
RainCTI'm translating the Hardy press release and I've just noticed that it has some links to pages on https://wiki.canonical.com/ (which aren't public)... Should I just leave them like that?18:53
boredandbloggingRainCT: drop the link19:05
=== juliux_ is now known as juliux
juliuxbeuno, do you know who writes and controlls this guidelines? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlanetUbuntu22:53
beunojuliux, it was decided at UDS Sevilla23:13
juliuxbeuno, and who controls it?23:15
juliux"We reserve the right to remove any feed that is inaccessible, flooding the page, or otherwise interfering with the operation of the Planet. We also have the right to move clearly offensive content or content that could trigger legal action."23:15
beunojuliux, I suppose it's a shared thing between the CC and Canonical23:15
beunoand, that refers to Canonical I believe23:15
beunoCorey was one of the main drafters23:15

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