
leonelScottK: jdstrand Ok  I'll work on the big patch   today  been a  busy  day01:39
leonelScottK: jdstrand  I'll ping  you when  it's done  but I'm busy  right now, I'll start ASAP01:40
jdstrandleonel: I wont be able to get to it until monday or tuesday, so no huge rush01:46
jdstrandleonel: thanks for your work on this! :)01:46
jdstranddendrobates: no hangs in gutsy installer on hardy kvm02:23
jdstranddendrobates: 7 installs completed.  I updated the bug accordingly02:24
nxvljdstrand: i'm just installing a hardy box with alternate image02:28
nxvljdstrand: did you need me to test something?02:28
nxvljdstrand: on tty1 it seems to be still configuring cpio, but on tty4 it's installing several packages02:51
jdstrandnxvl: if you happen to see bug #217815, please add notes to the bug03:30
nxvljdstrand: already did :D03:31
nxvljdstrand: while there where happening03:31
nxvlalternate install on kvm is really slow03:32
nxvli started almos 1 hour ago03:32
rlanhamwhat is the command in terminal to tell what users are logged in?05:04
rlanhamI had a Root login warning email with an IP I did no recongize, is there anyone to see what was last done on the server?05:06
ere4siI've just setup my first cli server - but I want to run it headless and can't log in via ssh - can I set it up to auto login?05:29
sommerere4si: did you install openssh-server?05:30
ere4sisommer: nope - will that let me login via ssh?05:31
sommerere4si: heh, sure will... by default ubuntu only has ssh client installed05:31
ere4sisommer: thnx!05:32
sommerthe theory being that not every admin may want ssh access05:32
sommerere4si: np05:32
ere4siworks like a charm - thnx again sommer05:42
sommerere4si: heh, you're welcome05:42
ere4sihow can i change tty's via ssh?05:52
sommerere4si: I don't think there's is a literal way, but I usually just open anotehr ssh session05:55
sommerere4si: you can also look into the screen command... does sorta the same thing, only better in some instances05:56
ere4sisommer: I think the extra ssh session should be all I need :) thnx05:57
sommerere4si: np, if you're using gnome-terminal, konsole, or xfce-terminal you can just open another tab :)05:58
buzzsawgood evening07:56
buzzsawi was looking for information on how to configure my apache installed by LAMP do you by chance know of a tutorial on it?08:00
LMJhello buzzsaw08:23
LMJshould like I can help you to configure your apache08:23
LMJwhat you wanna do ?08:23
LMJbut there is also #apache who could be helpful, just in case08:24
WaVeRMorning ツ08:34
buzzsawLMJ, i got it thanks :-)09:00
buzzsawjust got it figured out09:00
Theo_$drive = $_POST['drive'];09:27
Theo_shell_exec('eject $drive');09:27
Theo_echo("$drive has been ejected.");09:27
Theo_even if $drive is cdrom1 it always ejects cdrom. Why does it do this?09:27
matrixhelp me13:28
Jeeves_Hmm? :)13:31
hubuntu_is python support activated under installation?13:35
hubuntu_or is python at all available in the standard install?13:35
hubuntu_hardy server RC13:36
Deepsi believe so, as apt(itude) depends on it13:38
hubuntu_after the base system is installed it is available :)13:41
hubuntu_thanks.. :)13:42
hubuntu_what package shall I use for netkit-inetd ? The BSD one or inetutils?14:25
hubuntu_I'm making a http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_pxe_install_server14:26
zulbsd one14:27
hubuntu_bsd is giving trouble.. what the difference within the 2 zul?14:50
fromporti've got the pxe setup working and am using the bsd version: openbsd-inetd14:52
hubuntu_I'll try again then..14:55
hubuntu_netstat -uap is not giving me: udp        0      0 *:tftp14:56
hubuntu_but: udp        0      0 *:bootp14:56
hubuntu_is that ok?14:56
hubuntu_with the bsd one I get both, with the internet one I get bootp and ip6 support for tftp...14:57
fromport# netstat -uap|grep tftp -> udp        0      0 *:tftp                  *:*                                 2835/inetd14:58
* delcoyote hi15:56
rlanhammorning everyone16:43
* fromport goes for dinner ;-)17:01
=== blueyed__ is now known as blueyed
burzumIve tried to compile php 5.2.5 on dapper because theres no new php version in the repo, at least it installed php5-cli but without the extensions... Ive tried to revert it by aptitude purge php5-cli and reinstall it but its still php 5.2.5 any ideas how to get the old version back?18:18
theuser1using g4l ghost for linux to make image file backup for my ext3 partition having the ubuntu os, error message i get is  unable to read from image block 0  ,       g4l uses   partiimage   and that uses  the dd comand i   think.....              any help?18:33
theuser1using g4l ghost for linux to make image file backup for my ext3 partition having the ubuntu os, error message i get is  unable to read from image block 0  ,       g4l uses   partiimage   and that uses  the dd comand i   think.....              any help?18:39
theuser1 can any one recomend an easy to use utilitiy that can make image of a partition for backup and can support compression?18:43
nikkujoin #ubuntu21:01

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