
pekujayou just made me notice I'm using gcj for my jvm00:00
Verterokthat could be the problem00:00
pekujaexactly my thoughts...00:01
beunoVerterok, can you detect that from the plugin or the setup?  To prevent these sort of things00:01
pekujaI'll switch to Sun's JVM and try again00:02
Verterokbeuno: not really, because the eclipse plugin model is something like: "I'll call you, don't call me" :)00:02
beunoah, java...00:03
beuno(I know it's not java's fault, it's just a good time to complain)00:04
Verterokbeuno: hehe, let me be more specific: ah, OSGI ;-)00:04
Verterokpekuja: please, let me know if that fix the error00:10
pekujayeah, I'm still looking into it...00:10
Verterokpekuja: np, thanks!00:10
pekujaVerterok, I'm pretty much doing everything from scratch now. No errors on the log thus far. I wanted to comment again on the the BazaarConfigurationWizard doesn't close when I press Finish00:15
pekujaand after I close it, it doesn't seem like BzrEclipse is aware that the project is now under version control00:16
Verterokpekuja: do you get any log in the error log view?00:16
pekujaUnhandled event loop exception00:17
pekujahmn, with no stack trace...00:17
pekujajava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError for that00:18
Verterokpekuja: which version of eclipse?00:18
VerterokI made the latest build in a 3.3 enviroment, maybe that's the problem00:19
pekujahere's the complete stack trace: http://pastebin.com/m4d65154400:19
pekujahmm, ok00:19
Verterokpekuja: thanks00:19
pekujaso that's produced when I press "Finish" on the project sharing wizard00:19
pekujaas well as the unhandled event loop exception00:20
Verterokpekuja: I'll download a 3.2 and build a version for 3.200:20
pekujaI think I'll just use bzr manually while waiting00:20
Verterokpekuja: it'll take me download time + 10min (build and upload), stay tuned :)00:21
pekujanice :-)00:21
Verterokpekuja: I can confirm it's a 3.2 - 3.3 compatibility problem00:25
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pekujathat's good news :-)00:29
Verterokpekuja: indeed, usually I make the builds in my desktop, but it power supply died a few days ago, so I build it on my laptop that only have 3.3 installed :P00:31
Verterokpekuja: done, you should be able to install the new 3.2 compatible build from the update site00:52
pekujanice :-)00:53
pekujalet's see00:53
pekujaseems to work better now00:56
pekujathe decorators don't seem to be working though :-[00:56
Verterokare they enabled?00:57
Verterokpreferences --> General --> Label decorators?00:57
Verterokpreferences --> General --> appearance --> Label decorators?00:58
pekujaah, there we go00:58
Verteroknice, :)00:58
pekujahmm, that's strange01:00
pekujaI did a revert and the decorators turned off01:00
Verterokindeed, it's strange01:01
pekujaseems to be consistent01:01
Verterokany errors in the error view?01:01
pekujahang on01:01
pekujaa bunch of "NLS unused message" warnings01:03
pekujathen some errors01:03
Verterokthe NLS are ok01:03
pekujaI'll copy paste the errors into pastebin01:04
pekujathat's five error messages01:05
pekujain reverse chronological order (the last one on the top)01:05
pekujathe Label Decorations for Bazaar have been disabled after that01:06
Verterokpekuja: could you restart eclipse using the -clean argument? (to clean up cached classes from the previous incompatible plugin version)01:08
pekujadidn't help though01:09
pekujastill running into that problem01:09
Verterokpekuja: weird, I can't reproduce it01:10
Verterokusing eclipse 3.2, etc01:10
pekujabasically, I just modify one of my files, save, then revert, and that happens01:10
Verterokdo you init the branch using eclipse or direclty from CLI?01:11
pekujausing eclipse01:11
Verterokmmm...and then it failed, I'm right?01:12
pekujawhat failed?01:12
Verterokthe configuration wizard, with the previous version of the plugin01:12
pekujayes, but I did it all over again with the new version01:12
pekujahmn, that was before I did -clean though01:13
Verterokoh, ok01:13
pekujaI could do it over once more01:13
Verterokcheck if the project have a .bzr/ dir at the root01:13
Verterokit's easier ;)01:13
pekujayes, the revert actually even worked01:13
pekujabut it produced those errors and turned the decorators off01:13
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pekujaoh, and so that we're clear, I'm using bzr 1.301:14
pekujaand bzr-xmloutput 0.4.201:15
Verterokok, any bzr >= 1.0 should work01:15
pekujaand like I said, even in Eclipse, the revert actually does work01:15
VerterokI recently commited a fix to xmloutput, but not yet realeased a tarball, it's related to missing command, so it should no bother here01:16
pekujacan you determine anything from the backtraces?01:16
Verterokpekuja: ok, I'm creating a new workspace, project adding files, etc. a trying to revert01:16
Verterokpekuja: there is a NPE but it should keep working.01:17
pekujahmn, by the way, if I turn the decorators off to begin with, I get less errors01:18
pekujaI only get "An error occured while traversing resources."01:18
pekujaseems to be the same as before01:19
Verterokplease, fill a bug report with the stacktrace(s) I'll work on this during the weekend, and try to get it fixed as soon as possible01:20
pekujabug report filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-eclipse/+bug/21942701:25
Verterokpekuja: thanks, I'm still unable to reproduce it01:25
Verterokyes, it's01:28
Verterokpekuja: are you using a particular encoding?01:30
* Verterok trying to guess what's going on01:33
* Verterok must leave01:35
Verterokpekuja: I'll be back on this issue in a few hours01:36
Verterokpekuja: thanks for the patience and good will to help me with this01:37
* Verterok bbl01:37
keithyhello, I am interested in seting up the repo layout in the manual...01:40
keithythe one in which the top level is commented thus # The overall repository, *and* the project's mainline branch01:40
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pekujaVerterok, particular encoding?02:06
pekujaVerterok, the code is ascii I guess, but my system is set for utf-8, if that's what you mean02:06
keithyhow does the dedicated server handle user/permissions?02:06
keithyor is it totally public02:07
pekujaVerterok, oh, and I should mention, I'm also using the PyDev module. coding in Python02:10
pekujaVerterok, I probably should had mentioned this earlier. Anyways, I just tried this with a Java project instead, and it seems like the same problem occurs02:13
pekujaVerterok, I also got this error in addition, in an error dialog window too: "An internal error occured during: "[Bazaar] Refreshing resource status "."02:14
andresjhello. I just installed bzr 1.4rc1 using easy_install, but when I try to branch, it shows me a traceback ending in "ImportError: No module named bz2". any ideas on how to fix this? I don't know how to get the bz2 module03:35
keithyI want a repo with releases in, that can form the basis of other projects03:35
keithyso I can start a project, with a checkout from the releases project03:35
keithyhow does one acheive this?03:35
andresjkeithy: so each release can be used to form other projects?03:36
keithyI am not sure whether to make all of my projects as separate branches or separate repo's03:36
andresjwhat is recommended is to have a shared repo.03:37
keithyon the one hand it says creating repos is light weight, on the other the dedicated server only serves one repo03:38
keithya shared repo?03:38
andresjat least that03:38
andresj's what I got from reading the manual xD03:38
keithyI have set up a server03:38
keithyas a central repository03:38
keithyI have 4-6 releases of a product03:39
keithyand I have an add on which I want to test in all 4-6 releases03:39
keithyand then serve the "product+addon" releases03:39
keithyI amnot sure what having separate repos gives you over havin separate branches03:41
andresjmm.. well i guess I would do this: /repo/project/ for trunk, /repo/project/releases/1.2 for normal versions, /repo/project/releases/1.2/with-<addonname> for the special versions. (not putting the "releases" part if you will not create branches)03:41
keithythat might work03:42
andresjkeithy, about having separate repos over separate branches for different projects, I think that the central repository should have only the official (stable) development, branches and releases. But it is, in the end, your own convenience.03:44
andresj*that decides it.03:44
keithyso there is no need to have separate repos really then03:44
keithyI always consider branches to be versions of the same thing03:45
keithybut lets say I introduce "addon2"03:46
keithynormally I would start a separate repo for the addon2 project03:46
keithybut you suggest just making that a branch of /repo/project/releases/1.2/wth-addon203:46
keithywhy because the terminology isnt clear as to what the difference is between arepo and a branch03:47
keithyon the one hand it says creating a fresh repo is lightweight indicateing that different projects should have separate repos03:48
beunokeithy, the way I do it is have one directory per project  (one that shares some common revisions), let's say, "/bzr_devel/", and I have all the branches I use in there, "/bzr_devel/bzr.trunk", "/bzr_devel/bzr.1.2", "/bzr_devel/bzr.new_feature", etc03:48
beunothat way03:48
andresjmm... mainly a repo is just a container, useful for saving space if you have shared history.03:48
beunoyou optimize space usage03:48
beunoand branch faster03:48
beunoso you don't duplicate more information than necessary03:48
andresjkeithy, I use different repos for different projects for local development.03:49
keithycan you put symbolic links in the repo tree?03:49
andresjmm... i'm not sure. I know they can be added just like files, but I'm not sure if they can link to brancehs themselves.03:50
keithyso  /repo/project/releases/1.2/wth-addon2  can be accessed at /addon203:50
beunokeithy, well, that would be outside the repo, so it's fine03:50
keithyoh I meant03:50
beunoI'm not sure what happens when you version a symlink03:50
keithyso  /repo/project/releases/1.2/wth-addon2  can be accessed at /repo/project/addon203:50
beunoI know it's suppose to work, but it always seemed scary to me  :)03:51
andresjbeuno: from what I remember, it should work well03:51
beunoyes, it should03:51
andresjso, anybody know where to get the bz2 module? :D03:52
keithyso... a branch doenst have to be a variant it can be a completely new thing03:52
andresjif im not mistaken, `bzr init my-branch`03:52
beunokeithy, yeap, it can be a new thing03:53
beunobut, in that case, it doesn't use the shared-repo, as it doesn't have common revisions03:53
keithyin a -notrees repo03:54
keithyare all the files in the .bzr directory?03:54
keithythats a bit worrying it looks empty03:55
beunokeithy, yeap03:55
beunoit saves up space03:55
keithycan you move directories around in a repo?03:56
keithy(clients might get upset)03:56
beunokeithy, yeap03:57
keithybut can you do it?03:57
andresjkeithy, I'm not sure of what you mean by "can you move directories around in a repo?". but I think you could write a plugin to make your repository update its files every time something is committed to it.03:57
beuno(I assume you mean directories with branches)03:57
keithycan I arbitrarly rename a directory (branch)03:58
andresjhow? xD03:59
beunoandresj, when you branch within a shared repo, it know where it's storing the revisions, on the parent dir03:59
beunoso it shouldn't matter if you rename the branch dir later on03:59
keithyif I have a branch that is a subdirectory how do I prevent its files being in the parents project do I have to add it to ignore file?03:59
beunokeithy, bzr ignores sub-directories with .bzr in them04:00
beunoso it doesn't get versioned04:00
keithylight dawns04:00
* beuno goes find food04:01
keithyI forgot the notrees option can I add it later?04:06
andresjkeithy: I think the remove-trees command will do the trick.04:10
keithyis there a bzr-gtk mac os x installer  - I dont want to have to install a g worth of xcode tools on my server05:45
i386keithy: if you download from the bzr website the .dmg06:02
i386inside there is a qt based gui for bzr06:02
keithybtw the macports installation doesnt work06:06
keithywhere is it?06:08
keithyI installed that package06:08
keithyI tried the mac os x insaller now I get06:38
keithybzr status06:38
keithyUnable to load plugin 'qbzr' from '/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins'06:38
keithybzr is toast06:40
keithyhmm the qt based gui is not exactly a binary06:54
jmlOdd_Bloke: you around?07:03
jmlOdd_Bloke: so, I was having a look at your bzr-removable branch.07:35
jmlOdd_Bloke: basically, it OOMs on big repos with lots of branches.07:44
jmlmemory increases linearly07:44
jmlnothing you do seems obviously wrong though, so I'm looking into BzrDir.find_branches.07:45
keithythis QT thing is a nightmare to install07:46
keithyhow can I remove the qt plugin from bzr07:46
keithybzr reports cant find qbzr07:47
keithyand barfs07:47
keithyreinstall doesnt fix it07:47
jmlOdd_Bloke: yep. BzrDir.find_branches actually *does* try to open all of the branches before returning.07:52
spivjml: it's the bzr-svn plugin08:12
spivjml: or rather, the python-svn bindings it uses08:12
spivjml: bzr-removable doesn't OOM if I remove bzr-svn08:12
grutte_pierkeithy: i'm not sure how mac works, but on *nix the location where the plugin is looked for is not the one you showed08:13
spivjml: also, I have an unmerged patch on the list to make find_branches a generator08:13
spivjml: which makes the plugin start giving results faster08:13
grutte_pierkeithy: Python/2.5/etc should maybe be Python2.5/etc??08:13
ubotuNew bug: #219489 in bzr "setup.py puts bzrlib in wrong place" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21948909:12
emgentmorning sabdfl :)09:49
matidHello there!10:47
matidDo you guys know what's the state of bzr-git plugin?10:47
matidIt keeps throwing 'Unsupported protocol' error at me ;)10:48
jelmermatid: it's incomplete10:51
jelmermatid: I hope to be working on it over the summer10:51
matidjelmer: Ah, cool. Looking forward to your work then ;)10:52
sabdflmorning emgent11:18
Stavroswhere can i get the bzr ubuntu repo key?12:25
james_wStavros: there isn't one I'm afraid. It's currently not possible to sign those repos.12:29
Stavrosoh :/12:30
Stavrosi guess my ubuntu server will have to keep sending me mail :/12:30
andresjhello. I am using bzr to manage my website. I have a central repository that is world-readable, and a production repo/branch that is live in my website. There is one file that I want to manage with bzr in the live website (database info, etc.) but I do not want to include in the central, public repository (a security risk). Any ideas?15:34
sabdflandresj: a sub directory that is in a different branch?15:43
andresjmm... that might do it xD although it would seem a bit unnecessary.15:44
andresj(the complication of having a separate dir, I mean)15:44
andresjwell that seemed to do the trick.  thanks sabdfl15:47
andresjhow do I de-ignore a kind of files? I want to include .so files in my branch, but they are ignored by default.16:12
sabdflandresj: what happens if you add then explicitly16:17
andresjsabdfl: it still ignores them.16:21
andresjsabdfl: it is in my ~/.bazaar/ignore by default.16:23
james_wsabdfl: 1.3.1 is in hardy now17:47
Odd_Blokejml: Thanks for having a look at it. :)  Looks like we can blame Subversion though (provided spiv's testimony is accurate :p).17:52
* Odd_Bloke returns to massive idling.17:53
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andresjhello. I have two branches. I created "production" first, and then `bzr branch production official`. Now I want "official" to be the parent of "production" instead of the other way around. How can I do this?18:53
james_wandresj: you can edit ".bzr/branch/branch.conf" in each18:55
james_w"bzr pull --remember" will work for production.18:55
andresjjames_w: ok. thanks. I'll do that.18:57
andresjwait. james_w, is there a limitation for editing and commiting changes in my "production" branch when using pull? (without sending it to the official just yet)18:59
james_wI'm not sure I understand what you mean19:00
andresjmmm... are branches done with "pull" any different from other branches?19:00
andresjok then :D perfect. thanks james_w.19:03
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keithyHi, I have finally, (It took almost a day!) installed the Qt thingy, how do I actually use it?22:47
Verterokkeithy: try with, 'bzr qlog'22:50
keithyI have a shared server22:50
keithywhen I look at the files on this server -notrees , I cant see anything22:50
keithyI cant even see which repos have stuff in22:50
keithyhow can I browse to see what I can checkout?22:51
keithyk , qlog and qbrowse work22:52
keithyThe whole experience has convinced me that c++ and static languages are really crap22:53
keithywait a whole day to compile it all up, for very little result.22:53
Verterokkeithy: to checkout, you should find the branch you want (you can't do partial checkouts...yet)22:54
keithyhow can I find the branch I want, I cant see anything22:54
Verterokit's a public url?22:54
keithywell public to me22:55
Verterokok, you should look for a .bzr/ dir22:55
keithyI am not running a dedicated server yet, so its sftp22:55
Verterok.bzr is located at the branch root22:55
keithybut there is nothing visible in the .bzr dir22:57
keithynoting that identifies the manifest contents etc22:57
keithyI just have a tree of 10 .bzr directories22:57
keithyI cant remember which ones I have filled up and which are still empty22:58
keithyin hg you just use a web browser22:58
keithyand hunt around22:58
Verterokto see the contents, do: bzr ls <branch>22:58
Verterokthere are a few web interface for bzr22:58
Verterokloggerhead, bzr-web22:59
keithybzr ls sftp://server/repo  doesnt list the contents22:59
keithyLets lok at those23:00
Verterokis "repo" a shared repository?23:00
Verterokls works on branches23:00
keithyI want to look in the repo to see what is available23:00
Verterokkeithy: the repository is only for space efficiency23:01
Verterokin the repo, you should have a set of folders, each one of those should be branches23:01
Verterokkeithy: do you have bzrtools installed?23:02
keithyat present my users have to know what they are wanting23:02
keithyyes I think so23:02
Verterokbzrtools provides a "branches" command :-)23:02
keithybzrtools is not showing up23:03
keithyin the commandline23:03
keithyis it a binary?23:03
keithythanks for you help Verterok23:06
Verterokkeithy: it's a plugin23:07
Verterokkeithy: http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrTools23:08
keithyk logger hear looks ok23:08
keithyI feel a bit dirty running a pythin process on my machine23:08
keithyI got unlucky with the first python book I bought I guess23:09
Verterokit's a nice language (at least to me)23:11
Verterokat the start, the identation thingy feels a bit weird but after a while it's so natural23:12
keithyIt has operators ont he class side which should be on the instance side and too many exceptions to rules23:14
keithyis it String leght or something like that23:15
keithyanyhow now is not the time...23:15
keithyhmm so it looks like loggerhead wants python2.423:15
Verterokkeithy: I never installed loggerhead, sorry I can't help you with that23:16
keithywhy does everything assume I have a 1g Xcode installation23:22
keithyI need some sleep IU am gettting cranky23:22
keithyIf I instal Xcode on ym server that uses 1G of my bandwidth allocation23:22
keithyhasnt anyone heard of binary installs!23:23
Verterokkeithy: loggerhead needs XCode?23:23
keithyit uses TurboGears which is trying to recompile some python plugin23:25
floamhm, what's the deal with rspush, I can use it once, but then if I try to rspush again it tells me the remote spot isn't a bzr checkout or is missing .bzr -- I have to delete it and rspush from scratch each time23:27
floamany idea what that might be?23:27
floamer, actually it says: "bzr: ERROR: Remote location is not a bzr branch (or empty directory)"23:27
keithyso I have to install Xcode on three machines just to get anything working23:28
Verterokkeithy: loggerhead should be only in server, right?23:33
keithy and my Xcode is for leopard! and my server is tiger arrgh23:34
keithylinux is taking over the asylum23:34
Verterokkeithy: bzrweb should be more easy to install (I never tried it, but I suppose)23:35
Verterokfloam: sorry, I never user rpush.23:38
floamI'd use just push-and-update like I do on other projects, but I can't install bzr remotely this time23:39
Verterokbeuno: ping ^^23:41
Verterokbeuno: what is the status of the plugin to update remote trees?23:42
Verterokfloam: beuno, could help you. I remember he have a similar workflow23:43
beunoVerterok, hey23:45
beunofloam, the bzr-upload is usable23:45
beunoit's just in beta stage, so it might have it's caveats23:45
Verterokbeuno: Hi, and thanks23:46
floamoh, is rspush supposed to have problems23:46
floamI'll look at bzr-upload23:46
beunofloam, there are a few of us already using it, and have run into very little problems23:47
beunobut please report any bugs/features you need23:47
keithycan I just get the files from a branch without any history, so as to get a fresh start?23:53
floam  File "/Users/floam/.bazaar/plugins/upload/__init__.py", line 249, in upload_tree23:53
floam    from_tree = self.branch.repository.revision_tree(rev_id)23:53
floamUnboundLocalError: local variable 'rev_id' referenced before assignment23:53
floamthis just doesn't seem very working23:56
floamfloam@aaronbox ~/S/KCP> bzr upload sftp://kimblecohnpartners@kcp.lofiart.com/kcp.lofiart.com23:56
floamUploaded .htaccess23:56
floambzr: ERROR: No such file: '/kcp.lofiart.com/.htaccess.tmp.1208645761.062813044.28433.1984642031': [Errno 2] No such file23:56
Verterokkeithy: you can do a lightweight checkout23:58

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