
IdanHey all.12:15
pihhanis there support for mmc/SD driver for correct behaviour?12:30
pihhanafter sleep, it does weird things, unless i manually remove it12:31
pihhananyone is present?15:06
pihhanwhat topics is this room for?15:06
Coggzanyone about?15:33
repleyhi all15:34
Coggzcan you add stuff to the laptop pages?15:34
repleyi'm a newbie user, not op15:35
repleyi am here to begging an answer ;)15:36
Coggzgo on,15:36
repleyis there an alternative of 'file -i /example/path' to know the mime-type of a file?15:37
repleyWith 'file -i ./favicon.ico' (for example try: 'wget http://www.ubuntu-it.org/favicon.ico; file -i ./favicon.ico') i obtain: 'application/octet-stream' instead of 'image/x-icon' (or 'image/x-ico'. I don't know which is right, nautilus show ''image/x-ico', but in my unmodified '/etc/mime.types' i have: 'image/x-icon ico'15:38
Coggzno idea, sorry15:38
repleyno problem, thank you15:38
Coggzwhy do you need to know? for ico15:38
repley'application/octet-stream' for an .ico file is right? i think no15:39
pihhanrepley: no, that means file utility did not found it is ico file15:40
pihhanrepley: ico file does not have good header to recognize format it seems15:41
repleybut nautilus show me the right mime-type in the properties tab15:42
Coggzmaybe it is built in15:42
Coggzanybody know how to do acer hotkeys here?15:42
pihhanbecause nautilus falls back to suffix recognition15:42
pihhanit does know ico file because it have got .ico suffix. Try rename it and see if it does still recognize it15:43
pihhanfile utility is low level utility, it should not return mime-type based on filename15:44
pihhanCoggz: what hotkeys are you missing?15:44
repleyif i rename a bash-script with *.ico nautilus show the right mime-type: application/x-shellscript15:44
Coggzvolume, wifi/bluetooth P1, P2, Mail and web(planet)15:46
repleypihhan: yes, is a low level utility, but the favicon.ico file is in my filesytem, 'file' can open and check it, but fail15:46
pihhanrepley: ico file does not have good format to check what type of file it is, it is like generic data, and file does report it looks like generic data15:48
repleypihhan: i understand. thank you15:49
pihhanrepley: i tested it on random file from windows, it guessed it as MPEG sequence :)15:55
repleypihhan: ahahahha :) *.ico is a bad beast!15:56
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