
Starnestommy!envy | earthmeLon and FallenAngel00:00
ubotuearthmeLon and FallenAngel: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »00:00
dmsupermanunop, There's 3 that use snd-hda-intel and each of those say that they're also in use00:00
errpastwhat's a good site for linux laptop compatibility00:00
FallenAngelah! that ubotu is really useful :)00:00
nugz1212ladies and gentlemen i have problems to be fixed00:00
dmsupermanunop, 3 that are used by*00:00
earthmeLonhaha, yeah FallenAngel he's right, but I still highly suggest using envy :D00:01
el_rusoerrpast what's exactly your question?00:01
McJesterikonia, it needs an application00:01
sjovanokay, i got a script ~/vcn with chmod +x. how can i make the scrit executable from any dir?00:01
dmsupermanunop, is there a way to reboot and have it not load snd-hda-intel so that I can do it that way before it gets locked?00:01
errpastwhere can I buy a laptop that will be compatible and reasonably priced, other than dell00:01
erfolikonia: board works fine with windows though, it's just a 5 year old laptop00:01
errpastI don't want to hack. I want it to work00:01
ikoniaMcJester: what ?00:01
gottatrieitHi. I just installed IRC chat and this is my use in several months.  I can't believe how easy it was! I just turned it on and here I am.00:01
Odd-rationaleerrpast: system76.com00:01
ikoniaerfol: windows is not a linux kernel00:01
McJesterikonia, I'm still trying to edit the menu.lst00:01
ikoniaMcJester: use a text editor00:01
el_rusoerrpast dell.com lol. have you tried with ebay?00:02
earthmeLonFallenAngel, also, make sure you follow these instructions: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#How_to_add_extra_repositories00:02
errpastOdd-rationale, cool. thx00:02
unopdmsuperman, well, the only sane way is to do the same for those modules too (and so on if required) .. or put the options to the module in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base  and reboot00:02
earthmeLonDoes anybody else feel like copy&paste in Ubuntu acts really weird?00:02
errpastel_ruso, Is Dell bad?00:02
McJesterikonia, I tried that too, there is not menu.lst in the boot folder00:02
FallenAngelearthmelon - cheers - you just preemted my next question00:02
earthmeLonFallenAngel, do the Manual Method, btw00:03
el_rusoerrpast i'm a dell's fan00:03
Odd-rationaleearthmeLon: nope. just highlight and middle-click :)00:03
FallenAngelwill do00:03
crazytalkwhen i input my correct video and monitor settings into xserver xorg in recovery and boot ubuntu it unchecks the box beside nvidia in system > prefs > restricted drivers. am i still taking full advantage of the card?00:03
earthmeLon    * ly repositories. These are part of the Ubuntu distribution system. This is the recommended method.00:03
gottatrieitIn what manner, earthmeLon?  I just used it a little while ago and it seemed to work fine.00:03
earthmeLonOooh! Thanks Odd-rationale and sorry #ubuntu for the spam :P00:03
dmsupermanunop, snd-hda-intel isn't listed anywhere in my alsa-base file00:03
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el_rusoerrpast actually dell computers come with ubuntu00:04
dmsupermanunop, can I add it? or is something odd going on?00:04
errpastel_ruso, thanks.00:04
unopdmsuperman, you can add it in, just make sure you follow the format of the other modules00:04
errpastI just misunderstood your lol.  Glad you recommend it00:04
errpastsystem76 looks good too00:05
el_rusoerrpast you're welcome00:05
gogetahears something i need for linux i cant find v92 modem on hold softwhere00:05
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el_rusoyeah that's roght00:05
dmsupermanunop, alright, going to reboot.00:05
pclynchAvant-Window-Navigator is working and i don't know why :(00:05
MrSteveHow to un>GZ a file?00:05
pclynchAvant-Window-Navigator isn't working and i don't know why :(00:05
OrbixxMrSteve: gunzip file.gz00:06
gottatrieitcrazytalk; my nVidia driver works fine and I've reinstalled it, or rewritten xorg at least three times!00:06
MrSteveOrbixx:  How to -- on the desktop?00:06
OrbixxOn the desktop it should just be a case of double clicking it..00:06
MrSteveOrbixx:  thanks00:06
MrGnuHi all, if I wanted to add KDE, to my new UBUNTU desktop, whats the easiest way to do this?00:07
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
Odd-rationaleMrGnu: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop00:07
MrGnuThanks Odd00:07
FallenAngelMrGnu - i think theres some packages if you search in synaptic00:07
Odd-rationaleMrGnu: or for just kde do kde-core00:07
gogetaMrGnu apt-get install kubuntu-desktop00:07
gottatrieitOops! Sorry. Trying to log off.00:08
MrGnuI did the package route, problem with that is, it causes an issue with non functional splash image, so I read somewhere that you could do it through Synaptic, but i forgot how, I think Odd that your way gets me that easy set up00:08
sakallihi all00:09
FaceDeadubuntu or mandriva, what's better?00:09
n-iCedoes anybody knows a ipod manager, something similar to itunes but for ubuntu?00:09
Odd-rationaleFaceDead: mandriva you have to pay for the full version. Ubuntu you get the best for free....00:09
el_rusoubuntu for everyone00:09
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod00:10
MrGnuThanks all, doing it now, im gonna 'git' er done!00:10
FallenAngelearthmelon - ok, silly question, but doing a search in synaptic still shows nothing for envy, even after updating the package locations? do I have to use apt-get?00:10
FaceDeadAs set my video card to 1024x768.00:11
MrGnuOne more question, KUBUNTU currently for Gutsy is 3.5 right?00:12
MrGnuOr have we finally gotten to go to 4?00:12
el_rusokde 4, i like it00:13
earthmeLonOh, my bad.  You have to install envy from outside FallenAngel: http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html00:13
MrGnuAre we on KDE 4 now, or are we waitng for 4.1?00:13
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Signilhi .. my acer orbicam isn't detected! pls help I dl the gspca drivers..00:13
Determinist_any idea where i could grab mysql-server-4.1 for gutsy?00:13
earthmeLonFallenAngel, I clicked the Get Envy Legacy link and then opened it with the installer00:13
FallenAngelearthmelon - no worries - thanks00:13
dmsupermanunop, thanks :D00:13
unopdmsuperman, working?00:14
dmsupermanunop, probably00:14
sakallitrouble with realplayer and firefox 3 in 8.04. cant see the libtotem-complex-plugin.so plugin in the plugin folders, but when i do about:plugins it still seems to be there. if i do locate for it it finds it only in /usr/lib/totem/gstreamer and /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins/ the sound is all gorgled when i play rm through the browser. if i play the same links through realplayer they are fine.00:14
dmsupermanunop, it only had static half the time, so i can't be sure00:14
dmsupermanunop, but sound is coming from all 5.1 channels and no static00:14
unopdmsuperman, hmm, well, let's hope it works and stays put this way then :)00:14
Odd-rationaleMrGnu: kde 4.0.3 is the latest00:14
dmsupermanunop, yeah haha. Plus, the audio is playing at full volume, so that's a good sign00:15
FaceDeadWhere can I get the driver "via unichrome 9 pro ipg"00:15
dmsupermanunop, sound from exaile would be really quiet when it was doing it's weird thing00:15
longmanzzwhois -ba00:15
FallenAngelearthmeLon - thats installing now *fingers crossed*00:16
JohninLexhello all00:16
earthmeLonFallenAngel, before I installed envy, i reverted my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file back to it's originall (from my fresh install)00:16
MrGnuHi John00:16
JohninLexhello MRGnu00:17
MrGnuHi to all of those that I did not get a chance to say hi too00:17
nsandimanhi john00:17
winger Yo, MrGnu00:17
FallenAngelgood idea00:17
JohninLex1242 more people to say hello to I bee here the rest of the night lol00:17
MrGnuOk, I ll be reloading, so if I vanish, its only temporary, checking on Kubuntu now00:18
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JohninLexhello to you too nsandiman:00:18
JohninLexdid see it until now00:18
LainIwakuraHello, free -m shows that I have 13 MB out of 1 GB free...but I am hardly running any application. Also, conky shows that the % of mem in use is only 30%. This, hwoever, corresponds to the amount of mem used in the -/+ buffers/cache row in "free -m". So what does the first row of "free -m" mean, and should I be concerned that only 13 MB are free? How do I free mem? Thanks.00:19
earthmeLonI just installed firefox3 but when I run firefox, It runs as 2.  How do I run firefox3?00:19
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cwilluearthmeLon, under gutsy, firefox-3.000:20
josehay alguien que hable español00:20
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el_rusohola jose00:20
josehola que tal00:20
earthmeLoncwillu, failed to execute firefox-3.000:20
el_rusoen que te ayudo?00:20
mooboo1Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" is in only 3 days!00:20
mooboo1Gentlemen, get ready your CD's! :D00:21
josees mi primera vez que uso ubuntu00:21
el_rusoi love hardy00:21
mooboo1ya, its sweet00:21
chetnickdoes anybody know can i GET whole folder from ftp server with terminal ftp client?00:21
el_rusobienvenido al cambio00:21
el_rusode donde escribes?00:21
JohninLexI have created the perfect fix for all linux problems that people are facing typy this in a terminal            sudo cd -c format -c00:21
josede venezuela00:21
josey tu00:21
gnaunitedQuick question, is BCM4308 an auto install device with the retricted drivers manager, or do I still need the CD00:21
el_rusoestoy en yaracuy00:21
joseyo en anzoategui00:21
josepuerto la cruz00:22
el_rusoaceptame un privado00:22
kejavais power management working well for those of you trying out hardy?  (specifically suspend to RAM)00:22
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat00:22
joseno se como00:22
d3mitr1when is hardy spose to come out?00:22
crazytalkin xserver-xorg should i enable 'use kernel framebuffer device interface'?00:22
el_rusote llego?00:22
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josey eso?00:23
el_rusote llego el privado00:23
JohninLexyea i have no problems with power management computer sleep fine and wakes up fine00:23
d3mitr1when is it gonna be released?00:23
el_rusoubontu sorry... i trying to invite jose to private00:24
earthmeLonOoooH!  Seems I have to figure out how to install flash for firefox-3.0 manually00:24
MrStevewhere is beryl ???00:24
kejavaJohninLex, cool.  i'm still using fiesty.  having minor kbd issue when resuming from suspend.  hope it gets cleared up in hardy00:24
MrSteveearthmeLon:  - you got desktop?00:24
MrSteveearthmeLon:  -- click the file, and extract00:25
MrStevewhere is Beryl?00:25
earthmeLonMrSteve what file are you talking about?00:25
JohninLexI have 8.04 I have had no other linux programs here, but I can say that mine is working I hope like it is souposed to00:25
MrStevetar.gz installer00:25
StarnestommyMrSteve: beryl has been replaced by compiz/compiz-fusion00:25
MegaIRCcan somebody help me with a booting trouble?00:25
el_rusokejava the problem was fixed in hardy.00:25
earthmeLonMrSteve, I still have no clue what you're talking about bro00:26
MrSteveStarnestommy:  -- It's NOT in ubuntu?00:26
kejavael_ruso, have you seen the issue with the kbd before?  mine basically doesn't respond after a resume from suspend00:26
StarnestommyMrSteve: beryl is, but compiz is better and already installed by default in 7.1000:26
MrSteveearthmeLon:  - download the tar.gz file to the desktop, thenk click it, and extract it00:26
MrSteveHOW I do this?00:26
unop!beryl | MrSteve00:26
ubotuMrSteve: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz00:26
el_rusoin gnome works fine in my pc00:27
MrSteveearthmeLon:  -- I just did this, to watch utube00:27
FallenAngelearthmeLon - right - lets see if this works. Back soon!00:27
Odd-rationaleLightwieght pdf viewer? Reccomendations? Thanks!00:27
earthmeLonMrSteve, Oh, from the Macromedia site00:27
kejavael_ruso, regardless.  i'm glad you've heard it's fixed :)  i can't find any info on a work around00:27
MrSteveearthmeLon: yep00:27
el_rusokejava, i had the same problem in gutsy (with gnome) but it was fixed in hardy00:28
earthmeLonMrSteve  Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported hehe00:28
AirBenderI need dri2proto package in order to compile Mesa, where can I find it?00:28
el_rusokejava http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com00:29
MegaIRCI can´t boot ubuntu cause I get a black screnn with a blinking cursor00:29
crazytalkin xserver-xorg should i enable 'use kernel framebuffer device interface'?00:29
PeloMegaIRC, boot the recovery mode and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:29
KOJVOdd-rationale: Foxit Reader.00:29
MegaIRCrecovery mode can´t work00:29
JohninLexthe one and only Pelo00:30
Pelocrazytalk, if you donT' know , leave the default00:30
* Pelo is actualy one of many 00:30
Odd-rationaleKOJV: for linux, i meant. i think xpdf looks good...00:30
MegaIRCI get another blinking cursor in recovery mode00:30
errpastI tried Ubuntu 7.10 on an Acer, it got stuck at "couldn't find tty"00:30
MegaIRCafter some pages of messages in the screen00:30
PeloOdd-rationale, evince for pdf00:30
errpastIs there anything I did wrong?00:31
Peloerrpast, is it installed yet ?00:31
errpastIt was a live dvd from a magzine, and I was trying it at an office store00:31
errpastPelo, no00:31
Odd-rationalePelo: evince is quite light? 128mb ram old laptop...00:31
MrSteveokay.. How do I ask to get Compiz ccsm.. and all files?00:31
errpastI was trying to find a laptop at an office store that would work "out of the box"00:31
MegaIRCI can´t even get a console mode with Ctrl+Àlt+f200:31
Peloerrpast, you might want to give the alternate install cd a try ,  get it from the ubuntu.com site,  download section, check the alternate cd box bellow the download button00:31
PeloOdd-rationale,  I just came it , I didn'T see the beginning00:32
el_rusoerrpast download your own version from ubuntu.com00:32
errpastPelo, good idea. doh.... I had that with me, and didn't think to try it00:32
pclynchwhat is the command for trash?00:32
Odd-rationalePelo: oh, ok. I forgive you :)00:32
PeloMegaIRC, pay attention,  boot the recovery mode,00:32
errpastel_ruso, thanks good idea00:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:32
Peloicesword, what do you need to know about nautilus ?00:32
Pelo!info nautilus | icesword00:33
ubotuicesword: nautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.20.0-0ubuntu7.1 (gutsy), package size 629 kB, installed size 1516 kB00:33
pclynchwhat is the command for trash?00:33
MegaIRCI booted the recovery mode, but it doesn´t work, blinking cursor after many screen messages00:33
Pelopclynch, you mean to delete ?   rm00:33
iceswordnaulitus ~/.trash00:33
FallenAngelearthmelon - it seems to have made no difference :( On restart I was back at the 'low graphics' warning, on the VESA driver00:33
PeloMegaIRC, can you type in the blinking msg ?00:33
MegaIRCno I can´t type00:33
pclynchPelo: no i want to make a to make a launcher00:34
PeloMegaIRC, do you have an old kernel installed you can try ?00:34
crazytalkPelo: ty00:34
Pelopclynch, to put on your desktop ?00:34
=== nexano is now known as Nexano
KOJVOdd-rationale: from what I can tell, foxit is available for linux... http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/desklinux/00:34
MegaIRCno, I have only last one, cause I have my system updated00:34
pclynchPelo: exactly00:34
Pelopclynch, open gconf-editor , under   /apps/nautilus/desktop  you can check a box for that00:34
Odd-rationaleKOJV: ok. thanks! but it is not open source :(00:34
earthmeLonYou ran envy and installed the drivers, right?  First you install envy, then you run envy and install the drivers with it00:35
pclynchPelo: okay thanks00:35
Nexanoanyone got any experience with running 2 monitors with different resolutions using an nvidia gpu?00:35
Pelo!dualhead | Nexano00:35
ubotuNexano: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama00:35
FallenAngelyeah - it ran through, I saw it getting the drivers, then it prompted for a restart00:35
dmsupermanNexano, I just use nvidida-settings and it works00:35
NateFguys, when i load into text install, my computer gets stuck on "[  46.873218] ata2.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr oxo action 0x2 fr [  46.873218] ata2.00: ata2.00 (BMDMA stat 0x24) [  46.873218] ata2.00: ata2.00: cmd a0/01:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:080/a0 tag 0 cdb 0 ata 96 in"           and it gets stuck there00:35
dmsupermanNexano, sorry "nvidia-settings"00:35
earthmeLonWhat kind of card do you have again FallenAngel?00:35
OrbixxHow do I force a dismount on a CD drive?00:36
asininegood morning00:36
FallenAngeljust the one, no sli or anything00:36
* Pelo wonders why he's helping the rich kids with the fancy videocard and the multiple 40" lcd monitors and what not 00:36
Nexanodmsuperman: it restricts my second screen to 640x480 >:|00:36
MegaIRCisn´t there another way to recover my system than reinstall?00:36
dmsupermanNexano, then somethings' awry with your xorg.conf or your drivers00:36
PeloOrbixx, sudo umount -f /mount/point00:36
NateFplease someone help me00:36
dmsupermanNexano, try installing the latest driver from nvidia.com, i had issues with the one in the repos00:36
unopOrbixx, pmount /dev/cdrom || sudo umount /dev/cdrom  # substitute /dev/cdrom for your device here00:36
PeloNateF, do you realy think we can tell someting from that line ?00:36
dmsupermanNexano, and reconfigure xorg.conf using "sudo dpkg-configure xserver-xorg" and then "sudo nvidia-xconfig"00:37
=== asinine is now known as avoid
NateFlol heres the proablem00:37
Nexanodmsuperman: but my main monitor and drivers seems to be working just fine oO00:37
unopOrbixx,err,  pumount /dev/cdrom || sudo umount /dev/cdrom00:37
NateFi already posted it up above00:37
gogeta!ask | NateF00:37
ubotuNateF: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:37
NateF gets stuck loading from this: [  46.873218] ata2.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr oxo action 0x2 fr [  46.873218] ata2.00: ata2.00 (BMDMA stat 0x24) [  46.873218] ata2.00: ata2.00: cmd a0/01:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:080/a0 tag 0 cdb 0 ata 96 in00:37
PeloNateF, download and burn the alternate insctall cd,  it is text based and less fussy about hardware during instll,   you can get it from the ubuntu.con site in the download section,  just check the alternate cd box under the download button00:37
NateFi did ask the question in one line00:37
FallenAngelalso, I noticed that in the 'restricted drivers' applet the nvidia driver is listed as 'in use', but not 'enabled'00:37
NateFit is the alternative cd00:37
gogetahumm ata error00:37
bent_Hey again #ubuntu. I have a very very annoying problem with my broadcom drivers... infact, I have no interface at all right now. I have a BCM94311MCG, rev 02.00:38
MrSteveHow do I tell my pc to go to CGIT, and get a repository to install?00:38
bent_Oh, and the 43xx drivers don't work... to my knowledge.00:38
PeloNateF, waht is your computer ?00:38
MegaIRCpelo have you got anymore idea about my trouble please?00:38
kknnhi  how to configure ubuntu network optimal for home gateway?00:38
el_rusobent b4300:38
PeloMrSteve, what is cgit ?00:38
NateFan Compaq Presario from 2001, 2.53 GHZ processor 512 MB RAM 64MB video card 120GB hard drive00:38
MrStevePelo -- it is at the CompizFusion website00:39
NateFpentium 4 proccessor by the way00:39
PeloMegaIRC, not realy, boot the live cd ,  backup your /home folder and clean install00:39
bent_el_ruso: I'll try those... but I didn't think they worked when I used them.00:39
MrStevePelo - a repository00:39
PeloMrSteve, ask in #compiz then00:39
MrSteveahhh! ok00:39
MrSteveduh, me00:39
el_rusobent ndiswrapper00:39
FallenAngeli'll try another restart - I've ticked the 'enabled' checkbox00:39
PeloMrSteve,  sorry,   browser that website fro the repositoreis and put them in   menu > sysem > admin > softare sources , , 2nd tab00:40
bent_el_ruso: Tried that, no go. At all. With three different .inf files, and 4 different re-installs... and 2 compiles.00:40
PeloNateF, what video card ?00:40
el_rusohave you tried with linuxant?00:40
NateFIntegraded Intel Extreme graphics00:40
MegaIRCI boot with my live CD, I can see my documents, but in some folders I can´t read, or wirte cause I have no the permissions00:40
NateF1 AGP slot00:40
bent_el_ruso: Not yet, infact. What's that?00:41
PeloNateF, ok , is this the first tiem you install ubuntu   on this comp ?00:41
gogetaMegaIRC sounds normal00:41
el_rusobent www.linuxant.com download driverloader00:41
PeloNateF, ok we'll check the cd first,  boot again ,  from the cd boot menu , run the cd integrity check00:41
NateFcd intregrity check how??00:41
glickexcuse me, i put a data dvd into my my dvd rom drive and its not automounting?00:41
glickhow can i access the disk?00:42
NateFthe CD is fine i already checked it00:42
gogetaMegaIRC if you would like to mess with those files (probly not a good idea) sudo natults00:42
PeloMegaIRC, thsoer are the my documents of the windows install , you don'T have access00:42
MegaIRCcan I change folders/files permissions from liveCD?00:42
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
glickanyone know why my dvd drive isnt automounting my disk?00:42
PeloNateF, ok the ,  anyting else instlled on this computer that you want to keep00:42
PeloMegaIRC,  not for a ntfs partition00:42
glickcan i manually mount it somehow?00:43
NateFi want to wipe everything clean and go full blown ubuntu linux00:43
MegaIRCI only want to use my password in ubuntu00:43
=== Zoidberg is now known as Rolcol
gogetaMegaIRC you can move the file to another drive without issue00:43
PeloNateF, ok here is waht I suggest,   partition your hdd before you start the install and during the install use the manual partitonnint when you get to it ,     that way you will hve less formating to d and hopefully this will take some of the load off of the install00:43
MegaIRCbut I don´t know if can move/copy files without permissions00:44
NateFok, how do i re partition without any OS, its a blank HDD right now00:44
Joe_BlowHi all, i was wondering if anyone could help me with a partition table problem i've been having, i've pasted the output of sfdisk -l and testdisk into pastebin if anyone wants to have a look? --> http://pastebin.ca/99139700:44
PeloNateF, make 3 partitons,   / ext3  5-10 gig ,  /swap linux-swap  1gig ,  /home  ext3 the rest00:44
gogetaMegaIRC lol well no wonder why its blank00:44
el_rusobent linuxant driver loader works with your wificard00:44
NateFhow do i do that00:44
PeloNateF, from the install cd ,00:44
prashant___can any one help me with how to use chroot i cant understand the wiki either , i have tried whatever instruction were there but i am completely lost what to do :s00:45
wingerNateF: Just pop the CD in, and click the install icon after you get the desktop showing00:45
bent_el_ruso: Trying it out now, thanks!00:45
PeloNateF, get in the command line and type   parted00:45
Pelowinger, alternate install cd00:45
Joe_BlowIt seems my extended partition has been conflicting with one of my linux partitions, and was wondering if i deleted the extended partition, it might fix my problem?00:45
ikoniaJoe_Blow: what i the problem your having00:45
NateFhold on00:45
gogetaPelo he just said it was aruldy formated00:45
ikoniaJoe_Blow: can you explain in a little more detail what the issue is00:45
Pelogogeta, when ?00:45
wingerPelo: old hardware situation?00:45
MegaIRCgogeta: it worked very good for 34 months tills today00:45
Pelowinger, not realy , 2001 , not so old00:45
gogetaNateF: ok, how do i re partition without any OS, its a blank HDD right now00:45
NateFyes its blank00:46
Pelowinger,  weird error msg in hex00:46
el_rusobent: actually if you cannot get succesful, you can replace your wificard00:46
wingerPelo: Then he should get the normal graphical installer00:46
Joe_Blowthe debian/ubuntu installer wont detect my partition table correctly, it detects my master drive as unallocated00:46
glickanyone know what could cause me not being able to mount a dvd?00:46
gogetathat was for pelo00:46
ikoniaJoe_Blow: is this one drive, is is this a raid drive in any way00:46
prashant___can any one help me with how to use chroot i cant understand the wiki either , i have tried whatever instruction were there but i am completely lost what to do :(00:46
Pelogogeta, he does it from the install cd00:46
Joe_Blowno raid, just a single drive00:46
ikoniagogeta: what is the error00:46
NateFit says unable to mount fs on wn-block(104,1)00:47
ikoniaglick what is the error00:47
FallenAngelearthmelon - any more ideas? It looks as if the nVidia driver attempts to load, as the screen tries to change resolution 3 times before the 'low graphics' message appears, then when I check in the 'propietry drivers' applett again, the nvidia driver is listed as 'not enabled' again!00:47
ikoniaJoe_Blow: thats odd, it's showing up as not partitioned00:47
Pelo<NateF>  gets stuck loading from this: [  46.873218] ata2.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr oxo action 0x2 fr [  46.873218] ata2.00: ata2.00 (BMDMA stat 0x24) [  46.873218] ata2.00: ata2.00: cmd a0/01:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:080/a0 tag 0 cdb 0 ata 96 in00:47
Pelofor everyone interested in the current problem ^00:47
Joe_Blowdualboot with XP and corrupt ubuntu install, cant reinstall untill i repair my partiton table00:47
ikoniaJoe_Blow: ahhh you've got no primary partition00:47
ikoniaJoe_Blow: you need at least one primary partition00:47
ikoniaJoe_Blow: I think......00:47
gogeta Pelo yea but he said he blanked it thers no recovering that easly00:48
NateFnow it has a error of: kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount fs on wn-block(104,1)00:48
gogeta Pelo just reformat the entire thing00:48
Pelogogeta, that's what I just told him to do00:48
Pelo!hi shmoolikipod00:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hi shmoolikipod - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:49
gogetaNateF yea just tell the installer to use the entire disk00:49
Pelosigh ...00:49
NateFhow do i reformat with Ubuntu if it doesnt have a reformat option or command, since the one you gave me doesnt work, come up with an error00:49
McJesterI need some help, I'm stuck at busybox, with an error "Check root =bootarg cat /prc/cmdline00:49
PeloNateF, get to the command line and type  parted00:49
NateFhow, im very very noobish00:49
NateFi did00:49
lucia_how can I install icon themes?00:49
shmoolikipodhow can i prevent from the  windows to get focus on open00:49
PeloNateF, no menu ?00:49
lucia_Where do I need to extract all????00:49
NateFi get the menu00:49
wingerNatef: can you download and burn a CD that has the graphical  installer?00:49
latituwhere can i see alternative apps of windows?00:50
wingerNatef: It will make your life easier00:50
PeloNateF, I mean the parted menu ?00:50
latituwhat is the alternative of ms frontpage in linux?00:50
NateFit loads with a splash menu type of menu00:50
Pelolatitu, nvu00:50
lucia_Where do I need to extract the icons themes????00:50
latituPelo what?00:50
joankican anyone tell me if i can get itunes for ubuntu?00:50
Pelolatitu, frontpage equivalent nvu00:51
gogetaNateF hit alt f2 type the command pelo said00:51
deserteaglejoanki: don't think so00:51
Pelo!itunes | joanki00:51
ubotujoanki: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee00:51
FallenAngeljoanki - have a look at Juk00:51
el_rusojoanki try with rythimbox00:51
joankiso i can't buy music off of itunes?00:51
lucia_joakim-,  use banshee00:51
NateFnothing happens when i hit that00:51
lucia_joakim-,  sudo apt-get install banshee00:51
PeloNateF, forget everyting,  you hve another wroking computer ?00:51
lucia_Where do I need to extract the icons themes????00:51
boumainstalled 8.04 on the weekend, only a couple of days till releasey :)00:51
NateFlol, yes but i need this to install any way possible00:52
Pelolucia_,  open the theme manager and drag drop the tar.gz file in it00:52
bent_el_ruso: Nogo, can't find it.00:52
lucia_Pelo,  I did it , didn't work tough00:52
gogetaNateF ok then use the menu acres and termnel and type it00:52
PeloNateF, download the live cd00:52
gogeta- my horrid spelling there00:52
el_rusobent what?00:52
NateFlive CD wont work, the status bar freezes and nothing happens00:52
joankilucia_, but it doesn't play itunes music does it?00:52
Pelolucia_,  ok sometimes they repack the tar to include instructions,    extract it once and look inside for another tar.gz file00:52
bent_el_ruso: Linuxant driver loader did couldn't find the wireless card.00:52
PeloNateF, are you sure this computer works ?00:53
el_rusobent: no?00:53
gogetaNateF sounds like a bad live cd00:53
thorim trying to create a script that reads some instructions from a text file and displays it into a terminal. How can i do this?00:53
NateFyes, i used it in widnows about 2-3 days agoo00:53
lucia_joakim-,  it does, it allow you to download the lastest codecs automatically it's so cool00:53
PeloNateF, type   fsck /dev/sda100:53
el_rusobent: have you tried in google?00:53
NateFok hold on00:53
bent_el_ruso: I'm going to try a restart... and yes, none of the relevant results worked.00:53
NateFon the alter CD or Live cd00:53
lucia_nothing Pelo00:54
PeloNateF, command line from the alt cd00:54
el_rusobent: oh, sorry... restart frist00:54
NateFok hold on00:54
Pelo lucia_ gimme a link to the package so I can have a look00:54
* kindofabuzz gives Pelo00:54
Pelokindofabuzz, were you tring to finger me ?00:54
lucia_Pelo, : http://ultimate-gnome.googlecode.com/files/UltimateGnome.0.3.6.tar.gz00:54
boumabtw is anyone aware of the "bug", when you install other partitions will go on eg /media/sdax but then say you physically change the hdd to hdb and add another hda, the mount points now dont make sense with /dev/hdbx on /media/hdax .. i guess there is no clean way to solve this00:54
gogetaPelo oh hes alt00:54
climatewarriorcan anyone give me a direct link to download kubuntu 8.04 kde 4 remix by torrent00:54
NateFok, i got the kernel panic error again00:55
NateFunable to mount00:55
thorHey guys, im trying to create a script that reads some instructions from a text file and displays it into a terminal. How can i do this?00:55
PeloNateF, I donT think we are goig to be able to help you00:55
NateFlol, o well, atleast ill have a 120GB hard drive00:56
NateFthanks for the help anyway00:56
iceswordNateF, unnable to mount the livecd?00:56
Pelolucia_, don'T know what the problem is , I just downloaded that file dragged it to the apperance manager and it instlled no problem00:56
boumathor: try #bash, they once helped me make a simple script that readline'ed and colourised in a loop00:56
iceswordunable to do what?00:56
lucia_Pelo,  where is the appereance manager folder located?00:57
Peloicesword, no install ,  kernel panick,   alternate cd,   bad errors during install,   effed up situation00:57
lucia_so I can extract there, do you know?00:57
Pelolucia_, ~/.Theme00:57
Pelolucia_,  sorry ~/.icon00:57
RolcolWhich do you guys prefer?  VirtualBox or VMWare?00:57
climatewarriorcan anyone give me a direct link to download kubuntu 8.04 kde 4 remix by torrent?00:58
PeloRolcol, they both have nice features00:58
Peloclimatewarrior, ask in #ubuntu+100:58
iceswordRolcol, depends00:58
KOJVOdd-rationale: okay, since I'm a casual Win user whose programming skillz is limited to QuickBasic and simple mIRC scripts, I don't care about the source being open or closed...00:58
dddenis there a link to a ubuntu developers distro?  ... i'm new here ...00:59
el_rusobent what's up?00:59
Peloddden, developer distro ?00:59
* KOJV reboots and disconnects his internal drives, hoping to install Xunbuntu to the USB drive.00:59
thorbouma: seems that averyone is afk there00:59
dddenwondering ... what distro's do the MOTU and core teams use?00:59
bent_el_ruso: Still a no. :/00:59
Peloddden, what would be the prupose of that ?01:00
Stroganoffddden they use ubuntu i guess01:00
Peloddden, developpenent/developper versions are probabaly the most handicaped distros around01:00
el_rusobent, sorry... email to your pc provider for linux drivers01:00
* Pelo imagines the hell of running a distro build for the stated purpose of triggering bugs 01:01
dddeni c ... i just want an developers environment out-of-the-box ... ubuntu is nice ... but for development ... ??  i was just wondering ...01:01
thorHey guys, im trying to create a script that reads some instructions from a text file and displays it into a terminal. How can i do this?01:01
dddenthanks ..01:01
Pelothor, grep ?01:02
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
Pelothor, http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php01:02
Peloddden, all the packages you can need to develope with are in the repos most likely ,  just intall ubuntu and then isntall the pacakges for the aps you want01:03
dddenthanks ... but there are tons of stuff missing ... ie. yacc, lex, ... standard dev stuff ...01:04
* Pelo took a few minutes to make a new theme for the default gdesklets clock that looks like the cairo clock and uses a lot less memory01:04
Maarek_ddden: you can  always add/remove the apps yuo want01:04
Peloddden, menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager ,   enable the extra repositories from the menus01:05
el_rusobent sign up linuxant forums and ask the developers for your problem01:05
dddenok ... i'm new with ubuntu ... i'll try it out .. thanks ...01:05
bent_el_ruso: Okay, I'll see where that goes... I was hoping to get this fixed by tommrow.01:06
Peloddden, to enable the extra repositories,   goto menu > sysetm < admin > software sources,   check all the boxes in the top half of the 1st and 3rd  tab , then reload01:06
Pelobent_, did you try with ndiswrapper and the windows driver for your wifi card ?01:06
el_rusobent: you can change your wifi card also01:06
bent_Pelo: Yup.01:06
* Pelo buts out 01:07
bent_el_ruso: I'm not that... crafty. And I allready lost my other usb wireless thing.01:07
dddenThanks ... that (synaptic) looks better ...01:07
Peloddden,  add remove give you only apps,  synaptic is for every package availabe,  you can also include 3rd party repos if you have them01:08
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:08
el_rusobent: are you using an usb device for wifi?01:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about extrarepos - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:08
pclynchwhere can i change the settings for what programs start when the computer boots?01:08
MrStevethis is like soo nifty!  I like it01:09
Pelopclynch,  start te progs you want to start,  close those you don'T     goto system > prefs < session ,  last tab ,  save session01:09
dmsupermanWith the compiz settings manager, how can I bind a hotkey action to Ctrl + Scrollwheel down ?01:09
PeloMrSteve, ???01:09
floatingi guess the stuff that starts up during the boot are in /etc/init.d and the stuff that start when gnome starts can be found from some of the gnomes menus01:09
Pelodmsuperman, ask in #compiz01:09
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Pelofloating, either way will work01:09
bent_el_ruso: No... but I had one a while ago (re:using a usb.)01:10
Pelofloating, probabaly better not to put any graphical stuff in init.d however01:10
MrSteveoooo, I will be working with this OS, a long time.. and Be HAPPY about it01:10
PeloMrSteve, nah,  you 'll be upgrading in 4 days01:11
=== icesword is now known as peguin
MrStevebut.. i will like that01:11
el_rusobent: contact your provider for linux support g2g friend01:11
PeloMrSteve, and with the upgrade you wonT' neven have to use compiz for compositing if you donT' care for all the eyecandy effect,   you'll get simple  shadows and transparanes from  metacity directly , for a lot less cpu01:12
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el_rusobent: try also in #ubuntu-us channel for help01:13
NateFif you have a hard drive that has a version of Ubuntu i386 can you swap that with my one thats screwed?01:13
* Pelo doesn'T get why he gets an error about line 40 in /etc/mobprobe.d/alsa-base when there is only 39 line in alsa-base01:13
PeloNateF, probably,  it will take a while to load while the hardware is rescanned01:14
NateFthen does anyone know if they have a hard drive they dont want that has Ubuntu i386 on it that i can have?01:14
T1m0thyNate, why can't you reinstall?01:15
* Pelo wallos NateF 01:15
el_rusowell, guys... gotta go... have a good night!!!01:15
NateFmy HDD is screwed for life01:15
NateFlol thanks pelo01:15
PeloT1m0thy, install issues for thelast hours01:15
T1m0thyNateF: Oh, well they aren't too expensive.01:15
NateFthe hdd's wit pre-installed ubuntu01:15
PeloNateF, check your local mom and pop computer stores ask if they have a second hand hdd01:15
T1m0thyNateF: Why does it matter if it's preinstalled?01:16
Peloyou can probably get  20 -- 40 gig for about 20$01:16
NateFdoes anyone know an online store selling pre-installed ubuntu on it that i can buy?01:16
T1m0thyNateF: It isn't hard to install.01:16
NateFwell "installed" whatever u wana call it01:16
PeloNateF, dell, system 76,   complete systems, not just  hdd01:16
NateFit is for me01:16
NateFcause my hdd is screwed and will not install01:16
T1m0thyNateF: With a new one it should be easy.01:17
NateFthat a computer with linux installed?01:17
NateFdell system 7601:17
PeloNateF, with ubuntu installed01:17
nsandimanhi, any idea how to get started developing linux device drivers?01:17
=== peguin is now known as penguin
PeloNateF, they are companies,   Dell or  System 76,  google them01:17
NateFor atleast able to install ubuntu01:17
NateFill google it now01:17
PeloNateF, walmart also sells a EEpc with gobuntu on it01:17
Pelofor 200 $01:18
NateFhow much space01:18
PeloNateF, check on their site01:18
T1m0thyLike 4 gb.01:18
NateFim checking system 76 now01:18
NateFi need atleast 100GB01:18
NateFmaybe moore,01:18
T1m0thyNateF: Can you use SATA?01:18
PeloT1m0thy, no your thinking of the asus eepc thing,  I was thinking of the walmart one,   everex01:18
NateFuhh i dont think so01:19
PeloT1m0thy, 2001  compac01:19
T1m0thyPelo, that isn't called an EEpc.01:19
T1m0thyPelo, it's a laptop?01:19
=== penguin is now known as iceeeeeeeeee
PeloT1m0thy, I made a mistake,  eepc is the asus one ,   walmart is the everex01:19
T1m0thyPelo, oh, okay, sorry.01:19
NateFahh i dont think my parents will spend 595 on a linux cpu for me :(01:19
=== iceeeeeeeeee is now known as MRpresident
T1m0thyIs this a laptop or desktop?01:20
PeloNateF, walmart  200$  everex,  with gOS on it , a ubuntu port01:20
NateFi need more then 4Gb though01:20
Peloeverex is a desktop01:20
T1m0thyNo I mean what he has.01:20
=== MRpresident is now known as MRgood
PeloNateF, 4 gig was for the asus eepc laptop01:20
linkmaster03what would be the best language to program web apps in Linux?01:20
linkmaster03Ubuntu obviously01:20
NateFhow much space for that01:20
PeloT1m0thy,  desktop I guess01:20
PeloNateF, google01:21
Pelowe donT keep all this stuff in our head you know01:21
Starnestommylinkmaster03: php?01:21
linkmaster03like a standalone app01:21
linkmaster03that is good connecting with the internet01:21
bent_Hm, hey #ubuntu again. Anyone good at making broadcoms magically work... and/or reading my mind as to where I would hide my other wireless card(s)?01:21
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx01:22
T1m0thyNateF: I really think that you should try something like this, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822210001 , as far as I'm informed the only reasont he install is so hard is because your current hard drive has problems. I think it would be in your best interests to just replace this drive and install it yourself.01:22
bent_Thanks, Pelo, but I've tried that.01:22
NateFah, i see ill check it out01:22
Pelobent_, did you research the problem in the forum ?  www.ubuntuforums.org01:22
MrStevewow, I am like so happy with this thing!  finally01:23
PeloNateF, make sure you have sata plugs01:23
bent_Pelo: did that too, tried more than 4 how-tos.01:23
MrStevea desktop, and computer I can use01:23
PeloMrSteve, what did you installed that made you so happy ?01:23
NateFwait, i dont think i do01:23
bent_Pelo: But, I can look again.01:23
MrSteveUbuntu Gutsy01:23
T1m0thyPelo: I chose an IDE one for him.01:23
PeloMrSteve, vanilla gutsy makes you this happy ?01:23
MrStevePelo:  uhm.. I'm working on the desktop settings01:24
PeloT1m0thy, sorry I thought it said sata at the top , I must have missread01:24
NateFi think ill just beg for the system 76 computers look nice01:24
NateFhopefully my parents let me get it01:24
MrStevemy windows wobble01:24
MrStevethey fade01:24
PeloMrSteve, look into screenlets,  gdesklets,  and www.gnome-look.org01:24
T1m0thyPelo, it was ATA. No problem, though. ^^01:25
* Pelo didn'T realise that MrSteve was an eye-candy whore 01:25
PeloCandy rots your teeth,  eye-candy rots your brain, say no to compiz01:25
ifelseifgive my shell any day01:25
NateFhay if im going to run the system32 Koala Mini as a server, how should i config it? i cant afford the servers that system 76 has01:26
Peloifelseif, would you happen to know why modprobe read a non-existing line in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base ?01:26
MrSteveI wanted multiple shells.. the hard way.. where there was no other shell.01:26
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ifelseifnot, dirrectly no01:26
MrStevebest I could get was 4 sides..no virtual01:27
rj175anyone good with awstats?01:27
PeloMrSteve, you can have more then 4 sides in the compiz-cube , mind you it's not a cube anymore01:27
PeloMrSteve, ther is even a plugin to make it a cylinder01:28
Pelorj175, ask your quesiton anyway , someone might know the answer01:28
Dr_willisan infinitaly sided cube!01:28
AaronMTHi, how do I rescan USB ports. I turned off my wireless mouse, turned it back on and the USB port is not detecting it in the same port.01:29
PeloDr_willis, I just think it's curved sides01:29
Seven_Six_TwoI've had 12 sides01:29
rj175I've installed awstats but whenever i go to the address i get a 500 server error. im running it with virtual servers through virtualmin. any ideas ?01:29
ifelseifpelo, what none existing line is it reading?01:29
linkinxpPelo:  saludos! :)01:30
Pelorj175, what is awstats anyway ?01:30
rj175its a website statistics software01:30
boumahi, i get an error asking for libstdc++.so.5 under ubuntu8.04, can i apt-get something to help ?01:30
linkinxpbouma:  use synaptic01:30
Spartandoes anyone know how to set up an anonymous samba share01:31
Peloifelseif, warning : /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base line 40 : ignoring bad line starting with : snd-hda-intel01:31
jribbouma: help with hardy is in #ubuntu+101:32
ikoniaSpartan: use the guest account01:32
ifelseifhave you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba01:32
Peloifelseif, there is no line 40 in alsa-base it only has 39 lines,  there use to be one , I remove it ,  still got the message,   went back and put an black line,  still no go01:32
boumajrib: thanks01:32
Pelolinkinxp, hi01:32
linkinxpPelo:  how are you doing?01:32
rj175I've installed awstats but whenever i go to the address i get a 500 server error. im running it with virtual servers through virtualmin. any ideas ?01:32
shingalatedHow can soundcards be reconfigured in hardy?  As of this morning I get "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." When I click the volume control applet.01:33
ifelseifwhere you having a problem with your sound before?01:33
Spartani have set it up with guest account but the share is point to a folder on a fat32 partition an it is refusing to show when i browse the smb share01:33
Pelolinkinxp, the usual ,  troubleshooting  expensive hardware, on other ppl's computer01:33
gogetaPelo :-( cheap emergcy build main powerhouse died01:34
shingalatedifelseif: I installed some updates this morning that may have caused the problem.01:34
Peloifelseif, I never realy add sound trouble,   I had a bit of feedback on high volume and someone suggestted a linne to add to alsabase which i tried, didn't sovle the prblem I fixed it another way,  but those two lines I aded are now removed,01:34
Pelogogeta, what ?01:34
gogetaPelo my pc died i built another from parts01:35
doffoI just wanted to say that the whole Ubuntu team rocks!!!! :)01:35
gogetaPelo and a bare kit01:35
Pelogogeta, nice to to have the parts around01:35
doffoActually in the process of migrating to Ubuntu and not being forced to the Vista bandwagon. :)01:35
* Pelo should never have donated his hold pc but he didn'T know linux back then 01:35
gogetaPelo more like striping off my dead pc01:35
Pelogogeta, hey if it works01:36
ikoniadoffo: keep in mind this is a busy support channel, try to keep the un-needed noise down please.01:36
Peloifelseif, what was I suppose to look at in that linkx ?01:36
doffook, sorry :)01:36
ikoniadoffo: not a problem01:36
Peloifelseif,  nevermind, thats link was not for me01:36
justinmiller87I'm doing an essay on cheaper alternatives for a small business, and was interested in knowing more about Landscape. Does anyone in here have any experience with it and can tell me a little more about it other than what's on the info page at Canonical?01:37
ifelseifI cant remember, I had the same error when i was trying to get the sound working on a toshiba laptop,01:37
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:37
rj175I've installed awstats but whenever i go to the address i get a 500 server error. im running it with virtual servers through virtualmin. any ideas ?01:38
shingalatedIs there a way that I can have hardy redetect my soundcard as if I just did a fresh install? Like a dpkg-reconfigure or something?01:38
Peloifelseif, no worries, it's just annoing to see debug msg while booting , it's not actualy an issue,  might stpeed up my boot by 3 seconds01:38
ikoniarj175: depends how you installed and setup awstats01:38
justinmiller87ikonia, if that was for me, Landscape is a Canonical product designed to help rollout Ubuntu in an enterprise.01:38
Pelo!sound | shingalated01:38
ubotushingalated: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:38
ikoniajustinmiller87: again how is that support ontopic ?01:39
shingalatedPelo: the sound device isn't even detected any longer, so I can not select a sound server.01:39
ifelseiflol, I think I rewrote most of alsa from my desktop and then went back started to work it over fresh01:39
* Pelo ' s cmputer is only using 4% cpu atm , compared to 9% before 01:39
gogetaPelo :-( why ya care01:39
ifelseifpelo, what kind of system are you one?01:40
Peloshingalated, hmm,   look into menu > system > admin > users , make sure your username, has permission to "use audio device"01:40
Peloifelseif, asus p4p800   celeron 2.4  1gig ram,  why ?01:40
ifelseifjust looking over some forum01:41
rj175could u elaborate pleaseikonia01:41
shingalatedPelo: I am in all the correct audio groups and it says that I have permission to access the audio device.01:41
ikoniarj175: why you are geting that error depend on how you setup and configured awstats01:41
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Peloifelseif, don't worry about it ,  I 'm pretty sure it's got to do with me adding two lines last week but I just don't get why it is still seeing the line since I removed it01:42
rj175ok do you have any pointers?01:42
gogetaPelo i wanna find a 486 laptop that none whants :P just to install a text only linux01:42
ikoniatell me how you installed and configued it ?01:42
Peloshingalated, ok that was a guess but it happens,  can't get sound when you are not like that01:42
Pelogogeta, yo could probably run puppy linux on it01:42
gogetaPelo probly but i need more text time to spoiled w guis01:43
rj175well installed awstats with aptitude, using the virual servers in virtualmin, all my virtual server files are in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ and each site having its own file01:43
Peloshingalated, look in to menu > sysetm > admin < restricted drivers ? any drives yo need on that ?01:43
gogetaPelo could probly do ubuntu server w a basic x intall01:43
Pelogogeta, got a local computer salvage store ?01:43
gogetaPelo nope01:44
ikoniarj175: ok, so how are the stats gathered (cron ??) and the reports generated ??01:44
gogetaPelo and ebay prices for a 20 year old laptop are stupid01:44
shingalatedPelo: all that is in there is my video. Also my audio was working before without any extra drivers.01:44
rj175the cron generates every 1 hour01:44
Pelogogeta, ads in the local paper maybe01:44
Pelogogeta, those are vintage01:44
gogetaPelo yea but 200 bucks come on01:44
Peloshingalated, nvidia video ?01:44
errpasthow can I remap my ctl key to caps lock?01:44
Pelogogeta,  mind you laptop are expensive01:45
shingalatedPelo: yes that is present and enabled.01:45
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Dr_williserrpast,  ive seen howtos on that befor.. somewhere.. :)  used to be a real common question years ago01:45
Peloerrpast, menu < syetm < prfs > keybaord shorctuts or scim01:45
gogetaPelo yea but for 200 more you can buy a new one from walmart01:45
Dr_williserrpast,  i think people wanted to go the OTHER way however..01:45
Peloshingalated, feel like trhing someting ?01:45
shingalatedPello: sure if it might help I will do it01:46
gogetaPelo that will do alot more then a vintage 49601:46
Pelogogeta, 200$ at wallmart is for a desktop01:46
gogetaPelo i said 400$01:46
gogetaPelo + 20001:46
bazhang!cn | ch_01:46
ubotuch_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:46
redwhitewaldoIn "hardware drivers" I have chosen to enable device driver for "ATI accelerated graphics driver". how do i know the driver file name or application was downloaded and installed?01:46
Quentin`Hey there :)01:46
silencedbearwould anyone know how to enable a port ?01:47
rj175as for the reports ikonia i couldnt tell you01:47
Peloshingalated,  there have been problems wth nvidia restreicted messing up soundcard , occasionnaly,  I want you to try and reconfigure xserver to use vesa and see wht happens, we can put the restricted driver back afterwards01:47
api984how good is virtualmin01:47
silencedbeari need to enable port 526701:47
richie_I have another linux pc on my network, how can I see it from its hostname? richie@richie-desktop:~/Downloads$ ping richie-laptop01:47
richie_ping: unknown host richie-laptop01:47
Pelosilencedbear, enable it whre ?01:47
rj175api984, im mid way throught testing it but so far have had problems settings up awstats01:47
gogetaPelo im not gonna give some ebay scammer 200$ for a 20 year old vintage laptop thats only gonna be a toy01:47
Quentin`Is there anyone here who know a tool which could give me the memory occupation of my c program at real time ? The goal is to get a graph, with gnuplot if it's possible...01:47
shingalatedPelo: I will give that a try, also I am or hardy I don't know if that matters (pulse audio?)01:47
ikoniarichie_: you need some sort of name resolution01:47
Peloredwhitewaldo, check in admin menu < sysem  <`ADMIN > restreicted driver01:48
richie_ikonia, how?01:48
Peloshingalated, oups01:48
Toaster`Good evening.  I'm trying to track down if there is a way to select a specific audio or subtitle track from the command line when running a DVD with vlc?01:48
silencedbearPelo, a chat program is saying that i need to enable it saying it may be blocked by a firewall.01:48
ikoniarichie_: host file, dns, nis, ldap any01:48
Dr_willissilencedbear,  there is no firewall rules by default. those high ports sould be open to any program that wants to use them.01:48
Peloshingalated,  try asking in #ubuntu+1 then there might be somethign else going on01:48
Dr_willissilencedbear,  did you enable/install a firewall? it may beyour router is blocking it.01:48
silencedbearHmm, wonder why that it's saying this than.01:48
shingalatedpelo:okay I will, thank you01:48
Pelosilencedbear, what chat program , a linux one or a windows one on wine ?01:48
rj175ikonia any ideas?01:48
redwhitewaldoPelo: i'm on xubuntu01:48
ikoniarj175: I missed your posts on setup, sorry01:49
rj175the cron generates every 1 hour01:49
silencedbearIt's for um hotornot. Java based chat client. it opens in a firefox windows. And states its being blocked by a firewall to refresh it.01:49
rj175as for the reports ikonia i couldnt tell you01:49
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Peloredwhitewaldo, are you having an actual issue or are you just looking for stuff to fix ?01:49
ikoniarj175: you need to generate the reports and the repots path01:49
silencedbearNo wine or anything. Just plain jane.01:49
ikoniarj175: then visit that file in your browser01:49
Pelosilencedbear, which program ?01:49
rj175and how would one do that?01:49
ikoniarj175: if the reports aren't setup, there is nothingto view01:49
Peloredwhitewaldo, try asking in #xubuntu01:49
silencedbearIt's not a program. It's a chat program on a site called hotornot.com.01:50
redwhitewaldoPelo: i have an issue. i can't seem to get BOTH restricted driver AND extended desktop working at the same time.01:50
lmiller_I have a laptop HDD I've temporarily placed in my desktop box01:50
lmiller_I've used debootstrap to install a basic version of hardy on it01:50
lmiller_Now I want to put a bootloader in the MBR of the laptop HDD, take it out of the Desktop machine and put it back in the laptop01:50
rj175is tht the perl awstats.pl -update -config=mysite01:50
lmiller_I think grub will be confused by that01:50
Peloredwhitewaldo, extend desktop ? is that  like the desktop effects ?01:50
redwhitewaldoPelo: no.01:50
silencedbearit's probably my dsl modem blocking it anyways. I think it only enables port 80 :(01:50
ikoniarj175: no, thats updates01:51
redwhitewaldoPelo: it's having 2 monitors working as though they were one wide one01:51
lmiller_So, the desktop HDD is at /dev/sdb and the laptop is at /dev/sda01:51
rj175how do i generate the reports?01:51
Peloredwhitewaldo, I don'T know about that ,   I think you need to research twinview in the forum01:51
lmiller_The device.map on the chroot laptop HDD has (hd0) /dev/sda01:52
Zackymc_ki have a problem with booting the live cd of ubuntu 7.10 all i get is this after the verbose boot http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/zackymcharvest/Help/photo#519149463457909413001:52
dassoukiwhere is openoffice installed?01:52
lmiller_But how do I get grub to install the MBR on the laptop HDD without hosing my Desktop MBR?01:52
Peloredwhitewaldo, have you used that site before ? cause it sounds like a trap ,  unless you manualy blocked ports in the firewall using iptables or firestarter the firewall in ubuntu it not enabled  by default01:52
redwhitewaldoPelo: wrong person?01:53
Starnestommydassouki: the executable for it is /usr/bin/openoffice01:53
dassoukiStarnestommy, how about the template files ?01:53
Peloshingalated, have you used that site before ? cause it sounds like a trap ,  unless you manualy blocked ports in the firewall using iptables or firestarter the firewall in ubuntu it not enabled  by default01:53
Peloredwhitewaldo, thanks , and sorry01:53
rj175ikonia how do i generate the reports???01:53
PeloZackymc_k, try the alternate install cd insteadd01:53
Starnestommydassouki: /usr/lib/openoffice/share/template/01:54
bazhang!xinerama | redwhitewaldo01:54
uboturedwhitewaldo: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead01:54
dassoukiStarnestommy, thanks :D01:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipcop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:54
latitu!info ipcop01:54
ubotuPackage ipcop does not exist in gutsy01:54
redwhitewaldobazhang: i'm on 8.04. is xinerema still the way to go?01:54
latituwhy ipcop dont exists in ubuntu?01:54
blindHow can I upgrade from Edgy to Feisty then to Gusty?01:54
blindgutsy, rather01:55
mutkHeh 'Gusty'01:55
Zackymc_kPelo, ok but what i have a problem with is if this happens on the live cd will this happen when i dual boot vista and ubuntu01:55
bazhangah redwhitewaldo best to ask in Hardy channel for that--no idea01:55
geniiblind: Pretty much in the order you just described01:55
latituwhy ipcop dont exists in ubuntu? how can i install ipcop?01:55
blindgenii: i don't remember how to upgrade though. where is the button lol01:55
Dr_willis!info ipcom01:55
ubotuPackage ipcom does not exist in gutsy01:55
Dr_willislatitu,  use the source?01:56
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blindor how do i do it via cli01:56
latituDr_willis ./configure thing?01:56
PeloZackymc_k, the alternate install cd should detect yor video card properly and install a vesa driver if no free driver is avaialbe,  there should be no issue01:56
latituDr_willis is ipcop gui?01:56
Dr_willislatitu,  err... yes that is normally one step in compiling from source.01:56
Dr_willislatitu,  no idea.. ive neverheard of it befor.. you are the one asking about it.. you dont know?01:56
geniiblind: Check here for specific instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:57
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=638336 latitu for gutsy01:57
Dr_willislatitu,  a fast google inplies that ipcop is a linux disrto. not a program ? perhaos thats just a distro i am reading that comes with it by default01:57
rj175ikonia how do i generate the reports???01:58
Zackymc_kPelo, ok thanks do you happen to know if there is any problem with installing ubuntu on a HP tx1000 with a touch screen, im abit hesitant on installing it on my brand new laptop01:58
ikoniarj175: you set it up dynamic or via cron01:58
latitubazhang Dr_willis thx01:58
PeloZackymc_k, not off the top of my head,  you can try looking up the model in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport or doing some research in the forum www.ubuntuforus.org01:59
Stroganoffhttp://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_8_04_alpha_4_e_HP_TX1000_series Zackymc_k01:59
Pelo!helpersnack | Stroganoff01:59
ubotuStroganoff: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:59
latitubazhang Dr_willis  so i cant install it on my linux?01:59
bazhanghttp://www.codepencil.com/index.php/installing-ubuntu-gutsy-gibbon-on-my-hp-tx1003au-laptop/ Zackymc_k01:59
blindwhen trying to upgrade to feisty, i get "Could not calculate the upgrade: An unresolvable problem occured while calculating the upgrade." :|01:59
Zackymc_kthanks for all the help02:00
bazhanglatitu: why bother?02:00
Pelobazhang,  you are not getting a cookie,  you need to loose some weight02:00
rj175could you explain how to do this?02:00
matthewwhat's the name of the apache server's user and group?02:01
Starnestommymatthew: www-data02:01
redwhitewaldosound is no longer working on my comp.02:02
redwhitewaldocan someone help me troubleshoot?02:02
redwhitewaldoI don't know what happneed02:02
redwhitewaldosound just stopped working02:02
Peloredwhitewaldo, was it working before you installed the nvidia driver ?02:03
redwhitewaldoPelo: yes02:03
redwhitewaldobut i'm not sure if they're related, Pelo02:03
Peloredwhitewaldo, did it work after you installed the nvidia driver ?02:03
bazhangredwhitewaldo: this is pulseaudio so gutsy fixes might not work for you02:03
Pelo!sound | redwhitewaldo02:03
uboturedwhitewaldo: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:03
redwhitewaldoPelo: it's not an nvidia driver02:03
Peloredwhitewaldo, regardless02:03
redwhitewaldobazhang: what is pulseaudio? you said "this is pulseaudio". what is "this"?02:04
bazhanghardy uses pulseaudio redwhitewaldo02:04
redwhitewaldobazhang: you're saying that what pelo is saying may not apply to me, correct?02:05
Dr_willislatitu,  you aparently barely know what it is.. :) you might want to read up on it a bit more.02:05
Peloredwhitewaldo, that is what bazhang  is saying02:05
sjovanokay, i got a big problem. i need to cut a avi in to splitt sceens. in windows i used nandub (looks like avidemux, but a bit simpler). i have tryed avidemux, but for some strange reason it messes up the sound (both video and sound is set to direct copy). so do any one have a prog to recomend?02:05
Dr_willislatitu,  I barely know what it is.. but i did find a neat page on google about it  ipcop.org02:05
* Pelo also suspects bazhang of saying that his knowledge is dated 02:05
iskaldurhi, im looking to buy an external hd for my macbook and my kubuntu desktop. will a western digital work fine with kubuntu? (in particular, im looking at the one here: http://www.buy.com/prod/western-digital-250gb-my-passport-essential-usb-2-0-portable-hard-drive/q/loc/101/206780497.html)02:05
bazhangPelo: never! ;]02:06
l23twireI'm looking for a buddy anyone?02:06
Pelosjovan, I did that as well a while back,  I recoded that avi file to mpeg4 first  and then cut that , it worked well02:06
bazhangiskaldur: best to look at reviews (hardware reviews) for that02:06
AutoMatriXwhich is the best method to synchronise an outlook express and an evolution address base ?02:06
Dr_willisiskaldur,  about any of them should work.. I would avoide paying extra $$ for ones with extra features that will not work.  such as enctyption/security/fancy backup buttons02:06
Pelol23twire, waht do you mean a buddy ?02:07
sjovanPelo: sounds like a solution, but not something i can satisfy with. you se i have a LOT of files to edit, and would just take to long02:07
PeloAutoMatriX, there is an import option in the evolution file nemen02:07
Pelosjovan, the only other thing I know is  command line mencoder02:08
AutoMatriXPelo, I know the import option, but I want to sycnhronise ;)02:08
rj175ikonia is this the command u mean02:08
rj175perl awstats.pl -config=mysite -output -staticlinks > awstats.mysite.html02:08
PeloAutoMatriX, there is a #evolution02:09
AutoMatriXPelo, tx for that, did'nt know02:09
sjovanPelo: yeah, and i can't finde a working gui for that. found this url, but most of the projects are dead :/ http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/projects.html02:09
Toaster`does anyone know how to disable subtitles in DVD from the cli in vlc?02:10
* Pelo wonders if sjovan is trying to split that Kamelott torrent into episode chunks 02:10
sjovanPelo: but how can you use mencoder to cut for exact points in a movie? you know... keyframes02:10
doctor_thunderwhat is the shortcut key that allows me to copy?02:10
sjovanPelo: nope, i'm makeing pr0n compos :)02:10
Pelosjovan, you'dd need to play the file in avidemux to note the splitpoints02:10
Zeltais there an app to use the zune in ubuntu02:10
sjovanfor torrent sites...02:10
yuri_my automounter died. I think it may have been fuseiso or something related to acetoneiso. manually editing fstab works.02:11
AutoMatriXPelo, are you sure about the name of the chanel ?02:11
sjovanPelo: yeah, i could do that. can you help me out with the command then?`or maby give me a url to a good howto?02:11
PeloAutoMatriX, I was, until now02:11
linkmaster03yeah pelo nobody is in #evolution lol02:11
=== KOJ1 is now known as KOJV2
sjovanPelo: what's kamelott btw?02:12
PeloAutoMatriX, I could swear there was one a few months ago02:12
KOJV2What is a Friend Attack and (if it's just offline messaging) why is it named that?02:12
AutoMatriXPelo, seems vaporised02:12
KOJV2How come Xubuntu has more updates to fetch than Microsoft Windows??02:12
Pelosjovan, french tv/comedy about arthur and the round table,  3 - 7 min episodes  100-50 epsiodes per seasons,  5 seeasons out so far,  it is absolutely awesome02:12
PeloKOJV2,  *buntu not only update the os, but also the applications02:13
sjovanPelo: sounds cool :D yeah, that could use some editing :)02:13
yuri_KOJV2: that depends on how you define "many." purely theoretically, more people see the source code for xubuntu, so more people can point out flaws02:14
KOJV2Pelo: ah. So, how many of the 122 updates were for the system?02:14
Pelosjovan, I actualy spent 3 days cutting it back into 3 min epsiodes,02:14
bazhangZelta: using vbox and xp you can: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4679554&postcount=3302:14
rj175anyone know how to generate the awstats reports?02:14
KOJV2So what's a good video editor for Ubuntu? Such as VirtualDub?02:14
PeloKOJV2, no way for me to tell, , but they are all for things that you have installed02:15
KOJV2Hmm, VD is available for Ubuntu, no?02:15
PeloKOJV2, avidemux02:15
Zeltabazhang: ah, need windows xp D:02:15
KOJV2Pelo: actually I haven't installed anything, just installed off a live cd.02:15
PeloKOJV2, ifi it is installed, get the updates,  they are fixes and security02:15
KOJV2Pelo: I see.02:16
Geoffrey2KOJV2: Xubuntu automatically installs a number of common applications for you02:16
KOJV2Geoffrey2: yes I know. :)02:16
unopKOJV2, it's really pointless comparing microsoft windows to anything linux.  microsoft windows does not evolve as much or as fast as most linux distros, every minute of everyday, thousands of people are updating distros to add functionality, improve security, operability, etc - the same cannot be said for windows02:16
KOJV2Is there any way to make Thunderbird or another Ubuntu mail application use my Vista Mail boxes without disrupting their structure? So that I can check my mail on both platforms without exporting/importing as I switch between OSs.02:17
VoidedCheckunop, sounds like a comparison  :P02:17
sjovanPelo: found this guide, but will it hit the keyframes? http://www.misterhowto.com/index.php?category=Computers&subcategory=Video&article=trim_or_split_with_mencoder <--- seconds doesn't look acurate enough. can't you specify with frame?02:17
KOJV2unop: oh. And I was stupid enough to believe there were thousands of people in Redmond and all over the world, working every minute of every day to improve Microsoft products... :S02:17
Pelosjovan, that's a bit over my head honestly02:18
bazhangKOJV2: you have an actual question or just wanting to chat02:18
MrSteveso.. uhm, how do i get window switching in 3d ?02:18
sjovanPelo: k, but thanx for trying. guess i have a lot of reading to do02:18
Pelosjovan, best of luck ,02:18
PeloI'm off , later folks02:18
MrStevethanks Pelo02:19
KOJV2YEs bazhang, I posted it just a few moments ago; Is there any way to make Thunderbird or another Ubuntu mail application use my Vista Mail boxes without disrupting their structure? So that I can check my mail on both platforms without exporting/importing as I switch between OSs.02:19
Bassetts_hi, I am trying to resize my / partition but obviously it is locked in gparted, will I need the livecd or is it possible to just unmount / for gparted?02:19
MrStevebazhang:  -- I DID it!  Got Unetbootin and Ubuntu02:19
yuri_Q: in my session manager, how do i make an app load in the background? for example my rss reader pops up when i start ubuntu, but i want it to start minimized in the tray. is there a "-silent" command, or something similar?02:19
unopKOJV2, i was making a point about the speed at which updates are deployed with regards to linux, it's continually evolving unlike some counterparts02:20
bazhangKOJV2: use Vista mailboxes? from within a running Vista? while running ubuntu? sounds funny but seriously doubt it02:20
bazhangMrSteve: nice work02:20
MrStevescary stuff02:20
MrSteveBut, well worth the ability to get it02:21
KOJV2unop: I wouldn't say MS softs aren't evolving... I get like ten updates every month just for Windows and Office. Anyhow, let's leave it at that and focus on my possibilities of doing most of my daily work in Xubuntu. :)02:21
KOJV2bazhang: no, I mean I want to access my Vista Mail .dbx files natively from Ubuntu.02:21
MrStevemy windows wobble, and fade02:21
unopKOJV2, you did ask why there were so many updates -- and i was pointing out why there were so many updates :) no flame-war intended, eh02:21
MrStevecan you shake your windows around?02:22
KOJV2unop: surely not. I'm just keen on discussing in general. :)02:22
bazhangKOJV2: likely not possible; funny question though02:22
MrGnuHi Guys, Im running into an issue with Kde.  I am running into an error with insur1 temporary directories are full, check installation.  I googled this, but I could not find a solution, any ideas?  I installed KDE  via Terminal, sudo apt-get install kubuntu02:22
unopKOJV2, as am i (if you are implying i was doing any different)02:22
KOJV2bazhang: perhaps I could migrate to Thunderbird @ Windows and use the same boxes both on Windows and Ubuntu??02:23
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bazhangbest to chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic KOJV02:23
KOJVbazhang: ehm... that wasn't chit-chat, it was an actual question.02:24
MrStevePersonally, I want to thank ALL the Helpers and Ops in this Room..and Certainly think that you should get more than thanks..(but I am poor) So, Thank You, and Kudos for what you do!02:25
KOJVIf I right click in Pigdin and want to abort the right-click-menu, I have to left-click twice... is there any way to fix that?02:25
StroganoffKOJV should be working. just symlink your Thunderbird/Profiles folder to your ntfs mount02:25
KOJVStroganoff: what does symlink mean?02:26
Stroganoff!symlink | KOJV02:26
ubotuKOJV: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:26
dfmrWhat can be the reason why the same cd with ubuntu 7.10 server boots on one computer and doesn't boot on another one?02:26
Stroganoffdfmr acpi=off noapic nodma etc?02:27
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Masochistdfmr, one is not set to boot from CD in the bios settings?02:28
MrGnuAny suggestions?  regarding my Kde failed start up situation?02:29
dfmrbut the menu with items like "start ubuntu" "command line" etc doesn't pop up. And other cd boot without any problems02:29
cirkit|lappyFor some reason im unable to play dvd movies even though libdvdcss, gstreamer, xine, mplayer, vlc are installed.02:29
MrGnuI am reluctant to do a a apt remove on it,02:29
KOJVOkay, thanks stroganoff!02:29
Masochistdfmr, does any part of the CD show up?02:29
Masochistcheck your bios settings.02:30
Masochistmake sure boot from CD is the first option,02:30
dfmrbut for exmaple windows cd starts without any problems02:30
dfmrso I assume that bios settings are ok02:31
Masochisthaven'ta  clue then.02:31
bazhangdfmr: sounds like a bad burn, iso burned as data, didnt check md5 sum or burned on poor quality media02:31
KOJVSo, where do I get Wine?02:31
dfmrbut it starts on another computer?02:32
Dr_willis!wine | KOJV02:32
ubotuKOJV: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.02:32
bazhangdfmr: then you may want to try the alternate cd02:32
KOJVThanks Dr_willis!02:32
dfmralternate cd of ubuntu 7.10 server?02:32
Dr_willisthe server only has an anternative cd.02:33
dfmrwow didnt know that02:33
dfmrthanks guys02:33
bazhangah right server my bad02:33
sarthorHi, i am using ubutnu gutsy, i want to confiugre pppoe server on gutsy, how can i, i am not an expert.02:33
Dr_willisdesktop = live cd with gui. Server cd/alternative installer = text based installer02:33
sarthorHi, i am using ubutnu gutsy, i want to confiugre pppoe server on gutsy, how can i, i am not an expert. need some howto.02:35
DNC_ForeverThis server was created Thu Mar  6 20:45:20 UTC 200802:35
RoxanneMhey guys , im having a hard time restoring grub after a new XP install, would someone be able to hel p me for a second>?02:36
bazhang!grub | RoxanneM02:36
ubotuRoxanneM: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:36
bosanacI am running linux ubuntu 7.10 and i need some program like " Virtual DJ On Windows OS " but i need it for LINUX can some1 help me please?02:37
KOJVAnyone got an apt-link to an Xubuntu respitory where I can download Wine? Thanks!02:37
Daisuke_Idocould you be more specific?02:38
Daisuke_Idowhat does it do?02:38
marckierun Virtualbox bosanac02:38
Lynetsarthor: http://www.freeantennas.com/PPPoE-Server-HOWTO.html looks promising02:38
bosanacmarckie: i dont understand02:38
Daisuke_IdoKOJV, http://winehq.org - use their repo02:38
ubotuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:38
yuri_bosanac: check out rosegarden02:38
linkmaster03when is the party bosanac lol02:38
MrGnuHi Guys, Im running into an issue with Kde.  I am running into an error with insur1 temporary directories are full, check installation.  I googled this, but I could not find a solution, any ideas?  I installed KDE  via Terminal, sudo apt-get install kubuntu02:38
marckiebosanac: !Virtualbox02:38
linkmaster03you asked the same thing hours ago02:38
bosanacok :D02:38
MrGnuany ideas?02:38
RoxanneMbazhang: im using that tut. but it doesnt seem to work.... i typed in this line "setup (hd0)" andit gives me the error--Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition02:38
dfmrDr_willis, ubuntu.com says "Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer." Are you sure that server version has an alternate cd as well?02:39
yuri_bosanac: that's midi mixing software, fairly advanced02:39
marckiefor my windoze needs I just use Virtualbox02:39
bosanacyuri_: how to install it can you tell me PLEASE ?02:39
marckieThough I rarely boot up windoze in it02:39
arvind_khadribosanac, you want to do some DJing right??02:39
kkserasera\join #books02:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about parallels - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:39
KOJVThanks Daisuke_Ido!02:39
yuri_bosanac: in a terminal, type in sudo apt-get install rosegarden02:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about parallel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about canoe - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:40
arvind_khadribosanac, djplay is the software is the thing you should be lookng for02:40
yuri_Q: will pulseaudio kill alsa, or does it work in tandem with it?02:41
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines02:41
dfmrIs there any alternate version of Ubuntu 7.10 Server?02:42
marckieis there a java developer here?02:42
zero-cooli am java developer02:42
arvind_khadridfmr, what does that mean...you only get a alternative cd to install02:42
marckiethere's nobody online in #ubuntu-java02:42
MrStevehow to change the hostname of the Install via bash?02:42
ubotuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/02:42
zero-cooli am java developer02:43
KleidersackMrSteve: hostname02:43
=== digital__ is now known as _Net
marckiehi zero-cool02:43
MrStevereally?  er, wow02:43
zero-coolyes i like java02:43
marckieim studying java right now and need all the resources i can get02:43
dfmrI don't get it. So whats the difference between these two?02:43
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:43
StarnestommyMrSteve: you may also need to edit /etc/hosts02:43
zero-coolyou searching ide?02:43
zero-cooli develop in netbeans02:44
dfmrarvind_khadri, but is it available for server or desktop only?02:44
KleidersackHow can I manage to boot with Grub installed on sda5 (logical volume)?02:45
marckiei already have netbeans02:45
arvind_khadridfmr, for both02:45
marckiejust wondering if there are java dev in ubuntu02:45
zero-coolnetbeans is very fast02:45
marckieand if it is active02:45
marckieyeah its fast02:45
zero-coolself compiler is very fast02:45
arvind_khadriKleidersack, grub should show up when you boot02:45
Kleidersackmarckie: you eclipse could install eclipse02:45
Dr_willisdfmr,  i said the server cd - uses the text installer. since it has no X on it.. it dosent need a 'anternative isntaller cd' since it allready IS using the alternative/text installer.02:45
RoxanneMbazhang:  can you have a look at that grub tutorial there, is the line "grub> setup (hd0) #Hit <Enter> key "- correct? or should it be (setup (hd0,1)02:45
marckiethough in our class we prefer textbased ide --i use gedit02:45
marckiethen compile it in terminal02:45
Kleidersackarvind_khadri: unforunataly not...02:45
arvind_khadriKleidersack, are you sure the grub installed??02:46
zero-coolI am from croatia you02:46
marckiei haven't tried eclipse Kleidersack in ubuntu02:46
marckiei heard its slow02:46
dfmrDr_willis, ok now i get it Thanks02:46
IdleOnewhere does rhythmbox keep playlists?02:46
Kleidersackarvind_khadri: I just recieve a message, that no partition is marked as active. I installed grub to (hd0,5)...02:46
marckieim from the philippines zero-cool02:46
zero-coolyes but eclipse is oriented on web app02:47
marckiei see02:47
arvind_khadribazhang, i never had luck with those methods,feel they(grub) have changed something02:47
marckiebut we havent gone there yet02:47
Kleidersackzero-cool: Sorry? Why ?02:47
marckiewe're still in the basics02:47
arvind_khadriKleidersack, of issue fdisk -l02:47
arvind_khadri!paste | Kleidersack02:47
ubotuKleidersack: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:47
marckieI'm studying so that I can contribute in the community02:47
arvind_khadriKleidersack, they paste the output over the site02:48
arvind_khadri!ot | marckie,02:48
ubotumarckie,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:48
bliffleonly a couple days to 8.04 release - where's best ISO torrent?02:48
zero-cooli am from croatia you guys02:49
Kleidersackarvind_khadri: sorry, windows running... But I can tell you my layout: 1st prim: EISA (Media Player of Samsung), 2nd prim. WIndow XP, 3rd 8 MB reserved for Vista, 4th extended 4th 20GB ext3 with Ubuntu 6th 20GB NTFS for Data02:49
Zelta!hardy | bliffle02:49
ubotubliffle: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu02:49
danagehow do i list all active kernel drivers?02:49
RoxanneMcould someone give me a hand trying to get grub reinstalled?02:49
thoreauputic_bliffle: uh, the torrent file will be there in the releases on the day02:49
KleidersackRoxanneM: grub-install?02:50
arvind_khadriKleidersack, we need to check the bootable flags ...so you need to be in ubuntu...do you have some live cd??02:50
api984whats with grub??02:50
Flannel!grub | RoxanneM02:50
ubotuRoxanneM: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:50
arvind_khadriRoxanneM, hi02:50
Flannelarvind_khadri, Kleidersack, bootable flags don't mean anything to Linux, or even XP.02:50
zero-cooljust put ubuntu cd and mount hardrive02:50
RoxanneMKleidersack:  i just reinstalled windows, and im looking at that tutorial that Flannel just posted up... but it doesnt seem to work02:50
Kleidersackarvind_khadri: at the moment 2nd part is active. when i set sda5 active, the mbr-code tells, no partition is active.02:50
api984its on MBR02:50
Mega_bytehi, does anyone know, please, what is the equivalent of PREROUTING, in ipfw (ipfirewall)02:50
FlannelRoxanneM: What are you having problems with? since it's worked for many others.02:51
arvind_khadriFlannel, doesnt that mean that there is a OS in that partition02:51
blifflethanx guys.02:51
a1fahello.. can you not enable DMA on SATA drive?02:51
RoxanneMthe line "setup (hd0)02:51
zero-coolhave somebody from Croatia02:51
KOJVHow can I make Pidign login to more IRC channels at start?02:51
api984i am from croatia02:51
a1faapi984: seljak02:51
zero-coolhello api02:51
api984sta ima02:51
zero-cooli am from zagreb you02:51
a1fabok seljaci :p02:51
thoreauputic_arvind_khadri: linux doesn't care about boot flags :)02:51
Flannelarvind_khadri: No, the bootable flag is ignored except by a handful of old OSes (DOS, for instance)02:52
zero-coolevo dosao malo na ubuntu kanal posto spavaju ovi moji hahari02:52
api984a1fa sta ima02:52
marckiejust felt the love02:52
arvind_khadriFlannel, oh ok02:52
FlannelRoxanneM: what about it isn't working?  What errors does it give you?02:52
zero-cooldecki vi ste linuxasi02:52
api984a sta ces02:52
thoreauputic_arvind_khadri: possibly older versions of windows need it, don't know02:52
a1fadrkam kitu.. cant ebale DMA on my 500GB SATA drive02:52
zero-cooljel idete na razmjenu vjestina02:52
KOJVHow come there are none of the normal (Windows?) resolutions available in Xubuntu? All like random frequencies... such as 1600x1200 @ 68 Hz.02:52
RoxanneMgrub> setup (hd0)02:52
RoxanneMError 17: Cannot mount selected partition02:52
zero-coolu st02:52
api984ja sam duze vrijeme ali ga koristim virtualno02:52
arvind_khadriKleidersack, the grub doesnt show up???02:52
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: Grub not, but MBR code does.02:52
Flannel!hr | api98402:52
ubotuapi984: Odgovarajuci kanal za Hrvatski jezik je #ubuntu-hr, molimo Vas da se pridruzite tom kanalu ukoliko trebate pomoc za Ubuntu, hvala.  Croatian language support in #ubuntu-hr02:52
zero-coolimate razmjenu vjestina u st02:52
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: ...02:52
api984ajmo na ubuntu hr02:53
Kleidersackarvind_khadri: no! only when i install it to the mbr.02:53
zero-coolkoji je kanal02:53
zero-coolsamo ubuntuhr02:53
FloodBot1zero-cool: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:53
Flannelzero-cool: /join #ubuntu-hr02:53
arvind_khadriKleidersack, well thats what you need to do02:53
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: for the primary partitions....02:53
* KOJV wonders how on Earth he came to #ubuntu-jibberish...02:53
NateFhay guys im back, i finally got passed the ata error's, but now i see the blank blue screen with white lines at the buttom, and now its kinda frozen, is it installing now?02:53
a1faWhy cant you enable DMA on SATA drive?02:53
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: if you install grub on a partition, you have to have a bootloader on the mbr to chinload, at least - is that what you mean?02:54
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: ... i suppose, bu i'm not sure02:54
RoxanneMi really want my ubuntu back :(02:54
arvind_khadriKleidersack, the grub should be chainloading MBR02:54
RoxanneMmaybe i will just wait for Hardy02:54
thoreauputic_s/chinload/chainload  :)02:54
Kleidersackarvind_khadri: Sorry, what do you mean?02:54
Scunizialfa, isn't it on be default ?  newer technology and all that.. there's probably no way to turn it off.02:55
a1faits not on02:55
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: theoraticaly the mbr-code searches for the active partition and chainloads...02:55
a1faand I cant turn it on02:55
NateFguys im stuck on a blue screen while trying to install ubuntu02:55
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: or haven't i got it false?02:55
arvind_khadriKleidersack, well you need to write the grub above the MBR so that grub can detect everything and actually run....well grub should be on the top of geometry not inside a geometry02:55
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: umm, no - you don't needto mark "active"02:56
maco"active" partitions only matter in windows02:56
KOJVI'd like to know why two of my six Win partitions ask for my password then won't be mounted anyway?02:56
macoin linux, the bootloader will use whatever partitions it's told to use02:56
Kleidersackmaco: no, defenitly not02:56
NateFim stuck on a blue screen is ubuntu is loading???02:56
Kleidersackarvind_khadri: but then i loose the "active" feature02:56
arvind_khadriKleidersack, active feature of what,you mean a dual boot02:57
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: and how does the mbr knows, which bootsector to load?02:57
thoreauputic_Kleidersack:  for example, you can only have one partition marked with the boot flag, but grub can load 2,3 or more OSs on various partitions02:57
gogetaNateF LOL did you say blue screen02:57
KOJVHow come there are none of the normal (Windows?) resolutions available in Xubuntu? All like random frequencies... such as 1600x1200 @ 68 Hz.02:57
KOJV I'd like to know why two of my six Win partitions ask for my password then won't be mounted anyway?02:57
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: grub  works in stages - the mbr is just there to connect to the later stages02:57
Flannel!repeat | KOJV02:57
ubotuKOJV: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:57
gogetaKOJV six??02:58
IdleOnewhere does rhythmbox keep playlists?02:58
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:58
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: grub properly configured can find bootable kernels02:58
NateFyea, whats a HUGE blue screen mean after selecting the keyboard layout?02:58
Kleidersackarvind_khadri: the bios sets the first partition active, when i press the "media button" to power up my laptop... on dell the tools partition is activated by the bios in this way.02:58
IdleOneNateF: anything on the blue screen?02:59
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: it doesn't get to any state - the message i recieve is, that no partition is activated... or no operation system is installed.02:59
NateFtheres a small white line at the bottom02:59
NateFif i hit enter it ads another white line to the bottom02:59
arvind_khadriKleidersack, have you got ubuntu installed02:59
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: "no operation system is installed" sounds like a windows message03:00
IdleOneNateF: hmm sounds interesting. dont know what it is or what would cause it03:00
Kleidersackarvind_khadri: yes, but I always tell the bootloader to install to the os partition.03:00
arvind_khadriKleidersack, as ubuntu auto configures the grub03:00
NateFlol, do you know if i can send Ubuntu an email or something to tell them about the proablem?03:00
arvind_khadriKleidersack, there you did a mistake,grub is totally different from MBR!!!!!03:00
gogetaNateF im wondering abought your cds03:00
IdleOneNateF: this would be the best place to get the problem solved. you can also try searching on the ubuntu forums03:01
NateFlol, i checked tthe CD's twice03:01
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: if you do that with windows ntldr you have to jump through hoops - using grub on the mbr is much better and easier03:01
gogetaNateFif there not just no good03:01
arvind_khadriKleidersack, how can grub now boot or show up as it wont be called first!!!03:01
Flannel!bugs | NateF03:01
ubotuNateF: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:01
NateFthere CD-R's03:01
NateFok thanks03:01
Kleidersackarvind_khadri: yes, but grub in the mbr doesn't make real sense...03:01
IdleOneNateF: try burning on a brand new cd and see if that helps03:01
gogetaNateF woa03:01
NateFa new CD-R or CD+R03:01
IdleOneNateF: I know that when I have used a cd more then once I always get errors03:02
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: sorry?03:02
arvind_khadriKleidersack, oh really those were the official ways though03:02
gogetaNateF from a new iso03:02
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: yes it does - I explained earlier that only a tiny part of grub goes in the mbr - the rest is later stages03:02
gogetaNateF compared the md5 to03:02
NateFwell, i have school tomorow, so im going to start the download tehen go to bed03:02
gogetaNateF make shure its not cruppted03:02
marckiecan anybody change grub visual?03:02
NateFhow do i do the MD503:02
arvind_khadrithoreauputic_, how can grub be seen from inside of a geometry ,MBR wont detect anything other that Windows03:02
IdleOne!md5 | NateF03:02
ubotuNateF: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:02
MrGnuHi Guys, Im running into an issue with Kde.  I am running into an error with insur1 temporary directories are full, check installation.  I googled this, but I could not find a solution, any ideas?  I installed KDE  via Terminal, sudo apt-get install kubuntu03:03
NateFTHANKS ubot!03:03
NateFis that a bot or a real person?03:03
StarnestommyNateF: a bot03:03
gogetaIdleOne he has both a lice cd and server failing03:03
gogetaIdleOne live03:03
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: yes, by default it'splaced there and kicked by windows... but if you place grub to the bootsector of you linux part you can reenable it by setting the linux part active using windows program "diskpart"  without any further tools03:03
thoreauputic_arvind_khadri: the code in the mbr loads stage 1.5 of grub, or whatever the right number is (I would have to look it up)03:03
MrGnuWEll I wish I was, anyone know the answer?>03:03
IdleOneNateF: how new is this pc?03:03
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: Ah well that may be so - I don't know that method03:04
NateFumm 200103:04
IdleOneNateF: ok not hardware issue then03:04
gogetaIdleOne is if his hd is craping out03:05
NateFwell, ill re download and burn tomorow i got school tomorow :(03:05
adam__hello, i am thinking of upgrading to the beta, and i have a toshiba with the weird graphics (intel) and i was wondering if i will have to do the bios hack to get the graphics to work correctly?03:05
arvind_khadriKleidersack, grub boots first not the MBR03:05
gogetaIdleOne it was a vfs ata error03:05
NateFthe ata errors are gone now03:05
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: sounds like an inflexible method - what if you have say, a triple boot?03:05
Kleidersackarvind_khadri: MBR code is executed first... if grub is in the mbr, then it's executed.03:05
gogetaNateF if thats true start the live cd :)03:05
Scuniziadam__: without knowing specifically what the card is.. there won't be anyone answering.03:05
bmk789is a load of 10 not good?03:06
NateFlol, i did, the live CD gets stuck03:06
caveymaso1is there any way of having diff wallpapers on each of my desktops?03:06
adam__Scunizi, its the intel 94503:06
felipe__!tell me about grub03:06
gogetaNateF then thers still a issue03:06
IdleOneNateF: at what point does it get stuck?03:06
IdleOne!grub | felipe_03:06
ubotufelipe_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:06
arvind_khadriKleidersack, yeah thats what am saying ...but how the hell can MBR see the grub when it doesnt what a ext3 FS is03:06
NateFumm, when i go to install, the status bar freezes03:06
Scuniziadam__: I think that should be supported now and Hardy should be even better.03:06
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: only a tiny part of grub is installed to the mbr - the rest is where you put it :)03:06
adam__Scunizi, thank you, i will go ahead and do it tomorrow, as i will surf tonight...03:06
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: now, I have to use a bootloader, but bootloader in the mbr is a bit messy... especially for dell,ibm and verious laptops..03:06
IdleOneNateF: how long have you waited for it to unstick?03:07
=== bay is now known as disdov
Scuniziadam__: are you on the live cd now?03:07
NateFumm, about 25-26 hours03:07
adam__Scunizi, no, i am on ubuntu ultimate 1.603:07
thoreauputic_arvind_khadri: the part in the mbr knows just enough to find grub - the rest happens after that03:07
gogetaNateF lol yea stuck03:07
Kleidersackarvind_khadri: mbr doesn't care the fs - it just looks for an active partition and loads the first (boot) sector.03:07
Scuniziadam__: ah.. ok.. so are you going to beta of ultimate?03:07
IdleOneNateF: yeah that should be long enough. lol. ok go to bed and work on it tomorrow. school is more important03:07
thoreauputic_arvind_khadri: grub is pretty smart actually :)03:07
gogetaNateF i would md5 those isos make shure something isnt wrong there03:07
adam__Scunizi, no, im going to the plain ubuntu beta, 8.0403:07
NateFwell ill redownload then check all the info03:08
NateFill be back on tomorow03:08
arvind_khadrithoreauputic_, thats what am trying to prove03:08
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: grub doesn't look for "active" - it finds kernels03:08
Scuniziadam__: you might consider just installing gutsy and when hardy is released (and fully functional) just upgrade through synaptic.. it will prompt you for the upgrade.03:08
gogetaNateF sometimes they go bad realy the case with ones that have been there a wile03:08
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: in fact if you have it on a floppy you can run it that way and it will show a list03:09
cirkit|lappyI've installed libdvdcss and win32codecs, I am unable to play a copyrighted DVD movie. Medibuntu repository has been added with the necessary software installed. Has anyone seen this issue before?03:09
adam__Scunizi, nah, i want to get off of the unsupported ultimate03:09
gogetaNateF or even your download manager can do it03:09
adam__Scunizi, and build it myself03:09
Scuniziadam__: gotcha03:09
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: yes, but my problem is to let the mbr load grub, because it seems not to work with logical drives, but works fine with primary partitions.03:09
NateFhow do i make sure the download manager is fine?03:09
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: alternatively you point it at another bootloader to chainload03:09
IdleOnewhere does rhythmbox save playlists?03:09
NateFim using FireFoz03:09
adam__Scunizi, there are alot of things on this ultimate, that i dont need, use, or have a use for... so i want to dump it,streamline an install, and start fresh, windows free03:09
gogetaNateF yea i had ff cruppt one once03:09
Scuniziadam__: :)03:10
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: I have no idea what you mean - grub finds logical drives just fine03:10
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: now, if nothing works i'll let the windows bootloader to chainload grub; a bit messy...03:10
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: but i need grub to be found.03:10
_NetUbuntu comes with GCC compiler right?03:10
adam__Scunizi, thanks for your help i do appreciate it, and will see ya later,03:10
Scuniziadam__: c-ya03:10
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: i don't want put grub to the mbr.03:10
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: how on earth did you complicate matters so much? If you just follow the standard ways grub works fine03:11
drewbyHello, are there any tools available to ubuntu to determine whether or not a video is encoded in MPEG4 - Part 10 versus MPEG4 - Part 2 (in other words H.264 versus Divx)?03:11
gogetaKleidersack supergrub live cd/floppy03:11
arvind_khadri_Net, yeah03:11
gogetaKleidersack you can rebuild it with that easly03:11
cirkit|lappyNevermind it works, had to re-insert the disc after installing the necessary files.03:11
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: I cannot see what the problem is with having grub on mbr03:11
arvind_khadrithoreauputic_, :) thats whats so messy03:11
gogetaKleidersack w same disk you c an even restore the mbr to stock windows03:12
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: unfortunately it's not so simple if you want to use dell and ibm computers with it's own tools-partitions03:12
arvind_khadriKleidersack, i think #grub would be more interested in what you are doing03:12
gogetaKleidersack well i told you how to fix it03:12
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: ah, so dell do something stupid with their partitions. I see :)03:13
caveymaso1is there any way of having different wallpapers on each of my desktops?03:13
Kleidersackgogeta: the problem is to load grub from an logical drive... i have rebuilded it several times.03:13
drewbyHow can I determine the codec of a given video file?03:13
Synclairhey I have a question that it's server related03:13
gogetaKleidersack what you do is backup the dell mbr to a safe place03:13
nanotraderare there any communities of france here??03:13
TangentBuntuhow do I change the home directory of a user via command line?03:13
gogetaKleidersack thers stuff out there that can do that03:13
caveymaso1lol they need to do something about this chanel its getting to big03:13
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: not really - the bios can set the tools partition active if you ran in trouble... but unfortunatelly it only works with a standard mbr code, because grub ignores the active flag03:14
ScuniziSynclair: ask...away..03:14
StarnestommyTangentBuntu: sudo usermod -d /new/home/dir username03:14
nanotraderplease, someone, i want to tlak to french people03:14
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: How do you suppose the millions of people running linux on Dell seem to manage to configure grub so easily?03:14
TangentBuntuomg usermod03:14
Kleidersackgogeta: sorry?03:14
Synclairokey, I have a server running ubuntu 7.1003:14
Starnestommy!fr | nanotrader03:14
ubotunanotrader: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:14
Scunizi!fr | nanotrader03:14
arvind_khadri!fr | nanotrader03:14
TangentBuntuStarnestommy: thank you03:14
gogetaKleidersack you can backup a mbr03:14
caveymaso1diff wallpapers anyone?03:14
Scunizi!fr | nanotrader03:14
StarnestommyTangentBuntu: you may need to move the stuff in that user's old home directory to the new one03:14
Kleidersackgogeta: but i need to run it each time before running in grub03:15
gogetaKleidersack err no03:15
Synclairthe thing is that I need my server to accept people logging in from a certain domain.. It's an ADS (Active Directory) and the thing is that I need to bind samba to the domain03:15
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: loosing the possibility to activate the tools partition by bios... the same for lenovo reparation button afaik03:15
gogetaKleidersack grub will setup for other oses03:15
Kleidersackgogeta: but ignore the active flag03:16
Synclairfor example, if a client wants to download or upload certain files to the server, he would have to input his user and password from the domain to the system (then the server would authenticate with the domain controller)03:16
ScuniziSynclair: so it's really an Active Directory thing.. someone here might know.. or over at #ubuntu-server .. the guys that deal with this all the time.03:16
TangentBuntuStarnestommy: it's just to give someone an FTP account to the webserver03:16
gogetaKleidersack so03:16
TangentBuntuno files have been there in the first place, Starnestommy03:16
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: hmm - OK. I only run linux so I guess a lot of this is not relevant to me - have you tried googling for the problem ?03:16
gogetaKleidersack well i have a suggestion for you03:16
RequinB4How can I make control+alt+delte open my system moniter03:16
gogetaKleidersack a wubi install03:17
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: yes, but don't have enough keyword to get a smart result03:17
Kleidersackgogeta: sorry?03:17
gogetaKleidersack it uses both the windows partation and boot loader03:17
ScuniziRequinB4: you ought to have it pull up a graphic that says  by by MS03:17
caveymaso1has anyone been successfull with multiple wallpapers? like diff wallpapers on each workspace?03:17
Synclairno response @ #ubuntu-server03:17
Kleidersackgogeta: you mean a bootloader?03:17
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: have you tried ubuntu+dell+tools+partition+grub  for example ?03:18
gogetaKleidersack http://wubi-installer.org/ its built in 8.04 but for 7.10 go there03:18
ScuniziRequinB4: seriously.. why not just put the sys monitor on the upper bar of the screen?03:18
RequinB4Scunizi - Maybe i'll do that on another machine :P  But i'm fixing my freind's laptop and he wanted an easily accessable system moniter03:18
zutmei have an onboard soundcard and a discrete soundcard. how can i choose which one I want to use? It defaulted to my onboard for some reason03:18
RequinB4Scunizi - security, i think03:18
gogetaKleidersack all you need to do is restore the windows boot sector03:18
Kleidersackgogeta: i have already installed ubuntu03:18
ScuniziRequinB4: don't know how that would make any difference..03:19
gogetaKleidersack well you dont wanna mod it03:19
gogetaKleidersack this would work for you03:19
Kleidersackgogeta: no, not really... my windows bootsector is fine... but i don't want grub in the mbr...03:19
RequinB4Scunizi - oh, you mean on the toolbar?  That would be last ditch03:19
ScuniziRequinB4: right click bar.. select "Add to Panel" and attach it.. then you're done..03:19
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: I just tried that and got some hits that look as if they could help03:19
gogetaKleidersack readit does not use grub03:19
RequinB4Scunizi - THanks for the suggestion, but it would still be nice to get the keyboard shortcut03:20
highwayzutme, can't you just disable the on-board sound card in the bios?03:20
Kleidersackgogeta: as far as i can see, wubi is just an installer... isn't it?03:21
ScuniziRequinB4: there ought to be a way to put it in System/Preferences/Keyboard Shortcuts.. but there's lots of stuff there and no "Add" button03:21
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: another google search for you:  ntldr+boot+linux+howto03:21
ScuniziRequinB4: maybe in the conf file for that app.03:21
gogetaKleidersack ir installes in a image file inside windows and uses the windows boot loader03:21
zutmehighway, i suppose I could, but that's kind of a hack isn't it? I should be able to select it somehow wouldn't you think?03:21
RequinB4Scunizi - yeah, i asked here because the one thing i'm dissapointed about ubuntu was a lack of GUI keyboart shortcut changes03:21
lolzhey there. i'm running ubuntu from the boot disk and i am considering formating my current windows hd and using ubuntu full-time, cus it is much better. my question is, me and a friend are coding a website, ubuntu can edit .html / .php files correct?03:21
gogetaKleidersack no partations or grub03:21
danageanybody have good instructions on how to compile hostap drivers and modprobe them into the kernel? i don't know how to compile JUST the drivers...03:22
gogetaKleidersack your only other option are install it on the bootsector a floppy or a usb drive03:22
highwaythere might be another way, but if you don't need the on-board, why leave it on?03:22
thoreauputic_lolz: of course :) Any number of editors can handle those03:22
fyrmediclolz yup no problem. I think the package is Quanta or bluefish. Or you can use a content management system and not worry about it.03:22
lolzis there a application, alike dreamweaver for ubunut?03:22
Kleidersackgogeta: oh, nice idea... but my problem is to get grub running, because i don't have windows on each computer to install... but there are plenty dell / lenovo / other manufactures using the active-feature...03:23
gogetaKleidersack if you wanna avoide the primary mbr03:23
thoreauputic_lolz: closest would be kompozer03:23
thoreauputic_!info kompozer hardy03:23
ScuniziRequinB4: check this out.. http://blog.laptopmag.com/keyboard-shortcuts-in-linux-success03:23
ubotukompozer (source: kompozer): Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.7.10-0ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 8438 kB, installed size 26008 kB03:23
lolzif i do pation my current hd. how big would you say teh smallest i could get away with ubuntu?03:23
Kleidersackgogeta: active-flag works fine for primary partitions...03:23
lolzin gigabytes.03:23
gogetaKleidersack just dont get it do you03:23
danageanybody have good instructions on how to compile hostap drivers and modprobe them into the kernel? i don't know how to compile JUST the drivers...03:23
Kleidersackgogeta: sorry?03:24
gogetaKleidersack linux does not need activ03:24
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: have you actually tried the searches I suggested?03:24
Kleidersackgogeta: the active flag tells the standard mbr code, which bootsector to load...03:24
lolzwhat's a good (preferably low) hd size for ubuntu?03:24
gogetaKleidersack you should be able to bot any partation with grub even recovery03:24
danagelolz: 2gb03:24
lolzwill 2gb do?03:25
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: you are approaching this from a totally non-linux angle03:25
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: searched for "mbr grub extended partition" before asking here...03:25
lolzalright thanks a lot guyz.03:25
RequinB4thanks much Scunizi03:25
ScuniziRequinB4: np.. :)03:25
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: an extended partition is just a container03:25
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: sorry, but i'm not going to write my own mbr bootloader...03:25
gogetaKleidersack just point it to the partation and hit enter03:25
sunyorewhois anthony03:25
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: *cough* who said you needed to?03:26
gogetaKleidersack you cant add the line eh /dev/hda303:26
tygerdoes anyone know how to install colinux in ubuntu?03:26
thoreauputic_gogeta: don't bother, he has a hearing difficulty, poor chap03:26
gogetathoreauputic_: hes fearing losing acess to recovery partations on a dell03:26
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: that's the OSS angle - you need something and can't find it? So just develope it :-)03:26
sjovancan anyone recomend a prog to finde the keyframes in a avi? avidemux sucks teh balls in linux03:27
Kleidersackgogeta: not only on dell - many manufactures works with such things.03:27
gogetaKleidersack i give up bro03:27
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:27
gogetaKleidersack read03:27
amenadohttp://mirror.href.com/thestarman/asm/mbr/PartTables.htm  <-- mbr break down to bytes03:27
gogetaKleidersack if you cant get that windows thinking tossed i hate to say it linux is not for you03:29
gogetaKleidersack grub can load any partation03:29
ng0nwhere do you guys go for VISTA help.  I know.  It sux.  Just curious.03:29
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents03:29
Kleidersackgogeta: I know... I used grub and lilo to switch master/slave harddisks and so on... but there is no feature (afaik) to tell grub to look for the active flag... or i haven't found it in the documentation03:30
gogetaKleidersack omg03:30
gogetaKleidersack you dont need to03:30
Kleidersackgogeta: what?03:30
Daisuke_Idong0n, check /dev/null for windows help :\03:31
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: your problem is this: you already think you know how it is done, and are therefore deaf to any help that contradicts your preconceived idea03:31
Kleidersackon my old pc i let grub run windows on the second harddisk simulating it was the first (swapping)03:31
gogetathat guy has no concept of bootloader03:31
PoeHave a question... when I select ubuntu from my bootload after a fresh install it goes to a black screen... and the only way I can get it going is a safe boot and launch gdm through the command03:32
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: that sound you hear is hundreds of keyboards adding you to the /ignore list, I'm afraid...03:32
Poeanyone have an idea where I should go?03:33
Daisuke_IdoKleidersack, just because that's how you did it before doesn't mean that's how it's done now, gogeta told you where to look for help with grub.  i use a dell, it works fine, end of discussion03:33
PoeI mean where I should start03:33
ricanelitewhy is that the windows are so big in Ubuntu? Like I have the right screen resolution which is 1280x720 like I have notice that in windows vista, xp there are so much smaller03:33
Daisuke_IdoPoe, at this point, no one wants me telling them where to go, trust me.03:33
gogetaDaisuke_Ido he said his grub is blackscreening lol03:34
PoeLol... im sorry?03:34
gogetaPoe i would check your menu.list03:34
Poehow and for what gogeta?03:35
gogetaPoe just sounds like its pointed to a bad spot03:35
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: Now, you are telling me to install grub to the mbr, but I don't know how to tell grub to look, for the active flag.03:35
Daisuke_Idoit doesn't need to03:35
Daisuke_Idoyou were told that too03:35
Poeshould I try a fresh reinstall?03:35
Poethis is the first time ive tried to boot it also...03:36
gogetaPoe boot safemode and looks in /boot/grub03:36
KleidersackDaisuke_Ido: can you run your tools partition from bios-menu?03:36
Daisuke_IdoKleidersack, i can03:36
Daisuke_Idono, not the bios03:36
Daisuke_Idogrub picks it up as a bottable partition03:36
danageKleidersack: there are plenty of guides in the ubuntu wiki on how to configure grub03:36
Daisuke_Idoand works just fine03:36
gogetaPoe the normel boot should point in the same place without all the options03:36
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: that's what I mean about preconceived ideas...03:36
ricaneliteis there a way to make a default window size? for all applications I open?03:36
danageyou should read some, and with the acquired knowledge, ask a qualified question here03:36
gogetaDaisuke_Ido i ran that circle with him to many times03:37
danagegogeta: do you know a good kernel recompiling guide for ubuntu?03:37
Daisuke_Idogogeta, i'm beginning to see that...03:37
Poeok... shouldnt a sucsessful install boot correctly from the beginning?03:38
gogetaDaisuke_Ido: he doesent understand his bios have knothing to do witrh it the bios are doing the same thing grub does change the bot order03:38
thoreauputic_Daisuke_Ido: There are certain people who are sort of human black holes ;)03:38
gogetaDaisuke_Ido and the line makeactiv shhhh03:38
Daisuke_Idothoreauputic_, i'm seeing that as well03:39
gogetaDaisuke_Ido if hes that conserned make a friggen backup if by some mircle 1202 people are wrong03:40
Kleidersack_thoreauputic_: if something goes wrong with the pc and i can't boot the machine, the dell hotline tells me to run the tools-partition. If something went wrong with the linuix partition I can't do this and they tell me to run there f*** tools first; i want avoid this situation.03:41
gogeta"slams hjead"03:42
* amenado provides soft pillow to gogeta03:42
gogetaamenado lol any mader and i start swaring03:42
Mex_tuxI need help!! I have installed Ubuntu 7.10 on my laptop and at last I could install the Broadcom driver. My question is: Do I have to type always this --> modprobe bmc43xx in order to make my wireless card work???03:43
gogetaim saying this one last time grub will load your friggen tools other dell users confermed this aruldy03:43
amenadoMex_tux-> if you know any other way, let me know.. :P03:43
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: I rarely give this as a link, but I make an exception occasionally:  http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html03:43
gogetathoreauputic_ owned03:44
shiraI'm having problems with vinagre. When I use vncviewer, I'm able to connect, but not w/ vinagre. any ideas?03:44
bhigginsanyone have any luck with soundmax on sony vgn subnotebooks? every other system component works flawlessly in 7.1003:44
mutkthoreauputic_, Didn't esr declare his allegience with Ubuntu at some point?03:44
xopeyhas anyone gotten a bluetooth phone tethered in ubuntu using pppd to dialup?03:45
javbusing ubuntu 7.10, using normal visual effects, it works very nice, but, after a while working, it starts freezing for about 5 - 8 seconds, every 10 - 20 minutes... i disable visual effects, and perfect. Any ideas?03:45
thoreauputic_mutk: didn't hear much from him since, but yes he switched from Fedora, or so he said at the time03:45
Mex_tuxIs there any way to load a module on startup?03:45
thoreauputic_mutk: I think he got involved with Linspire03:45
gogetaMex_tux yep add it to rc.d03:45
gogetacMex_tux or init.d03:45
thoreauputic_Mex_tux: the Debian Way (TM) is to put it in /etc/modules03:46
gogetathoreauputic_ linspire (jump off clif)03:46
Kleidersack_gogeta: the last time a broken ram caused an unreadable ext3 (so grub couldn't load its menu.lst). I had to restore the standard MBR to make the dell folks statisfied and send me new rams...03:46
thoreauputic_gogeta: /etc/modules is a better pot for bootup modules03:46
=== Yasumoto_ is now known as Yasumoto
gogetathoreauputic it shure is03:47
sheikpunki have a problem... with wireless conection on ubuntu.03:47
gogetathoreauputic guess im still mad03:47
thoreauputic_gogeta: heh :)03:47
sheikpunkafter conection...03:47
sheikpunkautomatic disconect..03:48
cogenoHas anyone had problems with SD Cards (or any other USB dick) giving false reports of being full?03:48
gogetathoreauputicm alsmost makes you wanna to the rm joke03:48
sheikpunk1, 2 minutes after conected...03:48
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
cogenoI've tried formatting the card, and Thunar will report that there's something like 1.3GB left, but will still say it's full03:48
sheikpunkmy laptop use chipset native rtl818703:49
Kleidersack_cogeno: do you have the permisions to write on it?03:49
sjovanokay... i just figured out the problem. this is redicules. ---> mencoder -ovc copy -oac copy -ss 00:00:16 -endpos 00:16:20 -o "dfadsga.avi" "fadsfa.avi" <---- -endpos command thinks about the new time. so since it's cut from 16 seconds from the start every thing is 16 seconds off. how can i fix this?03:49
thoreauputic_gogeta: no, that one should *never* be done :(03:49
cogenoKleidersack_: Yes. It's like I can only put something like 600MB on a 2GB card03:49
gogetathoreauputic to him03:49
shiraI'm having problems with vinagre. When I use vncviewer, I'm able to connect, but not w/ vinagre. any ideas?03:49
gogetathoreauputic i  think its justfyed03:49
gogetacogeno did you partation the card lol03:50
Kleidersack_cogeno: how many files?03:50
gogetacogeno you would wanna make it just 1 and format it03:51
gogetacogeno get all 2gb03:51
cogenoGogeta: But it's saying it03:51
cogeno's a 2GB partition03:51
cogenoIt still says there's 1.3GB left on the card03:51
gogetacogeno then its not ful03:51
cogenoBut still says it's full if I try to put anything on it03:51
Kleidersack_cogeno: How many files do you want to write on your disk - there are limitations...03:51
gogetacogeno i would say bad opartation table03:52
gogetacogeno reformat the card03:52
cogenoWell, if I use my camera as the reader, I can do whatever I please with it03:52
cogenoI mean03:52
cogenoIf I record videos onto the SD card witht he camera,03:52
cogenoIt will do so no problem03:52
cogenoand I've already reformatted the card03:52
gogetacogeno humm03:52
gogetacogeno sounds like some weard driver issue03:53
cogenoand I ahd a similar issue with a 1GB card03:53
gogetacogeno may be a issue w your reader03:53
gogetacogeno aka bad buggy driver03:53
cogenoTried different installs, tried a different card reader03:54
gogetacogeno have you tryed tehering the cam and see03:54
cogenoie. It was doing this with the install before I made a bad typo with dd03:54
gogetausing it as a reader03:54
cogenogogeta: I am using the cam as a reader03:54
gogetacogeno dd error03:54
Kleidersack_cogeno: try to delete one file create a folder and place other files in this folder...03:55
cogenoNo, I mean the reason I had to reinstall was because I made a typo in dd, overwriting my HD03:55
gogetacogeno that can make all kinds of wearnedd03:55
=== Kleidersack_ is now known as Kleidersack
cogenoI've got 111 files on iyt03:56
cogenoI'll try the folder thing, though03:56
gogetacogeno lol at least you have a real issue that other buy made me wanna go burn down a ms server farm for letting such stupid users pick up a pc >:o03:58
gogetacogeno i gotta admit im stumped on that03:59
earthmeLonAnybody know if gnump3d works nicely with the ps3?04:01
gogetaearthmeLon unsupported04:02
gogetaearthmeLon thats power pc04:02
* Kleidersack gives gogeta a lighter04:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ps3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:02
gogetaearthmeLon your goona heave to search around the ps3 linux fouurms or irc04:03
velasco-keltoihello guys04:04
velasco-keltoidoes anyone know how to import an object file to python and use its functions??04:05
=== thoreauputic_ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubotu etiquette » | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Hardy (8.04) BETA/RC support in #ubuntu+1 | Please register to freenode! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration
jribvelasco-keltoi: #python is a more appropriate channel for that question04:07
cogenogogeta: what stupid problem04:07
gogeta+o thoreauputic_  oh no04:08
velasco-keltoijrib: sorry... wrong channel04:08
thoreauputic_gogeta: only to edit the /topic :)04:08
=== c is now known as Charitwo
MrStevethis Ubuntu can do things.. Windows cannot04:09
thoreauputic_gogeta: don't worry, I probably have the shortest ban list on freenode ;-)04:09
gogetathoreauputic_ lol did you change that just to get that guy lol04:09
Kleidersackyes, only me, right thoreauputic_ ?04:09
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: I didn't ban you :) I didn't even silence you ;)04:10
cogenoBTW, creating  a new folder appears to be working04:10
gogetathoreauputic_ oh you should04:10
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: yes, tried to make a joke, sorry04:10
dannywhat's the shortcut to open a terminal?  my panels just disappeared when i logged in :[04:10
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: no worries :)04:10
Kleidersackdanny: alt+f2 and xterm?04:10
cogenoOne nice thing about Linux: Don't have to worry about making copies of a shitload of files if I accidentally drag them a bit when adding items to my selection04:11
dannykleidersack: alt+f2 isn't doing anything :/04:11
* Pelo has been pirating ubuntu , making copies and giving them away to ppl 04:11
ericrwhello.  I'm trying to install Hardy into a chroot via debootstrap (from an existing system)...04:12
RequinB4PELO how could you04:12
ericrwand it keeps freezing on installing console-setup04:13
ericrwI've been installing all versions of debian and ubuntu via this method, until now..04:13
* IndyGunFreak thinks Pelo should be reported for pirating ubuntu04:13
RequinB4Pelo: by the way, where can I find a copy of the GPL thats embedded inside an ubuntu install04:13
RequinB4Yeah, they are cutting into canoical's profits on cd sales!04:14
PeloRequinB4, it's probably on the cd , somewhere04:14
PeloRequinB4, do a locate gpl on it04:14
gogetaPelo pirate!! im calling the dcma police!!!04:14
earthmeLonThanks.  I am using Mediatomb as a mediaserver to view movies on my ps3.  Here is an awesome tutorial for anybody interested http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/columns/upnp_mediatomb_ps3_and_me04:14
atlefcanonical should drm the iso's04:15
RequinB4Pelo - I'm afraid of the inevitable windows administrater at some cyber cafe trying to report me for giving away software04:15
fbcCould someone get me clue as to why this nautilus script does not execute? http://pastebin.ca/99155404:16
gogetaRequinB4 yea those ms police beating suck04:16
trinity93god for bid you try and sell one on ebay <giggle>04:16
PeloRequinB4, I wouldn't be surprised04:16
BassoonIs there a WINE package that is downloadable instead of accessed through the console?04:16
gogetaRequinB4 piratebay(ebay)04:17
mshadlehas anyone here had any I/O issues with disks freezing in hardy/kernel 2.4.24-16-server?04:17
gogetafunny couse it has a dubble meaning04:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wine-doors - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:17
trinity93i had a friend that sold stuff on a site called ebanned04:18
atlefBassoon: see if wine-doors is what you are looking for04:18
RequinB4well, the gpl allows people to sell the product as a service for distrubuting/compiling so long as the source code is given freely, so I suppose you could just sell it for $0.0104:18
BassoonThanks, atlef.04:18
gogetaRequinB4 iv seen those ebay scamers selling linux disk befor04:19
Joesephis there a way I can run ubuntu with just the kernel?04:19
thoreauputic_RequinB4: Open the Gnome help and type "gpl" in the search box - it's there under gpl manual04:19
gogetaRequinB4 and plenty of lame sites04:19
RequinB4I beleive that too04:19
gogetaJoeseph yes a minumal install using the alt disk04:19
gogetaJoeseph very basics04:19
fbcJoeseph, yeah I believe the server versionis about a stripped as it can get.04:19
trinity93i find it interesting though that the FSF says on there site that you only have to give the source to your customers is your selling software04:19
gogetafbc min even more so04:20
RyanMMmmm, I've a question concerning HH - anyone got a sec? :\04:20
saurabhAmarnath: u from India???04:20
fbcgogeta, yeah, I forgot about that install04:20
nethakzfrom what i understand selling things for gpl you generally charge for the support or extra parts that aren't gpl'd04:20
RequinB4thoreauputic_: thanks much04:20
fbcgogeta, could you give me clue as to why this nautilus script does not execute? http://pastebin.ca/99155404:20
RequinB4If it ever happens, i can't wait to see the look on someone's face04:21
trinity93well you dont have to make the download avaliable to any one but a paying customer04:21
gogetafbc never to gracefull with scripts04:21
nethakztrinity93, the thing is though, you open the source for one paying customer he can go around and change one small thing and make it available for frree.04:21
gogetafbc you made it executable rite04:22
trinity93well yes04:22
trinity93hell he dosent even have to change anything04:22
RequinB4nethakz - easier said then done04:22
RyanMHas anyone run into garbled sound issues on Hardy Heron?04:23
eduardo!hardy | RyanM04:23
ubotuRyanM: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu04:23
fbcgogeta, yeah04:23
Joesephgogeta: I just wanted to run a pure terminal once-   Xorg is crashing my system when I run some sort of gui.04:23
RyanMMy mistake, thanks.04:23
eduardono prob04:23
fyrmedicHow do I add screen resolutions to use without doing a complete dpkg-reconfigure?04:24
gogetaJoeseph if you can get to a prompt ctrl alt f1 just stop gdm04:24
eduardofyrmedic: right click your desktop04:24
RequinB4nethakz - consider crossover, whose source is freely available on the net.  Most people who know enough to compile will probably a) not re-distribute in an effort to support the devs or b) just take what they need from teh source04:24
gogetaJoeseph you will be in text mode at ctrl alt f104:24
jnetfreshmexhi i'm new here and had some questions about my dvd playback on ubuntu04:24
eduardofyrmedic: ahh, no my bad nvm04:24
fbcgogeta, I styled it exactly after an existing script, so I don't see the problem... I setup the permissions exactly like the other scripts, etc.04:25
fyrmediceduardo: no worries.04:25
thoreauputic_!ask| jnetfreshmex04:25
Joesephthanks gogeta04:25
ubotujnetfreshmex: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:25
trinity93i find the stock pkg with the wine tricks script will handel most things well04:25
gogetafbc did yea try sh scropt.sh04:25
jnetfreshmexok thanks sorry04:25
fbcgogeta, nope.. I'll try..04:25
thoreauputic_jnetfreshmex: no need - I just wanted you to know you can go ahead and ask :)04:26
thoreauputic_jnetfreshmex: that factoid probably needs a bit of editing actually ;)04:26
jnetfreshmexwhen i put a dvd in the playback is slow and fails immediately after that. i can't watch any movies on it.04:26
atlefjnetfreshmex: what player?04:27
IndyGunFreakeh.. use VLC..04:27
atlefjnetfreshmex: have you tried any other04:27
gogetafbc thats just manuly telling ash its a script04:28
fbcgogeta, it didn't work... hmm04:28
trinity93mplayer is much better04:28
jnetfreshmexno i haven't04:28
gogetafbc eh worth a shot04:28
jessidHello. I have been a happy Ubuntu user since at least 2 years. Now I realize that Ubuntu can be installed in a Xbox 360, but my question is: how useful is that? would I be able to read the original Xbox 360  dvds if i install ubuntu in that device????04:28
atleftrinity93: !best04:28
RequinB4!best | IRequinB4 would suggest VLC, but04:28
ubotuIRequinB4 would suggest VLC, but: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:28
gogetafbc pretty shure you did ./ rite04:28
ninjaslimi need to reset the configuration for my wireless network, how would i do this04:28
trinity93yea VLC is fancy gui wise04:28
trinity93but mplayer is da bomb04:28
* IndyGunFreak hates mplayer04:28
Iced_Eaglejessid: Do you have a link that the 360 can have Linux installed on it? I haven't heard of it.04:29
trinity93it will play just about anything04:29
fbcgogeta,  no i can't because I'm right clicking on a file and selecting to run the script on it.04:29
gogeta< loves mplayer04:29
gogetafbc lol04:29
Iced_EagleEven if it did, I'm sure you could "read" the discs just as you could read them in Linux or Windows now04:29
trinity93ibm 360?04:29
Iced_Eaglewouldn't be too useful I don't think04:29
kelvin911why some divx movies flick when playing in vlc or mplayer?04:29
jessidIced_Eagle you can even watch videos of ho to install it in youtube04:29
IndyGunFreaktrinity93, vlc will play everything mplayer will04:29
gogetaIndyGunFreak < wrong04:30
Iced_Eaglehm, cool I'll go check that out now. Thanks for the heads up04:30
jnetfreshmexso i would just pick one, say mplayer, and dl then install it?04:30
kelvin911those movies dont flick when i play them with vlc in windows04:30
ninjaslimi need to reset the configuration for my wireless network, how would i do this04:30
gogetaIndyGunFreak vlc cant handel rmvb04:30
gogetaIndyGunFreak mplayer can04:30
gogetaIndyGunFreak thats abought it thow04:30
atlefjnetfreshmex: use add/remove programs in the menu04:30
kelvin911why some divx movies flick when playing in vlc or mplayer in ubuntu04:30
IndyGunFreaki've never had a need for rmvb04:30
trinity93mplayer will also play cue/bin files directly04:30
gogetakelvin911 compiz can make it do that04:30
jnetfreshmexok i'll try it04:31
gogetakelvin911 enable direct rendering in mplayer or turn off compiz04:31
ninjaslimi need to reset the configuration for my wireless network, how would i do this04:31
Max_-Since I installed CCSM and turned on most of the features, I can't anymore write words in the dictionnary item in one of my panels... when I click on it, it won't focus on it... like if it wasn't there.. but I can still use the middle button to paste in it.. I just can't press enter and get a definition... another thing is I can't anymore use my mouse wheel to change desktop using the desktop grid04:31
Max_-in the panel04:31
SeaPhorfyrmedic, #sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg04:31
Iced_EagleHm wow, I haven't heard of that king kong shader hack in forever! Didn't realize anything ever came from that04:31
trinity93compz is a cluster f#%k04:31
thoreauputic_jnetfreshmex: it's also *just* possible the dma is not on for your cd/dvd drive ( unlikely since it is usually done automatically)04:32
fyrmedicSeaPhor; I was trying to avoid that. But if that is the only way, thank you.04:32
ninjaslimi need to reset the configuration for my wireless network, how would i do this04:32
trinity93useing it is rather unintuitive04:32
SeaPhorfyrmedic, that is with the res only04:32
SeaPhorfyrmedic, the -phigh04:32
trinity93emeriald bits even more04:32
fyrmedicSeaPhor; oh cool thanks.04:33
gogetaninjaslim if you mean the keychain you just delete it04:33
kelvin911gogeta: so it is compiz that is causing the flick?04:33
thecnowhat is the comand to join in another channer?04:33
ninjaslimgogeta: keychain no i mean configuration for my wireless internet one of the interfaces04:34
gogetakelvin911 yea mine did on anything not direct renderd04:34
kelvin911is there a way i can have compiz enabled and get good video?04:34
RequinB4thecyno /join #channell04:34
gogetakelvin911 yep04:34
gogetakelvin911 turn direct rendering on in mplayer04:34
kelvin911direct rendering?04:34
kelvin911what about in vlc?04:34
gogetakelvin911 no idea04:34
thecnon_n thanks you RequinB404:34
RequinB4hello ihmSelbst04:34
kelvin911default setting in mplayer has direct rendering diabled?04:34
ihmSelbstomg.. 5:35 am :/04:35
fluidAnyone know of a program that'll copy your ipod music to your computer?04:35
gogetakelvin911 i see some hardware option in vlc as well04:35
gogetakelvin911 pref output04:35
ihmSelbstfluid, wine >;)04:35
gogetakelvin911 and advanced you will see use hardware04:35
fluidNah.  I'll pass.04:36
RequinB4fluid - Exaile will put the music into a playlist, but really all you have to do is copy the folder from the mounted dir04:36
gogetakelvin911 video output module04:36
ninjaslimgogeta: keychain no i mean configuration for my wireless internet one of the interfaces04:36
gogetaninjaslim: wouldent that be in network04:36
craigbass1976I've got a bash script I wrote a long time ago that shrinks images.  Must have been with fedora or cent though, since there's no such command in Ubuntu as convert.  Anyone know what I'm talking about?04:37
=== kilrae-laptop_ is now known as kilrae-laptop
kelvin911when i click stop in mplayer i always get this gnome_screensaver_control() error04:37
gogetakelvin911 that just means its not stoping your screen saver04:37
ninjaslimgogeta: knetworkmanager, i changed a setting and it screwed up the wlan but i can't change it back, does it write to a config file cause if i can just delete that to rewrite config04:38
=== trinity93_ is now known as trinity93
fluidI guess I'm stingy.  I was hoping for something to rescue me.  I deleted all my mp3s.. so on the ipod, they'll be I0242.mp3 or such.04:38
dannyso, i can NOT get these panels to come back :[04:38
gogetaninjaslim i would hope so04:38
dannyalt+f2 won't open anything, i can't create a launcher or anything :/04:38
gogetaninjaslim have you trying doing to sudo04:38
kelvin911still flicking in mplayer04:38
gogetaninjaslim it should write a new config04:38
ninjaslimgogeta: no i'm asking you if you know of that file, where would it be, i'm a gentoo user i'm asking for a freind, at least for use config files are placed in conf.d04:39
gogetakelvin911 how bought dubble buffer04:39
kelvin911why when i play the game in dosbox, the screensaver will be on?04:39
gogetakelvin911 also change your render to opengl04:39
gogetakelvin911 or opengl204:39
kelvin911i have double buffering and direct rendering on04:39
kelvin911which video output is the best?04:39
gogetakelvin911 gl204:39
kelvin911openGL? direct? x11 ?04:39
ninjaslimgogeta: any ideas04:40
thoreauputic_danny: gnome-panel? Try diving into tty1 with ctrl+alt+F1, log in, and run "killall gnome-panel" , then see if they come back when you hit alt+F704:40
gogetakelvin911 opengl04:40
gogetakelvin911 if its to slow then direct04:40
dannythoreaputic_ when I do that, it says no process killed04:40
kelvin911then why the default setting isnt on openGL?04:40
gogetakelvin911 it can be slow on old systems04:40
thoreauputic_danny: are you sure alt+F2 does nothing? Sounds odd04:40
n-iCehow to remove a program completly?04:40
n-iCeapt-get remove program04:40
n-iCeand aptitude... ==04:41
thoreauputic_danny: what does "pidof gnome-panel" say ?04:41
dannythoreaputic_ doesn't do a thing, at least not that i can see.  for sure doesn't open terminal.  :/04:41
ninjaslimgogeta: any ideas04:41
gogetakelvin911 thers a good direct one to i cant rember the na,e04:41
thoreauputic_danny: if there's a number, use " kill PID number"04:41
gogetaninjaslim nope try it as su or do it wile the cards not activ04:41
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: why not "pkill gdm"?04:41
dannythoreaputic_ alright, gotta go to xserv or w/e to do that, can't open a dumb terminal :<04:41
kelvin911i try openGL2 still a bit flicking04:41
kelvin911maybe the movie is badly ripped04:42
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: because that is unnecessary.04:42
gogetakelvin911 could be04:42
kelvin911but it doesnt flick like this in windows04:42
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: and won't work without sudo anyway04:42
kelvin911at least not this visble04:42
thoreauputic_Kleidersack: and is a bazooka solution04:42
n-iCehow to uninstall and remove a package?? from the terminal04:42
gogetakelvin911 as i said thers another good direct mode xv i beleve04:42
Shadow420Kelvin what type of Video Card you have?04:42
Kleidersackthoreauputic_: sorry, I should read whole command :-(04:42
kelvin911i use xv b404:42
dannythoreaputic_ can i PM you?04:43
Shadow420gogeta sudo apt-get remove packagename04:43
thoreauputic_danny: keep it in channel so others can help and maybe learn too04:43
Starnestommyn-iCe: sudo apt-get remove packagename04:43
Shadow420n-iCe sudo apt-get remove packagename04:43
gogetanaa bad04:43
dannyalright, well what do i type to get to xserv or whatever it is?04:43
thoreauputic_danny: did you try what I suggested? In a tty ?04:43
gogeta--purge remove04:43
n-iCeStarnestommy,  there is a aptitude command, what's the difference?04:44
Shadow420Kelvin what type of Video Card you have?04:44
dannythoreauputic_ whats a tty? :x04:44
thoreauputic_danny: X runs on F7 usually - so alt+F704:44
thoreauputic_danny: the black text mode you get with ctrl+alt+F1-6 :)04:44
Starnestommyn-iCe: there isn't a difference other than that aptitude supports more options and when started with no arguments it provices an interactive text-pased package manager interface04:44
Shadow420Kelvin911 what type of Video Card you have?04:44
gogetakelvin911 best way is use the eq the direct mode that lets you use it is the best04:45
dannyalt+f7 doesn't do anything, either04:45
gogetakelvin911 i think it was xv or the other one xvb or something04:45
thoreauputic_danny: tty = Teletype ( it's a hnagover from long ago when terminals were really teletypes)04:45
thoreauputic_danny: are you in the text mode?04:45
Shadow420danny ctrl-alt-f704:45
gogetakelvin911 if its still flikering i would say driver thing04:45
thoreauputic_danny: ctrl-alt-F1 or ( F2 etc)04:46
gogetakelvin911 or maybe some compiz tqeaking04:46
thoreauputic_Shadow420: not needed from a tty04:46
n-iCeI see Starnestommy  and how do I update a package?04:46
kelvin911compiz tweaking how?04:46
gogetakelvin911 do you have the compiz confige manager installed04:46
thoreauputic_Shadow420: in fact if you use alt+aroow you eventually get back to X - try it :)04:46
gogetakelvin911 go to it and slect enable comiz for video04:46
thoreauputic_Shadow420: ctrl+alt+F* is only needed in X04:47
Shadow420thoreauputic_ true04:47
gogetakelvin911 man i cant tell you now lol04:47
gogetakelvin911 been a wile04:47
Starnestommyn-iCe: it's the same command for installing one04:47
gogetakelvin911 but i knoe its there04:47
=== adsf is now known as WootOnLinux
kelvin911i am in compizConfig Settings manager04:47
n-iCeStarnestommy,  the thing is when I try to install again says 2 to be updated, and it isn't updating it04:48
kelvin911i can only find video playback option04:48
kelvin911and it is enabled04:48
Starnestommyn-iCe: you might need to run sudo apt-get upgrade04:48
gogetakelvin911 that it04:48
n-iCeI did Starnestommy04:48
gogetakelvin911 well then try turning it off then04:48
WootOnLinuxquick question, i had recently installed ubuntu, and wired internet and wireless were working great! on my good streak.. i installed VMware and windows, and Xinetd,that worked fine, i rebooted, and my ethernet card and wireless card no longer work.04:48
WootOnLinuxis there a way i can reinstall the network drivers?04:48
jessidIced_Eagle http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/04:49
thoreauputic_danny: any further along?04:49
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu04:49
RequinB44 days04:49
MrStevewhat is LTS ?04:49
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.04:50
Max_-long time support04:50
gogetalong tearm supportk04:50
kelvin911it still there04:50
thoreauputic_MrSteve: Long Term Support04:50
Max_-term doh04:50
gogetakelvin911 sounds driver realted then04:50
MrSteveYAY Hoooray!04:50
kelvin911the little flick just like the framerate cant pick it up right sometimes04:50
JohninLexHey Guys I have a small question:  What is pidgin???04:50
thoreauputic_JohninLex: Instant messaging client04:50
gogetai thought you ment a flicker04:51
JohninLexhow do i get rid of it04:51
gogeta< falls off the world04:51
StarnestommyJohninLex: in a terminal, type sudo apt-get remove pidgin04:51
thoreauputic_JohninLex: uninstall it?04:51
=== narg_ is now known as narg
WootOnLinuxno one has any words of wisdom for me???04:51
JohninLexthank you for your help guys04:51
gogetakelvin911 a sound flicker just enable the sound buffer04:52
mutkWootOnLinux, Unlikely that 're-installing drivers' will fix the problem.04:52
kelvin911not sound04:52
kelvin911its the video04:52
kelvin911where to enable sound buffer?04:52
WootOnLinuxmutk: what i want to really know is why teh modules wer eturned off, they worked fine on an out of the box linux install04:52
gogetakelvin911 in sound lol04:52
WootOnLinuxmutk:  and im using ubuntu 7.10 btw04:52
dannygot it workin04:52
mutkWootOnLinux, What makes you think they have been 'turned off' ?04:53
eduardoWootOnLinux: try dhclient && aptitude update && aptitude upgrade04:53
WootOnLinuxum.. the wirless card that i was browsing the internet with like 2hrs ago no longer shows up?04:53
=== MrSteve is now known as drivetrax
WootOnLinuxand the ethernet card which connected to the internet, is now nowt connecting.04:53
thoreauputic_WootOnLinux: is the nm-applet running ?04:54
mutkWootOnLinux, ifconfig  see what is up and what is not.04:54
WootOnLinuxnetwork monitor is there04:54
WootOnLinuxim fairly new to linux.. how do i run ifconfig command? sudo ifconfig?04:54
jjt009Woot: just ifconfig04:54
mutkWootOnLinux, Should be able to run it just like that - no sudo04:54
Shadow420I can't wait until hardy is released04:55
jjt009anybody know where i can go to talk about eclipse on ubuntu04:55
WootOnLinuxmutk: ok I see.. eth0, eth0:avah and lo04:55
jjt009i'm experiencing some problems04:55
n-iCeThe msgfmt command is required to build libpurple. , how can I install it???04:55
jjt009with the compiler04:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msgfmt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:55
mutkWootOnLinux, Does eth0 have an IP address?04:55
WootOnLinuxso the ethernet card is being picked up..but for some reason its not connecting04:55
Shadow420!eclipse | jjt00904:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eclipse - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:55
jburdjjt009: Ask your question here.04:55
zero-coolhow can i compile own kernel04:55
WootOnLinuxi dont see an IP .. no04:55
thoreauputic_WootOnLinux: one possible thing to try with network-manager              sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart04:55
JohninLexanyone in here know how to write a widget scrip???04:55
jburdWhat is a "widget scrip?"04:56
WootOnLinuxThorea: let me give it a shot04:56
astro76n-iCe: if you type a command in the terminal which you don't have, it will tell you how to install it04:56
thoreauputic_WootOnLinux: that sometimes gets nm working again04:56
kelvin911could that be video driver issue?04:56
jjt009jburd: ok, i'm have some problem when running code String.contains in IBM compiler (eclipse)04:56
kelvin911are there many nvidia driver just like so many of them for windows?04:56
zero-cooli would like compile my kernel04:56
jjt009it works once in a while, but not always04:56
jjt009it's extremely strange04:56
jjt009anyone aware of this bug?>04:56
JohninLexit is a active desktop image, kida like a gilf04:56
n-iCeastro76,  that was true! didn't know it thank you!04:56
WootOnLinuxI restarted it..i dont see a wireless card.. and eth0 isnt connecting04:57
WootOnLinuxcould xinetd have messed something up?04:57
mutkWootOnLinux, inet addr: NUMBER   is not there?04:57
thoreauputic_WootOnLinux: you haven't given it very long...04:57
jburdjjt009: You'll need to be more specific than that.   Paste a code sample, the steps you took to reproduce the bug, what you expect, and what occurs.  dpaste.com04:57
mutkWootOnLinux, xinetd has little to do with the network inerfaces.04:57
thoreauputic_WootOnLinux: Ubuntu doesn't use xinetd04:57
WootOnLinuxi had to install it04:57
WootOnLinuxfor vmware04:57
mutkthoreauputic_, It is availavle as an option though04:57
jjt009jburd: hold04:57
thoreauputic_mutk: sure04:58
WootOnLinuxin my original question i said.. i installed VMware for windows04:58
WootOnLinuxand it did a whole lot of network bridging04:58
WootOnLinuxand shortly after that i think my internet stopped working04:58
zero-coolcan somebody tell me i wanna compile my kernel on ubuntu04:58
WootOnLinuxso im assuming that is the culprit. and no the NM restart didnt work.04:58
astro76!kernel | zero-cool04:58
ubotuzero-cool: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages04:58
WootOnLinuxand there is no INternet Adr: # after eth 0.04:58
thoreauputic_WootOnLinux: ah I see - hmm, don't know much about vmware, sorry04:58
mutkWootOnLinux, Check basics first then - make sure the cable is plugged in and you have link lite04:59
gogetavmware woot04:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glib - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:59
WootOnLinuxcable is plugged in04:59
WootOnLinuxim using 2 laptops04:59
zero-cool know bu i wish teach04:59
thoreauputic_WootOnLinux: I know that it sets up an annoying number of interfaces though ;)04:59
napiwhat do I need to change so a user can't get out of their home directory? Or if they can, that they can't read contents of any files on the system?04:59
WootOnLinuxone to speak to u guys w/ and troubleshooting w/ the other04:59
gogetaWootOnLinux bridging doesent liek windows04:59
thoreauputic_WootOnLinux: have you tried VirtualBox ?04:59
gogetaWootOnLinux use the other workik option04:59
ClickClickBoomIs it true that ubuntu is compiled with the -fail option on to maximize the failflood count?04:59
n-iCeastro76, : You must have the GLib 2.0 development headers installed to build.05:00
n-iCeI wrote GLib but didn't tell me how to install it any idea?05:00
WootOnLinuxnah i havent tried virtual box, but i liked vmware! everything was runnig smoothly except net ;p05:00
jjt009jburd: ok http://pastebin.com/m25a10f3105:00
n-iCeHow can I install this: You must have the GLib 2.0 development headers installed to build.05:01
jburdn-iCe: What are you building?05:01
thoreauputic_WootOnLinux: VB just does NAT as far as I can see - works well with Linux but I don't use windows so I don't know how well it handles that05:01
n-iCejburd,  pidgin05:01
zero-coolhave anybody in in croatia05:01
Starnestommyn-iCe: is libglib2.0-dev installed?05:01
jjt009jburd: values are there; everything was kept constant and i received different outputs for variable "addresses"05:01
kduboisn-iCe: apt-cache search glib | grep dev05:01
astro76!info libglib2.0-0 | n-iCe05:01
ubotun-ice: libglib2.0-0 (source: glib2.0): The GLib library of C routines. In component main, is optional. Version 2.14.1-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 586 kB, installed size 1272 kB05:01
kelvin911could that be the 50Hz refresh rate making the flick?05:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bomb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:01
jburdn-iCe: sudo apt-get build-dep pidgin05:01
kduboisn-iCe: install what looks like what you need from that list....05:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jburd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:01
jburdn-iCe: That will install everything you need to build pidgin.05:01
thoreauputic_what's the country code for croatia?05:01
WootOnLinuxthorea:  i dno.. i see alot of ppl running VMware windows on linux.. it seems to be fine.. i wonder if i did somethign wrong.05:02
jburdjjt009: One sec.05:02
WootOnLinuxmy only other option is to reinstall ubuntu05:02
jjt009jburd: np05:02
thoreauputic_WootOnLinux: hint: type thore <tab>05:02
n-iCethanks jburd05:02
WootOnLinuxthoreauputic_: ahhh nice05:02
WootOnLinuxthoreauputic_:  isnt there a way to force linux to recognize hardware??05:02
ClickClickBoomhow come the distro ships with porn as the default background05:03
mutkWootOnLinux, VMware runs a service script at boot time on most Linuxes. Could stop that, and set it to NOT start at boot. Reboot the system and see if that has an effect. Although I don' think it should.05:03
ouellettesr_how can i make ubuntu viewable from a windows vista pc? they are both connected to a router.05:03
thoreauputic_WootOnLinux: umm... it usually does unless it's not supported05:03
kduboisn-iCe: i didnt know you were using ubuntu, apt-get install pidgin-musictracker will do it05:03
StarnestommyClickClickBoom: it doesn;t05:03
jjt009ouellettesr_: hello05:03
jjt009Starnestommy: yuo on gnome05:03
gogetaClickClickBoom i whant porn05:03
gogetaClickClickBoom yay05:03
ouellettesr_jjt009, hi05:03
ClickClickBoomoh but it does. naked people, with an ubuntu l;ogo in the corner05:03
thoreauputic_ClickClickBoom: no more or you are out of here05:03
jjt009ouellettesr_: how are things?05:03
jjt009jburd: ready?05:04
ouellettesr_jjt009, why do you ask?05:04
gogetaClickClickBoom wow you made that op mad thats rare05:04
PengHardy final isn't out yet, right?05:04
iandeforPeng: not for a few more days05:04
ouellettesr_would someone put a leash on that bot??05:04
jjt009ouellettesr_: i have no idea05:04
ClickClickBoombut lulz hasn't ensued yet!05:04
WootOnLinuxthoreauputic_:  its just weird that it was fine when i first installd it, so i know hardware is supported...so frustrating05:04
Pengiandefor: Ok. Just making sure.05:04
jburdouellettesr_: You use Samba or SSH.  You can mount Windows network shares as mount points on Linux using Samba.  You can access Linux volumes using Samba as well.   Places > Connect To Server...  > Choose "Windows share." and fill in the details.05:04
jburdjjt009: Yes, reading the paste now.05:04
thoreauputic_WootOnLinux: sounds like a vmware issue as you say05:04
jjt009jburd: thanks bro05:04
iandeforPeng: I think it's due on thursday05:05
jjt009thoreauputic_: how'd you get to admin status?05:05
thoreauputic_jjt009: I was asked05:05
ClickClickBoomyou can't kick someone until the lulz happens!05:05
gogetaWootOnLinux change vmware from bridged to nat05:05
gogetaWootOnLinux you will be fine05:05
WootOnLinuxthoreauputic_  : gogeta, how will i do that?05:05
jjt009thoreauputic_: and who asked you?05:05
gogetaWootOnLinux power down the vm then in prefss05:05
n-iCeoh thanks05:05
gogetaWootOnLinux you will see network you can change it05:05
Greenboxhey, does anyone know a workaround for the bug that kills torrents in ubuntu 7.10?05:05
WootOnLinuxok.. let me take a look05:06
=== meisterjunge is now known as magnus|msc
Greenbox*torrents over wireless05:06
ouellettesr_jburd, im trying to make a folder on my pc (ubuntu) show up under vista media center to watch movies, i dont think I can do that with samba can i?05:06
jburdjjt009: The code doesn't answer all my questions directly.  Though, I have a suggestion:  "if (comp.trim ().equals ("a") == false && comp.trim ().equals ("the") == false && comp.trim ().equals ("some") == false && comp.trim ().length () > 2)"   Why are you trimming the value of comp per comparison?05:06
WootOnLinuxgogeta:  i dont see any options??05:06
gogetaWootOnLinux there is05:07
mutkthoreauputic_, That was odd. I must have auto ignore boofheads on. I was wondering why he was kicked.05:07
gogetaWootOnLinux on your vm itself05:07
thoreauputic_mutk: trolling, basically05:07
jjt009jburd: yeah, i guess i could set a string to comp.trim ()05:07
mutkthoreauputic_, Then scrolled up . I completely missed it..05:07
WootOnLinuxahh i c it.. k lets see if this changes anything05:07
L_infHow can I kill a process from the Terminal ??05:07
WootOnLinuxgogeta:  ur saying this will solve my linux problem?05:07
jjt009jburd: but that wouldn't solve the problem05:07
jjt009jburd: i'm thinking of just submitting this as a bug05:08
jburdouellettesr_: An Ubuntu samba volume appears like just another Windows share to your Windows network.  If you can mount a Windows share, you can mount a Samba share.05:08
jjt009jburd: it's beyond understanding05:08
magnus|mscL_inf: kill <id>05:08
gogetaWootOnLinux change all those bridges issues yes05:08
StarnestommyL_inf: "kill pid"  where "pid" is the process's pid number05:08
jburdjjt009: You'll need to answer these questions specifically:  1.  Brief description of the problem.  2. How to reproduce it.  3.  What you expected.  4. What happened instead.05:08
WootOnLinuxgogeta: ok i changed my vmware to nat.. no luck in linux tho...still cant connect to internet05:08
* Agent_bob likes killall something05:08
gogeta(Settings > Configuration Editor05:09
mutkthoreauputic_, Quite often the troll attempt is realy a method to ID who's an op.. I guess you realise that.05:09
WootOnLinuxgogeta:  Btw linux is my main OS.. the VMWare is runnign windows.. dnt know if thats diff05:09
gogetaWootOnLinux now you need to remve the bridge in linux05:09
underscorequick question: rythmbox does not save the changes to song titles when I close it and reopen it. How do I fix this?05:09
WootOnLinuxahhh i c05:09
thoreauputic_mutk: it isn't a secret :)05:09
WootOnLinuxhow do i do that? god i feel so dumb lol05:09
L_infStarnestommy: Where can I see the id number??05:09
ritalinhai2u guys05:09
magnus|mscis there a software which reduces the usable ram ???05:09
thoreauputic_mutk: just check the access list for the channel05:09
gogetaWootOnLinux i duno you set it up05:09
StarnestommyL_inf: look in System > Administration > System Monitor05:09
underscoreFor example, when I change a typo in a missnamed song, next time I start rhythmbox, the song is misnamed again05:09
ritalinhow can i get my plugins to work on firefox 3?05:09
WootOnLinuxok where would i look for the bridge?05:10
gogetaWootOnLinux i would assume in network05:10
WootOnLinuxi didnt actually set it up :P05:10
ouellettesr_jburd, ok, just to clarify, i need to setup samba on the ubuntu machine, or the vista machine? I am trying to share a folder on ubuntu for vista05:10
jburdouellettesr_: On the Ubuntu machine.  System > Administration > Shared Folders.05:11
L_infIs there a way of knowing the process id without the system monitor???05:11
ritalini need some halp05:11
ritalinhalp meh05:11
jburdL_inf: Yes, pgrep processname05:11
ritalinff3 and plugins? out of luck or can they work?05:12
jburdYou can view a process tree using pstree05:12
thoreauputic_L_inf: lots - pidof, pgrep, ps aux |grep process05:12
WootOnLinuxi dont see any network bridges anywhere05:12
gogetaWootOnLinux might ned to reboot for vmware to remve the bridge controller as well05:12
WootOnLinuxhmm ok05:12
Agent_bobthoreauputic_ L_inf pidof <name>05:12
thoreauputic_Agent_bob: well, yes05:13
underscoreRythmbox is not remembering changes to song titles. Anyone know how to fix this??05:13
On3editing /etc/fstab, how do i set it up if i have about 5 partitions with EXT3 formats?05:13
Agent_bobOn3 man fstab    it's standard format for all fs types05:14
On3Agent_bob, im trying to install quota, do i need to set it up05:14
jnetfreshmexi added vlc and my movie plays much better than with totem but the playback is sketchy and stalls a lot. the dvd is new so no scratches.05:15
yosefhow do reinstall extras in ubuntu?05:15
Agent_bobOn3 actually i've never setup disk quatas so maybe you should consult someone else on that.05:15
On3Agent_bob, okay thanks :)05:15
ouellettesr_jburd, ok, found that, the folder doesnt seem to be showing up on vista, do I have to reboot?05:16
Agent_bobOn3 for most fstab questions i can answer tho.   and your welcome.05:16
jjt009jburd: ok looks like i got it figured05:16
yosefHello guys I am a new comer to linux world !05:16
jjt009jburd: thanks05:16
jburdouellettesr_:  I don't use Windows much so I can't say.  Rebooting Windows may work (accidentally).05:16
jburdjjt009: np05:16
ouellettesr_ill give it a try05:17
gogetaWootOnLinux still around lol05:17
jnetfreshmexmy dvd playback is stalling. what can i do?05:18
On3Agent_bob, what about setting up proftpd? can u help with the set up of that?05:18
troare there any tools to help build a .deb from a set of files?05:18
Agent_bobOn3 maybe.   proftpd is pretty streight forward05:19
gogetaWootOnLinux you die on me lol05:19
drivetraxhow to install tar.gz programs?05:20
On3Agent_bob, how would i make the default directory for uploads and downloads something like /downloads05:20
guest___i need some help ... http://images.torrentmove.com/show.php?id=66e7457680f9a765dbaf05a552b36a2d05:21
Agent_bobOn3 install proftpd and edit /etc/proftpd   or what ever it's config is called anymore   and set the base (root) dir to /downloads/05:21
guest___i can't mount ntfs partition which installed windows05:22
jburdguest___: Reboot into Windows.  Run a full diskcheck on those volumes and then get back into Ubuntu.05:22
gogeta:-( where WootOnLinux go05:22
jnetfreshmexplease help with my dvd playback! i removed totem and installed VLC. still no luck tho.05:22
jburdguest___: It appears you were using Windows when a power failure occurred.  Windows locks NTFS volumes in such a scenario.05:22
Agent_bobOn3 alternatively you could edit the /etc/passwd and set the proftp user's home to /downloads/   should achieve the same end.05:22
ShoopufI don't want to wait 3 days... I've been waiting forever! If I download the current RC will I have to download Ubuntu again in 3 days when it is released? :p05:23
jburdguest___: Rebooting into Windows, running a disk check and booting back into Ubuntu should fix it.05:23
On3Agent_bob, where it has commented out DefaultRoot ~05:23
d-bosno shoopuf.05:23
guest___jburd : i can't get into windows mode ... or even save mode05:23
Agent_bobOn3 yeah05:23
On3Agent_bob, thanks05:23
balleyn1Shoopuf: nope, any changes will come through updates05:23
guest___i mean...windows must be corrupts05:23
ShoopufThanks, downloading now. :) Hope the sound works this time. :P05:24
jburdguest___: That's not news to me.  Windows does not read its own file system way too many times.  I've had to recover client data using Linux and ntfs-3g.05:24
n-iCehow can I install the musictracker to pidgin??05:24
drivetraxguest___:  did you format the windows while installing Linux?05:24
jburdguest___: You can force mount NTFS partitions though.  No guarantees there.05:24
guest___<drivetrax --- no sir05:24
Shoopufn-iCe: type /join #pidgin ... They have their own IRC channel. :)05:25
atlefn-iCe: synaptic05:25
gogeta< beats windows with a imac05:25
guest___<jburd> --- i already force to mount that partition05:25
drivetraxmbr is messed05:25
n-iCeatlef,  what plugin I don't find it with that name05:25
guest___but it doesn't work05:25
gogetadrivetrax sueprgrub05:25
jburdguest___: When you try to load Windows, what error message do you see?05:25
On3Agent_bob, just about to say it didnt work! but, i noticed hey, i didnt restart proftpd :p05:25
atlefn-iCe: pidgin-musictracker05:26
guest___<jburd> some file system couldn't read05:26
cirkit_For some reason when I put my laptop in suspend / sleep and bring it back, I lose all sound. I don't get any messages about soundcard being in use, just nothing comes out and volume is all the way up, any ideas?05:26
Agent_bobOn3 jinks.  the thought crossed my mind to remind you....05:26
On3Agent_bob, hehehe05:26
hanophix33my ibm t30's fan constantly runs and since has become very loud and grinding, any ideas?05:26
jburdguest___: Can you get the exact error message?05:26
guest___<jburd> when windows is starting ... it just reboot05:26
phynixis there an hardy channel?05:27
drivetraxchange any bios setting?05:27
jburdguest___: I'd suggest a better strategy for storing your personal data.  Don't store it in the same partition as the Windows installation.  Use a separate partition so even when you lose the OS, you can still recover data.05:27
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu05:27
Aldenorplease, i need a tip05:27
guest___<jburd> i'll reinstall windows then let you know again later05:27
Agent_boboh hardy is not out yet ???   i've been away too long.05:27
Aldenorhow can i uninstall the ubuntu05:27
gogetaAldenor vista is bad for you05:28
jburdguest___: read about restoring Grub back to the MBR before you do that.05:28
Aldenorno, i want to install kubuntu05:28
Aldenorwindows sux xD05:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uninstall - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:28
jburdAldenor: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop05:28
Agent_bobAldenor delete it's partition/s and fix your MBR05:28
guest___<jburd>--- i always do that, even my documents folder...i move to store in other drive05:28
Agent_bobAldenor oh sorry.   lag.    thought you asked how to uninstall linux05:29
gogetaAgent_bob i blame the lag05:29
On3Agent_bob, now im lost05:30
Agent_bobOn3 where are you ?05:30
boselectai'm having terrible trouble with firefox locking up or something today. is this uncommon?05:30
Aldenoris right install the KDA destkop? or is better install all the kubuntu05:30
gogetaAldenor ok windows sucks why did you ask05:30
jburdAldenor: KDE comes with kubuntu-desktop05:30
On3Agent_bob, i set the base directory to my /web/ but when i connect it gives me a folder that isnt my home directory or /web/05:30
gogetaAldenor same thing you will just have both05:30
jburdboselecta: Try running firefox from the terminal like this:    firefox-3.0 or firefox05:31
gogetaAldenor kubuntu and ubuntu05:31
On3Agent_bob, i created a directory called /secure/ in it, how would i search for this directory now?05:31
jburdboselecta: note the diagnostics if any that appear at the term05:31
Agent_bobOn3 find / -type d -name secure 2>/dev/null05:31
boselectaoh ok. it's running fine, and i'm listening to streaming radio. but like the screen isn't repainting properly.05:31
boselectaand it won't raise or get focus properly.05:32
On3Agent_bob, oh wait, its still going to my home directory...05:32
On3Agent_bob, okay so now... how would i create a new user (like FTP_USER) then add it to proftpd and when they connect it goes to /web/05:32
On3Agent_bob, i have the new user created but what about the proftpd bit?05:32
anathematicwhat's a good mp3 player on ubuntu? (looking for winamp like application)05:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bmp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:33
jburdOn3: Why are you using FTP?05:33
gogetaanathematic:  xmms05:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bpm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:33
anathematicthanks gogeta05:33
On3jburd, cause i want to set up pretty much an ISP  webserver05:33
jburdOn3: You realise that you may be opening up your network to exploits?05:34
On3jburd, except its more for training and educational purposes and will be taken down in about 2 - 3 hours once i get it installed then for actual use05:34
Sturmehand that your isp may not allow such conduct05:34
Agent_bobOn3 normally "anonymus"  is used for that.     useradd -d /web anonymus      or who ever...05:34
Daisuke_Idoanathematic, audacious05:34
maestrotechHow do i form a command line syntax to send an application to my second monitor. (:1)05:35
On3Agent_bob, oh wait how do i delete a user?05:35
Bubble_teaDoes anyone find awn working?05:35
Agent_bobOn3 userdel blah05:35
On3Agent_bob im great at this whole ubuntu thing huh? :P05:35
jburdman userdel before you do that.05:35
hanophix33how come firefox bin takes like 50 percent of cpu?05:35
jburdDebian prefers deluser instead.05:36
Agent_bobman man   before you do that...05:36
FastZBubble_tea: I find AWN working everytime i log in05:36
vio '<05:36
Agent_bobjburd yeah and adduser   but i don't much like perl scripts05:37
boumacan i change my keysused to switch consoles, so the contextkey toggles between the last two consoles ?05:37
gogetabouma whats wrong with ctrl alt f105:37
Bubble_teaFastZ where did u dl and install05:37
tavo18I need some help my machine has a fault05:37
Agent_bobbouma console or the gnome-terminal ?05:38
FastZBubble_tea: sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator05:38
tavo18at POST the machine stops when detecting hard disk drive05:38
boumaAgent_bob: console05:38
Bubble_teaFastZ Couldn't find package avant-window-navigator05:38
On3Agent_bob, my ftp server is saying anonymous requires a password except i used the command u gave me....05:38
tavo18and then it shows Verifying DMI Pool Data05:38
n-iCehow to install *** PCRE library05:39
On3Agent_bob, it shouldnt need a password05:39
boumaAgent_bob: i suppose gnome terminal is pretty good too05:39
tavo18i don't know what to doo05:39
sparr_xmms is no longer in hardy...  wtf?05:39
boumaAgent_bob: but i was asking regarding the console05:39
mrpocketsim trying to configure skype and it seems im having trouble getting my mic to work05:39
Agent_bobbouma ummm without writing a script not toggle,  but; you can use the windows keys or the like to shift higher and lower tty's   i can give you a command for it if you like.05:39
Bubble_teaFastZ E:  couldn't find pkg avant-window-navigator05:39
goodhabitsparr_, xmms is not developing any more. Audacious is replacement for xmms.05:39
Bubble_teaDoes anyone have that problem?05:40
hanophix33gkrellm shows that my gpu is at 128c05:40
boumagogeta: cause its nice to just toggle between two consoles, ie for editing and build/run05:40
n-iCehow can I search a package from terminal???05:40
gogetactrl alt f05:40
goodhabitn-iCe, $ aptitude search PACKAGE_NAME05:40
sparr_goodhabit: xmms had a release like 5 months ago, thats a lot less "not developing" than many other packages05:40
FastZBubble_tea: gimme a second.  you have to add some repos to your /etc/apt/sources.list05:40
* kindofabuzz gives FastZ05:40
_aeGIsHow do I change the default icon for specific mime type apps?05:40
gogetabouma easy switch keys i dont get it05:40
goodhabitsparr_, audacious is better not only cuz of better development.05:41
Agent_bobbouma are you sure you are not talking about that gnome-terminal that you get from the gnome menu itom named "console" (a terrable misnomer)05:41
guest___what is kubuntu?05:41
guest___is it the same as ubuntu?05:41
gogetaubuntu with kde05:41
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE05:41
goodhabitguest___, kubuntu is KDE ubuntu edition.05:41
guest___KDE ??05:41
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.05:41
FastZBubble_tea: here is a good how-to to get you started.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38598105:42
guest___um.. so kde is conpiz fusion right?05:42
fulioHow, i have a question, is there any kind of keylogger for ubuntu?05:42
gogetaxompiz fusion is x05:42
gogetaany windows manager can use it05:42
blindhave there been any advancements in bluetooth since edgy?05:42
On3Agent_bob, does anonymous have a password? or should it if i use that command u gave me?05:42
_aeGIsHow do I change the default icon for specific mime type apps?05:43
n-iCePCRE library is needed; please make sure you have the PCRE development anybody knows the package name???05:43
gogetaAgent_bob right it was intergrated in x a wile back05:43
hanophix33is it safe to say that gkrellm is accurate?  its saying im at 262 degrees Fahrenheit on mu GPU05:43
blindI thought compiz WAS a wm?05:43
On3Agent_bob, cause im trying to access the ftp with the user account anonymous but its asking for a password05:43
Agent_bobOn3 no.  passwd blah   to set one.   or   passwd -d blah   to make it passwordless.05:43
gogeta blind at first it was it evalved05:43
fulioHi everyone. Is there anykind of keylogger for  ubuntu?05:44
dmsupermanDoes anybody have any experience in using Snippits?05:44
Agent_bobfulio for what purpose ?05:44
ouellettesrjburd, I got windows to see Ubuntu, but when i try to connect and use my ubuntu usernale/pass, it says login is incorrect, any ideas?05:44
ubotuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents05:44
n-iCePCRE library is needed; please make sure you have the PCRE development anybody knows the package name???05:45
On3Agent_bob, its working! thanks heaps05:45
jburdouellettesr: man smbpasswd05:45
fulioAgent_bob, i have my little brother using the computer while im at work im thinking that he has been wathcing pr0n05:45
On3Agent_bob, linux newbie, becomes that much closer to become linux kiddie :p05:45
boumaAgent_bob: im 100% sure im talking about the real "text" (depending on kernel framebuffer settings) mode console05:45
Agent_bobOn3 welcome.   and you are learning some of the "most basic" and powerful linux commands your first day....05:46
gogetaAgent_bob what framebufer mode?05:46
On3Agent_bob, its kind of sad but ive been using Knoppix and Ubuntu on my desktop for a while, but always my Win2003 server was ok, but now i think its time to upgrade to something alittle more powerful... Go ubuntu server!05:47
khinhey guys, im running dapper and sometimes, firefox (v. just randomly quits. all my windows at once, gone05:47
Agent_bobbouma ok,   my answer stands as perscribed then.05:47
Agent_bobbouma ummm without writing a script not toggle,  but; you can use the windows keys or the like to shift higher and lower tty's   i can give you a command for it if you like.05:47
khinit doesnt happen too often but def enough to be annoying05:47
gogetaOn3 err thats weaker05:47
blindkhin: well, try upgrading firefox05:47
jburdouellettesr: Google "smbpasswd ubuntu"05:47
n-iCePCRE library is needed; please make sure you have the PCRE development anybody knows the package name???05:47
On3gogeta, what do u mean by that?05:47
gogetaOn3 server is just text ubuntu w lamp05:47
On3gogeta, lets not get into a linux v. windows battle here05:47
gogetaOn3 lol05:48
Agent_bobplay nice05:48
On3gogeta, i was meaning swapping from windows 2003 to ubuntu server :p05:48
gogetaOn3 not talking windows you said going to server05:48
On3gogeta, sorry, that was my miscommunication :S05:48
gogetaOn3 unless you whant text mode :)05:48
blindon a server you don't need much more.05:49
gogeta blind :)05:49
gogeta blind yea not mutch text mode cant do05:49
khinok. another problem: sometimes, i cannot start any programs or even shut down the computer. if i click anything in the taskbar, nothing happens. i have to do a hard shut down. honestly the environment is less stable than windows xp.05:49
khinim running dapper btw05:49
Agent_bobgogeta besides cli based linux is not pre'se "weaker" than +gui  anyway05:49
gogeta blind hell you can play a a movie in framebuffer mode if you whant05:50
blindkhin: well, while dapper is an LTS distro, there have been three upgrades since then that I'd recommend if you're having problems05:50
gogetaAgent_bob well if you wanna a gui you better w desktop + server tools05:50
HipShothey quick question, what is that new apt that automatically installs and updates video drivers for Ubuntu?05:50
khinblind, ok. i haven't upgraded mainly because i'm afraid with three upgrades at once, somehow everything will break horribly05:51
blindkhin: you can upgrade from dapper to gutsy (the latest) although I hear hardy comes out shortly.05:51
Agent_bobgogeta or server w/ gui added   same smoke stack, different brand name.05:51
chris062689Whats the channel for Ubuntu Eee?05:51
gogetaAgent_bob lol thats all desktop would be05:52
gogetaAgent_bob a server with a gui05:52
gogetaAgent_bob lol05:52
Agent_bobgogeta that's what i said    "same smoke stack, different brand name"   but we are OT05:52
gogetaAgent_bob knothing agenst it i can ran text mode like a pro05:52
n-iCeWhere can I install pcre library?05:52
chris062689What is the channel name for ubuntu eee?05:53
ubotuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC05:53
gogetaAgent_bob but we get 4 or 5 a day server installs come in with whers the gui05:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pcre - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:53
Bubble_teaFastZ how to run awn?05:53
khinblind, I think I'll wait for Hardy05:53
Agent_bobgogeta do you answer "in the repos where it belongs"  :)))05:54
blindkhin: yeah, i could be completely wrong, but i believe it comes out very shortly.05:54
Agent_bobn-iCe libpcre++-dev ?05:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about timeline - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:54
blindi forgot the command05:54
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu05:54
_NetHow do you make a launcher for something using a custom icon?05:54
_NetI remember doing it before, I cant seem to find out how now.05:54
blindoh, so yeah. 3 days depending on your time zone :P05:55
FastZBubble_tea: well first of all you have to have Compiz-Fusion running on your machine... then to start AWN after you install it, you just go to Applications>Accessories>Avant Window Navigator05:55
FastZBubble_tea: without Compiz-Fusion, you're AWN isn't gonna work05:55
blind_Net: same way you'd make a regular launcher, then you can change the icon05:55
_NetI can change the embelm but I dont see any where that says Choose/Browse for icon05:56
leileiloljeeeez 120005:56
n-iCeAgent_bob,  workes, thanks, where can I find the package names?05:56
blind_Net: when you click the 'properties' button (im assuming you're getting the same screen as me), do you get the icon in the top left?05:56
FastZ_Net: when you create the launcher, it should have a button with a picture of a springboard, just click on there and then navigate to where your icon is05:56
_NetOh Blind.05:57
_NetThank you sir, I didnt notice that.05:57
shadeofgreyi know this question doesnt belong here but -- my speakers for my xbox360 are on the floor and i cant reach the volu,me control - does anybody know if theres a masterr voliume  you can set from the console itself?05:57
leileilolis it too late for a package update for the openarena package?05:57
=== goget1 is now known as gogeta
On3can anyone help with a quick apache question?05:57
FastZLMAO @ shadeofgrey... the ultimate lazy05:57
shadeofgreyactually im wheelchair bound and permanently handicapped05:58
leileilolit'd really suck if 0.7.0 was just there, because that's gonna be obsolete shortly05:58
Agent_bobn-iCe several ways.    apt-cache search <something>    synaptic has a search feathure.   /msg ubotu find <something> in here works.  and there is a   http://packages.ubuntu.com   i think05:58
shadeofgreyi CANT get uo05:58
FastZLMAO @ FastZ for being a dumbass05:58
mutkFastZ, Nice one..05:58
leileilol0.7.0 isn't compatible with 0.7.6, and versa05:58
FastZI'm entitled to one idiotic response per day05:58
blindwasn't necessarily idiotic... just uninformed :P05:59
On3FastZ, do i get one :p05:59
Agent_bobn-iCe normally i use the first of those.  but i'm a CLI kind-o-guy05:59
mutkFastZ, And shadeofgrey is entitled to at least one appology :)05:59
FastZOn3: you just used it05:59
On3Fastz, Dam! lol05:59
FastZmutk: that's true, sorry about that shadeofgrey05:59
shadeofgreyFastZ, we'll get over it a lot faster if you actually know the nser -- and apology accepted...  really theres nothing to say sorry for05:59
shadeofgreyjust help me if you know how06:00
Iced_EagleFor games, I don't believe there is.06:00
shadeofgreyno i mean for the console06:00
Iced_EagleI think the console volume control is only for media06:00
mutkshadeofgrey, It actually depens on what sort of speakers they are. and what the vol control really does.06:00
FastZshadeofgrey: eh, it just didnt click that there might have been a logical reason why someone wouldnt be able to reach the volume switch06:00
Andre_Gondimdoes anyone know witch pack may i translate channel source?06:00
mutkshadeofgrey, If the vol control is for a pre-amp built into the speakers, then no there is no software accessable master06:01
shadeofgreyFasZ dude its no big deal.  a majority of the public has never interacted with a disabl;ed person before. im used to it06:01
Iced_Eagleshadeofgrey: I know. The only volume slider I know of is when you're listening to music on the 360. I think everything else just gets outputted at full volume.06:01
arquebusI got a gf8800GTX graphic card and now the ubuntu cd wont boot anymore. Anyone know what thats about? And if it will get fixed soon?06:01
tushydcan anyone help? Why does firefox crash on some youtube videos? It's weird, it happens at random.06:01
blindtushyd: which flash plugin are you using?06:02
tushydi think flash 906:02
tushydit usually happens when I first load the page. It will just close firefox alltogether06:02
blindtbh, I don't know much about the differences in all the different flash versions... i just know i went through what you're going through :P06:03
mutkshadeofgrey, Do you have the remote available?06:03
=== [r00723r0] is now known as r00723r0
arquebusI really hate to be without ubuntu, I got a partition waiting for it, so can anyone tell me why my 8800gtx card is stopping the ubuntu live cd from booting?06:03
the_alamowhen i check my system monitor it shows that i am running to sessions of gdm (one inside the other)  is that normal?06:03
tushydblind, got any ideas?06:03
blindtushyd: just try upgrading flash? also, what version of firefox? try upgrading that, too?06:04
tushydi'm pretty sure I have the newest versions of both...06:04
Agent_bobarquebus did you add a graphics card ?   i.e. two possable outputs ?06:04
blindI'm not really sure, then :\06:04
lopinAnybody know how I can convert a video out of an Xvid, and into a standard mpeg1?06:05
boumais there something like a keymap script in the ubuntu init ?06:05
blindarquebus: what exactly do you mean when you say it's stopping it from booting?06:05
maestrotechwhere is the binary "vncpassword" or "vncpasswd" ??06:05
maestrotechwhere is the binary "vncpassword" or "vncpasswd"  for ubuntu? (sorry)06:05
RodGoHi i need some help06:05
blindHi, RodGo.06:06
Agent_bobarquebus i'm with blind "<blind> arquebus: what exactly do you mean when you say it's stopping it from booting?06:06
RodGoi am using ubuntu 6.06 on my webserver06:06
arquebusI mean that after I hit enter for the live cd boot, it just hangs with a black screen06:06
RodGoand when i do a sudo apt-get update06:06
RodGoand sudo apt-get upgrade06:06
RodGoi get this error06:06
boumaAgent_bob: perhaps i should go with your offer to use the windows keys to switch higher and lower, please06:06
lopinarquebus: do you have enough ram?06:06
arquebusAgent_bob, what do you mean 2 possible outputs?06:06
blindarquebus: try checking out your bios to see if your videos going to the right spot by default.06:06
arquebusI have 2 gigs06:06
RodGoSetting up initramfs-tools (0.40ubuntu34) ...06:06
RodGoCannot find /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-server06:06
RodGodpkg: error processing initramfs-tools (--configure):06:06
RodGo subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 106:06
RodGodpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of udev:06:06
FloodBot1RodGo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:06
RodGo udev depends on initramfs-tools (>= 0.40ubuntu30); however:06:06
arquebusblind, what do you mean by right spot?06:07
maestrotechDoes anyone know how to create a VNC password file in ubuntu?06:07
Agent_bobbouma pasting file /etc/sysV/winkeys.sh06:07
blindarquebus: well, i've got my onboard card and an nvidia card.. i had to set my bios to use the nvidia rather than the onboard06:07
RodGoplease if somebody can help me06:08
blindRodGo: use a pastebin when pasting more than 1 or 2 lines. http://pastebin.com06:08
Agent_bobbouma you should probably use showkeys  first to see what the actual hex is for your specific keys.06:08
blindoh you got it06:08
arquebusblind-ok, I'll check that out06:08
Julowhat opens .rpm ?06:08
lopinAnybody familiar with how to use mencoder, or ffmpeg from the terminal?06:08
the_alamodoes the gdm usually show up in two parts in system-monitor, one as a sub-section of the other?06:08
lopinJulo: Those are for red hat linux...  Not Ubuntu, or Debian...06:08
the_alamoi don't remember how it looked before.06:09
Bax_my right hand is hurting from typing, but I need it to finish a paper.  Can i put it under ice to make it feel better?06:09
TirefrogHey everyone... does anybody know what could cause my /dev/hda1 /dev/hdb1 etc to disappear after upgrading to 8.4? Only /dev/sda1 is there. It works on the gusty live CD.06:09
lopinJulo: You might be able to use alien, but I wouldn't recommend it..06:09
blindI've had good experience with alien06:09
lopinI've not had to use it...06:10
blindlopin, there's a lot of scripts to do what you want to do... tovid is one.. i used another recently but can't remember the name.06:10
Agent_bobTirefrog scsi emulation turns all hd devices into sd devices06:10
TirefrogAgent_bob: oh, ok! never thought of that... so they'll now have sdx names?06:10
mutkThat is the second person today calling it 'gusty'. I notice the small things06:11
blindmine was a typo, mutk :P06:11
Agent_bobTirefrog prolly.   i'm still using dapper   LTS06:11
TirefrogAgent_bob: OK, thanks, I'll try it!06:11
Agent_bobTirefrog welcome.06:11
=== Agent_bob is now known as intelikey
wuxiawhat's the right way to rebuild a ubunut package with debug symbols? (libgtk-x11 in debug mode is crashing my progs and I need to rebuild it)06:14
JohninLexhey what does this do    sudo apt-get install  ubuntu-restricted-extras06:15
chris062689It installs multimedia codecs06:16
mutkwuxia, I am not sure if Ubuntu does this - But in other distor's debug packages are sepeaate and available for install.06:16
chris062689Basicly anythig that's "restricted"06:16
JohninLexis it a bad thing or a good thing06:16
wuxiamutk: the build in ubuntu ones are crashing, which is one I need to rebuild it06:16
astro76JohninLex: it's fine... installs the stuff listed here http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ubuntu-restricted-extras06:17
mutkwuxia, Ah of course. Ignore me then :)06:17
neetowhat's a program to do video screencaps?06:17
boumaintelikey: ok so im checking out the loadkeys command, im wondering how the toggle could be done though06:17
JohninLexah thank you both astro76 and Chris06268906:18
boumais anyone adept at using loadkeys ? can i hook in a script this way06:19
JohninLexnight, and thank you all for your help today06:22
mactimesIs there any software like CamStudio for Ubuntu?06:22
boumawell everyone, agent-bob has gone, but i figured out there is a loadkeys alias called Last_console .. so thats the solution to having a key toggle between two consoles :P06:23
arquebusmactimes, yes  there is open source video screen capture software, but I cant remember the name off hand06:24
TheDukeNYHello, I was hoping someone could tell me know to extend my screen to a second monitor as opposed to having my screen cloned06:24
mactimesarquebus: Well.  CamStudio is Open Source, but it only works for Windows.06:24
mactimesarquebus: I used to have a similar software for GNU/Linux, but quality of video was truly poor.06:25
syntax_preciso de ajuda como arrumo isso E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg--configure -a'to correct the problem.06:25
On3whats the best way to secure an OpenSSH server?06:26
mactimessyntax_: #ubuntu-br06:26
arquebusmactimes, I know this is a good quality one for linux, but the forum I saw it on is gone, so I cant look it up06:26
mactimesarquebus: RecordMyDesktop?06:27
legend2440mactimes: istanbul is somewhat eqivalent. not as many features as camstudio from what i've heard06:27
mactimeslegend2440: Better than RecordMyDesktop?06:27
arquebusmactimes- no I dont think that was it06:27
bullgard4[GUI] What is the name of a field where you can select one from several items by klicking in it?06:27
legend2440mactimes: yes i think it is06:27
yoshohey, evan?06:28
mactimeslegend2440: Thanks!  I'll give it a try.  I didn't like recordmydesktop at all.  CamStudio is just _perfect_, it is OpenSource, but I don't hold enough knowledge to port it to linux.06:28
yoshodon't worry about it06:28
RenatoSilvawhat time is it?06:29
mactimesarquebus: Cankiri?06:31
Leeuwbullgard4: could it be 'radio-buttons' ?  (that's the name in windoze and some desktop config s)06:31
boumaok i can bind right-win to Last_Console, but how do i convert the showkeys output into a keycode argument (decimal)06:32
boumashowkeys gives 7F FF, for the menukey06:32
RenatoSilvawhat time is it?06:32
pipsqeek3:32 pm here06:32
boumawhat should i use for keycode x (in decimal i presume, does it go over 256?)06:32
TheDukeNYyou cant extend monitors?06:33
bullgard4Leeuw: No. A radio-button allows one to select one of severals fields as active. My question is about a single field where you can select one of several items.06:33
n-iCebye all06:33
Leeuwbullgard4: ok, thatś why I asked, y'never know, right ?   In that case i do not know, alas.06:34
Leeuwbullgard4: a roll-down menu perhaps ?06:34
RenatoSilvapipsqeek: 2:30am, are you in Japan?06:34
MysteI am trying to disable my onboard sound. I have blacklisted the modules in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist. Despite this, they are still loading. Any suggestions?06:35
Leeuwbullgard4: thatś the one wizza arrow on za side, probably also not what you mean... :-X06:35
pipsqeekRenatoSilva: Australia. Sydney more specifically06:35
joetheoddHey guys, none of my GNOME windows have borders or title bars. Is this some kind of new tech, or am I experiencing a bit of a screwup? I fear the latter. :P06:36
boumawell now that ive solved my problem, how should i enter the solution into the ubuntu forums? or similar so the next person can find it easier??06:36
LSGjoetheodd: Are you using Emerald?06:37
joetheoddLSC, stock (as in, installed an hour ago) gnome.06:37
mosnojoetheodd: Compiz + NVIDIA right?06:37
boumasome particular section i should put it ?06:37
joetheoddLSC, only change I made was switched default monitors and did a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:37
joetheoddmosno, I'm not sure of Compiz, but NVIDIA yeah06:37
mosnojoetheodd: i think there's a one-liner for xorg.conf that fixes it06:38
LSGjoetheodd: Huh...that is weird... it happens to me sometimes with Emerald but i have no idea how it can happen with the native Gnome borders. Have you tried changing the theme?06:38
mosnojoetheodd: i can't check on this system tho :(06:38
joetheoddLSC, I haven't tried that.. gimme a sec, I'll do that06:38
* kindofabuzz gives joetheodd06:38
RenatoSilvapipsqeek: nice06:38
RenatoSilvapipsqeek: that's where 815 Ocean Air was from, right?06:39
markus_joetheodd: maybe you are using the nv-driver instead of the nvidia-driver. `cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep nv` to verify this.06:39
joetheoddLSC, where'd the theme option go? :P06:39
LSGjoetheodd: System--Preferences--Appearance06:40
=== kclemens is now known as paradox_
pipsqeekRenatoSilva: I have no idea.06:40
=== paradox_ is now known as kclemens
MysteI am trying to disable my onboard sound. I have blacklisted the modules in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist. Despite this, they are still loading. Any suggestions?06:40
RenatoSilvapipsqeek: don't you see LOST?06:40
* pipsqeek doesn't watch TV.06:41
monkeybritchesDisable it in the BIOS?06:41
joetheoddLSC, theme itself didn't do it, but changing visual effects did. That is, setting it to none.06:41
RenatoSilvapipsqeek: wow06:41
RenatoSilvapipsqeek: kkkkk06:41
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto06:41
joetheoddLSC, but I did make my gnome prettier in the process06:41
markus_joetheodd: Then it's likely you are using the non-proprietary driver.06:41
* pipsqeek just googled 815 Ocean Air and realised what you're on about.06:41
LSGjoetheodd That means you have some problem with Compiz06:41
MysteMonkeybritches: Did that, and Ubuntu is still detecting it.06:41
pipsqeekI haven't watched TV in years. too much rubbish to filter.06:41
joetheoddmarkus_, correct -- the nvidia driver06:42
LSGjoetheodd Lemme check if i can find your problem06:42
Mysteit's an AC97 chipset06:42
monkeybritchesStrange, because it shouldn't if you disable it in the BIOS...06:42
joetheoddLSC, I'm using a MX4000 I believe, if that'll help you.06:42
calI need help with root's pas06:42
calthe one I set when I installed Ubuntu isn't working06:42
joetheoddcal, what's up?06:42
swalkosudo passwd06:43
ng0ncal  use  sudo06:43
LSGjoetheodd I'm assuming you have the restricted drivers enabled, right?06:43
MysteYeah. I'm stumped.06:43
* cal tries sudo06:43
joetheoddLSC, correct06:43
monkeybritchesAre you sure you saved the settings when you exited the BIOS setup?06:43
pipsqeekcal: copy and paste the command you're trying to execute06:43
MysteIt's been disabled since the day I built this machine06:43
calpipsqeek: I just need to log in as root06:43
caland my pass isn't working06:44
pipsqeekyou don't log in as root06:44
MysteI double checked it, disabled the game ports as well just to be sure.06:44
MysteEven so, why is it loading the modules I added to the blacklist?06:44
markus_joetheodd: Try starting compiz from a terminal and post the output. `compiz --replace`06:44
pipsqeekyou log in as your user and then su to root once you do what swalko suggested06:44
gogetaMyste why not just set the defult device on linux to your other card06:44
LSGjoetheodd It's weird though, i've installed Ubuntu the other day on my sister's machine (she has an nVidia 8600 GT or something) and i had no problems06:45
LSGjoetheodd Apparently it's a well known issue06:45
calI can't get the root pass to change06:45
swalkosudo passwd06:45
swalkotype your pass06:45
calI'm lucky now06:45
calI wrote it down06:45
FloodBot1cal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:45
swalkoand then new root pass 2x06:45
kclemenswhat does rm / do06:46
MysteGogeta: Because OSS has decided that it wants to use that card and won't use my SBlive.06:46
gogetalol dont do it06:46
legend2440joetheodd: have you tried metacity --replace in terminal?06:46
acidicbasei always alias my rm with confirmation06:46
joetheoddlegend2440, pastebinning compiz --replace right now06:47
gogetakclemens melts your system06:47
kclemensa-v told me to do rm /06:47
LSGkclemens Removes files06:47
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:47
gogetaand a op will probly ban him now06:47
joetheoddlegend2440, markus_, http://pastebin.com/m28c955c06:47
n-iCeis skype free?06:47
n-iCecalls between computers06:47
zcat[1]gratis yes, libre no.06:47
pipsqeekubotu: you probably lost grub after the windows install because Windows wrote over the MBR with it's own crap.06:47
LSGn-iCe Yeah, you don't need to pay for that06:48
pipsqeeklol, ubotu is a bot?06:48
nighthawk008I am trying to install kylix on ubuntu, it sais it can not open shared object file -- anybody ideas?06:48
zcat[1]pipsqeek: actually, I 'lost' grub because I rebuilt my filesystem on a new drive06:48
joetheoddIs there any easy way to use LILO with ubuntu? Grub and I have a love-hate relationship.06:48
zcat[1]no windows has ever been on this machine06:48
gogetaoetheodd guess if you install it yourself06:49
joetheoddgogeta, I figured, I had to make sure I put "easy" in there. :P.06:49
gogetaoetheodd kik06:49
LSGjoetheodd: I've found this, i hope it helps. http://geekybits.blogspot.com/2007/10/no-window-borders.html06:49
Mysteis there a way to disable OSS so that any OSS applications will use AOSS?06:51
Mysteor am I way off track?06:52
MarupaI have a grabbee-X video device which worked fine under 7.04, but now trying to use it under 7.10, it doesn't work.  I get a blue 'no signal' screen as user, and a green flickery screen as root, when using tvtime, which is the program I used beforehand.06:52
zcat[1]bah, 'tab' in grub is giving me an actual tab, not a command-line completeion :(06:53
Marupadmesg picks it up, as it did before, so there's no change that I can tell on my end.  It works in windows, just not in linux now.06:53
Leeuwhow can I change the behaviour of deleteon a mp3-player ?  (I want to delete directly, instead of putting in a trashcan on the device itself, wich doesn't make room for other stuff; have to delete twice this way, first delete, than delete trash.100 folder; is pretty annoyingk))06:54
gogetazcat[1] e edits in grub06:54
gogetazcat[1] and c i link = command line only06:54
zcat[1]OK, root is /dev/sda2 or hd(0,1) in grub.. if I run grub-install it keeps trlling me there's no bios devices... It was installed on this drive before... what do I type?06:56
zcat[1]gogeta: sudo grub from a booted system?06:56
MysteSound Preferences shows two devices, the SBlive on ALSA mixer and the AC97 on OSS. I want to get rid of the AC9706:56
MysteOr else point the OSS mixer to the SBLive card06:57
gogetazcat[1] your trying to boot from a command line in grub?06:57
gogetaboot /dev/hda0,006:57
ubotuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex06:57
zcat[1]I'm trying to put the MBR back on my sata drive.. currently booted from an IDE one06:57
monkeybritchesDoes anyone know what comes after Intrepid Ibex? J-something... ?06:58
MarupaAny ideas for the video isue?06:58
gogetazcat[1] a nice tool for that is the grub live cd supergrub06:58
LeeuwJumbled Jay-bird06:58
zcat[1]drives that have stage1 on them are /dev/sda2 aka hd(0,1) and /dev/sdb1 aka hd(1,0)06:58
monkeybritchesSorry Marupa, no idea06:59
legend2440Leeuw: in nautilus open edit >preferences>behaviour >bypass trash option06:59
gogetazcat[1] has menus and stuff can install grub anywhere06:59
Leeuwlegend2440: thanx !  will try06:59
zcat[1]I want to fix up grum's MBR it's currently looking for /dev/sda106:59
blindjust upgraded from edgy to feisty and now q3a won't run: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63893/06:59
Leeuwlegend2440: does that go for all devices than ?   Or can I set for that device only ?07:00
zcat[1]How do I put grub back on the MBR so that it looks for stage1 on hd(0,1) instead of hd(0,0)07:00
gogetazcat[1] what did i suggest07:00
zcat[1]without burning another CD...07:00
gogetazcat[1] ubuntus only gonna install on the first drive07:00
gogetazcat[1] then make a supergrub floppy07:00
legend2440Leeuw: i think you have a choice wheter to put in trash or delete without putting in trash07:00
zcat[1]ubuntu''s not doing JACK.. I have the grub command line.. btw no floppy drive in this box07:01
gogetazcat[1] then wast a cd07:01
gogetazcat[1] its handy to keep around07:01
zcat[1]I don't have any spare CD's07:01
legend2440Leeuw: i think all devices but not positive07:01
gogetagot a pen drive lol07:01
monkeybritcheszcat[1]: Read up on grub here: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm07:01
zcat[1]I have a bootable system on hda, I'm in it. I have the grub command line. this MUST be possible07:01
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:01
zcat[1]fscking stupid page says tab-complete... GRUB here is giving me an actual tab, not tab completing07:02
zcat[1]grub> find /boot/grub/stage107:02
zcat[1]find /boot/grub/stage107:02
zcat[1] (hd0,1)07:02
zcat[1] (hd1,0)07:02
FloodBot1zcat[1]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:02
zcat[1]Now what do I do with this?07:02
Leeuwlegend2440: yeah, I found it, itś all devices, gives xtra option in contxt.menu07:03
gogetazcat[1] that tells you wehere to put grub07:03
gogetazcat[1] 1 would be your second drive07:03
zcat[1]I know where the drives are; I know where stage one is; how do I tell grub from the commandline to rewrite the mbr on hd(0,0) with looking for stage1 at hd(0,1)07:03
snarkstermy laptop continually runs at 700 Mhz instead of 1Ghz.. How do i make it run at full power when running on A/C.07:03
zcat[1]Yes, I am booted up from my second drive. I want to fix grub on my first drive07:04
gogetagrub install hd(1,0) i would assume07:04
mutksnarkster, Give it some work to do - does it increase the CPU frequ?07:04
snarksteryes when i have alot open07:04
snarkstermutk: yes when i have alot of stuff open..07:05
Leeuwlegend2440: is astrange option thoug, if I set it it deletes right away, but puts in main trashcan instead of tras-folder on device... Think something got lost in translation (using Dutch version)07:05
snarksteri wanted it to always run at full power when on A/C tho07:05
ecubuntuhey guys how have hardy, i have a question? i have my wireless network with mac adress only but with Hardy i can't connect07:06
bazhangecubuntu: what wireless chipset07:06
zcat[1]how can grub tell me stage1 is on hd0,1 and then in the next command tell me hd0,1 does not exist?!!!!\07:06
legend2440Leeuw: i've never enabled that option mysel so i don't know how well it works07:06
ecubuntuintel bazhang07:06
Leeuwlegend2440: whatever, it solved my problem anyway, thanx !  (Come to think I allways tell noobz in my day-job (work in PC-center for low-chance-people) to read help and try options, turns out I'm to lazy meself... ;-)07:06
zcat[1]GAH@!!! useless pile of crap07:07
snarksterthere are no governors in the cpu freq scaling07:07
bazhangecubuntu: meet me in #ubuntu+1 for hardy discussion07:07
ecubuntuk bazhang07:07
Chris[]Hello, I just burned a text based install of Ubuntu 6.06 Server Edition, on a CD-R at 4x speed, and apparently 'Packages.gz' is corrupt, I get an error involving md5 and this file during setup07:07
Chris[]I think 4x speed is low enough, yes?07:07
FloodBot1liveinteractive: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:08
bazhangliveinteractive: dont spam here07:08
liveinteractivescam or phising07:08
bazhangliveinteractive: stop now07:09
Nick123Does anyone know of a samll free parttion program i can download so i can make my windwos partition smaller so i can install ubuntu07:09
monkeybritchesParted Magic07:09
snarksternick123: gparted and or qtparted will do that for you if you know how07:10
LeeuwChris , sometimes there's 'to low'; if you use like 52x cd, the tracks in 4x get 'to deep' sort of.   Try 12x, always works best for me, better than 407:10
bazhangNick123: the ubuntu installer will do it for you--resize partition in the install process07:10
LeeuwChris[]: Chris , sometimes there's 'to low'; if you use like 52x cd, the tracks in 4x get 'to deep' sort of.   Try 12x, always works best for me, better than 407:10
Chris[]Leeuw, I've tried 4x, and 11x07:10
blindOkay, for some reason my sound won't work in certain programs. For instance, I have VBox open and Quake3 won't make any sound, neither will mpd.. but xfmedia and gxine and mplayer make sound..07:10
liveinteractivehttp://onestepdownloads.com the best website of downloading linux distros07:11
bazhang!ops | liveinteractive07:11
ubotuliveinteractive: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!07:11
mutkSomebody ban this idiot.07:11
Chris[]This also happened when I tried installing debian.07:12
snarksteri just ignored him07:12
Aces|I have a problem. First time trying to install Ubuntu and I get through the Start or Install screen and through the loading screens but once I hear the drums the screen goes black. Through reading the forums its probably my Nvidia card. I tried some of the solutions on the forums but still have had no luck.07:12
LeeuwChris[]: 11x ??  I don't think that speeds xists...   You're using the direct-burn option in Nautilus right ?   I've tried that several times, seems buggy, allways got errors.   Try installing Gnome-burner, that works like a charm, sort of a stripped down NERO, perfect every time07:12
Chris[]No, actually, I'm burning on Windows.07:12
Chris[]But I tried Nautulis before07:12
snarksterdoes k3b work in gnome? that is by far the best burner software Ive ever used.07:13
blindyes, it does07:13
blindif you've got kdelibs installed07:13
Chris[]Leeuw: It was 11.7x on Nautilus.07:14
LeeuwChris[]: hm, strange..   Maybe you used cd's from market or something (they's sometimes old stock that been in the sun or something07:14
blindAnyone have a clue why my quake3 and mpd can't produce sound, but other programs do?07:14
Chris[]Leeuw, I've burned ISO's with these before.07:14
Chris[]All the other linux-running PCs in my house used isos on these same types of CDs.07:14
LeeuwChris[]: and this one went wrong once, or all the time ?07:14
Chris[]All the time..07:15
Chris[]Not sure if it makes a difference that I'm trying to install from VMWare..07:15
Chris[]I don't think it should.07:15
LeeuwChris[ maybe the ISO's no good (try downloading again, it happened to me once)07:15
Chris[]I would, except I tried 2 versions of Debian (small iso, large iso) and the ubuntu, and nothing worked07:15
LeeuwChris[]: should make no dif07:15
LeeuwChris[]: try dif solutions, but do with RWś for time being, 's cheapurr07:16
gad0Chris[], perform a md5 checksum on iso...07:16
legend2440Aces|: are you using the LiveCD to try and install?07:16
Chris[]I've never done stuff with md5, so I'm not sure as to how.07:16
LeeuwChris[]: Read/Write cd's, erasable y' know07:17
snarkstermd5sum <file>07:17
Chris[]Wait, what? md5sum the iso?07:17
gad0Chris[], https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM07:17
snarkstersure they should provide a md5sum07:17
Guest10423/server irc.relaychat.net /j #main07:17
MRgoodhash can do it too07:17
snarksteryup yup07:17
legend2440Aces|: sometimes for certain hardware the alternate cd works better07:18
LeeuwChris[]: Try Gnome-burner, or Brasero, that solved my blank-CD eating problem (really, burning CD's with Nautilus has never worked for me)07:18
ubotuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal07:18
Aces|Ill download it and give it a try. Thanks.07:18
legend2440Aces|: ok good luck07:18
LeeuwAces|: or try Xubuntu; we had problems installing ubuntu, ubuntu alternate, Xubuntu did the trick, later added ubuntu-package, presto !07:19
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels07:19
wesleysldey Rprp o/07:20
Aces|Ok thanks again.07:20
snarksterAces|: you could also do that Kubuntu load if you like KDE07:20
Aces|This is my first run all around so Ill have to find something that works and go from there.07:21
Chris[]Leeuw: What about gnomebaker?07:21
snarksterAces| are you coming from windows?07:21
snarksterKDE is very similar to windows07:22
Fai love kde 407:22
snarksterin layout but is WAY more intergrated than any version of windows07:22
Faoh yeah07:22
snarksterkde4 just isnt stable enough yet07:22
Faubuntu with kde 4 beats xp hands down07:22
djznhi... i have a dilema... I have 2GB of RAM.... should I make a 4GB SWAP partition or a 512MB will do just fine? The most critical thing I do in this computer is convert h.264 videos to VOBs...07:22
bazhangnot true kde4 is stable07:23
Fayeah i still love07:23
gad0snarkster< KDE is very similar to windows > gnome & xfce are similar too ;)07:23
LeeuwChris[]: H :-D:-[, yeah, Gnomebaker, that's what I meant (there's no such thing as gnomeburner; well maybe myself... stup-id me)07:23
Fakde 4 still has some bugs07:23
snarksteryah KDE4 is beautiful really..07:23
Chris[]xD, Leeuw. I believe I usually use gnomebaker, I'm trying it now.07:23
Exterisdjzn, make a 2gb ram partition, in case you want to hibernate, or 1gb if you're low on disk space07:23
snarkstergad0 this is true that gnome and xfce are similar as well. but KDE almost looks like windows. Makes the newbies feel alot more comfortable I think07:24
djznExteris: I never ever hibernate... in fact, I have never used that feature in 15 years using computers07:24
Fai just can't stand gnome07:24
Leeuwdjzn: stick to 2 G, that's the most that can be managed, everything over get's lost in cyberspace...   500 will do fine, I have 4 Gig RAM, use lotsa stuff, never anything gets swapped07:24
Faxfce is ok07:24
Exterisdjzn, (i mean suspend to disk)07:24
djznno, i don't use that... either the computer is off the plug or running....07:25
mshadlehow do i force a module "e1000e" to be loaded -instead- of "e1000" ? isn't it a modules.conf or modprobe.d line?07:25
snarksterFa: I hated gnome and was a strict KDE person, just decided to push the envelope and use gnome. When KDE4 reaches 4.1 or higher Ill switch back07:25
djznbecause a 4GB swap partition never gets written.... 4GB is quite a space....07:25
Fa4.1 suppose to be out in the summer i hear07:26
Exterisdjzn, with hibernate you can suspend all ram to disk, power off, and when you boot again, all apps are restored07:26
gad0did anyone ever had problems with xine/mplayer color settings & nvidia restricted drivers ?07:26
snarksterhibernmate just doesnt work well on this laptop.. I lose sound completely07:26
djznexteris: will that feature replace the boot process in the future (is replacing?)07:27
Exterisdjzn, i don't know, but i like it, give it a try07:28
LeeuwExteris: does hibernate use the swap ?   I didn't know...   but how then can a 4G RAM sleep on 2 G swap ?   Or does it store states instead of entire RAM like Windoze ?07:28
ExterisLeeuw, you almost never use the full 4G ram for apps, a lot of it is buffer07:29
ExterisLeeuw, i have 2gb ram, 1gb swap and hibernate works fine07:29
LeeuwExteris: OK, so buffers donb't need sleep ;-) ?07:29
LeeuwExteris: but are U sure sleepfile ends up on swap ?07:30
PhatKatI'm trying to backup my system, my upgrade from 7.1 to 8.04 didn't go so well. I'm trying to use the Simple Backup Config but. For some reason no it always backs up to the /var/backup folder where I don't have enough space. I want to send the back up to a usb hard drive. Should I try and mount the hard drive as /var/backup?07:30
Exteris!hibernate | Leeuw07:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:30
gad0actually its a little more complicated then tat...  Leeuw07:30
Leeuwgad0: tell me, I lovoooove needlez knowledzj07:31
djzni read that with 2GB of RAM, it is silly to have a 2GB/4GB swap partition because it never gets written.... That 512MB wil do just FINE.. if not Less....07:31
Chris[]Leeuw: The ./dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz file failed the MD5 checksum verification. Your CD-ROM or this file may have been corrupted. [[[Again]]] :(07:31
nsandimanhi, I have a usb infrared device that I want to use on my machine...can anyone explain to me how to go about it?07:31
LeeuwChris[]: and it's always the same file ?07:32
gad0Leeuw, i have only 1 hand so cant type much... better check on wiki page or google07:32
Ntemisi search a tool for printing CD/DVD labels07:32
Chris[]Yep. Would it matter that my processor is AMD, should I be using the other version? I don't think it matters as long as I'm not using 64-bit on a 32-bit..07:32
Ntemiswich is the best for this?07:32
bazhangChris[]: this will be a dual boot or only ubuntu07:33
Leeuwgad0: sure, no sweat, I had already scheduled it in my downtime for work this afternoon... thanx for hinting me thoug, now I know thereś a new thing to be learned, and that makes a good day, right ?   right.07:33
Chris[]bazhang: This is through VMWare07:34
Gokee2Will rm -rf /var/cache/* hurt anything?  I mean badly?07:35
bazhangChris[]: through vmware? what do you mean? you want to install from vmware onto a harddrive, or just run the distro in vmware--what is the guest os07:35
Chris[]The guest os is ubuntu07:35
LeeuwChris[]: well, maybe there is a problem with the virtual install, but my guess is the ISO if it's always same file; try a different mirror for download ?   (But use RW' s, don't spend all those blanks on tracing a problem)07:35
legend2440PhatKat: if you choose "Use custom backup settings" option you can choose where to put the backup under the 'Destination' tab07:35
Chris[]I don't have any RW's lol07:35
=== MRgood is now known as icesword
bazhangChris[]: not sure of your final goal; please clarify07:36
gad0Gokee2, wat exactly are you trying todo ?07:36
PhatKatLegend244C: Ya tried that no matter where I set it it always goes to the default /var/backup07:37
LeeuwChris[]: go get some then, before you use up your whole stock !07:37
Chris[]I currently have a system with Debian on it, and I wish to create a virtual machine through vmware. This requires that I insert an ubuntu live cd and use the client software to go through the installer.07:37
Chris[]My final goal, pretty much.. get ubuntu to install :P07:37
simon_Gokee2: aptitude clean? if you're trying to clean out your apt cache07:37
PhatKatI also just tryed to mount my usb hd to /var/backup didn't quite work out now I can't mount it period.07:38
Gokee2gad0, My hard drive is full so I need to free up a little room to let a dist-upgrade finish07:38
legend2440PhatKat: thats strange. i've only used sbackup once. i use partimage now. works very well for me07:38
chris062689OH WOW, theres a rumor The Orange Box is being ported to Linux... sweet.07:38
gad0Gokee2, then type sudo apt-get clean07:38
bazhangChris[]: was that meant for me? if you do not use my nick I will miss it; am helping another user in seperate channel07:38
Chris[]Sorry, yes it was, bazhang.07:39
PhatKatI'll try partimage is it in the repo?07:39
zero__whats the ubuntu 8.04 beta chat channel?07:39
Gokee2gad0,  apt-get dist-upgrade is in the middle of running right now so that won`t work07:39
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu07:39
zero__thanks monkeybritches07:39
monkeybritchesYou're welcome07:39
Gokee2For that matter I better not clear apt`s cache....  :/07:40
bazhangChris[]: you have the livecd running? or you already have ubuntu installed and want to install to another machine? not clear here07:40
gad0Gokee2, then proply del each package mnanually which isnt required by dist-upgrade... lol07:40
Gokee2Apt is the bigest thing in cache07:40
Gokee2Is there anything I can delete?07:41
Chris[]I have Debian installed, and am trying to install Ubuntu on a virtual machine, pretty much it's own partition. Kind of like a dual boot.07:41
legend2440PhatKat: i think so but in order to backup your main partition you have to boot from a cd that has partimage on it so the partition is not mounted as you back it up. I boot from system rescue cd to do backups07:41
Ntemisplease someone tell me a good cd/dvd cover program07:41
elmargolNtemis, inkscape07:41
NtemisPlease can someone tell me a good cd/dvd cover program07:41
JohnRobertis xmms not in ubuntu 8.04?07:41
friedtofucd/dvd cover?..07:41
SonjaJohnRobert ask in #ubuntu+107:42
legend2440Ntemis:  glabels07:42
icesword!info xmms 8.0407:42
ubotuxmms (source: xmms): Versatile X audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.2.10+20070601-1 (gutsy), package size 2101 kB, installed size 6292 kB07:42
icesword!info xmms hardy07:42
gad0Gokee2, you should have prior knowledge which package is required and which is not... tough07:42
Ntemislegend i saw glabels it says for bussines cards07:42
ubotuPackage xmms does not exist in hardy07:42
RussellGeexmms is replaced with xmms207:42
legend2440Ntemis: it also does the round cd/dvd labels07:42
PhatKatLegend244C: Thank I guess I'll try that to save my system. After you copy it can you remount it after a fresh install?07:43
Ntemislegent:will do for downloaded dvd/cd covers?07:43
icesword!info xmms2 hardy07:43
ubotuxmms2 (source: xmms2): Client/server based media player system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2DrJekyll-4ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 10 kB, installed size 56 kB07:43
LeeuwChris[]: good luck, hope to hear some day what the prob waz...   have to go now. . . later !8-)07:43
Gokee2gad0, Ya...  That would take a while but I guess it would work...07:43
Ntemislegend: am inerested foe the out front and back labels of the dvd/cd07:43
friedtofudoes xmms2 still use X as its gui - ugly? :/07:43
bazhangChris[]: how about unetbootin?07:43
Chris[]Haven't tried, never done it before.07:44
Ntemissorry for my bad english i am from a night shift :(07:44
legend2440Ntemis: yes you can copy paste downloaded cd/dvd jpg's07:44
Chris[]er, bazhang* darn it lol07:44
Ntemislegend: will do frond and back labels of cd/dvd?07:44
bubooludoes anyone use AWN (avant-window-navigator)?  I'm doing the whole OS X look and I've also installed global_menu ... I read that AWN should show the "Places" and "System" menu in the menu applet, but I'm not seeing it.  Any suggestions?07:44
bazhangChris[]: /msg ubotu wubi then check the ubuntuforums link for more on unetbootin07:45
legend2440Ntemis: it does them too. but i haven't played with that much. i just make the round labels usually07:45
Ntemisi see07:45
Ntemisthanks legend07:45
gad0Gokee2, yes... the package which were listed after running dist-upgrade will be listed... so other than these packages in apt cache can be deleted07:45
Ntemisglabels in synaptic?07:46
Ntemisor i have to build from source07:46
legend2440Ntemis: in synaptic07:46
bazhang!info glabels07:46
ubotuglabels (source: glabels): label, business card and media cover creation program for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.3-1ubuntu0.1 (gutsy), package size 335 kB, installed size 1024 kB07:46
newusrupdated my ubuntu and wireless isnt working anymore with the new kern image ? tried the forums but nothing worked for me07:47
Gokee2gad0, Every pack on my system was upgraded...  I got it though I sorted by size and got rid of kde-icons and a few others now I have 106m free.  Thanks!  :)07:47
Ntemisgoodnight all!07:48
legend2440PhatKat: not sure what you mean. partimage makes a clone of the partition so if there was a problem mounting a drive before you image it the problem will still be there after you restore the partition with partimage07:48
bazhangnewusr: this is gutsy or what07:49
bullgard4"~$ lsmod | grep 8139; 8139cp 24704 0; 8139too 27520 0." I would like to prevent that one of the 2 modules will be loaded because after a while after booting my computer looses its LAN connection. How to prevent 8139cp from being loaded at boot time?  (There is no modules.conf and no /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.)07:49
bazhangnewusr: what is the kernel--and what is the chipset of the card07:49
Chris[]bazhang: I am going to try from a torrent before I mess with that, which if this doesn't work I'll try tomorrow.07:50
newusrshall i use the pastebin ?07:50
legend2440PhatKat: oh isee what you mean. yes you can07:50
bazhangnewusr: for what? just the one line for the kernel and card chipset is fine here07:50
prashant___hi does any one know how to change the prgress screen that comes up as soon as we boot ubuntu ;) please ask if need more clearifications07:51
bazhangprashant___: the usplash?07:52
newusr07:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)07:52
bazhangnewusr: and what kernel07:52
prashant___bahzhang i dont realy know its name but u know it comes even when we boot a live cd ( the first image that we see with a progress pipe of booting status)07:53
[LMM]Iowahchy there, anyone knows a good script, which deletes folders without mp3|mp4|ogg|wav files in it?07:53
PhatKatLegend244C: OK thank I'm going to copy the whole partition do a clean install then mount it back and copy off what is need also this way I can set a local source for my repo. I just wanted to run it by someone before I went and killed my system also the system rescue is almost done downloading now.07:53
prashant___bahzhang: i dont realy know its name but u know it comes even when we boot a live cd ( the first image that we see with a progress pipe of booting status)07:53
Fivesheephttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto [prashant___]07:54
bazhangprashant___: and what change did you have in mind?07:54
newusrUbuntu hardy (development branch), kernel 2.6.24-15-generic07:54
bazhangnewusr: that is the hardy kernel, but you are using gutsy? any special reason for that?07:55
prashant___bazhang: i saw some options on gnome-look and they are nice ;) i shall switch to them . BTW when i installed kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu the splash screen reads KUBUNTU which i want to get rid of07:55
newusri just updated the system and it happened07:55
newusris it possible to get wireless working again ?07:56
legend2440PhatKat: with partimage you can only restore the whole partition. its not like drive image that had a browser where you could select certain files or directories to restore07:56
bazhangnewusr: what does lsb_release -a report07:56
PhatKatOk well I guess I keep trying to mount my usb hd in the /var07:57
bazhangprashant___: then boot using gdm and not kdm (in sessions)07:57
newusr8.4 hardy !07:57
newusrDescription:Ubuntu hardy (development branch)07:57
newusr 07:57
prashant___bazhang: yeah thats what i do ... but it still reads KUBUNTU on the progress barr07:58
masterzulubom dia08:00
masterzulualguem pode me ajudar a instalar codecs w32 para dapper08:01
iceswordenglish, man08:02
bazhang!br | masterzulu08:02
ubotumasterzulu: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.08:02
bazhangnewusr: install linux-ubuntu-modules and see if that clears it up08:02
newusri gotta quit the update manager though lots of updates08:05
bazhangnewusr: dont do that08:05
bazhangnewusr: just wait until it does its work08:05
newusryeah i will08:05
newusrbazhang, its installed when i checked the SYnaptic08:07
bazhangnewusr: also on router try unhiding the essid if it is set to that (when the updates are finished, or course)08:07
newusrversion 2.6.2208:08
newusrits not hidden08:08
newusrshall i reinstall it ?08:08
bazhangnewusr: those are not the correct modules for hardy; wait until the updates are finished then install new ones08:09
newusrwhat command shall i use or just the Synaptic08:09
newusrits ok i resumed the updates now08:10
newusram supposed to use the wired connection here at the cafe and i stole the cable and got the ip config. hehhe i guess the cafe owner is gonna kick me08:13
newusrsorry the wirelesss connection :S08:13
bazhangnewusr: on further reflection it should be updated if you already have it --best bet is to finish updates then check to see that the modules match the kernel (which will be -16 by now)08:15
OrbixxProblem: Firestarter hangs on boot, causing it to hang. I have to intervene for it to continue boot. Also, due to it hanging, my network connection remains completely down until I stop it. Any ideas?08:16
sconeI'm trying to get my computer to mount a separate partition, but the walk-through from ubuntu wasn't helpful08:16
newusrsome guys told me to remove it but i guess that am in love with it :)08:16
newusrgot a current bsd on the other laptop ;] bs is kewl but it seem like i just cant figure some stuff on ubuntu am either stupid or its way easier than bsd devel edition08:17
RainarrowHello guys, what's the best way of sharing files between 2 Ubuntu machines in a LAN?08:19
MEtaLpREsjust make the folders network shares08:19
RainarrowBecause I heard samba is best for sharing between Windows and Linux boxes08:19
Rainarrowso if I have two Ubuntu boxes do I have a better choice?08:19
MEtaLpREsthen the folders will be visable to any other machine on the network08:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about share - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:20
=== VD is now known as VanDyke
sconeI need help editing my fstab08:21
jburdRainarrow: SSH.08:21
RainarrowMEtaLpREs, thanks, but what's the CLI equivalent of the operation? Since I may want to exchange some .conf files between two my two boxes, and sudo is more convenient than gksudo for me08:22
jburdRainarrow: scp, sftp08:22
AdrianStraysAlright. I was trying to setup firestarter so it automatically began at boot.  I followed the instructions on the FAQ page only to discover I couldn't save the sudoers file.  So, I saved it elsewhere, then moved/overwrote the original with the edited one. It still doesn't work, and I can't edit it normally it says it should be "0440" when it is "0680"08:22
MEtaLpREsi dont do anything in command line unless i absolutely have to so i really dont know08:22
AdrianStraysIt should be "0440" when it is "0644"08:22
RainarrowMEtaLpREs, ok, thanks08:23
Siliciumhi all08:23
Siliciumdoes likewise support PAM?08:23
Rainarrowjburd, thanks, would you mind explain a little more? of course I could just google around if otherwise08:23
Rainarrowjburd, I've not heard anything about scp08:24
jburdRainarrow: SSH is used for secure access to resources.  scp is a tool to copy files over SSH.08:24
Rainarrowjburd, ok, so I need to setup a SSH server on one of my Linux boxes right08:24
jburdRainarrow: You will need SSH server instances on both computers if you wish to access either of them from any one.08:24
jburdsudo aptitude install ssh08:24
AdrianStraysCan anyone help me?08:25
Rainarrowjburd, ok thanks, I'll google for a howto on SSH08:25
jburdRainarrow: You can then access both computers using Nautilus or the command line.08:25
ayahJust one question right now. If I install the RC, will the update app let me upgrade to the final when it is released? Or will I have to reinstall to be completely up to date?08:25
bazhangAdrianStrays: you did all this to get firestarter to work at boot?08:25
jburdRainarrow: Try this first:  Places > Connect to Server... > Service Type: SSH08:26
AdrianStraysAdding it to just the sessions doesn't work.08:26
Siliciumpam will works08:26
boumasatelite uplink bling :P, cyaz08:26
jburdRainarrow: It will create a network mount on your Desktop.  Just click and you'll be able to copy files pretty easily.08:26
bazhangAdrianStrays: any reason to have the gui start on boot?08:26
TweakerOk, I got a quick question about Ultima. How would I get it to load on ubuntu?08:26
newusrill cut the update and try to dial out using some kinda vpn08:27
newusrits damn filtered in the UAE08:27
bazhangTweaker: ultima? is that a game or what08:27
Rainarrowjburd: I'm trying, waiting for apt-get to finish08:27
bullgard4"~$ lsmod | grep 8139; 8139cp 24704 0; 8139too 27520 0." I would like to prevent that one of the 2 modules will be loaded because after a while after booting my computer looses its LAN connection. How to prevent 8139cp from being loaded at boot time?  (There is no modules.conf and no /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.)08:27
TweakerYea, a very old game. Made back in the 90's08:27
RainarrowTweaker, Ultima? the game?08:27
ayahIf I install the RC, will the update app let me upgrade to the final when it is released? Or will I have to reinstall to be completely up to date?08:27
AdrianStraysbazhang, Because as near as I can tell it doesn't start unless I activate it manually? I like to out either way08:27
bazhangTweaker: via dosbox? check www.abandonia.com for abandonware08:28
Tweakerthanks, I didnt no I could run DosBox on Linux08:28
TweakerWell I guess I'll go and check that out and happy late 42008:29
ng0nhey.. when i click down an ap.. it goes away completely !  not to the panel !?!?!?  what's wrong ?08:29
Rainarrowjburd, thanks, it works very well08:29
bazhangAdrianStrays: you know it is only the gui, right? that if the gui is running or not iptables will still start08:29
Rainarrowjburd, and it's just what I want08:29
jburdRainarrow: np08:29
AdrianStraysbazhang, either way I'd like to fix the sudoers file, how do I do that?08:30
bazhangayah: sure you can install it now (or whenever before final) and then just keep updating08:30
_2oh<  i have an issue.    when i start xorg the keyboard stops working propperly.   anyone that might be able to put a fingure on why that happens ?08:31
bazhangAdrianStrays: that sounds serious, not sure how to recommend something08:31
ayahbazhang: I see, many thanks08:31
Greenboxhey, does anyone know a workaround for the bug that kills torrents over wireless in ubuntu 7.10?08:31
bazhangGreenbox: what bug08:31
AdrianStraysbazhang, Alright, I post on the forums, thanks.08:31
Greenboxbazhang, a lot of people can't get torrents working over wireless in 7.1008:32
bazhangGreenbox: you have an actual launchpad bug number?08:32
Greenboxbazhang: let me relocate ite08:32
bazhang_2: when you start xorg? you mean when your computer starts up or what08:33
_2oh<  i have an issue.    when i start xorg the keyboard stops working propperly.   anyone that might be able to put a fingure on why that happens ?      this is an LTS dapper custom install.08:34
_2bazhang no.  when i start xorg.08:34
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bazhangng0n: click down? what exactly do you mean08:34
bazhang_2: how do you 'start' xorg08:35
monkeybritchesHow would you define 'properly'?08:35
ng0nbazhang - click down = minimize window.08:35
_2any of several ways.   startx   X & startkde     gdm      pick your take.08:36
jeffimperialHi.. how do you turn off the default "screen saver" for ubuntu?08:36
ng0nwhen i minimize i get no 'icon' in the panel.08:36
ng0nthe program just vanishes.08:36
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_2@ bazhang ^     sorry i didn't prefix your nick.08:36
monkeybritchesjeffimperial: Right click on desktop > Screensaver > Uncheck 'Start automatically'08:37
jeffimperialmonkeybritches: hey man.. i don't have "Screensaver" when I right click the desktop.. just "Change Desktop Backgroun"08:38
_2bazhang i can't drop back to a console from xorg without i first use the magic sysRQ to reset the keyboard   the ctrl key doesn't work from within xorg otherwise08:38
monkeybritchesSorry, I'm using KDE, so I guess it's different08:39
ng0nbazhang: when i minimize a program it doesn't go down to the panel.. it just vanishes ?  why ?08:39
monkeybritchesAnyone with Gnome is welcome to answer that :)08:39
jeffimperialmonkeybritches: Yeah.. I'm on Gnome..08:39
friedtofung0n make sure you ahve a panel that lists your task programs08:39
friedtofung0n you might have accidently removed it08:39
_2ng0n pager applet not running ?08:39
jeffimperialAnyone know how to turn off default screensaver in ubuntu-gnome?08:39
friedtofung0n try using alt + tab to see if it brings it up08:40
ng0nfriedtofu: i got a panel on the bottom of the screen with trash can, 2 screens, showing the programs in the screens.08:40
bazhang_2: that sounds really awful; what kb is this? bluetooth or MS or somesuch?08:40
_2bazhang nope.  standard 104 key   ps208:41
bazhang_2: ps2? same behaviour with a usb kb as well?08:41
friedtofung0n - so the one with the two screens is your pager/for your workstation ... try right clicking on the panel and add + and then try to find something that has something remotely with the task applications08:41
* _2 doesn't have a usb keyboard to test that...08:42
Rainarrowjeff, System->Pref->Screen Saver=>uncheck "Activate screensaver when this computer is idle"08:42
friedtofung0n - :/ sorry i cant be more specific, i'm using xfce08:42
_2bazhang idk ...08:42
friedtofung0n but does alt + tab bring up your windows you minimized?08:42
ng0nfriedtofu: no.  alt + doesn nothing.08:43
jeffimperialRainarrow: Thanks.. Why does Ubuntu regard my computer idle when i'm into a full screen game after 10min?08:43
bazhang_2: that is really odd; got a ps2 here as well as usb and no worries either way--this is gutsy, hardy or what08:43
Rainarrowjeffimperial, .....maybe all the mouse/keybd events was captured by the game?08:43
Rainarrowjeffimperial, so GNOME received no events at all during your game08:43
kevin__jeffimperial: that happened to me too, i don't know why so ijust disabled the screen saver08:43
_2bazhang dapper08:44
Rainarrowjeffimperial, what's the name by the way08:44
ng0nfriedric: i minimized rhythem box... and it still is playing..... but there is no way to get it back up.08:44
Rainarrowjeffimperial, ok I mean what game08:44
Morph3usHi.. i need some help.. i have lost my data.. my partition is ext3.. how can i recover it? it's possible? :S08:44
_2Morph3us testdisk ?08:44
taricrishi, everybody08:44
jeffimperialany game i've tried so far that uses up the fullscreen, i think08:45
ng0nrebooted.  still not working.08:45
_2!info testdisk | Morph3us08:45
bazhang_2: ah dapper; seem to recall some ancient bug related to that, though it has been a while since using dapper--best bet is to check launchpad as that sounds like a really severe bug08:45
ubotumorph3us: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.6-1 (gutsy), package size 668 kB, installed size 2624 kB08:45
friedtofuhm... yeah. i really dont know08:45
jeffimperialamaricasarmy, gl-117, battle for wesnoth08:45
kevin__it happened to me while playing tremulous, would be a good idea to see if it happens with other games08:45
Morph3us_2 i just run testdisk, but says that my disk is OK.. how can i recover my data?08:45
ng0nfreidtofu.  thanks all the same :)08:45
taricrishi guys. I need help to install .bin file08:45
friedtofung0n maybe try killall rhythmbox08:45
bazhangng0n: you deleted your pager?08:47
Morph3usubotu exists another tool better? What about sysrescuecd?08:47
_2Morph3us ?     where did you get "testdisk" ?    the testdisk app in the repos should by default give you the option to search for deleted partitions and restore them.08:47
ndavidDoes anyone know the name of the process that plays an mp3 in the background when you hover the mouse over the icon?08:47
RainarrowAnyone here running hardy? My hardy RC would occasionally consume 100% CPU by the hald-inpu process08:47
Morph3us_2 sudo aptitude install testdisk08:47
Ademanhas anyone setup zope 3 on ubuntu? i installed the zope3 package and assumed i'd be able to just navigate to localhost:8080 (the ubuntu docs suggested 9673 as well, but neither worked)  if it helps i've got apache installed and running right now, as i understand it zope has it's own http server, maybe the two are conflicting?08:47
Morph3us_2 in fact, i format my disk08:47
bazhangthe hardy channel is thataway-----------> #ubuntu+108:48
_2Morph3us then forget it.08:48
jeffimperialthanks fellas.. hope someone figures out why the screensaver prob..08:48
Morph3us_2 i am screwed?08:48
bazhangMorph3us: seems likely08:48
_2Morph3us pretty much.  unless you want to spend days searching by hand.08:48
_2for each file...08:49
Morph3usbazhang, _2 have you tested grescue?08:49
_aeGIsDoes anyone know how to change the icon associated with mime/msword and mime/rtf ?  Clicking on the icon in properties just changes it for that individual file.  Please help.  I changed the association to abiword, and it opens fine.  The only thing is it used the OO icon still.08:49
bazhangMorph3us: if the data is really important you could pay the pros to rescue it for you--not cheap though08:50
_2Morph3us on a partitioned and formated disk.   no.   but i dont know of anything that can recover that.08:50
BarbarelloHi! Is here some SLAX channal or not? Give an address please!08:51
bazhang!irc | Barbarello08:51
ubotuBarbarello: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:51
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Morph3usbazhang, in my country (Venezuela) i don't know any pros can do that (3rd world dude) xD08:51
_aeGIsDoes anyone know how to change the icon associated with mime/msword and mime/rtf ?  Clicking on the icon in properties just changes it for that individual file.  Please help.  I changed the association to abiword, and it opens fine.  The only thing is it used the OO icon still.08:52
ng0nok.. just lost the windows list - had to add it back.08:52
ng0n!#@!$#  silly me.08:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about silly me. - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:53
ng0nthanks friedtoffu08:53
bazhangMorph3us: sorry, let me google for a bit08:53
Morph3us_2 i will test grescue, but, i believe you, i think that lost my data08:53
_2luck with it.   one can always hope08:54
asbjornhi guys, does anyone in here have a clever way to get a borderless workspace-switcher?08:54
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/04/howtorecover-and-undelete-text-file-in.html Morph3us08:55
Morph3usthanks bazhang :D08:55
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery and here http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p21.html Morph3us08:56
KOJVHow come there are none of the normal (Windows?) resolutions available in Xubuntu? All like random frequencies... such as 1600x1200 @ 68 Hz.08:56
MagicDuckhi, I am having a small problem with screen refresh rate: I set everything fine with "nvidia-settings" and save the xorg.conf file, but when I login again as my user, System>Preferences>Screen Resolution apparently tells me I am going at 50 Hz instead of 75 Hz08:56
KOJVI'd like to know why two of my six Win partitions ask for my password then won't be mounted anyway?08:56
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=710375 from this link Morph3us08:56
tarandusI have Dapper in my Thinkpad T22 (256 RAM, 900MHz Pentium III M), would you recommend staying with it? Which one would work fastest and demand the least resources, Dapper, Edgy, Feisty or Gutsy?08:57
bazhangtarandus: any way to up the ram on that?08:57
tarandusbazhang: no cheap or fast ways that I know of08:57
unimatrix9hi there08:58
MagicDucktarandus: probably Dapper is fastest, if you want even lighter, install xfce08:58
unimatrix9can i black list a driver from loading when running a livecd?08:58
bazhangtarandus: then dapper (gnome) is likely the best bet; you might want to try gutsy fluxbuntu or xubuntu livecd's just to see if they can run though08:58
tarandusbazhang: for 50 euros I might be able to have 256+128 instead of the current 128+12808:58
bazhangtarandus: likely not worth it, just a bit more and you can get an eeepc ;]08:59
tarandusDapper is nice now, but it would get slower if I upgraded?08:59
bazhangtarandus: for what you have dapper is likely ideal08:59
bazhangMagicDuck: could you pastebin your xorg.conf please?09:00
rohanhow come this news item was released -- http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu-8.04-lts-desktop , but ubuntu release is still 3 days away, right?09:02
MagicDuckbazhang: it's at http://pastebin.com/d2cb2ac5e09:03
bazhangthanks MagicDuck looking now09:03
gabbsUnlike debian ubuntu doesn't have kernel-patch-openvz ?09:04
bazhangMagicDuck: with the 'xinerama' is nvidia-settings the only way to do it? this is gutsy right?09:04
_2howto set the keyboard to "x-late" from some xorg startup script, so i don't have to alt+sysRQ+r each time i want the ctrl key to work ???09:05
MagicDuckhmm, I don't think I am using xinerama -- I am currently on hardy09:05
_aeGIsDoes anyone know how to change the icon associated with mime/msword and mime/rtf ?  Clicking on the icon in properties just changes it for that individual file.  Please help.  I changed the association to abiword, and it opens fine.  The only thing is it used the OO icon still.09:05
bazhangMagicDuck: you did that before the upgrade to hardy? or since09:06
_2what is a command to adjust the x keyboard map ?09:07
MagicDuckit's weird, I remember it working before - my real problem is not the system xorg.conf but the danged per-user "Screen Resolution" thingie. I wonder if there is a way to turn it off09:07
bazhangMagicDuck: there are some xorg wizards usually in the hardy channel a bit later who can figure that out--seems that xrandr or something else has taken the place of that and is much easier now09:07
KOJVtarandus: You should really consider that RAM upgrade... or why not a new machine?09:07
KOJVSo, I just re-installed Ubuntu, X flavour, latest version... is there a GUI configuration for the fourth and fifth mouse buttons yet?09:07
MagicDuckwill look09:08
JPSmanWhat music player do YOU use?09:08
bazhangKOJV: please pastebin your sources.list09:08
_aeGIsKOJV: No, look for the mousewheel script09:08
KOJVbazhang: okay how do I list / open it for copy/paste?09:09
bazhangKOJV: also your xorg.conf please to pastebin09:09
KOJV_aeGIs: okay, it's called just that?09:09
KOJVbazhang: do I use cat or what? :S09:09
bazhang_aeGIs: this is just an icon thing? the file opens fine with abiword etc?09:09
gromozekini did everything  you said09:10
gromozekinits impossible to login as root09:10
bazhangKOJV: sudo apt-get install pastebinit then cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit also the same for /etc/X11/xorg.conf please then paste the two urls here09:10
_2gromozekin sudo -i09:10
_aeGIskojv: I was mistaken... the script is enable-edge-mousewheel.sh and it's for using your mouse wheel at the edges to flip the screen... You need to edit xorg.conf for 5 mouse buttons.09:11
KOJVThat's alright bazhang, I'll do it the old way... :p09:11
gromozekin<_2> i need root-account,  not a root terminal09:11
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:11
_aeGIsbazhang: yes, I'm going to change the icon in /usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/mimetypes/x-office-documents.png and see if that works.09:11
_2gromozekin for ?09:11
jussio1gromozekin: we dont support root accounts here, sorry.09:12
KOJVbazhang: here's the sources.list. http://pastebin.com/d61507e7d09:12
bazhang_aeGIs: okay! let us know if that works thanks09:12
JPSmanlol ubutu09:12
bazhangKOJV: best to listen to _aeGIs for the mouse config09:13
KOJVbazhang: xorg: http://pastebin.com/d33ea59c709:13
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JPSmanhow can i start programming?09:13
JPSmanI want to help, but I dont know where to begin09:14
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KOJVbazhang:  but _aeGIs says he was mistaken and I need to play around with Xorg.09:14
bazhangJPSman: using python? or what did you have in mind09:14
JPSmanuh - C09:14
JPSmanis python a front end C programmer?09:14
_aeGIsKojiroSoma: yeah, it's in xorg...  I found it on ubuntuforums...09:14
bazhanganjuta then JPSman iirc09:14
bazhangJPSman: dont let the python programmers hear that ;]09:15
_aeGIsSection "InputDevice"09:15
_aeGIs        Identifier      "Configured Mouse"09:15
_aeGIs        Driver          "mouse"09:15
_aeGIs        Option          "Buttons"       "7"09:15
_aeGIs        Option          "CorePointer"09:15
FloodBot1_aeGIs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:15
_aeGIs        Option          "Device"        "/dev/input/mice"09:15
umdebaba@JPSman: python is an interpreted scripting language09:16
gromozekinpython is not neccesary09:16
KOJVCan someone please help me? Setup my Xorg for five mouse buttons on Intellimouse Optical. http://pastebin.com/d33ea59c709:16
gromozekinwe have c and cpp09:16
KOJVaeglos__: do the corrections in Pastebin and post it. http://pastebin.com/d33ea59c709:16
_aeGIsKOJV: I posted my xorg section for you09:16
JPSmanumdebaba: which is to say a programming language?09:16
bazhangJPSman: diveintopython is in the repos fyi09:17
bazhang!info diveintopython09:17
ubotudiveintopython (source: diveintopython): free Python book for experienced programmers. In component main, is optional. Version 5.4-2ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 340 kB, installed size 4220 kB09:17
KOJVWhat's a good, simple text editor for system setups like XORG?09:17
bazhangnano kojv09:18
_MaxPower_KOJV: Use vim09:18
umdebabajpsman: yes, but it is very different than c or c++. it is very good for learning programming. it will get you up to speed with the concepts used in all languages09:18
KOJVThank you bazhang but I was looking for something with menues, like DOS edit.com09:18
jussio1!editors | KOJV09:18
ubotuKOJV: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code09:18
bazhanggedit kojv09:18
_aeGIskoj: done09:19
_aeGIsThat works for me09:19
umdebabajpsman: what is good about languages such as python is that you can learn all about object oriented programming, network programming, data structures, etc without having to go through the headache of learning the c/c++ syntax09:19
KOJVDang, _MaxPower_ I had to force shut down my terminal for that... that vlm editor is some true piece of hackersh!t... :p09:19
eaxHello :) I just uninstalled DosEmu, but when I rightclick on.exe files it still shows up? What can I do? :S09:20
KOJV_aeGIs: okay, link to the pastebin?09:20
umdebabajpsman: its alot easier to learn the concepts of modern programming with python and learn to solve your own problems with it and then switch to c/c++09:20
_MaxPower_KOJV: use q to quit09:20
_aeGIsKOJV: http://pastebin.com/m1047a54409:20
bazhanggot to head out for a bit; back later09:20
JPSmanwould everyone agree with umdebaba about that?09:20
zernyhi. I have the new hardy (installed from beta and upgraded) but have found a few problems. The new gvfs will now mount any usb devices. I have tried with two flash drives and a sata->usb. using mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt works fine. Any body else experiencing this? I have not found any bug reports about it on launchpad09:21
KOJVThank you very much, _aeGIs!09:21
_aeGIskoj: no problem...  hope it helps!09:21
KOJV_aeGIs: yeah I'm sure it does... just need to find an editor to put it in with. :p09:22
JPSmanumdebaba: So does python have a supportive newbie culture?09:22
_aeGIsthat's for my Logitech mouse... it has 5 buttons and a scroll wheel (so that's 7)09:22
legend2440zerny: the help channel for hardy is #ubuntu+109:22
_aeGIskoj: use 'gksu gedit'09:22
zernylegend2440: ahh sorry :)09:22
* KOJV simply enters the file system and double-clicks xorg.conf..09:22
umdebabajpsman- i would say it does. to start with programming i would choose python or ruby. it will get you up to speed with concepts and the mindset required to program09:23
_aeGIskojv: you may not be able to save doing that09:23
umdebabajpsman: lots of good books on ruby.09:23
KLessouHi sometimes Xorg Freeze on my macbook (with Hardy) I don't understand why. Where can I search ?09:23
jussio1KLessou: ask in #ubuntu+109:23
_aeGIskojv: you need root privileges...  gksu gedit will give you that09:24
jussio1KLessou: also check out launchpad.net09:24
umdebabajpsman: i would try to learn ruby/python along side various c/c++ tutorials09:24
KLessoujussio1: thx09:24
umdebabajpsman: that way you can see the differences between the languages and how things are done differently09:24
KLessouI saw nothing in launchpad ...09:24
sjovanhow to split movies in linux (yes, it was a bitch before this script) ----> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4757165#post475716509:25
KOJV_aeGIs: yeah... thanks!09:25
KalElhow can i compile java code with ubuntu?09:26
KOJV_aeGIs: however, can I apt-get gedit?09:26
_aeGIskojv: aren't you running ubuntu?  it comes standard.09:26
KOJV_aeGIs: no I'm running Xubuntu.09:27
albuntuhey guys, can anyone tell me how or if i can add a second language option to my sessions?  i am getting a few boxes ready as gifts to central america and some of the recipients don't speak english.09:27
_aeGIskoj: ahhh...  I think you can...  try sudo apt-get install gedit09:27
woodwizzleI have to run a very complicated command to get a game to run, how can I encapsulate it into a shell script so I can run a short command instead of always copy and pasting "__GL_DOOM3=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/games/etqw" /usr/local/games/etqw/etqw-rthread.x86 -f"09:27
fluvvellKOJV: gedit may require a few gnome extras... how grunty is your machine?09:27
KOJVThanks a lot, _aeGIs!09:27
KOJVfluvvell: grunty? Powerful? Celeron 2600MHz 1½ GB RAM.09:28
_aeGIsK0J: you're welcome09:28
fluvvellKOJV: should be fine. A few extra dependencies with gedit perhaps, I haven't looked them up.09:28
* KOJV thought all these libs required wouldn't take more than a few clockstrokes on his CPU.09:29
JPSmanI am frustrated.  If I DO write a program and compile it, in what format does it compile to?  and how do I run that?  in the terminal?  as a .bin?  (which I dont even know what that means)  I am so used to window's .exe that this linux thing is a headache09:29
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plurtwoodwizzle: make an alias?09:29
albuntujust not as big a headache as microsoft09:29
JPSmanalbuntu: i'll grant that once I neo out and "see the code"09:30
plurtwoodwizzle: add the alias to your .bashrc or .bash_aliases if you have that09:30
KOJVOkay, that's nice... my right side-button right-clicks and the left side-buttons does nothing. :S09:30
albuntuif you're smart enough to write programs (anywhere) you're smart enough to learn the ways of ubuntu09:30
fluvvellKOJV: probably - so why did you choose Xubuntu and not the standard ubuntu? For most, its because their system is somewhat limited in power.09:31
KOJV_aeGIs: any suggestions? I'd like to move back and forward with them.09:31
albuntuhey guys, can anyone tell me how or if i can add a second language option to my sessions?  i am getting a few boxes ready as gifts to central america and some of the recipients don't speak english.09:31
KOJVfluvvell: well I do consider my Celeron limited in power. ;)  And I want a fast system, otherwise I'd keep Windows.09:31
lachlanHi, I seem to have gotten stuck in a "zoomed-in" state, in which the viewport moves around with the mouse, and alt+control+plus/minus-ing doesn't seem to get me back into my normal res.09:31
lachlanNor does xrandr09:31
ushimitsudoki(7.10) I have 2x8800GTS512 and 3 Monitors - using NVIDIA drivers. I can get 3 screens working, and I can get Xinerama working - but can't seem to get OpenGL to work in 5760x1200? Games only use one monitor? Tried creating a metamode, but can't seem to get that work? Anyone have a 2 videocard/3 monitor setup working for fullscreen gaming across all 3 monitors?09:32
KOJVfluvvell: plus, the default theme of Xubuntu looks nicer.09:32
lachlanWell, xrandr -s 1280x1024, in any case.09:32
JPSmanwell I am not smart enough to write programs 'anywhere' but I would like to learn09:32
fluvvellKOJV: My son uses ubuntu on his 2500 AMD and it seems ok.  Well, yes theme choice is a personal thing - not knocking your decision just endeavouring to understand.09:32
KOJVAnyone has an XORG config for Intellimouse Optical to use the side-buttons for back and forward and the scroll button for maximize window? Thank you very much!09:32
JPSmanwho do python and pearl differ?09:33
woodwizzleplurt: I need to put it in a bash script or something though so that I can then call that script from a launcher and add the game to my menus09:33
imyousufdoes anybody know when GIT-1.5.5 will be available in Ubuntu??09:34
DistroJockeyKOJV: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63894/09:35
KOJVSorry DistroJockey, that's the one I had already. :-/09:35
legend2440KOJV: read #2 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87009:36
jeffimperialAnyone in the room using Deluge in Ubuntu-Gnome? Deluge won't launch until after multiple tries..09:36
DistroJockeyKOJV: *nods*  try putting a 4 5  after the  1 2 3 6 709:37
zupbhi, people, anybody use ircd-hybrid? plese, help me whith logs for user messages....09:38
gromozekinnow i can login as root09:38
KOJVOkay DistroJockey.09:38
albuntuhey guys, can anyone tell me how or if i can add a second language option to my sessions?  i am getting a few boxes ready as gifts to central america and some of the recipients don't speak english.09:38
gromozekinfirst of all i think you need to load your language pack09:38
KOJVDo I need to do something to apply new settings made in xorg.conf?09:39
DistroJockeyKOJV: yep, restart X09:40
KOJVlegend2440, that's okay I just want it to work for my own user...09:40
KOJVDistroJockey: dang.09:40
KOJVDistroJockey:  any fast command to do that?09:40
DistroJockeyKOJV:  ctrl+alt+backspace  does that (it will close any running GUI apps)09:40
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_2gromozekin heh.09:41
titusghow do I convert ace to ogg or mp3?09:41
styxgood day...09:41
albuntugromozekin, any idea how i do that?  i lookd in synaptic but can't find anything there09:41
mnehi. I have a funny TV<->VGA converter cable so that I can use a regular VGA output with a TV set. However, xrandr tells me that the VGA port is "disconnected". Possibly because the converter cable does not "emulate" a real CRT. Is there a way I can force xorg/xrandr to enable the VGA output (although it thinks that no monitor is connected to it) ?09:41
albuntuis anybody running a BILINGUAL machine here?  izzit possible?09:42
styxis there a way i could "burn" the ubuntu installer to a flash drive so i don'e have to use a cd?? thanks09:42
ushimitsudokialbuntu: my wife's machine is Japanese/English. Works 99% fine (the Japanese IME is a bit flaky)09:42
eaxHello :) I just uninstalled DosEmu, but when I rightclick on.exe files it still shows up? What can I do? :S09:43
DistroJockeyalbuntu: check in  System - Administration - Language Support09:43
albuntuthanks guys, konichiwa anginson! :)09:44
jeffimperialHi, all.. How do I make Deluge launch just by clicking it? For it to launch a window of itself, I need to double click the launcher three or four times, and then open a terminal and launch it from there09:45
gromozekinwhere is that guy)09:45
zupbanybody have an irc server on ubuntu?09:45
techno_freakgromozekin, who?09:45
gromozekin<_2> if i`m right)09:45
_2for ?09:46
gromozekinis rocks09:46
ushimitsudokijeffimperial: i don't have that problem with deluge ... although sometimes if i restart X without shutting deluge down, or if i update when it asks on boot (instead of me shutting down deluge and then updating), I have to delete a file and restart Ubuntu or deluge won't launch (I dont' recall the file, but it is mentioned on the deluge site)...the error is something about something already being used (sorry vague, but this i09:47
ere4siI have a .deb package on a usb memory stick - how can I install it?09:48
_2ok i'm went.   shalom !09:48
mnestyx: actually you don't need to burn anything. If your network card / bios supports it, you can also boot over network with PXE. or you use an USB stick to boot off09:48
_2dpkg -i file.deb09:48
mneere4si: dpkg -i <file.deb>09:48
ere4simne - thnx I'll try it now09:48
jeffimperialUSH: yeah..i don't think that's it.. it has something to do with launching the window from its background processes to the interface..but i'll try that anyway..u leaving the room anytime soon?09:49
gromozekinso long suckers09:49
tengulreI want touch timestamp of files  in dir and subdir , how to do ?09:50
ushimitsudokijeffimperial: not sure ... working on an X problem so I might be restarting occassionally09:50
jeffimperialUSH: right.. geting to it now..09:50
KOJVCan anyone make changes to the mouse so that I can maximize windows with the scroll button? Thanks a lot! http://pastebin.com/d2ad1513609:50
banditultengulre,  use touch -t file09:50
styxmne: i want to make my flash drive my ubuntu installer so i don't have to bring a drive to install ubuntu to pc's with out aa drive09:51
KOJVan anyone make changes to the monitor so that I can maximize set the screen to 1600x1200 at different various frequencies? Thanks a lot! http://pastebin.com/d2ad1513609:51
eax Hello :) I just uninstalled DosEmu, but when I rightclick on.exe files it still shows up? What can I do? :S09:52
Jackubuswhen installing ubuntu on a 4GB machine.  do i need a swap, and how big should i make it?09:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:54
matgatehello guys09:54
matgateI need a little help form you guys09:54
matgatecan u help me out?09:55
DracoZAHowdy. I have managed to get extended desktop working with 2 monitors and 1 display card but I need some help setting up 2 totally seperate desktops pls.09:55
banditultell the problem matgate09:55
olafskihello people, I'm trying to run ubuntu in 1440x900 on my Syncmaster 940BW using a TNT2, but I can't seem to get it to work using the proprietary drivers.. the highest resolution it will show is 1280x1024.. any ideas? I tried everything I could find using google :s09:56
matgatei try to run live cd on ma desktop computer, however its working fine on my laptop, but on desktop, it take me to the command line, never go to the GUI so i can install a copy09:56
DracoZAolafski are you the one that posted on the forums ?09:56
tininHi, how do I know wich version of the tk library i'm using?09:57
olafskino I haven't posted anything on the forums dracoza :)09:57
jeffimperialUSH you still in here?09:57
mrthrazhi i got a hp lappy, dv9000, i cant get wifi turned on, tryed nndis but my led wont turn gree just stayes orange in the on position09:57
jeffimperialushimitsudoki you still in here?09:57
ushimitsudokijeffimperial: yes (you can prob use TAB to autocomplete names to I can see it better ;) )09:58
DracoZAolafski check out the forums, theres some useful info there, do a search for syncmaster. I have 2 931BW's running 1440x90009:58
matgate@banditul can u figure out wots the problem?09:58
jeffimperialushimitsudoki: thanks.love being a newbie.. hehe.. anyways, it still doesn't do it..09:58
jeffimperialushimitsudoki: updating i mean09:59
olafskiI did, tried several things.. setting the horizsync/vertrefresh, disabling some edid option.. it won't show a higher resolution, even though I'm sure the card can handle it; ancient though it may be09:59
DracoZAolafski good way to try would be with another card then, if you can get one of course, I managed to get mine working on a GeForce 2 GTS which is 8 years old now :)10:00
ushimitsudokijeffimperial: hmmm - I can only tell you that deluge works fine for me (and has for several versions), with the past exceptions of if it was not closed down properly, then that one file would need deletion and a reboot was required.10:00
banditulmatgate,  what's the error ?10:01
olafskidracoza: I'm at work, and only an intern here, I don't think they'll let me do things like that.. is there any real disadvantage to not using the proprietary drivers?10:01
matgatei did not get any error when ever i try to boot the live CD on desktop it takes me to the prompt "(initramfs)"10:02
DracoZAolafski, I didnt use prop drivers in that instance. my xorg.conf is on the forums if ure curious (p.s. I'm still a newbie btw)10:03
mrthrazhi. i got a hp lappy, dv9000, i cant get wifi turned on, tried ndis but my led won't turn green just stays orange in the on position,lem anyone have similer prob10:03
matgatei dont know the command line, all i can install from GUI10:03
MagicDuckhi, is there a way to turn off the per-user resolution changer in gnome - it's giving me a world of pain10:03
guglielmoinformazioni  montaggio video10:03
GInmy hd is failing :S10:03
mrthrazhi. i got a hp lappy, dv9000, i cant get wifi turned on, tried ndis but my led won't turn green just stays orange in the on position, anyone have similer problem10:05
DracoZAHowdy. I have managed to get extended desktop working with 2 monitors and 1 display card but I need some help setting up 2 totally seperate desktops pls.10:05
olafskidracoza: thanks, I'm very much a newbie as well.. they have windows vista licenses here, but this pc is a bit too slow for that so I'm installing ubuntu to work with ;)10:06
matgate@banditul u there?10:06
banditulyes now i am10:06
matgatewot can i do to install ubunto on my desktop?10:07
banditulwhat command do u need10:07
Johnsonmatgate, get the install cd from ubuntu.com?10:07
matgatei just want to go to the gui mode of live cd, so i can install a copy10:07
banditulstartx ?10:07
Johnsonhas anyone had the problem of trying to hibernate but the computer just going back to a login from resume screen10:08
Johnsonmatgate boot intot he live cd10:08
matgatei have the cd, which is working fine on my laptop, but on desktop it never go to the gui10:08
Johnsonmatgate you might need an alternative cd, which is highly unlikely tho10:09
_MaxPower_Margate: are you being presented with the command prompt?10:09
matgateno @max10:09
mrthrazhi. i got a hp lappy, dv9000, i cant get wifi turned on, tried ndis but my led won't turn green just stays orange in the on position, anyone have similer problem10:09
DracoZAmatgate,  I had the same problem. get the alternate/text install cd10:09
_MaxPower_Margate: Boot the CD and hit ctrl alt F110:10
matgatefrom where i can get one? the alternative CD?10:10
matgatei did hit :-P as i know this short cut, but it says "wait loading...10:10
matgatethats it, never go to the gui10:10
thevoidreturnsanyone got any ideas on this problem - put my wireless card into monitor mode but its not picking up any networks at all. Thanks.10:11
matgatewell, how should i have the alternative CD?10:11
DracoZAmatgate if you know how to use torrents www.isohunt.com has the alternate10:12
matgateok, thanks, yeah i know, i am the privileged members of many educational communities10:12
_MaxPower_Margate: Refer to this forum, I have had the same problem sometime ago. If you follow the instructions you will beable to get the the xserver working http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-172980.html10:12
matgatethanks @Maxpower10:13
thevoidreturnsis anyone good with networking?10:14
DracoZAas long as its not wireless :)10:14
_MaxPower_thevoidreturns: whats the question?10:14
thevoidreturnsfair enough - got a wireless card in my laptop - ive put it into monitor mode but its not picking up any signal at all10:15
thevoidreturnsI've had this working before tho on a previous version of ubuntu10:15
_MaxPower_is the kernel module loading correctly?10:16
thevoidreturnsnot sure what you mean on that one10:16
mrthrazhi. i got a hp lappy, dv9000, i cant get wifi turned on, tried ndis but my led won't turn green just stays orange in the on position, anyone have similer problem10:17
_MaxPower_use 'dmesg' it will show you a heap of information about the drivers that have been loaded.10:17
_MaxPower_or if they didn't load may point you in the right direction10:17
mrthrazmaxpower: you talking to me ?10:18
thevoidreturnsahh I should explain more - I'm trialing using aircrack-ng (on my own router) - the normal drivers working fine10:18
_MaxPower_I'm talking to who ever is listening .. LOL10:18
mrthrazlol ok10:19
* DracoZA cant wait for 8.04!10:20
mrthrazit seem to work just fine on my lappy exept for wireless10:20
CausticBurning /msg ubotu etiquette10:20
JPSmandoes anyone here know how and why the Beowulf clusters project got it's name?10:21
_MaxPower_I'm sure wikipedia will tell you all about it ...10:21
JPSmanjust says that its from the character - not WHY they named it that10:21
thevoidreturnswhat does everyone think of WUBI?10:23
NateFguys, i cant find my MAIN MD5sum from the MD5sum tet document, theres a list of sums, but i need the one for Ubuntu-7.10-alternative-i38610:24
JPSmanholy - thank you _MaxPower :OD10:25
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sachaelhi, does anyone knows a program that syncs with google calendar (and is not evolution)10:26
_MaxPower_"The Beowulf cluster gets its name from the sixth-century Scandinavian hero who was famed in verse for taking down a monster named Grendel. The computer version, which was designed to slay the monster mainframes, was invented in 1994 by Don Becker while he was at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center."10:26
NateFDoes anyone know the MD5 of Ubuntu 7.10 Alternative i386 or a link where i can get it, becuase the text document i have list's ones for files inside the ISO image10:26
NateFthis is the sum i get: 9a4ae3cfd68911a861d094ec834c9b4810:27
richardalgun experto en seguridad informatica??10:29
NateFso hows everyones day going so far?10:31
_MaxPower_NateF: have a look here  http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/ubuntu/releases/7.10/MD5SUMS10:31
_MaxPower_I get the same from mirror.aarnet.edu.au10:32
DistroJockeyNateF: 9a4ae3cfd68911a861d094ec834c9b48 *ubuntu-7.10-alternate-i386.iso10:33
NateFok, so its not uncorupted10:33
DistroJockeyNateF: matches :)10:33
nxusrdoes anyone have this device working?  ; http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/ATI_Remote_Wonder_Plus10:33
DistroJockeyNateF: if you can wait 3 days, get 8.04 :)10:34
goodhabithow I can set-up 5.1 sound?10:34
goodhabit I have purchased 5.1 soundsystem. But dunno how to setup it.10:34
kane77NateF, or get it now :) I don't really thing that there will be some major changes in 3 days...10:36
Y0Gihey. I recently made a dist-upgrade that broke some stuff. now I'm looking for the older versions of the packages that were upgraded, but I fail to find them using the package index website and by manually searching some ubuntu FTP servers. where can I find those, if they are kept at all?10:36
Y0GiI had a look in my /var/cache/apt/archives, but not all packages I need are there in a lower version.10:36
richardningun "hacker"?? :$10:37
richardcomo hago para buscar otras salas sobre temas que em interesen??10:38
richardmierda!! creo que nadies habla castellano :S10:38
NateFif i burn at a speed of 1X would that be better to do then going max burn speed?10:38
DistroJockeyNateF: yep10:38
richardcomo me muevo a tra sala??10:39
NateFok, should i also verify the image file to?10:39
aseeonBut 8x whould be almost as good as 1x10:39
richardhelp me!!!10:39
_MaxPower_NateF: The only time I burn a 1x is if I have a problem burning at the fastest rate10:39
samirichard: Please!10:39
DistroJockeyNateF: wouldn't hurt10:39
richardnadie me dira como ir a otra sala??10:39
* DistroJockey agrees with aseeon10:39
NateFwell, i burnt like 3 CD's at 8X and i got error's or blank screens when i burnt that fast10:39
samirichard: Speak english!10:39
richardno :S10:40
aseeonrichard: speak english or go to your native language ubuntu channel10:40
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.10:40
babodo all mobile phone numbers start in 0 ?10:40
=== Fritzel` is now known as Fritzel
iValbabo: where ?10:41
NateFbabo: what are you talking about lol10:41
baboiVal: everywhere10:41
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mrthrazhi. i got a hp lappy, dv9000, i cant get wifi turned on, tried ndis but my led won't turn green just stays orange in the on position, anyone have similer problem10:41
_MaxPower_YOGI: this might help you http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-apt-get.en.html10:41
baboin ireland, they always start with zero. I have a form that processes mobile phone numbers and turns them into long numbers ...10:41
iValbabo: there in France they all begin with 0*10:41
NateFbabo: my mobile nomber starts with a 7 so no they all dont start with a 010:42
NateFfrench numbers yes10:42
Y0Gi_MaxPower_: thank you10:42
baboNateF: what country are you in ?10:42
NateFUnited States of America10:42
=== CausticBurning is now known as Caf_Fiend
iValand for the international you have to dial 0033+the # without the starting 010:43
LSD|Ninjano, silly, all phone numbers start with 555 :P10:43
NateFhow would i call someone in germany from the US, would i dial 1?10:43
_MaxPower_In Australia the mobile (Wireless) network starts with 04*10:43
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=== Scott_Ma is now known as msy
iValOnce I update to 8.04, do I keep this version until the next LTS ?10:43
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_MaxPower_Nate: the german international country code is 4910:44
NateFok, thanks10:44
iVal_MaxPower_: in France mobile # start with 06*10:44
zvacetiVal : if it have all you need why not?10:44
_MaxPower_so I think in the US it would be something like 01149*10:45
_MaxPower_so if you wanted to dial a mobile number in australia it would be 011614*10:45
_MaxPower_the same would apply for Germany10:46
iValas for any other country10:46
_MaxPower_as iVal said10:46
iValI've read somewhere that xChat is erased with every update of the system10:46
iValhow can I avoid this ?10:47
iValI mean with every upgrade10:47
Caf_Fiendmobi numbers in australia are +61 for country code or 0 if you are inside the country10:47
_MaxPower_Actually its +61410:48
Caf_Fiendlike if you replace a mobile number like 04xxxxxxxx with +614xxxxxxxx10:48
Caf_Fiendit will work10:48
Caf_Fiendsorry my bad10:48
NateFi have a question, if i was to call the Queen of England, what code would i use before i call the number from the US10:48
iValis there another IRC-client as xChat for Ubuntu ?10:48
LSD|NinjaWhat's the '+' supposed to mean in phone numbers? I see it all the time and it's not something you can easily enter on most phone keypads...10:49
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mrthrazhi. i got a hp lappy, dv9000, i cant get wifi turned on, tried ndis but my led won't turn green just stays orange in the on position, anyone have similer problem10:49
DistroJockeyiVal: Pidgin is installed by default10:49
_MaxPower_the + basically means dial your international dial code10:49
_MaxPower_in the US its 00110:49
iValthe + means the international prefix or the national one$10:49
_MaxPower_in AUS its 001110:49
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zvacetiVal : I don´t use it but does it have saved settings in home directory?10:49
LSD|NinjaPidgin sucks for IRC though10:49
Caf_Fiendival: LostIRC? KSirc? Konversation10:50
iValDistrojockey: pidgin is also an IRC-client ?10:50
LSD|Ninjanon-dedicated IRC apps universally suck10:50
DistroJockeyLSD|Ninja: how so?10:50
DistroJockeyiVal: yes10:50
iValDistroJockey: I did'nt know10:50
_MaxPower_good point zvacet .. you should have your settings for xchat under ~/.xchat10:50
_MaxPower_at a guess10:51
iValto get back to my question10:51
iValis it true ?10:51
NateFwhat would i dial if i wanted the call someone in the UK from the US10:51
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DistroJockeyNateF: the operator?10:52
_MaxPower_iVal: I can't say that I use xchat, but having said that I would be surprised if an upgrade would remove it from you system10:52
HikejinxThey're phone number10:52
NateFa actuall number in the UK10:52
_MaxPower_from the US it would be 01144*10:52
LSD|Ninjayou need to dial the international calling code, the country code, the (UK) area code and then the UK number10:53
NateFwhat would it be for a UK number outside of the US, what would i dial before the UK number10:53
LSD|Ninjait would depend on just what country (and possibly carrier) you're calling from10:53
_MaxPower_LOL .. NateF are you having us on?10:53
NateFlol, i want to see if you guys know, so i can call the Queen of England10:54
caris_meremy computer says "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown wn-block(0,0)10:54
_MaxPower_I think google is your friend ..10:54
iValfor every country to access the international you have to dial 0010:54
NateFo, ok thanks iVal10:54
_MaxPower_NateF: have a look at this link ... http://www.londononline.co.uk/profiles/517138/10:55
_MaxPower_Buckingham Palace's phone number ..10:55
goodhabit callv10:55
NateF_MaxPower_, thanks10:55
_MaxPower_Just ask for Liz10:55
jamsamy monitor hax max brightness and contrast, any way to adjust desktop brightness? 3rd party app maybe?10:55
jamsahax -> has10:55
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NateFi found Buckingham Palace's number on the back of a private air plane drivers card10:56
_MaxPower_Jamsa: Have you tried the controls on your monitor?10:56
NateFalso alot of other good numbers10:56
jamsawell all are 100%10:56
jamsanot enough bright10:56
iValjamsa: do u have a laptop ?10:57
NateFi call the White house for Bush, and they give me a stupid message center10:57
SvishIs it any way I can get Evolution to always accept my SSL Certificate from my mail?10:57
jamsaold crt this monitor, everything is too dark10:57
_MaxPower_Jamsa: I know that the nvidia controls app has brightness and contrast controls ...10:57
jamsain ubuntu?10:58
_MaxPower_if you use nvidia graphics card you can try that.10:58
jamsaI use10:58
jamsawhere I can get that? name?10:58
_MaxPower_Yeah .. In ubuntu10:58
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_MaxPower_jamsa: Look here http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html10:59
_MaxPower_make sure you back up your xorg.conf10:59
_MaxPower_located in /etc/X11/11:00
_MaxPower_its pretty straight forward these days ...11:00
iValdoes someone there watched Suzumiya Haruhi ?11:00
zvacetjamsa : sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-bak11:01
Svishum... how can I get firefox to not block ports??11:01
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idefixhow do you screencapture a single window instead of the entire screen?11:02
KleidersackSvish: How does firefox block ports?11:02
HSNewsïîäñêàæèòå ïëç ôîðìàò $ date, êàê âðåìÿ âûñòàâèòü ïðàâèëüíîå11:03
iValidefix: with which software ?11:03
Svishi dont know, first time ive seen it11:03
Svish"This address uses a network port which is normally used for purposes other than Web browsing. Firefox has canceled the request for your protection."11:03
Svish"The requested address specified a port (e.g. "mozilla.org:80" for port 80 on mozilla.org) normally used for purposes other than Web browsing. The browser has canceled the request for your protection and security."11:03
pucciohi,my firefox and thunderbird don't start anymore,if I launch them from console I have no output at all about possible crashes.What can I do?11:04
idefixiVal gnome screenshot11:04
peppeciao a tutti11:04
_MaxPower_idefix: try ALT+print11:04
peppedove mi trovo?11:04
idefix_MaxPower_ cool thx!11:04
iValpersonnaly I use GIMP11:04
KleidersackSvish: Firefox warns you about the SERVER using a wrong port - e.g. WebServer on the SMTP-Port...11:04
iValfor my screenshots11:04
peppequa parlate solo inglese?11:04
Ace_NoOnehi there - from the command line, how can I remove files larger than 10 kB in the current folder11:04
DistroJockey!it | peppe11:04
ubotupeppe: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:04
zvacetidefix: select grab current window11:05
mahmadhello narod11:05
SvishKleidersack: yeah, i know that. but I dont want it to. how can I disable that?11:05
zvacetmahmad ask11:05
idefix_MaxPower_ zvacet iVal is it also possible to select a region on your screen?11:06
iValwith GIMP yes11:06
idefixlike pixel 100,200 - 300,500 ?11:06
mahmadzvacet how are you?11:06
iValidefix: yes11:06
idefixok in Gimp but not with gnome screencapture :(11:06
idefixI just want to avoid double work11:07
zvacetmahmad :tnx for asking,but this chanall is not for off  topic11:07
iValI don't use gnome screecap11:07
iValso I can't help you11:07
JPSmanHow do you install a SINGLE desklet?11:07
iValsorry -_-;11:07
white_eaglewill hardy be released with FX 2.0 or with FF 3.0b5??11:08
KleidersackSvish: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Network.security.ports.banned.override11:08
jamsawhat is x server?11:08
DistroJockey!X | jamsa11:09
ubotujamsa: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:09
SiliciumApr 21 12:13:36 chfn[7084]: PAM unable to dlopen(/lib/security/pam_smbpass.so)11:09
SiliciumApr 21 12:13:36 chfn[7084]: PAM [error: /lib/security/pam_smbpass.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]11:09
SiliciumApr 21 12:13:36 chfn[7084]: PAM adding faulty module: /lib/security/pam_smbpass.so11:09
FloodBot1Silicium: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:09
zvacetjamsa : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System11:09
_MaxPower_idefix: there is a util called xwd11:10
_MaxPower_seems like a nice little tool11:11
idefix_MaxPower_ well, what you can also do is drag your window partially out of view and put other windows over them and use alt-print11:11
Viper111hello, i want to create a vpn server so that when i connect to it from outside i will be on the same LAN and be able to view neighbor Pcs11:12
_MaxPower_To be honest I mostly use osx11:13
_MaxPower_so I'm not really the best person to be answeting I guess ...11:14
Viper111any body can help11:14
_MaxPower_but .. its alwasy nice to know11:14
mrthrazhi. i got a hp lappy, dv9000, i cant get wifi turned on, tried ndis but my led won't turn green just stays orange in the on position, anyone have similer problem11:14
JPSmanholy hell are these desklets a pain11:15
jeannoelhello, can i speak french11:15
mrthrazany help would be aprestated11:15
mrthrazi dont know can you?11:15
caris_mereWhat does it mean "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown wn-block(0,0)"11:15
jeannoelyes i m french and my english is bad11:16
laetitiaje suis francaise aussi11:16
TRC2908hello, any experts here to help me figure out how to mount my maxtor external hard drive (i think i need a mount command but first need to edit fstab11:16
jeannoeltant mieux rires11:17
laetitiavous venez d'ou?11:17
mrthrazUnable to mount root file system11:17
jeannoelje suis du sud de la france11:17
jeannoelet vous11:17
KOJVCan anyone make changes to the mouse so that I can maximize windows with the scroll button? Thanks a lot! http://pastebin.com/d2ad1513611:18
laetitiaou sa?11:18
laetitiamoi je suis de bretagne11:18
KOJVCan anyone make changes to the monitor so that I can set the screen to 1280x1024@80Hz? Thanks a lot! http://pastebin.com/d2ad1513611:18
Viper111hello, i want to create a vpn server so that when i connect to it from outside i will be on the same LAN and be able to view neighbor Pcs11:18
jeannoella porte à cote.....11:18
sidelilexcuse me with an intel core 2 duo processor is it better to use a 32bit or 64bit edition?11:19
_MaxPower_viper: it sounds like you want poptop11:19
laetitiavous avez kel âge?11:20
GInsidelil: 32bit11:20
jeannoelquarante ans et toutes mes dents11:20
PriceChild!fr | jeannoel11:20
ubotujeannoel: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:20
Myrtti!offtopic | jeannoel11:21
ubotujeannoel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:21
laetitiaadolescente et deux dent en moins11:21
sidelilGIn, ok, thanks. I was just wondering beacuse on the shipit website it says: "64-bit Desktop Edition, for computers based on the AMD64 or Intel64 architectures (e.g., AMD Athlon 64, and Intel Core 2)."11:21
Filled-Voidsidelil, Im using 64 bit . However if you are nwe with Ubuntu I would recommend 32 bit11:21
TRC2908hello, any experts here to help me figure out how to mount my maxtor external hard drive (i think i need a mount command but first need to edit fstab  - how do i find out the mount point11:21
GInsidelil: always go for 32bit unless you know what you are doing11:21
Caf_Fiendwhat time does the new ubuntu get released?11:21
Filled-VoidThe 24th ?11:21
MyrttiCaf_Fiend: "when it's done"11:22
Filled-VoidOh sorry11:22
KOJVFilled-Void, GIn, how come 32-bit is recommended for newbies?11:22
MyrttiKOJV: less problems with flash and java11:22
Viper111any bisy can help with VPN issue11:22
GInKOJV: it is better supported11:22
laetitiavous etes déçu?11:22
_MaxPower_trc2908: you need to know what device it is.. try running dmesg | grep sd11:22
Filled-VoidKWell Im new to it and I definitely wouldnt want anyone have to go thru the process of having to force install packages to get it to work on Ubuntu 64 bit . Or have to compile wine if they play games11:22
mrthrazhi. i got a hp lappy, dv9000, i cant get wifi turned on, tried ndis but my led won't turn green just stays orange in the on position, anyone have similer problem11:22
Filled-VoidKOJV, ^11:23
kajohow do I change the date & time?11:23
kajo(using fluxbox)11:23
sidelilFilled-Void, ok. But would the 64bit give a much better efficiency?11:23
rethusHi q all... how can i add a BOT to freenode.net, which keeps my chat open????11:23
GInsidelil: no, probably a little bit, but not that you will notice. not worth the time11:23
_MaxPower_trc2908: then mount /dev/sd<whatever device and partiton> /mountpoint11:23
Filled-Voidsidelil, I gues it depends on what you do the most. If its regular desktop use I seriously doubt you would notice the difference11:23
mrthrazsorry for the caps11:23
Viper111any body can help with VPN issue11:23
kajoMrthraz, that is not an option.11:23
Myrttilaetitia: you've been warned before...11:24
Caf_FiendMyrtti: Does it come with a copy of duke?11:24
_MaxPower_Viper111: What exactly is your VPN issue?11:24
sidelilGIn, Filled-Void, ok thank you both very much!11:24
rethushow can i add a BOT to freenode.net, which keeps my chat open???? Like FloodBot111:24
Filled-Voidsidelil, :)11:24
kajoRightclick gives no such abilities. This is fluxbox, not XFCE or Gnome. Is there a way to manage this in terminal?11:24
Myrttilaetitia: this is the absolute final warning to stop the French offtopic11:24
laetitiano i began11:24
Filled-Voidrethus, register yuor channel and read up on eggdrop11:24
KOJVrethus: get a bouncer (BNC)11:24
Viper111_MaxPower_ i need to create  vpn server so that when i connect from WAN i'll be on teh same lan11:24
_MaxPower_Viper111:Are you happy using PPTP?11:25
Ace_NoOneSCP question: I need to transfer a file from my local machine to a remote machine - but the remote dir requires root access - I can't seem to figure this out11:25
rethusive register the channel, but what is eggdrop... how can i get info about it11:25
laetitiai don't speack very much english11:25
Viper111will it solve my prob11:25
rethuswhat is a bouncer?11:25
Viper111i want to be on the same network11:25
Ace_NoOneI've tried SCP /tmp/foo.bar me@domain.tld:/var/www/foo.bar11:25
mrthrazhi. i got a hp lappy, dv9000, i cant get wifi turned on, tried ndis but my led won't turn green just stays orange in the on position, anyone have similer problem11:25
Myrttilaetitia: then perhaps this channel isn't for you11:25
Myrtti!repeat | mrthraz11:25
ubotumrthraz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:25
KOJVrethus: a shell that will keep rethus online to the IRC regardless of wether your client is connected or not.11:25
TRC2908_MaxPower_, thanks fro the tip theres "sda' mentioned due you mind haveing a look at :  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63902/11:25
Viper111_MaxPower_ u knew wat ii mean11:26
kajoAlso, I anticipate changing my time will give me the error that doesn't allow me to run as sudo because of the time problem (I've had that before...); how can I change the date & time in terminal, and also how do I prevent the aforementioned problem?11:26
ActionParsnipmrthraz: can we have a pastebin of lspci and lsusb please11:26
rethusis this bouncer-shell on my pc, or in the internet?11:26
laetitiai don't know before11:26
Filled-Voidrethus, Im not sure If what I said is actually what you need but its worth a check. You could check for EWggdrop which helps you create a bot for your channel . It is also in the repos. There wa another easy en to configure btu I forgot the name >.<11:26
gsevilDid someone install and run ModelSim?11:26
mrthrazi have no i dea what your talking about11:27
KOJVrethus: on an internet server...11:27
_MaxPower_Viper111: There are several kinds of VPN PPTP and IPSEC come to mind. it all depends on what you are trying to achive. Site to SIe VPN? Single User VPN?11:27
rethuswhere can i find it?11:27
DistroJockey!fr | laetitia Maybe here? ->11:27
nxusr does anyone have this device working?  ; http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/ATI_Remote_Wonder_Plus11:27
ActionParsnip!paste | mrthraz11:27
ubotumrthraz: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:27
kajoMrthraz: When you change your time (when I have, when running gnome), it then doesn't allow you to use 'sudo' in the terminal- it gives an error about the time being too far in advance or something. I wanted to prevent that.11:27
ActionParsnipmrthraz: if you run lspci and copy / p[aste it there we can see the output11:28
ActionParsnipmrthraz: then run lsusb and copy paste that there as well11:28
mrthrazActionParsnip:hpthraz@ubuntu1:~$ lspci11:28
mrthraz00:00.0 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C51 Host Bridge (rev a2)11:28
mrthraz00:00.1 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C51 Memory Controller 0 (rev a2)11:28
mrthraz00:00.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C51 Memory Controller 1 (rev a2)11:28
mrthraz00:00.3 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C51 Memory Controller 5 (rev a2)11:28
FloodBot1mrthraz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:28
KOJVrethus: search for "BNC provider" on Google.11:28
kajoI wonder if he knows why he was kicked?11:29
rethusthanks a lot11:29
kajolol, mrthraz. xD11:29
mrthrazwow thats alot of strings11:29
Syntuxwhat would be the problem if you get 'Floating point exception' error when you run an application ?11:29
ActionParsnipmrthraz: yep, that all the devices in your system11:29
gsevilDo you know how to run ModelSim HDL in Ubuntu11:29
laetitiay a t'il une personne francaise?11:29
DistroJockey!fr | laetitia11:30
ubotulaetitia: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:30
mrthrazhow do i so that wi out flooding the chat?11:30
kajoDoes no one know how to change the time in ubuntu?11:30
ActionParsnipmrthraz: like i said use pastebin11:30
ActionParsnip!paste mrthraz11:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paste mrthraz - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:30
mrthrazwhat is that?11:30
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:30
Filled-Voidmrthraz, go to www.pastebin.com    Paste in your message or whatever you need to show and then provide the link here11:31
_MaxPower_TRC2908: A quick look at google tells me that there maybe a bug with your host controller ...11:31
Keulei was logged out - could someone tell me about menu-preload?? who answered me?11:31
TRC2908_MaxPower_, my what?11:32
_MaxPower_TRC2908: USB Controller ... Kernel Level stuff11:32
nxusr does anyone have this device working?  ; http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/ATI_Remote_Wonder_Plus11:32
zvacetkajo : right click on time applet om upper panel11:32
mojoHow do I tell grub where to find /boot?  I installed 8.04rc in a spare partition on my boot hard disk (ide/ata) but it still points to the old install for /boot; I have a new /boot in a separate part. on another (sata) disk.  This *should* work right?  I don't want grub to re-build the menu.lst thogh.  Ideas?11:32
ricanelitemy ipod is showing up in the desktop but it is not showing up either on Banshee or Amarok11:32
_MaxPower_nxusr: Have you followed the instructions included in that wiki page?11:33
TRC2908_MaxPower_, by the way it works well on windows11:33
yahooshuayoutube doesn't work?11:33
nxusr_MaxPower_ lol,11:33
ActionParsnipnxusr: looks comprehensive enough, cant you get it going?11:33
nxusrActionParsnip, if my kernel was 2.6.2011:34
yahooshuaIt's triple 3 o'clock11:34
zvacetmojo :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351&highlight=grub11:34
ActionParsnipmrthraz: BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI11:34
yahooshuacould someone give me a high five for finally getting onto IRC11:34
ActionParsnipmrthraz: google for ubuntu BCM94311MCG and you should get a starting point11:34
TRC2908_MaxPower_, although i have to download seagate software when i rebooted it for windows11:34
djouallahhello, i am very intersted in wubi, but small question can i made the boot option in a flashdisk11:35
yahooshuaI have a degree in Tcom and just barely got on here11:35
_MaxPower_nxusr: I don't personally have that remote, however I have had a bit of experience with mythtv and if you follow those wiki guides most of the time they work.11:35
ActionParsnip$ cat /proc/hi5 > yahooshua11:35
yahooshuahave been trying to figure it out for a while11:35
yahooshuastill don't know how I did it11:35
nxusrActionParsnip, _MaxPower_ , did you see the edit on the page? it does not work11:35
yahooshuathanx actionparsnip11:35
Keulehow can i preload the startmenu after i logged on? - it lasts 2-4 secs when i klick on it the first time.... :(11:35
djouallahas i don't want my IT adminastrator to know i use ubuntu in pc work11:36
ActionParsnipnxusr: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-316278.html11:36
ActionParsnipyahooshua: what client you on?11:36
nxusr_MaxPower_, I have followed all the wikis including the gentoo one11:36
ricanelitehow can i get either banshee or amarok seeing my ipod11:36
yahooshuait just got on11:36
ActionParsnip!ipod | ricanelite11:36
uboturicanelite: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod11:36
yahooshuavery easy11:36
ricanelitei have amarok installed in y gnome desktop11:36
yahooshuanot like pigeon11:37
yahooshuaor others11:37
nxusrActionParsnip, saw that too11:37
_MaxPower_nxusr: welcome to joys mythtv ;-) I must admit it took me a couple of years have a fully working system11:37
ActionParsnipnxusr: then you are doing what im doing as I dont use remotes, sorry bro11:37
julle_Is it possible to connect a projector and use it as Screen #2 in ubuntu?11:37
nxusrActionParsnip, at one point i had to boot with livecd cause adding th alias frozed the kernel11:37
mojozvacet: thanks11:37
ActionParsnipyahooshua: I use pidgin to trc, all chat in 1 client11:37
zvacetmojo : np11:38
_MaxPower_TRC2908: All I can find on google about your problem is that its a driver problem. All I can recommend is trying a later version kernel11:38
timelostwhat's the command to setup my xorg.conf file the way ubuntu does it when it's originally installed?11:39
yahooshuaActionParsnip: trc?11:39
timelosti don't have a backup of my original xorg.conf11:39
ActionParsnipirc = trc (typo)11:39
TRC2908_MaxPower_, the latest version of ubuntu ?11:39
yahooshuaok, I see11:39
ActionParsniptimelost: you should always backup xorg.conf before playing so it can be rolled back11:39
|ns|nR8i got a 3g wireless usb modem working in ubuntu...but randomly the computer will freeze...i tried the modem in another ubuntu pc and it will randomly freeze aswell...requiring hard reset..any ideas please?11:40
zvacettimelost  : sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak11:40
Keule how can i preload the startmenu after i logged on? - it lasts 2-4 secs when i klick on it the first time....11:40
jaffarkelshacwhat other text-based apps are there that run in terminal (like mp3blaster, alsamixer)..11:40
timelostthat doesn't help it's too late for that11:40
ActionParsnipjaffarkelshac: mplayer11:40
ActionParsnipjaffarkelshac: play11:40
timelosti can get it working myself, but not as well as ubuntu had it set up (i've been using linux for 8 years)11:40
zvacettimelost : what did you done?11:41
yahooshuaAnyone: help me with getting flash plugin installed refer to a wiki or forum of some sort?11:41
rethusanyone know a online botservice for irc-bots?11:41
jaffarkelshaccheers ActionParsnip11:41
timelostmodprobe fglrx, then changed the driver to fglrx and restarted gdm11:41
timelostput it back to ati, but the everything is jerky now11:41
ActionParsnipjaffarkelshac:  np duder11:41
timelostthink it was using the open source ati driver, but not really sure11:42
timelosti know there has to be some kind of command ubuntu runs during installation that originally sets up xorg.conf11:42
yahooshuaActionParsnip: do you like pigin?11:42
damo22timelost: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:43
zvacettimelost : i think it make back up automaticly,so search in X11 to find it.That is all I can think of right now11:43
DistroJockeytimelost: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg11:43
ubuntuuuuuututuuhi all11:44
timelostit doesn't backup automatically if you manually edit it11:44
yahooshuaAnyone: help me with getting flash plugin installed refer to a wiki or forum of some sort?11:44
_MaxPower_timelost: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:44
timelostand dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg just gave a VERY basic xorg.conf that is nothing like what ubuntu had set up for me11:44
|ns|nR8everyone hanging out for 24th ?11:44
zvacettimelost : In that case no11:44
Caf_Fiendwhat happens on the 24th11:44
damo22cant wait for 24th11:45
damo22hardy comes out11:45
* djouallah is downloading kubuntu8.04 11:45
gradinanybody have a few seconds to make a phonecall?11:45
|ns|nR8if you install 8.04 beta....will it update to full version  ?11:45
timelostit'd be silly to reinstall ubuntu because of something so trivial11:45
Caf_Fiendhardy is gay?11:45
ikoniacan't wait.....wow, that seems a bit well, sad11:45
ubuntuuuuuututuuwho can tell me whay ubuntustudio 8.04 was relased before ubuntu 8.04? is it the same distro with different packages for audio&video editing?11:45
zvacetCaf_Fiend : just another day in life11:45
|ns|nR8err stable version11:45
ikonia|ns|nR8: yes, you should be able to although I would personally trust a clean install more11:45
gradini need someone to help me test my voicemail script would anybody like to volunteer to leave me a voicemail?11:45
Keulesorry that i paste it ...so often... how can i preload the startmenu after i logged on? - it lasts 2-4 secs when i klick on it the first time....  - does anybody having a solution?11:45
|ns|nR8yeah im still running 7.10...but ive been very tempted11:45
|ns|nR8i was just curious thanks11:46
ikoniaubuntuuuuuututuu: please show me where ubuntu studio 8.04 is released ?11:46
zvacetubuntuuuuuututuu :yes!11:46
Caf_Fiendso, is there a how to upgrade faq set up at somewebpage?11:46
_MaxPower_timelost: what video card are you using?11:46
ubuntuuuuuututuuikonia http://ubuntustudio.org/home end of page11:46
idefix_MaxPower_ the xwd utility doesn't offer a region capture just an X-window capture11:47
yahooshuaisn't 8.04 already pretty much released unofficially?11:47
kajoit is in 3 days, isn't it?11:47
zvacetyahooshua : it is not unoffically it is RC11:48
yahooshuaRC cola11:48
ubuntuuuuuututuuzvacet rc=relase candidate?11:48
_MaxPower_idefix: okay, it was worth a look at .. like I said i use osx on my day to day, I mainly use linux and BSD for servers. But having said that I still have an active intreast in gnome and kde11:48
nxusr does anyone have this device working?  ; http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/ATI_Remote_Wonder_Plus11:48
zvacetubuntuuuuuututuu :yes11:48
|ns|nR8sorry to repeat...last time ill ask11:48
|ns|nR8i got a 3g wireless usb modem working in ubuntu...but randomly the computer will freeze...i tried the modem in another ubuntu pc and it will randomly freeze aswell...requiring hard reset..any ideas please?11:48
yahooshuathe page that you can dl it from says its one last test release before the offcial release or something11:48
ubuntuuuuuututuuzvacet mmm ... what differeces between an official relase and a rc?11:49
yahooshuait seemed to me that it is pretty much done and you can dl now11:49
matt___after hardy heron comes out, will there be a reason to use the latest "server" edition on my server? upgrading it from feisty i mean...11:49
DistroJockey|ns|nR8: sounds like a bad driver to me11:49
|ns|nR8it uses the standard serial driver11:49
Svishis it possible to make ubuntu kind of... log in to for example the ctrl+alt+f1 terminal and start something automatically on startup? like, in the background?11:49
|ns|nR8i just type this11:50
|ns|nR8sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/\drivers/usb/serial/usbserial.ko \ vendor=0x16d8 product=0x628011:50
|ns|nR8and use kppp11:50
idefix_MaxPower_ but there must be some option to save a selection in Gimp, no?11:50
Keule how can i preload the startmenu after i logged on? - it lasts 2-4 secs when i klick on it the first time....11:50
|ns|nR8thanks DistroJockey..ill look into a driver11:50
GInI can't wait any more to to upgrade to Hardy, what is the cmd to upgrade to the rc version?11:50
yahooshuamatt you you would have to upgrade to 7.10 before you upgrade to hardy11:50
DistroJockey|ns|nR8: no problem, only thing I can think of11:51
zvacetubuntuuuuuututuu : not bi ,but I think it will be less bugs and it will be fixes for something11:51
ikoniaubuntuuuuuututuu: please show me where ubuntu studio 8.04 is released ?11:51
pipsqeekcan't you just update the sources.list to include new mirrors. then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade ?11:51
luisdohola a todos!11:51
yahooshuaAnyone: help me with getting flash plugin installed refer to a wiki or forum of some sort?11:51
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:51
DistroJockeyyahooshua:  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree11:52
bradley_hi room11:52
luisdoHi! someone from Spain?11:52
Lamego!es | luisdo11:53
ubotuluisdo: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.11:53
DistroJockey!es | luisdo11:53
luisdook! Thank you!11:53
bradley_any one to help with TV card configuration11:53
GInhow do I upgrade to Hardy rc1?11:53
luisdoumm, how can i connect to #ubuntu.es ?11:53
noob-africahi all11:54
=== spas19 is now known as infidel_
zvacetGIn :why don´t you wait for 3 more days?11:54
DistroJockeyluisdo:  /join #ubuntu-es11:54
noob-africadoes anyone know i am having problems with my nvidia grapphics card drivers?11:54
GInzvacet: I don't want to wait any more :(11:54
luisdojoin #ubuntu-es11:55
GInI want to try out Hardy11:55
noob-africawhen i set up the driver to be used, the xorg.conf file gets changed from nvidia to nv11:55
DistroJockeyheyya noob-africa, nope, sorry11:55
noob-africawhich is incompatible with ubunty11:55
noob-africaDistroJockey: hi. thanks.11:55
noob-africawell, at the moment i have set it to use the open source driver... if it keeps giving me problems i wonder what i'll do11:55
DistroJockeynoob-africa: make a copy of xorg.conf and change it back?11:56
_MaxPower_idefix: open gimp file -> Acquire -> screenshot then Select region11:56
noob-africaDistroJockey: do you know anything about Apache 2 administration? i have problems with joomla11:56
DistroJockeynoob-africa: to nvidia that is11:56
DistroJockeynoob-africa: not enough :)11:56
noob-africaDistroJockey: well, i always have to rechange it, locally... in recovery mode...11:56
_MaxPower_noob-africa: I didn't know .. but thanks for informing me .. it was great11:57
yahooshuaDistroJockey: thank you but that does not seem to be my problem. I have that installed and still can't see youtube and the like11:57
zvacet   GIn :          https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades11:57
noob-africamaybe if i upgrade to hardy i wont be getting this problem11:57
DistroJockeyyahooshua: with Firefox 2?11:57
DistroJockeynoob-africa: :)11:57
yahooshuaI believe so11:58
noob-africatrouble is, hardy heron comes with firefox 3, which is still in beta looooooooool11:58
yahooshualet me check11:58
ikonianoob-africa: why is that funny ?11:58
noob-africaikonia: well, not much support for firefox 3 beta...11:58
noob-africai wonder why ubuntu chose it...11:58
ikoniaI wouldn't class that as funny11:58
yahooshuaDistroJockey: to be exact11:58
noob-africamany of the plugins dont yet work at the moment11:58
_MaxPower_nxusr: I have had a look at the wiki link and there is another link that takes you to http://mythtv.wbond.net/remote_wonder_plus_linux/ there is additional information there.11:58
noob-africaikonia: well, i have a 'dark' sense of humour... loooooooooool11:59
DistroJockeyyahooshua: and you restarted firefox totally?11:59
bazhangnoob-africa: the important ones do, but that is offtopic here thanks11:59
noob-africaikonia: after all, i AM in the dark continent, ainti?11:59
noob-africabazhang: which ones? (even though this is off-topic)11:59
bazhang!ot | noob-africa11:59
ubotunoob-africa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:59
yahooshuaDistroJockey:  totally? quit and restart? yes. Quit restart the computer and then firefox? yes12:00
yahooshuasays needs flash plugin12:00
ToznoshioQ: can I take the /etc/apt directory from an ubuntu installation, replace with it the existing /etc/apt directory of an installation of another Debian-based distibution, and have it work like that?12:00
bazhangToznoshio: doubtful; which distro did you have in mind12:01
KOJVHow to change the ugly small font of my Windows programs?12:01
LamegoToznoshio, using repositories from other distros will most likely break your system12:01
yahooshuaDistroJockey: well it use to. now it just slows everything down12:01
Toznoshiobazhang: Dreamlinux12:01
DistroJockeyyahooshua: I guess it's a symlink issue (sorry, can't check atm)12:01
|ns|nR8if its the same distro i believe you can12:01
bazhangToznoshio: that is straight debian12:01
KOJVHow to change the ugly small font of my Windows programs? In Wine.12:02
yahooshuaDistroJockey: symlink?12:02
|ns|nR8aptoncd basically does that Toznoshio12:02
appelzaNo such thing as Ruby 4.1 as this suggests: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/techspecs12:02
ricanelitehow can I see where my ipod is mounted too?12:02
ricanelitebecause i cannot get amarok or banshee seeing my ipod12:02
DistroJockeyyahooshua: link to the wrong .so file maybe12:02
yahooshuaDistroJockey: I think you just gave me an idea12:03
DistroJockeyyahooshua: I was hoping :)12:03
ricanelitegtkpod sees my ipod, also music player as well but not banshee or amarok12:03
yahooshuais there a simple way to force quit?12:03
DistroJockeyyahooshua: as in   killall firefox   ?12:03
yahooshuakind like task manager in windows?12:03
yahooshuaDistroJockey: do that in terminal?12:04
yahooshuathanx for all12:04
DistroJockeyno problem12:04
noob-africaricanelite: r u forgetting that we are on open source12:04
Nom-Does anyone know if there's a libapache2-mod-perl2 2.0.3 backport (or higher) floating around for 6.06 ?12:05
DistroJockeyyahooshua: as sudo ofcourse :)12:05
ricanelitewhat you mean?12:05
noob-africayahooshua: go to System / Administration / System Monitor12:06
generichi all12:06
genericany one owrks on gosa12:06
bazhangricanelite: is this a newer iPod?12:06
ricaneliteit worked before12:06
ricanelitedont know why it is not working now12:06
bazhangricanelite: you are still on gutsy12:06
ricaneliteno i updated to hardy12:07
Svishdoes clicking Mark All Upgrades in the Synaptic Package Manager have the same effect as using the Update Manager?12:07
bazhangricanelite: well it should work, probably some last minute bugs to iron out12:07
zvacetNom- : i think you are looking for Hardy package12:07
bazhangSvish: as in upgrade to a newer version (i.e. Hardy)?12:08
Svishas in, everyday updates12:08
ricanelitei just find it crazy that gtkpod, music player sees my ipod12:08
Svishim just curious :p12:08
slowlearnerhi does anybody know any good gantt chart builder (gnome)?12:11
yahooshuawhat is the terminal command to delete a file?12:13
AuctionedllamaI just installed Hardy Heron, and I have ubuntu 7.10 still on a nother partition.. how do i completely remove the GRUB loader fro 7.10 so it only lists windows and hardy?12:13
bazhangAuctionedllama: go into grub and edit it12:13
Lamegoyou just need to update your menu.lst12:13
Auctionedllamauhm, what do I edit?12:14
SmokeyDHey people. I am looking for a simple GUI backup tool (tar based or something) for one workstation machine. It should be able to do incremental backups and allow you to specify multiple dirs in the backup, but also inside those backups allow the exclusion of certain files or directories12:14
SmokeyDany ideas?12:14
DistroJockeyAuctionedllama: /boot/grub/menu.lst12:14
AuctionedllamaO yes, and on heron, the top and bottom GUI bars, no matter what theme I choose, stay the same12:14
Auctionedllamathanks distro12:14
_MaxPower_yahooshua: rm <filename>12:14
bazhangSmokeyD: must be gui?12:14
SmokeyDbazhang: yeah. Not for me but for someone I am helping out12:14
yahooshua_maxpower_thank you12:14
SmokeyDI am using backup2l which is really nice12:14
SmokeyDbut doesn't have a gui12:15
foolanoshould I open a bug in ubuntu and debian if the same bug exists in both distros or just in one of them?12:15
SmokeyDmaybe I'll write one in python or something.12:15
slowlearnerhi does anybody know of any good gantt chart builder (gnome)?12:15
SmokeyDbut if a nice tool already exists it is not worth my time :)12:15
AuctionedllamaGuys, can I just copy and paste the 8.04 stuff over the 7.10, or should I just erase the 7.10?12:16
yahooshua_maxpower_: oh shiz. is there a way to undo that command lol12:16
DistroJockey!backup | SmokeyD12:16
_MaxPower_yahooshua: no12:16
ubotuSmokeyD: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:16
yahooshuadamn noobs lol12:16
yahooshuaoh well12:16
LamegoAuctionedllama, you should format the root partition12:16
yahooshua_maxpower_: that file wasn't that near and dear to me anyway lol12:17
Auctionedllamalamego, is there a good formatting program for hardy?12:17
yahooshua_maxpower_: looks like we walk from here12:17
LamegoAuctionedllama, the installe takes care of that12:17
_MaxPower_smokeyd: have a look here http://www.linuxlinks.com/Software/Backup/12:17
Auctionedllamauhm, the hardy installer?12:17
Lamegojust select the right partition to be formated, during the partition manager12:17
Lamegojust backup your home dir data, if you have any12:18
Auctionedllamalast time that screwed things up BAD12:18
Auctionedllamaand, hardy, I used the desktop one.. so no formatting12:18
AuctionedllamaOK, 2 other things12:18
isleshocky78I have been trying to get a postfix setup working from this how-to: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixCompleteVirtualMailSystemHowto .  At first it seemed like everything setup correctly from the looks of postfixadmin.  However, now I can't login. I get an invalid username and/or password through imap from an email client. I have the following error in my mail.err file "fatal: need service transport:endpoint instead of "inet""12:18
DnumgisHowdy. I tried to install the "gnome" package on a kubuntu install, but there seems to still be something missing for a functioning gnome environment. Is there another meta package to get the rest in?12:18
AuctionedllamaFor some reason, my mouse wheel, won't scroll up, and the GUI bars on the top and bottom of my hardy, are grey, and never change no matter what theme I choose12:19
Auctionedllamaand both are really bothering me :P12:19
LamegoDnumgis, install ubuntu-desktop12:19
Lamego!hardy | Auctionedllama12:19
ubotuAuctionedllama: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu12:19
laughzillahi :) i just added a 10 GB hdd to my new ubuntu box ... the 10 GB was an old ubuntu OS disk in another box, now i just have to grab some data off it and wipe it ... my BIOS sees the disk, but when i'm in my new ubuntu box, i don't see the old hard drive anywhere. anyone know how to "find" and mount a hdd that's in an ubuntu 7.10 box?12:20
|ns|nR8took me 6 months to fully customise 7.1012:20
yahooshuawhen I go to Youtube I get: Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.12:20
|ns|nR8now i gotta start again12:20
|ns|nR8you need flash yahooshua12:20
Lamegolaughzilla, does it show up on sudo fdisk -l ?12:20
yahooshuathen when I try to intall it, it tells me flashplugin-nonfree already installed12:20
|ns|nR8uninstall it12:21
|ns|nR8and reinstall12:21
|ns|nR8i manually download flash12:21
|ns|nR8and manually select broswer directory12:21
|ns|nR8works everytime12:21
jaffarkelshacis there a straight forward way to find out what command launches certain progams? so far i add it to panel and right click properties to find out, is there an easy and straight forward way?12:21
DnumgisLamego: thanks12:21
laughzillaLamego thanks!  i think i got it now  :)   i appreciate the clue :)12:22
laughzillayahooshua - i solved the problem u have last week ...12:22
yahooshualaughzilla: how?12:22
yahooshualaughzilla: do tell12:22
laughzillavia Synaptic Package Manager you first UNINSTALL all of the flash players you have in there, and then you re-install just the flashplayer-nonfree  (the one it grabs directly from the adobe site)12:22
miaI'm having a little problem, i've got a 'nwc' file, it's a music file but i can't find any program wich can play it (mplayer, amarok). Anybody got a suggestion how i can listen to this file pls ?12:23
yahooshualaughzilla: thanx. I am on my way to bigger brighter day12:23
yahooshuaI hope12:23
nikitisAnyone know of a changelog for the new 8.04 ubuntu?12:23
Lamego!hardy | nikitis12:23
ubotunikitis: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu12:23
nikitisLamego, thanks ;)12:24
sipiormia: what format is it? i've never heard of nwc...12:24
Lamegomia, you could try NoteWorthy Composer using wine12:24
sipiorwell, that explains nwc at least :-)12:24
miasipior: i'm having exact the same problem, it's for my grandmother, she told me that people with windows can play it12:25
Lamegoaccording to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noteworthy_composer , some people run it using wine12:25
miaLamego: there isn't any option without wine ?12:25
IdleOneanybody here running SongBird ( http://www.songbirdnest.com/ ) having issues with adding a smb share to library12:25
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Lamegomia, it is not my field of expertise, search for "score editor" on the repositories12:26
miawhy the hell choose those people for such a stupid format :/12:26
miaLamego: ok, thanks i'll give it a try :)12:26
_MaxPower_nwc .. well I have learnt something today ....12:26
miaLamego: there is only a score reading trainer, wich seems not to be able to open it, so i'll have to give wine a shot :)12:29
_MaxPower_LOL .. I thought it might have been nagger with charisma12:29
yahooshualaughzilla: you re-installed vie the synatic as well. correct?12:29
mialol, you can even download a noteworthy player in a 16 bit version, tells me enough about the age :p12:32
laughzillayahooshua yeah i did12:33
DistroJockeymia: hehe : http://www.noteworthysoftware.com/player/readme.txt12:33
miahehe, i've installed it with wine and i'm able to open te file, but no sound yet, propably a wine setting ?12:34
Keulecan someone tell me how i use preload or similar12:34
Signilhi I am trying to play a cd.. but I guess it has scratches on it .. it gets stuck right int the middle.. kaffeine and vlc refuse to play any further :s12:35
IdleOneanybody here running SongBird ( http://www.songbirdnest.com/ ) having issues with adding a smb share to library. I can not seem to figure it out or if it is even possible.12:35
DistroJockeymia: I don't do wine (yet) but I'm having a similar issue playing a .mid file12:35
_MaxPower_Signil: Try cleaning the cd with something like silvo. It has worked for me in the past12:35
Signilhmm wat abt toothpaste :s its mentioned online that helps too12:36
miaDistroJockey: i was able to play midi files here with kmid iirc12:36
IdleOnedont see how toothpaste would help12:36
_MaxPower_IdleOne: I would add the SMB as a mount point and then use song bird to browes the mount point12:36
IdleOne_MaxPower_: lemme give that a try12:37
RaverWildhello! new to ubuntu and new to MTAs. just installed postfix on my personal ubuntu box. it appllied some basic config during installation and now works (i telneted it successfully). now problem is i want to setup evolution to use my postfix for local mail. how to determine which is the pop3 and smtp mail address?12:37
|ns|nR8toothpaste can work12:37
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Signilhmm k12:37
|ns|nR8who knows how12:38
DistroJockeymia: I don't do K atm :)12:38
|ns|nR8you can get programs that will keep trying and trying on bad sector12:38
|ns|nR8sometimes eventually it will read12:38
Signil|ns|nR8: like?12:39
|ns|nR8i use one on windows called ultraISO12:39
astro76Signil: grip or anything else that uses the cdparanoia library12:39
IdleOne_MaxPower_: I can add a single file to the library but it will not play if I copy the file over to this machine then it does play12:39
miaHmm, when i run winecfg i get (in konsole) an error: 'failed loading libjack.so', but libjack is installed12:39
IdleOne_MaxPower_: it wont let me add a folder to the library12:40
|ns|nR8mia: did you try sudo winecfg ?12:40
Signilhmm ok12:40
Ifhi wirelles adapter help plz?12:40
mia|ns|nR8: why would i need root rights for winecfg ? I've tried it now, but the same error12:40
_MaxPower_IdleOne: From memory you need to mount the SMB so you can browse it via the Shell.12:40
maestro_try bcm43xx-fwcutter12:41
Viper111i want to ask if i created a vpn connection to my ubuntu server shall my internet connection stop, if this is ordinary how can i make a route to enable gettting to internet12:41
Ifhow to connect with wirelles adapter on ubuntu?12:42
Viper111iwconfig wireless12:42
Pici!wifi | If12:42
ubotuIf: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:42
IdleOne_MaxPower_: this problem is not browsing. I can browse/add single files ( not folders ) but they wont play. when I copy the file over to this computer it plays fine.12:42
Ifyes wi fi12:43
_MaxPower_IdleOne: Have a look at this " http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=288534 "12:43
_MaxPower_IdleOne: I know what you mean. I have had similar problems at work. if you mount the share like that I have had success playing files over the network12:43
Ifbut I need drivers 4my card :S the pc wont recognize it?12:43
PiciIf: Please read the link that ubotu provided12:44
gromozekinhi there12:44
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_MaxPower_Idleone: I think it has something to do with the way the GUI mounts the share. Once again I'm only going by my past experiences.12:44
_MaxPower_Idleone: It's worth a try .... if you can be bothered12:45
IdleOne_MaxPower_: thanks I will check it out12:46
Nubaeanyone good with LDAP?12:46
NubaeI get Failed to save user : Failed to add user to LDAP database : no structural object class provided12:47
_MaxPower_IdleOne: Have a read of this .. these guys are having the same problem as you. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=306829&highlight=play+media+network12:47
Nubaewhen using the webmin interface, and please do not tell me to not use webmin12:47
PiciNubae: Webmin isnt supported here.12:47
tevleVso don't use it =\12:48
NubaePici: I'm asking a ldap related question12:48
KOJVHow do I change the default font of Wine applications? It's way too small!12:48
_MaxPower_Nubae: Whats your question?12:49
Nubaebah, forget it, I'll try #webmin12:50
neetoKOJV: in winecfg, under Desktop integration, you can choose font and size under Item12:50
neetoUnder the appearance menu12:51
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ricaneliteI have Ubuntu Linux Hardy installed and by default it installed Fire Fox 3 beta12:51
KOJVneeto: I tried increasing size there, no result.12:51
Keulehow can i preload the startmenu after i logged on? - it lasts 2-4 secs when i klick on it the first time....  Prelink istn necessary since feisty.. but my starmenu ist damn slow - theres is preload in repros - how can i add that to startup?12:51
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu12:51
ricaneliteis possible I could still use the stable firefox?12:51
neetoKOJV: does this happen on all your wine programs or just certain ones?12:52
KOJVneeto: I just tried mIRC so far.12:52
Piciricanelite: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.12:52
neetoKOJV: I'm a bit confused as to why you are using wine to talk on IRC12:53
ricaneliteoh i did not know there was a special channel for hardy sorry12:53
KOJVneeto: because I want my scripts.12:53
neetoKOJV: alright well, have to check the mirc settings?12:53
neetohave you checked*12:54
KOJVneeto: I'm gonna, right now Wine doesn't work, gotta restart X.12:54
johansjaanyone using ubuntu here? where can I find the documentation after I install the python-doc package?12:54
tevleVare the programs i uninstall kept cashed on local disk or do i need to dwnld em again next time i install?12:55
_MaxPower_ricanelite: have you tried sudo apt-get install firefox-2 ?12:55
neetojohansja: /usr/share/doc/python or somewhere close12:55
Picijohansja: This is the Ubuntu support channel, most of us are running Ubuntu. Secondly, did you look in /usr/share/doc/python/  ?12:55
simion314tevleV:  the programs packages are in cache, to completly remove a program use apt-get purge program12:56
thevoidreturnscan anyone help me with an issue with capturing traffic in monitor mode on a wireless network please?12:57
_MaxPower_tevleV: I think you will find the cached binary files in /var/cache/apt/archives/12:58
[BT]JaChi i get this error12:58
[BT]JaCgaming:~# mysql -u root12:58
[BT]JaCERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)12:58
[BT]JaCcan you help12:58
FloodBot1[BT]JaC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:58
_MaxPower_[BT}JaC: Your mysqld isn't running - try /etc/init.d/mysqld start12:59
_MaxPower_[BT]Jac: Sorry /etc/init.d/mysql start13:00
[BT]JaCyeah its started13:00
johansjaPici: haha, I almost forgot that I am asking in the ubuntu channel.13:00
[BT]JaCbut it still cannot connect13:00
_MaxPower_[BT]JaC: Are you sure your mysql daemon is running?13:01
_MaxPower_[BT]Jac: I would do a ps -ax just to confirm that its running13:04
_MaxPower_[BT]Jac: the only time I have trouble connecting to mysqld is when either its not running or a packet filter is port blocking. In your case i assume you on the local machine so its not the packet filter13:05
[BT]JaCim on the local machine yes13:05
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_MaxPower_[BT]Jac: what does your deamon.log have to say?13:07
_MaxPower_woops daemon.log13:08
nikitisQuestion:  If we go ahead and do a dist-upgrade to 8.04 RC, if any changes are made when it's actually released 3 days from now, will we have to run another dist-upgrade or will updates automatically pop up?13:08
_MaxPower_nikitis: I'll tell you in 3 days .. LOL13:08
Scrounchno automatic, (imagine, people want keep their system)13:09
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nikitiswhat's the command to dist-upgrade to rc 8.04?  I want that new relatime option.  Says it speeds up significantly13:10
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu13:10
nikitisPici, yes but i'm in 7.10, needing to know the command13:10
Picinikitis: Its still a Hardy question, thus for #ubuntu+113:11
_MaxPower_apt-get upgrade ????13:11
nikitisi know that's not it13:11
reconnikitis: update-manager --dist-upgrade13:11
nikitissomething like apt-get dist-upgrade13:11
nikitisah thanks13:11
_MaxPower_thats what I meant ..13:12
_MaxPower_another woops13:12
reconnikitis: although stuff can and will go wrong, according to Murphy's Law. so make backups.13:13
nikitisi'm skilled enough to get my files off if all hell breaks loose13:13
jribnikitis: not if there is a bug that destroys them...13:13
nikitisjrib, yikes13:13
reconnikitis: isn't it just easier to backup your home folder to a different partition?13:14
nikitisrecon, not when you have 1.4 TB worth of data.13:14
UbluzokHello everybody, can you advice me about developing for linux?13:14
LamegoUbluzok, learn python :)13:15
nikitisrecon, i don't have a backup source big enough ;(13:15
UbluzokKVIrc 2.1.3 'Renaissance'13:15
reconnikitis: ok, then. hopefully nothing will go wrong.13:15
_MaxPower_Ubluzok: Learn C ;)13:15
dmacnuttI have a tape changer on my SCSI bus13:15
UbluzokLamego im studyng Perl13:15
dmacnutteverytime I reboot the machine, the device changes13:15
UbluzokI know C/C++13:15
nikitisrecon, i do have /home on a separate partition13:15
dmacnuttIE: /dev/sg2 it's now /dev/sg613:16
nikitisrecon, and everything else on another13:16
dmacnutthow can I stop this from happening?13:16
_MaxPower_Ubluzok: Install GCC and off you go!13:16
reconnikitis: well, that's always good.13:16
nikitisdmacnutt, udev13:16
_MaxPower_:Ubluzok ... only joking ...13:16
UbluzokMaxPower: I know13:16
arvind_khadriUbluzok, get into touch with MOTU they are the ones who maintain the packages...13:17
UbluzokMaxPower: I jast want to join some kind of project13:17
LamegoUbluzok, use whatever you feel more productive with, a significant part of the ubuntu tools are developed in python13:17
nikitisi was reading kernel trap about "relatime" saying it can improve some systems as much as 50% in things like X, and other programs13:17
_MaxPower_Ubluzok: what are you interested in developing?13:17
arvind_khadriUbluzok, try the summer of code ;)13:17
FireSnakes there anybody who knows about running FlylinkDC++ under wine?13:18
nikitisAnd how this new ubuntu 8.04 has it by default13:18
UbluzokI'll trarvind_khadri: Summerof code..... ok I'll try13:18
Lamego!appsdb | FireSnake13:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about appsdb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:18
jribUbluzok: if you want to help with ubuntu development, /msg ubotu motu.  If you want to develop on a particular software project, visit that project's home page and contact them13:18
Lamego!appdb | FireSnake13:18
ubotuFireSnake: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org13:18
mingis it normal that "Xorg" take up to 70% of ur cpu ?13:18
jribKcaj: do you have an ubuntu support question?13:18
FireSnakeok, thx13:18
nikitisming, no should be more like 20%13:19
Ubluzokjrib: ok, I just need to contact motu?13:19
mingwhat should i do to lower it??13:19
jrib!motu | Ubluzok13:19
ubotuUbluzok: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU13:19
pistache-linuxHi everybody !13:19
nikitismaybe give it a higher "nice" level13:19
arvind_khadri!ask | pistache-linux13:19
ubotupistache-linux: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:19
jribubotu: that page will tell you how to get started.  #ubuntu-motu is fully friendly people who can help you as well13:19
jribUbluzok: that page will tell you how to get started.  #ubuntu-motu is fully friendly people who can help you as well13:20
jrib!jp | ikeda13:20
ubotuikeda: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい13:20
Ubluzokjrib: Thanks I'm going there13:20
mingcan somone tell me what xorg do in my process? is really lagging my system13:21
ikoniaming: how do you know it's xorg ?13:22
mingwell, i dont know for sure, but i just look at the system monitor and the process tap, and is fluxing from 20-%-60% of cpu13:23
ikoniaming: what sort of thing are you doing ?13:23
ikoniaming: and exaclty which process as xorg is modular now13:23
mingi am downloading torrents now, thats like the only thing, 2 days ago my system start lagging and i am still investigating13:24
mingand modular what is that?13:24
DracoZAming ktorrent ?13:24
ikoniaming: many different processes ?13:25
mingno  i just use the trasmission program it came with ubunutu13:25
mingand i think there are many process, but alot of them is said to be |sleeping13:26
=== co is now known as co_cuakep
_MaxPower_ming .. you can use top to see what process is hogging your cpu time13:26
jamsaHow I get pidgin to startup automatically?13:26
_MaxPower_when you have identified it you can try killing it13:26
mingyea right now is xorg, but wverytime i kill it, it quit system monitor, and when i check again is still running13:27
mattywarrhello, anyone know much about gparted?13:27
Lamegomattywarr, just write your question13:27
mattywarrok - At present I have a dual boot XP/Ubuntu 7.10 - At the moment, Ubuntu is running on a small 20gb ext3 partition13:28
mattywarrI have the System partition for windows at 30gb which I want to leave, but i also have a large partition I used in windows to store data13:28
gromozekinhi there13:28
gromozekinhow to uninstall ndiswrapper13:29
mattywarrI want to ditch that partition, and extend the EXT3 linux partition13:29
gromozekincause its might be ubuntupackage13:29
mattywarrI'm using gparted but I understand i'll need to unmount the partitions before I can do anything13:29
Lamegomattywarr, you can only resize an unmounted partition, meaning you will need to boot from the livd cd13:29
gromozekinnoone can helpme?>13:29
Lamegogromozekin, have you tried sudo apt-get remove ?13:30
jamsanevermind, fixed13:30
mattywarrthanks lamego - is gparted installed on the livecd? I had to install the package post install13:30
gromozekini tried13:30
gromozekindpkg -r ndiswrapper13:30
willytellis there a way to find out if a computer is little/big endian using command line?13:30
gromozekin/var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)13:31
gromozekinE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?13:31
gromozekinclose apt-get13:31
jrib!enter | gromozekin13:31
egoleohow do i get system variables plse13:31
gromozekinunable to find thois package13:31
Lamego!aptlock | gromozekin13:31
ubotugromozekin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:31
_MaxPower_try sudo dpkg -r ndiswrapper13:31
ubotugromozekin: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:31
egoleo$SIG{ALRM} is this one of them ?13:31
iceswordgromozekin, so you got apt-get and synaptic running at the same time? kill one ,then13:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about endian - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about little-endian - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:32
jrib!fishing | willytell13:32
ubotuwillytell: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.13:32
Lamegowillytell, what are you trying to achieve ?13:32
WaystedTrying to install Ubuntu Srv7.10 on older laptop, it has 32mb internal ram, I added 128. Anyway, during setup Ubuntu only recognizes the 32megs and fails. Any way I can get by this?13:32
arvind_kwillytell, you should search them in wikipedia13:33
DracoZA32mb ? *giggle*13:33
Waysted:) its old13:33
LamegoWaysted, I don't believe the ubuntu installer will run on a 32mb system13:33
DracoZAIt has little 2 by 2 footprints on it I bet13:34
Waystedit has 160mb total13:34
DracoZAWaysted, does the bios see the 128 ?13:34
gromozekin1) rmmod ndiswrapper 2)apt-get remove ndiswrapper 3) unable to found this package13:34
WaystedIve had windows 95,98 on it13:34
DracoZAtheres the problem, windows probably stole it!13:35
willytellit is a simple question...13:35
WaystedDracoZA: you are full of good advice13:35
arvind_kwillytell, you mean about little-endian13:35
willytellI know what is big and little endian.13:35
arvind_kwillytell, so what do you want??13:36
Lamegowillytell, what is your purpose ?13:36
=== co_fs_ffx is now known as Jabrik
slowlearnerDracoZA: lol13:36
willytellarvind_k, just to know if there is a command line on Linux to find out what endian is used by the PC (RAM or Processor, or whatever)13:37
Lamegowillytell, no, there isn't, since that is something you can figure by the processor type itself13:38
bazhangwillytell: http://meta.ath0.com/tag/programming/13:38
Lamegonot to mention, that is certainly something that has no use for an user13:39
bazhangand is way offtopic13:39
jeffimperialI just put in my IDE HDD now, and it's not showing up in Computer or Media.. what to do?13:39
WaystedGood luck with this13:39
jribjeffimperial: did you format and partition it?13:40
Lamegojeffimperial, check with: sudo fdisk -l13:40
ChaosTheory0Is there any program that can left me run Pandora *outside* of Firefox?13:40
ChaosTheory0Like OpenPandora for Windows?13:40
willytellLamego, on MIPS... a program could select what kind of endianness to use? or it is fixed?13:40
slowlearnerjeffimperial: yah try sudo fdisk -l13:41
jeffimperialjrib: yep.. was working on my Windblows XP machine13:41
Lamegowillytell, by your question you clearly do not understand the meaning of your question, please google for it, and don't repeat the question, it's off topic13:42
bazhanghttp://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Pandora+Screenlet?content=72525 ChaosTheory013:42
arvind_kbazhang, hi13:42
bazhangwillytell: this is ubuntu support; we gave you a link to read; you can also check wikipedia for more thanks13:43
bazhangarvind_k: hi!13:43
jeffimperialLamego: Slowlearner: I get a /dev/sda.... some sort of list. What do I make of this?13:43
Lamegojeffimperial, you need to understand how the partitions are named, if you added a new disk, you will need to add it to /etc/fstab13:43
slowlearnerjeffimperial: it'll tell the available disks13:43
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
prodigelHi all. I'm trying to format a memory stick without success. I've tried parted/gparted/fidsk. parted/gparted sees it but cannot even created disk label(mbr I presume), fdisk doesn't see it at all. In windows I see a 512 mb partition and the rest free space. Can I forcely format it?13:44
slowlearnerjeffimperial: if it isn'13:44
jeffimperialslowlearnear: as far as i could tell, there's only one.. but the disk IS there (plugged in and should be ready to go i mean)13:44
bazhangprodigel: what about cfdisk13:45
slowlearnerjeffimperial: sudo fdisk -l13:45
prodigelbazhang: will try13:45
bazhangprodigel: you doing this to create a bootable pendrive? www.pendrivelinux.com has the details13:46
arvind_khadribazhang, he wants to format so why not sudo mkfs.vfat13:46
slowlearnerjeffimperial: you've plugged it via ata, so it's isn't plug in play, you have to mount it13:46
jeffimperialslowlearner: yeah, i executed sudo fdisk -l and it gave me a list that contains only ONE HD.. got any more ideas?13:46
bazhangarvind_khadri: not sure what his final goal was13:46
jeffimperialslowlearner: hate to be a newbie, but how to mount?13:46
arvind_khadriprodigel, do you just want to format???13:46
prodigelbazhang: first things first, I want it woking13:47
prodigelarvind_khadri: yes13:47
_MaxPower_dmesg | grep sd and see if the drive has been detected13:47
laughzillaLamego ... i ran various commands to mount  /dev/sda  ... none of them work. the disk is a Linux fs disk (it has ubuntu 7.10 on it, with a broken GRUB loader).  i tried, for instance:  mount -t ext2 /dev/sda /mnt   and it just gives me the "bad fs type, bad option, bad superblock" message.13:47
slowlearnerjeffimperial: if it's not there you probably wont be able to mount it13:47
Lamegoor just dmesg, to check for some error13:47
arvind_khadriprodigel, does it get recognized in ubuntu??13:47
slowlearnerjeffimperial: pastebin /var/log/messages13:47
prodigelarvind_khadri: gparted sees it13:47
prodigelarvind_khadri: nautilus has nothing to mount from it13:47
arvind_khadriprodigel, fdisk??13:47
Lamegolaughzilla, /dev/sda is a disk, not a partition, was the disk formmateD ?13:47
Lamegoyou can't mount disks, only partitions13:47
DassoukiI have an nvidia driver geforce 8499m G 128mb, asus fs9, and gutsy. I can plug in to a dual monitor but not a projector13:47
arvind_khadriprodigel, does fdisk see it13:48
prodigelarvind_khadri: fdisk says unable to read13:48
arvind_khadribazhang, thats ok13:48
wikzoI need a Japanese (Romaji) spell checker for OpenOffice Writer in Ubuntu 7.10. How do I get it?13:48
arvind_khadriprodigel, its sudo fdisk -l13:48
prodigelarvind_khadri: I know how to use it13:48
jeffimperialslowlearner: gosh..that disk contains my files before i migrated to ubuntu...13:48
prodigelarvind_khadri: even this way it's empty output13:48
arvind_khadriprodigel, cfdisk13:49
prodigelarvind_khadri: that I don't know how to use :D13:49
Lamegoprodigel, if the disk is not recognized, you will not be able to use any disk part utility13:49
arvind_khadriprodigel, ok issue sudo cfdisk13:49
slowlearnerjeffimperial: can you pastebin the output of /var/log/messages13:49
prodigelarvind_khadri: did that13:49
arvind_khadriprodigel, so what do you get can you see the usb there13:50
prodigelLamego: windows sees it, and even did copy a file from it13:50
jeffimperialslowlearner: again, newbie in over his head here...13:50
prodigelarvind_khadri: I only see my hdd13:50
slowlearner!pastebin | jeffimperial13:50
ubotujeffimperial: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:50
arvind_khadriprodigel, hmm ok just a min13:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rungetty - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:51
slowlearnerjeffimperial: cat dmesg > dmesg.txt13:51
slowlearnerjeffimperial: then pastebin the contents of dmesg.txt13:51
wikzoHow do I get a Japanese spell checker (Romaji) for OpenOffice Writer, Ubuntu 7.10?13:52
arvind_khadriprodigel, why dont you try mounting the usb manualyy13:52
arvind_khadriprodigel, sorry i forgot it gets mounted right13:52
maskhi guys13:52
arvind_khadriprodigel, just check out your fstab  and check is it /dev/usb1 or 213:53
reverHi I upgraded my Gutsy install to Hardy on Friday, Everything seemed to go fine except my CPU usage is always very high. Compiz.real and xorg are always between 60-9013:53
prodigelarvind_khadri: It's seen as sdb13:53
arvind_khadri!hardy | rever13:53
uboturever: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu13:53
reverThis is on a Intel T7700 with Nvidia 8600GT13:53
maski need to take backup of evolution in ubuntu mail program in a way that i could be able to get all my emails in windows program13:53
PodMan99ahey all... using 7.10 installing php5 however /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so is not installed?? any ideas?13:53
maskcan anyone tell me abou that13:53
arvind_khadriprodigel, can you just copy paste the fstab13:54
xpointPodMan99a, revdep-rebuild13:54
jeffimperialslowlearner: here's the link.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63913/13:54
arvind_khadri!paste | prodigel13:54
ubotuprodigel: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:54
LamegoPodMan99a, have you installed mod php5 ?13:54
baudelaireQUESTION: Can anyone tell me the official reason why webmin isn't in the repositories?  I can't seem to find it.  Thank you!13:54
PodMan99aLamego, apt-get install apache2-mod-php5 does not exist13:54
xpointPodMan99a, apt-cache search php513:55
slowlearnerjeffimperial: yes, i see you only have one disk.. can you try to pastebin cat dmesg > dmesg.txt13:55
prodigelarvind_khadri: It's got nothing to do with fstab, since fdisk/cfdisk/gparted cannot work with it well it's something broken. I just want to low format it or something13:56
KOJVI cannot create a C drive for Wine. The setting won't stick as I close Winecfg. Any ideas? Thanks!13:56
slowlearnerjeffimperial: the output of that command is a textfile(dmesg.txt), pastebin the contents :)13:56
ChandlerBif I have the standard installation of Ubuntu Server, does that support more than 4GB RAM?13:56
arvind_khadriprodigel, your fstab please....13:56
prodigelarvind_khadri: :) wait a sec13:57
bazhangkojv you ran wineconfig?13:57
laughzillaLamego yes it was formatted when i set it up with ubuntu some months ago, and it has partitions on it ... i think u just gave me the solution tho :) thx.13:57
slowlearnerKOJV:  sudo ?13:57
arvind_khadriprodigel, i just want to make sure what is your usb ...ntn more13:57
arvind_khadriprodigel, we are just one step away from formatting ;)13:57
prodigelarvind_khadri: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13:57
prodigelarvind_khadri: I can hardly wait :)13:57
_MaxPower_baudelaire: Its in mine ...13:57
LamegoPodMan99a, libapache2-mod-php513:58
slowlearnerjeffimperial: quick question, did the bios recognize your drive?13:58
prodigelarvind_khadri: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63914/13:58
prodigelsorry for the previous paste13:58
arvind_khadriprodigel, which one??13:58
prodigelarvind_khadri: the one without 6391413:59
jeffimperialslowlearner: got it there now, man. sorry.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63915/ ...yep, the bios had it right..13:59
prodigelarvind_khadri: and I worked so hard at those asterixes... still you can see the password13:59
PodMan99aLamego, STAR... fixed13:59
laughzillaLamego i tried sudo mount -t ext2 /dev/sda1 /mnt  and it still gives me the same error (and sda1 is the partition i want to mount)14:00
Lamegolaughzilla, is /dev/sda1 listed on sudo fdisk -l ?14:00
laughzillalamego yes it is14:01
Lamegowhat error are you getting ?14:01
arvind_khadriprodigel, i dont see your usb here...oops i remembered thats mtab14:01
Nine5102Whenever I open Totem or Rhythmbox, I get gstreamer errors, in totem it says it cannot create the gstreamer play object, anyone know how I could fix it?14:01
laughzillalamego i'm getting:  mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1,14:01
arvind_khadriprodigel,  cant see your pass anyway ;)14:01
koma_anybody see me14:01
prodigelarvind_khadri: if you look closer you can see it14:02
Lamegolaughzilla, do not set the partion type on mount, remove the "-t ext2"14:02
arvind_khadriprodigel, i didnt want to but you made me14:02
slowlearnerjeffimperial: weird, i don't see any attempt to recognize another drive, it's as if the drive isn't connected14:02
arvind_khadriprodigel, paste mtab14:02
prodigelarvind_khadri: never mind ... any conclusions?14:02
laughzillalamego ... i tried that, it says i have to specify an FS type.... and yes, it is a Linux partition (says that in fdisk as well)14:03
KOJVOkay, so... back to my original problem. How to make Winapps use a larger font??14:03
Lamegothat is very odd, it should recognized the partion type automatically14:03
arvind_khadriprodigel, mtab i wanted...sorry told you to paste fstab extremely sorry14:03
prodigelarvind_khadri: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63916/14:03
prodigelarvind_khadri: no problem14:04
prodigelarvind_khadri: just pasted it14:04
jeffimperialslow: maybe it's a lose contact case for power or data.. any more ideas?14:04
slowlearnerjeffimperial: can you reboot? make sure the bios recognizes your drive first :)14:04
jeffimperialslow: a'right.. thanks a bunch man.. laters..14:05
laughzillalamego yes esp. since it's a disk with ubuntu 7.10 on it, same as the new box i'm trying to mount it into.14:05
ikoniaoh no14:06
Jack_Sparrowlaughzilla, what about a bios issue where the old box eas emulating ide for sata or lba enabled something like that14:06
mattywarrI've just installed phpmyadmin using apt-get and it all installed OK - but when I go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin it tells me there is no documents there - any ideas why?14:07
DracoZAlaughzilla, SATA or IDE drive ?14:08
laughzillajack_sparrow it's an IDE device, the old drive.14:08
laughzillaand it's listed as such in the new box's bios as well.14:08
DracoZAlaughzilla, are you using the old IDE cable as well ?14:08
Jack_Sparrowlaughzilla, jumpers are correct as well?  single drive dual drive any other device on the same cable..14:09
slowlearnermattywarr: what's the error?14:09
laughzilladracoza actually i'm using the new ide cable that came with the new computer.14:09
mattywarrits just the standard 404 page14:09
prodigelarvind_khadri: so?14:09
slowlearnermattywarr:  you have, apache and php installed?14:09
DracoZAlaughzilla, k then it's not a 40wire vs 80wire cable issue14:09
Jack_Sparrowlaughzilla, look close to make sure it isnt a cable select cable and not std ide14:09
laughzillajack_sparrow yes the jumper's on CS and it's listed as the primary master in the bios and the new computer loads fine (its the same box i'm on in this irc)14:09
mattywarryeah, I installed LAMP first14:09
arvind_khadriprodigel, jus a min14:10
mattywarrapache seems to be OK14:10
Jack_Sparrowlaughzilla, very few new cables arew cable select14:10
sinboxWhen I launch some programs in a terminal via a script some of my panels tend to disappear. apps involved: qjackctl + oddacst-jack + xmms.   any idea as to why this could be?14:10
slowlearnermattywarr: i don't know how phpmyadmin is installed using the repos, i suggest you just download phpmyadmin and extract it to your webroot14:11
willytellit is what i talked http://www.debian.org/ports/mips/  and http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/arm/ch02s01.html.en  .14:12
_MaxPower_since when is IDE "old" ??? LOL14:12
=== bandit is now known as banditul
arvind_khadriprodigel, what does mount show you14:12
_MaxPower_seems like yesterday that IDE was new .. LOL14:12
laughzillahm ... so i should specify the jumpers differently than CS ?  ok well there's 1 SATA drive (that's the new one) and there is 1 IDE (the old drive). what should i set the jumper to on the IDE drive? Master? Slave? i would guess Master since that's what it did by itself ?14:12
willytellsorry if I didn't explain it well.14:13
arvind_khadriprodigel, i cant see your usb mounted anywhere14:13
willytellMost ARM CPUs may be run in either endian mode (big or little). However, the majority of current system implementation uses little-endian mode. Debian currently only supports little-endian ARM systems.14:13
Swishon newer motherboards/drives, you should just jumper CS.14:13
slowlearnerlaughzilla: the disks have labels on them on how to set the jumpersa14:13
Swishput your master on the end of the cable14:13
prodigelarvind_khadri: dude, if you know how to low level format it tell me. If not it's not worthy to 'debug' it.14:13
Swishand your slave drive in the middle of the cable14:13
laughzillaslowlerner yes i just meant if there is one that's best to choose in this situation.14:14
arvind_khadriprodigel, if windows can find it just format it there14:14
arvind_khadriprodigel, when the disk itself isnt mounted here how can we format it14:14
prodigelarvind_khadri: hm, I would have, but windows doesn't give me delete/resize also :)14:15
slowlearnerlaughzilla: should prolly set the jumpers and use the right cable ends14:15
arvind_khadriprodigel, try a different port that helps a lot of times14:15
_NetWhen I plug my ipod in Music Player there are all my playlist and stuff, but when I eject my ipod all my songs are gone from my ipod14:15
prodigelarvind_khadri: format is wrongly used, I want partitions erased14:15
_Netbut when I plug the ipod back, i can see the playlists and songs14:15
_NetDoes anyone know how to fix this14:15
arvind_khadriprodigel, thats a USB drive right ...14:15
prodigelarvind_khadri: yes14:16
arvind_khadriprodigel, define the usb drive a pen drive or something14:16
hemai neeeeeeeed14:16
hemahow i can instal14:16
arvind_khadri!ask | hema14:16
ubotuhema: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:16
hemain ubuntu14:16
slowlearner_Net: lol, of course the songs are in your ipod so when you plug it you see them , when you unplug it then you won't14:16
laughzillaslowlearner - the cable IS set, to CS.  and the cable ends are in properly. if it weren't, fdisk wouldn't see the disk, would it?    and fdisk does see the disk.14:17
slowlearner_Net: if you want them to stay then transfer the songs to your drive14:17
laughzillaand slowlearner the jumper is set to CS as well.14:17
arvind_khadrihema, what do you want to install14:17
prodigelarvind_khadri: it's small14:17
prodigelarvind_khadri: it's kingmax14:17
HZhello all how is life?14:17
HZcould anyone tell me how to change the root password14:17
yurenjuhi all14:17
prodigelarvind_khadri: gets stuck in the usb port14:17
Lamego!sudoroot | hz14:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sudoroot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:17
ubotuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)14:17
slowlearnerlaughzilla: lol, and what's the problem?14:17
_NetNo i dont mean them on my computer14:18
_NetLike when i unplug my Ipod, I should see my songs IN my ipod but they are not there14:18
_Netit says No Music in my ipod eventhough there are so many14:18
_Netand when I plug it back the music plapyer shows my songs14:18
laughzillaslowlearner the problem is that the mount command is not recognizing the partition i want to mount.14:18
arvind_khadriprodigel, thats a pen drive ....try it in a different port...kingmax ones give trouble14:18
pirHZ :  sudo passwd14:18
slowlearnerlaughzilla: and fdisk sees them?14:18
laughzillaslowlearner yes14:19
slowlearnerlaughzilla: whats the error?14:19
prodigelarvind_khadri: will try14:19
HZthx guys I'll c14:19
arvind_khadrihema please use name14:19
yurenjuquestion, Can synaptic ignore packages for unauthenticated repository and execute install?14:19
hemai don t under stand u14:19
arvind_khadrihema whats the progrms name14:19
bazhang_Net: you need the latest libgpod or just wait for next release in three days14:19
slowlearner_Net: you should probably use an itunes counterpart in ubuntu14:19
Jack_Sparrowpir, As the factoid says please dont suggest that..14:19
laughzillaslowlearner it is this errror:   mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error  In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try  dmesg | tail  or so14:19
arvind_khadri!tab |hema14:19
ubotuhema: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:20
Lamegolaughzilla, have yu checked the dmesg output ?14:20
HZdo anyone have tamagochi on ubuntu?14:20
laughzillalamego yes14:20
yurenjuif use apt-get i can ignore authenticated problem: apt-get --allow-unauthenticated --force-yes --y install <something>, but synaptic NOT14:20
nawothnighi. i'm trying to link a 32-bit application on my x86_64 box, but cant get the linker to use the 32-bit libs... http://pastebin.ca/991873 <= am i doing something wrong?14:20
slowlearnerlaughzilla: what's fs type?14:20
_NetItunes counterpart? I'll try and check14:20
laughzillaslowlearner it's Linux14:20
laughzillaso i tried both ext2 and ext314:20
laughzillaand here's the dmesg | tail results:14:20
laughzilla[ 7099.476378] VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev sda1.14:20
bazhang_Net: amarok rhythmbox are two14:20
laughzilla[ 7103.482414] VFS: Can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev sda1.14:20
slowlearnerlaughzilla: wow weird..14:21
laughzillaslowlearner yes14:21
slowlearnerlaughzilla: you tried formatting the drive?14:21
laughzillaslowlearner i need to grab data off the drive before i do that.14:21
binarical-ap1hey people, how can i change the default text size on my server14:21
_Netbazhang: Oh okay, I'll check it out. But I dont have much time right now, if I plugged my ipod to a win32 machine and ejected it after you think it'll show my songs again?14:22
slowlearnerlaughzilla: now thats a problem,14:23
arvind_khadrihema, whats the prob14:23
whatspyheh, it's not exactly ubuntu-related, but dunno where to go... #web2.0 is empty... I wonder if someone the open source community already thought of some kind of tagging utility for stuff people like, for instance, yesterday my friend told me about "A Beautiful Mind"... given such a tool, I'd input the title, tagged "movie", "psychology", "russel", and so...14:23
laughzillaslowlearner - gee thanks, you get two points for being master of the obvious :D  if it wasn't a problem, i wouldn't be trying to solve it.14:23
bazhang_Net: currently in gutsy no; as I indicated you need to get the latest libgpod deb for gutsy or wait for inclusion in hardy (april 24)14:23
hemai can14:23
Leeuwanyone know the command to start a second x-session on a different monitor (different card as well, not in dual screen setup) ?   something like startx --2 tty2 or what exactly ?14:23
Jack_Sparrowwhatspy, try #Ubuntu-offtopic14:24
hemai neeeeed instal program14:24
binarical-ap1i need to change the text display font size to something smaller then its default , does someone know how to do this?14:24
arvind_khadrihema, whats the name of the program14:24
_Netbazhang: Man that sucks, but sure thanks man. I have to run to school now though.14:24
slowlearnerlaughzilla: sorry couldn't help..14:24
bazhang!brainstorm | whatspy14:24
ubotuwhatspy: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!14:24
Jack_Sparrowhema, PLease keep your question on one line and be as complete as possible14:24
laughzillaslowlearner thanks all the same it is all appreciated :)14:25
arvind_khadrihema, whats that do you mean emacs14:25
slowlearnerlaughzilla: well you can try a a linux recovery on windows14:25
hemaprogram s name14:25
arvind_khadrihema, what does that program do14:25
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer14:25
hemamsn voice messenger14:25
ubotuTo change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu, Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations"14:25
bazhanghttp://www.getdeb.net/app/emesene hema14:25
laughzillaslowlearner actually i'm doing all of this just so i can wipe the disk and put windows on the old hdd (just to test it for something). so i can't try a linux recovery on windows atm.14:26
hemai neeeeed know how i can instal14:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fontsize - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:26
binarical-ap1!font size14:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about font size - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:26
bazhanghema read the link I just gave you14:26
dassoukii've set up my ubuntu at home that has a static ip to accept connections, how can i access it from the office14:26
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support14:26
slowlearnerslowlearner: ok, i understand, good luck though14:26
dassoukii've set up my ubuntu at home that has a static ip to accept connections, how can i access it from the office a gutsy as well14:26
Lamegodassouki, ssh -X remote_ip14:27
Jack_Sparrowdassouki, rdesktop14:27
hemaafter download14:27
andbdasouki, how about ssh14:27
arvind_khadrihema, sudo dpkg -i *.deb14:28
arvind_khadrihema or use gdebi to install thats u GUI for dpkg14:28
arvind_khadri!ask | angel__14:29
ubotuangel__: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:29
dassoukiLamego, andb, it asks for password but not for username ( I want to connect under a different username)14:29
Lamegodas_maze, ssh username@hostname14:29
hemadpkg: status database area is locked by another process14:30
hemawhat i can do ?14:30
dassoukiLamego, andb, how can i view the desktop ?14:30
Jack_Sparrowhema, shut down any other package manager you have running14:30
arvind_khadrihema, is there any another process like synaptic or apt or aptitude running in background14:30
arvind_khadri!patience | hema14:31
ubotuhema: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines14:31
Lamegodassouki, you can only view the desktop if you have installed VNC server, otherwise you can only launch applications14:31
Lamego!aptlock | hema14:31
ubotuhema: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »14:31
dassoukilamego, i think i'm sure i installed vnc server14:31
s_how is mail-notification gmail settings pls?it cant connect to server14:31
Lamegodas_maze, then you must use vnc, not SSH14:31
arvind_khadri!ask | qa14:32
ubotuqa: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:32
DracoZAis Hello a question ?14:33
spantherDracoZA hello :)14:33
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arvind_khadriDracoZA, they start like that and we mean biusness14:33
DracoZAhello spanky panther14:33
spantherspanky? xD :P14:34
Jack_Sparrowarvind_khadri, and they left without getting help..14:34
Kajaa: hello b: hi a: does anyone... b: !ask14:34
spantherKaja right :)14:34
DracoZAoh c'mon lets tolerate those who have manners14:34
arvind_khadriJack_Sparrow, most of the people come here and think this is just for chat,who really want to ask will ask14:34
spantherbut dont assault shy ones xD14:34
DracoZAnot everyone lives on irc14:35
slowlearnerdassouki: install vncviewer in the client machine14:35
blivoriHi guys14:35
nyiguif I want to set an environment variable globally, eg LESS, would the place to do this be /etc/profile?  Is there an Ubuntu equivalent of RedHat's /etc/profile.d?14:35
DracoZAhi blivori14:35
blivoriI have a question14:35
hemathz all14:35
arvind_khadriJack_Sparrow, see14:35
Jack_Sparrowarvind_khadri, I am aware of how this channel works.  We are no so busy right now that we cannot be polite to a new user14:35
DracoZAand we might have the answer14:35
hemai m has been login14:35
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arvind_khadriJack_Sparrow, sorry boss ...14:35
blivoriIf I install 8.04 release candidate, will it be able to upgrade to 8.04 stable when its out or do I have to reinstall via ISO ?14:35
dassoukislowlearner, it's installed here too, and when i try to connect, i get a 111 error:main:        unable to connect to host: Connection refused (111)14:36
spantherJack_Sparrow you own :D14:36
spanthersparrow 4tw x)14:36
arvind_khadriJack_Sparrow, i really respect you ....am sorry14:36
maxagazwhat is the fastest cpu between : Centrino M740 and Celeron ULV at 900 Mhz ?14:36
slowlearnerdassouki: you've enabled it in the server?14:36
blivoriso DracoZA ? :)14:36
DracoZAblivori, I would think so14:36
slowlearnerdassouki: i mean remote desktop?14:36
Jack_Sparrowmaxagaz, wrong room for that question...14:37
blivoriDracoZA, ok thx :)14:37
blivoriDracoZA, <3 you :)14:37
dassoukislowlearner, ya in system preferences, remote desktop with a password14:37
spantherJack_Sparrow i'll get a new video card but i have 2 questions above :)  soo may you help me with that? ^^14:37
hemai can instal photo shop in ubuntu14:37
ChaosTheory_My login screen resolution is *huge*. Everything is at the far right of the screen.14:37
slowlearnerdassouki: what happens when you telnet destintion_ip 5900 ?14:37
ChaosTheory_How do I fix this? System -> Administration -> Login Window is crashing. . . ?14:37
arvind_khadrihema, there is gimp14:38
Pici!wine | hema14:38
ubotuhema: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.14:38
hema@hema  dd14:38
Jack_Sparrowspanther, what were the questions.14:38
dassoukislowlearner, telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused14:38
arvind_khadrihema, but if you are particular about photo shop then get wine14:38
DanQnAexcuse me...it's been a while since I used Ubuntu last...because I can never get my IC to work...anyone know how to set up a "3" wireless modem? Please...14:38
DanQnAI googled it ;)14:38
UnIcOrEI used to use ubuntu14:38
dassoukislowlearner, i connect ot the remote via ssh14:38
hema@ubotu   oki14:38
slowlearnerdassouki: you mean you can connect to it via ssh?14:39
hemai neeeeeeed down load mannger14:39
dassoukislowlearner, ya, a stupid typo :D I can connect to the remote via ssh14:39
slowlearnerdassouki: can you telnet localhost 5900 on the remote machine?14:39
Jack_Sparrow!enter > hema14:39
Pici!enter | hema14:39
ubotuhema: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:39
spantherJack_Sparrow okay uh i'll get a brand new MSI (Retail) NX8800GT T2D512E OC 512MB 2xDVI/TV in a few days and now i wanna know if 8800 model is allready supported (without screen error bugs) for linux and then its a OC edition means overclocked from them i dont know if thats done on the chip or at driver so will i get this power only at vista or when i use linux too? its gpu from 600 to 65014:40
Leeuwanyone know the command to start second x-session on different monitor on differnet vga-card ?   (monitor switched off now; not in dual screen setup)14:40
dassoukislowlearner, telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused14:40
hemasorry i m new in linux14:40
Jack_Sparrowspanther, oc is on chip...   8800 still need the driver from nvidia for best results.14:41
slowlearnerdassouki: and you're doing that in the remote machine right? if so then remote desktop isnt enabled14:41
hema!Pici > hema14:41
Picihema: ?14:41
arvind_khadrihema, that comes default ,there is another one d4x14:41
spantherJack_Sparrow that means this overclocking is everytime and i only need original nvidia drivers and not these special MSI shipped ones only ?14:41
hemawant to try send Pm Massge14:41
dassoukislowlearner, yes I'm doing it through ssh. is there a way to enable desktop through ssh ?14:41
hemahow i can send it >?14:41
DanQnAdid MSI ship Linux drivers too?14:42
XB23anyone here know anything about redhat?14:42
Scrounchhema:  you need to be register14:42
spantherDanQnA idk its not here yet its at the way :)14:42
jribXB23: ask in the redhat channel14:42
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XB23i have14:42
bazhangXB23: sure but best to ask in their channel14:42
DanQnAnone of my video cards ever came with Linux drivers14:42
hemasorry all i must go now14:42
arvind_khadrihema, sudo apt-get install d4x14:42
XB23im just trying to get ip forwarding to work14:42
Jack_Sparrowspanther, I doubt you will get the special drivers to work.  I have an oc nvidia here..14:42
slowlearnerdassouki: i don't really know what backend the remote desktop is using :(14:43
spantherJack_Sparrow ah okay14:43
slowlearneralthough you can install svncserver or something14:43
slowlearnerdassouki: vncserver i mean :D14:43
dassoukislowlearner, it's installed14:44
DanQnAso...how would I initialize a connection on my wireless modem?14:45
DanQnApppd or something :(14:45
spantherJack_Sparrow you know i just didnt know how they made this i read OC and thought it would be inside the driver maybe this higher stepping or so but i didnt know for sure :)14:45
slowlearnerdassouki: then you can probably run vncserver14:46
dassoukislowlearner, i can run it, but i can't access it from my pc at work14:46
DanQnA:( ...14:47
buckieHi can anyone tell me how to ssh connect to a server thats behind a router(with firewall) ?14:47
dassoukislowlearner, when i'm logged in through ssh, i can run vncserver. However, I can't connect from my computer at hte office14:47
robertwdassouki, then that means they probably have vnc access blocked at work14:47
bezibaerchenbuckie: forward port 22 from the router to the server14:48
dassoukirobertw, evenhtrough ubuntu ?14:48
zionpsyferdassouki: Ask the admin for vpn access?14:48
robertwdassouki, yes14:48
robertwdassouki, it doesnt matter what os you run, if they block access to a port, it wont work on any OS14:48
dassoukirobertw, but ican do vnc from my windows to my windows14:49
buckiebezibaerchen, I cant acces the software from here :( atleast i think not ?14:49
buckiebezibaerchen, On the router that is...I have the ip of the router ?14:49
robertwdassouki, then i would check to see what ports vncserver is using on the ubuntu box14:49
robertwdassouki, and be DOUBLY SURE that vncserver is actually running.14:49
dassoukirobertw, how would i do that (check ports) and i ran vncserver , by simply typing vncserver into ssh14:50
slowlearnerrobertw:  i think it's 5900 or 5901 hmmm lemme check14:50
brunodbodoes anyone know a good howto concerning burning an (ubuntu) iso image to a cd (using windows)?14:50
robertwbrunodbo, use something like nero to burn it14:50
Scrounchrobertw:  iftop -i eth0 , you can view realtime connection14:51
robertwbrunodbo, any windoze cd burning app will work14:51
prashant___hi how can i back up whole ubuntu install :)14:51
bezibaerchenbuckie: well in the firewall of the router. u need port 22 forwarded to the server14:51
Scrounch(wlan0, etc..)14:51
bazhangbrunodbo: get isorecorder2 (freeware) it works a treat14:51
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arvind_khadriprashant___, you mean the ubuntu installed on your drive14:51
buckiebezibaerchen, and routers are diffrent so its not like i can acess some standart ip for configuration on local lan ?14:52
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brunodborobertw bazhang thanks14:52
robertwbrunodbo, yup14:52
UnIcOrEarvind_khadri the best solution is using Windows XP14:52
arvind_khadriUnIcOrE, not me  :) its prashant___14:52
arvind_khadriUnIcOrE, ohh yeah ...14:53
steventhebestsalut a tous14:53
arvind_khadriUnIcOrE, so you like windows14:54
prashant__1arvind_khadri: i got disonnected can u repeat ?14:57
prashant__1I want to know a good way to back up whole ubuntu install :) which can be installed later from a DVD14:58
ajitamhi how can I check computer temperature via terminal ?14:58
arvind_khadriprashant__1, thats ok...do you want the backup of the installed ubuntu14:58
artirbackup /hom14:58
DracoZAprashant__1, a nice way is to clone the entire hard drive if you have a spare drive to use14:58
prashant__1arvind_khadri: yes14:59
quaalanyone recommend a program for adding text to video14:59
quaali dont see where in avidemux14:59
quaalartir, ok thanks14:59
Leeuwanyone know the command to start second x-session on different monitor on differnet vga-card ?   (monitor switched off now; not in dual screen setup)14:59
prashant__1DracoZA: how do i do that :)15:00
XB23guys when i try to bind to network alias eth0 i get the error "No such process" and failed to bring up eth015:00
hwildeXB23, what command are you running15:01
Leeuwprashant__1 use ghst: is on UBCD4WIN (google): or any of the other image-makers on that cd15:02
XB23/etc/init.d/networking restart15:02
Leeuwprashant__1 ghost I mean15:02
DracoZAprashant__1,  if you know your drive names then: sudo dd /if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdc15:02
hwildeXB23, run ifconfig.  does eth0 appear15:02
XB23yeh it does15:02
ajitamanyone ?15:02
DracoZAprashant__1, destination drives can be larger but bot smaller than source drive15:03
bazhangajitam: what is your question please15:03
Leeuwprashant__1 or use ultimate boot cd (is linux, better, UBCD4win is a hassle, you need windoze), I believe it has an image program on it; ie make an image of yer hd, and put it back on the hd you want it on15:03
ajitamhow can I check computer temperature via terminal ?15:03
XB23hwilde: it does15:03
Piciajitam: you need to have the lm-sensors package installed then you can use the sensors command15:04
bazhangajitam: is this on a laptop? or a desktop15:04
ajitamok thx15:04
ajitambazhang:  desk15:04
bazhangajitam: I have used superkaramba; there may be a gnome equivalent as well15:05
hwildeXB23, sudo ifconfig eth0 down;  sudo ifconfig eth0 up;   then sudo /etc/networking/restart15:05
Picibazhang: he said from the terminal ;)15:05
Leeuwprashant__1 or use ultimate boot cd (is linux, better, UBCD4win is a hassle, you need windoze), I believe it has an image program on it; ie make an image of yer hd, and put it back on the hd you want it on15:05
ajitambazhang: great I'll check15:05
prashant__1Leeuw : ok but is it possible to backup the image to a DVD and then restore the image on HDD15:05
hwilde!dd | prashant__115:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:06
hwildeprashant__1, look up the program "dd"15:06
XB23same error hwilde15:06
Scrounchajitam: sensors-applet -> Display readings from hardware sensors in your Gnome panel15:06
bazhangPici: sorry did not read carefully enough15:06
Leeuwprashant__1 if itś smaller than 4 gig it is, yeah; the image is as large as the data, it can go on a larger drive15:06
prashant__1hwilde: what is dd ??? i cant understand :(15:06
hwildeXB23, pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file, and ifconfig15:06
hwildeprashant__1, it is a program.  go look it up15:06
Pici!backup | prashant__115:06
ubotuprashant__1: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:06
Leeuwprashant__1 google UBCD, wich is Ultimate Boot CD15:07
Leeuwprashant__1 check if there's an image prog on it (prob yes), otherwise look for other image prog15:08
prashant__1leeuw: i will look it now can u stay please :)15:08
Leeuwprashant__1 like norton Ghost (bittorrent plenty around), need dos thoug for that15:08
hwildeprashant__1, you could get "ghost for unix"  that would work fine15:08
mattywarrhi - is there any way to set ubuntu to always open .exe files with WINE? At present I need to right click and "Open With"?15:08
Leeuwprashant__1 sure, ain goin nowhere15:08
Leeuwprashant__1 I'll look too15:09
DracoZAprashant__1, dd = duplicate disk15:09
hwildemattywarr, right click on one, properties,  "Open With"  tab15:09
Pici!piracy > Leeuw (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)15:09
LeeuwPici: yer soooo right; I'lll better my wayz....    Can you suggest an open source alternative ?15:10
PiciLeeuw: There were many backup suggestions made in ubotu's message above.15:10
LeeuwPici: I don't   see the alternative for an image program there... any ideas ?15:11
arvind_khadrimattywarr, if you double click wine automatically opens ;)15:11
hwildePici, his system doesn't boot so it's going to be tough for him to apt-get install duplicity or any of those suggestions...  he needs a ghost4unix cd or equivalent15:11
prashant__1Leeuw: there is Hard disk cloning toll on UBCD15:11
mattywarrThats what i thought but it keeps telling me that it doesn;t know how to open them15:11
banditulhow can i search for packages using apt-get ?15:11
Picihwilde: I was only saying not to suggest finding a bittorent for ghost.15:11
Leeuwprashant__1 ok stick with that;15:11
bazhangbanditul: apt-cache search15:12
Scrounchapt-get search15:12
Scrounchoups :(15:12
mattywarrbut it seems it was because I had 2 versions of wine installed (Upgrade problem)15:12
prashant__1Leeuw: any idea how is that going to work :s15:12
LeeuwPici: ubcd doesn't contain illegal stuff, right ?15:12
mattywarrremoved one from the lsit in Properties and now its working perfectly :)15:12
PiciLeeuw: correct.15:12
LeeuwPici:  good.15:12
arvind_khadrimattywarr, :) happy linuxing15:12
LeeuwPici:  thanx for setting me straight, I agree totally, just thought it was an easy way to go, but it ś not, that's the whole point of open source, right ?15:13
hwildeghost4unix !  open source disk imager boot cd15:13
hwildenorton sux15:13
Mirrakorlatest updates - "Neuste Aktualisierungen" oder "Letzte Aktualisierungen" ?15:14
mattywarrarvind_khadri: Thanks, I'm loving it :)15:14
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dav7wow, my bot doesn't suck15:14
Leeuwprashant__1: just boot the cd, start the program (the cd gives instructions, has F1 help and stuff, and go from there...    also check the website, it should have docs and links for the programs on it15:14
bazhangMirrakor: english please15:14
arvind_khadrimattywarr, always welcome here15:14
Mirrakorbazhang: sorry, wrong channel15:15
Leeuwprashant__1: CHECK HWILDE 'S SUGGESTION: ghost4unix !  open source disk imager boot cd15:15
Leeuwsorry for pesky capslock, folx15:16
arvind_khadrispiniker, hi15:16
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spinikerany ideas how can i use the cube,i seem to have only two desktop15:16
spinikerhello arvind15:16
arvind_khadrispiniker, thats compiz15:16
prashant__1Leeuw: hello tell full form of dd please :)15:17
arvind_khadriprashant__1, man dd15:17
Leeuwprashant__1: what do you mean ?15:17
hwilde!cube | spiniker15:17
ubotuspiniker: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »15:17
spinikeryup, i actually used it before(ubuntu) but since i have to upgrade my pc i need to do a clean install15:18
dav7spiniker: I'm puzzled as to why an upgrade means reinstalling. Are you getting a new hard disk..?15:18
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer15:19
laughzillaLamego , jack_sparrow , slowlearner et al ...  the solution was to do this:  e2fsck /dev/sda1     and then click "y" on each "Fix?" question that was being asked of me as that ran.15:19
Leeuwprashant__1: also check (copy from some lines back) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi15:19
Leeuwprashant__1: and:15:20
dav7laughzilla: "click"...?15:20
ubotusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe15:20
laughzillaonce that ran, i mounted the drive aok, copied my data, and now i'm gonna format that 10 GB disk and get on with my tasks.  thanks again folks :)15:20
dav7laughzilla: you mean press? :P15:20
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate15:20
dassoukihow can i copy a local file to a serverfile through ssh15:20
laughzilladav7 - yes .. click , press, call it whatever you want.  clicking the keyboard.  pressing the mouse.  and versa vica. :)15:20
dav7laughzilla: lol15:20
dav7laughzilla: k15:20
slowlearnere2fschk? good for you.. last time i used it it broke my system after answring yes to all questions :D15:20
Lamegodassouki, man scp15:20
dav7dassouki: sco15:20
dav7dassouki: scp15:20
FloodBot1dav7: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:21
dassoukiLamego, dav7 thanks15:21
SeframHow can i determine which user is running a bin/sh script inside that script?15:21
dav7dassouki: generally the syntax is scp sourcefile user@host:/path/to/the/destination15:21
laughzillabbl.  #ubuntu rocks :)15:21
SeframAny ideas?15:21
dav7dassouki: or, if you're copying from a server to yourself, reverse it15:21
unopSefram, from within a script - check/use the $USER variable15:22
unopSefram, or whoami15:22
dassoukidav7 how about if i want to copy a folder and all it's sub folders and files?15:22
dav7dassouki: scp -r15:22
dav7dassouki: and specify the path, or if you're in the base path, use .15:23
Seframunop: is the $USER variable always defined inside a #!/bin/sh script?15:23
arvind_khadridassouki, cp -r15:23
dav7dassouki: ie use a single dot for the path specifier15:23
dav7arvind_khadri: scp, not cp :P15:23
dassoukidav7 scp -r user@hotst:/var/www/foldertocopy15:23
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning15:23
dav7dassouki: that won't work15:24
dav7dassouki: you neglected to insert a destination :P15:24
dassoukidav7 scp -r user@hotst:/var/www/foldertocopy /var/www/foldertopaste?15:24
dav7dassouki: yes, actually.15:24
dassoukidav7 thanks15:25
dav7dassouki: that's fine15:25
Exteriscan i get logmein to work on linux/ubuntu?15:25
dav7Exteris: you can use VNC.15:25
arvind_khadridav7, i thought on a stand alone system15:25
Exterisdav7, vnc is slow and not webbased15:25
FilmerThanks for all you do to make ubuntu an awesome distro... Heading out for the day y'all15:25
dav7Exteris: VNC has a webbased solution based on Java15:25
dassoukidav7  ithink i'm putting the wrong host :(15:26
dav7dassouki: if you were to copy something from me the syntax would be scp dav7@dav7.net:/the/file/to/copy /where/to/copy/it15:26
Exterisdav7, not from behind a very restrictive firewall (http only and only port 80/443)15:26
dav7Exteris: ouch15:26
dav7I wonder how many places run ssh on port 80 haha15:27
dassoukidav7 i'm copying something from the local to the networked computer15:27
dav7or indivuduals15:27
dav7dassouki: ahhhhhh15:27
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Exterisdav7, not even ssh, because that's no http traffic, i tried on my home server15:27
dav7dassouki: your syntax is copying from a remote to a local15:27
jessidhello. if I install ubuntu in an xbox360, would i be able to read the content of the original 360 dvd games????15:27
dav7dassouki: reverse the parameters15:27
m3ltd0wn123I have a strange problem.. I have intalled ubuntu on this server before, and it was working fine, but I messed up some permissions so I chose to reinstall. I reinstalled ubuntu, and for some reason network isnt working now15:27
m3ltd0wn123I tried restarting15:27
dav7Exteris: wow15:27
wyleyrabbithi everyone15:27
dav7Exteris: so it picks up if it's not HTTP and killzors it?15:27
Exterisdav7, that's why i need logmein, or need to continue using httptunnel15:27
m3ltd0wn123The cord is plugged in and lit up, and it was working 30 minutes ago before i started to reinstall15:27
Exterisdav7, it never sees the daylight again;)15:28
dav7Exteris: heh15:28
Exterisdav7, and you can only view sites on port 80/44315:28
Exterisbut logmein works15:28
dav7Exteris: I present a 3rd solution, Ajaxterm: http://antony.lesuisse.org/qweb/trac/wiki/AjaxTerm15:28
Exterisdav7, i tried it, it's slow15:28
Exterisand i tried webterm15:28
Exterisand anyterm15:29
wyleyrabbitI understand that 8.04 is shipping in a few days. How easy will it be to upgrade an ubuntu desktop from 7.10 to 8.04?15:29
Exteriswyleyrabbit, quite easy15:29
dav7do you actually have to reinstall it?15:29
dav7gaara: hi15:29
arvind_khadrigaara, hi15:29
wyleyrabbitExteris, is it an upgrade in place, or do I need to reinstall from CD?15:29
arvind_khadriwyleyrabbit, upgrade15:30
Exteriswyleyrabbit, in place, you only need to restart because of the kernel upgrade15:30
DyskDumb question guys, but how do I upgrade to 8.04 with apt?15:30
ExterisDysk, apt-get upgrade && apt-15:30
dav7I'd hope it was in-place. The distro I'm using right-now... doesn't even do updates haha15:30
Exterisget dist-upgrade15:30
arvind_khadriDysk, update-manager -d15:30
wyleyrabbitExteris, excellent!15:30
arvind_khadriExteris, thats not a good idea15:30
Exterisarvind_khadri, oh no i see15:30
Dyskarvind_khadri, Thanks!15:31
dav7Arch Linux instead uses rolling releases and the packages simply get continually updated... there are no "versions". Which is nice.15:31
arvind_khadriExteris, as some times the system hanges with that apt thing15:31
bazhangdav7: wrong channel15:31
gaaraany one there work in server manage and security15:31
Exteris</shameless plug>15:31
dav7bazhang: lol15:31
Exterisdav7, any other ideas?15:31
Dyskgaara, No15:31
dav7Exteris: well.... I'm not really sure. :/15:31
arvind_khadriExteris, officia way is update-manager -d15:32
Dyskgaara, Nobody works on server management or security here15:32
Exterisarvind_khadri, didn't know that, thanks15:32
wyleyrabbitok, next question: For our server (dual xeon 3 GHz, 2 GB, 1.2 TB of RAID5) here at the office (does web, mail, spam filtering, ftp, etc.) we're using Centos 4. Would there any significant benefit to moving over to ubuntu server?15:32
ir2any1 can help m please, i am using vmware to boot to physical drive and i get the activation on windows how can i fix it up15:32
gaaraso can you tell me about room for that plz15:32
napsy__Hello. Where are the *.mo translation files located in Ubuntu?15:32
Picigaara: If you are looking for something Ubuntu specific, check in #ubuntu-server, otherwise check out ##security15:32
gaarathank you15:32
dav7ir2: you can't.15:32
arvind_khadriExteris, thats ok15:32
dav7ir2: you will need to install a new copy of windows in vmware.15:32
ir2there is no solution15:32
remoteGood morning.15:32
arvind_khadrinapsy__, locate *.mo15:33
dav7ir2: or use qemu or virtualbox (you'll need to reinstall but those programs are better)15:33
Exterisdav7, he can create an image from the disk15:33
napsy__arvind_khadri: tnx15:33
ir2what is virtualbox?15:33
dav7a free alternative to vmware15:33
ir2and i can boot to physical drive ?15:33
biagidpis vmware not free?15:33
Exterisand one without processor virtualization, so much faster15:33
dav7bazhang: it's not open source.15:33
arvind_khadribiagidp, its not open source15:34
ir2dav can i boot to physical drive with it ?15:34
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remoteI am in the process of installing Ubuntu on a workstation that has Debian stable on it, only the filesystem is crypto_LUKS and unrecognized by the base default ubuntu installer, would anyone have a recommendation as to prevent me from having to delete data needed on the old system through the new system's installation?15:34
shingouzif someone happens to have a thinkpad with an ltmodem running there, could you do a quick grep on the dmesg for the device the thing shows up as?15:34
dav7ir2: you'll need to reinstall because windows does a thorough investigation of your hardware then stores codes about the kind of hardware you have. Then, if you change hardware (ie change from your real PC's hardware to the "virtual" hardware in the VM), windows realizes this and goes BANG15:34
m3ltd0wn123I just reinstalled ubuntu and now my network isn't working, even though it worked fine last time i installed it from the same cd.. any ideas?15:34
biagidparvind_khadri, I misunderstood the use of free15:34
dav7ir2: and asks for your key15:34
alexandre_il i a des francais15:34
arvind_khadribiagidp, everyone does :)15:35
dav7ir2: so, yes, you can boot an OS that is on your hard disk, but no, you cannot boot a copy of windows that is on one PC from another "PC", be it virtual or real.15:35
MikeCulvershingouz: I have such a laptop.  What command must I run?15:35
Seframunop: neither `whoami` nor `echo $USER` seems to be working. Is ther any other option?15:35
arvind_khadri!fr | alexandre_15:35
ubotualexandre_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:35
ir2i dont know what u mean when u say pc15:35
ir2i want to boto to a fat partition with it15:35
dav7ir2: vmware, virtualbox, qemu etc are all emulators. They're computers, just virtual.15:35
{g}Hello People! I would like to open links like "file:///mnt/some/folder/some_file.txt" in Firefox. But it does not work. When i click on the link, nothing happens. But when I enter the url in the location bar, it works. Any way to get the links working? (Firefox 2 under Ubuntu)15:35
shingouzMikeCulver: umh. not really sure because the laptop i am working on right now is without a network access and about 5000 miles away from me. try 'dmesg | grep tty'15:35
dassoukidav7 i'm having troubles copying to my /var/www on my remote15:36
dav7ir2: when you run windows in vmware, it thinks it's running on a real computer.15:36
User1please help http://s4.bitefight.sk/c.php?uid=2629415:36
arvind_khadri{g}, FF isnt IE15:36
shingouz..if i had the laptop here i would check it personally but... <shrugs>15:36
dav7dassouki: what command are you using?15:36
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ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate15:36
ir2so each time i will switch from windows to linux i will need to activate again and again no matter what program i will use ?15:37
MikeCulvershingouz: I'm not sure this is the same modem, but it is using a restricted module to support it.  I'll PM the output15:37
shingouzMikeCulver: k15:37
dav7ir2: basically, yes.15:37
dassoukidav7 sudo scp -r /var/www/featureserver-1.11/ user@host:/var/www/fs/15:37
dav7ir2: unless you install a NEW copy of windows for the VM.15:37
ir2and there is no fix for that ?15:37
arvind_khadri{g}, FireFox doesnt work like Internet Explorer does15:37
dav7ir2: blame windows. Really do.15:37
dav7ir2: do you want me to PM you to explain why in detail?15:37
dav7dassouki: er...15:37
shingouzMikeCulver: grep tty /var/log/dmesg might also help15:37
ir2but dav this is the point that i want to use samw windows15:37
ir2for both boots15:37
dav7ir2: you can't.15:38
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dav7ir2: may I PM you?15:38
dassoukidav7 i j had to block the user/host sorry :D15:38
dav7dassouki: that should work... ahh haha k15:38
ir2i read on the web many people did it15:38
slowlearnerdassouki: looks good to me whats the problem15:38
dav7ir2: may I PM you?15:38
ir2wonder how did they solved this up15:38
dassoukislowlearner, i get a permission denied on the local file15:38
slowlearnerdassouki: so you don't have permission on the local file15:39
=== ir2 is now known as newnick1
andyBjoin #ubuntu+115:40
slowlearnerdassouki: more probably, you don't have permission to write on the remote dir :)15:40
dassoukislowleaner well the sudo only works on the local, how can i also make it work on the host15:40
slowlearnerdassouki: you should use a user on the remote system with priv on that dir15:41
dassoukislowlearner, i created a second admin, and that's the one i'm using15:41
dlugas-nyohhh ubuntu server15:41
slowlearnerdassouki: what you can do is just transfer to the home dir.. and then ssh later and transfer the file to webroot(this time you can sudo)15:42
MikeCulverI have 8.04 on a dual boot config.  It works normally upon boot.  However, when I resume from suspend, I can't write to my etx3 fs.  I can, however, read and write to my other NTFS fs.  How should I go about fixing this problem?15:42
dassoukislowlearner, thanks15:43
PiciMikeCulver: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.15:43
dassoukislowlearner, dav7 that worked :D15:44
dav7can has lotsa joins/parts/quits? :P15:45
dav7dassouki: cool15:46
trefferhi, I just replaced a vista home basic with ubuntu 8.04rc and had a problem with the b43 driver: Enabling the driver worked on the live-cd but freezed the install - any known bugs/fuixes?15:46
Picitreffer: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.15:47
trefferPici: ok15:47
orgeshello world15:48
slowlearnerdassouki: great15:48
arvind_khadriorges, hi15:48
* Scrounch is now away: off15:49
Pici!away > Scrounch (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)15:51
awoxHi guys. I am having trouble installing o a machine with defective ps2 port. I cannot select non-graphics mode, but my keyboard works.. can I kill X, and proceed with text mode install?15:51
awox(the X install stalls, I get this blue little iwndow thing).. I can use the terminal though15:52
h00kawox: there is a text-mode installer CD you can download15:52
* yeh_ help15:52
DJones!alternate | awox15:52
ubotuawox: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal15:52
awoxthanks mates.15:53
m3ltd0wn123You know whats nice?15:53
m3ltd0wn123Being on the same fiber line as Georgia Tech's Software Repository.15:53
Dyskm3ltd0wn123, really.15:53
m3ltd0wn123Took 4 minutes for me to download AND burn iso.15:54
h00km3ltd0wn123: I'm jealous.15:54
vpalleHi, does anynoe know how to change the default escape shortcut for gnu screen? I want to use the windows key instead of C-a ...15:54
Picivpalle: Take a look at the manpage for screen, there are a lot of options available, you'd need to set them up in a .screenrc file though.15:55
awoxWhere is the minicd?15:55
hwildem3ltd0wn123, gtech hosts the southeastern us backbone... so everybody is on that line15:55
dassoukihow can i access the repository list through terminal15:55
erUSULvpalle: set up a custom .screenrc15:55
m3ltd0wn123Yeah we just got direct access to it at my school15:55
m3ltd0wn123Wasn't fiber line to my school15:55
m3ltd0wn123just an oc64 line :p15:56
Pici!ot | m3ltd0wn12315:56
ubotum3ltd0wn123: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:56
vpallethx all, I know about screenrc though, I just don't know how to express the windows key in octal or otherwise15:56
zvacetawox :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:56
gabbsanyone know what might be causing softlockup errors?15:57
Picivpalle: If you have xwindows on that computer xev might tell you what the keycode for the windows key is.15:57
* Scrounch is now away: off15:58
vpallePici, ok, thx, I'll try that15:58
ICQnumberi am thinking of installing ubuntu, does it uses Grub by default for dual mode with windows?15:59
PiciICQnumber: Indeed it does.15:59
zvacetICQnumber :yes15:59
h00kICQnumber: yes it does :)15:59
Hack00Hmm, how can i obtain audio stream which is generated when im  speaking in my microphone?16:00
Hack00can i cat /dev/some_device ?16:01
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:02
Hack00How can i see which device my microphone is connected to?16:05
DyskHack00, Yack into the microphone and try each device?16:05
Hack00Dysk: How do i try them? :O16:06
LSGHack00 Well what do you mean by devices? Do you have more than one audio card?16:06
Hack00Dysk: My microphone is working fine, i hear my self in the speakers when i talk in the mic16:07
Hack00LSG: I think i have only one audio card, but i guess my audio card has several devices in /dev/ eg one for input, one for lineout, one for 3d sound etc..?16:08
LSGHack00 See if you can record yourself, and if you can, see what's the source device, and that's the one it's plugged into16:08
DyskHack00, open up alsamixer/gnome-volume-control16:08
HZexcuse me where to ask about sth in SuSE?16:09
LSGHZ #Suse?16:10
HZLSG is it how to ask, to join that chanall16:10
LSGHZ You wanna know the command to join that channel?16:11
PiciHZ: /join #suse16:11
^^malajenho^hi everyone16:11
^^malajenho^I've updated my gutsy gibbon to hardy heron, but now when I try to login, it doesn't start session, anyone has the same problem ?16:11
Pici^^malajenho^: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.16:11
HZLGS yeh plz16:11
^^malajenho^thx ;)16:12
PiciHZ:typ:/join #suse16:12
LSGHZ Type /join #Suse, like Pici said just now16:12
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HZoh well thank you both guys16:12
=== duudii is now known as noob13
msxhow can I install latest blender?16:12
LSGmsx: Synaptik?16:13
nottha_kis ubuntu.com down?16:13
Picinottha_k: Its up here.16:13
msxwill it work like on debian with sudo apt-get install blender?16:14
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LSGmsx: Probably16:14
Picimsx: yes.16:14
ICQnumbernottha_k, it is not16:14
Pici!info blender16:14
ubotublender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.44-2ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 7168 kB, installed size 18628 kB16:14
msx!info wine16:15
ubotuwine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.46-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 33097 kB, installed size 103228 kB16:15
msx!info mesa16:15
ubotuPackage mesa does not exist in gutsy16:15
msx!info dosbox16:15
ubotudosbox (source: dosbox): A x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.71-0.1 (gutsy), package size 658 kB, installed size 2096 kB16:15
Pici!msgthebot | msx ;)16:16
ubotumsx ;): Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.16:16
nottha_kodd. why would I have connectivity problems with a single site.16:16
AnomJOIN aesrak16:16
lonranhi everybody16:16
step2backhello, all16:16
step2backdoes somebody help me with finding Steven Sheehy16:16
plurtanyone else ever had the live-cd not booting because of a bcm43xx not loading error?16:17
sipiornottha_k: well, unless *they* are having connectivity problems :-)16:17
jamieplurt no always booted just no net16:17
Pici!offtopic | step2back16:17
ubotustep2back: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:17
Arekhow do I turn off that had entered the room messages in pidgin?16:18
HZI've changed my root password successfully but till now when it asks me for a password it doewn't get the new one It need the old so should I restart ubutnu or what ?16:18
plurttried it on a dell vostro just now and it hangs on the error, keeps trying to load it over and over16:18
Pici!noroot | HZ16:18
ubotuHZ: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)16:18
jamieplurt u could try to boot with no net16:19
www2hi all16:19
plurtlol, alright, didn't even look at the option menu at boot to see if that was possible :)16:19
name10135Hi all, avg to adv'd computer user, trying to install 7.10 on a very new model laptop, never worked w/ linux before, and looking for someone to help me through the install for dual-boot16:20
plurtthanks for the tip jamie16:20
jamiethe BCM43xx doesnt give full wifi support16:20
HZPici, I'm sorry what does it mean?16:20
msxis there a bot whick knows about packages in hardy?16:20
PiciHZ: It means we don't support having a root password here.16:20
plurtwell, I think there's plenty to fix it once I have Ubuntu up and running16:20
primskii dont get it either16:20
Picimsx: message the bot in private like this: info package hardy16:20
LSGname10135: Should be smooth enough not to need help though16:20
plurtthink it'll be fixed with the new release?16:20
sipiorPici: out of curiosity, what problems would a user have as a *result* of having a root password? i can imagine the opposite, of course, with a user who manages to remove himself from the admin group, for example...16:21
jamiefor wifi and BCM43xx i use ndiswrapper and windows drivers16:21
name10135GUI installer does not work due to graphics card on MB, need help through the text-based installer16:21
primskisry, i get it nowð16:21
HZPici but someone told me to write sudo passwd16:21
PiciHZ: That person was wrong then.16:21
LSGname10135: Oooh, that makes more sense16:21
primskiHZ, that changes *your* password, to have root password, means you have enabled root login, which is disabled by defazult, and *that* we do not support here16:22
mib_rfm9sz4oany word on the release candidate becoming the final release?16:22
mattywarr_anyone have any idea why, after installing phpmyadmin, i visit http://localhost/phpmyadmin it tells me that the directory could not be found?16:22
Piciprimski: no, sudo passwd changes the root password.16:22
sipiorprimski: no, sudo passwd will change the root password16:22
primskior now, im wrong, srorry16:22
LSGname10135: I'd offer to help you but, honestly, there has to be a thousand people here who know how to do it much better than me16:22
primskiyea, i realized nd now, sorry16:22
Exterismattywarr_, you need to restart apache216:22
LSGname10135 I can't remember the last time i did a text-mode install16:23
msxhardy has latest packages of wine :)16:23
DyskAnyway, go ahead and set a root password if you want to, it's just not the ubuntu way16:23
HZanyhow to my password still the old one, and if so where to find place that supports root password ?16:23
primskibesides, im having way too much problems with my keyb atm to be helpfull here :P16:23
mattywarr_i've rebooted the machine fully since install - wouldn;t that have done it?16:23
name10135LSG: 'sall good.   (To anyone else:) Any takers for this charity case?16:23
rushanukhello everyone16:23
sipiorHZ: what exactly were you trying to do?16:23
DyskHZ, just set a password for root and you'll be able to log in as root.  It's just that you shouldn't have any reason to need root.16:23
plurtjamie: wasn't there an easier way to solve it other than Ndiswrapper?16:23
spinikeragain to all16:24
HZsipior changing my root pw16:24
plurtI mean .. what eventually made you choose that option?16:24
pirwww.ubuntu.com = low?16:24
bipolarHZ: run 'sudo passwd' and it will change the password for root.16:24
sipiorHZ: and how did you test that it was set?16:24
DyskHZ, We know that, but to what end16:24
LSGpir: Very16:24
pirLSG : ok16:24
rushanukcould some please help me to create another primary group via terminal, i have accidently deleted the directory of my main user now i can't really do much16:25
HZI donno but I've tried that command and nothing done16:25
spinikerjust a thought,will i get malware or spyware or anything harmfull inside my system if i use stumble upon on my ubuntu machine?16:25
sipiorHZ: tried which command? what the precise syntax you used?16:25
DRebellionspiniker, nope16:25
HZsipior sudo passwd16:25
msxis it possible to install other window manager on ubuntu?16:25
jeffimperialHey.. Got a DSL related question in Ubuntu. Safe to ask here?16:26
bipolarmsx: of course16:26
sipiorHZ: yeah, but how did you test that the root password was set? what command did you want to run?16:26
name10135To All: Need help through a first-time text-based install of 7.10.16:26
www2I heft today install ubuntu 8.04 AMD64 and after install a text 2 speechs under wine. i play some music and read some text in that progam but i get some error that the program can not accest alsa16:26
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Piciwww2: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.16:26
primskianyone has Asus EEE && Hardy on ?16:26
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:27
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HZsipior when installing any app it asks for my pw so I give it the old one as it doesn't accept the new16:27
msxwill gusty run on old celeron coppermine with 733 mhz ram?16:28
sipiorHZ: sure, it's asking for *your* password (via sudo/gksudo) not the root password. why is that a problem?16:28
jamieplurt, did u get my response16:28
* delcoyote hi16:30
name10135Still looking for help with a text-based dual-boot install for a first time linux user.16:31
alastor666plop all :)16:31
skarfacename10135: what's the problem?\16:31
ICQnumber! hello | delcoyote16:31
ubotudelcoyote: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:31
HZwhat is the realplayer package to install using teminal16:33
Exterisname10135, have you already installed ubuntu?16:33
name10135skarface: Unsure of how to setup partition settings in the installer without destroying windows partition (I already have 20GB set aside ext3 for linux)16:33
ubuntuislovedanyone know of a way to change bit permissions to a windows directory mounted ?16:33
msxwill gusty run on old celeron coppermine with 733 mhz and 128mb ram?16:33
Exterismsx, upgrade the ram, then it will16:33
suboptI can't remember which version of Ubuntu i installed. Is there a file in /etc that tells me?16:34
Exterisname10135, 20gb ext3 and 1gb swap, and ubuntu will fix it16:34
Picisubopt: lsb_release -a16:34
suboptPici: thanks16:34
dav7msx: Ubuntu requires a minimum of 512MB RAM.16:34
dav7msx: Arch Linux however will run on a minimum of 32MB RAM.16:34
tevleVi run it on 256 ok16:34
msxwhat about older versions?16:34
Snurre86Is it posible by a newbee to install ubuntu on fakeraid (Radi0) ?16:34
jamiefor 128 ram use xubuntu16:35
Chousukedav7: Ubuntu will run just fine on a low-memory machine.16:35
dav7Chousuke: oh ok16:35
dav7Chousuke: will X work on 32MB? :P16:35
Chousukedav7: You'll find that you *want* more RAM when you add features though :P16:35
msxcan I create swap on xubuntu?16:36
dav7Arch does X on 32MB file, I have a PC here.16:36
name10135skarface / Exteris: Again, need to hold my hand here, I'm intimately familiar w/ Win installer, but clueless in Linux.  @ the Partition Disks screen in installer, Guided options, or manual options?16:36
dav7msx: of course16:36
Chousukedav7: Probably.16:36
sipiormy first X install ran in 16MB. badly.16:36
Chousukemsx: sure16:36
dav7Chousuke: wow, hah16:36
dav7sipior: hah :D16:36
jamiei have x on 32 with DSL16:36
msxand if I use text installer?16:36
Exterisname10135, manual16:37
Chousukemsx: it's always possible. Though it requires using the command line if you do it after installation16:37
Chousukebut you can always create a swap file and use that :)16:37
Exterisname10135, how much ram do you have in that pc?16:37
name10135Exteris: Done, #2 is the target partition, what settings?16:37
Exterisname10135, you also need to make swap16:37
Exterismount point /16:38
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name10135Exteris: 2GB DD216:38
Exterisname10135, make a partition of 1gb, and type 'swap'16:38
Exterisname10135, and the root partition will be the rest, type 'ext3' mount point '/'16:38
Chousukesomething like sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/myswapfile bs=1M count=512; sudo mkswap /var/myswapfile; sudo swapon /var/myswapfile16:38
Chousukecreates a 0.5GB swap file and enables it16:39
Exterisname10135, and you can give the other partition a mount point too, ubuntu will mount it there automatically then16:39
jamiewhen is ubuntu gonna do an Enlightenment windowing system16:39
hscadeI've a problem my second HDD (Primary Slave) could not be mounted after a reinstallation of Ubuntu. I tried mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hdb1 /mnt -o force but it after a second it will be unmounted again?16:39
Chousukejamie: it's in the repos probably.16:39
Chousukejamie: just install it. :)16:39
msxwhy has 8.04 longer support than 8.10?16:39
Chousukemsx: it's an LTS16:39
hwildejamie, I use enlightenment16:39
Chousukemsx: those are "special" releases made every two years that get longer support.16:40
hwildemsx, 8.10 will have less-stable upgrades and stuff.  8.04 will have LongTermsupport16:40
Pici!kts | msx16:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kts - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:40
Pici!lts | msx16:40
ubotumsx: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.16:40
name10135Exteris: standby16:40
msxand is the release date of 9 announced?16:40
Chousukemsx: 8.10 comes first, don't be so hasty ;)16:40
Picimsx: The versions are like this: 2008 April (4th month) = 8.0416:40
hscade3 days to go ! :/16:41
Picimsx: And we do releases every six months.16:41
LSGwww.ubuntu.com is normal again!16:41
msxI just want to know if it would make sense to upgrade later to 8.10 if its support will finish earlier16:41
LSGmsx: That's up to you16:42
KOJVWhat's the equivalent to ipconfig?16:42
PiciLSG: gah, I was just typing that.16:42
PiciKOJV: ifconfig16:42
Chousukemsx: by the time its support ends it several new ubuntu releases will have been made16:42
LSGPici: Hah! I won!16:42
KOJVThanks Pici.16:42
lonranhow can i check compilation deps for a source pkg?16:42
mavsman4457Hi I'm having difficulties with my screen resolution16:42
ChousukeWhen hardy's support ends for the desktop we'll already have 11.04 or something16:42
msxwhat will be the name of 9? :)16:42
mavsman4457the only option is 640x48016:43
Picimsx: Dont know yet.16:43
name10135Exteris: Okay, #1 Win partition, #3 swap (ext3 - / ), #2 (20GB for UbuntU)   Now, "Finish partitioning and write to disk?16:43
Pici!ibex | msx we know 8.10 though16:43
ubotumsx we know 8.10 though: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex16:43
Exterisname10135, no16:43
Picilonran: apt-cache showsrc somepackage16:43
hscademavsman4457, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:43
msxit could be difficult to find an animal which starts with j :)16:44
mavsman4457hscade: and then do i have to reboot?16:44
Exterisname10135, you need #1 Win #3 swap (filesystem is swap) #2 20GB for ubuntu  on /16:44
name10135Exteris: Stand by16:44
Pici!codenames | msx16:44
ubotumsx: Ubuntu has awesome release codenames. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames for more16:44
hscademavsman4457, not realy i think16:44
mavsman4457hscade, because I did that but didn't reboot and I haven't gotten any other extra options16:44
name10135Exteris: / or /(something else?)16:45
name10135Exteris: On ubuntu part?16:45
VoidedCheckmavsman, restartx?16:45
VoidedCheckctrl alt bkspace16:46
mavsman4457hscade, I have a kind of graphics card that won't support hd output, and Im on an hdtv, but when it was connected to my 19" monitor it worked fine with 1260x1048 or whatever it is16:46
lonranthnks Pici!16:46
Exterisname10135, / on ubuntu part (that's root)16:46
Exteris!root | name1013516:46
ubotuname10135: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:46
mavsman4457Voidedcheck, just hit control alt backspace while the desktop is up?16:46
Exterisname10135, sorry16:46
remoteI'm in the process of installing Ubuntu but cannot see my LVM, it was created using a dm-crypt LUKS filesystem, could someoen push me around ?16:46
mavsman4457Voidedbackspace, or do I have to do it in a termianl or something16:46
VoidedCheckyeah whenever I do any video config it usually works after a ctrl alt bcspace16:47
hscademavsman4457, mh why would you use hdtv O_O16:47
msxis it possible to give Ideas for names?16:47
VoidedChecknah on desktop, it'll kick you to login window again16:47
mavsman4457hscade, cause that's the only monito that is available16:47
Picimsx: Right on that wiki page16:47
mavsman4457hscade, and I think I want to play games on it16:47
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
name10135Exteris: sallgood.  ok, 1=win, 2=swap, 3=ubuntu.  "Finish part & write changes" ?16:48
jeffimperialI'm getting VERY bad Internet speeds.. do u think http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63923/ has something to do with it?16:48
KOJVHow to access a Windows network share?16:48
hscademavsman4457, google would help ?16:48
Exterisname10135, swap has fs swap? if so, you can proceed :p16:48
greenplaidim having trouble since upgrading to 7.10 with my dual monitors and ati radeon x550 drivers.. im sure the two are related, where can i start?16:48
DRebellionKOJV, places -> network16:48
Pici!zh | fallleaf16:49
ubotufallleaf: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:49
mavsman4457hscade, didn't find much, I figured this would be a better place for help16:49
=== MrSteve is now known as drivetrax
drivetraxlook man, I booted up this morning.. and the username changed...16:49
hscademavsman4457, mh can't help u with hdtv :/16:49
KOJVDRebellion, where is places at?16:49
drivetraxwhich is not good16:49
DRebellionKOJV, are you using ubuntu-desktop?16:50
KOJVDRebellion, I think so, Xubuntu.16:50
drivetraxi do not know what i did to change the user name16:50
name10135Exteris: #2 - Use as: swap area, bootable flag - on/off ?  Correct?16:50
mavsman4457hscade, I don't even need it to fit my hdtv I just want it to be any resolution higher than 640x480 because that is just unbearable16:50
drivetraxbut, I did try to change the name@hostname16:50
Picidrivetrax: What did your username change in? Your login?16:50
Exterisname10135, off, but #3 has to have bootable on16:51
hscademavsman4457, wait i've an idea!16:51
Picidrivetrax: you need to be more specific.16:51
drivetraxpici - yes in the login16:51
DRebellionKOJV, help for xubuntu in #xubuntu16:51
Picidrivetrax: So, type in whatever your normal login is.16:51
name10135Exteris: Allright, all is done.  Finish part.....?16:51
drivetraxpici -- for example... my login is : name then password.  Well, the name changed.. after I changed the bash input to .. name@something16:52
name10135Exteris: Formatting.....16:52
LSGname10135: Cross your fingers!16:52
drivetraxpici - how do I change the hostname.. I used unetbootin, and it asks for a hostname.. so I put in a fake one16:53
remotecould someone help me with an LVM QUESTION please?16:53
Pici!hostname | drivetrax16:53
ubotudrivetrax: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab16:53
leileilolis there a channel where I can communicate with packagemaintainers?16:53
name10135Exteris: "Installing the base system"16:53
DRebellionleileilol, #ubuntu-motu16:53
Exterisname10135, well that's working :P16:53
drivetraxsystem>admin>networking>general tab.. let me see16:53
name10135Exteris: Sweet.  Any other tricky parts from here on out?16:54
hscademavsman4457, sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf  after adding your needed attributes you should restart xserver16:54
grzechothave somebody counter strike at ubuntu?16:54
Exterisname10135, no, not really, you just need to get used to it16:54
drivetraxthis will prevent me from launching future applications, so I will have to login again.......?16:55
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name10135Exteris: "Unable to install the selected kernel"16:55
mavsman4457hscade, thank you, I'm not on my ubuntu box right now because 640x480 is unbearable but I will try that once I get back onto it16:55
hscademh smartctl says  my secondary hdd is available16:55
name10135Exteris: 'linux-generic'16:55
hscademavsman4457, good luck16:55
drivetraxPici:  I do not know the hostname of this machine on the ATT/bellsouth network the DSL is plugged into.16:55
Exterisname10135, huh? wtf can you post a screenshot?16:56
jeffimperialI'm getting VERY bad Internet speeds.. do u think http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63923/ has something to do with it?16:56
Exterisjeffimperial, yeah i think it does16:56
Exterisno idea how to fix it though16:56
Picidrivetrax: For the most part, desktop computers' hostnames are inconsequential16:56
drivetraxpci -- okay, I mean.. I am online16:57
name10135Not sure how to do that from a lappy w/o networking support at this time.  "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."16:57
drivetraxergh.. Got to work.. but, I am studying all the commands I can find on Linux.16:57
drivetrax<< former XP user16:58
Exterisname10135, press ctrl-alt-f4, and when you're done ctrl-alt-f716:58
drivetraxOnly exposed to bash, with egg, and cygwin16:58
name10135Exteris: ok, in text screen16:59
drivetraxwith a new OS, I'm very happy!16:59
DRebelliondrivetrax, you will find the 'man' command useful.16:59
corporal_clegghello, can I use a mac keyboard on a non mac pc with ubuntu?16:59
pjouldrivetrax: http://fosswire.com/2007/08/02/unixlinux-command-cheat-sheet/ can be useful for you16:59
corporal_clegghow about the mac mouse?16:59
drivetraxyeah man -k whatever16:59
wyleyrabbitcan Ubuntu use ICC profiles?16:59
remoteIs there someone who knows about /dev/mapper devices?16:59
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drivetraxpjoul: thank ya16:59
pjouldrivetrax: no problemo16:59
DRebelliondrivetrax, also << man [command] >>16:59
name10135Exteris: Several "Failed to fetch cdrom" msgs17:00
remoteI would be very grateful for being able to get an answer on a question I have about LVM devices.17:00
jeffimperialExteris: got any idea how to fix it?17:00
Exterisname10135, perhaps your cddrive isn't good anymore17:00
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:00
drivetraxpjoul:  Saved..17:00
bipolarDoes anyone know of any tools for cloning/imaging an ubuntu installation? Ubuntu's use of UUID's seems to have made the job more difficult.17:00
drivetraxvoidedcheck is an EFT17:00
remoteIt's about mounting the LUKS partitions created in an LVM, usually found in /dev/mapper/workstationName-home, /dev/mapper/workstationName-opt,17:00
greeni'm constantly losing my window borders under gusty + compiz .. anyone know a fix to this?17:01
remoteI already asked but got no answers twice17:01
Exterisjeff, i dunno from this thing here :(17:01
remotethis channel is confusing17:01
name10135Exteris: Don't tell me that, this thing is only weeks old.17:01
VoidedCheckah my bad17:01
greengutsy, rather17:01
Exterisname10135, or your cd is botched17:01
remoteI'm attempting to mount my LUKS partitions on a live Ubuntu cd-rom but cannot see my LVM (eg: /dev/mapper/ does not contain what I'm looking for), it was created using a dm-crypt LUKS with debian-installer, could someoen push me around ?17:01
Exterishave you done a cd check yet?17:01
name10135Exteris: Try another burn, as slow as freaking possible?17:01
jeffimperialExteris: "have you done a cd check yet?" for me?17:01
Exterisremote, uncrypt17:01
Exterisjeffimperial, lol sure17:02
remoteExteris: NICE. THANKS.17:02
Exterisremote, sorry :|17:02
Exterisjeffimperial, have you done a cd check yet?17:02
VoidedCheckdrivetrax, did you just call me a bay newt?17:02
remoteExteris: How would you de-crypt a device if you don't see it?17:02
Exterisjeffimperial, </kidding>17:02
greeni don't know if it is emerald crashing or what17:02
cube3 days to go17:02
greenbut my window borders just disappear17:02
Exterisremote, isn't it in /dev/disk?17:03
jeffimperialExteris: yeah..like a shitty connection isn't enough of a problem...17:03
Picigreen: you may want to try asking in #compiz-fusion17:03
Pici!language | jeffimperial17:03
ubotujeffimperial: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:03
Exteriscan't you go back to debian and decrypt first?17:03
remoteExteris: that's the hard drive17:03
jeffimperialSorry guys...17:03
remoteExteris: yes17:03
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remotethat's not what i want to do however17:04
remoteExteris: no worries17:04
drivetraxbbl.. thanks for the assist..17:04
Exterisjeffimperial, check and post some more logs17:04
Exterisjeffimperial, and disable ipv617:04
Exterisand i'm brb17:04
Exterisfood :P17:04
name10135Exteris: New problem, windows no longer boots.17:04
trentoi'm having a dns issue ... I can resolve all addresses in mozilla but cannot resolve any local address17:05
jeffimperialExteris: thanks man.. i'll try that17:05
wild_oscarI have a problem in my 7.10 - my xorg randomly just restarts17:05
VoidedCheckthat's not a problem, it's a feature!  :D17:05
remoteno it isn't17:05
dav7wild_oscar: it may be segfaulting17:05
Exterisname10135, oh you're fucked then17:05
Pici!language | Exteris17:05
ubotuExteris: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:05
dav7!languag | Exteris17:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about languag - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:05
wild_oscardav7: how can I backtrace it?17:05
Exterisname10135, reboot from the livecd17:05
dav7wild_oscar: look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:05
dav7wild_oscar: (probably)17:05
Exterisdav7 and Pici sorry if i hurt your tender souls17:05
wild_oscardav7: I looked at it, but can't seem to find any error17:06
dav7Exteris: heh, #ubuntu tries to keep to a standard... we're just selflessly imposing it on everyone :P17:06
dav7wild_oscar: :/17:06
name10135Exteris: I don't think that would work considering it could boot from live anyways due to graphics card drivers17:06
name10135Exteris:  *couldn't17:06
trentocan someone help me with a dns issue?17:07
Exterisname10135, i'll help you in a while, okay? 25 mins i'm back, and i'll dedicate my attention to your problem, because i feel like i've screwed you17:07
wild_oscardav7: well, I have something at .old17:07
nibsa1242btrento: what is your issue?17:08
dav7wild_oscar: ah, that's perfect17:08
trentonlbs: I can resolve all external IP addresses via my DNS servers .. but they won't return any local addresses17:09
wild_oscardav7: http://pastebin.com/d3c3fa10817:09
wild_oscarcan you make anything of it?17:09
name10135Exteris: Appreciate it17:09
trentonlbs: ie google.com will resolve ... but jabber.<mydomain>.local won't17:09
peter___Hello, I've got a general question...the installation of Xorg made a symlink /usr/bin/X11 to /usr/X11R6/bin17:10
dav7wild_oscar: wow, all the errors are IN X itself... but FontFileCompleteXLFD often sets my copy of X up the bomb... so it may be your graphics card.17:10
peter___in my PATH var /usr/bin excists17:10
nibsa1242btrento: sorry, I'm not sure I can help you with that... hope someone can17:10
peter___how come bash can't find it?17:10
dav7wild_oscar: POSSIBLY. Disable compiz, xcompmgr, everything else, switch off stuff like AIGLX and stuff, and see how that goes.17:11
trentonlbs: more info .. i added "search <mydomain>.local" to my network ... now i can resolve servername but not servername.<mydomain>.local17:11
OrbixxAnyone know why Firestarter might be freezing and stopping Ubuntu from booting? I have to intervene to get the PC to boot.17:11
trentonlbs: thanks anyway ... hope someone can17:11
hscadeIs there a way to force a umount of complete HDD's?17:11
unoppeter___, what are you _actually_ trying to do?17:12
unophscade, umount -f -a   # but the root filesystem might not be unmounted if it is in use17:13
Pici!ask | wangluen17:13
ubotuwangluen: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:13
wild_oscardav7: that would leave ubuntu pretty stripped down17:13
dav7wild_oscar: true... I know...17:13
dav7wild_oscar: X randomly crashes here, and it started when I enabled xcompmgr, sooo... :/17:13
wild_oscarI have no idea when this started, but it was only recently17:14
Moppai'm on a quite fresh installation of ubuntu 7.10 and it has compiz enabled by default. When i have the normal visual effects enabled some of my applications can be seen through the screensaver and other apps. is there anything to do about it? if i turn it of it works as it should, but i wan't some effects enabled.17:14
hscadeunop, thanks but terminal says "unknown command unmount"17:14
Picihscade: its umount, not unmount17:15
Moppahscade umount :)17:15
DRebellionhscade, its 'umount;17:15
unophscade, umount not unmount17:15
h00khsc umount17:15
hscadekk thanks :<17:15
SidI am trying to ssh into my linux box, but i get connection refused but I have port 22 open and its on my network, I tried both my IP and my LAN ip and still nodda, I tried resetting my sshd and still doesn't work.17:16
unopSid, firewall?17:17
Sidi can ping it just fine17:17
hwildewhen I do an lsmod, I see modules wlan, wlan_scan_status, wlan_wep,    how do I find what packages provide these modules?17:17
Sidi dont know if my linux box has a firewall or not i dont remember17:17
hscadeunop, mh umount says hdb isn't mounted but mount says it is in use or busy17:18
unopSid, check,  sudo iptables -L17:18
jarle_I have added a disk to a RAID 5 array, and the array is now reshaping, is it OK to reboot the machine and have the array continue reshaping?17:18
Sidk brb17:18
sagredoHow do I disable to fadeout thing in Firefox?17:18
Moppai'm on a quite fresh installation of ubuntu 7.10 and it has compiz enabled by default. When i have the normal visual effects enabled some of my applications can be seen through the screensaver and other apps. is there anything to do about it? if i turn it of it works as it should, but i wan't some effects enabled.17:18
jarle_or would that be kind of dangerous?17:18
unophscade, mount complains when you try to mount hdb?17:19
unophscade, check if it is already mounted. simpy type  mount17:19
wild_oscardav7: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/16509317:20
* dav7 clix17:20
wild_oscarexact same crash, only seem to have AWN and Firefox in common17:21
hscadeunop, mount says it is busy17:22
dav7wild_oscar: ahhh, I see.17:22
mark_shi all, I am a teacher an I am looking for an easy to use program to control the pcs from the kids through my pc. So I want to be able to see their desktop and maybe transfer my desktop to their monitor. Do you know a good and "easy" to use programm?17:22
dav7wow, crazy nick quit.. heh17:22
dav7mark_s: VNC17:23
unopmark_s, i think edubuntu and ltsp were created for just that17:23
hscadeunop, after a reboot i can't get access to hdb117:23
dav7mark_s: you can ssh into their PCs and start VNC remotely, even make the VNC window popup on their box from your own machine (as with any program)17:23
spinikerhello again17:24
zvacetDominus_ : !ask17:24
mark_sdav7: I will try it also ltsp from @unop17:24
unophscade, does /etc/fstab have an entry for /dev/hdb ?17:24
ahmedhiii all17:24
dav7mark_s: ah ok17:25
cwebberdoes unbuntu server have a default install of postfix or sendmail by default to do basic mail on the host or does that need to be installed and configured17:25
hscadeunop, not realy17:25
zvacetahmed :how we can help you ?17:25
unophscade, you didnt tell me if hdb was mounted or not ..   what does 'mount' say?17:26
ahmedi neeeed download msn messenger with voice17:26
Red_Tidecould anyone reccomend a good wireless card thats compatible with linux17:26
unopcwebber, do you want to send or recieve mail?17:26
OrbixxAnyone know why Firestarter might be freezing and stopping Ubuntu from booting? I have to intervene to get the PC to boot.17:26
ahmedzvacet : gjhgk17:27
ahmedno any one help me17:27
hscadeunop, http://nopaste.php-quake.net/2613017:27
sipiorOrbixx: freeze permanently, or is there simply a long timeout?17:27
mark_sunop: ltsp looks like a  Terminal Server Project. but we use ubuntu and I want to install a software which provides the functionalaty17:27
cwebberunop: i am used to there being a instance of sendmail on solaris that i smarthost to the relay on campus... i am trying to send email from php17:27
ahmedi neeeeeeed help17:27
Orbixxsipior: I'm not sure - maybe I haven't waited long enough.17:27
Pici!patience | ahmed17:28
ubotuahmed: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:28
Orbixxsipior: Assume it's permanently before I restart to find out.17:28
sipiorOrbixx: and i assume no error messages crop up during the boot?17:28
wild_oscarahmed: try amsn17:28
zvacetahmed ; I don´t know if Pidgin support that17:28
unopcwebber, i think you mean MTA -- ubuntu has exim/exim4  which provides that17:28
corporal_cleggdoes anyone know if the apple keyboard and the apple mighty mouse work with ubuntu (both wireless)?17:28
Orbixxsipior: Nothing major.17:28
Orbixxsipior: I use loud boot to see all messages, and they're only really notifications.17:29
=== Cc2iscooL_ is now known as Cc2iscooL
hscadeunop, http://nopaste.php-quake.net/26131 fstab17:29
ahmedhow i can send private massage to ?17:29
* name10135 gets a cookie17:30
Pici!register | ahmed17:30
ubotuahmed: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.17:30
noodlesgcahmed /msg nick17:30
svenhey everyone17:30
Red_Tideahmed I suspect pidgin or amsn would perform such functions ut I don't really know how to do it look at the ubuntu wiki17:30
unophscade,  UUID=8C0C7C920C7C78D2 /media/hdb1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=de_DE.UTF-8 0 1  # sounds to me like hdb1 is being mounted already, is that not what you want?17:30
gavin__I cant print from evince but an print from other programs. using gutsy gibbon17:30
unopmark_s, so, is LTSP an option or not?17:30
=== ICQnumber is now known as icqnumber
hscadeunop, yes but there are no files on it  /media/hdb1 after the reinstallation of ubuntu17:31
=== icqnumber is now known as icqnumber1
unophscade, is it supposed to have any files in it?17:32
svenCan anyone help me set up my dual screen?17:33
hscadeunop, yes  and should hdb1 not displayed in Computer window?17:33
sparr_no 8.04 on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download ?17:33
Lloydie-tI think I  have a problem getting dnsmasq to work correctly. If I try and ping anywhere the name can not be resolved. Any Ideas?17:34
sipiorsparr_: not thursday yet17:34
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unophscade, errm, i don't use gnome but i don't presume it should be17:34
unophscade, are you sure you don't have this volume/partition confused for another, hdb5 perhaps?17:35
sparr_news item on ubuntu.com says "released".  then it explains "upcoming availability"...  that's very poor wording17:35
* sipior shrugs17:35
olegkorneitso im on windows xp atm and its screwing up on me.... doesnt load yahoo.com or google.com17:35
hscadeunop, i'm confused17:35
olegkorneitother sites load... any ideas wtf is going on.... i thinking of just rebooting17:35
olegkorneitto ubuntu17:36
unophscade, did you just install ubuntu?17:36
Lloydie-tand if I runf dnsmasq I get 'dnsmasq: failed to bind listening socket for Address already in use'17:36
sipiorolegkorneit: well, obviously we're going to tell you to boot to ubuntu ;-)17:36
hscadeunop, yes thats why i'm confused17:36
sipiorLloydie-t: see if bind is running17:36
olegkorneitlol.. k then. couple questions then17:36
hscadeunop, ubuntu is on hda and not on17:37
Lloydie-tI made sure bind was uninstalled but I am running mydns17:37
unophscade, what does this command return?    find /media/hdb1 -iname ".*" -o -iname "*"17:37
Lloydie-tMydsn.conf = no-listen =
svenCan someone help me setup dual screens?17:38
unophscade, no need to paste, just let me know if it returns anything17:38
unop!twinview | sven17:38
ubotusven: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead17:38
sipiorLloydie-t: if you turn off mydns, does it work?17:38
olegkorneitwill my .rtf files load? will internet auto-work (running on cable/LAN)? Any built-in browser? can I install all my current programs (Trillian, photoshop, microsoft office, winamp, etc)?17:38
arvind_khadri!cube > arvind_khadri17:39
hscadeunop, /media/hdb117:39
hscade test.txt is the file i've created to test the access this partition17:39
svenubotu: the problem is, though, that I can't get the second output to work17:39
unophscade, do you dual boot with windows?17:39
sipiorolegkorneit: yes. yes. Firefox. Through wine, yes (but it may not work very well).17:39
hscadeunop, no i'm not using windows17:40
sipiorolegkorneit: you may want to explore equivalent applications here, to avoid the horror of running wine17:40
sipiorolegkorneit: for example, pidgin is a nice replacement for trillian17:40
=== lmr is now known as lmr[lunch]
blackmambaE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)17:40
blackmambaE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?17:40
blackmamba   <<<what is this suppose to mean ?!17:40
unophscade, very strange indeed, are you sure you didn;t format this volume when installing ubuntu?  not that it's very likely, but i have to ask17:41
olegkorneitis there like a kickass site with a bunch of ubuntu runnable programs17:41
unop!adeptcrash | blackmamba17:41
ubotublackmamba: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:41
sipiorblackmamba: either another process is trying to install packages, or you are not running it with root permissions. try sudo.17:41
zvacetblackmamba : do you have synaptic open and update manager at the same time17:41
hscadeunop, i'm sure ! i've created a ext3 partition for ubuntu (size of 140gb) and a swap on hda117:42
sipiorolegkorneit: once you install ubuntu, you can enable a large number of repositories, with literally thousands of programs available.17:42
olegkorneitmmk awesome... will be back once im done backing up all my files.17:42
unophscade, right, let's have a look at the output of.   sudo fdisk -l17:42
prashant____i have tried this technique of backing up data . sudo dd if=/dev/sdb3 gzip > ......gz situation is the disk has only 5.6 GB installed content .. but the even the zip image which toke an hour to make is 11 GB .. does any one know a better way than this of backing up things :( please help :)17:42
Lloydie-tI can not see mydns running as a process. seems that there is something wrong with it17:43
sipiorLloydie-t: try running "sudo netstat -antp", and see if anything is listening on port 5317:43
hscadeunop, http://nopaste.php-quake.net/2613317:43
vova_kubbahi all ;017:44
prashant____i have tried this technique of backing up data . sudo dd if=/dev/sdb3 gzip > ......gz situation is the disk has only 5.6 GB installed content .. but even the zip image which toke an hour to make is 11 GB .. does any one know a better way than this of backing up things :( please help :)17:44
vova_kubbaplease help me with my problem17:44
sipiorprashant____: hmm...dd will work, but is terribly slow, as you found out. try partimage if you want to copy whole partitions17:44
Lloydie-tnetstat tapn shows dnsmasq running on
unopprashant____, please don't repeat , if no one knows your answer, no one will answer17:44
Myrtti!ask | vova_kubba17:44
ubotuvova_kubba: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:44
vova_kubbawho understand russia can read it there :) http://forum.ubuntu.ru/index.php?topic=25414.017:45
amenadoprashant____->  tar cf - /dir | 7z a -si dir.tar.7z          /dir is the mount point of your /dev/sdb317:45
prashant____unop sorry i used bad english b417:45
zvacetvova_kubba : what with ones who doesn´t17:45
sipiorLloydie-t: sounds like dnsmasq isn't proxying very well. if you try resolving a name via dig, what does it say?17:45
arvind_khadri!ru | vova_kubba17:46
ubotuvova_kubba: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:46
prashant____amenado i cant understand what it will do :(17:46
vova_kubbayesterday i rune .avi file and after some time i understood that my sound is dead, now i can't listen anyone filesor videos17:46
vova_kubbai'm sorry beforehand if i have mistakes17:46
unophscade, all i can think of is there might be a problem with the ntfs-3g driver, try this,  sudo umount /dev/hdb1;  sudo mount -t /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1  # and try browing the drive again17:46
prashant____amenado can i compress the gz obtained using 7z17:46
unophscade, ,err, sorry,  sudo umount /dev/hdb1;  sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1  #17:47
amenadoprashant____-> man 7z17:47
Lloydie-tSorry never used dig. what answer would you expect17:47
Lloydie-tFrom dig17:47
vova_kubbaand someone else, when my sound die my wifi die too17:47
unopprashant____, what was the exact dd command you used ?17:47
sipiorLloydie-t: dig google.com, for example, should return a filled-in answer section, and a NOERROR status17:47
vova_kubbai have alsa and i confogured settings in the alsamixer17:48
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate17:48
hscadeunop, output: hdb1 isn't mounted!17:48
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning17:48
unophscade, continue on, the second part of the command should have tried to mount it17:48
Lloydie-t bbc.co.uk = '->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: REFUSED, id: 31364'17:48
vova_kubbawho can helps me?17:48
whatsyournamesSI can help you.17:49
Lloydie-tand ';; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0'17:49
ArmadaWhen I open a file with MPlayer through "Open With..." it converts the special characters in the path to their respective Unicode codes. But MPlayer needs the special chracters instead of the Unicode codes17:49
sipiorLloydie-t: interesting. looks like your dnsmasq isn't configured to allow people to query it :-)17:49
vova_kubbai aks people in this channel because in the #ubuntu-ru noone helped me:(17:49
guillaumeI all! Here is a stupid question that may deserve a stupid answer!   If I install the RC version of ubuntu 8.04 in a few day when the final release is up do i need to install again?! Or if i keep using update upgrade it will be just like if i was on the final release ?!?17:49
Cheesasaurus_Rexhello, is anyone here?17:49
unopguillaume, just keep updated and you have the newest version17:50
vova_kubbaCheesasaurus_Rex: no, noone are there17:50
hscadeunop, I LOVE YOU :D it works :D17:50
zvacetguillaume :just keep it updated and that is it17:50
Cheesasaurus_Rexthanks, vova_kubba17:50
prashant____unob : dd if=/dev/sdb3 | gzip > /media/sda1/sdb3.bin.gz (here sda1 is a different HDD with ntfs format i wanted to backup the data on Windows of a linux partition :) )17:50
Myrttiguillaume: you don't have to install it again17:50
lisuguillaume: it shouldn't be a problem17:50
vova_kubbaCheesasaurus_Rex: ;)17:50
vova_kubbawhatsyournamesS: so... ;)17:50
unophscade, :) but but? can you write to the volume? try creating a couple of files and directories?17:50
prashant____unob that was the command i executed17:50
Cheesasaurus_RexI'm having a problem with DVD playback, even after doing install-css.sh17:50
hscadeunop, i googled and there was a description which write ntfs-3g17:50
guillaumeThanks for all those quick answer !!!!! I go ahead and install it right away !17:50
olegkorneiti have 7.04 cds, will they update to 8.04... or will i need to do some extra work?17:50
vova_kubbawho are listen me??:)17:51
hjmlAnyone how can help with nfts problem ?17:51
piedoggieAny idea what has happened to open-vm-tools?17:51
vova_kubbaolegkorneit: you can update17:51
zvacetolegkorneit : no you have to d oupgrade one step at the time Feisty>Gutsy>Hardy17:51
hscadeunop, i can do everything like before the reinstall of ubuntu17:51
piedoggieit was supposed to be in 8.0417:51
Lloydie-tI go through the settings again17:52
hscadeunop, ur now my god :D17:52
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:52
piedoggiesorry, I forgot17:52
hjmland language...17:52
vova_kubbapiedoggie: NEVER FORGET!! :)17:52
unophscade, heh, but this might not last across a reboot, try it out before jumping for joy :)17:52
hscadeunop, i can't explain how thankful i'm for ur help :D17:52
prashant____unop : dd if=/dev/sdb3 | gzip > /media/sda1/sdb3.bin.gz (here sda1 is a different HDD with ntfs format i wanted to backup the data on Windows of a linux partition :) )17:52
richardAnybody know's courier ?17:53
unophscade, yw yw17:53
Cheesasaurus_Rexmay anyone help me with my problem?17:53
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:53
vova_kubbaCheesasaurus_Rex: may be...17:53
hscadeunop, mh after reboot and it's unmounted i should do an fstab entry right?17:53
vova_kubbaand please help me with my priblem17:53
hscadeunop, now i'm rebooting. Back in a minute17:54
Pici!ask | vova_kubba17:54
ubotuvova_kubba: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:54
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:54
unopprashant____,  just a second17:54
vova_kubbaPici: i asked17:54
richardHow can i start the courierpop3login demon as another user ?17:54
sipiorLloydie-t: another possibility: have you verified that your isp permits dns traffic out, that isn't directed towards their own dns servers?17:54
Picivova_kubba: Then ask again, all on one line.17:55
hjmlAnyone that can help with nfts problem ?17:55
Cheesasaurus_Rexright, I'm trying to play a DVD in the Hardy Heron beta, but it won't work. I've already ran /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh, but I still get the error message "Could not read from resource". How do I fix this?17:55
vova_kubbaPici: ok, and i'm sorry beforehand if i will have mustakes because i'm from Ukraine ;)17:55
PiciCheesasaurus_Rex: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.17:55
lelhallo ik ban alex17:55
hscadeunop, after reboot it works too :)17:56
Tyczek  Storage error: [File chunk write error: No such device.]17:56
Tyczek Do you know what is wrong with rtorrent?17:56
unophscade, nice .. i wonder what that was all about :)17:56
prashant____unop, waiting :)17:56
jason__why do people use older version of ubuntu?17:56
jason__loke hardy17:56
Mimijason__:  they might not be able to upgrade? dial up connection? etc etc17:57
prawcessjason_: cuz they are old-school17:57
Picijason__: Hardy is not yet released.17:57
jason__oh ok i see17:57
doodoodo you guys know if final 8.04 will support the wireless cards that come with xps 1330 (dell 1505. manuf. Broadcom)17:57
Cheesasaurus_Rexall right, thanks17:57
hscadeunop, over again a big thanks :D17:57
Picidoodoo: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.17:57
vova_kubbayesturday i was run .avi file and after some time i understood thet mu sound is dead, now i cant listen anyone music or video file,but i have not any errors, all files runs but there are no sound, and my wi fi work not to17:57
unopprashant____,  this ought to give you a better result.    dd if=/dev/blah | bzip2 -9v > /path/to/backup17:57
zvacetjason__ :maybe they have stable and working system17:57
unophscade, yw17:57
jason__i guss thats true17:57
Picivova_kubba: Did you do any updates between the time of it working and when it stopped working?17:58
hscadeunop, at least please explain me what means yw? :<17:58
jason__just wondering17:58
unophscade, you're welcome17:58
prashant____9v is that a proprietry zip17:58
hscadeunop, thanks :)17:58
prashant____unop :17:58
vova_kubbaPici: no, i do nothing, just run 2839.avi17:58
unopprashant____, yes17:58
Picivova_kubba: Have you checked your mixer levels? using alsamixer or a gui alternative?17:59
hjmlanyone ?...Plzzz :)..17:59
prashant____unop, i dont want to buy :( anything lol17:59
prashant____unop, i am poor17:59
sipiorhjml: are you going to make us guess?17:59
unopprashant____, who asked you to go to the shops or anything? :)17:59
vova_kubbaPici: yes, i done it more times, i uped all levels but nothing happen17:59
prashant____unop, so is it available free :D17:59
Picivova_kubba: Are you sure that the levels are not muted?18:00
unopprashant____, you are in #ubuntu, we use linux remember :)18:00
hjmlSipior> :P... I have problems with me NTFS HDD i can open them...18:00
prashant____unop, and BTW i have to install it using live cd is it preisntalled18:00
SidOkay I did iptables -L and for all three things it said policy accept18:00
hjmlIm getting this error msg : http://peecee.dk/upload/view/10976618:00
Sidand nothing else was listed18:00
prashant____unop, haha great i love that fact :)18:00
unopprashant____, yes, both dd and bzip2 are available18:00
lelxchat-gnome --help18:00
zvacethjml : what kind of ntfs problem?18:00
vova_kubbaPici: mm.. how i can chek it? all levels are uped18:01
vova_kubbabut what as for muted...18:01
hjmlzvacet > See this link : http://peecee.dk/upload/view/10976618:01
SidI am trying to ssh into my linux box, but i get connection refused but I have port 22 open and its on my network, I tried both my IP and my LAN ip and still nodda, I tried resetting my sshd and still doesn't work.18:01
Picivova_kubba: If a line is muted, it will show MM on its mixer bar.18:01
SidOkay I did iptables -L and for all three things it said policy accept18:01
sipiorhjml: do you have windows also? best to follow the advice in the dialogue boz18:01
prashant____unop : thanks a lot unop.. BTW how much time do u expect it to take and how much the situation will improve :p18:01
sipiorhjml: boot into windows, select "unmount device safely" and that should sort it out18:02
prawcessSid: Just to ask, are the ports forwarded?18:02
hjmlzvacet, nope...i install Ubuntu on a clean HDD18:02
SidI have port 22 open18:02
unopSid, can you connect to the ssh server from the machine it is running on itself?   ssh $USER@localhost18:02
Sidfor the linux machine18:02
hjmlsipior, I install ubuntu on a clean HDD ?!18:02
prashant____unop situtaion i mean by the size it will reduce hop 5.6 gig will not turn out to be 11 gigs18:02
Sidk one momento18:02
unopprashant____, how many GiB did you say it was?18:02
nuccohi, does anybody know why I can't compile C programs that use math functions?18:03
hjmlsipior, > I tryed to follow the suggestion on that error msg but did'nt help18:03
sipiorhjml: in that case, you can try the force option, as indicated in the dialogue. that does carry some risks however...18:03
zvacethjml : then I don´t understand how you get that message18:03
sipiorhjml: it didn't work?18:03
unopprashant____, hopefully it will reduce it, but there is no way to say before-hand by how much exactly, it depends on the data - that should take little more than an hour18:03
sparr_I have many hard drives.  I would like to spread certain folders over multiple drives, so that I don't have to manually manage free space on each drive.  Is there a [much] less destructive solution for this than RAID?18:03
hjmlsipior, Force option ?...18:03
sipiornucco: you added an "-lm" to the compilation line, right?18:03
unopprashant____, this might be better ..18:04
hjmlsipior, > nopes didn't work...18:04
=== roger_ is now known as reneroger
nuccosipior: I'm using anjuta, have been unable to figure out how to do that in the IDE18:04
_NetIs it possible for me to run a windows partition while being in a ubuntu partition18:04
prashant____unop, i think a bit confusion here.... look my partion size is 26 gigs and installed content is 5.6 gigs and the previous image obatianed by gzip is 11 GB .. my effort is to reduce the size to what is intalled in it... hope u understand :)18:04
Sidwhen i try to ssh on the host machine it still says connection refused on port 2218:05
unopprashant____,   then this is probably what you want.   tar  cjf  /path/to/backup.tbz   /path/to/mount-point18:05
zvacethjml : I supose that is your only choice18:05
unopprashant____, you have to make sure that the partition is mounted at /path/to/mount-point first18:05
_NetI heard somewhere it was possible, not sure if its true18:05
majorglitchhello all18:06
=== danny_ is now known as d-bos
hjmlzvacet, hmm...or that i have to re-install ?...i have some important files on that partion...18:06
Sidwhen i try to ssh on the host machine it still says connection refused on port 2218:06
prashant____unop how to restore that :s18:06
majorglitchanyone here suffer from owning a chipset using the rtl8187 module?18:07
zvacethjml : Maybe better then play with options (force )18:07
hjmlzvacet, I can open one of the partion (NFTS) but the only one that can' t are this partion18:07
Sidwhen i try to ssh on the host machine it still says connection refused on port 2218:07
unopprashant____,  tar zjf /path/to/backup.tbz  -C /path/to/mount-point18:07
Teknoenieis anyone here using network preseeded installations for Ubuntu? Specifically testing 8.04 preseed?18:07
vova_kubbaPici: i'm so sorry but i was disconnected from the server18:07
majorglitch(not looking for support)18:08
prashant____unop, i am confused with this "you have to make sure that the partition is mounted at /path/to/mount-point first"18:08
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hjmlzvacet : ok..ill try to re install XP and after that ubuntu on clean hdd18:09
unopprashant____, with dd, you can use the device name directly, i.e. /dev/sdXX ..  with tar, you need to mount that device first.   mount /dev/sdXX /path/to/mount-point18:09
prashant____unop, i am not a pro :) dont understand it at all.. can u please elaborate it :)18:09
zvacethjml : I don´ know.maybe you should reinstall18:09
SidI am trying to ssh into my linux box, but i get connection refused but I have port 22 open and its on my network, I tried both my IP and my LAN ip and still nodda, I tried resetting my sshd and still doesn't work.18:09
vova_kubbaPici: are you there>18:09
SidI did iptables -L and for all three things it said policy accept18:09
SidI have port 22 open18:09
RocketGibHello.. I am using Ubuntu 7.10 Server and I am apparently unable to install the zlib package through apt-get18:09
Sidwhen i try to ssh on the host machine it still says connection refused on port 2218:09
nuccoanyone knows how to pass "-lm" to the compiler when using anjuta?18:09
unopSid, how do you know that port 22 is open?18:09
Picivova_kubba: Yes, this was the last thing I said: If a line is muted, it will show MM on its mixer bar.18:09
DJonesSid: on your router, does it have a setting to forward port 22 to an internal ip address?18:09
vova_kubbaPici: and i answer that all levels are uped but what as for muted... how i can chek it?18:10
SidI have a dlink18:10
Bubble_teaIs there a program to check how hot is my processor and hard drive . B/c I have left it on 2 days.18:10
TeknoenieSid: do you have the openssh-server package installed?18:10
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RocketGibHello.. I am using Ubuntu 7.10 Server and I am apparently unable to install the zlib package through apt-get... Help!!18:10
SidI should it used to work18:11
Picivova_kubba: If it is muted, on the mixer bars in alsamixer, where it would normally say 00, it shows MM18:11
majorglitchSid: do you have access to the ssh log?18:11
DJonesSid: has the internal ip address of the machine your forwarding to changed since the last time it worked18:11
prashant____unop, but the device is already mounted :D18:12
prashant____unop, i mean when we make tar of it .. it is already mounted18:12
unopprashant____, well, then just use the mount pont it is mounted on :)18:12
vova_kubbaPici: oh, there are a lot of muted levels... how i cal ubmute it?18:12
Sidnope still
Picivova_kubba: press m18:12
Sidand i am the admin so yes I have access to it if it exists18:13
Sidhow would accessing the ssh log help?18:13
vova_kubbaPici: ok, now i do it and after that will say you ok?18:13
majorglitchits somewhere in var/log18:13
majorglitchim installing the package to see for myself18:13
Picivova_kubba: It might.18:13
TeknoenieSid try disabling iptables18:13
Bubble_teaIs there a program to check how hot is my processor and hard drive . B/c I have left it on 2 days.  Anyone?18:13
TeknoenieBubble_tea, lmsensors18:13
Sidk whats the command to disable iptables18:14
prashant____unop, please tell the way to restore the tar image back to the partition18:14
zvacet_Net : http://blogs.vmware.com/vmtn/2007/01/running_a_physi.html18:14
Teknoeniesudo /etc/init.d/iptables stop18:14
unopprashant____,  tar zjf /path/to/backup.tbz  -C /path/to/mount-point18:14
DJonesSid: Check whether its internal or an external problem, try www.canyouseeme.org and put port 22 in the box & click check, that should tell you whether the port is open to external access18:14
Sidk brb18:14
Lloydie-tI am having problems with dnsmasq. I am trying to set it up so it listens on but netstat shows is this right?18:14
Teknoenieis anyone here using preseed for installation?18:15
prashant____unop, oh i got it here u said that u have to mount the drive first b4 unzipping hehe18:15
vova_kubbaPici: I LOVE YOU!!!! THANKS !!!! IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!18:15
Picivova_kubba: Great!18:15
prashant____unop, u meant that for restoring is it :)18:15
vova_kubbaPici: i'm very very very thank you18:16
unopprashant____, well, for both backing up and restoring18:16
Lloydie-tin dnsmasq i have 'listen-address='18:16
prashant____unop, thanks a lot :) for the help18:16
arttiHello. Does GnomaBaker burns .iso files so that i can boot from them?18:19
zvacetartti :yes18:19
ArmadaI haven't upgraded an ubuntu release before, do I need to reinstall or is there an upgrade option?18:19
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Armadabecause the release is in 3 days18:20
zvacetArmada : you will see message in update manager18:20
Armadaso, it will upgrade?18:20
zvacetArmada :yes18:20
name10135Exteris: You still AFK?18:21
zvacetArmada : I mean if you want to18:21
Armadazvacet: Sweet :P18:21
mopheadarmada: make sure you have enoughj space first18:21
zvacetArmada : yes,I know18:21
arttiI got new Vista and now it has blue screen, Have to recovery it some how. Currently i use Ubuntu(on old computer) or Ubuntu LiveCD(on new computer) to do my work.18:21
Exterisname10135, not anymore18:21
Armadamophead: I reckon 40GB is enough? :P18:22
mopheaddepending on which partition, yes18:22
mopheadMy partition is only 8 gb and I have to repartition it again18:22
mopheadmy sda218:22
name10135Exteris: Cool, let me know when you're ready to startup again18:22
Siddoing www.canyouseeme.org on port 22 gave me connection refused18:22
Armadamophead: Mine is 112GB18:23
zvacetArmada : I don´t think your root should be bigger then 10 but depends what are you doing18:23
Sidi dont know what my routing is trying to pull18:23
Armadazvacet: I use a lot of space18:23
DJonesSid: That would suggest that its your router thats causing the problem, as though the port forwarding isn't set up in it18:23
mopheadFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on18:23
mophead/dev/sda2             7.8G  7.8G     0 100% /18:23
zvacetArmada : do you have separate home partition?18:23
Sidexcept it is setup for it18:23
Armadazvacet: no18:24
arttiI have two disks C and D. C has corrupted Vista that i try recover and D is empty. Nothing happens when i install Ubuntu on disk D?18:24
Sidiprange 22-22 ANY ALWAYS for
zvacetArmada Then make one. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome18:24
DJonesSid: I don't know what to suggest, I've got a different router, so you're probably best asking generallly if anybody has a similar router that can help18:25
phoenix64plz, anybody can tell me why ubuntu 8.04 completely locked my root account? sudo always fails (don't know why though), su fails because no password is set. Anything I can do without rebooting?18:25
zvacetArmada : Or back up all your important data before you do upgrade18:25
Armadazvacet: I always backup18:25
Piciphoenix64: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.18:25
Armadazvacet: But I see your point18:25
_NetHardy is out?18:25
zvacetArmada : O.K. then18:25
DJones_Net: Another 3 days yet18:26
_NetYa thought so :)18:26
Jen_hi, does anyone know if curlftpfs is broken in 7.10? Mount works perfectly, but eg. mkdir fails and the connection is lost with 'Software caused connection abort'18:26
Armadazvacet: I was just too used to windows to think about that, it is usefull, I'll try it a bit later18:26
Armadazvacet: thanks18:26
zvacetArmada : no problem18:26
zvacetsee you later18:27
_NetOk this sucks, I plugged in my ipod, then ejected it now I have no songs on my ipod18:27
_NetEventhough I should have a 1000 songs and im using gtkpod18:28
mophead_net: did you forget to unmount?18:28
_Net..I have to do that? I just plugged it and music player opens and I ejected18:28
mophead_net: I'm generally paranoid enough to unmouint any device before I unplug it18:29
_NetWhen I plug it back all my songs are visibly on my computer18:29
mopheadhrm.  well at least the data is still there!18:29
_Netmophead: Whats the command to unmount it?18:29
_NetYa :) im glad its not lost like last time18:29
mopheadI'd go to the desktop, right click and click "unmount volume"18:29
_NetThere is no unmount voluem18:30
_Netits just eject, create archieve and open18:30
_Netand properties18:30
mopheadHm.  My mp3 always gives an option to unmount.18:31
julio_netoHy every one!18:31
julio_netoGive a little help here18:31
_NetIs there a terminal command I can use to unmount it18:32
kingvok does any one know if xps 1330 wireless card by broadcom will be supported and automatically detected/installed by 8.0418:32
Jen__Net: umount18:32
_NetI tried unmount <drive name>18:33
_Netdidnt work18:33
julio_netoI went see BBC rádio, which use realplayer as player, and it shows the next msg: could not find an appropriate hxplay or realplayer in the system path to use as an embedded player18:33
tgmI have a bluetooth usb adapter that isn't working for multiple logged in users (ie, user 1 can use it, user 2 can't even see the bluetooth adapter except for in lsusb)  Is this normal behavior?18:33
ChaosTheory^What are some good programs that run inside terminal?18:33
julio_netoAnd I finished the installation of realplayer 11. Whats can I do?18:33
mophead_net: sorry, I'm lost.  Anyone?18:34
ChaosTheory^I have nAIM, htop, and elinks.18:34
Exterisname10135, join #lolkwtf18:34
PiciChaosTheory^: Thats a bit of a open ended question18:34
SunRayCafequestions about 8.4: When 8.4 is released Thursday, am I going to be able to upgrade through apt dist-upgrade?18:34
ChaosTheory^Pici: It is.18:34
ChaosTheory^Pici: What are some of your favorites?18:34
mopheadsunraycafe: yup18:34
_NetWhy is the user from: fucking flooding the room with joining a 100 users18:34
mopheadcheck out #ubuntu+118:34
ChaosTheory^Pici: Or do you know someplace with a list?18:34
Pici!language | _Net18:34
ubotu_Net: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:34
kingvok does any one know if xps 1330 wireless card by broadcom will be supported and automatically detected/installed by 8.0418:34
SunRayCafesecond question: is there a way to upgrade to the current release candidate of 8.04 through apt today?18:35
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes18:35
PiciChaosTheory^: Not off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are some lists out there somewhere.18:35
julio_netohow to ability realplayer in firefox?18:36
unopSunRayCafe, sure, change each occurence of gutsy to hardy in your /etc/apt/sources.list  then do;  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:36
Piciunop: SunRayCafe: no no no.18:36
_Netsudo: unmount: command not found18:36
PiciSunRayCafe: Please read the message above from ubotu regarding upgrading18:36
Pici_Net: its umount, not unmount18:36
SunRayCafeer, just found the instructions through the Hardy download page for upgrading...18:36
SunRayCafethanks guys18:37
Jen__Net: what Pici said ;)18:37
WorkingOnWisewhere do I go to find out what version of some apps are in the fiesty repos? I'm on Hardy so I have no idea....18:37
SunRayCafepici, will do18:37
unopPici, this one ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes18:37
_NetOh ok18:37
SunRayCafemophead, thanks :)18:37
PiciWorkingOnWise: Install/use rmadison to determine package versions in other releases repos18:37
mopheadsunraycafe: no problem18:38
WorkingOnWisety Pici18:38
PiciWorkingOnWise: no problem18:38
_NetOk, I unmounted it but in my iPOD it still says "Connected" but on my Ubuntu it says its not connected18:39
FreakGuardcopy tags from one filed to another - any idea how to?18:39
mophead_net everyone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that means it's unmounted18:39
_NetIt does mean its unmounted, but why would my iPOD still show its connected18:39
pelegI have installed a new font - a hebrew font - and since then my Firefox shows all hebrew sites in that font. that font is not readable, really, so I can't read hebrew on most of the hebrew websites now. uninstalling the font will repair the situation; but I need that font. how can I force firefox to use another font by default, and not this font?18:40
mopheadPerhaps it's just because it senses it's plugged in18:40
unop_Net, you might need to use 'eject' on the device too18:40
andcorpsneed some help her18:40
NewGuyPeteI have server 7.10 installed is there any way to change it from black and white to say black and green?18:40
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Pici!ask | andcorps18:40
ubotuandcorps: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:40
kingvok does any one know if xps 1330 wireless card by broadcom will be supported and automatically detected/installed by 8.0418:40
andcorpsim newbies for linux distro18:40
mopheadandcorps: what's your question?18:41
kingvanyone? :S18:41
NewGuyPetekingv: You might need to use ndiswrapper (something like that)18:41
andcorpsdoes ubuntu recognised an earphone plug in to a lappy18:41
RocketGibit should18:41
mopheadandcorps: in my experience, it does, but it doesn't mute the front speakers18:41
kingvNewGuyPete, thanks man. that's what i was thinking too18:41
andcorpsdoes it really weks18:41
mopheadwhat I do is plug in my earphones/speakers, and mute the front speakers manually18:41
andcorpsok lets try18:42
Piciandcorps: It should, but some laptops have issues with it.18:42
Baby_Shambl3shi i'm looking for a text based browser that supports tab function "if that makes sense"18:42
andcorpsim using asus a3a18:42
andcorpspentium centrino18:42
andcorpsall the intel stuff and so '18:42
andcorpsso lets try with ndiswrapper first18:43
mikkelmAnyone with experience in setting up postfix with virtual users via mysql?18:44
Baby_Shambl3shi i'm looking for a text based browser that supports tab function "if that makes sense", can anyone suggest something?18:44
mikkelmIt's killing me.18:44
andcorpshey guys ..18:44
pelegmikkelm: It killed me too. try asking in postfix if you are determined to try it; I gave up.18:44
RotlausHi, i added two lines to my /etc/sudoers so i can shut down my system as normaluser without giving a password. Since then i can not sudo anything. It just ask for password, but does nothing. How can i repair that?18:44
andcorpswhich one should i install18:44
mikkelmpeleg: nice. thanks18:44
zeroflagdmraid can't find my AMD790-fake-raid... any suggestions?18:45
andcorpsthe common file or the other one18:45
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
Baby_Shambl3s completion_char = :18:45
LoraxBaby_Shambl3s: I'm not aware of one, perhaps w3m?  Why not just use screen?18:45
stdinBaby_Shambl3s: elinks has tabs afaik18:46
Baby_Shambl3sLorax: will check info on them18:46
d-bosim having a problem getting banshee to play a bunch of radio streams; says no codec. i installed all the gstreamer codecs. anyone can tell me what i need to do ? :p18:47
ice_creammplayer is still at rc1 in ubuntu?!?!18:47
Baby_Shambl3sstdin: elinks... will check it out to see if it has tabs that function is quite useful im prepared to give up using lynx just for somehting with tab ability18:47
ice_creamgetting Version: 2:1.0~rc1-0ubuntu13.2    =/18:47
gogetaBaby_Shambl3s links18:48
gogetaBaby_Shambl3s links can even have a basic gui mode18:48
Baby_Shambl3sgogeta: links? you mean lynx or are they different and it does have tab function through cli?18:49
ubotuDo NOT post links to Gutsy ISO files before an official release announcement is made.  These files are not the final release and will cause confusion.  Doing so will get you removed from the channel.18:50
stdinlinks is usually a symlink, check it's not elinks18:50
stdinls -l /etc/alternatives/links18:50
Yazan`hey, anyone has a link to a guide on how to unsinstall ubuntu18:50
Yazan`i want to delete the whole partition18:51
JohninLexhello all18:51
stdinformat it18:51
Yazan`stdin: i need a formatting CD right?18:51
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:51
Yazan`stdin: or is there a way to do it when the system is restarting?18:51
stdinYazan`: like the Desktop CD, or a window/Mac/whatever install CD18:52
Baby_Shambl3sYazan`: why do you want to delete ubuntu18:52
gogetaBaby_Shambl3s its the only one that supports the framebufferd console if you wanna gui a console broswer with a bit more then text18:52
cubewhat do i use for an IRC server?18:52
julio_netohow to active realplayer in firefox?18:52
lux0815hi how i can list the upgradeable packages? I have tried apt-get -u upgrade but for this you need root rights.18:52
unixSnobi'm looking for a lean distro (something i can download over a 1xRTT connection), and install as a host of virtual machines.  I assume ubuntu is the wrong distro for this.. but there are many variants of ubuntu, so I'd like to find out if any of them are suitable for this.18:53
Yazan`Baby_Shambl3s: because my internet doesn't work on my ubuntu. And I need the space that i have used to install ubuntu. When my isp company's problem gets fixed, i will re-install it.18:53
andcorpsguys i think the problem here is actually ..when i plug in my earphone my lappy speaker auto turn off, but doesnt goes out from my earphone18:53
mopheadYazan`: if you delete the partition, wouldn't it just wipe whatever is on it (e.g. ubuntu) anyway?18:53
Yazan`Baby_Shambl3s: but at the time, i want to uninstall ubuntu18:53
Yazan`mophead: that's right18:53
ice_creamso outdated =(18:53
mopheadandcorps: check your audio settings and make sure "headphone" is turned all the way up18:53
ice_creammy only issue18:53
dirtyhandIs there some sort of Linux audio library that does compressing and encoding/conversion at run time? (so I can slap it into a web app)18:53
andcorpsok see18:53
cubeshould i use bahanet for setting up a irc server on ubuntu?18:53
Picicube: Its entirely up to you18:54
Baby_Shambl3sYazan`: ok but have you tried asking for help in getting internet working on your system running ubuntu or its just a case that you just want it off?18:54
cubewell do you know what is easiest or atleast works?18:54
Picicube: No idea one way or the other18:54
cubethen stmu18:54
PiciExcuse me?18:55
Yazan`Baby_Shambl3s: i'm sick and tired of asking and searching and at the end, it was a problem with my isp company. I don't want to waste anymore time. I will later when problems with my isp company is solved, but at the tim being, i will stick with windows.18:55
ng0ncrud.. my scanner isn't supported.18:55
ng0no well. it's like 10 years old18:55
Yazan`plus, all my applications will only work on windows platform, so there is no use of ubuntu now18:55
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Odd-rationaleIs there a way for kdesudo to "lockdown" on the focus, keyboard, and mouse like gksudo does?18:56
phoenixzDoes Ubuntu (7.10) out of the box  support files > 2GB? lets say, files of 7GB?18:57
Baby_Shambl3sYazan`: hmmm doubt the problem would be with the isp but yeah just format the whole disk or partition with gparted or seomthing and you cna run ubuntu in windows just get virtualbox on it18:57
Yazan`now, anyone has a guide on how to delete the partiotion when i'm booting up the pc?18:57
_NetNeed some recommendations: There are so many music players, I want some elligant and easy to use..something like winamp..can anyone give me any names?18:57
_NetI'm trying xmms players its nice so far Im trying to see if i can run into a better one18:57
gogeta_Net xmms18:58
Odd-rationalephoenixz: as long as you installed on a ext3 partition, it should.18:58
Pici_Net: beep-media-player is similar to winamp18:58
riotkittie_Net: audacious.18:58
gogeta_Net xmms is just like it18:58
_NetDoes xmms have playlists18:58
PedanticSteveYazan, do you have dual boot set up?  if so you can delete the partition from windows cant you?  if not the windows installer can reformat for you18:58
Pici_Net: Both do18:58
_NetSo Xmms, beep-media-player or audacious18:58
Baby_Shambl3sYazan`: just told you gparted to delete partition otherwise pop in your win98 floppy and format whole disk "you can still download those floppy image by seraching on google18:58
_NetI'll try them all.18:58
riotkittiethe winampesque version of beep's no longer being worked on, afaik. and neither is xmms.  but i could be wrong. i often am.18:59
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Yazan`Baby_Shambl3s: ah, ok. you know, you could of said that gparted is a program :)19:00
gogetalol xmms was been around for a long long time19:00
riotkittiewhat's funny about that?19:00
gogetaits opensource its always being worked on19:00
Piciriotkittie: Well thats disappointing19:00
Baby_Shambl3sYazan`: sorry thought it was obvious my bad please forgive :319:00
* Scrounch is now away: off19:00
Yazan`lol, thanks anyways.19:00
riotkittiegogeta: there are plenty of open source applications that aren't  actively maintained19:01
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Yazan`Baby_Shambl3s: run it while i'm on ubuntu, right?19:02
_Netxmms and audacious look a lot alike19:02
gogetariotkittie well someone keeps porting it to the latest ubuntu every year19:02
gogetariotkittie i call that still activ19:03
Baby_Shambl3sYazan`: nope download live CD copy it to CD and run on boot than delete what you want19:04
RoxanneMi have 2 problems guys, i downloaded some songs, they got downloaded to the desktop(im running liveCD) ... but i cannotactually see the files, has anyone encountered this problem?19:04
RoxanneMNM  just found them....19:04
RoxanneMhahah i was searching for an hour last night19:04
tifinei am having problem with oracle on ubuntu, anybody here19:05
riotkittiewell bully for you19:05
Baby_Shambl3s!ot | riotkittie, gogeta19:05
uboturiotkittie, gogeta: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:05
Jellothis is my first time in irc, any tips for a newbie?19:05
Flare183!lol | _Net19:05
ubotu_Net: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.19:05
riotkittie!botabuse > Baby_Shambl3s19:05
Baby_Shambl3s!ask | Jello19:05
ubotuJello: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:05
gogetaJello yea uninstall windows19:05
Odd-rationaleJello: the tab key is a good way to auto complete nicks. e.g. odd<TAB> and you get my nick19:06
Baby_Shambl3sJello: it was meant to  tell you to just ask a question and we would help19:06
Baby_Shambl3sriotkittie: :(19:06
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riotkittiehe did ask a question.19:06
=== oswmzc is now known as os2mac
SindaciousHi, the buttons system, etc has sorta disappeared...how do I make them come back?19:06
RoxanneMsecond problem.... i need grub back, i installed windows, and as we all know, windows took over....i tried the tutorial that is @ the link that ubotu gives, but it will not work, i must be doing something wrong19:06
phoenixzOdd-rationale> Thanks!19:06
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:06
Odd-rationalephoenixz: about what?19:06
Yazan`Baby_Shambl3s: shall i extract gparted in E:\?19:07
PiciSindacious: Right click on the panel, go to add to panel and pick the 'main menu' or something with a similar name19:07
RoxanneMyeah thats the tutorial im usung19:07
Yazan`and then reboot the computer?19:07
JelloNo windows on my machines, the closet I get to windows is apple os x. ;)19:07
Baby_Shambl3sRoxanneM: there are some good tutorials on getting grub back search on google19:07
Baby_Shambl3s!grub | RoxanneM19:07
ubotuRoxanneM: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:07
RoxanneMas you may or maynot read, that is the tutorial i tried using, but thanks for the same link twice19:08
Baby_Shambl3sYazan`: once downloaded dont extract the iso mount it than burn to CD19:08
Baby_Shambl3s!iso | Yazan`19:08
ubotuYazan`: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.19:08
Sindaciouspici: is there a way to get the default one back? I don't even know what happened, I think my mouse went nuts on my again and I grabed it off the bar :s19:08
RotlausHow can i check (on the command line) in which groups my user is?19:08
djznis there any way to tell the LiveCD to bring up a fixed screen resolution and not let it be set at ridiculous resolutions like 800x600????19:09
PiciSindacious: There may be more than one 'main menu' in the applet list, you may have to add both to see which one it is19:09
thannoyRotlaus: type the command 'id'19:09
Odd-rationaleRotlaus: try "groups"19:09
Baby_Shambl3sRoxanneM: sorry but there are far better tuts in ubuntuforums.org and through google however you're going to have to search19:09
Al-KhouliHi guys, i am trying to run this binary file and i am facing this error: "./lmgrd: relocation error: ./lmgrd: symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference19:10
Al-Khouli". it seems that the program has been linked with a version of glibc older than 2.3. Newer versions of glibc no longer provide errno as a global variable to allow its thread-safe usage. How could i solve this problem ( I don't have the source code to recompile)19:10
RoxanneMubotu should be updated to these better tuts19:10
SindaciousPici: Thanks, found it19:10
svenDoes anyone know where I can find out how to enable two video adapters?19:10
DyskAny of you guys have vmware going in 8.04 yet?19:11
RotlausOk, thanks. Now i've found the problem why i can't sudo anything anymore. It seems while adding myself to the vboxusers group i deleted all other groups, so i am not in the admin group anymore. Can i fix this without the ability to sudo? With the Live CD?19:11
FlannelDysk: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy questions, thanks19:11
* Dysk nods at flannel19:11
NewGuyPetesven: I think its in system -> prefrences19:11
FlannelRotlaus: LiveCD is a possibility, Recovery console is eaier19:11
Jowi!rescue | Rotlaus19:12
ubotuRotlaus: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"19:12
FlannelRotlaus: you used usermod, I imagine?19:12
RotlausFlannel, yes, i did.19:12
Odd-rationaleRotlaus: reboot and choose "recovery mode" in the grub menu19:12
NewGuyPetesven: its in system -> admin -> screens and somthing19:12
Odd-rationaleRotlaus: that will auto matically log you in as root19:12
RotlausThe name of the group ihave to add is 'admin' ?19:13
svenNewGuyPete: screens and graphics?19:13
Odd-rationaleRotlaus: to "gpasswd -a rotlaus admin"19:13
FlannelRotlaus: Right, what you did is you forgot the -a to append, so you instead set your groups instead of adding to them.  You can use adduser in the future, or just don't forget the -a anymore.19:13
andcorpsokay i have 2 mode of sound system ALSA or HDA Intel; both does not shows any headphone leveler..seem like i wont be able to use my earphone..install the ndiswrapper..but the description on the packaging does not shows its for audio installation..more on wireless card or something19:13
FlannelRotlaus: `adduser rotlaus admin` will work, or usermod -G admin -a rotlaus19:14
RotlausFlannel, thanks. Im gonna for a reboot now. All other thanks, too.19:14
mopheadandcorps: edit --> preferences and make sure everything is checked19:14
yedda1how can I use the command scp such that it does NOT overwrite existing files that have already been copied?19:14
FlannelRotlaus: Once you've done that, you'll need to re-add all your other secondary groups as well19:14
Flare183Flannel: lets hope that works19:14
FlannelFlare183: why wouldn't it work?19:15
yedda1that is important if I copy recursively and not selectively19:15
dtrainercan someone recommend a package for running an internet cafe?19:15
Flare183Flannel: Because I had a similar problem before, and I had to reformat my computer to get everything back to working position19:15
osmosisthe icon for xchat-gnome is broken after first installing, but is fine after a reboot.19:16
RoxanneMwith liveCD, can you take it out and burn a CD?19:16
osmosisit was this way in gutsy, and appears the same in hardy.19:16
=== lordmetroid_ is now known as LordMetroid
FlannelFlare183: That's rediculous.  If all you did was remove yourself from the groups, all you need to do is re-add yourself and you're fine.19:17
julio_netoRocketGib, I don't think so19:17
Baby_Shambl3sRoxanneM: huh? what do you mean...? once you have a liveCd downlaoded burn it to a CD and use it, if you want another copy of it than burn it again or the actual cd with the contents19:17
Chaotic_DescentI used gparted to make a second partition on my HD for media files. why don't I have access to it? it says I'm not the owner.19:17
julio_netoRocketGib, in saw it in another distro, but in Ubuntu, no19:17
Flare183Flannel: I know, but at the time I didn't think about that. But since I know that now. I will never have to go through that again.19:18
Baby_Shambl3sChaotic_Descent: you need to give yourself ownership for that drive19:18
edaner, how can I get gdk-x11 library?19:18
RoxanneMBaby_Shambl3s:  i want to know if , while using the liveCD-can you burn a CD19:18
mopheadandcorps: make sure your headphones are plugged into the headphone hole, instead of the microphone hole.  it's a common mistake19:18
rj175hey room. getting an internal server error with awstats any ideas?19:18
Chaotic_Descentwhat do I use to give myself ownership? I didn't see anything in gparted.19:19
Baby_Shambl3sRoxanneM: doubt it since youre goign to be using once you boot and the Cd contents doesnt have a burning feature or partition edit19:19
cvd-prIts there a way to uninstall the VurtialBox.sh software?19:19
Chaotic_Descentit has something to do with mounting? gparted says the partition isn't mounted.19:20
djznis there any way to tell the LiveCD to bring up a fixed screen resolution and not let it be set at ridiculous resolutions like 800x600????19:20
KRFid like to set up a cd release mirror in germany, is this a good idea or are there already too many?19:20
ViRUSI got some weird problem after updating my kernel to 2.6.24. "modprobe lp" and "modprobe parport_lowlevel" just hang - thus causing the init to fail.19:20
earthmeLonSo guys, can you format NTFS with Ubuntu? (using qtparted right now, it's not an option :P)19:20
andcorpscheck every single box ..set everything on maximum..both on ALSA and HDA Intel nothing came out from the earphone. How to config this19:20
Odd-rationaleKRF: always a good idea :)19:20
RoxanneMthe liveCD comes with basero19:21
Baby_Shambl3sChaotic_Descent: you cna search online for terminal command, run nautilus in sudo and change permission settings on the drive to your user instead of root19:21
RoxanneMbrasero even19:21
Chaotic_DescentThanks, Baby_Shambl3s19:21
Odd-rationaleearthmeLon: you can create ntfs partitions with ubuntu but you can't install ubuntu on a ntfs partition19:21
earthmeLonOdd-rationale nice.  How does one format NTFS partitions with Ubuntu?19:22
Baby_Shambl3sRoxanneM: o_0 gparted comes with brasero... are you sure wow if thats correct that ahs changed since last time i used it so maybe yeah try your luck19:22
earthmeLonHmmm, seems gparted might be able to do it.  Let me try that Odd-rationale19:22
Odd-rationaleearthmeLon: gparted is the easiest way. make sure the disk is unmounted before partitioning or formatting19:22
RoxanneMim running liveCD right now19:22
earthmeLonI hate using Gparted, because it takes so freaking long to scan my hdds :P19:23
DarkOdoshello everybody19:23
earthmeLonWhats up DarkOdos19:23
julio_netoalguem aqui sabe como usar o jSMS?19:23
julio_netoonde eu posso baixar a mais nova versão?19:23
DarkOdosin reality it depens on what distro you´are using19:23
rj175hey room. getting an internal server error with awstats any ideas?19:23
Piciw/hois win2k8adm19:23
biagidpWhat's a good program for desktop video capture?19:23
djznhow to alter a Live-System resolution while inside the live system.... (when the gui offers not 1024x758)...19:23
RotlausMe again, everything works again. Thanks again19:24
Baby_Shambl3searthmeLon: do it manually than you dont have to use gparted19:24
DarkOdosin relaity i dont like ubuntu19:24
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:24
DarkOdosim downloading slackware19:24
ompaulDarkOdos, so hen you aren in the wrong channel yes?19:25
prawcesslol indeed.. slacker.19:25
earthmeLonBaby_Shambl3s, I'm not sure how to do that.  Kinda why I'm here :P19:25
OrbixxFirestarter times out when starting on boot. Any idea why?19:25
Baby_Shambl3sprawcess: lol like that pun19:25
DarkOdosbut in reality i have had many problems with ubuntu19:25
ompaul!offtopic | DarkOdos19:25
ubotuDarkOdos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:25
* Flare183 says Ubuntu Rocks19:25
dbrewer_rjrhow do i get the username from the uid?19:25
djznhow to alter a Live-System resolution while inside the live system.... (when the gui offers not 1024x758)...19:26
Baby_Shambl3searthmeLon: you didnt ask for help in formating hd inside ubuntu, no one will help you unless you ask and gparted is quite good for those that like gui i use it myself19:26
rj175hey room. getting an internal server error with awstats.its set up with virtual servers and im wondering if its something to do with the configurations of the servers. its been annoyin me for ages any ideas?19:26
Orbixxrj175: Check the permissions of the awstats file.19:26
OrbixxMake sure it can execute.19:26
ompauldbrewer_rjr, grep UID /etc/password19:27
earthmeLonBaby_Shambl3s I asked earlier, It's all good.  I'm currently looking up how to do it without gparted, but I am having a hard time finding any information.  Do you know of a good place to look?19:27
Chaotic_Descentwhat is sudo?19:27
dbrewer_rjrompaul: i did that. rsync gave the file to a uid i cannot locate19:27
DJones!sudo | Chaotic_Descent19:27
ubotuChaotic_Descent: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.19:27
hwilde!gparted | earthmeLon, Baby_Shambl3s19:27
ubotuearthmeLon, Baby_Shambl3s: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/19:27
andcorpsanyone could help me with this earphone issue19:27
hwilde!sound | andcorps19:28
ubotuandcorps: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:28
earthmeLonBaby_Shambl3s Sweet, I am installing ntfsprogs, which contains mkntfs.  I'll play around with that!19:28
andcorpsthanks try that first19:28
Chaotic_DescentI'm lost again. terminal command doesn't seem to be specific to anything. I typed "nautilus" in that, and it brought up the file browser. the file browser doesn't let me change ownership of partitions.19:28
rj175orbixx where is the file stored again :S19:28
ompauldbrewer_rjr, are they both the same system type - i.e. what o/s is on both?19:28
earthmeLonBaby_Shambl3s:  Do you know of a way to get a list of all my available HDDs?  I just installed a new one and am not sure what it's labeled as.19:29
ompauldbrewer_rjr, it is usually a sign that the user:group combo is not the same on both boxen19:29
hwildeearthmeLon, sudo fdisk -l19:29
dbrewer_rjrwell, where it came from does not matter, it is migrated to gusty from red hat19:29
hwildeChaotic_Descent, type "sudo nautilus"19:29
Orbixxrj175: No idea. lol19:29
Baby_Shambl3sChaotic_Descent: what are you doing exactly? to run nautilus as root you need command gksudo nautilus...19:29
OrbixxGoogle it.19:29
dbrewer_rjrompaul: well, where it came from does not matter, it is migrated to gusty from red hat19:29
Baby_Shambl3shwilde: gui should not be claled with sudo but gksudo19:30
OrbixxProblem! Firestarter times out when starting on boot. Any idea why?19:30
ompauldbrewer_rjr, that is the cause of the lack of ownership it is a group user mismatch that is the cause and therefore does matter :)19:30
dbrewer_rjrompaul: true, i have the sgid bit set on the gutsy box, to enable group share.19:30
Chaotic_DescentI'm trying to make a partition to put media files onto. I'm new to Linux in general.19:30
hwildeChaotic_Descent, if you want to make a partition, use gparted19:31
hwilde!gparted | Chaotic_Descent19:31
ubotuChaotic_Descent: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/19:31
dbrewer_rjrompaul: but the file owner is a mystery to me19:31
Chaotic_DescentI used gparted. I can't seem to access the filespace. it lists something called "lost + found" which I don't have permission to access.19:31
Chaotic_DescentI can't create folders either.19:31
hwildeChaotic_Descent, how did you mount the new partition19:32
Chaotic_Descentit says it's not mounted.19:32
rj175orbixx this is wat the file is like19:32
rj175-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 548932 2008-04-20 22:46 awstats.pl19:32
hwilde!mount | Chaotic_Descent19:32
ubotuChaotic_Descent: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter19:32
mnemowhat determines which modules get loaded into the "lsmod" list? is there some config file for that or?19:32
earthmeLonCluster size has been automatically set to 4096 bytes. < I hope that's good :P19:32
Orbixxrj175: Seems fine.19:32
ompauldbrewer_rjr, I just told you - user:group  has to match on both systems they don't use the same one19:32
hwildeChaotic_Descent, follow that info from ubotu and mount the new partition.19:32
OrbixxMight be worth reinstalling it.19:32
rj175ill do tht now and get back to u :P19:33
zenohi i am gettting the error "could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailible)" (yes im using sudo)19:33
hwildezeno, close your other synaptics19:34
Chaotic_DescentI do not seem to have a  System -> Administration -> Disks19:34
dbrewer_rjrompaul: the code was already migrated. the user:group did not match. Now I need to know who owns the file. maybe i should grep the shadow file?19:34
Baby_Shambl3sChaotic_Descent: if its not mounted than mount it using command sudo mount /dev/ds2 "if thats the device" and mount it to /media/whatever but you must create the folder there using sudo mkdir19:34
zenohwilde: not running any19:34
zenokillall synaptic just to be sure and nothing =p19:34
hwildezeno, that usually means some other process has the lock.  like apt-get19:35
PeterFAEverytime I start kword or OpenOffice.org Writer, it starts drawing the window and then crashes. This has been happening since I had FF2 open and updates running, and updates crashed mentioning something about FF2 (I forget the exact error message). How do I fix this? Do I have to reinstall every package?19:35
FireSnakeCan anybody help me? My opera don't play flash but FF plays19:35
zenohwilde: im just running that terminal and firefox19:35
rj175orbixx still got the same error :(19:35
hwildezeno, if you are *sure* there is nothing else running that would have the lock... you could delete the lock19:35
zenoim sure19:35
dbrewer_rjr<< clueless at this point19:35
zenohow to delete it? thx19:35
hwildedbrewer_rjr, just chown it19:35
hwildezeno,  rm it19:35
Pici!aptfix | zeno19:36
ubotuzeno: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:36
zenoso sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lock?19:36
dbrewer_rjrlol that would take forever, unless i -R it, then live with the consequences19:36
Baby_Shambl3shmmm is w3m really a text based browser looks too good to be so especially since it shows images hope its not slow but i think has tabs even knowing the site doesnt mention it19:36
dbrewer_rjri guess chown it is19:36
zenoPici: thx19:36
dbrewer_rjrbut i still think i should be able to do a reverse lookup from the uid19:37
rj175anyone else got any ideas about internal server error with awstats?19:37
reconDoes anybody know how to type the german B-looking character using the compose key?19:38
Picirecon: I personally would go and find it in gucharmap, but then again I have no compose keys19:39
recongucharmap? so that's what I was looking for.19:39
=== nixternal_ is now known as nixternal
Bubble_teaHow i search files in my other hard drives?19:39
Chaotic_Descenthuh... I can't mount. I have to be root.19:40
unopBubble_tea, via the GUI or command line?19:40
Baby_Shambl3sChaotic_Descent: thats the point of typing "sudo" before your mount command19:41
blindOkay, I have a bit of a problem. I'm connected to my wireless network, and my wired network keeps coming alive and kills my connection.19:41
blindbecause, there is nothing wired.19:41
biagidpCan anyone recommend a program for desktop video capture?19:41
blindi've changed it in the network settings gui, i've done ifconfig eth0 down, it just keeps coming back up19:41
Flare183!screencast | biagidp19:42
ubotubiagidp: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.19:42
Chaotic_Descentoh. I didn't know sudo was a command. I thought it was the command line.19:42
unop!record desktop19:42
zenoPici: still not working19:42
biagidpFlare183, Thanks19:42
Chaotic_DescentI have absolutely no idea what all these words are. I'm just guessing most of the time.19:42
Flare183biagidp: no problem19:42
blindChaotic_Descent: sudo = superuser do19:42
corporal_clegghello, I need help with an Apple Wireless Keyboard. It's bluetooth and it seems it's paired with my pc19:42
blindmaybe that'll help it mean more in your head :P19:42
corporal_cleggI've did what's written here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothInputDevices?highlight=(bluetooth)|(keyboard)19:43
Baby_Shambl3sChaotic_Descent: typing sudo in sheel before a command makes that command root it will basically affect the system while doing it without makes it normal user19:43
Chaotic_Descent... what the heck's the root password?19:43
Bubble_teaunop GUI19:43
blindyour password.19:43
Chaotic_Descentstrange. I tried to log in as root with that and it wouldn't let me. unless root's account isn't "root"19:43
Flare183Chaotic_Descent: the password that you used to install ubuntu with]19:43
blind!passwd | Chaotic_Descent19:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about passwd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:43
FloodBot1blind: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:43
unopBubble_tea, the gnome-search-tool19:43
Pici!language | blind19:44
ubotublind: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:44
blindyeah, sorry19:44
Flare183!language | blind19:44
blindtotally reflexatie19:44
axionsudo asks for a password for the sake that if someone else gets behind your keyboard he/she just can't do super user tasks just like that19:44
Chaotic_Descentok, so I had to do that mkdir BEFORE I mounted, not after.19:44
Chaotic_Descentthis is so complicated.19:44
Flare183Pici +119:44
remotehow can I stop X on an Ubuntu live CD, all init levels seem to insist on starting it19:44
Baby_Shambl3sChaotic_Descent: if you're the one who installed ubuntu onto your system than root pass would be your normal pass but if not you're going to have to ask the eprson who did so19:44
Chaotic_DescentI installed it. can't I just log in as root instead of typing out commands?19:45
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:45
zenohi i am gettting the error "could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailible)" (yes im using sudo); i dont have any package managers open and i tried the sudo fuser.... thing19:45
blindthere, read that, Chaotic_Descent19:45
unopremote, you can access a virtual terminal -  CTRL+ALT+F1 .. the command to stop X is.   sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop19:45
remoteunop: I want to stop X though.19:45
Baby_Shambl3sChaotic_Descent: I think the problem is that you havent serached online and have no idea how to do this there are many tuts in google and ubuntu forums that give simple instruction on how to mount its not hard it seems hard cause its your first time19:45
remoteah oh19:45
unopremote, the CD is built that way, to start X .. if you want to stop it, you have to do so manually19:46
craigjust like to say, i've been using ubuntu for 2 days now, and finding it awesome, don't think i'll be going back to vista anytime soon :-)19:46
axionzeno make sure you have other package managers active..19:46
Chaotic_DescentI did search online. I just coun't find anything relevant. I found stuff about installing Ubuntu that had nothing to do with this.19:46
linkinxpcraig:  :D nice19:46
Chaotic_DescentIt's also very hard to search for things you know nothing about.19:46
spaceplukhi, anybody know how can I run apps with a different locale?19:46
blindOkay, I have a bit of a problem. I'm connected to my wireless network, and my wired network keeps coming alive and kills my connection, because I have nothing wired. Any help?19:46
spaceplukI mean different to the system default19:47
reconIn fact, is there any way to find out which characters are mapped to different compose key variations?19:47
axionChaotic_Descent, there's NO root password19:47
Chaotic_DescentI looked in the Ubuntu help itself and just found stuff about different applications. nothing about the generalities of how you mount partitions.19:47
ghaithChaotic_Descent, sudo is simply safer then logging in as root, and don't do that.. sudo su - will keep you from typing sudo infront of every command for that session if you want, you'll be root inside that terminal..19:47
Chaotic_Descentaxion: yes, thank you. I got that the FIRST time someone told me!19:47
zenoaxion: positive19:48
zenoalso su isnt working (and i know its the right password)19:48
blindzeno: sudo su19:48
axionto mount a partition first you have to be certain the drive is attached to the system and drivers are available and activated..19:48
axionsecondly you have to make sure it's not allready mounted19:49
craigbefore I installed ubuntu I could boot from Vista or XP, now that ubuntu has taken over as the boot loader i can only boot into ubuntu and Vista (not XP), how can i get XP back, as i need it for specific apps?19:49
linkinxpcraig:  :D nice19:49
Baby_Shambl3sChaotic_Descent: going afk ppl here will help you out but you should search online on how to mount, how sudo works and how ubuntu/linux organises its files, be back in 15mins "its relaly easy but it takes time when youre new"19:49
axionthirdly make a directory in /mnt ( like /mnt/sdc119:49
Chaotic_Descentit's the mounting that was new to me.19:49
axionthen mount the partition on that directory19:49
linkinxpcraig:  typing the information in  grub? i think19:49
Chaotic_Descentyeah, I finally got it. I think. It's just that I didn't know I was supposed to search for general info on mounting, or how to identify if I had found general info on it, or specific info that didn't cover what I needed to do.19:50
ghaithcraig, you can modify the grub config, copy the vista part, and modify  the drive and name.. or boot into vista and have the bootload (in system properties i think) have 2 options, xp and vista19:50
axionman mount19:50
andcorpsseem like need some sleep19:51
zenohi i am gettting the error "could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailible)" (yes im using sudo); i dont have any package managers open and i tried the sudo fuser.... thing19:51
blindOkay, I have a bit of a problem. I'm connected to my wireless network, and my wired network keeps coming alive and kills my connection, because I have nothing wired. Any help?19:51
andcorpsbeen trying to conf this for month now19:51
krammer_how do i know if a packet socket is enabled19:51
andcorpssee u all tomorrow19:51
craigghaith, do you know the location of grub config off the top of your head19:51
axionzeno if you are certain that the package manager is not running..19:52
axionremove the lock file19:52
ghaith/boot/grub/grub.conf or /boot/grub/menu.lst19:52
axionby andcorps19:52
blindi would never dual-boot. virtualbox's seamless mode is lovely.19:52
* Pelo wonders what he will do if nickrud is not around to help him 19:52
zenoaxion: sorry what command? thx19:53
Baby_Shambl3sis there a way i cna get terminal to show in tray and yes im the unlucky person that cant use compiz-fusion so no invisible desktop shell for me :(?19:53
Magus_Xblind: virtualbox's cant run games at its best lol19:53
axiondelete the lock file19:53
zenoand im positive even did the ps ax | grep synap (and aptitude and apt)19:53
Peloblind, wrap your mind around this one,  booting an actual windows partition + seamless19:53
blindMagus_X: oh, very true. I don't play very many games19:53
axionjust be certain dpkg, synaptic, apt-get or the the update-anager is not running19:53
krammer_how do i know if a packet socket is enabled19:53
blindPelo: thats what i wanted to do, actually.19:53
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Baby_Shambl3sblind: youre better of making a 10GB partition with m$ XP for games or try it in wine, cedega, crossover19:54
blindBaby_Shambl3s: nah, i just play q3a, and its native, so im good19:54
Peloblind, next version of vmware-server apprently,  I already have vmware server booting the XP partiton, I'M one step away19:54
Chaotic_Descentbleh. looks like I mounted AND changed permissions.19:54
Chaotic_Descentthanks for the help.19:54
* Pelo is also one step away from not needing windows 19:54
mopheadWhy are var/lock and varrun/ 1009M in Ubuntu?  do they need to be that large?19:54
ghaithMagus_X, crossover games, wine and cedega will do.. but not for every game ofcourse19:55
blindPelo: ah, i dont like vmware very much, i love virtualbox19:55
Baby_Shambl3sanyway i cna make terminal go to tray?19:55
Peloblind, how's vbox on resources compared to vmw ?19:55
blindvery very light.19:55
PeloBaby_Shambl3s, check under file > curent profile19:55
blindwhen i have nothing going on, it's like it's not even there.19:55
axionuk-linux-maagzien came with a ubuntu install-dvd with several box-bootable-images..19:56
ghaithvbox wouldn't run everything, it runs windows fine though, but i tried to install freebsd the other day and it did work19:56
blindwhen i boot up cs2, it's like i have cs2 running, but it doesn't go overboard on the virtualization19:56
a1fa_hey.. can DMA not be enabled on SATA drives?19:56
* Pelo realy needs some Xserver genious to help him edit xorg.conf to make his 8button stick into scrollmode with one click, one click on , one click off 19:56
blindghaith: really? interesting.19:56
Baby_Shambl3sPelo: it seems like not i'll need a graphics card supported with compiz to be able to pull fancy shell :(19:56
Peloa1fa_, I'm almost sure dma and sata donT' mix19:57
a1fa_Pelo : i am stuck with slow timing speeds?19:57
PeloBaby_Shambl3s,  ????19:57
axiontiem to go to sleep..19:57
axionwork tomorow19:57
Peloa1fa_,  I mean sata doesn'T need dma but  like I said I'm not sure19:57
zenohow do i rm the lock on package managers19:58
zenoi know im not running any19:58
a1fa_ Timing cached reads:   768 MB in  2.00 seconds = 383.53 MB/sec19:58
craigbass1976Perhaps this is an apache question... I've got a directory in the www directory.  If I navigate to folder/index.php then all is well.  If I just navigate to folder, I get some pop up box asking if I want to download a file with no name19:58
axionthe error message tells you where the lock file is located..19:58
axionrm it19:58
Pelozeno, check in the system mornitor,  show all process,  dpkg apt and synaptic19:58
Chaotic_Descentwhat's the linux equivalent of windows file shortcuts?19:59
axionthere are none19:59
PiciChaotic_Descent: There are links, but its not exactly the same thing.19:59
axionfle shortcuts are a windows stupidity19:59
craigbass1976Chaotic_Descent, symbolic links19:59
axionlinks ahrd and soft links resemble them thought19:59
Ben_Cs i use hardy. installed ntfs-config. when i run it, when trying to add V's the apply button turns gray. i looked at the exec line and it says: gksu ntfs-config, but i don't get asked for a password. i tried gksudo. i get asked for pass word but still can't change a thing. please help!19:59
craigbass1976Chaotic_Descent,   ln -s path/to/real/file path/to/shortcut20:00
InterflopI'd like to know why my Broadcom wireless worked while running 8.04 on a Live CD but not when I install it20:00
mnemoChaotic_Descent: in gnome you can also right click the desktop and select "Create Launcher"20:00
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FastZBen_Cs: #ubuntu+120:00
Chaotic_Descentthanks. I'm guessing I should have been putting my files in media instead of home then.20:00
Baby_Shambl3sBen_Cs: hardy support is in #ubuntu+120:01
krammer_how do i know if a packet socket is enabled20:01
zenoPelo: there is a dpkg running, i should kill it right20:01
Baby_Shambl3sFastZ: too fast for me :D20:01
Chaotic_Descentwhy is my partition called "lost+found"?20:01
Pelozeno, yes20:01
mnemoChaotic_Descent: why? what's the problem you're trying to solve?20:01
FastZBaby_Shambl3s: I win!20:01
a1fa_!lostandfound | Chaotic_Descent20:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lostandfound - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:01
Ben_Csok, thanks20:01
Chaotic_DescentI'm just trying to figure out where files are supposed to go.20:01
PeloChaotic_Descent, your partiton is not called lost and found,  ext3 makes a folder like that for lost cluster when it fsck20:02
axionChaotic_Descent, that's the lost and found directory that comes on every ext2/3 partition for filcheckling and save lost and fopund files20:02
* shelmar # nas20:02
lz1gjdis there a kvpnc alternative for gnome desktop ?20:02
mnemoChaotic_Descent: most people just use a package manager to install programs and then you get icons added to gnome applications menu automatically (or in some cases you can type new commands in the terminal)... as for *data* files, most people put those in their home directory20:02
zenoPelo: great now it works thx alot20:02
zenowhats dpkg anyways20:03
lz1gjdactually its been the only tool that allowed me to get my work done20:03
Baby_Shambl3sChaotic_Descent: if you go on google and do a search on ubuntu filesystem youll find links that explain what each folder is used for or how ubuntu/linux is structured20:03
Pelozeno, another frontend for  apt20:03
Chaotic_Descentno, I mean like pictures and videos and text files.20:03
mopheadChaotic_Descent: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard20:03
{Firemaker}[AMSG] æææ æææææææ From: dinner. Gone For: 10mins 59secs -BACK-  ææææææææææ20:04
mopheadChaotic_Descent: personal files generally go int he home folder20:04
mnemoChaotic_Descent: there is actually linux distros which have a sane directory structure (like for instance http://www.gobolinux.org/ ) but to be honest... ubuntu is just so much better than anything else out there so I still recommend ubuntu :)20:04
Baby_Shambl3sChaotic_Descent: pictures go in pictures your home file is yours you can structure it anyway you want  so it doesnt matter where you save stuff :D but things like mounting needs to be sent to the correct place20:04
Pici{Firemaker}: Please disable such scripts in this channel20:04
Pici!away > {Firemaker} (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)20:04
Chaotic_Descentoh... media is for removable media, not media files. :P20:04
{Firemaker}Okay, sorry20:04
InterflopWhy does my Broadcom wireless card work when running from an 8.04 Live CD but not when I install it20:04
krammer_where can i find help for nebwies for wine20:04
FastZlzlgjd: you can use kvpnc in GNOME as well as KDE20:05
Baby_Shambl3sChaotic_Descent: o_0 oh simple mistake to make but than those need root access so you wont be able to use them normally20:05
ghaithChaotic_Descent, if you seperate your home partition during install, and keep everything there you will manage to keep every setting you have even after reinstallation, and that's a good practice20:05
Chaotic_Descent... uhg... so... other partitions go in media, but if you put pictures in my partition ... see, I don't want to have to go clickity click half a dozen times just to get to my pictures.20:05
ghaithChaotic_Descent, you can "Bookmark" locations, so you just click on places and get there20:06
ghaithin nautilus, drag the folder you want to bookmark to the left side, if the left toolbar doesn't show press F920:07
mopheadChaotic_Descent: I put a linjk to my home folder in my "bar" thingy at the bottom20:07
lz1gjdFastZ: i know but id like to use a gtk toolkit tool20:07
lz1gjdFastZ: i mean pure gnome app ;)20:07
mnemoChaotic_Descent: okay, so basically you might have some files in your home directory but if you have an external USB hard drive or maybe another partition (NTFS or ext3 or whatever) you will mount all of those partitions under /media so in that sense you might store music/docs/stuff in both the home directory and in some mounted volume under /media ... however, you won't typically navigate to "/media" when you save or open files there because GNOME will20:07
NinjaElfChaotic_Descent you could make a symlink20:07
FastZlzlgjd: gotcha, I'll help you look cuz I dont know one off the top of my head20:08
Baby_Shambl3swhat is faster, elinks or w3m as a text browser?20:08
B|ackDayzhello :)20:08
FastZlzlgjd: sheesh!  I just searched Google for "vpn for GNOME" and got about 308,000 hits20:09
FastZlzlgjd: http://www.google.com/search?aq=f&hl=en&safe=off&q=vpn+for+gnome&btnG=Search20:09
B|ackDayzI googled AND looked on the ubuntu forum before I came here :D20:09
* B|ackDayz gives himself a pat on the back20:09
FastZ!hi | B|ackDayz20:09
ubotuB|ackDayz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:09
Baby_Shambl3sB|ackDayz: nice way to start original now throw us the question :D20:09
lz1gjdFastZ: thx a lot ;-)20:09
LamegoBaby_Shambl3s, there should be no major performance difference between 2 console mode browsers20:10
Chaotic_Descentmnemo: because GNOME will what?20:10
PeloB|ackDayz, congrats I guess you won'T need our help then20:10
B|ackDayzI'm running (attempting to) a live version of ubuntu, when I boot up it gives me the message /bin/sh can't access tty; job control turned off20:10
mnemoChaotic_Descent: because GNOME will show all harddrives/partitions in the left part of each open/save dialog... and GNOME also has the "Places" menu with all your harddrives plus network folders you configure20:10
B|ackDayzthey have a similar issue posted on the ubuntu forum20:11
B|ackDayzbut it's not for live versions of the case.20:11
FastZlzlgjd: no prob, hope you can weed through those search results and find something you can be comfortable with using20:11
Baby_Shambl3sLamego: hmmm just thought since w3m introduces color and elinks doesnt "or it could be my noobness" I thought elinks was faster and took less resources20:11
B|ackDayzso, apt-get, or reinstall ubuntu minimal wont work in this case.20:11
PeloB|ackDayz, usb keyboard or mounse ?20:11
LamegoBaby_Shambl3s, just try and get the answer by yourself20:11
NibblynHi! How can I encrypt an archive? Is there something simple to use?20:11
h00kB|ackDayz: can it recognize your HD?20:12
PeloB|ackDayz, and you say you looked up the error msg in the forum ?20:12
Cew27hey how can i tell if this live cd is 64buit20:12
LamegoNibblyn, gpg20:12
Baby_Shambl3sLamego: yeha im testing them now since a few minuts ago i downloaded them20:12
mnemoB|ackDayz: I had that problem a few ages ago as well... I think it was because linux couldn't find my harddrive or something like that (not sure)20:12
NibblynLamego: will check it, thanks20:12
PeloCew27, the .iso would have said   amd6420:12
B|ackDayzI dont need linux to find my hardrive though, it's a liveos20:12
Cew27im on the live cd how can i check from here20:13
PeloCew27, in anycase ,  puttin the cd in any comp will identify it with the name of the version20:13
PeloCew27, mount the cd20:13
Cew27im having tourble installing 64 bit hardy so ill install guts and upgrade in 3 days20:13
FastZNibblyn: here is a thread on UbuntuForums that suggests using AES Crypt  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38554020:13
Cew27Pelo: what do you mean20:13
NibblynFastZ: thanks for hinting20:13
FastZNibblyn: gpg will work well too as Lamego suggested20:14
PeloCew27, open places  > computer ,  see the cd drive ? right click  mount20:14
Baby_Shambl3sdoes defualt terminal allow different tabs withing one window as I would like to have irssi running and elinks in one terminal instead of separate terminals?20:14
ghaithCew27, i think uname -a in a terminal would show that20:14
h00kB|ackDayz: did you verify the md5 on the CD before burning?20:14
Cew27says no volume20:14
Chaotic_Descentwhere does it show what version of Ubuntu I have?20:15
LamegoBaby_Shambl3s, if you are refering to the gnome terminal, yes, File -> Open Tab20:15
LamegoChaotic_Descent, on the terminal type: lsb_release -a20:15
mnemoChaotic_Descent: check out "System :: About Ubuntu"20:15
PeloCew27, that should be a 32bit I beleive20:15
B|ackDayzh00k: I didnt burn cd. it's a ubuntu live disc.20:15
Chaotic_Descentmnemo: nope. that doesn't work.20:15
Baby_Shambl3sLamego: o-0 huh... really? nice very nice will do that now20:15
Pelomnemo, not sure about ubuntu gives the release,   fist tab of the system monitor does20:16
B|ackDayzshould I copy the files and burn the image myself?20:16
h00kB|ackDayz: did you order it or download/burn the disc?20:16
Baby_Shambl3sLamego: im so newb so newb20:16
B|ackDayzI got it from a book20:16
* Baby_Shambl3s goes to a corner and sobs20:16
PeloB|ackDayz,  the ubuntu live cd is an install cd20:16
Chaotic_Descentoh, there it is. it's halfway down the page. that's tricky. :S20:16
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Jahromeoguys i need help fixing my grub installed windows and i now cant boot into ubuntu without the livecd20:17
Chaotic_DescentI'm so used to "about" windows having so little info that it's easy to see the version number. getting an entire help application really throws me for a loop. TMI.20:17
Jahromeoall the tuts i find online dont seem to help20:17
Pelo!grub | Jahromeo20:17
ubotuJahromeo: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:17
PeloJahromeo, then google for the supergrub cd ,  dl and burn , it's a boot cd with menues to fix the grub install20:18
B|ackDayzthanks for the help, I need to get back to work. bbiab.20:18
oscar_hi im noob and i wanna know how to play lineage 2 in ubuntu20:19
Pelobonjour utodeb , il y a un canal francais a #ubuntu-fr20:19
utodeboui je viens de m'en rendre compte ^^20:19
utodebmerci A+20:19
Pelooscar_, sudo apt-get install wine , then ask how to install the game in #winehq20:19
Magus_Xoscar_: There is some chance that L2 is supported via wine but i cannot guarantee20:19
oscar_ok thanks20:20
TatsterHi all.  Just wondered if anyone knows of a Linux alternative to Yep for the Mac ?  (PDF organiser)20:20
PeloTatster, look up yep on wikipedia,  they often have list of comparable apps listed toward the bottom of the page20:21
FastZTatster: http://icculus.org/referencer/index.html20:22
* Pelo is happy , he got his trackball to scroll in ubuntu20:22
Baby_Shambl3shmmm didnt know i could use mouse to surf on a text browser WoW how fortunate of me even knowing that isnt how text browsers are supposed to work "i think"20:22
TatsterFastZ: cool, I'll have a look at that20:23
PeloBaby_Shambl3s, I guess it depends if you are using a text brower in a console or in a terminal window20:23
TatsterPelo: not much for yep on the wikipedia page, but a few links to reviews that may have suggestions for alternatives20:24
oscar_anyone know how to solve the problem of ubuntu 7.10 with dvd20:24
FastZTatster: looks like what you might be looking for.  I'm not familiar with what YEP is on a Mac, but you put pdf organizer in () so I looked for a linux pdf organizer thru Google20:24
Pelooscar_, what problem is that ?20:24
chicosHELP! GRUB error 17!!!20:24
Baby_Shambl3sPelo: im using it in gnome termianl but heck i aint complaining it just makes life really easy just wish i new command to open tabs :/20:24
oscar_i cant auto mount dvd20:24
ChaosTheory^Anyone here know how to use the youtube-dl function in terminal?20:25
User2005ok my software can't find the shared lib files ...What would I be doing wrong ? Any Thoughts ?20:25
chicosWhat do I do to fix GRUB error 17?20:25
TatsterFastZ: Yep is like iPhoto for Pdf's20:25
h00kchicos: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44294520:25
h00kchicos: google is your friend20:25
Pelochicos, from the grub boot menu , select the correct line you want to boot,  type e to edit, find the root line, type e to edit ,   change the (hd0,0) line to match the partiton ubuntu is on ,    the numbering starts with 0 ,  then type enter and b to boot20:25
chicosh00k: until the Dell Bios screws you over\20:25
Chaotic_Descentwell, thanks again for the help. I think I'm on my way to sorting out files.20:26
h00kchicos: what do you mean?20:26
chicosPelo: No menu. Just a black screen that says "GRUB loading, please wait... Error 17"20:26
h00k's not BIOS chicos20:26
Pelochicos, hold on , let me revew the grub menu20:26
Pelooscar_, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel20:27
User2005Any reason my exe files can't find the shared libs to go with?20:27
Pelochicos, error 17 : Cannot mount selected partition20:27
Pelo    This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB.20:27
chicosh00k: The Dell Bios Thing has auto, but that doesn't seem to fix the problem.20:27
chicosI can't run off the CD either.20:27
Pelochicos, did you mess with your partitioninng ?20:27
chicosPelo: I can't run off the CD either.20:27
chicosIt's a Dual boot that worked fine until I went off on Spring break.20:28
chicosPelo: It's a Dual boot that worked fine until I went off on Spring break.20:28
Qwexeranyone have problems with f-spot? I get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63934/ reinstalled it but still wont load20:28
Pelochicos, can you boot windows ?20:28
h00kchicos: have you moved your partitions?20:28
chicosPelo: Nothing... No bootloader20:28
h00kchicos: That can happen if your hdd is bad, also.20:28
chicosh00k: No, the particians are the same20:29
Pelo!grub | chicos in here you'l get instrucitions to "fix" grub20:29
ubotuchicos in here you'l get instrucitions to "fix" grub: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:29
h00kchicos: it won't boot off the LiveCD?20:29
chicosh00k: No, it just hangs. even off of edgy20:29
Pelo!mouse > Pelo20:29
h00kchicos: Where does it hang when you try to boot the CD?20:30
h00kchicos: and you're boot order is set correctly?20:31
Pelolater folks20:31
chicosh00k: The menu, I select "Startr or install Ubuntu", and then the screen goes blank, and the CDRom slows down after about a minute20:31
FastZlater Pelo20:31
h00k^o) cool.20:31
chicosh00k: It worked before.20:31
linkinxpguys someone knows about xchat??20:31
h00kchicos: it's possible you have some bad hardware20:31
snarksterman xchat20:32
FastZlinkinxp: i use xchat, but im not an expert at it.  I might be able to help you if the question isnt too difficult20:32
chicosh00k: I'm going to install the Hdd into another comp as a slave.20:32
Exterislinkinxp, same here20:32
User2005nobodys answered my question yet ?20:32
linkinxpFastZ:  Exteris i install the one that doesnt have user list and its very basic , how i make the user list appear?20:32
snarksterUser2005L restate question20:33
FastZUser2005: please give more detailed question...20:33
FastZexe files and libraries...20:33
FastZyou on linux or windows?20:33
User2005why doesn't my software recognize the .so files ?20:33
snarkstermore information20:33
Ashfire908about when on thursday will 8.04 be released?20:33
User2005have none...20:34
Baby_Shambl3sAshfire908: you could get hardy now if you want20:34
Exterislinkinxp, install the normal xchat, not xchat-gnome20:34
LamegoUser2005, could you be more description on your problem ? .so files are used by applications during runtime20:34
FastZlinkinxp: if it's the same xchat that I have, you just select the View menu drop down and then checkmark "User List"20:34
snarkstercant help you then20:34
Ashfire908Baby_Shambl3s: yea but it's the release canadate, not the actual release20:34
Baby_Shambl3sUser2005: what software you using to recognise .SO files20:34
linkinxpExteris:  grrr if i install it will it take the servers from the other one?20:34
h00kFastZ: xchat-gnome lacks "View" menu20:35
FastZExteris: nothing wrong with xchat-gnome..20:35
LoOoDTrying to setup kickstart. got pxe working, and can do a interactive install fine.. How do I create the seed to make it all hands off ?20:35
Baby_Shambl3sAshfire908: after that you can just update it, what the difference it still works20:35
h00kwe have IRC Edit Network Discussion Go Help20:35
ExterisFastZ, sorry, linkinxp preferences?20:35
User2005get back to you on this one...20:35
FastZlinkinxp: are you using xchat-gnome?20:35
linkinxpim changing now20:35
FastZlinkinxp: no need20:36
Ashfire908Baby_Shambl3s: aren't alpha/beta/RC updates usaly full of trouble?20:36
FastZgimme a second and ill show you how to get the users list to show20:36
egchi all20:36
linkinxpFastZ:  ok20:36
FastZi use xchat-gnome on my laptop20:36
snarksternature break20:36
FastZjust have to boot that up right fast20:36
egcif i have a library where i can't find a documented API, is there a command I can run on it to find out what functions it exports?20:37
h00kFastZ: I'd like to know, too, I'll follow along :)20:37
titan_I am running Ubuntu 7, when 8 comes out will it auto update to it or will I have to reinstall?20:37
linkinxpFastZ:  ? :D20:37
Ashfire908titan_: you can update20:38
titan_cool thanks20:38
snarkstertitan: should just update20:38
FastZlinkinxp: actually on xchat-gnome, there should be a "button" down in the lower left corner that should show you all the users in the channel20:38
Ashfire908titan_: btw the .10 and .04 are signauifant in the version number20:38
h00ktitan_: you can 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'20:38
linkinxpFastZ:  yes20:39
FastZlinkinxp: is that what you were looking for?20:39
linkinxpFastZ:  but im Oper so i need to see every120:39
snarksternappy time.. ttyl20:40
linkinxpill install the other one20:40
linkinxpfastZ thanks :D20:40
Phusionhey there, running semi-latest 8.04 and everything is great, except when I run WinXP in VirtualBox, it will not capture my mouse20:40
emil_\nick Man00720:40
PhusionI suspect its an error in xorg.conf or something along those lines.. but not sure20:40
Phusionworked great in 7.1020:40
FastZ_linkinxp: yeah, as far as op tools go, you might be better off installing the regular xchat  sudo apt-get install xchat20:41
FastZ_that doesnt work does it20:41
h00kFastZ_:  will it keep my settings;) ?20:41
kelvin911guys what is the different between double buffering and triple buffering?20:41
kelvin911in VLC20:41
buggmasteris there a package for mysqltuner20:42
FastZhOOk: not sure about that.  i'm not familiar with what the differences between the settings for each of the two versions20:42
h00kFastZ: I'll try :)20:42
buggmasternevermind, i found their homepage20:42
h00kheh. seems to.20:43
_Rambaldi_i am learning to write scripts in for bash (gedit) but i a getting a little frustrated counting lines to locate mistakes, is there a software for writing scripts that has line numbers?20:43
FastZh00k and linkinxp: it appears that xchat-gnome and xchat both store settings in .xchat2 in your /home  so removing one and installing the other should allow you to use the settings from the previous version20:43
crdlb_Rambaldi_: gedit has line numbers. Edit > Preferences20:44
unforsakenanyone available to help on an old version of ubuntu?20:44
mistapapahi all...20:44
Lamego!anyone | unforsaken20:44
ubotuunforsaken: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:44
_Rambaldi_ctr i20:44
chicosNo dice, hdd failure.20:44
h00kchicos, it was HDD?20:45
Lamego_Rambaldi_, gedit supports "Go to Line number"20:45
h00kFastZ, settings are saved between the two.20:45
mistapapawhich version of flash player is the one with the best performance? SWFDEC or ADOBE or GNASH???20:45
_Rambaldi_i found that out20:45
Lamego_Rambaldi_, Search -> Go To Line20:45
Qalduneuse adobe20:45
Ic1hi all20:45
FastZh00k: so your old settings moved over to the new version of xchat?20:45
mistapapaQaldune: okay so this ones performance is best under ubuntu?20:46
Qaldunemistappa: swfdec and gnash aren't reliable enough20:46
h00kFastZ, yes, autoconnects, passwds, etc safved20:46
unforsakenI'm running 5.04 and getting errors about rules when I try to compile programs...any ideas20:46
FastZh00k: awesome good deal20:46
StarnestommyQaldune: I've found that adobe and gnash are about as fast, but adobe works better20:46
Qaldunemistapapa: i don't know about speed, but you'll get a lot of trouble with swfdec and gnash with most websites20:46
Auctionedllama!hardy | Auctionedllama20:46
Starnestommymistapapa: I've found that adobe and gnash are about as fast, but adobe works better20:47
Qaldunestarnestommy, that's exactly what i meant20:47
StarnestommyQaldune: I accidentally typed the wrong nickname20:47
Lamegounforsaken, you need to be more specific, maybe a pastebin20:47
mistapapaokay... all i want is performance in youtube lol20:47
mistapapaso ich choose adobe for now... maybe later versions will be more reliable20:48
chicosWe're just here in Ghosh's Linux class trying to learn Ubuntu20:48
Baby_Shambl3show do I go to previous page in w3m cause i cnat find the command in the man page and left arrow key dont work?20:48
tclinekscan screen automatically cycle through windows?20:48
marko-_-sound doesn't work... just worked minutes ago now not... what should i do ? i really don't wanna restart the x20:48
Tabrishsomebody here knows for sure if Amarok runs under Gnome?20:48
StarnestommyTabrish: it does, and most KDE programs do20:48
LamegoBaby_Shambl3s, have you tried backspace ?20:49
h00kTabrish, you can run it under gnome, yes20:49
Tabrishi'm trying to decide if i will use Ubuntu or Kubuntu =p20:49
chicosAnyone wants to talk to chicos20:49
FastZTabrish: Amarok should run under GNOME20:49
TabrishStarfleetNDP and h00k: thx20:49
Lamego!ot | chicos20:49
ubotuchicos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:49
Baby_Shambl3sLamego: nope have will try now20:49
unforsakenmake: *** No rule to make target `src/sha1-mmx.S', needed by `aircrack-ng'.  Stop.20:49
chicosWe're trying to learn something here.20:49
peter___Hi, I've a strange problem: I've made a symlink to a directory in the /usr/bin to /usr/X11R6, strangly when I type for example X (which is in /usr/X11R6) nothing happens, does anyone know what might be te sollution?20:49
Baby_Shambl3sLamego: nope backspace moves between lines but no previous page, hmmm thats really obscure20:50
chicosAny hotties?20:50
FastZchicos: loads of hotties in #ubuntu-offtopic20:50
Phusionanyone know why virtualbox won't grab my mouse for winxp guest OS in Ubuntu 8.04?20:50
mistapapaanother more general question: shall i install all updates that update manager shows or do i have to be more careful concerning packages?20:50
Lamegopeter___, "nothing  happens" ? or you get a command not found ?20:50
peter___command not found20:50
Lamegomistapapa, in general you should trust on updates, except for the very rare cases they break your system, in particular with kernel updates :P20:51
AuctionedllamaHi, I just installed hardy, and my GFX card is working full blast, but whenever I switch themes my bars will never change. They're always grey no matter what I switch too (the gui bars at the top) how do I fix this?20:51
Lamegopeter___, ls -l yourlink20:51
peter___also when typing x and then tabbing, no binaries are shown20:51
chicosOur professor Ghosh thinks he knows Ubuntu, but he doesnt know squat20:51
Lamego!hardy | Auctionedllama20:51
ubotuAuctionedllama: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu20:51
Redhammerhi short question: how do I "reset my appearance manager" all the themes there seem to be unable to show a preview and are garbled, FYI I have already done a "rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity" which has solved most of my messed up conf but that bit is still eluding me20:51
peter___ls -l?20:51
peter___ls -ls then?20:52
jac0b-wdoes anyone know if the "The folder contents could not be displayed" error has been fixed in hardy?20:52
Auctionedllamalamego, sigh D:20:52
mistapapaLamego: okay I'll trust these updates and hope that they won't break anything20:52
FastZpeter___: ls -l just shows a long listed format of the regular ls command20:52
peter___Lamego: ow yes, stupid, sory, didn't see it, it points to: ../X11R6/bin20:53
chicosAnybody know Bill Gates?20:53
FastZpeter___: its like "ls" but it shows more information like file permissions, the file owner and group, etc etc20:53
Lamegopeter___, ;)20:53
peter___Lamego: if I cd to X11 I also see the binaries20:53
chicosI kinda feel left out here20:54
unforsakenLamego: make: *** No rule to make target `src/sha1-mmx.S', needed by `aircrack-ng'.  Stop.20:54
unforsaken any ideas on what to do to fix that...it happens on anything...ircd, wireless drivers, etc.20:54
Lamegochicos, do you have a support question, if you do not, leave20:54
Lamegounforsaken, no idea, it misses the file, either from the source, or because it was not able to build it20:54
adambI should be able to install a 32bit version of ubuntu server on a 64bit server, right?20:55
Bluetoot1hi dear people, where I can find hidd for my 8.04?20:55
Lamegoadamb, sure20:55
Baby_Shambl3sLamego: cold hearted reply to chicos why not aks him to ask a question20:55
chicosHow do I change my layout using script commands?20:55
adambLamego: all I am loosing out on is addressable space, as in amount of memory I can put in, yes?20:55
peter___BOBY, just ask your question, it's too busy for hello20:55
sanozukedoes anyone know about perl irc channel20:55
FastZBaby_Shambl3s: chicos has asked questions then started to chatter... #ubuntu-offtopic is for that20:56
LamegoBaby_Shambl3s, please read his chat in the channel!20:56
Baby_Shambl3ssanozuke: serach your irc client for comamnd list :/20:56
PhusionI'm running Ubuntu 8.04 and when I run virtualbox, I cannot grab the guest OS with my mouse, the screen pops up and I hit capture, but nothing happens20:56
hwildeanybody seen this error before?  "EOF in empty packet"20:56
jeannoeli want to use xsan with hp 5200 with nas server but the scan is not reconized can you help me i m under ubuntu 7.120:56
Baby_Shambl3sLamego: nah wont do i bet its soemthing stupid and annyoing and i have to scroll up :/20:56
Lamegoadamb, yes, and, theoretically you would get more performance with 64 bits kernel/apps20:56
DarkWolfHi everyone20:56
FastZ!hardy | Phusion20:56
ubotuPhusion: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu20:56
Phusionah thanks20:57
peter___Hi, I've a strange problem: I've made a symlink to a directory in the /usr/bin to /usr/X11R6/bin, strangly when I type for example X (which is in /usr/X11R6/bin) I get command not found.20:57
adambWhats the max amount of ram i can have on a 32bit machine?20:57
unforsakenLamego: ok thx...I'll just keep looking...I can't imagine it can't find a file in everything I am compiling...it just about has to be something to do with the system...either something wasn't installed or not installed properly...thx for the help all the same20:57
DarkWolfI am in need of some help if any of you lovely people could ablige20:57
Lamegopeter___, uff, some minutes ago you noticed the link was pointing to the wrong place, is it already fixed :) ?20:57
DareDevi1Good afternoon does anybody knows how to use the Mozilla with java application20:57
FastZadamb: depends on what your mobo can support20:57
peter___Lamego: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2008-04-20 19:53 X11 -> ../X11R6/bin20:57
Lamegounforsaken, the Makefile expects that .S file to be available20:57
DareDevi1Because I can not see any web with java applications20:58
peter___Lamego, I felt stupid because I miread ls for ln ;)20:58
Lamegopeter___, that's your /usr/bin ?20:58
Baby_Shambl3sadamb: if m$ innt lying i think its 4GB max or was it 2GB?20:58
unforsakenit is and in the same location that the Makefile is looking at20:58
peter___Lamego, that's #root@/usr/bin: ls -l X1120:58
DareDevi1Y try to enter to a web wich needs java and I can't do it20:58
Lamegopeter___, echo $PATH20:58
unoppeter___, is /usr/bin/X11 in your $PATH?20:58
sanozukewere can i find Gcc on the ubuntu20:59
DarkWolfDoes anyone know how to get the nvidia drivers to work on the new 7.10. it worked before the update. but i did a fresh install and updated from scrach20:59
Wandererwhat's the name of the package to set timezone when the HW is set it's clock to UTC?20:59
Lamegoyou understand that you are linking a directory, no it's contents, right ?20:59
unopsanozuke, install the build-essential package20:59
peter___Lamego: /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin20:59
Baby_Shambl3ssanozuke: search on google20:59
Lamegopeter___, /usr/bin/X11 is not on your path20:59
DareDevi1Help please??20:59
peter___X11 is not in my path20:59
AnimortisI have a problem. I have proFTPD installed and want it to work on boot. For some reason, it will not start for use on a boot. I have tried update-rc.d with defaults but it claims there's already links there. I can use /etc/init.d/proftpd start and stop from a raw boot to my desktop and they will BOTH work for some reason. Either way, however, I have to start the service to get it to work. Can anyone help me get started on fixing20:59
Animortis this, or maybe automating the manual start and stop commands I'm doing?20:59
DarkWolfi have tryed Envy but had no luck20:59
sanozukeolways nice20:59
AnimortisWow sorry20:59
peter___So it should be, thanks guys :D20:59
FastZDarkwolf: system>administration>restricted drivers manager doesnt allow you to install them?21:00
Baby_Shambl3sDarkWolf: 7.10 isnt new and there are plenty of tuts in ubuntuforums.org or you can wait for seomone to help you that has nvidia card21:00
LamegoBaby_Shambl3s, if you dont know the answers, do not send people to google !!!21:00
DareDevi1Lamego could you help me please??21:01
peter___Now the following happens: X: error while loading shared libraries: libXau.so.6: cannot open....21:01
Lamego!anyone | DareDevi121:01
ubotuDareDevi1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:01
FastZAnimortis: add proftpd to System>Preferences>Sessions21:01
Baby_Shambl3sLamego: sorry but the point is not that im sending people to goole but half of what they ask is in the forum or google but yeah np wont do that any more21:01
Lamegopeter___, you dont have the libraries on the library search path, for those binaries21:01
unoppeter___,  X requires you start it via startx not directly21:01
DarkWolfi have try restricted drivers, also editing the xconfg file to nvidia insted of nv21:01
AnimortisFastZ, That requires a password and for me to log in to work. I want it on boot, not log in.21:01
Lamegopeter___, what are you trying to achieve ?21:02
mweI think the programs in /usr/bin/X11 have hard links in /usr/bin21:02
DareDevi1I allready did it21:02
Lamegounop, not is problem, he did some hacking already on its X dirs21:02
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peter___Lamego, where do I modify the the library search path normaly?21:02
peter___Lamego, first I want the X server running, then I'd like to install Xfce21:02
DareDevi1My problem is that I can use the Mozilla with a java application21:02
Lamegopeter___, /etc/ld.so.conf21:02
ninjaslimi have wireless network configured on my laptop, for some reason it doesn't connect anymore and the kentworkmanager application is different than the one i was using, i think it changed during updates, is there a way for me to reset the configuration of the wireless21:03
unopLamego, i know, he was in earlier -- still, X is never usually started by calling it directly21:03
DarkWolfI'm sorry i am unable to send a privet message21:03
Lamegopeter___, why didn't you used the repositories applications ?21:03
DareDevi1I am tryn to enter to a site that needs java and I can do it because a problem with java21:03
peter___Lamego, TNX very much, this took me so long!21:03
Lamegounop, well, youd didn't read the thread start ;)21:03
FastZAnimortis: maybe look at system>administration>services then..21:03
peter___Lamego, I'm building an LFS system ;)21:03
FastZAnimortis: I thought proFTPd starts at boot by default?21:03
Lamegopeter___, ouch, so you are offtopic , try ##linux instead21:03
BCBudLover83does anyone here have a problem with harddrives automounting in ubuntu 8.04?21:04
peter___Lamego, by mistake installed Xorg 6.9, quiet old, but there's no make uninstall, and I'm not using a package manager21:04
LamegoFastZ, it does, at least from a repos install21:04
AnimortisFastZ, It's supposed to but it doesn't for me for some reason. I don't know why, I didn't mess with it.21:04
peter___tnx anyway Lamego21:04
ninjaslimi have wireless network configured on my laptop, for some reason it doesn't connect anymore and the kentworkmanager application is different than the one i was using, i think it changed during updates, is there a way for me to reset the configuration of the wireless21:04
peter___I'm gone21:04
DareDevi1I have a problem with java in Mozilla, help pleae21:04
AnimortisLamego, ProFTPD doesn't for me, though. I don't know why.21:04
kaffienwhat is the realease schedule for ubuntu 8?21:04
FastZAnimortis: and you've tried removing and reinstalling proFTPd?21:04
hwildeanybody seen this error before?  "EOF in empty packet"21:04
=== kinetic__ is now known as Kinetic
noodlesgcBCBudLover83 ask Hardy related issues in #ubuntu+a21:05
hwildekaffien, release candidate is out already21:05
noodlesgcBCBudLover83 #ubuntu+121:05
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:05
AnimortisFastZ, yes, even with a complete remove.21:05
kaffienodd i was just on the main page ...21:05
AdrianStraysI need some major help, please look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=476045121:05
kaffienahh good good21:05
AnimortisIs there a good way to get a process to reinit twice?21:05
=== DarkWolf is now known as DarkWolf2008
AdrianStraysAnd suggest further instructions21:06
kaffieni really want to try that instant inegration with windows AD21:06
ninjaslimi have wireless network configured on my laptop, for some reason it doesn't connect anymore and the kentworkmanager application is different than the one i was using, i think it changed during updates, is there a way for me to reset the configuration of the wireless21:06
FastZAnimortis: i really wish i had more knowledge about proFTPd so i could help you, i had it installed at one time on my server but ive since switched to transferring files solely via SSH now21:06
DareDevi1help with mozilla and java21:06
icedwaterHi, I need help fixing my sound card... can't remember when I last played sound, but now I can't get anything out of it21:07
icedwaterExcept when I play a sound file inside audacity.21:07
LamegoAnimortis, boot from the livecd and fix the sudoers privileges21:07
Lamegoerm, permissions21:07
kbrooksAdrianStrays, what if people can't click on your link? Please summarize your post in  here.21:07
LamegoI meant, AdrianStrays21:07
AnimortisLamego, Er, explain a little more. Why?21:07
icedwaterTotem and other web applications don't give me sound. :(21:07
AnimortisOh, wrong person?21:07
LamegoAnimortis, sorry, wrong nick, was AdrianStrays21:07
dmi3ondo desktop effect work with intel 965 chipset ?21:08
crdlbdmi3on: that chip is blacklisted in gutsy, but not in hardy21:08
AdrianStraysLamego, I don't have a livecd21:08
AnimortisI've a question -- What's the remove command counterpart to update-rc.d? Like, remove-rc.d or something?21:08
mweDareDevi1, I think you need to install sun-java6-plugin at for starters21:08
sanozukethabks people21:08
=== astr0bomber is now known as miss_machine
toastyspoonhello all, I'm very new to Ubuntu, and have a request for help... I installed 7.10 the other day on my Acer Aspire 5050 laptop and to begin with the wireless internet was working... it now isn't and I can't understand why21:08
Ic1dmi3on,  they works21:08
AnimortisOr is it just a careful rm command?21:08
crdlbdmi3on: it can be made to work in gutsy though21:09
unopAnimortis, update-rc.d21:09
mweAnimortis, I think update-rc.d can remove links as well21:09
LamegoAnimortis, man update-rc.d21:09
AnimortisAH okay I see the option now21:09
mweAnimortis, I recommend rcconf, though21:09
mluser-workanyone know how I can force an fsck check on next boot?21:09
FastZtoastyspoon: do you know what brand your wireless chipset is on that notebook?21:10
ninjaslimi have wireless network configured on my laptop, for some reason it doesn't connect anymore and the kentworkmanager application is different than the one i was using, i think it changed during updates, is there a way for me to reset the configuration of the wireless21:10
xukunhow can I play vob files with mplayer21:10
askandHi, I have a question about that laptop harddrive bug.."sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | grep Load_Cycle_Count"  the number it gives me increases with 5/minute or something.. is that bad?21:10
Ic12askand: no, it is not)21:10
mweAnimortis, if you remove links with update-rc.d the startup number is forgotten21:11
icedwaterIs there anyone who can help with my sound card settings?21:11
Animortismwe, Is that bad?21:11
ironfoot_495I have a iso (W2K 2000 Pro)that i'm trying to use on my vmware but it won't take i9t , Is there someone who is familiar with this installation?21:11
AdrianStraysI was attempting to have firestarter start at login, I attempted to do this by altering the sudoers file to allow firestarter start without prompting me for the admin pass.  I made the alterations, but found I couldn't save to that file.  I saved elsewhere, then overwrote the original with my copy.  Now I can't run any sudo commands, and in the prompt I am told that sudo should be "440" when it is in fact "0644"21:11
icedwaterI'd love to give more details, but I really can't remember what happened, it's been a while since I've been living with no sound.21:11
mweAnimortis, sometimes I think21:11
icedwaterI'll just wait here :)21:11
icedwaterThanks in advance for any help :)21:11
Animortismwe, I'll look at rcconf first before I go doing any update-rc.d removes21:12
mweAnimortis, if B depends on A and later B is set to start before A21:12
Johnsonman this has been such a bad distro of ubuntu21:12
AdrianStraysCan anyone help me?21:13
Animortismwe, I see. Well, maybe I broke it myself. I added update-rc.d for inadyn to keep up with my dynamic ip. If that's the case maybe a remove and restore would fix it.21:13
AnimortisI must reboot a few times. bbs.21:13
askand Ic1: according to this, it is :( http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4754512&postcount=221:14
LamegoAdrianStrays, try with gksu, there was someone reporting one of this days that you could use gksu in some scenarios where sudo was no longer available due to strict validations21:14
ninjaslimi have wireless network configured on my laptop, for some reason it doesn't connect anymore and the kentworkmanager application is different than the one i was using, i think it changed during updates, is there a way for me to reset the configuration of the wireless21:14
AdrianStrayslamego, as in gksu chmod 440 /etc/sudoers?21:14
LamegoAdrianStrays, you can start with something simpler, like gksu21:15
ZekerHello gentlemen.  I was assigned to fix a computer that is to use linux, and I was given the computer and a disc containing a "partimage" file.  I was told that it's the image file that needs to go into the PC, but I have no idea how to do it.  I'm pretty much a linux novice, can somebody please help me?21:15
FastZninjaslim: what is kentworkmanger?21:15
Lamegoand then, nautilus21:15
ninjaslimFastZ: knetworkmanager i mean21:15
Lamegojust to check if it will run it bypassing the sudoers file check21:15
FastZninjaslim: i fat fingered that anyway...21:15
ninjaslimFastZ: KDE network managing module21:16
AdrianStrayslamego, I don't understand what the command gksu does21:16
LamegoZeker, you will need a livecd with the partimage app, for the restore21:16
ninjaslimFastZ: what i realy need to know is how to reset all network config21:16
LamegoAdrianStrays, it will run a command with root privileges, sudo alike, but with a graphical prompt21:16
daemon4Is flightgear kind of screwy for everybody else?21:16
_NetI was listneing to music and all of a sudden xmms stopped. Now it says "Please check that: Your soundcard is configured properly You have the correct output plugin seleected"21:16
daemon4_Net: xmms crashes for me, too.21:17
daemon4That's why I use Amarok.21:17
_NetBut Now I cant play anything else21:17
LamegoZeker, check http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page21:17
daemon4_Net In any app?21:17
_Netlike I i open a youtube video it plays 1-2 secs then freezes21:17
Zekerlamengo, I downloaded and used the system rescue cd 1.0.1 for linux and it has partimage.  The problem is though that it won't let me swap out the disc for the one containing the partimage file.21:17
AdrianStrayslamego, it doesn't appear to be working.  I run it, then type in "chmod 440 /etc/sudoers" which was suggested by someone else, but nothing appears to happen21:17
DarkWolf2008Is anyone familiar with fixing the nvidia graphics card issue in 7.1021:18
LamegoZeker, anyway, probably your question would be better answered at ##linux, since it's not ubuntu specific21:18
daemon4_Net: Okay, then, I'm stumped.  Sorry.21:18
daemon4What's your sound card?21:18
rwarner-tsc-atsDoes anyone know the equivilent of cntrl alt del in Ubuntu to bring up the menu to shut down processes when the screen hangs and only the mouse pointer works21:18
LamegoAdrianStrays, ls -ltr /etc/sudoers21:18
xukunwhen I play video with mplayer I get xvinfo screen #0 no adaptors present. Any idea?21:19
rwarner-tsc-atsI am running an Xsession into a sun NMS that hangs my whol screen requiring a hard reboot.21:19
Lamegorwarner-tsc-ats, CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE21:19
AdrianStraysLamego, nothing21:19
_NetMy soundcard has been working for the past 2 years. its not the soundcard cause i know it works, its gotta be something else that did to it21:19
LamegoAdrianStrays, please show me the ls output21:19
Zekerthank you lamengo21:19
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LamegoZeker, yw :)21:19
Zekerjoin #linux21:19
_NetCause rythmic music player plays song21:20
lol_hon 8.04, will all home folders still be +rx to everyone by default?21:20
Lamego!hardy | lol_h21:20
ubotulol_h: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:20
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:20
zhuge0859I had direct rendering before, but after I reinstalled compiz and xserver-xgl, i no longer do.  this is on an x61s with intel graphics.  how do I get direct rendering back?21:20
_NetActually, ya, the rhythembox plays music fine21:21
_Netyet firefox freezes videos from youtbe or other sites and xmms don't play music21:21
achandrashekarhello i used gparted to format disk to ext3 how do you make it writable?21:21
rwarner-tsc-atsctrl alt backspace logged me out, and ctrl alt f1 crashes the system. Hmm21:21
lol_hthx Lamego21:21
AdrianStrayslamego, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63939/21:22
Aces|_Does anyone know how to fix this error ¨The Composite extension is not available¨ when trying to change visual effects in appearance to custom?21:22
Lamegoachandrashekar, have you mounted it ?21:22
ironfoot_495is there someone who could help me with installing W2K on an ubuntu?21:22
ironfoot_495using vmware21:22
LamegoAdrianStrays, did you try to boot into rescue mode ?21:23
achandrashekarLamego: I had it mounted..and then went to go save a file...i couldnt do that...so i unmounted and checked that it was ext3 in gparted..21:23
achandrashekarLamego: im not sure what to do next.21:23
Aces|Does anyone know how to fix this error ¨The Composite extension is not available¨ when trying to change visual effects in appearance to custom?21:23
Lamegoachandrashekar, you just to be sure the partition was mounted normally (rw), and that you have regular unix privileges to write to it21:23
Lamegoneed to be21:24
AdrianStraysLamego, I am unsure if that is an option. I set up grub so there was zero time out when selecting the normal kernal. I would have to alter grub, which I don't know if I can do without sudo, and additionally, I can't remember how to alter grub21:24
Aces|Whoops sorry for the repaste21:24
erUSULAces|: which graphic card? do you have working 3d drivers?21:24
Aces|I just installed Nvidia drivers21:24
Aces|I do believe they are up to date21:24
JasonIs there a way to alter nvidia fan speeds for your GPU in ubuntu?21:24
Daisuke_IdoAdrianStrays, you can still get to the grub menu, you just have to hit esc right around the time it says loading grub stage 1.521:25
Animortismwe, I appreciate the help. It turns out it was a problem with my configuration file and I found the error after a verbose reboot. It's been fixed and I'm cruising now.21:25
AdrianStraysLamego, what would I do after getting to recovery?21:25
LamegoAdrianStrays, i am out of suggestions, you really should get an live cd :(21:26
AdrianStraysdaisuke_ido, thank you21:26
cdm10Can anyone recommend a good mirror for Ubuntu? the US one is being slow, and the MIT media lab one is stopping in the middle of downloads. The one selected by "find best server" is actually broken.21:26
komputeshow can one cat a long string into your paste buffer?21:26
LamegoAdrianStrays, recovery will get you into a root shell21:26
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AdrianStraysLamego, thanks, I'll give it a shot from there21:26
Lamegocdm10, find one close to you, or test a few21:26
erUSULAces|: glxinfo | grep direct21:27
_moro_bana_which app can i use to open a .chm document21:28
Lamego_moro_bana_, apt-cache search chm21:29
Aces|erUSUL it says direct rendering : yes21:29
Lamegoerm, that search is not a good idea after all :P21:29
erUSULAces|: maybe your card is blacklisted21:29
Lamegothere are some chm readers, I dont remember the names now :|21:30
lordleemo_moro_bana_: chm viewer   kchmviewer   xchm21:30
zhuge0859glxinfo suggests that i set LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose, how do i do that?21:31
_moro_bana_Lamego: aptitude search works.21:31
Lamegogo with xchm21:31
_moro_bana_Lamego: ok, thanks21:31
achandrashekar_Lamego: okay..figured it out wrong permissions....and ownership...i guess gparted was run as root21:32
J-Unitwhere do I obtain the patch that fixes the no sound with devede (problem with mencoder i think)21:33
achandrashekar_Lamego: Im trying to recover a file from another machine...and have to mount that machine in chroot /mnt/sysimage..from there i need to put the file on to this drive. So if i change permissions to 777 recursively on the whole disk, am I good?21:33
latituCould not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)21:33
latituE: Unable to lock the list directory21:33
latitui dont see any app using it in the ksysguard............21:33
Baby_Shambl3show can I copy a directory from /var/lib? I try sudo cp /var/lib/mpd/playlist ~/.mpd and this is what i get cp: omitting directory `/var/lib/mpd/playlists/'?21:33
Lamegoachandrashekar, no, that is terrible21:33
jorgpBaby_Shambl3s, use cp -pr21:34
Lamegodo  not chmod 777 recursively21:34
achandrashekar_Baby_sShabl3s: the -r or -R dont remember is a recursive copy flag21:34
Dudeeee34Can anyone help me connect to my wireless linksys router?21:34
LamegoBaby_Shambl3s, cp -a or -r21:34
Baby_Shambl3sjorgp: thanx but whats does -pr do compared to just using cp21:34
Dudeeee34I am on a laptop right now.21:34
redwhitewaldowhich of the 2 plugin choices for firefox 3 beta 5 should i choose: 1) media plug-in for gecko browsers OR 2) MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla?21:34
LamegoBaby_Shambl3s, man cp21:34
jorgpBaby_Shambl3s, copies recursive aka directories21:34
CVirusHow can I take a screenshot from a video ?21:34
Baby_Shambl3sLamego: ok will check in man21:34
ice_creamhi all, it's time for me to complain about ubuntu again =P21:35
jorgpBaby_Shambl3s, man cp21:35
oxeimondoes anyone know of an utility to turn a space separated values file into a csv?21:35
Lamegoice_cream, this channel is for support, not complains21:35
ice_creamslim package (slim login manager) by default fails to start anything21:35
achandrashekar_Baby_Shambl3s: Its a recursive copy..21:35
Dudeeee34Can anyone help me connect my laptop to my linksys router?21:35
nottha_koxeimon: sed? sed 's/ /,/g'21:35
ice_creamLamego, yes, i dont just complain w/o specifics, so it's somewhere b/w complain and support ;)21:36
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ice_creamstarting x through slim does not init any of my font paths21:36
ice_creamnor start my wm =/21:36
ice_creami can safely do both with wdm21:36
napiwhat do I need to change so a user can't get out of their home directory? Or if they can, that they can't read contents of any files on the system?21:36
oxeimonnottha_k: what exactly would be the command?21:36
Seven_Six_TwoDudeeee34, what's not working?21:36
thevoidreturnsdudeeee whats your problem?21:36
Dudeeee34I don't know how to connect to my router wirelessly...21:37
oxeimoncat torus-350-96 | sed '//./g'      gives       sed: -e expression #1, char 0: no previous regular expression21:37
Dudeeee34I am a noob at ubuntu...21:37
Seven_Six_TwoDudeeee34, what kind of wifi card is it?21:37
thevoidreturnshave you used your network manager on the top bar?21:37
nottha_koxeimon: sed 's/ /,/g' thespacesparatedfile > thecommaseparated file21:37
Dudeeee34its a broadcom wireless built in to my laptop.21:37
oxeimonnottha_k: [torsion:CHECK_DATA] 33) sed 's//,/g' torus-350-96 > torus-350-96.csv21:38
oxeimonsed: -e expression #1, char 0: no previous regular expression21:38
Seven_Six_TwoDudeeee34, is the bcm module(or whatever the broadcom chipset needs) loaded?21:38
nottha_koxeimon: you are missing the spaces in s/ /21:38
Dudeeee34It was in the restricted drivers.21:38
Dudeeee34I installed it...21:39
oxeimonnottha_k: ahhh k thanks21:39
Seven_Six_TwoDudeeee34, did you try the graphical util that thevoidreturns mentioned? can you see the linksys' SSID?21:39
ryanakcaI have ssh access to server 'B'. On 'B', I have port 2227 open /locally/. How can I access port 2227 on 'B' from 'A' using an ssh-tunnel?21:39
Dudeeee34No i cant.21:40
Baby_Shambl3sLamego: is there a cp command i cna use that will copy from /var and change permission to my user instead of root?21:40
Dudeeee34I use to have windows where everything was easy.21:40
Seven_Six_TwoDudeeee34, is the Linksys already configured?21:40
Dudeeee34But here its all so difficult21:40
Dudeeee34My router works with all my other laptops21:40
Seven_Six_TwoDudeeee34, it's not if you know what you're doing.21:40
Dudeeee34my router is configured on this laptop though21:40
Coder7heya folks21:41
Baby_Shambl3sLamego: nevermind worked it out21:41
ecchitrying to install ubuntu (Gutsy) onto Dell Optioplex 170L -- the DVD-Rom acts like its going REALLY slow (well its spinning a lot/accessing the contents).. but can't seem to load live Disk fully.. talking like 30 mins just to get part the of live Desktop loaded (with icons still slowly loading). Ideas?21:41
Seven_Six_TwoDudeeee34, do you see your card with ifconfig or iwconfig?21:41
Coder7I'm am having a hell of a time trying to get OpenLDAP + TLS to work while testing 8.04, any ideas?21:41
ecchiI have tried the dvd-rom in another computer, and it installed Gutsy fairly fast21:41
Dudeeee34Where do i find iconfig?21:41
Dudeeee34Or the other thing?21:41
noodlesgcCoder7 #ubuntu+121:41
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Coder7noodlesgc: ;) thanks21:42
Seven_Six_TwoDudeeee34, those are commands you would issue from a root console.21:42
achandrashekar_Baby_Shambl3s: Why not write a bash script that does that?  mkdir newdirectory cp -r /var /newdirectory then chown -R  whoever:whatever newdirectory21:42
Dudeeee34What are they?21:42
StarnestommyDudeeee34: or in a terminal with "sudo" before the commands21:42
noodlesgcecchi you could use the alternate cd21:42
StarnestommyDudeeee34: they're utilities for managing internet interfaces21:42
Seven_Six_TwoDudeeee34, sorry, this is Ubuntu!!21:42
ecchialternate cd?21:42
noodlesgcecchi it installs from a command line interface21:43
noodlesgcecchi there should be a checkbox when you are downloading21:43
Seven_Six_TwoDudeeee34, there should be a program in your menu called "term", "terminal", "console", "kterm" etc21:43
ryanakcaI have ssh access to server 'B'. On 'B', I have port 2227 open /locally/. How can I access port 2227 on 'B' from 'A' using an ssh-tunnel?21:43
Dudeeee34Yes I have used terminal21:43
Dudeeee34I use some commands like "sudo apt-get install..."21:44
gustavo_hey guys, Ubuntu cannot recognize my microfone. when I go to System->Preferences->Sounds->Test sound rec it gives me an error  ---> gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat:21:44
Seven_Six_TwoDudeeee34, ok. "sudo ifconfig"21:44
gustavo_plus a message in my language21:44
Dudeeee34Alright it gave me the types of internet21:44
Dudeeee34like Eth1 and lo.21:44
Seven_Six_TwoDudeeee34, that should list your network devices. "sudo iwconfig" should list all of your wireless devices21:45
noodlesgcgustavo_ what is the audio choice set to?21:45
gustavo_hey guys, Ubuntu cannot recognize my microfone. when I go to System->Preferences->Sounds->Test sound rec it gives me an error  ---> gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat:21:45
Dudeeee34It says eth1 eth0 and lo21:45
Dudeeee34Dose this mean i have wireless or no?21:45
noodlesgcgustavo_ what audio driver is that drop-down list set to?21:46
thannoyryanakca: something "ssh accoutB@B -L 2227:"  should give you a local 2227 port on A which is bind to B:222721:46
Daisuke_IdoDudeeee34, it could, you're going to have to be a little more specific21:46
Seven_Six_TwoDudeeee34, do either of the eth ones look different? do you have any output from iwconfig?21:46
Lamegoryanakca, ssh server_a -L2227:server_b:222721:46
Dudeeee34No not at all21:46
Dudeeee34they look the exact same.21:46
Lamegoops, I did a different interpretation21:47
AuctionedllamaHey guys21:47
Auctionedllamahow do I add widgets ?21:47
ryanakcathannoy: thanks :)21:47
noodlesgcAuctionedllama widgets? to what?21:47
Seven_Six_TwoDudeeee34, can you type "sudo lspci -vv" and copy the output to a pastebin?21:48
mrkeishiihow do I download 8.04LTS using the Terminal?21:48
noodlesgcmrkeishii wget <url>21:48
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Auctionedllamanoddlesgc I have seen desktop widgets in screenys before.. how do I open them?21:48
mrkeishiiwhat is the url21:48
m3ltd0wn123beep, by far the coolest command ever.21:48
idghello fellow ubuntu people - my first time in IRC after using linux for years - very strange21:48
zhuge0859i think i broke direct rendering on my x61s (intel graphics) by installing xserver-xgl.  how do i get direct rendering back?21:48
Auctionedllamaor get them etc, (I am running 8.04 fyi)21:48
ryanakcathannoy: wait, but A:2227 -> B:2227 goes through B:22 first, correct?21:49
mrkeishiiwhat is the url21:49
thannoyryanakca: yes, it is a tunnel through ssh which run on port 2221:49
noodlesgcmrkeishii http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-rc-desktop-i386.iso21:49
Dudeeee34Where do i paste it?21:49
ryanakcathannoy: splendid, thanks :)21:50
noodlesgcmrkeishii thats the x86 image btw.21:50
Seven_Six_Two>>anyone jump in? is there an official pastebin for the channel?21:50
Seven_Six_Twolol nm...21:50
ryanakcathannoy: one more question, why is it that that command connects me to B:22 as if I went 'ssh B', instead of creating a tunnel?21:50
mrkeishiijust what i needed21:50
Auctionedllama!hardy | Auctionedllama21:50
Dudeeee3400:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)21:50
Dudeeee34        Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Unknown device 30d921:50
Dudeeee34        Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B-21:50
Dudeeee34        Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- <TAbort- <MAbort+ >SERR- <PERR-21:50
Dudeeee34        Latency: 021:50
FloodBot1Dudeeee34: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:50
Seven_Six_TwoDudeeee34, the pastebin is in the channel topic...21:50
mrkeishiiI just wanted to try it out before Wednesday21:50
mrkeishiiWell How do you install it after?21:51
gustavo_noodlesgc: I tried all of them21:51
mrkeishiiWell How do you install it after?21:51
gustavo_noodlesgc: alsa, sac92xxx, oss, sis305421:52
Laptop765does anybody happen to know of a workaround to install the tpb package (thinkpad buttons) without removing ubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop?21:52
thannoyryanakca: it does both. This command connect to remote ssh server (B:22) and ask this server to tunnel its local port 2227 through the same socket that the one used to connect B:22 (if I have understood your last question)21:52
petterahhello all :) will hardy still keep the human theme, or will it use the new gtk theme with the orange vertical bar?21:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repeat!keys - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:52
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts21:52
Baby_Shambl3show can i copy an error log but at the same time take away root ownership i.e. cp --no-preserve ownership /var/log/mpd/error.log ~/.mpd but the file is still owned by root which is not whats meant to happen?21:53
noodlesgcpetterah hardy has Human21:53
yggworkhello, i am suspecting abad drive on my laptop21:53
yggworkhow can i force a total hard fsck on it ? i have to do it when it reboots i think21:53
petterahthe good ol' human? nice, i didn't like the new gtk theme with the orange bar.. but its easy to change though..21:53
ubotufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot21:53
ryanakcathannoy: OK. Sorry, what's happening with the command is the same thing had I gone 'ssh B'. It doesn't appear to be creating a tunning going A:2227->B:22->B:222721:53
ryanakcathannoy: it just creates a plain ssh connection for me21:54
thannoyryanakca: and yes, while this tunnel is running, you are on the ssh prompt, as if you do not use -L. You should got the prompt and the tunnel should be running.21:54
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE21:54
ryanakcathannoy: ok, thanks :)21:54
NIKKanyone there21:55
NIKKi gotta random question21:55
noodlesgcNIKK 1345 people here21:55
NIKKif you took out a mobile contract and didnt pay the monthly line rental...woudl this be classed as "fraud"?21:56
gligorhoriahow can i check for packages, i want a list of all the php-pear21:56
NIKK...not that i indend to do this :P21:56
Jack_SparrowNIKK, yes it is fraud.. federal.. and yes ot21:56
noodlesgcNIKK not allowed to talk about that here21:56
ompaul!offtopic | NIKK21:56
ubotuNIKK: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:56
Baby_Shambl3s how can i copy an error log but at the same time take away root ownership i.e. cp --no-preserve ownership /var/log/mpd/error.log21:56
gligorhoriasomething like dpkg -l | grep php-pear but to check the only repositories for the packeges21:56
Baby_Shambl3s                       ~/.mpd but the file is still owned by root which is not whats meant to happen?21:56
Baby_Shambl3s how can i copy an error log but at the same time take away root ownership i.e. cp --no-preserve ownership /var/log/mpd/error.log21:56
Baby_Shambl3s                       ~/.mpd but the file is still owned by root which is not whats meant to happen?21:56
FloodBot1Baby_Shambl3s: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:56
Ghaithi know it wouldn't really matter, but does anyone know a better looking debuger then ddd?21:57
TimSCould someone tell me what application is being used to monitor the temperatures in this picture? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v125/ticlo/april_desktop.png21:57
NIKKcool thats all i wanted to know21:57
gustavo_hey guys, Ubuntu cannot recognize my microfone. when I go to System->Preferences->Sounds->Test sound rec it gives me an error  ---> gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat:21:57
Hy71194so ubuntu wont mount my NTFS hard drive :/21:57
LamegoGhaith, gdb ?21:57
Hy71194how do i mount it/?21:57
askandMy harddrive have about 7 loadcycles per minute..that is 420/hour...and if a harddrive lifetime is 600000 loadcycles that gives me 1428 hours=59 days... :(21:58
GhaithLamego, better gui :p21:58
noodlesgcaskand you need to something with hdparm21:58
suboptIs there a repository of alternate versions of gcc/g++ for gutsy, aside from the ones that show up in synaptic? (I need to build an app that needs one of several versions of gcc/g++ besides what i see in synaptic.)21:58
RodGohow can i change an account fullname information=21:58
noodlesgcaskand dont know what though, i read about it once21:59
askandnoodlesgc: yea I found that but that did not help : /21:59
Lamegosubopt, no21:59
Lamegosubopt, that must be a very old app22:00
noodlesgcTimS the computertemp applet22:00
gustavo_hey guys, Ubuntu cannot recognize my microfone. when I go to System->Preferences->Sounds->Test sound rec it gives me an error  ---> gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat:22:00
TimSOkay =]22:00
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over_flow(join #xandros22:01
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Jack_Sparrowgustavo_, Fixing sound.. download this: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa/raw-file/tip/alsa-info.sh  #and run the script as Normal User... with this command: bash ./alsa-info.sh  ... then go to http://en.pastebin.ca/906336 and answer those questions ..  then  /join #Alsa and provide them with your question and a link to the uploaded file.22:02
ryanakcathannoy: ok, another question. How can I background that tunnel, because I'm going to have programs on A connect to B:2227 through it?22:02
wubrgamer_ryanakca ssh?22:02
gustavo_Jack_Sparrow thanks, I will try22:02
yggworkuh sudo shutdown -F -r now didnt run fsck on boot. is there a nother way ?22:02
ryanakcawubrgamer_: yes22:02
Lamegoyggwork, using a live cd ?22:03
yggworkthats a good idea i guess22:03
serge87hello all22:03
ryanakcawubrgamer_: original question being ``I have ssh access to server 'B'. On 'B', I have port 2227 open /locally/. How can I access port 2227 on 'B' from 'A' using an ssh-tunnel? That's to say A:2227->B:22->B:2227 ''22:03
serge87what's better to install, xfce or xubuntu-desktop ?22:03
thannoythannoy: to background it, you will have to use RSA authentication for example (to not have to type password) and to launch it as a fork or with '&' at the end of a command line22:03
ArekHow do I remove an sda shortcut from desktop?22:04
yassinehi is there a way to create a directory rekursivly something like mkdir -option /new/directory/test ?22:04
ryanakcathannoy: I have my ssh-key on the server, yes. However, 'ssh -f ryanak.ca -L 2227:localhost:2227' gives me 'Cannot fork into background without a command to execute.22:04
woobitarek: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/hide-removable-drive-icons-from-your-ubuntu-desktop/22:05
Arekwoobit: thx22:05
isaquehello folks22:06
woobitdid it myself 5mins ago22:06
thannoyryanakca: how are you tryong to "fork into background"? with fork() C command?22:06
isaqueanybody has a EtherExpress card?22:06
Tombombidilquestion: I'm currently helping a friend recover data from a windows laptop using the latest ubuntu live cd. where does the livecd mount the local harddrive?22:06
gustavo_Jack_Sparrow : I have done that22:06
bews1In hardy, None of the scripts in /etc/acpi/suspend.d are getting run when I suspend!  Is this a known issue?  (nobody listening over in #ubuntu+1, it seems)22:06
Lamegogustavo_, under /media22:06
spepshey guys i'm getting mad with gstreamer. I can play in a good way vbr mp3 with any software based on gstreamer...it bumps. Instead i can play those files with xmms, audacious etc...any solution?i'm using gstreamer 0.10.Please HELP THANKS22:06
gustavo_Jack_Sparrow : http://pastebin.ca/99247022:07
Jack_Sparrowgustavo_, I dont see you in #Alsa with the link to your config?22:07
mrkeishiihow do you install XMMS?22:07
gustavo_<Jack_Sparrow> I've gone22:08
ryanakcathannoy: eh? Why would I use fork() in C? *doesn't even know C* -f is to background the ssh connection, isn't it?22:08
BobSappI installed some packages, but now my hard drive is full, how do I remove those packages that have been downloaded?22:08
noodlesgcmrkeishii sudo apt-get install xmms22:08
xet7Bob: sudo apt-get clean22:09
BobSappthanks xet722:09
christophercan someone help me setup my wireless card?22:09
mrkeishiinoodlesgc: but does this download the latest xmms?22:09
noodlesgcmrkeishii you mean xmms2?22:09
gustavo_Lamengo, what did you mean?22:09
CJS3141I'm using Ubuntu inside VirtualBox with the host OS as Windows. If I want to automatically mount a shared folder when starting up Ubuntu, what is the best way of doing this? BTW to mount the volume I have to use a special command "mount.vboxsf" instead of a normal "mount", so I don't know if I can put that in my /etc/fstab. Any ideas?22:09
thannoyryanakca: oh, yes. (didn't know about -f). But it seems -f want a command, so you should try not use it and append a "&" and the end of the comand line for example (to have the ssh connexion as a job and not lost prompt))22:09
noodlesgcmrkeishii no sudo apt-get install xmms222:10
ryanakcathannoy: ok, thanks :)22:10
Tombombidilnewbie question: can 7.10 mount ntfs drives?22:11
LSGtombombidil Yes22:11
TombombidilLSG: Thanks22:11
Tombombidilanother newbie question: I need to mount the primary partition of my HDD, which Gparted lists as lacking a mount point (the recovery drive is listed as mounted in /media). what do I do?22:15
gogetaTombombidil sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/wherever22:15
muikoI'm getting poor video/dvd playback at the moment, when I run XVINFO I get "no adaptors present"  Does anyone know what could be wrong?22:15
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto22:15
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter22:15
TombombidilGogeta: Will sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 work?22:16
christopherwhy are these broadcom wireless cards such a pain22:16
gogetaTombombidil if you made a dir called hda1 in mnt yes22:16
gogetaTombombidil ubuntu likes to use /meda/wherever22:16
noodlesgcchristopher because the drivers are proprietary22:16
Jack_SparrowTombombidil, did you create a mount point22:17
gogetaTombombidil so make its /media/hda122:17
christopherhow do i get it to work then? is it possible22:17
TombombidilGogeta: when I do that command, I get a message stating that mount is denied because the drive is in use22:17
gogetaTombombidil then its mounted22:17
TombombidilI created the mount point /mnt/hda122:17
opensuseHi, I just installed openSUSE on a seperate partition then my ubuntu distro and I accidently installed the boot loader while installing. Is there a way to change it so that Ubuntu's GRUB is used?22:17
Tombombidiloh, it's mounted? where do I find that?22:17
Jack_SparrowTombombidil, like gogeta  says mkdir /media/hda1    first   then /dev/hda1 /media/hda122:18
gogetaTombombidil probly in media dir22:18
noodlesgcchristopher you need the bcm43xxx-fwcutter package22:18
christopherwhere can i find that?22:18
Tombombidilonly the Recovery drive is listed in the media drive22:18
noodlesgcchristopher sudo apt-get install bcm43xxx-fwcutter22:19
gogetaTombombidil is that hda122:19
gogetaTombombidil 1 is just a number22:19
gogetaTombombidil it can be hda922:19
FloodBot1gogeta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:19
gogetaTombombidil just depends on how many partations you have22:19
Jack_Sparrowgogeta, agreed the mount point is just a name you create22:19
LSGgogeta: Couldn't it be sda? Or was that GRUB's way of naming partitions? I forget...22:20
Speedyhi guys, i just installed ubuntu and now my MS office disk wont work with it, is this  a bug?22:20
gogetaTombombidil can be sda yep22:20
christopherok it's downloading and extracting now22:20
gogetaTombombidil but hda still works22:20
LSGSpeedy: o.o22:20
gogetaoops wrong name22:20
christopherit's done extracting22:20
TombombidilGparted lists the available partitions as hda1 (67 Gb, the drive I need to mount), hda2, the recovery drive, and some unallocated space22:20
tzdhow do i add rss feeds from Firefox to akregator please?22:21
unopSpeedy, eh? linux does not understand windows installers .. you'll need to use wine or something like it to install office22:21
LSGgogeta: I'll ask you instead of telling Tombombidil cause i'm not sure, but how about trying to unmount the partition and mounting it back?22:21
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gogetaTombombidil normaly ubuntu will call it just that 64gb drive22:21
christophernoodlesgc, it's done thanks for your help btw22:22
gogetaTombombidil clicking that in natuls should take you there22:22
seabeastunop: it's a troll, don't feed it22:22
noodlesgcchristopher no problem22:22
christophernoodlesgc, now do i need to reboot?22:22
Tombombidilgparted claims that the 60 Gb drive is unmounted22:22
noodlesgcchristopher yes i think so22:22
gogetaTombombidil agreed try sudo umount /dev/hda1 then mount it again where you would like it22:22
christophernoodlesgc, ok then i'll be back soon ;)22:23
unopseabeast, is that an order?22:23
Tombombidilsame result22:23
mrkeishiiHow do you install a Screensaver?22:23
yggworkodd, is there a way to fsck swap space ?22:23
LSGTombombidil: Still "in use"?22:23
Tombombidilit successfully unmounts, then when I try to remount it I get still in use22:23
mrkeishiiHow do you install a Screensaver?22:24
gogetaTombombidil it sounds like ubuntu was it someplace22:24
seabeastunop: obviously not, just an advice on how to use your energy more efficiently22:24
gogetaTombombidil have you checked in media fully22:24
Tombombidilcould this be the result of not properly shutting the computer down?22:24
olegkorneitis there a built-in IRC in ubuntu?22:24
gogetaTombombidil it might be called windows22:24
LSGgogeta: Haha22:24
Exterisolegkorneit, pidgin22:25
Tombombidilthere's only one thing there, RECOVERY.22:25
mrkeishiiHow do you install a Screensaver?22:25
unopseabeast, thanks but i've been in here long enough to know that people do make presumptions like that :)22:25
LSGExteris: Pidgin has IRC??22:25
craigwhat's the best option to get photoshop up and running, 1. install wine 2. use vmware22:25
noodlesgcmrkeishii just go into synaptic and search for screensaver22:25
gogetaLSG thats what mine did be defult22:25
mrkeishiioh okay22:25
gogetaLSG 32gb drive i clicked it then it got named windows without me doing anything22:25
LSGgogeta: Creepy... mine have always been hda# or sda#22:26
chamucoHi I hooked a new HD and my boot is messed up now i get to a screen that says GDM could not write to HD possibly out of space I press OK and says couldn't start xserver22:26
chamucoI have dapper22:26
gogetaLSGim just talking the mount name not dev lol22:26
chamucoi had to start up my winblows22:26
mrkeishiiyeah, but which do i install? I downloaded a screensaver from Gnome-look.org and I want to install the screensaver I downloader22:27
LSGgogeta: Haha, i was hoping you were =<22:27
gogetaLSG hey thers a idea22:27
gogetaLSG looks in /dev/hda1 it should take him wherever its mounted22:27
mrkeishiiyeah, but which do i install? I downloaded a screensaver from Gnome-look.org and I want to install the screensaver I downloaded22:27
LSGgogeta: But...is the dir. even there?22:27
gogetaLSG yea the dev dir22:28
Tombombidilthere's hda1 and hda2 in the dev dir22:28
noodlesgcmrkeishii not sure how, but this may help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56732&highlight=screensaver+install22:28
gogetaTombombidil well you whant hda1 there should be your things22:28
mrkeishiithanks again22:28
mr_boois the nvidia 8800gt supposed to work with ubuntu?22:28
LSGmr_boo: Mine does22:29
Tombombidilgogeta: yes, I just want to recover the data on hda1.22:29
sivel27hello everyone22:29
bent_Hey again again #ubuntu. Was hoping someone could help me get my broadcom card to work before I go out and buy a USB wireless card. It's a BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 02). It dosen't have an interface I can find, but it is detected by lspci. Ive tried 4 different how-tos on the forums, and 2 wiki entries... between 5 clean installs. The b43 drivers do not work (i.e !broadcom is a nogo.)22:29
gogetaTombombidil well is your files there22:29
mr_booLSG: how did you install it?22:29
mrkeishiinah doesn22:29
gogetaTombombidil if they it means its mounted22:29
mrkeishiidoes not help22:29
christopherbent_, good luck.. i've been trying for a week22:29
sivel27does anyone know, by chance, if the repos are slow bandwidth-wise today?, or is it just my nic?22:29
LSGmr_boo: I just got the restricted drivers and it worked perfectly. Are you having problems with it?22:30
Tombombidiloh, what you're saying is, the livecd treats hda1 as its filesystem?22:30
bent_christopher: Thanks, but I'm soon going to end up getting a usb card... or something. Maybe.22:30
mr_booLSG: it starts in low graphics mode22:30
gogetaTombombidil oh your live22:30
christopherbent_, that is what i'm considering but i want to make sure it's going to work before i buy it22:30
LSGTombombidil: I didn't know you were on a live session..22:30
Tombombidilsorry, I thought I made that clear22:30
mr_booLSG: i tried to install this, NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.04-pkg122:30
gogetaTombombidil haha yea i think it does22:30
_Rambaldi_jaffarkel, hi22:31
rinaldi_hi, I was reading up on the ubuntu website about the mobile version. How does that work? Is it available in any current devices?22:31
LSGmr_boo: Why not the restricted drivers? They seem to work just fine.22:31
linkmaster03How can I find the exact model of my Realtek High Definition Audio sound card?22:31
mr_booLSG: where do i get them?22:31
TombombidilI'm terribly sorry, I thought I said that in my first question.22:31
gogetaTombombidil the the letterings gonna differ22:31
christopherbent_, my light doesn't even come on does yours22:31
LSGmr_boo: Are you using Gnome?22:31
mr_booLSG: yup22:31
gogetaTombombidil try using hda222:31
crimsunlinkmaster03: look in /proc/asound/card0/codec*22:31
Tombombidilreally? Gparted lists hda2 as the recovery drive22:32
gogetaor sda122:32
bent_christopher: Nope, not on my tx1308nr ... And nothing is happening.22:32
TombombidilI tried sda1 first22:32
gogetathe hda322:32
LSGmr_boo: Ok, then go to System--Administration--Restricted Drivers Manager22:32
BobSappsomeone using my old handle22:32
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Tombombidilthere's no hda3 listed, will that work?22:32
gogetayea hda3 should be it22:32
mrkeishiihow do i install files from my desktop using terminal?22:32
gogetaTombombidil live recovery and win22:32
gogetaTombombidil in that order22:32
TombombidilI'm sorry, I don't understand what you meant.22:33
gogetaTombombidil your partation order22:33
LSGTombombidil: Are you trying to burn the files from that partition to a cd/dvd or transfer them to another partition?22:33
linkmaster03crimsun: the card0 folder isn't there. My sound card does not currently work at all on Ubuntu therefore I am trying to find the exact model to get the drivers22:33
mr_booLSG: i don't have such a manager22:33
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Tombombidiltransfer them to an external fileserver22:33
LSGmr_boo: Uh...what version of Ubuntu are you running?22:33
mr_booLSG: gutsy22:34
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crimsunlinkmaster03: then start with `lspci -nv|grep -A1 0403'22:34
LSGmr_boo: That's...odd. It should be there. Are you sure you looked in the right menu?22:34
gogetaTombombidil hda3 should be what you need22:34
gogetaTombombidil im suprised the live cd isnt doing this for you22:34
mr_booLSG: ah, i think i found it22:34
Tombombidilok, I'll give it a shot22:34
sivel27anyone else having slow repo download ?22:35
TombombidilI was also surprised, it might be, where should I look to find out?22:35
mrkeishiihow to install a file from desktop using terminal???22:35
mr_booLSG: it says stuff about third party drivers22:35
christopherbent_, i think i'm just going to give up ever thinking i can get my wireless to work it's just to frustrating22:35
LSGmr_boo: Yeah, agree to it and let it download them22:35
gogetaTombombidil open places home22:35
gogetaTombombidil and in the left sidebar you should see all your harddisk22:35
Auctionedllama!hardy | Auctionedllama22:35
bent_christopher: agreed. But wireless is mission critical if I ever want to use internet... for most of my day.22:35
LSGmr_boo: You'll need to reboot the system after it's done.22:35
LSGgogeta: Why didn't i think of that....?22:36
mr_booLSG: it this all to it?22:36
linkmaster03crimsun: this comes up: 00:1b.0 0403: 8086:27d8 (rev 02)22:36
linkmaster03        Subsystem: 1179:ff0122:36
christopherbent_, same here.  that's the entire point of a laptop.22:36
jaffarkel:#ubuntu+1 j22:36
gogetaLSG :P22:36
mrkeishiihow to install a file from desktop using terminal???22:36
LSGmr_boo: Should be, yeah. Reboot and see if it worked.22:36
mr_boobe back22:36
olegkorneitnon-ubuntu --- im trying to copy over important files onto an external drive (connected through USB) which has 255GB free space left. Im trying to through a video over onto it (4gb) and its saying there isnt enough space and isnt letting me transfer. any ideas?22:37
bent_christopher: If you have the same computer as me... well, atleast everything else works. Except the headphone port.22:37
Tombombidilthat's exactly what I see, however, when I double click on the volume I want to see, it says cannot mount volume, and under details, it says that the logfile indicates an unclean shutdown22:37
erUSULolegkorneit: which file system has the drive?22:37
christophercan anyone assist with a broadcom wireless ?  i22:37
erUSUL!broadcom | christopher22:37
ubotuchristopher: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx22:37
Tombombidiland then starts talking about the NTFS drive being marked as in use22:37
gogetaTombombidi it means you need to boot windows and run chkdsk22:37
gogetaTombombidi if you can get that far22:38
LSGTombombidil: I'm assuming, of course, that something happened to your Windows partition, right?22:38
thannoyolegkorneit: your extrenal drive is in fat32? fat32 can't manage >4GB files22:38
Tombombidilwe're having problems with audio22:38
olegkorneitdamn it... thats my problem then.. it is a fat3222:38
Tombombidilamong other things22:38
LSGTombombidil: But..can you boot your Win partition?22:38
Tombombidilchkdisk was run 2 days ago with no errors22:38
gogetaTombombidi ok start windows let chkdsk run and boot the cd again22:38
Tombombidilwindows partition no longer boots22:38
skarfaceTombombidil: are you hibernating windows instead of shutting it down?22:39
gogetaTombombidi as long as it can boot chkdsk thats fine22:39
LSGTombombidil: I was afraid you were gonna say that =(22:39
ashdkjahksdasfree mp3 http://www.pc10.com.br22:39
Tombombidilyes, windows was often hibernated22:39
skarfaceTombombidil: that will 'cause "in use" on the linux side22:39
bent_christopher: Here goes yet another attempt at me installing it.22:39
gogetaTombombidi we can force mount it being we can tell where the drive is in /dev if need be but thats a lasty resort22:40
Don_Sergoâñåì äîáðîé íî÷è22:40
Tombombidilthe computer was completely shut down before booting the livecd22:40
christopheri have 8.04 and it says the drivers are already included but it doesn't even recognize the wifi22:40
gogetaTombombidi yea you need to pull windows out of hibernate22:40
thannoyolegkorneit: you can split your files in 4B subfiles to backup them, the command split can do it. Then you will have to concatenate files by "cat file1 file2 file3 > fileall"22:40
ijnhi all22:41
fAlCoNNiAnchristopher, did you open up the terminal and try a iwconfig?22:41
christopher03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 02)22:41
Liorcis it any possible to remove the "hda1" and "hda2" icons of my desktop without unmounting them or deleting the content ?22:41
gogetaTombombidi let chkdisk run22:41
gogetaTombombidi they start the live disk again :)22:41
mr_booLSG: here i am22:41
ijnneed some help tweaking firefox 3beta5 on ubuntu 8.0422:41
LSGmr_boo: How did it go?22:41
* Pelo would love to click "scroll on" click "scroll off" for his trackball, but he's not hopefull 22:41
christopherfAlCoNNiAn, no wireless extensions when i type that22:41
Tombombidilwhen windows boots normally, it hangs on the welcome screen22:41
olegkorneitthannoy - using windows atm. happen to know how to do it in XP?22:41
mr_booLSG: now at least there were no issues at startup22:41
gogetaTombombidi ubuntu aruldy flaged it to run chkdisk soo you should be good22:41
ijnis anyone familiar with firefox tweaking here?22:41
gogetaTombombidi chkdsk is befor welcome22:42
stdinijn: #ubuntu+122:42
mr_booLSG: biggest question now is how to adjust res and stuff22:42
ijnwhat you mean?22:42
thannoyolegkorneit: to concatenate under windows : copy /B file1+file2+file3 fileall22:42
ijnubuntu+1 room?22:42
olegkorneithow about split/22:42
Peloijn, what do ou ned to tweak ?22:42
stdinijn: 8.04 support is in #ubuntu+1 not here22:42
mr_booLSG: do i have to manually edit the xorg.conf file?22:42
ijnneed to set horizontal line on my touch pad22:42
Pelostdin, are you sure he means for hardy ?22:42
Tombombidilwe ran chkdisk yesterday and haven't done anything with the computer since then22:42
thannoyolegkorneit: but it will fails on fat32 filesystems because fileall >4GB22:42
ijnas back-forward button on firefox22:43
fAlCoNNiAnchristopher, you see it in the hardware info though?22:43
Pelo!touchpad | ijn22:43
ubotuijn: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad22:43
stdinPelo: <ijn> need some help tweaking firefox 3beta5 on ubuntu 8.04 < yep22:43
gogetaTombombidi well thats what you need to do without risking alot more damage to the fs22:43
ijnlaptop touchpad22:43
Pelostdin,  must be before I came in22:43
LSGmr_boo: System--Preferences--Screen Resolution. Do you have the option you want in there?22:43
ijndell inspiron 150522:43
Peloijn, read up a fw lines22:43
christopherfAlCoNNiAn, no22:43
dubbyhey anyone whats the difference between pork and bitchx when i do a synaptic search for the latter i get the former?22:43
stdinPelo: nope ;)22:43
chamucoHI I installed a new HD and now the gdm won't start22:44
gogetaTombombidi but if need be look in the poptyes in the guy find where in dev it is and force mount it (very bad)22:44
linkmaster03How can I recompile alsadriver?22:44
christopherfAlCoNNiAn, just eth0 and lo22:44
gabbsWhat is a "good" mail server / pop3 solution for ubuntu ?22:44
mr_booLSG: only offers me one resolution there, 640x480 that is22:44
Pelochamuco, do you get as far as the grub boot menu ?22:44
Pelo!alsa > linkmaster03  check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu22:45
LSGmr_boo: Then backup your xorg.conf and try adding the resol. you want.22:45
Pelogabbs, look in synaptic there are several22:45
dubbygabbs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_mail_servers22:45
fAlCoNNiAnchristopher, are you dual booting or are you just single boot?22:45
christopherfAlCoNNiAn, dual booting22:45
gabbscheers dubby - is that also useful for ubuntu?22:45
chamucoIt get's through grub starts booting dapper then gives me a msg gdm can't write a new auth entry to HD22:45
Pelochamuco, boot the live cd , partition the new hdd22:46
dubbygabbs if they work in linux pretty much good for working in ubuntu22:46
ijnpelo| there is nothing to tweak on touchpad file conf... I think22:46
mr_booLSG: humm, modelines and stuff22:46
linkmaster03Thanks Pelo22:46
fAlCoNNiAnchristopher, works fine in windows?22:46
gabbsdubby, cheers22:46
christopherfAlCoNNiAn, yes sir all the time22:46
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ijnthere is something on firefox that enables that option22:46
wuxiahow do I choose the theme to use for my ubuntu login screen using gdm?22:46
ijnin about:config I think22:47
Peloijn, ask in #firefox22:47
christopherfAlCoNNiAn, sorry shouldnt have assumed you male22:47
tgm4883_laptopis there a program to edit dvd ifo files?22:47
ijnno body was there22:47
Pelo!theme | wuxia22:47
ubotuwuxia: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy22:47
chamucoeven if I remove the new HD still it won't pass that screen if I get on recovery mode still gives me the same msg but I end at the CLI22:47
Peloijn, try researching it in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.org22:47
LSGmr_boo: Yeah, just look for the "Screen" section and add the resolution you want in the "Modes" line22:48
Pelochamuco, might adding the new hdd have reordered the partitons ?22:48
ijnyeah im goinng to google it22:48
LSGmr_boo: Please be sure to backup your xorg.conf file, just in case22:48
fAlCoNNiAnchristopher, i am, no worries. did it find it when you booted from the live cd?22:48
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christopherfAlCoNNiAn, no same thing22:48
ijnI just thought maybe someone has been here before22:48
gabbsdubby, isn't Hula a mail server as well?22:48
ijnthanks anyway22:48
chamuconot sure? might have b/c the new hd is on ide the old are on sata so I am assuming that it does b/c the bios list first the ide than the sata22:49
fAlCoNNiAnchristopher, what is the model?22:49
christopherBroadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI22:49
chamucopelo not sure? might have b/c the new hd is on ide the old are on sata so I am assuming that it does b/c the bios list first the ide than the sata22:50
linkmaster03How can I save a file in gedit with root permission?22:50
dubbygabbs: Hula is a type of dance by people of Hawaiian culture :-)22:50
Pelochamuco, I saw, that's pretty much all I have, I'm not so hot on hardware issues22:50
B|ackDayzhello, again :)22:50
chamucopelo if so how do I fix that?22:50
chamucook ty22:50
tgm4883_laptopis there a program to edit dvd ifo files?22:50
Pelolinkmaster03,  you can' t you need to close it and open it again with root permission , from the terminal  gksu gedit /path/file22:50
chamucopelo any other chnl that might help22:51
Pelotgm4883_laptop,  what is an ifo file ?22:51
christopherfAlCoNNiAn, Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI22:51
linkmaster03Pelo: Thank you so much22:51
Pelochamuco, #hardware maybe but here is as good a place as any , just not me22:51
tgm4883_laptopPelo, it's the file that contains info chapter info and such22:51
BobSapp!help xconfig22:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help xconfig - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:51
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tgm4883_laptopI would have thought gedit could do it, but apparently not22:51
co0lingFir3hi guys! whats the regex syntax for "any folder"? "/*/"?22:51
BobSapp!help x1122:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help x11 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:51
mrkeishiihow do you use MySQL? What Is It?22:51
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto22:52
fAlCoNNiAnchristopher, what version of ubuntu are you using?22:52
LSGtgm4883_laptop: A dvd file, right?22:52
BobSappcheers Zelta22:52
Pelotgm4883_laptop, qdvdauthor maybe but I donT think you can do that unless you reburn the dvd22:52
christopherfAlCoNNiAn, i'm using the latest one just downloaded it22:52
tgm4883_laptopLSG, well not exactly, it doesn't contain audio or video, but yes, its on the dvd22:52
fAlCoNNiAnchristopher, the latest stable or 8.04?22:52
chamucois there a cli irc included in ubuntu22:52
christopherfAlCoNNiAn, 8.04 :(22:53
Pelochamuco, check in add /remove several are maintionned22:53
christopherfAlCoNNiAn, should i try to latest stable one?22:53
mr_booLSG: i've tried to setup the "geforce 8" series in the settings22:53
mr_booLSG: gonna restart22:53
LSGtgm4883_laptop: I was trying to edit a .ifo the other day cause my sister wanted...something. There's a freeware app, called IFOedit. Seemed to work fine.22:53
Pelochristopher, 3 days until the official move to hardy   not sure it's worth it22:53
christopherPelo, i agree22:54
chamucopelo I am running winblows b/c of that problem so I can't and if I want to ask something while I am at the cli I have to shutdown rebot in winblows22:54
tgm4883_laptopLSG, thanks, i'll check it out22:54
LSGmr_boo: Did you add the lines you needed?22:54
Pelochamuco, hold22:54
chamucoPelo K22:55
fAlCoNNiAnchristopher, lets see if we can figure this out before you reinstall22:55
B|ackDayzI'm running (attempting to) a live version of ubuntu, when I boot up it gives me the message /bin/sh can't access tty; job control turned off22:55
fAlCoNNiAnchristopher, have you tried this guide? http://invaleed.wordpress.com/2007/11/20/install-bcm94311mcg-wlan-mini-pci-ubuntu-710/22:55
christopherfAlCoNNiAn, thanks22:55
B|ackDayzthey have a similar issue posted on the ubuntu forum22:55
B|ackDayzbut it's not for live versions of the case.22:55
DarkLordVenomwhere does ubuntu save its AT jobs?22:55
PaulMooneyI have a sudo problem.  It's like my password, which has worked with sudo up until now, sudo is not recognizing it22:55
rycolehey all, i'm using apt-get to install an apache/python module and it's going to download and install another python version. is there a way i can tell it not to download that, because i already have python installed.22:55
christopherfAlCoNNiAn, no but i'll check it out22:55
PaulMooneystrangest thing is that sudo doesn't say "incorrect password" or nothing like that.  it  just exits.  it goes directly back to the command prompt22:56
LSGPaulMooney: That usually means it worked..22:56
Peloeveryone , what's a decent   CLI  IRC  clent ?  bitchx ?22:56
mr_booLSG: goes back to vesa drivers no matter what22:56
PaulMooneybut it is not running what I attempt to run22:57
rycolePelo: bitchx or irssi are my two favorites.22:57
PaulMooneybrandon@DIABLO:~$ sudo cat /etc/sudoers22:57
FastZDarkLordVenom: /var/spool/cron/atjobs22:57
PaulMooney[sudo] password for brandon:22:57
earthmeLonI am currently using bitchx.  Mmmmm22:57
Pelochamuco,  irssi and bitchx22:57
fAlCoNNiAnchristopher, give it a try and let us know if it worked22:57
FastZDarkLordVenom: or it could be /var/spool/cron/atspool22:57
Pelochamuco, irssi is in the repos22:57
LSGmr_boo: I'm not sure what your problem might be. I need to run for a bit now, ask someone else here and you might get better help.22:58
LSGmr_boo: I'll be back in 30 minutes though.22:58
mr_booLSG: many thanks anyway22:58
linkmaster03How do I delete a folder and all its contents?22:58
LSGlinkmaster03: rm -r22:59
Pelolinkmaster03, sudo rm -rf /path22:59
nabcorerm -Rf "folder name"22:59
fAlCoNNiAnlinkmaster03, sudo rm -fR /whatever22:59
FastZlinkmaster03: rm -rf /folderpath22:59
linkmaster03Cheers mates22:59
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
Christina18are all dvd burners compatible with ubuntu?23:00
FastZChristina18: don't wanna say "all" but I will say "most" dvd burners are compatible23:00
PedanticSteveHi all, I have a networking issue with Gutsy (had the same with Hardy and am running Gutsy now).  I have a hardware VPN router in my office and my windows machine connects just fine (around 5 Mbits/sec download).  My linux laptop gets around 100Kbits/sec download.  I dont know where to start... I already verified I am connected at 100 Mbits/full duplex to my router.  It is also detailed in this thread on the forums:http://ubuntuforums23:01
mr_boohow do i get ubuntu to detect my nvidia 8800gt23:01
Christina18FastZ: samsung sh-20223:01
DarkLordVenomthe >> appends to a file right?23:01
lopinGot a bit of problems with xawtv on two differetnt computers with two different ubuntu's and two different cameras...23:01
nabcoreDarkLordVenom:  yes23:01
nabcoreDarkLordVenom: > overwrites23:01
PedanticSteveI have not been able to get a response on teh forums... any advice on getting a higher response on the forums is welcome too23:02
Auctionedllama!hardy | Auctionedllama23:02
zvacetmr_boo :did you tried with restricted driver manager23:02
lopinIt's causing the screen to go blank, and I have to Ctrl+alt+bksp to get it working...23:02
FastZChristina18: couldnt tell ya, I dont have a definitive list of dvd burners that Ubuntu supports.  Have you checked UbuntuForums or google?23:02
DarkLordVenom>filename will erase it too23:02
mr_boozvacet: yeah23:02
earthmeLonmr_boo install envy and use it to install your drivers23:02
mr_booearthmeLon: ok23:02
Christina18FastZ: didnt find a list om compatible burners...23:02
HZhello all, anyone know why can't I enlarge MPlayer to fullscreen while playing rmvb23:02
earthmeLonmr_boo http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html23:02
earthmeLonThat is not supported by ubuntu, I guess I should say, but it works beautifully23:03
FastZChristina18: then I probably wouldnt be able to find one either. :( Have you tried using it on Ubuntu or are you just trying to make sure it'll be supported before you try it out?23:03
HZhey guys why can't I enlarge MPlayer to fullscreen while playing rmvb23:03
Christina18FastZ: yes, the last option is correct23:04
Zeltaare you using a compositing window manager, HZ?23:04
zvacetHZ : home diectory>view hidden files>,mplayer>config and there type zoom= yes23:04
Nexanoanyone got any experience using a HDTV (1360x768) with a normal monitor (1280x1024) under twinview? (nvidia :p)23:04
FastZChristina18: I guess the best thing I can tell you is to boot Ubuntu and try to burn a DVD using that burner.  If it works then good! :)23:05
earthmeLonNexano I have two monitors in twinview using different resolutions.  Is that what you want to do?23:05
DarkWolf2008can anyone please help me with my nvida problens23:05
NexanoearthmeLon: basically yeah, but having that weird resolution its a bit of a problem23:05
Nexanomy second screen (the normal one) wont go above 640x48023:06
earthmeLonWhat kind of gfx card do you have Nexano?23:06
Christina18FastZ: yes, but if not, then i have wasted my money for a useless one and must buy a new :(23:06
FastZChristina18: how much did you pay for the burner?23:06
DarkWolf2008does anyone know how to make the nvidia driver work in 7.10 please23:06
NexanoearthmeLon: geforce 780023:06
frielso i'm trying to install some games i've got mounted. when i run setup.sh, it tells me i should run it as root, but when i sudo su -  it doesn't recognise sh setup.sh command.23:06
earthmeLonDarkWolf2008.  I used http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html to install my nvidia drivers23:07
Christina18FastZ: 400 nok, about 800 usd23:07
chamucoPelo TY23:07
FastZ800 USD?!?!?!?!23:07
Starnestommyfriel: run sudo sh ./setup.sh23:07
mr_boogonna restart now23:07
Zeltahow do you output what video card driver you are using?23:08
thatGuy_did my question post at 18:04 EST?23:08
frielstarnestommy : sh: can't open ./setup.sh23:08
earthmeLonNexano, I had trouble getting twinview to get my settings in the xorg config file to work correctly.  I used envy http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html and had it install the new drivers, plus edit the configuration file and it worked very nicely.  I tried messing with the config file manually and with the build in nvidia program, but couldnt figure it out.  Give envy a try23:08
zvacet        Christina18 :                   http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/browse/search23:08
sergevnare there any active developers here?23:08
PedanticStevecan anyone here help me with my networking issue?23:08
tgm4883_laptopLSG, just to be sure, the only ifoedit i have found is a windows program.  Are you running it in wine or is there a linux version around?23:08
fluid_This is probably a dumb question; but is there a program, comparable to guidance-power-manager for gnome?  gnome-power-manager is good, but it doesn't let me throttle my processor23:08
HZzvacet : thx full screen  worked23:08
FastZChristina18: are you serious that you paid 800USD for a DVD burner?23:08
NexanoearthmeLon: envy has never worked for me :/23:08
thatGuy_I have a sudo problem.  It's like my password, which has worked with sudo up until now, sudo is not recognizing it23:08
Nexanoim afraid of using it again :p23:08
Zeltahow do you output what video card driver you are using?23:08
zvacetHZ : good23:08
sergevnI did an bug report, that is very serious but hasnt been added as a know bug.23:08
thatGuy_strangest thing is that sudo doesn't say "incorrect password" or nothing like that.  it  just exits.  it goes directly back to the command prompt23:08
sergevnfor hardy23:08
thatGuy_It doesn't run what I attempt to run.  for example.  'sudo aptitude remove gedit' simply goes directly back to the command prompt23:08
Magus_Xive paid like... 40$23:08
B|ackDayz800usb is like 50cents everywhere else these days23:09
FastZMagus_X: that's what the person said!  it's hard to believe23:09
Starnestommyfriel: cd to the directory that it's in23:09
HZzvacet : sehr gut :)23:09
Christina18FastZ: think it should be 80 usd :)23:09
HZzvacet : c u23:09
earthmeLonReally?  Nexano, which did you use? Legacy?  Also, you should follow these directions: http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html (follow the MANUAL METHOD) in order for envy to install correctly23:09
Magus_XB|ackDayz: sure... hey, can you give me those 50 cents?23:09
frielstarnestommy: i'm in the correct directory ( virtua-drives/1 , Dir command shows setup.sh among the files.23:09
earthmeLonhttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#How_to_add_extra_repositories Nexano, my bad23:09
ijnok guys I found how to set horizontal scrollbar in touchpad as back/forward button on firefox.23:09
Zeltahow do you output what video card driver you are using?23:09
earthmeLonHad a bit of a miss copy there :P23:09
B|ackDayzMagus_X: np, help me with my ubuntu issue first please?23:09
FastZChristina18: what did you say the make and model of the burner again?  you said it before but i cant remember what it was.  Samsung something23:10
NexanoearthmeLon: i did follow the manual :) its just never worked oO but "sudo sh installer" isnt that hard to type :p23:10
Starnestommyfriel: run "sudo chmod o+rx ./setup.sh" then "sudo sh ./setup.sh"23:10
ijnin about:config shoud change something23:10
thatGuy_zelta, lspci will list all pci devices.  you can find it in there23:10
latituwhere can i see the last installed apps??23:10
ijnif anyone is intrested let me know...23:10
frielstarnestommy: chmod: cannot access ./setup.sh : permission denied23:11
earthmeLonHmmm.  I set up my repositories using these directions http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#How_to_add_extra_repositories and then ran the .deb file from the envy site with the .deb installer.  I did not have to run any .sh files.23:11
DarkLordVenomhow do I deny certain users from using the at daemon, I can't find /etc/at.allow or /etc/at.deny  ?23:11
FastZijn: im interested23:11
Christina18zvacet: found 2 samsung drives, but not exactly this one in that link you pasted23:11
Magus_XWhat issue B|ackDayz ?23:11
mr_boohere i am again23:11
mr_booi got no error messages while using envy23:11
bazhangzelta cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf will list the driver in use23:11
ijnI'll tell23:11
Christina18FastZ: sh-s20223:11
ijngo to firefox23:11
FastZijn: and you're talking about the left to right scroll bar on a laptop touchpad right?23:11
Starnestommyfriel: what does the output of "ls -l" say and is this on your main partition or another one?23:11
fluid_Is there a power manager for GNOME that's comparable to kde's guidance-power-manager?  gnome-power-manager is okay, but it doesn't let me throttle my CPU for this laptop.23:11
ijnand type23:12
Hestonwhen 8.04 is finally released, how does one upgrade from the release candidate to the actual release?23:12
zvacetChristina18 :sorry23:12
mr_boobut i got the low graphics dialog at startup :(23:12
B|ackDayz/bin/sh can't access tty; job control turned off <<< getting that message at bootup23:12
thatGuy_DarkLordVenom: you can try changing the permissions on the at file23:12
compilerwriterAnyone else having issues with tempest?23:12
B|ackDayzit's a live version of ubuntu23:12
bazhangHeston: just keep updating23:12
Starnestommymr_boo: envy has been known to cause problems that require a total reinstall to fix23:12
ijnyeah right23:12
B|ackDayzthey have a topic like that on the forum, but they all pertain to reinstalling ubuntu or apt-get23:12
B|ackDayzin which case I cant use either23:12
thatGuy_Guys, anyone know why my sudo is no longer working.  I'm basically locked out of my pc right now.23:12
thannoyDarkLordVenom: /etc/at.deny according to at manual (man at)23:13
frielstarnestommy: - r -xr -xr -x 1 root root 3003 2000-12-15 11:41 setup.sh and it's my main partition23:13
bazhangthatGuy_: what did you do to your sudoers file23:13
JimmeyPerhaps someone can help - Usually when installing a Linux on my computer with a bcm43xx wireless card I just put the firmware files in /lib/firmware and restart to make the card work - Can I make it work without restarting?23:13
thatGuy_bazhang, I haven't touched the file, but sudo exits immediately after entering the passwords23:13
thatGuy_bazhang, I haven't touched the file, but sudo exits immediately after entering the password23:13
bent_Hey, for the third and final time #ubuntu, does anyone know of a usb wireless card that works out of the box? (I'm running 8.04, by the way... if that changes stuff.)23:13
bazhangthatGuy_: you been logging in as root?23:14
bent_I'm seriously going out and buying a card.23:14
thatGuy_bazhang: it doesn't say incorrect... just goes directly back to prompt23:14
zvacetthatGuy_ try in recovery mode          adduser username admin          usermane is you username of course23:14
thatGuy_bazhang: no i haven't23:14
bazhangbent_: for the next couple of days best ask in hardy channel23:14
B|ackDayzbeasty_: goto compusa and look up usb 2.0 wireless23:14
FastZChristina18: everything im seeing on google kind of makes me lean towards Yes, It will work.23:14
DarkLordVenomso..... if you add root to /etc/at.deny..... they can't use at?23:14
frielstarnestommy: was that any indicator of the issue? and thanks for the help.23:15
caleb_how do i change window list color, hover color, ect. i tried gnome color chooser and some other things. I am on gusty gibbon.23:15
Jimmeybent_, my dad has one downstairs, I'll go look where it is, hold tight.23:15
thatGuy_bazhang:  zvacet: yeah, i can try that.  i think my password is wokring though.  i can login...23:15
Starnestommyfriel: I think it's a problem with sh. does "sudo ./setup.sh" work?23:15
PedanticSteveis there another channel for networking issue in general under Ubuntu?23:15
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
thatGuy_bazhang: zvacet what is the hardy channel?  I am using hardey23:15
bazhangPedanticSteve: this is it23:15
bent_bazhang: Eh. I'd hope that no one truely wrecked the connection stuff between 7.10 and 8.04... and nothing happened really when I asked there.23:15
FastZijn: you never finished telling me how to change what the horizontal trackpad does23:15
frielstarnestommy: sudo: ./setup.sh: command not found23:15
zvacetthatGuy_ : but sudo doesn't work ?23:15
fluid_Is there a power manager for GNOME that's comparable to kde's guidance-power-manager?  gnome-power-manager is okay, but it doesn't let me throttle my CPU for this laptop.23:16
Christina18FastZ: ok thanks23:16
thatGuy_zvacet: no, it doesn't run what I attempt to run23:16
Jimmeybent_, my Dad has a Netgear WG111v2 working out of the box23:16
bazhang!it | janki23:16
ubotujanki: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!23:16
FastZChrinstina18: no problem.  Ill keep my fingers crossed in hope that it works perfectly for you23:16
thannoyDarkLordVenom: refers to at manual. "The superuser may use these commands in any  case.   For  other  users...", 'man' command if your friend23:16
zvacetthatGuy_ I think it is ubuntu+123:16
PedanticSteveare there any experts on here that can help me with my networking issue?23:17
xipHey guys!23:17
Starnestommyfriel: are you sure that you have changed into the directory where it was located first?23:17
bazhangonly three more days of #ubuntu+1 ;]23:17
bent_Jimmey: Thanks! Mosthy because that one I can go down the street and buy... instead of waiting for shipping to happen.23:17
Jimmeybent_, no problem :-)23:17
bazhangPedanticSteve: the experts are on leave; we are filling in23:17
frielstarnestommy: first thing i checked. been having this issue for upwards of an hour23:17
JimmeyPerhaps someone can help - Usually when installing a Linux on my computer with a bcm43xx wireless card I just put the firmware files in /lib/firmware and restart to make the card work - Can I make it work without restarting?23:17
thatGuy_zvacet: bazhang any other ideas?23:18
ZeltaJimmey: I don't think so23:18
frielstarnestommy: dir does show the file setup.sh, along with the rest of the files in the directory.23:18
PedanticStevebazhang:  Thenks  (03:01:25 PM) IRC-vpn: Hi all, I have a networking issue with Gutsy (had the same with Hardy and am running Gutsy now).  I have a hardware VPN router in my office and my windows machine connects just fine (around 5 Mbits/sec download).  My linux laptop gets around 100Kbits/sec download.  I dont know where to start... I already verified I am connected at 100 Mbits/full duplex to my router.  It is also detailed in this23:18
xipAnybody throw the 8.04 rc cd in and have it set an unsupported resolution for you monitor? or am I just that lucky? :D23:18
JimmeyZelta, so no chance of doing it on the liveCD?23:18
b4l74z4ri would like to suggest that the makers og "rhythmbox" adds a location column23:18
zvacetthatGuy_ No,sorry23:18
ZeltaJimmey: I don't think so... why not just install it? :p23:18
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JimmeyZelta, will do ;-)23:18
Starnestommyfriel: try opening it with "sudo vim setup.sh" then tell me what the first line of it is23:19
hailu_how can i delete a repository and start over? i made a repo and did an svn import, but i screwed up and want to try again23:19
bent_Jimmey: Think a WG111US is the same as the v2? Netgear is being vague, and stuff.23:19
zvacethailu_ : gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list       and correct what you need23:20
thatGuy_bazhang: zvacet, i will try the recovery disc suggestion23:20
frielstarnestommy:  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "setup.sh" [new file].  each ~ is a new line23:20
earthmeLonhailu_ try sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list23:20
Jimmeybent_, it's probably safe to assume that the sticks in the WG111 series will work - Try googling around23:20
hailu_thanks guys!23:20
Starnestommyfriel: apparently, it doesn't exist for some reason or you typed the name in the wrong case23:21
Jimmeybent_, hang on. Although I'm sure it worked on my Dad's computer, it says something about ndiswrapper in the google results.23:22
xipis there a way, from the boot options on the live cd, that I can set a lower resolution?23:22
frielstarnestommy: total headf***. It's all lower case. Thanks for your time though23:22
YuriQHi. Am running on SATA drives, ubuntu-server 7.1023:22
YuriQUsually, IDE drives require optimization through hdparm on Linux23:22
* milia later23:22
YuriQdoes the same apply to SATA drives under Ubuntu?23:22
mattywarrhi - how do i connect to my ubuntu pc from another (Windows) pc? Is there any built in VNC server style app in ubuntu?23:23
Jimmeybent_, actually, you'd better steer clear of this dongle! Sorry, seems like I gave you some useless advice23:23
earthmeLonmattywarr: What do you want to do?23:23
frielstarnestommy: ./setup.sh brings up a loki update tool, with a warning no writable targets in path, "you may want to be root"23:23
rycolewhat is ubuntu's system path? /usr/sbin?23:23
bent_Jimmey: Aw, thanks. I wish there was an easier way to make sure what I buy will work... because I've spent 3 days fighting with broadcom stuff.23:24
mattywarrI want to be able to connect to my ubuntu pc from work - just in a remote control type thing23:24
Jimmeybent_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported#head-603c9481d6c6288b6b674cc50132d21f6d539c5323:24
zvacetrycole : what are you looking for23:24
OlMightyGreekhi guys.. need some help with my umts card. i got a connection with wvdial but i can not use it. how do i set ubuntu tu use this connection?23:24
xipmattywarr - there are variations of vnc for linux and windows23:24
earthmeLonmattywarr: If you need a graphical interface, you can do sudo apt-get install vnc4server  OR you can just set up ssh and log in with a terminal.23:24
Starnestommyrycole: /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/sbin, and /usr/local/games23:24
Jimmeybent_, yeah, me too. I have a bcm43xx working at the moment, just trying to see if it will work okay with hardy!23:24
rycolezvacet: just need to know where to create a symlink so i can access something globally.23:24
mattywarrsure - i have vnc viewer installed ah i like the apt-get method :) thanks!23:24
earthmeLonYup yup.  there are a couple of options to install vncserver vnc4server and tightvncserver23:25
bent_Jimmey: Well, ndiswrapper hates me in hardy right now, but I hear good things about the b43 firmware.23:25
earthmeLonNot sure which would be best for you mattywarr23:25
mattywarri'll try vnc4server and see how I get on with it - i use the windows equivilent a fair amount23:25
Jimmeybent_, do you have a bcm43xx?23:25
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bent_Jimmey: Close, I have a... hold on... BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 02).23:26
OlMightyGreeknobody with some ideas for me?23:27
zvacetSorinello : !ask23:27
linkmaster03How can I run a program from terminal, and have it accessible for commands while the program is running?23:27
Sorinelloi have a DFI motherboard with P35 chipset and Pnboard JMB363 IDE controller. I installed ubuntu 7.10 on a sata drive, and when i boot into ubuntu, i get loth os warnings.. i can login, but warnings apprea all the time. i know it's something related to KMB controller, but didn't find any solution, so i came here23:27
DarkLordVenomuse an ampersand link23:27
DarkLordVenomlike f-spot &23:27
Starnestommylinkmaster03: programname &23:27
linkmaster03Thank you23:27
mattywarrok, so i've installed it, but can't seem to find it under applications - does the service just run?23:27
vadwhy do i need to restart after i enable the ati proprietary driver?23:28
Sorinelloif i disable the JMB controller it's fine, but i need the ATA drive too :(23:28
xipso - my monitor hates 8.04.. I threw in the install cd - selected install - starts to load the live environment - then  my monitor says "Not Supported Mode" .. so I need to lower the resolution or something before I get to that step.23:28
PedanticSteveis there the equivalent of "tcp optimizer" for linux?  similar to the windows program?23:28
Starnestommyvad: because it loads a kernel module on the next boot and loading that module while running may cause problems23:28
valarie2Hello. I have an annoying problem. I'm running Feisty Fawn and whenever I click and drag and icon on my desktop to move it, it makes a (copy) of it O_o. Any thoughts?23:28
bent_xip: There's a vga choice at start... I think it lets you choose resolution?23:29
zvacetxip : try alternate CD23:29
xipbent_: I'll double check that - but I didn't see one on 8.0423:29
earthmeLon194.5GB/250GB restored using dd.  OMG I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!23:29
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xipzvacet: I had thought of that - but if I get it installed and I go to boot in to it - wont it auto detect my resolution incorrectly again?23:30
zvacetxip : If that happened you will correct it23:30
xipah true I guess I can fail out of gui and fix it from there23:31
zvacetxip : and alternate  don´t use graphic installer so thar can help you install23:31
valarie2Is there any way to sort icons on your desktop other than "By Name"?23:31
quitttthe new release is very near...23:32
xipzvacet: the only way to do non graphic install is to get the other image then? :) would be nice if I had that option from the cd I already got23:32
earthmeLonquittt: I've never upgraded Ubuntu before.  Is it normally a pretty seamless process?23:33
quitttyes, very easy23:33
bazhangearthmeLon: if you have dsl or above yes; dialup not so much23:33
zvacetxip : sorry only alternate have non graphic installer23:33
PedanticSteveanyone know if Ubuntu has a "tcp optimizer" program similar to the windows program?  to set TCP settings and optimize them?23:33
earthmeLonbazhang:  haha, yeah, it's not my connections I'm worried about.  Just nuking my system and having to start over23:33
xipzvacet: ah I figured as much - thanks though23:33
berekopjoin /stubru23:34
earthmeLonPedanticSteve: I'm not sure.  Are you having some sort of issue?23:34
bazhangearthmeLon: no need for that; just upgrade via the net and your /home is safe23:34
vadStarnestommy: is there a way that i do it without a restart?23:34
zvacetxip : and if you allready have ubuntu with alternae you can upgrade23:34
Starnestommyvad: I don't think so.  Is there any particular reason why you need to avoid a restart?23:35
PedanticSteveearthmeLon: yes:  see this thread on the forums... deals with slow network connectivity from Ubuntu- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75510123:35
earthmeLonPedanticSteve: seems the forums are being "maintained" :P23:35
PedanticSteveearthmeLon: well I wonder if I should have made that post differently or not, to increase the chance someoen would respond... dont want to keep bumping my own post though23:36
roxy123hello guys, i was just wondering what folders i need to backup to keep my email contacts... also is there other important things i need to save, as im about to reinstall ubuntu23:36
kittykittythere are so few reasons to need these fancy pants video card drivers, and if you're running linux to play games, you're probably used to restarting in windows, live with it :p23:36
BD[work]/bin/sh can't access tty; job control turned off <<< any ideas on this message with a live cd?23:36
zvacetearthmeLon : time and patience is all you need23:36
earthmeLonroxy123: what email client are you using?23:37
CJS3141If a program has the permissions: -rwsr-xr-x  and the owner is root, since the setuid bit is set for root, won't the program be run as root no matter who runs it?23:37
StarnestommyBD[work]: it means that the livecd failed to work correctly23:37
DarkWolf2008ok i am hated by ubuntu23:37
earthmeLonAww, didnt work DarkWolf2008?23:37
BD[work]Starnestommy: fixes?23:37
StarnestommyCJS3141: yes, but the real uid will still be the user.  The effective uid will be root.23:37
roxy123earthmeLon:  i need to reinstall ubuntu because grub is messed up and not even the grub disk works23:38
earthmeLonroxy123: do you have a folder in your home directory named .evolution?23:38
b4l74z4rhi, there seem to be a problem playing di.fm radio streams in banshee, regular streams work, but when i log in to get access to higher bitrate streams, they won't play and it says (missing) in the station title23:38
roxy123maybe, i will look23:38
ubotudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP23:38
CJS3141Starnestommy: Practically speaking then, what does that mean? When I run the program without sudo, it complains that it needs to be run as root. Isn't setting the s bit enough?23:39
roxy123earthmeLon:  i try to copy i"t,but i get the err "The folder "pop" cannot be handled because you do not have permissions to read it.23:39
roxy123im running in the liveCD right now23:39
earthmeLonTry using sudo mv BLAH BLAH23:39
earthmeLonsudo cp BLAH BLAH23:39
StarnestommyCJS3141: it might still require sudo because programs can tell if a non-root user is running it if it's setuid23:39
Auctionedllama!hardy | Auctionedllama23:40
goukiHi! Anyone knows a open-source/free software backup solution with CDP?23:41
earthmeLonroxy123: have you tried fixing grub so that you can just boot into Ubuntu?23:41
CJS3141Starnestommy: That seems lame... I thought that was the whole point of setting the s bit as root, so the program could be run as root without it complaining. :D Anyway around it other than have to still put a sudo in front of the command?23:41
floatingomg ubuntuforums are down23:41
roxy123earthmeLon:  i have tried as much as i can, but the tutorial that ubotu gave didnt work... or maybe im doeing something wrong23:42
earthmeLonCJS3141:  sudo -s23:42
StarnestommyCJS3141: rewrite and recompile the program to not check for root permissions23:42
StarnestommyNOT sudo -s23:42
dacresniis there any way to install packages as non admin? especially if you only want them for yourself23:42
zvacetdacresni I don´t think so23:43
earthmeLonMy bad, misinterpreted the question23:43
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dacresnihmm, there needs to be a solution for this. I'm being spoiled by mac23:43
ijustamso, i use optical audio... /dev/dsp neither /dev/adsp provide sound output.23:44
ijustamam i screwed for recording audio?23:44
roxy123earthmeLon:  do you think you can hold my hand getting grub working?23:44
Daisuke_Idodacresni, there's no need for a "solution" for a problem that doesn't exist.23:44
zvacetdacresni : by default you have user with admin rights use thar account23:44
CJS3141Starnestommy: OK, but why would a program insist on the user being root? Why would it care as long as the effective user is root?23:44
Daisuke_Idoubuntu isn't a mac23:44
roxy123im a noobie23:44
Daisuke_Idodon't expect it to behave like one just because you think it should23:44
dacresnii know23:44
StarnestommyCJS3141: probably because setuid can be very insecure sometimes23:44
name10135All: Looking  for help w/ alt-cd install (Dual boot w/ windows) Been having problems23:45
dacresniok, so what if I am a user who just wants to install a program that only they use23:45
earthmeLon;_;  I miss mIRC.  So sleek.  So Sexy23:45
linkmaster03I'm on mIRC now o.O23:45
zvacetdacresni : you will get used to it and then you will enjoy23:45
linkmaster03through wine its like, perfect23:45
linux-loverHi all :)23:45
earthmeLonWhenever I use wine, all my fonts are all screwy linkmaster0323:45
linkmaster03one second23:46
ijustamare there other sound output devices beisdes /dev/dsp or /dev/adsp?23:46
DarkWolf2008Can anyone help me with Nvidia problems i have tryed envy and still it does not work any clues23:46
name10135Looking for help w/ alt-cd install, been having issues trying to setup a dual-boot23:47
CJS3141Starnestommy: Yes, I agree that it can, but I thought that one assumed that risk when setting the "s" bit, but I see I misunderstood. Would you happen to know the best way I can run a particular command on startup that requires sudo then? I tried putting into "Sessions" but it didn't work.23:47
Pici!ask | name1013523:47
dacresni the program must go through debian stuff and install severall libraries but I am the only user who wants it, , so i should have a folders that mimics the /bin, /usr/share /lib, and /libexec23:47
ubotuname10135: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:47
linkmaster03earthmeLon: in terminal type "sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts"23:47
linkmaster03it will fix your WINE fonts23:47
StarnestommyCJS3141: maybe something like "echo password | sudo -S command"23:47
bazhangdacresni: what is the package23:47
dacresnithis is hypothetical but, say quanta23:48
PiciCJS3141: You want to run a program as root when you boot, or when you login?23:48
dacresnior UT23:48
bazhangdacresni: this is not a chit chat channel23:48
CJS3141Starnestommy: Yes, but I hate putting my password in plain text somewhere. :-D23:48
zvacetname10135 :http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/   hope it will help23:48
dacresniok, ok,23:48
CJS3141Pici: When I login I want it to run the program as root. Any ideas?23:48
mattywarrhello - i have installed vnc4server usin apt-get, but I can;t find it in my applications to launch it. How do i do that?23:49
PedanticStevesorry for repeating my question.. but if there is somewhere other than here or the forums to ask this please let me know... I have an issue with my Gutsy laptop having extremely slow download speeds (around 100 kbits) and an windows laptop plugged into the same Ethernet cable connects fast (around 5 Mbits).  I dont even know where to start troubleshooting this.  couldnt find similiar issue on the forums or google23:49
earthmeLonmattywarr: try running vnc-server23:49
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:49
DarkLordVenomDarkWolf2008: have you ensured that your nvidia card is on the hardware compatability list for ubuntu?23:49
PiciCJS3141: Can I ask what program?23:49
mattywarrearthmeLon - how do i do that? From command line?23:49
dacresniwell, CJS3141 thats fairly insecure.23:50
earthmeLonyeah, put an & at the end so that it will continue running when you close the terminal mattywarr23:50
Krzzzzis there a way to install a package say ubuntu-desktop without having to install the rest of the stuff that comes with it?23:50
AuctionedllamaGuys, I need some serious help23:50
dacresniPedanticSteve:  type mmi-tool23:50
earthmeLonmattywarr: vnc-server &23:50
AuctionedllamaFirst, whats the command to find my UUids?23:50
CJS3141Pici: Sure, don't think it will make a big difference but it is "mount.vboxsf"  a command that specifically mounts folders shared thru VirtualBox.23:50
zvacetKrzzzz : no23:50
ijustamKrzzzz: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package i believe, so... no.  you'd probably be best finding the specific package you want23:51
mattywarrcool :) Thanks earthmeLon23:51
name10135Okaaaay..  I cannot install Ubuntu 7.10 w/ a live CD (the loader stalls after not being able to find graphics drivers), attempted a alt-cd install w/ help here, and the install destroyed the windows boot on a separate partition.  I still require help setting up the partitioning via the alt-cd installer.23:51
earthmeLonmattywarr: not sure how to configure it, tbh, but hope that helps :D23:51
StarnestommyAuctionedllama: as in disk uuids?23:51
dacresniAuctionedllama: whoami should work, or   whois username23:51
Krzzzzijustam:thanks for claryfying that23:51
PiciCJS3141: Does vbox run as a daemon?23:51
earthmeLonYou can run "w" to see who is currently logged in23:51
PedanticStevedacresni:  I get "bash: mmi-tool: command not found".  did you mean "ethtool"?23:51
mattywarrearthmeLon: Its a start :) thanks for your help - this channel has helped so much i hope to pass on my experience when I get some!!23:51
bazhangname10135: are you going to install windows again; if so best do it first23:52
Krzzzzmaybe u guys can help me  my   GDM login screen is no longer giving me the option to restart, shut off etc23:52
Krzzzzthey just dissapeared23:52
CJS3141Pici: I'm not sure, but I think it might--I'm really not sure the specifics of how they share files between the host/guest OS.23:52
Auctionedllamastarnestommy, yes the disk UUIds.. see my GRUB is FUBAR, and I have no idea how to fix it.. none of the boot options work except windows and the ubuntu inside windows, (I copied it to a partition, and want it to boot into it)23:52
dacresniPedanticSteve: i ment mii-tool23:52
name10135bazhang: Already did, need help walking through how to setup a dual boot install.23:53
StarnestommyAuctionedllama: try ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/23:53
bazhangname10135: the live cd does not work? what errors are you getting23:53
zvacetname10135 : when yo ucome to partition stage select manual and then select where you want to install Ubuntu23:53
PiciCJS3141: Well, if it does, then it sounds like the perfect command to run when the computer boots, not when you login.23:53
PiciCJS3141: And then its easy to get it to run as root23:53
name10135I do not have an option to install guided w/o destroying the windows partition.  I have no clue how to partition and install manually through alt-cd23:54
PedanticStevedacresni: "bash: miitool: command not found"23:54
bazhangname10135: then use the guided23:54
Auctionedllamaok starnestommy, uhm.. I got them.. can you explain what I do with them now?23:54
Pici!boot > CJS3141 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)23:54
dmsupermanHow can I run a command (like Alt + F2) only it will show the terminal as it runs? Without opening a terminal? Basically, like in windows if you go to start, run, and type a commandline command it will show the command prompt only as long as it's running23:54
earthmeLondmsuperman: What?23:55
Waffledmsuperman, Why not bind keys to open the terminal?23:55
earthmeLondmsuperman: Do you want the terminal to be opened or not, lol?23:55
name10135bazhang: Via "Guided - resisze SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #1....."  That option will not destroy the windows partition?23:55
CJS3141Pici: OK, now I see why you are asking. :-) Thanks for the ircbot info on booting. I'll read it and give it a try. :)23:55
zvacetname10135 : when you choose manual you will see all your partiitons.Don´t touch ntfs.It is windows.You must have some free space to install23:56
dmsupermanearthmeLon, I want to execute a command, that runs in the terminal, but when it's done the terminal automatically closes23:56
bazhangname10135: what do you mean install guided will destroy the windows partition; that does not sound right23:56
StarnestommyAuctionedllama: find out which uuid belongs to your root partition23:56
dmsupermanearthmeLon, so I don't have to keep cleaning up my terminal windows :P23:56
earthmeLonOh, dmsuperman, then create a bash script23:56
DarkWolf2008we may have progress23:56
=== HelzibahCat is now known as Helzibah
dmsupermanearthmeLon, no, any command, nothing static23:56
Starnestommywhat exactly needs to be done with it is somthing that I'm not sure about23:56
Auctionedllamaok.. Uhm.. my root as in where my Ubuntu is installed or where windows is installed?23:56
StarnestommyAuctionedllama: ubuntu23:56
Auctionedllamaok.. I have it... now what?23:56
tsb_Hello. I noticed I have -386 and -generic packages installed. I looked in apt and also found linux-686 but it sais "dummy package". So I'm a bit unsure which package to use for my intel core 2 duo system.23:57
Auctionedllamado you want to see my menu.lst and my fstab and tell me what to edit?23:57
bazhangname10135: the guided can simply resize your windows partition, not destroy it23:57
crdlbtsb_: linux-generic is what you should be using23:57
name10135zvacet: I tried that with guidance on this channel, but the install failed, and then windows was no longer able to boot.23:57
tsb_crdlb: okay thank you, that is what I am using actually.23:57
iceswordbazhang, good morning, zao shang hao!!!23:57
bazhanghello icesword23:57
John___hey :]23:57
=== John___ is now known as John_
dmsupermanearthmeLon, say for instance I want to run nvidia-settings normally I have to make a new terminal windows (or as you suggest make a bash script for it) but I just want to be able to put a command it, have it run, then when it's done running the window closes23:58
John_is there a photoshop/graphic design channel23:58
dovlazdoes anyone know what divers will 8.04 support off the cd for broadcom wireless? (xps 1330)??23:58
dmsupermanJohn_, are you having issues with Photoshop in general? or with running it in wine?23:58
altf2oJust wondering if anyone knows of a media player that can play iTunes DRM protected files? I'm on Hardy 8.04 64bit. I've tried all the media players i can find to install non work. Closest is VLC which appears to start playing the file, but no sound comes out.23:58
John_photoshop in general i'm afraid :P23:58
StarnestommyAuctionedllama: I don't really know anythiung about menu.lst or fstab with uuids23:58
bazhang!irc | John_ check the channel list link at the bottom23:58
ubotuJohn_ check the channel list link at the bottom: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines23:58
Auctionedllamaman, ok thanks23:58
elmerhuh, the forums are offline23:58
geminidominoMysql/PHP question: I have a php app that is insisting on trying to connect to mysql through /tmp/mysql.lock. I have edited /etc/mysql/*.cnf, and phpMyadmin works fine on the same machine. Mysql CLI client also wants to look at /tmp/mysql.lock. Any ideas what I am missing?23:58
dmsupermanJohn_, private message me I'm pretty familiar with it, i may be of some help23:59
Wafflealtf2o, if it is DRM protected then you will probably need iTunes to play it23:59
John_Sweet, cheers dmsuperman :]23:59
CJS3141Pici: So if I want to run the command as root at bootup, would I put it in the /etc/rc.local file? And does it require a "sudo" in front or is that script run as root?23:59
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WaffleUnless you strip the DRM off the file, but that could be illegal, not sure about the laws23:59
bazhangaltf2o: need to re-rip in iTunes as mp323:59
PiciCJS3141: No sudo required, everything in there runs as root23:59
zvacetname10135: it is so rare to alternate CD install failed.Boot windows Cd and type fixmbr23:59
bitsbamhow do i change my time in xubuntu23:59
altf2oWaffle: yeah, i was hoping to be able to just play 'em.23:59
CJS3141Pici: OK, so is that where I should put the command and give it a try?23:59

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