tools/wineinstall but i get the output crazytalk@skyrocket:~/Desktop/wine-0.9.58$ ./tools/wineinstall17:33
crazytalkbash: ./tools/wineinstall: No such file or directory17:33
spzattmagnetron : i would appreciate if you gave me the command to install the packages i need.17:33
selinuxiumI have a belkin f8t020 bluetooth card (pcimcia). Been trying to get it working properly but to no avail. any ideas?17:33
noogai'm using a USB ADSL modem for internet connection, i'd like to share that connection via network cable with other machine17:33
airjerI've installed Ubuntu in the past on another PC, but now with my new build, which also has Vista x64 running... the install always exits to a BusyBox console waiting for commands... I've been searching the forums for the last couple days and I have no idea what to do :/17:34
noogahow to set connection sharing on ubuntu?17:34
magnetroncrazytalk, spzatt : you should direct your support questions to the channel17:34
spzatt#medibuntu is like.. asleep17:35
spzattany chance you can help me here?17:35
crazytalki am in /home/crazytalk/Desktop/wine-0.9.58 because i need to install this previous version of wine. as instructed by the readme file i input ./tools/wineinstall but i get the output crazytalk@skyrocket:~/Desktop/wine-0.9.58$ ./tools/wineinstall17:35
WrOnKeRAAAGRH! when i click on test, i hear the tv-sound! but i would rather call it noise! awfull sound! if i mute the tv-program, there is still a ugly noise17:35
magnetron!ask | spzatt17:35
ubotuspzatt: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:35
CJS3141What's a really good CD burning program? I would like to burn audio/data/ISO CDs. BTW, when I use the Nautilus burner, it complains that my CD isn't blank/rewritable, when the file browser shows nothing on it.17:35
crazytalkNo such file or directory17:35
magnetronCJS3141: brasero17:36
DOOM_NXCan anyone tell me please where i do specify the port that "Remote Desktop" uses?17:36
spzattim wondering if you can give me the command to download the codecs? (like sudo apt-get dvdcodec)17:36
selinuxiumCJS3141: or gnome-baker17:36
WrOnKeRthere is also a kind of echo that i can hear17:37
anabaindoes anybody run a true 64bits amd system? if so, which kernel package are you using, please?17:37
airjeri guess there is no fix for the busybox console coming up? i can't find a solution17:37
superactiveHello crowd, I have been trying to install the drivers for my Creative SB X-Fi Soundcard for 3 days now, and yesterday I installed a driver and rebooted, and now I have no sound at all, not even in the integrated soundcard that used to work beforehand, I need help17:37
selinuxiumj #ubuntu+117:37
malocitejust installed Gutsy on this laptop, 214 updates to do :)17:37
CJS3141magnetron: I tried that too, but it returns "Error while burning: the drive seems to be busy"--what's going on?17:38
airjeri can't even get the live cd working, let alone the install heh17:38
malocitedoes anyone know how to identify what type of processor is in a machine?17:38
CJS3141selinuxium: Thanks for the recommendation--I'll give it a try if I can't get Brasero to work.17:38
rwycuffairjer:what issues with live cd are you having17:38
selinuxiumCJS3141: np :)17:39
magnetronCJS3141: it's probably not the burning programs fault17:39
spzattmagnetron: would you?17:39
spzattlike give me the command17:39
airjerThe Ubuntu splash screen goes for a few mins and then it hits a black screen and the BusyBox console comes up waiting for commands.17:39
noogahow to setup internet connection sharing on ubuntu?17:39
CJS3141magnetron: OK, what should I do then? To the best of my knowledge the CD is fine.17:39
RoAkSoAxnooga, you want to pass internet from 1 pc to another?17:40
lordleemomalocite:  in a term  cat /proc/cpuinfo17:40
airjerthere is usually some revalidation failed errors also17:40
magnetronspzatt: would you mind telling the channel which command you are talking about?17:40
=== LSD|Ninj1 is now known as LSD|Ninja
spzattive told you 100 times17:40
spzattim wondering if you can give me the command to download the codecs? (like sudo apt-get dvdcodec)17:40
magnetronspzatt: no, you never told me17:41
noogaRoAkSoAx: yup17:41
spzattscroll up17:41
spzatti did :p17:41
magnetronspzatt: you only kept asking for "commands"17:41
malocitelordleemo: I have a celeron, and I am rying to download swiftfox, but I don't know WHICH celeron I have...17:41
magnetronspzatt: you never asked ME17:41
RoAkSoAxnooga, do you have 2 network cards?17:41
WrOnKeRwhile test-mode is activated, i hear the tv-sound! but i would rather call it noise! awfull sound! if i mute the tv-program, there is still a ugly noise17:41
magnetronspzatt: and nagging isn't appreciated17:41
malocitelordleemo: Figured it out :)  Thanks17:42
harveyddoes anyone know how I would import photos from my camera through command line?17:42
lordleemomalocite: ok17:42
magnetron!codec | spzatt17:42
ubotuspzatt: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:42
=== eric__ is now known as talntid
magnetron<spzatt> magnetron : i would appreciate if you gave me the command to install the packages i need.17:42
airjerNobody knows why the BusyBox console would appear? Am I doomed to never use Ubuntu on my machine? heh\17:42
Prashant_hey i wanted to ask something . When i installed ubuntu with WUBI it went fine until i did not installed a package . But when i installed a package ( a whole lot of Disk I/O error were printed while booting)17:43
Prashant_package installed was G++17:43
legend2440WrOnKeR: read #6 on this page http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/debian-ubuntu-linux-configure-pinnacle-pctv-tuner.html17:43
noogaRoAkSoAx: nope, i connect to the internet using ADSL modem on USB17:44
Prashant_!list |more17:44
ubotumore: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:44
RoAkSoAxnooga, so do you have 1 network card available?17:44
=== Kedavra is now known as Ked_MSSupport
CJS3141magnetron: Any ideas of what I should do about Brasero's error that my disk might be busy? I won't ask again if you don't happen to know... not trying to be pushy. :-)17:45
magnetronCJS3141: did you ask the channel?17:45
Prashant_Hello any one having any idea about the Wubi problem that i just mentioned17:45
rwycuffaitjer:try installingit via old installer  meaning no gui17:45
magnetronCJS3141: always ask the channel, if anyone knows, they will answer. i already told you that17:45
CJS3141magnetron: Sorry.17:46
=== Prashant_ is now known as GF
harveydok, when I connect a camera to /usb/ where is it likely to be mounted?17:46
WrOnKeRCan't open input file `/dev/dsp1': No such file or directory17:47
harveyd* to a usb port, not /usb/17:47
=== warren_ is now known as waolo
babohow do i set my system to use localhost for dns ?17:47
baboi want to set up my named daemon as my dns. for some reason, using automatic doesn't work for linux but works fine for windows ...17:47
=== GF is now known as N00B__
=== N00B__ is now known as prashant____
=== zizzfizzix is now known as polikarp
unopbabo, easiest way is to install something like dnscache - and edit your /etc/resolv.conf to add to the nameserver list17:48
harveydand do like, my posts show in here?17:48
=== polikarp is now known as zizzfizzix
babounop: i had it all set up fine, then i tried to access the wireless connection at my supermarket and when i switched back, everything got messed up ...17:49
Myrtti!away | zizzfizzix, prashant____17:49
ubotuzizzfizzix, prashant____: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines»17:49
babois it possible that choosing automatic configuration from gnome connection override the resolv.conf setting ?17:49
babounop ^17:49
Lamegobabo, if you are using DHCP, resolv.conf is overriden17:50
unopbabo, you'll need to edit the dhclient.conf file to include always17:50
dav2devalso whit pppd17:50
baboLamego, but why then would windows have no problems using the auto DHCP setting, but it doesn't work for linux ?17:50
unopbabo, in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf around line 18 .. uncomment the line that says "prepend domain-name-servers;"17:51
Lamegono idea, they should both get the same config from the DHCP server17:51
WrOnKeRi also tried to change /dev/dsp1 in /dev/video0, because somewhere in my kernel, i read that the tv-card is video 0, but then he writes: sox stio: Failed reading `/dev/video0': Unable to reset OSS driver.  Possibly accessing an invalid file/device17:51
unopbabo, there is little use in comparing windows against linux - things are done differently in both OSes17:51
Lamegounop, he is not comparing them, he is justr trying to figure why DHCP is behaving different17:52
LamegoDHCP is a standard protocol, it is expected to work similar on both OSes17:52
unopLamego, windows allows you to override the DNS servers configuration for each interface .. whether or not you use DHCP17:53
GreyGhostanyone have problems with audacity and Ubuntu 7.04?17:53
babounop: well linux must allow override also, otherwise it'd probably work17:53
Lamegounop, same for Linux, but according to is question, he did no specif configuration for that17:53
unopbabo, i told you how to do it17:53
jonathan__i'm using GIMP under Ubuntu17:53
unopbabo, scroll up a bit17:53
jonathan__and now theres a problem with this program.17:54
prashant____hey i wanted to ask something . When i installed ubuntu with WUBI it went fine until i did not installed a package . But when i installed a package ( a whole lot of Disk I/O error were printed while booting)17:54
Lamego!hardy | prashant____17:54
ubotuprashant____: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:54
jonathan__png-files cant handle transparenc on saving17:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audacity - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:55
TotemHow do I copy and paste files from the terminal?17:55
babounop: right. thanks. but i'd like to understand how it works exactly. Surely removing the prepend domain ....; is something I should add instead of remove ? I want it to look to localhost for dns ...17:55
MarfiTotem, ctrl + shift + V17:55
babos/surely removing/surely/17:56
TotemMarfi: from the terminal17:56
harveydif ubuntu freezes again I will kill somone17:56
unopbabo, in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf around line 18 .. uncomment the line that says "prepend domain-name-servers;"  # it's as simple as that17:56
MarfiTotem, to copy, ctrl + shift + C. that is from the terminal17:56
GreyGhostTotem ,cp ?17:56
unopbabo, not remove but uncomment17:56
Totemya, thanks17:56
TotemMarfi: not text, but put files onto the clipboard17:56
GreyGhostsorry .. didnt read Terminal :(17:56
Totemunop: how to I paste17:56
Totemoops, not unop17:57
iambenanyone know why creating a launcher on the desktop to "gnome-terminal" takes almost 20 seconds to load up gnome-terminal?17:57
babounop: ah - ok my fault, sorry. Just one more thing though, that would never get overridden then by the 'connection manager' on gnome ? I could still hook up my wireless out and about ?17:57
iambenthis machine is slow, but not THAT slow17:57
GreyGhostTotem , Ctrl+C (copy) , Ctrl+V (paste) ?17:57
WrOnKeRso, anyone has an idea left? ^17:58
TotemGreyGhost: no, pretend I am in a text based distro.17:58
baboTotem: use emacs17:58
AlexQHi. I've got a problem with the Synaptic and apt-get and maybe also dpkg. Here's log from Synaptic and command dpkg...17:58
unopbabo, the network manager is just a GUI frontend for things like dhclient .. you should be ok now17:58
baboyou can do everything from emacs. it's even got a text editor ... :-)17:58
Totembabo: like, an apple computer?17:58
GreyGhostTotem ,sorry no idea there :(17:58
samasutrahey !17:58
Totemalright, thanks17:58
AlexQHi. I've got a problem with the Synaptic and apt-get and maybe also dpkg. Here's log from Synaptic and command dpkg... http://rafb.net/p/L5DH6d50.html17:58
MarfiTotem, text editor emacs17:58
samasutrawhere does gnome safe the configuration for the color themes ?17:58
Totemwell, then how to I move a file to a folder, but it says permission denied. How do I do this?17:58
baboTotem: i was kind a half joking dude. You'll need to figure out how to use it first ...17:59
samasutra(window borders ?)17:59
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MarfiTotem, try sudo17:59
baboTotem, but it is possible ...17:59
TotemMarfi: oh, what does that have to do with my problem? I am using Gedit17:59
AutoMatriXhio folks17:59
MarfiTotem, nano -w here. =)17:59
samasutracause I want to edit theme and the theme changing tool doesn't let me chnange theme17:59
TotemMarfi: ya, I tried, but how do I put this file in using sudo?17:59
babofor non windows enviroments ..17:59
tyler_ddoes anyone have a copy of uuencode18:00
jetscreamersudo mv whatever18:00
MarfiTotem, sudo cp <file> <directory>18:00
GreyGhostTotem , err .. you can use sduo cp "fromhere/file" "tohere/file"18:00
Totemoh, ok18:00
puneetjoin #orkut_linux18:00
MarfiTotem, or you can change the permissions of the folder18:00
MarfiTotem, sudo chmod 777 <folder>18:00
harveydright, can anyone please give me a hand and tell me if / where I can view photos from my camera thats connected to the usb port in the file browser18:00
MarfiTotem, them move the file with user permissions18:00
Marfiharveyd, it mounts to /media18:00
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging18:00
HellBoundubuntu not installing18:01
AlexQHi. I've got a problem with the Synaptic and apt-get and maybe also dpkg. Here's log from Synaptic and command dpkg... http://rafb.net/p/L5DH6d50.html18:01
kane77HellBound, could you give us a bit more detail? it's hard to help if you just state "doesn't work"18:03
tom_____can someone give me a hand with vnc ssh tunneling? I think I know how to do it from the client end, but i'm not sure about the server end. I run "vncserver" on the server, but how do I tie ssh to it?18:03
Totemhow do I move a directory?18:03
harvey1yay, it ***** crashed again18:03
HellBoundafter i press the start/install ubuntu it starts and detect something and hangs up18:03
AlexQI've got a problem with the Synaptic and apt-get and maybe also dpkg. Here's log from Synaptic and command dpkg...: http://rafb.net/p/L5DH6d50.html . Can anybody help, plz?18:04
Kl4mAlexQ, go into synaptic, search for linux-image and reinstall the one which is already installed ("select for reinstallation")18:04
Kl4m!repeat also18:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repeat also - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:04
harvey1ls /media/18:04
harvey1cdrom  cdrom0  My Book18:04
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:04
harvey1its not mounted in media ...18:05
AlexQKl4m: But I can't run synaptic18:05
HellBoundwhen i press the start/install ubuntu it starts and detect something and hangs up18:05
CarlFKother than skype, what is a voip soft phone that is cross platform?18:06
iGamaHy all18:06
keit1I have a laptop that I want to install linux on but have this issue.  it refuses to boot from anything (cd/usb) except via the network (ethernet)  I don't have a NAS drive to boot from.  Is it possible to boot the installed from another machine running ubuntu on the network?18:06
iGamais there a way to make evolution save mails to the maildir format?18:06
keit1meant installer!18:07
Kl4mAlexQ: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic18:07
AlexQKl4m: So?18:07
iGamai eard about a backend or so for evolution that would allow that18:07
HellBoundpls help me i wan to install ubuntu18:07
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:07
ygor_abreuDoes anyone know about a software or aplication to manage cybercafes?18:07
TotemPlease? How to I move directories18:07
iGamaygor_abreu, yes, kioske18:07
erUSULTotem: mv folder destination/18:07
prashant____hey any one any idea is there a possible way of running i386.deb architecture applications on x64 arch18:07
CarlFKkeit1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet18:07
prashant____as force install18:07
TotemerUSUL: thanks18:07
ygor_abreuigame:thanks mate..gonna read it..18:07
iGamaygor_abreu, sorry, wrong name , 1 min pls18:07
keit1Hellbound: how much ram do you have? does it give you an error?18:07
erUSULprashant____: installing lib32 and related packages??18:08
HellBoundno error18:08
HellBoundi have 512 MB ram18:08
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:08
ygor_abreuiGama: omg..ok...waiting.18:08
HellBound3 Ghz p4 processor18:08
prashant____erUUL: Done that18:08
iGamaygor_abreu, : http://openkiosk.sf.net/18:08
unopprashant____, you can also setup a 32 bit chroot -- see !chroot for more18:08
AlexQKl4m: I just can't use apt-get by the same reason which I can't use synaptic. What's up?18:08
pro-rsoftHi all, try typing ".." in cmd-- is that a bug?18:08
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box18:08
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HellBoundit detects some hardware and then hangs up and show ide failed 52x cd rom18:09
Kl4mAlexQ, what is the last thing you tried to install? you should try to reinstall that18:09
ygor_abreuiGame:omg..first page of the name u gave me redirect-me to a porno site :S well thanks now mate.18:09
kitchepro-rsoft: what does it do and what do you mean by in cmd--18:09
unoppro-rsoft, .. is special, it means the parent directory -- but again, you havent said where you are using this, so it's hard to say if it means much18:09
keit1HellBound: strange, wish i could help18:09
iGamaygor_abreu, lol18:09
pro-rsofti know it means parent directory18:09
pro-rsoftbut execute it as a command :)18:09
iGamais there a way to make evolution save to maildir format?18:09
HellBoundyeah pls keit1 help me18:10
HellBoundim new in linux18:10
unoppro-rsoft, by default .. is not a command or keyword18:10
kitchepro-rsoft: yes that is normal it says permission denied18:10
Totemhow do I delete in the terminal?18:10
pro-rsoftunop, kitche, it does something odd here18:10
unopTotem, rm18:10
pro-rsoftCommand '..' is available in the following places:18:10
pro-rsoft (then it lists some dirs with ..)18:10
AlexQKl4m: It was the updates, I think... But Im afraid that the removing is also not possible, sir.18:10
prashant____unop: just one more question after running chroot and setting environment to 32bit does the deb package installer quries the OS to be a i386 ?18:11
unopprashant____, if you are in the chroot and set it up for 32bit, then all applications think they are running on a 32bit arch. so yes18:11
unoppro-rsoft, what version of ubuntu?18:12
pro-rsoftgutsy gibbon18:12
prashant____unop: ok does the processing also takes place as a 32 bit arch or a 64 bit by some kind of emulation of 32bit to 64 bit18:12
HellBoundno budyy helping me18:12
unoppro-rsoft, strange - it does nothing for me18:12
pro-rsoftunop, thats odd18:12
pro-rsoftit lists all the bin dirs followed by .. here18:13
prashant____HellBound: repeat ur problem18:13
unoppro-rsoft, put what you see in a !pastebin and show it to us18:13
pro-rsoftunop, http://www.pastie.org/18245918:13
unopprashant____, the way a 32bit chroot works is that all the 32bit libraries and packages are installed, so there is no emulation, it's the real thing18:14
Kl4mAlexQ, you could sudo dpkg -r -a and reinstall necessary packages : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop (do NOT reboot meanwhile!)18:14
prashant____unop: thanks a lot for your time ! :)18:14
HellBoundafter i press the start/install ubuntu it starts and detect  devices and hangs up when it detectes 52x cd rom18:14
HellBoundhow to install it ufffffffffff18:14
prashant____HellBound: please check ur CD for Defects18:15
HellBoundyeah i checked its ok18:15
HellBoundany other way to install it18:15
prashant____HellBound: which Os version and ur comp version18:15
tom_____can *anyone* walk me through setting up vnc for ssh tunneling? I have vnc installed and I can connect to it directly. There MUST be some small simple step I'm missing...'18:16
Seveaswb UncleRemus18:16
unop!info command-not-found18:16
ubotucommand-not-found (source: command-not-found): Suggest installation of packages in interactive bash sessions. In component main, is standard. Version 0.2.8ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 6 kB, installed size 96 kB18:16
AlexQKl4m: update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic ... When trying to 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'.18:16
HellBoundos version ubuntu 7.10 desktop and pc cofig 512 MB ram,3 GHz p4,80 GB Samsung HDD and MSI p4 motherboard18:16
ttt--hi, what's the equivalent of mirc on ubuntu?18:16
Seveasttt--, xchat18:17
pro-rsoftunop, does that mean I don't or i do have it installed?18:17
prashant____HellBound: u mean u want to avoid using Cd . yes u can install it from a flashdrive or a external HDD18:17
pro-rsoftoh, i do18:17
unop_thanks Seveas :)18:17
ttt--Seveas: any other ones?18:17
HellBoundbut i wan to do it from cd18:17
pro-rsoftis that the cause of the issue18:17
unop_!info command-not-found18:17
ubotucommand-not-found (source: command-not-found): Suggest installation of packages in interactive bash sessions. In component main, is standard. Version 0.2.8ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 6 kB, installed size 96 kB18:17
HellBoundhow to do it from cd18:17
unop_pro-rsoft, ^^18:17
prashant____HellBound: i will not recommend Wubi as it has a lot of problems :(18:17
turboI was wondering how to add strings together in bash? like the current users name and a domain to end up with Email=[user]@[domain]18:17
turbodomain variable will already be set..18:17
pro-rsoftunop_, so its a bug or stupidity in command-not-found18:17
HellBoundyeah i also tried wubi and virtual box18:18
unop_turbo,  var"string1string2"18:18
unop_turbo,  err, var="string1string2"18:18
Seveasturbo, this is no bash helochannel. but in this case: email="$USER@$DOMAIN"18:18
turbothat is understood. How do i get the current users name as a string?18:18
turbocan i call 'whoami'?18:19
turboand insert that into a variable.18:19
Seveasturbo, bash helpchannel is #bash I believe18:19
Kl4mAlexQ: sudo dpkg -r -a and (again) sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic18:19
ttt--xchat doesnt have a normal user list18:19
Seveasttt--, it has18:19
prashant____HellBound: I cant help u further as it is not clear where the problem actualy is :(18:19
erUSULttt--: yes it does18:19
ttt--or a place to put auto-joins18:19
Kl4mclick on the user count18:20
ttt--how do i make it normal?18:20
Seveasttt--, it has that as well18:20
ttt--normal meaning: always visible18:20
benguinhi there18:20
pseigohow can i use the ubuntu irc? (i am useing pidgin for irc)18:20
jaffarkelshaci am having a x problem on my laptop, X wont start up. I can log in via shell but /etc/init.d/gdm start just wont start, it blinks a while and thats it.18:20
benguinanyone here uses Hardy Heron and g++ 4.2?18:20
spiderfirehow do i arrange my icons in xfce4?18:20
Seveas!hardy | benguin18:20
kitchettt--: you have to pull the user list out a bit to actually see it18:20
ubotubenguin: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:20
Seveasttt--, view -> user list18:21
ttt--yes but i want it to be always visible, next to the chat window18:21
Seveasttt--, it *is* then always visible18:22
ttt--i think im missing something18:22
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jaffarkelshacttt--, check the right section, it might be hidden try and see if you can drag to the left to review user list18:23
Kl4mThere's no always-on user list. But xchat has it18:23
ArelisHello everybody. I installed the newest ATI drivers (8.42.3), but when i run fgl_glxgears i get real strange output (you can kind of see the remainder of the gears, but the display inside the window flickers all the time and looks as if it's been made into a puzzle and shuffled around). My video card is an ATI Radeon 9600. How do i solve this?18:23
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SeveasArelis, switch off compiz18:23
Areliscompiz is not on18:23
scott_hi dose anone kmpw if netzero will work on linux18:23
jaffarkelshaci am having a x problem on my laptop, X wont start up. I can log in via shell but /etc/init.d/gdm start just wont start, it blinks a while and thats it.18:24
Tanishello, does anyone have an idea why my canon s500 printer does not work on gutsy18:24
ArelisSeveas: compiz is not on18:24
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ttt--ok, i had xchat-gnome, sorry about the confusion18:25
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sertacmy ubuntu 7.10 is waiting before shutdown what can cause that progress bar finishing but screen still waiting?18:27
waoloubuntu hardy will come out the 24th, but on what hour?18:28
RudihawkHi, is there a quick way to replace nautilus with thunar?18:28
RudihawkI have thunar downloaded and I can run it with no problem, how do i change it to become my default file manager?18:28
sertacHi, is there a quick way to replace nautilus with thunar?18:28
sertaci really wonder this asnwer of this  question18:29
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mkultrashey on fedora to restart a service i go service apache restart for example but on ubuntu i have to go /etc/init.d/apache restarrt is there a command like 'service' to manage services like that18:29
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Seveasmkultras, invoke-rc.d18:30
Seveasmkultras, and update-rc.d is sort-of a replacement for chkconfig18:30
mkultrasthx Seveas18:30
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th_i am running sudo apt-get install python-libxml218:31
kooothorhi folks*18:31
Pici!nickspam > fjfalcon2 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)18:31
th_and apt ask me to install 1000s of other packages too!18:32
th_Need to get 1904MB of archives.18:32
unop_turbo, incase you didn't get an answer to your question.  var=`whoami`;  or  var=$(whoami)  or better, you already have a variable named $USER which contains the username .. so var=$USER18:32
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th_After unpacking 6280MB of additional disk space will be used.18:32
th_whats wrong with apt18:32
rwarner-tsc-atsWess what is your ticket for the ATMIF/2528, I was able to bounce the physical and get it back up.18:32
turbothank you unop_. I did get the answer and i believe $(whoami) would be better strictly because the environment variables can be changed.18:33
bassoi like food18:33
bassoanyone else like food?18:33
* combo bedzie później ;P18:33
crazytalk!offtopic | basso18:33
ubotubasso: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:33
Tanisi like my canon s500 , but he doesn work18:34
kooothorfood is good18:34
unop_turbo, perhaps, but i think that's taking paranoia to another level -- but yea, if you like :)18:34
negowillEnter text here...oi18:34
negowillolaguem do brasil?18:34
bassoi got Canon G9...18:34
Pici!br | negowill18:34
ubotunegowill: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:34
Tanisdoes your canon work?18:34
PiciTanis, basso: Please take non Ubuntu support chat to #ubuntu-offtopic18:35
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Picith_: What version of Ubuntu are you running?18:35
th_why apt is asking me to install the whole repo18:35
Tanisgutsy gibbon18:35
Tanis@pici what did you mean?18:35
PiciTanis: I was asking th_.18:35
Pici!ot | Tanis18:36
ubotuTanis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:36
turbounop_: it will be used for authentication of hosted services. if user1 and user81 have the same password we have a problem...18:36
pro-rsofthi, is there a default firewall installed on gutsy, if yes, how to disable it?18:36
pro-rsoftis it installed by default?18:36
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crazytalkpro-rsoft: firestarter isn't installed by default18:36
th_let em check it is server edition18:36
Tanis@ubotu i am wrong here?18:36
unop_turbo, might be better to use a database of credentials then - and authenticate against that18:37
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scott_has anyone tried the new 8.4 beta18:37
pro-rsoftTanis, ubotu is a bot ^^18:37
th_Pici, 7.10 server edition18:37
Picith_: Are you using apt-get or aptitude to install it?18:37
Taniswell in which channel i have to go because of my printe rproblem?18:38
iGamascott_, me18:38
th_apt-get install python-libxml218:38
sve2hey all I need help with setting up a second monitor18:38
th_Pici,  is the my conifg broken or something wrong with the repo server ?18:40
Picith_: I'm guessing that its pulling in reccomended dependencies, try doing: aptitude install python-libxml2 --without-recommends18:40
pro-rsoftdoes removing ubuntu-standard do any harm?18:40
scott_what did you think of it18:40
unop_pro-rsoft, sorry i didn't answer your question before -- what you were seeing is a feature not a bug, a feature provided by command-not-found18:41
pro-rsoftunop_, ah, thanks.18:41
unop_pro-rsoft, i uninstall that package as it tends to slow interaction with the shell down quite a bit -- and it's quite an annoyance18:42
pro-rsoftah, indeed18:42
th_Pici, Thanks a lot. --without-recommends this remind me i added a property to the apt config to trun on recommend while solving something else18:43
pro-rsoftdoes removing "ubuntu-standard" do any harm?18:43
pro-rsoftor is it a dummy package.18:43
iGamadummy package18:43
th_Pici, Once again thanks remove the property and it works fine18:43
pro-rsoftok ,thx18:43
Picith_: I had a similar problem while trying to install a python package on my server, it wanted to pull in xserver and all that jazz18:43
unop_!info ubuntu-standard18:45
ubotuubuntu-standard (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu standard system. In component main, is standard. Version 1.79 (gutsy), package size 21 kB, installed size 48 kB18:45
sve2can someone help me with my video adapters?18:46
th_Pici, By the way can you help me with something less too, Actually ubuntu used to give me hints for installation if i used to run a program that is not installed. I am not getting those hints any more18:46
Picith_: Actually, someone was just talking about that. You'd need the package command-not-found installed.  It looks like theres some logic in /etc/bash.bashrc to enable it.  I dont have it working on my system becayse I'm using zsh currently.18:50
th_Pici, Oh ok that enough information to look into the docs myself18:51
medhathey any one can help with vsftpd serer18:51
medhattry these server and tell me waht happens18:51
erUSULmedhat: i'm in18:52
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erUSULmedhat: should i get a file ??18:52
erUSULmedhat: ?18:54
medhatis it working18:54
medhati just want to test the server if it working18:55
DeadLy_sphello !18:55
medhathey man r u there18:55
erUSULmedhat: i got i file and disconnected18:55
DeadLy_spplease i've this error:18:56
DeadLy_spGot SIGSEGV (segmentation fault)18:56
medhaterusul: that means u could c the server files and connected ??18:56
erUSULmedhat: yep18:56
erUSUL!u | medhat18:57
ubotumedhat: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..18:57
DeadLy_spnobody know this error? please, i need fix it for can play to Regnum (3d mmorpg) :(18:57
medhatplease try again because i cant login here18:58
stevewhiteerUSUL: heh, you can't win that fight. :-) langauges always change, and the rate of change is only increasing these days.18:58
praboyi'm on Ubuntu 8.04. My motherboard is Asus M3A. The audio chipset is ALC883, and i cant hear. i speak spanish18:58
erUSULstevewhite: not that i care deeply about english is not my mother tongue ;P18:59
Picimedhat: If thats your server, your router may not allow loopback connections. i.e.: you cant connect to your external address.18:59
erUSULmedhat: no problems here18:59
praboyanybody can help me?18:59
crazytalki am trying to install a fresh copy of wine on ubuntu linux but for the last few hours i've been tied up trying to delete what i already have. i originally installed it vie the command line following a guide on the ubuntu forums for warcraft. i uninstalled it using applications > add/remove and i did it via system > administration > synaptic package manager a few times. the reason i have been able to uninstall it several times is because after 18:59
erUSUL|hardy | praboy18:59
erUSUL!hardy | praboy18:59
ubotupraboy: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:59
=== turbo is now known as [fsk]turbo
medhatpici:how i can see if my router support loopback19:00
fyreofchaos13Um, I need major help...19:00
blipz`715i'm trying to compile ircu2.10 on dapper drake server but i get this error when i type "make" --> ../ylwrap: line 111: yacc: command not found19:00
medhaterusul:realy it s working :D so what files u can see in my server19:00
BananobotHas no one else here had an Apache-related problem with a recent update for Gutsy Server?19:00
crazytalkfyreofchaos13: me first!19:00
Picimedhat: Well, if you're serving that site from inside your network, and you cant connect to the external address, then you router doesnt support loopback19:00
ikoniablipz`715: the error is clear19:00
ikoniayou've not got yaac in stalled19:00
BananobotI can't find one scrap of information to help debug this issue19:01
erUSULmedhat: some papers pdfs and the like19:01
Odd-rationaleis apt-url installed by default?19:01
ikoniablipz`715: if you can't deal with that level of debugging you should not be compiling software19:01
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
medhatpici:oh i c but when i use apache2 loopback is working19:01
blipz`715but when i type apt-get install yacc it says --> E: Couldn't find package yacc19:01
fyreofchaos13My Ubuntu shuts down piece by piece randomly.19:01
menlohHi guys, and ladies... I've got a Dell Inspiron 530 with ubuntu server 7.10 that is giving me fits...  network connectivity out works fine... I can ping and resolve from the console all day long... however this machine may as well be invisible on the switch...  pings TO the host result in Destination Host Unreachable, and SSH attempts result in no route to host.  Routing table looks like it does on another Ubuntu host on the same subnet19:01
ikoniablipz`715: ok - so 1.) the package may not be called yaac 2.) yaac may not be pakage for ubuntu19:01
medhat:erusul: ok thanks man for giving time19:01
erUSULmedhat: no problem19:01
blipz`715ok thanks19:01
ikoniablipz`715: as I said early, thats basic stuff with the error in english, if you can't deal with that, don't compile softare19:02
crazytalki am trying to install a fresh copy of wine on ubuntu linux but for the last few hours i've been tied up trying to delete what i already have. i originally installed it vie the command line following a guide on the ubuntu forums for warcraft. i uninstalled it using applications > add/remove and i did it via system > administration > synaptic package manager a few times. the reason i have been able to uninstall it several times is because after 19:02
ikoniacrazytalk: we saw that massivly pointless post 30 seconds ago19:02
cycomanyone have an issue with the liveCD suspend working, but after the install, suspend doesn't work when booted from hard drive?19:02
battlersquid blocks all my acces requests can anyone help me?19:02
ikoniabattler: did you setup squid19:02
crazytalkikonia: massively pointless? this is a support channel, are you retarded?19:02
unop__menloh, from where and to where are you trying to ssh to?19:02
ikoniacrazytalk: no, but you've made 10 line post when 2 would have done19:03
ikoniacrazytalk: and don't call people names,19:03
fyreofchaos13We can't see what the issue is.19:03
fyreofchaos13It ends abruptly without addressing the actual issue.19:03
battlerikonia: Yes I did, I get a message when I setup my proxy that access has been denied19:03
crazytalkikonia: i didn't call you a name, i enquired after your mental capacity.19:03
ikoniacrazytalk: don't be silly, you called me retarded, don't19:03
ikoniabattler: what auth method did you setup19:03
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battlerikonia: no authentication19:04
ikoniabattler: ok, there must be some as your getting an access error19:04
crazytalkikonia: you're being a jerk, don't19:04
fyreofchaos13Could somebody please aid me? My processes are all randomly dying on my Ubuntu.19:04
tizzzhello I'm italian, I have a problem with ubuntu dapper drake on a Apple G4, can anybody help me?19:04
ikoniacrazytalk: I'm not, I'm asking you to not spam the channel and put relevane in your post19:04
menlohHi unop ....   host A is the fresh install that has an issue...  ssh to localhost works fine.  pinging anything else on the subnet is fine.  SSH from Host B (on the same subnet) to Host A, or even a ping, fails miserably.  :-|19:05
crazytalki amn't spamming, the guidelines are to put all information on one line.19:05
ikoniabattler: have you got anything like tcp wrappers blocking access, or an ip limiting19:05
ikoniacrazytalk: yes, and you posted 10 line post 2 times in about 60 seconds19:05
crazytalkikonia: more like 4 minutes, you should enable timestamping19:05
battlerikonia: When I check my var/log/squid accesslog it says access denied 40319:05
fyreofchaos13Also, said 10 line post ends in the middle of a sentence.19:05
ikoniacrazytalk: just keep it in grip19:06
battlerikonia: Sow that would mean its being blocked by squid itself19:06
ikoniabattler: thats interesting so it's actually hitting squid and getting knocked back19:06
ikoniabattler: so there must be either user/auth or ip/subnet style auth enabled in squid19:06
dmakalskyHi... is there a way to mount a drive via ssh in ubuntu?19:06
ikoniadmakalsky: the "mount" command will allow you to mount it on the local mahcine, if you want to export that to your local machine use fuser19:06
battlerikonia: My conf is only 4 rows of text, should I copy paste it?19:06
ikoniabattler: that could be the problem, that $auth is enabled by default unless you put a line in to say "disable"19:07
dmakalskywill fuser work across diff networks?19:07
ikoniadmakalsky: as long as you have network access, it should do19:07
ikoniadmakalsky: it basiclly tunnels over ssh19:07
battlerikonia: acl internal_network src
battleracl perfect_vista src
battlerhttp_access allow internal_network19:08
battlerhttp_access allow perfect_vista19:08
battlervisible_hostname perfect-linux19:08
FloodBot2battler: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:08
dmakalskyikonia, thanks19:08
dogbiscuitnickserv identify luc1f3r19:08
Myrttidogbiscuit: change your password19:08
ikoniabattler: what is the IP your accessing19:08
* crazytalk chuckles at dogbiscuit19:08
ikoniabattler: accing from19:08
crazytalkit's my password now! :)19:08
battler192.168.1.10 (the server with squid)19:08
Myrtticrazytalk: stop scaring people19:08
crazytalkMyrtti: i'm jk :D19:08
ikoniabattler: so your accessing from your visa acl19:09
Myrtticrazytalk: so?19:09
battlerikonia: Yes19:09
ikoniabattler: isn't that ip covered in your other /24 acl ?19:09
Ax-Axhow can i edit what's being started by kinit?19:09
battlerikonia: After I got the access denied message I mad a acl line just for the perfect-vista , you reconmend to remove the perfect vista line?19:10
ikoniabattler: keep it simple19:10
ikoniabattler: you could initially try removing all acl lines19:10
Athriecan any1 tell me whats meant with the error "buffer i/o error on device fd0, logical block0"? (sorry im relatively new to linux)19:10
fyreofchaos13Could somebody please aid me? When running Ubuntu, randomly all of the processes will die. I can't get the hal on it because it returns as read only.19:10
ikoniabattler: default is normally "all:all"19:10
battlerikonia: i'll remove them19:10
ikoniabattler: better to have it open and lock it down that locked down and struggling to open19:10
battlerikonia: restart squid right now19:13
Athriecan anyone pls help me? have a problem while booting ubuntu 7.1019:13
crazytalki am trying to install a fresh copy of wine. i originally installed it via the cli following a guide. i uninstalled it using applications > add/remove and synaptic package manager a few times. i have been able to uninstall it several times because after each install wine is not clearing the shortcuts from my application menu and i can't clear them through application edit menus so i reinstall to try uninstall it a different way.19:14
Flare183Athrie: Does it give you an error?19:14
battlerikonia: Still isnt working I have no acl what so ever right now..19:14
battlerHow can I check whats blocking my access19:14
ikoniabattler: has the squid log changed in error message19:14
_Dan[Laptop]I'm trying to troubleshoot my wireless connection on my Ubuntu 7.10 x64 desktop, and the troubleshoot entry is telling me to go to "System > Administration > Device Manager". However, there is no "Device Manager" entry in the Administration menu.19:14
AthrieFlare183: yes, but i dont know what it exactly means, im not that familiar with linux anymore19:14
menlohunop:  would it be possible the nic driver isn't ARPing correctly?   iptables have been flushed...  I'm out of ideas.  :(19:14
_Dan[Laptop]Any idea how to fix this? Or what the problem might be?19:14
Flare183Athrie: Can you tell me what is says?19:15
battlerAkker: No, how can I see if I have authentication enabled?19:15
ikoniacrazytalk: `the line "I am unable to remove wine completly using synaptic" woudl surfice that than 10 line flood19:15
luciashhello ppl19:15
AthrieFlare183: the error is: Buffer I/o error on device fd0, logical block 0.19:15
Flare183Athrie: eject the floppy dis19:15
Flare183that will fix you problem19:16
FloodBot2Flare183: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:16
AthrieFlare183: doesnt even have a floppy drive19:16
crazytalkikonia: it's 4 lines and not a flood. you should try a different font. if i just said 'i am unable to rtemove wine completely using synaptic' they would ask if i had done the other things detailed in my query.19:16
Flare183Athrie: that's weird19:16
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ikoniacrazytalk: what other things - you've done nothing else, I'm using a small font in irssi19:16
AthrieFlare183 yap, thats why im asking here, dont know what to do19:17
ikoniacrazytalk: just be thoughtful of the message you post19:17
Flare183Athrie: I'm at school right now, how long will you be on the irc?19:17
battlerikonia: Do you have anymore ideas? because I really dont know why access is being blocked19:17
ikoniabattler: sorry, did the error message change in the squid log ?19:17
AthrieFlare183 dont know, perhaps for 2 or 3 hours, perhaps less perhaps more19:17
fyreofchaos13Could somebody please aid me? When running Ubuntu, randomly all of the processes will die. I can't get the hal on it because it returns as read only.19:17
battlerikonia: No to bad it didn't19:17
luciashas another user i do in terminal: xhost "local:luci@"; gksudo -u luci -- thunderbird &19:17
crazytalkikonia: i do not care for your opinion, so take it elsewhere19:17
Flare183Athrie: well I will get home at 3:30 PM EDT19:17
ikoniabattler: ok, one moment, I don't have a squid box to hand so I'm going to have to pull up some info19:17
Flare183Athrie: right now it is 2:18 PM19:18
ikoniacrazytalk: I'm afriad not19:18
arvind_khadrifyreofchaos13, please run a memtest19:18
Flare183Athrie: so will you be on then?19:18
luciashthe question is how do i open the thunderbird with locale and theme set by user luci ???19:18
frank_bI keep getting an error message saying I can only partially upgrade hardy beta. I read people saying it could be because I have envy installed. does anyone know anything about this?19:18
crazytalkikonia: then welcome to my ignore list19:18
AthrieFlare183 thats in little bit over an hour, i think i will be online then19:18
ikoniacrazytalk: no, just be a little shorter and to the point to save the channel19:18
Flare183Athrie: ok When I get home (If I can get there in time) I will help you more.19:19
fyreofchaos13arvind_khadri: should I just run a fsck on my sda1?19:19
QuickGoldwhere are Routing and Gateway information stored in Ubuntu?19:19
zusishey there pipl19:19
Werenerd Is there anyone on here using Kmail that can tell me how to have it download all emails from the server and not just the new ones?19:19
Flare183Athrie: and if I don't get there in time, can i pm you my email address?19:19
arvind_khadrifyreofchaos13, i think there is a memory leak...19:19
AthrieFlare183 sure. thanks a lot for helping me19:19
ikoniabattler: can you pastebin your squid config to compare against one I've just got here please.19:19
kitcheWerenerd: don't use Imap19:19
ikoniabattler: I think I see the problem19:19
Flare183Athrie: np19:20
zusisiv hugde qustion about that ubuntu thing19:20
Werenerdkitche: I am using pop19:20
arvind_khadrifyreofchaos13, how do you think fsck would help??19:20
luciashuhuh, this is so busy channel that my messages get simply lost in the flow of other messages very quickly :-p19:20
battlerikonia: Sorry i dont understand, what do I have to do?19:20
kitcheWerenerd: then it downloads all the emails19:20
ikonialuciash: we can see you19:20
fyreofchaos13I had issues with my sda1 yesterday also, couldn't access it. Ran an fsck on it, which allowed me to access it.19:20
ikoniabattler: put your squid.conf in s pastebn on the internet so I can use it as a reference19:20
kitcheWerenerd: unless you deleted them on the server side of course19:20
luciashikonia: great :)19:20
Werenerdkitche: but I am glad you said that, because I did not know that. Thunderbird can do that for pop accounts19:20
crazytalklicash: repeating even after 10 minutes makes ikonia cry, be careful19:20
fyreofchaos13Should I restart and run the memtest prog on the LiveCD?19:21
arvind_khadrifyreofchaos13, never run fsck on mounted partitions it vry dangerous19:21
ikoniacrazytalk: please don't be silly19:21
zusisi can not connect to internet fro my ubuntu19:21
fyreofchaos13It was unmounted.19:21
crazytalk!offtopic | ikonia19:21
ubotuikonia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:21
arvind_khadrifyreofchaos13, you can do it from the grub menu too19:21
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Werenerdkitche: I have my email set up on three computers, so I always leave them on the server19:21
luciashcrazytalk: i didn't even plan it and i'm not going to try that19:21
ikoniacrazytalk: please don't be silly19:21
fyreofchaos13I was unable to mount it at all, which was why I ran an fsck.19:21
ikonialuciash: there is no problem with your messages crazytalk is being childish/silly19:21
arvind_khadrifyreofchaos13, hmm try the memtest19:22
fyreofchaos13Alright, I shall run the memtest. Hopefully this will work...thanks. =)19:22
crazytalkikonia: please don't call people names19:22
ikoniacrazytalk: I've not.19:22
arvind_khadrifyreofchaos13, welcome19:22
crazytalkthis is a support channel19:22
crazytalk!offtopic | ikonia19:22
ubotuikonia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:22
ikoniacrazytalk: can you please stop trying to behave like this19:22
AthrieFlare183 i will go on trying to solve the problem. just querry me when u are at home =)19:22
zusishow can i get my network working?19:22
battlerikonia: how do I copy paste a large amount of text in vim?19:22
luciashikonia, crazytalk: np, to both of you :)19:22
ikoniabattler: just select it and middle click into a pastebin url19:23
arvind_khadri!paste | battler19:23
ubotubattler: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:23
ikonia!pastebin > battler (see the url from ubotu)19:23
zusisshooot... nobody`s hearing me!!!19:23
jj__hey all19:23
* zusis invisible19:23
jessei need some help with evoluton.. could someone help me?19:23
nightevery time i open rhythm box it finds and then removes all my songs from its library, whats the story with that, any suggestions19:23
josehi, i'm installing ubuntu on my main computer and i've seen some ata errors in dmesg, what could be the cause?19:24
PriceChildzusis: people can see you19:24
PriceChildjesse: ask the real questions and maybe :)19:24
zusisi`m absolute beginner in ubuntu.. and in linux overall19:24
joseit's a new motherboard and a new drive, but i've seen this kind of problem with other drives in the same motherboard19:25
luciashzusis: you got the network working when you're here ;) and your question is too wide-topic19:25
doug1212hi i need help with my fresh install of gutsy my headphone jack wont work how can i fix this?19:25
crazytalki am trying to install a fresh copy of wine. i originally installed it via the cli following a guide. i uninstalled it using application > add/remove and synaptic package manager a few times. i have been able to uninstall it several times because after each install wine is not clearing the shortcuts from my application menu and i can't clear them through application edit menus so i reinstall to try uninstall it a different way.19:25
jesseokay, I need to set it up to not leave messages on the server but I cannot find the box to uncheck in Evolution 2.12.119:25
josecould it be the kernel?19:25
ikoniacrazytalk: please, cut the message down, just a bit more to the point19:25
battlerikonia: working on it right now19:25
crazytalkofftopic | ikonia19:25
ikoniabattler: no problem, I'm waiting19:25
crazytalk!offtopic | ikonia19:25
ubotuikonia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:25
kitchecrazytalk: umm you have to remove the shortcuts manually19:25
Seveascrazytalk, behave.19:25
doug1212hi i need help with my fresh install of gutsy my headphone jack wont work how can i fix this?19:25
crazytalkkitche: they won't remove manually19:26
PriceChildcrazytalk: right click applications, and click edit menus19:26
kitchecrazytalk: then you ca't do anything then if you can't remove them manually either19:26
crazytalkPriceChild: i have19:26
Seveascrazytalk, the .desktop files are in ~/.local/share/applications probably19:26
PriceChildcrazytalk: now uncheck the checkbox next to wine19:26
crazytalkPriceChild: i have19:26
PriceChildcrazytalk: then close that window... and they should be gone unless you've broken the permissions somewhere.19:26
crazytalkthey are gone from the applications menu, but they are still in edit menus applet19:27
nightevery time i open rhythm box it finds and then removes all my songs from its library, whats the story with that, any suggestions19:27
crazytalkthis is the problem19:27
Seveascrazytalk, the .desktop files are in ~/.local/share/applications probably19:27
doug1212hi i need help with my fresh install of gutsy my headphone jack wont work how can i fix this?19:27
battlerikonia: its being send right now19:27
crazytalkSeveas: i will look19:27
ikoniabattler: thats fine19:27
battlerikonia: http://pastebin.com/d3776122e19:28
PriceChildcrazytalk: open that back up, and right click delete then if you want... or you can delete them from the folder Seveas gives. Either way... is it a problem? :/19:28
jesseI need to set it up to not leave messages on the server but I cannot find the box to uncheck in Evolution 2.12.1,can someone walk me through it?19:28
crazytalkPricechild: i have right clicked and deleted, nothing happens, that is the problem19:28
ikoniabattler: wow, thats long, I though tyou just had a 4 liner19:28
PriceChildjesse: you're using pop?19:28
PriceChildcrazytalk: delete the files from the location se.veas gave then19:29
arvind_khadriWine is really very messy ....19:29
Sakelinux__alien: I'm using vmware, it's awesome, better than virtualbox19:29
dogbiscuitCan anyone recommend a mini-pci wifi card for a laptop that work under Ubuntu with no mucking around?19:29
Sakeanyboey here used hamachi with ubuntu server?19:29
PriceChildjesse: with imap, you're seeing the server view.19:29
ikoniabattler: ok, I think we are getting somewhere19:29
kitchejesse: well imap is meant to keep messages on the server19:29
battlerikonia: Its all comented out, its the default conf. I could remove it all if you think that would help?19:29
Seveasdogbiscuit, anything with intel or atheros chipset19:29
ikoniabattler: it's fine, 2 minute please.19:29
ikonia!pastebin > ikonia19:30
battlerikonia: nice thanq..19:30
doug1212my headphone jack wont work how can i fix this?19:30
PriceChildjesse: if you delete it from what you see, that is replicated on the server. If you move a post around in evolution, that is replicated on the server.19:30
dogbiscuitSeveas: any Atheros card?19:30
warriorforgodI just rebooted my pc and now ubuntu is only seeing one of the 2 cores on my processor.  How can I fix this?19:30
jessebut its not being replicated on the server. if i delete 20 emails on evolution then they still exis on the server19:31
Seveaswarriorforgod, pastebin the output of cat /proc/cpuinfo19:31
Seveasjesse, imap or pop3?19:31
crazytalkSeveas, PriceChild, kitche: tyvm! :D19:31
Seveasjesse, the mails are only marked as deleted. You've got to expunge the folder to delete them19:31
Squawkhey fellas, can anyone tell me the name of the default desktop background image for gnome under ubuntu? I dual boot ubuntu and gentoo and wanna use the same image but not sure what its called19:31
crazytalki did it through the dir Seveas gave me19:32
warriorforgodSeveas: http://rafb.net/p/4wRWcZ40.html19:32
Seveasjesse, ctrl+e or folder->expunge19:32
menlohun fois plus....   host A has a fresh install of ubuntu server-7.10 that has an issue...  ssh to localhost works fine.  pinging anything else on the subnet is fine.  SSH from Host B (on the same subnet) to Host A, or even a ping, fails miserably.  Need to make boss happy.  Advice extremely appreciated.19:32
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dothello, is there any way to unlock an iphone with linux ubuntu?19:32
Seveaswarriorforgod, and the output of uname -a please19:33
Squawkmenloh, iptabls in the way?19:33
ikoniabattler: try this for your config  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63555/  don't forget to change the IP addresses19:33
TwinXSquawk; check /usr/share/backgrounds19:33
ikoniabattler: we can log it down later19:33
ikoniabattler: pay attention that you have to connect to squid on port 808019:33
PriceChilddot: you don't need a computer to do that last i heard... do a quick google for the website19:33
menlohsquawk:  iptables are flushed...  a lot.  ;)19:33
Seveasmenloh, and policies set to accept?19:33
jesseperfect thanks everyone!!19:33
dotPriceChild: thanks!19:33
warriorforgodSeveas: http://rafb.net/p/O2TkcH73.html19:34
Seveasmenloh, on both machines?19:34
battlerikonia: Thanx, working on it right away19:34
ikoniabattler: no peoblem19:34
SquawkTwinX, thanks, for reference its warty-final-ubuntu.png-7.019:34
JanPeterdot: http://www.linuxworld.com/news/2007/091307-group-releases-free-iphone-unlock.html19:34
JanPeterdot: check that link!19:34
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu19:35
menlohyes, all chains are set to ACCEPT on both machines.19:35
JohnMM7 more days until hardy haron's released! :D19:35
reagleBRKLNRC should be today, no?19:35
menlohHost A did this exact same thing with a netinst of Debian Lenny...  this is terribly odd.19:35
luciashcan you point me to some docs at least about launching apps as another user with his/her environment settings ?19:35
TwinXSquawk; it was a wild guess :)19:35
ikonialuciash: su -c19:36
Seveasmenloh, does tcpdump in A show incoming packets from B?19:36
JohnMMreagleBRKLN, not sure19:36
Seveasmenloh, are the routes set correctly?19:36
warriorforgodSeveas: Any suggestions?19:36
yaccblipz`715: that's only because I currently have a strong apt allergy.19:36
Seveaswarriorforgod, nope, you have an SMP kernel, dual core processors should show up19:36
jaffarkelshaci asked this earlier no answer19:36
jaffarkelshaci asked this earlier no answer19:36
SquawkTwinX, hehe (and err, just noticed what I wrote, remove the -7.0). That dir is ubuntu specific btw, no equiv under gentoo19:36
battlerikonia: Dammit, still doesn't work19:36
doug1212 my headphone jack wont work how can i fix this? can someone please help me on this?19:36
jaffarkelshaci am having a x problem on my laptop, X wont start up. I can log in via shell but /etc/init.d/gdm start just wont start, it blinks a while and thats it.19:36
ikoniabattler: thats ok19:36
Possum234does anyone know how to disable RST packets. I am running a torrent program to download a linux ISO but my dorm connection is sending rst packets19:37
menlohseveas:  the routing table looks the same on both Host A and B.   can you please give me the syntax for tcpdump and I will check it?19:37
SeveasPossum234, err, you really don't want to block rst packets...19:37
ikoniabattler: have you created the cache files ?19:37
MadsRHHow do a view a movie on nvida TV-out in 8.04?19:37
Seveasmenloh, tcpdump dst port 22 (will show all incoming packets on port 22 on eth0)19:37
battleruhhh How can I check this?19:37
ikoniabattler 1 moment19:37
TwinXSquawk; you can put it anywhere you like, and add to wallpaper19:37
arvind_khadrijaffarkelshac, re-install and gnome desktop19:37
luciashikonia: that passess comand to invoked shell but i don't see the usage for what i need19:38
Possum234don't rst packets kill your bt torrent connection19:38
arvind_khadrijaffarkelshac, re-install X and gnome desktop19:38
menlohSeveas, thx.  brb.19:38
ikonialuciash: so for example su -c ls luciash19:38
Austin`when I boot my Ubuntu partition it just gives me terminal, anyway to fix this?19:38
ikonialuciash: that would execute ls as you19:38
battlerikonia: Ow!! wait I forgot to restart, doing it right now19:38
SeveasPossum234, RST packets indicate that a connection was broken or refused.19:38
ikoniabattler: no problem19:38
jaffarkelshacwhat is the package name for X arvind_khadri19:38
ikoniajaffarkelshac: xerver-xorg19:38
ikoniajaffarkelshac: xserver-xorg19:39
battlerikonia: it says19:39
battler2008/04/17 22:42:10| ACL name 'localhost' not defined!19:39
battlerFATAL: Bungled squid.conf line 8: http_access allow localhost19:39
battlerSquid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE14): Terminated abnormally.19:39
FloodBot2battler: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:39
arvind_khadrijaffarkelshac, xserver-xorg19:39
kitcheAustin`: install X most likely you do not have the full install but see if you can do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start19:39
jaffarkelshacgotcha thanks19:39
ikoniabattler: remove http_access allow local_host19:39
arvind_khadrijaffarkelshac, after that re-install gnome too19:39
MadsRHCan anyone help? How do a view a movie on nvida TV-out in 8.04?19:39
luciashikonia: it says only su: Authentication failure when i try "su -c mc luci"19:39
luciashikonia: and i'm sure the password is correct19:39
jaffarkelshacthe installation is on a pendrive, it works on my desktop but my laptop no X arvind_khadri19:40
ikonialuciash: try it "su - luci19:40
ikonialuciash: see if you can su19:40
BananobotIt turns out my problem was with eAccelerator not jiving with the latest PHP 5 update. Thanks for the help.19:40
arvind_khadrijaffarkelshac, hmm try installing X there19:40
battlerikonia: 2008/04/17 22:44:06| parseConfigFile: line 1 unrecognized: 'http_port 8080'19:41
battler2008/04/17 22:44:06| parseConfigFile: line 12 unrecognized: 'icp_queries off'19:41
battlerFATAL: No port defined19:41
luciashikonia: nope, i can't i think ubuntu is sudo centric by default, isn't it ?19:41
ikonialuciash: that doesn't matter19:41
ikonialuciash: your password is wrong19:41
arvind_khadrijaffarkelshac, check this apt-cache policy xserver-xorg19:41
doug1212can someone please help me with my prob? i cant get my headphone jack to work..19:41
ikoniabattler: make sure you have no strange characters or spaces in the config file http_port 8080 is valid19:41
luciashikonia: i'm 100% sure my password is ok19:42
LainyCan someone please kindly teach me how to copy and paste in urxvt?19:42
arvind_khadridoug1212, check your alsamixer19:42
luciashi use these accounts myself daily ;)19:42
ikonialuciash if su - luci is failing - its not19:42
luciashsudo works19:42
doug1212arvind_khadri:  where do i find that?19:42
luciashmust be some special su setting19:42
ikonialuciash: is nothing to do with sudo19:42
jaffarkelshacjust booting the laptop arvind_khadri19:42
jaffarkelshacis there speed control for movie player? mine is playing in slow motion and i dont remember ding that19:43
arvind_khadridoug1212, in the terminal type alsamixer19:43
ikonialuciash: what user are you currently ?19:43
arvind_khadrijaffarkelshac, hmm19:43
boris_ive got a simple problem. ive added Dwell Click panel applet to my panel, now i cant use it or remove it19:43
boris_it's grayed out19:43
battlerikonia: Sorry, no strange things , but still that error19:43
doug1212arvind_khadri:  it shows headphones19:43
ikoniabattler: so it doesn't complain about anything this time ?19:44
biagidpI'm having trouble enabling desktop effects even tho my system is telling me I've got the proprietary driver installed correctly.  Also experiencing some general video related system strain, can anyone help?19:44
arvind_khadridoug1212, yeah ,set the volume level for that19:44
ikoniabattler: it just complains about access19:44
battlerNow it says, page can not show19:44
doug1212arvind_khadri:  it wont let me its at 00 i push up with the arrows nothing.19:44
luciashikonia: logged in as luciash, trying to launch anything as luci19:44
ikoniaok - thats different19:44
menlohSeveas:  0 packets captured, with 2 attempts made... still receiving "no route to host" on Host B.19:44
ikonialuciash: just do "su - luci"19:45
battlerikonia: But that is because squid isn't able to start?19:45
arvind_khadridoug1212, hmm check out the other levels19:45
ikoniabattler: why can't squid start ?19:45
luciashikonia: i do and it says authentication failure19:45
ikonialuciash: something is wrong there19:45
luciashno capslock on here ;)19:45
arvind_khadridoug1212, check the master volume19:45
ikonialuciash: one moment19:45
battlerikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63560/19:46
doug1212arvind_khadri: iv set line to 100-100 and front to 00 still nothing.19:46
St0ry1d!seen SparklingWiggles19:46
arvind_khadrijaffarkelshac, do you use the same pen drive to boot into both19:46
luciashikonia: i know, i only remember on mandrake i used su daily with no problem but here ubuntu came with sudo and su wasn't working after i installed ubuntu out-of-the-box19:46
arvind_khadridoug1212, does the sound work without the headphones??19:46
ikoniabattler: thats should be icmp_quieries19:47
ikoniabattler: just remove that line for now19:47
doug1212arvind_khadri:  yes it does but at nite i watch movies and i have kids sleeping so i need the headphones to work.19:47
ikonialuciash: sudo and su are two different things19:47
arvind_khadridoug1212, hmm i can understand that19:47
battlerikonia: Now it still says that no port is defined, and squid fails to start19:47
ikoniabattler: and you've still got http_port 808019:48
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-t
luciashikonia: i know... i just try to tell you only thing i can use for such things as launching anything under another user is sudo on my system as su didn't work19:48
ikonialuciash su on it's own on ubuntu shouldn't work19:48
jaffarkelshacthere is a known problem apparently with my laptop (amilo li1705)and gutsy X just messed up, it flashes mouse poniter some messed up graphics and it just loops, nothing but power works arvind_khadri19:48
battleryes, same as what you pasted19:49
=== Kedavra is now known as Ked_MSSupport
ikoniabattler: comment out acl Safe_ports port 80 443 210 119 70 21 1025-65535 and restart squid19:49
doug1212arvind_khadri: any ideas?19:49
arvind_khadrijaffarkelshac, do you use the same pen drive to boot into both??19:49
arvind_khadridoug1212, searching19:49
luciashjaffarkelshac: friend of mine had to instal feisty instead of gutsy to fix this problem19:49
jaffarkelshac not anymore, i have installed hardy on my desktop arvind_khadri19:50
arvind_khadridoug1212, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=756888 check this19:50
ikoniajaffarkelshac: hardy support is in #ubuntu+119:50
jaffarkelshaci know ikonia i am not looking for support for hardy19:50
luciashikonia: but you said it should work ???19:50
luciashikonia: i don't get your last sentence19:51
ikonialuciash: no - su - luci should work, su on it's own should not19:51
gz2aadoes anyone know lkl (Linux key logger) ? how can I read the keyboard output file?19:51
luciashah, ok, here su - luci doesn't authenticate19:51
arvind_khadrijaffarkelshac, re-configure your X19:51
ikonialuciash: and thats what should do19:51
battlerikonia: icp_port 0 shouldnt this be icmp_port?19:51
menlohSeveas: still around?19:51
arvind_khadrijaffarkelshac, boot into a terminal ctrl+alt+f119:51
ikoniabattler: yes, thats what I said, but just remove it for now19:51
jaffarkelshaclike i said no keys work except power arvind_khadri19:52
battlerikonia: 2008/04/17 22:55:36| parseConfigFile: line 1 unrecognized: 'http_port 8080'19:52
luciashikonia: i can confirm that it doesn't authenticate with any user on my system i try19:52
arvind_khadridoug1212, which headphones19:52
ikoniabattler: thats annoying, thats valid and in your config file that you showed me19:52
arvind_khadrijaffarkelshac, do you get grub??19:52
ikonialuciash: something wrong there then19:53
Odd-rationaleHow do i connect to a nfs share hosted on a windows machine?19:53
ikoniaOdd-rationale: I doubt your windows box is hosting NFS19:53
Seveasmenloh, yes19:53
doug1212arvind_khadri: all it sayes is koss.com UR.2019:53
Odd-rationaleikonia: well, the system admin told me it is nfs...19:53
arvind_khadridoug1212, hmm your hardware ..19:54
ikoniaOdd-rationale: I doubt that a lot19:54
doug1212arvind_khadri:  oh sorry no idea19:54
luciashikonia: any suggestion ? complete reinstall of su ?19:54
ikonialuciash: no,19:54
Odd-rationaleikonia: he told me to connect to SERVERNAME:/NFSShare19:54
arvind_khadridoug1212, hmm is it a laptop or a desktop19:54
doug1212its a compaq presario pc19:55
ikoniaOdd-rationale: then do it then, if it is hosting NFS that should work, but I doubt %100 that a windows box is hosting NFS19:55
jaffarkelshacin essence everything work, grub ubuntu splash, when the desktop should load it sorta gets stuck, it flashes mouse pointer and black... that is if it loads desktop, sometimes it just stops at running local.. and i use terminal. is there a way at boot that will boot me straight to terminal arvind_khadri19:55
Odd-rationaleikonia: doubt 100% lol19:55
luciashikonia: nevertheless, your help is very appreciated, thank you19:55
Diurpaneussomeone can help me with a similar macromedia dreamweaver for ubuntu, please?19:55
SidTonerhey i have an older pc (p4 3.0ghz) do you think it is up to snuff to turn it into ubuntu media center?19:55
ikonialuciash: I'm just having a ponder, I've not got an ubuntu box to hand to verify if ubuntu uses wheel19:55
battlerikonia: Its working:D19:55
ikoniabattler: thats better19:55
arvind_khadrijaffarkelshac, ok boot into the recovery mode and purge your x19:55
doug1212arvind_khadri:  its a compaq presario pc number is SR5123WM19:56
luciashikonia: wow, what linux distro do you use then ? ;)19:56
battlerikonia: I changed the 8080 in to 3128 and added visble hostname19:56
ikonialuciash: depends where I am and what I'm doing19:56
battlerthanq you sowwww much:D19:56
arvind_khadridoug1212, ok so a desktop :)19:56
Diurpaneussomeone can help me with a similar macromedia dreamweaver for ubuntu, please?19:56
ikoniabattler: thats odd, 8080 is a very valid port19:56
battlerI will start blocking access and stuff19:56
ikoniaDiurpaneus: check out screem19:56
ikoniabattler: wise choice,19:56
ikoniabattler: at least your working now19:56
battlerikonia: but really happy right now, thank you sow mach;)19:56
ikoniabattler: welcome19:56
biagidpDiurpaneus: Eclipse is another good option19:56
doug1212arvind_khadri:  brb19:57
arvind_khadridoug1212, thats fine19:57
LogicalDashanyone know of a program to fix broken RSS feeds?19:57
luciashDiurpaneus: if you don't mind KDE/Qt try Quanta19:58
Diurpaneusok thank you, I will try19:58
Diurpaneusi need something for webdesign19:58
jaffarkelshaci am able to startx when in recovery mode arvind_khadri19:58
Gainthey guys, I've just installed ubuntu on my VM, everytime that I type ubuntu will repeat the letters a random amount of times in any text box, this includes the logins too. How can I fix this?19:59
* luciash uses Eclipse IDE too but it's not that much simmilar to Dreamweaver19:59
hekatontarchosI just tried to install lamp, but I closed the terminal window part-way through because after I'd resized it I couldn't see the install progress.  Can you tell me what the command is to remove the packages listed here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#head-17bb23065563de1df51561a0248d29008a42234f19:59
mrsolo__graint: that usually mean your machine is underpowered to run vm.. try increased guest memory see if that helps20:00
talntidheh. wonder if that guy knows we have GUI's? :P20:01
hekatontarchosI doubt it....20:01
luciashi wonder such ppl still bother to come :-p20:01
talntidwonder if he's ever seen compiz? :P20:01
ttkeppii was about to ask, that does that kind of ppl still exist..20:02
hekatontarchosI need help removing the LAMP packages, because they were only partially installed.  can you guys tell me what to enter in the terminal? (packages listed here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#head-17bb23065563de1df51561a0248d29008a42234f )20:02
xxxxxxxIs there a program that allows me to use a linux terminal remotely? I need to control my linux server i don't really need a desktop so i don't use vnc20:02
Odd-rationalexxxxxxx: ssh ?20:03
arvind_khadrijaffarkelshac, in recovery mode there wouldnt be any X .... this aint Windows ')20:03
xxxxxxxOdd-rationale what is that?20:03
arvind_khadrijaffarkelshac, ")20:03
Odd-rationale!ssh | xxxxxxx20:03
ubotuxxxxxxx: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/20:03
matthijshello everyone can someone help me with setting wireless connection up in ubuntu 8.04 plz?20:03
ikonia!hardy > matthijs20:03
rwycuffhekatontarchos:try typing apt-get install -f and it should fix it and install the rest of the lamp stuff20:03
ikoniamatthijs: see the message from ubotu20:03
arvind_khadridoug1212, i think this is going to help20:03
xxxxxxxhmm thanks Odd-rationale ill look into that20:04
hekatontarchosthanks! I'll try it20:04
luciashok, gotta go, i'll try to check if su has some specialities in ubuntu to allow authentication of users20:04
matthijsikonia i don't understand what you are saying20:05
ikoniamatthijs: ubotu sent you a pm20:05
matthijsyes thats right20:05
hekatontarchosbrian@Ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install -f tasksel install lamp-serverE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.20:05
TwinX!nl | matthijs20:05
ubotumatthijs: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl20:05
matthijsTwinX how can i join it?20:06
Athriecould anyone pls help me? i have a problem while booting ubuntu 7.10 and dont know what to do20:06
jussi01!ask | Athrie20:07
ubotuAthrie: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:07
TwinXmatthijs; click here >>>> #ubuntu-nl20:07
matthijsok thx20:07
menlohany more ideas for a host that refuses all incoming connections, even ICMP?  connections out are fine...  just cannot ping or SSH to this host whatsoever.  tcpdump of port 22 captures no packets.20:08
Athriejussi01 ok. so i start booting ubuntu 7.19 and after a while, it shows up an error, and then it doesnt continue booting. the message i get is: "BusyBox v.1.1.3 (Deibian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu7) built-in shell (ash)  (initranfs)20:08
menloh... TIA20:08
SnakeArtgenii: :)20:08
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV
RoAkSoAxlesaxel, hola, para Español por favor ingresa a #ubuntu-es20:09
lesaxelalguien me puede ayudar necesito usar20:09
SnakeArtikonia: :)20:10
lesaxelquien me puede ayudar20:10
RoAkSoAxlesaxel, hola, para Español por favor ingresa a #ubuntu-es, aqui solo es en Ingles!!!20:10
lesaxelhelp me with visualboyadvance20:10
lesaxelanybody there20:11
arvind_khadrilesaxel, !ask20:11
RoAkSoAx!ask | lesaxel20:11
ubotulesaxel: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:11
jussio1Athrie: which gfx card do you have?20:11
lesaxelMY CARD20:11
lesaxelWHAT CAN IDO20:12
arvind_khadri!enter | lesaxel20:12
ubotulesaxel: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:12
matteo1990anyone knows how to change the language correction in Ubuntu ( i dont want to change the language but only the grammar correction to Italian)20:12
Lamego!caps > lesaxel20:12
lesaxelHELP me20:12
Athriejussio1 its nvidia geforce 702520:13
jussio1!patience | lesaxel20:13
ubotulesaxel: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:13
arvind_khadridougsko, the one with headphones problem20:13
ikonia!help > lesaxel20:13
SnakeArtAny of present guests has any experiences with Bamboo tablet with Gutsy? I know that for few of guests I could be little boring with that subject, but it's really important for me to get this thing work.20:13
sjovanahmmm... got a wierd pdigin error. http://pastebin.com/d40d472b20:13
ikoniaSnakeArt: was this your wacom issue ?20:13
emetLinux 2.6.25 out!!!11oneone20:14
ikoniasjovan: nothing strange about that20:14
Lamegoemet, do you have a question ?20:14
sjovanikonia: okay, so why wont pidgen run then?20:14
ikoniasjovan: where did you get pidgen from  ?20:15
faemirMy friend is done with windows, and currently has 7.10 on his machine, but will upgrade to 8.04 when it's out - he wants a good place for a guide to learn more about linux. Anyone know of such a place?20:15
sjovanikonia: apt-get20:15
arvind_khadrisjovan, did you yourself compile  it??20:15
ikoniafaemir: http://www.tldp.org20:15
SnakeArtikonia: Nice to meet You again. I made all the steps in linux-wacom-project archive, butmy Bamboo One doesn't seem to work. I haven't got a file called wacom in my /dev/input/ . I've read on ubuntu forums that many users has the same problem.20:15
emetfaemir, chekc out the Ubuntu webcasts20:15
ikoniasjovan: you didn't as pidgen is installed by default, so why id you apt-get it ?20:15
sjovanarvind_khadri: no, this just happend. i'm useing finch normaly, but now i need to add some one and i can't do that with finch20:16
DJonesfaemir: https://help.ubuntu.com/20:16
Lamegosjovan, have you defined a non ubuntu repository to get that pidgin version ?20:16
Waffles385faemir, I've heard the book "How Linux Works - What Every Super-User should Know" is pretty good for new users20:16
emetI forgot the URL20:16
arvind_khadrisjovan, hmm 7.10??20:16
emetsearch Google for "Ubuntu videos"20:16
sjovanikonia: because sudently it stopped working. i'm useing finch normaly20:16
sjovanarvind_khadri: yes20:16
jussio1!training | faemir20:16
emetthey teach you live all the basics20:16
ubotufaemir: A desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training20:16
sjovanLamego: nope, haven't done that20:16
ikoniasjovan: why did apt-get pidgen when it's already installed20:17
Waffles385faemir, are you looking for Linux in general or Ubuntu specifically?20:17
arvind_khadrisjovan, gnome or kde??20:17
Xristoferi rebooted my machine and when it started back up it decided to dcheck the disk since it hadnt been checked in a while. its getting stuck at 10-15%.  Any ideas on what to do?20:17
faemirWaffles385, either I guess, he didn't specific20:17
sjovanikonia: because i did a autoremove pidgen purge first...20:17
faemirspecify *20:17
SnakeArtikonia: Have You got any new ideas since our last chat?20:17
sjovanarvind_khadri: gnome. this is a ubuntu channel so :)20:17
arvind_khadrisjovan, hmm20:17
ikoniasjovan: pidgen is linked into gnome - there is no way that would have gone quietly20:17
ikoniaSnakeArt: did you check the kernel module was loaded ok20:18
emet^ good website20:18
ikoniaemet: why ar eyou showing us this for no reason ?20:18
arvind_khadriikonia, thats why i asked gnome or kde20:18
ikoniasjovan: you using ubuntu 7.10 and pointing ONLY at the ubuntu 7.10 repos yes/no20:18
emetikonia, faemir asked for it20:18
lesaxelwho can help me20:18
askandAfter deletion of /tmp, GDM has stopped working..how do I solve that?20:18
DJones!ask | lesaxel20:18
ubotulesaxel: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:18
faemirThanks guys :)20:18
emetfaemir, np20:19
arvind_khadrisjovan, get the gstreamer plugins again and try20:19
SnakeArtikonia: Yes. I've done everything correctly. I even tried to swap wacom.ko created during compilation of linux-wacom-project archive with the original one, but nothing changed.20:19
ikoniasjovan: you using ubuntu 7.10 and pointing ONLY at the ubuntu 7.10 repos yes/no20:19
Xristofercan someone help me?20:19
Xristoferi rebooted my machine and when it started back up it decided to dcheck the disk since it hadnt been checked in a while. its getting stuck at 10-15%.  Any ideas on what to do?20:19
mosoliEssa listan ao paraaa20:20
mosoliE aii Gringoss20:20
arvind_khadri!en | mosoli20:20
ubotumosoli: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat20:20
bureneusDo you speak Turksh20:20
SnakeArtikonia: I've read on one of polish ubuntu forums that it might be a fault of bug in kernel of 7.10, which is amazingly too old for Bamboo tablets.20:20
jussi01!tr | bureneus20:20
ubotubureneus: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.20:20
mosoliEh eu fala algo aqui esse Ubotu ja enloka comigo20:21
sjovanikonia: http://pastebin.com/daf844cf20:21
sjovanarvind_khadri: yeah, i'll give it a try20:21
unop_mosoli, what language are you speaking?20:21
bullgard4[Tracker] Why does Tracker return results with 'track' and 'cdrom_count_tracks' although I searched for the 'tracker' catchword?20:21
Waffles385!sp | mosoli20:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:21
Waffles385spanish would be my guess but i donno20:22
askandCould someone please check what permissions /tmp should have?20:22
unop_thats not spanish20:22
SnakeArtto all foerign speaking guests: would you like to talk in english,so everyone else could understand? I'm from Poland, but I'm not talking polish here, because I respect all the others.20:22
unop_Waffles385, sounds more like portuguese but i can't be sure20:22
gorgapori think it's portugese20:22
Waffles385his whois says brazil20:22
jussi01!br | mosoli20:22
ubotumosoli: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:22
arvind_khadrisjovan, is that /etc/apt/sources.list20:23
sjovanarvind_khadri: yes20:23
luciashre, is it normal that in my gutsy is no wheel group ?20:23
=== un0p is now known as unop
gorgaporwhat's a wheel group?20:24
arvind_khadrisjovan, well the best bet would be to remove pidgin and gstreamer and re-install again20:24
unopluciash, the equivalent on ubuntu is the admin group20:24
steve__anyone here an expert on LAMP?20:24
luciashunop: ok, thanks20:24
RoAkSoAx!ask | steve__20:24
ubotusteve__: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:24
steve__have hardy the desktop version20:24
steve__i want LAMP20:24
DJones!hardy | steve__20:25
ubotusteve__: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu20:25
mosoliThanks for the tip, ja am on the list but the Ubuntu-br eh means the staff stopped heheheheh and also I am just giving a look at the Ubuntu ... OK20:25
RoAkSoAx!lamp | steve__20:25
ubotusteve__: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:25
steve__is it just a matter of sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-client mysql-server PHP5 ?20:25
gorgaporyeah, but you have to configure it all20:25
unopmosoli, maybe #ubuntu-pt ?20:25
RoAkSoAxsteve__, pretty much, check that website...20:26
steve__thats the hard part :-(20:26
Gilluxhello world Bonsoir  le monde20:26
steve__what website?20:26
jussi01steve__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP20:26
steve__i was having trouble with grub when i installed the server20:26
arvind_khadri!sp | Gillux20:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:26
RoAkSoAxsteve__, try sudo tasksel install lamp-server20:26
SnakeArtikonia: Do You know any irc channel where I could ask for solve of my problem?20:26
steve__i'll check it out! Thanks20:26
arvind_khadri!it | Gillux20:26
ubotuGillux: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!20:26
unoparvind_khadri, thats french :)20:27
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:27
unop!fr | Gillux20:27
ubotuGillux: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.20:27
arvind_khadri!fr | Gillux20:27
GilluxOMG  i think i am on ubuntu-fr sorry :-)20:27
arvind_khadriunop, it sounds all the same for me :) no hard feelings intended20:27
DJonesGillux: looks like your English is better than the channels french/spanish/italian :)20:28
SnakeArtSzła dzieweczka do laseczka, do zielonego, hohooho,do zieloonego.20:28
SnakeArtAre You happy?20:28
unoparvind_khadri, best not to say something if you are unsure :)20:28
GilluxDJones, rofl20:28
arvind_khadriunop, yeah have figured that out20:28
arvind_khadriunop, still have to learn a lot , jus a newbie20:29
gorgaporsomeone needs to write a bot that detects foreign languages CORRECTLY20:29
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:29
arvind_khadrigorgapor, :) would help me20:29
arvind_khadrigorgapor, :) would help me from the embarrasment20:29
sczcurekaskand: persmission for tmp should be drwxrwxrwt (sticky bit!)20:29
unopgorgapor, if people write in foreign languages correctly, that would help, but that's hardly ever the case20:29
askandsczcurek:  thanks :)20:30
RoAkSoAxgorgapor, the bot does not detect foreign languages... people do and use the bot to display a messag, lol20:30
SnakeArtgorgapor: I agree.And a bot which will kick all foreign-speaking.20:30
guja_nebeskaCan anyone suggest me how to make my iterface on Ubuntu look better? Pimp it up a bit (desktop, icons, folders, terminal, etc) Thank You.20:30
gorgaporarvind_khadri, it would only take a huge dictionary, and a matching algorithm20:30
gorgaporyou'd only need about 1 in 10 words to hit, even if they spoke with alot of slang20:30
SnakeArtI'm not a racist, but if it's english channel, let's talk english,ok?20:30
arvind_khadrigorgapor, hmm yeah i know,but i think a human way would be more better ;)20:30
xxxxxxxwill an amd x2 5000 with a 780g onboard hdmi video be enough for 1080p h264?20:30
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:31
gorgaporunop, sry20:31
boubbinhow to know which version of ubuntu im using ?20:31
unopboubbin, at a terminal.  lsb_release -a20:31
mrkeishiihow do you install Frostwire? I use Gutsy20:31
jadamsalright, so I'm running hardy.  In the past I was running non-ubuntu-derived nvidia drivers.  Now I'd like to use the ubuntu sanctioned ones.  Can anyone give me a clue how I would go about this?20:31
peeps[work]i'm want to write a script that can toggle between loading two different xorg.conf files.  can anyone help me?20:31
boubbinunop thanks.20:31
mrkeishiihow do you install Frostwire? I use Gutsy20:32
unopjadams, please take that to #ubuntu+120:32
arvind_khadri!hardy | jadams20:32
ubotujadams: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu20:32
mrkeishiihow do you install Frostwire? I use Gutsy Gibbon20:32
arvind_khadrijadams, #ubuntu+120:32
unop!frostwire > mrkeishii   (see private message from ubotu)20:32
dwatson_ #debian-uk20:33
guja_nebeskaCan anyone suggest me how to make my iterface on Ubuntu look better? Pimp it up a bit (desktop, icons, folders, terminal, etc) Thank You.20:33
unopguja_nebeska, have a look on www.gnome-art.org20:33
sczcurekboubbin: unmae -a20:33
mrkeishiithanks unop20:33
sczcurekuname -a20:33
notdarkyetis there an easy way to install linux from a usb device?20:33
arvind_khadriguja_nebeska, www.gnome-look.org20:33
boubbinsczcurek no thats the verison of linux kernel ?20:33
guja_nebeskaunop and arvind_khadri Thank you, both.20:33
notdarkyetI would like to not have to delete the data i already have on the usb20:33
biagidpguja_nebeska: you could check out KDE 4, it's very pretty20:33
guja_nebeskabiagidp, I use GNOME.20:33
Xristoferis there a boot flag to disable fsck?20:34
arvind_khadribiagidp, we dont want flame wars here20:34
biagidpMy apologies, I didn't know it was such a touchy subject, haha20:34
joel_server irc.freenode.net20:35
josh04I'm looking for some hardcore ACPI help. Can anyone point me in the right direction?20:35
arvind_khadribiagidp, well its a bigger issue than .deb vs .rpm ;)20:35
sczcurekboubbin: sorry  lsb_release -a should do the magic20:36
peeps[work]is there a command to restart X?20:36
peeps[work]something that can be run from a script20:36
biagidparvind_khadri: ah.  I'm the only GNOME user in an office of KDE users, but we seem to get along well enough20:36
mrkeishiii installed the Frostwire but nothing opens up20:36
gorgaporpeeps[work], "/etc/init.d/gdm restart" maybe?20:36
NotscapeHi, does anybody know if the clamav 0.92 package of the daper drake is patched against the recently Upack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability ?20:36
peeps[work]gorgapor, thanks, i will try taht20:37
arvind_khadribiagidp, :) happens depends upon the people too ....20:37
mrkeishiii installed the Frostwire but nothing opens up20:37
gorgaporpeeps[work], that will restart gnome, and by extension X20:37
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mrkeishiiWhat do i do?20:37
arvind_khadripeeps[work], replace gdm with xserver20:37
geo_nickI need a program for web design, someone can help me  please?20:37
* Flare183 is back20:37
chewynougatRun dreamweaver in Wine.20:37
arvind_khadrigeo_nick, joomla20:37
DJones!html | geo_nick20:38
ubotugeo_nick: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/20:38
mrkeishiii installed the Frostwire but nothing opens up... What Do I Do20:38
xxxxxxxcan 1080p h264 be done on linux?20:38
peeps[work]arvind_khadri, why is that better?20:38
peeps[work]i mean, what is the difference20:38
arvind_khadripeeps[work], as you want to restart X...its either xserver or xorg20:38
arvind_khadripeeps[work], gdm restart would only restart Gnome not X...20:39
peeps[work]hmm, ok20:39
peeps[work]arvind_khadri, do you know if there is any possible way to reload xorg.conf without having to kill all the GUI apps that are already opened?20:39
Austin`Whats the terminal equivalent of clicking on the wireless network status icon and clicking "Connect to Other Network" and then typing in the same of a wireless network20:39
arvind_khadripeeps[work], thats not possible i guess20:40
VASAI wanna launch my installed ubuntu with the installation cd. How can i do that<20:40
NotscapeHi, does anybody know if the clamav 0.92 package of the dapper drake repo is patched against the recently Upack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability ?20:40
peeps[work]arvind_khadri, the only etc/init.d/x... thing i see is x11-common  you think that is the one20:41
arvind_khadriVASA, means you want to boot from the hard disk from the cd20:41
VASAI wasnt able to install Grub20:41
arvind_khadriVASA, did the installation complete20:42
VASAyes, but I switched off to install grub20:42
arvind_khadripeeps[work], it should be xorg i  feel20:42
peeps[work]arvind_khadri, there is no /etc/init.d/xorg though20:42
arvind_khadriVASA, so you want to install grub now20:43
Austin`How do I manually connect to a wireless network via terminal?20:43
Empoleonhey guys20:43
VASAI tried it with this Live CD, but someone said, to do it via the installed Ubuntu20:43
VASABecause It returned with several errors in Terminal20:44
EmpoleonCan somebody help me with the WII and DS20:44
arvind_khadripeeps[work], use ctrl+alt+backspace20:44
arvind_khadriVASA, well see how can you get into it when grub isnt there20:45
NotscapeAustin`: iwconfig ethx essid x20:45
chewynougatGot a PCI firewire card at Best Buy, Ubuntu doesn't recognize it. Any chance of getting it to work?20:45
arvind_khadriVASA, just boot into your live cd now20:45
VASAI!m in that20:45
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dmsuperma1Seveas: Or that you're using crappy Comcast and they're throttling it20:46
VASAI chat from Live cd20:46
Austin`Notscape: iwconfig ethx essid network_name?20:46
arvind_khadriVASA, open the terminal and mount the partition where you had installed ubuntu20:46
NotscapeAustin`: yeah20:46
Austin`ok thanks20:46
arvind_khadripeeps[work], use ctrl+alt+backspace .....20:46
mrkeishiiHow do i install Java20:46
Waffles385!java | mrkeishii20:47
ubotumrkeishii: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)20:47
VASAcan you write me the command20:47
VASAIm a newbie20:47
FloodBot2Empoleon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:47
arvind_khadriVASA, where did you install ubuntu??20:47
regiusHi how do I change the file permissions on /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD/brightness even after a reboot?20:48
=== eric__ is now known as talntid
NotscapeHi, does anybody know if the clamav 0.92 package of the dapper drake repo is patched against the recently Upack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability ?20:48
arvind_khadri!ban |empoleon20:48
VASAon the 7. partition20:48
ubotuempoleon: If you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable !behaviour. If you're not sure what acceptable !behaviour is please see !Etiquette and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines - If you think the ban was a mistake, please join #ubuntu-ops20:48
azukiwhat is the notification daemon?... is that the thingy for updates?.. it iz in my computers eating my memories20:48
VASAI have ide, but it writes sda720:48
arvind_khadriVASA, means sda 7 or hda 720:48
EmpoleonHi does anyone one know any good programs for pictures20:48
mrkeishiiHow do i install Java if i download it from there website?20:48
unopregius, place your chmod command in /etc/rc.local just before the last line20:48
luciashanother question... when i switch to any tty i just get black screen and blinking "_" cursor... how to enable console environment in ubuntu ?20:49
mrkeishiiHow do i install Java if i download it from there website?20:49
laurikas siin eestlasika on20:49
arvind_khadriVASA, thats fine jus use this "sudo mount /dev/sda7 /mnt"20:49
regiusunop: you rock! :-) soo easy20:49
ata4ixanybody knows the VoIP programm named mumble?20:49
jussi01!fi | lauri20:49
ubotulauri: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi20:49
ata4ixthey dont work under my ubuntu20:49
RickJameshello. do you know of the "xchat" chat help room ?20:49
Empoleonoops sorry my bad20:49
StarnestommyRickJames: #xchat20:49
matteo1990anyone knows how to change the language correction in Ubuntu ( i dont want to change the language but only the grammar correction to Italian)20:49
mrkeishiiHow do i install Java if i download it from there website?20:49
arvind_khadriunop, set a ban on Empol20:49
RickJameslol too easy. thanks20:49
luciash(gdm and X is working fine here)20:50
laurisorry I am  firsty time20:50
unoparvind_khadri, i'm not an op20:50
arvind_khadriVASA, now do chroot /mnt20:50
ata4ixi have troubles with my ALSA system20:50
arvind_khadriVASA, that should be with sudo20:50
ata4ixcan anybody advice me?20:50
VASAok, done20:50
[A]BR|Cougars|29purple haze20:51
VASApromt changed to#20:51
Etteanyone ever had the problem where left and right audio are switched. i cant seem to figure what it is, anyone have any ideas?20:51
arvind_khadriVASA, yeah fine20:51
FishsceneEtte, are your speakers plugged in correctly?20:51
Waffles385Ette, are your speakers on the correct side?20:51
arvind_khadriVASA, now say grub-install /dev/sda20:51
khalidHi people, is there any tutorial for log files checking? i'm afraid my machine have been hacked :(...20:52
CyntroxHey, if I want to transfer my files over a LAN connection to my Windows box, anyone have an idea of how I'd do that?20:52
Starnestommykhalid: check /var/log/auth.log and dmesg first20:52
herewegoHey, i just installed Ubuntu Gutsy on a Dimension E521 DELL computer (radeon x1300 series graphicscard) with 2407wpf widescreen monitor attached but I can't use the native 1920x1200 resolution neither using vesa nor using fglrx driver. Google couldn't help also. Can anyone help, please?20:52
Ettefishscene; waffles385; well using headphones atm but i got them the right way around20:52
arvind_khadriCyntrox, samba must be there20:52
flixhey guys20:53
VASAarvind_khadri, /dev/sda not found, or not a block device20:53
DeadLy_spnobody know this error? please, i need fix it for can play to Regnum (3d mmorpg) :(20:53
DeadLy_spGot SIGSEGV (segmentation fault)20:53
chewynougatarvind_khadri, you have to load Samba on the windoze box?20:53
DeadLy_spit's a biggggggggggggggg problem for me :((((((((((((((((((((((((20:53
StarnestommyDeadLy_sp: you may need to reinstall that program20:54
arvind_khadrichewynougat, nope on the linux20:54
hubuntuDeadLy_sp, what is the issue?20:54
hubuntuwhat happens when?20:54
DeadLy_spi'm a Regnum plaer and i can't plays :((((20:54
arvind_khadriVASA, would you mind waiting20:54
chewynougatok, that's what I thought20:54
flixif someone says to me I have to map a ip to a domain in my hosts file. it's /etc/hosts right?20:54
DeadLy_spStarnestommy: but u know the problem?=20:54
VASAnot, thx for helping me20:54
flixand then I have to write it like this20:55
flix127.0.0.1 localhost20:55
flixip domain20:55
dmsuperma1I'm using SSH through PuTTY from windows to Ubuntu, how can I transfer a file from remote to local?20:55
sczcurekchewynougat you could also use scp ... u would need to install an ssh server on your windows box20:55
flixso like20:55
flixx.x.x.x.x google.com20:55
CyntroxDoes Ubuntu come with some kind of FTP server?20:55
FloodBot2flix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:55
StarnestommyDeadLy_sp: a segmentation fault is normally caused when a program tries to access a region of RAM that it does not have access to, usually due to bad programming20:55
dmsuperma1Cyntrox: You can install one from the repos, but I don't think it has one by default20:55
QuickGoldwhere is the Routing and Gateways network info stored?20:55
DeadLy_spStarnestommy: and if run it with sudo?20:56
dmsuperma1Cyntrox: look in synaptic for ftp I have one running, I just forget what the package is called20:56
Starnestommy!tfpd | Cyntrox20:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tfpd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:56
ay^Cyntrox: client or server?20:56
mrkeishiiIDK How to Install Java20:56
mrkeishiiI need Help20:56
dmsuperma1yeah that one20:56
arvind_khadriVASA, try setup(hd,0)20:56
StarnestommyDeadLy_sp: you shouldn't need to run it with sudo20:56
hubuntu!Firefox 2.0.14 for ubuntu20:56
Starnestommymrkeishii: 64-bit or 32-bit ubuntu?20:56
Cyntroxdmsuperma1: Okay thanks *heads to google*20:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox-2.0.14 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:56
dmsuperma1hubuntu: what are you looking for about .14?20:56
hubuntuthe package20:56
dmsuperma1hubuntu: and it's ""20:56
Starnestommymrkeishii: have you checked https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java ?20:56
jussio1!msgthebot | hubuntu20:56
ubotuhubuntu: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.20:57
dmsuperma1hubuntu: You have to get it from mozilla.com, the repos have .1320:57
david567does anyone know of a program like w32dasm but for ubuntu?20:57
arvind_khadriVASA, you there20:57
hubuntuoh, ok.. I will just go with FF320:57
StarnestommyI think firefox should update to in the repos soon20:57
Cyntroxdmsuperma1: It's called proftpd =P20:57
DeadLy_spStarnestommy: reinstall isn't solution then20:57
charles|64hey guys, i have a problem I have an hp dvd840 it will read cd's but it will not read dvd's or blank cds any help would be great20:57
silverdinghi, does anyone have experience in bluetooth-trooubles?20:57
arvind_khadriVASA, ok type come out of the chroot20:58
arvind_khadriVASA, open a new terminal20:58
dmsuperma1Cyntrox: tfpd is the one I use20:58
StarnestommyDeadLy_sp: half the time I have that error with a program, reinstalling that program fixes it20:58
VASAError while parsing number20:58
VASAnew terminal20:58
arvind_khadriVASA, type sudo grub20:58
charles|64hey guys, i have a problem I have an hp dvd840 it will read cd's but it will not read dvd's or blank cds any help would be great20:58
marx2kcharles: laser malfunctioning is my guess20:59
arvind_khadriVASA, then hit the tab key what happens20:59
QuickGoldwhere is the Routing and Gateways network info stored?20:59
VASAIs chroot  /mnt needed21:00
arvind_khadriVASA, nope21:00
arvind_khadriVASA, come out of the chroot env now21:00
dmsuperma1charles|64: I had a problem like that, turned out the drive was just bad. I had to buy a new one21:00
guja_nebeskaIs there anywhere tutorial helping to change Ubuntu (GNOME) theme, icon and cursor set, about GTK themes and applying it, etc? Thank You.21:00
VASAtab writes the possible commands21:00
VASAin grub promt21:00
ketzereiGuja, do you know about gnome look.org and the appearence manager in ubuntu?21:01
charles|64dmsuperma1 i hope not i just bought it was your an 840?21:01
DeadLy_spb689e000-b68c4000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 2115724    /usr/lib/libpcre.so.3.12.121:01
DeadLy_spb68c4000-b68c5000 rw-p 00026000 08:01 2115724    /usr/lib/libCancelado (core dumped)21:01
arvind_khadriVASA, from a fresh terminal type sudo grub after that type this "find /boot/grub/stage1"21:01
david567does anyone know of a program like w32dasm but for ubuntu?21:01
guja_nebeskaketzerei, no, I am new at Ubuntu.21:02
unopQuickGold, in the default route table -- see the route command21:02
VASAdidnt find anything21:02
notdarkyethow do you make boot flag on a usb stick using fdisk21:02
VASAno files, no directory21:02
b4l74z4ri run konversation in ubuntu hardy and each time i connect to a server, a taskbar entry pops up reading "launching knotify", it stays for a few seconds, then goes away, anyone got any idea what that's all about?21:02
arvind_khadriVASA, thats not possible if ubuntu has been installed completely21:02
xlqnotdarkyet: type "m" for help, and it'll tell you21:02
arvind_khadriVASA, did you quit out of the installation??21:03
VASAI didnt installed grub21:03
notdarkyetoh geez, ahah ok thanks21:03
buckieI got a problem with firefox, I followed a guide to install firefox 3 beta and now my old firefox seems broken I get this error msg when i try to launch it : Could not launch menu item - Failed to execute child process "firefox" (No such file or directory)21:03
phaedranotdarkyet,  The same as u would for an hd...21:03
VASAno, i switche off to install the szstem loader21:03
arvind_khadriVASA, that means you didnt completely install it21:03
ketzereiOkay, point your browser to gnome-look.org and download an icon theme, or GTK 2 theme. Then, open up the System > Preferences > Appearence dialog.21:03
ketzereiDrag the downloaded theme into the window and it will install.21:03
guja_nebeskaketzerei, thank you for the advise, I'll try it righ away.21:03
ketzereiGood luck21:04
arvind_khadriVASA, well then we cant help it :) you need to install it completely....grub installs automagically21:04
VASAIs there any method to complete it via GUI21:04
VASAbut I have the files installed21:04
QuickGoldHow can I rebuild the /sbin/route (IP routing table) table?21:04
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arvind_khadriVASA, how can you install when there is no ubuntu ....well the /boot isnt created so cant do anything21:04
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silverdinghi, does anyone here has experience with bluetoothheadsets?21:04
arvind_khadriVASA, let the cd only install everything this time21:05
buckiedoes anyone know what could be the problem ? I already tried : reinstalling, removeing and installing it again...21:05
khalidStarnestommy: Thanks for the help! anything special that i should be looking at in dmesg?21:05
VASAI have the boot directory, but not the grub in it21:05
arvind_khadribuckie, what??21:05
Starnestommykhalid: that depends on what type of hack you think it was21:05
notdarkyeti get this error when i type "fdisk /media/disk"       "last_lba(): I don't know how to handle files with mode 40700.  You will not be able to write the partition table."21:05
kindofabuzzanyone know a fix for google earth in ubuntu?  seems like it won't connect to it's server.  first time i loaded it, it worked, now it doesn't21:05
VASAcannot i install the grub independently (question)21:05
buckiearvind_khadri, I got a problem with firefox, I followed a guide to install firefox 3 beta and now my old firefox seems broken I get this error msg when i try to launch it : Could not launch menu item - Failed to execute child process "firefox" (No such file or directory)21:05
arvind_khadriVASA, what did find give you21:05
VASAboot/grub not found21:06
ere4sibuckie: the command now is firefox-221:06
ketzereiIn soviet russia, apt gets YOU!21:06
arvind_khadribuckie, hmm did you remove both of them21:06
VASAok, then i will install it21:06
arvind_khadriVASA, its /boot/grub21:06
FishsceneKetzerei, ROFL21:06
arvind_khadribuckie, install firefox and restart gdm once21:07
arvind_khadriVASA, does it return something??21:07
VASAI ll install again21:08
arvind_khadriVASA, hmm fine21:08
buckiearvind_khadri, how do i restart the gdm ? I already tried reinstalling firefox21:08
buckie-.- so reboot21:08
ketzereiVasa, if nothing else works, download Super Grub Disk and use that to reinstall GRUB. Youll have to have another computer tho.21:08
buckieok ill try that21:08
Houdinihi, i would like to install the new ubuntu beta and upgrade it to the final version as soon as it is out. should not be a problem right?21:08
marx2kctrl-alt-delete restarts your WM. Ctrl-Alt-Del reboots21:09
arvind_khadribuckie, you need to remove both and then install firefox from the repo21:09
VASAok, thanks for your help21:09
ketzereibuckie, sudo apt-get remove firefox sudo apt-get install firefox.21:09
arvind_khadribuckie, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart21:09
kreativei still cant boot into xp...21:09
Bubble_teaI need help21:09
ketzereiOh hai ^^21:09
Bubble_teahow i install http://phoenixlabs.org/pg2/21:09
Bubble_teaIts a open source21:09
buckieahhh nice, i figured it out now :D the GNOME Display Manager so i can reinstall it to refresh to shortcuts ?21:10
Bubble_teai search it in synaptic but don;t know the file21:10
xlqBubble_tea: yes, but it specifically says it's for Windows.21:10
VASAif then I restore the winxp mbr, grub still remains on the ext3 (question)21:10
arvind_khadriketzerei, he hasnt installed ubuntu compleltely he quit his installation in between so there is no /boot/grub.21:10
Bubble_teaxlq there is open source21:10
peter77I've removed kde and for some reason it still appears in the list of desktop managers, is there a way to remove it from this list?21:10
arvind_khadriVASA, no21:10
buckiearvind_khadri, thx alot :)21:10
simmerzi keep getting errors in eclipse about swt-mozilla-gtk. where can i find it?21:10
xlqBubble_tea: yes, but it specifically says it's for Windows.21:10
ketzereiOh. NVM21:10
phaedraBubble_tea,  You need moblock21:10
VASAbecause I wanna launch grub via NTFSLDR21:10
* combo bedzie później ;P21:10
arvind_khadribuckie, you are welcome,but hus tell did that work21:10
marx2kbuckie: dropping to a TTY terminal and typing "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" works too21:10
StarnestommyBubble_tea: it's windows-only.  Not all open-source stuff works on linux21:10
VASAi WAS able to do it with SUSE21:11
Bubble_teaxlq, phaedra, are the something like peer guardian21:11
notdarkyethey i am trying to create a bootable usb stick, when i type fdisk /media/disk i get the error last_lba(): I don't know how to handle files with mode 40700.21:11
luciashdoes something like #ubuntu-lite exist ? ;)21:11
notdarkyetanyone know?21:11
arvind_khadriVASA, hmm here you need to re-install grub if you fix mbr21:11
xlqBubble_tea: it might be open source, but if it calls the Windows API, then it can't just be compiled on Linux without some changes.21:11
phaedraBubble_tea,  it's called moblock21:11
phaedraBubble_tea,  google for moblock21:11
VASAcant I simply install grub on the root partitions begginig (q)21:11
ubotuinfo in detail is on this wiki page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MoBlock21:12
VASAand load it with NTLDR (question)21:12
arvind_khadriVASA, grub installs on top of the geometry21:12
arvind_khadri!grub |vasa21:12
ubotuvasa: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:12
xlqubotu: Oh, yes. You should always install Windows first, since Windows overwrites the MBR whenever it installs21:13
cvd-prestoy esperando21:13
arvind_khadrixlq, ubotu is a bot ;)21:13
xlqOh lol, ubotu is a bot!21:13
marx2kyou can always fix the mbr with a Super GRUB rescue disc21:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sgr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:13
kbrooksxlq, dont talk to a bot21:13
Bubble_teaI have trouble with make files21:14
Bubble_teaI get error Do i need to install something to use make>21:14
arvind_khadriBubble_tea, what problems21:14
arvind_khadriBubble_tea, first you need to run ./configure21:14
StarnestommyBubble_tea: you need the build-essential package installed first21:15
phaedraBubble_tea,  u may need to instal build-essential21:15
winternachtHi everyone! I am getting an error when compiling transmission. It says... oh I should install build essential then21:15
arvind_khadriBubble_tea, yeah forgot that build-essential and then the ./configure21:15
arvind_khadriwinternacht, what errors21:15
Bubble_teaarvind_khadri sudo install build-essential/21:15
kobor42Hi everyone. I would like to join the support team of ubuntu. How can I do that?21:15
winternachtcompiler not found on system!21:16
winternachtIts a fresh 7.1021:16
StarnestommyBubble_tea: sudo apt-get install build-essential21:16
arvind_khadriBubble_tea, sudo apt-get install build-essential21:16
winternachtIm setting up a nifty fresh Torrentflux-b4rt server21:16
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:16
phaedrawinternacht, yes install build -essential21:16
winternachtdanke shoen21:16
phaedrabitte shoen21:16
arvind_khadriuhh what was that??21:17
ay^what was what? arvind_khadri21:17
xlq"bitte shoen" = "thank you very much"21:17
arvind_khadrixlq, :) oh ok and the other one21:17
xlq"danke shoen" = "thank you very much"21:18
winternachtthanks beautifully21:18
arvind_khadrixlq, both mean the same21:18
winternachtsame thing21:18
arvind_khadriwinternacht, :) hmm learnt something new..BTW which language??21:18
phaedrai should have said shon though...21:19
arvind_khadriay^, bitte shoen21:19
ay^arvind_khadri: haha21:19
winternachtoh no21:19
arvind_khadrihey a VM ware quickie21:19
winternachtthis is terrible21:19
arvind_khadrihow safe is windows on VMware21:20
talntidabout as safe as windows is off vmware21:20
winternachtwindows is safe just turn on windows firewall lol21:20
kobor42Does anyone have any idea how to join the support team of ubuntu?21:20
marx2ktalntid: yep pretty much21:20
xlqarvind_khadri: well, if a virus gets out of the virtual machine, it'll think "Yay I'm free!!! .... What on *Earth* is this??!"21:20
Bubble_teaarvind_khadri I try install Moblock and its not working21:20
xlqBubble_tea: error message?21:21
Bubble_teaarvind_khadri ya21:21
silverdinghi guys, i can`t connect my bluetoothheadset with ubuntu, it is recognized, but pairing doesn`t work21:21
Bubble_teaxlq yea21:21
talntidwindows is the most secure OS ever. :)21:21
marx2kWindows on VMWare... the worst it can do is corrupt the virtual disk file you assign to it.21:21
arvind_khadri:)) does that mean its very safe21:21
Bubble_teaxlq make: *** [MoBlock.o] Error 121:21
xlqBubble_tea: what error messages?21:21
marx2kyep. it's sandboxed21:21
xlqBubble_tea: there must have been an error message before that.21:21
Bubble_teaxlq its a whole list21:21
arvind_khadritalntid, thats very rude21:21
kreativeim having problems with windows loading,21:22
cvd-prIts there a way to view the windows password from ubuntu?21:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:22
kreativehow can i go about trouble shooting21:22
marx2kcvd-pr: no21:22
arvind_khadrikreative, this is #ubuntu21:22
xlqBubble_tea: put all the error messages in a pastebin so that I can read them.21:22
talntidwhy is that rude, arvind_khadri?21:22
arvind_khadriBubble_tea, hmm21:22
kreativei know, it has something to do with my hardy upgrade though21:22
kobor42arvind_khadri Windows on vmware is safe, but you will need to make some management for network21:22
arvind_khadritalntid, just like that21:23
Bubble_teaxlq http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63574/21:23
Starnestommy!hardy | kreative21:23
ubotukreative: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:23
arvind_khadritalntid, what if gates spoofs here ;)21:23
kobor42and you will not be able to use Graphic acceleration.21:23
arvind_khadrikobor42, is it advisible to have a AV on it21:23
chewynougatjoin #ubuntu+121:23
xlqBubble_tea: you need to install libnetfilter-dev21:23
talntidarvind_khadri: won't matter. his pc will crash and there will be no evidence :)21:23
marx2karvind_khadri: not really.. unless you're doing lots of downloading/installing from untrusted sources and your VMWare Image is mission critical21:24
arvind_khadritalntid, rofl21:24
Bubble_teaxlq where is this libnetfilter-dev at21:24
marx2kI use VMWare to play with recompiling linux kernels without actually touching my real linux installs21:24
talntidits rue.21:24
xlqBubble_tea: it might be21:24
kobor42Oh, you mean will be windows safe from viruses? No it won't be. It will be still windows.21:25
Bubble_teaxlq E: Couldn't find package libnetfilter-dev21:25
kobor42but the viruses will not harm your linux box in any way.21:25
=== Ari_ is now known as Ari-x
* combo powrócił ;P21:25
arvind_khadrikobor42, jus want to run yahoo messenger on it21:25
unopBubble_tea, does not look like a ubuntu package - http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libnetfilter-dev&suite=gutsy21:26
arvind_khadrikobor42,  i have Mc Afee with me thogh21:26
winternachtDoes anyone else use Torrentflux-b4rt?21:26
kobor42Well, I'm sure you will be able to do that, but you will not be safe from viruses on yahoo messenger.21:26
=== cwlearner is now known as Velvet
buckiearvind_khadri, I tried uninstalling firefox, reinstalling the gdu and then installing firefox again - it still makes the same error, strange ?21:26
Bubble_teaunop is there something like PeerGuardian in ubuntu package21:26
RootChaoswinternacht: indeed i use it21:26
xlqCan't kopete do yahoo messenger?21:26
=== Velvet is now known as tevleV
arvind_khadribuckie, apt-cahe policy firefox21:27
StarnestommyI think pidgin does yahoo21:27
ay^buckie try moving you profile and then test it21:27
kobor42I don't advise you to use windows from vmware and use an anti virus on it.21:27
korneyhow do i chnage the keyboard layout from the command line?  its mapped wrong21:27
arvind_khadriwell all the messengers arent as good as yahoo when it comes to cam21:27
unopBubble_tea, i dont think so -- have a look on http://packages.ubuntu.com to see if you can find something21:27
kobor42arvind_khandri it will be VERY slow.21:27
kobor42arvind_khadri I would suggest you to use pidgin to use your jahoo account.21:28
arvind_khadrikobor42, so better to have a piece of this windows on a drive ;)21:28
arvind_khadrikobor42, i use that but cant connect the cam21:28
buckiearvind_khadri, yes i get something like this : apt-cache policy firefox21:29
arvind_khadribuckie, use pastebin21:29
buckiearvind_khadri,  Installeret:
arvind_khadri!paste | buckie21:29
ubotubuckie: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:29
tevleVi don't get any sounds, does anyone know what's wrong?21:29
arvind_khadritevleV, 7.10??21:29
ay^tevleV: is your sound card propely installed?21:29
kobor42arvind_khadri ahha, so you want to use windows to use peripherials with windows. Well I have a bad news for you.21:30
=== JDempster is now known as JDempster[a]
arvind_khadrikobor42, whats that :(21:30
tevleVay^, it worked ok today21:30
ere4sibuckie: once you've installed firefox 3 you need to use the command firefox-2 to launch firefox 221:30
xlqtevleV: if you open the mixer, can you see the audio device name?21:30
kobor42arvind_khadri windows will only see the peripherials what your linux box sees.21:30
ay^arvind_khadri: doesn't it wokr on wine?21:30
arvind_khadriay^, wine sucks21:30
ay^arvind_khadri: it does? :(21:30
buckiearvind_khadri, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63576/21:31
xlqWine is still alpha21:31
kobor42arvind_khadri so if you cant make your cam work on linux, vmware will not propagate it to windows.21:31
ay^doesn't meant it wont work21:31
arvind_khadrikobor42, thats why am dropping off VMware21:31
buckieere4si, bash: firefox-2: command not found21:31
arvind_khadribuckie, KDE???21:31
fat-headdoes ubuntu use a " hybrid kernel " ??21:31
tevleVxlq i see, i click "test" and nothing happens21:31
kobor42arvind_khadri ??? and what will you use then? dual boot system?21:32
xlqfat-head: not really, it's mostly monolithic.21:32
buckiearvind_khadri, I installed unbuntu for the first time last night, I dont know what KDE is :/21:32
dmsuperma1!kde | buckie21:32
ubotubuckie: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.21:32
_Dan[Laptop]Hi, I'm using TwinView on my ubuntu desktop, and I would like to switch over which monitor has the taskbar on it. However, I can't seem to get it working. What options do I need to modify in xorg.conf or with nvidia-settings?21:32
arvind_khadrikobor42, ya thats what am using now....am using the dual boot only for yahoo messenger...21:32
NutzebahnHi. Does anyone know of any Linux alternatives to Dreamweaver which are just as good?21:32
xlqNutzebahn: vim :D21:33
arvind_khadribuckie, ok what is your desktop21:33
crazytalkarvind_khadri: download pidgin instant messenger, it handles all protocols, yahoo, msn, aim21:33
Nutzebahnxlq: No.21:33
xlqNutzebahn: seriously though, you might want to have a look at Quanta21:33
buckieits 500 mb to install ?21:33
Nutzebahnxlq: I don't like Quanta.21:33
buckiearvind_khadri, do you want a screen ?21:33
arvind_khadribuckie, done install kde21:33
NutzebahnI want something as good as Dreamweaver. xlq.21:33
fat-headis it possible to run the kernel as a 32-bit process while still supporting 64-bit user processes ?21:33
buckieits 500 mb ?21:33
kobor42arvind_khadri Well, I think that's all then. Make your cam work under linux, then think on stepping forward.21:33
xlqNutzebahn: I've never used Dreamweaver, so I wouldn't know.21:33
arvind_khadribuckie i meant dont install it21:34
buckiearvind_khadri, damn I just accpepted21:34
xlqfat-head: no. The kernel is not a process, and it has to know about the cpu's 64-bit modes so that it can run processes in the 64-bit mode.21:34
tetetestNutzebahn: no such good thing on Linux as dreamweaver21:34
arvind_khadrikobor42, it works in linux21:34
buckiearvind_khadri, but no matter ill uninstall after21:34
=== tevleV is now known as HearingDisabled
arvind_khadribuckie, ctrl+z21:34
tetetestNutzebahn: but they say that NVU is alternative to it... but not as close as good. But you can try21:34
fat-headxlq thnx21:34
arvind_khadribuckie, press ctrl+z21:35
buckiearvind_khadri, yea i did, its nice - I learn lots of new stuff21:35
xlqfat-head: Why, what are you trying to do?21:35
Bubble_tea is there something like PeerGuardian or moblock in ubuntu package?21:35
arvind_khadribuckie, :)21:35
skarfaceBubble_tea: there's a repository for moblock21:35
xlqfat-head: 64-bit kernels can run 32-bit programs, as long as the libraries for those programs are also 32-bit21:35
rinaldi_hi all. I have a game controller assigned to /dev/input/js1  . is there a way to get it working with wine games?21:35
unopBubble_tea, what does PeerGuardian do?21:35
buckiearvind_khadri, but the problem with the firefox bugs me, mb if you read the tutorial you can figure out what went wrong ?21:36
=== julle_screen is now known as julle
ubotuinfo in detail is on this wiki page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MoBlock21:36
arvind_khadribuckie, about your firefox just report a bug21:36
=== basso_ is now known as basso
=== julle is now known as julle_
americanwill applications for KDE (ex. KAlarm) work in GNOME?21:36
arvind_khadri!bug | buckie21:36
ubotubuckie: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:36
unopamerican, sure21:36
buckiearvind_khadri, well - I know i screw it up21:36
xlqamerican: Yes!21:36
buckiearvind_khadri, cause I went and changed some shortcut i think21:36
=== julle_ is now known as julle
arvind_khadribuckie, hmm jus tell us what changes did you do??21:37
buckiearvind_khadri, but since I have just about 5 hours expericence with the terminal i cant reverse21:37
beniaminowhat's the equivalent of 'update-manager -d' that can be run from the terminal without x11?21:37
Bubble_teaskarface where21:37
HearingDisabled"gconfaudiosink: Resource busy or not available." - what does this mean?21:37
ay^what does it doe beniamino ?21:37
arvind_khadribuckie, thats ok experimenting is a good ay to learn21:37
bassodifference between aptitude and apt-get?21:37
ay^aptitude has an interface21:37
xlqbeniamino: aptitude ?21:37
buckieill paste in the bin thingy21:38
xlqdamn, I'm too slow21:38
dmsuperma1buckie: worst case scenario you totally screw up your ubuntu, and since there's no lame licensing issues like windows you can just reinstall it :D21:38
bassosomeone told me to start using aptitude instead of apt-get21:38
xlqaptitude is a front-end to APT21:38
Bubble_teaunop making it the safest and easiest way to protect your privacy on P2P.21:38
arvind_khadribuckie, yeah fine21:38
Bubble_teaskarface where there's a repository for moblock?21:38
dmsuperma1basso: aptitude is for if you don't really know much about the package, or the name, that' you're looking for21:38
dmsuperma1basso: but I find that if you know what you want and what it's called, "sudo apt-get install XXXX" is much faster21:39
arvind_khadribuckie, :) i thought thingy was used only in India in our college21:39
beniaminook, how do i get aptitude to upgrade from one version of ubuntu to another, without manually editing sources.list?21:39
_Dan[Laptop]Hi, I'm using TwinView on my ubuntu desktop, and I would like to switch over which monitor has the taskbar on it. However, I can't seem to get it working. What options do I need to modify in xorg.conf or with nvidia-settings?21:39
marx2kActually, I've gotten MPAA letters for downloading movies via torrent, while using MoBlock21:39
erUSULbeniamino: not posible21:39
jullei was trying to install mysql-server via synaptic when my free space ran out. synaptic stopped and i got the message that should run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" but i get "chown: can not access "/var/run/mysqld": File or folder does not exist. And then i halts. I cannot remove mysql-server with apt-get remove --purge mysql-server, is there anything i can do?21:39
arvind_khadribeniamino, aptitude doesnt has super cow powers21:39
marx2kSo don't be so sure that you're super-secure while using moblock :)21:39
buckiearvind_khadri, no noes - in denmark too :D here is the link to the bin : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63577/21:39
mc-georgecould some one help me get my wireless internet working please?21:39
beniaminook, how do i upgrade from feisty to gutsy without using x11?21:40
erUSULjulle: maybe dpkg -r --force-all package21:40
marx2kbeniamino: sudp aitutde dist-upgrade21:40
erUSUL!upgrade | beniamino21:40
ubotubeniamino: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:40
notdarkyetwhen formatting a usb stick using fdisk, what is the optimal fat32 file system option, "win95 fat32"21:40
unop_errdil, invalid command sudp :)21:40
erUSULbeniamino: follow the server edition instructions21:40
marx2kor maybe dist-upgrade is with apt-get21:40
mc-georgecould some one help me get my wireless internet working please?21:41
TWP-SirStaalDoes ubuntu have a iso emulator of some kind?21:41
fat-headxlq: i want to know if with the 32bit libs installed i can install 32bit drivers for devices ?21:41
xlqnotdarkyet: well I think the partition identifier must be win95, and the filesystem is "vfat"21:41
marx2kgoogle ubuntu mount iso21:41
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:41
unop_TWP-SirStaal, there is no need for one as linux can mount ISOs via the loopback device21:41
NutzebahnThank you.21:41
unop_!iso | TWP-SirStaal21:41
ubotuTWP-SirStaal: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.21:41
arvind_khadribuckie, there seems to be a lots of changes ,i need to go through man pages of dpkg to get whats happening21:41
julleerUSUL: thank you i'lltry that21:41
xlqfat-head: kernel modules (drivers) link with the kernel, so I think they have to be 64-bit for a 64-bit kernel21:41
notdarkyetxlq: thanks21:41
mc-georgecould some one help me get my wireless internet working please?21:42
_max_can someone please tell me how the hell im supposed to set my label to GPT in the ubuntu 8.04 installer21:42
_max_i even enterd console mode and changed using parted to label=gpt21:42
arvind_khadribuckie, try asking unop21:42
NutzebahnNVU is better than Quanta. Thank you.21:42
Bubble_teaskarface  there's a repository for moblock in ubuntu?21:42
marx2kwhoever had the upgrade question, you can try 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'21:42
krammer__why does it take me almost 10 seconds of lag to open a terminal? any suggestions?21:42
_max_however the fucking installer overwrites it with the damn msdos flag21:42
beniaminoerUSUL: looks good, thanks!21:42
marx2kkrammer: use 'top' to find out whats taking up memory and cpu time21:42
mc-georgecould some one help me get my wireless internet working please?21:43
arvind_khadri!language| _max_21:43
ubotu_max_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:43
krammer__ok mary :)21:43
knoppix!ask | mc-george21:43
ubotumc-george: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:43
buckiearvind_khadri, ok I will thanks for the help I learned lots of new stuff altough it did not fix my firefox21:43
ay^!hardy | _max_21:43
ubotu_max_: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:43
arvind_khadribuckie, :) we are always around21:43
_max_beta or not i should be able to change the partition label!21:43
mc-georgeHello, I have a trendnet TEW-444UB wifi card, and I don't know how to get it working on ubuntu21:43
HearingDisabled!sound server21:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sound server - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:43
ay^_max_: ask in its channel21:44
sachaelis anyone here using the torrent client linkage? I want some opinions before trying it out.21:44
_max_in whats channel?21:44
_max_its not gparted doing this21:44
anthony__\whois anthony21:44
xlq_max_: use mlabel for MSDOS volume labels, ntfslabel for NTFS labels and e2label for ext2/ext3 labels21:44
_max_its ubuntus installer21:44
Pici_max_: ask in #ubuntu+1, /j #ubuntu+121:44
_max_xlq i want the gpt label21:44
krammer__I am in the top process but dont really see any memory usage?21:44
mc-georgeHello, I have a trendnet TEW-444UB wifi card, and I don't know how to get it working on ubuntu21:44
_max_the drive is 6tb21:44
_max_msdos only supports 2tb21:44
ay^!hardy | _max_21:44
ubotu_max_: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:44
Pici_max_: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.21:44
Bidgethey can anyone tell me how I can get an osx-lookalike panel/dock thing? I saw it on a youtube video and Im wondering what I'd have to install to get it21:44
X101Can someone help me with setting up an ftp server ive been looking at tutorial and trying over and over put cant seem to get it working21:44
marx2kmax: you mean gb?21:45
knoppix!wireless | mc-george21:45
ubotumc-george: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:45
buckieunop, can you help me with a problem i got with firefox ? It wont start and gives me this error msg : Could not launch menu item - Failed to execute child process "firefox" (No such file or directory) | I tried uninstalling firefox, reinstalling the gdu and then installing firefox again. The error came after i ran this tutorial http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63577/21:45
krammer__bidget email the user of the video21:45
bassoi have had problems with Wireless and KDE4..21:45
mc-georgeknoppix: I have already looked there21:45
Bidgetkrammer__, good call ;D21:45
xlq_max_: don't use msdos then21:45
tizzzvmlinux: Unable to open file, Invalid Device....what can I do about that? help me pleae21:45
marx2kKDE doesnt control your wireless.21:45
arvind_khadriunop, here is the paste bin of buckie http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63577/21:45
compengi_is the maximum volume size for ext2, ext3 32TB?21:46
beniaminoanyone tried upgrading from feisty to hardy? i know it's not recommended but how dangerous is it?21:46
Temp0trying to boot 8.04 from CD to install on a HP ze4500 laptop. Are there any 'other options'I should add, since it seems never to get past loading gnome. TIA21:46
marx2kbeniamino: dont do it on a mission critical bpx21:46
xlqcompengi_: yes21:46
arvind_khadribeniamino, its not yet release21:46
unop_buckie, what does this give you?  which firefox; type -a firefox21:46
ay^!hardy | Temp021:47
ubotuTemp0: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:47
compengi_xlq, do you know anything about ext4?21:47
arvind_khadri!hardy | Temp021:47
xlqcompengi_: not really, no21:47
compengi_xlq, oh.. okay.. thanks21:47
xlqcompengi_: surely you can't have more than 32TiB hard disk?21:47
buckieunop, "the program firefox is currently not installed...."21:47
krammer__Temp so it is not going passing gnome installation?21:47
duiuCan ubuntu-server be used to run a RAID server without having a monitor connected to it?21:47
arvind_khadricompengi_, use wikipedia21:47
buckieunop, but it is, atleast i did install it21:47
mc-georgeHello, I have a trendnet TEW-444UB wifi card, and I don't know how to get it working on ubuntu21:47
unop_buckie, does firefox launch when you do this?   /opt/firefox/firefox21:48
xlqBye now21:48
compengi_xlq, i surely can't but it's only a matter of additional information21:48
kobor42arvind_khadri Well, I think that's all then. Make your cam work under linux, then think on stepping forward.21:48
kobor42Does anyone have any idea how to join the support team of ubuntu?21:48
Temp0krammer, booting from cd, trying to install, using 'safe graphics mode', it gets to gnome then nothing seems to happen, left for 20 mins...21:48
buckieunop, it give me - "no such directory"21:48
krammer__kobor42 check the website21:48
unop_buckie, ls -ld /opt/  - if it's more than 2 lines use a pastebin21:48
arvind_khadrikobor42, hmm i would like to wait till a .deb comes for a nice version of yahoo messenger21:49
kobor42krammer__ I did that already. The closest thing I have found there was the IRC21:49
unop_buckie, actually, just do.   find /opt   - and use a !pastebin21:49
wojubuntu rox, mates ;)21:49
kobor42arvind_khadri Sorry, reposted an older comment21:49
buckieunop, I did pastebin the first thing21:49
arvind_khadrikobor42, thats ok :)21:49
krammer__kobor https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SupportTeam/21:50
unop_buckie, that has no bearing on what i am asking you now, does it?21:50
buckieunop, it says /opt21:50
unop_buckie, it looks to me that you didn't manage to successfully extract the firefox package to /opt - repeat step #3 from http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63577/21:51
Xristoferdoes ubuntu have problems with flash/mozilla or is it just me?21:51
unop_buckie, and then run.  /opt/firefox/firefox   again, see what happens21:51
kobor42krammer__ thanks.21:52
anya_i have a big problem: wlan dont work21:52
anya_i want to have wpa2 encryption21:52
arvind_khadriXristofer, it does have some prob...21:52
=== cwlearner is now known as tevleV
anya_but no connection21:52
anya_without wpa2 it works21:52
buckieunop, "No such file or directory"21:52
anya_how can i make my laptop wlan work??21:52
unop_buckie, please put on a pastebin the output of   find /opt.21:53
knoppix!restricted | Xristofer21:53
ubotuXristofer: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:53
unop_buckie, err sorry,  find /opt./21:53
unop_buckie, bahh, sorry again.  find /opt/21:53
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:53
bassoanyone encountered problems with ubuntu 8.04 and firefox 3 beta 5 + flash videos = Crash21:53
anya_i have a hp pavilion laptop21:53
anya_please help me with my wlan21:53
arvind_khadri!hardy |basso21:53
ubotubasso: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:53
anya_i need it21:53
unop_buckie, it'd also be helpful if you included the command and output of step #321:54
buckieunop, ok done :)21:54
unop_buckie, link?21:54
bassoyou are all evil!21:54
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:54
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:54
buckieunop, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63581/21:54
Xristoferubotu: okay thanks i'll check that out21:55
tevleVdanm it worked21:55
=== janito_ is now known as Lamego
arvind_khadribye guys21:55
anya_has anyone ever had a similar problem?21:55
arvind_khadrinight everyone21:55
jlesahow can I uninstall KDE Desktop??21:55
buckieunop, im sorry, I ran to so many steps witch one where step 3 ?21:56
hubuntuanya_, is the wlan working with other connectiuon types than WPA2?21:56
arvind_khadrijlesa, sudo apt-get remove kde21:56
anya_hubuntu, yes, if i disable encryption it works21:56
jjleeloop-aes readme says to execute a pipeline that begins "head -c 3705 /dev/random | uuencode -m -"21:56
anya_but not with wpa2 enabled21:56
anya_i have a fritz box21:56
jjleethat hangs for me, even when I pick a lower number of bytes21:56
arvind_khadrijlesa, or through synaptic21:56
unop_buckie, nope, firefox wasn't extracted to that directory - step #3 from http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63577/ is   sudo tar -C /opt -jxvf firefox-3.0b2.tar.bz221:56
jjleecat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail rarely goes much above 360021:57
hubuntuI have had that problem.. At uni they use WPA Enterprise, but the wlan card I use didn't work there21:57
unop_buckie, pay attention to what the commands return to you, they contain vital information on what is being done -- run this command again, see what is returned to you21:57
hubuntuit's because of the driver, it probably does not support WPAx even though it work without encription or with WEP21:57
hubuntusorry :|21:57
jjleewhen I watch entropy_avail while running the pipeline, the entropy fluctuates at around the level of 100 (bytes, presumably)21:57
hubuntuanya_, not much to do with that, other than try another card21:57
buckieunop_, yes - it tell me bad stuff for sure :(21:58
unop_buckie, put that in a !pastebin21:58
inimesekenehello, is it possible to use compiz with xinerama?21:58
buckieunop_, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63583/21:58
jjleeso it seems that head reads more than the number of bytes specified in the -c option??21:58
jjleeanybody had any luck with this?21:59
jjleeor can guess what's going on?21:59
anya_hubuntu, i have no other card21:59
anya_it is a normal centrino card, normally it should work21:59
hubuntuanya_, YOu could try to google the issue22:00
hubuntuare you sure that it is an intel card?22:00
wendyanyone that can help me with Special Characters22:00
K4k-laptopok, so this has been bothering me for some time. I used to have xmms installed and with it the default gui interface that it had, now however, it seems it's been obsoleted and xmms2 is now what it wants you to install, but it doesn't have a gui interface...how can I get that gui back?22:00
K4k-laptopI don't like either esperenza or gxmms222:00
wendyI have a problem with my special characters  putting ' or `or " on my letters,  anyone can help me?22:01
Rob123hi all, I'm having a real hard time trying to get my epson printer to print from an XP machine via CUPS on Ubuntu (printer connected to Ubuntu)22:02
buckieunop_, does the pastebin make any sense ?22:02
unop_buckie, hold on22:02
Rob123can someone help be debug this22:02
jjleewendy: just ask away22:03
smithey93i know this is probly the wrong place but, can mac read ext3 linux file systems?22:03
wendythanx jjlee I have been reading something about dead-keys22:03
wendybut I cant find it anywhere22:03
wendyI use ubuntu whit Gnome...22:03
AnimortisIs anyone familiar with the forum's tutorial for FTP servers?22:04
jjleewendy: what's the actual problem22:04
Rob123I'm getting this at the moment : "/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster failed"22:04
unop_buckie, here, follow this.  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63584/   # if you run into trouble, include all the output in another paste22:04
=== HymnToLi1e is now known as HymnToLife
buckieunop_, ok thanks a milion :) I hope i wont run into anymore trouble22:05
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:05
wendyIn windows/word I was used to using the frequently used special characters by typing "e.22:05
wendyshould result in ë22:05
wendyAnd there mus be a setting according to the information I found: Linux / NetBSD: Using the dead-keys. In an xterm window first press the (´) or (`) key. The character should not appear on the screen. Now press a letter, such as "e". The e is given an accent, é or è. If not, then check in the XF86Config file if a "nodeadkeys" XkbdVariant has been loaded there and replace it. You may also have set the environment variable SAL_NO_DEADKEYS, wh22:06
wendyich deactivates the dead-keys.22:06
wendyI just cant find where I must set the changes so it works again22:07
erUSULwendy: check the keyboard settings on system>Preferences>keyboard22:07
r00tz0rHello, I have been developing a ping script to monitor my servers outside of my network.  It works great on colocated box across country, but my internal box running ubuntu, it doesn't seem to work.  It won't ping from the PHP script, but yet it will ping fine from the terminal.  Could this be an IP tables problem?22:07
Rob123How/Where do you see CUPS error logging?22:08
wendyErUSUL been there, but couldnt find anything about deadkeys or special characters22:08
NotscapeHi, does anybody know if the clamav 0.92 package of the dapper drake repo is patched against the recently Upack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability ?22:08
r00tz0rThe script works 100% on my other colocated ubuntu box, but it wont here22:08
beniaminocan someone point me o a link explaining 'super cow powers'?22:08
jjleewendy: if you just want this to word in OpenOffice, I imagine there's some way to configure this from within OpenOffice22:09
mc-georgeHello, I have a trendnet TEW-444UB wifi card, and I don't know how to get it working on ubuntu22:09
erUSULwendy: which keyboard do you use?22:09
FluxDbeniamino, http://www.eeggs.com/items/36008.html22:09
GerritI am trying to install python-matplotlib, but I get some error messages about a post-configuration script returning code 1: http://pastebin.ca/98875222:09
Alex6691Hi i'm trying to install Grand theft auto onto ubuntu throguh my disk and i have just installed wine and i need some help on learnign how to install it.22:09
wendyErusul: I use a logitech22:10
jjleecan somebody remind me how to install build deps for a package?22:10
jjleefrom a source package22:10
Gerritfor python-tz, "subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1", and other packets depend on this and hence installing python-matplotlib fails, how do I solve this?22:10
erUSULwendy: i mean is us keyboard or spanish or german...22:10
khalid_Starnestommy: I think that someone have gained root password, because user accounts have been deleted and more crazy stuff... Is there a way to detect that one the dmesg or auth.log?22:10
tovareenums was quite usefull for finite statemachines. http://pastebin.com/dfb51a622:10
erUSULwendy: if you want you can check your keyboard settings in /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:10
mc-georgeHello, I have a trendnet TEW-444UB wifi card, and I don't know how to get it working on ubuntu22:10
wendyI think it is US.... but I live in the Netherlands22:10
Starnestommykhalid_: did you ever set a root password or give someone sudo access?22:10
* tovare has been away from java for a while, and is used to static int FSM22:10
tovaresorry, wrong channel22:11
khalid_Starnestommy: never.22:11
Alex6691Hi i'm trying to install Grand theft auto onto ubuntu throguh my disk and i have just installed wine and i need some help on learnign how to install it.22:11
Alex6691How to install grand theft auto, that is.22:11
Alex6691I have just installed wine22:12
erUSULkhalid_: auth.log should have record sudo invocations22:12
keanuany reason why libsdl1.2debian-alsa is used in hardy instead of libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio?22:13
r00tz0rwhat is the ubuntu path to ping?22:13
Starnestommyr00tz0r: /bin/ping622:13
Starnestommyer, /bin/ping22:13
amikropHow googleearth-package is used?22:13
r00tz0rughh i cant understand why this wont work heh -- the script is fine .. i dont know if it is something with IP tables or not22:13
mc-georgeHello, I have a trendnet TEW-444UB wifi card, and I don't know how to get it working on ubuntu22:14
Cpudan80r00tz0r: what's the problem?22:14
wendyerusul: Generic 105-key (Intl) PC - Layout English (US)22:14
Cpudan80Does anyone know if there is a PHP package for Ubuntu with SNMP?22:14
r00tz0rHello, I have been developing a ping script to monitor my servers outside of my network.  It works great on colocated box across country, but my internal box running ubuntu, it doesn't seem to work.  It won't ping from the PHP script, but yet it will ping fine from the terminal.  Could this be an IP tables problem?22:14
r00tz0rThe script works 100% on my other colocated ubuntu box, but it wont here22:14
Cpudan80The with SNMP is key --- obviously regular PHP is packaged for Ubuntu22:14
erUSULwendy: i can only say that my dead keys work fine and i do not have anything special on the keyboard section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf ...22:15
erUSULwendy: my eyboard is spanish though22:15
Cpudan80r00tz0r: IPTables generally block incoming packets -- but outgoing packets could be filtered too22:15
Cpudan80r00tz0r: sudo iptables -v22:15
JASONCOhi - im fiddling with hardy beta and i nstalled from the disk -- it looked great - my screen res was 1024x768, but when i did the updats -- it shifted to 800x600 and no options to change it bak22:15
JASONCOwhta do i do22:15
erUSUL!hardy | JA22:15
ubotuJA: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:15
erUSUL!hardy | JASONCO22:15
ubotuJASONCO: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:15
JASONCOoops -- sorry erUSUL22:16
wendyerusul: thanx.. they havent worked since I installed Ubuntu (or had it installed) a friend of mine has the same problem. Im going to look further thanx22:16
r00tz0rCpudan80: iptables 1.3.6: no command specified22:16
Chris|if you copy the content's of a dvd to a folder, you can make that folder into a iso correct?22:16
Cpudan80r00tz0r: sorry - it's -L22:17
Cpudan80r00tz0r: sudo iptables -L22:17
khalid_erUSUL: I've noticed a lot authentications failure ... many attempt to gain root access. but i don't know if they gain it or not!22:17
wendyerusul: or maybe you've got an idea where I can find the XF86Config file22:17
Cpudan80r00tz0r: Paste the output to pastebin22:18
Cpudan80!pastebin | r00tz0r22:18
ubotur00tz0r: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:18
mc-georgeHello, I have a trendnet TEW-444UB wifi card, and I don't know how to get it working on ubuntu22:18
erUSULwendy: well for the third time ;P /etc/X11/xorg.conf it changed the name since the doc you quoted was written sorry if i've been no clear enough22:18
Cpudan80!wifi | mc-george22:18
ubotumc-george: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:18
ffm__How do I run "dpkg-reconfigure" for all the packages that start with libpam-?22:18
Cpudan80!repeat | mc-george22:18
ubotumc-george: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:18
r00tz0rCpudan80: http://pastebin.com/m41d7b07422:19
wendyerusul: sorry Im going to look for that than.. Im very new at this and I begin to feel a bit stupid now :(22:19
unop_ffm__, sudo dpkg-reconfigure $(dpkg -l | grep -i "^libpam" | cut -c 3-30)22:19
Chris|if you copy the content's of a dvd to a folder, you can make that folder into a iso correct?22:19
Cpudan80r00tz0r: that's a strange IP table22:19
wendyerusul: Further ubuntu works so much better than windows ;)22:20
Cpudan80r00tz0r: It's setup.... wrong22:20
Cpudan80r00tz0r: Do you have firestarter or anything?22:20
okaasanAnybody care to reccomend me an ubuntu program that can burn wierd DC image files?22:21
okaasanIs there such a thing22:21
r00tz0rCpudan80: I dont think so -- I wasn't able to ping myself -- but I found some fix on the ubuntu forums [dont remember exactly what it was]22:21
=== okaasan is now known as Dvrethman
ffm__unop_, merci22:21
erUSULwendy: well i think that the fact i'm not a native english speaker is cousing me not given the right impression. i really think that the foult is mine for not being clear at saying the XFree86 is now Xorg. Please do not feel stupid we all have been newbies once at least ;)22:21
Dvrethmanwierd CD image files22:21
r00tz0rCpudan80: I set myself up for a static IP, however22:21
Cpudan80r00tz0r: I think that IPtable setup is causing problems - flush it22:21
Dvrethmanlike MDS and DAA that sort of thing22:21
Cpudan80r00tz0r: sudo iptables -f22:21
Chris|Dvrethman brasero22:22
Cpudan80r00tz0r: sorry it's sudo iptables -F22:22
_unnamed_hi, i dont have man 3 pages..can anyone help?22:22
Cpudan80Damn iptables uses capital letters22:22
pharohif i wanted to change my folder icons throughout,how would i do that?instead of having to do it one by one..the only way i know.22:22
vix85hi.. I have a quick question. how can i install vmware server on my ubuntu 7.10 server? i think i have both multiverse and universe activated, but still i cant find it in my repo.22:22
Chris|Dvrethman dunno about those file types22:22
ffm__unop_, Hmm... I still get a "Module unknown" error when I su - or login...22:22
DvrethmanChris: thanks, I'll give it a try22:22
r00tz0rCpudan80: Ok, done22:22
* ffm__ thinks his system is hosed.22:22
Cpudan80r00tz0r: You should be able to ping yourself now22:22
wendyerusul: thanx for that ;) I will look through the Xorg file now... I seem to have more than one... interesting... welcome to the world of ubuntu where everything is different than Im used to ;)22:23
Chris|Dvrethman i really dont know if it can burn those types of files, but it does a excellent job at iso's and a few other well known image files22:23
Nith_unnamed_: sudo aptitude install manpages-dev22:23
erUSULwendy: good luck22:23
ffm__I get a "Module unknown" error when I su - or login, anyone have any ideas?22:23
unop_ffm__, you shouldn't be using su .  does sudo work?22:24
unop_ffm__, sudo -s22:24
wendyerusul: thanx again :)22:24
r00tz0rCpudan80: Ok -- I can ping myself [was able to before]22:24
khalidis there any command that could reveal if my box have been hacked?22:24
Cpudan80r00tz0r: You were ?22:24
Cpudan80r00tz0r: <r00tz0r> Cpudan80: I dont think so -- I wasn't able to ping mysel22:24
ffm__unop_, I mean "su - ffm".  I can't log in as a normal user, only SUM works.22:24
dubbyhey anyone can i add the debian repositories in ubuntu and it still work? and if so how22:25
unop_ffm__, SUM ?22:25
unop_ffm__, and what did i say about su ?22:25
ffm__unop_, Single user mode.22:25
r00tz0r<r00tz0r> Cpudan80: I dont think so -- I wasn't able to ping myself -- but I found some fix on the ubuntu forums [dont remember exactly what it was]22:25
_unnamed_Nith: Thanks, problem solved :D22:25
loxley_dubby: why you wanna do that?22:25
r00tz0rCpudan80: that was when I first installed ubuntu22:25
jjleeanswer to my own question is "apt-get source <package> && sudo apt-get build-dep <package>"22:25
ffm__unop_, GDM gives me the same error when I attempt to login.22:25
Cpudan80r00tz0r: Ok then - let's check some networking stuff22:25
unop_ffm__, which version of ubuntu?22:25
Cpudan80r00tz0r: Paste the output of the following command to pastebin :: netstat -rn22:25
ffm__unop_, As does "login". It accepts my password, goes through the motions, then dies.22:25
Bubble_teaAre there a program that works with C++ programing or debugs22:26
dubbyloxley because there are some programs its missing like b itc h x and stuff and i don22:26
Cpudan80r00tz0r: Will show you your existing routes to the outside world22:26
ffm__unop_, Hardy, (yes I know I should be in ubuntu+1, but this issue occured after a partially completed update was cancellled, and the people in the other channel cannot help)22:26
dubbyi mean some programs that ubuntu repos are missing that im pretty sure some other debian repose would have22:26
Drefsabhi guys, how can I set my dns servers manually on ubuntu?22:26
loxley_dubby: uhmm, bitchx is in ubuntu22:26
Bubble_teaThere so many different c++22:26
r00tz0rCpudan80: http://pastebin.com/m2dedb39522:26
Drefsabvia command line22:26
dubbyloxley not in apt22:26
dubbyor synaptic search22:27
dubbydoesn't return it22:27
loxley_dubby: apt-cache search bitchx22:27
Badge1omfg 130022:27
ffm__Drefsab, Use network-manager22:27
deltarcan you help me to solve a problem with atiX140022:27
dubbypork != bitchx22:27
Cpudan80r00tz0r: It's difficult to tell if that is correct22:28
battlerdoes anyone know a program to monitor your realtime harddrive read and write speeds?22:28
r00tz0rCpudan80: My static IP is, gateway is
Cpudan80r00tz0r: Ok then22:28
dougskobattler: check out hdparm22:28
Cpudan80r00tz0r: Is the subnet mask right?22:28
Cpudan80r00tz0r: is a typical subnet mask22:29
battlerdougsko: thanx;)22:29
vasilisaHow come ever siince i installed glx, my wmv movies have a green bar along the top and are lower quality in both kaffeine and VLC???22:29
pipsqeeknot for a A class IP22:29
vasilisaNot to mention the teeny tiny fonts22:29
pipsqeekshould be
r00tz0rCpudan80: My subnet is
Drefsabffm__ how can I do that vida the command line?22:29
Cpudan80pipsqeek: is not class A22:29
* pipsqeek just woke up, haven't had coffee yet... don't listen to anything he says22:30
ffm__Drefsab, You can't use the gui?22:30
erUSULDrefsab: edit /etc/resolv.conf22:31
Cpudan80pipsqeek: Well I suppose it as - as the whole 10 block is unallocated22:31
Cpudan80pipsqeek: But I seriously doubt he is using it as a class A22:31
erUSULDrefsab: please state your issues obn one line so we can follow easily22:31
ffm__Drefsab, use http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/03/14/how-to-setup-opendns-on-ubuntu/22:31
Cpudan80r00tz0r: Can you ping the gateway?22:31
Drefsabno gui, its via ssh to a box, for some reason the routers dns proxie has failed, if I do a nslookup direct to the isp DNS servers it works, lookups to the router fail22:31
ffm__Dragnslcr, Just subst your instructions for the ones there.22:32
r00tz0rCpudan80: MYes22:32
Drefsabthanks, never had to manually set them before so wasnt sure where to start22:32
Cpudan80r00tz0r: ok so that's good.... but pinging your friends fails?22:33
mooboo1Does the "Trust WB-6250X" webcam work in Linux?22:33
pharohhey in my .icons folder,what happens if i delete one the original theme and replace it with another?will the other one replace it?22:33
r00tz0rCpudan80: Strange, before we flushed the iptables, it would only tell me if {its self} was up and not any external IPs -- now it wont even tell me if is up22:33
user1542moobo: if you find a driver, sure ;-)22:33
ffm__Any idea why unetbootin causes my machine to reboot when I select it from grub?22:33
r00tz0rCpudan80: I can ping fine from terminal, its just through the script -- which works 100% fine on my colocated ubuntu box across country22:34
user1542moobbo1: ever tried google?22:34
Cpudan80r00tz0r: what does the script output?22:34
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Danish989Hi everyone22:34
mooboo1user1542, yes22:34
user1542mooboo1: use that and groups.google.com (usenet)22:34
Cpudan80r00tz0r: Can you paste the code for the script (at least the ping part)22:35
r00tz0rCpudan80: Okay -- one moment22:35
AuctionedllamaHello guys22:35
sudobashjoin #vsftpd22:35
zha1Anyone know how to get matrox drivers to work in ubuntu?22:35
HoboBenHi, scrollkeeper-update has been taking up 100% of my CPU for about 5 minutes. Can I just kill it?22:35
NewOneDoes anzone here know a good radio recorder?22:35
sudobashoops sorry22:35
almostdvsi have a panel applet that i would like to uninstall; how do i do it?22:37
dehabuexcuse me, someone knows what's wrong with  js in  Firefox/
r00tz0rCpudan80: http://pastebin.com/mc025cc522:37
TonisiusOk, I have another question, multiple monitors22:37
r00tz0rCpudan80: I really appreciate your help :]22:37
user1542dehabu: is that a tric-question?22:37
dehabuno user154222:37
user1542because JS sucks always ;-)22:37
NewOneDoes anyone here know a good radio recorder?22:38
unop_user1542, language22:38
deejeefrom live radio stream?22:38
zha1Anyone got a matrox card to work?22:38
brizzadizzaanyone know a good political channel?  Im on #politics and they're talking about slappin each other and snortin coke22:38
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:38
brizzadizzaoops sorry.22:38
almostdvsi have a panel applet that i would like to uninstall; how do i do it?22:39
user1542dehabu: what kind of problem?22:39
r00tz0rCpudan80: Would you rather have me upload an archive of all the files?22:39
dehabuwell, js crashes firefox22:39
Cpudan80r00tz0r: hang on a sec22:40
user1542dehabu: different websites too?22:40
HoboBenalmostdvs - right click, remove from panel?22:40
user1542dehabu: check out BTS22:40
Cpudan80r00tz0r: Ok I dont see the actual ping command - but it looks like you know what you're doing with the script anyway :-)22:40
almostdvsHoboBen: that doesn't uninstall it, it just removes it from panel22:40
Cpudan80r00tz0r: Do you have the proper packages? php && php-cli ?22:40
dehabuok user154222:40
Tonisiushow do I configure multiple monitors to work on ubuntu, but rotated 90degrees, for a resolution of 1050x1680 each22:41
AuctionedllamaHi all22:42
Auctionedllamareason) and then tried getting the ATI update.. so I did that, and got the Catalyst driver to show up, but before I could use It I needed to activeate the driver in restricted drivers.. so I did. and well now its a blackscreen, and I can't get it to work. At all22:42
zha1Any have a clue on how to get G550 Matrox card to work???22:42
Auctionedllamaignore that22:42
FloodBot2Auctionedllama: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:42
XristoferI installed quake II from the package manager, any idea on how to play it?22:42
AuctionedllamaI have spent 4 days trying to get my ATI cards working, and currently, I am very not happy.. Anyways, I installed the Drivers via the driver installer thing in admin (I forgot the name for some reason) and then tried getting the ATI update.. so I did that, and got the Catalyst driver to show up, but before I could use It I needed to activeate the driver in restricted drivers.. so I did. and well now its a blackscreen, 22:42
Auctionedllama get it to work. At all22:42
r00tz0rCpudan80: Yes, I have php & php-cli22:42
Cpudan80r00tz0r: hrm.... strange....22:43
Auctionedllamaanyhelp would be.. fantastic22:43
r00tz0rCpudan80: Line 6122:43
=== kjs__ is now known as kjs
keymoohi, just downloaded DeVeDe to convert an AVI to DVD and it is taking FOREVER. is this normal?22:43
Intangirhow do i tell if im using my swap partition or not22:43
hurrrtinIntagir: free22:44
AuctionedllamaHey can anyone help me?22:44
Cpudan80r00tz0r: for debugging purposes you might want to switch that command to the simple ping22:44
Cpudan80print exec("ping <host>");22:44
Intangirit says i have 0 used?22:44
Intangirwhy is it using 022:44
AuctionedllamaI have spent 4 days trying to get my ATI cards working, and currently, I am very not happy.. Anyways, I installed the Drivers via the driver installer thing in admin (I forgot the name for some reason) and then tried getting the ATI update.. so I did that, and got the Catalyst driver to show up, but before I could use It I needed to activeate the driver in restricted drivers.. so I did. and well now its a blackscreen, 22:45
Auctionedllama get it to work. At all22:45
unop_Intangir, what does this command return?  swapon -s22:45
loxley_Auctionedllama: if people would know the answer they would have told you. no need to repeat.22:45
Intangirunop_: /dev/sda2                               partition       4883752 0       -122:46
Cpudan80r00tz0r: other than that - I dont see anything that's wrong22:46
almostdvsi have a panel applet that i would like to uninstall so that i can reinstall it, does anyone know how to do this?22:46
Intangirunop_: shouldnt it be using some of it?22:46
CoasterMasterIs there a version of lint for Ubuntu?22:46
Cpudan80r00tz0r: Would be helpful to print the exact command you are trying to exec, then try it on the terminal --- just to see22:47
unop__Intangir, well as long as that command tells you you are using a swap device, it's ok .. the less swap used, the better your system is running22:47
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: It may be that your monitor's sync ranges are not correctly set/detected while using fglrx driver. You might need to manually set those via sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:47
Bidgetanyone in here been able to get online with steam games?22:47
unop__Intangir, so when it is 0, your system is running at its best.22:47
NMaji1How can I tell how my RAM is being used? Looking at System Monitor --> Resources, it says I'm using about 875mb ram but if I add up the memory usage from the processes list I get >500mb22:47
Intangirunop__: im getting random lockups22:47
Intangir2-3 times an hour22:47
AuctionedllamaAlright hurrrtin how do I do that?22:47
=== NMaji1 is now known as NMajik
Intangirit locks up for 20-30 seconds, seems to only happen when im playing games22:48
Badge1Intangir: you have inaf RAM to not use swap partition22:48
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:48
Bidgetanyone in here been able to get online with steam games?22:48
Intangiri cant figure out whats causing it22:48
Auctionedllamaok, I'll try that]22:48
Auctionedllamakeep in mind I have that thing down by heart, I have run it over 10 times22:48
r00tz0rCpudan80: Okay -- I will do that, one moment22:48
Auctionedllamahey, while I22:49
AuctionedllamaWhile I'm reconfiguring, I have the ATI drivers installed.. do I change the driver from vesa to something else or no?22:49
jordanHello I have a LAMP server and clients cannot connect to my web server (running Gutsy latest everything).  Everything is running and I don't see errors - no updates or changes22:49
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: If you are just getting a black screen (x doesn't bail with an error) then that could mean the sync is wrong for the monitor. Haha but X and the driver don't know that's happening.22:50
AuctionedllamaI'll leave it on vesa22:50
unikon anyone ever deal with a broken software index and a fix that would help so i could receive updates?22:51
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: when loaded with vesa driver, do 'init 3' or 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop'22:51
un0pjordan, so what exactly happens if clients connect? what error message do they see (if any) in their browsers?22:51
hurrrtinsudo init 3*22:51
jordanun0p in the browser it just says "connecting:" then times out22:51
Auctionedllamaok rebooting mte22:51
un0punikon, try running this.   sudo aptitude install -f22:51
Auctionedllamaone sec.. its loading, I'll tell you how it goes22:51
un0pjordan, from the machine itself, can you navigate to http://localhost ?22:52
jordanun0p yes i can22:52
=== fophillips_ is now known as fophillips
AuctionedllamaIt booteeeddd22:52
=== un0p is now known as unop
daemon3I can't figure it out: is that animal Neko for AMOR a cat or a dog?22:52
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: Was that it?22:53
jordanun0p: but If i navigate to http://domain.com on the server it times out22:53
Auctionedllamauhm.. it booted but its exactly like it was before..22:53
Auctionedllamasays the driver is not in use22:53
Auctionedllamaand if I turn it on22:53
Auctionedllamaeverything dies22:54
unop_jordan, are the clients on the same network as the web server itself?  on a LAN for example?22:54
fyreofchaos13Can somebody help me? I've been having rather bad hard drive issues.22:54
almostdvsi have a panel applet that i would like to uninstall so that i can reinstall it, does anyone know how to do this?22:54
Auctionedllamaand I can't get the right resolutlion either22:54
AuctionedllamaI hate this22:54
jordanunop_: oh I am retarded nevermind --- my IP address changed22:54
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep 'Driver.*[ati|fglrx|vesa]'22:55
Auctionedllamaso do I type that in as one command?22:56
hurrrtinyou can just copy/paste it22:56
fyreofchaos13Can somebody help me? I've been having rather bad hard drive/Ubuntu issues. Randomly, Ubuntu will block my access to programs, or all of my processes will die one by one, causing an eventual crash.22:56
jordanun0p thanks for the help22:56
unop_jordan, yw22:57
Auctionedllamaok, now what?22:57
AuctionedllamaMy drivers are22:57
FishsceneWestern Digital Hard Drives?22:57
Auctionedllamawait my video driver is vesa22:57
Auctionedllamaomg, gay22:57
AuctionedllamaAlso, catalyst won't start..22:57
Alex6691Hi i have just installed Vice City on Ubuntu Via Wine And when i open the game, it lag's and it only opens up half the size of my screen, help please?22:57
Auctionedllamaand aticonfig commands don't work.. when it goes to write to xorg.conf it says bad file descriptor22:58
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: sudo ati-config --initial22:58
Alex6691Hi i have just installed Vice City on Ubuntu Via Wine And when i open the game, it lag's and it only opens up half the size of my screen, help please?22:58
fyreofchaos13Can somebody help me? I've been having rather bad hard drive/Ubuntu issues. Randomly, Ubuntu will block my access to programs, or all of my processes will die one by one, causing an eventual crash.22:59
Auctionedllamaok now what?22:59
AuctionedllamaIt ran a lot of stuff and then says Aborted (coredumped)22:59
Auctionedllamaat the bottom22:59
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: sudo modprobe fglrx22:59
Auctionedllamanow what?22:59
FishsceneAlex6691, try the #Wine Channel22:59
Alex6691okay thanks22:59
Auctionedllamait says not in use by xorg.conf so it can't load23:00
FloodBot2sandraaaa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:00
Auctionedllamaany suggestions mate?23:00
sirjoebobAlex6691, I had that game working before in wine but dont remember having any issues.23:00
sandraaaai dont hear any sound on my speakers only on earphones any help23:00
alastair_Is there an easy and idiot-proof way of installing a git server, i.e. whatever it is that allows me to serve things using git://?23:01
sirjoebobAlex6691, you may want to mess with the settings on wine to emulate/not emulate a virtual desktop, etc23:01
almostdvsi have a panel applet that i would like to uninstall so that i can reinstall it, does anyone know how to do this?23:01
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: Only thing I can think is to run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and walk it through, selecting fglrx as the driver to use. Be sure to manually set the hsync and vsync ranges. You can easily find some standard values through google.23:01
FishsceneSandraaa, I'm assuming you are using the same port to plug in your speakers/headphones?23:01
dubbyhey anyone, i have vino vnc server ... how do i use it?23:01
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: and then reboot.23:01
Auctionedllamadriver as fglrx and not ATI?23:01
Auctionedllamaok, sounds good23:01
sandraaaawhat should i do23:01
fyreofchaos13Can somebody help me? I've been having rather bad hard drive/Ubuntu issues. Randomly, Ubuntu will block my access to programs, or all of my processes will die one by one, causing an eventual crash.23:02
korneystupid question: i have a 64 bit install of ubuntu.  i wanted to do some oracle express edition trial testing, but they only offer the 32 bit version.  is there anyway to install the 32 bit version under a 64 bit kernel?23:02
Fishscenesandraaaa, are you using the same port to plug in your speakers and headphones?23:02
dmsupermanHow can I change which file manager ubuntu uses? Instead of nautilus, I want it to default to Konquerer, for instance23:03
sandraaaano i have a laptop23:03
Fishscenefyreofchaos13, Do you have Western Digital Hard Drives? Your issue sounds very familiar to mine23:03
alastair_oh I just read the paragraph in this guide that I'd been looking for for ages, which always happens just after I ask the question23:03
alastair_< fail23:03
fyreofchaos13Um, don't believe so.23:03
fyreofchaos13Could very well be wrong though. >.>23:04
Fishscenesandraaaa, so your laptop speakers work, but your headphones don't?23:04
bcardarellawhat's the command for listing all connected pci devices?23:04
georgy_28bcardarella, : lspci23:04
sandraaaai have toshiba satellite l3023:04
bcardarellageorgy_28: thanks23:04
fyreofchaos13Seagate hard drive.23:04
Fishscene fyreofchaos13, Not sure then. Are there any other symptoms when your computer starts crashing? Any hard drive useagle?23:05
=== K4k_ is now known as k4k-laptop
Prefixopps sorry23:05
FloodBot2Prefix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:05
AuctionedllamaHey mate, turns out the vsync and hsync rates were right. so lets hope this driver works23:05
Fishscenesandraaaa, Do you know if the headphones were working before you installed Ubuntu?23:06
AuctionedllamaHey dude23:06
fyreofchaos13Um, my compiz dies out. My access to programs abruptly dies. The toolbar disappears, along with the toolbars on my programs. The programs then eventually crash one by one.23:06
Auctionedllamatake a guess as to what happened.. Black screen... no response to CTRL ALT F123:07
sandraaaathey r still working when i input them23:07
Auctionedllamayou get that mate?23:07
fyreofchaos13The hal debug turns to read only, killing my ability to get a log.23:07
sandraaaai cant hear the sound froem23:07
Auctionedllamahurrtin- you get that?23:08
Fishscenesandraaaa, So you plug in your headphones and the speakers "die" and nothing comes out of your headphones?23:08
demonsporkhow do I determine the uuid of a partition?23:08
AuctionedllamaI got the black screen23:08
fyreofchaos13At one point, I lost access to my hard drive in general; it couldn't even be mounted. Ran an fsck on it, which gave me access again, but I still crash.23:08
FishsceneDoes anyone know of an HCL for Ubuntu?23:08
Auctionedllamaand sync rates were correct23:08
fyreofchaos13Currently, I don't have access to programs (Such as Firefox), and can't open the pictures on my desktop.23:08
mooboo1Fishscene, http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/23:09
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: this is a separate computer?23:09
sandraaaait comes from headph but not from laptops speakers23:09
Auctionedllamathe whole time I was getting blackscreen23:09
AuctionedllamaI couldn't even get on23:09
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: Is it still up with blank screen?23:09
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: ssh to it from your working box.23:09
Auctionedllamadoing recovery command so I can do commands23:09
Auctionedllamado what??23:09
hurrrtinoh ok. From the recovery terminal do this: tail -10 /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:10
Fishscenesandraaaa, so if you plug in your headphones, it comes from headphones, but not from speakers. If you unplug headphones, it comes from speakers?23:10
Fishscenemooboo1, Thanks :)23:10
rambo3i lost windos partition on last update. i get grub error 12 . and i cant mount partition The device '/dev/sda1' doesn't have a valid NTFS.23:11
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Auctionedllamasays no such file23:11
r00tz0rCpudan80: Okay -- the ping command is working from console -- but this is the weird thing.  In the script, if it pings any local address (10.10.10.x) it will come back as up, but if I ping any external address, it will say its down (when it really is up because I can ping it from terminal)23:11
sandraaaano there isnt any sound coming from the speakers at all23:11
Fishscenesandraaaa, gotchya23:12
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old23:12
Auctionedllamanow I got a shitload of info23:12
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: The last several lines should tell you if something went wrong23:12
Auctionedllamanope talking about the nouse23:13
VadiHow can I make it so that a program also looks for libraries in the directory that it's in?23:13
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: grep -i 'fglrx' /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old23:13
fyreofchaos13Can somebody help me? I've randomly lost access to my programs.23:13
Vadifyreofchaos13: explain?23:13
Auctionedllamaok I got no response or anything23:14
Auctionedllamajust sat23:14
fyreofchaos13I can't open the majority of my programs (Such as Mozilla, or even the pictures on my desktop).23:14
dmsupermanI have both KDE and Gnome installed on my desktop, but I want to try out KDE, without switching completely to it?23:14
sandraaaano there isnt any sound coming from the speakers at all23:14
Fishscenesandraaaa, I'm unable to find your hardware on the HCL. however: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-media/+question/2207323:14
fyreofchaos13And it just happened, without anything being done to cause it.23:14
dmsupermanWhat command can I use to start KDE instead of Gnome, temporarily23:14
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: grep -i 'fglrx' /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:14
jribdmsuperman: select it by pressing "option" at the login screen23:15
Vadifyreofchaos13: Try going to Applications - Accessories - Terminal. Does that open?23:15
azukidmsuperman: just logout and re-login and select option23:15
dmsupermanjrib, azuki, thanks :D23:15
fyreofchaos13Vadi: No23:15
Auctionedllamano file error23:15
jribfyreofchaos13: what *does* happen?23:15
Vadifyreofchaos13: Try Alt+F2 and "killall gnome-panel"23:15
=== georgy_28 is now known as georgy28
hurrrtinAuctionedllama: Got me man... ATI is the SUCK for linux :(23:16
almostdvsi have a panel applet that i would like to uninstall so that i can reinstall it, does anyone know how to do this?23:16
fyreofchaos13Now my taskbar is gone. =)23:16
Auctionedllamaaww man23:16
AuctionedllamaOk thanks23:16
Chousukehurrrtin: might not be so after a while though23:16
hurrrtinChousuke: I know... its oss now.23:16
AuctionedllamaI'll bbl in 20.. dinner.. can you stay on maybe help me find some Wikis or such? Thanks for your help and bai23:16
Vadifyreofchaos13: Sweet. Save & close your work, and do Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. Hopefully you'll be back and OK23:16
hurrrtinmaybe hardy heron will have better, newer drivers. It comes out in 7 days.23:17
hurrrtinI'd use ati or vesa until then.23:17
Intangirim having 20-30 second freezeups about 2-3 times an hour on 7.1023:17
Intangiri dont know whats causing it, or how to debug it23:17
VadiWireless is most likely23:17
MEtaLpREsso anyone have an opinion on if its worth upgrading from gutsy to hardy in a few days?  if vista has taught people anything its that newer is not always better23:17
georgy28! screen23:17
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen23:17
jribalmostdvs: what is the actual issue?23:17
Timebomhello, I have a problem that I can not fix using the faq or find an answer too in the forum involving multi displays, and a lack of command line linux.23:18
r00tz0rCpudan80: Okay -- the ping command is working from console -- but this is the weird thing.  In the script, if it pings any local address (10.10.10.x) it will come back as up, but if I ping any external address, it will say its down (when it really is up because I can ping it from terminal)23:18
VadiMEtaLpREs: I upgraded, and it's quite good for me23:18
IntangirVadi: are you saying wireless to me?23:18
sandraaaaill try thx23:18
VadiMEtaLpREs: Definitely not xp - vista.23:18
VadiIntangir: yeah that's what I'm suspecting, given the symptoms. I used to experience the same issue as you.23:18
almostdvsmac menu doesn't work in hardy and i would like to try reinstalling it but i can't figure out how to uninstall it23:18
IntangirVadi: how do i tell? and fix it?23:18
MEtaLpREsso upgrading right away should go smooth?  seems like sometimes its better to wait till all the bugs are worked out before making the switch23:19
VadiMEtaLpREs: yes, there will be bugs, what matters is if there are big ones and if you can deal with the little ones. If you're unsure, just wait until it's out23:19
VadiIntangir: that I don't know. I'd say just hang tight until 8.04 comes out, it solves the issue for me23:20
MEtaLpREsyea im going to wait a few days until the final is out, thats what i meant23:20
VadiIntangir: and be glad it's working as it is atm heh.23:20
IntangirVadi: should i just get the beta?23:20
Intangiri only just installed this a week ago23:20
Intangirand its been doing it since23:20
Intangiri used 6.10 for a long time without any of this problem23:21
almostdvsjrib: mac menu doesn't work in hardy and i would like to try reinstalling it but i can't figure out how to uninstall it23:21
Fishscenealmostdvs, have you checked the Synaptic Package manager?23:21
lcukhey guys, ive just picked up a laptop with windows on, i have booted from live cd and am now installing ubuntu.  it said it wanted to replace entire drive, but after it said partition 1 and partition 5.  does this mean it will leave the other 3 middle partitions alive?  (i want it all linux)23:21
SmilyHeKtorHi, I have a problem, I'm trying to install nginx using apt and I download it OK, but then before it finishes install it gives me a error and then I am left with software that I am unable to un-install or use, can anybody help me? (excerpt from my bash session at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63595/)23:21
georgy28lcuk, : no, partition 1 is primary partition, partition 5 logic23:22
lcukso there is no partitions 2,3,4?23:22
georgy28lcuk : right23:23
lcukok thanks, just concerned23:23
SitUbuntuSitSmilyHeKtor: you can't uninstall or install any other programs? If so, try this:23:23
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:23
georgy28SmilyHeKtor, : try sudo apt-get install -f23:23
SmilyHeKtorThanks, Ill try that23:24
corinthIsn't the Hardy RC supposed to be out today?23:24
sandraaaawhat does it means append23:24
=== ^garfield2^ is now known as ^garfield2^Off
Fishscenesandraaaa, it means to add it23:25
Fishscene Append to the end of this file the following line:23:25
Fishsceneoptions snd-hda-intel position_fix=1 model=3stack (So you would add that line to the end of the file)23:25
sandraaaaok thx23:25
sandraaaaill try to restart23:26
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FishsceneSounds good23:26
pharohhow can i change my icon theme?i23:27
=== ^garfield2^ is now known as ^garfield2^Off
FishscenePharoh, I believe you go to "appearance"23:28
SmilyHeKtorNope that didnt seem to fix it, when I ran "sudo apt-get install -f" it gave me this error "Starting nginx: invoke-rc.d: initscript nginx, action "start" failed."23:28
almostdvsi have a panel applet that i would like to uninstall so that i can reinstall it, does anyone know how to do this?23:29
_I was on?23:29
pharohFishscene, i don't mean that way.see i downloaded an icon theme with a huge number of icons in it.now,i'm trying to replace my icons with the custom ones.how?23:29
Dr_willisalmostdvs,  what do you expect to gain by doing that? removing a package - wont resset the user settings.23:29
=== _ is now known as fyreofchaos13
* fyreofchaos13 sighs.23:29
georgy28!aptfix  SmilyHeKtor23:29
FishscenePharoh, I've never tried it before. I've reached the limit of my knowledge in this area. Sorry =(23:30
corinthIs this the official ubuntu support channel? I have always assumed that it is, however it is listed as #ubuntu on freenode in the Ubuntu wiki.23:30
Bidgetanyone in here been able to get online with steam games?23:30
Dr_willispharoh,  if its a gnome icon theme archive. You might be able to just drag/drop it to the icon-theme control program window and it should install them. (i think that works under gnome)23:30
SmilyHeKtor"bash: !aptfix: event not found"23:31
pharohDr_willis, where is that?pardon me,i'm a newbie23:31
Achothcorinth: Yes it is23:31
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:31
SmilyHeKtorubotu: I did that It didn't work23:32
malociteHey all! :)  How do you see which video driver is running?23:32
Dr_willispharoh,  im not in gnome so i cant hand hold ya to the exact place. Its where you select the icobn themes. If you want tolearn gnomebasics time to read that Ubuntu Training book.23:32
Dr_willis!training | pharoh23:32
ubotupharoh: A desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training23:32
sandraaaathat add fix the problem with sound23:33
sandraaaaim so happy23:33
FishsceneSandraaaa. Awesome23:33
sandraaaayes thx a lot23:33
squidlyI'm running an applicaion that needs the smtp tcl library.. I installed the one tcllib and it says is have smtpd in there.. but it does not seem to have smtp23:34
gogetapoints to dell23:34
osfameronhow can I resize ntfs partitions from within ubuntu?  gparted doesn't give me the option23:34
gogetathey have a driver for my cxt modem for free23:34
sandraaaado u know maybe why is my pc blocking when i want to manually resize a window23:35
AchothWould this hardware with 1gb RAM be able to support Compiz Fusion? http://www.logicsupply.com/products/nx12000eg23:35
sandraaaait slowes the sistem23:35
sandraaaaand i have to log out23:35
ChousukeAchoth: hmmh23:36
Fishscenesandraaaa, I've heard reports that window resizing in Ubuntu causes overall system lag. But it should return to normal when you stop resizing.23:36
ChousukeAchoth: Otherwise it seems fine, but I have no idea how good the 3d support for via chips is23:36
sandraaaai cant do anything afterwards23:36
gogetaAchoth i only have 512 works fine for me23:36
sandraaaaeverything is so slowly23:36
gogetaAchoth but i also have a 129mb ati23:36
wuxiaI know that on bootup, ubuntu creates some ramdisks for me ... question is, can I create ramdisks _while_ ubuntu is running? i.e. the default ones are 64MB ... and I want to create a 512MB ramdisk, wightout rebooting my machine23:37
gogetasandraaaa belebve it or not but if your having confliting dns issues w your network it can make x drage23:37
AchothChousuke: I've heard it's bad :/23:37
Achothgogeta: Do you have that card? :O23:38
gogetaAchoth any card 64mb or higher i beleve works23:38
gogetaAchoth as long as it can use 3d23:38
gogetaAchoth oh a via i dont knoe23:38
gogetaAchoth intergraded = bad23:39
cellofellowI'm having a really bad time upgrading the firmware in my Prism2.5.23:39
gogetaAchoth but i have heard stuff as bad as intel chips work23:39
Chousukegogeta: intel chips can handle compiz easily23:39
gogetaAchoth as i said lol23:39
ChousukeAchoth: you will want to check if there are 3d drivers for that chip23:39
AchothAll right, thanks :)23:40
gogetaChousuke a via probly23:40
gogetaAchoth your beter off with something with a brand name card23:40
__SiftinDotComFolks, I am interested in finding out whats the version of gcc and binutils in 7.10 ubuntu release23:40
gogetaAchoth at least then you will knoe it will work23:41
__SiftinDotComalso glibc and gdb :)23:41
Achothgogeta Appears to have great support: http://www.viaarena.com/?PageID=223:41
cheatrDoes anyone here have any idea why BusyBox always loads when I try to load a custimized Ubuntu Gutsy Live CD?23:41
georgy28for intel card 3d install i915resolution23:41
Achothgogeta: Yes, but I'm building a portable computer and I need really low power consumption, like this card has :)23:42
* __SiftinDotCom want to know versions of toolchain-gcc/binutils/libc/gdb shipped with ubuntu 7.1023:42
gogetaAchoth why23:42
gogetaAchoth buy a laptop23:42
StuckMojohi. what's up with xmms in hardy?23:42
Achothgogeta: It's a school project, buying a laptop wouldn't get me any grades ;)23:43
gogetaAchoth lol23:43
SmilyHeKtorI can install other programs, its just that when I do, apt tells me that nginx is not installed properly,  when I use sudo apt-get install -f It tells me that it cant start nginx and then exits, though I am not that experienced at Linux it looks to me like the init script isn't working properly23:43
* __SiftinDotCom want to know versions of toolchain-gcc/binutils/libc/gdb shipped with ubuntu 7.1023:43
gogetaAchoth acully laptop parts would do you good23:43
gogetaAchoth there prossers are mutch lower power then a pc23:43
gogetaAchoth if your bulding23:43
Achothgogeta: Also, don't tell me it wouldn't be cool with a little portable Ubuntu PC with a touchscreen :)23:44
AuctionedllamaHurrrrtin you here man?23:44
mkquistanyone know if open office in ubuntu is 'buggier' than the 'official' release23:44
* __SiftinDotCom want to know versions of toolchain-gcc/binutils/libc/gdb shipped with ubuntu 7.1023:44
Achothgogeta: Any examples?23:44
Fishscenemkquist, I haven't heard any bad reports about it23:44
gogetaAchoth low power use a centreno m23:44
mkquistseems to lock up alot for me.. =(23:44
gogetaAchoth and you will get some preformance to23:44
antbeeI want to set up a small linux server for a charity, I am thinking of using usb hard drives for backing up data. Has anyone tried this? What concerns me is how did you auto unmount the usb device after an auto backup, so a user does not have to login to unmount it. I assume this has to be a script?23:45
AuctionedllamaHey all, quick question, I have been working forever on these ATi drivers to work, and I have the catalyst installed, etc etc, but whenever I run any other driver besides vesa it black screens on me23:45
Auctionedllamacan anyone help?23:45
* __SiftinDotCom want to know versions of toolchain-gcc/binutils/libc/gdb shipped with ubuntu 7.1023:45
malociteI am trying to install the fglrx driver on my laptop here, how do I know if it is installed?23:45
Achothgogeta: But I'll need a GFX and MB too, and that'll take loads of space and use lots of energy too... or..=23:46
Auctionedllamamalocite, what GFX brand do you have?23:46
gogetaAchoth a laptop prosser would use far less then a pc23:46
malocitemobility 9600 I think23:46
gogetaAchoth also make shure it has scaling abiltys so it can use even less power when its not taxed23:47
AuctionedllamaOh man23:47
malociteAuctionedllama: mobility 9600 I think, how do I double check?23:47
* __SiftinDotCom want to know versions of toolchain-gcc/binutils/libc/gdb shipped with ubuntu 7.1023:47
Auctionedllamaheh, not sure of a command, I am having trouble with my desktop running an ATI23:47
Achothgogeta: Yeah, but I don't see anywhere that such components are being sold. Any ideas?23:47
Auctionedllamalemme get you the commadn to check if its installed23:47
malociteAuctionedllama: is it glxinfo |grep vendor23:47
gogetaAchoth what laptop componets23:47
crdlbmalocite: run: lspci | grep -i vga23:48
Achothgogeta: CPU, MB, GFX.. all that are needed23:48
crdlbmalocite: why do you want fglrx by the way?23:48
malocitecrdlb rv350 mobility radeon 960023:48
gogetaAchoth good point23:48
AuctionedllamaI think so malocite23:48
gogetaAchoth laptop componets are hard to get23:49
node357I have no sound on my Sound Blaster X-Fi Extreme Gamer card :(23:49
malocitecrdlb: I'm trying to play Wolfenstein Enemy territory, and it crashes within about 5 seconds of startup when I run the open source driver23:49
Fishscenenode357. It's a known issue.23:49
malocitecrdlb: thought I would dobule check the fglrx and now it doesn't crash23:49
* __SiftinDotCom want to know versions of toolchain-gcc/binutils/libc/gdb shipped with ubuntu 7.1023:49
Achothgogeta: Yeah :P not really being sold to end users23:49
node357Fishscene, okay darn :(23:49
Fishscenenode357, I have the exact same problem at home =(23:49
crdlbmalocite: so what do you want to know?23:49
=== SebastianB is now known as HelioShelle
__SiftinDotComcan some one point me to the package list thats part of ubuntu 7.10 desktop release?23:50
gogetaAchoth then a celeron or a via prosser23:50
malocitecrdlb: If the driver is installed and running correctly23:50
Achothgogeta: Hence why I'm thinking of getting nano-ITX cards using just a few watts, and pretty small too23:50
gogetaAchoth both are low power23:50
Fishscenenode357, last I checked into it, they would have had to completely reverse engineer the drivers for the cards from scratch- and they were being "lazy".23:50
crdlbmalocite: what does glxinfo | grep direct  say?23:50
malocitecrdlb: The game launches, but now compiz wont run :) and when i do glxinfo |grep vendor it says mesa project... should't it say ati23:50
soemmalocite, it should say ati if you'r using ati's gfx drivers in your xorg.conf :)23:51
crdlbmalocite: how did you install fglrx?23:51
malocitecrdlb: Direct rendoring now23:51
malocitecrdlb: err no23:51
gogetaAchoth your gonna need at least 1ghz of power to drive compiz with any usefullness23:51
malocitedirect rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)23:51
malociteOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect23:51
soemAnyone knows what Command died with status 255: "/usr/local/bin/maildrop" could represent ?23:51
mooboo1__SiftinDotCom, http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/23:51
malocitecrdlb: downloaded them from ati, downloaded a 50 meg .run fole23:52
gogetaAchoth avoide dule cores even if its a celron d those eat power23:52
mooboo1__SiftinDotCom, you can click on "All packages"23:52
crdlbmalocite: ugh, that's bad23:52
Pelosoem, google the error msg23:52
malocitecrdlb: I do try to find the WORST way if possible23:52
crdlbyou succeeded23:52
Auctionedllamacrdlb what is the best way then?23:52
malocitecrdlb: ditto23:52
crdlbsystem > administration > restricted drivers manager23:52
StarnestommyAuctionedllama: envy's probably one of the worst ways23:53
Auctionedllamafirst thing I tried23:53
GH-VAIOhello.. i need help23:53
malocitecrdlb: Did that first, didn't work for me23:53
cmatEnvy probably would do it.23:53
Achothgogeta: Of course, I'll keep to minimum components that can do what I need, battery lifetime is very important23:53
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »23:53
AuctionedllamaStarnesto really? What is a good way?23:53
crdlbmalocite: and I might have been able to help you fix that ...23:53
gogetaAchoth your best bet is gonna be if you can get ahold of laptop componets23:53
GH-VAIO±.:[Í]:.± cant seem to use make command in my linux kubuntu23:53
crdlbmalocite: did you put fglrx in DISABLED_MODULES?23:53
thoraxeso i am running mythbuntu 8.04 beta and I finally got everything up so that I can capture from the tv... and as soon as I start watching live tv the capture freezes :(23:53
gogetaAchoth the power uses are like 1/3 that of anything pc23:53
malocitecrdlb: yaaay :)  No23:53
GH-VAIO±.:[Í]:.± cant seem to use "make" command in my linux kubuntu23:53
crdlbmalocite: in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common23:53
gorgaporGH-VAIO, what's the error?23:54
FishsceneGH-VAIO, are you using Sudo?23:54
GH-VAIOmake: *** [all] Error 123:54
Auctionedllamaso do i gedit etc/default/linx-restricted-modules-common/?23:54
gogetaAchoth someone has to sell them23:54
gogetaAchoth iv seen people build laptops befor23:54
GH-VAIOnope im not using sudo23:54
gogetaAchoth ebay maybe23:54
Daisuke_LaptopAuctionedllama: the recommended way is to install the driver through synaptic23:54
GH-VAIOmake: *** [all] Error 1 <-- this is the error msg im getting went i run the make command23:54
malocitecrdlb: So just add fglrx to that file and reboot?23:54
crdlbAuctionedllama: what ATI model do you have?23:54
gorgaporinstead of make all, try just make23:55
MGS88hi I want to reinstall grub by live CD but it cant mount selected partition23:55
crdlbmalocite: yes23:55
malocitecrdlb: thanks, brb23:55
Auctionedllamaand Daisuke do you mean the Restricted driver manager?23:55
StarnestommyGH-VAIO: is build-essential installed?23:55
AuctionedllamaIf so, that was my first try23:55
geocewith VMWARE i want install 3D DESKTOP?23:55
gogetagonno go for now ood luck23:55
Achothgogeta: Yeah I'll check eBay23:55
crdlbgeoce: you cannot use compiz in VMWare23:55
geocecrdlb, why?23:56
crdlbyou need to run it on real hardware23:56
Fishscenecrdlb, I wonder if it's possible in VMware Workstation Beta23:56
crdlbvmware is emulation23:56
FishsceneThe Beta has 3D support- although with reduced performance23:56
Daisuke_Laptopgeoce: short answer: because.  long answer: because it doesn't support what's needed23:56
crdlbFishscene: I highly doubt that they've implemented GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap even if they have partial 3d support23:56
Auctionedllamaok crdlb I just blacklisted the file23:56
Pelocrdlb, vmware is not emulation , it is a virtual machine you run an actual os that just gets redirect to the hardware via your host os23:56
bonhofferi am starting from scratch -- i am in my sources.list file -- what is the universe repo?23:57
gharzguys, is there any specific room here that deal with ubuntu technical?23:57
Daisuke_LaptopVMware *is* emulation23:57
Fishscenecrdlib,I'm unsure of their openGL support, but they claim to have full DirectX 8/923:57
Auctionedllamacrdlb so.. now what?23:57
crdlbPelo: and it emulates an actual machine for the client OS23:57
geocecrdlb, i have got emulator of PSX ... is 3D, and working...23:57
GH-VAIOissit sudo apt-get installed build-essential23:57
Daisuke_Laptopgeoce: that's because it's software rendering23:57
bonhofferi am running 7.10 . . .23:57
StarnestommyGH-VAIO: no, sudo apt-get install build-essential23:57
__SiftinDotComcan some one point me to the package list thats part of ubuntu 7.10 desktop release?23:58
Auctionedllamamates? anyone?23:58
* __SiftinDotCom want to know versions of toolchain-gcc/binutils/libc/gdb shipped with ubuntu 7.1023:58
FishsceneAll VMware stable releases (except for Fusion) DO NOT support 3D of any kind23:58
normanchuahelp me, i installed ubuntu on my laptop , i had previous windows os on my drive c then after installation, my laptp says "os not found" both of them23:58
Tu13esis there a good way to use ubuntu as a media center?23:58
bonhoffer__SiftinDotCom: i am looking for the same thing23:58
Daisuke_Laptop__SiftinDotCom: packages.ubuntu.com ?23:58
normanchuapls pm me23:58
bonhoffer__SiftinDotCom: or at least the universe repo in 7.1023:58
GH-VAIOE: Couldn't find package build-essentia23:58
MGS88Pelo: I want to reinstall grub by live CD but it cant mount selected partition23:58
bonhofferin fact all the non-free, etc23:58
Daisuke_Laptopnormanchua: help is given through the channel23:58
GH-VAIO±.:[W]hà†:.± does that mean23:58
Achoth__SiftinDotCom: If you havn't upgraded them, just check it23:58
bonhofferi am starting on a bare server -- no gnome menus for this23:59
normanchuaic, so how do i fix this23:59
__SiftinDotComDaisuke_Laptop, thanks23:59
StarnestommyGH-VAIO: you typed it wrong.  Use this: sudo apt-get install build-essential23:59
Auctionedllamacrdlb- hey.. so can you walk me through what to do?23:59
geoceok, thank you for your help :) chao23:59
PeloMGS88, open gparted,  it should mount available partitions when it opens23:59
GH-VAIO 'Kubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016.2)'23:59
GH-VAIOin the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter23:59

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