
secretlondonbdmurray, I think that people come in here because they think we will give their bug more attention00:03
secretlondonbdmurray, and that we should forward them to the correct place00:03
secretlondonI oppose dealing with bugs on mailing lists for the same reason00:03
bdmurrayI have mixed feelings about that kind of thing too, but with as many open bugs as we have there should be some way to escalate / get help.00:05
secretlondonproblem is people come in wanting us to see if the bug has already been submitted, or to get an instant answer00:06
bdmurrayWhat would you have them do? Searching in Launchpad can be a bit challenging.00:07
secretlondontrue, but it does do that for them when they come to submit a bug00:08
secretlondonand generally they get ignored tbh00:09
secretlondontelling them to ask elsewhere seems preferable00:09
bdmurrayI'd rather try to possibly build the team and teach people how to do the things we do.00:12
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greg-gbdmurray: (reading log) team? teach? people? what'd you have in mind?06:37
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JohnonlyinkyHello all07:12
doom__good morning mates07:52
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james_wslomo_: hi. Can I ask why you set bug 199496 away from confirmed?13:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199496 in gtk-sharp2 "Tomboy.exe crashed with SIGSEGV in exit()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19949613:49
james_wfrom fix-released to confirmed, sorry.13:49
pedro_slomo_: it wasn't fixed for all the apps, for example f-spot13:51
pedro_ah james_w :-)13:51
james_whi pedro_13:51
pedro_he uploaded a real fix a couple of days ago13:51
james_won Monday?13:52
james_wgnome-sharp2 (2.20.0-2ubuntu2)?13:52
pedro_it's still on the queue IIRC13:52
pedro_let me check13:52
james_wah, ok, that would explain it I think13:52
seb128james_w: no, today, and it's in unapproved since hardy is frozen still13:52
pedro_james_w:  that's the previous one13:53
pedro_james_w: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=13:53
pedro_gtk-sharp2 2.12.0-2ubuntu3 and gnome-sharp2 2.20.0-2ubuntu313:54
james_wok, thanks all.13:54
pedro_hello seb128!13:54
seb128hey pedro_ ;-)13:55
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jarlathHi folks, I've asked a reporter for more information on a bug and it's at the point now where I can't be of any further help, besides assigning the correct package. It's either usplash or linux related I think. Anyone care to take a look?15:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218820 in ubuntu "8.04 fails to boot with kernel 2.6.24-15 or 2.6.24-16" [Undecided,New]15:25
james_wjarlath: thanks for your help15:36
james_wit looks like a kernel related issue to me15:37
james_wit does seem familiar, does anyone else know of a bug this is related to?15:37
jarlathThanks james_w, I'll mark it as such.15:37
bdmurraythat's an interesting bug15:42
ogracould as well be grub15:42
bdmurrayogra: hey there15:43
ograhey, thanks for te upgrade tests15:43
bdmurrayoh, no problem15:43
bdmurrayjarlath: dmesg and lspci information from 2.6.22 would be helpful too15:45
jarlathbdmurray: thanks, I'll ask for it.15:45
bdmurrayjarlath: he says none of the linux partitions are listed but I see it right there (sda6)15:46
jarlathHe seems to be saying that the contents of the /dev/disk/by-uuid folder dont contain the partitions yes.15:48
jarlathBut that was with the upgraded kernel.15:49
jarlathThe list of partitions he provided are from the 2.6.22 kernel.15:50
bdmurrayThe partition UUIDs won't change from kernel to kernel, those are written to the disk.15:51
jarlathbdmurray: ah, okay.15:53
bdmurrayWhat is probably happening is his hard drive isn't being detected at all with 2.6.24 so if in the shell after the alert he were to type 'ls /dev/disk/by-uuid' he might see nothing or just '/dev/sdb'.15:53
jarlathI see.15:54
jarlathI've asked him for the further info and I'm subscribed to the mail.15:54
bdmurraygreat thanks!15:57
jarlathmy pleasure :)16:09
sykeI'm having a problem where, after listening to a 5 or 6 songs on pandora.com in konqueror, the pandora UI becomes a white square and I need to refresh the page to get it to start again17:17
sykethis is really consistent17:18
mrooneysyke: interesting, have you tested on another system, or filed a bug?17:18
sykenot yet, wanted to see if anyone could reproduce it easily17:20
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sykethe pandora issue also happens in firefox19:02
sykenot just konq19:02
sykemusic stops, entire player section on the web page goes white19:02
bdmurraysyke: that's kind of neat site, it uses flash though right?19:11
sykeso, this is some weird flash issue it appears19:12
sykeI'm on amd6419:12
sykegod, I hope we can get to the bottom of this in time for release19:12
bdmurrayand are you using flashplugin-nonfree or gnash?19:12
asomethingDon't amd64 and flash have a number of existing issues?19:14
sykeno idea19:14
sykeI would sincerely hope not19:14
sykeand, I didn't have this issue until recently19:15
sykegutsy worked great19:15
bdmurrayI think there are a number of issues with flashplugin-nonfree19:15
bdmurrayasomething: hey there! how are things?19:15
sykethat would be unfortunate, as many sites use flash these days19:15
asomethingbdmurray: great, working on getting a few fixes in before release19:16
asomethingsyke: just did some googling and it seems that the 64bit flash issue i remember was a fiesty problem19:18
bdmurrayI use flash on amd64 a bit and don't have that many issues19:19
sykeasomething: correct -- gutsy worked great, tho19:19
sykebdmurray: this pandora issue is the firts I've noticed19:19
bdmurraysyke: 5 or 6 songs?19:24
sykebdmurray: yes19:26
sykeactually, I think it might relate to opening another web page in another tab that also has flash19:27
sykeit has definitely also happened while the computer was sitting idle, palying music from pandora19:27
bdmurrayI'm at song 5 w/o at an issue19:31
bdmurraysyke: I think I was at song 6 and it stopped telling me to register19:43
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bdmurrayso I think some further testing would be good19:47
danageok i have a troubling bug in installer on the -alternate cd image19:48
danageit cannot load the kernel from the cd and install it on the target19:48
bdmurrayI interpret that to mean that the CD boots fine the installation process starts and then fails.  Is that correct?19:50
danagehi brian :)19:50
danagei am trying a netinstall from the archives now, see if that works19:51
bdmurrayDid you verify the md5sum etc....?19:51
danagei downloaded yesterdays daily alternate19:51
danagenot yet. it tells me on console 4 that the hash is incorrect19:51
danagethus it cannot load the deb19:51
danageit is trying to install the -16 generic i think19:51
danagei doubt it's a problem with iso integrity though - i am installing the .iso from a usb stick19:52
sykebdmurray: "signing up" just requires an email and password20:04
sykecan you try pandora and open another flash web page in another tab?20:05
crimsunsyke: which environment; is pulseaudio active; is libflashsupport installed?20:07
danageok the network install works. i suppose there is something wrong with the kernel packages in the hardy-installer-alternate .iso20:07
danagesomeone knowledgeable should check... or let me know how to debug :)20:08
sykecrimsun: kde on amd6420:09
sykecrimsun: it wasn't installed, but how would that help?20:10
sykepandora works well, has since gutsy for me20:10
crimsunsyke: it shouldn't be installed to troubleshoot further.20:10
crimsunthe purpose of the question is to eliminated pulseaudio from the list of culprits20:10
bdmurraydanage: which iso?  I did a fair bit of install testing with the alternate iso w/o any problems20:11
bdmurraydanage: additionally you can see inforamtion about the testing we've done at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/20:11
Picidanage: the rc?20:11
danagei downloaded it yesterday20:12
PiciThe RC was not released until today.20:12
sykelibpulse is installed, but pulseaudio is not20:13
crimsunsyke: if just one of libflashsupport or pulseaudio is not installed, it's irrelevant to dwell on my question :-)20:14
sykecan someone try pandora in one tab and another flash app in another tab?20:15
sykeon amd6420:15
sykeI get the same issue in konq and ff320:15
crimsunit works fine on ff3.0b5 (current hardy)20:16
crimsunpandora, homestarrunner in tabs20:16
danageit was the one from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/, i have verified the md5sum20:16
danageit will not install the kernel20:16
danageif you want to debug, i will gladly support20:16
crimsunsyke: what's the bug # being described?  I appear to have lost all backscroll.20:17
sykeI haven't filed one yet, I'm tring to get somethign reproducible20:17
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twlHi. Can I report a localization issue (german) here to anybody who might do something about it?23:56
secretlondonis it a transaltion?23:56
twlFound something in the german RC installation...23:57
twlRather the absence of one. :-)23:57
secretlondonI'm not sure how translations work, but they are done on launchpad translations. There is a german team that translates23:57
twldo they have a channel, mail address, anything easy?23:58
twlit's a trivial problem, actually.23:58
secretlondonI'll find it23:58
secretlondonthere probably is an #ubuntu-de irc channel, but they may not help23:59
twlthx, I was too dumb to find it on the website... :/23:59
twlI'm on that actually, but there wasn't any competent response... just some users.23:59

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